alert('Your realm ends here and mine begins.'); var mymap ='mapid', { maxZoom: 2, minZoom: 0, zoom: 0, crs: L.CRS.Simple, center: new L.LatLng(-100,300), }); //.setView([0, 0], 25); // L.tileLayer('{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}', { // attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', // maxZoom: 100, // id: 'mapbox.streets', // accessToken: 'your.mapbox.access.token' // }).addTo(mymap); L.GridLayer.DebugCoords = L.GridLayer.extend({ createTile: function (coords) { var tile = document.createElement('div'); var tileSize = this.getTileSize(); tile.setAttribute('width', '500px'); tile.setAttribute('height', tileSize.y); var openpop = false; // setTimeout(function () { // done(null, tile); // Syntax is 'done(error, tile)' // }, 500 + Math.random() * 1500); if (coords.x == 0 && coords.y == 0){ tile.innerHTML = '

'+ text2[coords.z] + '

' ; }else{}; if (coords.z == 2 ){ openpop = true; //}else if (coords.z == 2 ){popWindow2(); }else{}; if (openpop == true) { setTimeout(function() { // var myWindow ="", "MyText", "height=230, width=390, left=100, top=100, resizable=no, scrollbars=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, directories=no, status=yes"); // myWindow.document.write(''); // myWindow.document.write('') // myWindow.document.write('

The subject of this project is not the space exactly, but rather what there is round about or inside it. To start with, then, there is already very much: nothingness, the impalpable, the virtually immaterial; extension, the external, what is external to us, what we move about in the midst of, our ambient milieu, the void around us.

'); // myWindow.document.write('') setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1000); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1100); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1200); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1300); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1400); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1500); setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('bttn').innerHTML = 'Show me';}, 1600); }, 1000); }else{}; return tile; } }); function closeOpen(){ } L.gridLayer.debugCoords = function(opts) { return new L.GridLayer.DebugCoords(opts); }; mymap.addLayer( L.gridLayer.debugCoords() );