You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

508 lines
17 KiB

#### PATTERN | WORDNET #############################################################################
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium
# Author: Tom De Smedt <>
# License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt for details).
# WordNet is a lexical database for English.
# It disambiguates word senses, e.g., "tree" in the sense of a plant or in the sense of a graph.
# It groups similar word senses into sets of synonyms called synsets,
# with a short description and semantic relations to other synsets:
# - synonym = a word that is similar in meaning,
# - hypernym = a word with a broader meaning, (tree => plant)
# - hyponym = a word with a more specific meaning, (tree => oak)
# - holonym = a word that is the whole of parts, (tree => forest)
# - meronym = a word that is a part of the whole, (tree => trunk)
# - antonym = a word that is opposite in meaning.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int
from builtins import map, zip, filter
from builtins import object, range
import os
import sys
import glob
from io import open
from math import log
from pattern.text import lazydict
MODULE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Path to WordNet /dict folder.
#CORPUS = ""
#os.environ["WNHOME"] = os.path.join(MODULE, CORPUS)
#os.environ["WNSEARCHDIR"] = os.path.join(MODULE, CORPUS, "dict")
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import sentiwordnet as swn
from nltk.corpus import wordnet_ic as wn_ic
from nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet import Synset as WordNetSynset
# Make sure the necessary corpora are downloaded to the local drive
for token in ("wordnet", "wordnet_ic", "sentiwordnet"):
try:"corpora/" + token)
except LookupError:
try:, quiet = True, raise_on_error = True)
except ValueError:
# Sometimes there are problems with the default index.xml URL. Then we will try this...
from nltk.downloader import Downloader as NLTKDownloader
d = NLTKDownloader(""), quiet = True, raise_on_error = True)
# Use the Brown corpus for calculating information content (IC)
brown_ic = wn_ic.ic('ic-brown.dat')
IC_CORPUS, IC_MAX = brown_ic, {}
for key in IC_CORPUS:
IC_MAX[key] = max(IC_CORPUS[key].values())
# This will hold the WordNet version
VERSION = wn.get_version() or "3.0"
"a": ("á", "ä", "â", "à", "å"),
"e": ("é", "ë", "ê", "è"),
"i": ("í", "ï", "î", "ì"),
"o": ("ó", "ö", "ô", "ò", "ō", "ø"),
"u": ("ú", "ü", "û", "ù", "ů"),
"y": ("ý", "ÿ", "ý"),
"s": ("š",),
"c": ("ç", "č"),
"n": ("ñ",),
"z": ("ž",)
def normalize(word):
""" Normalizes the word for synsets() or Sentiwordnet[] by removing diacritics
(PyWordNet does not take unicode) and replacing spaces with underscores.
if not isinstance(word, str):
word = str(word)
if not isinstance(word, str):
word = word.encode("utf-8", "ignore")
for k, v in DIACRITICS.items():
for v in v:
word = word.replace(v, k)
# Replace spaces with underscores
word = word.replace(" ", "_")
return word
### SYNSET #########################################################################################
NOUNS = lambda: wn.all_lemma_names(wn.NOUN)
VERBS = lambda: wn.all_lemma_names(wn.VERB)
ADJECTIVES = lambda: wn.all_lemma_names(wn.ADJ)
ADVERBS = lambda: wn.all_lemma_names(wn.ADV)
NN, VB, JJ, RB = \
"NN", "VB", "JJ", "RB"
_pattern2wordnet = {NN : wn.NOUN, VB : wn.VERB, JJ : wn.ADJ, RB: wn.ADV}
_wordnet2pattern = {v : k for k, v in _pattern2wordnet.items()}
_wordnet2pattern[wn.ADJ_SAT] = JJ
def synsets(word, pos=NOUN):
""" Returns a list of Synset objects, one for each word sense.
Each word can be understood in different "senses",
each of which is part of a set of synonyms (= Synset).
word, pos = normalize(word), pos.lower()
if pos.startswith(NOUN.lower()): # "NNS" or "nn" will also pass.
w = wn.synsets(word, pos = wn.NOUN)
elif pos.startswith(VERB.lower()):
w = wn.synsets(word, pos = wn.VERB)
elif pos.startswith(ADJECTIVE.lower()):
w = wn.synsets(word, pos = wn.ADJ)
elif pos.startswith(ADVERB.lower()):
w = wn.synsets(word, pos = wn.ADV)
raise TypeError("part of speech must be NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE or ADVERB, not %s" % repr(pos))
return [Synset(synset) for synset in w]
except KeyError:
return []
return []
class _synset(lazydict):
def __getitem__(self, k):
for pos in ("n", "v", "a", "r"):
synset = wn._synset_from_pos_and_offset(pos, k)
if synset:
return synset
return None
class Synset(object):
def __init__(self, synset):
""" A set of synonyms that share a common meaning.
