are no analogies or metaphors in hype hype hype hype hyperspace).

Being CAG CAG cages flow within memory. Function- ing as re re real antiontology, viral amnesia machinically realizes and dissolves biological TGACTCACI'ITAC- OGA'ITG, cultural, and technical 010110100100010110100 101001001011101001010100100100100 mnemic structures: chopping-up hierarchic-generational descendency, col- lapsing phylogenetic tic frozen-code into ontogeny, and immanentizing the past to operative current. Its com- petitive just-in-time innovations delete storage CA CA capacity, flu flu flu fluidizin g energetic and informational stocks into and and or and and or orphan-vampire re re transversal 110111100010101010 vir vir virocommunication process, expressing a surplus value of code (content) as xenoreplication-behaviour (and/or con(nective dis) junction).

As war increases in in in intelligence, it becomes softer. By trashing their hosts crude viruses feedback negatively upon themselves, autolimiting their range of re regen- erative infilitration. Crazy vandals like Ebola CGCGT GAGCAATCGGACTCGGCTGCI‘ GTGCFF G (bodies dissolved quickly into slime) aren’t ever going to make it big. General principle for viral take-overs in the media: the more unsophisticated the contagion, the bigger the splash (diversionary tactics excepted). CAGCTACGCTA'I'I‘ CTCCGAGGCTAGATTGCAGCTACGTCGCATCG