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# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to Weka Classsifiers
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: Edward Loper <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Classifiers that make use of the external 'Weka' package.
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import tempfile
import os
import subprocess
import re
import zipfile
from sys import stdin
from six import integer_types, string_types
from nltk.probability import DictionaryProbDist
from nltk.internals import java, config_java
from nltk.classify.api import ClassifierI
_weka_classpath = None
_weka_search = [
def config_weka(classpath=None):
global _weka_classpath
# Make sure java's configured first.
if classpath is not None:
_weka_classpath = classpath
if _weka_classpath is None:
searchpath = _weka_search
if 'WEKAHOME' in os.environ:
searchpath.insert(0, os.environ['WEKAHOME'])
for path in searchpath:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'weka.jar')):
_weka_classpath = os.path.join(path, 'weka.jar')
version = _check_weka_version(_weka_classpath)
if version:
('[Found Weka: %s (version %s)]' % (_weka_classpath, version))
print('[Found Weka: %s]' % _weka_classpath)
if _weka_classpath is None:
raise LookupError(
'Unable to find weka.jar! Use config_weka() '
'or set the WEKAHOME environment variable. '
'For more information about Weka, please see '
def _check_weka_version(jar):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(jar)
except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
return None
except KeyError:
return None
class WekaClassifier(ClassifierI):
def __init__(self, formatter, model_filename):
self._formatter = formatter
self._model = model_filename
def prob_classify_many(self, featuresets):
return self._classify_many(featuresets, ['-p', '0', '-distribution'])
def classify_many(self, featuresets):
return self._classify_many(featuresets, ['-p', '0'])
def _classify_many(self, featuresets, options):
# Make sure we can find java & weka.
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Write the test data file.
test_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.arff')
self._formatter.write(test_filename, featuresets)
# Call weka to classify the data.
cmd = [
] + options
(stdout, stderr) = java(
# Check if something went wrong:
if stderr and not stdout:
if 'Illegal options: -distribution' in stderr:
raise ValueError(
'The installed version of weka does '
'not support probability distribution '
raise ValueError('Weka failed to generate output:\n%s' % stderr)
# Parse weka's output.
return self.parse_weka_output(stdout.decode(stdin.encoding).split('\n'))
for f in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.remove(os.path.join(temp_dir, f))
def parse_weka_distribution(self, s):
probs = [float(v) for v in re.split('[*,]+', s) if v.strip()]
probs = dict(zip(self._formatter.labels(), probs))
return DictionaryProbDist(probs)
def parse_weka_output(self, lines):
# Strip unwanted text from stdout
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.strip().startswith("inst#"):
lines = lines[i:]
if lines[0].split() == ['inst#', 'actual', 'predicted', 'error', 'prediction']:
return [line.split()[2].split(':')[1] for line in lines[1:] if line.strip()]
elif lines[0].split() == [
return [
for line in lines[1:]
if line.strip()
# is this safe:?
elif re.match(r'^0 \w+ [01]\.[0-9]* \?\s*$', lines[0]):
return [line.split()[1] for line in lines if line.strip()]
for line in lines[:10]:
raise ValueError(
'Unhandled output format -- your version '
'of weka may not be supported.\n'
' Header: %s' % lines[0]
# [xx] full list of classifiers (some may be abstract?):
# ADTree, AODE, BayesNet, ComplementNaiveBayes, ConjunctiveRule,
# DecisionStump, DecisionTable, HyperPipes, IB1, IBk, Id3, J48,
# JRip, KStar, LBR, LeastMedSq, LinearRegression, LMT, Logistic,
# LogisticBase, M5Base, MultilayerPerceptron,
# MultipleClassifiersCombiner, NaiveBayes, NaiveBayesMultinomial,
# NaiveBayesSimple, NBTree, NNge, OneR, PaceRegression, PART,
# PreConstructedLinearModel, Prism, RandomForest,
# RandomizableClassifier, RandomTree, RBFNetwork, REPTree, Ridor,
# RuleNode, SimpleLinearRegression, SimpleLogistic,
# SingleClassifierEnhancer, SMO, SMOreg, UserClassifier, VFI,
# VotedPerceptron, Winnow, ZeroR
'naivebayes': 'weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes',
'C4.5': 'weka.classifiers.trees.J48',
'log_regression': 'weka.classifiers.functions.Logistic',
'svm': 'weka.classifiers.functions.SMO',
'kstar': 'weka.classifiers.lazy.KStar',
'ripper': 'weka.classifiers.rules.JRip',
def train(
# Make sure we can find java & weka.
# Build an ARFF formatter.
formatter = ARFF_Formatter.from_train(featuresets)
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Write the training data file.
