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Title to copyright in this software, database and 28 any associated documentation shall at all times remain with 29 Princeton University and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. 00001740 00 a 01 able 0 005 = 05200169 n 0000 = 05616246 n 0000 + 05616246 n 0101 + 05200169 n 0101 ! 00002098 a 0101 | (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project" 00002098 00 a 01 unable 0 002 = 05200169 n 0000 ! 00001740 a 0101 | (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how; "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds" 00002312 00 a 02 abaxial 0 dorsal 4 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00002527 a 0101 | facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem" 00002527 00 a 02 adaxial 0 ventral 4 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00002312 a 0101 | nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism; "the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface" 00002730 00 a 01 acroscopic 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00002843 a 0101 | facing or on the side toward the apex 00002843 00 a 01 basiscopic 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00002730 a 0101 | facing or on the side toward the base 00002956 00 a 02 abducent 0 abducting 0 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 00003131 a 0101 | especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part 00003131 00 a 03 adducent 0 adductive 0 adducting 0 003 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 01449236 v 0201 ! 00002956 a 0101 | especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part 00003356 00 a 01 nascent 0 005 + 07320302 n 0103 ! 00003939 a 0101 & 00003553 a 0000 & 00003700 a 0000 & 00003829 a 0000 | being born or beginning; "the nascent chicks"; "a nascent insurgency" 00003553 00 s 02 emergent 0 emerging 0 003 & 00003356 a 0000 + 02625016 v 0102 + 00050693 n 0101 | coming into existence; "an emergent republic" 00003700 00 s 01 dissilient 0 002 & 00003356 a 0000 + 07434782 n 0101 | bursting open with force, as do some ripe seed vessels 00003829 00 s 01 parturient 0 002 & 00003356 a 0000 + 14048441 n 0101 | giving birth; "a parturient heifer" 00003939 00 a 01 dying 0 003 ! 00003356 a 0101 & 00004171 a 0000 & 00004296 a 0000 | in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be; "a dying man"; "his dying wish"; "a dying fire"; "a dying civilization" 00004171 00 s 01 moribund 0 001 & 00003939 a 0000 | being on the point of death; breathing your last; "a moribund patient" 00004296 00 s 01 last 0 001 & 00003939 a 0000 | occurring at the time of death; "his last words"; "the last rites" 00004413 00 a 01 abridged 0 005 ^ 01442186 a 0000 ! 00004980 a 0101 & 00004615 a 0000 & 00004723 a 0000 & 00004817 a 0000 | (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting; "an abridged version" 00004615 00 s 02 cut 0 shortened 0 001 & 00004413 a 0000 | with parts removed; "the drastically cut film" 00004723 00 s 01 half-length 0 001 & 00004413 a 0000 | abridged to half its original length 00004817 00 s 01 potted 0 003 & 00004413 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) summarized or abridged; "a potted version of a novel" 00004980 00 a 01 unabridged 0 002 ! 00004413 a 0101 & 00005107 a 0000 | (used of texts) not shortened; "an unabridged novel" 00005107 00 s 02 full-length 0 uncut 0 001 & 00004980 a 0000 | complete; "the full-length play" 00005205 00 a 01 absolute 0 007 + 05854474 n 0101 + 04738398 n 0101 ! 00006032 a 0101 & 00005473 a 0000 & 00005599 a 0000 & 00005718 a 0000 & 00005839 a 0000 | perfect or complete or pure; "absolute loyalty"; "absolute silence"; "absolute truth"; "absolute alcohol" 00005473 00 s 01 direct 0 001 & 00005205 a 0000 | lacking compromising or mitigating elements; exact; "the direct opposite" 00005599 00 s 02 implicit 0 unquestioning 0 001 & 00005205 a 0000 | being without doubt or reserve; "implicit trust" 00005718 00 s 01 infinite 0 002 & 00005205 a 0000 + 05209324 n 0101 | total and all-embracing; "God's infinite wisdom" 00005839 00 s 01 living 0 002 & 00005205 a 0000 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (informal) absolute; "she is a living doll"; "scared the living daylights out of them"; "beat the living hell out of him" 00006032 00 a 02 relative 0 comparative 0 005 + 00653620 v 0201 + 00652900 v 0201 + 05212609 n 0101 ! 00005205 a 0101 & 00006245 a 0000 | estimated by comparison; not absolute or complete; "a relative stranger" 00006245 00 s 01 relational 0 001 & 00006032 a 0000 | having a relation or being related 00006336 00 a 02 absorbent 0 absorptive 0 015 = 04940964 n 0000 + 02765464 v 0201 + 01539633 v 0201 + 05010062 n 0201 + 04940964 n 0101 + 02765464 v 0101 + 01539633 v 0101 ! 00007813 a 0101 & 00006777 a 0000 & 00006885 a 0000 & 00007096 a 0000 & 00007208 a 0000 & 00007331 a 0000 & 00007516 a 0000 & 00007697 a 0000 | having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.); "as absorbent as a sponge" 00006777 00 s 02 absorbefacient 0 sorbefacient 0 001 & 00006336 a 0000 | inducing or promoting absorption 00006885 00 s 03 assimilating 0 assimilative 0 assimilatory 0 003 & 00006336 a 0000 + 01540042 v 0301 + 01540042 v 0201 | capable of taking (gas, light, or liquids) into a solution; "an assimilative substance 00007096 00 s 01 hygroscopic 0 002 & 00006336 a 0000 + 03554645 n 0101 | absorbing moisture (as from the air) 00007208 00 s 01 receptive 0 001 & 00006336 a 0000 | able to absorb liquid (not repellent); "the paper is ink-receptive" 00007331 00 s 01 shock-absorbent 0 001 & 00006336 a 0000 | having the capacity to absorb the energy of an impact; "the material absorbs shock and is used for shock-absorbent insoles" 00007516 00 s 02 spongy 0 spongelike 0 003 & 00006336 a 0000 + 14597758 n 0101 + 04940379 n 0101 | like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressed 00007697 00 s 01 thirsty 0 001 & 00006336 a 0000 | able to take in large quantities of moisture; "thirsty towels" 00007813 00 a 02 nonabsorbent 0 nonabsorptive 0 004 = 04940964 n 0000 + 04942738 n 0101 ! 00006336 a 0101 & 00007990 a 0000 | not capable of absorbing or soaking up (liquids) 00007990 00 s 02 repellent 0 resistant 0 003 & 00007813 a 0000 + 01115916 v 0201 + 05196054 n 0101 | incapable of absorbing or mixing with; "a water-repellent fabric"; "plastic highly resistant to steam and water" 00008206 00 a 03 adsorbent 0 adsorptive 0 surface-assimilative 0 005 + 01540232 v 0201 + 14598525 n 0101 + 01540232 v 0101 ! 00008595 a 0101 & 00008443 a 0000 | having capacity or tendency to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface 00008443 00 s 02 chemisorptive 0 chemosorptive 0 001 & 00008206 a 0000 | having the capacity to adsorb by chemical as contrasted with physical forces 00008595 00 a 02 nonadsorbent 0 nonadsorptive 0 001 ! 00008206 a 0101 | lacking a capacity to adsorb or cause to accumulate on a surface 00008734 00 a 01 absorbable 0 002 + 02765464 v 0101 ! 00008877 a 0101 | capable of being absorbed or taken in through the pores of a surface 00008877 00 a 02 adsorbable 0 adsorbate 0 003 + 14598704 n 0201 + 01540232 v 0101 ! 00008734 a 0101 | capable of being adsorbed or accumulated on a surface of a solid 00009046 00 a 01 abstemious 0 006 ^ 01299888 a 0000 = 04883942 n 0000 + 04883942 n 0101 ! 00009978 a 0101 & 00009346 a 0000 & 00009618 a 0000 | sparing in consumption of especially food and drink; "the pleasures of the table, never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious"- John Galsworthy 00009346 00 s 02 abstinent 0 abstentious 0 006 & 00009046 a 0000 + 04882622 n 0202 + 09757944 n 0102 + 04882622 n 0101 + 01068773 n 0101 + 01196037 v 0101 | self-restraining; not indulging an appetite especially for food or drink; "not totally abstinent but abstemious" 00009618 00 s 04 ascetic 0 ascetical 0 austere 0 spartan 0 004 & 00009046 a 0000 + 04881998 n 0301 + 09758173 n 0202 + 09758173 n 0102 | practicing great self-denial; "Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it"- William James; "a desert nomad's austere life"; "a spartan diet"; "a spartan existence" 00009978 00 a 01 gluttonous 0 010 ^ 01297315 a 0000 = 04886101 n 0000 + 10132988 n 0101 ! 00009046 a 0101 & 00010385 a 0000 & 00010537 a 0000 & 00010726 a 0000 & 00011160 a 0000 & 00011327 a 0000 & 00011665 a 0000 | given to excess in consumption of especially food or drink; "over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands"; "a gluttonous debauch"; "a gluttonous appetite for food and praise and pleasure" 00010385 00 s 01 crapulous 1 002 & 00009978 a 0000 + 00748515 n 0105 | given to gross intemperance in eating or drinking; "a crapulous old reprobate" 00010537 00 s 02 crapulent 0 crapulous 2 003 & 00009978 a 0000 + 00748515 n 0205 + 00748515 n 0105 | suffering from excessive eating or drinking; "crapulent sleep"; "a crapulous stomach" 00010726 00 s 07 edacious 0 esurient 0 rapacious 0 ravening 0 ravenous 0 voracious 0 wolfish 0 011 & 00009978 a 0000 + 14040071 n 0605 + 04886402 n 0606 + 14040071 n 0604 + 04886402 n 0605 + 14040071 n 0503 + 04886402 n 0303 + 04886402 n 0304 + 04886402 n 0202 + 14040071 n 0101 + 04886402 n 0101 | devouring or craving food in great quantities; "edacious vultures"; "a rapacious appetite"; "ravenous as wolves"; "voracious sharks" 00011160 00 s 01 greedy 0 002 & 00009978 a 0000 + 04886235 n 0101 | wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume; "don't be greedy with the cookies" 00011327 00 s 05 hoggish 0 piggish 0 piggy 0 porcine 0 swinish 0 005 & 00009978 a 0000 + 02395694 n 0302 + 10179649 n 0302 + 04886235 n 0203 + 04886235 n 0102 | resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy; "piggish table manners"; "the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father"; "swinish slavering over food" 00011665 00 s 02 overgreedy 0 too-greedy 0 001 & 00009978 a 0000 | excessively gluttonous 00011757 00 a 01 abstract 0 010 ^ 02391867 a 0000 ^ 01980250 a 0000 = 04762134 n 0000 + 05854150 n 0102 + 04762134 n 0101 ! 00013160 a 0101 & 00012071 a 0000 & 00012362 a 0000 & 00012689 a 0000 & 00012932 a 0000 | existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment; "abstract words like `truth' and `justice'" 00012071 00 s 03 conceptional 0 ideational 0 notional 0 004 & 00011757 a 0000 + 05836598 n 0301 + 05784699 n 0201 + 05835747 n 0102 | being of the nature of a notion or concept; "a plan abstract and conceptional"; "to improve notional comprehension"; "a notional response to the question" 00012362 00 s 01 conceptual 0 004 & 00011757 a 0000 + 01633343 v 0103 + 05835747 n 0101 + 05836275 n 0103 | being or characterized by concepts or their formation; "conceptual discussions"; "the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking"; "sex is a notional category, gender is a grammatical category" 00012689 00 s 01 ideal 0 003 & 00011757 a 0000 + 05833840 n 0101 + 04855524 n 0101 | constituting or existing only in the form of an idea or mental image or conception; "a poem or essay may be typical of its period in idea or ideal content" 00012932 00 s 02 ideological 0 ideologic 0 003 & 00011757 a 0000 + 05779568 n 0201 + 05779568 n 0101 | concerned with or suggestive of ideas; "ideological application of a theory"; "the drama's symbolism was very ideological" 00013160 00 a 01 concrete 0 008 ^ 02391455 a 0000 ^ 01834304 a 0000 ^ 01932973 a 0000 = 04759849 n 0000 + 04759849 n 0101 ! 00011757 a 0101 & 00013442 a 0000 & 00013662 a 0000 | capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary; "concrete objects such as trees" 00013442 00 s 01 objective 0 001 & 00013160 a 0000 | belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events; "objective benefits"; "an objective example"; "there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind" 00013662 00 s 02 real 0 tangible 0 003 & 00013160 a 0000 + 04760024 n 0202 + 13956097 n 0101 | capable of being treated as fact; "tangible evidence"; "his brief time as Prime Minister brought few real benefits to the poor" 00013887 00 a 01 abundant 0 021 ^ 00105746 a 0000 ^ 02021905 a 0000 = 05108740 n 0000 + 02715279 v 0101 + 05115040 n 0101 ! 00016756 a 0101 & 00014358 a 0000 & 00014490 a 0000 & 00014858 a 0000 & 00015097 a 0000 & 00015247 a 0000 & 00015480 a 0000 & 00015589 a 0000 & 00015720 a 0000 & 00015854 a 0000 & 00016005 a 0000 & 00016135 a 0000 & 00016247 a 0000 & 00016350 a 0000 & 00016532 a 0000 & 00016647 a 0000 | present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water" 00014358 00 s 02 abounding 0 galore(ip) 0 001 & 00013887 a 0000 | existing in abundance; "abounding confidence"; "whiskey galore" 00014490 00 s 05 ample 0 copious 1 plenteous 0 plentiful 1 rich 0 008 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05115804 n 0503 + 05115568 n 0402 + 13774404 n 0312 + 05115568 n 0301 + 05115568 n 0303 + 05115040 n 0202 + 05112910 n 0101 | affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply" 00014858 00 s 02 copious 2 voluminous 0 004 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05106024 n 0203 + 05106024 n 0202 + 05115040 n 0102 | large in number or quantity (especially of discourse); "she took copious notes"; "a subject of voluminous legislation" 00015097 00 s 01 easy 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 ;c 06149484 n 0000 | obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally; "easy money" 00015247 00 s 05 exuberant 0 lush 0 luxuriant 0 profuse 0 riotous 0 005 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05115804 n 0402 + 00310812 v 0301 + 05116243 n 0301 + 05116243 n 0202 | produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming" 00015480 00 s 01 thick 0 001 & 00013887 a 0000 | abounding; having a lot of; "the top was thick with dust" 00015589 00 s 01 long 0 001 & 00013887 a 0000 | having or being more than normal or necessary:"long on brains"; "in long supply" 00015720 00 s 03 overabundant 0 plethoric 0 rife 0 003 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05120116 n 0202 + 05119367 n 0101 | excessively abundant 00015854 00 s 01 plentiful 2 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05115568 n 0102 | existing in great number or quantity; "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here" 00016005 00 s 01 rampant 0 001 & 00013887 a 0000 | (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth; "a rampant growth of weeds" 00016135 00 s 01 rank 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05147586 n 0102 | growing profusely; "rank jungle vegetation" 00016247 00 s 01 superabundant 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05119367 n 0104 | most excessively abundant 00016350 00 s 01 teeming 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05115040 n 0103 | abundantly filled with especially living things; "the Third World's teeming millions"; "the teeming boulevard" 00016532 00 s 01 torrential 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 11502102 n 0105 | pouring in abundance; "torrential rains" 00016647 00 s 01 verdant 0 002 & 00013887 a 0000 + 05116590 n 0102 | characterized by abundance of verdure 00016756 00 a 01 scarce 0 007 ^ 00106456 a 0000 = 05108740 n 0000 + 05116953 n 0102 + 05116953 n 0101 ! 00013887 a 0101 & 00017024 a 0000 & 00017186 a 0000 | deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand; "fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought" 00017024 00 s 01 rare 0 003 & 00016756 a 0000 + 05117237 n 0102 + 05117237 n 0101 | not widely distributed; "rare herbs"; "rare patches of green in the desert" 00017186 00 s 01 tight 0 003 & 00016756 a 0000 ;c 06149484 n 0000 + 14450540 n 0102 | affected by scarcity and expensive to borrow; "tight money"; "a tight market" 00017352 00 a 04 abused 1 ill-treated 0 maltreated 0 mistreated 0 002 ! 00017688 a 0101 & 00017509 a 0000 | subjected to cruel treatment; "an abused wife" 00017509 00 s 01 battered 0 001 & 00017352 a 0000 | exhibiting symptoms resulting from repeated physical and emotional injury; "a battered child"; "the battered woman syndrome" 00017688 00 a 01 unabused 1 001 ! 00017352 a 0101 | not physically abused; treated properly 00017782 00 a 01 acceptable 0 007 ^ 02080577 a 0000 + 04792679 n 0101 + 04792679 n 0102 ! 00018584 a 0101 & 00018069 a 0000 & 00018222 a 0000 & 00018435 a 0000 | worthy of acceptance or satisfactory; "acceptable levels of radiation"; "performances varied from acceptable to excellent" 00018069 00 s 01 bankable 0 004 & 00017782 a 0000 + 02343374 v 0101 + 02343056 v 0101 + 02310855 v 0102 | acceptable to or at a bank; "bankable funds" 00018222 00 s 02 unexceptionable 0 unimpeachable 0 001 & 00017782 a 0000 | completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach; "two unexceptionable witnesses"; "a judge's ethics should be unexceptionable" 00018435 00 s 01 unobjectionable 0 001 & 00017782 a 0000 | not objectionable; "the ends are unobjectionable; it's the means that one can't accept" 00018584 00 a 01 unacceptable 0 006 ^ 02082218 a 0000 ^ 02540236 a 0000 + 04793925 n 0102 + 04793925 n 0101 ! 00017782 a 0101 & 00018850 a 0000 | not acceptable; not welcome; "a word unacceptable in polite society"; "an unacceptable violation of personal freedom" 00018850 00 s 02 exceptionable 0 objectionable 0 002 & 00018584 a 0000 + 04781755 n 0203 | liable to objection or debate; used of something one might take exception to; "a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing"; "found the politician's views objectionable" 00019131 00 a 01 accessible 0 007 ^ 00604617 a 0000 = 04718999 n 0000 + 02007417 v 0101 ! 00019874 a 0101 & 00019349 a 0000 & 00019505 a 0000 & 00019731 a 0000 | capable of being reached; "a town accessible by rail" 00019349 00 s 02 approachable 0 reachable 0 002 & 00019131 a 0000 + 02053941 v 0101 | easily approached; "a site approachable from a branch of the Niger" 00019505 00 s 03 come-at-able 0 get-at-able 0 getatable 0 002 & 00019131 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | capable of being reached or attained; "a very getatable man"; "both oil and coal are there but not in getatable locations" 00019731 00 s 02 handy 0 ready_to_hand(p) 0 002 & 00019131 a 0000 + 04718999 n 0101 | easy to reach; "found a handy spot for the can opener" 00019874 00 a 02 inaccessible 0 unaccessible 0 006 = 04718999 n 0000 ! 00019131 a 0101 & 00020103 a 0000 & 00020241 a 0000 & 00020410 a 0000 & 00020647 a 0000 | capable of being reached only with great difficulty or not at all 00020103 00 s 02 outback(a) 0 remote 0 003 & 00019874 a 0000 + 05085165 n 0202 + 08505110 n 0101 | inaccessible and sparsely populated; 00020241 00 s 06 pathless 0 roadless 0 trackless 0 untracked 0 untrod 0 untrodden 0 001 & 00019874 a 0000 | lacking pathways; "trackless wilderness"; "roadless areas" 00020410 00 s 04 unapproachable 0 unreachable 0 unreached 0 out_of_reach(p) 0 001 & 00019874 a 0000 | inaccessibly located or situated; "an unapproachable chalet high in the mountains"; "an unreachable canyon"; "the unreachable stars" 00020647 00 s 03 un-come-at-able 0 un-get-at-able 0 ungetatable 0 002 & 00019874 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | difficult to reach or attain 00020787 00 a 02 accommodating 0 accommodative 0 006 ^ 01133876 a 0000 ^ 01195536 a 0000 ^ 01372049 a 0000 + 00885925 v 0202 ! 00021403 a 0101 & 00021110 a 0000 | helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation; "the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in"; "made a special effort to be accommodating" 00021110 00 s 02 complaisant 0 obliging 0 003 & 00020787 a 0000 + 04641153 n 0204 + 04641153 n 0101 | showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others; "to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover"; "the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave" 00021403 00 a 02 unaccommodating 0 unobliging 0 002 ! 00020787 a 0101 & 00021592 a 0000 | not accommodating; "the unaccommodating bus driver pulled out while she was banging on the door" 00021592 00 s 02 disobliging 0 uncooperative 0 001 & 00021403 a 0000 | intentionally unaccommodating; "the action was not offensive to him but proved somewhat disobliging" 00021766 00 a 01 accurate 0 012 ^ 00631391 a 0000 ^ 00914421 a 0000 ^ 01837744 a 0000 = 04802907 n 0000 ! 00023383 a 0101 & 00022219 a 0000 & 00022437 a 0000 & 00022680 a 0000 & 00022852 a 0000 & 00022962 a 0000 & 00023120 a 0000 & 00023278 a 0000 | conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total accuracy; "an accurate reproduction"; "the accounting was accurate"; "accurate measurements"; "an accurate scale" 00022219 00 s 02 close 0 faithful 0 002 & 00021766 a 0000 + 04876985 n 0202 | marked by fidelity to an original; "a close translation"; "a faithful copy of the portrait"; "a faithful rendering of the observed facts" 00022437 00 s 01 dead-on(a) 0 002 & 00021766 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | accurate and to the point; "a dead-on feel for characterization"; "She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue"- Peter S.Prescott 00022680 00 s 02 high-fidelity 0 hi-fi 0 001 & 00021766 a 0000 | characterized by minimal distortion in sound reproduction; "a high-fidelity recording"; "a hi-fi system" 00022852 00 s 01 surgical 0 001 & 00021766 a 0000 | performed with great precision; "a surgical air strike" 00022962 00 s 01 straight 0 001 & 00021766 a 0000 | in keeping with the facts; "set the record straight"; "made sure the facts were straight in the report" 00023120 00 s 02 true 0 dead_on_target 0 002 & 00021766 a 0000 + 04804169 n 0101 | accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target" 00023278 00 s 02 veracious 0 right 0 001 & 00021766 a 0000 | precisely accurate; "a veracious account" 00023383 00 a 01 inaccurate 0 009 ^ 01839417 a 0000 ^ 00632438 a 0000 ^ 00915787 a 0000 = 04802907 n 0000 ! 00021766 a 0101 & 00023655 a 0000 & 00023854 a 0000 & 00024139 a 0000 & 00024241 a 0000 | not exact; "an inaccurate translation"; "the thermometer is inaccurate" 00023655 00 s 02 away 0 outside 0 002 & 00023383 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | (of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter; "the pitch was away (or wide)"; "an outside pitch" 00023854 00 s 03 faulty 0 incorrect 0 wrong 0 003 & 00023383 a 0000 + 00070965 n 0103 + 14472299 n 0102 | characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules; "he submitted a faulty report"; "an incorrect transcription"; the wrong side of the road" 00024139 00 s 01 unfaithful 0 001 & 00023383 a 0000 | not trustworthy; "an unfaithful reproduction" 00024241 00 s 02 wide 0 wide_of_the_mark 0 001 & 00023383 a 0000 | not on target; "the kick was wide"; "the arrow was wide of the mark"; "a claim that was wide of the truth" 00024417 00 a 01 accustomed 0 002 ! 00024834 a 0101 & 00024619 a 0000 | (often followed by `to') in the habit of or adapted to; "accustomed to doing her own work"; "I've grown accustomed to her face" 00024619 00 s 02 used_to(p) 0 wont_to(p) 0 001 & 00024417 a 0000 | in the habit; "I am used to hitchhiking"; "you'll get used to the idea"; "...was wont to complain that this is a cold world"- Henry David Thoreau 00024834 00 a 01 unaccustomed 0 003 ! 00024417 a 0101 & 00024996 a 0000 & 00025138 a 0000 | not habituated to; unfamiliar with; "unaccustomed to wearing suits" 00024996 00 s 01 new 0 001 & 00024834 a 0000 | unfamiliar; "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job" 00025138 00 s 01 unused 0 001 & 00024834 a 0000 | infrequently exposed to; "feet unused to shoes" 00025238 00 a 01 acidic 0 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00025728 a 0101 ! 00026515 a 0101 & 00025470 a 0000 & 00025633 a 0000 | being or containing an acid; of a solution having an excess of hydrogen atoms (having a pH of less than 7) 00025470 00 s 01 acid 0 004 & 00025238 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14607521 n 0101 + 04993882 n 0103 | having the characteristics of an acid; "an acid reaction" 00025633 00 s 01 acid-forming 0 001 & 00025238 a 0000 | yielding an acid in aqueous solution 00025728 00 a 02 alkaline 0 alkalic 0 009 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14712036 n 0201 + 05039709 n 0101 ! 00026515 a 0101 ! 00025238 a 0101 & 00026051 a 0000 & 00026168 a 0000 & 00026294 a 0000 & 00026388 a 0000 | relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater than 7; "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone" 00026051 00 s 02 alkalescent 0 alcalescent 0 001 & 00025728 a 0000 | tending to become alkaline; slightly alkaline 00026168 00 s 01 basic 0 002 & 00025728 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base 00026294 00 s 01 base-forming 0 001 & 00025728 a 0000 | yielding a base in aqueous solution 00026388 00 s 01 saltlike 0 001 & 00025728 a 0000 | resembling a compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal 00026515 00 a 02 amphoteric 0 amphiprotic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00025238 a 0101 ! 00025728 a 0101 | having characteristics of both an acid and a base and capable of reacting as either 00026706 00 a 01 acid-loving 0 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00027074 a 0101 & 00026895 a 0000 | thriving in a relatively acidic environment (especially of plants requiring a pH well below 7) 00026895 00 s 03 acidophilic 0 acidophilous 0 aciduric 0 003 & 00026706 a 0000 + 01349333 n 0102 + 01349333 n 0101 | especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium 00027074 00 a 01 alkaline-loving 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00026706 a 0101 | thriving in a relatively alkaline environment; (especially of plants requiring a pH above 7) 00027247 00 a 01 acknowledged 0 009 ^ 01375174 a 0000 = 14411981 n 0000 ! 00028672 a 0101 & 00027599 a 0000 & 00027833 a 0000 & 00028008 a 0000 & 00028181 a 0000 & 00028280 a 0000 & 00028471 a 0000 | recognized or made known or admitted; "the acknowledged leader of the community"; "a woman of acknowledged accomplishments"; "his acknowledged error" 00027599 00 s 03 accepted 0 recognized 0 recognised 0 001 & 00027247 a 0000 | generally approved or compelling recognition; "several accepted techniques for treating the condition"; "his recognized superiority in this kind of work" 00027833 00 s 01 self-confessed(a) 0 001 & 00027247 a 0000 | owned up to; "his admitted doubts"; "the conceded error"; "a confessed murderer"; "a self-confessed plagiarist" 00028008 00 s 01 assumptive 0 002 & 00027247 a 0000 + 00632236 v 0101 | accepted as real or true without proof; "the assumed reason for his absence"; "assumptive beliefs" 00028181 00 s 01 declarable 0 001 & 00027247 a 0000 | that must be declared; "declarable income" 00028280 00 s 02 given 0 granted 0 003 & 00027247 a 0000 + 05893356 n 0101 + 04755630 n 0101 | acknowledged as a supposition; "given the engine's condition, it is a wonder that it started" 00028471 00 s 01 putative(a) 0 001 & 00027247 a 0000 | purported; commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds; "the foundling's putative father"; "the putative author of the book" 00028672 00 a 01 unacknowledged 0 007 ^ 01376894 a 0000 = 14411981 n 0000 ! 00027247 a 0101 & 00028867 a 0000 & 00028984 a 0000 & 00029108 a 0000 & 00029216 a 0000 | not recognized or admitted 00028867 00 s 03 unappreciated 0 unsung 0 unvalued 0 001 & 00028672 a 0000 | having value that is not acknowledged 00028984 00 s 02 unavowed 0 secret 0 001 & 00028672 a 0000 | not openly made known; "a secret marriage"; "a secret bride" 00029108 00 s 01 unconfessed 0 002 & 00028672 a 0000 + 08477164 n 0101 | not admitted; "unconfessed sins" 00029216 00 s 02 unrecognized 0 unrecognised 0 001 & 00028672 a 0000 | not recognized; "he was unrecognized in his disguise" 00029343 00 a 01 acquisitive 0 011 = 04946078 n 0000 + 02210855 v 0102 + 04946078 n 0101 ! 00031533 a 0101 & 00029769 a 0000 & 00029933 a 0000 & 00030508 a 0000 & 00030701 a 0000 & 00030798 a 0000 & 00031138 a 0000 & 00031384 a 0000 | eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas; "an acquisitive mind"; "an acquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied" 00029769 00 s 01 accumulative 0 003 & 00029343 a 0000 + 02304982 v 0103 + 00158804 v 0101 | marked by acquiring or amassing; "we live in an accumulative society" 00029933 00 s 06 avaricious 0 covetous 0 grabby 0 grasping 0 greedy 0 prehensile 0 009 & 00029343 a 0000 + 04945530 n 0501 + 00758525 n 0502 + 04834817 n 0501 + 00812274 n 0401 + 00758525 n 0203 + 04945758 n 0101 + 00758525 n 0101 + 04945758 n 0102 | immoderately desirous of acquiring e.g. wealth; "they are avaricious and will do anything for money"; "casting covetous eyes on his neighbor's fields"; "a grasping old miser"; "grasping commercialism"; "greedy for money and power"; "grew richer and greedier"; "prehensile employers stingy with raises for their employees" 00030508 00 s 01 possessive 0 003 & 00029343 a 0000 + 04945942 n 0101 + 02204692 v 0103 | desirous of owning; "small children are so possessive they will not let others play with their toys" 00030701 00 s 01 plundering 0 001 & 00029343 a 0000 | given to taking by force what is desired 00030798 00 s 03 predaceous 0 predacious 0 predatory 0 001 & 00029343 a 0000 | living by or given to victimizing others for personal gain; "predatory capitalists"; "a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal"- Peter S. Prescott; "a predacious kind of animal--the early geological gangster"- W.E.Swinton 00031138 00 s 03 rapacious 0 ravening 0 voracious 0 003 & 00029343 a 0000 + 04834817 n 0302 + 00758525 n 0104 | excessively greedy and grasping; "a rapacious divorcee on the prowl"; "ravening creditors"; "paying taxes to voracious governments" 00031384 00 s 01 sordid 0 002 & 00029343 a 0000 + 04807971 n 0102 | meanly avaricious and mercenary; "sordid avarice"; "sordid material interests" 00031533 00 a 01 unacquisitive 0 002 = 04946078 n 0000 ! 00029343 a 0101 | not acquisitive; not interested in acquiring or owning anything 00031674 00 a 01 acropetal 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00031824 a 0101 | of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from base to apex 00031824 00 a 01 basipetal 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00031674 a 0101 | of leaves or flowers; developing or opening in succession from apex to base 00031974 00 a 01 active 1 013 ^ 00873603 a 0000 ^ 00804695 a 0000 = 04635104 n 0000 + 04635104 n 0101 + 04635104 n 0102 ! 00033574 a 0101 & 00032358 a 0000 & 00032497 a 0000 & 00032733 a 0000 & 00033077 a 0000 & 00033206 a 0000 & 00033359 a 0000 & 00033475 a 0000 | characterized by energetic activity; "an active toddler"; "active as a gazelle"; "an active man is a man of action" 00032358 00 s 02 about(p) 0 astir(p) 0 001 & 00031974 a 0000 | on the move; "up and about"; "the whole town was astir over the incident" 00032497 00 s 03 acrobatic 0 athletic 0 gymnastic 0 004 & 00031974 a 0000 + 00433802 n 0301 + 00523513 n 0202 + 00434075 n 0101 | vigorously active; "an acrobatic dance"; "an athletic child"; "athletic playing"; "gymnastic exercises" 00032733 00 s 04 agile 0 nimble 0 quick 0 spry 0 005 & 00031974 a 0000 + 05642175 n 0305 + 05059132 n 0302 + 05003850 n 0205 + 05003850 n 0101 | moving quickly and lightly; "sleek and agile as a gymnast"; "as nimble as a deer"; "nimble fingers"; "quick of foot"; "the old dog was so spry it was halfway up the stairs before we could stop it" 00033077 00 s 01 hot 0 002 & 00031974 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | marked by excited activity; "a hot week on the stock market" 00033206 00 s 02 hyperactive 0 overactive 0 003 & 00031974 a 0000 + 13529450 n 0201 + 14060256 n 0101 | more active than normal; "a hyperactive child" 00033359 00 s 01 on_the_go(p) 0 001 & 00031974 a 0000 | (of a person) very busy and active; "is always on the go" 00033475 00 s 01 sporty 0 001 & 00031974 a 0000 | appropriate for sport or engagement in a sport 00033574 00 a 01 inactive 1 009 ^ 00875712 a 0000 = 04635104 n 0000 + 04635631 n 0101 ! 00031974 a 0101 & 00033886 a 0000 & 00034032 a 0000 & 00034232 a 0000 & 00034322 a 0000 & 00034572 a 0000 | not active physically or mentally; "illness forced him to live an inactive life"; "dreamy and inactive by nature" 00033886 00 s 02 desk-bound 0 deskbound 0 001 & 00033574 a 0000 | restricted to working in an office rather than in an active physical capacity 00034032 00 s 02 abeyant 0 dormant 0 003 & 00033574 a 0000 + 14011811 n 0201 + 14010636 n 0101 | inactive but capable of becoming active; "her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened" 00034232 00 s 02 hypoactive 0 underactive 0 001 & 00033574 a 0000 | abnormally inactive 00034322 00 s 04 inert 0 sluggish 0 soggy 0 torpid 0 005 & 00033574 a 0000 + 04636881 n 0403 + 14014621 n 0402 + 04635953 n 0203 + 04776572 n 0101 | slow and apathetic; "she was fat and inert"; "a sluggish worker"; "a mind grown torpid in old age" 00034572 00 s 01 sedentary 0 001 & 00033574 a 0000 | requiring sitting or little activity; "forced by illness to lead a sedentary life" 00034710 00 a 01 active 8 004 + 14006945 n 0103 + 14006945 n 0102 ! 00035074 a 0101 & 00034924 a 0000 | engaged in full-time work; "active duty"; "though past retirement age he is still active in his profession" 00034924 00 s 01 activated 0 002 & 00034710 a 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 | (military) set up and placed on active assignment; "a newly activated unit" 00035074 00 a 01 inactive 8 004 + 01062583 n 0101 ! 00034710 a 0101 & 00035254 a 0000 & 00035368 a 0000 | not engaged in full-time work; "inactive reserve"; "an inactive member" 00035254 00 s 01 off 0 001 & 00035074 a 0000 | not performing or scheduled for duties; "He's off every Tuesday" 00035368 00 s 01 retired 0 001 & 00035074 a 0000 | no longer active in your work or profession 00035465 00 a 01 active 6 009 + 04635104 n 0101 + 04635104 n 0102 ! 00036481 a 0101 & 00035779 a 0000 & 00035868 a 0000 & 00035978 a 0000 & 00036163 a 0000 & 00036254 a 0000 & 00036346 a 0000 | full of activity or engaged in continuous activity; "an active seaport"; "an active bond market"; "an active account" 00035779 00 s 01 brisk 0 001 & 00035465 a 0000 | very active; "doing a brisk business" 00035868 00 s 01 bustling 0 001 & 00035465 a 0000 | full of energetic and noisy activity; "a bustling city" 00035978 00 s 01 busy 1 002 & 00035465 a 0000 + 14008050 n 0101 | crowded with or characterized by much activity; "a very busy week"; "a busy life"; "a busy street"; "a busy seaport" 00036163 00 s 01 going(a) 0 001 & 00035465 a 0000 | in full operation; "a going concern" 00036254 00 s 01 open 0 001 & 00035465 a 0000 | ready for business; "the stores are open" 00036346 00 s 01 springy 0 001 & 00035465 a 0000 | (of movements) light and confidently active; "he walked away with a springy step" 00036481 00 a 01 inactive 3 008 + 14010148 n 0103 + 01062583 n 0101 ! 00035465 a 0101 & 00036763 a 0000 & 00036879 a 0000 & 00036998 a 0000 & 00037188 a 0000 & 00037341 a 0000 | lacking activity; lying idle or unused; "an inactive mine"; "inactive accounts"; "inactive machinery" 00036763 00 s 01 dark 0 001 & 00036481 a 0000 | not giving performances; closed; "the theater is dark on Mondays" 00036879 00 s 01 dead 0 001 & 00036481 a 0000 | devoid of activity; "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here" 00036998 00 s 03 dull 0 slow 0 sluggish 0 003 & 00036481 a 0000 ;c 01094725 n 0000 + 05062518 n 0301 | (of business) not active or brisk; "business is dull (or slow)"; "a sluggish market" 00037188 00 s 02 idle 0 unused 0 002 & 00036481 a 0000 + 01065441 n 0101 | not in active use; "the machinery sat idle during the strike"; "idle hands" 00037341 00 s 01 strikebound 0 001 & 00036481 a 0000 | closed or immobilized by a strike; "a strikebound airline" 00037457 00 a 01 active 2 005 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 14006945 n 0103 + 13440063 n 0104 ! 00037757 a 0101 & 00037653 a 0000 | tending to become more severe or wider in scope; "active tuberculosis" 00037653 00 s 01 progressive 0 001 & 00037457 a 0000 | advancing in severity; "progressive paralysis" 00037757 00 a 01 inactive 2 007 ;c 06060845 n 0000 ! 00037457 a 0101 & 00037985 a 0000 & 00038119 a 0000 & 00038260 a 0000 & 00038462 a 0000 & 00038623 a 0000 | (pathology) not progressing or increasing; or progressing slowly 00037985 00 s 01 dead-end 0 001 & 00037757 a 0000 | lacking opportunities for development or advancement; "stuck in a dead-end job" 00038119 00 s 01 flat 0 001 & 00037757 a 0000 | commercially inactive; "flat sales for the month"; "prices remained flat"; "a flat market" 00038260 00 s 01 indolent 0 002 & 00037757 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 | (of tumors, e.g.) slow to heal or develop and usually painless; "an indolent ulcer"; "leprosy is an indolent infectious disease" 00038462 00 s 01 latent 0 003 & 00037757 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 14482852 n 0101 | (pathology) not presently active; "latent infection"; "latent diabetes" 00038623 00 s 01 quiescent 0 002 & 00037757 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 | (pathology) causing no symptoms; "a quiescent tumor" 00038750 00 a 01 active 3 008 = 04635104 n 0000 + 09764900 n 0101 + 14006945 n 0103 + 04635104 n 0102 ! 00039592 a 0101 & 00039122 a 0000 & 00039259 a 0000 & 00039394 a 0000 | disposed to take action or effectuate change; "a director who takes an active interest in corporate operations"; "an active antagonism"; "he was active in drawing attention to their grievances" 00039122 00 s 02 activist 0 activistic 0 003 & 00038750 a 0000 + 05901840 n 0201 + 10315837 n 0102 | advocating or engaged in activism 00039259 00 s 01 hands-on 0 001 & 00038750 a 0000 | involving active participation; "he's a hands-on manager"; "hands-on operations" 00039394 00 s 01 proactive 0 001 & 00038750 a 0000 | (of a policy or person or action) controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond to it after it happens 00039592 00 a 02 passive 1 inactive 4 008 = 04636397 n 0000 + 04635631 n 0201 + 04635631 n 0202 + 04636397 n 0101 + 04636397 n 0102 ! 00038750 a 0101 & 00039929 a 0000 & 00040058 a 0000 | lacking in energy or will; "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith 00039929 00 s 01 hands-off 0 001 & 00039592 a 0000 | not involving participation or intervention; "a hands-off foreign policy" 00040058 00 s 03 resistless 0 supine 0 unresisting 0 001 & 00039592 a 0000 | offering no resistance; "resistless hostages"; "No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried"- Theodore Roosevelt 00040325 00 a 01 active 4 006 = 14006945 n 0000 ;c 09470550 n 0000 + 14006945 n 0103 + 13518963 n 0104 ! 00040685 a 0101 & 00040534 a 0000 | (of e.g. volcanos) erupting or liable to erupt; "active volcanos" 00040534 00 s 01 eruptive 0 002 & 00040325 a 0000 + 00309074 v 0101 | actively spewing out lava; "a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring" 00040685 00 a 02 dormant 0 inactive 5 006 = 14011811 n 0000 + 14010148 n 0203 + 14010148 n 0202 + 14011811 n 0101 ! 00040325 a 0101 & 00040909 a 0000 | (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct ; "a dormant volcano" 00040909 00 s 01 quiescent 0 004 & 00040685 a 0000 + 14011811 n 0103 + 14011811 n 0102 + 02190188 v 0104 | being quiet or still or inactive 00041051 00 a 01 extinct 2 003 = 14012173 n 0000 ! 00041361 a 0101 & 00041202 a 0000 | (of e.g. volcanos) permanently inactive; "an extinct volcano" 00041202 00 s 01 dead 0 002 & 00041051 a 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 | physically inactive; "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range" 00041361 00 a 01 active 5 003 ^ 00099290 a 0000 ! 00041051 a 0101 & 00041488 a 0000 | (of e.g. volcanos) capable of erupting 00041488 00 s 02 alive 0 live 7 001 & 00041361 a 0000 | capable of erupting; "a live volcano"; "the volcano is very much alive" 00041618 00 a 02 active 0 dynamic 4 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00041841 a 0101 | (used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being 00041841 00 a 01 stative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00041618 a 0101 | ( used of verbs (e.g. `be' or `own') and most participial adjectives) expressing existence or a state rather than an action 00042037 00 a 01 active 9 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00042228 a 0101 | expressing that the subject of the sentence has the semantic function of actor: "Hemingway favors active constructions" 00042228 00 a 01 passive 2 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 13803431 n 0102 ! 00042037 a 0101 | expressing that the subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb; "academics seem to favor passive sentences" 00042457 00 a 01 active 7 007 + 14776804 n 0102 + 14006945 n 0103 + 14531203 n 0101 ! 00043125 a 0101 & 00042692 a 0000 & 00042837 a 0000 & 00042982 a 0000 | exerting influence or producing a change or effect; "an active ingredient" 00042692 00 s 01 activated 0 001 & 00042457 a 0000 | rendered active; e.g. rendered radioactive or luminescent or photosensitive or conductive 00042837 00 s 01 counteractive 0 002 & 00042457 a 0000 + 02543874 v 0101 | opposing or neutralizing or mitigating an effect by contrary action 00042982 00 s 01 surface-active 0 001 & 00042457 a 0000 | capable of lowering the surface tension of a liquid; used especially of detergents 00043125 00 a 01 inactive 7 002 ! 00042457 a 0101 & 00043231 a 0000 | not exerting influence or change 00043231 00 s 01 quiescent 0 003 & 00043125 a 0000 + 14011811 n 0103 + 14011811 n 0102 | not active or activated; "the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation" 00043411 00 a 01 active a 004 ;c 06095022 n 0000 + 14006945 n 0103 + 13518963 n 0104 ! 00043615 a 0101 | (of the sun) characterized by an increased occurrence of sunspots and flares and radio emissions 00043615 00 a 01 quiet 3 002 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 00043411 a 0101 | of the sun characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sunspots e.g. 00043765 00 a 02 actual 0 existent 4 008 = 13954818 n 0000 + 13954253 n 0203 + 02603699 v 0201 + 01644746 v 0103 + 00987870 v 0101 + 13954818 n 0101 ! 00044353 a 0101 & 00044132 a 0000 | presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; "the predicted temperature and the actual temperature were markedly different"; "actual and imagined conditions" 00044132 00 s 01 effective 0 001 & 00043765 a 0000 | existing in fact; not theoretical; real; "a decline in the effective demand"; "confused increased equipment and expenditure with the quantity of effective work done" 00044353 00 a 02 potential 0 possible 4 007 = 14482620 n 0000 + 05951180 n 0201 + 05792010 n 0201 + 14481929 n 0202 + 14482620 n 0103 ! 00043765 a 0101 & 00044608 a 0000 | existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power" 00044608 00 s 01 latent 0 001 & 00044353 a 0000 | potentially existing but not presently evident or realized; "a latent fingerprint"; "latent talent" 00044760 00 a 01 acute 0 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 00045123 a 0101 & 00044987 a 0000 | having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course; "acute appendicitis"; "the acute phase of the illness"; "acute patients" 00044987 00 s 01 subacute 0 001 & 00044760 a 0000 | less than acute; relating to a disease present in a person with no symptoms of it 00045123 00 a 01 chronic 0 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 00044760 a 0101 & 00045356 a 0000 | being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering; "chronic indigestion"; "a chronic shortage of funds"; "a chronic invalid" 00045356 00 s 01 degenerative 0 002 & 00045123 a 0000 + 00092293 v 0104 | (of illness) marked by gradual deterioration of organs and cells along with loss of function; "degenerative diseases of old age" 00045561 00 a 01 virulent 0 005 + 05166560 n 0102 + 05166560 n 0101 ! 00046014 a 0101 & 00045735 a 0000 & 00045888 a 0000 | infectious; having the ability to cause disease 00045735 00 s 01 highly_infective 0 002 & 00045561 a 0000 ;c 01326291 n 0000 | (of a microorganism) extremely infective; "a highly infective organism" 00045888 00 s 01 deadly 0 002 & 00045561 a 0000 + 04791081 n 0101 | (of a disease) having a rapid course and violent effect 00046014 00 a 01 avirulent 0 001 ! 00045561 a 0101 | not virulent; unable to produce disease 00046109 00 a 02 adaptive 0 adaptative 0 006 + 00299580 v 0201 + 00150287 v 0103 ! 00046673 a 0101 & 00046339 a 0000 & 00046471 a 0000 & 00046558 a 0000 | having a capacity for adaptation; "the adaptive coloring of a chameleon" 00046339 00 s 02 accommodative 0 reconciling 0 001 & 00046109 a 0000 | tending to reconcile or accommodate; bringing into harmony 00046471 00 s 01 adaptational 0 001 & 00046109 a 0000 | of or relating to adaptation 00046558 00 s 01 adjustive 0 003 & 00046109 a 0000 + 00150287 v 0101 + 00296178 v 0101 | conducive to adjustment 00046673 00 a 01 maladaptive 0 003 ! 00046109 a 0101 & 00046792 a 0000 & 00046955 a 0000 | showing faulty adaptation 00046792 00 s 02 dysfunctional 0 nonadaptive 0 001 & 00046673 a 0000 | (of a trait or condition) failing to serve an adjustive purpose; "dysfunctional behavior" 00046955 00 s 01 maladjustive 0 001 & 00046673 a 0000 | poorly adjusted 00047029 00 a 01 addicted 0 003 ! 00047566 a 0101 & 00047243 a 0000 & 00047406 a 0000 | compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming; "she is addicted to chocolate"; "addicted to cocaine" 00047243 00 s 02 alcoholic 0 alcohol-dependent 0 002 & 00047029 a 0000 + 09782167 n 0101 | addicted to alcohol; "alcoholic expatriates in Paris"- Carl Van Doren 00047406 00 s 05 dependent 0 dependant 0 drug-addicted 0 hooked 0 strung-out 0 003 & 00047029 a 0000 + 14062725 n 0104 + 14062725 n 0102 | addicted to a drug 00047566 00 a 01 unaddicted 0 002 ! 00047029 a 0101 & 00047653 a 0000 | not addicted 00047653 00 s 01 clean 0 001 & 00047566 a 0000 | free of drugs; "after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years" 00047786 00 a 02 addictive 0 habit-forming 0 002 + 01165290 v 0101 ! 00047954 a 0101 | causing or characterized by addiction; "addictive drugs"; "addictive behavior" 00047954 00 a 01 nonaddictive 0 001 ! 00047786 a 0101 | not causing or characterized by addiction; "for years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive" 00048129 00 a 01 additive 0 013 + 02679788 n 0101 + 02745172 v 0101 + 00949288 v 0108 + 00640828 v 0101 ! 00050083 a 0101 & 00048460 a 0000 & 00048706 a 0000 & 00048858 a 0000 & 00049016 a 0000 & 00049266 a 0000 & 00049469 a 0000 & 00049683 a 0000 & 00049879 a 0000 | characterized or produced by addition; "an additive process" 00048460 00 s 02 accumulative 0 cumulative 0 004 & 00048129 a 0000 + 00158804 v 0202 + 02304982 v 0103 + 00158804 v 0101 | increasing by successive addition; "the benefits are cumulative"; "the eventual accumulative effect of these substances" 00048706 00 s 02 addable 0 addible 0 004 & 00048129 a 0000 + 00949288 v 0208 + 00949288 v 0108 + 00640828 v 0101 | capable of being added or added to 00048858 00 s 02 extra 0 additional 3 001 & 00048129 a 0000 | further or added; "called for additional troops"; "need extra help"; "an extra pair of shoes" 00049016 00 s 03 complemental 0 complementary 0 completing 0 006 & 00048129 a 0000 + 05109511 n 0201 + 13857314 n 0201 + 08218212 n 0101 + 05696297 n 0101 + 05109511 n 0101 | acting as or providing a complement (something that completes the whole) 00049266 00 s 01 incremental 0 003 & 00048129 a 0000 + 13497135 n 0102 + 05108947 n 0102 | increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions; "lecturers enjoy...steady incremental growth in salary" 00049469 00 s 01 intercalary 0 001 & 00048129 a 0000 | having a day or month inserted to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year: "Feb. 29 is an intercalary day"; "a leap year is an intercalary year" 00049683 00 s 02 summational 0 summative 0 005 & 00048129 a 0000 + 13563139 n 0101 + 07959016 n 0102 + 06469874 n 0101 + 00872107 n 0101 | of or relating to a summation or produced by summation 00049879 00 s 02 supplementary 0 supplemental 0 004 & 00048129 a 0000 + 05110772 n 0201 + 05110772 n 0101 + 06399631 n 0102 | added to complete or make up a deficiency; "produced supplementary volumes" 00050083 00 a 01 subtractive 0 004 + 00641252 v 0101 ! 00048129 a 0101 & 00050260 a 0000 & 00050446 a 0000 | constituting or involving subtraction; "a subtractive correction" 00050260 00 s 01 ablative 0 002 & 00050083 a 0000 + 00275466 v 0101 | tending to ablate; i.e. to be removed or vaporized at very high temperature; "ablative material on a rocket cone" 00050446 00 s 01 reductive 0 002 & 00050083 a 0000 + 00429060 v 0101 | characterized by or causing diminution or curtailment; "their views of life were reductive and depreciatory" - R.H.Rovere 00050641 00 a 01 addressed 0 002 ! 00050947 a 0101 & 00050799 a 0000 | (of mail) marked with a destination; "I throw away all mail addressed to `resident'" 00050799 00 s 01 self-addressed 0 001 & 00050641 a 0000 | addressed to yourself; "enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with all submissions" 00050947 00 a 01 unaddressed 0 001 ! 00050641 a 0101 | not addressed; "an unaddressed envelope" 00051045 00 a 02 adequate 0 equal 3 006 ^ 02080577 a 0000 = 04792357 n 0000 + 04792357 n 0102 ! 00051696 a 0101 & 00051373 a 0000 & 00051571 a 0000 | having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "she had adequate training"; "her training was adequate"; "she was adequate to the job"; "he was equal to the task" 00051373 00 s 04 adequate_to(p) 0 capable 0 equal_to(p) 0 up_to(p) 0 001 & 00051045 a 0000 | having the requisite qualities for; "equal to the task"; "the work isn't up to the standard I require" 00051571 00 s 01 competent 0 002 & 00051045 a 0000 + 05153520 n 0102 | adequate for the purpose; "a competent performance" 00051696 00 a 02 inadequate 0 unequal 3 007 ^ 02082218 a 0000 = 04792357 n 0000 + 04793555 n 0102 ! 00051045 a 0101 & 00052012 a 0000 & 00052246 a 0000 & 00052431 a 0000 | lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task; "inadequate training"; "the staff was inadequate"; "she was unequal to the task" 00052012 00 s 03 deficient 0 lacking(p) 0 wanting(p) 0 002 & 00051696 a 0000 + 05113133 n 0103 | inadequate in amount or degree; "a deficient education"; "deficient in common sense"; "lacking in stamina"; "tested and found wanting" 00052246 00 s 03 incapable 0 incompetent 0 unequal_to(p) 0 003 & 00051696 a 0000 + 05154241 n 0201 + 05207570 n 0101 | not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him" 00052431 00 s 04 short-handed 0 short-staffed 0 undermanned 0 understaffed 0 001 & 00051696 a 0000 | inadequate in number of workers or assistants etc.; "they're rather short-handed at the moment"; "overcrowded and understaffed hospitals" 00052672 00 a 01 adhesive 0 017 + 14702416 n 0103 + 01356750 v 0101 + 04935528 n 0101 ! 00054908 a 0101 & 00053032 a 0000 & 00053154 a 0000 & 00053248 a 0000 & 00053384 a 0000 & 00053564 a 0000 & 00053691 a 0000 & 00054109 a 0000 & 00054201 a 0000 & 00054278 a 0000 & 00054364 a 0000 & 00054541 a 0000 & 00054667 a 0000 & 00054804 a 0000 | tending to adhere 00053032 00 s 01 adherent 0 004 & 00052672 a 0000 + 04935528 n 0103 + 01220885 v 0103 + 01356750 v 0101 | sticking fast 00053154 00 s 02 agglutinate 0 agglutinative 0 001 & 00052672 a 0000 | united as if by glue 00053248 00 s 01 bondable 0 002 & 00052672 a 0000 + 01356750 v 0103 | capable of holding together or cohering; as particles in a mass 00053384 00 s 02 coherent 0 tenacious 0 004 & 00052672 a 0000 + 14420464 n 0102 + 14420464 n 0101 + 01220885 v 0105 | sticking together; "two coherent sheets"; "tenacious burrs" 00053564 00 s 01 cohesive 0 003 & 00052672 a 0000 + 01220885 v 0105 + 14420464 n 0104 | causing cohesion; "a cohesive agent" 00053691 00 s 08 gluey 0 glutinous 0 gummy 0 mucilaginous 0 pasty 0 sticky 0 viscid 0 viscous 0 015 & 00052672 a 0000 + 04935904 n 0708 + 04935904 n 0707 + 04935239 n 0601 + 14704966 n 0501 + 14702875 n 0403 + 14901679 n 0401 + 14702875 n 0302 + 04935904 n 0304 + 07570237 n 0201 + 04936213 n 0203 + 04936213 n 0202 + 14702875 n 0101 + 04935904 n 0103 + 04935904 n 0102 | having the sticky properties of an adhesive 00054109 00 s 02 gooey 0 icky 0 002 & 00052672 a 0000 + 14956661 n 0103 | soft and sticky 00054201 00 s 01 gum-like 0 001 & 00052672 a 0000 | resembling chewing gum 00054278 00 s 02 gummed 0 gummy 1 001 & 00052672 a 0000 | covered with adhesive gum 00054364 00 s 04 pitchy 0 resinous 0 resiny 0 tarry 0 004 & 00052672 a 0000 + 14894140 n 0301 + 14894140 n 0201 + 14911704 n 0101 | having the characteristics of pitch or tar 00054541 00 s 01 self-sealing 0 001 & 00052672 a 0000 | seals without the application of moisture; "self-sealing envelopes" 00054667 00 s 01 stick-on 0 001 & 00052672 a 0000 | of something (a paper label or postage stamp) gummed in advance; "stick-on labels" 00054804 00 s 01 sticky 1 002 & 00052672 a 0000 + 04935239 n 0101 | covered with an adhesive material 00054908 00 a 01 nonadhesive 0 004 ! 00052672 a 0101 & 00055041 a 0000 & 00055142 a 0000 & 00055256 a 0000 | not tending to adhere 00055041 00 s 02 nonglutinous 0 nonviscid 0 001 & 00054908 a 0000 | not resembling glue in texture 00055142 00 s 04 nonresinous 0 non-resinous 0 nonresiny 0 non-resiny 0 001 & 00054908 a 0000 | not having resin 00055256 00 s 01 ungummed 0 001 & 00054908 a 0000 | not treated with adhesive gum 00055340 00 a 02 adjective 0 procedural 0 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 01023636 n 0201 ! 00055539 a 0101 | relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law; "adjective law" 00055539 00 a 02 substantive 0 essential 4 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 05171045 n 0202 ! 00055340 a 0101 | defining rights and duties as opposed to giving the rules by which rights and duties are established; "substantive law" 00055765 00 a 01 adoptable 0 002 + 00413195 v 0101 ! 00055906 a 0101 | suitable or eligible for adoption; "a shortage of adoptable babies" 00055906 00 a 01 unadoptable 0 001 ! 00055765 a 0101 | difficult to place in an adoptive home 00056002 00 a 02 adorned 0 decorated 4 030 ^ 00453726 a 0000 ^ 01794340 a 0000 ! 00060397 a 0101 & 00056660 a 0000 & 00056849 a 0000 & 00056943 a 0000 & 00057149 a 0000 & 00057390 a 0000 & 00057490 a 0000 & 00057566 a 0000 & 00057737 a 0000 & 00057881 a 0000 & 00057992 a 0000 & 00058280 a 0000 & 00058379 a 0000 & 00058554 a 0000 & 00058696 a 0000 & 00058822 a 0000 & 00058929 a 0000 & 00059028 a 0000 & 00059131 a 0000 & 00059201 a 0000 & 00059326 a 0000 & 00059491 a 0000 & 00059669 a 0000 & 00059782 a 0000 & 00059965 a 0000 & 00060053 a 0000 & 00060151 a 0000 & 00060294 a 0000 | provided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction 00056660 00 s 07 beady 0 gemmed 0 jeweled 0 jewelled 0 sequined 0 spangled 0 spangly 0 003 & 00056002 a 0000 + 04173698 n 0702 + 02815071 n 0101 | covered with beads or jewels or sequins 00056849 00 s 01 bedaubed 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | ornamented in a vulgar or showy fashion 00056943 00 s 03 bespectacled 0 monocled 0 spectacled 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | wearing, or having the face adorned with, eyeglasses or an eyeglass; "a bespectacled grandmother"; "the monocled gentleman" 00057149 00 s 03 brocaded 0 embossed 1 raised 1 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | embellished with a raised pattern created by pressure or embroidery; "brocaded silk"; "an embossed satin"; "embossed leather"; "raised needlework"; "raised metalwork" 00057390 00 s 01 buttony 0 002 & 00056002 a 0000 + 02928608 n 0101 | ornamented with many buttons 00057490 00 s 01 carbuncled 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | set with carbuncles 00057566 00 s 02 champleve 0 cloisonne 0 002 & 00056002 a 0000 + 03047799 n 0201 | (for metals) having areas separated by metal and filled with colored enamel and fired 00057737 00 s 03 clinquant 0 tinseled 0 tinselly 0 003 & 00056002 a 0000 + 04440210 n 0301 + 04440059 n 0301 | glittering with gold or silver 00057881 00 s 02 crested 1 plumed 1 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | (of a knight's helmet) having a decorative plume 00057992 00 s 03 crested 2 topknotted 0 tufted 1 002 & 00056002 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of a bird or animal) having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head; often used in combination; "golden crested"; "crested iris"; "crested oriole"; "tufted duck"; "tufted loosestrife" 00058280 00 s 01 crested 3 002 & 00056002 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | bearing an heraldic device 00058379 00 s 01 crocketed 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | (of a gable or spire) furnished with a crocket (an ornament in the form of curved or bent foliage); "a crocketed spire" 00058554 00 s 03 feathery 0 feathered 0 plumy 0 003 & 00056002 a 0000 + 01896031 n 0101 + 04938838 n 0102 | adorned with feathers or plumes 00058696 00 s 03 frilled 0 frilly 0 ruffled 0 002 & 00056002 a 0000 + 03397532 n 0201 | having decorative ruffles or frills 00058822 00 s 01 fringed 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | having a decorative edging of hanging cords or strips 00058929 00 s 01 gilt-edged 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | having gilded edges as the pages of a book 00059028 00 s 01 inflamed 0 002 & 00056002 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | adorned with tongues of flame 00059131 00 s 01 inlaid 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | adorned by inlays 00059201 00 s 01 inwrought 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | having a decorative pattern worked or woven in; "an inwrought design" 00059326 00 s 01 tessellated 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | decorated with small pieces of colored glass or stone fitted together in a mosaic; "a tessellated pavement" 00059491 00 s 01 mounted 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | decorated with applied ornamentation; often used in combination; "the trim brass-mounted carbine of the ranger"- F.V.W.Mason 00059669 00 s 02 paneled 0 wainscoted 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | fitted or decorated with panels or wainscoting 00059782 00 s 01 studded 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | dotted or adorned with or as with studs or nailheads; usually used in combination; "star-studded heavens"; "diamond-studded belt" 00059965 00 s 01 tapestried 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | hung or decorated with tapestry 00060053 00 s 02 tasseled 0 tasselled 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | fringed or adorned with tassels 00060151 00 s 01 tricked-out 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | decorated in a particular way; "tricked-out cupboards looking like Georgian cabinets" 00060294 00 s 01 tufted 0 001 & 00056002 a 0000 | having or adorned with tufts; "a tufted bedspread" 00060397 00 a 02 unadorned 0 undecorated 4 005 ^ 01791911 a 0000 ^ 00457598 a 0000 ! 00056002 a 0101 & 00060605 a 0000 & 00060875 a 0000 | not decorated with something to increase its beauty or distinction 00060605 00 s 05 plain 0 bare 0 spare 0 unembellished 0 unornamented 0 002 & 00060397 a 0000 + 04697267 n 0101 | lacking embellishment or ornamentation; "a plain hair style"; "unembellished white walls"; "functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete" 00060875 00 s 01 untufted 0 001 & 00060397 a 0000 | not adorned with tufts; "untufted ears" 00060969 00 a 01 cholinergic 0 001 ! 00061088 a 0101 | releasing or activated by acetylcholine or a related compound 00061088 00 a 01 anticholinergic 0 002 + 02717901 n 0101 ! 00060969 a 0101 | inhibiting or blocking the action of acetylcholine at a receptor site; "anticholinergic drugs" 00061262 00 a 01 adroit 0 010 ^ 00147734 a 0000 + 05642175 n 0102 ! 00063277 a 0101 & 00061664 a 0000 & 00061885 a 0000 & 00062152 a 0000 & 00062367 a 0000 & 00062626 a 0000 & 00062740 a 0000 & 00063087 a 0000 | quick or skillful or adept in action or thought; "an exceptionally adroit pianist"; "an adroit technician"; "his adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers"; "an adroit negotiator" 00061664 00 s 02 clean 0 neat 0 001 & 00061262 a 0000 | free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed; "he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek"; "a clean throw"; "the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife" 00061885 00 s 03 clever 0 cunning 0 ingenious 0 004 & 00061262 a 0000 + 04730367 n 0302 + 05633672 n 0303 + 04730367 n 0103 | showing inventiveness and skill; "a clever gadget"; "the cunning maneuvers leading to his success"; "an ingenious solution to the problem" 00062152 00 s 02 coordinated 0 co-ordinated 0 001 & 00061262 a 0000 | being dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle movements; "she was usually good with her hands and well coordinated"- Mary McCarthy 00062367 00 s 03 deft 2 dexterous 0 dextrous 0 003 & 00061262 a 0000 + 05642815 n 0301 + 05642175 n 0103 | skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands; "a deft waiter"; "deft fingers massaged her face"; "dexterous of hand and inventive of mind" 00062626 00 s 01 handy 0 002 & 00061262 a 0000 + 05640924 n 0101 | skillful with the hands; "handy with an axe" 00062740 00 s 02 light-fingered 0 nimble-fingered 0 001 & 00061262 a 0000 | having nimble fingers literally or figuratively; especially for stealing or picking pockets; "a light-fingered burglar who can crack the combination of a bank vault"- Harry Hansen; "the light-fingered thoughtfulness...of the most civilized playwright of the era"- Time 00063087 00 s 01 quick-witted 0 002 & 00061262 a 0000 + 05619345 n 0103 | mentally nimble and resourceful; "quick-witted debater"; "saved an embarrassing situation with quick-witted tact" 00063277 00 a 01 maladroit 0 007 ^ 01140514 a 0000 + 05648459 n 0105 ! 00061262 a 0101 & 00063563 a 0000 & 00063953 a 0000 & 00064176 a 0000 & 00064365 a 0000 | not adroit; "a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve"; "a maladroit translation"; "maladroit propaganda" 00063563 00 s 08 bumbling 0 bungling 0 butterfingered 0 ham-fisted 0 ham-handed 0 handless 0 heavy-handed 0 left-handed 0 001 & 00063277 a 0000 | lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands; "a bumbling mechanic"; "a bungling performance"; "ham-handed governmental interference"; "could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature"- Mary H. Vorse 00063953 00 s 02 inept 0 tactless 0 003 & 00063277 a 0000 + 04846243 n 0201 + 04721058 n 0103 | revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse; "an inept remark"; "it was tactless to bring up those disagreeable" 00064176 00 s 01 uncoordinated 0 001 & 00063277 a 0000 | lacking the skillful and effective interaction of muscle movements; "his movements are uncoordinated"; "an uncoordinated toddler" 00064365 00 s 02 unmechanical 0 nonmechanical 0 001 & 00063277 a 0000 | (of a person) lacking mechanical skills 00064479 00 a 01 advantageous 0 009 ^ 00931555 a 0000 ^ 01660994 a 0000 ^ 01870889 a 0000 + 05155821 n 0101 + 05160796 n 0103 ! 00065488 a 0101 & 00064787 a 0000 & 00065064 a 0000 & 00065184 a 0000 | giving an advantage; "a contract advantageous to our country"; "socially advantageous to entertain often" 00064787 00 s 02 beneficial 0 good 0 003 & 00064479 a 0000 + 05142180 n 0202 + 05142641 n 0101 | promoting or enhancing well-being; "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"; "the beneficial effects of a temperate climate"; "the experience was good for her" 00065064 00 s 02 plus 0 positive 0 001 & 00064479 a 0000 | involving advantage or good; "a plus (or positive) factor" 00065184 00 s 02 discriminatory 0 preferential 0 003 & 00064479 a 0000 + 06200344 n 0202 + 02512305 v 0101 | manifesting partiality; "a discriminatory tax"; "preferential tariff rates"; "preferential treatment"; "a preferential shop gives priority or advantage to union members in hiring or promoting" 00065488 00 a 01 disadvantageous 0 006 ^ 00932367 a 0000 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 01661914 a 0000 + 05161614 n 0101 ! 00064479 a 0101 & 00065667 a 0000 | constituting a disadvantage 00065667 00 s 02 minus 0 negative 0 001 & 00065488 a 0000 | involving disadvantage or harm; "minus (or negative) factors" 00065791 00 a 02 adventurous 0 adventuresome 0 009 ^ 00249721 a 0000 ^ 00262792 a 0000 ^ 00326436 a 0000 + 00796315 n 0101 + 04859177 n 0101 ! 00066800 a 0101 & 00066146 a 0000 & 00066565 a 0000 & 00066703 a 0000 | willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises; "adventurous pioneers"; "the risks and gains of an adventuresome economy" 00066146 00 s 04 audacious 0 daring 0 venturesome 0 venturous 0 006 & 00065791 a 0000 + 13342692 n 0402 + 01117164 n 0401 + 04859177 n 0302 + 04859449 n 0101 + 04859449 n 0102 | disposed to venture or take risks; "audacious visions of the total conquest of space"; "an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas"; "the most daring of contemporary fiction writers"; "a venturesome investor"; "a venturous spirit" 00066565 00 s 01 sporting 0 001 & 00065791 a 0000 | involving risk or willingness to take a risk; "a sporting chance"; "sporting blood" 00066703 00 s 02 swaggering 0 swashbuckling 0 001 & 00065791 a 0000 | flamboyantly adventurous 00066800 00 a 01 unadventurous 0 004 ^ 00325281 a 0000 ^ 00251809 a 0000 ! 00065791 a 0101 & 00066933 a 0000 | lacking in boldness 00066933 00 s 01 safe 0 002 & 00066800 a 0000 + 04856308 n 0101 | (of an undertaking) secure from risk 00067038 00 a 01 advisable 0 007 ^ 01898129 a 0000 ^ 02569130 a 0000 + 00872886 v 0102 + 05160399 n 0101 ! 00067767 a 0101 & 00067379 a 0000 & 00067638 a 0000 | worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first" 00067379 00 s 02 better(p) 0 best(p) 0 002 & 00067038 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparative and superlative of `well') wiser or more advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be better to speak to him"; "the White House thought it best not to respond" 00067638 00 s 01 well(p) 0 001 & 00067038 a 0000 | wise or advantageous and hence advisable; "it would be well to start early" 00067767 00 a 02 inadvisable 0 unadvisable 0 004 ^ 02570282 a 0000 ^ 01899360 a 0000 + 05165028 n 0101 ! 00067038 a 0101 | not prudent or wise; not recommended; "running on the ice is inadvisable" 00067966 00 a 02 well-advised 0 advised 2 003 ^ 02569130 a 0000 ! 00068278 a 0101 & 00068180 a 0000 | having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel; "a well-advised delay in carrying out the plan" 00068180 00 s 01 considered 0 001 & 00067966 a 0000 | carefully weighed; "a considered opinion" 00068278 00 a 02 ill-advised 0 unadvised 2 003 ^ 02570282 a 0000 ^ 01899360 a 0000 ! 00067966 a 0101 | without careful prior deliberation or counsel; "ill-advised efforts"; "it would be ill-advised to accept the offer"; "took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations" 00068566 00 a 03 aerobic 0 aerophilic 0 aerophilous 0 003 ! 00069060 a 0101 & 00068738 a 0000 & 00068883 a 0000 | depending on free oxygen or air; "aerobic fermentation" 00068738 00 s 01 aerobiotic 0 002 & 00068566 a 0000 + 11473685 n 0101 | living or active only in the presence of oxygen; "aerobiotic bacteria" 00068883 00 s 01 oxidative 0 003 & 00068566 a 0000 + 00239321 v 0103 + 00238867 v 0103 | taking place in the presence of oxygen; "oxidative glycolysis"; "oxidative rancidity" 00069060 00 a 02 anaerobic 0 anaerobiotic 0 002 + 01327028 n 0201 ! 00068566 a 0101 | living or active in the absence of free oxygen; "anaerobic bacteria" 00069217 00 a 01 aerobic 2 002 + 00625858 n 0101 ! 00069427 a 0101 | based on or using the principles of aerobics; enhancing respiratory and circulatory efficiency; "aerobic dance"; "running is very aerobic" 00069427 00 a 01 anaerobic 2 001 ! 00069217 a 0101 | not aerobic; "isometric exercises are anaerobic" 00069531 00 a 04 aesthetic 0 esthetic 0 aesthetical 0 esthetical 0 008 + 06161223 n 0402 + 06161223 n 0301 + 05968971 n 0101 ! 00070583 a 0101 & 00069948 a 0000 & 00070111 a 0000 & 00070288 a 0000 & 00070427 a 0000 | concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste; "the aesthetic faculties"; "an aesthetic person"; "aesthetic feeling"; "the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success" 00069948 00 s 01 artistic 0 003 & 00069531 a 0000 + 09812338 n 0101 + 02743547 n 0101 | satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities; "artistic workmanship" 00070111 00 s 02 cosmetic 0 enhancive 0 002 & 00069531 a 0000 + 00230033 v 0201 | serving an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body; "cosmetic surgery"; "enhansive makeup" 00070288 00 s 01 painterly 0 003 & 00069531 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 + 10391653 n 0101 | having qualities unique to the art of painting 00070427 00 s 01 sensuous 0 003 & 00069531 a 0000 + 05651971 n 0101 + 07513413 n 0101 | taking delight in beauty; "the sensuous joy from all things fair" 00070583 00 a 02 inaesthetic 0 unaesthetic 0 002 ! 00069531 a 0101 & 00070839 a 0000 | violating aesthetic canons or requirements; deficient in tastefulness or beauty; "inaesthetic and quite unintellectual"; "peered through those inaesthetic spectacles" 00070839 00 s 02 inartistic 0 unartistic 0 001 & 00070583 a 0000 | lacking aesthetic sensibility; 00070939 00 a 01 affected 0 008 ^ 01559903 a 0000 ! 00071992 a 0101 & 00071142 a 0000 & 00071242 a 0000 & 00071427 a 0000 & 00071559 a 0000 & 00071739 a 0000 & 00071897 a 0000 | acted upon; influenced 00071142 00 s 01 impressed(p) 0 001 & 00070939 a 0000 | deeply or markedly affected or influenced 00071242 00 s 03 smitten 0 stricken 0 struck 0 002 & 00070939 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (used in combination) affected by something overwhelming; "conscience-smitten"; "awe-struck" 00071427 00 s 01 stage-struck 0 001 & 00070939 a 0000 | infatuated with or enthralled by the theater especially the desire to act 00071559 00 s 01 subject 0 002 & 00070939 a 0000 + 10668666 n 0101 | likely to be affected by something; "the bond is subject to taxation"; "he is subject to fits of depression" 00071739 00 s 01 taken 0 001 & 00070939 a 0000 | be affected with an indisposition; "the child was taken ill"; "couldn't tell when he would be taken drunk" 00071897 00 s 01 wonder-struck 0 001 & 00070939 a 0000 | affected by or overcome with wonder 00071992 00 a 01 unaffected 0 006 ^ 01560320 a 0000 ! 00070939 a 0101 & 00072281 a 0000 & 00072436 a 0000 & 00072673 a 0000 & 00072790 a 0000 | undergoing no change when acted upon; "entirely unaffected by each other's writings"; "fibers remained apparently unaffected by the treatment" 00072281 00 s 01 immune 0 002 & 00071992 a 0000 + 05033906 n 0101 | (usually followed by `to') not affected by a given influence; "immune to persuasion" 00072436 00 s 01 superior(p) 0 001 & 00071992 a 0000 | (often followed by `to') above being affected or influenced by; "he is superior to fear"; "an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades" 00072673 00 s 01 unimpressed 0 001 & 00071992 a 0000 | not moved to serious regard; "trying to appear unimpressed" 00072790 00 s 03 uninfluenced 0 unswayed 0 untouched 0 001 & 00071992 a 0000 | not influenced or affected; "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington; "unswayed by personal considerations" 00073048 00 a 02 affected 1 unnatural 4 011 ^ 01798828 a 0000 = 04787763 n 0000 + 04787530 n 0201 + 04787763 n 0101 ! 00074346 a 0101 & 00073358 a 0000 & 00073465 a 0000 & 00073761 a 0000 & 00073935 a 0000 & 00074094 a 0000 & 00074216 a 0000 | speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression 00073358 00 s 02 agonistic 0 strained 0 001 & 00073048 a 0000 | struggling for effect; "agonistic poses" 00073465 00 s 04 artificial 0 contrived 0 hokey 0 stilted 0 001 & 00073048 a 0000 | artificially formal; "that artificial humility that her husband hated"; "contrived coyness"; "a stilted letter of acknowledgment"; "when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation" 00073761 00 s 03 constrained 0 forced 0 strained 2 001 & 00073048 a 0000 | lacking spontaneity; not natural; "a constrained smile"; "forced heartiness"; "a strained smile" 00073935 00 s 01 elocutionary 0 002 & 00073048 a 0000 + 07083246 n 0101 | (used of style of speaking) overly embellished; "an elocutionary Oxonian delivery" 00074094 00 s 01 mannered 0 001 & 00073048 a 0000 | having unnatural mannerisms; "brief, mannered and unlifelike idiom" 00074216 00 s 01 plummy 0 001 & 00073048 a 0000 | (of a voice) affectedly mellow and rich; "the radio announcer's plummy voice" 00074346 00 a 01 unaffected 1 008 ^ 01799035 a 0000 = 04787763 n 0000 + 04786326 n 0101 ! 00073048 a 0101 & 00074594 a 0000 & 00074741 a 0000 & 00074867 a 0000 & 00075019 a 0000 | free of artificiality; sincere and genuine; "an unaffected grace" 00074594 00 s 02 lifelike 0 natural 0 002 & 00074346 a 0000 + 04785908 n 0201 | free from artificiality; "a lifelike pose"; "a natural reaction" 00074741 00 s 01 unmannered 0 001 & 00074346 a 0000 | without artificiality; natural; "the doctor's quiet unmannered entry" 00074867 00 s 01 unselfconscious 0 002 & 00074346 a 0000 + 05677097 n 0101 | not self-conscious; "she grew up with him in unselfconscious friendship" 00075019 00 s 01 unstilted 0 001 & 00074346 a 0000 | flowing naturally and continuously; "unstilted conversation" 00075135 00 a 02 affirmative 0 affirmatory 0 007 ^ 00995775 a 0000 ^ 01817500 a 0000 + 01011725 v 0201 + 07203696 n 0101 + 01011725 v 0101 ! 00075515 a 0101 & 00075389 a 0000 | affirming or giving assent; "an affirmative decision"; "affirmative votes" 00075389 00 s 01 assentient 0 002 & 00075135 a 0000 + 00804139 v 0101 | expressing agreement or consent; "an assenting nod" 00075515 00 a 01 negative 1 007 ^ 01293158 a 0000 ^ 00996448 a 0000 + 05167618 n 0102 + 00823436 v 0102 + 00666886 v 0101 ! 00075135 a 0101 & 00075737 a 0000 | expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial 00075737 00 s 03 dissentient 0 dissenting(a) 0 dissident 0 006 & 00075515 a 0000 + 10018021 n 0302 + 07181208 n 0301 + 02521410 v 0103 + 00804802 v 0103 + 00804653 v 0101 | disagreeing, especially with a majority 00075952 00 a 01 acceptive 0 003 + 00719231 v 0101 ! 00076341 a 0101 & 00076127 a 0000 | inclined to accept rather than reject; "she was seldom acceptive of my suggestions" 00076127 00 s 01 accepting 0 001 & 00075952 a 0000 | tolerating without protest; "always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates"; "the atmosphere was judged to be more supporting and accepting" 00076341 00 a 01 rejective 0 006 + 00796976 v 0101 + 00807178 v 0102 + 00685683 v 0101 ! 00075952 a 0101 & 00076580 a 0000 & 00076739 a 0000 | rejecting or tending to reject; "rejective or overcritical attitudes of disappointed parents" 00076580 00 s 01 dismissive 0 002 & 00076341 a 0000 + 00900728 v 0101 | stopping to associate with; "they took dismissive action after the third violation" 00076739 00 s 01 repudiative 0 003 & 00076341 a 0000 + 00816828 v 0101 + 00686039 v 0101 | rejecting emphatically; e.g. refusing to pay or disowning; "a veto is a repudiative act" 00076921 00 a 01 afloat(p) 0 004 ! 00077449 a 0101 & 00077059 a 0000 & 00077196 a 0000 & 00077354 a 0000 | borne on the water; floating 00077059 00 s 01 adrift(p) 0 001 & 00076921 a 0000 | afloat on the surface of a body of water; "after the storm the boats were adrift" 00077196 00 s 01 floating 0 001 & 00076921 a 0000 | borne up by or suspended in a liquid; "the ship is still floating"; "floating logs"; "floating seaweed" 00077354 00 s 01 waterborne 0 001 & 00076921 a 0000 | supported by water; "waterborne craft" 00077449 00 a 01 aground(p) 0 001 ! 00076921 a 0101 | stuck in a place where a ship can no longer float; "a ship aground offshore"; "a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it" 00077645 00 a 01 afraid(p) 0 027 ^ 00264776 a 0000 ^ 00251809 a 0000 = 07519253 n 0000 ! 00081671 a 0101 & 00078329 a 0000 & 00078463 a 0000 & 00078576 a 0000 & 00078705 a 0000 & 00078851 a 0000 & 00078942 a 0000 & 00079069 a 0000 & 00079262 a 0000 & 00079356 a 0000 & 00079485 a 0000 & 00079629 a 0000 & 00079786 a 0000 & 00079896 a 0000 & 00080098 a 0000 & 00080213 a 0000 & 00080357 a 0000 & 00080698 a 0000 & 00080861 a 0000 & 00080981 a 0000 & 00081087 a 0000 & 00081234 a 0000 & 00081417 a 0000 & 00081513 a 0000 | filled with fear or apprehension; "afraid even to turn his head"; "suddenly looked afraid"; "afraid for his life"; "afraid of snakes"; "afraid to ask questions" 00078329 00 s 01 acrophobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14382766 n 0101 | suffering from acrophobia; abnormally afraid of high places 00078463 00 s 02 afeard(p) 0 afeared(p) 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 ;u 07156497 n 0000 | a pronunciation of afraid 00078576 00 s 04 aghast(p) 0 appalled 0 dismayed 0 shocked 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | struck with fear, dread, or consternation 00078705 00 s 01 agoraphobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14381840 n 0101 | suffering from agoraphobia; abnormally afraid of open or public places 00078851 00 s 01 alarmed 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | experiencing a sudden sense of danger 00078942 00 s 01 algophobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14382871 n 0101 | suffering from algophobia; abnormally afraid of pain 00079069 00 s 01 apprehensive 0 003 & 00077645 a 0000 + 01782432 v 0101 + 07521674 n 0102 | in fear or dread of possible evil or harm; "apprehensive for one's life"; "apprehensive of danger" 00079262 00 s 01 hangdog 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | frightened into submission or compliance 00079356 00 s 01 claustrophobic 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | suffering from claustrophobia; abnormally afraid of closed-in places 00079485 00 s 01 fearful 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 07519253 n 0102 | experiencing or showing fear; "a fearful glance"; "fearful of criticism" 00079629 00 s 02 frightened 0 scared 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | made afraid; "the frightened child cowered in the corner"; "too shocked and scared to move" 00079786 00 s 03 horrified 0 horror-stricken 0 horror-struck 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | stricken with horror 00079896 00 s 01 hunted 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | reflecting the fear or terror of one who is hunted; "the hopeless hunted look on the prisoner's face"; "a glitter of apprehension in her hunted eyes" 00080098 00 s 02 hydrophobic 0 aquaphobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14382967 n 0201 | abnormally afraid of water 00080213 00 s 01 mysophobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14383848 n 0101 | suffering from mysophobia; abnormally afraid of dirt or contamination 00080357 00 s 06 panicky 0 panicked 0 panic-stricken 0 panic-struck 0 terrified 0 frightened 2 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 07520612 n 0101 | thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation; "became panicky as the snow deepened"; "felt panicked before each exam"; "trying to keep back the panic-stricken crowd"; "the terrified horse bolted" 00080698 00 s 01 numb 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror; petrified; "too numb with fear to move" 00080861 00 s 01 shitless 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 ;u 07124340 n 0000 | extremely frightened; "he was scared shitless" 00080981 00 s 02 terror-stricken 0 terror-struck 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | struck or filled with terror 00081087 00 s 01 triskaidekaphobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14384684 n 0101 | suffering from triskaidekaphobia (abnormal fear of the number 13) 00081234 00 s 01 unnerved 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | deprived of courage and strength; "the steeplejack, exhausted and unnerved, couldn't hold on to his dangerous perch much longer" 00081417 00 s 01 white-lipped 0 001 & 00077645 a 0000 | having white lips from fear or terror 00081513 00 s 01 xenophobic 0 002 & 00077645 a 0000 + 14386022 n 0101 | suffering from xenophobia; having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign 00081671 00 a 02 unafraid(p) 0 fearless 0 008 ^ 00249721 a 0000 ^ 00262792 a 0000 = 07519253 n 0000 + 07526182 n 0201 ! 00077645 a 0101 & 00081930 a 0000 & 00082034 a 0000 & 00082160 a 0000 | oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them 00081930 00 s 01 unapprehensive 0 001 & 00081671 a 0000 | not recognizing or slow to recognize danger 00082034 00 s 04 unblinking 0 unflinching 0 unintimidated 0 unshrinking 0 001 & 00081671 a 0000 | not shrinking from danger 00082160 00 s 01 unfrightened 0 001 & 00081671 a 0000 | not affected by fright 00082241 00 a 01 aggressive 0 015 ^ 00156101 a 0000 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 01628946 a 0000 + 04837232 n 0101 ! 00084956 a 0101 & 00082766 a 0000 & 00083003 a 0000 & 00083296 a 0000 & 00083478 a 0000 & 00083749 a 0000 & 00083876 a 0000 & 00084022 a 0000 & 00084353 a 0000 & 00084661 a 0000 & 00084795 a 0000 | having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends; "an aggressive businessman"; "an aggressive basketball player"; "he was aggressive and imperious; positive in his convictions"; "aggressive drivers" 00082766 00 s 03 battleful 0 bellicose 0 combative 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 + 01092366 v 0302 + 04837615 n 0301 | having or showing a ready disposition to fight; "bellicose young officers"; "a combative impulse"; "a contentious nature" 00083003 00 s 02 competitive 0 militant 0 004 & 00082241 a 0000 + 04837615 n 0203 + 04837615 n 0202 + 04837425 n 0101 | showing a fighting disposition; "highly competitive sales representative"; "militant in fighting for better wages for workers"; "his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy" 00083296 00 s 02 hard-hitting 0 high-pressure 0 001 & 00082241 a 0000 | aggressively and persistently persuasive; "a hard-hitting advertising campaign"; "a high-pressure salesman" 00083478 00 s 01 hostile 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 ;c 01094725 n 0000 + 00964569 n 0102 | unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target company ( used of attempts to buy or take control of a business); "hostile takeover"; "hostile tender offer"; "hostile bid" 00083749 00 s 01 in-your-face 0 001 & 00082241 a 0000 | blatantly aggressive; "on-line hard-boiled in-your-face pornography" 00083876 00 s 01 obstreperous 0 002 & 00082241 a 0000 + 04908283 n 0101 | boisterously and noisily aggressive; "kept up an obstreperous clamor" 00084022 00 s 06 predatory 0 rapacious 0 raptorial 0 ravening 0 vulturine 0 vulturous 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 + 01616318 n 0601 + 01604330 n 0302 | living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey; "a predatory bird"; "the rapacious wolf"; "raptorial birds"; "ravening wolves"; "a vulturine taste for offal" 00084353 00 s 02 pugnacious 0 rough 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 + 13977184 n 0203 + 04643662 n 0103 | ready and able to resort to force or violence; "pugnacious spirits...lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance"- Herman Melville; "they were rough and determined fighting men" 00084661 00 s 01 scrappy 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 + 01170962 n 0104 + 04837814 n 0101 | full of fighting spirit; "a scrappy admiral" 00084795 00 s 01 truculent 0 003 & 00082241 a 0000 + 04644161 n 0102 + 04644161 n 0101 | defiantly aggressive; "a truculent speech against the new government" 00084956 00 a 02 unaggressive 0 nonaggressive 0 004 ^ 01740892 a 0000 ^ 00156839 a 0000 ! 00082241 a 0101 & 00085139 a 0000 | not aggressive; not given to fighting or assertiveness 00085139 00 s 01 low-pressure 0 001 & 00084956 a 0000 | not forceful; "a low-pressure salesman"; "a low-pressure campaign" 00085264 00 a 01 agitated 0 015 ^ 00531342 a 0000 ^ 00919542 a 0000 ^ 01737241 a 0000 ^ 02405326 a 0000 ^ 01923391 a 0000 ^ 02303077 a 0000 ! 00087152 a 0101 & 00085630 a 0000 & 00085870 a 0000 & 00086005 a 0000 & 00086210 a 0000 & 00086341 a 0000 & 00086606 a 0000 & 00086801 a 0000 & 00087022 a 0000 | troubled emotionally and usually deeply; "agitated parents" 00085630 00 s 04 aroused 0 emotional 0 excited 0 worked_up 0 002 & 00085264 a 0000 + 04626280 n 0201 | (of persons) excessively affected by emotion; "he would become emotional over nothing at all"; "she was worked up about all the noise" 00085870 00 s 02 distraught 0 overwrought 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | deeply agitated especially from emotion; "distraught with grief" 00086005 00 s 02 jolted 0 shaken 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | disturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shock; "retrieved his named from her jolted memory"; "the accident left her badly shaken" 00086210 00 s 02 feverish 0 hectic 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | marked by intense agitation or emotion; "worked at a feverish pace" 00086341 00 s 04 frantic 0 frenetic 0 phrenetic 0 frenzied 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion; "frantic with anger and frustration"; "frenetic screams followed the accident"; "a frenzied look in his eye" 00086606 00 s 01 hysterical 0 003 & 00085264 a 0000 + 14391876 n 0105 + 07520507 n 0101 | marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion; "hysterical laughter"; "a mob of hysterical vigilantes" 00086801 00 s 01 psychedelic 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | (of a mental state) characterized by intense and distorted perceptions and hallucinations and feelings of euphoria or sometimes despair; "a psychedelic experience" 00087022 00 s 01 wild-eyed 0 001 & 00085264 a 0000 | appearing extremely agitated; "crowded the wild-eyed animals into a truck" 00087152 00 a 01 unagitated 0 007 ^ 00529266 a 0000 ^ 02531422 a 0000 ^ 01922763 a 0000 ^ 02407603 a 0000 ^ 02301560 a 0000 ^ 00920881 a 0000 ! 00085264 a 0101 | not agitated or disturbed emotionally 00087354 00 a 01 agitated 2 007 ! 00088658 a 0101 & 00087597 a 0000 & 00087837 a 0000 & 00088055 a 0000 & 00088157 a 0000 & 00088328 a 0000 & 00088545 a 0000 | physically disturbed or set in motion; "the agitated mixture foamed and bubbled" 00087597 00 s 05 churning 0 roiling 0 roiled 0 roily 0 turbulent 0 003 & 00087354 a 0000 + 11520989 n 0502 + 11520989 n 0501 | (of a liquid) agitated vigorously; in a state of turbulence; "the river's roiling current"; "turbulent rapids" 00087837 00 s 02 churning 2 churned-up 2 001 & 00087354 a 0000 | moving with or producing or produced by vigorous agitation; "winds whipped the piled leaves into churning masses"; "a car stuck in the churned-up mud" 00088055 00 s 01 jolted 0 001 & 00087354 a 0000 | bumped or shaken jerkily; "the jolted passengers" 00088157 00 s 02 rippled 0 ruffled 0 001 & 00087354 a 0000 | shaken into waves or undulations as by wind; "the rippled surface of the pond"; "with ruffled flags flying" 00088328 00 s 01 seething 0 001 & 00087354 a 0000 | in constant agitation; "a seething flag-waving crowd filled the streets"; "a seething mass of maggots"; "lovers and madmen have such seething brains"- Shakespeare 00088545 00 s 01 stirred 0 001 & 00087354 a 0000 | set into a usually circular motion in order to mix or blend 00088658 00 a 01 unagitated 2 003 ! 00087354 a 0101 & 00088792 a 0000 & 00088899 a 0000 | not physically disturbed or set in motion 00088792 00 s 01 nonturbulent 0 001 & 00088658 a 0000 | (of a liquid) not turbulent; "nonturbulent flow" 00088899 00 s 01 unstirred 0 001 & 00088658 a 0000 | not agitated by stirring; "the ingredients sat in the bowl unstirred while she buttered the pan" 00089051 00 a 01 agreeable 0 003 + 04779053 n 0101 + 04640927 n 0102 ! 00089355 a 0101 | conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature; "Is the plan agreeable to you?"; "he's an agreeable fellow"; "My idea of an agreeable person...is a person who agrees with me"- Disraeli; "an agreeable manner" 00089355 00 a 01 disagreeable 0 006 + 04779895 n 0101 ! 00089051 a 0101 & 00089550 a 0000 & 00090219 a 0000 & 00090408 a 0000 & 00090628 a 0000 | not to your liking; "a disagreeable situation" 00089550 00 s 0d annoying 0 bothersome 0 galling 0 irritating 0 nettlesome 0 pesky 0 pestering 0 pestiferous 0 plaguy 0 plaguey 0 teasing 0 vexatious 0 vexing 0 003 & 00089355 a 0000 + 05831939 n 0a01 + 05831939 n 0901 | causing irritation or annoyance; "tapping an annoying rhythm on his glass with his fork"; "aircraft noise is particularly bothersome near the airport"; "found it galling to have to ask permission"; "an irritating delay"; "nettlesome paperwork"; "a pesky mosquito"; "swarms of pestering gnats"; "a plaguey newfangled safety catch"; "a teasing and persistent thought annoyed him"; "a vexatious child"; "it is vexing to have to admit you are wrong" 00090219 00 s 02 harsh 0 abrasive 0 003 & 00089355 a 0000 + 04780114 n 0201 + 04639732 n 0103 | sharply disagreeable; rigorous; "the harsh facts of court delays"; "an abrasive character" 00090408 00 s 04 nerve-racking 0 nerve-wracking 0 stressful 0 trying 0 001 & 00089355 a 0000 | extremely irritating to the nerves; "nerve-racking noise"; "the stressful days before a war"; "a trying day at the office" 00090628 00 s 01 unsweet 0 001 & 00089355 a 0000 | distasteful; "he found life unsweet" 00090718 00 a 02 air-to-surface 0 air-to-ground 0 002 ! 00090917 a 0101 ! 00091121 a 0101 | operating from or designed to be fired from aircraft at targets on the ground; "air-to-surface missiles" 00090917 00 a 01 air-to-air 0 002 ! 00091121 a 0101 ! 00090718 a 0101 | operating between or launched from or involving rockets or aircraft in flight; "air-to-air missiles"; "air-to-air communications" 00091121 00 a 01 surface-to-air 0 002 ! 00090718 a 0101 ! 00090917 a 0101 | operating from or designed to be launched from the ground against an airborne target; "surface-to-air missiles" 00091311 00 a 02 alert 0 watchful 0 012 ^ 00186616 a 0000 ^ 00804695 a 0000 ^ 00162386 a 0000 + 05705722 n 0201 + 04664778 n 0201 + 14031660 n 0101 + 04664628 n 0101 ! 00092551 a 0101 & 00091764 a 0000 & 00092136 a 0000 & 00092275 a 0000 & 00092391 a 0000 | engaged in or accustomed to close observation; "caught by a couple of alert cops"; "alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came"; "constantly alert and vigilant, like a sentinel on duty" 00091764 00 s 04 argus-eyed 0 open-eyed 0 vigilant 0 wakeful 0 004 & 00091311 a 0000 + 05705722 n 0402 + 05705722 n 0303 + 04664778 n 0302 | carefully observant or attentive; on the lookout for possible danger; "a policy of open-eyed awareness"; "the vigilant eye of the town watch"; "there was a watchful dignity in the room"; "a watchful parent with a toddler in tow" 00092136 00 s 01 fly 0 003 & 00091311 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked 00092275 00 s 02 heads-up 0 wide-awake 0 001 & 00091311 a 0000 | fully alert and watchful; "played heads-up ball" 00092391 00 s 02 lidless 0 sleepless 0 001 & 00091311 a 0000 | always watchful; "to an eye like mine, a lidless watcher of the public weal"- Alfred Tennyson 00092551 00 a 03 unalert 0 unwatchful 0 unvigilant 0 002 ^ 00162990 a 0000 ! 00091311 a 0101 | not alert to what is potentially dangerous 00092691 00 a 01 algorithmic 0 003 + 05847438 n 0101 ! 00092933 a 0101 & 00092848 a 0000 | of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm 00092848 00 s 01 recursive 0 001 & 00092691 a 0000 | of or relating to a recursion 00092933 00 a 01 heuristic 0 003 + 05847956 n 0101 ! 00092691 a 0101 & 00093108 a 0000 | of or relating to or using a general formulation that serves to guide investigation 00093108 00 s 01 trial-and-error 0 001 & 00092933 a 0000 | relating to solving problems by experience rather than theory; "they adopted a trial-and-error procedure" 00093275 00 a 01 alienable 0 005 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 02221010 v 0102 ! 00093810 a 0101 & 00093433 a 0000 & 00093556 a 0000 | transferable to another owner 00093433 00 s 01 appropriable 0 002 & 00093275 a 0000 + 00724150 v 0102 | that can be appropriated; "appropriable funds" 00093556 00 s 05 assignable 0 conveyable 0 negotiable 0 transferable 0 transferrable 0 005 & 00093275 a 0000 + 04736516 n 0401 + 00761713 v 0302 + 02221454 v 0201 + 02228531 v 0101 | legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds" 00093810 00 a 02 inalienable 0 unalienable 0 005 ^ 01348258 a 0000 ! 00093275 a 0101 & 00094069 a 0000 & 00094239 a 0000 & 00094324 a 0000 | incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another; "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" 00094069 00 s 03 absolute 0 infrangible 0 inviolable 0 002 & 00093810 a 0000 + 04738398 n 0101 | not capable of being violated or infringed; "infrangible human rights" 00094239 00 s 01 non-negotiable 0 001 & 00093810 a 0000 | cannot be bought or sold 00094324 00 s 03 nontransferable 0 unassignable 0 untransferable 0 001 & 00093810 a 0000 | incapable of being transferred 00094448 00 a 02 alive(p) 1 live 0 009 ^ 00118066 a 0000 = 13961642 n 0000 = 05005809 n 0000 + 05005447 n 0203 + 05005447 n 0102 ! 00095280 a 0101 & 00094799 a 0000 & 00094941 a 0000 & 00095094 a 0000 | possessing life; "the happiest person alive"; "the nerve is alive"; "doctors are working hard to keep him alive"; "burned alive"; "a live canary" 00094799 00 s 01 liveborn 0 001 & 00094448 a 0000 | (of newborn infant) showing signs of life after birth; not stillborn; "a liveborn baby" 00094941 00 s 01 viable 0 002 & 00094448 a 0000 + 05056234 n 0101 | capable of life or normal growth and development; "viable seeds"; "a viable fetus" 00095094 00 s 01 vital 0 004 & 00094448 a 0000 + 00165103 v 0101 + 05171352 n 0101 + 05005809 n 0102 | manifesting or characteristic of life; "a vital, living organism"; "vital signs" 00095280 00 a 01 dead 1 023 = 13961642 n 0000 = 05005809 n 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 ! 00094448 a 0101 & 00095873 a 0000 & 00096072 a 0000 & 00096239 a 0000 & 00096414 a 0000 & 00096595 a 0000 & 00096815 a 0000 & 00096913 a 0000 & 00097022 a 0000 & 00097147 a 0000 & 00097305 a 0000 & 00097452 a 0000 & 00097577 a 0000 & 00097674 a 0000 & 00097768 a 0000 & 00097906 a 0000 & 00098043 a 0000 & 00098147 a 0000 & 00098307 a 0000 & 00098450 a 0000 | no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life; "the nerve is dead"; "a dead pallor"; "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin" 00095873 00 s 06 asleep(p) 0 at_peace(p) 2 at_rest(p) 0 deceased 0 departed 0 gone 0 003 & 00095280 a 0000 ;u 06605046 n 0000 + 09994943 n 0506 | dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend" 00096072 00 s 01 assassinated 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | murdered by surprise attack for political reasons; "the 20th century has seen too many assassinated leaders" 00096239 00 s 03 bloodless 0 exsanguine 0 exsanguinous 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | destitute of blood or apparently so; "the bloodless carcass of my Hector sold"- John Dryden 00096414 00 s 01 brain_dead 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | having irreversible loss of brain function as indicated by a persistent flat electroencephalogram; "was declared brain dead" 00096595 00 s 03 breathless 0 inanimate 0 pulseless 0 003 & 00095280 a 0000 + 05006285 n 0201 + 14370122 n 0103 | appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead" 00096815 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave" 00096913 00 s 01 d.o.a. 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | abbreviation for `dead on arrival' at the emergency room 00097022 00 s 02 deathlike 0 deathly 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | having the physical appearance of death; "a deathly pallor" 00097147 00 s 01 defunct 0 002 & 00095280 a 0000 + 13963032 n 0102 | having ceased to exist or live; "the will of a defunct aunt"; "a defunct Indian tribe" 00097305 00 s 01 doomed 0 002 & 00095280 a 0000 + 07946694 n 0101 | marked for certain death; "the black spot told the old sailor he was doomed" 00097452 00 s 01 executed 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | put to death as punishment; "claimed the body of the executed traitor" 00097577 00 s 01 fallen 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | killed in battle; "to honor fallen soldiers" 00097674 00 s 01 late(a) 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | having died recently; "her late husband" 00097768 00 s 02 lifeless 1 exanimate 0 002 & 00095280 a 0000 + 05006285 n 0102 | deprived of life; no longer living; "a lifeless body" 00097906 00 s 01 murdered 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | killed unlawfully; "the murdered woman"; "lay a wreath on murdered Lincoln's bier" 00098043 00 s 01 nonviable 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | not capable of living or developing successfully 00098147 00 s 01 slain 1 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | killed; `slain' is formal or literary as in "slain warriors"; "a picture of St. George and the slain dragon" 00098307 00 s 01 stillborn 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | (of newborn infant) showing no signs of life at birth; not liveborn; "a stillborn baby" 00098450 00 s 01 stone-dead 0 001 & 00095280 a 0000 | as lifeless as a stone 00098529 00 a 01 apocrine 0 001 ! 00098736 a 0101 | (of exocrine glands) producing a secretion in which part of the secreting cell is released with the secretion; "mother's milk is one apocrine secretion" 00098736 00 a 01 eccrine 0 001 ! 00098529 a 0101 | (of exocrine glands) producing a clear aqueous secretion without releasing part of the secreting cell; important in regulating body temperature 00098933 00 a 01 artesian 0 001 ! 00099097 a 0101 | (of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure; "an artesian well"; "artesian pressure" 00099097 00 a 01 subartesian 0 001 ! 00098933 a 0101 | (of water) rising naturally in a well to a height appreciably above that of the surrounding water table but not flowing out of the well 00099290 00 a 01 live 1 004 ^ 00040325 a 0000 ! 00099874 a 0101 & 00099590 a 0000 & 00099704 a 0000 | exerting force or containing energy; "live coals"; "tossed a live cigarette out the window"; "got a shock from a live wire"; "live ore is unmined ore"; "a live bomb"; "a live ball is one in play" 00099590 00 s 01 in_play(p) 0 002 & 00099290 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | of a ball; "the ball is still in play" 00099704 00 s 01 living(a) 0 001 & 00099290 a 0000 | (used of minerals or stone) in its natural state and place; not mined or quarried; "carved into the living stone"; 00099874 00 a 01 dead 2 006 ^ 00041051 a 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 ! 00099290 a 0101 & 00100213 a 0000 & 00100373 a 0000 & 00100506 a 0000 | not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat; "Mars is a dead planet"; "dead soil"; "dead coals"; "the fire is dead" 00100213 00 s 02 extinct 0 out(p) 0 001 & 00099874 a 0000 | being out or having grown cold; "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"; "the fire is out" 00100373 00 s 01 lifeless 0 002 & 00099874 a 0000 + 05006285 n 0102 | not having the capacity to support life; "a lifeless planet" 00100506 00 s 01 out_of_play(p) 0 002 & 00099874 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | (of a ball) "a ball that is out of play is dead" 00100634 00 a 02 alphabetic 0 alphabetical 0 004 + 06497459 n 0201 ! 00101152 a 0101 & 00100881 a 0000 & 00100989 a 0000 | arranged in order according to the alphabet; "an alphabetic arrangement"; "dictionaries list words in alphabetical order" 00100881 00 s 01 abecedarian 0 001 & 00100634 a 0000 | alphabetically arranged (as for beginning readers) 00100989 00 s 02 alphabetized 0 alphabetised 0 001 & 00100634 a 0000 | having been put in alphabetical order; "the cards are all alphabetized, as you requested" 00101152 00 a 01 analphabetic 0 001 ! 00100634 a 0101 | not alphabetic; "an analphabetic arrangement of letters"; "Jesperson's system of phonetic transcription is analphabetic" 00101331 00 a 01 altricial 0 001 ! 00101452 a 0101 | (of hatchlings) naked and blind and dependent on parents for food 00101452 00 a 01 precocial 0 001 ! 00101331 a 0101 | (of hatchlings) covered with down and having eyes open; capable of leaving the nest within a few days 00101609 00 a 02 altruistic 0 selfless 0 005 ^ 02099019 a 0000 + 04833276 n 0202 + 01205961 n 0201 + 10421956 n 0102 ! 00101800 a 0101 | showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others 00101800 00 a 05 egoistic 0 egoistical 0 egocentric 0 self-centered 0 self-centred 0 007 ^ 02098325 a 0000 + 04835028 n 0405 + 10047199 n 0301 + 10047459 n 0102 + 10047199 n 0102 ! 00101609 a 0101 & 00102079 a 0000 | limited to or caring only about yourself and your own needs 00102079 00 s 02 self-absorbed 0 self-involved 0 001 & 00101800 a 0000 | absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc 00102201 00 a 01 ambiguous 0 011 ^ 00895442 a 0000 ^ 00430191 a 0000 + 04825114 n 0101 ! 00103696 a 0101 & 00102578 a 0000 & 00102786 a 0000 & 00102930 a 0000 & 00103196 a 0000 & 00103302 a 0000 & 00103447 a 0000 & 00103567 a 0000 | having more than one possible meaning; "ambiguous words"; "frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy" 00102578 00 s 02 double-barreled 0 double-barrelled 0 001 & 00102201 a 0000 | having two purposes; twofold; "our double-barreled desire to make things profitable as well as attractive"- Louis Kronenbergers 00102786 00 s 01 double-edged 0 001 & 00102201 a 0000 | capable of being interpreted in two usually contradictory ways; "double-edged praise" 00102930 00 s 02 enigmatic 0 oracular 0 003 & 00102201 a 0000 + 10483530 n 0203 + 05685538 n 0102 | resembling an oracle in obscurity of thought; "the oracular sayings of Victorian poets"; "so enigmatic that priests might have to clarify it"; "an enigmatic smile" 00103196 00 s 01 left-handed 0 001 & 00102201 a 0000 | ironically ambiguous; "a left-handed compliment" 00103302 00 s 02 multivalent 0 multi-valued 0 001 & 00102201 a 0000 | having many values, meanings, or appeals; "subtle, multivalent allegory" 00103447 00 s 02 polysemous 0 polysemantic 0 002 & 00102201 a 0000 + 04825576 n 0101 | of words; having many meanings 00103567 00 s 01 uncertain 0 001 & 00102201 a 0000 | ambiguous (especially in the negative); "she spoke in no uncertain terms" 00103696 00 a 01 unambiguous 0 005 ^ 00428404 a 0000 ^ 00896555 a 0000 + 04821802 n 0101 ! 00102201 a 0101 & 00103953 a 0000 | having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning; "As a horror, apartheid...is absolutely unambiguous"- Mario Vargas Llosa 00103953 00 s 01 monosemous 0 002 & 00103696 a 0000 + 04820908 n 0101 | having only one meaning 00104051 00 a 01 ambitious 0 010 ^ 00884778 a 0000 = 04836268 n 0000 + 04836268 n 0101 + 04836268 n 0102 ! 00105023 a 0101 & 00104318 a 0000 & 00104533 a 0000 & 00104699 a 0000 & 00104825 a 0000 & 00104942 a 0000 | having a strong desire for success or achievement 00104318 00 s 02 pushful 0 pushy 0 003 & 00104051 a 0000 + 04836683 n 0202 + 05167412 n 0203 | marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative; "an aggressive young executive"; "a pushful insurance agent" 00104533 00 s 03 aspirant 0 aspiring(a) 0 wishful 0 003 & 00104051 a 0000 + 09801533 n 0101 + 00705517 v 0102 | desiring or striving for recognition or advancement 00104699 00 s 03 compulsive 0 determined 0 driven 0 002 & 00104051 a 0000 + 09950457 n 0101 | strongly motivated to succeed 00104825 00 s 02 manque 0 would-be(a) 0 001 & 00104051 a 0000 | unfulfilled or frustrated in realizing an ambition 00104942 00 s 01 overambitious 0 001 & 00104051 a 0000 | excessively ambitious 00105023 00 a 02 unambitious 0 ambitionless 0 004 ^ 00885415 a 0000 = 04836268 n 0000 ! 00104051 a 0101 & 00105197 a 0000 | having little desire for success or achievement 00105197 00 s 01 shiftless 0 002 & 00105023 a 0000 + 04637571 n 0101 | lacking or characterized by lack of ambition or initiative; lazy; "a shiftless student"; "studied in a shiftless way" 00105388 00 a 01 ametropic 0 002 + 14096724 n 0101 ! 00105566 a 0101 | of or relating to an abnormal condition of the eye in which visual images are not in focus on the retina 00105566 00 a 01 emmetropic 0 002 + 14096957 n 0101 ! 00105388 a 0101 | of or relating to the normal condition of the eye in which visual images are in clear focus on the retina 00105746 00 a 01 ample 0 008 ^ 00013887 a 0000 ^ 02335828 a 0000 = 05112609 n 0000 + 05112910 n 0101 ! 00106456 a 0101 & 00106020 a 0000 & 00106182 a 0000 & 00106277 a 0000 | more than enough in size or scope or capacity; "had ample food for the party"; "an ample supply" 00106020 00 s 02 full 0 good 0 001 & 00105746 a 0000 | having the normally expected amount; "gives full measure"; "gives good measure"; "a good mile from here" 00106182 00 s 01 generous 0 001 & 00105746 a 0000 | more than adequate; "a generous portion" 00106277 00 s 03 wide 0 wide-cut 0 full 2 003 & 00105746 a 0000 + 05106024 n 0301 + 05104548 n 0108 | having ample fabric; "the current taste for wide trousers"; "a full skirt" 00106456 00 a 05 meager 0 meagre 0 meagerly 0 stingy 2 scrimpy 0 012 ^ 02336449 a 0000 ^ 01496021 a 0000 ^ 00016756 a 0000 = 05112609 n 0000 + 05113462 n 0202 + 05113462 n 0101 ! 00105746 a 0101 & 00106821 a 0000 & 00107017 a 0000 & 00107128 a 0000 & 00107250 a 0000 & 00107384 a 0000 | deficient in amount or quality or extent; "meager resources"; "meager fare" 00106821 00 s 03 bare(a) 0 scanty 0 spare 0 003 & 00106456 a 0000 + 05114781 n 0302 + 05113462 n 0205 | lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet" 00107017 00 s 01 exiguous 0 002 & 00106456 a 0000 + 05113462 n 0107 | extremely scanty; "an exiguous budget" 00107128 00 s 01 hand-to-mouth(a) 0 001 & 00106456 a 0000 | providing only bare essentials; "a hand-to-mouth existence" 00107250 00 s 01 hardscrabble 0 001 & 00106456 a 0000 | barely satisfying a lower standard; "the sharecropper's hardscrabble life" 00107384 00 s 03 measly 0 miserable 0 paltry 0 002 & 00106456 a 0000 + 05140278 n 0301 | contemptibly small in amount; "a measly tip"; "the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief"; "a paltry wage"; "almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans" 00107648 00 a 01 anabolic 0 003 + 13430495 n 0101 ! 00107984 a 0101 & 00107868 a 0000 | characterized by or promoting constructive metabolism; "some athletes take anabolic steroids to increase muscle size temporarily" 00107868 00 s 02 constructive-metabolic 0 energy-storing(a) 0 001 & 00107648 a 0000 | of or relating to anabolism 00107984 00 a 02 catabolic 0 katabolic 0 004 + 13443787 n 0201 + 13443787 n 0101 ! 00107648 a 0101 & 00108145 a 0000 | characterized by destructive metabolism 00108145 00 s 02 destructive-metabolic 0 energy-releasing(a) 0 001 & 00107984 a 0000 | of or relating to catabolism 00108263 00 a 01 anaclinal 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00108434 a 0101 | of valleys and rivers; progressing in a direction opposite to the dip in surrounding rock strata 00108434 00 a 01 cataclinal 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00108263 a 0101 | of valleys and rivers; running in the direction of the dip in surrounding rock strata 00108595 00 a 02 anastigmatic 0 stigmatic 0 002 + 05654783 n 0201 ! 00108698 a 0101 | not astigmatic 00108698 00 a 01 astigmatic 0 005 + 14553590 n 0102 + 13938899 n 0102 + 14553590 n 0101 + 13938899 n 0101 ! 00108595 a 0101 | of or relating to a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature which prevents light rays from meeting at a common focus and so results in distorted images 00109016 00 a 01 anticlinal 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00109133 a 0101 | sloping downward away from a common crest 00109133 00 a 01 synclinal 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00109016 a 0101 | sloping downward toward each other to create a trough 00109261 00 a 01 anadromous 0 002 ! 00109382 a 0101 ! 00109504 a 0101 | migrating from the sea to fresh water to spawn 00109382 00 a 01 catadromous 0 002 ! 00109504 a 0101 ! 00109261 a 0101 | migrating from fresh water to the sea to spawn 00109504 00 a 01 diadromous 0 002 ! 00109261 a 0101 ! 00109382 a 0101 | (used of fish) migratory between fresh and salt waters 00109633 00 a 01 anabatic 0 002 ;c 06118563 n 0000 ! 00109782 a 0101 | of an air current or wind; rising especially up a slope; "an anabatic wind" 00109782 00 a 02 katabatic 0 catabatic 0 002 ;c 06118563 n 0000 ! 00109633 a 0101 | of an air current or wind; moving downward or down a slope because of cooling especially at night 00109966 00 a 02 anal 0 anal_retentive 0 002 ;c 00704305 n 0000 ! 00110252 a 0101 | a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region; fixation at this stage is said to result in orderliness, meanness, stubbornness, compulsiveness, etc. 00110252 00 a 01 oral 2 002 ;c 00704305 n 0000 ! 00109966 a 0101 | a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression 00110497 00 a 03 analogue 0 analog 0 linear 3 002 ;c 06099269 n 0000 ! 00110701 a 0101 | of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier" 00110701 00 a 01 digital 0 002 ;c 06099269 n 0000 ! 00110497 a 0101 | of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits; "digital computer" 00110853 00 a 02 analytic 1 analytical 4 005 ^ 00138912 a 0000 ^ 01296474 a 0000 ^ 01430111 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 ! 00111129 a 0101 | of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience; "`all spinsters are unmarried' is an analytic proposition" 00111129 00 a 02 synthetic 1 synthetical 4 006 ^ 00139126 a 0000 ^ 01296270 a 0000 ^ 01430111 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 05774129 n 0103 ! 00110853 a 0101 | of a proposition whose truth value is determined by observation or facts; "`all men are arrogant' is a synthetic proposition" 00111415 00 a 02 analytic 2 uninflected 4 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00111856 a 0101 & 00111604 a 0000 | expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection 00111604 00 s 01 isolating(a) 0 001 & 00111415 a 0000 | relating to or being a language in which each word typically expresses a distinct idea and part of speech and syntactical relations are determined almost exclusively by word order and particles 00111856 00 a 01 synthetic 2 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00111415 a 0101 & 00112018 a 0000 | systematic combining of root and modifying elements into single words 00112018 00 s 02 agglutinative 0 polysynthetic 0 002 & 00111856 a 0000 + 01222016 v 0101 | forming derivative or compound words by putting together constituents each of which expresses a single definite meaning 00112231 00 a 02 analytic 3 analytical 3 005 + 05772667 n 0201 + 00634276 n 0201 + 05772667 n 0101 + 05208690 n 0101 ! 00112628 a 0101 | using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its elemental parts or basic principles); "an analytic experiment"; "an analytic approach"; "a keenly analytic man"; "analytical reasoning"; "an analytical mind" 00112628 00 a 02 synthetic 3 synthetical 3 005 + 13565379 n 0201 + 05774129 n 0203 + 05783940 n 0201 + 05783940 n 0101 ! 00112231 a 0101 | involving or of the nature of synthesis (combining separate elements to form a coherent whole) as opposed to analysis; "limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements...that extend well beyond the limits of biology"- P.S.Welch 00113015 00 a 01 inflectional 0 002 + 13803782 n 0101 ! 00113245 a 0101 | characterized by inflections indicating grammatical distinctions; "inflectional morphology is used to indicate number and case and tense and person etc." 00113245 00 a 01 derivational 0 001 ! 00113015 a 0101 | characterized by inflections indicating a semantic relation between a word and its base; "the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational" 00113476 00 a 01 apocarpous 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00113663 a 0101 | (of ovaries of flowering plants) consisting of carpels that are free from one another as in buttercups or roses 00113663 00 a 01 syncarpous 0 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 13137672 n 0103 ! 00113476 a 0101 | (of ovaries of flowering plants) consisting of united carpels 00113818 00 a 01 angry 0 016 + 14036539 n 0101 + 07516354 n 0101 + 00758972 n 0102 + 14036539 n 0102 ! 00116463 a 0101 & 00114266 a 0000 & 00114454 a 0000 & 00114797 a 0000 & 00114921 a 0000 & 00115094 a 0000 & 00115193 a 0000 & 00115494 a 0000 & 00115777 a 0000 & 00115906 a 0000 & 00116058 a 0000 & 00116245 a 0000 | feeling or showing anger; "angry at the weather"; "angry customers"; "an angry silence"; "sending angry letters to the papers" 00114266 00 s 02 aggravated 0 provoked 0 001 & 00113818 a 0000 | incited, especially deliberately, to anger; "aggravated by passive resistance"; "the provoked animal attacked the child" 00114454 00 s 05 angered 0 enraged 0 furious 0 infuriated 0 maddened 0 003 & 00113818 a 0000 + 07516997 n 0301 + 05037813 n 0303 | marked by extreme anger; "the enraged bull attached"; "furious about the accident"; "a furious scowl"; "infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy"; "could not control the maddened crowd" 00114797 00 s 01 black 0 001 & 00113818 a 0000 | marked by anger or resentment or hostility; "black looks"; "black words" 00114921 00 s 02 choleric 0 irascible 0 003 & 00113818 a 0000 + 07552549 n 0201 + 07516354 n 0102 | characterized by anger; "a choleric outburst"; "an irascible response" 00115094 00 s 01 hot_under_the_collar(p) 0 002 & 00113818 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very angry 00115193 00 s 03 huffy 0 mad 0 sore 0 006 & 00113818 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 07495973 n 0302 + 07516997 n 0203 + 14407070 n 0101 + 07517869 n 0101 | roused to anger; "stayed huffy a good while"- Mark Twain; "she gets mad when you wake her up so early"; "mad at his friend"; "sore over a remark" 00115494 00 s 04 indignant 0 incensed 0 outraged 0 umbrageous 0 002 & 00113818 a 0000 + 07517550 n 0401 | angered at something unjust or wrong; "an indignant denial"; "incensed at the judges' unfairness"; "a look of outraged disbelief"; "umbrageous at the loss of their territory" 00115777 00 s 02 irate 0 ireful 0 001 & 00113818 a 0000 | feeling or showing extreme anger; "irate protesters"; "ireful words" 00115906 00 s 01 livid 0 003 & 00113818 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 07517292 n 0101 | furiously angry; "willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid" 00116058 00 s 02 smoldering 0 smouldering 0 001 & 00113818 a 0000 | showing scarcely suppressed anger; "her tone was...conversational although...her eyes were smoldering"- James Hensel 00116245 00 s 03 wrathful 0 wroth 0 wrothful 0 001 & 00113818 a 0000 | vehemently incensed and condemnatory; "they trembled before the wrathful queen"; "but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation" 00116463 00 a 01 unangry(p) 0 001 ! 00113818 a 0101 | not angry 00116529 00 a 01 resentful 0 003 ! 00117106 a 0101 & 00116744 a 0000 & 00116940 a 0000 | full of or marked by resentment or indignant ill will; "resentful at the way he was treated"; "a sullen resentful attitude" 00116744 00 s 02 acrimonious 0 bitter 0 003 & 00116529 a 0000 + 04643397 n 0201 + 04643397 n 0102 | marked by strong resentment or cynicism; "an acrimonious dispute"; "bitter about the divorce" 00116940 00 s 01 rancorous 0 002 & 00116529 a 0000 + 07548978 n 0104 | showing deep-seated resentment; "preserve...from rancourous envy of the rich"- Aldous Huxley 00117106 00 a 01 unresentful 0 002 ! 00116529 a 0101 & 00117235 a 0000 | not resentful; "completely unresentful and forgiving" 00117235 00 s 01 unbitter 0 001 & 00117106 a 0000 | having or showing no resentment or desire for revenge; "remarkably unbitter toward her captors" 00117385 00 a 02 sentient 0 animate 4 005 = 05006020 n 0000 + 05005447 n 0201 + 05677952 n 0102 ! 00117754 a 0101 & 00117654 a 0000 | endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness; "the living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage"- T.E.Lawrence 00117654 00 s 01 sensate 0 001 & 00117385 a 0000 | having physical sensation; "sensate creatures" 00117754 00 a 02 insentient 0 insensate 2 004 = 05006020 n 0000 + 05006749 n 0101 ! 00117385 a 0101 & 00117961 a 0000 | devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation; "insentient (or insensate) stone" 00117961 00 s 01 unfeeling 0 001 & 00117754 a 0000 | devoid of feeling or sensation; "unfeeling trees" 00118066 00 a 01 animate 1 003 = 05005447 n 0000 + 05005447 n 0101 ! 00118238 a 0101 | endowed with animal life as distinguished from plant life; "we are animate beings" 00118238 00 a 03 inanimate 1 nonliving 0 non-living 0 004 = 05005447 n 0000 + 05006285 n 0101 ! 00118066 a 0101 & 00118451 a 0000 | not endowed with life; "the inorganic world is inanimate"; "inanimate objects" 00118451 00 s 01 nonconscious 0 001 & 00118238 a 0000 | relating to the lack of consciousness of inanimate things 00118567 00 a 02 animated 0 alive 4 005 + 05005447 n 0202 ! 00119409 a 0101 & 00118844 a 0000 & 00119006 a 0000 & 00119279 a 0000 | having life or vigor or spirit; "an animated and expressive face"; "animated conversation"; "became very animated when he heard the good news" 00118844 00 s 02 enlivened 0 spirited 0 002 & 00118567 a 0000 + 04631700 n 0202 | made lively or spirited; "a meal enlivened by the music"; "a spirited debate" 00119006 00 s 03 full_of_life 0 lively 0 vital 0 006 & 00118567 a 0000 + 00164816 v 0301 + 14050143 n 0303 + 04633453 n 0301 + 05005809 n 0302 + 04632157 n 0201 | full of spirit; "a dynamic full of life woman"; "a vital and charismatic leader"; "this whole lively world" 00119279 00 s 02 reanimated 0 revived 0 001 & 00118567 a 0000 | given fresh life or vigor or spirit; "stirred by revived hopes" 00119409 00 a 01 unanimated 0 003 ! 00118567 a 0101 & 00119533 a 0000 & 00119750 a 0000 | not animated or enlivened; dull 00119533 00 s 01 lifeless 0 003 & 00119409 a 0000 + 14006179 n 0103 + 05006285 n 0102 | lacking animation or excitement or activity; "the party being dead we left early"; "it was a lifeless party until she arrived" 00119750 00 s 01 wan 2 001 & 00119409 a 0000 | lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness; "a wan smile" 00119875 00 a 01 enlivened 0 003 ^ 00804695 a 0000 ! 00120132 a 0101 & 00119993 a 0000 | made sprightly or cheerful 00119993 00 s 01 perked_up 0 001 & 00119875 a 0000 | made or become more cheerful or lively; "his attention made her feel all perked up" 00120132 00 a 01 unenlivened 0 001 ! 00119875 a 0101 | not made lively or brightened; "a life unenlivened by romance" 00120252 00 a 01 animate 2 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00120411 a 0101 | belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings; "the word `dog' is animate" 00120411 00 a 01 inanimate 2 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00120252 a 0101 | belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things; "the word `car' is inanimate" 00120574 00 a 02 anonymous 0 anon. 0 003 + 14436285 n 0101 ! 00121034 a 0101 & 00120784 a 0000 | having no known name or identity or known source; "anonymous authors"; "anonymous donors"; "an anonymous gift" 00120784 00 s 04 nameless 0 unidentified 0 unknown 0 unnamed 0 002 & 00120574 a 0000 + 14436285 n 0102 | being or having an unknown or unnamed source; "a poem by an unknown author"; "corporations responsible to nameless owners"; "an unnamed donor" 00121034 00 a 01 onymous 0 003 ! 00120574 a 0101 & 00121183 a 0000 & 00121376 a 0000 | bearing a name; "articles in magazines are usually onymous" 00121183 00 s 02 binomial 0 binominal 0 001 & 00121034 a 0000 | having or characterized by two names, especially those of genus and species in taxonomies; "binomial nomenclature of bacteria" 00121376 00 s 01 pseudonymous 0 002 & 00121034 a 0000 + 06338278 n 0101 | bearing or identified by an assumed (often pen) name; "the writings of Mark Twain are pseudonymous" 00121552 00 a 01 antemortem 0 001 ! 00121649 a 0101 | preceding death; "antemortem confession" 00121649 00 a 02 postmortem 0 postmortal 0 002 + 07144039 n 0201 ! 00121552 a 0101 | occurring or done after death; "postmortem changes"; "a postmortem examination to determine cause of death"; "postmortal wounds" 00121865 00 a 01 antecedent 0 011 ^ 00125711 a 0000 + 13844923 n 0101 + 09792555 n 0104 + 07326880 n 0101 + 06603651 n 0101 + 05047279 n 0103 + 05047279 n 0102 ! 00122626 a 0101 & 00122128 a 0000 & 00122245 a 0000 & 00122386 a 0000 | preceding in time or order 00122128 00 s 02 anterior 0 prior(a) 0 003 & 00121865 a 0000 + 05047279 n 0201 + 05047279 n 0104 | earlier in time 00122245 00 s 02 anticipatory 0 prevenient 0 004 & 00121865 a 0000 + 02565491 v 0101 + 00917772 v 0106 + 00342640 v 0101 | in anticipation 00122386 00 s 04 preexistent 0 pre-existent 0 preexisting 0 pre-existing 0 004 & 00121865 a 0000 + 02604100 v 0201 + 13957117 n 0101 + 02604100 v 0101 | existing previously or before something; "variations on pre-existent musical themes" 00122626 00 a 01 subsequent 0 007 ^ 00127296 a 0000 + 05047617 n 0102 + 07295507 n 0102 + 05047617 n 0103 ! 00121865 a 0101 & 00122844 a 0000 & 00123485 a 0000 | following in time or order; "subsequent developments" 00122844 00 s 08 attendant 0 consequent 0 accompanying 0 concomitant 0 incidental 0 ensuant 0 resultant 0 sequent 1 010 & 00122626 a 0000 + 13941337 n 0701 + 07292694 n 0702 + 05865034 n 0702 + 02635659 v 0702 + 02634265 v 0701 + 05048690 n 0401 + 11410625 n 0201 + 07284554 n 0103 + 02716567 v 0101 | following or accompanying as a consequence; "an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems"; "snags incidental to the changeover in management"; "attendant circumstances"; "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness"; "the ensuant response to his appeal"; "the resultant savings were considerable" 00123485 00 s 03 later(a) 0 ulterior 0 posterior 0 001 & 00122626 a 0000 | coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to" 00123653 00 a 01 antrorse 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00123804 a 0101 | bent or curved forward or upward; "a plant having antrorse hairs on the stem" 00123804 00 a 01 retrorse 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00123653 a 0101 & 00123961 a 0000 | bent or curved backward or downward; "leaves with retrorse barbs" 00123961 00 s 01 decurved 0 001 & 00123804 a 0000 | bent down or curved downward; "the decurved bill of a curlew" 00124077 00 a 01 aquatic 0 006 + 11536673 n 0101 ! 00124918 a 0101 ! 00125319 a 0101 & 00124353 a 0000 & 00124493 a 0000 & 00124685 a 0000 | operating or living or growing in water; "boats are aquatic vehicles"; "water lilies are aquatic plants"; "fish are aquatic animals" 00124353 00 s 01 marine 0 001 & 00124077 a 0000 | native to or inhabiting the sea; "marine plants and animals such as seaweed and whales" 00124493 00 s 02 semiaquatic 1 subaquatic 1 002 & 00124077 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | partially aquatic; living or growing partly on land and partly in water; "a marginal subaquatic flora" 00124685 00 s 05 subaqueous 0 subaquatic 2 submerged 2 submersed 2 underwater 0 002 & 00124077 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | growing or remaining under water; "viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat"; "submerged leaves" 00124918 00 a 01 terrestrial 0 004 ! 00125319 a 0101 ! 00124077 a 0101 & 00125068 a 0000 & 00125170 a 0000 | operating or living or growing on land 00125068 00 s 01 onshore 0 001 & 00124918 a 0000 | on the edge of the land; "an onshore lighthouse" 00125170 00 s 01 overland 0 001 & 00124918 a 0000 | traveling or passing over land; "an overland journey"; "the overland route used by Marco Polo" 00125319 00 a 01 amphibious 0 003 ! 00124077 a 0101 ! 00124918 a 0101 & 00125553 a 0000 | operating or living on land and in water; "amphibious vehicles"; "amphibious operations"; "amphibious troops"; "frogs are amphibious animals" 00125553 00 s 02 amphibiotic 0 semiaquatic 2 002 & 00125319 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | having an aquatic early or larval form and a terrestrial adult form 00125711 00 a 01 preceding(a) 0 012 ^ 00121865 a 0000 = 05046009 n 0000 = 13844690 n 0000 ! 00127296 a 0101 & 00125993 a 0000 & 00126116 a 0000 & 00126235 a 0000 & 00126339 a 0000 & 00126497 a 0000 & 00126702 a 0000 & 00126830 a 0000 & 00127137 a 0000 | existing or coming before 00125993 00 s 01 above 0 001 & 00125711 a 0000 | appearing earlier in the same text; "flaws in the above interpretation" 00126116 00 s 02 above-mentioned 0 above-named 0 001 & 00125711 a 0000 | mentioned or named earlier in the same text 00126235 00 s 01 foregoing(a) 0 001 & 00125711 a 0000 | especially of writing or speech; going before 00126339 00 s 03 introductory 0 prefatorial 0 prefatory 0 003 & 00125711 a 0000 + 06397903 n 0202 + 00901799 v 0104 | serving as an introduction or preface 00126497 00 s 01 precedent 0 007 & 00125711 a 0000 + 06600282 n 0101 + 01257145 n 0103 + 05047279 n 0105 + 01257145 n 0102 + 02692686 v 0101 + 02712443 v 0102 | preceding in time, order, or significance 00126702 00 s 01 premedical 0 001 & 00125711 a 0000 | preceding and preparing for the study of medicine; "premedical courses" 00126830 00 s 03 preparatory 0 preparative 0 propaedeutic 0 010 & 00125711 a 0000 + 00891642 n 0301 + 00891642 n 0302 + 02387034 v 0201 + 01651444 v 0203 + 00406243 v 0202 + 02387034 v 0101 + 00603298 v 0103 + 00602805 v 0102 + 00406243 v 0102 | preceding and preparing for something; "preparatory steps" 00127137 00 s 02 previous(a) 0 old 0 001 & 00125711 a 0000 | just preceding something else in time or order; "the previous owner"; "my old house was larger" 00127296 00 a 01 succeeding(a) 0 010 ^ 00122626 a 0000 = 05046009 n 0000 = 13844690 n 0000 ! 00125711 a 0101 & 00127543 a 0000 & 00127661 a 0000 & 00127815 a 0000 & 00127948 a 0000 & 00128137 a 0000 & 00128262 a 0000 | coming after or following 00127543 00 s 02 back-to-back 0 consecutive 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | one after the other; "back-to-back home runs" 00127661 00 s 01 ensuing 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | following immediately and as a result of what went before; "ensuing events confirmed the prediction" 00127815 00 s 02 following(a) 1 undermentioned 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | about to be mentioned or specified; "the following items" 00127948 00 s 02 following 2 next 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list" 00128137 00 s 01 in_line 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | being next in a line of succession; "he was in line for the presidency" 00128262 00 s 01 postmortem 0 001 & 00127296 a 0000 | after death or after an event; "a postmortem examination to determine the cause of death"; "the postmortem discussion of the President's TV address" 00128467 00 a 01 precedented 0 001 ! 00128572 a 0101 | having or supported or justified by a precedent 00128572 00 a 01 unprecedented 0 002 ! 00128467 a 0101 & 00128733 a 0000 | having no precedent; novel; "an unprecedented expansion in population and industry" 00128733 00 s 02 new 0 unexampled 0 001 & 00128572 a 0000 | having no previous example or precedent or parallel; "a time of unexampled prosperity" 00128882 00 a 01 prehensile 0 001 ! 00129029 a 0101 | adapted for grasping especially by wrapping around an object; "a monkey's prehensile tail" 00129029 00 a 01 nonprehensile 0 001 ! 00128882 a 0101 | not prehensile 00129103 00 a 03 prenatal 0 antenatal 0 antepartum 0 002 ! 00129276 a 0101 ! 00129467 a 0101 | occurring or existing before birth; "the prenatal period"; "antenatal care" 00129276 00 a 01 perinatal 0 002 ! 00129467 a 0101 ! 00129103 a 0101 | occurring during the period around birth (5 months before and 1 month after); "perinatal mortality"; "perinatal care" 00129467 00 a 02 postnatal 0 postpartum 0 002 ! 00129103 a 0101 ! 00129276 a 0101 | occurring immediately after birth; "postnatal development" 00129612 00 a 01 preprandial 0 001 ! 00129729 a 0101 | preceding a meal (especially dinner); "a preprandial drink" 00129729 00 a 01 postprandial 0 001 ! 00129612 a 0101 | following a meal (especially dinner); "his postprandial cigar"; "took a postprandial walk" 00129878 00 a 01 prewar 0 001 ! 00130017 a 0101 | existing or belonging to a time before a war; "prewar levels of industrial production" 00130017 00 a 01 postwar 0 001 ! 00129878 a 0101 | belonging to the period after a war; "postwar resettlement"; "postwar inflation" 00130151 00 a 01 retrograde 0 002 = 13844690 n 0000 ! 00130281 a 0101 | of amnesia; affecting time immediately preceding trauma 00130281 00 a 01 anterograde 0 002 = 13844690 n 0000 ! 00130151 a 0101 | of amnesia; affecting time immediately following trauma 00130412 00 a 01 antemeridian 0 003 = 15129927 n 0000 ! 00130596 a 0101 & 00130518 a 0000 | before noon 00130518 00 s 02 ante_meridiem 0 a.m. 0 001 & 00130412 a 0000 | before noon 00130596 00 a 01 postmeridian 0 003 = 15129927 n 0000 ! 00130412 a 0101 & 00130701 a 0000 | after noon 00130701 00 s 02 post_meridiem 0 p.m. 0 001 & 00130596 a 0000 | after noon 00130778 00 a 01 anterior 0 008 ^ 00198147 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 + 05306190 n 0102 + 05078289 n 0101 ! 00131426 a 0101 & 00131018 a 0000 & 00131176 a 0000 & 00131297 a 0000 | of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body 00131018 00 s 01 frontal 1 004 & 00130778 a 0000 + 08626080 n 0101 + 08573472 n 0101 + 03398467 n 0101 | belonging to the front part; "a frontal appendage" 00131176 00 s 01 frontal 2 001 & 00130778 a 0000 | of or adjacent to the forehead or frontal bone; "the frontal lobes" 00131297 00 s 01 prefrontal 0 001 & 00130778 a 0000 | anterior to a frontal structure; "a prefrontal bone"; "prefrontal lobes" 00131426 00 a 01 posterior 0 009 ^ 00197576 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 + 05306476 n 0102 + 05559256 n 010d + 05078450 n 0101 ! 00130778 a 0101 & 00131692 a 0000 & 00131863 a 0000 & 00132040 a 0000 | located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure 00131692 00 s 03 back(a) 0 hind(a) 0 hinder(a) 0 001 & 00131426 a 0000 | located at or near the back of an animal; "back (or hind) legs"; "the hinder part of a carcass" 00131863 00 s 01 caudal 0 001 & 00131426 a 0000 | situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises; "caudal fins"; "the caudal end of the body" 00132040 00 s 01 retral 0 001 & 00131426 a 0000 | at or near or toward the posterior 00132127 00 a 01 dorsal 0 003 + 05558717 n 0102 + 05557500 n 0101 ! 00132385 a 0101 | belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals" 00132385 00 a 01 ventral 0 005 + 05424796 n 0101 + 05424679 n 0101 + 05556943 n 0102 ! 00132127 a 0101 & 00132754 a 0000 | toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal); "the ventral aspect of the human body"; "the liver is somewhat ventral in position"; "ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped" 00132754 00 s 01 dorsoventral 0 001 & 00132385 a 0000 | extending from the back to the belly 00132849 00 a 01 appealable 0 003 + 02497824 v 0101 + 02497586 v 0101 ! 00133065 a 0101 | capable of being appealed especially to a higher tribunal; "decisions...appealable to the head of the agency"- New Republic 00133065 00 a 01 unappealable 0 001 ! 00132849 a 0101 | not subject to appeal; "the judge's ruling was handed down in a preliminary hearing rather than a trial and was therefore unappealable" 00133259 00 a 01 appendaged 0 001 ! 00133335 a 0101 | having an appendage 00133335 00 a 01 unappendaged 0 001 ! 00133259 a 0101 | not having an appendage 00133417 00 a 02 appetizing 0 appetising 0 007 ^ 01716227 a 0000 ^ 02395115 a 0000 = 04995531 n 0000 + 04995531 n 0202 + 04995531 n 0101 ! 00133851 a 0101 & 00133669 a 0000 | appealing to or stimulating the appetite especially in appearance or aroma 00133669 00 s 03 mouth-watering 0 savory 0 savoury 0 005 & 00133417 a 0000 + 07594840 n 0302 + 05715864 n 0306 + 07594840 n 0201 + 04995940 n 0203 | pleasing to the sense of taste 00133851 00 a 02 unappetizing 0 unappetising 0 006 ^ 02395115 a 0000 ^ 01716491 a 0000 = 04995531 n 0000 + 04996823 n 0202 + 04996823 n 0101 ! 00133417 a 0101 | not appetizing in appearance, aroma, or taste 00134060 00 a 01 approachable 0 004 + 00990392 v 0101 + 04655649 n 0101 ! 00134401 a 0101 & 00134251 a 0000 | easy to meet or converse or do business with; "a friendly approachable person" 00134251 00 s 01 accessible 0 002 & 00134060 a 0000 + 04655649 n 0102 | easy to get along with or talk to; friendly; "an accessible and genial man" 00134401 00 a 01 unapproachable 0 003 + 04657244 n 0101 ! 00134060 a 0101 & 00134562 a 0000 | discouraging intimacies; reserved; "an unapproachable executive" 00134562 00 s 02 offish 0 standoffish 0 002 & 00134401 a 0000 + 04656996 n 0203 | lacking cordiality; unfriendly; "a standoffish manner" 00134701 00 a 01 appropriate 0 009 ^ 00138169 a 0000 ^ 01878466 a 0000 = 04715947 n 0000 + 04715947 n 0101 ! 00135718 a 0101 & 00135092 a 0000 & 00135193 a 0000 & 00135342 a 0000 & 00135455 a 0000 | suitable for a particular person or place or condition etc; "a book not appropriate for children"; "a funeral conducted the appropriate solemnity"; "it seems that an apology is appropriate" 00135092 00 s 01 befitting 0 001 & 00134701 a 0000 | appropriate to; "behavior befitting a father" 00135193 00 s 01 grade-appropriate 0 001 & 00134701 a 0000 | the quality of ability and work that is appropriate for students in a specified grade 00135342 00 s 01 pat 0 002 & 00134701 a 0000 + 04718826 n 0102 | exactly suited to the occasion; "a pat reply" 00135455 00 s 02 proper 0 right 0 002 & 00134701 a 0000 + 04898437 n 0102 | appropriate for a condition or purpose or occasion or a person's character, needs; "everything in its proper place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the position" 00135718 00 a 01 inappropriate 0 008 ^ 01880531 a 0000 ^ 00138622 a 0000 = 04715947 n 0000 + 04721650 n 0101 ! 00134701 a 0101 & 00136081 a 0000 & 00136185 a 0000 + 04901996 n 0101 | not suitable for a particular occasion etc; "noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness"; "inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach"; "put inappropriate pressure on them" 00136081 00 s 01 unbefitting 0 001 & 00135718 a 0000 | not befitting; "behavior unbefitting a father" 00136185 00 s 02 improper 0 wrong 0 003 & 00135718 a 0000 + 04901996 n 0202 + 04901326 n 0102 | not appropriate for a purpose or occasion; "said all the wrong things" 00136354 00 a 01 due 0 008 ! 00137641 a 0101 & 00136589 a 0000 & 00136727 a 0000 & 00136884 a 0000 & 00137120 a 0000 & 00137277 a 0000 & 00137373 a 0000 & 00137501 a 0000 | owed and payable immediately or on demand; "payment is due" 00136589 00 s 01 callable 0 002 & 00136354 a 0000 + 02359061 v 0101 | subject to a demand for payment before due date; "callable bonds" 00136727 00 s 02 collect 0 cod 0 001 & 00136354 a 0000 | payable by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel" 00136884 00 s 03 collectible 0 collectable 0 payable 0 002 & 00136354 a 0000 + 02218173 v 0101 | subject to or requiring payment especially as specified; "a collectible bill"; "a note payable on demand"; "a check payable to John Doe" 00137120 00 s 02 delinquent 0 overdue 0 001 & 00136354 a 0000 | past due; not paid at the scheduled time; "an overdue installment"; "a delinquent account" 00137277 00 s 01 receivable 0 001 & 00136354 a 0000 | awaiting payment; "accounts receivable" 00137373 00 s 01 out-of-pocket 0 001 & 00136354 a 0000 | calling for the spending of cash; "his out-of-pocket costs were $10" 00137501 00 s 01 repayable 0 001 & 00136354 a 0000 | subject to repayment; "business loans are usually repayable in regular installments" 00137641 00 a 01 undue 0 001 ! 00136354 a 0101 | not yet payable; "an undue loan" 00137725 00 a 01 due 2 001 ! 00137943 a 0101 | suitable to or expected in the circumstances; "all due respect"; "due cause to honor them"; "a long due promotion"; "in due course"; "due esteem"; "exercising due care" 00137943 00 a 01 undue 2 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 ! 00137725 a 0101 | not appropriate or proper (or even legal) in the circumstances; "undue influence"; "I didn't want to show undue excitement"; "accused of using undue force" 00138169 00 a 01 apropos 0 004 ^ 00134701 a 0000 = 04715947 n 0000 ! 00138622 a 0101 & 00138314 a 0000 | of an appropriate or pertinent nature 00138314 00 s 03 apposite 0 apt 0 pertinent 0 006 & 00138169 a 0000 + 13795180 n 0303 + 13795180 n 0302 + 02676054 v 0302 + 04716491 n 0201 + 04716491 n 0102 | being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply" 00138622 00 a 01 malapropos 0 004 ^ 00135718 a 0000 = 04715947 n 0000 ! 00138169 a 0101 & 00138782 a 0000 | of an inappropriate or incorrectly applied nature 00138782 00 s 02 inapposite 0 out_of_place 0 002 & 00138622 a 0000 + 04721428 n 0102 | of an inappropriate or misapplied nature 00138912 00 a 01 a_priori 0 003 ^ 00110853 a 0000 ^ 01296474 a 0000 ! 00139126 a 0101 | involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to a necessary effect; not supported by fact; "an a priori judgment" 00139126 00 a 01 a_posteriori 0 003 ^ 01296270 a 0000 ^ 00111129 a 0000 ! 00138912 a 0101 | involving reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; "a posteriori demonstration" 00139344 00 a 01 apteral 0 003 ! 00139870 a 0101 & 00139492 a 0000 & 00139702 a 0000 | having columns at one or both ends but not along the sides 00139492 00 s 04 amphiprostylar 0 amphiprostyle 0 amphistylar 0 porticoed 0 001 & 00139344 a 0000 | marked by columniation having free columns in porticoes either at both ends or at both sides of a structure 00139702 00 s 02 prostyle 0 pseudoprostyle 0 001 & 00139344 a 0000 | marked by columniation having free columns in a portico only across the opening to the structure 00139870 00 a 01 peripteral 0 003 ! 00139344 a 0101 & 00139990 a 0000 & 00140075 a 0000 | having columns on all sides 00139990 00 s 01 monopteral 0 001 & 00139870 a 0000 | having circular columniation 00140075 00 s 02 peristylar 0 pseudoperipteral 0 002 & 00139870 a 0000 + 03917198 n 0101 | having columniation completely circling an area of the structure 00140233 00 a 01 arbitrable 0 002 + 00760956 v 0105 ! 00140437 a 0101 | appropriate for or subject to settlement by arbitration; "an arbitrable wage and health benefits policy"; "an arbitrable dispute" 00140437 00 a 01 nonarbitrable 0 001 ! 00140233 a 0101 | not appropriate for or subject to arbitration 00140542 00 a 01 columned 0 007 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 00141522 a 0101 & 00140880 a 0000 & 00140989 a 0000 & 00141111 a 0000 & 00141316 a 0000 & 00141429 a 0000 | having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form); "a columned portico"; "trees with columned trunks"; "white-columned houses" 00140880 00 s 01 amphistylar 0 001 & 00140542 a 0000 | having columns either at both ends or at both sides 00140989 00 s 01 columnar 1 002 & 00140542 a 0000 + 03073977 n 0101 | characterized by columns; "columnar construction" 00141111 00 s 03 columniform 0 columnar 2 columnlike 0 002 & 00140542 a 0000 + 13900422 n 0201 | having the form of a column; "trees with columniform trunks"; "columnar forms"; "a columnlike tree trunk" 00141316 00 s 01 colonnaded 0 001 & 00140542 a 0000 | having a series of columns arranged at regular intervals 00141429 00 s 01 pillared 0 001 & 00140542 a 0000 | having pillars; "the pillared portico" 00141522 00 a 02 noncolumned 0 uncolumned 0 003 ! 00140542 a 0101 & 00141647 a 0000 & 00141746 a 0000 | not having columns 00141647 00 s 01 astylar 0 002 & 00141522 a 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 | lacking columns or pillars 00141746 00 s 01 unpillared 0 001 & 00141522 a 0000 | lacking pillars 00141818 00 a 03 arboreal 0 arboreous 4 tree-living 0 001 ! 00141947 a 0101 | inhabiting or frequenting trees; "arboreal apes" 00141947 00 a 01 nonarboreal 0 001 ! 00141818 a 0101 | not inhabiting or frequenting trees 00142040 00 a 03 arenaceous 0 sandy 2 sandlike 0 003 + 15019030 n 0201 + 04949453 n 0201 ! 00142270 a 0101 | resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas; "arenaceous limestone"; "arenaceous grasses" 00142270 00 a 02 argillaceous 0 clayey 0 002 + 14602597 n 0101 ! 00142040 a 0101 | resembling or containing clay; "argillaceous rocks" 00142407 00 a 01 armed 1 005 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 00142917 a 0101 & 00142622 a 0000 & 00142704 a 0000 & 00142825 a 0000 | (used of persons or the military) characterized by having or bearing arms; "armed robbery" 00142622 00 s 02 equipped 0 weaponed 0 001 & 00142407 a 0000 | carrying weapons 00142704 00 s 01 light-armed 0 001 & 00142407 a 0000 | armed with light equipment and weapons; "a light-armed brigade" 00142825 00 s 02 militarized 0 militarised 0 001 & 00142407 a 0000 | issued military arms 00142917 00 a 01 unarmed 1 006 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 00142407 a 0101 & 00143201 a 0000 & 00143294 a 0000 & 00143376 a 0000 & 00143516 a 0000 | (used of persons or the military) not having or using arms; "went alone and unarmed"; "unarmed peasants were shot down"; "unarmed vehicles" 00143201 00 s 01 barehanded 0 001 & 00142917 a 0000 | with bare hands; "fought barehanded" 00143294 00 s 01 clean 0 001 & 00142917 a 0000 | not carrying concealed weapons 00143376 00 s 02 defenseless 0 defenceless 0 003 & 00142917 a 0000 + 05043091 n 0202 + 05043091 n 0101 | lacking weapons for self-defense 00143516 00 s 01 weaponless 0 001 & 00142917 a 0000 | without a weapon 00143589 00 a 02 armored 1 armoured 1 009 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 00144728 a 0101 & 00143854 a 0000 & 00144020 a 0000 & 00144102 a 0000 & 00144244 a 0000 & 00144408 a 0000 & 00144510 a 0000 & 00144598 a 0000 | protected by armor (used of persons or things military) 00143854 00 s 05 armor-clad 0 armour-clad 0 armor-plated 0 armour-plated 0 steel-plated 0 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | covered with heavy steel; "armor-plated vehicles" 00144020 00 s 01 bony-plated 0 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | covered with bony plates 00144102 00 s 01 bulletproof 0 002 & 00143589 a 0000 + 00166331 v 0101 | not penetrable by bullets; "bulletproof glass"; "bulletproof vest" 00144244 00 s 02 lightly_armored 0 lightly_armoured 0 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | equipped with armor heavy enough to provide protection against fire from light arms 00144408 00 s 01 mail-cheeked 0 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | having bony plates on the sides of the head 00144510 00 s 02 mail-clad 0 mailed 0 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | wearing protective mail 00144598 00 s 01 scaled 1 001 & 00143589 a 0000 | (used of armor) having overlapping metal plates attached to a leather backing 00144728 00 a 02 unarmored 1 unarmoured 1 002 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 00143589 a 0101 | (used of persons or things military) without protective armor 00144877 00 a 01 armed 2 006 ! 00145995 a 0101 & 00145083 a 0000 & 00145628 a 0000 & 00145706 a 0000 & 00145805 a 0000 & 00145883 a 0000 | (used of plants and animals) furnished with bristles and thorns 00145083 00 s 0d barbed 0 barbellate 0 briary 0 briery 0 bristled 0 bristly 0 burred 0 burry 0 prickly 0 setose 0 setaceous 0 spiny 0 thorny 0 012 & 00144877 a 0000 + 04949799 n 0d04 + 13089631 n 0d02 + 04949799 n 0c03 + 01902022 n 0b01 + 13089631 n 0903 + 04949799 n 0901 + 12036368 n 0802 + 04949799 n 0602 + 02902535 n 0601 + 12470512 n 0307 + 02585285 n 0201 | having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns or setae etc.; "a horse with a short bristly mane"; "bristly shrubs"; "burred fruits"; "setaceous whiskers" 00145628 00 s 01 bristlelike 0 001 & 00144877 a 0000 | resembling a bristle 00145706 00 s 01 brushlike 0 001 & 00144877 a 0000 | resembling a brush; "brushlike blue blooms" 00145805 00 s 01 thistlelike 0 001 & 00144877 a 0000 | resembling a thistle 00145883 00 s 02 clawed 0 taloned 0 001 & 00144877 a 0000 | (of predatory animals) armed with claws or talons 00145995 00 a 01 unarmed 2 002 ! 00144877 a 0101 & 00146128 a 0000 | (used of plants or animals) lacking barbs or stings or thorns 00146128 00 s 02 thornless 0 spineless 0 001 & 00145995 a 0000 | lacking thorns 00146210 00 a 01 armed 3 005 ! 00146786 a 0101 & 00146430 a 0000 & 00146501 a 0000 & 00146609 a 0000 & 00146693 a 0000 | having arms or arms as specified; used especially in combination; "the many-armed goddess Shiva" 00146430 00 s 01 armlike 0 001 & 00146210 a 0000 | resembling an arm 00146501 00 s 01 brachiate 0 002 & 00146210 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | having arms or armlike appendages 00146609 00 s 01 long-armed 0 001 & 00146210 a 0000 | having relatively long arms 00146693 00 s 01 one-armed 0 001 & 00146210 a 0000 | having one arm; "a one-armed veteran" 00146786 00 a 01 armless 0 001 ! 00146210 a 0101 | having no arms; "the armless Venus de Milo" 00146883 00 a 02 armored 2 armoured 2 004 ! 00147528 a 0101 & 00147052 a 0000 & 00147160 a 0000 & 00147397 a 0000 | used of animals; provided with protective covering 00147052 00 s 01 bone-covered 0 002 & 00146883 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) armored with bone 00147160 00 s 03 scaly 0 scaley 0 scaled 2 005 & 00146883 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01902877 n 0201 + 04948603 n 0101 + 01902877 n 0101 | having the body covered or partially covered with thin horny plates, as some fish and reptiles 00147397 00 s 01 silver-scaled 0 001 & 00146883 a 0000 | having the body covered or partially covered with silver-colored scales 00147528 00 a 02 unarmored 2 unarmoured 2 002 ! 00146883 a 0101 & 00147659 a 0000 | used of animals; without protective covering 00147659 00 s 01 scaleless 0 001 & 00147528 a 0000 | destitute of scales 00147734 00 a 01 artful 0 010 ^ 00061262 a 0000 + 04876705 n 0101 ! 00149861 a 0101 & 00148078 a 0000 & 00148642 a 0000 & 00148852 a 0000 & 00149120 a 0000 & 00149262 a 0000 & 00149461 a 0000 & 00149686 a 0000 | marked by skill in achieving a desired end especially with cunning or craft; "the artful dodger"; "an artful choice of metaphors" 00148078 00 s 0b crafty 0 cunning 0 dodgy 0 foxy 0 guileful 0 knavish 0 slick 0 sly 0 tricksy 0 tricky 0 wily 0 014 & 00147734 a 0000 + 00752954 n 0b05 + 05621178 n 0b07 + 04875728 n 0a04 + 00171618 n 0a01 + 00171618 n 0901 + 05621178 n 0806 + 06760722 n 0703 + 05095324 n 0702 + 10022759 n 0402 + 05621178 n 0404 + 05905802 n 0303 + 05621178 n 0101 + 05621178 n 0102 | marked by skill in deception; "cunning men often pass for wise"; "deep political machinations"; "a foxy scheme"; "a slick evasive answer"; "sly as a fox"; "tricky Dick"; "a wily old attorney" 00148642 00 s 02 cute 0 precious 0 003 & 00147734 a 0000 + 04788332 n 0202 + 04788332 n 0201 | obviously contrived to charm; "an insufferably precious performance"; "a child with intolerably cute mannerisms" 00148852 00 s 02 designing 0 scheming 0 001 & 00147734 a 0000 | concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest; "a selfish and designing nation obsessed with the dark schemes of European intrigue"- W.Churchill; "a scheming wife"; "a scheming gold digger" 00149120 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 00147734 a 0000 | exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy; "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot" 00149262 00 s 01 elusive 0 003 & 00147734 a 0000 + 02074377 v 0101 + 04824118 n 0101 | skillful at eluding capture; "a cabal of conspirators, each more elusive than the archterrorist"- David Kline 00149461 00 s 01 manipulative 0 003 & 00147734 a 0000 + 02536329 v 0101 + 01803936 v 0101 | skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own advantage; "the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old child" 00149686 00 s 01 pawky 0 002 & 00147734 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | cunning and sly; "the pawky rich old lady who incessantly scores off her parasitical descendants"- Punch 00149861 00 a 01 artless 0 004 ^ 01569965 a 0000 + 04872676 n 0101 ! 00147734 a 0101 & 00150055 a 0000 | simple and natural; without cunning or deceit; "an artless manner"; "artless elegance" 00150055 00 s 01 careless 0 001 & 00149861 a 0000 | effortless and unstudied; "an impression of careless elegance"; "danced with careless grace" 00150202 00 a 01 articulate 0 007 ^ 00494907 a 0000 ^ 02283703 a 0000 + 04651195 n 0103 ! 00151105 a 0101 & 00150505 a 0000 & 00150835 a 0000 & 00150936 a 0000 | expressing yourself easily or characterized by clear expressive language; "articulate speech"; "an articulate orator"; "articulate beings" 00150505 00 s 06 eloquent 0 facile 0 fluent 0 silver 0 silver-tongued 0 smooth-spoken 0 007 & 00150202 a 0000 + 07069210 n 0302 + 05642947 n 0301 + 04651195 n 0301 + 04708796 n 0201 + 07069210 n 0101 + 00769180 v 0101 | expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively; "able to dazzle with his facile tongue"; "silver speech" 00150835 00 s 01 speech-endowed 0 001 & 00150202 a 0000 | capable of speech; "the speaking animal" 00150936 00 s 01 well-spoken 0 001 & 00150202 a 0000 | speaking or spoken fittingly or pleasingly; "a well-spoken gentleman"; "a few well-spoken words on civic pride" 00151105 00 a 02 inarticulate 0 unarticulate 0 010 ^ 00500569 a 0000 ! 00150202 a 0101 & 00151530 a 0000 & 00151661 a 0000 & 00151855 a 0000 & 00152004 a 0000 & 00152104 a 0000 & 00152285 a 0000 & 00152629 a 0000 & 00152784 a 0000 | without or deprived of the use of speech or words; "inarticulate beasts"; "remained stupidly inarticulate and saying something noncommittal"; "inarticulate with rage"; "an inarticulate cry" 00151530 00 s 01 aphasic 0 003 & 00151105 a 0000 + 09798244 n 0101 + 14097574 n 0101 | unable to speak because of a brain lesion 00151661 00 s 02 aphonic 0 voiceless 0 003 & 00151105 a 0000 + 14400507 n 0202 + 14400507 n 0101 | being without sound through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech 00151855 00 s 03 dumb 1 mute 1 silent 0 003 & 00151105 a 0000 + 10342367 n 0201 + 14551986 n 0202 | unable to speak because of hereditary deafness 00152004 00 s 01 dumb 3 001 & 00151105 a 0000 | lacking the power of human speech; "dumb animals" 00152104 00 s 02 incoherent 0 tongue-tied 0 001 & 00151105 a 0000 | unable to express yourself clearly or fluently; "felt tongue-tied with embarrassment"; "incoherent with grief" 00152285 00 s 04 mute 0 tongueless 0 unspoken 0 wordless 0 003 & 00151105 a 0000 + 14551986 n 0102 + 04651974 n 0101 | expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief"; "choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe 00152629 00 s 02 speechless 0 dumb 2 002 & 00151105 a 0000 + 04982745 n 0101 | temporarily incapable of speaking; "struck dumb"; "speechless with shock" 00152784 00 s 01 unarticulated 0 001 & 00151105 a 0000 | uttered without the use of normal words or syllables 00152896 00 a 01 speaking(a) 0 002 ! 00153239 a 0101 & 00153083 a 0000 | capable of or involving speech or speaking; "human beings--the speaking animals"; "a speaking part in the play" 00153083 00 s 01 tongued 0 001 & 00152896 a 0000 | having a manner of speaking as specified; often used in combination; "golden-tongued"; "sharp-tongued" 00153239 00 a 02 nonspeaking 0 walk-on 0 001 ! 00152896 a 0101 | not capable of or especially not involving speech or spoken lines; "had a nonspeaking role in the play" 00153410 00 a 02 articulated 0 articulate 4 002 ! 00153652 a 0101 & 00153545 a 0000 | consisting of segments held together by joints 00153545 00 s 01 jointed 0 002 & 00153410 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | having joints or jointed segments; 00153652 00 a 01 unarticulated 0 002 ! 00153410 a 0101 & 00153789 a 0000 | not consisting of segments that are held together by joints 00153789 00 s 01 unjointed 0 002 & 00153652 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | without joints or jointed segments 00153898 00 a 01 ashamed(p) 0 006 ^ 01743217 a 0000 ! 00154965 a 0101 & 00154163 a 0000 & 00154270 a 0000 & 00154583 a 0000 & 00154837 a 0000 | feeling shame or guilt or embarrassment or remorse; "are you ashamed for having lied?"; "felt ashamed of my torn coat" 00154163 00 s 04 discredited 0 disgraced 0 dishonored 0 shamed 1 001 & 00153898 a 0000 | suffering shame 00154270 00 s 03 embarrassed 0 humiliated 0 mortified 0 001 & 00153898 a 0000 | made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride; "too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street"; "humiliated that his wife had to go out to work"; "felt mortified by the comparison with her sister" 00154583 00 s 04 guilty 0 hangdog 0 shamefaced 2 shamed 2 004 & 00153898 a 0000 + 07507560 n 0301 + 07536245 n 0101 + 13990675 n 0102 | showing a sense of guilt; "a guilty look"; "the hangdog and shamefaced air of the retreating enemy"- Eric Linklater 00154837 00 s 02 shamefaced 1 sheepish 0 003 & 00153898 a 0000 + 07507560 n 0202 + 07507560 n 0101 | showing a sense of shame 00154965 00 a 01 unashamed 0 005 ^ 01743909 a 0000 ! 00153898 a 0101 & 00155144 a 0000 & 00155720 a 0000 & 00155886 a 0000 | used of persons or their behavior; feeling no shame 00155144 00 s 08 audacious 0 barefaced 0 bodacious 0 bald-faced 0 brassy 0 brazen 0 brazen-faced 0 insolent 0 006 & 00154965 a 0000 + 04915866 n 0805 + 04859636 n 0602 + 04838210 n 0503 + 04838510 n 0101 + 04838510 n 0102 | unrestrained by convention or propriety; "an audacious trick to pull"; "a barefaced hypocrite"; "the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim"- Los Angeles Times; "bald-faced lies"; "brazen arrogance"; "the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress"- Bertrand Russell 00155720 00 s 02 shameless 0 unblushing 0 002 & 00154965 a 0000 + 04859636 n 0101 | feeling no shame; "a shameless imposter"; "an unblushing apologist for fascism" 00155886 00 s 02 unabashed 0 unembarrassed 0 001 & 00154965 a 0000 | not embarrassed; "a tinseled charm and unabashed sentimentality"- Jerome Stone; "an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened" 00156101 00 a 03 assertive 0 self-asserting 0 self-assertive 0 007 ^ 00082241 a 0000 ^ 00712419 a 0000 + 02373785 v 0101 + 05167237 n 0101 ! 00156839 a 0101 & 00156440 a 0000 & 00156575 a 0000 | aggressively self-assured; "an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue"; "pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act" 00156440 00 s 01 cocky 0 002 & 00156101 a 0000 + 05167412 n 0102 | overly self-confident or self-assertive; "a very cocky young man" 00156575 00 s 02 emphatic 0 forceful 0 005 & 00156101 a 0000 + 05035353 n 0202 + 14434866 n 0101 + 07102945 n 0101 + 05037394 n 0102 | forceful and definite in expression or action; "the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty" 00156839 00 a 01 unassertive 0 007 ^ 00788821 a 0000 ^ 00251809 a 0000 ^ 00084956 a 0000 + 07523649 n 0101 ! 00156101 a 0101 & 00157080 a 0000 & 00157268 a 0000 | inclined to timidity or lack of self-confidence; "a shy unassertive person" 00157080 00 s 01 nonassertive 0 001 & 00156839 a 0000 | not aggressively self-assured, though not necessarily lacking in confidence; "she was quiet and nonassertive as she took control" 00157268 00 s 03 reticent 0 self-effacing 0 retiring 0 001 & 00156839 a 0000 | reluctant to draw attention to yourself 00157389 00 a 02 associative 0 associatory 0 004 + 00713167 v 0201 + 00713167 v 0101 ! 00157849 a 0101 & 00157659 a 0000 | characterized by or causing or resulting from the process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination ; "associative learning" 00157659 00 s 01 associable 0 005 & 00157389 a 0000 + 02470175 v 0102 + 00713167 v 0101 + 04688058 n 0101 + 04688058 n 0102 | capable of being associated; "words associable with politics" 00157849 00 a 01 nonassociative 0 001 ! 00157389 a 0101 | not associative 00157925 00 a 02 attached 1 committed 4 005 ^ 01463965 a 0000 ! 00158407 a 0101 & 00158110 a 0000 & 00158238 a 0000 & 00158332 a 0000 | associated in an exclusive sexual relationship 00158110 00 s 02 bespoken 0 betrothed 0 002 & 00157925 a 0000 + 09851575 n 0201 | pledged to be married; "the engaged couple" 00158238 00 s 01 intended 0 001 & 00157925 a 0000 | future; betrothed; "his intended bride" 00158332 00 s 01 involved 0 001 & 00157925 a 0000 | emotionally involved 00158407 00 a 02 unattached 0 uncommitted 4 002 ! 00157925 a 0101 & 00158546 a 0000 | not associated in an exclusive sexual relationship 00158546 00 s 03 unengaged 0 unpledged 0 unpromised 0 001 & 00158407 a 0000 | not promised in marriage; "continued seeing him but on an unengaged basis" 00158701 00 a 01 affixed 0 005 ! 00159381 a 0101 & 00158864 a 0000 & 00158961 a 0000 & 00159106 a 0000 & 00159267 a 0000 | firmly attached; "the affixed labels" 00158864 00 s 01 appendant 0 002 & 00158701 a 0000 + 01328705 v 0101 | affixed as an appendage 00158961 00 s 01 basifixed 0 002 & 00158701 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | attached by its base (as certain anthers to their filaments or stalks) 00159106 00 s 02 glued 0 pasted 0 001 & 00158701 a 0000 | affixed or as if affixed with glue or paste; "he stayed glued to one spot"; "pieces of pasted paper" 00159267 00 s 01 mounted 0 001 & 00158701 a 0000 | assembled for use; especially by being attached to a support 00159381 00 a 02 unaffixed 0 loose 4 002 + 04777421 n 0201 ! 00158701 a 0101 | not affixed; "the stamp came loose" 00159498 00 a 02 sessile 0 stalkless 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00159735 a 0101 | attached directly by the base; not having an intervening stalk; "sessile flowers"; "the shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate" 00159735 00 a 02 pedunculate 0 stalked 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00159498 a 0101 | having or growing on or from a peduncle or stalk; "a pedunculate flower"; "a pedunculate barnacle is attached to the substrate by a fleshy foot or stalk" 00159975 00 a 01 sessile 2 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00160144 a 0101 | permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about; "sessile marine animals and plants" 00160144 00 a 01 vagile 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 00159975 a 0101 & 00160288 a 0000 | having freedom to move about; "vagile aquatic animals" 00160288 00 s 02 free-swimming 0 unattached 0 002 & 00160144 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) able to swim about; not attached 00160425 00 a 01 attached 2 002 ;c 06123363 n 0000 ! 00160573 a 0101 | used of buildings joined by common sidewalls; "a block of attached houses" 00160573 00 a 01 detached 0 004 ;c 06123363 n 0000 ! 00160425 a 0101 & 00160768 a 0000 & 00160957 a 0000 | used of buildings; standing apart from others; "detached houses"; "a detached garage" 00160768 00 s 02 freestanding 0 separate 0 001 & 00160573 a 0000 | standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything; "a freestanding bell tower"; "a house with a separate garage" 00160957 00 s 01 semidetached 0 001 & 00160573 a 0000 | attached on one side only; "a semidetached house" 00161065 00 a 01 stuck 0 002 ! 00161276 a 0101 & 00161170 a 0000 | caught or fixed; "stuck in the mud" 00161170 00 s 01 cragfast 0 001 & 00161065 a 0000 | stranded on or as if on a crag; "cragfast climbers" 00161276 00 a 01 unstuck 0 001 ! 00161065 a 0101 | free; "a man with a mule got my car unstuck"; "the gears locked in second and would not come unstuck" 00161431 00 a 01 attachable 0 007 + 01290255 v 0101 + 01296462 v 0101 + 01290422 v 0101 ! 00162083 a 0101 & 00161684 a 0000 & 00161878 a 0000 & 00161993 a 0000 | capable of being fastened or added to something else; "a handle attachable by two bolts" 00161684 00 s 02 bindable 0 bondable 0 005 & 00161431 a 0000 + 01303547 v 0101 + 01286913 v 0103 + 01285440 v 0102 + 01303242 v 0101 | capable of being fastened or secured with a rope or bond 00161878 00 s 01 clip-on 0 001 & 00161431 a 0000 | attachable by a clip; "clip-on earrings"; "a clip-on bow tie" 00161993 00 s 01 tie-on 0 001 & 00161431 a 0000 | fastened by tying on; "tie-on labels" 00162083 00 a 01 detachable 0 002 ! 00161431 a 0101 & 00162248 a 0000 | designed to be unfastened or disconnected without damage; "shirts with detachable collars" 00162248 00 s 01 clastic 0 001 & 00162083 a 0000 | capable of being taken apart; "the professor had a clastic model of the human brain" 00162386 00 a 01 wary 0 005 = 04664413 n 0000 + 04664413 n 0101 ! 00162990 a 0101 & 00162661 a 0000 & 00162863 a 0000 | marked by keen caution and watchful prudence; "they were wary in their movements"; "a wary glance at the black clouds"; "taught to be wary of strangers" 00162661 00 s 04 on_guard 0 on_one's_guard(p) 0 upon_one's_guard(p) 0 on_your_guard 0 001 & 00162386 a 0000 | vigilant; "on guard against con artists"; "must remain on your guard in such a situation" 00162863 00 s 01 shy 0 001 & 00162386 a 0000 | wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things; "shy of strangers" 00162990 00 a 01 unwary 0 005 = 04664413 n 0000 + 04665406 n 0101 ! 00162386 a 0101 & 00163315 a 0000 & 00163480 a 0000 | not alert to danger or deception; "the shrieks of unwary animals taken by surprise"; "some thieves prey especially on unwary travelers"; "seduce the unwary reader into easy acquiescence"- O.J.Campbell 00163315 00 s 01 gullible 0 002 & 00162990 a 0000 + 04881156 n 0102 | easily tricked because of being too trusting; "gullible tourists taken in by the shell game" 00163480 00 s 01 unguarded 0 001 & 00162990 a 0000 | displaying or feeling no wariness; "an unguarded remark" 00163592 00 a 01 attentive 0 010 ^ 00543603 a 0000 = 05082790 n 0000 + 02170427 v 0101 + 05702726 n 0101 ! 00164863 a 0101 & 00163948 a 0000 & 00164308 a 0000 & 00164462 a 0000 & 00164598 a 0000 & 00164681 a 0000 | (often followed by `to') giving care or attention; "attentive to details"; "the nurse was attentive to her patient"; "an attentive suitor" 00163948 00 s 06 captive 0 absorbed 0 engrossed 0 enwrapped 0 intent 0 wrapped 0 002 & 00163592 a 0000 + 04865722 n 0501 | giving or marked by complete attention to; "that engrossed look or rapt delight"; "then wrapped in dreams"; "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare; "rapt with wonder"; "wrapped in thought" 00164308 00 s 02 advertent 0 heedful 0 005 & 00163592 a 0000 + 04663763 n 0202 + 05704096 n 0102 + 05704096 n 0101 + 02170427 v 0103 | giving attention 00164462 00 s 01 observant 0 003 & 00163592 a 0000 + 05703429 n 0103 + 02118933 v 0103 | paying close attention especially to details 00164598 00 s 01 oversolicitous 0 001 & 00163592 a 0000 | excessively solicitous 00164681 00 s 01 solicitous 0 002 & 00163592 a 0000 + 07505207 n 0102 | showing hovering attentiveness; "solicitous about her health"; "made solicitous inquiries about our family" 00164863 00 a 01 inattentive 0 010 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ^ 00165943 a 0000 ^ 00754873 a 0000 = 05082790 n 0000 ! 00163592 a 0101 & 00165171 a 0000 & 00165458 a 0000 & 00165585 a 0000 & 00165766 a 0000 & 00165943 a 0000 | showing a lack of attention or care; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive babysitter" 00165171 00 s 04 absent 0 absentminded 0 abstracted 0 scatty 0 003 & 00164863 a 0000 + 05700625 n 0301 + 05701209 n 0201 | lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence" 00165458 00 s 02 distracted 0 distrait 0 001 & 00164863 a 0000 | having the attention diverted especially because of anxiety 00165585 00 s 03 dreamy 0 moony 0 woolgathering 0 004 & 00164863 a 0000 + 05700925 n 0101 + 05768806 n 0101 + 07516222 n 0102 | dreamy in mood or nature; "a woolgathering moment" 00165766 00 s 03 drowsy 0 oscitant 0 yawning(a) 0 003 & 00164863 a 0000 + 14030671 n 0201 + 00837293 n 0204 | showing lack of attention or boredom; "the yawning congregation" 00165943 00 s 02 forgetful 0 oblivious 0 004 & 00164863 a 0000 + 05674134 n 0202 + 05674134 n 0201 + 05673908 n 0101 | failing to keep in mind; "forgetful of her responsibilities"; "oblivious old age" 00166146 00 a 01 attractive 1 021 ^ 00217728 a 0000 ^ 01358363 a 0000 ^ 01807219 a 0000 ^ 02097268 a 0000 = 04686003 n 0000 + 01807882 v 0101 + 04686003 n 0101 ! 00169164 a 0101 & 00166753 a 0000 & 00167077 a 0000 & 00167278 a 0000 & 00167520 a 0000 & 00167671 a 0000 & 00167829 a 0000 & 00168039 a 0000 & 00168188 a 0000 & 00168551 a 0000 & 00168694 a 0000 & 00168820 a 0000 & 00168910 a 0000 & 00169056 a 0000 | pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm; "a remarkably attractive young man"; "an attractive personality"; "attractive clothes"; "a book with attractive illustrations" 00166753 00 s 06 bewitching 0 captivating 0 enchanting 0 enthralling 0 entrancing 0 fascinating 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | capturing interest as if by a spell; "bewitching smile"; "Roosevelt was a captivating speaker"; "enchanting music"; "an enthralling book"; "antique papers of entrancing design"; "a fascinating woman" 00167077 00 s 02 charismatic 0 magnetic 0 003 & 00166146 a 0000 + 05850823 n 0205 + 04686537 n 0101 | possessing an extraordinary ability to attract; "a charismatic leader"; "a magnetic personality" 00167278 00 s 02 cunning 0 cute 0 002 & 00166146 a 0000 + 04685649 n 0202 | attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness; "a cute kid with pigtails"; "a cute little apartment"; "cunning kittens"; "a cunning baby" 00167520 00 s 01 dinky 0 003 & 00166146 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) pretty and neat; "what a dinky little hat" 00167671 00 s 02 engaging 0 piquant 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | attracting or delighting; "an engaging frankness"; "a piquant face with large appealing eyes" 00167829 00 s 03 fetching 0 taking 0 winning 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | very attractive; capturing interest; "a fetching new hairstyle"; "something inexpressibly taking in his manner"; "a winning personality" 00168039 00 s 02 glossy 0 showy 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | superficially attractive and stylish; suggesting wealth or expense; "a glossy TV series" 00168188 00 s 04 hypnotic 0 mesmeric 0 mesmerizing 0 spellbinding 0 003 & 00166146 a 0000 + 00158996 n 0202 + 14026592 n 0101 | attracting and holding interest as if by a spell; "read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice"; "she had a warm mesmeric charm"; "the sheer force of his presence was mesmerizing"; "a spellbinding description of life in ancient Rome" 00168551 00 s 01 irresistible 0 003 & 00166146 a 0000 + 05192240 n 0102 + 05192240 n 0101 | overpoweringly attractive; "irresistible beauty" 00168694 00 s 01 personable 0 002 & 00166146 a 0000 + 04618921 n 0101 | (of persons) pleasant in appearance and personality 00168820 00 s 01 photogenic 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | looking attractive in photographs 00168910 00 s 01 prepossessing 0 001 & 00166146 a 0000 | creating a favorable impression; "strong and vigorous and of prepossessing appearance" 00169056 00 s 01 winsome 0 002 & 00166146 a 0000 + 04687957 n 0101 | charming in a childlike or naive way 00169164 00 a 01 unattractive 0 009 ^ 00220956 a 0000 ^ 01359035 a 0000 ^ 02098136 a 0000 = 04686003 n 0000 + 04691476 n 0101 ! 00166146 a 0101 & 00169432 a 0000 & 00169692 a 0000 & 00169826 a 0000 | lacking beauty or charm; "as unattractive as most mining regions" 00169432 00 s 02 homely 0 plain 0 004 & 00169164 a 0000 + 04691651 n 0202 + 04816528 n 0103 + 04691651 n 0101 | lacking in physical beauty or proportion; "a homely child"; "several of the buildings were downright homely"; "a plain girl with a freckled face" 00169692 00 s 01 subfusc 0 001 & 00169164 a 0000 | devoid of brightness or appeal; "a subfusc mining town"; "dark subfusc clothing" 00169826 00 s 02 unprepossessing 0 unpresentable 0 001 & 00169164 a 0000 | creating an unfavorable or neutral first impression 00169955 00 a 01 attractive(a) 2 004 = 11479058 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 01350025 v 0101 ! 00170156 a 0101 | having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull; "an attractive force"; 00170156 00 a 01 repulsive(a) 0 006 = 11426914 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 04781349 n 0102 + 01506157 v 0101 + 01131197 v 0101 ! 00169955 a 0101 | possessing the ability to repel; "a repulsive force" 00170358 00 a 01 appealing 0 004 + 04687333 n 0102 ! 00171044 a 0101 & 00170717 a 0000 & 00170847 a 0000 | able to attract interest or draw favorable attention; "He added an appealing and memorable figure to popular American mythology"- Vincent Starrett; "an appealing sense of humor"; "the idea of having enough money to retire at fifty is very appealing" 00170717 00 s 02 attention-getting 0 catchy 0 001 & 00170358 a 0000 | likely to attract attention; "a catchy title for a movie" 00170847 00 s 01 attractive 0 003 & 00170358 a 0000 + 01505254 v 0101 + 04688246 n 0102 | having power to arouse interest; "an attractive opportunity"; "the job is attractive because of the pay" 00171044 00 a 01 unappealing 0 003 ! 00170358 a 0101 & 00171292 a 0000 & 00171447 a 0000 | not able to attract favorable attention; "they have made the place as unappealing as possible"; "was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess" 00171292 00 s 01 off-putting 0 001 & 00171044 a 0000 | tending to repel; "The trappings of upper-class life are off-putting and sterile"- Elizabeth Hess 00171447 00 s 01 unattractive 0 001 & 00171044 a 0000 | lacking power to arouse interest; "being unemployed is a most unattractive prospect" 00171590 00 a 01 attributable 0 006 = 05734559 n 0000 + 00726300 v 0104 ! 00172452 a 0101 & 00171872 a 0000 & 00172172 a 0000 & 00172308 a 0000 | capable of being attributed; "the collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale"; "an idea attributable to a Russian" 00171872 00 s 04 ascribable 0 due 0 imputable 0 referable 0 002 & 00171590 a 0000 + 00726300 v 0102 | capable of being assigned or credited to; "punctuation errors ascribable to careless proofreading"; "the cancellation of the concert was due to the rain"; "the oversight was not imputable to him" 00172172 00 s 01 credited(p) 0 001 & 00171590 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') given credit for; "an invention credited to Edison" 00172308 00 s 01 traceable 0 001 & 00171590 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') able to be traced to; "a failure traceable to lack of energy" 00172452 00 a 02 unattributable 0 unascribable 0 002 = 05734559 n 0000 ! 00171590 a 0101 | not attributable 00172562 00 a 02 attributive 0 prenominal 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00172993 a 0101 & 00172774 a 0000 | of adjectives; placed before the nouns they modify; "`red' is an attributive adjective in `a red apple'" 00172774 00 s 01 attributive_genitive 0 002 & 00172562 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective; "an example of the attributive genitive is `John's' in `John's mother'" 00172993 00 a 01 predicative 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 01017222 v 0101 ! 00172562 a 0101 | of adjectives; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence; "`red' is a predicative adjective in `the apple is red'" 00173220 00 a 01 pregnant 0 003 + 14046202 n 0101 ! 00173694 a 0101 & 00173391 a 0000 | carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life 00173391 00 s 08 big(p) 0 enceinte 0 expectant 0 gravid 0 great(p) 0 large(p) 0 heavy(p) 0 with_child(p) 0 006 & 00173220 a 0000 + 05103946 n 0601 + 14046861 n 0402 + 14046861 n 0401 + 00059376 v 0301 + 00059019 v 0305 | in an advanced stage of pregnancy; "was big with child"; "was great with child" 00173694 00 a 01 nonpregnant 0 001 ! 00173220 a 0101 | not pregnant 00173764 00 a 02 audible 0 hearable 0 010 ^ 01452593 a 0000 ^ 01746605 a 0000 = 05018934 n 0000 + 02169702 v 0201 + 05018934 n 0101 + 05018934 n 0102 ! 00174379 a 0101 & 00174056 a 0000 & 00174150 a 0000 & 00174243 a 0000 | heard or perceptible by the ear; "he spoke in an audible whisper" 00174056 00 s 01 clunky 0 002 & 00173764 a 0000 + 07396945 n 0104 | making a clunking sound 00174150 00 s 01 sonic 0 001 & 00173764 a 0000 | relating to audible sound; "a sonic wave" 00174243 00 s 01 sounding 0 001 & 00173764 a 0000 | making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form; "harsh-sounding" 00174379 00 a 02 inaudible 0 unhearable 0 012 ^ 01748318 a 0000 ^ 01918984 a 0000 = 05018934 n 0000 + 05019163 n 0102 + 05019163 n 0101 ! 00173764 a 0101 & 00174719 a 0000 & 00174879 a 0000 & 00174983 a 0000 & 00175123 a 0000 & 00175300 a 0000 & 00175435 a 0000 | impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear; "an inaudible conversation" 00174719 00 s 02 breathed 0 voiceless 0 001 & 00174379 a 0000 | uttered without voice; "could hardly hear her breathed plea, `Help me'"; "voiceless whispers" 00174879 00 s 01 infrasonic 0 001 & 00174379 a 0000 | having frequencies below those of audible sound 00174983 00 s 01 silent 0 001 & 00174379 a 0000 | having a frequency below or above the range of human audibility; "a silent dog whistle" 00175123 00 s 02 silent 2 unsounded 0 001 & 00174379 a 0000 | not made to sound; "the silent `h' at the beginning of `honor'"; "in French certain letters are often unsounded" 00175300 00 s 02 supersonic 0 ultrasonic 0 002 & 00174379 a 0000 + 11481209 n 0201 | having frequencies above those of audible sound 00175435 00 s 01 unheard 0 001 & 00174379 a 0000 | not necessarily inaudible but not heard 00175528 00 a 02 sonic 0 transonic 0 002 ! 00175719 a 0101 ! 00175887 a 0101 | (of speed) having or caused by speed approximately equal to that of sound in air at sea level; "a sonic boom" 00175719 00 a 01 subsonic 0 002 ! 00175887 a 0101 ! 00175528 a 0101 | (of speed) less than that of sound in a designated medium; "aircraft flying at subsonic speeds" 00175887 00 a 01 supersonic 0 002 ! 00175528 a 0101 ! 00175719 a 0101 | (of speed) greater than the speed of sound in a given medium (especially air); "a supersonic bomber flies so fast that it must release its bombs while the target is still over the horizon" 00176150 00 a 01 auspicious 0 006 ^ 00177186 a 0000 = 05161150 n 0000 + 05161150 n 0101 ! 00176838 a 0101 & 00176387 a 0000 & 00176676 a 0000 | auguring favorable circumstances and good luck; "an auspicious beginning for the campaign" 00176387 00 s 03 bright 0 hopeful 0 promising 0 004 & 00176150 a 0000 + 09801533 n 0203 + 14483620 n 0201 + 05620955 n 0101 | full or promise; "had a bright future in publishing"; "the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career"; "a hopeful new singer on Broadway" 00176676 00 s 02 fortunate 0 rosy 0 001 & 00176150 a 0000 | presaging good fortune; "she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school"; "rosy predictions" 00176838 00 a 02 inauspicious 0 unfortunate 4 004 = 05161150 n 0000 + 05162217 n 0101 ! 00176150 a 0101 & 00176991 a 0000 | not auspicious; boding ill 00176991 00 s 01 unpromising 0 001 & 00176838 a 0000 | unlikely to bring about favorable results or enjoyment; "faced an unpromising task"; "music for unpromising combinations of instruments" 00177186 00 a 01 propitious 0 007 ^ 00176150 a 0000 ^ 00995119 a 0000 = 05161150 n 0000 + 05161150 n 0102 ! 00177963 a 0101 & 00177547 a 0000 & 00177834 a 0000 | presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs of success; "propitious omens"; "propitious gales speeded us along"; "a propitious alignment of planets for space exploration" 00177547 00 s 05 golden 2 favorable 0 favourable 0 lucky 0 prosperous 0 004 & 00177186 a 0000 + 14473655 n 0402 + 05160796 n 0302 + 05160796 n 0201 | presaging or likely to bring good luck; "a favorable time to ask for a raise"; "lucky stars"; "a prosperous moment to make a decision" 00177834 00 s 01 gracious 0 002 & 00177186 a 0000 + 04840981 n 0103 | disposed to bestow favors; "thanks to the gracious gods" 00177963 00 a 01 unpropitious 0 006 ^ 00995468 a 0000 = 05161150 n 0000 + 05162217 n 0102 ! 00177186 a 0101 & 00178126 a 0000 & 00178464 a 0000 | not propitious 00178126 00 s 03 ill 0 inauspicious 0 ominous 0 003 & 00177963 a 0000 + 07286368 n 0301 + 05162217 n 0201 | presaging ill fortune; "ill omens"; "ill predictions"; "my words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven"- P.B.Shelley; "a dead and ominous silence prevailed"; "a by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government" 00178464 00 s 01 thunderous 0 001 & 00177963 a 0000 | extremely ominous; "world events of thunderous import" 00178575 00 a 02 authorized 0 authorised 0 009 ^ 01395617 a 0000 ^ 01406640 a 0000 ^ 01632537 a 0000 = 06556481 n 0000 ! 00179486 a 0101 & 00178811 a 0000 & 00179035 a 0000 & 00179190 a 0000 & 00179315 a 0000 | endowed with authority 00178811 00 s 04 accredited 0 commissioned 0 licensed 0 licenced 0 001 & 00178575 a 0000 | given official approval to act; "an accredited college"; "commissioned broker"; "licensed pharmacist"; "authorized representative" 00179035 00 s 02 approved 0 sanctioned 0 001 & 00178575 a 0000 | established by authority; given authoritative approval; "a list of approved candidates" 00179190 00 s 03 canonized 0 canonised 0 glorified 0 001 & 00178575 a 0000 | accorded sacrosanct or authoritative standing 00179315 00 s 03 empowered 0 sceptered 0 sceptred 0 001 & 00178575 a 0000 | invested with legal power or official authority especially as symbolized by having a scepter 00179486 00 a 02 unauthorized 0 unauthorised 0 006 ^ 01407465 a 0000 ^ 01633591 a 0000 = 06556481 n 0000 ! 00178575 a 0101 & 00179676 a 0000 & 00179815 a 0000 | not endowed with authority 00179676 00 s 01 self-appointed 0 001 & 00179486 a 0000 | designated or chosen by yourself; "a self-appointed guardian of public morals" 00179815 00 s 03 unaccredited 0 unlicensed 0 unlicenced 0 001 & 00179486 a 0000 | lacking official approval 00179925 00 a 01 constitutional 0 001 ! 00180211 a 0101 | sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government; "the constitutional right of free speech"; "constitutional government"; "constitutional guarantees" 00180211 00 a 01 unconstitutional 0 001 ! 00179925 a 0101 | not consistent with or according to a constitution; contrary to the U.S. Constitution 00180359 00 a 01 autochthonous 0 001 ! 00180496 a 0101 | of rocks, deposits, etc.; found where they and their constituents were formed 00180496 00 a 01 allochthonous 0 001 ! 00180359 a 0101 | of rocks, deposits, etc.; found in a place other than where they and their constituents were formed 00180655 00 a 02 autoecious 0 homoecious 0 001 ! 00180835 a 0101 | of parasites especially rust fungi; completing the entire life cycle on a single host; "autoecious rust fungi" 00180835 00 a 01 heteroecious 0 001 ! 00180655 a 0101 | of parasites; passing through different stages of the life cycle on different host species; "heteroecious fungi"; "heteroecious insects" 00181030 00 a 02 autogenous 0 autogenic 0 003 ! 00181373 a 0101 & 00181162 a 0000 & 00181264 a 0000 | originating within the body 00181162 00 s 02 self-generated 0 self-produced 0 001 & 00181030 a 0000 | originating from the self 00181264 00 s 01 self-induced 0 001 & 00181030 a 0000 | brought about by yourself; "self-induced vomiting" 00181373 00 a 02 heterogenous 0 heterogeneous 2 001 ! 00181030 a 0101 | originating outside the body 00181476 00 a 01 automatic 0 013 ^ 01499686 a 0000 + 00479932 v 0101 + 02760658 n 0102 + 02760855 n 0102 + 02761392 n 0101 ! 00182843 a 0101 & 00181904 a 0000 & 00182086 a 0000 & 00182225 a 0000 & 00182418 a 0000 & 00182510 a 0000 & 00182639 a 0000 & 00182718 a 0000 | operating with minimal human intervention; independent of external control; "automatic transmission"; "a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts" 00181904 00 s 03 autoloading(a) 0 self-loading 0 semiautomatic 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | (of firearms) capable of automatic loading and firing continuously; "an autoloading rifle" 00182086 00 s 03 automated 0 machine-controlled 0 machine-driven 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | operated by automation; "an automated stoker" 00182225 00 s 04 self-acting 0 self-activating 0 self-moving 0 self-regulating 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | designed to activate or move or regulate itself; "a self-activating sprinkler system" 00182418 00 s 01 self-locking 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | locking automatically when closed 00182510 00 s 01 self-winding 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | designed so that manual winding is unnecessary; "a self-winding watch" 00182639 00 s 01 semiautomatic 1 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | partially automatic 00182718 00 s 01 smart 0 001 & 00181476 a 0000 | capable of independent and apparently intelligent action; "smart weapons" 00182843 00 a 01 manual 0 002 ! 00181476 a 0101 & 00182961 a 0000 | requiring human effort; "a manual transmission" 00182961 00 s 02 hand-operated 0 non-automatic 0 001 & 00182843 a 0000 | operated by hand 00183053 00 a 01 available 0 020 = 04718999 n 0000 + 01193569 v 0101 + 04718999 n 0103 + 04718999 n 0104 ! 00185921 a 0101 & 00183675 a 0000 & 00183832 a 0000 & 00183932 a 0000 & 00184075 a 0000 & 00184229 a 0000 & 00184363 a 0000 & 00184543 a 0000 & 00184676 a 0000 & 00184792 a 0000 & 00185020 a 0000 & 00185160 a 0000 & 00185363 a 0000 & 00185509 a 0000 & 00185607 a 0000 & 00185759 a 0000 | obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; "kept a fire extinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long" 00183675 00 s 01 accessible 0 002 & 00183053 a 0000 + 04718999 n 0102 | easily obtained; "most students now have computers accessible"; "accessible money" 00183832 00 s 01 acquirable 0 002 & 00183053 a 0000 + 02210855 v 0102 | capable of being acquired 00183932 00 s 01 addressable 0 003 & 00183053 a 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 01160899 v 0101 | capable of being addressed; "addressable memory" 00184075 00 s 01 easy 0 002 & 00183053 a 0000 ;c 06149484 n 0000 | less in demand and therefore readily obtainable; "commodities are easy this quarter" 00184229 00 s 01 forthcoming 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | available when required or as promised; "federal funds were not forthcoming" 00184363 00 s 04 gettable 0 getable 0 obtainable 0 procurable 0 002 & 00183053 a 0000 + 02238085 v 0301 | capable of being obtained; "savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable" 00184543 00 s 01 in_stock(p) 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | available for use or sale; "they have plenty of stonewashed jeans in stock" 00184676 00 s 01 lendable 0 002 & 00183053 a 0000 + 02324182 v 0101 | available for lending; "lendable resources" 00184792 00 s 01 visible(a) 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | present and easily available; "the cash on hand is adequate for current needs"; "emergency police were on hand in case of trouble"; "a visible supply"; "visible resources" 00185020 00 s 01 on_hand(p) 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | readily available; "there will be a wealth of information on hand from the lawyers" 00185160 00 s 01 on_tap(p) 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | available for immediate use; "extra personnel on tap"; "other sports and entertainment facilities are on tap"; "there are numerous projects on tap" 00185363 00 s 01 on_tap(p) 2 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | (of liquids) available by turning a tap; "ale on tap"; "hot and cold running water on tap" 00185509 00 s 01 open 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | not having been filled; "the job is still open" 00185607 00 s 02 purchasable 0 for_sale 0 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | available for purchase; "purchasable goods"; "many houses in the area are for sale" 00185759 00 s 01 ready(a) 1 001 & 00183053 a 0000 | (of especially money) immediately available; "he seems to have ample ready money"; "a ready source of cash" 00185921 00 a 01 unavailable 0 005 = 04718999 n 0000 + 04722910 n 0102 ! 00183053 a 0101 & 00186193 a 0000 & 00186490 a 0000 | not available or accessible or at hand; "fresh milk was unavailable during the emergency"; "his secretary said he was unavailable for comment" 00186193 00 s 04 inaccessible 0 unobtainable 0 unprocurable 0 untouchable 0 002 & 00185921 a 0000 + 04722910 n 0101 | not capable of being obtained; "a rare work, today almost inaccessible"; "timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands"; "untouchable resources buried deep within the earth" 00186490 00 s 01 out_of_stock(p) 0 001 & 00185921 a 0000 | not available for sale or use; "too many items are out of stock" 00186616 00 a 01 awake(p) 0 009 ^ 00091311 a 0000 ^ 00190115 a 0000 ^ 00570590 a 0000 ! 00187736 a 0101 & 00186925 a 0000 & 00187049 a 0000 & 00187176 a 0000 & 00187443 a 0000 & 00187590 a 0000 | not in a state of sleep; completely conscious; "lay awake thinking about his new job"; "still not fully awake" 00186925 00 s 02 astir(p) 0 up(p) 0 001 & 00186616 a 0000 | out of bed; "are they astir yet?"; "up by seven each morning" 00187049 00 s 01 awakened 0 001 & 00186616 a 0000 | (somewhat formal) having been waked up; "the awakened baby began to cry" 00187176 00 s 03 insomniac 0 sleepless 0 watchful 0 002 & 00186616 a 0000 + 14022959 n 0202 | experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness; "insomniac old people"; "insomniac nights"; "lay sleepless all night"; "twenty watchful, weary, tedious nights"- Shakespeare 00187443 00 s 02 unsleeping 0 wide-awake 0 001 & 00186616 a 0000 | fully awake; "the unsleeping city"; "so excited she was wide-awake all night" 00187590 00 s 02 waking 0 wakeful 0 001 & 00186616 a 0000 | marked by full consciousness or alertness; "worked every moment of my waking hours" 00187736 00 a 01 asleep(p) 0 011 ^ 00191603 a 0000 ^ 00571643 a 0000 ! 00186616 a 0101 & 00188058 a 0000 & 00188155 a 0000 & 00188436 a 0000 & 00188738 a 0000 & 00188917 a 0000 & 00189017 a 0000 & 00189253 a 0000 & 00189511 a 0000 | in a state of sleep; "were all asleep when the phone rang"; "fell asleep at the wheel" 00188058 00 s 01 at_rest(a) 0 001 & 00187736 a 0000 | in a state of repose or especially sleep 00188155 00 s 03 dormant 0 hibernating(a) 0 torpid 0 006 & 00187736 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 04636881 n 0303 + 04636881 n 0302 + 14011811 n 0101 + 01064863 n 0103 | in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation; "dormant buds"; "a hibernating bear"; "torpid frogs" 00188436 00 s 03 drowsy 0 drowsing(a) 0 dozy 0 003 & 00187736 a 0000 + 00858849 n 0102 + 14030435 n 0102 | half asleep; "made drowsy by the long ride"; "it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor"; "a tired dozy child"; "the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair" 00188738 00 s 02 fast_asleep(p) 0 sound_asleep(p) 0 001 & 00187736 a 0000 | sleeping deeply; "lying fast asleep on the sofa"; "it would be cruel to wake him; he's sound asleep" 00188917 00 s 01 hypnoid 0 001 & 00187736 a 0000 | of or relating to a state of sleep or hypnosis 00189017 00 s 03 sleepy 0 sleepy-eyed 0 sleepyheaded 0 003 & 00187736 a 0000 + 14024882 n 0101 + 14030435 n 0101 | ready to fall asleep; "beginning to feel sleepy"; "a sleepy-eyed child with drooping eyelids"; "sleepyheaded students" 00189253 00 s 04 slumberous 0 slumbery 0 slumbrous 0 somnolent 0 003 & 00187736 a 0000 + 14030435 n 0403 + 14024882 n 0202 | inclined to or marked by drowsiness; "slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes"; "`slumbery' is archaic"; "the sound had a somnolent effect" 00189511 00 s 01 unawakened 0 001 & 00187736 a 0000 | still asleep 00189580 00 a 01 astringent 0 007 = 05202034 n 0000 + 02750835 n 0101 + 05202034 n 0101 + 01388386 v 0101 + 00304662 v 0101 ! 00190023 a 0101 & 00189833 a 0000 | tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue; "astringent cosmetic lotions" 00189833 00 s 02 styptic 0 hemostatic 0 004 & 00189580 a 0000 + 00676834 n 0201 + 02750835 n 0103 + 05202034 n 0102 | tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels 00190023 00 a 01 nonastringent 0 002 = 05202034 n 0000 ! 00189580 a 0101 | not astringent 00190115 00 a 03 aware(p) 0 cognizant 0 cognisant 0 014 ^ 00186616 a 0000 ^ 00570590 a 0000 ^ 02102484 a 0000 ^ 00192756 a 0000 = 05675905 n 0000 + 00594621 v 0303 + 05675905 n 0304 + 05675905 n 0203 + 00594621 v 0202 + 05675905 n 0101 ! 00191603 a 0101 & 00190653 a 0000 & 00190960 a 0000 & 00191265 a 0000 | (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception; "was aware of his opponent's hostility"; "became aware of her surroundings"; "aware that he had exceeded the speed limit" 00190653 00 s 03 alert 0 alive(p) 0 awake(p) 0 003 & 00190115 a 0000 + 13961642 n 0204 + 05705722 n 0104 | mentally perceptive and responsive;"an alert mind"; "alert to the problems"; "alive to what is going on"; "awake to the dangers of her situation"; "was now awake to the reality of his predicament" 00190960 00 s 01 conscious(p) 0 002 & 00190115 a 0000 + 05675905 n 0102 | (followed by `of') showing realization or recognition of something; "few voters seem conscious of the issue's importance"; "conscious of having succeeded"; "the careful tread of one conscious of his alcoholic load"- Thomas Hardy 00191265 00 s 01 sensible 0 003 & 00190115 a 0000 + 05151701 n 0101 + 00589469 v 0103 | aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed; "made sensible of his mistakes"; "I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"- Henry Hallam; "sensible that a good deal more is still to be done"- Edmund Burke 00191603 00 a 02 unaware 0 incognizant 0 011 ^ 00187736 a 0000 ^ 02102796 a 0000 ^ 00571643 a 0000 ^ 00192880 a 0000 = 05675905 n 0000 + 05676476 n 0201 + 05679611 n 0102 ! 00190115 a 0101 & 00192026 a 0000 & 00192332 a 0000 & 00192523 a 0000 | (often followed by `of') not aware; "seemed unaware of the scrutiny"; "unaware of the danger they were in"; "unaware of the newborn hope"; "the most unaware person I've known" 00192026 00 s 02 oblivious(p) 0 unmindful(p) 1 003 & 00191603 a 0000 + 04665543 n 0201 + 05674134 n 0101 | (followed by `to' or `of') lacking conscious awareness of; "oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform"; "oblivious to the risks she ran"; "not unmindful of the heavy responsibility" 00192332 00 s 01 unconscious(p) 1 002 & 00191603 a 0000 + 05678932 n 0101 | (followed by `of') not knowing or perceiving; "happily unconscious of the new calamity at home"- Charles Dickens 00192523 00 s 01 unsuspecting 0 001 & 00191603 a 0000 | (often followed by `of') not knowing or expecting; not thinking likely; "an unsuspecting victim"; "unsuspecting (or unaware) of the fact that I would one day be their leader" 00192756 00 a 01 witting 0 002 ^ 00190115 a 0000 ! 00192880 a 0101 | aware or knowing; "a witting tool of the Communists" 00192880 00 a 01 unwitting 0 002 ^ 00191603 a 0000 ! 00192756 a 0101 | not aware or knowing; "an unwitting subject in an experiment" 00193015 00 a 01 alarming 0 015 = 07519773 n 0000 ! 00196560 a 0101 & 00193367 a 0000 & 00193480 a 0000 & 00193799 a 0000 & 00194357 a 0000 & 00194817 a 0000 & 00194924 a 0000 & 00195191 a 0000 & 00195383 a 0000 & 00195684 a 0000 & 00196122 a 0000 & 00196233 a 0000 & 00196312 a 0000 & 00196449 a 0000 | frightening because of an awareness of danger 00193367 00 s 02 appalling 0 dismaying 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | causing consternation; "appalling conditions" 00193480 00 s 05 atrocious 0 frightful 0 horrifying 0 horrible 0 ugly 2 002 & 00193015 a 0000 + 04782466 n 0201 | provoking horror; "an atrocious automobile accident"; "a frightful crime of decapitation"; "an alarming, even horrifying, picture"; "war is beyond all words horrible"- Winston Churchill; "an ugly wound" 00193799 00 s 0c awful 0 dire 1 direful 1 dread(a) 0 dreaded 0 dreadful 0 fearful 0 fearsome 0 frightening 0 horrendous 0 horrific 0 terrible 0 004 & 00193015 a 0000 + 04782116 n 0c04 + 07521674 n 0403 + 04782116 n 0101 | causing fear or dread or terror; "the awful war"; "an awful risk"; "dire news"; "a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked"; "the dread presence of the headmaster"; "polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was"; "a dreadful storm"; "a fearful howling"; "horrendous explosions shook the city"; "a terrible curse" 00194357 00 s 08 baleful 0 forbidding 0 menacing 0 minacious 0 minatory 0 ominous 0 sinister 0 threatening 0 003 & 00193015 a 0000 + 07286368 n 0601 + 04846533 n 0103 | threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clouds"; "the situation became ugly" 00194817 00 s 03 bloodcurdling 0 hair-raising 0 nightmarish 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | extremely alarming 00194924 00 s 05 chilling 0 scarey 0 scary 0 shivery 0 shuddery 0 005 & 00193015 a 0000 + 07520112 n 0505 + 07520112 n 0402 + 07521437 n 0201 + 14405931 n 0202 | provoking fear terror; "a scary movie"; "the most terrible and shuddery...tales of murder and revenge" 00195191 00 s 02 creepy 0 creepy-crawly 0 002 & 00193015 a 0000 + 05723080 n 0101 | causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin; "a creepy story"; "I had a creepy-crawly feeling" 00195383 00 s 03 formidable 0 redoubtable 0 unnerving 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | inspiring fear; "the formidable prospect of major surgery"; "a tougher and more redoubtable adversary than the heel-clicking, jackbooted fanatic"- G.H.Johnston; "something unnerving and prisonlike about high grey wall" 00195684 00 s 06 ghastly 0 grim 0 grisly 0 gruesome 0 macabre 0 sick 0 004 & 00193015 a 0000 + 04782610 n 0403 + 04782610 n 0202 + 04782610 n 0101 | shockingly repellent; inspiring horror; "ghastly wounds"; "the grim aftermath of the bombing"; "the grim task of burying the victims"; "a grisly murder"; "gruesome evidence of human sacrifice"; "macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages"; "macabre tortures conceived by madmen" 00196122 00 s 01 hairy 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | hazardous and frightening; "hairy moments in the mountains" 00196233 00 s 01 petrifying 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | paralyzing with terror 00196312 00 s 01 stupefying 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | shocking with surprise and consternation; "the stupefying impact of the tragedy" 00196449 00 s 02 terrific 0 terrifying 0 001 & 00193015 a 0000 | causing extreme terror; "a terrifying wail" 00196560 00 a 01 unalarming 0 002 = 07519773 n 0000 ! 00193015 a 0101 | not alarming; assuaging alarm 00196664 00 a 01 anemophilous 0 001 ! 00196799 a 0101 | of flowering plants (especially grasses etc) that are pollinated by the wind 00196799 00 a 01 entomophilous 0 001 ! 00196664 a 0101 | of flowering plants (especially orchids etc) that are pollinated by insects 00196934 00 a 01 reassuring 0 006 ^ 00866471 a 0000 = 01215719 n 0000 ! 00197447 a 0101 & 00197151 a 0000 & 00197247 a 0000 & 00197319 a 0000 | restoring confidence and relieving anxiety; "a very reassuring remark" 00197151 00 s 02 assuasive 0 soothing 0 001 & 00196934 a 0000 | freeing from fear and anxiety 00197247 00 s 01 assuring 0 001 & 00196934 a 0000 | giving confidence 00197319 00 s 03 comforting 0 consolatory 0 consoling 0 002 & 00196934 a 0000 + 01814815 v 0203 | affording comfort or solace 00197447 00 a 02 unreassuring 0 worrisome 4 002 = 01215719 n 0000 ! 00196934 a 0101 | not reassuring; tending to cause anxiety 00197576 00 a 01 back(a) 0 005 ^ 01033371 a 0000 ^ 00131426 a 0000 ! 00198147 a 0101 & 00197773 a 0000 & 00197891 a 0000 | related to or located at the back; "the back yard"; "the back entrance" 00197773 00 s 04 backmost 0 hindermost 0 hindmost 0 rearmost 0 001 & 00197576 a 0000 | located farthest to the rear 00197891 00 s 02 rear(a) 0 rearward(a) 0 005 & 00197576 a 0000 + 08629746 n 0201 + 08625846 n 0102 + 08629508 n 0101 + 04059701 n 0101 | located in or toward the back or rear; "the chair's rear legs"; "the rear door of the plane"; "on the rearward side" 00198147 00 a 01 front(a) 0 007 ^ 00130778 a 0000 ^ 01010862 a 0000 ^ 01033081 a 0000 ! 00197576 a 0101 & 00198383 a 0000 & 00198610 a 0000 & 00198757 a 0000 | relating to or located in the front; "the front lines"; "the front porch" 00198383 00 s 03 advance(a) 0 advanced(a) 0 in_advance(p) 0 002 & 00198147 a 0000 + 07445265 n 0103 | situated ahead or going before; "an advance party"; "at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies" 00198610 00 s 02 foremost 0 frontmost 0 001 & 00198147 a 0000 | preceding all others in spatial position; "the foremost compartment of the ship" 00198757 00 s 02 frontal 0 head-on 0 002 & 00198147 a 0000 + 08573674 n 0102 | meeting front to front; "a frontal attack"; "a head-on collision" 00198904 00 a 01 leading 0 003 ! 00199569 a 0101 & 00199114 a 0000 & 00199463 a 0000 | going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way; "we rode in the leading car"; "the leading edge of technology" 00199114 00 s 04 directing 0 directional 0 directive 0 guiding 2 006 & 00198904 a 0000 + 07170080 n 0301 + 05066867 n 0302 + 05066867 n 0301 + 02439501 v 0301 + 00710005 v 0303 | showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on; "felt his mother's directing arm around him"; "the directional role of science on industrial progress" 00199463 00 s 01 guiding 0 001 & 00198904 a 0000 | exerting control or influence; "a guiding principle" 00199569 00 a 01 following 0 002 ! 00198904 a 0101 & 00199811 a 0000 | going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps" 00199811 00 s 01 pursuing 0 001 & 00199569 a 0000 | following in order to overtake or capture or as accompaniment to such pursuit; "the fox fled from the pursuing hounds"; "listened for the hounds' pursuing bark" 00200026 00 a 01 backed 0 008 ! 00201130 a 0101 & 00200258 a 0000 & 00200431 a 0000 & 00200529 a 0000 & 00200603 a 0000 & 00200760 a 0000 & 00200854 a 0000 & 00200979 a 0000 | having a back or backing, usually of a specified type 00200258 00 s 04 hardbacked 0 hardback 0 hardbound 0 hardcover 0 003 & 00200026 a 0000 + 03492391 n 0402 + 03492391 n 0201 | having a hard back or cover; "hardback books" 00200431 00 s 01 high-backed 0 001 & 00200026 a 0000 | having a high back; "a high-backed sofa" 00200529 00 s 01 low-backed 0 001 & 00200026 a 0000 | having a low back 00200603 00 s 02 razorback 0 razor-backed 0 002 & 00200026 a 0000 + 02396157 n 0101 | having a sharp narrow back; "a razor-backed horse"; "razorback hogs" 00200760 00 s 01 spiny-backed 0 001 & 00200026 a 0000 | having the back covered with spines 00200854 00 s 01 stiff-backed 0 001 & 00200026 a 0000 | having a stiff back; "the guards stood stiff-backed and unsmiling" 00200979 00 s 01 straight-backed 0 001 & 00200026 a 0000 | having a straight back; "a straight-backed wooden chair"; "a slim straight-backed dancer" 00201130 00 a 01 backless 0 002 ! 00200026 a 0101 & 00201259 a 0000 | lacking a back; "a stool is a backless and armless seat" 00201259 00 s 01 low-cut 0 001 & 00201130 a 0000 | having a low-cut back; "a backless dress" 00201354 00 a 01 backward 1 015 ^ 01876957 a 0000 ^ 01884539 a 0000 ! 00203237 a 0101 & 00201722 a 0000 & 00201802 a 0000 & 00201961 a 0000 & 00202095 a 0000 & 00202250 a 0000 & 00202411 a 0000 & 00202508 a 0000 & 00202677 a 0000 & 00202772 a 0000 & 00202875 a 0000 & 00203030 a 0000 & 00203123 a 0000 | directed or facing toward the back or rear; "a backward view" 00201722 00 s 02 backswept 0 sweptback 0 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | used of hair 00201802 00 s 02 cacuminal 0 retroflex 2 002 & 00201354 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back toward the hard palate 00201961 00 s 03 converse 0 reversed 0 transposed 0 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | turned about in order or relation; "transposed letters" 00202095 00 s 02 inverse 0 reverse 2 003 & 00201354 a 0000 + 13858604 n 0201 + 00346693 n 0202 | reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect 00202250 00 s 02 rearward 0 reverse 0 002 & 00201354 a 0000 + 08629746 n 0101 | directed or moving toward the rear; "a rearward glance"; "a rearward movement" 00202411 00 s 01 receding(a) 0 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | (of a hairline e.g.) moving slowly back 00202508 00 s 02 reflexive 0 self-referent 0 005 & 00201354 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06328207 n 0102 + 13798814 n 0102 + 13798814 n 0101 | referring back to itself 00202677 00 s 01 regardant(ip) 0 002 & 00201354 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | looking backward 00202772 00 s 01 retracted 0 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | drawn back and in; "a cat with retracted claws" 00202875 00 s 02 retral 0 retrograde 2 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | moving or directed or tending in a backward direction or contrary to a previous direction 00203030 00 s 02 retroflex 0 retroflexed 0 001 & 00201354 a 0000 | bent or curved backward 00203123 00 s 02 returning(a) 0 reversive 0 002 & 00201354 a 0000 + 00387310 v 0201 | tending to be turned back 00203237 00 a 01 forward 1 005 ^ 01033081 a 0000 ^ 01876006 a 0000 ! 00201354 a 0101 & 00203495 a 0000 & 00203614 a 0000 | at or near or directed toward the front; "the forward section of the aircraft"; "a forward plunge down the stairs"; "forward motion" 00203495 00 s 03 guardant(ip) 0 gardant(ip) 0 full-face 0 002 & 00203237 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | looking forward 00203614 00 s 02 headfirst 0 headlong 0 001 & 00203237 a 0000 | with the head foremost; "a headfirst plunge down the stairs"; "a headlong dive into the pool" 00203774 00 a 01 forward 3 001 ! 00203917 a 0101 | of the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle; "in a forward gear" 00203917 00 a 01 reverse 0 002 + 04085017 n 0101 ! 00203774 a 0101 | of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle; "in reverse gear" 00204077 00 a 01 backward 2 003 ^ 00251809 a 0000 ! 00204491 a 0101 & 00204249 a 0000 | (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature; "a backward lover" 00204249 00 s 02 bashful 0 blate 0 002 & 00204077 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | disposed to avoid notice; "they considered themselves a tough outfit and weren't bashful about letting anybody know it"; (`blate' is a Scottish term for bashful) 00204491 00 a 01 forward 2 008 ^ 00249721 a 0000 + 05167412 n 0104 ! 00204077 a 0101 & 00204779 a 0000 & 00205033 a 0000 & 00205150 a 0000 & 00205295 a 0000 & 00205696 a 0000 | used of temperament or behavior; lacking restraint or modesty; "a forward child badly in need of discipline" 00204779 00 s 03 brash 0 cheeky 0 nervy 0 005 & 00204491 a 0000 + 04838210 n 0302 + 04838210 n 0205 + 04915866 n 0206 + 04662283 n 0101 | offensively bold; "a brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club"; "a nervy thing to say" 00205033 00 s 02 bumptious 0 self-assertive 0 002 & 00204491 a 0000 + 05167412 n 0101 | offensively self-assertive 00205150 00 s 01 overfamiliar 0 001 & 00204491 a 0000 | taking undue liberties; "young women disliked the overfamiliar tone he took with them" 00205295 00 s 08 fresh 0 impertinent 0 impudent 0 overbold 0 smart 0 saucy 0 sassy 0 wise 0 007 & 00204491 a 0000 + 06721949 n 0701 + 04649651 n 0604 + 06721813 n 0301 + 04915866 n 0304 + 04915866 n 0203 + 04915866 n 0107 | improperly forward or bold; "don't be fresh with me"; "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"; "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"; "Don't get wise with me!" 00205696 00 s 03 assumptive 0 assuming 0 presumptuous 0 004 & 00204491 a 0000 + 04838727 n 0301 + 01225562 n 0301 + 04838727 n 0302 | excessively forward; "an assumptive person"; "on a subject like this it would be too assuming for me to decide"; "the duchess would not put up with presumptuous servants" 00206003 00 a 01 balconied 0 001 ! 00206127 a 0101 | having balconies or a balcony; "the balconied houses of New Orleans" 00206127 00 a 01 unbalconied 0 001 ! 00206003 a 0101 | not having balconies 00206205 00 a 02 barreled 0 barrelled 2 001 ! 00206317 a 0101 | put in or stored in a barrel; "barreled beer" 00206317 00 a 02 unbarreled 0 unbarrelled 0 001 ! 00206205 a 0101 | not in a barrel 00206403 00 a 01 beaked 0 009 ! 00207467 a 0101 & 00206627 a 0000 & 00206750 a 0000 & 00206900 a 0000 & 00207034 a 0000 & 00207133 a 0000 & 00207226 a 0000 & 00207305 a 0000 & 00207389 a 0000 | having or resembling a beak 00206627 00 s 01 beaklike 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | resembling the beak of a bird; "a grizzled man with a beaklike nose" 00206750 00 s 01 billed 0 002 & 00206403 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having a beak or bill as specified; "a thick-billed bird"; "a long-billed cap" 00206900 00 s 02 duckbill 0 duck-billed 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a beak resembling that of a duck; "a duck-billed dinosaur" 00207034 00 s 01 rostrate 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a beak or beaklike snout or proboscis 00207133 00 s 02 short-beaked 0 short-billed 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a short beak 00207226 00 s 01 stout-billed 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a strong beak 00207305 00 s 01 straight-billed 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a straight beak 00207389 00 s 01 thick-billed 0 001 & 00206403 a 0000 | having a thick beak 00207467 00 a 01 beakless 0 001 ! 00206403 a 0101 | not having a beak or bill 00207547 00 a 01 bedded 0 005 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 00207961 a 0101 & 00207706 a 0000 & 00207809 a 0000 & 00207887 a 0000 | having a bed or beds as specified 00207706 00 s 01 double-bedded 0 001 & 00207547 a 0000 | having a double bed; "a double-bedded room" 00207809 00 s 01 single-bedded 0 001 & 00207547 a 0000 | having single beds 00207887 00 s 01 twin-bedded 0 001 & 00207547 a 0000 | having twin beds 00207961 00 a 01 bedless 0 001 ! 00207547 a 0101 | without a bed; "the cell was bedless" 00208052 00 a 01 beneficed 0 001 ! 00208150 a 0101 | having a benefice; "a beneficed clergyman" 00208150 00 a 01 unbeneficed 0 001 ! 00208052 a 0101 | not having a benefice 00208229 00 a 02 stratified 0 bedded 4 006 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00208946 a 0101 & 00208447 a 0000 & 00208613 a 0000 & 00208749 a 0000 & 00208872 a 0000 | deposited or arranged in horizontal layers; "stratified rock" 00208447 00 s 03 foliate 0 foliated 0 foliaceous 0 002 & 00208229 a 0000 + 09283066 n 0301 | (especially of metamorphic rock) having thin leaflike layers or strata 00208613 00 s 02 laminar 0 laminal 0 003 & 00208229 a 0000 + 05580929 n 0201 + 05580929 n 0101 | arranged in or consisting of laminae 00208749 00 s 02 layered 0 superimposed 0 001 & 00208229 a 0000 | with one layer on top of another; "superimposed rocks" 00208872 00 s 01 sheetlike 0 001 & 00208229 a 0000 | resembling a sheet 00208946 00 a 01 unstratified 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 00208229 a 0101 | not deposited in layers; "glacial till is unstratified" 00209079 00 a 02 ferned 0 ferny 1 004 + 11545714 n 0201 ! 00209550 a 0101 & 00209253 a 0000 & 00209390 a 0000 | abounding in or covered with ferns; "the ferny undergrowth" 00209253 00 s 01 braky 0 002 & 00209079 a 0000 + 13189844 n 0103 | abounding with bracken; "the woods and braky glens"- William Browne 00209390 00 s 02 fernlike 0 ferny 2 002 & 00209079 a 0000 + 11545714 n 0201 | resembling ferns especially in leaf shape; "the ferny shadows of locust leaves" 00209550 00 a 01 fernless 0 001 ! 00209079 a 0101 | devoid of ferns 00209620 00 a 01 grassy 0 006 + 12102133 n 0101 ! 00210212 a 0101 & 00209781 a 0000 & 00209916 a 0000 & 00209988 a 0000 & 00210079 a 0000 | abounding in grass 00209781 00 s 01 grass-covered 0 001 & 00209620 a 0000 | covered with grass; "wide grass-covered plains as far as the eye could see" 00209916 00 s 01 grasslike 0 001 & 00209620 a 0000 | resembling grass 00209988 00 s 02 rushlike 0 sedgelike 0 001 & 00209620 a 0000 | resembling rush or sedge 00210079 00 s 01 sedgy 0 003 & 00209620 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 12150028 n 0101 | covered with sedges (grasslike marsh plants) 00210212 00 a 01 grassless 0 001 ! 00209620 a 0101 | lacking grass 00210281 00 a 01 gusseted 0 001 ! 00210371 a 0101 | provided or reinforced with gussets 00210371 00 a 01 ungusseted 0 001 ! 00210281 a 0101 | not having gussets 00210446 00 a 01 hairless 0 013 + 14457218 n 0101 ! 00212173 a 0101 & 00210848 a 0000 & 00211026 a 0000 & 00211092 a 0000 & 00211221 a 0000 & 00211370 a 0000 & 00211444 a 0000 & 00211564 a 0000 & 00211735 a 0000 & 00211827 a 0000 & 00211916 a 0000 & 00212057 a 0000 | having no hair or fur; "a Mexican Hairless is about the size of a fox terrier and hairless except for a tufts on the head and tail" 00210848 00 s 03 bald 0 bald-headed 0 bald-pated 0 002 & 00210446 a 0000 + 14457041 n 0101 | lacking hair on all or most of the scalp; "a bald pate"; "a bald-headed gentleman" 00211026 00 s 01 balding 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | getting bald 00211092 00 s 02 beardless 0 smooth-faced 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | lacking hair on the face; "a smooth-faced boy of 14 years" 00211221 00 s 01 depilatory 0 004 & 00210446 a 0000 + 14833729 n 0101 + 03177165 n 0101 + 00037514 v 0102 | able to remove hair or render hairless 00211370 00 s 01 depilous 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | completely hairless 00211444 00 s 01 glabrescent 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | lacking hair or a similar growth or tending to become hairless 00211564 00 s 01 glabrous 0 002 & 00210446 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | having no hair or similar growth; smooth; "glabrous stems"; "glabrous leaves"; "a glabrous scalp" 00211735 00 s 01 naked-muzzled 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | having a muzzle that is hairless 00211827 00 s 01 naked-tailed 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | having a tail that is hairless 00211916 00 s 01 nonhairy 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | without hair; "tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the nonhairy parts of the skin" 00212057 00 s 01 tonsured 0 001 & 00210446 a 0000 | having a bald spot either shaved or natural; "tonsured monks" 00212173 00 a 03 hairy 0 haired 0 hirsute 0 036 + 04683600 n 0301 + 05254795 n 0101 + 01900150 n 0101 + 04683453 n 0101 ! 00210446 a 0101 & 00212949 a 0000 & 00213071 a 0000 & 00213172 a 0000 & 00213387 a 0000 & 00213516 a 0000 & 00213610 a 0000 & 00213814 a 0000 & 00213933 a 0000 & 00214001 a 0000 & 00214165 a 0000 & 00214323 a 0000 & 00214461 a 0000 & 00214640 a 0000 & 00214812 a 0000 & 00214907 a 0000 & 00215087 a 0000 & 00215257 a 0000 & 00215344 a 0000 & 00215468 a 0000 & 00215564 a 0000 & 00215654 a 0000 & 00215745 a 0000 & 00215834 a 0000 & 00215929 a 0000 & 00216003 a 0000 & 00216079 a 0000 & 00216155 a 0000 & 00216308 a 0000 & 00216420 a 0000 & 00216560 a 0000 & 00216668 a 0000 | having or covered with hair; "Jacob was a hairy man"; "a hairy caterpillar" 00212949 00 s 02 canescent 0 hoary 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | covered with fine whitish hairs or down 00213071 00 s 02 coarse-haired 0 coarse-furred 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having coarse hair or fur 00213172 00 s 03 comate 0 comose 0 comal 0 003 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13090395 n 0301 | of certain seeds (such as cotton) having a tuft or tufts of hair; "comate (or comose) seeds"; "a comal tuft" 00213387 00 s 02 curly-haired 0 curly-coated 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | covered with curly hair; "a curly-coated water spaniel" 00213516 00 s 02 dark-haired 0 dark-coated 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | covered with dark hair 00213610 00 s 04 downy 0 pubescent 0 puberulent 0 sericeous 0 004 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05255692 n 0101 + 04938838 n 0101 | covered with fine soft hairs or down; "downy milkweed seeds" 00213814 00 s 01 floccose 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) having tufts of soft woolly hairs 00213933 00 s 01 furlike 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | resembling fur 00214001 00 s 02 furred 0 furry 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 + 01899062 n 0201 | covered with a dense coat of fine silky hairs; "furred animals"; "a furry teddy bear" 00214165 00 s 02 fuzzed 0 fuzzy 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 + 05261894 n 0201 | covering with fine light hairs; "his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed" 00214323 00 s 03 glossy-haired 0 glossy-coated 0 glossy-furred 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having glossy hair; "a glossy-coated foxhound" 00214461 00 s 01 hispid 0 003 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of animals or plants) having stiff coarse hairs or bristles; "plants with hispid stems" 00214640 00 s 02 lanate 0 woolly 2 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | covered with dense cottony hairs or hairlike filaments; "the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton" 00214812 00 s 01 long-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | with long hair; "long-haired hippies" 00214907 00 s 01 pappose 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants such as dandelions and thistles) having pappi or tufts of featherlike hairs or delicate bristles 00215087 00 s 03 pilous 0 pilose 0 pilary 0 004 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05255692 n 0302 + 05255692 n 0102 | covered with hairs especially fine soft ones 00215257 00 s 01 rough-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having hair that feels rough 00215344 00 s 01 shock-headed 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having a shock (or untidy mass) of hair; "shock-headed teenagers" 00215468 00 s 01 short-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | with short hair; "a short-haired dog" 00215564 00 s 01 silky-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having hair that resembles silk 00215654 00 s 01 silver-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having hair the color of silver 00215745 00 s 01 smooth-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having hair that feels smooth 00215834 00 s 01 snake-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | (of monsters) having snakes for hair 00215929 00 s 01 soft-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having soft hair 00216003 00 s 01 stiff-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having stiff hair 00216079 00 s 01 thick-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having thick hair 00216155 00 s 02 tomentose 0 tomentous 0 002 & 00212173 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | densely covered with short matted woolly hairs; "a tomentose leaf" 00216308 00 s 02 velvety-furred 0 velvety-haired 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | having hair that feels like velvet 00216420 00 s 02 wire-haired 0 wiry-coated 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | (especially of dogs) having stiff wiry hair; "a wire-haired terrier" 00216560 00 s 01 wiry 0 001 & 00212173 a 0000 | of hair that resembles wire in stiffness; "wiry red hair" 00216668 00 s 04 wooly 0 woolly 0 wooly-haired 0 woolly-haired 0 003 & 00212173 a 0000 + 01899593 n 0201 + 01899593 n 0101 | covered with dense often matted or curly hairs; "woolly lambs" 00216858 00 a 02 awned 0 awny 0 003 + 13090743 n 0201 ! 00217183 a 0101 & 00217075 a 0000 | having awns i.e. bristlelike or hairlike appendages on the flowering parts of some cereals and grasses; "awned wheatgrass" 00217075 00 s 01 bearded 0 001 & 00216858 a 0000 | having a growth of hairlike awns; "bearded wheatgrass" 00217183 00 a 01 awnless 0 001 ! 00216858 a 0101 | lacking or having only very short awns; "awnless bromegrass" 00217297 00 a 01 bearing(a) 0 002 ! 00217563 a 0101 & 00217428 a 0000 | (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain 00217428 00 s 02 load-bearing(a) 0 supporting(a) 0 001 & 00217297 a 0000 | capable of bearing a structural load; "a supporting wall" 00217563 00 a 01 nonbearing 0 001 ! 00217297 a 0101 | (of a structural member) supporting no vertical weight other than its own; "they took out a nonbearing wall" 00217728 00 a 01 beautiful 0 020 ^ 00166146 a 0000 ^ 01139352 a 0000 ^ 01807219 a 0000 = 04683814 n 0000 ! 00220956 a 0101 & 00218305 a 0000 & 00218440 a 0000 & 00218673 a 0000 & 00218837 a 0000 & 00218950 a 0000 & 00219389 a 0000 & 00219705 a 0000 & 00219809 a 0000 & 00219924 a 0000 & 00220082 a 0000 & 00220241 a 0000 & 00220341 a 0000 & 00220502 a 0000 & 00220600 a 0000 & 00220739 a 0000 | delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration; "a beautiful child"; "beautiful country"; "a beautiful painting"; "a beautiful theory"; "a beautiful party" 00218305 00 s 01 beauteous 0 003 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04683814 n 0101 + 04685396 n 0104 | (poetic )beautiful, especially to the sight 00218440 00 s 05 bonny 0 bonnie 0 comely 0 fair 0 sightly 0 003 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04685396 n 0402 + 04685396 n 0301 | very pleasing to the eye; "my bonny lass"; "there's a bonny bay beyond"; "a comely face"; "young fair maidens" 00218673 00 s 01 dishy 0 004 & 00217728 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 + 10613996 n 010b | (informal British) sexually attractive; "a dishy blonde" 00218837 00 s 01 exquisite 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04684654 n 0101 | of extreme beauty; "her exquisite face" 00218950 00 s 06 fine-looking 0 good-looking 0 better-looking 0 handsome 0 well-favored 0 well-favoured 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04685840 n 0401 | pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion; "a fine-looking woman"; "a good-looking man"; "better-looking than her sister"; "very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome"- Thackeray; "our southern women are well-favored"- Lillian Hellman 00219389 00 s 04 glorious 0 resplendent 0 splendid 0 splendiferous 0 005 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04684358 n 0203 + 04684358 n 0202 + 02733453 v 0201 + 04684358 n 0101 | having great beauty and splendor; "a glorious spring morning"; "a glorious sunset"; "splendid costumes"; "a kind of splendiferous native simplicity" 00219705 00 s 01 gorgeous 0 001 & 00217728 a 0000 | dazzlingly beautiful; "a gorgeous Victorian gown" 00219809 00 s 01 lovely 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04685396 n 0103 | appealing to the emotions as well as the eye 00219924 00 s 01 picturesque 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04684765 n 0101 | suggesting or suitable for a picture; pretty as a picture; "a picturesque village" 00220082 00 s 01 pretty 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04685649 n 0101 | pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing; "pretty girl"; "pretty song"; "pretty room" 00220241 00 s 01 pretty-pretty 0 001 & 00217728 a 0000 | ostentatiously or inappropriately pretty 00220341 00 s 01 pulchritudinous 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 04685062 n 0101 | used of persons only; having great physical beauty; "pulchritudinous movie stars" 00220502 00 s 01 ravishing 0 001 & 00217728 a 0000 | stunningly beautiful; "a ravishing blonde" 00220600 00 s 01 scenic 0 002 & 00217728 a 0000 + 05933246 n 0104 | used of locations; having beautiful natural scenery; "scenic drives" 00220739 00 s 01 stunning 0 001 & 00217728 a 0000 | strikingly beautiful or attractive; "quite stunning with large dark eyes and a beautiful high-bosomed figure"; "stunning photographs of Canada's wilderness areas" 00220956 00 a 01 ugly 0 015 ^ 01808822 a 0000 ^ 00169164 a 0000 ^ 01140514 a 0000 = 04683814 n 0000 + 04690196 n 0101 ! 00217728 a 0101 & 00221318 a 0000 & 00221469 a 0000 & 00221553 a 0000 & 00221627 a 0000 & 00221934 a 0000 & 00222147 a 0000 & 00222272 a 0000 & 00222449 a 0000 & 00222543 a 0000 | displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture" 00221318 00 s 01 disfigured 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | having the appearance spoiled; "a disfigured face"; "strip mining left a disfigured landscape" 00221469 00 s 01 evil-looking 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | having an evil appearance 00221553 00 s 01 fugly 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | (slang) extremely ugly 00221627 00 s 02 grotesque 0 monstrous 0 005 & 00220956 a 0000 + 10109443 n 0202 + 01460108 n 0201 + 10109443 n 0203 + 04690592 n 0101 | distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous; "tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas"; "twisted into monstrous shapes" 00221934 00 s 02 hideous 0 repulsive 0 005 & 00220956 a 0000 + 04781349 n 0202 + 02194913 v 0204 + 01808769 v 0201 + 04691061 n 0101 | so extremely ugly as to be terrifying; "a hideous scar"; "a repulsive mask" 00222147 00 s 02 ill-favored 0 ill-favoured 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | usually used of a face; "an ill-favored countenance" 00222272 00 s 01 scrofulous 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | having a diseased appearance resembling scrofula; "our canoe...lay with her scrofulous sides on the shore"- Farley Mowat 00222449 00 s 02 unlovely 0 unpicturesque 0 001 & 00220956 a 0000 | without beauty or charm 00222543 00 s 01 unsightly 0 002 & 00220956 a 0000 + 04690476 n 0101 | unpleasant to look at; "unsightly billboards" 00222662 00 a 01 bellied 0 002 ! 00222873 a 0101 & 00222775 a 0000 | having a belly; often used in combination 00222775 00 s 02 big-bellied 0 great_bellied 0 001 & 00222662 a 0000 | having a prominent belly 00222873 00 a 02 bellyless 0 flat-bellied 0 001 ! 00222662 a 0101 | lacking a prominent belly 00222969 00 a 01 banded 0 001 ! 00223119 a 0101 | identified with a band especially around a leg; "kept watch for the return of their banded birds" 00223119 00 a 01 unbanded 0 001 ! 00222969 a 0101 | not identified with a band; "an unbanded bird" 00223220 00 a 01 belted 0 004 ! 