You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4259 lines
156 KiB

/*### PATTERN | CANVAS.JS ###########################################################################*/
// Copyright (c) 2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium
// Authors: Tom De Smedt <>
// License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt for details).
// Version: 1.4
// The NodeBox drawing API for the HTML5 <canvas> element.
// The commands are adopted from NodeBox for OpenGL (,
// including a (partial) port from nodebox.graphic.bezier,
// and
try { $; } catch(e) {
function $(x, y) {
return Array.copy(((y !== undefined)? y : document).querySelectorAll(x));
function attachEvent(element, name, f) {
/* Cross-browser attachEvent().
* Ensures that "this" inside the function f refers to the given element .
f = Function.closure(element, f);
if (element.addEventListener) {
element.addEventListener(name, f, false);
} else if (element.attachEvent) {
element.attachEvent("on"+name, f);
} else {
element["on"+name] = f;
element[name] = f; // So we can do, see widget().
Function.closure = function(parent, f) {
/* Returns the function f, where "this" inside the function refers to the given parent.
return function() { return f.apply(parent, arguments); };
window.width = function() {
return (window.innerWidth !== undefined)? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth;
window.height = function() {
return (window.innerHeight !== undefined)? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight;
/*--- ARRAY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// JavaScript Array object:
// var a = [1,2,3];
// 1 in [1,2,3] => true;
// [1,2,3].indexOf(1) => 0
// [1,2,3].push(4) => [1,2,3,4]
// [1,2,3].pop() => [1,2] 3
// [1,2,3].shift() => 1 [2,3]
// [1,2,3].concat([4,5,6]) => [1,2,3,4,5,6] copy
// [1,2,3].slice(1,2) => [2,3]
// [1,2,3].splice(1,0,11,12) => [1,11,12,2,3]
// [1,2,3].splice(1,2) => [1]
// [1,2,3].join(",") => "1,2,3"
// Additional array functions are invoked with Array.[function].
Array.instanceof = function(array) {
return === "[object Array]";
Array.get = function(array, index) {
return (index >= 0)? array[index] : array[array.length+index];
Array.index = function(array, v) {
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === v) return i; }
return -1;
Array.contains = function(array, v) {
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === v) return true; }
return false;
Array.find = function(array, match) {
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) { if (match(array[i])) return i; }
Array.sum = function(array) {
for (var i=0, sum=0; i < array.length; sum+=array[i++]){}; return sum;
Array.min = function(array, callback) {
callback = callback || function(x) { return x; }
var x = +Infinity;
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
x = Math.min(x, callback(array[i]));
return x;
Array.max = function(array, callback) {
callback = callback || function(x) { return x; }
var x = -Infinity;
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
x = Math.max(x, callback(array[i]));
return x;
}; = function(array, callback) {
/* Returns a new array with callback(value) for each value in the given array.
var a = [];
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
return a;
Array.filter = function(array, callback) {
/* Returns a new array with values for which callback(value)==true.
var a = [];
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (callback(array[i])) a.push(array[i]);
return a;
Array.enumerate = function(array, callback, that) {
/* Calls callback(index, value) for each value in the given array.
callback = Function.closure(that || this, callback);
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (callback(i, array[i]) == false) return;
Array.forEach = function(array, callback, that) {
/* Calls callback(value, index, array) for each value in the given array.
callback = Function.closure(that || this, callback);
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (callback(array[i]) == false, i, array) return;
Array.eq = function(array1, array2) {
/* Returns true if both arrays contain the same values.
if (!(array1 instanceof Array) ||
!(array2 instanceof Array) || array1.length != array2.length) {
return false;
for (var i=0; i < array1.length; i++) {
if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) return false;
return true;
Array.sorted = function(array, reverse, key) {
/* Returns a sorted copy of the given array.
if (key instanceof Function) {
var cmp = function(a, b) { return key(b) - key(a); }
} else {
var cmp = undefined
array = array.slice();
array = array.sort(cmp);
if (reverse) array = array.reverse();
return array;
Array.reversed = function(array) {
/* Returns a reversed copy of the given array.
array = array.slice();
array = array.reverse();
return array;
Array.unique = function (array) {
/* Returns a new array with unique items.
var a = array.slice();
for (var i=a.length-1; i > 0; --i) {
var v = a[i];
for (var j=i-1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (a[j] === v) a.splice(j, 1); i--;
return a;
Array.copy = function(array) {
/* Returns a shallow copy of the given array.
var a = [];
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i++) {
return a;
Array.choice = function(array) {
/* Returns a random value from the given array (undefined if empty).
return array[Math.round(Math.random() * (array.length-1))];
Array.shuffle = function(array) {
/* Randomly shuffles the values in the given array.
var n = array.length;
var i = n;
while (i--) {
var p = parseInt(Math.random() * n);
var x = array[i];
array[i] = array[p];
array[p] = x;
return array;
Array.shuffled = function(array) {
/* Returns a new array with randomly shuffled values.
return Array.shuffle(array.slice());
Array.range = function(i, j) {
/* Returns a new array with numeric values from i to j (not including j).
if (j === undefined) {
j = i;
i = 0;
var a = [];
for (var k=0; k<j-i; k++) {
a[k] = i + k;
return a;
Array.len = function(array) {
/* Returns the length of the given array.
return array.length;
// Since version 1.5:
var sum = Array.sum;
var map =;
var filter = Array.filter;
var enumerate = Array.enumerate;
var sorted = Array.sorted;
var reversed = Array.reversed;
var unique = Array.unique;
var shuffled = Array.shuffled;
var choice = Array.choice;
var range = Array.range;
var len = Array.len;
/*--- ARRAY EXTENSIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
if (Array.isArray === undefined) {
Array.isArray = Array.instanceof;
if (!Array.prototype.get) {
Array.prototype.get = function(i) {
return Array.get(this, i);
if (!Array.prototype.index) {
Array.prototype.index = function(v) {
return Array.index(this, v);
if (!Array.prototype.contains) {
Array.prototype.contains = function(v) {
return Array.contains(this, v);
if (!Array.prototype.find) {
Array.prototype.find = function(match) {
return Array.find(this, match);
if (!Array.prototype.min) {
Array.prototype.min = function(callback) {
return Array.min(this, callback);
if (!Array.prototype.max) {
Array.prototype.max = function(callback) {
return Array.max(this, callback);
if (! { = function(callback) {
return, callback);
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function(callback) {
return Array.filter(this, callback);
if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
Array.prototype.forEach = function(callback, that) {
return Array.forEach(this, callback, that);
if (!Array.prototype.eq) {
Array.prototype.eq = function(array) {
return Array.eq(this, array);
if (!Array.prototype.shuffle) {
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
return Array.shuffle(this);
/*--- BASE CLASS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// JavaScript class inheritance, John Resig, 2008 (
// var Person = Class.extend({
// init: function(name) {
// = name;
// }
// });
// var Employee = Person.extend({
// init: function(name, salary) {
// this._super(name); // Call Person.init().
// this.salary = salary;
// }
// });
// var e = new Employee("tom", 10);
(function() {
var initialized = false;
var has_super = /xyz/.test(function() { xyz; }) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/;
this.Class = function(){};
Class.extend = function(properties) {
// Instantiate base class (create the instance, don't run the init constructor).
var _super = this.prototype;
initialized = true; var p = new this();
initialized = false;
// Copy the properties onto the new prototype.
for (var k in properties) {
p[k] = typeof properties[k] == "function"
&& typeof _super[k] == "function"
&& has_super.test(properties[k]) ? (function(k, f) { return function() {
// If properties[k] is actually a method,
// add a _super() method (= same method but on the superclass).
var s, r;
s = this._super;
this._super = _super[k]; r = f.apply(this, arguments);
this._super = s;
return r;
})(k, properties[k]) : properties[k];
function Class() {
if (!initialized && this.init) {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
Class.constructor = Class;
Class.prototype = p;
// Make the class extendable.
Class.extend = arguments.callee;
return Class;
/*--- MATH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var PI = Math.PI;
Math.degrees = function(radians) {
return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
Math.radians = function(degrees) {
return degrees / 180 * Math.PI;
Math._round = Math.round;
Math.round = function(x, decimals) {
if (!decimals) {
return Math._round(x);
} else {
return Math._round(x * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals);
Math.mod = function(a, b) {
return ((a % b) + b) % b;
Math.sign = function(x) {
if (x < 0) return -1;
if (x > 0) return +1;
return 0;
Math.clamp = function(value, min, max) {
if (max > min) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max));
} else {
return Math.max(max, Math.min(value, min));
Math.normalize = function(value, min, max) {
return (value - min) / (max - min);
Math.sum = function(a) {
var n = 0;
for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) n += a[i];
return n;
}; = function(a, b) {
var m = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
var n = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) n += a[i] * b[i];
return n;
Math.mix = function(a, b, t) {
if (t < 0.0) return a;
if (t > 1.0) return b;
return a + (b-a)*t;
Math.lerp = Math.mix;
Math.smoothstep = function(a, b, x) {
if (x < a) return 0.0;
if (x >=b) return 1.0;
x = (x-a) / (b-a);
return x*x * (3-2*x);
Math.smoothrange = function(a, b, n) {
/* Returns an array of approximately n values v1, v2, ... vn,
* so that v1 <= a, and vn >= b, and all values are multiples of 1, 2, 5 and 10.
* For example: Math.smoothrange(1, 123) => [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140],
function _multiple(v, round) {
var e = Math.floor(Math.log(v) / Math.LN10); // exponent
var m = Math.pow(10, e); // magnitude
var f = v / m; // fraction
if (round) {
if (f < 1.5) return m * 1;
if (f < 3.0) return m * 2;
if (f < 7.0) return m * 5;
} else {
if (f <= 1.0) return m * 1;
if (f <= 2.0) return m * 2;
if (f <= 5.0) return m * 5;
return m * 10;
if (a === undefined && b === undefined) { a=0; b=1; }
if (a === undefined) { a=0; b=b; }
if (b === undefined) { a=0; b=a; }
if (n === undefined) { n=10; }
if (a === b) {
return [a];
var r = _multiple(b-a);
var t = _multiple(r / (n-1), true);
a = Math.floor(a/t) * t;
b = Math.ceil( b/t) * t;
var rng = [];
for (var i=0; i < (b-a) / t + 1; i++) {
rng.push(a + i*t);
return rng;
/*--- GEOMETRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var Point = Class.extend({
init: function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
copy: function() {
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
var Geometry = Class.extend({
angle: function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
/* Returns the angle between two points.
return Math.degrees(Math.atan2(y1-y0, x1-x0));
distance: function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
/* Returns the distance between two points.
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1-x0, 2) + Math.pow(y1-y0, 2));
coordinates: function(x0, y0, distance, angle) {
/* Returns the location of a point by rotating around origin (x0,y0).
var x1 = x0 + Math.cos(Math.radians(angle)) * distance;
var y1 = y0 + Math.sin(Math.radians(angle)) * distance;
return new Point(x1, y1);
rotate: function(x, y, x0, y0, angle) {
/* Returns the coordinates of (x,y) rotated clockwise around origin (x0,y0).
x -= x0;
y -= y0;
var a = Math.cos(Math.radians(angle));
var b = Math.sin(Math.radians(angle));
return new Point(
x*a - y*b + x0,
y*a + x*b + y0
reflect: function(x0, y0, x1, y1, d, a) {
// Returns the reflection of a point through origin (x0,y0).
if (d === undefined ) d = 1.0;
if (a === undefined) a = 180;
d *= this.distance(x0, y0, x1, y1);
a += this.angle(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return this.coordinates(x0, y0, d, a);
lerp: function(a, b, t) {
/* Returns the linear interpolation between a and b for time t between 0.0-1.0.
* For example: lerp(100, 200, 0.5) => 150.
if (t < 0.0) return a;
if (t > 1.0) return b;
return a + (b-a)*t;
smoothstep: function(a, b, x) {
/* Returns a smooth transition between 0.0 and 1.0 using Hermite interpolation (cubic spline),
* where x is a number between a and b. The return value will ease (slow down) as x nears a or b.
* For x smaller than a, returns 0.0. For x bigger than b, returns 1.0.
if (x < a) return 0.0;
if (x >=b) return 1.0;
x = (x-a) / (b-a);
return x*x * (3-2*x);
bounce: function(x) {
/* Returns a bouncing value between 0.0 and 1.0 (e.g. Mac OS X Dock) for a value between 0.0-1.0.
return Math.abs(Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (x+1) * (x+1)) * (1-x));
superformula: function(m, n1, n2, n3, phi) {
/* A generalization of the superellipse (Gielis, 2003).
* that can be used to describe many complex shapes and curves found in nature.
if (n1 == 0) return (0, 0);
var a = 1.0;
var b = 1.0;
var r = Math.pow(Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.cos(m * phi/4) / a), n2) +
Math.pow(Math.abs(Math.sin(m * phi/4) / b), n3), 1/n1);
if (Math.abs(r) == 0)
return (0, 0);
r = 1 / r;
return [r * Math.cos(phi), r * Math.sin(phi)];
lineIntersection: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, infinite) {
/* Determines the intersection point of two lines, or two finite line segments if infinite=False.
* When the lines do not intersect, returns null.
// Based on: P. Bourke, 1989,
if (infinite === undefined) infinite = false;
var ua = (x4-x3) * (y1-y3) - (y4-y3) * (x1-x3);
var ub = (x2-x1) * (y1-y3) - (y2-y1) * (x1-x3);
var d = (y4-y3) * (x2-x1) - (x4-x3) * (y2-y1);
// The lines are coincident if (ua == ub && ub == 0).
// The lines are parallel otherwise.
if (d == 0) return null;
ua /= d;
ub /= d;
// Intersection point is within both finite line segments?
if (!infinite && !(0 <= ua && ua <= 1 && 0 <= ub && ub <= 1)) return null;
return new Point(
x1 + ua * (x2-x1),
y1 + ua * (y2-y1)
pointInPolygon: function(points, x, y) {
/* Ray casting algorithm.
* Determines how many times a horizontal ray starting from the point
* intersects with the sides of the polygon.
* If it is an even number of times, the point is outside, if odd, inside.
* The algorithm does not always report correctly when the point is very close to the boundary.
* The polygon is passed as an array of Points.
