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# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to the Mace4 Model Builder
# Author: Dan Garrette <>
# Ewan Klein <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A model builder that makes use of the external 'Mace4' package.
import os
import tempfile
from nltk.sem.logic import is_indvar
from nltk.sem import Valuation, Expression
from nltk.inference.api import ModelBuilder, BaseModelBuilderCommand
from nltk.inference.prover9 import Prover9CommandParent, Prover9Parent
class MaceCommand(Prover9CommandParent, BaseModelBuilderCommand):
A ``MaceCommand`` specific to the ``Mace`` model builder. It contains
a print_assumptions() method that is used to print the list
of assumptions in multiple formats.
_interpformat_bin = None
def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, max_models=500, model_builder=None):
:param goal: Input expression to prove
:type goal: sem.Expression
:param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in
the proof.
:type assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
:param max_models: The maximum number of models that Mace will try before
simply returning false. (Use 0 for no maximum.)
:type max_models: int
if model_builder is not None:
assert isinstance(model_builder, Mace)
model_builder = Mace(max_models)
BaseModelBuilderCommand.__init__(self, model_builder, goal, assumptions)
def valuation(mbc):
return mbc.model("valuation")
def _convert2val(self, valuation_str):
Transform the output file into an NLTK-style Valuation.
:return: A model if one is generated; None otherwise.
:rtype: sem.Valuation
valuation_standard_format = self._transform_output(valuation_str, "standard")
val = []
for line in valuation_standard_format.splitlines(False):
l = line.strip()
if l.startswith("interpretation"):
# find the number of entities in the model
num_entities = int(l[l.index("(") + 1 : l.index(",")].strip())
elif l.startswith("function") and l.find("_") == -1:
# replace the integer identifier with a corresponding alphabetic character
name = l[l.index("(") + 1 : l.index(",")].strip()
if is_indvar(name):
name = name.upper()
value = int(l[l.index("[") + 1 : l.index("]")].strip())
val.append((name, MaceCommand._make_model_var(value)))
elif l.startswith("relation"):
l = l[l.index("(") + 1 :]
if "(" in l:
# relation is not nullary
name = l[: l.index("(")].strip()
values = [
for v in l[l.index("[") + 1 : l.index("]")].split(",")
(name, MaceCommand._make_relation_set(num_entities, values))
# relation is nullary
name = l[: l.index(",")].strip()
value = int(l[l.index("[") + 1 : l.index("]")].strip())
val.append((name, value == 1))
return Valuation(val)
def _make_relation_set(num_entities, values):
Convert a Mace4-style relation table into a dictionary.
:param num_entities: the number of entities in the model; determines the row length in the table.
:type num_entities: int
:param values: a list of 1's and 0's that represent whether a relation holds in a Mace4 model.
:type values: list of int
r = set()
for position in [pos for (pos, v) in enumerate(values) if v == 1]:
tuple(MaceCommand._make_relation_tuple(position, values, num_entities))
return r
def _make_relation_tuple(position, values, num_entities):
if len(values) == 1:
return []
sublist_size = len(values) // num_entities
sublist_start = position // sublist_size
sublist_position = int(position % sublist_size)
sublist = values[
sublist_start * sublist_size : (sublist_start + 1) * sublist_size
return [
] + MaceCommand._make_relation_tuple(
sublist_position, sublist, num_entities
def _make_model_var(value):
Pick an alphabetic character as identifier for an entity in the model.
:param value: where to index into the list of characters
:type value: int
letter = [
num = value // 26
return letter + str(num) if num > 0 else letter
def _decorate_model(self, valuation_str, format):
Print out a Mace4 model using any Mace4 ``interpformat`` format.
See for details.
:param valuation_str: str with the model builder's output
:param format: str indicating the format for displaying
models. Defaults to 'standard' format.
:return: str
if not format:
return valuation_str
elif format == "valuation":
return self._convert2val(valuation_str)
return self._transform_output(valuation_str, format)
def _transform_output(self, valuation_str, format):
Transform the output file into any Mace4 ``interpformat`` format.