00223683 a 0101 & 00223375 a 0000 & 00223504 a 0000 & 00223582 a 0000 | having or provided with a belt; "a belted dress" 00223375 00 s 01 banded 0 001 & 00223220 a 0000 | characterized by a band of especially white around the body; "banded cattle" 00223504 00 s 01 belt-fed 0 001 & 00223220 a 0000 | using belted ammunition 00223582 00 s 02 beltlike 0 belt-like 0 001 & 00223220 a 0000 | resembling a belt around something 00223683 00 a 02 unbelted 0 beltless 0 001 ! 00223220 a 0101 | lacking a belt; "unbelted jackets are in this season" 00223802 00 a 01 beneficent 0 007 ^ 01372049 a 0000 = 04840537 n 0000 + 07545833 n 0101 + 04840537 n 0101 + 02290956 v 0101 ! 00224166 a 0101 & 00224031 a 0000 | doing or producing good; "the most beneficent regime in history" 00224031 00 s 01 benefic 0 001 & 00223802 a 0000 | exerting a favorable or beneficent influence; "a benefic star"; "a benefic force" 00224166 00 a 01 maleficent 0 007 ^ 00227003 a 0000 = 04846533 n 0000 + 07550551 n 0101 + 04846533 n 0101 ! 00223802 a 0101 & 00224366 a 0000 & 00224515 a 0000 | harmful or evil in intent or effect 00224366 00 s 02 baleful 0 baneful 0 002 & 00224166 a 0000 + 04846533 n 0103 | deadly or sinister; "the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look" 00224515 00 s 04 malefic 0 malevolent 0 malign 0 evil 0 004 & 00224166 a 0000 + 04842788 n 0301 + 04842313 n 0202 + 04842313 n 0201 | having or exerting a malignant influence; "malevolent stars"; "a malefic force" 00224731 00 a 01 malicious 0 011 + 07550666 n 0101 + 07550666 n 0102 ! 00226535 a 0101 & 00225099 a 0000 & 00225408 a 0000 & 00225564 a 0000 & 00225821 a 0000 & 00225912 a 0000 & 00226105 a 0000 & 00226339 a 0000 & 00226434 a 0000 | having the nature of or resulting from malice; "malicious gossip"; "took malicious pleasure in...watching me wince"- Rudyard Kipling 00225099 00 s 03 despiteful 0 spiteful 0 vindictive 0 004 & 00224731 a 0000 + 07550891 n 0301 + 07550666 n 0204 + 04842515 n 0204 | showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite; "a despiteful fiend"; "a truly spiteful child"; "a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment" 00225408 00 s 01 leering 0 001 & 00224731 a 0000 | showing sly or knowing malice in a glance; "she had run in fear of...his evil leering eye"- Amy Lowell 00225564 00 s 01 malevolent 0 002 & 00224731 a 0000 + 07550369 n 0101 | wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred; "a gossipy malevolent old woman"; "failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful" 00225821 00 s 01 beady-eyed 0 001 & 00224731 a 0000 | having eyes that gleam with malice 00225912 00 s 03 bitchy 0 catty 0 cattish 0 005 & 00224731 a 0000 + 09900153 n 0201 + 04842515 n 0201 + 07209965 n 0104 + 04842515 n 0102 | marked by or arising from malice; "a catty remark" 00226105 00 s 03 poisonous 0 venomous 0 vicious 0 004 & 00224731 a 0000 + 04830689 n 0303 + 07550666 n 0205 + 05166397 n 0101 | marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; "poisonous hate"; "venomous criticism"; "vicious gossip" 00226339 00 s 01 venomed 0 001 & 00224731 a 0000 | full of malice or hate; "venomed remarks" 00226434 00 s 01 vixenish 0 001 & 00224731 a 0000 | shrewish and malicious; "a vixenish old woman" 00226535 00 a 01 unmalicious 0 001 ! 00224731 a 0101 | not malicious or spiteful 00226618 00 a 02 benign 0 benignant 4 006 ^ 01159655 a 0000 ^ 01372049 a 0000 = 04840981 n 0000 + 04840981 n 0102 ! 00227003 a 0101 & 00226891 a 0000 | pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence; "a benign smile"; "the benign sky"; "the benign influence of pure air" 00226891 00 s 01 kindly 0 001 & 00226618 a 0000 | pleasant and agreeable; "a kindly climate"; "kindly breeze" 00227003 00 a 01 malign 0 006 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 00224166 a 0000 ^ 01373728 a 0000 = 04842788 n 0000 ! 00226618 a 0101 & 00227301 a 0000 | evil or harmful in nature or influence; "prompted by malign motives"; "believed in witches and malign spirits"; "gave him a malign look"; "a malign lesion" 00227301 00 s 01 cancerous 0 001 & 00227003 a 0000 | like a cancer; an evil that grows and spreads; "remorse was cancerous within him"; "pornography is cancerous to the moral development of our children" 00227507 00 a 01 best 0 018 ^ 01123148 a 0000 ^ 00504592 a 0000 ^ 02341266 a 0000 ^ 02439949 a 0000 ;u 06693870 n 0000 + 00127531 n 0101 ! 00229630 a 0101 & 00228025 a 0000 & 00228173 a 0000 & 00228294 a 0000 & 00228485 a 0000 & 00228645 a 0000 & 00228876 a 0000 & 00228967 a 0000 & 00229130 a 0000 & 00229227 a 0000 & 00229371 a 0000 & 00229487 a 0000 | (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities; "the best film of the year"; "the best solution"; "the best time for planting"; "wore his best suit" 00228025 00 s 02 champion 0 prizewinning 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | holding first place in a contest; "a champion show dog"; "a prizewinning wine" 00228173 00 s 03 high-grade 0 top-quality 0 top-grade 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | surpassing in quality; "top-grade ore" 00228294 00 s 03 first 0 foremost 0 world-class 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | ranking above all others; "was first in her class"; "the foremost figure among marine artists"; "the top graduate" 00228485 00 s 02 go-to-meeting(a) 0 Sunday-go-to-meeting(a) 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | used of clothing; "my good clothes"; "her Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes" 00228645 00 s 02 optimum 0 optimal 0 003 & 00227507 a 0000 + 05143864 n 0201 + 05143864 n 0101 | most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied; "an optimum return on capital"; "optimal concentration of a drug" 00228876 00 s 01 primo 0 002 & 00227507 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | the best of its kind 00228967 00 s 01 record-breaking 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | surpassing any previously established record; "a record-breaking high jump"; "record-breaking crowds" 00229130 00 s 01 second-best 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | next to the best; "his second-best bed" 00229227 00 s 01 superfine 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | (used especially of merchandise) very fine in quality; "made of superfine Flemish cloth" 00229371 00 s 03 unexcelled 0 unexceeded 0 unsurpassed 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | not capable of being improved on 00229487 00 s 01 unsurpassable 0 001 & 00227507 a 0000 | not to be exceeded; "unsurpassable skill"; "unsurpassable standards of workmanship" 00229630 00 a 01 worst 0 010 ^ 01125429 a 0000 ^ 02345272 a 0000 ;u 06693870 n 0000 + 07295955 n 0101 + 04852534 n 0101 + 00127672 n 0101 ! 00227507 a 0101 & 00229978 a 0000 & 00230076 a 0000 & 00230208 a 0000 | (superlative of `bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition; "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year" 00229978 00 s 01 bottom 0 001 & 00229630 a 0000 | the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class" 00230076 00 s 03 last 0 last-place 0 lowest 0 001 & 00229630 a 0000 | lowest in rank or importance; "last prize"; "in last place" 00230208 00 s 02 pessimal 0 pessimum(a) 0 001 & 00229630 a 0000 | of an organism's environment; least favorable for survival 00230335 00 a 01 better 0 005 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 00231252 a 0101 & 00230843 a 0000 & 00230940 a 0000 & 00231103 a 0000 | (comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history" 00230843 00 s 01 amended 0 001 & 00230335 a 0000 | modified for the better; "his amended ways" 00230940 00 s 01 finer 0 002 & 00230335 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparative of `fine') greater in quality or excellence; "a finer wine"; "a finer musician" 00231103 00 s 01 improved 0 001 & 00230335 a 0000 | become or made better in quality; "was proud of his improved grades"; "an improved viewfinder" 00231252 00 a 01 worse 0 004 ;u 06322693 n 0000 + 05144453 n 0101 ! 00230335 a 0101 & 00231591 a 0000 | (comparative of `bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability; "this road is worse than the first one we took"; "the road is in worse shape than it was"; "she was accused of worse things than cheating and lying" 00231591 00 s 01 worsened 0 001 & 00231252 a 0000 | made or become worse; impaired; "troubled by the worsened economic conditions"; "the worsened diplomatic relations" 00231761 00 a 01 better 2 003 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 00232068 a 0101 & 00231963 a 0000 | (comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitness; "her health is better now"; "I feel better" 00231963 00 s 02 fitter 0 healthier 0 001 & 00231761 a 0000 | improved in health or physical condition 00232068 00 a 02 worse 2 worsened 0 002 + 05144453 n 0101 ! 00231761 a 0101 | changed for the worse in health or fitness; "I feel worse today"; "her cold is worse" 00232234 00 a 01 bettering 0 005 ! 00233151 a 0101 & 00232385 a 0000 & 00232620 a 0000 & 00232754 a 0000 & 00232986 a 0000 | changing for the better 00232385 00 s 04 ameliorating(a) 0 ameliorative 0 amelioratory 0 meliorative 0 007 & 00232234 a 0000 + 00205885 v 0405 + 00205046 v 0404 + 00205885 v 0304 + 00205046 v 0303 + 00205885 v 0204 + 00205046 v 0203 | tending to ameliorate 00232620 00 s 01 amendatory 0 002 & 00232234 a 0000 + 00996328 v 0101 | effecting amendment; "added amendatory phrases to the text" 00232754 00 s 01 corrective 0 004 & 00232234 a 0000 + 02672540 v 0103 + 00296178 v 0103 + 00079470 v 0101 | tending or intended to correct or counteract or restore to a normal condition; "corrective measures"; "corrective lenses" 00232986 00 s 01 remedial 0 002 & 00232234 a 0000 + 00259177 n 0102 | tending or intended to rectify or improve; "a remedial reading course"; "remedial education" 00233151 00 a 01 worsening 0 001 ! 00232234 a 0101 | changing for the worse; "worried by the worsening storm" 00233263 00 a 01 bicameral 0 001 ! 00233353 a 0101 | composed of two legislative bodies 00233353 00 a 01 unicameral 0 001 ! 00233263 a 0101 | composed of one legislative body 00233442 00 a 01 bidirectional 0 004 ! 00234106 a 0101 & 00233635 a 0000 & 00233756 a 0000 & 00233925 a 0000 | reactive or functioning or allowing movement in two usually opposite directions 00233635 00 s 02 biface 0 bifacial 0 001 & 00233442 a 0000 | having two faces or fronts; "the Roman Janus is bifacial" 00233756 00 s 01 duplex 0 002 & 00233442 a 0000 ;c 06271778 n 0000 | allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously; "duplex system"; "duplex telephony" 00233925 00 s 01 two-way 0 001 & 00233442 a 0000 | operating or permitting operation in either of two opposite directions; "a two-way valve"; "two-way traffic"; "two-way streets" 00234106 00 a 01 unidirectional 0 004 ! 00233442 a 0101 & 00234378 a 0000 & 00234522 a 0000 & 00234733 a 0000 | operating or moving or allowing movement in one direction only; "a unidirectional flow"; "a unidirectional antenna"; "a unidirectional approach to a problem" 00234378 00 s 01 one-way 0 001 & 00234106 a 0000 | moving or permitting movement in one direction only; "one-way streets"; "a one-way ticket" 00234522 00 s 01 simplex 0 002 & 00234106 a 0000 ;c 06271778 n 0000 | allowing communication in only one direction at a time, or in telegraphy allowing only one message over a line at a time; "simplex system" 00234733 00 s 01 unifacial 0 001 & 00234106 a 0000 | having but one principal or specialized surface; "a primitive unifacial flint tool" 00234872 00 a 01 faced 0 012 ! 00236483 a 0101 & 00235239 a 0000 & 00235326 a 0000 & 00235429 a 0000 & 00235571 a 0000 & 00235731 a 0000 & 00235823 a 0000 & 00235913 a 0000 & 00235988 a 0000 & 00236086 a 0000 & 00236200 a 0000 & 00236338 a 0000 | having a face or facing especially of a specified kind or number; often used in combination; "a neatly faced terrace" 00235239 00 s 01 baby-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a youthful-looking face 00235326 00 s 01 bald-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | (of animals) having white markings on the face 00235429 00 s 01 featured 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having facial features as specified; usually used in combination; "a grim-featured man" 00235571 00 s 02 Janus-faced 0 two-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having two faces--one looking to the future and one to the past; "Janus the two-faced god" 00235731 00 s 01 long-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a face longer than the usual 00235823 00 s 02 moon-faced 0 round-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a round face 00235913 00 s 01 pale-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a pale face 00235988 00 s 01 pug-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having the flat wrinkled face of a pug dog 00236086 00 s 01 sad-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a face with a sad expression; "the sad-faced clown" 00236200 00 s 01 sweet-faced 0 001 & 00234872 a 0000 | having a pleasing face or one showing a sweet disposition; "a sweet-faced child" 00236338 00 s 01 visaged 0 002 & 00234872 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having a face or visage as specified; "gloomy-visaged funeral directors" 00236483 00 a 01 faceless 0 002 ! 00234872 a 0101 & 00236652 a 0000 | without a face or identity; "a faceless apparition"; "the faceless accusers of the police state" 00236652 00 s 01 anonymous 0 002 & 00236483 a 0000 + 14436285 n 0101 | not known or lacking marked individuality; "brown anonymous houses"; "anonymous bureaucrats in the Civil Service" 00236839 00 a 01 bibbed 0 001 ! 00236922 a 0101 | having a bib; "a bibbed apron" 00236922 00 a 01 bibless 0 001 ! 00236839 a 0101 | lacking a bib 00236989 00 a 02 unilateral 0 one-sided 4 002 ! 00237240 a 0101 & 00237156 a 0000 | involving only one part or side; "unilateral paralysis"; "a unilateral decision" 00237156 00 s 01 one-party 0 001 & 00236989 a 0000 | determined by a single party 00237240 00 a 02 multilateral 0 many-sided 4 026 ! 00236989 a 0101 & 00237788 a 0000 & 00237881 a 0000 & 00237965 a 0000 & 00238037 a 0000 & 00238189 a 0000 & 00238310 a 0000 & 00238400 a 0000 & 00238490 a 0000 & 00238564 a 0000 & 00238636 a 0000 & 00238712 a 0000 & 00238788 a 0000 & 00238862 a 0000 & 00238934 a 0000 & 00239012 a 0000 & 00239090 a 0000 & 00239185 a 0000 & 00239325 a 0000 & 00239444 a 0000 & 00239520 a 0000 & 00239594 a 0000 & 00239668 a 0000 & 00239742 a 0000 & 00239847 a 0000 & 00240008 a 0000 | having many parts or sides 00237788 00 s 02 bilateral 0 two-sided 4 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having two sides or parts 00237881 00 s 01 deep-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having deep bilateral lobes 00237965 00 s 01 two-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having two lobes 00238037 00 s 03 bipartite 0 two-part 0 two-way 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving two parts or elements; "a bipartite document"; "a two-way treaty" 00238189 00 s 01 joint 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving both houses of a legislature; "a joint session of Congress" 00238310 00 s 01 multipartite 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving more than two parties 00238400 00 s 02 quadrilateral 0 four-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having four sides 00238490 00 s 01 five-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having five sides 00238564 00 s 01 six-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having six sides 00238636 00 s 01 seven-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having seven sides 00238712 00 s 01 eight-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having eight sides 00238788 00 s 01 nine-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having nine sides 00238862 00 s 01 ten-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having ten sides 00238934 00 s 01 eleven-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having eleven sides 00239012 00 s 01 twelve-sided 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having twelve sides 00239090 00 s 02 quadripartite 0 four-party 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving four parties 00239185 00 s 01 tetramerous 0 002 & 00237240 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | having or consisting of four similar parts; tetramerous flowers 00239325 00 s 01 three-cornered 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving a group or set of three; "a three-cornered race" 00239444 00 s 01 three-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having three lobes 00239520 00 s 01 four-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having four lobes 00239594 00 s 01 five-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having five lobes 00239668 00 s 01 many-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having many lobes 00239742 00 s 01 palmately-lobed 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | having lobes radiating from a central point 00239847 00 s 03 trilateral 0 triangular 0 three-sided 0 003 & 00237240 a 0000 + 13879320 n 0201 + 05072523 n 0201 | having three sides; "a trilateral figure" 00240008 00 s 03 tripartite 0 three-party 0 three-way 0 001 & 00237240 a 0000 | involving three parties or elements; "a tripartite treaty"; "a tripartite division"; "a three-way playoff" 00240197 00 a 01 bimodal 0 002 ;c 06018465 n 0000 ! 00240323 a 0101 | of a distribution; having or occurring with two modes 00240323 00 a 01 unimodal 0 002 ;c 06018465 n 0000 ! 00240197 a 0101 | having a single mode 00240417 00 a 02 binaural 0 biaural 0 003 ! 00240842 a 0101 & 00240584 a 0000 & 00240655 a 0000 | relating to or having or hearing with two ears; "binaural hearing" 00240584 00 s 01 two-eared 0 001 & 00240417 a 0000 | having two ears 00240655 00 s 03 stereophonic 0 stereo 0 two-channel 0 003 & 00240417 a 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 + 04315948 n 0102 | designating sound transmission from two sources through two channels 00240842 00 a 01 monaural 0 003 ! 00240417 a 0101 & 00241004 a 0000 & 00241079 a 0000 | relating to or having or hearing with only one ear; "monaural deafness" 00241004 00 s 01 one-eared 0 001 & 00240842 a 0000 | having a single ear 00241079 00 s 03 mono 0 monophonic 0 single-channel 0 002 & 00240842 a 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 | designating sound transmission or recording or reproduction over a single channel 00241260 00 a 03 binucleate 0 binuclear 0 binucleated 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00241530 a 0101 ! 00241397 a 0101 | having two nuclei 00241397 00 a 02 mononuclear 0 mononucleate 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00241260 a 0101 ! 00241530 a 0101 | having only one nucleus 00241530 00 a 03 trinucleate 0 trinuclear 0 trinucleated 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00241397 a 0101 ! 00241260 a 0101 | having three nuclei 00241672 00 a 03 bipedal 0 biped 0 two-footed 0 004 + 02157285 n 0201 ! 00241816 a 0202 + 02157285 n 0101 ! 00241816 a 0101 | having two feet 00241816 00 a 03 quadrupedal 0 quadruped 0 four-footed 0 003 ! 00241672 a 0202 + 02156871 n 0101 ! 00241672 a 0101 | having four feet 00241952 00 a 01 black 2 005 ! 00243180 a 0101 & 00242293 a 0000 & 00242575 a 0000 & 00242832 a 0000 & 00243039 a 0000 | of or belonging to a racial group having dark skin especially of sub-Saharan African origin; "a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization"- Martin Luther King Jr. 00242293 00 s 02 African-American 0 Afro-American 0 003 & 00241952 a 0000 + 09637013 n 0203 + 09637013 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of Americans of African ancestry; "Afro-American culture"; "many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American" 00242575 00 s 05 colored 0 coloured 0 dark 0 dark-skinned 0 non-white 0 003 & 00241952 a 0000 + 04978216 n 0301 + 09637512 n 0102 | having skin rich in melanin pigments; "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People"; "dark-skinned peoples" 00242832 00 s 01 negro 0 001 & 00241952 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of or being a member of the traditional racial division of mankind having brown to black pigmentation and tightly curled hair 00243039 00 s 01 negroid 0 001 & 00241952 a 0000 | characteristic of people traditionally classified as the Negro race; "negroid features" 00243180 00 a 01 white 2 004 + 09638875 n 0101 ! 00241952 a 0101 & 00243395 a 0000 & 00243515 a 0000 | of or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration; "voting patterns within the white population" 00243395 00 s 02 Caucasian 0 Caucasoid 0 002 & 00243180 a 0000 + 09638875 n 0103 | of or relating to Caucasian people 00243515 00 s 01 light-skinned 0 001 & 00243180 a 0000 | having little skin pigmentation 00243606 00 a 03 blond 0 blonde 0 light-haired 0 008 = 04976952 n 0000 + 04977247 n 0102 ! 00244503 a 0101 & 00243945 a 0000 & 00244054 a 0000 & 00244199 a 0000 & 00244324 a 0000 & 00244410 a 0000 | being or having light colored skin and hair and usually blue or grey eyes; "blond Scandinavians"; "a house full of light-haired children" 00243945 00 s 03 ash-blonde 0 platinum-blonde 0 towheaded 0 001 & 00243606 a 0000 | of hair color; whitish 00244054 00 s 02 fair 0 fairish 0 002 & 00243606 a 0000 + 04977247 n 0103 | (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored; "a fair complexion"; 00244199 00 s 02 flaxen 0 sandy 0 001 & 00243606 a 0000 | of hair color; pale yellowish to yellowish brown; "flaxen locks" 00244324 00 s 01 nordic 0 001 & 00243606 a 0000 | resembling peoples of Scandinavia 00244410 00 s 01 redheaded 0 001 & 00243606 a 0000 | having red hair and usually fair skin 00244503 00 a 02 brunet 0 brunette 0 010 = 04976952 n 0000 ! 00243606 a 0101 & 00244820 a 0000 & 00244958 a 0000 & 00245112 a 0000 & 00245200 a 0000 & 00245319 a 0000 & 00245458 a 0000 & 00245763 a 0000 & 00245860 a 0000 | marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes; "a brunette beauty" 00244820 00 s 01 adust 0 002 & 00244503 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | burned brown by the sun; "of an adust complexion"- Sir Walter Scott 00244958 00 s 03 bronzed 0 suntanned 0 tanned 0 001 & 00244503 a 0000 | (of skin) having a tan color from exposure to the sun; "a young bronzed Apollo" 00245112 00 s 02 brown 0 browned 0 001 & 00244503 a 0000 | (of skin) deeply suntanned 00245200 00 s 01 dark 0 002 & 00244503 a 0000 + 04979870 n 0101 | brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes); "dark eyes" 00245319 00 s 03 dark-haired 0 black-haired 0 brown-haired 0 001 & 00244503 a 0000 | having hair of a dark color; "a dark-haired beauty" 00245458 00 s 04 dark-skinned 0 dusky 0 swart 0 swarthy 0 004 & 00244503 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 04978216 n 0403 + 04978216 n 0202 | naturally having skin of a dark color; "a dark-skinned beauty"; "gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks"; "a smile on his swarthy face"; "`swart' is archaic" 00245763 00 s 01 grizzled 0 001 & 00244503 a 0000 | having dark hairs mixed with grey or white 00245860 00 s 01 nutbrown 0 001 & 00244503 a 0000 | of the color of nuts; "nutbrown hair" 00245952 00 a 01 blemished 0 009 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ^ 01752167 a 0000 ! 00247013 a 0101 & 00246175 a 0000 & 00246348 a 0000 & 00246497 a 0000 & 00246623 a 0000 & 00246727 a 0000 & 00246878 a 0000 | marred by imperfections 00246175 00 s 04 acned 0 pimpled 0 pimply 0 pustulate 0 003 & 00245952 a 0000 + 14334122 n 0401 + 14334306 n 0301 | (of complexion) blemished by imperfections of the skin 00246348 00 s 02 blebbed 0 blebby 0 001 & 00245952 a 0000 | (of glass or quartzite) marred by small bubbles or small particles of foreign material 00246497 00 s 01 blotchy 0 002 & 00245952 a 0000 + 04694809 n 0101 | marred by discolored spots or blotches; "blotchy skin" 00246623 00 s 01 flyblown 0 001 & 00245952 a 0000 | especially of reputation; "a flyblown reputation" 00246727 00 s 02 marred 0 scarred 0 001 & 00245952 a 0000 | blemished by injury or rough wear; "the scarred piano bench"; "walls marred by graffiti" 00246878 00 s 02 pocked 0 pockmarked 0 001 & 00245952 a 0000 | marked by or as if by smallpox or acne or other eruptive skin disease 00247013 00 a 03 unblemished 0 unmarred 0 unmutilated 0 004 ^ 01749320 a 0000 ^ 00681094 a 0000 ! 00245952 a 0101 & 00247247 a 0000 | free from physical or moral spots or stains; "an unblemished record"; "an unblemished complexion" 00247247 00 s 05 stainless 0 unstained 0 unsullied 0 untainted 0 untarnished 0 001 & 00247013 a 0000 | (of reputation) free from blemishes; "his unsullied name"; "an untarnished reputation" 00247439 00 a 01 bloody 0 013 ^ 01507402 a 0000 + 05399847 n 0101 + 13974937 n 0101 + 04624687 n 0101 ! 00249433 a 0101 & 00247868 a 0000 & 00247993 a 0000 & 00248118 a 0000 & 00248251 a 0000 & 00248560 a 0000 & 00248837 a 0000 & 00249104 a 0000 & 00249303 a 0000 | having or covered with or accompanied by blood; "a bloody nose"; "your scarf is all bloody"; "the effects will be violent and probably bloody"; "a bloody fight" 00247868 00 s 01 blood-filled 0 001 & 00247439 a 0000 | containing blood; "the blood-filled centers of arteries and veins" 00247993 00 s 02 bloodstained 0 gory 1 001 & 00247439 a 0000 | covered with blood; "a bloodstained shirt"; "a gory dagger" 00248118 00 s 01 bloodsucking 0 001 & 00247439 a 0000 | drawing blood from the body of another; "a plague of bloodsucking insects" 00248251 00 s 03 bloodthirsty 0 bloody-minded 0 sanguinary 0 002 & 00247439 a 0000 + 04624687 n 0102 | marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed; "bloody-minded tyrants"; "bloodthirsty yells"; "went after the collaborators with a sanguinary fury that drenched the land with blood"-G.W.Johnson 00248560 00 s 03 crimson 0 red 2 violent 0 002 & 00247439 a 0000 + 13979977 n 0301 | characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red rage"- Hudson Strode 00248837 00 s 02 homicidal 0 murderous 0 005 & 00247439 a 0000 + 00220522 n 0201 + 07547547 n 0201 + 04830904 n 0201 + 00220023 n 0101 | characteristic of or capable of or having a tendency toward killing another human being ; "a homicidal rage"; "murderous thugs" 00249104 00 s 05 gory 2 sanguinary 3 sanguineous 0 slaughterous 0 butcherly 0 003 & 00247439 a 0000 + 00223983 n 0401 + 04963111 n 0301 | accompanied by bloodshed; "this bitter and sanguinary war" 00249303 00 s 01 internecine 0 001 & 00247439 a 0000 | characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides; "internecine war" 00249433 00 a 01 bloodless 0 002 ! 00247439 a 0101 & 00249576 a 0000 | free from blood or bloodshed; "bloodless surgery"; "a bloodless coup" 00249576 00 s 02 nonviolent 0 unbloody 0 002 & 00249433 a 0000 + 01242716 n 0103 | achieved without bloodshed; "an unbloody transfer of power" 00249721 00 a 01 bold 0 015 ^ 00065791 a 0000 ^ 00262792 a 0000 ^ 00204491 a 0000 ^ 00081671 a 0000 = 04858785 n 0000 + 04858785 n 0101 ! 00251809 a 0101 & 00250119 a 0000 & 00250483 a 0000 & 00250659 a 0000 & 00250739 a 0000 & 00251134 a 0000 & 00251373 a 0000 & 00251529 a 0000 & 00251681 a 0000 | fearless and daring; "bold settlers on some foreign shore"; "a bold speech"; "a bold adventure" 00250119 00 s 07 audacious 0 brave 0 dauntless 0 fearless 0 hardy 0 intrepid 0 unfearing 0 008 & 00249721 a 0000 + 04858089 n 0602 + 07526182 n 0401 + 04858089 n 0301 + 04857083 n 0204 + 04859449 n 0101 + 04859449 n 0102 + 04858455 n 0401 | invulnerable to fear or intimidation; "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers" 00250483 00 s 02 daredevil 0 temerarious 0 003 & 00249721 a 0000 + 04859449 n 0203 + 09991530 n 0101 | presumptuously daring; "a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff" 00250659 00 s 01 emboldened 0 001 & 00249721 a 0000 | made bold or courageous 00250739 00 s 04 foolhardy 0 heady 0 rash 0 reckless 0 005 & 00249721 a 0000 + 04661926 n 0401 + 04661926 n 0303 + 08482271 n 0201 + 04661926 n 0102 | marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; "foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker"; "became the fiercest and most reckless of partisans"-Macaulay; "a reckless driver"; "a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest" 00251134 00 s 02 heroic 0 heroical 0 004 & 00249721 a 0000 + 10173086 n 0201 + 09906538 n 0203 + 10325013 n 0201 | having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes; "the heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy"; "heroic explorers" 00251373 00 s 01 nervy 0 002 & 00249721 a 0000 + 04857490 n 0103 | showing or requiring courage and contempt of danger; "the nervy feats of mountaineers" 00251529 00 s 02 overreaching 0 vaulting 0 001 & 00249721 a 0000 | revealing excessive self-confidence; reaching for the heights; "vaulting ambition" 00251681 00 s 01 overvaliant 0 001 & 00249721 a 0000 | having or showing undue valor or boldness; "a foolish overvaliant act" 00251809 00 a 01 timid 0 014 ^ 00077645 a 0000 ^ 00204077 a 0000 ^ 00264776 a 0000 ^ 00066800 a 0000 ^ 00156839 a 0000 = 04860759 n 0000 + 07522729 n 0102 + 07522729 n 0101 ! 00249721 a 0101 & 00252130 a 0000 & 00252310 a 0000 & 00252498 a 0000 & 00252733 a 0000 & 00252826 a 0000 | showing fear and lack of confidence 00252130 00 s 01 bashful 0 002 & 00251809 a 0000 + 07508092 n 0102 | self-consciously timid; "I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall"- Ezra Pound 00252310 00 s 01 coy 0 001 & 00251809 a 0000 | modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures; "like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled" 00252498 00 s 03 fearful 0 timorous 0 trepid 0 003 & 00251809 a 0000 + 07522729 n 0203 + 04860759 n 0202 | timid by nature or revealing timidity; "timorous little mouse"; "in a timorous tone"; "cast fearful glances at the large dog" 00252733 00 s 01 intimidated 0 001 & 00251809 a 0000 | made timid or fearful as by threats 00252826 00 s 02 mousy 0 mousey 0 003 & 00251809 a 0000 + 10335563 n 0201 + 10335563 n 0101 | quiet and timid and ineffectual 00252954 00 a 01 bound 1 009 ^ 01064286 a 0000 ! 00254152 a 0101 & 00253196 a 0000 & 00253361 a 0000 & 00253469 a 0000 & 00253654 a 0000 & 00253757 a 0000 & 00253869 a 0000 & 00254046 a 0000 | confined by bonds; "bound and gagged hostages" 00253196 00 s 02 chained 0 enchained 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | bound with chains; "enchained demons strained in anger to gnaw on his bones"; "prisoners in chains" 00253361 00 s 02 fettered 0 shackled 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | bound by chains fastened around the ankles 00253469 00 s 02 furled 0 rolled 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | rolled up and secured; "furled sails bound securely to the spar"; "a furled flag"; "his rolled umbrella hanging on his arm" 00253654 00 s 01 pinioned 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | bound fast especially having the arms restrained 00253757 00 s 01 tethered 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | confined or restricted with or as if with a rope or chain 00253869 00 s 02 trussed 0 tied 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | bound or secured closely; "the guard was found trussed up with his arms and legs securely tied"; "a trussed chicken" 00254046 00 s 01 wired 0 001 & 00252954 a 0000 | tied or bound with wire; "wired bundles of newspapers" 00254152 00 a 01 unbound 1 004 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ! 00252954 a 0101 & 00254296 a 0000 & 00254419 a 0000 | not restrained or tied down by bonds 00254296 00 s 04 unchained 0 unfettered 0 unshackled 0 untied 0 001 & 00254152 a 0000 | not bound by shackles and chains 00254419 00 s 01 untethered 0 001 & 00254152 a 0000 | not confined or restricted with a tether 00254516 00 a 02 laced 0 tied 2 001 ! 00254615 a 0101 | closed with a lace; "snugly laced shoes" 00254615 00 a 02 unlaced 0 untied 2 001 ! 00254516 a 0101 | with laces not tied; "teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers" 00254746 00 a 02 tied 0 fastened 3 002 ! 00254983 a 0101 & 00254880 a 0000 | fastened with strings or cords; "a neatly tied bundle" 00254880 00 s 01 knotted 0 001 & 00254746 a 0000 | tied with a knot; "his carefully knotted necktie" 00254983 00 a 02 untied 0 unfastened 3 001 ! 00254746 a 0101 | not tied 00255057 00 a 01 tangled 0 008 ! 00256453 a 0101 & 00255308 a 0000 & 00255453 a 0000 & 00255582 a 0000 & 00255720 a 0000 & 00255918 a 0000 & 00256042 a 0000 & 00256237 a 0000 | in a confused mass; "pushed back her tangled hair"; "the tangled ropes" 00255308 00 s 03 afoul(ip) 0 foul 0 fouled 0 001 & 00255057 a 0000 | especially of a ship's lines etc; "with its sails afoul"; "a foul anchor" 00255453 00 s 02 enmeshed 0 intermeshed 0 001 & 00255057 a 0000 | caught as if in a mesh; "enmeshed in financial difficulties" 00255582 00 s 01 entangled 1 001 & 00255057 a 0000 | twisted together in a tangled mass; "toiled through entangled growths of mesquite" 00255720 00 s 03 knotty 0 snarled 0 snarly 0 004 & 00255057 a 0000 + 05685879 n 0302 + 13885836 n 0101 + 03627232 n 0101 | tangled in knots or snarls; "a mass of knotted string"; "snarled thread" 00255918 00 s 01 matted 0 001 & 00255057 a 0000 | tangled in a dense mass; "tried to push through the matted undergrowth" 00256042 00 s 01 rootbound 0 001 & 00255057 a 0000 | having the roots matted or densely tangled; "shaggy untended lawns of old trees and rootbound scented flowers and shrubs"- William Faulkner 00256237 00 s 02 thrown 0 thrown_and_twisted 0 002 & 00255057 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | twisted together; as of filaments spun into a thread; "thrown silk is raw silk that has been twisted and doubled into yarn" 00256453 00 a 01 untangled 0 002 ! 00255057 a 0101 & 00256538 a 0000 | not tangled 00256538 00 s 03 disentangled 0 loosened 0 unsnarled 0 001 & 00256453 a 0000 | straightened out 00256636 00 a 01 bound 2 006 ! 00257462 a 0101 & 00256883 a 0000 & 00257032 a 0000 & 00257102 a 0000 & 00257232 a 0000 & 00257356 a 0000 | secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form; "bound volumes"; "leather-bound volumes" 00256883 00 s 01 brassbound 0 001 & 00256636 a 0000 | having trim or fittings of brass; "a brassbound campaign chest"; "the heavy brassbound door" 00257032 00 s 01 cased 0 001 & 00256636 a 0000 | enclosed in a case 00257102 00 s 01 half-bound 0 001 & 00256636 a 0000 | (of books) having the back bound in one material and the sides in another 00257232 00 s 02 paperback 0 paperbacked 0 002 & 00256636 a 0000 + 03886432 n 0103 | (of books) having a flexible binding 00257356 00 s 01 well-bound 0 001 & 00256636 a 0000 | (of books) having a sturdy and attractive binding 00257462 00 a 01 unbound 2 002 ! 00256636 a 0101 & 00257579 a 0000 | not secured within a cover; "an unbound book" 00257579 00 s 01 looseleaf 0 001 & 00257462 a 0000 | being or having leaves that can be easily removed or rearranged; "loose-leaf paper"; "a looseleaf notebook" 00257742 00 a 01 bordered 0 011 ^ 01006566 a 0000 ! 00259256 a 0101 & 00258090 a 0000 & 00258255 a 0000 & 00258411 a 0000 & 00258587 a 0000 & 00258797 a 0000 & 00258899 a 0000 & 00259011 a 0000 & 00259098 a 0000 & 00259177 a 0000 | having a border especially of a specified kind; sometimes used as a combining term; "black-bordered handkerchief" 00258090 00 s 01 boxed 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | enclosed in or set off by a border or box; "boxed sections of the report"; "boxed announcements in the newspaper" 00258255 00 s 03 deckled 0 deckle-edged 0 featheredged 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | having a rough edge; used of handmade paper or paper resembling handmade 00258411 00 s 01 edged 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | having a specified kind of border or edge; "a black-edged card"; "rough-edged leaves"; "dried sweat left salt-edged patches" 00258587 00 s 01 fringed 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | surrounded as with a border or fringe; sometimes used in combination; "a large suburban community...fringed by an industrial area"; "a grass-fringed stream" 00258797 00 s 01 lined 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | bordered by a line of things; "tree lined streets" 00258899 00 s 01 sawtoothed-edged 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | (of leaves) having an edged resembling a sawtooth 00259011 00 s 01 seagirt 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | surrounded or enclosed by the sea 00259098 00 s 01 spiny-edged 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | having a spiny border 00259177 00 s 01 white-edged 0 001 & 00257742 a 0000 | having a white border 00259256 00 a 01 unbordered 0 001 ! 00257742 a 0101 | having no border 00259329 00 a 01 lotic 0 001 ! 00259433 a 0101 | of or relating to or living in actively moving water 00259433 00 a 01 lentic 0 002 ;c 09328904 n 0000 ! 00259329 a 0101 | of or relating to or living in still waters (as lakes or ponds) 00259568 00 a 02 lower-class 0 low-class 4 008 ^ 01592642 a 0000 = 13945919 n 0000 ! 00260430 a 0101 ! 00261245 a 0101 & 00259820 a 0000 & 00259957 a 0000 & 00260100 a 0000 & 00260323 a 0000 | occupying the lowest socioeconomic position in a society 00259820 00 s 01 non-U 0 002 & 00259568 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | not characteristic of the upper classes especially in language use 00259957 00 s 01 proletarian 0 003 & 00259568 a 0000 + 10481711 n 0101 + 08180639 n 0104 | belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat 00260100 00 s 04 propertyless 0 wage-earning 0 working-class 0 blue-collar 0 001 & 00259568 a 0000 | of those who work for wages especially manual or industrial laborers; "party of the propertyless proletariat"- G.B.Shaw 00260323 00 s 01 upper-lower-class 0 001 & 00259568 a 0000 | occupying the upper part of the lower class 00260430 00 a 01 middle-class 0 007 = 13945919 n 0000 ! 00261245 a 0101 ! 00259568 a 0101 & 00260695 a 0000 & 00260780 a 0000 & 00260973 a 0000 & 00261109 a 0000 | occupying a socioeconomic position intermediate between those of the lower classes and the wealthy 00260695 00 s 01 bourgeois 1 001 & 00260430 a 0000 | belonging to the middle class 00260780 00 s 03 bourgeois 2 conservative 0 materialistic 0 002 & 00260430 a 0000 + 14039310 n 0301 | conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality" 00260973 00 s 01 lower-middle-class 0 001 & 00260430 a 0000 | occupying the lower part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society 00261109 00 s 01 upper-middle-class 0 001 & 00260430 a 0000 | occupying the upper part of the middle socioeconomic range in a society 00261245 00 a 01 upper-class 0 008 = 13945919 n 0000 ! 00259568 a 0101 ! 00260430 a 0101 & 00261486 a 0000 & 00261602 a 0000 & 00261735 a 0000 & 00261885 a 0000 & 00262008 a 0000 | occupying the highest socioeconomic position in a society 00261486 00 s 01 quality 0 001 & 00261245 a 0000 | of high social status; "people of quality"; "a quality family" 00261602 00 s 02 propertied 0 property-owning 0 001 & 00261245 a 0000 | owning land or securities as a principal source of revenue 00261735 00 s 01 u 0 002 & 00261245 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | (chiefly British) of or appropriate to the upper classes especially in language use 00261885 00 s 01 tweedy 0 002 & 00261245 a 0000 + 04817020 n 0101 | (of country gentry) informal, clannish and outdoorsy 00262008 00 s 01 wellborn 0 001 & 00261245 a 0000 | of good or upper-class lineage; "a rich and wellborn husband" 00262124 00 a 03 brachycephalic 0 brachycranial 0 brachycranic 0 004 + 05212362 n 0101 ! 00262529 a 0101 & 00262328 a 0000 & 00262444 a 0000 | having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80 00262328 00 s 03 broad-headed 0 roundheaded 0 short-headed 0 001 & 00262124 a 0000 | having a brachycephalic head 00262444 00 s 01 bullet-headed 0 001 & 00262124 a 0000 | having a small round head 00262529 00 a 03 dolichocephalic 0 dolichocranial 0 dolichocranic 0 002 ! 00262124 a 0101 & 00262705 a 0000 | having a relatively long head with a cephalic index of under 75 00262705 00 s 01 long-headed 0 001 & 00262529 a 0000 | having a dolichocephalic head 00262792 00 a 02 brave 0 courageous 4 016 ^ 00065791 a 0000 ^ 00249721 a 0000 ^ 01989669 a 0000 ^ 00081671 a 0000 = 04857083 n 0000 + 04857083 n 0201 + 04857083 n 0202 + 04857083 n 0104 ! 00264776 a 0101 & 00263463 a 0000 & 00263840 a 0000 & 00263994 a 0000 & 00264178 a 0000 & 00264262 a 0000 & 00264459 a 0000 & 00264570 a 0000 | possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching; "Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring"- Herman Melville; "a frank courageous heart...triumphed over pain"- William Wordsworth; "set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory" 00263463 00 s 02 desperate 0 heroic 0 001 & 00262792 a 0000 | showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort; "made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber"; "the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war"- G.C.Marshall; "they took heroic measures to save his life" 00263840 00 s 01 gallant 0 001 & 00262792 a 0000 | unflinching in battle or action; "a gallant warrior"; "put up a gallant resistance to the attackers" 00263994 00 s 07 game 0 gamy 0 gamey 0 gritty 0 mettlesome 0 spirited 0 spunky 0 004 & 00262792 a 0000 + 04857490 n 0704 + 04634415 n 0501 + 05032351 n 0402 | willing to face danger 00264178 00 s 01 lionhearted 0 001 & 00262792 a 0000 | extraordinarily courageous 00264262 00 s 02 stalwart 0 stouthearted 0 002 & 00262792 a 0000 + 04858317 n 0201 | used especially of persons; "a stalwart knight"; "a stouthearted fellow who had an active career in the army" 00264459 00 s 01 undaunted 0 001 & 00262792 a 0000 | resolutely courageous; "undaunted in the face of death" 00264570 00 s 02 valiant 0 valorous 0 004 & 00262792 a 0000 + 04857738 n 0203 + 04857738 n 0205 + 04857738 n 0107 | having or showing valor; "a valiant attempt to prevent the hijack"; "a valiant soldier" 00264776 00 a 02 cowardly 0 fearful 4 016 ^ 00077645 a 0000 ^ 01589217 a 0000 ^ 00251809 a 0000 = 04860065 n 0000 + 04860586 n 0201 + 09614047 n 0101 + 04860065 n 0102 ! 00262792 a 0101 & 00265214 a 0000 & 00265314 a 0000 & 00265496 a 0000 & 00265765 a 0000 & 00265989 a 0000 & 00266228 a 0000 & 00266309 a 0000 & 00266420 a 0000 | lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted; "cowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then"- P.B.Shelley 00265214 00 s 01 caitiff 0 002 & 00264776 a 0000 + 09886911 n 0101 | despicably mean and cowardly 00265314 00 s 06 chicken 0 chickenhearted 0 lily-livered 0 white-livered 0 yellow 0 yellow-bellied 0 003 & 00264776 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10781817 n 0102 | easily frightened 00265496 00 s 02 craven 0 recreant 0 003 & 00264776 a 0000 + 10452024 n 0203 + 04860272 n 0101 | lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful; "the craven fellow turned and ran"; "a craven proposal to raise the white flag"; "this recreant knight"- Spenser 00265765 00 s 02 dastard(a) 0 dastardly 0 004 & 00264776 a 0000 + 09992429 n 0201 + 04861221 n 0201 + 09992429 n 0101 | despicably cowardly; "the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on...December 7th"- F.D. Roosevelt 00265989 00 s 04 faint 0 fainthearted 0 timid 0 faint-hearted 0 005 & 00264776 a 0000 + 07522729 n 0302 + 04860759 n 0301 + 04860369 n 0201 + 04860369 n 0102 | lacking conviction or boldness or courage; "faint heart ne'er won fair lady" 00266228 00 s 01 funky 0 001 & 00264776 a 0000 | in a state of cowardly fright 00266309 00 s 01 poltroon 0 002 & 00264776 a 0000 + 10452024 n 0101 | characterized by complete cowardliness 00266420 00 s 03 pusillanimous 0 poor-spirited 0 unmanly 0 004 & 00264776 a 0000 + 04668139 n 0306 + 04860985 n 0102 + 04860985 n 0101 | lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful 00266634 00 a 02 gutsy 0 plucky 0 004 + 04859816 n 0202 + 05032351 n 0103 + 04859816 n 0101 ! 00266985 a 0101 | marked by courage and determination in the face of difficulties or danger; robust and uninhibited; "you have to admire her; it was a gutsy thing to do"; "the gutsy...intensity of her musical involvement"-Judith Crist; "a gutsy red wine" 00266985 00 a 01 gutless 0 002 + 04861319 n 0101 ! 00266634 a 0101 | lacking courage or vitality; "he was a yellow gutless worm"; "a spineless craven fellow" 00267145 00 a 01 breast-fed 0 002 ! 00267356 a 0101 & 00267268 a 0000 | (of an infant) fed milk from the mother's breast 00267268 00 s 02 nursed 0 suckled 0 001 & 00267145 a 0000 | (of an infant) breast-fed 00267356 00 a 01 bottle-fed 0 001 ! 00267145 a 0101 | (of an infant) given milk from a bottle 00267452 00 a 03 breathing 0 eupneic 0 eupnoeic 0 002 ! 00267871 a 0101 & 00267774 a 0000 | passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally; sometimes used in combination; "the boy was disappointed to find only skeletons instead of living breathing dinosaurs"; "the heavy-breathing person on the telephone" 00267774 00 s 01 sweet-breathed 0 001 & 00267452 a 0000 | having breath or breath as specified 00267871 00 a 05 breathless 0 dyspneic 0 dyspnoeic 0 dyspneal 0 dyspnoeal 0 008 ^ 02509292 a 0000 + 14369744 n 0502 + 14369744 n 0401 + 14370122 n 0103 ! 00267452 a 0101 & 00268273 a 0000 & 00268383 a 0000 & 00268748 a 0000 | not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty; "breathless at thought of what I had done"; "breathless from running"; "followed the match with breathless interest" 00268273 00 s 01 asphyxiating 0 001 & 00267871 a 0000 | tending to deprive of oxygen; "asphyxiating gasses" 00268383 00 s 03 smothering 0 suffocating 0 suffocative 0 005 & 00267871 a 0000 + 01476180 v 0301 + 00359511 v 0301 + 00106412 v 0301 + 00077698 v 0304 | causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat; "the choking June dust"; "the smothering soft voices"; "smothering heat"; "the room was suffocating--hot and airless" 00268748 00 s 04 blown 0 pursy 0 short-winded 0 winded 0 001 & 00267871 a 0000 | breathing laboriously or convulsively 00268869 00 a 01 crystalline 0 004 ! 00269486 a 0101 & 00269063 a 0000 & 00269241 a 0000 & 00269364 a 0000 | consisting of or containing or of the nature of crystals; "granite is crystalline" 00269063 00 s 02 crystallized 0 crystalised 0 001 & 00268869 a 0000 | having both internal structure and external form of a crystal; "quartz crystal is perfectly crystallized" 00269241 00 s 01 microcrystalline 0 001 & 00268869 a 0000 | containing crystals that are visible only under a microscope 00269364 00 s 01 polycrystalline 0 001 & 00268869 a 0000 | composed of aggregates of crystals; "polycrystalline metals" 00269486 00 a 01 noncrystalline 0 002 ! 00268869 a 0101 & 00269580 a 0000 | not crystalline 00269580 00 s 03 amorphous 0 uncrystallized 0 uncrystallised 0 001 & 00269486 a 0000 | without real or apparent crystalline form; "an amorphous mineral"; "amorphous structure" 00269758 00 a 01 landed 0 001 ! 00269894 a 0101 | owning or consisting of land or real estate; "the landed gentry"; "landed property" 00269894 00 a 01 landless 0 001 ! 00269758 a 0101 | owning no land; "the landless peasantry" 00269989 00 a 01 light 6 019 = 04951373 n 0000 + 04951373 n 0102 ! 00273082 a 0101 & 00270496 a 0000 & 00270732 a 0000 & 00270856 a 0000 & 00271022 a 0000 & 00271208 a 0000 & 00271288 a 0000 & 00271419 a 0000 & 00271580 a 0000 & 00271813 a 0000 & 00271966 a 0000 & 00272069 a 0000 & 00272172 a 0000 & 00272410 a 0000 & 00272555 a 0000 & 00272771 a 0000 & 00272950 a 0000 | characterized by or emitting light; "a room that is light when the shutters are open"; "the inside of the house was airy and light" 00270496 00 s 03 ablaze(p) 0 inflamed 0 reddened 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | lighted with red light as if with flames; "streets ablaze with lighted Christmas trees"; "the inflamed clouds at sunset"; "reddened faces around the campfire" 00270732 00 s 01 autofluorescent 0 002 & 00269989 a 0000 + 11427736 n 0101 | emitting light via self-induced fluorescence 00270856 00 s 01 bioluminescent 0 003 & 00269989 a 0000 ;c 00004475 n 0000 + 11476619 n 0101 | (of living organisms) emitting light; "fireflies are bioluminescent" 00271022 00 s 01 bright 0 002 & 00269989 a 0000 + 05018103 n 0102 | having lots of light either natural or artificial; "the room was bright and airy"; "a stage bright with spotlights" 00271208 00 s 01 candescent 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | glowing from great heat 00271288 00 s 02 floodlit 0 floodlighted 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | illuminated by means of floodlights; "the floodlit courtyard" 00271419 00 s 01 fluorescent 0 003 & 00269989 a 0000 + 11458102 n 0101 + 02161160 v 0101 | emitting light during exposure to radiation from an external source 00271580 00 s 04 illuminated 0 lighted 0 lit 0 well-lighted 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | provided with artificial light; "illuminated advertising"; "looked up at the lighted windows"; "a brightly lit room"; "a well-lighted stairwell" 00271813 00 s 02 incandescent 0 candent 0 002 & 00269989 a 0000 + 11467786 n 0101 | emitting light as a result of being heated; "an incandescent bulb" 00271966 00 s 01 lamplit 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | lighted by a lamp; "our lamplit mountain retreat" 00272069 00 s 01 lighting-up(a) 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | turning lights on; "it's lighting-up time" 00272172 00 s 01 livid 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | (of a light) imparting a deathlike luminosity; "livid lightning streaked the sky"; "a thousand flambeaux...turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day"- E.A.Poe 00272410 00 s 01 luminescent 0 004 & 00269989 a 0000 + 11476430 n 0101 + 05018785 n 0101 + 02766223 v 0101 | emitting light not caused by heat 00272555 00 s 01 phosphorescent 0 003 & 00269989 a 0000 + 11491026 n 0101 + 02632035 v 0101 | emitting light without appreciable heat as by slow oxidation of phosphorous; "the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood" 00272771 00 s 02 sunlit 0 sunstruck 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | lighted by sunlight; "the sunlit slopes of the canyon"; "violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges"- Wallace Stegner 00272950 00 s 01 white 0 001 & 00269989 a 0000 | of summer nights in northern latitudes where the sun barely sets; "white nights" 00273082 00 a 01 dark 1 021 = 04951373 n 0000 + 13983515 n 0101 + 08646306 n 0102 + 08646306 n 0101 ! 00269989 a 0101 & 00273652 a 0000 & 00273901 a 0000 & 00274068 a 0000 & 00274291 a 0000 & 00274373 a 0000 & 00274551 a 0000 & 00274698 a 0000 & 00274833 a 0000 & 00274971 a 0000 & 00275106 a 0000 & 00275290 a 0000 & 00275486 a 0000 & 00275764 a 0000 & 00275985 a 0000 & 00276226 a 0000 & 00276355 a 0000 | devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of a black cat" 00273652 00 s 03 Acheronian 0 Acherontic 0 Stygian 0 002 & 00273082 a 0000 + 09186709 n 0101 | dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades; "in the depths of an Acheronian forest"; "upon those roseate lips a Stygian hue"-Wordsworth 00273901 00 s 01 aphotic 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | lacking light; especially not reached by sunlight; "the aphotic depths of the sea where no photosynthesis occurs" 00274068 00 s 03 black 0 pitch-black 0 pitch-dark 0 003 & 00273082 a 0000 + 13983807 n 0204 + 13983807 n 0103 | extremely dark; "a black moonless night"; "through the pitch-black woods"; "it was pitch-dark in the cellar" 00274291 00 s 01 caliginous 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | dark and misty and gloomy 00274373 00 s 01 Cimmerian 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | intensely dark and gloomy as with perpetual darkness; "the Cimmerian gloom...a darkness that could be felt"-Norman Douglas 00274551 00 s 01 crepuscular 0 003 & 00273082 a 0000 + 15169421 n 0109 + 15169421 n 0108 | like twilight; dim; "the evening's crepuscular charm" 00274698 00 s 01 darkened 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | become or made dark by lack of light; "a darkened house"; "the darkened theater" 00274833 00 s 01 darkening 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | becoming dark or darker as from waning light or clouding over; "the darkening sky" 00274971 00 s 01 darkling 1 002 & 00273082 a 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 | (poetic) occurring in the dark or night; "a darkling journey" 00275106 00 s 01 darkling 2 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | uncannily or threateningly dark or obscure; "a darkling glance"; "secret operatives and darkling conspiracies"-Archibald MacLeish 00275290 00 s 02 dim 0 subdued 0 003 & 00273082 a 0000 + 04955907 n 0202 + 04955907 n 0101 | lacking in light; not bright or harsh; "a dim light beside the bed"; "subdued lights and soft music" 00275486 00 s 03 dusky 0 twilight(a) 0 twilit 0 003 & 00273082 a 0000 + 15169421 n 0102 + 13985323 n 0102 | lighted by or as if by twilight; "The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn"-Henry Fielding; "the twilight glow of the sky"; "a boat on a twilit river" 00275764 00 s 04 glooming 0 gloomy 0 gloomful 0 sulky 0 003 & 00273082 a 0000 + 13985462 n 0201 + 04631470 n 0201 | depressingly dark; "the gloomy forest"; "the glooming interior of an old inn"; "`gloomful' is archaic" 00275985 00 s 04 lightless 0 unilluminated 0 unlighted 0 unlit 0 002 & 00273082 a 0000 + 13983807 n 0102 | without illumination; "came up the lightless stairs"; "the unilluminated side of Mars"; "through dark unlighted (or unlit) streets" 00276226 00 s 01 semidark 0 002 & 00273082 a 0000 + 13984285 n 0101 | partially devoid of light or brightness; "semidark room" 00276355 00 s 03 tenebrous 0 tenebrific 0 tenebrious 0 001 & 00273082 a 0000 | dark and gloomy; "a tenebrous cave" 00276472 00 a 01 shaded 1 003 ! 00277183 a 0101 & 00276689 a 0000 & 00276862 a 0000 | protected from heat and light with shade or shadow; "shaded avenues"; "o'er the shaded billows rushed the night"- Alexander Pope 00276689 00 s 02 murky 0 mirky 0 003 & 00276472 a 0000 + 14521648 n 0103 + 14521648 n 0104 | dark or gloomy; "a murky dungeon"; "murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps" 00276862 00 s 04 shady 0 shadowed 0 shadowy 2 umbrageous 0 005 & 00276472 a 0000 + 13984944 n 0301 + 13984613 n 0303 + 13984613 n 0102 + 13984613 n 0101 | filled with shade; "the shady side of the street"; "the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed"; "we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove"; "cool umbrageous woodlands" 00277183 00 a 01 unshaded 1 002 ! 00276472 a 0101 & 00277339 a 0000 | not darkened or dimmed by shade; "an unshaded meadow"; "a bright and unshaded lane" 00277339 00 s 01 unshadowed 0 001 & 00277183 a 0000 | not darkened or obscured by shadow; "on the rough sea ice you may on an unshadowed day...fall over a chunk of ice that is kneehigh"- Vilhjalmur Stefansson 00277550 00 a 01 shaded 2 002 ! 00277867 a 0101 & 00277749 a 0000 | (of pictures or drawings) drawn or painted with degrees or gradations of shadow; "the shaded areas of the face seemed to recede" 00277749 00 s 02 hatched 0 crosshatched 0 001 & 00277550 a 0000 | shaded by means of fine parallel or crossed lines 00277867 00 a 01 unshaded 2 001 ! 00277550 a 0101 | (of pictures) not having shadow represented; "unshaded drawings resembling cartoons" 00278006 00 a 02 moonlit 0 moony 2 002 + 11484975 n 0203 ! 00278131 a 0101 | lighted by moonlight; "the moonlit landscape" 00278131 00 a 01 moonless 0 001 ! 00278006 a 0101 | without a moon or a visible moon; "the dark moonless night"; "a moonless planet" 00278266 00 a 01 bridgeable 0 003 + 01915131 v 0101 + 01296324 v 0101 ! 00278418 a 0101 | capable of being connected by a bridge or as if by a bridge 00278418 00 a 01 unbridgeable 0 001 ! 00278266 a 0101 | not bridgeable; "a wide unbridgeable river"; "unbridgeable generation gap" 00278551 00 a 01 bright 0 022 = 05018103 n 0000 + 04952242 n 0101 ! 00283703 a 0101 & 00279092 a 0000 & 00279332 a 0000 & 00279618 a 0000 & 00280245 a 0000 & 00280463 a 0000 & 00280844 a 0000 & 00281075 a 0000 & 00281173 a 0000 & 00281342 a 0000 & 00281527 a 0000 & 00281657 a 0000 & 00282020 a 0000 & 00282389 a 0000 & 00282557 a 0000 & 00282675 a 0000 & 00283060 a 0000 & 00283167 a 0000 & 00283327 a 0000 & 00283580 a 0000 | emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; "the sun was bright and hot"; "a bright sunlit room" 00279092 00 s 03 agleam 0 gleaming 0 nitid 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | bright with a steady but subdued shining; "from the plane we saw the city below agleam with lights"; "the gleaming brass on the altar"; "Nereids beneath the nitid moon" 00279332 00 s 04 aglow(p) 0 lambent 0 lucent 0 luminous 0 004 & 00278551 a 0000 + 05018103 n 0405 + 05018103 n 0401 + 04954534 n 0204 | softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars" 00279618 00 s 0a aglitter(p) 0 coruscant 0 fulgid 0 glinting 0 glistering 0 glittering 0 glittery 0 scintillant 0 scintillating 0 sparkly 0 007 & 00278551 a 0000 + 07412668 n 0a02 + 02766390 v 0802 + 02764765 v 0803 + 07412668 n 0701 + 04952944 n 0701 + 02766390 v 0203 | having brief brilliant points or flashes of light; "bugle beads all aglitter"; "glinting eyes"; "glinting water"; "his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent"; "shop window full of glittering Christmas trees"; "glittery costume jewelry"; "scintillant mica"; "the scintillating stars"; "a dress with sparkly sequins"; "`glistering' is an archaic term" 00280245 00 s 04 beady 0 beadlike 0 buttony 0 buttonlike 0 003 & 00278551 a 0000 + 02928608 n 0301 + 13901585 n 0102 | small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button; "bright beady eyes"; "black buttony eyes" 00280463 00 s 05 beaming 0 beamy 0 effulgent 0 radiant 0 refulgent 0 010 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04953954 n 0506 + 04953954 n 0505 + 04953954 n 0402 + 04953954 n 0401 + 02767116 v 0401 + 02160552 v 0401 + 00529582 v 0401 + 04953954 n 0304 + 11428023 n 0201 | radiating or as if radiating light; "the beaming sun"; "the effulgent daffodils"; "a radiant sunrise"; "a refulgent sunset" 00280844 00 s 06 blazing 0 blinding 0 dazzling 0 fulgent 0 glaring 0 glary 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | shining intensely; "the blazing sun"; "blinding headlights"; "dazzling snow"; "fulgent patterns of sunlight"; "the glaring sun" 00281075 00 s 01 bright_as_a_new_penny(p) 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | (metaphor) shining brightly 00281173 00 s 01 brilliant 0 003 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04954920 n 0103 + 04952570 n 0103 | full of light; shining intensely; "a brilliant star"; "brilliant chandeliers" 00281342 00 s 01 ardent 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | glowing or shining like fire; "from rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes"- Alexander Pope; "frightened by his ardent burning eyes" 00281527 00 s 01 glimmery 0 002 & 00278551 a 0000 + 07412478 n 0103 | shining softly and intermittently; "glimmery candlelight" 00281657 00 s 06 glistening 0 glossy 0 lustrous 1 sheeny 0 shiny 0 shining 1 005 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04954683 n 0501 + 04954683 n 0402 + 04954683 n 0304 + 04955160 n 0203 | reflecting light; "glistening bodies of swimmers"; "the horse's glossy coat"; "lustrous auburn hair"; "saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet"; "shining white enamel" 00282020 00 s 05 iridescent 0 nacreous 0 opalescent 0 opaline 0 pearlescent 0 006 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04953678 n 0301 + 02765231 v 0301 + 02734140 v 0301 + 04953678 n 0102 + 02733928 v 0101 | having a play of lustrous rainbow colors; "an iridescent oil slick"; "nacreous (or pearlescent) clouds looking like mother-of-pearl"; "a milky opalescent (or opaline) luster" 00282389 00 s 01 lurid 0 002 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04977561 n 0103 | shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke; "a lurid sunset"; "lurid flames" 00282557 00 s 01 noctilucent 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | shining or glowing by night; "the noctilucent eyes of a cat" 00282675 00 s 06 satiny 0 sleek 0 silken 0 silky 0 silklike 0 slick 0 006 & 00278551 a 0000 + 04947628 n 0601 + 04219424 n 0401 + 04947494 n 0401 + 04947494 n 0202 + 04138261 n 0101 | having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light; "glossy auburn hair"; "satiny gardenia petals"; "sleek black fur"; "silken eyelashes"; "silky skin"; "a silklike fabric"; "slick seals and otters" 00283060 00 s 01 self-luminous 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | having in itself the property of emitting light 00283167 00 s 01 shimmery 0 002 & 00278551 a 0000 + 07411851 n 0101 | glistening tremulously; "the shimmery surface of the lake"; "a dress of shimmery satin" 00283327 00 s 03 silver 0 silvern 0 silvery 0 002 & 00278551 a 0000 + 14654954 n 0301 | having the white lustrous sheen of silver; "a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap"; "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen" 00283580 00 s 01 twinkling(a) 0 001 & 00278551 a 0000 | shining intermittently with a sparkling light; "twinkling stars" 00283703 00 a 01 dull 2 007 ^ 01812846 a 0000 = 05018103 n 0000 + 04955633 n 0101 ! 00278551 a 0101 & 00283972 a 0000 & 00284194 a 0000 & 00284400 a 0000 | emitting or reflecting very little light; "a dull glow"; "dull silver badly in need of a polish"; "a dull sky" 00283972 00 s 05 flat 0 mat 0 matt 0 matte 0 matted 0 004 & 00283703 a 0000 + 04956110 n 0406 + 04956110 n 0305 + 04956110 n 0101 | not reflecting light; not glossy; "flat wall paint"; "a photograph with a matte finish" 00284194 00 s 04 lackluster 0 lacklustre 0 lusterless 0 lustreless 0 003 & 00283703 a 0000 + 04956110 n 0403 + 04956110 n 0302 | lacking luster or shine; "staring with lackluster eyes"; "lusterless hair" 00284400 00 s 02 soft 0 subdued 0 002 & 00283703 a 0000 + 04956419 n 0101 | not brilliant or glaring; "the moon cast soft shadows"; "soft pastel colors"; "subdued lighting" 00284575 00 a 02 dimmed 0 dim 2 003 + 13985323 n 0201 ! 00284930 a 0101 & 00284816 a 0000 | made dim or less bright; "the dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation"; "dimmed headlights"; "we like dimmed lights when we have dinner" 00284816 00 s 01 low-beam(a) 0 001 & 00284575 a 0000 | used of headlights; "following with low-beam headlights" 00284930 00 a 02 undimmed 0 bright 2 002 + 05018103 n 0202 ! 00284575 a 0101 | not made dim or less bright; "undimmed headlights"; "surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed" 00285148 00 a 02 prejudiced 0 discriminatory 4 007 + 02512305 v 0201 ! 00286214 a 0101 & 00285413 a 0000 & 00285506 a 0000 & 00285725 a 0000 & 00285905 a 0000 & 00286063 a 0000 | being biased or having a belief or attitude formed beforehand; "a prejudiced judge" 00285413 00 s 01 homophobic 0 001 & 00285148 a 0000 | prejudiced against homosexual people 00285506 00 s 01 jaundiced 0 001 & 00285148 a 0000 | showing or affected by prejudice or envy or distaste; "looked with a jaundiced eye on the growth of regimentation"; "takes a jaundiced view of societies and clubs" 00285725 00 s 01 loaded 0 001 & 00285148 a 0000 | (of statements or questions) charged with associative significance and often meant to mislead or influence; "a loaded question" 00285905 00 s 03 racist 0 antiblack 0 anti-Semite(a) 0 002 & 00285148 a 0000 + 09797742 n 0301 | discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion 00286063 00 s 01 sexist 0 002 & 00285148 a 0000 + 09912431 n 0102 | discriminatory on the basis of sex (usually said of men's attitude toward women) 00286214 00 a 02 unprejudiced 0 impartial 4 004 ^ 01985247 a 0000 + 06202686 n 0201 ! 00285148 a 0101 & 00286470 a 0000 | free from undue bias or preconceived opinions; "an unprejudiced appraisal of the pros and cons"; "the impartial eye of a scientist" 00286470 00 s 03 color-blind 0 colour-blind 0 nonracist 0 001 & 00286214 a 0000 | unprejudiced about race 00286578 00 a 01 broad-minded 0 006 + 06204623 n 0101 ! 00287640 a 0101 & 00286837 a 0000 & 00287128 a 0000 & 00287275 a 0000 & 00287498 a 0000 | inclined to respect views and beliefs that differ from your own; "a judge who is broad-minded but even-handed" 00286837 00 s 04 broad 0 large-minded 0 liberal 0 tolerant 0 003 & 00286578 a 0000 + 02457585 v 0401 + 06204820 n 0302 | showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions" 00287128 00 s 01 catholic 0 002 & 00286578 a 0000 + 04765691 n 0102 | free from provincial prejudices or attachments; "catholic in one's tastes" 00287275 00 s 04 free-thinking 0 latitudinarian 0 undogmatic 0 undogmatical 0 004 & 00286578 a 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 13995148 n 0201 + 05127640 n 0201 | unwilling to accept authority or dogma (especially in religion) 00287498 00 s 01 open-minded 0 001 & 00286578 a 0000 | ready to entertain new ideas; "an open-minded curiosity"; "open-minded impartiality" 00287640 00 a 02 narrow-minded 0 narrow 6 009 ^ 02561888 a 0000 + 06205411 n 0202 + 06205411 n 0101 ! 00286578 a 0101 & 00287962 a 0000 & 00288070 a 0000 & 00288237 a 0000 & 00288362 a 0000 & 00288498 a 0000 | lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view; "a brilliant but narrow-minded judge"; "narrow opinions" 00287962 00 s 02 close-minded 0 closed-minded 0 001 & 00287640 a 0000 | not ready to receive to new ideas 00288070 00 s 02 dogmatic 0 dogmatical 0 003 & 00287640 a 0000 + 05960464 n 0201 + 06790042 n 0101 | characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles 00288237 00 s 02 illiberal 0 intolerant 0 002 & 00287640 a 0000 + 04834457 n 0101 | narrow-minded about cherished opinions 00288362 00 s 03 opinionated 0 opinionative 0 self-opinionated 0 002 & 00287640 a 0000 + 01027668 v 0201 | obstinate in your opinions 00288498 00 s 02 petty 0 small-minded 0 002 & 00287640 a 0000 + 06205827 n 0101 | contemptibly narrow in outlook; "petty little comments"; "disgusted with their small-minded pettiness" 00288685 00 a 01 reconstructed 0 001 ! 00288809 a 0101 | adapted to social or economic change; "a reconstructed feminist" 00288809 00 a 01 unreconstructed 0 001 ! 00288685 a 0101 | adhering to an attitude or position widely held to be outmoded; "peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heart"; "there are probably more unreconstructed Southerners than one would like to admit" 00289082 00 a 01 broken 1 006 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ^ 01752167 a 0000 ^ 01317954 a 0000 ^ 02274253 a 0000 = 14460565 n 0000 ! 00289365 a 0101 | physically and forcibly separated into pieces or cracked or split; "a broken mirror"; "a broken tooth"; "a broken leg"; "his neck is broken" 00289365 00 a 01 unbroken 1 006 ^ 01749320 a 0000 ^ 02273326 a 0000 ^ 00681094 a 0000 ^ 01319182 a 0000 = 14460565 n 0000 ! 00289082 a 0101 | not broken; whole and intact; in one piece; "fortunately the other lens is unbroken" 00289594 00 a 02 broken 3 unkept 0 002 ;c 06520944 n 0000 ! 00289799 a 0101 | (especially of promises or contracts) having been violated or disregarded; "broken (or unkept) promises"; "broken contracts" 00289799 00 a 02 unbroken 3 kept 0 002 ;c 06520944 n 0000 ! 00289594 a 0101 | (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded; "unbroken promises"; "promises kept" 00289983 00 a 01 broken 2 006 ^ 00596769 a 0000 ! 00290923 a 0101 & 00290337 a 0000 & 00290483 a 0000 & 00290593 a 0000 & 00290784 a 0000 | not continuous in space, time, or sequence or varying abruptly; "broken lines of defense"; "a broken cable transmission"; "broken sleep"; "tear off the stub above the broken line"; "a broken note"; "broken sobs" 00290337 00 s 01 broken-field 0 002 & 00289983 a 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 | varying in direction suddenly and frequently; "broken-field running" 00290483 00 s 02 dashed 0 dotted 0 001 & 00289983 a 0000 | having gaps or spaces; "sign on the dotted line" 00290593 00 s 03 fitful 0 interrupted 0 off-and-on(a) 0 002 & 00289983 a 0000 + 04770535 n 0101 | intermittently stopping and starting; "fitful (or interrupted) sleep"; "off-and-on static" 00290784 00 s 01 halting 0 001 & 00289983 a 0000 | fragmentary or halting from emotional strain; "uttered a few halting words of sorrow" 00290923 00 a 01 unbroken 2 004 ^ 00594413 a 0000 ! 00289983 a 0101 & 00291181 a 0000 & 00291338 a 0000 | marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence; "cars in an unbroken procession"; "the unbroken quiet of the afternoon" 00291181 00 s 01 solid 0 001 & 00290923 a 0000 | uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks; "a solid line across the page"; "solid sheets of water" 00291338 00 s 01 uninterrupted 0 001 & 00290923 a 0000 | having undisturbed continuity; "a convalescent needs uninterrupted sleep" 00291471 00 a 03 brotherly 0 brotherlike 0 fraternal 2 002 + 09876454 n 0101 ! 00291665 a 0101 | like or characteristic of or befitting a brother; "brotherly feelings"; "close fraternal ties" 00291665 00 a 03 sisterly 0 sisterlike 0 sororal 2 002 + 10602985 n 0101 ! 00291471 a 0101 | like or characteristic of or befitting a sister; "sisterly kindness"; "sororal concern" 00291848 00 a 01 exergonic 0 002 ;c 06079620 n 0000 ! 00292024 a 0101 | (biochemistry) of a process accompanied by the release of energy; "diffusion is an exergonic process" 00292024 00 a 01 endergonic 0 002 ;c 06079620 n 0000 ! 00291848 a 0101 | (biochemistry) of a process accompanied by or requiring the absorption of energy; the products of the process are of greater free energy than the reactants; "photosynthesis is an endergonic process" 00292298 00 a 02 fraternal 0 biovular 0 001 ! 00292448 a 0101 | (of twins) derived from two separate fertilized ova; "fraternal twins are biovular" 00292448 00 a 02 identical 0 monovular 0 002 + 04743024 n 0102 ! 00292298 a 0101 | (of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum; "identical twins are monovular" 00292611 00 a 03 buried 0 inhumed 0 interred 0 002 ! 00292872 a 0101 & 00292750 a 0000 | placed in a grave; "the hastily buried corpses" 00292750 00 s 01 belowground 0 001 & 00292611 a 0000 | underneath the ground; "most of his friends are now belowground" 00292872 00 a 01 unburied 0 001 ! 00292611 a 0101 | not buried 00292937 00 a 01 busy 0 010 ^ 00754107 a 0000 ^ 00863946 a 0000 + 14008050 n 0101 ! 00294175 a 0101 & 00293248 a 0000 & 00293376 a 0000 & 00293611 a 0000 & 00293819 a 0000 & 00293882 a 0000 & 00294056 a 0000 | actively or fully engaged or occupied; "busy with her work"; "a busy man"; "too busy to eat lunch" 00293248 00 s 01 at_work(p) 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | on the job; "had been at work for over an hour before her boss arrived" 00293376 00 s 04 drudging 0 laboring 0 labouring 0 toiling 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | doing arduous or unpleasant work; "drudging peasants"; "the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton"; "toiling coal miners in the black deeps" 00293611 00 s 02 engaged 2 occupied 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | having ones attention or mind or energy engaged; "she keeps herself fully occupied with volunteer activities"; "deeply engaged in conversation" 00293819 00 s 01 overbusy 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | too busy 00293882 00 s 01 tied_up(p) 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | kept occupied or engaged; "she's tied up at the moment and can't see you"; "the phone was tied up for almost an hour" 00294056 00 s 01 up_to 0 001 & 00292937 a 0000 | busy or occupied with; "what have you been up to?"; "up to no good" 00294175 00 a 01 idle 0 009 ^ 00835609 a 0000 ^ 00864693 a 0000 + 04637290 n 0102 ! 00292937 a 0101 & 00294463 a 0000 & 00294579 a 0000 & 00295011 a 0000 & 00295235 a 0000 & 00295507 a 0000 | not in action or at work; "an idle laborer"; "idle drifters"; "the idle rich"; "an idle mind" 00294463 00 s 02 bone-idle 0 bone-lazy 0 002 & 00294175 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | constitutionally lazy or idle 00294579 00 s 06 faineant 0 indolent 0 lazy 0 otiose 0 slothful 0 work-shy 0 006 & 00294175 a 0000 + 04637444 n 0502 + 04637108 n 0302 + 00758795 n 0302 + 04637108 n 0201 + 04637290 n 0101 | disinclined to work or exertion; "faineant kings under whose rule the country languished"; "an indolent hanger-on"; "too lazy to wash the dishes"; "shiftless idle youth"; "slothful employees"; "the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy" 00295011 00 s 01 lackadaisical 0 001 & 00294175 a 0000 | idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way; "she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical"; "a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town"- P.G.Wodehouse 00295235 00 s 01 leisured 0 001 & 00294175 a 0000 | free from duties or responsibilities; "he writes in his leisure hours"; "life as it ought to be for the leisure classes"- J.J.Chapman; "even the artist and the sculptor were not regarded...as leisured men"- Ida Craven 00295507 00 s 01 unengaged 0 001 & 00294175 a 0000 | not busy or occupied; free; "the cancellation left her unengaged a good part of the afternoon" 00295657 00 a 02 bony 0 boney 0 007 + 05269901 n 0201 + 05269901 n 0101 ! 00296354 a 0101 & 00295924 a 0000 & 00296061 a 0000 & 00296186 a 0000 & 00296276 a 0000 | having bones especially many or prominent bones; "a bony shad fillet"; "her bony wrist"; "bony fish" 00295924 00 s 01 bone 1 001 & 00295657 a 0000 | consisting of or made up of bone; "a bony substance"; "the bony framework of the body" 00296061 00 s 01 boned 1 002 & 00295657 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having bones as specified; "his lanky long-boned body" 00296186 00 s 01 bonelike 0 001 & 00295657 a 0000 | resembling bone; "a bonelike tumor" 00296276 00 s 01 strong-boned 0 001 & 00295657 a 0000 | having strong bones 00296354 00 a 01 boneless 0 002 ! 00295657 a 0101 & 00296482 a 0000 | being without a bone or bones; "jellyfish are boneless" 00296482 00 s 02 boned 2 deboned 0 001 & 00296354 a 0000 | having had the bones removed; "a boneless rib roast"; "a boned (or deboned) fish" 00296625 00 a 02 buttoned 0 fastened 2 003 ! 00297097 a 0101 & 00296783 a 0000 & 00296935 a 0000 | furnished or closed with buttons or something buttonlike 00296783 00 s 02 botonee 0 botonnee 0 001 & 00296625 a 0000 | (of a heraldic cross) having a cluster of three buttons or knobs at the end of each arm 00296935 00 s 01 button-down 0 001 & 00296625 a 0000 | of a shirt; having the ends of the collar fastened down by buttons; "Brooks Brothers button-down shirts" 00297097 00 a 02 unbuttoned 0 unfastened 2 002 ! 00296625 a 0101 & 00297250 a 0000 | not buttoned; "the wind picked up the hem of her unbuttoned coat" 00297250 00 s 01 open-collared 0 001 & 00297097 a 0000 | of a shirt; not buttoned at the neck; "dressed casually in shorts and an open-collared shirt" 00297403 00 a 02 capitalistic 0 capitalist 4 006 + 09892262 n 0201 + 08364143 n 0101 ! 00298041 a 0101 & 00297598 a 0000 & 00297755 a 0000 & 00297897 a 0000 | favoring or practicing capitalism 00297598 00 s 01 bourgeois 0 001 & 00297403 a 0000 | (according to Marxist thought) being of the property-owning class and exploitive of the working class 00297755 00 s 03 competitive 0 free-enterprise(a) 0 private-enterprise(a) 0 001 & 00297403 a 0000 | subscribing to capitalistic competition 00297897 00 s 02 individualistic 0 laissez-faire(a) 0 002 & 00297403 a 0000 + 05962936 n 0101 | with minimally restricted freedom in commerce 00298041 00 a 02 socialistic 0 socialist 4 007 ^ 02030935 a 0000 + 10618848 n 0201 + 08366202 n 0101 + 06220616 n 0101 ! 00297403 a 0101 & 00298293 a 0000 & 00298507 a 0000 | advocating or following the socialist principles; "socialistic government" 00298293 00 s 01 collective 0 001 & 00298041 a 0000 | set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government; "collective farms" 00298507 00 s 05 collectivist 0 collectivistic 0 collectivized 0 collectivised 0 state-controlled 0 004 & 00298041 a 0000 + 08368308 n 0202 + 06214580 n 0201 + 10619176 n 0101 | subscribing to the socialistic doctrine of ownership by the people collectively 00298767 00 a 02 cacophonous 0 cacophonic 0 014 ^ 01919931 a 0000 + 07377473 n 0203 + 04984938 n 0201 + 07377473 n 0103 + 04984938 n 0101 ! 00300738 a 0101 & 00299144 a 0000 & 00299313 a 0000 & 00299476 a 0000 & 00299690 a 0000 & 00300007 a 0000 & 00300196 a 0000 & 00300359 a 0000 & 00300469 a 0000 | having an unpleasant sound; "as cacophonous as a henyard"- John McCarten 00299144 00 s 02 cackly 0 squawky 0 003 & 00298767 a 0000 + 07395446 n 0201 + 07378437 n 0101 | like the cackles or squawks a hen makes especially after laying an egg 00299313 00 s 02 croaky 0 guttural 0 002 & 00298767 a 0000 + 07125367 n 0101 | like the sounds of frogs and crows; "a guttural voice"; "acres of guttural frogs" 00299476 00 s 06 grating 0 gravelly 0 rasping 0 raspy 0 rough 0 scratchy 0 004 & 00298767 a 0000 + 07392982 n 0603 + 04988666 n 0502 + 07130774 n 0401 | unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound; "a gravelly voice" 00299690 00 s 03 gruff 0 hoarse 0 husky 0 004 & 00298767 a 0000 + 04988861 n 0303 + 04988861 n 0202 + 04988861 n 0101 | deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion; "gruff voices"; "the dog's gruff barking"; "hoarse cries"; "makes all the instruments sound powerful but husky"- Virgil Thomson 00300007 00 s 02 jangling 0 jangly 0 002 & 00298767 a 0000 + 07385998 n 0202 | like the discordant ringing of nonmusical metallic objects striking together; "cowboys with jangling spurs" 00300196 00 s 01 jarring 0 001 & 00298767 a 0000 | making or causing a harsh and irritating sound; "the jarring noise of the iron gate scraping on the sidewalk" 00300359 00 s 02 raucous 0 strident 0 002 & 00298767 a 0000 + 04990021 n 0202 | unpleasantly loud and harsh 00300469 00 s 03 rending 0 ripping 0 splitting 0 001 & 00298767 a 0000 | resembling a sound of violent tearing as of something ripped apart or lightning splitting a tree; "the tree split with a great ripping sound"; "heard a rending roar as the crowd surged forward" 00300738 00 a 02 euphonious 0 euphonous 0 005 + 05718556 n 0202 + 05718556 n 0102 ! 00298767 a 0101 & 00300943 a 0000 & 00301032 a 0000 | having a pleasant sound; "a euphonious trill of silver laughter" 00300943 00 s 01 golden 1 001 & 00300738 a 0000 | suggestive of gold; "a golden voice" 00301032 00 s 02 silvern 0 silvery 0 001 & 00300738 a 0000 | resembling or reminiscent of silver; "a soft silvern voice"; "singing in her silvery tones" 00301187 00 a 01 calculable 0 007 ^ 00738593 a 0000 + 00926472 v 0102 + 00712135 v 0101 + 00637259 v 0101 ! 00301777 a 0101 & 00301432 a 0000 & 00301589 a 0000 | capable of being calculated or estimated; "a calculable risk"; "calculable odds" 00301432 00 s 02 computable 0 estimable 0 001 & 00301187 a 0000 | may be computed or estimated; "a calculable risk"; "computable odds"; "estimable assets" 00301589 00 s 04 countable 0 denumerable 0 enumerable 0 numerable 0 003 & 00301187 a 0000 + 00948071 v 0404 + 00948071 v 0101 | that can be counted; "countable sins"; "numerable assets" 00301777 00 a 01 incalculable 0 005 ^ 00739273 a 0000 ! 00301187 a 0101 & 00301951 a 0000 & 00302436 a 0000 & 00302658 a 0000 | not capable of being computed or enumerated 00301951 00 s 0b countless 0 infinite 0 innumerable 0 innumerous 0 multitudinous 0 myriad 0 numberless 0 uncounted 0 unnumberable 0 unnumbered 0 unnumerable 0 007 & 00301777 a 0000 + 13776726 n 0601 + 13775093 n 0503 + 05122295 n 0501 + 05122419 n 0301 + 05209324 n 0201 + 05122419 n 0102 | too numerous to be counted; "incalculable riches"; "countless hours"; "an infinite number of reasons"; "innumerable difficulties"; "the multitudinous seas"; "myriad stars"; "untold thousands" 00302436 00 s 03 incomputable 0 inestimable 0 immeasurable 0 001 & 00301777 a 0000 | beyond calculation or measure; "of incalculable value"; "an incomputable amount"; "jewels of inestimable value"; "immeasurable wealth" 00302658 00 s 01 indeterminable 0 001 & 00301777 a 0000 | incapable of being definitely ascertained 00302761 00 a 01 calm 0 006 ^ 01740892 a 0000 + 14522265 n 0101 ! 00303727 a 0101 & 00302951 a 0000 & 00303480 a 0000 & 00303579 a 0000 | (of weather) free from storm or wind; "calm seas" 00302951 00 s 06 placid 0 quiet 0 still 0 tranquil 0 smooth 0 unruffled 0 008 & 00302761 a 0000 + 04769716 n 0501 + 07515560 n 0402 + 13969101 n 0401 + 07515560 n 0401 + 14522809 n 0301 + 07515560 n 0203 + 07515169 n 0102 | (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water" 00303480 00 s 01 settled 0 001 & 00302761 a 0000 | not changeable; "a period of settled weather" 00303579 00 s 01 windless 0 002 & 00302761 a 0000 + 14522809 n 0102 | without or almost without wind; "he prefers windless days for playing golf" 00303727 00 a 01 stormy 0 015 ^ 00438567 a 0000 ^ 01742296 a 0000 + 14523436 n 0101 + 11462526 n 0101 ! 00302761 a 0101 & 00304144 a 0000 & 00304455 a 0000 & 00304670 a 0000 & 00304949 a 0000 & 00305225 a 0000 & 00305464 a 0000 & 00305590 a 0000 & 00305700 a 0000 & 00305882 a 0000 & 00306034 a 0000 | (especially of weather) affected or characterized by storms or commotion; "a stormy day"; "wide and stormy seas" 00304144 00 s 05 angry 0 furious 0 raging 0 tempestuous 0 wild 0 007 & 00303727 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0507 + 14523923 n 0401 + 11518494 n 0401 + 05037813 n 0204 + 05037813 n 0203 + 14036539 n 0102 | (of the elements) as if showing violent anger; "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea" 00304455 00 s 03 billowy 0 billowing(a) 0 surging 0 002 & 00303727 a 0000 + 07348545 n 0101 | characterized by great swelling waves or surges; "billowy storm clouds"; "the restless billowing sea"; "surging waves" 00304670 00 s 03 blustering(a) 0 blusterous 0 blustery 0 003 & 00303727 a 0000 + 11465297 n 0301 + 11465297 n 0201 | blowing in violent and abrupt bursts; "blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia"; "a cold blustery day"; "a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind" 00304949 00 s 03 boisterous 0 fierce 0 rough 0 004 & 00303727 a 0000 + 14524029 n 0302 + 05037813 n 0202 + 14523669 n 0101 | violently agitated and turbulent; "boisterous winds and waves"; "the fierce thunders roar me their music"- Ezra Pound; "rough weather"; "rough seas" 00305225 00 s 03 blowy 0 breezy 0 windy 0 006 & 00303727 a 0000 + 14523787 n 0302 + 11525955 n 0301 + 11431754 n 0201 + 14523787 n 0201 + 11465017 n 0103 | abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes; "blowy weather"; "a windy bluff" 00305464 00 s 01 choppy 0 003 & 00303727 a 0000 + 11527767 n 0101 + 14524029 n 0101 | rough with small waves; "choppy seas" 00305590 00 s 01 dirty 0 001 & 00303727 a 0000 | unpleasantly stormy; "there's dirty weather in the offing" 00305700 00 s 02 gusty 0 puffy 0 003 & 00303727 a 0000 + 11497888 n 0201 + 11465017 n 0101 | blowing in puffs or short intermittent blasts; "puffy off-shore winds"; "gusty winds " 00305882 00 s 01 squally 0 002 & 00303727 a 0000 + 11514008 n 0101 | characterized by brief periods of violent wind or rain; "a grey squally morning" 00306034 00 s 01 thundery 0 002 & 00303727 a 0000 + 07397355 n 0101 | accompanied with thunder 00306131 00 a 01 camphorated 0 001 ! 00306232 a 0101 | impregnated with camphor; "camphorated oil" 00306232 00 a 01 uncamphorated 0 001 ! 00306131 a 0101 | not containing camphor 00306314 00 a 01 capable 0 010 ^ 00510050 a 0000 = 05202497 n 0000 = 05623181 n 0000 + 05623181 n 0102 + 05202497 n 0102 + 05202497 n 0101 ! 00307474 a 0101 & 00306663 a 0000 & 00306909 a 0000 & 00307182 a 0000 | (usually followed by `of') having capacity or ability; "capable of winning"; "capable of hard work"; "capable of walking on two feet" 00306663 00 s 01 able 0 003 & 00306314 a 0000 + 05616246 n 0101 + 05200169 n 0101 | having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity; "able to learn"; "human beings are able to walk on two feet"; "Superman is able to leap tall buildings" 00306909 00 s 03 confident 0 surefooted 0 sure-footed 0 001 & 00306314 a 0000 | not liable to error in judgment or action; "most surefooted of the statesmen who dealt with the depression"- Walter Lippman; "demonstrates a surefooted storytelling talent"- Michiko Kakutani 00307182 00 s 01 resourceful 0 003 & 00306314 a 0000 + 05633860 n 0102 + 05155476 n 0101 | having inner resources; adroit or imaginative; "someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations"; "an able and resourceful politician"; "the most resourceful cook in town" 00307474 00 a 01 incapable 0 007 ^ 00511214 a 0000 = 05202497 n 0000 = 05623181 n 0000 + 05647867 n 0102 + 05207570 n 0101 ! 00306314 a 0101 & 00307794 a 0000 | (followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability; "incapable of carrying a tune"; "he is incapable of understanding the matter"; "incapable of doing the work" 00307794 00 s 01 unable(p) 0 001 & 00307474 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') lacking necessary physical or mental ability; "dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately"; "the sun was unable to melt enough snow" 00308015 00 a 01 capable 2 002 + 05202497 n 0102 ! 00308188 a 0101 | (followed by `of') having the temperament or inclination for; "no one believed her capable of murder" 00308188 00 a 01 incapable 2 002 + 05207570 n 0101 ! 00308015 a 0101 | (followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for; "simply incapable of lying" 00308355 00 a 01 cared-for 0 002 ! 00308593 a 0101 & 00308488 a 0000 | having needed care and attention; "well-cared-for children" 00308488 00 s 02 attended 0 tended_to(p) 0 001 & 00308355 a 0000 | having a caretaker or other watcher 00308593 00 a 01 uncared-for 0 003 ! 00308355 a 0101 & 00308720 a 0000 & 00308870 a 0000 | lacking needed care and attention 00308720 00 s 02 neglected 0 unattended 0 001 & 00308593 a 0000 | lacking a caretaker; "a neglected child"; "many casualties were lying unattended" 00308870 00 s 01 untended 0 001 & 00308593 a 0000 | lacking care and attention; "untended garden was soon overgrown with weeds"; "untended children" 00309021 00 a 01 careful 0 017 ^ 00325281 a 0000 ^ 00754107 a 0000 ^ 01898129 a 0000 = 04663494 n 0000 + 04663494 n 0101 ! 00311663 a 0101 & 00309620 a 0000 & 00309740 a 0000 & 00309945 a 0000 & 00310138 a 0000 & 00310433 a 0000 & 00310716 a 0000 & 00310943 a 0000 & 00311044 a 0000 & 00311187 a 0000 & 00311354 a 0000 & 00311505 a 0000 | exercising caution or showing care or attention; "they were careful when crossing the busy street"; "be careful to keep her shoes clean"; "did very careful research"; "careful art restorers"; "careful of the rights of others"; "careful about one's behavior" 00309620 00 s 01 blow-by-blow 0 001 & 00309021 a 0000 | providing great detail; "a blow-by-blow account of the movie" 00309740 00 s 02 certain 0 sure 0 001 & 00309021 a 0000 | exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance; "be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through"; "be sure to lock the doors" 00309945 00 s 01 close 0 001 & 00309021 a 0000 | rigorously attentive; strict and thorough; "close supervision"; "paid close attention"; "a close study"; "kept a close watch on expenditures" 00310138 00 s 03 conscientious 0 painstaking 0 scrupulous 0 004 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04672605 n 0304 + 04672355 n 0202 + 04672355 n 0101 | characterized by extreme care and great effort; "conscientious application to the work at hand"; "painstaking research"; "scrupulous attention to details" 00310433 00 s 03 detailed 0 elaborate 0 elaborated 0 002 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04766852 n 0201 | developed or executed with care and in minute detail; "a detailed plan"; "the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion"- John Buchan; "the carefully elaborated theme" 00310716 00 s 02 minute 0 narrow 0 002 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04803702 n 0101 | characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination; "a minute inspection of the grounds"; "a narrow scrutiny"; "an exact and minute report" 00310943 00 s 02 overcareful 0 too-careful 0 001 & 00309021 a 0000 | excessively or unduly careful 00311044 00 s 01 particular(a) 0 001 & 00309021 a 0000 | providing specific details or circumstances; "a particular description of the room" 00311187 00 s 01 protective(p) 1 002 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04723622 n 0101 | (usually followed by `of') solicitously caring or mindful; "protective of his reputation" 00311354 00 s 01 studious 0 002 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04866238 n 0101 | marked by care and effort; "made a studious attempt to fix the television set" 00311505 00 s 01 thorough 0 002 & 00309021 a 0000 + 04672858 n 0101 | painstakingly careful and accurate; "our accountant is thorough"; "thorough research" 00311663 00 a 01 careless 0 015 ^ 01899360 a 0000 ^ 00164863 a 0000 ^ 00326436 a 0000 ^ 00754873 a 0000 ^ 01873406 a 0000 ^ 00545015 a 0000 = 04663494 n 0000 + 04664964 n 0101 + 00739270 n 0102 ! 00309021 a 0101 & 00312234 a 0000 & 00312519 a 0000 & 00312757 a 0000 & 00313041 a 0000 & 00313217 a 0000 | marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful; "careless about her clothes"; "forgotten by some careless person"; "a careless housekeeper"; "careless proofreading"; "it was a careless mistake"; "hurt by a careless remark" 00312234 00 s 04 casual 0 cursory 0 passing(a) 0 perfunctory 0 002 & 00311663 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0101 | hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy" 00312519 00 s 04 haphazard 0 slapdash 0 slipshod 0 sloppy 0 002 & 00311663 a 0000 + 04664964 n 0402 | marked by great carelessness; "a most haphazard system of record keeping"; "slapdash work"; "slipshod spelling"; "sloppy workmanship" 00312757 00 s 02 heedless 0 reckless 0 003 & 00311663 a 0000 + 04661926 n 0201 + 04894204 n 0101 | characterized by careless unconcern; "the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes"- Edith Wharton; "reckless squandering of public funds" 00313041 00 s 01 incautious 0 002 & 00311663 a 0000 + 04665210 n 0102 | carelessly failing to exercise proper caution; "an incautious step sent her headlong down the stairs" 00313217 00 s 02 offhand 0 offhanded 0 001 & 00311663 a 0000 | casually thoughtless or inconsiderate; "an offhand manner"; "she treated most men with offhand contempt" 00313387 00 a 01 carnivorous 0 007 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00314023 a 0101 ! 00315109 a 0101 ! 00315383 a 0101 & 00313701 a 0000 & 00313836 a 0000 & 00313911 a 0000 | (used of plants as well as animals) feeding on animals; "carnivorous plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects" 00313701 00 s 03 flesh-eating(a) 0 meat-eating(a) 0 zoophagous 0 002 & 00313387 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) carnivorous 00313836 00 s 01 piscivorous 0 001 & 00313387 a 0000 | feeding on fishes 00313911 00 s 02 predacious 0 predaceous 0 001 & 00313387 a 0000 | hunting and killing other animals for food 00314023 00 a 01 herbivorous 0 010 ! 00315109 a 0101 ! 00315383 a 0101 ! 00313387 a 0101 & 00314265 a 0000 & 00314390 a 0000 & 00314466 a 0000 & 00314559 a 0000 & 00314639 a 0000 & 00314794 a 0000 & 00314927 a 0000 | feeding only on plants 00314265 00 s 02 anthophagous 0 anthophilous 0 001 & 00314023 a 0000 | feeding on flowers; "some insects are anthophagous" 00314390 00 s 01 baccivorous 0 001 & 00314023 a 0000 | feeding on berries 00314466 00 s 02 carpophagous 0 fruit-eating(a) 0 001 & 00314023 a 0000 | feeding on fruit 00314559 00 s 01 grass-eating(a) 0 001 & 00314023 a 0000 | feeding on grasses 00314639 00 s 04 plant-eating(a) 0 phytophagic 0 phytophagous 0 phytophilous 0 002 & 00314023 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) feeding on plants 00314794 00 s 02 saprophagous 0 saprozoic 0 001 & 00314023 a 0000 | (of certain animals) feeding on dead or decaying animal matter 00314927 00 s 01 saprophytic 0 004 & 00314023 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ;c 12992464 n 0000 + 13124164 n 0101 | (of some plants or fungi) feeding on dead or decaying organic matter 00315109 00 a 01 omnivorous 0 004 ! 00315383 a 0101 ! 00313387 a 0101 ! 00314023 a 0101 & 00315254 a 0000 | feeding on both plants and animals 00315254 00 s 01 all-devouring(a) 0 002 & 00315109 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) both plant-eating and flesh-eating 00315383 00 a 01 insectivorous 0 009 ;c 00015388 n 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 01324799 n 0101 + 01889074 n 0101 ! 00313387 a 0101 ! 00314023 a 0101 ! 00315109 a 0101 & 00315631 a 0000 & 00315702 a 0000 | (of animals and plants) feeding on insects 00315631 00 s 01 apivorous 0 001 & 00315383 a 0000 | feeding on bees 00315702 00 s 01 myrmecophagous 0 001 & 00315383 a 0000 | feeding on ants; "myrmecophagous squirrel" 00315805 00 a 01 holozoic 0 001 ! 00315931 a 0101 | obtaining nourishment as animals do by ingesting complex organic matter 00315931 00 a 01 holophytic 0 002 + 11530860 n 0101 ! 00315805 a 0101 | obtaining nourishment as green plants do 00316046 00 a 02 carpellate 0 pistillate 2 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00316167 a 0101 | bearing or consisting of carpels 00316167 00 a 02 acarpelous 0 acarpellous 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00316046 a 0101 | having no carpels 00316274 00 a 01 carpeted 0 001 ! 00316477 a 0101 | covered with or as if with carpeting or with carpeting as specified; often used in combination; "the carpeted hallway"; "a flower-carpeted hillside" 00316477 00 a 01 uncarpeted 0 001 ! 00316274 a 0101 | not carpeted; "bare uncarpeted floors" 00316572 00 a 01 carvel-built 0 003 ;c 04194289 n 0000 ! 00316827 a 0101 & 00316733 a 0000 | (of ships) built with flush (rather than overlapping) hull planks 00316733 00 s 01 flush-seamed 0 001 & 00316572 a 0000 | laid edge to edge (not overlapping) 00316827 00 a 06 clinker-built 0 clincher-built 0 lap-strake 0 lap-straked 0 lap-streak 0 lap-streaked 0 002 ;c 04194289 n 0000 ! 00316572 a 0101 | having overlapping hull planks 00317008 00 a 02 carved 0 carven 0 006 ;c 06364641 n 0000 ! 00317821 a 0101 & 00317310 a 0000 & 00317481 a 0000 & 00317629 a 0000 & 00317727 a 0000 | made for or formed by carving (`carven' is archaic or literary); "the carved fretwork"; "an intricately carved door"; "stood as if carven from stone" 00317310 00 s 05 engraved 0 etched 0 graven 1 incised 0 inscribed 0 001 & 00317008 a 0000 | cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations" 00317481 00 s 03 graven 2 sculpted 0 sculptured 0 001 & 00317008 a 0000 | cut into a desired shape; "graven images"; "sculptured representations" 00317629 00 s 01 lapidarian 0 001 & 00317008 a 0000 | inscribed on stone; "a lapidarian record" 00317727 00 s 01 sliced 0 001 & 00317008 a 0000 | used of meat; cut into pieces for serving 00317821 00 a 01 uncarved 0 001 ! 00317008 a 0101 | not carved 00317886 00 a 01 acatalectic 0 003 + 06348215 n 0101 ! 00318082 a 0101 ! 00318291 a 0101 | (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot 00318082 00 a 01 catalectic 0 004 + 06348500 n 0101 + 07094355 n 0101 ! 00318291 a 0101 ! 00317886 a 0101 | (verse) metrically incomplete; especially lacking one or more syllables in the final metrical foot 00318291 00 a 01 hypercatalectic 0 003 + 06348685 n 0101 ! 00317886 a 0101 ! 00318082 a 0101 | (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse or in a metrical foot 00318498 00 a 01 cauline 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00318667 a 0101 | especially of leaves; growing on a stem especially on the upper part of a stem; "cauline leaves" 00318667 00 a 02 radical 0 basal 2 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 08511777 n 0201 ! 00318498 a 0101 | especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem; "basal placentation"; "radical leaves" 00318942 00 a 01 censored 0 002 ! 00319262 a 0101 & 00319090 a 0000 | suppressed or subject to censorship; "the censored press in some countries" 00319090 00 s 01 expurgated 0 001 & 00318942 a 0000 | having material deleted; "at that time even Shakespeare was considered dangerous except in the expurgated versions" 00319262 00 a 01 uncensored 0 002 ! 00318942 a 0101 & 00319389 a 0000 | not subject to censorship; "uncensored news reports" 00319389 00 s 01 unexpurgated 0 001 & 00319262 a 0000 | not having material deleted; "volumes of the best plays, unexpurgated"- Havelock Ellis 00319534 00 a 02 caudate 0 caudated 0 013 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 05497741 n 0102 ! 00320847 a 0101 & 00319851 a 0000 & 00319965 a 0000 & 00320064 a 0000 & 00320177 a 0000 & 00320255 a 0000 & 00320378 a 0000 & 00320456 a 0000 & 00320536 a 0000 & 00320614 a 0000 & 00320756 a 0000 | having a tail or taillike appendage 00319851 00 s 02 bobtail 0 bobtailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a short or shortened tail; "bobtail mare" 00319965 00 s 02 caudal 0 taillike 0 002 & 00319534 a 0000 + 05228264 n 0101 | resembling a tail 00320064 00 s 01 tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a tail of a specified kind; often used in combination 00320177 00 s 01 scaly-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a scaly tail 00320255 00 s 01 scissor-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | (of birds) having a deeply forked tail; "scissor-tailed birds" 00320378 00 s 01 short-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a short tail 00320456 00 s 01 square-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a square tail 00320536 00 s 01 stiff-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | having a stiff tail 00320614 00 s 01 swallow-tailed 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | (especially of butterflies and birds) having a forked tail like that of a swallow 00320756 00 s 01 tail-shaped 0 001 & 00319534 a 0000 | shaped like the tail of an animal 00320847 00 a 02 acaudate 0 acaudal 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 00319534 a 0101 & 00320985 a 0000 | lacking a tail or taillike appendage 00320985 00 s 02 anurous 0 tailless 0 001 & 00320847 a 0000 | not having a tail; "anurous toads and frogs" 00321094 00 a 03 caulescent 0 cauline 4 stemmed 4 013 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00322321 a 0101 & 00321444 a 0000 & 00321535 a 0000 & 00321614 a 0000 & 00321691 a 0000 & 00321770 a 0000 & 00321849 a 0000 & 00321928 a 0000 & 00322007 a 0000 & 00322084 a 0000 & 00322161 a 0000 & 00322242 a 0000 | (of plants) producing a well-developed stem above ground 00321444 00 s 01 cylindrical-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a cylindrical stem 00321535 00 s 01 leafy-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a leafy stem 00321614 00 s 01 multi-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having many stems 00321691 00 s 01 short-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a short stem 00321770 00 s 01 spiny-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a spiny stem 00321849 00 s 01 stout-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a stout stem 00321928 00 s 01 thick-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a thick stem 00322007 00 s 01 weak-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a weak stem 00322084 00 s 01 wiry-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a wiry stem 00322161 00 s 01 woolly-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a woolly stem 00322242 00 s 01 woody-stemmed 0 001 & 00321094 a 0000 | having a woody stem 00322321 00 a 02 acaulescent 0 stemless 4 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00321094 a 0101 | (of plants) having no apparent stem above ground 00322457 00 a 01 causative 0 016 + 01645601 v 0101 + 00770437 v 0103 ! 00325197 a 0101 & 00322844 a 0000 & 00322938 a 0000 & 00323047 a 0000 & 00323199 a 0000 & 00323426 a 0000 & 00323796 a 0000 & 00323873 a 0000 & 00324013 a 0000 & 00324195 a 0000 & 00324481 a 0000 & 00324680 a 0000 & 00324878 a 0000 & 00325069 a 0000 | producing an effect; "poverty as a causative factor in crime" 00322844 00 s 01 abortifacient 0 002 & 00322457 a 0000 + 02667906 n 0101 | causing abortion 00322938 00 s 02 activating(a) 0 actuating(a) 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | causing motion or action or change 00323047 00 s 02 anorectic 0 anorexigenic 0 002 & 00322457 a 0000 + 14055796 n 0101 | causing loss of appetite; "an anorectic (or anorexigenic) drug" 00323199 00 s 01 causal 0 005 & 00322457 a 0000 + 07326557 n 0101 + 06740402 n 0101 + 00007347 n 0102 + 13780606 n 0101 | involving or constituting a cause; causing; "a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices" 00323426 00 s 05 conducive 0 contributing(a) 0 contributive 0 contributory 0 tributary 0 004 & 00322457 a 0000 + 02555908 v 0401 + 02555908 v 0301 + 02555908 v 0103 | tending to bring about; being partly responsible for; "working conditions are not conducive to productivity"; "the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city"; "a contributory factor" 00323796 00 s 01 errhine 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | causing nasal discharge 00323873 00 s 01 fast 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | (of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time; "a fast lens" 00324013 00 s 02 inductive 0 inducive 0 003 & 00322457 a 0000 + 01644050 v 0201 + 00770437 v 0201 | inducing or influencing; leading on; "inductive to the sin of Eve"- John Milton 00324195 00 s 03 motivative(a) 0 motive(a) 2 motivating 0 004 & 00322457 a 0000 + 00070641 n 0302 + 00023773 n 0202 + 01649999 v 0101 | impelling to action; "it may well be that ethical language has primarily a motivative function"- Arthur Pap; "motive pleas"; "motivating arguments" 00324481 00 s 02 motive(a) 0 motor 0 004 & 00322457 a 0000 + 09359631 n 0201 + 03789946 n 0201 + 04773596 n 0103 | causing or able to cause motion; "a motive force"; "motive power"; "motor energy" 00324680 00 s 01 precipitating(a) 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | bringing on suddenly or abruptly; "the completion of the railroad was the precipitating cause in the extinction of waterborne commerce" 00324878 00 s 02 responsible 0 responsible_for(p) 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | being the agent or cause; "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage" 00325069 00 s 02 sternutatory 0 sternutative 0 001 & 00322457 a 0000 | causing sneezing; "pepper is a sternutatory substance" 00325197 00 a 02 noncausative 0 noncausal 0 001 ! 00322457 a 0101 | not causative 00325281 00 a 01 cautious 0 011 ^ 00309021 a 0000 ^ 00066800 a 0000 + 07944900 n 0102 + 05615869 n 0101 + 04664058 n 0102 ! 00326436 a 0101 & 00325619 a 0000 & 00325840 a 0000 & 00325995 a 0000 & 00326202 a 0000 & 00326296 a 0000 | showing careful forethought; "reserved and cautious; never making swift decisions"; "a cautious driver" 00325619 00 s 03 cagey 0 cagy 0 chary 0 002 & 00325281 a 0000 + 04664413 n 0302 | characterized by great caution and wariness; "a cagey avoidance of a definite answer"; "chary of the risks involved"; "a chary investor" 00325840 00 s 01 fabian 0 001 & 00325281 a 0000 | using cautious slow strategy to wear down opposition; avoiding direct confrontation; "a fabian policy" 00325995 00 s 01 gingerly 0 001 & 00325281 a 0000 | with extreme care or delicacy; "they proceeded with gingerly footwork over the jagged stones"; "the issue was handled only in a gingerly way"- W.S.White 00326202 00 s 02 guarded 0 restrained 0 001 & 00325281 a 0000 | prudent; "guarded optimism" 00326296 00 s 01 overcautious 0 001 & 00325281 a 0000 | unnecessarily cautious; "sometimes it doesn't pay to be overcautious in business" 00326436 00 a 01 incautious 0 004 ^ 00065791 a 0000 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ! 00325281 a 0101 & 00326608 a 0000 | lacking in caution; "an incautious remark"; "incautious talk" 00326608 00 s 06 hotheaded 0 impulsive 0 impetuous 0 madcap 0 tearaway(a) 0 brainish 0 005 & 00326436 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 04662730 n 0301 + 04662730 n 0302 + 04662504 n 0201 | characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation; "a hotheaded decision"; "liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers"; "an impetuous display of spending and gambling"; "madcap escapades"; (`brainish' is archaic) 00327031 00 a 01 cellular 0 011 ;c 00004475 n 0000 + 08358594 n 0101 + 02991711 n 0101 + 00006484 n 0101 + 14061462 n 0101 ! 00328128 a 0101 & 00327541 a 0000 & 00327690 a 0000 & 00327857 a 0000 & 00327930 a 0000 & 00328017 a 0000 | characterized by or divided into or containing cells or compartments (the smallest organizational or structural unit of an organism or organization); "the cellular construction of a beehive"; "any effective opposition to a totalitarian regime must be secretive and cellular" 00327541 00 s 03 cancellate 0 cancellated 0 cancellous 0 002 & 00327031 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | having an open or latticed or porous structure 00327690 00 s 05 alveolate 0 faveolate 0 cavitied 0 honeycombed 0 pitted 0 002 & 00327031 a 0000 + 05528395 n 0101 | pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb) 00327857 00 s 01 cell-like 0 001 & 00327031 a 0000 | resembling a cell 00327930 00 s 01 lymphoblast-like 0 001 & 00327031 a 0000 | resembling a lymphoblast 00328017 00 s 01 multicellular 0 001 & 00327031 a 0000 | consisting of many cells; "multicellular organisms" 00328128 00 a 02 noncellular 0 acellular 0 003 ! 00327031 a 0101 & 00328270 a 0000 & 00328401 a 0000 | not made up of or divided into cells 00328270 00 s 01 cell-free 0 001 & 00328128 a 0000 | lacking cells; "cell-free systems"; "a cell-free homogenate of the thyroid" 00328401 00 s 02 single-celled 0 one-celled 0 001 & 00328128 a 0000 | having a single cell (and thus not divided into cells) 00328528 00 a 01 coherent 1 002 ! 00328653 a 0101 ;c 06090869 n 0101 | (physics) of waves having a constant phase relation 00328653 00 a 01 incoherent 1 002 ! 00328528 a 0101 ;c 06090869 n 0101 | (physics) of waves having no stable definite or stable phase relation 00328798 00 a 01 compartmented 0 002 ! 00329268 a 0101 & 00329034 a 0000 | divided up or separated into compartments or isolated units; "a compartmented box"; "the protected and compartmented society of Beacon Hill"- John Mason Brown 00329034 00 s 03 compartmental 0 compartmentalized 0 compartmentalised 0 003 & 00328798 a 0000 + 00483801 v 0101 + 03079741 n 0101 | divided up into compartments or categories; "most sciences have become woefully compartmentalized" 00329268 00 a 01 uncompartmented 0 001 ! 00328798 a 0101 | not compartmented; not divided into compartments or isolated units 00329396 00 a 02 porous 0 poriferous 0 006 + 13912115 n 0201 + 05245906 n 0201 + 05245906 n 0101 + 04940146 n 0101 ! 00329695 a 0101 & 00329585 a 0000 | full of pores or vessels or holes 00329585 00 s 01 porose 0 001 & 00329396 a 0000 | forming a continuous series of pores; "a porose hymenium" 00329695 00 a 01 nonporous 0 001 ! 00329396 a 0101 | not porous; especially not having vessels that appear as pores; "nonporous wood" 00329831 00 a 01 central 1 015 + 02994858 n 0101 + 08523483 n 0101 + 08521816 n 0101 + 05078025 n 0101 ! 00331446 a 0101 & 00330219 a 0000 & 00330322 a 0000 & 00330396 a 0000 & 00330506 a 0000 & 00330644 a 0000 & 00330728 a 0000 & 00330904 a 0000 & 00331030 a 0000 & 00331167 a 0000 & 00331259 a 0000 | in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position" 00330219 00 s 01 amidship 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | located in the middle part of a ship or aircraft 00330322 00 s 01 bicentric 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | having two centers 00330396 00 s 01 bifocal 0 002 & 00329831 a 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 | having two foci; "bifocal eyeglasses" 00330506 00 s 04 center(a) 0 halfway 0 middle(a) 1 midway 0 002 & 00329831 a 0000 + 08521816 n 0101 | equally distant from the extremes 00330644 00 s 01 centered 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | being or placed in the center 00330728 00 s 02 centric 0 centrical 0 005 & 00329831 a 0000 + 08523483 n 0201 + 08521816 n 0201 + 08523483 n 0101 + 08521816 n 0101 | having or situated at or near a center 00330904 00 s 01 focal 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | having or localized centrally at a focus; "focal point"; "focal infection" 00331030 00 s 02 median 0 medial 0 002 & 00329831 a 0000 + 13920169 n 0201 | relating to or situated in or extending toward the middle 00331167 00 s 02 middlemost 0 midmost 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | being in the exact middle 00331259 00 s 01 nuclear 0 001 & 00329831 a 0000 | constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation" 00331446 00 a 01 peripheral 0 006 + 13903576 n 0101 ! 00329831 a 0101 & 00331716 a 0000 & 00331889 a 0000 & 00332091 a 0000 & 00332269 a 0000 | on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area; "Russia's peripheral provinces"; "peripheral suburbs" 00331716 00 s 01 circumferential 0 002 & 00331446 a 0000 + 08514592 n 0101 | lying around or just outside the edges or outskirts; "circumferential highways around cities" 00331889 00 s 02 fringy 0 marginal 0 005 & 00331446 a 0000 + 13903387 n 0201 + 05078147 n 0201 + 13903576 n 0102 + 03397762 n 0101 | at or constituting a border or edge; "the marginal strip of beach" 00332091 00 s 02 encircling(a) 0 skirting(a) 0 001 & 00331446 a 0000 | being all around the edges; enclosing; "his encircling arms"; "the room's skirting board needs painting" 00332269 00 s 01 off-base 0 001 & 00331446 a 0000 | located outside a military base; "off-base housing" 00332375 00 a 01 centrifugal 0 003 ! 00332869 a 0101 & 00332524 a 0000 & 00332723 a 0000 | tending to move away from a center; "centrifugal force" 00332524 00 s 01 outward-developing 0 002 & 00332375 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | away from an axis, as in a flower cluster in which the oldest flowers are in the center, the youngest near the edge 00332723 00 s 01 outward-moving 0 001 & 00332375 a 0000 | moving or directed away from center, especially when spinning or traveling in a curve 00332869 00 a 01 centripetal 0 003 ! 00332375 a 0101 & 00333015 a 0000 & 00333197 a 0000 | tending to move toward a center; "centripetal force" 00333015 00 s 01 inward-developing 0 002 & 00332869 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | toward an axis, as in a sunflower; the oldest flowers are near the edge, the youngest in the center 00333197 00 s 01 inward-moving 0 001 & 00332869 a 0000 | moving or directed toward the center or axis, especially when spinning or traveling in a curve 00333351 00 a 01 afferent 0 005 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 05475134 n 0103 ! 00333987 a 0101 & 00333611 a 0000 & 00333824 a 0000 | of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS; "afferent nerves"; "afferent impulses" 00333611 00 s 03 centripetal 0 receptive 0 sensory(a) 0 002 & 00333351 a 0000 + 02107248 v 0202 | of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system; "sensory neurons" 00333824 00 s 02 corticoafferent 0 corticipetal 0 001 & 00333351 a 0000 | of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the cerebral cortex 00333987 00 a 02 efferent 0 motorial 0 006 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 05474738 n 0103 ! 00333351 a 0101 & 00334245 a 0000 & 00334379 a 0000 & 00334555 a 0000 | of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying information away from the CNS; "efferent nerves and impulses" 00334245 00 s 02 centrifugal 0 motor(a) 0 001 & 00333987 a 0000 | conveying information to the muscles from the CNS; "motor nerves" 00334379 00 s 03 corticoefferent 0 corticofugal 0 corticifugal 0 001 & 00333987 a 0000 | of a nerve fiber passing outward from the cerebral cortex; "corticofugal discharges" 00334555 00 s 01 neuromotor 0 001 & 00333987 a 0000 | relating to a nerve fiber or impulse passing toward motor effectors; "neuromotor impulses" 00334702 00 a 02 centralizing(a) 0 centralising(a) 0 003 ! 00335090 a 0101 & 00334852 a 0000 & 00334940 a 0000 | tending to draw to a central point 00334852 00 s 02 centripetal 0 unifying(a) 0 001 & 00334702 a 0000 | tending to unify 00334940 00 s 02 consolidative 0 integrative 0 004 & 00334702 a 0000 + 00466651 v 0201 + 00242747 v 0101 + 00242580 v 0101 | tending to consolidate 00335090 00 a 02 decentralizing(a) 0 decentralising(a) 0 002 ! 00334702 a 0101 & 00335225 a 0000 | tending away from a central point 00335225 00 s 01 centrifugal 0 001 & 00335090 a 0000 | tending away from centralization, as of authority; "the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress" 00335421 00 a 01 certain(p) 1 005 = 04753455 n 0000 ! 00336168 a 0101 & 00335768 a 0000 & 00335895 a 0000 & 00336041 a 0000 | established beyond doubt or question; definitely known; "what is certain is that every effect must have a cause"; "it is certain that they were on the bus"; "his fate is certain"; "the date for the invasion is certain" 00335768 00 s 01 definite 0 002 & 00335421 a 0000 + 04754237 n 0102 | known for certain; "it is definite that they have won" 00335895 00 s 02 indisputable 0 sure 2 002 & 00335421 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0101 | impossible to doubt or dispute; "indisputable (or sure) proof" 00336041 00 s 01 sure_as_shooting 0 001 & 00335421 a 0000 | absolutely certain; "it is sure as shooting that they will come" 00336168 00 a 01 uncertain 1 006 ^ 00740336 a 0000 = 04753455 n 0000 + 04756887 n 0102 ! 00335421 a 0101 & 00336564 a 0000 & 00336724 a 0000 | not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown; "an uncertain future"; "a manuscript of uncertain origin"; "plans are still uncertain"; "changes of great if uncertain consequences"; "without further evidence his story must remain uncertain" 00336564 00 s 01 indefinite 0 002 & 00336168 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0101 | not decided or not known; "were indefinite about their plans"; "plans are indefinite" 00336724 00 s 01 up_in_the_air 0 001 & 00336168 a 0000 | very uncertain; "left everything up in the air" 00336831 00 a 02 certain(p) 2 sure 0 006 = 05697135 n 0000 = 05697363 n 0000 + 05697363 n 0206 ! 00337404 a 0202 ! 00337404 a 0101 & 00337172 a 0000 | having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured; "felt certain of success"; "was sure (or certain) she had seen it"; "was very sure in his beliefs"; "sure of her friends" 00337172 00 s 03 convinced(p) 0 positive(p) 0 confident(p) 0 001 & 00336831 a 0000 | persuaded of; very sure; "were convinced that it would be to their advantage to join"; "I am positive he is lying"; "was confident he would win" 00337404 00 a 03 uncertain 2 unsure 0 incertain 0 008 = 05697135 n 0000 = 05697363 n 0000 ! 00336831 a 0202 + 04756887 n 0102 ! 00336831 a 0101 & 00337841 a 0000 & 00338013 a 0000 & 00338275 a 0000 | lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of his convictions"; "unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps"; "an uncertain smile"; "touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers" 00337841 00 s 01 ambivalent 0 002 & 00337404 a 0000 + 07483305 n 0101 | uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow; "was ambivalent about having children" 00338013 00 s 02 doubtful 0 dubious 0 003 & 00337404 a 0000 + 05698247 n 0206 + 05698247 n 0105 | fraught with uncertainty or doubt; "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go" 00338275 00 s 01 groping 0 001 & 00337404 a 0000 | acting with uncertainty or hesitance or lack of confidence; "a groping effort to understand" 00338421 00 a 01 convinced 0 001 ! 00338551 a 0101 | having a strong belief or conviction; "a convinced and fanatical pacifist" 00338551 00 a 01 unconvinced 0 002 ! 00338421 a 0101 & 00338669 a 0000 | lacking conviction; "I remain unconvinced" 00338669 00 s 01 dubious 0 002 & 00338551 a 0000 + 05698247 n 0106 | not convinced; "they admitted the force of my argument but remained dubious" 00338817 00 a 01 confident 0 008 = 07526505 n 0000 + 14483744 n 0101 + 05697363 n 0103 ! 00339941 a 0101 & 00339157 a 0000 & 00339288 a 0000 & 00339599 a 0000 & 00339742 a 0000 | having or marked by confidence or assurance; "a confident speaker"; "a confident reply"; "his manner is more confident these days"; "confident of fulfillment" 00339157 00 s 01 assured 0 001 & 00338817 a 0000 | marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence; "she paints with an assured hand" 00339288 00 s 03 cocksure 0 overconfident 0 positive 0 004 & 00338817 a 0000 + 05166805 n 0302 + 05697789 n 0203 + 05697789 n 0102 | marked by excessive confidence; "an arrogant and cocksure materialist"; "so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen"; "the less he knows the more positive he gets" 00339599 00 s 01 reassured 0 001 & 00338817 a 0000 | having confidence restored; freed from anxiety; "reassured by her praise he pressed on" 00339742 00 s 02 self-assured 0 self-confident 0 002 & 00338817 a 0000 + 05697363 n 0204 | showing poise and confidence in your own worth; "hardly more than a boy but firm-knit and self-confident" 00339941 00 a 04 diffident 0 shy 0 timid 9 unsure 7 005 = 07526505 n 0000 + 07522729 n 0302 + 07523180 n 0201 + 07523286 n 0101 ! 00338817 a 0101 | lacking self-confidence; "stood in the doorway diffident and abashed"; "problems that call for bold not timid responses"; "a very unsure young man" 00340239 00 a 02 certain 3 sure 4 006 ^ 01841544 a 0000 ! 00341405 a 0101 & 00340626 a 0000 & 00340827 a 0000 & 00341017 a 0000 & 00341292 a 0000 | certain to occur; destined or inevitable; "he was certain to fail"; "his fate is certain"; "In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes"- Benjamin Franklin; "he faced certain death"; "sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win" 00340626 00 s 02 bound(p) 1 destined 0 001 & 00340239 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') governed by fate; "bound to happen"; "an old house destined to be demolished"; "he is destined to be famous" 00340827 00 s 02 doomed 0 fated 0 001 & 00340239 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') determined by tragic fate; "doomed to unhappiness"; "fated to be the scene of Kennedy's assassination" 00341017 00 s 03 foreordained 0 predestinate 0 predestined 0 001 & 00340239 a 0000 | established or prearranged unalterably; "his place in history was foreordained"; "a sense of predestinate inevitability about it"; "it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world" 00341292 00 s 01 in_for(p) 0 001 & 00340239 a 0000 | certain to get or have; "he knew he was in for a licking" 00341405 00 a 01 uncertain 3 006 ^ 01842001 a 0000 + 04756887 n 0102 ! 00340239 a 0101 & 00341655 a 0000 & 00341933 a 0000 & 00342139 a 0000 | not certain to occur; not inevitable; "everything is uncertain about the army"; "the issue is uncertain" 00341655 00 s 04 chancy 0 fluky 0 flukey 0 iffy 0 004 & 00341405 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 11463746 n 0302 + 11463746 n 0202 | subject to accident or chance or change; "a chancy appeal at best"; "getting that job was definitely fluky"; "a fluky wind"; "an iffy proposition" 00341933 00 s 01 contingent 0 002 & 00341405 a 0000 + 14001973 n 0101 | uncertain because of uncontrollable circumstances; "the results of confession were not contingent, they were certain"- George Eliot 00342139 00 s 01 up_in_the_air 0 001 & 00341405 a 0000 | not yet determined; "plans are still up in the air" 00342250 00 a 01 certified 0 006 ^ 00786291 a 0000 ^ 00178575 a 0000 ! 00342902 a 0101 & 00342488 a 0000 & 00342626 a 0000 & 00342755 a 0000 | endorsed authoritatively as having met certain requirements; "a certified public accountant" 00342488 00 s 01 certifiable 0 002 & 00342250 a 0000 + 02447793 v 0101 | capable of being guaranteed or certified; "a certifiable fact" 00342626 00 s 01 certificated 0 001 & 00342250 a 0000 | furnished with or authorized by a certificate: "certificated teachers" 00342755 00 s 01 credentialled 0 001 & 00342250 a 0000 | certified as professional by evidence or testimonials; "credentialled day care workers" 00342902 00 a 01 uncertified 0 001 ! 00342250 a 0101 | lacking requisite official documentation or endorsement 00343015 00 a 01 inevitable 0 006 + 04754056 n 0102 + 04754056 n 0101 ! 00343700 a 0101 & 00343226 a 0000 & 00343360 a 0000 & 00343552 a 0000 | incapable of being avoided or prevented; "the inevitable result" 00343226 00 s 02 fatal 0 fateful 0 001 & 00343015 a 0000 | controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined; "a fatal series of events" 00343360 00 s 03 ineluctable 0 inescapable 0 unavoidable 0 001 & 00343015 a 0000 | impossible to avoid or evade:"inescapable conclusion"; "an ineluctable destiny"; "an unavoidable accident" 00343552 00 s 01 necessary 0 001 & 00343015 a 0000 | unavoidably determined by prior circumstances; "the necessary consequences of one's actions" 00343700 00 a 04 evitable 0 avoidable 0 avertible 0 avertable 0 004 + 02453321 v 0406 + 02453321 v 0306 + 02453321 v 020a ! 00343015 a 0101 | capable of being avoided or warded off 00343883 00 a 01 preventable 0 001 ! 00344024 a 0101 | capable of being prevented; "conscious of preventable human suffering"- A.L.Guerard 00344024 00 a 01 unpreventable 0 001 ! 00343883 a 0101 | not preventable; "unpreventable hysteria" 00344125 00 a 02 changeable 0 changeful 0 021 ^ 00917613 a 0000 ^ 00583990 a 0000 = 04733640 n 0000 + 04734885 n 0202 + 04733640 n 0101 ! 00346991 a 0101 & 00344686 a 0000 & 00344816 a 0000 & 00344890 a 0000 & 00345005 a 0000 & 00345189 a 0000 & 00345494 a 0000 & 00345694 a 0000 & 00345860 a 0000 & 00345949 a 0000 & 00346103 a 0000 & 00346246 a 0000 & 00346368 a 0000 & 00346527 a 0000 & 00346626 a 0000 & 00346847 a 0000 | such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change; "changeable behavior"; "changeable moods"; "changeable prices" 00344686 00 s 01 adjustable 0 002 & 00344125 a 0000 + 00296178 v 0101 | capable of being regulated; "adjustable interest rates" 00344816 00 s 01 astatic 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | not static or stable 00344890 00 s 01 checkered 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | marked by changeable fortune; "a checkered business career" 00345005 00 s 01 distortable 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | capable of having the meaning altered or twisted; "our words are distortable things--as in a crooked mirror held up to nature" 00345189 00 s 04 erratic 0 fickle 0 mercurial 0 quicksilver(a) 0 002 & 00344125 a 0000 + 04879092 n 0203 | liable to sudden unpredictable change; "erratic behavior"; "fickle weather"; "mercurial twists of temperament"; "a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next" 00345494 00 s 02 fluid 0 unstable 0 002 & 00344125 a 0000 + 04734272 n 0102 | subject to change; variable; "a fluid situation fraught with uncertainty"; "everything was unstable following the coup" 00345694 00 s 02 fluid 2 mobile 1 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | affording change (especially in social status); "Britain is not a truly fluid society"; "upwardly mobile" 00345860 00 s 01 jittering 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | undergoing small rapid variations 00345949 00 s 02 kaleidoscopic 0 kaleidoscopical 0 003 & 00344125 a 0000 + 05931827 n 0201 + 05931827 n 0101 | continually shifting or rapidly changing 00346103 00 s 01 mobile 2 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another; "a highly mobile face" 00346246 00 s 01 open-ended 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | allowing for future changes or revisions; "open-ended agreements" 00346368 00 s 01 quick-change(a) 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | adept at changing from one thing to another especially changing costumes; "a quick-change artist" 00346527 00 s 01 quick-drying 0 001 & 00344125 a 0000 | of a liquid substance that dries quickly 00346626 00 s 01 reversible 0 004 & 00344125 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 04734551 n 0101 | capable of assuming or producing either of two states; "a reversible chemical reaction"; "a reversible cell" 00346847 00 s 01 volatile 0 002 & 00344125 a 0000 + 04866671 n 0101 | tending to vary often or widely; "volatile stocks"; "volatile emotions" 00346991 00 a 01 unchangeable 0 011 ^ 00583239 a 0000 ^ 01754421 a 0000 = 04733640 n 0000 + 04737934 n 0103 + 04737934 n 0102 ! 00344125 a 0101 & 00347400 a 0000 & 00347571 a 0000 & 00347707 a 0000 & 00347880 a 0000 & 00348018 a 0000 | not changeable or subject to change; "a fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm"-Ashley Montagu; "the unchangeable seasons"; "one of the unchangeable facts of life" 00347400 00 s 02 changeless 0 unalterable 0 004 & 00346991 a 0000 + 04740655 n 0202 + 04742084 n 0201 + 04737934 n 0101 | remaining the same for indefinitely long times 00347571 00 s 01 confirmed 0 001 & 00346991 a 0000 | of persons; not subject to change; "a confirmed bachelor"; "a confirmed invalid" 00347707 00 s 02 fixed 0 frozen 0 002 & 00346991 a 0000 + 04777098 n 0103 | incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"; "living on fixed incomes" 00347880 00 s 02 set_in_stone 0 carved_in_stone 0 001 & 00346991 a 0000 | no longer changeable; "the agreement is not yet set in stone" 00348018 00 s 03 static 0 stable 0 unchanging 0 004 & 00346991 a 0000 + 04737934 n 0304 + 04778401 n 0202 + 04738641 n 0202 | showing little if any change; "a static population" 00348198 00 a 01 commutable 0 003 ! 00348808 a 0101 & 00348380 a 0000 & 00348537 a 0000 | subject to alteration or change; "the death sentence was commutable to life imprisonment" 00348380 00 s 01 alterable 0 002 & 00348198 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | (of the punishment ordered by a court) capable of being changed to one less severe 00348537 00 s 04 convertible 0 transformable 0 translatable 0 transmutable 0 003 & 00348198 a 0000 + 04734145 n 0402 + 00114837 v 0101 | capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy; "is lead really transmutable into gold?"; "ideas translatable into reality" 00348808 00 a 01 incommutable 0 003 ! 00348198 a 0101 & 00348938 a 0000 & 00349148 a 0000 | not subject to alteration or change 00348938 00 s 02 inconvertible 0 untransmutable 0 001 & 00348808 a 0000 | not capable of being changed into something else; "the alchemists were unable to accept the inconvertible nature of elemental metals" 00349148 00 s 01 unalterable 0 002 & 00348808 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | of a sentence; that cannot be changed; "an unalterable death sentence" 00349295 00 a 01 alterable 0 004 + 01667132 v 0101 + 00126264 v 0102 + 04741530 n 0101 ! 00349523 a 0101 | capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic; "alterable clothing"; "alterable conditions of employment" 00349523 00 a 02 unalterable 0 inalterable 0 005 + 04740655 n 0102 + 04742084 n 0101 ! 00349295 a 0101 & 00349759 a 0000 & 00349894 a 0000 | not capable of being changed or altered; "unalterable resolve"; "an unalterable ground rule" 00349759 00 s 01 incurable 0 002 & 00349523 a 0000 + 04742251 n 0101 | unalterable in disposition or habits; "an incurable optimist" 00349894 00 s 02 final 0 last 0 002 & 00349523 a 0000 + 04754440 n 0101 | not to be altered or undone; "the judge's decision is final"; "the arbiter will have the last say" 00350069 00 a 01 modifiable 0 003 + 00126264 v 0103 + 00169806 v 0101 ! 00350384 a 0101 | capable of being modified in form or character or strength (especially by making less extreme); "the rhythm of physiological time is not modifiable except by interference with certain fundamental processes" - Alexis Carrel 00350384 00 a 01 unmodifiable 0 001 ! 00350069 a 0101 | incapable of being modified in form or character or strength (especially by making less extreme); "these variations from custom are illogical, incomprehensible, and unmodifiable" 00350621 00 a 01 adjusted 0 003 ! 00351226 a 0101 & 00350876 a 0000 & 00351012 a 0000 | altered to accommodate to certain requirements or bring into a proper relation; "an adjusted insurance claim"; "the car runs more smoothly with the timing adjusted" 00350876 00 s 01 focused 0 001 & 00350621 a 0000 | of an optical system (e.g. eye or opera glasses) adjusted to produce a clear image 00351012 00 s 01 weighted 0 001 & 00350621 a 0000 | adjusted to reflect value or proportion; "votes weighted according to the size of constituencies"; "a law weighted in favor of landlords"; "a weighted average" 00351226 00 a 01 unadjusted 0 002 ! 00350621 a 0101 & 00351420 a 0000 | not altered to fit certain requirements; "an unadjusted figure of 8.5 percent"; "the unadjusted clock is running fast"; 00351420 00 s 01 maladjusted 0 001 & 00351226 a 0000 | not well adjusted; "a maladjusted carburetor" 00351523 00 a 01 adjusted 2 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 00351818 a 0101 & 00351679 a 0000 | adjusted to demands of daily living; showing emotional stability 00351679 00 s 02 well-adjusted 0 well-balanced 0 001 & 00351523 a 0000 | free from psychological disorder; "a well-adjusted personality" 00351818 00 a 01 maladjusted 0 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 00351523 a 0101 & 00351991 a 0000 | poorly adjusted to demands and stresses of daily living; "a maladjusted child" 00351991 00 s 02 unadapted 0 unadjusted 0 001 & 00351818 a 0000 | not having adapted to new conditions; "several unadjusted refugees" 00352127 00 a 01 altered 0 006 ! 00353206 a 0101 & 00352536 a 0000 & 00352716 a 0000 & 00352877 a 0000 & 00353001 a 0000 & 00353101 a 0000 | changed in form or character without becoming something else; "the altered policy promised success"; "following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization"; "he looked...with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing"- Charles Dickens 00352536 00 s 01 adjusted 0 001 & 00352127 a 0000 | (especially of garments) having the fit or style adjusted; "for my wedding I had my mother's wedding dress altered to fit me" 00352716 00 s 01 changed 0 001 & 00352127 a 0000 | made or become different in some respect; "he's an altered (or changed) man since his election to Congress" 00352877 00 s 02 emended 0 edited 0 001 & 00352127 a 0000 | improved or corrected by critical editing; "the emended text" 00353001 00 s 01 paraphrastic 0 002 & 00352127 a 0000 + 06429316 n 0101 | altered by paraphrasing 00353101 00 s 01 revised 0 001 & 00352127 a 0000 | improved or brought up to date; "a revised edition" 00353206 00 a 02 unaltered 0 unchanged 4 006 ! 00352127 a 0101 & 00353431 a 0000 & 00353604 a 0000 & 00353812 a 0000 & 00353889 a 0000 & 00353969 a 0000 | remaining in an original state; "persisting unaltered through time" 00353431 00 s 02 dateless 0 timeless 0 002 & 00353206 a 0000 + 13956905 n 0202 | unaffected by time; "few characters are so dateless as Hamlet"; "Helen's timeless beauty" 00353604 00 s 02 in-situ 0 unmoved 0 001 & 00353206 a 0000 | being in the original position; not having been moved; "the archeologists could date the vase because it was in-situ"; "an in-situ investigator" 00353812 00 s 01 unedited 0 001 & 00353206 a 0000 | not changed by editing 00353889 00 s 01 unreduced 0 001 & 00353206 a 0000 | not altered by reduction 00353969 00 s 01 unrevised 0 001 & 00353206 a 0000 | not improved or brought up to date; "the book is still unrevised" 00354090 00 a 01 amended 0 002 ! 00354330 a 0101 & 00354176 a 0000 | of legislation 00354176 00 s 01 revised 0 001 & 00354090 a 0000 | altered or revised by rephrasing or by adding or deleting material; "the amended bill passed easily" 00354330 00 a 01 unamended 0 002 ;c 06535222 n 0000 ! 00354090 a 0101 | (of legislation) not amended 00354433 00 a 01 changed 0 005 ! 00355258 a 0101 & 00354692 a 0000 & 00354833 a 0000 & 00354934 a 0000 & 00355083 a 0000 | made or become different in nature or form; "changed attitudes"; "changed styles of dress"; "a greatly changed country after the war" 00354692 00 s 03 denatured 0 denaturized 0 denaturised 0 001 & 00354433 a 0000 | changed in nature or natural quality; "denatured alcohol" 00354833 00 s 01 exchanged 0 001 & 00354433 a 0000 | changed for (replaced by) something different 00354934 00 s 01 transformed 0 001 & 00354433 a 0000 | given a completely different form or appearance; "shocked to see the transformed landscape" 00355083 00 s 01 varied 0 002 & 00354433 a 0000 + 04735556 n 0101 | broken away from sameness or identity or duplication; "her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty" 00355258 00 a 01 unchanged 0 004 ^ 02507968 a 0000 ! 00354433 a 0101 & 00355453 a 0000 & 00355611 a 0000 | not made or become different; "the causes that produced them have remained unchanged" 00355453 00 s 01 idempotent 0 002 & 00355258 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | unchanged in value following multiplication by itself; "this matrix is idempotent" 00355611 00 s 01 same(p) 0 002 & 00355258 a 0000 + 04740326 n 0103 | unchanged in character or nature; "the village stayed the same"; "his attitude is the same as ever" 00355782 00 a 01 isometric 0 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 00355950 a 0101 | of or involving muscular contraction in which tension increases while length remains constant 00355950 00 a 01 isotonic 1 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 00355782 a 0101 | of or involving muscular contraction in which tension is constant while length changes 00356110 00 a 02 ionized 0 ionised 0 001 ! 00356211 a 0101 | converted totally or partly into ions 00356211 00 a 05 nonionized 0 nonionised 0 unionized 0 unionised 0 nonionic 0 001 ! 00356110 a 0101 | not converted into ions 00356339 00 a 02 mutable 0 changeable 4 005 + 04733640 n 0202 + 04733640 n 0201 + 04741311 n 0101 + 04741311 n 0102 ! 00356648 a 0101 | capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature; "a mutable substance"; "the mutable ways of fortune"; "mutable weather patterns"; "a mutable foreign policy" 00356648 00 a 02 immutable 0 changeless 4 004 + 04737934 n 0201 + 04741807 n 0102 + 04741807 n 0101 ! 00356339 a 0101 | not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature; "the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God" 00356926 00 a 01 characteristic 0 007 ^ 02468635 a 0000 + 04731497 n 0101 + 05849284 n 0102 ! 00357983 a 0101 & 00357254 a 0000 & 00357556 a 0000 & 00357790 a 0000 | typical or distinctive; "heard my friend's characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra" 00357254 00 s 02 diagnostic 0 symptomatic 0 003 & 00356926 a 0000 + 14299637 n 0201 + 06798187 n 0201 | characteristic or indicative of a disease; "a diagnostic sign of yellow fever"; "a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever"; "symptomatic of insanity"; "a rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown" 00357556 00 s 02 distinctive 0 typical 0 002 & 00356926 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0105 | of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing; "Jerusalem has a distinctive Middle East flavor"- Curtis Wilkie; "that is typical of you!" 00357790 00 s 01 peculiar(a) 0 002 & 00356926 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0101 | characteristic of one only; distinctive or special; "the peculiar character of the Government of the U.S."- R.B.Taney 00357983 00 a 01 uncharacteristic 0 002 ^ 02469928 a 0000 ! 00356926 a 0101 | distinctive and not typical; "a book uncharacteristic of its author" 00358132 00 a 01 charged 0 005 ! 00358951 a 0101 & 00358392 a 0000 & 00358534 a 0000 & 00358678 a 0000 & 00358820 a 0000 | of a particle or body or system; having a net amount of positive or negative electric charge; "charged particles"; "a charged battery" 00358392 00 s 02 hot 0 live 0 002 & 00358132 a 0000 ;c 11449907 n 0000 | charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire" 00358534 00 s 03 negative 0 electronegative 0 negatively_charged 0 001 & 00358132 a 0000 | having a negative charge; "electrons are negative" 00358678 00 s 03 positive 0 electropositive 0 positively_charged 0 001 & 00358132 a 0000 | having a positive charge; "protons are positive" 00358820 00 s 01 polar 0 003 & 00358132 a 0000 + 04413151 n 0102 + 13856574 n 0101 | having a pair of equal and opposite charges 00358951 00 a 01 uncharged 0 004 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 00358132 a 0101 & 00359160 a 0000 & 00359260 a 0000 | of a particle or body or system; having no charge; "an uncharged particle"; "an uncharged battery" 00359160 00 s 02 neutral 0 electroneutral 0 001 & 00358951 a 0000 | having no net electric charge 00359260 00 s 02 dead 0 drained 0 002 & 00358951 a 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 | drained of electric charge; discharged; "a dead battery"; "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained" 00359459 00 a 01 charitable 0 004 ^ 01111016 a 0000 + 04832050 n 0101 ! 00359862 a 0101 & 00359645 a 0000 | full of love and generosity; "charitable to the poor"; "a charitable trust" 00359645 00 s 04 beneficent 0 benevolent 0 eleemosynary 0 philanthropic 0 001 & 00359459 a 0000 | generous in assistance to the poor; "a benevolent contributor"; "eleemosynary relief"; "philanthropic contributions" 00359862 00 a 01 uncharitable 0 003 ^ 01115081 a 0000 ^ 01112573 a 0000 ! 00359459 a 0101 | lacking love and generosity; "all pious words and uncharitable deeds"- Charles Reade 00360041 00 a 03 chartered 0 hired 2 leased 2 001 ! 00360235 a 0101 | hired for the exclusive temporary use of a group of travelers; "a chartered plane"; "the chartered buses arrived on time" 00360235 00 a 01 unchartered 0 001 ! 00360041 a 0101 | not chartered 00360306 00 a 01 owned 0 002 ! 00360569 a 0101 & 00360442 a 0000 | having an owner; often used in combination; "state-owned railways" 00360442 00 s 01 closely-held 0 001 & 00360306 a 0000 | owned by a relatively few shareholders; "a closely-held corporation" 00360569 00 a 02 unowned 0 ownerless 0 001 ! 00360306 a 0101 | having no owner 00360650 00 a 01 chaste 0 009 ^ 01548193 a 0000 ^ 01904845 a 0000 ^ 02513269 a 0000 = 04849759 n 0000 = 13967581 n 0000 + 04849759 n 0102 ! 00361509 a 0101 & 00360950 a 0000 & 00361125 a 0000 | morally pure (especially not having experienced sexual intercourse); "a holy woman innocent and chaste" 00360950 00 s 02 celibate 0 continent 0 004 & 00360650 a 0000 + 04882813 n 0202 + 04882813 n 0201 + 09903367 n 0101 | abstaining from sexual intercourse; "celibate priests" 00361125 00 s 05 pure 0 vestal 0 virgin 0 virginal 0 virtuous 0 009 & 00360650 a 0000 + 04849759 n 0501 + 10755257 n 0401 + 10755257 n 0301 + 13967581 n 0301 + 10748804 n 0201 + 13990064 n 0102 + 04849972 n 0104 + 04849972 n 0103 | in a state of sexual virginity; "pure and vestal modesty"; "a spinster or virgin lady"; "men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal" 00361509 00 a 01 unchaste 0 008 ^ 01549291 a 0000 ^ 01905377 a 0000 = 04849759 n 0000 ! 00360650 a 0101 & 00361720 a 0000 & 00361837 a 0000 & 00362173 a 0000 & 00362269 a 0000 | not chaste; "unchaste conduct" 00361720 00 s 01 cyprian 0 001 & 00361509 a 0000 | resembling the ancient orgiastic worship of Aphrodite on Cyprus 00361837 00 s 06 easy 0 light 0 loose 0 promiscuous 0 sluttish 0 wanton 0 007 & 00361509 a 0000 + 10766260 n 0601 + 04851715 n 0602 + 04896995 n 0502 + 00856342 n 0402 + 00856342 n 0401 + 00748307 n 0305 | casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior; "her easy virtue"; "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"; "wanton behavior" 00362173 00 s 01 fallen 0 001 & 00361509 a 0000 | having lost your chastity; "a fallen woman" 00362269 00 s 01 licentious 0 004 & 00361509 a 0000 + 13995378 n 0102 + 04851715 n 0101 + 00748307 n 0104 | lacking moral discipline; especially sexually unrestrained; "coarse and licentious men" 00362467 00 a 01 cheerful 0 011 ^ 01361414 a 0000 ^ 01148283 a 0000 = 04630689 n 0000 + 04630689 n 0101 ! 00364479 a 0101 & 00362892 a 0000 & 00363031 a 0000 & 00363291 a 0000 & 00363621 a 0000 & 00363938 a 0000 & 00364145 a 0000 | being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be" 00362892 00 s 02 beaming 0 glad 0 002 & 00362467 a 0000 + 07527167 n 0201 | cheerful and bright; "a beaming smile"; "a glad May morning" 00363031 00 s 03 beamish 0 smiling(a) 0 twinkly 0 003 & 00362467 a 0000 + 04953380 n 0302 + 06878071 n 0202 | smiling with happiness or optimism; "Come to my arms, my beamish boy!"- Lewis Carroll; "a room of smiling faces"; "a round red twinkly Santa Claus" 00363291 00 s 05 blithe 0 blithesome 0 lighthearted 0 lightsome 0 light-hearted 0 004 & 00362467 a 0000 + 07530866 n 0404 + 07530866 n 0303 + 07530478 n 0102 | carefree and happy and lighthearted; "was loved for her blithe spirit"; "a merry blithesome nature"; "her lighthearted nature"; "trilling songs with a lightsome heart" 00363621 00 s 03 buoyant 0 chirpy 0 perky 0 005 & 00362467 a 0000 + 07530723 n 0302 + 04632063 n 0201 + 07530723 n 0101 + 04633959 n 0102 | characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness; "buoyant spirits"; "his quick wit and chirpy humor"; "looking bright and well and chirpy"; "a perky little widow in her 70s" 00363938 00 s 03 cheery 0 gay 0 sunny 0 003 & 00362467 a 0000 + 04630689 n 0303 + 04630689 n 0102 | bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile" 00364145 00 s 04 chipper 0 debonair 0 debonaire 0 jaunty 0 002 & 00362467 a 0000 + 04633797 n 0402 | having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air; "looking chipper, like a man...diverted by his own wit"- Frances G. Patton; "life that is gay, brisk, and debonair"- H.M.Reynolds; "walked with a jaunty step"; "a jaunty optimist" 00364479 00 a 03 depressing 0 cheerless 0 uncheerful 4 009 ^ 01368192 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 = 04630689 n 0000 + 07537068 n 0302 + 04631298 n 0301 + 07537068 n 0201 ! 00362467 a 0101 & 00364881 a 0000 & 00365261 a 0000 | causing sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy; "the economic outlook is depressing"; "something cheerless about the room"; "a moody and uncheerful person"; "an uncheerful place" 00364881 00 s 0b blue 0 dark 0 dingy 0 disconsolate 0 dismal 0 gloomy 0 grim 0 sorry 0 drab 0 drear 0 dreary 0 002 & 00364479 a 0000 + 05206006 n 0b02 | causing dejection; "a blue day"; "the dark days of the war"; "a week of rainy depressing weather"; "a disconsolate winter landscape"; "the first dismal dispiriting days of November"; "a dark gloomy day"; "grim rainy weather" 00365261 00 s 03 somber 0 sombre 0 melancholy 0 005 & 00364479 a 0000 + 07533257 n 0204 + 04647478 n 0206 + 07533257 n 0103 + 04647478 n 0105 | grave or even gloomy in character; "solemn and mournful music"; "a suit of somber black"; "a somber mood" 00365513 00 a 01 chlamydeous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11692265 n 0102 ! 00365681 a 0101 | having a floral envelope or perianth consisting of a calyx and/or corolla 00365681 00 a 01 achlamydeous 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00365513 a 0101 | not having a floral envelope or perianth 00365799 00 a 02 chondritic 0 granular 4 002 + 09244191 n 0101 ! 00365936 a 0101 | having a granular structure like that of chondrites 00365936 00 a 01 achondritic 0 001 ! 00365799 a 0101 | not having a granular structure 00366025 00 a 01 monoclinic 0 002 ;c 06098876 n 0000 ! 00366185 a 0101 | having three unequal crystal axes with one oblique intersection; "monoclinic system" 00366185 00 a 02 triclinic 0 anorthic 0 002 ;c 06098876 n 0000 ! 00366025 a 0101 | having three unequal crystal axes intersecting at oblique angles; "triclinic system" 00366355 00 a 02 monochromatic 0 homochromatic 0 001 ! 00366526 a 0101 | (of light or other electromagnetic radiation) having only one wavelength; "monochromatic light" 00366526 00 a 01 polychromatic 0 001 ! 00366355 a 0101 | (of light or other electromagnetic radiation) composed of more than one wavelength; "polychromatic light" 00366691 00 a 01 chromatic 0 152 ^ 00373209 a 0000 ^ 00394562 a 0000 = 04975122 n 0000 + 04975340 n 0102 + 04975122 n 0102 ! 00386392 a 0101 & 00369504 a 0000 & 00369648 a 0000 & 00369732 a 0000 & 00369831 a 0000 & 00369941 a 0000 & 00370160 a 0000 & 00370267 a 0000 & 00370501 a 0000 & 00370601 a 0000 & 00370688 a 0000 & 00370771 a 0000 & 00370869 a 0000 & 00371163 a 0000 & 00371311 a 0000 & 00371411 a 0000 & 00371511 a 0000 & 00371611 a 0000 & 00371741 a 0000 & 00371841 a 0000 & 00371945 a 0000 & 00372029 a 0000 & 00372111 a 0000 & 00372266 a 0000 & 00372367 a 0000 & 00372476 a 0000 & 00372571 a 0000 & 00372653 a 0000 & 00372799 a 0000 & 00372960 a 0000 & 00373067 a 0000 & 00373209 a 0000 & 00373381 a 0000 & 00373493 a 0000 & 00373621 a 0000 & 00373731 a 0000 & 00373811 a 0000 & 00373915 a 0000 & 00374001 a 0000 & 00374214 a 0000 & 00374303 a 0000 & 00374390 a 0000 & 00374477 a 0000 & 00374556 a 0000 & 00374635 a 0000 & 00374735 a 0000 & 00374818 a 0000 & 00374944 a 0000 & 00375090 a 0000 & 00375217 a 0000 & 00375303 a 0000 & 00375387 a 0000 & 00375471 a 0000 & 00375593 a 0000 & 00375720 a 0000 & 00375847 a 0000 & 00375969 a 0000 & 00376255 a 0000 & 00376342 a 0000 & 00376453 a 0000 & 00376537 a 0000 & 00376645 a 0000 & 00376821 a 0000 & 00376917 a 0000 & 00377036 a 0000 & 00377131 a 0000 & 00377224 a 0000 & 00377323 a 0000 & 00377438 a 0000 & 00377524 a 0000 & 00377616 a 0000 & 00377702 a 0000 & 00377802 a 0000 & 00377890 a 0000 & 00378002 a 0000 & 00378084 a 0000 & 00378166 a 0000 & 00378280 a 0000 & 00378498 a 0000 & 00378591 a 0000 & 00378687 a 0000 & 00378782 a 0000 & 00378892 a 0000 & 00379084 a 0000 & 00379181 a 0000 & 00379267 a 0000 & 00379413 a 0000 & 00379495 a 0000 & 00379595 a 0000 & 00379697 a 0000 & 00379804 a 0000 & 00379914 a 0000 & 00379992 a 0000 & 00380077 a 0000 & 00380178 a 0000 & 00380312 a 0000 & 00380483 a 0000 & 00380583 a 0000 & 00380686 a 0000 & 00380789 a 0000 & 00380895 a 0000 & 00380992 a 0000 & 00381097 a 0000 & 00381525 a 0000 & 00381636 a 0000 & 00381766 a 0000 & 00381861 a 0000 & 00381975 a 0000 & 00382074 a 0000 & 00382173 a 0000 & 00382321 a 0000 & 00382411 a 0000 & 00382512 a 0000 & 00382594 a 0000 & 00382693 a 0000 & 00382792 a 0000 & 00382874 a 0000 & 00382990 a 0000 & 00383088 a 0000 & 00383189 a 0000 & 00383291 a 0000 & 00383429 a 0000 & 00383521 a 0000 & 00383607 a 0000 & 00383700 a 0000 & 00383827 a 0000 & 00383957 a 0000 & 00384099 a 0000 & 00384195 a 0000 & 00384292 a 0000 & 00384410 a 0000 & 00384533 a 0000 & 00384615 a 0000 & 00384694 a 0000 & 00384782 a 0000 & 00384936 a 0000 & 00385059 a 0000 & 00385188 a 0000 & 00385338 a 0000 & 00385432 a 0000 & 00385547 a 0000 & 00385651 a 0000 & 00385756 a 0000 & 00385990 a 0000 & 00386095 a 0000 & 00386196 a 0000 & 00386303 a 0000 | being or having or characterized by hue 00369504 00 s 03 amber 0 brownish-yellow 0 yellow-brown 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04966240 n 0101 | of a medium to dark brownish yellow color 00369648 00 s 01 amber-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of green tinged with amber 00369732 00 s 01 amethyst 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 14722589 n 0101 | of a moderate purple color 00369831 00 s 01 auburn 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | (of hair) colored a moderate reddish-brown; "auburn hair" 00369941 00 s 05 aureate 0 gilded 0 gilt 0 gold 0 golden 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04966240 n 0402 + 03437430 n 0301 | having the deep slightly brownish color of gold; "long aureate (or golden) hair"; "a gold carpet" 00370160 00 s 01 avocado 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the dull yellowish green of the meat of an avocado 00370267 00 s 04 azure 0 cerulean 0 sky-blue 0 bright_blue 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04969242 n 0202 + 04969242 n 0101 | of a deep somewhat purplish blue color similar to that of a clear October sky; "October's bright blue weather" 00370501 00 s 01 beige 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04973291 n 0101 | of a light greyish-brown color 00370601 00 s 01 blackish-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with black 00370688 00 s 01 blackish-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with black 00370771 00 s 01 blae 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | of bluish-black or grey-blue 00370869 00 s 03 blue 0 bluish 0 blueish 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04968895 n 0102 | of the color intermediate between green and violet; having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; "October's bright blue weather"- Helen Hunt Jackson; "a blue flame"; "blue haze of tobacco smoke" 00371163 00 s 04 bluish_green 0 blue-green 0 cyan 0 teal 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04968426 n 0403 + 04968619 n 0301 | of a bluish shade of green 00371311 00 s 02 blue-lilac 0 bluish-lilac 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of lavender tinged with blue 00371411 00 s 02 blue-purple 0 bluish-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple tinged with blue 00371511 00 s 02 blue-violet 0 bluish-violet 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of violet tinted with blue 00371611 00 s 02 blushful 0 rosy 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04971313 n 0202 + 04971313 n 0201 | of blush color; "blushful mists" 00371741 00 s 01 bottle-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a dark to moderate greyish green color 00371841 00 s 02 bright-red 0 raspberry-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the red of fresh raspberries 00371945 00 s 02 bronze 0 bronzy 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the color of bronze 00372029 00 s 01 bronze-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with bronze 00372111 00 s 04 brown 0 brownish 0 chocolate-brown 0 dark-brown 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04971928 n 0102 | of a color similar to that of wood or earth 00372266 00 s 02 brown-green 0 brownish-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of green tinged with brown 00372367 00 s 02 brown-purple 0 brownish-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of dark purple tinted with brown 00372476 00 s 01 buff 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the yellowish-beige color of buff leather 00372571 00 s 01 buff-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with buff 00372653 00 s 02 canary 0 canary-yellow 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04966114 n 0102 | having the color of a canary; of a light to moderate yellow 00372799 00 s 02 caramel 0 caramel_brown 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04973957 n 0205 + 04973957 n 0104 | having the color of caramel; of a moderate yellow-brown 00372960 00 s 01 carnation 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 11808468 n 0101 + 04971211 n 0101 | pink or pinkish 00373067 00 s 01 chartreuse 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04968257 n 0103 | of something having the yellowish green color of Chartreuse liqueur 00373209 00 s 01 chestnut 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04972350 n 0101 | (of hair or feathers) of a golden brown to reddish brown color; "a chestnut horse"; "chestnut hair" 00373381 00 s 01 chestnut-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | (of hair or feathers) of brown tinged with chestnut 00373493 00 s 02 coppery 0 copper_colored 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04973669 n 0101 | of something having the color of copper 00373621 00 s 01 coral 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04971820 n 0101 | of a strong pink to yellowish-pink color 00373731 00 s 01 coral-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with coral 00373811 00 s 01 creamy 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the color of cream; "creamy translucent pebbles" 00373915 00 s 01 creamy-yellow 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | yellow with a creamy tinge 00374001 00 s 03 cress_green 0 cresson 0 watercress 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 11869689 n 0301 | of a moderate yellow-green color that is greener and deeper than moss green and yellower and darker than pea green 00374214 00 s 01 crimson-magenta 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | magenta tinged with crimson 00374303 00 s 01 crimson-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | purple tinged with crimson 00374390 00 s 01 crimson-yellow 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | yellow tinged with crimson 00374477 00 s 01 dark-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a dark shade of blue 00374556 00 s 01 deep-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a deep shade of pink 00374635 00 s 01 deep-yellow 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having the color of a pumpkin 00374735 00 s 01 dull-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a dull shade of purple 00374818 00 s 01 dun 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a dull greyish brown to brownish grey color; "the dun and dreary prairie" 00374944 00 s 01 earthlike 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | earth colored; of something having a color of soil or earth; "a range of earthlike colors" 00375090 00 s 02 fuscous 0 taupe 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04974774 n 0201 | of something having a dusky brownish grey color 00375217 00 s 01 golden-yellow 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of yellow tinged with gold 00375303 00 s 01 golden-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with gold 00375387 00 s 01 golden-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of green tinged with gold 00375471 00 s 04 grey-blue 0 gray-blue 0 greyish-blue 0 grayish-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of blue tinged with grey 00375593 00 s 04 grey-brown 0 gray-brown 0 greyish-brown 0 grayish-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with grey 00375720 00 s 04 grey-green 0 gray-green 0 greyish-green 0 grayish-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of green tinged with grey 00375847 00 s 04 grey-pink 0 gray-pink 0 greyish-pink 0 grayish-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with grey 00375969 00 s 04 green 0 greenish 0 light-green 0 dark-green 0 004 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04967561 n 0201 + 04967191 n 0101 + 04967191 n 0102 | of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass; "a green tree"; "green fields"; "green paint" 00376255 00 s 01 greenish-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with green 00376342 00 s 01 hazel 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04972603 n 0101 | of a light brown or yellowish brown color 00376453 00 s 01 hazel-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with hazel 00376537 00 s 01 honey 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 07858978 n 0101 | of something having the color of honey 00376645 00 s 02 jade 0 jade-green 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04968749 n 0102 | of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish green 00376821 00 s 01 khaki 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 03615406 n 0101 | of a yellowish brown color 00376917 00 s 03 lavender 0 lilac 0 lilac-colored 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 12310349 n 0201 | of a pale purple color 00377036 00 s 01 lavender-tinged 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something tinged with lavender 00377131 00 s 02 light-blue 0 pale_blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a light shade of blue 00377224 00 s 02 lilac-blue 0 violet-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of blue tinged with lavender 00377323 00 s 03 lilac-pink 0 lavender-pink 0 violet-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with lavender 00377438 00 s 01 lilac-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple tinged with lilac 00377524 00 s 01 magenta 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04964586 n 0101 | of deep purplish red 00377616 00 s 01 magenta_pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with magenta 00377702 00 s 02 maroon 0 brownish-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of dark brownish to purplish red 00377802 00 s 01 maroon-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple tinged with maroon 00377890 00 s 01 mauve 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04970544 n 0101 | of a pale to moderate greyish violet color 00378002 00 s 01 mauve-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of blue tinged with mauve 00378084 00 s 01 mauve-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with mauve 00378166 00 s 02 moss_green 0 mosstone 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a moderate somewhat dull yellow-green color 00378280 00 s 04 mousy 0 mousey 0 mouse-colored 0 mouselike 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having a drab pale brown color resembling a mouse; "a mousy brownish-grey color"; "mousy hair"; "mouse-colored hair" 00378498 00 s 02 ocher 0 ochre 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a moderate orange-yellow color 00378591 00 s 01 olive-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a brown color with a greenish tinge 00378687 00 s 02 olive-drab 0 drab 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a light brownish green color 00378782 00 s 01 olive 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a yellow-green color similar to that of an unripe olive 00378892 00 s 02 orange 0 orangish 0 004 & 00366691 a 0000 + 14991210 n 0101 + 04965179 n 0101 + 04965179 n 0102 | of the color between red and yellow; similar to the color of a ripe orange 00379084 00 s 02 orange-red 0 orangish-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with orange 00379181 00 s 01 orange-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with orange 00379267 00 s 03 peachy 0 peachy-colored 0 peachy-coloured 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04971675 n 0103 | of something resembling a peach in color 00379413 00 s 01 peacock-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of bright greenish blue 00379495 00 s 01 pea-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a moderate slightly yellowish-green color 00379595 00 s 02 pink 0 pinkish 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04970916 n 0101 | of a light shade of red 00379697 00 s 02 pink-lavender 0 pinkish-lavender 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of lavender tinged with pink 00379804 00 s 03 pink-orange 0 pinkish-orange 0 salmon 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of orange tinged with pink 00379914 00 s 01 pink-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with pink 00379992 00 s 01 pink-tinged 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color tinged with pink 00380077 00 s 02 pink-purple 0 pinkish-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple tinged with pink 00380178 00 s 02 powder_blue 0 powdery-blue 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04969431 n 0101 | of a moderate to pale blue or purplish blue 00380312 00 s 03 purple 0 violet 0 purplish 0 004 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04970758 n 0201 + 04970059 n 0101 + 04970059 n 0102 | of a color intermediate between red and blue 00380483 00 s 02 purple-blue 0 purplish-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of blue tinged with purple 00380583 00 s 02 purple-brown 0 purplish-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with purple 00380686 00 s 02 purple-green 0 purplish-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of green tinged with purple 00380789 00 s 02 purple-lilac 0 purplish-lilac 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of lavender tinged with purple 00380895 00 s 02 purple-red 0 purplish-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of red tinged with purple 00380992 00 s 02 purple-tinged 0 purple-tinted 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color tinged with purple 00381097 00 s 0c red 1 reddish 0 ruddy 0 blood-red 0 carmine 0 cerise 0 cherry 0 cherry-red 0 crimson 0 ruby 0 ruby-red 0 scarlet 0 009 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04964977 n 0c01 + 04963588 n 0901 + 04964443 n 0702 + 04964443 n 0601 + 04963449 n 0502 + 04977412 n 0301 + 04962784 n 0101 + 04962784 n 0102 | of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies 00381525 00 s 03 red-brown 0 reddish-brown 0 mahogany-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown tinged with red 00381636 00 s 02 red-lavender 0 reddish-lavender 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having a lavender color tinged with red 00381766 00 s 01 reddish-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a pink color that is close to red 00381861 00 s 03 red-orange 0 reddish-orange 0 flame-orange 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of orange tinged with red 00381975 00 s 02 red-purple 0 reddisn-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple tinged with red 00382074 00 s 02 red-violet 0 reddish-violet 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of violet tinged with red 00382173 00 s 03 rose 0 roseate 0 rosaceous 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having a dusty purplish pink color; "the roseate glow of dawn" 00382321 00 s 01 rose-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a deep slightly bluish red color 00382411 00 s 02 rose-lilac 0 rose-lavender 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of lavender tinged with rose 00382512 00 s 01 rose-mauve 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of mauve tinged with rose 00382594 00 s 02 rose-purple 0 rosy-purple 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of purple with a rose tinge 00382693 00 s 02 rose-tinted 0 rose-tinged 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color tinged with rose 00382792 00 s 01 russet 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of brown with a reddish tinge 00382874 00 s 03 rust 0 rusty 0 rust-brown 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 14889479 n 0201 | of the brown color of rust 00382990 00 s 02 rust-red 0 rusty-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a red color tinged with rust 00383088 00 s 01 rusty-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having the brown color of rust 00383189 00 s 02 sage 0 sage-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the grey-green color of sage leaves 00383291 00 s 01 sapphire 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04969242 n 0103 | of something having the color of a blue sapphire; "sapphire eyes" 00383429 00 s 01 scarlet-crimson 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of crimson tinged with scarlet 00383521 00 s 01 scarlet-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with scarlet 00383607 00 s 01 sea-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of the color of the sea; bluish green 00383700 00 s 02 silver-blue 0 silvery-blue 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having a color that is a light shiny blue 00383827 00 s 02 silver-green 0 silvery-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having a color that is a light shiny green 00383957 00 s 04 snuff 0 snuff-brown 0 mummy-brown 0 chukker-brown 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | snuff colored; of a greyish to yellowish brown 00384099 00 s 02 sorrel 0 brownish-orange 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a light brownish color 00384195 00 s 01 stone 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of any of various dull tannish or grey colors 00384292 00 s 01 straw 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04966941 n 0102 | of a pale yellow color like straw; straw-colored 00384410 00 s 02 sulfur-yellow 0 sulphur-yellow 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having the yellow color of sulfur 00384533 00 s 01 tan 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a light yellowish-brown color 00384615 00 s 01 tannish 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color resembling tan 00384694 00 s 01 tangerine 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a strong reddish orange color 00384782 00 s 02 tawny 0 tawny-brown 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04978050 n 0101 | of a light brown to brownish orange color; the color of tanned leather 00384936 00 s 01 ultramarine 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04974859 n 0101 | of a brilliant pure blue to purplish blue color 00385059 00 s 01 umber 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04972451 n 0104 | of the color of any of various natural brown earth pigments 00385188 00 s 04 vermilion 0 vermillion 0 cinnabar 0 Chinese-red 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04964977 n 0102 | of a vivid red to reddish-orange color 00385338 00 s 01 vinaceous 0 002 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04964162 n 0101 | of the color of wine 00385432 00 s 02 violet-tinged 0 violet-tinted 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something that is tinged with violet 00385547 00 s 01 white-pink 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of pink tinged with white; a light tint of pink 00385651 00 s 01 wine-red 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of something having the dark red color of red wine 00385756 00 s 03 yellow 0 yellowish 0 xanthous 0 003 & 00366691 a 0000 + 04965661 n 0101 + 04965661 n 0102 | of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of something resembling the color of an egg yolk 00385990 00 s 02 yellow-beige 0 yellowish-beige 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of beige tinged with yellow; 00386095 00 s 01 yellow-green 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color midway between yellow and green 00386196 00 s 02 yellow-orange 0 yellowish-orange 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of orange tinged with yellow 00386303 00 s 01 yellow-tinged 0 001 & 00366691 a 0000 | of a color tinged with yellow 00386392 00 a 02 achromatic 0 neutral 0 050 ^ 00404202 a 0000 = 04975122 n 0000 + 00524530 v 0101 ! 00366691 a 0101 & 00387392 a 0000 & 00387593 a 0000 & 00387699 a 0000 & 00387808 a 0000 & 00387922 a 0000 & 00388032 a 0000 & 00388152 a 0000 & 00388249 a 0000 & 00388350 a 0000 & 00388477 a 0000 & 00388571 a 0000 & 00388725 a 0000 & 00388849 a 0000 & 00389035 a 0000 & 00389150 a 0000 & 00389231 a 0000 & 00389310 a 0000 & 00389607 a 0000 & 00389734 a 0000 & 00389861 a 0000 & 00389962 a 0000 & 00390071 a 0000 & 00390195 a 0000 & 00390332 a 0000 & 00390461 a 0000 & 00390539 a 0000 & 00390630 a 0000 & 00390725 a 0000 & 00390844 a 0000 & 00390943 a 0000 & 00391077 a 0000 & 00391162 a 0000 & 00391265 a 0000 & 00391368 a 0000 & 00391487 a 0000 & 00391572 a 0000 & 00391699 a 0000 & 00391806 a 0000 & 00391897 a 0000 & 00392093 a 0000 & 00392184 a 0000 & 00392281 a 0000 & 00392367 a 0000 & 00392460 a 0000 & 00392574 a 0000 & 00392706 a 0000 | having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white" 00387392 00 s 04 argent 0 silver 0 silvery 0 silverish 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 04962062 n 0303 + 14986144 n 0101 | of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver; "silvery hair" 00387593 00 s 03 ash-grey 0 ash-gray 0 ashy 0 002 & 00386392 a 0000 + 14769160 n 0301 | of a light grey 00387699 00 s 01 blackish 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of something that is somewhat black; "blackish clouds" 00387808 00 s 04 black-grey 0 black-gray 0 blackish-grey 0 blackish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of dark grey 00387922 00 s 03 blue-white 0 bluish-white 0 cool-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of white tinged with blue 00388032 00 s 04 blue-grey 0 blue-gray 0 bluish-grey 0 bluish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with blue 00388152 00 s 02 blue-black 0 bluish_black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of black tinged with blue 00388249 00 s 02 brown-black 0 brownish-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of black tinged with brown 00388350 00 s 04 brown-grey 0 brown-gray 0 brownish-grey 0 brownish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with brown 00388477 00 s 01 canescent 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of greyish white; "the canescent moon" 00388571 00 s 01 chalky 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 14806598 n 0101 + 04961472 n 0101 | of something having the color of chalk; "she turned chalky white" 00388725 00 s 03 charcoal 0 charcoal-grey 0 charcoal-gray 0 002 & 00386392 a 0000 + 04962240 n 0101 | of a very dark grey 00388849 00 s 05 coal-black 0 jet 0 jet-black 0 pitchy 0 sooty 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 14793533 n 0503 + 14911704 n 0401 | of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal 00389035 00 s 01 cottony-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of something as white as cotton; "cottony-white clouds" 00389150 00 s 01 dull-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a dull shade of white 00389231 00 s 02 ebon 0 ebony 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a very dark black 00389310 00 s 04 grey 0 gray 0 greyish 0 grayish 0 004 & 00386392 a 0000 + 04961691 n 0201 + 04961691 n 0202 + 04961691 n 0104 | of an achromatic color of any lightness intermediate between the extremes of white and black; "the little grey cells"; "gray flannel suit"; "a man with greyish hair" 00389607 00 s 04 grey-black 0 gray-black 0 greyish-black 0 grayish-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of black tinged with grey 00389734 00 s 04 grey-white 0 gray-white 0 greyish-white 0 grayish-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of white tinged with grey 00389861 00 s 02 greenish-grey 0 greenish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with green 00389962 00 s 02 green-white 0 greenish-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of white flowers tinged with green 00390071 00 s 01 hueless 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of something totally lacking in saturation and therefore having no hue 00390195 00 s 03 ink-black 0 inky 0 inky-black 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 14917635 n 0201 + 04960277 n 0203 | of the color of black ink 00390332 00 s 02 iron-grey 0 iron-gray 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 04962548 n 0202 + 04962548 n 0101 | of the grey color of iron 00390461 00 s 01 lily-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a pure white color 00390539 00 s 01 milk-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a white the color of fresh milk 00390630 00 s 02 olive-grey 0 olive-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with olive 00390725 00 s 04 oxford-grey 0 oxford-gray 0 dark-grey 0 dark-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a dark shade of grey 00390844 00 s 02 pearl_grey 0 pearl_gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a grey with a pearly tinge 00390943 00 s 02 pearly 0 pearly-white 0 003 & 00386392 a 0000 + 05283498 n 0102 + 04961331 n 0103 | of a white the color of pearls 00391077 00 s 01 pinkish-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of white tinged with pink 00391162 00 s 02 purple-black 0 purplish-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of black tinged with purple 00391265 00 s 02 purple-white 0 purplish-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of white tinged with purple 00391368 00 s 04 red-grey 0 red-gray 0 reddish-grey 0 reddish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with red 00391487 00 s 01 sable 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a dark somewhat brownish black 00391572 00 s 04 silver-grey 0 silver-gray 0 silvery-grey 0 silvery-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey resembling silver 00391699 00 s 02 silver-white 0 silvery-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a white that resembles silver 00391806 00 s 01 slate-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a black tinged with slate-grey 00391897 00 s 08 slate-grey 0 slate-gray 0 slaty-grey 0 slaty-gray 0 slaty 0 slatey 0 stone-grey 0 stone-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of the color of slate or granite; "the slaty sky of dawn" 00392093 00 s 02 snow-white 0 snowy 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of the white color of snow 00392184 00 s 02 soot-black 0 sooty-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of the black color of soot 00392281 00 s 01 violet-black 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of black tinged with violet 00392367 00 s 01 white-flowered 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | (of plants) having white flowers 00392460 00 s 02 whitish 0 off-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of something having a color tending toward white 00392574 00 s 04 yellow-grey 0 yellow-gray 0 yellowish-grey 0 yellowish-gray 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of grey tinged with yellow 00392706 00 s 02 yellow-white 0 yellowish-white 0 001 & 00386392 a 0000 | of a white tinged with yellow 00392812 00 a 01 black 1 004 ^ 00409440 a 0000 = 04979425 n 0000 + 04960277 n 0102 ! 00393105 a 0101 | being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness; having little or no hue owing to absorption of almost all incident light; "black leather jackets"; "as black as coal"; "rich black soil" 00393105 00 a 01 white 1 006 ^ 00408660 a 0000 = 04979425 n 0000 + 04960729 n 0101 + 04960729 n 0102 ! 00392812 a 0101 & 00393422 a 0000 | being of the achromatic color of maximum lightness; having little or no hue owing to reflection of almost all incident light; "as white as fresh snow"; "a bride's white dress" 00393422 00 s 01 albescent 0 001 & 00393105 a 0000 | becoming or shading into white 00393508 00 a 02 saturated 3 pure 4 003 + 14486767 n 0202 ! 00393852 a 0101 & 00393683 a 0000 | (of color) being chromatically pure; not diluted with white or grey or black 00393683 00 s 02 intense 0 vivid 0 003 & 00393508 a 0000 + 04975340 n 0204 + 04975340 n 0103 | (of color) having the highest saturation; "vivid green"; "intense blue" 00393852 00 a 01 unsaturated 3 002 ! 00393508 a 0101 & 00393992 a 0000 | (of color) not chromatically pure; diluted; "an unsaturated red" 00393992 00 s 01 dull 0 002 & 00393852 a 0000 + 04955633 n 0101 | (of color) very low in saturation; highly diluted; "dull greens and blues" 00394135 00 a 02 color 0 colour 2 002 ;c 00903559 n 0000 ! 00394331 a 0101 | having or capable of producing colors; "color film"; "he rented a color television"; "marvelous color illustrations" 00394331 00 a 02 black-and-white 0 black_and_white(p) 2 002 ;c 00903559 n 0000 ! 00394135 a 0101 | not having or not capable of producing colors; "black-and-white film"; "a black-and-white TV"; "the movie was in black and white" 00394562 00 a 03 colored 0 coloured 0 colorful 2 048 = 04956594 n 0000 ! 00401650 a 0101 & 00395626 a 0000 & 00395977 a 0000 & 00396115 a 0000 & 00396296 a 0000 & 00396444 a 0000 & 00396523 a 0000 & 00396627 a 0000 & 00396721 a 0000 & 00396839 a 0000 & 00396958 a 0000 & 00397108 a 0000 & 00397191 a 0000 & 00397314 a 0000 & 00397441 a 0000 & 00397532 a 0000 & 00397633 a 0000 & 00397757 a 0000 & 00397870 a 0000 & 00397975 a 0000 & 00398172 a 0000 & 00398271 a 0000 & 00398373 a 0000 & 00398482 a 0000 & 00398581 a 0000 & 00398677 a 0000 & 00398816 a 0000 & 00398978 a 0000 & 00399479 a 0000 & 00399606 a 0000 & 00399715 a 0000 & 00399840 a 0000 & 00399923 a 0000 & 00400013 a 0000 & 00400101 a 0000 & 00400193 a 0000 & 00400312 a 0000 & 00400395 a 0000 & 00400472 a 0000 & 00400644 a 0000 & 00400737 a 0000 & 00400826 a 0000 & 00400922 a 0000 & 00401028 a 0000 & 00401125 a 0000 & 00401444 a 0000 & 00401562 a 0000 | having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain" 00395626 00 s 05 crimson 0 red 0 reddened 0 red-faced 0 flushed 0 002 & 00394562 a 0000 + 14336539 n 0202 | (especially of the face) reddened or suffused with or as if with blood from emotion or exertion; "crimson with fury"; "turned red from exertion"; "with puffy reddened eyes"; "red-faced and violent"; "flushed (or crimson) with embarrassment" 00395977 00 s 01 bay 0 002 & 00394562 a 0000 + 02388917 n 0101 | (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color 00396115 00 s 06 bicolor 0 bicolour 0 bicolored 0 bicoloured 0 bichrome 0 dichromatic 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having two colors; "a bicolor flower"; "a bicolored postage stamp" 00396296 00 s 02 black 0 blackened 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | (of the face) made black especially as with suffused blood; "a face black with fury" 00396444 00 s 01 blue-flowered 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having blue flowers 00396523 00 s 02 brightly-colored 0 brightly-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a bright color 00396627 00 s 02 buff-colored 0 buff-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a buff color 00396721 00 s 02 chestnut-colored 0 chestnut-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the brown color of chestnuts 00396839 00 s 02 chocolate-colored 0 chocolate-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of dark chocolate 00396958 00 s 04 cinnamon_colored 0 cinnamon_coloured 0 cinnamon-colored 0 cinnamon-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of cinnamon 00397108 00 s 01 cinnamon-red 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | red tinged with cinnamon 00397191 00 s 03 cream-colored 0 creamy-colored 0 creamy-white 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of fresh cream 00397314 00 s 04 dark-colored 0 dark-coloured 0 dusky-colored 0 dusky-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a dark color 00397441 00 s 02 dun-colored 0 dun-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a dun color 00397532 00 s 02 fawn-colored 0 fawn-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of a fawn 00397633 00 s 02 flame-colored 0 flame-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the brilliant orange-red color of flames 00397757 00 s 02 flesh-colored 0 flesh-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a bright red or pinkish color 00397870 00 s 02 garnet-colored 0 garnet-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of garnet 00397975 00 s 02 ginger 0 gingery 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-brown color; "a man with gingery hair and bright blue eyes"; "a ginger kitten" 00398172 00 s 02 gold-colored 0 gold-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of gold 00398271 00 s 02 honey-colored 0 honey-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of honey 00398373 00 s 01 indigo 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a color between blue and violet; "indigo flowers" 00398482 00 s 02 lead-colored 0 lead-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of lead 00398581 00 s 02 liver-colored 0 liver 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a reddish-brown color 00398677 00 s 04 metal-colored 0 metal-coloured 0 metallic-colored 0 metallic-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a metallic color 00398816 00 s 04 monochromatic 0 monochrome 0 monochromic 0 monochromous 0 002 & 00394562 a 0000 + 03783304 n 0201 | having or appearing to have only one color 00398978 00 s 11 motley 0 calico 0 multicolor 0 multi-color 0 multicolour 0 multi-colour 0 multicolored 0 multi-colored 0 multicoloured 0 multi-coloured 0 painted 0 particolored 0 particoloured 0 piebald 0 pied 0 varicolored 0 varicoloured 0 004 & 00394562 a 0000 + 02939763 n 0201 + 03789794 n 0101 + 03789603 n 0101 | having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies" 00399479 00 s 02 neutral-colored 0 neutral-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a color that does not attract attention 00399606 00 s 02 olive-colored 0 olive-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of green olives 00399715 00 s 03 orange-colored 0 orange-coloured 0 orange-hued 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of ripe oranges 00399840 00 s 01 orange-flowered 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having orange flowers 00399923 00 s 02 pale-colored 0 pale-hued 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a pale color 00400013 00 s 01 pastel-colored 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having pale delicate colors 00400101 00 s 01 peach-colored 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of a ripe peach 00400193 00 s 03 polychromatic 0 polychrome 0 polychromic 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having or exhibiting many colors 00400312 00 s 01 purple-flowered 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having purple flowers 00400395 00 s 01 red-flowered 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having red flowers 00400472 00 s 01 roan 0 002 & 00394562 a 0000 + 02375302 n 0101 | (used of especially horses) having a brownish coat thickly sprinkled with white or grey; "a roan horse" 00400644 00 s 02 rose-colored 0 rosy-colored 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a rose color 00400737 00 s 01 rust-colored 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the brown color of rust 00400826 00 s 01 silver-colored 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of polished silver 00400922 00 s 02 straw-colored 0 straw-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having the color of dry straw 00401028 00 s 02 tawny-colored 0 tawny-coloured 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a tawny color 00401125 00 s 03 trichromatic 0 trichrome 0 tricolor 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having or involving three colors; "trichromatic vision"; "a trichromatic printing process"; "trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors"; "tricolor plumage"; "a tricolor process in photography" 00401444 00 s 03 violet-colored 0 violet-coloured 0 violet-flowered 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | having a violet color 00401562 00 s 01 violet-purple 0 001 & 00394562 a 0000 | light violet and dark purple 00401650 00 a 02 uncolored 0 uncoloured 0 005 ^ 00386392 a 0000 = 04956594 n 0000 ! 00394562 a 0101 & 00401831 a 0000 & 00401922 a 0000 | without color; "pure water is uncolored" 00401831 00 s 01 achromatous 0 001 & 00401650 a 0000 | having little or inadequate color 00401922 00 s 02 achromic 0 achromous 0 001 & 00401650 a 0000 | having no color 00402004 00 a 01 stained 0 001 ! 00402159 a 0101 | marked or dyed or discolored with foreign matter; "a badly stained tablecloth"; "tear-stained cheeks" 00402159 00 a 01 unstained 0 002 ! 00402004 a 0101 & 00402285 a 0000 | not stained; "An apron keeps his clothing unstained" 00402285 00 s 01 untreated 0 001 & 00402159 a 0000 | (of a specimen for study under a microscope) not treated with a reagent or dye 00402419 00 a 02 colorful 0 colourful 0 012 ^ 00366691 a 0000 = 05193338 n 0000 ! 00404202 a 0101 & 00402731 a 0000 & 00402855 a 0000 & 00403072 a 0000 & 00403385 a 0000 & 00403505 a 0000 & 00403654 a 0000 & 00403819 a 0000 & 00403982 a 0000 & 00404110 a 0000 | having striking color; "colorful autumn leaves" 00402731 00 s 01 ablaze 0 001 & 00402419 a 0000 | resembling flame in brilliance or color; "maple trees ablaze in autumn" 00402855 00 s 03 bright 0 brilliant 0 vivid 0 004 & 00402419 a 0000 + 04975340 n 0304 + 04954920 n 0203 + 04952242 n 0101 | having striking color; "bright dress"; "brilliant tapestries"; "a bird with vivid plumage" 00403072 00 s 04 changeable 0 chatoyant 0 iridescent 0 shot 0 004 & 00402419 a 0000 + 04953678 n 0302 + 02733928 v 0301 + 04733640 n 0101 | varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles; "changeable taffeta"; "chatoyant (or shot) silk"; "a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent" 00403385 00 s 02 deep 0 rich 0 002 & 00402419 a 0000 + 04958460 n 0201 | strong; intense; "deep purple"; "a rich red" 00403505 00 s 01 fluorescent 0 002 & 00402419 a 0000 + 02161160 v 0101 | brilliantly colored and apparently giving off light; "fluorescent colors" 00403654 00 s 01 prismatic 0 002 & 00402419 a 0000 + 04005340 n 0101 | exhibiting spectral colors formed by refraction of light through a prism; "prismatic light" 00403819 00 s 01 psychedelic 0 001 & 00402419 a 0000 | having the vivid colors and bizarre patterns associated with psychedelic states; "a psychedelic painting" 00403982 00 s 01 shrill 0 002 & 00402419 a 0000 + 05193621 n 0101 | of colors that are bright and gaudy; "a shrill turquoise" 00404110 00 s 01 vibrant 0 001 & 00402419 a 0000 | of colors that are bright and striking 00404202 00 a 02 colorless 2 colourless 2 016 ^ 00386392 a 0000 = 05193338 n 0000 + 04958634 n 0202 + 04958634 n 0101 ! 00402419 a 0101 & 00404568 a 0000 & 00404961 a 0000 & 00405179 a 0000 & 00405406 a 0000 & 00405554 a 0000 & 00405750 a 0000 & 00405879 a 0000 & 00406140 a 0000 & 00406348 a 0000 & 00406495 a 0000 & 00406743 a 0000 | weak in color; not colorful 00404568 00 s 05 ashen 0 blanched 0 bloodless 0 livid 0 white 0 003 & 00404202 a 0000 + 04977561 n 0401 + 04977561 n 0402 | anemic looking from illness or emotion; "a face turned ashen"; "the invalid's blanched cheeks"; "tried to speak with bloodless lips"; "a face livid with shock"; "lips...livid with the hue of death"- Mary W. Shelley; "lips white with terror"; "a face white with rage" 00404961 00 s 04 bleached 0 faded 0 washed-out 0 washy 0 001 & 00404202 a 0000 | having lost freshness or brilliance of color; "sun-bleached deck chairs"; "faded jeans"; "a very pale washed-out blue"; "washy colors" 00405179 00 s 04 drab 0 sober 0 somber 0 sombre 0 003 & 00404202 a 0000 + 13985462 n 0403 + 13985462 n 0302 | lacking brightness or color; dull; "drab faded curtains"; "sober Puritan grey"; "children in somber brown clothes" 00405406 00 s 02 dulled 0 greyed 0 001 & 00404202 a 0000 | deprived of color; "colors dulled by too much sun"; "greyed with the dust of the road" 00405554 00 s 03 etiolate 0 etiolated 0 blanched 2 002 & 00404202 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (especially of plants) developed without chlorophyll by being deprived of light; "etiolated celery" 00405750 00 s 01 lurid 0 002 & 00404202 a 0000 + 04977561 n 0103 | ghastly pale; "moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence" 00405879 00 s 03 pale 0 pallid 0 wan 0 004 & 00404202 a 0000 + 04977561 n 0307 + 04977561 n 0205 + 04977561 n 0104 | abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress; "the pallid face of the invalid"; "her wan face suddenly flushed" 00406140 00 s 02 pasty 0 pastelike 0 002 & 00404202 a 0000 + 14704966 n 0101 | resembling paste in color; pallid; "he looked pasty and red-eyed"; "a complexion that had been pastelike was now chalky white" 00406348 00 s 01 prefaded 0 001 & 00404202 a 0000 | (of fabric or clothing) having been given a faded (weathered) appearance by artificial means 00406495 00 s 03 waxen 0 waxlike 0 waxy 0 001 & 00404202 a 0000 | having the paleness of wax; "the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor"- Bram Stoker; "the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him"; "a thin face with a waxy paleness" 00406743 00 s 02 white 2 whitened 2 001 & 00404202 a 0000 | (of hair) having lost its color; "the white hairs of old age" 00406867 00 a 02 colorful 3 colourful 3 007 ! 00408031 a 0202 ! 00408031 a 0101 & 00407151 a 0000 & 00407420 a 0000 & 00407654 a 0000 & 00407766 a 0000 & 00407887 a 0000 | striking in variety and interest; "a colorful period of history"; "a colorful character"; "colorful language" 00407151 00 s 03 brave 0 braw 0 gay 0 002 & 00406867 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0201 | brightly colored and showy; "girls decked out in brave new dresses"; "brave banners flying"; "`braw' is a Scottish word"; "a dress a bit too gay for her years"; "birds with gay plumage" 00407420 00 s 05 flashy 0 gaudy 0 jazzy 0 showy 0 sporty 0 006 & 00406867 a 0000 + 04699936 n 0404 + 04818700 n 0203 + 04690769 n 0202 + 06889330 n 0103 + 04818700 n 0101 | (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display 00407654 00 s 01 many-sided 0 001 & 00406867 a 0000 | full of variety or interest; "a many-sided personality" 00407766 00 s 01 noisy 0 001 & 00406867 a 0000 | attracting attention by showiness or bright colors; "a noisy sweater" 00407887 00 s 01 picturesque 0 002 & 00406867 a 0000 + 04819822 n 0101 | strikingly expressive; "a picturesque description of the rainforest" 00408031 00 a 02 colorless 3 colourless 3 005 ^ 00806512 a 0000 ! 00406867 a 0202 ! 00406867 a 0101 & 00408284 a 0000 & 00408445 a 0000 | lacking in variety and interest; "a colorless and unimaginative person"; "a colorless description of the parade" 00408284 00 s 01 neutral 0 001 & 00408031 a 0000 | lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics; "a neutral personality that made no impression whatever" 00408445 00 s 02 pale 0 pallid 0 001 & 00408031 a 0000 | lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness; "a pale rendition of the aria"; "pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender"; "a pallid performance" 00408660 00 a 02 light 5 light-colored 0 008 ^ 00393105 a 0000 = 04979425 n 0000 + 04979758 n 0101 ! 00409440 a 0101 & 00408992 a 0000 & 00409141 a 0000 & 00409207 a 0000 & 00409319 a 0000 | (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent; "light blue"; "light colors such as pastels"; "a light-colored powder" 00408992 00 s 01 pale 0 002 & 00408660 a 0000 + 04975612 n 0101 | very light colored; highly diluted with white; "pale seagreen"; "pale blue eyes" 00409141 00 s 01 palish 0 001 & 00408660 a 0000 | slightly pale 00409207 00 s 01 pastel 0 002 & 00408660 a 0000 + 04974575 n 0101 | delicate and pale in color; "pastel pink" 00409319 00 s 01 powdery 0 001 & 00408660 a 0000 | as if dulled in color with a sprinkling of powder; "a powdery blue" 00409440 00 a 01 dark 2 005 ^ 00392812 a 0000 = 04979425 n 0000 + 04979870 n 0101 ! 00408660 a 0101 & 00409668 a 0000 | (used of color) having a dark hue; "dark green"; "dark glasses"; "dark colors like wine red or navy blue" 00409668 00 s 01 darkish 0 001 & 00409440 a 0000 | slightly dark; "darkish red" 00409750 00 a 01 chromatic 1 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00409889 a 0101 | based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones; "a chromatic scale" 00409889 00 a 01 diatonic 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00409750 a 0101 | based on the standard major or minor scales consisting of 5 tones and 2 semitones without modulation by accidentals 00410078 00 a 01 cismontane 0 002 ! 00410449 a 0101 & 00410268 a 0000 | on this (the speaker's) side of the mountains; "a contest in Virginia between a cismontane and a tramontane people" 00410268 00 s 02 cisalpine 0 ultramontane 1 001 & 00410078 a 0000 | on the Italian or Roman side of the Alps; "ancient cisalpine Gaul included an area south and east of the Alps" 00410449 00 a 02 tramontane 0 transmontane 0 002 ! 00410078 a 0101 & 00410668 a 0000 | on or coming from the other side of the mountains (from the speaker); "the transmontane section of the state"; "tramontane winds" 00410668 00 s 02 transalpine 0 ultramontane 2 002 & 00410449 a 0000 + 10723731 n 0101 | on or relating to or characteristic of the region or peoples beyond the Alps from Italy (or north of the Alps); "ancient transalpine Gaul was an area northwest of the Alps and included modern France and Belgium"; "Cracow was a transalpine university" 00411009 00 a 01 christian 0 005 + 11083656 n 0105 + 06226057 n 0101 ! 00411481 a 0101 & 00411215 a 0000 & 00411353 a 0000 | following the teachings or manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus Christ 00411215 00 s 01 christianly 0 002 & 00411009 a 0000 + 09678009 n 0101 | becoming to or like a Christian; "gentle christianly behavior" 00411353 00 s 02 christlike 0 christly 0 002 & 00411009 a 0000 + 11083656 n 0205 | resembling or showing the spirit of Christ 00411481 00 a 01 unchristian 0 003 ! 00411009 a 0101 & 00411599 a 0000 & 00411694 a 0000 | not of a Christian faith 00411599 00 s 02 christless 0 nonchristian 0 001 & 00411481 a 0000 | not believing in Christ 00411694 00 s 02 unchristianly 0 unchristlike 0 001 & 00411481 a 0000 | not becoming to or like a Christian; "ashamed to have to recognize how unchristianly his assumptions and motives are" 00411886 00 a 02 civilized 0 civilised 0 006 ^ 00829745 a 0000 ^ 01947266 a 0000 ! 00412567 a 0101 & 00412171 a 0000 & 00412355 a 0000 & 00412460 a 0000 | having a high state of culture and development both social and technological; "terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world" 00412171 00 s 01 advanced 0 001 & 00411886 a 0000 | (of societies) highly developed especially in technology or industry; "advanced societies"; "an advanced country technologically" 00412355 00 s 01 civil 0 001 & 00411886 a 0000 | of or in a condition of social order; "civil peoples" 00412460 00 s 01 humane 0 001 & 00411886 a 0000 | showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement 00412567 00 a 02 noncivilized 0 noncivilised 0 006 ^ 00830717 a 0000 ! 00411886 a 0101 & 00412788 a 0000 & 00413224 a 0000 & 00413312 a 0000 & 00413432 a 0000 | not having a high state of culture and social development 00412788 00 s 06 barbarian 0 barbaric 0 savage 0 uncivilized 0 uncivilised 0 wild 0 008 & 00412567 a 0000 + 13939353 n 0601 + 04907826 n 0601 + 10553402 n 0301 + 05038251 n 0301 + 00424934 n 0202 + 10410815 n 0102 + 10553402 n 0102 | without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes" 00413224 00 s 01 barbarous 0 001 & 00412567 a 0000 | primitive in customs and culture 00413312 00 s 02 preliterate 0 nonliterate 0 001 & 00412567 a 0000 | used of a society that has not developed writing 00413432 00 s 01 primitive 0 004 & 00412567 a 0000 ;c 06143546 n 0000 + 09627462 n 0101 + 14472624 n 0103 | used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies; "primitive societies" 00413622 00 a 02 classical 0 classic 0 004 ;c 06156968 n 0000 ! 00414227 a 0101 & 00413861 a 0000 & 00414080 a 0000 | of or relating to the most highly developed stage of an earlier civilisation and its culture; "classic Cinese pottery" 00413861 00 s 05 classical 1 classic 1 Greco-Roman 0 Graeco-Roman 0 Hellenic 0 001 & 00413622 a 0000 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures; "classical mythology"; "classical 00414080 00 s 02 neoclassic 0 neoclassical 0 002 & 00413622 a 0000 + 06154464 n 0201 | characteristic of a revival of an earlier classical style 00414227 00 a 01 nonclassical 0 004 ;c 06156968 n 0000 ! 00413622 a 0101 & 00414354 a 0000 & 00414518 a 0000 | not classical 00414354 00 s 01 modern 0 003 & 00414227 a 0000 + 05050668 n 0101 + 05050668 n 0102 | characteristic of present-day art and music and literature and architecture 00414518 00 s 02 popular 0 pop 0 004 & 00414227 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 + 04808639 n 0101 | (of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people) 00414709 00 a 01 classified 1 003 ! 00415002 a 0101 & 00414823 a 0000 & 00414919 a 0000 | arranged into classes 00414823 00 s 02 categorized 0 categorised 0 001 & 00414709 a 0000 | arranged into categories 00414919 00 s 02 grouped 0 sorted 0 001 & 00414709 a 0000 | arranged into groups 00415002 00 a 01 unclassified 1 002 ! 00414709 a 0101 & 00415116 a 0000 | not arranged in any specific grouping 00415116 00 s 03 uncategorized 0 uncategorised 0 unsorted 0 001 & 00415002 a 0000 | not categorized or sorted 00415228 00 a 01 classified 2 007 ! 00416415 a 0101 & 00415543 a 0000 & 00415696 a 0000 & 00415931 a 0000 & 00416045 a 0000 & 00416164 a 0000 & 00416301 a 0000 | official classification of information or documents; withheld from general circulation; "thousands of classified documents have now been declassified" 00415543 00 s 01 eyes-only 0 001 & 00415228 a 0000 | official classification for documents; meant to be seen by only the person to whom it is directed 00415696 00 s 01 confidential 0 002 & 00415228 a 0000 + 14416668 n 0101 | the level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified 00415931 00 s 01 restricted 0 001 & 00415228 a 0000 | the lowest level of official classification for documents 00416045 00 s 01 secret 0 001 & 00415228 a 0000 | the next to highest level of official classification for documents 00416164 00 s 01 sensitive 0 001 & 00415228 a 0000 | of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security 00416301 00 s 01 top-secret 0 001 & 00415228 a 0000 | the highest official level of classification of documents 00416415 00 a 01 unclassified 2 003 ! 00415228 a 0101 & 00416550 a 0000 & 00416651 a 0000 | not subject to a security classification 00416550 00 s 01 declassified 0 001 & 00416415 a 0000 | having had security classification removed 00416651 00 s 02 nonsensitive 0 unrestricted 0 001 & 00416415 a 0000 | never having had security classification 00416765 00 a 01 analyzed 0 001 ! 00417032 a 0101 | examined carefully and methodically; broken down for consideration of constituent parts; "the analyzed data indicated surprising trends"; "a carefully analyzed poem can be like a dead butterfly pinned to a board" 00417032 00 a 01 unanalyzed 0 002 ! 00416765 a 0101 & 00417204 a 0000 | not analyzed or broken down for detailed examination; "an unanalyzed compound"; "unanalyzed data" 00417204 00 s 02 crude 0 raw 0 003 & 00417032 a 0000 + 14462193 n 0202 + 14472624 n 0102 | not processed or subjected to analysis; "raw data"; "the raw cost of production"; "only the crude vital statistics" 00417413 00 a 01 clean 1 015 ^ 02115324 a 0000 ^ 02422685 a 0000 = 14496193 n 0000 + 14496193 n 0101 ! 00419289 a 0101 & 00417898 a 0000 & 00417978 a 0000 & 00418110 a 0000 & 00418198 a 0000 & 00418364 a 0000 & 00418679 a 0000 & 00418809 a 0000 & 00418950 a 0000 & 00419058 a 0000 & 00419175 a 0000 | free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits; "children with clean shining faces"; "clean white shirts"; "clean dishes"; "a spotlessly clean house"; "cats are clean animals" 00417898 00 s 01 cleanable 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | capable of being cleaned 00417978 00 s 01 cleanly 0 002 & 00417413 a 0000 + 04896161 n 0101 | habitually clean; "cleanly in their persons and habitations" 00418110 00 s 01 dry-cleaned 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | cleaned with chemical solvents 00418198 00 s 02 fresh 0 unused 0 002 & 00417413 a 0000 + 04926728 n 0101 | not yet used or soiled; "a fresh shirt"; "a fresh sheet of paper"; "an unused envelope" 00418364 00 s 07 immaculate 0 speckless 0 spick-and-span 0 spic-and-span 0 spic 0 spick 0 spotless 0 003 & 00417413 a 0000 + 14496563 n 0701 + 14496563 n 0102 | completely neat and clean; "the apartment was immaculate"; "in her immaculate white uniform"; "a spick-and-span kitchen"; "their spic red-visored caps" 00418679 00 s 01 pristine 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | immaculately clean and unused; "handed her his pristine white handkerchief" 00418809 00 s 01 scrubbed 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | made clean by scrubbing; "fresh-scrubbed floors"; "boys with scrubbed necks and faces" 00418950 00 s 03 unsoiled 0 unspotted 0 unstained 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | without soil or spot or stain 00419058 00 s 01 unsullied 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | spotlessly clean and fresh; "the unsullied snow of mountains" 00419175 00 s 02 washed 0 water-washed 0 001 & 00417413 a 0000 | clean by virtue of having been washed in water 00419289 00 a 03 dirty 1 soiled 4 unclean 4 030 ^ 02424254 a 0000 = 14496193 n 0000 + 14497763 n 0302 + 14498096 n 0101 + 14497763 n 0101 ! 00417413 a 0101 & 00420182 a 0000 & 00420287 a 0000 & 00420480 a 0000 & 00420650 a 0000 & 00421002 a 0000 & 00421202 a 0000 & 00421308 a 0000 & 00421383 a 0000 & 00421513 a 0000 & 00421590 a 0000 & 00421875 a 0000 & 00422168 a 0000 & 00422374 a 0000 & 00422546 a 0000 & 00422620 a 0000 & 00422772 a 0000 & 00422870 a 0000 & 00423001 a 0000 & 00423269 a 0000 & 00423431 a 0000 & 00423569 a 0000 & 00423689 a 0000 & 00423781 a 0000 & 00423874 a 0000 | soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves" 00420182 00 s 01 Augean 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 09486424 n 0101 | extremely filthy from long neglect 00420287 00 s 02 bedraggled 0 draggled 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | limp and soiled as if dragged in the mud; "the beggar's bedraggled clothes"; "scarecrows in battered hats or draggled skirts" 00420480 00 s 02 befouled 0 fouled 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | made dirty or foul; "a building befouled with soot"; "breathing air fouled and darkened with factory soot" 00420650 00 s 06 begrimed 0 dingy 0 grimy 0 grubby 0 grungy 0 raunchy 0 007 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14498096 n 0507 + 14498843 n 0402 + 14498096 n 0303 + 14498843 n 0301 + 14498567 n 0202 + 14498567 n 0201 | thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot; "a miner's begrimed face"; "dingy linen"; "grimy hands"; "grubby little fingers"; "a grungy kitchen" 00421002 00 s 02 black 0 smutty 0 003 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14498972 n 0201 + 04960277 n 0102 | soiled with dirt or soot; "with feet black from playing outdoors"; "his shirt was black within an hour" 00421202 00 s 01 buggy 0 003 & 00419289 a 0000 + 02236355 n 0101 + 14472526 n 0101 | infested with bugs 00421308 00 s 01 cobwebby 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | covered with cobwebs 00421383 00 s 01 dirty-faced 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | having a dirty face; "a crowd of dirty-faced ragamuffins surrounded him" 00421513 00 s 01 feculent 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | foul with waste matter 00421590 00 s 03 filthy 0 foul 0 nasty 0 006 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14495761 n 0304 + 14495761 n 0203 + 14498096 n 0102 + 14495761 n 0101 + 14495761 n 0102 | disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter; "as filthy as a pigsty"; "a foul pond"; "a nasty pigsty of a room" 00421875 00 s 03 flyblown 0 squalid 0 sordid 0 003 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14499111 n 0301 + 14499111 n 0203 | foul and run-down and repulsive; "a flyblown bar on the edge of town"; "a squalid overcrowded apartment in the poorest part of town"; "squalid living conditions"; "sordid shantytowns" 00422168 00 s 02 greasy 0 oily 0 004 & 00419289 a 0000 + 05000116 n 0202 + 14890945 n 0101 + 05000116 n 0101 | smeared or soiled with grease or oil; "greasy coveralls"; "get rid of rubbish and oily rags" 00422374 00 s 01 lousy 0 005 & 00419289 a 0000 + 02185481 n 0103 + 02251775 n 0102 + 02183857 n 0101 + 14454450 n 0102 | infested with lice; "burned their lousy clothes" 00422546 00 s 01 maculate 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | spotted or blotched 00422620 00 s 02 mucky 0 muddy 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14956661 n 0108 | dirty and messy; covered with mud or muck; "muddy boots"; "a mucky stable" 00422772 00 s 01 ratty 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 02331046 n 0101 | dirty and infested with rats 00422870 00 s 01 scummy 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 04157703 n 0101 | covered with scum; "the scummy surface of the polluted pond" 00423001 00 s 01 smudgy 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 04694441 n 0101 | smeared with something that soils or stains; these words are often used in combination; "oil-smeared work clothes"; "hostile faces smirched by the grime and rust"- Henry Roth; "ink-smudged fingers" 00423269 00 s 02 snotty 0 snot-nosed 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 05416048 n 0101 | dirty with nasal discharge; "a snotty nose"; "a house full of snot-nosed kids" 00423431 00 s 01 sooty 0 003 & 00419289 a 0000 + 14498972 n 0102 + 14793533 n 0103 | covered with or as if with soot; "a sooty chimney" 00423569 00 s 02 travel-soiled 0 travel-stained 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | soiled from travel; "travel-soiled clothes" 00423689 00 s 01 uncleanly 0 002 & 00419289 a 0000 + 04896724 n 0101 | habitually unclean 00423781 00 s 01 unswept 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | not having been swept; "unswept floors" 00423874 00 s 01 unwashed 0 001 & 00419289 a 0000 | not cleaned with or as if with soap and water; "a sink full of unwashed dishes" 00424008 00 a 02 clean 2 unobjectionable 2 003 ^ 00682932 a 0000 ! 00424370 a 0101 & 00424240 a 0000 | (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers; "good clean fun"; "a clean joke" 00424240 00 s 01 antiseptic 0 001 & 00424008 a 0000 | devoid of objectionable language; "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School" 00424370 00 a 01 dirty 2 011 ^ 00683185 a 0000 + 04903678 n 0102 ! 00424008 a 0101 & 00424787 a 0000 & 00425002 a 0000 & 00425234 a 0000 & 00425313 a 0000 & 00425588 a 0000 & 00425740 a 0000 & 00426068 a 0000 & 00426186 a 0000 | (of behavior or especially language) characterized by obscenity or indecency; "dirty words"; "a dirty old man"; "dirty books and movies"; "boys telling dirty jokes"; "has a dirty mouth" 00424787 00 s 03 bawdy 0 off-color 0 ribald 0 005 & 00424370 a 0000 + 10528969 n 0301 + 07124736 n 0102 + 10485440 n 0105 + 04903368 n 0103 | humorously vulgar; "bawdy songs"; "off-color jokes"; "ribald language" 00425002 00 s 03 blasphemous 0 blue 2 profane 0 004 & 00424370 a 0000 + 04856014 n 0301 + 07128527 n 0301 + 07124172 n 0101 | characterized by profanity or cursing; "foul-mouthed and blasphemous"; "blue language"; "profane words" 00425234 00 s 01 dirty-minded 0 001 & 00424370 a 0000 | having lewd thoughts 00425313 00 s 05 cruddy 0 filthy 0 foul 0 nasty 0 smutty 0 007 & 00424370 a 0000 + 04903678 n 0501 + 07124340 n 0502 + 00747215 n 0505 + 04842515 n 0405 + 07124340 n 0204 + 04852962 n 0201 | characterized by obscenity; "had a filthy mouth"; "foul language"; "smutty jokes" 00425588 00 s 02 foul-mouthed 0 foul-spoken 0 001 & 00424370 a 0000 | using foul or obscene language; "noisy foul-mouthed women all shouting at once" 00425740 00 s 04 lewd 0 obscene 0 raunchy 0 salacious 0 006 & 00424370 a 0000 + 04903368 n 0404 + 04903368 n 0405 + 04817280 n 0306 + 04903368 n 0201 + 04903368 n 0102 | suggestive of or tending to moral looseness; "lewd whisperings of a dirty old man"; "an indecent gesture"; "obscene telephone calls"; "salacious limericks" 00426068 00 s 01 scabrous 0 001 & 00424370 a 0000 | dealing with salacious or indecent material; "a scabrous novel" 00426186 00 s 01 scatological 0 002 & 00424370 a 0000 + 07124928 n 0101 | dealing pruriently with excrement and excretory functions; "scatological literature" 00426347 00 a 02 clean 3 uncontaminating 2 002 + 14496193 n 0101 ! 00426608 a 0101 | not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "a clean fuel"; "cleaner and more efficient engines"; "the tactical bomb is reasonably clean" 00426608 00 a 02 dirty 3 contaminating 2 003 + 14498096 n 0101 + 14488004 n 0101 ! 00426347 a 0101 | spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination; "the air near the foundry was always dirty"; "a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout" 00426907 00 a 01 radioactive 0 003 + 13545184 n 0102 ! 00427255 a 0101 & 00427105 a 0000 | exhibiting or caused by radioactivity; "radioactive isotope"; "radioactive decay"; "radioactive fallout" 00427105 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 00426907 a 0000 | having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity; "hot fuel rods"; "a hot laboratory" 00427255 00 a 01 nonradioactive 0 001 ! 00426907 a 0101 | not radioactive 00427331 00 a 01 clean 4 006 ^ 00417413 a 0000 ^ 01905653 a 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 ! 00427786 a 0101 & 00427496 a 0000 & 00427644 a 0000 | ritually clean or pure 00427496 00 s 01 halal 0 003 & 00427331 a 0000 ;c 06234825 n 0000 + 07664582 n 0101 | conforming to dietary laws; "halal meat"; "a halal kitchen" 00427644 00 s 02 kosher 0 cosher 0 002 & 00427331 a 0000 ;c 06232880 n 0000 | conforming to dietary laws; "kosher meat"; "a kosher kitchen" 00427786 00 a 02 unclean 0 impure 3 007 ^ 01908039 a 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 14487184 n 0202 + 14497763 n 0102 ! 00427331 a 0101 & 00428121 a 0000 & 00428243 a 0000 | having a physical or moral blemish so as to make impure according to dietary or ceremonial laws; "unclean meat"; "and the swine...is unclean to you"-Leviticus 11:3 00428121 00 s 03 nonkosher 0 tref 0 terefah 0 002 & 00427786 a 0000 ;c 06232880 n 0000 | not conforming to dietary laws 00428243 00 s 01 untouchable 0 002 & 00427786 a 0000 + 10739881 n 0101 | ( especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes) defiling 00428404 00 a 01 clear 0 014 ^ 00532892 a 0000 ^ 00700451 a 0000 ^ 00779374 a 0000 ^ 00103696 a 0000 = 04820258 n 0000 + 04820258 n 0101 + 04820258 n 0105 ! 00430191 a 0101 & 00428878 a 0000 & 00429016 a 0000 & 00429355 a 0000 & 00429793 a 0000 & 00429909 a 0000 & 00430041 a 0000 | readily apparent to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature" 00428878 00 s 02 broad 0 unsubtle 0 001 & 00428404 a 0000 | lacking subtlety; obvious; "gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave" 00429016 00 s 03 clear-cut 0 distinct 0 trenchant 0 004 & 00428404 a 0000 + 05199680 n 0302 + 04702688 n 0201 + 04821451 n 0102 | clearly or sharply defined to the mind; "clear-cut evidence of tampering"; "Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest"; "trenchant distinctions between right and wrong" 00429355 00 s 06 limpid 0 lucid 0 luculent 0 pellucid 0 crystal_clear 0 perspicuous 0 007 & 00428404 a 0000 ;c 06282651 n 0000 + 04821615 n 0602 + 04821615 n 0601 + 04820258 n 0404 + 04820258 n 0202 + 04820258 n 0106 | (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a luculent oration"- Robert Burton; "pellucid prose"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument" 00429793 00 s 01 prima_facie 0 001 & 00428404 a 0000 | as it seems at first sight; "a prima facie case of murder" 00429909 00 s 01 unmistakable 0 001 & 00428404 a 0000 | clearly evident to the mind; "his opposition to slavery was unmistakable" 00430041 00 s 01 vivid 0 002 & 00428404 a 0000 + 05193338 n 0103 | having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience; "a vivid recollection" 00430191 00 a 01 unclear 0 011 ^ 00102201 a 0000 ^ 00701479 a 0000 ^ 00533851 a 0000 ^ 00781168 a 0000 ^ 00433115 a 0000 = 04820258 n 0000 + 04823866 n 0101 ! 00428404 a 0101 & 00430545 a 0000 & 00430756 a 0000 & 00431004 a 0000 | not clear to the mind; "the law itself was unclear on that point"; "the reason for their actions is unclear to this day" 00430545 00 s 02 blurred 0 clouded 0 001 & 00430191 a 0000 | unclear in form or expression; "the blurred aims of the group"; "sometimes one understood clearly and sometimes the meaning was clouded"- H.G.Wells 00430756 00 s 03 confusing 0 perplexing 0 puzzling 0 001 & 00430191 a 0000 | lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity; "sent confusing signals to Iraq"; "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it"; "a puzzling statement" 00431004 00 s 02 obscure 0 vague 0 004 & 00430191 a 0000 + 04824350 n 0201 + 04823416 n 0102 + 04823416 n 0101 | not clearly understood or expressed; "an obscure turn of phrase"; "an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"-Anatole Broyard; "their descriptions of human behavior become vague, dull, and unclear"- P.A.Sorokin; "vague...forms of speech...have so long passed for mysteries of science"- John Locke 00431447 00 a 01 clear 2 010 = 04701460 n 0000 + 04701460 n 0102 + 04701460 n 0101 ! 00433115 a 0101 & 00431774 a 0000 & 00432251 a 0000 & 00432453 a 0000 & 00432626 a 0000 & 00432861 a 0000 & 00432998 a 0000 | allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean" 00431774 00 s 06 crystalline 0 crystal_clear 0 limpid 0 lucid 0 pellucid 0 transparent 0 008 & 00431447 a 0000 + 11520619 n 0601 + 04702127 n 0603 + 11520619 n 0602 + 04702127 n 0602 + 04701943 n 0502 + 04701943 n 0501 + 04701943 n 0303 | transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; "the cold crystalline water of melted snow"; "crystal clear skies"; "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool"; "lucid air"; "a pellucid brook"; "transparent crystal" 00432251 00 s 02 hyaline 0 hyaloid 0 002 & 00431447 a 0000 + 14909703 n 0101 | resembling glass in transparency or translucency; "the morning is as clear as diamond or as hyaline"-Sacheverell Sitwell 00432453 00 s 02 liquid 0 limpid 2 001 & 00431447 a 0000 | clear and bright; "the liquid air of a spring morning"; "eyes shining with a liquid luster"; "limpid blue eyes" 00432626 00 s 02 translucent 0 semitransparent 0 004 & 00431447 a 0000 + 04702351 n 0203 + 04702351 n 0102 + 04702351 n 0101 | allowing light to pass through diffusely; "translucent amber"; "semitransparent curtains at the windows" 00432861 00 s 01 unclouded 0 002 & 00431447 a 0000 + 04701460 n 0103 | not made opaque or cloudy by sediment; "the wine was unclouded" 00432998 00 s 01 unfrosted 0 001 & 00431447 a 0000 | (of glass) lacking a frosted coating; "unfrosted light bulbs" 00433115 00 a 01 opaque 0 014 ^ 00430191 a 0000 = 04703424 n 0000 + 11490058 n 0101 + 04703424 n 0101 + 04703424 n 0102 ! 00431447 a 0101 & 00433529 a 0000 & 00433811 a 0000 & 00433972 a 0000 & 00434097 a 0000 & 00434265 a 0000 & 00434384 a 0000 & 00434524 a 0000 & 00434597 a 0000 | not transmitting or reflecting light or radiant energy; impenetrable to sight; "opaque windows of the jail"; "opaque to X-rays" 00433529 00 s 05 cloudy 0 muddy 0 mirky 0 murky 0 turbid 0 007 & 00433115 a 0000 + 04703932 n 0502 + 04703932 n 0501 + 14521648 n 0403 + 04703698 n 0402 + 04703698 n 0203 + 04703698 n 0101 | (of liquids) clouded as with sediment; "a cloudy liquid"; "muddy coffee"; "murky waters" 00433811 00 s 02 fogged 0 foggy 0 003 & 00433115 a 0000 + 14521648 n 0201 + 04704346 n 0204 | obscured by fog; "he could barely see through the fogged window" 00433972 00 s 01 frosted 0 001 & 00433115 a 0000 | (of glass) having a roughened coating resembling frost; "frosted glass" 00434097 00 s 01 glaucous 0 001 & 00433115 a 0000 | having a frosted look from a powdery coating, as on plants; "glaucous stems"; "glaucous plums"; "glaucous grapes" 00434265 00 s 02 lightproof 0 light-tight 0 001 & 00433115 a 0000 | not penetrable by light; "lightproof containers" 00434384 00 s 03 milky 0 milklike 0 whitish 0 002 & 00433115 a 0000 + 07844042 n 0101 | resembling milk in color not clear; "milky glass" 00434524 00 s 01 semiopaque 0 001 & 00433115 a 0000 | partially opaque 00434597 00 s 01 solid 0 001 & 00433115 a 0000 | impenetrable for the eye; "solid blackness" 00434692 00 a 01 radiolucent 0 001 ! 00434838 a 0101 | almost complete transparent to X-rays or other forms of radiation; "radiolucent tissues" 00434838 00 a 02 radiopaque 0 radio-opaque 0 002 + 11490335 n 0101 ! 00434692 a 0101 | not transparent to X-rays or other forms of radiation; "barium sulfate is radiopaque" 00435013 00 a 02 clearheaded 0 clear-thinking 0 003 ! 00435492 a 0101 & 00435190 a 0000 & 00435374 a 0000 | not mentally confused; able to think clearly and act intelligently 00435190 00 s 01 clear 0 002 & 00435013 a 0000 + 04820258 n 0105 | free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us" 00435374 00 s 01 unclouded 0 002 & 00435013 a 0000 + 04701460 n 0103 | not mentally disordered; "an unclouded mind" 00435492 00 a 01 confused 0 012 ^ 01765643 a 0000 + 05683582 n 0103 ! 00435013 a 0101 & 00435872 a 0000 & 00436115 a 0000 & 00436385 a 0000 & 00436544 a 0000 & 00436645 a 0000 & 00436920 a 0000 & 00437149 a 0000 & 00437223 a 0000 & 00437419 a 0000 | mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently; "the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused" 00435872 00 s 04 addlebrained 0 addlepated 0 puddingheaded 0 muddleheaded 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | stupid and confused; "blathering like the addlepated nincompoop that you are"; "a confused puddingheaded, muddleheaded fellow"- Isaac Sterne 00436115 00 s 08 addled 0 befuddled 1 muddled 0 muzzy 0 woolly 0 wooly 0 woolly-headed 0 wooly-minded 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | confused and vague; used especially of thinking; "muddleheaded ideas"; "your addled little brain"; "woolly thinking"; "woolly-headed ideas" 00436385 00 s 02 befogged 0 befuddled 2 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | stupefied by alcoholic drink; "the wino's poor befuddled mind"; "a mind befogged with drink" 00436544 00 s 01 clouded 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | mentally disordered; "a mind clouded by sorrow" 00436645 00 s 04 dazed 0 stunned 0 stupefied 0 stupid(p) 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock; "he had a dazed expression on his face"; "lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow"; "was stupid from fatigue" 00436920 00 s 01 dazzled 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | stupefied or dizzied by something overpowering; "I fall back dazzled at beholding myself all rosy red, / At having, I myself, caused the sun to rise."- `Chanticler' by Rostand 00437149 00 s 01 trancelike 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | as if in a trance 00437223 00 s 03 punch-drunk 0 silly 0 slaphappy 0 002 & 00435492 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | dazed from or as if from repeated blows; "knocked silly by the impact"; "slaphappy with exhaustion" 00437419 00 s 01 spaced-out 0 001 & 00435492 a 0000 | confused or disoriented as if intoxicated through taking a drug 00437539 00 a 01 clement 1 004 ^ 01507134 a 0000 + 01071411 n 0101 ! 00437852 a 0101 & 00437744 a 0000 | (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy; "a more clement judge reduced the sentence" 00437744 00 s 01 lenient 0 002 & 00437539 a 0000 + 04829922 n 0102 | characterized by tolerance and mercy 00437852 00 a 01 inclement 1 004 ^ 01507402 a 0000 + 04639732 n 0108 ! 00437539 a 0101 & 00438063 a 0000 | used of persons or behavior; showing no clemency or mercy; "the harsh sentence of an inclement judge" 00438063 00 s 01 unsparing 0 001 & 00437852 a 0000 | not forbearing; ruthless; "an unsparing critic" 00438166 00 a 01 clement 2 004 ^ 02402559 a 0000 + 14522408 n 0102 ! 00438567 a 0101 & 00438332 a 0000 | (of weather or climate) physically mild; "clement weather" 00438332 00 s 03 balmy 0 mild 0 soft 0 004 & 00438166 a 0000 + 14522570 n 0302 + 14522408 n 0201 + 14896923 n 0101 | mild and pleasant; "balmy days and nights"; "the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth"; "a soft breeze" 00438567 00 a 01 inclement 2 004 ^ 02403030 a 0000 ! 00438166 a 0101 + 14523090 n 0103 + 14523090 n 0102 | (of weather or climate) severe 00438707 00 a 01 smart 0 006 ^ 01334398 a 0000 + 05620955 n 0103 ! 00439588 a 0101 & 00438909 a 0000 & 00439252 a 0000 & 00439431 a 0000 | showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness 00438909 00 s 03 astute 0 sharp 0 shrewd 0 004 & 00438707 a 0000 + 05621439 n 0301 + 05620468 n 0203 + 05621439 n 0102 | marked by practical hardheaded intelligence; "a smart businessman"; "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease"; "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow" 00439252 00 s 04 cagey 0 cagy 0 canny 0 clever 0 001 & 00438707 a 0000 | showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others; "a cagey lawyer"; "too clever to be sound" 00439431 00 s 03 streetwise 0 street_smart 0 with-it 0 001 & 00438707 a 0000 | having the shrewd resourcefulness needed to survive in an urban environment 00439588 00 a 01 stupid 0 013 ^ 01336587 a 0000 + 10667187 n 0101 + 05645597 n 0101 ! 00438707 a 0101 & 00439905 a 0000 & 00440292 a 0000 & 00440489 a 0000 & 00440579 a 0000 & 00441154 a 0000 & 00441272 a 0000 & 00441365 a 0000 & 00441523 a 0000 & 00441630 a 0000 | lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity 00439905 00 s 08 anserine 0 dopy 1 dopey 1 foolish 0 goosey 0 goosy 0 gooselike 0 jerky 0 008 & 00439588 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10221040 n 0801 + 10157744 n 0606 + 10157744 n 0506 + 04891333 n 0402 + 10039391 n 0303 + 10039391 n 0203 | having or revealing stupidity; "ridiculous anserine behavior"; "a dopey answer"; "a dopey kid"; "some fool idea about rewriting authors' books" 00440292 00 s 0a blockheaded 0 boneheaded 0 duncical 0 duncish 0 fatheaded 0 loggerheaded 0 thick 0 thickheaded 0 thick-skulled 0 wooden-headed 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | (used informally) stupid 00440489 00 s 02 cloddish 0 doltish 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | heavy and dull and stupid 00440579 00 s 06 dense 0 dim 0 dull 0 dumb 0 obtuse 0 slow 0 007 & 00439588 a 0000 + 05648459 n 0606 + 05646218 n 0604 + 05646039 n 0502 + 05645854 n 0402 + 05646039 n 0301 + 05645854 n 0101 | slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity; "so dense he never understands anything I say to him"; "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"- Thackeray; "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow students" 00441154 00 s 02 gaumless 0 gormless 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | (British informal) lacking intelligence and vitality 00441272 00 s 03 lumpish 0 lumpen 0 unthinking 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | mentally sluggish 00441365 00 s 04 nitwitted 0 senseless 0 soft-witted 0 witless 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | (of especially persons) lacking sense or understanding or judgment 00441523 00 s 01 weak 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | deficient in intelligence or mental power; "a weak mind" 00441630 00 s 01 yokel-like 0 001 & 00439588 a 0000 | stupid and ignorant like proverbial rural inhabitants; "the boy's empty yokel-like expression" 00441781 00 a 01 clockwise 0 003 ^ 00742879 a 0000 ! 00442057 a 0101 & 00441927 a 0000 | in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock 00441927 00 s 03 dextrorotary 0 dextrorotatory 0 right-handed 0 002 & 00441781 a 0000 + 05067514 n 0301 | rotating to the right 00442057 00 a 03 counterclockwise 0 anticlockwise 0 contraclockwise 0 003 ^ 00743435 a 0000 ! 