if isinstance(synset, WordNetSynset):
self._wnsynset = synset
elif isinstance(synset, Synset):
self = self
elif isinstance(synset, (tuple, int)):
if isinstance(synset, int):
synset = (synset, "NN")
offset, pos = synset
self._wnsynset = wn._synset_from_pos_and_offset(_pattern2wordnet[pos] if pos in _pattern2wordnet else pos, offset)
raise NotImplementedError
self._synset = _synset
def __iter__(self):
for s in self.synonyms:
yield s
def __len__(self):
return len(self.synonyms)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.synonyms[i]
def __eq__(self, synset):
return isinstance(synset, Synset) and ==
def __ne__(self, synset):
return not self.__eq__(synset)
__repr__ = lambda self: self._wnsynset.__repr__()
def id(self):
return self._wnsynset.offset()
def pos(self):
""" Yields the part-of-speech tag (NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE or ADVERB).
pos = self._wnsynset.pos()
if pos == wn.NOUN:
return NOUN
if pos == wn.VERB:
return VERB
if pos == wn.ADJ or pos == wn.ADJ_SAT:
if pos == wn.ADV:
return ADVERB
part_of_speech = tag = pos
def synonyms(self):
""" Yields a list of word forms (i.e. synonyms), for example:
synsets("TV")[0].synonyms => ["television", "telecasting", "TV", "video"]
return [s for s in self._wnsynset.lemma_names()]
senses = synonyms # Backwards compatibility; senses = list of Synsets for a word.
def gloss(self):
""" Yields a descriptive string.
return self._wnsynset.definition()
def lexname(self):
""" Yields a category, e.g., noun.animal.
return self._wnsynset.lexname()
def antonym(self):
""" Yields the semantically opposite synset, for example:
synsets("death")[0].antonym => Synset("birth").
p = [Synset(a.synset()) for l in self._wnsynset.lemmas() for a in l.antonyms()]
return len(p) > 0 and p or None
def meronyms(self):
""" Yields a list of synsets that are semantic members/parts of this synset, for example:
synsets("house")[0].meronyms() =>
p = self._wnsynset.member_meronyms()
p += self._wnsynset.part_meronyms()
return [Synset(p) for p in p]
def holonyms(self):
""" Yields a list of synsets of which this synset is a member/part, for example:
synsets("tree")[0].holonyms() => Synset("forest").
p = self._wnsynset.member_holonyms()
p += self._wnsynset.part_holonyms()
return [Synset(p) for p in p]
def hyponyms(self, recursive=False, depth=None):
""" Yields a list of semantically more specific synsets, for example:
synsets("train")[0].hyponyms() =>
[Synset("boat train"),
Synset("car train"),
Synset("freight train"),
Synset("hospital train"),
Synset("mail train"),
Synset("passenger train"),
Synset("subway train")
p = [Synset(p) for p in self._wnsynset.hyponyms()]
if depth is None and recursive is False:
return p
if depth == 0:
return []
if depth is not None:
depth -= 1
if depth is None or depth > 0:
[p.extend(s.hyponyms(True, depth)) for s in list(p)]
return p
def hypernyms(self, recursive=False, depth=None):
""" Yields a list of semantically broader synsets.
p = [Synset(p) for p in self._wnsynset.hypernyms()]
if depth is None and recursive is False:
return p
if depth == 0:
return []
if depth is not None:
depth -= 1
if depth is None or depth > 0:
[p.extend(s.hypernyms(True, depth)) for s in list(p)]
return p
def hypernym(self):
""" Yields the synset that is the semantic parent, for example:
synsets("train")[0].hypernym => Synset("public transport").
p = self.hypernyms()
return len(p) > 0 and p[0] or None
def similar(self):
""" Returns a list of similar synsets for adjectives and adverbs, for example:
synsets("almigthy",JJ)[0].similar() => Synset("powerful").
# ALSO_SEE returns wn.Sense instead of wn.Synset in some cases:
#s = lambda x: isinstance(x, wn.Sense) and x.synset or x
p = [Synset(p) for p in self._wnsynset.similar_tos()]
p += [Synset(p) for p in self._wnsynset.also_sees()]
return p
def similarity(self, synset):
""" Returns the semantic similarity of the given synsets (0.0-1.0).
synsets("cat")[0].similarity(synsets("dog")[0]) => 0.86.
synsets("cat")[0].similarity(synsets("box")[0]) => 0.17.
return self._wnsynset.lin_similarity(synset._wnsynset, IC_CORPUS)
def ic(self):
offset, pos =, self.pos
if pos in _pattern2wordnet:
pos = _pattern2wordnet[pos]
if pos in IC_CORPUS and offset in IC_CORPUS[pos]:
return IC_CORPUS[pos][offset] / IC_MAX[pos]
return None
def weight(self):
return sentiwordnet is not None \
and sentiwordnet.synset(, self.pos)[:2] \
or None
def similarity(synset1, synset2):
""" Returns the semantic similarity of the given synsets.
return synset1.similarity(synset2)
def ancestor(synset1, synset2):
""" Returns the common ancestor of both synsets.