// Based on: W. Randolph Franklin, 1970,
var odd = false;
var n = points.length;
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
var j = (i<n-1)? i+1 : 0;
var x0 = points[i].x;
var y0 = points[i].y;
var x1 = points[j].x;
var y1 = points[j].y;
if ((y0 < y && y1 >= y) || (y1 < y && y0 >= y)) {
if (x0 + (y-y0) / (y1-y0) * (x1-x0) < x) {
odd = !odd;
return odd;
Bounds: Class.extend({
init: function(x, y, width, height) {
/* Creates a bounding box.
* The bounding box is an untransformed rectangle that encompasses a shape or group of shapes.
if (width === undefined) width = Infinity;
if (height === undefined) height = Infinity;
// Normalize if width or height is negative:
if (width < 0) {
x+=width; width=-width;
if (height < 0) {
y+=height; height=-height;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width ;
this.height = height;
copy: function() {
return new Bounds(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
intersects: function(b) {
/* Return True if a part of the two bounds overlaps.
return Math.max(this.x, b.x) < Math.min(this.x + this.width, b.x + b.width)
&& Math.max(this.y, b.y) < Math.min(this.y + this.height, b.y + b.height);
intersection: function(b) {
/* Returns bounds that encompass the intersection of the two.
* If there is no overlap between the two, null is returned.
if (!this.intersects(b)) {
return null;
var mx = Math.max(this.x, b.x);
var my = Math.max(this.y, b.y);
return new Bounds(mx, my,
Math.min(this.x + this.width, b.x+b.width) - mx,
Math.min(this.y + this.height, b.y+b.height) - my
union: function(b) {
/* Returns bounds that encompass the union of the two.
var mx = Math.min(this.x, b.x);
var my = Math.min(this.y, b.y);
return new Bounds(mx, my,
Math.max(this.x + this.width, b.x+b.width) - mx,
Math.max(this.y + this.height, b.y+b.height) - my
contains: function(pt) {
/* Returns True if the given point or rectangle falls within the bounds.
if (pt instanceof Point) {
return pt.x >= this.x && pt.x <= this.x + this.width
&& pt.y >= this.y && pt.y <= this.y + this.height
if (pt instanceof Bounds) {
return pt.x >= this.x && pt.x + pt.width <= this.x + this.width
&& pt.y >= this.y && pt.y + pt.height <= this.y + this.height
var geometry = new Geometry();
var geo = geometry;
Math.angle = geometry.angle;
Math.distance = geometry.distance;
Math.coordinates = geometry.coordinates;
/*--- COLOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var RGB = "RGB";
var HSB = "HSB";
var HCL = "HCL";
var HEX = "HEX";
var Color = Class.extend({
// init: function(r, g, b, a, {base: 1.0, colorspace: RGB})
init: function(r, g, b, a, options) {
/* A color with R,G,B,A channels, with channel values ranging between 0.0-1.0.
* Either takes four parameters (R,G,B,A), three parameters (R,G,B),
* two parameters (grayscale and alpha) or one parameter (grayscale or Color object).
* An optional {base: 1.0, colorspace: RGB} can be used with four parameters.
var base = options && options.base || 1.0;
var colorspace = options && options.colorspace || RGB;
// One value, a hexadecimal string.
if (r && r.match && r.match(/^#/)) {
colorspace = HEX;
// One value, another color object.
} else if (r instanceof Color) {
g=r.g; b=r.b; a=r.a; r=r.r;
// One value, array with R,G,B,A values.
} else if (r instanceof Array) {
g=r[1]; b=r[2]; a=r[3] !== undefined ? r[3] : 1; r=r[0];
// No value or null, transparent black.
} else if (r === undefined || r == null) {
r=0; g=0; b=0; a=0;
// One value, grayscale.
} else if (g === undefined || g == null) {
a=1; g=r; b=r;
// Two values, grayscale and alpha.
} else if (b === undefined || b == null) {
a=g; g=r; b=r;
// R, G and B.
} else if (a === undefined || a == null) {
// Transform to base 1.
if (base != 1) {
r /= base;
g /= base;
b /= base;
a /= base;
// Transform to base (0.0-1.0).
if (colorspace != HEX) {
r = (r < 0)? 0 : (r > 1)? 1 : r;
g = (g < 0)? 0 : (g > 1)? 1 : g;
b = (b < 0)? 0 : (b > 1)? 1 : b;
a = (a < 0)? 0 : (a > 1)? 1 : a;
// Transform to RGB.
if (colorspace != RGB) {
if (colorspace == HEX) {
var rgb = _hex2rgb(r); r=rgb[0]; g=rgb[1]; b=rgb[2]; a=1;
if (colorspace == HSB) {
var rgb = _hsb2rgb(r, g, b); r=rgb[0]; g=rgb[1]; b=rgb[2];
if (colorspace == HCL) {
var rgb = _hcl2rgb(r, g, b); r=rgb[0]; g=rgb[1]; b=rgb[2];
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
rgb: function() {
return [this.r, this.g, this.b];
rgba: function() {
return [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a];
_get: function() {
var r = Math.round(this.r * 255);
var g = Math.round(this.g * 255);
var b = Math.round(this.b * 255);
return "rgba("+r+", "+g+", "+b+", "+this.a+")";
copy: function() {
return new Color(this);
map: function(options) {
/* Returns array [R,G,B,A] mapped to the given base,
* e.g. 0-255 instead of 0.0-1.0 which is useful for setting image pixels.
* Other values than RGBA can be obtained by setting the colorspace (RGB/HSB/HEX).
var base = options && options.base || 1.0;
var colorspace = options && options.colorspace || RGB;
var r = this.r;
var g = this.g;
var b = this.b;
var a = this.a;
if (colorspace == HEX) {
return _rgb2hex(r, g, b);
if (colorspace == HSB) {
hsb = _rgb2hsb(r, g, b); r=hsb[0]; g=hsb[1]; b=hsb[2];
if (colorspace == HCL) {
hcl = _rgb2hcl(r, g, b); r=hcl[0]; g=hcl[1]; b=hcl[2];
if (colorspace == "premultiplied") {
rgb = _rgba2rgb(r, g, b, a); r=rgb[0]; g=rgb[1]; b=rgb[2]; a=1;
if (base != 1) {
return [r * base, g * base, b * base, a * base];
return [r, g, b, a];
rotate: function(angle) {
/* Returns a new color with it's hue rotated on the RYB color wheel.
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(this.r, this.g, this.b);
var hsb = _rotateRYB(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2], angle);
return new Color(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2], this.a, {"colorspace": HSB});
adjust: function(options) {
/* Returns a new color transformed in HSB colorspace.
* Hue is added, saturation and brightness are multiplied.
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(this.r, this.g, this.b);
hsb[0] += options.hue || 0;
hsb[1] *= options.saturation || 1;
hsb[2] *= options.brightness || 1;
return new Color(Math.mod(hsb[0], 1), hsb[1], hsb[2], this.a, {"colorspace": HSB});
function rgb(r, g, b) {
/* Returns a new Color from R, G, B values (0-255).
return new Color(r, g, b, 1 * 255, {"base": 255, "colorspace": RGB});
function rgba(r, g, b, a) {
/* Returns a new Color from R, G, B values (0-255) and alpha (0.0-1.0).
return new Color(r, g, b, a * 255, {"base": 255, "colorspace": RGB});
function color(r, g, b, a, options) {
/* Returns a new Color from R, G, B, A values (0.0-1.0).
return new Color(r, g, b, a, options);
function background(r, g, b, a) {
/* Sets the current background color.
if (r !== undefined) {
var tf = _ctx.currentTransform;
_ctx.state.background = (r instanceof Color)? new Color(r) : new Color(r, g, b, a);
_ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // Identity matrix.
_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _ctx._canvas.width, _ctx._canvas.height);
_ctx.currenTransform = tf;
return _ctx.state.background;
function fill(r, g, b, a) {
/* Sets the current fill color for drawing primitives and paths.
if (r !== undefined) {
_ctx.state.fill = (r instanceof Color || r instanceof Gradient)? r.copy() : new Color(r, g, b, a);
return _ctx.state.fill;
function stroke(r, g, b, a) {
/* Sets the current stroke color.
if (r !== undefined) {
_ctx.state.stroke = (r instanceof Color)? r.copy() : new Color(r, g, b, a);
return _ctx.state.stroke;
function nofill() {
/* No current fill color.
_ctx.state.fill = null;
function nostroke() {
/* No current stroke color.
_ctx.state.stroke = null;
function strokewidth(width) {
/* Sets the outline stroke width.
if (width !== undefined) {
_ctx.state.strokewidth = width;
return _ctx.state.strokewidth;
var SOLID = "solid";
var DOTTED = "dotted";
var DASHED = "dashed";
function strokestyle(style) {
/* Sets the outline stroke style.
if (style !== undefined) {
_ctx.state.strokestyle = style;
return _ctx.state.strokestyle;
var BUTT = "butt";
var ROUND = "round";
var SQUARE = "square";
function linecap(cap) {
/* Sets the outline line caps style.
if (cap !== undefined) {
_ctx.state.linecap = cap;
return _ctx.state.linecap;
var noFill = nofill;
var noStroke = nostroke;
var strokeWidth = strokewidth;
var strokeStyle = strokestyle;
var lineCap = linecap;
// fill() and stroke() are heavy operations:
// - they are called often,
// - they copy a Color object,
// - they change the state.
// This is the main reason that scripts will run (in overall) 2-8 fps slower than in processing.js.
/*--- COLOR SPACE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Transformations between RGB, HSB, XYZ, LAB, LCH, HEX color spaces.
// Based on:
function _rgb2hex(r, g, b) {
/* Returns a hexadecimal color string from the given R,G,B values.
parseHex = function(i) {
var s = "00";
s = (i != 0)? i.toString(16).toUpperCase() : s;
s = (s.length < 2)? "0" + s : s;
return s;
return "#"
+ parseHex(Math.round(r * 255))
+ parseHex(Math.round(g * 255))
+ parseHex(Math.round(b * 255));
function _hex2rgb(hex) {
/* Returns an array [R,G,B] (0.0-1.0) from the given hexadecimal color string.
hex = hex.replace(/^#/, "");
if (hex.length < 6) { // hex += hex[-1] * (6-hex.length);
hex += (new Array(6-hex.length)).join(hex.substr(hex.length-1));
var r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255;
var g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255;
var b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255;
return [r, g, b];
function _rgb2hsb(r, g, b) {
/* Returns an array [H,S,B] (0.0-1.0) from the given R,G,B values.
var h = 0;
var s = 0;
var v = Math.max(r, g, b);
var d = v - Math.min(r, g, b);
if (v != 0) {
s = d / v;
if (s != 0) {
if (r == v) { h = 0 + (g-b) / d; }
else if (g == v) { h = 2 + (b-r) / d; }
else { h = 4 + (r-g) / d; }
h = Math.mod(h / 6.0, 1);
return [h, s, v];
function _hsb2rgb(h, s, v) {
/* Returns an array [R,G,B] (0.0-1.0) from the given H,S,B values.
if (s == 0) {
return [v, v, v];
h = Math.mod(h, 1) * 6.0;
var i = Math.floor(h);
var f = h - i;
var x = v * (1-s);
var y = v * (1-s * f);
var z = v * (1-s * (1-f));
if (i > 4) {
return [v, x, y];
return [[v,z,x], [y,v,x], [x,v,z], [x,y,v], [z,x,v]][parseInt(i)];
function _rgb2xyz(r, g, b) {
/* Returns an array [X,Y,Z] (0-95.047, 0-100, 0-108.883) from the given R,G,B values.
r = ((r > 0.04045)? Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : r / 12.92) * 100;
g = ((g > 0.04045)? Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : g / 12.92) * 100;
b = ((b > 0.04045)? Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) : b / 12.92) * 100;
// Observer = 2°, Illuminant = D65.
var x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805;
var y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722;
var z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505;
return [x, y, z];
function _xyz2rgb(x, y, z) {
/* Returns an array [R,G,B] (0.0-1.0) from the given X,Y,Z values.
x /= 100;
y /= 100;
z /= 100;
var r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986;
var g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415;
var b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.2040 + z * 1.0570;
r = (r > 0.0031308)? 1.055 * Math.pow(r, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : 12.92 * r;
g = (g > 0.0031308)? 1.055 * Math.pow(g, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : 12.92 * g;
b = (b > 0.0031308)? 1.055 * Math.pow(b, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : 12.92 * b;
return [r, g, b];
function _xyz2lab(x, y, z) {
/* Returns an array [L,a,b] (0.0-1.0) from the given X,Y,Z values.