00441781 a 0101 & 00442255 a 0000 | in the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock 00442255 00 s 03 levorotary 0 levorotatory 0 left-handed 0 001 & 00442057 a 0000 | rotating to the left 00442361 00 a 01 far 0 012 = 05084201 n 0000 + 05085165 n 0101 ! 00444519 a 0101 & 00442827 a 0000 & 00442917 a 0000 & 00443075 a 0000 & 00443274 a 0000 & 00443490 a 0000 & 00443618 a 0000 & 00443988 a 0000 & 00444220 a 0000 & 00444399 a 0000 | located at a great distance in time or space or degree; "we come from a far country"; "far corners of the earth"; "the far future"; "a far journey"; "the far side of the road"; "far from the truth"; "far in the future" 00442827 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 00442361 a 0000 | of a seeker; far from the object sought 00442917 00 s 02 distant 1 remote 1 003 & 00442361 a 0000 + 05085165 n 0202 + 05084201 n 0101 | located far away spatially; "distant lands"; "remote stars" 00443075 00 s 03 distant 2 remote 2 removed 2 004 & 00442361 a 0000 + 15172212 n 0101 + 15172423 n 0101 + 05085165 n 0202 | separate or apart in time; "distant events"; "the remote past or future" 00443274 00 s 02 faraway 0 far-off 1 002 & 00442361 a 0000 + 05085165 n 0103 | very far away in space or time; "faraway mountains"; "the faraway future"; "troops landing on far-off shores"; "far-off happier times" 00443490 00 s 01 farther 1 001 & 00442361 a 0000 | more distant in especially space or time; "they live in the farther house" 00443618 00 s 06 farthermost 0 farthest 0 furthermost 0 furthest 0 utmost 0 uttermost 0 002 & 00442361 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparatives of `far') most remote in space or time or order; "had traveled to the farthest frontier"; "don't go beyond the farthermost (or furthermost) tree"; "explored the furthest reaches of space"; "the utmost tip of the peninsula" 00443988 00 s 02 further 0 farther 2 001 & 00442361 a 0000 | more distant in especially degree; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "further from our expectations"; "farther from the truth"; "farther from our expectations" 00444220 00 s 02 off_the_beaten_track(p) 0 out-of-the-way(a) 0 001 & 00442361 a 0000 | remote from populous or much-traveled regions; "they found a quiet out-of-the-way resort" 00444399 00 s 01 outlying(a) 0 001 & 00442361 a 0000 | relatively far from a center or middle; "outlying settlements" 00444519 00 a 03 near 0 close 5 nigh 0 008 = 05084201 n 0000 + 05085572 n 0202 + 05085572 n 0101 ! 00442361 a 0101 & 00444984 a 0000 & 00445169 a 0000 & 00445308 a 0000 & 00445440 a 0000 | not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances; "near neighbors"; "in the near future"; "they are near equals"; "his nearest approach to success"; "a very near thing"; "a near hit by the bomb"; "she was near tears"; "she was close to tears"; "had a close call" 00444984 00 s 01 adjacent 0 002 & 00444519 a 0000 + 05085991 n 0101 | near or close to but not necessarily touching; "lands adjacent to the mountains"; "New York and adjacent cities" 00445169 00 s 01 nearby 0 001 & 00444519 a 0000 | close at hand; "the nearby towns"; "concentrated his study on the nearby planet Venus" 00445308 00 s 01 warm 0 001 & 00444519 a 0000 | of a seeker; near to the object sought; "you're getting warm"; "hot on the trail" 00445440 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 00444519 a 0000 | of a seeker; very near to the object sought; "you are hot" 00445548 00 a 01 distant 1 011 ^ 00442361 a 0000 = 05084201 n 0000 + 15172423 n 0101 ! 00446921 a 0101 & 00445937 a 0000 & 00446107 a 0000 & 00446236 a 0000 & 00446333 a 0000 & 00446525 a 0000 & 00446605 a 0000 & 00446758 a 0000 | separated in space or coming from or going to a distance; "distant villages"; "the sound of distant traffic"; "a distant sound"; "a distant telephone call" 00445937 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | very distant in time or space; "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe" 00446107 00 s 01 extreme 0 002 & 00445548 a 0000 + 08568978 n 0101 | most distant in any direction; "the extreme edge of town" 00446236 00 s 01 far-flung 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | remote; "far-flung corners of the Empire" 00446333 00 s 01 long-distance 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | covering a long distance; "a long-distance runner"; "a long-distance freight train"; "she ran off with a long-distance truck driver" 00446525 00 s 01 nonadjacent 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | not adjacent; not next 00446605 00 s 01 out-of-town 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | happening in or being of another town or city; "an out-of-town tryout"; "an out-of-town school" 00446758 00 s 02 yonder 0 yon 0 001 & 00445548 a 0000 | distant but within sight (`yon' is dialectal); "yonder valley"; "the hills yonder"; "what is yon place?" 00446921 00 a 01 close 1 020 = 05084201 n 0000 + 05085572 n 0102 ! 00445548 a 0101 & 00447472 a 0000 & 00447753 a 0000 & 00447909 a 0000 & 00448130 a 0000 & 00448314 a 0000 & 00448644 a 0000 & 00448777 a 0000 & 00448924 a 0000 & 00449079 a 0000 & 00449332 a 0000 & 00449525 a 0000 & 00449662 a 0000 & 00449769 a 0000 & 00449889 a 0000 & 00450147 a 0000 & 00450269 a 0000 & 00450402 a 0000 | at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other; "close to noon"; "how close are we to town?"; "a close formation of ships" 00447472 00 s 03 adjacent 0 next 0 side_by_side(p) 0 002 & 00446921 a 0000 + 05085991 n 0101 | nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space; "had adjacent rooms"; "in the next room"; "the person sitting next to me"; "our rooms were side by side" 00447753 00 s 01 ambient 1 002 & 00446921 a 0000 + 14524849 n 0103 | completely enveloping; "the ambient air"; "ambient sound"; "the ambient temperature" 00447909 00 s 02 appressed 0 adpressed 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | pressed close to or lying flat against something; "adpressed hairs along the plant's stem"; "igneous rocks...closely appressed by this force"-L.V.Pirsson 00448130 00 s 02 approximate 0 close_together(p) 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | located close together; "with heads close together"; "approximate leaves grow together but are not united" 00448314 00 s 05 at_hand(p) 1 close_at_hand(p) 1 imminent 0 impendent 0 impending 0 004 & 00446921 a 0000 + 14030820 n 0405 + 14030820 n 0302 + 14030820 n 0301 | close in time; about to occur; "retribution is at hand"; "some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand"; "in imminent danger"; "his impending retirement" 00448644 00 s 02 at_hand(p) 2 close_at_hand(p) 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | close in space; within reach; "the town is close at hand" 00448777 00 s 01 close-hauled 0 002 & 00446921 a 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 | having the sails trimmed for sailing as close to the wind as possible 00448924 00 s 02 close-set(a) 0 close_set(p) 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | set close together; "close-set eyes"; "close-set teeth"; "her eyes are close set" 00449079 00 s 02 contiguous 0 immediate 0 004 & 00446921 a 0000 + 04918767 n 0202 + 05085991 n 0103 + 05085991 n 0102 | very close or connected in space or time; "contiguous events"; "immediate contact"; "the immediate vicinity"; "the immediate past" 00449332 00 s 03 encompassing(a) 0 surrounding(a) 0 circumferent 0 002 & 00446921 a 0000 + 08514592 n 0301 | closely encircling; "encompassing mountain ranges"; "the surrounding countryside" 00449525 00 s 01 enveloping(a) 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | surrounding and closing in on or hemming in; "the army's enveloping maneuver" 00449662 00 s 01 hand-to-hand 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | being at close quarters; "hand-to-hand fighting" 00449769 00 s 01 juxtaposed 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | placed side by side often for comparison; "juxtaposed pictures" 00449889 00 s 02 nestled 0 snuggled 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | drawn or pressed close to someone or something for or as if for affection or protection; "saw a number of small houses nestled against the hillside"; "like a baby snuggled in its mother's arms" 00450147 00 s 01 proximate 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | very close in space or time; "proximate words"; "proximate houses" 00450269 00 s 01 scalelike 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | reduced to a small appressed thing that resembles a scale; "scalelike leaves" 00450402 00 s 02 walk-to(a) 0 walking(a) 0 001 & 00446921 a 0000 | close enough to be walked to; "walking distance"; "the factory with the big parking lot...is more convenient than the walk-to factory" 00450606 00 a 02 distant 2 remote 0 005 ! 00451510 a 0101 & 00450915 a 0000 & 00451032 a 0000 & 00451155 a 0000 & 00451291 a 0000 | far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship ; "a distant cousin"; "a remote relative"; "a distant likeness"; "considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics" 00450915 00 s 01 faraway 0 001 & 00450606 a 0000 | far removed mentally; "a faraway (or distant) look in her eyes" 00451032 00 s 01 loosely_knit 0 001 & 00450606 a 0000 | having only distant social or legal ties; "a loosely knit group" 00451155 00 s 01 removed(p) 2 001 & 00450606 a 0000 | separated in relationship by a given degree of descent; "a cousin once removed" 00451291 00 s 01 ulterior 0 001 & 00450606 a 0000 | beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion"; "without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw 00451510 00 a 01 close 2 011 + 07530124 n 0101 ! 00450606 a 0101 & 00451872 a 0000 & 00452020 a 0000 & 00452114 a 0000 & 00452407 a 0000 & 00452605 a 0000 & 00452773 a 0000 & 00452883 a 0000 & 00453053 a 0000 & 00453308 a 0000 | close in relevance or relationship; "a close family"; "we are all...in close sympathy with..."; "close kin"; "a close resemblance" 00451872 00 s 02 approximate 0 near 2 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | very close in resemblance; "sketched in an approximate likeness"; "a near likeness" 00452020 00 s 01 boon 0 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | very close and convivial; "boon companions" 00452114 00 s 03 chummy 0 buddy-buddy 0 thick(p) 0 004 & 00451510 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 09877951 n 0103 + 04653627 n 0101 | (used informally) associated on close terms; "a close friend"; "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"; "the two were thick as thieves for months" 00452407 00 s 02 close-knit 0 closely_knit 0 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | held together as by social or cultural ties; "a close-knit family"; "close-knit little villages"; "the group was closely knit" 00452605 00 s 01 confidential 0 002 & 00451510 a 0000 + 07526505 n 0101 | denoting confidence or intimacy; "a confidential approach"; "in confidential tone of voice" 00452773 00 s 01 cozy 0 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | suggesting connivance; "a cozy arrangement with the police" 00452883 00 s 03 dear 0 good 0 near 0 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | with or in a close or intimate relationship; "a good friend"; "my sisters and brothers are near and dear" 00453053 00 s 02 familiar 0 intimate 2 003 & 00451510 a 0000 + 05817145 n 0102 + 04655442 n 0101 | having mutual interests or affections; of established friendship; "on familiar terms"; "pretending she is on an intimate footing with those she slanders" 00453308 00 s 01 intimate 0 001 & 00451510 a 0000 | marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity; "intimate friend"; "intimate relations between economics, politics, and legal principles" - V.L. Parrington 00453529 00 a 01 cousinly 0 002 + 09972010 n 0101 ! 00453647 a 0101 | like or befitting a cousin; "a cousinly kiss" 00453647 00 a 01 uncousinly 0 001 ! 00453529 a 0101 | not befitting a cousin 00453726 00 a 02 clothed 0 clad 0 027 ^ 00056002 a 0000 ! 00457598 a 0101 & 00454440 a 0000 & 00454849 a 0000 & 00454984 a 0000 & 00455084 a 0000 & 00455190 a 0000 & 00455310 a 0000 & 00455405 a 0000 & 00455485 a 0000 & 00455605 a 0000 & 00455717 a 0000 & 00455824 a 0000 & 00456026 a 0000 & 00456121 a 0000 & 00456229 a 0000 & 00456355 a 0000 & 00456436 a 0000 & 00456576 a 0000 & 00456739 a 0000 & 00456855 a 0000 & 00456929 a 0000 & 00457036 a 0000 & 00457160 a 0000 & 00457258 a 0000 & 00457355 a 0000 & 00457482 a 0000 | wearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination; "clothed and in his right mind"- Bible; "proud of her well-clothed family"; "nurses clad in white"; "white-clad nurses" 00454440 00 s 07 appareled 0 attired 0 dressed 0 garbed 0 garmented 0 habilimented 0 robed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination; "the elegantly attired gentleman"; "neatly dressed workers"; "monks garbed in hooded robes"; "went about oddly garmented"; "professors robed in crimson"; "tuxedo-attired gentlemen"; "crimson-robed Harvard professors" 00454849 00 s 02 arrayed 0 panoplied 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | in ceremonial attire and paraphernalia; "professors arrayed in robes" 00454984 00 s 03 breeched 0 pantalooned 0 trousered 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in trousers 00455084 00 s 01 bundled-up 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed warmly; "bundled-up sailors and soldiers" 00455190 00 s 01 caparisoned 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | clothed in finery (especially a horse in ornamental trappings) 00455310 00 s 01 cassocked 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in a cassock; "cassocked monks" 00455405 00 s 01 coated 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | having or dressed in a coat 00455485 00 s 01 costumed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in clothing characteristic of a period, country, or class 00455605 00 s 01 cowled 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | having the head enclosed in a cowl or hood; "a cowled monk" 00455717 00 s 01 dighted 0 002 & 00453726 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | dressed or adorned (as for battle) 00455824 00 s 08 dressed(p) 2 dressed-up 0 dressed_to_the_nines(p) 0 dressed_to_kill(p) 0 dolled_up 0 spruced_up 0 spiffed_up 0 togged_up 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in fancy or formal clothing 00456026 00 s 01 gowned 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | wearing a gown; "beautifully gowned women" 00456121 00 s 01 habited 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in a habit; "the habited men of the monastery" 00456229 00 s 01 heavy-coated 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | wearing a heavy coat; "heavy-coated policemen astride noble horses" 00456355 00 s 01 overdressed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed too elaborately 00456436 00 s 01 petticoated 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | wearing or furnished with a petticoat; "petticoated ladies"; "a petticoated table" 00456576 00 s 02 red-coated 0 lobster-backed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | used of British soldiers during the American Revolutionary War because of their red coats 00456739 00 s 01 suited 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | outfitted or supplied with clothing; "recruits suited in green" 00456855 00 s 01 surpliced 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | wearing a surplice 00456929 00 s 01 togged 0 002 & 00453726 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | dressed especially in smart clothes 00457036 00 s 01 turned_out 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed well or smartly; "the girls were well turned out and smart" 00457160 00 s 01 tuxedoed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in a tuxedo; "a tuxedoed gentleman" 00457258 00 s 01 underdressed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | inadequately or too informally clothed 00457355 00 s 01 uniformed 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in a uniform; "uniformed policemen lined the President's route" 00457482 00 s 01 vestmented 0 001 & 00453726 a 0000 | dressed in ceremonial garments especially clerical vestment 00457598 00 a 01 unclothed 0 019 ^ 00060397 a 0000 ! 00453726 a 0101 & 00457998 a 0000 & 00458266 a 0000 & 00458488 a 0000 & 00458664 a 0000 & 00458810 a 0000 & 00458940 a 0000 & 00459102 a 0000 & 00459210 a 0000 & 00459330 a 0000 & 00459443 a 0000 & 00459553 a 0000 & 00459746 a 0000 & 00459881 a 0000 & 00459953 a 0000 & 00460076 a 0000 & 00460157 a 0000 & 00460296 a 0000 | not wearing clothing 00457998 00 s 04 bare 0 au_naturel(p) 0 naked 0 nude 0 007 & 00457598 a 0000 + 14456435 n 0401 + 10365399 n 0401 + 14456138 n 0402 + 14456138 n 0403 + 14456138 n 0301 + 14456893 n 0101 | completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model" 00458266 00 s 09 bare-assed 0 bare-ass 0 in_the_altogether 0 in_the_buff 0 in_the_raw 0 raw 0 peeled 0 naked_as_a_jaybird 0 stark_naked 0 002 & 00457598 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (used informally) completely unclothed 00458488 00 s 03 bare-breasted 0 braless 0 topless 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nudity; "topless waitresses"; "a topless cabaret" 00458664 00 s 02 bareheaded 0 bared 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | having the head uncovered; "caught bareheaded by the downpour"; "with bared head" 00458810 00 s 01 barelegged 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | having the legs uncovered by clothing; "barelegged children on the beach" 00458940 00 s 01 bottomless 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | unclothed especially below the waist or featuring such nudeness; "bottomless dancers"; "a bottomless bar" 00459102 00 s 03 clothesless 0 garmentless 0 raimentless 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | possessing no clothing 00459210 00 s 02 en_deshabille 0 in_dishabille 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | partly dressed in a loose or careless manner 00459330 00 s 02 exposed 0 uncovered 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | not covered with clothing; "her exposed breast" 00459443 00 s 03 half-clothed 0 scantily_clad 0 underclothed 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | inadequately clothed 00459553 00 s 05 mother-naked 0 naked_as_the_day_one_was_born 0 naked_as_the_day_you_were_born 0 in_one's_birthday_suit 0 in_your_birthday_suit 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | as naked as at birth 00459746 00 s 01 off-the-shoulder 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | not covering the shoulders (especially in the case of a blouse or dress) 00459881 00 s 01 seminude 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | partially clothed 00459953 00 s 01 starkers 0 003 & 00457598 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) stark naked 00460076 00 s 01 stripped 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | with clothing stripped off 00460157 00 s 06 unappareled 0 unattired 0 unclad 0 undressed 0 ungarbed 0 ungarmented 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | having removed clothing 00460296 00 s 01 without_a_stitch 0 001 & 00457598 a 0000 | without any clothing at all 00460386 00 a 01 saddled 0 001 ! 00460536 a 0101 | having a saddle on or being mounted on a saddled animal; "saddled and spurred and ready to ride" 00460536 00 a 01 unsaddled 0 002 ! 00460386 a 0101 & 00460624 a 0000 | with no saddle 00460624 00 s 02 bareback 0 barebacked 0 001 & 00460536 a 0000 | riding without a saddle; "a bareback rider" 00460735 00 a 01 clear 3 007 ;c 06118563 n 0000 + 04701460 n 0102 + 04701460 n 0101 ! 00461311 a 0101 & 00460946 a 0000 & 00461091 a 0000 & 00461195 a 0000 | free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day" 00460946 00 s 02 cloudless 0 unclouded 1 003 & 00460735 a 0000 + 04701460 n 0203 + 04951978 n 0101 | free from clouds; "under a cloudless sky" 00461091 00 s 01 fair 0 001 & 00460735 a 0000 | free of clouds or rain; "today will be fair and warm" 00461195 00 s 01 serene 0 001 & 00460735 a 0000 | completely clear and fine; "serene skies and a bright blue sea" 00461311 00 a 01 cloudy 0 012 ;c 06118563 n 0000 + 09247410 n 0101 + 14524198 n 0101 ! 00460735 a 0101 & 00461609 a 0000 & 00461859 a 0000 & 00461971 a 0000 & 00462129 a 0000 & 00462249 a 0000 & 00462409 a 0000 & 00462546 a 0000 & 00462741 a 0000 | full of or covered with clouds; "cloudy skies" 00461609 00 s 04 brumous 0 foggy 0 hazy 0 misty 0 007 & 00461311 a 0000 + 11482706 n 0401 + 04704116 n 0402 + 11465888 n 0301 + 04704116 n 0301 + 11458314 n 0201 + 14521648 n 0202 | filled or abounding with fog or mist; "a brumous October morning" 00461859 00 s 01 fogbound 0 001 & 00461311 a 0000 | enveloped in fog; "a fogbound fleet"; "the fogbound city" 00461971 00 s 04 cloud-covered 0 clouded 0 overcast 0 sunless 0 003 & 00461311 a 0000 + 13984468 n 0302 + 14524198 n 0303 | filled or abounding with clouds 00462129 00 s 02 cloudlike 0 nebular 0 003 & 00461311 a 0000 + 14314756 n 0201 + 04682184 n 0201 | resembling a cloud 00462249 00 s 02 dull 0 leaden 0 002 & 00461311 a 0000 + 04955633 n 0101 | darkened with overcast; "a dark day"; "a dull sky"; "the sky was leaden and thick" 00462409 00 s 04 heavy 0 lowering 0 sullen 0 threatening 0 002 & 00461311 a 0000 + 07552367 n 0303 | darkened by clouds; "a heavy sky" 00462546 00 s 04 miasmal 0 miasmic 0 vaporous 0 vapourous 0 004 & 00461311 a 0000 + 15055633 n 0301 + 14518010 n 0201 + 14518010 n 0101 | filled with vapor; "miasmic jungles"; "a vaporous bog" 00462741 00 s 01 smoggy 0 003 & 00461311 a 0000 + 14518377 n 0101 + 14518377 n 0102 | clouded with a mixture of smoke and fog; "the smoggy atmosphere of Los Angeles" 00462909 00 a 01 coastal 0 006 + 09428293 n 0102 ! 00463784 a 0101 & 00463162 a 0000 & 00463308 a 0000 & 00463399 a 0000 & 00463580 a 0000 | located on or near or bordering on a coast; "coastal marshes"; "coastal waters"; "the Atlantic coastal plain" 00463162 00 s 01 coastwise 0 001 & 00462909 a 0000 | along or following a coast; "coastal shipping"; "coastwise winds contributed to the storm" 00463308 00 s 01 inshore 0 001 & 00462909 a 0000 | close to a shore; "inshore fisheries" 00463399 00 s 01 maritime 0 001 & 00462909 a 0000 | bordering on or living or characteristic of those near the sea; "a maritime province"; "maritime farmers"; "maritime cultures" 00463580 00 s 01 seaward 0 001 & 00462909 a 0000 | directed or situated away from inland regions and toward the sea or coast; "from the hill he took a seaward course"; "on the seaward side of the road" 00463784 00 a 01 inland 0 003 ! 00462909 a 0101 & 00463917 a 0000 & 00464068 a 0000 | situated away from an area's coast or border 00463917 00 s 03 interior 0 midland 0 upcountry 0 001 & 00463784 a 0000 | of or coming from the middle of a region or country; "upcountry districts" 00464068 00 s 01 landlocked 0 001 & 00463784 a 0000 | surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land; "a landlocked country" 00464195 00 a 04 inshore 0 onshore 4 seaward 4 shoreward 0 001 ! 00464399 a 0101 | (of winds) coming from the sea toward the land; "an inshore breeze"; "an onshore gale"; "sheltered from seaward winds" 00464399 00 a 02 offshore 0 seaward 0 001 ! 00464195 a 0101 | (of winds) coming from the land; "offshore winds" 00464513 00 a 04 coherent 0 consistent 1 logical 5 ordered 6 009 ^ 01430111 a 0000 ^ 01925372 a 0000 + 04745932 n 0202 + 04821277 n 0102 + 04821277 n 0101 + 02753642 v 0101 + 02753426 v 0101 ! 00464962 a 0101 & 00464845 a 0000 | marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a coherent argument" 00464845 00 s 01 seamless 0 001 & 00464513 a 0000 | perfectly consistent and coherent; "the novel's seamless plot" 00464962 00 a 01 incoherent 0 008 ^ 01430847 a 0000 ^ 01926376 a 0000 + 14418103 n 0102 + 14418103 n 0101 + 06608977 n 0101 ! 00464513 a 0101 & 00465221 a 0000 & 00465585 a 0000 | without logical or meaningful connection; "a turgid incoherent presentation" 00465221 00 s 08 confused 0 disconnected 0 disjointed 0 disordered 0 garbled 0 illogical 0 scattered 0 unconnected 0 004 & 00464962 a 0000 + 04785669 n 0602 + 14418290 n 0301 + 14417697 n 0204 | lacking orderly continuity; "a confused set of instructions"; "a confused dream about the end of the world"; "disconnected fragments of a story"; "scattered thoughts" 00465585 00 s 01 fuzzy 0 001 & 00464962 a 0000 | confused and not coherent; not clearly thought out; "a vague and fuzzy idea of the world of finance" 00465737 00 a 02 collapsible 0 collapsable 0 005 + 02083497 v 0101 ! 00466365 a 0101 & 00465943 a 0000 & 00466077 a 0000 & 00466229 a 0000 | capable of collapsing or being collapsed; "a collapsible boat" 00465943 00 s 03 foldable 0 foldaway 0 folding(a) 0 001 & 00465737 a 0000 | capable of being folded up and stored; "a foldaway bed" 00466077 00 s 01 telescopic 0 001 & 00465737 a 0000 | having parts that slide one within another; "a telescopic antenna"; "a telescopic drinking cup" 00466229 00 s 01 tip-up 0 001 & 00465737 a 0000 | constructed so as to tip up or out of the way; "the little tip-up seat of the taxi" 00466365 00 a 02 noncollapsible 0 noncollapsable 0 002 ! 00465737 a 0101 & 00466486 a 0000 | not capable of collapsing 00466486 00 s 02 nontelescopic 0 nontelescoping 0 001 & 00466365 a 0000 | not telescopic 00466577 00 a 01 crannied 0 001 ! 00466725 a 0101 | having small chinks or crannies (especially in or between rocks or stones); "a crannied wall" 00466725 00 a 01 uncrannied 0 001 ! 00466577 a 0101 | without chinks or crannies 00466808 00 a 01 collective 0 008 ^ 01330986 a 0000 ^ 02111684 a 0000 ^ 02475855 a 0000 ! 00467913 a 0101 & 00467019 a 0000 & 00467240 a 0000 & 00467564 a 0000 & 00467737 a 0000 | forming a whole or aggregate 00467019 00 s 04 agglomerate 0 agglomerated 0 agglomerative 0 clustered 0 004 & 00466808 a 0000 + 01484714 v 0301 + 14711647 n 0101 + 07961480 n 0104 | clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head" 00467240 00 s 04 aggregate 1 aggregated 0 aggregative 0 mass 0 004 & 00466808 a 0000 + 01385170 v 0301 + 08418103 n 0101 + 04353803 n 0104 | formed of separate units gathered into a mass or whole; "aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year"; "the aggregated amount of indebtedness" 00467564 00 s 02 collectivized 0 collectivised 0 001 & 00466808 a 0000 | characterized by the principle of ownership by the state or the people of the means of production 00467737 00 s 01 knockdown 0 002 & 00466808 a 0000 ;c 03405725 n 0000 | (furniture) easily assembled and dismantled; "I bought a knockdown chest at the do-it-yourself store" 00467913 00 a 01 distributive 0 010 ^ 02478749 a 0000 ^ 00539793 a 0000 + 02201644 v 0101 ! 00466808 a 0101 & 00468176 a 0000 & 00468362 a 0000 & 00468574 a 0000 & 00468795 a 0000 & 00469170 a 0000 & 00469468 a 0000 | serving to distribute or allot or disperse 00468176 00 s 03 allocable 0 allocatable 0 apportionable 0 005 & 00467913 a 0000 + 02234087 v 0302 + 02294179 v 0304 + 02234087 v 0201 + 02234087 v 0101 | capable of being distributed 00468362 00 s 04 diffusing(a) 0 diffusive 0 dispersive 0 disseminative 0 006 & 00467913 a 0000 + 00968211 v 0405 + 01376245 v 0305 + 00968211 v 030a + 01229071 v 0205 + 00968211 v 0209 | spreading by diffusion 00468574 00 s 01 immanent 0 003 & 00467913 a 0000 + 13957974 n 0102 + 13957974 n 0101 | of qualities that are spread throughout something; "ambition is immanent in human nature"; "we think of God as immanent in nature" 00468795 00 s 04 permeant 0 permeating 0 permeative 0 pervasive 0 006 & 00467913 a 0000 + 04765166 n 0401 + 01229071 v 0402 + 01229071 v 0301 + 01229071 v 0101 + 01457954 v 0103 | spreading or spread throughout; "armed with permeative irony...he punctures affectations"; "the pervasive odor of garlic"; "an error is pervasive if it is material to more than one conclusion" 00469170 00 s 01 separative 0 001 & 00467913 a 0000 | (of a word) referring singly and without exception to the members of a group; "whereas `each,' `every,' `either,' `neither,' and `none' are distributive or referring to a single member of a group, `which' in `which of the men' is separative" 00469468 00 s 01 suffusive 0 003 & 00467913 a 0000 + 00454251 v 0101 + 00454651 v 0101 | spreading through; "suffusive purple light" 00469603 00 a 02 publicized 0 publicised 0 004 ! 00470111 a 0101 & 00469767 a 0000 & 00469879 a 0000 & 00469999 a 0000 | made known; especially made widely known 00469767 00 s 01 advertised 0 001 & 00469603 a 0000 | called to public attention; "these advertised products" 00469879 00 s 01 heralded 0 001 & 00469603 a 0000 | publicly announced; "the royal couple's much heralded world tour" 00469999 00 s 02 promulgated 0 published 0 001 & 00469603 a 0000 | formally made public; "published accounts" 00470111 00 a 01 suppressed 0 005 ! 00469603 a 0101 & 00470284 a 0000 & 00470372 a 0000 & 00470528 a 0000 & 00470719 a 0000 | kept from public knowledge by various means; 00470284 00 s 01 burked(p) 0 001 & 00470111 a 0000 | suppressed quietly or indirectly 00470372 00 s 01 hushed-up 0 001 & 00470111 a 0000 | (used of information or news) kept secret by using influence; "hushed-up stories sometimes leak out" 00470528 00 s 03 quelled 0 quenched 0 squelched 0 001 & 00470111 a 0000 | subdued or overcome; "the quelled rebellion"; "an uprising quenched almost before it started"; "a squelched rumor" 00470719 00 s 01 unreleased 0 001 & 00470111 a 0000 | not (or not yet) made available for distribution or publication; "someone leaked the unreleased announcement"; "a film that remained unreleased for years" 00470930 00 a 01 published 0 001 ! 00471072 a 0101 | prepared and printed for distribution and sale; "the complete published works Dickens" 00471072 00 a 01 unpublished 0 001 ! 00470930 a 0101 | not published; "unpublished letters and diaries" 00471178 00 a 01 publishable 0 001 ! 00471260 a 0101 | suitable for publication 00471260 00 a 01 unpublishable 0 001 ! 00471178 a 0101 | not suitable for publication 00471348 00 a 01 reported 0 004 ! 00471966 a 0101 & 00471572 a 0000 & 00471698 a 0000 & 00471842 a 0000 | made known or told about; especially presented in a formal account; "his reported opinion"; "the reported findings" 00471572 00 s 01 according 0 001 & 00471348 a 0000 | (followed by `to') as reported or stated by; "according to historians" 00471698 00 s 01 notifiable 0 002 & 00471348 a 0000 + 00873682 v 0102 | requiring that official notification be given; "a notifiable disease" 00471842 00 s 01 reportable 0 001 & 00471348 a 0000 | meriting report; "years of research produced no reportable results" 00471966 00 a 01 unreported 0 001 ! 00471348 a 0101 | not reported; "unreported results" 00472057 00 a 01 reportable 0 001 ! 00472177 a 0101 | (of income) required by law to be reported; "reportable income" 00472177 00 a 01 unreportable 0 001 ! 00472057 a 0101 | (of income) not reportable; not required by law to be reported; "very little income is unreportable" 00472336 00 a 02 combinative 0 combinatory 1 005 ^ 01330986 a 0000 + 01461328 v 0102 ! 00472810 a 0101 & 00472534 a 0000 & 00472694 a 0000 | marked by or relating to or resulting from combination 00472534 00 s 01 combinatorial 0 003 & 00472336 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00870453 n 0101 | relating to the combination and arrangement of elements in sets 00472694 00 s 03 combinable 0 combinational 0 combinatory 2 001 & 00472336 a 0000 | able to or tending to combine 00472810 00 a 01 noncombinative 0 002 ! 00472336 a 0101 & 00472914 a 0000 | not involving combination 00472914 00 s 01 noncombining 0 001 & 00472810 a 0000 | not able to combine 00472992 00 a 01 combustible 0 010 + 14816745 n 0101 + 02762468 v 0102 + 02760622 v 0105 + 00377002 v 0102 ! 00474043 a 0101 & 00473243 a 0000 & 00473502 a 0000 & 00473658 a 0000 & 00473778 a 0000 & 00473869 a 0000 | capable of igniting and burning 00473243 00 s 03 burnable 0 ignitable 0 ignitible 0 010 & 00472992 a 0000 + 02760622 v 0302 + 02759614 v 0301 + 02760622 v 0202 + 02759614 v 0201 + 02762468 v 0101 + 00196364 v 0101 + 00378664 v 0101 + 00378042 v 0101 + 00377002 v 0101 | capable of burning 00473502 00 s 03 comburent 0 comburant 0 combustive 0 004 & 00472992 a 0000 + 02762468 v 0302 + 02760622 v 0305 + 00377002 v 0302 | supporting combustion 00473658 00 s 02 flammable 0 inflammable 0 003 & 00472992 a 0000 + 04712568 n 0202 + 04712568 n 0101 | easily ignited 00473778 00 s 01 ignescent 0 001 & 00472992 a 0000 | can emit sparks or burst into flame 00473869 00 s 01 incendiary 0 001 & 00472992 a 0000 | capable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily; "an incendiary agent"; "incendiary bombs" 00474043 00 a 02 noncombustible 0 incombustible 0 005 ! 00472992 a 0101 & 00474227 a 0000 & 00474311 a 0000 & 00474440 a 0000 & 00474541 a 0000 | not capable of igniting and burning 00474227 00 s 01 fireproof 0 001 & 00474043 a 0000 | impervious to damage by fire 00474311 00 s 04 fire-retardant 0 fire-resistant 0 fire-resisting 0 fire-resistive 0 001 & 00474043 a 0000 | difficult to burn 00474440 00 s 02 flameproof 0 flame-retardant 0 001 & 00474043 a 0000 | resistant to catching fire 00474541 00 s 01 nonflammable 0 001 & 00474043 a 0000 | impossible to ignite 00474620 00 a 01 explosive 0 003 + 03304730 n 0101 ! 00475008 a 0101 & 00474883 a 0000 | serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst; "an explosive device"; "explosive gas"; "explosive force"; "explosive violence"; "an explosive temper" 00474883 00 s 01 detonative 0 003 & 00474620 a 0000 + 00306298 v 0101 + 00306723 v 0102 | exploding almost instantaneously 00475008 00 a 01 nonexplosive 0 001 ! 00474620 a 0101 | not explosive; "nonexplosive gases"; "a nonexplosive fuel" 00475125 00 a 02 lighted 0 lit 2 003 ! 00475749 a 0101 & 00475308 a 0000 & 00475625 a 0000 | set afire or burning; "the lighted candles"; "a lighted cigarette"; "a lit firecracker" 00475308 00 s 06 ablaze(p) 0 afire(p) 0 aflame(p) 0 aflare(p) 0 alight(p) 0 on_fire(p) 0 001 & 00475125 a 0000 | lighted up by or as by fire or flame; "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"; "even the car's tires were aflame"; "a night aflare with fireworks"; "candles alight on the tables"; "houses on fire" 00475625 00 s 03 ignited 0 enkindled 0 kindled 0 001 & 00475125 a 0000 | set afire; "the ignited paper"; "a kindled fire" 00475749 00 a 02 unlighted 0 unlit 2 002 ! 00475125 a 0101 & 00475927 a 0000 | not set afire or burning; "the table was bare, the candles unlighted"; "held an unlit cigarette" 00475927 00 s 01 unkindled 0 001 & 00475749 a 0000 | not set afire 00475996 00 a 02 commodious 0 convenient 2 004 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 05105265 n 0104 ! 00476494 a 0101 & 00476249 a 0000 | large and roomy (`convenient' is archaic in this sense); "a commodious harbor"; "a commodious building suitable for conventions" 00476249 00 s 02 roomy 0 spacious 0 005 & 00475996 a 0000 + 05105265 n 0203 + 08652970 n 0201 + 05105265 n 0102 + 13777764 n 0101 | (of buildings and rooms) having ample space; "a roomy but sparsely furnished apartment"; "a spacious ballroom" 00476494 00 a 01 incommodious 0 003 + 14446878 n 0102 ! 00475996 a 0101 & 00476663 a 0000 | uncomfortably or inconveniently small; "incommodious hotel accommodations" 00476663 00 s 01 cramped 0 001 & 00476494 a 0000 | constricted in size; "cramped quarters"; "trying to bring children up in cramped high-rise apartments" 00476819 00 a 02 comfortable 0 comfy 0 008 = 14445379 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 14445379 n 0102 ! 00478015 a 0101 & 00477284 a 0000 & 00477553 a 0000 & 00477661 a 0000 & 00477896 a 0000 | providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal); "comfortable clothes"; "comfortable suburban houses"; "made himself comfortable in an armchair"; "the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable"; "are you comfortable?"; "feeling comfy now?" 00477284 00 s 03 cozy 0 cosy 0 snug 0 004 & 00476819 a 0000 + 14446298 n 0303 + 14446298 n 0202 + 14446298 n 0101 | enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space; "a cozy nook near the fire"; "snug in bed"; "a snug little apartment" 00477553 00 s 01 easy 0 001 & 00476819 a 0000 | affording comfort; "soft light that was easy on the eyes" 00477661 00 s 04 homelike 0 homely 0 homey 0 homy 0 004 & 00476819 a 0000 + 14513694 n 0401 + 14513694 n 0301 + 08559508 n 0201 | having a feeling of home; cozy and comfortable; "the homely everyday atmosphere"; "a homey little inn" 00477896 00 s 01 soothing 0 001 & 00476819 a 0000 | affording physical relief; "a soothing ointment for her sunburn" 00478015 00 a 01 uncomfortable 0 008 = 14445379 n 0000 ! 00476819 a 0101 & 00478311 a 0000 & 00478590 a 0000 & 00478685 a 0000 & 00478872 a 0000 & 00479073 a 0000 & 00479192 a 0000 | providing or experiencing physical discomfort; "an uncomfortable chair"; "an uncomfortable day in the hot sun" 00478311 00 s 02 bad 0 tough 0 003 & 00478015 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 05036715 n 0101 | feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad'); "my throat feels bad"; "she felt bad all over"; "he was feeling tough after a restless night" 00478590 00 s 01 comfortless 0 001 & 00478015 a 0000 | without comfort; "a comfortless room" 00478685 00 s 02 irritating 0 painful 0 002 & 00478015 a 0000 + 04720024 n 0201 | causing physical discomfort; "bites of black flies are more than irritating; they can be very painful" 00478872 00 s 02 miserable 0 wretched 0 003 & 00478015 a 0000 + 14447303 n 0201 + 14448333 n 0103 | characterized by physical misery; "a wet miserable weekend"; "spent a wretched night on the floor" 00479073 00 s 01 uneasy 0 002 & 00478015 a 0000 + 14447019 n 0103 | relating to bodily unease that causes discomfort 00479192 00 s 01 warm 0 001 & 00478015 a 0000 | uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble; "made things warm for the bookies" 00479330 00 a 01 comfortable 1 004 ^ 00822115 a 0000 + 07530000 n 0101 ! 00479933 a 0101 & 00479783 a 0000 | free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind; "was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared"; "the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong"; "was comfortable in his religious beliefs"; "she's a comfortable person to be with"; "she felt comfortable with her fiance's parents" 00479783 00 s 01 comforted 0 001 & 00479330 a 0000 | made comfortable or more comfortable in a time of distress; "the news make her feel comforted" 00479933 00 a 01 uncomfortable 1 008 ^ 00822449 a 0000 + 14446652 n 0102 + 07507329 n 0103 ! 00479330 a 0101 & 00480439 a 0000 & 00480753 a 0000 & 00480880 a 0000 & 00480965 a 0000 | conducive to or feeling mental discomfort; "this kind of life can prove disruptive and uncomfortable"; "the uncomfortable truth"; "grew uncomfortable beneath his appraising eye"; "an uncomfortable way of surprising me just when I felt surest"; "the teacher's presence at the conference made the child very uncomfortable" 00480439 00 s 03 awkward 0 ill_at_ease(p) 0 uneasy 0 004 & 00479933 a 0000 + 07507329 n 0302 + 04904851 n 0303 + 04815624 n 0101 | socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner; "awkward and reserved at parties"; "ill at ease among eddies of people he didn't know"; "was always uneasy with strangers" 00480753 00 s 01 disquieting 0 001 & 00479933 a 0000 | causing mental discomfort; "the disquieting sounds of nearby gunfire" 00480880 00 s 01 ill-fitting 0 001 & 00479933 a 0000 | not the right size or shape 00480965 00 s 01 self-conscious 0 002 & 00479933 a 0000 + 07507329 n 0101 | excessively and uncomfortably conscious of your appearance or behavior; "self-conscious teenagers"; "wondered if she could ever be untidy without feeling self-conscious about it" 00481222 00 a 01 commensurate 0 006 ^ 00889831 a 0000 + 13817279 n 0101 ! 00481855 a 0101 & 00481463 a 0000 & 00481592 a 0000 & 00481737 a 0000 | corresponding in size or degree or extent; "pay should be commensurate with the time worked" 00481463 00 s 03 coextensive 0 coterminous 0 conterminous 0 001 & 00481222 a 0000 | being of equal extent or scope or duration 00481592 00 s 01 commensurable 0 001 & 00481222 a 0000 | capable of being measured by a common standard; "hours and minutes are commensurable" 00481737 00 s 01 proportionate 0 002 & 00481222 a 0000 + 13817279 n 0103 | agreeing in amount, magnitude, or degree 00481855 00 a 01 incommensurate 0 004 ^ 00892379 a 0000 ! 00481222 a 0101 & 00482059 a 0000 & 00482139 a 0000 | not corresponding in size or degree or extent; "a reward incommensurate with his effort" 00482059 00 s 01 disproportionate 0 001 & 00481855 a 0000 | not proportionate 00482139 00 s 01 incommensurable 0 001 & 00481855 a 0000 | not having a common factor 00482227 00 a 01 proportionate 0 006 + 13817279 n 0103 ! 00483048 a 0101 & 00482452 a 0000 & 00482580 a 0000 & 00482673 a 0000 & 00482948 a 0000 | being in due proportion; "proportionate representation of a minority group" 00482452 00 s 01 per_capita 0 001 & 00482227 a 0000 | per person; "among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income" 00482580 00 s 01 proportionable 0 002 & 00482227 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | proportionate 00482673 00 s 02 proportional 0 relative 0 002 & 00482227 a 0000 + 05212609 n 0201 | properly related in size or degree or other measurable characteristics; usually followed by `to'; "the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime"; "earnings relative to production" 00482948 00 s 01 proportional 1 002 & 00482227 a 0000 + 13824675 n 0101 | having a constant ratio 00483048 00 a 02 disproportionate 0 disproportional 0 001 ! 00482227 a 0101 | out of proportion 00483146 00 a 01 commercial 0 008 = 01090446 n 0000 + 07250034 n 0101 + 01090446 n 0101 ! 00484333 a 0101 & 00483481 a 0000 & 00483650 a 0000 & 00483816 a 0000 & 00484070 a 0000 | connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises; "commercial trucker"; "commercial TV"; "commercial diamonds" 00483481 00 s 02 commercialized 0 commercialised 0 001 & 00483146 a 0000 | organized principally for financial gain; "Christmas has become a commercialized spectacle" 00483650 00 s 01 mercantile 0 001 & 00483146 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of trade or traders; "the mercantile North was forging ahead"- Van Wyck Brooks 00483816 00 s 03 mercantile 2 mercenary 0 moneymaking(a) 0 002 & 00483146 a 0000 + 00078393 n 0301 | profit oriented; "a commercial book"; "preached a mercantile and militant patriotism"- John Buchan; "a mercenary enterprise"; "a moneymaking business" 00484070 00 s 01 technical 2 001 & 00483146 a 0000 | resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental economic considerations; "analysts content that the stock market is due for a technical rally"; "the fall is only a technical correction" 00484333 00 a 01 noncommercial 0 006 = 01090446 n 0000 ! 00483146 a 0101 & 00484538 a 0000 & 00484680 a 0000 & 00484782 a 0000 & 00484932 a 0000 | not connected with or engaged in commercial enterprises 00484538 00 s 01 blue-sky 0 001 & 00484333 a 0000 | without immediate commercial value; "the company cannot afford to do blue-sky research" 00484680 00 s 02 nonprofit 0 non-profit-making 0 001 & 00484333 a 0000 | not commercially motivated 00484782 00 s 01 uncommercial 0 001 & 00484333 a 0000 | not conducive to commercial success; "might prove arty and hence uncommercial"- H.E.Clurman 00484932 00 s 02 uncommercialized 0 uncommercialised 0 001 & 00484333 a 0000 | not having been commercialized 00485044 00 a 01 residential 0 001 ! 00485252 a 0101 | used or designed for residence or limited to residences; "a residential hotel"; "a residential quarter"; "a residential college"; "residential zoning" 00485252 00 a 01 nonresidential 0 001 ! 00485044 a 0101 | not residential; "the commercial or nonresidential areas of a town"; "community colleges are typically nonresidential" 00485431 00 a 01 commissioned 0 001 ! 00485593 a 0101 | (of military officers) holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above 00485593 00 a 01 noncommissioned 0 001 ! 00485431 a 0101 | (of military officers) appointed from enlisted personnel 00485711 00 a 01 common 1 013 ^ 00489108 a 0000 ^ 01672607 a 0000 = 04795545 n 0000 + 04795545 n 0101 + 04764741 n 0101 ! 00487653 a 0101 & 00486290 a 0000 & 00486539 a 0000 & 00486819 a 0000 & 00486990 a 0000 & 00487198 a 0000 & 00487327 a 0000 & 00487525 a 0000 | having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual; "the common man"; "a common sailor"; "the common cold"; "a common nuisance"; "followed common procedure"; "it is common knowledge that she lives alone"; "the common housefly"; "a common brand of soap" 00486290 00 s 02 average 0 ordinary 2 004 & 00485711 a 0000 + 04794751 n 0201 + 14501172 n 0101 + 04795061 n 0101 | lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered; "average people"; "the ordinary (or common) man in the street" 00486539 00 s 02 democratic 0 popular 1 002 & 00485711 a 0000 + 05964445 n 0102 | representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large; "democratic art forms"; "a democratic or popular movement"; "popular thought"; "popular science"; "popular fiction" 00486819 00 s 01 demotic 0 001 & 00485711 a 0000 | of or for the common people; "demotic entertainments"; "demotic speech"; "a poet with a keen ear for demotic rhythms" 00486990 00 s 01 frequent 0 003 & 00485711 a 0000 + 13598237 n 0101 + 15278281 n 0102 | frequently encountered; "a frequent (or common) error is using the transitive verb `lay' for the intransitive `lie'"; 00487198 00 s 01 general 0 001 & 00485711 a 0000 | prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent" 00487327 00 s 01 grassroots 0 001 & 00485711 a 0000 | of or involving the common people as constituting a fundamental political and economic group; "a grassroots movement for nuclear disarmament" 00487525 00 s 01 standard 0 001 & 00485711 a 0000 | commonly used or supplied; "standard procedure"; "standard car equipment" 00487653 00 a 01 uncommon 0 010 ^ 01675190 a 0000 ^ 00490035 a 0000 = 04795545 n 0000 + 04796946 n 0101 ! 00485711 a 0101 & 00488187 a 0000 & 00488561 a 0000 & 00488697 a 0000 & 00488857 a 0000 & 00488998 a 0000 | not common or ordinarily encountered; unusually great in amount or remarkable in character or kind; "uncommon birds"; "frost and floods are uncommon during these months"; "doing an uncommon amount of business"; "an uncommon liking for money"; "he owed his greatest debt to his mother's uncommon character and ability" 00488187 00 s 04 especial(a) 0 exceptional 0 particular(a) 0 special 0 002 & 00487653 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0402 | surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what's so special about the year 2000?" 00488561 00 s 01 rare 0 001 & 00487653 a 0000 | not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books" 00488697 00 s 02 red_carpet(a) 0 red-carpet(a) 0 001 & 00487653 a 0000 | special treatment or hospitality; "the maitre d' gave them the red-carpet treatment" 00488857 00 s 01 unusual 0 002 & 00487653 a 0000 + 04797295 n 0101 | not commonly encountered; "two-career families are no longer unusual" 00488998 00 s 01 unwonted 0 001 & 00487653 a 0000 | out of the ordinary; "an unwonted softness in her face" 00489108 00 a 01 usual 0 007 ^ 00485711 a 0000 = 04796086 n 0000 + 04796086 n 0101 ! 00490035 a 0101 & 00489491 a 0000 & 00489768 a 0000 & 00489863 a 0000 | occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure; "grew the usual vegetables"; "the usual summer heat"; "came at the usual time"; "the child's usual bedtime" 00489491 00 s 04 accustomed 0 customary 0 habitual 0 wonted(a) 0 003 & 00489108 a 0000 + 00414179 n 0301 + 00413239 n 0201 | commonly used or practiced; usual; "his accustomed thoroughness"; "took his customary morning walk"; "his habitual comment"; "with her wonted candor" 00489768 00 s 02 chronic 0 inveterate 0 001 & 00489108 a 0000 | habitual; "a chronic smoker" 00489863 00 s 01 regular 0 002 & 00489108 a 0000 + 04767347 n 0101 | in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime" 00490035 00 a 01 unusual 0 011 ^ 00487653 a 0000 = 04796086 n 0000 + 04797295 n 0101 ! 00489108 a 0101 & 00490413 a 0000 & 00490650 a 0000 & 00490845 a 0000 & 00490979 a 0000 & 00491089 a 0000 & 00491320 a 0000 & 00491511 a 0000 | not usual or common or ordinary; "a scene of unusual beauty"; "a man of unusual ability"; "cruel and unusual punishment"; "an unusual meteorite" 00490413 00 s 01 different 0 002 & 00490035 a 0000 + 02666239 v 0101 | differing from all others; not ordinary; "advertising that strives continually to be different"; "this new music is certainly different but I don't really like it" 00490650 00 s 01 extraordinary(p) 0 001 & 00490035 a 0000 | (of an official) serving an unusual or special function in addition to those of the regular officials; "an ambassador extraordinary" 00490845 00 s 01 odd 0 002 & 00490035 a 0000 + 04799011 n 0102 | not easily explained; "it is odd that his name is never mentioned" 00490979 00 s 01 out-of-the-way 0 001 & 00490035 a 0000 | out of the ordinary; "out-of-the-way information" 00491089 00 s 01 peculiar 0 001 & 00490035 a 0000 | markedly different from the usual; "a peculiar hobby of stuffing and mounting bats"; "a man...feels it a peculiar insult to be taunted with cowardice by a woman"-Virginia Woolf 00491320 00 s 01 unaccustomed 0 001 & 00490035 a 0000 | not customary or usual; "an unaccustomed pleasure"; "many varieties of unaccustomed foods"; "a new budget of unaccustomed austerity" 00491511 00 s 01 unique 0 001 & 00490035 a 0000 | highly unusual or rare but not the single instance; "spoke with a unique accent"; "had unique ability in raising funds"; "a frankness unique in literature"; "a unique dining experience" 00491749 00 a 01 hydrophobic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05196220 n 0101 ! 00491971 a 0101 | lacking affinity for water; tending to repel and not absorb water; tending not to dissolve in or mix with or be wetted by water 00491971 00 a 01 hydrophilic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00491749 a 0101 & 00492157 a 0000 | having a strong affinity for water; tending to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water 00492157 00 s 01 deliquescent 0 003 & 00491971 a 0000 + 00553053 v 0101 + 00376625 v 0101 | (especially of certain salts) becoming liquid by absorbing moisture from the air 00492332 00 a 01 oleophilic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00492595 a 0101 & 00492477 a 0000 | having a strong affinity for oils rather than water 00492477 00 s 02 lipophilic 0 lipotropic 0 002 & 00492332 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | having an affinity for lipids 00492595 00 a 01 oleophobic 0 001 ! 00492332 a 0101 | lacking affinity for oils 00492677 00 a 01 common 2 008 ^ 02111684 a 0000 = 04764741 n 0000 + 08615374 n 0103 + 04764741 n 0102 + 04764741 n 0101 ! 00493460 a 0101 & 00493012 a 0000 & 00493297 a 0000 | belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public; "for the common good"; "common lands are set aside for use by all members of a community" 00493012 00 s 01 communal 0 003 & 00492677 a 0000 + 02295979 v 0101 + 13240839 n 0101 | for or by a group rather than individuals; "dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"- Paul Roche; "a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared"; "a group effort" 00493297 00 s 01 public 0 001 & 00492677 a 0000 | affecting the people or community as a whole; "community leaders"; "community interests"; "the public welfare" 00493460 00 a 02 individual 0 single 0 009 ^ 02109678 a 0000 = 04763293 n 0000 + 04763293 n 0101 ! 00492677 a 0101 & 00493820 a 0000 & 00494027 a 0000 & 00494198 a 0000 & 00494409 a 0000 & 00494622 a 0000 | being or characteristic of a single thing or person; "individual drops of rain"; "please mark the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways" 00493820 00 s 01 idiosyncratic 0 002 & 00493460 a 0000 + 04764242 n 0101 | peculiar to the individual; "we all have our own idiosyncratic gestures"; "Michelangelo's highly idiosyncratic style of painting" 00494027 00 s 02 individualist 0 individualistic 0 002 & 00493460 a 0000 + 04763293 n 0202 | marked by or expressing individuality; "an individualistic way of dressing" 00494198 00 s 02 one-on-one 0 man-to-man 0 002 & 00493460 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | being a system of play in which an individual defensive player guards an individual offensive player; "one-on-one defense" 00494409 00 s 03 respective(a) 0 several(a) 0 various(a) 0 001 & 00493460 a 0000 | considered individually; "the respective club members"; "specialists in their several fields"; "the various reports all agreed" 00494622 00 s 01 singular 0 002 & 00493460 a 0000 + 04763650 n 0101 | being a single and separate person or thing; "can the singular person be understood apart from his culture?"; "every fact in the world might be singular...unlike any other fact and sole of its kind"-William James 00494907 00 a 02 communicative 0 communicatory 0 047 ^ 00150202 a 0000 ^ 02383831 a 0000 + 01070102 v 0201 + 00742320 v 0201 + 00740577 v 0201 + 01070102 v 0101 + 00742320 v 0101 + 00740577 v 0101 + 04650527 n 0101 ! 00500569 a 0101 & 00495916 a 0000 & 00496170 a 0000 & 00496259 a 0000 & 00496422 a 0000 & 00496569 a 0000 & 00496670 a 0000 & 00496845 a 0000 & 00496938 a 0000 & 00497148 a 0000 & 00497330 a 0000 & 00497442 a 0000 & 00497535 a 0000 & 00497626 a 0000 & 00497717 a 0000 & 00497808 a 0000 & 00497964 a 0000 & 00498161 a 0000 & 00498286 a 0000 & 00498439 a 0000 & 00498536 a 0000 & 00498629 a 0000 & 00498724 a 0000 & 00498817 a 0000 & 00498912 a 0000 & 00499062 a 0000 & 00499183 a 0000 & 00499315 a 0000 & 00499441 a 0000 & 00499530 a 0000 & 00499730 a 0000 & 00499823 a 0000 & 00499920 a 0000 & 00500024 a 0000 & 00500126 a 0000 & 00500219 a 0000 & 00500310 a 0000 & 00500434 a 0000 | able or tending to communicate; "was a communicative person and quickly told all she knew"- W.M.Thackeray 00495916 00 s 03 anecdotic 0 anecdotal 0 anecdotical 0 003 & 00494907 a 0000 + 07220586 n 0301 + 07220586 n 0101 | characterized by or given to telling anecdotes; "anecdotal conversation"; "an anecdotal history of jazz"; "he was at his anecdotic best" 00496170 00 s 01 Bantu-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Bantu 00496259 00 s 04 blabbermouthed 0 leaky 0 talebearing(a) 0 tattling(a) 0 002 & 00494907 a 0000 + 07215185 n 0201 | prone to communicate confidential information 00496422 00 s 03 chatty 0 gossipy 0 newsy 0 003 & 00494907 a 0000 + 07135080 n 0207 + 07134850 n 0101 | prone to friendly informal communication 00496569 00 s 01 communicable 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | readily communicated; "communicable ideas" 00496670 00 s 01 communicational 0 003 & 00494907 a 0000 + 06252138 n 0101 + 00033020 n 0101 | used in communication; "he had few communicational grooves available for use" 00496845 00 s 01 English-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in English 00496938 00 s 02 expansive 0 talkative 0 005 & 00494907 a 0000 + 04651382 n 0205 + 00962447 v 0201 + 04651009 n 0103 + 04651009 n 0102 | friendly and open and willing to talk; "wine made the guest expansive" 00497148 00 s 01 expressive 0 005 & 00494907 a 0000 + 01061017 v 0103 + 00943837 v 0101 + 00940384 v 0101 + 04819694 n 0101 | characterized by expression; "a very expressive face" 00497330 00 s 01 Finno-Ugric-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in a Finno-Ugric language 00497442 00 s 01 Flemish-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Flemish 00497535 00 s 01 French-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in French 00497626 00 s 01 Gaelic-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Gaelic 00497717 00 s 01 German-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in German 00497808 00 s 01 gesticulating 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | making gestures while speaking; "her gesticulating hands and arms made words almost unnecessary" 00497964 00 s 02 gestural 1 nonverbal 1 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | being other than verbal communication; "the study of gestural communication"; "art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression" 00498161 00 s 04 gestural 2 sign(a) 0 signed 0 sign-language(a) 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | used of the language of the deaf 00498286 00 s 01 heraldic 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | indicative of or announcing something to come; "the Beatles were heraldic of a new style of music" 00498439 00 s 01 Icelandic-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Icelandic 00498536 00 s 01 Italian-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Italian 00498629 00 s 01 Japanese-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Japanese 00498724 00 s 01 Kannada-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Kannada 00498817 00 s 01 Livonian-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Livonian 00498912 00 s 01 narrative 0 002 & 00494907 a 0000 + 00953216 v 0102 | consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story; "narrative poetry" 00499062 00 s 01 nonverbal 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | involving little use of language; "a nonverbal intelligence test" 00499183 00 s 01 nonverbal 2 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | lacking verbal skill; "rural students often come from nonverbal backgrounds" 00499315 00 s 01 openhearted 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | freely communicative; candidly straightforward; "openhearted advice" 00499441 00 s 01 Oscan-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Oscan 00499530 00 s 02 outspoken 0 vocal 0 002 & 00494907 a 0000 + 04650731 n 0102 | given to expressing yourself freely or insistently; "outspoken in their opposition to segregation"; "a vocal assembly" 00499730 00 s 01 Russian-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Russian 00499823 00 s 01 Samoyedic-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Samoyedic 00499920 00 s 01 Semitic-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in a Semitic language 00500024 00 s 01 Siouan-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in a Siouan language 00500126 00 s 01 Spanish-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Spanish 00500219 00 s 01 Turkic-speaking 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | able to communicate in Turkic 00500310 00 s 01 verbal 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | communicated in the form of words; "verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest" 00500434 00 s 01 yarn-spinning 0 001 & 00494907 a 0000 | inclined to tell long and involved stories (often of incredible happenings) 00500569 00 a 02 uncommunicative 0 incommunicative 4 011 ^ 00151105 a 0000 ^ 02383380 a 0000 + 04651784 n 0101 ! 00494907 a 0101 & 00500889 a 0000 & 00501004 a 0000 & 00501313 a 0000 & 00501552 a 0000 & 00501723 a 0000 & 00501820 a 0000 & 00501998 a 0000 | not inclined to talk or give information or express opinions 00500889 00 s 02 blank 2 vacuous 0 002 & 00500569 a 0000 + 14455419 n 0101 | void of expression; "a blank stare" 00501004 00 s 05 close 0 closelipped 0 closemouthed 0 secretive 0 tightlipped 0 005 & 00500569 a 0000 + 04652177 n 0402 + 04657407 n 0402 + 02145271 v 0401 + 04657407 n 0101 | inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information; "although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it" 00501313 00 s 05 deadpan 0 expressionless 0 impassive 0 poker-faced 0 unexpressive 0 002 & 00500569 a 0000 + 07483782 n 0303 | deliberately impassive in manner; "deadpan humor"; "his face remained expressionless as the verdict was read" 00501552 00 s 01 incommunicado 0 001 & 00500569 a 0000 | without the means or right to communicate; "a prisoner held incommunicado"; "incommunicado political detainees" 00501723 00 s 01 inexpressive 0 001 & 00500569 a 0000 | not expressive; "an inexpressive face" 00501820 00 s 02 mum 0 silent 0 003 & 00500569 a 0000 + 04651974 n 0202 + 04652345 n 0101 | failing to speak or communicate etc when expected to; "the witness remained silent" 00501998 00 s 02 unpronounceable 0 unutterable 0 001 & 00500569 a 0000 | very difficult to pronounce correctly; "an unpronounceable foreign word"; "unutterable consonant clusters" 00502180 00 a 01 compact 0 010 ^ 00538565 a 0000 + 04941325 n 0101 ! 00503321 a 0101 & 00502487 a 0000 & 00502646 a 0000 & 00502730 a 0000 & 00502809 a 0000 & 00502922 a 0000 & 00503020 a 0000 & 00503157 a 0000 | closely and firmly united or packed together; "compact soil"; "compact clusters of flowers" 00502487 00 s 03 clayey 0 cloggy 0 heavy 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | (used of soil) compact and fine-grained; "the clayey soil was heavy and easily saturated" 00502646 00 s 01 close-packed 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | packed especially tightly 00502730 00 s 01 consolidated 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | forming a solid mass 00502809 00 s 02 impacted 0 wedged 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | wedged or packed in together; "an impacted tooth" 00502922 00 s 01 packed 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | pressed together or compressed; "packed snow" 00503020 00 s 01 serried 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | (especially of rows as of troops or mountains) pressed together; "in serried ranks" 00503157 00 s 01 tight 0 001 & 00502180 a 0000 | packed closely together; "they stood in a tight little group"; "hair in tight curls"; "the pub was packed tight" 00503321 00 a 01 loose 2 006 + 04777421 n 0101 ! 00502180 a 0101 & 00503527 a 0000 & 00503664 a 0000 & 00503780 a 0000 & 00503876 a 0000 | not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; "loose gravel" 00503527 00 s 01 light 0 002 & 00503321 a 0000 + 05028700 n 0101 | (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency; "light soil" 00503664 00 s 02 shifting 0 unfirm 0 001 & 00503321 a 0000 | (of soil) unstable; "shifting sands"; "unfirm earth" 00503780 00 s 01 silty 0 002 & 00503321 a 0000 + 15042052 n 0101 | full of silt; "silty soil" 00503876 00 s 01 unconsolidated 0 001 & 00503321 a 0000 | loose and unstratified; "unconsolidated soil" 00503982 00 a 01 comparable 0 006 ^ 00889831 a 0000 ^ 01718158 a 0000 + 04746842 n 0104 ! 00504592 a 0101 & 00504172 a 0000 & 00504431 a 0000 | able to be compared or worthy of comparison 00504172 00 s 01 comparable_with(p) 0 001 & 00503982 a 0000 | similar in some respect and so able to be compared in order to show differences and similarities; "pianists of comparable ability"; "cars comparable with each other in terms of fuel consumption" 00504431 00 s 01 comparable_to(p) 0 001 & 00503982 a 0000 | worthy of comparison; as good as; "at that moment nothing in the world seemed comparable to sleep" 00504592 00 a 02 incomparable 0 uncomparable 0 007 ^ 00227507 a 0000 ^ 01675190 a 0000 ! 00503982 a 0101 & 00505086 a 0000 & 00505285 a 0000 & 00505410 a 0000 & 00505853 a 0000 | such that comparison is impossible; unsuitable for comparison or lacking features that can be compared; "an incomparable week of rest and pleasure"; "the computer proceeds with its incomparable logic and efficiency"; "this report is incomparable with the earlier ones because of different breakdowns of the data" 00505086 00 s 01 all-time 0 001 & 00504592 a 0000 | unsurpassed in some respect up to the present; "prices at an all-time high"; "morale at an all-time low"; "among the all-time great lefthanders" 00505285 00 s 01 incommensurable 0 001 & 00504592 a 0000 | impossible to measure or compare in value or size or excellence 00505410 00 s 09 matchless 0 nonpareil 0 one(a) 0 one_and_only(a) 0 peerless 0 unmatched 0 unmatchable 0 unrivaled 0 unrivalled 0 001 & 00504592 a 0000 | eminent beyond or above comparison; "matchless beauty"; "the team's nonpareil center fielder"; "she's one girl in a million"; "the one and only Muhammad Ali"; "a peerless scholar"; "infamy unmatched in the Western world"; "wrote with unmatchable clarity"; "unrivaled mastery of her art" 00505853 00 s 05 alone(p) 0 unique 0 unequaled 0 unequalled 0 unparalleled 0 002 & 00504592 a 0000 + 04763650 n 0202 | radically distinctive and without equal; "he is alone in the field of microbiology"; "this theory is altogether alone in its penetration of the problem"; "Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint"; "craftsmen whose skill is unequaled"; "unparalleled athletic ability"; "a breakdown of law unparalleled in our history" 00506299 00 a 01 compassionate 0 010 ^ 01261867 a 0000 ^ 01507134 a 0000 ^ 02374914 a 0000 + 07553741 n 0101 + 04829550 n 0101 + 07553741 n 0102 ! 00507053 a 0101 & 00506601 a 0000 & 00506743 a 0000 & 00506852 a 0000 | showing or having compassion; "heard the soft and compassionate voices of women" 00506601 00 s 01 caring 0 002 & 00506299 a 0000 + 07546125 n 0102 | feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; "caring friends" 00506743 00 s 01 nurturant 0 001 & 00506299 a 0000 | providing physical and emotional care and nourishment 00506852 00 s 01 tenderhearted 0 002 & 00506299 a 0000 + 07554342 n 0102 | easily moved by another's distress; "a noble tenderhearted creature who sympathizes with all the human race"- W.M.Thackeray 00507053 00 a 01 uncompassionate 0 004 ^ 01507402 a 0000 ^ 02375828 a 0000 ! 00506299 a 0101 & 00507292 a 0000 | lacking compassion or feeling for others; "nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire"- Shakespeare 00507292 00 s 03 hardhearted 0 stonyhearted 0 unfeeling 0 003 & 00507053 a 0000 + 04844625 n 0301 + 07506149 n 0103 | devoid of feeling for others; "an unfeeling wretch" 00507464 00 a 01 compatible 1 008 ^ 00560586 a 0000 ^ 01163083 a 0000 ^ 01486489 a 0000 + 04712735 n 0101 ! 00508192 a 0101 & 00507789 a 0000 & 00507912 a 0000 & 00508036 a 0000 | able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination; "a compatible married couple"; "her deeds were compatible with her ideology" 00507789 00 s 01 congenial 0 001 & 00507464 a 0000 | (used of plants) capable of cross-fertilization or of being grafted 00507912 00 s 01 congruous 0 003 & 00507464 a 0000 + 04714156 n 0102 + 04714156 n 0101 | suitable or appropriate together 00508036 00 s 01 harmonious 0 003 & 00507464 a 0000 + 13969243 n 0101 + 04713118 n 0102 | existing together in harmony; "harmonious family relationships" 00508192 00 a 01 incompatible 1 010 ^ 02064745 a 0000 ^ 01164072 a 0000 ^ 01487201 a 0000 ^ 00561036 a 0000 + 04714440 n 0101 ! 00507464 a 0101 & 00508480 a 0000 & 00508592 a 0000 & 00508750 a 0000 & 00508924 a 0000 | not compatible; "incompatible personalities"; "incompatible colors" 00508480 00 s 01 antagonistic 0 002 & 00508192 a 0000 + 13980288 n 0103 | incapable of harmonious association 00508592 00 s 01 clashing 0 001 & 00508192 a 0000 | sharply and harshly discordant; "clashing interests of loggers and conservationists"; "clashing colors" 00508750 00 s 02 contradictory 0 mutually_exclusive 0 004 & 00508192 a 0000 + 13857486 n 0101 + 02663141 v 0101 + 00823436 v 0101 | unable to be both true at the same time 00508924 00 s 01 uncongenial 0 001 & 00508192 a 0000 | used of plant stock or scions; incapable of being grafted 00509039 00 a 01 compatible 2 002 ;c 03082979 n 0000 ! 00509206 a 0101 | capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification 00509206 00 a 01 incompatible 2 002 ;c 03082979 n 0000 ! 00509039 a 0101 | incapable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification 00509377 00 a 02 miscible 0 mixable 0 006 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 00556193 v 0201 + 00184117 v 0201 + 00394813 v 0203 ! 00509735 a 0101 & 00509576 a 0000 | (chemistry, physics) capable of being mixed 00509576 00 s 01 compatible 0 001 & 00509377 a 0000 | capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction 00509735 00 a 03 immiscible 0 non-miscible 0 unmixable 0 003 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 00509377 a 0101 & 00509896 a 0000 | (chemistry, physics) incapable of mixing 00509896 00 s 01 incompatible 0 001 & 00509735 a 0000 | used especially of solids or solutions; incapable of blending into a stable homogeneous mixture 00510050 00 a 01 competent 0 010 ^ 00306314 a 0000 ^ 00839619 a 0000 ^ 01911053 a 0000 ^ 02225510 a 0000 + 05153520 n 0102 + 05153520 n 0101 ! 00511214 a 0101 & 00510348 a 0000 & 00510644 a 0000 & 00511037 a 0000 | properly or sufficiently qualified or capable or efficient; "a competent typist" 00510348 00 s 02 able 0 capable 0 005 & 00510050 a 0000 + 05202497 n 0202 + 05623181 n 0201 + 05616246 n 0101 + 05200169 n 0101 | have the skills and qualifications to do things well; "able teachers"; "a capable administrator"; "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable" 00510644 00 s 02 effective 0 efficient 0 004 & 00510050 a 0000 + 01642924 v 0101 + 05199286 n 0101 + 05199286 n 0102 | able to accomplish a purpose; functioning effectively; "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons..."-G.B.Shaw; "effective personnel"; "an efficient secretary"; "the efficient cause of the revolution" 00511037 00 s 01 workmanlike 0 001 & 00510050 a 0000 | worthy of a good workman; "a competent job"; "the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index" 00511214 00 a 01 incompetent 0 009 ^ 00840902 a 0000 ^ 01911415 a 0000 ^ 02228335 a 0000 + 05154241 n 0102 + 05154241 n 0101 ! 00510050 a 0101 & 00511526 a 0000 & 00511739 a 0000 & 00511966 a 0000 | not qualified or suited for a purpose; "an incompetent secret service"; "the filming was hopeless incompetent" 00511526 00 s 02 feckless 0 inept 0 003 & 00511214 a 0000 + 04721058 n 0203 + 05139942 n 0101 | generally incompetent and ineffectual; "feckless attempts to repair the plumbing"; "inept handling of the account" 00511739 00 s 02 ineffective 0 inefficient 0 003 & 00511214 a 0000 + 05648953 n 0201 + 05207963 n 0101 | lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers" 00511966 00 s 01 unworkmanlike 0 001 & 00511214 a 0000 | not characteristic of or suitable for a good workman; "an unworkmanlike result"; "an unworkmanlike tool" 00512130 00 a 01 competent 2 001 ! 00512261 a 0101 | legally qualified or sufficient; "a competent court"; "competent testimony" 00512261 00 a 02 incompetent 2 unqualified 3 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 ! 00512130 a 0101 | legally not qualified or sufficient; "a wife is usually considered unqualified to testify against her husband"; "incompetent witnesses" 00512487 00 a 02 competitive 0 competitory 0 007 + 01072262 v 0201 + 01072262 v 0101 + 04837425 n 0101 ! 00513165 a 0101 & 00512769 a 0000 & 00512941 a 0000 & 00513048 a 0000 | involving competition or competitiveness; "competitive games"; "to improve one's competitive position" 00512769 00 s 03 agonistic 0 agonistical 0 combative 0 002 & 00512487 a 0000 + 04837615 n 0301 | striving to overcome in argument; "a dialectical and agonistic approach" 00512941 00 s 02 emulous 0 rivalrous 0 002 & 00512487 a 0000 + 10533013 n 0201 | eager to surpass others 00513048 00 s 01 matched 0 001 & 00512487 a 0000 | provided with a worthy adversary or competitor; "matched teams" 00513165 00 a 01 noncompetitive 0 004 ! 00512487 a 0101 & 00513388 a 0000 & 00513559 a 0000 & 00513716 a 0000 | not involving competition or competitiveness; "noncompetitive positions"; "noncompetitive interest in games" 00513388 00 s 02 accommodative 0 cooperative 0 003 & 00513165 a 0000 + 04906026 n 0203 + 02702830 v 0102 | willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement 00513559 00 s 01 monopolistic 0 002 & 00513165 a 0000 + 14444326 n 0101 | having exclusive control over a commercial activity by possession or legal grant 00513716 00 s 01 uncompetitive 0 001 & 00513165 a 0000 | not inclined to compete 00513799 00 a 02 complaining(a) 0 complaintive 0 003 ! 00514278 a 0101 & 00513981 a 0000 & 00514175 a 0000 | expressing pain or dissatisfaction of resentment; "a complaining boss" 00513981 00 s 04 fretful 0 querulous 0 whiney 0 whiny 0 005 & 00513799 a 0000 + 07211752 n 0402 + 07211752 n 0302 + 04642980 n 0201 + 07552729 n 0103 | habitually complaining; "a whiny child" 00514175 00 s 01 protestant 0 003 & 00513799 a 0000 + 02521410 v 0101 + 00910135 v 0101 | protesting 00514278 00 a 01 uncomplaining 0 002 ^ 01735736 a 0000 ! 00513799 a 0101 | not complaining; "uncomplaining courage" 00514396 00 a 01 compressible 0 004 + 01387786 v 0101 + 04938474 n 0101 ! 00514717 a 0101 & 00514613 a 0000 | capable of being compressed or made more compact; "compressible packing materials"; "a compressible box" 00514613 00 s 01 compressed 0 001 & 00514396 a 0000 | reduced in volume by pressure; "compressed air" 00514717 00 a 01 incompressible 0 002 ! 00514396 a 0101 + 04938702 n 0101 | incapable of being compressed; resisting compression; "mounds of incompressible garbage" 00514884 00 a 01 whole 0 010 ^ 00520214 a 0000 = 14460565 n 0000 + 05869584 n 0101 ! 00516539 a 0101 & 00515380 a 0000 & 00515622 a 0000 & 00515753 a 0000 & 00515870 a 0000 & 00516231 a 0000 & 00516360 a 0000 | including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete; "gave his whole attention"; "a whole wardrobe for the tropics"; "the whole hog"; "a whole week"; "the baby cried the whole trip home"; "a whole loaf of bread" 00515380 00 s 03 entire 1 full 1 total 0 003 & 00514884 a 0000 + 04765851 n 0301 + 14461231 n 0102 | constituting the full quantity or extent; complete; "an entire town devastated by an earthquake"; "gave full attention"; "a total failure" 00515622 00 s 01 full-length 0 001 & 00514884 a 0000 | representing or accommodating the entire length; "a full-length portrait" 00515753 00 s 01 full-page 0 001 & 00514884 a 0000 | occupying an entire page in a book or paper; "a full-page ad" 00515870 00 s 03 integral 0 entire 2 intact 0 004 & 00514884 a 0000 + 14460407 n 0301 + 14461231 n 0202 + 14461231 n 0103 | constituting the undiminished entirety; lacking nothing essential especially not damaged; "a local motion keepeth bodies integral"- Bacon; "was able to keep the collection entire during his lifetime"; "fought to keep the union intact" 00516231 00 s 01 livelong 0 001 & 00514884 a 0000 | (of time) constituting the full extent or duration; "all the livelong day" 00516360 00 s 01 undivided 0 001 & 00514884 a 0000 | not separated into parts or shares; constituting an undivided unit; "an undivided interest in the property"; "a full share" 00516539 00 a 01 fractional 0 010 ^ 00523978 a 0000 = 14460565 n 0000 + 03390207 n 0101 ! 00514884 a 0101 & 00516887 a 0000 & 00517010 a 0000 & 00517314 a 0000 & 00517554 a 0000 & 00517710 a 0000 & 00517816 a 0000 | constituting or comprising a part or fraction of a possible whole or entirety; "a fractional share of the vote"; "a partial dose" 00516887 00 s 01 aliquot 0 002 & 00516539 a 0000 + 13734629 n 0101 | signifying an exact divisor or factor of a quantity 00517010 00 s 01 divisional 0 002 & 00516539 a 0000 + 05867413 n 0103 | constituting a division or an aliquot part of the basic monetary unit; "American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel"; "fractional currency is currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit" 00517314 00 s 02 fragmental 0 fragmentary 0 007 & 00516539 a 0000 + 09285254 n 0201 + 07008680 n 0201 + 04184701 n 0203 + 09285254 n 0101 + 07008680 n 0101 + 04184701 n 0103 | consisting of small disconnected parts; "fragmentary remains" 00517554 00 s 01 half(a) 0 001 & 00516539 a 0000 | consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity; "a half chicken"; "lasted a half hour" 00517710 00 s 01 halfway 0 001 & 00516539 a 0000 | including only half or a portion; "halfway measures" 00517816 00 s 01 waist-length 0 001 & 00516539 a 0000 | (of clothing) extending only to the waist 00517916 00 a 01 whole 2 001 ! 00518035 a 0101 | (of siblings) having the same parents; "whole brothers and sisters" 00518035 00 a 01 half 2 001 ! 00517916 a 0101 | (of siblings) related through one parent only; "a half brother"; "half sister" 00518164 00 a 01 committed 0 004 + 04646990 n 0101 ! 00518716 a 0101 & 00518405 a 0000 & 00518549 a 0000 | bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude; "committed church members"; "a committed Marxist" 00518405 00 s 02 bound_up 0 wrapped_up 0 001 & 00518164 a 0000 | deeply devoted to; "bound up in her teaching"; "is wrapped up in his family" 00518549 00 s 02 pledged 0 sworn 0 001 & 00518164 a 0000 | bound by or as if by an oath; "according to an early tradition became his sworn brother"; "sworn enemies" 00518716 00 a 01 uncommitted 0 004 ! 00518164 a 0101 & 00518848 a 0000 & 00518981 a 0000 & 00519103 a 0000 | not bound or pledged 00518848 00 s 01 fancy-free 0 001 & 00518716 a 0000 | having no commitments or responsibilities; carefree; "a fancy-free bachelor" 00518981 00 s 01 floating(a) 0 001 & 00518716 a 0000 | not definitely committed to a party or policy; "floating voters" 00519103 00 s 01 undecided 0 001 & 00518716 a 0000 | not yet having made a commitment; "undecided voters" 00519211 00 a 01 dedicated 0 004 ! 00520081 a 0101 & 00519477 a 0000 & 00519668 a 0000 & 00519823 a 0000 | devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; "a dedicated dancer"; "dedicated teachers"; "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"- A.Lincoln 00519477 00 s 01 devoted(p) 0 001 & 00519211 a 0000 | (followed by `to') dedicated exclusively to a purpose or use; "large sums devoted to the care of the poor"; "a life devoted to poetry" 00519668 00 s 01 devoted 2 002 & 00519211 a 0000 + 07544491 n 0102 | zealous in devotion or affection; "a devoted husband and father"; "devoted friends" 00519823 00 s 01 sacred 0 002 & 00519211 a 0000 + 04855332 n 0101 | (often followed by `to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person; "a fund sacred to charity"; "a morning hour sacred to study"; "a private office sacred to the President" 00520081 00 a 01 undedicated 0 001 ! 00519211 a 0101 | not dedicated; "the playground has been completed but is still undedicated" 00520214 00 a 01 complete 0 024 ^ 00525453 a 0000 ^ 00514884 a 0000 = 14460974 n 0000 + 14460974 n 0101 ! 00523978 a 0101 & 00520892 a 0000 & 00521329 a 0000 & 00521584 a 0000 & 00521692 a 0000 & 00521811 a 0000 & 00521976 a 0000 & 00522101 a 0000 & 00522240 a 0000 & 00522349 a 0000 & 00522463 a 0000 & 00522680 a 0000 & 00522885 a 0000 & 00523068 a 0000 & 00523229 a 0000 & 00523364 a 0000 & 00523479 a 0000 & 00523587 a 0000 & 00523786 a 0000 & 00523867 a 0000 | having every necessary or normal part or component or step; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"; "a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting" 00520892 00 s 06 absolute 1 downright 0 out-and-out(a) 0 rank(a) 0 right-down 0 sheer(a) 0 002 & 00520214 a 0000 + 04738398 n 0101 | complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers; "absolute freedom"; "an absolute dimwit"; "a downright lie"; "out-and-out mayhem"; "an out-and-out lie"; "a rank outsider"; "many right-down vices"; "got the job through sheer persistence"; "sheer stupidity" 00521329 00 s 04 accomplished 0 completed 0 realized 0 realised 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him" 00521584 00 s 01 all 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | completely given to or absorbed by; "became all attention" 00521692 00 s 02 all-or-none 0 all-or-nothing 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | occurring completely or not occurring at all 00521811 00 s 02 all-out 0 full-scale 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | using all available resources; "all-out war"; "a full-scale campaign against nuclear power plants" 00521976 00 s 01 allover 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | covering the entire surface; "an allover pattern"; "got an allover tan" 00522101 00 s 01 clean 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | thorough and without qualification; "a clean getaway"; "a clean sweep"; "a clean break" 00522240 00 s 01 completed 2 002 & 00520214 a 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 | caught; "a completed forward pass" 00522349 00 s 02 dead(a) 0 utter 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | complete; "came to a dead stop"; "utter seriousness" 00522463 00 s 03 exhaustive 0 thorough 0 thoroughgoing 0 002 & 00520214 a 0000 + 04672858 n 0201 | performed comprehensively and completely; "an exhaustive study"; "made a thorough search"; "thoroughgoing research" 00522680 00 s 02 fleshed_out 0 full-clad 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | given substance or detail; completed; "did not spring full-clad from his imagination"; "a plan fleshed out with statistics and details" 00522885 00 s 02 full 0 total 2 002 & 00520214 a 0000 + 14461519 n 0102 | complete in extent or degree and in every particular; "a full game"; "a total eclipse"; "a total disaster" 00523068 00 s 01 full-blown 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | having or displaying all the characteristics necessary for completeness; "a full-blown financial crisis" 00523229 00 s 01 full-dress 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | complete in every respect; "a full-dress debate"; "a full-dress investigation" 00523364 00 s 01 good 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | thorough; "had a good workout"; "gave the house a good cleaning" 00523479 00 s 01 hearty 0 002 & 00520214 a 0000 + 04867539 n 0101 | without reservation; "hearty support" 00523587 00 s 01 self-contained 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | constituting a complete and independent unit in and of itself; "the university is like a self-contained city with shops and all amenities" 00523786 00 s 01 sound 0 001 & 00520214 a 0000 | thorough; "a sound thrashing" 00523867 00 s 01 stand-alone 0 002 & 00520214 a 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 | capable of operating independently 00523978 00 a 02 incomplete 0 uncomplete 0 011 ^ 00516539 a 0000 = 14460974 n 0000 + 14462193 n 0101 ! 00520214 a 0101 & 00524388 a 0000 & 00524496 a 0000 & 00524607 a 0000 & 00524693 a 0000 & 00524965 a 0000 & 00525105 a 0000 & 00525315 a 0000 | not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete account of his life"; "political consequences of incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward pass" 00524388 00 s 01 broken 0 001 & 00523978 a 0000 | lacking a part or parts; "a broken set of encyclopedia" 00524496 00 s 01 half(a) 0 001 & 00523978 a 0000 | partial; "gave me a half smile"; "he did only a half job" 00524607 00 s 01 neither 0 001 & 00523978 a 0000 | not either; not one or the other 00524693 00 s 01 partial 0 004 & 00523978 a 0000 + 13809207 n 0101 + 03892891 n 0101 + 14462064 n 0101 | being or affecting only a part; not total; "a partial description of the suspect"; "partial collapse"; "a partial eclipse"; "a partial monopoly"; "partial immunity" 00524965 00 s 01 rudimentary 0 002 & 00523978 a 0000 + 05604022 n 0101 | being in the earliest stages of development; "rudimentary plans" 00525105 00 s 02 sketchy 0 unelaborated 0 003 & 00523978 a 0000 + 06469694 n 0101 + 14462565 n 0101 | giving only major points; lacking completeness; "a sketchy account"; "details of the plan remain sketchy" 00525315 00 s 01 uncompleted 0 002 & 00523978 a 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 | not caught or not caught within bounds; "an uncompleted pass" 00525453 00 a 01 comprehensive 0 023 ^ 00520214 a 0000 ^ 01101391 a 0000 ^ 02560548 a 0000 = 14461519 n 0000 + 02629793 v 0103 + 14461519 n 0101 ! 00529075 a 0101 & 00526062 a 0000 & 00526541 a 0000 & 00526696 a 0000 & 00526832 a 0000 & 00526984 a 0000 & 00527188 a 0000 & 00527551 a 0000 & 00527744 a 0000 & 00527870 a 0000 & 00528041 a 0000 & 00528167 a 0000 & 00528333 a 0000 & 00528495 a 0000 & 00528629 a 0000 & 00528761 a 0000 & 00528875 a 0000 | including all or everything; "comprehensive coverage"; "a comprehensive history of the revolution"; "a comprehensive survey"; "a comprehensive education" 00526062 00 s 0a across-the-board 0 all-embracing 0 all-encompassing 0 all-inclusive 0 blanket(a) 0 broad 0 encompassing 0 extensive 0 panoptic 0 wide 0 003 & 00525453 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0a08 + 05106317 n 0802 | broad in scope or content; "across-the-board pay increases"; "an all-embracing definition"; "blanket sanctions against human-rights violators"; "an invention with broad applications"; "a panoptic study of Soviet nationality"- T.G.Winner; "granted him wide powers" 00526541 00 s 03 all-around(a) 0 all-round(a) 0 well-rounded 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | many-sided; "an all-around athlete"; "a well-rounded curriculum" 00526696 00 s 01 citywide 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | occurring or extending throughout a city; "citywide bussing"; "a citywide strike" 00526832 00 s 01 countywide 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | occurring or extending throughout a county; "a countywide war on drugs"; "countywide elections" 00526984 00 s 02 countrywide 0 nationwide 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | occurring or extending throughout a country or nation; "the event aroused nationwide interest"; "a countrywide fund-raising campaign" 00527188 00 s 07 cosmopolitan 0 ecumenical 0 oecumenical 0 general 0 universal 0 worldwide 0 world-wide 0 004 & 00525453 a 0000 + 01022740 v 0501 + 09466280 n 0501 + 04765691 n 0501 | of worldwide scope or applicability; "an issue of cosmopolitan import"; "the shrewdest political and ecumenical comment of our time"- Christopher Morley; "universal experience" 00527551 00 s 02 door-to-door 0 house-to-house 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | omitting no one; from the door of one house to that of the next; "a door-to-door campaign"; "house-to-house coverage" 00527744 00 s 02 encyclopedic 0 encyclopaedic 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | broad in scope or content; "encyclopedic knowledge" 00527870 00 s 01 large 0 002 & 00525453 a 0000 + 05618293 n 0103 | having broad power and range and scope; "taking the large view"; "a large effect"; "a large sympathy" 00528041 00 s 01 omnibus(a) 0 002 & 00525453 a 0000 + 02924116 n 0109 | providing for many things at once; "an omnibus law" 00528167 00 s 01 plenary 0 002 & 00525453 a 0000 + 08309854 n 0101 | full in all respects; "a plenary session of the legislature"; "a diplomat with plenary powers" 00528333 00 s 02 spatiotemporal 0 spaciotemporal 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | existing in both space and time; having both spatial extension and temporal duration 00528495 00 s 01 schoolwide 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | occurring or extending throughout a school; "schoolwide support for the team" 00528629 00 s 01 statewide 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | occurring or extending throughout a state; "the statewide recycling program" 00528761 00 s 01 super 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | including more than a specified category; "a super experiment" 00528875 00 s 01 umbrella 0 001 & 00525453 a 0000 | covering or applying simultaneously to a number of similar items or elements or groups; "an umbrella organization"; "umbrella insurance coverage" 00529075 00 a 02 noncomprehensive 0 incomprehensive 0 002 ! 00525453 a 0101 & 00529191 a 0000 | not comprehensive 00529191 00 s 01 limited 0 001 & 00529075 a 0000 | including only a part 00529266 00 a 01 composed 0 008 ^ 00751525 a 0000 ^ 00087152 a 0000 ! 00531342 a 0101 & 00529657 a 0000 & 00530047 a 0000 & 00530354 a 0000 & 00530772 a 0000 & 00531087 a 0000 | serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress; "the performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage"; "I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time" 00529657 00 s 04 calm 0 unagitated 0 serene 0 tranquil 0 004 & 00529266 a 0000 + 04903813 n 0102 + 07514968 n 0101 + 04903813 n 0103 | not agitated; without losing self-possession; "spoke in a calm voice"; "remained calm throughout the uproar"; "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face"; "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country" 00530047 00 s 02 imperturbable 0 unflappable 0 003 & 00529266 a 0000 + 07515328 n 0103 + 07515328 n 0102 | not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure; "hitherto imperturbable, he now showed signs of alarm"; "an imperturbable self-possession"; "unflappable in a crisis" 00530354 00 s 06 collected 0 equanimous 0 poised 0 self-collected 0 self-contained 0 self-possessed 0 002 & 00529266 a 0000 + 04903813 n 0204 | in full control of your faculties; "the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination"; "perfectly poised and sure of himself"; "more self-contained and more dependable than many of the early frontiersmen"; "strong and self-possessed in the face of trouble" 00530772 00 s 03 cool 0 coolheaded 0 nerveless 0 003 & 00529266 a 0000 + 04858632 n 0302 + 04858632 n 0101 | marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional; "play it cool"; "keep cool"; "stayed coolheaded in the crisis"; "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament" 00531087 00 s 04 unflurried 0 unflustered 0 unperturbed 0 unruffled 0 001 & 00529266 a 0000 | free from emotional agitation or nervous tension; "the waiters were unflurried and good natured"; "with contented mind and unruffled spirit"- Anthony Trollope 00531342 00 a 01 discomposed 0 009 ^ 00085264 a 0000 ^ 00752392 a 0000 ! 00529266 a 0101 & 00531628 a 0000 & 00531887 a 0000 & 00532147 a 0000 & 00532288 a 0000 & 00532560 a 0000 & 00532753 a 0000 | having your composure disturbed; "looked about with a wandering and discomposed air" 00531628 00 s 03 abashed 0 chagrined 0 embarrassed 0 001 & 00531342 a 0000 | feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious; "felt abashed at the extravagant praise"; "chagrined at the poor sales of his book"; "was embarrassed by her child's tantrums" 00531887 00 s 03 blushful 0 blushing(a) 0 red-faced 0 001 & 00531342 a 0000 | having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset; "the blushing boy was brought before the Principal"; "her blushful beau"; "was red-faced with anger" 00532147 00 s 03 bothered 0 daunted 0 fazed 0 001 & 00531342 a 0000 | caused to show discomposure; "refused to be fazed by the objections" 00532288 00 s 02 discombobulated 0 disconcerted 0 001 & 00531342 a 0000 | having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion; "the hecklers pelted the discombobulated speaker with anything that came to hand"; "looked at each other dumbly, quite disconcerted"- G.B.Shaw 00532560 00 s 04 flustered 0 hot_and_bothered(p) 0 perturbed 0 rattled 0 002 & 00531342 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | thrown into a state of agitated confusion; (`rattled' is an informal term) 00532753 00 s 01 unstrung 0 001 & 00531342 a 0000 | emotionally upset; "the incident left him unstrung and incapable of rational effort" 00532892 00 a 02 comprehensible 0 comprehendible 0 010 ^ 00428404 a 0000 ^ 00938801 a 0000 ^ 01336926 a 0000 + 00588221 v 0203 + 00588221 v 0103 + 04819026 n 0101 ! 00533851 a 0101 & 00533221 a 0000 & 00533452 a 0000 & 00533738 a 0000 | capable of being comprehended or understood; "an idea comprehensible to the average mind" 00533221 00 s 02 accessible 0 approachable 0 001 & 00532892 a 0000 | capable of being read with comprehension; "readily accessible to the nonprofessional reader"; "the tales seem more approachable than his more difficult novels" 00533452 00 s 05 apprehensible 0 intelligible 0 graspable 0 perceivable 0 understandable 0 008 & 00532892 a 0000 + 00594058 v 0505 + 00593852 v 0501 + 00591115 v 0501 + 00588888 v 0501 + 04819026 n 0502 + 04819496 n 0201 + 00588221 v 0108 | capable of being apprehended or understood 00533738 00 s 01 fathomable 0 001 & 00532892 a 0000 | (of meaning) capable of being penetrated or comprehended 00533851 00 a 02 incomprehensible 0 uncomprehensible 0 012 ^ 00939105 a 0000 ^ 00430191 a 0000 ^ 01337121 a 0000 + 04822223 n 0101 ! 00532892 a 0101 & 00534250 a 0000 & 00534524 a 0000 & 00534827 a 0000 & 00534918 a 0000 & 00535042 a 0000 & 00535170 a 0000 & 00535293 a 0000 | difficult to understand; "the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible"- A. Einstein 00534250 00 s 02 dark 0 obscure 0 004 & 00533851 a 0000 + 04823416 n 0202 + 04823416 n 0201 + 05988498 n 0102 | marked by difficulty of style or expression; "much that was dark is now quite clear to me"; "those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his style is obscure" 00534524 00 s 03 enigmatic 0 enigmatical 0 puzzling 0 003 & 00533851 a 0000 + 05685538 n 0202 + 05685538 n 0102 | not clear to the understanding; "I didn't grasp the meaning of that enigmatic comment until much later"; "prophetic texts so enigmatic that their meaning has been disputed for centuries" 00534827 00 s 01 unfathomable 0 001 & 00533851 a 0000 | impossible to come to understand 00534918 00 s 01 impenetrable 0 002 & 00533851 a 0000 + 04822870 n 0102 | impossible to understand; "impenetrable jargon" 00535042 00 s 01 indecipherable 0 001 & 00533851 a 0000 | impossible to determine the meaning of; "an indecipherable message" 00535170 00 s 02 lost 0 missed 0 001 & 00533851 a 0000 | not caught with the senses or the mind; "words lost in the din" 00535293 00 s 02 opaque 0 unintelligible 0 004 & 00533851 a 0000 + 06608977 n 0203 + 04823258 n 0101 + 04823258 n 0102 | not clearly understood or expressed 00535452 00 a 01 concave 0 019 ^ 01353014 a 0000 + 05070032 n 0102 + 13864965 n 0102 + 05070032 n 0101 ! 00537339 a 0101 & 00535844 a 0000 & 00536008 a 0000 & 00536103 a 0000 & 00536195 a 0000 & 00536304 a 0000 & 00536416 a 0000 & 00536572 a 0000 & 00536655 a 0000 & 00536792 a 0000 & 00536898 a 0000 & 00536998 a 0000 & 00537073 a 0000 & 00537169 a 0000 & 00537248 a 0000 | curving inward 00535844 00 s 03 acetabular 0 cotyloid 0 cotyloidal 0 002 & 00535452 a 0000 + 05596224 n 0101 | of the cup-shaped socket that receives the head of the thigh bone 00536008 00 s 02 biconcave 0 concavo-concave 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | concave on both sides 00536103 00 s 01 boat-shaped 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | having a concave shape like a boat 00536195 00 s 01 bowl-shaped 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | having a concave shape with an open top like a bowl 00536304 00 s 04 bursiform 0 pouch-shaped 0 pouchlike 0 saclike 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | shaped like a pouch 00536416 00 s 01 concavo-convex 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | concave on one side and convex on the other with the concavity being greater than the convexity 00536572 00 s 01 cuplike 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | resembling the shape of a cup 00536655 00 s 02 cupular 0 cupulate 0 003 & 00535452 a 0000 + 12267931 n 0101 + 02465585 n 0101 | shaped like (or supporting) a cupule 00536792 00 s 03 dished 0 dish-shaped 0 patelliform 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | shaped like a dish or pan 00536898 00 s 01 planoconcave 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | flat on one side and concave on the other 00536998 00 s 01 recessed 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | resembling an alcove 00537073 00 s 01 saucer-shaped 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | having a concave shape like a saucer 00537169 00 s 01 umbilicate 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | depressed like a navel 00537248 00 s 01 urn-shaped 0 001 & 00535452 a 0000 | having a concave shape like an urn 00537339 00 a 02 convex 0 bulging 6 013 ^ 01353226 a 0000 + 05070290 n 0102 + 13864153 n 0102 + 05070290 n 0101 ! 00535452 a 0101 & 00537644 a 0000 & 00537745 a 0000 & 00537884 a 0000 & 00538017 a 0000 & 00538174 a 0000 & 00538276 a 0000 & 00538371 a 0000 & 00538469 a 0000 | curving or bulging outward 00537644 00 s 01 bell-shaped 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | having a convex shape that resembles a bell 00537745 00 s 04 biconvex 0 convexo-convex 0 lenticular 0 lentiform 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | convex on both sides; shaped like a lentil 00537884 00 s 02 broken-backed 0 hogged 0 002 & 00537339 a 0000 ;c 04194289 n 0000 | (of a ship) so weakened as to sag at each end 00538017 00 s 01 convexo-concave 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | convex on one side and concave on the other with the convexity being greater than the concavity 00538174 00 s 02 gibbous 0 gibbose 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | (used of the moon) more than half full 00538276 00 s 01 helmet-shaped 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | having the convex shape of a helmet 00538371 00 s 01 planoconvex 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | flat on one side and convex on the other 00538469 00 s 02 umbellate 0 umbel-like 0 001 & 00537339 a 0000 | resembling an umbel in form 00538565 00 a 01 concentrated 0 007 ^ 00502180 a 0000 ! 00539793 a 0101 & 00538891 a 0000 & 00539009 a 0000 & 00539207 a 0000 & 00539389 a 0000 & 00539687 a 0000 | gathered together or made less diffuse; "their concentrated efforts"; "his concentrated attention"; "concentrated study"; "a narrow thread of concentrated ore" 00538891 00 s 01 bunchy 0 002 & 00538565 a 0000 + 07959943 n 0101 | occurring close together in bunches or clusters 00539009 00 s 01 thick 0 001 & 00538565 a 0000 | having component parts closely crowded together; "a compact shopping center"; "a dense population"; "thick crowds"; "a thick forest"; "thick hair" 00539207 00 s 01 cumulous 0 002 & 00538565 a 0000 + 07961480 n 0106 | thrown together in a pile; "a desk heaped with books"; "heaped-up ears of corn"; "ungraded papers piled high" 00539389 00 s 03 single(a) 0 undivided 0 exclusive 0 002 & 00538565 a 0000 + 04865921 n 0101 | not divided among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; "judging a contest with a single eye"; "a single devotion to duty"; "undivided affection"; "gained their exclusive attention" 00539687 00 s 01 thickset 0 001 & 00538565 a 0000 | planted or growing close together; "thickset trees" 00539793 00 a 01 distributed 0 020 ^ 00467913 a 0000 ! 00538565 a 0101 & 00540236 a 0000 & 00540366 a 0000 & 00540487 a 0000 & 00540632 a 0000 & 00540826 a 0000 & 00540977 a 0000 & 00541189 a 0000 & 00541349 a 0000 & 00541460 a 0000 & 00541614 a 0000 & 00541823 a 0000 & 00541935 a 0000 & 00542099 a 0000 & 00542282 a 0000 & 00542359 a 0000 & 00542501 a 0000 & 00542660 a 0000 & 00542775 a 0000 | spread out or scattered about or divided up 00540236 00 s 05 apportioned 0 dealt_out 0 doled_out 0 meted_out 0 parceled_out 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | given out in portions 00540366 00 s 01 broken 0 002 & 00539793 a 0000 ;c 06118563 n 0000 | discontinuous; "broken clouds"; "broken sunshine" 00540487 00 s 01 diffuse 0 002 & 00539793 a 0000 + 05088645 n 0101 | spread out; not concentrated in one place; "a large diffuse organization" 00540632 00 s 01 diffused 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | (of light rays) subjected to scattering by reflection from a rough surface or transmission through a translucent material; "diffused light" 00540826 00 s 01 dispensed 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | distributed or weighted out in carefully determined portions; "medicines dispensed to the sick" 00540977 00 s 02 dispersed 0 spread 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | distributed or spread over a considerable extent; "has ties with many widely dispersed friends"; "eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe" 00541189 00 s 04 divided 0 divided_up 0 shared 0 shared_out 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | distributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose 00541349 00 s 01 encyclical 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | intended for wide distribution; "an encyclical letter" 00541460 00 s 02 fanned 0 spread-out(a) 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | especially spread in a fan shape; "the peacock's fanned tail"; "the spread-out cards" 00541614 00 s 02 far-flung 0 widespread 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | distributed over a considerable extent; "far-flung trading operations"; "the West's far-flung mountain ranges"; "widespread nuclear fallout" 00541823 00 s 01 low-density(a) 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | having low concentration; "low-density urban areas" 00541935 00 s 01 rationed 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | distributed equitably in limited individual portions; "got along as best we could on rationed meat and sugar" 00542099 00 s 01 scattered 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space; "scattered showers"; "scattered villages" 00542282 00 s 02 separated 0 spaced 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | spaced apart 00542359 00 s 02 sparse 0 thin 0 003 & 00539793 a 0000 + 05114781 n 0101 + 05114781 n 0103 | not dense; "a thin beard"; "trees were sparse" 00542501 00 s 01 splashed 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | (of a fluid) having been propelled about in flying drops or masses; "with clothes wet by splashed water" 00542660 00 s 01 straggly 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | growing or spreading sparsely or irregularly; "straggly ivy" 00542775 00 s 02 unfocused 0 unfocussed 0 001 & 00539793 a 0000 | not concentrated at one point or upon one objective; "diversity...in our huge unfocused country"- Owen Wister 00542953 00 a 03 concentric 0 concentrical 0 homocentric 0 003 + 05073723 n 0101 ! 00543200 a 0101 & 00543117 a 0000 | having a common center; "concentric rings" 00543117 00 s 02 coaxial 0 coaxal 0 001 & 00542953 a 0000 | having a common axis 00543200 00 a 02 eccentric 0 nonconcentric 0 005 + 13877129 n 0101 + 05073888 n 0101 ! 00542953 a 0101 & 00543407 a 0000 & 00543494 a 0000 | not having a common center; not concentric; "eccentric circles" 00543407 00 s 01 acentric 0 001 & 00543200 a 0000 | not centered or having no center 00543494 00 s 02 off-center 0 off-centered 0 001 & 00543200 a 0000 | situated away from the center or axis 00543603 00 a 01 concerned 0 007 ^ 00163592 a 0000 ^ 02455297 a 0000 ! 00545015 a 0101 & 00543993 a 0000 & 00544231 a 0000 & 00544478 a 0000 & 00544860 a 0000 | feeling or showing worry or solicitude; "concerned parents of youthful offenders"; "was concerned about the future"; "we feel concerned about accomplishing the task at hand"; "greatly concerned not to disappoint a small child" 00543993 00 s 01 afraid 0 001 & 00543603 a 0000 | filled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement; "I'm afraid I won't be able to come"; "he was afraid he would have to let her go"; "I'm afraid you're wrong" 00544231 00 s 01 afraid 2 001 & 00543603 a 0000 | feeling worry or concern or insecurity; "She was afraid that I might be embarrassed"; "terribly afraid of offending someone"; "I am afraid we have witnessed only the first phase of the conflict" 00544478 00 s 04 haunted 0 obsessed 0 preoccupied 0 taken_up(p) 0 002 & 00543603 a 0000 + 05700087 n 0302 | having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something; "became more and more haunted by the stupid riddle"; "was absolutely obsessed with the girl"; "got no help from his wife who was preoccupied with the children"; "he was taken up in worry for the old woman" 00544860 00 s 01 solicitous 0 002 & 00543603 a 0000 + 07505207 n 0102 | full of anxiety and concern; "solicitous parents"; "solicitous about the future" 00545015 00 a 01 unconcerned 0 008 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ^ 02459109 a 0000 ! 00543603 a 0101 & 00545484 a 0000 & 00545600 a 0000 & 00545746 a 0000 & 00546155 a 0000 & 00546452 a 0000 | lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average American...is unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight" 00545484 00 s 01 blase 0 001 & 00545015 a 0000 | nonchalantly unconcerned; "a blase attitude about housecleaning" 00545600 00 s 01 blithe 0 001 & 00545015 a 0000 | lacking or showing a lack of due concern; "spoke with blithe ignorance of the true situation" 00545746 00 s 03 casual 0 insouciant 0 nonchalant 0 004 & 00545015 a 0000 + 04673470 n 0301 + 07530866 n 0202 + 04912240 n 0101 | marked by blithe unconcern; "an ability to interest casual students"; "showed a casual disregard for cold weather"; "an utterly insouciant financial policy"; "an elegantly insouciant manner"; "drove his car with nonchalant abandon"; "was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner" 00546155 00 s 03 degage 0 detached 0 uninvolved 0 001 & 00545015 a 0000 | showing lack of emotional involvement; "adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair"- J.S.Perelman; "she may be detached or even unfeeling but at least she's not hypocritically effusive"; "an uninvolved bystander" 00546452 00 s 01 indifferent 0 002 & 00545015 a 0000 + 07505676 n 0101 | showing no care or concern in attitude or action; "indifferent to the sufferings of others"; "indifferent to her plea" 00546646 00 a 01 concise 0 012 ^ 02383380 a 0000 = 07090108 n 0000 + 07089024 n 0101 ! 00548781 a 0101 & 00546951 a 0000 & 00547166 a 0000 & 00547317 a 0000 & 00547641 a 0000 & 00547930 a 0000 & 00548029 a 0000 & 00548316 a 0000 & 00548579 a 0000 | expressing much in few words; "a concise explanation" 00546951 00 s 03 aphoristic 0 apothegmatic 0 epigrammatic 0 004 & 00546646 a 0000 + 07153727 n 0301 + 07153130 n 0202 + 07153130 n 0101 | terse and witty and like a maxim; "much given to apothegmatic instruction" 00547166 00 s 01 brief 0 003 & 00546646 a 0000 + 07089431 n 0101 + 05053042 n 0102 | concise and succinct; "covered the matter in a brief statement" 00547317 00 s 04 compendious 0 compact 0 succinct 0 summary 0 004 & 00546646 a 0000 + 06467007 n 0401 + 07089024 n 0304 + 06467996 n 0101 | briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject" 00547641 00 s 04 crisp 0 curt 0 laconic 0 terse 0 003 & 00546646 a 0000 + 07088438 n 0401 + 07089276 n 0101 | brief and to the point; effectively cut short; "a crisp retort"; "a response so curt as to be almost rude"; "the laconic reply; `yes'"; "short and terse and easy to understand" 00547930 00 s 01 cryptic 0 001 & 00546646 a 0000 | having a puzzling terseness; "a cryptic note" 00548029 00 s 02 elliptic 0 elliptical 0 001 & 00546646 a 0000 | characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements; "the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints"; "the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity"- H.O.Taylor 00548316 00 s 02 pithy 0 sententious 0 003 & 00546646 a 0000 + 05921123 n 010e + 07089024 n 0103 | concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments"; "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen 00548579 00 s 01 telegraphic 0 001 & 00546646 a 0000 | having the style of a telegram with many short words left out; "telegraphic economy of words"; "the strange telegraphic speech of some aphasics" 00548781 00 a 01 prolix 0 009 ^ 02383831 a 0000 = 07090108 n 0000 + 07090108 n 0102 + 07090108 n 0101 ! 00546646 a 0101 & 00549133 a 0000 & 00549236 a 0000 & 00549675 a 0000 & 00549826 a 0000 | tediously prolonged or tending to speak or write at great length; "editing a prolix manuscript"; "a prolix lecturer telling you more than you want to know" 00549133 00 s 01 diffuse 0 001 & 00548781 a 0000 | lacking conciseness; "a diffuse historical novel" 00549236 00 s 05 long-winded 0 tedious 0 verbose 0 windy 0 wordy 1 008 & 00548781 a 0000 + 07090108 n 0505 + 07090108 n 0403 + 07136711 n 0401 + 07089751 n 0301 + 07089751 n 0302 + 05206237 n 0201 + 07090108 n 0104 | using or containing too many words; "long-winded (or windy) speakers"; "verbose and ineffective instructional methods"; "newspapers of the day printed long wordy editorials"; "proceedings were delayed by wordy disputes" 00549675 00 s 01 verbal 0 002 & 00548781 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | prolix; "you put me to forget a lady's manners by being so verbal"- Shakespeare 00549826 00 s 04 pleonastic 0 redundant 2 tautologic 0 tautological 0 007 & 00548781 a 0000 + 07091385 n 0401 + 07091214 n 0401 + 07091214 n 0301 + 05120310 n 0201 + 01019248 n 0201 + 07091087 n 0101 | repetition of same sense in different words; "`a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions"; "the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological"; "at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition"- J.B.Conant 00550282 00 a 01 conclusive 0 007 ^ 00684480 a 0000 = 04754440 n 0000 + 01021420 v 0101 + 00634472 v 0103 + 04754440 n 0102 ! 00550777 a 0101 & 00550574 a 0000 | forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question; "conclusive proof"; "the evidence is conclusive" 00550574 00 s 02 definitive 0 determinate 0 002 & 00550282 a 0000 + 04754237 n 0201 | supplying or being a final or conclusive settlement; "a definitive verdict"; "a determinate answer to the problem" 00550777 00 a 01 inconclusive 0 009 ^ 00685483 a 0000 ^ 00740336 a 0000 = 04754440 n 0000 + 04758181 n 0101 ! 00550282 a 0101 & 00551120 a 0000 & 00551267 a 0000 & 00551416 a 0000 & 00551695 a 0000 | not conclusive; not putting an end to doubt or question; "an inconclusive reply"; "inconclusive evidence"; "the inconclusive committee vote" 00551120 00 s 01 equivocal 0 001 & 00550777 a 0000 | uncertain as a sign or indication; "the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal" 00551267 00 s 01 indeterminate 0 002 & 00550777 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0102 | not leading to a definite ending or result; "an indeterminate campaign" 00551416 00 s 03 neck_and_neck 0 head-to-head 0 nip_and_tuck 0 001 & 00550777 a 0000 | inconclusive as to outcome; close or just even in a race or comparison or competition; "as they approached the finish line they were neck and neck"; "the election was a nip and tuck affair" 00551695 00 s 01 nisi 0 001 & 00550777 a 0000 | not final or absolute; "the decree is nisi and not absolute" 00551806 00 a 01 consummated 0 003 ! 00552168 a 0101 & 00551950 a 0000 & 00552089 a 0000 | brought to completion; "a consummated transaction" 00551950 00 s 01 completed 0 001 & 00551806 a 0000 | (of a marriage) completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony 00552089 00 s 01 fulfilled 0 001 & 00551806 a 0000 | completed to perfection 00552168 00 a 01 unconsummated 0 001 ! 00551806 a 0101 | not consummated (especially of a marriage); "an unconsummated marriage can be annulled" 00552315 00 a 02 coordinating(a) 0 coordinative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00552618 a 0101 | serving to connect two grammatical constituents of identical construction; "`and' in `John and Mary' or in `John walked and Mary rode' is a coordinating conjunction; and so is `or' in `will you go or stay?'" 00552618 00 a 02 subordinating(a) 0 subordinative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00552315 a 0101 | serving to connect a subordinate clause to a main clause; "`when' in `I will come when I can' is a subordinating conjunction" 00552841 00 a 01 accordant 0 008 + 02700104 v 0104 + 07176804 n 0103 ! 00553899 a 0101 & 00553140 a 0000 & 00553279 a 0000 & 00553478 a 0000 & 00553594 a 0000 & 00553732 a 0000 | being in agreement or harmony; often followed by `with'; "a place perfectly accordant with man's nature"-Thomas Hardy 00553140 00 s 01 according 0 001 & 00552841 a 0000 | (followed by `to') in agreement with or accordant with; "according to instructions" 00553279 00 s 01 agreeable 0 006 & 00552841 a 0000 + 04640927 n 0101 + 04640927 n 0102 + 01035530 v 0101 + 00764222 v 0101 + 00805376 v 0101 | prepared to agree or consent; "agreeable to the plan" 00553478 00 s 02 concordant 0 concurring(a) 0 002 & 00552841 a 0000 + 07180183 n 0103 | being of the same opinion 00553594 00 s 01 consensual 0 003 & 00552841 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 13971901 n 0101 | existing by consent; "a consensual contract" 00553732 00 s 03 consentaneous 0 consentient 0 unanimous 0 003 & 00552841 a 0000 + 13972387 n 0301 + 06689667 n 0101 | in complete agreement; "a unanimous decision" 00553899 00 a 01 discordant 0 005 + 02718543 v 0103 + 01170175 n 0102 ! 00552841 a 0101 & 00554098 a 0000 & 00554302 a 0000 | not in agreement or harmony; "views discordant with present-day ideas" 00554098 00 s 03 at_variance(p) 0 discrepant 0 dissonant 0 003 & 00553899 a 0000 + 07366627 n 0201 + 04749709 n 0201 | not in accord; "desires at variance with his duty"; "widely discrepant statements" 00554302 00 s 03 dissentious 0 divisive 0 factious 0 003 & 00553899 a 0000 + 08251877 n 0301 + 07209305 n 0101 | dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion) 00554478 00 a 01 contracted 0 002 ! 00554780 a 0101 & 00554624 a 0000 | reduced in size or pulled together; "the contracted pupils of her eyes" 00554624 00 s 01 contractile 0 002 & 00554478 a 0000 + 05201813 n 0101 | capable of contracting or being contracted; "the contractile wings of an insect" 00554780 00 a 01 expanded 1 001 ! 00554478 a 0101 | increased in extent or size or bulk or scope 00554879 00 a 03 atrophied 0 wasted 4 diminished 4 001 ! 00555117 a 0101 | (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm" 00555117 00 a 02 hypertrophied 0 enlarged 4 001 ! 00554879 a 0101 | (of an organ or body part) excessively enlarged as a result of increased size in the constituent cells; "hypertrophied myocardial fibers" 00555325 00 a 01 conditional 0 008 ^ 01913200 a 0000 + 13924069 n 0101 ! 00556709 a 0101 & 00555709 a 0000 & 00555859 a 0000 & 00556174 a 0000 & 00556318 a 0000 & 00556611 a 0000 | imposing or depending on or containing a condition; "conditional acceptance of the terms"; "lent conditional support"; "the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid" 00555709 00 s 02 counterfactual 0 contrary_to_fact 0 002 & 00555325 a 0000 + 04759712 n 0101 | going counter to the facts (usually as a hypothesis) 00555859 00 s 08 contingent 0 contingent_on(p) 0 contingent_upon(p) 0 dependent_on(p) 0 dependant_on(p) 0 dependent_upon(p) 0 dependant_upon(p) 0 depending_on(p) 0 002 & 00555325 a 0000 + 14001973 n 0101 | determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress" 00556174 00 s 03 dependent 0 dependant 0 qualified 0 003 & 00555325 a 0000 + 02664234 v 0201 + 02664234 v 0101 | contingent on something else 00556318 00 s 04 probationary 0 provisional 0 provisionary 0 tentative 0 004 & 00555325 a 0000 + 06755947 n 0301 + 15297472 n 0101 + 15297303 n 0101 | under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon; "probationary employees"; "a provisional government"; "just a tentative schedule" 00556611 00 s 01 provisory 0 001 & 00555325 a 0000 | subject to a proviso; "a provisory clause" 00556709 00 a 02 unconditional 0 unconditioned 1 004 ^ 01913715 a 0000 ! 00555325 a 0101 & 00556881 a 0000 & 00557108 a 0000 | not conditional; "unconditional surrender" 00556881 00 s 03 blunt 0 crude(a) 0 stark(a) 0 002 & 00556709 a 0000 + 05124534 n 0301 | devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment; "the blunt truth"; "the crude facts"; "facing the stark reality of the deadline" 00557108 00 s 01 vested 0 001 & 00556709 a 0000 | fixed and absolute and without contingency; "a vested right" 00557221 00 a 01 enforceable 0 001 ! 00557304 a 0101 | capable of being enforced 00557304 00 a 01 unenforceable 0 001 ! 00557221 a 0101 | not enforceable; not capable of being brought about by compulsion; "an unenforceable law"; "unenforceable reforms" 00557478 00 a 02 enforced 0 implemented 2 001 ! 00557637 a 0101 | forced or compelled or put in force; "a life of enforced inactivity"; "enforced obedience" 00557637 00 a 01 unenforced 0 001 ! 00557478 a 0101 | not enforced; not compelled especially by legal or police action; "too many unenforced laws can breed contempt for law" 00557813 00 a 01 conductive 0 004 + 02079933 v 0102 + 11512818 n 0102 ! 00558232 a 0101 & 00558019 a 0000 | having the quality or power of conducting heat or electricity or sound; exhibiting conductivity 00558019 00 s 02 semiconducting 0 semiconductive 0 001 & 00557813 a 0000 | having characteristics of a semiconductor; that is having electrical conductivity greater than insulators but less than good conductors 00558232 00 a 03 nonconductive 0 nonconducting 0 non-conducting 0 001 ! 00557813 a 0101 | not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound 00558373 00 a 01 confined 0 010 ^ 02002227 a 0000 ^ 01064286 a 0000 ! 00559425 a 0101 & 00558612 a 0000 & 00558738 a 0000 & 00558827 a 0000 & 00558951 a 0000 & 00559031 a 0000 & 00559120 a 0000 & 00559271 a 0000 | not free to move about 00558612 00 s 01 claustrophobic 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | uncomfortably closed or hemmed in; "a claustrophobic little room" 00558738 00 s 02 close 0 confining 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | crowded; "close quarters" 00558827 00 s 03 homebound 0 housebound 0 shut-in 0 002 & 00558373 a 0000 + 07948183 n 0101 | confined usually by illness 00558951 00 s 02 pent 0 shut_up(p) 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | closely confined 00559031 00 s 01 snowbound 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | confined or shut in by heavy snow 00559120 00 s 01 stormbound 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | delayed or confined or cut off by a storm; "the airport was filled with stormbound passengers" 00559271 00 s 01 weather-bound 0 001 & 00558373 a 0000 | delayed or shut in by bad weather; "weather-bound traffic"; "irritable weather-bound children" 00559425 00 a 01 unconfined 0 003 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ! 00558373 a 0101 & 00559530 a 0000 | not confined 00559530 00 s 01 free-range 0 001 & 00559425 a 0000 | of livestock and domestic poultry; permitted to graze or forage rather than being confined to a feedlot 00559690 00 a 01 crowded 0 004 ! 00560453 a 0101 & 00559930 a 0000 & 00560100 a 0000 & 00560284 a 0000 | overfilled or compacted or concentrated; "a crowded theater"; "a crowded program"; "crowded trains"; "a young mother's crowded days" 00559930 00 s 01 huddled 0 001 & 00559690 a 0000 | crowded or massed together; "give me...your huddled masses"; "the huddled sheep turned their backs against the wind" 00560100 00 s 03 jammed 0 jam-packed 0 packed 0 001 & 00559690 a 0000 | filled to capacity; "a suitcase jammed with dirty clothes"; "stands jam-packed with fans"; "a packed theater" 00560284 00 s 01 thronged 0 001 & 00559690 a 0000 | filled with great numbers crowded together; "I try to avoid the thronged streets and stores just before Christmas" 00560453 00 a 01 uncrowded 0 001 ! 00559690 a 0101 | having or allowing sufficient room; "an uncrowded train"; "an uncrowded view" 00560586 00 a 01 congenial 0 007 ^ 00507464 a 0000 ^ 01074650 a 0000 ^ 02374914 a 0000 + 04712978 n 0101 + 04712978 n 0102 ! 00561036 a 0101 & 00560900 a 0000 | suitable to your needs; "a congenial atmosphere to work in"; "two congenial spirits united...by mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues"- T.L.Peacock 00560900 00 s 01 sociable 0 003 & 00560586 a 0000 + 04652930 n 0102 + 04652930 n 0101 | friendly and pleasant; "a sociable gathering" 00561036 00 a 02 uncongenial 0 incompatible 4 007 ^ 00508192 a 0000 ^ 01076793 a 0000 ^ 02375828 a 0000 + 04714440 n 0201 + 04658686 n 0101 ! 00560586 a 0101 & 00561359 a 0000 | not suitable to your tastes or needs; "the uncongenial roommates were always fighting"; "the task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs" 00561359 00 s 02 disagreeable 0 unsympathetic 0 002 & 00561036 a 0000 + 04779895 n 0101 | not agreeing with your tastes or expectations; "found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it"; "a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him" 00561600 00 a 01 congruent 0 005 ;c 06004685 n 0000 + 04714156 n 0103 ! 00562026 a 0101 & 00561757 a 0000 & 00561896 a 0000 | coinciding when superimposed 00561757 00 s 01 coincident 0 003 & 00561600 a 0000 + 05077661 n 0101 + 02658734 v 0101 | matching point for point; "coincident circles" 00561896 00 s 02 identical 0 superposable 0 001 & 00561600 a 0000 | coinciding exactly when superimposed; "identical triangles" 00562026 00 a 01 incongruent 0 002 ;c 06004685 n 0000 ! 00561600 a 0101 | not congruent 00562116 00 a 02 congruous 0 congruent 4 006 ^ 00134701 a 0000 + 04714156 n 0203 + 04714156 n 0102 + 04714156 n 0101 ! 00562469 a 0101 & 00562308 a 0000 | corresponding in character or kind 00562308 00 s 01 harmonious 0 002 & 00562116 a 0000 + 04713118 n 0102 | suitable and fitting; "the tailored clothes were harmonious with her military bearing" 00562469 00 a 01 incongruous 0 007 + 04714847 n 0102 + 04714847 n 0101 ! 00562116 a 0101 & 00562803 a 0000 & 00562909 a 0000 & 00563116 a 0000 & 00563288 a 0000 | lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness; "a plan incongruous with reason"; "incongruous behavior"; "a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation" 00562803 00 s 02 discrepant 0 inconsistent 0 002 & 00562469 a 0000 + 04749709 n 0101 | not in agreement 00562909 00 s 04 inappropriate 0 incompatible 0 out_or_keeping(p) 0 unfitting 0 002 & 00562469 a 0000 + 04901996 n 0101 | not in keeping with what is correct or proper; "completely inappropriate behavior" 00563116 00 s 01 inharmonious 0 002 & 00562469 a 0000 + 04984809 n 0102 | lacking in harmony of parts; "an inharmonious (or incongruous) mixture of architectural styles" 00563288 00 s 02 ironic 0 ironical 0 005 & 00562469 a 0000 + 07106246 n 0201 + 04715075 n 0201 + 07106246 n 0101 + 04715075 n 0101 | characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is; "madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker"; "it was ironical that the well-planned scheme failed so completely" 00563648 00 a 01 conjunctive 0 004 + 01291069 v 0102 ! 00564262 a 0101 & 00563789 a 0000 & 00563980 a 0000 | serving or tending to connect 00563789 00 s 01 copulative 0 003 & 00563648 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06472824 n 0102 | syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence; "`and' is a copulative conjunction" 00563980 00 s 01 connective 0 006 & 00563648 a 0000 + 02622234 v 0101 + 02389592 v 0101 + 01354673 v 0101 + 00713167 v 0107 + 04918053 n 0101 | connecting or tending to connect; "connective remarks between chapters"; "connective tissue in animals"; "conjunctive tissue in plants" 00564262 00 a 01 disjunctive 0 009 + 01294396 v 0101 + 01294182 v 0101 ! 00563648 a 0101 & 00564504 a 0000 & 00564667 a 0000 & 00564858 a 0000 & 00565115 a 0000 & 00565289 a 0000 & 00565565 a 0000 | serving or tending to divide or separate 00564504 00 s 02 adversative 0 oppositive 0 001 & 00564262 a 0000 | expressing antithesis or opposition; "the adversative conjunction `but' in `poor but happy'" 00564667 00 s 01 alternative 0 002 & 00564262 a 0000 + 05790944 n 0102 | necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities; "alternative possibilities were neutrality or war" 00564858 00 s 01 contrastive 0 002 & 00564262 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | syntactically establishing a relation of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence; "disjunctive conjunctions like `but', `or', or `though' serve a contrastive function" 00565115 00 s 01 divisional 0 003 & 00564262 a 0000 + 00397953 n 0101 + 00385791 n 0101 | serving to divide or marking a division; "the divisional line between two states" 00565289 00 s 02 partitive 0 separative 1 005 & 00564262 a 0000 + 02512305 v 0202 + 02031158 v 0201 + 01556921 v 0104 + 01557774 v 0103 | serving to separate or divide into parts; "partitive tendencies in education"; "the uniting influence was stronger than the separative" 00565565 00 s 01 separative 2 001 & 00564262 a 0000 | (used of an accent in Hebrew orthography) indicating that the word marked is separated to a greater or lesser degree rhythmically and grammatically from the word that follows it 00565799 00 a 01 conjunct 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00565962 a 0101 | progressing melodically by intervals of a second; "conjunct motion of an ascending scale" 00565962 00 a 01 disjunct 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00565799 a 0101 | progressing melodically by intervals larger than a major second 00566099 00 a 01 connected 0 010 = 13791389 n 0000 + 14419164 n 0103 ! 00567593 a 0101 & 00566342 a 0000 & 00566733 a 0000 & 00566835 a 0000 & 00566961 a 0000 & 00567161 a 0000 & 00567287 a 0000 & 00567414 a 0000 | joined or linked together 00566342 00 s 04 adjacent 0 conterminous 1 contiguous 1 neighboring(a) 0 004 & 00566099 a 0000 + 05085991 n 0303 + 05085991 n 0302 + 05085991 n 0101 | having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching; "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut"; "the side of Germany conterminous with France"; "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho"; "neighboring cities" 00566733 00 s 01 adjunctive 0 002 & 00566099 a 0000 + 01205696 v 0102 | joining; forming an adjunct 00566835 00 s 01 affined 0 001 & 00566099 a 0000 | closely related; "syllable to blessed syllable affined"- Wallace Stevens 00566961 00 s 02 conterminous 0 contiguous 0 002 & 00566099 a 0000 + 05085991 n 0202 | connecting without a break; within a common boundary; "the 48 conterminous states"; "the contiguous 48 states" 00567161 00 s 03 coupled 0 joined 0 linked 0 001 & 00566099 a 0000 | connected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks 00567287 00 s 01 engaged 0 002 & 00566099 a 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 | built against or attached to a wall; "engaged columns" 00567414 00 s 01 well-connected 0 001 & 00566099 a 0000 | connected by blood or close acquaintance with people of wealth or social position; "a well-connected Edinburgh family" 00567593 00 a 01 unconnected 0 011 ^ 01974740 a 0000 = 13791389 n 0000 + 13794226 n 0101 ! 00566099 a 0101 & 00567860 a 0000 & 00568171 a 0000 & 00568304 a 0000 & 00568541 a 0000 & 00568658 a 0000 & 00568881 a 0000 & 00568959 a 0000 | not joined or linked together 00567860 00 s 03 apart(p) 0 isolated 0 obscure 0 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | remote and separate physically or socially; "existed over the centuries as a world apart"; "preserved because they inhabited a place apart"- W.H.Hudson; "tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization"; "an obscure village" 00568171 00 s 01 asternal 0 002 & 00567593 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | not connected to the sternum or breastbone; "asternal ribs" 00568304 00 s 02 detached 0 separated 0 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | no longer connected or joined; "a detached part"; "on one side of the island was a hugh rock, almost detached"; "the separated spacecraft will return to their home bases" 00568541 00 s 02 disjoined 0 separate 2 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | have the connection undone; having become separate 00568658 00 s 01 exploded 0 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | showing the parts of something separated but in positions that show their correct relation to one another; "the manufacturer provided an exploded view of the apparatus" 00568881 00 s 01 unattached 0 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | not fastened together 00568959 00 s 01 uncoupled 0 001 & 00567593 a 0000 | having the coupling undone; "the uncoupled caboose rolled down the incline" 00569090 00 a 01 conquerable 0 005 ^ 02356820 a 0000 ^ 02523275 a 0000 ! 00569568 a 0101 & 00569304 a 0000 & 00569468 a 0000 | subject to being conquered or overcome; "knew her fears were ultimately conquerable" 00569304 00 s 03 beatable 0 vanquishable 0 vincible 0 004 & 00569090 a 0000 + 01101913 v 0206 + 01104852 v 0105 + 01101913 v 0101 | susceptible to being defeated 00569468 00 s 02 subduable 0 subjugable 0 001 & 00569090 a 0000 | susceptible to being subjugated 00569568 00 a 01 unconquerable 0 008 ^ 02357115 a 0000 ^ 02525206 a 0000 ! 00569090 a 0101 & 00569918 a 0000 & 00570099 a 0000 & 00570225 a 0000 & 00570322 a 0000 & 00570512 a 0000 | not capable of being conquered or vanquished or overcome; "a tribute to his courage...and his unconquerable will"- R.E.Danielson; "faced unconquerable difficulties" 00569918 00 s 02 impregnable 0 inexpugnable 0 001 & 00569568 a 0000 | incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted; "an impregnable argument"; "impregnable self-confidence" 00570099 00 s 03 indomitable 0 never-say-die 0 unsubduable 0 002 & 00569568 a 0000 + 05032028 n 0101 | impossible to subdue 00570225 00 s 02 insuperable 0 insurmountable 2 001 & 00569568 a 0000 | impossible to surmount 00570322 00 s 03 invincible 0 unbeatable 0 unvanquishable 0 002 & 00569568 a 0000 + 05032028 n 0102 | incapable of being overcome or subdued; "an invincible army"; "her invincible spirit" 00570512 00 s 01 all-victorious 0 001 & 00569568 a 0000 | never having lost 00570590 00 a 01 conscious 0 009 ^ 00186616 a 0000 ^ 00190115 a 0000 ^ 02102484 a 0000 ^ 02520219 a 0000 + 05675130 n 0101 ! 00571643 a 0101 & 00570991 a 0000 & 00571291 a 0000 & 00571424 a 0000 | knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts; "remained conscious during the operation"; "conscious of his faults"; "became conscious that he was being followed" 00570991 00 s 02 self-conscious 0 self-aware 0 003 & 00570590 a 0000 + 05676605 n 0201 + 05676911 n 0101 | aware of yourself as an individual or of your own being and actions and thoughts; "self-conscious awareness"; "self-conscious about their roles as guardians of the social values"- D.M.Potter 00571291 00 s 01 semiconscious 0 002 & 00570590 a 0000 + 05679906 n 0104 | partially conscious; not completely aware of sensations 00571424 00 s 01 sentient 0 004 & 00570590 a 0000 + 05651971 n 0104 + 05651971 n 0103 + 05006020 n 0101 | consciously perceiving; "sentient of the intolerable load"; "a boy so sentient of his surroundings"- W.A.White 00571643 00 a 01 unconscious 0 014 ^ 00187736 a 0000 ^ 02102796 a 0000 ^ 02521353 a 0000 ^ 00191603 a 0000 + 05678932 n 0101 ! 00570590 a 0101 & 00572060 a 0000 & 00572202 a 0000 & 00572392 a 0000 & 00572534 a 0000 & 00572714 a 0000 & 00572845 a 0000 & 00573008 a 0000 & 00573093 a 0000 | not conscious; lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as if asleep or dead; "lay unconscious on the floor" 00572060 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 00571643 a 0000 | unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold" 00572202 00 s 01 comatose 0 002 & 00571643 a 0000 + 05680193 n 0102 | in a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness; unable to respond to external stimuli; "a comatose patient" 00572392 00 s 01 innocent 0 002 & 00571643 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | (used of things) lacking sense or awareness; "fine innocent weather" 00572534 00 s 02 insensible 0 senseless 0 002 & 00571643 a 0000 + 05680982 n 0101 | unresponsive to stimulation; "he lay insensible where he had fallen"; "drugged and senseless" 00572714 00 s 05 knocked_out(p) 0 kayoed 0 KO'd 0 out(p) 0 stunned 0 001 & 00571643 a 0000 | knocked unconscious by a heavy blow 00572845 00 s 01 nonconscious 0 001 & 00571643 a 0000 | concerning mental functioning that is not represented in consciousness; "nonconscious psychic processes" 00573008 00 s 01 semicomatose 0 001 & 00571643 a 0000 | in a state of partial coma 00573093 00 s 01 subconscious 0 003 & 00571643 a 0000 + 05613478 n 0102 + 05682431 n 0101 | just below the level of consciousness 00573225 00 a 03 consecrated 0 consecrate 0 dedicated 2 005 ^ 02053818 a 0000 ^ 02055062 a 0000 ! 00573770 a 0101 & 00573542 a 0000 & 00573666 a 0000 | solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose; "a life consecrated to science"; "the consecrated chapel"; "a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II" 00573542 00 s 01 ordained 0 001 & 00573225 a 0000 | invested with ministerial or priestly functions; "an ordained priest" 00573666 00 s 01 votive 0 001 & 00573225 a 0000 | dedicated in fulfillment of a vow; "votive prayers" 00573770 00 a 01 desecrated 0 003 ! 00573225 a 0101 & 00573926 a 0000 & 00574010 a 0000 | treated with contempt; "many desecrated shrines and cemeteries" 00573926 00 s 01 deconsecrated 0 001 & 00573770 a 0000 | divested of consecration 00574010 00 s 02 profaned 0 violated 0 001 & 00573770 a 0000 | treated irreverently or sacrilegiously 00574114 00 a 02 priestly 0 priestlike 0 002 + 10470779 n 0101 ! 00574308 a 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a priest or the priesthood; "priestly dedication to the people of his parish" 00574308 00 a 01 unpriestly 0 001 ! 00574114 a 0101 | not priestly; unbefitting a priest; "unpriestly behavior" 00574422 00 a 01 conservative 0 009 ^ 01689880 a 0000 ^ 02030080 a 0000 = 06212839 n 0000 ! 00575230 a 0101 & 00574644 a 0000 & 00574744 a 0000 & 00574884 a 0000 & 00575012 a 0000 & 00575126 a 0000 | resistant to change 00574644 00 s 01 blimpish 0 001 & 00574422 a 0000 | pompously ultraconservative and nationalistic 00574744 00 s 01 buttoned-up 0 001 & 00574422 a 0000 | conservative in professional manner; "employers are looking for buttoned-up types" 00574884 00 s 04 fusty 0 standpat(a) 0 unprogressive 0 nonprogressive 0 001 & 00574422 a 0000 | old-fashioned and out of date 00575012 00 s 02 hidebound 0 traditionalist 0 001 & 00574422 a 0000 | stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded 00575126 00 s 01 ultraconservative 0 002 & 00574422 a 0000 + 10508475 n 0102 | extremely conservative 00575230 00 a 01 liberal 0 010 ^ 02030935 a 0000 = 06212839 n 0000 + 06204820 n 0102 ! 00574422 a 0101 & 00575520 a 0000 & 00575685 a 0000 & 00576011 a 0000 & 00576189 a 0000 & 00576423 a 0000 & 00576573 a 0000 | tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition 00575520 00 s 01 civil-libertarian 0 002 & 00575230 a 0000 + 05183242 n 0101 | having or showing active concern for protection of civil liberties protected by law 00575685 00 s 01 liberalistic 0 003 & 00575230 a 0000 + 05995576 n 0101 + 06218623 n 0101 | having or demonstrating belief in the essential goodness of man and the autonomy of the individual; favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority 00576011 00 s 01 neoliberal 0 002 & 00575230 a 0000 + 10352782 n 0101 | having or showing belief in the need for economic growth in addition to traditional liberalistic values 00576189 00 s 03 progressive 0 reformist 0 reform-minded 0 006 & 00575230 a 0000 ;c 01124794 n 0000 + 10515194 n 0202 + 10256756 n 0103 + 04737743 n 0101 + 04737743 n 0102 | favoring or promoting reform (often by government action) 00576423 00 s 02 socialized 0 socialised 0 001 & 00575230 a 0000 | under group or government control; "socialized ownership"; "socialized medicine" 00576573 00 s 02 welfarist 0 welfare-statist 0 001 & 00575230 a 0000 | of or relating to a welfare state 00576680 00 a 01 consistent 0 008 ^ 02505716 a 0000 + 14420780 n 0101 ! 00577920 a 0101 & 00577122 a 0000 & 00577405 a 0000 & 00577612 a 0000 & 00577698 a 0000 & 00577782 a 0000 | (sometimes followed by `with') in agreement or consistent or reliable; "testimony consistent with the known facts"; "I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war"- FDR 00577122 00 s 05 accordant 0 agreeable 0 conformable 0 consonant 0 concordant 0 003 & 00576680 a 0000 + 02700104 v 0207 + 02657219 v 0208 | in keeping; "salaries agreeable with current trends"; "plans conformable with your wishes"; "expressed views concordant with his background" 00577405 00 s 01 pursuant(p) 0 002 & 00576680 a 0000 + 02376429 v 0101 | (followed by `to') in conformance to or agreement with; "pursuant to our agreement"; "pursuant to the dictates of one's conscience" 00577612 00 s 01 reconciled 0 001 & 00576680 a 0000 | made compatible or consistent 00577698 00 s 01 self-consistent 0 001 & 00576680 a 0000 | not self-contradictory 00577782 00 s 01 unchanging 0 002 & 00576680 a 0000 + 04737934 n 0104 | conforming to the same principles or course of action over time 00577920 00 a 01 inconsistent 0 008 ^ 02504131 a 0000 + 04751847 n 0101 ! 00576680 a 0101 & 00578234 a 0000 & 00578523 a 0000 & 00578662 a 0000 & 00578831 a 0000 & 00578960 a 0000 | displaying a lack of consistency; "inconsistent statements cannot both be true at the same time"; "inconsistent with the roadmap" 00578234 00 s 04 at_odds(p) 0 conflicting 0 contradictory 0 self-contradictory 0 003 & 00577920 a 0000 + 13857486 n 0301 + 02663141 v 0301 | in disagreement; "the figures are at odds with our findings"; "contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"- John Morley 00578523 00 s 02 discrepant 0 incompatible 0 003 & 00577920 a 0000 + 13858045 n 0201 + 04749709 n 0101 | not compatible with other facts 00578662 00 s 03 spotty 0 uneven 0 scratchy 0 002 & 00577920 a 0000 + 04771890 n 0201 | lacking consistency; "the golfer hit the ball well but his putting was spotty" 00578831 00 s 01 unconformable 0 001 & 00577920 a 0000 | not correspondent; "a description unconformable to previous accounts" 00578960 00 s 01 unreconciled 0 001 & 00577920 a 0000 | not made consistent or compatible; "two unreconciled accountings" 00579084 00 a 01 conspicuous 0 012 ^ 00773109 a 0000 = 04706087 n 0000 + 04706087 n 0101 ! 00581401 a 0101 & 00579498 a 0000 & 00579622 a 0000 & 00579881 a 0000 & 00580039 a 0000 & 00580346 a 0000 & 00580497 a 0000 & 00580684 a 0000 & 00580805 a 0000 | obvious to the eye or mind; "a tower conspicuous at a great distance"; "wore conspicuous neckties"; "made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening" 00579498 00 s 02 attention-getting 0 eye-catching 0 001 & 00579084 a 0000 | seizing the attention; "eye-catching posters" 00579622 00 s 03 big 0 large 0 prominent 2 003 & 00579084 a 0000 + 14433587 n 0301 + 05169507 n 0301 | conspicuous in position or importance; "a big figure in the movement"; "big man on campus"; "he's very large in financial circles"; "a prominent citizen" 00579881 00 s 01 bold 0 002 & 00579084 a 0000 + 04707252 n 0101 | clear and distinct; "bold handwriting"; "a figure carved in bold relief"; "a bold design" 00580039 00 s 06 crying(a) 0 egregious 0 flagrant 0 glaring 0 gross 0 rank 0 001 & 00579084 a 0000 | conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible; "a crying shame"; "an egregious lie"; "flagrant violation of human rights"; "a glaring error"; "gross ineptitude"; "gross injustice"; "rank treachery" 00580346 00 s 01 featured 0 001 & 00579084 a 0000 | made a feature or highlight; given prominence; "a featured actor"; "a featured item at the sale" 00580497 00 s 01 in_evidence 0 001 & 00579084 a 0000 | clearly to be seen; "they were much in evidence during the fighting"; "she made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence" 00580684 00 s 01 marked 0 001 & 00579084 a 0000 | singled out for notice or especially for a dire fate; "a marked man" 00580805 00 s 05 outstanding 0 prominent 0 salient 0 spectacular 0 striking 0 005 & 00579084 a 0000 + 14434022 n 0503 + 06889138 n 0401 + 14434022 n 0302 + 14434022 n 0301 | having a quality that thrusts itself into attention; "an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom"; "a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book"; "salient traits"; "a spectacular rise in prices"; "a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center"; "a striking resemblance between parent and child" 00581401 00 a 02 inconspicuous 0 invisible 4 004 = 04706087 n 0000 + 04707636 n 0101 ! 00579084 a 0101 & 00581637 a 0000 | not prominent or readily noticeable; "he pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole"; "the invisible man" 00581637 00 s 02 obscure 0 unnoticeable 0 002 & 00581401 a 0000 + 04707808 n 0201 | not drawing attention; "an unnoticeable cigarette burn on the carpet"; "an obscure flaw" 00581812 00 a 02 discernible 0 discernable 0 003 + 04703104 n 0201 + 02193194 v 0105 ! 00582164 a 0101 | perceptible by the senses or intellect; "things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause"; "the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations"; "the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles" 00582164 00 a 01 indiscernible 0 001 ! 00581812 a 0101 | difficult or impossible to perceive or discern; "an indiscernible increase in temperature" 00582314 00 a 01 distinguishable 0 003 ! 00582876 a 0101 & 00582636 a 0000 & 00582762 a 0000 | capable of being perceived as different or distinct; "only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom"; "a project distinguishable into four stages of progress"; "distinguishable differences between the twins" 00582636 00 s 01 differentiable 0 001 & 00582314 a 0000 | capable of being perceived as different; "differentiable species" 00582762 00 s 01 discriminable 0 001 & 00582314 a 0000 | capable of being discriminated; "discriminable faults" 00582876 00 a 02 indistinguishable 0 undistinguishable 0 001 ! 00582314 a 0101 | not capable of being distinguished or differentiated; "the two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are almost indistinguishable"; "the twins were indistinguishable"; "a colorless person quite indistinguishable from the colorless mass of humanity" 00583239 00 a 01 constant 0 009 ^ 00958880 a 0000 ^ 02505716 a 0000 ^ 02290998 a 0000 ^ 00346991 a 0000 = 04738641 n 0000 + 04877264 n 0101 ! 00583990 a 0101 & 00583581 a 0000 & 00583842 a 0000 | steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection; "a man constant in adherence to his ideals"; "a constant lover"; "constant as the northern star" 00583581 00 s 03 steadfast 0 staunch 0 unswerving 0 003 & 00583239 a 0000 + 04877783 n 0202 + 04877783 n 0101 | firm and dependable especially in loyalty; "a steadfast ally"; "a staunch defender of free speech"; "unswerving devotion"; "unswerving allegiance" 00583842 00 s 02 unfailing 0 unflagging 0 001 & 00583239 a 0000 | unceasing; "unfailing loyalty"; "unfailing good spirits"; "unflagging courtesy" 00583990 00 a 01 inconstant 0 011 ^ 00344125 a 0000 ^ 00959731 a 0000 ^ 02291843 a 0000 ^ 02504131 a 0000 ^ 02519555 a 0000 = 04738641 n 0000 + 04879092 n 0104 + 04734885 n 0101 ! 00583239 a 0101 & 00584403 a 0000 & 00584626 a 0000 | likely to change frequently often without apparent or cogent reason; variable; "inconstant affections"; "an inconstant lover"; "swear not by...the inconstant moon"- Shakespeare 00584403 00 s 02 false 0 untrue 0 003 & 00583990 a 0000 + 04867871 n 0102 + 13960464 n 0101 | (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful; "a false friend"; "when lovers prove untrue" 00584626 00 s 02 fickle 0 volatile 0 002 & 00583990 a 0000 + 04879092 n 0103 | marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments; "fickle friends"; "a flirt's volatile affections" 00584820 00 a 01 constructive 0 009 ^ 01817500 a 0000 + 05165745 n 0101 ! 00586183 a 0101 & 00585202 a 0000 & 00585398 a 0000 & 00585597 a 0000 & 00585751 a 0000 & 00585856 a 0000 & 00586060 a 0000 | constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development; "constructive criticism"; "a constructive attitude"; "a constructive philosophy"; "constructive permission" 00585202 00 s 01 creative 0 006 & 00584820 a 0000 + 01640207 v 0101 + 01753788 v 0101 + 01685313 v 0101 + 05624700 n 0102 + 05624700 n 0101 | promoting construction or creation; "creative work" 00585398 00 s 03 formative 1 shaping 0 plastic 0 002 & 00584820 a 0000 + 02430922 v 0102 | forming or capable of forming or molding or fashioning; "a formative influence"; "a formative experience" 00585597 00 s 01 formative 2 002 & 00584820 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | capable of forming new cells and tissues; "a formative zone in developing bone" 00585751 00 s 01 inferential 0 001 & 00584820 a 0000 | based on interpretation; not directly expressed 00585856 00 s 02 reconstructive 0 rehabilitative 0 003 & 00584820 a 0000 + 02552829 v 0201 + 02552449 v 0102 | helping to restore to good condition; "reconstructive surgery"; "rehabilitative exercises" 00586060 00 s 01 structural 0 001 & 00584820 a 0000 | concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of study 00586183 00 a 01 destructive 0 016 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 01818234 a 0000 + 01619929 v 0101 + 05165904 n 0101 ! 00584820 a 0101 & 00586617 a 0000 & 00586883 a 0000 & 00587193 a 0000 & 00587376 a 0000 & 00587697 a 0000 & 00587890 a 0000 & 00588062 a 0000 & 00588207 a 0000 & 00588425 a 0000 & 00588535 a 0000 & 00588655 a 0000 | causing destruction or much damage; "a policy that is destructive to the economy"; "destructive criticism" 00586617 00 s 04 annihilative 0 annihilating 0 devastating 1 withering 0 002 & 00586183 a 0000 + 00470701 v 0102 | wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction; "possessing annihilative power"; "a devastating hurricane"; "the guns opened a withering fire" 00586883 00 s 02 blasting 0 ruinous 0 001 & 00586183 a 0000 | causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin; "the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit"; "the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces"; "a ruinous war" 00587193 00 s 02 cataclysmal 0 cataclysmic 0 003 & 00586183 a 0000 + 07314838 n 0205 + 07314838 n 0105 | severely destructive; "cataclysmic nuclear war"; "a cataclysmic earthquake" 00587376 00 s 05 caustic 0 corrosive 0 erosive 1 vitriolic 0 mordant 0 008 & 00586183 a 0000 + 14955030 n 0501 + 15093482 n 0401 + 00275253 v 0301 + 14823788 n 0201 + 00274283 v 0201 + 00273963 v 0201 + 15014529 n 0101 | of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action 00587697 00 s 02 crushing 0 devastating 0 001 & 00586183 a 0000 | physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination; "a crushing blow"; "a crushing rejection"; "bone-crushing" 00587890 00 s 02 damaging 0 negative 0 001 & 00586183 a 0000 | designed or tending to discredit, especially without positive or helpful suggestions; "negative criticism" 00588062 00 s 01 erosive 2 002 & 00586183 a 0000 + 00274724 v 0101 | wearing away by friction; "the erosive effects of waves on the shoreline" 00588207 00 s 01 iconoclastic 0 002 & 00586183 a 0000 + 05980750 n 0101 | destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited 00588425 00 s 01 ravaging 0 001 & 00586183 a 0000 | ruinously destructive and wasting; "a ravaging illness" 00588535 00 s 01 soul-destroying 0 001 & 00586183 a 0000 | destructive to the spirit or soul; "soul-destroying labor" 00588655 00 s 01 wasteful 0 002 & 00586183 a 0000 + 00742645 n 0102 | laying waste; "when wasteful war shall statues overturn"- Shakespeare 00588797 00 a 02 contented 0 content 0 008 ^ 01148283 a 0000 ^ 01805157 a 0000 + 14412882 n 0202 + 14412882 n 0101 ! 00589624 a 0101 & 00589067 a 0000 & 00589344 a 0000 & 00589448 a 0000 | satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are; "a contented smile" 00589067 00 s 03 complacent 0 self-satisfied 0 self-complacent 0 004 & 00588797 a 0000 + 07531713 n 0303 + 07531713 n 0101 + 07531713 n 0102 | contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions; "he had become complacent after years of success"; "his self-satisfied dignity" 00589344 00 s 01 satisfied 0 001 & 00588797 a 0000 | filled with satisfaction; "a satisfied customer" 00589448 00 s 02 smug 0 self-satisfied 2 002 & 00588797 a 0000 + 07531998 n 0101 | marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction; "a smug glow of self-congratulation" 00589624 00 a 02 discontented 0 discontent 0 008 ^ 01805889 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 + 07538965 n 0202 + 07538965 n 0103 ! 00588797 a 0101 & 00589960 a 0000 & 00590163 a 0000 & 00590271 a 0000 | showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing; "saw many discontent faces in the room"; "was discontented with his position" 00589960 00 s 04 disaffected 0 ill-affected 0 malcontent 0 rebellious 0 005 & 00589624 a 0000 + 01177327 n 0401 + 00962129 n 0401 + 04907991 n 0402 + 10284965 n 0301 | discontented as toward authority 00590163 00 s 02 disgruntled 0 dissatisfied 0 001 & 00589624 a 0000 | in a state of sulky dissatisfaction 00590271 00 s 03 restless 0 ungratified 0 unsatisfied 0 002 & 00589624 a 0000 + 04625284 n 0101 | worried and uneasy 00590390 00 a 01 contestable 0 006 ^ 01916229 a 0000 + 00869596 v 0101 ! 00590923 a 0101 & 00590564 a 0000 & 00590669 a 0000 & 00590782 a 0000 | capable of being contested 00590564 00 s 01 challengeable 0 002 & 00590390 a 0000 + 00869126 v 0101 | capable of being challenged 00590669 00 s 02 debatable 0 disputable 0 002 & 00590390 a 0000 + 00812580 v 0101 | capable of being disproved 00590782 00 s 02 shakable 0 shakeable 0 001 & 00590390 a 0000 | capable of being weakened; "the crisis proved his confidence was shakable" 00590923 00 a 02 incontestable 0 incontestible 0 007 ^ 01918184 a 0000 ! 00590390 a 0101 & 00591147 a 0000 & 00591298 a 0000 & 00591406 a 0000 & 00591513 a 0000 & 00591710 a 0000 | incapable of being contested or disputed 00591147 00 s 02 demonstrable 0 incontrovertible 0 002 & 00590923 a 0000 + 04755218 n 0202 | necessarily or demonstrably true; "demonstrable truths" 00591298 00 s 01 demonstrated 0 001 & 00590923 a 0000 | having been demonstrated or verified beyond doubt 00591406 00 s 02 inarguable 0 unarguable 0 001 & 00590923 a 0000 | against which no argument can be made 00591513 00 s 04 unassailable 0 unshakable 0 watertight 0 bulletproof 0 001 & 00590923 a 0000 | without flaws or loopholes; "an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument" 00591710 00 s 01 unanswerable 0 001 & 00590923 a 0000 | impossible to answer; "an unanswerable argument" 00591817 00 a 01 continent 0 003 + 04884177 n 0101 + 02700867 v 0104 ! 00591953 a 0101 | having control over urination and defecation 00591953 00 a 01 incontinent 0 004 + 13496972 n 0102 + 13496972 n 0101 ! 00591817 a 0101 & 00592113 a 0000 | not having control over urination and defecation 00592113 00 s 01 leaky 0 002 & 00591953 a 0000 + 13506727 n 0101 | used informally; unable to retain urine 00592222 00 a 01 continual 0 006 ! 00593374 a 0101 & 00592539 a 0000 & 00592754 a 0000 & 00592880 a 0000 & 00593071 a 0000 & 00593276 a 0000 | occurring without interruption; chiefly restricted to what recurs regularly or frequently in a prolonged and closely spaced series; "the continual banging of the shutters" 00592539 00 s 02 insistent 0 repetitive 0 006 & 00592222 a 0000 + 07090721 n 0201 + 01734502 v 0204 + 00343334 v 0202 + 14451349 n 0102 + 07191777 n 0101 | repetitive and persistent; "the bluejay's insistent cry" 00592754 00 s 01 running(a) 0 001 & 00592222 a 0000 | continually repeated over a period of time; "a running joke among us" 00592880 00 s 03 perennial 0 recurrent 0 repeated 0 003 & 00592222 a 0000 + 07343363 n 0201 + 00343334 v 0201 | recurring again and again; "perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements" 00593071 00 s 03 persistent 0 relentless 0 unrelenting 0 005 & 00592222 a 0000 + 04831437 n 0201 + 04864515 n 0104 + 05054130 n 0102 + 00350461 v 0102 | never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums" 00593276 00 s 02 recurring 0 revenant 0 001 & 00592222 a 0000 | coming back; "a revenant ghost" 00593374 00 a 01 sporadic 0 008 ^ 00596769 a 0000 ^ 01067193 a 0000 ! 00592222 a 0101 & 00593664 a 0000 & 00593836 a 0000 & 00594004 a 0000 & 00594146 a 0000 & 00594267 a 0000 | recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances; "a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids" 00593664 00 s 02 fitful 0 spasmodic 0 002 & 00593374 a 0000 + 04770535 n 0101 | occurring in spells and often abruptly; "fitful bursts of energy"; "spasmodic rifle fire" 00593836 00 s 01 intermittent 0 003 & 00593374 a 0000 + 04770720 n 0102 + 04770720 n 0101 | stopping and starting at irregular intervals; "intermittent rain showers" 00594004 00 s 02 periodic 0 occasional 0 001 & 00593374 a 0000 | recurring or reappearing from time to time; "periodic feelings of anxiety" 00594146 00 s 02 irregular 0 unpredictable 0 002 & 00593374 a 0000 + 14371161 n 0102 | not occurring at expected times 00594267 00 s 02 isolated 0 stray 0 001 & 00593374 a 0000 | not close together in time; "isolated instances of rebellion"; "a few stray crumbs" 00594413 00 a 02 continuous 1 uninterrupted 0 015 ^ 00290923 a 0000 = 05054130 n 0000 + 15123754 n 0101 + 05052587 n 0101 + 14422035 n 0101 + 05054130 n 0101 ! 00596769 a 0101 & 00595147 a 0000 & 00595299 a 0000 & 00595863 a 0000 & 00596043 a 0000 & 00596211 a 0000 & 00596358 a 0000 & 00596511 a 0000 & 00596639 a 0000 | continuing in time or space without interruption; "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light"- James Jeans; "a continuous bout of illness lasting six months"; "lived in continuous fear"; "a continuous row of warehouses"; "a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it"; "moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks" 00595147 00 s 04 around-the-clock 0 day-and-night 0 nonstop 0 round-the-clock 0 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | at all times; "around-the-clock nursing care" 00595299 00 s 07 ceaseless 0 constant 0 incessant 0 never-ending 0 perpetual 0 unceasing 0 unremitting 0 005 & 00594413 a 0000 + 05053527 n 0501 + 05052587 n 0304 + 05052587 n 0303 + 05052587 n 0102 | uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"; "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"; "unremitting demands of hunger" 00595863 00 s 01 continual 0 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | `continual' (meaning seemingly uninterrupted) is often used interchangeably with `continuous' (meaning without interruption) 00596043 00 s 02 dogging 0 persisting 0 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | relentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit; "impossible to escape the dogging fears" 00596211 00 s 01 endless 0 002 & 00594413 a 0000 + 05052387 n 0101 | having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole; "an endless chain" 00596358 00 s 02 free_burning 0 sustained 2 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | (of an electric arc) continuous; "heat transfer to the anode in free burning arcs" 00596511 00 s 02 straight 0 consecutive 0 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | successive (without a break); "sick for five straight days" 00596639 00 s 01 sustained 0 001 & 00594413 a 0000 | maintained at length without interruption or weakening; "sustained flight" 00596769 00 a 02 discontinuous 1 noncontinuous 0 006 ^ 00593374 a 0000 ^ 00289983 a 0000 + 14417551 n 0101 ! 00594413 a 0101 & 00597148 a 0000 & 00597267 a 0000 | not continuing without interruption in time or space; "discontinuous applause"; "the landscape was a discontinuous mosaic of fields and forest areas"; "he received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling" 00597148 00 s 01 disrupted 0 001 & 00596769 a 0000 | marked by breaks or gaps; "many routes are unsafe or disrupted" 00597267 00 s 01 disjunct 0 001 & 00596769 a 0000 | used of distributions, as of statistical or natural populations; "disjunct distribution of king crabs" 00597424 00 a 01 continuous 2 004 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 15123754 n 0101 + 14422035 n 0101 ! 00597599 a 0101 | of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity 00597599 00 a 01 discontinuous 2 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 14417551 n 0101 ! 00597424 a 0101 | of a function or curve; possessing one or more discontinuities 00597758 00 a 01 continued 0 002 ! 00598203 a 0101 & 00597988 a 0000 | without stop or interruption; "to insure the continued success of the war"; "the continued existence of nationalism"; "the continued popularity of Westerns" 00597988 00 s 01 continuing 0 001 & 00597758 a 0000 | remaining in force or being carried on without letup; "the act provided a continuing annual appropriation"; "the continuing struggle to put food on the table" 00598203 00 a 01 discontinued 0 003 ! 00597758 a 0101 & 00598413 a 0000 & 00598536 a 0000 | stopped permanently or temporarily; "discontinued models"; "a discontinued magazine"; "a discontinued conversation" 00598413 00 s 01 interrupted 0 001 & 00598203 a 0000 | discontinued temporarily; "we resumed the interrupted discussion" 00598536 00 s 01 out_of_print 0 001 & 00598203 a 0000 | (of books) no longer offered for sale by a publisher; "that edition is out of print" 00598679 00 a 01 controlled 0 009 ^ 02000118 a 0000 ! 00599821 a 0101 & 00599005 a 0000 & 00599111 a 0000 & 00599186 a 0000 & 00599292 a 0000 & 00599468 a 0000 & 00599628 a 0000 & 00599745 a 0000 | restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds; "controlled emotions"; "the controlled release of water from reservoirs" 00599005 00 s 01 contained 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | gotten under control; "the oil spill is contained" 00599111 00 s 01 disciplined 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | obeying the rules 00599186 00 s 01 dominated 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | controlled or ruled by superior authority or power 00599292 00 s 01 harnessed 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | brought under control and put to use; "electricity from the harnessed Colorado River"; "the harnessed power of the atom" 00599468 00 s 02 obsessed 0 possessed(p) 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion; "by love possessed" 00599628 00 s 01 price-controlled 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | having the price regulated or controlled by government 00599745 00 s 01 regimented 0 001 & 00598679 a 0000 | strictly controlled 00599821 00 a 01 uncontrolled 0 012 ^ 02000680 a 0000 ! 00598679 a 0101 & 00600192 a 0000 & 00600395 a 0000 & 00600540 a 0000 & 00600725 a 0000 & 00600879 a 0000 & 00601032 a 0000 & 00601150 a 0000 & 00601250 a 0000 & 00601499 a 0000 & 00601650 a 0000 | not being under control; out of control; "the greatest uncontrolled health problem is AIDS"; "uncontrolled growth" 00600192 00 s 03 anarchic 0 anarchical 0 lawless 0 003 & 00599821 a 0000 + 13973059 n 0302 + 13973059 n 0201 | without law or control; "the system is economically inefficient and politically anarchic" 00600395 00 s 01 errant 0 002 & 00599821 a 0000 + 01925694 v 0102 | uncontrolled motion that is irregular or unpredictable; "an errant breeze" 00600540 00 s 02 irrepressible 0 uncontrollable 0 002 & 00599821 a 0000 + 04633959 n 0101 | impossible to repress or control; "an irrepressible chatterbox"; "uncontrollable laughter" 00600725 00 s 01 loose 0 002 & 00599821 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player; "a loose ball" 00600879 00 s 02 lordless 0 masterless 0 001 & 00599821 a 0000 | having no lord or master; "harsh punishments for sturdy vagabonds and masterless men" 00601032 00 s 01 rampant 0 002 & 00599821 a 0000 + 02723016 v 0101 | unrestrained and violent; "rampant aggression" 00601150 00 s 01 runaway 0 001 & 00599821 a 0000 | completely out of control; "runaway inflation" 00601250 00 s 01 torrential 0 002 & 00599821 a 0000 + 13775706 n 0104 | resembling a torrent in force and abundance; "torrential applause"; "torrential abuse"; "the torrential facility and fecundity characteristic of his style"- Winthrop Sargeant 00601499 00 s 02 undisciplined 0 ungoverned 0 001 & 00599821 a 0000 | lacking in discipline or control; "undisciplined behavior"; "ungoverned youth" 00601650 00 s 01 wild 1 001 & 00599821 a 0000 | deviating widely from an intended course; "a wild bullet"; "he threw a wild pitch" 00601783 00 a 01 controversial 0 006 + 07183151 n 0101 ! 00602721 a 0101 & 00602117 a 0000 & 00602293 a 0000 & 00602474 a 0000 & 00602563 a 0000 | marked by or capable of arousing controversy; "the issue of the death penalty is highly controversial"; "Rushdie's controversial book"; "a controversial decision on affirmative action" 00602117 00 s 04 arguable 0 debatable 0 disputable 0 moot 0 003 & 00601783 a 0000 + 00773432 v 0203 + 00812580 v 0201 | open to argument or debate; "that is a moot question" 00602293 00 s 01 contentious 0 002 & 00601783 a 0000 + 07183151 n 0102 | involving or likely to cause controversy; "a central and contentious element of the book"- Tim W.Ferfuson 00602474 00 s 01 disputed 0 001 & 00601783 a 0000 | subject to disagreement and debate 00602563 00 s 02 polemic 0 polemical 0 004 & 00601783 a 0000 + 07183660 n 0201 + 10448670 n 0103 + 07183660 n 0101 | of or involving dispute or controversy 00602721 00 a 02 uncontroversial 0 noncontroversial 0 004 ! 00601783 a 0101 & 00602888 a 0000 & 00603039 a 0000 & 00603194 a 0000 | not likely to arouse controversy 00602888 00 s 01 unchallengeable 0 001 & 00602721 a 0000 | not open to challenge; "unchallengeable facts"; "a position of unchallengeable supremacy" 00603039 00 s 03 undisputed 0 unchallenged 0 unquestioned 0 001 & 00602721 a 0000 | generally agreed upon; not subject to dispute; "the undisputed fact" 00603194 00 s 02 agreed_upon(p) 0 stipulatory 0 002 & 00602721 a 0000 + 01018928 v 0201 | constituted or contracted by stipulation or agreement; "stipulatory obligations" 00603367 00 a 01 argumentative 0 005 + 00773432 v 0101 ! 00604399 a 0101 & 00603660 a 0000 & 00603804 a 0000 & 00604221 a 0000 | given to or characterized by argument; "an argumentative discourse"; "argumentative to the point of being cantankerous"; "an intelligent but argumentative child" 00603660 00 s 01 quarrelsome 0 002 & 00603367 a 0000 + 04643979 n 0101 | given to quarreling; "arguing children"; "quarrelsome when drinking" 00603804 00 s 05 contentious 0 combative 0 disputatious 0 disputative 0 litigious 0 007 & 00603367 a 0000 + 04644306 n 0501 + 00775156 v 0402 + 07181935 n 0301 + 01170813 n 0301 + 07183151 n 0102 + 04643979 n 0102 | inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits; "a style described as abrasive and contentious"; "a disputatious lawyer"; "a litigious and acrimonious spirit" 00604221 00 s 02 eristic 0 eristical 0 003 & 00603367 a 0000 + 09615465 n 0103 + 05635321 n 0101 | given to disputation for its own sake and often employing specious arguments 00604399 00 a 01 unargumentative 0 002 ! 00603367 a 0101 & 00604520 a 0000 | not given to or characterized by argument 00604520 00 s 01 noncontentious 0 001 & 00604399 a 0000 | of persons; not given to controversy 00604617 00 a 01 convenient 0 009 ^ 00931555 a 0000 ^ 00019131 a 0000 = 04718563 n 0000 + 14446493 n 0101 + 04718563 n 0101 + 02729965 n 0104 ! 00605128 a 0101 & 00604897 a 0000 & 00604978 a 0000 | suited to your comfort or purpose or needs; "a convenient excuse for not going" 00604897 00 s 01 handy 0 001 & 00604617 a 0000 | easy to use; "a handy gadget" 00604978 00 s 02 favorable 0 favourable 0 001 & 00604617 a 0000 | occurring at a convenient or suitable time; "an opportune time to receive guests" 00605128 00 a 01 inconvenient 0 004 = 04718563 n 0000 + 04722715 n 0101 ! 00604617 a 0101 & 00605406 a 0000 | not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs; "it is inconvenient not to have a telephone in the kitchen"; "the back hall is an inconvenient place for the telephone" 00605406 00 s 01 awkward 0 001 & 00605128 a 0000 | causing inconvenience; "they arrived at an awkward time" 00605516 00 a 01 conventional 0 010 ^ 01041916 a 0000 ^ 01688271 a 0000 = 04801532 n 0000 + 06212155 n 0101 ! 00606602 a 0101 & 00605893 a 0000 & 00606079 a 0000 & 00606240 a 0000 & 00606347 a 0000 ! 00608421 a 0101 | following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"; "she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior"; "conventional forms of address" 00605893 00 s 01 received 0 001 & 00605516 a 0000 | widely accepted as true or worthy; "a received moral idea"; "Received political wisdom says not; surveys show otherwise"- Economist 00606079 00 s 01 customary 0 002 & 00605516 a 0000 + 05667404 n 0101 | in accordance with convention or custom; "sealed the deal with the customary handshake" 00606240 00 s 01 formulaic 0 001 & 00605516 a 0000 | characterized by or in accordance with some formula 00606347 00 s 02 stodgy 0 stuffy 0 003 & 00605516 a 0000 + 04648059 n 0202 + 04648059 n 0101 | excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull; "why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?"; "a stodgy dinner party" 00606602 00 a 01 unconventional 0 007 ^ 01686439 a 0000 = 04801532 n 0000 + 05634910 n 0101 ! 00605516 a 0101 & 00606859 a 0000 & 00607009 a 0000 & 00607202 a 0000 | not conforming to accepted rules or standards; "her unconventional dress and hair style" 00606859 00 s 01 bohemian 0 002 & 00606602 a 0000 + 08241309 n 0101 | unconventional in especially appearance and behavior; "a bohemian life style" 00607009 00 s 01 go-as-you-please 0 001 & 00606602 a 0000 | not bound by rule or law or convention; "bewildered by the old go-as-you-please liberty of alliterative rhythm"- George Saintsbury 00607202 00 s 03 irregular 0 maverick 0 unorthodox 0 003 & 00606602 a 0000 + 10303654 n 0201 + 04770211 n 0101 | independent in behavior or thought; "she led a somewhat irregular private life"; "maverick politicians" 00607421 00 a 01 conventional 1 006 + 05650180 n 0101 ! 00608421 a 0101 & 00607656 a 0000 & 00607857 a 0000 & 00607977 a 0000 & 00608245 a 0000 | unimaginative and conformist; "conventional bourgeois lives"; "conventional attitudes" 00607656 00 s 03 button-down 0 buttoned-down 0 conservative 0 001 & 00607421 a 0000 | unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-grey world of business"- Newsweek 00607857 00 s 02 square 0 straight 0 002 & 00607421 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | rigidly conventional or old-fashioned 00607977 00 s 04 stereotyped 0 stereotypic 0 stereotypical 0 unimaginative 0 003 & 00607421 a 0000 + 05927586 n 0301 + 05927586 n 0201 | lacking spontaneity or originality or individuality; "stereotyped phrases of condolence"; "even his profanity was unimaginative" 00608245 00 s 01 white-bread 0 001 & 00607421 a 0000 | of or belonging to or representative of the white middle class; "white-bread America"; "a white-bread college student" 00608421 00 a 01 unconventional 1 008 ! 00605516 a 0101 ! 00607421 a 0101 & 00608668 a 0000 & 00608791 a 0000 & 00609341 a 0000 & 00609564 a 0000 & 00609750 a 0000 & 00609938 a 0000 | not conventional or conformist; "unconventional life styles" 00608668 00 s 01 alternative 0 001 & 00608421 a 0000 | pertaining to unconventional choices; "an alternative life style" 00608791 00 s 0a bizarre 0 eccentric 0 freakish 0 freaky 0 flaky 0 flakey 0 gonzo 0 off-the-wall 0 outlandish 0 outre 0 007 & 00608421 a 0000 + 04798511 n 0901 + 14397889 n 0603 + 14397889 n 0503 + 04798185 n 0302 + 04798881 n 0201 + 04798511 n 0102 | conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual; "restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit"; "famed for his eccentric spelling"; "a freakish combination of styles"; "his off-the-wall antics"; "the outlandish clothes of teenagers"; "outre and affected stage antics" 00609341 00 s 03 devil-may-care 0 raffish 0 rakish 0 002 & 00608421 a 0000 + 04884995 n 0301 | marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness; "a cocktail party given by some...raffish bachelors"- Crary Moore 00609564 00 s 05 far-out 0 kinky 0 offbeat 0 quirky 0 way-out 0 004 & 00608421 a 0000 + 04797824 n 0403 + 04797824 n 0404 + 05926150 n 0201 | informal terms; strikingly unconventional 00609750 00 s 01 funky 0 001 & 00608421 a 0000 | stylish and modern in an unconventional way; "she likes funky clothes"; "we did it all in black and white in a very funky sixties style" 00609938 00 s 03 spaced-out 0 spacy 0 spacey 0 001 & 00608421 a 0000 | stupefied by (or as if by) some narcotic drug 00610057 00 a 01 conformist 0 001 ! 00610249 a 0101 | marked by convention and conformity to customs or rules or styles; "underneath the radical image teenagers are surprisingly conformist" 00610249 00 a 02 nonconformist 0 unconformist 0 001 ! 00610057 a 0101 | not conforming to some norm or socially approved pattern of behavior or thought; "their rabidly nonconformist deportment has made them legendary"; "the old stubborn nonconformist spirit of the early settlers" 00610532 00 a 02 nuclear 0 atomic 0 002 ! 00610861 a 0101 & 00610734 a 0000 | (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs" 00610734 00 s 01 thermonuclear 0 001 & 00610532 a 0000 | using nuclear weapons based on fusion as distinguished from fission 00610861 00 a 01 conventional 2 001 ! 00610532 a 0101 | (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional warfare"; "conventional weapons" 00611047 00 a 01 traditional 0 006 + 05667404 n 0102 + 05809745 n 0101 ! 00611938 a 0101 & 00611281 a 0000 & 00611527 a 0000 & 00611754 a 0000 | consisting of or derived from tradition; "traditional history"; "traditional morality" 00611281 00 s 01 conventional 0 002 & 00611047 a 0000 + 06212155 n 0101 | in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past; "a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white"; "the conventional handshake" 00611527 00 s 02 handed-down 0 tralatitious 0 001 & 00611047 a 0000 | having been passed along from generation to generation; "among Biblical critics a tralatitious interpretation is one received by expositor from expositor" 00611754 00 s 01 traditionalistic 0 004 & 00611047 a 0000 + 10721124 n 0101 + 04801877 n 0101 + 01213702 n 0101 | adhering to tradition especially in cultural or religious practices 00611938 00 a 02 nontraditional 0 untraditional 0 001 ! 00611047 a 0101 | not conforming to or in accord with tradition; "nontraditional designs"; "nontraditional practices" 00612114 00 a 01 convergent 0 010 ^ 01718867 a 0000 + 00146572 n 0103 + 07414740 n 0101 + 00146572 n 0101 + 02710402 v 0101 + 02032634 v 0101 + 00368847 v 0101 ! 00612652 a 0101 & 00612383 a 0000 & 00612504 a 0000 | tending to come together from different directions 00612383 00 s 02 confluent 0 merging(a) 0 003 & 00612114 a 0000 + 08542634 n 0101 + 00380881 n 0101 | flowing together 00612504 00 s 02 focused 0 focussed 0 001 & 00612114 a 0000 | (of light rays) converging on a point; "focused light rays can set something afire" 00612652 00 a 02 divergent 0 diverging 0 008 ^ 01718867 a 0000 + 01004072 n 0102 + 01004072 n 0101 + 02709906 v 0101 + 02032415 v 0101 ! 00612114 a 0101 & 00612891 a 0000 & 00612980 a 0000 | tending to move apart in different directions 00612891 00 s 01 branching 0 001 & 00612652 a 0000 | resembling the branches of a tree 00612980 00 s 01 radiating(a) 0 001 & 00612652 a 0000 | diverging from a common point 00613068 00 a 01 branchy 0 013 + 13913849 n 0101 + 13163250 n 0101 ! 00614680 a 0101 & 00613382 a 0000 & 00613728 a 0000 & 00613866 a 0000 & 00613975 a 0000 & 00614120 a 0000 & 00614200 a 0000 & 00614305 a 0000 & 00614436 a 0000 & 00614518 a 0000 & 00614600 a 0000 | having many branches; "a branchy tree trunk" 00613382 00 s 0a arboreal 0 arboreous 0 arborescent 0 arboresque 0 arboriform 0 dendriform 0 dendroid 1 dendroidal 1 treelike 0 tree-shaped 0 004 & 00613068 a 0000 + 13107891 n 0201 + 13107891 n 0101 + 02732827 n 0101 | resembling a tree in form and branching structure; "arborescent coral found off the coast of Bermuda"; "dendriform sponges" 00613728 00 s 01 brachiate 0 002 & 00613068 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having widely spreading paired branches; "maples are brachiate" 00613866 00 s 05 branched 0 branching 0 ramose 0 ramous 0 ramate 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | having branches 00613975 00 s 01 bushy 0 003 & 00613068 a 0000 + 13112664 n 0102 + 08438223 n 0103 | resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading 00614120 00 s 01 long-branched 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | having long branches 00614200 00 s 02 maplelike 0 maple-like 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | resembling maple; "maplelike leaves" 00614305 00 s 01 mop-headed 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | (of trees) having a bushy top without a leader; "mop-headed cabbage palms" 00614436 00 s 01 stiff-branched 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | having stiff branches 00614518 00 s 01 thick-branched 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | having thick branches 00614600 00 s 01 well-branched 0 001 & 00613068 a 0000 | having good branches 00614680 00 a 01 branchless 0 003 ! 00613068 a 0101 & 00614791 a 0000 & 00614868 a 0000 | having no branches 00614791 00 s 01 palmlike 0 001 & 00614680 a 0000 | resembling a palm tree 00614868 00 s 02 unbranched 0 unbranching 0 001 & 00614680 a 0000 | without branches; "a tree with an unbranched trunk" 00614990 00 a 01 convincing 0 004 ^ 01769843 a 0000 ! 00615457 a 0101 & 00615191 a 0000 & 00615343 a 0000 | causing one to believe the truth of something; "a convincing story"; "a convincing manner" 00615191 00 s 01 credible 0 003 & 00614990 a 0000 + 04782878 n 0102 + 04782878 n 0101 | appearing to merit belief or acceptance; "a credible witness" 00615343 00 s 02 disenchanting 0 disillusioning 0 001 & 00614990 a 0000 | freeing from illusion or false belief 00615457 00 a 02 unconvincing 0 flimsy 2 004 ^ 00645493 a 0000 + 05041320 n 0201 ! 00614990 a 0101 & 00615655 a 0000 | not convincing; "unconvincing argument"; "as unconvincing as a forced smile" 00615655 00 s 01 unpersuasive 0 002 & 00615457 a 0000 + 05205220 n 0101 | not capable of persuading 00615757 00 a 01 cooked 0 031 ! 00619433 a 0101 & 00616408 a 0000 & 00616532 a 0000 & 00616654 a 0000 & 00616748 a 0000 & 00616822 a 0000 & 00616913 a 0000 & 00617033 a 0000 & 00617137 a 0000 & 00617271 a 0000 & 00617344 a 0000 & 00617422 a 0000 & 00617510 a 0000 & 00617583 a 0000 & 00617678 a 0000 & 00617752 a 0000 & 00617864 a 0000 & 00617951 a 0000 & 00618040 a 0000 & 00618169 a 0000 & 00618274 a 0000 & 00618377 a 0000 & 00618493 a 0000 & 00618584 a 0000 & 00618752 a 0000 & 00618865 a 0000 & 00618944 a 0000 & 00619030 a 0000 & 00619119 a 0000 & 00619238 a 0000 & 00619324 a 0000 | having been prepared for eating by the application of heat 00616408 00 s 01 au_gratin 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked while covered with browned breadcrumbs (and sometimes cheese) 00616532 00 s 01 baked 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (bread and pastries) cooked by dry heat (as in an oven); "baked goods" 00616654 00 s 02 barbecued 0 grilled 1 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked over an outdoor grill 00616748 00 s 01 batter-fried 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | fried in batter 00616822 00 s 03 boiled 0 poached 0 stewed 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked in hot water 00616913 00 s 01 braised 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked by browning in fat and then simmering in a closed container 00617033 00 s 02 broiled 0 grilled 2 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked by radiant heat (as over a grill) 00617137 00 s 02 burned 0 burnt 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | ruined by overcooking; "she served us underdone bacon and burnt biscuits" 00617271 00 s 01 candy-like 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | resembling candy 00617344 00 s 01 done 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked until ready to serve 00617422 00 s 02 fried 0 deep-fried 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked by frying in fat 00617510 00 s 01 hard-baked 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | baked until hard 00617583 00 s 01 hard-boiled 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (eggs) cooked until the yolk is solid 00617678 00 s 01 lyonnaise 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked with onions 00617752 00 s 01 medium 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside 00617864 00 s 01 overdone 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked too long but still edible 00617951 00 s 01 pancake-style 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked as pancakes are cooked 00618040 00 s 01 parched 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | toasted or roasted slightly; "parched corn was a staple of the Indian diet" 00618169 00 s 01 rare-roasted 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (meat) roasted with the meat inside still rare 00618274 00 s 01 ready-cooked 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked in such a way as to be ready for sale 00618377 00 s 02 roast 0 roasted 0 002 & 00615757 a 0000 + 07580782 n 0101 | (meat) cooked by dry heat in an oven 00618493 00 s 02 saute 0 sauteed 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | fried quickly in a little fat 00618584 00 s 01 seared 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | having the surface burned quickly with intense heat; "the seared meat is then covered with hot liquid for braising" 00618752 00 s 01 soft-boiled 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (eggs) having the yolk still liquid; "soft-boiled eggs" 00618865 00 s 01 souffle-like 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | resembling a souffle 00618944 00 s 01 steamed 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | cooked in steam; "steamed clams" 00619030 00 s 01 sunny-side_up 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (eggs) fried on only one side 00619119 00 s 01 toasted 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | browned over by exposure to heat; "he liked toasted marshmallows" 00619238 00 s 01 wafer-like 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | resembling a thin crisp wafer 00619324 00 s 01 well-done 0 001 & 00615757 a 0000 | (meat) cooked until there is no pink meat left inside 00619433 00 a 01 raw 0 005 ! 00615757 a 0101 & 00619601 a 0000 & 00619691 a 0000 & 00619808 a 0000 & 00619873 a 0000 | not treated with heat to prepare it for eating 00619601 00 s 02 half-baked 0 underdone 1 001 & 00619433 a 0000 | insufficiently cooked 00619691 00 s 01 rare 0 001 & 00619433 a 0000 | (of meat) cooked a short time; still red inside; "rare roast beef" 00619808 00 s 01 uncooked 0 001 & 00619433 a 0000 | not cooked 00619873 00 s 01 untoasted 0 001 & 00619433 a 0000 | not having been browned by exposure to heat 00619972 00 a 01 cooperative 0 006 ^ 01195536 a 0000 + 02416278 v 0103 + 04906026 n 0103 ! 00620585 a 0101 & 00620208 a 0000 & 00620341 a 0000 | done with or working with others for a common purpose or benefit; "a cooperative effort" 00620208 00 s 01 collaborative 0 002 & 00619972 a 0000 + 02416278 v 0101 | accomplished by collaboration; "collaborative research" 00620341 00 s 02 synergetic 0 synergistic 0 003 & 00619972 a 0000 + 13564910 n 0202 + 13564910 n 0101 | working together; used especially of groups, as subsidiaries of a corporation, cooperating for an enhanced effect; "a synergistic effect" 00620585 00 a 01 uncooperative 0 003 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 01198019 a 0000 ! 00619972 a 0101 | unwilling to cooperate; "an uncooperative witness" 00620731 00 a 01 corrupt 0 011 ^ 01549291 a 0000 = 04853948 n 0000 + 14440035 n 0101 ! 00622581 a 0101 & 00621100 a 0000 & 00621207 a 0000 & 00621524 a 0000 & 00621857 a 0000 & 00622014 a 0000 & 00622354 a 0000 & 00622468 a 0000 | lacking in integrity; "humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation"; "a corrupt and incompetent city government" 00621100 00 s 03 corrupted 0 debased 0 vitiated 0 001 & 00620731 a 0000 | ruined in character or quality 00621207 00 s 05 corruptible 0 bribable 0 dishonest 0 purchasable 0 venal 0 006 & 00620731 a 0000 + 04854259 n 0501 + 02284096 v 0201 + 02579447 v 0101 + 02284096 v 0102 + 04851585 n 0101 | capable of being corrupted; "corruptible judges"; "dishonest politicians"; "a purchasable senator"; "a venal police officer" 00621524 00 s 04 depraved 0 perverse 0 perverted 0 reprobate 0 005 & 00620731 a 0000 + 10522324 n 0401 + 04853503 n 0202 + 04853503 n 0201 + 04850996 n 0104 | deviating from what is considered moral or right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"; "a perverted sense of loyalty"; "the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat" 00621857 00 s 02 dirty 0 sordid 0 002 & 00620731 a 0000 + 04807971 n 0202 | unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign" 00622014 00 s 02 Praetorian 0 Pretorian 0 001 & 00620731 a 0000 | characteristic of or similar to the corruptible soldiers in the Praetorian Guard with respect to corruption or political venality; "a large Praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious...and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble"- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr. 00622354 00 s 01 putrid 0 001 & 00620731 a 0000 | morally corrupt or evil; "the putrid atmosphere of the court" 00622468 00 s 01 sold-out(a) 0 001 & 00620731 a 0000 | having taken a bribe or bribes; "a sold-out politician" 00622581 00 a 01 incorrupt 0 007 = 04853948 n 0000 + 04870040 n 0101 ! 00620731 a 0101 & 00622828 a 0000 & 00622935 a 0000 & 00623105 a 0000 & 00623261 a 0000 | free of corruption or immorality; "a policeman who was incorrupt and incorruptible" 00622828 00 s 01 antiseptic 0 001 & 00622581 a 0000 | clean and honest; "antiseptic financial practices" 00622935 00 s 01 incorruptible 0 002 & 00622581 a 0000 + 04870206 n 0101 | incapable of being morally corrupted; "incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society" 00623105 00 s 01 uncorrupted 1 001 & 00622581 a 0000 | not debased; "though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted"; "uncorrupted values" 00623261 00 s 02 uncorrupted 2 unspoiled 0 001 & 00622581 a 0000 | not decayed or decomposed 00623356 00 a 02 synergistic 0 interactive 0 002 + 13564910 n 0102 ! 00623565 a 0101 | used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two (or more) 00623565 00 a 02 antagonistic 2 incompatible 0 006 + 05293420 n 0101 + 02714883 n 0101 + 01074252 n 0101 ! 00623356 a 0101 & 00623814 a 0000 & 00623939 a 0000 | used especially of drugs or muscles that counteract or neutralize each other's effect 00623814 00 s 01 antacid 0 002 & 00623565 a 0000 + 14778019 n 0101 | acting to neutralize acid (especially in the stomach) 00623939 00 s 01 antiphlogistic 0 001 & 00623565 a 0000 | counteracting inflammation 00624026 00 a 01 considerable 0 006 ^ 01382086 a 0000 ! 00625170 a 0101 & 00624416 a 0000 & 00624576 a 0000 & 00624913 a 0000 & 00625055 a 0000 | large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree; "a considerable quantity"; "the economy was a considerable issue in the campaign"; "went to considerable trouble for us"; "spent a considerable amount of time on the problem" 00624416 00 s 01 appreciable 0 001 & 00624026 a 0000 | enough to be estimated or measured; "appreciable amounts of noxious wastes are dumped into the harbor" 00624576 00 s 08 goodly 0 goodish 0 healthy 0 hefty 0 respectable 0 sizable 0 sizeable 0 tidy 0 003 & 00624026 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0706 + 05027837 n 0402 | large in amount or extent or degree; "it cost a considerable amount"; "a goodly amount"; "received a hefty bonus"; "a respectable sum"; "a tidy sum of money"; "a sizable fortune" 00624913 00 s 01 right_smart 0 002 & 00624026 a 0000 ;u 07156497 n 0000 | (Southern or Midland) considerable; "it's a right smart distance" 00625055 00 s 02 significant 0 substantial 0 001 & 00624026 a 0000 | fairly large; "won by a substantial margin" 00625170 00 a 01 inconsiderable 0 001 ! 00624026 a 0101 | too small or unimportant to merit attention; "passed his life in an inconsiderable village"; "their duties were inconsiderable"; "had no inconsiderable influence" 00625393 00 a 03 substantial 0 real 3 material 3 007 = 04761212 n 0000 ^ 00626800 a 0000 + 04762355 n 0201 + 00019613 n 0101 + 04761212 n 0102 + 04761212 n 0101 ! 00625774 a 0101 | having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary; "the substantial world"; "a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical"; "most ponderous and substantial things"- Shakespeare 00625774 00 a 03 insubstantial 0 unsubstantial 0 unreal 3 010 ^ 00627410 a 0000 = 04761212 n 0000 + 13960117 n 0301 + 00547802 v 0203 + 05041595 n 0101 + 04761815 n 0101 ! 00625393 a 0101 & 00626136 a 0000 & 00626483 a 0000 & 00626701 a 0000 | lacking material form or substance; unreal; "as insubstantial as a dream"; "an insubstantial mirage on the horizon" 00626136 00 s 05 aeriform 0 aerial 0 airy 0 aery 0 ethereal 0 002 & 00625774 a 0000 + 05028963 n 0301 | characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air; "figures light and aeriform come unlooked for and melt away"- Thomas Carlyle; "aerial fancies"; "an airy apparition"; "physical rather than ethereal forms" 00626483 00 s 02 shadowy 0 wraithlike 0 002 & 00625774 a 0000 + 05897553 n 0106 | lacking in substance; "strange fancies of unreal and shadowy worlds"- W.A.Butler; "dim shadowy forms"; "a wraithlike column of smoke" 00626701 00 s 01 stringy 0 001 & 00625774 a 0000 | consisting of or containing string or strings 00626800 00 a 01 material 1 006 ^ 00625393 a 0000 = 04760771 n 0000 + 04760771 n 0101 ! 00627410 a 0101 & 00627004 a 0000 & 00627204 a 0000 | derived from or composed of matter; "the material universe" 00627004 00 s 01 physical 0 002 & 00626800 a 0000 + 04760771 n 0102 | having substance or material existence; perceptible to the senses; "a physical manifestation"; "surrounded by tangible objects" 00627204 00 s 01 physical 2 002 & 00626800 a 0000 + 04760771 n 0102 | concerned with material things; "physical properties"; "the physical characteristics of the earth"; "the physical size of a computer" 00627410 00 a 02 immaterial 1 nonmaterial 0 005 ^ 00625774 a 0000 = 04760771 n 0000 + 04761517 n 0101 ! 00626800 a 0101 & 00627643 a 0000 | not consisting of matter; "immaterial apparitions"; "ghosts and other immaterial entities" 00627643 00 s 02 intangible 0 nonphysical 0 003 & 00627410 a 0000 + 04760296 n 0101 + 04760296 n 0102 | lacking substance or reality; incapable of being touched or seen; "that intangible thing--the soul" 00627849 00 a 01 bodied 0 012 ^ 00629997 a 0000 ! 00629146 a 0101 & 00628201 a 0000 & 00628354 a 0000 & 00628432 a 0000 & 00628519 a 0000 & 00628610 a 0000 & 00628687 a 0000 & 00628776 a 0000 & 00628881 a 0000 & 00628988 a 0000 & 00629068 a 0000 | having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination; "strong-bodied"; "big-bodied" 00628201 00 s 01 incarnate 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | invested with a bodily form especially of a human body; "a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate" 00628354 00 s 01 lithe-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a lithe body 00628432 00 s 01 long-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a relatively long body 00628519 00 s 01 narrow-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a relatively narrow body 00628610 00 s 01 oval-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having an oval body 00628687 00 s 01 short-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a relatively short body 00628776 00 s 02 silver-bodied 0 silvery-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a silver-colored body 00628881 00 s 03 slim-bodied 0 thin-bodied 0 slender-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a slim body 00628988 00 s 01 smooth-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a smooth body 00629068 00 s 01 thick-bodied 0 001 & 00627849 a 0000 | having a thick body 00629146 00 a 01 unbodied 0 004 ^ 00630802 a 0000 ! 00627849 a 0101 & 00629269 a 0000 & 00629382 a 0000 | having no body 00629269 00 s 02 bodiless 0 bodyless 0 001 & 00629146 a 0000 | having no trunk or main part; "a bodiless head" 00629382 00 s 01 formless 0 001 & 00629146 a 0000 | having no physical form; "belief in a world filled with...formless but often malevolent beings" 00629532 00 a 01 brainwashed 0 001 ! 00629808 a 0101 | subjected to intensive forced indoctrination resulting in the rejection of old beliefs and acceptance of new ones; "brainwashed prisoners of war"; "captive audiences for TV commercials can become brainwashed consumers" 00629808 00 a 01 unbrainwashed 0 001 ! 00629532 a 0101 | not successfully subjected to brainwashing; "despite the torture and the psychological pressure some POWs remained unbrainwashed" 00629997 00 a 02 corporeal 0 material 4 008 ^ 00627849 a 0000 = 04760771 n 0000 + 04760771 n 0201 + 04760771 n 0103 ! 00630802 a 0101 & 00630329 a 0000 & 00630466 a 0000 & 00630727 a 0000 | having material or physical form or substance; "that which is created is of necessity corporeal and visible and tangible" - Benjamin Jowett 00630329 00 s 01 bodily 0 002 & 00629997 a 0000 + 05216365 n 0101 | having or relating to a physical material body; "bodily existence" 00630466 00 s 05 bodied 0 corporal 0 corporate 0 embodied 0 incarnate 0 001 & 00629997 a 0000 | possessing or existing in bodily form; "what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind"- Shakespeare; "an incarnate spirit"; "`corporate' is an archaic term" 00630727 00 s 01 reincarnate 0 001 & 00629997 a 0000 | having a new body 00630802 00 a 02 incorporeal 0 immaterial 4 007 ^ 00629146 a 0000 = 04760771 n 0000 + 04761517 n 0201 + 04761517 n 0102 ! 00629997 a 0101 & 00631040 a 0000 & 00631193 a 0000 | without material form or substance; "an incorporeal spirit" 00631040 00 s 05 discorporate 0 unembodied 0 bodiless 0 unbodied 0 disembodied 0 001 & 00630802 a 0000 | not having a material body; "bodiless ghosts" 00631193 00 s 01 spiritual 0 001 & 00630802 a 0000 | lacking material body or form or substance; "spiritual beings"; "the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm"-Lewis Mumford 00631391 00 a 02 correct 0 right 2 011 ^ 00021766 a 0000 ^ 01878466 a 0000 ^ 02460502 a 0000 = 04802198 n 0000 + 04802198 n 0202 ! 00632438 a 0202 + 04802198 n 0101 ! 00632438 a 0101 & 00631798 a 0000 & 00632071 a 0000 & 00632306 a 0000 | free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth; "the correct answer"; "the correct version"; "the right answer"; "took the right road"; "the right decision" 00631798 00 s 03 accurate 0 exact 0 precise 0 003 & 00631391 a 0000 + 04803880 n 0301 + 04803430 n 0201 | (of ideas, images, representations, expressions) characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth ; strictly correct; "a precise image"; "a precise measurement" 00632071 00 s 02 letter-perfect 0 word-perfect 0 001 & 00631391 a 0000 | correct to the last detail; especially being in or following the exact words; "a letter-perfect rendition of the soliloquy"; "she was word-perfect in her part" 00632306 00 s 01 straight 0 002 & 00631391 a 0000 + 04918210 n 0102 | following a correct or logical method; "straight reasoning" 00632438 00 a 02 incorrect 0 wrong 2 012 ^ 02461723 a 0000 ^ 01880531 a 0000 ^ 00023383 a 0000 = 04802198 n 0000 + 04802403 n 0202 ! 00631391 a 0202 + 04802403 n 0101 ! 00631391 a 0101 & 00632949 a 0000 & 00633084 a 0000 & 00633235 a 0000 + 04901599 n 0101 | not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth; "an incorrect calculation"; "the report in the paper is wrong"; "your information is wrong"; "the clock showed the wrong time"; "found themselves on the wrong road"; "based on the wrong assumptions" 00632949 00 s 01 erroneous 0 002 & 00632438 a 0000 + 04802629 n 0101 | containing or characterized by error; "erroneous conclusions" 00633084 00 s 01 fallacious 0 002 & 00632438 a 0000 + 04810727 n 0101 | based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information; "fallacious hope" 00633235 00 s 02 false 0 mistaken 0 003 & 00632438 a 0000 + 13960464 n 0102 + 13960464 n 0101 | arising from error; "a false assumption"; "a mistaken view of the situation" 00633410 00 a 02 right 4 correct 4 004 + 04899201 n 0201 + 04899031 n 0102 ! 00633778 a 0101 & 00633581 a 0000 | correct in opinion or judgment; "time proved him right" 00633581 00 s 01 right-minded 0 001 & 00633410 a 0000 | disposed toward or having views based on what is right; "respect for law which every right-minded citizen ought to have"- Bertrand Russell 00633778 00 a 01 wrong 4 003 + 04802403 n 0102 ! 00633410 a 0101 & 00633937 a 0000 | based on or acting or judging in error; "it is wrong to think that way" 00633937 00 s 01 wrongheaded 0 001 & 00633778 a 0000 | obstinately perverse in judgment or opinion; "a wrongheaded policy" 00634062 00 a 01 corrected 0 004 ! 00634636 a 0101 & 00634259 a 0000 & 00634404 a 0000 & 00634559 a 0000 | having something undesirable neutralized; "with glasses her corrected vision was 20:20" 00634259 00 s 01 aplanatic 0 002 & 00634062 a 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 | free from or corrected for spherical aberration; "an aplanatic mirror" 00634404 00 s 01 apochromatic 0 002 & 00634062 a 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 | corrected for both chromatic and spherical aberration; "an apochromatic lens" 00634559 00 s 01 rectified 0 001 & 00634062 a 0000 | having been put right 00634636 00 a 01 uncorrected 0 002 ! 00634062 a 0101 & 00634759 a 0000 | left faulty or wrong; "uncorrected astigmatism" 00634759 00 s 01 unremedied 0 001 & 00634636 a 0000 | not having been put right; "unremedied errors" 00634862 00 a 01 corrigible 0 005 + 02553428 v 0102 ! 00635456 a 0101 & 00635078 a 0000 & 00635244 a 0000 & 00635327 a 0000 | capable of being corrected or set right; "a corrigible defect"; "a corrigible prisoner" 00635078 00 s 02 amendable 0 correctable 0 003 & 00634862 a 0000 + 00199912 v 0105 + 00205885 v 0103 | capable of being corrected by additions; "an amendable flaw" 00635244 00 s 01 improvable 0 001 & 00634862 a 0000 | susceptible of improvement 00635327 00 s 02 redeemable 0 reformable 0 001 & 00634862 a 0000 | susceptible to improvement or reform; "a redeemable sinner" 00635456 00 a 01 incorrigible 0 004 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ! 00634862 a 0101 & 00635607 a 0000 & 00635752 a 0000 | impervious to correction by punishment 00635607 00 s 02 unreformable 0 unregenerate 0 001 & 00635456 a 0000 | unrepentant and incapable of being reformed; "an unregenerate criminal" 00635752 00 s 03 uncontrollable 0 uncorrectable 0 unmanageable 0 002 & 00635456 a 0000 + 04907575 n 0302 | incapable of being controlled or managed; "uncontrollable children"; "an uncorrectable habit" 00635955 00 a 01 cosmopolitan 2 002 ! 00636547 a 0101 & 00636391 a 0000 | composed of people from or at home in many parts of the world; especially not provincial in attitudes or interests; "his cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and to all creeds"- T.B. Macaulay; "the ancient and cosmopolitan societies of Syria and Egypt"; "that queer, cosmopolitan, rather sinister crowd found around the Marseilles docks" 00636391 00 s 02 traveled 0 travelled 0 001 & 00635955 a 0000 | familiar with many parts of the world; "a traveled, educated man"; "well-traveled people" 00636547 00 a 01 provincial 0 007 + 08654360 n 0102 ! 00635955 a 0101 & 00636891 a 0000 & 00637172 a 0000 & 00637267 a 0000 & 00637455 a 0000 & 00637645 a 0000 | characteristic of the provinces or their people; "deeply provincial and conformist"; "in that well-educated company I felt uncomfortably provincial"; "narrow provincial attitudes" 00636891 00 s 04 bumpkinly 0 hick 0 rustic 0 unsophisticated 0 003 & 00636547 a 0000 + 04816125 n 0301 + 10804102 n 0106 | awkwardly simple and provincial; "bumpkinly country boys"; "rustic farmers"; "a hick town"; "the nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists" 00637172 00 s 01 corn-fed 0 001 & 00636547 a 0000 | strong and healthy but not sophisticated 00637267 00 s 02 insular 0 parochial 0 001 & 00636547 a 0000 | narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; "little sympathy with parochial mentality"; "insular attitudes toward foreigners" 00637455 00 s 04 jerkwater 0 one-horse 0 pokey 0 poky 0 001 & 00636547 a 0000 | small and remote and insignificant; "a jerkwater college"; "passed a series of poky little one-horse towns" 00637645 00 s 01 stay-at-home(a) 0 001 & 00636547 a 0000 | not given to travel; "a stay-at-home friend" 00637751 00 a 01 costive 0 001 ! 00637857 a 0101 | retarding evacuation of feces; binding; constipating 00637857 00 a 01 laxative 0 003 ! 00637751 a 0101 & 00637979 a 0000 & 00638067 a 0000 | stimulating evacuation of feces 00637979 00 s 01 aperient 0 002 & 00637857 a 0000 + 04025748 n 0104 | mildly laxative 00638067 00 s 03 cathartic 0 evacuant 0 purgative 0 006 & 00637857 a 0000 + 04025748 n 0301 + 00073813 v 0301 + 00073343 v 0201 + 04025748 n 0102 + 00253577 n 0101 | strongly laxative 00638253 00 a 01 constipated 0 002 ! 00638501 a 0101 & 00638396 a 0000 | have difficult or incomplete or infrequent evacuation of the bowels 00638396 00 s 01 bound(p) 0 001 & 00638253 a 0000 | confined in the bowels; "he is bound in the belly" 00638501 00 a 02 unconstipated 0 regular 6 003 ! 00638253 a 0101 & 00638622 a 0000 & 00638841 a 0000 | not constipated 00638622 00 s 06 diarrheal 0 diarrhoeal 0 diarrhetic 0 diarrhoetic 0 diarrheic 0 diarrhoeic 0 005 & 00638501 a 0000 + 14371913 n 0402 + 14371913 n 0301 + 14371913 n 0202 + 14371913 n 0101 | of or relating to diarrhea 00638841 00 s 02 lax 0 loose 0 003 & 00638501 a 0000 + 14371913 n 0204 + 14546042 n 0101 | emptying easily or excessively; "loose bowels" 00638981 00 a 01 considerate 0 006 ^ 01372049 a 0000 ^ 02384383 a 0000 ^ 02099019 a 0000 + 04841358 n 0102 ! 00639356 a 0101 & 00639230 a 0000 | showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; "friends considerate enough to leave us alone" 00639230 00 s 01 thoughtful 0 002 & 00638981 a 0000 + 04841358 n 0103 | considerate of the feelings or well-being of others 00639356 00 a 01 inconsiderate 0 006 ^ 02098325 a 0000 ^ 02384843 a 0000 ^ 02420530 a 0000 + 04845967 n 0102 ! 00638981 a 0101 & 00639594 a 0000 | lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others; "shockingly inconsiderate behavior" 00639594 00 s 03 thoughtless 0 uncaring 0 unthinking 0 002 & 00639356 a 0000 + 04845967 n 0103 | without care or thought for others; "the thoughtless saying of a great princess on being informed that the people had no bread; `Let them eat cake'" 00639842 00 a 01 courteous 0 004 ^ 01993940 a 0000 = 04912732 n 0000 ! 00640283 a 0101 & 00640106 a 0000 | characterized by courtesy and gracious good manners; "if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers it shows he is a citizen of the world"-Francis Bacon 00640106 00 s 03 chivalrous 0 gallant 0 knightly 0 004 & 00639842 a 0000 + 10238375 n 0301 + 10644062 n 0202 + 05955848 n 0101 | being attentive to women like an ideal knight 00640283 00 a 01 discourteous 0 007 ^ 01994602 a 0000 = 04912732 n 0000 ! 00639842 a 0101 & 00640520 a 0000 & 00640660 a 0000 & 00640931 a 0000 & 00641036 a 0000 | showing no courtesy; rude; "a distant and at times discourteous young" 00640520 00 s 01 abrupt 0 002 & 00640283 a 0000 + 04915462 n 0101 | surprisingly and unceremoniously brusque in manner; "an abrupt reply" 00640660 00 s 04 brusque 0 brusk 0 curt 0 short(p) 0 004 & 00640283 a 0000 + 04915462 n 0405 + 04915462 n 0303 + 04915462 n 0102 | marked by rude or peremptory shortness; "try to cultivate a less brusque manner"; "a curt reply"; "the salesgirl was very short with him" 00640931 00 s 03 caddish 0 unchivalrous 0 ungallant 0 001 & 00640283 a 0000 | offensively discourteous 00641036 00 s 01 unceremonious 0 001 & 00640283 a 0000 | without due formalities; "unceremonious dismissal from office" 00641158 00 a 01 polite 0 005 = 04912982 n 0000 + 01227908 n 0101 ! 00641640 a 0101 & 00641343 a 0000 & 00641460 a 0000 | showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc. 00641343 00 s 02 mannerly 0 well-mannered 0 002 & 00641158 a 0000 + 04928903 n 0101 | socially correct in behavior 00641460 00 s 03 courteous 0 gracious 0 nice 0 004 & 00641158 a 0000 + 04912982 n 0302 + 04900357 n 0202 + 04913568 n 0201 | exhibiting courtesy and politeness; "a nice gesture" 00641640 00 a 01 impolite 0 007 = 04912982 n 0000 + 04914694 n 0101 ! 00641158 a 0101 & 00641813 a 0000 & 00641944 a 0000 & 00642152 a 0000 & 00642263 a 0000 | not polite 00641813 00 s 02 bratty 0 brattish 0 002 & 00641640 a 0000 + 10702483 n 0102 | (used of an ill-mannered child) impolitely unruly 00641944 00 s 05 ill-mannered 0 bad-mannered 0 rude 0 unmannered 0 unmannerly 0 002 & 00641640 a 0000 + 04914292 n 0302 | socially incorrect in behavior; "resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion" 00642152 00 s 02 discourteous 0 ungracious 0 002 & 00641640 a 0000 + 04914991 n 0201 | lacking social graces 00642263 00 s 01 unparliamentary 0 001 & 00641640 a 0000 | so rude and abusive as to be unsuitable for parliament 00642379 00 a 02 civil 0 polite 4 005 = 04914133 n 0000 + 04912982 n 0201 + 04914133 n 0101 + 01227908 n 0102 ! 00642725 a 0101 | not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others; "even if he didn't like them he should have been civil"- W.S. Maugham 00642725 00 a 02 uncivil 0 rude 4 003 = 04914133 n 0000 + 04914292 n 0202 ! 00642379 a 0101 | lacking civility or good manners; "want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue"- Willa Cather 00642934 00 a 01 civil 1 001 ! 00643116 a 0101 | (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life; "the civil calendar"; "a civil day begins at mean midnight" 00643116 00 a 01 sidereal 0 001 ! 00642934 a 0101 | (of divisions of time) determined by daily motion of the stars; "sidereal time" 00643250 00 a 02 creative 0 originative 0 013 ^ 01686439 a 0000 ^ 01865197 a 0000 = 05624700 n 0000 + 01628449 v 0201 + 01640207 v 0101 + 01685313 v 0101 + 05624700 n 0102 + 05624700 n 0101 ! 00644372 a 0101 & 00643598 a 0000 & 00643760 a 0000 & 00643863 a 0000 & 00644299 a 0000 | having the ability or power to create; "a creative imagination" 00643598 00 s 02 fanciful 0 notional 0 001 & 00643250 a 0000 | indulging in or influenced by fancy; "a fanciful mind"; "all the notional vagaries of childhood" 00643760 00 s 01 fictive 0 001 & 00643250 a 0000 | capable of imaginative creation; "fictive talent" 00643863 00 s 02 imaginative 0 inventive 0 005 & 00643250 a 0000 + 01632411 v 0201 + 05633672 n 0201 + 01636397 v 0101 + 05625465 n 0102 | (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action; "an imaginative use of material"; "the invention of the knitting frame by another ingenious English clergyman"- Lewis Mumford; "an ingenious device"; "had an inventive turn of mind"; "inventive ceramics" 00644299 00 s 01 yeasty 0 001 & 00643250 a 0000 | exuberantly creative 00644372 00 a 01 uncreative 0 006 ^ 01688271 a 0000 ^ 01866535 a 0000 = 05624700 n 0000 + 05649385 n 0101 ! 00643250 a 0101 & 00644560 a 0000 | not creative; "an uncreative imagination" 00644560 00 s 04 sterile 2 unimaginative 0 uninspired 0 uninventive 0 001 & 00644372 a 0000 | deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention; "a sterile ideology lacking in originality"; "unimaginative development of a musical theme"; "uninspired writing" 00644839 00 a 02 credible 0 believable 4 011 ^ 01799457 a 0000 ^ 02417895 a 0000 = 04782878 n 0000 + 00684068 v 0201 + 00683280 v 0201 + 04782878 n 0203 + 04782878 n 0102 + 04782878 n 0101 ! 00645493 a 0101 & 00645169 a 0000 & 00645281 a 0000 | capable of being believed; "completely credible testimony"; "credible information" 00645169 00 s 01 likely 0 001 & 00644839 a 0000 | within the realm of credibility; "not a very likely excuse" 00645281 00 s 01 presumptive 0 003 & 00644839 a 0000 + 01015677 v 0101 + 00632236 v 0102 | affording reasonable grounds for belief or acceptance; "presumptive evidence"; "a strong presumptive case is made out" 00645493 00 a 02 incredible 0 unbelievable 4 012 ^ 01799957 a 0000 ^ 00647070 a 0000 ^ 00615457 a 0000 ^ 02418538 a 0000 = 04782878 n 0000 + 04784142 n 0102 + 04784142 n 0101 ! 00644839 a 0101 & 00645856 a 0000 & 00645982 a 0000 & 00646117 a 0000 & 00646276 a 0000 | beyond belief or understanding; "at incredible speed"; "the book's plot is simply incredible" 00645856 00 s 03 astounding 0 dumbfounding 0 dumfounding 0 001 & 00645493 a 0000 | bewildering or striking dumb with wonder 00645982 00 s 01 fabulous 0 002 & 00645493 a 0000 + 06757891 n 0103 | barely credible; "the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner" 00646117 00 s 04 improbable 0 marvelous 0 marvellous 0 tall(a) 0 002 & 00645493 a 0000 + 04758452 n 0102 | too improbable to admit of belief; "a tall story" 00646276 00 s 05 undreamed 0 undreamed_of 0 undreamt 0 undreamt_of 0 unimagined 0 001 & 00645493 a 0000 | not imagined even in a dream 00646413 00 a 01 credulous 0 008 ^ 02271544 a 0000 ^ 02462619 a 0000 + 04881156 n 0101 + 04895558 n 0101 ! 00647070 a 0101 & 00646691 a 0000 & 00646890 a 0000 & 00646981 a 0000 | disposed to believe on little evidence; "the gimmick would convince none but the most credulous" 00646691 00 s 01 credible 0 002 & 00646413 a 0000 + 04782878 n 0102 | (a common but incorrect usage where `credulous' would be appropriate) credulous; "she was not the...credible fool he expected" 00646890 00 s 01 overcredulous 0 001 & 00646413 a 0000 | too credulous for your own good 00646981 00 s 01 unquestioning 0 001 & 00646413 a 0000 | not inclined to ask questions 00647070 00 a 01 incredulous 0 005 ^ 02463154 a 0000 ^ 00645493 a 0000 + 05698982 n 0101 ! 00646413 a 0101 & 00647247 a 0000 | not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving 00647247 00 s 04 disbelieving 0 skeptical 0 sceptical 0 unbelieving 0 006 & 00647070 a 0000 + 05980051 n 0303 + 10604634 n 0302 + 10604634 n 0201 + 05980051 n 0202 + 05698982 n 0203 | denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles" 00647542 00 a 01 critical 1 011 ^ 02079029 a 0000 ^ 00996448 a 0000 + 09979072 n 0101 + 06710546 n 0101 ! 00648816 a 0101 & 00647867 a 0000 & 00648089 a 0000 & 00648238 a 0000 & 00648345 a 0000 & 00648543 a 0000 & 00648614 a 0000 | marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws; "a critical attitude" 00647867 00 s 02 captious 0 faultfinding 0 003 & 00647542 a 0000 + 06711030 n 0201 + 07209691 n 0101 | tending to find and call attention to faults; "a captious pedant"; "an excessively demanding and faultfinding tutor" 00648089 00 s 01 censorious 0 002 & 00647542 a 0000 + 09903936 n 0101 | harshly critical or expressing censure; "was censorious of petty failings" 00648238 00 s 01 deprecative 0 002 & 00647542 a 0000 + 00856429 v 0101 | given to expressing disapproval 00648345 00 s 02 hypercritical 0 overcritical 0 001 & 00647542 a 0000 | inclined to judge too severely; "hypercritical of colloquial speech"; "the overcritical teacher can discourage originality" 00648543 00 s 01 searing 0 001 & 00647542 a 0000 | severely critical 00648614 00 s 02 scathing 0 vituperative 0 002 & 00647542 a 0000 + 00847870 v 0203 | marked by harshly abusive criticism; "his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists"; "her vituperative railing" 00648816 00 a 01 uncritical 1 001 ! 00647542 a 0101 | not critical; not tending to find or call attention to errors; "a devoted and almost uncritical admirer" 00648977 00 a 01 judgmental 0 006 + 05837957 n 0101 + 05789432 n 0101 + 04892084 n 0101 + 00874067 n 0101 ! 00649405 a 0101 & 00649228 a 0000 | depending on judgment; "a judgmental error"; "I think that she is too judgmental to be a good therapist" 00649228 00 s 01 faultfinding(a) 0 001 & 00648977 a 0000 | tending to make moral judgments or judgments based on personal opinions; "a counselor tries not to be faultfinding" 00649405 00 a 01 nonjudgmental 0 001 ! 00648977 a 0101 | refraining from making judgments especially ones based on personal opinions or standards; "sympathetic and nonjudgmental" 00649586 00 a 01 critical 2 007 ^ 00771373 a 0000 ^ 02083615 a 0000 + 09979321 n 0101 + 05734018 n 0101 ! 00650351 a 0101 & 00649892 a 0000 & 00650135 a 0000 | characterized by careful evaluation and judgment; "a critical reading"; "a critical dissertation"; "a critical analysis of Melville's writings" 00649892 00 s 02 appraising(a) 0 evaluative 0 003 & 00649586 a 0000 + 00670261 v 0201 + 00681429 v 0202 | exercising or involving careful evaluations; "looked him over with an appraising eye"; "the literary judge uses many evaluative terms" 00650135 00 s 02 discriminative 0 judicial 0 002 & 00649586 a 0000 + 10066732 n 0202 | expressing careful judgment; "discriminative censure"; "a biography ...appreciative and yet judicial in purpose"-Tyler Dennett 00650351 00 a 02 uncritical 2 noncritical 4 002 ^ 02084538 a 0000 ! 00649586 a 0101 | marked by disregard for critical standards or procedures; "news sources reflected uncritical estimates of the number of juvenile addicts" 00650577 00 a 01 critical 3 008 ^ 00655779 a 0000 = 13933560 n 0000 + 14451672 n 0102 + 14451672 n 0101 ! 00651697 a 0101 & 00650900 a 0000 & 00651039 a 0000 & 00651451 a 0000 | being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency; "a critical shortage of food"; "a critical illness"; "an illness at the critical stage" 00650900 00 s 01 acute 0 001 & 00650577 a 0000 | of critical importance and consequence; "an acute (or critical) lack of research funds" 00651039 00 s 06 dangerous 0 grave 0 grievous 0 serious 0 severe 0 life-threatening 0 004 & 00650577 a 0000 + 05036715 n 0503 + 05037197 n 0401 + 04856460 n 0101 | causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm; "a dangerous operation"; "a grave situation"; "a grave illness"; "grievous bodily harm"; "a serious wound"; "a serious turn of events"; "a severe case of pneumonia"; "a life-threatening disease" 00651451 00 s 02 desperate 0 dire 0 001 & 00650577 a 0000 | fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless; "a desperate illness"; "on all fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel"- G.C.Marshall; "a dire emergency" 00651697 00 a 02 noncritical 1 noncrucial 4 003 = 13933560 n 0000 ! 00650577 a 0101 & 00651841 a 0000 | not in a state of crisis or emergency 00651841 00 s 01 acritical 0 001 & 00651697 a 0000 | without a crisis (as of some diseases) 00651935 00 a 01 critical 4 006 = 14033587 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 14033587 n 0101 ! 00652533 a 0101 & 00652351 a 0000 | at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction; "a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure"; "critical mass"; "go critical" 00652351 00 s 01 supercritical 0 001 & 00651935 a 0000 | (especially of fissionable material) able to sustain a chain reaction in such a manner that the rate of reaction increases 00652533 00 a 01 noncritical 2 004 = 14033587 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 00651935 a 0101 | not critical; not at a point of abrupt change 00652692 00 a 01 crossed 1 003 ! 00653190 a 0101 & 00652893 a 0000 & 00653044 a 0000 | placed crosswise; "spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers"; "crossed forks"; "seated with arms across" 00652893 00 s 02 crosstown 0 cross-town 0 001 & 00652692 a 0000 | going or extending across a town or city; "the crosstown bus"; "crosstown traffic" 00653044 00 s 03 decussate 0 intersectant 0 intersecting 0 002 & 00652692 a 0000 + 02023396 v 0201 | crossed or intersected in the form of an X 00653190 00 a 01 uncrossed 1 001 ! 00652692 a 0101 | not crossed; "sitting primly with uncrossed legs" 00653295 00 a 01 crossed 2 001 ! 00653434 a 0101 | (of a check) marked for deposit only as indicated by having two lines drawn across it 00653434 00 a 01 uncrossed 2 001 ! 00653295 a 0101 | (of a check) not crossed 00653514 00 a 01 cross-eyed 0 002 ! 00653740 a 0101 & 00653617 a 0000 | having convergent strabismus 00653617 00 s 01 boss-eyed 0 003 & 00653514 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) cross-eyed 00653740 00 a 01 walleyed 0 001 ! 00653514 a 0101 | having divergent strabismus 00653822 00 a 01 crowned 0 006 ! 00654829 a 0101 & 00654125 a 0000 & 00654315 a 0000 & 00654394 a 0000 & 00654596 a 0000 & 00654685 a 0000 | provided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combination; "a high-crowned hat"; "an orange-crowned bird"; "a crowned signet ring" 00654125 00 s 01 capped 0 001 & 00653822 a 0000 | covered as if with a cap or crown especially of a specified kind; "cloud-capped mountains"; "brown-capped mushrooms"; "snow-capped peaks" 00654315 00 s 01 chapleted 0 001 & 00653822 a 0000 | provided with a chaplet 00654394 00 s 02 comate 0 comose 0 002 & 00653822 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | bearing a coma; crowned with an assemblage of branches or leaves or bracts; "comate royal palms"; "pineapples are comate" 00654596 00 s 01 high-crowned 0 001 & 00653822 a 0000 | (of a hat) having a high crown 00654685 00 s 01 royal 0 001 & 00653822 a 0000 | invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown; "the royal (or crowned) heads of Europe" 00654829 00 a 02 uncrowned 0 crownless 0 002 ! 00653822 a 0101 & 00654983 a 0000 | not (especially not yet) provided with a crown; "the uncrowned king" 00654983 00 s 01 quasi-royal 0 001 & 00654829 a 0000 | having the power but not the rank or title of a king; "one of the quasi-royal rulers of Africa" 00655136 00 a 01 crowned 2 003 ;c 06047430 n 0000 ! 00655445 a 0101 & 00655292 a 0000 | having an (artificial) crown on a tooth; "had many crowned teeth" 00655292 00 s 01 capped 0 001 & 00655136 a 0000 | used especially of front teeth having (artificial) crowns; "capped teeth gave her a beautiful smile" 00655445 00 a 01 uncrowned 2 003 ;c 06047430 n 0000 ! 00655136 a 0101 & 00655668 a 0000 | not having an (artificial) crown on a tooth; used especially of molars and bicuspids; "uncrowned teeth badly in need of attention" 00655668 00 s 01 uncapped 0 001 & 00655445 a 0000 | used especially of front teeth; "natural uncapped teeth" 00655779 00 a 02 crucial 0 important 2 009 ^ 00650577 a 0000 ^ 00684480 a 0000 ^ 00900616 a 0000 + 05168261 n 0201 + 14451672 n 0103 ! 00656771 a 0101 & 00656132 a 0000 & 00656384 a 0000 & 00656507 a 0000 | of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; "a crucial moment in his career"; "a crucial election"; "a crucial issue for women" 00656132 00 s 02 critical 0 decisive 0 005 & 00655779 a 0000 + 04754440 n 0203 + 13933560 n 0101 + 07417644 n 0101 + 14451672 n 0102 | forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis; "a critical point in the campaign"; "the critical test" 00656384 00 s 02 life-and-death 0 life-or-death 0 001 & 00655779 a 0000 | vitally important; "a life-and-death struggle" 00656507 00 s 02 pivotal 0 polar 0 002 & 00655779 a 0000 + 10436707 n 0101 | being of crucial importance; "a pivotal event"; "Its pivotal location has also exposed it to periodic invasions"- Henry Kissinger; "the polar events of this study"; "a polar principal" 00656771 00 a 01 noncrucial 0 001 ! 00655779 a 0101 | of little importance; not decisive 00656862 00 a 02 crystallized 0 crystallised 0 001 ! 00657064 a 0101 | having become fixed and definite in form; "distinguish between crystallized and uncrystallized opinion"- Psychological Abstracts 00657064 00 a 02 uncrystallized 0 uncrystallised 0 001 ! 00656862 a 0101 | not finally or definitely formed; "uncrystallized ideas" 00657198 00 a 02 cubic 0 three-dimensional 2 011 = 05063729 n 0000 + 05063564 n 0201 + 05063729 n 0101 ! 00658259 a 0101 ! 00658942 a 0101 & 00657473 a 0000 & 00657600 a 0000 & 00657726 a 0000 & 00657804 a 0000 & 00658022 a 0000 & 00658166 a 0000 | having three dimensions 00657473 00 s 02 blockish 0 blocky 0 003 & 00657198 a 0000 + 13914608 n 0201 + 02852523 n 0201 | resembling a block in shape 00657600 00 s 03 boxlike 0 boxy 0 box-shaped 0 002 & 00657198 a 0000 + 02883344 n 0201 | resembling a box in rectangularity 00657726 00 s 01 brick-shaped 0 001 & 00657198 a 0000 | shaped like a brick 00657804 00 s 06 cubelike 0 cube-shaped 0 cubical 0 cubiform 0 cuboid 0 cuboidal 0 006 & 00657198 a 0000 + 13914608 n 0602 + 13916721 n 0601 + 13914608 n 0302 + 13916721 n 0301 + 03144592 n 0301 | shaped like a cube 00658022 00 s 01 isometric 0 002 & 00657198 a 0000 ;c 06098876 n 0000 | of a crystal system characterized by three equal axes at right angles 00658166 00 s 01 solid 0 001 & 00657198 a 0000 | having three dimensions; "a solid object" 00658259 00 a 02 linear 1 one-dimensional 0 006 ! 00658942 a 0101 ! 00657198 a 0101 & 00658513 a 0000 & 00658591 a 0000 & 00658680 a 0000 & 00658752 a 0000 | of or in or along or relating to a line; involving a single dimension; "a linear measurement" 00658513 00 s 01 collinear 0 001 & 00658259 a 0000 | lying on the same line 00658591 00 s 01 lineal 0 002 & 00658259 a 0000 + 08593262 n 0101 | arranged in a line 00658680 00 s 01 linelike 0 001 & 00658259 a 0000 | resembling a line 00658752 00 s 02 rectilinear 0 rectilineal 0 001 & 00658259 a 0000 | characterized by a straight line or lines; "rectilinear patterns in wallpaper"; "the rectilinear propagation of light" 00658942 00 a 02 planar 0 two-dimensional 2 009 + 05063349 n 0201 + 13861050 n 0101 ! 00657198 a 0101 ! 00658259 a 0101 & 00659181 a 0000 & 00659259 a 0000 & 00659421 a 0000 & 00659530 a 0000 & 00659617 a 0000 | involving two dimensions 00659181 00 s 01 coplanar 0 001 & 00658942 a 0000 | lying in the same plane 00659259 00 s 01 flat 0 002 & 00658942 a 0000 + 05063349 n 0102 | having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness; "flat computer monitors" 00659421 00 s 02 placoid 0 platelike 0 001 & 00658942 a 0000 | as the hard flattened scales of e.g. sharks 00659530 00 s 02 planate 0 flattened 0 001 & 00658942 a 0000 | having been flattened 00659617 00 s 01 tabular 0 002 & 00658942 a 0000 + 09351905 n 0102 | flat; like a table in form 00659715 00 a 02 unidimensional 0 one-dimensional 2 001 ! 00660019 a 0101 | relating to a single dimension or aspect; having no depth or scope; "a prose statement of fact is unidimensional, its value being measured wholly in terms of its truth"- Mary Sheehan; "a novel with one-dimensional characters" 00660019 00 a 01 multidimensional 0 005 ! 00659715 a 0101 & 00660313 a 0000 & 00660551 a 0000 & 00660809 a 0000 & 00661146 a 0000 | having or involving or marked by several dimensions or aspects; "multidimensional problems"; "a multidimensional proposition"; "a multidimensional personality" 00660313 00 s 01 dimensional 0 002 & 00660019 a 0000 + 05062993 n 0101 | having dimension--the quality or character or stature proper to a person; "never matures as a dimensional character; he is pasty, bland, faceless"- Norman Cousins 00660551 00 s 03 two-dimensional 0 2-dimensional 0 flat 0 002 & 00660019 a 0000 + 07069747 n 0301 | lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth; "a film with two-dimensional characters"; "a flat two-dimensional painting" 00660809 00 s 04 three-dimensional 0 3-dimensional 0 third-dimensional 0 three-d 0 001 & 00660019 a 0000 | involving or relating to three dimensions or aspects; giving the illusion of depth; "lifelike three-dimensional characters"; "a three-dimensional account of conditions under the new government"; "they shot the movie in three-D" 00661146 00 s 02 four-dimensional 0 4-dimensional 0 001 & 00660019 a 0000 | involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time 00661278 00 a 01 cut 1 008 ! 00662687 a 0101 & 00661640 a 0000 & 00661819 a 0000 & 00661887 a 0000 & 00661973 a 0000 & 00662139 a 0000 & 00662318 a 0000 & 00662529 a 0000 | separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument; "the cut surface was mottled"; "cut tobacco"; "blood from his cut forehead"; "bandages on her cut wrists" 00661640 00 s 03 chopped 0 shredded 0 sliced 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | prepared by cutting; "sliced tomatoes"; "sliced ham"; "chopped clams"; "chopped meat"; "shredded cabbage" 00661819 00 s 01 cut_up 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | cut into pieces 00661887 00 s 01 incised 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | cut into with a sharp instrument 00661973 00 s 01 perforated 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | having a number or series of holes; "a perforated steel plate"; "perforated cancellation"; "perforated stamp" 00662139 00 s 04 pierced 0 perforated 2 perforate 0 punctured 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | having a hole cut through; "pierced ears"; "a perforated eardrum"; "a punctured balloon" 00662318 00 s 02 severed 0 cut_off 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | detached by cutting; "cut flowers"; "a severed head"; "an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm" 00662529 00 s 01 split 0 001 & 00661278 a 0000 | (especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace" 00662687 00 a 01 uncut 1 003 ! 00661278 a 0101 & 00662782 a 0000 & 00662873 a 0000 | not cut 00662782 00 s 01 imperforate 0 001 & 00662687 a 0000 | not perforated; having no opening 00662873 00 s 01 unpierced 0 001 & 00662687 a 0000 | not pierced; "unpierced ears" 00662958 00 a 01 cut 2 001 ! 00663104 a 0101 | (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit; "the cut pages of the book" 00663104 00 a 01 uncut 2 001 ! 00662958 a 0101 | (of pages of a book) having adjacent leaves still joined at the fore edge; "a book with its leaves still uncut" 00663267 00 a 01 cut 3 005 ! 00664167 a 0101 & 00663468 a 0000 & 00663576 a 0000 & 00663807 a 0000 & 00663981 a 0000 | fashioned or shaped by cutting; "a well-cut suit"; "cut diamonds"; "cut velvet" 00663468 00 s 01 cut_out 0 001 & 00663267 a 0000 | having been cut out; "the cut-out pieces of the dress" 00663576 00 s 02 hewn 0 hand-hewn 0 001 & 00663267 a 0000 | cut or shaped with hard blows of a heavy cutting instrument like an ax or chisel; "a house built of hewn logs"; "rough-hewn stone"; "a path hewn through the underbrush" 00663807 00 s 01 sheared 0 001 & 00663267 a 0000 | (used especially of fur or wool) shaped or finished by cutting or trimming to a uniform length; "a coat of sheared lamb" 00663981 00 s 01 slashed 0 001 & 00663267 a 0000 | having long and narrow ornamental cuts showing an underlying fabric; "a slashed doublet"; "slashed cuffs showing the scarlet lining" 00664167 00 a 02 uncut 3 rough 5 002 ! 00663267 a 0101 & 00664317 a 0000 | not shaped by cutting or trimming; "an uncut diamond"; "rough gemstones" 00664317 00 s 01 unsheared 0 001 & 00664167 a 0000 | (used especially of fur or wool) not having been sheared; "unsheared beaver" 00664449 00 a 01 curious 0 007 ^ 00878829 a 0000 + 05683197 n 0101 + 05682570 n 0101 ! 