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5 years ago
var x = ['scientific method', 'science', 'empirical evidences', 'positivism', 'functional', 'dynamical', 'structural properties', 'consciousness', 'mind', 'cognitionthought', 'knowledge', 'intelligence', 'self-awareness', 'agency', 'mind-body problem', 'subjective experience', 'phenomenal consciousness', 'explanatory gap', 'neurophenomenology', 'materialism', 'physicalism', 'naturalism', 'reductionism', 'panpsychism', 'mysterianism', 'dualism', 'monismo dialettico', 'modellization of the mind', 'technical system', 'autonomous machines', 'intelligent machines', 'adaptive machines', 'sentient machine', 'machinic life ', 'hardware', 'software', 'human-constructed environment', 'material', 'virtual', 'techné', 'talos', 'automaton', 'dedalos', 'architectural design', 'labyrinth', 'technological discoveries', 'machine', 'machinery', 'machinic', 'mechanical', 'cybernetics', 'steam engine', 'thermodynamics', 'creation - evolution controversy', 'agency', 'wallace', 'vapour engine', 'evolutionary process', 'buttler', 'erewhon', 'darwin amongst the machines', 'teleology', 'purpose', 'evolution', 'feedback loop', 'adaptation', 'cannon', 'homeostasis', 'cyberculture', 'statistical info theory', 'ecperimental psychology', 'behaviorism', 'control theory', 'complex system', 'self-regulating', 'organic', 'inorganic', 'post-humanism', 'control', 'simulation', 'surveillance', 'embodied knowledge', 'AI', 'formalization of mathematics and logic', 'jacquard loom', 'general purpose computer', 'discrete system', 'finite state machine', 'boolean logic', 'babbage', 'ada', 'analytical engine', 'plato', 'leibniz', 'church-turing thesis ', 'formalization of computation', 'von neumann architecture', 'shannon info theory', 'digital computer', 'intelligence', 'mind-brain', 'cognitive revolution', 'information processing', 'abstraction', 'hardware-software', 'turing', 'imitation game', 'thinking machine', 'human-level communication', 'models of computation', 'cognitive simulation', 'logic theorist', 'symbolic AI', 'NAI', 'AGI', 'HLAI', 'SAI', 'computationalism', 'CTM', 'LOTH', 'PSSH', 'chomsky', 'dreyfus', 'context', 'common sense', 'creativity', 'intuition', 'searle', 'jackson', 'chinese room', 'strong AI', 'weak AI', "mary's room", 'GOFAI', 'AI winter', '1974-1980', '1987-1993', 'top-down', 'bottom-up', 'sub-symbolic AI', 'connectionism', 'machine learning', 'artifician neural network (ANN)', 'parallel distributed processing (PDP)', 'dataset', 'neurons', 'deep learning', 'intelligent agent', 'Stuart J. Russell', 'Peter Norvig', 'complex systems', 'rational agent', 'environment ', 'sensors', 'actuators', 'performance', 'ALife', 'simulating biological evolution', 'software environment ', 'simple operators', 'cellular automata (CA)', 'simple lawas', 'neoghbours cells', 'death ', 'reproduction', 'evolution', 'chaotic systems', 'stable loops', 'patterns', 'edge of chaos', 'unpredictable', 'symbolic + sub symbolic', 'evolutionary process', 'life', 'intelligence', 'noisy phisical world', 'radiations', 'electromagnetic phenomena', 'particles', 'wavelengths', 'continuous interaction', 'chaotic world', 'black box', 'nested black box', 'discrimination', 'biases', 'limitations', 'nouvelle AI', 'situated AI', 'body', 'robots', 'virtual environments', 'adaptive unconscious', 'embodied knowledge', 'biological organisms', 'high-level intelligence', 'intuition ', 'creativity', 'spontaneity', 'weak-and-narrow AI', 'goal', 'human-level system', 'unhappy claims ', 'slow growth', 'MIT', 'Elon Musk', 'Ray Kurzweil', 'Lex Friedman', 'Vernor Vinge', 'daydream', 'future-oriented', 'techno-utopianism', 'neo-liberal', 'Californaian ideoloy', 'big picture', 'technological singularity', 'think for itself', 'matrix', 'man-made', 'cognition', 'technologies', 'human operator', 'intellectual process', 'productive process', 'historical materialism', 'Marx ', 'Engels', 'War World II', 'machine performance', 'symbiosis ', 'intelligence amplification IA', 'intelligence augmentation', 'Vannevar Bush', 'Ross W. Ashby', 'intellectual power', 'physical power', 'L.C.R. Licklider', 'man-mach