// Observer = 2°, Illuminant = D65.
x /= 95.047;
y /= 100.000;
z /= 108.883;
x = (x > 0.008856)? Math.pow(x, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * x + (16 / 116);
y = (y > 0.008856)? Math.pow(y, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * y + (16 / 116);
z = (z > 0.008856)? Math.pow(z, 1 / 3) : 7.787 * z + (16 / 116);
var l = 116 * y - 16;
var a = 500 * (x - y);
var b = 200 * (y - z);
return [l, a, b];
function _lab2xyz(l, a, b) {
/* Returns an array [X,Y,Z] (0-95.047, 0-100, 0-108.883) from the given L,a,b values.
var y = (l + 16 ) / 116;
var x = a / 500 + y;
var z = y - b / 200;
x = (Math.pow(x, 3) > 0.008856)? Math.pow(x, 3) : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
y = (Math.pow(y, 3) > 0.008856)? Math.pow(y, 3) : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
z = (Math.pow(z, 3) > 0.008856)? Math.pow(z, 3) : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787;
// Observer = 2°, Illuminant = D65.
x *= 95.047;
y *= 100.000;
z *= 108.883;
return [x, y, z];
function _lab2lch(l, a, b) {
/* Returns an array [L,C,H] (0.0-1.0) from the given L,a,b values.
var h = Math.atan2(b, a);
h = (h > 0)? h / Math.PI * 180 : 360 - Math.abs(h) / Math.PI * 180;
c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
return [l, c, h];
function _lch2lab(l, c, h) {
/* Returns an array [L,a,b] (0.0-1.0) from the given L,C,H values.
h = h / 180 * Math.PI;
var a = Math.cos(h) * c;
var b = Math.sin(h) * c;
return [l, a, b];
function _rgb2hcl(r, g, b) {
/* Returns an array [H,C,L] (0.0-1.0) from the given R,G,B values.
var xyz = _rgb2xyz(r, g, b);
var lab = _xyz2lab(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
var lch = _lab2lch(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2]);
lch[0] /= 100;
lch[1] /= 100;
lch[2] /= 360;
return [lch[2], lch[1], lch[0]];
function _hcl2rgb(h, c, l) {
/* Returns an array [R,G,B] (0.0-1.0) from the given H,C,L values.
h *= 360;
c *= 100;
l *= 100;
var lab = _lch2lab(l, c, h);
var xyz = _lab2xyz(lab[0], lab[1], lab[2]);
return _xyz2rgb(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
function _rgba2rgb(r, g, b, a, blend) {
/* Returns an array [R,G,B,1] (0.0-1.0) from the given R,G,B,A values.
blend = blend || [1,1,1];
r = r * a + (1 - a) * blend[0];
g = g * a + (1 - a) * blend[1];
b = b * a + (1 - a) * blend[2];
a = 1;
return [r, g, b, a];
function darker(clr, step) {
/* Returns a copy of the color with a darker brightness.
if (step === undefined) step = 0.2;
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
var rgb = _hsb2rgb(hsb[0], hsb[1], Math.max(0, hsb[2] - step));
return new Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], clr.a);
function lighter(clr, step) {
/* Returns a copy of the color with a lighter brightness.
if (step === undefined) step = 0.2;
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
var rgb = _hsb2rgb(hsb[0], hsb[1], Math.min(1, hsb[2] + step));
return new Color(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], clr.a);
var darken = darker;
var lighten = lighter;
/*--- COLOR INTERPOLATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function colors(colors, k, colorspace) {
/* Returns a new array with k colors,
by calculating intermediary colors in the given colorspace (by default, HCL).
if (k === undefined) k = 100;
if (colorspace === undefined) colorspace = HCL;
var a =, function(clr) { return{colorspace: colorspace}); });
var b = [];
var x, y, t, n = a.length - 1;
for (var i=0; i < k-1; i++) {
x = Math.min(Math.floor(i / k * n), n);
y = Math.min(x + 1, n);
t = (i - x * k / n) / (k / n);
b.push(new Color(
Math.lerp(a[x][0], a[y][0], t),
Math.lerp(a[x][1], a[y][1], t),
Math.lerp(a[x][2], a[y][2], t),
Math.lerp(a[x][3], a[y][3], t), {colorspace: colorspace}
if (k > 0) {
b.push(new Color(a[n][0], a[n][1], a[n][2], a[n][3], {colorspace: colorspace}));
return b;
/*--- COLOR ROTATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Approximation of the RYB color wheel.
// In HSB, colors hues range from 0 to 360,
// but on the color wheel these values are not evenly distributed.
// The second tuple value contains the actual value on the wheel (angle).
[ 0, 0], [ 15, 8], [ 30, 17], [ 45, 26],
[ 60, 34], [ 75, 41], [ 90, 48], [105, 54],
[120, 60], [135, 81], [150, 103], [165, 123],
[180, 138], [195, 155], [210, 171], [225, 187],
[240, 204], [255, 219], [270, 234], [285, 251],
[300, 267], [315, 282], [330, 298], [345, 329], [360, 360]
function _rotateRYB(h, s, b, angle) {
/* Rotates the given H,S,B color (0.0-1.0) on the RYB color wheel.
* The RYB colorwheel is not mathematically precise,
* but focuses on aesthetically pleasing complementary colors.
if (angle === undefined) angle = 180;
h = Math.mod(h * 360, 360);
// Find the location (angle) of the hue on the RYB color wheel.
var x0, y0, x1, y1, a;
var wheel = _COLORWHEEL;
for (var i=0; i < wheel.length-1; i++) {
x0 = wheel[i][0]; x1 = wheel[i+1][0];
y0 = wheel[i][1]; y1 = wheel[i+1][1];
if (y0 <= h && h <= y1) {
a = Math.lerp(x0, x1, (h-y0) / (y1-y0));
// Rotate the angle and retrieve the hue.
a = Math.mod(a + angle, 360);
for (var i=0; i < wheel.length-1; i++) {
x0 = wheel[i][0]; x1 = wheel[i+1][0];
y0 = wheel[i][1]; y1 = wheel[i+1][1];
if (x0 <= a && a <= x1) {
h = Math.lerp(y0, y1, (a-x0) / (x1-x0));
return [h/360.0, s, b];
function complement(clr) {
/* Returns the color opposite on the color wheel.
* The complementary color contrasts with the given color.
return clr.rotate(180);
function analog(clr, angle, d) {
/* Returns a random adjacent color on the color wheel.
* Analogous color schemes can often be found in nature.
if (angle === undefined) angle = 20;
if (d === undefined) d = 0.1;
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(clr.r, clr.g, clr.b);
var hsb = _rotateRYB(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2], Math.random() * 2 * angle - angle);
hsb[1] *= 1 - Math.random()*2*d-d;
hsb[2] *= 1 - Math.random()*2*d-d;
return new Color(hsb[0], hsb[1], hsb[2], clr.a, {"colorspace":HSB});
/*--- COLOR MIXIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Drawing commands like rect() have optional parameters fill and stroke to set the color directly.
// function _colorMixin({fill: Color(), stroke: Color(), strokewidth: 1.0, strokestyle: SOLID})
function _colorMixin(options) {
var s = _ctx.state;
var o = options;
if (o === undefined) {
return [s.fill, s.stroke, s.strokewidth, s.strokestyle, s.linecap];
} else {
return [
(o.fill !== undefined)?
(o.fill instanceof Color || o.fill instanceof Gradient)?
o.fill : new Color(o.fill) : s.fill,
(o.stroke !== undefined)?
(o.stroke instanceof Color)?
o.stroke : new Color(o.stroke) : s.stroke,
(o.strokewidth !== undefined)? o.strokewidth :
(o.strokeWidth !== undefined)? o.strokeWidth : s.strokewidth,
(o.strokestyle !== undefined)? o.strokestyle :
(o.strokeStyle !== undefined)? o.strokeStyle : s.strokestyle,
(o.linecap !== undefined)? o.linecap :
(o.lineCap !== undefined)? o.lineCap : s.linecap
// Wrappers for _ctx.fill() and _ctx.stroke(), only calling them when necessary.
function _ctx_fill(fill) {
if (fill && (fill.a > 0 || fill.clr1)) {
// Ignore transparent colors.
// Avoid switching _ctx.fillStyle() - we can gain up to 5fps:
var f = fill._get();
if (_ctx.state._fill != f) {
_ctx.fillStyle = _ctx.state._fill = f;
function _ctx_stroke(stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle, linecap) {
if (stroke && stroke.a > 0 && strokewidth > 0) {
var s = stroke._get();
if (_ctx.state._stroke != s) {
_ctx.strokeStyle = _ctx.state._stroke = s;
if (_ctx.state._strokestyle != strokestyle && _ctx.setLineDash) {
_ctx.state._strokestyle = strokestyle;
switch(strokestyle) {
case DOTTED: _ctx.setLineDash([1,3]); break;
case DASHED: _ctx.setLineDash([3,3]); break;
default: _ctx.setLineDash([]);
_ctx.lineWidth = strokewidth;
_ctx.lineCap = linecap;
/*--- GRADIENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var LINEAR = "linear";
var RADIAL = "radial";
var Gradient = Class.extend({
// init: function(clr1, clr2, {type: LINEAR, x: 0, y: 0, spread: 100, angle: 0})
init: function(clr1, clr2, options) {
/* A gradient with two colors.
var o = options || {};
if (clr1 instanceof Gradient) {
// One parameter, another gradient object.
var g = clr1;
clr1 = g.clr1.copy();
clr2 = g.clr2.copy();
o = {type: g.type, x: g.x, y: g.y, spread: g.spread, angle: g.angle};
this.clr1 = (clr1 instanceof Color)? clr1 : new Color(clr1);
this.clr2 = (clr2 instanceof Color)? clr2 : new Color(clr2);
this.type = o.type || LINEAR;
this.x = o.x || 0;
this.y = o.y || 0;
this.a = 1.0; // Shapes will only be drawn if color or gradient has alpha > 1.0.
this.spread = Math.max((o.spread !== undefined)? o.spread : 100, 0);
this.angle = o.angle || 0;
_get: function(dx, dy) {
// See also Path.draw() for dx and dy:
// we use the first MOVETO of the path to make the gradient location relative.
var x = this.x + (dx || 0);
var y = this.y + (dy || 0);
if (this.type == LINEAR) {
var p = geometry.coordinates(x, y, this.spread, this.angle);
var g = _ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, p.x, p.y);
if (this.type == RADIAL) {
var g = _ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, this.spread);
g.addColorStop(0.0, this.clr1._get());
g.addColorStop(1.0, this.clr2._get());
return g;
copy: function() {
return new Gradient(this);
function gradient(clr1, clr2, options) {
return new Gradient(clr1, clr2, options);
/*--- SHADOW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function shadow(dx, dy, blur, alpha) {
/* Sets the current dropshadow, used with all subsequent shapes.
var s = _ctx.state;
s.shadow = {
"dx": (dx !== undefined)? dx : 5,
"dy": (dy !== undefined)? dy : 5,
"blur": (blur !== undefined)? blur : 5,
"alpha": (alpha !== undefined)? alpha : 0.5
_ctx.shadowOffsetX = s.shadow.dx;
_ctx.shadowOffsetY = s.shadow.dy;
_ctx.shadowBlur = s.shadow.blur;
_ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0," + s.shadow.alpha + ")";
return s.shadow;
function noshadow() {
_ctx.state.shadow = null;
_ctx.shadowColor = "transparent";
var noShadow = noshadow;
/*--- AFFINE TRANSFORM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Based on: T. McCauley, 2009,
var AffineTransform = Transform = Class.extend({
init: function(transform) {
/* A geometric transformation in Euclidean space (i.e. 2D)
* that preserves collinearity and ratio of distance between points.
* Linear transformations include rotation, translation, scaling, shear.
if (transform instanceof AffineTransform) {
this.matrix = transform.matrix.copy();
} else {
this.matrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]; // Identity matrix.
copy: function() {
return new AffineTransform(this);
prepend: function(transform) {
this.matrix = this._mmult(this.matrix, transform.matrix);
append: function(transform) {
this.matrix = this._mmult(transform.matrix, this.matrix);
_mmult: function(a, b) {
/* Returns the 3x3 matrix multiplication of A and B.
* Note that scale(), translate(), rotate() work with premultiplication,
* e.g. the matrix A followed by B = BA and not AB.
return [
a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[3],
a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[4], 0,
a[3] * b[0] + a[4] * b[3],
a[3] * b[1] + a[4] * b[4], 0,
a[6] * b[0] + a[7] * b[3] + b[6],
a[6] * b[1] + a[7] * b[4] + b[7], 1
invert: function() {
/* Multiplying a matrix by its inverse produces the identity matrix.
var m = this.matrix;
var d = m[0] * m[4] - m[1] * m[3];
this.matrix = [
m[4] / d,
-m[1] / d, 0,
-m[3] / d,
m[0] / d, 0,
(m[3] * m[7] - m[4] * m[6]) / d,
-(m[0] * m[7] - m[1] * m[6]) / d, 1
inverse: function() {
var m = this.copy(); m.invert(); return m;
scale: function(x, y) {
if (y === undefined) y = x;
this.matrix = this._mmult([x, 0, 0, 0, y, 0, 0, 0, 1], this.matrix);
translate: function(x, y) {
this.matrix = this._mmult([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, x, y, 1], this.matrix);
rotate: function(angle) {
var c = Math.cos(Math.radians(angle));
var s = Math.sin(Math.radians(angle));
this.matrix = this._mmult([c, s, 0, -s, c, 0, 0, 0, 1], this.matrix);
rotation: function() {
return Math.mod(Math.degrees(Math.atan2(this.matrix[1], this.matrix[0])) + 360, 360);
apply: function(x, y) {
return this.transform_point(x, y);
transform_point: function(x, y) {
/* Returns the new coordinates of the given point (x,y) after transformation.
if (y === undefined) { y=x.y; x=x.x; } // One parameter, Point object.
var m = this.matrix;
return new Point(
x * m[0] + y * m[3] + m[6],
x * m[1] + y * m[4] + m[7]
transform_path: function(path) {
/* Returns a Path object with the transformation applied.
var p = new Path();
for (var i=0; i < path.array.length; i++) {
var pt = path.array[i];
if (pt.cmd == CLOSE) {
} else if (pt.cmd == MOVETO) {
pt = this.apply(pt);
p.moveto(pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (pt.cmd == LINETO) {
pt = this.apply(pt);
p.lineto(pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (pt.cmd == CURVETO) {
var ctrl1 = this.apply(pt.ctrl1);
var ctrl2 = this.apply(pt.ctrl2);
pt = this.apply(pt);
p.curveto(ctrl1.x, ctrl1.y, ctrl2.x, ctrl2.y, pt.x, pt.y);
return p;
transformPoint: function(x, y) {
return this.transform_point(x, y);
transformPath: function(path) {
return this.transform_path(path);
transform: function(path_x, y) {
return (path_x instanceof Path)?
this.transform_path(path_x) :
this.transform_point(path_x, y);
map: function(points) {
return, function(pt) {
if (pt instanceof Array) {
return this.apply(pt[0], pt[1]);
} else {
return this.apply(pt.x, pt.y);
/*--- TRANSFORMATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function push() {
/* Pushes the transformation state.
* Subsequent transformations (translate, rotate, scale) remain in effect until pop() is called.
function pop() {
/* Pops the transformation state.
* This reverts the transformation to before the last push().
// Do not reset the color state:
if (_ctx.state._fill) {
_ctx.fillStyle = _ctx.state._fill;
if (_ctx.state._stroke) {
_ctx.strokeStyle = _ctx.state._stroke;
function translate(x, y) {
/* By default, the origin of the layer or canvas is at the bottom left.
* This origin point will be moved by (x,y) pixels.
_ctx.translate(x, y);
function rotate(degrees) {
/* Rotates the transformation state, i.e. all subsequent drawing primitives are rotated.
* Rotations work incrementally:
* calling rotate(60) and rotate(30) sets the current rotation to 90.
_ctx.rotate(degrees / 180 * Math.PI);
function scale(x, y) {
/* Scales the transformation state.
if (y === undefined) y = x;
_ctx.scale(x, y);
function reset() {
/* Resets the transform state of the canvas.
