________________________________________________________________________________________PHILOSOPHY XX Antroposophy(1910) steiner Last NeoHeghelists (1910) croce gentile mctaggart royce << FILOSOFIA CONTINENTALE Psychoanalysis (1900) freud - totem e tabu, tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale, psicologia della vita amorosa jung - il problema dell'inconscio nella psicologia moderna adler Trascendental Phenomenology(1900) Husserl >>Realist Phenomenology - Munich Phenomenology(1910) Scheler Reinach Daubert Pfänder Geiger Hildebrand >>Existential Phenomenology (1925) heidegger - intro essere e tempo, che cos'è metafisica jasper - del tragico merleau ponty >>Ateist/Umanistic Existentialism(1940) sartre - la nausea, il muro, le mani sporche, le mosche, morti senza tomba, a porte chiuse camus - lo straniero, il mito di sisifo de beauvoir Levinas Nietzschean Reneissance & Limit Experience (1930) Bataille - storia dell'occhio, il blu del cielo, madame edwarda Blanchot Klossowski - le dame romane Colli - la nascita della filosofia Frankfurt School (beginning of NeoMarxism - Critical Theory) (1920) Adorno Benjamin Horkheimer Marcuse + Luckas Gramsci - vari, on ideology, Habermas Aaron Arendt della volpe Workerism (1960) / Autonomia (70) Negri Berardi Tronti + Gorz (Political Ecology) Debord (Situationism) (1960) - la società dello spettacolo MediaTheory (1950) McLuhan Flusser Kittler Jenkins Murray >>Cutlural studies (1964) Hoggart Hall - encoding/decoding Hebdige - Sub Culture, the Meaning of Style Willis Dyer Denning Grossberg Chambers McLennan Gilroy McRobbie Bland Webster Lorrain Plant (cyberfeminism + cybernetic culture research unit) Schwarz Hobson Carby williams dyer mcrobbie gilroy irigeray >> Cyberculture - Internet culture (1960s) De Landa Kelly Schirmacher Levy Gunkel Vitanza Ulmer Laughlin >> Cyberpunk (1984) Gibson - hippy hat brain parasite Sterling >> Cyberfeminism (1985) Haraway Paasonen Hayles Senft Gajjala << FILOSOFIA ANALITCA Logicism/Logic Atomism (1910) Frege Russel moore Wittgenstein - tractatus logico philosophicus / ------- + Whithead ----- Elizabeth Anscombe (Analytic Thomism) Iris Murdoch (Analytic philosophy/ Virtue ethics/ Modern Platonism) Goedel Ramsey susanne langer ernst cassier >>Logic Positivism/NeoPositivism - Vienna's Circle - Berlin's Circle (1920) carnap neurath reichenbach + ryle quine ayer hempel >>Contemporary Epistemology (1930) popper bachelard khun fayerabend Bell Labs(1925) >>Cybernetics ((30)1948) Wiener McCulloch Rosenbluet Ashby grey walter glushkov von foerster bateson berg >>Computer Science ((30)1948) Hilbert Turing (Artificial Intelligence 1950) Goedel Church Von Neumann >>Cognitive Science (1956) searle dennett chalmers - the hard problem of consciousness / extended mind chomsky (linguistic) edelman fodor hofstadter - goedel, echer, bach johnsinlaiard longuet higgins minsky dummett neisser papert pinker >>Ordinary Language Philosophy (1950) / Oxford Philosphy / New Wittgenstein Austin Cavell Diamond >>NeoPragmatism (1970) sellars rorty rescher haak brandom west putnam - minds and machines davidson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Structuralism (1916) de saussure - corso di linguistica generale >>PostStructuralism (1945) levi-strauss (anthropologiy) lacan (psychoanalysis) althusser (critical theory) foucault (critical theory & postmodernism) - il sogno, prefazione alla trasgressione barthes (literary criticism) - la metafora dell'occhio, l'impero dei segni, il piacere del testo todorov (literary criticism) >> derrida (Deconstructivism) >> lyotard (PostModernism) deleuze - postscritto sulla società di controllo guattari - on machines d&g kristeva baudrillard - l'altro visto da se, il complotto dell'arte butler badieu + agamben boltanski Scientific Futurology (1973) club of Rome __________________________________________________________________PHILOSOPHY XXI Zizek Sloterdijk PostHumanism Pepperell Marchesini Haraway - a cyborg manifesto Hayles - How we became post human? (conclusion) / the traumas of code / Unthought latour >>TransHumanism Esfandiary (FM-2030) >>Supermodernity augè eagleton >>Hypermodernity Lipovetsky Aubert Charles Stiegler Post-Autonomia - Foucauldians discourse analysis Virno Lazzarato Marazzi Pasquinelli - augmented intelligence / the eye of the algorithm / Federici + Byung-Chul Han Cybernetic Center Research Unit (1995) Plant Software Studies (2008) kittler - there is no software manovich - info aesthetics / the language of new media / soft cinema / software takes command / instagram and contemporary image / ai aesthetics cramer - on software (x4) fuller - it seems like you are writing a letter Speculative realism (2007) Quentin Meillassoux Object Oriented Ontology (2009) Graham Harman Levi Bryant Ian Bogost Trancendental Materialism (2011) Iain Hamilton Grant Eugene Thacker Steven Shaviro Jane Bennett Transcendental Nihilism (2012) Ray Brassier Capitalist realism (2009) Mark Fisher - nick land:mind games Accellerationism (2013) Nick land - cyberpositive / fanged noumena (hypervirus) Negarestani New atheism New materialism barad parisi braidotti bennett grosz parikka Barbrook - the californian ideology Fred Turner - from counterculture to cyberculture Chantel Mouffe - art and democracy Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (decostruttivismo, post-colonialismo, feminismo marxista) Luce Irigeray (psicanalisi, femminismo) Simon Critchley (decostruttivismo) Catherine Malabou (psicanalisi, neuroscienza. /hegel. derrida, femminismo) Avital Ronell (psicanalisi, post-strutturalismo etc.) Mary Midgley (filosofia della scienza, post-analitica, etica) Lars Iyer Preciado