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New, fast version of the CloudPickler.
This new CloudPickler class can now extend the fast C Pickler instead of the
previous Python implementation of the Pickler class. Because this functionality
is only available for Python versions 3.8+, a lot of backward-compatibility
code is also removed.
Note that the C Pickler sublassing API is CPython-specific. Therefore, some
guards present in that were written to handle PyPy specificities
are not present in
import abc
import copyreg
import io
import itertools
import logging
import _pickle
import pickle
import sys
import types
import weakref
from _pickle import Pickler
from .cloudpickle import (
_is_dynamic, _extract_code_globals, _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL,
_find_imported_submodules, _get_cell_contents, _is_global, _builtin_type,
Enum, _ensure_tracking, _make_skeleton_class, _make_skeleton_enum,
_extract_class_dict, string_types, dynamic_subimport, subimport
load, loads = _pickle.load, _pickle.loads
# Shorthands similar to pickle.dump/pickle.dumps
def dump(obj, file, protocol=None):
"""Serialize obj as bytes streamed into file
protocol defaults to cloudpickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL which is an alias to
pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL. This setting favors maximum communication speed
between processes running the same Python version.
Set protocol=pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL instead if you need to ensure
compatibility with older versions of Python.
CloudPickler(file, protocol=protocol).dump(obj)
def dumps(obj, protocol=None):
"""Serialize obj as a string of bytes allocated in memory
protocol defaults to cloudpickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL which is an alias to
pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL. This setting favors maximum communication speed
between processes running the same Python version.
Set protocol=pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL instead if you need to ensure
compatibility with older versions of Python.
with io.BytesIO() as file:
cp = CloudPickler(file, protocol=protocol)
return file.getvalue()
# -------------------------------------------------
def _class_getnewargs(obj):
type_kwargs = {}
if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
type_kwargs["__slots__"] = obj.__slots__
__dict__ = obj.__dict__.get('__dict__', None)
if isinstance(__dict__, property):
type_kwargs['__dict__'] = __dict__
return (type(obj), obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, type_kwargs,
_ensure_tracking(obj), None)
def _enum_getnewargs(obj):
members = dict((, e.value) for e in obj)
return (obj.__bases__, obj.__name__, obj.__qualname__, members,
obj.__module__, _ensure_tracking(obj), None)
# ------------------------------------
def _file_reconstructor(retval):
return retval
# -----------------------------------
def _function_getstate(func):
# - Put func's dynamic attributes (stored in func.__dict__) in state. These
# attributes will be restored at unpickling time using
# f.__dict__.update(state)
# - Put func's members into slotstate. Such attributes will be restored at
# unpickling time by iterating over slotstate and calling setattr(func,
# slotname, slotvalue)
slotstate = {
"__name__": func.__name__,
"__qualname__": func.__qualname__,
"__annotations__": func.__annotations__,
"__kwdefaults__": func.__kwdefaults__,
"__defaults__": func.__defaults__,
"__module__": func.__module__,
"__doc__": func.__doc__,
"__closure__": func.__closure__,
f_globals_ref = _extract_code_globals(func.__code__)
f_globals = {k: func.__globals__[k] for k in f_globals_ref if k in
closure_values = (
list(map(_get_cell_contents, func.__closure__))
if func.__closure__ is not None else ()
# Extract currently-imported submodules used by func. Storing these modules
# in a smoke _cloudpickle_subimports attribute of the object's state will
# trigger the side effect of importing these modules at unpickling time
# (which is necessary for func to work correctly once depickled)
slotstate["_cloudpickle_submodules"] = _find_imported_submodules(
func.__code__, itertools.chain(f_globals.values(), closure_values))
slotstate["__globals__"] = f_globals
state = func.__dict__
return state, slotstate
def _class_getstate(obj):
clsdict = _extract_class_dict(obj)
clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)
# For ABCMeta in python3.7+, remove _abc_impl as it is not picklable.
# This is a fix which breaks the cache but this only makes the first
# calls to issubclass slower.
if "_abc_impl" in clsdict:
(registry, _, _, _) = abc._get_dump(obj)
clsdict["_abc_impl"] = [subclass_weakref()
for subclass_weakref in registry]
if hasattr(obj, "__slots__"):
# pickle string length optimization: member descriptors of obj are
# created automatically from obj's __slots__ attribute, no need to
# save them in obj's state
if isinstance(obj.__slots__, string_types):
for k in obj.__slots__:
clsdict.pop(k, None)
clsdict.pop('__dict__', None) # unpicklable property object
return (clsdict, {})
def _enum_getstate(obj):
clsdict, slotstate = _class_getstate(obj)
members = dict((, e.value) for e in obj)
# Cleanup the clsdict that will be passed to _rehydrate_skeleton_class:
# Those attributes are already handled by the metaclass.
for attrname in ["_generate_next_value_", "_member_names_",
"_member_map_", "_member_type_",
clsdict.pop(attrname, None)
for member in members:
# Special handling of Enum subclasses
return clsdict, slotstate
# -------------------------------
# A reducer is a function taking a single argument (obj), and that returns a
# tuple with all the necessary data to re-construct obj. Apart from a few
# exceptions (list, dict, bytes, int, etc.), a reducer is necessary to
# correctly pickle an object.
# While many built-in objects (Exceptions objects, instances of the "object"
# class, etc), are shipped with their own built-in reducer (invoked using
# obj.__reduce__), some do not. The following methods were created to "fill
# these holes".
def _code_reduce(obj):
"""codeobject reducer"""
args = (
obj.co_argcount, obj.co_posonlyargcount,
obj.co_kwonlyargcount, obj.co_nlocals, obj.co_stacksize,
obj.co_flags, obj.co_code, obj.co_consts, obj.co_names,
obj.co_varnames, obj.co_filename, obj.co_name,
obj.co_firstlineno, obj.co_lnotab, obj.co_freevars,
return types.CodeType, args
def _cell_reduce(obj):
"""Cell (containing values of a function's free variables) reducer"""
except ValueError: # cell is empty
return types.CellType, ()
return types.CellType, (obj.cell_contents,)
def _classmethod_reduce(obj):
orig_func = obj.__func__
return type(obj), (orig_func,)
def _file_reduce(obj):
"""Save a file"""
import io
if not hasattr(obj, "name") or not hasattr(obj, "mode"):
raise pickle.PicklingError(
"Cannot pickle files that do not map to an actual file"
if obj is sys.stdout:
return getattr, (sys, "stdout")
if obj is sys.stderr:
return getattr, (sys, "stderr")
if obj is sys.stdin:
raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle standard input")
if obj.closed:
raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle closed files")
if hasattr(obj, "isatty") and obj.isatty():
raise pickle.PicklingError(
"Cannot pickle files that map to tty objects"
if "r" not in obj.mode and "+" not in obj.mode:
raise pickle.PicklingError(
"Cannot pickle files that are not opened for reading: %s"
% obj.mode
name =
retval = io.StringIO()
# Read the whole file
curloc = obj.tell()
contents =
except IOError:
raise pickle.PicklingError(
"Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be read" % name
retval.write(contents) = name
return _file_reconstructor, (retval,)
def _getset_descriptor_reduce(obj):
return getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__)
def _mappingproxy_reduce(obj):
return types.MappingProxyType, (dict(obj),)
def _memoryview_reduce(obj):
return bytes, (obj.tobytes(),)
def _module_reduce(obj):
if _is_dynamic(obj):
return dynamic_subimport, (obj.__name__, vars(obj))
return subimport, (obj.__name__,)
def _method_reduce(obj):
return (types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__))
def _logger_reduce(obj):
return logging.getLogger, (,)
def _root_logger_reduce(obj):
return logging.getLogger, ()
def _weakset_reduce(obj):
return weakref.WeakSet, (list(obj),)
def _dynamic_class_reduce(obj):
Save a class that can't be stored as module global.
This method is used to serialize classes that are defined inside
functions, or that otherwise can't be serialized as attribute lookups
from global modules.
if Enum is not None and issubclass(obj, Enum):
return (
_make_skeleton_enum, _enum_getnewargs(obj), _enum_getstate(obj),
None, None, _class_setstate
return (
_make_skeleton_class, _class_getnewargs(obj), _class_getstate(obj),
None, None, _class_setstate
def _class_reduce(obj):
"""Select the reducer depending on the dynamic nature of the class obj"""
if obj is type(None): # noqa
return type, (None,)
elif obj is type(Ellipsis):
return type, (Ellipsis,)
elif obj is type(NotImplemented):
return type, (NotImplemented,)
elif obj in _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES:
return _builtin_type, (_BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES[obj],)
elif not _is_global(obj):
return _dynamic_class_reduce(obj)
return NotImplemented
# ------------------------------------
# state setters are called at unpickling time, once the object is created and
# it has to be updated to how it was at unpickling time.
def _function_setstate(obj, state):
"""Update the state of a dynaamic function.
As __closure__ and __globals__ are readonly attributes of a function, we
cannot rely on the native setstate routine of pickle.load_build, that calls
setattr on items of the slotstate. Instead, we have to modify them inplace.
state, slotstate = state
obj_globals = slotstate.pop("__globals__")
obj_closure = slotstate.pop("__closure__")
# _cloudpickle_subimports is a set of submodules that must be loaded for
# the pickled function to work correctly at unpickling time. Now that these
# submodules are depickled (hence imported), they can be removed from the
# object's state (the object state only served as a reference holder to
# these submodules)
obj.__globals__["__builtins__"] = __builtins__
if obj_closure is not None:
for i, cell in enumerate(obj_closure):
value = cell.cell_contents
except ValueError: # cell is empty
obj.__closure__[i].cell_contents = value
for k, v in slotstate.items():
setattr(obj, k, v)
def _class_setstate(obj, state):
state, slotstate = state
registry = None
for attrname, attr in state.items():
if attrname == "_abc_impl":
registry = attr
setattr(obj, attrname, attr)
if registry is not None:
for subclass in registry:
return obj
class CloudPickler(Pickler):
"""Fast C Pickler extension with additional reducing routines.
CloudPickler's extensions exist into into:
* its dispatch_table containing reducers that are called only if ALL
built-in saving functions were previously discarded.