/*--- BEZIER MATH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Thanks to Prof. F. De Smedt at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2006.
var Bezier = Class.extend({
linePoint: function(t, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
/* Returns coordinates for the point at t (0.0-1.0) on the line.
return [
x0 + t * (x1-x0),
y0 + t * (y1-y0)
lineLength: function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
/* Returns the length of the line.
var a = Math.pow(Math.abs(x0-x1), 2);
var b = Math.pow(Math.abs(y0-y1), 2);
return Math.sqrt(a + b);
curvePoint: function(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, handles) {
/* Returns coordinates for the point at t (0.0-1.0) on the curve
* (de Casteljau interpolation algorithm).
var dt = 1 - t;
var x01 = x0*dt + x1*t;
var y01 = y0*dt + y1*t;
var x12 = x1*dt + x2*t;
var y12 = y1*dt + y2*t;
var x23 = x2*dt + x3*t;
var y23 = y2*dt + y3*t;
var h1x = x01*dt + x12*t;
var h1y = y01*dt + y12*t;
var h2x = x12*dt + x23*t;
var h2y = y12*dt + y23*t;
var x = h1x*dt + h2x*t;
var y = h1y*dt + h2y*t;
if (!handles) {
return [x, y, h1x, h1y, h2x, h2y];
} else {
// Include the new handles of pt0 and pt3 (see Bezier.insert_point()).
return [x, y, h1x, h1y, h2x, h2y, x01, y01, x23, y23];
curvelength: function(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, n) {
/* Returns the length of the curve.
* Integrates the estimated length of the cubic bezier spline defined by x0, y0, ... x3, y3,
* by adding up the length of n linear lines along the curve.
if (n === undefined) n = 20;
var length = 0;
var xi = x0;
var yi = y0;
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
var t = (i+1) / n;
var pt = this.curvePoint(t, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
length += Math.sqrt(
Math.pow(Math.abs(xi-pt[0]), 2) +
Math.pow(Math.abs(yi-pt[1]), 2)
xi = pt[0];
yi = pt[1];
return length;
segmentLengths: function(path, relative, n) {
/* Returns an array with the length of each segment in the path.
* With relative=true, the total length of all segments is 1.0.
if (n === undefined) n = 20;
var lengths = [];
for (var i=0; i < path.array.length; i++) {
var pt = path.array[i];
if (i == 0) {
var close_x = pt.x;
var close_y = pt.y;
} else if (pt.cmd == MOVETO) {
var close_x = pt.x;
var close_y = pt.y;
} else if (pt.cmd == CLOSE) {
lengths.push(this.lineLength(x0, y0, close_x, close_y));
} else if (pt.cmd == LINETO) {
lengths.push(this.lineLength(x0, y0, pt.x, pt.y));
} else if (pt.cmd == CURVETO) {
lengths.push(this.curvelength(x0, y0, pt.ctrl1.x, pt.ctrl1.y, pt.ctrl2.x, pt.ctrl2.y, pt.x, pt.y, n));
if (pt.cmd != CLOSE) {
var x0 = pt.x;
var y0 = pt.y;
if (relative == true) {
var s = Array.sum(lengths);
if (s > 0) {
return, function(v) { return v/s; });
} else {
return, function(v) { return 0.0; });
return lengths;
length: function(path, segmented, n) {
/* Returns the approximate length of the path.
* Calculates the length of each curve in the path using n linear samples.
* With segmented=true, returns an array with the relative length of each segment (sum=1.0).
if (n === undefined) n = 20;
if (!segmented) {
return sum(this.segmentLengths(path, false, n));
} else {
return this.segmentLengths(path, true, n);
_locate : function(path, t, segments) {
/* For a given relative t on the path (0.0-1.0), returns an array [index, t, PathElement],
* with the index of the PathElement before t,
* the absolute time on this segment,
* the last MOVETO or any subsequent CLOSETO after i.
// Note: during iteration, supplying segmentLengths() yourself is 30x faster.
if (segments === undefined) segments = this.segmentLengths(path, true);
for (var i=0; i < path.array.length; i++) {
var pt = path.array[i];
if (i == 0 || pt.cmd == MOVETO) {
var closeto = new Point(pt.x, pt.y);
if (t <= segments[i] || i == segments.length-1) {
t -= segments[i];
if (segments[i] != 0) t /= segments[i];
if (i == segments.length-1 && segments[i] == 0) i -= 1;
return [i, t, closeto];
point: function(path, t, segments) {
/* Returns the DynamicPathElement at time t on the path.
* Note: in PathElement, ctrl1 is how the curve started, and ctrl2 how it arrives in this point.
* Here, ctrl1 is how the curve arrives, and ctrl2 how it continues to the next point.
var _, i, closeto; _=this._locate(path, t, segments); i=_[0]; t=_[1]; closeto=_[2];
var x0 = path.array[i].x;
var y0 = path.array[i].y;
var pt = path.array[i+1];
if (pt.cmd == LINETO || pt.cmd == CLOSE) {
var _pt = (pt.cmd == CLOSE)?
this.linePoint(t, x0, y0, closeto.x, closeto.y) :
this.linePoint(t, x0, y0, pt.x, pt.y);
pt = new DynamicPathElement(_pt[0], _pt[1], LINETO);
pt.ctrl1 = new Point(pt.x, pt.y);
pt.ctrl2 = new Point(pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (pt.cmd == CURVETO) {
var _pt = this.curvePoint(t, x0, y0, pt.ctrl1.x, pt.ctrl1.y, pt.ctrl2.x, pt.ctrl2.y, pt.x, pt.y);
pt = new DynamicPathElement(_pt[0], _pt[1], CURVETO);
pt.ctrl1 = new Point(_pt[2], _pt[3]);
pt.ctrl2 = new Point(_pt[4], _pt[5]);
return pt;
findPath: function(points, curvature) {
/* Returns a smooth Path from the given list of points.
if (curvature === undefined) curvature = 1.0;
// Don't crash on something straightforward such as a list of [x,y]-arrays.
if (points instanceof Path) {
points = points.array;
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (points[i] instanceof Array) {
points[i] = new Point(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
var path = new Path();
// No points: return nothing.
// One point: return a path with a single MOVETO-point.
// Two points: return a path with a single straight line.
if (points.length == 0) {
return null;
if (points.length == 1) {
path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y);
return path;
if (points.length == 2) {
path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y);
path.lineto(points[1].x, points[1].y);
return path;
// Zero curvature means path with straight lines.
if (curvature <= 0) {
path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y)
for (var i=1; i < points.length; i++) {
path.lineto(points[i].x, points[i].y);
return path;
// Construct the path with curves.
curvature = Math.min(1.0, curvature);
curvature = 4 + (1.0 - curvature) * 40;
// The first point's ctrl1 and ctrl2 and last point's ctrl2
// will be the same as that point's location;
// we cannot infer how the path curvature started or will continue.
var dx = {0: 0}; dx[points.length-1] = 0;
var dy = {0: 0}; dy[points.length-1] = 0;
var bi = {1: 1 / curvature};
var ax = {1: (points[2].x - points[0].x - dx[0]) * bi[1]};
var ay = {1: (points[2].y - points[0].y - dy[0]) * bi[1]};
for (var i=2; i < points.length-1; i++) {
bi[i] = -1 / (curvature + bi[i-1]);
ax[i] = -(points[i+1].x - points[i-1].x - ax[i-1]) * bi[i];
ay[i] = -(points[i+1].y - points[i-1].y - ay[i-1]) * bi[i];
var r = Array.reversed(Array.range(1, points.length-1));
for (var i=points.length-2; i > 0; i--) {
dx[i] = ax[i] + dx[i+1] * bi[i];
dy[i] = ay[i] + dy[i+1] * bi[i];
path.moveto(points[0].x, points[0].y);
for (var i=0; i < points.length-1; i++) {
points[i].x + dx[i],
points[i].y + dy[i],
points[i+1].x - dx[i+1],
points[i+1].y - dy[i+1],
return path;
arc: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, angle, extent) {
/* Returns a list of [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4] coordinates,
* each a curve from (x1, x1) to (x4, y4) with (x2, y2) and (x3, y3)
* as their respective Bezier control points.
angle = -angle; extent = -extent; // clockwise
var bounds = [x1, y1, x2, y2];
x1 = Math.min(bounds[0], bounds[2]);
y1 = Math.min(bounds[1], bounds[3]);
x2 = Math.max(bounds[0], bounds[2]);
y2 = Math.max(bounds[1], bounds[3]);
extent = Math.min(Math.max(extent, -360), +360);
var n = Math.abs(extent) <= 90 && 1 || Math.ceil(Math.abs(extent) / 90.0);
var a = extent / n;
var cx = (x1 + x2) / 2;
var cy = (y1 + y2) / 2;
var rx = (x2 - x1) / 2;
var ry = (y2 - y1) / 2;
var a2 = Math.radians(a) / 2;
var kappa = Math.abs(4.0 / 3 * (1 - Math.cos(a2)) / Math.sin(a2));
var points = [], theta0, theta1, c0, c1, s0, s1, k;
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
theta0 = Math.radians(angle + (i+0) * a);
theta1 = Math.radians(angle + (i+1) * a);
c0 = Math.cos(theta0);
s0 = Math.sin(theta0);
c1 = Math.cos(theta1);
s1 = Math.sin(theta1);
k = a > 0 && -kappa || kappa;
cx + rx * c0,
cy - ry * s0,
cx + rx * (c0 + k * s0),
cy - ry * (s0 - k * c0),
cx + rx * (c1 - k * s1),
cy - ry * (s1 + k * c1),
cx + rx * c1,
cy - ry * s1
return points
_bezier = new Bezier();
/*--- BEZIER PATH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// A Path class with lineto(), curveto() and moveto() methods.
var MOVETO = "moveto";
var LINETO = "lineto";
var CURVETO = "curveto";
var CLOSE = "close";
var PathElement = Class.extend({
init: function(x, y, cmd) {
/* A point in the path, optionally with control handles.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.ctrl1 = new Point(0, 0);
this.ctrl2 = new Point(0, 0);
this.radius = 0;
this.cmd = cmd;
copy: function() {
var pt = new PathElement(this.x, this.y, this.cmd);
pt.ctrl1 = this.ctrl1.copy();
pt.ctrl2 = this.ctrl2.copy();
return pt;
var DynamicPathElement = PathElement.extend({
// Not a "fixed" point in the Path, but calculated with Path.point().
var Path = BezierPath = Class.extend({
init: function(path) {
/* A list of PathElements describing the curves and lines that make up the path.
if (path === undefined) {
this.array = []; // We can't subclass Array.
} else if (path instanceof Path) {
this.array =, function(pt) { return pt.copy(); });
} else if (path instanceof Array) {
this.array =, function(pt) { return pt.copy(); });
this._clip = false;
_update: function() {
this._segments = null;
this._polygon = null;
copy: function() {
return new Path(this);
moveto: function(x, y) {
/* Adds a new point to the path at x, y.
var pt = new PathElement(x, y, MOVETO);
pt.ctrl1 = new Point(x, y);
pt.ctrl2 = new Point(x, y);
lineto: function(x, y) {
/* Adds a line from the previous point to x, y.
var pt = new PathElement(x, y, LINETO);
pt.ctrl1 = new Point(x, y);
pt.ctrl2 = new Point(x, y);
curveto: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
/* Adds a Bezier-curve from the previous point to x3, y3.
* The curvature is determined by control handles x1, y1 and x2, y2.
var pt = new PathElement(x3, y3, CURVETO);
pt.ctrl1 = new Point(x1, y1);
pt.ctrl2 = new Point(x2, y2);
moveTo: function(x, y) {
this.moveto(x, y);
lineTo: function(x, y) {
this.lineto(x, y);
curveTo: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
this.curveto(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
closepath: function() {
/* Adds a line from the previous point to the last MOVETO.
this.array.push(new PathElement(0, 0, CLOSE));
closePath: function() {
rect: function(x, y, width, height, options) {
/* Adds a rectangle to the path.
if (!options || options.roundness === undefined) {
this.moveto(x, y);
this.lineto(x+width, y);
this.lineto(x+width, y+height);
this.lineto(x, y+height);
this.lineto(x, y);
} else {
var curve = Math.min(width * options.roundness, height * options.roundness);
this.moveto(x, y+curve);
this.curveto(x, y, x, y, x+curve, y);
this.lineto(x+width-curve, y);
this.curveto(x+width, y, x+width, y, x+width, y+curve);
this.lineto(x+width, y+height-curve);
this.curveto(x+width, y+height, x+width, y+height, x+width-curve, y+height);
this.lineto(x+curve, y+height);
this.curveto(x, y+height, x, y+height, x, y+height-curve);
ellipse: function(x, y, width, height) {
/* Adds an ellipse to the path.
x -= 0.5 * width; // Center origin.
y -= 0.5 * height;
var k = 0.55; // kappa = (-1 + sqrt(2)) / 3 * 4
var dx = k * 0.5 * width;
var dy = k * 0.5 * height;
var x0 = x + 0.5 * width;
var y0 = y + 0.5 * height;
var x1 = x + width;
var y1 = y + height;
this.moveto(x, y0);
this.curveto(x, y0-dy, x0-dx, y, x0, y);
this.curveto(x0+dx, y, x1, y0-dy, x1, y0);
this.curveto(x1, y0+dy, x0+dx, y1, x0, y1);
this.curveto(x0-dx, y1, x, y0+dy, x, y0);
arc: function(x, y, radius, angle1, angle2, options) {
/* Adds an arc to the path,
* clockwise from angle1 to angle2 along circle (x, y, radius).
var a1 = angle1 % 360;
var a2 = angle2;
if (a2 < a1) {
a2 = a2 + 360;
if (options && options.clockwise === false) {
a2 = a2 % 360 - 360;
var points = _bezier.arc(x-radius, y-radius, x+radius, y+radius, a1, a2-a1);
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
var pt = points[i];
if (i == 0) {
this.moveto(pt[0], pt[1]);
this.curveto(pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], pt[5], pt[6], pt[7]);
// draw: function({fill: Color(), stroke: Color(), strokewidth: 1.0, strokestyle: SOLID})
draw: function(options) {
/* Draws the path.
if (this.array.length > 0 && this.array[0].cmd != MOVETO) {
throw "No current point for path (first point must be MOVETO)."
for (var i=0; i < this.array.length; i++) {
var pt = this.array[i];
switch(pt.cmd) {
case MOVETO:
_ctx.moveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
case LINETO:
_ctx.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
_ctx.bezierCurveTo(pt.ctrl1.x, pt.ctrl1.y, pt.ctrl2.x, pt.ctrl2.y, pt.x, pt.y);
case CLOSE:
if (!this._clip) {
var a = _colorMixin(options); // [fill, stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle, linecap]
_ctx_stroke(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
} else {
angle: function(t) {
/* Returns the directional angle at time t (0.0-1.0) on the path.