00665587 a 0101 & 00664879 a 0000 & 00665156 a 0000 & 00665502 a 0000 | eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns); "a curious child is a teacher's delight"; "a trap door that made me curious"; "curious investigators"; "traffic was slowed by curious rubberneckers"; "curious about the neighbor's doings" 00664879 00 s 04 inquisitive 0 speculative 0 questioning 0 wondering(a) 0 004 & 00664449 a 0000 + 00630380 v 020c + 05683197 n 0102 + 00729378 v 0102 | showing curiosity; "if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive"; "raised a speculative eyebrow" 00665156 00 s 04 nosy 0 nosey 0 prying 0 snoopy 0 006 & 00664449 a 0000 + 10617193 n 0401 + 05683390 n 0403 + 06807056 n 0201 + 06807056 n 0101 + 05683390 n 0101 | offensively curious or inquisitive; "curious about the neighbor's doings"; "he flipped through my letters in his nosy way"; "prying eyes"; "the snoopy neighbor watched us all day" 00665502 00 s 01 overcurious 0 001 & 00664449 a 0000 | showing excessive curiosity 00665587 00 a 01 incurious 0 003 ! 00664449 a 0101 & 00665829 a 0000 & 00665962 a 0000 | showing absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity; "strangely incurious about the cause of the political upheaval surrounding them" 00665829 00 s 01 uninterested 0 001 & 00665587 a 0000 | having no care or interest in knowing; "she appeared totally uninterested" 00665962 00 s 02 uninquiring 0 uninquisitive 0 001 & 00665587 a 0000 | deficient in curiosity 00666058 00 a 01 current 0 019 ^ 01535709 a 0000 ^ 01640850 a 0000 = 05050379 n 0000 + 05050379 n 0102 + 05050379 n 0101 ! 00668571 a 0101 & 00666610 a 0000 & 00666784 a 0000 & 00666960 a 0000 & 00667079 a 0000 & 00667208 a 0000 & 00667353 a 0000 & 00667463 a 0000 & 00667641 a 0000 & 00667822 a 0000 & 00667936 a 0000 & 00668053 a 0000 & 00668208 a 0000 & 00668366 a 0000 | occurring in or belonging to the present time; "current events"; "the current topic"; "current negotiations"; "current psychoanalytic theories"; "the ship's current position" 00666610 00 s 01 actual 0 002 & 00666058 a 0000 + 13954818 n 0101 | being or existing at the present moment; "the ship's actual position is 22 miles due south of Key West" 00666784 00 s 02 afoot(p) 0 underway 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | currently in progress; "there is mischief afoot"; "plans are afoot"; "preparations for the trial are underway" 00666960 00 s 01 circulating(a) 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | passing from one to another; "circulating bills and coins" 00667079 00 s 02 contemporary 0 present-day(a) 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | belonging to the present time; "contemporary leaders" 00667208 00 s 01 incumbent 0 003 & 00666058 a 0000 + 15291498 n 0103 + 00593512 n 0101 | currently holding an office; "the incumbent governor" 00667353 00 s 01 live 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | of current relevance; "a live issue"; "still a live option" 00667463 00 s 01 live 2 002 & 00666058 a 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 | in current use or ready for use; "live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread" 00667641 00 s 01 occurrent 0 002 & 00666058 a 0000 + 07283608 n 0102 | presently occurring (either causally or incidentally); "technical terms are rarely occurrent in literature" 00667822 00 s 02 ongoing 0 on-going 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | currently happening; "an ongoing economic crisis" 00667936 00 s 02 on-line(a) 0 online 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | being in progress now; "on-line editorial projects" 00668053 00 s 01 topical 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | of interest at the present time; "a topical reference"; "a topical and timely study of civil liberty" 00668208 00 s 01 up-to-date 0 002 & 00666058 a 0000 + 05050379 n 0103 | reflecting the latest information or changes; "an up-to-date issue of the magazine" 00668366 00 s 02 up-to-the-minute 0 latest 0 001 & 00666058 a 0000 | up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date; "the news is up-to-the-minute"; "the very latest scientific discoveries" 00668571 00 a 01 noncurrent 0 009 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ^ 01727926 a 0000 = 05050379 n 0000 ! 00666058 a 0101 & 00668816 a 0000 & 00668919 a 0000 & 00669021 a 0000 & 00669138 a 0000 & 00669367 a 0000 | not current or belonging to the present time 00668816 00 s 01 back(a) 0 001 & 00668571 a 0000 | of an earlier date; "back issues of the magazine" 00668919 00 s 01 dead 0 001 & 00668571 a 0000 | no longer having force or relevance; "a dead issue" 00669021 00 s 02 disused 0 obsolete 1 002 & 00668571 a 0000 + 04925577 n 0201 | no longer in use; "obsolete words" 00669138 00 s 03 outdated 0 out-of-date 0 superannuated 0 001 & 00668571 a 0000 | old; no longer valid or fashionable; "obsolete words"; "an obsolete locomotive"; "outdated equipment"; "superannuated laws"; "out-of-date ideas" 00669367 00 s 01 obsolescent 0 003 & 00668571 a 0000 + 13523983 n 0101 + 00567775 v 0101 | becoming obsolete 00669478 00 a 02 cursed 0 curst 0 006 ! 00670741 a 0101 & 00669853 a 0000 & 00669942 a 0000 & 00670418 a 0000 & 00670530 a 0000 & 00670635 a 0000 | deserving a curse; sometimes used as an intensifier; "villagers shun the area believing it to be cursed"; "cursed with four daughter"; "not a cursed drop"; "his cursed stupidity"; "I'll be cursed if I can see your reasoning" 00669853 00 s 03 accursed 0 accurst 0 maledict 0 001 & 00669478 a 0000 | under a curse 00669942 00 s 0c blasted 0 blame 0 blamed 0 blessed 1 damn 2 damned 0 darned 2 deuced 0 goddam 0 goddamn 2 goddamned 2 infernal 0 002 & 00669478 a 0000 + 07945490 n 0601 | expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he's a blasted idiot"; "it's a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"; "he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "an infernal nuisance" 00670418 00 s 02 cursed_with(p) 0 stuck_with(p) 0 001 & 00669478 a 0000 | burdened with; "stuck with the tab" 00670530 00 s 02 damn 0 goddamn 0 001 & 00669478 a 0000 | used as expletives; "oh, damn (or goddamn)!" 00670635 00 s 02 damnable 0 execrable 0 001 & 00669478 a 0000 | deserving a curse; "her damnable pride" 00670741 00 a 02 blessed 0 blest 0 002 ! 00669478 a 0101 & 00670938 a 0000 | highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace); "our blessed land"; "the blessed assurance of a steady income" 00670938 00 s 02 fortunate 0 golden 0 001 & 00670741 a 0000 | supremely favored; "golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust" 00671091 00 a 01 endowed 0 002 ! 00671441 a 0101 & 00671357 a 0000 | provided or supplied or equipped with (especially as by inheritance or nature); "a well-endowed college"; "endowed with good eyesight"; "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" 00671357 00 s 01 dowered 0 001 & 00671091 a 0000 | supplied with a dower or dowry 00671441 00 a 01 unendowed 0 003 ! 00671091 a 0101 & 00671593 a 0000 & 00671683 a 0000 | not equipped or provided; "unendowed with genius"- J.L.Lowes 00671593 00 s 01 dowerless 0 002 & 00671441 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | lacking a dowry 00671683 00 s 01 unblessed 0 001 & 00671441 a 0000 | not provided with something desirable; "a hovel unblessed with electricity or running water" 00671831 00 a 01 curtained 0 002 ! 00672079 a 0101 & 00671976 a 0000 | furnished or concealed with curtains or draperies; "a curtained alcove" 00671976 00 s 01 draped 0 001 & 00671831 a 0000 | covered in folds of cloth; "velvet-draped windows" 00672079 00 a 02 curtainless 0 uncurtained 0 001 ! 00671831 a 0101 | not provided with curtains; "blank, curtainless windows stared back at her" 00672226 00 a 02 custom-made 0 custom 0 003 ! 00672621 a 0101 & 00672382 a 0000 & 00672513 a 0000 | made according to the specifications of an individual 00672382 00 s 05 bespoke 0 bespoken 0 made-to-order 1 tailored 0 tailor-made 0 001 & 00672226 a 0000 | (of clothing) custom-made 00672513 00 s 02 custom-built 0 made-to-order 2 001 & 00672226 a 0000 | built for a particular individual 00672621 00 a 01 ready-made 0 005 ! 00672226 a 0101 & 00672785 a 0000 & 00672932 a 0000 & 00673172 a 0000 & 00673330 a 0000 | made for purchase and immediate use 00672785 00 s 01 made 0 001 & 00672621 a 0000 | produced by a manufacturing process; "bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails" 00672932 00 s 04 off-the-rack 0 off-the-shelf 0 off-the-peg 0 ready-to-wear 0 001 & 00672621 a 0000 | (especially of clothing) made in standard sizes and available from merchandise in stock; "a ready-made jacket"; "ready-to-wear clothes" 00673172 00 s 01 prefab 0 002 & 00672621 a 0000 + 03999064 n 0101 | manufactured in standard sizes to be shipped and assembled elsewhere; "a pre structure" 00673330 00 s 01 ready-to-eat 0 001 & 00672621 a 0000 | food products that are prepared in advance and can be eaten as sold 00673456 00 a 02 handmade 0 hand-crafted 0 005 ! 00674196 a 0101 & 00673662 a 0000 & 00673807 a 0000 & 00673919 a 0000 & 00674021 a 0000 | made by hand or a hand process; "delicate handmade baby dresses" 00673662 00 s 01 camp-made 0 001 & 00673456 a 0000 | made as part of the arts-and-crafts program at summer camp; "my camp-made leather wallet" 00673807 00 s 02 hand-loomed 0 handwoven 0 001 & 00673456 a 0000 | made on a handloom; "handwoven tablecloth" 00673919 00 s 02 handsewn 0 handstitched 0 001 & 00673456 a 0000 | sewn by hand rather than machine 00674021 00 s 02 overhand 0 oversewn 0 001 & 00673456 a 0000 | sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together) 00674196 00 a 01 machine-made 0 001 ! 00673456 a 0101 | made by machine 00674270 00 a 01 homemade 0 006 ! 00675064 a 0101 & 00674476 a 0000 & 00674633 a 0000 & 00674732 a 0000 & 00674824 a 0000 & 00674913 a 0000 | made or produced in the home or by yourself; "homemade bread" 00674476 00 s 01 do-it-yourself 0 001 & 00674270 a 0000 | done by yourself; "their house was a do-it-yourself project"; "he opened a do-it-yourself store" 00674633 00 s 01 home-baked 0 001 & 00674270 a 0000 | baked at home; "home-baked cakes and pies" 00674732 00 s 01 home-brewed 0 001 & 00674270 a 0000 | brewed at home; "home-brewed beer" 00674824 00 s 01 home-cured 0 001 & 00674270 a 0000 | cured at home; "home-cured hams" 00674913 00 s 01 homespun 0 002 & 00674270 a 0000 + 03529444 n 0101 | made of cloth spun or woven in the home; "homespun linen"; "homespun garments" 00675064 00 a 01 factory-made 0 005 ! 00674270 a 0101 & 00675228 a 0000 & 00675368 a 0000 & 00675473 a 0000 & 00675587 a 0000 | produced in quantity at a factory 00675228 00 s 02 boughten 0 store-bought 0 001 & 00675064 a 0000 | purchased; not homemade; "my boughten clothes"; "a store-bought dress" 00675368 00 s 01 manufactured 0 001 & 00675064 a 0000 | produced in a large-scale industrial operation 00675473 00 s 01 mass-produced 0 001 & 00675064 a 0000 | produced in quantity often by assembly-line techniques 00675587 00 s 01 ready-made 0 001 & 00675064 a 0000 | commercially produced; not homemade; "ready-made clothes" 00675701 00 a 02 cyclic 1 cyclical 0 009 = 04767805 n 0000 + 07342495 n 0201 + 15287830 n 0101 + 07342495 n 0101 + 04767805 n 0101 ! 00676457 a 0101 & 00675928 a 0000 & 00676093 a 0000 & 00676271 a 0000 | recurring in cycles 00675928 00 s 02 alternate(a) 1 alternating(a) 1 001 & 00675701 a 0000 | occurring by turns; first one and then the other; "alternating feelings of love and hate" 00676093 00 s 01 alternate(a) 2 001 & 00675701 a 0000 | every second one of a series; "the cleaning lady comes on alternate Wednesdays"; "jam every other day"- the White Queen 00676271 00 s 03 circular 0 rotary 0 orbitual 0 003 & 00675701 a 0000 + 03032811 n 0101 + 00295172 n 0102 | describing a circle; moving in a circle; "the circular motion of the wheel" 00676457 00 a 02 noncyclic 0 noncyclical 0 002 = 04767805 n 0000 ! 00675701 a 0101 | not cyclic 00676555 00 a 01 cyclic 2 006 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00677313 a 0101 & 00676754 a 0000 & 00676855 a 0000 & 00676999 a 0000 & 00677170 a 0000 | of a compound having atoms arranged in a ring structure 00676754 00 s 01 bicyclic 0 001 & 00676555 a 0000 | having molecules consisting of two fused rings 00676855 00 s 02 closed-chain 0 closed-ring 0 001 & 00676555 a 0000 | having atoms linked by bonds represented in circular or triangular form 00676999 00 s 01 heterocyclic 0 003 & 00676555 a 0000 + 15025397 n 0103 + 09302400 n 0102 | containing a closed ring of atoms of which at least one is not a carbon atom 00677170 00 s 02 homocyclic 0 isocyclic 0 001 & 00676555 a 0000 | containing a closed ring of atoms of the same kind especially carbon atoms 00677313 00 a 02 acyclic 2 open-chain 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00676555 a 0101 & 00677448 a 0000 | having an open chain structure 00677448 00 s 01 aliphatic 0 001 & 00677313 a 0000 | having carbon atoms linked in open chains 00677545 00 a 01 cyclic 3 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00677877 a 0101 & 00677721 a 0000 | forming a whorl or having parts arranged in a whorl; "cyclic petals"; "cyclic flowers" 00677721 00 s 03 verticillate 0 verticillated 0 whorled 0 001 & 00677545 a 0000 | forming one or more whorls (especially a whorl of leaves around a stem) 00677877 00 a 01 acyclic 1 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00677545 a 0101 | not cyclic; especially having parts arranged in spirals rather than whorls 00678024 00 a 02 annual 0 one-year 4 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11552806 n 0101 ! 00678221 a 0101 ! 00678473 a 0101 | completing its life cycle within a year; "a border of annual flowering plants" 00678221 00 a 02 biennial 0 two-year 4 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11552976 n 0101 ! 00678473 a 0101 ! 00678024 a 0101 | having a life cycle lasting two seasons; "a biennial life cycle"; "parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals" 00678473 00 a 01 perennial 0 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11553240 n 0101 ! 00678024 a 0101 ! 00678221 a 0101 | lasting three seasons or more; "the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant" 00678666 00 a 01 diurnal 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00678923 a 0101 | of or belonging to or active during the day; "diurnal animals are active during the day"; "diurnal flowers are open during the day and closed at night"; "diurnal and nocturnal offices" 00678923 00 a 01 nocturnal 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00678666 a 0101 | belonging to or active during the night; "nocturnal animals are active at night"; "nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day" 00679147 00 a 01 damaged 0 015 ^ 00245952 a 0000 ^ 00289082 a 0000 ^ 00734318 a 0000 ^ 01274261 a 0000 ^ 01317954 a 0000 ! 00681094 a 0101 & 00679562 a 0000 & 00679717 a 0000 & 00680005 a 0000 & 00680156 a 0000 & 00680395 a 0000 & 00680532 a 0000 & 00680634 a 0000 & 00680791 a 0000 & 00681019 a 0000 | harmed or injured or spoiled; "I won't buy damaged goods"; "the storm left a wake of badly damaged buildings" 00679562 00 s 03 battered 0 beat-up 0 beaten-up 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | damaged by blows or hard usage; "a battered old car"; "the beaten-up old Ford" 00679717 00 s 07 bedraggled 0 broken-down 0 derelict 0 dilapidated 0 ramshackle 0 tatterdemalion 1 tumble-down 0 002 & 00679147 a 0000 + 10504664 n 0602 | in deplorable condition; "a street of bedraggled tenements"; "a broken-down fence"; "a ramshackle old pier"; "a tumble-down shack" 00680005 00 s 03 bent 0 crumpled 0 dented 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | of metal e.g.; "bent nails"; "a car with a crumpled front end"; "dented fenders" 00680156 00 s 02 broken 0 busted 0 002 & 00679147 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | out of working order (`busted' is an informal substitute for `broken'); "a broken washing machine"; "the coke machine is broken"; "the coke machine is busted" 00680395 00 s 01 broken-backed 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | having the spine damaged; "a broken-backed book"; "a broken-backed old horse" 00680532 00 s 02 hurt 0 weakened 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | damaged inanimate objects or their value 00680634 00 s 01 knocked-out(a) 0 002 & 00679147 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | damaged; "the gym has some of the most knocked-out equipment since Vic Tanny" 00680791 00 s 01 riddled 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | (often followed by `with') damaged throughout by numerous perforations or holes; "a sweater riddled with moth holes"; "cliffs riddled with caves"; "the bullet-riddled target" 00681019 00 s 01 storm-beaten 0 001 & 00679147 a 0000 | damaged by storm 00681094 00 a 01 undamaged 0 006 ^ 00247013 a 0000 ^ 00289365 a 0000 ^ 01275395 a 0000 ^ 01319182 a 0000 ! 00679147 a 0101 & 00681268 a 0000 | not harmed or spoiled; sound 00681268 00 s 01 intact 0 002 & 00681094 a 0000 + 14460407 n 0101 | undamaged in any way; "the vase remained intact despit rough handling" 00681409 00 a 02 datable 0 dateable 0 001 ! 00681548 a 0101 | that can be given a date; "a concrete and datable happening"- C.W.Shumaker 00681548 00 a 01 undatable 0 003 ! 00681409 a 0101 & 00681673 a 0000 & 00681777 a 0000 | not capable of being given a date 00681673 00 s 02 dateless 1 undated 0 001 & 00681548 a 0000 | not bearing a date; "a dateless letter" 00681777 00 s 01 dateless 2 001 & 00681548 a 0000 | of such great duration as to preclude the possibility of being assigned a date; "dateless customs" 00681930 00 a 01 deaf 0 008 + 07945949 n 0101 + 14550987 n 0101 ! 00682744 a 0101 & 00682168 a 0000 & 00682329 a 0000 & 00682419 a 0000 & 00682521 a 0000 & 00682662 a 0000 | lacking or deprived of the sense of hearing wholly or in part 00682168 00 s 02 deaf-and-dumb 0 deaf-mute 0 003 & 00681930 a 0000 + 10342367 n 0202 + 14551822 n 0202 | lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak 00682329 00 s 01 deafened 0 001 & 00681930 a 0000 | caused to hear poorly or not at all 00682419 00 s 02 hard-of-hearing 0 hearing-impaired 0 001 & 00681930 a 0000 | having a hearing loss 00682521 00 s 04 profoundly_deaf 0 stone-deaf 0 deaf_as_a_post 0 unhearing 0 001 & 00681930 a 0000 | totally deaf; unable to hear anything 00682662 00 s 01 tone-deaf 0 001 & 00681930 a 0000 | unable to appreciate music 00682744 00 a 01 hearing(a) 0 002 ! 00681930 a 0101 & 00682841 a 0000 | able to perceive sound 00682841 00 s 02 sharp-eared 0 quick-eared 0 001 & 00682744 a 0000 | having keen hearing 00682932 00 a 01 decent 0 005 ^ 00424008 a 0000 ^ 00688947 a 0000 ^ 01878466 a 0000 + 04900739 n 0101 ! 00683185 a 0101 | conforming to conventions of sexual behavior; "speech in this circle, if not always decent, never became lewd"- George Santayana 00683185 00 a 01 indecent 0 011 ^ 00424370 a 0000 ^ 01880531 a 0000 ^ 00689471 a 0000 + 04902925 n 0101 + 00737536 n 0101 ! 00682932 a 0101 & 00683531 a 0000 & 00683910 a 0000 & 00684054 a 0000 & 00684163 a 0000 & 00684334 a 0000 | offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters; "an earthy but not indecent story"; "an indecent gesture" 00683531 00 s 04 crude 0 earthy 0 gross 0 vulgar 0 005 & 00683185 a 0000 + 04817280 n 0404 + 04817280 n 0303 + 04915121 n 0101 + 04915121 n 0102 | conspicuously and tastelessly indecent; "coarse language"; "a crude joke"; "crude behavior"; "an earthy sense of humor"; "a revoltingly gross expletive"; "a vulgar gesture"; "full of language so vulgar it should have been edited" 00683910 00 s 01 Hollywood 0 001 & 00683185 a 0000 | flashy and vulgar; "young white women dressed Hollywood style"; "Hollywood philandering" 00684054 00 s 01 indelicate 0 001 & 00683185 a 0000 | verging on the indecent; "an indelicate proposition" 00684163 00 s 01 obscene 0 002 & 00683185 a 0000 + 04903368 n 0101 | designed to incite to indecency or lust; "the dance often becomes flagrantly obscene"-Margaret Mead 00684334 00 s 01 suggestive 0 001 & 00683185 a 0000 | tending to suggest something improper or indecent; "a suggestive nod"; "suggestive poses" 00684480 00 a 01 decisive 0 008 ^ 00550282 a 0000 ^ 00655779 a 0000 + 00701877 v 0101 + 04754440 n 0103 ! 00685483 a 0101 & 00684782 a 0000 & 00685113 a 0000 & 00685365 a 0000 | determining or having the power to determine an outcome; "cast the decisive vote"; "two factors had a decisive influence" 00684782 00 s 04 deciding(a) 0 determinant 0 determinative 0 determining(a) 0 006 & 00684480 a 0000 + 05692419 n 0303 + 05692419 n 0201 + 00947077 v 0203 + 00697589 v 0203 + 05788149 n 0102 | having the power or quality of deciding; "the crucial experiment"; "cast the deciding vote"; "the determinative (or determinant) battle" 00685113 00 s 02 fateful 0 fatal 0 001 & 00684480 a 0000 | having momentous consequences; of decisive importance; "that fateful meeting of the U.N. when...it declared war on North Korea"- Saturday Rev; "the fatal day of the election finally arrived" 00685365 00 s 01 peremptory 0 001 & 00684480 a 0000 | putting an end to all debate or action; "a peremptory decree" 00685483 00 a 01 indecisive 0 003 ^ 00550777 a 0000 ^ 01992149 a 0000 ! 00684480 a 0101 | not definitely settling something; "a long and indecisive war" 00685638 00 a 01 decisive 1 006 ^ 01989669 a 0000 + 00698855 v 0101 + 00697589 v 0101 + 04863969 n 0101 ! 00686081 a 0101 & 00685924 a 0000 | characterized by decision and firmness; "an able and decisive young woman"; "we needed decisive leadership"; "she gave him a decisive answer" 00685924 00 s 02 unhesitating 0 resolute 0 002 & 00685638 a 0000 + 04861486 n 0201 | characterized by quickness and firmness; "his reply was unhesitating" 00686081 00 a 01 indecisive 1 007 ^ 01992149 a 0000 + 05699172 n 0102 + 04866866 n 0101 ! 00685638 a 0101 & 00686356 a 0000 & 00686573 a 0000 & 00686789 a 0000 | characterized by lack of decision and firmness; "an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill" 00686356 00 s 02 on_the_fence(p) 0 undecided 0 001 & 00686081 a 0000 | characterized by indecision; "some who had been on the fence came out in favor of the plan"; "too many voters still declare they are undecided" 00686573 00 s 02 hesitant 0 hesitating 0 005 & 00686081 a 0000 + 02640440 v 0101 + 07523485 n 0102 + 04645943 n 0102 + 07523485 n 0101 | lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly 00686789 00 s 01 suspensive 0 001 & 00686081 a 0000 | undecided or characterized by indecisiveness 00686890 00 a 03 declarative 0 declaratory 0 asserting(a) 0 008 + 00820801 v 0201 + 01010118 v 0201 ! 00687163 a 0202 + 00965871 v 0102 + 00822367 v 0101 + 00820801 v 0101 + 01010118 v 0101 ! 00687163 a 0101 | relating to the use of or having the nature of a declaration 00687163 00 a 02 interrogative 0 interrogatory 0 004 + 00788184 v 0201 ! 00686890 a 0202 + 00788184 v 0101 ! 00686890 a 0101 | relating to the use of or having the nature of an interrogation 00687356 00 a 01 declared 0 007 ! 00688581 a 0101 & 00687614 a 0000 & 00687750 a 0000 & 00687952 a 0000 & 00688074 a 0000 & 00688296 a 0000 & 00688413 a 0000 | made known or openly avowed; "their declared and their covert objectives"; "a declared liberal" 00687614 00 s 01 alleged 0 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | declared but not proved; "alleged abuses of housing benefits"- Wall Street Journal 00687750 00 s 02 announced 0 proclaimed 1 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | declared publicly; made widely known; "their announced intentions"; "the newspaper's proclaimed adherence to the government's policy" 00687952 00 s 01 asserted 1 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | confidently declared to be so; "the asserted value of the painting" 00688074 00 s 02 avowed(a) 0 professed(a) 0 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | openly declared as such; "an avowed enemy"; "her professed love of everything about that country"; "McKinley was assassinated by a professed anarchist" 00688296 00 s 01 professed(a) 1 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | claimed with intent to deceive; "his professed intentions" 00688413 00 s 01 self-proclaimed 0 001 & 00687356 a 0000 | proclaimed to be or described as such by oneself, without endorsement by others; "self-proclaimed experts" 00688581 00 a 01 undeclared 0 003 ! 00687356 a 0101 & 00688740 a 0000 & 00688855 a 0000 | not announced or openly acknowledged; "fighting an undeclared war" 00688740 00 s 01 unacknowledged 0 001 & 00688581 a 0000 | not openly acknowledged; "an unacknowledged emergency" 00688855 00 s 01 unavowed 0 001 & 00688581 a 0000 | not affirmed or mentioned or declared 00688947 00 a 01 decorous 0 006 ^ 01878466 a 0000 + 04898804 n 0101 + 04898804 n 0102 ! 00689471 a 0101 & 00689215 a 0000 & 00689336 a 0000 | characterized by propriety and dignity and good taste in manners and conduct; "the tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme" 00689215 00 s 01 in_good_taste(p) 0 001 & 00688947 a 0000 | satisfying generally accepted social or esthetic standards 00689336 00 s 02 sedate 0 staid 0 003 & 00688947 a 0000 + 04647826 n 0202 + 04647826 n 0101 | characterized by dignity and propriety 00689471 00 a 02 indecorous 0 indelicate 2 004 ^ 01880531 a 0000 ^ 00683185 a 0000 + 04902470 n 0102 ! 00688947 a 0101 | lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct; "indecorous behavior" 00689673 00 a 01 deductible 0 006 ;c 13308999 n 0000 + 13273550 n 0101 + 06393424 n 0101 + 02215001 v 0102 ! 00689970 a 0101 & 00689878 a 0000 | acceptable as a deduction (especially as a tax deduction) 00689878 00 s 01 allowable 0 001 & 00689673 a 0000 | deductible according to the tax laws 00689970 00 a 01 nondeductible 0 001 ! 00689673 a 0101 | not allowable as a deduction 00690058 00 a 01 deep 1 009 ^ 00994882 a 0000 = 05134547 n 0000 + 05134880 n 0101 ! 00691696 a 0101 & 00690683 a 0000 & 00690892 a 0000 & 00691022 a 0000 & 00691141 a 0000 & 00691497 a 0000 | having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination; "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waist-deep" 00690683 00 s 03 abysmal 0 abyssal 0 unfathomable 0 003 & 00690058 a 0000 + 09186359 n 0201 + 09186359 n 0102 | resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable; "the abyssal depths of the ocean" 00690892 00 s 01 bottomless 0 002 & 00690058 a 0000 + 05135582 n 0101 | extremely deep; "a bottomless pit"; "a bottomless lake" 00691022 00 s 01 deep-water 0 001 & 00690058 a 0000 | of or carried on in waters of great depth; "a deep-water port" 00691141 00 s 04 profound 0 unfathomed 0 unplumbed 0 unsounded 0 003 & 00690058 a 0000 + 05134880 n 0103 + 05134880 n 0102 | situated at or extending to great depth; too deep to have been sounded or plumbed; "the profound depths of the sea"; "the dark unfathomed caves of ocean"-Thomas Gray; "unplumbed depths of the sea"; "remote and unsounded caverns" 00691497 00 s 01 walk-in(a) 0 001 & 00690058 a 0000 | (of e.g. closets or refrigerators) extending very far enough back to allow a person to enter; "a deep walk-in refrigerator"; "walk-in closets" 00691696 00 a 01 shallow 1 008 = 05134547 n 0000 + 09433134 n 0102 + 05135725 n 0101 ! 00690058 a 0101 & 00692154 a 0000 & 00692255 a 0000 & 00692415 a 0000 & 00692548 a 0000 | lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center; "shallow water"; "a shallow dish"; "a shallow cut"; "a shallow closet"; "established a shallow beachhead"; "hit the ball to shallow left field" 00692154 00 s 02 ankle-deep 0 knee-deep 0 001 & 00691696 a 0000 | coming only to the ankle or knee 00692255 00 s 01 fordable 0 001 & 00691696 a 0000 | shallow enough to be crossed by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle; "the stream was fordable" 00692415 00 s 01 neritic 0 001 & 00691696 a 0000 | relating to the region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast; "neritic fauna" 00692548 00 s 04 reefy 0 shelfy 0 shelvy 0 shoaly 0 004 & 00691696 a 0000 + 09433312 n 0401 + 09337253 n 0202 + 09406793 n 0101 | full of submerged reefs or sandbanks or shoals; "reefy shallows"; "shoaly waters" 00692762 00 a 01 deep 2 004 = 05134547 n 0000 ! 00693356 a 0101 & 00693020 a 0000 & 00693237 a 0000 | relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply; "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep" 00693020 00 s 04 heavy 0 profound 0 sound 0 wakeless 0 002 & 00692762 a 0000 + 13942554 n 0201 | (of sleep) deep and complete; "a heavy sleep"; "fell into a profound sleep"; "a sound sleeper"; "deep wakeless sleep" 00693237 00 s 01 profound 2 002 & 00692762 a 0000 + 13942554 n 0101 | coming from deep within one; "a profound sigh" 00693356 00 a 01 shallow 2 003 = 05134547 n 0000 ! 00692762 a 0101 & 00693570 a 0000 | not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply; "shallow breathing"; "a night of shallow fretful sleep"; "in a shallow trance" 00693570 00 s 02 light 0 wakeful 0 002 & 00693356 a 0000 + 14022959 n 0201 | (of sleep) easily disturbed; "in a light doze"; "a light sleeper"; "a restless wakeful night" 00693743 00 a 01 de_facto 0 002 ^ 01932973 a 0000 ! 00693961 a 0101 | existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not; "de facto segregation is as real as segregation imposed by law"; "a de facto state of war" 00693961 00 a 01 de_jure 0 001 ! 00693743 a 0101 | by right; according to law; "de jure recognition of the new government" 00694086 00 a 01 defeasible 0 001 ! 00694284 a 0101 | capable of being annulled or voided or terminated; "a claim to an estate may be defeasible so long as the claimant is under 21 and unmarried" 00694284 00 a 01 indefeasible 0 002 ! 00694086 a 0101 & 00694483 a 0000 | not liable to being annulled or voided or undone; "an indefeasible right to freedom"; "an indefeasible claim to the title" 00694483 00 s 02 unforfeitable 0 inalienable 0 001 & 00694284 a 0000 | not subject to forfeiture; "an unforfeitable right" 00694608 00 a 01 defeated 0 004 ^ 02333453 a 0000 ! 00695024 a 0101 & 00694773 a 0000 & 00694924 a 0000 | beaten or overcome; not victorious; "the defeated enemy" 00694773 00 s 01 licked 0 002 & 00694608 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | having been got the better of; "I'm pretty beat up but I don't feel licked yet" 00694924 00 s 01 subjugated 0 001 & 00694608 a 0000 | reduced to submission; "subjugated peoples" 00695024 00 a 01 undefeated 0 005 ^ 02331262 a 0000 ! 00694608 a 0101 & 00695209 a 0000 & 00695335 a 0000 & 00695432 a 0000 | victorious; "undefeated in battle"; "an undefeated team" 00695209 00 s 02 triumphant 0 victorious 0 003 & 00695024 a 0000 + 07473441 n 0201 + 01101734 v 0102 | experiencing triumph 00695335 00 s 03 unbeaten 0 unconquered 0 unvanquished 0 001 & 00695024 a 0000 | not conquered 00695432 00 s 01 unbowed 0 001 & 00695024 a 0000 | not forced to bow down to a conqueror 00695523 00 a 02 defiant 0 noncompliant 0 014 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 02330336 a 0000 ^ 02451951 a 0000 ^ 01475282 a 0000 ^ 02566015 a 0000 + 01179707 n 0202 + 02706816 v 0101 + 07231943 n 0101 + 04907991 n 0101 + 01170320 n 0101 ! 00696518 a 0101 & 00695938 a 0000 & 00696207 a 0000 & 00696335 a 0000 | boldly resisting authority or an opposing force; "brought up to be aggressive and defiant"; "a defiant attitude" 00695938 00 s 03 insubordinate 0 resistant 0 resistive 0 008 & 00695523 a 0000 + 02521410 v 0302 + 02583545 v 0301 + 01116585 v 0301 + 01169317 n 0201 + 02521410 v 0202 + 02583545 v 0201 + 01116585 v 0201 | disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority 00696207 00 s 01 obstreperous 0 002 & 00695523 a 0000 + 04908283 n 0101 | noisily and stubbornly defiant; "obstreperous boys" 00696335 00 s 01 recalcitrant 0 002 & 00695523 a 0000 + 04907575 n 0104 | marked by stubborn resistance to authority; "the University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators" 00696518 00 a 01 compliant 0 011 ^ 01474513 a 0000 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 02451113 a 0000 ^ 02564986 a 0000 + 04641153 n 0102 + 04641153 n 0103 + 02542280 v 0101 ! 00695523 a 0101 & 00696828 a 0000 & 00696996 a 0000 & 00697089 a 0000 | disposed or willing to comply; "children compliant with the parental will" 00696828 00 s 02 amenable 0 conformable 0 003 & 00696518 a 0000 + 04906026 n 0101 + 04906026 n 0102 | disposed or willing to comply; "someone amenable to persuasion" 00696996 00 s 01 lamblike 0 001 & 00696518 a 0000 | like a lamb in meekness and gentleness 00697089 00 s 01 nonresistant 0 002 & 00696518 a 0000 + 01169598 n 0101 | offering no resistance 00697188 00 a 01 defined 0 002 ^ 00700451 a 0000 ! 00697389 a 0101 | clearly characterized or delimited; "lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined"; "each child has clearly defined duties" 00697389 00 a 02 undefined 0 vague 4 004 ^ 00701479 a 0000 + 04824350 n 0201 ! 00697188 a 0101 & 00697691 a 0000 | not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished; "an undefined term"; "undefined authority"; "some undefined sense of excitement"; "vague feelings of sadness"; "a vague uneasiness" 00697691 00 s 02 indefinable 0 undefinable 0 001 & 00697389 a 0000 | not capable of being precisely or readily described; not easily put into words; "an indefinable feeling of terror"; "an abstract concept that seems indefinable" 00697923 00 a 02 well-defined 0 clear 4 003 + 04820258 n 0201 + 04820258 n 0205 ! 00698088 a 0101 | accurately stated or described; "a set of well-defined values" 00698088 00 a 02 ill-defined 0 unclear 4 002 + 04823866 n 0201 ! 00697923 a 0101 | poorly stated or described; "he confuses the reader with ill-defined terms and concepts" 00698262 00 a 01 derived 0 004 ! 00699085 a 0101 & 00698506 a 0000 & 00698586 a 0000 & 00698848 a 0000 | formed or developed from something else; not original; "the belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived"- John Dewey 00698506 00 s 01 derivable 0 001 & 00698262 a 0000 | capable of being derived 00698586 00 s 01 derivative 0 007 & 00698262 a 0000 + 06480506 n 0102 + 06290051 n 0101 + 06014730 n 0102 + 02737187 v 0101 + 00251791 v 0101 + 00251615 v 0101 | resulting from or employing derivation; "a derivative process"; "a highly derivative prose style" 00698848 00 s 03 plagiaristic 0 plagiarized 0 plagiarised 0 003 & 00698262 a 0000 + 07277158 n 0101 + 00750405 n 0101 | copied and passed off as your own; "used plagiarized data in his thesis"; "a work dotted with plagiarized phrases" 00699085 00 a 01 underived 0 003 ! 00698262 a 0101 & 00699207 a 0000 & 00699521 a 0000 | not derived; primary or simple 00699207 00 s 01 original 0 003 & 00699085 a 0000 + 05938400 n 0101 + 03727274 n 0103 | not derived or copied or translated from something else; "the play is original; not an adaptation"; "he kept the original copy and gave her only a xerox"; "the translation misses much of the subtlety of the original French" 00699521 00 s 01 primary 0 001 & 00699085 a 0000 | not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct" 00699651 00 a 01 inflected 1 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00699876 a 0101 | showing alteration in form (especially by the addition of affixes); "`boys' and `swam' are inflected English words"; "German is an inflected language" 00699876 00 a 01 uninflected 1 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00699651 a 0101 | not inflected; "`boy' and `swim' are uninflected English words" 00700016 00 a 01 inflected 0 002 ! 00700312 a 0101 & 00700214 a 0000 | (of the voice) altered in tone or pitch; "his southern Yorkshire voice was less inflected and singing than her northern one" 00700214 00 s 01 modulated 0 001 & 00700016 a 0000 | altered in volume as well as tone or pitch 00700312 00 a 01 uninflected 0 001 ! 00700016 a 0101 | (of the voice) not inflected; "uninflected words"; "monotonic uninflected speech" 00700451 00 a 01 definite 0 008 ^ 00428404 a 0000 ^ 00697188 a 0000 ^ 00779374 a 0000 ^ 00940437 a 0000 ! 00701479 a 0101 & 00700884 a 0000 & 00701178 a 0000 & 00701299 a 0000 | precise; explicit and clearly defined; "I want a definite answer"; "a definite statement of the terms of the will"; "a definite amount"; "definite restrictions on the sale of alcohol"; "the wedding date is now definite"; "a definite drop in attendance" 00700884 00 s 01 certain(a) 0 001 & 00700451 a 0000 | definite but not specified or identified; "set aside a certain sum each week"; "to a certain degree"; "certain breeds do not make good pets"; "certain members have not paid their dues"; "a certain popular teacher"; "a certain Mrs. Jones" 00701178 00 s 01 decisive 0 002 & 00700451 a 0000 + 04754440 n 0103 | unmistakable; "had a decisive lead in the polls" 00701299 00 s 02 distinct 0 decided 0 002 & 00700451 a 0000 + 04702688 n 0101 | recognizable; marked; "noticed a distinct improvement"; "at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage" 00701479 00 a 01 indefinite 0 011 ^ 00781168 a 0000 ^ 00430191 a 0000 ^ 00697389 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0101 + 04757864 n 0103 ! 00700451 a 0101 & 00701894 a 0000 & 00702118 a 0000 & 00702245 a 0000 & 00702444 a 0000 & 00702642 a 0000 | vague or not clearly defined or stated; "must you be so indefinite?"; "amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges"; "he would not answer so indefinite a proposal" 00701894 00 s 01 coy 0 002 & 00701479 a 0000 + 04788159 n 0101 | showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement; "a politician coy about his intentions" 00702118 00 s 01 indecisive 0 001 & 00701479 a 0000 | not clearly defined; "indecisive boundaries running through mountains" 00702245 00 s 02 nebulous 0 unfixed 0 001 & 00701479 a 0000 | lacking definition or definite content; "nebulous reasons"; "unfixed as were her general notions of what men ought to be"- Jane Austen 00702444 00 s 01 noncommittal 0 001 & 00701479 a 0000 | refusing to bind oneself to a particular course of action or view or the like; "her boyfriend was noncommittal about their future together" 00702642 00 s 01 one(a) 0 001 & 00701479 a 0000 | indefinite in time or position; "he will come one day"; "one place or another" 00702773 00 a 01 dehiscent 0 004 = 11444816 n 0000 + 11444816 n 0101 + 00308105 v 0101 ! 00702962 a 0101 | (of e.g. fruits and anthers) opening spontaneously at maturity to release seeds 00702962 00 a 01 indehiscent 0 002 = 11444816 n 0000 ! 00702773 a 0101 | (of e.g. fruits) not opening spontaneously at maturity to release seeds 00703109 00 a 01 dejected 0 008 ^ 00909363 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 ! 00704609 a 0101 & 00703366 a 0000 & 00703454 a 0000 & 00703615 a 0000 & 00704270 a 0000 & 00704360 a 0000 | affected or marked by low spirits; "is dejected but trying to look cheerful" 00703366 00 s 01 amort 0 002 & 00703109 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | utterly cast down 00703454 00 s 04 chapfallen 0 chopfallen 0 crestfallen 0 deflated 0 001 & 00703109 a 0000 | brought low in spirit; "left us fatigued and deflated spiritually" 00703615 00 s 0b gloomy 0 grim 0 blue 0 depressed 0 dispirited 0 down(p) 0 downcast 0 downhearted 0 down_in_the_mouth 0 low 0 low-spirited 0 007 & 00703109 a 0000 + 07537668 n 0a04 + 07537668 n 0801 + 07537668 n 0505 + 07533257 n 0102 + 04631470 n 0101 + 07537668 n 0b03 | filled with melancholy and despondency ; "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted" 00704270 00 s 01 glum 0 002 & 00703109 a 0000 + 07552367 n 0102 | moody and melancholic 00704360 00 s 02 lonely 0 lonesome 0 002 & 00703109 a 0000 + 07534108 n 0102 | marked by dejection from being alone; "felt sad and lonely"; "the loneliest night of the week"; "lonesome when her husband is away"; "spent a lonesome hour in the bar" 00704609 00 a 01 elated 0 009 ^ 00908929 a 0000 ^ 01148283 a 0000 ^ 01366718 a 0000 ! 00703109 a 0101 & 00704898 a 0000 & 00705336 a 0000 & 00705498 a 0000 & 00705616 a 0000 & 00705776 a 0000 | exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits; "the elated winner"; "felt elated and excited" 00704898 00 s 07 exultant 0 exulting 0 jubilant 0 prideful 0 rejoicing 0 triumphal 0 triumphant 0 010 & 00704609 a 0000 + 01823370 v 0703 + 00857923 v 0704 + 07528097 n 0601 + 07508486 n 0402 + 07527817 n 0303 + 00857923 v 0305 + 07527817 n 0302 + 01813668 v 0101 + 00857923 v 0102 | joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success; "rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day"; "a triumphal success"; "a triumphant shout" 00705336 00 s 02 gladdened 0 exhilarated 0 001 & 00704609 a 0000 | made joyful; "the sun and the wind on his back made him feel exhilarated--happy to be alive" 00705498 00 s 02 high 0 in_high_spirits 0 002 & 00704609 a 0000 + 14405621 n 0101 | happy and excited and energetic 00705616 00 s 01 sublime 0 003 & 00704609 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 04870889 n 0101 | lifted up or set high; "their hearts were jocund and sublime"- Milton 00705776 00 s 01 uplifted 0 002 & 00704609 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | exalted emotionally especially with pride 00705891 00 a 01 delicate 0 012 ^ 00708017 a 0000 ^ 02040049 a 0000 ^ 02324397 a 0000 = 05029706 n 0000 ! 00707366 a 0101 & 00706311 a 0000 & 00706455 a 0000 & 00706688 a 0000 & 00706800 a 0000 & 00706974 a 0000 & 00707087 a 0000 & 00707206 a 0000 | exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury; "a delicate violin passage"; "delicate china"; "a delicate flavor"; "the delicate wing of a butterfly" 00706311 00 s 02 dainty 0 exquisite 0 002 & 00705891 a 0000 + 04813066 n 0101 | delicately beautiful; "a dainty teacup"; "an exquisite cameo" 00706455 00 s 02 ethereal 0 gossamer 0 003 & 00705891 a 0000 + 03059806 n 0202 + 03448696 n 0201 | characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy; "this smallest and most ethereal of birds"; "gossamer shading through his playing" 00706688 00 s 01 fragile 0 001 & 00705891 a 0000 | vulnerably delicate; "she has the fragile beauty of youth" 00706800 00 s 01 light-handed 0 001 & 00705891 a 0000 | having a metaphorically delicate touch; "the translation is...light-handed...and generally unobtrusive"- New Yorker 00706974 00 s 01 overdelicate 0 001 & 00705891 a 0000 | extremely delicate; "an overdelicate digestive system" 00707087 00 s 01 pastel 0 001 & 00705891 a 0000 | lacking in body or vigor; "faded pastel charms of the naive music" 00707206 00 s 01 tender 0 002 & 00705891 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) not hardy; easily killed by adverse growing condition; "tender green shoots" 00707366 00 a 01 rugged 0 008 ^ 02037708 a 0000 ^ 02321009 a 0000 ^ 02447344 a 0000 = 05029706 n 0000 + 05031214 n 0102 ! 00705891 a 0101 & 00707667 a 0000 & 00707795 a 0000 | sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring; "with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture" 00707667 00 s 01 knockabout 0 001 & 00707366 a 0000 | suitable for rough use; "a knockabout overcoat"; "a knockabout old car" 00707795 00 s 02 sturdy 0 tough 0 002 & 00707366 a 0000 + 05031726 n 0101 | substantially made or constructed; "sturdy steel shelves"; "sturdy canvas"; "a tough all-weather fabric"; "some plastics are as tough as metal" 00708017 00 a 01 breakable 0 018 = 04939324 n 0000 + 01610463 v 0101 + 01298931 v 0101 + 01369758 v 0101 + 01369346 v 0101 + 00336260 v 0103 + 00334996 v 0101 + 00434374 v 0108 + 00334186 v 0101 + 05043755 n 0102 + 04939324 n 0101 ! 00709744 a 0101 & 00708498 a 0000 & 00708738 a 0000 & 00709021 a 0000 & 00709215 a 0000 & 00709446 a 0000 & 00709625 a 0000 | capable of being broken or damaged; "earthenware pottery is breakable"; "breakable articles should be packed carefully" 00708498 00 s 03 brittle 0 brickle 0 brickly 0 002 & 00708017 a 0000 + 04939547 n 0101 | having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped; "brittle bones"; "glass is brittle"; "`brickle' and `brickly' are dialectal" 00708738 00 s 02 crumbly 0 friable 0 004 & 00708017 a 0000 + 04939742 n 0202 + 07622261 n 0101 + 04939742 n 0101 | easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder; "friable sandstone"; "friable carcinomatous tissue"; "friable curds formed in the stomach";"crumbly cookies" 00709021 00 s 01 short 0 001 & 00708017 a 0000 | tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening; "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"; "a short flaky pie crust" 00709215 00 s 03 delicate 0 fragile 0 frail 0 002 & 00708017 a 0000 + 05043755 n 0201 | easily broken or damaged or destroyed; "a kite too delicate to fly safely"; "fragile porcelain plates"; "fragile old bones"; "a frail craft" 00709446 00 s 01 frangible 0 003 & 00708017 a 0000 + 05043755 n 0103 + 05043755 n 0104 | capable of being broken; "the museum stored all frangible articles in locked showcases" 00709625 00 s 01 splintery 0 002 & 00708017 a 0000 + 09442838 n 0101 | subject to breaking into sharp slender pieces 00709744 00 a 01 unbreakable 0 005 = 04939324 n 0000 + 04939987 n 0101 ! 00708017 a 0101 & 00709959 a 0000 & 00710097 a 0000 | impossible to break especially under ordinary usage; "unbreakable plastic dinnerwear" 00709959 00 s 01 infrangible 0 001 & 00709744 a 0000 | difficult or impossible to break or separate into parts; "an infrangible series" 00710097 00 s 03 shatterproof 0 splinterless 0 splinterproof 0 001 & 00709744 a 0000 | resistant to shattering or splintering; "shatterproof automobile windows" 00710260 00 a 01 demanding 1 007 ^ 00744916 a 0000 ! 00711528 a 0101 & 00710585 a 0000 & 00710741 a 0000 & 00710909 a 0000 & 00711059 a 0000 & 00711308 a 0000 | requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill; "found the job very demanding"; "a baby can be so demanding" 00710585 00 s 02 exigent 0 exacting 1 001 & 00710260 a 0000 | requiring precise accuracy; "an exacting job"; "became more exigent over his pronunciation" 00710741 00 s 02 hard-to-please(a) 0 hard_to_please(p) 0 001 & 00710260 a 0000 | (of persons) "his father was a hard-to-please taskmaster"; "was very hard to please" 00710909 00 s 01 needy 0 002 & 00710260 a 0000 + 04719805 n 0101 | demanding or needing attention, affection, or reassurance to an excessive degree 00711059 00 s 03 rigorous 0 stringent 0 tight 0 004 & 00710260 a 0000 + 04673173 n 0202 + 04639732 n 0106 + 04639732 n 0104 | demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; "rigorous discipline"; "tight security"; "stringent safety measures" 00711308 00 s 03 stern 0 strict 0 exacting 2 003 & 00710260 a 0000 + 04639371 n 0202 + 04639371 n 0101 | severe and unremitting in making demands; "an exacting instructor"; "a stern disciplinarian"; "strict standards" 00711528 00 a 01 undemanding 1 006 ^ 00749230 a 0000 ! 00710260 a 0101 & 00711831 a 0000 & 00712004 a 0000 & 00712186 a 0000 & 00712314 a 0000 | requiring little if any patience or effort or skill; "the pay was adequate and the job undemanding"; "simple undemanding affection"; "an undemanding boss" 00711831 00 s 01 lenient 0 003 & 00711528 a 0000 + 01071213 n 0102 + 04638585 n 0102 | not strict; "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"; "lenient rules"; "an easy penalty" 00712004 00 s 01 easygoing 0 002 & 00711528 a 0000 + 04640722 n 0101 | relaxed and informal in attitude or standards; "an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments" 00712186 00 s 01 light 0 001 & 00711528 a 0000 | demanding little effort; not burdensome; "light housework"; "light exercise" 00712314 00 s 01 unexacting 0 001 & 00711528 a 0000 | not rigorous; "relaxed and unexacting standards" 00712419 00 a 01 imperative 0 009 ^ 00156101 a 0000 + 14451349 n 0101 ! 00713995 a 0101 & 00712765 a 0000 & 00712877 a 0000 & 00713205 a 0000 & 00713351 a 0000 & 00713558 a 0000 & 00713853 a 0000 | requiring attention or action; "as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative"; "requests that grew more and more imperative" 00712765 00 s 01 adjuratory 1 002 & 00712419 a 0000 + 00755331 v 0101 | containing a solemn charge or command 00712877 00 s 05 clamant 0 crying 0 exigent 0 insistent 0 instant 0 005 & 00712419 a 0000 + 05172131 n 0502 + 14451349 n 0403 + 14033054 n 0301 + 07417405 n 0302 | demanding attention; "clamant needs"; "a crying need"; "regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous"- H.L.Mencken; "insistent hunger"; "an instant need" 00713205 00 s 01 peremptory 2 001 & 00712419 a 0000 | not allowing contradiction or refusal; "spoke in peremptory tones"; "peremptory commands" 00713351 00 s 01 desperate 0 001 & 00712419 a 0000 | showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire; "felt a desperate urge to confess"; "a desperate need for recognition" 00713558 00 s 02 pressing 0 urgent 0 006 & 00712419 a 0000 + 13944516 n 0201 + 05171800 n 0201 + 00875141 v 0202 + 00858781 v 0204 + 00765649 v 0201 | compelling immediate action; "too pressing to permit of longer delay"; "the urgent words `Hurry! Hurry!'"; "bridges in urgent need of repair" 00713853 00 s 02 strident 0 shrill 0 001 & 00712419 a 0000 | being sharply insistent on being heard; "strident demands"; "shrill criticism" 00713995 00 a 03 beseeching 0 pleading 0 imploring 0 007 ! 00712419 a 0101 & 00714190 a 0000 & 00714320 a 0000 & 00714437 a 0000 & 00714585 a 0000 & 00714763 a 0000 & 00714889 a 0000 | begging 00714190 00 s 01 adjuratory 0 002 & 00713995 a 0000 + 00759657 v 0104 | earnestly or solemnly entreating; "in adjuratory terms" 00714320 00 s 01 importunate 0 001 & 00713995 a 0000 | expressing earnest entreaty; "an importunate job applicant" 00714437 00 s 01 mendicant 0 004 & 00713995 a 0000 + 10111903 n 0102 + 09847010 n 0102 + 07187996 n 0103 | practicing beggary; "mendicant friars" 00714585 00 s 01 petitionary 0 002 & 00713995 a 0000 + 06513366 n 0102 | of the nature of or expressing a petition; "the petitionary procedure had a quality of indecisiveness" 00714763 00 s 02 precatory 0 precative 0 001 & 00713995 a 0000 | expressing entreaty or supplication; "precatory overtures" 00714889 00 s 03 suppliant 0 supplicant 0 supplicatory 0 007 & 00713995 a 0000 + 00759087 v 0301 + 00758887 v 0301 + 00758627 v 0301 + 00759087 v 0201 + 00758887 v 0201 + 00758627 v 0201 | humbly entreating; "a suppliant sinner seeking forgiveness" 00715140 00 a 01 democratic 0 011 ^ 00846052 a 0000 + 06217103 n 0101 ! 00717417 a 0101 & 00715586 a 0000 & 00715677 a 0000 & 00715830 a 0000 & 00716056 a 0000 & 00716211 a 0000 & 00716370 a 0000 & 00716562 a 0000 & 00716892 a 0000 | characterized by or advocating or based upon the principles of democracy or social equality; "democratic government"; "a democratic country"; "a democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords"- George du Maurier 00715586 00 s 01 antiauthoritarian 0 001 & 00715140 a 0000 | opposed to authoritarianism 00715677 00 s 02 classless 0 egalitarian 0 003 & 00715140 a 0000 + 10046870 n 0201 + 13947010 n 0201 | favoring social equality; "a classless society" 00715830 00 s 01 parliamentary 0 001 & 00715140 a 0000 | having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament; "parliamentary government" 00716056 00 s 01 parliamentary 2 001 & 00715140 a 0000 | in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly; "parliamentary law" 00716211 00 s 01 participatory 0 002 & 00715140 a 0000 + 01082606 v 0102 | affording the opportunity for individual participation; "participatory democracy" 00716370 00 s 01 popular 0 001 & 00715140 a 0000 | carried on by or for the people (or citizens) at large; "the popular vote"; "popular representation"; "institutions of popular government" 00716562 00 s 01 representative 0 002 & 00715140 a 0000 + 02541509 v 0101 | being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens exercise power through elected officers and representatives; "representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people, by the people, for the people" 00716892 00 s 01 republican 0 002 & 00715140 a 0000 + 10522495 n 0101 | having the supreme power lying in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them or characteristic of such government; "the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government"- United States Constitution; "a very republican notion"; "so little republican and so much aristocratic sentiment"- Philip Marsh; "our republican and artistic simplicity"-Nathaniel Hawthorne 00717417 00 a 01 undemocratic 0 005 ! 00715140 a 0101 & 00717684 a 0000 & 00718137 a 0000 & 00718339 a 0000 & 00718635 a 0000 | not in agreement with or according to democratic doctrine or practice or ideals; "the union broke with its past undemocratic procedures" 00717684 00 s 06 authoritarian 0 autocratic 0 dictatorial 0 despotic 0 tyrannic 0 tyrannical 0 006 & 00717417 a 0000 + 14443912 n 0602 + 14443912 n 0502 + 10735298 n 0403 + 10011902 n 0301 + 10735298 n 0202 | characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government" 00718137 00 s 01 despotic 2 002 & 00717417 a 0000 + 10735298 n 0103 | ruled by or characteristic of a despot; "moved from a feudal to a despotic order"; "his administration was arrogant and despotic" 00718339 00 s 03 monarchal 0 monarchical 0 monarchic 0 007 & 00717417 a 0000 + 08363812 n 0301 + 10628644 n 0303 + 10628644 n 0203 + 08363812 n 0201 + 08363812 n 0101 + 10628644 n 0103 | ruled by or having the supreme power resting with a monarch; "monarchal government"; "monarchical systems" 00718635 00 s 01 totalitarian 0 001 & 00717417 a 0000 | characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control; "a totalitarian regime crushes all autonomous institutions in its drive to seize the human soul"- Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr. 00718924 00 a 01 arbitrary 0 005 + 04671841 n 0102 ! 00720082 a 0101 & 00719328 a 0000 & 00719442 a 0000 & 00719819 a 0000 | based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice; "an arbitrary decision"; "the arbitrary rule of a dictator"; "an arbitrary penalty"; "of arbitrary size and shape"; "an arbitrary choice"; "arbitrary division of the group into halves" 00719328 00 s 01 absolute 0 002 & 00718924 a 0000 + 04738398 n 0101 | not limited by law; "an absolute monarch" 00719442 00 s 03 capricious 0 impulsive 0 whimsical 0 007 & 00718924 a 0000 + 05919549 n 0303 + 04671841 n 0304 + 04671841 n 0303 + 04662504 n 0201 + 07490579 n 0101 + 04671841 n 0106 | determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; "a capricious refusal"; "authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious"; "the victim of whimsical persecutions" 00719819 00 s 02 discretionary 0 discretional 0 003 & 00718924 a 0000 + 13995824 n 0101 + 05198756 n 0102 | having or using the ability to act or decide according to your own discretion or judgment; "The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds" 00720082 00 a 02 nonarbitrary 0 unarbitrary 0 002 ! 00718924 a 0101 & 00720212 a 0000 | not subject to individual determination 00720212 00 s 01 prescribed 0 001 & 00720082 a 0000 | set down as a rule or guide 00720296 00 a 01 demonstrative 0 005 ^ 01988166 a 0000 + 04626879 n 0101 ! 00720913 a 0101 & 00720524 a 0000 & 00720777 a 0000 | given to or marked by the open expression of emotion; "an affectionate and demonstrative family" 00720524 00 s 03 effusive 0 gushing(a) 0 gushy 0 002 & 00720296 a 0000 + 07014320 n 0302 | extravagantly demonstrative; "insincere and effusive demonstrations of sentimental friendship"; "a large gushing female"; "write unrestrained and gushy poetry" 00720777 00 s 02 epideictic 0 epideictical 0 001 & 00720296 a 0000 | designed primarily for rhetorical display; "epideictic orations" 00720913 00 a 01 undemonstrative 0 003 ^ 01987341 a 0000 ! 00720296 a 0101 & 00721050 a 0000 | not given to open expression of emotion 00721050 00 s 03 restrained 0 reticent 0 unemotional 0 001 & 00720913 a 0000 | cool and formal in manner 00721157 00 a 01 deniable 0 003 ! 00721505 a 0101 & 00721287 a 0000 & 00721371 a 0000 | capable of being denied or contradicted 00721287 00 s 01 disavowable 0 001 & 00721157 a 0000 | capable of being disavowed 00721371 00 s 04 questionable 0 refutable 0 confutable 0 confutative 0 002 & 00721157 a 0000 + 00667424 v 0402 | able to be refuted 00721505 00 a 01 undeniable 0 004 ^ 01918184 a 0000 ! 00721157 a 0101 & 00721636 a 0000 & 00721838 a 0000 | not possible to deny 00721636 00 s 03 incontestable 0 indisputable 0 undisputable 0 002 & 00721505 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0201 | not open to question; obviously true; "undeniable guilt"; "indisputable evidence of a witness" 00721838 00 s 03 incontrovertible 0 irrefutable 0 positive 0 004 & 00721505 a 0000 + 04755218 n 0303 + 04755218 n 0102 + 04755218 n 0101 | impossible to deny or disprove; "incontrovertible proof of the defendant's innocence"; "proof positive"; "an irrefutable argument" 00722110 00 a 02 denotative 0 denotive 0 009 ^ 00940437 a 0000 + 00931467 v 0201 + 00931467 v 0101 ! 00723163 a 0101 & 00722386 a 0000 & 00722611 a 0000 & 00722707 a 0000 & 00722886 a 0000 & 00723015 a 0000 | having the power of explicitly denoting or designating or naming 00722386 00 s 02 appellative 0 naming(a) 0 002 & 00722110 a 0000 + 06338908 n 0104 | inclined to or serving for the giving of names; "the appellative faculty of children"; "the appellative function of some primitive rites" 00722611 00 s 01 designative 0 002 & 00722110 a 0000 + 01030132 v 0101 | serving to designate 00722707 00 s 01 extensional 0 003 & 00722110 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 05922949 n 0103 | defining a word by listing the class of entities to which the word correctly applies 00722886 00 s 01 referent 0 002 & 00722110 a 0000 + 05922949 n 0101 | having reference; "judgments referent to the indictment" 00723015 00 s 01 referential 0 002 & 00722110 a 0000 + 05923314 n 0101 | referring or pointing to something; "symbols are inherently referential" 00723163 00 a 01 connotative 0 006 ^ 00941485 a 0000 ! 00722110 a 0101 & 00723395 a 0000 & 00723542 a 0000 & 00723786 a 0000 & 00723910 a 0000 | having the power of implying or suggesting something in addition to what is explicit 00723395 00 s 02 connotational 0 connotative_of(p) 0 003 & 00723163 a 0000 + 06602935 n 0102 + 05923566 n 0101 | of or relating to a connotation 00723542 00 s 02 implicative 0 suggestive 0 005 & 00723163 a 0000 + 00930806 v 0201 + 02635189 v 0102 + 00930599 v 0101 + 00929839 v 0101 | tending to suggest or imply; "artifacts suggestive of an ancient society"; "an implicative statement" 00723786 00 s 01 inferential 0 002 & 00723163 a 0000 + 05774614 n 0101 | derived or capable of being derived by inference 00723910 00 s 01 intensional 0 003 & 00723163 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 06602935 n 0101 | used of the set of attributes that distinguish the referents of a given word 00724081 00 a 02 reliable 0 dependable 0 010 ^ 02464693 a 0000 + 04670022 n 0202 + 04670022 n 0201 ! 00724861 a 0202 + 04670022 n 0104 + 04670022 n 0103 ! 00724861 a 0101 & 00724397 a 0000 & 00724596 a 0000 & 00724720 a 0000 | worthy of reliance or trust; "a reliable source of information"; "a dependable worker" 00724397 00 s 02 certain 0 sure 0 001 & 00724081 a 0000 | reliable in operation or effect; "a quick and certain remedy"; "a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites" 00724596 00 s 04 tested 0 time-tested 0 tried 0 tried_and_true 0 001 & 00724081 a 0000 | tested and proved to be reliable 00724720 00 s 01 undeviating 0 001 & 00724081 a 0000 | used of values and principles; not subject to change; steady; "undeviating loyalty" 00724861 00 a 02 unreliable 0 undependable 0 010 ^ 02466111 a 0000 + 04671394 n 0202 + 04671394 n 0201 ! 00724081 a 0202 + 04671394 n 0104 + 04671394 n 0103 ! 00724081 a 0101 & 00725227 a 0000 & 00725522 a 0000 & 00725704 a 0000 | not worthy of reliance or trust; "in the early 1950s computers were large and expensive and unreliable"; "an undependable assistant" 00725227 00 s 02 erratic 0 temperamental 0 001 & 00724861 a 0000 | likely to perform unpredictably; "erratic winds are the bane of a sailor"; "a temperamental motor; sometimes it would start and sometimes it wouldn't"; "that beautiful but temperamental instrument the flute"- Osbert Lancaster 00725522 00 s 01 uncertain 0 002 & 00724861 a 0000 + 04756887 n 0102 | not consistent or dependable; "an uncertain recollection of events"; "a gun with a rather uncertain trigger" 00725704 00 s 01 unsound 0 001 & 00724861 a 0000 | of e.g. advice 00725772 00 a 01 dependent 0 014 ^ 01064286 a 0000 = 13994148 n 0000 + 10004804 n 0102 + 14001348 n 0103 + 14001348 n 0101 ! 00727564 a 0101 & 00726189 a 0000 & 00726317 a 0000 & 00726445 a 0000 & 00726612 a 0000 & 00726723 a 0000 & 00727113 a 0000 & 00727268 a 0000 & 00727481 a 0000 | relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed; "dependent children"; "dependent on moisture" 00726189 00 s 01 babelike 0 001 & 00725772 a 0000 | like a baby especially in dependence; "babelike innocence and dependence" 00726317 00 s 01 helpless 0 002 & 00725772 a 0000 + 07538142 n 0101 | unable to manage independently; "as helpless as a baby" 00726445 00 s 03 interdependent 0 mutualist 0 mutually_beneficial 0 004 & 00725772 a 0000 + 13841863 n 0103 + 13841863 n 0102 + 02622033 v 0102 | mutually dependent 00726612 00 s 01 myrmecophilous 0 002 & 00725772 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | living symbiotically with ants 00726723 00 s 04 parasitic 0 parasitical 0 leechlike 0 bloodsucking 0 003 & 00725772 a 0000 + 10252674 n 0202 + 10252674 n 0102 | of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another; "a wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses"; "parasitic vines that strangle the trees"; "bloodsucking blackmailer"; "his indolent leechlike existence" 00727113 00 s 01 reliant 0 003 & 00725772 a 0000 + 14001728 n 0101 + 00688377 v 0103 | relying on another for support; "dependent on Middle Eastern oil" 00727268 00 s 01 symbiotic 0 003 & 00725772 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13842622 n 0101 | used of organisms (especially of different species) living together but not necessarily in a relation beneficial to each 00727481 00 s 01 underage 0 001 & 00725772 a 0000 | dependent by virtue of youth 00727564 00 a 01 independent 0 020 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ^ 02109678 a 0000 = 13994148 n 0000 + 13994148 n 0102 + 13994148 n 0101 ! 00725772 a 0101 & 00728103 a 0000 & 00728225 a 0000 & 00728431 a 0000 & 00728619 a 0000 & 00728826 a 0000 & 00728993 a 0000 & 00729133 a 0000 & 00729246 a 0000 & 00729439 a 0000 & 00729647 a 0000 & 00729776 a 0000 & 00729894 a 0000 & 00730009 a 0000 & 00730082 a 0000 | free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism" 00728103 00 s 02 autarkic 0 autarkical 0 002 & 00727564 a 0000 + 13993356 n 0201 | of countries; not relying on imports 00728225 00 s 03 autonomous 1 self-directed 0 self-reliant 0 003 & 00727564 a 0000 + 14001031 n 0303 + 14001031 n 0101 | (of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment 00728431 00 s 01 autonomous 2 002 & 00727564 a 0000 + 13992514 n 0101 | existing as an independent entity; "the partitioning of India created two separate and autonomous jute economies" 00728619 00 s 03 breakaway 0 fissiparous 0 separatist 0 002 & 00727564 a 0000 + 10580030 n 0301 | having separated or advocating separation from another entity or policy or attitude; "a breakaway faction" 00728826 00 s 01 commutative 0 003 & 00727564 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00139367 v 0101 | (of a binary operation) independent of order; as in e.g. "a x b = b x a" 00728993 00 s 03 free-living 0 nonparasitic 0 nonsymbiotic 0 002 & 00727564 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | not parasitic on another organism 00729133 00 s 01 indie 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | (of pop groups) not affiliated with a major recording company 00729246 00 s 03 individual 0 case-by-case 0 item-by-item 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | separate and distinct from others of the same kind; "mark the individual pages"; "on a case-by-case basis" 00729439 00 s 03 self-sufficient 0 self-sufficing 0 self-sustaining 0 002 & 00727564 a 0000 + 14001031 n 0104 | able to provide for your own needs without help from others; "a self-sufficing economic unit" 00729647 00 s 01 self-supporting 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | financially independent; "now that my children are self-supporting" 00729776 00 s 01 single-handed 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | without help from others; "a single-handed accomplishment" 00729894 00 s 01 strong-minded 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | marked by vigorous independence of thought and judgment 00730009 00 s 01 unaffiliated 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | not affiliated 00730082 00 s 01 unconditional 0 001 & 00727564 a 0000 | not contingent; not determined or influenced by someone or something else 00730215 00 a 02 independent 2 main(a) 2 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00730470 a 0101 | (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb" 00730470 00 a 02 dependent 2 subordinate 3 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00730215 a 0101 | (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence" 00730731 00 a 02 partisan 0 partizan 0 005 + 10059582 n 0203 + 10059582 n 0102 ! 00731292 a 0101 & 00730896 a 0000 & 00730985 a 0000 | devoted to a cause or party 00730896 00 s 01 party-spirited 0 001 & 00730731 a 0000 | devoted to a political party 00730985 00 s 02 tendentious 0 tendencious 0 004 & 00730731 a 0000 + 06196584 n 0203 + 06196584 n 0103 + 06204289 n 0101 | having or marked by a strong tendency especially a controversial one; "a tendentious account of recent elections"; "distinguishing between verifiable fact and tendentious assertion" 00731292 00 a 02 nonpartisan 0 nonpartizan 0 005 ! 00730731 a 0101 & 00731471 a 0000 & 00731606 a 0000 & 00731725 a 0000 + 10361390 n 0101 | free from party affiliation or bias 00731471 00 s 04 bipartisan 0 bipartizan 0 two-party 0 two-way 0 001 & 00731292 a 0000 | supported by both sides; "a two-way treaty" 00731606 00 s 01 independent 0 002 & 00731292 a 0000 + 13994148 n 0101 | not controlled by a party or interest group 00731725 00 s 02 unbiased 0 unbiassed 0 001 & 00731292 a 0000 | without bias 00731804 00 a 01 aligned 1 002 ! 00732037 a 0101 & 00731955 a 0000 | brought into agreement or cooperation on the side of a faction, party, or cause 00731955 00 s 01 allied 0 001 & 00731804 a 0000 | joined by treaty or agreement 00732037 00 a 01 nonaligned 0 002 ! 00731804 a 0101 & 00732160 a 0000 | not affiliated with any faction, party, or cause 00732160 00 s 01 neutral 0 003 & 00732037 a 0000 + 10355142 n 0101 + 01240850 n 0101 | not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest 00732318 00 a 01 descriptive 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00732456 a 0101 | describing the structure of a language; "descriptive grammar" 00732456 00 a 02 prescriptive 0 normative 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 00747135 v 0102 ! 00732318 a 0101 | pertaining to giving directives or rules; "prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage" 00732682 00 a 01 descriptive 2 002 + 00965035 v 0102 ! 00732872 a 0101 | serving to describe or inform or characterized by description; "the descriptive variable"; "a descriptive passage" 00732872 00 a 01 undescriptive 0 001 ! 00732682 a 0101 | not successful in describing 00732960 00 a 01 desirable 0 010 ^ 01459422 a 0000 ^ 02526925 a 0000 + 05141840 n 0102 + 05141840 n 0101 ! 00733905 a 0101 & 00733297 a 0000 & 00733406 a 0000 & 00733541 a 0000 & 00733632 a 0000 & 00733743 a 0000 | worth having or seeking or achieving; "a desirable job"; "computer with many desirable features"; "a desirable outcome" 00733297 00 s 04 coveted 0 desired 0 in_demand(p) 0 sought_after 0 001 & 00732960 a 0000 | greatly desired 00733406 00 s 02 delectable 0 sexually_attractive 0 001 & 00732960 a 0000 | capable of arousing desire; "the delectable Miss Haynes" 00733541 00 s 01 enviable 0 001 & 00732960 a 0000 | causing envy; "an enviable position" 00733632 00 s 01 plummy 0 002 & 00732960 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very desirable; "a plummy leading role" 00733743 00 s 02 preferable 0 preferred 0 001 & 00732960 a 0000 | more desirable than another; "coffee is preferable to tea"; "Danny's preferred name is `Dan'" 00733905 00 a 02 undesirable 0 unwanted 1 006 ^ 01460421 a 0000 ^ 02527734 a 0000 + 10737264 n 0101 + 05142008 n 0101 ! 00732960 a 0101 & 00734187 a 0000 | not wanted; "undesirable impurities in steel"; "legislation excluding undesirable aliens";"removed the unwanted vegetation" 00734187 00 s 01 unenviable 0 001 & 00733905 a 0000 | so undesirable as to be incapable of arousing envy; "unenviable notoriety" 00734318 00 a 01 destroyed 0 018 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ! 00737246 a 0101 & 00734798 a 0000 & 00734906 a 0000 & 00735088 a 0000 & 00735195 a 0000 & 00735336 a 0000 & 00735608 a 0000 & 00735709 a 0000 & 00735882 a 0000 & 00736020 a 0000 & 00736196 a 0000 & 00736299 a 0000 & 00736511 a 0000 & 00736671 a 0000 & 00736879 a 0000 & 00737033 a 0000 & 00737116 a 0000 | spoiled or ruined or demolished; "war left many cities destroyed"; "Alzheimer's is responsible for her destroyed mind" 00734798 00 s 03 annihilated 0 exterminated 0 wiped_out(p) 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | destroyed completely 00734906 00 s 02 blighted 0 spoilt 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | affected by blight; anything that mars or prevents growth or prosperity; "a blighted rose"; "blighted urban districts" 00735088 00 s 03 blotted_out 0 obliterate 0 obliterated 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | reduced to nothingness 00735195 00 s 03 broken 0 wiped_out(p) 2 impoverished 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | destroyed financially; "the broken fortunes of the family" 00735336 00 s 05 burned 0 burnt 0 burned-over 0 burned-out 0 burnt-out 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | destroyed or badly damaged by fire; "a row of burned houses"; "a charred bit of burnt wood"; "a burned-over site in the forest"; "barricaded the street with burnt-out cars" 00735608 00 s 03 demolished 0 dismantled 0 razed 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | torn down and broken up 00735709 00 s 05 despoiled 0 pillaged 0 raped 0 ravaged 2 sacked 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside" 00735882 00 s 03 done_for(p) 0 kaput(p) 0 gone(a) 0 002 & 00734318 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | destroyed or killed; "we are gone geese" 00736020 00 s 01 extinguished 0 002 & 00734318 a 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 | of a conditioned response; caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement 00736196 00 s 01 fallen 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | having fallen in or collapsed; "a fallen building" 00736299 00 s 02 finished 0 ruined 2 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | brought to ruin; "after the revolution the aristocracy was finished"; "the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically" 00736511 00 s 01 scorched 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | having everything destroyed so nothing is left salvageable by an enemy; "Sherman's scorched earth policy" 00736671 00 s 02 shattered 0 tattered 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | ruined or disrupted; "our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity"; "a tattered remnant of its former strength"; "my torn and tattered past" 00736879 00 s 01 totaled 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | used of automobiles; completely demolished; "the insurance adjuster declared the automobile totaled" 00737033 00 s 02 war-torn 0 war-worn 0 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | laid waste by war 00737116 00 s 01 wrecked 1 001 & 00734318 a 0000 | destroyed in an accident; "a wrecked ship"; "a highway full of wrecked cars" 00737246 00 a 01 preserved 1 006 ! 00734318 a 0101 & 00737432 a 0000 & 00737515 a 0000 & 00737619 a 0000 & 00737703 a 0000 & 00737801 a 0000 | kept intact or in a particular condition 00737432 00 s 01 conserved 0 001 & 00737246 a 0000 | protected from harm or loss 00737515 00 s 03 kept_up(p) 0 maintained 1 well-kept 0 001 & 00737246 a 0000 | kept in good condition 00737619 00 s 01 preservable 0 001 & 00737246 a 0000 | capable of being preserved 00737703 00 s 02 protected 0 saved 0 001 & 00737246 a 0000 | guarded from injury or destruction 00737801 00 s 02 retained 0 maintained 2 001 & 00737246 a 0000 | continued in your keeping or use or memory; "in...the retained pattern of dancers and guests remembered" 00737973 00 a 01 destructible 0 007 = 05043459 n 0000 + 01619929 v 0101 + 01564144 v 0101 + 05043459 n 0101 ! 00738368 a 0101 & 00738182 a 0000 & 00738284 a 0000 | easily destroyed; "destructible glassware" 00738182 00 s 01 abolishable 0 002 & 00737973 a 0000 + 02427334 v 0101 | capable of being abolished 00738284 00 s 01 destroyable 0 001 & 00737973 a 0000 | capable of being destroyed 00738368 00 a 01 indestructible 0 004 = 05043459 n 0000 + 05043621 n 0101 ! 00737973 a 0101 & 00738503 a 0000 | not easily destroyed 00738503 00 s 01 undestroyable 0 001 & 00738368 a 0000 | not capable of being destroyed 00738593 00 a 01 determinable 0 005 ^ 00301187 a 0000 ! 00739273 a 0101 & 00738829 a 0000 & 00739022 a 0000 & 00739163 a 0000 | capable of being determined or limited or fixed; "determinable velocities"; "matters determinable by law" 00738829 00 s 02 ascertainable 0 discoverable 0 004 & 00738593 a 0000 + 00918872 v 0104 + 00920336 v 0105 + 00721302 v 0101 | capable of being ascertained or found out; "ascertainable facts" 00739022 00 s 01 definable 0 001 & 00738593 a 0000 | capable of being defined, limited, or explained; "definable terms"; "definable rules" 00739163 00 s 01 judicable 0 001 & 00738593 a 0000 | capable of being judged or decided; "judicable issues" 00739273 00 a 02 indeterminable 0 undeterminable 0 006 ^ 00301777 a 0000 ^ 00740336 a 0000 ! 00738593 a 0101 & 00739495 a 0000 & 00739663 a 0000 & 00739789 a 0000 | not capable of being definitely decided or ascertained 00739495 00 s 01 indeterminate 0 002 & 00739273 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0102 | not capable of being determined; "the indeterminate number of plant species in the jungle" 00739663 00 s 02 unascertainable 0 undiscoverable 0 001 & 00739273 a 0000 | not able to be ascertained; resisting discovery 00739789 00 s 01 unpredictable 0 002 & 00739273 a 0000 + 04758313 n 0101 | unknown in advance; "an unpredictable (or indeterminable) future" 00739932 00 a 01 determinate 1 003 + 04754237 n 0101 ! 00740336 a 0101 & 00740217 a 0000 | precisely determined or limited or defined; especially fixed by rule or by a specific and constant cause; "a determinate distance"; "a determinate number"; "determinate variations in animals" 00740217 00 s 01 fixed 0 002 & 00739932 a 0000 + 04740655 n 0101 | (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value 00740336 00 a 02 indeterminate 1 undetermined 4 007 ^ 00550777 a 0000 ^ 00739273 a 0000 ^ 00336168 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0102 ! 00739932 a 0101 & 00740767 a 0000 & 00740958 a 0000 | not precisely determined or established; not fixed or known in advance; "of indeterminate age"; "a zillion is a large indeterminate number"; "an indeterminate point of law"; "the influence of environment is indeterminate"; "an indeterminate future" 00740767 00 s 01 cost-plus 0 001 & 00740336 a 0000 | determining payment based on the actual cost of production plus an agreed-upon fee or rate of profit; "a cost-plus government contract" 00740958 00 s 01 open-ended 0 001 & 00740336 a 0000 | allowing for a spontaneous response; "an open-ended question" 00741076 00 a 01 determinate 2 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00741459 a 0101 & 00741240 a 0000 | not continuing to grow indefinitely at the apex; "determinate growth" 00741240 00 s 01 cymose 0 002 & 00741076 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having a usually flat-topped flower cluster in which the main and branch stems each end in a flower that opens before those below it or to its side 00741459 00 a 01 indeterminate 2 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00741076 a 0101 & 00741633 a 0000 | having a capacity for continuing to grow at the apex; "an indeterminate stem" 00741633 00 s 01 racemose 0 002 & 00741459 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having stalked flowers along an elongated stem that continue to open in succession from below as the stem continues to grow; "lilies of the valley are racemose" 00741867 00 a 01 developed 0 003 ! 00742425 a 0101 & 00742164 a 0000 & 00742316 a 0000 | being changed over time so as to be e.g. stronger or more complete or more useful; "the developed qualities of the Hellenic outlook"; "they have very small limbs with only two fully developed toes on each" 00742164 00 s 01 formulated 0 001 & 00741867 a 0000 | devised; developed according to an orderly plan; "he had well formulated opinions on schooling" 00742316 00 s 02 mature 0 matured 0 001 & 00741867 a 0000 | fully considered and perfected; "mature plans" 00742425 00 a 01 undeveloped 0 003 ! 00741867 a 0101 & 00742620 a 0000 & 00742714 a 0000 | not developed; "courses in interior design were rare and undeveloped"; "undeveloped social awareness" 00742620 00 s 01 budding 0 001 & 00742425 a 0000 | beginning to develop; "a budding genius" 00742714 00 s 02 vestigial 0 rudimentary 0 003 & 00742425 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05604022 n 0201 | not fully developed in mature animals; "rudimentary wings" 00742879 00 a 01 dextral 0 005 ^ 00441781 a 0000 ^ 02028612 a 0000 ! 00743435 a 0101 & 00743183 a 0000 & 00743293 a 0000 | of or on the right; "a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer"; "a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost" 00743183 00 s 01 dexter 0 002 & 00742879 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | on or starting from the wearer's right 00743293 00 s 02 dextrorse 0 dextrorsal 0 002 & 00742879 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | spiraling upward from left to right; "dextrorse vines" 00743435 00 a 01 sinistral 0 005 ^ 00442057 a 0000 ^ 02029167 a 0000 ! 00742879 a 0101 & 00743742 a 0000 & 00743869 a 0000 | of or on the left; "a sinistral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the left when facing the observer"; "a sinistral flatfish lies with the left eye uppermost" 00743742 00 s 01 sinister 0 002 & 00743435 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | on or starting from the wearer's left; "bar sinister" 00743869 00 s 02 sinistrorse 0 sinistrorsal 0 002 & 00743435 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | spiraling upward from right to left; "sinistrorse vines" 00744017 00 a 01 diabatic 0 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 00744141 a 0101 | involving a transfer of heat; "a diabatic process" 00744141 00 a 01 adiabatic 0 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 00744017 a 0101 | occurring without loss or gain of heat; "adiabatic expansion" 00744277 00 a 01 differentiated 0 001 ! 00744506 a 0101 | made different (especially in the course of development) or shown to be different; "the differentiated markings of butterflies"; "the regionally differentiated results" 00744506 00 a 02 undifferentiated 0 uniform 4 005 + 00552458 v 0201 + 04769049 n 0201 + 04745370 n 0201 ! 00744277 a 0101 & 00744669 a 0000 | not differentiated 00744669 00 s 01 dedifferentiated 0 001 & 00744506 a 0000 | having experienced or undergone dedifferentiation or the loss of specialization in form or function; "the hebephrenic--the most severely dedifferentiated of all schizophrenic patients" 00744916 00 a 02 difficult 0 hard 6 025 ^ 00710260 a 0000 ^ 00836277 a 0000 ^ 01155354 a 0000 = 04709253 n 0000 + 04710588 n 0201 + 04709253 n 0102 ! 00749230 a 0101 & 00745642 a 0000 & 00745858 a 0000 & 00746047 a 0000 & 00746451 a 0000 & 00746819 a 0000 & 00746994 a 0000 & 00747226 a 0000 & 00747471 a 0000 & 00747576 a 0000 & 00747727 a 0000 & 00747910 a 0000 & 00748058 a 0000 & 00748359 a 0000 & 00748563 a 0000 & 00748674 a 0000 & 00748795 a 0000 & 00748947 a 0000 & 00749040 a 0000 | not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?" 00745642 00 s 02 ambitious 0 challenging 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 + 07484547 n 0101 | requiring full use of your abilities or resources; "ambitious schedule"; "performed the most challenging task without a mistake" 00745858 00 s 01 arduous 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 + 04709759 n 0101 | difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill; "the arduous work of preparing a dictionary" 00746047 00 s 04 awkward 0 embarrassing 0 sticky 0 unenviable 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 + 05162807 n 0101 | hard to deal with; especially causing pain or embarrassment; "awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion"; "an awkward pause followed his remark"; "a sticky question"; "in the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign" 00746451 00 s 06 baffling 0 elusive 0 knotty 0 problematic 0 problematical 0 tough 2 005 & 00744916 a 0000 + 04710866 n 0602 + 14410605 n 0501 + 14410605 n 0401 + 04766620 n 0303 | making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe; "a baffling problem"; "I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast"; "a problematic situation at home" 00746819 00 s 02 catchy 0 tricky 0 003 & 00744916 a 0000 + 04767182 n 0201 + 05164673 n 0101 | having concealed difficulty; "a catchy question"; "a tricky recipe to follow" 00746994 00 s 03 delicate 0 ticklish 0 touchy 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | difficult to handle; requiring great tact; "delicate negotiations with the big powers";"hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter"; "a touchy subject" 00747226 00 s 01 fractious 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | unpredictably difficult in operation; likely to be troublesome; "rockets were much too fractious to be tested near thickly populated areas"; "fractious components of a communication system" 00747471 00 s 01 hard-fought 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | requiring great effort; "a hard-fought primary" 00747576 00 s 01 herculean 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 + 09578005 n 0101 | extremely difficult; requiring the strength of a Hercules; "a herculean task" 00747727 00 s 02 nasty 0 tight 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent; "a nasty problem"; "a good man to have on your side in a tight situation" 00747910 00 s 02 rocky 0 rough 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | full of hardship or trials; "the rocky road to success"; "they were having a rough time" 00748058 00 s 02 rugged 0 tough 1 003 & 00744916 a 0000 + 04710866 n 0202 + 04710588 n 0102 | very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution; "a rugged competitive examination"; "the rugged conditions of frontier life"; "the competition was tough"; "it's a tough life"; "it was a tough job" 00748359 00 s 01 serious 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | requiring effort or concentration; complex and not easy to answer or solve; "raised serious objections to the proposal"; "the plan has a serious flaw" 00748563 00 s 01 tall(a) 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | impressively difficult; "a tall order" 00748674 00 s 01 thorny 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | bristling with perplexities; "the thorny question of states' rights" 00748795 00 s 01 troublesome 0 002 & 00744916 a 0000 + 04711435 n 0101 | difficult to deal with; "a troublesome infection"; "a troublesome situation" 00748947 00 s 01 trying 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | hard to endure; "fell upon trying times" 00749040 00 s 01 vexed 0 001 & 00744916 a 0000 | causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed; "the vexed issue of priorities"; "we live in vexed and troubled times" 00749230 00 a 01 easy 1 016 ^ 00838296 a 0000 ^ 02174896 a 0000 ^ 01156112 a 0000 ^ 00711528 a 0000 = 04708113 n 0000 + 04708113 n 0102 ! 00744916 a 0101 & 00749749 a 0000 & 00749947 a 0000 & 00750054 a 0000 & 00750296 a 0000 & 00750602 a 0000 & 00750712 a 0000 & 00750843 a 0000 & 00750926 a 0000 & 00751099 a 0000 | posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; "an easy job"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "took the easy way out of his dilemma" 00749749 00 s 02 casual 0 effortless 0 003 & 00749230 a 0000 + 04708543 n 0201 + 04912240 n 0101 | not showing effort or strain; "a difficult feat performed with casual mastery"; "careless grace" 00749947 00 s 01 clean 0 001 & 00749230 a 0000 | without difficulties or problems; "a clean test flight" 00750054 00 s 03 cushy 0 soft 0 easygoing 0 002 & 00749230 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship; "what a cushy job!"; "the easygoing life of a parttime consultant"; "a soft job" 00750296 00 s 04 elementary 0 simple 0 uncomplicated 0 unproblematic 0 003 & 00749230 a 0000 + 04708113 n 0204 + 04708113 n 0203 | easy and not involved or complicated; "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear Watson"; "a simple game"; "found an uncomplicated solution to the problem" 00750602 00 s 01 hands-down 0 001 & 00749230 a 0000 | achieved without great effort; "a hands-down victory" 00750712 00 s 01 painless 0 001 & 00749230 a 0000 | requiring little hard work or exertion; "a painless solution to the problem" 00750843 00 s 01 simplified 0 001 & 00749230 a 0000 | made easy or uncomplicated 00750926 00 s 01 smooth 0 002 & 00749230 a 0000 + 04709011 n 0101 | lacking obstructions or difficulties; "the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly" 00751099 00 s 01 user-friendly 0 001 & 00749230 a 0000 | easy to use 00751170 00 a 01 digitigrade 0 002 ;c 01861778 n 0000 ! 00751353 a 0101 | (of mammals) walking on the toes with the posterior part of the foot raised (as cats, dogs, and horses do) 00751353 00 a 01 plantigrade 0 002 ;c 01861778 n 0000 ! 00751170 a 0101 | (of mammals) walking on the whole sole of the foot (as rabbits, raccoons, bears, and humans do) 00751525 00 a 01 dignified 0 005 ^ 00529266 a 0000 ^ 00849357 a 0000 ! 00752392 a 0101 & 00751838 a 0000 & 00752110 a 0000 | having or expressing dignity; especially formality or stateliness in bearing or appearance; "her dignified demeanor"; "the director of the school was a dignified white-haired gentleman" 00751838 00 s 03 courtly 0 formal 0 stately 0 007 & 00751525 a 0000 + 04911894 n 0301 + 04911420 n 0202 + 08329322 n 0101 + 08051946 n 0101 + 03121040 n 0101 + 04813283 n 0101 | refined or imposing in manner or appearance; befitting a royal court; "a courtly gentleman" 00752110 00 s 04 distinguished 0 grand 0 imposing 0 magisterial 0 002 & 00751525 a 0000 + 04814238 n 0206 | used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person; "his distinguished bearing"; "the monarch's imposing presence"; "she reigned in magisterial beauty" 00752392 00 a 01 undignified 0 006 ^ 00531342 a 0000 ^ 00851103 a 0000 ! 00751525 a 0101 & 00752555 a 0000 & 00752714 a 0000 & 00752847 a 0000 | lacking dignity 00752555 00 s 04 demeaning 0 humbling 0 humiliating 0 mortifying 0 001 & 00752392 a 0000 | causing awareness of your shortcomings; "golf is a humbling game" 00752714 00 s 01 infra_dig(p) 0 001 & 00752392 a 0000 | beneath your dignity; "considered helping with the dishes to be infra dig" 00752847 00 s 03 pathetic 0 ridiculous 0 silly 0 003 & 00752392 a 0000 + 04891683 n 0304 + 01224517 n 0202 | inspiring scornful pity; "how silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years"- Dashiell Hammett 00753093 00 a 02 statesmanlike 0 statesmanly 0 004 ^ 00758459 a 0000 ^ 00753504 a 0000 + 10650162 n 0201 ! 00753378 a 0101 | marked by the qualities of or befitting a statesman; "a man of statesmanlike judgment"; "a statesmanlike solution of the present perplexities"-V.L.Parrington 00753378 00 a 01 unstatesmanlike 0 002 ^ 00753659 a 0000 ! 00753093 a 0101 | not statesmanlike; "unstatesmanlike procedure" 00753504 00 a 01 presidential 0 002 ^ 00753093 a 0000 ! 00753659 a 0101 | befitting a president; "criticized the candidate for not looking presidential" 00753659 00 a 01 unpresidential 0 002 ^ 00753378 a 0000 ! 00753504 a 0101 | not presidential; "very unpresidential behavior" 00753786 00 a 01 dicotyledonous 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00753922 a 0101 | (of a flowering plant) having two cotyledons in the seed 00753922 00 a 01 monocotyledonous 0 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 11668117 n 0102 ! 00753786 a 0101 | (of a flowering plant) having a single cotyledon in the seed as in grasses and lilies 00754107 00 a 01 diligent 0 006 ^ 00292937 a 0000 ^ 00309021 a 0000 + 04865114 n 0101 ! 00754873 a 0101 & 00754393 a 0000 & 00754682 a 0000 | characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks; "a diligent detective investigates all clues"; "a diligent search of the files" 00754393 00 s 02 assiduous 0 sedulous 0 005 & 00754107 a 0000 + 04866078 n 0202 + 04866078 n 0201 + 04865502 n 0101 + 04865502 n 0102 | marked by care and persistent effort; "her assiduous attempts to learn French"; "assiduous research"; "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles" 00754682 00 s 04 hardworking 0 industrious 0 tireless 0 untiring 0 004 & 00754107 a 0000 + 04864824 n 0303 + 04865114 n 0203 + 04865114 n 0202 | characterized by hard work and perseverance 00754873 00 a 01 negligent 0 010 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ^ 00164863 a 0000 + 04665813 n 0101 + 00616153 v 0101 + 00616857 v 0101 ! 00754107 a 0101 & 00755220 a 0000 & 00755482 a 0000 & 00755742 a 0000 & 00755876 a 0000 | characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern; "negligent parents"; "negligent of detail"; "negligent in his correspondence" 00755220 00 s 04 derelict 0 delinquent 0 neglectful 0 remiss 0 003 & 00754873 a 0000 + 04666416 n 0403 + 04665813 n 0303 | failing in what duty requires; "derelict (or delinquent) in his duty"; "neglectful of his duties"; "remiss of you not to pay your bills" 00755482 00 s 02 lax 0 slack 0 004 & 00754873 a 0000 + 04666416 n 0204 + 04666416 n 0101 + 04666416 n 0102 | lacking in rigor or strictness; "such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable"; "lax in attending classes"; "slack in maintaining discipline" 00755742 00 s 01 hit-and-run(a) 0 001 & 00754873 a 0000 | involving a driver of a motor vehicle who leaves the scene of an accident 00755876 00 s 02 inattentive 0 neglectful 2 003 & 00754873 a 0000 + 04665813 n 0203 + 04663319 n 0101 | not showing due care or attention; "inattentive students"; "an inattentive babysitter"; "neglectful parents" 00756091 00 a 02 diluted 0 dilute 0 004 ! 00756728 a 0101 & 00756327 a 0000 & 00756459 a 0000 & 00756638 a 0000 | reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity; "diluted alcohol"; "a dilute solution"; "dilute acetic acid" 00756327 00 s 03 cut 0 thinned 0 weakened 0 001 & 00756091 a 0000 | mixed with water; "sold cut whiskey"; "a cup of thinned soup" 00756459 00 s 03 watery 0 washy 0 weak 0 003 & 00756091 a 0000 + 05113929 n 0101 + 04937427 n 0101 | overly diluted; thin and insipid; "washy coffee"; "watery milk"; "weak tea" 00756638 00 s 01 white 0 001 & 00756091 a 0000 | (of coffee) having cream or milk added 00756728 00 a 01 undiluted 0 004 ! 00756091 a 0101 & 00756897 a 0000 & 00757001 a 0000 & 00757120 a 0000 | not diluted; "undiluted milk"; "an undiluted racial strain" 00756897 00 s 01 black 0 002 & 00756728 a 0000 + 04960277 n 0102 | (of coffee) without cream or sugar 00757001 00 s 01 concentrated 0 001 & 00756728 a 0000 | of or relating to a solution whose dilution has been reduced 00757120 00 s 03 neat 0 straight 0 full-strength 0 001 & 00756728 a 0000 | without water; "took his whiskey neat" 00757236 00 a 01 saturated 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00757408 a 0101 | used especially of organic compounds; having all available valence bonds filled; "saturated fats" 00757408 00 a 01 unsaturated 0 004 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 00757236 a 0101 & 00757634 a 0000 & 00757783 a 0000 | used of a compound (especially of carbon) containing atoms sharing more than one valence bond; "unsaturated fats" 00757634 00 s 01 monounsaturated 0 001 & 00757408 a 0000 | (of long-chain carbon compounds especially fats) saturated except for one multiple bond 00757783 00 s 01 polyunsaturated 0 001 & 00757408 a 0000 | (of long-chain carbon compounds especially fats) having many unsaturated bonds 00757923 00 a 02 saturated 1 concentrated 2 002 ! 00758290 a 0101 & 00758150 a 0000 | being the most concentrated solution possible at a given temperature; unable to dissolve still more of a substance; "a saturated solution" 00758150 00 s 01 supersaturated 0 001 & 00757923 a 0000 | being more concentrated than normally possible and therefore not in equilibrium 00758290 00 a 01 unsaturated 1 001 ! 00757923 a 0101 | not saturated; capable of dissolving more of a substance at a given temperature; "an unsaturated salt solution" 00758459 00 a 02 diplomatic 0 diplomatical 0 008 ^ 01813400 a 0000 + 10014658 n 0201 + 10013927 n 0201 + 04842029 n 0202 + 04842029 n 0102 ! 00759458 a 0101 & 00758800 a 0000 & 00759169 a 0000 | using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people; "the hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject" 00758800 00 s 04 politic 0 smooth 0 suave 0 bland 0 006 & 00758459 a 0000 + 04629417 n 0401 + 04913322 n 0403 + 04913322 n 0302 + 04913322 n 0301 + 04913322 n 0204 | smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication; "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error" 00759169 00 s 02 tactful 0 kid-glove 0 002 & 00758459 a 0000 + 04841810 n 0102 | showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people; "by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone"; "a tactful way of correcting someone"; "the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill" 00759458 00 a 01 undiplomatic 0 001 ! 00758459 a 0101 | not skilled in dealing with others 00759551 00 a 02 conciliatory 0 conciliative 0 008 + 01765392 v 0203 + 00764902 v 0204 + 00764902 v 0104 ! 00760577 a 0101 & 00759826 a 0000 & 00760149 a 0000 & 00760289 a 0000 & 00760473 a 0000 | intended to placate; "spoke in a conciliating tone"; "a conciliatory visit" 00759826 00 s 04 appeasing(a) 0 placating 0 placative 0 placatory 0 003 & 00759551 a 0000 + 01765392 v 0407 + 01765392 v 0307 | intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions; "the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich"; "placating (or placative) gestures"; "an astonishingly placatory speech" 00760149 00 s 01 pacific 1 001 & 00759551 a 0000 | promoting peace; "the result of this pacific policy was that no troops were called up" 00760289 00 s 02 propitiative 0 propitiatory 0 003 & 00759551 a 0000 + 00765213 v 0201 + 00765213 v 0101 | intended to reconcile or appease; "sent flowers as a propitiatory gesture" 00760473 00 s 01 soft 0 002 & 00759551 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0102 | willing to negotiate and compromise 00760577 00 a 01 antagonistic 1 003 + 07548366 n 0101 ! 00759551 a 0101 & 00760783 a 0000 | arousing animosity or hostility; "his antagonistic brusqueness"; "Europe was antagonistic to the Unites States" 00760783 00 s 01 alienating 0 001 & 00760577 a 0000 | causing hostility or loss of friendliness; "her sudden alienating aloofness" 00760916 00 a 01 direct 0 009 ^ 02310895 a 0000 = 04918210 n 0000 ! 00762355 a 0101 & 00761260 a 0000 & 00761449 a 0000 & 00761592 a 0000 & 00761734 a 0000 & 00761844 a 0000 & 00762168 a 0000 | direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short; "a direct route"; "a direct flight"; "a direct hit" 00761260 00 s 01 door-to-door 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | (of e.g. journeys or deliveries) direct from point of origin to point of destination ; "the limousine offers door-to-door service" 00761449 00 s 01 nonstop 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | (of a journey especially a flight) occurring without stops; "a nonstop flight to Atlanta" 00761592 00 s 01 point-blank 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | close enough to go straight to the target; "point-blank range"; "a point-blank shot" 00761734 00 s 01 straightforward 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | pointed directly ahead; "a straightforward gaze" 00761844 00 s 02 undeviating 0 unswerving 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside; "some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex"; "a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands" 00762168 00 s 01 through(a) 0 001 & 00760916 a 0000 | (of a route or journey etc.) continuing without requiring stops or changes; "a through street"; "a through bus"; "through traffic" 00762355 00 a 01 indirect 0 008 ^ 02311544 a 0000 = 04918210 n 0000 + 04919209 n 0101 ! 00760916 a 0101 & 00762721 a 0000 & 00763013 a 0000 & 00763272 a 0000 & 00763407 a 0000 | not direct in spatial dimension; not leading by a straight line or course to a destination; "sometimes taking an indirect path saves time"; "you must take an indirect course in sailing" 00762721 00 s 07 askance 0 askant 0 asquint 0 squint 0 squint-eyed 0 squinty 0 sidelong 0 001 & 00762355 a 0000 | (used especially of glances) directed to one side with or as if with doubt or suspicion or envy; "her eyes with their misted askance look"- Elizabeth Bowen; "sidelong glances" 00763013 00 s 03 devious 0 circuitous 0 roundabout 0 002 & 00762355 a 0000 + 04919712 n 0101 | deviating from a straight course; "a scenic but devious route"; "a long and circuitous journey by train and boat"; "a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic" 00763272 00 s 01 diversionary 0 002 & 00762355 a 0000 + 00350380 n 0101 | (of tactics e.g.) likely or designed to confuse or deceive 00763407 00 s 04 meandering(a) 0 rambling 0 wandering(a) 0 winding 0 001 & 00762355 a 0000 | of a path e.g.; "meandering streams"; "rambling forest paths"; "the river followed its wandering course"; "a winding country road" 00763633 00 a 01 direct 1 002 ;c 11449907 n 0000 ! 00763767 a 0101 | (of a current) flowing in one direction only; "direct current" 00763767 00 a 01 alternating 0 002 ;c 11449907 n 0000 ! 00763633 a 0101 | (of a current) reversing direction; "alternating current" 00763901 00 a 01 direct 2 013 ^ 01222360 a 0000 + 04871720 n 0105 ! 00766457 a 0101 & 00764301 a 0000 & 00764484 a 0000 & 00765173 a 0000 & 00765289 a 0000 & 00765410 a 0000 & 00765537 a 0000 & 00765666 a 0000 & 00765862 a 0000 & 00766102 a 0000 & 00766348 a 0000 | straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach" 00764301 00 s 01 bluff 1 002 & 00763901 a 0000 + 04650913 n 0101 | bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured; "a bluff but pleasant manner"; "a bluff and rugged natural leader" 00764484 00 s 09 blunt 0 candid 0 forthright 1 frank 0 free-spoken 0 outspoken 0 plainspoken 0 point-blank 0 straight-from-the-shoulder 0 007 & 00763901 a 0000 + 04650731 n 0602 + 04650731 n 0401 + 04871720 n 0404 + 04871720 n 0306 + 04871720 n 0203 + 04846383 n 0101 | characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation" 00765173 00 s 01 brutal 0 001 & 00763901 a 0000 | disagreeably direct and precise; "he spoke with brutal honesty" 00765289 00 s 01 flat-footed 1 002 & 00763901 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | without reservation; "a flat-footed refusal" 00765410 00 s 01 man-to-man 0 001 & 00763901 a 0000 | forthright and honest; "had a man-to-man talk about the facts of life" 00765537 00 s 01 no-nonsense 0 001 & 00763901 a 0000 | not tolerating irrelevancies; "the no-nonsense tones of a stern parent" 00765666 00 s 02 plain 0 unvarnished 0 001 & 00763901 a 0000 | free from any effort to soften to disguise; "the plain and unvarnished truth"; "the unvarnished candor of old people and children" 00765862 00 s 01 pointed 0 002 & 00763901 a 0000 + 04919011 n 0101 | direct and obvious in meaning or reference; often unpleasant; "a pointed critique"; "a pointed allusion to what was going on"; "another pointed look in their direction" 00766102 00 s 03 square(a) 0 straightforward 0 straight 0 004 & 00763901 a 0000 + 04872016 n 0302 + 04867700 n 0202 + 04918498 n 0202 | without evasion or compromise; "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears" 00766348 00 s 01 upfront 0 001 & 00763901 a 0000 | frank and honest; "he was upfront about his intentions" 00766457 00 a 01 indirect 2 010 ! 00763901 a 0101 & 00766957 a 0000 & 00767133 a 0000 & 00767349 a 0000 & 00767626 a 0000 & 00768098 a 0000 & 00768397 a 0000 & 00768808 a 0000 & 00768927 a 0000 & 00769121 a 0000 | extended senses; not direct in manner or language or behavior or action; "making indirect but legitimate inquiries"; "an indirect insult"; "doubtless they had some indirect purpose in mind"; "though his methods are indirect they are not dishonest"; "known as a shady indirect fellow" 00766957 00 s 01 allusive 0 003 & 00766457 a 0000 + 01026728 v 0101 + 04919458 n 0101 | characterized by indirect references; "allusive speech is characterized by allusions" 00767133 00 s 01 backhanded 0 001 & 00766457 a 0000 | roundabout or ambiguous; "attacks from that source amounted to a backhanded compliment to his integrity"; "a backhanded and dishonest way of reaching his goal" 00767349 00 s 02 circuitous 0 roundabout 0 001 & 00766457 a 0000 | marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct; "the explanation was circuitous and puzzling"; "a roundabout paragraph"; "hear in a roundabout way that her ex-husband was marrying her best friend" 00767626 00 s 04 circumlocutious 0 circumlocutory 0 periphrastic 0 ambagious 0 005 & 00766457 a 0000 + 07090379 n 0403 + 07090379 n 0302 + 06761342 n 0101 + 07090379 n 0101 | roundabout and unnecessarily wordy; "had a preference for circumlocutious (or circumlocutory) rather than forthright expression"; "A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings."-T.S.Eliot; (`ambagious' is archaic) 00768098 00 s 02 devious 0 oblique 0 004 & 00766457 a 0000 + 04874939 n 0202 + 04919712 n 0202 + 04875556 n 0102 | indirect in departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading; "used devious means to achieve success"; "gave oblique answers to direct questions"; "oblique political maneuvers" 00768397 00 s 04 digressive 0 discursive 0 excursive 0 rambling 0 003 & 00766457 a 0000 + 04919872 n 0201 + 00780575 v 0101 | (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects; "amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things"; "a rambling discursive book"; "his excursive remarks"; "a rambling speech about this and that" 00768808 00 s 01 hearsay 0 001 & 00766457 a 0000 | heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information" 00768927 00 s 02 mealymouthed 0 mealy-mouthed 0 001 & 00766457 a 0000 | hesitant to state facts or opinions simply and directly as from e.g. timidity or hypocrisy; "a mealymouthed politician" 00769121 00 s 01 tortuous 0 002 & 00766457 a 0000 + 04766620 n 0104 | not straightforward; "his tortuous reasoning" 00769239 00 a 01 direct 3 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 00769489 a 0101 | similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity; "a term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases)" 00769489 00 a 01 inverse 0 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 00769239 a 0101 & 00769761 a 0000 | opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity ; "a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases)" 00769761 00 s 01 reciprocal 0 001 & 00769489 a 0000 | of or relating to the multiplicative inverse of a quantity or function; "the reciprocal ratio of a:b is b:a" 00769926 00 a 01 direct 5 002 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 00770114 a 0101 | moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earth 00770114 00 a 01 retrograde 5 002 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 00769926 a 0101 | moving from east to west on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in a direction opposite to that of the Earth 00770316 00 a 01 immediate 0 004 = 04918767 n 0000 + 04918767 n 0102 ! 00770756 a 0101 & 00770480 a 0000 | having no intervening medium; "an immediate influence" 00770480 00 s 02 direct 0 unmediated 0 001 & 00770316 a 0000 | having no intervening persons, agents, conditions; "in direct sunlight"; "in direct contact with the voters"; "direct exposure to the disease"; "a direct link"; "the direct cause of the accident"; "direct vote" 00770756 00 a 01 mediate 0 005 = 04918767 n 0000 + 04919580 n 0102 ! 00770316 a 0101 & 00770993 a 0000 & 00771203 a 0000 | acting through or dependent on an intervening agency; "the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact" 00770993 00 s 01 indirect 0 001 & 00770756 a 0000 | having intervening factors or persons or influences; "reflection from the ceiling provided a soft indirect light"; "indirect evidence"; "an indirect cause" 00771203 00 s 01 mediated 0 001 & 00770756 a 0000 | acting or brought about through an intervening agency; "the mediated settlement brought satisfaction to both sides" 00771373 00 a 01 discerning 0 006 ^ 00649586 a 0000 ^ 00774323 a 0000 ! 00772360 a 0101 & 00771616 a 0000 & 00771803 a 0000 & 00772137 a 0000 | having or revealing keen insight and good judgment; "a discerning critic"; "a discerning reader" 00771616 00 s 02 clear 0 percipient 0 003 & 00771373 a 0000 + 00591519 v 0201 + 04820258 n 0105 | characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author" 00771803 00 s 03 clear-eyed 0 clear-sighted 0 perspicacious 0 002 & 00771373 a 0000 + 05621439 n 0304 | mentally acute or penetratingly discerning; "too clear-eyed not to see what problems would follow"; "chaos could be prevented only by clear-sighted leadership"; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument" 00772137 00 s 01 prescient 0 002 & 00771373 a 0000 + 05919431 n 0101 | perceiving the significance of events before they occur; "extraordinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations"-R.H.Rovere 00772360 00 a 01 undiscerning 0 004 ^ 00773759 a 0000 ! 00771373 a 0101 & 00772492 a 0000 & 00772776 a 0000 | lacking discernment 00772492 00 s 02 obtuse 0 purblind 0 002 & 00772360 a 0000 + 05646039 n 0102 | lacking in insight or discernment; "too obtuse to grasp the implications of his behavior"; "a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin"- Jasper Griffin 00772776 00 s 01 uncomprehending 0 001 & 00772360 a 0000 | lacking understanding; "tried to explain to her uncomprehending husband" 00772910 00 a 01 discreet 0 002 + 04842029 n 0103 ! 00773109 a 0101 | marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint; "his trusted discreet aide"; "a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace" 00773109 00 a 01 indiscreet 0 004 + 05616092 n 0102 ! 00772910 a 0101 & 00773299 a 0000 & 00773455 a 0000 | lacking discretion; injudicious; "her behavior was indiscreet at the very best" 00773299 00 s 04 bigmouthed 0 blabbermouthed 0 blabby 0 talkative 0 003 & 00773109 a 0000 + 04651382 n 0405 + 00937208 v 0403 | unwisely talking too much 00773455 00 s 01 imprudent 0 002 & 00773109 a 0000 + 04894037 n 0101 | lacking wise self-restraint; "an imprudent remark" 00773579 00 a 01 discriminate 0 002 ^ 00774323 a 0000 ! 00773759 a 0101 | marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions; "discriminate judgments"; "discriminate people" 00773759 00 a 01 indiscriminate 0 005 ^ 01101391 a 0000 ^ 00775900 a 0000 ! 00773579 a 0101 & 00774006 a 0000 & 00774182 a 0000 | not marked by fine distinctions; "indiscriminate reading habits"; "an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles" 00774006 00 s 01 promiscuous 0 001 & 00773759 a 0000 | not selective of a single class or person; "Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money" 00774182 00 s 02 sweeping 0 wholesale 0 001 & 00773759 a 0000 | ignoring distinctions; "sweeping generalizations"; "wholesale destruction" 00774323 00 a 01 discriminating 0 010 ^ 00771373 a 0000 ^ 00773579 a 0000 ! 00775900 a 0101 & 00774676 a 0000 & 00774911 a 0000 & 00775135 a 0000 & 00775301 a 0000 & 00775486 a 0000 & 00775611 a 0000 & 00775693 a 0000 | showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste; "the discriminating eye of the connoisseur" 00774676 00 s 01 appreciative 0 002 & 00774323 a 0000 + 02256109 v 0104 | having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion; "appreciative of a beautiful landscape"; "an appreciative laugh from the audience" 00774911 00 s 02 diacritic 0 diacritical 0 003 & 00774323 a 0000 + 06820964 n 0202 + 06820964 n 0102 | capable of distinguishing; "students having superior diacritic powers"; "the diacritic elements in culture"- S.F.Nadel 00775135 00 s 01 discerning 0 001 & 00774323 a 0000 | able to make or detect effects of great subtlety; sensitive; "discerning taste"; "a discerning eye for color" 00775301 00 s 02 discriminative 0 discriminatory 0 005 & 00774323 a 0000 + 02193765 v 0201 + 00650016 v 0201 + 02193765 v 0101 + 00650016 v 0101 | capable of making fine distinctions 00775486 00 s 01 eclectic 0 002 & 00774323 a 0000 + 05788713 n 0101 | selecting what seems best of various styles or ideas 00775611 00 s 01 good 0 001 & 00774323 a 0000 | generally admired; "good taste" 00775693 00 s 01 selective 0 003 & 00774323 a 0000 + 00674607 v 0103 + 05208988 n 0101 | tending to select; characterized by careful choice; "an exceptionally quick and selective reader"- John Mason Brown 00775900 00 a 02 undiscriminating 0 indiscriminating 0 006 ^ 00773759 a 0000 ! 00774323 a 0101 & 00776090 a 0000 & 00776192 a 0000 & 00776290 a 0000 & 00776406 a 0000 | not discriminating 00776090 00 s 01 indiscriminate 0 001 & 00775900 a 0000 | failing to make or recognize distinctions 00776192 00 s 01 scattershot 0 001 & 00775900 a 0000 | covering a wide range in a haphazard way 00776290 00 s 01 unperceptive 0 002 & 00775900 a 0000 + 04845146 n 0101 | lacking sensitivity, taste, or judgment 00776406 00 s 01 unselective 0 001 & 00775900 a 0000 | not selective or discriminating; "unselective in her reading habits; her choices seemed completely random" 00776570 00 a 01 disposable 1 002 ! 00776822 a 0101 & 00776706 a 0000 | designed to be disposed of after use; "disposable paper cups" 00776706 00 s 01 throwaway(p) 0 001 & 00776570 a 0000 | intended to be thrown away after use; "throwaway diapers" 00776822 00 a 01 nondisposable 1 001 ! 00776570 a 0101 | not designed to be thrown away after use 00776922 00 a 01 returnable 0 002 ! 00777238 a 0101 & 00777106 a 0000 | that may be returned; "returnable bottles and cans"; "this merchandise is returnable if you save the receipt" 00777106 00 s 01 revertible 0 002 & 00776922 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | to be returned to the former owner or that owner's heirs 00777238 00 a 01 nonreturnable 0 001 ! 00776922 a 0101 | that may not be returned; "nonreturnable bottles cannot be exchanged for a deposit"; "sale merchandise is nonreturnable" 00777418 00 a 01 disposable 2 004 ! 00778161 a 0101 & 00777650 a 0000 & 00777891 a 0000 & 00778017 a 0000 | free or available for use or disposition; "every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire"; "disposable assets" 00777650 00 s 03 available 0 usable 0 useable 0 004 & 00777418 a 0000 + 01158872 v 0301 + 01158872 v 0201 + 04718999 n 0104 | convenient for use or disposal; "the house is available after July 1"; "2000 square feet of usable office space" 00777891 00 s 02 expendable 0 spendable 0 001 & 00777418 a 0000 | (used of funds) remaining after taxes; "spendable income" 00778017 00 s 02 fluid 0 liquid 0 002 & 00777418 a 0000 + 04737430 n 0201 | in cash or easily convertible to cash; "liquid (or fluid) assets" 00778161 00 a 01 nondisposable 2 002 ! 00777418 a 0101 & 00778270 a 0000 | (of assets) unavailable for use 00778270 00 s 01 frozen 0 001 & 00778161 a 0000 | not convertible to cash; "frozen assets" 00778363 00 a 01 distal 1 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 ! 00778509 a 0101 | situated farthest from point of attachment or origin, as of a limb or bone 00778509 00 a 01 proximal 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05085867 n 0101 ! 00778363 a 0101 | situated nearest to point of attachment or origin; "the proximal end of a bone" 00778680 00 a 01 distal 2 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 ! 00778958 a 0101 & 00778828 a 0000 | directed away from the midline or mesial plane of the body 00778828 00 s 01 lateral 0 001 & 00778680 a 0000 | lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus" 00778958 00 a 01 mesial 0 004 ;c 06057539 n 0000 ! 00778680 a 0101 & 00779133 a 0000 & 00779240 a 0000 | being in or directed toward the midline or mesial plane of the body 00779133 00 s 02 medial 0 median 0 001 & 00778958 a 0000 | dividing an animal into right and left halves 00779240 00 s 01 sagittal 0 001 & 00778958 a 0000 | located in a plane that is parallel to the central plane of the sagittal suture 00779374 00 a 01 distinct 0 012 ^ 00428404 a 0000 ^ 00700451 a 0000 ^ 01837744 a 0000 + 04702688 n 0101 ! 00781168 a 0101 & 00779819 a 0000 & 00780011 a 0000 & 00780352 a 0000 & 00780575 a 0000 & 00780712 a 0000 & 00780944 a 0000 & 00781061 a 0000 | easy to perceive; especially clearly outlined; "a distinct flavor"; "a distinct odor of turpentine"; "a distinct outline"; "the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette"; "distinct fingerprints" 00779819 00 s 02 chiseled 0 well-defined 0 001 & 00779374 a 0000 | having a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges; "a finely chiseled nose"; "well-defined features" 00780011 00 s 03 clear 0 clean-cut 0 clear-cut 0 003 & 00779374 a 0000 + 04821451 n 0302 + 04820258 n 0105 | clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern" 00780352 00 s 02 crisp 0 sharp 0 002 & 00779374 a 0000 + 04702688 n 0202 | (of something seen or heard) clearly defined; "a sharp photographic image"; "the sharp crack of a twig"; "the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot" 00780575 00 s 01 crystalline 0 001 & 00779374 a 0000 | distinctly or sharply outlined; "crystalline sharpness of outline"- John Buchan 00780712 00 s 02 defined 0 outlined 0 001 & 00779374 a 0000 | showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary; "hills defined against the evening sky"; "the setting sun showed the outlined figure of a man standing on the hill" 00780944 00 s 01 knifelike 0 001 & 00779374 a 0000 | having a sharp or distinct edge; "a narrow knifelike profile" 00781061 00 s 01 razor-sharp 0 001 & 00779374 a 0000 | very clearly delineated; "razor-sharp definition" 00781168 00 a 01 indistinct 0 010 ^ 00701479 a 0000 ^ 00430191 a 0000 + 04704346 n 0101 ! 00779374 a 0101 & 00781539 a 0000 & 00781644 a 0000 & 00781974 a 0000 & 00782216 a 0000 & 00782568 a 0000 & 00782738 a 0000 | not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand; "indistinct shapes in the gloom"; "an indistinct memory"; "only indistinct notions of what to do" 00781539 00 s 01 bedimmed 0 001 & 00781168 a 0000 | made dim or indistinct; "a sun bedimmed by clouds" 00781644 00 s 07 bleary 0 blurred 0 blurry 0 foggy 0 fuzzy 0 hazy 0 muzzy 0 008 & 00781168 a 0000 + 05684561 n 0603 + 04824695 n 0601 + 04704346 n 0505 + 05684561 n 0402 + 04704346 n 0404 + 05940414 n 0301 + 04704346 n 0303 | indistinct or hazy in outline; "a landscape of blurred outlines"; "the trees were just blurry shapes" 00781974 00 s 03 cloudy 0 nebulose 0 nebulous 0 002 & 00781168 a 0000 + 04703698 n 0101 | lacking definite form or limits; "gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion"- H.T.Moore; "nebulous distinction between pride and conceit" 00782216 00 s 05 dim 0 faint 0 shadowy 0 vague 0 wispy 0 004 & 00781168 a 0000 + 04704839 n 0401 + 04704675 n 0202 + 04704675 n 0101 | lacking clarity or distinctness; "a dim figure in the distance"; "only a faint recollection"; "shadowy figures in the gloom"; "saw a vague outline of a building through the fog"; "a few wispy memories of childhood" 00782568 00 s 01 faint 2 001 & 00781168 a 0000 | indistinctly understood or felt or perceived; "a faint clue to the origin of the mystery"; "haven't the faintest idea" 00782738 00 s 01 veiled 0 001 & 00781168 a 0000 | muted or unclear; "veiled sounds"; "the image is veiled or foggy" 00782856 00 a 02 focused 0 focussed 4 001 ! 00782957 a 0101 | being in focus or brought into focus 00782957 00 a 02 unfocused 0 unfocussed 4 001 ! 00782856 a 0101 | (of an image) not being in or brought into focus; "at their edges things were pretty much out of focus" 00783129 00 a 01 diversified 0 003 ^ 01198737 a 0000 ! 00783675 a 0101 & 00783469 a 0000 | having variety of character or form or components; or having increased variety; "a diversified musical program ranging from classical to modern"; "diversified farming"; "diversified manufacturing"; "diversified scenery"; "diversified investments" 00783469 00 s 02 varied 0 wide-ranging 0 002 & 00783129 a 0000 + 04735556 n 0101 | widely different; "varied motives prompt people to join a political party"; "varied ethnic traditions of the immigrants" 00783675 00 a 01 undiversified 0 006 ^ 01199751 a 0000 ! 00783129 a 0101 & 00783840 a 0000 & 00784037 a 0000 & 00784215 a 0000 & 00784411 a 0000 | not diversified 00783840 00 s 01 general 0 004 & 00783675 a 0000 + 05818388 n 0101 + 05913275 n 0103 + 04764412 n 0101 | not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge" 00784037 00 s 01 monolithic 0 001 & 00783675 a 0000 | characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity; "a monolithic society"; "a monolithic worldwide movement" 00784215 00 s 03 solid 0 unanimous 0 whole 0 004 & 00783675 a 0000 + 00003553 n 0301 + 14460565 n 0303 + 13972387 n 0201 | acting together as a single undiversified whole; "a solid voting bloc" 00784411 00 s 01 undistributed 0 001 & 00783675 a 0000 | (of investments) not distributed among a variety of securities 00784533 00 a 01 divisible 0 010 + 02467662 v 0101 + 02031158 v 0102 + 01557774 v 0102 + 00642098 v 0101 ! 00785684 a 0101 & 00784922 a 0000 & 00785002 a 0000 & 00785298 a 0000 & 00785406 a 0000 & 00785555 a 0000 | capable of being or liable to be divided or separated; "even numbers are divisible by two"; "the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible" 00784922 00 s 01 cleavable 0 001 & 00784533 a 0000 | capable of being cleaved 00785002 00 s 03 dissociable 0 separable 1 severable 0 002 & 00784533 a 0000 + 14417993 n 0201 | capable of being divided or dissociated; "often drugs and crime are not dissociable"; "the siamese twins were not considered separable"; "a song...never conceived of as severable from the melody"; 00785298 00 s 01 dissociative 0 002 & 00784533 a 0000 + 00714273 v 0102 | tending to produce dissociation 00785406 00 s 01 dividable 0 002 & 00784533 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | can be divided usually without leaving a remainder; "15 is dividable by 3" 00785555 00 s 01 partible 0 001 & 00784533 a 0000 | (of e.g. property) capable of being parted or divided; "a partible estate" 00785684 00 a 01 indivisible 0 004 ! 00784533 a 0101 & 00785889 a 0000 & 00786031 a 0000 & 00786173 a 0000 | impossible of undergoing division; "an indivisible union of states"; "one nation indivisible" 00785889 00 s 01 indiscrete 0 001 & 00785684 a 0000 | not divided or divisible into parts; "layers that were fused into an indiscrete mass" 00786031 00 s 02 undividable 0 indivisible_by(p) 0 002 & 00785684 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | cannot be divided without leaving a remainder 00786173 00 s 01 inseparable 0 001 & 00785684 a 0000 | not capable of being separated; "inseparable pieces of rock" 00786291 00 a 01 documented 0 003 ! 00786790 a 0101 & 00786485 a 0000 & 00786624 a 0000 | furnished with or supported by documents; "the first documented case of shark attack in those waters" 00786485 00 s 01 referenced 0 001 & 00786291 a 0000 | supported with written references or citations; "a carefully referenced biography" 00786624 00 s 01 registered 0 002 & 00786291 a 0000 ;c 02858304 n 0000 | (of a boat or vessel) furnished with necessary official documents specifying ownership etc 00786790 00 a 01 undocumented 0 002 ! 00786291 a 0101 & 00787002 a 0000 | lacking necessary documents (as for e.g. permission to live or work in a country); "undocumented aliens"; "undocumented tax deductions" 00787002 00 s 01 unregistered 0 002 & 00786790 a 0000 ;c 02858304 n 0000 | (a boat or vessel) not furnished with official documents 00787136 00 a 01 domineering 0 009 ^ 01539642 a 0000 + 04888788 n 0102 ! 00788821 a 0101 & 00787357 a 0000 & 00787595 a 0000 & 00788032 a 0000 & 00788145 a 0000 & 00788268 a 0000 & 00788474 a 0000 | tending to domineer 00787357 00 s 03 authoritarian 0 dictatorial 0 overbearing 0 002 & 00787136 a 0000 + 04888788 n 0303 | expecting unquestioning obedience; "the timid child of authoritarian parents"; "insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter" 00787595 00 s 06 autocratic 0 bossy 0 dominating 0 high-and-mighty 0 magisterial 0 peremptory 0 002 & 00787136 a 0000 + 10104209 n 0205 | offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner" 00788032 00 s 02 blustery 0 bullying 0 001 & 00787136 a 0000 | noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others 00788145 00 s 02 cavalier 0 high-handed 0 002 & 00787136 a 0000 + 04887912 n 0204 | given to haughty disregard of others 00788268 00 s 02 heavy-handed 0 roughshod 0 001 & 00787136 a 0000 | unjustly domineering; "incensed at the government's heavy-handed economic policies"; "a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition" 00788474 00 s 03 oppressive 0 tyrannical 0 tyrannous 0 007 & 00787136 a 0000 + 10735564 n 0301 + 10735298 n 0301 + 14443912 n 0202 + 07538674 n 0102 + 02585489 v 0102 + 02424652 v 0101 | marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior; "the oppressive government"; "oppressive laws"; "a tyrannical parent"; "tyrannous disregard of human rights" 00788821 00 a 01 submissive 0 013 ^ 01892953 a 0000 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 02329355 a 0000 ^ 00156839 a 0000 + 04906471 n 0101 + 01118081 v 0101 + 00878348 v 0101 ! 00787136 a 0101 & 00789281 a 0000 & 00789392 a 0000 & 00789494 a 0000 & 00789871 a 0000 & 00789988 a 0000 | inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination; "submissive servants"; "a submissive reply"; "replacing troublemakers with more submissive people" 00789281 00 s 01 abject 0 001 & 00788821 a 0000 | showing humiliation or submissiveness; "an abject apology" 00789392 00 s 02 bowed 0 bowing 0 001 & 00788821 a 0000 | showing an excessively deferential manner 00789494 00 s 02 meek 0 spiritless 0 003 & 00788821 a 0000 + 04636610 n 0204 + 04889779 n 0101 | evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant; "compliant and anxious to suit his opinions of those of others"; "a fine fiery blast against meek conformity"- Orville Prescott; "she looked meek but had the heart of a lion"; "was submissive and subservient" 00789871 00 s 05 cringing 0 groveling 0 grovelling 0 wormlike 0 wormy 0 001 & 00788821 a 0000 | totally submissive 00789988 00 s 02 dominated 0 henpecked 0 001 & 00788821 a 0000 | harassed by persistent nagging 00790086 00 a 01 servile 0 006 + 04906712 n 0102 ! 00791131 a 0101 & 00790394 a 0000 & 00790540 a 0000 & 00790691 a 0000 & 00791044 a 0000 | submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior; "spoke in a servile tone"; "the incurably servile housekeeper"; "servile tasks such as floor scrubbing and barn work" 00790394 00 s 04 bootlicking 0 fawning 0 sycophantic 0 toadyish 0 002 & 00790086 a 0000 + 10684827 n 0301 | attempting to win favor by flattery 00790540 00 s 01 obsequious 0 002 & 00790086 a 0000 + 04906712 n 0101 | attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner; "obsequious shop assistants" 00790691 00 s 03 slavish 0 subservient 0 submissive 0 005 & 00790086 a 0000 + 04906471 n 0301 + 01118081 v 0301 + 13952466 n 0202 + 04906712 n 0203 | abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant; "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life"; "a slavish yes-man to the party bosses"- S.H.Adams; "she has become submissive and subservient" 00791044 00 s 01 slavelike 0 001 & 00790086 a 0000 | suitable for a slave or servant 00791131 00 a 02 unservile 0 unsubmissive 4 001 ! 00790086 a 0101 | not servile or submissive 00791227 00 a 01 dominant 1 013 ^ 02338615 a 0000 = 13945919 n 0000 + 14441825 n 0101 + 02646931 v 0101 + 02539334 v 0101 ! 00792991 a 0101 & 00791631 a 0000 & 00791944 a 0000 & 00792075 a 0000 & 00792202 a 0000 & 00792476 a 0000 & 00792641 a 0000 & 00792769 a 0000 | exercising influence or control; "television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion"; "the dominant partner in the marriage" 00791631 00 s 03 ascendant 0 ascendent 0 dominating 0 006 & 00791227 a 0000 + 14441825 n 0205 + 14441825 n 0203 + 14442361 n 0101 + 14441825 n 0104 + 14441825 n 0102 | most powerful or important or influential; "the economically ascendant class"; "D-day is considered the dominating event of the war in Europe" 00791944 00 s 01 controlling 0 001 & 00791227 a 0000 | able to control or determine policy; "a controlling interest in the firm" 00792075 00 s 01 governing 0 001 & 00791227 a 0000 | responsible for making and enforcing rules and laws; "governing bodies" 00792202 00 s 06 overriding 0 paramount 0 predominant 0 predominate 0 preponderant 0 preponderating 0 004 & 00791227 a 0000 + 05191486 n 0501 + 02645597 v 0501 + 14442749 n 0301 | having superior power and influence; "the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism" 00792476 00 s 01 possessive 0 003 & 00791227 a 0000 + 04945942 n 0101 + 02204692 v 0103 | having or showing a desire to control or dominate; "a possessive parent" 00792641 00 s 02 sovereign 0 supreme 0 001 & 00791227 a 0000 | greatest in status or authority or power; "a supreme tribunal" 00792769 00 s 01 superior 0 002 & 00791227 a 0000 + 13950440 n 0103 | (sometimes followed by `to') not subject to or influenced by; "overcome by a superior opponent"; "trust magnates who felt themselves superior to law" 00792991 00 a 02 subordinate 1 low-level 4 010 ^ 02340213 a 0000 ^ 02329355 a 0000 = 13945919 n 0000 + 10669991 n 0101 + 13951984 n 0101 ! 00791227 a 0101 & 00793250 a 0000 & 00793426 a 0000 & 00793592 a 0000 & 00793682 a 0000 | lower in rank or importance 00793250 00 s 02 adjunct 0 assistant 0 004 & 00792991 a 0000 + 09815790 n 0201 + 02414710 v 0201 + 09769803 n 0101 | of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another 00793426 00 s 01 associate(a) 0 001 & 00792991 a 0000 | having partial rights and privileges or subordinate status; "an associate member"; "an associate professor" 00793592 00 s 01 secondary 0 001 & 00792991 a 0000 | belonging to a lower class or rank 00793682 00 s 01 under(a) 0 001 & 00792991 a 0000 | lower in rank, power, or authority; "an under secretary" 00793793 00 a 01 dominant 2 004 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 05438130 n 0102 + 11413800 n 0101 ! 00793988 a 0101 | (of genes) producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar 00793988 00 a 01 recessive 0 002 ;c 06075527 n 0000 ! 00793793 a 0101 | (of genes) producing its characteristic phenotype only when its allele is identical 00794146 00 a 02 single-barreled 0 single-barrelled 0 001 ! 00794277 a 0101 | having one barrel; "most guns are single-barreled" 00794277 00 a 02 double-barreled 0 double-barrelled 0 001 ! 00794146 a 0101 | having two barrels mounted side by side; "a double-barreled shotgun" 00794426 00 a 01 double-breasted 0 001 ! 00794650 a 0101 | (of clothing) fastened by lapping one edge of the front well over the other usually with a double row of buttons; "double-breasted jacket"; "double-breasted suit" 00794650 00 a 01 single-breasted 0 001 ! 00794426 a 0101 | (of clothing) closing with a narrow overlap and fastened with a single row of buttons; "a single-breasted jacket" 00794825 00 a 01 dramatic 0 006 = 04626705 n 0000 + 07290278 n 0101 ! 00795495 a 0101 & 00795078 a 0000 & 00795246 a 0000 & 00795395 a 0000 | suitable to or characteristic of drama; "a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape"; "a dramatic rescue at sea" 00795078 00 s 01 melodramatic 2 001 & 00794825 a 0000 | having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama; "a melodramatic account of two perilous days at sea" 00795246 00 s 01 spectacular 0 002 & 00794825 a 0000 + 04271891 n 0101 | characteristic of spectacles or drama; "spectacular dives from the cliff" 00795395 00 s 01 hammy 0 002 & 00794825 a 0000 + 10158010 n 0101 | affectedly dramatic; overacted 00795495 00 a 01 undramatic 0 003 = 04626705 n 0000 ! 00794825 a 0101 & 00795671 a 0000 | lacking dramatic force and quality; "moved with quiet force and undramatic bearing" 00795671 00 s 01 unspectacular 0 001 & 00795495 a 0000 | not spectacular; "an unspectacular but necessary task" 00795785 00 a 01 actable 0 004 + 02744977 v 0101 + 01719921 v 0101 + 01719302 v 0101 ! 00795959 a 0101 | capable of being acted; suitable for the stage; "an actable scene" 00795959 00 a 01 unactable 0 001 ! 00795785 a 0101 | not actable; "an unactable play" 00796047 00 a 01 theatrical 0 007 + 06893885 n 0102 + 07006119 n 0104 + 04788693 n 0102 ! 00796928 a 0101 & 00796337 a 0000 & 00796591 a 0000 & 00796715 a 0000 | suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater; "a theatrical pose"; "one of the most theatrical figures in public life" 00796337 00 s 02 histrionic 0 melodramatic 1 003 & 00796047 a 0000 + 07016648 n 0201 + 06893885 n 0104 | characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected; "histrionic gestures"; "an attitude of melodramatic despair"; "a theatrical pose" 00796591 00 s 01 showy 0 003 & 00796047 a 0000 + 00520257 n 0101 + 04699936 n 0104 | displaying brilliance and virtuosity 00796715 00 s 02 stagy 0 stagey 0 004 & 00796047 a 0000 + 07006712 n 0201 + 07006712 n 0101 + 04788693 n 0101 | having characteristics of the stage especially an artificial and mannered quality; "stagy heroics" 00796928 00 a 01 untheatrical 0 001 ! 00796047 a 0101 | not suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater; "a well-written but untheatrical play"; "an untheatrical personality" 00797113 00 a 02 drinkable 0 potable 0 002 + 07881800 n 0204 ! 00797218 a 0101 | suitable for drinking 00797218 00 a 01 undrinkable 0 001 ! 00797113 a 0101 | unsuitable for drinking 00797299 00 a 03 intoxicated 0 drunk 0 inebriated 0 012 + 10037080 n 0201 + 10037385 n 0202 ! 00799517 a 0101 & 00797706 a 0000 & 00798017 a 0000 & 00798103 a 0000 & 00798384 a 0000 & 00798491 a 0000 & 00798879 a 0000 & 00799129 a 0000 & 00799224 a 0000 & 00799401 a 0000 | stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated" 00797706 00 s 05 bacchanalian 0 bacchanal 0 bacchic 0 carousing 0 orgiastic 0 005 & 00797299 a 0000 + 00511212 n 0501 + 01030280 n 0501 + 00511212 n 0206 + 00511212 n 0106 | used of riotously drunken merrymaking; "a night of bacchanalian revelry"; "carousing bands of drunken soldiers"; "orgiastic festivity" 00798017 00 s 01 beery 0 002 & 00797299 a 0000 + 07886849 n 0101 | smelling of beer 00798103 00 s 15 besotted 0 blind_drunk 1 blotto 0 crocked 0 cockeyed 0 fuddled 0 loaded 0 pie-eyed 0 pissed 0 pixilated 0 plastered 0 slopped 0 sloshed 0 smashed 0 soaked 0 soused 0 sozzled 0 squiffy 0 stiff 0 tight 0 wet 0 002 & 00797299 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | very drunk 00798384 00 s 03 potty 0 tiddly 0 tipsy 0 002 & 00797299 a 0000 + 14018567 n 0305 | slightly intoxicated 00798491 00 s 04 bibulous 2 boozy 0 drunken 2 sottish 0 005 & 00797299 a 0000 + 14019039 n 0401 + 04885990 n 0401 + 14018567 n 0301 + 07901587 n 0203 | given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol; "a bibulous fellow"; "a bibulous evening"; "his boozy drinking companions"; "thick boozy singing"; "a drunken binge"; "two drunken gentlemen holding each other up"; "sottish behavior" 00798879 00 s 04 doped 0 drugged 0 narcotized 0 narcotised 0 001 & 00797299 a 0000 | under the influence of narcotics; "knocked out by doped wine"; "a drugged sleep"; "were under the effect of the drugged sweets"; "in a stuperous narcotized state" 00799129 00 s 01 half-seas-over 0 001 & 00797299 a 0000 | British informal for `intoxicated' 00799224 00 s 02 high 0 mellow 0 003 & 00797299 a 0000 + 04656448 n 0201 + 14405452 n 0101 | slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana) 00799401 00 s 02 hopped-up 0 stoned 0 002 & 00797299 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | under the influence of narcotics 00799517 00 a 01 sober 1 006 + 14019138 n 0101 ! 00797299 a 0101 & 00799716 a 0000 & 00799800 a 0000 & 00799953 a 0000 & 00800159 a 0000 | not affected by a chemical substance (especially alcohol) 00799716 00 s 02 cold_sober 0 stone-sober 0 001 & 00799517 a 0000 | totally sober 00799800 00 s 01 drug-free 0 001 & 00799517 a 0000 | characteristic of a person not taking illegal drugs or of a place where no illegal drugs are used 00799953 00 s 02 dry 0 teetotal 0 002 & 00799517 a 0000 + 04883804 n 0102 | practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages; "he's been dry for ten years"; "no thank you; I happen to be teetotal" 00800159 00 s 02 uninebriated 0 unintoxicated 0 001 & 00799517 a 0000 | not inebriated 00800248 00 a 01 dull 1 006 + 04705671 n 0101 ! 00800826 a 0101 & 00800464 a 0000 & 00800597 a 0000 & 00800678 a 0000 & 00800755 a 0000 | not having a sharp edge or point; "the knife was too dull to be of any use" 00800464 00 s 01 blunt 0 002 & 00800248 a 0000 + 04705671 n 0102 | used of a knife or other blade; not sharp; "a blunt instrument" 00800597 00 s 02 blunted 0 dulled 0 001 & 00800248 a 0000 | made dull or blunt 00800678 00 s 01 edgeless 0 001 & 00800248 a 0000 | lacking a cutting edge 00800755 00 s 01 unsharpened 0 001 & 00800248 a 0000 | not sharpened 00800826 00 a 01 sharp 0 019 ^ 01809655 a 0000 = 04705324 n 0000 + 04705324 n 0101 ! 00800248 a 0101 & 00801328 a 0000 & 00801462 a 0000 & 00801539 a 0000 & 00801616 a 0000 & 00801691 a 0000 & 00801874 a 0000 & 00801947 a 0000 & 00802020 a 0000 & 00802179 a 0000 & 00802300 a 0000 & 00802397 a 0000 & 00802514 a 0000 & 00802767 a 0000 & 00802844 a 0000 & 00802960 a 0000 | having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing; "a sharp knife"; "a pencil with a sharp point" 00801328 00 s 01 carnassial 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | (of a tooth) adapted for shearing flesh; "the carnassial teeth of carnivores" 00801462 00 s 01 chisel-like 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | resembling a chisel 00801539 00 s 01 dagger-like 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | resembling a dagger 00801616 00 s 01 drill-like 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | resembling a drill 00801691 00 s 01 edged 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | having a cutting edge or especially an edge or edges as specified; often used in combination; "an edged knife"; "a two-edged sword" 00801874 00 s 01 fang-like 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | resembling a fang 00801947 00 s 01 file-like 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | resembling a file 00802020 00 s 01 incisive 0 004 & 00800826 a 0000 + 13904843 n 0101 + 00678010 n 0101 + 01555742 v 0101 | suitable for cutting or piercing; "incisive teeth" 00802179 00 s 01 keen 0 002 & 00800826 a 0000 + 04705324 n 0102 | having a sharp cutting edge or point; "a keen blade" 00802300 00 s 01 knifelike 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | cutting or able to cut as if with a knife 00802397 00 s 01 metal-cutting 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | hard and sharp enough to cut metal; "metal-cutting tools" 00802514 00 s 02 penetrative 0 penetrating 0 002 & 00800826 a 0000 + 01229071 v 0103 | tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing; "a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface"; "a cold penetrating wind"; "a penetrating odor" 00802767 00 s 01 razor-sharp 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | as sharp as a razor 00802844 00 s 01 sharpened 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | made sharp or sharper; "a sharpened knife cuts more cleanly" 00802960 00 s 01 sharp-toothed 0 001 & 00800826 a 0000 | having sharp teeth 00803038 00 a 01 sharp 4 006 + 04720226 n 0101 ! 00803971 a 0101 & 00803275 a 0000 & 00803432 a 0000 & 00803751 a 0000 & 00803846 a 0000 | keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point; "a sharp pain"; "sharp winds" 00803275 00 s 02 acute 0 intense 0 001 & 00803038 a 0000 | extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain"; "felt acute annoyance"; "intense itching and burning" 00803432 00 s 07 cutting 0 keen 0 knifelike 0 piercing 0 stabbing 0 lancinate 0 lancinating 0 001 & 00803038 a 0000 | painful as if caused by a sharp instrument; "a cutting wind"; "keen winds"; "knifelike cold"; "piercing knifelike pains"; "piercing cold"; "piercing criticism"; "a stabbing pain"; "lancinating pain" 00803751 00 s 01 fulgurating 0 002 & 00803038 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 | sharp and piercing 00803846 00 s 01 salt 0 001 & 00803038 a 0000 | (of speech) painful or bitter; "salt scorn"- Shakespeare; "a salt apology" 00803971 00 a 01 dull 4 003 + 04844891 n 0101 ! 00803038 a 0101 & 00804106 a 0000 | not keenly felt; "a dull throbbing"; "dull pain" 00804106 00 s 01 deadened 0 001 & 00803971 a 0000 | made or become less intense; "the deadened pangs of hunger" 00804220 00 a 01 eventful 0 002 ! 00804502 a 0101 & 00804371 a 0000 | full of events or incidents; "the most exhausting and eventful day of my life" 00804371 00 s 01 lively 0 002 & 00804220 a 0000 + 00552436 n 0101 | filled with events or activity; "a lively period in history" 00804502 00 a 01 uneventful 0 001 ! 00804220 a 0101 | marked by no noteworthy or significant events; "an uneventful life"; "the voyage was pleasant and uneventful"; "recovery was uneventful" 00804695 00 a 01 lively 0 016 ^ 00091311 a 0000 ^ 00118567 a 0000 ^ 00873603 a 0000 ^ 02434605 a 0000 ^ 02278939 a 0000 = 04632157 n 0000 + 00552436 n 0101 ! 00806512 a 0101 & 00805115 a 0000 & 00805309 a 0000 & 00805566 a 0000 & 00805676 a 0000 & 00805810 a 0000 & 00806064 a 0000 & 00806243 a 0000 & 00806387 a 0000 | full of life and energy; "a lively discussion"; "lively and attractive parents"; "a lively party" 00805115 00 s 01 alive(p) 0 002 & 00804695 a 0000 + 05005447 n 0102 | (often followed by `with') full of life and spirit; "she was wonderfully alive for her age"; "a face alive with mischief" 00805309 00 s 05 bouncing 0 bouncy 0 peppy 0 spirited 0 zippy 0 004 & 00804695 a 0000 + 04631700 n 0402 + 04634833 n 0301 + 04634833 n 0302 | marked by lively action; "a bouncing gait"; "bouncy tunes"; "the peppy and interesting talk"; "a spirited dance" 00805566 00 s 01 breezy 0 002 & 00804695 a 0000 + 04633797 n 0101 | fresh and animated; "her breezy nature" 00805676 00 s 01 bubbly 0 001 & 00804695 a 0000 | full of or showing high spirits; "bright bubbly children"; "a bubbly personality" 00805810 00 s 05 bubbling 0 effervescent 0 frothy 0 scintillating 0 sparkly 0 002 & 00804695 a 0000 + 04953380 n 0501 | marked by high spirits or excitement; "his fertile effervescent mind"; "scintillating personality"; "a row of sparkly cheerleaders" 00806064 00 s 04 burbling 0 burbly 0 effusive 0 gushing 0 002 & 00804695 a 0000 + 04651009 n 0301 | uttered with unrestrained enthusiasm; "a novel told in burbly panting tones" 00806243 00 s 01 live 0 002 & 00804695 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | abounding with life and energy; "the club members are a really live bunch" 00806387 00 s 01 warm 0 001 & 00804695 a 0000 | characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement; "a warm debate" 00806512 00 a 01 dull 3 012 ^ 00408031 a 0000 ^ 02281325 a 0000 ^ 00119409 a 0000 = 05205739 n 0000 + 05205739 n 0101 ! 00804695 a 0101 & 00806991 a 0000 & 00807277 a 0000 & 00807399 a 0000 & 00807667 a 0000 & 00807817 a 0000 & 00808011 a 0000 | lacking in liveliness or animation; "he was so dull at parties"; "a dull political campaign"; "a large dull impassive man"; "dull days with nothing to do"; "how dull and dreary the world is"; "fell back into one of her dull moods" 00806991 00 s 03 arid 0 desiccate 0 desiccated 0 001 & 00806512 a 0000 | lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless; "a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata"; "a desiccate romance"; "a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery"-C.J.Rolo 00807277 00 s 01 bovine 0 001 & 00806512 a 0000 | dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine apathy" 00807399 00 s 02 drab 0 dreary 0 003 & 00806512 a 0000 + 05206006 n 0202 + 04816528 n 0102 | lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise; "her drab personality"; "life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas"; "a series of dreary dinner parties" 00807667 00 s 02 heavy 0 leaden 0 002 & 00806512 a 0000 + 05206829 n 0102 | lacking lightness or liveliness; "heavy humor"; "a leaden conversation" 00807817 00 s 02 humdrum 0 monotonous 0 001 & 00806512 a 0000 | tediously repetitious or lacking in variety; "a humdrum existence; all work and no play"; "nothing is so monotonous as the sea" 00808011 00 s 04 lackluster 0 lacklustre 0 lusterless 0 lustreless 0 001 & 00806512 a 0000 | lacking brilliance or vitality; "a dull lackluster life"; "a lusterless performance" 00808191 00 a 02 dynamic 0 dynamical 0 013 ^ 00873603 a 0000 + 05030806 n 0203 + 04635482 n 0201 ! 00810481 a 0101 & 00808614 a 0000 & 00808822 a 0000 & 00808940 a 0000 & 00809164 a 0000 & 00809343 a 0000 & 00809622 a 0000 & 00809790 a 0000 & 00810164 a 0000 & 00810355 a 0000 | characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality; "a dynamic market"; "a dynamic speaker"; "the dynamic president of the firm" 00808614 00 s 01 can-do 0 002 & 00808191 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | marked by a willingness to tackle a job and get it done; "a can-do kind of person"; "the city's indomitable optimism and can-do spirit" 00808822 00 s 02 changing 0 ever-changing 0 001 & 00808191 a 0000 | marked by continuous change or effective action 00808940 00 s 02 driving 0 impulsive 0 002 & 00808191 a 0000 + 01650425 v 0201 | having the power of driving or impelling; "a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force" 00809164 00 s 03 energizing 0 energising 0 kinetic 0 001 & 00808191 a 0000 | supplying motive force; "the complex civilization of which Rome was the kinetic center"- H.O.Taylor 00809343 00 s 05 high-octane 0 high-powered 0 high-power 0 high-voltage 0 high-energy 0 001 & 00808191 a 0000 | vigorously energetic or forceful; "a high-octane sales manager"; "a high-octane marketing plan"; "high-powered executives"; "a high-voltage theatrical entrepreneur" 00809622 00 s 01 projectile 0 003 & 00808191 a 0000 + 04099429 n 0102 + 04008634 n 0101 | impelling or impelled forward; "a projectile force"; "a projectile missile" 00809790 00 s 04 propellant 0 propellent 0 propelling 0 propulsive 0 006 & 00808191 a 0000 + 01511706 v 0401 + 14691822 n 0202 + 01511706 v 0201 + 14691822 n 0101 + 01511706 v 0101 | tending to or capable of propelling; "propellant fuel for submarines"; "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency"; "universities...the seats of propulsive thought" 00810164 00 s 02 self-propelled 0 self-propelling 0 001 & 00808191 a 0000 | moved forward by its own force or momentum; "a self-propelled egotist"; "the arms program is now self-propelled" 00810355 00 s 01 slashing 0 001 & 00808191 a 0000 | as if striking with slashing blows; "his slashing demon-ridden cadenza" 00810481 00 a 02 undynamic 0 adynamic 4 003 ! 00808191 a 0101 & 00810636 a 0000 & 00810764 a 0000 | characterized by an absence of force or forcefulness 00810636 00 s 01 backward 0 001 & 00810481 a 0000 | having made less than normal progress; "an economically backward country" 00810764 00 s 02 stagnant 0 moribund 0 003 & 00810481 a 0000 + 14012667 n 0102 + 02725286 v 0101 | not growing or changing; without force or vitality 00810916 00 a 01 eager 0 007 ^ 00885695 a 0000 + 07555184 n 0101 ! 00811820 a 0101 & 00811248 a 0000 & 00811421 a 0000 & 00811536 a 0000 & 00811707 a 0000 | having or showing keen interest or intense desire or impatient expectancy; "eager to learn"; "eager to travel abroad"; "eager for success"; "eager helpers"; "an eager look" 00811248 00 s 02 anxious(p) 0 dying(p) 0 002 & 00810916 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | eagerly desirous; "anxious to see the new show at the museum"; "dying to hear who won" 00811421 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 00810916 a 0000 | having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm; "hot for travel" 00811536 00 s 02 impatient(p) 0 raring(p) 0 002 & 00810916 a 0000 + 07514071 n 0101 | (usually followed by `to') full of eagerness; "impatient to begin"; "raring to go" 00811707 00 s 01 overeager 0 001 & 00810916 a 0000 | excessively eager; "overeager in his pursuit of the girl" 00811820 00 a 01 uneager 0 002 ! 00810916 a 0101 & 00811969 a 0000 | lacking interest or spirit or animation; "decrepit, colorless uneager things" 00811969 00 s 01 reluctant 0 002 & 00811820 a 0000 + 04645943 n 0101 | not eager; "foreigners stubbornly reluctant to accept our ways"; "fresh from college and reluctant for the moment to marry him" 00812170 00 a 01 eared 0 006 ! 00812860 a 0101 & 00812417 a 0000 & 00812521 a 0000 & 00812626 a 0000 & 00812710 a 0000 & 00812785 a 0000 | having ears (or appendages resembling ears) or having ears of a specified kind; often used in combination 00812417 00 s 02 auriculate 0 auriculated 0 002 & 00812170 a 0000 + 05323889 n 0101 | having auricles 00812521 00 s 01 lop-eared 0 001 & 00812170 a 0000 | having bent or drooping ears; "a lop-eared hound" 00812626 00 s 01 mouse-eared 0 001 & 00812170 a 0000 | having ears like a mouse's 00812710 00 s 01 short-eared 0 001 & 00812170 a 0000 | having short ears 00812785 00 s 01 small-eared 0 001 & 00812170 a 0000 | having small ears 00812860 00 a 01 earless 0 001 ! 00812170 a 0101 | lacking external ears; "earless seals" 00812952 00 a 01 early 0 017 ^ 01010862 a 0000 = 05046009 n 0000 + 05046659 n 0101 ! 00815941 a 0101 ! 00816481 a 0101 & 00813589 a 0000 & 00813915 a 0000 & 00814073 a 0000 & 00814251 a 0000 & 00814468 a 0000 & 00814611 a 0000 & 00814902 a 0000 & 00815000 a 0000 & 00815227 a 0000 & 00815406 a 0000 & 00815586 a 0000 & 00815849 a 0000 | at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time; "early morning"; "an early warning"; "early diagnosis"; "an early death"; "took early retirement"; "an early spring"; "early varieties of peas and tomatoes mature before most standard varieties" 00813589 00 s 05 aboriginal 0 primal 0 primeval 0 primaeval 0 primordial 0 001 & 00812952 a 0000 | having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life" 00813915 00 s 02 advance(a) 0 beforehand(p) 0 001 & 00812952 a 0000 | being ahead of time or need; "gave advance warning"; "was beforehand with her report" 00814073 00 s 02 archean 0 archaean 0 003 & 00812952 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 15129220 n 0101 | of or relating to the earliest known rocks formed during the Precambrian Eon 00814251 00 s 02 archeozoic 0 archaeozoic 0 004 & 00812952 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 15129220 n 0205 + 15129220 n 0104 | of or belonging to earlier of two divisions of the Precambrian era; "archeozoic life forms" 00814468 00 s 01 azoic 0 002 & 00812952 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 | before the appearance of life; "azoic rocks contain not organic remains" 00814611 00 s 02 earlier 0 earliest 0 002 & 00812952 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparative and superlative of `early') more early than; most early; "a fashion popular in earlier times"; "his earlier work reflects the influence of his teacher"; "Verdi's earliest and most raucous opera" 00814902 00 s 01 earlyish 0 001 & 00812952 a 0000 | being somewhat early; "at an earlyish hour" 00815000 00 s 02 premature 0 untimely 0 003 & 00812952 a 0000 + 05049458 n 0202 + 14426736 n 0101 | uncommonly early or before the expected time; "illness led to his premature death"; "alcohol brought him to an untimely end" 00815227 00 s 02 previous(p) 0 premature 2 002 & 00812952 a 0000 + 14426736 n 0201 | too soon or too hasty; "our condemnation of him was a bit previous"; "a premature judgment" 00815406 00 s 01 proterozoic 0 003 & 00812952 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 15128997 n 0101 | formed in the later of two divisions of the Precambrian era; "proterozoic life forms" 00815586 00 s 01 proto(a) 0 002 & 00812952 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | indicating the first or earliest or original; "`proto' is a combining form in a word like `protolanguage' that refers to the hypothetical ancestor of another language or group of languages" 00815849 00 s 01 wee 0 001 & 00812952 a 0000 | very early; "the wee hours of the morning" 00815941 00 a 01 middle 0 005 = 05046009 n 0000 ! 00816481 a 0101 ! 00812952 a 0101 & 00816160 a 0000 & 00816324 a 0000 | between an earlier and a later period of time; "in the middle years"; "in his middle thirties" 00816160 00 s 01 intervening 0 001 & 00815941 a 0000 | occurring or falling between events or points in time; "so much had happened during the intervening years" 00816324 00 s 01 mid(a) 0 001 & 00815941 a 0000 | used in combination to denote the middle; "midmorning"; "midsummer"; "in mid-1958"; "a mid-June wedding" 00816481 00 a 01 late 0 008 = 05046009 n 0000 + 05047059 n 0101 ! 00812952 a 0101 ! 00815941 a 0101 & 00816839 a 0000 & 00817004 a 0000 & 00817176 a 0000 & 00817242 a 0000 | being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a late breakfast" 00816839 00 s 02 advanced 0 ripe 0 001 & 00816481 a 0000 | far along in time; "a man of advanced age"; "advanced in years"; "a ripe old age"; "the ripe age of 90" 00817004 00 s 01 after-hours 0 001 & 00816481 a 0000 | after closing time especially a legally established closing time; "after-hours socializing"; "an after-hours club" 00817176 00 s 01 latish 0 001 & 00816481 a 0000 | somewhat late 00817242 00 s 01 posthumous 0 001 & 00816481 a 0000 | occurring or coming into existence after a person's death; "a posthumous award"; "a posthumous book"; "a posthumous daughter" 00817424 00 a 01 early 2 008 + 05046659 n 0101 ! 00819235 a 0101 & 00817731 a 0000 & 00818008 a 0000 & 00818175 a 0000 & 00818581 a 0000 & 00818829 a 0000 & 00819051 a 0000 | being or occurring at an early stage of development; "in an early stage"; "early forms of life"; "early man"; "an early computer" 00817731 00 s 02 archaic 0 primitive 1 003 & 00817424 a 0000 + 09627462 n 0201 + 14472624 n 0203 | little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type; "archaic forms of life"; "primitive mammals"; "the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe" 00818008 00 s 02 new 0 young 0 001 & 00817424 a 0000 | (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn" 00818175 00 s 03 crude 0 primitive 2 rude 0 005 & 00817424 a 0000 + 14472624 n 0305 + 14472624 n 0203 + 14472624 n 0101 + 14472624 n 0102 | belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"; "primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains" 00818581 00 s 02 embryonic 0 embryotic 0 003 & 00817424 a 0000 + 01458842 n 0201 + 01458842 n 0101 | in an early stage of development; "the embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre"; "an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing" 00818829 00 s 02 incipient 0 inchoate 0 003 & 00817424 a 0000 + 15143012 n 0101 + 15143012 n 0102 | only partly in existence; imperfectly formed; "incipient civil disorder"; "an incipient tumor"; "a vague inchoate idea" 00819051 00 s 01 precocious 0 002 & 00817424 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | appearing or developing early; "precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias" 00819235 00 a 02 late 2 later(a) 2 004 + 05047059 n 0101 ! 00817424 a 0101 & 00819526 a 0000 & 00819709 a 0000 | at or toward an end or late period or stage of development; "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the disease"; "later medical science could have saved the child" 00819526 00 s 01 advanced(a) 0 001 & 00819235 a 0000 | comparatively late in a course of development; "the illness had reached an advanced stage"; "an advanced state of exhaustion" 00819709 00 s 01 tardive 0 001 & 00819235 a 0000 | late-occurring (especially with reference to symptoms of a disease); "tardive dyskinesia" 00819852 00 a 01 early 1 005 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 05046659 n 0101 ! 00820458 a 0101 ! 00820721 a 0101 & 00820219 a 0000 | of an early stage in the development of a language or literature; "the Early Hebrew alphabetical script is that used mainly from the 11th to the 6th centuries B.C."; "Early Modern English is represented in documents printed from 1476 to 1700" 00820219 00 s 01 Old 0 002 & 00819852 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | of a very early stage in development; "Old English is also called Anglo Saxon"; "Old High German is High German from the middle of the 9th to the end of the 11th century" 00820458 00 a 01 middle 1 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 00820721 a 0101 ! 00819852 a 0101 | of a stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages; "Middle English is the English language from about 1100 to 1500"; "Middle Gaelic" 00820721 00 a 01 late 1 006 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 05047059 n 0101 ! 00819852 a 0101 ! 00820458 a 0101 & 00820975 a 0000 & 00821208 a 0000 | of a later stage in the development of a language or literature; used especially of dead languages; "Late Greek" 00820975 00 s 02 Modern 0 New 1 004 & 00820721 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 10326551 n 0101 + 05050668 n 0102 | used of a living language; being the current stage in its development; "Modern English"; "New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew" 00821208 00 s 01 New 2 002 & 00820721 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | in use after medieval times; "New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties" 00821367 00 a 01 earned 0 002 ! 00821723 a 0101 & 00821603 a 0000 | gained or acquired; especially through merit or as a result of effort or action; "a well-earned reputation for honesty"; "earned income"; "an earned run in baseball" 00821603 00 s 01 attained 0 001 & 00821367 a 0000 | achieved or reached; "the actual attained achievement test score" 00821723 00 a 01 unearned 0 002 ! 00821367 a 0101 & 00821959 a 0000 | not gained by merit or labor or service; "accepted the unearned rewards that came his ways as well as the unearned criticism"; "unearned income"; "an unearned run" 00821959 00 s 01 honorary 0 003 & 00821723 a 0000 + 14436875 n 0101 + 06696483 n 0103 | given as an honor without the normal duties; "an honorary degree" 00822115 00 a 01 easy 2 004 ^ 00479330 a 0000 ^ 02407603 a 0000 + 07515974 n 0101 ! 00822449 a 0101 | free from worry or anxiety; "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy good-natured manner"; "by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words" 00822449 00 a 01 uneasy 0 007 ^ 02405326 a 0000 ^ 00479933 a 0000 ^ 01923391 a 0000 + 07525057 n 0102 ! 00822115 a 0101 & 00822907 a 0000 & 00823192 a 0000 | lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance; "farmers were uneasy until rain finally came"; "uneasy about his health"; "gave an uneasy laugh"; "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"; "an uneasy coalition government"; "an uneasy calm"; "an uneasy silence fell on the group" 00822907 00 s 02 apprehensive 0 worried 0 003 & 00822449 a 0000 + 01782432 v 0101 + 07521674 n 0102 | mentally upset over possible misfortune or danger etc; "apprehensive about her job"; "not used to a city and worried about small things"; "felt apprehensive about the consequences" 00823192 00 s 02 precarious 0 unstable 0 003 & 00822449 a 0000 + 04775747 n 0202 + 04756887 n 0103 | affording no ease or reassurance; "a precarious truce" 00823350 00 a 01 east 0 007 ! 00824321 a 0101 & 00823556 a 0000 & 00823665 a 0000 & 00823832 a 0000 & 00823971 a 0000 & 00824094 a 0000 & 00824183 a 0000 | situated in or facing or moving toward the east 00823556 00 s 02 eastbound 0 eastward 0 001 & 00823350 a 0000 | moving toward the east; "eastbound trains" 00823665 00 s 02 easterly 1 eastern 1 002 & 00823350 a 0000 + 11448343 n 0102 | from the east; used especially of winds; "an eastern wind"; "the winds are easterly" 00823832 00 s 02 easterly 2 eastern 2 001 & 00823350 a 0000 | lying in or toward the east; "the east side of New York"; "eastern cities" 00823971 00 s 01 eastern 0 001 & 00823350 a 0000 | lying toward or situated in the east; "the eastern end of the island" 00824094 00 s 02 easternmost 0 eastmost 0 001 & 00823350 a 0000 | farthest to the east 00824183 00 s 01 eastside 0 001 & 00823350 a 0000 | of the eastern part of a city e.g. Manhattan; "the eastside silk-stocking district" 00824321 00 a 01 west 0 006 ! 00823350 a 0101 & 00824509 a 0000 & 00824631 a 0000 & 00824753 a 0000 & 00824876 a 0000 & 00824965 a 0000 | situated in or facing or moving toward the west 00824509 00 s 03 westbound 0 westerly 3 westward 0 001 & 00824321 a 0000 | moving toward the west; "westbound pioneers" 00824631 00 s 01 western 0 001 & 00824321 a 0000 | lying toward or situated in the west; "our company's western office" 00824753 00 s 02 westerly 1 western 1 003 & 00824321 a 0000 + 11525614 n 0102 + 11525480 n 0102 | of wind; from the west 00824876 00 s 02 westernmost 0 westmost 0 001 & 00824321 a 0000 | farthest to the west 00824965 00 s 01 westside 0 001 & 00824321 a 0000 | of the western part of a city; "he lives in upper westside Manhattan" 00825089 00 a 01 western 1 004 = 08682575 n 0000 + 00523645 v 0103 ! 00825604 a 0101 & 00825375 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of the western parts of the world or the West as opposed to the eastern or oriental parts; "the Western world"; "Western thought"; "Western thought" 00825375 00 s 02 occidental 0 Hesperian 0 003 & 00825089 a 0000 + 10369845 n 0101 + 08682575 n 0102 | denoting or characteristic of countries of Europe and the western hemisphere; "occidental civilization"; "Hesperian culture" 00825604 00 a 01 eastern 1 003 = 08562620 n 0000 ! 00825089 a 0101 & 00825807 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of regions of eastern parts of the world; "Eastern Europe"; "the Eastern religions" 00825807 00 s 01 oriental 0 003 & 00825604 a 0000 + 09643078 n 0101 + 08562620 n 0102 | denoting or characteristic of countries of Asia; "oriental civilization" 00825970 00 a 01 western 2 006 = 08682819 n 0000 ! 00826959 a 0101 & 00826215 a 0000 & 00826403 a 0000 & 00826658 a 0000 & 00826827 a 0000 | of or characteristic of regions of the United States west of the Mississippi River; "a Western ranch" 00826215 00 s 01 southwestern 0 001 & 00825970 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including New Mexico; Arizona; Texas; California; and sometimes Nevada; Utah; Colorado 00826403 00 s 01 midwestern 0 001 & 00825970 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including Ohio; Indiana; Illinois; Iowa; Missouri; Kansas; Nebraska; and sometimes Michigan; Wisconsin; Minnesota; "a midwestern city"; "midwestern accent" 00826658 00 s 01 northwestern 0 001 & 00825970 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including Washington; Oregon; Idaho; and sometimes Montana; Wyoming 00826827 00 s 01 west-central 0 001 & 00825970 a 0000 | of a region of the United States usually including Colorado; Nevada; Utah 00826959 00 a 01 eastern 2 006 = 08563180 n 0000 ! 00825970 a 0101 & 00827192 a 0000 & 00827327 a 0000 & 00827556 a 0000 & 00827743 a 0000 | of or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States; "the Eastern establishment" 00827192 00 s 01 east-central 0 001 & 00826959 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including Kentucky, West Virginia 00827327 00 s 02 middle_Atlantic 0 mid-Atlantic 0 001 & 00826959 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including Delaware; Maryland; Virginia; and usually New York; Pennsylvania; New Jersey; "mid-Atlantic states" 00827556 00 s 01 northeastern 0 001 & 00826959 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including the New England states; New York; and sometimes New Jersey and Pennsylvania 00827743 00 s 01 southeastern 0 001 & 00826959 a 0000 | of a region of the United States generally including Alabama; Georgia; Florida; Tennessee; South Carolina; North Carolina 00827923 00 a 01 ectomorphic 0 004 ^ 00988232 a 0000 ! 00828175 a 0101 ! 00828336 a 0101 & 00828095 a 0000 | having a build with little fat or muscle but with long limbs 00828095 00 s 01 asthenic 0 001 & 00827923 a 0000 | having a slender physique 00828175 00 a 02 endomorphic 0 pyknic 0 003 ^ 00986027 a 0000 ! 00828336 a 0101 ! 00827923 a 0101 | having a squat and fleshy build; "a pyknic practical joke" 00828336 00 a 02 mesomorphic 0 muscular 4 006 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05030418 n 0203 + 10310903 n 0101 ! 00827923 a 0101 ! 00828175 a 0101 & 00828661 a 0000 | having a robust muscular body-build characterized by predominance of structures (bone and muscle and connective tissue) developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer 00828661 00 s 01 athletic 0 001 & 00828336 a 0000 | having a sturdy and well proportioned body; "an athletic build" 00828779 00 a 03 edible 0 comestible 0 eatable 0 010 ^ 01182024 a 0000 ^ 01716227 a 0000 ^ 02446651 a 0000 + 07556637 n 0201 + 04997472 n 0102 + 04997472 n 0101 ! 00829496 a 0101 & 00829041 a 0000 & 00829146 a 0000 & 00829243 a 0000 | suitable for use as food 00829041 00 s 01 killable 0 002 & 00828779 a 0000 + 01323958 v 0101 | fit to kill, especially for food 00829146 00 s 03 nonpoisonous 0 non-poisonous 0 nontoxic 0 001 & 00828779 a 0000 | safe to eat 00829243 00 s 02 pareve 0 parve 0 002 & 00828779 a 0000 ;c 06951067 n 0000 | containing no meat or milk (or their derivatives) and thus eatable with both meat and dairy dishes according to the dietary laws of Judaism; "pareve margarine"; "parvebread" 00829496 00 a 02 inedible 0 uneatable 0 005 ^ 01182747 a 0000 ^ 02445636 a 0000 ^ 01716491 a 0000 ! 00828779 a 0101 & 00829656 a 0000 | not suitable for food 00829656 00 s 01 poisonous 0 002 & 00829496 a 0000 + 15032376 n 0101 | not safe to eat 00829745 00 a 01 educated 0 011 ^ 00411886 a 0000 ^ 00884007 a 0000 ^ 01306273 a 0000 ^ 01332386 a 0000 ^ 01421602 a 0000 ^ 00832075 a 0000 ! 00830717 a 0101 & 00830051 a 0000 & 00830381 a 0000 & 00830508 a 0000 & 00830630 a 0000 | possessing an education (especially having more than average knowledge) 00830051 00 s 06 knowing 0 knowledgeable 0 learned 0 lettered 0 well-educated 0 well-read 0 005 & 00829745 a 0000 + 05985999 n 0303 + 04890546 n 0202 + 04890546 n 0201 + 05675905 n 0105 | highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience" 00830381 00 s 01 literate 0 001 & 00829745 a 0000 | knowledgeable and educated in one or several fields; "computer literate" 00830508 00 s 01 self-educated 0 001 & 00829745 a 0000 | educated by your own efforts rather than by formal instruction 00830630 00 s 01 semiliterate 0 001 & 00829745 a 0000 | literate but poorly informed 00830717 00 a 01 uneducated 0 011 ^ 01421679 a 0000 ^ 00832200 a 0000 ^ 00412567 a 0000 ^ 00884286 a 0000 ^ 01308425 a 0000 ! 00829745 a 0101 & 00830981 a 0000 & 00831225 a 0000 & 00831603 a 0000 & 00831696 a 0000 & 00831903 a 0000 | not having a good education 00830981 00 s 02 ignorant 1 illiterate 0 001 & 00830717 a 0000 | uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field; "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics"; "he is musically illiterate" 00831225 00 s 04 ignorant 2 nescient 0 unlearned 0 unlettered 0 004 & 00830717 a 0000 + 05988743 n 0202 + 05988743 n 0101 + 05988282 n 0101 | uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication; "an ignorant man"; "nescient of contemporary literature"; "an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues"; "exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions" 00831603 00 s 01 undereducated 0 001 & 00830717 a 0000 | poorly or insufficiently educated 00831696 00 s 03 unschooled 0 untaught 0 untutored 0 001 & 00830717 a 0000 | lacking in schooling; "untaught people whose verbal skills are grossly deficient"; "an untutored genius"; "uneducated children" 00831903 00 s 01 unstudied 0 001 & 00830717 a 0000 | lacking knowledge gained by study often in a particular field; "is unstudied in Latin as he is in may other matters" 00832075 00 a 01 numerate 0 003 ^ 00829745 a 0000 = 05639431 n 0000 ! 00832200 a 0101 | able to understand and use numbers 00832200 00 a 01 innumerate 0 002 = 05639431 n 0000 ! 00832075 a 0101 | lacking knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and methods 00832347 00 a 01 operative 0 005 ! 00833575 a 0101 & 00832609 a 0000 & 00832784 a 0000 & 00833018 a 0000 & 00833334 a 0000 | being in force or having or exerting force; "operative regulations"; "the major tendencies operative in the American political system" 00832609 00 s 01 operant 0 002 & 00832347 a 0000 + 01525666 v 0103 | having influence or producing an effect; "many emotional determinants at work"; "an operant conscience" 00832784 00 s 04 effective 0 good 0 in_effect(p) 0 in_force(p) 0 001 & 00832347 a 0000 | exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)" 00833018 00 s 03 operational 0 in_operation(p) 1 operating(a) 1 001 & 00832347 a 0000 | being in effect or operation; "de facto apartheid is still operational even in the `new' African nations"- Leslie Marmon Silko; "bus service is in operation during the emergency"; "the company had several operating divisions" 00833334 00 s 01 working 2 001 & 00832347 a 0000 | serving to permit or facilitate further work or activity; "discussed the working draft of a peace treaty"; "they need working agreements with their neighbor states on interstate projects" 00833575 00 a 01 inoperative 0 004 ! 00832347 a 0101 & 00833737 a 0000 & 00833878 a 0000 & 00834048 a 0000 | not working or taking effect; "an inoperative law" 00833737 00 s 01 down 0 001 & 00833575 a 0000 | not functioning (temporarily or permanently); "we can't work because the computer is down" 00833878 00 s 01 dead 0 002 & 00833575 a 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 | out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown; "a dead telephone line"; "the motor is dead" 00834048 00 s 01 defunct 0 002 & 00833575 a 0000 + 13963032 n 0102 | no longer in force or use; inactive; "a defunct law"; "a defunct organization" 00834198 00 a 03 effective 0 effectual 2 efficacious 2 018 ^ 00838856 a 0000 ^ 00839619 a 0000 ^ 01824244 a 0000 ^ 01825671 a 0000 ^ 02495922 a 0000 = 05199286 n 0000 + 05199869 n 0301 + 05199869 n 0302 + 05199286 n 0203 + 05199286 n 0204 + 01642924 v 0101 + 05199286 n 0101 + 05199286 n 0102 ! 00835609 a 0101 & 00834959 a 0000 & 00835122 a 0000 & 00835292 a 0000 & 00835504 a 0000 | producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect; "an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation"-LewisMumford; "effective teaching methods"; "effective steps toward peace"; "made an effective entrance"; "his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action"; "an efficacious law" 00834959 00 s 02 hard-hitting 0 trenchant 0 001 & 00834198 a 0000 | characterized by or full of force and vigor; "a hard-hitting expose"; "a trenchant argument" 00835122 00 s 01 impelling 0 001 & 00834198 a 0000 | markedly effective as if by emotional pressure; "impelling skill as a teller of tales"; "an impelling personality" 00835292 00 s 02 impressive 0 telling 0 004 & 00834198 a 0000 + 04719502 n 0101 + 01767949 v 0102 + 00728393 v 0101 | producing a strong effect; "gave an impressive performance as Othello"; "a telling gesture" 00835504 00 s 01 rough-and-ready 0 001 & 00834198 a 0000 | crude but effective for the purpose at hand 00835609 00 a 03 ineffective 0 uneffective 0 ineffectual 2 012 ^ 00294175 a 0000 ^ 00839411 a 0000 ^ 00840902 a 0000 ^ 01827535 a 0000 ^ 02497141 a 0000 = 05199286 n 0000 + 05207963 n 0302 + 05207963 n 0303 + 05207963 n 0101 ! 00834198 a 0101 & 00835978 a 0000 & 00836111 a 0000 | not producing an intended effect; "an ineffective teacher"; "ineffective legislation" 00835978 00 s 01 toothless 0 001 & 00835609 a 0000 | lacking necessary force for effectiveness; "a toothless piece of legislation" 00836111 00 s 01 unproductive 0 002 & 00835609 a 0000 + 05148539 n 0101 | not producing desired results; "the talks between labor and management were unproductive" 00836277 00 a 01 effortful 0 011 ^ 00744916 a 0000 + 04709585 n 0101 ! 00838296 a 0101 & 00836544 a 0000 & 00837084 a 0000 & 00837249 a 0000 & 00837415 a 0000 & 00837574 a 0000 & 00837756 a 0000 & 00837868 a 0000 & 00837977 a 0000 | requiring great physical effort 00836544 00 s 0a arduous 0 backbreaking 0 grueling 0 gruelling 0 hard 1 heavy 0 laborious 0 operose 0 punishing 0 toilsome 0 008 & 00836277 a 0000 + 04709944 n 0a03 + 04709944 n 0802 + 00620752 n 0701 + 04709944 n 0701 + 04711031 n 0602 + 04710588 n 0501 + 04709759 n 0101 | characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace" 00837084 00 s 01 dragging 0 001 & 00836277 a 0000 | marked by a painfully slow and effortful manner; "it was a strange dragging approach"; "years of dragging war" 00837249 00 s 04 exhausting 0 tiring 0 wearing 0 wearying 0 001 & 00836277 a 0000 | producing exhaustion; "an exhausting march"; "the visit was especially wearing" 00837415 00 s 03 heavy 1 labored 0 laboured 0 001 & 00836277 a 0000 | requiring or showing effort; "heavy breathing"; "the subject made for labored reading" 00837574 00 s 02 labor-intensive 0 labour-intensive 0 001 & 00836277 a 0000 | requiring a large expenditure of labor but not much capital; "cottage industries are labor intensive" 00837756 00 s 02 leaden 0 plodding 0 001 & 00836277 a 0000 | (of movement) slow and laborious; "leaden steps" 00837868 00 s 01 Sisyphean 0 002 & 00836277 a 0000 + 09498697 n 0101 | both extremely effortful and futile 00837977 00 s 03 arduous 2 straining 0 strenuous 0 004 & 00836277 a 0000 + 00788766 n 0304 + 04709759 n 0302 + 04709759 n 0101 | taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance; "his final, straining burst of speed"; "a strenuous task"; "your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here"- F.D.Roosevelt 00838296 00 a 01 effortless 0 005 ^ 00749230 a 0000 + 04708543 n 0101 ! 00836277 a 0101 & 00838533 a 0000 & 00838659 a 0000 | requiring or apparently requiring no effort; "the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air" 00838533 00 s 01 facile 0 002 & 00838296 a 0000 + 05642175 n 0104 | performing adroitly and without effort; "a facile hand" 00838659 00 s 02 unforced 0 unstrained 0 001 & 00838296 a 0000 | not resulting from undue effort; not forced; "a voice with a pleasingly unforced quality"; "his playing is facile and unstrained" 00838856 00 a 01 efficacious 0 006 ^ 00834198 a 0000 = 05199869 n 0000 + 05199869 n 0101 + 05199869 n 0102 ! 00839411 a 0101 & 00839225 a 0000 | marked by qualities giving the power to produce an intended effect; "written propaganda is less efficacious than the habits and prejudices...of the readers"-Aldous Huxley; "the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cough" 00839225 00 s 01 effective 0 002 & 00838856 a 0000 + 05199286 n 0101 | works well as a means or remedy; "an effective reprimand"; "a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat" 00839411 00 a 01 inefficacious 0 004 ^ 00835609 a 0000 = 05199869 n 0000 + 05208291 n 0102 ! 00838856 a 0101 | lacking the power to produce a desired effect; "laws that are inefficacious in stopping crime" 00839619 00 a 01 efficient 0 010 ^ 00510050 a 0000 ^ 00834198 a 0000 + 05644527 n 0101 ! 00840902 a 0101 & 00839959 a 0000 & 00840103 a 0000 & 00840212 a 0000 & 00840510 a 0000 & 00840634 a 0000 & 00840737 a 0000 | being effective without wasting time or effort or expense; "an efficient production manager"; "efficient engines save gas" 00839959 00 s 01 businesslike 0 001 & 00839619 a 0000 | exhibiting methodical and systematic characteristics that would be useful in business 00840103 00 s 02 cost-efficient 0 cost-effective 0 001 & 00839619 a 0000 | productive relative to the cost 00840212 00 s 02 economic 0 economical 0 004 & 00839619 a 0000 + 05644727 n 0201 + 00192613 n 0201 + 05644727 n 0101 | using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness; "an economic use of home heating oil"; "a modern economical heating system"; "an economical use of her time" 00840510 00 s 01 expeditious 0 003 & 00839619 a 0000 + 05059830 n 0103 + 05059830 n 0104 | marked by speed and efficiency 00840634 00 s 01 high-octane 0 001 & 00839619 a 0000 | used of gasoline; having a high octane number 00840737 00 s 01 streamlined 0 001 & 00839619 a 0000 | made efficient by stripping off nonessentials; "short streamlined meetings"; "a streamlined hiring process" 00840902 00 a 01 inefficient 0 005 ^ 00511214 a 0000 ^ 00835609 a 0000 + 05648953 n 0101 ! 00839619 a 0101 & 00841159 a 0000 | not producing desired results; wasteful; "an inefficient campaign against drugs"; "outdated and inefficient design and methods" 00841159 00 s 02 uneconomical 0 wasteful 0 002 & 00840902 a 0000 + 00742645 n 0202 | inefficient in use of time and effort and materials; "a clumsy and wasteful process"; "wasteful duplication of effort"; "uneconomical ebb and flow of power" 00841403 00 a 01 forceful 0 010 + 05035353 n 0102 ! 00842914 a 0101 & 00841800 a 0000 & 00841934 a 0000 & 00842041 a 0000 & 00842199 a 0000 & 00842324 a 0000 & 00842550 a 0000 & 00842704 a 0000 & 00842810 a 0000 | characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical); "a forceful speaker"; "a forceful personality"; "forceful measures"; "a forceful plan for peace" 00841800 00 s 01 bruising 0 001 & 00841403 a 0000 | brutally forceful and compelling; "protected from the bruising facts of battle" 00841934 00 s 01 drastic 0 001 & 00841403 a 0000 | forceful and extreme and rigorous; "drastic measures" 00842041 00 s 02 emphatic 0 exclamatory 0 004 & 00841403 a 0000 + 00977336 v 0202 + 00912048 v 0201 + 07085375 n 0102 | sudden and strong; "an emphatic no" 00842199 00 s 02 firm 0 strong 0 001 & 00841403 a 0000 | strong and sure; "a firm grasp"; "gave a strong pull on the rope" 00842324 00 s 03 forcible 0 physical 0 strong-arm 0 002 & 00841403 a 0000 + 01871979 v 0102 | impelled by physical force especially against resistance; "forcible entry"; "a real cop would get physical"; "strong-arm tactics" 00842550 00 s 01 impellent 0 002 & 00841403 a 0000 + 01511706 v 0102 | forcing forward or onward; impelling; "an impellent power"; "an impellent cause" 00842704 00 s 01 impetuous 0 001 & 00841403 a 0000 | marked by violent force; "impetuous heaving waves" 00842810 00 s 01 sharp 0 002 & 00841403 a 0000 + 04720226 n 0101 | quick and forceful; "a sharp blow" 00842914 00 a 02 forceless 0 unforceful 0 002 ! 00841403 a 0101 & 00843046 a 0000 | lacking force; feeble; "a forceless argument" 00843046 00 s 02 wimpish 0 wimpy 0 002 & 00842914 a 0000 + 10781817 n 0201 | weak and ineffectual 00843146 00 a 01 elastic 0 016 ^ 01022064 a 0000 + 04116098 n 0103 + 03267696 n 0101 + 05020358 n 0101 ! 00845528 a 0101 & 00843595 a 0000 & 00843988 a 0000 & 00844112 a 0000 & 00844263 a 0000 & 00844461 a 0000 & 00844719 a 0000 & 00844869 a 0000 & 00845025 a 0000 & 00845127 a 0000 & 00845216 a 0000 & 00845406 a 0000 | capable of resuming original shape after stretching or compression; springy; "an elastic band"; "a youthful and elastic walk" 00843595 00 s 05 bouncy 0 live 0 lively 0 resilient 0 springy 0 011 & 00843146 a 0000 + 05021151 n 0503 + 07350567 n 0402 + 05020697 n 0402 + 07350567 n 0401 + 05020697 n 0401 + 01892104 v 0402 + 00387680 v 0401 + 04632157 n 0301 + 07350401 n 0101 + 05020981 n 0102 | elastic; rebounds readily; "clean bouncy hair"; "a lively tennis ball"; "as resilient as seasoned hickory"; "springy turf" 00843988 00 s 01 chewy 0 002 & 00843146 a 0000 + 00278810 n 0101 | (of a consistency) requiring chewing; "chewy caramels" 00844112 00 s 02 elasticized 0 elasticised 0 001 & 00843146 a 0000 | made with strands or inserts of elastic; "slacks with an elasticized waistband" 00844263 00 s 04 expandable 0 expandible 0 expansible 0 expansile 0 005 & 00843146 a 0000 + 02077148 v 0301 + 00257269 v 0301 + 02077148 v 0201 + 00257269 v 0201 | (of gases) capable of expansion 00844461 00 s 03 fictile 0 moldable 0 plastic 0 004 & 00843146 a 0000 + 05021884 n 0302 + 01697027 v 0202 + 01662771 v 0202 | capable of being molded or modeled (especially of earth or clay or other soft material); "plastic substances such as wax or clay" 00844719 00 s 02 flexible 0 whippy 0 003 & 00843146 a 0000 + 05022457 n 0102 + 05022457 n 0101 | bending and snapping back readily without breaking 00844869 00 s 02 rubbery 0 rubberlike 0 002 & 00843146 a 0000 + 15006258 n 0101 | having an elastic texture resembling rubber in flexibility or toughness 00845025 00 s 01 springlike 0 001 & 00843146 a 0000 | resembling a spring or the action of a spring 00845127 00 s 01 stretch 0 001 & 00843146 a 0000 | easily stretched; "stretch hosiery" 00845216 00 s 02 stretchable 0 stretchy 0 004 & 00843146 a 0000 + 05021345 n 0201 + 05021345 n 0202 + 05021345 n 0103 | capable of being easily stretched and resuming former size or shape 00845406 00 s 01 viscoelastic 0 002 & 00843146 a 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 | having viscous as well as elastic properties 00845528 00 a 01 inelastic 0 006 ^ 01023289 a 0000 + 05023233 n 0101 ! 00843146 a 0101 & 00845737 a 0000 & 00845856 a 0000 & 00845928 a 0000 | not elastic; "economists speak of an inelastic price structure" 00845737 00 s 01 dead 0 002 & 00845528 a 0000 + 05023404 n 0101 | lacking resilience or bounce; "a dead tennis ball" 00845856 00 s 01 nonresilient 0 001 & 00845528 a 0000 | not resilient 00845928 00 s 01 springless 0 001 & 00845528 a 0000 | lacking in elasticity or vitality; "went off with springless steps" 00846052 00 a 02 elective 0 elected 2 004 + 02400760 v 0101 ! 00846462 a 0101 & 00846219 a 0000 & 00846349 a 0000 | subject to popular election; "elective official" 00846219 00 s 01 electoral 0 002 & 00846052 a 0000 + 10760340 n 0102 | relating to or composed of electors; "electoral college" 00846349 00 s 01 nonappointive 0 001 & 00846052 a 0000 | filled by popular election rather than by appointment 00846462 00 a 02 appointive 0 appointed 2 005 + 02396205 v 0101 + 02475922 v 0101 ! 00846052 a 0101 & 00846625 a 0000 & 00846789 a 0000 | subject to appointment 00846625 00 s 02 nominated 0 nominative 0 005 & 00846462 a 0000 + 02401523 v 0201 + 02396716 v 0202 + 02396205 v 0203 + 00879540 v 0201 | appointed by nomination 00846789 00 s 03 nonelective 0 non-elective 0 nonelected 0 001 & 00846462 a 0000 | filled by appointment rather than by election; "a nonelective office" 00846944 00 a 01 assigned 0 003 ! 00847306 a 0101 & 00847103 a 0000 & 00847196 a 0000 | appointed to a post or duty; "assigned personnel"; "assigned duties" 00847103 00 s 01 allotted 0 001 & 00846944 a 0000 | given as a task; "her allotted chores" 00847196 00 s 01 appointed 0 001 & 00846944 a 0000 | selected for a job; "the one appointed for guard duty" 00847306 00 a 01 unassigned 0 001 ! 00846944 a 0101 | not assigned; "unassigned personnel" 00847399 00 a 01 optional 0 005 ! 00848074 a 0101 & 00847577 a 0000 & 00847715 a 0000 & 00847861 a 0000 & 00847972 a 0000 | possible but not necessary; left to personal choice 00847577 00 s 01 elective 0 002 & 00847399 a 0000 + 00676864 v 0101 | not compulsory; "elective surgery"; "an elective course of study" 00847715 00 s 01 ex_gratia 0 001 & 00847399 a 0000 | as a favor; not compelled by legal right; "ex gratia payments made to nonstriking workers" 00847861 00 s 01 facultative 0 001 & 00847399 a 0000 | not compulsory; "facultative courses in the sciences" 00847972 00 s 02 nonmandatory 0 nonobligatory 0 001 & 00847399 a 0000 | not required by rule or law 00848074 00 a 01 obligatory 0 009 ^ 01580050 a 0000 ! 00847399 a 0101 & 00848375 a 0000 & 00848466 a 0000 & 00848679 a 0000 & 00848838 a 0000 & 00848983 a 0000 & 00849108 a 0000 & 00849232 a 0000 | morally or legally constraining or binding; "attendance is obligatory"; "an obligatory contribution" 00848375 00 s 01 bounden 0 001 & 00848074 a 0000 | morally obligatory; "my bounden duty" 00848466 00 s 03 compulsory 0 mandatory 0 required 0 002 & 00848074 a 0000 + 00751389 v 0201 | required by rule; "in most schools physical education is compulsory"; "attendance is mandatory"; "required reading" 00848679 00 s 01 de_rigueur 0 001 & 00848074 a 0000 | required by etiquette or usage or fashion; "instruction as to when and where a silk hat is de rigueur" 00848838 00 s 01 imposed 0 001 & 00848074 a 0000 | set forth authoritatively as obligatory; "the imposed taxation"; "rules imposed by society" 00848983 00 s 01 incumbent_on(p) 0 001 & 00848074 a 0000 | morally binding or necessary; "it is incumbent on me to attend" 00849108 00 s 01 indispensable 0 001 & 00848074 a 0000 | unavoidable; "the routine but indispensable ceremonies of state" 00849232 00 s 01 prerequisite 0 002 & 00848074 a 0000 + 05892427 n 0101 | required as a prior condition or course of study 00849357 00 a 01 elegant 0 015 ^ 00751525 a 0000 ^ 01139352 a 0000 ^ 01947266 a 0000 ^ 02270342 a 0000 ^ 02392878 a 0000 + 04812268 n 0101 ! 00851103 a 0101 & 00849912 a 0000 & 00850053 a 0000 & 00850183 a 0000 & 00850434 a 0000 & 00850552 a 0000 & 00850648 a 0000 & 00850875 a 0000 & 00850983 a 0000 | refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style; "elegant handwriting"; "an elegant dark suit"; "she was elegant to her fingertips"; "small churches with elegant white spires"; "an elegant mathematical solution--simple and precise and lucid" 00849912 00 s 03 dandified 0 dandyish 0 foppish 0 002 & 00849357 a 0000 + 04910848 n 0301 | affecting extreme elegance in dress and manner 00850053 00 s 03 deluxe 0 de_luxe 0 luxe 0 001 & 00849357 a 0000 | elegant and sumptuous; "a deluxe car"; "luxe accommodations" 00850183 00 s 01 fine 0 001 & 00849357 a 0000 | characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment; "fine wine"; "looking fine in her Easter suit"; "a fine gentleman"; "fine china and crystal"; "a fine violinist"; "the fine hand of a master" 00850434 00 s 02 high-class 0 high-toned 0 001 & 00849357 a 0000 | pretentiously elegant; "a high-toned restaurant" 00850552 00 s 02 exquisite 0 recherche 0 001 & 00849357 a 0000 | lavishly elegant and refined 00850648 00 s 03 neat 0 refined 0 tasteful 0 003 & 00849357 a 0000 + 04813395 n 0301 + 04896515 n 0102 | free from what is tawdry or unbecoming; "a neat style"; "a neat set of rules"; "she hated to have her neat plans upset" 00850875 00 s 01 ritzy 0 003 & 00849357 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 06889875 n 0101 | luxuriously elegant 00850983 00 s 02 soigne 0 soignee 0 001 & 00849357 a 0000 | polished and well-groomed; showing sophisticated elegance 00851103 00 a 01 inelegant 0 008 ^ 02384843 a 0000 ^ 02393401 a 0000 ^ 00752392 a 0000 ^ 01949149 a 0000 + 04815321 n 0101 ! 00849357 a 0101 & 00851329 a 0000 & 00851588 a 0000 | lacking in refinement or grace or good taste 00851329 00 s 03 gauche 0 graceless 0 unpolished 0 003 & 00851103 a 0000 + 04815624 n 0203 + 04915121 n 0103 | lacking social polish; "too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate"; "their excellent manners always made me feel gauche" 00851588 00 s 01 homely 0 002 & 00851103 a 0000 + 04816528 n 0103 | without artificial refinement or elegance; "plain homely furniture"; "homely manners" 00851744 00 a 01 eligible 0 010 ^ 01911053 a 0000 + 02400760 v 0101 + 04717552 n 0101 ! 00852988 a 0101 & 00852101 a 0000 & 00852197 a 0000 & 00852425 a 0000 & 00852576 a 0000 & 00852754 a 0000 & 00852875 a 0000 | qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen; "eligible to run for office"; "eligible for retirement benefits"; "an eligible bachelor" 00852101 00 s 01 bailable 0 001 & 00851744 a 0000 | eligible for bail; "a bailable defendant" 00852197 00 s 03 desirable 0 suitable 0 worthy 0 004 & 00851744 a 0000 + 04715487 n 0202 + 04686935 n 0103 + 04686935 n 0102 | worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse; "the parents found the girl suitable for their son" 00852425 00 s 01 entitled 0 001 & 00851744 a 0000 | qualified for by right according to law; "we are all entitled to equal protection under the law" 00852576 00 s 01 in_line 0 001 & 00851744 a 0000 | awaiting something; especially something due; "people were in line at the checkout counter"; "she was in line for promotion" 00852754 00 s 01 legal 0 002 & 00851744 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | allowed by official rules; "a legal pass receiver" 00852875 00 s 01 pensionable 0 001 & 00851744 a 0000 | entitled to receive a pension; "a pensionable employee" 00852988 00 a 01 ineligible 0 007 ^ 01911415 a 0000 + 04718134 n 0101 ! 00851744 a 0101 & 00853225 a 0000 & 00853324 a 0000 & 00853473 a 0000 & 00853631 a 0000 | not eligible; "ineligible to vote"; "ineligible for retirement benefits" 00853225 00 s 01 disqualified 1 001 & 00852988 a 0000 | disqualified by law or rule or provision 00853324 00 s 01 disqualified 2 002 & 00852988 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | barred from competition for violation of rules; "a disqualified player" 00853473 00 s 02 undesirable 0 unsuitable 0 003 & 00852988 a 0000 + 04721058 n 0202 + 05142008 n 0101 | not worthy of being chosen (especially as a spouse) 00853631 00 s 02 unentitled 0 unqualified 0 001 & 00852988 a 0000 | having no right or entitlement; "a distinction to which he was unentitled" 00853776 00 a 01 emotional 0 021 ^ 01559903 a 0000 ^ 01560513 a 0000 ^ 01725712 a 0000 ^ 02530861 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 + 04626280 n 0101 ! 00856860 a 0101 & 00854255 a 0000 & 00854413 a 0000 & 00854869 a 0000 & 00854989 a 0000 & 00855158 a 0000 & 00855309 a 0000 & 00855565 a 0000 & 00855670 a 0000 & 00856011 a 0000 & 00856132 a 0000 & 00856325 a 0000 & 00856511 a 0000 & 00856651 a 0000 & 00856790 a 0000 | of more than usual emotion; "his behavior was highly emotional" 00854255 00 s 03 affectional 0 affective 0 emotive 0 004 & 00853776 a 0000 + 01772806 v 0301 + 01767949 v 0201 + 07479926 n 0101 | characterized by emotion 00854413 00 s 0d bathetic 0 drippy 0 hokey 0 maudlin 0 mawkish 0 kitschy 0 mushy 0 schmaltzy 0 schmalzy 0 sentimental 0 soppy 0 soupy 0 slushy 0 007 & 00853776 a 0000 + 07481951 n 0a01 + 04627506 n 0a02 + 04627506 n 0704 + 07482267 n 0501 + 04627506 n 0501 + 04627506 n 0203 | effusively or insincerely emotional; "a bathetic novel"; "maudlin expressions of sympathy"; "mushy effusiveness"; "a schmaltzy song"; "sentimental soap operas"; "slushy poetry" 00854869 00 s 02 cathartic 0 releasing 0 002 & 00853776 a 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 | emotionally purging (of e.g. art) 00854989 00 s 02 charged 0 supercharged 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | fraught with great emotion; "an atmosphere charged with excitement"; "an emotionally charged speech" 00855158 00 s 02 funky 0 low-down 0 003 & 00853776 a 0000 ;c 07062697 n 0000 + 07063585 n 0101 | (of jazz) having the soulful feeling of early blues 00855309 00 s 01 het_up(p) 0 002 & 00853776 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | worked up emotionally by anger or excitement; "was terribly het up over the killing of the eagle"; "got really het up over the new taxes"; "he was suddenly het up about racing cars" 00855565 00 s 01 hot-blooded 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | prone to emotion; "hot-blooded Latin-Americans" 00855670 00 s 01 little 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | small in a way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the context); "a nice little job"; "bless your little heart"; "my dear little mother"; "a sweet little deal"; "I'm tired of your petty little schemes"; "filthy little tricks"; "what a nasty little situation" 00856011 00 s 02 lyric 0 lyrical 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | expressing deep emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance" 00856132 00 s 01 mind-blowing 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | intensely affecting the mind or emotions; "spending a week in the jungle was a mind-blowing experience"; "a mind-blowing horror story" 00856325 00 s 02 moody 0 temperamental 0 004 & 00853776 a 0000 + 04628466 n 0201 + 07551052 n 0102 + 04628632 n 0101 | subject to sharply varying moods; "a temperamental opera singer" 00856511 00 s 02 overemotional 0 sloppy 0 003 & 00853776 a 0000 + 04627506 n 0206 + 06775969 n 0203 | excessively or abnormally emotional 00856651 00 s 01 soulful 0 002 & 00853776 a 0000 + 07480790 n 0102 | full of or expressing deep emotion; "soulful eyes"; "soulful music" 00856790 00 s 01 warm-toned 0 001 & 00853776 a 0000 | used of music 00856860 00 a 01 unemotional 0 014 ^ 02531422 a 0000 ^ 01727439 a 0000 ^ 01560320 a 0000 ^ 01561564 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 + 04629194 n 0101 ! 00853776 a 0101 & 00857206 a 0000 & 00857387 a 0000 & 00857560 a 0000 & 00858053 a 0000 & 00858340 a 0000 & 00858558 a 0000 & 00858780 a 0000 | unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion 00857206 00 s 01 chilly 0 001 & 00856860 a 0000 | not characterized by emotion; "a female form in marble--a chilly but ideal medium for depicting abstract virtues"-C.W.Cunningham 00857387 00 s 01 dry 0 002 & 00856860 a 0000 + 04630137 n 0103 | lacking warmth or emotional involvement; "a dry greeting"; "a dry reading of the lines"; "a dry critique" 00857560 00 s 02 impassive 0 stolid 0 006 & 00856860 a 0000 + 04630378 n 0203 + 04630378 n 0202 + 07483782 n 0206 + 07483782 n 0103 + 07483782 n 0102 | having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited; "her impassive remoteness"; "he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight"- Nordhoff & Hall; "a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course"-Virginia Woolf; "her face showed nothing but stolid indifference" 00858053 00 s 02 philosophical 0 philosophic 0 004 & 00856860 a 0000 + 10425946 n 0201 + 10425946 n 0101 + 06158346 n 0101 | characterized by the attitude of a philosopher; meeting trouble with level-headed detachment; "philosophical resignation"; "a philosophic attitude toward life" 00858340 00 s 02 phlegmatic 0 phlegmatical 0 005 & 00856860 a 0000 + 07483782 n 0204 + 04635953 n 0204 + 07483782 n 0104 + 04635953 n 0104 | showing little emotion; "a phlegmatic...and certainly undemonstrative man" 00858558 00 s 02 stoic 0 stoical 0 004 & 00856860 a 0000 + 10658867 n 0201 + 04630378 n 0201 + 10658867 n 0101 | seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive; "stoic courage"; "stoic patience"; "a stoical sufferer" 00858780 00 s 01 unblinking 0 001 & 00856860 a 0000 | showing no visible emotion; "stood unblinking and accepted a sentence of a year" 00858917 00 a 02 empirical 0 empiric 0 010 + 00635699 n 0201 + 00635699 n 0101 ! 00860611 a 0101 & 00859350 a 0000 & 00859453 a 0000 & 00859632 a 0000 & 00859949 a 0000 & 00860127 a 0000 & 00860254 a 0000 & 00860365 a 0000 | derived from experiment and observation rather than theory; "an empirical basis for an ethical theory"; "empirical laws"; "empirical data"; "an empirical treatment of a disease about which little is known" 00859350 00 s 01 a_posteriori 0 001 & 00858917 a 0000 | requiring evidence for validation or support 00859453 00 s 03 confirmable 0 verifiable 0 falsifiable 0 002 & 00858917 a 0000 + 00664483 v 0201 | capable of being tested (verified or falsified) by experiment or observation 00859632 00 s 02 experiential 0 existential 0 002 & 00858917 a 0000 + 05758059 n 0101 | derived from experience or the experience of existence; "the rich experiential content of the teachings of the older philosophers"- Benjamin Farrington; "formal logicians are not concerned with existential matters"- John Dewey 00859949 00 s 03 experimental 1 data-based 0 observational 0 001 & 00858917 a 0000 | relying on observation or experiment; "experimental results that supported the hypothesis" 00860127 00 s 01 experimental 2 001 & 00858917 a 0000 | of the nature of or undergoing an experiment; "an experimental drug" 00860254 00 s 01 semiempirical 0 001 & 00858917 a 0000 | relying to some extent on observation or experiment 00860365 00 s 01 trial-and-error 0 001 & 00858917 a 0000 | trying out various means or theories until error is satisfactorily reduced or eliminated; "he argued that all learning is a trial-and-error process that resembles biological evolution" 00860611 00 a 02 theoretical 0 theoretic 0 009 + 05888929 n 0203 + 05989479 n 0201 ! 00858917 a 0101 & 00860932 a 0000 & 00861109 a 0000 & 00861216 a 0000 & 00861818 a 0000 & 00862067 a 0000 & 00862190 a 0000 | concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations; "theoretical science" 00860932 00 s 01 abstractive 0 003 & 00860611 a 0000 + 00734587 v 0101 + 00692329 v 0101 | of an abstracting nature or having the power of abstracting; "abstractive analysis" 00861109 00 s 01 a_priori 0 001 & 00860611 a 0000 | based on hypothesis or theory rather than experiment 00861216 00 s 08 conjectural 0 divinatory 0 hypothetical 0 hypothetic 0 supposed 0 suppositional 0 suppositious 0 supposititious 0 012 & 00860611 a 0000 + 06782680 n 0803 + 05892096 n 0802 + 06782680 n 0703 + 05892096 n 0702 + 06782680 n 0603 + 05779712 n 0601 + 05892096 n 0602 + 06782680 n 0307 + 06782680 n 0102 + 05773923 n 0101 + 05891783 n 0102 | based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence; "theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural"; "the supposed reason for his absence"; "suppositious reconstructions of dead languages"; "hypothetical situation" 00861818 00 s 02 notional 0 speculative 0 004 & 00860611 a 0000 + 04759134 n 0201 + 00927049 v 0201 + 00633443 v 0201 | not based on fact or investigation; "a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs"; "speculative knowledge" 00862067 00 s 01 metaphysical 0 001 & 00860611 a 0000 | highly abstract and overly theoretical; "metaphysical reasoning" 00862190 00 s 01 theory-based 0 001 & 00860611 a 0000 | based in theory rather than experiment; "theory-based arguments and positions" 00862327 00 a 01 theoretical 1 004 ! 00863049 a 0101 & 00862526 a 0000 & 00862718 a 0000 & 00862911 a 0000 | concerned with theories rather than their practical applications; "theoretical physics" 00862526 00 s 01 abstract 0 002 & 00862327 a 0000 + 04762134 n 0101 | dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention; "abstract reasoning"; "abstract science" 00862718 00 s 01 academic 0 001 & 00862327 a 0000 | hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or practical result; "an academic discussion"; "an academic question" 00862911 00 s 01 pure 0 001 & 00862327 a 0000 | concerned with theory and data rather than practice; opposed to applied; "pure science" 00863049 00 a 01 applied 0 003 ! 00862327 a 0101 & 00863361 a 0000 & 00863555 a 0000 | concerned with concrete problems or data rather than with fundamental principles; "applied physics"; "applied psychology"; "technical problems in medicine, engineering, economics and other applied disciplines"- Sidney Hook 00863361 00 s 01 forensic 0 001 & 00863049 a 0000 | used or applied in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law; "forensic photograph"; "forensic ballistics" 00863555 00 s 01 practical 0 001 & 00863049 a 0000 | having or put to a practical purpose or use; "practical mathematics"; "practical applications of calculus" 00863717 00 a 01 salaried 0 001 ! 00863823 a 0101 | receiving a salary; "salaried members of the staff" 00863823 00 a 03 freelance 0 free-lance 0 self-employed 0 002 + 02576110 v 0101 ! 00863717 a 0101 | working for yourself 00863946 00 a 01 employed 0 005 ^ 00292937 a 0000 ! 00864693 a 0101 & 00864203 a 0000 & 00864346 a 0000 & 00864461 a 0000 | having your services engaged for; or having a job especially one that pays wages or a salary; "most of our graduates are employed" 00864203 00 s 01 engaged 0 001 & 00863946 a 0000 | having services contracted for; "the carpenter engaged (or employed) for the job is sick" 00864346 00 s 01 hired 0 001 & 00863946 a 0000 | having services engaged for a fee; "hired hands"; "a hired gun" 00864461 00 s 02 working(a) 0 on_the_job(p) 0 001 & 00863946 a 0000 | actively engaged in paid work; "the working population"; "the ratio of working men to unemployed"; "a working mother"; "robots can be on the job day and night" 00864693 00 a 01 unemployed 0 004 ^ 00294175 a 0000 ! 00863946 a 0101 & 00864884 a 0000 & 00865007 a 0000 | not engaged in a gainful occupation; "unemployed workers marched on the capital" 00864884 00 s 05 discharged 0 dismissed 0 fired 0 laid-off 0 pink-slipped 0 001 & 00864693 a 0000 | having lost your job 00865007 00 s 03 idle 0 jobless 0 out_of_work 0 002 & 00864693 a 0000 + 01065441 n 0101 | not having a job; "idle carpenters"; "jobless transients"; "many people in the area were out of work" 00865201 00 a 01 employable 0 001 ! 00865331 a 0101 | physically and mentally capable of working at a regular job and available 00865331 00 a 01 unemployable 0 001 ! 00865201 a 0101 | not acceptable for employment as a worker; "his illiteracy made him unemployable" 00865471 00 a 01 enchanted 0 004 ! 00866047 a 0101 & 00865620 a 0000 & 00865765 a 0000 & 00865848 a 0000 | influenced as by charms or incantations 00865620 00 s 06 beguiled 0 captivated 0 charmed 0 delighted 0 enthralled 0 entranced 0 001 & 00865471 a 0000 | filled with wonder and delight 00865765 00 s 02 bewitched 0 ensorcelled 0 001 & 00865471 a 0000 | under a spell 00865848 00 s 08 fascinated 2 hypnotized 0 hypnotised 0 mesmerized 0 mesmerised 0 spellbound 0 spell-bound 0 transfixed 0 001 & 00865471 a 0000 | having your attention fixated as though by a spell 00866047 00 a 01 disenchanted 0 004 ^ 02270342 a 0000 ! 00865471 a 0101 & 00866182 a 0000 & 00866392 a 0000 | freed from enchantment 00866182 00 s 02 disabused(p) 1 undeceived 0 001 & 00866047 a 0000 | freed of a mistaken or misguided notion; "some people are still not disabused of the old idea that the universe revolves around the Earth" 00866392 00 s 01 disillusioned 0 001 & 00866047 a 0000 | freed from illusion 00866471 00 a 01 encouraging 0 008 ^ 01195536 a 0000 ^ 01228530 a 0000 ^ 00196934 a 0000 ! 00867213 a 0101 & 00866735 a 0000 & 00866894 a 0000 & 00866987 a 0000 & 00867092 a 0000 | giving courage or confidence or hope; "encouraging advances in medical research" 00866735 00 s 04 exhortative 0 exhortatory 0 hortative 0 hortatory 0 003 & 00866471 a 0000 + 00858781 v 0207 + 00765649 v 0204 | giving strong encouragement 00866894 00 s 02 heartening 0 inspiriting 0 001 & 00866471 a 0000 | cheerfully encouraging 00866987 00 s 01 promotive 0 002 & 00866471 a 0000 + 02554922 v 0101 | tending to further or encourage 00867092 00 s 01 rallying 0 001 & 00866471 a 0000 | rousing or recalling to unity and renewed effort; "a rallying cry" 00867213 00 a 01 discouraging 0 008 ^ 01770903 a 0000 ^ 01229020 a 0000 ^ 01198019 a 0000 ! 00866471 a 0101 & 00867520 a 0000 & 00867615 a 0000 & 00867758 a 0000 & 00867841 a 0000 | depriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm and hence often deterring action; "where never is heard a discouraging word" 00867520 00 s 02 daunting 0 intimidating 0 001 & 00867213 a 0000 | discouraging through fear 00867615 00 s 04 demoralizing 0 demoralising 0 disheartening 0 dispiriting 0 001 & 00867213 a 0000 | destructive of morale and self-reliance 00867758 00 s 01 frustrating 0 001 & 00867213 a 0000 | discouraging by hindering 00867841 00 s 01 unencouraging 0 001 & 00867213 a 0000 | not encouraging 00867916 00 a 01 encumbered 0 005 ! 00868988 a 0101 & 00868241 a 0000 & 00868448 a 0000 & 00868603 a 0000 & 00868815 a 0000 | loaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load; "a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels"- A.J.Liebling; "a hiker encumbered with a heavy backpack"; "an encumbered estate" 00868241 00 s 03 burdened 0 heavy-laden 0 loaded_down 0 001 & 00867916 a 0000 | bearing a physically heavy weight or load; "tree limbs burdened with ice"; "a heavy-laden cart"; "loaded down with packages" 00868448 00 s 01 clogged 0 001 & 00867916 a 0000 | loaded with something that hinders motion; "The wings of birds were clogged with ice and snow"-Dryden 00868603 00 s 02 involved 0 mired 0 001 & 00867916 a 0000 | entangled or hindered as if e.g. in mire; "the difficulties in which the question is involved"; "brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion" 00868815 00 s 01 mortgaged 0 001 & 00867916 a 0000 | burdened with legal or financial obligations; "his house, his business, indeed, his whole life was heavily mortgaged" 00868988 00 a 01 unencumbered 0 003 ! 00867916 a 0101 & 00869138 a 0000 & 00869253 a 0000 | free of encumbrance; "inherited an unencumbered estate" 00869138 00 s 02 burdenless 0 unburdened 0 001 & 00868988 a 0000 | not encumbered with a physical burden or load 00869253 00 s 02 clear 0 unmortgaged 0 001 & 00868988 a 0000 | (especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property" 00869461 00 a 01 burdened 0 004 ! 00870303 a 0101 & 00869690 a 0000 & 00869972 a 0000 & 00870127 a 0000 | bearing a heavy burden of work or difficulties or responsibilities; "she always felt burdened by the load of paper work" 00869690 00 s 04 bowed_down(p) 0 loaded_down(p) 0 overburdened 0 weighed_down(p) 0 001 & 00869461 a 0000 | heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "overburdened social workers"; "weighed down with cares" 00869972 00 s 02 laden 0 oppressed 0 001 & 00869461 a 0000 | burdened psychologically or mentally; "laden with grief"; "oppressed by a sense of failure" 00870127 00 s 01 saddled 0 001 & 00869461 a 0000 | subject to an imposed burden; "left me saddled with the bill"; "found himself saddled with more responsibility than power" 00870303 00 a 01 unburdened 0 002 ! 00869461 a 0101 & 00870481 a 0000 | not burdened with difficulties or responsibilities; "unburdened by an overarching theory"- Alex Inkeles 00870481 00 s 01 unencumbered 0 001 & 00870303 a 0000 | not burdened with cares or responsibilities; "living an unencumbered life" 00870614 00 a 01 endocentric 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00870827 a 0101 | fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents; "when `three blind mice' serves as a noun it is an endocentric construction" 00870827 00 a 01 exocentric 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 00870614 a 0101 | not fulfilling the same grammatical role of any of its constituents; "when `until last Easter' serves as an adverb it is an exocentric construction" 00871051 00 a 02 endogamous 1 endogamic 1 003 ;c 06143546 n 0000 + 13965049 n 0101 ! 00871255 a 0101 | pertaining to or characterized by the custom of marrying only within the limits of a clan or tribe 00871255 00 a 02 exogamous 1 exogamic 1 005 ^ 01291937 a 0000 ;c 06143546 n 0000 + 13965274 n 0201 + 13965274 n 0101 ! 00871051 a 0101 | pertaining to or characterized by the custom of marrying only outside the limits of a clan or tribe 00871494 00 a 02 autogamous 0 autogamic 0 006 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 07438655 n 0201 + 07438655 n 0101 ! 00871816 a 0101 ! 00872010 a 0101 & 00871690 a 0000 | characterized by or fit for autogamy 00871690 00 s 03 self-fertilized 0 self-fertilised 0 self-pollinated 0 001 & 00871494 a 0000 | fertilized by its own pollen 00871816 00 a 02 endogamous 2 endogamic 2 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00872010 a 0101 ! 00871494 a 0101 | characterized by or fit for fertilization by pollen from another flower of the same kind 00872010 00 a 02 exogamous 2 exogamic 2 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00871494 a 0101 ! 00871816 a 0101 | characterized by or fit for fertilization by a flower that is not closely related 00872195 00 a 02 endoergic 0 energy-absorbing 0 002 ^ 00872510 a 0000 ! 00872347 a 0101 | (of a nuclear reaction) occurring with absorption of energy 00872347 00 a 02 exoergic 0 energy-releasing 0 002 ^ 00872906 a 0000 ! 00872195 a 0101 | (of a nuclear reaction) occurring with evolution or releasing of energy 00872510 00 a 03 endothermic 0 endothermal 0 heat-absorbing 0 003 ^ 00872195 a 0000 ! 00872906 a 0101 & 00872715 a 0000 | (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with absorption of heat 00872715 00 s 01 decalescent 0 002 & 00872510 a 0000 + 11444371 n 0101 | absorbing heat without increase in temperature when heated beyond a certain point; "the decalescent point of steel" 00872906 00 a 03 exothermic 0 exothermal 0 heat-releasing 0 003 ^ 00872347 a 0000 + 14883954 n 0101 ! 00872510 a 0101 | (of a chemical reaction or compound) occurring or formed with the liberation of heat 00873113 00 a 02 endogenous 0 endogenic 0 003 + 11668117 n 0204 ! 00873251 a 0202 ! 00873251 a 0101 | derived or originating internally 00873251 00 a 02 exogenous 0 exogenic 0 003 + 11666854 n 0204 ! 00873113 a 0202 ! 00873113 a 0101 | derived or originating externally 00873387 00 a 01 end-stopped 0 001 ! 00873502 a 0101 | (verse) having a rhetorical pause at the end of each line 00873502 00 a 01 run-on 0 001 ! 00873387 a 0101 | (verse) without a rhetorical pause between lines 00873603 00 a 01 energetic 0 016 ^ 00031974 a 0000 ^ 00808191 a 0000 ^ 00884778 a 0000 ^ 00804695 a 0000 ^ 02278939 a 0000 + 14050143 n 0101 + 05035961 n 0101 ! 00875712 a 0101 & 00874092 a 0000 & 00874226 a 0000 & 00874547 a 0000 & 00874634 a 0000 & 00874781 a 0000 & 00874920 a 0000 & 00875235 a 0000 & 00875422 a 0000 | possessing or exerting or displaying energy; "an energetic fund raiser for the college"; "an energetic group of hikers"; "it caused an energetic chemical reaction" 00874092 00 s 01 physical 0 001 & 00873603 a 0000 | characterized by energetic bodily activity; "a very physical dance performance" 00874226 00 s 08 alert 0 brisk 0 lively 0 merry 0 rattling 0 snappy 0 spanking 0 zippy 0 004 & 00873603 a 0000 + 05035961 n 0804 + 04632157 n 0301 + 04632963 n 0202 | quick and energetic; "a brisk walk in the park"; "a lively gait"; "a merry chase"; "traveling at a rattling rate"; "a snappy pace"; "a spanking breeze" 00874547 00 s 01 canty 0 002 & 00873603 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | lively and brisk 00874634 00 s 01 driving 0 001 & 00873603 a 0000 | acting with vigor; "responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive" 00874781 00 s 01 high-energy 0 001 & 00873603 a 0000 | providing a relatively large amount of energy upon undergoing a chemical reaction 00874920 00 s 04 indefatigable 0 tireless 0 unflagging 0 unwearying 0 004 & 00873603 a 0000 + 04864824 n 0203 + 04864824 n 0102 + 04864824 n 0101 | showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality; "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights"; "a tireless worker"; "unflagging pursuit of excellence" 00875235 00 s 01 strenuous 0 004 & 00873603 a 0000 + 00624553 n 0101 + 04709759 n 0102 + 05036237 n 0102 | characterized by or performed with much energy or force; "strenuous exercise" 00875422 00 s 01 vigorous 0 003 & 00873603 a 0000 + 05035961 n 0102 + 05030806 n 0101 | characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity; "a vigorous hiker"; "gave her skirt a vigorous shake"; "a vigorous campaign"; "a vigorous foreign policy"; "vigorous opposition to the war" 00875712 00 a 02 lethargic 0 unenrgetic 4 006 ^ 00033574 a 0000 + 04635953 n 0102 ! 00873603 a 0101 & 00875962 a 0000 & 00876204 a 0000 & 00876465 a 0000 | deficient in alertness or activity; "bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights" 00875962 00 s 05 dazed 0 foggy 0 groggy 0 logy 0 stuporous 0 005 & 00875712 a 0000 + 05679906 n 0502 + 14018432 n 0401 + 14018918 n 0301 + 14018318 n 0301 | stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion) 00876204 00 s 04 dreamy 0 lackadaisical 0 languid 0 languorous 0 003 & 00875712 a 0000 + 04635953 n 0401 + 07516222 n 0102 | lacking spirit or liveliness; "a lackadaisical attempt"; "a languid mood"; "a languid wave of the hand"; "a hot languorous afternoon" 00876465 00 s 01 listless 0 003 & 00875712 a 0000 + 07484109 n 0103 + 04636881 n 0101 | lacking zest or vivacity; "he was listless and bored" 00876609 00 a 01 enfranchised 0 001 ! 00876735 a 0101 | endowed with the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote 00876735 00 a 04 disenfranchised 0 disfranchised 0 voiceless 0 voteless 0 002 + 05205537 n 0301 ! 00876609 a 0101 | deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote; "labor was voiceless"; "disenfrenchised masses took to the streets" 00876989 00 a 01 exportable 0 002 ! 00877263 a 0101 & 00877119 a 0000 | suitable for export; "exportable cultural achievements" 00877119 00 s 01 marketable 0 003 & 00876989 a 0000 + 02298160 v 0101 + 00470386 v 0103 | capable of being marketed; "the marketable surplus" 00877263 00 a 01 unexportable 0 001 ! 00876989 a 0101 | not suitable for export 00877345 00 a 02 exploratory 0 explorative 0 012 + 00649481 v 0201 + 00648224 v 0203 + 00645939 v 0101 + 00646271 v 0101 + 00649481 v 0101 + 00648224 v 0103 ! 00878704 a 0101 & 00877816 a 0000 & 00877938 a 0000 & 00878086 a 0000 & 00878362 a 0000 & 00878438 a 0000 | serving in or intended for exploration or discovery; "an exploratory operation"; "exploratory reconnaissance"; "digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico"; "exploratory talks between diplomats" 00877816 00 s 01 alpha 0 001 & 00877345 a 0000 | early testing stage of a software or hardware product; "alpha version" 00877938 00 s 01 beta 0 001 & 00877345 a 0000 | preliminary or testing stage of a software or hardware product; "a beta version"; "beta software" 00878086 00 s 01 preliminary 0 003 & 00877345 a 0000 + 07327013 n 0101 + 07457599 n 0101 | denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important; designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding; "a preliminary investigation" 00878362 00 s 01 searching 0 001 & 00877345 a 0000 | exploring thoroughly 00878438 00 s 01 wildcat 0 002 & 00877345 a 0000 + 04584639 n 0102 | (of a mine or oil well) drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive; "drilling there would be strictly a wildcat operation"; "a wildcat mine"; "wildcat drilling"; "wildcat wells" 00878704 00 a 04 nonexploratory 0 nonexplorative 0 unexploratory 0 unexplorative 0 001 ! 00877345 a 0101 | not exploratory 00878829 00 a 01 inquiring 0 007 ^ 00664449 a 0000 ! 00880120 a 0101 & 00879030 a 0000 & 00879259 a 0000 & 00879468 a 0000 & 00879624 a 0000 & 00879918 a 0000 | given to inquiry; "an inquiring mind" 00879030 00 s 03 fact-finding 0 investigative 0 investigatory 0 003 & 00878829 a 0000 + 00785962 v 0301 + 00785962 v 0201 | designed to find information or ascertain facts; "a fact-finding committee"; "investigative reporting" 00879259 00 s 01 inquisitive 0 004 & 00878829 a 0000 + 05683197 n 0102 + 00785962 v 0102 + 00729378 v 0102 | inquiring or appearing to inquire; "an inquiring look"; "the police are proverbially inquisitive" 00879468 00 s 01 inquisitorial 0 001 & 00878829 a 0000 | having the authority to conduct official investigations; "the inquisitorial power of the Senate" 00879624 00 s 01 inquisitorial 2 002 & 00878829 a 0000 + 10208432 n 0101 | marked by inquisitive interest; especially suggestive of an ecclesiastical inquisitor; "the press was inquisitorial to the point of antagonism"; "a practical police force with true inquisitorial talents"- Waldo Frank 00879918 00 s 03 inquisitory 0 probing 0 searching 0 001 & 00878829 a 0000 | diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry"; "a searching investigation of their past dealings" 00880120 00 a 02 uninquiring 0 uninquisitive 0 001 ! 00878829 a 0101 | not inquiring 00880207 00 a 01 increased 0 009 ! 00881735 a 0101 & 00880447 a 0000 & 00880586 a 0000 & 00880765 a 0000 & 00881030 a 0000 & 00881177 a 0000 & 00881337 a 0000 & 00881432 a 0000 & 00881551 a 0000 | made greater in size or amount or degree 00880447 00 s 02 accrued 0 accumulated 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | periodically accumulated over time; "accrued interest"; "accrued leave" 00880586 00 s 01 augmented 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | added to or made greater in amount or number or strength; "his augmented renown"; "a greatly augmented collection of books" 00880765 00 s 01 enhanced 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | increased or intensified in value or beauty or quality; "her enhanced beauty was the result of a good night's sleep rather than makeup"; "careful cleaning was responsible for the enhanced value of the painting" 00881030 00 s 02 hyperbolic 0 inflated 1 002 & 00880207 a 0000 + 07106502 n 0101 | enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness; "a hyperbolic style" 00881177 00 s 03 exaggerated 2 magnified 0 enlarged 2 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | enlarged to an abnormal degree; "thick lenses exaggerated the size of her eyes" 00881337 00 s 01 multiplied 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | greatly increased as by multiplication 00881432 00 s 02 raised(a) 0 elevated 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | increased in amount or degree; "raised temperature" 00881551 00 s 01 redoubled 0 001 & 00880207 a 0000 | become much greater in intensity or size or amount; "we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy"; "despite our redoubled efforts" 00881735 00 a 02 decreased 0 reduced 4 011 ! 00880207 a 0101 & 00882018 a 0000 & 00882166 a 0000 & 00882312 a 0000 & 00882462 a 0000 & 00882580 a 0000 & 00882742 a 0000 & 00882890 a 0000 & 00883075 a 0000 & 00883188 a 0000 & 00883345 a 0000 | made less in size or amount or degree 00882018 00 s 01 ablated 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization; "the rocket's ablated head shield" 00882166 00 s 04 attenuate 0 attenuated 0 faded 0 weakened 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | reduced in strength; "the faded tones of an old recording" 00882312 00 s 01 attenuated 2 002 & 00881735 a 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 | of an electrical signal; reduced in amplitude with little or no distortion 00882462 00 s 01 bated 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | diminished or moderated; "our bated enthusiasm"; "his bated hopes" 00882580 00 s 03 belittled 0 diminished 1 small 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth); "her comments made me feel small" 00882742 00 s 02 cut 0 slashed 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply; "the slashed prices attracted buyers" 00882890 00 s 01 diminished 2 002 & 00881735 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (of musical intervals) reduction by a semitone of any perfect or minor musical interval; "a diminished fifth" 00883075 00 s 01 minimized 2 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | reduced to the smallest possible size or amount or degree 00883188 00 s 01 remittent 0 002 & 00881735 a 0000 + 00268314 v 0101 | (of a disease) characterized by periods of diminished severity; "a remittent fever" 00883345 00 s 03 shriveled 0 shrivelled 0 shrunken 0 001 & 00881735 a 0000 | reduced in efficacy or vitality or intensity; "our shriveled receipts during the storm"; "as the project wore on she found her enthusiasm shriveled"; "the dollar's shrunken buying power" 00883611 00 a 01 reducible 0 005 + 02258291 v 0101 + 00237704 v 0101 + 00242396 v 0101 + 00240131 v 0101 ! 00883830 a 0101 | capable of being reduced; "reducible to a set of principles of human nature"- Edmund Wilson 00883830 00 a 01 irreducible 0 001 ! 00883611 a 0101 | incapable of being made smaller or simpler; "an irreducible minimum"; "an irreducible formula"; "an irreducible hernia" 00884007 00 a 01 enlightened 0 004 ^ 00829745 a 0000 ^ 01306273 a 0000 ! 00884286 a 0101 & 00884157 a 0000 | having knowledge and spiritual insight 00884157 00 s 01 edified 0 001 & 00884007 a 0000 | instructed and encouraged in moral, intellectual, and spiritual improvement 00884286 00 a 01 unenlightened 0 004 ^ 00830717 a 0000 ^ 01308425 a 0000 ! 00884007 a 0101 & 00884501 a 0000 | not enlightened; ignorant; "the devices by which unenlightened men preserved the unjust social order" 00884501 00 s 02 benighted 0 dark 0 003 & 00884286 a 0000 + 05988498 n 0201 + 05988498 n 0202 | lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture; "this benighted country"; "benighted ages of barbarism and superstition"; "the dark ages"; "a dark age in the history of education" 00884778 00 a 01 enterprising 0 007 ^ 00065791 a 0000 ^ 00104051 a 0000 ^ 00873603 a 0000 + 04836074 n 0102 ! 00885415 a 0101 & 00885099 a 0000 & 00885288 a 0000 | marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects; "an enterprising foreign policy"; "an enterprising young man likely to go far" 00885099 00 s 04 energetic 0 gumptious 0 industrious 0 up-and-coming 0 004 & 00884778 a 0000 + 04865114 n 0303 + 04865114 n 0302 + 04836683 n 0101 | working hard to promote an enterprise 00885288 00 s 01 entrepreneurial 0 002 & 00884778 a 0000 + 10060352 n 0101 | willing to take risks in order to make a profit 00885415 00 a 02 unenterprising 0 nonenterprising 0 004 ^ 00066800 a 0000 ^ 00105023 a 0000 ! 00884778 a 0101 & 00885594 a 0000 | lacking in enterprise; not bold or venturesome 00885594 00 s 02 slowgoing 0 unenergetic 0 001 & 00885415 a 0000 | not inclined to be enterprising 00885695 00 a 01 enthusiastic 0 012 ^ 01725712 a 0000 ^ 02278939 a 0000 + 07555014 n 0101 + 05670343 n 0101 ! 00887062 a 0101 & 00886117 a 0000 & 00886253 a 0000 & 00886448 a 0000 & 00886681 a 0000 & 00886804 a 0000 & 00886895 a 0000 & 00886980 a 0000 | having or showing great excitement and interest; "enthusiastic crowds filled the streets"; "an enthusiastic response"; "was enthusiastic about taking ballet lessons" 00886117 00 s 02 ardent 0 warm 0 001 & 00885695 a 0000 | characterized by strong enthusiasm; "ardent revolutionaries"; "warm support" 00886253 00 s 02 avid 0 zealous 0 005 & 00885695 a 0000 + 07481785 n 0201 + 07555402 n 0204 + 07555184 n 0102 + 07555184 n 0103 | marked by active interest and enthusiasm; "an avid sports fan" 00886448 00 s 04 crazy 0 wild 0 dotty 0 gaga 0 004 & 00885695 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 05751173 n 0102 + 05647156 n 0103 | intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with; "crazy about cars and racing"; "he is potty about her" 00886681 00 s 02 evangelical 0 evangelistic 0 001 & 00885695 a 0000 | marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause 00886804 00 s 01 glowing 0 001 & 00885695 a 0000 | highly enthusiastic; "glowing praise" 00886895 00 s 01 gung_ho 0 001 & 00885695 a 0000 | very enthusiastic and dedicated 00886980 00 s 01 overenthusiastic 0 001 & 00885695 a 0000 | unduly enthusiastic 00887062 00 a 01 unenthusiastic 0 005 ^ 01727439 a 0000 ^ 02281325 a 0000 ! 00885695 a 0101 & 00887317 a 0000 & 00887472 a 0000 | not enthusiastic; lacking excitement or ardor; "an unenthusiastic performance by the orchestra"; "unenthusiastic applause" 00887317 00 s 01 cold 0 002 & 00887062 a 0000 + 04629604 n 0101 | feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play" 00887472 00 s 04 halfhearted 0 half-hearted 0 tepid 0 lukewarm 0 003 & 00887062 a 0000 + 04630547 n 0402 + 04630547 n 0301 | feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm; "a halfhearted effort"; "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate" 00887719 00 a 02 desirous 0 wishful 0 009 + 07487177 n 0201 + 14038993 n 0101 ! 00889334 a 0101 & 00888051 a 0000 & 00888200 a 0000 & 00888477 a 0000 & 00888765 a 0000 & 00889098 a 0000 & 00889239 a 0000 | having or expressing desire for something; "desirous of high office"; "desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem" 00888051 00 s 01 appetent 0 003 & 00887719 a 0000 + 07485626 n 0102 + 07485626 n 0103 | marked by eager desire; "a big rich appetent Western city" 00888200 00 s 03 athirst(p) 0 hungry(p) 0 thirsty(p) 0 005 & 00887719 a 0000 + 04945254 n 0304 + 04945254 n 0303 + 04945254 n 0201 + 07486628 n 0203 | (usually followed by `for') extremely desirous; "athirst for knowledge"; "hungry for recognition"; "thirsty for informaton" 00888477 00 s 04 avid 0 devouring(a) 0 esurient 0 greedy 0 001 & 00887719 a 0000 | (often followed by `for') ardently or excessively desirous; "avid for adventure"; "an avid ambition to succeed"; "fierce devouring affection"; "the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity"; "greedy for fame" 00888765 00 s 03 covetous 0 envious 0 jealous 0 004 & 00887719 a 0000 + 00758335 n 0201 + 07549716 n 0202 + 04945758 n 0103 | showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another's advantages; "he was never covetous before he met her"; "jealous of his success and covetous of his possessions"; "envious of their art collection" 00889098 00 s 01 nostalgic 0 002 & 00887719 a 0000 + 07487375 n 0101 | unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things or persons 00889239 00 s 01 homesick 0 002 & 00887719 a 0000 + 07487594 n 0101 | longing to return home 00889334 00 a 02 undesirous 0 undesiring 0 001 ! 00887719 a 0101 | having or feeling no desire; "a very private man, totally undesirous of public office" 00889490 00 a 03 entozoic 0 entozoan 0 endozoic 0 003 + 01385017 n 0203 + 01385017 n 0204 ! 00889672 a 0101 | living within a living animal usually as a parasite; "entozoic worms" 00889672 00 a 01 epizoic 0 001 ! 00889490 a 0101 | living or growing on the exterior surface of an animal usually as a parasite; "an epizoic plant parasite" 00889831 00 a 01 equal 0 021 ^ 00481222 a 0000 ^ 00503982 a 0000 ^ 02062670 a 0000 = 04747899 n 0000 + 09626238 n 0102 + 04747899 n 0101 ! 