You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

548 lines
26 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int
from builtins import map, zip, filter
from builtins import object, range
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
import unittest
import time
import re
import random
from pattern import search
from pattern.en import Sentence, parse
class TestUtilityFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_match(self):
# Assert search._match() wildcard matching.
for s, p, b in (
("rabbit" , "rabbit", True),
("rabbits", "rabbit*", True),
("rabbits", "*abbits", True),
("rabbits", "*abbit*", True),
("rabbits", "rab*its", True),
("rabbits", re.compile(r"ra.*?"), True)):
self.assertEqual(search._match(s, p), b)
def test_unique(self):
self.assertEqual(search.unique([1, 1, 2, 2]), [1, 2])
def test_find(self):
self.assertEqual(search.find(lambda v: v > 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 3)
def test_product(self):
# Assert combinations of list items.
self.assertEqual(list(search.product([], repeat=2)), []) # No possibilities.
self.assertEqual(list(search.product([1], repeat=0)), [()]) # One possibility: the empty set.
self.assertEqual(list(search.product([1, 2, 3], repeat=2)),
[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)])
for n, m in ((1, 9), (2, 81), (3, 729), (4, 6561)):
v = search.product([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], repeat=n)
self.assertEqual(len(list(v)), m)
def test_variations(self):
# Assert variations include the original input (the empty list has one variation = itself).
v = search.variations([])
self.assertEqual(v, [()])
# Assert variations = (1,) and ().
v = search.variations([1], optional=lambda item: item == 1)
self.assertEqual(v, [(1,), ()])
# Assert variations = the original input, (2,), (1,) and ().
v = search.variations([1, 2], optional=lambda item: item in (1, 2))
self.assertEqual(v, [(1, 2), (2,), (1,), ()])
# Assert variations are sorted longest-first.
v = search.variations([1, 2, 3, 4], optional=lambda item: item in (1, 2))
self.assertEqual(v, [(1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4), (1, 3, 4), (3, 4)])
self.assertTrue(len(v[0]) >= len(v[1]) >= len(v[2]), len(v[3]))
def test_odict(self):
# Assert odict.append() which must be order-preserving.
v = search.odict()
v.push(("a", 1))
v.push(("b", 2))
v.push(("c", 3))
v.push(("a", 0))
v = v.copy()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, dict))
self.assertEqual(v.keys(), ["a", "c", "b"])
class TestTaxonomy(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_taxonomy(self):
# Assert Taxonomy search.
t = search.Taxonomy()
t.append("King Arthur", type="knight", value=1)
t.append("Sir Bedevere", type="knight", value=2)
t.append("Sir Lancelot", type="knight", value=3)
t.append("Sir Gallahad", type="knight", value=4)
t.append("Sir Robin", type="knight", value=5)
t.append("John Cleese", type="Sir Lancelot")
t.append("John Cleese", type="Basil Fawlty")
# Matching is case-insensitive, results are lowercase.
self.assertTrue("John Cleese" in t)
self.assertTrue("john cleese" in t)
self.assertEqual(t.classify("King Arthur"), "knight")
self.assertEqual(t.value("King Arthur"), 1)
self.assertEqual(t.parents("John Cleese"), ["basil fawlty", "sir lancelot"])
self.assertEqual(t.parents("John Cleese", recursive=True), [
"basil fawlty",
"sir lancelot",
self.assertEqual(t.children("knight"), [
"sir robin",
"sir gallahad",
"sir lancelot",
"sir bedevere",
"king arthur"])
self.assertEqual(t.children("knight", recursive=True), [
"sir robin",
"sir gallahad",
"sir lancelot",
"sir bedevere",
"king arthur",
"john cleese"])
def test_classifier(self):
# Assert taxonomy classifier + keyword arguments.
c1 = search.Classifier(parents=lambda word, chunk=None: word.endswith("ness") and ["quality"] or [])
c2 = search.Classifier(parents=lambda word, chunk=None: chunk == "VP" and ["action"] or [])
t = search.Taxonomy()
self.assertEqual(t.classify("fuzziness"), "quality")
self.assertEqual(t.classify("run", chunk="VP"), "action")
def test_wordnet_classifier(self):
# Assert WordNet classifier parents & children.
c = search.WordNetClassifier()
t = search.Taxonomy()
self.assertEqual(t.classify("cat"), "feline")
self.assertEqual(t.classify("dog"), "canine")
self.assertTrue("domestic_cat" in t.children("cat"))
self.assertTrue("puppy" in t.children("dog"))
class TestConstraint(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def _test_constraint(self, constraint, **kwargs):
