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5 years ago
var x = ['________________________________________________________________________________________PHILOSOPHY XX', '', 'Antroposophy(1910)', 'steiner', '', 'Last NeoHeghelists (1910) ', 'croce', 'gentile', 'mctaggart', 'royce', '', ' << FILOSOFIA CONTINENTALE ', 'Psychoanalysis (1900)', 'freud - totem e tabu, tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale, psicologia della vita amorosa', "jung - il problema dell'inconscio nella psicologia moderna", 'adler', '', 'Trascendental Phenomenology(1900)', 'Husserl', '\t>>Realist Phenomenology - Munich Phenomenology(1910)', '\tScheler', '\tReinach', '\tDaubert', '\tPfänder', '\tGeiger', '\tHildebrand', '\t>>Existential Phenomenology (1925)', "\theidegger - intro essere e tempo, che cos'è metafisica", '\tjasper - del tragico', '\tmerleau ponty', '\t\t>>Ateist/Umanistic Existentialism(1940)', '\t\tsartre - la nausea, il muro, le mani sporche, le mosche, morti senza tomba, a porte chiuse', '\t\tcamus - lo straniero, il mito di sisifo', '\t\tde beauvoir', '\t\tLevinas', 'Nietzschean Reneissance & Limit Experience (1930)', "Bataille - storia dell'occhio, il blu del cielo, madame edwarda", 'Blanchot', 'Klossowski - le dame romane', 'Colli - la nascita della filosofia', '', 'Frankfurt School (beginning of NeoMarxism - Critical Theory) (1920)', 'Adorno', 'Benjamin', 'Horkheimer', 'Marcuse', '+', 'Luckas', 'Gramsci - vari, on ideology, ', 'Habermas', 'Aaron', 'Arendt', 'della volpe', '\tWorkerism (1960) / Autonomia (70)', '\tNegri', '\tBerardi', '\tTronti', '\t+', '\tGorz (Political Ecology)', '\tDebord (Situationism) (1960) - la società dello spettacolo', '\t', 'MediaTheory (1950)', 'McLuhan', 'Flusser', 'Kittler', 'Jenkins', 'Murray', '\t>>Cutlural studies (1964)', '\tHoggart', '\tHall - encoding/decoding', '\tHebdige - Sub Culture, the Meaning of Style', '\tWillis', '\tDyer', '\tDenning', '\tGrossberg', '\tChambers', '\tMcLennan', '\tGilroy', '\tMcRobbie', '\tBland', '\tWebster', '\tLorrain', '\tPlant (cyberfeminism + cybernetic culture research unit)', '\tSchwarz', '\tHobson', '\tCarby', '\twilliams', '\tdyer', '\tmcrobbie', '\tgilroy', '\tirigeray', '\t>> Cyberculture - Internet culture (1960s)', '\tDe Landa', '\tKelly', '\tSchirmacher', '\tLevy', '\tGunkel', '\tVitanza', '\tUlmer', '\tLaughlin', '\t\t>> Cyberpunk (1984)', '\t\tGibson - hippy hat brain parasite', '\t\tSterling', '\t\t>> Cyberfeminism (1985)', '\t\tHaraway', '\t\tPaasonen', '\t\tHayles', '\t\tSenft ', '\t\tGajjala', '', ' << FILOSOFIA ANALITCA ', 'Logicism/Logic Atomism (1910)', 'Frege', 'Russel', 'moore', 'Wittgenstein - tractatus logico philosophicus / -------', '+', 'Whithead -----', 'Elizabeth Anscombe (Analytic Thomism)', 'Iris Murdoch (Analytic philosophy/ Virtue ethics/ Modern Platonism)', 'Goedel', 'Ramsey', 'susanne langer', 'ernst cassier', "\t>>Logic Positivism/NeoPositivism - Vienna's Circle - Berlin's Circle (1920)", '\tcarnap', '\tneurath', '\treichenbach', '\t+', '\tryle', '\tquine', '\tayer', '\thempel', '\t', '\t>>Contemporary Epistemology (1930)', '\tpopper', '\tbachelard', '\tkhun', '\tfayerabend ', '\t', '\tBell Labs(1925)', '\t\t>>Cybernetics ((30)1948)', '\t\tWiener', '\t\tMcCulloch', '\t\tRosenbluet', '\t\tAshby', '\t\tgrey walter', '\t\tglushkov', '\t\tvon foerster', '\t\tbateson ', '\t\tberg', '\t\t>>Computer Science ((30)1948)', '\t\tHilbert', '\t\tTuring (Artificial Intelligence 1950)', '\t\tGoedel', '\t\tChurch', '\t\tVon Neumann', '\t\t\t>>Cognitive Science (1956)', '\t\t\tsearle', '\t\t\tdennett', '\t\t\tchalmers - the hard problem of consciousness / extended mind', '\t\t\tchomsky (linguistic)', '\t\t\tedelman', '\t\t\tfodor', '\t\t\thofstadter - goedel, echer, bach ', '\t\t\tjohnsinlaiard', '\t\t\tlonguet higgins', '\t\t\tminsky', '\t\t\tdummett', '\t\t\tneisse