00892379 a 0101 & 00890351 a 0000 & 00890622 a 0000 & 00890781 a 0000 & 00890874 a 0000 & 00890985 a 0000 & 00891081 a 0000 & 00891170 a 0000 & 00891468 a 0000 & 00891569 a 0000 & 00891705 a 0000 & 00891807 a 0000 & 00891970 a 0000 & 00892104 a 0000 & 00892243 a 0000 | having the same quantity, value, or measure as another; "on equal terms"; "all men are equal before the law" 00890351 00 s 02 equivalent 0 tantamount(p) 0 003 & 00889831 a 0000 + 05695554 n 0101 + 04748273 n 0101 | being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt" 00890622 00 s 02 close 0 tight 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched; "a close contest"; "a close election"; "a tight game" 00890781 00 s 01 coequal 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | having the same standing before the law 00890874 00 s 01 coordinate 0 002 & 00889831 a 0000 + 05641432 n 0101 | of equal importance, rank, or degree 00890985 00 s 01 equidistant 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | the same distance apart at every point 00891081 00 s 01 equilateral 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | having all sides or faces equal 00891170 00 s 02 even 1 fifty-fifty 0 002 & 00889831 a 0000 + 04748498 n 0101 | equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced; "even amounts of butter and sugar"; "on even terms"; "it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split"; "had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance"; "an even fight" 00891468 00 s 01 half-and-half 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | in equal parts; "a half-and-half mixture" 00891569 00 s 02 isochronal 0 isochronous 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | equal in duration or interval; "the oscillations were isochronal" 00891705 00 s 02 isoclinal 0 isoclinic 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | having equal magnetic inclinations 00891807 00 s 02 isometric 0 isometrical 0 004 & 00889831 a 0000 + 04748654 n 0201 + 05131537 n 0101 + 04748654 n 0101 | having equal dimensions or measurements 00891970 00 s 01 isothermal 0 002 & 00889831 a 0000 + 08590172 n 0101 | of a process or change taking place at constant temperature 00892104 00 s 01 quits 0 001 & 00889831 a 0000 | on equal terms by payment or requital; "we're now quits"; "finally quits with the loan" 00892243 00 s 03 tied(p) 0 even 2 level(p) 0 002 & 00889831 a 0000 + 04748498 n 0201 | of the score in a contest; "the score is tied" 00892379 00 a 01 unequal 0 009 ^ 00481855 a 0000 = 04747899 n 0000 ! 00889831 a 0101 & 00892635 a 0000 & 00892773 a 0000 & 00892976 a 0000 & 00893118 a 0000 & 00893239 a 0000 & 00893347 a 0000 | poorly balanced or matched in quantity or value or measure 00892635 00 s 02 anisometric 0 unsymmetrical 0 001 & 00892379 a 0000 | having unsymmetrical parts or unequal dimensions or measurements 00892773 00 s 02 mismatched 0 uneven 0 002 & 00892379 a 0000 + 04753331 n 0201 | (of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents; "vaudeville...waged an uneven battle against the church" 00892976 00 s 01 nonequivalent 0 002 & 00892379 a 0000 + 04752414 n 0101 | not equal or interchangeable in value, quantity, or significance 00893118 00 s 01 odds-on 0 001 & 00892379 a 0000 | having a better than even chance of success; "the odds-on favorite" 00893239 00 s 01 unbalanced 0 002 & 00892379 a 0000 ;c 05662532 n 0000 | debits and credits are not equal 00893347 00 s 02 unequalized 0 unequalised 0 001 & 00892379 a 0000 | not caused to be equal 00893441 00 a 01 balanced 0 007 ! 00894757 a 0101 & 00893878 a 0000 & 00894029 a 0000 & 00894272 a 0000 & 00894435 a 0000 & 00894551 a 0000 & 00894627 a 0000 | being in a state of proper equilibrium; "the carefully balanced seesaw"; "a properly balanced symphony orchestra"; "a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history"; "a balanced blend of whiskeys"; "the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers" 00893878 00 s 02 counterbalanced 0 counterpoised 0 001 & 00893441 a 0000 | brought into equipoise by means of a weight or force that offsets another 00894029 00 s 03 harmonious 0 proportionate 0 symmetrical 0 004 & 00893441 a 0000 + 13817279 n 0203 + 13969243 n 0101 + 04713118 n 0102 | exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities 00894272 00 s 01 poised 0 001 & 00893441 a 0000 | marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action; "a gull in poised flight"; "George's poised hammer" 00894435 00 s 01 self-balancing 0 001 & 00893441 a 0000 | of someone or something that balances himself or itself 00894551 00 s 01 stable 0 001 & 00893441 a 0000 | maintaining equilibrium 00894627 00 s 01 well-balanced 0 001 & 00893441 a 0000 | in an optimal state of balance or equilibrium; "a well-balanced wheel" 00894757 00 a 02 unbalanced 0 imbalanced 0 002 ! 00893441 a 0101 & 00894879 a 0000 | being or thrown out of equilibrium 00894879 00 s 01 labile 0 001 & 00894757 a 0000 | liable to change; "an emotionally labile person" 00894980 00 a 02 isotonic 0 isosmotic 0 002 ! 00895126 a 0101 ! 00895276 a 0101 | (used of solutions) having the same or equal osmotic pressure 00895126 00 a 01 hypertonic 0 002 ! 00895276 a 0101 ! 00894980 a 0101 | (of a solution) having a higher osmotic pressure than a comparison solution 00895276 00 a 01 hypotonic 0 003 + 14576860 n 0101 ! 00894980 a 0101 ! 00895126 a 0101 | (of a solution) having a lower osmotic pressure than a comparison solution 00895442 00 a 02 equivocal 0 ambiguous 4 008 ^ 00102201 a 0000 + 04825114 n 0201 + 06604319 n 0201 + 04825114 n 0102 ! 00896555 a 0101 & 00896026 a 0000 & 00896182 a 0000 & 00896378 a 0000 | open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead; "an equivocal statement"; "the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates"; "the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness"; "popularity is an equivocal crown"; "an equivocal response to an embarrassing question" 00896026 00 s 02 double 0 forked 0 001 & 00895442 a 0000 | having two meanings with intent to deceive; "a sly double meaning"; "spoke with forked tongue" 00896182 00 s 01 evasive 0 003 & 00895442 a 0000 + 02369811 v 0101 + 04825383 n 0103 | deliberately vague or ambiguous; "his answers were brief, constrained and evasive"; "an evasive statement" 00896378 00 s 01 indeterminate 0 002 & 00895442 a 0000 + 04757864 n 0102 | of uncertain or ambiguous nature; "the equivocal (or indeterminate) objects painted by surrealists" 00896555 00 a 03 unequivocal 0 univocal 0 unambiguous 4 007 ^ 00103696 a 0000 + 04821802 n 0301 + 04821802 n 0102 ! 00895442 a 0101 & 00897015 a 0000 & 00897223 a 0000 & 00897363 a 0000 | admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion; "unequivocal evidence"; "took an unequivocal position"; "an unequivocal success"; "an unequivocal promise"; "an unequivocal (or univocal) statement" 00897015 00 s 01 absolute 0 003 & 00896555 a 0000 + 05854474 n 0101 + 04738398 n 0101 | expressing finality with no implication of possible change; "an absolute guarantee to respect the nation's authority" 00897223 00 s 01 straightforward 0 002 & 00896555 a 0000 + 04918498 n 0102 | free from ambiguity; "a straightforward set of instructions" 00897363 00 s 01 unquestionable 0 002 & 00896555 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0104 | not open to question; "an unquestionable (or unequivocal) loss of prestige" 00897517 00 a 01 eradicable 0 005 ! 00898289 a 0101 & 00897681 a 0000 & 00897759 a 0000 & 00898013 a 0000 & 00898132 a 0000 | able to be eradicated or rooted out 00897681 00 s 01 delible 0 001 & 00897517 a 0000 | capable of being deleted 00897759 00 s 02 effaceable 0 erasable 0 001 & 00897517 a 0000 | capable of being effaced; "the fire's worst scars were effaceable by a comprehensive program of reforestation"; "a signal too loud to be erasable in a single pass through the erase head" 00898013 00 s 02 exterminable 0 extirpable 0 001 & 00897517 a 0000 | capable of being totally destroyed or wiped out 00898132 00 s 02 obliterable 0 removable 0 004 & 00897517 a 0000 + 00472230 v 0101 + 00478830 v 0102 + 00313987 v 0103 | able to be obliterated completely 00898289 00 a 01 ineradicable 0 005 ^ 01754421 a 0000 ! 00897517 a 0101 & 00898488 a 0000 & 00898628 a 0000 & 00898814 a 0000 | not able to be destroyed or rooted out; "ineradicable superstitions" 00898488 00 s 02 indelible 0 unerasable 0 001 & 00898289 a 0000 | cannot be removed or erased; "an indelible stain"; "indelible memories" 00898628 00 s 02 inexpungible 0 inexpungeable 0 001 & 00898289 a 0000 | not capable of being expunged; "the inexpungible scent of a bottle of perfume he had broken"- Louis Auchincloss 00898814 00 s 02 inexterminable 0 inextirpable 0 001 & 00898289 a 0000 | incapable of extermination or extirpation; "some weeds seem inextirpable" 00898963 00 a 01 esoteric 0 006 ^ 01858094 a 0000 ! 00900478 a 0101 & 00899226 a 0000 & 00899612 a 0000 & 00899738 a 0000 & 00900071 a 0000 | confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle; "a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories" 00899226 00 s 03 abstruse 0 deep 0 recondite 0 005 & 00898963 a 0000 + 04823416 n 0304 + 05926358 n 0103 + 05926358 n 0102 + 04823416 n 0103 | difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge; "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them"; "a deep metaphysical theory"; "some recondite problem in historiography" 00899612 00 s 01 arcane 0 001 & 00898963 a 0000 | requiring secret or mysterious knowledge; "the arcane science of dowsing" 00899738 00 s 06 cabalistic 0 kabbalistic 0 qabalistic 0 cryptic 0 cryptical 0 sibylline 0 004 & 00898963 a 0000 + 06673770 n 0307 + 06673770 n 0205 + 06673770 n 0101 | having a secret or hidden meaning; "cabalistic symbols engraved in stone"; "cryptic writings"; "thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements"- John Gunther 00900071 00 s 06 mysterious 0 mystic 0 mystical 0 occult 0 secret 0 orphic 0 006 & 00898963 a 0000 + 09503877 n 0402 + 00412572 n 0401 + 10343554 n 0301 + 10343554 n 0201 + 05685538 n 0101 | having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding; "mysterious symbols"; "the mystical style of Blake"; "occult lore"; "the secret learning of the ancients" 00900478 00 a 01 exoteric 0 002 ^ 01861205 a 0000 ! 00898963 a 0101 | suitable for the general public; "writings of an exoteric nature" 00900616 00 a 01 essential 0 020 ^ 00655779 a 0000 ^ 01275562 a 0000 ^ 00903668 a 0000 ^ 01348258 a 0000 ^ 01580050 a 0000 ^ 01852174 a 0000 ^ 00933032 a 0000 = 05171045 n 0000 + 05171045 n 0102 + 05171045 n 0101 ! 00902652 a 0101 & 00901060 a 0000 & 00901161 a 0000 & 00901345 a 0000 & 00901547 a 0000 & 00901650 a 0000 & 00901826 a 0000 & 00901969 a 0000 & 00902157 a 0000 & 00902347 a 0000 | basic and fundamental; "the essential feature" 00901060 00 s 02 basal 0 primary 0 002 & 00900616 a 0000 + 05793554 n 0102 | of primary importance 00901161 00 s 01 biogenic 0 001 & 00900616 a 0000 | essential for maintaining the fundamental life processes; "sleep and food and water are among the biogenic needs of the organism" 00901345 00 s 04 constituent(a) 0 constitutional 0 constitutive(a) 0 organic 0 002 & 00900616 a 0000 + 02620587 v 0101 | constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup) 00901547 00 s 01 must(a) 0 001 & 00900616 a 0000 | highly recommended; "a book that is must reading" 00901650 00 s 01 no-frills(a) 0 002 & 00900616 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | characterized by the absence of inessential features; "he got a no-frills introduction to the job" 00901826 00 s 01 staple 0 001 & 00900616 a 0000 | necessary or important, especially regarding food or commodities; "wheat is a staple crop" 00901969 00 s 02 substantial 0 substantive 0 001 & 00900616 a 0000 | having a firm basis in reality and being therefore important, meaningful, or considerable; "substantial equivalents" 00902157 00 s 01 virtual(a) 0 001 & 00900616 a 0000 | existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact; "a virtual dependence on charity"; "a virtual revolution"; "virtual reality" 00902347 00 s 02 vital 0 life-sustaining 0 004 & 00900616 a 0000 + 05171491 n 0103 + 05171352 n 0101 + 11523839 n 0103 | performing an essential function in the living body; "vital organs"; "blood and other vital fluids"; "the loss of vital heat in shock"; "a vital spot"; "life-giving love and praise" 00902652 00 a 02 inessential 0 unessential 0 012 ^ 00903449 a 0000 ^ 00932695 a 0000 ^ 01349041 a 0000 ^ 01853461 a 0000 ^ 01279978 a 0000 ^ 01581115 a 0000 = 05171045 n 0000 + 05172815 n 0101 ! 00900616 a 0101 & 00902946 a 0000 & 00903117 a 0000 & 00903264 a 0000 | not basic or fundamental 00902946 00 s 01 accessorial 0 003 & 00902652 a 0000 + 02671780 n 0101 + 02671421 n 0101 | nonessential but helpful; "accessorial services included sorting and packing" 00903117 00 s 01 adscititious 0 001 & 00902652 a 0000 | supplemental; not part of the real or essential nature of a thing; "adscititious vowels" 00903264 00 s 02 incidental 0 nonessential 0 002 & 00902652 a 0000 + 09312645 n 0202 | not of prime or central importance; "nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry"- Pubs.MLA 00903449 00 a 01 dispensable 0 005 ^ 01581115 a 0000 = 05172953 n 0000 + 05172953 n 0102 + 05172953 n 0101 ! 00903668 a 0101 | capable of being dispensed with or done without; "dispensable items of personal property" 00903668 00 a 01 indispensable 0 006 ^ 01580050 a 0000 = 05172953 n 0000 + 05171491 n 0102 + 05171491 n 0101 ! 00903449 a 0101 & 00903894 a 0000 | not to be dispensed with; essential; "foods indispensable to good nutrition" 00903894 00 s 02 critical 0 vital 0 004 & 00903668 a 0000 + 05171491 n 0203 + 14451672 n 0102 + 14451672 n 0101 | urgently needed; absolutely necessary; "a critical element of the plan"; "critical medical supplies"; "vital for a healthy society"; "of vital interest" 00904163 00 a 01 estimable 0 003 ^ 02584981 a 0000 ! 00904548 a 0101 & 00904290 a 0000 | deserving of respect or high regard 00904290 00 s 01 admirable 0 003 & 00904163 a 0000 + 04729127 n 0101 + 04729127 n 0102 | deserving of the highest esteem or admiration; "an estimable young professor"; "trains ran with admirable precision"; "his taste was impeccable, his health admirable" 00904548 00 a 01 contemptible 0 007 ^ 01589217 a 0000 ^ 02588099 a 0000 + 04807971 n 0103 ! 00904163 a 0101 & 00904745 a 0000 & 00905039 a 0000 & 00905181 a 0000 | deserving of contempt or scorn 00904745 00 s 06 abject 0 low 0 low-down 0 miserable 0 scummy 0 scurvy 0 001 & 00904548 a 0000 | of the most contemptible kind; "abject cowardice"; "a low stunt to pull"; "a low-down sneak"; "his miserable treatment of his family"; "You miserable skunk!"; "a scummy rabble"; "a scurvy trick" 00905039 00 s 02 bastardly 0 mean 0 002 & 00904548 a 0000 + 02804772 n 0101 | of no value or worth; "I was caught in the bastardly traffic" 00905181 00 s 03 pathetic 0 pitiable 0 pitiful 0 001 & 00904548 a 0000 | inspiring mixed contempt and pity; "their efforts were pathetic"; "pitiable lack of character"; "pitiful exhibition of cowardice" 00905386 00 a 01 ethical 0 003 ^ 02034828 a 0000 + 09183693 n 0102 ! 00905728 a 0101 | conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior; "an ethical lawyer"; "ethical medical practice"; "an ethical problem"; "had no ethical objection to drinking"; "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants"- Omar N. Bradley 00905728 00 a 01 unethical 0 002 ^ 02035337 a 0000 ! 00905386 a 0101 | not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior; "unethical business practices" 00905905 00 a 01 complimentary 0 005 ^ 00995775 a 0000 + 06695227 n 0101 ! 00906455 a 0101 & 00906099 a 0000 & 00906312 a 0000 | conveying or resembling a compliment; "a complimentary remark" 00906099 00 s 04 encomiastic 0 eulogistic 0 panegyric 0 panegyrical 0 006 & 00905905 a 0000 + 06694149 n 0403 + 06694149 n 0303 + 06694149 n 0202 + 06694359 n 0201 + 06694149 n 0101 | formally expressing praise 00906312 00 s 03 laudatory 0 praiseful 0 praising 0 002 & 00905905 a 0000 + 00860620 v 0101 | full of or giving praise; "a laudatory remark" 00906455 00 a 01 uncomplimentary 0 006 ^ 00996448 a 0000 ! 00905905 a 0101 & 00906655 a 0000 & 00907032 a 0000 & 00907243 a 0000 & 00907400 a 0000 | tending to (or intended to) detract or disparage 00906655 00 s 07 belittling 0 deprecating 0 deprecative 0 deprecatory 0 depreciative 0 depreciatory 0 slighting 0 005 & 00906455 a 0000 + 00855933 v 0602 + 00855933 v 0502 + 00855933 v 0401 + 00855933 v 0301 | tending to diminish or disparage; "belittling comments"; "managed a deprecating smile at the compliment"; "deprecatory remarks about the book"; "a slighting remark" 00907032 00 s 03 derogative 0 derogatory 0 disparaging 0 003 & 00906455 a 0000 + 00864475 v 0204 + 00864475 v 0104 | expressive of low opinion; "derogatory comments"; "disparaging remarks about the new house" 00907243 00 s 03 dyslogistic 0 dislogistic 0 pejorative 0 001 & 00906455 a 0000 | expressing disapproval; "dyslogistic terms like `nitwit' and `scalawag'" 00907400 00 s 03 supercilious 0 sneering 0 snide 0 002 & 00906455 a 0000 + 04888268 n 0102 | expressive of contempt; "curled his lip in a supercilious smile"; "spoke in a sneering jeering manner"; "makes many a sharp comparison but never a mean or snide one" 00907661 00 a 01 flattering 0 004 ! 00908315 a 0101 & 00907830 a 0000 & 00907972 a 0000 & 00908143 a 0000 | showing or representing to advantage; "a flattering color" 00907830 00 s 01 adulatory 0 002 & 00907661 a 0000 + 00880518 v 0101 | obsequiously complimentary; "they listened with flattering interest" 00907972 00 s 01 becoming 0 002 & 00907661 a 0000 + 04900597 n 0101 | displaying or setting off to best advantage; "a becoming new shade of rose"; "a becoming portrait" 00908143 00 s 03 ingratiating 0 insinuating 0 ingratiatory 0 002 & 00907661 a 0000 + 01804595 v 0301 | calculated to please or gain favor; "a smooth ingratiating manner" 00908315 00 a 02 unflattering 0 uncomplimentary 1 001 ! 00907661 a 0101 | showing or representing unfavorably; "an unflattering portrait"; "an uncomplimentary dress" 00908483 00 a 02 euphemistic 0 inoffensive 5 002 + 06605046 n 0101 ! 00908672 a 0101 | substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one; "`peepee' is a common euphemistic term" 00908672 00 a 02 dysphemistic 0 offensive 5 005 + 04780958 n 0201 + 01789270 v 0202 + 01793177 v 0205 + 06605396 n 0101 ! 00908483 a 0101 | substitute a harsher or distasteful term for a mild one ; "`nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'" 00908929 00 a 01 euphoric 0 006 ^ 00704609 a 0000 ^ 01148283 a 0000 + 07529096 n 0102 ! 00909363 a 0101 & 00909118 a 0000 & 00909220 a 0000 | exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation 00909118 00 s 01 euphoriant 0 002 & 00908929 a 0000 + 03301696 n 0101 | tending to produce euphoria 00909220 00 s 01 expansive 0 002 & 00908929 a 0000 ;c 06055946 n 0000 | marked by exaggerated feelings of euphoria and delusions of grandeur 00909363 00 a 03 dysphoric 0 distressed 4 unhappy 4 005 ^ 00703109 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 + 07532440 n 0302 + 07539367 n 0101 ! 00908929 a 0101 | generalized feeling of distress 00909545 00 a 01 even 1 013 ^ 02236842 a 0000 ^ 02301560 a 0000 = 04769456 n 0000 + 04748498 n 0101 ! 00911327 a 0101 & 00910101 a 0000 & 00910404 a 0000 & 00910542 a 0000 & 00910750 a 0000 & 00910885 a 0000 & 00910983 a 0000 & 00911091 a 0000 & 00911204 a 0000 | being level or straight or regular and without variation as e.g. in shape or texture; or being in the same plane or at the same height as something else (i.e. even with); "an even application of varnish"; "an even floor"; "the road was not very even"; "the picture is even with the window" 00910101 00 s 03 flat 0 level 1 plane 0 004 & 00909545 a 0000 + 13861050 n 0301 + 05063349 n 0303 + 05063349 n 0102 | having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; "a flat desk"; "acres of level farmland"; "a plane surface"; "skirts sewn with fine flat seams" 00910404 00 s 02 flatbottom 0 flatbottomed 0 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | having a flat bottom; "a flatbottom kettle"; "a flatbottomed boat" 00910542 00 s 01 flush(p) 0 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane; "a door flush with the wall"; "the bottom of the window is flush with the floor" 00910750 00 s 01 justified 0 002 & 00909545 a 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 | having words so spaced that lines have straight even margins 00910885 00 s 01 lap-jointed 0 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | jointed so as to produce a flush surface 00910983 00 s 01 straight-grained 0 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | of timber; having fibers that run in parallel 00911091 00 s 01 level 2 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | oriented at right angles to the plumb; "the picture is level" 00911204 00 s 02 true 0 straight 2 001 & 00909545 a 0000 | accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true" 00911327 00 a 01 uneven 0 015 ^ 02238462 a 0000 ^ 02303077 a 0000 = 04769456 n 0000 + 04771890 n 0101 ! 00909545 a 0101 & 00911762 a 0000 & 00911935 a 0000 & 00912094 a 0000 & 00912288 a 0000 & 00912490 a 0000 & 00912637 a 0000 & 00912814 a 0000 & 00912980 a 0000 & 00913131 a 0000 & 00913306 a 0000 | not even or uniform as e.g. in shape or texture; "an uneven color"; "uneven ground"; "uneven margins"; "wood with an uneven grain" 00911762 00 s 05 crinkled 0 crinkly 0 rippled 0 wavy 0 wavelike 0 003 & 00911327 a 0000 + 04772955 n 0401 + 13905792 n 0204 | uneven by virtue of having wrinkles or waves 00911935 00 s 03 curly-grained 0 cross-grained 0 wavy-grained 0 001 & 00911327 a 0000 | of timber; having fibers running irregularly rather than in parallel 00912094 00 s 01 irregular 0 002 & 00911327 a 0000 + 05066012 n 0101 | (of a surface or shape); not level or flat or symmetrical; "walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface" 00912288 00 s 03 jagged 0 jaggy 0 scraggy 0 003 & 00911327 a 0000 + 09320826 n 0201 + 04772691 n 0101 | having a sharply uneven surface or outline; "the jagged outline of the crags"; "scraggy cliffs" 00912490 00 s 01 lumpy 0 003 & 00911327 a 0000 + 09307300 n 0102 + 07961016 n 0104 | having lumps; not smooth and even in texture; "lumpy gravy" 00912637 00 s 02 out_of_true 0 untrue 0 001 & 00911327 a 0000 | not accurately fitted; not level; "the frame was out of true"; "off-level floors and untrue doors and windows" 00912814 00 s 01 patchy 0 003 & 00911327 a 0000 + 04682462 n 0104 + 04772844 n 0101 | irregular or uneven in quality, texture, etc.; "a patchy essay"; "patchy fog" 00912980 00 s 01 pebble-grained 0 001 & 00911327 a 0000 | (of leather) having a rough surface as the result of being treated with a patterned roller 00913131 00 s 01 ragged 0 002 & 00911327 a 0000 + 04948241 n 0102 | having an irregular outline; "text set with ragged right margins"; "herded the class into a ragged line" 00913306 00 s 01 unparallel 0 001 & 00911327 a 0000 | not straight or parallel 00913387 00 a 01 even 2 001 ! 00913454 a 0101 | divisible by two 00913454 00 a 02 odd 0 uneven 4 002 + 13790592 n 0101 ! 00913387 a 0101 | not divisible by two 00913551 00 a 01 evergreen 0 004 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00914104 a 0101 & 00913720 a 0000 & 00913889 a 0000 | (of plants and shrubs) bearing foliage throughout the year 00913720 00 s 02 coniferous 0 cone-bearing 0 002 & 00913551 a 0000 + 13108841 n 0101 | of or relating to or part of trees or shrubs bearing cones and evergreen leaves 00913889 00 s 02 semi-evergreen 0 half-evergreen 0 001 & 00913551 a 0000 | of a plant that is incompletely evergreen; "it was evergreen where the weather was mild but deciduous in the rigorous parts of the range" 00914104 00 a 01 deciduous 0 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 00913551 a 0101 & 00914269 a 0000 | (of plants and shrubs) shedding foliage at the end of the growing season 00914269 00 s 03 broadleaf 0 broad-leafed 0 broad-leaved 0 001 & 00914104 a 0000 | having relatively broad rather than needlelike or scalelike leaves 00914421 00 a 01 exact 0 012 ^ 00021766 a 0000 ^ 01418789 a 0000 ^ 01749320 a 0000 ^ 01837744 a 0000 + 04803430 n 0101 ! 00915787 a 0101 & 00914808 a 0000 & 00914983 a 0000 & 00915141 a 0000 & 00915321 a 0000 & 00915420 a 0000 & 00915556 a 0000 | marked by strict and particular and complete accordance with fact; "an exact mind"; "an exact copy"; "hit the exact center of the target" 00914808 00 s 02 direct 0 verbatim 0 001 & 00914421 a 0000 | in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker; "a direct quotation"; "repeated their dialog verbatim" 00914983 00 s 01 literal 0 002 & 00914421 a 0000 + 04760611 n 0101 | without interpretation or embellishment; "a literal depiction of the scene before him" 00915141 00 s 01 mathematical 0 003 & 00914421 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 06000644 n 0101 | characterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics; "mathematical precision" 00915321 00 s 01 perfect 0 001 & 00914421 a 0000 | precisely accurate or exact; "perfect timing" 00915420 00 s 01 photographic 0 001 & 00914421 a 0000 | representing people or nature with the exactness and fidelity of a photograph 00915556 00 s 02 rigorous 0 strict 0 004 & 00914421 a 0000 + 04673173 n 0201 + 04639732 n 0106 + 04783567 n 0103 | rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard; "rigorous application of the law"; "a strict vegetarian" 00915787 00 a 01 inexact 0 008 ^ 01839417 a 0000 ^ 00023383 a 0000 + 04804611 n 0101 ! 00914421 a 0101 & 00915976 a 0000 & 00916199 a 0000 & 00916383 a 0000 & 00916524 a 0000 | not exact 00915976 00 s 03 approximate 0 approximative 0 rough 0 003 & 00915787 a 0000 + 02666060 v 0201 + 00672433 v 0203 | not quite exact or correct; "the approximate time was 10 o'clock"; "a rough guess"; "a ballpark estimate" 00916199 00 s 03 free 0 loose 0 liberal 0 002 & 00915787 a 0000 + 04804947 n 0201 | not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem" 00916383 00 s 01 odd 0 002 & 00915787 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | an indefinite quantity more than that specified; "invited 30-odd guests" 00916524 00 s 01 round 0 003 & 00915787 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05123206 n 0101 | (mathematics) expressed to the nearest integer, ten, hundred, or thousand; "in round numbers" 00916706 00 a 02 convertible 0 exchangeable 4 006 = 04736757 n 0000 + 04735929 n 0201 + 00161225 v 0104 + 04736757 n 0101 ! 00917207 a 0101 & 00916965 a 0000 | capable of being exchanged for or replaced by something of equal value; "convertible securities" 00916965 00 s 02 cashable 0 redeemable 0 002 & 00916706 a 0000 + 02256354 v 0101 | able to be converted into ready money or the equivalent; "a cashable check"; "cashable gambling chips"; "redeemable stocks and bonds"; "a redeemable coupon" 00917207 00 a 03 inconvertible 0 unconvertible 0 unexchangeable 4 005 = 04736757 n 0000 + 04740864 n 0301 + 04737020 n 0101 ! 00916706 a 0101 & 00917482 a 0000 | used especially of currencies; incapable of being exchanged for or replaced by another currency of equal value 00917482 00 s 01 irredeemable 0 001 & 00917207 a 0000 | (of paper money) not convertible into coin at the pleasure of the holder 00917613 00 a 01 exchangeable 0 005 ! 00918491 a 0101 & 00917768 a 0000 & 00917956 a 0000 & 00918200 a 0000 & 00918354 a 0000 | suitable to be exchanged 00917768 00 s 02 commutable 0 substitutable 0 003 & 00917613 a 0000 + 04737234 n 0202 + 04737234 n 0103 | capable of being exchanged for another or for something else that is equivalent 00917956 00 s 01 fungible 0 004 & 00917613 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 03403169 n 0101 + 04735929 n 0104 | of goods or commodities; freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation 00918200 00 s 02 transposable 0 permutable 0 004 & 00917613 a 0000 + 04737568 n 0202 + 04737568 n 0201 + 04737568 n 0103 | capable of changing sequence 00918354 00 s 01 vicarious 0 001 & 00917613 a 0000 | suffered or done by one person as a substitute for another; "vicarious atonement" 00918491 00 a 01 unexchangeable 0 003 + 04740864 n 0101 ! 00917613 a 0101 & 00918616 a 0000 | not suitable to be exchanged 00918616 00 s 01 incommutable 0 002 & 00918491 a 0000 + 04741075 n 0101 | not interchangeable or able to substitute one for another; "a rare incommutable skill" 00918779 00 a 01 excitable 0 006 + 04628850 n 0102 + 04628850 n 0101 ! 00919321 a 0101 & 00918939 a 0000 & 00919018 a 0000 & 00919155 a 0000 | easily excited 00918939 00 s 01 high-keyed 0 001 & 00918779 a 0000 | (of persons) excitable 00919018 00 s 02 quick 0 warm 0 002 & 00918779 a 0000 + 05059132 n 0102 | easily aroused or excited; "a quick temper"; "a warm temper" 00919155 00 s 04 skittish 0 flighty 0 spooky 0 nervous 0 003 & 00918779 a 0000 + 04624959 n 0401 + 04625716 n 0101 | unpredictably excitable (especially of horses) 00919321 00 a 01 unexcitable 0 002 ! 00918779 a 0101 & 00919445 a 0000 | not easily excited; "an unexcitable temperament" 00919445 00 s 01 steady 0 001 & 00919321 a 0000 | not easily excited or upset; "steady nerves" 00919542 00 a 01 excited 0 012 ^ 00085264 a 0000 ! 00920881 a 0101 & 00919813 a 0000 & 00919919 a 0000 & 00919984 a 0000 & 00920167 a 0000 & 00920260 a 0000 & 00920422 a 0000 & 00920494 a 0000 & 00920603 a 0000 & 00920704 a 0000 & 00920797 a 0000 | in an aroused state 00919813 00 s 02 aflutter 0 nervous 0 002 & 00919542 a 0000 + 07525760 n 0203 | excited in anticipation 00919919 00 s 01 agog 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | highly excited 00919984 00 s 01 crazy 0 003 & 00919542 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 00512843 n 0104 | possessed by inordinate excitement; "the crowd went crazy"; "was crazy to try his new bicycle" 00920167 00 s 01 fevered 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | highly excited; "a fevered imagination" 00920260 00 s 02 intoxicated 0 drunk 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | as if under the influence of alcohol; "felt intoxicated by her success"; "drunk with excitement" 00920422 00 s 01 overexcited 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | unduly excited 00920494 00 s 04 stimulated 0 stirred 0 stirred_up 0 aroused 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | emotionally aroused 00920603 00 s 02 teased 0 titillated 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | feeling mild pleasurable excitement 00920704 00 s 01 thrilled 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | feeling intense pleasurable excitement 00920797 00 s 01 thrillful 0 001 & 00919542 a 0000 | full of excitement; thrilled 00920881 00 a 01 unexcited 0 002 ^ 00087152 a 0000 ! 00919542 a 0101 | not excited; "made an unexcited appraisal of the situation" 00921014 00 a 01 exciting 0 014 ^ 01343918 a 0000 ^ 01896478 a 0000 ^ 02131072 a 0000 ^ 02306288 a 0000 = 14037011 n 0000 ! 00922594 a 0101 & 00921369 a 0000 & 00921538 a 0000 & 00921631 a 0000 & 00921866 a 0000 & 00922051 a 0000 & 00922228 a 0000 & 00922344 a 0000 & 00922439 a 0000 | creating or arousing excitement; "an exciting account of her trip" 00921369 00 s 02 breathless 0 breathtaking 0 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | tending to cause suspension of regular breathing; "a breathless flight"; "breathtaking adventure" 00921538 00 s 02 elating 0 exhilarating 0 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | making lively and joyful 00921631 00 s 04 electric 0 galvanic 0 galvanizing 0 galvanising 0 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling; "gave an electric reading of the play"; "the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale" 00921866 00 s 02 electrifying 0 thrilling 0 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | causing a surge of emotion or excitement; "she gave an electrifying performance"; "a thrilling performer to watch" 00922051 00 s 02 glamorous 0 glamourous 0 003 & 00921014 a 0000 + 04685195 n 0202 + 04685195 n 0101 | having an air of allure, romance and excitement; "glamorous movie stars" 00922228 00 s 02 heady 0 intoxicating 0 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | extremely exciting as if by alcohol or a narcotic 00922344 00 s 01 titillating 1 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | pleasantly and superficially exciting 00922439 00 s 03 tickling 0 tingling 0 titillating 2 001 & 00921014 a 0000 | exciting by touching lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements 00922594 00 a 01 unexciting 0 008 ^ 01344963 a 0000 ^ 01897787 a 0000 ^ 02307367 a 0000 = 14037011 n 0000 ! 00921014 a 0101 & 00922840 a 0000 & 00923066 a 0000 & 00923232 a 0000 | not exciting; "an unexciting novel"; "lived an unexciting life" 00922840 00 s 05 commonplace 0 humdrum 0 prosaic 0 unglamorous 0 unglamourous 0 003 & 00922594 a 0000 + 07072434 n 0301 + 04795878 n 0302 | not challenging; dull and lacking excitement; "an unglamorous job greasing engines" 00923066 00 s 01 uninspired 0 001 & 00922594 a 0000 | having no intellectual or emotional or spiritual excitement; "the production was professional but uninspired" 00923232 00 s 01 tame 0 002 & 00922594 a 0000 + 05206573 n 0103 | flat and uninspiring 00923321 00 a 01 exculpatory 0 006 ^ 01319874 a 0000 + 00904046 v 0106 ! 00923993 a 0101 & 00923495 a 0000 & 00923671 a 0000 & 00923790 a 0000 | clearing of guilt or blame 00923495 00 s 03 absolvitory 0 exonerative 0 forgiving 0 005 & 00923321 a 0000 + 04829764 n 0301 + 00904046 v 0205 + 00903711 v 0102 + 00902424 v 0101 | providing absolution 00923671 00 s 01 extenuating 0 001 & 00923321 a 0000 | partially excusing or justifying; "extenuating circumstances" 00923790 00 s 03 justificative 0 justificatory 0 vindicatory 0 006 & 00923321 a 0000 + 00896141 v 0302 + 00896803 v 0201 + 00896141 v 0201 + 00896803 v 0101 + 00896141 v 0101 | providing justification 00923993 00 a 02 inculpatory 0 inculpative 0 010 ^ 01320988 a 0000 + 02636921 v 0203 + 02636921 v 0103 ! 00923321 a 0101 & 00924257 a 0000 & 00924635 a 0000 & 00924791 a 0000 & 00924952 a 0000 & 00925177 a 0000 & 00925287 a 0000 | causing blame to be imputed to 00924257 00 s 04 accusative 0 accusatory 0 accusing 0 accusive 0 008 & 00923993 a 0000 + 00843468 v 0402 + 00842989 v 0401 + 00843468 v 0202 + 00842989 v 0201 + 06311557 n 0101 + 00843468 v 0102 + 00842989 v 0101 | containing or expressing accusation; "an accusitive forefinger"; "black accusatory looks"; "accusive shoes and telltale trousers"- O.Henry; "his accusing glare" 00924635 00 s 03 comminatory 0 denunciative 0 denunciatory 0 003 & 00923993 a 0000 + 02508245 v 0204 + 00864910 v 0104 | containing warning of punishment 00924791 00 s 02 condemnatory 0 condemning 0 002 & 00923993 a 0000 + 00864159 v 0101 | containing or imposing condemnation or censure; "a condemnatory decree" 00924952 00 s 04 criminative 0 criminatory 0 incriminating 0 incriminatory 0 004 & 00923993 a 0000 + 02636921 v 0401 + 00842989 v 0204 + 00842989 v 0104 | charging or suggestive of guilt or blame; "incriminatory testimony" 00925177 00 s 02 damnatory 0 damning 0 002 & 00923993 a 0000 + 00865958 v 0103 | threatening with damnation 00925287 00 s 02 recriminative 0 recriminatory 0 003 & 00923993 a 0000 + 00844553 v 0201 + 00844553 v 0101 | countering one charge with another; "recriminatory arguments" 00925460 00 a 01 exhaustible 0 002 ! 00925642 a 0101 & 00925560 a 0000 | capable of being used up 00925560 00 s 01 depletable 0 001 & 00925460 a 0000 | capable of being depleted 00925642 00 a 01 inexhaustible 0 003 ! 00925460 a 0101 & 00925820 a 0000 & 00925985 a 0000 | incapable of being entirely consumed or used up; "an inexhaustible supply of coal" 00925820 00 s 01 renewable 0 001 & 00925642 a 0000 | capable of being renewed; replaceable; "renewable energy such as solar energy is theoretically inexhaustible" 00925985 00 s 01 unfailing 0 001 & 00925642 a 0000 | always able to supply more; "an unfailing source of good stories"; "a subject of unfailing interest" 00926141 00 a 02 exhausted 0 spent 0 001 ! 00926348 a 0101 | depleted of energy, force, or strength; "impossible to grow tobacco on the exhausted soil"; "the exhausted food sources"; "exhausted oil wells" 00926348 00 a 01 unexhausted 0 004 ! 00926141 a 0101 & 00926505 a 0000 & 00926802 a 0000 & 00926871 a 0000 | not used up completely; "an unexhausted well" 00926505 00 s 06 leftover 0 left_over(p) 0 left(p) 0 odd 0 remaining 0 unexpended 0 001 & 00926348 a 0000 | not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions" 00926802 00 s 01 unconsumed 0 001 & 00926348 a 0000 | not consumed 00926871 00 s 02 unspent 0 unexpended 2 001 & 00926348 a 0000 | (of financial resources) not spent; "unexpended funds"; "his unspent allowance" 00927017 00 a 02 existent 0 existing 0 006 ^ 00928525 a 0000 = 13954253 n 0000 + 13954253 n 0103 + 02603699 v 0101 ! 00927578 a 0101 & 00927373 a 0000 | having existence or being or actuality; "an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient"; "much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran" 00927373 00 s 02 active 0 alive(p) 0 004 & 00927017 a 0000 + 13961642 n 0204 + 14006945 n 0103 + 00407535 n 0101 | in operation; "keep hope alive"; "the tradition was still alive"; "an active tradition" 00927578 00 a 01 nonexistent 0 008 ^ 00041051 a 0000 = 13954253 n 0000 + 13959931 n 0101 ! 00927017 a 0101 & 00927832 a 0000 & 00927978 a 0000 & 00928238 a 0000 & 00928414 a 0000 | not having existence or being or actuality; "chimeras are nonexistent" 00927832 00 s 04 lacking 0 absent 0 missing 0 wanting 0 001 & 00927578 a 0000 | nonexistent; "the thumb is absent"; "her appetite was lacking" 00927978 00 s 05 barren 0 destitute 0 devoid 0 free 0 innocent 0 001 & 00927578 a 0000 | completely wanting or lacking; "writing barren of insight"; "young recruits destitute of experience"; "innocent of literary merit"; "the sentence was devoid of meaning" 00928238 00 s 01 nonextant 0 001 & 00927578 a 0000 | no longer existing or inaccessible through loss or destruction; "its nonextant original was written on vellum"- G.B.Saul 00928414 00 s 01 vanished 0 001 & 00927578 a 0000 | having passed out of existence; "vanished civilizations" 00928525 00 a 01 extant 0 004 ^ 00927017 a 0000 ! 00929164 a 0101 & 00928781 a 0000 & 00928874 a 0000 | still in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost; "extant manuscripts"; "specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk"- Edward Clodd 00928781 00 s 01 living 1 001 & 00928525 a 0000 | still in active use; "a living language" 00928874 00 s 02 surviving 0 living 0 001 & 00928525 a 0000 | still in existence; "the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil"; "the only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania" 00929164 00 a 02 extinct 1 nonextant 2 003 ^ 00927578 a 0000 ! 00928525 a 0101 & 00929443 a 0000 | no longer in existence; lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives; "an extinct species of fish"; "an extinct royal family"; "extinct laws and customs" 00929443 00 s 01 dead 0 002 & 00929164 a 0000 + 05006519 n 0101 | not surviving in active use; "Latin is a dead language" 00929567 00 a 01 expected 0 007 ^ 02360351 a 0000 + 14501375 n 0102 ! 00930290 a 0101 & 00929815 a 0000 & 00929916 a 0000 & 00930022 a 0000 & 00930170 a 0000 | considered likely or probable to happen or arrive; "prepared for the expected attack" 00929815 00 s 03 anticipated 0 awaited(p) 0 hoped-for 0 001 & 00929567 a 0000 | expected hopefully 00929916 00 s 01 due(p) 0 001 & 00929567 a 0000 | scheduled to arrive; "the train is due in 15 minutes" 00930022 00 s 01 expectable 0 001 & 00929567 a 0000 | to be expected; "differences of opinion are quite expectable given the present information" 00930170 00 s 01 matter-of-course 0 001 & 00929567 a 0000 | expected or depended upon as a natural or logical outcome 00930290 00 a 01 unexpected 0 008 ^ 02359464 a 0000 + 04796725 n 0101 ! 00929567 a 0101 & 00930540 a 0000 & 00930765 a 0000 & 00931070 a 0000 & 00931306 a 0000 & 00931395 a 0000 | not expected or anticipated; "unexpected guests"; "unexpected news" 00930540 00 s 03 unannounced 0 unheralded 0 unpredicted 0 001 & 00930290 a 0000 | without warning or announcement; "they arrived unannounced"; "a totally unheralded telegram that his daughter...died last night"- M.A.D.Howe 00930765 00 s 04 unanticipated 0 unforeseen 0 unlooked-for 0 out_of_the_blue(p) 0 001 & 00930290 a 0000 | not anticipated; "unanticipated and disconcerting lines of development"- H.W.Glidden; "unforeseen circumstances"; "a virtue unlooked-for in people so full of energy"; "like a bolt out of the blue" 00931070 00 s 04 unhoped 0 unhoped-for 0 unthought 0 unthought-of 0 001 & 00930290 a 0000 | so unexpected as to have not been imagined; "an unhoped-for piece of luck"; "an unthought advantage"; "an unthought-of place to find the key" 00931306 00 s 01 unprovided_for(p) 0 001 & 00930290 a 0000 | not prepared or ready for 00931395 00 s 01 upset(a) 0 001 & 00930290 a 0000 | used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win; "the Bills' upset victory over the Houston Oilers" 00931555 00 a 01 expedient 0 009 ^ 00064479 a 0000 ^ 00604617 a 0000 ^ 01813400 a 0000 ^ 02495922 a 0000 + 04835488 n 0104 ! 00932367 a 0101 & 00931833 a 0000 & 00931974 a 0000 & 00932184 a 0000 | serving to promote your interest; "was merciful only when mercy was expedient" 00931833 00 s 01 advantageous 0 001 & 00931555 a 0000 | appropriate for achieving a particular end; implies a lack of concern for fairness 00931974 00 s 03 opportunist 0 opportunistic 0 timeserving 0 003 & 00931555 a 0000 + 04835488 n 0201 + 10379376 n 0101 | taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit 00932184 00 s 02 carpetbag 0 carpetbagging 0 001 & 00931555 a 0000 | presumptuously seeking success or a position in a new locality; "a carpetbag stranger"; "a capetbag politician" 00932367 00 a 01 inexpedient 0 006 ^ 00065488 a 0000 ^ 01814085 a 0000 + 05165303 n 0102 + 05165303 n 0101 ! 00931555 a 0101 & 00932565 a 0000 | not suitable or advisable; "an inexpedient tactic" 00932565 00 s 01 inadvisable 0 002 & 00932367 a 0000 + 05165028 n 0101 | not advisable; "an unnecessary and inadvisable action" 00932695 00 a 01 expendable 0 004 ^ 01978395 a 0000 ! 00933032 a 0101 & 00932829 a 0000 & 00932918 a 0000 | suitable to be expended 00932829 00 s 01 consumable 0 002 & 00932695 a 0000 + 01157517 v 0101 | may be used up 00932918 00 s 01 sacrificeable 0 001 & 00932695 a 0000 | may be deliberately sacrificed to achieve an objective 00933032 00 a 01 unexpendable 0 003 ^ 00900616 a 0000 ^ 01978894 a 0000 ! 00932695 a 0101 | not suitable to be expended 00933154 00 a 01 expensive 0 008 ^ 02500884 a 0000 + 05145891 n 0101 + 02267060 v 0102 ! 00934199 a 0101 & 00933415 a 0000 & 00933599 a 0000 & 00933941 a 0000 & 00934082 a 0000 | high in price or charging high prices; "expensive clothes"; "an expensive shop" 00933415 00 s 02 big-ticket(a) 0 high-ticket(a) 0 002 & 00933154 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very expensive; "big-ticket items like cars and furs"; "a big-ticket government program" 00933599 00 s 05 costly 1 dear(p) 0 high-priced 0 pricey 0 pricy 0 008 & 00933154 a 0000 + 13303315 n 0501 + 05141683 n 0501 + 13303315 n 0401 + 05141683 n 0401 + 05146272 n 0202 + 05145118 n 0103 + 05146272 n 0101 | having a high price; "costly jewelry"; "high-priced merchandise"; "much too dear for my pocketbook"; "a pricey restaurant" 00933941 00 s 02 dearly-won 0 costly 2 002 & 00933154 a 0000 + 05163807 n 0202 | entailing great loss or sacrifice; "a dearly-won victory" 00934082 00 s 01 overpriced 0 001 & 00933154 a 0000 | too costly for the value; "overpriced items at resort shops" 00934199 00 a 02 cheap 0 inexpensive 0 010 + 05146739 n 0201 + 05147237 n 0102 ! 00933154 a 0101 & 00934554 a 0000 & 00934738 a 0000 & 00934874 a 0000 & 00934966 a 0000 & 00935103 a 0000 & 00935259 a 0000 & 00935359 a 0000 | relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants" 00934554 00 s 03 bargain-priced 0 cut-rate 1 cut-price 1 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | costing less than standard price; "buying bargain-priced clothes for the children"; "cut-rate goods" 00934738 00 s 01 catchpenny(a) 0 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | designed to sell quickly without concern for quality; "catchpenny ornaments" 00934874 00 s 01 dirt_cheap 0 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | very cheap; "a dirt cheap property" 00934966 00 s 01 low-budget 0 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | made on or suited to a limited budget; "a low-budget movie"; "a low-budget menu" 00935103 00 s 03 low-cost 0 low-priced 0 affordable 0 002 & 00934199 a 0000 + 02744451 v 0301 | that you have the financial means for; "low-cost housing" 00935259 00 s 01 nickel-and-dime(a) 0 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | low-paying; "a nickel-and-dime job" 00935359 00 s 06 sixpenny 0 threepenny 0 twopenny 0 tuppeny 0 two-a-penny 0 twopenny-halfpenny 0 001 & 00934199 a 0000 | of trifling worth 00935500 00 a 02 experienced 0 experient 0 009 ^ 02225510 a 0000 ^ 02447344 a 0000 + 05758059 n 0201 ! 00936740 a 0101 & 00935792 a 0000 & 00936038 a 0000 & 00936297 a 0000 & 00936427 a 0000 & 00936523 a 0000 | having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation 00935792 00 s 02 full-fledged 0 fully_fledged 0 001 & 00935500 a 0000 | (of persons, e.g.) having gained full status; "a full-fledged lawyer"; "by the age of seventeen I was a full-fledged atheist"; "sees itself as a fully fledged rival party" 00936038 00 s 03 intimate 0 knowledgeable 0 versed 0 002 & 00935500 a 0000 + 04890546 n 0201 | thoroughly acquainted through study or experience; "this girl, so intimate with nature"-W.H.Hudson; "knowledgeable about the technique of painting"- Herbert Read 00936297 00 s 02 old 0 older 0 001 & 00935500 a 0000 | skilled through long experience; "an old offender"; "the older soldiers" 00936427 00 s 02 practiced 0 practised 0 001 & 00935500 a 0000 | skillful after much practice 00936523 00 s 02 seasoned 0 veteran(a) 0 003 & 00935500 a 0000 + 10749528 n 0201 + 10749123 n 0201 | rendered competent through trial and experience; "a seasoned traveler"; "veteran steadiness"; "a veteran officer" 00936740 00 a 02 inexperienced 0 inexperient 0 009 ^ 02228335 a 0000 ^ 02271544 a 0000 + 05988956 n 0201 ! 00935500 a 0101 & 00936998 a 0000 & 00937186 a 0000 & 00937341 a 0000 & 00937616 a 0000 & 00937732 a 0000 | lacking practical experience or training 00936998 00 s 03 fledgling 0 unfledged 0 callow 0 002 & 00936740 a 0000 + 10355449 n 0102 | young and inexperienced; "a fledgling enterprise"; "a fledgling skier"; "an unfledged lawyer" 00937186 00 s 02 raw 0 new 0 002 & 00936740 a 0000 + 05988956 n 0102 | lacking training or experience; "the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits" 00937341 00 s 03 uninitiate 0 uninitiated 0 naive 0 003 & 00936740 a 0000 + 04880573 n 0303 + 07948754 n 0101 | not initiated; deficient in relevant experience; "it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes"; "he took part in the experiment as a naive subject" 00937616 00 s 03 unpracticed 0 unpractised 0 unversed 0 001 & 00936740 a 0000 | not having had extensive practice 00937732 00 s 04 unseasoned 0 untested 0 untried 0 young 0 001 & 00936740 a 0000 | not tried or tested by experience; "unseasoned artillery volunteers"; "still untested in battle"; "an illustrator untried in mural painting"; "a young hand at plowing" 00937985 00 a 01 expired 0 003 ! 00938441 a 0101 & 00938210 a 0000 & 00938305 a 0000 | having come to an end or become void after passage of a period of time; "an expired passport"; "caught driving with an expired license" 00938210 00 s 01 invalid 0 001 & 00937985 a 0000 | no longer valid; "the license is invalid" 00938305 00 s 01 terminated 0 002 & 00937985 a 0000 ;c 06520944 n 0000 | (of e.g. a contract or term of office) having come to an end 00938441 00 a 01 unexpired 0 002 ! 00937985 a 0101 & 00938659 a 0000 | not having come to an end or been terminated by passage of time; "elected to fill the senator's unexpired term"; "an unexpired driver's license" 00938659 00 s 01 valid 0 003 & 00938441 a 0000 + 04809453 n 0102 + 04809453 n 0101 | still legally acceptable; "the license is still valid" 00938801 00 a 01 explicable 0 004 ^ 00532892 a 0000 ^ 02266145 a 0000 ! 00939105 a 0101 & 00938979 a 0000 | capable of being explicated or accounted for; "explicable behavior" 00938979 00 s 02 explainable 0 interpretable 0 001 & 00938801 a 0000 | capable of being understood; "explainable phenomena" 00939105 00 a 02 inexplicable 0 incomprehensible 4 008 ^ 00533851 a 0000 ^ 02266600 a 0000 + 04822223 n 0201 ! 00938801 a 0101 & 00939444 a 0000 & 00939895 a 0000 & 00940108 a 0000 & 00940314 a 0000 | incapable of being explained or accounted for; "inexplicable errors"; "left the house at three in the morning for inexplicable reasons" 00939444 00 s 06 cryptic 0 cryptical 0 deep 0 inscrutable 0 mysterious 0 mystifying 0 003 & 00939105 a 0000 + 05685538 n 0501 + 04822524 n 0401 | of an obscure nature; "the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms"; "a deep dark secret"; "the inscrutable workings of Providence"; "in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life"- Rachel Carson; "rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands" 00939895 00 s 02 paradoxical 0 self-contradictory 0 002 & 00939105 a 0000 + 06724559 n 0101 | seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true; "it is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking" 00940108 00 s 02 unaccountable 0 unexplainable 0 001 & 00939105 a 0000 | not to be accounted for or explained; "perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress"; "an unexplainable fear" 00940314 00 s 01 unexplained 0 001 & 00939105 a 0000 | having the reason or cause not made clear; "an unexplained error" 00940437 00 a 02 explicit 0 expressed 0 012 ^ 00700451 a 0000 ^ 00722110 a 0000 ^ 01704761 a 0000 ^ 00896555 a 0000 = 04822032 n 0000 + 04822032 n 0101 ! 00941485 a 0101 & 00940870 a 0000 & 00940969 a 0000 & 00941148 a 0000 & 00941242 a 0000 & 00941375 a 0000 | precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving nothing to implication; "explicit instructions"; "she made her wishes explicit"; "explicit sexual scenes" 00940870 00 s 02 declared 0 stated 0 001 & 00940437 a 0000 | declared as fact; explicitly stated 00940969 00 s 02 definitive 0 unequivocal 0 002 & 00940437 a 0000 + 04821802 n 0202 | clearly defined or formulated; "the plain and unequivocal language of the laws"- R.B.Taney 00941148 00 s 01 express 0 001 & 00940437 a 0000 | not tacit or implied; "her express wish" 00941242 00 s 01 graphic 0 001 & 00940437 a 0000 | describing nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail; "graphic sexual scenes" 00941375 00 s 02 hard-core 0 hardcore 0 001 & 00940437 a 0000 | extremely explicit; "hard-core pornography" 00941485 00 a 02 implicit 0 inexplicit 0 009 ^ 00723163 a 0000 ^ 01705655 a 0000 = 04822032 n 0000 + 04824819 n 0201 + 04824977 n 0101 ! 00940437 a 0101 & 00941940 a 0000 & 00942163 a 0000 & 00942380 a 0000 | implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something; "an implicit agreement not to raise the subject"; "there was implicit criticism in his voice"; "anger was implicit in the argument"; "the oak is implicit in the acorn" 00941940 00 s 03 implicit_in(p) 0 inherent 0 underlying 0 002 & 00941485 a 0000 + 02653564 v 0201 | in the nature of something though not readily apparent; "shortcomings inherent in our approach"; "an underlying meaning" 00942163 00 s 03 silent 0 tacit 0 understood 0 001 & 00941485 a 0000 | implied by or inferred from actions or statements; "gave silent consent"; "a tacit agreement"; "the understood provisos of a custody agreement" 00942380 00 s 08 unexpressed 0 unsaid 0 unstated 0 unuttered 0 unverbalized 0 unverbalised 0 unvoiced 0 unspoken 0 001 & 00941485 a 0000 | not made explicit; "the unexpressed terms of the agreement"; "things left unsaid"; "some kind of unspoken agreement"; "his action is clear but his reason remains unstated" 00942693 00 a 01 exploited 0 002 ! 00942871 a 0101 & 00942806 a 0000 | developed or used to greatest advantage 00942806 00 s 01 employed 0 001 & 00942693 a 0000 | put to use 00942871 00 a 02 unexploited 0 undeveloped 4 003 ! 00942693 a 0101 & 00943092 a 0000 & 00943203 a 0000 | undeveloped or unused; "vast unexploited (or undeveloped) natural resources"; "taxes on undeveloped lots are low" 00943092 00 s 01 fallow 0 001 & 00942871 a 0000 | undeveloped but potentially useful; "a fallow gold market" 00943203 00 s 01 untapped 0 001 & 00942871 a 0000 | not drawn upon or used; "untapped reserves of coal"; "the untapped stockrooms of our minds"- G.R.Harrison 00943363 00 a 01 expressible 0 008 + 01061481 v 0101 + 01061017 v 0103 + 00943837 v 0101 + 00940384 v 0101 ! 00943999 a 0101 & 00943599 a 0000 & 00943683 a 0000 & 00943831 a 0000 | capable of being expressed; "an expressible emotion" 00943599 00 s 01 describable 0 001 & 00943363 a 0000 | capable of being described 00943683 00 s 01 representable 0 002 & 00943363 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | expressible in symbolic form; "uniquely representable in the form..." 00943831 00 s 02 speakable 0 utterable 0 004 & 00943363 a 0000 + 00983824 v 0201 + 00940384 v 0204 + 00941990 v 0203 | capable of being uttered in words or sentences 00943999 00 a 02 inexpressible 0 unexpressible 0 002 ! 00943363 a 0101 & 00944111 a 0000 | defying expression 00944111 00 s 06 indefinable 0 indescribable 0 ineffable 0 unspeakable 0 untellable 0 unutterable 0 001 & 00943999 a 0000 | defying expression or description; "indefinable yearnings"; "indescribable beauty"; "ineffable ecstasy"; "inexpressible anguish"; "unspeakable happiness"; "unutterable contempt"; "a thing of untellable splendor" 00944449 00 a 02 extensile 0 extensible 0 007 + 02690093 v 0201 + 02054989 v 0204 + 01368863 v 0201 + 00027705 v 0204 ! 00945019 a 0101 & 00944734 a 0000 & 00944848 a 0000 | capable of being protruded or stretched or opened out; "an extensile tongue"; "an extensible measuring rule" 00944734 00 s 02 protractile 0 protractible 0 001 & 00944449 a 0000 | able to be extended; "protractile muscle" 00944848 00 s 02 protrusile 0 protrusible 0 004 & 00944449 a 0000 + 02713372 v 0202 + 02081946 v 0202 + 00263231 v 0203 | capable of being thrust forward, as the tongue 00945019 00 a 03 nonextensile 0 inextensible 0 nonprotractile 0 001 ! 00944449 a 0101 | not extensile 00945123 00 a 01 extricable 0 001 ! 00945207 a 0101 | capable of being extricated 00945207 00 a 01 inextricable 0 002 ! 00945123 a 0101 & 00945399 a 0000 | not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied; "an inextricable knot"; "inextricable unity" 00945399 00 s 01 unresolvable 0 001 & 00945207 a 0000 | not capable of being resolved; "unresolvable confusion" 00945513 00 a 01 bowed 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00945772 a 0101 & 00945658 a 0000 | of a stringed instrument; sounded by stroking with a bow 00945658 00 s 01 arco 0 001 & 00945513 a 0000 | (of instruments in the violin family) to be played with the bow 00945772 00 a 01 plucked 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 00945513 a 0101 & 00945927 a 0000 | of a stringed instrument; sounded with the fingers or a plectrum 00945927 00 s 01 pizzicato 0 001 & 00945772 a 0000 | (of instruments in the violin family) to be plucked with the finger 00946050 00 a 01 fingered 0 002 ! 00946409 a 0101 & 00946281 a 0000 | having or resembling a finger or fingers; often used in combination; "the fingered roots of giant trees"; "rosy-fingered"; "three-fingered cartoon characters" 00946281 00 s 02 digitate 0 fingerlike 0 001 & 00946050 a 0000 | resembling a finger; "digitate leaves of the horse chestnut" 00946409 00 a 01 fingerless 0 001 ! 00946050 a 0101 | not having or having lost fingers 00946499 00 a 01 expansive 0 011 + 02077148 v 0101 + 00541163 v 0101 + 00540946 v 0102 + 00257269 v 0101 + 00264386 v 0103 + 04729710 n 0101 ! 00947680 a 0101 & 00946844 a 0000 & 00947012 a 0000 & 00947264 a 0000 & 00947520 a 0000 | able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion; "Expansive materials"; "the expansive force of fire" 00946844 00 s 01 distensible 0 002 & 00946499 a 0000 + 00305537 v 0102 | capable of being distended; able to stretch and expand; "the stomach is a distensible organ" 00947012 00 s 02 erectile 0 cavernous 0 002 & 00946499 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood; "erectile tissue"; "the penis is an erectile organ" 00947264 00 s 03 expandable 0 expandible 0 expansible 0 009 & 00946499 a 0000 + 02077148 v 0301 + 00541163 v 0301 + 00257269 v 0301 + 00310386 v 0304 + 02077148 v 0201 + 00541163 v 0201 + 00540946 v 0202 + 00257269 v 0201 | able to expand or be expanded 00947520 00 s 01 inflatable 0 002 & 00946499 a 0000 + 00264034 v 0101 | designed to be filled with air or gas; "an inflatable mattress"; "an inflatable boat" 00947680 00 a 01 unexpansive 0 001 ! 00946499 a 0101 | showing no tendency to expand; "unexpansive bodies" 00947789 00 a 01 extinguishable 0 001 ! 00947945 a 0101 | capable of being extinguished or killed; "an extinguishable fire"; "hope too is extinguishable" 00947945 00 a 01 inextinguishable 0 001 ! 00947789 a 0101 | difficult or impossible to extinguish; "an inextinguishable flame"; "an inextinguishable faith" 00948103 00 a 01 external 0 006 ^ 01692969 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 + 05078623 n 0102 ! 00948670 a 0101 & 00948384 a 0000 & 00948514 a 0000 | happening or arising or located outside or beyond some limits or especially surface; "the external auditory canal"; "external pressures" 00948384 00 s 01 outer 0 002 & 00948103 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | being on or toward the outside of the body; "the outer ear" 00948514 00 s 01 outside 0 001 & 00948103 a 0000 | originating or belonging beyond some bounds:"the outside world"; "outside interests"; "an outside job" 00948670 00 a 01 internal 0 007 ^ 01693799 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 ! 00948103 a 0101 & 00948985 a 0000 & 00949115 a 0000 & 00949229 a 0000 & 00949374 a 0000 | happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface; "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering" 00948985 00 s 01 inner 0 002 & 00948670 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | inside or closer to the inside of the body; "the inner ear" 00949115 00 s 01 interior 0 001 & 00948670 a 0000 | inside and toward a center; "interior regions of the earth" 00949229 00 s 01 internecine 0 001 & 00948670 a 0000 | (of conflict) within a group or organization; "an internecine feud among proxy holders" 00949374 00 s 01 intrinsic 0 002 & 00948670 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts; "intrinsic muscles" 00949548 00 a 01 outer(a) 0 006 = 05074774 n 0000 ! 00950272 a 0101 & 00949797 a 0000 & 00949883 a 0000 & 00950002 a 0000 & 00950119 a 0000 | being on the outside or further from a center; "spent hours adorning the outer man"; "the outer suburbs" 00949797 00 s 01 out 0 001 & 00949548 a 0000 | outer or outlying; "the out islands" 00949883 00 s 02 outermost 0 outmost 0 001 & 00949548 a 0000 | situated at the farthest possible point from a center 00950002 00 s 01 outside 0 001 & 00949548 a 0000 | on or toward an outer edge; "an outer lane"; "the outside lane" 00950119 00 s 01 satellite 0 001 & 00949548 a 0000 | surrounding and dominated by a central authority or power; "a city and its satellite communities" 00950272 00 a 01 inner(a) 0 005 = 05074774 n 0000 ^ 00329831 a 0000 ! 00949548 a 0101 & 00950465 a 0000 & 00950592 a 0000 | located or occurring within or closer to a center; "an inner room" 00950465 00 s 02 inmost 0 innermost 0 001 & 00950272 a 0000 | situated or occurring farthest within; "the innermost chamber" 00950592 00 s 01 inside 0 001 & 00950272 a 0000 | away from the outer edge; "an inner lahne"; "the inside lane" 00950706 00 a 01 outward 0 007 ^ 01873406 a 0000 = 04620741 n 0000 + 05787498 n 0101 + 04620741 n 0101 ! 00951247 a 0101 & 00951003 a 0000 & 00951163 a 0000 | relating to physical reality rather than with thoughts or the mind; "a concern with outward beauty rather than with inward reflections" 00951003 00 s 01 external 0 001 & 00950706 a 0000 | purely outward or superficial; "external composure"; "an external concern for reputation"- A.R.Gurney,Jr. 00951163 00 s 01 outer 0 001 & 00950706 a 0000 | located outside; "outer reality" 00951247 00 a 01 inward 0 009 = 04621010 n 0000 + 05787175 n 0101 + 04621010 n 0101 ! 00950706 a 0101 & 00951528 a 0000 & 00951709 a 0000 & 00951831 a 0000 & 00952181 a 0000 & 00952307 a 0000 | relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts; "a concern with inward reflections" 00951528 00 s 01 indwelling 0 001 & 00951247 a 0000 | existing or residing as an inner activating spirit or force or principle; "an indwelling divinity"; "an indwelling goodness" 00951709 00 s 02 inmost 0 innermost 0 001 & 00951247 a 0000 | being deepest within the self; "one's innermost feelings" 00951831 00 s 03 inner 0 interior 0 internal 0 001 & 00951247 a 0000 | located inward; "Beethoven's manuscript looks like a bloody record of a tremendous inner battle"- Leonard Bernstein; "she thinks she has no soul, no interior life, but the truth is that she has no access to it"- David Denby; "an internal sense of rightousness"- A.R.Gurney,Jr. 00952181 00 s 02 secret 0 private 0 002 & 00951247 a 0000 + 14416089 n 0202 | not expressed; "secret (or private) thoughts" 00952307 00 s 01 self-whispered 0 001 & 00951247 a 0000 | as if whispered to yourself 00952395 00 a 01 exterior 0 005 ^ 01692222 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 ! 00952867 a 0101 & 00952653 a 0000 & 00952761 a 0000 | situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building; "an exterior scene"; "exterior grade plywood"; "exterior paints" 00952653 00 s 01 out(a) 0 001 & 00952395 a 0000 | outside or external; "the out surface of a ship's hull" 00952761 00 s 01 outside(a) 0 001 & 00952395 a 0000 | leading to or from the outside; "an outside door" 00952867 00 a 01 interior 0 005 ^ 01692786 a 0000 = 05074774 n 0000 ! 00952395 a 0101 & 00953127 a 0000 & 00953213 a 0000 | situated within or suitable for inside a building; "an interior scene"; "interior decoration"; "an interior bathroom without windows" 00953127 00 s 01 indoor 0 001 & 00952867 a 0000 | within doors; "an indoor setting" 00953213 00 s 01 inside(a) 0 001 & 00952867 a 0000 | being or applying to the inside of a building; "an inside wall" 00953332 00 a 01 eyed 0 013 ! 00954965 a 0101 & 00953731 a 0000 & 00953814 a 0000 & 00953886 a 0000 & 00954064 a 0000 & 00954153 a 0000 & 00954233 a 0000 & 00954390 a 0000 & 00954503 a 0000 & 00954576 a 0000 & 00954678 a 0000 & 00954760 a 0000 & 00954864 a 0000 | having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified; often used in combination; "a peacock's eyed feathers"; "red-eyed" 00953731 00 s 01 almond-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having almond-shaped eyes 00953814 00 s 01 blue-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having blue eyes 00953886 00 s 01 eyelike 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | suggesting an eye or eyes; "eyelike markings on a butterfly's wings"; "the eyelike gleam of two distant windows in the dark" 00954064 00 s 02 keen-eyed 0 sharp-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having keen eyesight 00954153 00 s 01 left-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having only the left eye 00954233 00 s 01 one-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having or showing only one eye; "one-eyed Jacks are wild"; "the three one-eyed Cyclopes of Greek myth" 00954390 00 s 01 ox-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having large round eyes like those of an ox; "ox-eyed Juno" 00954503 00 s 01 popeyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having bulging eyes 00954576 00 s 01 purple-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | (of flowers) having a purple eyelike marking 00954678 00 s 01 right-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having only the right eye 00954760 00 s 02 saucer-eyed 0 round-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having large round wide-open eyes 00954864 00 s 01 skew-eyed 0 001 & 00953332 a 0000 | having eyes that look in different directions 00954965 00 a 01 eyeless 0 001 ! 00953332 a 0101 | lacking eyes or eyelike features; "eyeless fish that evolved in dark caves"; "an eyeless needle" 00955115 00 a 01 playable 0 001 ! 00955405 a 0101 | capable of or suitable for being played or played on; "a playable lie in golf"; "the baseball fan reached out and caught a foul that was judged playable"; "the ball field was playable"; "harpsichord music is readily playable"- P.H.Lang 00955405 00 a 01 unplayable 0 001 ! 00955115 a 0101 | not capable of or suitable for being played or played on; "the golf ball was in an unplayable lie"; "the field was unplayable"; "some music seems almost unplayable" 00955626 00 a 01 fair 1 003 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ! 00955915 a 0101 & 00955802 a 0000 | (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines; "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag" 00955802 00 s 01 in-bounds 0 002 & 00955626 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | between the first and third base lines 00955915 00 a 01 foul 0 003 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ! 00955626 a 0101 & 00956049 a 0000 | (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines 00956049 00 s 01 out-of-bounds 0 001 & 00955915 a 0000 | outside the foul lines 00956131 00 a 02 fair 3 just 4 011 ^ 01723308 a 0000 ^ 01369663 a 0000 ^ 01943406 a 0000 = 04839154 n 0000 + 04850117 n 0202 + 04839154 n 0101 ! 00957176 a 0101 & 00956568 a 0000 & 00956733 a 0000 & 00956976 a 0000 & 00957099 a 0000 | free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul" 00956568 00 s 02 antimonopoly 0 antitrust 0 001 & 00956131 a 0000 | of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices 00956733 00 s 04 clean 0 sporting 0 sporty 0 sportsmanlike 0 002 & 00956131 a 0000 + 13990389 n 0101 | exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play; "a clean fight"; "a sporting solution of the disagreement"; "sportsmanlike conduct" 00956976 00 s 01 fair-minded 0 002 & 00956131 a 0000 + 06203030 n 0102 | of a person; just and impartial; not prejudiced 00957099 00 s 01 fair-and-square 0 001 & 00956131 a 0000 | just and honest 00957176 00 a 02 unfair 0 unjust 4 011 ^ 01722965 a 0000 ^ 01370590 a 0000 = 04839154 n 0000 + 04854389 n 0202 + 06202553 n 0101 + 04839676 n 0101 + 00744616 n 0102 ! 00956131 a 0101 & 00957551 a 0000 & 00957743 a 0000 & 00958020 a 0000 | not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception; "used unfair methods"; "it was an unfair trial"; "took an unfair advantage" 00957551 00 s 01 below_the_belt 0 002 & 00957176 a 0000 ;c 00445802 n 0000 | disregarding the rules (from the notion of an illegal low blow in boxing); "her accusations were below the belt" 00957743 00 s 05 cheating(a) 0 dirty 0 foul 0 unsporting 0 unsportsmanlike 0 002 & 00957176 a 0000 + 14563222 n 0301 | violating accepted standards or rules; "a dirty fighter"; "used foul means to gain power"; "a nasty unsporting serve"; "fined for unsportsmanlike behavior" 00958020 00 s 01 raw 0 001 & 00957176 a 0000 | brutally unfair or harsh; "received raw treatment from his friends"; "a raw deal" 00958151 00 a 02 equitable 0 just 2 007 ^ 00956131 a 0000 ^ 01369663 a 0000 ^ 01723308 a 0000 + 04850117 n 0202 ! 00958712 a 0101 & 00958475 a 0000 & 00958615 a 0000 | fair to all parties as dictated by reason and conscience; "equitable treatment of all citizens"; "an equitable distribution of gifts among the children" 00958475 00 s 02 honest 0 fair 0 001 & 00958151 a 0000 | gained or earned without cheating or stealing; "an honest wage"; "an fair penny" 00958615 00 s 01 evenhanded 0 001 & 00958151 a 0000 | without partiality; "evenhanded justice" 00958712 00 a 02 inequitable 0 unjust 2 002 + 04854389 n 0202 ! 00958151 a 0101 | not equitable or fair; "the inequitable division of wealth"; "inequitable taxation" 00958880 00 a 01 faithful 0 009 ^ 00583239 a 0000 ^ 02460502 a 0000 ^ 02464693 a 0000 = 04876985 n 0000 + 08223475 n 0101 + 04876985 n 0102 ! 00959731 a 0101 & 00959244 a 0000 & 00959530 a 0000 | steadfast in affection or allegiance; "years of faithful service"; "faithful employees"; "we do not doubt that England has a faithful patriot in the Lord Chancellor" 00959244 00 s 04 firm 0 loyal 0 truehearted 0 fast(a) 0 002 & 00958880 a 0000 + 04861486 n 0102 | unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause; "a firm ally"; "loyal supporters"; "the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison; "fast friends" 00959530 00 s 01 true 2 002 & 00958880 a 0000 + 04877530 n 0102 | devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them" 00959731 00 a 01 unfaithful 0 008 ^ 00583990 a 0000 ^ 02466111 a 0000 = 04876985 n 0000 + 04878861 n 0102 ! 00958880 a 0101 & 00959979 a 0000 & 00960094 a 0000 & 00960481 a 0000 | not true to duty or obligation or promises; "an unfaithful lover" 00959979 00 s 01 apostate 0 002 & 00959731 a 0000 + 10007109 n 0102 | not faithful to religion or party or cause 00960094 00 s 03 punic 0 perfidious 0 treacherous 0 006 & 00959731 a 0000 + 04879964 n 0303 + 00749767 n 0301 + 04879964 n 0201 + 00749767 n 0204 + 04879964 n 0202 | tending to betray; especially having a treacherous character as attributed to the Carthaginians by the Romans; "Punic faith"; "the perfidious Judas"; "the fiercest and most treacherous of foes"; "treacherous intrigues" 00960481 00 s 01 untrue 0 001 & 00959731 a 0000 | not true to an obligation or trust; "is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty"-Bruno Laske 00960629 00 a 01 faithful 1 003 + 04876985 n 0102 ! 00960971 a 0101 & 00960856 a 0000 | not having sexual relations with anyone except your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend; "he remained faithful to his wife" 00960856 00 s 01 true_to(p) 0 001 & 00960629 a 0000 | sexually faithful; "she was true to her significant other" 00960971 00 a 01 unfaithful 1 003 + 04878861 n 0102 ! 00960629 a 0101 & 00961195 a 0000 | having sexual relations with someone other than your husband or wife, or your boyfriend or girlfriend; "her husband was unfaithful" 00961195 00 s 03 adulterous 0 cheating(a) 0 two-timing(a) 0 002 & 00960971 a 0000 + 00848466 n 0101 | not faithful to a spouse or lover; "adulterous husbands and wives"; "a two-timing boyfriend" 00961392 00 a 01 loyal 0 009 ^ 01740207 a 0000 = 04877530 n 0000 ! 00962634 a 0101 & 00961667 a 0000 & 00961908 a 0000 & 00962025 a 0000 & 00962135 a 0000 & 00962306 a 0000 & 00962476 a 0000 | steadfast in allegiance or duty; "loyal subjects"; "loyal friends stood by him" 00961667 00 s 01 allegiant 0 004 & 00961392 a 0000 ;c 01124794 n 0000 + 04877938 n 0101 + 01206153 n 0102 | steadfast in devotion (especially to your lawful monarch or government); "it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces" 00961908 00 s 01 doglike 0 001 & 00961392 a 0000 | resembling a dog; especially in devotion; "a doglike affection" 00962025 00 s 02 hard-core 0 hardcore 0 001 & 00961392 a 0000 | intensely loyal; "his hard-core supporters" 00962135 00 s 01 leal 0 003 & 00961392 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | faithful and true; "leal to the core of her intrepid Scottish heart"- Harry Lauder 00962306 00 s 01 liege 0 003 & 00961392 a 0000 + 10259094 n 0101 + 10746581 n 0102 | owing or owed feudal allegiance and service; "one's liege lord"; "a liege subject" 00962476 00 s 01 true-blue 0 001 & 00961392 a 0000 | marked by unswerving loyalty; "a true-blue American"; "a reliable true-blue country club conservative" 00962634 00 a 01 disloyal 0 008 ^ 01740630 a 0000 = 04877530 n 0000 ! 00961392 a 0101 & 00962939 a 0000 & 00963283 a 0000 & 00963502 a 0000 & 00963671 a 0000 & 00963858 a 0000 | deserting your allegiance or duty to leader or cause or principle; "disloyal aides revealed his indiscretions to the papers" 00962939 00 s 05 faithless 0 traitorous 0 unfaithful 0 treasonable 0 treasonous 0 007 & 00962634 a 0000 + 04879658 n 0501 + 00782072 n 0501 + 04878861 n 0302 + 10722965 n 0201 + 04879658 n 0203 + 04879092 n 0101 | having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor; "the faithless Benedict Arnold"; "a lying traitorous insurrectionist" 00963283 00 s 03 insurgent 0 seditious 0 subversive 0 006 & 00962634 a 0000 + 10527334 n 0303 + 04879658 n 0302 + 02402409 v 0302 + 00772813 n 0201 + 00963241 n 0101 | in opposition to a civil authority or government 00963502 00 s 01 mutinous 0 001 & 00962634 a 0000 | consisting of or characterized by or inciting to mutiny; "mutinous acts"; "mutinous thoughts"; "a mutinous speech" 00963671 00 s 01 rebellious 0 003 & 00962634 a 0000 + 00962129 n 0101 + 01179393 n 0102 | participating in organized resistance to a constituted government; "the rebelling confederacy" 00963858 00 s 02 recreant 0 renegade 0 004 & 00962634 a 0000 + 10007109 n 0203 + 10520544 n 0201 + 10007109 n 0105 | having deserted a cause or principle; "some provinces had proved recreant"; "renegade supporters of the usurper" 00964090 00 a 01 fallible 0 006 + 04806512 n 0101 ! 00964906 a 0101 & 00964303 a 0000 & 00964470 a 0000 & 00964590 a 0000 & 00964768 a 0000 | likely to fail or make errors; "everyone is fallible to some degree" 00964303 00 s 01 errant 0 003 & 00964090 a 0000 + 04805813 n 0101 + 04805472 n 0101 | straying from the right course or from accepted standards; "errant youngsters" 00964470 00 s 02 erring 0 error-prone 0 001 & 00964090 a 0000 | capable of making an error; "all men are error-prone" 00964590 00 s 02 undependable 0 unreliable 0 003 & 00964090 a 0000 + 04671394 n 0204 + 04671394 n 0102 | liable to be erroneous or misleading; "an undependable generalization" 00964768 00 s 01 weak 0 002 & 00964090 a 0000 + 14462946 n 0102 | likely to fail under stress or pressure; "the weak link in the chain" 00964906 00 a 01 infallible 0 004 + 04805136 n 0101 ! 00964090 a 0101 & 00965176 a 0000 & 00965359 a 0000 | incapable of failure or error; "an infallible antidote"; "an infallible memory"; "the Catholic Church considers the Pope infallible"; "no doctor is infallible" 00965176 00 s 02 foolproof 0 unfailing 0 001 & 00964906 a 0000 | not liable to failure; "a foolproof identification system"; "the unfailing sign of an amateur"; "an unfailing test" 00965359 00 s 03 inerrable 0 inerrant 0 unerring 0 002 & 00964906 a 0000 + 04805304 n 0201 | not liable to error; "the Church was...theoretically inerrant and omnicompetent"-G.G.Coulton; "lack an inerrant literary sense"; "an unerring marksman" 00965606 00 a 01 familiar 0 009 ^ 01375174 a 0000 = 04796291 n 0000 + 09945905 n 0104 + 04796291 n 0101 ! 00966477 a 0101 & 00965894 a 0000 & 00966037 a 0000 & 00966167 a 0000 & 00966357 a 0000 | well known or easily recognized; "a familiar figure"; "familiar songs"; "familiar guests" 00965894 00 s 01 acquainted(p) 0 001 & 00965606 a 0000 | having fair knowledge of; "they were acquainted"; "fully acquainted with the facts" 00966037 00 s 01 beaten(a) 0 001 & 00965606 a 0000 | much trodden and worn smooth or bare; "did not stray from the beaten path" 00966167 00 s 02 long-familiar 0 well-known(a) 0 001 & 00965606 a 0000 | frequently experienced; known closely or intimately; "a long-familiar face"; "a well-known voice reached her ears" 00966357 00 s 01 old(a) 0 001 & 00965606 a 0000 | (used for emphasis) very familiar; "good old boy"; "same old story" 00966477 00 a 01 unfamiliar 0 007 ^ 01034457 a 0000 ^ 01376894 a 0000 = 04796291 n 0000 + 04797482 n 0101 ! 00965606 a 0101 & 00966753 a 0000 & 00966960 a 0000 | not known or well known; "a name unfamiliar to most"; "be alert at night especially in unfamiliar surroundings" 00966753 00 s 02 strange 1 unknown 0 002 & 00966477 a 0000 + 04797482 n 0102 | not known before; "used many strange words"; "saw many strange faces in the crowd"; "don't let anyone unknown into the house" 00966960 00 s 03 unacquainted(p) 0 unacquainted_with(p) 0 unfamiliar_with(p) 0 001 & 00966477 a 0000 | having little or no knowledge of; "unacquainted with city ways" 00967129 00 a 02 strange 0 unusual 2 015 + 04797295 n 0201 + 04797482 n 0102 ! 00970249 a 0101 & 00967646 a 0000 & 00967897 a 0000 & 00968010 a 0000 & 00968522 a 0000 & 00968730 a 0000 & 00968957 a 0000 & 00969103 a 0000 & 00969264 a 0000 & 00969333 a 0000 & 00969556 a 0000 & 00969763 a 0000 & 00970081 a 0000 | being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; "a strange exaltation that was indefinable"; "a strange fantastical mind"; "what a strange sense of humor she has" 00967646 00 s 04 antic 0 fantastic 0 fantastical 0 grotesque 0 003 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04690592 n 0401 + 00427580 n 0101 | ludicrously odd; "Hamlet's assumed antic disposition"; "fantastic Halloween costumes"; "a grotesque reflection in the mirror" 00967897 00 s 01 crazy 0 001 & 00967129 a 0000 | bizarre or fantastic; "had a crazy dream"; "wore a crazy hat" 00968010 00 s 08 curious 0 funny 0 odd 0 peculiar 0 queer 0 rum 0 rummy 0 singular 0 007 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04798365 n 0801 + 04797824 n 0502 + 03149951 n 0405 + 03149951 n 0303 + 04799344 n 0103 + 03149951 n 0102 | beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior" 00968522 00 s 02 eerie 0 eery 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04798020 n 0201 | inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening; "an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods"; "an eerie midnight howl" 00968730 00 s 01 exotic 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04799612 n 0102 | strikingly strange or unusual; "an exotic hair style"; "protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants"; "the exotic landscape of a dead planet" 00968957 00 s 01 freaky 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | strange and somewhat frightening; "the whole experience was really freaky" 00969103 00 s 01 gothic 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 ;c 06364641 n 0000 | characterized by gloom and mystery and the grotesque; "gothic novels like `Frankenstein'" 00969264 00 s 01 oddish 0 001 & 00967129 a 0000 | somewhat strange 00969333 00 s 01 other 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04742766 n 0101 | very unusual; different in character or quality from the normal or expected; "a strange, other dimension...where his powers seemed to fail"- Lance Morrow 00969556 00 s 01 quaint 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04798700 n 0101 | strange in an interesting or pleasing way; "quaint dialect words"; "quaint streets of New Orleans, that most foreign of American cities" 00969763 00 s 01 quaint 1 001 & 00967129 a 0000 | very strange or unusual; odd or even incongruous in character or appearance; "the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name"- Bill Beatty; "came forth a quaint and fearful sight"- Sir Walter Scott; "a quaint sense of humor" 00970081 00 s 01 weird 0 002 & 00967129 a 0000 + 04798511 n 0103 | strikingly odd or unusual; "some trick of the moonlight; some weird effect of shadow"- Bram Stoker 00970249 00 a 01 familiar 2 005 + 04796291 n 0101 ! 00967129 a 0101 & 00970610 a 0000 & 00970803 a 0000 & 00970947 a 0000 | within normal everyday experience; common and ordinary; not strange; "familiar ordinary objects found in every home"; "a familiar everyday scene"; "a familiar excuse"; "a day like any other filled with familiar duties and experiences" 00970610 00 s 02 common 0 usual 0 004 & 00970249 a 0000 + 04796086 n 0201 + 14501375 n 0101 + 04764741 n 0101 | commonly encountered; "a common (or familiar) complaint"; "the usual greeting" 00970803 00 s 01 common_or_garden 0 002 & 00970249 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | the usual or familiar type; "it is a common or garden sparrow" 00970947 00 s 01 everyday 0 002 & 00970249 a 0000 + 04795545 n 0103 | commonplace and ordinary; "the familiar everyday world" 00971075 00 a 02 fashionable 0 stylish 2 014 + 04813712 n 0206 ! 00973844 a 0101 & 00971506 a 0000 & 00971660 a 0000 & 00971933 a 0000 & 00972236 a 0000 & 00972354 a 0000 & 00972501 a 0000 & 00972642 a 0000 & 00972902 a 0000 & 00973192 a 0000 & 00973434 a 0000 & 00973568 a 0000 & 00973677 a 0000 | being or in accordance with current social fashions; "fashionable clothing"; "the fashionable side of town"; "a fashionable cafe" 00971506 00 s 05 latest 0 a_la_mode(p) 0 in_style(p) 0 in_vogue(p) 0 modish 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 04813712 n 0504 | in the current fashion or style 00971660 00 s 01 cool 0 003 & 00971075 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 07515328 n 0101 | fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept; "he's a cool dude"; "that's cool"; "Mary's dress is really cool"; "it's not cool to arrive at a party too early" 00971933 00 s 09 dapper 0 dashing 0 jaunty 0 natty 0 raffish 0 rakish 0 spiffy 0 snappy 0 spruce 0 006 & 00971075 a 0000 + 14497365 n 0902 + 04814025 n 0604 + 04814025 n 0402 + 04814025 n 0301 + 04814025 n 0103 | marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners; "a dapper young man"; "a jaunty red hat" 00972236 00 s 02 faddish 0 faddy 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 05751173 n 0201 | intensely fashionable for a short time 00972354 00 s 02 groovy 0 swagger 0 003 & 00971075 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) very chic; "groovy clothes" 00972501 00 s 01 in 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in" 00972642 00 s 03 up-to-date 0 cutting-edge 0 with-it 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 05050379 n 0103 | in accord with the most fashionable ideas or style; "wears only the latest style"; "the last thing in swimwear"; "cutting-edge technology"; "a with-it boutique" 00972902 00 s 03 mod 0 modern 0 modernistic 0 006 & 00971075 a 0000 + 05050668 n 0303 + 03777961 n 0301 + 00412449 n 0301 + 05050668 n 0201 + 05050668 n 0202 | relating to a recently developed fashion or style; "their offices are in a modern skyscraper"; "tables in modernistic designs"; 00973192 00 s 03 old-time 0 quaint 0 olde_worlde 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 04926038 n 0201 | attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic); "houses with quaint thatched roofs"; "a vaulted roof supporting old-time chimney pots" 00973434 00 s 02 swank 0 swanky 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 04813712 n 0207 | imposingly fashionable and elegant; "a swank apartment" 00973568 00 s 02 trendsetting 0 trend-setting 0 001 & 00971075 a 0000 | initiating or popularizing a trend 00973677 00 s 02 trendy 0 voguish 0 002 & 00971075 a 0000 + 05750163 n 0102 | in accord with the latest fad; "trendy ideas"; "trendy clothes"; "voguish terminology" 00973844 00 a 02 unfashionable 0 unstylish 2 008 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ! 00971075 a 0101 & 00974159 a 0000 & 00974404 a 0000 & 00974519 a 0000 & 00974697 a 0000 & 00974908 a 0000 & 00975011 a 0000 | not in accord with or not following current fashion; "unfashionable clothes"; "melodrama of a now unfashionable kind" 00974159 00 s 08 antique 0 demode 0 ex 0 old-fashioned 0 old-hat(p) 0 outmoded 0 passe 0 passee 0 002 & 00973844 a 0000 + 04925895 n 0401 | out of fashion; "a suit of rather antique appearance"; "demode (or outmoded) attire"; "outmoded ideas" 00974404 00 s 01 dated 0 001 & 00973844 a 0000 | marked by features of the immediate and usually discounted past 00974519 00 s 03 dowdy 0 frumpy 0 frumpish 0 003 & 00973844 a 0000 + 10114209 n 0201 + 04816528 n 0101 | primly out of date; "nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game" 00974697 00 s 05 fogyish 0 moss-grown 0 mossy 0 stick-in-the-mud(p) 0 stodgy 0 002 & 00973844 a 0000 + 04648059 n 0501 | (used pejoratively) out of fashion; old fashioned; "moss-grown ideas about family life" 00974908 00 s 01 out 0 001 & 00973844 a 0000 | no longer fashionable; "that style is out these days" 00975011 00 s 01 prehistoric 0 002 & 00973844 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | no longer fashionable; "my mother has these prehistoric ideas about proper clothes" 00975171 00 a 02 stylish 0 fashionable 2 006 + 04813712 n 0106 ! 00976123 a 0101 & 00975487 a 0000 & 00975692 a 0000 & 00975778 a 0000 & 00976016 a 0000 | having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress; "a little less posh but every bit as stylish as Lord Peter Wimsey"; "the stylish resort of Gstadd" 00975487 00 s 03 chic 0 smart 0 voguish 0 004 & 00975171 a 0000 + 04813712 n 0205 + 04813712 n 0101 + 04813712 n 0102 | elegant and stylish; "chic elegance"; "a smart new dress"; "a suit of voguish cut" 00975692 00 s 01 chichi 0 001 & 00975171 a 0000 | affectedly trendy and fashionable 00975778 00 s 03 classy 0 posh 0 swish 0 003 & 00975171 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 04815177 n 0101 | elegant and fashionable; "classy clothes"; "a classy dame"; "a posh restaurant"; "a swish pastry shop on the Rue du Bac"- Julia Child 00976016 00 s 01 snazzy 0 002 & 00975171 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | flashily stylish; "a snazzy outfit" 00976123 00 a 02 styleless 0 unstylish 0 002 ! 00975171 a 0101 & 00976339 a 0000 | lacking in style or elegance; "a styleless way of dressing"; "expensive but styleless country tweeds"; "wearing unstylish clothes" 00976339 00 s 01 dowdy 0 002 & 00976123 a 0000 + 04816528 n 0101 | lacking in smartness or taste; "a dowdy grey outfit"; "a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room" 00976508 00 a 01 fast 1 024 ^ 01270175 a 0000 ^ 01143279 a 0000 = 05058140 n 0000 + 05058140 n 0103 ! 00980527 a 0101 & 00977105 a 0000 & 00977238 a 0000 & 00977372 a 0000 & 00977606 a 0000 & 00977699 a 0000 & 00977839 a 0000 & 00978059 a 0000 & 00978199 a 0000 & 00978429 a 0000 & 00978581 a 0000 & 00978754 a 0000 & 00979031 a 0000 & 00979234 a 0000 & 00979366 a 0000 & 00979697 a 0000 & 00979862 a 0000 & 00980144 a 0000 & 00980287 a 0000 & 00980385 a 0000 | acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly; "fast film"; "on the fast track in school"; "set a fast pace"; "a fast car" 00977105 00 s 01 accelerated 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | speeded up, as of an academic course; "in an accelerated program in school" 00977238 00 s 01 alacritous 0 002 & 00976508 a 0000 + 04632963 n 0101 | quick and eager; "an alacritous response to the invitation" 00977372 00 s 03 blistering 0 hot 0 red-hot 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | very fast; capable of quick response and great speed; "a hot sports car"; "a blistering pace"; "got off to a hot start"; "in hot pursuit"; "a red-hot line drive" 00977606 00 s 01 double-quick 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | (of a marching cadence) very quick 00977699 00 s 01 express 0 002 & 00976508 a 0000 + 03306385 n 0101 | without unnecessary stops; "an express train"; "an express shipment" 00977839 00 s 01 fast-breaking 0 002 & 00976508 a 0000 ;c 06269130 n 0000 | occurring rapidly as a series of events in rapid succession; "the broadcast was interrupted by a fast-breaking news story about the invasion" 00978059 00 s 01 fast-paced 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | of communication that proceeds rapidly; "a fast-paced talker"; "fast-paced fiction" 00978199 00 s 02 fleet 0 swift 0 003 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05058140 n 0202 + 05059017 n 0101 | moving very fast; "fleet of foot"; "the fleet scurrying of squirrels"; "a swift current"; "swift flight of an arrow"; "a swift runner" 00978429 00 s 02 high-speed 1 high-velocity 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | operating at high speed; "a high-speed food processor"; "a high-velocity shell" 00978581 00 s 02 hurrying 0 scurrying 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | moving with great haste; "affection for this hurrying driving...little man"; "lashed the scurrying horses" 00978754 00 s 04 immediate 0 prompt 0 quick 2 straightaway 0 004 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05059132 n 0302 + 05060052 n 0201 + 05059525 n 0102 | performed with little or no delay; "an immediate reply to my letter"; "a prompt reply"; "was quick to respond"; "a straightaway denial" 00979031 00 s 02 instantaneous 0 instant(a) 0 004 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05059525 n 0204 + 15244650 n 0104 + 05059525 n 0103 | occurring with no delay; "relief was instantaneous"; "instant gratification" 00979234 00 s 01 meteoric 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | like a meteor in speed or brilliance or transience; "a meteoric rise to fame" 00979366 00 s 02 quick 0 speedy 3 004 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05059132 n 0205 + 05058140 n 0201 + 05059132 n 0102 | accomplished rapidly and without delay; "was quick to make friends"; "his quick reaction prevented an accident"; "hoped for a speedy resolution of the problem"; "a speedy recovery"; "he has a right to a speedy trial" 00979697 00 s 01 rapid 0 003 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05059132 n 0104 + 05059132 n 0103 | done or occurring in a brief period of time; "a rapid rise through the ranks" 00979862 00 s 02 rapid 2 speedy 0 006 & 00976508 a 0000 + 05059132 n 0205 + 15282696 n 0201 + 00330160 n 0201 + 05059132 n 0104 + 05059132 n 0103 | characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed; "a rapid movement"; "a speedy car"; "a speedy errand boy" 00980144 00 s 01 smart 0 002 & 00976508 a 0000 + 04632963 n 0103 | quick and brisk; "I gave him a smart salute"; "we walked at a smart pace" 00980287 00 s 01 winged 0 001 & 00976508 a 0000 | very fast; as if with wings; "on winged feet" 00980385 00 s 01 windy 0 002 & 00976508 a 0000 + 11525955 n 0101 | resembling the wind in speed, force, or variability; "a windy dash home" 00980527 00 a 01 slow 1 012 ^ 01142804 a 0000 ^ 01271700 a 0000 = 05058140 n 0000 + 05061977 n 0101 ! 00976508 a 0101 & 00980961 a 0000 & 00981067 a 0000 & 00981195 a 0000 & 00981304 a 0000 & 00981455 a 0000 & 00981612 a 0000 & 00981703 a 0000 | not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time; "a slow walker"; "the slow lane of traffic"; "her steps were slow"; "he was slow in reacting to the news"; "slow but steady growth" 00980961 00 s 01 bumper-to-bumper 0 001 & 00980527 a 0000 | used of traffic; "bumper-to-bumper traffic" 00981067 00 s 04 dilatory 0 laggard 0 poky 0 pokey 0 003 & 00980527 a 0000 + 09993252 n 0406 + 09993252 n 0306 | wasting time 00981195 00 s 01 drawn-out 0 001 & 00980527 a 0000 | (used of speech) uttered slowly with prolonged vowels 00981304 00 s 01 lazy 0 002 & 00980527 a 0000 + 01064613 n 0101 | moving slowly and gently; "up a lazy river"; "lazy white clouds"; "at a lazy pace" 00981455 00 s 02 long-play 0 long-playing 0 001 & 00980527 a 0000 | (used of records) playing at a slower speed and for a longer time than earlier records 00981612 00 s 01 slow-moving 0 001 & 00980527 a 0000 | moving slowly; "slow-moving cars" 00981703 00 s 02 sluggish 1 sulky 0 002 & 00980527 a 0000 + 05062518 n 0101 | moving slowly; "a sluggish stream" 00981818 00 a 01 fast 2 009 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 05058140 n 0103 ! 00982602 a 0101 & 00982065 a 0000 & 00982170 a 0000 & 00982275 a 0000 & 00982357 a 0000 & 00982430 a 0000 & 00982518 a 0000 | at a rapid tempo; "the band played a fast fox trot" 00982065 00 s 01 allegro 0 003 & 00981818 a 0000 + 07039770 n 0101 + 15265021 n 0101 | (of tempo) fast 00982170 00 s 01 allegretto 0 002 & 00981818 a 0000 + 15264891 n 0101 | (of tempo) faster than allegro 00982275 00 s 01 andantino 0 001 & 00981818 a 0000 | (of tempo) moderately fast 00982357 00 s 01 presto 0 001 & 00981818 a 0000 | (of tempo) very fast 00982430 00 s 01 prestissimo 0 001 & 00981818 a 0000 | (of tempo) as fast as possible 00982518 00 s 01 vivace 0 001 & 00981818 a 0000 | (of tempo) very fast and lively 00982602 00 a 01 slow 2 011 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 05061977 n 0101 ! 00981818 a 0101 & 00982881 a 0000 & 00982954 a 0000 & 00983052 a 0000 & 00983119 a 0000 & 00983196 a 0000 & 00983304 a 0000 & 00983401 a 0000 & 00983499 a 0000 | at a slow tempo; "the band played a slow waltz" 00982881 00 s 01 adagio 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) leisurely 00982954 00 s 01 andante 0 002 & 00982602 a 0000 + 15265219 n 0101 | (of tempo) moderately slow 00983052 00 s 01 lento 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) slow 00983119 00 s 01 lentissimo 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) very slow 00983196 00 s 01 largo 0 002 & 00982602 a 0000 + 07046543 n 0101 | very slow in tempo and broad in manner 00983304 00 s 01 larghetto 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) less slow and broad than largo 00983401 00 s 01 larghissimo 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) as slow and broad as possible 00983499 00 s 01 moderato 0 001 & 00982602 a 0000 | (of tempo) moderate 00983573 00 a 01 fast 3 001 ! 00983722 a 0101 | (used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time; "my watch is fast" 00983722 00 a 01 slow 3 001 ! 00983573 a 0101 | (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time; "the clock is slow" 00983862 00 a 01 fastidious 0 010 ^ 01947266 a 0000 ^ 02422685 a 0000 + 04896317 n 0101 ! 00985387 a 0101 & 00984251 a 0000 & 00984333 a 0000 & 00984624 a 0000 & 00984879 a 0000 & 00985104 a 0000 & 00985297 a 0000 | giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness; "a fastidious and incisive intellect"; "fastidious about personal cleanliness" 00984251 00 s 02 choosy 0 choosey 0 001 & 00983862 a 0000 | difficult to please 00984333 00 s 05 dainty 0 nice 0 overnice 0 prissy 0 squeamish 0 003 & 00983862 a 0000 + 14360320 n 0502 + 04897152 n 0501 | excessively fastidious and easily disgusted; "too nice about his food to take to camp cooking"; "so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow" 00984624 00 s 05 finical 0 finicky 0 fussy 1 particular 0 picky 0 003 & 00983862 a 0000 + 07184735 n 0307 + 04700199 n 0301 | exacting especially about details; "a finicky eater"; "fussy about clothes"; "very particular about how her food was prepared" 00984879 00 s 01 meticulous 0 003 & 00983862 a 0000 + 04672605 n 0102 + 04672605 n 0101 | marked by extreme care in treatment of details; "a meticulous craftsman"; "almost worryingly meticulous in his business formalities" 00985104 00 s 02 pernickety 0 persnickety 0 001 & 00983862 a 0000 | characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details; "a persnickety job"; "a persnickety school teacher" 00985297 00 s 02 old-maidish 0 old-womanish 0 001 & 00983862 a 0000 | primly fastidious 00985387 00 a 01 unfastidious 0 003 ^ 01949149 a 0000 ^ 02424254 a 0000 ! 00983862 a 0101 | marked by an absence of due or proper care or attention to detail; not concerned with cleanliness; "unfastidious in her dress" 00985608 00 a 02 fastidious 2 exacting 0 002 ;c 06077648 n 0000 ! 00985909 a 0101 | having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures; "fastidious microorganisms"; "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements" 00985909 00 a 01 unfastidious 2 002 ;c 06077648 n 0000 ! 00985608 a 0101 | not exacting in nutritional requirements 00986027 00 a 01 fat 1 018 ^ 00828175 a 0000 ^ 02043898 a 0000 ^ 02410393 a 0000 = 05027135 n 0000 + 04999401 n 0102 + 04999401 n 0101 ! 00988232 a 0101 & 00986457 a 0000 & 00986611 a 0000 & 00986766 a 0000 & 00986975 a 0000 & 00987180 a 0000 & 00987349 a 0000 & 00987510 a 0000 & 00987703 a 0000 & 00987769 a 0000 & 00987974 a 0000 & 00988077 a 0000 | having an (over)abundance of flesh; "he hadn't remembered how fat she was" 00986457 00 s 03 abdominous 0 paunchy 0 potbellied 0 004 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05555917 n 0202 + 04999964 n 0202 + 04999964 n 0101 | having a large belly 00986611 00 s 01 blubbery 0 002 & 00986027 a 0000 + 04999401 n 0103 | swollen with fat; "blubber cheeks"; "blubber lips"; "a coarse blubbery individual" 00986766 00 s 03 chubby 0 embonpoint 0 plump 0 003 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05000913 n 0301 + 05001089 n 0101 | sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure; "a chubby child"; "pleasingly plump"; 00986975 00 s 03 buxom 0 zaftig 0 zoftig 0 002 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05001302 n 0101 | (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous ; "a generation ago...buxom actresses were popular"- Robt.A.Hamilton; 00987180 00 s 04 corpulent 0 obese 0 weighty 0 rotund 0 004 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05027529 n 0302 + 05000342 n 0202 + 05000537 n 0101 | excessively fat; "a weighty man" 00987349 00 s 03 double-chinned 0 jowly 0 loose-jowled 0 002 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05602982 n 0201 | having sagging folds of flesh beneath the chin or lower jaw 00987510 00 s 05 dumpy 0 podgy 0 pudgy 0 tubby 0 roly-poly 0 006 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05001089 n 0504 + 05001089 n 0403 + 10491998 n 0301 + 05001089 n 0302 + 04998816 n 0101 | short and plump 00987703 00 s 01 fattish 0 001 & 00986027 a 0000 | somewhat fat 00987769 00 s 03 fleshy 0 heavy 0 overweight 0 004 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05000537 n 0302 + 05027529 n 0201 + 05000342 n 0101 | usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it 00987974 00 s 02 gross 0 porcine 0 001 & 00986027 a 0000 | repellently fat; "a bald porcine old man" 00988077 00 s 02 portly 0 stout 0 003 & 00986027 a 0000 + 05097166 n 0201 + 05000537 n 0203 | euphemisms for `fat'; "men are portly and women are stout" 00988232 00 a 02 thin 3 lean 4 023 ^ 00827923 a 0000 ^ 02412164 a 0000 = 05027135 n 0000 + 05001482 n 0201 + 05001482 n 0102 ! 00986027 a 0101 & 00988797 a 0000 & 00988988 a 0000 & 00989416 a 0000 & 00989544 a 0000 & 00989647 a 0000 & 00989721 a 0000 & 00989830 a 0000 & 00989957 a 0000 & 00990053 a 0000 & 00990192 a 0000 & 00990442 a 0000 & 00990855 a 0000 & 00991189 a 0000 & 00991301 a 0000 & 00991481 a 0000 & 00991584 a 0000 & 00991678 a 0000 | lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare 00988797 00 s 02 anorexic 0 anorectic 0 005 & 00988232 a 0000 + 09795751 n 0202 + 14055796 n 0201 + 09795751 n 0101 + 14055796 n 0101 | suffering from anorexia nervosa; pathologically thin 00988988 00 s 08 bony 0 cadaverous 0 emaciated 0 gaunt 0 haggard 0 pinched 0 skeletal 0 wasted 0 004 & 00988232 a 0000 + 05001867 n 0404 + 05001867 n 0102 + 05001867 n 0101 | very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold; "emaciated bony hands"; "a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys"; "eyes were haggard and cavernous"; "small pinched faces"; "kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration" 00989416 00 s 03 deep-eyed 0 hollow-eyed 0 sunken-eyed 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | characteristic of the bony face of a cadaver 00989544 00 s 03 gangling 0 gangly 0 lanky 0 002 & 00988232 a 0000 + 04998700 n 0301 | tall and thin 00989647 00 s 02 lank 0 spindly 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | long and lean 00989721 00 s 01 rawboned 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | having a lean and bony physique; "a rawboned cow hand" 00989830 00 s 02 reedy 0 reedlike 0 002 & 00988232 a 0000 + 12136720 n 0101 | resembling a reed in being upright and slender 00989957 00 s 02 twiggy 0 twiglike 0 002 & 00988232 a 0000 + 13163991 n 0102 | thin as a twig 00990053 00 s 01 scarecrowish 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | resembling a scarecrow in being thin and ragged; "a forlorn scarecrowish figure" 00990192 00 s 06 scraggy 0 boney 0 scrawny 0 skinny 0 underweight 0 weedy 0 005 & 00988232 a 0000 + 05001724 n 0401 + 05001724 n 0302 + 05001867 n 0202 + 10708797 n 0103 | being very thin; "a child with skinny freckled legs"; "a long scrawny neck" 00990442 00 s 06 shriveled 0 shrivelled 0 shrunken 0 withered 0 wizen 0 wizened 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness; "the old woman's shriveled skin"; "he looked shriveled and ill"; "a shrunken old man"; "a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws"-W.F.Starkie; "he did well despite his withered arm"; "a wizened little man with frizzy grey hair" 00990855 00 s 04 slender 0 slight 0 slim 0 svelte 0 005 & 00988232 a 0000 + 05002155 n 0303 + 05002155 n 0202 + 05107216 n 0202 + 05002155 n 0101 | being of delicate or slender build; "she was slender as a willow shoot is slender"- Frank Norris; "a slim girl with straight blonde hair"; "watched her slight figure cross the street" 00991189 00 s 03 slender-waisted 0 slim-waisted 0 wasp-waisted 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | having a small waist 00991301 00 s 02 spare 0 trim 0 003 & 00988232 a 0000 + 14497511 n 0202 + 05114781 n 0102 | thin and fit; "the spare figure of a marathon runner"; "a body kept trim by exercise" 00991481 00 s 02 spindle-legged 0 spindle-shanked 0 001 & 00988232 a 0000 | having long slender legs 00991584 00 s 02 stringy 0 wiry 0 002 & 00988232 a 0000 + 05033171 n 0201 | lean and sinewy 00991678 00 s 02 wisplike 0 wispy 0 002 & 00988232 a 0000 + 10784436 n 0201 | thin and weak; "a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet"- Edmund Wilson 00991838 00 a 02 fatty 0 fat 2 011 + 14864360 n 0201 + 05268965 n 0202 + 10082146 n 0102 + 05268965 n 0102 + 04999741 n 0103 ! 00992955 a 0101 & 00992133 a 0000 & 00992291 a 0000 & 00992432 a 0000 & 00992716 a 0000 & 00992826 a 0000 | containing or composed of fat; "fatty food"; "fat tissue" 00992133 00 s 01 adipose 0 003 & 00991838 a 0000 + 04999741 n 0101 + 04999741 n 0102 | composed of animal fat; "adipose tissue constitutes the fat of meat" 00992291 00 s 01 buttery 0 002 & 00991838 a 0000 + 07848338 n 0101 | resembling or containing or spread with butter; "a rich buttery cake" 00992432 00 s 04 greasy 0 oily 0 sebaceous 0 oleaginous 0 006 & 00991838 a 0000 + 05000116 n 0403 + 05416979 n 0301 + 07673397 n 0202 + 05000116 n 0202 + 05000116 n 0101 | containing an unusual amount of grease or oil; "greasy hamburgers"; "oily fried potatoes"; "oleaginous seeds" 00992716 00 s 01 suety 0 002 & 00991838 a 0000 + 07672790 n 0101 | like or full of suet; "suety lamb chops" 00992826 00 s 01 superfatted 0 001 & 00991838 a 0000 | (of soap) containing extra unsaponified fat; "superfatted toilet soaps" 00992955 00 a 03 nonfat 0 fat-free 0 fatless 0 003 ! 00991838 a 0101 & 00993117 a 0000 & 00993316 a 0000 | without fat or fat solids; "nonfat or fat-free milk" 00993117 00 s 04 light 0 lite 0 low-cal 0 calorie-free 0 001 & 00992955 a 0000 | having relatively few calories; "diet cola"; "light (or lite) beer"; "lite (or light) mayonnaise"; "a low-cal diet" 00993316 00 s 02 skim 0 skimmed 0 001 & 00992955 a 0000 | used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed; "yogurt made with skim milk"; "she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter" 00993529 00 a 01 fatal 0 005 + 04791321 n 0101 ! 00994210 a 0101 & 00993667 a 0000 & 00993885 a 0000 & 00994073 a 0000 | bringing death 00993667 00 s 03 deadly 1 deathly 0 mortal 1 003 & 00993529 a 0000 + 00219575 n 0201 + 04791081 n 0101 | causing or capable of causing death; "a fatal accident"; "a deadly enemy"; "mortal combat"; "a mortal illness" 00993885 00 s 02 deadly 2 lethal 0 003 & 00993529 a 0000 + 04791081 n 0202 + 04791081 n 0101 | of an instrument of certain death; "deadly poisons"; "lethal weapon"; "a lethal injection" 00994073 00 s 01 terminal 0 001 & 00993529 a 0000 | causing or ending in or approaching death; "a terminal patient"; "terminal cancer" 00994210 00 a 01 nonfatal 0 002 ! 00993529 a 0101 & 00994326 a 0000 | not bringing death; "nonfatal heart attack" 00994326 00 s 01 nonlethal 0 001 & 00994210 a 0000 | not capable of causing death 00994410 00 a 01 curable 0 004 + 00081725 v 0102 + 04856721 n 0102 + 04856721 n 0101 ! 00994567 a 0101 | curing or healing is possible; "curable diseases" 00994567 00 a 01 incurable 0 003 + 04856899 n 0102 + 04856899 n 0101 ! 00994410 a 0101 | incapable of being cured; "an incurable disease"; "an incurable addiction to smoking" 00994744 00 a 03 fathomable 0 plumbable 0 soundable 0 001 ! 00994882 a 0101 | (of depth) capable of being sounded or measured for depth 00994882 00 a 01 unfathomable 0 003 ^ 00690058 a 0000 ! 00994744 a 0101 & 00995027 a 0000 | of depth; not capable of being sounded or measured 00995027 00 s 01 unsoundable 0 001 & 00994882 a 0000 | too deep to determine the depth of 00995119 00 a 02 favorable 1 favourable 1 005 ^ 00177186 a 0000 + 05160796 n 0202 + 05160796 n 0101 ! 00995468 a 0101 & 00995365 a 0000 | (of winds or weather) tending to promote or facilitate; "the days were fair and the winds were favorable" 00995365 00 s 01 following(a) 0 001 & 00995119 a 0000 | in the desired direction; "a following wind" 00995468 00 a 02 unfavorable 1 unfavourable 1 003 ^ 00177963 a 0000 ! 00995119 a 0101 & 00995647 a 0000 | (of winds or weather) tending to hinder or oppose; "unfavorable winds" 00995647 00 s 02 adverse 0 contrary 0 001 & 00995468 a 0000 | in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind" 00995775 00 a 02 favorable 2 favourable 2 006 ^ 00075135 a 0000 ^ 00905905 a 0000 ^ 01123148 a 0000 ! 00996448 a 0101 & 00996089 a 0000 & 00996343 a 0000 | encouraging or approving or pleasing; "a favorable reply"; "he received a favorable rating"; "listened with a favorable ear"; "made a favorable impression" 00996089 00 s 05 approving 0 affirmative 0 approbative 0 approbatory 0 plausive 0 004 & 00995775 a 0000 + 00673983 v 0401 + 00806502 v 0301 + 00673983 v 0301 | expressing or manifesting praise or approval; "approbative criticism"; "an affirmative nod" 00996343 00 s 01 indulgent 0 001 & 00995775 a 0000 | being favorably inclined; "an indulgent attitude" 00996448 00 a 02 unfavorable 2 unfavourable 2 012 ^ 01125429 a 0000 ^ 00647542 a 0000 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 00075515 a 0000 ^ 00906455 a 0000 + 05161967 n 0202 + 05161967 n 0101 ! 00995775 a 0101 & 00996864 a 0000 & 00997036 a 0000 & 00997298 a 0000 & 00997394 a 0000 | not encouraging or approving or pleasing; "unfavorable conditions"; "an unfavorable comparison"; "unfavorable comments", "unfavorable impression" 00996864 00 s 04 admonitory 0 admonishing 0 reproachful 0 reproving 0 002 & 00996448 a 0000 + 00824066 v 0101 | expressing reproof or reproach especially as a corrective 00997036 00 s 03 adverse 0 inauspicious 0 untoward 0 004 & 00996448 a 0000 + 05162217 n 0201 + 14475661 n 0101 + 07336612 n 0101 | contrary to your interests or welfare; "adverse circumstances"; "made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions" 00997298 00 s 01 disapproving 0 001 & 00996448 a 0000 | expressing or manifesting disapproval 00997394 00 s 02 discriminatory 0 invidious 0 002 & 00996448 a 0000 + 02512305 v 0101 | containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice; "discriminatory attitudes and practices"; "invidious comparisons" 00997604 00 a 01 feathered 0 012 ! 00999330 a 0101 & 00997914 a 0000 & 00998040 a 0000 & 00998207 a 0000 & 00998381 a 0000 & 00998479 a 0000 & 00998598 a 0000 & 00998674 a 0000 & 00998850 a 0000 & 00998985 a 0000 & 00999136 a 0000 & 00999242 a 0000 | having or covered with feathers; "our feathered friends" 00997914 00 s 01 aftershafted 0 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | having an aftershaft (a small feather at the base of some feathers) 00998040 00 s 01 feathery 1 003 & 00997604 a 0000 + 01896031 n 0101 + 04938838 n 0102 | characterized by a covering of feathers; "the feathery congregation of jays" 00998207 00 s 02 featherlike 0 feathery 2 003 & 00997604 a 0000 + 01896031 n 0201 + 04938838 n 0202 | resembling or suggesting a feather or feathers; "feathery palm trees" 00998381 00 s 02 fledged 0 vaned 0 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | (of an arrow) equipped with feathers 00998479 00 s 01 flighted(ip) 0 002 & 00997604 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | having feathers; "arrows flighted argent" 00998598 00 s 01 pennate 0 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | having feathered wings 00998674 00 s 01 plumaged 0 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | having or covered in plumage; often used as a combining form; "fully plumaged young bird"; "brilliantly plumaged parrots" 00998850 00 s 03 plumate 0 plumed 1 plumose 0 002 & 00997604 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | having an ornamental plume or feathery tuft 00998985 00 s 02 plumed 2 plumy 1 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | having or covered with or abounding in plumes; "the plumed serpent"; "white-plumed egrets" 00999136 00 s 02 plumelike 0 plumy 2 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | resembling a plume; "the dog's plumy tail" 00999242 00 s 01 velvety-plumaged 0 001 & 00997604 a 0000 | plumage resembling velvet 00999330 00 a 02 unfeathered 0 featherless 0 003 ! 00997604 a 0101 & 00999519 a 0000 & 00999671 a 0000 | having no feathers; "a featherless biped"; "the unfeathered legs of an Orpington" 00999519 00 s 01 plucked 0 001 & 00999330 a 0000 | having the feathers removed, as from a pelt or a fowl; "a plucked chicken"; "an unfeathered goose" 00999671 00 s 03 unfledged 0 fledgeless 0 unvaned 0 001 & 00999330 a 0000 | (of an arrow) not equipped with feathers; "shot an unfledged arrow" 00999817 00 a 01 felicitous 0 009 ^ 01148283 a 0000 = 04716210 n 0000 + 04716210 n 0102 + 04716210 n 0101 ! 01000881 a 0101 & 01000093 a 0000 & 01000442 a 0000 & 01000592 a 0000 & 01000737 a 0000 | exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style; "a felicitous speaker" 01000093 00 s 02 congratulatory 0 gratulatory 0 005 & 00999817 a 0000 + 01772498 v 0103 + 00883847 v 0102 + 00881998 v 0101 + 00881661 v 0102 | expressive of sympathetic pleasure or joy on account of someone's success or good fortune; "a congratulatory telegram"; "the usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent"; "a gratulatory address" 01000442 00 s 02 happy 0 well-chosen 0 001 & 00999817 a 0000 | well expressed and to the point; "a happy turn of phrase"; "a few well-chosen words" 01000592 00 s 01 well-turned 0 002 & 00999817 a 0000 ;c 06282651 n 0000 | (of language) aptly and pleasingly expressed; "a well-turned phrase" 01000737 00 s 01 well-wishing(a) 0 002 & 00999817 a 0000 + 06630459 n 0101 | extending good wishes for success; "his well-wishing supporters" 01000881 00 a 01 infelicitous 0 006 ^ 01149494 a 0000 = 04716210 n 0000 + 04722051 n 0101 ! 00999817 a 0101 & 01001180 a 0000 & 01001547 a 0000 | not appropriate in application; defective; "an infelicitous remark"; "infelicitous phrasing"; "the infelicitous typesetting was due to illegible copy" 01001180 00 s 06 awkward 0 clumsy 0 cumbersome 0 inapt 0 inept 0 ill-chosen 0 005 & 01000881 a 0000 + 05648459 n 0503 + 04721428 n 0401 + 04815624 n 0202 + 05648459 n 0101 | not elegant or graceful in expression; "an awkward prose style"; "a clumsy apology"; "his cumbersome writing style"; "if the rumor is true, can anything be more inept than to repeat it now?" 01001547 00 s 01 unfortunate 0 001 & 01000881 a 0000 | unsuitable or regrettable; "an unfortunate choice of words"; "an unfortunate speech" 01001689 00 a 01 fertile 0 011 ^ 01001945 a 0000 ^ 01080297 a 0000 ^ 01824244 a 0000 ^ 01865197 a 0000 = 14051494 n 0000 + 14051494 n 0101 ! 01002377 a 0101 & 01001945 a 0000 & 01002055 a 0000 & 01002170 a 0000 & 01002256 a 0000 | capable of reproducing 01001945 00 s 02 conceptive 0 impregnable 0 002 & 01001689 a 0000 + 00054285 v 0101 | capable of conceiving 01002055 00 s 01 fecund 0 002 & 01001689 a 0000 + 14051494 n 0102 | capable of producing offspring or vegetation 01002170 00 s 01 fertilizable 0 001 & 01001689 a 0000 | capable of being fertilized 01002256 00 s 01 rank 0 002 & 01001689 a 0000 + 05147586 n 0102 | very fertile; producing profuse growth; "rank earth" 01002377 00 a 03 sterile 0 unfertile 0 infertile 0 010 ^ 01082535 a 0000 ^ 01824751 a 0000 ^ 01866535 a 0000 = 14051494 n 0000 + 14045507 n 0302 + 14045507 n 0101 ! 01001689 a 0101 & 01002664 a 0000 & 01002827 a 0000 & 01002911 a 0000 | incapable of reproducing; "an infertile couple" 01002664 00 s 01 barren 0 002 & 01002377 a 0000 + 14045347 n 0101 | not bearing offspring; "a barren woman"; "learned early in his marriage that he was sterile" 01002827 00 s 02 sterilized 0 sterilised 0 001 & 01002377 a 0000 | made infertile 01002911 00 s 03 unfertilized 0 unfertilised 0 unimpregnated 0 001 & 01002377 a 0000 | not having been fertilized; "an unfertilized egg" 01003050 00 a 01 finished 1 006 ! 01004318 a 0101 & 01003277 a 0000 & 01003536 a 0000 & 01003822 a 0000 & 01004051 a 0000 & 01004245 a 0000 | ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript" 01003277 00 s 06 complete 0 concluded 0 ended 0 over(p) 1 all_over 0 terminated 0 001 & 01003050 a 0000 | having come or been brought to a conclusion; "the harvesting was complete"; "the affair is over, ended, finished"; "the abruptly terminated interview" 01003536 00 s 03 done 0 through 0 through_with(p) 2 001 & 01003050 a 0000 | having finished or arrived at completion; "certain to make history before he's done"; "it's a done deed"; "after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up"; "almost through with his studies" 01003822 00 s 02 done_with(p) 0 through_with(p) 1 001 & 01003050 a 0000 | having no further concern with; "he was through with school and he was through with family"- John Dos Passos; "done with gambling"; "done with drinking" 01004051 00 s 01 fin_de_siecle 0 002 & 01003050 a 0000 ;u 06964901 n 0000 | relating to or characteristic of the end of a century (especially the end of the 19th century); "fin de siecle art" 01004245 00 s 01 up(p) 0 001 & 01003050 a 0000 | used up; "time is up" 01004318 00 a 01 unfinished 1 005 ! 01003050 a 0101 & 01004541 a 0000 & 01004703 a 0000 & 01004818 a 0000 & 01004932 a 0000 | not brought to an end or conclusion; "unfinished business"; "the building is still unfinished" 01004541 00 s 02 incomplete 0 uncompleted 0 002 & 01004318 a 0000 + 14462193 n 0101 | not yet finished; "his thesis is still incomplete"; "an uncompleted play" 01004703 00 s 01 pending 0 001 & 01004318 a 0000 | awaiting conclusion or confirmation; "business still pending" 01004818 00 s 01 undone 0 001 & 01004318 a 0000 | not done; "the work could be done or undone and nobody cared" 01004932 00 s 01 unended 0 001 & 01004318 a 0000 | not ended; lacking an end or conclusion; "he did with the book still unended" 01005063 00 a 01 finished 2 007 ^ 01713373 a 0000 ^ 01951684 a 0000 ^ 02236842 a 0000 ! 01005675 a 0101 & 01005306 a 0000 & 01005410 a 0000 & 01005506 a 0000 | (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state; "a finished product" 01005306 00 s 02 dressed 0 polished 1 001 & 01005063 a 0000 | (of lumber or stone) to trim and smooth 01005410 00 s 01 fattened 0 001 & 01005063 a 0000 | (of market animals) made ready for market 01005506 00 s 01 fattening 0 001 & 01005063 a 0000 | subject to or used in the process of finishing or fattening up for slaughter; "a fattening hog"; "fattening pens" 01005675 00 a 01 unfinished 2 009 ^ 02238462 a 0000 ^ 01713925 a 0000 ^ 01952405 a 0000 ! 01005063 a 0101 & 01005914 a 0000 & 01006016 a 0000 & 01006136 a 0000 & 01006284 a 0000 & 01006386 a 0000 | not brought to the desired final state 01005914 00 s 02 raw(a) 0 unsanded 0 001 & 01005675 a 0000 | used of wood and furniture; "raw wood" 01006016 00 s 02 roughhewn 0 rough-cut 0 001 & 01005675 a 0000 | of stone or timber; shaped roughly without finishing 01006136 00 s 01 undressed 0 001 & 01005675 a 0000 | of lumber or stone or hides; not finished or dressed; "undressed granite"; "undressed hides" 01006284 00 s 01 unfattened 0 001 & 01005675 a 0000 | (of market animals) not optimal for marketing 01006386 00 s 01 unhewn 0 001 & 01005675 a 0000 | (of stone especially) not given a finished form by or as if by hewing; "a house of unhewn grey stone roughly cemented together" 01006566 00 a 01 finite 0 007 ^ 01557614 a 0000 + 05209659 n 0101 ! 01007354 a 0101 & 01006788 a 0000 & 01006967 a 0000 & 01007120 a 0000 & 01007258 a 0000 | bounded or limited in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent 01006788 00 s 02 bounded 0 delimited 0 002 & 01006566 a 0000 + 05209659 n 0103 | having the limits or boundaries established; "a delimited frontier through the disputed region" 01006967 00 s 01 exhaustible 0 001 & 01006566 a 0000 | capable of being used up; capable of being exhausted; "our exhaustible reserves of fossil fuel" 01007120 00 s 01 impermanent 0 003 & 01006566 a 0000 + 05054863 n 0102 + 05054863 n 0101 | existing or enduring for a limited time only 01007258 00 s 01 limited 0 001 & 01006566 a 0000 | not unlimited; "a limited list of choices" 01007354 00 a 01 infinite 0 008 ^ 01557903 a 0000 + 05209324 n 0101 + 15243976 n 0102 ! 01006566 a 0101 & 01007657 a 0000 & 01007947 a 0000 & 01008174 a 0000 & 01008289 a 0000 | having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude; "the infinite ingenuity of man"; "infinite wealth" 01007657 00 s 03 boundless 0 unbounded 0 limitless 0 004 & 01007354 a 0000 + 05209324 n 0305 + 05209324 n 0203 + 05209324 n 0104 | seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent; "unbounded enthusiasm"; "children with boundless energy"; "a limitless supply of money" 01007947 00 s 03 dateless 0 endless 0 sempiternal 0 002 & 01007354 a 0000 + 05052387 n 0201 | having no known beginning and presumably no end; "the dateless rise and fall of the tides"; "time is endless"; "sempiternal truth" 01008174 00 s 01 endless 2 002 & 01007354 a 0000 + 05052387 n 0101 | infinitely great in number; "endless waves" 01008289 00 s 02 inexhaustible 0 unlimited 0 001 & 01007354 a 0000 | that cannot be entirely consumed or used up; "an inexhaustible supply of coal" 01008439 00 a 01 finite 2 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 01008745 a 0101 & 01008656 a 0000 | of verbs; relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person 01008656 00 s 01 tensed 0 001 & 01008439 a 0000 | having inflections to indicate tense 01008745 00 a 02 infinite 2 non-finite 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 01008439 a 0101 | of verbs; having neither person nor number nor mood (as a participle or gerund or infinitive); "infinite verb form" 01008947 00 a 01 opening 0 007 + 07329363 n 0101 + 00239230 n 0104 ! 01010025 a 0101 & 01009206 a 0000 & 01009343 a 0000 & 01009709 a 0000 & 01009865 a 0000 | first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth"; "the play's opening scene" 01009206 00 s 02 beginning(a) 0 first 1 001 & 01008947 a 0000 | serving to begin; "the beginning canto of the poem"; "the first verse" 01009343 00 s 05 inaugural 0 initiative 0 initiatory 0 first 2 maiden 0 004 & 01008947 a 0000 + 01628449 v 0302 + 01628449 v 0202 + 00539546 v 0202 | serving to set in motion; "the magazine's inaugural issue"; "the initiative phase in the negotiations"; "an initiatory step toward a treaty"; "his first (or maiden) speech in Congress"; "the liner's maiden voyage" 01009709 00 s 01 introductory 0 002 & 01008947 a 0000 + 00901799 v 0104 | serving to open or begin; "began the slide show with some introductory remarks" 01009865 00 s 01 starting 0 001 & 01008947 a 0000 | appropriate to the beginning or start of an event; "the starting point"; "hands in the starting position" 01010025 00 a 01 closing 0 004 ! 01008947 a 0101 & 01010271 a 0000 & 01010569 a 0000 & 01010747 a 0000 | final or ending; "the closing stages of the election"; "the closing weeks of the year"; "the closing scene of the film"; "closing remarks" 01010271 00 s 04 concluding 0 final 0 last 0 terminal 0 004 & 01010025 a 0000 + 07466832 n 0201 + 07198276 n 0203 + 04754440 n 0201 | occurring at or forming an end or termination; "his concluding words came as a surprise"; "the final chapter"; "the last days of the dinosaurs"; "terminal leave" 01010569 00 s 01 terminative 0 004 & 01010025 a 0000 + 02735418 v 0102 + 02609764 v 0104 + 00352826 v 0102 | coming to an end; "a contract terminative with the end of the war" 01010747 00 s 01 year-end 0 001 & 01010025 a 0000 | taking place at the close of a fiscal year; "year-end audit" 01010862 00 a 01 first 0 014 ^ 00812952 a 0000 ^ 00198147 a 0000 ^ 01686439 a 0000 ^ 01852174 a 0000 ! 01013279 a 0101 & 01011392 a 0000 & 01011753 a 0000 & 01011973 a 0000 & 01012100 a 0000 & 01012247 a 0000 & 01012503 a 0000 & 01012855 a 0000 & 01012990 a 0000 & 01013171 a 0000 | preceding all others in time or space or degree; "the first house on the right"; "the first day of spring"; "his first political race"; "her first baby"; "the first time"; "the first meetings of the new party"; "the first phase of his training" 01011392 00 s 05 archetypal 0 archetypical 0 prototypal 0 prototypic 0 prototypical 0 006 & 01010862 a 0000 + 05937524 n 0501 + 05937524 n 0401 + 05937524 n 0301 + 05938400 n 0202 + 05938400 n 0102 | representing or constituting an original type after which other similar things are patterned; "archetypal patterns"; "she was the prototypal student activist" 01011753 00 s 02 basic 2 introductory 0 001 & 01010862 a 0000 | serving as a base or starting point; "a basic course in Russian"; "basic training for raw recruits"; "a set of basic tools"; "an introductory art course" 01011973 00 s 01 initial 0 001 & 01010862 a 0000 | occurring at the beginning; "took the initial step toward reconciliation" 01012100 00 s 02 firstborn 0 eldest 0 003 & 01010862 a 0000 + 10092643 n 0202 + 10092643 n 0101 | first in order of birth; "the firstborn child" 01012247 00 s 02 freshman 0 first-year 0 002 & 01010862 a 0000 ;r 09044862 n 0000 | used of a person in the first year of an experience (especially in United States high school or college); "a freshman senator"; "freshman year in high school or college" 01012503 00 s 01 original 1 001 & 01010862 a 0000 | preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed; "the original inhabitants of the Americas"; "the book still has its original binding"; "restored the house to its original condition"; "the original performance of the opera"; "the original cast"; "retracted his original statement" 01012855 00 s 02 premier 1 premiere 0 002 & 01010862 a 0000 + 06893285 n 0201 | preceding all others in time; "the premiere showing" 01012990 00 s 02 premier(a) 2 prime(a) 2 003 & 01010862 a 0000 + 09906986 n 0102 + 09907196 n 0103 | first in rank or degree; "an architect of premier rank"; "the prime minister" 01013171 00 s 01 prime(a) 1 001 & 01010862 a 0000 | used of the first or originating agent; "prime mover" 01013279 00 a 01 last 0 004 ! 01010862 a 0101 & 01013681 a 0000 & 01013843 a 0000 & 01013961 a 0000 | coming after all others in time or space or degree or being the only one remaining; "the last time I saw Paris"; "the last day of the month"; "had the last word"; "waited until the last minute"; "he raised his voice in a last supreme call"; "the last game of the season"; "down to his last nickel" 01013681 00 s 02 senior(a) 0 fourth-year 0 001 & 01013279 a 0000 | used of the fourth and final year in United States high school or college; "the senior prom" 01013843 00 s 01 sunset(a) 0 001 & 01013279 a 0000 | providing for termination; "a program with a sunset provision" 01013961 00 s 01 ultimate 0 002 & 01013279 a 0000 + 13942104 n 0102 | being the last or concluding element of a series; "the ultimate sonata of that opus"; "a distinction between the verb and noun senses of `conflict' is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last) syllable" 01014251 00 a 01 intermediate 0 009 ! 01016035 a 0101 & 01014685 a 0000 & 01014838 a 0000 & 01014953 a 0000 & 01015185 a 0000 & 01015392 a 0000 & 01015599 a 0000 & 01015798 a 0000 & 01015940 a 0000 | lying between two extremes in time or space or state; "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands"; "intermediate stages in a process"; "intermediate stops on the route"; "an intermediate range plane" 01014685 00 s 02 grey 0 gray 0 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | intermediate in character or position; "a grey area between clearly legal and strictly illegal" 01014838 00 s 01 halfway 0 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | at a point midway between two extremes; "at the halfway mark" 01014953 00 s 03 in-between 0 mediate 0 middle 0 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series; "adolescence is an awkward in-between age"; "in a mediate position"; "the middle point on a line" 01015185 00 s 03 junior(a) 0 third-year 0 next-to-last 0 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | used of the third or next to final year in United States high school or college; "the junior class"; "a third-year student" 01015392 00 s 02 penultimate 0 next-to-last 1 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | next to the last; "the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter"; "the figures in the next-to-last column" 01015599 00 s 02 sophomore(a) 0 second-year 0 002 & 01014251 a 0000 + 10625438 n 0101 | used of the second year in United States high school or college; "the sophomore class"; "his sophomore year" 01015798 00 s 01 subterminal 0 001 & 01014251 a 0000 | near but not precisely at an end; "a subterminal band of color on the tail feathers" 01015940 00 s 01 antepenultimate 0 002 & 01014251 a 0000 + 06305223 n 0102 | third from last 01016035 00 a 01 terminal 0 001 ! 01014251 a 0101 | being or situated at an end; "the endmost pillar"; "terminal buds on a branch"; "a terminal station"; "the terminal syllable" 01016215 00 a 01 first 3 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01016436 a 0101 | highest in pitch or chief among parts or voices or instruments or orchestra sections; "first soprano"; "the first violin section"; "played first horn" 01016436 00 a 01 second 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01016215 a 0101 | a part or voice or instrument or orchestra section lower in pitch than or subordinate to the first; "second flute"; "the second violins" 01016644 00 a 01 fissile 0 001 ! 01016806 a 0101 | capable of being split or cleft or divided in the direction of the grain; "fissile crystals"; "fissile wood" 01016806 00 a 01 nonfissile 0 001 ! 01016644 a 0101 | not fissile 01016874 00 a 02 fissionable 0 fissile 2 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 01017048 a 0101 | capable of undergoing nuclear fission; "a fissionable nucleous"; "fissionable material" 01017048 00 a 01 nonfissionable 0 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 01016874 a 0101 | not capable of undergoing fission 01017161 00 a 01 fit 1 007 ^ 01170243 a 0000 ^ 02273326 a 0000 ^ 02540578 a 0000 + 05153795 n 0101 ! 01017738 a 0101 & 01017439 a 0000 & 01017600 a 0000 | physically and mentally sound or healthy; "felt relaxed and fit after their holiday"; "keeps fit with diet and exercise" 01017439 00 s 02 able 0 able-bodied 0 001 & 01017161 a 0000 | having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army" 01017600 00 s 02 conditioned 0 in_condition(p) 0 001 & 01017161 a 0000 | physically fit; "exercised daily to keep herself in condition" 01017738 00 a 01 unfit 1 019 ^ 02541302 a 0000 ^ 01172889 a 0000 ^ 02274253 a 0000 + 14547369 n 0101 + 05207130 n 0102 ! 01017161 a 0101 & 01018264 a 0000 & 01018359 a 0000 & 01018530 a 0000 & 01018667 a 0000 & 01018788 a 0000 & 01019000 a 0000 & 01019283 a 0000 & 01019450 a 0000 & 01019587 a 0000 & 01019713 a 0000 & 01020007 a 0000 & 01020117 a 0000 & 01020282 a 0000 | not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition; "fat and very unfit"; "certified as unfit for army service"; "drunk and unfit for service" 01018264 00 s 02 afflicted 0 impaired 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | mentally or physically unfit 01018359 00 s 02 apractic 0 apraxic 0 003 & 01017738 a 0000 + 14091126 n 0201 + 14091126 n 0101 | having uncoordinated muscular movements, symptomatic of a CNS disorder 01018530 00 s 05 bandy 0 bandy-legged 0 bowed 0 bowleg 0 bowlegged 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | have legs that curve outward at the knees 01018667 00 s 01 broken-backed 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | (of a horse) having bones of the back united by a bony growth 01018788 00 s 06 crippled 0 halt 0 halting 0 lame 1 gimpy 0 game 0 004 & 01017738 a 0000 + 14549937 n 0605 + 14549937 n 0504 + 14549937 n 0401 | disabled in the feet or legs; "a crippled soldier"; "a game leg" 01019000 00 s 07 crookback 0 crookbacked 0 humped 0 humpbacked 0 hunchbacked 0 gibbous 0 kyphotic 0 005 & 01017738 a 0000 + 14505069 n 0701 + 13894434 n 0606 + 13894434 n 0605 + 10192412 n 0103 | characteristic of or suffering from kyphosis, an abnormality of the vertebral column 01019283 00 s 02 disabled 0 handicapped 0 003 & 01017738 a 0000 + 07946288 n 0101 + 14548343 n 0101 | incapable of functioning as a consequence of injury or illness 01019450 00 s 01 gammy 0 003 & 01017738 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) sore or lame; "a gammy foot" 01019587 00 s 01 knock-kneed 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | having the knees abnormally close together and the ankles wide apart 01019713 00 s 03 soft 0 flabby 0 flaccid 0 005 & 01017738 a 0000 + 04939046 n 0303 + 05269401 n 0201 + 04939046 n 0201 + 14547369 n 0102 | out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance; "he was too soft for the army"; "flabby around the middle"; "flaccid cheeks" 01020007 00 s 01 spavined 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | (of horses) afflicted with a swelling of the hock-joint 01020117 00 s 04 dipped 0 lordotic 0 swayback 0 swaybacked 0 002 & 01017738 a 0000 + 14505215 n 0201 | having abnormal sagging of the spine (especially in horses) 01020282 00 s 02 maimed 0 mutilated 0 001 & 01017738 a 0000 | having a part of the body crippled or disabled 01020393 00 a 01 fit 2 006 ^ 00134701 a 0000 + 04716864 n 0101 ! 01021301 a 0101 & 01020709 a 0000 & 01020885 a 0000 & 01021120 a 0000 | meeting adequate standards for a purpose; "a fit subject for discussion"; "it is fit and proper that you be there"; "water fit to drink"; "fit for duty"; "do as you see fit to" 01020709 00 s 01 acceptable 0 004 & 01020393 a 0000 + 04792679 n 0101 + 02209936 v 0102 + 04792679 n 0102 | adequate for the purpose; "the water was acceptable for drinking" 01020885 00 s 02 suitable 0 suited 0 003 & 01020393 a 0000 + 04715487 n 0102 + 04715487 n 0101 | meant or adapted for an occasion or use; "a tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty"; "not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy" 01021120 00 s 01 worthy 0 001 & 01020393 a 0000 | having qualities or abilities that merit recognition in some way; "behavior worthy of reprobation"; "a fact worthy of attention" 01021301 00 a 01 unfit 2 004 + 04722373 n 0101 ! 01020393 a 0101 & 01021499 a 0000 & 01021607 a 0000 | below the required standards for a purpose; "an unfit parent"; "unfit for human consumption" 01021499 00 s 01 subhuman 0 001 & 01021301 a 0000 | unfit for human beings; "subhuman conditions of life" 01021607 00 s 01 unsuitable 0 003 & 01021301 a 0000 + 04721058 n 0102 + 04721058 n 0101 | not meant or adapted for a particular purpose; "a solvent unsuitable for use on wood surfaces" 01021794 00 a 01 flat 3 003 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 04956110 n 0101 ! 01021923 a 0101 | lacking contrast or shading between tones 01021923 00 a 01 contrasty 0 003 ;c 00903559 n 0000 + 05126362 n 0101 ! 01021794 a 0101 | having sharp differences between black and white 01022064 00 a 02 flexible 1 flexile 0 011 ^ 00843146 a 0000 + 01280014 v 0101 + 05022457 n 0102 + 05022457 n 0101 ! 01023289 a 0101 & 01022367 a 0000 & 01022657 a 0000 & 01022785 a 0000 & 01022926 a 0000 & 01023010 a 0000 & 01023128 a 0000 | able to flex; able to bend easily; "slim flexible birches" 01022367 00 s 04 bendable 0 pliable 0 pliant 0 waxy 0 007 & 01022064 a 0000 + 05023022 n 0302 + 05023022 n 0301 + 05022709 n 0202 + 02035919 v 0101 + 01280014 v 0102 + 05022709 n 0101 | capable of being bent or flexed or twisted without breaking; "a flexible wire"; "a pliant young tree" 01022657 00 s 01 double-jointed 0 001 & 01022064 a 0000 | having unusually flexible joints especially of the limbs or fingers 01022785 00 s 02 limber 0 supple 1 002 & 01022064 a 0000 + 05023022 n 0203 | (used of persons' bodies) capable of moving or bending freely 01022926 00 s 01 limber 1 001 & 01022064 a 0000 | (used of artifacts) easily bent 01023010 00 s 02 spinnable 0 spinnbar 0 002 & 01022064 a 0000 + 04720685 n 0101 | capable of being spun into fibres 01023128 00 s 01 stretched 0 001 & 01022064 a 0000 | (of muscles) relieved of stiffness by stretching; "well-stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury" 01023289 00 a 01 inflexible 1 007 ^ 00845528 a 0000 + 05024093 n 0102 + 05024093 n 0101 ! 01022064 a 0101 & 01023533 a 0000 & 01023706 a 0000 & 01024002 a 0000 | resistant to being bent; "an inflexible iron bar"; "an inflexible knife blade"; 01023533 00 s 01 muscle-bound 0 001 & 01023289 a 0000 | having stiff muscles as the result of excessive exercise; "he arrived accompanied by two muscle-bound body guards" 01023706 00 s 02 rigid 0 stiff 1 005 & 01023289 a 0000 + 05004895 n 0201 + 05023591 n 0201 + 05023741 n 0102 + 05023741 n 0101 | incapable of or resistant to bending; "a rigid strip of metal"; "a table made of rigid plastic"; "a palace guardsman stiff as a poker"; "stiff hair"; "a stiff neck" 01024002 00 s 01 semirigid 0 001 & 01023289 a 0000 | not fully rigid 01024073 00 a 01 flexible 2 004 + 04659287 n 0102 ! 01024597 a 0101 & 01024228 a 0000 & 01024400 a 0000 | capable of being changed; "flexible schedules" 01024228 00 s 02 limber 0 supple 0 002 & 01024073 a 0000 + 04659730 n 0204 | (used of e.g. personality traits) readily adaptable; "a supple mind"; "a limber imagination" 01024400 00 s 02 negotiable 0 on_the_table 0 002 & 01024073 a 0000 + 00761713 v 0102 | able to be negotiated or arranged by compromise; "negotiable demands"; "the proposal is still on the table" 01024597 00 a 01 inflexible 2 007 + 04660261 n 0101 ! 01024073 a 0101 & 01024812 a 0000 & 01025212 a 0000 & 01025397 a 0000 & 01025610 a 0000 & 01025732 a 0000 | incapable of change; "a man of inflexible purpose" 01024812 00 s 04 adamant 0 adamantine 0 inexorable 0 intransigent 0 005 & 01024597 a 0000 + 04863497 n 0401 + 04863497 n 0402 + 04831437 n 0303 + 04863793 n 0101 | impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason; "he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind"; "Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him"- W.Churchill; "an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency" 01025212 00 s 02 die-hard(a) 0 rock-ribbed 0 001 & 01024597 a 0000 | tradition-bound and obstinately opinionated; "an inflexible (or die-hard) conservative"; "rock-ribbed republican" 01025397 00 s 03 fossilized 0 fossilised 0 ossified 0 001 & 01024597 a 0000 | set in a rigidly conventional pattern of behavior, habits, or beliefs; "obsolete fossilized ways"; "an ossified bureaucratic system" 01025610 00 s 01 hard-core 0 001 & 01024597 a 0000 | stubbornly resistant to change or improvement; "hard-core addicts" 01025732 00 s 02 ironclad 0 brassbound 0 001 & 01024597 a 0000 | inflexibly entrenched and unchangeable; "brassbound traditions"; "brassbound party loyalists"; "an ironclad rule" 01025913 00 a 03 uncompromising 0 sturdy 0 inflexible 4 004 + 04660261 n 0301 + 04862592 n 0201 ! 01026262 a 0101 & 01026150 a 0000 | not making concessions; "took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks"; "uncompromising honesty" 01026150 00 s 02 hard-line 0 hardline 0 001 & 01025913 a 0000 | firm and uncompromising; "a hard-line policy" 01026262 00 a 03 compromising 0 conciliatory 4 flexible 4 005 + 04659287 n 0302 + 04905188 n 0303 + 00764902 v 0204 ! 01025913 a 0101 & 01026552 a 0000 | making or willing to make concessions; "loneliness tore through him...whenever he thought of...even the compromising Louis du Tillet" 01026552 00 s 01 yielding 0 001 & 01026262 a 0000 | tending to give in or surrender or agree; "too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments"- V.I.Parrington 01026721 00 a 01 rigid 0 003 ;c 06096913 n 0000 ! 01027076 a 0101 & 01026911 a 0000 | designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure 01026911 00 s 01 semirigid 0 002 & 01026721 a 0000 ;c 06096913 n 0000 | having a form maintained by a rigid internal structure as well as by internal gas pressure 01027076 00 a 01 nonrigid 0 002 ;c 06096913 n 0000 ! 01026721 a 0101 | designating an airship having a shape maintained only by internal gas pressure and without a supporting structure 01027263 00 a 01 adaptable 0 011 + 00150287 v 0103 + 00299580 v 0101 + 04659090 n 0101 ! 01029044 a 0101 & 01027686 a 0000 & 01027832 a 0000 & 01027988 a 0000 & 01028163 a 0000 & 01028467 a 0000 & 01028623 a 0000 & 01028796 a 0000 | capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or use; "to succeed one must be adaptable"; "the frame was adaptable to cloth bolts of different widths" 01027686 00 s 01 adjustable 0 002 & 01027263 a 0000 + 00298067 v 0101 | capable of being changed so as to match or fit; "adjustable seat belts" 01027832 00 s 01 all-mains(a) 0 002 & 01027263 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | used of a radio receiver that is adaptable to all voltages; "an all-mains set" 01027988 00 s 01 convertible 0 002 & 01027263 a 0000 + 00115157 v 0101 | designed to be changed from one use or form to another; "a convertible sofa"; "a convertible coupe" 01028163 00 s 04 elastic 0 flexible 0 pliable 0 pliant 0 006 & 01027263 a 0000 + 04659730 n 0403 + 04659730 n 0402 + 04659730 n 0301 + 04659287 n 0202 + 04659287 n 0201 | able to adjust readily to different conditions; "an adaptable person"; "a flexible personality"; "an elastic clause in a contract" 01028467 00 s 01 filmable 0 002 & 01027263 a 0000 ;c 06364641 n 0000 | (used of a story or literary work) capable of being adapted to motion picture form 01028623 00 s 01 universal 0 001 & 01027263 a 0000 | adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations; "universal wrench", "universal chuck"; "universal screwdriver" 01028796 00 s 01 variable 0 003 & 01027263 a 0000 + 04735233 n 0102 + 04735233 n 0101 | (used of a device) designed so that a property (as e.g. light) can be varied; "a variable capacitor"; "variable filters in front of the mercury xenon lights" 01029044 00 a 01 unadaptable 0 003 + 04660080 n 0101 ! 01027263 a 0101 & 01029151 a 0000 | not adaptable 01029151 00 s 03 inflexible 0 rigid 0 unbending 0 003 & 01029044 a 0000 + 04660261 n 0203 + 04660261 n 0101 | incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances; "a rigid disciplinarian"; "an inflexible law"; "an unbending will to dominate" 01029399 00 a 01 campylotropous 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 01029563 a 0101 | (of a plant ovule) curved with the micropyle near the base almost touching its stalk 01029563 00 a 01 orthotropous 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 01029399 a 0101 | (of a plant ovule) completely straight with the micropyle at the apex 01029710 00 a 02 anatropous 0 inverted 4 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 01029873 a 0101 | (of a plant ovule) completely inverted; turned back 180 degrees on its stalk 01029873 00 a 01 amphitropous 0 002 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 01029710 a 0101 | (of a plant ovule) partly inverted; turned back 90 degrees on its stalk 01030022 00 a 01 curly 0 009 = 05074374 n 0000 + 05257737 n 0102 + 05074374 n 0101 ! 01030826 a 0101 & 01030289 a 0000 & 01030372 a 0000 & 01030525 a 0000 & 01030605 a 0000 & 01030691 a 0000 | (of hair) having curls or waves; "they envied her naturally curly hair" 01030289 00 s 02 curled 0 curling 0 001 & 01030022 a 0000 | of hair having curls 01030372 00 s 05 crisp 0 frizzly 0 frizzy 0 kinky 0 nappy 0 003 & 01030022 a 0000 + 04947087 n 0501 + 14575700 n 0301 | (of hair) in small tight curls 01030525 00 s 01 permed 0 001 & 01030022 a 0000 | styled with permanent waves 01030605 00 s 01 ringleted 0 001 & 01030022 a 0000 | (of hair) shaped into ringlets 01030691 00 s 01 wavy 0 003 & 01030022 a 0000 + 05074374 n 0102 + 05259240 n 0101 | (of hair) having waves; "she had long wavy hair" 01030826 00 a 01 straight 3 005 = 05074374 n 0000 + 05074559 n 0101 ! 01030022 a 0101 & 01031038 a 0000 & 01031115 a 0000 | (of hair) having no waves or curls; "her naturally straight hair hung long and silky" 01031038 00 s 01 uncurled 0 001 & 01030826 a 0000 | not having been curled 01031115 00 s 01 unpermed 0 001 & 01030826 a 0000 | not having had a permanent wave; "smooth glossy unpermed hair" 01031232 00 a 01 footed 0 005 ! 01031797 a 0101 & 01031405 a 0000 & 01031503 a 0000 & 01031602 a 0000 & 01031701 a 0000 | having feet; "footed creatures"; "a footed sofa" 01031405 00 s 01 flat-footed 0 001 & 01031232 a 0000 | with feet flat on the ground; not tiptoe 01031503 00 s 01 pedate 0 002 & 01031232 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | having or resembling a foot 01031602 00 s 02 swift-footed 0 fast-footed 0 001 & 01031232 a 0000 | having rapidly moving feet 01031701 00 s 02 web-footed 0 web-toed 0 001 & 01031232 a 0000 | having feet with webbed toes 01031797 00 a 01 footless 0 002 ! 01031232 a 0101 & 01031908 a 0000 | having no feet or analogous appendages 01031908 00 s 02 apodal 0 apodous 0 001 & 01031797 a 0000 | (of snakes and eels) naturally footless; "eels are apodal" 01032029 00 a 01 toed 0 004 ! 01032531 a 0101 & 01032226 a 0000 & 01032339 a 0000 & 01032451 a 0000 | having a toe or toes of a specified kind; often used in combination; "long-toed; "five-toed" 01032226 00 s 02 pointy-toed 0 pointed-toe 0 001 & 01032029 a 0000 | having a pointed toe; "pointy-toed shoes" 01032339 00 s 02 square-toed 0 squared-toe 0 001 & 01032029 a 0000 | having a square toe; "square-toed shoes" 01032451 00 s 02 two-toed 0 two-toe 0 001 & 01032029 a 0000 | having two toes 01032531 00 a 01 toeless 0 001 ! 01032029 a 0101 | lacking a toe or toes; "a toeless shoe" 01032624 00 a 01 pigeon-toed 0 001 ! 01032710 a 0101 | having feet that turn inward 01032710 00 a 02 splayfooted 0 splayfoot 0 003 ! 01032624 a 0101 & 01032845 a 0000 & 01032978 a 0000 | having feet that turn outward 01032845 00 s 01 flat-footed 0 001 & 01032710 a 0000 | having broad flat feet that usually turn outward; "a slow flat-footed walk" 01032978 00 s 01 splay 0 001 & 01032710 a 0000 | turned outward in an ungainly manner; "splay knees" 01033081 00 a 01 fore(a) 0 005 ^ 00203237 a 0000 ^ 00198147 a 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 ! 01033371 a 0101 & 01033249 a 0000 | situated at or toward the bow of a vessel 01033249 00 s 01 foremost 0 001 & 01033081 a 0000 | situated closest to the bow; "the foremost compartment of the ship" 01033371 00 a 01 aft(a) 0 004 ^ 00197576 a 0000 ! 01033081 a 0101 & 01033542 a 0000 & 01033616 a 0000 | (nautical, aeronautical) situated at or toward the stern or tail 01033542 00 s 01 after(a) 0 001 & 01033371 a 0000 | located farther aft 01033616 00 s 01 aftermost 0 001 & 01033371 a 0000 | located closest to the stern or tail 01033708 00 a 02 forehand(a) 0 forehanded 0 001 ! 01033840 a 0101 | (of racket strokes) made with palm facing direction of stroke 01033840 00 a 02 backhand(a) 0 backhanded 0 001 ! 01033708 a 0101 | (of racket strokes) made across the body with back of hand facing direction of stroke 01033996 00 a 01 native 3 003 + 04799881 n 0101 ! 01034296 a 0101 & 01034153 a 0000 | belonging to one by birth; "my native land"; "one's native language" 01034153 00 s 03 connatural 0 inborn 0 inbred 0 001 & 01033996 a 0000 | normally existing at birth; "mankind's connatural sense of the good" 01034296 00 a 02 adopted 0 adoptive 4 002 + 02346724 v 0201 ! 01033996 a 0101 | acquired as your own by free choice; "my adopted state"; "an adoptive country" 01034457 00 a 02 foreign 1 strange 1 011 = 04799344 n 0000 = 04797482 n 0000 ! 01036083 a 0101 & 01034858 a 0000 & 01035007 a 0000 & 01035277 a 0000 & 01035422 a 0000 & 01035559 a 0000 & 01035725 a 0000 & 01035858 a 0000 & 01035976 a 0000 | relating to or originating in or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "foreign nations"; "a foreign accent"; "on business in a foreign city" 01034858 00 s 01 adventive 0 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | not native and not fully established; locally or temporarily naturalized; "an adventive weed" 01035007 00 s 02 alien 0 exotic 0 005 & 01034457 a 0000 + 04799612 n 0202 + 09484465 n 0103 + 10103485 n 0102 + 10661002 n 0102 | being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "alien customs"; "exotic plants in a greenhouse"; "exotic cuisine" 01035277 00 s 01 nonnative 2 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | of plants or animals originating in a part of the world other than where they are growing 01035422 00 s 02 established 0 naturalized 2 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation 01035559 00 s 02 foreign-born 0 nonnative 1 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | of persons born in another area or country than that lived in; "our large nonnative population" 01035725 00 s 01 imported 0 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | used of especially merchandise brought from a foreign source; "imported wines" 01035858 00 s 01 tramontane 0 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | being or coming from another country; "tramontane influences" 01035976 00 s 02 unnaturalized 0 unnaturalised 0 001 & 01034457 a 0000 | not having acquired citizenship 01036083 00 a 01 native 1 007 + 09620794 n 0101 + 04799881 n 0101 ! 01034457 a 0101 & 01036383 a 0000 & 01036754 a 0000 & 01036874 a 0000 & 01037022 a 0000 | characteristic of or existing by virtue of geographic origin; "the native North American sugar maple"; "many native artists studied abroad" 01036383 00 s 05 autochthonal 0 autochthonic 0 autochthonous 0 endemic 0 indigenous 0 003 & 01036083 a 0000 + 04800152 n 0501 + 04800152 n 0202 | originating where it is found; "the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo"; "autochthonous rocks and people and folktales"; "endemic folkways"; "the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan" 01036754 00 s 01 domestic 0 001 & 01036083 a 0000 | produced in a particular country; "domestic wine"; "domestic oil" 01036874 00 s 01 homegrown 0 001 & 01036083 a 0000 | grown or originating in a particular place; "stands selling homegrown fruits and vegetables" 01037022 00 s 01 native-born 0 001 & 01036083 a 0000 | belonging to a place by birth; "a native-born Scot"; "a native Scot" 01037148 00 a 02 native 2 aboriginal 0 004 + 09620794 n 0205 + 09620794 n 0204 + 04799881 n 0101 ! 01037405 a 0101 | characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from the beginning; "native Americans"; "the aboriginal peoples of Australia" 01037405 00 a 01 nonnative 0 001 ! 01037148 a 0101 | not being or composed of aborigines; "the nonnative population of South Africa" 01037540 00 a 01 foreign 2 004 ^ 01568375 a 0000 ! 01038102 a 0101 & 01037763 a 0000 & 01037885 a 0000 | of concern to or concerning the affairs of other nations (other than your own); "foreign trade"; "a foreign office" 01037763 00 s 02 abroad 0 overseas 0 001 & 01037540 a 0000 | in a foreign country; "markets abroad"; "overseas markets" 01037885 00 s 03 external 0 international 0 outside(a) 0 002 & 01037540 a 0000 + 05126611 n 0201 | from or between other countries; "external commerce"; "international trade"; "developing nations need outside help" 01038102 00 a 01 domestic 0 004 ^ 01567862 a 0000 ! 01037540 a 0101 & 01038332 a 0000 & 01038580 a 0000 | of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation; "domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction" 01038332 00 s 04 home(a) 0 interior(a) 0 internal 0 national 0 001 & 01038102 a 0000 | inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics" 01038580 00 s 01 municipal 0 002 & 01038102 a 0000 + 08626283 n 0101 | of or relating to the government of a municipality; "international law...only authorizes a belligerent to punish a spy under its municipal law"- J.L.kuntz 01038808 00 a 01 domestic 1 007 = 05209113 n 0000 ! 01039843 a 0101 & 01039203 a 0000 & 01039366 a 0000 & 01039460 a 0000 & 01039556 a 0000 & 01039687 a 0000 | of or involving the home or family; "domestic worries"; "domestic happiness"; "they share the domestic chores"; "everything sounded very peaceful and domestic"; "an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his taste" 01039203 00 s 01 domesticated 0 001 & 01038808 a 0000 | accustomed to home life; "some men think it unmanly to be domesticated; others find gratification in it" 01039366 00 s 01 home-loving 0 001 & 01038808 a 0000 | devoted to home duties and pleasures 01039460 00 s 01 home-style 0 001 & 01038808 a 0000 | as if in the home; "home-style cooking" 01039556 00 s 01 housewifely 0 002 & 01038808 a 0000 + 10189776 n 0101 | related or suited to a housewife; "housewifely virtues" 01039687 00 s 01 husbandly 0 002 & 01038808 a 0000 + 10193967 n 0101 | related to or suited to a husband; "assumed husbandly duties like mowing the lawn" 01039843 00 a 01 undomestic 0 003 = 05209113 n 0000 ! 01038808 a 0101 & 01040087 a 0000 | not domestic or related to home; "had established herself in her career at the price of being so undomestic she didn't even know how to light the oven" 01040087 00 s 01 undomesticated 0 001 & 01039843 a 0000 | unaccustomed to home life; "after years of marriage he remained essentially undomesticated" 01040239 00 a 01 forgettable 0 002 ! 01040410 a 0101 & 01040331 a 0000 | easily forgotten 01040331 00 s 01 unmemorable 0 001 & 01040239 a 0000 | not worth remembering 01040410 00 a 01 unforgettable 0 004 ! 01040239 a 0101 & 01040544 a 0000 & 01040752 a 0000 & 01040825 a 0000 | impossible to forget 01040544 00 s 02 haunting 0 persistent 0 001 & 01040410 a 0000 | continually recurring to the mind; "haunting memories"; "the cathedral organ and the distant voices have a haunting beauty"- Claudia Cassidy 01040752 00 s 01 memorable 2 001 & 01040410 a 0000 | worth remembering 01040825 00 s 01 red-letter 0 001 & 01040410 a 0000 | memorable for being a special occasion; "on red-letter nights a large gathering greeted the celebrity" 01040984 00 a 01 forgiving 0 004 + 04829764 n 0101 ! 01041481 a 0101 & 01041209 a 0000 & 01041408 a 0000 | inclined or able to forgive and show mercy; "a kindly forgiving nature"; "a forgiving embrace to the naughty child" 01041209 00 s 02 kind 0 tolerant 0 003 & 01040984 a 0000 + 00668099 v 0207 + 04829764 n 0102 | tolerant and forgiving under provocation; "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke" 01041408 00 s 01 unvindictive 0 001 & 01040984 a 0000 | not vindictive 01041481 00 a 01 unforgiving 0 002 ! 01040984 a 0101 & 01041634 a 0000 | unwilling or unable to forgive or show mercy; "a surly unforgiving old woman" 01041634 00 s 03 revengeful 0 vindictive 0 vengeful 0 003 & 01041481 a 0000 + 07550891 n 0302 + 07550891 n 0201 | disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge; "more vindictive than jealous love"- Shakespeare; "punishments...essentially vindictive in their nature"- M.R.Cohen 01041916 00 a 01 formal 1 017 ^ 00605516 a 0000 ^ 01045216 a 0000 = 04911420 n 0000 + 04911420 n 0102 + 01204055 n 0101 ! 01044240 a 0101 & 01042491 a 0000 & 01042703 a 0000 & 01042921 a 0000 & 01043070 a 0000 & 01043226 a 0000 & 01043374 a 0000 & 01043505 a 0000 & 01043619 a 0000 & 01043746 a 0000 & 01043924 a 0000 & 01044118 a 0000 | being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress); "pay one's formal respects"; "formal dress"; "a formal ball"; "the requirement was only formal and often ignored"; "a formal education" 01042491 00 s 01 ceremonial 0 005 & 01041916 a 0000 + 07450842 n 0102 + 07450842 n 0101 + 01026897 n 0101 + 01027379 n 0101 | marked by pomp or ceremony or formality; "a ceremonial occasion"; "ceremonial garb" 01042703 00 s 02 ceremonious 0 conventional 0 004 & 01041916 a 0000 + 01026897 n 0101 + 01027379 n 0101 + 04911777 n 0101 | rigidly formal or bound by convention; "their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt" 01042921 00 s 02 dress 1 full-dress 1 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes; "a dress dinner"; "a full-dress ceremony" 01043070 00 s 01 form-only(a) 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | being a matter of form only; lacking substance; "a form-only requirement that is usually ignored" 01043226 00 s 02 full-dress 2 dress 2 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | suitable for formal occasions; "formal wear"; "a full-dress uniform"; "dress shoes" 01043374 00 s 02 nominal 0 titular 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | existing in name only; "the nominal (or titular) head of his party" 01043505 00 s 02 positive 0 prescribed 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | formally laid down or imposed; "positive laws" 01043619 00 s 02 pro_forma 0 perfunctory 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | as a formality only; "a one-candidate pro forma election" 01043746 00 s 03 semiformal 0 semi-formal 0 black-tie 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | moderately formal; requiring a dinner jacket; "he wore semiformal attire"; "a black-tie dinner" 01043924 00 s 03 starchy 0 stiff 0 buckram 0 002 & 01041916 a 0000 + 04815624 n 0204 | rigidly formal; "a starchy manner"; "the letter was stiff and formal"; "his prose has a buckram quality" 01044118 00 s 01 white-tie 0 001 & 01041916 a 0000 | requiring white ties and tailcoats for men; "a white-tie occasion" 01044240 00 a 01 informal 1 008 ^ 01045711 a 0000 = 04911420 n 0000 + 04786994 n 0102 ! 01041916 a 0101 & 01044557 a 0000 & 01044730 a 0000 & 01044922 a 0000 & 01045067 a 0000 | not formal; "conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress"; "an informal free-and-easy manner"; "an informal gathering of friends" 01044557 00 s 03 casual 1 everyday 0 daily 0 002 & 01044240 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0101 | appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions; "casual clothes"; "everyday clothes" 01044730 00 s 02 free-and-easy 0 casual 2 002 & 01044240 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0201 | natural and unstudied; "using their Christian names in a casual way"; "lectured in a free-and-easy style" 01044922 00 s 01 folksy 0 002 & 01044240 a 0000 + 07947255 n 0102 | very informal and familiar; "a folksy radio commentator"; "a folksy style" 01045067 00 s 02 unceremonious 0 unceremonial 0 002 & 01044240 a 0000 + 04912610 n 0101 | without ceremony or formality; "an unceremonious speech" 01045216 00 a 01 formal 2 005 ^ 01041916 a 0000 ^ 02016535 a 0000 = 04911420 n 0000 ! 01045711 a 0101 & 01045518 a 0000 | (of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms; "the paper was written in formal English" 01045518 00 s 01 literary 0 001 & 01045216 a 0000 | appropriate to literature rather than everyday speech or writing; "when trying to impress someone she spoke in an affected literary style" 01045711 00 a 01 informal 2 010 ^ 01044240 a 0000 ^ 02018486 a 0000 = 04911420 n 0000 ! 01045216 a 0101 & 01045963 a 0000 & 01046226 a 0000 & 01046553 a 0000 & 01046784 a 0000 & 01046994 a 0000 & 01047144 a 0000 | used of spoken and written language 01045963 00 s 02 colloquial 1 conversational 0 002 & 01045711 a 0000 + 07133701 n 0201 | characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation; "wrote her letters in a colloquial style"; "the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English" 01046226 00 s 03 common 0 vernacular 0 vulgar 1 003 & 01045711 a 0000 + 07157123 n 0201 + 04795545 n 0101 | being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language; "common parlance"; "a vernacular term"; "vernacular speakers"; "the vulgar tongue of the masses"; "the technical and vulgar names for an animal species" 01046553 00 s 02 epistolary 0 epistolatory 0 002 & 01045711 a 0000 + 06626183 n 0101 | written in the form of or carried on by letters or correspondence; "an endless sequence of epistolary love affairs"; "the epistolatory novel" 01046784 00 s 01 slangy 0 004 & 01045711 a 0000 + 07159467 n 0101 + 07157273 n 0101 + 04912506 n 0101 | constituting or expressed in slang or given to the use of slang; "a slangy expression"; "slangy speech" 01046994 00 s 01 subliterary 0 001 & 01045711 a 0000 | not written as or intended to be literature; "subliterary works such as letters and diaries" 01047144 00 s 02 unliterary 0 nonliterary 0 001 & 01045711 a 0000 | marked by lack of affectation or pedantry; "her talk was very unliterary"- W.D.Howells 01047301 00 a 01 former(a) 0 001 ! 01047561 a 0101 | referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several); "the novel was made into a film in 1943 and again in 1967; I prefer the former version to the latter one" 01047561 00 a 01 latter(a) 0 002 ! 01047301 a 0101 & 01047752 a 0000 | referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned (or the last one or ones of several); "in the latter case" 01047752 00 s 01 last_mentioned 0 001 & 01047561 a 0000 | the one most recently mentioned; "the last mentioned pianist" 01047874 00 a 01 fortunate 0 011 ^ 01468097 a 0000 ^ 01864123 a 0000 ^ 02331262 a 0000 ! 01049462 a 0101 & 01048202 a 0000 & 01048406 a 0000 & 01048587 a 0000 & 01048762 a 0000 & 01048976 a 0000 & 01049210 a 0000 & 01049352 a 0000 | having unexpected good fortune; "other, less fortunate, children died"; "a fortunate choice" 01048202 00 s 01 better_off(p) 0 001 & 01047874 a 0000 | in a more fortunate or prosperous condition; "she would have been better off if she had stuck with teaching"; "is better off than his classmate" 01048406 00 s 02 felicitous 0 happy 0 004 & 01047874 a 0000 + 13987423 n 0201 + 04716210 n 0102 + 13987423 n 0102 | marked by good fortune; "a felicitous life"; "a happy outcome" 01048587 00 s 01 fortuitous 0 002 & 01047874 a 0000 + 04758980 n 0101 | occurring by happy chance; "profits were enhanced by a fortuitous drop in the cost of raw materials" 01048762 00 s 02 good 0 well(p) 0 001 & 01047874 a 0000 | resulting favorably; "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"; "it is good that you stayed"; "it is well that no one saw you"; "all's well that ends well" 01048976 00 s 03 heaven-sent 0 providential 0 miraculous 0 002 & 01047874 a 0000 + 07288801 n 0301 | peculiarly fortunate or appropriate; as if by divine intervention; "a heaven-sent rain saved the crops"; "a providential recovery" 01049210 00 s 01 lucky 0 003 & 01047874 a 0000 + 11418460 n 0101 + 14473655 n 0102 | occurring by chance; "a lucky escape"; "a lucky guess" 01049352 00 s 01 well-off 0 001 & 01047874 a 0000 | fortunately situated; "doesn't know when he's well-off" 01049462 00 a 01 unfortunate 0 013 ^ 01864471 a 0000 ^ 01468682 a 0000 ^ 02333453 a 0000 + 09630641 n 0101 ! 01047874 a 0101 & 01049941 a 0000 & 01050088 a 0000 & 01050603 a 0000 & 01050890 a 0000 & 01051410 a 0000 & 01051718 a 0000 & 01051814 a 0000 & 01052038 a 0000 | not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune; "an unfortunate turn of events"; "an unfortunate decision"; "unfortunate investments"; "an unfortunate night for all concerned" 01049941 00 s 01 abject 0 001 & 01049462 a 0000 | most unfortunate or miserable; "the most abject slaves joined in the revolt"; "abject poverty" 01050088 00 s 05 black 0 calamitous 0 disastrous 0 fatal 0 fateful 0 003 & 01049462 a 0000 + 07314838 n 0303 + 07314838 n 0201 | (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin; "the stock market crashed on Black Friday"; "a calamitous defeat"; "the battle was a disastrous end to a disastrous campaign"; "such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory"- Charles Darwin; "it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it"- Douglas MacArthur; "a fateful error" 01050603 00 s 03 dispossessed 0 homeless 0 roofless 0 004 & 01049462 a 0000 + 10182190 n 0201 + 07948314 n 0201 + 13943053 n 0201 | physically or spiritually homeless or deprived of security; "made a living out of shepherding dispossed people from one country to another"- James Stern 01050890 00 s 09 hapless 0 miserable 0 misfortunate 0 pathetic 0 piteous 0 pitiable 0 pitiful 0 poor 0 wretched 0 006 & 01049462 a 0000 + 14448333 n 0902 + 07553964 n 0502 + 07305098 n 0501 + 07553964 n 0404 + 14448333 n 0203 | deserving or inciting pity; "a hapless victim"; "miserable victims of war"; "the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic"- Galsworthy; "piteous appeals for help"; "pitiable homeless children"; "a pitiful fate"; "Oh, you poor thing"; "his poor distorted limbs"; "a wretched life" 01051410 00 s 05 doomed 0 ill-fated 0 ill-omened 0 ill-starred 0 unlucky 0 001 & 01049462 a 0000 | marked by or promising bad fortune; "their business venture was doomed from the start"; "an ill-fated business venture"; "an ill-starred romance"; "the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons"- W.H.Prescott 01051718 00 s 01 downtrodden 0 001 & 01049462 a 0000 | abused or oppressed by people in power 01051814 00 s 02 infelicitous 0 unhappy 0 001 & 01049462 a 0000 | marked by or producing unhappiness; "infelicitous circumstances"; "unhappy caravans, straggling afoot through swamps and canebrakes"- American Guide Series 01052038 00 s 02 regrettable 0 too_bad 0 001 & 01049462 a 0000 | deserving regret; "regrettable remarks"; "it's regrettable that she didn't go to college"; "it's too bad he had no feeling himself for church" 01052248 00 a 01 fragrant 0 007 + 05714466 n 0102 + 04980463 n 0102 ! 01053144 a 0101 & 01052428 a 0000 & 01052611 a 0000 & 01052888 a 0000 & 01053046 a 0000 | pleasant-smelling 01052428 00 s 02 aromatic 0 redolent 0 003 & 01052248 a 0000 + 04980463 n 0204 + 05714466 n 0101 | having a strong pleasant odor; "the pine woods were more redolent"- Jean Stafford 01052611 00 s 07 odoriferous 1 odorous 1 perfumed 1 scented 1 sweet 0 sweet-scented 0 sweet-smelling 0 002 & 01052248 a 0000 + 04980463 n 0505 | having a natural fragrance; "odoriferous spices"; "the odorous air of the orchard"; "the perfumed air of June"; "scented flowers" 01052888 00 s 02 perfumed 2 scented 2 001 & 01052248 a 0000 | filled or impregnated with perfume; "perfumed boudoir"; "perfumed stationery"; "scented soap" 01053046 00 s 01 musky 0 002 & 01052248 a 0000 + 05714332 n 0101 | resembling the smell of musk 01053144 00 a 05 malodorous 0 malodourous 0 unpleasant-smelling 0 ill-smelling 0 stinky 0 015 + 04980656 n 0502 + 05714894 n 0504 + 04980656 n 0101 ! 01052248 a 0101 & 01053539 a 0000 & 01053634 a 0000 & 01053915 a 0000 & 01054047 a 0000 & 01054204 a 0000 & 01054367 a 0000 & 01054504 a 0000 & 01054630 a 0000 & 01054741 a 0000 & 01054832 a 0000 & 01054922 a 0000 | having an unpleasant smell 01053539 00 s 01 bilgy 0 002 & 01053144 a 0000 + 15059797 n 0101 | smelling like bilge water 01053634 00 s 09 fetid 0 foetid 0 foul 0 foul-smelling 0 funky 0 noisome 0 smelly 0 stinking 0 ill-scented 0 005 & 01053144 a 0000 + 04980008 n 0702 + 04790774 n 0602 + 04980656 n 0303 + 04980656 n 0105 | offensively malodorous; "a foul odor"; "the kitchen smelled really funky" 01053915 00 s 03 fusty 0 musty 0 frowsty 0 003 & 01053144 a 0000 + 04928194 n 0202 + 04928194 n 0201 | stale and unclean smelling 01054047 00 s 03 gamey 0 gamy 0 high 0 003 & 01053144 a 0000 + 07650449 n 0201 + 07650449 n 0101 | (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted 01054204 00 s 02 miasmic 0 mephitic 0 004 & 01053144 a 0000 + 15035975 n 0201 + 05714894 n 0208 + 14526032 n 0101 | of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution 01054367 00 s 01 niffy 0 004 & 01053144 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 05715150 n 0101 | (British informal) malodorous 01054504 00 s 02 odoriferous 2 odorous 2 001 & 01053144 a 0000 | emitting an odor; "odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack" 01054630 00 s 01 putrid-smelling 0 001 & 01053144 a 0000 | having the putrid odor of decaying organic matter 01054741 00 s 01 rank-smelling 0 001 & 01053144 a 0000 | having an offensive rancid odor 01054832 00 s 01 reeking 0 001 & 01053144 a 0000 | giving off a strong unpleasant smell 01054922 00 s 02 sour 0 rancid 0 004 & 01053144 a 0000 + 04992431 n 0201 + 14561839 n 0201 + 04993882 n 0101 | smelling of fermentation or staleness 01055073 00 a 01 odorous 0 026 = 04980008 n 0000 + 04980008 n 0104 ! 01057775 a 0101 & 01055682 a 0000 & 01055767 a 0000 & 01055846 a 0000 & 01055923 a 0000 & 01056001 a 0000 & 01056086 a 0000 & 01056163 a 0000 & 01056242 a 0000 & 01056325 a 0000 & 01056402 a 0000 & 01056481 a 0000 & 01056558 a 0000 & 01056636 a 0000 & 01056711 a 0000 & 01056802 a 0000 & 01056897 a 0000 & 01057103 a 0000 & 01057270 a 0000 & 01057348 a 0000 & 01057447 a 0000 & 01057541 a 0000 & 01057614 a 0000 & 01057695 a 0000 | having odor or a characteristic odor; "odorous jasmine flowers"; "odorous garbage"; "fresh odorous bread" 01055682 00 s 01 alliaceous 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of onions or garlic 01055767 00 s 01 almond-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of almond 01055846 00 s 01 anise-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of anise 01055923 00 s 01 apple-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of apples 01056001 00 s 01 balsam-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of balsam resin 01056086 00 s 01 candy-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of candy 01056163 00 s 01 cedar-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling like cedar 01056242 00 s 01 cinnamon-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of cinnamon 01056325 00 s 01 clove-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of clove 01056402 00 s 01 ginger-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of ginger 01056481 00 s 01 honey-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of honey 01056558 00 s 01 lemon-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of lemons 01056636 00 s 01 mint-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of mint 01056711 00 s 02 musk-scented 0 musky-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of musk 01056802 00 s 01 pleasant-smelling 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | having an odor that is pleasing 01056897 00 s 02 redolent(p) 0 smelling(p) 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | (used with `of' or `with') noticeably odorous; "the hall was redolent of floor wax"; "air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey" 01057103 00 s 01 scented 0 002 & 01055073 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (used in combination) having the odor of; "clean-scented laundry"; "a manure-scented barnyard" 01057270 00 s 01 spice-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of spices 01057348 00 s 02 strong-smelling 0 strong-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | having a strong odor 01057447 00 s 02 tansy-scented 0 tansy-smelling 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of tansy 01057541 00 s 01 tea-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of tea 01057614 00 s 01 vanilla-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of vanilla 01057695 00 s 01 violet-scented 0 001 & 01055073 a 0000 | smelling of violets 01057775 00 a 03 odorless 0 odourless 0 inodorous 0 004 = 04980008 n 0000 ! 01055073 a 0101 & 01057958 a 0000 & 01058029 a 0000 | having no odor; "odorless gas"; "odorless flowers" 01057958 00 s 01 non-aromatic 0 001 & 01057775 a 0000 | not aromatic 01058029 00 s 01 scentless 0 001 & 01057775 a 0000 | emitting or holding no odor; "scentless wisps of straw"; "a scentless stretch of rocky ground" 01058179 00 a 01 scented 0 001 ! 01058281 a 0101 | having the sense of smell; "keen-scented hounds" 01058281 00 a 01 scentless 0 001 ! 01058179 a 0101 | lacking the sense of smell 01058363 00 a 01 free 2 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 01058854 a 0101 & 01058650 a 0000 & 01058756 a 0000 | unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion; "free expansion"; "free oxygen"; "a free electron" 01058650 00 s 01 liberated 0 001 & 01058363 a 0000 | (of a gas e.g.) released from chemical combination 01058756 00 s 01 unbound 0 001 & 01058363 a 0000 | not held in chemical or physical combination 01058854 00 a 01 bound 3 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 01058363 a 0101 & 01059058 a 0000 & 01059252 a 0000 | held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union 01059058 00 s 02 conjugate 1 conjugated 1 002 & 01058854 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond 01059252 00 s 02 conjugate 2 conjugated 2 002 & 01058854 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | formed by the union of two compounds; "a conjugated protein" 01059400 00 a 01 fixed 0 011 ^ 02095311 a 0000 + 04777098 n 0102 + 04777098 n 0103 ! 01060785 a 0101 & 01059711 a 0000 & 01059911 a 0000 & 01060110 a 0000 & 01060304 a 0000 & 01060445 a 0000 & 01060570 a 0000 & 01060712 a 0000 | securely placed or fastened or set; "a fixed piece of wood"; "a fixed resistor" 01059711 00 s 03 fast 0 firm 0 immobile 0 004 & 01059400 a 0000 + 14006490 n 0302 + 04777852 n 0202 + 04777098 n 0101 | securely fixed in place; "the post was still firm after being hit by the car" 01059911 00 s 01 geostationary 0 001 & 01059400 a 0000 | of or having a geosynchronous orbit such that the position in such an orbit is fixed with respect to the earth; "a geostationary satellite" 01060110 00 s 01 geosynchronous 0 001 & 01059400 a 0000 | of or having an orbit with a fixed period of 24 hours (although the position in the orbit may not be fixed with respect to the earth) 01060304 00 s 01 leaded 0 001 & 01059400 a 0000 | (of panes of glass) fixed in place by means of thin strips of lead; "leaded windowpanes" 01060445 00 s 01 stationary 0 002 & 01059400 a 0000 + 14006490 n 0101 | not capable of being moved; "stationary machinery" 01060570 00 s 01 taped 0 001 & 01059400 a 0000 | secured or held in place by tape; "carefully taped pieces of glass served as a windowpane" 01060712 00 s 01 unadjustable 0 001 & 01059400 a 0000 | not adjustable 01060785 00 a 01 unfixed 0 005 ^ 02095786 a 0000 ! 01059400 a 0101 & 01060947 a 0000 & 01061100 a 0000 & 01061310 a 0000 | not firmly placed or set or fastened 01060947 00 s 02 detached 0 free 0 001 & 01060785 a 0000 | not fixed in position; "the detached shutter fell on him"; "he pulled his arm free and ran" 01061100 00 s 01 floating(a) 0 001 & 01060785 a 0000 | (of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal position; "floating ribs are not connected with the sternum"; "a floating kidney" 01061310 00 s 02 unfirm 0 unsteady 0 002 & 01060785 a 0000 + 04775562 n 0201 | not firmly or solidly positioned; "climbing carefully up the unsteady ladder"; "an unfirm stance" 01061489 00 a 01 free 0 020 ^ 01065694 a 0000 ^ 00727564 a 0000 ^ 00254152 a 0000 ^ 00559425 a 0000 ^ 02000680 a 0000 ^ 02002814 a 0000 = 13991823 n 0000 ! 01064286 a 0101 & 01062114 a 0000 & 01062393 a 0000 & 01062631 a 0000 & 01062819 a 0000 & 01062938 a 0000 & 01063102 a 0000 & 01063286 a 0000 & 01063490 a 0000 & 01063638 a 0000 & 01063753 a 0000 & 01063958 a 0000 & 01064167 a 0000 | able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice" 01062114 00 s 04 at_large(p) 0 escaped 0 loose 1 on_the_loose(p) 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | having escaped, especially from confinement; "a convict still at large"; "searching for two escaped prisoners"; "dogs loose on the streets"; "criminals on the loose in the neighborhood" 01062393 00 s 04 autonomous 0 independent 0 self-governing 0 sovereign 0 003 & 01061489 a 0000 + 13994148 n 0201 + 13992514 n 0101 | (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state" 01062631 00 s 02 available 0 uncommitted 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | not busy; not otherwise committed; "he was not available for comment"; "he was available and willing to accompany her" 01062819 00 s 02 aweigh 0 atrip 0 002 & 01061489 a 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 | (of an anchor) just clear of the bottom 01062938 00 s 01 clear(p) 2 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free from contact or proximity or connection; "we were clear of the danger"; "the ship was clear of the reef" 01063102 00 s 02 emancipated 0 liberated 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free from traditional social restraints; "an emancipated young woman pursuing her career"; "a liberated lifestyle" 01063286 00 s 01 footloose 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free to go or do as one pleases; "Americans have always been a footloose people always moving on"; "a footloose young man eager to see the big city" 01063490 00 s 01 out-of-school 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | not attending school and therefore free to work; "opportunities for out-of-school youth" 01063638 00 s 02 unconfined 0 unimprisoned 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free from confinement or physical restraint 01063753 00 s 01 unconstrained 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free from constraint; "he was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society"; "the dog was unconstrained"; "idle, unconstrained gossip" 01063958 00 s 01 unhampered 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | not held in check or subject to control; "unhampered dissemination of news"; "this would give black people the opportunity to live unhampered by racism" 01064167 00 s 01 unrestricted 0 001 & 01061489 a 0000 | free of restrictions on conduct; "I had unrestricted access" 01064286 00 a 01 unfree 0 014 ^ 00252954 a 0000 ^ 00558373 a 0000 ^ 00725772 a 0000 ^ 02002227 a 0000 = 13991823 n 0000 ! 01061489 a 0101 & 01064619 a 0000 & 01064806 a 0000 & 01064913 a 0000 & 01065126 a 0000 & 01065321 a 0000 & 01065401 a 0000 & 01065538 a 0000 & 01065614 a 0000 | hampered and not free; not able to act at will 01064619 00 s 02 adscript 0 adscripted 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | (used of persons) bound to a tract of land; hence their service is transferable from owner to owner; "an adscript serf" 01064806 00 s 04 apprenticed 0 articled 0 bound 0 indentured 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | bound by contract 01064913 00 s 04 at_bay(p) 0 cornered 0 trapped 0 treed 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | forced to turn and face attackers; "a stag at bay"; "she had me cornered between the porch and her car"; "like a trapped animal" 01065126 00 s 04 captive 0 confined 0 imprisoned 0 jailed 0 006 & 01064286 a 0000 + 09893600 n 0101 + 09893502 n 0101 + 10476086 n 0102 + 13999206 n 0101 + 13997050 n 0102 | being in captivity 01065321 00 s 01 entangled 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | involved in difficulties 01065401 00 s 02 nonautonomous 0 nonsovereign 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | (of peoples and political bodies) controlled by outside forces 01065538 00 s 01 prisonlike 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | resembling a prison 01065614 00 s 01 serflike 0 001 & 01064286 a 0000 | like someone in servitude 01065694 00 a 01 free 1 004 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ! 01066070 a 0101 & 01065861 a 0000 & 01065941 a 0000 | not held in servitude; "after the Civil War he was a free man" 01065861 00 s 01 freeborn 0 001 & 01065694 a 0000 | born free of free parents 01065941 00 s 03 free-soil 0 slaveless 0 non-slave 0 001 & 01065694 a 0000 | where slavery was prohibited; "a free-soil state" 01066070 00 a 01 unfree 1 004 ^ 01064286 a 0000 ! 01065694 a 0101 & 01066226 a 0000 & 01066441 a 0000 | held in servitude; "he was born of slave parents" 01066226 00 s 01 servile(a) 0 001 & 01066070 a 0000 | relating to or involving slaves or appropriate for slaves or servants; "Brown's attempt at servile insurrection"; "the servile wars of Sicily"; "servile work" 01066441 00 s 01 slaveholding 0 001 & 01066070 a 0000 | allowing slavery; "the slaveholding South" 01066542 00 a 01 frequent 0 007 + 13598237 n 0101 + 15278281 n 0102 + 02466134 v 0106 + 01844431 v 0101 ! 01067193 a 0101 & 01066787 a 0000 & 01067003 a 0000 | coming at short intervals or habitually; "a frequent guest"; "frequent complaints" 01066787 00 s 05 prevailing 0 prevalent 0 predominant 0 dominant 0 rife 0 005 & 01066542 a 0000 + 04707409 n 0302 + 02644234 v 0301 + 04765355 n 0201 + 02647497 v 0201 | most frequent or common; "prevailing winds" 01067003 00 s 02 regular 0 steady 0 003 & 01066542 a 0000 + 10517405 n 0101 + 04767347 n 0101 | relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker" 01067193 00 a 01 infrequent 0 005 ^ 00593374 a 0000 + 05117237 n 0103 ! 01066542 a 0101 & 01067415 a 0000 & 01067538 a 0000 | not frequent; not occurring regularly or at short intervals; "infrequent outbursts of temper" 01067415 00 s 01 occasional(a) 0 001 & 01067193 a 0000 | occurring from time to time; "took an occasional glass of wine" 01067538 00 s 01 rare 0 002 & 01067193 a 0000 + 05117237 n 0102 | recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance"; "total eclipses are rare events" 01067694 00 a 01 fresh 1 011 ^ 01640850 a 0000 = 04926728 n 0000 + 04926728 n 0101 ! 01068726 a 0101 & 01068012 a 0000 & 01068104 a 0000 & 01068217 a 0000 & 01068306 a 0000 & 01068438 a 0000 & 01068513 a 0000 & 01068609 a 0000 | recently made, produced, or harvested; "fresh bread"; "a fresh scent"; "fresh lettuce" 01068012 00 s 01 caller 0 002 & 01067694 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | fresh; "caller fish" 01068104 00 s 01 crisp 0 002 & 01067694 a 0000 + 04927098 n 0101 | pleasingly firm and fresh; "crisp lettuce" 01068217 00 s 01 fresh-cut 0 001 & 01067694 a 0000 | cut recently; "fresh-cut flowers" 01068306 00 s 04 good 0 undecomposed 0 unspoiled 0 unspoilt 0 001 & 01067694 a 0000 | not left to spoil; "the meat is still good" 01068438 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 01067694 a 0000 | newly made; "a hot scent" 01068513 00 s 01 new-made 0 001 & 01067694 a 0000 | newly made; "the aroma of new-made bread" 01068609 00 s 02 strong 0 warm 0 001 & 01067694 a 0000 | freshly made or left; "a warm trail"; "the scent is warm" 01068726 00 a 01 stale 0 018 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ^ 01688271 a 0000 = 04928008 n 0000 + 04928008 n 0101 ! 01067694 a 0101 & 01069187 a 0000 & 01069283 a 0000 & 01069454 a 0000 & 01069607 a 0000 & 01069715 a 0000 & 01069823 a 0000 & 01070002 a 0000 & 01070088 a 0000 & 01070321 a 0000 & 01070538 a 0000 & 01070716 a 0000 & 01070844 a 0000 & 01071049 a 0000 | lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale" 01069187 00 s 01 addled 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | (of eggs) no longer edible; "an addled egg" 01069283 00 s 03 bad 0 spoiled 0 spoilt 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | (of foodstuffs) not in an edible or usable condition; "bad meat"; "a refrigerator full of spoilt food" 01069454 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent" 01069607 00 s 01 day-old 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | not fresh today; "day-old bread is cheaper than fresh" 01069715 00 s 01 hard 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | dried out; "hard dry rolls left over from the day before" 01069823 00 s 02 flyblown 0 maggoty 0 002 & 01068726 a 0000 + 02312175 n 0201 | spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies; "flyblown meat"; "a sack of maggoty apricots" 01070002 00 s 02 limp 0 wilted 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | not firm; "wilted lettuce" 01070088 00 s 03 moldy 0 mouldy 0 musty 0 006 & 01068726 a 0000 + 04928194 n 0302 + 04928194 n 0301 + 13077033 n 0202 + 13077033 n 0101 + 04928194 n 0103 | covered with or smelling of mold; "moldy bread"; "a moldy (or musty) odor" 01070321 00 s 01 rancid 0 002 & 01068726 a 0000 + 04992431 n 0101 | (used of decomposing oils or fats) having a rank smell or taste usually due to a chemical change or decomposition; "rancid butter"; "rancid bacon" 01070538 00 s 01 rotten 0 003 & 01068726 a 0000 + 14561102 n 0103 + 04791591 n 0102 | having decayed or disintegrated; usually implies foulness; "dead and rotten in his grave" 01070716 00 s 02 corrupt 0 tainted 0 001 & 01068726 a 0000 | touched by rot or decay; "tainted bacon"; "`corrupt' is archaic" 01070844 00 s 01 putrid 0 003 & 01068726 a 0000 + 14561102 n 0102 + 14488200 n 0101 | in an advanced state of decomposition and having a foul odor; "horrible like raw and putrid flesh"- Somerset Maugham 01071049 00 s 01 putrescent 0 003 & 01068726 a 0000 + 14561102 n 0101 + 04791591 n 0101 | becoming putrid; "a trail lined by putrescent carcasses" 01071198 00 a 01 fresh 2 002 ! 01071423 a 0101 & 01071321 a 0000 | not canned or otherwise preserved; "fresh vegetables" 01071321 00 s 01 unprocessed 0 001 & 01071198 a 0000 | not treated or prepared by a special process 01071423 00 a 01 preserved 2 015 ! 01071198 a 0101 & 01071794 a 0000 & 01071941 a 0000 & 01072112 a 0000 & 01072196 a 0000 & 01072297 a 0000 & 01072382 a 0000 & 01072586 a 0000 & 01072782 a 0000 & 01072908 a 0000 & 01073094 a 0000 & 01073194 a 0000 & 01073311 a 0000 & 01073435 a 0000 & 01073592 a 0000 | prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use 01071794 00 s 02 aged 0 cured 1 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used of tobacco) aging as a preservative process (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable) 01071941 00 s 04 candied 0 crystalized 0 crystalised 0 glace 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used especially of fruits) preserved by coating with or allowing to absorb sugar 01072112 00 s 02 canned 0 tinned 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | sealed in a can or jar 01072196 00 s 02 corned 0 cured 2 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used especially of meat) cured in brine 01072297 00 s 01 cured 3 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used of hay e.g.) allowed to dry 01072382 00 s 03 dried 0 dehydrated 0 desiccated 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | preserved by removing natural moisture; "dried beef"; "dried fruit"; "dehydrated eggs"; "shredded and desiccated coconut meat" 01072586 00 s 03 flash-frozen 0 quick-frozen 0 frozen 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used of foods) preserved by freezing sufficiently rapidly to retain flavor and nutritional value; "frozen foods" 01072782 00 s 01 freeze-dried 1 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | preserved by freezing and drying in a vacuum; "freeze-dried coffee" 01072908 00 s 03 lyophilized 0 lyophilised 0 freeze-dried 2 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | used of tissue or blood or serum or other biological substances; dried by freezing in a high vacuum 01073094 00 s 01 pickled 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used of foods) preserved in a pickling liquid 01073194 00 s 01 potted 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | preserved in a pot or can or jar; "potted meat"; "potted shrimp" 01073311 00 s 03 salted 0 salt-cured 0 brine-cured 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used especially of meats) preserved in salt 01073435 00 s 03 smoked 0 smoke-cured 0 smoke-dried 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | (used especially of meats and fish) dried and cured by hanging in wood smoke 01073592 00 s 02 sun-dried 0 sundried 0 001 & 01071423 a 0000 | dried naturally by the sun; "sun-dried apricots" 01073707 00 a 02 fresh 3 sweet 0 001 ! 01073822 a 0101 | not containing or composed of salt water; "fresh water" 01073822 00 a 01 salty 0 009 ^ 02395115 a 0000 + 04993413 n 0101 + 15010703 n 0101 + 07813107 n 0101 ! 01073707 a 0101 & 01074062 a 0000 & 01074335 a 0000 & 01074458 a 0000 & 01074582 a 0000 | containing or filled with salt; "salt water" 01074062 00 s 02 brackish 0 briny 0 006 & 01073822 a 0000 + 09345932 n 0202 + 15008847 n 0203 + 07937203 n 0201 + 04993604 n 0201 + 04993752 n 0101 | slightly salty (especially from containing a mixture of seawater and fresh water); "a brackish lagoon"; "the briny deep" 01074335 00 s 01 saliferous 0 001 & 01073822 a 0000 | containing or yielding salt; "saliferous formations"; "salt domes" 01074458 00 s 01 saline 0 002 & 01073822 a 0000 + 04993604 n 0102 | containing salt; "a saline substance "; "salty tears" 01074582 00 s 01 saltish 0 001 & 01073822 a 0000 | somewhat salty 01074650 00 a 01 friendly 1 019 ^ 01246579 a 0000 ^ 00560586 a 0000 ^ 01141743 a 0000 ^ 01243825 a 0000 ^ 02257141 a 0000 ^ 02248349 a 0000 ^ 02530861 a 0000 = 04654337 n 0000 + 10112591 n 0101 + 04654337 n 0101 ! 01076793 a 0101 & 01075178 a 0000 & 01075524 a 0000 & 01075742 a 0000 & 01075864 a 0000 & 01076024 a 0000 & 01076145 a 0000 & 01076435 a 0000 & 01076634 a 0000 | characteristic of or befitting a friend; "friendly advice"; "a friendly neighborhood"; "the only friendly person here"; "a friendly host and hostess" 01075178 00 s 04 affable 0 amiable 0 cordial 0 genial 0 008 & 01074650 a 0000 + 04654652 n 0406 + 04655929 n 0302 + 07551691 n 0204 + 04654652 n 0203 + 13970460 n 0201 + 04654652 n 0101 + 04654652 n 0102 | diffusing warmth and friendliness; "an affable smile"; "an amiable gathering"; "cordial relations"; "a cordial greeting"; "a genial host" 01075524 00 s 04 chummy 0 matey 0 pally 0 palsy-walsy 0 005 & 01074650 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10300154 n 0201 + 09877951 n 0103 + 04653627 n 0101 | (used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals 01075742 00 s 01 companionate 0 001 & 01074650 a 0000 | like a companion; "companionate marriage"; "a companionate dog" 01075864 00 s 03 comradely 0 hail-fellow 0 hail-fellow-well-met 0 003 & 01074650 a 0000 + 09945905 n 0102 + 04653627 n 0103 | heartily friendly and congenial 01076024 00 s 02 couthie 0 couthy 0 002 & 01074650 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | (chiefly Scottish) agreeable and genial 01076145 00 s 03 cozy 0 intimate 0 informal 0 003 & 01074650 a 0000 + 04912052 n 0301 + 14446298 n 0101 | having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; "had a cozy chat"; "a relaxed informal manner"; "an intimate cocktail lounge"; "the small room was cozy and intimate" 01076435 00 s 02 neighborly 0 neighbourly 0 005 & 01074650 a 0000 + 10352299 n 0202 + 04656051 n 0202 + 10352299 n 0101 + 04656051 n 0101 | exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor 01076634 00 s 01 social 0 003 & 01074650 a 0000 + 08256369 n 0102 + 04652635 n 0101 | marked by friendly companionship with others; "a social cup of coffee" 01076793 00 a 01 unfriendly 1 012 ^ 02531422 a 0000 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 01244195 a 0000 ^ 00561036 a 0000 ^ 02258600 a 0000 = 04654337 n 0000 + 04657876 n 0101 ! 01074650 a 0101 & 01077158 a 0000 & 01077263 a 0000 & 01077362 a 0000 & 01077485 a 0000 | not disposed to friendship or friendliness; "an unfriendly coldness of manner"; "an unfriendly action to take" 01077158 00 s 02 beetle-browed 0 scowling 0 001 & 01076793 a 0000 | sullen or unfriendly in appearance 01077263 00 s 01 chilly 0 001 & 01076793 a 0000 | lacking warmth of feeling; "a chilly greeting" 01077362 00 s 01 uncordial 0 001 & 01076793 a 0000 | lacking warmth or friendliness; "looked uncordial as we approached" 01077485 00 s 02 unneighborly 0 unneighbourly 0 002 & 01076793 a 0000 + 04658816 n 0101 | not exhibiting the qualities expected in a friendly neighbor 01077638 00 a 01 friendly 2 001 ! 01077829 a 0101 | of or belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally; "in friendly territory"; "he was accidentally killed by friendly fire" 01077829 00 a 01 hostile 2 002 ! 01077638 a 0101 + 00964781 n 0101 | not belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally; "hostile naval and air forces" 01077995 00 a 01 friendly 3 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01078178 a 0101 | easy to understand or use; "user-friendly computers"; "a consumer-friendly policy"; "a reader-friendly novel" 01078178 00 a 01 unfriendly 2 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01077995 a 0101 | not easy to understand or use; "user-unfriendly" 01078302 00 a 01 frozen 0 011 ^ 01251128 a 0000 ^ 01506770 a 0000 ! 01079683 a 0101 & 01078673 a 0000 & 01078840 a 0000 & 01078932 a 0000 & 01079052 a 0000 & 01079143 a 0000 & 01079240 a 0000 & 01079396 a 0000 & 01079532 a 0000 | turned into ice; affected by freezing or by long and severe cold; "the frozen North"; "frozen pipes"; "children skating on a frozen brook" 01078673 00 s 01 frostbitten 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | injured by freezing or partial freezing; "frostbitten fingers"; "frostbitten grapes unsalable as fresh fruit" 01078840 00 s 01 frost-bound 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | (of the ground) made hard by frost 01078932 00 s 01 glaciated 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | covered with ice (as by a glacier) or affected by glacial action 01079052 00 s 01 icebound 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | locked in by ice; "icebound harbors" 01079143 00 s 01 ice-clogged 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | obstructed by ice; "ice-clogged rivers" 01079240 00 s 01 icy 0 003 & 01078302 a 0000 + 03558176 n 0103 + 05015463 n 0102 | covered with or containing or consisting of ice; "icy northern waters" 01079396 00 s 01 sleety 0 002 & 01078302 a 0000 + 11507951 n 0101 | consisting of or of the nature of frozen or partially frozen rain 01079532 00 s 01 unthawed 0 001 & 01078302 a 0000 | still frozen; "there wasn't time to cook the unthawed turkey, so they had to settle for hotdogs" 01079683 00 a 01 unfrozen 0 006 ^ 01505991 a 0000 ! 01078302 a 0101 & 01079857 a 0000 & 01079978 a 0000 & 01080060 a 0000 & 01080197 a 0000 | not frozen; "unfrozen ground" 01079857 00 s 01 ice-free 0 001 & 01079683 a 0000 | free of ice and open to travel; "an ice-free channel in the river" 01079978 00 s 02 liquescent 0 melting 0 001 & 01079683 a 0000 | becoming liquid 01080060 00 s 01 slushy 0 002 & 01079683 a 0000 + 15043308 n 0101 | being or resembling melting snow; "slushy snow"; "deep slushy mud" 01080197 00 s 01 thawed 0 001 & 01079683 a 0000 | no longer frozen; "the thawed ground was muddy" 01080297 00 a 01 fruitful 0 017 ^ 01001689 a 0000 ^ 01865197 a 0000 + 05147381 n 0101 ! 01082535 a 0101 & 01080717 a 0000 & 01080823 a 0000 & 01080900 a 0000 & 01081068 a 0000 & 01081263 a 0000 & 01081340 a 0000 & 01081592 a 0000 & 01081917 a 0000 & 01082038 a 0000 & 01082115 a 0000 & 01082302 a 0000 & 01082377 a 0000 & 01082456 a 0000 | productive or conducive to producing in abundance; "be fruitful and multiply" 01080717 00 s 03 berried 0 baccate 0 bacciferous 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | producing or bearing berries 01080823 00 s 01 blue-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing blue fruit 01080900 00 s 02 bountiful 0 plentiful 0 002 & 01080297 a 0000 + 05115418 n 0102 | producing in abundance; "the bountiful earth"; "a plentiful year"; "fruitful soil" 01081068 00 s 01 breeding 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | producing offspring or set aside especially for producing offspring; "the breeding population"; "retained a few bulls for breeding purposes" 01081263 00 s 01 dark-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing dark fruit 01081340 00 s 04 fat 0 fertile 1 productive 0 rich 0 005 & 01080297 a 0000 + 05164101 n 0401 + 05147586 n 0401 + 05147940 n 0301 + 05147586 n 0204 | marked by great fruitfulness; "fertile farmland"; "a fat land"; "a productive vineyard"; "rich soil" 01081592 00 s 03 generative 0 procreative 0 reproductive 0 004 & 01080297 a 0000 + 00055142 v 0301 + 00055142 v 0202 + 00054628 v 0107 | producing new life or offspring; "the reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions"; "the reproductive or generative organs" 01081917 00 s 01 high-yield 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | yielding a large amount of agricultural or industrial production 01082038 00 s 01 oval-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing oval fruit 01082115 00 s 02 prolific 0 fertile 2 002 & 01080297 a 0000 + 14051494 n 0201 | bearing in abundance especially offspring; "flying foxes are extremely prolific"; "a prolific pear tree" 01082302 00 s 01 red-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing red fruit 01082377 00 s 01 round-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing round fruit 01082456 00 s 01 small-fruited 0 001 & 01080297 a 0000 | bearing small fruit 01082535 00 a 01 unfruitful 0 005 ^ 01002377 a 0000 ! 01080297 a 0101 & 01082714 a 0000 & 01082925 a 0000 & 01082998 a 0000 | not fruitful; not conducive to abundant production 01082714 00 s 03 abortive 0 stillborn 0 unsuccessful 0 002 & 01082535 a 0000 + 00353839 v 0101 | failing to accomplish an intended result; "an abortive revolt"; "a stillborn plot to assassinate the President" 01082925 00 s 01 acarpous 0 001 & 01082535 a 0000 | producing no fruit 01082998 00 s 01 childless 0 002 & 01082535 a 0000 + 13933103 n 0101 | without offspring; "in some societies a childless woman is rejected by her tribesmen" 01083157 00 a 01 full 0 023 = 14451911 n 0000 + 14451911 n 0101 ! 01086545 a 0101 & 01083754 a 0000 & 01084023 a 0000 & 01084091 a 0000 & 01084297 a 0000 & 01084486 a 0000 & 01084575 a 0000 & 01084644 a 0000 & 01084900 a 0000 & 01085097 a 0000 & 01085167 a 0000 & 01085268 a 0000 & 01085442 a 0000 & 01085661 a 0000 & 01085848 a 0000 & 01085937 a 0000 & 01086042 a 0000 & 01086118 a 0000 & 01086213 a 0000 & 01086339 a 0000 & 01086453 a 0000 | containing as much or as many as is possible or normal; "a full glass"; "a sky full of stars"; "a full life"; "the auditorium was full to overflowing" 01083754 00 s 05 afloat(p) 0 awash(p) 0 flooded 1 inundated 0 overflowing 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | covered with water; "the main deck was afloat (or awash)"; "the monsoon left the whole place awash"; "a flooded bathroom"; "inundated farmlands"; "an overflowing tub" 01084023 00 s 01 air-filled 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | full of air 01084091 00 s 03 brimful 0 brimfull 0 brimming 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | filled to capacity; "a brimful cup"; "I am brimful of chowder"; "a child brimming over with curiosity"; "eyes brimming with tears" 01084297 00 s 06 chockablock(p) 0 chock-full 0 chockful 0 choke-full 0 chuck-full 0 cram_full 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | packed full to capacity; "chowder chockablock with pieces of fish" 01084486 00 s 02 congested 0 engorged 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | overfull as with blood 01084575 00 s 01 egg-filled 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | full of eggs 01084644 00 s 01 filled 1 002 & 01083157 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (usually followed by `with' or used as a combining form) generously supplied with; "theirs was a house filled with laughter"; "a large hall filled with rows of desks"; "fog-filled air" 01084900 00 s 02 fraught(p) 0 pregnant 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | filled with or attended with; "words fraught with meaning"; "an incident fraught with danger"; "a silence pregnant with suspense" 01085097 00 s 01 gas-filled 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | full of a gas 01085167 00 s 02 glutted 0 overfull 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | exceeding demand; "a glutted market" 01085268 00 s 02 heavy 0 weighed_down 0 002 & 01083157 a 0000 + 05027529 n 0101 | full of; bearing great weight; "trees heavy with fruit"; "vines weighed down with grapes" 01085442 00 s 02 instinct(p) 0 replete(p) 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated; "imbued with the spirit of the Reformation"; "words instinct with love"; "it is replete with misery" 01085661 00 s 03 laden 0 loaded 0 ladened 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | filled with a great quantity; "a tray loaded with dishes"; "table laden with food"; "`ladened' is not current usage" 01085848 00 s 02 overladen 0 overloaded 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | loaded past capacity 01085937 00 s 01 riddled 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | spread throughout; "cities riddled with corruption" 01086042 00 s 01 sperm-filled 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | filled with sperm 01086118 00 s 01 stuffed 1 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | filled with something; "a stuffed turkey" 01086213 00 s 01 stuffed 2 002 & 01083157 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | crammed with food; "a full stomach"; "I feel stuffed" 01086339 00 s 02 untouched 0 untasted 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | still full; "an untouched cocktail in her hand" 01086453 00 s 01 well-lined 0 001 & 01083157 a 0000 | full of money; "a well-lined purse" 01086545 00 a 01 empty 0 013 = 14451911 n 0000 + 14455206 n 0101 ! 01083157 a 0101 & 01086915 a 0000 & 01087093 a 0000 & 01087300 a 0000 & 01087388 a 0000 & 01087557 a 0000 & 01087757 a 0000 & 01087977 a 0000 & 01088164 a 0000 & 01088262 a 0000 & 01088351 a 0000 | holding or containing nothing; "an empty glass"; "an empty room"; "full of empty seats"; "empty hours" 01086915 00 s 02 bare 0 stripped 0 002 & 01086545 a 0000 + 04697819 n 0101 | having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare" 01087093 00 s 03 blank 0 clean 0 white 0 002 & 01086545 a 0000 + 14455419 n 0101 | (of a surface) not written or printed on; "blank pages"; "fill in the blank spaces"; "a clean page"; "wide white margins" 01087300 00 s 01 empty-handed 0 001 & 01086545 a 0000 | carrying nothing in the hands 01087388 00 s 02 glassy 0 glazed 0 001 & 01086545 a 0000 | (used of eyes) lacking liveliness; "empty eyes"; "a glassy stare"; "his eyes were glazed over with boredom" 01087557 00 s 01 lifeless 0 002 & 01086545 a 0000 + 14006179 n 0103 | destitute or having been emptied of life or living beings; "after the dance the littered and lifeless ballroom echoed hollowly" 01087757 00 s 04 looted 0 pillaged 0 plundered 0 ransacked 0 001 & 01086545 a 0000 | wrongfully emptied or stripped of anything of value; "the robbers left the looted train"; "people returned to the plundered village" 01087977 00 s 01 vacant 1 005 & 01086545 a 0000 + 14455966 n 0101 + 13910116 n 0102 + 02367032 v 0101 + 02076676 v 0101 | without an occupant or incumbent; "the throne is never vacant" 01088164 00 s 01 vacant 2 001 & 01086545 a 0000 | void of thought or knowledge; "a vacant mind" 01088262 00 s 01 vacuous 0 001 & 01086545 a 0000 | devoid of matter; "a vacuous space" 01088351 00 s 01 void 0 002 & 01086545 a 0000 + 13910116 n 0101 | containing nothing; "the earth was without form, and void" 01088478 00 a 01 drained 0 003 ! 01089027 a 0101 & 01088749 a 0000 & 01088881 a 0000 | emptied or exhausted of (as by drawing off e.g. water or other liquid); "a drained marsh"; "a drained tank"; "a drained and apathetic old man...not caring any longer about anything" 01088749 00 s 01 empty 0 002 & 01088478 a 0000 + 14455206 n 0101 | emptied of emotion; "after the violent argument he felt empty" 01088881 00 s 01 exhausted 0 001 & 01088478 a 0000 | drained physically; "the day's events left her completely exhausted--her strength drained" 01089027 00 a 01 undrained 0 001 ! 01088478 a 0101 | not drained; "preserve wetlands; keep them undrained" 01089136 00 a 01 full-time 0 002 ! 01089369 a 0101 & 01089275 a 0000 | for the entire time appropriate to an activity; "a full-time job" 01089275 00 s 01 regular 0 001 & 01089136 a 0000 | officially full-time; "regular students" 01089369 00 a 02 part-time 0 parttime 0 005 ! 01089136 a 0101 & 01089616 a 0000 & 01089775 a 0000 & 01089949 a 0000 & 01090061 a 0000 | involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity; "part-time employees"; "a part-time job" 01089616 00 s 01 half-time 0 001 & 01089369 a 0000 | involving half the standard or customary time for an activity; "he had two years of half-time training" 01089775 00 s 02 irregular 0 temporary 0 002 & 01089369 a 0000 + 05055141 n 0201 | lacking continuity or regularity; "an irregular worker"; "employed on a temporary basis" 01089949 00 s 01 odd-job(a) 0 001 & 01089369 a 0000 | not regular or skilled; "found only odd-job employment" 01090061 00 s 01 underemployed 0 001 & 01089369 a 0000 | employed only part-time when one needs full-time employment or not making full use of your skills; "migrants are likely to be poor and underemployed"; "able people are kept underemployed" 01090308 00 a 01 functional 0 006 ^ 02123812 a 0000 = 05149325 n 0000 + 05151372 n 0101 ! 01090993 a 0101 & 01090593 a 0000 & 01090820 a 0000 | designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture" 01090593 00 s 01 structural 0 001 & 01090308 a 0000 | affecting or involved in structure or construction; "the structural details of a house such as beams and joists and rafters; not ornamental elements"; "structural damage" 01090820 00 s 02 utilitarian 0 useful 0 004 & 01090308 a 0000 + 05148699 n 0202 + 10742736 n 0101 + 05148699 n 0101 | having a useful function; "utilitarian steel tables" 01090993 00 a 01 nonfunctional 0 005 ^ 02124654 a 0000 = 05149325 n 0000 ! 01090308 a 0101 & 01091160 a 0000 & 01091234 a 0000 | not having or performing a function 01091160 00 s 01 nonstructural 0 001 & 01090993 a 0000 | not structural 01091234 00 s 03 cosmetic 0 decorative 0 ornamental 0 007 & 01090993 a 0000 + 11536087 n 0301 + 03169390 n 0302 + 02748927 v 0203 + 01675963 v 0201 + 01466543 v 0202 + 04700327 n 0201 | serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose; "cosmetic fenders on cars"; "the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative" 01091556 00 a 01 functioning 0 003 ! 01092142 a 0101 & 01091728 a 0000 & 01091995 a 0000 | performing or able to perform its regular function; "a functioning flashlight" 01091728 00 s 04 running(a) 0 operative 0 functional 0 working(a) 0 004 & 01091556 a 0000 + 05151372 n 0301 + 01525666 v 0203 + 01224744 v 0201 | (of e.g. a machine) performing or capable of performing; "in running (or working) order"; "a functional set of brakes" 01091995 00 s 01 up(p) 0 002 & 01091556 a 0000 ;c 03082979 n 0000 | (used of computers) operating properly; "how soon will the computers be up?" 01092142 00 a 02 malfunctioning 0 nonfunctional 3 005 ! 01091556 a 0101 & 01092371 a 0000 & 01092572 a 0000 & 01092727 a 0000 & 01092889 a 0000 | not performing or able to perform its regular function; "a malfunctioning valve" 01092371 00 s 04 amiss(p) 0 awry(p) 0 haywire 0 wrong(p) 0 001 & 01092142 a 0000 | not functioning properly; "something is amiss"; "has gone completely haywire"; "something is wrong with the engine" 01092572 00 s 02 bad 0 defective 0 002 & 01092142 a 0000 + 14472299 n 0201 | not working properly; "a bad telephone connection"; "a defective appliance" 01092727 00 s 01 out_of_whack 0 002 & 01092142 a 0000 ;u 07154330 n 0000 | out of balance or out of adjustment; "the front wheel of my bicycle is out of whack" 01092889 00 s 01 run-down 0 001 & 01092142 a 0000 | having the spring unwound; "a run-down watch" 01092989 00 a 01 functional 2 002 ;c 06060845 n 0000 ! 01093142 a 0101 | involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness" 01093142 00 a 01 organic 0 004 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 00004475 n 0101 + 05297523 n 0101 ! 01092989 a 0101 | involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease" 01093323 00 a 01 rigged 0 005 ;c 00314469 n 0000 ! 01093956 a 0101 & 01093524 a 0000 & 01093631 a 0000 & 01093850 a 0000 | fitted or equipped with necessary rigging (sails and shrouds and stays etc) 01093524 00 s 02 lateen 0 lateen-rigged 0 001 & 01093323 a 0000 | rigged with a triangular (lateen) sail 01093631 00 s 01 outrigged 0 001 & 01093323 a 0000 | rigged with a structure projecting from or over the side of a boat for various purposes; to prevent capsizing or to support an oarlock or to help secure a mast etc 01093850 00 s 01 square-rigged 0 001 & 01093323 a 0000 | rigged with square sails as the principal ones 01093956 00 a 01 unrigged 0 002 ;c 00314469 n 0000 ! 01093323 a 0101 | stripped of rigging 01094049 00 a 02 equipped 0 equipt 0 008 ! 01095555 a 0101 & 01094398 a 0000 & 01094647 a 0000 & 01094767 a 0000 & 01094855 a 0000 & 01095085 a 0000 & 01095277 a 0000 & 01095406 a 0000 | provided or fitted out with what is necessary or useful or appropriate; "a well equipped playground"; "a ship equipped with every mechanical aid to navigation" 01094398 00 s 02 accoutered 0 accoutred 0 002 & 01094049 a 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 | provided with necessary articles of equipment for a specialized purpose (especially military); "troops accoutered for battle"; "properly accoutered for the trip" 01094647 00 s 02 armored 0 panoplied 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior 01094767 00 s 01 helmeted 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | equipped with or wearing a helmet 01094855 00 s 01 outfitted 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | equipped with appropriate wearing apparel and accessories; "children properly outfitted for school"; "equipt in the...national dress of the Scottish people"- Sir Walter Scott 01095085 00 s 01 prepared 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | equipped or prepared with necessary intellectual resources; "graduates well equipped to handle such problems"; "equipped to be a scholar" 01095277 00 s 02 transistorized 0 transistorised 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | (of an electronic device) equipped with transistors 01095406 00 s 01 visored 0 001 & 01094049 a 0000 | having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind; "their spic, red-visored caps" 01095555 00 a 01 unequipped 0 002 ! 01094049 a 0101 & 01095785 a 0000 | without necessary physical or intellectual equipment; "guerrillas unequipped for a pitched battle"; "unequipped for jobs in a modern technological society" 01095785 00 s 01 ill-equipped 0 001 & 01095555 a 0000 | poorly supplied with physical equipment; "the school was ill-equipped" 01095914 00 a 02 fledged 0 mature 4 005 + 14424780 n 0201 + 14424780 n 0202 ! 01096471 a 0101 & 01096123 a 0000 & 01096308 a 0000 | (of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination 01096123 00 s 02 fledgling(a) 0 fledgeling(a) 0 003 & 01095914 a 0000 + 01504179 n 0202 + 01504179 n 0101 | (of a young bird) having acquired its flight feathers; "a fledgling robin" 01096308 00 s 02 full-fledged 0 fully_fledged 0 001 & 01095914 a 0000 | (of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly 01096471 00 a 02 unfledged 0 immature 4 002 ! 01095914 a 0101 & 01096648 a 0000 | (of birds) not yet having developed feathers; "a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill" 01096648 00 s 01 unfeathered 0 001 & 01096471 a 0000 | not having feathers; "the unfeathered brood" 01096750 00 a 01 framed 0 001 ! 01096889 a 0101 | provided with a frame; "there were framed snapshots of family and friends on her desk" 01096889 00 a 01 unframed 0 001 ! 01096750 a 0101 | not provided with a frame; "unframed pictures" 01096990 00 a 02 furnished 0 equipped 2 007 ;c 03405725 n 0000 ! 01098154 a 0101 & 01097315 a 0000 & 01097484 a 0000 & 01097690 a 0000 & 01097847 a 0000 & 01097966 a 0000 | provided with whatever is necessary for a purpose (as furniture or equipment or authority); "a furnished apartment"; "a completely furnished toolbox" 01097315 00 s 01 appointed 0 001 & 01096990 a 0000 | provided with furnishing and accessories (especially of a tasteful kind); "a house that is beautifully appointed" 01097484 00 s 02 fitted_out 0 outfitted 0 001 & 01096990 a 0000 | furnished with essential equipment for a particular occupation or undertaking occupation; "a well outfitted expedition to the South Pole" 01097690 00 s 02 stocked 0 stocked_with 0 001 & 01096990 a 0000 | furnished with more than enough; "rivers well stocked with fish"; "a well-stocked store" 01097847 00 s 01 volumed 0 001 & 01096990 a 0000 | furnished with volumes; "a large room volumed with ancient books" 01097966 00 s 02 well-appointed 0 well-found 0 001 & 01096990 a 0000 | having a full array of suitable equipment or furnishings; "a well-appointed kitchen"; "a well-appointed apartment" 01098154 00 a 01 unfurnished 0 001 ! 01096990 a 0101 | not equipped with what is needed especially furniture; "an unfurnished apartment" 01098293 00 a 01 funded 0 001 ! 01098390 a 0101 | furnished with funds; "well-funded research" 01098390 00 a 01 unfunded 0 001 ! 01098293 a 0101 | not furnished with funds; "an unfunded project" 01098492 00 a 01 fueled 0 006 ! 01099235 a 0101 & 01098678 a 0000 & 01098826 a 0000 & 01098941 a 0000 & 01099051 a 0000 & 01099134 a 0000 | heated, driven, or produced by burning fuel 01098678 00 s 01 clean-burning 0 001 & 01098492 a 0000 | leaving little contamination while consuming fuel; "natural gas is a clean-burning fuel" 01098826 00 s 02 coal-fired 0 coal-burning 0 001 & 01098492 a 0000 | fueled by burning coal; "a coal-fired ship" 01098941 00 s 02 wood-fired 0 wood-burning 0 001 & 01098492 a 0000 | fueled by wood; "a wood-burning stove' 01099051 00 s 01 liquid-fueled 0 001 & 01098492 a 0000 | fueled by a liquid fuel 01099134 00 s 01 oil-fired 0 001 & 01098492 a 0000 | fueled by burning oil; "an oil-fired furnace" 01099235 00 a 01 unfueled 0 003 ! 01098492 a 0101 & 01099348 a 0000 & 01099435 a 0000 | not provided with fuel 01099348 00 s 01 self-sustained 0 001 & 01099235 a 0000 | needing no outside support 01099435 00 s 01 unfed 0 001 & 01099235 a 0000 | not given support; "a grudge that remained unfed" 01099536 00 a 01 specified 0 004 ! 01100082 a 0101 & 01099707 a 0000 & 01099810 a 0000 & 01099951 a 0000 | clearly and explicitly stated; "meals are at specified times" 01099707 00 s 01 mere(a) 0 001 & 01099536 a 0000 | being nothing more than specified; "a mere child" 01099810 00 s 02 nominative 0 nominal 2 001 & 01099536 a 0000 | named; bearing the name of a specific person; "nominative shares of stock" 01099951 00 s 01 specific 0 002 & 01099536 a 0000 + 04762915 n 0101 | stated explicitly or in detail; "needed a specific amount" 01100082 00 a 01 unspecified 0 001 ! 01099536 a 0101 | not stated explicitly or in detail; "threatened unspecified reprisals" 01100210 00 a 01 geared 0 005 ! 01101118 a 0101 & 01100394 a 0000 & 01100595 a 0000 & 01100817 a 0000 & 01101022 a 0000 | equipped with or connected by gears or having gears engaged 01100394 00 s 02 back-geared 0 double-geared 2 001 & 01100210 a 0000 | (of a lathe) equipped with gearing for reducing the speed of the spindle from that of the driving pulley; "a back-geared lathe" 01100595 00 s 01 double-geared 0 001 & 01100210 a 0000 | equipped with compound gearing consisting of 2 pinions and 2 wheels in mesh to increase the mechanical advantage; "the double-geared lifting mechanism of a crane" 01100817 00 s 03 engaged 0 meshed 0 intermeshed 0 001 & 01100210 a 0000 | (used of toothed parts or gears) interlocked and interacting; "the gears are engaged"; "meshed gears"; "intermeshed twin rotors" 01101022 00 s 01 in_gear 0 001 & 01100210 a 0000 | having gears engaged; "the car is in gear" 01101118 00 a 01 ungeared 0 002 ! 01100210 a 0101 & 01101264 a 0000 | having gears not engaged or disconnected; "the machine's ungeared pinion" 01101264 00 s 01 out_of_gear(p) 0 001 & 01101118 a 0000 | not having gears engaged; "threw the machine's pinion out of gear" 01101391 00 a 01 general 0 016 ^ 00525453 a 0000 ^ 01839417 a 0000 ^ 00773759 a 0000 ^ 02278337 a 0000 = 04764412 n 0000 + 05818388 n 0101 + 04764412 n 0101 ! 01103021 a 0101 & 01101891 a 0000 & 01102058 a 0000 & 01102164 a 0000 & 01102308 a 0000 & 01102451 a 0000 & 01102568 a 0000 & 01102674 a 0000 & 01102876 a 0000 | applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader" 01101891 00 s 02 broad 0 unspecific 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | not detailed or specific; "a broad rule"; "the broad outlines of the plan"; "felt an unspecific dread" 01102058 00 s 02 general-purpose 0 all-purpose 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | not limited in use or function 01102164 00 s 01 generic 0 002 & 01101391 a 0000 + 05845013 n 0101 | applicable to an entire class or group; "is there a generic Asian mind?" 01102308 00 s 01 gross 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | lacking fine distinctions or detail; "the gross details of the structure appear reasonable" 01102451 00 s 01 overall 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | involving only main features; "the overall pattern of his life" 01102568 00 s 01 pandemic 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | existing everywhere; "pandemic fear of nuclear war" 01102674 00 s 01 universal 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | applicable to or common to all members of a group or set; "the play opened to universal acclaim"; "rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys" 01102876 00 s 01 widespread 0 001 & 01101391 a 0000 | widely circulated or diffused; "a widespread doctrine"; "widespread fear of nuclear war" 01103021 00 a 01 specific 0 013 ^ 01837744 a 0000 ^ 02277607 a 0000 = 04764412 n 0000 ! 01101391 a 0101 & 01103529 a 0000 & 01103676 a 0000 & 01103844 a 0000 & 01104026 a 0000 & 01104460 a 0000 & 01104709 a 0000 & 01104889 a 0000 & 01105042 a 0000 ! 01105620 a 0101 | (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident" 01103529 00 s 01 ad_hoc 0 001 & 01103021 a 0000 | for or concerned with one specific purpose; "a coordinated policy instead of ad hoc decisions" 01103676 00 s 01 circumstantial 0 002 & 01103021 a 0000 + 14512817 n 0102 | fully detailed and specific about particulars; "a circumstantial report about the debate" 01103844 00 s 02 limited 0 special 0 003 & 01103021 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0202 + 05159225 n 0206 | having a specific function or scope; "a special (or specific) role in the mission" 01104026 00 s 03 particular(a) 0 peculiar(a) 0 special(a) 1 003 & 01103021 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0302 + 04762633 n 0101 | unique or specific to a person or thing or category; "the particular demands of the job"; "has a particular preference for Chinese art"; "a peculiar bond of sympathy between them"; "an expression peculiar to Canadians"; "rights peculiar to the rich"; "the special features of a computer"; "my own special chair" 01104460 00 s 01 particular(a) 2 002 & 01103021 a 0000 + 04762633 n 0101 | separate and distinct from others of the same group or category; "interested in one particular artist"; "a man who wishes to make a particular woman fall in love with him" 01104709 00 s 02 particularized 0 particularised 0 001 & 01103021 a 0000 | directed toward a specific object; "particularized thinking as distinct from stereotyped sloganeering" 01104889 00 s 01 proper(ip) 0 001 & 01103021 a 0000 | limited to the thing specified; "the city proper"; "his claim is connected with the deed proper" 01105042 00 s 01 unique(p) 0 002 & 01103021 a 0000 + 04763650 n 0102 | (followed by `to') applying exclusively to a given category or condition or locality; "a species unique to Australia" 01105233 00 a 01 specific 2 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 ! 01105620 a 0101 | being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides; "quinine is highly specific for malaria"; "a specific remedy"; "a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements" 01105620 00 a 01 nonspecific 0 004 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 ! 01103021 a 0101 ! 01105233 a 0101 | not caused by a specific agent; used also of staining in making microscope slides; "nonspecific enteritis" 01105840 00 a 01 national 1 003 + 07949463 n 0101 ! 01106405 a 0101 & 01106129 a 0000 | concerned with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country; "the national government"; "national elections"; "of national concern"; "the national highway system"; "national forests" 01106129 00 s 01 federal 0 001 & 01105840 a 0000 | national; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; "the Federal Bureau of Investigation"; "federal courts"; "the federal highway program"; "federal property" 01106405 00 a 01 local 1 001 ! 01105840 a 0101 | relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area; "local taxes"; "local authorities" 01106614 00 a 02 cosmopolitan 0 widely_distributed 2 002 ;c 06070929 n 0000 ! 01106815 a 0101 | growing or occurring in many parts of the world; "a cosmopolitan herb"; "cosmopolitan in distribution" 01106815 00 a 01 endemic 2 002 ;c 06070929 n 0000 ! 01106614 a 0101 | native to or confined to a certain region; "the islands have a number of interesting endemic species" 01106989 00 a 02 branchiate 0 gilled 0 001 ! 01107094 a 0101 | provided with gills; "a gilled tadpole" 01107094 00 a 04 abranchiate 0 abranchial 0 abranchious 0 gill-less 0 001 ! 01106989 a 0101 | having no gills 01107206 00 a 01 federal 0 002 ;c 01124794 n 0000 ! 01107521 a 0101 | characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities; "a federal system like that of the United States"; "federal governments often evolved out of confederations" 01107521 00 a 01 unitary 0 002 ;c 01124794 n 0000 ! 01107206 a 0101 | characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority; "a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government" 01107751 00 a 02 centralized 0 centralised 0 001 ! 01107973 a 0101 | drawn toward a center or brought under the control of a central authority; "centralized control of emergency relief efforts"; "centralized government" 01107973 00 a 02 decentralized 0 decentralised 0 004 ! 01107751 a 0101 & 01108276 a 0000 & 01108427 a 0000 & 01108586 a 0000 | withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities; "a decentralized school administration" 01108276 00 s 02 localized 0 localised 0 001 & 01107973 a 0000 | made local or oriented locally; "a decentralized and localized political authority" 01108427 00 s 01 redistributed 0 001 & 01107973 a 0000 | having population and industries relocated from urban to outlying areas; "redistributed industries" 01108586 00 s 02 suburbanized 0 suburbanised 0 001 & 01107973 a 0000 | surrounded by many suburbs; "a highly suburbanized city" 01108716 00 a 01 technical 0 001 ! 01109096 a 0101 | characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences; "a technical problem"; "highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public"; "a technical report"; "producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country"; "technical training"; "technical language" 01109096 00 a 02 nontechnical 0 untechnical 0 001 ! 01108716 a 0101 | not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and sciences; "nontechnical aspects of the job"; "nontechnical training"; "an untechnical reader"; "in clear effective nontechnical language" 01109359 00 a 01 nonproprietary 0 003 ! 01109914 a 0101 & 01109599 a 0000 & 01109782 a 0000 | not protected by trademark or patent or copyright; "nonproprietary products are in the public domain and anyone can produce or distribute them" 01109599 00 s 01 generic 0 002 & 01109359 a 0000 ;c 03247620 n 0000 | (of drugs) not protected by trademark; "`Acetaminophen' is the generic form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol'" 01109782 00 s 01 unpatented 0 001 & 01109359 a 0000 | (of devices and processes) not protected by patent; "unpatented inventions" 01109914 00 a 01 proprietary 0 006 + 10388924 n 0102 ! 01109359 a 0101 & 01110251 a 0000 & 01110470 a 0000 & 01110686 a 0000 & 01110819 a 0000 | protected by trademark or patent or copyright; made or produced or distributed by one having exclusive rights; "`Tylenol' is a proprietary drug of which `acetaminophen' is the generic form" 01110251 00 s 01 branded 0 001 & 01109914 a 0000 | (of goods and merchandise) marked or labeled by a distinctive word or symbol indicating exclusive rights; "branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name" 01110470 00 s 01 copyrighted 0 003 & 01109914 a 0000 ;c 06364641 n 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (of literary or musical or dramatic or artistic work) protected by copyright; "permission to publish copyright material" 01110686 00 s 01 patented 0 001 & 01109914 a 0000 | (of devices and processes) protected by patent; "they are patented inventions" 01110819 00 s 01 trademarked 0 001 & 01109914 a 0000 | (of goods and merchandise) labeled with proprietary (and legally registered) identification guaranteeing exclusive use; "trademarked goods" 01111016 00 a 01 generous 1 011 ^ 00359459 a 0000 ^ 01114434 a 0000 ^ 02099019 a 0000 = 04831727 n 0000 + 04831727 n 0102 + 01085937 n 0101 ! 01112573 a 0101 & 01111312 a 0000 & 01111418 a 0000 & 01111965 a 0000 & 01112471 a 0000 | willing to give and share unstintingly; "a generous donation" 01111312 00 s 02 benevolent 0 freehearted 0 001 & 01111016 a 0000 | generous in providing aid to others 01111418 00 s 09 big 0 bighearted 0 bounteous 0 bountiful 0 freehanded 0 handsome 0 giving 0 liberal 0 openhanded 0 008 & 01111016 a 0000 + 04832716 n 0905 + 04832518 n 0802 + 04832518 n 0801 + 05115418 n 0402 + 04832244 n 0301 + 04832244 n 0302 + 04832401 n 0201 | given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather" 01111965 00 s 07 lavish 0 munificent 0 overgenerous 0 too-generous 0 unsparing 0 unstinted 0 unstinting 0 004 & 01111016 a 0000 + 04832716 n 0201 + 05146471 n 0101 + 00743641 n 0103 | very generous; "distributed gifts with a lavish hand"; "the critics were lavish in their praise"; "a munificent gift"; "his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent"; "prodigal praise"; "unsparing generosity"; "his unstinted devotion"; "called for unstinting aid to Britain" 01112471 00 s 01 unselfish 0 003 & 01111016 a 0000 + 04832951 n 0101 + 01085937 n 0102 | not greedy 01112573 00 a 02 stingy 0 ungenerous 4 013 ^ 02098325 a 0000 ^ 00359862 a 0000 ^ 01115081 a 0000 = 04831727 n 0000 + 04833458 n 0101 ! 