# Assert Constraint property values with given optional parameters.
self.assertEqual(constraint.words, kwargs.get("words", []))
self.assertEqual(constraint.tags, kwargs.get("tags", []))
self.assertEqual(constraint.chunks, kwargs.get("chunks", []))
self.assertEqual(constraint.roles, kwargs.get("roles", []))
self.assertEqual(constraint.taxa, kwargs.get("taxa", []))
self.assertEqual(constraint.optional, kwargs.get("optional", False))
self.assertEqual(constraint.multiple, kwargs.get("multiple", False))
self.assertEqual(constraint.first, kwargs.get("first", False))
self.assertEqual(constraint.exclude, kwargs.get("exclude", None))
self.assertEqual(constraint.taxonomy, kwargs.get("taxonomy", search.taxonomy))
def test_fromstring(self):
# Assert Constraint string syntax.
for s, kwargs in (
( "cats", dict( words = ["cats"])),
( "Cat*", dict( words = ["cat*"])),
( "\\[cat\\]", dict( words = ["[cat]"])),
("[black cats]", dict( words = ["black cats"])),
( "black_cats", dict( words = ["black cats"])),
("black\\_cats", dict( words = ["black_cats"])),
( "NNS", dict( tags = ["NNS"])),
( "NN*|VB*", dict( tags = ["NN*", "VB*"])),
( "NP", dict(chunks = ["NP"])),
( "SBJ", dict( roles = ["SBJ"])),
( "CATS", dict( taxa = ["cats"])),
( "cats?", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True)),
( "(cats)", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True)),
( "\\(cats\\)", dict( words = ["(cats)"])),
( "cats+", dict( words = ["cats"], multiple=True)),
( "cats\\+", dict( words = ["cats+"])),
( "cats+dogs", dict( words = ["cats+dogs"])),
( "(cats+)", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True, multiple=True)),
( "(cats)+", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True, multiple=True)),
( "cats+?", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True, multiple=True)),
( "cats?+", dict( words = ["cats"], optional=True, multiple=True)),
( "^[fat cat]?", dict( words = ["fat cat"], first=True, optional=True)),
( "[^fat cat?]", dict( words = ["fat cat"], first=True, optional=True)),
( "cats\\|dogs", dict( words = ["cats|dogs"])),
( "cats|dogs", dict( words = ["cats", "dogs"])),
( "^cat", dict( words = ["cat"], first=True)),
( "\\^cat", dict( words = ["^cat"])),
( "(cat*)+", dict( words = ["cat*"], optional=True, multiple=True)),
( "^black_cat+", dict( words = ["black cat"], multiple=True, first=True)),
( "black\[cat", dict( words = ["black[cat"])),
( "black\(cat", dict( words = ["black(cat"])),
( "black\{cat", dict( words = ["black{cat"])),
( "black\|cat", dict( words = ["black|cat"])),
( "black\!cat", dict( words = ["black!cat"])),
( "black\^cat", dict( words = ["black^cat"])),
( "black\+cat", dict( words = ["black+cat"])),
( "black\?cat", dict( words = ["black?cat"])),
( "cats|NN*", dict( words = ["cats"], tags=["NN*"]))):
self._test_constraint(search.Constraint.fromstring(s), **kwargs)
# Assert non-alpha taxonomy items.
t = search.Taxonomy()
t.append("0.5", type="0.5")
t.append("half", type="0.5")
v = search.Constraint.fromstring("0.5", taxonomy=t)
# Assert non-alpha words without taxonomy.
self.assertTrue(v.taxa == ["0.5"])
v = search.Constraint.fromstring("0.5")
# Assert exclude Constraint.
self.assertTrue(v.words == ["0.5"])
v = search.Constraint.fromstring("\\!cats|!dogs|!fish")
self.assertTrue(v.words == ["!cats"])
self.assertTrue(v.exclude.words == ["dogs", "fish"])
def test_match(self):