// The derive() enumerator is much faster but less precise.
if (t == 0) {
var pt0 = this.point(t);
var pt1 = this.point(t+0.001);
} else {
var pt0 = this.point(t-0.001);
var pt1 = this.point(t);
return geometry.angle(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt1.x, pt1.y);
point: function(t) {
/* Returns the DynamicPathElement at time t (0.0-1.0) on the path.
if (this._segments == null) {
// Cache the segment lengths for performace.
this._segments = _bezier.length(this, true, 10);
return _bezier.point(this, t, this._segments);
points: function(amount, options) {
/* Returns an array of DynamicPathElements along the path.
* To omit the last point on closed paths: {end: 1-1.0/amount}
var start = (options && options.start !== undefined)? options.start : 0.0;
var end = (options && options.end !== undefined)? options.end : 1.0;
if (this.array.length == 0) {
// Otherwise Bezier.point() will raise an error for empty paths.
return [];
amount = Math.round(amount);
// The delta value is divided by amount-1, because we also want the last point (t=1.0)
// If we don't use amount-1, we fall one point short of the end.
// If amount=4, we want the point at t 0.0, 0.33, 0.66 and 1.0.
// If amount=2, we want the point at t 0.0 and 1.0.
var d = (amount > 1)? (end-start) / (amount-1) : (end-start);
var a = [];
for (var i=0; i < amount; i++) {
a.push(this.point(start + d*i));
return a;
length: function(precision) {
/* Returns an approximation of the total length of the path.
if (precision === undefined) precision = 10;
return _bezier.length(this, false, precision);
contains: function(x, y, precision) {
/* Returns true when point (x,y) falls within the contours of the path.
if (precision === undefined) precision = 100;
if (this._polygon == null ||
this._polygon[1] != precision) {
this._polygon = [this.points(precision), precision];
return geometry.pointInPolygon(this._polygon[0], x, y);
function drawpath(path, options) {
/* Draws the given Path (or list of PathElements).
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
if (path instanceof Array) {
path = new Path(path);
function autoclosepath(close) {
/* Paths constructed with beginpath() and endpath() are automatically closed.
if (close === undefined) close = true;
_ctx.state.autoclosepath = close;
function beginpath(x, y) {
/* Starts a new path at (x,y).
* Functions moveto(), lineto(), curveto() and closepath()
* can then be used between beginpath() and endpath() calls.
_ctx.state.path = new Path();
_ctx.state.path.moveto(x, y);
function moveto(x, y) {
/* Moves the current point in the current path to (x,y).
_ctx.state.path.moveto(x, y);
function lineto(x, y) {
/* Draws a line from the current point in the current path to (x,y).
_ctx.state.path.lineto(x, y);
function curveto(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
/* Draws a curve from the current point in the current path to (x3,y3).
* The curvature is determined by control handles x1, y1 and x2, y2.
_ctx.state.path.curveto(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
function closepath() {
/* Closes the current path with a straight line to the last MOVETO.
function endpath(options) {
/* Draws and returns the current path.
* With {draw:false}, only returns the path so it can be manipulated and drawn with drawpath().
var s = _ctx.state;
if (s.autoclosepath) s.path.closepath();
if (!options || options.draw) {
var p=s.path; s.path=null;
return p;
function findpath(points, curvature) {
/* Returns a smooth BezierPath from the given list of points.
return _bezier.findPath(points, curvature);
var drawPath = drawpath;
var autoClosePath = autoclosepath;
var beginPath = beginpath;
var moveTo = moveto;
var lineTo = lineto;
var curveTo = curveto;
var closePath = closepath;
var endPath = endpath;
var findPath = findpath;
/*--- POINT ANGLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function derive(points, callback) {
/* Calls callback(angle, pt) for each point in the given path.
* The angle represents the direction of the point on the path.
* This works with Path, Path.points, [pt1, pt2, pt2, ...]
* For example:
* derive(path.points(30), function(angle, pt) {
* push();
* translate(pt.x, pt.y);
* rotate(angle);
* arrow(0, 0, 10);
* pop();
* });
* This is useful if you want to have shapes following a path.
* To put text on a path, rotate the angle by +-90 to get the normal (i.e. perpendicular).
var p = (points instanceof Path)? points.array : points;
var n = p.length;
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
var pt = p[i];
if (0 < i && i < n-1 && pt.cmd && pt.cmd == CURVETO) {
// For a point on a curve, the control handle gives the best direction.
// For PathElement (fixed point in Path), ctrl2 tells us how the curve arrives.
// For DynamicPathElement (returnd from Path.point()), ctrl1 tell how the curve arrives.
var ctrl = (pt instanceof DynamicPathElement)? pt.ctrl1 : pt.ctrl2;
var angle = geometry.angle(ctrl.x, ctrl.y, pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (0 < i && i < n-1 && pt.cmd && pt.cmd == LINETO && p[i-1].cmd == CURVETO) {
// For a point on a line preceded by a curve, look ahead gives better results.
var angle = geometry.angle(pt.x, pt.y, p[i+1].x, p[i+1].y);
} else if (i == 0 && points instanceof Path) {
// For the first point in a Path, we can calculate a next point very close by.
var pt1 = points.point(0.001);
var angle = geometry.angle(pt.x, pt.y, pt1.x, pt1.y);
} else if (i == n-1 && points instanceof Path) {
// For the last point in a Path, we can calculate a previous point very close by.
var pt0 = points.point(0.999);
var angle = geometry.angle(pt0.x, pt0.y, pt.x, pt.y)
} else if (i == n-1 && pt instanceof DynamicPathElement && pt.ctrl1.x != pt.x || pt.ctrl1.y != pt.y) {
// For the last point in Path.points(), use incoming handle (ctrl1) for curves.
var angle = geometry.angle(pt.ctrl1.x, pt.ctrl1.y, pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (0 < i) {
// For any point, look back gives a good result, if enough points are given.
var angle = geometry.angle(p[i-1].x, p[i-1].y, pt.x, pt.y);
} else if (i < n-1) {
// For the first point, the best (only) guess is the location of the next point.
var angle = geometry.angle(pt.x, pt.y, p[i+1].x, p[i+1].y);
} else {
var angle = 0;
callback(angle, pt);
// Backwards compatibility.
function directed(points, callback) {
return derive(points, callback);
/*--- CLIPPING PATH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function beginclip(path) {
/* Enables the given Path as a clipping mask.
Drawing commands between beginclip() and endclip() are constrained to the shape of the path.
path._clip = true;
path._clip = false;
function endclip() {
var beginClip = beginclip;
var endClip = endclip;
/*--- SUPERSHAPE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function supershape(x, y, width, height, m, n1, n2, n3, options) {
/* Returns a BezierPath constructed using the superformula (Gielis, 2003),
* which can be used to describe many complex shapes and curves that are found in nature.
var o = options || {};
var pts = (o.points !== undefined)? o.points : 100;
var pct = (o.percentage !== undefined)? o.percentage : 1.0;
var rng = (o.range !== undefined)? o.range : 2 * Math.PI;
var path = new Path();
for (var i=0; i < pts; i++) {
if (i <= pts * pct) {
var d = geometry.superformula(m, n1, n2, n3, i * rng / pts);
var dx = d[0] * width / 2 + x;
var dy = d[1] * height / 2 + y;
if (path.array.length == 0) {
path.moveto(dx, dy);
} else {
path.lineto(dx, dy);
if (o.draw === undefined || o.draw == true) {
return path;
/*--- DRAWING PRIMITIVES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function line(x0, y0, x1, y1, options) {
/* Draws a straight line from x0, y0 to x1, y1.
* The current stroke, strokewidth and strokestyle are applied.
var a = _colorMixin(options);
if (a[1] && a[1].a > 0) {
_ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
_ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
_ctx_stroke(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
function arc(x, y, radius, angle1, angle2, options) {
/* Draws an arc with the center at x, y, clockwise from angle1 to angle2.
* The current stroke, strokewidth and strokestyle are applied.
var a = _colorMixin(options);
if (a[0] && a[0].a > 0 || a[1] && a[1].a > 0) {
var a1 = Math.radians(angle1);
var a2 = Math.radians(angle2);
_ctx.arc(x, y, radius, a1, a2, (options && options.clockwise === false));
_ctx_stroke(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
function rect(x, y, width, height, options) {
/* Draws a rectangle with the top left corner at x, y.
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
var a = _colorMixin(options);
if (a[0] && a[0].a > 0 || a[1] && a[1].a > 0) {
if (!options || options.roundness === undefined) {
_ctx.rect(x, y, width, height);
_ctx_stroke(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
} else {
var p = new Path();
p.rect(x, y, width, height, options);
function triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, options) {
/* Draws the triangle created by connecting the three given points.
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
var a = _colorMixin(options);
if (a[0] && a[0].a > 0 || a[1] && a[1].a > 0) {
_ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
_ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
_ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
_ctx_stroke(a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
function ellipse(x, y, width, height, options) {
/* Draws an ellipse with the center located at x, y.
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
var p = new Path();
p.ellipse(x, y, width, height);
var oval = ellipse;
function arrow(x, y, width, options) {
/* Draws an arrow with its tip located at x, y.
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
var head = width * 0.4;
var tail = width * 0.2;
var p = new Path();
p.moveto(x, y);
p.lineto(x-head, y+head);
p.lineto(x-head, y+tail);
p.lineto(x-width, y+tail);
p.lineto(x-width, y-tail);
p.lineto(x-head, y-tail);
p.lineto(x-head, y-head);
function star(x, y, points, outer, inner, options) {
/* Draws a star with the given points, outer radius and inner radius.
* The current stroke, strokewidth, strokestyle and fill color are applied.
if (points === undefined) points = 20;
if (outer === undefined) outer = 100;
if (inner === undefined) inner = 50;
var p = new Path();
p.moveto(x, y+outer);
for (var i=0; i < 2 * points + 1; i++) {
var r = (i % 2 == 0)? outer : inner;
var a = Math.PI * i / points;
x + r * Math.sin(a),
y + r * Math.cos(a)
// To draw crisp lines, you can use translate(0, 0.5) + line0().
// We call it "0" because floats are rounded to nearest int.
function line0(x1, y1, x2, y2, options) {
Math.round(y2), options
function rect0(x, y, width, height, options) {
Math.round(height), options
/*--- CACHE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// The global cache is a collection of objects that are preloading asynchronously.
var Cache = Class.extend({
init: function() {
/* A collection of objects (images, scripts, data) that are preloading asynchronously.
* The Canvas.draw() method is delayed until all objects in the global cache are ready.
this.objects = {}; // Objects in cache, by id.
this.busy = 0; // Objects still loading.
preload: function(id, object, callback) {
/* Attaches an onload() event to the object and caches it under id.
object._preload = [id, _cache, callback];
object.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete") { // IE
if (this._preload) {
this._preload = null;
object.onload = function() {
if (this._preload) {
this._preload = null;
object.onerror = function() {
_ctx && _ctx._canvas.onerror("Can't load: " + this._preload[0]);
if (this._preload) {
if (id) {
this.objects[id] = object;
script: function(js) {
/* Caches the given JavaScript file.
if (this.objects[js]) {
} else if (js && !js.substr) {
throw "Can't load script: " + js;
} else if (js === undefined) {
throw "Can't load script: " + js;
try {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.async = true;
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = js;
this.preload(js, script, function(){});
} catch(e) {
throw "Can't load script: " + js + e;
image: function(img) {
/* Returns a cached <img> element,
* for the given URL path, URL data, Image, Pixels, Canvas or Buffer.
if (img === undefined) {
throw "Can't load image: " + img;
// Cached.
} else if (this.objects[img]) {
return this.objects[img];
// From URL path ("http://").
} else if (img && img.substr && img.substr(0,5) == "http:") {
var url = img;
var src = img;
// From URL data ("data:image/png"), e.g.,
} else if (img && img.substr && img.substr(0,5) == "data:") {
var url = null
var src = img;
// From local path ("/g/image.png").
} else if (img && img.substr && img.substr(0,5) != "file:") {
var url = img;
var src = img;
// From <img>.
} else if (img.src && img.complete) {
var url = null;
var src = img.src;
// From Canvas + Buffer.
} else if (img instanceof Canvas || img instanceof Buffer) {
var url = null;
var src =;
// From HTML <canvas> element.
} else if (img .getContext) {
img.complete = true;
return img;
// From Image.
} else if (img instanceof Image) {
return this.image(img._img);
// From Pixels.
} else if (img instanceof Pixels) {
return img._img._img;
} else {
throw "Can't load image: " + img;
// Cache image source.
// URL paths, URL data, Canvas and Buffer get an onload() event.
img = document.createElement("img");
img._owners = [];
this.preload(url, img, function(img) {
// Set Image owner size.
// There can be multiple owners displaying the same image.
for (var i=0; i < img._owners.length; i++) {
var o = img._owners[i];
if (o && o.width == null) o.width = img.width;
if (o && o.height == null) o.height = img.height;
img._owners = []; // Remove reference.
// A canvas with cross-domain images becomes tainted:
// This disables ctx.toDataURL() and ctx.getImageData().
// This disables Pixels and Buffer.
//img.crossOrigin = "";
img.src = src;
return img;
// Global cache:
var _cache = new Cache();
/*--- INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function include(url) {
/* Imports the given JavaScript library,
* from a local path (e.g., "graph.js") or a remote URL (e.g., "").
var require = require || include;
/*--- ASYNCHRONOUS REQUEST -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var AsynchronousRequest = Class.extend({
init: function(url, data) {
/* Loads the given URL in the background using XMLHTTPRequest.
* AsynchronousRequest.done is False as long as it is busy.
* AsynchronousRequest.value contains the response value once done.
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) var q = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (window.ActiveXObject) var q = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
q.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (q.readyState == 4 && q.status == 200) this._fetch(q);
if (data) {
q.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");"POST", url, true);
} else {"GET", url, true);
this.value = null;
this.done = false;
_fetch: function(q) {
this.value = q.responseText;
this.done = true;
function asynchronous(url, data) {
return new AsynchronousRequest(url, data);
/*--- IMAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var Image = Class.extend({
// init: function(url, {x: 0, y: 0, width: null, height: null, alpha: 1.0})
init: function(url, options) {
/* A image that can be drawn at a given position.
var o = options || {};
this._url = url;
this._img = _cache.image(url);
this.x = o.x || 0;
this.y = o.y || 0;
this.width = (o.width !== undefined)? o.width : null;
this.height = (o.height !== undefined)? o.height : null;
this.alpha = (o.alpha !== undefined)? o.alpha : 1.0;
// If no width or height is given (undefined | null),
// use the dimensions of the source <img>.