01111016 a 0101 & 01112969 a 0000 & 01113114 a 0000 & 01113225 a 0000 & 01113505 a 0000 & 01113636 a 0000 & 01113807 a 0000 & 01114116 a 0000 | unwilling to spend; "she practices economy without being stingy"; "an ungenerous response to the appeal for funds" 01112969 00 s 02 beggarly 0 mean 1 002 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04833687 n 0201 | (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt 01113114 00 s 03 cheap 0 chinchy 0 chintzy 0 002 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04818460 n 0101 | embarrassingly stingy 01113225 00 s 05 cheeseparing 0 close 0 near 0 penny-pinching 0 skinny 0 003 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04893525 n 0404 + 04833687 n 0209 | giving or spending with reluctance; "our cheeseparing administration"; "very close (or near) with his money"; "a penny-pinching miserly old man" 01113505 00 s 03 closefisted 0 hardfisted 0 tightfisted 0 002 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04833687 n 0308 | unwilling to part with money 01113636 00 s 03 grudging 0 niggardly 0 scrimy 0 003 & 01112573 a 0000 + 10357737 n 0201 + 04833687 n 0203 | petty or reluctant in giving or spending; "a niggardly tip" 01113807 00 s 04 mean 2 mingy 0 miserly 0 tight 0 007 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04833687 n 0407 + 10322084 n 0301 + 04834228 n 0301 + 04833687 n 0202 + 04833687 n 0101 + 04845684 n 0102 | (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip" 01114116 00 s 02 parsimonious 0 penurious 0 006 & 01112573 a 0000 + 04834339 n 0201 + 04833687 n 0105 + 04893525 n 0101 + 04833687 n 0106 + 04893525 n 0102 | excessively unwilling to spend; "parsimonious thrift relieved by few generous impulses"; "lived in a most penurious manner--denying himself every indulgence" 01114434 00 a 01 generous 2 006 ^ 01111016 a 0000 + 04831727 n 0102 + 04831727 n 0101 ! 01115081 a 0101 & 01114658 a 0000 & 01114973 a 0000 | not petty in character and mind; "unusually generous in his judgment of people" 01114658 00 s 03 big 0 large 0 magnanimous 0 003 & 01114434 a 0000 + 04870340 n 0303 + 04832716 n 0304 | generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies" 01114973 00 s 01 ungrudging 0 001 & 01114434 a 0000 | without envy or reluctance; "ungrudging admiration" 01115081 00 a 02 ungenerous 0 meanspirited 2 002 ^ 01112573 a 0000 ! 01114434 a 0101 | lacking in magnanimity; "it seems ungenerous to end this review of a splendid work of scholarship on a critical note"- Times Litt. Sup.; "a meanspirited man unwilling to forgive" 01115349 00 a 02 genuine 0 echt 0 010 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 01932973 a 0000 ^ 02179279 a 0000 ^ 02460502 a 0000 + 04783247 n 0102 ! 01116380 a 0101 & 01115635 a 0000 & 01115920 a 0000 & 01116026 a 0000 & 01116118 a 0000 | not fake or counterfeit; "a genuine Picasso"; "genuine leather" 01115635 00 s 04 authentic 0 bona_fide 0 unquestionable 0 veritable 0 003 & 01115349 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0304 + 04783247 n 0101 | not counterfeit or copied; "an authentic signature"; "a bona fide manuscript"; "an unquestionable antique"; "photographs taken in a veritable bull ring" 01115920 00 s 03 attested 0 authenticated 0 documented 0 001 & 01115349 a 0000 | established as genuine 01116026 00 s 02 good 0 honest 0 001 & 01115349 a 0000 | not forged; "a good dollar bill" 01116118 00 s 04 honest-to-god 0 honest-to-goodness 0 old(a) 0 sure-enough(a) 0 001 & 01115349 a 0000 | (used informally especially for emphasis); "a real honest-to-god live cowboy"; "had us a high old time"; "went upriver to look at a sure-enough fish wheel" 01116380 00 a 02 counterfeit 0 imitative 4 016 ^ 01571363 a 0000 ^ 02461723 a 0000 ^ 02180797 a 0000 ^ 01934554 a 0000 + 01694263 v 0201 ! 01115349 a 0101 & 01116857 a 0000 & 01117226 a 0000 & 01117362 a 0000 & 01117477 a 0000 & 01117677 a 0000 & 01117823 a 0000 & 01117942 a 0000 & 01118118 a 0000 & 01118232 a 0000 & 01118409 a 0000 | not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince" 01116857 00 s 07 assumed 0 false 0 fictitious 0 fictive 0 pretended 0 put_on 0 sham 0 005 & 01116380 a 0000 + 10201535 n 0707 + 03318438 n 0702 + 06757891 n 0302 + 04867871 n 0202 | adopted in order to deceive; "an assumed name"; "an assumed cheerfulness"; "a fictitious address"; "fictive sympathy"; "a pretended interest"; "a put-on childish voice"; "sham modesty" 01117226 00 s 02 bad 0 forged 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | reproduced fraudulently; "like a bad penny..."; "a forged twenty dollar bill" 01117362 00 s 01 base 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage" 01117477 00 s 05 bogus 0 fake 0 phony 0 phoney 0 bastard 0 005 & 01116380 a 0000 + 02804772 n 0501 + 10195593 n 0405 + 10195593 n 0304 + 10201535 n 0204 | fraudulent; having a misleading appearance 01117677 00 s 03 inauthentic 0 unauthentic 0 spurious 0 002 & 01116380 a 0000 + 13960833 n 0301 | intended to deceive; "a spurious work of art" 01117823 00 s 01 mock 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | constituting a copy or imitation of something; "boys in mock battle" 01117942 00 s 02 ostensible 0 ostensive 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | represented or appearing as such; pretended; "His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity" 01118118 00 s 01 pinchbeck 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | serving as an imitation or substitute; "pinchbeck heroism" 01118232 00 s 01 pseudo 0 002 & 01116380 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (often used in combination) not genuine but having the appearance of; "a pseudo esthete"; "pseudoclassic" 01118409 00 s 01 synthetic 0 001 & 01116380 a 0000 | not genuine or natural; "counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic"- George Will 01118568 00 a 01 geocentric 0 002 ! 01118928 a 0101 & 01118673 a 0000 | having the earth as the center 01118673 00 s 01 Ptolemaic 0 001 & 01118568 a 0000 | of or relating to the geocentric Ptolemaic system; "in the Ptolemaic system of planetary motion the earth is fixed as the center of the universe with the sun and moon and planets revolving around it" 01118928 00 a 01 heliocentric 0 002 ! 01118568 a 0101 & 01119033 a 0000 | having the sun as the center 01119033 00 s 01 Copernican 0 001 & 01118928 a 0000 | according to Copernicus; "in the Copernican system the earth and other planets revolve around the sun" 01119192 00 a 02 talented 0 gifted 0 001 ! 01119305 a 0101 | endowed with talent or talents; "a gifted writer" 01119305 00 a 02 untalented 0 talentless 0 002 + 05647772 n 0201 ! 01119192 a 0101 | devoid of talent; not gifted 01119421 00 a 02 glazed 0 shiny 4 007 + 04953954 n 0203 + 04954683 n 0201 ! 01120398 a 0101 & 01119661 a 0000 & 01119937 a 0000 & 01120010 a 0000 & 01120242 a 0000 | having a shiny surface or coating; "glazed fabrics"; "glazed doughnuts" 01119661 00 s 03 glassy 0 vitreous 0 vitrified 0 002 & 01119421 a 0000 ;c 00935247 n 0000 | (of ceramics) having the surface made shiny and nonporous by fusing a vitreous solution to it; "glazed pottery"; "glassy porcelain"; "hard vitreous china used for plumbing fixtures" 01119937 00 s 01 glass-like 0 001 & 01119421 a 0000 | resembling glass 01120010 00 s 02 glossy 0 calendered 0 002 & 01119421 a 0000 + 04955160 n 0103 | (of paper and fabric and leather) having a surface made smooth and glossy especially by pressing between rollers; "calendered paper"; "glossy paper" 01120242 00 s 01 icy 0 002 & 01119421 a 0000 + 05015463 n 0102 | shiny and slick as with a thin coating of ice; "roads and trees glazed with an icy film" 01120398 00 a 01 unglazed 0 002 ! 01119421 a 0101 & 01120515 a 0000 | not having a shiny coating; "unglazed paper" 01120515 00 s 01 unvitrified 0 002 & 01120398 a 0000 ;c 00935247 n 0000 | (of ceramics) lacking a vitreous finish; "unvitrified pottery" 01120654 00 a 02 glazed 1 glassed 0 001 ! 01120766 a 0101 | fitted or covered with glass; "four glazed walls" 01120766 00 a 02 unglazed 1 glassless 0 001 ! 01120654 a 0101 | not furnished with glass; "windows were unglazed to admit as much light and air as possible" 01120925 00 a 01 glorious 0 010 ^ 01375174 a 0000 + 14437134 n 0101 ! 01122411 a 0101 & 01121238 a 0000 & 01121402 a 0000 & 01121507 a 0000 & 01121757 a 0000 & 01121989 a 0000 & 01122121 a 0000 & 01122269 a 0000 | having or deserving or conferring glory; "a long and glorious career"; "our glorious literature" 01121238 00 s 01 bright 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | splendid; "the bright stars of stage and screen"; "a bright moment in history"; "the bright pageantry of court" 01121402 00 s 03 celebrated 0 historied 0 storied 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | having an illustrious past 01121507 00 s 03 divine 0 elysian 0 inspired 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods; "her pies were simply divine"; "the divine Shakespeare"; "an elysian meal"; "an inspired performance" 01121757 00 s 03 empyreal 0 empyrean 0 sublime 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | inspiring awe; "well-meaning ineptitude that rises to empyreal absurdity"- M.S.Dworkin; "empyrean aplomb"- Hamilton Basso; "the sublime beauty of the night" 01121989 00 s 01 illustrious 0 002 & 01120925 a 0000 + 05169601 n 0102 | having or conferring glory; "an illustrious achievement" 01122121 00 s 01 incandescent 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance; "an incandescent performance" 01122269 00 s 01 lustrous 0 001 & 01120925 a 0000 | brilliant; "set a lustrous example for others to follow"; "lustrous actors of the time" 01122411 00 a 01 inglorious 0 004 ^ 01227137 a 0000 ^ 01376894 a 0000 ! 01120925 a 0101 & 01122595 a 0000 | not bringing honor and glory; "some mute inglorious Milton here may rest" 01122595 00 s 03 obscure 0 unknown 0 unsung 0 003 & 01122411 a 0000 + 14436029 n 0101 + 14436438 n 0103 | not famous or acclaimed; "an obscure family"; "unsung heroes of the war" 01122776 00 a 01 go 0 002 ! 01123002 a 0101 & 01122907 a 0000 | functioning correctly and ready for action; "all systems are go" 01122907 00 s 02 a-ok(p) 0 a-okay(p) 0 001 & 01122776 a 0000 | in perfect condition or order 01123002 00 a 01 no-go 0 001 ! 01122776 a 0101 | not functioning properly or in suitable condition for proceeding; "the space launch was no-go" 01123148 00 a 01 good 1 018 ^ 00227507 a 0000 ^ 00230335 a 0000 ^ 00995775 a 0000 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 01993140 a 0000 = 04723816 n 0000 + 05142180 n 0102 ! 01125429 a 0101 & 01123879 a 0000 & 01124192 a 0000 & 01124342 a 0000 & 01124441 a 0000 & 01124574 a 0000 & 01124768 a 0000 & 01125006 a 0000 & 01125154 a 0000 & 01125241 a 0000 | having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good joke"; "a good exterior paint"; "a good secretary"; "a good dress for the office" 01123879 00 s 0f bang-up 0 bully 0 corking 0 cracking 0 dandy 0 great 0 groovy 0 keen 0 neat 0 nifty 0 not_bad(p) 0 peachy 0 slap-up 0 swell 0 smashing 0 002 & 01123148 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very good; "he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car"; "had a great time at the party"; "you look simply smashing" 01124192 00 s 01 good_enough 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | adequately good for the circumstances; "if it's good enough for you it's good enough for me" 01124342 00 s 01 goodish 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | moderately good of its kind; "a goodish wine" 01124441 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | very good; often used in the negative; "he's hot at math but not so hot at history" 01124574 00 s 01 redeeming(a) 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | compensating for some fault or defect; "the redeeming feature of the plan is its simplicity"; "his saving grace was his sense of humor" 01124768 00 s 02 satisfactory 0 acceptable 0 007 & 01123148 a 0000 + 02209936 v 0202 + 04792679 n 0201 + 04792679 n 0202 + 04792127 n 0101 + 02671880 v 0101 + 01183573 v 0102 | meeting requirements; "the step makes a satisfactory seat" 01125006 00 s 01 solid 0 002 & 01123148 a 0000 + 04671075 n 0102 | characterized by good substantial quality; "solid comfort"; "a solid base hit" 01125154 00 s 01 superb 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | surpassingly good; "a superb meal" 01125241 00 s 02 well-behaved 0 well_behaved 0 001 & 01123148 a 0000 | (usually of children) someone who behaves in a manner that the speaker believes is correct; "a well-behaved child" 01125429 00 a 01 bad 0 029 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 00996448 a 0000 ^ 00231252 a 0000 ^ 00229630 a 0000 = 04723816 n 0000 + 05144079 n 0102 ! 01123148 a 0101 & 01126291 a 0000 & 01126683 a 0000 & 01126841 a 0000 & 01127147 a 0000 & 01127302 a 0000 & 01127440 a 0000 & 01127661 a 0000 & 01127782 a 0000 & 01128010 a 0000 & 01128103 a 0000 & 01128253 a 0000 & 01128406 a 0000 & 01128508 a 0000 & 01128719 a 0000 & 01128871 a 0000 & 01129021 a 0000 & 01129185 a 0000 & 01129371 a 0000 & 01129533 a 0000 & 01129644 a 0000 & 01129823 a 0000 | having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice" 01126291 00 s 07 atrocious 0 abominable 0 awful 0 dreadful 0 painful 0 terrible 1 unspeakable 0 004 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04782116 n 0604 + 04782116 n 0402 + 04782116 n 0301 | exceptionally bad or displeasing; "atrocious taste"; "abominable workmanship"; "an awful voice"; "dreadful manners"; "a painful performance"; "terrible handwriting"; "an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room" 01126683 00 s 02 corked 0 corky 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 03108853 n 0201 | (of wine) tainted in flavor by a cork containing excess tannin; "a corked port" 01126841 00 s 06 deplorable 0 distressing 0 lamentable 0 pitiful 0 sad 0 sorry 0 004 & 01125429 a 0000 + 05140278 n 0602 + 04631470 n 0503 + 00911350 v 0302 | bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs" 01127147 00 s 02 fearful 0 frightful 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04782466 n 0201 | extremely distressing; "fearful slum conditions"; "a frightful mistake" 01127302 00 s 02 hard 0 tough 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04639732 n 0109 | unfortunate or hard to bear; "had hard luck"; "a tough break" 01127440 00 s 01 hopeless 1 002 & 01125429 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (informal to emphasize how bad it is) beyond hope of management or reform; "she handed me a hopeless jumble of papers"; "he is a hopeless romantic" 01127661 00 s 01 horrid 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04782116 n 0103 | exceedingly bad; "when she was bad she was horrid" 01127782 00 s 07 icky 0 crappy 0 lousy 0 rotten 3 shitty 0 stinking 0 stinky 0 005 & 01125429 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 05140793 n 0505 + 04781349 n 0305 + 06611376 n 0206 | very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world" 01128010 00 s 01 ill 0 001 & 01125429 a 0000 | distressing; "ill manners"; "of ill repute" 01128103 00 s 02 incompetent 0 unskilled 0 003 & 01125429 a 0000 + 05154241 n 0102 + 05154241 n 0101 | not doing a good job; "incompetent at chess" 01128253 00 s 01 mediocre 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 10569179 n 0102 | poor to middling in quality; "there have been good and mediocre and bad artists" 01128406 00 s 01 naughty 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04909563 n 0101 | badly behaved; "a naughty boy" 01128508 00 s 01 negative 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 05167618 n 0102 | having the quality of something harmful or unpleasant; "ran a negative campaign"; "delinquents retarded by their negative outlook on life" 01128719 00 s 01 poor 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04730797 n 0101 | unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"; "expectations were poor" 01128871 00 s 01 pretty 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 ;u 07106246 n 0000 | (used ironically) unexpectedly bad; "a pretty mess"; "a pretty kettle of fish" 01129021 00 s 02 rubber 0 no-good 0 003 & 01125429 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ;c 01100273 n 0000 | returned for lack of funds; "a rubber check"; "a no-good check" 01129185 00 s 01 severe 1 003 & 01125429 a 0000 + 05036715 n 0103 + 05036715 n 0102 | very bad in degree or extent; "a severe worldwide depression"; "the house suffered severe damage" 01129371 00 s 01 swingeing 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | severe; punishingly bad; "swingeing taxation"; "swingeing damages awarded by the judge" 01129533 00 s 01 uncool 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | (spoken slang) unfashionable and boring 01129644 00 s 02 unfavorable 0 unfavourable 0 003 & 01125429 a 0000 + 05161967 n 0202 + 05161967 n 0101 | not favorable; "made an unfavorable impression"; "unfavorable reviews" 01129823 00 s 01 unsuitable 0 002 & 01125429 a 0000 + 04721058 n 0102 | not conducive to good moral development; "the movie is unsuitable for children" 01129977 00 a 01 good 2 013 ^ 01123148 a 0000 ^ 01548193 a 0000 ^ 02034828 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 ^ 02513269 a 0000 ^ 02584981 a 0000 = 04849241 n 0000 + 04849241 n 0102 ! 01131043 a 0101 & 01130261 a 0000 & 01130614 a 0000 & 01130733 a 0000 & 01130932 a 0000 | morally admirable 01130261 00 s 06 angelic 0 angelical 0 beatific 0 saintlike 0 saintly 0 sainted 0 005 & 01129977 a 0000 + 10547145 n 0501 + 10546850 n 0501 + 04848383 n 0501 + 10546850 n 0204 | marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint; "angelic beneficence"; "a beatific smile"; "a saintly concern for his fellow men"; "my sainted mother" 01130614 00 s 01 goody-goody 0 002 & 01129977 a 0000 + 10139206 n 0101 | affectedly or smugly good or self-righteous 01130733 00 s 03 redemptive 0 redeeming(a) 1 saving(a) 0 002 & 01129977 a 0000 + 02551602 v 0102 | bringing about salvation or redemption from sin; "saving faith"; "redemptive (or redeeming) love" 01130932 00 s 01 white 0 001 & 01129977 a 0000 | benevolent; without malicious intent; "that's white of you" 01131043 00 a 01 evil 0 017 ^ 01125429 a 0000 ^ 01549291 a 0000 ^ 01624633 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 ^ 02513740 a 0000 ^ 02035337 a 0000 = 04852088 n 0000 + 04852088 n 0102 ! 01129977 a 0101 & 01131454 a 0000 & 01131803 a 0000 & 01131935 a 0000 & 01132366 a 0000 & 01132515 a 0000 & 01133017 a 0000 & 01133374 a 0000 & 01133784 a 0000 | morally bad or wrong; "evil purposes"; "an evil influence"; "evil deeds" 01131454 00 s 04 atrocious 0 flagitious 0 grievous 0 monstrous 0 006 & 01131043 a 0000 + 10329945 n 0401 + 07367231 n 0401 + 04830343 n 0101 + 00424767 n 0101 + 04830343 n 0102 | shockingly brutal or cruel; "murder is an atrocious crime"; "a grievous offense against morality"; "a grievous crime"; "no excess was too monstrous for them to commit" 01131803 00 s 01 bad 0 002 & 01131043 a 0000 + 05144079 n 0102 | characterized by wickedness or immorality; "led a very bad life" 01131935 00 s 03 black 0 dark 0 sinister 0 003 & 01131043 a 0000 + 14563564 n 0204 + 14563564 n 0203 | stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable; "black deeds"; "a black lie"; "his black heart has concocted yet another black deed"; "Darth Vader of the dark side"; "a dark purpose"; "dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility"; "the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"-Thomas Hardy 01132366 00 s 03 corruptive 0 perversive 0 pestiferous 0 003 & 01131043 a 0000 + 02579447 v 0202 + 02579447 v 0101 | tending to corrupt or pervert 01132515 00 s 08 demonic 0 diabolic 0 diabolical 0 fiendish 0 hellish 0 infernal 0 satanic 0 unholy 0 004 & 01131043 a 0000 + 04855840 n 0801 + 10329945 n 0203 + 10329945 n 0104 | extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; "something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"; "fires lit up a diabolic scene"; "diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"; "a fiendish despot"; "hellish torture"; "infernal instruments of war"; "satanic cruelty"; "unholy grimaces" 01133017 00 s 07 despicable 0 ugly 0 vile 0 slimy 0 unworthy 0 worthless 0 wretched 0 006 & 01131043 a 0000 + 04807776 n 0501 + 04781349 n 0403 + 04852750 n 0204 + 04807971 n 0104 + 04807971 n 0105 | morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar" 01133374 00 s 05 devilish 0 diabolic 2 diabolical 2 mephistophelian 0 mephistophelean 0 005 & 01131043 a 0000 + 09601769 n 0501 + 09601769 n 0401 + 10169419 n 0203 + 10329945 n 0203 | showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil; "devilish schemes"; "the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen"; "the diabolical expression on his face"; "a mephistophelian glint in his eye" 01133784 00 s 01 evil-minded 0 001 & 01131043 a 0000 | having evil thoughts or intentions 01133876 00 a 01 good-natured 0 008 ^ 01372049 a 0000 ^ 01800349 a 0000 ^ 00089051 a 0000 = 04623113 n 0000 + 04631067 n 0104 ! 01134769 a 0101 & 01134232 a 0000 & 01134486 a 0000 | having an easygoing and cheerful disposition; "too good-natured to resent a little criticism"; "the good-natured policeman on our block"; "the sounds of good-natured play" 01134232 00 s 03 amiable 0 good-humored 0 good-humoured 0 006 & 01133876 a 0000 + 04631067 n 0303 + 04631067 n 0202 + 07551691 n 0104 + 04654652 n 0103 + 04654652 n 0104 | disposed to please; "an amiable villain with a cocky sidelong grin"- Hal Hinson 01134486 00 s 04 equable 0 even-tempered 0 good-tempered 0 placid 0 004 & 01133876 a 0000 + 04904352 n 0403 + 07515169 n 0402 + 04631067 n 0301 | not easily irritated; "an equable temper"; "not everyone shared his placid temperament"; "remained placid despite the repeated delays" 01134769 00 a 01 ill-natured 0 023 ^ 01801600 a 0000 = 04623113 n 0000 ! 01133876 a 0101 & 01135269 a 0000 & 01135420 a 0000 & 01135673 a 0000 & 01135914 a 0000 & 01136127 a 0000 & 01136248 a 0000 & 01136541 a 0000 & 01137000 a 0000 & 01137289 a 0000 & 01137378 a 0000 & 01137882 a 0000 & 01137994 a 0000 & 01138161 a 0000 & 01138316 a 0000 & 01138450 a 0000 & 01138610 a 0000 & 01138770 a 0000 & 01138902 a 0000 & 01139067 a 0000 & 01139245 a 0000 | having an irritable and unpleasant disposition 01135269 00 s 04 atrabilious 0 bilious 0 dyspeptic 0 liverish 0 002 & 01134769 a 0000 + 14062565 n 0201 | irritable as if suffering from indigestion 01135420 00 s 04 bristly 0 prickly 0 splenetic 0 waspish 0 002 & 01134769 a 0000 + 07552549 n 0303 | very irritable; "bristly exchanges between the White House and the press"; "he became prickly and spiteful"; "witty and waspish about his colleagues" 01135673 00 s 03 cantankerous 0 crotchety 0 ornery 0 004 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04909270 n 0302 + 04797824 n 0205 + 04641869 n 0202 | having a difficult and contrary disposition; "a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady"- Dorothy Sayers 01135914 00 s 06 choleric 0 irascible 0 hotheaded 0 hot-tempered 0 quick-tempered 0 short-tempered 0 003 & 01134769 a 0000 + 07552549 n 0201 + 07516354 n 0102 | quickly aroused to anger; "a hotheaded commander" 01136127 00 s 01 churlish 0 001 & 01134769 a 0000 | having a bad disposition; surly; "churlish as a bear"- Shakespeare 01136248 00 s 08 crabbed 0 crabby 0 cross 0 fussy 0 grouchy 0 grumpy 0 bad-tempered 0 ill-tempered 0 009 & 01134769 a 0000 + 10148305 n 0602 + 04641869 n 0604 + 10148305 n 0501 + 07552729 n 0404 + 04641700 n 0303 + 09974054 n 0201 + 04641700 n 0201 + 04641700 n 0102 | annoyed and irritable 01136541 00 s 0c cranky 0 fractious 0 irritable 0 nettlesome 0 peevish 0 peckish 0 pettish 0 petulant 0 scratchy 0 testy 0 tetchy 0 techy 0 011 & 01134769 a 0000 + 07553016 n 0b03 + 07553016 n 0a01 + 07552729 n 0806 + 04642258 n 0705 + 07552729 n 0505 + 07552729 n 0301 + 04642258 n 0303 + 04908396 n 0202 + 10148305 n 0103 + 04641869 n 0101 | easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen" 01137000 00 s 05 crusty 0 curmudgeonly 0 gruff 0 ill-humored 0 ill-humoured 0 004 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04915462 n 0304 + 09984047 n 0201 + 04915866 n 0101 | brusque and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man"; "his curmudgeonly temper"; "gruff manner"; "a gruff reply" 01137289 00 s 01 currish 0 001 & 01134769 a 0000 | resembling a cur; snarling and rude 01137378 00 s 09 dark 0 dour 0 glowering 0 glum 0 moody 0 morose 0 saturnine 0 sour 0 sullen 0 007 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04642057 n 0902 + 04642057 n 0804 + 07552367 n 0601 + 04642057 n 0603 + 07552252 n 0501 + 07552367 n 0402 | showing a brooding ill humor; "a dark scowl"; "the proverbially dour New England Puritan"; "a glum, hopeless shrug"; "he sat in moody silence"; "a morose and unsociable manner"; "a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven; "a sour temper"; "a sullen crowd" 01137882 00 s 01 disagreeable 0 001 & 01134769 a 0000 | unpleasant to interact with; "a disagreeable old man" 01137994 00 s 02 huffish 0 sulky 0 006 & 01134769 a 0000 + 07551498 n 0201 + 07551498 n 0202 + 07549401 n 0201 + 04642057 n 0201 + 07549401 n 0102 | sullen or moody 01138161 00 s 02 misanthropic 0 misanthropical 0 004 & 01134769 a 0000 + 10321882 n 0201 + 07546844 n 0201 + 07546844 n 0101 | hating mankind in general 01138316 00 s 02 misogynous 0 misogynistic 0 003 & 01134769 a 0000 + 10322648 n 0201 + 07547064 n 0101 | hating women in particular 01138450 00 s 02 shirty 0 snorty 0 004 & 01134769 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 07128060 n 0202 | (British informal) ill-tempered or annoyed 01138610 00 s 02 shrewish 0 nagging 0 002 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04642866 n 0101 | continually complaining or faultfinding; "a shrewish wife"; "nagging parents" 01138770 00 s 02 snappish 0 snappy 0 002 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04642258 n 0106 | apt to speak irritably; "a snappish tone of voice" 01138902 00 s 02 spoiled 0 spoilt 0 001 & 01134769 a 0000 | having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention; "a spoiled child" 01139067 00 s 02 surly 0 ugly 0 002 & 01134769 a 0000 + 04642258 n 0107 | inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; "a surly waiter"; "an ugly frame of mind" 01139245 00 s 02 vinegary 0 vinegarish 0 001 & 01134769 a 0000 | having a sour disposition; ill-tempered 01139352 00 a 01 graceful 0 009 ^ 00217728 a 0000 ^ 00849357 a 0000 + 05003423 n 0101 ! 01140514 a 0101 & 01139613 a 0000 & 01139832 a 0000 & 01140054 a 0000 & 01140188 a 0000 & 01140290 a 0000 | characterized by beauty of movement, style, form, or execution 01139613 00 s 01 elegant 0 002 & 01139352 a 0000 + 04812636 n 0101 | displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution; "an elegant dancer"; "an elegant mathematical solution -- simple and precise" 01139832 00 s 04 fluent 1 fluid 0 liquid 0 smooth 0 002 & 01139352 a 0000 + 04709011 n 0401 | smooth and unconstrained in movement; "a long, smooth stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a ballerina" 01140054 00 s 01 gainly 0 001 & 01139352 a 0000 | graceful and pleasing; "gainly conduct"; "a gainly youth with dark hair and eyes" 01140188 00 s 02 gracile 0 willowy 0 002 & 01139352 a 0000 + 05003590 n 0102 | slender and graceful 01140290 00 s 08 lissome 0 lissom 0 lithe 0 lithesome 0 slender 0 supple 0 svelte 0 sylphlike 0 005 & 01139352 a 0000 + 05004091 n 0603 + 05002155 n 0501 + 05004091 n 0302 + 05004091 n 0101 | moving and bending with ease 01140514 00 a 01 awkward 0 008 ^ 00063277 a 0000 ^ 00220956 a 0000 + 05648459 n 0101 ! 01139352 a 0101 & 01140896 a 0000 & 01141242 a 0000 & 01141468 a 0000 & 01141595 a 0000 | lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance; "an awkward dancer"; "an awkward gesture"; "too awkward with a needle to make her own clothes"; "his clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot" 01140896 00 s 05 gawky 0 clumsy 0 clunky 0 ungainly 0 unwieldy 0 005 & 01140514 a 0000 + 05004700 n 0402 + 05004294 n 0202 + 10274639 n 0109 + 05004700 n 0101 | lacking grace in movement or posture; "a gawky lad with long ungainly legs"; "clumsy fingers"; "what an ungainly creature a giraffe is"; "heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair" 01141242 00 s 02 graceless 0 ungraceful 0 003 & 01140514 a 0000 + 05004532 n 0202 + 04815624 n 0103 | lacking grace; clumsy; "a graceless production of the play"; "his stature low...his bearing ungraceful"- Sir Walter Scott 01141468 00 s 03 labored 0 laboured 0 strained 0 001 & 01140514 a 0000 | lacking natural ease; "a labored style of debating" 01141595 00 s 01 wooden 0 002 & 01140514 a 0000 + 04815916 n 0101 | lacking ease or grace; "the actor's performance was wooden"; "a wooden smile" 01141743 00 a 01 gracious 0 007 ^ 01074650 a 0000 ^ 01947266 a 0000 + 05003590 n 0101 + 04913568 n 0101 ! 01142349 a 0101 & 01142069 a 0000 & 01142196 a 0000 | characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit; "gracious even to unexpected visitors"; "gracious living"; "he bears insult with gracious good humor" 01142069 00 s 03 elegant 0 graceful 0 refined 0 002 & 01141743 a 0000 + 04812268 n 0101 | suggesting taste, ease, and wealth 01142196 00 s 01 merciful 0 002 & 01141743 a 0000 + 04829282 n 0101 | (used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious; "our merciful king" 01142349 00 a 01 ungracious 0 004 ^ 01949149 a 0000 ! 01141743 a 0101 & 01142595 a 0000 & 01142666 a 0000 | lacking charm and good taste; "an ungracious industrial city"; "this curt summary is not meant to be ungracious"; "ungracious behavior" 01142595 00 s 01 churlish 0 001 & 01142349 a 0000 | rude and boorish 01142666 00 s 02 graceless 0 unpleasing 0 002 & 01142349 a 0000 + 04690933 n 0201 | lacking graciousness; "a totally graceless hostess" 01142804 00 a 01 gradual 1 006 ^ 00980527 a 0000 + 05061805 n 0102 + 05061805 n 0101 ! 01143279 a 0101 & 01143006 a 0000 & 01143138 a 0000 | proceeding in small stages; "a gradual increase in prices" 01143006 00 s 05 bit-by-bit 0 in_small_stages 0 piecemeal 0 step-by-step 0 stepwise 0 001 & 01142804 a 0000 | one thing at a time 01143138 00 s 03 gradational 0 gradatory 0 graduated 0 003 & 01142804 a 0000 + 14429608 n 0101 + 01003729 n 0101 | taking place by degrees 01143279 00 a 01 sudden 0 009 ^ 00976508 a 0000 + 05060476 n 0106 ! 01142804 a 0101 & 01143585 a 0000 & 01143750 a 0000 & 01143855 a 0000 & 01144009 a 0000 & 01144102 a 0000 & 01144230 a 0000 | happening without warning or in a short space of time; "a sudden storm"; "a sudden decision"; "a sudden cure" 01143585 00 s 01 abrupt 0 002 & 01143279 a 0000 + 05060476 n 0101 | exceedingly sudden and unexpected; "came to an abrupt stop"; "an abrupt change in the weather" 01143750 00 s 02 choppy 0 jerky 0 001 & 01143279 a 0000 | marked by abrupt transitions; "choppy prose" 01143855 00 s 01 emergent 0 002 & 01143279 a 0000 + 07417405 n 0101 | occurring unexpectedly and requiring urgent action; "emergent repair of an aorta" 01144009 00 s 01 explosive 0 001 & 01143279 a 0000 | sudden and loud; "an explosive laugh" 01144102 00 s 01 fulminant 0 002 & 01143279 a 0000 + 00425381 v 0101 | sudden and severe; "fulminant pain"; "fulminant fever" 01144230 00 s 01 sharp 0 001 & 01143279 a 0000 | very sudden and in great amount or degree; "a sharp drop in the stock market" 01144359 00 a 01 gradual 2 006 ^ 01234167 a 0000 + 05068716 n 0101 + 05069853 n 0101 ! 01144887 a 0101 & 01144571 a 0000 & 01144730 a 0000 | (of a topographical gradient) not steep or abrupt; "a gradual slope" 01144571 00 s 02 easy 0 gentle 0 003 & 01144359 a 0000 + 05069853 n 0202 + 04708113 n 0102 | marked by moderate steepness; "an easy climb"; "a gentle slope" 01144730 00 s 01 sloping 0 001 & 01144359 a 0000 | having a slanting form or direction; "an area of gently sloping hills"; "a room with a sloping ceiling" 01144887 00 a 01 steep 0 009 ^ 01233347 a 0000 + 05069624 n 0103 ! 01144359 a 0101 & 01145151 a 0000 & 01145422 a 0000 & 01145639 a 0000 & 01145724 a 0000 & 01145862 a 0000 & 01145931 a 0000 | having a sharp inclination; "the steep attic stairs"; "steep cliffs" 01145151 00 s 03 abrupt 0 precipitous 0 sharp 0 004 & 01144887 a 0000 + 05069624 n 0202 + 09398677 n 0201 + 05069624 n 0101 | extremely steep; "an abrupt canyon"; "the precipitous rapids of the upper river"; "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings"; "a sharp drop" 01145422 00 s 03 bluff 0 bold 0 sheer 0 001 & 01144887 a 0000 | very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front; "a bluff headland"; "where the bold chalk cliffs of England rise"; "a sheer descent of rock" 01145639 00 s 01 heavy 0 001 & 01144887 a 0000 | sharply inclined; "a heavy grade" 01145724 00 s 01 perpendicular 0 002 & 01144887 a 0000 + 03917973 n 0101 | extremely steep; "the great perpendicular face of the cliff" 01145862 00 s 01 steepish 0 001 & 01144887 a 0000 | somewhat steep 01145931 00 s 01 steep-sided 0 001 & 01144887 a 0000 | having very steep sides 01146012 00 a 02 grammatical 0 well-formed 4 002 + 06174404 n 0101 ! 01146207 a 0101 | conforming to the rules of grammar or usage accepted by native speakers; "spoke in grammatical sentences" 01146207 00 a 02 ungrammatical 0 ill-formed 4 002 ! 01146012 a 0101 & 01146371 a 0000 | not grammatical; not conforming to the rules of grammar or accepted usage 01146371 00 s 01 incorrect 0 001 & 01146207 a 0000 | (of a word or expression) not agreeing with grammatical principles 01146493 00 a 02 grateful 0 thankful 0 005 + 07504529 n 0202 + 07504529 n 0101 ! 01147044 a 0101 & 01146732 a 0000 & 01146920 a 0000 | feeling or showing gratitude; "a grateful heart"; "grateful for the tree's shade"; "a thankful smile" 01146732 00 s 01 appreciative 0 003 & 01146493 a 0000 + 01805982 v 0101 + 07504529 n 0103 | feeling or expressive of gratitude; "was appreciative of his efforts"; "an appreciative word" 01146920 00 s 01 glad 0 002 & 01146493 a 0000 + 07527167 n 0101 | feeling happy appreciation; "glad of the fire's warmth" 01147044 00 a 03 ungrateful 0 thankless 0 unthankful 0 003 + 07504711 n 0102 ! 01146493 a 0101 & 01147300 a 0000 | not feeling or showing gratitude; "ungrateful heirs"; "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is / To have a thankless child!"- Shakespeare 01147300 00 s 01 unappreciative 0 001 & 01147044 a 0000 | not feeling or expressing gratitude; "unappreciative of nature's bounty" 01147433 00 a 03 haploid 0 haploidic 0 monoploid 0 004 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 01320314 n 0101 ! 01147622 a 0101 ! 01147836 a 0101 | of a cell or organism having a single set of chromosomes 01147622 00 a 01 diploid 0 004 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 01320093 n 0101 ! 01147836 a 0101 ! 01147433 a 0101 | of a cell or organism having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number; "diploid somatic cells" 01147836 00 a 01 polyploid 0 005 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 01320692 n 0101 ! 01147433 a 0101 ! 01147622 a 0101 & 01148086 a 0000 | of a cell or organism having more than twice the haploid number of chromosomes; "a polyploid cell"; "a polyploid species" 01148086 00 s 01 triploid 0 002 & 01147836 a 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 | of a cell or organism having three complete sets of chromosomes; "human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted" 01148283 00 a 01 happy 0 018 ^ 00362467 a 0000 ^ 00588797 a 0000 ^ 01361414 a 0000 ^ 00704609 a 0000 ^ 00908929 a 0000 ^ 00999817 a 0000 ^ 01363613 a 0000 ^ 01366718 a 0000 = 13987423 n 0000 = 07526757 n 0000 + 13987423 n 0101 ! 01149494 a 0101 & 01148764 a 0000 & 01148897 a 0000 & 01149050 a 0000 & 01149195 a 0000 & 01149358 a 0000 + 07526757 n 0101 | enjoying or showing or marked by joy or pleasure; "a happy smile"; "spent many happy days on the beach"; "a happy marriage" 01148764 00 s 01 blessed 0 002 & 01148283 a 0000 + 13987719 n 0101 | characterized by happiness and good fortune; "a blessed time" 01148897 00 s 01 blissful 0 002 & 01148283 a 0000 + 13987905 n 0102 | completely happy and contented; "blissful young lovers"; "in blissful ignorance" 01149050 00 s 01 bright 0 001 & 01148283 a 0000 | characterized by happiness or gladness; "bright faces"; "all the world seems bright and gay" 01149195 00 s 03 golden 0 halcyon 0 prosperous 0 001 & 01148283 a 0000 | marked by peace and prosperity; "a golden era"; "the halcyon days of the clipper trade" 01149358 00 s 02 laughing(a) 0 riant 0 001 & 01148283 a 0000 | showing or feeling mirth or pleasure or happiness; "laughing children" 01149494 00 a 01 unhappy 0 015 ^ 00703109 a 0000 ^ 00589624 a 0000 ^ 00909363 a 0000 ^ 01000881 a 0000 ^ 01368192 a 0000 ^ 01361863 a 0000 ^ 01364008 a 0000 ^ 00364479 a 0000 = 13987423 n 0000 = 07526757 n 0000 + 13988663 n 0101 + 07532440 n 0102 ! 01148283 a 0101 & 01150063 a 0000 & 01150205 a 0000 | experiencing or marked by or causing sadness or sorrow or discontent; "unhappy over her departure"; "unhappy with her raise"; "after the argument they lapsed into an unhappy silence"; "had an unhappy time at school"; "the unhappy (or sad) news"; "he looks so sad" 01150063 00 s 01 lovesick 0 002 & 01149494 a 0000 + 07487493 n 0101 | languishing because of love; "strong men behaving like lovesick boys" 01150205 00 s 03 miserable 0 suffering 0 wretched 0 003 & 01149494 a 0000 + 14448333 n 0302 + 14448333 n 0103 | very unhappy; full of misery; "he felt depressed and miserable"; "a message of hope for suffering humanity"; "wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages" 01150475 00 a 03 regretful 0 sorry 2 bad 9 002 ^ 01743217 a 0000 ! 01150771 a 0101 | feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"; "he felt bad about breaking the vase" 01150771 00 a 02 unregretful 0 unregretting 0 001 ! 01150475 a 0101 | feeling no regret; "was completely unregretful about what had happened" 01150915 00 a 01 hard 1 015 = 04937848 n 0000 ! 01152746 a 0101 & 01151246 a 0000 & 01151335 a 0000 & 01151452 a 0000 & 01151592 a 0000 & 01151740 a 0000 & 01151951 a 0000 & 01152091 a 0000 & 01152189 a 0000 & 01152320 a 0000 & 01152453 a 0000 & 01152521 a 0000 & 01152620 a 0000 + 04937848 n 0101 | resisting weight or pressure 01151246 00 s 01 adamantine 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | having the hardness of a diamond 01151335 00 s 01 al_dente 0 002 & 01150915 a 0000 ;r 08801678 n 0000 | of pasta cooked so as to be firm when eaten 01151452 00 s 03 corneous 0 hornlike 0 horny 0 002 & 01150915 a 0000 + 14758027 n 0301 | made of horn (or of a substance resembling horn) 01151592 00 s 02 tumid 0 erect 0 004 & 01150915 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 14318360 n 0102 + 14318360 n 0101 | of sexual organs; stiff and rigid 01151740 00 s 02 firm 0 solid 0 004 & 01150915 a 0000 + 04941124 n 0202 + 04941124 n 0201 + 04938110 n 0101 | not soft or yielding to pressure; "a firm mattress"; "the snow was firm underfoot"; "solid ground" 01151951 00 s 04 granitic 0 granitelike 0 rocklike 0 stony 0 002 & 01150915 a 0000 + 14890286 n 0101 | hard as granite; "a granitic fist" 01152091 00 s 02 hardened 2 set 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | converted to solid form (as concrete) 01152189 00 s 01 woody 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | made hard like wood as the result of the deposition of lignin in the cell walls 01152320 00 s 02 petrous 0 stonelike 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | (of bone especially the temporal bone) resembling stone in hardness 01152453 00 s 01 semihard 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | somewhat hard 01152521 00 s 01 steely 0 002 & 01150915 a 0000 + 14802450 n 0101 | resembling steel in hardness 01152620 00 s 01 unyielding 0 001 & 01150915 a 0000 | resistant to physical force or pressure; "an unyielding head support" 01152746 00 a 01 soft 1 018 = 04937848 n 0000 + 04938228 n 0101 ! 01150915 a 0101 & 01153141 a 0000 & 01153346 a 0000 & 01153435 a 0000 & 01153595 a 0000 & 01153703 a 0000 & 01153844 a 0000 & 01154030 a 0000 & 01154229 a 0000 & 01154351 a 0000 & 01154500 a 0000 & 01154639 a 0000 & 01154775 a 0000 & 01154886 a 0000 & 01154964 a 0000 & 01155206 a 0000 | yielding readily to pressure or weight 01153141 00 s 03 brushed 0 fleecy 0 napped 0 002 & 01152746 a 0000 + 03362639 n 0201 | (of fabrics) having soft nap produced by brushing; "a dress of brushed cotton"; "a fleecy lining"; "napped fabrics" 01153346 00 s 01 cheeselike 0 001 & 01152746 a 0000 | having the consistency of cheese 01153435 00 s 02 compressible 0 squeezable 0 004 & 01152746 a 0000 + 04938474 n 0202 + 01387786 v 0101 + 04938474 n 0101 | capable of being easily compressed 01153595 00 s 01 cottony 0 002 & 01152746 a 0000 + 14870078 n 0101 | resembling cotton; as soft as cotton 01153703 00 s 03 cushioned 0 cushiony 0 padded 0 002 & 01152746 a 0000 + 03151500 n 0201 | softened by the addition of cushions or padding 01153844 00 s 04 demulcent 0 emollient 0 salving 0 softening 0 003 & 01152746 a 0000 + 03128519 n 0203 + 03174829 n 0101 | having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin 01154030 00 s 04 downy 0 downlike 0 flossy 0 fluffy 0 006 & 01152746 a 0000 + 14757754 n 0401 + 04938838 n 0403 + 03367545 n 0301 + 01896561 n 0101 + 04938838 n 0101 | like down or as soft as down 01154229 00 s 01 flaccid 0 001 & 01152746 a 0000 | drooping without elasticity; wanting in stiffness; "a flaccid penis" 01154351 00 s 03 flocculent 0 woolly 0 wooly 0 003 & 01152746 a 0000 + 02626095 v 0101 + 02625916 v 0101 | having a fluffy character or appearance 01154500 00 s 01 yielding 0 001 & 01152746 a 0000 | lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure; "a deep yielding layer of foam rubber" 01154639 00 s 01 mushy 0 004 & 01152746 a 0000 + 09400826 n 0102 + 07703333 n 0101 + 04939198 n 0101 | having the consistency of mush 01154775 00 s 01 overstuffed 0 001 & 01152746 a 0000 | upholstered thickly and deeply; "an overstuffed sofa" 01154886 00 s 02 softish 0 semisoft 0 001 & 01152746 a 0000 | somewhat soft 01154964 00 s 04 spongy 0 squashy 0 squishy 0 spongelike 0 004 & 01152746 a 0000 + 01906749 n 0101 + 04938474 n 0103 + 04940379 n 0101 | easily squashed; resembling a sponge in having soft porous texture and compressibility; "spongy bread" 01155206 00 s 02 velvet 0 velvety 0 003 & 01152746 a 0000 + 04525038 n 0201 + 04525038 n 0101 | resembling velvet in having a smooth soft surface 01155354 00 a 01 hard 2 009 ^ 00744916 a 0000 ^ 02106761 a 0000 ^ 01507402 a 0000 ^ 02448437 a 0000 + 04844625 n 0104 ! 01156112 a 0101 & 01155603 a 0000 & 01155815 a 0000 & 01155968 a 0000 | dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer"; 01155603 00 s 05 calculating 0 calculative 0 conniving 0 scheming 0 shrewd 0 003 & 01155354 a 0000 + 05621439 n 0501 + 00926472 v 0202 | used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community" 01155815 00 s 03 case-hardened 0 hardened 5 hard-boiled 0 001 & 01155354 a 0000 | used of persons; emotionally hardened; "faced a case-hardened judge" 01155968 00 s 01 steely 0 001 & 01155354 a 0000 | resembling steel as in hardness; "steely eyes"; "steely nerves like those of a steeplejack" 01156112 00 a 01 soft 2 005 ^ 02448889 a 0000 ^ 02533313 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0102 ! 01155354 a 0101 & 01156302 a 0000 | compassionate and kind; conciliatory; "he was soft on his children" 01156302 00 s 01 mellow 0 003 & 01156112 a 0000 + 04958302 n 0101 + 04989015 n 0102 | having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience; "mellow wisdom"; "the peace of mellow age" 01156505 00 a 01 hard 3 002 ! 01156925 a 0101 & 01156750 a 0000 | (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants" 01156750 00 s 01 velar 0 001 & 01156505 a 0000 | produced with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate (as `k' in `cat' and `g' in `gun' and `ng' in `sing') 01156925 00 a 01 soft 3 004 + 04990877 n 0101 ! 01156505 a 0101 & 01157179 a 0000 & 01157494 a 0000 | (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh') 01157179 00 s 05 fricative 0 continuant 0 sibilant 0 spirant 0 strident 0 006 & 01156925 a 0000 + 07118747 n 0301 + 01055404 v 0301 + 01054399 v 0301 + 01053771 v 0304 + 15133488 n 0202 | of speech sounds produced by forcing air through a constricted passage (as `f', `s', `z', or `th' in both `thin' and `then') 01157494 00 s 03 palatal 0 palatalized 0 palatalised 0 002 & 01156925 a 0000 + 07114535 n 0101 | produced with the front of the tongue near or touching the hard palate (as `y') or with the blade of the tongue near the hard palate (as `ch' in `chin' or `j' in `gin') 01157762 00 a 02 hard 5 concentrated 1 001 ! 01157887 a 0101 | (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source 01157887 00 a 03 soft 5 diffuse 0 diffused 0 001 ! 01157762 a 0101 | (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected 01158020 00 a 02 hardhearted 0 heartless 2 004 + 07506149 n 0201 + 07506149 n 0103 ! 01158453 a 0101 & 01158180 a 0000 | lacking in feeling or pity or warmth 01158180 00 s 05 flinty 0 flint 0 granitic 0 obdurate 0 stony 0 004 & 01158020 a 0000 + 11684739 n 0501 + 04629958 n 0501 + 04778114 n 0301 | showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings; "his flinty gaze"; "the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart" 01158453 00 a 02 softhearted 0 soft-boiled 0 002 + 07505347 n 0101 ! 01158020 a 0101 | easily moved to pity or sorrow; "a softhearted judge" 01158596 00 a 01 alcoholic 0 008 + 14708720 n 0101 + 07884567 n 0101 ! 01159531 a 0101 & 01158837 a 0000 & 01158974 a 0000 & 01159119 a 0000 & 01159217 a 0000 & 01159405 a 0000 | characteristic of or containing alcohol; "alcoholic drinks" 01158837 00 s 01 dry 0 001 & 01158596 a 0000 | having a large proportion of strong liquor; "a very dry martini is almost straight gin" 01158974 00 s 02 hard 0 strong 0 001 & 01158596 a 0000 | being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content; "hard liquor" 01159119 00 s 02 intoxicant 0 intoxicating 0 002 & 01158596 a 0000 + 00088532 v 0101 | causing 01159217 00 s 02 spirituous 0 spiritous 0 003 & 01158596 a 0000 + 07901587 n 0202 + 07901587 n 0102 | containing or of the nature of alcohol; "spiritous beverages"; "spirituous liquors" 01159405 00 s 01 wet 0 001 & 01158596 a 0000 | consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor; "a wet cargo"; "a wet canteen" 01159531 00 a 01 nonalcoholic 0 001 ! 01158596 a 0101 | characterized by the absence of alcohol; "nonalcoholic beverages" 01159655 00 a 01 harmless 0 007 ^ 00226618 a 0000 ^ 01611839 a 0000 ^ 02450640 a 0000 ^ 01713095 a 0000 ^ 02057829 a 0000 ! 01160031 a 0101 & 01159907 a 0000 | not causing or capable of causing harm; "harmless bacteria"; "rendered the bomb harmless" 01159907 00 s 02 innocent 0 innocuous 0 001 & 01159655 a 0000 | lacking intent or capacity to injure; "an innocent prank" 01160031 00 a 01 harmful 0 023 ^ 00586183 a 0000 ^ 00065488 a 0000 ^ 00227003 a 0000 ^ 01611067 a 0000 ^ 01628302 a 0000 ^ 01711071 a 0000 ^ 02449430 a 0000 ^ 02559180 a 0000 + 05166072 n 0101 ! 01159655 a 0101 & 01160584 a 0000 & 01160775 a 0000 & 01160880 a 0000 & 01161059 a 0000 & 01161233 a 0000 & 01161635 a 0000 & 01161877 a 0000 & 01161984 a 0000 & 01162267 a 0000 & 01162406 a 0000 & 01162633 a 0000 & 01162817 a 0000 & 01162901 a 0000 | causing or capable of causing harm; "too much sun is harmful to the skin"; "harmful effects of smoking" 01160584 00 s 01 abusive 0 002 & 01160031 a 0000 + 02516594 v 0103 | characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment; "abusive punishment"; "argued...that foster homes are abusive" 01160775 00 s 01 bad 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | capable of harming; "bad air"; "smoking is bad for you" 01160880 00 s 01 bruising 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | causing mental or emotional injury; "a bruising experience"; "protected from the bruising facts of battle"- John Mason Brown 01161059 00 s 03 deleterious 0 hurtful 0 injurious 0 003 & 01160031 a 0000 + 14285662 n 0301 + 05166072 n 0302 | harmful to living things; "deleterious chemical additives" 01161233 00 s 09 calumniatory 0 calumnious 0 defamatory 0 denigrative 0 denigrating 0 denigratory 0 libellous 0 libelous 0 slanderous 0 010 & 01160031 a 0000 + 06720600 n 0901 + 01220336 n 0903 + 06720371 n 0801 + 06720371 n 0701 + 00846509 v 0605 + 00864475 v 0403 + 00846509 v 0301 + 06719579 n 0202 + 01220336 n 0202 | (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign 01161635 00 s 02 catastrophic 2 ruinous 0 003 & 01160031 a 0000 + 14562324 n 0201 + 07335243 n 0201 | extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin; "a catastrophic depression"; "catastrophic illness"; "a ruinous course of action" 01161877 00 s 01 counterproductive 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | tending to hinder the achievement of a goal 01161984 00 s 04 damaging 0 detrimental 0 prejudicial 0 prejudicious 0 002 & 01160031 a 0000 + 07420538 n 0201 | (sometimes followed by `to') causing harm or injury; "damaging to career and reputation"; "the reporter's coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant" 01162267 00 s 01 ill 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | resulting in suffering or adversity; "ill effects"; "it's an ill wind that blows no good" 01162406 00 s 03 insidious 0 pernicious 0 subtle 0 003 & 01160031 a 0000 + 04790942 n 0201 + 05166260 n 0101 | working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way; "glaucoma is an insidious disease"; "a subtle poison" 01162633 00 s 01 mischievous 0 004 & 01160031 a 0000 + 04846533 n 0102 + 00736375 n 0103 + 00736375 n 0101 | deliberately causing harm or damage; "mischievous rumors and falsehoods" 01162817 00 s 01 nocent 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | having a tendency to cause harm 01162901 00 s 02 stabbing 0 wounding 0 001 & 01160031 a 0000 | causing physical or especially psychological injury; "a stabbing remark"; "wounding and false charges of disloyalty" 01163083 00 a 01 harmonious 0 010 ^ 00507464 a 0000 + 07027180 n 0101 + 04984180 n 0101 + 04984351 n 0102 ! 01164072 a 0101 & 01163320 a 0000 & 01163589 a 0000 & 01163759 a 0000 & 01163860 a 0000 & 01163941 a 0000 | musically pleasing 01163320 00 s 05 consonant 0 harmonic 1 harmonical 0 harmonized 0 harmonised 0 008 & 01163083 a 0000 + 13969243 n 0301 + 07027180 n 0301 + 07180183 n 0301 + 04713118 n 0301 + 04984180 n 0301 + 13969243 n 0201 + 04984351 n 0101 | involving or characterized by harmony 01163589 00 s 02 harmonic 2 sympathetic 0 001 & 01163083 a 0000 | relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body; "sympathetic vibration" 01163759 00 s 02 on-key 0 true 0 001 & 01163083 a 0000 | in tune; accurate in pitch; "a true note" 01163860 00 s 01 pure 0 001 & 01163083 a 0000 | free from discordant qualities 01163941 00 s 02 symphonic 0 symphonious 0 001 & 01163083 a 0000 | harmonious in sound; "the symphonic hum of a million insects" 01164072 00 a 02 inharmonious 0 unharmonious 2 006 ^ 00508192 a 0000 + 04984809 n 0102 ! 01163083 a 0101 & 01164250 a 0000 & 01164420 a 0000 & 01164561 a 0000 | not in harmony 01164250 00 s 04 discordant 0 disharmonious 0 dissonant 1 inharmonic 0 004 & 01164072 a 0000 + 04984514 n 0301 + 02718543 v 0103 + 04984698 n 0101 | lacking in harmony 01164420 00 s 03 false 0 off-key 0 sour 0 001 & 01164072 a 0000 | inaccurate in pitch; "a false (or sour) note"; "her singing was off key" 01164561 00 s 02 unresolved 0 dissonant 2 005 & 01164072 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 02135328 v 0201 + 00567604 v 0202 + 05720248 n 0202 | characterized by musical dissonance; harmonically unresolved 01164763 00 a 01 healthful 0 016 ^ 02115324 a 0000 ^ 02557357 a 0000 + 04790070 n 0101 ! 01167817 a 0101 & 01165266 a 0000 & 01165474 a 0000 & 01165665 a 0000 & 01165830 a 0000 & 01165943 a 0000 & 01166314 a 0000 & 01166413 a 0000 & 01166656 a 0000 & 01166875 a 0000 & 01166993 a 0000 & 01167269 a 0000 & 01167540 a 0000 | conducive to good health of body or mind; "a healthful climate"; "a healthful environment"; "healthful nutrition"; "healthful sleep"; "Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance" 01165266 00 s 04 anthelmintic 0 anthelminthic 0 helminthic 0 parasiticidal 0 004 & 01164763 a 0000 + 04528630 n 0304 + 04528630 n 0203 + 04528630 n 0102 | capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms 01165474 00 s 02 antimicrobial 0 antimicrobic 0 003 & 01164763 a 0000 + 03208229 n 0203 + 03208229 n 0104 | capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms 01165665 00 s 02 carminative 0 flatus-relieving 0 002 & 01164763 a 0000 + 02965617 n 0101 | relieving gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping) 01165830 00 s 02 cathartic 2 psychotherapeutic 0 002 & 01164763 a 0000 + 00253395 n 0101 | emotionally purging 01165943 00 s 06 curative 0 healing(p) 0 alterative 0 remedial 0 sanative 0 therapeutic 0 003 & 01164763 a 0000 + 04074482 n 0401 + 00081725 v 0102 | tending to cure or restore to health; "curative powers of herbal remedies"; "her gentle healing hand"; "remedial surgery"; "a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air"; "a therapeutic agent"; "therapeutic diets" 01166314 00 s 01 drugless 0 001 & 01164763 a 0000 | without the use of drugs; "drugless therapy" 01166413 00 s 02 good 0 salutary 0 002 & 01164763 a 0000 + 05142180 n 0102 | tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health; "beneficial effects of a balanced diet"; "a good night's sleep"; "the salutary influence of pure air" 01166656 00 s 02 medicative 0 medicinal 0 004 & 01164763 a 0000 + 03740161 n 0201 + 00084562 v 0101 + 00084230 v 0101 | having the properties of medicine; "medicative drugs"; "medicinal herbs"; "medicinal properties" 01166875 00 s 01 organic 0 001 & 01164763 a 0000 | simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle" 01166993 00 s 01 orthomolecular 0 001 & 01164763 a 0000 | designating or relating to a form of treatment of mental disorders that seeks to restore biochemical balance in the body with large doses of vitamins and minerals; "orthomolecular medicine"; "orthomolecular therapy" 01167269 00 s 03 preventive 0 preventative 0 prophylactic 0 004 & 01164763 a 0000 + 04002026 n 0303 + 01079295 n 0301 + 04002026 n 0101 | preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease; "preventive medicine"; "vaccines are prophylactic"; "a prophylactic drug" 01167540 00 s 02 recuperative 0 restorative 0 006 & 01164763 a 0000 + 04451473 n 0202 + 03111899 n 0202 + 00168588 v 0202 + 00093163 v 0101 + 00092690 v 0101 | promoting recuperation; "recuperative powers"; "strongly recuperative remedies"; "restorative effects of exercise" 01167817 00 a 01 unhealthful 0 010 ^ 02113827 a 0000 ^ 02449430 a 0000 ^ 02559180 a 0000 + 04791740 n 0101 ! 01164763 a 0101 & 01168166 a 0000 & 01168315 a 0000 & 01168434 a 0000 & 01168632 a 0000 & 01168845 a 0000 | detrimental to good health; "unhealthful air pollution"; "unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint" 01168166 00 s 03 crippling 0 disabling 0 incapacitating 0 001 & 01167817 a 0000 | that cripples or disables or incapacitates; "a crippling injury" 01168315 00 s 01 cytopathogenic 0 001 & 01167817 a 0000 | of or relating to or causing pathological changes in cells 01168434 00 s 03 infective 0 morbific 0 pathogenic 0 004 & 01167817 a 0000 + 01386007 n 0301 + 00089750 v 0101 + 00088713 v 0101 | able to cause disease; "infective agents"; "pathogenic bacteria" 01168632 00 s 04 unmedicinal 0 unmedicative 0 unmedical 0 nonmedicinal 0 001 & 01167817 a 0000 | not having a medicinal effect or not medically prescribed; "he took mind-altering drugs for nonmedicinal reasons" 01168845 00 s 01 unhealthy 0 001 & 01167817 a 0000 | not conducive to good health; "an unhealthy diet of fast foods"; "an unhealthy climate" 01168988 00 a 01 medical 0 002 + 06043075 n 0101 ! 01169194 a 0101 | requiring or amenable to treatment by medicine especially as opposed to surgery; "medical treatment"; "pneumonia is a medical disease" 01169194 00 a 02 surgical 0 operative 4 007 + 00083809 v 0202 + 00671351 n 0201 + 06063588 n 0101 + 00671351 n 0102 ! 01168988 a 0101 & 01169533 a 0000 & 01169660 a 0000 | relating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine; "a surgical appendix"; "a surgical procedure"; "operative dentistry" 01169533 00 s 01 preoperative 0 001 & 01169194 a 0000 | happening or done before and in preparation for a surgical operation 01169660 00 s 01 postoperative 0 001 & 01169194 a 0000 | happening or done after a surgical operation; "postoperative complications"; "postoperative care" 01169817 00 a 01 operable 0 001 ! 01169940 a 0101 | capable of being treated by surgical operation; "an operable cancer" 01169940 00 a 01 inoperable 0 001 ! 01169817 a 0101 | not suitable for surgery; "metastasis has rendered the tumor inoperable" 01170069 00 a 01 pyretic 0 001 ! 01170136 a 0101 | causing fever 01170136 00 a 01 antipyretic 0 002 + 02723595 n 0101 ! 01170069 a 0101 | preventing or alleviating fever 01170243 00 a 01 healthy 0 023 ^ 01017161 a 0000 ^ 02037708 a 0000 ^ 02540578 a 0000 ^ 02557357 a 0000 = 14447908 n 0000 + 13923779 n 0101 + 14447908 n 0101 + 14049711 n 0102 ! 01172889 a 0101 & 01170823 a 0000 & 01170984 a 0000 & 01171076 a 0000 & 01171213 a 0000 & 01171396 a 0000 & 01171606 a 0000 & 01171746 a 0000 & 01171955 a 0000 & 01172035 a 0000 & 01172139 a 0000 & 01172394 a 0000 & 01172493 a 0000 & 01172594 a 0000 & 01172692 a 0000 | having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease; "a rosy healthy baby"; "staying fit and healthy" 01170823 00 s 04 flushed 0 rose-cheeked 0 rosy 0 rosy-cheeked 0 003 & 01170243 a 0000 + 14050871 n 0304 + 04977412 n 0302 | having the pinkish flush of health 01170984 00 s 01 bouncing 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | vigorously healthy; "a bouncing baby" 01171076 00 s 01 firm 0 002 & 01170243 a 0000 + 05031849 n 0101 | possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue; "firm muscles" 01171213 00 s 02 good 0 sound 0 002 & 01170243 a 0000 + 05031849 n 0202 | in excellent physical condition; "good teeth"; "I still have one good leg"; "a sound mind in a sound body" 01171396 00 s 02 hale 0 whole 0 003 & 01170243 a 0000 + 14050011 n 0201 + 14050011 n 0102 | exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health; "hale and hearty"; "whole in mind and body"; "a whole person again" 01171606 00 s 01 hearty 1 002 & 01170243 a 0000 + 05030806 n 0104 | consuming abundantly and with gusto; "a hearty (or healthy) appetite" 01171746 00 s 04 hearty 2 full-blooded 0 lusty 0 red-blooded 0 003 & 01170243 a 0000 + 05031012 n 0303 + 05030806 n 0104 | endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health; "a hearty glow of health" 01171955 00 s 01 anicteric 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | not affected by jaundice 01172035 00 s 01 rock-loving 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | of plants that flourish in a rocky environment 01172139 00 s 04 rubicund 0 ruddy 0 florid 0 sanguine 0 002 & 01170243 a 0000 + 04977412 n 0201 | inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life; "a ruddy complexion"; "Santa's rubicund cheeks"; "a fresh and sanguine complexion" 01172394 00 s 01 sun-loving 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | (of plants) flourishing in strong sunlight 01172493 00 s 01 water-loving 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | (of plants) flourishing with lots of water 01172594 00 s 01 well-preserved 0 001 & 01170243 a 0000 | used of older persons who are healthy 01172692 00 s 01 wholesome 0 002 & 01170243 a 0000 + 04789689 n 0101 | sound or exhibiting soundness in body or mind; "exercise develops wholesome appetites"; "a grin on his ugly wholesome face" 01172889 00 a 01 unhealthy 0 039 ^ 02040049 a 0000 ^ 02541302 a 0000 ^ 01017738 a 0000 ^ 02559180 a 0000 = 14447908 n 0000 + 14052046 n 0102 ! 01170243 a 0101 & 01173697 a 0000 & 01173795 a 0000 & 01174048 a 0000 & 01174222 a 0000 & 01174438 a 0000 & 01174565 a 0000 & 01175007 a 0000 & 01175158 a 0000 & 01175298 a 0000 & 01175427 a 0000 & 01175541 a 0000 & 01175636 a 0000 & 01175741 a 0000 & 01175939 a 0000 & 01176057 a 0000 & 01176246 a 0000 & 01176544 a 0000 & 01176695 a 0000 & 01176787 a 0000 & 01176973 a 0000 & 01177105 a 0000 & 01177246 a 0000 & 01177435 a 0000 & 01177556 a 0000 & 01177704 a 0000 & 01177899 a 0000 & 01178024 a 0000 & 01178134 a 0000 & 01178231 a 0000 & 01178345 a 0000 & 01178458 a 0000 & 01178577 a 0000 | not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind; "unhealthy ulcers" 01173697 00 s 01 angry 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | severely inflamed and painful; "an angry sore" 01173795 00 s 05 arthritic 0 creaky 0 rheumatic 0 rheumatoid 0 rheumy 0 005 & 01172889 a 0000 + 10527915 n 0301 + 14186738 n 0303 + 14080210 n 0301 + 14186541 n 0101 | of or pertaining to arthritis; "my creaky old joints"; "rheumy with age and grief" 01174048 00 s 03 asthmatic 0 wheezing 0 wheezy 0 004 & 01172889 a 0000 + 00836407 n 0301 + 14372855 n 0301 + 14145911 n 0101 | relating to breathing with a whistling sound 01174222 00 s 03 bad 0 unfit 0 unsound 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 05160173 n 0301 + 14547369 n 0201 | physically unsound or diseased; "has a bad back"; "a bad heart"; "bad teeth"; "an unsound limb"; "unsound teeth" 01174438 00 s 02 blebby 0 blistery 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 05517837 n 0201 + 05517837 n 0103 | covered with small blisters 01174565 00 s 05 puffy 0 intumescent 0 tumescent 0 tumid 0 turgid 0 008 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14318360 n 0402 + 14318360 n 0401 + 14318210 n 0301 + 00256507 v 0305 + 14317720 n 0202 + 14317720 n 0201 + 14315192 n 0102 | abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas; "hungry children with bloated stomachs"; "he had a grossly distended stomach"; "eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids"; "swollen hands"; "tumescent tissue"; "puffy tumid flesh" 01175007 00 s 01 bloodshot 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | (of an eye) reddened as a result of locally congested blood vessels; inflamed; "bloodshot eyes" 01175158 00 s 03 cankerous 0 ulcerated 0 ulcerous 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14211609 n 0301 + 14212759 n 0101 | having an ulcer or canker 01175298 00 s 02 carbuncled 0 carbuncular 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14183774 n 0201 | afflicted with or resembling a carbuncle 01175427 00 s 01 carious 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 13444513 n 0102 | (of teeth) affected with cavities or decay 01175541 00 s 01 caseous 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | of damaged or necrotic tissue; cheeselike 01175636 00 s 01 chilblained 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | having chilblains; "her poor chilblained hands" 01175741 00 s 03 colicky 0 flatulent 0 gassy 0 005 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14035695 n 0303 + 14035695 n 0202 + 14035695 n 0201 + 14325732 n 0101 | suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal 01175939 00 s 01 cytomegalic 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | of or relating to or characterized by greatly enlarged cells 01176057 00 s 01 dehydrated 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | suffering from excessive loss of water from the body; "fever resulted from becoming dehydrated"; "was dehydrated after the marathon" 01176246 00 s 04 diseased 0 morbid 0 pathologic 0 pathological 0 004 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14204950 n 0401 + 14204950 n 0301 + 04790449 n 0203 | caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes" 01176544 00 s 02 edematous 0 dropsical 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14316714 n 0204 + 14316714 n 0101 | swollen with an excessive accumulation of fluid 01176695 00 s 01 enlarged 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | larger than normal; "enlarged joints" 01176787 00 s 03 foaming 0 foamy 0 frothing 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease; "the rabid animal's frothing mouth" 01176973 00 s 02 gangrenous 0 mortified 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14313440 n 0101 + 11486708 n 0103 | suffering from tissue death 01177105 00 s 01 inflamed 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | resulting from inflammation; hot and swollen and reddened; "eyes inflamed with crying" 01177246 00 s 01 inflammatory 0 003 & 01172889 a 0000 + 00063724 v 0101 + 00063557 v 0101 | characterized or caused by inflammation; "an inflammatory process"; "an inflammatory response" 01177435 00 s 02 ingrowing 0 ingrown 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | growing abnormally into the flesh; "an ingrown toenail" 01177556 00 s 03 jaundiced 0 icteric 0 yellow 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14319684 n 0202 | affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc 01177704 00 s 02 membranous 0 membrane-forming 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 05426243 n 0101 | characterized by formation of a membrane (or something resembling a membrane); "membranous gastritis" 01177899 00 s 01 mental 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | affected by a disorder of the mind; "a mental patient"; "mental illness" 01178024 00 s 02 proinflammatory 0 pro-inflammatory 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | tending to cause inflammation 01178134 00 s 02 sallow 0 sickly 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 04977946 n 0101 | unhealthy looking 01178231 00 s 01 sore-eyed 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | having sore eyes; suffering from pinkeye or conjunctivitis 01178345 00 s 02 sunburned 0 sunburnt 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | suffering from overexposure to direct sunlight 01178458 00 s 01 varicose 0 002 & 01172889 a 0000 + 14573553 n 0101 | abnormally swollen or knotty; "varicose veins" 01178577 00 s 02 windburned 0 windburnt 0 001 & 01172889 a 0000 | suffering from windburn 01178669 00 a 01 dry 6 002 + 14536438 n 0101 ! 01178856 a 0101 | without a mucous or watery discharge; "a dry cough"; "that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose" 01178856 00 a 01 phlegmy 0 002 + 05415815 n 0101 ! 01178669 a 0101 | characterized by phlegm; "a phlegmy discharge" 01178974 00 a 01 heavenly 0 011 ^ 01557903 a 0000 ^ 02055062 a 0000 ^ 01304374 a 0000 ! 01180695 a 0101 & 01179241 a 0000 & 01179345 a 0000 & 01179547 a 0000 & 01179767 a 0000 & 01180084 a 0000 & 01180363 a 0000 & 01180549 a 0000 | of or belonging to heaven or god 01179241 00 s 02 ambrosial 0 ambrosian 0 002 & 01178974 a 0000 + 07610295 n 0101 | worthy of the gods 01179345 00 s 03 celestial 0 ethereal 0 supernal 0 002 & 01178974 a 0000 + 14847103 n 0202 | of heaven or the spirit; "celestial peace"; "ethereal melodies"; "the supernal happiness of a quiet death" 01179547 00 s 02 divine 0 godly 0 003 & 01178974 a 0000 + 09536058 n 0201 + 04827503 n 0201 | emanating from God; "divine judgment"; "divine guidance"; "everything is black or white...satanic or godly"-Saturday Review 01179767 00 s 02 divine 2 godlike 0 002 & 01178974 a 0000 + 09505418 n 0102 | being or having the nature of a god; "the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers"-J.G.Frazier; "the divine will"; "the divine capacity for love"; "'Tis wise to learn; 'tis God-like to create"-J.G.Saxe 01180084 00 s 05 paradisiacal 0 paradisiac 0 paradisaical 0 paradisaic 0 paradisal 0 005 & 01178974 a 0000 + 05628939 n 0501 + 08565506 n 0502 + 08565506 n 0102 + 05628939 n 0101 | relating to or befitting Paradise; "together in that paradisal place"; "paradisiacal innocence" 01180363 00 s 02 providential 0 divine 3 003 & 01178974 a 0000 + 14473917 n 0101 + 01132327 n 0101 | resulting from divine providence; "providential care"; "a providential visitation" 01180549 00 s 04 translunar 0 translunary 0 superlunar 0 superlunary 0 001 & 01178974 a 0000 | unworldly or ethereal; "high translunary dreams" 01180695 00 a 01 earthly 0 011 ^ 01557614 a 0000 ^ 02056880 a 0000 ^ 02577061 a 0000 + 08562067 n 0101 ! 01178974 a 0101 & 01181116 a 0000 & 01181251 a 0000 & 01181329 a 0000 & 01181446 a 0000 & 01181661 a 0000 & 01181904 a 0000 | of or belonging to or characteristic of this earth as distinguished from heaven; "earthly beings"; "believed that our earthly life is all that matters"; "earthly love"; "our earthly home" 01181116 00 s 01 earthborn 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | connected with earthly life; of earthly origin; "earthborn cares and pleasures" 01181251 00 s 01 earthbound 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | confined to the earth 01181329 00 s 01 earthlike 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | resembling or characteristic of earth; "earthlike atmosphere" 01181446 00 s 02 mundane 0 terrene 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly; "not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind"; "so terrene a being as himself" 01181661 00 s 03 sublunar 0 sublunary 0 terrestrial 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | of this earth; "transcendental motives for sublunary actions"; "fleeting sublunary pleasures"; "the nearest to an angelic being that treads this terrestrial ball" 01181904 00 s 01 temporal 0 001 & 01180695 a 0000 | of this earth or world; "temporal joys"; "our temporal existence" 01182024 00 a 01 digestible 0 009 ^ 00828779 a 0000 + 01197338 v 0101 + 00481555 v 0101 + 04997645 n 0102 + 04997645 n 0101 ! 01182747 a 0101 & 01182302 a 0000 & 01182414 a 0000 & 01182554 a 0000 | capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal 01182302 00 s 01 assimilable 0 001 & 01182024 a 0000 | able to be absorbed and incorporated into body tissues 01182414 00 s 01 light 0 001 & 01182024 a 0000 | easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned; "a light diet" 01182554 00 s 01 predigested 0 001 & 01182024 a 0000 | artificially partially digested as by enzymatic action; "predigested foods are a boon for those who are ill or have impaired digestion" 01182747 00 a 01 indigestible 0 009 ^ 00829496 a 0000 + 04997812 n 0102 + 04997812 n 0101 ! 01182024 a 0101 & 01182974 a 0000 & 01183114 a 0000 & 01183274 a 0000 & 01183348 a 0000 & 01183436 a 0000 | digested with difficulty 01182974 00 s 01 flatulent 0 003 & 01182747 a 0000 + 14035695 n 0102 + 14035695 n 0101 | generating excessive gas in the alimentary canal 01183114 00 s 01 heavy 0 001 & 01182747 a 0000 | dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal; "a heavy pudding" 01183274 00 s 01 nondigestible 0 001 & 01182747 a 0000 | not digestible 01183348 00 s 01 undigested 0 001 & 01182747 a 0000 | not digested; "undigested food" 01183436 00 s 01 stodgy 0 001 & 01182747 a 0000 | heavy and starchy and hard to digest; "stodgy food"; "a stodgy pudding served up when everyone was already full" 01183601 00 a 01 headed 1 005 ! 01184261 a 0101 & 01183892 a 0000 & 01183966 a 0000 & 01184085 a 0000 & 01184183 a 0000 | having a head of a specified kind or anything that serves as a head; often used in combination; "headed bolts"; "three-headed Cerberus"; "a cool-headed fighter pilot" 01183892 00 s 01 bicephalous 0 001 & 01183601 a 0000 | having two heads 01183966 00 s 01 burr-headed 0 001 & 01183601 a 0000 | having a head of straight hair cut very short (hence bristly) 01184085 00 s 01 headlike 0 001 & 01183601 a 0000 | having a protuberance that resembles a head 01184183 00 s 01 large-headed 0 001 & 01183601 a 0000 | having a large head 01184261 00 a 01 headless 0 003 ! 01183601 a 0101 & 01184448 a 0000 & 01184584 a 0000 | not having a head or formed without a head ; "the headless horseman"; "brads are headless nails" 01184448 00 s 01 acephalous 0 002 & 01184261 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | lacking a head or a clearly defined head; "acephalous worms" 01184584 00 s 02 beheaded 0 decapitated 0 001 & 01184261 a 0000 | having had the head cut off; "the beheaded prisoners" 01184706 00 a 01 headed 2 001 ! 01184825 a 0101 | having a heading or caption; "a headed column"; "headed notepaper" 01184825 00 a 01 unheaded 0 001 ! 01184706 a 0101 | not having a heading or caption; "unheaded sections" 01184932 00 a 01 heavy 1 010 = 05026843 n 0000 + 05027529 n 0101 ! 01186408 a 0101 & 01185264 a 0000 & 01185417 a 0000 & 01185636 a 0000 & 01185775 a 0000 & 01185916 a 0000 & 01186107 a 0000 & 01186207 a 0000 | of comparatively great physical weight or density; "a heavy load"; "lead is a heavy metal"; "heavy mahogany furniture" 01185264 00 s 01 dense 0 003 & 01184932 a 0000 + 04941453 n 0102 + 04941453 n 0101 | having high relative density or specific gravity; "dense as lead" 01185417 00 s 02 doughy 0 soggy 0 003 & 01184932 a 0000 + 14536331 n 0201 + 07860988 n 0101 | having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking; "the cake fell; it's a doughy mess" 01185636 00 s 01 heavier-than-air 0 002 & 01184932 a 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 | relating to an aircraft heavier than the air it displaces 01185775 00 s 01 hefty 0 003 & 01184932 a 0000 + 05027837 n 0101 + 05027837 n 0102 | of considerable weight and size; "a hefty dictionary" 01185916 00 s 01 massive 0 002 & 01184932 a 0000 + 05027837 n 0103 | consisting of great mass; containing a great quantity of matter; "Earth is the most massive of the terrestrial planets" 01186107 00 s 01 non-buoyant 0 001 & 01184932 a 0000 | tending to sink in a liquid or fall in air 01186207 00 s 01 ponderous 0 003 & 01184932 a 0000 + 05027837 n 0104 + 05027837 n 0105 | having great mass and weight and unwieldiness; "a ponderous stone"; "a ponderous burden"; "ponderous weapons" 01186408 00 a 01 light 1 008 = 05026843 n 0000 + 05028700 n 0101 ! 01184932 a 0101 & 01186733 a 0000 & 01186913 a 0000 & 01187072 a 0000 & 01187322 a 0000 & 01187503 a 0000 | of comparatively little physical weight or density; "a light load"; "magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C" 01186733 00 s 01 lightweight 0 001 & 01186408 a 0000 | weighing relatively little compared with another item or object of similar use; "a lightweight fabric"; "lightweight wood" 01186913 00 s 01 airy 0 002 & 01186408 a 0000 + 05028963 n 0101 | having little or no perceptible weight; so light as to resemble air; "airy gauze curtains" 01187072 00 s 02 buoyant 0 floaty 0 005 & 01186408 a 0000 + 03364340 n 0201 + 05028963 n 0102 + 01904795 v 0101 + 01218512 v 0101 | tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas; "buoyant balloons"; "buoyant balsawood boats"; "a floaty scarf" 01187322 00 s 01 lighter-than-air 0 002 & 01186408 a 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 | relating to a balloon or other aircraft that flies because it weighs less than the air it displaces 01187503 00 s 01 low-density(p) 0 001 & 01186408 a 0000 | having low relative density or specific gravity 01187611 00 a 01 weighty 0 003 + 05027529 n 0102 + 05026843 n 0101 ! 01187777 a 0101 | having relatively great weight; heavy; "a weighty load"; "a weighty package" 01187777 00 a 01 weightless 0 002 + 05028700 n 0102 ! 01187611 a 0101 | having little or no weight or apparent gravitational pull; light; "floating freely in a weightless condition"; "a baby bat...fluffy and weightless as a moth"; "jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric" 01188058 00 a 01 light-duty 0 002 ! 01188328 a 0101 & 01188186 a 0000 | not designed for heavy work; "a light-duty detergent" 01188186 00 s 01 light 0 001 & 01188058 a 0000 | designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight; "light aircraft"; "a light truck" 01188328 00 a 01 heavy-duty 0 003 ! 01188058 a 0101 & 01188491 a 0000 & 01188648 a 0000 | designed for heavy work; "a heavy-duty detergent"; "heavy-duty gloves" 01188491 00 s 01 heavy 0 001 & 01188328 a 0000 | large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work; "a heavy truck"; "heavy machinery" 01188648 00 s 01 industrial 0 001 & 01188328 a 0000 | suitable to stand up to hard wear; "industrial carpeting" 01188762 00 a 01 heavy 2 007 + 07532945 n 0101 ! 01190316 a 0101 & 01189109 a 0000 & 01189386 a 0000 & 01189853 a 0000 & 01189998 a 0000 & 01190168 a 0000 | marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness; "a heavy heart"; "a heavy schedule"; "heavy news"; "a heavy silence"; "heavy eyelids" 01189109 00 s 03 burdensome 0 onerous 0 taxing 0 003 & 01188762 a 0000 + 04711031 n 0203 + 04711031 n 0101 | not easily borne; wearing; "the burdensome task of preparing the income tax return"; "my duties weren't onerous; I only had to greet the guests"; "a taxing schedule" 01189386 00 s 07 distressing 0 distressful 0 disturbing 0 perturbing 0 troubling 0 worrisome 0 worrying 0 002 & 01188762 a 0000 + 05037197 n 0202 | causing distress or worry or anxiety; "distressing (or disturbing) news"; "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation"; "a disturbing amount of crime"; "a revelation that was most perturbing"; "a new and troubling thought"; "in a particularly worrisome predicament"; "a worrying situation"; "a worrying time" 01189853 00 s 02 leaden 0 weighted 0 001 & 01188762 a 0000 | made heavy or weighted down with weariness; "his leaden arms"; "weighted eyelids" 01189998 00 s 01 oppressive 0 002 & 01188762 a 0000 + 04711031 n 0104 | weighing heavily on the senses or spirit; "the atmosphere was oppressive"; "oppressive sorrows" 01190168 00 s 01 weighty 0 002 & 01188762 a 0000 + 07538812 n 0101 | weighing heavily on the spirit; causing anxiety or worry; "weighty problems" 01190316 00 a 01 light 2 003 + 07527656 n 0103 ! 01188762 a 0101 & 01190484 a 0000 | psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles; "a light heart" 01190484 00 s 02 fooling 0 casual 2 002 & 01190316 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0201 | characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility; "a broken back is nothing to be casual about; it is no fooling matter" 01190683 00 a 01 heavy 3 003 + 04711031 n 0102 ! 01190993 a 0101 & 01190916 a 0000 | unusually great in degree or quantity or number; "heavy taxes"; "a heavy fine"; "heavy casualties"; "heavy losses"; "heavy rain"; "heavy traffic" 01190916 00 s 01 harsh 0 001 & 01190683 a 0000 | severe; "a harsh penalty" 01190993 00 a 01 light 3 001 ! 01190683 a 0101 | not great in degree or quantity or number; "a light sentence"; "a light accent"; "casualties were light"; "light snow was falling"; "light misty rain"; "light smoke from the chimney" 01191227 00 a 01 heavy 7 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05027529 n 0101 ! 01191448 a 0101 | (physics, chemistry) being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight; "heavy hydrogen"; "heavy water" 01191448 00 a 01 light 7 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01191227 a 0101 | (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average; "light water is ordinary water" 01191618 00 a 01 heavy 8 002 ! 01191876 a 0101 & 01191780 a 0000 | of great intensity or power or force; "a heavy blow"; "the fighting was heavy"; "heavy seas" 01191780 00 s 01 big 0 001 & 01191618 a 0000 | marked by intense physical force; "a big wind" 01191876 00 a 01 light 8 002 ! 01191618 a 0101 & 01192035 a 0000 | of little intensity or power or force; "the light touch of her fingers"; "a light breeze" 01192035 00 s 03 easy 0 gentle 0 soft 0 002 & 01191876 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0201 | having little impact; "an easy pat on the shoulder"; "gentle rain"; "a gentle breeze"; "a soft (or light) tapping at the window" 01192248 00 a 01 light-footed 0 002 ! 01192639 a 0101 & 01192393 a 0000 | (of movement) having a light and springy step; "a light-footed girl" 01192393 00 s 03 light 0 lightsome 0 tripping 0 003 & 01192248 a 0000 + 05003850 n 0204 + 05003850 n 0103 | moving easily and quickly; nimble; "the dancer was light and graceful"; "a lightsome buoyant step"; "walked with a light tripping step" 01192639 00 a 01 heavy-footed 0 002 ! 01192248 a 0101 & 01192786 a 0000 | (of movement) lacking ease or lightness; "his tired heavy-footed walk" 01192786 00 s 03 heavy 0 lumbering 0 ponderous 0 002 & 01192639 a 0000 + 05027837 n 0304 | slow and laborious because of weight; "the heavy tread of tired troops"; "moved with a lumbering sag-bellied trot"; "ponderous prehistoric beasts"; "a ponderous yawn" 01193046 00 a 01 light 4 002 ! 01193373 a 0101 & 01193275 a 0000 | of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment; "light infantry"; "light cavalry"; "light industry"; "light weapons" 01193275 00 s 02 light-armed 0 lightly-armed 0 001 & 01193046 a 0000 | armed with light weapons 01193373 00 a 01 heavy 4 001 ! 01193046 a 0101 | of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment; "heavy artillery"; "heavy infantry"; "a heavy cruiser"; "heavy guns"; "heavy industry involves large-scale production of basic products (such as steel) used by other industries" 01193714 00 a 02 heedless 0 unheeding 0 006 = 05702726 n 0000 + 05706375 n 0102 + 04894204 n 0101 ! 01194483 a 0101 & 01194099 a 0000 & 01194328 a 0000 | marked by or paying little heed or attention; "We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics"--Franklin D. Roosevelt; "heedless of danger"; "heedless of the child's crying" 01194099 00 s 02 careless(p) 1 regardless 0 002 & 01193714 a 0000 + 04664964 n 0101 | (usually followed by `of') without due thought or consideration; "careless of the consequences"; "crushing the blooms with regardless tread" 01194328 00 s 02 deaf(p) 1 indifferent(p) 0 001 & 01193714 a 0000 | (usually followed by `to') unwilling or refusing to pay heed; "deaf to her warnings" 01194483 00 a 04 heedful 0 attentive 4 thoughtful 4 paying_attention 0 006 = 05702726 n 0000 + 04660536 n 0301 + 02170427 v 0201 + 04662951 n 0201 + 04663763 n 0102 ! 01193714 a 0101 | taking heed; giving close and thoughtful attention; "heedful of the warnings"; "so heedful a writer"; "heedful of what they were doing" 01194806 00 a 01 enabling 0 003 ! 01195341 a 0101 & 01194974 a 0000 & 01195128 a 0000 | providing legal power or sanction; "an enabling resolution"; "enabling power" 01194974 00 s 01 facultative 0 001 & 01194806 a 0000 | granting a privilege or permission or power to do or not do something; "a facultative enactment" 01195128 00 s 02 sanctionative 0 sanctioning 0 002 & 01194806 a 0000 + 02479154 v 0101 | implying sanction or serving to sanction; "the guardian's duties were primarily sanctionative rather than administrative" 01195341 00 a 02 disabling 0 disqualifying 0 001 ! 01194806 a 0101 | depriving of legal right; rendering legally disqualified; "certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship" 01195536 00 a 01 helpful 0 019 ^ 00020787 a 0000 ^ 00619972 a 0000 ^ 00866471 a 0000 ^ 02495922 a 0000 + 05149695 n 0101 ! 01198019 a 0101 & 01195963 a 0000 & 01196098 a 0000 & 01196276 a 0000 & 01196367 a 0000 & 01196484 a 0000 & 01196648 a 0000 & 01196775 a 0000 & 01197024 a 0000 & 01197207 a 0000 & 01197386 a 0000 & 01197634 a 0000 & 01197737 a 0000 & 01197899 a 0000 | providing assistance or serving a useful function 01195963 00 s 01 accommodating 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | obliging; willing to do favors; "made a special effort to be accommodating" 01196098 00 s 01 adjuvant 0 003 & 01195536 a 0000 ;c 06054892 n 0000 + 02680947 n 0101 | enhancing the action of a medical treatment; "the adjuvant action of certain bacteria" 01196276 00 s 01 assistive 0 002 & 01195536 a 0000 + 02547586 v 0102 | giving assistance 01196367 00 s 01 face-saving 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | maintaining dignity or prestige; "a face-saving compromise" 01196484 00 s 01 facilitative 0 002 & 01195536 a 0000 + 00518395 v 0101 | freeing from difficulty or impediment; "facilitative changes in the economic structure" 01196648 00 s 01 facilitatory 0 002 & 01195536 a 0000 + 01757338 v 0101 | inducing or aiding in facilitating neural activity 01196775 00 s 03 implemental 0 instrumental 0 subservient 0 006 & 01195536 a 0000 + 02548588 v 0301 + 00173761 n 0201 + 05150458 n 0201 + 03575240 n 0201 + 03563967 n 0101 | serving or acting as a means or aid; "instrumental in solving the crime" 01197024 00 s 02 laborsaving 0 laboursaving 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | designed to replace or conserve human and especially manual labor; "laborsaving devices like washing machines" 01197207 00 s 01 ministrant 0 002 & 01195536 a 0000 + 02549392 v 0101 | giving practical help to; "a ministering angel"; "the angels ministrant sang"; "the attending physician" 01197386 00 s 02 reformative 0 reformatory 0 006 & 01195536 a 0000 + 04069777 n 0201 + 00384620 v 0201 + 00167934 v 0201 + 00384620 v 0101 + 00265386 v 0101 | tending to reform; "reformative and rehabilitative agencies"; "reformatory punishment" 01197634 00 s 01 right-hand 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | most helpful and reliable; "my right-hand man" 01197737 00 s 02 stabilizing 0 stabilising 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | causing to become stable; "the family is one of the great stabilizing elements in society" 01197899 00 s 01 steadying 0 001 & 01195536 a 0000 | causing to become steady; "had a steadying effect on her nerves" 01198019 00 a 01 unhelpful 0 006 ^ 00867213 a 0000 ^ 00620585 a 0000 + 04845863 n 0101 ! 01195536 a 0101 & 01198188 a 0000 & 01198356 a 0000 | providing no assistance 01198188 00 s 01 unaccommodating 0 001 & 01198019 a 0000 | offering no assistance; "rudely unaccommodating to the customers"; "icily neutral, disagreeably unhelpful" 01198356 00 s 01 unconstructive 0 001 & 01198019 a 0000 | not constructive 01198433 00 a 01 heterodactyl 0 001 ! 01198586 a 0101 | (of bird feet) having the first and second toes directed backward the third and fourth forward 01198586 00 a 01 zygodactyl 0 001 ! 01198433 a 0101 | (of bird feet) having the first and fourth toes directed backward the second and third forward 01198737 00 a 02 heterogeneous 0 heterogenous 1 009 ^ 02064745 a 0000 ^ 00783129 a 0000 ^ 02506555 a 0000 + 04751098 n 0102 + 04751098 n 0101 ! 01199751 a 0101 & 01199083 a 0000 & 01199476 a 0000 & 01199663 a 0000 | consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature; "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous" 01199083 00 s 05 assorted 0 miscellaneous 0 mixed 0 motley 0 sundry(a) 0 002 & 01198737 a 0000 + 08398773 n 040a | consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds; "an arrangement of assorted spring flowers"; "assorted sizes"; "miscellaneous accessories"; "a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music"; "a motley crew"; "sundry sciences commonly known as social"- I.A.Richards 01199476 00 s 01 disparate 0 003 & 01198737 a 0000 + 04750414 n 0101 + 04752530 n 0101 | including markedly dissimilar elements; "a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers" 01199663 00 s 02 inhomogeneous 0 nonuniform 0 001 & 01198737 a 0000 | not homogeneous 01199751 00 a 02 homogeneous 0 homogenous 0 012 ^ 02062670 a 0000 ^ 00783675 a 0000 ^ 01966488 a 0000 + 04744161 n 0201 + 04744161 n 0101 + 04745679 n 0102 + 04745679 n 0101 ! 01198737 a 0101 & 01200095 a 0000 & 01200339 a 0000 & 01200491 a 0000 & 01200617 a 0000 | all of the same or similar kind or nature; "a close-knit homogeneous group" 01200095 00 s 02 consistent 0 uniform 0 004 & 01199751 a 0000 + 04745370 n 0202 + 04769049 n 0201 + 04745370 n 0201 | the same throughout in structure or composition; "bituminous coal is often treated as a consistent and homogeneous product" 01200339 00 s 01 solid 0 002 & 01199751 a 0000 + 04761212 n 0103 | of one substance or character throughout; "solid gold"; "carved out of solid rock" 01200491 00 s 03 solid 3 self-colored 0 self-coloured 0 001 & 01199751 a 0000 | of the same color throughout; "solid color" 01200617 00 s 02 homogenized 0 homogenised 0 001 & 01199751 a 0000 | made homogeneous 01200705 00 a 01 homozygous 0 003 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 14569337 n 0101 ! 01200915 a 0101 | having identical alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci; "these two fruit flies are homozygous for red eye color" 01200915 00 a 01 heterozygous 0 003 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 14569508 n 0101 ! 01200705 a 0101 | having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci; "heterozygous for eye color" 01201100 00 a 01 heterosexual 0 006 = 00844254 n 0000 + 10173895 n 0101 + 00857664 n 0101 ! 01201422 a 0101 ! 01203147 a 0101 & 01201298 a 0000 | sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex 01201298 00 s 01 straight 0 004 & 01201100 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10173895 n 0104 + 00857664 n 0103 | not homosexual 01201422 00 a 01 homosexual 0 014 = 00844254 n 0000 + 10182913 n 0101 + 00856847 n 0101 ! 01203147 a 0101 ! 01201100 a 0101 & 01201758 a 0000 & 01201937 a 0000 & 01202105 a 0000 & 01202212 a 0000 & 01202367 a 0000 & 01202514 a 0000 & 01202634 a 0000 & 01202813 a 0000 & 01202994 a 0000 | sexually attracted to members of your own sex 01201758 00 s 01 butch 0 003 & 01201422 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 + 09883947 n 0101 | (of male or female homosexuals) characterized by stereotypically male traits or appearance 01201937 00 s 03 gay 0 queer 0 homophile(a) 0 004 & 01201422 a 0000 + 00856847 n 0204 + 10182913 n 0104 + 00856847 n 0105 | homosexual or arousing homosexual desires 01202105 00 s 01 homoerotic 0 002 & 01201422 a 0000 + 00856847 n 0103 | of or concerning homosexual love 01202212 00 s 02 lesbian 0 sapphic 0 002 & 01201422 a 0000 + 10254965 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by homosexual relations between woman 01202367 00 s 02 pederastic 0 paederastic 0 003 & 01201422 a 0000 + 10411867 n 0202 + 10411867 n 0101 | of homosexuality between a man and a boy 01202514 00 s 02 transgender 0 transgendered 0 001 & 01201422 a 0000 | involving a partial or full reversal of gender 01202634 00 s 01 transsexual(a) 0 003 & 01201422 a 0000 + 10725893 n 0101 + 10725734 n 0101 | overwhelmingly desirous of being, or completely identifying with, the opposite sex 01202813 00 s 02 transvestic 0 transvestite 0 003 & 01201422 a 0000 + 10726031 n 0201 + 10726031 n 0101 | receiving sexual gratification from wearing clothing of the opposite sex 01202994 00 s 01 tribadistic 0 002 & 01201422 a 0000 + 00857530 n 0101 | of female homosexual behavior that attempts to simulate heterosexual behavior 01203147 00 a 01 bisexual 0 004 + 09857007 n 0101 + 00857160 n 0101 ! 01201100 a 0101 ! 01201422 a 0101 | sexually attracted to both sexes 01203288 00 a 03 hierarchical 0 hierarchal 0 hierarchic 0 006 + 08377806 n 0101 ! 01204318 a 0101 & 01203703 a 0000 & 01203873 a 0000 & 01203986 a 0000 & 01204142 a 0000 | classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers; "it has been said that only a hierarchical society with a leisure class at the top can produce works of art"; "in her hierarchical set of values honesty comes first" 01203703 00 s 02 class-conscious 0 stratified 0 001 & 01203288 a 0000 | (used of society) socially hierarchical; "American society is becoming increasingly stratified" 01203873 00 s 01 gradable 0 001 & 01203288 a 0000 | capable of being graded (for quality or rank or size etc.) 01203986 00 s 03 graded 0 ranked 0 stratified 2 001 & 01203288 a 0000 | arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks; "stratified areas of the distribution" 01204142 00 s 01 vertical 0 001 & 01203288 a 0000 | of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy (as levels of social class or income group); "vertical social mobility" 01204318 00 a 02 nonhierarchical 0 nonhierarchic 0 002 ! 01203288 a 0101 & 01204443 a 0000 | not classified hierarchically 01204443 00 s 03 ungraded 0 unordered 0 unranked 0 001 & 01204318 a 0000 | not arranged in order hierarchically 01204557 00 a 01 high 1 016 ^ 02385102 a 0000 ^ 02439949 a 0000 ^ 02490170 a 0000 = 05137165 n 0000 + 08584618 n 0101 + 05097536 n 0101 + 05137402 n 0101 ! 01206474 a 0101 & 01205131 a 0000 & 01205232 a 0000 & 01205473 a 0000 & 01205746 a 0000 & 01205886 a 0000 & 01206046 a 0000 & 01206164 a 0000 & 01206318 a 0000 | (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high" 01205131 00 s 01 altitudinous 0 002 & 01204557 a 0000 + 05131647 n 0101 | indefinitely high; lofty 01205232 00 s 03 commanding 0 dominating 0 overlooking 0 001 & 01204557 a 0000 | used of a height or viewpoint; "a commanding view of the ocean"; "looked up at the castle dominating the countryside"; "the balcony overlooking the ballroom" 01205473 00 s 04 eminent 0 lofty 0 soaring 0 towering 0 003 & 01204557 a 0000 + 04729984 n 0203 + 05137402 n 0202 | of imposing height; especially standing out above others; "an eminent peak"; "lofty mountains"; "the soaring spires of the cathedral"; "towering icebergs" 01205746 00 s 02 high-level 0 high-altitude 0 001 & 01204557 a 0000 | occurring at or from a relative high altitude; "high-level bombing" 01205886 00 s 02 high-stepped 0 high-stepping 0 001 & 01204557 a 0000 | having or moving with a high step; "his high-stepped stride"; "a high-stepping horse" 01206046 00 s 02 high-top 0 high-topped 0 001 & 01204557 a 0000 | (of shoes or boots) having relatively high uppers 01206164 00 s 01 steep 0 002 & 01204557 a 0000 + 05069624 n 0103 | of a slope; set at a high angle; "note the steep incline"; "a steep roof sheds snow" 01206318 00 s 01 upper 0 001 & 01204557 a 0000 | higher in place or position; "the upper bunk"; "in the upper center of the picture"; "the upper stories" 01206474 00 a 01 low 1 013 ^ 02491961 a 0000 ^ 02340213 a 0000 ^ 02386612 a 0000 = 05137165 n 0000 + 05137557 n 0101 ! 01204557 a 0101 & 01206916 a 0000 & 01207007 a 0000 & 01207145 a 0000 & 01207282 a 0000 & 01207423 a 0000 & 01207546 a 0000 & 01207697 a 0000 | literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow" 01206916 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | with head or back bent low; "a deep bow" 01207007 00 s 03 low-growing 0 flat-growing 0 ground-hugging 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | of plants that grow relatively low to the ground 01207145 00 s 02 low-level 0 low-altitude 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | occurring at a relatively low altitude; "a low-level strafing run" 01207282 00 s 01 low-lying 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level; "low-lying clouds" 01207423 00 s 02 lowset 0 low-set 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | lower than average; "lowset ears"; "a stocky low-set animal" 01207546 00 s 02 nether 0 under 0 001 & 01206474 a 0000 | located below or beneath something else; "nether garments"; "the under parts of a machine" 01207697 00 s 02 squat 0 underslung 0 002 & 01206474 a 0000 + 05137778 n 0101 | having a low center of gravity; built low to the ground 01207835 00 a 01 raised 0 004 ! 01208352 a 0101 & 01208044 a 0000 & 01208146 a 0000 & 01208221 a 0000 | located or moved above the surround or above the normal position; "a raised design"; "raised eyebrows" 01208044 00 s 01 elevated 0 001 & 01207835 a 0000 | raised above the ground; "an elevated platform" 01208146 00 s 01 up 0 001 & 01207835 a 0000 | open; "the windows are up" 01208221 00 s 02 upraised 0 lifted 0 001 & 01207835 a 0000 | held up in the air; "stood with arms upraised"; "her upraised flag" 01208352 00 a 01 lowered 0 002 ! 01207835 a 0101 & 01208492 a 0000 | below the surround or below the normal position; "with lowered eyes" 01208492 00 s 01 down 0 001 & 01208352 a 0000 | shut; "the shades were down" 01208571 00 a 02 high-tech 0 hi-tech 0 003 + 00950858 n 0101 ! 01208919 a 0101 & 01208738 a 0000 | resembling or making use of highly advanced technology or devices 01208738 00 s 02 advanced 0 sophisticated 0 001 & 01208571 a 0000 | ahead in development; complex or intricate; "advanced technology"; "a sophisticated electronic control system" 01208919 00 a 01 low-tech 0 001 ! 01208571 a 0101 | not involving high technology 01209003 00 a 01 necked 0 005 ! 01209679 a 0101 & 01209210 a 0000 & 01209351 a 0000 & 01209470 a 0000 & 01209542 a 0000 | having a neck or having a neck especially as specified (often used in combination) 01209210 00 s 03 decollete 0 low-cut 0 low-necked 0 001 & 01209003 a 0000 | (of a garment) having a low-cut neckline; "a low-cut neckline" 01209351 00 s 01 high-necked 0 001 & 01209003 a 0000 | (of a garment) having a high neckline; "a high-necked blouse" 01209470 00 s 01 necklike 0 001 & 01209003 a 0000 | resembling a neck 01209542 00 s 01 throated 0 002 & 01209003 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having a throat as specified; "deep-throated"; "white-throated" 01209679 00 a 01 neckless 0 001 ! 01209003 a 0101 | lacking or apparently lacking a neck 01209770 00 a 01 ceilinged 0 004 ! 01210300 a 0101 & 01209984 a 0000 & 01210080 a 0000 & 01210174 a 0000 | provided with a ceiling especially the overhead interior surface; "the large beam-ceilinged living room" 01209984 00 s 01 high-ceilinged 0 001 & 01209770 a 0000 | having a higher than normal ceiling 01210080 00 s 01 low-ceilinged 0 001 & 01209770 a 0000 | having a lower than normal ceiling 01210174 00 s 01 raftered 0 001 & 01209770 a 0000 | having the rafters especially having them visible; "a raftered ceiling" 01210300 00 a 01 floored 0 001 ! 01209770 a 0101 | provided with a floor 01210375 00 a 01 low-sudsing 0 001 ! 01210477 a 0101 | (used of e.g. detergents) producing few suds 01210477 00 a 01 high-sudsing 0 001 ! 01210375 a 0101 | (used of e.g. detergents) producing many suds 01210581 00 a 01 low-interest 0 001 ! 01210717 a 0101 | (used of loans) charging a relatively small percentage of the amount borrowed 01210717 00 a 01 high-interest 0 001 ! 01210581 a 0101 | (used of loans) charging a relatively large percentage of the amount borrowed 01210854 00 a 01 high 2 011 ^ 02338615 a 0000 = 05093890 n 0000 + 05097361 n 0101 ! 01212469 a 0101 & 01211296 a 0000 & 01211531 a 0000 & 01211665 a 0000 & 01211828 a 0000 & 01211962 a 0000 & 01212095 a 0000 & 01212346 a 0000 | greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself" 01211296 00 s 01 advanced 2 001 & 01210854 a 0000 | at a higher level in training or knowledge or skill; "an advanced degree"; "an advanced text in physics"; "special seminars for small groups of advanced students at the University" 01211531 00 s 02 broad(a) 0 full(a) 0 001 & 01210854 a 0000 | being at a peak or culminating point; "broad daylight"; "full summer" 01211665 00 s 02 graduate(a) 0 postgraduate 0 002 & 01210854 a 0000 + 10141109 n 0203 | of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree; "graduate courses" 01211828 00 s 01 higher(a) 1 001 & 01210854 a 0000 | of education beyond the secondary level; "higher education"; "higher learning" 01211962 00 s 01 higher(a) 2 001 & 01210854 a 0000 | advanced in complexity or elaboration; "higher finance"; "higher mathematics" 01212095 00 s 02 last 0 utmost 0 002 & 01210854 a 0000 + 05124928 n 0201 | highest in extent or degree; "to the last measure of human endurance"; "whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was...to be determined individually" 01212346 00 s 01 soaring 0 001 & 01210854 a 0000 | ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual; "soaring prices" 01212469 00 a 01 low 2 008 ^ 02340213 a 0000 = 05093890 n 0000 + 05097845 n 0101 ! 01210854 a 0101 & 01212732 a 0000 & 01212867 a 0000 & 01213000 a 0000 & 01213090 a 0000 | less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low" 01212732 00 s 03 debased 0 devalued 0 degraded 0 001 & 01212469 a 0000 | lowered in value; "the dollar is low"; "a debased currency" 01212867 00 s 02 depressed 0 down(p) 0 001 & 01212469 a 0000 | lower than previously; "the market is depressed"; "prices are down" 01213000 00 s 01 low-level 0 001 & 01212469 a 0000 | not intense; "low-level radiation" 01213090 00 s 02 reduced 0 rock-bottom 0 001 & 01212469 a 0000 | well below normal (especially in price) 01213197 00 a 02 high 3 high-pitched 0 014 = 04985198 n 0000 ! 01215421 a 0101 & 01213550 a 0000 & 01213721 a 0000 & 01213786 a 0000 & 01213961 a 0000 & 01214115 a 0000 & 01214255 a 0000 & 01214430 a 0000 & 01214606 a 0000 & 01214842 a 0000 & 01215028 a 0000 & 01215136 a 0000 & 01215263 a 0000 | used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency 01213550 00 s 03 adenoidal 0 pinched 0 nasal 0 003 & 01213197 a 0000 + 07119211 n 0302 + 04989362 n 0301 | sounding as if the nose were pinched; "a whining nasal voice" 01213721 00 s 01 altissimo 0 001 & 01213197 a 0000 | very high 01213786 00 s 01 alto 1 003 & 01213197 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 04986637 n 0101 | (of a musical instrument) second highest member of a group; "alto clarinet or recorder" 01213961 00 s 02 countertenor 0 alto 2 002 & 01213197 a 0000 + 06872785 n 0202 | of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor 01214115 00 s 01 falsetto 0 002 & 01213197 a 0000 + 05127357 n 0101 | artificially high; above the normal voice range; "a falsetto voice" 01214255 00 s 02 peaky 0 spiky 0 002 & 01213197 a 0000 + 13653902 n 0102 | having or as if having especially high-pitched spots; "absence of peaky highs and beefed-up bass" 01214430 00 s 02 shrill 0 sharp 0 002 & 01213197 a 0000 + 04990021 n 0101 | having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones ; "a shrill whistle"; "a shrill gaiety" 01214606 00 s 05 screaky 0 screechy 0 squeaking 0 squeaky 0 squealing 0 004 & 01213197 a 0000 + 07395623 n 0401 + 07393161 n 0201 + 07123012 n 0205 | having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge 01214842 00 s 02 soprano 0 treble 0 001 & 01213197 a 0000 | having or denoting a high range; "soprano voice"; "soprano sax"; "the boy still had a fine treble voice"; "the treble clef" 01215028 00 s 01 sopranino 0 001 & 01213197 a 0000 | higher in range than soprano; "a sopranino recorder" 01215136 00 s 01 tenor 0 001 & 01213197 a 0000 | of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice; "tenor voice" 01215263 00 s 01 tenor 2 002 & 01213197 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass; "a tenor sax" 01215421 00 a 02 low 3 low-pitched 0 008 = 04985198 n 0000 + 05097845 n 0101 ! 01213197 a 0101 & 01215663 a 0000 & 01215797 a 0000 & 01215935 a 0000 & 01216145 a 0000 & 01216317 a 0000 | used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency 01215663 00 s 02 alto 3 contralto 0 003 & 01215421 a 0000 + 04986526 n 0101 + 06872905 n 0102 | of or being the lowest female voice 01215797 00 s 01 baritone 0 001 & 01215421 a 0000 | lower in range than tenor and higher than bass; "a baritone voice"; "baritone oboe" 01215935 00 s 02 bass 0 deep 0 002 & 01215421 a 0000 + 04986414 n 0201 | having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range; "a deep voice"; "a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice"; "a bass clarinet" 01216145 00 s 02 contrabass 0 double-bass 0 001 & 01215421 a 0000 | pitched an octave below normal bass instrumental or vocal range; "contrabass or double-bass clarinet" 01216317 00 s 01 throaty 0 002 & 01215421 a 0000 + 05547508 n 0101 | sounding as if pronounced low in the throat; "a rich throaty voice" 01216456 00 a 01 imitative 0 007 + 01742886 v 0101 ! 01217485 a 0101 & 01216710 a 0000 & 01216807 a 0000 & 01216981 a 0000 & 01217134 a 0000 & 01217338 a 0000 | marked by or given to imitation; "acting is an imitative art"; "man is an imitative being" 01216710 00 s 02 apish 0 apelike 0 001 & 01216456 a 0000 | being or given to servile imitation 01216807 00 s 01 mimetic 0 002 & 01216456 a 0000 + 06613448 n 0101 | exhibiting mimicry; "mimetic coloring of a butterfly"; "the mimetic tendency of infancy"- R.W.Hamilton 01216981 00 s 01 mimic 0 002 & 01216456 a 0000 + 00550016 n 0101 | constituting an imitation; "the mimic warfare of the opera stage"- Archibald Alison 01217134 00 s 01 parrotlike 0 001 & 01216456 a 0000 | mechanically imitated or repeated without thought or understanding; "a mere parrotlike word-calling process"; "a voice quality sounding parrotlike" 01217338 00 s 01 simulated 0 001 & 01216456 a 0000 | reproduced or made to resemble; imitative in character; "under simulated combat conditions" 01217485 00 a 01 nonimitative 0 001 ! 01216456 a 0101 | not marked by or given to imitation 01217579 00 a 05 echoic 0 imitative 2 onomatopoeic 0 onomatopoeical 0 onomatopoetic 0 003 + 07104574 n 0501 + 07104574 n 0401 ! 01217919 a 0101 | (of words) formed in imitation of a natural sound; "onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises"; "it was independently developed in more than one place as an onomatopoetic term"- Harry Hoijer 01217919 00 a 01 nonechoic 0 001 ! 01217579 a 0101 | not echoic or imitative of sound 01218007 00 a 01 high-resolution 0 001 ! 01218207 a 0101 | producing images that are sharp and finely detailed; "high-resolution photography"; "a high-resolution lens"; "high-resolution television" 01218207 00 a 01 low-resolution 0 001 ! 01218007 a 0101 | of computer output devices; producing images that are not sharply defined 01218341 00 a 01 high-rise 0 003 ! 01218797 a 0101 & 01218548 a 0000 & 01218660 a 0000 | used of buildings of many stories equipped with elevators; tall; "avenues lined with high-rise apartment buildings" 01218548 00 s 03 multistory 0 multistorey 0 multistoried 0 001 & 01218341 a 0000 | having more than one story 01218660 00 s 02 storied 0 storeyed 0 002 & 01218341 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having stories as indicated; "a six-storied building" 01218797 00 a 01 low-rise 0 002 ! 01218341 a 0101 & 01219007 a 0000 | used of buildings of one or only a few stories and usually no elevator; low; "looking out over the roofs of low-rise apartment buildings" 01219007 00 s 01 walk-up 0 001 & 01218797 a 0000 | a building with no elevator; "a walk-up apartment" 01219111 00 a 02 upland 0 highland(a) 4 005 + 09302616 n 0201 ! 01219603 a 0101 & 01219279 a 0000 & 01219373 a 0000 & 01219502 a 0000 | used of high or hilly country 01219279 00 s 02 alpestrine 0 subalpine 0 001 & 01219111 a 0000 | growing at high altitudes 01219373 00 s 01 alpine 0 002 & 01219111 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | living or growing above the timber line; "alpine flowers" 01219502 00 s 01 mountainous 0 002 & 01219111 a 0000 + 09359803 n 0101 | containing many mountains 01219603 00 a 01 lowland 0 002 ! 01219111 a 0101 & 01219709 a 0000 | of relatively low or level country 01219709 00 s 02 low-lying 0 sea-level 0 001 & 01219603 a 0000 | lying below the normal level; "a low-lying desert" 01219827 00 a 01 home(a) 0 002 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 01219938 a 0101 | used of your own ground; "a home game" 01219938 00 a 01 away 0 002 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 01219827 a 0101 | used of an opponent's ground; "an away game" 01220052 00 a 01 homologous 1 003 + 04744319 n 0101 ! 01220311 a 0101 ! 01220487 a 0101 | corresponding or similar in position or structure or function or characteristics; especially derived from an organism of the same species; "a homologous tissue graft" 01220311 00 a 01 heterologous 1 003 + 04750547 n 0101 ! 01220487 a 0101 ! 01220052 a 0101 | derived from organisms of a different but related species; "a heterologous graft" 01220487 00 a 01 autologous 0 002 ! 01220052 a 0101 ! 01220311 a 0101 | derived from organisms of the selfsame individual; "autologous blood donation" 01220640 00 a 01 homologous 2 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01221290 a 0101 ! 01221057 a 0101 & 01220882 a 0000 | having the same evolutionary origin but not necessarily the same function; "the wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous" 01220882 00 s 02 homologic 0 homological 0 004 & 01220640 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 04744319 n 0201 + 04744319 n 0101 | similar in evolutionary origin but not in function 01221057 00 a 03 heterologous 2 heterologic 0 heterological 0 006 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 04750547 n 0301 + 04750547 n 0201 + 04750547 n 0101 ! 01221290 a 0101 ! 01220640 a 0101 | not corresponding in structure or evolutionary origin 01221290 00 a 01 analogous 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01220640 a 0101 ! 01221057 a 0101 | corresponding in function but not in evolutionary origin; "the wings of a bee and those of a hummingbird are analogous" 01221502 00 a 01 gabled 0 001 ! 01221719 a 0101 | (of a roof) constructed with a single slope on each side of the ridge supported at the end by a gable or vertical triangular portion of an end wall; "a gabled roof" 01221719 00 a 01 hipped 2 002 ! 01221502 a 0101 & 01221875 a 0000 | (of a roof) sloping on all sides; "a hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables" 01221875 00 s 01 mansard 0 002 & 01221719 a 0000 + 03718789 n 0101 | (of a roof) having two slopes on all sides with the lower slope steeper than the upper; "the story formed by a mansard roof is usually called the garret" 01222100 00 a 01 hipped 0 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01222253 a 0101 | having hips; or having hips as specified (usually in combination); "broad-hipped" 01222253 00 a 01 hipless 0 001 ! 01222100 a 0101 | having or seeming to have no hips; "slim and hipless" 01222360 00 a 02 honest 0 honorable 4 012 ^ 00763901 a 0000 ^ 01115349 a 0000 ^ 01226240 a 0000 ^ 01309991 a 0000 ^ 02179279 a 0000 ^ 02318464 a 0000 ^ 02460502 a 0000 ^ 02464693 a 0000 + 04868748 n 0201 + 04871374 n 0102 ! 01222884 a 0101 & 01222722 a 0000 | not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting" 01222722 00 s 01 downright 0 002 & 01222360 a 0000 + 04918498 n 0101 | characterized by plain blunt honesty; "a downright answer"; "a downright kind of person" 01222884 00 a 02 dishonest 0 dishonorable 4 015 ^ 02319129 a 0000 ^ 01227137 a 0000 ^ 02461723 a 0000 ^ 02180797 a 0000 ^ 02466111 a 0000 + 04873550 n 0201 ! 01222360 a 0101 & 01223271 a 0000 & 01223781 a 0000 & 01223941 a 0000 & 01224253 a 0000 & 01224650 a 0000 & 01224755 a 0000 & 01224964 a 0000 & 01225294 a 0000 | deceptive or fraudulent; disposed to cheat or defraud or deceive 01223271 00 s 08 ambidextrous 0 deceitful 1 double-dealing 0 duplicitous 0 Janus-faced 0 two-faced 0 double-faced 0 double-tongued 0 005 & 01222884 a 0000 + 06760969 n 0402 + 00753240 n 0401 + 00753240 n 0302 + 04876561 n 0202 | marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray 01223781 00 s 01 beguiling 0 001 & 01222884 a 0000 | misleading by means of pleasant or alluring methods; "taken in by beguiling tales of overnight fortunes" 01223941 00 s 03 deceitful 2 fallacious 0 fraudulent 0 004 & 01222884 a 0000 + 04875352 n 0301 + 00753685 n 0302 + 04876561 n 0102 | intended to deceive; "deceitful advertising"; "fallacious testimony"; "smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice" - S.T.Coleridge; "a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes" 01224253 00 s 03 deceptive 0 misleading 0 shoddy 0 004 & 01222884 a 0000 + 02575082 v 0101 + 00854420 v 0101 + 04874939 n 0101 | designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently; "the deceptive calm in the eye of the storm"; "deliberately deceptive packaging"; "a misleading similarity"; "statistics can be presented in ways that are misleading"; "shoddy business practices" 01224650 00 s 01 false 0 001 & 01222884 a 0000 | designed to deceive; "a suitcase with a false bottom" 01224755 00 s 01 picaresque 0 001 & 01222884 a 0000 | involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction; "picaresque novels"; "waifs of the picaresque tradition"; "a picaresque hero" 01224964 00 s 04 rascally 0 roguish 0 scoundrelly 0 blackguardly 0 005 & 01222884 a 0000 + 09886220 n 0403 + 10753546 n 0302 + 00736375 n 0209 + 10536728 n 0103 | lacking principles or scruples; "the rascally rabble"; "the tyranny of a scoundrelly aristocracy" - W.M. Thackaray; "the captain was set adrift by his roguish crew" 01225294 00 s 02 thieving(a) 0 thievish 0 002 & 01222884 a 0000 + 04875935 n 0201 | given to thievery 01225398 00 a 02 truthful 0 true 4 005 ^ 01222360 a 0000 + 04872236 n 0101 ! 01225898 a 0101 & 01225643 a 0000 & 01225772 a 0000 | expressing or given to expressing the truth; "a true statement"; "gave truthful testimony"; "a truthful person" 01225643 00 s 01 honest 0 002 & 01225398 a 0000 + 04871374 n 0102 | marked by truth; "gave honest answers"; "honest reporting" 01225772 00 s 01 veracious 0 002 & 01225398 a 0000 + 04872414 n 0101 | habitually speaking the truth; "a veracious witness" 01225898 00 a 01 untruthful 0 004 ^ 01222884 a 0000 + 04876053 n 0101 ! 01225398 a 0101 & 01226129 a 0000 | not expressing or given to expressing the truth; "the statement given under oath was untruthful"; "an untruthful person" 01226129 00 s 01 mendacious 0 002 & 01225898 a 0000 + 04876235 n 0101 | given to lying; "a mendacious child" 01226240 00 a 02 honorable 0 honourable 0 013 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 01369663 a 0000 ^ 01548193 a 0000 ^ 01588172 a 0000 ^ 01982646 a 0000 ^ 02584981 a 0000 = 04868748 n 0000 + 04868748 n 0202 + 04868748 n 0101 ! 01227137 a 0101 & 01226660 a 0000 & 01226809 a 0000 & 01226997 a 0000 | worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect; "an honorable man"; "led an honorable life"; "honorable service to his country" 01226660 00 s 03 august 0 revered 0 venerable 0 003 & 01226240 a 0000 + 04869405 n 0302 + 04869405 n 0301 | profoundly honored; "revered holy men" 01226809 00 s 01 laureate 0 001 & 01226240 a 0000 | worthy of the greatest honor or distinction; "The nation's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag"- James Traub 01226997 00 s 02 time-honored 0 time-honoured 0 001 & 01226240 a 0000 | honored because of age or long usage; "time-honored institutions" 01227137 00 a 02 dishonorable 0 dishonourable 0 015 ^ 01222884 a 0000 ^ 01983797 a 0000 ^ 01589217 a 0000 ^ 01122411 a 0000 ^ 01370590 a 0000 ^ 02588099 a 0000 = 04868748 n 0000 + 04873550 n 0202 + 04873550 n 0101 ! 01226240 a 0101 & 01227546 a 0000 & 01228050 a 0000 & 01228159 a 0000 & 01228282 a 0000 & 01228370 a 0000 | lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor; "dishonorable in thought and deed" 01227546 00 s 06 black 0 disgraceful 0 ignominious 0 inglorious 0 opprobrious 0 shameful 0 006 & 01227137 a 0000 + 04808281 n 0601 + 14441230 n 0502 + 14440137 n 0303 + 04808281 n 0303 + 04808281 n 0202 | (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame; "Man...has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands"- Rachel Carson; "an ignominious retreat"; "inglorious defeat"; "an opprobrious monument to human greed"; "a shameful display of cowardice" 01228050 00 s 02 debasing 0 degrading 0 001 & 01227137 a 0000 | used of conduct; characterized by dishonor 01228159 00 s 01 shabby 0 002 & 01227137 a 0000 + 00744616 n 0104 | mean and unworthy and despicable; "shabby treatment" 01228282 00 s 01 unprincipled 0 001 & 01227137 a 0000 | having little or no integrity 01228370 00 s 01 yellow 0 001 & 01227137 a 0000 | cowardly or treacherous; "the little yellow stain of treason"-M.W.Straight; "too yellow to stand and fight" 01228530 00 a 01 hopeful 0 006 ^ 00866471 a 0000 ^ 01663571 a 0000 + 09801533 n 0103 + 07541316 n 0101 ! 01229020 a 0101 & 01228797 a 0000 | having or manifesting hope; "a line of people hopeful of obtaining tickets"; "found a hopeful way of attacking the problem" 01228797 00 s 03 anticipant 0 anticipative 0 expectant 0 006 & 01228530 a 0000 + 07511080 n 0302 + 00720063 v 0301 + 00719734 v 0301 + 01804961 v 0201 + 09797113 n 0102 | marked by eager anticipation; "an expectant hush" 01229020 00 a 01 hopeless 0 013 ^ 00867213 a 0000 ^ 01823092 a 0000 ^ 01664581 a 0000 + 07542249 n 0101 ! 01228530 a 0101 & 01229435 a 0000 & 01229561 a 0000 & 01229826 a 0000 & 01230153 a 0000 & 01230387 a 0000 & 01230521 a 0000 & 01230616 a 0000 & 01230728 a 0000 | without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success; "in an agony of hopeless grief"; "with a hopeless sigh he sat down" 01229435 00 s 02 abject 0 unhopeful 0 001 & 01229020 a 0000 | showing utter resignation or hopelessness; "abject surrender" 01229561 00 s 03 black 0 bleak 0 dim 0 002 & 01229020 a 0000 + 14525548 n 0201 | offering little or no hope; "the future looked black"; "prospects were bleak"; "Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult"- J.M.Synge; "took a dim view of things" 01229826 00 s 02 despairing 0 desperate 0 001 & 01229020 a 0000 | arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope; "a despairing view of the world situation"; "the last despairing plea of the condemned criminal"; "a desperate cry for help"; "helpless and desperate--as if at the end of his tether"; "her desperate screams" 01230153 00 s 02 despondent 0 heartsick 0 005 & 01229020 a 0000 + 07538395 n 0203 + 07538395 n 0101 + 07538395 n 0102 + 01811172 v 0101 | without or almost without hope; "despondent about his failure"; "too heartsick to fight back" 01230387 00 s 01 forlorn 0 001 & 01229020 a 0000 | marked by or showing hopelessness; "the last forlorn attempt"; "a forlorn cause" 01230521 00 s 01 futureless 0 001 & 01229020 a 0000 | having no prospect or hope of a future 01230616 00 s 02 helpless 0 lost 0 002 & 01229020 a 0000 + 07538142 n 0101 | unable to function; without help 01230728 00 s 01 insoluble 0 002 & 01229020 a 0000 + 05215699 n 0102 | without hope of solution; "an insoluble problem" 01230850 00 a 02 institutionalized 0 institutionalised 0 001 ! 01231070 a 0101 | officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution; "had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalized juvenile delinquents" 01231070 00 a 02 noninstitutionalized 0 noninstitutionalised 0 001 ! 01230850 a 0101 | not committed to an institution 01231191 00 a 01 institutional 0 004 + 08053576 n 0101 ! 01231837 a 0101 & 01231369 a 0000 & 01231638 a 0000 | organized as or forming an institution; "institutional religion" 01231369 00 s 02 institutionalized 0 institutionalised 0 001 & 01231191 a 0000 | given the character of an institution or incorporated into a structured and usually well-established system; "institutionalized graft"; "institutionalized suicide as practiced in Japan" 01231638 00 s 01 uninteresting 0 002 & 01231191 a 0000 + 05205340 n 0101 | characteristic or suggestive of an institution especially in being uniform or dull or unimaginative; "institutional food" 01231837 00 a 01 noninstitutional 0 001 ! 01231191 a 0101 | not institutional 01231917 00 a 01 iodinating 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01232105 a 0101 | combining or causing to combine with iodine; "the active iodinating species"; "the in vivo iodinating mechanism" 01232105 00 a 01 de-iodinating 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01231917 a 0101 | removing iodine from 01232204 00 a 01 consolable 0 002 + 01814815 v 0103 ! 01232298 a 0101 | able to be consoled 01232298 00 a 03 inconsolable 0 disconsolate 4 unconsolable 0 003 + 07538395 n 0204 ! 01232204 a 0101 & 01232507 a 0000 | sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled; "inconsolable when her son died" 01232507 00 s 01 desolate 0 001 & 01232298 a 0000 | crushed by grief; "depressed and desolate of soul"; "a low desolate wail" 01232635 00 a 01 horizontal 0 009 = 13828075 n 0000 + 13828681 n 0101 + 05079474 n 0101 ! 01233347 a 0101 ! 01234167 a 0101 & 01232917 a 0000 & 01233020 a 0000 & 01233104 a 0000 & 01233225 a 0000 | parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a horizontal surface" 01232917 00 s 01 crosswise 0 001 & 01232635 a 0000 | in the shape of (a horizontal piece on) a cross 01233020 00 s 01 flat 0 001 & 01232635 a 0000 | horizontally level; "a flat roof" 01233104 00 s 01 level 0 001 & 01232635 a 0000 | being on a precise horizontal plane; "a billiard table must be level" 01233225 00 s 02 naiant 0 swimming 0 002 & 01232635 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | applied to a fish depicted horizontally 01233347 00 a 02 vertical 0 perpendicular 4 014 ^ 01144887 a 0000 ^ 02310895 a 0000 = 13828075 n 0000 + 13829047 n 0202 + 05072208 n 0201 + 13828795 n 0101 + 04515129 n 0102 + 05079638 n 0102 + 05079638 n 0101 ! 01234167 a 0101 ! 01232635 a 0101 & 01233851 a 0000 & 01233960 a 0000 & 01234030 a 0000 | at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a vertical camera angle"; "the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab"; "measure the perpendicular height" 01233851 00 s 01 plumb 0 001 & 01233347 a 0000 | exactly vertical; "the tower of Pisa is far out of plumb" 01233960 00 s 01 upended 0 001 & 01233347 a 0000 | turned up on end 01234030 00 s 02 upright 0 unsloped 0 002 & 01233347 a 0000 + 05079638 n 0104 | in a vertical position; not sloping; "an upright post" 01234167 00 a 01 inclined 1 014 ^ 01144359 a 0000 ^ 01718867 a 0000 = 13828075 n 0000 ! 01232635 a 0101 ! 01233347 a 0101 & 01234527 a 0000 & 01234747 a 0000 & 01234952 a 0000 & 01235071 a 0000 & 01235178 a 0000 & 01235334 a 0000 & 01235439 a 0000 & 01235568 a 0000 & 01235706 a 0000 | at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position; "an inclined plane" 01234527 00 s 05 atilt 0 canted 0 leaning 0 tilted 0 tipped 0 001 & 01234167 a 0000 | departing or being caused to depart from the true vertical or horizontal; "the leaning tower of Pisa"; "the headstones were tilted" 01234747 00 s 07 aslant 0 aslope 0 diagonal 0 slanted 0 slanting 0 sloped 0 sloping 0 004 & 01234167 a 0000 + 13904164 n 0301 + 08268321 n 0301 + 08270417 n 0301 | having an oblique or slanted direction 01234952 00 s 01 high-pitched 0 001 & 01234167 a 0000 | set at a sharp or high angle or slant; "a high-pitched roof" 01235071 00 s 01 low-pitched 0 001 & 01234167 a 0000 | set at a low angle or slant; "a low-pitched roof" 01235178 00 s 01 monoclinal 0 002 & 01234167 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 | of a geological structure in which all strata are inclined in the same direction 01235334 00 s 01 pitched 0 001 & 01234167 a 0000 | set at a slant; "a pitched rather than a flat roof" 01235439 00 s 01 salient(ip) 0 002 & 01234167 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | represented as leaping (rampant but leaning forward) 01235568 00 s 01 sidelong 0 001 & 01234167 a 0000 | inclining or directed to one side; "moved downward in a sidelong way" - Bram Stoker 01235706 00 s 02 skew 0 skewed 0 002 & 01234167 a 0000 + 05066195 n 0102 | having an oblique or slanting direction or position; "the picture was skew" 01235859 00 a 03 erect 0 vertical 2 upright 2 019 = 05079866 n 0000 + 05083054 n 0302 + 04515129 n 0202 + 05079638 n 0202 + 05079638 n 0103 + 05083054 n 0101 ! 01237897 a 0101 & 01236443 a 0000 & 01236565 a 0000 & 01236716 a 0000 & 01236842 a 0000 & 01236964 a 0000 & 01237162 a 0000 & 01237254 a 0000 & 01237342 a 0000 & 01237433 a 0000 & 01237534 a 0000 & 01237656 a 0000 & 01237754 a 0000 | upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright" 01236443 00 s 01 erectile 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | capable of being raised to an upright position; "erectile feathers" 01236565 00 s 01 fastigiate 0 002 & 01235859 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having clusters of erect branches (often appearing to form a single column) 01236716 00 s 01 orthostatic 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | pertaining to an upright standing posture; "orthostatic hypotension" 01236842 00 s 01 passant(ip) 0 002 & 01235859 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | in walking position with right foreleg raised 01236964 00 s 02 rampant(ip) 0 rearing 0 003 & 01235859 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 + 02143124 v 0101 | rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile; "a lion rampant" 01237162 00 s 01 semi-climbing 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | of plants that are semi-climbers 01237254 00 s 01 semi-erect 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | of plants that are partly erect 01237342 00 s 01 semi-upright 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | of animals that are partly erect 01237433 00 s 01 standing(a) 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | having a supporting base; "a standing lamp" 01237534 00 s 01 stand-up 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | requiring a standing position; "a stand-up bar"; "a stand-up comic" 01237656 00 s 01 statant(ip) 0 002 & 01235859 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | standing on four feet 01237754 00 s 03 straight 0 unbent 0 unbowed 0 001 & 01235859 a 0000 | erect in posture; "sit straight"; "stood defiantly with unbowed back" 01237897 00 a 01 unerect 0 013 = 05079866 n 0000 ! 01235859 a 0101 & 01238201 a 0000 & 01238343 a 0000 & 01238486 a 0000 & 01238773 a 0000 & 01238914 a 0000 & 01239040 a 0000 & 01239199 a 0000 & 01239410 a 0000 & 01239534 a 0000 & 01239617 a 0000 & 01239781 a 0000 | not upright in position or posture 01238201 00 s 03 accumbent 0 decumbent 0 recumbent 0 002 & 01237897 a 0000 + 01547390 v 0301 | lying down; in a position of comfort or rest 01238343 00 s 02 bended 0 bent 2 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | used of the back and knees; stooped; "on bended knee"; "with bent (or bended) back" 01238486 00 s 05 cernuous 0 drooping 0 nodding 0 pendulous 0 weeping 0 002 & 01237897 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | having branches or flower heads that bend downward; "nodding daffodils"; "the pendulous branches of a weeping willow"; "lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers" 01238773 00 s 01 couchant(ip) 0 002 & 01237897 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | lying on the stomach with head raised with legs pointed forward 01238914 00 s 02 dormant(ip) 0 sleeping 0 002 & 01237897 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | lying with head on paws as if sleeping 01239040 00 s 02 flat 0 prostrate 1 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; "found himself lying flat on the floor" 01239199 00 s 06 hunched 0 round-backed 0 round-shouldered 0 stooped 0 stooping 0 crooked 0 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect; "a little oldish misshapen stooping woman" 01239410 00 s 01 procumbent 0 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | having stems that trail along the ground without putting down roots 01239534 00 s 02 prone 0 prostrate 2 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | lying face downward 01239617 00 s 01 semi-prostrate 0 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | imperfectly prostrate; prostrate for part of its length; "the semi-prostrate evergreen, purple heather" 01239781 00 s 02 supine 0 resupine 0 001 & 01237897 a 0000 | lying face upward 01239862 00 a 01 standing 0 001 ! 01240029 a 0101 | (of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs; "standing room only" 01240029 00 a 02 seated 0 sitting 2 001 ! 01239862 a 0101 | (of persons) having the torso erect and legs bent with the body supported on the buttocks; "the seated Madonna"; "the audience remained seated" 01240235 00 a 01 standing(a) 1 001 ! 01240413 a 0101 | executed in or initiated from a standing position; "race from a standing start"; "a standing jump"; "a standing ovation" 01240413 00 a 01 running(a) 1 001 ! 01240235 a 0101 | executed or initiated by running; "running plays worked better than pass plays"; "took a running jump"; "a running start" 01240591 00 a 01 running(a) 2 003 ! 01241065 a 0101 & 01240805 a 0000 & 01240931 a 0000 | (of fluids) moving or issuing in a stream; "as mountain stream with freely running water"; "hovels without running water" 01240805 00 s 02 gushing 0 pouring 0 001 & 01240591 a 0000 | flowing profusely; "a gushing hydrant"; "pouring flood waters" 01240931 00 s 04 jetting 0 spouting 0 spurting 0 squirting 0 001 & 01240591 a 0000 | propelled violently in a usually narrow stream 01241065 00 a 01 standing(a) 2 004 ! 01240591 a 0101 & 01241248 a 0000 & 01241455 a 0000 & 01241600 a 0000 | (of fluids) not moving or flowing; "mosquitoes breed in standing water" 01241248 00 s 02 dead(a) 0 stagnant 0 005 & 01241065 a 0000 + 14013005 n 0202 + 02725067 v 0201 + 02724835 v 0201 + 05006519 n 0101 | not circulating or flowing; "dead air"; "dead water"; "stagnant water" 01241455 00 s 01 slack 0 002 & 01241065 a 0000 + 09436906 n 0101 | flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide; "slack water" 01241600 00 s 01 still 2 003 & 01241065 a 0000 + 14006179 n 0102 + 14522809 n 0101 | free from noticeable current; "a still pond"; "still waters run deep" 01241757 00 a 01 running(a) 0 002 ;c 00468480 n 0000 ! 01241927 a 0101 | of advancing the ball by running; "the team's running plays worked better than its pass plays" 01241927 00 a 02 passing(a) 0 pass(a) 0 002 ;c 00468480 n 0000 ! 01241757 a 0101 | of advancing the ball by throwing it; "a team with a good passing attack"; "a pass play" 01242101 00 a 01 hospitable 0 002 ! 01242489 a 0101 & 01242282 a 0000 | favorable to life and growth; "soil sufficiently hospitable for forest growth"; "a hospitable environment" 01242282 00 s 02 kind 0 genial 0 001 & 01242101 a 0000 | agreeable, conducive to comfort; "a dry climate kind to asthmatics"; "the genial sunshine";"hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet" 01242489 00 a 01 inhospitable 0 007 + 14519942 n 0101 ! 01242101 a 0101 & 01242750 a 0000 & 01243102 a 0000 & 01243373 a 0000 & 01243609 a 0000 & 01243722 a 0000 | unfavorable to life or growth; "the barren inhospitable desert"; "inhospitable mountain areas" 01242750 00 s 05 bare 0 barren 0 bleak 0 desolate 0 stark 0 006 & 01242489 a 0000 + 04697819 n 0502 + 14525548 n 0301 + 08504594 n 0201 + 05148186 n 0203 + 04697819 n 0101 | providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape" 01243102 00 s 03 godforsaken 0 waste 0 wild 0 004 & 01242489 a 0000 + 08683548 n 0302 + 08683548 n 0301 + 08504594 n 0202 | located in a dismal or remote area; desolate; "a desert island"; "a godforsaken wilderness crossroads"; "a wild stretch of land"; "waste places" 01243373 00 s 03 hostile 0 uncongenial 0 unfriendly 0 001 & 01242489 a 0000 | very unfavorable to life or growth; "a hostile climate"; "an uncongenial atmosphere"; "an uncongenial soil"; "the unfriendly environment at high altitudes" 01243609 00 s 01 water-washed 0 001 & 01242489 a 0000 | washed or swept with water especially waves of the sea 01243722 00 s 01 windswept 0 001 & 01242489 a 0000 | open to or swept by wind; "windswept headlands" 01243825 00 a 01 hospitable 2 005 ^ 01074650 a 0000 + 04656282 n 0101 + 06631506 n 0102 ! 01244195 a 0101 & 01244106 a 0000 | disposed to treat guests and strangers with cordiality and generosity; "a good-natured and hospitable man"; "a hospitable act"; "hospitable invitations" 01244106 00 s 01 welcoming 1 001 & 01243825 a 0000 | very cordial; "a welcoming smile" 01244195 00 a 01 inhospitable 2 004 ^ 01076793 a 0000 + 04658942 n 0101 + 06631661 n 0101 ! 01243825 a 0101 | not hospitable; "they are extremely inhospitable these days"; "her greeting was cold and inhospitable" 01244410 00 a 01 hostile 1 017 ^ 00082241 a 0000 ^ 01460421 a 0000 ^ 01628946 a 0000 ^ 01076793 a 0000 ^ 01742296 a 0000 ^ 02510879 a 0000 + 07547805 n 0101 ! 01246579 a 0101 & 01244846 a 0000 & 01245138 a 0000 & 01245441 a 0000 & 01245610 a 0000 & 01245778 a 0000 & 01245889 a 0000 & 01246004 a 0000 & 01246148 a 0000 & 01246388 a 0000 | characterized by enmity or ill will; "a hostile nation"; "a hostile remark"; "hostile actions" 01244846 00 s 02 aggressive 0 belligerent 0 007 & 01244410 a 0000 + 09939313 n 0203 + 07548695 n 0202 + 07548695 n 0201 + 04643662 n 0202 + 01118449 v 0102 + 04643662 n 0101 | characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight; "aggressive acts against another country"; "a belligerent tone" 01245138 00 s 03 antagonistic 0 antipathetic 0 antipathetical 0 006 & 01244410 a 0000 + 07502669 n 0301 + 07502669 n 0201 + 05811466 n 0201 + 13980288 n 0103 + 13860548 n 0101 | characterized by antagonism or antipathy; "slaves antagonistic to their masters"; "antipathetic factions within the party" 01245441 00 s 01 at_loggerheads 0 001 & 01244410 a 0000 | in a dispute or confrontation; "Sam and his parents were at loggerheads over the question of car privileges" 01245610 00 s 01 bitter 0 002 & 01244410 a 0000 + 07548978 n 0102 | proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity; "a bitter struggle"; "bitter enemies" 01245778 00 s 01 dirty 0 001 & 01244410 a 0000 | expressing or revealing hostility or dislike; "dirty looks" 01245889 00 s 01 head-on 0 001 & 01244410 a 0000 | characterized by direct opposition; "a head-on confrontation" 01246004 00 s 01 ill 0 001 & 01244410 a 0000 | indicating hostility or enmity; "you certainly did me an ill turn"; "ill feelings"; "ill will" 01246148 00 s 02 opponent 0 opposing 0 007 & 01244410 a 0000 + 09773245 n 0103 + 02378623 v 0102 + 01091427 v 0102 + 01081152 v 0102 + 00775831 v 0101 + 00776059 v 0101 | characterized by active hostility; "opponent (or opposing) armies" 01246388 00 s 02 unfriendly 1 inimical 0 004 & 01244410 a 0000 + 13980288 n 0202 + 07547805 n 0202 + 07502241 n 0101 | not friendly; "an unfriendly act of aggression"; "an inimical critic" 01246579 00 a 01 amicable 0 008 ^ 01074650 a 0000 ^ 01459422 a 0000 ^ 01740892 a 0000 + 04654998 n 0101 + 04654998 n 0102 ! 01244410 a 0101 & 01246801 a 0000 & 01247025 a 0000 | characterized by friendship and good will 01246801 00 s 03 friendly 0 favorable 0 well-disposed 0 002 & 01246579 a 0000 + 07499615 n 0101 | inclined to help or support; not antagonistic or hostile; "a government friendly to our interests"; "an amicable agreement" 01247025 00 s 02 well-meaning 0 unthreatening 0 001 & 01246579 a 0000 | not unfriendly or threatening; "her well-meaning words were received in silence"; "the exasperation of a...well-meaning cow worried by dogs" 01247240 00 a 01 hot 1 025 ^ 02529264 a 0000 = 05011790 n 0000 + 05016171 n 0101 ! 01251128 a 0101 & 01247975 a 0000 & 01248064 a 0000 & 01248198 a 0000 & 01248358 a 0000 & 01248477 a 0000 & 01248605 a 0000 & 01248713 a 0000 & 01248958 a 0000 & 01249137 a 0000 & 01249309 a 0000 & 01249555 a 0000 & 01249621 a 0000 & 01249768 a 0000 & 01249843 a 0000 & 01249962 a 0000 & 01250121 a 0000 & 01250393 a 0000 & 01250565 a 0000 & 01250694 a 0000 & 01250835 a 0000 & 01250991 a 0000 | used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning; "hot stove"; "hot water"; "a hot August day"; "a hot stuffy room"; "she's hot and tired"; "a hot forehead" 01247975 00 s 02 baking 0 baking_hot 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | as hot as if in an oven 01248064 00 s 02 blistering 0 blistery 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | hot enough to raise (or as if to raise) blisters; "blistering sun" 01248198 00 s 02 calefacient 0 warming 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | producing the sensation of heat when applied to the body; "a mustard plaster is calefacient" 01248358 00 s 02 calefactory 0 calefactive 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | serving to heat; "a heating pad is calefactory" 01248477 00 s 01 calorifacient 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | producing heat; usually used of foods; "calorifacient chili peppers" 01248605 00 s 01 calorific 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | heat-generating; "the calorific properties of fuels" 01248713 00 s 02 fervent 0 fervid 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | extremely hot; "the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems"- Nathaniel Hawthorne; "set out...when the fervid heat subsides"- Frances Trollope 01248958 00 s 02 fiery 0 igneous 0 003 & 01247240 a 0000 + 13480848 n 0101 + 05016553 n 0101 | like or suggestive of fire; "a fiery desert wind"; "an igneous desert atmosphere" 01249137 00 s 01 heatable 0 004 & 01247240 a 0000 + 02333358 v 0101 + 00371264 v 0101 + 00372665 v 0101 | capable of becoming hot; "the heatable tip of a soldering iron" 01249309 00 s 04 heated 0 heated_up 0 het 0 het_up 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | made warm or hot (`het' is a dialectal variant of `heated'); "a heated swimming pool"; "wiped his heated-up face with a large bandana"; "he was all het up and sweaty" 01249555 00 s 01 hottish 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | somewhat hot 01249621 00 s 01 overheated 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | heated beyond a safe or desirable point; "the child became overheated"; "overheated metal" 01249768 00 s 01 red-hot 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | glowing red with heat 01249843 00 s 01 scorching 1 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface; "scorching heat" 01249962 00 s 01 sizzling 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | hot enough to burn with or as if with a hissing sound; "a sizzling steak"; "a sizzling spell of weather" 01250121 00 s 04 sultry 0 stifling 0 sulfurous 0 sulphurous 0 002 & 01247240 a 0000 + 11466909 n 0101 | characterized by oppressive heat and humidity; "the summer was sultry and oppressive"; "the stifling atmosphere"; "the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm" 01250393 00 s 02 sweltering 0 sweltry 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness; "a sweltering room"; "sweltering athletes" 01250565 00 s 01 thermal 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | caused by or designed to retain heat; "a thermal burn"; "thermal underwear" 01250694 00 s 01 torrid 0 002 & 01247240 a 0000 + 05016667 n 0101 | extremely hot; "the torrid noonday sun"; "sultry sands of the dessert" 01250835 00 s 02 tropical 0 tropic 0 002 & 01247240 a 0000 + 08675145 n 0101 | of weather or climate; hot and humid as in the tropics; "tropical weather" 01250991 00 s 02 white 0 white-hot 0 001 & 01247240 a 0000 | glowing white with heat; "white flames"; "a white-hot center of the fire" 01251128 00 a 01 cold 1 023 ^ 02529945 a 0000 ^ 01078302 a 0000 = 05011790 n 0000 + 05725676 n 0101 + 05015117 n 0102 + 05725676 n 0102 ! 01247240 a 0101 & 01251830 a 0000 & 01251958 a 0000 & 01252151 a 0000 & 01252399 a 0000 & 01252566 a 0000 & 01252714 a 0000 & 01253022 a 0000 & 01253112 a 0000 & 01253254 a 0000 & 01253469 a 0000 & 01253592 a 0000 & 01253661 a 0000 & 01253879 a 0000 & 01254026 a 0000 & 01254165 a 0000 & 01254296 a 0000 | having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer" 01251830 00 s 01 acold 0 002 & 01251128 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | of persons; feeling cold; "Poor Tom's acold"- Shakespeare 01251958 00 s 01 algid 0 003 & 01251128 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 14204441 n 0101 | chilly; "a person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure" 01252151 00 s 06 arctic 0 frigid 0 gelid 0 glacial 0 icy 0 polar 0 002 & 01251128 a 0000 + 05015463 n 0303 | extremely cold; "an arctic climate"; "a frigid day"; "gelid waters of the North Atlantic"; "glacial winds"; "icy hands"; "polar weather" 01252399 00 s 03 bleak 0 cutting 0 raw 0 003 & 01251128 a 0000 + 14536207 n 0301 + 14525548 n 0101 | unpleasantly cold and damp; "bleak winds of the North Atlantic" 01252566 00 s 02 chilly 0 parky 0 004 & 01251128 a 0000 ;u 08860123 n 0204 + 05015463 n 0101 + 05015678 n 0101 | appreciably or disagreeably cold 01252714 00 s 05 crisp 0 frosty 1 nipping 0 nippy 0 snappy 0 006 & 01251128 a 0000 + 15299097 n 0501 + 00344699 n 0501 + 05015678 n 0403 + 11440521 n 0202 + 05015878 n 0201 | pleasantly cold and invigorating; "crisp clear nights and frosty mornings"; "a nipping wind"; "a nippy fall day"; "snappy weather" 01253022 00 s 01 frigorific 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | causing cold; cooling or chilling 01253112 00 s 01 frore 0 002 & 01251128 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | very cold; "whatever the evenings be--frosty and frore or warm and wet" 01253254 00 s 03 frosty 2 rimed 0 rimy 0 004 & 01251128 a 0000 + 14915622 n 0101 + 13485270 n 0101 + 05015878 n 0101 | covered with frost; "a frosty glass"; "hedgerows were rimed and stiff with frost"-Wm.Faulkner 01253469 00 s 01 heatless 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | without generating heat; "luminescent organisms emit heatless light" 01253592 00 s 01 ice-cold 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | as cold as ice 01253661 00 s 02 refrigerant 0 refrigerating 0 004 & 01251128 a 0000 + 15003797 n 0101 + 00371955 v 0101 + 00371051 v 0101 | causing cooling or freezing; "a refrigerant substance such as ice or solid carbon dioxide" 01253879 00 s 01 refrigerated 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | made or kept cold by refrigeration; "keep the milk refrigerated"; "a refrigerated truck" 01254026 00 s 01 shivery 0 002 & 01251128 a 0000 + 00867983 n 0102 | cold enough to cause shivers; "felt all shivery"; "shivery weather" 01254165 00 s 01 stone-cold 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | completely cold; "by the time he got back to his coffee it was stone-cold" 01254296 00 s 02 unheated 0 unwarmed 0 001 & 01251128 a 0000 | not having been heated or warmed; "an unheated room"; "unwarmed rolls" 01254432 00 a 01 vernal 0 004 ! 01254784 a 0101 ! 01255296 a 0101 ! 01255807 a 0101 & 01254607 a 0000 | of or characteristic of or occurring in spring; "the vernal equinox" 01254607 00 s 05 spring-flowering 0 early-flowering 0 spring-blooming 0 early-blooming 0 late-spring-blooming 0 001 & 01254432 a 0000 | of plants that bloom during the spring 01254784 00 a 01 summery 0 006 + 15237250 n 0101 ! 01255296 a 0101 ! 01255807 a 0101 ! 01254432 a 0101 & 01255022 a 0000 & 01255177 a 0000 | belonging to or characteristic of or occurring in summer; "summery weather"; "summery dresses" 01255022 00 s 02 aestival 0 estival 0 001 & 01254784 a 0000 | (rare) of or occurring in summer; "the sky was a burnished aestival blue"; "estival winds" 01255177 00 s 02 summer-flowering 0 summer-blooming 0 001 & 01254784 a 0000 | of plants that bloom during the summer 01255296 00 a 01 autumnal 0 006 + 15236859 n 0102 ! 01255807 a 0101 ! 01254432 a 0101 ! 01254784 a 0101 & 01255530 a 0000 & 01255715 a 0000 | of or characteristic of or occurring in autumn; "the autumnal equinox"; "autumnal fruits" 01255530 00 s 06 autumn-flowering 0 autumn-blooming 0 fall-flowering 0 fall-blooming 0 late-flowering 0 late-blooming 0 001 & 01255296 a 0000 | of plants that bloom during the autumn 01255715 00 s 01 late-ripening 0 001 & 01255296 a 0000 | of plants that ripen in the fall 01255807 00 a 02 wintry 0 wintery 0 007 + 15237782 n 0201 + 15237782 n 0101 ! 01254432 a 0101 ! 01254784 a 0101 ! 01255296 a 0101 & 01256076 a 0000 & 01256213 a 0000 | characteristic of or occurring in winter; "suffered severe wintry weather"; "brown wintry grasses" 01256076 00 s 03 brumal 0 hibernal 0 hiemal 0 001 & 01255807 a 0000 | characteristic of or relating to winter; "bears in brumal sleep" 01256213 00 s 02 winter-blooming 0 winter-flowering 0 001 & 01255807 a 0000 | of plants that bloom during the winter 01256332 00 a 01 hot 2 009 ^ 01725712 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 ! 01257612 a 0101 & 01256735 a 0000 & 01256865 a 0000 & 01256973 a 0000 & 01257145 a 0000 & 01257330 a 0000 & 01257501 a 0000 | extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm; "a hot temper"; "a hot topic"; "a hot new book"; "a hot love affair"; "a hot argument" 01256735 00 s 02 fiery 0 flaming 0 002 & 01256332 a 0000 + 04628336 n 0101 | very intense; "a fiery temper"; "flaming passions" 01256865 00 s 01 heated 0 001 & 01256332 a 0000 | marked by emotional heat; vehement; "a heated argument" 01256973 00 s 02 red-hot 2 sizzling 2 001 & 01256332 a 0000 | characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement; "a red-hot speech"; "sizzling political issues" 01257145 00 s 02 sensual 0 sultry 0 003 & 01256332 a 0000 + 04687119 n 0201 + 07488875 n 0102 | sexually exciting or gratifying; "sensual excesses"; "a sultry look"; "a sultry dance" 01257330 00 s 01 torrid 0 001 & 01256332 a 0000 | emotionally charged and vigorously energetic; "a torrid dance"; "torrid jazz bands"; "hot trumpets and torrid rhythms" 01257501 00 s 01 white-hot 0 001 & 01256332 a 0000 | intensely zealous or fervid; "fierce white-hot loyalty" 01257612 00 a 01 cold 2 007 ^ 02531422 a 0000 ^ 01727439 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 + 04629604 n 0101 ! 01256332 a 0101 & 01257990 a 0000 & 01258264 a 0000 | extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold" 01257990 00 s 02 emotionless 0 passionless 0 003 & 01257612 a 0000 + 07483782 n 0101 + 04629194 n 0102 | unmoved by feeling; "he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served"; "this passionless girl was like an icicle in the sunshine"-Margaret Deland 01258264 00 s 06 frigid 0 frosty 0 frozen 0 glacial 0 icy 0 wintry 0 004 & 01257612 a 0000 + 04629604 n 0505 + 04629604 n 0104 + 04629604 n 0103 | devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain; "a frigid greeting"; "got a frosty reception"; "a frozen look on their faces"; "a glacial handshake"; "icy stare"; "wintry smile" 01258617 00 a 01 human 0 012 = 04726938 n 0000 + 02472293 n 0104 + 04726938 n 0101 + 04726938 n 0102 ! 01260023 a 0101 & 01259015 a 0000 & 01259123 a 0000 & 01259280 a 0000 & 01259391 a 0000 & 01259644 a 0000 & 01259746 a 0000 & 01259941 a 0000 | having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty" 01259015 00 s 02 anthropoid 1 manlike 0 002 & 01258617 a 0000 + 02470709 n 0101 | resembling human beings 01259123 00 s 03 anthropomorphic 0 anthropomorphous 0 humanlike 0 001 & 01258617 a 0000 | suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things 01259280 00 s 01 earthborn 0 001 & 01258617 a 0000 | springing from or born on the earth; "earthborn beings" 01259391 00 s 04 fallible 0 frail 0 imperfect 0 weak 0 002 & 01258617 a 0000 + 14462666 n 0302 | wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings; "I'm only a fallible human"; "frail humanity" 01259644 00 s 01 hominal 0 001 & 01258617 a 0000 | of humankind as a species; "the hominal kingdom" 01259746 00 s 02 hominian 0 hominid 0 002 & 01258617 a 0000 + 02471762 n 0201 | characterizing the family Hominidae, which includes Homo sapiens as well as extinct species of manlike creatures 01259941 00 s 01 hominine 0 001 & 01258617 a 0000 | characteristic of humankind 01260023 00 a 01 nonhuman 0 006 = 04726938 n 0000 ! 01258617 a 0101 & 01260282 a 0000 & 01260451 a 0000 & 01260584 a 0000 & 01260707 a 0000 | not human; not belonging to or produced by or appropriate to human beings; "nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees" 01260282 00 s 03 anthropoid 2 anthropoidal 0 apelike 0 005 & 01260023 a 0000 + 09796185 n 0201 + 02470709 n 0201 + 09796185 n 0101 + 02470709 n 0101 | resembling apes 01260451 00 s 01 bloodless 0 001 & 01260023 a 0000 | devoid of human emotion or feeling; "charts of bloodless economic indicators" 01260584 00 s 03 dehumanized 0 dehumanised 0 unhuman 0 001 & 01260023 a 0000 | divested of human qualities or attributes 01260707 00 s 01 inhuman 0 001 & 01260023 a 0000 | belonging to or resembling something nonhuman; "something dark and inhuman in form"; "a babel of inhuman noises" 01260873 00 a 01 superhuman 0 003 ! 01261528 a 0101 & 01261127 a 0000 & 01261363 a 0000 | above or beyond the human or demanding more than human power or endurance; "superhuman beings"; "superhuman strength"; "soldiers driven mad by superhuman misery" 01261127 00 s 02 divine 0 godlike 0 001 & 01260873 a 0000 | appropriate to or befitting a god; "the divine strength of Achilles"; "a man of godlike sagacity"; "man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers"-R.H.Roveref 01261363 00 s 02 herculean 0 powerful 0 003 & 01260873 a 0000 + 05190804 n 0202 + 09578005 n 0101 | displaying superhuman strength or power; "herculean exertions" 01261528 00 a 01 subhuman 0 002 ! 01260873 a 0101 & 01261727 a 0000 | less than human or not worthy of a human being; "treated natives as subhuman"; "a subhuman spectacle"; "the subhuman primates" 01261727 00 s 01 infrahuman 0 001 & 01261528 a 0000 | belonging to a group below humans in evolutionary development; "infrahuman animals" 01261867 00 a 01 humane 0 009 ^ 00411886 a 0000 ^ 00506299 a 0000 ^ 01258617 a 0000 ^ 01507134 a 0000 = 04828925 n 0000 + 04828925 n 0101 ! 01262611 a 0101 & 01262128 a 0000 & 01262284 a 0000 | marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering 01262128 00 s 01 child-centered 0 001 & 01261867 a 0000 | designed to promote a child's personal qualities rather than to provide training or information 01262284 00 s 05 human-centered 0 human-centred 0 humanist 0 humanistic 0 humanitarian 0 002 & 01261867 a 0000 + 05967402 n 0402 | marked by humanistic values and devotion to human welfare; "a humane physician"; "released the prisoner for humanitarian reasons"; "respect and humanistic regard for all members of our species" 01262611 00 a 01 inhumane 0 009 ^ 01711071 a 0000 = 04828925 n 0000 + 04830102 n 0101 ! 01261867 a 0101 & 01263013 a 0000 & 01263445 a 0000 & 01263832 a 0000 & 01263971 a 0000 & 01264179 a 0000 | lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion; "humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world"; "biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used" 01263013 00 s 07 barbarous 0 brutal 1 cruel 1 fell 0 roughshod 0 savage 0 vicious 0 007 & 01262611 a 0000 + 04830689 n 0703 + 09845589 n 0603 + 05038251 n 0601 + 04845475 n 0302 + 04830689 n 0202 + 04830343 n 0104 | (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering; "a barbarous crime"; "brutal beatings"; "cruel tortures"; "Stalin's roughshod treatment of the kulaks"; "a savage slap"; "vicious kicks" 01263445 00 s 05 beastly 0 bestial 0 brute(a) 0 brutish 0 brutal 0 008 & 01262611 a 0000 + 00114052 v 0501 + 00113853 v 0501 + 00410244 v 0201 + 00015388 n 0203 + 04830578 n 0201 + 00015388 n 0103 + 04845684 n 0101 | resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility; "beastly desires"; "a bestial nature"; "brute force"; "a dull and brutish man"; "bestial treatment of prisoners" 01263832 00 s 01 cannibalic 0 002 & 01262611 a 0000 + 09891079 n 0101 | marked by barbarity suggestive of a cannibal; rapaciously savage 01263971 00 s 04 cold 0 cold-blooded 0 inhuman 0 insensate 0 002 & 01262611 a 0000 + 04830102 n 0302 | without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction" 01264179 00 s 02 pitiless 0 unkind 0 004 & 01262611 a 0000 + 04845312 n 0201 + 07506382 n 0103 + 04831264 n 0101 | deficient in humane and kindly feelings 01264336 00 a 02 humorous 0 humourous 0 024 ^ 01807219 a 0000 + 06776138 n 0203 + 04650201 n 0202 + 05211044 n 0202 + 06776138 n 0102 + 04650201 n 0101 + 05211044 n 0101 + 04649051 n 0104 ! 01268426 a 0101 & 01264913 a 0000 & 01265108 a 0000 & 01265308 a 0000 & 01265938 a 0000 & 01266092 a 0000 & 01266397 a 0000 & 01266649 a 0000 & 01266841 a 0000 & 01267076 a 0000 & 01267339 a 0000 & 01267480 a 0000 & 01267632 a 0000 & 01267762 a 0000 & 01268002 a 0000 & 01268194 a 0000 | full of or characterized by humor; "humorous stories"; "humorous cartoons"; "in a humorous vein" 01264913 00 s 03 bantering 0 facetious 0 tongue-in-cheek 0 002 & 01264336 a 0000 + 04649560 n 0201 | cleverly amusing in tone; "a bantering tone"; "facetious remarks"; "tongue-in-cheek advice" 01265108 00 s 04 buffoonish 0 clownish 0 clownlike 0 zany 0 003 & 01264336 a 0000 + 10157744 n 0409 + 10805113 n 0401 | like a clown; "a buffoonish walk"; "a clownish face"; "a zany sense of humor" 01265308 00 s 07 amusing 0 comic 0 comical 0 funny 0 laughable 0 mirthful 0 risible 0 011 & 01264336 a 0000 + 04640830 n 0701 + 07529377 n 0603 + 00031820 v 0501 + 00429949 n 0401 + 06781383 n 0404 + 05210717 n 0301 + 06781383 n 0303 + 07015510 n 0301 + 09940146 n 0202 + 06781383 n 0203 | arousing or provoking laughter; "an amusing film with a steady stream of pranks and pratfalls"; "an amusing fellow"; "a comic hat"; "a comical look of surprise"; "funny stories that made everybody laugh"; "a very funny writer"; "it would have been laughable if it hadn't hurt so much"; "a mirthful experience"; "risible courtroom antics" 01265938 00 s 01 droll 0 001 & 01264336 a 0000 | comical in an odd or whimsical manner; "a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor" 01266092 00 s 04 dry 0 ironic 0 ironical 0 wry 0 004 & 01264336 a 0000 + 06777164 n 0302 + 06777164 n 0202 + 04630137 n 0103 | humorously sarcastic or mocking; "dry humor"; "an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely"; "an ironic novel"; "an ironical smile"; "with a wry Scottish wit" 01266397 00 s 03 farcical 0 ludicrous 0 ridiculous 0 004 & 01264336 a 0000 + 06715786 n 0301 + 06607809 n 0303 + 07016250 n 0101 | broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce; "the wild farcical exuberance of a clown"; "ludicrous green hair" 01266649 00 s 01 Gilbertian 0 001 & 01264336 a 0000 | wildly comic and improbable as in Gilbert and Sullivan operas; "a Gilbertian world people with foundlings and changelings"- T.C.Worsley 01266841 00 s 03 hilarious 0 screaming(a) 0 uproarious 0 002 & 01264336 a 0000 + 07529377 n 0101 | marked by or causing boisterous merriment or convulsive laughter; "hilarious broad comedy"; "a screaming farce"; "uproarious stories" 01267076 00 s 04 jesting 0 jocose 0 jocular 0 joking 0 009 & 01264336 a 0000 + 06778102 n 0301 + 00431005 n 0302 + 07529683 n 0302 + 06781151 n 0302 + 00431005 n 0303 + 04649051 n 0201 + 06781151 n 0201 + 04649051 n 0202 | characterized by jokes and good humor 01267339 00 s 02 killing 0 sidesplitting 0 002 & 01264336 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very funny; "a killing joke"; "sidesplitting antics" 01267480 00 s 02 seriocomic 0 seriocomical 0 001 & 01264336 a 0000 | mixing the serious with the comic with comic predominating; "a seriocomic novel" 01267632 00 s 01 slapstick 0 001 & 01264336 a 0000 | characterized by horseplay and physical action; "slapstick style of humor" 01267762 00 s 02 tragicomic 0 tragicomical 0 003 & 01264336 a 0000 + 07016797 n 0202 + 07017161 n 0201 | having pathetic as well as ludicrous characteristics; "her life...presented itself to me as a tragicomical adventure"--Joseph Conrad 01268002 00 s 01 waggish 0 002 & 01264336 a 0000 + 06781281 n 0102 | witty or joking; "Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer"- James Fenimore Cooper 01268194 00 s 01 witty 0 004 & 01264336 a 0000 + 10762342 n 0102 + 06776138 n 0101 + 06776138 n 0105 | combining clever conception and facetious expression; "his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent" 01268426 00 a 03 humorless 0 humourless 0 unhumorous 0 004 ! 01264336 a 0101 & 01268636 a 0000 & 01268837 a 0000 & 01268937 a 0000 | lacking humor; "it was a humorless wink; a wink of warning"- Truman Capote 01268636 00 s 01 sobersided 0 001 & 01268426 a 0000 | completely lacking in humor or lightness of touch; "choreography that was sobersided and sententious"; "a play with a sobersided social message" 01268837 00 s 01 po-faced 0 002 & 01268426 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | humorless and disapproving 01268937 00 s 01 unfunny 0 001 & 01268426 a 0000 | not funny; especially failing to achieve the intended humor; "a very unfunny joke" 01269073 00 a 01 hungry 0 007 + 14039534 n 0101 + 14039534 n 0102 ! 01270004 a 0101 & 01269319 a 0000 & 01269506 a 0000 & 01269819 a 0000 & 01269907 a 0000 | feeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food; "a world full of hungry people" 01269319 00 s 02 empty 0 empty-bellied 0 002 & 01269073 a 0000 + 14039974 n 0101 | needing nourishment; "after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime"; "empty-bellied children" 01269506 00 s 05 famished 0 ravenous 0 sharp-set 0 starved 0 esurient 0 003 & 01269073 a 0000 + 14040071 n 0502 + 14040071 n 0203 | extremely hungry; "they were tired and famished for food and sleep"; "a ravenous boy"; "the family was starved and ragged"; "fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy" 01269819 00 s 01 peckish 0 002 & 01269073 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | somewhat hungry 01269907 00 s 01 supperless 0 001 & 01269073 a 0000 | without supper; "went to bed supperless" 01270004 00 a 01 thirsty 0 003 + 14040660 n 0102 + 14040660 n 0101 ! 01269073 a 0101 | feeling a need or desire to drink; "after playing hard the children were thirsty" 01270175 00 a 01 hurried 0 008 ^ 00976508 a 0000 + 05060189 n 0104 ! 01271700 a 0101 & 01270486 a 0000 & 01270704 a 0000 & 01270868 a 0000 & 01271410 a 0000 & 01271604 a 0000 | moving rapidly or performed quickly or in great haste; "a hurried trip to the store"; "the hurried life of a city"; "a hurried job" 01270486 00 s 03 flying 0 quick 0 fast 0 003 & 01270175 a 0000 + 05058140 n 0303 + 05059132 n 0202 | hurried and brief; "paid a flying visit"; "took a flying glance at the book"; "a quick inspection"; "a fast visit" 01270704 00 s 02 hasty 0 headlong 1 003 & 01270175 a 0000 + 05060189 n 0101 + 04662858 n 0101 | excessively quick; "made a hasty exit"; "a headlong rush to sell" 01270868 00 s 05 hasty 2 overhasty 0 precipitate 0 precipitant 0 precipitous 0 008 & 01270175 a 0000 + 05060476 n 0503 + 05060476 n 0404 + 05060476 n 0405 + 01644339 v 0401 + 05060476 n 0302 + 05060189 n 0101 + 05060189 n 0102 | done with very great haste and without due deliberation; "hasty marriage seldom proveth well"- Shakespeare; "hasty makeshifts take the place of planning"- Arthur Geddes; "rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion"; "wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king" 01271410 00 s 02 helter-skelter 0 pell-mell 0 001 & 01270175 a 0000 | with undue hurry and confusion; "a helter-skelter kind of existence with never a pause"; "a pell-mell dash for the train" 01271604 00 s 02 rush(a) 0 rushed 0 001 & 01270175 a 0000 | done under pressure; "a rush job" 01271700 00 a 01 unhurried 0 004 + 05061977 n 0104 ! 01270175 a 0101 & 01271961 a 0000 & 01272176 a 0000 | relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste; "people strolling about in an unhurried way"; "an unhurried walk"; "spoke in a calm and unhurried voice" 01271961 00 s 03 careful 0 deliberate 0 measured 0 003 & 01271700 a 0000 + 05061977 n 0203 + 04663494 n 0101 | unhurried and with care and dignity; "walking at the same measured pace"; "with all deliberate speed" 01272176 00 s 03 easy 0 easygoing 0 leisurely 0 004 & 01271700 a 0000 + 15137676 n 0301 + 05062255 n 0301 + 04708113 n 0102 | not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace" 01272397 00 a 01 identifiable 0 008 + 00652346 v 0101 + 00618878 v 0101 ! 01273143 a 0101 & 01272609 a 0000 & 01272718 a 0000 & 01272836 a 0000 & 01272920 a 0000 & 01273033 a 0000 | capable of being identified 01272609 00 s 01 acknowledgeable 0 002 & 01272397 a 0000 + 00817311 v 0102 | capable of being acknowledged 01272718 00 s 02 classifiable 0 distinctive 0 002 & 01272397 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0205 | capable of being classified 01272836 00 s 01 diagnosable 0 001 & 01272397 a 0000 | capable of being diagnosed 01272920 00 s 03 recognizable 0 recognisable 0 placeable 0 001 & 01272397 a 0000 | capable of being recognized 01273033 00 s 01 specifiable 0 001 & 01272397 a 0000 | capable of being specified; "specifiable complaints" 01273143 00 a 01 unidentifiable 0 006 ! 01272397 a 0101 & 01273316 a 0000 & 01273454 a 0000 & 01273604 a 0000 & 01273689 a 0000 & 01273773 a 0000 | impossible to identify 01273316 00 s 01 elusive 0 003 & 01273143 a 0000 + 02723232 v 0101 + 04824118 n 0101 | difficult to describe; "a haunting elusive odor" 01273454 00 s 01 intangible 0 002 & 01273143 a 0000 + 04760296 n 0102 | hard to pin down or identify; "an intangible feeling of impending disaster" 01273604 00 s 01 unclassifiable 0 001 & 01273143 a 0000 | not possible to classify 01273689 00 s 01 undiagnosable 0 001 & 01273143 a 0000 | not possible to diagnose 01273773 00 s 02 unrecognizable 0 unrecognisable 0 001 & 01273143 a 0000 | defying recognition as e.g. because of damage or alteration 01273910 00 a 02 immanent 0 subjective 1 004 ;c 06158346 n 0000 + 04892544 n 0202 + 04892544 n 0201 ! 01274125 a 0101 | of a mental act performed entirely within the mind; "a cognition is an immanent act of mind" 01274125 00 a 02 transeunt 0 transient 0 002 ;c 06158346 n 0000 ! 01273910 a 0101 | of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind 01274261 00 a 01 impaired 0 009 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ^ 01317954 a 0000 ! 01275395 a 0101 & 01274524 a 0000 & 01274626 a 0000 & 01274741 a 0000 & 01274945 a 0000 & 01275057 a 0000 & 01275195 a 0000 | diminished in strength, quality, or utility; "impaired eyesight" 01274524 00 s 01 anosmic 0 002 & 01274261 a 0000 + 14552477 n 0101 | having impaired sense of smell 01274626 00 s 01 broken 0 001 & 01274261 a 0000 | weakened and infirm; "broken health resulting from alcoholism" 01274741 00 s 02 dicky 0 dickey 0 005 & 01274261 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 03191561 n 0201 + 03191561 n 0103 | (British informal) faulty; "I've got this dicky heart"- John le Carre 01274945 00 s 04 diminished 0 lessened 0 vitiated 0 weakened 0 001 & 01274261 a 0000 | impaired by diminution 01275057 00 s 01 dysfunctional 0 002 & 01274261 a 0000 + 14557898 n 0101 | impaired in function; especially of a bodily system or organ 01275195 00 s 02 dyslectic 0 dyslexic 0 003 & 01274261 a 0000 + 14099643 n 0201 + 14099643 n 0101 | having impaired ability to comprehend written words usually associated with a neurologic disorder 01275395 00 a 01 unimpaired 0 003 ^ 00681094 a 0000 ^ 01319182 a 0000 ! 01274261 a 0101 | not damaged or diminished in any respect; "his speech remained unimpaired" 01275562 00 a 02 important 0 of_import 0 025 ^ 00900616 a 0000 ^ 02161432 a 0000 ^ 02500884 a 0000 = 05168261 n 0000 + 05168261 n 0101 ! 01279978 a 0101 & 01276150 a 0000 & 01276482 a 0000 & 01276693 a 0000 & 01276872 a 0000 & 01276992 a 0000 & 01277097 a 0000 & 01277426 a 0000 & 01277753 a 0000 & 01277952 a 0000 & 01278080 a 0000 & 01278251 a 0000 & 01278423 a 0000 & 01278818 a 0000 & 01279028 a 0000 & 01279183 a 0000 & 01279310 a 0000 & 01279431 a 0000 & 01279611 a 0000 & 01279735 a 0000 | of great significance or value; "important people"; "the important questions of the day" 01276150 00 s 05 all-important(a) 0 all_important(p) 0 crucial 0 essential 0 of_the_essence(p) 0 005 & 01275562 a 0000 + 05921123 n 0406 + 05171045 n 0402 + 05171045 n 0401 + 14451672 n 0303 | of the greatest importance; "the all-important subject of disarmament"; "crucial information"; "in chess cool nerves are of the essence" 01276482 00 s 01 alpha 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 + 07329169 n 0101 | first in order of importance; "the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees"; "the alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star" 01276693 00 s 01 beta 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | second in order of importance; "the candidate, considered a beta male, was perceived to be unable to lead his party to victory" 01276872 00 s 01 big 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | significant; "graduation was a big day in his life" 01276992 00 s 01 burning(a) 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | of immediate import; "burning issues of the day" 01277097 00 s 05 cardinal 0 central 0 fundamental 0 key 0 primal 0 003 & 01275562 a 0000 + 05812038 n 0201 + 05921123 n 0204 | serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure" 01277426 00 s 05 chief(a) 2 main(a) 0 primary(a) 0 principal(a) 0 master(a) 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | most important element; "the chief aim of living"; "the main doors were of solid glass"; "the principal rivers of America"; "the principal example"; "policemen were primary targets"; "the master bedroom"; "a master switch" 01277753 00 s 02 consequential 0 eventful 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 + 05170574 n 0101 | having important issues or results; "the year's only really consequential legislation"; "an eventful decision" 01277952 00 s 01 Copernican 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | of radical or major importance; "a Copernican revolution in modern art" 01278080 00 s 01 distinguished 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | (used of persons) standing above others in character or attainment or reputation; "our distinguished professor" 01278251 00 s 01 grand 0 003 & 01275562 a 0000 + 14434681 n 0102 + 04729328 n 0102 | the most important and magnificent in adornment; "grand ballroom"; "grand staircase" 01278423 00 s 04 grave 0 grievous 0 heavy 0 weighty 0 005 & 01275562 a 0000 + 05172322 n 0402 + 05172322 n 0401 + 04647478 n 0101 + 04647478 n 0102 | of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; "grave responsibilities"; "faced a grave decision in a time of crisis"; "a grievous fault"; "heavy matters of state"; "the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference" 01278818 00 s 02 great 1 outstanding 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 + 05169601 n 0101 | of major significance or importance; "a great work of art"; "Einstein was one of the outstanding figures of the 20th centurey" 01279028 00 s 01 historic 0 003 & 01275562 a 0000 + 06514093 n 0101 + 06155567 n 0101 | important in history; "the historic first voyage to outer space" 01279183 00 s 01 in-chief(ip) 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | indicating the head of a staff; "editor-in-chief" 01279310 00 s 01 measurable 0 001 & 01275562 a 0000 | of distinguished importance; "a measurable figure in literature" 01279431 00 s 01 most-valuable 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | designating the player judged to be the most important to the sport; "the most-valuable player award" 01279611 00 s 01 serious 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 + 04646548 n 0101 | of great consequence; "marriage is a serious matter" 01279735 00 s 01 strategic 0 002 & 01275562 a 0000 + 06249177 n 0101 | highly important to or an integral part of a strategy or plan of action especially in war; "a strategic chess move"; "strategic withdrawal"; "strategic bombing missions" 01279978 00 a 01 unimportant 0 013 ^ 01497736 a 0000 ^ 00902652 a 0000 ^ 02164402 a 0000 = 05168261 n 0000 + 14436438 n 0102 + 05172596 n 0101 ! 01275562 a 0101 & 01280349 a 0000 & 01280576 a 0000 & 01280908 a 0000 & 01281559 a 0000 & 01281695 a 0000 & 01281874 a 0000 | not important; "a relatively unimportant feature of the system"; "the question seems unimportant" 01280349 00 s 02 inconsequent 0 inconsequential 0 002 & 01279978 a 0000 + 05174517 n 0101 | lacking worth or importance; "his work seems trivial and inconsequential"; "the quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet" 01280576 00 s 02 immaterial 0 indifferent 0 003 & 01279978 a 0000 + 07505676 n 0201 + 13796216 n 0101 | (often followed by `to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other; "whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial (or indifferent)"; "what others think is altogether indifferent to him" 01280908 00 s 0a fiddling 0 footling 0 lilliputian 0 little 0 niggling 0 piddling 0 piffling 0 petty 0 picayune 0 trivial 0 007 & 01279978 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 00840413 v 0a01 + 04486445 n 0a02 + 05173205 n 0a02 + 04834073 n 0801 + 04834073 n 0402 | (informal) small and of little importance; "a fiddling sum of money"; "a footling gesture"; "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war"; "a little (or small) matter"; "a dispute over niggling details"; "limited to petty enterprises"; "piffling efforts"; "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction" 01281559 00 s 01 lightweight 0 002 & 01279978 a 0000 + 10776987 n 0103 | having no importance or influence; "a lightweight intellect" 01281695 00 s 02 nickel-and-dime 0 small-time 0 001 & 01279978 a 0000 | of minor importance; "a nickel-and-dime operation run out of a single rented room"; "a small-time actor" 01281874 00 s 01 potty 0 003 & 01279978 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) trivial; "potty little details" 01282014 00 a 01 impressive 0 022 ^ 01560513 a 0000 + 04719502 n 0101 + 04729328 n 0101 + 01767949 v 0102 + 01769902 v 0101 ! 01286539 a 0101 & 01282510 a 0000 & 01282921 a 0000 & 01283155 a 0000 & 01283508 a 0000 & 01283787 a 0000 & 01284212 a 0000 & 01284544 a 0000 & 01284836 a 0000 & 01285136 a 0000 & 01285376 a 0000 & 01285713 a 0000 & 01285850 a 0000 & 01285938 a 0000 & 01286093 a 0000 & 01286239 a 0000 & 01286375 a 0000 | making a strong or vivid impression; "an impressive ceremony" 01282510 00 s 05 amazing 0 awe-inspiring 0 awesome 0 awful 0 awing 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent" 01282921 00 s 03 arresting 0 sensational 0 stunning 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | commanding attention; "an arresting drawing of people turning into animals"; "a sensational concert--one never to be forgotten"; "a stunning performance" 01283155 00 s 04 astonishing 0 astounding 0 staggering 0 stupefying 1 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm; "such an enormous response was astonishing"; "an astounding achievement"; "the amount of money required was staggering"; "suffered a staggering defeat"; "the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying" 01283508 00 s 04 baronial 0 imposing 0 noble 0 stately 0 003 & 01282014 a 0000 + 04729984 n 0401 + 09840520 n 0101 | impressive in appearance; "a baronial mansion"; "an imposing residence"; "a noble tree"; "severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses"; "stately columns" 01283787 00 s 04 dazzling 1 eye-popping 0 fulgurant 0 fulgurous 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning; "the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps"; "these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth"- Janet Flanner; "adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous"- Idwal Jones 01284212 00 s 03 dramatic 0 spectacular 0 striking 0 003 & 01282014 a 0000 + 04707252 n 0302 + 07290278 n 0101 | sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect; "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause"; "a spectacular display of northern lights"; "it was a spectacular play"; "his striking good looks always created a sensation" 01284544 00 s 03 expansive 0 grand 0 heroic 0 004 & 01282014 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0202 + 04729710 n 0102 + 04729710 n 0101 | of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope; "an expansive lifestyle"; "in the grand manner"; "collecting on a grand scale"; "heroic undertakings" 01284836 00 s 01 formidable 1 002 & 01282014 a 0000 + 04710866 n 0101 | extremely impressive in strength or excellence; "a formidable opponent"; "the challenge was formidable"; "had a formidable array of compositions to his credit"; "the formidable army of brains at the Prime Minister's disposal" 01285136 00 s 04 gallant 0 lofty 0 majestic 0 proud 0 003 & 01282014 a 0000 + 04729984 n 0302 + 04729984 n 0203 | having or displaying great dignity or nobility; "a gallant pageant"; "lofty ships"; "majestic cities"; "proud alpine peaks" 01285376 00 s 04 brilliant 0 glorious 0 magnificent 0 splendid 0 006 & 01282014 a 0000 + 04729328 n 0303 + 04814238 n 0301 + 04684358 n 0201 + 04954920 n 0103 + 04814238 n 0102 | characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony" 01285713 00 s 01 grandiose 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval 01285850 00 s 01 important-looking 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | impressive in appearance 01285938 00 s 01 mind-boggling 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | intellectually or emotionally overwhelming; "a mind-boggling display"; "a mind-boggling puzzle" 01286093 00 s 01 palatial 0 002 & 01282014 a 0000 + 03878066 n 0101 | suitable for or like a palace; "palatial furnishings"; "a palatial yacht" 01286239 00 s 01 signal 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party" 01286375 00 s 01 thundering 0 001 & 01282014 a 0000 | extraordinarily big or impressive; "a thundering success"; "the thundering silence of what was left unsaid" 01286539 00 a 01 unimpressive 0 003 ^ 01892953 a 0000 ! 01282014 a 0101 & 01286659 a 0000 | not capable of impressing 01286659 00 s 01 unimposing 0 001 & 01286539 a 0000 | lacking in impressiveness; "on the whole the results of this system are unimposing" 01286799 00 a 01 noticeable 0 009 = 04706290 n 0000 + 04706290 n 0103 + 02118476 v 0101 ! 01288091 a 0101 & 01287160 a 0000 & 01287282 a 0000 & 01287486 a 0000 & 01287808 a 0000 & 01287972 a 0000 | capable or worthy of being perceived; "noticeable shadows under her eyes"; "noticeable for its vivid historical background"; "a noticeable lack of friendliness" 01287160 00 s 01 broad 0 001 & 01286799 a 0000 | (of speech) heavily and noticeably regional; "a broad southern accent" 01287282 00 s 02 detectable 0 perceptible 0 003 & 01286799 a 0000 + 02106506 v 0201 + 05017230 n 0201 | easily seen or detected; "a detectable note of sarcasm"; "he continued after a perceptible pause" 01287486 00 s 03 discernible 0 evident 0 observable 0 006 & 01286799 a 0000 + 02154508 v 0302 + 02118933 v 0303 + 02169352 v 0301 + 06643408 n 0201 + 02193194 v 0105 | capable of being seen or noticed; "a discernible change in attitude"; "a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript"; "an observable change in behavior" 01287808 00 s 02 marked 0 pronounced 0 001 & 01286799 a 0000 | strongly marked; easily noticeable; "walked with a marked limp"; "a pronounced flavor of cinnamon" 01287972 00 s 01 noted 0 001 & 01286799 a 0000 | worthy of notice or attention; "a noted increase in the crime rate" 01288091 00 a 01 unnoticeable 0 004 = 04706290 n 0000 + 04707808 n 0101 ! 01286799 a 0101 & 01288298 a 0000 | not noticeable; not drawing attention; "her clothes were simple and unnoticeable"- J.G.Cozzens 01288298 00 s 02 insignificant 0 undistinguished 0 001 & 01288091 a 0000 | not worthy of notice 01288396 00 a 01 improved 0 004 ! 01289229 a 0101 & 01288690 a 0000 & 01288895 a 0000 & 01289083 a 0000 | made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially made ready for use or marketing; "new houses are springing up on an improved tract of land near the river"; "an improved breed" 01288690 00 s 02 built 0 reinforced 0 001 & 01288396 a 0000 | (used of soaps or cleaning agents) having a substance (an abrasive or filler) added to increase effectiveness; "the built liquid detergents" 01288895 00 s 01 developed 0 001 & 01288396 a 0000 | (of real estate) made more useful and profitable as by building or laying out roads; "condominiums were built on the developed site" 01289083 00 s 01 landscaped 0 001 & 01288396 a 0000 | (of land) improved by gardening or landscape architecture; "carefully landscaped gardens" 01289229 00 a 01 unimproved 0 003 ! 01288396 a 0101 & 01289480 a 0000 & 01289607 a 0000 | not made more desirable or valuable or profitable; especially not made ready for use or marketing; "taxes on unimproved land are low"; "unimproved dirt roads" 01289480 00 s 02 dirt 0 ungraded 0 001 & 01289229 a 0000 | (of roads) not leveled or drained; unsuitable for all year travel 01289607 00 s 01 scrub 0 001 & 01289229 a 0000 | (of domestic animals) not selectively bred 01289701 00 a 01 cleared 0 004 ^ 02575008 a 0000 ! 01290333 a 0101 & 01290028 a 0000 & 01290174 a 0000 | rid of objects or obstructions such as e.g. trees and brush; "cleared land"; "cleared streets free of fallen trees and debris"; "a cleared passage through the underbrush"; "played poker on the cleared dining room table" 01290028 00 s 01 clear-cut 0 001 & 01289701 a 0000 | having had all the trees removed at one time; "clear-cut hillsides are subject to erosion" 01290174 00 s 01 improved 0 001 & 01289701 a 0000 | (of land) made ready for development or agriculture by clearing of trees and brush; "improved farmlands" 01290333 00 a 01 uncleared 0 003 ^ 02572823 a 0000 ! 01289701 a 0101 & 01290547 a 0000 | not cleared; not rid of objects or obstructions; "uncleared land"; "many cars were stuck in the snow on uncleared streets" 01290547 00 s 01 unimproved 1 001 & 01290333 a 0000 | (of land) not cleared of trees and brush; in the wild or natural state; "a farm with 50 acres of unimproved and 68 acres of improved land"; "unimproved woodlands" 01290766 00 a 01 inaugural 0 001 ! 01290947 a 0101 | occurring at or characteristic of a formal investiture or induction; "the President's inaugural address"; "an inaugural ball" 01290947 00 a 01 exaugural 0 002 ! 01290766 a 0101 & 01291098 a 0000 | occurring at or marking the close of a term of office; "an exaugural message" 01291098 00 s 01 valedictory 0 002 & 01290947 a 0000 + 07243565 n 0104 | of a speech expressing leave-taking; "a valedictory address" 01291234 00 a 01 inboard 0 001 ! 01291391 a 0101 | located within the hull or nearest the midline of a vessel or aircraft; "the inboard flaps on the wing" 01291391 00 a 01 outboard 0 003 + 03859000 n 0102 ! 01291234 a 0101 & 01291589 a 0000 | located away from the midline of a vessel or aircraft; "the outboard section of a wing"; "outboard rigging" 01291589 00 s 01 portable 0 002 & 01291391 a 0000 + 03985069 n 0101 | of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat's hull; "a portable outboard motor" 01291757 00 a 01 inbred 0 002 ! 01291937 a 0101 & 01291850 a 0000 | produced by inbreeding 01291850 00 s 01 interbred 1 001 & 01291757 a 0000 | bred of closely related parents 01291937 00 a 01 outbred 0 004 ^ 01904156 a 0000 ^ 00871255 a 0000 ;c 06143546 n 0000 ! 01291757 a 0101 | bred of parents not closely related; having parents of different classes or tribes 01292128 00 a 01 inclined(p) 2 006 ^ 02564986 a 0000 ! 01293158 a 0101 & 01292411 a 0000 & 01292683 a 0000 & 01292884 a 0000 & 01293049 a 0000 | (often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody" 01292411 00 s 05 apt(p) 0 disposed(p) 0 given(p) 0 minded(p) 1 tending(p) 0 002 & 01292128 a 0000 + 04943154 n 0101 | (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant"; "I am not minded to answer any questions" 01292683 00 s 02 fond(p) 0 partial(p) 0 002 & 01292128 a 0000 + 07497797 n 0101 | (followed by `of' or `to') having a strong preference or liking for; "fond of chocolate"; "partial to horror movies" 01292884 00 s 01 prone 0 002 & 01292128 a 0000 + 04943578 n 0101 | having a tendency (to); often used in combination; "a child prone to mischief"; "failure-prone" 01293049 00 s 01 accident-prone 0 001 & 01292128 a 0000 | having more than the average number of accidents 01293158 00 a 01 disinclined 0 006 ^ 00075515 a 0000 ^ 02566015 a 0000 ! 01292128 a 0101 & 01293396 a 0000 & 01293542 a 0000 & 01293882 a 0000 | unwilling because of mild dislike or disapproval; "disinclined to say anything to anybody" 01293396 00 s 01 afraid 0 001 & 01293158 a 0000 | having feelings of aversion or unwillingness; "afraid of hard work"; "afraid to show emotion" 01293542 00 s 06 antipathetic 0 antipathetical 0 averse(p) 0 indisposed(p) 0 loath(p) 0 loth(p) 0 003 & 01293158 a 0000 + 07502669 n 0101 + 05811466 n 0101 | (usually followed by `to') strongly opposed; "antipathetic to new ideas"; "averse to taking risks"; "loath to go on such short notice"; "clearly indisposed to grant their request" 01293882 00 s 01 reluctant 0 002 & 01293158 a 0000 + 04645943 n 0101 | disinclined to become involved; "they were usually reluctant to socialize"; "reluctant to help" 01294051 00 a 01 incoming 1 001 ! 01294185 a 0101 | entering upon a position of office vacated by another; "the incoming president" 01294185 00 a 01 outgoing 1 001 ! 01294051 a 0101 | retiring from a position or office; "the outgoing president" 01294300 00 a 01 incoming 0 010 ^ 01732270 a 0000 = 13827426 n 0000 ! 01295443 a 0101 & 01294583 a 0000 & 01294756 a 0000 & 01294857 a 0000 & 01294975 a 0000 & 01295143 a 0000 & 01295255 a 0000 & 01295337 a 0000 | arriving at a place or position; "incoming class"; "incoming mail" 01294583 00 s 02 inbound 0 inward 0 002 & 01294300 a 0000 + 05078894 n 0201 | directed or moving inward or toward a center; "the inbound train"; "inward flood of capital" 01294756 00 s 01 designate(ip) 0 001 & 01294300 a 0000 | appointed but not yet installed in office 01294857 00 s 01 elect(ip) 0 001 & 01294300 a 0000 | elected but not yet installed in office; "the president elect" 01294975 00 s 03 future(a) 0 next 0 succeeding(a) 0 002 & 01294300 a 0000 + 05049930 n 0101 | (of elected officers) elected but not yet serving; "our next president" 01295143 00 s 01 in(a) 0 001 & 01294300 a 0000 | directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket" 01295255 00 s 02 inflowing 0 influent 0 001 & 01294300 a 0000 | flowing inward 01295337 00 s 01 inpouring 0 001 & 01294300 a 0000 | pouring inward; "inpouring throngs of immigrants" 01295443 00 a 01 outgoing 0 007 ^ 01727926 a 0000 = 13827426 n 0000 ! 01294300 a 0101 & 01295660 a 0000 & 01295837 a 0000 & 01295946 a 0000 & 01296091 a 0000 | leaving a place or a position; "an outgoing steamship" 01295660 00 s 03 outbound 0 outward 0 outward-bound 0 001 & 01295443 a 0000 | that is going out or leaving; "the departing train"; "an outward journey"; "outward-bound ships" 01295837 00 s 02 effluent 0 outflowing 0 002 & 01295443 a 0000 + 13529295 n 0102 | that is flowing outward 01295946 00 s 01 out(a) 0 001 & 01295443 a 0000 | directed outward or serving to direct something outward; "the out doorway"; "the out basket" 01296091 00 s 03 past(a) 0 preceding(a) 0 retiring(a) 0 001 & 01295443 a 0000 | of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office; "a retiring member of the board" 01296270 00 a 01 inductive 0 004 ^ 00139126 a 0000 ^ 00111129 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 ! 01296474 a 0101 | of reasoning; proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion; "inductive reasoning" 01296474 00 a 01 deductive 0 009 ^ 00138912 a 0000 ^ 00110853 a 0000 + 00944924 v 0101 + 00636574 v 0101 ! 01296270 a 0101 & 01296718 a 0000 & 01296816 a 0000 & 01296961 a 0000 & 01297152 a 0000 | involving inferences from general principles 01296718 00 s 01 deducible 0 002 & 01296474 a 0000 + 00944924 v 0101 | capable of being deduced 01296816 00 s 01 illative 0 002 & 01296474 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | expressing or preceding an inference; "`therefore' is an illative word" 01296961 00 s 02 illative 2 inferential 2 002 & 01296474 a 0000 + 05774614 n 0201 | resembling or dependent on or arrived at by inference; "an illative conclusion"; "inferential reasoning" 01297152 00 s 01 inferential 1 002 & 01296474 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 | of reasoning; proceeding from general premisses to a necessary and specific conclusion 01297315 00 a 01 indulgent 0 012 ^ 00009978 a 0000 + 04638585 n 0101 ! 01299888 a 0101 & 01297658 a 0000 & 01297946 a 0000 & 01298239 a 0000 & 01298708 a 0000 & 01298884 a 0000 & 01299173 a 0000 & 01299385 a 0000 & 01299484 a 0000 & 01299687 a 0000 | characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone ; "indulgent grandparents" 01297658 00 s 02 decadent 0 effete 0 004 & 01297315 a 0000 + 09997939 n 0101 + 14440875 n 0104 + 14440875 n 0103 | marked by excessive self-indulgence and moral decay; "a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility"; "a group of effete self-professed intellectuals" 01297946 00 s 04 dissipated 0 betting 0 card-playing 0 sporting 0 001 & 01297315 a 0000 | preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance; "led a dissipated life"; "a betting man"; "a card-playing son of a bitch"; "a gambling fool"; "sporting gents and their ladies" 01298239 00 s 06 epicurean 0 luxurious 0 luxuriant 0 sybaritic 0 voluptuary 0 voluptuous 0 005 & 01297315 a 0000 + 05116243 n 0603 + 10759543 n 0501 + 10759543 n 0402 + 14492373 n 0202 | displaying luxury and furnishing gratification to the senses; "an epicurean banquet"; "enjoyed a luxurious suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs"; "Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence"; "a chinchilla robe of sybaritic lavishness" 01298708 00 s 01 gay 0 001 & 01297315 a 0000 | given to social pleasures often including dissipation; "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies" 01298884 00 s 03 hedonic 0 hedonistic 0 epicurean 2 007 & 01297315 a 0000 + 10061656 n 0305 + 10061656 n 0301 + 09183971 n 0201 + 06160596 n 0201 + 09183971 n 0101 + 06160596 n 0101 | devoted to pleasure; "a hedonic thrill"; "lives of unending hedonistic delight"; "epicurean pleasures" 01299173 00 s 03 intemperate 0 hard 0 heavy 0 003 & 01297315 a 0000 + 00748011 n 0102 + 00747671 n 0102 | given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors; "a hard drinker" 01299385 00 s 01 overindulgent 0 002 & 01297315 a 0000 + 01073655 n 0101 | excessively indulgent 01299484 00 s 01 pampering(a) 0 002 & 01297315 a 0000 + 01073241 n 0103 | gratifying tastes, appetites, or desires; "pampering parents often have spoilt children"; "a very pampering cruise experience" 01299687 00 s 01 self-indulgent 0 003 & 01297315 a 0000 + 04884627 n 0102 + 00747671 n 0103 | indulgent of your own appetites and desires; "a self-indulgent...way of looking at life"- Havelock Ellis 01299888 00 a 02 nonindulgent 0 strict 0 011 ^ 00009046 a 0000 + 04639371 n 0202 + 04881998 n 0103 ! 01297315 a 0101 & 01300187 a 0000 & 01300370 a 0000 & 01300661 a 0000 & 01300961 a 0000 & 01301056 a 0000 & 01301206 a 0000 & 01301316 a 0000 | characterized by strictness, severity, or restraint 01300187 00 s 02 austere 0 stern 0 002 & 01299888 a 0000 + 04697666 n 0101 | of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect; "an austere expression"; "a stern face" 01300370 00 s 03 blue(a) 0 puritanic 0 puritanical 0 005 & 01299888 a 0000 + 10494195 n 0301 + 04639591 n 0301 + 10487026 n 0202 + 10494195 n 0201 | morally rigorous and strict; "the puritan work ethic"; "puritanic distaste for alcohol"; "she was anything but puritanical in her behavior" 01300661 00 s 03 corrective 0 disciplinary 0 disciplinal 0 004 & 01299888 a 0000 + 00893836 n 0201 + 02553428 v 0102 + 00824292 v 0105 | designed to promote discipline; "the teacher's action was corrective rather than instructional"; "disciplinal measures"; "the mother was stern and disciplinary" 01300961 00 s 01 monkish 0 001 & 01299888 a 0000 | befitting a monk; inclined to self-denial 01301056 00 s 04 renunciant 0 renunciative 0 self-abnegating 0 self-denying 0 002 & 01299888 a 0000 + 02227487 v 0102 | used especially of behavior 01301206 00 s 02 self-disciplined 0 self-restraining 0 001 & 01299888 a 0000 | used of nonindulgent persons 01301316 00 s 02 severe 2 spartan 0 003 & 01299888 a 0000 + 04639732 n 0102 + 04639732 n 0101 | unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells; "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"; "a strict disciplinarian"; "a Spartan upbringing" 01301624 00 a 01 industrial 0 005 ^ 01876006 a 0000 ! 01302368 a 0101 & 01301840 a 0000 & 01301992 a 0000 & 01302137 a 0000 | having highly developed industries; "the industrial revolution"; "an industrial nation" 01301840 00 s 02 developed 0 highly-developed 0 001 & 01301624 a 0000 | (used of societies) having high industrial development; "developed countries" 01301992 00 s 02 industrialized 0 industrialised 0 001 & 01301624 a 0000 | made industrial; converted to industrialism; "industrialized areas" 01302137 00 s 01 postindustrial 0 001 & 01301624 a 0000 | of or relating to a society or economy marked by a lessened importance of manufacturing and an increase of services, information, and research; "postindustrial countries" 01302368 00 a 01 nonindustrial 0 003 ! 01301624 a 0101 & 01302544 a 0000 & 01302699 a 0000 | not having highly developed manufacturing enterprises; "a nonindustrial society" 01302544 00 s 02 developing 0 underdeveloped 0 001 & 01302368 a 0000 | relating to societies in which capital needed to industrialize is in short supply 01302699 00 s 02 unindustrialized 0 unindustrialised 0 001 & 01302368 a 0000 | not converted to industrialism 01302811 00 a 01 infectious 0 005 + 06282383 n 0102 ! 01303544 a 0101 & 01303042 a 0000 & 01303298 a 0000 & 01303449 a 0000 | easily spread; "fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders"- Bertrand Russell 01303042 00 s 06 catching 1 communicable 0 contagious 1 contractable 0 transmissible 0 transmittable 0 005 & 01302811 a 0000 + 02231661 v 0502 + 14122235 n 0302 + 07360647 n 0302 + 00077981 n 0101 | (of disease) capable of being transmitted by infection 01303298 00 s 01 contagious 2 002 & 01302811 a 0000 + 06282383 n 0101 | easily diffused or spread as from one person to another; "a contagious grin" 01303449 00 s 02 corrupting 0 contaminating 0 001 & 01302811 a 0000 | that infects or taints 01303544 00 a 01 noninfectious 0 002 ! 01302811 a 0101 & 01303636 a 0000 | not infectious 01303636 00 s 03 noncommunicable 0 noncontagious 0 nontransmissible 0 001 & 01303544 a 0000 | (of disease) not capable of being passed on 01303776 00 a 01 infernal 0 005 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ! 01304374 a 0101 & 01303946 a 0000 & 01304081 a 0000 & 01304250 a 0000 | being of the underworld; "infernal regions" 01303946 00 s 03 chthonian 0 chthonic 0 nether 0 001 & 01303776 a 0000 | dwelling beneath the surface of the earth; "nether regions" 01304081 00 s 03 Hadean 0 Plutonian 0 Tartarean 0 003 & 01303776 a 0000 + 05630277 n 0302 + 09570298 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Hades or Tartarus 01304250 00 s 01 Stygian 0 001 & 01303776 a 0000 | hellish; "Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn"- Milton 01304374 00 a 01 supernal 0 002 ^ 01178974 a 0000 ! 01303776 a 0101 | being or coming from on high; "interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men" 01304570 00 a 02 informative 0 informatory 0 008 ^ 01323449 a 0000 + 00831651 v 0201 + 00831651 v 0101 ! 01305607 a 0101 & 01304802 a 0000 & 01305123 a 0000 & 01305244 a 0000 & 01305344 a 0000 | providing or conveying information 01304802 00 s 04 advisory 0 consultative 0 consultatory 0 consultive 0 009 & 01304570 a 0000 + 00877559 v 0401 + 00876442 v 0401 + 00877559 v 0301 + 00876442 v 0301 + 00877559 v 0201 + 00876442 v 0201 + 00872886 v 0102 + 06747008 n 0101 | giving advice; "an advisory memorandum", "his function was purely consultative" 01305123 00 s 02 exemplifying 0 illustrative 0 002 & 01304570 a 0000 + 01021128 v 0202 | clarifying by use of examples 01305244 00 s 01 newsy 0 002 & 01304570 a 0000 + 06642356 n 0101 | full of news; "a newsy letter" 01305344 00 s 03 revealing 0 telling 0 telltale(a) 0 003 & 01304570 a 0000 + 10692696 n 0305 + 06805297 n 0203 | disclosing unintentionally; "a telling smile"; "a telltale panel of lights"; "a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down" 01305607 00 a 01 uninformative 0 002 ! 01304570 a 0101 & 01305704 a 0000 | lacking information 01305704 00 s 01 newsless 0 001 & 01305607 a 0000 | not providing news or information 01305792 00 a 01 gnostic 0 002 + 05708030 n 0101 ! 01305929 a 0101 | possessing intellectual or esoteric knowledge of spiritual things 01305929 00 a 02 agnostic 0 agnostical 0 004 + 09779124 n 0201 + 09778927 n 0201 ! 01305792 a 0101 & 01306087 a 0000 | uncertain of all claims to knowledge 01306087 00 s 02 nescient 0 unbelieving 0 001 & 01305929 a 0000 | holding that only material phenomena can be known and knowledge of spiritual matters or ultimate causes is impossible 01306273 00 a 01 informed 0 013 ^ 00829745 a 0000 ^ 00884007 a 0000 ^ 02270342 a 0000 ! 01308425 a 0101 & 01306645 a 0000 & 01306967 a 0000 & 01307067 a 0000 & 01307375 a 0000 & 01307571 a 0000 & 01307690 a 0000 & 01307850 a 0000 & 01308089 a 0000 & 01308259 a 0000 | having much knowledge or education; "an informed public"; "informed opinion"; "the informed customer" 01306645 00 s 04 abreast(p) 0 au_courant 0 au_fait 0 up_on(p) 0 001 & 01306273 a 0000 | being up to particular standard or level especially in being up to date in knowledge; "kept abreast of the latest developments"; "constant revision keeps the book au courant"; "always au fait on the latest events"; "up on the news" 01306967 00 s 01 advised 0 001 & 01306273 a 0000 | having received information; "be kept advised" 01307067 00 s 02 conversant(p) 0 familiar(p) 0 004 & 01306273 a 0000 + 05817145 n 0202 + 05817145 n 0104 + 05817145 n 0103 | (usually followed by `with') well informed about or knowing thoroughly; "conversant with business trends"; "familiar with the complex machinery"; "he was familiar with those roads" 01307375 00 s 02 educated 0 enlightened 0 002 & 01306273 a 0000 + 07948518 n 0202 | characterized by full comprehension of the problem involved; "an educated guess"; "an enlightened electorate" 01307571 00 s 03 hep 0 hip 0 hip_to(p) 0 002 & 01306273 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | informed about the latest trends 01307690 00 s 03 knowing 0 wise(p) 0 wise_to(p) 0 003 & 01306273 a 0000 + 05621946 n 0101 + 05675905 n 0105 | evidencing the possession of inside information 01307850 00 s 02 knowledgeable 0 knowing 2 004 & 01306273 a 0000 + 05675905 n 0205 + 04890546 n 0102 + 04890546 n 0101 | alert and fully informed; "a knowing collector of rare books"; "surprisingly knowledgeable about what was going on" 01308089 00 s 01 privy(p) 0 001 & 01306273 a 0000 | (followed by `to') informed about something secret or not generally known; "privy to the details of the conspiracy" 01308259 00 s 01 well-read 0 001 & 01306273 a 0000 | well informed or deeply versed through reading; "respect for a well-read man"; "well-read in medieval history" 01308425 00 a 01 uninformed 0 011 ^ 02271544 a 0000 ^ 00830717 a 0000 ^ 00884286 a 0000 ! 01306273 a 0101 & 01308736 a 0000 & 01308894 a 0000 & 01309220 a 0000 & 01309428 a 0000 & 01309526 a 0000 & 01309657 a 0000 & 01309835 a 0000 | not informed; lacking in knowledge or information; "the uninformed public" 01308736 00 s 01 clueless 0 001 & 01308425 a 0000 | totally uninformed about what is going on; not having even a clue from which to infer what is occurring 01308894 00 s 04 ignorant 0 unknowledgeable 0 unknowing 0 unwitting 0 004 & 01308425 a 0000 + 05988743 n 0303 + 05988743 n 0304 + 05988282 n 0101 | unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge; "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances"; "an unknowledgeable assistant"; "his rudeness was unwitting" 01309220 00 s 02 innocent(p) 0 unacquainted(p) 0 001 & 01308425 a 0000 | not knowledgeable about something specified; "American tourists wholly innocent of French"; "a person unacquainted with our customs" 01309428 00 s 01 newsless 0 001 & 01308425 a 0000 | not having or receiving news or information 01309526 00 s 01 unadvised 0 001 & 01308425 a 0000 | having received no information; "a defendant unadvised of her legal rights" 01309657 00 s 03 uninstructed 0 unenlightened 0 naive 0 002 & 01308425 a 0000 + 04880573 n 0303 | lacking information or instruction; "lamentably unenlightened as to the laws" 01309835 00 s 01 unread 0 001 & 01308425 a 0000 | not informed through reading; "he seems to have been wholly unread in political theory"- V.L.Parrington 01309991 00 a 02 ingenuous 0 artless 2 007 ^ 02271544 a 0000 ^ 02179279 a 0000 + 04880830 n 0201 + 04872531 n 0101 ! 01310685 a 0101 & 01310273 a 0000 & 01310545 a 0000 | characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious; "an ingenuous admission of responsibility" 01310273 00 s 03 candid 0 open 0 heart-to-heart 0 004 & 01309991 a 0000 + 07136315 n 0301 + 04654066 n 0201 + 04871720 n 0103 | openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk" 01310545 00 s 01 undistorted 0 001 & 01309991 a 0000 | without alteration or misrepresentation; "his judgment was undistorted by emotion" 01310685 00 a 02 disingenuous 0 artful 2 005 ^ 02180797 a 0000 + 04876705 n 0201 + 04876374 n 0101 ! 01309991 a 0101 & 01311067 a 0000 | not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness; "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who...exemplified...the most disagreeable traits of his time"- David Cannadine; "a disingenuous excuse" 01311067 00 s 04 distorted 0 misrepresented 0 perverted 0 twisted 0 001 & 01310685 a 0000 | having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented; "many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality"; "a perverted translation of the poem" 01311321 00 a 01 inhabited 0 010 ! 01312739 a 0101 & 01311605 a 0000 & 01311705 a 0000 & 01311814 a 0000 & 01311973 a 0000 & 01312105 a 0000 & 01312215 a 0000 & 01312376 a 0000 & 01312466 a 0000 & 01312567 a 0000 | having inhabitants; lived in; "the inhabited regions of the earth" 01311605 00 s 03 colonized 0 colonised 0 settled 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | inhabited by colonists 01311705 00 s 01 haunted 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | inhabited by or as if by apparitions; "a haunted house" 01311814 00 s 02 occupied 0 tenanted 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | resided in; having tenants; "not all the occupied (or tenanted) apartments were well kept up" 01311973 00 s 01 owner-occupied 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | lived in by the owner; "one owner-occupied and three rental apartments" 01312105 00 s 01 peopled 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | furnished with people; "sparsely peopled arctic regions" 01312215 00 s 01 populated 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | furnished with inhabitants; "the area is well populated"; "forests populated with all kinds of wild life" 01312376 00 s 02 populous 0 thickly_settled 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | densely populated 01312466 00 s 01 rock-inhabiting 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | of ferns and lichens that grow on rocks 01312567 00 s 01 underpopulated 0 001 & 01311321 a 0000 | having a lower population density than normal or desirable; "the richly endowed but underpopulated Ivory Coast" 01312739 00 a 01 uninhabited 0 007 ! 01311321 a 0101 & 01313004 a 0000 & 01313178 a 0000 & 01313346 a 0000 & 01313525 a 0000 & 01313649 a 0000 & 01313835 a 0000 | not having inhabitants; not lived in; "an uninhabited island"; "gaping doors of uninhabited houses" 01313004 00 s 03 abandoned 0 derelict 0 deserted 0 002 & 01312739 a 0000 + 02666501 n 0202 | forsaken by owner or inhabitants ; "weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse" 01313178 00 s 01 depopulated 0 001 & 01312739 a 0000 | having lost inhabitants as by war or disease; "the 15th century plagues left vast areas of Europe depopulated" 01313346 00 s 02 unoccupied 0 untenanted 0 001 & 01312739 a 0000 | not leased to or occupied by a tenant; "an unoccupied apartment"; "very little unclaimed and untenanted land" 01313525 00 s 02 unpeopled 0 unpopulated 0 001 & 01312739 a 0000 | with no people living there; "vast unpopulated plains" 01313649 00 s 03 lonely 0 solitary 0 unfrequented 0 001 & 01312739 a 0000 | devoid of creatures; "a lonely crossroads"; "a solitary retreat"; "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake" 01313835 00 s 01 unsettled 0 001 & 01312739 a 0000 | not yet settled; "unsettled territory" 01313929 00 a 02 inheritable 0 heritable 0 007 ! 01315507 a 0101 & 01314197 a 0000 & 01314537 a 0000 & 01314863 a 0000 & 01315025 a 0000 & 01315249 a 0000 & 01315339 a 0000 | capable of being inherited; "inheritable traits such as eye color"; "an inheritable title" 01314197 00 s 04 ancestral 0 hereditary 2 patrimonial 0 transmissible 2 004 & 01313929 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 13263920 n 0302 + 09792555 n 0101 | inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent; "ancestral home"; "ancestral lore"; "hereditary monarchy"; "patrimonial estate"; "transmissible tradition" 01314537 00 s 06 familial 0 genetic 0 hereditary 1 inherited 0 transmitted 1 transmissible 1 005 & 01313929 a 0000 + 02231661 v 0602 + 04920867 n 0301 + 13493399 n 0301 + 10236304 n 0103 | occurring among members of a family usually by heredity; "an inherited disease"; "familial traits"; "genetically transmitted features" 01314863 00 s 01 monogenic 0 002 & 01313929 a 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 | of or relating to an inheritable character that is controlled by a single pair of genes 01315025 00 s 01 polygenic 0 003 & 01313929 a 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 05440555 n 0101 | of or relating to an inheritable character that is controlled by several genes at once; of or related to or determined by polygenes 01315249 00 s 01 inheriting 0 001 & 01313929 a 0000 | having the legal right to inherit 01315339 00 s 01 nee 0 001 & 01313929 a 0000 | (meaning literally `born') used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman; "Hillary Clinton nee Rodham" 01315507 00 a 02 noninheritable 0 nonheritable 0 005 ! 01313929 a 0101 & 01315670 a 0000 & 01315844 a 0000 & 01316019 a 0000 & 01316127 a 0000 | not inheritable 01315670 00 s 01 acquired 0 001 & 01315507 a 0000 | gotten through environmental forces; "acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on" 01315844 00 s 03 congenital 0 inborn 0 innate 0 002 & 01315507 a 0000 + 04739630 n 0301 | present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development 01316019 00 s 02 nonhereditary 0 nontransmissible 0 001 & 01315507 a 0000 | not acquirable by inheritance 01316127 00 s 01 nurtural 0 002 & 01315507 a 0000 + 01129532 n 0105 | resulting from nurture 01316222 00 a 01 inhibited 0 005 ^ 01987341 a 0000 ^ 02000118 a 0000 ! 01317012 a 0101 & 01316467 a 0000 & 01316808 a 0000 | held back or restrained or prevented; "in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear" 01316467 00 s 02 pent-up 0 repressed 0 001 & 01316222 a 0000 | characterized by or showing the suppression of impulses or emotions; "her severe upbringing had left her inhibited"; "a very inhibited young man, anxious and ill at ease"; "their reactions were partly the product of pent-up emotions"; "repressed rage turned his face scarlet" 01316808 00 s 04 smothered 0 stifled 0 strangled 0 suppressed 1 001 & 01316222 a 0000 | held in check with difficulty; "a smothered cough"; "a stifled yawn"; "a strangled scream"; "suppressed laughter" 01317012 00 a 01 uninhibited 0 007 ^ 01988166 a 0000 ^ 02000680 a 0000 ! 01316222 a 0101 & 01317231 a 0000 & 01317362 a 0000 & 01317462 a 0000 & 01317560 a 0000 | not inhibited or restrained; "uninhibited exuberance" 01317231 00 s 01 abandoned 0 001 & 01317012 a 0000 | free from constraint; "an abandoned sadness born of grief"- Liam O'Flaherty 01317362 00 s 01 earthy 0 001 & 01317012 a 0000 | hearty and lusty; "an earthy enjoyment of life" 01317462 00 s 01 unrepressed 0 001 & 01317012 a 0000 | not repressed; "unrepressed hostilities" 01317560 00 s 01 unsuppressed 0 001 & 01317012 a 0000 | given vent to; "unsuppressed rage"; "unsuppressed feelings" 01317678 00 a 01 injectable 0 004 ;c 03247620 n 0000 + 01585523 v 0101 + 00086320 v 0101 ! 01317831 a 0101 | (used of drugs) capable of being injected 01317831 00 a 01 uninjectable 0 002 ;c 03247620 n 0000 ! 01317678 a 0101 | (used of drugs) not capable of being injected 01317954 00 a 01 injured 0 012 ^ 00289082 a 0000 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ^ 01274261 a 0000 ^ 02274253 a 0000 ! 01319182 a 0101 & 01318252 a 0000 & 01318330 a 0000 & 01318510 a 0000 & 01318659 a 0000 & 01318741 a 0000 & 01318937 a 0000 & 01319061 a 0000 | harmed; "injured soldiers"; "injured feelings" 01318252 00 s 01 battle-scarred 0 001 & 01317954 a 0000 | scarred by battle 01318330 00 s 02 black-and-blue 0 livid 0 002 & 01317954 a 0000 + 04977561 n 0201 | discolored by coagulation of blood beneath the skin; "beaten black and blue"; "livid bruises" 01318510 00 s 03 disjointed 0 dislocated 0 separated 0 001 & 01317954 a 0000 | separated at the joint; "a dislocated knee"; "a separated shoulder" 01318659 00 s 01 eviscerate 0 001 & 01317954 a 0000 | having been disembowelled 01318741 00 s 02 hurt 1 wounded 1 001 & 01317954 a 0000 | suffering from physical injury especially that suffered in battle; "nursing his wounded arm"; "ambulances...for the hurt men and women" 01318937 00 s 04 lacerate 0 lacerated 0 mangled 0 torn 0 001 & 01317954 a 0000 | having edges that are jagged from injury 01319061 00 s 01 raw 0 002 & 01317954 a 0000 + 14332617 n 0103 | having the surface exposed and painful; "a raw wound" 01319182 00 a 01 uninjured 0 010 ^ 02057829 a 0000 ^ 02273326 a 0000 ^ 00289365 a 0000 ^ 00681094 a 0000 ^ 01275395 a 0000 ! 01317954 a 0101 & 01319434 a 0000 & 01319583 a 0000 & 01319712 a 0000 & 01319807 a 0000 | not injured physically or mentally 01319434 00 s 02 intact 0 inviolate 0 002 & 01319182 a 0000 + 14460407 n 0101 | (of a woman) having the hymen unbroken; "she was intact, virginal" 01319583 00 s 01 uncut 0 001 & 01319182 a 0000 | not cut; "glad to get out of the house with my throat uncut"- Tobias Smollett 01319712 00 s 04 unharmed 0 unhurt 0 unscathed 0 whole 0 001 & 01319182 a 0000 | not injured 01319807 00 s 01 unwounded 0 001 & 01319182 a 0000 | not wounded 01319874 00 a 03 innocent 0 guiltless 0 clean-handed 0 008 ^ 00923321 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 + 13989863 n 0204 + 13989627 n 0101 ! 01320988 a 0101 & 01320184 a 0000 & 01320474 a 0000 & 01320705 a 0000 | free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty" 01320184 00 s 06 absolved 0 clear 0 cleared 0 exculpated 0 exonerated 0 vindicated 0 003 & 01319874 a 0000 + 13990502 n 0201 + 04820258 n 0205 | freed from any question of guilt; "is absolved from all blame"; "was now clear of the charge of cowardice"; "his official honor is vindicated" 01320474 00 s 02 acquitted 0 not_guilty 0 001 & 01319874 a 0000 | declared not guilty of a specific offense or crime; legally blameless; "he stands acquitted on all charges"; "the jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity" 01320705 00 s 04 blameless 0 inculpable 0 irreproachable 0 unimpeachable 0 004 & 01319874 a 0000 + 13989863 n 0203 + 13989863 n 0202 + 13989863 n 0101 | free of guilt; not subject to blame; "has lived a blameless life"; "of irreproachable character"; "an unimpeachable reputation" 01320988 00 a 01 guilty 0 016 ^ 00923993 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 + 13990675 n 0101 + 13990675 n 0102 ! 01319874 a 0101 & 01321429 a 0000 & 01321529 a 0000 & 01321939 a 0000 & 01322044 a 0000 & 01322236 a 0000 & 01322323 a 0000 & 01322488 a 0000 & 01322621 a 0000 & 01322702 a 0000 & 01322846 a 0000 & 01322959 a 0000 | responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act; "guilty of murder"; "the guilty person"; "secret guilty deeds" 01321429 00 s 01 at_fault 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | deserving blame; "admitted to being at fault" 01321529 00 s 06 blameworthy 0 blamable 0 blameable 0 blameful 0 censurable 0 culpable 0 009 & 01320988 a 0000 + 13990960 n 0603 + 13990960 n 0602 + 00842538 v 0301 + 00727991 v 0301 + 00842538 v 0201 + 00727991 v 0201 + 06713752 n 0101 + 13990960 n 0101 | deserving blame or censure as being wrong or evil or injurious; "blameworthy if not criminal behavior"; "censurable misconduct"; "culpable negligence" 01321939 00 s 01 bloodguilty 0 002 & 01320988 a 0000 + 13991121 n 0101 | guilty of murder or bloodshed 01322044 00 s 02 chargeable 0 indictable 0 002 & 01320988 a 0000 + 13991688 n 0202 | liable to be accused, or cause for such liability; "the suspect was chargeable"; "an indictable offense" 01322236 00 s 01 conscience-smitten 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | affected by conscience 01322323 00 s 01 criminal 0 003 & 01320988 a 0000 + 13991346 n 0103 + 13991346 n 0102 | guilty of crime or serious offense; "criminal in the sight of God and man" 01322488 00 s 01 delinquent 0 003 & 01320988 a 0000 + 10000945 n 0101 + 04666083 n 0101 | guilty of a misdeed; "delinquent minors" 01322621 00 s 02 finable 0 fineable 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | liable to a fine 01322702 00 s 01 guilt-ridden 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | feeling or revealing a sense of guilt; "so guilt-ridden he could not face his father" 01322846 00 s 01 punishable 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | liable to or deserving punishment; "punishable offenses" 01322959 00 s 01 red-handed 0 001 & 01320988 a 0000 | in the act of committing a crime or other reprehensible act; "caught red-handed" 01323096 00 a 01 inspiring 0 002 ! 01323334 a 0101 & 01323207 a 0000 | stimulating or exalting to the spirit 01323207 00 s 02 ennobling 0 exalting 0 001 & 01323096 a 0000 | tending to exalt; "an exalting eulogy"; "ennobling thoughts" 01323334 00 a 01 uninspiring 0 001 ! 01323096 a 0101 | depressing to the spirit; "a villa of uninspiring design" 01323449 00 a 02 instructive 0 informative 4 015 ^ 01304570 a 0000 + 00831651 v 0201 + 00829107 v 0103 ! 01325372 a 0101 & 01323815 a 0000 & 01323962 a 0000 & 01324131 a 0000 & 01324271 a 0000 & 01324424 a 0000 & 01324565 a 0000 & 01324683 a 0000 & 01324870 a 0000 & 01325017 a 0000 & 01325193 a 0000 & 01325273 a 0000 | serving to instruct or enlighten or inform 01323815 00 s 02 clarifying 0 elucidative 0 003 & 01323449 a 0000 + 00939857 v 0203 + 00621058 v 020c | that makes clear; "a clarifying example" 01323962 00 s 02 demonstrative 0 illustrative 0 005 & 01323449 a 0000 + 01687401 v 0201 + 06325678 n 0102 + 00820976 v 0104 + 00664788 v 0102 | serving to demonstrate 01324131 00 s 02 didactic 0 didactical 0 003 & 01323449 a 0000 + 06600421 n 0201 + 00883297 n 0205 | instructive (especially excessively) 01324271 00 s 01 doctrinaire 0 002 & 01323449 a 0000 + 10023656 n 0102 | stubbornly insistent on theory without regard for practicality or suitability 01324424 00 s 01 educative 0 003 & 01323449 a 0000 + 02387486 v 0101 + 00603298 v 0104 | resulting in education; "an educative experience" 01324565 00 s 01 educational 0 002 & 01323449 a 0000 + 00883297 n 0101 | providing knowledge; "an educational film" 01324683 00 s 01 explanatory 0 003 & 01323449 a 0000 + 01065456 v 0101 + 00939277 v 0101 | serving or intended to explain or make clear; "explanatory notes"; "an explanatory paragraph" 01324870 00 s 02 expository 0 expositive 0 002 & 01323449 a 0000 + 00955601 v 0108 | serving to expound or set forth; "clean expository writing" 01325017 00 s 02 interpretative 0 interpretive 0 005 & 01323449 a 0000 + 01732172 v 0201 + 00938247 v 0202 + 01732172 v 0101 + 00938247 v 0102 | that provides interpretation 01325193 00 s 01 ostensive 0 001 & 01323449 a 0000 | manifestly demonstrative 01325273 00 s 01 preachy 0 001 & 01323449 a 0000 | inclined to or marked by tedious moralization 01325372 00 a 01 uninstructive 0 001 ! 01323449 a 0101 | failing to instruct 01325451 00 a 02 edifying 0 enlightening 4 001 ! 01325691 a 0101 | enlightening or uplifting so as to encourage intellectual or moral improvement; "the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read" 01325691 00 a 02 unedifying 0 unenlightening 4 001 ! 01325451 a 0101 | not edifying 01325777 00 a 03 enlightening 0 informative 2 illuminating 0 002 + 00831651 v 0201 ! 01326013 a 0101 | tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance; "an enlightening glimpse of government in action"; "an illuminating lecture" 01326013 00 a 02 unenlightening 0 unilluminating 0 001 ! 01325777 a 0101 | failing to inform or clarify; "an unenlightening comment" 01326148 00 a 01 integrated 0 008 ^ 01330986 a 0000 ^ 02111684 a 0000 ^ 02475855 a 0000 ! 01326917 a 0101 & 01326415 a 0000 & 01326516 a 0000 & 01326652 a 0000 & 01326805 a 0000 | not segregated; designated as available to all races or groups; "integrated schools" 01326415 00 s 02 co-ed 0 coeducational 0 001 & 01326148 a 0000 | attended by members of both sexes 01326516 00 s 03 desegrated 0 nonsegregated 0 unsegregated 0 001 & 01326148 a 0000 | rid of segregation; having had segregation ended 01326652 00 s 02 interracial 0 mixed 0 001 & 01326148 a 0000 | involving or composed of different races; "interracial schools"; "a mixed neighborhood" 01326805 00 s 01 mainstreamed 0 001 & 01326148 a 0000 | (of the handicapped) placed in regular school classes 01326917 00 a 02 segregated 0 unintegrated 1 007 ^ 02478749 a 0000 ^ 02109678 a 0000 ! 01326148 a 0101 & 01327205 a 0000 & 01327371 a 0000 & 01327574 a 0000 & 01327680 a 0000 | separated or isolated from others or a main group; "a segregated school system"; "a segregated neighborhood" 01327205 00 s 02 isolated 0 quarantined 0 001 & 01326917 a 0000 | under forced isolation especially for health reasons; "a quarantined animal"; "isolated patients" 01327371 00 s 01 separate 2 003 & 01326917 a 0000 + 14414503 n 0103 + 04742766 n 0103 | separated according to race, sex, class, or religion; "separate but equal"; "girls and boys in separate classes" 01327574 00 s 01 sequestered 0 001 & 01326917 a 0000 | kept separate and secluded; "a sequestered jury" 01327680 00 s 02 white 0 lily-white 0 001 & 01326917 a 0000 | restricted to whites only; "under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains"; "a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization" 01327925 00 a 01 integrated 2 006 ! 01329007 a 0101 & 01328229 a 0000 & 01328419 a 0000 & 01328604 a 0000 & 01328753 a 0000 & 01328877 a 0000 | formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; "a more closely integrated economic and political system"- Dwight D.Eisenhower; "an integrated Europe" 01328229 00 s 04 coordinated 0 co-ordinated 0 interconnected 0 unified 0 002 & 01327925 a 0000 + 14420240 n 0302 | operating as a unit; "a unified utility system"; "a coordinated program" 01328419 00 s 01 embedded 0 001 & 01327925 a 0000 | inserted as an integral part of a surrounding whole; "confused by the embedded Latin quotations"; "an embedded subordinate clause" 01328604 00 s 01 incorporated 0 001 & 01327925 a 0000 | introduced into as a part of the whole; "the ideas incorporated in his revised manuscript" 01328753 00 s 01 introjected 0 002 & 01327925 a 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 | incorporated unconsciously into your own psyche 01328877 00 s 02 tight-knit 0 tightly_knit 0 001 & 01327925 a 0000 | closely and firmly integrated; "a tight-knit organization" 01329007 00 a 02 nonintegrated 0 unintegrated 2 001 ! 01327925 a 0101 | not integrated; not taken into or made a part of a whole 01329138 00 a 01 blended 0 003 ! 01329616 a 0101 & 01329306 a 0000 & 01329413 a 0000 | combined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable 01329306 00 s 01 alloyed 0 001 & 01329138 a 0000 | (used of metals) blended to obtain a desired property 01329413 00 s 02 homogenized 0 homogenised 0 001 & 01329138 a 0000 | formed by blending unlike elements especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance 01329616 00 a 01 unblended 0 002 ! 01329138 a 0101 & 01329719 a 0000 | not blended or mixed together 01329719 00 s 02 unhomogenized 0 unhomogenised 0 001 & 01329616 a 0000 | not having undergone homogenization 01329830 00 a 01 combined 0 006 ! 01330786 a 0101 & 01330008 a 0000 & 01330114 a 0000 & 01330307 a 0000 & 01330506 a 0000 & 01330662 a 0000 | made or joined or united into one 01330008 00 s 01 compounded 0 001 & 01329830 a 0000 | combined into or constituting a chemical compound 01330114 00 s 01 conglomerate 0 003 & 01329830 a 0000 + 14863031 n 0102 + 08058937 n 0101 | composed of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass; "the conglomerate peoples of New England" 01330307 00 s 02 occluded 0 sorbed 0 001 & 01329830 a 0000 | (of a substance) taken into and retained in another substance; "the sorbed oil mass"; "large volumes of occluded hydrogen in palladium" 01330506 00 s 01 one 0 001 & 01329830 a 0000 | being a single entity made by combining separate components; "three chemicals combining into one solution" 01330662 00 s 01 rolled_into_one(p) 0 001 & 01329830 a 0000 | made up of several components combined into a single entity 01330786 00 a 01 uncombined 0 002 ! 01329830 a 0101 & 01330890 a 0000 | not joined or united into one 01330890 00 s 02 uncompounded 0 unmixed 0 001 & 01330786 a 0000 | not constituting a compound 01330986 00 a 01 integrative 0 009 ^ 00466808 a 0000 ^ 00472336 a 0000 ^ 01326148 a 0000 + 00466651 v 0101 ! 01331878 a 0101 & 01331244 a 0000 & 01331459 a 0000 & 01331540 a 0000 & 01331675 a 0000 | combining and coordinating diverse elements into a whole 01331244 00 s 03 combinative 0 combinatory 0 combinatorial 0 006 & 01330986 a 0000 + 07964495 n 0301 + 08373544 n 0301 + 08272961 n 0301 + 00378985 n 0301 + 01461328 v 0102 | relating to or involving combinations 01331459 00 s 01 compositional 0 001 & 01330986 a 0000 | arranging or grouping 01331540 00 s 02 consolidative 0 unifying 0 003 & 01330986 a 0000 + 00242747 v 0101 + 00242580 v 0101 | combining into a single unit 01331675 00 s 02 endogenic 0 endogenetic 0 003 & 01330986 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 11418011 n 0201 | of rocks formed or occurring beneath the surface of the earth; "endogenic rocks are not clastic" 01331878 00 a 01 disintegrative 0 005 + 00399368 v 0101 + 00397576 v 0101 ! 01330986 a 0101 & 01332070 a 0000 & 01332285 a 0000 | tending to cause breakup into constituent elements or parts 01332070 00 s 01 clastic 0 004 & 01331878 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 09246292 n 0101 + 09246134 n 0101 | of or belonging to or being a rock composed of fragments of older rocks (e.g., conglomerates or sandstone) 01332285 00 s 01 decompositional 0 002 & 01331878 a 0000 + 11444643 n 0102 | causing organic decay 01332386 00 a 01 intellectual 0 010 ^ 00829745 a 0000 ^ 01779986 a 0000 ^ 02083615 a 0000 = 05618849 n 0000 ! 01333718 a 0101 & 01332907 a 0000 & 01333118 a 0000 & 01333331 a 0000 & 01333477 a 0000 & 01333609 a 0000 | appealing to or using the intellect; "satire is an intellectual weapon"; "intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor"; "has tremendous intellectual sympathy for oppressed people"; "coldly intellectual"; "sort of the intellectual type"; "intellectual literature" 01332907 00 s 02 highbrow 0 highbrowed 0 003 & 01332386 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10174330 n 0101 | highly cultured or educated; "highbrow events such as the ballet or opera"; "a highbrowed literary critic" 01333118 00 s 01 rational 0 003 & 01332386 a 0000 + 04784978 n 0102 + 04784978 n 0101 | having its source in or being guided by the intellect (as distinguished from experience or emotion); "a rational analysis" 01333331 00 s 01 reflective 0 003 & 01332386 a 0000 + 04661546 n 0102 + 00630380 v 0108 | devoted to matters of the mind; "the reflective type" 01333477 00 s 02 good 0 serious 0 002 & 01332386 a 0000 + 05142180 n 0102 | appealing to the mind; "good music"; "a serious book" 01333609 00 s 01 sophisticated 0 001 & 01332386 a 0000 | intellectually appealing; "a sophisticated drama" 01333718 00 a 01 nonintellectual 0 006 ^ 02084538 a 0000 = 05618849 n 0000 ! 01332386 a 0101 & 01333886 a 0000 & 01334075 a 0000 & 01334277 a 0000 | not intellectual 01333886 00 s 02 anti-intellectual 0 philistine 0 003 & 01333718 a 0000 + 10423031 n 0201 + 10423031 n 0102 | smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values 01334075 00 s 03 lowbrow 0 lowbrowed 0 uncultivated 0 002 & 01333718 a 0000 + 10423031 n 0103 | characteristic of a person who is not cultivated or does not have intellectual tastes; "lowbrow tastes" 01334277 00 s 01 mindless 0 002 & 01333718 a 0000 + 05174023 n 0103 | requiring little mental effort; "mindless tasks" 01334398 00 a 01 intelligent 0 014 ^ 01839829 a 0000 ^ 00438707 a 0000 = 05617606 n 0000 + 05617606 n 0101 ! 01336587 a 0101 & 01334833 a 0000 & 01334958 a 0000 & 01335156 a 0000 & 01335458 a 0000 & 01335708 a 0000 & 01335903 a 0000 & 01336084 a 0000 & 01336231 a 0000 & 01336371 a 0000 | having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree; "is there intelligent life in the universe?"; "an intelligent question" 01334833 00 s 02 agile 0 nimble 0 002 & 01334398 a 0000 + 05619553 n 0201 | mentally quick; "an agile mind"; "nimble wits" 01334958 00 s 02 apt 0 clever 0 002 & 01334398 a 0000 + 05620955 n 0202 | mentally quick and resourceful; "an apt pupil"; "you are a clever man...you reason well and your wit is bold"-Bram Stoker 01335156 00 s 03 brainy 0 brilliant 0 smart_as_a_whip 0 005 & 01334398 a 0000 + 04954920 n 0203 + 05619743 n 0201 + 10126926 n 0103 + 05618056 n 0101 | having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence; "some men dislike brainy women"; "a brilliant mind"; "a brilliant solution to the problem" 01335458 00 s 02 bright 0 smart 0 003 & 01334398 a 0000 + 05620955 n 0203 + 05620955 n 0101 | characterized by quickness and ease in learning; "some children are brighter in one subject than another"; "smart children talk earlier than the average" 01335708 00 s 03 natural 0 born(p) 0 innate(p) 0 002 & 01334398 a 0000 + 04739630 n 0301 | being talented through inherited qualities; "a natural leader"; "a born musician"; "an innate talent" 01335903 00 s 02 quick 0 ready 0 003 & 01334398 a 0000 + 04708796 n 0202 + 05619345 n 0102 | apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity; "a quick mind"; "a ready wit" 01336084 00 s 01 prehensile 0 001 & 01334398 a 0000 | having a keen intellect; "poets--those gifted strangely prehensile men"- A.T.Quiller-Couch 01336231 00 s 01 scintillating 0 001 & 01334398 a 0000 | brilliantly clever; "scintillating wit"; "a play full of scintillating dialogue" 01336371 00 s 02 searching 0 trenchant 0 002 & 01334398 a 0000 + 05199680 n 0202 | having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect; "searching insights"; "trenchant criticism" 01336587 00 a 02 unintelligent 0 stupid 2 007 ^ 01840366 a 0000 ^ 00439588 a 0000 = 05617606 n 0000 + 10667187 n 0201 + 05645597 n 0201 ! 01334398 a 0101 & 01336837 a 0000 | lacking intelligence; "a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers" 01336837 00 s 02 brainless 0 headless 0 001 & 01336587 a 0000 | not using intelligence 01336926 00 a 01 intelligible 0 003 ^ 00532892 a 0000 + 04819496 n 0101 ! 01337121 a 0101 | well articulated or enunciated, and loud enough to be heard distinctly; "intelligible pronunciation" 01337121 00 a 01 unintelligible 0 004 ^ 00533851 a 0000 + 04823706 n 0101 ! 01336926 a 0101 & 01337314 a 0000 | poorly articulated or enunciated, or drowned by noise; "unintelligible speech" 01337314 00 s 02 slurred 0 thick 0 002 & 01337121 a 0000 + 07133143 n 0201 | spoken as if with a thick tongue; "the thick speech of a drunkard"; "his words were slurred" 01337486 00 a 01 intended 0 009 ^ 01558385 a 0000 ^ 01797148 a 0000 ^ 01842763 a 0000 = 04661389 n 0000 ! 01338730 a 0101 & 01337767 a 0000 & 01337939 a 0000 & 01338116 a 0000 & 01338363 a 0000 | resulting from one's intentions; "your intended trip abroad"; "an intended insult" 01337767 00 s 02 conscious 0 witting 0 002 & 01337486 a 0000 + 05675130 n 0101 | intentionally conceived; "a conscious effort to speak more slowly"; "a conscious policy" 01337939 00 s 03 deliberate 0 calculated 0 measured 0 002 & 01337486 a 0000 + 04661151 n 0102 | carefully thought out in advance; "a calculated insult"; "with measured irony" 01338116 00 s 02 intentional 0 knowing 0 004 & 01337486 a 0000 + 05621946 n 0201 + 05982720 n 0101 + 04661389 n 0101 | characterized by conscious design or purpose; "intentional damage"; "a knowing attempt to defraud"; "a willful waste of time" 01338363 00 s 03 well-intentioned 0 well-meaning 0 well-meant 0 001 & 01337486 a 0000 | marked by good intentions though often producing unfortunate results; "a well-intentioned but clumsy waiter"; "a well-meaning but tactless fellow"; "the son's well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father's admirers"- S.W.Maughm; "blunt but well-meant criticism" 01338730 00 a 01 unintended 0 007 ^ 01558912 a 0000 ^ 01797862 a 0000 = 04661389 n 0000 ! 