You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

291 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int
from builtins import map, zip, filter
from builtins import object, range
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
import unittest
import subprocess
from pattern import it
from io import open
PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
PATH = ""
class TestInflection(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_article(self):
# Assert definite and indefinite article inflection.
for a, n, g in (
("il" , "giorno" , it.M),
("l'" , "altro giorno", it.M),
("lo" , "zio" , it.M),
("l'" , "amica" , it.F),
("la" , "nouva amica" , it.F),
("i" , "giapponesi" , it.M + it.PL),
("gli", "italiani" , it.M + it.PL),
("gli", "zii" , it.M + it.PL),
("le" , "zie" , it.F + it.PL)):
v = it.article(n, "definite", gender=g)
self.assertEqual(a, v)
for a, n, g in (
("uno", "zio" , it.M),
("una", "zia" , it.F),
("un" , "amico", it.M),
("un'", "amica", it.F)):
v = it.article(n, "indefinite", gender=g)
self.assertEqual(a, v)
v = it.referenced("amica", gender="f")
self.assertEqual(v, "un'amica")
def test_gender(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the gender disambiguation algorithm.
from pattern.db import Datasheet
i, n = 0, 0
for pos, sg, pl, mf in Datasheet.load(os.path.join(PATH, "corpora", "wordforms-it-wiktionary.csv")):
g = it.gender(sg)
if mf in g and it.PLURAL not in g:
i += 1
g = it.gender(pl)
if mf in g and it.PLURAL in g:
i += 1
n += 2
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.92)
def test_pluralize(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the pluralization algorithm.
from pattern.db import Datasheet
i, n = 0, 0
for pos, sg, pl, mf in Datasheet.load(os.path.join(PATH, "corpora", "wordforms-it-wiktionary.csv")):
if it.pluralize(sg) == pl:
i += 1
n += 1
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.93)
def test_singularize(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the singularization algorithm.
from pattern.db import Datasheet
i, n = 0, 0
for pos, sg, pl, mf in Datasheet.load(os.path.join(PATH, "corpora", "wordforms-it-wiktionary.csv")):
if it.singularize(pl) == sg:
i += 1
n += 1
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.84)
def test_predicative(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the predicative algorithm ("cruciali" => "cruciale").
from pattern.db import Datasheet
i, n = 0, 0
for pos, sg, pl, mf in Datasheet.load(os.path.join(PATH, "corpora", "wordforms-it-wiktionary.csv")):
if pos != "j":
if it.predicative(pl) == sg:
i += 1
n += 1
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.87)
def test_find_lemma(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the verb lemmatization algorithm.
i, n = 0, 0
r = 0
for v1, v2 in it.inflect.verbs.inflections.items():
if it.inflect.verbs.find_lemma(v1) == v2:
i += 1
n += 1
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.81)
def test_find_lexeme(self):
# Assert the accuracy of the verb conjugation algorithm.
i, n = 0, 0
for v, lexeme1 in it.inflect.verbs.infinitives.items():
lexeme2 = it.inflect.verbs.find_lexeme(v)
for j in range(len(lexeme2)):
if lexeme1[j] == lexeme2[j]:
i += 1
n += 1
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.89)
def test_conjugate(self):
# Assert different tenses with different conjugations.
for (v1, v2, tense) in (
("essere", "essere", it.INFINITIVE),
("essere", "sono", (it.PRESENT, 1, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "sei", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "è", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "siamo", (it.PRESENT, 1, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "siete", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sono", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "essendo", (it.PRESENT + it.PARTICIPLE)),
("essere", "stato", (it.PAST + it.PARTICIPLE)),
("essere", "ero", (it.IMPERFECT, 1, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "eri", (it.IMPERFECT, 2, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "era", (it.IMPERFECT, 3, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "eravamo", (it.IMPERFECT, 1, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "eravate", (it.IMPERFECT, 2, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "erano", (it.IMPERFECT, 3, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "fui", (it.PRETERITE, 1, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "fosti", (it.PRETERITE, 2, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "fu", (it.PRETERITE, 3, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "fummo", (it.PRETERITE, 1, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "foste", (it.PRETERITE, 2, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "furono", (it.PRETERITE, 3, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sarei", (it.CONDITIONAL, 1, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "saresti", (it.CONDITIONAL, 2, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "sarebbe", (it.CONDITIONAL, 3, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "saremmo", (it.CONDITIONAL, 1, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sareste", (it.CONDITIONAL, 2, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sarebbero", (it.CONDITIONAL, 3, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sarò", (it.FUTURE, 1, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "sarai", (it.FUTURE, 2, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "sarà", (it.FUTURE, 3, it.SINGULAR)),
("essere", "saremo", (it.FUTURE, 1, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sarete", (it.FUTURE, 2, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "saranno", (it.FUTURE, 3, it.PLURAL)),
("essere", "sii", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.SINGULAR, it.IMPERATIVE)),
("essere", "sia", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.SINGULAR, it.IMPERATIVE)),
("essere", "siamo", (it.PRESENT, 1, it.PLURAL, it.IMPERATIVE)),
("essere", "siate", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.PLURAL, it.IMPERATIVE)),
("essere", "siano", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.PLURAL, it.IMPERATIVE)),
("essere", "sia", (it.PRESENT, 1, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "sia", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "sia", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "siamo", (it.PRESENT, 1, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "siate", (it.PRESENT, 2, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "siano", (it.PRESENT, 3, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "fossi", (it.PAST, 1, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "fossi", (it.PAST, 2, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "fosse", (it.PAST, 3, it.SINGULAR, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "fossimo", (it.PAST, 1, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "foste", (it.PAST, 2, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE)),
("essere", "fossero", (it.PAST, 3, it.PLURAL, it.SUBJUNCTIVE))):
self.assertEqual(it.conjugate(v1, tense), v2)
def test_lexeme(self):