:param format: Output format for displaying models.
:type format: str
if format in [
return self._call_interpformat(valuation_str, [format])[0]
raise LookupError("The specified format does not exist")
def _call_interpformat(self, input_str, args=[], verbose=False):
Call the ``interpformat`` binary with the given input.
:param input_str: A string whose contents are used as stdin.
:param args: A list of command-line arguments.
:return: A tuple (stdout, returncode)
:see: ``config_prover9``
if self._interpformat_bin is None:
self._interpformat_bin = self._modelbuilder._find_binary(
"interpformat", verbose
return self._modelbuilder._call(
input_str, self._interpformat_bin, args, verbose
class Mace(Prover9Parent, ModelBuilder):
_mace4_bin = None
def __init__(self, end_size=500):
self._end_size = end_size
"""The maximum model size that Mace will try before
simply returning false. (Use -1 for no maximum.)"""
def _build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
Use Mace4 to build a first order model.
:return: ``True`` if a model was found (i.e. Mace returns value of 0),
else ``False``
if not assumptions:
assumptions = []
stdout, returncode = self._call_mace4(
self.prover9_input(goal, assumptions), verbose=verbose
return (returncode == 0, stdout)
def _call_mace4(self, input_str, args=[], verbose=False):
Call the ``mace4`` binary with the given input.
:param input_str: A string whose contents are used as stdin.
:param args: A list of command-line arguments.
:return: A tuple (stdout, returncode)
:see: ``config_prover9``
if self._mace4_bin is None:
self._mace4_bin = self._find_binary("mace4", verbose)
updated_input_str = ""
if self._end_size > 0:
updated_input_str += "assign(end_size, %d).\n\n" % self._end_size
updated_input_str += input_str
return self._call(updated_input_str, self._mace4_bin, args, verbose)
def spacer(num=30):
print("-" * num)
def decode_result(found):
Decode the result of model_found()
:param found: The output of model_found()
:type found: bool
return {True: "Countermodel found", False: "No countermodel found", None: "None"}[
def test_model_found(arguments):
Try some proofs and exhibit the results.
for (goal, assumptions) in arguments:
g = Expression.fromstring(goal)
alist = [lp.parse(a) for a in assumptions]
m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist, max_models=50)
found = m.build_model()
for a in alist:
print(" %s" % a)
print("|- %s: %s\n" % (g, decode_result(found)))
def test_build_model(arguments):
Try to build a ``nltk.sem.Valuation``.
g = Expression.fromstring("all")
alist = [
for a in [
"some x.(-(x = John) & man(x) & sees(John,x))",
"some x.(-(x = Bill) & man(x))",
"all x.some y.(man(x) -> gives(Socrates,x,y))",
m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist)
print("Assumptions and Goal")
for a in alist:
print(" %s" % a)
print("|- %s: %s\n" % (g, decode_result(m.build_model())))
# print(m.model('standard'))
# print(m.model('cooked'))
print(m.valuation, "\n")
def test_transform_output(argument_pair):
Transform the model into various Mace4 ``interpformat`` formats.
g = Expression.fromstring(argument_pair[0])
alist = [lp.parse(a) for a in argument_pair[1]]
m = MaceCommand(g, assumptions=alist)
for a in alist:
print(" %s" % a)
print("|- %s: %s\n" % (g, m.build_model()))
for format in ["standard", "portable", "xml", "cooked"]:
print("Using '%s' format" % format)
def test_make_relation_set():
MaceCommand._make_relation_set(num_entities=3, values=[1, 0, 1])
== set([("c",), ("a",)])
num_entities=3, values=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
== set([("c", "a")])
MaceCommand._make_relation_set(num_entities=2, values=[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
== set([("a", "b", "a"), ("b", "b", "a")])
arguments = [
("mortal(Socrates)", ["all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))", "man(Socrates)"]),
("(not mortal(Socrates))", ["all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))", "man(Socrates)"]),
def demo():
if __name__ == "__main__":