
  1. monoskop Retweeted

    Some people say the book fits the times. Maybe. In any case, here's the PDF. If you like it, consider getting a physical copy because 1) it's a nice object; 2) to support independent publishing 

    PS. Soon I might have to delete this tweet, be quick!

  2. monoskop Retweeted

    Watch Goran Vejvoda's sound art documentary All Sounds Considered featuring Jaap Blonk, Bill Fontana, Ellen Fullman, Max Neuhaus, Torturing Nurse, Aki Onda, David Toop, Joan La Barbara, Pierre Schaeffer, Akio Suzuki, Pamela Z and others 

  3. monoskop Retweeted

    We are one week away from the 7th edition of Soundcamp/Reveil which this year will be an online consortium of commisions, performances, workshops and Reveil 24hr broadcast, all accessed via  Tune in on 2-3 May! @soundtent

  4. monoskop Retweeted

    Good mayday everyone!

    On this very day Vladan Joler @TheCreaturesLab and me finally unveil the

    A visual manifesto on AI as instrument of knowledge extractivism 

  5. monoskop Retweeted


  6. monoskop Retweeted

    download PDFs of 3 exceptional anthologies of concrete poetry: Text–Sound Texts (1980, ), An Anthology of Concrete Poetry (1967/2013, ), Astronauts of Inner Space (1966, ) all courtesy @monoskop

  7. monoskop Retweeted

    is not enough, we need to curve! initiated a collective note-taking to learn from the organising of during SARS-Cov-2. Join us. 

  8. monoskop Retweeted

    New essay: Seven theses on the Fediverse and the becoming of FLOSS

    Recently, @rscmbbng and I have been working on an essay highlighting questions about the and how these are getting entangled with practices.

    More info + downloads: 

  9. monoskop Retweeted

    Manifiestos, proclamas y polémicas de la vanguardia literaria hispanoamericana. Caracas, 1988  vía @monoskop

  10. monoskop Retweeted

    Our solar-powered website has been running for 15 months. We present its energy and uptime data, calculate the embodied energy of our configuration, consider the optimal balance between sustainability and server uptime, and outline possible improvements. 

  11. monoskop Retweeted

    This looks interesting: East european view on "the consequences of colonialism and .... the representation of non-European cultures and exhibitions in ethnographic and archaeological museums." Czech & English. 
    via @monoskop

  12. monoskop Retweeted

    A free download of Improvisation Rites: from John Cage’s Song Books to The Scratch Orchestra’s Nature Study Notes (2018) at @monoskop 

  13. monoskop Retweeted

    Women in Concrete Poetry -- including Anni Albers, whose pieces look quite a lot like her textile work -- on @monoskop 

  14. monoskop Retweeted

    Post-holidays update on this thread, the book is now happily inhabiting the commons in very fine company up on @monoskop
    >> . Download the PDF, or DM is you fancy a printed copy, still got a few spare ones left at home.

  15. monoskop Retweeted

    Rationalizing Culture: IRCAM, Boulez, and the Institutionalization of the Musical Avantgarde (1995) - a free download of a fascinating account of this French creative institution @monoskop