01337486 a 0101 & 01338909 a 0000 & 01339203 a 0000 & 01339492 a 0000 | not deliberate 01338909 00 s 02 accidental 0 inadvertent 0 004 & 01338730 a 0000 + 04665543 n 0204 + 04665543 n 0203 + 07300960 n 0101 | happening by chance or unexpectedly or unintentionally ; "with an inadvertent gesture she swept the vase off the table"; "accidental poisoning"; "an accidental shooting" 01339203 00 s 03 causeless 0 fortuitous 0 uncaused 0 002 & 01338730 a 0000 + 04758980 n 0201 | having no cause or apparent cause; "a causeless miracle"; "fortuitous encounters--strange accidents of fortune"; "we cannot regard artistic invention as...uncaused and unrelated to the times" 01339492 00 s 03 unintentional 0 unplanned 0 unwitting 0 001 & 01338730 a 0000 | not done with purpose or intent; "an unintended slight"; "an unintentional pun"; "the offense was unintentional"; "an unwitting mistake may be overlooked" 01339730 00 a 02 designed 0 intentional 4 003 + 04661389 n 0201 ! 01340147 a 0101 & 01340016 a 0000 | done or made or performed with purpose and intent; "style...is more than the deliberate and designed creation"- Havelock Ellis; "games designed for all ages"; "well-designed houses" 01340016 00 s 01 fashioned 0 001 & 01339730 a 0000 | planned and made or fashioned artistically; "beautifully fashioned dresses" 01340147 00 a 01 undesigned 0 001 ! 01339730 a 0101 | not done or made or performed with purpose or intent 01340256 00 a 01 intensifying 0 005 ! 01340990 a 0101 & 01340422 a 0000 & 01340522 a 0000 & 01340691 a 0000 & 01340875 a 0000 | increasing in strength or intensity 01340422 00 s 03 aggravating 0 exacerbating 0 exasperating 0 001 & 01340256 a 0000 | making worse 01340522 00 s 02 augmentative 0 enhancive 0 004 & 01340256 a 0000 + 00229605 v 0201 + 00154388 v 0101 + 00157950 v 0101 | intensifying by augmentation and enhancement 01340691 00 s 02 deepening(a) 0 thickening(a) 0 001 & 01340256 a 0000 | accumulating and becoming more intense; "the deepening gloom"; "felt a deepening love"; "the thickening dusk" 01340875 00 s 01 heightening(a) 0 001 & 01340256 a 0000 | reaching a higher intensity; "their heightening fears" 01340990 00 a 01 moderating 0 005 ! 01340256 a 0101 & 01341153 a 0000 & 01341490 a 0000 & 01341731 a 0000 & 01341822 a 0000 | lessening in intensity or strength 01341153 00 s 06 alleviative 0 alleviatory 0 lenitive 0 mitigative 0 mitigatory 0 palliative 0 010 & 01340990 a 0000 + 03879854 n 0601 + 00064095 v 0603 + 00906037 v 0503 + 00198850 v 0501 + 00906037 v 0403 + 00198850 v 0401 + 03656374 n 0301 + 00064095 v 0202 + 00064095 v 0102 | moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear 01341490 00 s 03 analgesic 0 analgetic 0 anodyne 0 005 & 01340990 a 0000 + 02707683 n 0302 + 14552205 n 0201 + 02707683 n 0101 + 14552205 n 0101 | capable of relieving pain; "the anodyne properties of certain drugs"; "an analgesic effect" 01341731 00 s 01 tempering 0 001 & 01340990 a 0000 | moderating by making more temperate 01341822 00 s 01 weakening 0 001 & 01340990 a 0000 | moderating by making pain or sorrow weaker 01341920 00 a 02 interspecies 0 interspecific 0 001 ! 01342058 a 0101 | arising or occurring between species; "an interspecific hybrid" 01342058 00 a 02 intraspecies 0 intraspecific 0 001 ! 01341920 a 0101 | arising or occurring within a species; involving the members of one species; "intraspecific competition" 01342237 00 a 01 interested 0 003 + 05671217 n 0101 ! 01342759 a 0101 & 01342572 a 0000 | having or showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern; "an interested audience"; "interested in sports"; "was interested to hear about her family"; "interested in knowing who was on the telephone"; "interested spectators" 01342572 00 s 01 curious 0 003 & 01342237 a 0000 + 05683197 n 0101 + 05682570 n 0101 | having curiosity aroused; eagerly interested in learning more; "a trap door that made me curious" 01342759 00 a 01 uninterested 0 005 ! 01342237 a 0101 & 01342949 a 0000 & 01343200 a 0000 & 01343411 a 0000 & 01343679 a 0000 | not having or showing interest; "an uninterested spectator" 01342949 00 s 02 apathetic 0 indifferent 0 004 & 01342759 a 0000 + 04636610 n 0202 + 07483622 n 0101 + 04636610 n 0101 | marked by a lack of interest; "an apathetic audience"; "the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent" 01343200 00 s 02 blase 0 bored 0 001 & 01342759 a 0000 | uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; "his blase indifference"; "a petulant blase air"; "the bored gaze of the successful film star" 01343411 00 s 01 dismissive 0 002 & 01342759 a 0000 + 00800930 v 0101 | showing indifference or disregard; "a dismissive shrug"; "the firm is dismissive of the competitor's product"; "'chronic fatigue syndrome' was known by the dismissive term 'housewife syndrome'" 01343679 00 s 02 dulled 0 benumbed 0 001 & 01342759 a 0000 | having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure; "the mind of the audience is becoming dulled"; "the benumbed intellectual faculties can no longer respond" 01343918 00 a 01 interesting 0 010 ^ 00921014 a 0000 ^ 02306288 a 0000 = 05192451 n 0000 + 05192451 n 0102 ! 01344963 a 0101 & 01344171 a 0000 & 01344344 a 0000 & 01344485 a 0000 & 01344684 a 0000 & 01344834 a 0000 | arousing or holding the attention 01344171 00 s 05 absorbing 0 engrossing 0 fascinating 0 gripping 0 riveting 0 001 & 01343918 a 0000 | capable of arousing and holding the attention; "a fascinating story" 01344344 00 s 01 entertaining 0 001 & 01343918 a 0000 | agreeably diverting; "an entertaining puppet show"; "films should be entertaining" 01344485 00 s 03 amusing 0 amusive 0 diverting 0 003 & 01343918 a 0000 + 02492362 v 0201 + 00859758 v 0201 | providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining; "an amusing speaker"; "a diverting story" 01344684 00 s 01 intriguing 0 001 & 01343918 a 0000 | capable of arousing interest or curiosity; "our team came up with some most intriguing finds" 01344834 00 s 01 newsworthy 0 002 & 01343918 a 0000 + 05192897 n 0101 | sufficiently interesting to be reported in a newspaper 01344963 00 a 01 uninteresting 0 011 ^ 00922594 a 0000 ^ 02307367 a 0000 = 05192451 n 0000 + 05205340 n 0101 ! 01343918 a 0101 & 01345307 a 0000 & 01345997 a 0000 & 01346198 a 0000 & 01346343 a 0000 & 01346538 a 0000 & 01346650 a 0000 | arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or excitement; "a very uninteresting account of her trip" 01345307 00 s 09 boring 0 deadening 0 dull 1 ho-hum 0 irksome 0 slow 0 tedious 0 tiresome 0 wearisome 0 007 & 01344963 a 0000 + 05206237 n 0803 + 07539790 n 0703 + 05206237 n 0702 + 05206237 n 0701 + 05205739 n 0301 + 05206006 n 0101 | so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark Twain; "other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome" 01345997 00 s 02 insipid 0 jejune 0 004 & 01344963 a 0000 + 05206573 n 0202 + 05206573 n 0201 + 05206006 n 0103 | lacking interest or significance or impact; "an insipid personality"; "jejune novel" 01346198 00 s 03 narcotic 0 soporiferous 0 soporific 0 002 & 01344963 a 0000 + 04260934 n 0301 | inducing mental lethargy; "a narcotic speech" 01346343 00 s 04 pedestrian 0 prosaic 0 prosy 0 earthbound 0 004 & 01344963 a 0000 + 04795878 n 0301 + 07072434 n 0201 + 04795878 n 0202 | lacking wit or imagination; "a pedestrian movie plot" 01346538 00 s 01 ponderous 0 002 & 01344963 a 0000 + 05206829 n 0101 | labored and dull; "a ponderous speech" 01346650 00 s 01 putdownable 0 001 & 01344963 a 0000 | (of a book) poorly written and not entertaining 01346755 00 a 01 intramural 0 002 ! 01347138 a 0101 & 01346978 a 0000 | carried on within the bounds of an institution or community; "most of the students participated actively in the college's intramural sports program" 01346978 00 s 02 internal 0 intragroup 0 001 & 01346755 a 0000 | occurring within an institution or community; "intragroup squabbling within the corporation" 01347138 00 a 01 extramural 0 005 ! 01346755 a 0101 & 01347348 a 0000 & 01347492 a 0000 & 01347613 a 0000 & 01347749 a 0000 | carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community; "extramural sports" 01347348 00 s 01 intercollegiate 0 001 & 01347138 a 0000 | used of competition between colleges or universities; "intercollegiate basketball" 01347492 00 s 01 intermural 0 001 & 01347138 a 0000 | between two or more institutions etc; "an intermural track meet" 01347613 00 s 02 interscholastic 0 interschool 0 001 & 01347138 a 0000 | used of competition or cooperation between secondary schools 01347749 00 s 01 outside 0 001 & 01347138 a 0000 | functioning outside the boundaries or precincts of an organized unit; "extramural hospital care and treatment"; "extramural studies" 01347935 00 a 01 intra_vires 0 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 ! 01348083 a 0101 | within the legal power or authority or a person or official or body etc 01348083 00 a 01 ultra_vires 0 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 ! 01347935 a 0101 | beyond the legal power or authority of a person or official or body etc; "an ultra vires contract" 01348258 00 a 02 intrinsic 0 intrinsical 0 005 ^ 00900616 a 0000 ^ 00093810 a 0000 ! 01349041 a 0101 & 01348528 a 0000 & 01348835 a 0000 | belonging to a thing by its very nature; "form was treated as something intrinsic, as the very essence of the thing"- John Dewey 01348528 00 s 05 built-in 0 constitutional 0 inbuilt 0 inherent 0 integral 0 003 & 01348258 a 0000 + 13958138 n 0401 + 02653564 v 0401 | existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; "the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity"; "a constitutional inability to tell the truth" 01348835 00 s 03 inner 0 internal 0 intimate 0 001 & 01348258 a 0000 | innermost or essential; "the inner logic of Cubism"; "the internal contradictions of the theory"; "the intimate structure of matter" 01349041 00 a 01 extrinsic 0 007 ^ 00902652 a 0000 ! 01348258 a 0101 & 01349435 a 0000 & 01349760 a 0000 & 01349927 a 0000 & 01350225 a 0000 & 01350494 a 0000 | not forming an essential part of a thing or arising or originating from the outside; "extrinsic evidence"; "an extrinsic feature of the new building"; "that style is something extrinsic to the subject"; "looking for extrinsic aid" 01349435 00 s 01 adventitious 0 001 & 01349041 a 0000 | associated by chance and not an integral part; "poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form"- Frederick W. Robertson; "they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character" 01349760 00 s 01 adscititious 0 001 & 01349041 a 0000 | added or derived from something outside; not inherent; "an adscititious habit rather than an inherent taste" 01349927 00 s 02 alien 0 foreign 0 002 & 01349041 a 0000 + 04799344 n 0201 | not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature" 01350225 00 s 03 external 0 extraneous 1 outside 0 003 & 01349041 a 0000 + 13796585 n 0201 + 05078623 n 0102 | coming from the outside; "extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph"; "relying upon an extraneous income"; "disdaining outside pressure groups" 01350494 00 s 01 extraneous 2 002 & 01349041 a 0000 + 13796585 n 0101 | not essential; "the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play" 01350674 00 a 03 introspective 0 introverted 4 self-examining 0 004 = 04660981 n 0000 + 04660981 n 0101 + 00631591 v 0101 ! 01350876 a 0101 | given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences 01350876 00 a 02 extrospective 0 extroverted 4 002 = 04660981 n 0000 ! 01350674 a 0101 | not introspective; examining what is outside yourself 01351021 00 a 02 introversive 0 introvertive 0 008 ^ 02258600 a 0000 = 04621963 n 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 00533897 v 0201 + 00533897 v 0101 ! 01351391 a 0101 ! 01351922 a 0101 & 01351302 a 0000 | directed inward; marked by interest in yourself or concerned with inner feelings 01351302 00 s 02 introvertish 0 shut-in 0 001 & 01351021 a 0000 | somewhat introverted 01351391 00 a 02 extroversive 0 extraversive 0 006 ^ 02257141 a 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 01351922 a 0101 ! 01351021 a 0101 & 01351637 a 0000 & 01351837 a 0000 | directed outward; marked by interest in others or concerned with external reality 01351637 00 s 06 extrovert 0 extravert 0 extroverted 0 extraverted 0 extrovertive 0 extravertive 0 002 & 01351391 a 0000 + 10074841 n 0202 | being concerned with the social and physical environment 01351837 00 s 01 extrovertish 0 001 & 01351391 a 0000 | being somewhat extroverted 01351922 00 a 01 ambiversive 0 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 01351021 a 0101 ! 01351391 a 0101 | intermediate between introversive and extroversive 01352067 00 a 01 intrusive 1 007 = 04837931 n 0000 + 04837931 n 0101 + 02018524 v 0101 + 00747757 v 0101 ! 01352895 a 0101 & 01352320 a 0000 & 01352561 a 0000 | tending to intrude (especially upon privacy); "she felt her presence there was intrusive" 01352320 00 s 03 encroaching(a) 0 invasive 0 trespassing(a) 0 002 & 01352067 a 0000 + 02019716 v 0202 | gradually intrusive without right or permission; "we moved back from the encroaching tide"; "invasive tourists"; "trespassing hunters" 01352561 00 s 06 interfering 0 meddlesome 0 meddling 0 officious 0 busy 0 busybodied 0 003 & 01352067 a 0000 + 04837931 n 0403 + 04837931 n 0202 | intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; "bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself"; "busy about other people's business" 01352895 00 a 02 unintrusive 0 not_intrusive 0 002 = 04837931 n 0000 ! 01352067 a 0101 | not interfering or meddling 01353014 00 a 01 intrusive 2 003 ^ 00535452 a 0000 ! 01353226 a 0101 & 01353153 a 0000 | thrusting inward; "an intrusive arm of the sea" 01353153 00 s 01 intruding 0 001 & 01353014 a 0000 | projecting inward 01353226 00 a 01 protrusive 0 013 ^ 00537339 a 0000 + 02713372 v 0102 + 02081946 v 0102 + 00263231 v 0103 ! 01353014 a 0101 & 01353516 a 0000 & 01353618 a 0000 & 01353866 a 0000 & 01353982 a 0000 & 01354308 a 0000 & 01354430 a 0000 & 01354581 a 0000 & 01354750 a 0000 | thrusting outward 01353516 00 s 02 beetle 0 beetling 0 001 & 01353226 a 0000 | jutting or overhanging; "beetle brows" 01353618 00 s 06 bellied 0 bellying 0 bulbous 0 bulging 0 bulgy 0 protuberant 0 008 & 01353226 a 0000 + 14087321 n 0601 + 13894434 n 0609 + 02714731 v 0601 + 02714541 v 0601 + 13894434 n 0501 + 05070453 n 0502 + 05227079 n 0301 | curving outward 01353866 00 s 01 obtrusive 0 003 & 01353226 a 0000 + 04707110 n 0101 + 01873157 v 0102 | sticking out; protruding 01353982 00 s 07 jutting 2 projected 0 projecting 0 protruding 0 relieved 0 sticking(p) 0 sticking_out(p) 0 001 & 01353226 a 0000 | extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary; "the jutting limb of a tree"; "massive projected buttresses"; "his protruding ribs"; "a pile of boards sticking over the end of his truck" 01354308 00 s 01 overshot 0 001 & 01353226 a 0000 | having an upper part projecting beyond the lower; "an overshot jaw" 01354430 00 s 01 starting 0 001 & 01353226 a 0000 | (especially of eyes) bulging or protruding as with fear; "with eyes starting from their sockets" 01354581 00 s 03 underhung 0 undershot 0 underslung 0 001 & 01353226 a 0000 | having a lower part projecting beyond the upper; "an underhung jaw"; "undershot bulldog" 01354750 00 s 02 ventricose 0 ventricous 0 003 & 01353226 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | having a swelling on one side; "the ventricose gullet of an insect" 01354925 00 a 02 igneous 0 eruptive 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 01355089 a 0101 | produced by the action of fire or intense heat; "rocks formed by igneous agents" 01355089 00 a 02 aqueous 0 sedimentary 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 01354925 a 0101 | produced by the action of water 01355207 00 a 01 intrusive 3 003 ;c 06115701 n 0000 ! 01355556 a 0101 & 01355378 a 0000 | of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock 01355378 00 s 02 irruptive 0 plutonic 0 002 & 01355207 a 0000 + 14932303 n 0203 | of igneous rock that has solidified beneath the earth's surface; granite or diorite or gabbro 01355556 00 a 01 extrusive 0 004 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 01675780 v 0101 ! 01355207 a 0101 & 01355746 a 0000 | of rock material; forced out while molten through cracks in the earth's surface 01355746 00 s 01 volcanic 0 001 & 01355556 a 0000 | igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface; rhyolite or andesite or basalt; "volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian" 01355966 00 a 01 invasive 0 003 + 01227488 v 0101 ! 01356283 a 0101 & 01356143 a 0000 | marked by a tendency to spread especially into healthy tissue; "invasive cancer cells" 01356143 00 s 03 aggressive 0 fast-growing(a) 0 strong-growing 0 001 & 01355966 a 0000 | tending to spread quickly; "an aggressive tumor" 01356283 00 a 01 confined 1 001 ! 01355966 a 0101 | not invading healthy tissue 01356365 00 a 01 invasive 1 002 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 01356515 a 0101 | relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision 01356515 00 a 01 noninvasive 0 002 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 01356365 a 0101 | relating to a technique that does not involve puncturing the skin or entering a body cavity 01356683 00 a 01 invigorating 0 008 ^ 02306288 a 0000 ! 01357966 a 0101 & 01356932 a 0000 & 01357027 a 0000 & 01357206 a 0000 & 01357342 a 0000 & 01357484 a 0000 & 01357742 a 0000 | imparting strength and vitality; "the invigorating mountain air" 01356932 00 s 02 animating 0 enlivening 0 001 & 01356683 a 0000 | giving spirit and vivacity 01357027 00 s 06 bracing 0 brisk 0 fresh 0 refreshing 0 refreshful 0 tonic 0 002 & 01356683 a 0000 + 04926728 n 0301 | imparting vitality and energy; "the bracing mountain air" 01357206 00 s 01 corroborant 0 003 & 01356683 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | used of a medicine that is strengthening 01357342 00 s 02 exhilarating 0 stimulating 0 001 & 01356683 a 0000 | making lively and cheerful; "the exhilarating effect of mountain air" 01357484 00 s 02 life-giving 0 vitalizing 0 001 & 01356683 a 0000 | giving or having the power to give life and spirit; "returning the life-giving humus to the land"- Louis Bromfield; "life-giving love and praise"; "the vitalizing rays of the warming sun" 01357742 00 s 05 renewing 0 restorative 0 reviving 0 revitalizing 0 revitalising 0 003 & 01356683 a 0000 + 04451473 n 0202 + 00168588 v 0202 | tending to impart new life and vigor to; "the renewing warmth of the sunshine" 01357966 00 a 01 debilitating 0 003 ! 01356683 a 0101 & 01358096 a 0000 & 01358231 a 0000 | impairing the strength and vitality 01358096 00 s 04 debilitative 0 enervating 0 enfeebling 0 weakening 0 002 & 01357966 a 0000 + 00389638 v 0102 | causing debilitation 01358231 00 s 02 draining 0 exhausting 0 001 & 01357966 a 0000 | having a debilitating effect; "an exhausting job in the hot sun" 01358363 00 a 01 inviting 0 005 ^ 00166146 a 0000 ! 01359035 a 0101 & 01358534 a 0000 & 01358695 a 0000 & 01358846 a 0000 | attractive and tempting; "an inviting offer" 01358534 00 s 01 invitatory 0 004 & 01358363 a 0000 + 02384940 v 0101 + 02384686 v 0101 + 01063695 v 0101 | conveying an invitation; "a brief invitatory note" 01358695 00 s 03 tantalizing 1 tantalising 1 tempting 0 001 & 01358363 a 0000 | very pleasantly inviting; "a tantalizing aroma"; "a tempting repast" 01358846 00 s 02 tantalizing 2 tantalising 2 001 & 01358363 a 0000 | arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach; "a tantalizing taste of success" 01359035 00 a 01 uninviting 0 003 ^ 00169164 a 0000 ! 01358363 a 0101 & 01359159 a 0000 | neither attractive nor tempting 01359159 00 s 02 unattractive 0 untempting 0 001 & 01359035 a 0000 | not appealing to the senses; "untempting food" 01359277 00 a 02 in_vitro 0 ex_vivo 0 001 ! 01359424 a 0101 | in an artificial environment outside the living organism; "in vitro fertilization" 01359424 00 a 01 in_vivo 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01359277 a 0101 | within a living organism; "in vivo techniques" 01359543 00 a 01 ironed 0 004 ^ 02236842 a 0000 ! 01359861 a 0101 & 01359697 a 0000 & 01359771 a 0000 | (of linens or clothes) smoothed with a hot iron 01359697 00 s 01 pressed 0 001 & 01359543 a 0000 | compacted by ironing 01359771 00 s 02 smoothed 0 smoothened 0 001 & 01359543 a 0000 | made smooth by ironing 01359861 00 a 02 unironed 0 wrinkled 2 005 ^ 02238462 a 0000 ! 01359543 a 0101 & 01360085 a 0000 & 01360231 a 0000 & 01360321 a 0000 | (of linens or clothes) not ironed; "a pile of unironed laundry"; "wore unironed jeans" 01360085 00 s 02 drip-dry 0 permanent-press 0 001 & 01359861 a 0000 | used of fabrics that do not require ironing; "drip-dry shirts for travel" 01360231 00 s 01 roughdried 0 001 & 01359861 a 0000 | (of laundry) dried but not ironed 01360321 00 s 01 unpressed 0 001 & 01359861 a 0000 | (of clothing) not smoothed with heat 01360413 00 a 02 wrinkled 0 wrinkly 0 003 ^ 02243806 a 0000 ! 01360692 a 0101 & 01360571 a 0000 | marked by wrinkles; "tired travelers in wrinkled clothes" 01360571 00 s 01 unsmoothed 0 001 & 01360413 a 0000 | not having been made smooth by having hands run over the surface 01360692 00 a 02 unwrinkled 0 wrinkleless 0 002 ^ 02244472 a 0000 ! 01360413 a 0101 | not wrinkled or creased 01360804 00 a 02 isotropic 0 isotropous 0 004 + 04917439 n 0201 + 04917439 n 0101 ! 01361107 a 0101 & 01360962 a 0000 | invariant with respect to direction 01360962 00 s 01 identical 0 003 & 01360804 a 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 04743024 n 0102 | having properties with uniform values along all axes 01361107 00 a 01 anisotropic 0 003 + 04917680 n 0101 ! 01360804 a 0101 & 01361264 a 0000 | not invariant with respect to direction; "anisotropic crystals" 01361264 00 s 02 aeolotropic 0 eolotropic 0 002 & 01361107 a 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 | having properties with different values along different axes 01361414 00 a 01 glad 0 004 ^ 00362467 a 0000 + 07527167 n 0101 ! 01361863 a 0101 & 01361705 a 0000 | showing or causing joy and pleasure; especially made happy; "glad you are here"; "glad that they succeeded"; "gave a glad shout"; "a glad smile"; "heard the glad news"; "a glad occasion" 01361705 00 s 01 gladsome 0 002 & 01361414 a 0000 + 07527167 n 0103 | experiencing or expressing gladness or joy; "a gladsome smile"; "a gladsome occasion" 01361863 00 a 01 sad 0 010 + 13989051 n 0101 + 07532440 n 0101 ! 01361414 a 0101 & 01362273 a 0000 & 01362387 a 0000 & 01362598 a 0000 & 01362684 a 0000 & 01362950 a 0000 & 01363153 a 0000 & 01363370 a 0000 | experiencing or showing sorrow or unhappiness; "feeling sad because his dog had died"; "Better by far that you should forget and smile / Than that you should remember and be sad"- Christina Rossetti 01362273 00 s 01 bittersweet 0 001 & 01361863 a 0000 | tinged with sadness; "a movie with a bittersweet ending" 01362387 00 s 02 doleful 0 mournful 0 003 & 01361863 a 0000 + 07535209 n 0201 + 07532832 n 0101 | filled with or evoking sadness; "the child's doleful expression"; "stared with mournful eyes"; "mournful news" 01362598 00 s 01 heavyhearted 0 002 & 01361863 a 0000 + 07533492 n 0101 | depressed 01362684 00 s 02 melancholy 0 melancholic 0 003 & 01361863 a 0000 + 10306595 n 0201 + 14392491 n 0201 | characterized by or causing or expressing sadness; "growing more melancholy every hour"; "her melancholic smile"; "we acquainted him with the melancholy truth" 01362950 00 s 02 pensive 0 wistful 1 003 & 01361863 a 0000 + 07487276 n 0201 + 04660805 n 0101 | showing pensive sadness; "the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty" 01363153 00 s 02 tragic 0 tragical 0 003 & 01361863 a 0000 + 07314838 n 0204 + 07314838 n 0104 | very sad; especially involving grief or death or destruction; "a tragic face"; "a tragic plight"; "a tragic accident" 01363370 00 s 02 tragicomic 0 tragicomical 0 003 & 01361863 a 0000 + 07016797 n 0202 + 07017161 n 0201 | manifesting both tragic and comic aspects; "the tragicomic disparity...between's man's aspirations and his accomplishments"- B.R.Redman 01363613 00 a 01 joyful 0 006 ^ 01148283 a 0000 ^ 01366718 a 0000 + 07527352 n 0103 ! 01364008 a 0101 & 01363824 a 0000 & 01363936 a 0000 | full of or producing joy; "make a joyful noise"; "a joyful occasion" 01363824 00 s 01 beatific 0 001 & 01363613 a 0000 | experiencing or bestowing celestial joy; "beatific peace" 01363936 00 s 01 overjoyed 0 001 & 01363613 a 0000 | extremely joyful 01364008 00 a 01 sorrowful 0 017 ^ 01368192 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 + 13989051 n 0103 + 07535209 n 0102 ! 01363613 a 0101 & 01364585 a 0000 & 01364817 a 0000 & 01364993 a 0000 & 01365103 a 0000 & 01365239 a 0000 & 01365407 a 0000 & 01365544 a 0000 & 01365785 a 0000 & 01366062 a 0000 & 01366157 a 0000 & 01366277 a 0000 & 01366525 a 0000 | experiencing or marked by or expressing sorrow especially that associated with irreparable loss; "sorrowful widows"; "a sorrowful tale of death and despair"; "sorrowful news"; "even in laughter the heart is sorrowful"- Proverbs 14:13 01364585 00 s 03 anguished 0 tormented 0 tortured 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation" 01364817 00 s 06 bereaved 0 bereft 0 grief-stricken 0 grieving 0 mourning(a) 0 sorrowing(a) 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | sorrowful through loss or deprivation; "bereft of hope" 01364993 00 s 01 bitter 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | expressive of severe grief or regret; "shed bitter tears" 01365103 00 s 03 brokenhearted 0 heartbroken 0 heartsick 0 003 & 01364008 a 0000 + 07538395 n 0303 + 07535010 n 0104 | full of sorrow 01365239 00 s 05 dolorous 0 dolourous 0 lachrymose 0 tearful 0 weeping 0 004 & 01364008 a 0000 + 07534278 n 0402 + 07535532 n 0201 + 07535532 n 0101 | showing sorrow 01365407 00 s 01 elegiac 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | expressing sorrow often for something past; "an elegiac lament for youthful ideals" 01365544 00 s 03 grievous 0 heartbreaking 0 heartrending 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter" 01365785 00 s 03 lamenting 0 wailing 0 wailful 0 001 & 01364008 a 0000 | vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression; "lamenting sinners"; "wailing mourners"; "the wailing wind"; "wailful bagpipes"; "tangle her desires with wailful sonnets"- Shakespeare 01366062 00 s 01 lugubrious 0 002 & 01364008 a 0000 + 04631470 n 0102 | excessively mournful 01366157 00 s 02 mournful 1 plaintive 0 003 & 01364008 a 0000 + 07535430 n 0201 + 07535209 n 0101 | expressing sorrow 01366277 00 s 01 sad 0 002 & 01364008 a 0000 + 04631470 n 0103 | of things that make you feel sad; "sad news"; "she doesn't like sad movies"; "it was a very sad story"; "When I am dead, my dearest, / Sing no sad songs for me"- Christina Rossetti 01366525 00 s 02 woebegone 0 woeful 0 002 & 01364008 a 0000 + 07533877 n 0202 | affected by or full of grief or woe; "his sorrow...made him look...haggard and...woebegone"- George du Maurier 01366718 00 a 01 joyous 0 010 ^ 00704609 a 0000 ^ 01148283 a 0000 ^ 01363613 a 0000 + 07527352 n 0101 + 07527352 n 0102 ! 01368192 a 0101 & 01367008 a 0000 & 01367211 a 0000 & 01367431 a 0000 & 01367651 a 0000 | full of or characterized by joy; "felt a joyous abandon"; "joyous laughter" 01367008 00 s 05 ecstatic 0 enraptured 0 rapturous 0 rapt 0 rhapsodic 0 005 & 01366718 a 0000 + 13988101 n 0302 + 13986372 n 0302 + 13988101 n 0101 + 13986372 n 0101 | feeling great rapture or delight 01367211 00 s 04 elated 0 gleeful 0 joyful 0 jubilant 0 006 & 01366718 a 0000 + 07527817 n 0403 + 00857923 v 0405 + 07527817 n 0402 + 07527352 n 0303 + 07529377 n 0205 | full of high-spirited delight; "a joyful heart" 01367431 00 s 04 gay 0 festal 0 festive 0 merry 1 003 & 01366718 a 0000 + 04649051 n 0403 + 00428000 n 0302 | offering fun and gaiety; "a festive (or festal) occasion"; "gay and exciting night life"; "a merry evening" 01367651 00 s 06 gay 2 jocund 0 jolly 0 jovial 0 merry 2 mirthful 0 009 & 01366718 a 0000 + 07529377 n 0603 + 04649051 n 0503 + 07551890 n 0403 + 04653357 n 0402 + 07450343 n 0301 + 07551890 n 0302 + 07551890 n 0301 + 07529683 n 0201 | full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"; "a mirthful laugh" 01368192 00 a 01 joyless 0 008 ^ 00364479 a 0000 ^ 01364008 a 0000 ^ 01149494 a 0000 + 07537376 n 0101 ! 01366718 a 0101 & 01368464 a 0000 & 01368657 a 0000 & 01368726 a 0000 | not experiencing or inspiring joy; "a joyless man"; "a joyless occasion"; "joyless evenings" 01368464 00 s 02 funereal 0 sepulchral 0 003 & 01368192 a 0000 + 02921884 n 0203 + 07451463 n 0101 | suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial; "funereal gloom"; "hollow sepulchral tones" 01368657 00 s 01 mirthless 0 001 & 01368192 a 0000 | lacking mirth 01368726 00 s 01 unsmiling 0 001 & 01368192 a 0000 | not smiling 01368793 00 a 01 juicy 0 006 + 07923748 n 0101 + 04996215 n 0103 ! 01369404 a 0101 & 01368948 a 0000 & 01369078 a 0000 & 01369274 a 0000 | full of juice 01368948 00 s 01 au_jus 0 002 & 01368793 a 0000 ;c 07649854 n 0000 | served in its natural juices or gravy; "roast beef au jus" 01369078 00 s 02 lush 0 succulent 0 003 & 01368793 a 0000 + 13084184 n 0201 + 04996215 n 0201 | full of juice; "lush fruits"; "succulent roast beef"; "succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves" 01369274 00 s 01 sappy 0 002 & 01368793 a 0000 + 15038127 n 0101 | abounding in sap; "sappy maple trees"; "sappy kindling wood" 01369404 00 a 01 juiceless 0 002 ! 01368793 a 0101 & 01369491 a 0000 | lacking juice 01369491 00 s 01 sapless 0 001 & 01369404 a 0000 | destitute of sap and other vital juices; dry; "the rats and roaches scurrying along the sapless planks"- Norman Mailer 01369663 00 a 01 just 0 010 ^ 00956131 a 0000 ^ 01226240 a 0000 ^ 02034828 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 + 04850117 n 0102 ! 01370590 a 0101 & 01370053 a 0000 & 01370141 a 0000 & 01370305 a 0000 & 01370475 a 0000 | used especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; "a just and lasting peace"- A.Lincoln; "a kind and just man"; "a just reward"; "his just inheritance" 01370053 00 s 01 conscionable 0 001 & 01369663 a 0000 | acceptable to your conscience 01370141 00 s 02 fitting 0 meet 0 002 & 01369663 a 0000 + 04716864 n 0102 | being precisely fitting and right; "it is only meet that she should be seated first" 01370305 00 s 03 retributive 0 retributory 0 vindicatory 0 001 & 01369663 a 0000 | given or inflicted in requital according to merits or deserts; "retributive justice" 01370475 00 s 01 rightful(a) 0 002 & 01369663 a 0000 + 04850341 n 0102 | legally valid; "a rightful inheritance" 01370590 00 a 01 unjust 0 008 ^ 01227137 a 0000 ^ 00957176 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 ^ 02035337 a 0000 + 04854389 n 0102 ! 01369663 a 0101 & 01370864 a 0000 & 01371009 a 0000 | violating principles of justice; "unjust punishment"; "an unjust judge"; "an unjust accusation" 01370864 00 s 01 actionable 0 002 & 01370590 a 0000 + 02582042 v 0101 | affording grounds for legal action; "slander is an actionable offense" 01371009 00 s 01 wrongful 0 002 & 01370590 a 0000 + 04854604 n 0102 | not just or fair; "a wrongful act"; "a wrongful charge" 01371137 00 a 02 merited 0 deserved 0 002 ! 01371397 a 0101 & 01371258 a 0000 | properly deserved; "a merited success" 01371258 00 s 01 condign 0 001 & 01371137 a 0000 | fitting or appropriate and deserved; used especially of punishment; "condign censure" 01371397 00 a 01 unmerited 0 003 ! 01371137 a 0101 & 01371553 a 0000 & 01371646 a 0000 | not merited or deserved; "received an unmerited honorary degree" 01371553 00 s 01 gratuitous 0 001 & 01371397 a 0000 | without cause; "a gratuitous insult" 01371646 00 s 01 undeserved 0 001 & 01371397 a 0000 | not deserved or earned; "has an undeserved reputation as a coward" 01371769 00 a 01 keyed 0 001 ! 01371911 a 0101 | fitted with or secured by a key; "a keyed instrument"; "the locks have not yet been keyed" 01371911 00 a 01 keyless 0 001 ! 01371769 a 0101 | lacking or not requiring a key; "a keyless lock operated by a series of pushbuttons" 01372049 00 a 01 kind 0 014 ^ 00638981 a 0000 ^ 00226618 a 0000 ^ 01133876 a 0000 ^ 01507134 a 0000 ^ 01156112 a 0000 = 04840011 n 0000 + 04840011 n 0101 + 00034574 n 0101 ! 01373728 a 0101 & 01372568 a 0000 & 01372773 a 0000 & 01372948 a 0000 & 01373314 a 0000 & 01373545 a 0000 | having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter" 01372568 00 s 02 benignant 0 gracious 0 003 & 01372049 a 0000 + 04640356 n 0201 + 04840981 n 0203 | characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects; "our benignant king" 01372773 00 s 01 benign 0 003 & 01372049 a 0000 + 04840981 n 0101 + 04840981 n 0102 | kindness of disposition or manner; "the benign ruler of millions"; "benign intentions" 01372948 00 s 07 charitable 0 benevolent 0 kindly 0 sympathetic 0 good-hearted 0 openhearted 0 large-hearted 0 003 & 01372049 a 0000 + 04841664 n 0301 + 04832050 n 0101 | showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor" 01373314 00 s 01 gentle 1 002 & 01372049 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0101 | having or showing a kindly or tender nature; "the gentle touch of her hand"; "her gentle manner was comforting"; "a gentle sensitive nature"; "gentle blue eyes" 01373545 00 s 02 kindhearted 0 kind-hearted 0 002 & 01372049 a 0000 + 07553590 n 0101 | having or proceeding from an innately kind disposition; "a generous and kindhearted teacher" 01373728 00 a 01 unkind 0 009 ^ 00227003 a 0000 ^ 01507402 a 0000 = 04840011 n 0000 + 04845312 n 0101 ! 01372049 a 0101 & 01374004 a 0000 & 01374183 a 0000 & 01374361 a 0000 & 01374461 a 0000 | lacking kindness; "a thoughtless and unkind remark"; "the unkindest cut of all" 01374004 00 s 03 cutting 0 edged 0 stinging 0 001 & 01373728 a 0000 | (of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character; "cutting remarks"; "edged satire"; "a stinging comment" 01374183 00 s 02 harsh 0 rough 0 002 & 01373728 a 0000 + 04845475 n 0103 | unkind or cruel or uncivil; "had harsh words"; "a harsh and unlovable old tyrant"; "a rough answer" 01374361 00 s 01 hurtful 0 001 & 01373728 a 0000 | causing hurt; "her hurtful unconsidered words" 01374461 00 s 02 unkindly 0 unsympathetic 0 001 & 01373728 a 0000 | lacking in sympathy and kindness; "unkindly ancts" 01374582 00 a 04 knowable 0 cognizable 0 cognisable 0 cognoscible 0 006 + 00596132 v 0101 + 00608502 v 0101 + 00596644 v 0101 + 00595630 v 0101 + 00594621 v 0101 ! 01374789 a 0101 | capable of being known 01374789 00 a 01 unknowable 0 002 ! 01374582 a 0101 & 01374912 a 0000 | not knowable; "the unknowable mysteries of life" 01374912 00 s 01 transcendent 0 005 & 01374789 a 0000 + 13963565 n 0102 + 13963565 n 0101 + 02669081 v 0102 + 02669477 v 0102 | beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding; "the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought" 01375174 00 a 01 known 0 011 ^ 00027247 a 0000 ^ 00965606 a 0000 ^ 01120925 a 0000 ! 01376894 a 0101 & 01375546 a 0000 & 01375689 a 0000 & 01375831 a 0000 & 01376208 a 0000 & 01376355 a 0000 & 01376522 a 0000 & 01376705 a 0000 | apprehended with certainty; "a known quantity"; "the limits of the known world"; "a musician known throughout the world"; "a known criminal" 01375546 00 s 01 best-known 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | most familiar or renowned; "Stevenson's best-known work is probably `Treasure Island'" 01375689 00 s 01 better-known 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | more familiar or renowned than the other of two; "the better-known book of the two" 01375831 00 s 08 celebrated 0 famed 0 far-famed 0 famous 0 illustrious 0 notable 0 noted 0 renowned 0 006 & 01375174 a 0000 + 10276238 n 0604 + 10276238 n 0605 + 05169601 n 0502 + 14438898 n 0401 + 14437386 n 0401 | widely known and esteemed; "a famous actor"; "a celebrated musician"; "a famed scientist"; "an illustrious judge"; "a notable historian"; "a renowned painter" 01376208 00 s 01 identified 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | having the identity known or established; "the identified bodies were released for burial" 01376355 00 s 01 legendary 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | so celebrated as to having taken on the nature of a legend; "the legendary exploits of the arctic trailblazers" 01376522 00 s 01 proverbial 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | widely known and spoken of; "her proverbial lateness"; "the proverbial absentminded professor"; "your proverbial dizzy blonde" 01376705 00 s 01 well-known 0 001 & 01375174 a 0000 | widely or fully known; "a well-known politician"; "well-known facts"; "a politician who is well known"; "these facts are well known" 01376894 00 a 01 unknown 0 013 ^ 01122411 a 0000 ^ 00028672 a 0000 ^ 00966477 a 0000 + 10661002 n 0103 + 07271648 n 0101 ! 01375174 a 0101 & 01377257 a 0000 & 01377407 a 0000 & 01377488 a 0000 & 01377721 a 0000 & 01377819 a 0000 & 01377933 a 0000 & 01378088 a 0000 | not known; "an unknown amount"; "an unknown island"; "an unknown writer"; "an unknown source" 01377257 00 s 03 chartless 0 uncharted 0 unmapped 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | (of unknown regions) not yet surveyed or investigated; "uncharted seas" 01377407 00 s 01 little-known 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | unknown to most people 01377488 00 s 02 unbeknown(p) 0 unbeknownst(p) 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | (usually used with `to') occurring or existing without the knowledge of; "a crisis unbeknown to me"; "she had been ill for months, unbeknownst to the family" 01377721 00 s 01 undiagnosed 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | eluding diagnosis; "undiagnosed disease" 01377819 00 s 02 undiscovered 0 unexplored 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | not yet discovered; "undiscovered islands" 01377933 00 s 01 unheard-of 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | previously unknown; "a first novel by an unheard of writer"; "developments on an unheard-of scale" 01378088 00 s 01 unidentified 0 001 & 01376894 a 0000 | not yet identified; "an unidentified species"; "an unidentified witness" 01378219 00 a 01 understood 0 003 ! 01378878 a 0101 & 01378429 a 0000 & 01378671 a 0000 | fully apprehended as to purport or meaning or explanation; "the understood conditions of troop withdrawal were clear" 01378429 00 s 03 appreciated 0 apprehended 0 comprehended 0 001 & 01378219 a 0000 | fully understood or grasped; "dangers not yet appreciated"; "these apprehended truths"; "a thing comprehended is a thing known as fully as it can be known" 01378671 00 s 02 interpreted 0 taken 0 001 & 01378219 a 0000 | understood in a certain way; made sense of; "a word taken literally"; "a smile taken as consent"; "an open door interpreted as an invitation" 01378878 00 a 01 ununderstood 0 005 ! 01378219 a 0101 & 01379116 a 0000 & 01379251 a 0000 & 01379361 a 0000 & 01379562 a 0000 | not understood; "should not tamely submit to the unpredictable and ununderstood cycles of wars"- Psychiatry 01379116 00 s 01 misunderstood 0 001 & 01378878 a 0000 | wrongly understood; "a misunderstood criticism"; "a misunderstood question" 01379251 00 s 01 uncomprehended 0 001 & 01378878 a 0000 | not fully understood; "an uncomprehended mystery" 01379361 00 s 01 undigested 0 001 & 01378878 a 0000 | not thought over and arranged systematically in the mind; not absorbed or assimilated mentally; "an undigested mass of facts gathered at random" 01379562 00 s 01 ungrasped 0 001 & 01378878 a 0000 | not fully apprehended; "the ungrasped infinite ground of all being"- Philip Wheelwright 01379705 00 a 03 labeled 0 labelled 0 tagged 0 001 ! 01379844 a 0101 | bearing or marked with a label or tag; "properly labeled luggage" 01379844 00 a 03 unlabeled 0 unlabelled 0 untagged 0 001 ! 01379705 a 0101 | lacking a label or tag; "unlabeled luggage is liable to be lost" 01379988 00 a 01 lamented 0 001 ! 01380127 a 0101 | mourned or grieved for; "the imprint of our wise and lamented friend"- A.E.Stevenson 01380127 00 a 02 unlamented 0 unmourned 0 001 ! 01379988 a 0101 | not grieved for; causing no mourning; "interred in an unlamented grave" 01380267 00 a 01 aerial 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 08653314 n 0101 & 01380571 a 0000 | existing or living or growing or operating in the air; "aerial roots of a philodendron"; "aerial particles"; "small aerial creatures such as butterflies"; "aerial warfare"; "aerial photography"; "aerial cable cars" 01380571 00 s 01 free-flying 0 001 & 01380267 a 0000 | able to fly through the air (as a bird); "three chicks were raised to the free-flying stage" 01380721 00 a 01 marine 0 006 & 01380926 a 0000 & 01381074 a 0000 & 01381196 a 0000 & 01381340 a 0000 & 01381473 a 0000 & 01381615 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of or occurring on or in the sea 01380926 00 s 01 deep-sea 0 001 & 01380721 a 0000 | of or taking place in the deeper parts of the sea; "deep-sea fishing"; "deep-sea exploration" 01381074 00 s 03 oceangoing 0 seafaring 0 seagoing 0 001 & 01380721 a 0000 | used on the high seas; "seafaring vessels" 01381196 00 s 01 oceanic 0 002 & 01380721 a 0000 + 09376198 n 0101 | constituting or living in the open sea; "oceanic waters"; "oceanic life" 01381340 00 s 01 offshore 0 001 & 01380721 a 0000 | at some distance from the shore; "offshore oil reserves"; "an offshore island" 01381473 00 s 02 oversea 0 overseas 0 001 & 01380721 a 0000 | being or passing over or across the sea; "some overseas trade in grain arose" 01381615 00 s 02 suboceanic 0 subocean 0 001 & 01380721 a 0000 | formed or situated or occurring beneath the ocean or the ocean bed; "suboceanic oil resources" 01381777 00 a 03 laureled 0 laurelled 0 crowned 4 001 ! 01381907 a 0101 | crowned with or as if with laurel symbolizing victory 01381907 00 a 02 unlaureled 0 unlaurelled 0 001 ! 01381777 a 0101 | not crowned with laurel; having no acclaim or reward; "the unlaureled heroism of endurance"- Francis Parkman 01382086 00 a 02 large 0 big 1 054 = 05098942 n 0000 + 05103946 n 0202 ! 01391351 a 0202 + 05096191 n 0101 + 05103946 n 0101 ! 01391351 a 0101 & 01383394 a 0000 & 01383582 a 0000 & 01383684 a 0000 & 01383756 a 0000 & 01383857 a 0000 & 01383935 a 0000 & 01384081 a 0000 & 01384212 a 0000 & 01384438 a 0000 & 01384572 a 0000 & 01384730 a 0000 & 01385046 a 0000 & 01385149 a 0000 & 01385255 a 0000 & 01385663 a 0000 & 01385773 a 0000 & 01386010 a 0000 & 01386234 a 0000 & 01386538 a 0000 & 01386883 a 0000 & 01387149 a 0000 & 01387319 a 0000 & 01387902 a 0000 & 01388062 a 0000 & 01388228 a 0000 & 01388327 a 0000 & 01388418 a 0000 & 01388542 a 0000 & 01388655 a 0000 & 01388809 a 0000 & 01388928 a 0000 & 01389022 a 0000 & 01389170 a 0000 & 01389451 a 0000 & 01389634 a 0000 & 01389738 a 0000 & 01389846 a 0000 & 01389993 a 0000 & 01390130 a 0000 & 01390215 a 0000 & 01390344 a 0000 & 01390487 a 0000 & 01390588 a 0000 & 01390683 a 0000 & 01390778 a 0000 & 01390900 a 0000 & 01391074 a 0000 & 01391237 a 0000 | above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world" 01383394 00 s 03 ample 0 sizable 0 sizeable 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0306 + 05104256 n 0101 | fairly large; "a sizable fortune"; "an ample waistline"; "of ample proportions" 01383582 00 s 03 astronomic 0 astronomical 0 galactic 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | inconceivably large 01383684 00 s 01 bear-sized 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | large as a bear 01383756 00 s 02 bigger 0 larger 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | large or big relative to something else 01383857 00 s 02 biggish 0 largish 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | somewhat large 01383935 00 s 02 blown-up 0 enlarged 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | as of a photograph; made larger; "the enlarged photograph revealed many details" 01384081 00 s 02 bouffant 0 puffy 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | being puffed out; used of hair style or clothing; "a bouffant skirt" 01384212 00 s 03 broad 0 spacious 0 wide 0 004 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0308 + 05105265 n 0203 + 05136343 n 0102 | very large in expanse or scope; "a broad lawn"; "the wide plains"; "a spacious view"; "spacious skies" 01384438 00 s 01 bulky 0 004 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05025413 n 0101 + 05099389 n 0101 + 05104421 n 0101 | of large size for its weight 01384572 00 s 01 capacious 0 004 & 01382086 a 0000 + 13755053 n 0101 + 13779374 n 0101 + 05105265 n 0101 | large in capacity; "she carried a capacious bag" 01384730 00 s 03 colossal 1 prodigious 0 stupendous 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05939244 n 0201 + 10128909 n 0105 | so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple"; "has a colossal nerve"; "a prodigious storm"; "a stupendous field of grass"; "stupendous demand" 01385046 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | large in quantity or size; "deep cuts in the budget" 01385149 00 s 01 double 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | large enough for two; "a double bed"; "a double room" 01385255 00 s 02 enormous 0 tremendous 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0101 + 05105009 n 0101 | extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree; "an enormous boulder"; "enormous expenses"; "tremendous sweeping plains"; "a tremendous fact in human experience; that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology"- Walter Lippman; "a plane took off with a tremendous noise" 01385663 00 s 01 cosmic 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 09466280 n 0105 | inconceivably extended in space or time 01385773 00 s 04 elephantine 0 gargantuan 0 giant 0 jumbo 0 006 & 01382086 a 0000 + 10129133 n 0301 + 09488711 n 0301 + 10128909 n 0301 + 01323781 n 0301 + 09488448 n 0201 | of great mass; huge and bulky; "a jumbo jet"; "jumbo shrimp" 01386010 00 s 03 epic 0 heroic 0 larger-than-life 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale); "an epic voyage"; "of heroic proportions"; "heroic sculpture" 01386234 00 s 02 extensive 0 extended 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05106317 n 0102 + 00540235 v 0103 | large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage" 01386538 00 s 02 gigantic 1 mammoth 1 007 & 01382086 a 0000 + 02504770 n 0201 + 10129133 n 0101 + 09488711 n 0101 + 10128909 n 0101 + 08056471 n 0101 + 01323781 n 0101 | so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant or mammoth; "a gigantic redwood"; "gigantic disappointment"; "a mammoth ship"; "a mammoth multinational corporation" 01386883 00 s 01 great 1 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0103 | relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind; "a great juicy steak"; "a great multitude"; "the great auk"; "a great old oak"; "a great ocean liner"; "a great delay" 01387149 00 s 01 grand 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 04729328 n 0102 + 05104548 n 0102 | large and impressive in physical size or extent; "the bridge is a grand structure" 01387319 00 s 04 huge 1 immense 1 vast 0 Brobdingnagian 0 004 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0307 + 05104548 n 0204 + 05104548 n 0205 | unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope; "huge government spending"; "huge country estates"; "huge popular demand for higher education"; "a huge wave"; "the Los Angeles aqueduct winds like an immense snake along the base of the mountains"; "immense numbers of birds"; "at vast (or immense) expense"; "the vast reaches of outer space"; "the vast accumulation of knowledge...which we call civilization"- W.R.Inge 01387902 00 s 02 hulking 0 hulky 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 10129133 n 0202 | of great size and bulk; "a hulking figure of a man"; "three hulking battleships" 01388062 00 s 05 humongous 0 banging 0 thumping 0 whopping 0 walloping 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (used informally) very large; "a thumping loss" 01388228 00 s 02 king-size 0 king-sized 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | extra large; "a king-size bed" 01388327 00 s 01 large-mouthed 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | having a relatively large mouth 01388418 00 s 01 large-scale 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | unusually large in scope; "a large-scale attack on AIDS is needed" 01388542 00 s 01 large-scale 2 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | constructed or drawn to a big scale; "large-scale maps" 01388655 00 s 04 life-size 0 lifesize 0 life-sized 0 full-size 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | being of the same size as an original; "a life-size sculpture" 01388809 00 s 02 macroscopic 0 macroscopical 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | large enough to be visible with the naked eye 01388928 00 s 01 macro 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | very large in scale or scope or capability 01389022 00 s 01 man-sized 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very large; appropriate to the size of a man; "a man-sized piece of cake" 01389170 00 s 03 massive 0 monolithic 0 monumental 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05027837 n 0103 + 05104421 n 0102 | imposing in size or bulk or solidity; "massive oak doors"; "Moore's massive sculptures"; "the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture"; "a monumental scale" 01389451 00 s 01 massive 2 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | imposing in scale or scope or degree or power; "massive retaliatory power"; "a massive increase in oil prices"; "massive changes" 01389634 00 s 01 medium-large 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | of anything that is large but not the largest 01389738 00 s 01 monstrous 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 + 10128909 n 0104 + 10109443 n 0103 | abnormally large 01389846 00 s 01 mountainous 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | like a mountain in size and impressiveness; "mountainous waves"; "a mountainous dark man" 01389993 00 s 04 outsize 0 outsized 0 oversize 0 oversized 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05096577 n 0101 | larger than normal for its kind 01390130 00 s 02 overlarge 0 too_large 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | excessively large 01390215 00 s 01 plumping 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | very large; of exceptional size for its kind; "won by a plumping majority" 01390344 00 s 02 queen-size 0 queen-sized 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | (used especially of beds) not as large as king-size; "a queen-sized bed" 01390487 00 s 01 rangy 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 08629199 n 0101 | allowing ample room for ranging 01390588 00 s 01 super 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | extremely large; "another super skyscraper" 01390683 00 s 01 titanic 0 002 & 01382086 a 0000 + 09938991 n 0105 | of great force or power 01390778 00 s 01 volumed 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | formed or rising in rounded masses; "gasping with the volumed smoke" 01390900 00 s 01 voluminous 0 005 & 01382086 a 0000 + 05106024 n 0103 + 13779032 n 0101 + 05099389 n 0103 + 05106024 n 0102 | large in volume or bulk; "a voluminous skirt" 01391074 00 s 01 whacking 0 003 & 01382086 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) enormous; "a whacking phone bill"; "a whacking lie" 01391237 00 s 01 wide-ranging 0 001 & 01382086 a 0000 | including much; "the pianist's wide-ranging repertoire" 01391351 00 a 02 small 0 little 1 029 = 05098942 n 0000 + 05106633 n 0202 ! 01382086 a 0202 + 05110583 n 0101 + 05106633 n 0101 ! 01382086 a 0101 & 01392071 a 0000 & 01392160 a 0000 & 01392249 a 0000 & 01392633 a 0000 & 01392896 a 0000 & 01393024 a 0000 & 01393141 a 0000 & 01393311 a 0000 & 01393397 a 0000 & 01393483 a 0000 & 01393681 a 0000 & 01393822 a 0000 & 01393976 a 0000 & 01394075 a 0000 & 01394180 a 0000 & 01394316 a 0000 & 01394400 a 0000 & 01394558 a 0000 & 01394744 a 0000 & 01394922 a 0000 & 01395028 a 0000 & 01395095 a 0000 & 01395229 a 0000 | limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group" 01392071 00 s 01 atomic 0 002 & 01391351 a 0000 + 14585519 n 0101 | immeasurably small 01392160 00 s 01 subatomic 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | of smaller than atomic dimensions 01392249 00 s 07 bantam 0 diminutive 0 lilliputian 0 midget 0 petite 0 tiny 0 flyspeck 0 007 & 01391351 a 0000 + 05106928 n 0604 + 05096708 n 0501 + 05106928 n 0503 + 10262880 n 0301 + 06290246 n 0201 + 05106928 n 0201 | very small; "diminutive in stature"; "a lilliputian chest of drawers"; "her petite figure"; "tiny feet"; "the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy" 01392633 00 s 0c bitty 0 bittie 0 teensy 0 teentsy 0 teeny 0 wee 0 weeny 0 weensy 0 teensy-weensy 0 teeny-weeny 0 itty-bitty 0 itsy-bitsy 0 004 & 01391351 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 05106928 n 0605 + 13761407 n 0102 | (used informally) very small; "a wee tot" 01392896 00 s 01 dinky 0 002 & 01391351 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | small and insignificant; "we stayed in a dinky old hotel" 01393024 00 s 01 dwarfish 0 002 & 01391351 a 0000 + 05107668 n 0101 | atypically small; "dwarf tree"; "dwarf star" 01393141 00 s 02 elfin 0 elflike 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | small and delicate; "she was an elfin creature--graceful and delicate"; "obsessed by things elfin and small" 01393311 00 s 01 gnomish 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | used of small deformed creatures 01393397 00 s 01 half-size 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | half the usual or regular size 01393483 00 s 02 infinitesimal 0 minute 0 002 & 01391351 a 0000 + 05106928 n 0202 | infinitely or immeasurably small; "two minute whiplike threads of protoplasm"; "reduced to a microscopic scale" 01393681 00 s 01 lesser 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | smaller in size or amount or value; "the lesser powers of Europe"; "the lesser anteater" 01393822 00 s 02 microscopic 0 microscopical 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | so small as to be invisible without a microscope; "differences were microscopic" 01393976 00 s 01 micro 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | extremely small in scale or scope or capability 01394075 00 s 01 miniature 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | being on a very small scale; "a miniature camera" 01394180 00 s 02 minuscule 0 miniscule 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | very small; "a minuscule kitchen"; "a minuscule amount of rain fell" 01394316 00 s 01 olive-sized 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | about the size of an olive 01394400 00 s 03 pocket-size 0 pocket-sized 0 pocketable 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | small enough to be carried in a garment pocket; "pocket-size paperbacks" 01394558 00 s 03 puny 0 runty 0 shrimpy 0 005 & 01391351 a 0000 + 10543544 n 0302 + 10543544 n 0201 + 05107495 n 0202 + 05107495 n 0101 | (used especially of persons) of inferior size 01394744 00 s 02 slender 0 slim 0 003 & 01391351 a 0000 + 05121095 n 0203 + 05117406 n 0101 | small in quantity; "slender wages"; "a slim chance of winning"; "a small surplus" 01394922 00 s 02 smaller 0 littler 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | small or little relative to something else 01395028 00 s 01 smallish 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | rather small 01395095 00 s 01 small-scale 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | created or drawn on a small scale; "small-scale maps"; "a small-scale model" 01395229 00 s 02 undersize 0 undersized 0 001 & 01391351 a 0000 | smaller than normal for its kind 01395330 00 a 01 greater 0 001 ! 01395488 a 0101 | greater in size or importance or degree; "for the greater good of the community"; "the greater Antilles" 01395488 00 a 01 lesser 0 001 ! 01395330 a 0101 | of less size or importance; "the lesser anteater"; "the lesser of two evils" 01395617 00 a 01 lawful 0 006 ^ 01400562 a 0000 ^ 02318464 a 0000 = 04809784 n 0000 + 04809784 n 0101 ! 01396047 a 0101 & 01395821 a 0000 | conformable to or allowed by law; "lawful methods of dissent" 01395821 00 s 02 law-abiding 0 observant 0 003 & 01395617 a 0000 + 01204419 n 0202 + 02578510 v 0201 | (of individuals) adhering strictly to laws and rules and customs; "law-abiding citizens"; "observant of the speed limit" 01396047 00 a 01 unlawful 0 008 ^ 02319129 a 0000 ^ 01401854 a 0000 = 04809784 n 0000 + 04810865 n 0101 ! 01395617 a 0101 & 01396333 a 0000 & 01396503 a 0000 & 01396628 a 0000 | contrary to or prohibited by or defiant of law; "unlawful measures"; "unlawful money"; "unlawful hunters" 01396333 00 s 02 lawless 0 outlaw(a) 0 003 & 01396047 a 0000 + 09977660 n 0204 + 04811126 n 0101 | disobedient to or defiant of law; "lawless bands roaming the plains" 01396503 00 s 02 wide-open 0 lawless 2 002 & 01396047 a 0000 + 13973059 n 0202 | lax in enforcing laws; "a wide-open town" 01396628 00 s 01 wrongful 0 002 & 01396047 a 0000 + 04854604 n 0102 | unlawfully violating the rights of others; "wrongful death"; "a wrongful diversion of trust income" 01396800 00 a 01 leaded 0 002 ! 01397125 a 0101 & 01396931 a 0000 | treated or mixed with lead; "leaded gasoline"; "leaded zinc" 01396931 00 s 02 antiknock 0 antiknocking 0 002 & 01396800 a 0000 + 14585223 n 0101 | suppressing or eliminating engine knock in combustion engines; "antiknock properties"; "antiknock rating" 01397125 00 a 02 unleaded 0 leadless 0 002 ! 01396800 a 0101 & 01397251 a 0000 | not treated with lead; "unleaded gasoline" 01397251 00 s 02 lead-free 0 nonleaded 0 001 & 01397125 a 0000 | (of gasoline) not containing tetraethyl lead; "lead-free gasoline" 01397385 00 a 01 leaky 0 009 ^ 01772032 a 0000 ^ 02088086 a 0000 + 07436661 n 0102 + 14577872 n 0101 ! 01398199 a 0101 & 01397674 a 0000 & 01397786 a 0000 & 01397892 a 0000 & 01397998 a 0000 | permitting the unwanted passage of fluids or gases ; "a leaky roof"; "a leaky defense system" 01397674 00 s 02 drafty 0 draughty 0 003 & 01397385 a 0000 + 11522448 n 0202 + 11522448 n 0101 | not airtight 01397786 00 s 01 drippy 0 002 & 01397385 a 0000 + 07432559 n 0101 | leaking in drops; "a drippy faucet" 01397892 00 s 03 oozing 0 oozy 0 seeping 0 002 & 01397385 a 0000 + 07432119 n 0202 | leaking out slowly 01397998 00 s 02 holey 0 porous 0 003 & 01397385 a 0000 + 13912115 n 0201 + 09304465 n 0101 | allowing passage in and out; "our unfenced and largely unpoliced border inevitably has been very porous" 01398199 00 a 01 tight 2 011 ^ 01772609 a 0000 ^ 02087956 a 0000 ^ 01447302 a 0000 ! 01397385 a 0101 & 01398528 a 0000 & 01398648 a 0000 & 01398772 a 0000 & 01398865 a 0000 & 01398941 a 0000 & 01399096 a 0000 & 01399235 a 0000 | of such close construction as to be impermeable; "a tight roof"; "warm in our tight little house" 01398528 00 s 03 airtight 0 air-tight 0 gas-tight 0 001 & 01398199 a 0000 | not allowing air or gas to pass in or out 01398648 00 s 01 dripless 0 001 & 01398199 a 0000 | designed to prevent dripping; "a dripless faucet"; "dripless candles" 01398772 00 s 01 hermetic 0 001 & 01398199 a 0000 | completely sealed; completely airtight 01398865 00 s 01 leakproof 0 001 & 01398199 a 0000 | not subject to leaks 01398941 00 s 03 rainproof 0 waterproof 0 waterproofed 0 003 & 01398199 a 0000 + 04561734 n 0201 + 04049405 n 0202 | not permitting the passage of water 01399096 00 s 01 snug 0 002 & 01398199 a 0000 + 03144365 n 0104 | well and tightly constructed; "a snug house"; "a snug little sailboat" 01399235 00 s 01 watertight 0 001 & 01398199 a 0000 | not allowing water to pass in or out 01399328 00 a 01 caulked 0 003 ! 01399671 a 0101 & 01399469 a 0000 & 01399564 a 0000 | having cracks and crevices stopped up with a filler 01399469 00 s 02 chinked 0 stopped-up 0 001 & 01399328 a 0000 | having narrow opening filled 01399564 00 s 01 weather-stripped 0 001 & 01399328 a 0000 | having cracks blocked with weather stripping 01399671 00 a 01 uncaulked 0 001 ! 01399328 a 0101 | not caulked or sealed 01399748 00 a 01 leavened 0 001 ! 01399949 a 0101 | made light by aerating, as with yeast or baking powder; often used as a combining form; "leavened bread"; "well-leavened"; "yeast-leavened breads" 01399949 00 a 02 unleavened 0 unraised 0 001 ! 01399748 a 0101 | made without leavening; "unleavened bread is often simply flour mixed with water" 01400098 00 a 01 leeward 0 002 ! 01400336 a 0101 & 01400237 a 0000 | on the side away from the wind; "on the leeward side of the island" 01400237 00 s 02 downwind 0 lee(a) 0 001 & 01400098 a 0000 | towards the side away from the wind 01400336 00 a 01 windward 0 002 ! 01400098 a 0101 & 01400464 a 0000 | on the side exposed to the wind; "the windward islands" 01400464 00 s 02 upwind 0 weather(a) 0 001 & 01400336 a 0000 | towards the side exposed to wind 01400562 00 a 01 legal 0 012 ^ 01395617 a 0000 ^ 01406640 a 0000 = 04809237 n 0000 + 04809237 n 0101 ! 01401854 a 0101 & 01400876 a 0000 & 01400961 a 0000 & 01401105 a 0000 & 01401224 a 0000 & 01401413 a 0000 & 01401532 a 0000 & 01401734 a 0000 | established by or founded upon law or official or accepted rules 01400876 00 s 01 court-ordered 0 001 & 01400562 a 0000 | ordered by a court of law 01400961 00 s 01 judicial 0 002 & 01400562 a 0000 + 10225219 n 0101 | decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice; "a judicial decision" 01401105 00 s 02 jural 0 juristic 0 001 & 01400562 a 0000 | of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations 01401224 00 s 03 lawful 0 legitimate 0 licit 0 003 & 01400562 a 0000 + 04810194 n 0301 + 04809784 n 0101 | authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law; "a legitimate government" 01401413 00 s 02 ratified 0 sanctioned 0 001 & 01400562 a 0000 | formally approved and invested with legal authority 01401532 00 s 01 statutory 0 001 & 01400562 a 0000 | prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute; "statutory restrictions"; "a statutory age limit"; "statutory crimes"; "statutory rape" 01401734 00 s 01 sub_judice 0 001 & 01400562 a 0000 | before a judge or court of law; awaiting judicial determination 01401854 00 a 01 illegal 0 021 ^ 01407465 a 0000 ^ 01960656 a 0000 ^ 01396047 a 0000 = 04809237 n 0000 + 04810327 n 0101 ! 01400562 a 0101 & 01402343 a 0000 & 01402498 a 0000 & 01402580 a 0000 & 01402763 a 0000 & 01403012 a 0000 & 01403151 a 0000 & 01403316 a 0000 & 01403469 a 0000 & 01403632 a 0000 & 01403760 a 0000 & 01404042 a 0000 & 01404195 a 0000 & 01404370 a 0000 & 01404482 a 0000 & 01404582 a 0000 | prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules; "an illegal chess move" 01402343 00 s 01 amerciable 0 003 & 01401854 a 0000 + 02498987 v 0101 + 02500265 v 0101 | of a crime or misdemeanor; punishable by a fine set by a judge 01402498 00 s 02 banned 0 prohibited 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | forbidden by law 01402580 00 s 05 bootleg 0 black 0 black-market 0 contraband 0 smuggled 0 002 & 01401854 a 0000 + 03096273 n 0401 | distributed or sold illicitly; "the black economy pays no taxes" 01402763 00 s 02 criminal 0 felonious 0 005 & 01401854 a 0000 + 00768701 n 0201 + 00767477 n 0101 + 00766234 n 0101 + 13991346 n 0103 | involving or being or having the nature of a crime; "a criminal offense"; "criminal abuse"; "felonious intent" 01403012 00 s 02 dirty 0 ill-gotten 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | obtained illegally or by improper means; "dirty money"; "ill-gotten gains" 01403151 00 s 02 embezzled 0 misappropriated 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | taken for your own use in violation of a trust; "the banker absconded with embezzled funds" 01403316 00 s 01 extrajudicial 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted; "an extrajudicial penalty" 01403469 00 s 02 extralegal 0 nonlegal 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | not regulated or sanctioned by law; "there were only extralegal recourses for their grievances" 01403632 00 s 01 hot 0 002 & 01401854 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | recently stolen or smuggled; "hot merchandise"; "a hot car" 01403760 00 s 05 illegitimate 0 illicit 0 outlaw(a) 0 outlawed 0 unlawful 0 004 & 01401854 a 0000 + 04810865 n 0501 + 09977660 n 0304 + 04811628 n 0201 | contrary to or forbidden by law; "an illegitimate seizure of power"; "illicit trade"; "an outlaw strike"; "unlawful measures" 01404042 00 s 01 ineligible 0 003 & 01401854 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 + 04718134 n 0101 | prohibited by official rules; "an ineligible pass receiver" 01404195 00 s 02 misbranded 0 mislabeled 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | branded or labeled falsely and in violation of statutory requirements; "confiscated the misbranded drugs" 01404370 00 s 02 penal 0 punishable 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | subject to punishment by law; "a penal offense" 01404482 00 s 01 under-the-counter 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | done or sold illicitly and secretly; 01404582 00 s 01 unratified 0 001 & 01401854 a 0000 | lacking legal authority; "the unratified Equal Right Amendment" 01404702 00 a 01 legible 0 004 + 04819285 n 0101 ! 01405214 a 0101 & 01404898 a 0000 & 01405047 a 0000 | (of handwriting, print, etc.) capable of being read or deciphered; "legible handwriting" 01404898 00 s 02 clean 0 fair 0 001 & 01404702 a 0000 | (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections; "fair copy"; "a clean manuscript" 01405047 00 s 03 clear 0 decipherable 0 readable 0 005 & 01404702 a 0000 + 04819285 n 0302 + 04819953 n 0301 + 04820258 n 0101 + 04820258 n 0105 | easily deciphered 01405214 00 a 01 illegible 0 004 + 04822685 n 0101 ! 01404702 a 0101 & 01405390 a 0000 & 01405523 a 0000 | (of handwriting, print, etc.) not legible; "illegible handwriting" 01405390 00 s 03 dirty 0 foul 0 marked-up 0 001 & 01405214 a 0000 | (of a manuscript) defaced with changes; "foul (or dirty) copy" 01405523 00 s 04 indecipherable 0 unclear 0 undecipherable 0 unreadable 0 002 & 01405214 a 0000 + 04823866 n 0201 | not easily deciphered; "indecipherable handwriting" 01405693 00 a 01 deciphered 0 001 ! 01405797 a 0101 | converted from cryptic to intelligible language 01405797 00 a 01 undeciphered 0 001 ! 01405693 a 0101 | not deciphered; "Linear A is still undeciphered" 01405904 00 a 01 biological 0 003 ! 01406263 a 0101 & 01406058 a 0000 & 01406180 a 0000 | of parents and children; related by blood; "biological child" 01406058 00 s 01 begotten 0 001 & 01405904 a 0000 | (of offspring) generated by procreation; "naturally begotten child" 01406180 00 s 01 natural 0 001 & 01405904 a 0000 | related by blood; not adopted 01406263 00 a 01 adoptive 0 003 + 00413195 v 0101 ! 01405904 a 0101 & 01406418 a 0000 | of parents and children; related by adoption; "adoptive parents" 01406418 00 s 02 foster 0 surrogate 0 001 & 01406263 a 0000 | providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties; "foster parent"; "foster child"; "foster home"; "surrogate father" 01406640 00 a 01 legitimate 0 007 ^ 00178575 a 0000 ^ 01400562 a 0000 ^ 02498708 a 0000 ! 01407465 a 0101 & 01406853 a 0000 & 01406961 a 0000 & 01407267 a 0000 | of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful 01406853 00 s 01 lawfully-begotten 0 001 & 01406640 a 0000 | born in wedlock; enjoying full filial rights 01406961 00 s 02 morganatic 0 left-handed 1 001 & 01406640 a 0000 | (of marriages) of a marriage between one of royal or noble birth and one of lower rank; valid but with the understanding that the rank of the inferior remains unchanged and offspring do not succeed to titles or property of the superior 01407267 00 s 03 true(a) 0 lawful 0 rightful(a) 0 003 & 01406640 a 0000 + 04850341 n 0302 + 04809784 n 0201 | having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king" 01407465 00 a 01 illegitimate 0 010 ^ 01401854 a 0000 ^ 02499750 a 0000 ^ 00179486 a 0000 ! 01406640 a 0101 & 01407738 a 0000 & 01407816 a 0000 & 01407909 a 0000 & 01408135 a 0000 & 01408240 a 0000 & 01408421 a 0000 | of marriages and offspring; not recognized as lawful 01407738 00 s 01 adulterine 0 001 & 01407465 a 0000 | conceived in adultery 01407816 00 s 02 base 0 baseborn 0 002 & 01407465 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | illegitimate 01407909 00 s 04 bastardly 0 misbegot 0 misbegotten 0 spurious 0 002 & 01407465 a 0000 + 09842823 n 0101 | born out of wedlock; "the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring"- E.A.Freeman 01408135 00 s 01 fatherless 0 001 & 01407465 a 0000 | not having a known or legally responsible father 01408240 00 s 01 left-handed 2 001 & 01407465 a 0000 | (of marriages) illicit or informal; "in Colonial America left-handed marriages between Frenchmen and Indians were frequent" 01408421 00 s 02 unlawful 0 wrongful 0 003 & 01407465 a 0000 + 04854604 n 0202 + 04810865 n 0101 | having no legally established claim; "the wrongful heir to the throne" 01408593 00 a 04 leptorrhine 0 leptorhine 0 leptorrhinian 0 leptorrhinic 0 002 ! 01408738 a 0101 ! 01408929 a 0101 | having a long narrow nose 01408738 00 a 02 catarrhine 0 catarrhinian 0 003 + 02484473 n 0202 ! 01408593 a 0101 ! 01408929 a 0101 | of or related to Old World monkeys that have nostrils together and opening downward 01408929 00 a 06 platyrrhine 0 platyrrhinian 0 platyrhine 0 platyrhinian 0 platyrrhinic 0 broadnosed 0 005 + 02489589 n 0502 + 02489589 n 0402 + 02489589 n 0202 ! 01408738 a 0101 ! 01408593 a 0101 | of or related to New World monkeys having nostrils far apart or to people with broad noses 01409221 00 a 01 leptosporangiate 0 001 ! 01409379 a 0101 | (of ferns) having each sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell; "leptosporangiate ferns" 01409379 00 a 01 eusporangiate 0 001 ! 01409221 a 0101 | (of ferns) having sporangia that arise from a group of epidermal cells; "eusporangiate ferns of the families Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae" 01409581 00 a 02 like 0 similar 2 007 ^ 02062670 a 0000 + 04743605 n 0201 + 04744814 n 0101 ! 01410363 a 0101 & 01410036 a 0000 & 01410118 a 0000 & 01410222 a 0000 | resembling or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used in combination; "suits of like design"; "a limited circle of like minds"; "members of the cat family have like dispositions"; "as like as two peas in a pod"; "doglike devotion"; "a dreamlike quality" 01410036 00 s 01 like-minded 0 001 & 01409581 a 0000 | of the same turn of mind 01410118 00 s 01 look-alike 0 001 & 01409581 a 0000 | resembling closely; "they have look-alike cars" 01410222 00 s 01 suchlike 0 001 & 01409581 a 0000 | of the same kind; "a locker that usually contained paper, ink, and suchlike equipment" 01410363 00 a 03 unlike 0 dissimilar 2 different 2 005 + 04748836 n 0301 + 02666239 v 0301 + 04750164 n 0201 + 04750764 n 0101 ! 01409581 a 0101 | marked by dissimilarity; "for twins they are very unlike"; "people are profoundly different" 01410606 00 a 03 alike(p) 0 similar 4 like 4 005 = 04744814 n 0000 + 04744814 n 0301 + 04743605 n 0201 + 04744814 n 0102 ! 01410905 a 0101 | having the same or similar characteristics; "all politicians are alike"; "they looked utterly alike"; "friends are generally alike in background and taste" 01410905 00 a 02 unalike 0 dissimilar 4 003 = 04744814 n 0000 + 04750164 n 0201 ! 01410606 a 0101 | not alike or similar; "as unalike as two people could be" 01411065 00 a 02 like 2 same 4 002 ^ 00889831 a 0000 ! 01411291 a 0101 | equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "the same number" 01411291 00 a 01 unlike 2 002 ^ 00892379 a 0000 ! 01411065 a 0101 | not equal in amount; "they distributed unlike (or unequal) sums to the various charities" 01411451 00 a 01 likely 0 007 ^ 01821266 a 0000 = 04756635 n 0000 + 04756635 n 0102 ! 01412415 a 0101 & 01411919 a 0000 & 01412134 a 0000 & 01412286 a 0000 | has a good chance of being the case or of coming about; "these services are likely to be available to us all before long"; "she is likely to forget"; "a likely place for a restaurant"; "the broken limb is likely to fall"; "rain is likely"; "a likely topic for investigation"; "likely candidates for the job" 01411919 00 s 02 apt(p) 0 liable(p) 0 003 & 01411451 a 0000 + 05161436 n 0201 + 04943154 n 0101 | at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant; "he is apt to lose"; "she is liable to forget" 01412134 00 s 01 probable 0 002 & 01411451 a 0000 + 04756172 n 0101 | apparently destined; "the probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme" 01412286 00 s 01 promising 0 001 & 01411451 a 0000 | showing possibility of achievement or excellence; "a promising young man" 01412415 00 a 01 unlikely 0 006 = 04756635 n 0000 + 04758776 n 0102 ! 01411451 a 0101 & 01412721 a 0000 & 01412912 a 0000 & 01413084 a 0000 | has little chance of being the case or coming about; "an unlikely story"; "an unlikely candidate for reelection"; "a butcher is unlikely to preach vegetarianism" 01412721 00 s 02 farfetched 0 implausible 0 003 & 01412415 a 0000 + 04784322 n 0202 + 04784322 n 0201 | highly imaginative but unlikely; "a farfetched excuse"; "an implausible explanation" 01412912 00 s 01 last 0 001 & 01412415 a 0000 | most unlikely or unsuitable; "the last person we would have suspected"; "the last man they would have chosen for the job" 01413084 00 s 02 outside 0 remote 0 002 & 01412415 a 0000 + 05085165 n 0202 | very unlikely; "an outside chance"; "a remote possibility"; "a remote contingency" 01413247 00 a 02 probable 0 likely 4 006 + 04756635 n 0202 + 05091770 n 0101 ! 01413871 a 0101 & 01413501 a 0000 & 01413576 a 0000 & 01413763 a 0000 | likely but not certain to be or become true or real; "a likely result"; "he foresaw a probable loss" 01413501 00 s 01 equiprobable 0 001 & 01413247 a 0000 | equally probable 01413576 00 s 01 presumptive 0 003 & 01413247 a 0000 + 01015677 v 0101 + 00632236 v 0102 | having a reasonable basis for belief or acceptance; "the presumptive heir (or heir apparent)" 01413763 00 s 01 verisimilar 0 001 & 01413247 a 0000 | appearing to be true or real; "a verisimilar tale" 01413871 00 a 02 improbable 0 unlikely 4 005 + 04758776 n 0202 + 04758452 n 0102 + 04758452 n 0101 ! 01413247 a 0101 & 01414137 a 0000 | not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred; "legislation on the question is highly unlikely"; "an improbable event" 01414137 00 s 01 supposed(a) 2 001 & 01413871 a 0000 | mistakenly believed; "the supposed existence of ghosts" 01414250 00 a 01 limbed 0 005 ! 01414817 a 0101 & 01414488 a 0000 & 01414566 a 0000 & 01414663 a 0000 & 01414740 a 0000 | having or as if having limbs, especially limbs of a specified kind (usually used in combination); "strong-limbed" 01414488 00 s 01 boughed 4 001 & 01414250 a 0000 | having boughs (of trees) 01414566 00 s 01 flipper-like 0 001 & 01414250 a 0000 | having limbs that are used as flippers 01414663 00 s 01 heavy-limbed 0 001 & 01414250 a 0000 | having heavy limbs 01414740 00 s 01 sharp-limbed 0 001 & 01414250 a 0000 | having sharp limbs 01414817 00 a 01 limbless 0 002 ! 01414250 a 0101 & 01414938 a 0000 | having no limbs; "a snake is a limbless reptile" 01414938 00 s 01 boughless 4 001 & 01414817 a 0000 | having no boughs (of trees) 01415021 00 a 01 limited 0 004 ^ 02561888 a 0000 ! 01415605 a 0101 & 01415219 a 0000 & 01415480 a 0000 | small in range or scope; "limited war"; "a limited success"; "a limited circle of friends" 01415219 00 s 06 minor 0 modest 0 small 0 small-scale 0 pocket-size 0 pocket-sized 0 002 & 01415021 a 0000 + 05106633 n 0301 | limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country" 01415480 00 s 01 narrow 0 002 & 01415021 a 0000 + 05846626 n 0101 | limited in size or scope; "the narrow sense of a word" 01415605 00 a 02 unlimited 0 limitless 4 005 + 05209324 n 0205 ! 01415021 a 0101 & 01415917 a 0000 & 01416081 a 0000 & 01416255 a 0000 | having no limits in range or scope; "to start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism"- Philip Rahv; "the limitless reaches of outer space" 01415917 00 s 01 bottomless 0 002 & 01415605 a 0000 + 05135582 n 0101 | having no apparent limits or bounds; "a bottomless supply of money"; "bottomless pockets" 01416081 00 s 01 oceanic 0 002 & 01415605 a 0000 + 13776971 n 0101 | resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree; "the oceanic violence of his rage" 01416255 00 s 02 untrammeled 0 untrammelled 0 001 & 01415605 a 0000 | not confined or limited; "the gift of a fresh eye and an untrammeled curiosity"- Russell Lord; "the untrammeled rush that the snows had shown in the first spring sun"- Farley Mowat 01416508 00 a 02 lineal 0 direct 4 006 ^ 01971237 a 0000 + 08101937 n 0102 ! 01417228 a 0101 & 01416809 a 0000 & 01416959 a 0000 & 01417105 a 0000 | in a straight unbroken line of descent from parent to child; "lineal ancestors"; "lineal heirs"; "a direct descendant of the king"; "direct heredity" 01416809 00 s 02 matrilineal 0 matrilinear 0 001 & 01416508 a 0000 | based on or tracing descent through the female line; "matrilineal inheritance" 01416959 00 s 02 patrilineal 0 patrilinear 0 001 & 01416508 a 0000 | based on or tracing descent through the male line; "a patrilineal society" 01417105 00 s 01 unilateral 0 001 & 01416508 a 0000 | tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only 01417228 00 a 02 collateral 0 indirect 4 002 ^ 01971237 a 0000 ! 01416508 a 0101 | descended from a common ancestor but through different lines; "cousins are collateral relatives"; "an indirect descendant of the Stuarts" 01417451 00 a 02 linear 2 additive 4 006 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 00949288 v 0208 + 00182406 v 0201 + 05063218 n 0102 ! 01417790 a 0101 & 01417678 a 0000 | designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree 01417678 00 s 01 bilinear 0 001 & 01417451 a 0000 | linear with respect to each of two variables or positions 01417790 00 a 01 nonlinear 0 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 01417451 a 0101 | designating or involving an equation whose terms are not of the first degree 01417941 00 a 01 lined 0 002 ! 01418181 a 0101 & 01418104 a 0000 | having a lining or a liner; often used in combination; "a lined skirt"; "a silk-lined jacket" 01418104 00 s 01 silk-lined 0 001 & 01417941 a 0000 | having a silk lining 01418181 00 a 01 unlined 0 001 ! 01417941 a 0101 | not having a lining or liner; "a thin unlined jacket" 01418288 00 a 01 listed 0 001 ! 01418350 a 0101 | on a list 01418350 00 a 01 unlisted 0 003 ! 01418288 a 0101 & 01418486 a 0000 & 01418647 a 0000 | not on a list; "an unlisted telephone number" 01418486 00 s 01 ex-directory 0 001 & 01418350 a 0000 | (of telephone numbers) not listed in the telephone directory; "an ex-directory number" (British usage) 01418647 00 s 02 over-the-counter 0 otc 0 001 & 01418350 a 0000 | (of securities) not traded on a stock exchange; "over-the-counter stocks" 01418789 00 a 01 literal 0 005 ^ 00914421 a 0000 ^ 02018486 a 0000 + 04760611 n 0101 ! 01419149 a 0101 & 01418989 a 0000 | limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; "a literal translation" 01418989 00 s 02 denotative 0 explicit 0 003 & 01418789 a 0000 + 04822032 n 0201 + 00931467 v 0101 | in accordance with fact or the primary meaning of a term 01419149 00 a 02 figurative 0 nonliteral 0 009 ^ 02016535 a 0000 ! 01418789 a 0101 & 01419462 a 0000 & 01419638 a 0000 & 01419784 a 0000 & 01419999 a 0000 & 01420337 a 0000 & 01420488 a 0000 & 01420899 a 0000 | (used of the meanings of words or text) not literal; using figures of speech; "figurative language" 01419462 00 s 01 analogical 0 003 & 01419149 a 0000 + 05780339 n 0101 + 00651176 n 0101 | expressing, composed of, or based on an analogy; "the analogical use of a metaphor" 01419638 00 s 01 extended 0 001 & 01419149 a 0000 | beyond the literal or primary sense; "`hot off the press' shows an extended sense of `hot'" 01419784 00 s 02 metaphorical 0 metaphoric 0 003 & 01419149 a 0000 + 07106800 n 0201 + 07106800 n 0101 | expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another; "a metaphorical expression"; "metaphoric language" 01419999 00 s 02 metonymic 0 metonymical 0 004 & 01419149 a 0000 + 07107676 n 0201 + 06293898 n 0201 + 06293898 n 0101 | using the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated; "to say `he spent the evening reading Shakespeare' is metonymic because it substitutes the author himself for the author's works" 01420337 00 s 01 poetic 0 002 & 01419149 a 0000 + 07093273 n 0101 | characterized by romantic imagery; "Turner's vision of the rainbow...was poetic" 01420488 00 s 02 synecdochic 0 synecdochical 0 003 & 01419149 a 0000 + 07108453 n 0201 + 07108453 n 0101 | using the name of a part for that of the whole or the whole for the part; or the special for the general or the general for the special; or the material for the thing made of it; "to use `hand' for `worker' or `ten sail' for `ten ships' or `steel' for `sword' is to use a synecdochic figure of speech" 01420899 00 s 01 tropical 0 003 & 01419149 a 0000 ;c 06170498 n 0000 + 07105475 n 0101 | characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes; changed from its literal sense 01421077 00 a 01 literate 1 005 ^ 00829745 a 0000 ^ 02270342 a 0000 ! 01421491 a 0101 & 01421249 a 0000 & 01421368 a 0000 | versed in literature; dealing with literature 01421249 00 s 01 belletristic 0 001 & 01421077 a 0000 | written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content 01421368 00 s 01 literary 0 002 & 01421077 a 0000 + 06169488 n 0101 | knowledgeable about literature; "a literary style" 01421491 00 a 01 illiterate 1 001 ! 01421077 a 0101 | lacking culture, especially in language and literature 01421602 00 a 01 literate 0 001 ! 01421679 a 0101 | able to read and write 01421679 00 a 01 illiterate 0 008 ^ 00830717 a 0000 = 05638486 n 0000 ! 01421602 a 0101 & 01421887 a 0000 & 01422098 a 0000 & 01422243 a 0000 & 01422354 a 0000 & 01422468 a 0000 | not able to read or write 01421887 00 s 02 analphabetic 0 unlettered 0 003 & 01421679 a 0000 + 09790047 n 0102 + 05649256 n 0102 | having little acquaintance with writing; "special tutorials to assist the unlettered sector of society" 01422098 00 s 01 functionally_illiterate 0 001 & 01421679 a 0000 | having reading and writing skills insufficient for ordinary practical needs 01422243 00 s 01 preliterate 0 001 & 01421679 a 0000 | not yet having acquired the ability to read and write 01422354 00 s 01 semiliterate 1 001 & 01421679 a 0000 | barely able to read and write; "an semiliterate scrawl" 01422468 00 s 01 semiliterate 2 001 & 01421679 a 0000 | able to read but not to write 01422556 00 a 02 live 2 unrecorded 4 002 ! 01422956 a 0101 & 01422863 a 0000 | actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing; "a live television program"; "brought to you live from Lincoln Center"; "live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience" 01422863 00 s 02 unfilmed 0 untaped 0 001 & 01422556 a 0000 | not recorded on film or tape 01422956 00 a 01 recorded 0 005 ! 01422556 a 0101 & 01423187 a 0000 & 01423344 a 0000 & 01423491 a 0000 & 01423592 a 0000 | set down or registered in a permanent form especially on film or tape for reproduction; "recorded music" 01423187 00 s 02 canned 0 transcribed 0 002 & 01422956 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | recorded for broadcast; "a transcribed announcement"; "canned laughter" 01423344 00 s 01 filmed 0 001 & 01422956 a 0000 | recorded on film; made into a movie; "a filmed documentary"; "the filmed version of the novel" 01423491 00 s 01 prerecorded 0 001 & 01422956 a 0000 | recorded at one time for transmission later 01423592 00 s 02 taped 0 tape-recorded 0 001 & 01422956 a 0000 | recorded on tape 01423676 00 a 02 livable 0 liveable 0 004 + 02649830 v 0203 + 02649830 v 0103 ! 01423998 a 0101 & 01423851 a 0000 | fit or suitable to live in or with; "livable conditions" 01423851 00 s 02 habitable 0 inhabitable 0 003 & 01423676 a 0000 + 04722231 n 0102 + 04722231 n 0101 | fit for habitation; "the habitable world" 01423998 00 a 02 unlivable 0 unliveable 0 002 ! 01423676 a 0101 & 01424156 a 0000 | unfit or unsuitable to live in or with; "unlivable substandard housing" 01424156 00 s 01 uninhabitable 0 001 & 01423998 a 0000 | not fit for habitation 01424238 00 a 01 liveried 0 001 ! 01424353 a 0101 | wearing livery; "liveried footmen stood on the palace steps" 01424353 00 a 01 unliveried 0 001 ! 01424238 a 0101 | not wearing livery; "an unliveried chauffeur" 01424455 00 a 01 loaded 0 003 ! 01424868 a 0101 & 01424596 a 0000 & 01424706 a 0000 | (of weapons) charged with ammunition; "a loaded gun" 01424596 00 s 01 live 0 001 & 01424455 a 0000 | charged with an explosive; "live ammunition"; "a live bomb" 01424706 00 s 02 undischarged 0 unexploded 0 001 & 01424455 a 0000 | still capable of exploding or being fired; "undischarged ammunition"; "an unexploded bomb" 01424868 00 a 01 unloaded 0 003 ! 01424455 a 0101 & 01425056 a 0000 & 01425154 a 0000 | (of weapons) not charged with ammunition; "many people are killed by guns thought to be unloaded" 01425056 00 s 01 blank 0 001 & 01424868 a 0000 | not charged with a bullet; "a blank cartridge" 01425154 00 s 01 dud 0 001 & 01424868 a 0000 | failing to detonate; especially not charged with an active explosive; "he stepped on a dud mine" 01425300 00 a 01 loamy 0 002 + 14942223 n 0101 ! 01425435 a 0101 | consisting of or having the character of loam; "richy loamy soil" 01425435 00 a 01 loamless 0 001 ! 01425300 a 0101 | having no loam; "a stony loamless yard" 01425529 00 a 01 local 2 004 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 01426077 a 0101 & 01425708 a 0000 & 01425895 a 0000 | affecting only a restricted part or area of the body; "local anesthesia" 01425708 00 s 02 localized 0 localised 0 002 & 01425529 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 | confined or restricted to a particular location; "the localized infection formed a definite abscess" 01425895 00 s 01 topical 0 002 & 01425529 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 | pertaining to the surface of a body part; "a drug for topical (or local) application"; "a topical anesthesia" 01426077 00 a 01 general 2 005 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 05913275 n 0103 + 04764412 n 0101 ! 01425529 a 0101 & 01426273 a 0000 | affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms" 01426273 00 s 01 systemic 0 001 & 01426077 a 0000 | affecting an entire system; "a systemic poison" 01426375 00 a 01 epidemic 0 008 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 07435533 n 0101 ! 01427757 a 0101 ! 01427602 a 0101 & 01426749 a 0000 & 01427010 a 0000 & 01427188 a 0000 & 01427333 a 0000 | (especially of medicine) of disease or anything resembling a disease; attacking or affecting many individuals in a community or a population simultaneously; "an epidemic outbreak of influenza" 01426749 00 s 01 epiphytotic 0 002 & 01426375 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) epidemic among plants of a single kind especially over a wide area; "an epiphytotic blight of potatoes"; "epiphytotic conditions associated with a single-plant agriculture" 01427010 00 s 01 epizootic 0 002 & 01426375 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) epidemic among animals of a single kind within a particular region; "an epizootic disease" 01427188 00 s 01 pandemic 0 002 & 01426375 a 0000 + 07435713 n 0101 | epidemic over a wide geographical area; "a pandemic outbreak of malaria" 01427333 00 s 04 pestilent 0 pestilential 0 pestiferous 0 plaguey 0 004 & 01426375 a 0000 + 14076479 n 0401 + 14076479 n 0202 + 14076479 n 0102 | likely to spread and cause an epidemic disease; "a pestilential malignancy in the air"- Jonathan Swift; "plaguey fevers" 01427602 00 a 01 ecdemic 0 002 ! 01427757 a 0101 ! 01426375 a 0101 | of or relating to a disease that originates outside the locality in which it occurs 01427757 00 a 02 endemic 0 endemical 0 003 ! 01426375 a 0101 ! 01427602 a 0101 & 01428122 a 0000 | of or relating to a disease (or anything resembling a disease) constantly present to greater or lesser extent in a particular locality; "diseases endemic to the tropics"; "endemic malaria"; "food shortages and starvation are endemic in certain parts of the world" 01428122 00 s 01 enzootic 0 001 & 01427757 a 0000 | of a disease that is constantly present in an animal community but only occurs in a small number of cases 01428282 00 a 01 gloved 0 002 ! 01428509 a 0101 & 01428389 a 0000 | having the hands covered with gloves 01428389 00 s 01 gauntleted 0 001 & 01428282 a 0000 | wearing a protective glove; "gestured with his gauntleted hand" 01428509 00 a 01 gloveless 0 001 ! 01428282 a 0101 | devoid of gloves 01428581 00 a 01 hatted 0 002 ! 01428838 a 0101 & 01428767 a 0000 | wearing a hat or a hat of a particular kind; "two old ladies, neatly hatted and gloved"; "a bearskin-hatted sentry" 01428767 00 s 01 turbaned 0 001 & 01428581 a 0000 | wearing a turban 01428838 00 a 01 hatless 0 001 ! 01428581 a 0101 | not wearing a hat; "stood hatless in the rain with water dripping down his neck" 01428972 00 a 01 guided 0 003 ! 01429359 a 0101 & 01429138 a 0000 & 01429260 a 0000 | subject to guidance or control especially after launching; "a guided missile" 01429138 00 s 01 radio-controlled 0 001 & 01428972 a 0000 | operated and guided by radio; "a radio-controlled airplane" 01429260 00 s 01 target-hunting 0 001 & 01428972 a 0000 | guided automatically toward the target 01429359 00 a 01 unguided 0 001 ! 01428972 a 0101 | not subject to guidance or control after launching; "unguided missiles" 01429485 00 a 01 legged 0 004 ! 01430009 a 0101 & 01429676 a 0000 & 01429788 a 0000 & 01429870 a 0000 | having legs of a specified kind or number; "four-legged animals"; "a peg-legged man" 01429676 00 s 01 leglike 0 001 & 01429485 a 0000 | resembling or functioning like a leg; "leglike appendages" 01429788 00 s 01 straight-legged 0 001 & 01429485 a 0000 | having straight legs 01429870 00 s 01 three-legged 0 001 & 01429485 a 0000 | having or as if having three legs; "a three-legged stool"; "a three-legged race" 01430009 00 a 01 legless 0 001 ! 01429485 a 0101 | not having legs; "a legless man in a wheelchair" 01430111 00 a 01 logical 0 012 ^ 00110853 a 0000 ^ 00464513 a 0000 ^ 00111129 a 0000 ^ 01925372 a 0000 ^ 01943406 a 0000 = 04784664 n 0000 + 04784664 n 0102 + 04784664 n 0101 ! 01430847 a 0101 & 01430452 a 0000 & 01430628 a 0000 & 01430716 a 0000 | capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning; "a logical mind" 01430452 00 s 02 dianoetic 0 discursive 0 003 & 01430111 a 0000 ;c 06158346 n 0000 + 04919872 n 0201 | proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition 01430628 00 s 01 formal 0 001 & 01430111 a 0000 | logically deductive; "formal proof" 01430716 00 s 01 ratiocinative 0 002 & 01430111 a 0000 + 00633265 v 0101 | based on exact thinking; "one's ratiocinative powers" 01430847 00 a 02 illogical 0 unlogical 4 010 ^ 00464962 a 0000 ^ 01926376 a 0000 ^ 01944660 a 0000 = 04784664 n 0000 + 04785669 n 0102 + 04785669 n 0101 ! 01430111 a 0101 & 01431112 a 0000 & 01431369 a 0000 & 01431471 a 0000 | lacking in correct logical relation 01431112 00 s 01 absurd 0 003 & 01430847 a 0000 + 06607809 n 0101 + 06607809 n 0102 | inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense; "the absurd predicament of seeming to argue that virtue is highly desirable but intensely unpleasant"- Walter Lippman 01431369 00 s 01 inconsequential 0 001 & 01430847 a 0000 | not following logically as a consequence 01431471 00 s 03 intuitive 0 nonrational 0 visceral 0 002 & 01430847 a 0000 + 00590761 v 0101 | obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation 01431638 00 a 01 extended 0 006 ! 01432605 a 0101 & 01431938 a 0000 & 01432070 a 0000 & 01432202 a 0000 & 01432318 a 0000 & 01432452 a 0000 | fully extended or stretched forth; "an extended telescope"; "his extended legs reached almost across the small room"; "refused to accept the extended hand" 01431938 00 s 02 outspread 0 spread 0 001 & 01431638 a 0000 | fully extended in width; "outspread wings"; "with arms spread wide" 01432070 00 s 01 outstretched 0 001 & 01431638 a 0000 | fully extended especially in length; "a kitten with one paw outstretched" 01432202 00 s 01 sprawly 0 002 & 01431638 a 0000 + 05082337 n 0101 | spread out irregularly; "a big sprawly city" 01432318 00 s 01 spread-eagle 0 001 & 01431638 a 0000 | with arms and legs stretched out and apart; "lay spread-eagle on the floor" 01432452 00 s 01 stretched 2 001 & 01431638 a 0000 | extended or spread over a wide area or distance; "broad fields lay stretched on both sides of us" 01432605 00 a 01 unextended 0 001 ! 01431638 a 0101 | not extended or stretched out; "an unextended arm" 01432712 00 a 01 mini 0 003 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01432894 a 0101 ! 01433081 a 0101 | used of women's clothing; very short with hemline above the knee; "a mini dress"; "miniskirts" 01432894 00 a 01 midi 0 003 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01433081 a 0101 ! 01432712 a 0101 | used of women's clothing having a hemline at mid-calf; "midiskirts"; "wore her dresses midi length" 01433081 00 a 01 maxi 0 003 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01432712 a 0101 ! 01432894 a 0101 | used of women's clothing having a hemline at the ankle; "wanted a maxi-length coat"; "a maxidress" 01433267 00 a 01 lossy 0 002 + 13509196 n 0101 ! 01433386 a 0101 | characterized by or causing dissipation of energy 01433386 00 a 01 lossless 0 001 ! 01433267 a 0101 | characterized by or causing no dissipation of energy 01433493 00 a 01 long 1 016 = 05129201 n 0000 + 05133287 n 0101 ! 01436003 a 0101 & 01434007 a 0000 & 01434218 a 0000 & 01434530 a 0000 & 01434717 a 0000 & 01434841 a 0000 & 01434966 a 0000 & 01435060 a 0000 & 01435189 a 0000 & 01435290 a 0000 & 01435399 a 0000 & 01435507 a 0000 & 01435675 a 0000 & 01435891 a 0000 | primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long" 01434007 00 s 02 elongate 0 elongated 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | having notably more length than width; being long and slender; "an elongate tail tapering to a point"; "the old man's gaunt and elongated frame" 01434218 00 s 04 elongated 2 extended 0 lengthened 0 prolonged 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | drawn out or made longer spatially; "Picasso's elongated Don Quixote"; "lengthened skirts are fashionable this year"; "the extended airport runways can accommodate larger planes"; "a prolonged black line across the page" 01434530 00 s 02 extendible 0 extendable 0 006 & 01433493 a 0000 + 02690093 v 0101 + 01368863 v 0101 + 00318326 v 0101 + 00317888 v 0103 + 00027705 v 0104 | capable of being lengthened 01434717 00 s 01 far 0 002 & 01433493 a 0000 + 05085165 n 0101 | being of a considerable distance or length; "a far trek" 01434841 00 s 01 lank 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | long and thin and often limp; "grown lank with fasting"; "lank mousy hair" 01434966 00 s 02 long-handled 0 pole-handled 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | having a long handle 01435060 00 s 01 long-range 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | suitable for or reaching long distances; "long-range nuclear capability" 01435189 00 s 01 long-snouted 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | having a snout that is longer than average 01435290 00 s 01 long-staple 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | having relatively long fibers; "long-staple cotton" 01435399 00 s 02 long-wool 0 long-wooled 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | (of sheep) having relatively long wool 01435507 00 s 01 oblong 0 003 & 01433493 a 0000 + 13873361 n 0101 + 05071869 n 0102 | deviating from a square or circle or sphere by being elongated in one direction 01435675 00 s 02 polysyllabic 0 sesquipedalian 0 004 & 01433493 a 0000 + 06305474 n 0201 + 07087940 n 0201 + 06302083 n 0101 | (of words) long and ponderous; having many syllables; "sesquipedalian technical terms" 01435891 00 s 01 stretch(a) 0 001 & 01433493 a 0000 | having an elongated seating area; "a stretch limousine" 01436003 00 a 01 short 1 014 = 05129201 n 0000 + 05133944 n 0101 ! 01433493 a 0101 & 01436432 a 0000 & 01436567 a 0000 & 01436671 a 0000 & 01436791 a 0000 & 01436968 a 0000 & 01437037 a 0000 & 01437165 a 0000 & 01437268 a 0000 & 01437349 a 0000 & 01437472 a 0000 & 01437752 a 0000 | (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss" 01436432 00 s 02 abbreviated 0 brief 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | (of clothing) very short; "an abbreviated swimsuit"; "a brief bikini" 01436567 00 s 01 close 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | used of hair or haircuts; "a close military haircut" 01436671 00 s 01 curtal 0 002 & 01436003 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | (obsolete) cut short; "a dog with a curtal tail" 01436791 00 s 03 sawed-off 0 sawn-off 0 shortened 1 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | cut short; "a sawed-off shotgun"; "a sawed-off broomstick"; "the shortened rope was easier to use" 01436968 00 s 01 shortish 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | somewhat short 01437037 00 s 01 short-range 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | limited to short distances; "short-range planes"; "a short-range shot" 01437165 00 s 01 short-snouted 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | having a snout that is shorter than average 01437268 00 s 01 snub 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | unusually short; "a snub nose" 01437349 00 s 01 stubby 0 002 & 01436003 a 0000 + 05137778 n 0102 | short and blunt; "stubby fingers"; "a stubby pencil" 01437472 00 s 02 telescoped 0 shortened 2 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | shortened by or as if by means of parts that slide one within another or are crushed one into another; "a miracle that anyone survived in the telescoped cars"; "years that seemed telescoped like time in a dream" 01437752 00 s 02 truncate 1 truncated 0 001 & 01436003 a 0000 | terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; "a truncate leaf"; "truncated volcanic mountains"; "a truncated pyramid" 01437963 00 a 01 long 2 027 = 05051249 n 0000 + 05051601 n 0101 ! 01442186 a 0101 & 01438743 a 0000 & 01438853 a 0000 & 01438963 a 0000 & 01439072 a 0000 & 01439155 a 0000 & 01439496 a 0000 & 01439706 a 0000 & 01439784 a 0000 & 01440058 a 0000 & 01440159 a 0000 & 01440331 a 0000 & 01440422 a 0000 & 01440574 a 0000 & 01440641 a 0000 & 01440776 a 0000 & 01440889 a 0000 & 01441000 a 0000 & 01441271 a 0000 & 01441418 a 0000 & 01441530 a 0000 & 01441729 a 0000 & 01441866 a 0000 & 01441965 a 0000 & 01442079 a 0000 | primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long" 01438743 00 s 01 agelong 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting through all time; "agelong struggle for freedom" 01438853 00 s 01 bimestrial 0 002 & 01437963 a 0000 + 15204609 n 0101 | two months long; lasting two months 01438963 00 s 02 chronic 0 continuing 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | of long duration; "chronic money problems" 01439072 00 s 01 daylong 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting through an entire day 01439155 00 s 05 drawn-out 0 extended 0 lengthy 0 prolonged 0 protracted 0 003 & 01437963 a 0000 + 05051249 n 0302 + 05051896 n 0301 | relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations" 01439496 00 s 04 durable 0 lasting 0 long-lasting 0 long-lived 0 003 & 01437963 a 0000 + 05053688 n 0201 + 05053688 n 0102 | existing for a long time; "hopes for a durable peace"; "a long-lasting friendship" 01439706 00 s 01 eight-day 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting for eight days 01439784 00 s 03 endless 0 eternal 0 interminable 0 003 & 01437963 a 0000 + 15273406 n 0201 + 05052387 n 0101 | tiresomely long; seemingly without end; "endless debates"; "an endless conversation"; "the wait seemed eternal"; "eternal quarreling"; "an interminable sermon" 01440058 00 s 01 hourlong 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting for an hour; "an hourlong examination" 01440159 00 s 02 lifelong 0 womb-to-tomb 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | continuing through life; "a lifelong friend"; "from lifelong habit"; "his lifelong study of Greek art" 01440331 00 s 01 long-acting 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | active over a long period of time 01440422 00 s 01 long-dated 0 002 & 01437963 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | of a gilt-edged security; having more than 15 years to run before redemption 01440574 00 s 01 longish 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | somewhat long 01440641 00 s 01 long-life 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | (of perishable goods) treated to stay fresh longer than usual; "long-life milk" 01440776 00 s 01 longitudinal 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | over an extended time; "a longitudinal study of twins" 01440889 00 s 01 long-range 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | involving an extended span of time; "long-range goals" 01441000 00 s 03 long-run 0 long-term 0 semipermanent 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | relating to or extending over a relatively long time; "the long-run significance of the elections"; "the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war"; "a long-term investment" 01441271 00 s 01 longstanding 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | having existed for a long time; "a longstanding friendship"; "the longstanding conflict" 01441418 00 s 01 monthlong 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | last through a month; "a monthlong stay in the hospital" 01441530 00 s 03 nightlong 0 all-night 0 overnight 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting, open, or operating through the whole night; "a nightlong vigil"; "an all-night drugstore"; "an overnight trip" 01441729 00 s 01 perennial 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting an indefinitely long time; suggesting self-renewal; "perennial happiness" 01441866 00 s 01 time-consuming 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | of a task that takes time and patience 01441965 00 s 02 weeklong 0 seven-day 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting through a week; "her weeklong vacation" 01442079 00 s 01 yearlong 0 001 & 01437963 a 0000 | lasting through a year; "attending yearlong courses" 01442186 00 a 01 short 2 011 = 05051249 n 0000 + 05052832 n 0101 ! 01437963 a 0101 & 01442597 a 0000 & 01442826 a 0000 & 01442974 a 0000 & 01443097 a 0000 & 01443402 a 0000 & 01443581 a 0000 & 01443733 a 0000 & 01443842 a 0000 | primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months" 01442597 00 s 03 abbreviated 0 shortened 0 truncated 0 001 & 01442186 a 0000 | cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation" 01442826 00 s 01 brief 0 003 & 01442186 a 0000 + 05053042 n 0101 + 05134238 n 0101 | of short duration or distance; "a brief stay in the country" 01442974 00 s 01 clipped 0 001 & 01442186 a 0000 | (of speech) having quick short sounds; "a clipped upper-class accent" 01443097 00 s 04 fleeting 0 fugitive 0 momentaneous 0 momentary 0 004 & 01442186 a 0000 + 15246853 n 0401 + 15246853 n 0301 + 05055689 n 0103 | lasting for a markedly brief time; "a fleeting glance"; "fugitive hours"; "rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass"; "a momentary glimpse" 01443402 00 s 01 short_and_sweet(p) 0 001 & 01442186 a 0000 | dealt with very quickly; to the point; "the conference was short and sweet"; "make your statement short and sweet" 01443581 00 s 01 short-dated 0 002 & 01442186 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | of a gilt-edged security; having less than 5 years to run before redemption 01443733 00 s 01 short-range 0 001 & 01442186 a 0000 | relating to the near future; "a short-range policy" 01443842 00 s 02 short-run 0 short-term 0 001 & 01442186 a 0000 | relating to or extending over a limited period; "short-run planning"; "a short-term lease"; "short-term credit" 01444022 00 a 01 long 4 002 ;c 06177033 n 0000 ! 01444230 a 0101 | (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long" 01444230 00 a 01 short 4 002 ;c 06177033 n 0000 ! 01444022 a 0101 | of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short" 01444434 00 a 01 long 5 002 ;c 06150633 n 0000 ! 01444620 a 0101 | holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold" 01444620 00 a 01 short 5 002 ;c 06150633 n 0000 ! 01444434 a 0101 | not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton" 01444813 00 a 02 lengthwise 0 lengthways 0 006 ! 01445705 a 0101 & 01445063 a 0000 & 01445184 a 0000 & 01445320 a 0000 & 01445438 a 0000 & 01445558 a 0000 | running or extending in the direction of the length of a thing; "the lengthwise dimension" 01445063 00 s 01 axial 0 002 & 01444813 a 0000 + 06008609 n 0101 | situated on or along or in the direction of an axis 01445184 00 s 01 end-to-end 0 001 & 01444813 a 0000 | with the end of one object in contact lengthwise with the end of another object 01445320 00 s 01 fore-and-aft 0 002 & 01444813 a 0000 ;c 00314469 n 0000 | parallel with the keel of a boat or ship 01445438 00 s 02 linear 0 running(a) 0 001 & 01444813 a 0000 | measured lengthwise; "cost of lumber per running foot" 01445558 00 s 01 longitudinal 0 001 & 01444813 a 0000 | running lengthwise; "a thin longitudinal strip"; "longitudinal measurements of the hull" 01445705 00 a 01 crosswise 0 003 ! 01444813 a 0101 & 01445917 a 0000 & 01446240 a 0000 | lying or extending across the length of a thing or in a cross direction; "a crosswise street"; "the crosswise dimension" 01445917 00 s 04 cross(a) 0 transverse 0 transversal 0 thwartwise 0 001 & 01445705 a 0000 | extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" 01446240 00 s 02 cross-section(a) 0 cross-sectional 0 002 & 01445705 a 0000 + 08548065 n 0201 | representing a plane made by cutting across something at right angles to its length; "cross-section views of the neck" 01446457 00 a 01 lidded 0 001 ! 01446632 a 0101 | having or covered with a lid or lids; often used in combination; "milk is left in a large lidded mug"; "heavy-lidded eyes" 01446632 00 a 01 lidless 0 001 ! 01446457 a 0101 | not having or covered with a lid or lids; "a lidless container" 01446749 00 a 01 loose 1 005 ^ 02403671 a 0000 + 04777421 n 0101 ! 01447302 a 0101 & 01446991 a 0000 & 01447178 a 0000 | not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "loose clothing"; "the large shoes were very loose" 01446991 00 s 03 baggy 0 loose-fitting 0 sloppy 0 001 & 01446749 a 0000 | not fitting closely; hanging loosely; "baggy trousers"; "a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather" 01447178 00 s 01 flyaway 0 001 & 01446749 a 0000 | (of hair or clothing) worn loose; "her flyaway hair"; "a flyaway coat" 01447302 00 a 01 tight 1 010 ^ 02403206 a 0000 ^ 01398199 a 0000 + 05721728 n 0102 ! 01446749 a 0101 & 01447683 a 0000 & 01447781 a 0000 & 01447937 a 0000 & 01448058 a 0000 & 01448178 a 0000 & 01448362 a 0000 | closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "tight skirts"; "he hated tight starched collars"; "fingers closed in a tight fist"; "a tight feeling in his chest" 01447683 00 s 01 choky 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | so tight as to tend to choke; "a choky collar" 01447781 00 s 02 clenched 0 clinched 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | closed or squeezed together tightly; "a clenched fist"; "his clenched (or clinched) teeth" 01447937 00 s 03 close 0 snug 0 close-fitting 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | fitting closely but comfortably; "a close fit" 01448058 00 s 02 skintight 0 skin-tight 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | so tight as to cling to the skin; "skintight jeans" 01448178 00 s 05 tight-fitting 0 tightfitting 0 tight_fitting 0 tightly_fitting 0 skinny 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | fitting snugly; "a tightly-fitting cover"; "tight-fitting clothes" 01448362 00 s 01 viselike 0 001 & 01447302 a 0000 | clamped as in a vise; "a viselike grip" 01448456 00 a 01 constricted 0 004 ! 01449184 a 0101 & 01448697 a 0000 & 01448861 a 0000 & 01449007 a 0000 | drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically; "a constricted blood vessel"; "a constricted view of life" 01448697 00 s 01 narrowed 0 001 & 01448456 a 0000 | made narrow; limited in breadth; "narrowed arteries impair blood circulation"; "a narrowed view of the world" 01448861 00 s 01 pinched 0 001 & 01448456 a 0000 | as if squeezed uncomfortably tight; "her pinched toes in her pointed shoes were killing her" 01449007 00 s 02 stenosed 0 stenotic 0 003 & 01448456 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 14107374 n 0201 | abnormally constricted body canal or passage; "a stenosed coronary artery" 01449184 00 a 01 unconstricted 0 002 ! 01448456 a 0101 & 01449354 a 0000 | not constricted physically or by extension psychologically; "healthy unconstricted arteries" 01449354 00 s 01 open 0 002 & 01449184 a 0000 + 04645020 n 0103 | without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition; "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response" 01449564 00 a 01 lost 1 008 ^ 01450969 a 0000 ! 01450713 a 0101 & 01449884 a 0000 & 01450084 a 0000 & 01450178 a 0000 & 01450293 a 0000 & 01450443 a 0000 & 01450607 a 0000 | no longer in your possession or control; unable to be found or recovered; "a lost child"; "lost friends"; "his lost book"; "lost opportunities" 01449884 00 s 02 mislaid 0 misplaced 0 001 & 01449564 a 0000 | lost temporarily; as especially put in an unaccustomed or forgotten place; "the mislaid hat turned up eventually"; "misplaced tickets" 01450084 00 s 01 gone(p) 0 001 & 01449564 a 0000 | no longer retained; "gone with the wind" 01450178 00 s 01 missing 0 001 & 01449564 a 0000 | not able to be found; "missing in action"; "a missing person" 01450293 00 s 02 squandered 0 wasted 0 001 & 01449564 a 0000 | not used to good advantage; "squandered money cannot be replaced"; "a wasted effort" 01450443 00 s 01 stray 0 002 & 01449564 a 0000 + 02122580 n 0101 | (of an animal) having no home or having wandered away from home; "a stray calf"; "a stray dog" 01450607 00 s 01 straying 0 001 & 01449564 a 0000 | unable to find your way; "found the straying sheep" 01450713 00 a 01 found 0 003 ^ 01451498 a 0000 ! 01449564 a 0101 & 01450888 a 0000 | come upon unexpectedly or after searching; "found art"; "the lost-and-found department" 01450888 00 s 01 recovered(p) 0 001 & 01450713 a 0000 | found after being lost 01450969 00 a 01 lost 2 006 ^ 00669478 a 0000 ^ 01449564 a 0000 ^ 01957454 a 0000 ! 01451498 a 0101 & 01451225 a 0000 & 01451402 a 0000 | spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed; "lost souls"; "a lost generation"; "a lost ship"; "the lost platoon" 01451225 00 s 05 cursed 0 damned 0 doomed 0 unredeemed 0 unsaved 0 002 & 01450969 a 0000 ;c 06226057 n 0000 | in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell; "poor damned souls" 01451402 00 s 02 destroyed 0 ruined 0 001 & 01450969 a 0000 | destroyed physically or morally 01451498 00 a 01 saved 0 009 ^ 00670741 a 0000 ^ 01450713 a 0000 ^ 01956964 a 0000 ! 01450969 a 0101 & 01451768 a 0000 & 01451850 a 0000 & 01451937 a 0000 & 01452024 a 0000 & 01452138 a 0000 | rescued; especially from the power and consequences of sin; "a saved soul" 01451768 00 s 01 blessed 0 001 & 01451498 a 0000 | enjoying the bliss of heaven 01451850 00 s 01 ransomed 1 001 & 01451498 a 0000 | reclaimed by payment of a ransom 01451937 00 s 02 rescued 0 reclaimed 0 001 & 01451498 a 0000 | delivered from danger 01452024 00 s 02 ransomed 2 redeemed 0 002 & 01451498 a 0000 ;c 06226057 n 0000 | saved from the bondage of sin 01452138 00 s 01 salvageable 0 001 & 01451498 a 0000 | capable of being saved from ruin; "their marriage was not salvageable" 01452266 00 a 01 lost 3 002 ! 01452488 a 0101 & 01452385 a 0000 | not gained or won; "a lost battle"; "a lost prize" 01452385 00 s 03 confiscate 0 forfeit 0 forfeited 0 001 & 01452266 a 0000 | surrendered as a penalty 01452488 00 a 01 won 0 001 ! 01452266 a 0101 | not subject to defeat; "with that move it's a won game" 01452593 00 a 01 loud 0 017 ^ 00173764 a 0000 ^ 01919931 a 0000 = 04990220 n 0000 + 04990220 n 0102 ! 01454636 a 0101 & 01453084 a 0000 & 01453187 a 0000 & 01453381 a 0000 & 01453467 a 0000 & 01453625 a 0000 & 01453719 a 0000 & 01453809 a 0000 & 01453896 a 0000 & 01453984 a 0000 & 01454244 a 0000 & 01454402 a 0000 & 01454494 a 0000 | characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity; "a group of loud children"; "loud thunder"; "her voice was too loud"; "loud trombones" 01453084 00 s 01 big 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | loud and firm; "a big voice"; "big bold piano sounds" 01453187 00 s 02 blaring 0 blasting 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | unpleasantly loud and penetrating; "the blaring noise of trumpets"; "shut our ears against the blasting music from his car radio" 01453381 00 s 01 clarion 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | loud and clear; "a clarion call" 01453467 00 s 04 deafening 0 earsplitting 0 thunderous 0 thundery 0 002 & 01452593 a 0000 + 07377682 n 0304 | loud enough to cause (temporary) hearing loss 01453625 00 s 01 earthshaking 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | loud enough to shake the very earth 01453719 00 s 01 harsh-voiced 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | having an unusually harsh sound 01453809 00 s 01 loud-mouthed 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | given to loud offensive talk 01453896 00 s 01 loud-voiced 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | having an unusually loud voice 01453984 00 s 01 shattering 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | seemingly loud enough to break something; violently rattling or clattering; "shattering rain striking the windowpanes"; "the shattering tones of the enormous carillon"; "the shattering peal of artillery" 01454244 00 s 02 shouted 0 yelled 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | in a vehement outcry; "his shouted words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises" 01454402 00 s 01 trumpet-like 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | resembling the sound of a trumpet 01454494 00 s 01 vocal 0 001 & 01452593 a 0000 | full of the sound of voices; "a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children" 01454636 00 a 01 soft 4 014 ^ 01918984 a 0000 = 04990220 n 0000 + 04990877 n 0101 ! 01452593 a 0101 & 01454985 a 0000 & 01455221 a 0000 & 01455412 a 0000 & 01455540 a 0000 & 01455732 a 0000 & 01455888 a 0000 & 01456038 a 0000 & 01456221 a 0000 & 01456487 a 0000 & 01456572 a 0000 | (of sound) relatively low in volume; "soft voices"; "soft music" 01454985 00 s 04 dull 0 muffled 0 muted 0 softened 0 001 & 01454636 a 0000 | being or made softer or less loud or clear; "the dull boom of distant breaking waves"; "muffled drums"; "the muffled noises of the street"; "muted trumpets" 01455221 00 s 01 euphonious 0 003 & 01454636 a 0000 ;u 07155661 n 0000 + 05718556 n 0102 | (of speech or dialect) pleasing in sound; not harsh or strident; "her euphonious Southern speech" 01455412 00 s 01 gentle 0 002 & 01454636 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0101 | quiet and soothing; "a gentle voice"; "a gentle nocturne" 01455540 00 s 04 hushed 0 muted 2 subdued 0 quiet 0 002 & 01454636 a 0000 + 04955907 n 0302 | in a softened tone; "hushed voices"; "muted trumpets"; "a subdued whisper"; "a quiet reprimand" 01455732 00 s 02 little 0 small 0 003 & 01454636 a 0000 + 05031367 n 0201 + 05031367 n 0102 | (of a voice) faint; "a little voice"; "a still small voice" 01455888 00 s 02 low 0 low-toned 0 002 & 01454636 a 0000 + 05097845 n 0101 | very low in volume; "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf" 01456038 00 s 03 murmuring 0 susurrant 0 whispering 0 002 & 01454636 a 0000 + 01044377 v 0201 | making a low continuous indistinct sound; "like murmuring waves"; "susurrant voices" 01456221 00 s 04 murmurous 0 rustling 0 soughing 0 susurrous 0 002 & 01454636 a 0000 + 07386920 n 0103 | characterized by soft sounds; "a murmurous brook"; "a soughing wind in the pines"; "a slow sad susurrous rustle like the wind fingering the pines"- R.P.Warren 01456487 00 s 01 soft-footed 0 001 & 01454636 a 0000 | sound of quiet gentle steps 01456572 00 s 01 soft-spoken 0 001 & 01454636 a 0000 | having a speaking manner that is not loud or harsh; "she was always soft-spoken" 01456710 00 a 01 full 1 009 + 04989015 n 0101 ! 01458054 a 0101 & 01456977 a 0000 & 01457079 a 0000 & 01457234 a 0000 & 01457369 a 0000 & 01457486 a 0000 & 01457692 a 0000 & 01457871 a 0000 | (of sound) having marked deepness and body; "full tones"; "a full voice" 01456977 00 s 02 booming 0 stentorian 0 002 & 01456710 a 0000 + 10654211 n 0201 | used of the voice 01457079 00 s 02 grumbling 0 rumbling 0 001 & 01456710 a 0000 | continuous full and low-pitched throbbing sound; "the rumbling rolling sound of thunder" 01457234 00 s 01 plangent 0 002 & 01456710 a 0000 + 04989657 n 0101 | loud and resounding; "plangent bells"; "the plangent minority" 01457369 00 s 01 rich 0 002 & 01456710 a 0000 + 04989015 n 0103 | pleasantly full and mellow; "a rich tenor voice" 01457486 00 s 04 orotund 0 rotund 0 round 0 pear-shaped 0 002 & 01456710 a 0000 + 07082972 n 0301 | (of sounds) full and rich; "orotund tones"; "the rotund and reverberating phrase"; "pear-shaped vowels" 01457692 00 s 02 heavy 0 sonorous 0 003 & 01456710 a 0000 + 04989657 n 0205 + 04989657 n 0206 | full and loud and deep; "heavy sounds"; "a herald chosen for his sonorous voice" 01457871 00 s 01 sounding 0 001 & 01456710 a 0000 | having volume or deepness; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal"; "the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion"- Wordsworth 01458054 00 a 01 thin 4 003 + 05114781 n 0104 ! 01456710 a 0101 & 01458200 a 0000 | (of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry" 01458200 00 s 01 pale 0 001 & 01458054 a 0000 | not full or rich; "high, pale, pure and lovely song" 01458303 00 a 02 piano 0 soft 7 003 ! 01458736 a 0101 & 01458490 a 0000 & 01458619 a 0000 | used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the piano passages in the composition" 01458490 00 s 01 pianissimo 0 002 & 01458303 a 0000 + 04991389 n 0102 | chiefly a direction or description in music; very soft 01458619 00 s 01 pianissimo_assai 0 001 & 01458303 a 0000 | chiefly a direction or description in music; very soft 01458736 00 a 02 forte 0 loud 2 004 + 04990220 n 0202 ! 01458303 a 0101 & 01458941 a 0000 & 01459058 a 0000 | used chiefly as a direction or description in music; "the forte passages in the composition" 01458941 00 s 01 fortemente 0 001 & 01458736 a 0000 | chiefly a direction or description in music; loud and strong 01459058 00 s 01 fortissimo 0 001 & 01458736 a 0000 | chiefly a direction or description in music 01459158 00 a 01 hardened 6 001 ! 01459295 a 0101 | protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons); "hardened missile silos" 01459295 00 a 01 soft 6 001 ! 01459158 a 0101 | not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons); "soft targets" 01459422 00 a 02 lovable 0 loveable 0 011 ^ 01246579 a 0000 ^ 00732960 a 0000 ^ 01463965 a 0000 + 01775535 v 0201 + 01775164 v 0201 + 01775535 v 0101 + 01775164 v 0101 ! 01460421 a 0101 & 01459755 a 0000 & 01459949 a 0000 & 01460266 a 0000 | having characteristics that attract love or affection; "a mischievous but lovable child" 01459755 00 s 03 adorable 0 endearing 0 lovely 0 005 & 01459422 a 0000 + 04685396 n 0303 + 01777817 v 0101 + 04686257 n 0101 + 04686257 n 0102 | lovable especially in a childlike or naive way 01459949 00 s 05 angelic 0 angelical 0 cherubic 0 seraphic 0 sweet 0 005 & 01459422 a 0000 + 04778630 n 0502 + 09539872 n 0401 + 10546850 n 0204 + 09538915 n 0201 | having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub; "an angelic smile"; "a cherubic face"; "looking so seraphic when he slept"; "a sweet disposition" 01460266 00 s 02 cuddlesome 0 cuddly 0 002 & 01459422 a 0000 + 00417643 n 0201 | inviting cuddling or hugging; "a cuddlesome baby"; "a cuddly teddybear" 01460421 00 a 01 hateful 0 007 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 01624633 a 0000 ^ 00733905 a 0000 + 04781755 n 0101 ! 01459422 a 0101 & 01460679 a 0000 & 01460982 a 0000 | evoking or deserving hatred; "no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude"- Joseph Priestly 01460679 00 s 04 abominable 0 detestable 0 execrable 0 odious 0 004 & 01460421 a 0000 + 07503430 n 0406 + 04780958 n 0402 + 01774426 v 0103 | unequivocally detestable; "abominable treatment of prisoners"; "detestable vices"; "execrable crimes"; "consequences odious to those you govern"- Edmund Burke 01460982 00 s 01 unlovable 0 001 & 01460421 a 0000 | incapable of inspiring love or affection; "she was in some mysterious way...unlovable"-Joseph Conrad 01461138 00 a 01 liked 0 002 ! 01461455 a 0101 & 01461292 a 0000 | found pleasant or attractive; often used as a combining form; "a well-liked teacher" 01461292 00 s 02 likable 0 likeable 0 003 & 01461138 a 0000 + 01776952 v 0201 + 01776952 v 0101 | easy to like; agreeable; "an attractive and likable young man" 01461455 00 a 01 disliked 0 003 ! 01461138 a 0101 & 01461597 a 0000 & 01461680 a 0000 | regarded with aversion; "he was intensely disliked" 01461597 00 s 01 dislikable 0 001 & 01461455 a 0000 | such as to provoke dislike 01461680 00 s 02 unlikable 0 unlikeable 0 001 & 01461455 a 0000 | difficult or impossible to like; "a disagreeable and unlikable old woman" 01461822 00 a 01 loved 0 008 ^ 02526925 a 0000 ! 01463137 a 0101 & 01462046 a 0000 & 01462124 a 0000 & 01462324 a 0000 & 01462461 a 0000 & 01462625 a 0000 & 01462882 a 0000 | held dear; "his loved companion of many years" 01462046 00 s 01 admired 0 001 & 01461822 a 0000 | regarded with admiration 01462124 00 s 04 adored 0 idolized 0 idolised 0 worshipped(a) 0 001 & 01461822 a 0000 | regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god); "adored grandchildren"; "an idolized wife" 01462324 00 s 03 beloved 0 darling 0 dear 0 004 & 01461822 a 0000 + 09849598 n 0302 + 09991867 n 0201 + 09849598 n 0101 | dearly loved 01462461 00 s 03 blue-eyed(a) 0 fair-haired(a) 0 white-haired(a) 0 002 & 01461822 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | favorite; "the fair-haired boy of the literary set" 01462625 00 s 04 cherished 0 precious 0 treasured 0 wanted 0 002 & 01461822 a 0000 + 05141222 n 0202 | characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for; "a cherished friend"; "children are precious"; "a treasured heirloom"; "so good to feel wanted" 01462882 00 s 07 favored 0 favorite(a) 0 favourite(a) 0 best-loved 0 pet 0 preferred 0 preferent 0 004 & 01461822 a 0000 + 06200344 n 0702 + 09991867 n 0303 + 05790758 n 0201 | preferred above all others and treated with partiality; "the favored child" 01463137 00 a 01 unloved 0 008 ^ 02527734 a 0000 ! 01461822 a 0101 & 01463326 a 0000 & 01463414 a 0000 & 01463537 a 0000 & 01463642 a 0000 & 01463735 a 0000 & 01463869 a 0000 | not loved 01463326 00 s 02 alienated 0 estranged 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | caused to be unloved 01463414 00 s 03 bereft 0 lovelorn 0 unbeloved 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love 01463537 00 s 04 despised 0 detested 0 hated 0 scorned 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | treated with contempt 01463642 00 s 01 disinherited 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | deprived of your rightful heritage 01463735 00 s 03 jilted 0 rejected 0 spurned 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | rebuffed (by a lover) without warning; "jilted at the altar" 01463869 00 s 01 loveless 0 001 & 01463137 a 0000 | receiving no love; "a loveless childhood" 01463965 00 a 01 loving 0 020 ^ 00157925 a 0000 ^ 01459422 a 0000 ^ 01725712 a 0000 ^ 02533313 a 0000 + 07546125 n 0101 + 04627000 n 0103 ! 01466593 a 0101 & 01464433 a 0000 & 01464700 a 0000 & 01465061 a 0000 & 01465214 a 0000 & 01465468 a 0000 & 01465583 a 0000 & 01465668 a 0000 & 01465922 a 0000 & 01466038 a 0000 & 01466136 a 0000 & 01466207 a 0000 & 01466305 a 0000 & 01466476 a 0000 | feeling or showing love and affection; "loving parents"; "loving glances" 01464433 00 s 03 adoring 0 doting 0 fond 1 002 & 01463965 a 0000 + 04627000 n 0302 | extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent; "adoring grandparents"; "deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain"; "hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother" 01464700 00 s 05 affectionate 0 fond 2 lovesome 0 tender 0 warm 0 008 & 01463965 a 0000 + 07544647 n 0506 + 07544647 n 0404 + 04627241 n 0401 + 07544647 n 0203 + 07544647 n 0101 + 07544647 n 0102 + 04627000 n 0101 | having or displaying warmth or affection; "affectionate children"; "a fond embrace"; "fond of his nephew"; "a tender glance"; "a warm embrace" 01465061 00 s 02 amative 0 amorous 1 003 & 01463965 a 0000 + 07544213 n 0201 + 07489059 n 0105 | inclined toward or displaying love; "feeling amorous" 01465214 00 s 03 amatory 0 amorous 2 romantic 1 003 & 01463965 a 0000 + 13931436 n 0302 + 07489059 n 0201 | expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance; "her amatory affairs"; "amorous glances"; "a romantic adventure"; "a romantic moonlight ride" 01465468 00 s 01 attached 0 001 & 01463965 a 0000 | fond and affectionate; "she was very attached to her father" 01465583 00 s 02 captivated 0 charmed 0 001 & 01463965 a 0000 | strongly attracted 01465668 00 s 07 enamored 0 infatuated 0 in_love 0 potty 0 smitten 0 soft_on(p) 0 taken_with(p) 0 002 & 01463965 a 0000 + 07544213 n 0102 | marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness; "gaga over the rock group's new album"; "he was infatuated with her" 01465922 00 s 01 idolatrous 0 002 & 01463965 a 0000 + 01044448 n 0101 | blindly or excessively devoted or adoring 01466038 00 s 02 loverlike 0 loverly 0 001 & 01463965 a 0000 | like or in the manner of a lover 01466136 00 s 01 overfond 0 001 & 01463965 a 0000 | excessively fond 01466207 00 s 01 tenderhearted 0 002 & 01463965 a 0000 + 07554342 n 0102 | easily moved to love 01466305 00 s 01 touchy-feely 0 002 & 01463965 a 0000 ;u 06717170 n 0000 | (often derogatory) openly expressing love and affection (especially through physical contact) 01466476 00 s 01 uxorious 0 002 & 01463965 a 0000 + 04627367 n 0101 | foolishly fond of or submissive to your wife 01466593 00 a 01 unloving 0 006 ^ 02533540 a 0000 ! 01463965 a 0101 & 01466775 a 0000 & 01466956 a 0000 & 01467046 a 0000 & 01467184 a 0000 | not giving or reciprocating affection 01466775 00 s 02 cold 0 frigid 0 004 & 01466593 a 0000 + 05213693 n 0202 + 05213693 n 0201 + 04629604 n 0101 | sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman" 01466956 00 s 01 loveless 0 001 & 01466593 a 0000 | without love; "a loveless marriage" 01467046 00 s 03 detached 0 unaffectionate 0 uncaring 0 001 & 01466593 a 0000 | lacking affection or warm feeling; "an uncaring person" 01467184 00 s 01 unromantic 0 001 & 01466593 a 0000 | neither expressive of nor exciting sexual love or romance 01467298 00 a 01 lowercase 0 003 ^ 01474324 a 0000 ! 01467700 a 0101 & 01467534 a 0000 | relating to small (not capitalized) letters that were kept in the lower half of a compositor's type case; "lowercase letters; a and b and c etc" 01467534 00 s 03 little 0 minuscule 0 small 0 001 & 01467298 a 0000 | lowercase; "little a"; "small a"; "e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters" 01467700 00 a 01 uppercase 0 003 ^ 01473996 a 0000 ! 01467298 a 0101 & 01467919 a 0000 | relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor's type case; "uppercase letters; X and Y and Z etc" 01467919 00 s 03 capital 0 great 0 majuscule 0 002 & 01467700 a 0000 + 06824227 n 0101 | uppercase; "capital A"; "great A"; "many medieval manuscripts are in majuscule script" 01468097 00 a 01 lucky 0 007 ^ 01047874 a 0000 + 11418460 n 0101 + 14473655 n 0102 ! 01468682 a 0101 & 01468319 a 0000 & 01468420 a 0000 & 01468552 a 0000 | having or bringing good fortune; "my lucky day"; "a lucky man" 01468319 00 s 01 apotropaic 0 001 & 01468097 a 0000 | having the power to prevent evil or bad luck 01468420 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 01468097 a 0000 | having or bringing unusually good luck; "hot at craps"; "the dice are hot tonight" 01468552 00 s 01 serendipitous 0 002 & 01468097 a 0000 + 11463895 n 0101 | lucky in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries 01468682 00 a 02 unlucky 0 luckless 0 003 ^ 01049462 a 0000 ! 01468097 a 0101 & 01468850 a 0000 | having or bringing misfortune; "Friday the 13th is an unlucky date" 01468850 00 s 02 hexed 0 jinxed 0 002 & 01468682 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (usually used colloquially) causing or accompanied by misfortune 01468994 00 a 01 lyric 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01469161 a 0101 | used of a singer or singing voice that is light in volume and modest in range; "a lyric soprano" 01469161 00 a 01 dramatic 2 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01468994 a 0101 | used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style; "a dramatic tenor"; "a dramatic soprano" 01469390 00 a 01 made 0 001 ! 01469516 a 0101 | (of a bed) having the sheets and blankets set in order; "a neatly made bed" 01469516 00 a 01 unmade 0 001 ! 01469390 a 0101 | (of a bed) not having the sheets and blankets set in order; "an unmade bed with tangled sheets and blankets" 01469677 00 a 03 magnetic 0 magnetized 0 magnetised 0 003 + 03705379 n 0101 ! 01470141 a 0101 & 01469927 a 0000 | having the properties of a magnet; i.e. of attracting iron or steel; "the hard disk is covered with a thin coat of magnetic material" 01469927 00 s 01 attractable 0 002 & 01469677 a 0000 + 01350025 v 0101 | capable of being magnetized or attracted by a magnet; "the magnetic chips of steel produced by a cutting tool are attractable by a magnet" 01470141 00 a 01 antimagnetic 0 001 ! 01469677 a 0101 | impervious to the effects of a magnetic field; resistant to magnetization; "an antimagnetic watch" 01470298 00 a 01 magnetic 1 002 + 03705379 n 0101 ! 01470496 a 0101 | determined by earth's magnetic fields; "magnetic north"; "the needle of a magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole" 01470496 00 a 02 geographic 0 geographical 0 002 ! 01470298 a 0101 & 01470649 a 0000 | determined by geography; "the north and south geographic poles" 01470649 00 s 01 true(a) 0 001 & 01470496 a 0000 | determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north" 01470813 00 a 01 magnetic 3 002 + 03705379 n 0101 ! 01470913 a 0101 | capable of being magnetized 01470913 00 a 01 nonmagnetic 0 001 ! 01470813 a 0101 | not capable of being magnetized 01471002 00 a 01 major 1 005 = 05122557 n 0000 + 13581067 n 0101 + 05122557 n 0101 ! 01471368 a 0101 & 01471260 a 0000 | greater in number or size or amount; "a major portion (a majority) of the population"; "Ursa Major"; "a major portion of the winnings" 01471260 00 s 01 better 0 001 & 01471002 a 0000 | more than half; "argued for the better part of an hour" 01471368 00 a 01 minor 1 003 = 05122850 n 0000 + 05122850 n 0101 ! 01471002 a 0101 | inferior in number or size or amount; "a minor share of the profits"; "Ursa Minor" 01471538 00 a 01 major 2 001 ! 01471723 a 0101 | greater in scope or effect; "a major contribution"; "a major improvement"; "a major break with tradition"; "a major misunderstanding" 01471723 00 a 01 minor 2 001 ! 01471538 a 0101 | lesser in scope or effect; "had minor differences"; "a minor disturbance" 01471848 00 a 01 major 3 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 15152062 n 0101 ! 01471954 a 0101 | of full legal age 01471954 00 a 03 minor 3 nonaged 0 underage 0 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 15152261 n 0101 ! 01471848 a 0101 | not of legal age; "minor children" 01472098 00 a 01 major 4 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01472225 a 0101 | of a scale or mode; "major scales"; "the key of D major" 01472225 00 a 01 minor 4 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01472098 a 0101 | of a scale or mode; "the minor keys"; "in B flat minor" 01472351 00 a 01 major 5 001 ! 01472509 a 0101 | of the field of academic study in which one concentrates or specializes; "his major field was mathematics" 01472509 00 a 01 minor 5 001 ! 01472351 a 0101 | of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization 01472628 00 a 01 major 6 002 ! 01473083 a 0101 & 01472790 a 0000 | of greater importance or stature or rank; "a major artist"; "a major role"; "major highways" 01472790 00 s 05 leading(p) 2 prima(p) 0 star(p) 0 starring(p) 0 stellar(a) 0 001 & 01472628 a 0000 | indicating the most important performer or role; "the leading man"; "prima ballerina"; "prima donna"; "a star figure skater"; "the starring role"; "a stellar role"; "a stellar performance" 01473083 00 a 01 minor 6 003 ! 01472628 a 0101 & 01473353 a 0000 & 01473558 a 0000 | of lesser importance or stature or rank; "a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor back roads" 01473353 00 s 02 insignificant 0 peanut 0 002 & 01473083 a 0000 + 05173579 n 0101 | of little importance or influence or power; of minor status; "a minor, insignificant bureaucrat"; "peanut politicians" 01473558 00 s 01 secondary 0 001 & 01473083 a 0000 | not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events" 01473680 00 a 01 major 7 001 ! 01473826 a 0101 | of greater seriousness or danger; "a major earthquake"; "a major hurricane"; "a major illness" 01473826 00 a 01 minor 7 001 ! 01473680 a 0101 | of lesser seriousness or danger; "suffered only minor injuries"; "some minor flooding"; "a minor tropical disturbance" 01473996 00 a 01 majuscule 0 003 ^ 01467700 a 0000 ! 01474324 a 0101 & 01474196 a 0000 | of or relating to a style of writing characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters; 4th to 8th centuries 01474196 00 s 01 majuscular 0 002 & 01473996 a 0000 + 06824227 n 0105 | of the nature of a majuscule or written in majuscules 01474324 00 a 02 minuscule 0 minuscular 0 003 ^ 01467298 a 0000 + 06350592 n 0201 ! 01473996 a 0101 | of or relating to a small cursive script developed from uncial; 7th to 9th centuries 01474513 00 a 01 manageable 0 012 ^ 00696518 a 0000 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 02451113 a 0000 + 04905546 n 0102 + 04905546 n 0101 + 02443049 v 0104 + 02436349 v 0101 ! 01475282 a 0101 & 01474806 a 0000 & 01474942 a 0000 & 01475041 a 0000 & 01475160 a 0000 | capable of being managed or controlled 01474806 00 s 01 administrable 0 003 & 01474513 a 0000 + 02431971 v 0102 + 02431971 v 0101 | capable of being administered or managed 01474942 00 s 02 controllable 0 governable 0 001 & 01474513 a 0000 | capable of being controlled 01475041 00 s 01 directed 0 001 & 01474513 a 0000 | manageable by a supervising agent; "a directed program of study" 01475160 00 s 02 steerable 0 dirigible 0 002 & 01474513 a 0000 + 02692877 n 0202 | capable of being steered or directed 01475282 00 a 02 unmanageable 0 difficult 1 007 ^ 00695523 a 0000 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 02451951 a 0000 + 04907575 n 0102 ! 01474513 a 0101 & 01475526 a 0000 & 01475733 a 0000 | hard to control; "a difficult child", "an unmanageable situation" 01475526 00 s 04 indocile 0 uncontrollable 0 ungovernable 0 unruly 0 002 & 01475282 a 0000 + 04908396 n 0401 | of persons; "the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly" 01475733 00 s 01 uncheckable 0 001 & 01475282 a 0000 | incapable of being checked or restrained 01475831 00 a 03 manly 0 manful 0 manlike 0 007 ^ 01483324 a 0000 + 04666837 n 0201 + 10288763 n 0101 + 10287213 n 0101 + 04666837 n 0102 ! 01476154 a 0101 & 01476046 a 0000 | possessing qualities befitting a man 01476046 00 s 01 man-sized 0 001 & 01475831 a 0000 | calling for the strength of a man; "a man-sized job" 01476154 00 a 03 unmanly 0 unmanful 0 unmanlike 0 004 + 04668139 n 0106 ! 01475831 a 0101 & 01476325 a 0000 & 01476516 a 0000 | not possessing qualities befitting a man 01476325 00 s 07 effeminate 0 emasculate 0 epicene 0 cissy 0 sissified 0 sissyish 0 sissy 0 003 & 01476154 a 0000 + 04668139 n 0703 + 04668139 n 0102 | having unsuitable feminine qualities 01476516 00 s 01 womanish 0 002 & 01476154 a 0000 + 04668139 n 0105 | having characteristics associated with women and considered undesirable in men; "womanish tears" 01476685 00 a 01 male 0 011 ^ 01483324 a 0000 = 05006898 n 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05008227 n 0101 ! 01477806 a 0101 ! 01478626 a 0101 & 01477077 a 0000 & 01477251 a 0000 & 01477391 a 0000 & 01477564 a 0000 & 01477711 a 0000 | being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation; "a male infant"; "a male holly tree" 01477077 00 s 01 male 1 003 & 01476685 a 0000 + 09624168 n 0101 + 05008227 n 0101 | for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys; "the male lead"; "the male population" 01477251 00 s 02 antheral 0 staminate 0 003 & 01476685 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11675245 n 0101 | capable of fertilizing female organs 01477391 00 s 02 phallic 0 priapic 0 002 & 01476685 a 0000 + 05526384 n 0102 | resembling or being a phallus; "a phallic symbol"; "phallic eroticism"; "priapic figurines" 01477564 00 s 01 priapic 2 001 & 01476685 a 0000 | overly concerned with masculinity and male sexuality; "priapic episodes"; "priapic victories" 01477711 00 s 01 young-begetting(a) 0 001 & 01476685 a 0000 | capable of fathering offspring 01477806 00 a 01 female 0 010 ^ 01484083 a 0000 = 05006898 n 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 01320872 n 0101 + 05008943 n 0101 ! 01478626 a 0101 ! 01476685 a 0101 & 01478182 a 0000 & 01478353 a 0000 & 01478482 a 0000 | being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces fertilizable gametes (ova) from which offspring develop; "a female heir"; "female holly trees bear the berries" 01478182 00 s 01 female 1 002 & 01477806 a 0000 + 05008943 n 0101 | for or pertaining to or composed of women or girls; "the female lead in the play"; "a female chorus" 01478353 00 s 02 egg-producing(a) 0 young-bearing(a) 0 001 & 01477806 a 0000 | capable of producing eggs and bearing offspring 01478482 00 s 01 pistillate 0 002 & 01477806 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant 01478626 00 a 01 androgynous 0 011 = 05006898 n 0000 + 10172080 n 0104 + 05008746 n 0101 ! 01476685 a 0101 ! 01477806 a 0101 & 01478907 a 0000 & 01479025 a 0000 & 01479181 a 0000 & 01479376 a 0000 & 01479509 a 0000 & 01479715 a 0000 | having both male and female characteristics 01478907 00 s 02 bisexual 0 epicene 0 002 & 01478626 a 0000 + 05008746 n 0103 | having an ambiguous sexual identity 01479025 00 s 02 gynandromorphic 0 gynandromorphous 0 002 & 01478626 a 0000 + 10172080 n 0203 | having both male and female morphological characteristics 01479181 00 s 02 hermaphroditic 0 hermaphrodite 0 004 & 01478626 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 10172080 n 0201 + 10172080 n 0101 | of animal or plant; having both male female reproductive organs 01479376 00 s 01 intersexual 0 001 & 01478626 a 0000 | having sexual characteristics intermediate between those of male and female 01479509 00 s 02 pseudohermaphroditic 0 pseudohermaphrodite 0 002 & 01478626 a 0000 + 10487710 n 0101 | having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual characteristics of the other sex 01479715 00 s 01 unisex 0 001 & 01478626 a 0000 | not distinguished on the basis of sex 01479805 00 a 01 manned 0 001 ! 01479940 a 0101 | having a crew; "a manned earth satellite was considered a necessary research step" 01479940 00 a 02 unmanned 0 remote-controlled 0 002 ! 01479805 a 0101 & 01480080 a 0000 | lacking a crew; "an unmanned satellite to Mars" 01480080 00 s 01 pilotless 0 001 & 01479940 a 0000 | lacking a pilot; "a drone is a pilotless aircraft" 01480186 00 a 01 marked 0 006 ! 01481135 a 0101 & 01480492 a 0000 & 01480603 a 0000 & 01480684 a 0000 & 01480916 a 0000 & 01481014 a 0000 | having or as if having an identifying mark or a mark as specified; often used in combination; "played with marked cards"; "a scar-marked face"; "well-marked roads" 01480492 00 s 02 asterisked 0 starred 0 001 & 01480186 a 0000 | marked with an asterisk; "the starred items" 01480603 00 s 01 barred 0 001 & 01480186 a 0000 | marked with stripes or bands 01480684 00 s 01 scarred 0 001 & 01480186 a 0000 | deeply affected or marked by mental or physical pain or injury; "Could her scarred mind ever be free of fear?"; "a face scarred by anxiety"; "the fire left her arm badly scarred" 01480916 00 s 01 well-marked 0 001 & 01480186 a 0000 | clearly indicated; "a well-marked route" 01481014 00 s 01 masked 0 001 & 01480186 a 0000 | having markings suggestive of a mask; "the masked face of a raccoon" 01481135 00 a 01 unmarked 0 002 ! 01480186 a 0101 & 01481282 a 0000 | not having an identifying mark; "unmarked cards"; "an unmarked police car" 01481282 00 s 02 unasterisked 0 unstarred 0 001 & 01481135 a 0000 | not marked with an asterisk; "unasterisked items" 01481402 00 a 01 branded 0 001 ! 01481513 a 0101 | marked with a brand; "branded cattle"; "branded criminal" 01481513 00 a 01 unbranded 0 001 ! 01481402 a 0101 | not marked with a brand; "unbranded cattle" 01481612 00 a 01 married 0 006 ^ 01482956 a 0000 ! 01482228 a 0101 & 01481812 a 0000 & 01481932 a 0000 & 01482020 a 0000 & 01482140 a 0000 | joined in matrimony; "a married man"; "a married couple" 01481812 00 s 02 joined 0 united 0 001 & 01481612 a 0000 | of or relating to two people who are married to each other 01481932 00 s 01 mated 0 001 & 01481612 a 0000 | of or relating to a marriage partner 01482020 00 s 01 ringed 0 001 & 01481612 a 0000 | wearing a wedding ring; lawfully married; "a ringed wife"- Tennyson 01482140 00 s 02 wed 0 wedded 0 001 & 01481612 a 0000 | having been taken in marriage 01482228 00 a 02 unmarried 0 single 2 006 ^ 01483143 a 0000 ! 01481612 a 0101 & 01482551 a 0000 & 01482658 a 0000 & 01482751 a 0000 & 01482865 a 0000 | not married or related to the unmarried state; "unmarried men and women"; "unmarried life"; "sex and the single girl"; "single parenthood"; "are you married or single?" 01482551 00 s 01 divorced 0 001 & 01482228 a 0000 | of someone whose marriage has been legally dissolved 01482658 00 s 01 mateless 0 001 & 01482228 a 0000 | of someone who has no marriage partner 01482751 00 s 02 unwed 0 unwedded 0 001 & 01482228 a 0000 | of someone who has not been married; "unwed mother" 01482865 00 s 01 widowed 0 001 & 01482228 a 0000 | single because of death of the spouse 01482956 00 a 01 mated 0 004 ^ 01481612 a 0000 ^ 01486489 a 0000 ! 01483143 a 0101 & 01483076 a 0000 | mated sexually 01483076 00 s 01 paired 0 001 & 01482956 a 0000 | mated sexually 01483143 00 a 01 unmated 0 003 ^ 01482228 a 0000 ! 01482956 a 0101 & 01483251 a 0000 | not mated sexually 01483251 00 s 01 mateless 0 001 & 01483143 a 0000 | not mated sexually 01483324 00 a 01 masculine 1 009 ^ 01476685 a 0000 ^ 01475831 a 0000 ^ 01486084 a 0000 + 04666615 n 0101 + 05008227 n 0102 ! 01484083 a 0101 & 01483562 a 0000 & 01483677 a 0000 & 01483950 a 0000 | associated with men and not with women 01483562 00 s 02 butch 0 macho 0 001 & 01483324 a 0000 | used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner 01483677 00 s 05 male 2 manful 0 manlike 0 manly 0 virile 0 008 & 01483324 a 0000 + 04666837 n 0503 + 10288763 n 0401 + 10287213 n 0401 + 04666837 n 0402 + 04666837 n 0201 + 09624168 n 0101 + 05008227 n 0101 | characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports" 01483950 00 s 01 mannish 0 001 & 01483324 a 0000 | characteristic of a man as distinguished from a woman; "true mannish arrogance" 01484083 00 a 01 feminine 1 009 ^ 01477806 a 0000 ^ 01486197 a 0000 + 05008943 n 0102 + 04667406 n 0101 ! 01483324 a 0101 & 01484342 a 0000 & 01484451 a 0000 & 01484651 a 0000 & 01484814 a 0000 | associated with women and not with men; "feminine intuition" 01484342 00 s 01 fair(a) 0 002 & 01484083 a 0000 + 04685396 n 0102 | attractively feminine; "the fair sex" 01484451 00 s 02 female 2 distaff 0 004 & 01484083 a 0000 + 14514392 n 0201 + 09619168 n 0101 + 05008943 n 0101 | characteristic of or peculiar to a woman; "female sensitiveness"; "female suffrage" 01484651 00 s 02 maidenlike 0 maidenly 0 003 & 01484083 a 0000 + 10282482 n 0202 + 04667923 n 0201 | befitting or characteristic of a maiden; "a maidenly blush" 01484814 00 s 01 powder-puff 0 001 & 01484083 a 0000 | used of competitive activities in which only women take part; "powder-puff baseball"; "a powder-puff football game" 01484987 00 a 02 womanly 0 feminine 4 006 + 05008943 n 0202 + 10787470 n 0101 + 04667660 n 0101 ! 01485502 a 0101 & 01485254 a 0000 & 01485401 a 0000 | befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman; "womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion" 01485254 00 s 01 matronly 0 002 & 01484987 a 0000 + 10303037 n 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman; "her matronly figure" 01485401 00 s 01 womanlike 0 001 & 01484987 a 0000 | resembling a woman; "a womanlike stone image" 01485502 00 a 01 unwomanly 0 004 ! 01484987 a 0101 & 01485708 a 0000 & 01485828 a 0000 & 01485971 a 0000 | not womanly; "the logical clearness of her arguments...condemned her as eccentric and unwomanly" 01485708 00 s 02 hoydenish 0 tomboyish 0 002 & 01485502 a 0000 + 04667258 n 0202 | used of girls; wild and boisterous 01485828 00 s 01 mannish 0 001 & 01485502 a 0000 | resembling or imitative of or suggestive of a man rather than a woman; "a mannish stride" 01485971 00 s 01 unfeminine 0 001 & 01485502 a 0000 | not suitable for a woman; "an unfeminine depth of voice" 01486084 00 a 01 masculine 2 003 ^ 01483324 a 0000 ! 01486197 a 0101 ! 01486327 a 0101 | of grammatical gender 01486197 00 a 01 feminine 2 004 ^ 01484083 a 0000 + 06328996 n 0101 ! 01486327 a 0101 ! 01486084 a 0101 | of grammatical gender 01486327 00 a 01 neuter 0 003 + 06329313 n 0101 ! 01486084 a 0101 ! 01486197 a 0101 | of grammatical gender; "`it' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun" 01486489 00 a 01 matched 0 007 ^ 00507464 a 0000 ^ 01482956 a 0000 ! 01487201 a 0101 & 01486704 a 0000 & 01486854 a 0000 & 01486960 a 0000 & 01487048 a 0000 | going well together; possessing harmonizing qualities 01486704 00 s 03 coordinated 0 co-ordinated 0 matching 1 001 & 01486489 a 0000 | intentionally matched; "curtains and walls were color coordinated" 01486854 00 s 04 duplicate 0 matching 2 twin(a) 0 twinned 0 001 & 01486489 a 0000 | being two identical 01486960 00 s 02 mated 0 paired 0 001 & 01486489 a 0000 | used of gloves, socks, etc. 01487048 00 s 01 one-to-one 0 001 & 01486489 a 0000 | used of relations such that each member of one set is associated with one member of a second set 01487201 00 a 01 mismatched 0 004 ^ 00508192 a 0000 ! 01486489 a 0101 & 01487352 a 0000 & 01487496 a 0000 | either not matched or unsuitably matched 01487352 00 s 04 ill-sorted 0 incompatible 0 mismated 0 unsuited 0 002 & 01487201 a 0000 + 04714440 n 0201 | not easy to combine harmoniously 01487496 00 s 04 odd 0 unmatched 0 unmated 0 unpaired 0 001 & 01487201 a 0000 | of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g. 01487627 00 a 01 material 2 003 + 13794658 n 0101 ! 01488066 a 0101 & 01487943 a 0000 | directly relevant to a matter especially a law case; "his support made a material difference"; "evidence material to the issue at hand"; "facts likely to influence the judgment are called material facts"; "a material witness" 01487943 00 s 01 crucial 0 001 & 01487627 a 0000 | having crucial relevance; "crucial to the case"; "relevant testimony" 01488066 00 a 01 immaterial 2 002 + 13796216 n 0101 ! 01487627 a 0101 | of no importance or relevance especially to a law case; "an objection that is immaterial after the fact" 01488245 00 a 01 mature 1 015 ^ 01643620 a 0000 = 14424780 n 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 + 15152817 n 0102 + 14424780 n 0101 + 14424780 n 0102 ! 01489722 a 0101 & 01488616 a 0000 & 01488856 a 0000 & 01489006 a 0000 & 01489085 a 0000 & 01489207 a 0000 & 01489325 a 0000 & 01489454 a 0000 & 01489557 a 0000 | having reached full natural growth or development; "a mature cell" 01488616 00 s 06 adult 0 big 0 full-grown 0 fully_grown 0 grown 0 grownup 0 005 & 01488245 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 09605289 n 0602 + 09605289 n 0101 + 01321456 n 0101 | (of animals) fully developed; "an adult animal"; "a grown woman" 01488856 00 s 02 abloom 0 efflorescent 0 003 & 01488245 a 0000 + 13439570 n 0206 + 00294522 v 0201 | bursting into flower; "flowering spring trees" 01489006 00 s 01 fruiting 0 001 & 01488245 a 0000 | capable of bearing fruit 01489085 00 s 02 full-blown 0 matured 0 001 & 01488245 a 0000 | fully ripe; at the height of bloom; "a full-blown rose" 01489207 00 s 01 headed 0 001 & 01488245 a 0000 | of leafy vegetables; having formed into a head; "headed cabbages" 01489325 00 s 02 marriageable 0 nubile 0 002 & 01488245 a 0000 + 04718030 n 0101 | of girls or women who are eligible to marry 01489454 00 s 01 overblown 0 001 & 01488245 a 0000 | past the stage of full bloom; "overblown roses" 01489557 00 s 02 prime 0 meridian 0 002 & 01488245 a 0000 + 13940456 n 0208 | being at the best stage of development; "our manhood's prime vigor"- Robert Browning 01489722 00 a 01 immature 1 016 ^ 01495535 a 0000 ^ 01646941 a 0000 = 14424780 n 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 + 14425974 n 0102 + 14425974 n 0101 ! 01488245 a 0101 & 01490061 a 0000 & 01490257 a 0000 & 01490505 a 0000 & 01490603 a 0000 & 01490855 a 0000 & 01491067 a 0000 & 01491240 a 0000 & 01491541 a 0000 & 01491691 a 0000 | not yet mature 01490061 00 s 01 adolescent 0 004 & 01489722 a 0000 + 09772029 n 0101 + 15147850 n 0101 + 00252710 v 0101 | in the state of development between puberty and maturity; "adolescent boys and girls" 01490257 00 s 03 embryonic 0 embryologic 0 embryonal 0 005 & 01489722 a 0000 + 01458842 n 0301 + 06071426 n 0201 + 06071426 n 0101 + 01458842 n 0101 | of an organism prior to birth or hatching; "in the embryonic stage"; "embryologic development" 01490505 00 s 01 inchoative 0 001 & 01489722 a 0000 | beginning to develop; "inchoative stages" 01490603 00 s 01 larval 0 002 & 01489722 a 0000 + 02311060 n 0101 | immature of its kind; especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage; "larval societies"; "larval crayfishes"; "the larval stage" 01490855 00 s 02 prepubescent 0 prepubertal 0 003 & 01489722 a 0000 ;c 02472293 n 0000 + 15148081 n 0201 | (especially of human beings) at the age immediately before puberty; often marked by accelerated growth 01491067 00 s 01 prepupal 0 001 & 01489722 a 0000 | of an inactive stage in the development of some insects, between the larval and the pupal stages; "the prepupal stage" 01491240 00 s 01 pubescent 0 002 & 01489722 a 0000 + 15148295 n 0102 | (of animals especially human beings) having arrived at the onset of puberty (the age at which sex glands become functional) but not yet fully mature; "the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent boy" 01491541 00 s 01 pupal 0 002 & 01489722 a 0000 + 02312427 n 0101 | of the insects in the chrysalis (cocoon) or post larval stage; "the pupal stage" 01491691 00 s 01 underdeveloped 0 001 & 01489722 a 0000 | not yet fully developed 01491775 00 a 01 mature 2 004 ! 01492394 a 0101 & 01491930 a 0000 & 01492061 a 0000 & 01492257 a 0000 | characteristic of maturity; "mature for her age" 01491930 00 s 01 autumnal 0 001 & 01491775 a 0000 | characteristic of late maturity verging on decline; "a serene autumnal mood" 01492061 00 s 02 mellow 0 mellowed 0 002 & 01491775 a 0000 + 07554224 n 0101 | having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience; "mellow wisdom"; "the peace of mellow age" 01492257 00 s 01 ripe 0 001 & 01491775 a 0000 | at the highest point of development especially in judgment or knowledge; "a ripe mind" 01492394 00 a 01 immature 2 006 + 14425974 n 0102 + 14425974 n 0101 ! 01491775 a 0101 & 01492596 a 0000 & 01492907 a 0000 & 01493016 a 0000 | characteristic of a lack of maturity; "immature behavior" 01492596 00 s 04 adolescent 0 jejune 0 juvenile 0 puerile 0 005 & 01492394 a 0000 + 14427065 n 0402 + 14426568 n 0303 + 14426568 n 0202 + 05206573 n 0201 | displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; "adolescent insecurity"; "jejune responses to our problems"; "their behavior was juvenile"; "puerile jokes" 01492907 00 s 01 babyish 0 001 & 01492394 a 0000 | characteristic of a baby; "babyish tears and petulance" 01493016 00 s 02 childish 0 infantile 0 002 & 01492394 a 0000 + 04928760 n 0101 | indicating a lack of maturity; "childish tantrums"; "infantile behavior" 01493173 00 a 02 ripe 0 mature 6 006 + 14424780 n 0202 + 14425601 n 0101 ! 01493897 a 0101 & 01493423 a 0000 & 01493636 a 0000 & 01493807 a 0000 | fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used; "ripe peaches"; "full-bodied mature wines" 01493423 00 s 02 aged 0 ripened 0 002 & 01493173 a 0000 + 04927632 n 0101 | of wines, fruit, cheeses; having reached a desired or final condition; (`aged' pronounced as one syllable); "mature well-aged cheeses" 01493636 00 s 02 mellow 0 mellowed 0 002 & 01493173 a 0000 + 05718118 n 0101 | having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging; "a mellow port"; "mellowed fruit" 01493807 00 s 01 overripe 0 001 & 01493173 a 0000 | too ripe and beginning to turn soft 01493897 00 a 04 green 0 unripe 0 unripened 0 immature 6 005 + 14425974 n 0402 + 14425974 n 0401 + 14426449 n 0101 ! 01493173 a 0101 & 01494146 a 0000 | not fully developed or mature; not ripe; "unripe fruit"; "fried green tomatoes"; "green wood" 01494146 00 s 01 unaged 0 001 & 01493897 a 0000 | not subjected to an aging process; "vodka is an unaged liquor from Russia" 01494273 00 a 01 seasonal 0 001 ! 01494429 a 0101 | occurring at or dependent on a particular season; "seasonal labor"; "a seasonal rise in unemployment" 01494429 00 a 02 year-round 0 year-around 0 001 ! 01494273 a 0101 | operating or continuing throughout the year; "a year-round resort"; "a year-round job" 01494586 00 a 01 seasonable 0 002 + 05049253 n 0101 ! 01494740 a 0101 | in keeping with the season; "a hard but seasonable frost"; "seasonable clothes" 01494740 00 a 01 unseasonable 0 002 + 05049458 n 0101 ! 01494586 a 0101 | not in keeping with (and usually undesirable for) the season; "a sudden unseasonable blizzard"; "unseasonable bright blue weather in November" 01494959 00 a 01 seasoned 0 002 ! 01495181 a 0101 & 01495066 a 0000 | aged or processed; "seasoned wood" 01495066 00 s 01 cured 0 001 & 01494959 a 0000 | (used of concrete or mortar) kept moist to assist the hardening 01495181 00 a 01 unseasoned 0 002 ! 01494959 a 0101 & 01495298 a 0000 | not aged or processed; "unseasoned timber" 01495298 00 s 01 uncured 0 001 & 01495181 a 0000 | not seasoned; "uncured pelts" 01495381 00 a 01 full-term 0 002 ^ 01488245 a 0000 ! 01495535 a 0101 | gestated for the entire duration of normal pregnancy; "a healthy full-term baby" 01495535 00 a 01 premature 0 004 ^ 01489722 a 0000 + 14426736 n 0102 + 14426736 n 0101 ! 01495381 a 0101 | born after a gestation period of less than the normal time; "a premature infant" 01495725 00 a 02 maximal 0 maximum 0 003 ! 01496021 a 0202 ! 01496021 a 0101 & 01495912 a 0000 | the greatest or most complete or best possible; "maximal expansion"; "maximum pressure" 01495912 00 s 01 supreme 0 001 & 01495725 a 0000 | greatest or maximal in degree; extreme; "supreme folly" 01496021 00 a 02 minimal 0 minimum 0 006 ! 01495725 a 0202 ! 01495725 a 0101 & 01496311 a 0000 & 01496462 a 0000 & 01496592 a 0000 & 01496816 a 0000 | the least possible; "needed to enforce minimal standards"; "her grades were minimal"; "minimum wage"; "a minimal charge for the service" 01496311 00 s 02 borderline 0 marginal 0 001 & 01496021 a 0000 | of questionable or minimal quality; "borderline grades"; "marginal writing ability" 01496462 00 s 01 negligible 0 001 & 01496021 a 0000 | so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; "the effect was negligible" 01496592 00 s 03 nominal 0 token(a) 0 tokenish 0 001 & 01496021 a 0000 | insignificantly small; a matter of form only (`tokenish' is informal); "the fee was nominal"; "a token gesture of resistance"; "a toknenish gesture" 01496816 00 s 02 stripped 0 stripped-down 0 001 & 01496021 a 0000 | having only essential or minimal features; "a stripped new car"; "a stripped-down budget" 01496976 00 a 01 meaningful 0 007 ^ 01909890 a 0000 ^ 02161432 a 0000 + 05170236 n 0101 ! 01497736 a 0101 & 01497245 a 0000 & 01497387 a 0000 & 01497594 a 0000 | having a meaning or purpose; "a meaningful explanation"; "a meaningful discussion"; "a meaningful pause" 01497245 00 s 02 meaty 0 substantive 0 002 & 01496976 a 0000 + 05921123 n 010c | being on topic and prompting thought; "a meaty discussion" 01497387 00 s 03 meaning(a) 0 pregnant 0 significant 0 005 & 01496976 a 0000 + 06601327 n 0302 + 05920791 n 0301 + 01039854 v 0301 + 00932324 v 0301 | rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look" 01497594 00 s 01 purposeful 0 002 & 01496976 a 0000 + 05170400 n 0101 | having meaning through having an aim; "led a happy purposeful life" 01497736 00 a 02 meaningless 0 nonmeaningful 0 009 ^ 02164402 a 0000 ^ 01910488 a 0000 ^ 01279978 a 0000 + 06607339 n 0104 ! 01496976 a 0101 & 01498084 a 0000 & 01498298 a 0000 & 01498418 a 0000 & 01498594 a 0000 | having no meaning or direction or purpose; "a meaningless endeavor"; "a meaningless life"; "a verbose but meaningless explanation" 01498084 00 s 03 empty 0 hollow 0 vacuous 0 004 & 01497736 a 0000 + 05174023 n 0304 + 04867871 n 0203 + 05141040 n 0102 | devoid of significance or point; "empty promises"; "a hollow victory"; "vacuous comments" 01498298 00 s 01 insignificant 0 002 & 01497736 a 0000 + 05173579 n 0101 | signifying nothing; "insignificant sounds" 01498418 00 s 01 mindless 0 002 & 01497736 a 0000 + 05174023 n 0103 | lacking the thinking capacity characteristic of a conscious being; "the shrieking of the mindless wind" 01498594 00 s 02 nonsense(a) 0 nonsensical 0 002 & 01497736 a 0000 + 06607339 n 0203 | having no intelligible meaning; "nonsense syllables"; "a nonsensical jumble of words" 01498769 00 a 02 measurable 0 mensurable 0 005 = 05090441 n 0000 + 05209822 n 0102 + 00647094 v 0101 + 00489837 v 0102 ! 01498957 a 0101 | capable of being measured; "measurable depths" 01498957 00 a 04 immeasurable 0 unmeasurable 0 immensurable 0 unmeasured 0 003 ! 01498769 a 0101 & 01499155 a 0000 & 01499269 a 0000 | impossible to measure; "unmeasurable reaches of outer space" 01499155 00 s 01 abysmal 0 001 & 01498957 a 0000 | very great; limitless; "abysmal misery"; "abysmal stupidity" 01499269 00 s 03 illimitable 0 limitless 0 measureless 0 002 & 01498957 a 0000 + 05209324 n 0205 | without limits in extent or size or quantity; "limitless vastness of our solar system" 01499457 00 a 01 meaty 0 002 + 07649854 n 0101 ! 01499602 a 0101 | like or containing meat; "enough of vegetarianism; let's have a meaty meal" 01499602 00 a 01 meatless 0 001 ! 01499457 a 0101 | lacking meat; "meatless days" 01499686 00 a 01 mechanical 0 008 + 03738472 n 0101 + 00098385 n 0102 ! 01500766 a 0101 & 01499999 a 0000 & 01500247 a 0000 & 01500416 a 0000 & 01500555 a 0000 & 01500672 a 0000 | using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices; "a mechanical process"; "his smile was very mechanical"; "a mechanical toy" 01499999 00 s 05 automatic 0 automatonlike 0 machinelike 0 robotlike 0 robotic 0 003 & 01499686 a 0000 + 00480221 v 0101 + 09825519 n 0101 | resembling the unthinking functioning of a machine; "an automatic `thank you'"; "machinelike efficiency" 01500247 00 s 01 mechanic 0 001 & 01499686 a 0000 | resembling the action of a machine; "from blank to blank a threadless way I pushed mechanic feet"- Emily Dickenson 01500416 00 s 01 mechanistic 0 002 & 01499686 a 0000 + 09349797 n 0101 | explained in terms of physical forces; "a mechanistic universe" 01500555 00 s 02 mechanized 0 mechanised 0 001 & 01499686 a 0000 | equipped with machinery; "a mechanized factory" 01500672 00 s 01 windup(a) 0 001 & 01499686 a 0000 | operated by a mechanism; "windup toys" 01500766 00 a 01 nonmechanical 0 003 ! 01499686 a 0101 & 01500876 a 0000 & 01500952 a 0000 | not mechanical 01500876 00 s 01 nonmechanistic 0 001 & 01500766 a 0000 | not mechanistic 01500952 00 s 02 unmechanized 0 unmechanised 0 001 & 01500766 a 0000 | not mechanized; "production of furniture remained largely unmechanized"- Gordon Russell 01501113 00 a 03 melodious 0 melodic 4 musical 4 013 + 07019172 n 0301 + 05718556 n 0301 + 04983402 n 0301 + 04983402 n 0302 + 07028373 n 0102 + 05711915 n 0101 + 04983848 n 0101 ! 01502099 a 0101 & 01501505 a 0000 & 01501619 a 0000 & 01501718 a 0000 & 01501821 a 0000 & 01501990 a 0000 | containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody; "the melodious song of a meadowlark" 01501505 00 s 02 ariose 0 songlike 0 001 & 01501113 a 0000 | having a melody (as distinguished from recitative) 01501619 00 s 02 canorous 0 songful 0 002 & 01501113 a 0000 + 04983688 n 0203 | richly melodious 01501718 00 s 02 cantabile 0 singing 0 002 & 01501113 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | smooth and flowing 01501821 00 s 05 dulcet 0 honeyed 0 mellifluous 0 mellisonant 0 sweet 0 002 & 01501113 a 0000 + 04778630 n 0502 | pleasing to the ear; "the dulcet tones of the cello" 01501990 00 s 01 lyrical 0 002 & 01501113 a 0000 + 04983688 n 0101 | suitable for or suggestive of singing 01502099 00 a 03 unmelodious 0 unmelodic 4 unmusical 4 001 ! 01501113 a 0101 | lacking melody 01502195 00 a 02 tuneful 0 melodious 4 005 + 07028373 n 0202 + 05711915 n 0201 + 04983848 n 0201 + 04983848 n 0102 ! 01502383 a 0101 | having a musical sound; especially a pleasing tune 01502383 00 a 03 tuneless 0 untuneful 0 unmelodious 4 001 ! 01502195 a 0101 | not having a musical sound or pleasing tune 01502507 00 a 01 membered 0 010 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01503886 a 0101 & 01502796 a 0000 & 01502925 a 0000 & 01503052 a 0000 & 01503179 a 0000 & 01503375 a 0000 & 01503504 a 0000 & 01503633 a 0000 & 01503760 a 0000 | having members; normally used in chemistry in combination with a number 01502796 00 s 02 three-membered 0 3-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with three members 01502925 00 s 02 four-membered 0 4-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with four members 01503052 00 s 02 five-membered 0 5-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with five members 01503179 00 s 02 six-membered 0 6-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with six members; "having three carbon and three nitrogen atoms in a six-membered ring" 01503375 00 s 02 seven-membered 0 7-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with seven members 01503504 00 s 02 eight-membered 0 8-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with eight members 01503633 00 s 02 nine-membered 0 9-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with nine members 01503760 00 s 02 ten-membered 0 10-membered 0 001 & 01502507 a 0000 | of a chemical compound having a ring with ten members 01503886 00 a 01 memberless 0 001 ! 01502507 a 0101 | of a group or set having no members 01503978 00 a 01 mined 0 004 ! 01504531 a 0101 & 01504147 a 0000 & 01504282 a 0000 & 01504430 a 0000 | extracted from a source of supply as of minerals from the earth 01504147 00 s 01 deep-mined 0 001 & 01503978 a 0000 | of coal, as contrasted with coal obtained from a strip mine; "deep-mined coal" 01504282 00 s 01 well-mined 0 001 & 01503978 a 0000 | well known and commonly used; "Shakespeare exploited many well-mined sources for his plays" 01504430 00 s 01 strip-mined 0 001 & 01503978 a 0000 | mined near the earth's surface by stripping 01504531 00 a 01 unmined 0 001 ! 01503978 a 0101 | not mined; "deposits of unmined uranium" 01504625 00 a 01 musical 1 009 = 04983402 n 0000 + 07019172 n 0101 + 05718935 n 0101 + 04983402 n 0101 + 04983402 n 0102 ! 01505318 a 0101 & 01504926 a 0000 & 01505041 a 0000 & 01505181 a 0000 | characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music; "a musical speaking voice"; "a musical comedy" 01504926 00 s 01 chanted 0 001 & 01504625 a 0000 | sung or uttered rhythmically in a monotone; "a chanted psalm" 01505041 00 s 01 liquid 0 001 & 01504625 a 0000 | smooth and flowing in quality; entirely free of harshness; "the liquid song of a robin" 01505181 00 s 01 singable 0 001 & 01504625 a 0000 | suitable for singing; "singable melody is the essence of music"- Winthrop Sargeant 01505318 00 a 02 unmusical 1 nonmusical 1 002 = 04983402 n 0000 ! 01504625 a 0101 | not musical in nature; "the unmusical cry of the bluejay" 01505462 00 a 01 musical 2 003 + 00543233 n 0101 ! 01505786 a 0101 & 01505619 a 0000 | talented in or devoted to music; "comes from a very musical family" 01505619 00 s 01 philharmonic 0 001 & 01505462 a 0000 | devoted to or appreciative of music; "the most philharmonic ear is at times deeply affected by a simple air" 01505786 00 a 02 unmusical 2 nonmusical 2 001 ! 01505462 a 0101 | lacking interest in or talent for music; "too unmusical to care for concerts"; "it is unfortunate that her children were all nonmusical" 01505991 00 a 03 melted 0 liquid 4 liquified 4 007 ^ 01079683 a 0000 + 14480420 n 0202 ! 01506770 a 0101 & 01506258 a 0000 & 01506385 a 0000 & 01506526 a 0000 & 01506661 a 0000 | changed from a solid to a liquid state; "rivers filled to overflowing by melted snow" 01506258 00 s 01 dissolved 0 001 & 01505991 a 0000 | (of solid matter) reduced to a liquid form; "add the dissolved gelatin" 01506385 00 s 01 fusible 0 004 & 01505991 a 0000 + 00397192 v 0101 + 00396997 v 0101 + 00394813 v 0107 | capable of being melted and fused 01506526 00 s 03 molten 0 liquefied 2 liquified 2 001 & 01505991 a 0000 | reduced to liquid form by heating; "a mass of molten rock" 01506661 00 s 01 thawed 0 001 & 01505991 a 0000 | no longer frozen solid; "the thawed ice was treacherous" 01506770 00 a 01 unmelted 0 004 ^ 01078302 a 0000 ! 01505991 a 0101 & 01506945 a 0000 & 01507008 a 0000 | not melted; "streets unpassable because of piles of unmelted snow" 01506945 00 s 01 frozen 0 001 & 01506770 a 0000 | not thawed 01507008 00 s 01 undissolved 0 001 & 01506770 a 0000 | retaining a solid form; "undissolved sugar in the bottom of the cup" 01507134 00 a 01 merciful 0 008 ^ 00437539 a 0000 ^ 00506299 a 0000 ^ 01261867 a 0000 ^ 01372049 a 0000 ^ 01156112 a 0000 + 07554500 n 0101 + 01071411 n 0102 ! 01507402 a 0101 | showing or giving mercy; "sought merciful treatment for the captives"; "a merciful god" 01507402 00 a 02 merciless 0 unmerciful 4 014 ^ 00247439 a 0000 ^ 01155354 a 0000 ^ 00437852 a 0000 ^ 01785180 a 0000 ^ 00507053 a 0000 ^ 01373728 a 0000 + 04831031 n 0202 + 07506382 n 0102 + 04831031 n 0101 ! 01507134 a 0101 & 01507808 a 0000 & 01507992 a 0000 & 01508086 a 0000 & 01508320 a 0000 | having or showing no mercy; "the merciless enemy"; "a merciless critic"; "gave him a merciless beating" 01507808 00 s 03 cutthroat 0 fierce 0 bowelless 0 002 & 01507402 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0202 | ruthless in competition; "cutthroat competition"; "bowelless readiness to take advantage" 01507992 00 s 01 mortal(a) 0 001 & 01507402 a 0000 | unrelenting and deadly; "mortal enemy" 01508086 00 s 04 pitiless 0 remorseless 0 ruthless 0 unpitying 0 004 & 01507402 a 0000 + 07506382 n 0304 + 04831264 n 0302 + 04831264 n 0101 | without mercy or pity; "an act of ruthless ferocity"; "a monster of remorseless cruelty" 01508320 00 s 01 tigerish 0 001 & 01507402 a 0000 | resembling a tiger in fierceness and lack of mercy; "a tigerish fury" 01508444 00 a 02 metabolic 0 metabolous 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 13514880 n 0202 + 13514880 n 0102 ! 01508592 a 0101 | undergoing metamorphosis 01508592 00 a 02 ametabolic 0 ametabolous 0 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 01508444 a 0101 | undergoing slight or no metamorphosis 01508719 00 a 01 mild 0 008 ^ 01531375 a 0000 ^ 02401590 a 0000 = 05093890 n 0000 + 04910973 n 0103 ! 01509527 a 0101 & 01509066 a 0000 & 01509262 a 0000 & 01509367 a 0000 | moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme; "a mild winter storm"; "a mild fever"; "fortunately the pain was mild"; "a mild rebuke"; "mild criticism" 01509066 00 s 02 gentle 0 soft 0 002 & 01508719 a 0000 + 04910973 n 0101 | soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe; "a gentle reprimand"; "a vein of gentle irony"; "poked gentle fun at him" 01509262 00 s 01 mild-mannered 0 001 & 01508719 a 0000 | behaving in or having a mild or gentle manner 01509367 00 s 02 moderate 0 temperate 0 002 & 01508719 a 0000 + 05117660 n 0102 | not extreme; "a moderate penalty"; "temperate in his response to criticism" 01509527 00 a 01 intense 0 030 ^ 01533120 a 0000 ^ 02402268 a 0000 ^ 01872745 a 0000 = 05093890 n 0000 + 05036394 n 0101 ! 01508719 a 0101 & 01510320 a 0000 & 01510444 a 0000 & 01510628 a 0000 & 01510798 a 0000 & 01510914 a 0000 & 01511031 a 0000 & 01511152 a 0000 & 01511292 a 0000 & 01511387 a 0000 & 01511520 a 0000 & 01511854 a 0000 & 01512142 a 0000 & 01512275 a 0000 & 01512527 a 0000 & 01512645 a 0000 & 01512804 a 0000 & 01512909 a 0000 & 01513050 a 0000 & 01513376 a 0000 & 01513512 a 0000 & 01513619 a 0000 & 01513776 a 0000 & 01513951 a 0000 & 01514141 a 0000 | possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree; "intense heat"; "intense anxiety"; "intense desire"; "intense emotion"; "the skunk's intense acrid odor"; "intense pain"; "enemy fire was intense" 01510320 00 s 01 aggravated 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | made more severe or intense especially in law; "aggravated assault" 01510444 00 s 02 bad 0 big 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 05036715 n 0101 | very intense; "a bad headache"; "in a big rage"; "had a big (or bad) shock"; "a bad earthquake"; "a bad storm" 01510628 00 s 01 blood-and-guts 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | marked by great zeal or violence; "real blood-and-guts fiction"; "blood-and-guts football" 01510798 00 s 02 brutal 0 unrelenting 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | harsh; "the brutal summer sun"; "a brutal winter" 01510914 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | so intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him" 01511031 00 s 01 concentrated 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | intensely focused; "her concentrated passion held them at bay" 01511152 00 s 02 consuming 0 overwhelming 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | very intense; "politics is his consuming passion"; "overwhelming joy" 01511292 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | extreme; "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness" 01511387 00 s 02 exquisite 0 keen 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | intense or sharp; "suffered exquisite pain"; "felt exquisite pleasure" 01511520 00 s 03 extreme 0 utmost(a) 0 uttermost(a) 0 005 & 01509527 a 0000 + 05124928 n 0302 + 05124928 n 0201 + 14476521 n 0101 + 13942405 n 0101 | of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity; "extreme cold"; "extreme caution"; "extreme pleasure"; "utmost contempt"; "to the utmost degree"; "in the uttermost distress" 01511854 00 s 05 fierce 0 tearing 0 vehement 0 violent 1 trigger-happy 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0102 | marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions" 01512142 00 s 01 intensified 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | made more intense; "the intensified scrutiny of the candidate's background" 01512275 00 s 01 intensive 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 05036394 n 0102 | characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form; "the questioning was intensive"; "intensive care"; "research-intensive"; "a labor-intensive industry" 01512527 00 s 01 main(a) 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | of force; of the greatest possible intensity; "by main strength" 01512645 00 s 01 profound 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 13942554 n 0101 | of the greatest intensity; complete; "a profound silence"; "a state of profound shock" 01512804 00 s 01 raging 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | very severe; "a raging thirst"; "a raging toothache" 01512909 00 s 01 screaming(a) 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | so extremely intense as to evoke screams; "in screaming agony"; "a screaming rage" 01513050 00 s 03 severe 0 terrible 0 wicked 0 005 & 01509527 a 0000 + 04782116 n 0204 + 05036715 n 0103 + 04710127 n 0107 + 05036715 n 0102 | intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality; "severe pain"; "a severe case of flu"; "a terrible cough"; "under wicked fire from the enemy's guns"; "a wicked cough" 01513376 00 s 01 smart 0 003 & 01509527 a 0000 + 14331873 n 0101 + 14331873 n 0103 | painfully severe; "he gave the dog a smart blow" 01513512 00 s 01 strong 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | not faint or feeble; "a strong odor of burning rubber" 01513619 00 s 01 terrific 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | very great or intense; "a terrific noise"; "a terrific thunderstorm storm"; "fought a terrific battle" 01513776 00 s 02 thick 0 deep 1 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 15267373 n 0201 | (of darkness) very intense; "thick night"; "thick darkness"; "a face in deep shadow"; "deep night" 01513951 00 s 01 unabated 0 001 & 01509527 a 0000 | continuing at full strength or intensity; "the winds are unabated"; "the popularity of his books among young people continued unabated" 01514141 00 s 02 violent 3 wild 0 002 & 01509527 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0207 | (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud; "a violent clash of colors"; "her dress was a violent red"; "a violent noise"; "wild colors"; "wild shouts" 01514374 00 a 01 intensive 0 002 + 05036394 n 0102 ! 01514598 a 0101 | of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor; "intensive agriculture"; "intensive conditions" 01514598 00 a 01 extensive 0 001 ! 01514374 a 0101 | of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type" 01514827 00 a 01 involved 0 008 ! 01516832 a 0101 & 01515280 a 0000 & 01515525 a 0000 & 01515692 a 0000 & 01516014 a 0000 & 01516207 a 0000 & 01516346 a 0000 & 01516605 a 0000 | connected by participation or association or use; "we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved"; "the problems involved"; "the involved muscles"; "I don't want to get involved"; "everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified" 01515280 00 s 02 active 0 participating 0 004 & 01514827 a 0000 + 09764900 n 0101 + 14006945 n 0103 + 00407535 n 0101 | taking part in an activity; "an active member of the club"; "he was politically active"; "the participating organizations" 01515525 00 s 01 caught_up(p) 0 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | having become involved involuntarily; "caught up in the excitement of the crowd"; "caught up in the scandal" 01515692 00 s 02 concerned 0 interested 0 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | involved in or affected by or having a claim to or share in; "a memorandum to those concerned"; "an enterprise in which three men are concerned"; "factors concerned in the rise and fall of epidemics"; "the interested parties met to discuss the business" 01516014 00 s 02 embroiled 0 entangled 0 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | deeply involved especially in something complicated; "embroiled in the conflict"; "felt unwilling entangled in their affairs" 01516207 00 s 01 engaged 0 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | involved in military hostilities; "the desperately engaged ships continued the fight" 01516346 00 s 02 implicated 0 concerned 1 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | culpably involved; "all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified"; "named three officials implicated in the plot"; "an innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime" 01516605 00 s 07 neck-deep 0 up_to_my_neck 0 up_to_your_neck 0 up_to_her_neck 0 up_to_his_neck 0 up_to_our_necks 0 up_to_their_necks 0 001 & 01514827 a 0000 | deeply involved; "neck-deep in work"; "up to their necks in debt" 01516832 00 a 01 uninvolved 0 002 ! 01514827 a 0101 & 01516961 a 0000 | not involved; "being uninvolved he remained objective" 01516961 00 s 01 unconcerned 0 001 & 01516832 a 0000 | not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style" 01517081 00 a 01 military 1 005 ! 01517921 a 0101 & 01517317 a 0000 & 01517526 a 0000 & 01517632 a 0000 & 01517755 a 0000 | associated with or performed by members of the armed services as contrasted with civilians; "military police" 01517317 00 s 01 expeditionary 0 003 & 01517081 a 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 + 00968479 n 0101 | (used of military forces) designed for military operations abroad; "the French expeditionary force in Indochina" 01517526 00 s 01 martial(a) 0 001 & 01517081 a 0000 | of or relating to the armed forces; "martial law" 01517632 00 s 01 combatant 0 003 & 01517081 a 0000 + 09939313 n 0101 + 01092366 v 0102 | engaging in or ready for combat 01517755 00 s 01 noncombatant 1 002 & 01517081 a 0000 + 10360578 n 0101 | member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e.g. a chaplain or surgeon 01517921 00 a 01 civilian 0 004 + 09924742 n 0101 ! 01517081 a 0101 & 01518161 a 0000 & 01518295 a 0000 | associated with civil life or performed by persons who are not active members of the military; "civilian clothing"; "civilian life" 01518161 00 s 01 civil 0 001 & 01517921 a 0000 | applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military; "civil authorities" 01518295 00 s 01 noncombatant 2 001 & 01517921 a 0000 | used of civilians in time of war 01518386 00 a 01 military 2 004 ! 01518955 a 0101 & 01518577 a 0000 & 01518694 a 0000 & 01518860 a 0000 | characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military; "military uniforms" 01518577 00 s 01 militaristic 0 003 & 01518386 a 0000 + 08199025 n 0101 + 06221974 n 0101 | imbued with militarism 01518694 00 s 04 soldierly 0 soldierlike 0 warriorlike 0 martial 2 002 & 01518386 a 0000 + 10622053 n 0101 | (of persons) befitting a warrior; "a military bearing" 01518860 00 s 02 warlike 0 martial 0 001 & 01518386 a 0000 | suggesting war or military life 01518955 00 a 02 unmilitary 0 nonmilitary 0 002 ! 01518386 a 0101 & 01519167 a 0000 | not associated with soldiers or the military; "unmilitary circles of government"; "fatigue duty involves nonmilitary labor" 01519167 00 s 01 unsoldierly 0 001 & 01518955 a 0000 | not conforming to military standards; "unsoldierly posture" 01519284 00 a 01 mitigated 0 004 ! 01519803 a 0101 & 01519465 a 0000 & 01519580 a 0000 & 01519673 a 0000 | made less severe or intense; "he gladly accepted the mitigated penalty" 01519465 00 s 03 alleviated 0 eased 0 relieved 0 001 & 01519284 a 0000 | (of pain or sorrow) made easier to bear 01519580 00 s 01 lessened 0 001 & 01519284 a 0000 | decreased in severity; made less harsh 01519673 00 s 03 quenched 0 satisfied 0 slaked 0 001 & 01519284 a 0000 | allayed; "his thirst quenched he was able to continue" 01519803 00 a 01 unmitigated 0 005 ! 01519284 a 0101 & 01520091 a 0000 & 01520655 a 0000 & 01520908 a 0000 & 01521017 a 0000 | not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier; "unmitigated suffering"; "an unmitigated horror"; "an unmitigated lie" 01520091 00 s 0e arrant(a) 0 complete(a) 0 consummate(a) 0 double-dyed(a) 0 everlasting(a) 0 gross(a) 0 perfect(a) 0 pure(a) 0 sodding(a) 0 stark(a) 0 staring(a) 0 thoroughgoing(a) 0 utter(a) 0 unadulterated 0 001 & 01519803 a 0000 | without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers; "an arrant fool"; "a complete coward"; "a consummate fool"; "a double-dyed villain"; "gross negligence"; "a perfect idiot"; "pure folly"; "what a sodding mess"; "stark staring mad"; "a thoroughgoing villain"; "utter nonsense"; "the unadulterated truth" 01520655 00 s 07 bally(a) 0 blinking(a) 0 bloody(a) 0 blooming(a) 0 crashing(a) 0 flaming(a) 0 fucking(a) 0 001 & 01519803 a 0000 | informal intensifiers; "what a bally (or blinking) nuisance"; "a bloody fool"; "a crashing bore"; "you flaming idiot" 01520908 00 s 01 bodacious 0 002 & 01519803 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | incorrigible; "a bodacious gossip" 01521017 00 s 02 undiminished 0 unrelieved 0 001 & 01519803 a 0000 | not lessened or diminished; "unrelieved suffering" 01521139 00 a 01 tempered 1 001 ! 01521293 a 0101 | adjusted or attuned by adding a counterbalancing element; "criticism tempered with kindly sympathy" 01521293 00 a 01 untempered 1 002 ! 01521139 a 0101 & 01521427 a 0000 | not moderated or controlled; "his untempered individualism" 01521427 00 s 01 unmoderated 0 001 & 01521293 a 0000 | not made less extreme; "spoke with unmoderated harshness" 01521542 00 a 04 tempered 2 treated 4 hardened 4 toughened 4 003 ! 01522038 a 0101 & 01521776 a 0000 & 01521905 a 0000 | made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment; "a sword of tempered steel"; "tempered glass" 01521776 00 s 01 curable 0 002 & 01521542 a 0000 + 00527935 v 0101 | capable of being hardened by some additive or other agent 01521905 00 s 01 sunbaked 0 001 & 01521542 a 0000 | baked or hardened by exposure to sunlight; not burned; "sunbaked adobe bricks" 01522038 00 a 02 untempered 2 unhardened 4 002 ! 01521542 a 0101 & 01522214 a 0000 | not brought to a proper consistency or hardness; "untempered mortar"; "untempered steel" 01522214 00 s 02 brittle 0 unannealed 0 002 & 01522038 a 0000 + 04939547 n 0101 | (of metal or glass) not annealed and consequently easily cracked or fractured 01522376 00 a 01 mobile 0 019 ^ 01561771 a 0000 + 04773351 n 0101 ! 01525116 a 0101 & 01522895 a 0000 & 01522985 a 0000 & 01523136 a 0000 & 01523249 a 0000 & 01523450 a 0000 & 01523567 a 0000 & 01523724 a 0000 & 01523968 a 0000 & 01524102 a 0000 & 01524215 a 0000 & 01524344 a 0000 & 01524445 a 0000 & 01524562 a 0000 & 01524632 a 0000 & 01524722 a 0000 & 01525017 a 0000 | moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most mobile articulator" 01522895 00 s 01 airborne 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | moved or conveyed by or through air 01522985 00 s 02 ambulant 0 ambulatory 0 003 & 01522376 a 0000 + 01911698 v 0201 + 01911698 v 0101 | able to walk about; "the patient is ambulatory" 01523136 00 s 01 floating 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | inclined to move or be moved about; "a floating crap game" 01523249 00 s 02 maneuverable 0 manoeuvrable 0 004 & 01522376 a 0000 + 04774198 n 0202 + 04774198 n 0101 + 01931768 v 0102 | capable of maneuvering or changing position; "a highly maneuverable ship" 01523450 00 s 03 mechanized 0 mechanised 0 motorized 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | using vehicles; "motorized warfare" 01523567 00 s 01 motile 0 004 & 01522376 a 0000 ;c 01326291 n 0000 + 10165808 n 0101 + 04773761 n 0101 | (of spores or microorganisms) capable of movement 01523724 00 s 05 movable 0 moveable 0 transferable 0 transferrable 0 transportable 0 005 & 01522376 a 0000 + 01850315 v 0201 + 04773899 n 0101 + 04773899 n 0102 + 01850315 v 0101 | capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another 01523968 00 s 01 perambulating 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | strolling or walking around; "perambulating nursemaids with their charges" 01524102 00 s 01 racy 0 002 & 01522376 a 0000 + 07458453 n 0101 | designed or suitable for competing in a race 01524215 00 s 02 raisable 0 raiseable 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | capable of being raised; "the roadster had a raisable sunroof" 01524344 00 s 01 rangy 0 002 & 01522376 a 0000 + 08629199 n 0101 | adapted to wandering or roaming 01524445 00 s 01 rotatable 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | capable of being rotated; "the theater had a rotatable stage" 01524562 00 s 01 seaborne 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | conveyed by sea 01524632 00 s 01 transplantable 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | capable of being transplanted 01524722 00 s 01 versatile 0 002 & 01522376 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | able to move freely in all directions; "an owl's versatile toe can move backward and forward"; "an insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally"; "a versatile anther of a flower moves freely in the wind" 01525017 00 s 01 waterborne 0 001 & 01522376 a 0000 | transported by water; "waterborne freight" 01525116 00 a 01 immobile 0 007 ^ 01564073 a 0000 + 01207149 v 0103 + 00269140 v 0101 ! 01522376 a 0101 & 01525320 a 0000 & 01525502 a 0000 & 01525659 a 0000 | not capable of movement or of being moved 01525320 00 s 04 immovable 0 immoveable 0 stabile 0 unmovable 0 003 & 01525116 a 0000 + 04776699 n 0102 + 04776699 n 0101 | not able or intended to be moved; "the immovable hills" 01525502 00 s 02 nonmotile 0 immotile 0 003 & 01525116 a 0000 ;c 01326291 n 0000 + 04776453 n 0201 | (of spores or microorganisms) not capable of movement 01525659 00 s 01 stiff 0 002 & 01525116 a 0000 + 05023591 n 0101 | not moving or operating freely; "a stiff hinge" 01525776 00 a 01 portable 0 006 + 03985069 n 0101 + 04776176 n 0101 ! 01526480 a 0101 & 01525984 a 0000 & 01526062 a 0000 & 01526262 a 0000 | easily or conveniently transported; "a portable television set" 01525984 00 s 01 man-portable 0 001 & 01525776 a 0000 | portable by one man 01526062 00 s 01 movable 0 003 & 01525776 a 0000 + 04773899 n 0102 + 01850315 v 0101 | (of personal property as opposed to real estate) can be moved from place to place (especially carried by hand) 01526262 00 s 02 takeout 0 take-away 0 002 & 01525776 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises; "takeout pizza"; "the takeout counter"; "`take-away' is chiefly British" 01526480 00 a 01 unportable 0 001 ! 01525776 a 0101 | not portable; not easily moved or transported 01526582 00 a 01 removable 0 003 ! 01527075 a 0101 & 01526769 a 0000 & 01526905 a 0000 | capable of being removed or taken away or dismissed; "a removable cord"; "removable partitions" 01526769 00 s 01 dismissible 0 002 & 01526582 a 0000 + 02402825 v 0105 | subject to dismissal; "appointed and removable by the mayor" 01526905 00 s 02 extractable 0 extractible 0 005 & 01526582 a 0000 + 01459392 v 0201 + 01351754 v 0203 + 01351170 v 0201 + 00229280 v 0202 | capable of being extracted 01527075 00 a 01 irremovable 0 002 ! 01526582 a 0101 & 01527245 a 0000 | incapable of being removed or away or dismiss; "irremovable boulders"; "irremovable obstacles" 01527245 00 s 01 tenured 0 001 & 01527075 a 0000 | appointed for life and not subject to dismissal except for a grave crime; "an irremovable officer"; "a tenured professor" 01527420 00 a 02 metallic 0 metal(a) 0 014 + 14586769 n 0102 + 14625458 n 0102 ! 01529293 a 0101 & 01527930 a 0000 & 01528039 a 0000 & 01528126 a 0000 & 01528239 a 0000 & 01528349 a 0000 & 01528463 a 0000 & 01528644 a 0000 & 01528730 a 0000 & 01528946 a 0000 & 01529053 a 0000 & 01529167 a 0000 | containing or made of or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "a metallic compound"; "metallic luster"; "the strange metallic note of the meadow lark, suggesting the clash of vibrant blades"- Ambrose Bierce 01527930 00 s 01 all-metal 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | consisting completely of metal; "all-metal airplanes" 01528039 00 s 01 aluminiferous 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | containing alum or aluminum 01528126 00 s 01 antimonial 0 002 & 01527420 a 0000 + 14628668 n 0101 | containing antimony; "antimonial lead" 01528239 00 s 01 argentiferous 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | containing or yielding silver; "argentiferous ore" 01528349 00 s 02 auriferous 0 gold-bearing 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | containing gold; "auriferous quartz veins" 01528463 00 s 02 bimetal 0 bimetallic 0 003 & 01527420 a 0000 + 14776237 n 0201 + 14776237 n 0101 | formed of two different metals or alloys; especially in sheets bonded together 01528644 00 s 01 bronze 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | made from or consisting of bronze 01528730 00 s 03 gold 0 golden 0 gilded 0 003 & 01527420 a 0000 + 14638799 n 0101 + 13371760 n 0101 | made from or covered with gold; "gold coins"; "the gold dome of the Capitol"; "the golden calf"; "gilded icons" 01528946 00 s 03 metallike 0 metal-looking 0 metallic-looking 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | resembling metal 01529053 00 s 01 silver 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | made from or largely consisting of silver; "silver bracelets" 01529167 00 s 01 tinny 0 001 & 01527420 a 0000 | thin and metallic in sound; lacking resonance; "an unpleasant tinny voice" 01529293 00 a 02 nonmetallic 0 nonmetal 0 003 + 14627246 n 0201 ! 01527420 a 0101 & 01529479 a 0000 | not containing or resembling or characteristic of a metal; "nonmetallic elements" 01529479 00 s 01 metalloid 0 001 & 01529293 a 0000 | of or being a nonmetallic element that has some of the properties of metal; "arsenic is a metalloid element" 01529643 00 a 01 metamorphic 0 008 + 13514880 n 0101 ! 01531180 a 0101 & 01529897 a 0000 & 01530076 a 0000 & 01530378 a 0000 & 01530622 a 0000 & 01530801 a 0000 & 01531019 a 0000 | characterized by metamorphosis or change in physical form or substance 01529897 00 s 01 epimorphic 0 002 & 01529643 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | characterized by incomplete metamorphosis; having the same number of body segments in successive stages 01530076 00 s 04 hemimetabolous 0 hemimetabolic 0 hemimetamorphous 0 hemimetamorphic 0 005 & 01529643 a 0000 + 13492789 n 0301 + 13492789 n 0202 + 13492789 n 0203 + 13492789 n 0102 | (of an insect with aquatic young) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the young does not resemble the adult 01530378 00 s 02 heterometabolous 0 heterometabolic 0 003 & 01529643 a 0000 + 13493003 n 0202 + 13493003 n 0201 | (of an insect) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the nymph is essentially like the adult and there is no pupal stage 01530622 00 s 02 holometabolic 0 holometabolous 0 004 & 01529643 a 0000 + 13493692 n 0202 + 13493692 n 0201 + 13493692 n 0101 | (of an insect) undergoing complete metamorphosis 01530801 00 s 01 metamorphous 0 003 & 01529643 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 00402128 n 0101 | produced by metamorphosis; "most insects are metamorphic as witness the stages as a butterfly develops from a caterpillar" 01531019 00 s 01 changed 0 002 & 01529643 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 | changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism; "metamorphic rocks" 01531180 00 a 01 nonmetamorphic 0 002 ! 01529643 a 0101 & 01531274 a 0000 | not metamorphic 01531274 00 s 01 ametabolic 0 001 & 01531180 a 0000 | undergoing no (or only slight) metamorphosis 01531375 00 a 01 moderate 0 014 ^ 01508719 a 0000 ^ 02401590 a 0000 = 05117660 n 0000 + 05146904 n 0102 + 05117660 n 0102 ! 01533120 a 0101 & 01531957 a 0000 & 01532149 a 0000 & 01532261 a 0000 & 01532454 a 0000 & 01532586 a 0000 & 01532653 a 0000 & 01532760 a 0000 & 01532912 a 0000 | being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme; "moderate prices"; "a moderate income"; "a moderate fine"; "moderate demands"; "a moderate estimate"; "a moderate eater"; "moderate success"; "a kitchen of moderate size"; "the X-ray showed moderate enlargement of the heart" 01531957 00 s 03 average 0 intermediate 0 medium 0 001 & 01531375 a 0000 | around the middle of a scale of evaluation; "an orange of average size"; "intermediate capacity"; "medium bombers" 01532149 00 s 02 cautious 0 conservative 0 001 & 01531375 a 0000 | avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate" 01532261 00 s 03 fair 0 fairish 0 reasonable 0 004 & 01531375 a 0000 + 05146904 n 0301 + 05118062 n 0301 + 04839154 n 0101 | not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices" 01532454 00 s 01 indifferent 0 001 & 01531375 a 0000 | neither too great nor too little; "a couple of indifferent hills to climb" 01532586 00 s 01 limited 0 001 & 01531375 a 0000 | not excessive 01532653 00 s 01 middle-of-the-road 0 001 & 01531375 a 0000 | not extreme, especially in political views 01532760 00 s 01 minimalist 0 003 & 01531375 a 0000 ;c 01124794 n 0000 ;c 06148148 n 0000 | advocating minimal reforms (as in government or politics) 01532912 00 s 02 modest 0 small 0 003 & 01531375 a 0000 + 05110583 n 0201 + 05146904 n 0103 | not large but sufficient in size or amount; "a modest salary"; "modest inflation"; "helped in my own small way" 01533120 00 a 01 immoderate 0 017 ^ 02402268 a 0000 ^ 01509527 a 0000 ^ 01944660 a 0000 = 05117660 n 0000 + 05118251 n 0102 ! 01531375 a 0101 & 01533535 a 0000 & 01533659 a 0000 & 01533806 a 0000 & 01533974 a 0000 & 01534282 a 0000 & 01534648 a 0000 & 01534858 a 0000 & 01535082 a 0000 & 01535270 a 0000 & 01535481 a 0000 & 01535583 a 0000 | beyond reasonable limits; "immoderate laughter"; "immoderate spending" 01533535 00 s 01 abnormal 0 001 & 01533120 a 0000 | much greater than the normal; "abnormal profits"; "abnormal ambition" 01533659 00 s 01 all-fired 0 002 & 01533120 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | extreme; used as an intensifier; "why is he in such an all-fired hurry?" 01533806 00 s 03 exaggerated 0 overdone 0 overstated 0 001 & 01533120 a 0000 | represented as greater than is true or reasonable; "an exaggerated opinion of oneself" 01533974 00 s 04 excessive 0 inordinate 0 undue 0 unreasonable 0 005 & 01533120 a 0000 + 05118437 n 0203 + 02669081 v 0101 + 01105639 v 0105 + 05118437 n 0102 | beyond normal limits; "excessive charges"; "a book of inordinate length"; "his dress stops just short of undue elegance"; "unreasonable demands" 01534282 00 s 06 exorbitant 0 extortionate 0 outrageous 0 steep 0 unconscionable 0 usurious 0 004 & 01533120 a 0000 + 13320045 n 0601 + 05119096 n 0302 + 05119096 n 0101 | greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; "exorbitant rent"; "extortionate prices"; "spends an outrageous amount on entertainment"; "usurious interest rate"; "unconscionable spending" 01534648 00 s 03 extraordinary 0 over-the-top 0 sinful 0 002 & 01533120 a 0000 + 04796490 n 0101 | far more than usual or expected; "an extraordinary desire for approval"; "it was an over-the-top experience" 01534858 00 s 01 extreme 0 003 & 01533120 a 0000 + 14476521 n 0101 + 13942405 n 0101 | far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree; "an extreme example"; "extreme temperatures"; "extreme danger" 01535082 00 s 01 extreme 1 001 & 01533120 a 0000 | beyond a norm in views or actions; "an extreme conservative"; "an extreme liberal"; "extreme views on integration"; "extreme opinions" 01535270 00 s 03 extremist 0 radical 0 ultra 0 001 & 01533120 a 0000 | (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm; "extremist political views"; "radical opinions on education"; "an ultra conservative" 01535481 00 s 01 far 0 001 & 01533120 a 0000 | beyond a norm in opinion or actions; "the far right" 01535583 00 s 01 stark 0 002 & 01533120 a 0000 + 05124534 n 0101 | complete or extreme; "stark poverty"; "a stark contrast" 01535709 00 a 01 modern 0 011 ^ 00666058 a 0000 ^ 00816481 a 0000 ^ 01640850 a 0000 = 05050668 n 0000 + 05050668 n 0101 ! 01536911 a 0101 & 01536094 a 0000 & 01536276 a 0000 & 01536445 a 0000 & 01536641 a 0000 & 01536745 a 0000 | belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages; "modern art"; "modern furniture"; "modern history"; "totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric" 01536094 00 s 02 contemporary 0 modern-day 0 001 & 01535709 a 0000 | characteristic of the present; "contemporary trends in design"; "the role of computers in modern-day medicine" 01536276 00 s 01 neo 0 002 & 01535709 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (used as a combining form) recent or new; "`neo' is a combining form in words like `neocolonialism'" 01536445 00 s 02 red-brick 0 redbrick 0 003 & 01535709 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;c 04511002 n 0000 | of or relating to British universities founded in the late 19th century or the 20th century 01536641 00 s 01 ultramodern 0 001 & 01535709 a 0000 | extremely modern; "Dadism and ultramodern art" 01536745 00 s 01 moderne 0 002 & 01535709 a 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 | of or relating to a popularization of art deco that used bright colors and rectangular shapes 01536911 00 a 01 nonmodern 0 008 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ^ 01727926 a 0000 ! 01535709 a 0101 & 01537144 a 0000 & 01537269 a 0000 & 01537448 a 0000 & 01537628 a 0000 & 01537759 a 0000 | not modern; of or characteristic of an earlier time 01537144 00 s 01 antebellum 0 001 & 01536911 a 0000 | belonging to a period before a war especially the American Civil War 01537269 00 s 01 horse-and-buggy 0 001 & 01536911 a 0000 | relating to the time before automobiles (and other inventions) changed the way people lived in industrialized nations 01537448 00 s 03 medieval 0 mediaeval 0 gothic 0 001 & 01536911 a 0000 | as if belonging to the Middle Ages; old-fashioned and unenlightened; "a medieval attitude toward dating" 01537628 00 s 01 old-world 0 001 & 01536911 a 0000 | characteristic of former times especially in Europe; "an old-world cottage" 01537759 00 s 01 Victorian 0 001 & 01536911 a 0000 | typical of the moral standards or conduct of the age of Queen Victoria 01537885 00 a 01 modest 1 008 ^ 00682932 a 0000 = 04900947 n 0000 + 04900947 n 0102 ! 01538858 a 0101 & 01538118 a 0000 & 01538311 a 0000 & 01538583 a 0000 & 01538690 a 0000 | not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance 01538118 00 s 03 coy 0 demure 0 overmodest 0 004 & 01537885 a 0000 + 04788159 n 0202 + 04900236 n 0201 + 04788159 n 0101 | affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way 01538311 00 s 01 decent 0 002 & 01537885 a 0000 + 04900739 n 0101 | observing conventional sexual mores in speech or behavior or dress; "a modest neckline in her dress"; "though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards" 01538583 00 s 01 decent 2 002 & 01537885 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | decently clothed; "are you decent?" 01538690 00 s 01 shamefaced 0 002 & 01537885 a 0000 + 07507560 n 0101 | extremely modest or shy; "cheerfully bearing reproaches but shamefaced at praise"- H.O.Taylor 01538858 00 a 01 immodest 1 004 ^ 00683185 a 0000 = 04900947 n 0000 ! 01537885 a 0101 & 01539022 a 0000 | offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance 01539022 00 s 01 indecent 0 003 & 01538858 a 0000 + 04902925 n 0101 + 00737536 n 0101 | offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance; "a bathing suit considered indecent by local standards" 01539225 00 a 01 modest 2 004 ^ 01892953 a 0000 + 04900947 n 0102 ! 01539642 a 0101 & 01539444 a 0000 | marked by simplicity; having a humble opinion of yourself; "a modest apartment"; "too modest to wear his medals" 01539444 00 s 02 retiring 0 unassuming 0 002 & 01539225 a 0000 + 04786595 n 0202 | not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl" 01539642 00 a 01 immodest 2 006 ^ 01994602 a 0000 ^ 00787136 a 0000 ^ 01889256 a 0000 ! 01539225 a 0101 & 01539887 a 0000 & 01540102 a 0000 | having or showing an exaggerated opinion of your importance, ability, etc; "brash immodest boasting" 01539887 00 s 01 important 0 001 & 01539642 a 0000 | having or suggesting a consciousness of high position; "recited the decree with an important air"; "took long important strides in the direction of his office" 01540102 00 s 02 overweening 0 uppity 0 002 & 01539642 a 0000 + 04839009 n 0201 | presumptuously arrogant; "had a witty but overweening manner"; "no idea how overweening he would be"- S.V.Benet; "getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down"- NY Times 01540365 00 a 01 modified 0 005 ^ 01913200 a 0000 ^ 02506555 a 0000 ! 01541013 a 0101 & 01540637 a 0000 & 01540871 a 0000 | changed in form or character; "their modified stand made the issue more acceptable"; "the performance of the modified aircraft was much improved" 01540637 00 s 02 adapted 0 altered 0 001 & 01540365 a 0000 | changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose; "seeds precisely adapted to the area"; "instructions altered to suit the children's different ages" 01540871 00 s 02 restricted 0 qualified 0 002 & 01540365 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | restricted in meaning; (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man') 01541013 00 a 01 unmodified 0 004 ^ 01913715 a 0000 ! 01540365 a 0101 & 01541156 a 0000 & 01541258 a 0000 | not changed in form or character 01541156 00 s 01 unadapted 0 001 & 01541013 a 0000 | not changed in form or character for a purpose 01541258 00 s 01 unrestricted 0 002 & 01541013 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | not restricted or modified in meaning; "unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs" 01541448 00 a 01 modulated 0 002 ! 01541632 a 0101 & 01541567 a 0000 | changed or adjusted in pitch, tone, or volume 01541567 00 s 01 softened 0 001 & 01541448 a 0000 | toned down 01541632 00 a 01 unmodulated 0 002 ! 01541448 a 0101 & 01541828 a 0000 | characterized by lack of variation in pitch, tone, or volume; "he lectured in an unmodulated voice edged with hysteria" 01541828 00 s 04 flat 0 monotone 0 monotonic 0 monotonous 0 005 & 01541632 a 0000 + 07084747 n 0301 + 07084560 n 0301 + 07084560 n 0201 + 07069747 n 0101 | sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; "the owl's faint monotonous hooting" 01542071 00 a 01 molar(a) 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 01542252 a 0101 | pertaining to large units of behavior; "such molar problems of personality as the ego functions"--R.R. Hunt 01542252 00 a 01 molecular(a) 0 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 14585519 n 0102 ! 01542071 a 0101 | relating to simple or elementary organization; "proceed by more and more detailed analysis to the molecular facts of perception"--G.A. Miller 01542489 00 a 01 monoclinous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 01542744 a 0101 & 01542629 a 0000 | having pistils and stamens in the same flower 01542629 00 s 01 hermaphroditic 0 002 & 01542489 a 0000 + 10172080 n 0101 | of or relating to monoclinous plants 01542744 00 a 01 diclinous 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 01542489 a 0101 | having pistils and stamens in separate flowers 01542865 00 a 03 monoecious 0 monecious 0 monoicous 0 005 ! 01543633 a 0101 & 01543088 a 0000 & 01543225 a 0000 & 01543361 a 0000 & 01543502 a 0000 | having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal 01543088 00 s 01 autoicous 0 001 & 01542865 a 0000 | having male and female reproductive organs in separate clusters on the same plant 01543225 00 s 03 heteroicous 0 polyoicous 0 polygamous 0 001 & 01542865 a 0000 | having several forms of gametoecia on the same plant 01543361 00 s 02 synoicous 0 synoecious 0 001 & 01542865 a 0000 | having male and female reproductive organs mixed in the same gametoecium 01543502 00 s 01 paroicous 0 001 & 01542865 a 0000 | having male and female reproductive organs separate in a single gametoecium 01543633 00 a 02 dioecious 0 dioecian 0 001 ! 01542865 a 0101 | having male and female reproductive organs in separate plants or animals 01543772 00 a 01 monophonic 0 005 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07024705 n 0101 ! 01544169 a 0101 & 01543937 a 0000 & 01544059 a 0000 | consisting of a single melodic line 01543937 00 s 01 homophonic 0 002 & 01543772 a 0000 + 07031144 n 0101 | having a single melodic line with accompaniment 01544059 00 s 02 monodic 0 monodical 0 002 & 01543772 a 0000 + 07024705 n 0203 | having a single vocal part 01544169 00 a 02 polyphonic 0 contrapuntal 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01543772 a 0101 | having two or more independent but harmonically related melodic parts sounding together 01544347 00 a 01 monogamous 0 005 + 13966007 n 0101 + 13966007 n 0102 ! 01544856 a 0101 & 01544580 a 0000 & 01544688 a 0000 | (used of relationships and of individuals) having one mate; "monogamous marriage"; "monogamous for life" 01544580 00 s 01 monandrous 0 002 & 01544347 a 0000 + 13965888 n 0101 | having only one husband at a time 01544688 00 s 02 monogynous 0 monogynic 0 003 & 01544347 a 0000 + 13966201 n 0201 + 13966201 n 0101 | having one head or chief wife at a time (along with concubines) 01544856 00 a 01 polygamous 0 005 + 13966925 n 0101 ! 01544347 a 0101 & 01545059 a 0000 & 01545203 a 0000 & 01545317 a 0000 | having more than one mate at a time; used of relationships and individuals 01545059 00 s 01 bigamous 0 002 & 01544856 a 0000 + 00775095 n 0101 | of illegal marriage to a second person while legally married to a first 01545203 00 s 01 polyandrous 0 002 & 01544856 a 0000 + 13966795 n 0101 | having more than one husband at a time 01545317 00 s 01 polygynous 0 002 & 01544856 a 0000 + 13967089 n 0101 | having more than one wife at a time 01545427 00 a 01 monolingual 0 001 ! 01545571 a 0101 | using or knowing only one language; "monolingual speakers"; "a monolingual dictionary" 01545571 00 a 01 multilingual 0 004 ! 01545427 a 0101 & 01545777 a 0000 & 01545904 a 0000 & 01546110 a 0000 | using or knowing more than one language; "a multilingual translator"; "a multilingual nation" 01545777 00 s 01 bilingual 0 002 & 01545571 a 0000 + 09854290 n 0101 | using or knowing two languages; "bilingual education" 01545904 00 s 01 polyglot 0 002 & 01545571 a 0000 + 10264219 n 0102 | having a command of or composed in many languages; "a polyglot traveler"; "a polyglot Bible contains versions in different languages" 01546110 00 s 01 trilingual 0 001 & 01545571 a 0000 | using or knowing three languages; "trilingual speakers" 01546222 00 a 02 monovalent 1 univalent 4 003 = 05034473 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01546349 a 0101 | having a valence of 1 01546349 00 a 02 polyvalent 1 multivalent 4 007 = 05034473 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14570330 n 0204 + 14570330 n 0203 + 14570330 n 0102 + 14570330 n 0101 ! 01546222 a 0101 | having more than one valence, or having a valence of 3 or higher 01546593 00 a 01 univalent 2 004 = 05034989 n 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 ! 01546826 a 0101 ! 01547007 a 0101 | used of a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis; "a univalent chromosome" 01546826 00 a 02 bivalent 2 double 0 004 = 05034989 n 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 ! 01547007 a 0101 ! 01546593 a 0101 | used of homologous chromosomes associated in pairs in synapsis 01547007 00 a 01 multivalent 0 004 = 05034989 n 0000 ;c 06075527 n 0000 ! 01546593 a 0101 ! 01546826 a 0101 | used of the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis 01547220 00 a 02 monotonic 0 monotone 4 004 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 01547721 a 0101 & 01547470 a 0000 & 01547595 a 0000 | of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value 01547470 00 s 01 decreasing_monotonic 0 001 & 01547220 a 0000 | consistently decreasing; "a decreasing monotonic function" 01547595 00 s 01 increasing_monotonic 0 001 & 01547220 a 0000 | consistently increasing; "an increasing monotonic function" 01547721 00 a 01 nonmonotonic 0 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 ! 01547220 a 0101 | not monotonic 01547831 00 a 01 monovalent 2 003 = 05034989 n 0000 ;c 06051542 n 0000 ! 01547961 a 0101 | containing only one kind of antibody 01547961 00 a 01 polyvalent 2 005 = 05034989 n 0000 ;c 06051542 n 0000 + 14570091 n 0102 + 14570091 n 0101 ! 01547831 a 0101 | containing several antibodies each capable of counteracting a specific antigen; "a polyvalent vaccine" 01548193 00 a 01 moral 0 013 ^ 00360650 a 0000 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01226240 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 ^ 02513269 a 0000 = 04846770 n 0000 + 04846770 n 0101 ! 01549291 a 0101 & 01548694 a 0000 & 01548808 a 0000 & 01548925 a 0000 & 01549087 a 0000 & 01549185 a 0000 | concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles; "moral sense"; "a moral scrutiny"; "a moral lesson"; "a moral quandary"; "moral convictions"; "a moral life" 01548694 00 s 01 chaste 0 002 & 01548193 a 0000 + 01069125 n 0101 | abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse 01548808 00 s 02 clean 0 clean-living 0 002 & 01548193 a 0000 + 13990389 n 0101 | morally pure; "led a clean life" 01548925 00 s 01 moralistic 0 005 & 01548193 a 0000 + 09183693 n 0104 + 04846770 n 0101 + 07153641 n 0101 + 00876062 n 0101 | narrowly and conventionally moral 01549087 00 s 01 righteous 0 001 & 01548193 a 0000 | morally justified; "righteous indignation" 01549185 00 s 01 incorrupt 0 002 & 01548193 a 0000 + 04870040 n 0101 | free of corruption or immorality 01549291 00 a 01 immoral 0 010 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 00361509 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 ^ 02513740 a 0000 = 04846770 n 0000 + 04850589 n 0101 ! 01548193 a 0101 & 01549568 a 0000 & 01549964 a 0000 & 01550304 a 0000 | deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong 01549568 00 s 09 debauched 0 degenerate 0 degraded 0 dissipated 0 dissolute 0 libertine 0 profligate 0 riotous 0 fast 0 006 & 01549291 a 0000 + 00511212 n 0805 + 10505942 n 0703 + 10257647 n 0601 + 04884817 n 0501 + 10419047 n 0204 | unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women" 01549964 00 s 04 disgraceful 0 scandalous 0 shameful 0 shocking 0 004 & 01549291 a 0000 + 04808281 n 0301 + 07306252 n 0201 + 04808516 n 0201 | giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation; "scandalous behavior"; "the wicked rascally shameful conduct of the bankrupt"- Thackeray; "the most shocking book of its time" 01550304 00 s 01 scrofulous 0 001 & 01549291 a 0000 | morally contaminated; "denounce the scrofulous wealth of the times"- J.D.Hart 01550438 00 a 01 licit 0 001 ! 01550572 a 0101 | sanctioned by custom or morality especially sexual morality; "a wife's licit love" 01550572 00 a 01 illicit 0 003 ! 01550438 a 0101 & 01550779 a 0000 & 01551026 a 0000 | contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention; "an illicit association with his secretary" 01550779 00 s 03 adulterous 0 extramarital 0 extracurricular 0 002 & 01550572 a 0000 + 00848466 n 0101 | characterized by adultery; "an adulterous relationship"; "extramarital affairs"; "the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband" 01551026 00 s 01 unlawful 0 001 & 01550572 a 0000 | not morally right or permissible; "unlawful love" 01551130 00 a 01 principled 0 003 ^ 02085449 a 0000 ! 01551461 a 0101 & 01551377 a 0000 | based on or manifesting objectively defined standards of rightness or morality; "principled pragmatism and unprincipled expediency"; "a principled person" 01551377 00 s 01 high-principled 0 001 & 01551130 a 0000 | having high principles 01551461 00 a 01 unprincipled 0 002 ^ 02085898 a 0000 ! 01551130 a 0101 | lacking principles or moral scruples; "freedom from coarse unprincipled calumny"- A.E.Stevenson 01551633 00 a 01 many 0 009 ^ 01556355 a 0000 ^ 02267308 a 0000 = 05121908 n 0000 ! 01552885 a 0101 & 01552162 a 0000 & 01552255 a 0000 & 01552419 a 0000 & 01552634 a 0000 & 01552802 a 0000 | a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or `too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number; "many temptations"; "the temptations are many"; "a good many"; "a great many"; "many directions"; "take as many apples as you like"; "too many clouds to see"; "never saw so many people" 01552162 00 s 01 galore(ip) 0 001 & 01551633 a 0000 | in great numbers; "daffodils galore" 01552255 00 s 03 many_a(a) 0 many_an(a) 0 many_another(a) 0 001 & 01551633 a 0000 | each of a large indefinite number; "many a man"; "many another day will come" 01552419 00 s 02 numerous 0 legion(p) 0 003 & 01551633 a 0000 + 05121908 n 0102 + 05121908 n 0101 | amounting to a large indefinite number; "numerous times"; "the family was numerous"; "Palomar's fans are legion" 01552634 00 s 01 some(a) 0 001 & 01551633 a 0000 | relatively many but unspecified in number; "they were here for some weeks"; "we did not meet again for some years" 01552802 00 s 02 umpteen 0 umteen 0 001 & 01551633 a 0000 | innumerable but many 01552885 00 a 01 few 0 008 ^ 01556616 a 0000 ^ 02267308 a 0000 = 05121908 n 0000 + 08388074 n 0101 + 05123098 n 0101 ! 01551633 a 0101 & 01553340 a 0000 & 01553494 a 0000 | a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a'; a small but indefinite number; "a few weeks ago"; "a few more wagons than usual"; "an invalid's pleasures are few and far between"; "few roses were still blooming"; "few women have led troops in battle" 01553340 00 s 02 a_few(a) 0 a_couple_of(a) 0 001 & 01552885 a 0000 | more than one but indefinitely small in number; "a few roses"; "a couple of roses" 01553494 00 s 01 hardly_a(a) 0 001 & 01552885 a 0000 | very few; "hardly a man is now alive who remembers that famous date and year" 01553629 00 a 01 much(a) 0 007 ^ 01555133 a 0000 + 05099662 n 0101 ! 01554510 a 0101 & 01553925 a 0000 & 01554063 a 0000 & 01554230 a 0000 & 01554412 a 0000 | (quantifier used with mass nouns) great in quantity or degree or extent; "not much rain"; "much affection"; "much grain is in storage" 01553925 00 s 01 overmuch 0 002 & 01553629 a 0000 + 05119367 n 0103 | very great in quantity; overabundant; "showed overmuch affection" 01554063 00 s 01 some(a) 0 001 & 01553629 a 0000 | relatively much but unspecified in amount or extent; "we talked for some time"; "he was still some distance away" 01554230 00 s 01 such(a) 0 001 & 01553629 a 0000 | of so extreme a degree or extent; "such weeping"; "so much weeping"; "such a help"; "such grief"; "never dreamed of such beauty" 01554412 00 s 01 untold 0 001 & 01553629 a 0000 | of an incalculable amount; "untold suffering" 01554510 00 a 02 little(a) 3 slight 0 003 ^ 01555416 a 0000 ! 01553629 a 0101 & 01554940 a 0000 | (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a') at least some; "little rain fell in May"; "gave it little thought"; "little time is left"; "we still have little money"; "a little hope remained"; "there's slight chance that it will work"; "there's a slight chance it will work" 01554940 00 s 01 small(a) 0 002 & 01554510 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope; "a series of death struggles with small time in between" 01555133 00 a 02 more(a) 1 more_than 0 003 ^ 01553629 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 01555416 a 0101 | (comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree; "more land"; "more support"; "more rain fell"; "more than a gallon" 01555416 00 a 01 less(a) 0 003 ^ 01554510 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 01555133 a 0101 | (comparative of `little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree; "of less importance"; "less time to spend with the family"; "a shower uses less water"; "less than three years old" 01555732 00 a 01 most(a) 1 002 ;u 06693870 n 0000 ! 01556061 a 0101 | the superlative of `much' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning the greatest in amount or extent or degree; "made the most money he could"; "what attracts the most attention?"; "made the most of a bad deal" 01556061 00 a 01 least(a) 0 002 ;u 06693870 n 0000 ! 01555732 a 0101 | the superlative of `little' that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the'; a quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree; "didn't care the least bit"; "he has the least talent of anyone" 01556355 00 a 01 more(a) 2 004 ^ 01551633 a 0000 ^ 01555133 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 01556616 a 0101 | (comparative of `many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number; "a hall with more seats"; "we have no more bananas"; "more than one" 01556616 00 a 01 fewer 0 005 ^ 01552885 a 0000 ^ 01555416 a 0000 ;u 06322693 n 0000 ! 01556355 a 0101 & 01556913 a 0000 | (comparative of `few' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning a smaller number of; "fewer birds came this year"; "the birds are fewer this year"; "fewer trains were late" 01556913 00 s 01 less 0 001 & 01556616 a 0000 | (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer; "less than three weeks"; "no less than 50 people attended"; "in 25 words or less" 01557120 00 a 01 most(a) 2 002 ;u 06693870 n 0000 ! 01557386 a 0101 | (superlative of `many' used with count nouns and often preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the greatest in number; "who has the most apples?"; "most people like eggs"; "most fishes have fins" 01557386 00 a 01 fewest(a) 0 002 ;u 06693870 n 0000 ! 01557120 a 0101 | (superlative of `few' used with count nouns and usually preceded by `the') quantifier meaning the smallest in number; "the fewest birds in recent memory" 01557614 00 a 01 mortal 0 006 ^ 01180695 a 0000 ^ 01006566 a 0000 + 00007846 n 0105 + 05055974 n 0101 ! 01557903 a 0101 & 01557790 a 0000 | subject to death; "mortal beings" 01557790 00 s 01 earthborn 0 001 & 01557614 a 0000 | of earthly origin (as mortals are); "earthborn existence" 01557903 00 a 01 immortal 0 007 ^ 01178974 a 0000 ^ 01007354 a 0000 + 05056102 n 0101 ! 01557614 a 0101 & 01558086 a 0000 & 01558194 a 0000 & 01558291 a 0000 | not subject to death 01558086 00 s 02 amaranthine 0 unfading 0 001 & 01557903 a 0000 | of an imaginary flower that never fades 01558194 00 s 02 deathless 0 undying 0 001 & 01557903 a 0000 | never dying; "his undying fame" 01558291 00 s 01 deific 0 001 & 01557903 a 0000 | characterized by divine or godlike nature 01558385 00 a 01 motivated 0 004 ^ 01337486 a 0000 ! 01558912 a 0101 & 01558641 a 0000 & 01558749 a 0000 | provided with a motive or given incentive for action; "a highly motivated child can learn almost anything"; "a group of politically motivated men" 01558641 00 s 01 actuated 0 001 & 01558385 a 0000 | moved to action; "a man actuated by unworthy desired" 01558749 00 s 02 driven 0 impelled 0 001 & 01558385 a 0000 | urged or forced to action through moral pressure; "felt impelled to take a stand against the issue" 01558912 00 a 01 unmotivated 0 004 ^ 01338730 a 0000 ! 01558385 a 0101 & 01559042 a 0000 & 01559270 a 0000 | without motivation 01559042 00 s 02 causeless 0 reasonless 0 001 & 01558912 a 0000 | having no justifying cause or reason; "a senseless, causeless murder"; "a causeless war that never had an aim"; "an apparently arbitrary and reasonless change" 01559270 00 s 03 motiveless 0 unprovoked 0 wanton 0 002 & 01558912 a 0000 + 04885398 n 0302 | occurring without motivation or provocation; "motiveless malignity"; "unprovoked and dastardly attack"- F.D.Roosevelt 01559484 00 a 03 motorized 0 motorised 0 motored 0 003 ! 01559804 a 0101 & 01559655 a 0000 & 01559728 a 0000 | equipped with a motor or motors; "a motorized wheelchair" 01559655 00 s 01 bimotored 0 001 & 01559484 a 0000 | having two motors 01559728 00 s 01 trimotored 0 001 & 01559484 a 0000 | having three motors 01559804 00 a 03 unmotorized 0 unmotorised 0 motorless 0 001 ! 01559484 a 0101 | having no motor 01559903 00 a 04 moved(p) 0 affected 2 stirred 0 touched 1 004 ^ 00070939 a 0000 ^ 00853776 a 0000 ! 01560320 a 0101 & 01560165 a 0000 | being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion; "too moved to speak"; "very touched by the stranger's kindness" 01560165 00 s 01 sick 0 001 & 01559903 a 0000 | deeply affected by a strong feeling; "sat completely still, sick with envy"; "she was sick with longing" 01560320 00 a 03 unmoved(p) 0 unaffected 2 untouched 1 003 ^ 00071992 a 0000 ^ 00856860 a 0000 ! 01559903 a 0101 | emotionally unmoved; "always appeared completely unmoved and imperturbable" 01560513 00 a 01 moving 1 008 ^ 00853776 a 0000 ^ 01282014 a 0000 ^ 02306288 a 0000 ! 01561564 a 0101 & 01560821 a 0000 & 01561079 a 0000 & 01561280 a 0000 & 01561429 a 0000 | arousing or capable of arousing deep emotion; "she laid her case of destitution before him in a very moving letter"- N. Hawthorne 01560821 00 s 03 affecting 0 poignant 0 touching 0 002 & 01560513 a 0000 + 05211254 n 0202 | arousing affect; "the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene"; "poignant grief cannot endure forever"; "his gratitude was simple and touching" 01561079 00 s 01 haunting 0 001 & 01560513 a 0000 | having a deeply disquieting or disturbing effect; "from two handsome and talented young men to two haunting horrors of disintegration"-Charles Lee 01561280 00 s 01 heartwarming 0 001 & 01560513 a 0000 | causing gladness and pleasure; "Is there a sight more heartwarming than a family reunion?" 01561429 00 s 02 stirring 0 soul-stirring 0 001 & 01560513 a 0000 | exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions; "a stirring speech" 01561564 00 a 01 unmoving 0 004 ^ 00856860 a 0000 ^ 02307367 a 0000 ! 01560513 a 0101 & 01561694 a 0000 | not arousing emotions 01561694 00 s 01 unaffecting 0 001 & 01561564 a 0000 | not arousing affect 01561771 00 a 01 moving 2 016 ^ 01522376 a 0000 = 14004317 n 0000 ! 