
│   ├───┐ AxS:00
│   │   ├── AxS:000
│   │   │   ├── AxS:0001
│   │   │   ├── AxS:0002
│   │   │   └── AxS:0003
│   │   │       ├── AxS:00031
│   │   │       ├── AxS:00032
│   │   │       └── AxS:00033
│   │   ├── AxS:001
│   │   │   └── AxS:0011
│   │   │       └── AxS:00111
│   │   ├── AxS:002
│   │   │   └── AxS:0021
│   │   │       └── AxS:00211
│   │   └── AxS:003
│   │       ├── AxS:0031
│   │       └── AxS:0032
│   ├── AxS:01
│   │   └── AxS:011
│   │       └── AxS:0111
│   ├── AxS:02
│   │   ├── AxS:021
│   │   └── AxS:022
│   │       └── AxS:0221
│   │           └── AxS:02211
│   │               └── AxS:022111
│   └── AxS:03
│       ├── AxS:031
│       ├── AxS:032
│       └── AxS:033
├── AxS:1
│   ├── AxS:11
│   ├── AxS:12
│   │   └── AxS:121
│   │       └── AxS:1211
│   └── AxS:13
│       ├── AxS:131
│       └── AxS:132
├── AxS:2
│   ├── AxS:21
│   │   └── AxS:211
│   │       └── AxS:2111
│   │           └── AxS:21111
│   └── AxS:22
│       ├── AxS:221
│       │   └── AxS:2211
│       │       └── AxS:22111
│       │           └── AxS:221111
│       │               └── AxS:2211111
│       │                   └── AxS:22111111
│       └── AxS:222
└── AxS:3
   ├── AxS:31
   │   └── AxS:311
   ├── AxS:32
   └── AxS:33

2. A reference to the “three forms of the secret” delineated by Deleuze and Guattari in A Thousand Plateaus. “Oedipus passes through all three secrets: the secret of the sphinx whose box he penetrates; the secret that weighs upon him as the infinite form of his own guilt; and finally, the secret at Colonusthat makes him inaccessible and melds with the pure line of his flight and exile, he who has nothingleft to hide, or, like an old No actor, has only a girl’s mask with which to cover his lack of a face” (ATP 290). The reference here to events in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus is clear.