scientific method science empirical evidences positivism functional dynamical structural properties consciousness mind cognitionthought knowledge intelligence self-awareness agency mind-body problem subjective experience phenomenal consciousness explanatory gap neurophenomenology materialism physicalism naturalism reductionism panpsychism mysterianism dualism monismo dialettico modellization of the mind technical system autonomous machines intelligent machines adaptive machines sentient machine machinic life hardware software human-constructed environment material virtual techné talos automaton dedalos architectural design labyrinth technological discoveries machine machinery machinic mechanical cybernetics steam engine thermodynamics creation - evolution controversy agency wallace vapour engine evolutionary process buttler erewhon darwin amongst the machines teleology purpose evolution feedback loop adaptation cannon homeostasis cyberculture statistical info theory ecperimental psychology behaviorism control theory complex system self-regulating organic inorganic post-humanism control simulation surveillance embodied knowledge AI formalization of mathematics and logic jacquard loom general purpose computer discrete system finite state machine boolean logic babbage ada analytical engine plato leibniz church-turing thesis formalization of computation von neumann architecture shannon info theory digital computer intelligence mind-brain cognitive revolution information processing abstraction hardware-software turing imitation game thinking machine human-level communication models of computation cognitive simulation logic theorist symbolic AI NAI AGI HLAI SAI computationalism CTM LOTH PSSH chomsky dreyfus context common sense creativity intuition searle jackson chinese room strong AI weak AI mary's room GOFAI AI winter 1974-1980 1987-1993 top-down bottom-up sub-symbolic AI connectionism machine learning artifician neural network (ANN) parallel distributed processing (PDP) dataset neurons deep learning intelligent agent Stuart J. Russell Peter Norvig complex systems rational agent environment sensors actuators performance ALife simulating biological evolution software environment simple operators cellular automata (CA) simple lawas neoghbours cells death reproduction evolution chaotic systems stable loops patterns edge of chaos unpredictable symbolic + sub symbolic evolutionary process life intelligence noisy phisical world radiations electromagnetic phenomena particles wavelengths continuous interaction chaotic world black box nested black box discrimination biases limitations nouvelle AI situated AI body robots virtual environments adaptive unconscious embodied knowledge biological organisms high-level intelligence intuition creativity spontaneity weak-and-narrow AI goal human-level system unhappy claims slow growth MIT Elon Musk Ray Kurzweil Lex Friedman Vernor Vinge daydream future-oriented techno-utopianism neo-liberal Californaian ideoloy big picture technological singularity think for itself matrix man-made cognition technologies human operator intellectual process productive process historical materialism Marx Engels War World II machine performance symbiosis intelligence amplification IA intelligence augmentation Vannevar Bush Ross W. Ashby intellectual power physical power L.C.R. Licklider man-machine symbiosis Simon Ramo intellectronics interactive computing user interface Douglas Engelbart bootstrapping human-computer interaction (HCI) brain-computer interface (BCI) extrasensory perception Neuralink dystopia cyborg theory human-machine dichotomy ecosystem patchwork organisms cybernetic organism cyborg machinic phylum Deleuze Guattari D&G assemblages implants cyborg society Thomas Metzinger hybrid biorobotics mixed species artificial hardware artificial software biological hardware biological software RoboRoach artificial implant electrical impulses nerves neuroenhancement mental states neuropharmacology psychopharmacology synteshis non-neural hardware biological assumption machinic consciousness bio-digital fusion