# Assert Constraint-Word matching.
R = search.Constraint.fromstring
S = lambda s: Sentence(parse(s, relations=True, lemmata=True))
W = lambda s, tag=None, index=0: search.Word(None, s, tag, index)
for constraint, tests in (
(R("cat|dog"), [(W("cat"), 1), (W("dog"), 1), (W("fish"), 0)]),
(R("cat*"), [(W("cats"), 1)]),
(R("*cat"), [(W("tomcat"), 1)]),
(R("c*t|d*g"), [(W("cat"), 1), (W("cut"), 1), (W("dog"), 1), (W("dig"), 1)]),
(R("cats|NN*"), [(W("cats", "NNS"), 1), (W("cats"), 0)]),
(R("^cat"), [(W("cat", "NN", index=0), 1), (W("cat", "NN", index=1), 0)]),
(R("*|!cat"), [(W("cat"), 0), (W("dog"), 1), (W("fish"), 1)]),
(R("my cat"), [(W("cat"), 0)]),
(R("my cat"), [(S("my cat").words[1], 1)]), # "my cat" is an overspecification of "cat"
(R("my_cat"), [(S("my cat").words[1], 1)]),
(R("cat|NP"), [(S("my cat").words[1], 1)]),
(R("dog|VP"), [(S("my dog").words[1], 0)]),
(R("cat|SBJ"), [(S("the cat is sleeping").words[1], 1)]),
(R("dog"), [(S("MY DOGS").words[1], 1)]), # lemma matches
(R("dog"), [(S("MY DOG").words[1], 1)])): # case-insensitive
for test, b in tests:
self.assertEqual(constraint.match(test), bool(b))
# Assert Constraint-Taxa matching.
t = search.Taxonomy()
t.append("Tweety", type="bird")
t.append("Steven", type="bird")
v = search.Constraint.fromstring("BIRD", taxonomy=t)
def test_string(self):
# Assert Constraint.string.
v = search.Constraint()
v.words = ["Steven\\*"]
v.tags = ["NN*"]
v.roles = ["SBJ"]
v.taxa = ["(associate) professor"]
v.exclude = search.Constraint(["bird"])
v.multiple = True
v.first = True
self.assertEqual(v.string, "^[Steven\\*|NN*|SBJ|\(ASSOCIATE\)_PROFESSOR|!bird]+")
class TestPattern(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_pattern(self):
# Assert Pattern properties.
v = search.Pattern([
search.Constraint("cat")], search.STRICT)
self.assertEqual(len(v), 3)
self.assertEqual(v.strict, True)
def test_fromstring(self):
# Assert Pattern string syntax.
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("a|an|the JJ*? cat*")
self.assertEqual(v[0].words, ["a", "an", "the"])
self.assertEqual(v[1].tags, ["JJ*"])
self.assertEqual(v[1].optional, True)
self.assertEqual(v[2].words, ["cat*"])
# Assert escaped control characters.
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("[\\[Figure 1\\]] VP")
self.assertEqual(v[0].words, ["[figure 1]"])
self.assertEqual(v[1].chunks, ["VP"])
# Assert messy syntax (fix brackets and whitespace, don't fix empty options).
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("[avoid][|!|messy |syntax |]")
self.assertEqual(v[0].words, ["avoid"])
self.assertEqual(v[1].words, ["", "messy", "syntax", ""])
self.assertEqual(v[1].exclude.words, [""]) # "!" = exclude everything
def test_match(self):
# Assert Pattern.match()
P = search.Pattern.fromstring
X = search.STRICT
S = lambda s: Sentence(parse(s, relations=True, lemmata=True))
for i, (pattern, test, match) in enumerate((
(P("^rabbit"), "white rabbit", None), # 0
(P("^rabbit"), "rabbit", "rabbit"), # 1
(P("rabbit"), "big white rabbit", "rabbit"), # 2
(P("rabbit*"), "big white rabbits", "rabbits"), # 3
(P("JJ|NN"), S("big white rabbits"), "big"), # 4
(P("JJ+"), S("big white rabbits"), "big white"), # 5
(P("JJ+ NN*"), S("big white rabbits"), "big white rabbits"), # 6
(P("JJ black|white NN*"), S("big white rabbits"), "big white rabbits"), # 7
(P("NP"), S("big white rabbit"), "big white rabbit"), # 8
(P("big? rabbit", X), S("big white rabbit"), "rabbit"), # 9 strict
(P("big? rabbit|NN"), S("big white rabbit"), "rabbit"), # 10 explicit
(P("big? rabbit"), S("big white rabbit"), "big white rabbit"), # 11 greedy
(P("rabbit VP JJ"), S("the rabbit was huge"), "the rabbit was huge"), # 12
(P("rabbit be JJ"), S("the rabbit was huge"), "the rabbit was huge"), # 13 lemma
(P("rabbit be JJ", X), S("the rabbit was huge"), "rabbit was huge"), # 14
(P("rabbit is JJ"), S("the rabbit was huge"), None), # 15
(P("the NP"), S("the rabid rodents"), "the rabid rodents"), # 16 overlap
(P("t*|r*+"), S("the rabid rodents"), "the rabid rodents"), # 17
(P("(DT) JJ? NN*"), S("the rabid rodents"), "the rabid rodents"), # 18
(P("(DT) JJ? NN*"), S("the rabbit"), "the rabbit"), # 19
(P("rabbit"), S("the big rabbit"), "the big rabbit"), # 20 greedy
(P("eat carrot"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 21
(P("eat carrot|NP"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 22