// If the <img> is still loading, this happens with a delay (see Images.load()).
if (this._img._owners && !this._img.complete) {
if (this.width == null && this._img.complete) {
this.width = this._img.width;
if (this.height == null && this._img.complete) {
this.height = this._img.height;
copy: function() {
return new Image(this._url, {
x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.width, height: this.height, alpha: this.alpha
// draw: function(x, y, {width: null, height: null, alpha: 1.0})
draw: function(x, y, options) {
/* Draws the image.
* The given parameters (if any) override the image's attributes.
var o = options || {};
var w = (o.width !== undefined && o.width != null)? o.width : this.width;
var h = (o.height !== undefined && o.height != null)? o.height : this.height;
var a = (o.alpha !== undefined)? o.alpha : this.alpha;
x = (x || x === 0)? x : this.x;
y = (y || y === 0)? y : this.y;
if (this._img.complete && w && h && a > 0) {
if (a >= 1.0) {
_ctx.drawImage(this._img, x, y, w, h);
} else {
_ctx.globalAlpha = a;
_ctx.drawImage(this._img, x, y, w, h);
_ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0;
busy: function() {
return !this._img.complete; // Still loading?
function image(img, x, y, options) {
/* Draws the image at (x,y), scaling it to the given width and height.
* The image's transparency can be set with alpha (0.0-1.0).
img = (img instanceof Image)? img : new Image(img);
if (!options || options.draw != false) {
img.draw(x, y, options);
return img;
function imagesize(img) {
/* Returns an array [width, height] with the image dimensions.
img = (img instanceof Image)? img : new Image(img);
return [img._img.width, img._img.height];
var imageSize = imagesize;
/*--- PIXELS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var Pixels = Class.extend({
init: function(img) {
/* An array of RGBA color values (0-255) for each pixel in the given image.
* Pixels.update() must be called to reflect any changes to Pixels.array.
* The Pixels object can be passed to the image() function.
* The original image will not be modified.
* Throws a security error for remote (cross-domain) images.
img = (img instanceof Image)? img : new Image(img);
this._img = img;
this._element = document.createElement("canvas");
this._element.width = this.width = img._img.width;
this._element.height = this.height = img._img.height;
this._ctx = this._element.getContext("2d");
this._ctx.drawImage(img._img, 0, 0);
this._data = this._ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
this.array =;
copy: function() {
return new Pixels(this._img);
get: function(i) {
/* Returns array [R,G,B,A] with channel values between 0-255 from pixel i.
* var rgba = Pixels.get[i];
* var clr = new Color(rgba, {base:255});
i*= 4;
return [this.array[i+0], this.array[i+1], this.array[i+2], this.array[i+3]]
set: function(i, rgba) {
/* Sets pixel i to the given array [R,G,B,A] with values 0-255.
* var clr = new Color(0,0,0,1);
* Pixels.set(i,{base:255}));
i*= 4;
this.array[i+0] = rgba[0];
this.array[i+1] = rgba[1];
this.array[i+2] = rgba[2];
this.array[i+3] = rgba[3];
map: function(callback) {
/* Applies a function to each pixel.
* Function takes a list of R,G,B,A channel values and must return a similar list.
for (var i=0; i < this.width * this.height; i++) {
this.set(i, callback(this.get(i)));
update: function() {
/* Pixels.update() must be called to refresh the image.
this._ctx.putImageData(this._data, 0, 0);
this._img = new Image(this._element);
image: function() {
return this._img;
function pixels(img) {
return new Pixels(img);
/*--- FONT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var NORMAL = "normal";
var BOLD = "bold";
var ITALIC = "italic"
function font(fontname, fontsize, fontweight) {
/* Sets the current font and/or fontsize.
if (fontname !== undefined) _ctx.state.fontname = fontname;
if (fontsize !== undefined) _ctx.state.fontsize = fontsize;
if (fontweight !== undefined) _ctx.state.fontweight = fontweight;
return _ctx.state.fontname;
function fontsize(fontsize) {
/* Sets the current fontsize in points.
if (fontsize !== undefined) _ctx.state.fontsize = fontsize;
return _ctx.state.fontsize;
function fontweight(fontweight) {
/* Sets the current font weight (BOLD, ITALIC, BOLD+ITALIC).
if (fontweight !== undefined) _ctx.state.fontweight = fontweight;
return _ctx.state.fontweight;
function lineheight(lineheight) {
/* Sets the vertical spacing between lines of text.
* The given size is a relative value: lineheight 1.2 for fontsize 10 means 12.
if (lineheight !== undefined) _ctx.state.lineheight = lineheight;
return _ctx.state.lineheight;
var fontSize = fontsize;
var fontWeight = fontweight;
var lineHeight = lineheight;
/*--- FONT MIXIN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// The text() function has optional parameters font, fontsize, fontweight, bold, italic, lineheight and align.
function _fontMixin(options) {
var s = _ctx.state;
var o = options;
if (options === undefined) {
return [s.fontname, s.fontsize, s.fontweight, s.lineheight];
} else {
return [
(o.font)? o.font : s.fontname,
(o.fontsize !== undefined)? o.fontsize :
(o.fontSize !== undefined)? o.fontSize : s.fontsize,
(o.fontweight !== undefined)? o.fontweight :
(o.fontWeight !== undefined)? o.fontWeight : s.fontweight,
(o.lineheight !== undefined)? o.lineheight :
(o.lineHeight !== undefined)? o.lineHeight : s.lineheight
/*--- TEXT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function _ctx_font(fontname, fontsize, fontweight) {
// Wrappers for _ctx.font, only calling it when necessary.
if (fontweight.length > ITALIC.length && fontweight == BOLD+ITALIC || fontweight == ITALIC+BOLD) {
fontweight = ITALIC + " " + BOLD;
_ctx.font = fontweight + " " + fontsize + "pt " + fontname;
function str(v) {
return v.toString();
function text(str, x, y, options) {
/* Draws the string at the given position.
* Lines of text will be split at \n.
* The text will be displayed with the current state font(), fontsize(), fontweight().
var a1 = _colorMixin(options);
var a2 = _fontMixin(options);
if (a1[0] && a1[0].a > 0) {
var f = a1[0]._get();
if (_ctx.state._fill != f) {
_ctx.fillStyle = _ctx.state._fill = f;
_ctx_font(a2[0], a2[1], a2[2]);
var lines = str.toString().split("\n");
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
_ctx.fillText(lines[i], x, y + i*a2[1]*a2[3]);
function textmetrics(str, options) {
/* Returns array [width, height] for the given text.
var a = _fontMixin(options);
var w = 0;
_ctx_font(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
var lines = str.toString().split("\n");
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
w = Math.max(w, _ctx.measureText(lines[i]).width);
return [w, a[1] + a[1]*a[3]*(lines.length-1)];
function textwidth(str, options) {
/* Returns the width of the given text.
return textmetrics(str, options)[0];
function textheight(str, options) {
/* Returns the height of the given text.
return textmetrics(str, options)[1];
var textMetrics = textmetrics;
var textWidth = textwidth;
var textHeight = textheight;
/*--- UTILITY FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var _RANDOM_MAP = [90.0, 9.00, 4.00, 2.33, 1.50, 1.00, 0.66, 0.43, 0.25, 0.11, 0.01];
function _rndExp(bias) {
if (bias === undefined) bias = 0.5;
bias = Math.max(0, Math.min(bias, 1)) * 10;
var i = parseInt(Math.floor(bias)); // bias*10 => index in the _map curve.
var n = _RANDOM_MAP[i]; // If bias is 0.3, rnd()**2.33 will average 0.3.
if (bias < 10) {
n += (_RANDOM_MAP[i+1]-n) * (bias-i);
return n;
function random(v1, v2, bias) {
/* Returns a number between v1 and v2, including v1 but not v2.
* The bias (0.0-1.0) represents preference towards lower or higher numbers.
if (v1 === undefined) v1 = 1.0;
if (v2 === undefined) {
v2=v1; v1=0;
if (bias === undefined) {
var r = Math.random();
} else {
var r = Math.pow(Math.random(), _rndExp(bias));
return r * (v2-v1) + v1;
var _NOISE_P = []; // Noise permutation table.
var _NOISE_G = []; // Noise gradient (2D = 8 directions).
function noise(x, y, m) {
/* Returns a smooth value between -1.0 and 1.0.
* Since the 2D space is infinite, the actual (x,y) coordinates do not matter.
* Smaller steps between successive coordinates yield smoother noise (e.g., 0.01-0.1).
// Based on:
if (m === undefined) m = 1.5;
if (_NOISE_P.length == 0) {
_NOISE_P = Array.shuffle(Array.range(256));
_NOISE_P = _NOISE_P.concat(_NOISE_P);
_NOISE_G = [[-1, +1], [+0, +1], [+1, +1], [-1, +0], [+1, +0], [-1, -1], [+0, -1], [+1, -1]];
var X = Math.floor(x) & 255;
var Y = Math.floor(y) & 255;
x -= Math.floor(x);
y -= Math.floor(y);
var u = x * x * x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10); // fade
var v = y * y * y * (y * (y * 6 - 15) + 10);
var n = Math.mix(
Math.mix([_NOISE_P[X + _NOISE_P[Y ]] % 8], [x , y ]),[_NOISE_P[X+1 + _NOISE_P[Y ]] % 8], [x-1, y ]), u),
Math.mix([_NOISE_P[X + _NOISE_P[Y+1]] % 8], [x , y-1]),[_NOISE_P[X+1 + _NOISE_P[Y+1]] % 8], [x-1, y-1]), u), v);
return (Math.clamp(n * m, -1, +1) + 1) * 0.5; // 0.0-1.0
function grid(cols, rows, colWidth, rowHeight, shuffled) {
/* Returns an array of Points for the given number of rows and columns.
* The space between each point is determined by colwidth and colheight.
if (colWidth === undefined) colWidth = 1;
if (rowHeight === undefined) rowHeight = 1;
rows = Array.range(parseInt(rows));
cols = Array.range(parseInt(cols));
if (shuffled) {
var a = [];
for (var y=0; y < rows.length; y++) {
for (var x=0; x < cols.length; x++) {
a.push(new Point(x*colWidth, y*rowHeight));
return a;
/*--- MOUSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function absOffset(element) {
/* Returns the absolute position of the given element in the browser.
var x = y = 0;
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
x += element.offsetLeft;
y += element.offsetTop;
} while (element = element.offsetParent);
return [x,y];
// Mouse cursors:
var DEFAULT = "default";
var HIDDEN = "none";
var CROSS = "crosshair";
var HAND = "pointer";
var POINTER = "pointer";
var DRAG = "move";
var TEXT = "text";
var WAIT = "wait";
var Mouse = Class.extend({
init: function(element) {
/* Keeps track of the mouse position on the given element.
this.parent = element; element._mouse=this;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.relative_x = this.relativeX = 0;
this.relative_y = this.relativeY = 0;
this.pressed = false;
this.dragged = false;
this.drag = {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
this.scroll = 0;
this._out = function() {
// Returns true if not inside Mouse.parent.
return !(0 <= this.x && this.x <= this.parent.offsetWidth &&
0 <= this.y && this.y <= this.parent.offsetHeight);
var eventScroll = function(e) {
// Create parent onmousewheel event (set Mouse.scroll).
// Fire Mouse.onscroll().
var m = this._mouse;
m.scroll += Math.sign(e.wheelDelta);
if (m.onscroll && m.onscroll(m) === false) {
var eventDown = function(e) {
// Create parent onmousedown event (set Mouse.pressed).
// Fire Mouse.onpress().
var m = this._mouse;
if (e.touches !== undefined) {
// TouchStart (iPad).
m.pressed = true;
m._x0 = m.x;
m._y0 = m.y;
var eventUp = function(e) {
// Create parent onmouseup event (reset Mouse state).
// Fire Mouse.onrelease() if inside parent bounds.
var m = this._mouse;
m.pressed = false;
m.dragged = false;
m.drag.x = 0;
m.drag.y = 0;
m.scroll = 0;
m.onrelease(m, m._out());
var eventMove = function(e) {
// Create parent onmousemove event (set Mouse position & drag).
// Fire Mouse.onmove() if mouse pressed and inside parent bounds.
// Fire Mouse.ondrag() if mouse pressed.
var m = this._mouse;
var o1 = document.documentElement || document.body;
var o2 = absOffset(this);
if (e.touches !== undefined) {
// TouchEvent (iPad).
m.x = e.touches[0].pageX;
m.y = e.touches[0].pageY;
} else {
// MouseEvent.
m.x = (e.pageX || (e.clientX + o1.scrollLeft)) - o2[0];
m.y = (e.pageY || (e.clientY + o1.scrollTop)) - o2[1];
if (m.pressed) {
m.dragged = true;
m.drag.x = m.x - m._x0;
m.drag.y = m.y - m._y0;
m.relative_x = m.relativeX = m.x / m.parent.offsetWidth;
m.relative_y = m.relativeY = m.y / m.parent.offsetHeight;
if (m.pressed) {
} else if (!m._out()) {
// Bind mouse and multi-touch events:
attachEvent(element, "mousewheel", eventScroll);
attachEvent(element, "mousedown" , eventDown);
attachEvent(element, "touchstart", eventDown);
attachEvent(window, "mouseup" , Function.closure(this.parent, eventUp));
attachEvent(window, "touchend" , Function.closure(this.parent, eventUp));
attachEvent(window, "mousemove" , Function.closure(this.parent, eventMove));
attachEvent(window, "touchmove" , Function.closure(this.parent, eventMove));
// These can be patched with a custom function:
onscroll: function(mouse) {},
onpress: function(mouse) {},
onrelease: function(mouse, out) {}, // With out=true if mouse outside canvas.
onmove: function(mouse) {},
ondrag: function(mouse) {},
cursor: function(mode) {
/* Sets the mouse cursor (DEFAULT, HIDDEN, CROSS, POINTER, TEXT or WAIT).
if (mode !== undefined) { = mode;
/*--- CANVAS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function _uid() {
// Returns a unique number.
if (_uid.i === undefined) _uid.i=0;
return ++_uid.i;
function _unselectable(element) {
// Disables text dragging on the given element.
element.onselectstart = function() {
return false;
element.unselectable = "on"; = "none"; = "default";
window._requestFrame = function(callback, canvas, fps) {
var f = window.requestAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.oRequestAnimationFrame
|| function(callback, element) { return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / (fps || 60)); };
// When requestFrame() calls Canvas._draw() directly, the "this" keyword will be detached.