* a special callback named "reducer_override", invoked before standard
function/class builtin-saving method (save_global), to serialize dynamic
# cloudpickle's own dispatch_table, containing the additional set of
# objects (compared to the standard library pickle) that cloupickle can
# serialize.
dispatch = {}
dispatch[classmethod] = _classmethod_reduce
dispatch[io.TextIOWrapper] = _file_reduce
dispatch[logging.Logger] = _logger_reduce
dispatch[logging.RootLogger] = _root_logger_reduce
dispatch[memoryview] = _memoryview_reduce
dispatch[staticmethod] = _classmethod_reduce
dispatch[types.CellType] = _cell_reduce
dispatch[types.CodeType] = _code_reduce
dispatch[types.GetSetDescriptorType] = _getset_descriptor_reduce
dispatch[types.ModuleType] = _module_reduce
dispatch[types.MethodType] = _method_reduce
dispatch[types.MappingProxyType] = _mappingproxy_reduce
dispatch[weakref.WeakSet] = _weakset_reduce
def __init__(self, file, protocol=None):
if protocol is None:
Pickler.__init__(self, file, protocol=protocol)
# map functions __globals__ attribute ids, to ensure that functions
# sharing the same global namespace at pickling time also share their
# global namespace at unpickling time.
self.globals_ref = {}
# Take into account potential custom reducers registered by external
# modules
self.dispatch_table = copyreg.dispatch_table.copy()
self.proto = int(protocol)
def reducer_override(self, obj):
"""Type-agnostic reducing callback for function and classes.
For performance reasons, subclasses of the C _pickle.Pickler class
cannot register custom reducers for functions and classes in the
dispatch_table. Reducer for such types must instead implemented in the
special reducer_override method.
Note that method will be called for any object except a few
builtin-types (int, lists, dicts etc.), which differs from reducers in
the Pickler's dispatch_table, each of them being invoked for objects of
a specific type only.
This property comes in handy for classes: although most classes are
instances of the ``type`` metaclass, some of them can be instances of
other custom metaclasses (such as enum.EnumMeta for example). In
particular, the metaclass will likely not be known in advance, and thus
cannot be special-cased using an entry in the dispatch_table.
reducer_override, among other things, allows us to register a reducer
that will be called for any class, independently of its type.
* reducer_override has the priority over dispatch_table-registered
* reducer_override can be used to fix other limitations of cloudpickle
for other types that suffered from type-specific reducers, such as
Exceptions. See
t = type(obj)
is_anyclass = issubclass(t, type)
except TypeError: # t is not a class (old Boost; see SF #502085)
is_anyclass = False
if is_anyclass:
return _class_reduce(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType):
return self._function_reduce(obj)
# fallback to save_global, including the Pickler's distpatch_table
return NotImplemented
# function reducers are defined as instance methods of CloudPickler
# objects, as they rely on a CloudPickler attribute (globals_ref)
def _dynamic_function_reduce(self, func):
"""Reduce a function that is not pickleable via attribute lookup."""
newargs = self._function_getnewargs(func)
state = _function_getstate(func)
return (types.FunctionType, newargs, state, None, None,
def _function_reduce(self, obj):
"""Reducer for function objects.
If obj is a top-level attribute of a file-backed module, this
reducer returns NotImplemented, making the CloudPickler fallback to
traditional _pickle.Pickler routines to save obj. Otherwise, it reduces
obj using a custom cloudpickle reducer designed specifically to handle
dynamic functions.
As opposed to, There no special handling for builtin
pypy functions because cloudpickle_fast is CPython-specific.
if _is_global(obj):
return NotImplemented
return self._dynamic_function_reduce(obj)
def _function_getnewargs(self, func):
code = func.__code__
# base_globals represents the future global namespace of func at
# unpickling time. Looking it up and storing it in
# CloudpiPickler.globals_ref allow functions sharing the same globals
# at pickling time to also share them once unpickled, at one condition:
# since globals_ref is an attribute of a CloudPickler instance, and
# that a new CloudPickler is created each time pickle.dump or
# pickle.dumps is called, functions also need to be saved within the
# same invocation of cloudpickle.dump/cloudpickle.dumps (for example:
# cloudpickle.dumps([f1, f2])). There is no such limitation when using
# CloudPickler.dump, as long as the multiple invocations are bound to
# the same CloudPickler.
base_globals = self.globals_ref.setdefault(id(func.__globals__), {})
if base_globals == {}:
# Add module attributes used to resolve relative imports
# instructions inside func.
for k in ["__package__", "__name__", "__path__", "__file__"]:
if k in func.__globals__:
base_globals[k] = func.__globals__[k]
# Do not bind the free variables before the function is created to
# avoid infinite recursion.
if func.__closure__ is None:
closure = None
closure = tuple(
types.CellType() for _ in range(len(code.co_freevars)))
return code, base_globals, None, None, closure
def dump(self, obj):
return Pickler.dump(self, obj)
except RuntimeError as e:
if "recursion" in e.args[0]:
msg = (
"Could not pickle object as excessively deep recursion "
raise pickle.PicklingError(msg)