@ilinx:~$ Wicht Club
The Wicht Club (1903 to 1911) has been founded by Walter Cannon and his collegue G. W. Pierce, pioneer in the developement of electronic telecommunication, as a semi-secret and self-assembled associations revolving around Harvard University and whose members and aims are, in part, still secret. To shed light on this private club it is necessary to understand the origin of its name, in fact, 'wicht' refers to the german word 'wichtel', in english 'wight' which ''is a creature or living sentient being also called 'restless soul'. In its original usage, the word wight described a living human being, but has also come to be used within fantasy and gothic literature to describe certain undead or zombies". Following this direction the Wicht Club seems to be involved in the scientific study of a new kind of human understood as zombie, a position that will later become epurated from its fantastical myst and transferred in the idea of the cybernetic machinery and the parallel birth of the post-human perspective.

During the 40's Professor Fassrol, which had access to Harvard's archives found some hidden records of the Wicht Club and published one of the firsts account of the people and guests involved in the associations, wuch as William James.