train_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'train.arff')
formatter.write(train_filename, featuresets)
if classifier in cls._CLASSIFIER_CLASS:
javaclass = cls._CLASSIFIER_CLASS[classifier]
elif classifier in cls._CLASSIFIER_CLASS.values():
javaclass = classifier
raise ValueError('Unknown classifier %s' % classifier)
# Train the weka model.
cmd = [javaclass, '-d', model_filename, '-t', train_filename]
cmd += list(options)
if quiet:
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
stdout = None
java(cmd, classpath=_weka_classpath, stdout=stdout)
# Return the new classifier.
return WekaClassifier(formatter, model_filename)
for f in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.remove(os.path.join(temp_dir, f))
class ARFF_Formatter:
Converts featuresets and labeled featuresets to ARFF-formatted
strings, appropriate for input into Weka.
Features and classes can be specified manually in the constructor, or may
be determined from data using ``from_train``.
def __init__(self, labels, features):
:param labels: A list of all class labels that can be generated.
:param features: A list of feature specifications, where
each feature specification is a tuple (fname, ftype);
and ftype is an ARFF type string such as NUMERIC or
self._labels = labels
self._features = features
def format(self, tokens):
"""Returns a string representation of ARFF output for the given data."""
return self.header_section() + self.data_section(tokens)
def labels(self):
"""Returns the list of classes."""
return list(self._labels)
def write(self, outfile, tokens):
"""Writes ARFF data to a file for the given data."""
if not hasattr(outfile, 'write'):
outfile = open(outfile, 'w')
def from_train(tokens):
Constructs an ARFF_Formatter instance with class labels and feature
types determined from the given data. Handles boolean, numeric and
string (note: not nominal) types.
# Find the set of all attested labels.
labels = set(label for (tok, label) in tokens)
# Determine the types of all features.
features = {}
for tok, label in tokens:
for (fname, fval) in tok.items():
if issubclass(type(fval), bool):
ftype = '{True, False}'
elif issubclass(type(fval), (integer_types, float, bool)):
ftype = 'NUMERIC'
elif issubclass(type(fval), string_types):
ftype = 'STRING'
elif fval is None:
continue # can't tell the type.
raise ValueError('Unsupported value type %r' % ftype)
if features.get(fname, ftype) != ftype:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent type for %s' % fname)
features[fname] = ftype
features = sorted(features.items())
return ARFF_Formatter(labels, features)
def header_section(self):
"""Returns an ARFF header as a string."""
# Header comment.
s = (
'% Weka ARFF file\n'
+ '% Generated automatically by NLTK\n'
+ '%% %s\n\n' % time.ctime()
# Relation name
s += '@RELATION rel\n\n'
# Input attribute specifications
for fname, ftype in self._features:
s += '@ATTRIBUTE %-30r %s\n' % (fname, ftype)
# Label attribute specification
s += '@ATTRIBUTE %-30r {%s}\n' % ('-label-', ','.join(self._labels))
return s
def data_section(self, tokens, labeled=None):
Returns the ARFF data section for the given data.
:param tokens: a list of featuresets (dicts) or labelled featuresets
which are tuples (featureset, label).
:param labeled: Indicates whether the given tokens are labeled
or not. If None, then the tokens will be assumed to be
labeled if the first token's value is a tuple or list.
# Check if the tokens are labeled or unlabeled. If unlabeled,
# then use 'None'
if labeled is None:
labeled = tokens and isinstance(tokens[0], (tuple, list))
if not labeled:
tokens = [(tok, None) for tok in tokens]
# Data section
s = '\n@DATA\n'
for (tok, label) in tokens:
for fname, ftype in self._features:
s += '%s,' % self._fmt_arff_val(tok.get(fname))
s += '%s\n' % self._fmt_arff_val(label)
return s
def _fmt_arff_val(self, fval):
if fval is None:
return '?'
elif isinstance(fval, (bool, integer_types)):
return '%s' % fval
elif isinstance(fval, float):
return '%r' % fval
return '%r' % fval
if __name__ == '__main__':
from nltk.classify.util import names_demo, binary_names_demo_features
def make_classifier(featuresets):
return WekaClassifier.train('/tmp/name.model', featuresets, 'C4.5')
classifier = names_demo(make_classifier, binary_names_demo_features)