#### PATTERN | IT ################################################################################## # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013 University of Antwerp, Belgium # Copyright (c) 2013 St. Lucas University College of Art & Design, Antwerp. # Author: Tom De Smedt , Fabio Marfia # License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt for details). #################################################################################################### # Italian linguistical tools using fast regular expressions. from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int from builtins import map, zip, filter from builtins import object, range import os import sys try: MODULE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except: MODULE = "" sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(MODULE, "..", "..", "..", "..")) # Import parser base classes. from pattern.text import ( Lexicon, Model, Morphology, Context, Parser as _Parser, ngrams, pprint, commandline, PUNCTUATION ) # Import parser universal tagset. from pattern.text import ( penntreebank2universal as _penntreebank2universal, PTB, PENN, UNIVERSAL, NOUN, VERB, ADJ, ADV, PRON, DET, PREP, ADP, NUM, CONJ, INTJ, PRT, PUNC, X ) # Import parse tree base classes. from pattern.text.tree import ( Tree, Text, Sentence, Slice, Chunk, PNPChunk, Chink, Word, table, SLASH, WORD, POS, CHUNK, PNP, REL, ANCHOR, LEMMA, AND, OR ) # Import sentiment analysis base classes. from pattern.text import ( Sentiment as _Sentiment, NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB, MOOD, IRONY ) # Import spelling base class. from pattern.text import ( Spelling ) # Import verb tenses. from pattern.text import ( INFINITIVE, PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE, CONDITIONAL, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, SINGULAR, PLURAL, SG, PL, INDICATIVE, IMPERATIVE, SUBJUNCTIVE, IMPERFECTIVE, PERFECTIVE, PROGRESSIVE, IMPERFECT, PRETERITE, PARTICIPLE, GERUND ) # Import inflection functions. from pattern.text.it.inflect import ( article, referenced, DEFINITE, INDEFINITE, pluralize, singularize, NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, verbs, conjugate, lemma, lexeme, tenses, predicative, attributive, gender, MASCULINE, MALE, FEMININE, FEMALE, NEUTER, NEUTRAL, PLURAL, M, F, N, PL ) # Import all submodules. from pattern.text.it import inflect sys.path.pop(0) #--- PARSER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _subordinating_conjunctions = set(( "che" , "perché", "sebbene", "come" , "poiché", "senza", "se" , "perciò", "salvo", "mentre", "finché", "dopo", "quando", "benché" )) def penntreebank2universal(token, tag): """ Converts a Penn Treebank II tag to a universal tag. For example: che/IN => che/CONJ """ if tag == "IN" and token.lower() in _subordinating_conjunctions: return CONJ return _penntreebank2universal(token, tag) ABBREVIATIONS = [ "a.C.", "all.", "apr.", "art.", "artt.", "b.c.", "c.a.", "cfr.", "c.d.", "c.m.", "C.V.", "d.C.", "Dott.", "ecc.", "egr.", "e.v.", "fam.", "giu.", "Ing.", "L.", "n.", "op.", "orch.", "p.es.", "Prof.", "prof.", "ql.co.", "secc.", "sig.", "s.l.m.", "s.r.l.", "Spett.", "S.P.Q.C.", "v.c." ] replacements = ( "a", "co", "all", "anch", "nient", "cinquant", "b", "de", "dev", "bell", "quell", "diciott", "c", "gl", "don", "cent", "quest", "occupo", "d", "po", "dov", "dall", "trent", "sessant", "l", "un", "nel", "dell", "tropp", "m", "king", "n", "nell", "r", "sant", "s", "sott", "sull", "tant", "tutt", "vent") replacements += tuple(k.capitalize() for k in replacements) replacements = dict((k + "'", k + "' ") for k in replacements) def find_lemmata(tokens): """ Annotates the tokens with lemmata for plural nouns and conjugated verbs, where each token is a [word, part-of-speech] list. """ for token in tokens: word, pos, lemma = token[0], token[1], token[0] if pos.startswith(("DT",)): lemma = singularize(word, pos="DT") if pos.startswith("JJ"): lemma = predicative(word) if pos == "NNS": lemma = singularize(word) if pos.startswith(("VB", "MD")): lemma = conjugate(word, INFINITIVE) or word token.append(lemma.lower()) return tokens class Parser(_Parser): def find_tokens(self, tokens, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("abbreviations", ABBREVIATIONS) kwargs.setdefault("replace", replacements) #return _Parser.find_tokens(self, tokens, **kwargs) s = _Parser.find_tokens(self, tokens, **kwargs) s = [s.replace(" &contraction ;", "'").replace("XXX -", "-") for s in s] return s def find_lemmata(self, tokens, **kwargs): return find_lemmata(tokens) def find_tags(self, tokens, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("tagset") in (PENN, None): kwargs.setdefault("map", lambda token, tag: (token, tag)) if kwargs.get("tagset") == UNIVERSAL: kwargs.setdefault("map", lambda token, tag: penntreebank2universal(token, tag)) return _Parser.find_tags(self, tokens, **kwargs) class Sentiment(_Sentiment): def load(self, path=None): _Sentiment.load(self, path) parser = Parser( lexicon = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-lexicon.txt"), frequency = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-frequency.txt"), morphology = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-morphology.txt"), context = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-context.txt"), default = ("NN", "NNP", "CD"), language = "it" ) lexicon = parser.lexicon # Expose lexicon. sentiment = Sentiment( path = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-sentiment.xml"), synset = None, negations = ("mai", "no", "non"), modifiers = ("RB",), modifier = lambda w: w.endswith(("mente")), tokenizer = parser.find_tokens, language = "it" ) spelling = Spelling( path = os.path.join(MODULE, "it-spelling.txt") ) def tokenize(s, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of sentences, where punctuation marks have been split from words. """ return parser.find_tokens(s, *args, **kwargs) def parse(s, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a tagged Unicode string. """ return parser.parse(s, *args, **kwargs) def parsetree(s, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns a parsed Text from the given string. """ return Text(parse(s, *args, **kwargs)) def tree(s, token=[WORD, POS, CHUNK, PNP, REL, LEMMA]): """ Returns a parsed Text from the given parsed string. """ return Text(s, token) def tag(s, tokenize=True, encoding="utf-8", **kwargs): """ Returns a list of (token, tag)-tuples from the given string. """ tags = [] for sentence in parse(s, tokenize, True, False, False, False, encoding, **kwargs).split(): for token in sentence: tags.append((token[0], token[1])) return tags def keywords(s, top=10, **kwargs): """ Returns a sorted list of keywords in the given string. """ return parser.find_keywords(s, **dict({ "frequency": parser.frequency, "top": top, "pos": ("NN",), "ignore": ("rt",)}, **kwargs)) def suggest(w): """ Returns a list of (word, confidence)-tuples of spelling corrections. """ return spelling.suggest(w) def polarity(s, **kwargs): """ Returns the sentence polarity (positive/negative) between -1.0 and 1.0. """ return sentiment(s, **kwargs)[0] def subjectivity(s, **kwargs): """ Returns the sentence subjectivity (objective/subjective) between 0.0 and 1.0. """ return sentiment(s, **kwargs)[1] def positive(s, threshold=0.1, **kwargs): """ Returns True if the given sentence has a positive sentiment (polarity >= threshold). """ return polarity(s, **kwargs) >= threshold split = tree # Backwards compatibility. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # python -m pattern.it xml -s "Il gatto nero faceva le fusa." -OTCL if __name__ == "__main__": commandline(parse)