(P("eat NP"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 23
(P("eat a"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a"), # 24
(P("!NP carrot"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 25
(P("eat !pizza"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 26
(P("eating a"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a"), # 27
(P("eating !carrot", X), S("is eating a carrot"), "eating a"), # 28
(P("eat !carrot"), S("is eating a carrot"), None), # 28 NP chunk is a carrot
(P("eat !DT"), S("is eating a carrot"), None), # 30 eat followed by DT
(P("eat !NN"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a"), # 31 a/DT is not NN
(P("!be carrot"), S("is eating a carrot"), "is eating a carrot"), # 32 is eating == eat != is
(P("!eat|VP carrot"), S("is eating a carrot"), None), # 33 VP chunk == eat
(P("white_rabbit"), S("big white rabbit"), None), # 34
(P("[white rabbit]"), S("big white rabbit"), None), # 35
(P("[* white rabbit]"), S("big white rabbit"), "big white rabbit"), # 36
(P("[big * rabbit]"), S("big white rabbit"), "big white rabbit"), # 37
(P("big [big * rabbit]"), S("big white rabbit"), "big white rabbit"), # 38
(P("[*+ rabbit]"), S("big white rabbit"), None), # 39 bad pattern: "+" is literal
m = pattern.match(test)
self.assertTrue(getattr(m, "string", None) == match)
# Assert chunk with head at the front.
s = S("Felix the cat")
self.assertEqual(P("felix").match(s).string, "Felix the cat")
# Assert negation + custom greedy() function.
s = S("the big white rabbit")
g = lambda chunk, constraint: len([w for w in chunk if not constraint.match(w)]) == 0
self.assertEqual(P("!white").match(s).string, "the big white rabbit") # a rabbit != white
self.assertEqual(P("!white", greedy=g).match(s), None) # a white rabbit == white
# Assert taxonomy items with spaces.
s = S("Bugs Bunny is a giant talking rabbit.")
t = search.Taxonomy()
t.append("rabbit", type="rodent")
t.append("Bugs Bunny", type="rabbit")
self.assertEqual(P("RABBIT", taxonomy=t).match(s).string, "Bugs Bunny")
# Assert None, the syntax cannot handle taxonomy items that span multiple chunks.
s = S("Elmer Fudd fires a cannon")
t = search.Taxonomy()
t.append("fire cannon", type="violence")
self.assertEqual(P("VIOLENCE").match(s), None)
# Assert regular expressions.
s = S("a sack with 3.5 rabbits")
p = search.Pattern.fromstring("[] NNS")
self.assertEqual(p.match(s).string, "3.5 rabbits")
def test_search(self):
# Assert one match containing all words.
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("*+")
v ="one two three")
self.assertEqual(v[0].string, "one two three")
# Assert one match for each word.
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("*")
v ="one two three")
self.assertEqual(v[0].string, "one")
self.assertEqual(v[1].string, "two")
self.assertEqual(v[2].string, "three")
# Assert all variations are matched (sentence starts with a NN* which must be caught).
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("(DT) JJ?+ NN*")
v ="dogs, black cats and a big white rabbit")))
self.assertEqual(v[0].string, "dogs")
self.assertEqual(v[1].string, "black cats")
self.assertEqual(v[2].string, "a big white rabbit")
v = search.Pattern.fromstring("NN*")
def test_convergence(self):
# Test with random sentences and random patterns to see if it crashes.
w = ("big", "white", "rabbit", "black", "cats", "is", "was", "going", "to", "sleep", "sleepy", "very", "or")
x = ("DT?", "JJ?+", "NN*", "VP?", "cat", "[*]")
for i in range(100):
s = " ".join(random.choice(w) for i in range(20))
s = Sentence(parse(s, lemmata=True))
p = " ".join(random.choice(x) for i in range(5))
p = search.Pattern.fromstring(p)
def test_compile_function(self):
# Assert creating and caching Pattern with compile().
t = search.Taxonomy()
p = search.compile("JJ?+ NN*", search.STRICT, taxonomy=t)
self.assertEqual(p.strict, True)
self.assertEqual(p[0].optional, True)
self.assertEqual(p[0].tags, ["JJ"])
self.assertEqual(p[1].tags, ["NN*"])
self.assertEqual(p[1].taxonomy, t)
# Assert regular expression input.
p = search.compile(re.compile(r"[0-9|\.]+"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p[0].words[0], search.regexp))
# Assert TypeError for other input.
self.assertRaises(TypeError, search.compile, 1)
def test_match_function(self):
# Assert match() function.
s = Sentence(parse("Go on Bors, chop his head off!"))