# Assert all inflections of "essere".
v = it.lexeme("essere")
self.assertEqual(v, [
'essere', 'sono', 'sei', 'è', 'siamo', 'siete', 'essendo',
'fui', 'fosti', 'fu', 'fummo', 'foste', 'furono', 'stato',
'ero', 'eri', 'era', 'eravamo', 'eravate', 'erano',
'sarò', 'sarai', 'sarà', 'saremo', 'sarete', 'saranno',
'sarei', 'saresti', 'sarebbe', 'saremmo', 'sareste', 'sarebbero',
'sii', 'sia', 'siate', 'siano',
'fossi', 'fosse', 'fossimo', 'fossero'
def test_tenses(self):
# Assert tense recognition.
self.assertTrue((it.PRESENT, 3, it.SG) in it.tenses("è"))
self.assertTrue("2sg" in it.tenses("sei"))
class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_find_lemmata(self):
# Assert lemmata for nouns, adjectives, verbs and determiners.
v = it.parser.find_lemmata([
["I", "DT"], ["gatti", "NNS"], ["neri", "JJ"],
["seduti", "VB"], ["sul", "IN"], ["tatami", "NN"]])
self.assertEqual(v, [
["I", "DT", "il"],
["gatti", "NNS", "gatto"],
["neri", "JJ", "nero"],
["seduti", "VB", "sedutare"],
["sul", "IN", "sul"],
["tatami", "NN", "tatami"]])
def test_parse(self):
# Assert parsed output with Penn Treebank II tags (slash-formatted).
# "il gatto nero" is a noun phrase, "sulla stuoia" is a prepositional noun phrase.
v = it.parser.parse("Il gatto nero seduto sulla stuoia.")
"Il/DT/B-NP/O gatto/NN/I-NP/O nero/JJ/I-NP/O " +
"seduto/VB/B-VP/O " + \
"sulla/IN/B-PP/B-PNP stuoia/NN/B-NP/I-PNP ././O/O"
# Assert the accuracy of the Italian tagger.
i, n = 0, 0
for sentence in open(os.path.join(PATH, "corpora", "tagged-it-wacky.txt")).readlines():
sentence = sentence.strip()
s1 = [w.split("/") for w in sentence.split(" ")]
s2 = [[w for w, pos in s1]]
s2 = it.parse(s2, tokenize=False)
s2 = [w.split("/") for w in s2.split(" ")]
for j in range(len(s1)):
t1 = s1[j][1]
t2 = s2[j][1]
# WaCKy test set tags plural nouns as "NN", as "NNS".
# Some punctuation marks are also tagged differently,
# but these are not necessarily errors.
if t1 == t2 or (t1 == "NN" and t2.startswith("NN")) or s1[j][0] in "\":;)-":
i += 1
n += 1
#print(float(i) / n)
self.assertTrue(float(i) / n > 0.92)
def test_tag(self):
# Assert [("il", "DT"), ("gatto", "NN"), ("nero", "JJ")].
v = it.tag("il gatto nero")
self.assertEqual(v, [("il", "DT"), ("gatto", "NN"), ("nero", "JJ")])
def test_command_line(self):
# Assert parsed output from the command-line (example from the documentation).
p = ["python", "-m", "", "-s", "Il gatto nero.", "-OTCRL"]
p = subprocess.Popen(p, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
v ='utf-8')
v = v.strip()
self.assertEqual(v, "Il/DT/B-NP/O/O/il gatto/NN/I-NP/O/O/gatto nero/JJ/I-NP/O/O/nero ././O/O/O/.")
print("python -m")
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(suite())
sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())