@ Virtual Ethnology

Emerging between the 30s and the 40s, Cyber- or Virtual Ethnology, focuses on the use of software to build digital copies of archeological findings as a primary methodology to the study of cultural diversity. In the early days, this discipline was following an opposite direction based on the application of cybernetic methodologies, in particular, through the use of feedback loops and other mechanisms of self-recurrence to understand certain aspects of specific cultures. he technological value of the early Virtual Ethnology, instead of being a mere support and storage medium of manufactures and evidences(?), it was meant to light up the darkness in certain kinds of rituals of proto-historical tribes that were understood as linguistic enginee s employing complex self-referential mechanisms to assure the production of meaning over generations.
TInfluenced by the advent of anthropology and sociology and the works of James George Frazer (1980), Sigmund Freud (1913), and Marcel Mauss (1925), focusing on rituals and mythological structures, researchers in different disciplines started to observe how these accounts were liable of using subtle systems of control and communication that would be effectively defined only later during the 40s with the birth of Cybernetics. However, during the end of the 70s the introduction of pseudo-scientific and occultists reasearches, such as Echidna Stillwell's work on Mu's folklore, and the opposition of classical institutions interested in preserving their credibility, would lead to a rupture in the discipline. This rupture would finally leads to the formalization of the contemporary approach which reorganizes the technological component as an aid tool instead of structural methodology.

Walter Cannon    Adin Fassrol    Echidna Stillwell