m1 = search.match("chop NP off", s, strict=False)
m2 = search.match("chop NP+ off", s, strict=True)
self.assertEqual(m1.constituents()[1].string, "his head")
self.assertEqual(m2.constituents()[1].string, "his head")
def test_search_function(self):
# Assert search() function.
s = Sentence(parse("Go on Bors, chop his head off!"))
m ="PRP*? NN*", s)
self.assertEqual(m[0].string, "Bors")
self.assertEqual(m[1].string, "his head")
def test_escape(self):
# Assert escape() function.
self.assertEqual(search.escape("{}[]()_|!*+^."), "\\{\\}\\[\\]\\(\\)\\_\\|\\!\\*\\+\\^.")
class TestMatch(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_match(self):
# Assert Match properties.
s = Sentence(parse("Death awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth."))
p = search.Pattern(sequence=[
search.Constraint(tags=["JJ"], optional=True),
m =
self.assertTrue(isinstance(m, list))
self.assertEqual(m[0].pattern, p)
self.assertEqual(m[1].pattern, p)
self.assertEqual(m[0].words, [s.words[0]])
self.assertEqual(m[1].words, [s.words[-3], s.words[-2]])
# Assert contraint "NN*" links to "Death" and "teeth", and "JJ" to "pointy".
self.assertEqual(m[0].constraint(s.words[0]), p[1])
self.assertEqual(m[1].constraint(s.words[-3]), p[0])
self.assertEqual(m[1].constraint(s.words[-2]), p[1])
# Assert constraints "JJ NN*" links to chunk "pointy teeth".
self.assertEqual(m[1].constraints(s.chunks[-1]), [p[0], p[1]])
# Assert Match.constituents() by constraint, constraint index and list of indices.
self.assertEqual(m[1].constituents(), [s.words[-3], s.words[-2]])
self.assertEqual(m[1].constituents(constraint=p[0]), [s.words[-3]])
self.assertEqual(m[1].constituents(constraint=1), [s.words[-2]])
self.assertEqual(m[1].constituents(constraint=(0, 1)), [s.words[-3], s.words[-2]])
# Assert Match.string.
self.assertEqual(m[1].string, "pointy teeth")
def test_group(self):
# Assert Match groups.
s = Sentence(parse("the big black cat eats a tasty fish"))
m ="DT {JJ+} NN", s)
self.assertEqual(m[0].group(1).string, "big black")
self.assertEqual(m[1].group(1).string, "tasty")
# Assert nested groups (and syntax with additional spaces).
m ="DT { JJ { JJ { NN }}}", s)
self.assertEqual(m[0].group(1).string, "big black cat")
self.assertEqual(m[0].group(2).string, "black cat")
self.assertEqual(m[0].group(3).string, "cat")
# Assert chunked groups.
m ="NP {VP NP}", s)
v = m[0].group(1, chunked=True)
self.assertEqual(v[0].string, "eats")
self.assertEqual(v[1].string, "a tasty fish")
def test_group_ordering(self):
# Assert group parser ordering (opened-first).
c1 = search.Constraint("1")
c2 = search.Constraint("2")
c3 = search.Constraint("3")
c4 = search.Constraint("4")
p = search.Pattern([c1, [c2, [[c3], c4]]])
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][0].words[0], "2")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][1].words[0], "3")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][2].words[0], "4")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[1][0].words[0], "3")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[1][1].words[0], "4")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[2][0].words[0], "3")
p = search.Pattern.fromstring("1 {2 {{3} 4}}")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][0].words[0], "2")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][1].words[0], "3")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][2].words[0], "4")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[1][0].words[0], "3")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[1][1].words[0], "4")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[2][0].words[0], "3")
p = search.Pattern.fromstring("1 {2} {3} 4")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[0][0].words[0], "2")
self.assertEqual(p.groups[1][0].words[0], "3")
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite())
sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())