For example synsets("cat")[0].ancestor(synsets("dog")[0]) => Synset("carnivore")
h1, h2 = synset1.hypernyms(recursive=True), synset2.hypernyms(recursive=True)
for s in h1:
if s in h2:
return s
least_common_subsumer = lcs = ancestor
### INFORMATION CONTENT ############################################################################
# Information Content (IC) is used to calculate semantic similarity in Synset.similarity().
# Information Content values for each synset are derived from word frequency in a given corpus.
# The idea is that less frequent words convey more information.
# Semantic similarity depends on the amount of information two concepts (synsets) have in common,
# given by the Most Specific Common Abstraction (MSCA), i.e. the shared ancestor in the taxonomy.
#IC = {} # Switch data file according to WordNet version:
#IC_CORPUS = os.path.join(MODULE, "resnik-ic" + VERSION[0] + ".txt")
#IC_MAX = 0
# def information_content(synset):
# """ Returns the IC value for the given Synset (trained on the Brown corpus).
# """
# global IC_MAX
# if not IC:
# IC[NOUN] = {}
# IC[VERB] = {}
# for s in open(IC_CORPUS).readlines()[1:]: # Skip the header.
# s = s.split()
# id, w, pos = (
# int(s[0][:-1]),
# float(s[1]),
# s[0][-1] == "n" and NOUN or VERB)
# if len(s) == 3 and s[2] == "ROOT":
# IC[pos][0] = IC[pos].get(0,0) + w
# if w != 0:
# IC[pos][id] = w
# if w > IC_MAX:
# IC_MAX = w
# return IC.get(synset.pos, {}).get(, 0.0) / IC_MAX
### WORDNET3 TO WORDNET2 ###########################################################################
# Map WordNet3 synset id's to WordNet2 synset id's.
_map32_pos1 = {NN: "n", VB: "v", JJ: "a", RB: "r"}
_map32_pos2 = {"n": NN, "v": VB, "a": JJ, "s" : JJ, "r": RB}
_map32_cache = None
def map32(id, pos=NOUN):
""" Returns an (id, pos)-tuple with the WordNet2 synset id for the given WordNet3 synset id.
Returns None if no id was found.
global _map32_cache
if not _map32_cache:
_map32_cache = open(os.path.join(MODULE, "dict", "index.32"), encoding="latin-1").readlines()
_map32_cache = (x for x in _map32_cache if x[0] != ";") # comments
_map32_cache = dict(x.strip().split(" ") for x in _map32_cache)
k = pos in _map32_pos2 and pos or _map32_pos1.get(pos, "x")
k += str(id).lstrip("0")
k = _map32_cache.get(k, None)
if k is not None:
return int(k[1:]), _map32_pos2[k[0]]
return None
#### SENTIWORDNET ##################################################################################
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(MODULE, "..", ".."))
from pattern.text import Sentiment
class Sentiment(object):
class SentiWordNet(Sentiment):
def __init__(self, path=None, language="en"):
""" A sentiment lexicon with scores from SentiWordNet.
The value for each word is a tuple with values for
polarity (-1.0-1.0), subjectivity (0.0-1.0) and intensity (0.5-2.0).
Sentiment.__init__(self, path=path, language=language)
def load(self):
def synset(self, id, pos=ADJECTIVE):
if pos in _pattern2wordnet:
pos = _pattern2wordnet[pos]
s = wn._synset_from_pos_and_offset(pos, id)
lemma = s.lemma_names()[0]
return self[lemma]
return None
# Words are stored without diacritics,
# use wordnet.normalize(word).
def __getitem__(self, k):
synsets = list(swn.senti_synsets(k))
if synsets:
p, n = synsets[0].pos_score(), synsets[0].neg_score()
v = (float(p) - float(n), float(p) + float(n))
return v
return None
def assessments(self, words=[], negation=True):
raise NotImplementedError
def __call__(self, s, negation=True):
raise NotImplementedError
if not hasattr(Sentiment, "PLACEHOLDER"):
sentiwordnet = SentiWordNet()
sentiwordnet = None
# Backwards compatibility.
# Older code may be using pattern.en.wordnet.sentiment[w],
# which yields a (positive, negative, neutral)-tuple.
class sentiment(object):
def load(self, **kwargs):
def __getitem__(self, w):
p, s = sentiwordnet.get(w, (0.0, 0.0))
return p < 0 and (0.0, -p, 1.0 - s) or (p, 0.0, 1.0 - s)
def __contains__(self, w):
return w in sentiwordnet
sentiment = sentiment()
#print sentiwordnet["industry"] # (0.0, 0.0)
#print sentiwordnet["horrible"] # (-0.625, 0.625)
#print sentiwordnet.synset(synsets("horrible", pos="JJ")[0].id, pos="JJ")
#print synsets("horrible", pos="JJ")[0].weight