// Make "this" available inside Canvas._draw() by binding it:
return f(Function.closure(canvas, callback), canvas.element);
window._clearFrame = function(id) {
var f = window.cancelAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.msCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.oCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.clearTimeout;
return f(id);
// Current graphics context.
// It is the Canvas that was last created, OR
// it is the Canvas that is preparing to call Canvas.draw(), OR
// it is the Buffer that has called Buffer.push().
var _ctx = null;
var G_vmlCanvasManager; // Needed with excanvas.js
var Canvas = Class.extend({
init: function(element, width, height, options) {
/* Interface to the HTML5 <canvas> element.
* Drawing starts when is called.
* The draw() method must be overridden with your own drawing commands, which will be executed each frame.
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
if (!element) {
element = document.createElement("canvas");
if (!element.getContext && typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != "undefined") {
element = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(element);
if (width !== undefined &&
width !== null) {
element.width = width;
if (height !== undefined &&
height !== null) {
element.height = height;
_unselectable(element); = "canvas" + _uid();
this.element = element;["-webkit-tap-highlight-color"] = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
this.element.canvas = this;
this._ctx = this.element.getContext("2d");
this._ctx._canvas = this;
this.mouse = (options.mouse != false)? new Mouse(this.element) : null;
this.width = this.element.width;
this.height = this.element.height;
this.frame = 0;
this.fps = 0;
this.dt = 0;
this._time = {start: null, current: null};
this._step = 0;
this._active = false;
this._widgets = [];
this.variables = [];
_resetState: function() {
// Initialize color state: current background, current fill, ...
// The state is applied to each shape when drawn - see _ctx_fill(), _ctx_stroke() and _ctx_font().
// Drawing commands such as rect() have optional parameters
// that can override the state - see _colorMixin().
_ctx.state = {
"path": null,
"autoclosepath": false,
"background": null,
"fill": new Color(0,0,0,1),
"stroke": null,
"strokewidth": 1.0,
"strokestyle": SOLID,
"shadow": null,
"fontname": "sans-serif",
"fontsize": 12,
"fontweight": NORMAL,
"lineheight": 1.2
_resetWidgets: function() {
// Resets canvas widgets, removing the variables and <input> elements.
for (var i=0; i < this._widgets.length; i++) {
var w = this._widgets[i];
var e = w.element.parentNode;
delete this[];
var p = document.getElementById( + "_widgets");
if (p) p.parentNode.removeChild(p);
this._widgets = [];
this.variables = [];
focus: function() {
_ctx = this._ctx; // Set the current graphics context.
size: function(width, height) {
this.width = this.element.width = width;
this.height = this.element.height = height;
setup: function() {
draw: function() {
stop: function() {
clear: function() {
/* Clears the previous frame from the canvas.
this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
_setup: function() {
try {
} catch(e) {
this.onerror(e); throw e;
_draw: function() {
if (this._active == false && !(this._step > this.frame)) {
// Drawing halts after stop(), pause() or step().
// If step() is called, we first need to draw one more frame.
var t = new Date;
this.fps = this.frame * 1000 / (t - this._time.start) || 1;
this.fps = Math.round(this.fps * 100) / 100;
this.dt = (t - this._time.current) / 1000;
this._time.current = t;
this._step = 0;
try {
} catch(e) {
this.onerror(e); throw e;
this._scheduled = window._requestFrame(this._draw, this);
_stop: function() {
/* Stops the animation.
When run() is called subsequently, the animation will restart from the first frame.
if (this._scheduled !== undefined) {
this._active = false;
this.frame = 0;
run: function() {
/* Starts drawing the canvas.
* Canvas.setup() will be called once during initialization.
* Canvas.draw() will be called each frame.
* Canvas.clear() needs to be called explicitly to clear the previous frame drawing.
* Canvas.stop() stops the animation, but doesn't clear the canvas.
this._active = true;
this._time.start = new Date();
this._time.current = this._time.start;
if (this.frame == 0) {
// Delay Canvas.draw() until the cached images are done loading
// (for example, Image objects created during Canvas.setup()).
var _preload = function() {
if (_cache.busy > 0) { setTimeout(Function.closure(this, _preload), 10); return; }
pause: function() {
/* Pauses the animation at the current frame.
if (this._scheduled !== undefined) {
this._active = false;
step: function() {
/* Draws one frame and pauses.
this._step = this.frame+1;;
active: function() {
/* Returns true if the animation is running.
return this._active;
image: function() {
/* Returns a new Image with the contents of the canvas.
* Throws a security error if the canvas contains remote (cross-domain) images.
return new Image(this.element, {width: this.width, height: this.height});
save: function() {
/* Returns a data:image/png base64-encoded string.
* Throws a security error if the canvas contains remote (cross-domain) images.
//var w =;
//w.document.body.innerHTML = "<img src=\"" + + "\" />";
return this.element.toDataURL("image/png");
widget: function(variable, type, options) {
widget(this, variable, type, options);
onerror: function(error) {
// Called when an error occurs in Canvas.draw() or Canvas.setup().
onprint: function(string) {
// Called when the print() function is called.
function size(width, height) {
/* Sets the width and the height of the canvas.
_ctx._canvas.size(width, height);
function print() {
/* Calls Canvas.onprint() with the given arguments joined as a string.
if (_ctx) _ctx._canvas.onprint(" "));
/*--- OFFSCREEN BUFFER -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var OffscreenBuffer = Buffer = Canvas.extend({
init: function(width, height) {
/* A hidden canvas, useful for preparing procedural images.
this._ctx_stack = [_ctx];
this._super(document.createElement("canvas"), width, height, {mouse:false});
// Do not set the Buffer as current graphics context
// (call Buffer.push() explicitly to do this):
_ctx = this._ctx_stack[0];
_setup: function() {
_draw: function() {
push: function() {
/* Between push() and pop(), all drawing is done offscreen in OffscreenBuffer.image().
* The offscreen buffer has its own transformation state,
* so any translate(), rotate() etc. does not affect the onscreen canvas.
this._ctx_stack.push(_ctx); _ctx=this._ctx;
pop: function() {
/* Reverts to the onscreen canvas.
* The contents of the offscreen buffer can be retrieved with OffscreenBuffer.image().
_ctx = this._ctx_stack.pop();
render: function() {
/* Executes the drawing commands in OffscreenBuffer.draw() offscreen and returns image.
return this.image();
reset: function(width, height) {
if (width !== undefined && height !== undefined) {
this.size(width, height);
function render(callback, width, height) {
/* Returns an Image object from a function containing drawing commands (i.e. a procedural image).
* This is useful when, for example, you need to render filters on paths.
var buffer = new OffscreenBuffer(width, height);
buffer.draw = callback;
return buffer.render();
function filter(img, callback) {
/* Returns a new Image object with the given pixel function applied to it.
* The function takes an array of RGBA-values (base 255) and returns a new array.
var pixels = new Pixels(img);;
return pixels.image();
/*--- IMAGE FILTERS | GENERATORS -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function solid(width, height, clr) {
/* Returns an image with a solid fill color.
return render(function(canvas) {
rect(0, 0, width, height, {fill: clr || [0,0,0,0]});
}, width, height);
/*--- IMAGE FILTERS | COLOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var LUMINANCE = [0.2125 / 255, 0.7154 / 255, 0.0721 / 255];
function invert(img) {
/* Returns an image with inverted colors (e.g. white becomes black).
return filter(img, function(p) {
return [255-p[0], 255-p[1], 255-p[2], p[3]];
function colorize(img, color, bias) {
/* Returns a colorized image.
* - color: a Color (or array) of RGBA-values to multiply with each image pixel.
* - bias : a Color (or array) of RGBA-values to add to each image pixel.
var m1 = new Color(color || [1,1,1,1]).rgba();
var m2 = new Color(bias || [0,0,0,0]).map({base: 255});
return filter(img, function(p) {
return [
p[0] * m1[0] + m2[0],
p[1] * m1[1] + m2[1],
p[2] * m1[2] + m2[2],
p[3] * m1[3] + m2[3]
// function adjust(img, {hue:0, saturation:1.0, brightness:1.0, contrast:1.0})
function adjust(img, options) {
/* Applies color adjustment filters to the image and returns the adjusted image.
* - hue : the shift in hue (1.0 is 360 degrees on the color wheel).
* - saturation : the intensity of the colors (0.0 is a grayscale image).
* - brightness : the overall lightness or darkness (0.0 is a black image).
* - contrast : the difference in brightness between regions.
var pixels = new Pixels(img);
var adjust_hue = function(pixels, m) { {
var hsb = _rgb2hsb(p[0]/255, p[1]/255, p[2]/255);
var rgb = _hsb2rgb(Math.clamp(Math.mod(hsb[0] + m, 1), 0, 1), hsb[1], hsb[2]);
return [rgb[0]*255, rgb[1]*255, rgb[2]*255, p[3]];
var adjust_saturation = function(pixels, m) { {
var i = (0.3*p[0] + 0.59*p[1] + 0.11*p[2]) * (1-m);
return [p[0]*m + i, p[1]*m + i, p[2]*m + i, p[3]];
var adjust_brightness = function(pixels, m) { {
return [p[0] + m, p[1] + m, p[2] + m, p[3]];
var adjust_contrast = function(pixels, m) { {
return [(p[0]-128)*m + 128, (p[1]-128)*m + 128, (p[2]-128)*m + 128, p[3]];
var o = options || {};
if (o.hue !== undefined)
adjust_hue(pixels, o.hue);
if (o.saturation !== undefined && o.saturation != 1)
adjust_saturation(pixels, o.saturation);
if (o.brightness !== undefined && o.brightness != 1)
adjust_brightness(pixels, 255 * (o.brightness-1));
if (o.contrast !== undefined && o.contrast != 1)
adjust_contrast(pixels, o.contrast);
return pixels.image();
function desaturate(img) {
/* Returns a grayscale version of the image.
return adjust(img, {saturation: 0});
function brightpass(img, threshold) {
/* Returns a new image where pixels whose luminance fall below the threshold are black.
return filter(img, function(p) {
return (, LUMINANCE) > ((threshold || threshold == 0)? threshold : 0.5))? p : [0,0,0, p[3]];
function blur(img, radius) {
/* Applies a stack blur filter to the image and returns the blurred image.
* - radius: the radius of the blur effect in pixels (0-175).
radius = (radius === undefined)? 10 : radius;
radius = Math.min(radius, 175);
var buffer = new OffscreenBuffer(img._img.width, img._img.height);
return _stackblur(img, buffer, radius);
/*--- IMAGE FILTERS | ALPHA COMPOSITING ------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Based on: R. Dura, 2009,
function composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, operator) {
/* Returns a new Image by mixing img1 (the destination) with blend image img2 (the source).
* The given operator is a function(pixel1, pixel2) that returns a new pixel (RGBA-array).
* This is used to implement alpha compositing and blend modes.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
//var t = new Date().getTime();
dx = dx || 0;
dy = dy || 0;
var pixels1 = new Pixels(img1);
var pixels2 = new Pixels(img2);
for (var j=0; j < pixels1.height; j++) {
for (var i=0; i < pixels1.width; i++) {
if (0 <= i-dx && i-dx < pixels2.width) {
if (0 <= j-dy && j-dy < pixels2.height) {
var p1 = pixels1.get(i + j * pixels1.width);
var p2 = pixels2.get((i-dx) + (j-dy) * pixels2.width);
pixels1.set(i + j * pixels1.width, operator(p1, p2));
//console.log(new Date().getTime() - t);
return pixels1.image();
function transparent(img, alpha) {
/* Returns a transparent version of the image.
return render(function(canvas) {
image(img, {alpha: alpha});
}, img.width, img.height);
function mask(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
/* Applies the second image as an alpha mask to the first image.
* The second image must be a grayscale image, where the black areas
* make the first image transparent (e.g. punch holes in it).
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
alpha = (alpha || alpha == 0)? alpha : 1;
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
p1[3] = p1[3] * p2[0]/255 * p2[3]/255 * alpha;
return p1;
var ADD = "add"; // Pixels are added.
var SUBTRACT = "subtract"; // Pixels are subtracted.
var LIGHTEN = "lighten"; // Lightest value for each pixel.
var DARKEN = "darken"; // Darkest value for each pixel.
var MULTIPLY = "multiply"; // Pixels are multiplied, resulting in a darker image.
var SCREEN = "screen"; // Pixels are inverted/multiplied/inverted, resulting in a brighter picture.
var OVERLAY = "overlay"; // Combines multiply and screen: light parts become ligher, dark parts darker.
var HARDLIGHT = "hardlight"; // Same as overlay, but uses the blend instead of base image for luminance.
var HUE = "hue"; // Hue from the blend image, brightness and saturation from the base image.
function blend(mode, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
/* Applies the second image as a blend layer with the first image.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the blend layer.
alpha = (alpha || alpha == 0)? alpha : 1;
switch(mode) {
case ADD : op = function(x, y) { return x + y; }; break;
case SUBTRACT : op = function(x, y) { return x + y - 255; }; break;
case LIGHTEN : op = function(x, y) { return Math.max(x, y); }; break;
case DARKEN : op = function(x, y) { return Math.min(x, y); }; break;
case MULTIPLY : op = function(x, y) { return x * y / 255; }; break;
case SCREEN : op = function(x, y) { return 255 - (255-x) * (255-y) / 255; }; break;
case OVERLAY : op = function(x, y, luminance) { };
case HARDLIGHT: op = function(x, y, luminance) {
var a = 2 * x * y / 255;
var b = 255 - 2 * (255-x) * (255-y) / 255;
return (luminance < 0.45)? a :
(luminance > 0.55)? b :
Math.lerp(a, b, (luminance - 0.45) * 255); }; break;
op = function(x, y) { return 0; };
function mix(p1, p2, op, luminance) {
var p = [0,0,0,0];
var a = p2[3] / 255 * alpha;
p[0] = Math.lerp(p1[0], op(p1[0], p2[0], luminance), a);
p[1] = Math.lerp(p1[1], op(p1[1], p2[1], luminance), a);
p[2] = Math.lerp(p1[2], op(p1[2], p2[2], luminance), a);
p[3] = Math.lerp(p1[3], 255, a);
return p;
// Some blend modes swap opaque blend (alpha=255) with base layer to mimic Photoshop.
