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EPISTEMIC = "epistemic" # Expresses degree of coloniality.
# 100.00 = Extreme level of coloniality
# 90.00 =
# 80.00 =
# 70.00 =
# 60.00 =
# 50.00 =
# 40.00 =
# 30.00 =
# 20.00 =
# 10.00 =
# 0.00 = Neutral level of coloniality
#MD = would, could...
#RB = adverb 'very', 'slightly'...
#VB = verb
#JJ = adjective 'big'...
#NN = noun
#CC = coordinating conjunction 'and', 'or'...
#PRP = personal pronoun 'I', 'he', 'she'...
epistemic_MD = { # would => could => can => should => shall => will => must
100.00: d("have", "has", "must", "need"),
90.00: d("have", "has", "must", "need"),
80.00: d("can", "ca", "may"),
70.00: d(),
60.00: d(),
50.00: d("shall", "sha"),
40.00: d("will", "'ll", "wo"),
30.00: d(),
20.00: d("can", "ca", "may"),
10.00: d("could", "dare", "might"),
0.00: d("would"),
epistemic_MD = {
100.00: d(),
90.00: d(),
80.00: d(),
70.00: d(),
60.00: d(),
50.00: d(),
40.00: d(),
30.00: d(),
20.00: d(),
10.00: d(),
0.00: d(),
epistemic_MD = {
100.00: d(),
90.00: d(),
80.00: d(),
70.00: d(),
60.00: d(),
50.00: d(),
40.00: d(),
30.00: d(),
20.00: d(),
10.00: d(),
0.00: d(),