110010100101000110010011100100010000000001001111 1100010010010101

Hypervirus targets intelligent immunosecurity struc- tures: yes yes no yes no nomadically abstracting its proc- esses from specific media (DNA, words, symbolic models, bit-sequences), and operantly re-engineering itself. It folds into itself, involutes, or plexes, by reprogramming corpuscular code to reprogram reprogramming repro- gramming reprogramming. ROM is melted into recursive experimentation.

001010010010010110000101010101011101010010100 10010101000011011001101001011000010001001001000 Recording devices. Copiers. Faxes. Samplers. K-stammer (((re)re)reruns) cross-cut by orphan drift. Repeat infec- tion. All hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hypervirus strains are plastic and interoperative.

INSERT. hyper-prefixing semiotic sectors TAG TAG TAG tags them for transfer into abstract ACT ACT (nonlin- ear transcodable) machinic systems, tuned to virtualities or hyperspeeds (futural currencies independent of def uturali- zation). Hypermedia configure re re every implementation within a specific medium or territory as a subfunction of extraterritorial processes. Going (( ( ))) ( ) ( ) (( ) ) (( )) ( ) hyper dissolves being into ACT ACT ACT activity; a material desubstantialisation on off on off. Hyperproc- esses spread like Heraklitean fire re re re (although there