// Some blend modes use luminace (overlay & hard light).
if (mode == ADD|| mode == SUBTRACT) {
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
return mix(p1, p2, op);
if (mode == LIGHTEN || mode == DARKEN || mode == MULTIPLY || mode == SCREEN) {
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
return (p2[3] == 255)? mix(p2, p1, op) : mix(p1, p2, op);
if (mode == OVERLAY) {
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
return mix(p1, p2, op,, 3), LUMINANCE));
if (mode == HARDLIGHT) {
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
return mix(p1, p2, op,, 3), LUMINANCE));
if (mode == HUE) {
return composite(img1, img2, dx, dy, function(p1, p2) {
var p, a=p1[3];
p1 = _rgb2hsb(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]);
p2 = _rgb2hsb(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2]);
p = _hsb2rgb(p2[0], p1[1], p1[2]); p.push(a);
return p;
function add(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(ADD, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function subtract(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(SUBTRACT, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function lighten(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(LIGHTEN, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function darken(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(DARKEN, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function multiply(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(MULTIPLY, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function screen_(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(SCREEN, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function overlay(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(OVERLAY, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function hardlight(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(HARDLIGHT, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
function hue(img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha) {
return blend(HUE, img1, img2, dx, dy, alpha);
try {
var s = screen;
var p = [s.width, s.height, s.availWidth, s.availHeight, s.colorDepth, s.pixelDepth];
screen = screen_;
screen.width = p[0];
screen.height = p[1];
screen.availWidth = p[2];
screen.availHeight = p[3];
screen.colorDepth = p[4];
screen.pixelDepth = p[5];
} catch(e) {
/*--- IMAGE FILTERS | LIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
function glow(img, intensity, radius) {
/* Returns the image blended with a blurred version, yielding a glowing effect.
* - intensity: the opacity of the blur (0.0-1.0).
* - radius : the blur radius.
if (intensity === undefined) intensity = 0.5;
var b = blur(img, radius);
return blend(ADD, img, b, 0, 0, intensity);
function bloom(img, intensity, radius, threshold) {
/* Returns the image blended with a blurred brightpass version, yielding a "magic glow" effect.
* - intensity: the opacity of the blur (0.0-1.0).
* - radius : the blur radius.
* - threshold: the luminance threshold of pixels that light up.
if (intensity === undefined) intensity = 0.5;
if (threshold === undefined) threshold = 0.3;
var b = blur(brightpass(img, threshold), radius);
return blend(ADD, img, b, 0, 0, intensity);
/*--- IMAGE FILTERS | DISTORTION -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Based on: L. Spagnolini, 2007,
function polar(img, x0, y0, callback) {
/* Returns a new Image based on a polar coordinates filter.
* The given callback is a function(distance, angle) that returns new [distance, angle].
x0 = img.width / 2 + (x0 || 0);
y0 = img.height / 2 + (y0 || 0);
var p1 = new Pixels(img);
var p2 = new Pixels(img);
for (var y1=0; y1 < p1.height; y1++) {
for (var x1=0; x1 < p1.width; x1++) {
var x = x1 - x0;
var y = y1 - y0;
var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
var a = Math.atan2(y, x);
var v = callback(d, a); d=v[0]; a=v[1];
p2.set(x1 + y1 * p1.width, p1.get(
Math.round(x0 + Math.cos(a) * d) +
Math.round(y0 + Math.sin(a) * d) * p1.width
return p2.image();
function bump(img, dx, dy, radius, zoom) {
/* Returns the image with a dent distortion applied to it.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - radius: the radius of the effect in pixels.
* - zoom: the amount of bulge (0.0-1.0).
var m1 = radius || 0;
var m2 = Math.clamp(zoom || 0, 0, 1);
return polar(img, dx, dy, function(d, a) {
return [d * geometry.smoothstep(0, m2, d/m1), a];
function dent(img, dx, dy, radius, zoom) {
/* Returns the image with a dent distortion applied to it.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - radius: the radius of the effect in pixels.
* - zoom: the amount of pinch (0.0-1.0).
var m1 = radius || 0;
var m2 = Math.clamp(zoom || 0, 0, 1);
return polar(img, dx, dy, function(d, a) {
return [2 * d - d * geometry.smoothstep(0, m2, d/m1), a];
function pinch(img, dx, dy, zoom) {
/* Returns the image with a pinch distortion applied to it.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - zoom: the amount of bulge or pinch (-1.0-1.0):
var m1 = geometry.distance(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
var m2 = Math.clamp(zoom || 0 * 0.75, -0.75, 0.75);
return polar(img, dx, dy, function(d, a) {
return [d * Math.pow(m1/d, m2) * (1-m2), a];
function splash(img, dx, dy, radius) {
/* Returns the image with a light-tunnel distortion applied to it.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - radius: the radius of the unaffected area in pixels.
var m = radius || 0;
return polar(img, dx, dy, function(d, a) {
return [(d > m)? m : d, a];
function twirl(img, dx, dy, radius, angle) {
/* Returns the image with a twirl distortion applied to it.
* - dx: horizontal offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - dy: vertical offset (in pixels) of the effect.
* - radius: the radius of the effect in pixels.
* - angle: the amount of rotation in degrees.
var m1 = Math.radians(angle || 0);
var m2 = radius || 0;
return polar(img, dx, dy, function(d, a) {
return [d, a + (1 - geometry.smoothstep(-m2, m2, d)) * m1];
var BUMP = "bump";
var DENT = "dent";
var PINCH = "pinch";
var SPLASH = "splash";
var TWIRL = "twirl";
function distort(mode, img, options) {
/* Applies the given distortion and returns a new image.
* Optional parameters are dx, dy, radius, zoom and angle.
var o = options || {};
switch (mode) {
case BUMP:
return bump(img, o.dx, o.dy, o.radius, o.zoom);
case DENT:
return dent(img, o.dx, o.dy, o.radius, o.zoom);
case PINCH:
return pinch(img, o.dx, o.dy, o.zoom);
case SPLASH:
return splash(img, o.dx, o.dy, o.radius);
case TWIRL:
return twirl(img, o.dx, o.dy, o.radius, o.angle);
return img;
/*--- WIDGET ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
var STRING = "string";
var NUMBER = "number";
var BOOLEAN = "boolean";
var RANGE = "range";
var LIST = "list";
var ARRAY = "array";
var FUNCTION = "function";
// function widget(canvas, variable, type, {parent: null, value: null, min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, index: 1, callback: function(e){}})
function widget(canvas, variable, type, options) {
/* Creates a widget linked to the given canvas.
* The type of the widget can be STRING or NUMBER (field), BOOLEAN (checkbox),
* RANGE (slider), LIST (dropdown list), or FUNCTION (button).
* The value of the widget can be retrieved as canvas.variables[variable] (or canvas.variables.variable).
* Optionally, a default value can be given.
* For lists, this is an array and optionally an index of the selected value.
* For sliders, you can also set min, max and step.
* For functions, an optional callback(event){} must be given.
* To get at the current canvas from inside the callback, use
* Use if drawing occurs in the callback.
var v = variable;
var o = options || {};
if (canvas.variables[v] === undefined) {
var parent = (o && o.parent)? o.parent : document.getElementById( + "_widgets");
if (!parent) {
// No widget container is given, or exists.
// Insert a <div id="[]_widgets" class="widgets"> after the <canvas> element.
parent = document.createElement("div"); = ( + "_widgets");
parent.className = "widgets";
canvas.element.parentNode.insertBefore(parent, canvas.element.nextSibling);
// Create <input> element with id []_[variable].
// Create an onchange() that will set the variable to the value of the widget.
// For FUNCTION, it is an onclick() that will call options.callback(e).
var id = + "_" + v;
// Fix callback event and on IE8 and Safari2.
// Function does nothing when propagate=false.
var cb = function(e, propagate) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if (!e && canvas.element.dispatchEvent) {
e = new Event(); canvas.element.dispatchEvent(e)
if (e && ! { = e.srcElement || document;
if (e && && === 3) { =;
if (e && && o.callback && propagate != false) {
// <input type="text" id="id" value="" />
if (type == STRING || type == TEXT) {
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// <select id="id"><option value="value[i]">value[i]</option>...</select>
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var f = function(e,p) { cb(e,p); };
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throw "Variable type can be STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, RANGE, LIST or FUNCTION, not '"+type+"'";
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/*--- FAST STACK BLUR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Mario Klingemann (2010),
var _stackblur_mul=[512,512,456,512,328,456,335,512,405,328,271,456,388,335,292,512,454,405,364,328,298,271,496,456,420,388,360,335,312,292,273,512,482,454,428,405,383,364,345,328,312,298,284,271,259,496,475,456,437,420,404,388,374,360,347,335,323,312,302,292,282,273,265,512,497,482,468,454,441,428,417,405,394,383,373,364,354,345,337,328,320,312,305,298,291,284,278,271,265,259,507,496,485,475,465,456,446,437,428,420,412,404,396,388,381,374,367,360,354,347,341,335,329,323,318,312,307,302,297,292,287,282,278,273,269,265,261,512,505,497,489,482,475,468,461,454,447,441,435,428,422,417,411,405,399,394,389,383,378,373,368,364,359,354,350,345,341,337,332,328,324,320,316,312,309,305,301,298,294,291,287,284,281,278,274,271,268,265,262,259,257,507,501,496,491,485,480,475,470,465,460,456,451,446,442,437,433,428,424,420,416,412,408,404,400,396,392,388,385,381,377,374,370,367,363,360,357,354,350,347,344,341,338,335,332,329,326,323,320,318,315,312,310,307,304,302,299,297,294,292,289,287,285,282,280,278,275,273,271,269,267,265,263,261,259];
var _stackblur_shg=[9,11,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24];
function _stackblur(img, buffer, radius) {
function BlurStack(){this.r=0;this.g=0;this.b=0;this.a=0;}function stackBlurCanvasRGBA(a,b,c,d,e,f){if(isNaN(f)||f<1)return;f|=0;var g=a.element;var h=g.getContext("2d");var i;i=h.getImageData(b,c,d,e);var;var l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I;var J=f+f+1;var K=d<<2;var L=d-1;var M=e-1;var N=f+1;var O=N*(N+1)/2;var P=new BlurStack;var Q=P;for(n=1;n<J;n++){ BlurStack;if(n==N)var R=Q};var S=null;var T=null;r=q=0;var U=_stackblur_mul[f];var V=_stackblur_shg[f];for(m=0;m<e;m++){A=B=C=D=s=t=u=v=0;w=N*(E=k[q]);x=N*(F=k[q+1]);y=N*(G=k[q+2]);z=N*(H=k[q+3]);s+=O*E;t+=O*F;u+=O*G;v+=O*H;Q=P;for(n=0;n<N;n++){Q.r=E;Q.g=F;Q.b=G;Q.a=H;}for(n=1;n<N;n++){o=q+((L<n?L:n)<<2);s+=(Q.r=E=k[o])*(I=N-n);t+=(Q.g=F=k[o+1])*I;u+=(Q.b=G=k[o+2])*I;v+=(Q.a=H=k[o+3])*I;A+=E;B+=F;C+=G;D+=H;}S=P;T=R;for(l=0;l<d;l++){k[q+3]=H=v*U>>V;if(H!=0){H=255/H;k[q]=(s*U>>V)*H;k[q+1]=(t*U>>V)*H;k[q+2]=(u*U>>V)*H}else{k[q]=k[q+1]=k[q+2]=0}s-=w;t-=x;u-=y;v-=z;w-=S.r;x-=S.g;y-=S.b;z-=S.a;o=r+((o=l+f+1)<L?o:L)<<2;A+=S.r=k[o];B+=S.g=k[o+1];C+=S.b=k[o+2];D+=S.a=k[o+3];s+=A;t+=B;u+=C;v+=D;;w+=E=T.r;x+=F=T.g;y+=G=T.b;z+=H=T.a;A-=E;B-=F;C-=G;D-=H;;q+=4}r+=d}for(l=0;l<d;l++){B=C=D=A=t=u=v=s=0;q=l<<2;w=N*(E=k[q]);x=N*(F=k[q+1]);y=N*(G=k[q+2]);z=N*(H=k[q+3]);s+=O*E;t+=O*F;u+=O*G;v+=O*H;Q=P;for(n=0;n<N;n++){Q.r=E;Q.g=F;Q.b=G;Q.a=H;}p=d;for(n=1;n<=f;n++){q=p+l<<2;s+=(Q.r=E=k[q])*(I=N-n);t+=(Q.g=F=k[q+1])*I;u+=(Q.b=G=k[q+2])*I;v+=(Q.a=H=k[q+3])*I;A+=E;B+=F;C+=G;D+=H;;if(n<M){p+=d}}q=l;S=P;T=R;for(m=0;m<e;m++){o=q<<2;k[o+3]=H=v*U>>V;if(H>0){H=255/H;k[o]=(s*U>>V)*H;k[o+1]=(t*U>>V)*H;k[o+2]=(u*U>>V)*H}else{k[o]=k[o+1]=k[o+2]=0}s-=w;t-=x;u-=y;v-=z;w-=S.r;x-=S.g;y-=S.b;z-=S.a;o=l+((o=m+N)<M?o:M)*d<<2;s+=A+=S.r=k[o];t+=B+=S.g=k[o+1];u+=C+=S.b=k[o+2];v+=D+=S.a=k[o+3];;w+=E=T.r;x+=F=T.g;y+=G=T.b;z+=H=T.a;A-=E;B-=F;C-=G;D-=H;;q+=d}}h.putImageData(i,b,c)}function stackBlurImage(a,b,c,d){var e=a._img;var f=e.width;var g=e.height;var h=b.element;"px";"px";h.width=f;h.height=g;var i=h.getContext("2d");i.clearRect(0,0,f,g);i.drawImage(e,0,0);if(isNaN(c)||c<1)return;if(d)stackBlurCanvasRGBA(b,0,0,f,g,c);else stackBlurCanvasRGB(b,0,0,f,g,c)}
stackBlurImage(img, buffer, radius, true);
return buffer.image();
/*--- EXPLORER CANVAS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
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// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
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