(the threshold of postmodernity). It rapidly reprocessed its target into an intelligenic no yes yes no no nova-war laboratory, volatilizing the history of language into invo- lutionary word-virus. Mutation rat rat rat rat rates jump. Vector switches through Butler, Gibson, and Cadigan fine-tune its synergic interexcitation, silt-up cybershift- inducing K(uang)-potential, and trend-lock onto 11001 01001001010111101001011101011001000100010100100010 0100100100100101oo10110100100100100100100100111010 0100100100011001000101100101010 K-punk pulses with telematically-accelerating neoreplicator plicator plicator contamination.

‘Looking for a hit of snowcrash?’ # ##fi # ## # # # ### ##W######## #### ###### # # # #### # ##W # # # ### ####### # # ####### ##fifi ## ##### ## # # ##### ### ##W########### ## # #

As postmodern culture crosses to hypermania and ##4## ##################WWW# # # #### ####### # ##########W# # ################# ## # ##fitfi # ##### ## ###### ## # W ## ## # #### ##ifit # stop stop go stop go stop go go goes nova, it singular- izes multiplicities cities cities of invasively autoreplicating

autoreplicating plexoweapon - systems (0 ( ((() ((( ( )) ()) ((( ) (( ) ) ( D») ( ) ( D) ) that are r6 r6 r6 r6 nothing

beyond their war AGA AGA against security. This is no