01564073 a 0101 & 01562167 a 0000 & 01562284 a 0000 & 01562416 a 0000 & 01562488 a 0000 & 01562668 a 0000 & 01562809 a 0000 & 01562992 a 0000 & 01563147 a 0000 & 01563349 a 0000 & 01563494 a 0000 & 01563578 a 0000 & 01563713 a 0000 & 01563923 a 0000 | in motion; "a constantly moving crowd"; "the moving parts of the machine" 01562167 00 s 01 afoot(p) 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | traveling by foot; "she was afoot when I saw her this morning" 01562284 00 s 02 ahorse(p) 0 ahorseback(p) 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | traveling on horseback; "a file of men ahorseback passed by" 01562416 00 s 01 oncoming 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | moving toward one 01562488 00 s 03 automotive 0 self-propelled 0 self-propelling 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | containing within itself the means of propulsion or movement; "a self-propelled vehicle" 01562668 00 s 01 awheel 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | traveling by wheeled vehicle such as bicycle or automobile e.g.; "the public was awheel" 01562809 00 s 01 blown 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | being moved or acted upon by moving air or vapor; "blown clouds of dust choked the riders"; "blown soil mounded on the window sill" 01562992 00 s 02 fast-flying 0 flying 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | moving swiftly; "fast-flying planes"; "played the difficult passage with flying fingers" 01563147 00 s 02 aflare 0 flaring 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air; "ran quickly, her flaring coat behind her"; "flags aflare in the breeze" 01563349 00 s 01 kinetic 0 002 & 01561771 a 0000 + 00863222 n 0101 | characterized by motion; "modern dance has been called kinetic pantomime" 01563494 00 s 01 mobile 0 001 & 01561771 a 0000 | having transportation available 01563578 00 s 01 restless 0 002 & 01561771 a 0000 + 04774743 n 0101 | ceaselessly in motion; "the restless sea"; "the restless wind" 01563713 00 s 04 wiggly 0 wriggling 0 wriggly 0 writhing 0 004 & 01561771 a 0000 + 00349705 n 0302 + 00349705 n 0101 + 04775185 n 0101 | moving in a twisting or snake-like or wormlike fashion; "wiggly worms" 01563923 00 s 01 vibratory 0 002 & 01561771 a 0000 + 02175958 v 0102 | moving very rapidly to and fro or up and down; "the vibrating piano strings" 01564073 00 a 02 nonmoving 0 unmoving 2 010 ^ 01525116 a 0000 = 14004317 n 0000 ! 01561771 a 0101 & 01564315 a 0000 & 01564512 a 0000 & 01564603 a 0000 & 01564881 a 0000 & 01565038 a 0000 & 01565139 a 0000 & 01565252 a 0000 | not in motion 01564315 00 s 04 inactive 0 motionless 0 static 0 still 1 004 & 01564073 a 0000 + 14006179 n 0402 + 14006179 n 0201 + 14010148 n 0102 | not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest" 01564512 00 s 01 becalmed 0 001 & 01564073 a 0000 | rendered motionless for lack of wind 01564603 00 s 03 fixed 0 set 0 rigid 0 004 & 01564073 a 0000 + 05023741 n 0302 + 14006490 n 0103 + 04777098 n 0103 | fixed and unmoving; "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"; "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise O'Brien; "a face rigid with pain" 01564881 00 s 03 frozen(p) 0 rooted(p) 0 stock-still 0 001 & 01564073 a 0000 | absolutely still; "frozen with horror"; "they stood rooted in astonishment" 01565038 00 s 01 inert 0 002 & 01564073 a 0000 + 04776572 n 0101 | unable to move or resist motion 01565139 00 s 01 sitting 0 001 & 01564073 a 0000 | not moving and therefore easy to attack; "a sitting target" 01565252 00 s 01 stationary 0 002 & 01564073 a 0000 + 14006490 n 0101 | standing still; "the car remained stationary with the engine running" 01565396 00 a 01 moving 3 002 ! 01565751 a 0101 & 01565608 a 0000 | used of a series of photographs presented so as to create the illusion of motion; "Her ambition was to be in moving pictures or `the movies'" 01565608 00 s 01 animated 0 001 & 01565396 a 0000 | made to appear to move as living creatures do; "an animated cartoon"; "animated puppets" 01565751 00 a 01 still 3 002 + 14006179 n 0102 ! 01565396 a 0101 | used of pictures; of a single or static photograph not presented so as to create the illusion of motion; or representing objects not capable of motion; "a still photograph"; "Cezanne's still life of apples" 01566027 00 a 02 mown 0 cut 4 003 ;c 08436759 n 0000 ! 01566288 a 0101 & 01566223 a 0000 | (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine; "the smell of newly mown hay" 01566223 00 s 01 new-mown 0 001 & 01566027 a 0000 | newly mown 01566288 00 a 02 unmown 0 uncut 4 002 ;c 08436759 n 0000 ! 01566027 a 0101 | (used of grass or vegetation) not cut down with a hand implement or machine; "uncut grass"; "an unmown lawn" 01566476 00 a 02 seamanlike 0 seamanly 0 002 + 10294602 n 0202 ! 01566634 a 0101 | characteristic of or befitting a seaman; indicating competent seamanship 01566634 00 a 01 unseamanlike 0 002 ! 01566476 a 0101 & 01566725 a 0000 | not seamanlike 01566725 00 s 02 lubberly 0 landlubberly 0 004 & 01566634 a 0000 + 10245507 n 0201 + 10245341 n 0201 + 10245341 n 0102 | inexperienced in seamanship; "of all landlubbers the most lubberly" 01566916 00 a 01 continental 0 004 + 09254614 n 0101 ! 01567500 a 0101 & 01567203 a 0000 & 01567294 a 0000 | being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe; "the continental United States"; "continental Europe"; "continental waters" 01567203 00 s 01 continent-wide 0 001 & 01566916 a 0000 | involving the entire continent 01567294 00 s 01 transcontinental 0 001 & 01566916 a 0000 | spanning or crossing or on the farther side of a continent; "transcontinental railway"; "transcontinental travelers"; "a transcontinental city" 01567500 00 a 01 intercontinental 0 002 ! 01566916 a 0101 & 01567694 a 0000 | extending or taking place between or among continents; "intercontinental exploration"; "intercontinental flights" 01567694 00 s 02 worldwide 0 world-wide 0 001 & 01567500 a 0000 | spanning or extending throughout the entire world; "worldwide distribution"; "a worldwide epidemic" 01567862 00 a 01 national 0 004 ^ 01038102 a 0000 + 07949463 n 0101 ! 01568375 a 0101 & 01568092 a 0000 | limited to or in the interests of a particular nation; "national interests"; "isolationism is a strictly national policy" 01568092 00 s 02 nationalist 0 nationalistic 0 002 & 01567862 a 0000 + 10407310 n 0102 | devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation including promoting the interests of one country over those of others; "nationalist aspirations"; "minor nationalistic differences" 01568375 00 a 01 international 0 007 ^ 01037540 a 0000 + 05126611 n 0101 ! 01567862 a 0101 & 01568684 a 0000 & 01569002 a 0000 & 01569166 a 0000 & 01569366 a 0000 | concerning or belonging to all or at least two or more nations; "international affairs"; "an international agreement"; "international waters" 01568684 00 s 05 global 0 planetary 0 world(a) 0 worldwide 0 world-wide 0 002 & 01568375 a 0000 + 09270894 n 0104 | involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance" 01569002 00 s 02 internationalist 0 internationalistic 0 003 & 01568375 a 0000 + 05963494 n 0201 + 05126611 n 0202 | influenced by or advocating internationalism 01569166 00 s 02 multinational 0 transnational 0 001 & 01568375 a 0000 | involving or operating in several nations or nationalities; "multinational corporations"; "transnational terrorist networks" 01569366 00 s 01 supranational 0 001 & 01568375 a 0000 | transcending established national boundaries or spheres of interest; "a supranational economy"; "supranational federations" 01569549 00 a 01 interstate 0 001 ! 01569807 a 0101 | involving and relating to the mutual relations of states especially of the United States; "Interstate Highway Commission"; "interstate highways"; "Interstate Commerce Commission"; "interstate commerce" 01569807 00 a 01 intrastate 0 001 ! 01569549 a 0101 | relating to or existing within the boundaries of a state; "intrastate as well as interstate commerce" 01569965 00 a 01 natural 1 005 ^ 01570892 a 0000 ^ 01574036 a 0000 = 04785908 n 0000 ! 01570470 a 0101 & 01570286 a 0000 | in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature; "a very natural development"; "our natural environment"; "natural science"; "natural resources"; "natural cliffs"; "natural phenomena" 01570286 00 s 01 earthy 0 001 & 01569965 a 0000 | not far removed from or suggestive of nature; "the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow"; "earthy smells of new-mown grass" 01570470 00 a 01 unnatural 0 006 ^ 00070939 a 0000 ^ 01599532 a 0000 ^ 01574446 a 0000 = 04785908 n 0000 ! 01569965 a 0101 & 01570747 a 0000 | not in accordance with or determined by nature; contrary to nature; "an unnatural death"; "the child's unnatural interest in death" 01570747 00 s 01 violent 0 002 & 01570470 a 0000 + 00965404 n 0101 | effected by force or injury rather than natural causes; "a violent death" 01570892 00 a 01 natural 2 004 ^ 01569965 a 0000 + 04747246 n 0101 ! 01571363 a 0101 & 01571181 a 0000 | existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation; "a natural pearl"; "natural gas"; "natural silk"; "natural blonde hair"; "a natural sweetener"; "natural fertilizers" 01571181 00 s 03 unbleached 0 uncolored 0 undyed 0 001 & 01570892 a 0000 | not artificially colored or bleached; "unbleached blonde hair"; "her hair is uncolored"; "undyed cotton" 01571363 00 a 02 artificial 0 unreal 4 017 ^ 01116380 a 0000 ^ 01934554 a 0000 + 04788494 n 0101 ! 01570892 a 0101 & 01571869 a 0000 & 01572009 a 0000 & 01572171 a 0000 & 01572325 a 0000 & 01572458 a 0000 & 01572604 a 0000 & 01572831 a 0000 & 01572974 a 0000 & 01573101 a 0000 & 01573238 a 0000 & 01573568 a 0000 & 01573762 a 0000 & 01573889 a 0000 | contrived by art rather than nature; "artificial flowers"; "artificial flavoring"; "an artificial diamond"; "artificial fibers"; "artificial sweeteners" 01571869 00 s 02 arranged 0 staged 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | deliberately arranged for effect; "one of those artfully staged photographs" 01572009 00 s 01 bionic 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | having particular physiological functions augmented or replaced by electronic or electromechanical components 01572171 00 s 04 bleached 0 colored 0 coloured 0 dyed 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | (used of color) artificially produced; not natural; "a bleached blonde" 01572325 00 s 02 cardboard 0 unlifelike 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | without substance; "cardboard caricatures of historical figures" 01572458 00 s 02 celluloid 0 synthetic 1 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | artificial as if portrayed in a film; "a novel with flat celluloid characters" 01572604 00 s 04 conventionalized 0 conventionalised 0 stylized 0 stylised 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | using artistic forms and conventions to create effects; not natural or spontaneous; "a stylized mode of theater production" 01572831 00 s 01 dummy 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to function; "a dummy corporation" 01572974 00 s 02 ersatz 0 substitute 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | artificial and inferior; "ersatz coffee"; "substitute coffee" 01573101 00 s 01 factitious 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | not produced by natural forces; "brokers created a factitious demand for stocks" 01573238 00 s 05 fake 0 false 0 faux 0 imitation 2 simulated 0 002 & 01571363 a 0000 + 03318438 n 0101 | not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article; "it isn't fake anything; it's real synthetic fur"; "faux pearls"; "false teeth"; "decorated with imitation palm leaves"; "a purse of simulated alligator hide" 01573568 00 s 03 man-made 0 semisynthetic 0 synthetic 0 002 & 01571363 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially; "man-made fibers"; "synthetic leather" 01573762 00 s 01 near 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | closely resembling the genuine article; "near beer"; "a dress of near satin" 01573889 00 s 01 painted 0 001 & 01571363 a 0000 | lacking substance or vitality as if produced by painting; "in public he wore a painted smile" 01574036 00 a 01 natural 3 003 + 04785908 n 0101 ! 01574446 a 0101 & 01574259 a 0000 | existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical; "a perfectly natural explanation" 01574259 00 s 01 physical 0 001 & 01574036 a 0000 | according with material things or natural laws (other than those peculiar to living matter); "a reflex response to physical stimuli" 01574446 00 a 01 supernatural 0 016 ^ 01934554 a 0000 + 09503877 n 0101 + 04789406 n 0102 ! 01574036 a 0101 & 01574925 a 0000 & 01575299 a 0000 & 01575424 a 0000 & 01575810 a 0000 & 01576071 a 0000 & 01576551 a 0000 & 01576729 a 0000 & 01576845 a 0000 & 01577086 a 0000 & 01577327 a 0000 & 01577498 a 0000 & 01577672 a 0000 | not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material; "supernatural forces and occurrences and beings" 01574925 00 s 06 apparitional 0 ghostlike 0 ghostly 0 phantasmal 0 spectral 0 spiritual 0 006 & 01574446 a 0000 + 09545324 n 0601 + 09547111 n 0404 + 05897553 n 0404 + 09545976 n 0301 + 04798020 n 0302 | resembling or characteristic of a phantom; "a ghostly face at the window"; "a phantasmal presence in the room"; "spectral emanations"; "spiritual tappings at a seance" 01575299 00 s 01 eerie 0 001 & 01574446 a 0000 | suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious; "an eerie feeling of deja vu" 01575424 00 s 04 eldritch 0 weird 0 uncanny 0 unearthly 0 002 & 01574446 a 0000 + 04798511 n 0203 | suggesting the operation of supernatural influences; "an eldritch screech"; "the three weird sisters"; "stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures"- John Galsworthy; "an unearthly light"; "he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"- Henry Kingsley 01575810 00 s 02 elfin 0 fey 0 001 & 01574446 a 0000 | suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness; "thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning"; "the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday"- John Mason Brown 01576071 00 s 07 charming 0 magic 0 magical 0 sorcerous 0 witching(a) 0 wizard(a) 0 wizardly 0 006 & 01574446 a 0000 + 10625860 n 0703 + 10625860 n 0603 + 05978812 n 0401 + 05967977 n 0301 + 00099951 n 0304 | possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers; "charming incantations"; "magic signs that protect against adverse influence"; "a magical spell"; "'tis now the very witching time of night"- Shakespeare; "wizard wands"; "wizardly powers" 01576551 00 s 03 marvelous 0 marvellous 0 miraculous 0 004 & 01574446 a 0000 + 07289481 n 0301 + 07289588 n 0202 + 07289588 n 0102 | being or having the character of a miracle 01576729 00 s 01 metaphysical 0 001 & 01574446 a 0000 | without material form or substance; "metaphysical forces" 01576845 00 s 01 necromantic 0 002 & 01574446 a 0000 + 05777439 n 0101 | given to or produced by or used in the art of conjuring up the dead; "a necromantic sorcerer"; "necromantic delusions"; "necromantic powders and other weird objects" 01577086 00 s 04 nonnatural 0 otherworldly 0 preternatural 0 transcendental 0 002 & 01574446 a 0000 + 04621314 n 0204 | existing outside of or not in accordance with nature; "find transcendental motives for sublunary action"-Aldous Huxley 01577327 00 s 01 talismanic 0 002 & 01574446 a 0000 + 02706586 n 0102 | possessing or believed to possess magic power especially protective power; "a talismanic amulet" 01577498 00 s 01 transmundane 0 001 & 01574446 a 0000 | existing or extending beyond the physical world; "whatever of transmundane...insight...we may carry"- William James 01577672 00 s 01 witchlike 0 001 & 01574446 a 0000 | being or having the character of witchcraft 01577771 00 a 01 natural 4 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01577973 a 0101 ! 01578152 a 0101 | (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone; "a natural scale"; "B natural" 01577973 00 a 01 sharp 3 004 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06866599 n 0101 ! 01578152 a 0101 ! 01577771 a 0101 | (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "C sharp" 01578152 00 a 01 flat 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 01577771 a 0101 ! 01577973 a 0101 | (of a musical note) lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone; "B flat" 01578312 00 a 01 ultimate 0 008 = 13942104 n 0000 + 13942104 n 0102 ! 01579608 a 0101 & 01578683 a 0000 & 01578856 a 0000 & 01579128 a 0000 & 01579304 a 0000 & 01579467 a 0000 | furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme; "the ultimate achievement"; "the ultimate question"; "man's ultimate destiny"; "the ultimate insult"; "one's ultimate goal in life" 01578683 00 s 01 crowning(a) 0 001 & 01578312 a 0000 | representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment; "the crowning accomplishment of his career" 01578856 00 s 01 eventual(a) 0 001 & 01578312 a 0000 | expected to follow in the indefinite future from causes already operating; "hope of eventual (or ultimate) rescue"; "if this trend continues it is not reasonable to expect the eventual collapse of the stock market" 01579128 00 s 03 final 0 last 0 net 0 002 & 01578312 a 0000 + 04754440 n 0101 | conclusive in a process or progression; "the final answer"; "a last resort"; "the net result" 01579304 00 s 01 last-ditch 0 001 & 01578312 a 0000 | of something done as a final recourse (especially to prevent a crisis or disaster); "a last-ditch attempt" 01579467 00 s 01 supreme 0 001 & 01578312 a 0000 | final or last in your life or progress; "the supreme sacrifice"; "the supreme judgment" 01579608 00 a 01 proximate 0 002 ! 01578312 a 0101 & 01579853 a 0000 | closest in degree or order (space or time) especially in a chain of causes and effects; "news of his proximate arrival"; "interest in proximate rather than ultimate goals" 01579853 00 s 01 immediate 0 002 & 01579608 a 0000 + 05059525 n 0102 | immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect; "the immediate result"; "the immediate cause of the trouble" 01580050 00 a 01 necessary 0 011 ^ 00900616 a 0000 ^ 00903668 a 0000 ^ 00848074 a 0000 = 14450691 n 0000 + 14450691 n 0101 + 09367203 n 0101 ! 01581115 a 0101 & 01580306 a 0000 & 01580601 a 0000 & 01580775 a 0000 & 01580968 a 0000 | absolutely essential 01580306 00 s 02 essential 0 indispensable 0 005 & 01580050 a 0000 + 05171491 n 0202 + 05171491 n 0201 + 09367203 n 0102 + 05171045 n 0102 | absolutely necessary; vitally necessary; "essential tools and materials"; "funds essential to the completion of the project"; "an indispensable worker" 01580601 00 s 01 incumbent 0 001 & 01580050 a 0000 | necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility; morally binding; "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts" 01580775 00 s 04 needed 0 needful 0 required 0 requisite 0 003 & 01580050 a 0000 + 09367203 n 0404 + 14450904 n 0401 | necessary for relief or supply; "provided them with all things needful" 01580968 00 s 01 obligatory 0 001 & 01580050 a 0000 | required by obligation or compulsion or convention; "he made all the obligatory apologies" 01581115 00 a 02 unnecessary 0 unneeded 0 007 ^ 00902652 a 0000 = 14450691 n 0000 ! 01580050 a 0101 & 01581305 a 0000 & 01582049 a 0000 & 01582224 a 0000 & 01582306 a 0000 | not necessary 01581305 00 s 08 excess 0 extra 0 redundant 0 spare 1 supererogatory 0 superfluous 0 supernumerary 0 surplus 0 008 & 01581115 a 0000 + 10676682 n 0701 + 05120116 n 0603 + 05120310 n 0302 + 07090938 n 0301 + 05730163 n 0301 + 05120310 n 0301 + 01019248 n 0301 | more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy" 01582049 00 s 03 gratuitous 0 needless 0 uncalled-for 0 001 & 01581115 a 0000 | unnecessary and unwarranted; "a strikers' tent camp...was burned with needless loss of life" 01582224 00 s 01 inessential 0 001 & 01581115 a 0000 | not absolutely necessary 01582306 00 s 01 spare 2 001 & 01581115 a 0000 | kept in reserve especially for emergency use; "a reserve supply of food"; "a spare tire"; "spare parts" 01582461 00 a 02 net 0 nett 0 003 ! 01582821 a 0101 & 01582598 a 0000 & 01582698 a 0000 | remaining after all deductions; "net profit" 01582598 00 s 01 clear 0 001 & 01582461 a 0000 | clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit" 01582698 00 s 01 take-home 0 001 & 01582461 a 0000 | (of salary or wages) remaining after all deductions including taxes 01582821 00 a 01 gross 0 003 + 13256691 n 0101 ! 01582461 a 0101 & 01582946 a 0000 | before any deductions; "gross income" 01582946 00 s 01 overall 0 001 & 01582821 a 0000 | including everything; "the overall cost" 01583040 00 a 02 neurotic 0 psychoneurotic 0 020 + 10354898 n 0202 + 14393161 n 0203 + 10354898 n 0101 + 14393161 n 0101 ! 01586009 a 0101 & 01583486 a 0000 & 01583659 a 0000 & 01583880 a 0000 & 01584017 a 0000 & 01584164 a 0000 & 01584287 a 0000 & 01584569 a 0000 & 01584724 a 0000 & 01584857 a 0000 & 01585022 a 0000 & 01585312 a 0000 & 01585491 a 0000 & 01585679 a 0000 & 01585781 a 0000 & 01585892 a 0000 | affected with emotional disorder 01583486 00 s 02 abulic 0 aboulic 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14026166 n 0202 + 14026166 n 0101 | suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions 01583659 00 s 01 compulsive 0 006 & 01583040 a 0000 + 09950457 n 0101 + 09181330 n 0101 + 09183255 n 0101 + 04625882 n 0101 + 04625882 n 0102 | caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion; "compulsive drinking" 01583880 00 s 01 delusional 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14376855 n 0101 + 05896733 n 0101 | suffering from or characterized by delusions 01584017 00 s 02 disturbed 0 maladjusted 0 001 & 01583040 a 0000 | emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships 01584164 00 s 02 hypochondriac 0 hypochondriacal 0 002 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14375005 n 0201 | suffering from hypochondria 01584287 00 s 02 hysteric 0 hysterical 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14393438 n 0201 + 14393438 n 0101 | characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria; "during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered"- Morris Fishbein; "hysterical amnesia" 01584569 00 s 02 megalomaniacal 0 megalomanic 0 004 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14392318 n 0201 + 10306496 n 0101 + 14392318 n 0101 | suffering from megalomania 01584724 00 s 01 monomaniacal 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 10329143 n 0101 + 09182524 n 0101 | obsessed with a single subject or idea 01584857 00 s 02 nymphomaniacal 0 nymphomaniac 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 10368798 n 0201 + 07489925 n 0101 | (used of women) affected with excessive sexual desire 01585022 00 s 02 obsessional 0 obsessive 0 007 & 01583040 a 0000 + 04626062 n 0202 + 04626062 n 0201 + 10348989 n 0201 + 01831143 v 0201 + 09183255 n 0102 + 05700401 n 0101 | characterized by or constituting an obsession; "the obsessional character of his response"; "obsessive gambling" 01585312 00 s 01 obsessive-compulsive 0 003 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14381017 n 0101 + 10349090 n 0101 | characterized by obsessions and compulsions; "obsessive-compulsive neurosis" 01585491 00 s 01 pathological 0 002 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14204950 n 0101 | caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition; "a pathological liar"; "a pathological urge to succeed" 01585679 00 s 01 phobic 0 002 & 01583040 a 0000 + 14381416 n 0101 | suffering from irrational fears 01585781 00 s 01 psychosomatic 0 001 & 01583040 a 0000 | used of illness or symptoms resulting from neurosis 01585892 00 s 01 schizoid 0 001 & 01583040 a 0000 | marked by withdrawal and inability to form close relationships 01586009 00 a 01 unneurotic 0 002 ! 01583040 a 0101 & 01586194 a 0000 | not neurotic; "successful mothers--mothers with unneurotic children"; "he's the most unneurotic person I know" 01586194 00 s 01 together 0 003 & 01586009 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 07530322 n 0101 | mentally and emotionally stable; "she's really together" 01586342 00 a 01 nice 0 006 ^ 01800349 a 0000 = 04779521 n 0000 + 04779521 n 0101 ! 01587077 a 0101 & 01586752 a 0000 & 01586866 a 0000 | pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; "what a nice fellow you are and we all thought you so nasty"- George Meredith; "nice manners"; "a nice dress"; "a nice face"; "a nice day"; "had a nice time at the party"; "the corn and tomatoes are nice today" 01586752 00 s 01 good 0 001 & 01586342 a 0000 | agreeable or pleasing; "we all had a good time"; "good manners" 01586866 00 s 01 pleasant 0 003 & 01586342 a 0000 + 07492170 n 0101 + 01816054 v 0101 | (of persons) having pleasing manners or behavior; "I didn't enjoy it and probably wasn't a pleasant person to be around" 01587077 00 a 02 nasty 0 awful 2 009 ^ 01801600 a 0000 = 04780755 n 0000 + 04782116 n 0201 + 04842515 n 0105 + 04780755 n 0101 ! 01586342 a 0101 & 01587474 a 0000 & 01587643 a 0000 & 01587787 a 0000 | offensive or even (of persons) malicious; "in a nasty mood"; "a nasty accident"; "a nasty shock"; "a nasty smell"; "a nasty trick to pull"; "Will he say nasty things at my funeral?"- Ezra Pound 01587474 00 s 03 dirty 0 filthy 0 lousy 0 003 & 01587077 a 0000 + 04781349 n 0305 + 04852962 n 0201 | vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor" 01587643 00 s 01 grotty 0 003 & 01587077 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | very unpleasant or offensive ; "a grotty little play" 01587787 00 s 02 hateful 0 mean 0 003 & 01587077 a 0000 + 04845684 n 0202 + 04781755 n 0101 | characterized by malice; "a hateful thing to do"; "in a mean mood" 01587950 00 a 01 nidicolous 0 001 ! 01588065 a 0101 | (of birds) remaining in the nest for a time after hatching 01588065 00 a 01 nidifugous 0 001 ! 01587950 a 0101 | (of birds) leaving the nest shortly after hatching 01588172 00 a 01 noble 1 007 ^ 01226240 a 0000 = 04870340 n 0000 + 04870340 n 0101 ! 01589217 a 0101 & 01588426 a 0000 & 01588619 a 0000 & 01589045 a 0000 | having or showing or indicative of high or elevated character; "a noble spirit"; "noble deeds" 01588426 00 s 02 dignifying 0 ennobling 0 001 & 01588172 a 0000 | investing with dignity or honor; "the dignifying effect of his presence"; "the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings" 01588619 00 s 0b exalted 0 elevated 0 sublime 0 grand 0 high-flown 0 high-minded 0 lofty 0 rarefied 0 rarified 0 idealistic 0 noble-minded 0 005 & 01588172 a 0000 + 04870643 n 0b03 + 04870643 n 0a02 + 04870643 n 0601 + 04814238 n 0406 | of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style; "an exalted ideal"; "argue in terms of high-flown ideals"- Oliver Franks; "a noble and lofty concept"; "a grand purpose" 01589045 00 s 02 greathearted 0 magnanimous 0 002 & 01588172 a 0000 + 04870340 n 0203 | noble and generous in spirit; "a greathearted general"; "a magnanimous conqueror" 01589217 00 a 01 ignoble 1 008 ^ 00904548 a 0000 ^ 00264776 a 0000 ^ 01227137 a 0000 = 04870340 n 0000 + 04873804 n 0101 ! 01588172 a 0101 & 01589650 a 0000 & 01590044 a 0000 | completely lacking nobility in character or quality or purpose; "something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude"; "I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part"- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. 01589650 00 s 03 base 0 mean 0 meanspirited 0 003 & 01589217 a 0000 + 04845684 n 0202 + 04807971 n 0101 | having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics" 01590044 00 s 01 currish 0 001 & 01589217 a 0000 | base and cowardly 01590115 00 a 01 noble 2 012 + 14432032 n 0101 + 08388207 n 0101 ! 01592642 a 0101 & 01590484 a 0000 & 01591050 a 0000 & 01591227 a 0000 & 01591394 a 0000 & 01591699 a 0000 & 01591895 a 0000 & 01592108 a 0000 & 01592262 a 0000 & 01592509 a 0000 | of or belonging to or constituting the hereditary aristocracy especially as derived from feudal times; "of noble birth" 01590484 00 s 06 aristocratic 1 aristocratical 0 blue 0 blue-blooded 0 gentle 0 patrician 0 007 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10407105 n 0601 + 09807754 n 0603 + 04813540 n 0503 + 09807754 n 0201 + 08387213 n 0102 + 08388207 n 0102 | belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy; "an aristocratic family"; "aristocratic Bostonians"; "aristocratic government"; "a blue family"; "blue blood"; "the blue-blooded aristocracy"; "of gentle blood"; "patrician landholders of the American South"; "aristocratic bearing"; "aristocratic features"; "patrician tastes" 01591050 00 s 03 august 0 grand 0 lordly 0 003 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10271677 n 0301 + 04910684 n 0302 | of or befitting a lord; "heir to a lordly fortune"; "of august lineage" 01591227 00 s 03 coroneted 0 highborn 0 titled 0 001 & 01590115 a 0000 | belonging to the peerage; "the princess and her coroneted companions"; "the titled classes" 01591394 00 s 05 imperial 0 majestic 0 purple 0 regal 0 royal 2 003 & 01590115 a 0000 + 14432271 n 0301 + 10053004 n 0101 | belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler; "golden age of imperial splendor"; "purple tyrant"; "regal attire"; "treated with royal acclaim"; "the royal carriage of a stag's head" 01591699 00 s 02 kingly 0 kinglike 1 002 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10231515 n 0101 | having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king; "symbolizing kingly power"; "the murder of his kingly guest" 01591895 00 s 02 monarchal 0 monarchical 0 003 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10628644 n 0203 + 10628644 n 0103 | having the characteristics of or befitting or worthy of a monarch; "monarchical gestures"; "monarchal pomp" 01592108 00 s 01 princely 0 002 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10472799 n 0101 | having the rank of or befitting a prince; "a princely bearing"; "princely manner" 01592262 00 s 02 queenly 0 queenlike 0 003 & 01590115 a 0000 + 10499857 n 0101 + 10499355 n 0101 | having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen; "queenly propriety"; "clad in her queenly raiment"; "Rosetti's queenly portraits of women" 01592509 00 s 01 royal 0 001 & 01590115 a 0000 | being of the rank of a monarch; "of royal ancestry"; "princes of the blood royal" 01592642 00 a 01 lowborn 0 005 ^ 00259568 a 0000 ! 01590115 a 0101 & 01592857 a 0000 & 01593079 a 0000 & 01593480 a 0000 | of humble birth or origins; "a topsy-turvy society of lowborn rich and blue-blooded poor" 01592857 00 s 04 base 0 baseborn 0 humble 0 lowly 0 002 & 01592642 a 0000 + 14436438 n 0301 | of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense); "baseborn wretches with dirty faces"; "of humble (or lowly) birth" 01593079 00 s 04 common 0 plebeian 0 vulgar 0 unwashed 0 006 & 01592642 a 0000 + 00970215 v 0303 + 10441251 n 0201 + 10441251 n 0202 + 04764741 n 0102 + 08181930 n 0102 | of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses" 01593480 00 s 03 ignoble 0 ungentle 0 untitled 0 002 & 01592642 a 0000 + 04873804 n 0101 | not of the nobility; "of ignoble (or ungentle) birth"; "untitled civilians" 01593649 00 a 01 normal 1 011 ^ 02073443 a 0000 ^ 02295998 a 0000 = 14500908 n 0000 + 04714058 n 0101 ! 01595596 a 0101 & 01594146 a 0000 & 01594472 a 0000 & 01594811 a 0000 & 01595050 a 0000 & 01595312 a 0000 & 01595440 a 0000 | conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events" 01594146 00 s 02 average 2 mean(a) 0 005 & 01593649 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 + 06023969 n 0201 + 06021761 n 0101 + 14501172 n 0101 | approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value; "the average income in New England is below that of the nation"; "of average height for his age"; "the mean annual rainfall" 01594472 00 s 02 median(a) 0 average 1 003 & 01593649 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 + 06023821 n 0101 | relating to or constituting the middle value of an ordered set of values (or the average of the middle two in a set with an even number of values); "the median value of 17, 20, and 36 is 20"; "the median income for the year was $15,000" 01594811 00 s 02 modal(a) 0 average 3 003 & 01593649 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 + 06023675 n 0101 | relating to or constituting the most frequent value in a distribution; "the modal age at which American novelists reach their peak is 30" 01595050 00 s 01 natural 0 002 & 01593649 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies; "it's the natural thing to happen"; "natural immunity"; "a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild" 01595312 00 s 01 regular 0 002 & 01593649 a 0000 + 04767347 n 0101 | not deviating from what is normal; "her regular bedtime" 01595440 00 s 01 typical 0 002 & 01593649 a 0000 + 14501545 n 0101 | conforming to a type; "the typical (or normal) American"; "typical teenage behavior" 01595596 00 a 02 abnormal 0 unnatural 3 016 ^ 02074092 a 0000 = 14500908 n 0000 + 14501726 n 0101 + 00737188 n 0101 ! 01593649 a 0101 & 01596122 a 0000 & 01596455 a 0000 & 01596674 a 0000 & 01596809 a 0000 & 01597105 a 0000 & 01597240 a 0000 & 01597387 a 0000 & 01597509 a 0000 & 01597702 a 0000 & 01597928 a 0000 & 01598125 a 0000 | not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" 01596122 00 s 03 aberrant 0 deviant 0 deviate 0 011 & 01595596 a 0000 + 02661252 v 0301 + 14503665 n 0304 + 00737399 n 0302 + 10419047 n 0202 + 02661252 v 0201 + 14503665 n 0204 + 00737399 n 0202 + 09755893 n 0101 + 14503665 n 0102 + 14503665 n 0101 | markedly different from an accepted norm; "aberrant behavior"; "deviant ideas" 01596455 00 s 01 anomalous 0 004 & 01595596 a 0000 + 14505821 n 0101 + 09606527 n 0101 + 14505821 n 0102 | deviating from the general or common order or type; "advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe" 01596674 00 s 01 antidromic 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | conducting nerve impulses in a direction opposite to normal 01596809 00 s 02 atypical 0 irregular 0 003 & 01595596 a 0000 + 00737188 n 0202 + 14503060 n 0101 | deviating from normal expectations; somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal; "these days large families are atypical"; "atypical clinical findings"; "atypical pneumonia"; "highly irregular behavior" 01597105 00 s 02 brachydactylic 0 brachydactylous 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 + 14092114 n 0101 | having abnormally short finger or toes 01597240 00 s 01 defective 0 001 & 01595596 a 0000 | markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior; "defective speech" 01597387 00 s 01 freakish 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 + 04798185 n 0102 | characteristic of a freak; "a freakish extra toe" 01597509 00 s 02 kinky 0 perverted 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 + 10236842 n 0101 | (used of sexual behavior) showing or appealing to bizarre or deviant tastes; "kinky sex"; "perverted practices" 01597702 00 s 01 subnormal 0 005 & 01595596 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 + 10669876 n 0101 + 14505667 n 0101 + 05646218 n 0105 | below normal or average; "after the floods the harvests were subnormal"; "subnormal intelligence" 01597928 00 s 01 supernormal 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 | exceeding the normal or average; "years of supernormal employment during the war"; "a phase of supernormal excitability" 01598125 00 s 01 vicarious 0 002 & 01595596 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 | occurring in an abnormal part of the body instead of the usual site involved in that function; "vicarious menstruation" 01598319 00 a 01 normal 3 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 14500908 n 0101 ! 01598592 a 0101 | being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met" 01598592 00 a 01 abnormal 3 004 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 05646535 n 0101 ! 01598319 a 0101 & 01598859 a 0000 | departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality" 01598859 00 s 01 exceptional(a) 0 002 & 01598592 a 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 | deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence; "special educational provisions for exceptional children" 01599114 00 a 01 hypertensive 0 002 ! 01599228 a 0101 ! 01599340 a 0101 | having abnormally high blood pressure 01599228 00 a 01 hypotensive 0 002 ! 01599340 a 0101 ! 01599114 a 0101 | having abnormally low blood pressure 01599340 00 a 01 normotensive 0 002 ! 01599114 a 0101 ! 01599228 a 0101 | having normal blood pressure 01599445 00 a 01 normal 2 001 ! 01599532 a 0101 | in accordance with scientific laws 01599532 00 a 01 paranormal 0 007 ^ 02108827 a 0000 ^ 01570470 a 0000 ! 01599445 a 0101 & 01599782 a 0000 & 01599898 a 0000 & 01600041 a 0000 & 01600174 a 0000 | not in accordance with scientific laws; "what seemed to be paranormal manifestations" 01599782 00 s 01 parapsychological 0 002 & 01599532 a 0000 + 07256375 n 0103 | beyond normal physical explanation 01599898 00 s 02 psychic 0 psychical 0 002 & 01599532 a 0000 + 10488309 n 0101 | outside the sphere of physical science; "psychic phenomena" 01600041 00 s 01 psychokinetic 0 002 & 01599532 a 0000 + 07257045 n 0102 | moving an object without apparent use of physical means 01600174 00 s 02 supernormal 0 supranormal 0 001 & 01599532 a 0000 | beyond the range of the normal or scientifically explainable; "supernormal intimations" 01600333 00 a 01 north 0 013 = 08561081 n 0000 ! 01602330 a 0101 & 01600713 a 0000 & 01600888 a 0000 & 01601069 a 0000 & 01601297 a 0000 & 01601462 a 0000 & 01601592 a 0000 & 01601763 a 0000 & 01601901 a 0000 & 01601981 a 0000 & 01602112 a 0000 & 01602250 a 0000 | situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the north; "artists like north light"; "the north portico" 01600713 00 s 02 northbound 0 northward 0 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | moving toward the north; "the northbound lane"; "we took the north train"; "the northward flow of traffic" 01600888 00 s 01 north-central 0 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | situated in the northern part of a centrally located area in some geographical region; "the north-central part of Russia" 01601069 00 s 02 northerly 1 northern 1 003 & 01600333 a 0000 + 05079180 n 0201 + 11487950 n 0103 | coming from the north; used especially of wind; "the north wind doth blow"; "a northern snowstorm"; "the winds are northerly" 01601297 00 s 02 northerly 2 northern 2 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | situated in or oriented toward the north; "the northern suburbs"; "going in a northerly direction" 01601462 00 s 02 northernmost 0 northmost 0 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | situated farthest north; "Alaska is our northernmost state" 01601592 00 s 03 northeastern 0 northeasterly 1 northeast 1 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | situated in or oriented toward the northeast; "the northeasterly part of the island" 01601763 00 s 02 northeasterly 2 northeast 2 002 & 01600333 a 0000 + 11462951 n 0101 | coming from the northeast; "northeasterly winds" 01601901 00 s 01 northeastward 0 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | toward the northeast 01601981 00 s 03 northwestern 0 northwesterly 1 northwest 1 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | situated in or oriented toward the northwest 01602112 00 s 02 northwesterly 2 northwest 2 002 & 01600333 a 0000 + 11448475 n 0102 | coming from the northwest; "northwesterly winds" 01602250 00 s 01 northwestward 0 001 & 01600333 a 0000 | toward the northwest 01602330 00 a 01 south 0 013 = 09050244 n 0000 ! 01600333 a 0101 & 01602683 a 0000 & 01602797 a 0000 & 01602966 a 0000 & 01603179 a 0000 & 01603354 a 0000 & 01603518 a 0000 & 01603649 a 0000 & 01603789 a 0000 & 01603869 a 0000 & 01604000 a 0000 & 01604146 a 0000 | situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the south; "the south entrance" 01602683 00 s 02 southbound 0 southward 0 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | moving toward the south; "a southbound train" 01602797 00 s 01 south-central 0 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | situated in the southern part of a centrally located area in some geographical region; "south-central London" 01602966 00 s 02 southerly 1 southern 1 003 & 01602330 a 0000 + 05079309 n 0201 + 11511405 n 0102 | from the south; used especially of wind; "a hot southerly wind"; "southern breezes"; "the winds are southerly" 01603179 00 s 02 southerly 2 southern 2 002 & 01602330 a 0000 + 05079309 n 0201 | situated in or oriented toward the south; "a southern exposure"; "took a southerly course" 01603354 00 s 02 southernmost 0 southmost 0 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | situated farthest south; "Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States" 01603518 00 s 03 southeast 1 southeastern 0 southeasterly 1 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | situated in or oriented toward the southeast 01603649 00 s 02 southeasterly 2 southeast 2 002 & 01602330 a 0000 + 11448714 n 0101 | coming from the southeast; "southeasterly breezes" 01603789 00 s 01 southeastward 0 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | toward the southeast 01603869 00 s 03 southwest 1 southwestern 0 southwesterly 1 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | situated in or oriented toward the southwest 01604000 00 s 02 southwesterly 2 southwest 2 002 & 01602330 a 0000 + 11448593 n 0101 | coming from the southwest; "the winds are southwesterly" 01604146 00 s 01 southwestward 0 001 & 01602330 a 0000 | toward the southwest 01604226 00 a 01 northern 1 005 = 08561081 n 0000 ! 01605081 a 0101 & 01604453 a 0000 & 01604566 a 0000 & 01604945 a 0000 | situated in or coming from regions of the north; "the northern hemisphere"; "northern autumn colors" 01604453 00 s 02 boreal 0 circumboreal 0 001 & 01604226 a 0000 | comprising or throughout far northern regions 01604566 00 s 01 north-central 0 001 & 01604226 a 0000 | being in or of a region of the United States generally including states of the upper Mississippi valley and Great Lakes region lying north of the Ohio River and the southern boundaries of Kansas and Missouri and between the western boundary of Pennsylvania and the eastern boundaries of Montana and Wyoming and Colorado 01604945 00 s 01 septrional 0 001 & 01604226 a 0000 | of northern regions; from the seven stars (or seven plowing oxen) of Ursa Major 01605081 00 a 01 southern 1 006 = 08561583 n 0000 + 05079309 n 0101 ! 01604226 a 0101 & 01605327 a 0000 & 01605445 a 0000 & 01605569 a 0000 | situated in or coming from regions of the south; "the southern hemisphere"; "southern constellations" 01605327 00 s 01 austral 0 001 & 01605081 a 0000 | of the south or coming from the south; "sailed the austral seas" 01605445 00 s 01 meridional 0 001 & 01605081 a 0000 | located in the south or characteristic of southern people or places 01605569 00 s 01 south-central 0 001 & 01605081 a 0000 | being in or of a region of the United States including the states of the lower Mississippi valley and east of the Rio Grande 01605753 00 a 01 northern 2 006 = 09052314 n 0000 = 09052652 n 0000 ! 01606648 a 0101 & 01606058 a 0000 & 01606214 a 0000 & 01606470 a 0000 | in or characteristic of a region of the United States north of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line; "Northern liberals"; "northern industry"; "northern cities" 01606058 00 s 01 blue 0 001 & 01605753 a 0000 | used to signify the Union forces in the American Civil War (who wore blue uniforms); "a ragged blue line" 01606214 00 s 02 Union 0 Federal 0 002 & 01605753 a 0000 + 10373639 n 0201 | being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the American Civil War; "Union soldiers"; "Federal forces"; "a Federal infantryman" 01606470 00 s 01 Yankee 0 002 & 01605753 a 0000 + 10802283 n 0101 | used by Southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States (especially a Union soldier) 01606648 00 a 01 southern 2 005 = 09050730 n 0000 = 09050244 n 0000 ! 01605753 a 0101 & 01606942 a 0000 & 01607120 a 0000 | in or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line; "southern hospitality"; "southern cooking"; "southern plantations" 01606942 00 s 01 Confederate 0 002 & 01606648 a 0000 + 09953615 n 0101 | of or having to do with the southern Confederacy during the American Civil War; "Confederate soldiers" 01607120 00 s 02 grey 0 gray 0 001 & 01606648 a 0000 | used to signify the Confederate forces in the American Civil War (who wore grey uniforms); "a stalwart grey figure" 01607293 00 a 01 nosed 0 005 ! 01607909 a 0101 & 01607492 a 0000 & 01607572 a 0000 & 01607744 a 0000 & 01607831 a 0000 | having a nose (either literal or metaphoric) especially of a specified kind 01607492 00 s 01 hook-nosed 0 001 & 01607293 a 0000 | having an aquiline nose 01607572 00 s 04 pug-nosed 0 pug-nose 0 short-nosed 0 snub-nosed 0 001 & 01607293 a 0000 | having a blunt nose; "a pug-nosed boy with freckles"; "a snub-nosed automatic" 01607744 00 s 01 sharp-nosed 0 001 & 01607293 a 0000 | having a sharply pointed nose 01607831 00 s 01 tube-nosed 0 001 & 01607293 a 0000 | having a tubular nose 01607909 00 a 01 noseless 0 001 ! 01607293 a 0101 | having no nose 01607978 00 a 01 noticed 0 002 ! 01608264 a 0101 & 01608127 a 0000 | being perceived or observed; "an easily noticed effect on the rate of growth" 01608127 00 s 01 detected 0 001 & 01607978 a 0000 | perceived with the mind; "he winced at the detected flicker of irony in her voice" 01608264 00 a 01 unnoticed 0 006 ! 01607978 a 0101 & 01608465 a 0000 & 01608656 a 0000 & 01608848 a 0000 & 01608997 a 0000 & 01609101 a 0000 | not noticed; "hoped his departure had passed unnoticed" 01608465 00 s 02 disregarded 0 forgotten 0 001 & 01608264 a 0000 | not noticed inadvertently; "her aching muscles forgotten she danced all night"; "he was scolded for his forgotten chores" 01608656 00 s 03 ignored 0 neglected 0 unheeded 0 001 & 01608264 a 0000 | disregarded; "his cries were unheeded"; "Shaw's neglected one-act comedy, `A Village Wooing'"; "her ignored advice" 01608848 00 s 03 overlooked 0 unmarked 0 unnoted 0 001 & 01608264 a 0000 | not taken into account; "his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked" 01608997 00 s 01 unobserved 0 001 & 01608264 a 0000 | not observed; "managed to slip away unobserved" 01609101 00 s 02 unperceived 0 unremarked 0 001 & 01608264 a 0000 | not perceived or commented on 01609201 00 a 01 detected 0 004 ! 01609900 a 0101 & 01609373 a 0000 & 01609501 a 0000 & 01609762 a 0000 | perceived or discerned; "the detected micrometeoritic material" 01609373 00 s 01 perceived 1 001 & 01609201 a 0000 | detected by means of the senses; "a perceived difference in temperature" 01609501 00 s 02 sensed 0 perceived 2 001 & 01609201 a 0000 | detected by instinct or inference rather than by recognized perceptual cues; "the felt presence of an intruder"; "a sensed presence in the room raised goosebumps on her arms"; "a perceived threat" 01609762 00 s 01 heard 0 001 & 01609201 a 0000 | detected or perceived by the sense of hearing; "a conversation heard through the wall" 01609900 00 a 01 undetected 0 003 ! 01609201 a 0101 & 01610126 a 0000 & 01610261 a 0000 | not perceived or discerned; "they feared some undetected trace of poison"; "she looked around to be sure her faux pas was undetected" 01610126 00 s 01 undiscovered 0 001 & 01609900 a 0000 | not discovered; "with earth-based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered" 01610261 00 s 02 unobserved 0 unseen 0 001 & 01609900 a 0000 | not observed 01610339 00 a 01 determined 0 002 ! 01610803 a 0101 & 01610484 a 0000 | having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation 01610484 00 s 03 ascertained 0 discovered 0 observed 0 001 & 01610339 a 0000 | discovered or determined by scientific observation; "variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors"; "the discovered behavior norms"; "discovered differences in achievement"; "no explanation for the observed phenomena" 01610803 00 a 01 undetermined 0 002 ! 01610339 a 0101 & 01610952 a 0000 | not yet having been ascertained or determined; "of undetermined species" 01610952 00 s 01 unexplained 0 001 & 01610803 a 0000 | not explained; "accomplished by some unexplained process" 01611067 00 a 01 noxious 0 008 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 02449430 a 0000 ^ 02559180 a 0000 + 04790774 n 0103 ! 01611839 a 0101 & 01611329 a 0000 & 01611490 a 0000 & 01611683 a 0000 | injurious to physical or mental health; "noxious chemical wastes"; "noxious ideas" 01611329 00 s 04 baneful 0 deadly 0 pernicious 0 pestilent 0 004 & 01611067 a 0000 + 05693669 n 0401 + 04790942 n 0301 + 04791081 n 0201 | exceedingly harmful 01611490 00 s 02 corrupting 0 degrading 0 001 & 01611067 a 0000 | harmful to the mind or morals; "corrupt judges and their corrupting influence"; "the vicious and degrading cult of violence" 01611683 00 s 02 vesicatory 0 vesicant 0 005 & 01611067 a 0000 + 15112239 n 0201 + 00379774 v 0202 + 15112239 n 0102 + 00379774 v 0102 | causing blisters 01611839 00 a 01 innocuous 0 003 ^ 01159655 a 0000 ! 01611067 a 0101 & 01611973 a 0000 | not injurious to physical or mental health 01611973 00 s 01 innoxious 0 001 & 01611839 a 0000 | having no adverse effect 01612053 00 a 01 obedient 0 016 ^ 00696518 a 0000 ^ 02328659 a 0000 ^ 01123148 a 0000 ^ 01474513 a 0000 ^ 00788821 a 0000 ^ 02451113 a 0000 = 04906273 n 0000 + 04906273 n 0101 + 01132864 n 0101 + 01167146 n 0101 + 02542795 v 0101 ! 01613463 a 0101 & 01612627 a 0000 & 01612878 a 0000 & 01613047 a 0000 & 01613309 a 0000 | dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority; "an obedient soldier"; "obedient children"; "a little man obedient to his wife"; "the obedient colonies...are heavily taxed; the refractory remain unburdened"- Edmund Burke 01612627 00 s 02 acquiescent 0 biddable 0 005 & 01612053 a 0000 + 00759657 v 0201 + 00793580 v 0202 + 07175575 n 0102 + 00804139 v 0103 | willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without protest; "too acquiescent to challenge authority" 01612878 00 s 01 conformable 0 001 & 01612053 a 0000 | quick to comply; "I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable"-Shakespeare 01613047 00 s 02 dutiful 0 duteous 0 004 & 01612053 a 0000 + 00719494 n 0201 + 01129920 n 0201 + 04827392 n 0101 | willingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect; "a dutiful child"; "a dutiful citizen"; "Patient Griselda was a chaste and duteous wife"; 01613309 00 s 01 Y2K_compliant 0 001 & 01612053 a 0000 | prepared to accurately process date and time data between and into the 20th and 21st centuries 01613463 00 a 01 disobedient 0 014 ^ 01125429 a 0000 ^ 00695523 a 0000 ^ 00635456 a 0000 ^ 02451951 a 0000 ^ 02326695 a 0000 ^ 01475282 a 0000 = 04906273 n 0000 + 01179707 n 0101 + 02543181 v 0101 ! 01612053 a 0101 & 01613839 a 0000 & 01614127 a 0000 & 01614372 a 0000 & 01614558 a 0000 | not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority; "disobedient children" 01613839 00 s 04 contrary 0 obstinate 0 perverse 0 wayward 0 004 & 01613463 a 0000 + 04909018 n 0303 + 04909018 n 0302 + 04909018 n 0101 | resistant to guidance or discipline; "Mary Mary quite contrary"; "an obstinate child with a violent temper"; "a perverse mood"; "wayward behavior" 01614127 00 s 03 fractious 0 refractory 0 recalcitrant 0 003 & 01613463 a 0000 + 04907575 n 0201 + 04908396 n 0102 | stubbornly resistant to authority or control; "a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness"; "a refractory child" 01614372 00 s 05 froward 0 headstrong 0 self-willed 0 willful 0 wilful 0 003 & 01613463 a 0000 + 04908396 n 0504 + 04908396 n 0403 | habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition 01614558 00 s 01 recusant 0 004 & 01613463 a 0000 + 00972867 v 0101 + 09957834 n 0102 + 01243453 n 0101 | refusing to submit to authority; "the recusant electors...cooperated in electing a new Senate"- Mary W.Williams 01614778 00 a 02 obtrusive 0 noticeable 4 003 + 04706290 n 0203 + 04707110 n 0101 ! 01614988 a 0101 | undesirably noticeable; "the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child"; "equally obtrusive was the graffiti" 01614988 00 a 02 unobtrusive 0 unnoticeable 4 003 + 04707808 n 0201 + 04707964 n 0101 ! 01614778 a 0101 | not obtrusive or undesirably noticeable; "a quiet, unobtrusive life of self-denial" 01615180 00 a 02 objective 0 nonsubjective 4 006 + 04892344 n 0101 + 04892344 n 0102 ! 01615925 a 0101 & 01615460 a 0000 & 01615625 a 0000 & 01615785 a 0000 | undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence" 01615460 00 s 01 clinical 0 001 & 01615180 a 0000 | scientifically detached; unemotional; "he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony" 01615625 00 s 02 impersonal 0 neutral 0 002 & 01615180 a 0000 + 06205018 n 0202 | having no personal preference; "impersonal criticism"; "a neutral observer" 01615785 00 s 01 verifiable 0 002 & 01615180 a 0000 + 00664483 v 0101 | capable of being verified; "a verifiable account of the incident" 01615925 00 a 01 subjective 0 006 + 04892544 n 0102 + 04892544 n 0101 ! 01615180 a 0101 & 01616157 a 0000 & 01616244 a 0000 & 01616350 a 0000 | taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment" 01616157 00 s 01 personal 0 001 & 01615925 a 0000 | particular to a given individual 01616244 00 s 01 prejudiced 0 001 & 01615925 a 0000 | emanating from a person's emotions and prejudices 01616350 00 s 02 unobjective 0 unverifiable 0 001 & 01615925 a 0000 | (of e.g. evidence) not objective or easily verified 01616474 00 a 01 obligated(p) 0 008 ^ 01996377 a 0000 ! 01617502 a 0101 & 01616798 a 0000 & 01616891 a 0000 & 01617004 a 0000 & 01617144 a 0000 & 01617255 a 0000 & 01617410 a 0000 | caused by law or conscience to follow a certain course; "felt obligated to repay the kindness"; "was obligated to pay off the student loan" 01616798 00 s 01 beholden(p) 0 001 & 01616474 a 0000 | under a moral obligation to someone 01616891 00 s 02 duty-bound(p) 0 obliged(p) 0 001 & 01616474 a 0000 | under a moral obligation to do something 01617004 00 s 01 indebted(p) 1 002 & 01616474 a 0000 + 13782033 n 0102 | owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors etc 01617144 00 s 01 indebted(p) 2 002 & 01616474 a 0000 + 14490319 n 0101 | under a legal obligation to someone 01617255 00 s 01 supposed(p) 0 001 & 01616474 a 0000 | required or under orders; "I'm supposed to be there at ten"; "he was supposed to go to the store" 01617410 00 s 01 tributary 0 001 & 01616474 a 0000 | paying tribute; "a tributary colony" 01617502 00 a 01 unobligated 0 002 ! 01616474 a 0101 & 01617591 a 0000 | not obligated 01617591 00 s 01 unbeholden(p) 0 001 & 01617502 a 0000 | free of moral obligation 01617675 00 a 01 obligate 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01617859 a 0101 | restricted to a particular condition of life; "an obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of oxygen" 01617859 00 a 01 facultative 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01617675 a 0101 | able to exist under more than one set of conditions; "a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte" 01618053 00 a 01 obvious 0 012 ^ 01704761 a 0000 = 04706290 n 0000 + 04706290 n 0101 ! 01620052 a 0101 & 01618376 a 0000 & 01618895 a 0000 & 01619105 a 0000 & 01619379 a 0000 & 01619475 a 0000 & 01619604 a 0000 & 01619689 a 0000 & 01619880 a 0000 | easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "obvious errors" 01618376 00 s 06 apparent 0 evident 0 manifest 0 patent 0 plain 0 unmistakable 0 008 & 01618053 a 0000 + 04821615 n 0503 + 04706290 n 0404 + 05823932 n 0201 + 04706727 n 0102 + 02134672 v 0101 + 00422090 v 0101 + 04706727 n 0101 | clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment; "the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields"; "evident hostility"; "manifest disapproval"; "patent advantages"; "made his meaning plain"; "it is plain that he is no reactionary"; "in plain view" 01618895 00 s 03 axiomatic 0 self-evident 0 taken_for_granted(p) 0 002 & 01618053 a 0000 + 06753550 n 0101 | evident without proof or argument; "an axiomatic truth"; "we hold these truths to be self-evident" 01619105 00 s 02 demonstrable 0 provable 0 003 & 01618053 a 0000 + 04755466 n 0202 + 04755466 n 0101 | capable of being demonstrated or proved; "obvious lies"; "a demonstrable lack of concern for the general welfare"; "practical truth provable to all men"- Walter Bagehot 01619379 00 s 01 frank 0 001 & 01618053 a 0000 | clearly manifest; evident; "frank enjoyment" 01619475 00 s 01 open-and-shut 0 001 & 01618053 a 0000 | so obvious as to be easily solved or decided; "an open-and-shut case" 01619604 00 s 01 self-explanatory 0 001 & 01618053 a 0000 | needing no explanation 01619689 00 s 01 transparent 0 002 & 01618053 a 0000 + 04702127 n 0101 | easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety); "a transparent explanation"; "a transparent lie" 01619880 00 s 01 writ_large 0 001 & 01618053 a 0000 | made more obvious or prominent; "the effect of...his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features" 01620052 00 a 01 unobvious 0 004 = 04706290 n 0000 ! 01618053 a 0101 & 01620286 a 0000 & 01620401 a 0000 | not immediately apparent; "in mathematical science connections are exhibited which...are extremely unobvious"- A.N.Whitehead 01620286 00 s 01 unapparent 0 001 & 01620052 a 0000 | not readily apparent; "the answer was at first unapparent" 01620401 00 s 01 unprovable 0 001 & 01620052 a 0000 | not provable; "it was both unproved and unprovable" 01620509 00 a 01 obstructed 0 011 ^ 01653538 a 0000 ! 01622302 a 0101 & 01620893 a 0000 & 01621080 a 0000 & 01621268 a 0000 & 01621424 a 0000 & 01621680 a 0000 & 01621807 a 0000 & 01621894 a 0000 & 01622033 a 0000 & 01622188 a 0000 | shut off to passage or view or hindered from action; "a partially obstructed passageway"; "an obstructed view"; "justice obstructed is not justice" 01620893 00 s 03 barricaded 0 barred 0 blockaded 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | preventing entry or exit or a course of action; "a barricaded street"; "barred doors"; "the blockaded harbor" 01621080 00 s 02 blocked 1 plugged 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | completely obstructed or closed off; "the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges"; "the drain was plugged" 01621268 00 s 02 choked 0 clogged 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | stopped up; clogged up; "clogged pipes"; "clogged up freeways"; "streets choked with traffic" 01621424 00 s 02 deadlocked 0 stalemated 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | at a complete standstill because of opposition of two unrelenting forces or factions; "the chess game ended with white stalemated"; "the two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits" 01621680 00 s 01 impeded 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | made difficult or slow; "we blamed our impeded progress on lack of money" 01621807 00 s 01 occluded 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | closed off; "an occluded artery" 01621894 00 s 03 stopped 0 stopped-up(a) 0 stopped_up(p) 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | (of a nose) blocked; "a stopped (or stopped-up) nose" 01622033 00 s 01 stuffy 0 002 & 01620509 a 0000 + 14321333 n 0101 | affected with a sensation of stoppage or obstruction; "a stuffy feeling in my chest" 01622188 00 s 01 thrombosed 0 001 & 01620509 a 0000 | affected with or obstructed by a clot of coagulated blood 01622302 00 a 01 unobstructed 0 005 ! 01620509 a 0101 & 01622505 a 0000 & 01622748 a 0000 & 01622908 a 0000 & 01623088 a 0000 | free from impediment or obstruction or hindrance; "an unobstructed view" 01622505 00 s 02 clear 0 open 0 005 & 01622302 a 0000 + 08632423 n 0201 + 05083905 n 0201 + 08632423 n 0102 + 04701460 n 0102 | affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside" 01622748 00 s 01 patent 0 002 & 01622302 a 0000 + 05084067 n 0101 | (of a bodily tube or passageway) open; affording free passage; "patent ductus arteriosus" 01622908 00 s 01 unimpeded 0 001 & 01622302 a 0000 | not slowed or prevented; "a time of unimpeded growth"; "an unimpeded sweep of meadows and hills afforded a peaceful setting" 01623088 00 s 01 unclogged 0 001 & 01622302 a 0000 | freed of obstructions; "an unclogged drain" 01623187 00 a 01 occupied 0 003 ! 01623836 a 0101 & 01623360 a 0000 & 01623744 a 0000 | held or filled or in use; "she keeps her time well occupied"; "the wc is occupied" 01623360 00 s 03 busy 0 engaged 0 in_use(p) 0 002 & 01623187 a 0000 + 14008050 n 0101 | (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line); "her line is busy"; "receptionists' telephones are always engaged"; "the lavatory is in use"; "kept getting a busy signal" 01623744 00 s 01 filled 0 001 & 01623187 a 0000 | (of time) taken up; "well-filled hours" 01623836 00 a 01 unoccupied 0 003 ! 01623187 a 0101 & 01624010 a 0000 & 01624115 a 0000 | not held or filled or in use; "an unoccupied telephone booth"; "unoccupied hours" 01624010 00 s 01 free 2 001 & 01623836 a 0000 | not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane" 01624115 00 s 02 spare 0 free 1 001 & 01623836 a 0000 | not taken up by scheduled activities; "a free hour between classes"; "spare time on my hands" 01624267 00 a 01 occupied 2 001 ! 01624403 a 0101 | seized and controlled as by military invasion; "the occupied countries of Europe" 01624403 00 a 01 unoccupied 2 002 ! 01624267 a 0101 & 01624533 a 0000 | not seized and controlled; "unoccupied areas of France" 01624533 00 s 01 relinquished 0 001 & 01624403 a 0000 | that has been withdrawn or retreated from 01624633 00 a 01 offensive 1 018 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 01460421 a 0000 ^ 01716491 a 0000 ^ 01801600 a 0000 = 04780958 n 0000 + 04780958 n 0101 + 01810447 v 0102 ! 01627459 a 0101 & 01625063 a 0000 & 01625492 a 0000 & 01625760 a 0000 & 01625893 a 0000 & 01626440 a 0000 & 01626562 a 0000 & 01626874 a 0000 & 01627049 a 0000 & 01627166 a 0000 & 01627315 a 0000 | unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses; "offensive odors" 01625063 00 s 05 abhorrent 0 detestable 0 obscene 0 repugnant 0 repulsive 0 009 & 01624633 a 0000 + 04781349 n 0502 + 02194913 v 0504 + 01808769 v 0501 + 07503987 n 0401 + 07124340 n 0301 + 00738697 n 0301 + 07503430 n 0101 + 01774426 v 0101 | offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels" 01625492 00 s 03 charnel 0 ghastly 0 sepulchral 0 002 & 01624633 a 0000 + 04782610 n 0201 | gruesomely indicative of death or the dead; "a charnel smell came from the chest filled with dead men's bones"; "ghastly shrieks"; "the sepulchral darkness of the catacombs" 01625760 00 s 01 creepy 0 002 & 01624633 a 0000 + 09976917 n 0101 | annoying and unpleasant; "some creepy kids were bothering her" 01625893 00 s 0d disgusting 0 disgustful 0 distasteful 0 foul 0 loathly 0 loathsome 0 repellent 0 repellant 0 repelling 0 revolting 0 skanky 0 wicked 0 yucky 0 010 & 01624633 a 0000 + 04781349 n 0c06 + 14856752 n 0b03 + 02194913 v 0804 + 01808769 v 0801 + 02194913 v 0704 + 01808769 v 0701 + 04781349 n 0601 + 04780958 n 0303 + 04996571 n 0101 | highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench" 01626440 00 s 02 ghoulish 0 morbid 0 001 & 01624633 a 0000 | suggesting the horror of death and decay; "morbid details" 01626562 00 s 04 hideous 0 horrid 0 horrific 0 outrageous 0 004 & 01624633 a 0000 + 07306252 n 0402 + 04903247 n 0401 + 04782116 n 0203 | grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror; "subjected to outrageous cruelty"; "a hideous pattern of injustice"; "horrific conditions in the mining industry" 01626874 00 s 02 objectionable 0 obnoxious 0 003 & 01624633 a 0000 + 04781755 n 0202 + 04781755 n 0103 | causing disapproval or protest; "a vulgar and objectionable person" 01627049 00 s 01 rank 0 002 & 01624633 a 0000 + 04980656 n 0104 | very offensive in smell or taste; "a rank cigar" 01627166 00 s 01 scrimy 0 001 & 01624633 a 0000 | dirty and disgusting; "worry about the gossip and secretiveness and other scrimy sides"- Al Hine 01627315 00 s 01 verminous 0 003 & 01624633 a 0000 + 10748506 n 0101 + 01315980 n 0101 | of the nature of vermin; very offensive or repulsive 01627459 00 a 01 inoffensive 1 003 = 04780958 n 0000 ! 01624633 a 0101 & 01627635 a 0000 | giving no offense; "a quiet inoffensive man"; "a refreshing inoffensive stimulant" 01627635 00 s 02 innocuous 0 unobjectionable 0 001 & 01627459 a 0000 | not causing disapproval; "it was an innocuous remark"; "confined himself to innocuous generalities"; "unobjectionable behavior" 01627836 00 a 02 savory 0 savoury 4 001 ! 01627965 a 0101 | morally wholesome or acceptable; "a past that was scarcely savory" 01627965 00 a 03 unsavory 0 unsavoury 4 offensive 4 006 + 04780958 n 0301 + 02566528 v 0302 + 01810447 v 0302 + 04780605 n 0102 ! 01627836 a 0101 & 01628200 a 0000 | morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal" 01628200 00 s 01 odoriferous 0 001 & 01627965 a 0000 | morally offensive; "odoriferous legislation" 01628302 00 a 01 offensive 2 008 ^ 01994602 a 0000 ^ 01160031 a 0000 = 04780958 n 0000 + 04780958 n 0101 + 01789270 v 0102 + 01793177 v 0105 ! 01628677 a 0101 & 01628531 a 0000 | causing anger or annoyance; "offensive remarks" 01628531 00 s 03 abusive 0 opprobrious 0 scurrilous 0 003 & 01628302 a 0000 + 06721342 n 0301 + 00845299 v 0101 | expressing offensive reproach 01628677 00 a 02 inoffensive 2 unoffending 2 003 = 04780958 n 0000 ! 01628302 a 0101 & 01628839 a 0000 | not causing anger or annoyance; "inoffensive behavior" 01628839 00 s 02 offenseless 0 offenceless 0 001 & 01628677 a 0000 | incapable of offending or attacking 01628946 00 a 01 offensive 3 009 ^ 00082241 a 0000 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ! 01630117 a 0101 & 01629212 a 0000 & 01629349 a 0000 & 01629493 a 0000 & 01629681 a 0000 & 01629832 a 0000 & 01630033 a 0000 | for the purpose of attack rather than defense; "offensive weapons" 01629212 00 s 01 antipersonnel 0 001 & 01628946 a 0000 | designed to inflict death or personal injury rather than material destruction 01629349 00 s 02 assaultive 0 attacking(a) 0 004 & 01628946 a 0000 + 02567519 v 0104 + 01120069 v 0102 + 00862683 v 0106 | disposed to attack 01629493 00 s 02 hit-and-run 0 tip-and-run 0 001 & 01628946 a 0000 | designed for or consisting of a brief attack followed by a quick escape; "hit-and-run units"; "tip-and-run assaults" 01629681 00 s 03 incursive 0 invading 0 invasive 0 002 & 01628946 a 0000 + 01126360 v 0301 | involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war" 01629832 00 s 03 marauding 0 predatory 0 raiding 0 001 & 01628946 a 0000 | characterized by plundering or pillaging or marauding; "bands of marauding Indians"; "predatory warfare"; "a raiding party" 01630033 00 s 01 on_the_offensive(p) 0 001 & 01628946 a 0000 | actively attacking 01630117 00 a 01 defensive 0 009 ^ 01887076 a 0000 + 01129876 v 0101 + 01127795 v 0101 ! 01628946 a 0101 & 01630439 a 0000 & 01630579 a 0000 & 01630673 a 0000 & 01630773 a 0000 & 01630939 a 0000 | intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack; "defensive weapons"; "a defensive stance" 01630439 00 s 01 antiaircraft 0 002 & 01630117 a 0000 + 02715712 n 0101 | designed for defense from a surface position against air attack 01630579 00 s 01 antisubmarine 0 001 & 01630117 a 0000 | defensive against enemy submarines 01630673 00 s 01 antitank 0 001 & 01630117 a 0000 | designed for defense against armored vehicles 01630773 00 s 01 defending 0 003 & 01630117 a 0000 ;c 00455599 n 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | attempting to or designed to prevent an opponent from winning or scoring 01630939 00 s 01 en_garde 0 001 & 01630117 a 0000 | (fencing) in a defensive stance 01631025 00 a 01 offending 0 003 ! 01631703 a 0101 & 01631217 a 0000 & 01631386 a 0000 | offending against or breaking a law or rule; "contracts offending against the statute were canceled" 01631217 00 s 01 sinning 0 001 & 01631025 a 0000 | transgressing a moral or divine law; "if it be a sin to covet honor, I am the most sinning soul alive"- Shakespeare 01631386 00 s 02 offensive 0 violative 0 006 & 01631025 a 0000 + 02668523 v 0201 + 02568065 v 0204 + 02566528 v 0204 + 04780958 n 0101 + 02566528 v 0102 | violating or tending to violate or offend against; "violative of the principles of liberty"; "considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity" 01631703 00 a 01 unoffending 0 001 ! 01631025 a 0101 | not offending; "an unoffending motorist should not have been stopped" 01631830 00 a 02 apologetic 0 excusatory 0 006 + 00894738 v 0203 + 06740919 n 0101 + 06633363 n 0101 ! 01632411 a 0101 & 01632066 a 0000 & 01632314 a 0000 | offering or expressing apology; "an apologetic note"; "an apologetic manner" 01632066 00 s 03 defensive 0 justificative 0 justificatory 0 007 & 01631830 a 0000 + 00894738 v 0304 + 00894738 v 0204 + 00896141 v 0201 + 06195249 n 0101 + 01091427 v 0105 + 01017643 v 0102 | attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing 01632314 00 s 01 self-deprecating 0 001 & 01631830 a 0000 | conscious of your own shortcomings 01632411 00 a 01 unapologetic 0 001 ! 01631830 a 0101 | unwilling to make or express an apology; "an unapologetic believer" 01632537 00 a 01 official 0 008 ^ 00178575 a 0000 + 13945102 n 0101 ! 01633591 a 0101 & 01632808 a 0000 & 01632988 a 0000 & 01633153 a 0000 & 01633316 a 0000 & 01633490 a 0000 | having official authority or sanction; "official permission"; "an official representative" 01632808 00 s 03 authoritative 0 authorized 0 authorised 0 001 & 01632537 a 0000 | sanctioned by established authority; "an authoritative communique"; "the authorized biography" 01632988 00 s 01 ex_officio 0 001 & 01632537 a 0000 | by virtue of an office or position; "the head of the department serves as an ex officio member of the board" 01633153 00 s 01 formal 0 002 & 01632537 a 0000 + 07455007 n 0101 | characteristic of or befitting a person in authority; "formal duties"; "an official banquet" 01633316 00 s 02 formalized 0 formalised 0 001 & 01632537 a 0000 | given formal standing or endorsement; made official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedures 01633490 00 s 01 semiofficial 0 001 & 01632537 a 0000 | having some official authority or sanction 01633591 00 a 01 unofficial 0 006 ^ 00179486 a 0000 ! 01632537 a 0101 & 01633880 a 0000 & 01634027 a 0000 & 01634199 a 0000 & 01634364 a 0000 | not having official authority or sanction; "a sort of unofficial mayor"; "an unofficial estimate"; "he participated in an unofficial capacity" 01633880 00 s 02 drumhead 0 summary 0 001 & 01633591 a 0000 | performed speedily and without formality; "a summary execution"; "summary justice" 01634027 00 s 02 informal 0 loose 0 001 & 01633591 a 0000 | not officially recognized or controlled; "an informal agreement"; "a loose organization of the local farmers" 01634199 00 s 03 unauthorized 0 unauthorised 0 wildcat 0 001 & 01633591 a 0000 | without official authorization; "an unauthorized strike"; "wildcat work stoppage" 01634364 00 s 01 unsanctioned 0 001 & 01633591 a 0000 | without explicit official permission; "unsanctioned use of company cars" 01634495 00 a 01 confirmed 0 002 ! 01634851 a 0101 & 01634736 a 0000 | having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation; "confirmed reservations"; "received confirmed reports of casualties"; "a confirmed Catholic" 01634736 00 s 01 official 0 001 & 01634495 a 0000 | verified officially; "the election returns are now official" 01634851 00 a 01 unconfirmed 0 002 ! 01634495 a 0101 & 01635018 a 0000 | not finally established or settled; "an unconfirmed letter of credit"; "unconfirmed rumors" 01635018 00 s 01 unofficial 0 001 & 01634851 a 0000 | not officially established; "the early election returns are unofficial" 01635146 00 a 02 established 0 constituted 0 008 ! 01636757 a 0101 & 01635633 a 0000 & 01635962 a 0000 & 01636090 a 0000 & 01636205 a 0000 & 01636363 a 0000 & 01636507 a 0000 & 01636636 a 0000 | brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established; "the established social order"; "distrust the constituted authority"; "a team established as a member of a major league"; "enjoyed his prestige as an established writer"; "an established precedent"; "the established Church" 01635633 00 s 05 deep-rooted 0 deep-seated 0 implanted 0 ingrained 0 planted 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held; "deep-rooted prejudice"; "deep-seated differences of opinion"; "implanted convictions"; "ingrained habits of a lifetime"; "a deeply planted need" 01635962 00 s 01 entrenched 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | established firmly and securely; "the entrenched power of the nobility" 01636090 00 s 02 grooved 0 well-grooved 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | established as if settled into a groove or rut 01636205 00 s 01 legitimate 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles; "legitimate advertising practices" 01636363 00 s 01 official 0 002 & 01635146 a 0000 ;c 01032368 n 0000 | (of a church) given official status as a national or state institution 01636507 00 s 02 recognized 0 recognised 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | provided with a secure reputation; "a recognized authority" 01636636 00 s 02 self-constituted 0 self-established 0 001 & 01635146 a 0000 | constituted by or established by itself 01636757 00 a 01 unestablished 0 002 ! 01635146 a 0101 & 01636887 a 0000 | not established; "a reputation as yet unestablished" 01636887 00 s 02 unrecognized 0 unrecognised 0 001 & 01636757 a 0000 | not having a secure reputation; "short stories by unrecognized writers" 01637032 00 a 02 conditioned 0 learned 2 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 01637184 a 0101 | established by conditioning or learning; "a conditioned response" 01637184 00 a 03 unconditioned 0 innate 2 unlearned 2 003 + 04739630 n 0201 ! 01637032 a 0101 & 01637371 a 0000 | not established by conditioning or learning; "an unconditioned reflex" 01637371 00 s 01 naive 0 002 & 01637184 a 0000 + 04880573 n 0103 | inexperienced 01637454 00 a 01 on-site 0 002 ! 01637766 a 0101 & 01637583 a 0000 | taking place or located at the site; "on-site inspection" 01637583 00 s 02 on-the-spot(a) 0 on-the-scene(a) 0 001 & 01637454 a 0000 | at the scene of action; "an on-the-spot reporter"; "on-the-spot inspections"; "an on-the scene newscast" 01637766 00 a 01 off-site 0 001 ! 01637454 a 0101 | taking place or located away from the site; "an off-site waste treatment operation" 01637904 00 a 01 offstage 0 001 ! 01638053 a 0101 | situated or taking place in the area of a stage not visible to the audience; "offstage noises" 01638053 00 a 01 onstage 0 001 ! 01637904 a 0101 | situated or taking place on the area of a stage visible to the audience 01638178 00 a 01 off-street 0 001 ! 01638311 a 0101 | not on the streets; "off-street parking"; "off-street unloading of vehicles" 01638311 00 a 01 on-street 0 001 ! 01638178 a 0101 | at the sides of streets; "on-street parking is prohibited at rush hour" 01638438 00 a 01 old 1 021 ^ 00668571 a 0000 ^ 01536911 a 0000 ^ 01727926 a 0000 ^ 01068726 a 0000 ^ 02580449 a 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 + 04925348 n 0101 ! 01640850 a 0101 & 01638962 a 0000 & 01639230 a 0000 & 01639446 a 0000 & 01639636 a 0000 & 01639720 a 0000 & 01639891 a 0000 & 01639973 a 0000 & 01640124 a 0000 & 01640261 a 0000 & 01640356 a 0000 & 01640482 a 0000 & 01640618 a 0000 & 01640729 a 0000 | of long duration; not new; "old tradition"; "old house"; "old wine"; "old country"; "old friendships"; "old money" 01638962 00 s 02 age-old 0 antique 1 005 & 01638438 a 0000 + 10376890 n 0205 + 02723754 n 0201 + 15253139 n 0201 + 04925756 n 0202 | belonging to or lasting from times long ago; "age-old customs"; "the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness" 01639230 00 s 03 antediluvian 0 antiquated 0 archaic 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period; "a ramshackle antediluvian tenement"; "antediluvian ideas"; "archaic laws" 01639446 00 s 01 antique 0 003 & 01638438 a 0000 + 02723754 n 0101 + 02724026 n 0101 | made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age; "the beautiful antique French furniture" 01639636 00 s 01 auld 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | a Scottish word; "auld lang syne" 01639720 00 s 02 hand-me-down 1 hand-down 1 002 & 01638438 a 0000 + 03487642 n 0101 | passed on from one person to another; "not too proud to wear hand-me-down clothes" 01639891 00 s 02 hoary 0 rusty 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | ancient; "hoary jokes" 01639973 00 s 01 immemorial(ip) 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | long past; beyond the limits of memory or tradition or recorded history; "time immemorial" 01640124 00 s 01 long-ago 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | belonging to time long gone; "those long-ago dresses that swished along the floor" 01640261 00 s 01 longtime(a) 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | of long duration; "a longtime friend" 01640356 00 s 01 patched 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | mended usually clumsily by covering a hole with a patch; "patched jeans" 01640482 00 s 02 secondhand 0 used 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | previously used or owned by another; "bought a secondhand (or used) car" 01640618 00 s 01 sunset 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | of a declining industry or technology; "sunset industries" 01640729 00 s 02 yellow 0 yellowed 0 001 & 01638438 a 0000 | changed to a yellowish color by age; "yellowed parchment" 01640850 00 a 01 new 0 021 ^ 00666058 a 0000 ^ 01067694 a 0000 ^ 01535709 a 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 + 04926427 n 0101 ! 01638438 a 0101 & 01641460 a 0000 & 01641648 a 0000 & 01641791 a 0000 & 01641921 a 0000 & 01642081 a 0000 & 01642245 a 0000 & 01642379 a 0000 & 01642477 a 0000 & 01642657 a 0000 & 01642843 a 0000 & 01642951 a 0000 & 01643094 a 0000 & 01643260 a 0000 & 01643373 a 0000 & 01643480 a 0000 | not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World" 01641460 00 s 04 brand-new 0 bran-new 0 spic-and-span 0 spick-and-span 0 002 & 01640850 a 0000 + 04926620 n 0101 | conspicuously new; "shiny brand-new shoes"; "a spick-and-span novelty" 01641648 00 s 01 fresh 0 002 & 01640850 a 0000 + 04800596 n 0101 | (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again; "a fresh start"; "fresh ideas" 01641791 00 s 02 hot 0 red-hot 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | newest or most recent; "news hot off the press"; "red-hot information" 01641921 00 s 02 newborn 0 new-sprung(a) 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | having just or recently arisen or come into existence; "new nations"; "with newborn fears" 01642081 00 s 01 newfound 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | newly discovered; "his newfound aggressiveness"; "Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea" 01642245 00 s 02 novel 0 refreshing 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | pleasantly new or different; "common sense of a most refreshing sort" 01642379 00 s 02 parvenu 0 parvenue 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | of or characteristic of a parvenu 01642477 00 s 01 recent 0 003 & 01640850 a 0000 + 04927268 n 0101 + 04927268 n 0102 | new; "recent graduates"; "a recent addition to the house"; "recent buds on the apple trees" 01642657 00 s 02 revolutionary 0 radical 0 002 & 01640850 a 0000 + 07424109 n 0101 | markedly new or introducing radical change; "a revolutionary discovery"; "radical political views" 01642843 00 s 01 rising 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | newly come into prominence; "a rising young politician" 01642951 00 s 01 sunrise(a) 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | of an industry or technology; new and developing; "high-technology sunrise industries" 01643094 00 s 02 untested 0 untried 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | not yet proved or subjected to testing; "an untested drug"; "untested theory"; "an untried procedure" 01643260 00 s 01 unused 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | not yet put into use; "we bought an unused car for a change" 01643373 00 s 01 virgin 0 001 & 01640850 a 0000 | being used or worked for the first time; "virgin wool" 01643480 00 s 01 young 0 002 & 01640850 a 0000 + 04928416 n 0101 | being in its early stage; "a young industry"; "the day is still young" 01643620 00 a 01 old 2 023 ^ 00935500 a 0000 ^ 01488245 a 0000 ^ 02099774 a 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 + 04927445 n 0101 ! 01646941 a 0101 & 01644225 a 0000 & 01644541 a 0000 & 01644709 a 0000 & 01644847 a 0000 & 01644967 a 0000 & 01645048 a 0000 & 01645152 a 0000 & 01645296 a 0000 & 01645490 a 0000 & 01645678 a 0000 & 01646021 a 0000 & 01646120 a 0000 & 01646278 a 0000 & 01646366 a 0000 & 01646435 a 0000 & 01646646 a 0000 & 01646794 a 0000 | (used especially of persons) having lived for a relatively long time or attained a specific age; "his mother is very old"; "a ripe old age"; "how old are you?" 01644225 00 s 04 aged 1 elderly 0 older 0 senior 0 004 & 01643620 a 0000 + 04927890 n 0402 + 07943870 n 0101 + 04927632 n 0101 | advanced in years; (`aged' is pronounced as two syllables); "aged members of the society"; "elderly residents could remember the construction of the first skyscraper"; "senior citizen" 01644541 00 s 02 aged(a) 2 of_age(p) 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | having attained a specific age; (`aged' is pronounced as one syllable); "aged ten"; "ten years of age" 01644709 00 s 03 aging 0 ageing 0 senescent 0 004 & 01643620 a 0000 + 13429006 n 0303 + 04927632 n 0302 + 00248026 v 0301 | growing old 01644847 00 s 01 ancient 0 003 & 01643620 a 0000 + 04925756 n 0101 + 09793248 n 0101 | very old; "an ancient mariner" 01644967 00 s 01 anile 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | of or like a feeble old woman 01645048 00 s 01 centenarian 0 002 & 01643620 a 0000 + 09904208 n 0101 | being at least 100 years old 01645152 00 s 01 darkened 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | (of fabrics and paper) grown dark in color over time; "the darkened margins of the paper" 01645296 00 s 04 doddering 0 doddery 0 gaga 0 senile 0 003 & 01643620 a 0000 + 15154190 n 0403 + 04927792 n 0401 | mentally or physically infirm with age; "his mother was doddering and frail" 01645490 00 s 01 emeritus 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | honorably retired from assigned duties and retaining your title along with the additional title `emeritus' as in `professor emeritus' 01645678 00 s 0a grey 0 gray 0 grey-haired 0 gray-haired 0 grey-headed 0 gray-headed 0 grizzly 0 hoar 0 hoary 0 white-haired 0 004 & 01643620 a 0000 + 04961583 n 0902 + 04926308 n 0901 + 03461037 n 0701 | showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair; "whose beard with age is hoar"-Coleridge; "nodded his hoary head" 01646021 00 s 01 middle-aged 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | being roughly between 45 and 65 years old 01646120 00 s 01 nonagenarian 0 002 & 01643620 a 0000 + 10360253 n 0101 | being from 90 to 99 years old; "the nonagenarian inhabitants of the nursing home" 01646278 00 s 01 octogenarian 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | being from 80 to 89 years old 01646366 00 s 01 oldish 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | somewhat elderly 01646435 00 s 04 overage 0 overaged 0 superannuated 1 over-the-hill 0 001 & 01643620 a 0000 | too old to be useful; "He left the house...for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders"- Anthony Trollope 01646646 00 s 01 sexagenarian 0 002 & 01643620 a 0000 + 10584617 n 0101 | being from 60 to 69 years old; "the sexagenarian population is growing" 01646794 00 s 01 venerable 0 002 & 01643620 a 0000 + 04869405 n 0102 | impressive by reason of age; "a venerable sage with white hair and beard" 01646941 00 a 02 young 0 immature 3 028 ^ 01489722 a 0000 ^ 02100709 a 0000 ^ 01640850 a 0000 = 04924103 n 0000 ;c 00004258 n 0000 + 14425974 n 0202 + 07944050 n 0101 + 04928416 n 0101 ! 01643620 a 0101 & 01647601 a 0000 & 01647675 a 0000 & 01647750 a 0000 & 01647829 a 0000 & 01647906 a 0000 & 01647983 a 0000 & 01648189 a 0000 & 01648313 a 0000 & 01648491 a 0000 & 01648617 a 0000 & 01648698 a 0000 & 01648891 a 0000 & 01649031 a 0000 & 01649184 a 0000 & 01649271 a 0000 & 01649469 a 0000 & 01649561 a 0000 & 01649651 a 0000 & 01649720 a 0000 | (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth; "young people" 01647601 00 s 01 one-year-old 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | one year of age 01647675 00 s 01 two-year-old 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | two years of age 01647750 00 s 01 three-year-old 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | three years of age 01647829 00 s 01 four-year-old 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | four years of age 01647906 00 s 01 five-year-old 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | five years of age 01647983 00 s 04 adolescent 0 teen 0 teenage 0 teenaged 0 004 & 01646941 a 0000 + 09772029 n 0101 + 15147850 n 0101 + 00252710 v 0101 | being of the age 13 through 19; "teenage mothers"; "the teen years" 01648189 00 s 01 infantile 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | being or befitting or characteristic of an infant; "infantile games" 01648313 00 s 03 boyish 0 boylike 0 schoolboyish 0 002 & 01646941 a 0000 + 04667076 n 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a young boy; "a boyish grin"; "schoolboyish pranks" 01648491 00 s 02 childlike 0 childly 0 002 & 01646941 a 0000 + 09917593 n 0201 | befitting a young child; "childlike charm" 01648617 00 s 01 early 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | very young; "at an early age" 01648698 00 s 02 girlish 0 schoolgirlish 0 002 & 01646941 a 0000 + 04668033 n 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a young girl; "girlish charm"; "a dress too schoolgirlish for office wear" 01648891 00 s 01 junior 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | including or intended for youthful persons; "a junior sports league"; "junior fashions" 01649031 00 s 02 little 0 small 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | (of children and animals) young, immature; "what a big little boy you are"; "small children" 01649184 00 s 01 newborn 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | recently born; "a newborn infant" 01649271 00 s 02 preteen 0 preadolescent 0 002 & 01646941 a 0000 + 09627263 n 0101 | of or relating to or designed for children between the ages of 9 and 12; "a preteen party"; "preteen clothing" 01649469 00 s 02 puppyish 0 puppylike 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | characteristic of a puppy 01649561 00 s 01 tender 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | young and immature; "at a tender age" 01649651 00 s 01 youngish 0 001 & 01646941 a 0000 | somewhat young 01649720 00 s 03 youthful 0 vernal 0 young 1 002 & 01646941 a 0000 + 04928585 n 0102 | suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh; "he is young for his age" 01649876 00 a 01 one-piece 0 002 ! 01650037 a 0101 ! 01650193 a 0101 | (of clothing) consisting of or fashioned in a single whole piece; "a one-piece garment" 01650037 00 a 01 two-piece 0 002 ! 01650193 a 0101 ! 01649876 a 0101 | (of clothing) made in or consisting of two parts or pieces; "a two-piece swimsuit" 01650193 00 a 01 three-piece 0 002 ! 01649876 a 0101 ! 01650037 a 0101 | (of clothing) made in or consisting of three parts or pieces; "the standard three-piece business suit; jacket and trousers and vest" 01650401 00 a 02 on-line 0 online 0 003 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ! 01650752 a 0101 & 01650581 a 0000 | connected to a computer network or accessible by computer; "an on-line database" 01650581 00 s 02 machine-accessible 0 connected 2 002 & 01650401 a 0000 + 13791389 n 0203 | stored in, controlled by, or in direct communication with a central computer 01650752 00 a 01 off-line 0 002 ;c 06128570 n 0000 ! 01650401 a 0101 | not connected to a computer network; "off-line resources" 01650883 00 a 02 on-line 2 online 2 002 ;c 01105259 n 0000 ! 01651044 a 0101 | on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system; "on-line industries" 01651044 00 a 01 off-line 2 002 ;c 01105259 n 0000 ! 01650883 a 0101 | not on a regular route of a transportation system; "an off-line ticket office" 01651196 00 a 01 on 0 002 ! 01651469 a 0101 & 01651346 a 0000 | in operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position" 01651346 00 s 01 connected 0 001 & 01651196 a 0000 | plugged in; "first check to see whether the appliance is connected" 01651469 00 a 01 off 0 002 ! 01651196 a 0101 & 01651609 a 0000 | not in operation or operational; "the oven is off"; "the lights are off" 01651609 00 s 01 disconnected 0 001 & 01651469 a 0000 | not plugged in or connected to a power source; "the iron is disconnected" 01651741 00 a 01 on 2 001 ! 01651896 a 0101 | (of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night" 01651896 00 a 02 off 2 cancelled 2 001 ! 01651741 a 0101 | (of events) no longer planned or scheduled; "the wedding is definitely off" 01652033 00 a 01 onside 0 002 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 01652158 a 0101 | not offside; being within the prescribed area of play 01652158 00 a 02 offside 0 offsides 0 002 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 01652033 a 0101 | illegally beyond a prescribed line or area or ahead of the ball or puck; "the touchdown was nullified because the left tackle was offside" 01652380 00 a 02 open 1 unfastened 4 004 ^ 01652902 a 0000 ! 01652782 a 0101 & 01652601 a 0000 & 01652689 a 0000 | affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open" 01652601 00 s 01 ajar(p) 0 001 & 01652380 a 0000 | slightly open; "the door was ajar" 01652689 00 s 01 wide-open 0 001 & 01652380 a 0000 | open wide; "left the doors wide-open" 01652782 00 a 03 shut 0 unopen 4 closed 4 002 ^ 01653538 a 0000 ! 01652380 a 0101 | not open; "the door slammed shut" 01652902 00 a 01 open 2 006 ^ 01652380 a 0000 ^ 02086991 a 0000 ! 01653538 a 0101 & 01653135 a 0000 & 01653231 a 0000 & 01653379 a 0000 | affording free passage or access; "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks" 01653135 00 s 01 opened 0 001 & 01652902 a 0000 | made open or clear; "the newly opened road" 01653231 00 s 01 unstoppered 0 001 & 01652902 a 0000 | (of a container) having the stopper removed; "whiskey spilled from the unstoppered bottle" 01653379 00 s 01 yawning 0 001 & 01652902 a 0000 | gaping open as if threatening to engulf someone or something; "the yawning mine shaft"; "a yawning abyss" 01653538 00 a 01 closed 1 008 ^ 01620509 a 0000 ^ 02086667 a 0000 ^ 01652782 a 0000 ! 01652902 a 0101 & 01653857 a 0000 & 01653992 a 0000 & 01654162 a 0000 & 01654299 a 0000 | not open or affording passage or access; "the many closed streets made travel difficult"; "our neighbors peeped from behind closed curtains" 01653857 00 s 02 blocked 0 out_of_use(p) 0 001 & 01653538 a 0000 | closed to traffic; "the repaving results in many blocked streets" 01653992 00 s 01 drawn 0 001 & 01653538 a 0000 | having the curtains or draperies closed or pulled shut; "the drawn draperies kept direct sunlight from fading the rug" 01654162 00 s 01 stoppered 0 001 & 01653538 a 0000 | (of a container) having a stopper in the opening; "the tightly stoppered bottles" 01654299 00 s 01 nonopening 0 001 & 01653538 a 0000 | not open; not opening 01654377 00 a 02 open 8 opened 2 005 ! 01655162 a 0101 & 01654582 a 0000 & 01654769 a 0000 & 01654900 a 0000 & 01655025 a 0000 | used of mouth or eyes; "keep your eyes open"; "his mouth slightly opened" 01654582 00 s 02 agape(p) 0 gaping 0 001 & 01654377 a 0000 | with the mouth wide open as in wonder or awe; "the gaping audience"; "we stood there agape with wonder"; "with mouth agape" 01654769 00 s 02 agaze 0 staring 0 001 & 01654377 a 0000 | (used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder; "staring eyes" 01654900 00 s 02 wide-eyed 0 wide 0 001 & 01654377 a 0000 | (used of eyes) fully open or extended; "stared with wide eyes" 01655025 00 s 01 yawning 1 001 & 01654377 a 0000 | with the mouth wide open indicating boredom or sleepiness; "a yawning congregation" 01655162 00 a 02 closed 3 shut 2 004 ! 01654377 a 0101 & 01655386 a 0000 & 01655538 a 0000 & 01655651 a 0000 | used especially of mouth or eyes; "he sat quietly with closed eyes"; "his eyes were shut against the sunlight" 01655386 00 s 02 blinking 0 winking 0 001 & 01655162 a 0000 | closing the eyes intermittently and rapidly; "he stood blinking in the bright sunlight" 01655538 00 s 02 compressed 0 tight 0 001 & 01655162 a 0000 | pressed tightly together; "with lips compressed" 01655651 00 s 02 squinched 0 squinting 0 001 & 01655162 a 0000 | having eyes half closed in order to see better; "squinched eyes" 01655783 00 a 01 spaced 0 004 ! 01656416 a 0101 & 01655972 a 0000 & 01656129 a 0000 & 01656253 a 0000 | arranged with spaces between; often used as a combining form; "widely spaced eyes" 01655972 00 s 01 double-spaced 0 001 & 01655783 a 0000 | (of type or print) having a blank line between lines of type; "manuscripts must be double-spaced" 01656129 00 s 01 leaded 0 002 & 01655783 a 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 | having thin strips of lead between the lines of type 01656253 00 s 01 single-spaced 0 001 & 01655783 a 0000 | (of type or print) not having a blank space between lines; "business letters are usually single-spaced" 01656416 00 a 01 unspaced 0 002 ! 01655783 a 0101 & 01656520 a 0000 | arranged without spaces between 01656520 00 s 01 unleaded 0 002 & 01656416 a 0000 ;c 06677302 n 0000 | not having leads between the lines 01656628 00 a 01 enclosed 0 014 ! 01658814 a 0101 & 01657056 a 0000 & 01657129 a 0000 & 01657233 a 0000 & 01657420 a 0000 & 01657562 a 0000 & 01657760 a 0000 & 01657867 a 0000 & 01657967 a 0000 & 01658195 a 0000 & 01658269 a 0000 & 01658386 a 0000 & 01658533 a 0000 & 01658666 a 0000 | closed in or surrounded or included within; "an enclosed porch"; "an enclosed yard"; "the enclosed check is to cover shipping and handling" 01657056 00 s 01 basined 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | enclosed in a basin 01657129 00 s 01 besieged 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | surrounded by hostile forces; "the besieged town" 01657233 00 s 03 boxed 0 boxed-in(a) 0 boxed_in(p) 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | enclosed in or as if in a box; "boxed cigars"; "a confining boxed-in space"; "felt boxed in by the traffic" 01657420 00 s 02 capsulate 0 capsulated 0 002 & 01656628 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | used of seeds or spores that are enclosed in a capsule 01657562 00 s 01 clathrate 0 002 & 01656628 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | designating or relating to a compound in which one component is physically enclosed within the crystal structure of another 01657760 00 s 02 closed 0 closed_in(p) 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | blocked against entry; "a closed porch" 01657867 00 s 01 coarctate 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | (of an insect pupa) enclosed in a rigid case 01657967 00 s 01 embedded 1 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | enclosed firmly in a surrounding mass; "found pebbles embedded in the silt"; "stone containing many embedded fossils"; "peach and plum seeds embedded in a sweet edible pulp" 01658195 00 s 01 fencelike 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | resembling a fence 01658269 00 s 01 included 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | enclosed in the same envelope or package; "the included check" 01658386 00 s 01 involved 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | enveloped; "a castle involved in mist"; "the difficulties in which the question is involved" 01658533 00 s 01 self-enclosed 0 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | of self-imposed enclosure or confinement; "a self-enclosed Jewish cosmos" 01658666 00 s 02 surrounded 0 encircled 2 001 & 01656628 a 0000 | confined on all sides; "a camp surrounded by enemies"; "the encircled pioneers" 01658814 00 a 01 unenclosed 0 004 ! 01656628 a 0101 & 01659014 a 0000 & 01659117 a 0000 & 01659277 a 0000 | not closed in our surrounded or included; "an unenclosed porch"; "unenclosed common land" 01659014 00 s 02 hypaethral 0 hypethral 0 001 & 01658814 a 0000 | partly or entirely open to the sky 01659117 00 s 01 open 0 002 & 01658814 a 0000 + 08613733 n 0104 | having no protecting cover or enclosure; "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars" 01659277 00 s 01 unfenced 0 001 & 01658814 a 0000 | not enclosed by a fence 01659355 00 a 01 tanned 0 001 ! 01659447 a 0101 | converted to leather by a tanning agent 01659447 00 a 01 untanned 0 001 ! 01659355 a 0101 | not converted to leather by a tanning agent; "a whip made of untanned hide" 01659577 00 a 01 tapped 0 002 ! 01659874 a 0101 & 01659762 a 0000 | in a condition for letting out liquid drawn out as by piercing or drawing a plug; "latex from tapped rubber trees" 01659762 00 s 02 abroach 0 broached 0 001 & 01659577 a 0000 | of a cask or barrel; "the cask was set abroach" 01659874 00 a 01 untapped 0 001 ! 01659577 a 0101 | not subjected to tapping; "an untapped keg"; "an untapped sugar maple" 01659999 00 a 01 open 4 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 01660135 a 0101 | (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints 01660135 00 a 01 closed 2 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 01659999 a 0101 | (set theory) of an interval that contains both its endpoints 01660267 00 a 01 operational 0 004 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 01660857 a 0101 & 01660444 a 0000 & 01660712 a 0000 | (military) of or intended for or involved in military operations 01660444 00 s 03 active 0 combat-ready 0 fighting(a) 0 004 & 01660267 a 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 + 14006945 n 0103 + 14006945 n 0102 | engaged in or ready for military or naval operations; "on active duty"; "the platoon is combat-ready"; "review the fighting forces" 01660712 00 s 01 effective 0 002 & 01660267 a 0000 ;c 08199025 n 0000 | ready for service; "the fort was held by about 100 effective soldiers" 01660857 00 a 02 nonoperational 0 inactive 0 002 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 01660267 a 0101 | (military) not involved in military operations 01660994 00 a 01 opportune 0 006 ^ 00064479 a 0000 + 14483917 n 0101 + 04718826 n 0101 ! 01661914 a 0101 & 01661289 a 0000 & 01661529 a 0000 | suitable or at a time that is suitable or advantageous especially for a particular purpose; "an opportune place to make camp"; "an opportune arrival" 01661289 00 s 03 good 0 right 0 ripe 0 002 & 01660994 a 0000 + 05142180 n 0102 | most suitable or right for a particular purpose; "a good time to plant tomatoes"; "the right time to act"; "the time is ripe for great sociological changes" 01661529 00 s 04 timely 0 seasonable 0 well-timed(a) 0 well_timed(p) 0 005 & 01660994 a 0000 + 05049253 n 0201 + 15245515 n 0101 + 05049253 n 0102 + 04718826 n 0103 | done or happening at the appropriate or proper time; "a timely warning"; "with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery"; "a seasonable time for discussion"; "the book's publication was well timed" 01661914 00 a 01 inopportune 0 005 ^ 00065488 a 0000 + 04723107 n 0101 ! 01660994 a 0101 & 01662119 a 0000 & 01662384 a 0000 | not opportune; "arrived at a most inopportune hour"; "an inopportune visit" 01662119 00 s 04 ill-timed 0 unseasonable 0 untimely 0 wrong 0 003 & 01661914 a 0000 + 04723107 n 0302 + 05049458 n 0201 | badly timed; "an ill-timed intervention"; "you think my intrusion unseasonable"; "an untimely remark"; "it was the wrong moment for a joke" 01662384 00 s 01 inconvenient 0 001 & 01661914 a 0000 | not conveniently timed; "an early departure is inconvenient for us" 01662510 00 a 02 opposable 0 apposable 0 002 + 01500214 v 0201 ! 01662685 a 0101 | capable of being placed opposite to something; "the thumb is opposable to the forefinger" 01662685 00 a 01 unopposable 0 001 ! 01662510 a 0101 | not opposable 01662756 00 a 01 opposed 0 002 ! 01663049 a 0101 & 01662912 a 0000 | being in opposition or having an opponent; "two bitterly opposed schools of thought" 01662912 00 s 01 conflicting 0 001 & 01662756 a 0000 | on bad terms; "they were usually at odds over politics"; "conflicting opinions" 01663049 00 a 01 unopposed 0 001 ! 01662756 a 0101 | not having opposition or an opponent; "unopposed military forces"; "the candidate was unopposed" 01663201 00 a 02 opposite 0 paired 2 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 01663359 a 0101 | of leaves etc; growing in pairs on either side of a stem; "opposite leaves" 01663359 00 a 01 alternate 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 01663201 a 0101 | of leaves and branches etc; first on one side and then on the other in two ranks along an axis; not paired; "stems with alternate leaves" 01663571 00 a 01 optimistic 0 010 ^ 01228530 a 0000 ^ 01817500 a 0000 + 07541558 n 0101 + 05211793 n 0101 ! 01664581 a 0101 & 01663916 a 0000 & 01664015 a 0000 & 01664156 a 0000 & 01664310 a 0000 & 01664455 a 0000 | expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds; "in an optimistic mood"; "optimistic plans"; "took an optimistic view" 01663916 00 s 01 bullish 0 002 & 01663571 a 0000 ;c 04323026 n 0000 | expecting a rise in prices 01664015 00 s 03 cheerful 0 pollyannaish 0 upbeat 0 002 & 01663571 a 0000 + 07530478 n 0101 | pleasantly (even unrealistically) optimistic 01664156 00 s 02 rose-colored 0 rosy 0 001 & 01663571 a 0000 | reflecting optimism; "a rosy future"; "looked at the world through rose-colored glasses" 01664310 00 s 01 starry-eyed 0 001 & 01663571 a 0000 | unrealistically or naively optimistic; "a starry-eyed reformer"; "starry-eyed idealism" 01664455 00 s 01 sanguine 0 003 & 01663571 a 0000 + 07541760 n 0102 + 07541760 n 0101 | confidently optimistic and cheerful 01664581 00 a 01 pessimistic 0 007 ^ 01229020 a 0000 ^ 01818234 a 0000 + 07543033 n 0101 + 05211974 n 0101 ! 01663571 a 0101 & 01664783 a 0000 & 01664880 a 0000 | expecting the worst possible outcome 01664783 00 s 01 bearish 0 002 & 01664581 a 0000 ;c 04323026 n 0000 | expecting prices to fall 01664880 00 s 04 demoralized 0 demoralised 0 discouraged 0 disheartened 0 001 & 01664581 a 0000 | made less hopeful or enthusiastic; "desperate demoralized people looking for work"; "felt discouraged by the magnitude of the problem"; "the disheartened instructor tried vainly to arouse their interest" 01665184 00 a 01 oral 0 004 ;c 06057539 n 0000 ! 01665674 a 0101 & 01665457 a 0000 & 01665581 a 0000 | of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located; "the oral cavity"; "the oral mucous membrane"; "the oral surface of a starfish" 01665457 00 s 01 buccal 1 001 & 01665184 a 0000 | oriented toward the inside of the cheek; "the buccal aspect of the gum" 01665581 00 s 01 buccal 2 001 & 01665184 a 0000 | lying within the mouth; "a buccal gland" 01665674 00 a 01 aboral 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 ! 01665184 a 0101 | opposite to or away from the mouth; "the aboral surface of a starfish" 01665816 00 a 01 actinal 0 002 ;c 00004475 n 0000 ! 01665972 a 0101 | (of radiate organisms) located on the surface or end on which the mouth is situated 01665972 00 a 01 abactinal 0 001 ! 01665816 a 0101 | (of radiate animals) located on the surface or end opposite to that on which the mouth is situated 01666126 00 a 01 orderly 0 002 ! 01666275 a 0101 + 04768483 n 0101 | devoid of violence or disruption; "an orderly crowd confronted the president" 01666275 00 a 01 disorderly 0 006 ! 01666126 a 0101 & 01666489 a 0000 & 01666927 a 0000 & 01667110 a 0000 & 01667271 a 0000 + 13977184 n 0104 | undisciplined and unruly; "disorderly youths"; "disorderly conduct" 01666489 00 s 05 boisterous 0 rambunctious 0 robustious 0 rumbustious 0 unruly 0 003 & 01666275 a 0000 + 04908396 n 0501 + 04985064 n 0101 | noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; "a boisterous crowd"; "a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"; "a robustious group of teenagers"; "beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"; "an unruly class" 01666927 00 s 02 mobbish 0 moblike 0 001 & 01666275 a 0000 | characteristic of a mob; disorderly or lawless; "fanned mounting tension into mobbish terrorizing"; "moblike mentality" 01667110 00 s 02 raucous 0 rowdy 0 002 & 01666275 a 0000 + 13977184 n 0201 | disturbing the public peace; loud and rough; "a raucous party"; "rowdy teenagers" 01667271 00 s 03 rough-and-tumble 0 bare-knuckle 0 bare-knuckled 0 001 & 01666275 a 0000 | characterized by disorderly action and disregard for rules; "a rough-and-tumble fight"; "rough-and-tumble politics"; "undisguised bare-knuckle capitalism" 01667519 00 a 01 ordered 0 003 ! 01668250 a 0101 & 01667729 a 0000 & 01668011 a 0000 | having a systematic arrangement; especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule; "an ordered sequence" 01667729 00 s 05 consecutive 0 sequent 0 sequential 0 serial 0 successive 0 008 & 01667519 a 0000 + 05044822 n 0504 + 02406585 v 0501 + 06593803 n 0402 + 06621447 n 0401 + 08457976 n 0401 + 05044822 n 0301 + 01010458 n 0302 | in regular succession without gaps; "serial concerts" 01668011 00 s 01 progressive 0 001 & 01667519 a 0000 | (of a card game or a dance) involving a series of sections for which the participants successively change place or relative position; "progressive euchre"; "progressive tournaments" 01668250 00 a 02 disordered 0 unordered 0 001 ! 01667519 a 0101 | not arranged in order 01668340 00 a 01 organized 1 004 ^ 02382934 a 0000 ! 01668858 a 0101 & 01668567 a 0000 & 01668723 a 0000 | methodical and efficient in arrangement or function; "how well organized she is"; "his life was almost too organized" 01668567 00 s 01 methodical 0 003 & 01668340 a 0000 + 05660268 n 0101 + 04768483 n 0102 | characterized by method and orderliness; "a methodical scholar" 01668723 00 s 01 well-conducted 0 001 & 01668340 a 0000 | characterized by good organization and control; "a well-conducted meeting" 01668858 00 a 02 disorganized 0 disorganised 0 008 ^ 02383151 a 0000 ! 01668340 a 0101 & 01669246 a 0000 & 01669507 a 0000 & 01669617 a 0000 & 01669774 a 0000 & 01669899 a 0000 & 01670037 a 0000 | lacking order or methodical arrangement or function; "a disorganized enterprise"; "a thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose"; "she was too disorganized to be an agreeable roommate" 01669246 00 s 04 broken 0 confused 0 disordered 0 upset 0 001 & 01668858 a 0000 | thrown into a state of disarray or confusion; "troops fleeing in broken ranks"; "a confused mass of papers on the desk"; "the small disordered room"; "with everything so upset" 01669507 00 s 02 chaotic 0 helter-skelter 0 001 & 01668858 a 0000 | lacking a visible order or organization 01669617 00 s 02 fucked-up 0 snafu 0 002 & 01668858 a 0000 + 00075283 n 0201 | snarled or stalled in complete confusion; "situation normal--all fucked-up" 01669774 00 s 01 scrambled 0 001 & 01668858 a 0000 | thrown together in a disorderly fashion; "a scrambled plan of action" 01669899 00 s 01 unmethodical 0 001 & 01668858 a 0000 | not efficient or methodical; "the project failed through unmethodical planning" 01670037 00 s 02 unstuck 0 undone 0 001 & 01668858 a 0000 | thrown into a state of disorganization or incoherence; "price programs became unstuck because little grain was available" 01670221 00 a 01 organized 2 007 ^ 01671732 a 0000 ! 01671095 a 0101 & 01670427 a 0000 & 01670524 a 0000 & 01670669 a 0000 & 01670856 a 0000 & 01670982 a 0000 | formed into a structured or coherent whole 01670427 00 s 01 arranged 1 001 & 01670221 a 0000 | planned in advance; "an arranged marriage" 01670524 00 s 01 configured 0 001 & 01670221 a 0000 | organized so as to give configuration to; "a magnet is surrounded by a configured field" 01670669 00 s 02 corporate 0 incorporated 0 001 & 01670221 a 0000 | organized and maintained as a legal corporation; "a special agency set up in corporate form"; "an incorporated town" 01670856 00 s 01 re-formed 0 001 & 01670221 a 0000 | formed again or anew; "the re-formed scout troop has been very active" 01670982 00 s 02 reorganized 0 reorganised 0 001 & 01670221 a 0000 | organized again; "a reorganized business" 01671095 00 a 02 unorganized 0 unorganised 0 005 ^ 01671881 a 0000 ! 01670221 a 0101 & 01671336 a 0000 & 01671509 a 0000 & 01671620 a 0000 | not having or belonging to a structured whole; "unorganized territories lack a formal government" 01671336 00 s 01 uncoordinated 0 001 & 01671095 a 0000 | lacking in cooperative planning and organization ; "uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting games" 01671509 00 s 01 unformed 0 001 & 01671095 a 0000 | not formed or organized; "an as yet unformed government" 01671620 00 s 01 unincorporated 0 001 & 01671095 a 0000 | not organized and maintained as a legal corporation 01671732 00 a 01 structured 0 002 ^ 01670221 a 0000 ! 01671881 a 0101 | having definite and highly organized structure; "a structured environment" 01671881 00 a 01 unstructured 0 004 ^ 01671095 a 0000 ! 01671732 a 0101 & 01672239 a 0000 & 01672487 a 0000 | lacking definite structure or organization; "an unstructured situation with no one in authority"; "a neighborhood gang with a relatively unstructured system"; "children in an unstructured environment often feel insecure"; "unstructured inkblots" 01672239 00 s 01 ambiguous 0 003 & 01671881 a 0000 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 06604319 n 0101 | having no intrinsic or objective meaning; not organized in conventional patterns; "an ambiguous situation with no frame of reference"; "ambiguous inkblots" 01672487 00 s 01 unregulated 0 001 & 01671881 a 0000 | without regulation or discipline; "an unregulated environment" 01672607 00 a 01 ordinary 0 014 ^ 00485711 a 0000 ^ 00489108 a 0000 = 04794751 n 0000 + 04794751 n 0101 ! 01675190 a 0101 & 01673061 a 0000 & 01673434 a 0000 & 01673590 a 0000 & 01673815 a 0000 & 01673946 a 0000 & 01674134 a 0000 & 01674242 a 0000 & 01674604 a 0000 & 01674926 a 0000 | not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree; "ordinary everyday objects"; "ordinary decency"; "an ordinary day"; "an ordinary wine" 01673061 00 s 04 average 0 fair 0 mediocre 0 middling 0 004 & 01672607 a 0000 + 04795061 n 0302 + 04795061 n 0101 + 14501172 n 0101 | lacking exceptional quality or ability; "a novel of average merit"; "only a fair performance of the sonata"; "in fair health"; "the caliber of the students has gone from mediocre to above average"; "the performance was middling at best" 01673434 00 s 01 banausic 0 002 & 01672607 a 0000 ;u 01204055 n 0000 | (formal) ordinary and not refined; "he felt contempt for all banausic occupations" 01673590 00 s 02 characterless 0 nondescript 0 002 & 01672607 a 0000 + 10361060 n 0201 | lacking distinct or individual characteristics; dull and uninteresting; "women dressed in nondescript clothes"; "a nondescript novel" 01673815 00 s 01 common 0 003 & 01672607 a 0000 + 14501375 n 0101 + 04764741 n 0101 | to be expected; standard; "common decency" 01673946 00 s 01 commonplace 2 002 & 01672607 a 0000 + 04795545 n 0102 | completely ordinary and unremarkable; "air travel has now become commonplace"; "commonplace everyday activities" 01674134 00 s 02 cut-and-dried 0 cut-and-dry 0 001 & 01672607 a 0000 | according to ordinary expectations 01674242 00 s 06 everyday 0 mundane 0 quotidian 0 routine 0 unremarkable 0 workaday 0 004 & 01672607 a 0000 + 04794751 n 0203 + 04794751 n 0202 + 04795545 n 0103 | found in the ordinary course of events; "a placid everyday scene"; "it was a routine day"; "there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute"- Anita Diamant 01674604 00 s 02 indifferent 0 so-so(p) 0 001 & 01672607 a 0000 | being neither good nor bad; "an indifferent performance"; "a gifted painter but an indifferent actor"; "her work at the office is passable"; "a so-so golfer"; "feeling only so-so"; "prepared a tolerable dinner"; "a tolerable working knowledge of French" 01674926 00 s 04 run-of-the-mill 0 run-of-the-mine 0 mine_run 0 unexceptional 0 001 & 01672607 a 0000 | not special in any way; "run-of-the-mill boxing"; "your run-of-the-mine college graduate"; "a unexceptional an incident as can be found in a lawyer's career" 01675190 00 a 01 extraordinary 0 023 ^ 00504592 a 0000 ^ 00487653 a 0000 ^ 00490035 a 0000 ^ 02341266 a 0000 ^ 01282014 a 0000 = 04794751 n 0000 + 04796490 n 0101 ! 01672607 a 0101 & 01675931 a 0000 & 01676026 a 0000 & 01676350 a 0000 & 01676517 a 0000 & 01676993 a 0000 & 01677200 a 0000 & 01677433 a 0000 & 01677623 a 0000 & 01677733 a 0000 & 01677957 a 0000 & 01678112 a 0000 & 01678417 a 0000 & 01678586 a 0000 & 01678729 a 0000 & 01678946 a 0000 | beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable; "extraordinary authority"; "an extraordinary achievement"; "her extraordinary beauty"; "enjoyed extraordinary popularity"; "an extraordinary capacity for work"; "an extraordinary session of the legislature" 01675931 00 s 01 bonzer 0 002 & 01675190 a 0000 ;r 08831004 n 0000 | remarkable or wonderful 01676026 00 s 05 exceeding 0 exceptional 0 olympian 0 prodigious 0 surpassing 0 002 & 01675190 a 0000 + 05821246 n 0201 | far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents" 01676350 00 s 01 extraordinaire(ip) 0 001 & 01675190 a 0000 | extraordinary in a particular capacity; "a woodworker extraordinaire"; "a self-starter extraordinaire" 01676517 00 s 0a fantastic 0 grand 0 howling(a) 0 marvelous 0 marvellous 0 rattling(a) 0 terrific 0 tremendous 0 wonderful 0 wondrous 0 004 & 01675190 a 0000 + 07289588 n 0a01 + 04729127 n 0903 + 04814238 n 0206 | extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers; "a fantastic trip to the Orient"; "the film was fantastic!"; "a howling success"; "a marvelous collection of rare books"; "had a rattling conversation about politics"; "a tremendous achievement" 01676993 00 s 01 phenomenal 0 001 & 01675190 a 0000 | exceedingly or unbelievably great; "the bomb did fantastic damage"; "Samson is supposed to have had fantastic strength"; "phenomenaRl feats of memory" 01677200 00 s 04 frightful 0 terrible 0 awful 0 tremendous 1 003 & 01675190 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 04782116 n 0204 | extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact; "in a frightful hurry"; "spent a frightful amount of money" 01677433 00 s 01 great 1 002 & 01675190 a 0000 + 05104548 n 0103 | remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect; "a great crisis"; "had a great stake in the outcome" 01677623 00 s 01 one(a) 0 001 & 01675190 a 0000 | used informally as an intensifier; "that is one fine dog" 01677733 00 s 02 preternatural 0 uncanny 0 001 & 01675190 a 0000 | surpassing the ordinary or normal; "Beyond his preternatural affability there is some acid and some steel" - George Will; "his uncanny sense of direction" 01677957 00 s 01 pyrotechnic 0 002 & 01675190 a 0000 + 00617692 n 0102 | suggestive of fireworks; "pyrotechnic keyboard virtuosity"; "a pyrotechnic wit" 01678112 00 s 02 rare 0 uncommon 0 003 & 01675190 a 0000 + 04797130 n 0201 + 03149951 n 0106 | marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; "what is so rare as a day in June"-J.R.Lowell; "a rare skill"; "an uncommon sense of humor"; "she was kind to an uncommon degree" 01678417 00 s 02 remarkable 0 singular 0 002 & 01675190 a 0000 + 04798365 n 0201 | unusual or striking; "a remarkable sight"; "such poise is singular in one so young" 01678586 00 s 01 some 0 003 & 01675190 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | remarkable; "that was some party"; "she is some skier" 01678729 00 s 01 special 0 002 & 01675190 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0102 | for a special service or occasion; "a special correspondent"; "a special adviser to the committee"; "had to get special permission for the event" 01678946 00 s 01 wonderworking 0 001 & 01675190 a 0000 | performing or able to perform wonders or miracles 01679055 00 a 01 organic 1 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01679244 a 0101 | relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis; "hydrocarbons are organic compounds" 01679244 00 a 01 inorganic 1 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 01679055 a 0101 | relating or belonging to the class of compounds not having a carbon basis; "hydrochloric and sulfuric acids are called inorganic substances" 01679459 00 a 01 organic 2 005 + 14859838 n 0101 + 00004475 n 0101 ! 01680116 a 0101 & 01679744 a 0000 & 01679907 a 0000 | being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms; "organic life"; "organic growth"; "organic remains found in rock" 01679744 00 s 02 integrated 0 structured 0 001 & 01679459 a 0000 | resembling a living organism in organization or development; "society as an integrated whole" 01679907 00 s 01 nonsynthetic 0 001 & 01679459 a 0000 | involving or derived from living organisms; free from chemical treatments or additives; "organic gardening is more natural"; "nonsynthetic fertilizer" 01680116 00 a 01 inorganic 2 004 ! 01679459 a 0101 & 01680283 a 0000 & 01680417 a 0000 & 01680559 a 0000 | lacking the properties characteristic of living organisms 01680283 00 s 02 amorphous 0 unstructured 0 001 & 01680116 a 0000 | lacking the system or structure characteristic of living bodies 01680417 00 s 01 artificial 0 002 & 01680116 a 0000 + 04788494 n 0101 | not arising from natural growth or characterized by vital processes 01680559 00 s 01 mineral 0 001 & 01680116 a 0000 | composed of matter other than plant or animal; "the inorganic mineral world" 01680689 00 a 01 holistic 0 002 + 06102865 n 0101 ! 01680836 a 0101 | emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the whole 01680836 00 a 02 atomistic 0 atomistical 0 005 + 06138099 n 0201 + 06102476 n 0201 + 06138099 n 0101 + 06102476 n 0101 ! 01680689 a 0101 | divided into separate and often disparate elements 01681028 00 a 02 arranged 0 ordered 4 003 ! 01681607 a 0101 & 01681307 a 0000 & 01681477 a 0000 | disposed or placed in a particular kind of order; "the carefully arranged chessmen"; "haphazardly arranged interlobular septa"; "comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace" 01681307 00 s 02 laid 0 set 0 001 & 01681028 a 0000 | set down according to a plan:"a carefully laid table with places set for four people"; "stones laid in a pattern" 01681477 00 s 01 placed 0 001 & 01681028 a 0000 | put in position in relation to other things; "end tables placed conveniently" 01681607 00 a 01 disarranged 0 004 ! 01681028 a 0101 & 01681789 a 0000 & 01681882 a 0000 & 01682073 a 0000 | having the arrangement disturbed; not in order; "her disarranged hair" 01681789 00 s 01 disarrayed 0 001 & 01681607 a 0000 | in disarray; "disarrayed bedclothes" 01681882 00 s 01 disturbed 0 001 & 01681607 a 0000 | having the place or position changed; "the disturbed books and papers on her desk"; "disturbed grass showed where the horse had passed" 01682073 00 s 01 misplaced 0 001 & 01681607 a 0000 | put in the wrong place or position; "She was penalized for a spelling mistake or a misplaced accent" 01682229 00 a 02 oriented 0 orientated 0 008 ^ 01684426 a 0000 ! 01683667 a 0101 & 01682677 a 0000 & 01682822 a 0000 & 01683061 a 0000 & 01683221 a 0000 & 01683349 a 0000 & 01683496 a 0000 | adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances; sometimes used in combination; "the house had its large windows oriented toward the ocean view"; "helping freshmen become oriented to college life"; "the book is value-oriented throughout" 01682677 00 s 03 adjusted 0 familiarized 0 familiarised 0 001 & 01682229 a 0000 | having achieved a comfortable relation with your environment 01682822 00 s 02 bound 0 destined 0 001 & 01682229 a 0000 | headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'; "children bound for school"; "a flight destined for New York" 01683061 00 s 01 directed 0 001 & 01682229 a 0000 | (often used in combination) having a specified direction; "a positively directed vector"; "goal-directed" 01683221 00 s 01 headed 0 001 & 01682229 a 0000 | having a heading or course in a certain direction; "westward headed wagons" 01683349 00 s 02 homeward 0 homeward-bound 0 001 & 01682229 a 0000 | oriented toward home; "in a homeward direction"; "homeward-bound commuters" 01683496 00 s 01 minded 0 002 & 01682229 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (used in combination) mentally oriented toward something specified; "civic-minded"; "career-minded" 01683667 00 a 01 unoriented 0 004 ^ 01685377 a 0000 ! 01682229 a 0101 & 01683908 a 0000 & 01684133 a 0000 | not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained; "engaged in unoriented study"; "unoriented until she looked at the map" 01683908 00 s 03 alienated 0 anomic 0 disoriented 2 003 & 01683667 a 0000 + 14415898 n 0202 + 14415898 n 0201 | socially disoriented; "anomic loners musing over their fate"; "we live in an age of rootless alienated people" 01684133 00 s 03 confused 0 disoriented 0 lost 0 002 & 01683667 a 0000 + 05683582 n 0103 | having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity; "I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway"; "the anesthetic left her completely disoriented" 01684426 00 a 02 orienting 0 orientating 0 006 ^ 01682229 a 0000 ! 01685377 a 0101 & 01684811 a 0000 & 01684922 a 0000 & 01685131 a 0000 & 01685231 a 0000 | positioning with respect to a reference system or determining your bearings physically or intellectually; "noticed the bee's momentary orienting pause before heading back to the hive"; "an orienting program for new employees" 01684811 00 s 02 aligning 0 positioning 0 001 & 01684426 a 0000 | causing to fall into line or into position 01684922 00 s 01 dimensioning 0 001 & 01684426 a 0000 | indicating or determining size and position in space; "the ultrasonic dimensioning measurement"; "an ultrasonic dimensioning arrangement of the heart" 01685131 00 s 02 familiarizing 0 familiarising 0 001 & 01684426 a 0000 | serving to make familiar 01685231 00 s 01 homing 0 001 & 01684426 a 0000 | orienting or directing homeward or to a destination; "the homing instinct"; "a homing beacon" 01685377 00 a 01 disorienting 0 006 ^ 01683667 a 0000 ! 01684426 a 0101 & 01685706 a 0000 & 01685906 a 0000 & 01686036 a 0000 & 01686269 a 0000 | causing loss of physical or intellectual bearings; "making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting"; "a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting" 01685706 00 s 01 confusing 0 001 & 01685377 a 0000 | causing confusion or disorientation; "a confusing jumble of road signs"; "being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child" 01685906 00 s 01 estranging 0 001 & 01685377 a 0000 | making one feel out of place or alienated; "the landscape was estranging" 01686036 00 s 01 stunning 0 001 & 01685377 a 0000 | causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility; "laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow"; "a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke" 01686269 00 s 01 stupefying 0 001 & 01685377 a 0000 | making physically stupid or dull or insensible; "a stupefying blow to the head"; "the stupefying effects of hemp" 01686439 00 a 01 original 0 015 ^ 00643250 a 0000 ^ 01010862 a 0000 ^ 01852174 a 0000 ^ 00606602 a 0000 = 04800359 n 0000 + 03727274 n 0103 + 04800359 n 0101 ! 01688271 a 0101 & 01686906 a 0000 & 01687030 a 0000 & 01687167 a 0000 & 01687363 a 0000 & 01687586 a 0000 & 01687965 a 0000 & 01688154 a 0000 | being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; "a truly original approach"; "with original music"; "an original mind" 01686906 00 s 02 avant-garde 0 daring 0 001 & 01686439 a 0000 | radically new or original; "an avant-garde theater piece" 01687030 00 s 02 freehand 0 freehanded 0 001 & 01686439 a 0000 | done by hand without mechanical aids or devices; "a freehand drawing" 01687167 00 s 03 fresh 0 new 0 novel 0 002 & 01686439 a 0000 + 05635055 n 0102 | original and of a kind not seen before; "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem" 01687363 00 s 03 germinal 0 originative 0 seminal 0 003 & 01686439 a 0000 + 02624263 v 0201 + 05834758 n 0103 | containing seeds of later development; "seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another" 01687586 00 s 03 innovative 0 innovational 0 groundbreaking 0 006 & 01686439 a 0000 + 05633385 n 0202 + 03582658 n 0202 + 00240184 n 0207 + 05634767 n 0101 + 01642437 v 0102 | being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before; "stylistically innovative works"; "innovative members of the artistic community"; "a mind so innovational, so original" 01687965 00 s 02 newfangled 0 new 2 001 & 01686439 a 0000 | (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new; "newfangled ideas"; "she buys all these new-fangled machines and never uses them" 01688154 00 s 01 underivative 0 001 & 01686439 a 0000 | not derivative or imitative; "a natural underivative poet" 01688271 00 a 01 unoriginal 0 013 ^ 00605516 a 0000 ^ 01853461 a 0000 ^ 01068726 a 0000 ^ 00644372 a 0000 = 04800359 n 0000 + 05649628 n 0101 + 04801168 n 0101 ! 01686439 a 0101 & 01688757 a 0000 & 01689223 a 0000 & 01689442 a 0000 & 01689580 a 0000 & 01689775 a 0000 | not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual; "the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations"; "his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern"- Gwethalyn Graham 01688757 00 s 0b banal 1 commonplace 0 hackneyed 0 old-hat 0 shopworn 0 stock(a) 0 threadbare 0 timeworn 0 tired 0 trite 0 well-worn 0 004 & 01688271 a 0000 + 05649785 n 0a01 + 07154046 n 0204 + 07154046 n 0103 | repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'" 01689223 00 s 04 bromidic 1 corny 0 platitudinal 0 platitudinous 0 003 & 01688271 a 0000 + 07154046 n 0401 + 04627809 n 0201 | dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality; "bromidic sermons" 01689442 00 s 02 cliched 0 ready-made 0 001 & 01688271 a 0000 | repeated regularly without thought or originality; "ready-made phrases" 01689580 00 s 04 cold 0 stale 0 dusty 0 moth-eaten 0 002 & 01688271 a 0000 + 05649785 n 0202 | lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news" 01689775 00 s 01 slavish 0 001 & 01688271 a 0000 | blindly imitative; "a slavish copy of the original" 01689880 00 a 01 orthodox 0 010 ^ 00574422 a 0000 ^ 02294777 a 0000 = 04801313 n 0000 ! 01691073 a 0101 & 01690167 a 0000 & 01690244 a 0000 & 01690448 a 0000 & 01690606 a 0000 & 01690767 a 0000 & 01690987 a 0000 | adhering to what is commonly accepted; "an orthodox view of the world" 01690167 00 s 01 antiheretical 0 001 & 01689880 a 0000 | opposed to heresy 01690244 00 s 03 canonic 0 canonical 0 sanctioned 0 001 & 01689880 a 0000 | conforming to orthodox or recognized rules; "the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing"- Sinclair Lewis 01690448 00 s 02 conforming 0 conformist 0 002 & 01689880 a 0000 ;c 05946687 n 0000 | adhering to established customs or doctrines (especially in religion) 01690606 00 s 02 conventional 0 established 0 002 & 01689880 a 0000 + 04801532 n 0101 | conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world" 01690767 00 s 01 traditional 0 004 & 01689880 a 0000 + 05667404 n 0102 + 05809745 n 0101 + 04801877 n 0102 | pertaining to time-honored orthodox doctrines; "the simple security of traditional assumptions has vanished" 01690987 00 s 01 unreformed 0 001 & 01689880 a 0000 | unaffected by the Reformation 01691073 00 a 01 unorthodox 0 007 = 04801313 n 0000 ! 01689880 a 0101 & 01691302 a 0000 & 01691474 a 0000 & 01691687 a 0000 & 01691826 a 0000 & 01691975 a 0000 | breaking with convention or tradition; "an unorthodox lifestyle" 01691302 00 s 02 dissentient 0 recusant 0 003 & 01691073 a 0000 + 09957834 n 0202 + 01243453 n 0201 | (of Catholics) refusing to attend services of the Church of England 01691474 00 s 03 dissident 0 heretical 0 heterodox 0 005 & 01691073 a 0000 + 06212422 n 0203 + 05980412 n 0201 + 10018021 n 0102 + 07181208 n 0101 | characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards 01691687 00 s 01 iconoclastic 0 002 & 01691073 a 0000 + 05980750 n 0101 | characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions 01691826 00 s 02 nonconforming 0 nonconformist 0 001 & 01691073 a 0000 | not conforming to established customs or doctrines especially in religion 01691975 00 s 01 Reformed 0 001 & 01691073 a 0000 | of or relating to the body of Protestant Christianity arising during the Reformation; used of some Protestant churches especially Calvinist as distinct from Lutheran; "Dutch Reformed theology" 01692222 00 a 03 outdoor(a) 0 out-of-door 0 outside 4 004 ^ 00952395 a 0000 ! 01692786 a 0101 & 01692512 a 0000 & 01692640 a 0000 | located, suited for, or taking place in the open air; "outdoor clothes"; "badminton and other outdoor games"; "a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding" 01692512 00 s 02 alfresco 0 open-air(a) 0 001 & 01692222 a 0000 | in the open air; "an alfresco lunch"; "an open-air theater" 01692640 00 s 01 outdoorsy 0 002 & 01692222 a 0000 + 08613733 n 0101 | characteristic of or suitable to outdoor life; "a rugged outdoorsy life" 01692786 00 a 01 indoor(a) 0 002 ^ 00952867 a 0000 ! 01692222 a 0101 | located, suited for, or taking place within a building; "indoor activities for a rainy day"; "an indoor pool" 01692969 00 a 01 outside 0 006 ^ 00948103 a 0000 ! 01693799 a 0101 & 01693189 a 0000 & 01693311 a 0000 & 01693425 a 0000 & 01693585 a 0000 | relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit; "an outside margin" 01693189 00 s 01 after-school(a) 0 001 & 01692969 a 0000 | outside regular school hours; "a special after-school class" 01693311 00 s 01 extracurricular 0 001 & 01692969 a 0000 | outside the regular duties of your job or profession 01693425 00 s 01 extracurricular 2 001 & 01692969 a 0000 | outside the regular academic curriculum; "sports and drama are popular extracurricular activities" 01693585 00 s 01 right(a) 0 001 & 01692969 a 0000 | (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to face outward; "the right side of the cloth showed the pattern"; "be sure your shirt is right side out" 01693799 00 a 01 inside 0 003 ^ 00948670 a 0000 ! 01692969 a 0101 & 01694081 a 0000 | relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space; "he reached into his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter" 01694081 00 s 01 wrong 0 001 & 01693799 a 0000 | used of the side of cloth or clothing intended to face inward; "socks worn wrong side out" 01694223 00 a 01 covered 0 026 ! 01698400 a 0101 & 01694892 a 0000 & 01695041 a 0000 & 01695160 a 0000 & 01695269 a 0000 & 01695363 a 0000 & 01695505 a 0000 & 01695749 a 0000 & 01695891 a 0000 & 01696165 a 0000 & 01696346 a 0000 & 01696502 a 0000 & 01696632 a 0000 & 01696734 a 0000 & 01696855 a 0000 & 01696999 a 0000 & 01697129 a 0000 & 01697235 a 0000 & 01697318 a 0000 & 01697425 a 0000 & 01697592 a 0000 & 01697770 a 0000 & 01697878 a 0000 & 01698000 a 0000 & 01698103 a 0000 & 01698231 a 0000 | overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form; "women with covered faces"; "covered wagons"; "a covered balcony" 01694892 00 s 02 ariled 0 arillate 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | (of some seeds) having a fleshy and usually brightly colored cover 01695041 00 s 01 awninged 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with an awning; "with awninged windows on the west side" 01695160 00 s 01 beaded 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with beads of liquid; "a face beaded with sweat" 01695269 00 s 01 blanketed 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with (or as if with) a blanket 01695363 00 s 01 canopied 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with or as with a canopy; "a canopied bed"; "streets canopied by stately trees" 01695505 00 s 05 cloaked 0 clothed 0 draped 0 mantled 0 wrapped 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak; "leaf-clothed trees"; "fog-cloaked meadows"; "a beam draped with cobwebs"; "cloud-wrapped peaks" 01695749 00 s 04 crusted 0 encrusted 0 crusty 0 crustlike 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 + 09260218 n 0301 | having a hardened crust as a covering 01695891 00 s 04 dabbled 0 spattered 0 splashed 0 splattered 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with bright patches (often used in combination); "waves dabbled with moonlight"; "a blood-spattered room"; "gardens splashed with color"; "kitchen walls splattered with grease" 01696165 00 s 02 drenched 0 drenched_in 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | abundantly covered or supplied with; often used in combination; "drenched in moonlight"; "moon-drenched meadows" 01696346 00 s 02 dusty 0 dust-covered 0 003 & 01694223 a 0000 + 14839846 n 0101 + 14498733 n 0101 | covered with a layer of dust; "a dusty pile of books" 01696502 00 s 01 moon-splashed 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | splashed or covered patchily with moonlight; "the moon-splashed world" 01696632 00 s 02 moss-grown 0 mossy 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 + 11537506 n 0201 | overgrown with moss 01696734 00 s 01 mud-beplastered 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with or as if with mud; "mud-beplastered arguments" 01696855 00 s 01 muffled 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | wrapped up especially for protection or secrecy; "children muffled almost to the eyebrows" 01696999 00 s 01 peritrichous 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 ;c 01348530 n 0000 | covered all over with uniformly distributed flagella 01697129 00 s 02 plastered 0 sealed 2 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | (of walls) covered with a coat of plaster 01697235 00 s 01 overgrown 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with growing plants 01697318 00 s 01 sealed 1 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with a waterproof coating; "a sealed driveway" 01697425 00 s 01 smothered 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | completely covered; "bonnets smothered with flowers"; "smothered chicken is chicken cooked in a seasoned gravy" 01697592 00 s 03 snow-clad 0 snow-covered 0 snowy 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 + 15043763 n 0301 | covered with snow; "snow-clad hills"; "snow-covered roads"; "a long snowy winter" 01697770 00 s 01 splashy 0 002 & 01694223 a 0000 + 04682319 n 0101 | covered with patches of bright color 01697878 00 s 01 sun-drenched 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered with sunlight; "sun-drenched beaches along the Riviera" 01698000 00 s 01 thickspread 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered thickly; "toast thickspread with jam" 01698103 00 s 01 tiled 0 001 & 01694223 a 0000 | covered or furnished with tiles; "baths with tiled walls"; "a tiled kitchen" 01698231 00 s 02 white 0 snowy 2 002 & 01694223 a 0000 + 15043763 n 0201 | marked by the presence of snow; "a white Christmas"; "the white hills of a northern winter" 01698400 00 a 01 bare 0 006 + 04697819 n 0101 ! 01694223 a 0101 & 01698610 a 0000 & 01698760 a 0000 & 01698903 a 0000 & 01699006 a 0000 | lacking its natural or customary covering; "a bare hill"; "bare feet" 01698610 00 s 03 bald 0 denuded 0 denudate 0 001 & 01698400 a 0000 | without the natural or usual covering; "a bald spot on the lawn"; "bare hills" 01698760 00 s 01 naked 0 002 & 01698400 a 0000 + 14456138 n 0101 | lacking any cover; "naked branches of the trees"; "lie on the naked rock" 01698903 00 s 01 undraped 0 001 & 01698400 a 0000 | lacking drapery or draperies; "undraped windows" 01699006 00 s 01 unroofed 0 001 & 01698400 a 0000 | having no roof; "an unroofed shed" 01699095 00 a 01 coated 0 005 ! 01699982 a 0101 & 01699410 a 0000 & 01699576 a 0000 & 01699652 a 0000 & 01699838 a 0000 | having a coating; covered with an outer layer or film; often used in combination; "coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing"; "sugar-coated pills" 01699410 00 s 01 backed 0 002 & 01699095 a 0000 ;c 00903559 n 0000 | used of film that is coated on the side opposite the emulsion with a substance to absorb light 01699576 00 s 01 black-coated 0 001 & 01699095 a 0000 | coated with black 01699652 00 s 01 glazed 0 001 & 01699095 a 0000 | (of foods) covered with a shiny coating by applying e.g. beaten egg or a sugar or gelatin mixture; "glazed doughnuts"; "a glazed ham" 01699838 00 s 01 oily 0 003 & 01699095 a 0000 + 14966667 n 0101 + 05000116 n 0102 | coated or covered with oil; "oily puddles in the streets" 01699982 00 a 01 uncoated 0 001 ! 01699095 a 0101 | not having a coating; "uncoated paper" 01700075 00 a 01 roofed 0 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 01700293 a 0101 | covered with a roof; having a roof as specified (often used in combination); "roofed picnic areas"; "a slate-roofed house"; "palmleaf-roofed huts" 01700293 00 a 01 roofless 0 001 ! 01700075 a 0101 | not having a roof; "the hurricane left hundreds of house roofless" 01700414 00 a 01 leafy 0 024 + 13152742 n 0101 ! 01703494 a 0101 & 01700944 a 0000 & 01701017 a 0000 & 01701134 a 0000 & 01701227 a 0000 & 01701321 a 0000 & 01701411 a 0000 & 01701512 a 0000 & 01701769 a 0000 & 01702031 a 0000 & 01702140 a 0000 & 01702253 a 0000 & 01702357 a 0000 & 01702543 a 0000 & 01702627 a 0000 & 01702727 a 0000 & 01702814 a 0000 & 01702913 a 0000 & 01703012 a 0000 & 01703106 a 0000 & 01703237 a 0000 & 01703330 a 0000 & 01703417 a 0000 | having or covered with leaves; "leafy trees"; "leafy vegetables" 01700944 00 s 01 bifoliate 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having two leaves 01701017 00 s 01 bowery 0 002 & 01700414 a 0000 + 02732827 n 0103 | like a bower; leafy and shady; "a bowery lane" 01701134 00 s 02 curly-leaved 0 curly-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having curly leaves 01701227 00 s 02 fan-leaved 0 fan-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having fan-shaped leaves 01701321 00 s 02 fine-leaved 0 fine-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having fine leaves 01701411 00 s 03 foliaceous 0 foliose 0 foliaged 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | bearing numerous leaves 01701512 00 s 01 foliate 0 002 & 01700414 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | (often used as a combining form) having or resembling a leaf or having a specified kind or number of leaves; "`foliate' is combined with the prefix `tri' to form the word `trifoliate'" 01701769 00 s 01 foliolate 0 002 & 01700414 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | (often used as a combining form) having leaflets (compound leaves) or a specified kind or number of leaflets; "`foliolate' is combined with the prefix `bi' to form the word `bifoliolate'" 01702031 00 s 02 grassy-leaved 0 grassy-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having leaves that resemble grass 01702140 00 s 02 ivied 0 ivy-covered 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | overgrown with ivy; "Harvard's ivied buildings" 01702253 00 s 02 large-leaved 0 large-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having relatively large leaves 01702357 00 s 02 leafed 0 leaved 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having leaves or leaves as specified; often used in combination; "a fully leafed tree"; "broad-leafed"; "four-leaved clover" 01702543 00 s 02 leaflike 0 leaf-like 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | resembling a leaf 01702627 00 s 02 leather-leaved 0 leather-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having leathery leaves 01702727 00 s 02 petallike 0 petal-like 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | resembling a petal 01702814 00 s 02 pinnate-leaved 0 pinnate-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having pinnate leaves 01702913 00 s 02 prickly-leaved 0 prickly-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having prickly leaves 01703012 00 s 02 silky-leaved 0 silky-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having glossy leaves 01703106 00 s 04 silver-leaved 0 silvery-leaved 0 silver-leafed 0 silvery-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having silvery leaves 01703237 00 s 02 spiny-leaved 0 spiny-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having spiny leaves 01703330 00 s 02 two-leaved 0 two-leafed 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having two leaves 01703417 00 s 01 unifoliate 0 001 & 01700414 a 0000 | having a single leaf 01703494 00 a 01 leafless 0 004 ! 01700414 a 0101 & 01703619 a 0000 & 01703710 a 0000 & 01703797 a 0000 | having no leaves 01703619 00 s 01 aphyllous 0 002 & 01703494 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having no leaves 01703710 00 s 02 defoliate 0 defoliated 0 001 & 01703494 a 0000 | deprived of leaves 01703797 00 s 01 scapose 0 002 & 01703494 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | resembling or consisting of a scape; having a bare leafless stalk growing directly from the ground; "tulips are scapose flowers"; "a scapose stalk"; "a scapose column"; "the scapose portion of a feather" 01704073 00 a 01 lipped 0 005 ! 01704675 a 0101 & 01704273 a 0000 & 01704420 a 0000 & 01704523 a 0000 & 01704599 a 0000 | having a lip or lips; "a lipped bowl"; "a virgin purest lipped"- John Keats 01704273 00 s 02 bilabiate 0 two-lipped 0 002 & 01704073 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having two lips; "the corolla of a snapdragon is bilabiate" 01704420 00 s 02 labiate 0 liplike 0 001 & 01704073 a 0000 | having lips or parts that resemble lips 01704523 00 s 01 thick-lipped 0 001 & 01704073 a 0000 | having thick lips 01704599 00 s 01 three-lipped 0 001 & 01704073 a 0000 | having three lips 01704675 00 a 02 lipless 0 unlipped 0 001 ! 01704073 a 0101 | without a lip or lips 01704761 00 a 02 overt 0 open 7 009 ^ 00940437 a 0000 ^ 02090341 a 0000 ^ 01861205 a 0000 + 04654066 n 0201 ! 01705655 a 0101 & 01705088 a 0000 & 01705195 a 0000 & 01705418 a 0000 & 01705513 a 0000 | open and observable; not secret or hidden; "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots" 01705088 00 s 02 bald 0 barefaced 0 001 & 01704761 a 0000 | with no effort to conceal; "a barefaced lie" 01705195 00 s 02 naked 0 raw 0 002 & 01704761 a 0000 + 04654066 n 0102 | devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure; "naked ambition"; "raw fury"; "you may kill someone someday with your raw power" 01705418 00 s 01 undisguised 0 001 & 01704761 a 0000 | plain to see; "undisguised curiosity" 01705513 00 s 01 visible 0 003 & 01704761 a 0000 + 05017458 n 0102 + 05017458 n 0101 | obvious to the eye; "a visible change of expression" 01705655 00 a 01 covert 0 016 ^ 00941485 a 0000 ^ 02517265 a 0000 ^ 02088404 a 0000 + 14416349 n 0102 ! 01704761 a 0101 & 01706111 a 0000 & 01706341 a 0000 & 01706465 a 0000 & 01706986 a 0000 & 01707084 a 0000 & 01707230 a 0000 & 01707404 a 0000 & 01707531 a 0000 & 01707733 a 0000 & 01708049 a 0000 & 01708164 a 0000 | secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed; "covert actions by the CIA"; "covert funding for the rebels" 01706111 00 s 03 backstair 0 backstairs 0 furtive 0 002 & 01705655 a 0000 + 04657631 n 0301 | secret and sly or sordid; "backstairs gossip"; "his low backstairs cunning"- A.L.Guerard; "backstairs intimacies"; "furtive behavior" 01706341 00 s 01 black 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | (of intelligence operations) deliberately misleading; "black propaganda" 01706465 00 s 09 clandestine 0 cloak-and-dagger 0 hole-and-corner(a) 0 hugger-mugger 0 hush-hush 0 secret 1 surreptitious 0 undercover 0 underground 0 002 & 01705655 a 0000 + 08360672 n 0901 | conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods; "clandestine intelligence operations"; "cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines"; "hole-and-corner intrigue"; "secret missions"; "a secret agent"; "secret sales of arms"; "surreptitious mobilization of troops"; "an undercover investigation"; "underground resistance" 01706986 00 s 01 secret 2 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | indulging only covertly; "a secret alcoholic" 01707084 00 s 02 collusive 0 conniving 0 002 & 01705655 a 0000 + 00707624 v 0102 | acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end 01707230 00 s 03 cloaked 0 disguised 0 masked 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading; "hidden agenda"; "masked threat" 01707404 00 s 01 secret 3 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | communicated covertly; "their secret signal was a wink"; "secret messages" 01707531 00 s 03 sub-rosa 0 under-the-table 0 behind-the-scenes 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | designed and carried out secretly or confidentially; "a sub-rosa report"; "has their under-the-table backing" 01707733 00 s 03 subterranean 0 subterraneous 0 ulterior 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed); "subterranean motives for murder"; "looked too closely for an ulterior purpose in all knowledge"- Bertrand Russell 01708049 00 s 01 under_wraps(p) 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | kept secret; "the plan was kept carefully under wraps" 01708164 00 s 02 undisclosed 0 unrevealed 0 001 & 01705655 a 0000 | not made known 01708249 00 a 01 paid 0 010 ! 01709815 a 0101 & 01708563 a 0000 & 01708663 a 0000 & 01708898 a 0000 & 01709081 a 0000 & 01709245 a 0000 & 01709354 a 0000 & 01709437 a 0000 & 01709542 a 0000 & 01709681 a 0000 | marked by the reception of pay; "paid work"; "a paid official"; "a paid announcement"; "a paid check" 01708563 00 s 01 cashed 0 001 & 01708249 a 0000 | for which money has been paid; "a cashed check" 01708663 00 s 05 compensable 0 paying(a) 0 remunerative 0 salaried 1 stipendiary 1 002 & 01708249 a 0000 + 02249741 v 0303 | for which money is paid; "a paying job"; "remunerative work"; "salaried employment"; "stipendiary services" 01708898 00 s 04 compensated 0 remunerated 0 salaried 2 stipendiary 2 001 & 01708249 a 0000 | receiving or eligible for compensation; "salaried workers"; "a stipendiary magistrate" 01709081 00 s 03 mercenary(a) 0 free-lance(a) 0 freelance(a) 0 002 & 01708249 a 0000 + 10309614 n 0101 | serving for wages in a foreign army; "mercenary killers" 01709245 00 s 01 paid-up 0 001 & 01708249 a 0000 | paid in advance; "paid-up insurance"; "paid-up members" 01709354 00 s 01 post-free 0 002 & 01708249 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | postpaid 01709437 00 s 02 postpaid 0 prepaid 0 001 & 01708249 a 0000 | used especially of mail; paid in advance 01709542 00 s 01 reply-paid 0 001 & 01708249 a 0000 | with cost of reply prepaid by sender; "reply-paid postcard"; "reply-paid envelope" 01709681 00 s 01 square(p) 0 002 & 01708249 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | leaving no balance; "my account with you is now all square" 01709815 00 a 01 unpaid 0 009 ^ 00136354 a 0000 ! 01708249 a 0101 & 01710054 a 0000 & 01710260 a 0000 & 01710421 a 0000 & 01710543 a 0000 & 01710709 a 0000 & 01710809 a 0000 & 01710946 a 0000 | not paid; "unpaid wages"; "an unpaid bill" 01710054 00 s 01 buckshee 0 002 & 01709815 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | free of charge; "if they deposit these shares in the scheme they will get further buckshee shares on a one-for-one basis"- Economist 01710260 00 s 05 complimentary 0 costless 0 free 0 gratis(p) 0 gratuitous 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | costing nothing; "complimentary tickets"; "free admission" 01710421 00 s 01 non-paying 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | paying nothing; "non-paying guests"; "non-paying bidders on eBay" 01710543 00 s 03 outstanding 0 owing(p) 0 undischarged 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | owed as a debt; "outstanding bills"; "the amount still owed"; "undischarged debts" 01710709 00 s 01 pro_bono 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | done for the public good without compensation 01710809 00 s 01 rent-free 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | complimentary; without payment of rent; "with the job came a rent-free apartment" 01710946 00 s 02 uncompensated 0 unsalaried 0 001 & 01709815 a 0000 | not paying a salary; "an uncompensated federal post" 01711071 00 a 01 painful 0 016 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 01262611 a 0000 + 07494363 n 0102 + 04720024 n 0101 ! 01713095 a 0101 & 01711465 a 0000 & 01711614 a 0000 & 01711724 a 0000 & 01711910 a 0000 & 01712076 a 0000 & 01712174 a 0000 & 01712327 a 0000 & 01712529 a 0000 & 01712657 a 0000 & 01712753 a 0000 & 01712940 a 0000 | causing physical or psychological pain; "worked with painful slowness" 01711465 00 s 02 aching 0 achy 0 002 & 01711071 a 0000 + 14323683 n 0201 | causing a dull and steady pain; "my aching head"; "her old achy joints" 01711614 00 s 02 agonized 0 agonised 0 001 & 01711071 a 0000 | expressing pain or agony; "agonized screams" 01711724 00 s 07 agonizing 0 agonising 0 excruciating 0 harrowing 0 torturing 0 torturous 0 torturesome 0 003 & 01711071 a 0000 + 14333433 n 0601 + 07495551 n 0603 | extremely painful 01711910 00 s 02 biting 0 bitter 0 001 & 01711071 a 0000 | causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation; used especially of cold; "bitter cold"; "a biting wind" 01712076 00 s 02 chafed 0 galled 0 001 & 01711071 a 0000 | painful from having the skin abraded 01712174 00 s 01 poignant 0 003 & 01711071 a 0000 + 13989443 n 0101 + 13989443 n 0102 | keenly distressing to the mind or feelings; "poignant anxiety" 01712327 00 s 01 itchy 0 003 & 01711071 a 0000 + 05723563 n 0101 + 05723563 n 0102 | causing an irritating cutaneous sensation; being affect with an itch; "he had an itchy toe from the mosquito bite" 01712529 00 s 02 racking 0 wrenching 0 001 & 01711071 a 0000 | causing great physical or mental suffering; "a wrenching pain" 01712657 00 s 01 saddle-sore 0 001 & 01711071 a 0000 | (of a rider) sore after riding a horse 01712753 00 s 04 sensitive 0 sore 0 raw 0 tender 0 005 & 01711071 a 0000 + 14332617 n 0401 + 14332617 n 0303 + 14332617 n 0202 + 05652926 n 0101 | hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw" 01712940 00 s 01 traumatic 0 002 & 01711071 a 0000 + 14285276 n 0101 | psychologically painful;"few experiences are more traumatic than losing a child"; 01713095 00 a 01 painless 0 003 ^ 01159655 a 0000 ! 01711071 a 0101 & 01713250 a 0000 | not causing physical or psychological pain; "painless dentistry" 01713250 00 s 02 pain-free 0 unpainful 0 001 & 01713095 a 0000 | not accompanied by pain sensations; "pain-free surgery" 01713373 00 a 01 painted 0 005 ^ 01005063 a 0000 ! 01713925 a 0101 & 01713550 a 0000 & 01713713 a 0000 & 01713815 a 0000 | coated with paint; "freshly painted lawn furniture" 01713550 00 s 01 finished 0 001 & 01713373 a 0000 | having a surface coating or finish applied; "the finished bookcase costs much more than the unfinished ones" 01713713 00 s 02 stained 0 varnished 0 001 & 01713373 a 0000 | having a coating of stain or varnish 01713815 00 s 01 whitewashed 0 001 & 01713373 a 0000 | coated with whitewash; "miles of whitewashed fences" 01713925 00 a 01 unpainted 0 005 ^ 01005675 a 0000 ! 01713373 a 0101 & 01714157 a 0000 & 01714314 a 0000 & 01714406 a 0000 | not having a coat of paint or badly in need of a fresh coat; "an unpainted house"; "unpainted furniture" 01714157 00 s 02 bare 0 unfinished 0 002 & 01713925 a 0000 + 04697819 n 0101 | lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture" 01714314 00 s 01 unoiled 0 001 & 01713925 a 0000 | not having oil rubbed into the surface 01714406 00 s 02 unstained 0 unvarnished 0 001 & 01713925 a 0000 | not having a coating of stain or varnish 01714516 00 a 01 painted 1 002 ! 01714774 a 0101 & 01714633 a 0000 | having makeup applied; "brazen painted faces" 01714633 00 s 01 rouged 0 001 & 01714516 a 0000 | marked by the use of various kinds of red makeup; "freshly rouged lips"; "rouged cheeks" 01714774 00 a 01 unpainted 1 002 ! 01714516 a 0101 & 01714896 a 0000 | not having makeup on; "her sweet unpainted face" 01714896 00 s 01 unrouged 0 001 & 01714774 a 0000 | not wearing rouge; "unrouged lips" 01714985 00 a 03 delineated 0 represented 2 delineate 0 004 ! 01715574 a 0101 & 01715157 a 0000 & 01715287 a 0000 & 01715430 a 0000 | represented accurately or precisely 01715157 00 s 03 depicted 0 pictured 0 portrayed 0 001 & 01714985 a 0000 | represented graphically by sketch or design or lines 01715287 00 s 01 described 0 001 & 01714985 a 0000 | represented in words especially with sharpness and detail; "the vividly described wars" 01715430 00 s 02 diagrammatic 0 diagrammatical 0 003 & 01714985 a 0000 + 03186399 n 0201 + 03186399 n 0101 | shown or represented by diagrams 01715574 00 a 01 undelineated 0 003 ! 01714985 a 0101 & 01715708 a 0000 & 01715790 a 0000 | not represented accurately or precisely 01715708 00 s 02 undepicted 0 unpictured 0 001 & 01715574 a 0000 | not pictured 01715790 00 s 01 undrawn 0 001 & 01715574 a 0000 | not represented in a drawing 01715872 00 a 01 paintable 0 001 ! 01716034 a 0101 | lending itself to being painted; "a highly paintable landscape"; "made of sturdy eminently paintable wood" 01716034 00 a 01 unpaintable 0 001 ! 01715872 a 0101 | not paintable especially not suitable for artistic representation on canvas; "the inexpressible, unpaintable `tick' in the unconscious" 01716227 00 a 02 palatable 0 toothsome 0 007 ^ 00133417 a 0000 ^ 00828779 a 0000 ^ 02395115 a 0000 + 04794580 n 0102 + 04995211 n 0102 + 04995211 n 0101 ! 01716491 a 0101 | acceptable to the taste or mind; "palatable food"; "a palatable solution to the problem" 01716491 00 a 01 unpalatable 0 011 ^ 00829496 a 0000 ^ 01624633 a 0000 ^ 02399399 a 0000 ^ 00133851 a 0000 ^ 01801600 a 0000 + 04780396 n 0102 + 04996355 n 0102 + 04996355 n 0101 ! 01716227 a 0101 & 01716845 a 0000 & 01716971 a 0000 | not pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind; "an unpalatable meal"; "unpalatable truths"; "unpalatable behavior" 01716845 00 s 01 brackish 0 001 & 01716491 a 0000 | distasteful and unpleasant; spoiled by mixture; "a thin brackish gruel" 01716971 00 s 03 distasteful 0 unsavory 0 unsavoury 0 003 & 01716491 a 0000 + 04996571 n 0205 + 04996571 n 0102 | not pleasing in odor or taste 01717117 00 a 02 palpable 0 tangible 4 005 ^ 01746605 a 0000 + 04760024 n 0202 + 04760024 n 0201 ! 01717669 a 0101 & 01717471 a 0000 | capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt; "a barely palpable dust"; "felt sudden anger in a palpable wave"; "the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton"; "a palpable lie" 01717471 00 s 01 perceptible 0 003 & 01717117 a 0000 + 02106506 v 0101 + 05017230 n 0101 | easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; "a perceptible sense of expectation in the court" 01717669 00 a 01 impalpable 0 003 ^ 01748318 a 0000 ! 01717117 a 0101 & 01717901 a 0000 | imperceptible to the senses or the mind; "an impalpable cloud"; "impalpable shadows"; "impalpable distinctions"; "as impalpable as a dream" 01717901 00 s 02 elusive 0 subtle 0 003 & 01717669 a 0000 + 02723232 v 0101 + 04824118 n 0101 | difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze; "his whole attitude had undergone a subtle change"; "a subtle difference"; "that elusive thing the soul" 01718158 00 a 01 parallel 0 007 ^ 00503982 a 0000 ^ 02371718 a 0000 ! 01720280 a 0101 ! 01718867 a 0101 & 01718470 a 0000 & 01718609 a 0000 & 01718732 a 0000 | being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting; "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows" 01718470 00 s 01 antiparallel 0 001 & 01718158 a 0000 | (especially of vectors) parallel but oppositely directed; "antiparallel vectors" 01718609 00 s 01 collateral 0 001 & 01718158 a 0000 | situated or running side by side; "collateral ridges of mountains" 01718732 00 s 02 nonconvergent 0 nonintersecting 0 001 & 01718158 a 0000 | (of lines, planes, or surfaces) never meeting or crossing 01718867 00 a 01 oblique 0 013 ^ 00612114 a 0000 ^ 00612652 a 0000 ^ 01234167 a 0000 + 05557839 n 0104 + 05066333 n 0101 ! 01718158 a 0101 ! 01720280 a 0101 & 01719393 a 0000 & 01719507 a 0000 & 01719779 a 0000 & 01719870 a 0000 & 01720091 a 0000 & 01720198 a 0000 | slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angled; "the oblique rays of the winter sun"; "acute and obtuse angles are oblique angles"; "the axis of an oblique cone is not perpendicular to its base" 01719393 00 s 01 bias 0 001 & 01718867 a 0000 | slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric; "a bias fold" 01719507 00 s 08 catacorner 0 cata-cornered 0 catercorner 0 cater-cornered 0 catty-corner 0 catty-cornered 0 kitty-corner 0 kitty-cornered 0 001 & 01718867 a 0000 | slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line; "set off in a catty-corner direction across the vacant lot" 01719779 00 s 02 crabwise 0 sideways 0 001 & 01718867 a 0000 | (of movement) at an angle 01719870 00 s 01 diagonal 2 002 & 01718867 a 0000 + 13904325 n 0101 | connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face; "a diagonal line across the page" 01720091 00 s 01 nonparallel 0 001 & 01718867 a 0000 | (of e.g. lines or paths) not parallel; converging 01720198 00 s 01 oblique-angled 0 001 & 01718867 a 0000 | having oblique angles 01720280 00 a 01 perpendicular 0 008 + 13870680 n 0101 + 13829047 n 0102 + 05072208 n 0101 ! 01718867 a 0101 ! 01718158 a 0101 & 01720549 a 0000 & 01720642 a 0000 & 01720930 a 0000 | intersecting at or forming right angles; "the axes are perpendicular to each other" 01720549 00 s 01 normal 0 002 & 01720280 a 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 | forming a right angle 01720642 00 s 02 orthogonal 0 rectangular 0 002 & 01720280 a 0000 + 05072078 n 0101 | having a set of mutually perpendicular axes; meeting at right angles; "wind and sea may displace the ship's center of gravity along three orthogonal axes"; "a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system" 01720930 00 s 01 right 0 002 & 01720280 a 0000 ;c 06004685 n 0000 | having the axis perpendicular to the base; "a right angle" 01721059 00 a 01 pardonable 0 004 ! 01721530 a 0101 & 01721197 a 0000 & 01721319 a 0000 & 01721401 a 0000 | admitting of being pardoned 01721197 00 s 03 excusable 0 forgivable 0 venial 1 001 & 01721059 a 0000 | easily excused or forgiven; "a venial error" 01721319 00 s 01 expiable 0 001 & 01721059 a 0000 | capable of being atoned for 01721401 00 s 02 minor 0 venial 2 002 & 01721059 a 0000 ;c 06182144 n 0000 | warranting only temporal punishment; "venial sin" 01721530 00 a 01 unpardonable 0 004 ! 01721059 a 0101 & 01721691 a 0000 & 01721867 a 0000 & 01721953 a 0000 | not admitting of pardon; "unpardonable behavior" 01721691 00 s 02 deadly 0 mortal(a) 0 003 & 01721530 a 0000 ;c 06182144 n 0000 + 04791081 n 0101 | involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death; "the seven deadly sins" 01721867 00 s 02 inexcusable 0 unforgivable 0 001 & 01721530 a 0000 | not excusable 01721953 00 s 01 inexpiable 0 001 & 01721530 a 0000 | incapable of being atoned for 01722039 00 a 01 excusable 0 002 ! 01722260 a 0101 & 01722140 a 0000 | capable of being overlooked 01722140 00 s 01 justifiable 0 003 & 01722039 a 0000 + 00894738 v 0104 + 00896803 v 0101 | capable of being justified 01722260 00 a 01 inexcusable 0 002 ! 01722039 a 0101 & 01722367 a 0000 | without excuse or justification 01722367 00 s 05 indefensible 0 insupportable 0 unjustifiable 0 unwarrantable 0 unwarranted 0 001 & 01722260 a 0000 | incapable of being justified or explained 01722529 00 a 03 parental 0 maternal 4 paternal 4 002 + 10399491 n 0101 ! 01722699 a 0101 | relating to or characteristic of or befitting a parent; "parental guidance" 01722699 00 a 01 filial 0 002 ! 01722529 a 0101 & 01722846 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of or befitting an offspring; "filial respect" 01722846 00 s 01 daughterly 0 002 & 01722699 a 0000 + 09992837 n 0101 | befitting a daughter; "daughterly affection" 01722965 00 a 01 partial 1 004 ^ 00957176 a 0000 + 06201136 n 0101 ! 01723308 a 0101 & 01723091 a 0000 | showing favoritism 01723091 00 s 05 biased 0 colored 0 coloured 0 one-sided 0 slanted 0 001 & 01722965 a 0000 | favoring one person or side over another; "a biased account of the trial"; "a decision that was partial to the defendant" 01723308 00 a 01 impartial 0 007 ^ 00956131 a 0000 + 06202686 n 0101 ! 01722965 a 0101 & 01723543 a 0000 & 01723648 a 0000 & 01723856 a 0000 & 01724072 a 0000 | showing lack of favoritism; "the cold neutrality of an impartial judge" 01723543 00 s 01 disinterested 0 002 & 01723308 a 0000 + 06202907 n 0101 | unaffected by self-interest 01723648 00 s 02 dispassionate 0 cold-eyed 0 003 & 01723308 a 0000 + 04630137 n 0101 + 04630137 n 0102 | unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice; "a journalist should be a dispassionate reporter of fact" 01723856 00 s 03 indifferent 0 unbiased 0 unbiassed 0 002 & 01723308 a 0000 + 07505676 n 0101 | characterized by a lack of partiality; "a properly indifferent jury"; "an unbiasgoted account of her family problems" 01724072 00 s 01 indifferent 2 003 & 01723308 a 0000 + 07505676 n 0101 + 04673470 n 0103 | marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another; "indifferent about which book you would give them"; "was indifferent to their acceptance or rejection of her invitation" 01724368 00 a 01 particulate 0 001 ! 01724456 a 0101 | composed of distinct particles 01724456 00 a 01 nonparticulate 0 001 ! 01724368 a 0101 | not composed of distinct particles 01724551 00 a 01 passable 0 005 ! 01725273 a 0101 & 01724743 a 0000 & 01724916 a 0000 & 01725031 a 0000 & 01725129 a 0000 | able to be passed or traversed or crossed; "the road is passable" 01724743 00 s 01 navigable 0 003 & 01724551 a 0000 + 04719661 n 0101 + 01846320 v 0103 | able to be sailed on or through safely; "navigable waters"; "a navigable channel" 01724916 00 s 01 negotiable 0 001 & 01724551 a 0000 | capable of being passed or negotiated; "a negotiable road" 01725031 00 s 02 surmountable 0 climbable 0 001 & 01724551 a 0000 | capable of being surmounted 01725129 00 s 02 traversable 0 travelable 0 001 & 01724551 a 0000 | capable of being traversed; "highway crews soon had the roads travelable" 01725273 00 a 02 impassable 0 unpassable 0 004 ! 01724551 a 0101 & 01725422 a 0000 & 01725537 a 0000 & 01725624 a 0000 | incapable of being passed 01725422 00 s 02 unsurmountable 0 unclimbable 0 001 & 01725273 a 0000 | incapable of being surmounted or climbed 01725537 00 s 01 unnavigable 0 001 & 01725273 a 0000 | incapable of being navigated 01725624 00 s 01 untraversable 0 001 & 01725273 a 0000 | incapable of being traversed 01725712 00 a 01 passionate 0 013 ^ 00853776 a 0000 ^ 00885695 a 0000 ^ 01256332 a 0000 ^ 01463965 a 0000 + 07480896 n 0102 ! 01727439 a 0101 & 01726021 a 0000 & 01726235 a 0000 & 01726613 a 0000 & 01726775 a 0000 & 01726859 a 0000 & 01727133 a 0000 & 01727303 a 0000 | having or expressing strong emotions 01726021 00 s 03 ablaze 0 aflame 0 aroused 0 001 & 01725712 a 0000 | keenly excited (especially sexually) or indicating excitement; "his face all ablaze with excitement"- Bram Stoker; "he was aflame with desire" 01726235 00 s 07 ardent 0 fervent 0 fervid 0 fiery 0 impassioned 0 perfervid 0 torrid 0 005 & 01725712 a 0000 + 07481375 n 0406 + 04628336 n 0401 + 07481375 n 0307 + 07481375 n 0205 | characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair" 01726613 00 s 01 choleric 0 002 & 01725712 a 0000 + 07516354 n 0102 | easily moved to anger; "men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing"- H.G.Wells 01726775 00 s 01 demon-ridden 0 001 & 01725712 a 0000 | as if possessed by demons 01726859 00 s 04 fanatic 0 fanatical 0 overzealous 0 rabid 0 006 & 01725712 a 0000 + 04885784 n 0402 + 04885784 n 0403 + 10077879 n 0201 + 10077879 n 0101 + 06206334 n 0102 | marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist" 01727133 00 s 03 lustful 0 lusty 0 concupiscent 0 005 & 01725712 a 0000 + 07487955 n 0303 + 07489714 n 0202 + 00759335 n 0201 + 07489714 n 0103 | vigorously passionate 01727303 00 s 01 wild 0 002 & 01725712 a 0000 + 07481223 n 0101 | in a state of extreme emotion; "wild with anger"; "wild with grief" 01727439 00 a 01 passionless 0 006 ^ 01257612 a 0000 ^ 00856860 a 0000 ^ 00887062 a 0000 ! 01725712 a 0101 & 01727644 a 0000 & 01727741 a 0000 | not passionate; "passionless observation of human nature" 01727644 00 s 01 platonic 0 001 & 01727439 a 0000 | free from physical desire; "platonic love" 01727741 00 s 01 unimpassioned 0 001 & 01727439 a 0000 | free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness; "answered with an unimpassioned defense"; "the unimpassioned intellect" 01727926 00 a 01 past 0 022 ^ 00668571 a 0000 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ^ 01295443 a 0000 = 05046009 n 0000 + 05049656 n 0101 ! 01731351 a 0101 ! 01732270 a 0101 & 01728476 a 0000 & 01728614 a 0000 & 01728919 a 0000 & 01729157 a 0000 & 01729384 a 0000 & 01729566 a 0000 & 01729819 a 0000 & 01730060 a 0000 & 01730329 a 0000 & 01730444 a 0000 & 01730745 a 0000 & 01730820 a 0000 & 01730909 a 0000 & 01731108 a 0000 & 01731208 a 0000 | earlier than the present time; no longer current; "time past"; "his youth is past"; "this past Thursday"; "the past year" 01728476 00 s 02 ago 0 agone 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | gone by; or in the past; "two years ago"; "`agone' is an archaic word for `ago'" 01728614 00 s 01 ancient 0 003 & 01727926 a 0000 + 04925756 n 0101 + 09793141 n 0101 | belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire; "ancient history"; "ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians"; "ancient Greece" 01728919 00 s 05 bygone 0 bypast 0 departed 0 foregone 0 gone 0 002 & 01727926 a 0000 + 15121153 n 0101 | well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era" 01729157 00 s 03 chivalric 0 knightly 0 medieval 0 003 & 01727926 a 0000 + 10238375 n 0201 + 05955848 n 0101 | characteristic of the time of chivalry and knighthood in the Middle Ages; "chivalric rites"; "the knightly years" 01729384 00 s 03 early(a) 0 former(a) 0 other(a) 2 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times" 01729566 00 s 07 erstwhile(a) 0 former(a) 1 old 3 onetime(a) 0 one-time(a) 0 quondam(a) 0 sometime(a) 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | belonging to some prior time; "erstwhile friend"; "our former glory"; "the once capital of the state"; "her quondam lover" 01729819 00 s 03 former(a) 2 late(a) 2 previous(a) 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | (used especially of persons) of the immediate past; "the former president"; "our late President is still very active"; "the previous occupant of the White House" 01730060 00 s 02 historic 0 historical 0 004 & 01727926 a 0000 + 05170088 n 0201 + 15121406 n 0101 + 06156752 n 0101 | belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past; "historic victories"; "historical (or historic) times"; "a historical character" 01730329 00 s 01 last(a) 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | immediately past; "last Thursday"; "the last chapter we read" 01730444 00 s 02 late(a) 0 recent 0 004 & 01727926 a 0000 + 04927268 n 0201 + 05049808 n 0202 + 05047059 n 0101 | of the immediate past or just previous to the present time; "a late development"; "their late quarrel"; "his recent trip to Africa"; "in recent months"; "a recent issue of the journal" 01730745 00 s 01 olden 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | long past; "olden days" 01730820 00 s 01 other(a) 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | recently past; "the other evening" 01730909 00 s 02 prehistoric 0 prehistorical 0 002 & 01727926 a 0000 + 15254550 n 0101 | belonging to or existing in times before recorded history; "prehistoric settlements"; "prehistoric peoples" 01731108 00 s 01 then(a) 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | at a specific prior time; "the then president" 01731208 00 s 02 ultimo 0 ult 0 001 & 01727926 a 0000 | in or of the month preceding the present one; "your letter received on the 29th ult" 01731351 00 a 01 present(a) 1 010 = 05046009 n 0000 + 15119536 n 0101 + 06329734 n 0101 + 05050115 n 0101 ! 01732270 a 0101 ! 01727926 a 0101 & 01731786 a 0000 & 01731882 a 0000 & 01732012 a 0000 & 01732131 a 0000 | temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration; "the present leader"; "articles for present use"; "the present topic"; "the present system"; "present observations" 01731786 00 s 01 existing 0 001 & 01731351 a 0000 | presently existing; "the existing system" 01731882 00 s 01 immediate 0 002 & 01731351 a 0000 + 05059525 n 0102 | of the present time and place; "the immediate revisions" 01732012 00 s 02 instant 0 inst 0 001 & 01731351 a 0000 | in or of the present month; "your letter of the 10th inst" 01732131 00 s 01 latter-day 0 001 & 01731351 a 0000 | belonging to the present or recent times; "the latter-day problems of our society" 01732270 00 a 01 future 0 013 ^ 01294300 a 0000 ^ 01883898 a 0000 = 05046009 n 0000 + 15121625 n 0103 + 05049930 n 0101 ! 01727926 a 0101 ! 01731351 a 0101 & 01732601 a 0000 & 01732855 a 0000 & 01732958 a 0000 & 01733082 a 0000 & 01733189 a 0000 & 01733330 a 0000 | yet to be or coming; "some future historian will evaluate him" 01732601 00 s 04 approaching 0 coming(a) 1 forthcoming 0 upcoming 0 002 & 01732270 a 0000 + 14030820 n 0306 | of the relatively near future; "the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions" 01732855 00 s 01 future_day 0 001 & 01732270 a 0000 | yet to come; "a future-day Gibbon of Macaulay" 01732958 00 s 01 early 1 001 & 01732270 a 0000 | expected in the near future; "look for an early end to the negotiations" 01733082 00 s 02 emerging 0 rising 0 001 & 01732270 a 0000 | coming to maturity; "the rising generation" 01733189 00 s 01 in_store(p) 0 001 & 01732270 a 0000 | in readiness; awaiting; "gave us a hint of the excitement that was in store for us" 01733330 00 s 02 proximo 0 prox 0 001 & 01732270 a 0000 | in or of the next month after the present; "scheduled for the 6th prox" 01733462 00 a 01 born 0 002 ! 01733661 a 0101 & 01733588 a 0000 | brought into existence; "he was a child born of adultery" 01733588 00 s 01 hatched 0 001 & 01733462 a 0000 | emerged from an egg 01733661 00 a 01 unborn 0 002 ! 01733462 a 0101 & 01733784 a 0000 | not yet brought into existence; "unborn generations" 01733784 00 s 01 unhatched 0 001 & 01733661 a 0000 | not yet emerged from an egg 01733867 00 a 01 parented 0 001 ! 01733982 a 0101 | having a parent or parents or cared for by parent surrogates 01733982 00 a 02 unparented 0 parentless 0 004 ! 01733867 a 0101 & 01734171 a 0000 & 01734267 a 0000 & 01734347 a 0000 | having no parent or parents or not cared for by parent surrogates 01734171 00 s 01 orphaned 0 001 & 01733982 a 0000 | deprived of parents by death or desertion 01734267 00 s 01 fatherless 0 001 & 01733982 a 0000 | having no living father 01734347 00 s 01 motherless 0 001 & 01733982 a 0000 | having no living or known mother 01734436 00 a 01 paternal 0 006 ^ 01737825 a 0000 = 04873305 n 0000 + 14578792 n 0101 ! 01734884 a 0101 & 01734607 a 0000 & 01734772 a 0000 | characteristic of a father 01734607 00 s 02 fatherly 0 fatherlike 0 003 & 01734436 a 0000 + 10080869 n 0101 + 04873305 n 0101 | like or befitting a father or fatherhood; kind and protective 01734772 00 s 01 paternalistic 0 002 & 01734436 a 0000 + 06196071 n 0101 | benevolent but sometimes intrusive 01734884 00 a 01 maternal 0 007 ^ 01738335 a 0000 = 04872958 n 0000 + 04872958 n 0104 ! 01734436 a 0101 & 01735130 a 0000 & 01735252 a 0000 & 01735346 a 0000 | characteristic of a mother; "warm maternal affection for her guest"- Dorothy Sayers 01735130 00 s 01 maternalistic 0 003 & 01734884 a 0000 + 04872958 n 0102 + 00655540 n 0101 | showing maternal instincts 01735252 00 s 01 motherlike 0 001 & 01734884 a 0000 | suggestive of or acting like a mother 01735346 00 s 01 motherly 0 003 & 01734884 a 0000 + 10332385 n 0101 + 04872958 n 0101 | befitting a mother; warm and nurturing 01735475 00 a 03 wifely 0 wifelike 0 uxorial 0 003 + 10743941 n 0301 + 10780632 n 0101 ! 01735622 a 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a wife 01735622 00 a 01 husbandly 0 002 + 10193967 n 0101 ! 01735475 a 0101 | befitting or characteristic of a husband 01735736 00 a 01 patient 0 009 ^ 02436341 a 0000 ^ 00514278 a 0000 + 04640538 n 0101 ! 01737241 a 0101 & 01736122 a 0000 & 01736384 a 0000 & 01736571 a 0000 & 01736883 a 0000 & 01737084 a 0000 | enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance; "a patient smile"; "was patient with the children"; "an exact and patient scientist"; "please be patient" 01736122 00 s 02 diligent 0 persevering 0 002 & 01735736 a 0000 + 04865114 n 0101 | quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness; "a diligent (or patient) worker"; "with persevering (or patient) industry she revived the failing business" 01736384 00 s 02 enduring 0 long-suffering 0 001 & 01735736 a 0000 | patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble; "an enduring disposition"; "a long-suffering and uncomplaining wife" 01736571 00 s 02 forbearing 0 longanimous 0 002 & 01735736 a 0000 + 04640538 n 0203 | showing patient and unruffled self-control and restraint under adversity; slow to retaliate or express resentment; "seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression"; "was longanimous in the face of suffering" 01736883 00 s 02 tolerant 0 patient_of 0 002 & 01735736 a 0000 + 00668099 v 0107 | showing the capacity for endurance; "injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving"; "a man patient of distractions" 01737084 00 s 01 unhurried 0 002 & 01735736 a 0000 + 05061977 n 0104 | capable of accepting delay with equanimity; "was unhurried with the small children" 01737241 00 a 01 impatient 0 006 ^ 00085264 a 0000 + 14407283 n 0102 + 04642596 n 0101 ! 01735736 a 0101 & 01737503 a 0000 & 01737698 a 0000 | restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition; "impatient with the slower students"; "impatient of criticism" 01737503 00 s 01 restive 0 001 & 01737241 a 0000 | impatient especially under restriction or delay; "the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive" 01737698 00 s 01 unforbearing 0 001 & 01737241 a 0000 | unwilling to endure; "she was unforbearing with the slower students" 01737825 00 a 01 patriarchal 0 006 ^ 01734436 a 0000 + 10406765 n 0101 + 07972674 n 0101 ! 01738335 a 0101 & 01738100 a 0000 & 01738252 a 0000 | characteristic of a form of social organization in which the male is the family head and title is traced through the male line 01738100 00 s 01 patriarchic 0 002 & 01737825 a 0000 + 07972674 n 0101 | (of societies) being ruled by or having descent traced through the male line 01738252 00 s 01 patricentric 0 001 & 01737825 a 0000 | centered upon the father 01738335 00 a 01 matriarchal 0 005 ^ 01734884 a 0000 + 07972888 n 0101 ! 01737825 a 0101 & 01738495 a 0000 & 01738663 a 0000 | characteristic of a matriarchy 01738495 00 s 01 matriarchic 0 001 & 01738335 a 0000 | (of societies or families) having a female as the family head or having descent traced through the female line 01738663 00 s 01 matricentric 0 001 & 01738335 a 0000 | centered upon the mother 01738746 00 a 02 patronized 0 patronised 0 001 ! 01738895 a 0101 | having patronage or clients; "street full of flourishing well-patronized shops" 01738895 00 a 03 unpatronized 0 unpatronised 0 patronless 0 002 ! 01738746 a 0101 & 01739080 a 0000 | having little patronage or few clients; "a restaurant unpatronized by the elite" 01739080 00 s 01 briefless 0 001 & 01738895 a 0000 | (of lawyers or barristers) lacking clients 01739178 00 a 01 packaged 0 002 ! 01739456 a 0101 & 01739315 a 0000 | enclosed in a package or protective covering; "packaged cereals" 01739315 00 s 02 prepackaged 0 prepacked 0 001 & 01739178 a 0000 | prepared and wrapped beforehand and ready for sale; "prepackaged foods" 01739456 00 a 01 unpackaged 0 002 ! 01739178 a 0101 & 01739582 a 0000 | not packaged or put into packets; "unpackaged nuts" 01739582 00 s 01 loose 0 001 & 01739456 a 0000 | not carefully arranged in a package; "a box of loose nails" 01739693 00 a 01 paved 0 003 ! 01739987 a 0101 & 01739808 a 0000 & 01739898 a 0000 | covered with a firm surface 01739808 00 s 01 made-up 0 002 & 01739693 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | having been paved 01739898 00 s 01 sealed 0 002 & 01739693 a 0000 ;r 08831004 n 0000 | having been paved 01739987 00 a 01 unpaved 0 002 ! 01739693 a 0101 & 01740085 a 0000 | not having a paved surface 01740085 00 s 01 caliche-topped 0 001 & 01739987 a 0000 | covered with caliche, a hard calcium-carbonate encrusted soil 01740207 00 a 02 patriotic 0 loyal 6 004 ^ 00961392 a 0000 + 04878101 n 0101 ! 01740630 a 0101 & 01740358 a 0000 | inspired by love for your country 01740358 00 s 06 chauvinistic 0 flag-waving(a) 0 jingoistic 0 nationalistic 0 ultranationalistic 0 superpatriotic 0 007 & 01740207 a 0000 + 04878646 n 0504 + 04878101 n 0402 + 07187486 n 0302 + 04878646 n 0302 + 09911849 n 0101 + 04878646 n 0101 | fanatically patriotic 01740630 00 a 02 unpatriotic 0 disloyal 6 003 ^ 00962634 a 0000 ! 01740207 a 0101 & 01740772 a 0000 | showing lack of love for your country 01740772 00 s 01 un-American 0 001 & 01740630 a 0000 | considered contrary to the best interests of the United States 01740892 00 a 02 peaceful 0 peaceable 0 011 ^ 01246579 a 0000 ^ 02512922 a 0000 ^ 01922763 a 0000 ^ 00084956 a 0000 ! 01742296 a 0101 & 01741270 a 0000 & 01741408 a 0000 & 01741563 a 0000 & 01741669 a 0000 & 01741953 a 0000 & 01742119 a 0000 | not disturbed by strife or turmoil or war; "a peaceful nation"; "peaceful times"; "a far from peaceful Christmas"; "peaceful sleep" 01741270 00 s 01 halcyon 0 001 & 01740892 a 0000 | idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquillity; "a halcyon atmosphere" 01741408 00 s 01 irenic 0 001 & 01740892 a 0000 | conducive to peace; "irenic without being namby-pamby"; "an irenic attitude toward former antagonists" 01741563 00 s 01 nonbelligerent 0 001 & 01740892 a 0000 | not directly at war; "nonbelligerent nations" 01741669 00 s 02 pacific 2 peaceable 1 002 & 01740892 a 0000 + 13970584 n 0201 | disposed to peace or of a peaceful nature; "the pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force"; "a quiet and peaceable person"; "in a peaceable and orderly manner" 01741953 00 s 03 pacifist(a) 0 pacifistic 0 dovish 0 005 & 01740892 a 0000 + 06221485 n 0301 + 05946406 n 0201 + 05965586 n 0201 + 10390199 n 0101 | opposed to war 01742119 00 s 02 peaceable 2 peace-loving 0 002 & 01740892 a 0000 + 13970584 n 0101 | inclined or disposed to peace; "they met in a peaceable spirit"; "peace-loving citizens" 01742296 00 a 01 unpeaceful 0 008 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 00303727 a 0000 ^ 02510879 a 0000 ! 01740892 a 0101 & 01742537 a 0000 & 01742715 a 0000 & 01742912 a 0000 & 01743138 a 0000 | not peaceful; "unpeaceful times"; "an unpeaceful marriage" 01742537 00 s 04 belligerent 0 militant 1 war-ridden 0 warring 0 003 & 01742296 a 0000 + 09939313 n 0103 + 00964781 n 0102 | engaged in war; "belligerent (or warring) nations" 01742715 00 s 03 militant 0 hawkish 0 warlike 0 002 & 01742296 a 0000 + 06221790 n 0201 | disposed to warfare or hard-line policies; "militant nations"; "hawkish congressman"; "warlike policies" 01742912 00 s 02 stormy 0 tempestuous 0 005 & 01742296 a 0000 + 13979503 n 0204 + 13978344 n 0202 + 07481625 n 0101 + 13978344 n 0101 | characterized by violent emotions or behavior; "a stormy argument"; "a stormy marriage" 01743138 00 s 01 unpeaceable 0 001 & 01742296 a 0000 | not disposed to peace 01743217 00 a 02 penitent 0 repentant 0 011 ^ 00153898 a 0000 ^ 01150475 a 0000 + 07536870 n 0201 + 01796800 v 0201 + 01796582 v 0201 ! 01743909 a 0202 + 10413834 n 0101 + 07536870 n 0102 ! 01743909 a 0101 & 01743506 a 0000 & 01743704 a 0000 | feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds 01743506 00 s 04 contrite 0 remorseful 0 rueful 0 ruthful 0 004 & 01743217 a 0000 + 07535209 n 0403 + 07535670 n 0304 + 07534700 n 0103 | feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses 01743704 00 s 02 penitential 0 penitentiary 0 002 & 01743217 a 0000 + 07536870 n 0102 | showing or constituting penance; "penitential tears"; "wrote a penitential letter apologizing for her hasty words" 01743909 00 a 03 impenitent 0 unrepentant 0 unremorseful 0 006 ^ 00154965 a 0000 ^ 01957454 a 0000 ! 01743217 a 0202 + 04863358 n 0102 + 04863358 n 0101 ! 01743217 a 0101 | not penitent or remorseful 01744111 00 a 01 perceptive 0 014 + 07513247 n 0102 + 05710210 n 0102 + 04843875 n 0101 + 07513247 n 0103 + 00591519 v 0101 ! 01746114 a 0101 & 01744515 a 0000 & 01745027 a 0000 & 01745191 a 0000 & 01745296 a 0000 & 01745517 a 0000 & 01745653 a 0000 & 01745846 a 0000 & 01745946 a 0000 | having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment; "a perceptive eye"; "a perceptive observation" 01744515 00 s 09 acute 0 discriminating 0 incisive 0 keen 0 knifelike 0 penetrating 0 penetrative 0 piercing 0 sharp 0 006 & 01744111 a 0000 + 05620468 n 0903 + 00728954 v 0701 + 05620468 n 0404 + 05199680 n 0301 + 05620468 n 0101 | having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations" 01745027 00 s 02 apprehensive 0 discerning 0 002 & 01744111 a 0000 + 00588221 v 0108 | quick to understand; "a kind and apprehensive friend"- Nathaniel Hawthorne 01745191 00 s 01 apperceptive 0 001 & 01744111 a 0000 | able to relate new percepts to past experience 01745296 00 s 01 insightful 0 002 & 01744111 a 0000 + 05621808 n 0101 | exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception; "an insightful parent"; "the chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives"-R.C.Angell 01745517 00 s 02 observant 0 observing 0 002 & 01744111 a 0000 + 02154508 v 0102 | quick to notice; showing quick and keen perception 01745653 00 s 03 quick-sighted 0 sharp-sighted 0 sharp-eyed 0 002 & 01744111 a 0000 + 04664628 n 0202 | keenly perceptive or alert; "quick-sighted into the faults of the time"- Leonard Bacon 01745846 00 s 01 subtle 0 001 & 01744111 a 0000 | able to make fine distinctions; "a subtle mind" 01745946 00 s 01 understanding 0 001 & 01744111 a 0000 | characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy; "an understanding friend" 01746114 00 a 02 unperceptive 0 unperceiving 0 004 + 04845146 n 0101 ! 01744111 a 0101 & 01746292 a 0000 & 01746464 a 0000 | lacking perception; "as unperceptive as a boulder" 01746292 00 s 01 blind 0 001 & 01746114 a 0000 | unable or unwilling to perceive or understand; "blind to a lover's faults"; "blind to the consequences of their actions" 01746464 00 s 02 unobservant 0 unseeing 0 001 & 01746114 a 0000 | not consciously observing; "looked through him with blank unseeing eyes" 01746605 00 a 01 perceptible 0 012 ^ 00173764 a 0000 ^ 02515341 a 0000 + 00591519 v 0101 + 05017230 n 0101 ! 01748318 a 0101 & 01746995 a 0000 & 01747195 a 0000 & 01747364 a 0000 & 01747713 a 0000 & 01747849 a 0000 & 01747996 a 0000 & 01748152 a 0000 | capable of being perceived by the mind or senses; "a perceptible limp"; "easily perceptible sounds"; "perceptible changes in behavior" 01746995 00 s 02 detectable 0 noticeable 0 004 & 01746605 a 0000 + 04706290 n 0202 + 04706290 n 0203 + 02118476 v 0201 | capable of being detected; "after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued" 01747195 00 s 01 discernible 0 002 & 01746605 a 0000 + 02193194 v 0105 | capable of being perceived clearly; "an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible" 01747364 00 s 02 faint 0 weak 0 003 & 01746605 a 0000 + 04991137 n 0101 + 04704675 n 0102 | deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc; "a faint outline"; "the wan sun cast faint shadows"; "the faint light of a distant candle"; "weak colors"; "a faint hissing sound"; "a faint aroma"; "a weak pulse" 01747713 00 s 01 palpable 0 003 & 01746605 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 04760024 n 0103 | can be felt by palpation; "a palpable tumor" 01747849 00 s 01 perceivable 0 001 & 01746605 a 0000 | capable of being perceived especially by sight or hearing; "perceivable through the mist" 01747996 00 s 01 recognizable 0 001 & 01746605 a 0000 | easily perceived; easy to become aware of; "this situation produces recognizable stress symptoms" 01748152 00 s 01 sensible 0 003 & 01746605 a 0000 + 02106006 v 0102 + 05652926 n 0103 | readily perceived by the senses; "the sensible universe"; "a sensible odor" 01748318 00 a 02 imperceptible 0 unperceivable 4 010 ^ 01717669 a 0000 ^ 00174379 a 0000 ^ 02517265 a 0000 + 05019339 n 0101 ! 01746605 a 0101 & 01748716 a 0000 & 01748824 a 0000 & 01748936 a 0000 & 01749125 a 0000 & 01749225 a 0000 | impossible or difficult to perceive by the mind or senses; "an imperceptible drop in temperature"; "an imperceptible nod"; "color is unperceivable to the touch" 01748716 00 s 01 impalpable 0 001 & 01748318 a 0000 | not perceptible to the touch; "an impalpable pulse" 01748824 00 s 02 incognizable 0 incognoscible 0 001 & 01748318 a 0000 | incapable of being perceived or known 01748936 00 s 03 indiscernible 0 insensible 0 undetectable 0 001 & 01748318 a 0000 | barely able to be perceived; "the transition was almost indiscernible"; "an almost insensible change" 01749125 00 s 01 subliminal 0 001 & 01748318 a 0000 | below the threshold of conscious perception 01749225 00 s 01 unobservable 0 001 & 01748318 a 0000 | not accessible to direct observation 01749320 00 a 01 perfect 0 021 ^ 00914421 a 0000 ^ 00247013 a 0000 ^ 00289365 a 0000 ^ 02497938 a 0000 = 14459422 n 0000 ! 01752167 a 0101 & 01749915 a 0000 & 01750073 a 0000 & 01750256 a 0000 & 01750386 a 0000 & 01750617 a 0000 & 01750746 a 0000 & 01750847 a 0000 & 01751080 a 0000 & 01751201 a 0000 & 01751353 a 0000 & 01751465 a 0000 & 01751609 a 0000 & 01751693 a 0000 & 01751828 a 0000 & 01751940 a 0000 | being complete of its kind and without defect or blemish; "a perfect circle"; "a perfect reproduction"; "perfect happiness"; "perfect manners"; "a perfect specimen"; "a perfect day" 01749915 00 s 01 clean 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense; "a clean voting record"; "a clean driver's license" 01750073 00 s 01 clear 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 04701460 n 0101 | free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond"; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman" 01750256 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started" 01750386 00 s 02 complete 0 consummate 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 14460974 n 0101 | perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities; "a complete gentleman"; "consummate happiness"; "a consummate performance" 01750617 00 s 03 down 0 down_pat(p) 0 mastered 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down" 01750746 00 s 01 errorless 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | free from error; "an errorless baseball game" 01750847 00 s 03 faultless 0 immaculate 0 impeccable 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 04899573 n 0302 | without fault or error; "faultless logic"; "speaks impeccable French"; "timing and technique were immaculate"; "an immaculate record" 01751080 00 s 02 flawless 0 unflawed 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 14459422 n 0102 | without a flaw; "a flawless gemstone" 01751201 00 s 01 ideal 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 04855524 n 0101 | conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence; embodying an ideal 01751353 00 s 02 idealized 0 idealised 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | exalted to an ideal perfection or excellence 01751465 00 s 01 idyllic 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 + 07307297 n 0101 | excellent and delightful in all respects; "an idyllic spot for a picnic" 01751609 00 s 01 mint(a) 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | as if new; "in mint condition" 01751693 00 s 01 perfectible 0 003 & 01749320 a 0000 + 00473572 v 0101 + 05623444 n 0101 | capable of becoming or being made perfect 01751828 00 s 01 pluperfect 0 001 & 01749320 a 0000 | more than perfect; "he spoke with pluperfect precision" 01751940 00 s 02 uncorrupted 0 undefiled 0 002 & 01749320 a 0000 ;c 06282651 n 0000 | (of language) not having its purity or excellence debased; "uncorrupted English"; "learn to speak pure English undefiled"- Van Wyck Brooks 01752167 00 a 01 imperfect 0 011 ^ 00245952 a 0000 ^ 00289082 a 0000 = 14459422 n 0000 + 14462666 n 0102 ! 01749320 a 0101 & 01752553 a 0000 & 01752692 a 0000 & 01752792 a 0000 & 01752953 a 0000 & 01753140 a 0000 & 01753249 a 0000 | not perfect; defective or inadequate; "had only an imperfect understanding of his responsibilities"; "imperfect mortals"; "drainage here is imperfect" 01752553 00 s 02 blemished 0 flawed 0 001 & 01752167 a 0000 | having a blemish or flaw; "a flawed diamond"; "an irregular pair of jeans" 01752692 00 s 01 broken 0 001 & 01752167 a 0000 | imperfectly spoken or written; "broken English" 01752792 00 s 02 corrupt 0 corrupted 0 001 & 01752167 a 0000 | containing errors or alterations; "a corrupt text"; "spoke a corrupted version of the language" 01752953 00 s 02 defective 0 faulty 0 004 & 01752167 a 0000 + 14464203 n 0202 + 14472299 n 0202 + 14472299 n 0101 | having a defect; "I returned the appliance because it was defective" 01753140 00 s 01 imperfectible 0 002 & 01752167 a 0000 + 05648011 n 0101 | capable of being made imperfect 01753249 00 s 01 irregular 0 001 & 01752167 a 0000 | falling below the manufacturer's standard; "irregular jeans" 01753365 00 a 01 perishable 0 006 ^ 00737973 a 0000 + 04793731 n 0102 + 04793731 n 0101 ! 01753922 a 0101 & 01753652 a 0000 & 01753785 a 0000 | liable to perish; subject to destruction or death or decay; "this minute and perishable planet"; "perishable foods such as butter and fruit" 01753652 00 s 01 biodegradable 0 001 & 01753365 a 0000 | capable of being decomposed by e.g. bacteria; "a biodegradable detergent" 01753785 00 s 04 decayable 0 putrescible 0 putrefiable 0 spoilable 0 001 & 01753365 a 0000 | liable to decay or spoil or become putrid 01753922 00 a 01 imperishable 0 004 + 05054537 n 0101 ! 01753365 a 0101 & 01754049 a 0000 & 01754341 a 0000 | not perishable 01754049 00 s 04 durable 0 indestructible 0 perdurable 0 undestroyable 0 003 & 01753922 a 0000 + 05054746 n 0301 + 05053688 n 0102 | very long lasting; "less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys"; "the perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent" 01754341 00 s 01 imputrescible 0 001 & 01753922 a 0000 | not subject to decay 01754421 00 a 02 permanent 0 lasting 4 013 ^ 00898289 a 0000 ^ 02290998 a 0000 ^ 00346991 a 0000 = 05053215 n 0000 + 05053688 n 0201 + 05260533 n 0102 + 05053215 n 0102 + 05053215 n 0101 ! 01755627 a 0101 & 01754873 a 0000 & 01755024 a 0000 & 01755418 a 0000 & 01755508 a 0000 | continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place; "permanent secretary to the president"; "permanent address"; "literature of permanent value" 01754873 00 s 03 abiding 0 enduring 0 imperishable 0 002 & 01754421 a 0000 + 05053688 n 0203 | unceasing; "an abiding belief"; "imperishable truths" 01755024 00 s 08 ageless 0 aeonian 0 eonian 0 eternal 0 everlasting 0 perpetual 0 unending 0 unceasing 0 006 & 01754421 a 0000 + 05053527 n 0601 + 05054426 n 0501 + 13956905 n 0401 + 15243590 n 0301 + 04742418 n 0101 | continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" 01755418 00 s 01 indissoluble 0 001 & 01754421 a 0000 | used of decisions and contracts 01755508 00 s 01 standing(a) 0 001 & 01754421 a 0000 | not created for a particular occasion; "a standing committee" 01755627 00 a 02 impermanent 0 temporary 0 018 ^ 02291843 a 0000 = 05053215 n 0000 + 05055141 n 0201 + 05054863 n 0102 + 05054863 n 0101 ! 01754421 a 0101 & 01756166 a 0000 & 01756292 a 0000 & 01756758 a 0000 & 01756940 a 0000 & 01757082 a 0000 & 01757211 a 0000 & 01757483 a 0000 & 01757608 a 0000 & 01757782 a 0000 & 01757914 a 0000 & 01758038 a 0000 & 01758194 a 0000 | not permanent; not lasting; "politics is an impermanent factor of life"- James Thurber; "impermanent palm cottages"; "a temperary arrangement"; "temporary housing" 01756166 00 s 01 acting(a) 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | serving temporarily especially as a substitute; "the acting president" 01756292 00 s 06 ephemeral 0 passing 0 short-lived 0 transient 0 transitory 0 fugacious 0 011 & 01755627 a 0000 + 05055503 n 0602 + 05055503 n 0601 + 05055278 n 0503 + 10725149 n 0401 + 07347468 n 0401 + 05055278 n 0402 + 05053042 n 0403 + 15247410 n 0101 + 05055689 n 0102 + 05055689 n 0101 | lasting a very short time; "the ephemeral joys of childhood"; "a passing fancy"; "youth's transient beauty"; "love is transitory but it is eternal"; "fugacious blossoms" 01756758 00 s 01 episodic 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | limited in duration to a single episode; "an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers" 01756940 00 s 01 evanescent 0 003 & 01755627 a 0000 + 07335917 n 0101 + 00421691 v 0101 | tending to vanish like vapor; "evanescent beauty" 01757082 00 s 01 fly-by-night 0 002 & 01755627 a 0000 + 10098388 n 0101 | ephemeral; "the symphony is no fly-by-night venture" 01757211 00 s 03 improvised 0 jury-rigged 0 makeshift 0 002 & 01755627 a 0000 + 00178551 n 0301 | done or made using whatever is available; "crossed the river on improvised bridges"; "the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear"; "the rock served as a makeshift hammer" 01757483 00 s 01 interim 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | serving during an intermediate interval of time; "an interim agreement" 01757608 00 s 02 pro_tem 0 pro_tempore 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | for the time being; "he is the president pro tem"; "designated him to act as consul protempore"- H.H.Fiske 01757782 00 s 01 shipboard 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | casual or ephemeral as if taking place on board a ship; "shipboard romances" 01757914 00 s 01 temporal 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | not eternal; "temporal matters of but fleeting moment"- F.D.Roosevelt 01758038 00 s 01 terminable 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | capable of being terminated after a designated time; "terminable employees"; "a terminable annuity" 01758194 00 s 01 working(a) 0 001 & 01755627 a 0000 | adopted as a temporary basis for further work; "a working draft"; "a working hypothesis" 01758339 00 a 02 persistent 0 lasting 6 005 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05053688 n 0201 + 02731024 v 0101 + 02647497 v 0102 ! 01758582 a 0101 | retained; not shed; "persistent leaves remain attached past maturity"; "the persistent gills of fishes" 01758582 00 a 02 caducous 0 shed 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 01758339 a 0101 & 01758790 a 0000 | shed at an early stage of development; "most amphibians have caducous gills"; "the caducous calyx of a poppy" 01758790 00 s 01 deciduous 1 001 & 01758582 a 0000 | (of teeth, antlers, etc.) being shed at the end of a period of growth; "deciduous teeth" 01758934 00 a 01 reversible 0 003 ! 01759362 a 0101 & 01759092 a 0000 & 01759251 a 0000 | capable of reversing or being reversed; "reversible hypertension" 01759092 00 s 01 correctable 0 001 & 01758934 a 0000 | capable of being returned to the original condition; not necessarily permanent; "a correctable image" 01759251 00 s 01 rechargeable 0 001 & 01758934 a 0000 | capable of being recharged; "a rechargeable battery" 01759362 00 a 01 irreversible 0 003 + 04739768 n 0101 ! 01758934 a 0101 & 01759527 a 0000 | incapable of being reversed; "irreversible momentum toward revolution" 01759527 00 s 01 permanent 0 001 & 01759362 a 0000 | not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition; "permanent brain damage" 01759676 00 a 02 reversible 2 two-sided 2 004 + 04085574 n 0101 + 00386715 v 0103 ! 01760009 a 0101 & 01759876 a 0000 | capable of being reversed or used with either side out; "a reversible jacket" 01759876 00 s 01 double-faced 0 001 & 01759676 a 0000 | (of fabrics) having faces on both sides; "damask is a double-faced fabric" 01760009 00 a 02 nonreversible 0 one-sided 2 001 ! 01759676 a 0101 | not reversible or capable of having either side out 01760132 00 a 02 revocable 0 revokable 0 003 ! 01760670 a 0101 & 01760293 a 0000 & 01760488 a 0000 | capable of being revoked or annulled; "a revocable order" 01760293 00 s 02 rescindable 0 voidable 0 003 & 01760132 a 0000 + 02478059 v 0204 + 00448440 v 0202 | capable of being rescinded or voided; "the judgment was rescindable"; "voidable contracts" 01760488 00 s 01 reversible 0 003 & 01760132 a 0000 + 00799798 v 0105 + 00138508 v 0103 | capable of being reversed; "a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated" 01760670 00 a 02 irrevocable 0 irrevokable 0 002 ! 01760132 a 0101 & 01760847 a 0000 | incapable of being retracted or revoked; "firm and irrevocable is my doom"- Shakespeare 01760847 00 s 01 sealed 0 001 & 01760670 a 0000 | determined irrevocably; "his fate is sealed" 01760944 00 a 02 permissible 0 allowable 0 004 ^ 02435026 a 0000 + 00802318 v 0101 + 04793209 n 0101 ! 01761186 a 0101 | that may be permitted especially as according to rule; "permissible behavior in school"; "a permissible tax deduction" 01761186 00 a 01 impermissible 0 006 ^ 02435671 a 0000 + 04794408 n 0101 ! 01760944 a 0101 & 01761375 a 0000 & 01761609 a 0000 & 01761742 a 0000 | not permitted; "impermissible behavior" 01761375 00 s 07 forbidden 0 out(p) 0 prohibited 0 proscribed 0 taboo 0 tabu 0 verboten 0 001 & 01761186 a 0000 | excluded from use or mention; "forbidden fruit"; "in our house dancing and playing cards were out"; "a taboo subject" 01761609 00 s 01 unmentionable 0 001 & 01761186 a 0000 | unsuitable or forbidden as a topic of conversation; "unmentionable words" 01761742 00 s 01 untouchable 0 001 & 01761186 a 0000 | forbidden to the touch; "in most museums such articles are untouchable" 01761871 00 a 01 admissible 0 006 = 04793016 n 0000 + 04793016 n 0101 ! 01762582 a 0101 & 01762065 a 0000 & 01762257 a 0000 & 01762404 a 0000 | deserving to be admitted; "admissible evidence" 01762065 00 s 02 admittable 0 admittible 0 006 & 01761871 a 0000 + 02732798 v 0203 + 02671279 v 0201 + 02502536 v 0201 + 02671279 v 0101 + 02502536 v 0101 | deserving to be allowed to enter 01762257 00 s 01 allowable 0 004 & 01761871 a 0000 + 02745486 v 0102 + 00802318 v 0102 + 00723545 v 0101 | deserving to be allowed or considered 01762404 00 s 01 permissible 0 001 & 01761871 a 0000 | that may be accepted or conceded; "a kind of speculation that was permissible in cosmology but inadmissible in medicine" 01762582 00 a 01 inadmissible 0 004 = 04793016 n 0000 + 04794236 n 0101 ! 01761871 a 0101 & 01762748 a 0000 | not deserving to be admitted; "inadmissible evidence" 01762748 00 s 01 impermissible 0 002 & 01762582 a 0000 + 04794408 n 0101 | not allowable 01762839 00 a 01 permissive 1 006 = 04637923 n 0000 + 04637923 n 0101 + 00802946 v 0102 + 00802318 v 0101 ! 01763445 a 0101 & 01763159 a 0000 | granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline; "direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive"; "permissive parents" 01763159 00 s 03 indulgent 0 lenient 0 soft 0 006 & 01762839 a 0000 + 04638857 n 0301 + 04638585 n 0203 + 04829922 n 0201 + 01071213 n 0201 + 04638585 n 0101 | tolerant or lenient; "indulgent parents risk spoiling their children"; "too soft on the children"; "they are soft on crime" 01763445 00 a 01 unpermissive 0 003 = 04637923 n 0000 + 04639113 n 0101 ! 01762839 a 0101 | not inclined to grant permission; severe in discipline 01763594 00 a 01 permissive 2 002 ! 01763813 a 0101 & 01763683 a 0000 | not preventive 01763683 00 s 01 bailable 0 003 & 01763594 a 0000 + 02421749 v 0101 + 00890403 v 0101 | admitting of bail; "a bailable offense" 01763813 00 a 02 preventive 0 preventative 0 016 ^ 01887076 a 0000 + 02452885 v 0201 + 02450505 v 0201 + 03520811 n 0104 + 03096593 n 0102 + 02452885 v 0101 + 02450505 v 0101 ! 01763594 a 0101 & 01764183 a 0000 & 01764351 a 0000 & 01764543 a 0000 & 01764745 a 0000 & 01764895 a 0000 & 01765132 a 0000 & 01765237 a 0000 & 01765498 a 0000 | tending to prevent or hinder 01764183 00 s 01 blockading 0 001 & 01763813 a 0000 | blocking entrance to and exit from seaports and harbors; "the blockading ships prevented delivery of munitions" 01764351 00 s 04 clogging 0 hindering 0 impeding 0 obstructive 0 002 & 01763813 a 0000 + 01476483 v 0401 | preventing movement; "the clogging crowds of revelers overflowing into the street" 01764543 00 s 01 deterrent 0 006 & 01763813 a 0000 + 05689249 n 0103 + 09180118 n 0102 + 01076488 n 0101 + 00908099 v 0101 + 00770141 v 0102 | tending to deter; "the deterrent effects of high prices" 01764745 00 s 03 frustrating 0 frustrative 0 thwarting 0 002 & 01763813 a 0000 + 02558172 v 0207 | preventing realization or attainment of a desire 01764895 00 s 02 precautionary 0 precautional 0 002 & 01763813 a 0000 + 00822970 n 0101 | taken in advance to protect against possible danger or failure; "gave precautionary advice"; "I would take precautionary steps to keep him away" 01765132 00 s 02 preclusive 0 obviating(a) 0 002 & 01763813 a 0000 + 02629390 v 0101 | made impossible 01765237 00 s 02 preemptive 0 pre-emptive 0 005 & 01763813 a 0000 + 02301321 v 0201 + 02302454 v 0201 + 02301321 v 0101 + 02302454 v 0101 | designed or having the power to deter or prevent an anticipated situation or occurrence; "a preemptive business offer" 01765498 00 s 02 prohibitive 0 prohibitory 0 001 & 01763813 a 0000 | tending to discourage (especially of prices); "the price was prohibitive" 01765643 00 a 01 perplexed 0 008 ^ 00435492 a 0000 + 05685363 n 0101 ! 01767076 a 0101 & 01765926 a 0000 & 01766133 a 0000 & 01766550 a 0000 & 01766784 a 0000 & 01766958 a 0000 | full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment; "perplexed language"; "perplexed state of the world" 01765926 00 s 04 at_a_loss(p) 0 nonplused 0 nonplussed 0 puzzled 0 001 & 01765643 a 0000 | filled with bewilderment; "at a loss to understand those remarks"; "puzzled that she left without saying goodbye" 01766133 00 s 0a baffled 0 befuddled 0 bemused 0 bewildered 0 confounded 0 confused 0 lost 0 mazed 0 mixed-up 0 at_sea 0 002 & 01765643 a 0000 + 05683582 n 0603 | perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment; "obviously bemused by his questions"; "bewildered and confused"; "a cloudy and confounded philosopher"; "just a mixed-up kid"; "she felt lost on the first day of school" 01766550 00 s 05 metagrobolized 0 metagrobolised 0 metagrabolized 0 metagrabolised 0 mystified 0 001 & 01765643 a 0000 | totally perplexed and mixed up; "all this duncical nonsense has my brains metagrobolized"- Wall Street Journal 01766784 00 s 02 questioning 0 quizzical 0 001 & 01765643 a 0000 | perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know); "he had a quizzical expression" 01766958 00 s 01 stuck 0 002 & 01765643 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | baffled; "this problem has me completely stuck" 01767076 00 a 01 unperplexed 0 002 ! 01765643 a 0101 & 01767207 a 0000 | experiencing no difficulty or confusion or bewilderment 01767207 00 s 02 unbaffled 0 unconfused 0 001 & 01767076 a 0000 | not perplexed by conflicting situations or statements 01767329 00 a 01 personal 0 011 ^ 01858094 a 0000 ! 01769565 a 0101 & 01767826 a 0000 & 01767975 a 0000 & 01768086 a 0000 & 01768252 a 0000 & 01768466 a 0000 & 01768724 a 0000 & 01768969 a 0000 & 01769179 a 0000 & 01769378 a 0000 | concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality; "a personal favor"; "for your personal use"; "personal papers"; "I have something personal to tell you"; "a personal God"; "he has his personal bank account and she has hers" 01767826 00 s 01 ad_hominem 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason); "ad hominem arguments" 01767975 00 s 01 face-to-face 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | in each other's presence; "a face-to-face encounter" 01768086 00 s 02 individual(a) 0 private 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | concerning one person exclusively; "we all have individual cars"; "each room has a private bath" 01768252 00 s 04 individualized 0 individualised 0 personalized 1 personalised 1 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | made for or directed or adjusted to a particular individual; "personalized luggage"; "personalized advice" 01768466 00 s 02 in-person 0 in_the_flesh(p) 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | an appearance carried out personally in someone else's physical presence; "he carried out the negotiations in person"; "a personal appearance is an appearance by a person in the flesh" 01768724 00 s 02 own(a) 0 ain 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive; "for your own use"; "do your own thing"; "she makes her own clothes"; "`ain' is Scottish" 01768969 00 s 01 personalized 2 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | pointedly referring to or concerning a person's individual personality or intimate affairs especially offensively; "unnecessarily personalized remarks" 01769179 00 s 01 person-to-person 0 001 & 01767329 a 0000 | involving direct communication or contact between persons or parties; "a person-to-person interview"; "person-to-person telephone calls" 01769378 00 s 01 private 2 003 & 01767329 a 0000 + 14416089 n 0102 + 04622932 n 0102 | concerning things deeply private and personal; "private correspondence"; "private family matters" 01769565 00 a 01 impersonal 0 002 ! 01767329 a 0101 & 01769744 a 0000 | not relating to or responsive to individual persons; "an impersonal corporation"; "an impersonal remark" 01769744 00 s 01 nonpersonal 0 001 & 01769565 a 0000 | lacking personality; "nonpersonal forces" 01769843 00 a 01 persuasive 0 009 ^ 00614990 a 0000 + 05191832 n 0101 + 00766418 v 0101 + 02586121 v 0102 ! 01770903 a 0101 & 01770177 a 0000 & 01770392 a 0000 & 01770591 a 0000 & 01770726 a 0000 | intended or having the power to induce action or belief; "persuasive eloquence"; "a most persuasive speaker"; "a persuasive argument" 01770177 00 s 02 coaxing 0 ingratiatory 0 001 & 01769843 a 0000 | pleasingly persuasive or intended to persuade; "a coaxing and obsequious voice"; "her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable" 01770392 00 s 03 cogent 0 telling 0 weighty 0 003 & 01769843 a 0000 + 05172322 n 0302 + 13794793 n 0101 | powerfully persuasive; "a cogent argument"; "a telling presentation"; "a weighty argument" 01770591 00 s 01 compelling 0 001 & 01769843 a 0000 | tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument; "new and compelling evidence" 01770726 00 s 03 glib 0 glib-tongued 0 smooth-tongued 0 002 & 01769843 a 0000 + 05095324 n 0101 | artfully persuasive in speech; "a glib tongue"; "a smooth-tongued hypocrite" 01770903 00 a 01 dissuasive 0 005 ^ 00867213 a 0000 + 00770141 v 0101 ! 01769843 a 0101 & 01771124 a 0000 & 01771381 a 0000 | deterring from action; "dissuasive advice"; "made a slight dissuasive gesture with her hand" 01771124 00 s 05 admonitory 0 cautionary 0 exemplary 0 monitory 0 warning(a) 0 005 & 01770903 a 0000 + 06672752 n 0301 + 07225167 n 0201 + 00870577 v 0103 + 00871195 v 0102 | serving to warn; "shook a monitory finger at him"; "an exemplary jail sentence" 01771381 00 s 01 discouraging 0 001 & 01770903 a 0000 | expressing disapproval 01771462 00 a 01 penetrable 0 002 + 04940730 n 0101 ! 01771632 a 0101 | admitting of penetration or passage into or through; "a penetrable wall"; "penetrable defenses" 01771632 00 a 01 impenetrable 0 003 + 04942516 n 0101 ! 01771462 a 0101 & 01771839 a 0000 | not admitting of penetration or passage into or through; "an impenetrable fortress"; "impenetrable rain forests" 01771839 00 s 02 dense 0 thick 0 004 & 01771632 a 0000 + 05103072 n 0201 + 05088804 n 0103 + 05088804 n 0102 | hard to pass through because of dense growth; "dense vegetation"; "thick woods" 01772032 00 a 01 permeable 0 007 ^ 01397385 a 0000 ^ 01773234 a 0000 + 04940496 n 0101 + 04940496 n 0102 ! 01772609 a 0101 & 01772305 a 0000 & 01772512 a 0000 | allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through; "permeable membranes"; "rock that is permeable by water" 01772305 00 s 01 porous 0 003 & 01772032 a 0000 + 04940146 n 0101 + 04940146 n 0102 | able to absorb fluids; "the partly porous walls of our digestive system"; "compacting the soil to make it less porous" 01772512 00 s 01 semipermeable 0 001 & 01772032 a 0000 | (of a membrane) selectively permeable 01772609 00 a 01 impermeable 0 007 ^ 01773665 a 0000 ^ 01398199 a 0000 + 04941942 n 0102 + 04941942 n 0101 ! 01772032 a 0101 & 01772914 a 0000 & 01773094 a 0000 | preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through; "impermeable stone"; "an impermeable layer of scum"; "a coat impermeable to rain" 01772914 00 s 01 retentive 0 003 & 01772609 a 0000 + 04942172 n 0101 + 04942172 n 0102 | having the power, capacity, or quality of retaining water; "soils retentive of moisture" 01773094 00 s 02 water-repellent 0 water-resistant 0 001 & 01772609 a 0000 | hindering the penetration of water; "a water-repellent coat" 01773234 00 a 01 pervious 0 004 ^ 01772032 a 0000 + 04940730 n 0102 ! 01773665 a 0101 & 01773420 a 0000 | admitting of passage or entrance; "pervious soil"; "a metal pervious to heat" 01773420 00 s 01 receptive 0 007 & 01773234 a 0000 + 04645020 n 0101 + 04645020 n 0102 + 02739480 v 0103 + 01470225 v 0101 + 00617095 v 0101 + 00686879 v 0101 | open to arguments, ideas, or change; "receptive to reason and the logic of facts" 01773665 00 a 02 impervious 0 imperviable 0 014 ^ 01772609 a 0000 + 04942516 n 0102 ! 01773234 a 0101 & 01774091 a 0000 & 01774191 a 0000 & 01774376 a 0000 & 01774483 a 0000 & 01774619 a 0000 & 01774720 a 0000 & 01774869 a 0000 & 01775034 a 0000 & 01775200 a 0000 & 01775280 a 0000 & 01775420 a 0000 | not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; "a material impervious to water"; "someone impervious to argument" 01774091 00 s 01 fast 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | resistant to destruction or fading; "fast colors" 01774191 00 s 01 acid-fast 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | not easily decolorized by acid solutions; pertains to micro-organisms (especially the tubercle bacillus that causes tuberculosis) 01774376 00 s 01 colorfast 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | having color that is resistant to fading or running 01774483 00 s 01 greaseproof 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | resistant to penetration by grease or oil or wax; "greaseproof wrapping paper" 01774619 00 s 02 mothproof 0 moth-resistant 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | resistant to damage by moths 01774720 00 s 01 proof(p) 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | (used in combination or as a suffix) able to withstand; "temptation-proof"; "childproof locks" 01774869 00 s 01 resistant 0 002 & 01773665 a 0000 + 04646372 n 0101 | impervious to being affected; "resistant to the effects of heat"; "resistant to persuasion" 01775034 00 s 01 corrosion-resistant 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | impervious to corrosion; "he was a great believer in the corrosion-resistant qualities of cast iron" 01775200 00 s 01 rot-resistant 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | resistant to rotting 01775280 00 s 03 runproof 0 ladder-proof 0 run-resistant 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | (of hosiery) resistant to runs or (in Britain) ladders 01775420 00 s 01 soundproof 0 001 & 01773665 a 0000 | impervious to, or not penetrable by, sound; "a soundproof room" 01775540 00 a 03 petalous 0 petaled 0 petalled 0 008 + 11690455 n 0101 ! 01776532 a 0101 & 01775768 a 0000 & 01775874 a 0000 & 01775980 a 0000 & 01776161 a 0000 & 01776282 a 0000 & 01776423 a 0000 | (of flowers) having petals 01775768 00 s 02 four-petaled 0 four-petalled 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | (of flowers) having four petals 01775874 00 s 02 five-petaled 0 five-petalled 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | (of flowers) having five petals 01775980 00 s 02 gamopetalous 0 sympetalous 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | having a corolla composed of partially or wholly fused petals forming a corolla shaped like a tube or funnel 01776161 00 s 01 polypetalous 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | having a corolla composed of many separated or distinct petals 01776282 00 s 01 salverform 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | of or concerning a gamopetalous that has a slender tube and an abruptly expanded tip 01776423 00 s 02 three-petaled 0 three-petalled 0 001 & 01775540 a 0000 | (of flowers) having three petals 01776532 00 a 02 apetalous 0 petalless 0 001 ! 01775540 a 0101 | (of flowers) having no petals 01776629 00 a 01 puncturable 0 001 ! 01776713 a 0101 | capable of being punctured 01776713 00 a 01 punctureless 0 002 ! 01776629 a 0101 & 01776845 a 0000 | being without punctures or incapable of being punctured 01776845 00 s 01 self-sealing 0 001 & 01776713 a 0000 | capable of sealing itself as after being pierced; "self-sealing tires" 01776974 00 a 02 psychoactive 0 psychotropic 0 006 ! 01778073 a 0101 & 01777212 a 0000 & 01777367 a 0000 & 01777526 a 0000 & 01777662 a 0000 & 01777822 a 0000 | affecting the mind or mood or other mental processes; "psychoactive drugs" 01777212 00 s 01 hallucinogenic 0 002 & 01776974 a 0000 + 03479647 n 0101 | capable of producing hallucinations; "LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug" 01777367 00 s 01 mind-altering 0 001 & 01776974 a 0000 | producing mood changes or distorted perception; "hallucinogenic drugs are mind-altering substances" 01777526 00 s 01 mind-expanding 0 001 & 01776974 a 0000 | (of hallucinogenic drugs) giving a sense of heightened or broader awareness 01777662 00 s 02 mind-bending 0 mind-blowing 0 002 & 01776974 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | intensely affecting the mind especially in producing hallucinations 01777822 00 s 01 psychedelic 0 002 & 01776974 a 0000 + 08292298 n 0101 | producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis; "psychedelic drugs like psilocybin and mescaline" 01778073 00 a 01 nonpsychoactive 0 001 ! 01776974 a 0101 | not affecting the mind or mental processes; "a nonpsychoactive pain reliever" 01778212 00 a 01 physical 0 009 + 04624517 n 0102 + 04760771 n 0102 ! 01779986 a 0101 & 01778572 a 0000 & 01778935 a 0000 & 01779193 a 0000 & 01779428 a 0000 & 01779558 a 0000 & 01779792 a 0000 | involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit; "physical exercise"; "physical suffering"; "was sloppy about everything but her physical appearance" 01778572 00 s 04 animal(a) 0 carnal 0 fleshly 0 sensual 0 006 & 01778212 a 0000 + 07488875 n 0402 + 07488875 n 0401 + 00133978 v 0203 + 07490214 n 0204 + 04623443 n 0101 | marked by the appetites and passions of the body; "animal instincts"; "carnal knowledge"; "fleshly desire"; "a sensual delight in eating"; "music is the only sensual pleasure without vice" 01778935 00 s 04 bodily 0 corporal 0 corporeal 0 somatic 0 001 & 01778212 a 0000 | affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit; "bodily needs"; "a corporal defect"; "corporeal suffering"; "a somatic symptom or somatic illness" 01779193 00 s 01 material 0 001 & 01778212 a 0000 | concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being; "material needs"; "the moral and material welfare of all good citizens"- T.Roosevelt 01779428 00 s 01 personal 0 001 & 01778212 a 0000 | intimately concerning a person's body or physical being; "personal hygiene" 01779558 00 s 02 physiologic 0 physiological 0 004 & 01778212 a 0000 + 05005064 n 0201 + 06080522 n 0101 + 05005064 n 0101 | of or consistent with an organism's normal functioning; "physiologic functions"; "physiological processes" 01779792 00 s 02 somatogenic 0 somatogenetic 0 001 & 01778212 a 0000 | of or arising from physiological causes rather than being psychogenic in origin; "somatogenic theories of schizophrenia" 01779986 00 a 01 mental 0 008 + 06195839 n 0101 + 05618056 n 0105 ! 01778212 a 0101 & 01780343 a 0000 & 01780596 a 0000 & 01780740 a 0000 & 01780937 a 0000 & 01781076 a 0000 | involving the mind or an intellectual process; "mental images of happy times"; "mental calculations"; "in a terrible mental state"; "mental suffering"; "free from mental defects" 01780343 00 s 03 intellectual 0 rational 0 noetic 0 003 & 01779986 a 0000 + 00023271 n 0303 + 04784978 n 0201 | of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind; "intellectual problems"; "the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man" 01780596 00 s 01 moral 0 001 & 01779986 a 0000 | psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect; "a moral victory"; "moral support" 01780740 00 s 02 psychic 0 psychical 0 004 & 01779986 a 0000 + 10627082 n 0202 + 05611302 n 0204 + 05611302 n 0104 | affecting or influenced by the human mind; "psychic energy"; "psychic trauma" 01780937 00 s 01 psychogenic 0 001 & 01779986 a 0000 | mental or emotional rather than physiological in origin; "a psychogenic disorder" 01781076 00 s 01 psychological 0 001 & 01779986 a 0000 | mental or emotional as opposed to physical in nature; "give psychological support"; "psychological warfare" 01781243 00 a 01 monotheistic 0 002 + 06224136 n 0101 ! 01781356 a 0101 | believing that there is only one god 01781356 00 a 01 polytheistic 0 002 + 06224305 n 0101 ! 01781243 a 0101 | worshipping or believing in more than one god 01781478 00 a 01 pious 0 011 ^ 01783158 a 0000 ^ 02055062 a 0000 ^ 02578235 a 0000 ^ 02513269 a 0000 = 04826771 n 0000 + 04826771 n 0102 ! 01782519 a 0101 & 01781781 a 0000 & 01781882 a 0000 & 01782100 a 0000 & 01782426 a 0000 | having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity; "pious readings" 01781781 00 s 01 devotional 0 001 & 01781478 a 0000 | relating to worship; "a devotional exercise" 01781882 00 s 03 godly 0 reverent 0 worshipful 0 005 & 01781478 a 0000 + 07521039 n 0202 + 01778017 v 0205 + 01778568 v 0203 + 04827503 n 0101 | showing great reverence for god; "a godly man"; "leading a godly life" 01782100 00 s 07 holier-than-thou 0 pietistic 0 pietistical 0 pharisaic 0 pharisaical 0 sanctimonious 0 self-righteous 0 007 & 01781478 a 0000 + 04868350 n 0602 + 04868350 n 0601 + 10421339 n 0501 + 10421339 n 0401 + 04827175 n 0304 + 04827175 n 0204 | excessively or hypocritically pious; "a sickening sanctimonious smile" 01782426 00 s 01 prayerful 0 001 & 01781478 a 0000 | disposed to pray or appearing to pray 01782519 00 a 01 impious 0 007 ^ 01784017 a 0000 ^ 02056880 a 0000 ^ 02513740 a 0000 = 04826771 n 0000 + 04828255 n 0102 ! 01781478 a 0101 & 01782717 a 0000 | lacking piety or reverence for a god 01782717 00 s 02 godless 0 irreverent 0 004 & 01782519 a 0000 + 06207733 n 0201 + 06223468 n 0102 + 04828754 n 0102 | not revering god 01782854 00 a 01 secular 0 001 ! 01782981 a 0101 | of or relating to clergy not bound by monastic vows; "the secular clergy" 01782981 00 a 01 religious 1 002 + 10518602 n 0101 ! 01782854 a 0101 | of or relating to clergy bound by monastic vows; "the religious or regular clergy conducts the service" 01783158 00 a 01 religious 0 008 ^ 01781478 a 0000 + 04826999 n 0102 + 05946687 n 0101 ! 01784017 a 0101 & 01783434 a 0000 & 01783522 a 0000 & 01783710 a 0000 & 01783863 a 0000 | having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity; "a religious man"; "religious attitude" 01783434 00 s 01 churchgoing 0 001 & 01783158 a 0000 | actively practicing a religion 01783522 00 s 01 churchly 0 002 & 01783158 a 0000 + 03028079 n 0101 | resembling or suggesting or appropriate to a church; "churchlike silence"; "the pure fragrance of churchly incense" 01783710 00 s 02 devout 0 god-fearing 0 002 & 01783158 a 0000 + 04826999 n 0101 | deeply religious; "a god-fearing and law-abiding people" H.L.Mencken 01783863 00 s 01 interfaith 0 001 & 01783158 a 0000 | involving persons of different religious faiths; "an interfaith marriage"; "interfaith good will" 01784017 00 a 01 irreligious 0 007 ^ 01782519 a 0000 + 04828612 n 0101 ! 01783158 a 0101 & 01784217 a 0000 & 01784401 a 0000 & 01784602 a 0000 & 01784723 a 0000 | hostile or indifferent to religion 01784217 00 s 03 atheistic 0 atheistical 0 unbelieving 0 005 & 01784017 a 0000 + 09820044 n 0201 + 09820044 n 0101 + 05980256 n 0101 + 06223468 n 0101 | rejecting any belief in gods 01784401 00 s 04 heathen 0 heathenish 0 pagan 0 ethnic 0 004 & 01784017 a 0000 + 10390902 n 0301 + 10166394 n 0302 + 10166394 n 0101 | not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam 01784602 00 s 02 lapsed 0 nonchurchgoing 0 001 & 01784017 a 0000 | no longer active or practicing; "a lapsed Catholic" 01784723 00 s 01 nonobservant 0 001 & 01784017 a 0000 | failing or refusing to observe religious customs 01784830 00 a 01 placable 0 003 ! 01785180 a 0101 & 01784946 a 0000 & 01785079 a 0000 | easily calmed or pacified 01784946 00 s 02 appeasable 0 conciliable 0 003 & 01784830 a 0000 + 01765392 v 0105 + 00765213 v 0102 | capable of being pacified 01785079 00 s 01 mitigable 0 002 & 01784830 a 0000 + 00198850 v 0101 | capable of being alleviated 01785180 00 a 01 implacable 0 004 ^ 01507402 a 0000 ! 01784830 a 0101 & 01785341 a 0000 & 01785783 a 0000 | incapable of being placated; "an implacable enemy" 01785341 00 s 07 grim 0 inexorable 0 relentless 0 stern 0 unappeasable 0 unforgiving 0 unrelenting 0 006 & 01785180 a 0000 + 04639371 n 0401 + 04831437 n 0301 + 04831437 n 0203 + 04831437 n 0202 + 04710127 n 0102 | not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood" 01785783 00 s 01 unmitigable 0 001 & 01785180 a 0000 | incapable of being mitigated; "stern and unmitigable accusations" 01785906 00 a 02 plain 2 unpatterned 4 002 ! 01786133 a 0101 & 01786026 a 0000 | lacking patterns especially in color 01786026 00 s 02 solid-colored 0 solid-coloured 0 001 & 01785906 a 0000 | having the same color all over 01786133 00 a 01 patterned 0 044 ! 01785906 a 0101 & 01787009 a 0000 & 01787138 a 0000 & 01787231 a 0000 & 01787331 a 0000 & 01787408 a 0000 & 01787548 a 0000 & 01787740 a 0000 & 01787842 a 0000 & 01787941 a 0000 & 01788048 a 0000 & 01788169 a 0000 & 01788273 a 0000 & 01788369 a 0000 & 01788445 a 0000 & 01788564 a 0000 & 01788705 a 0000 & 01788843 a 0000 & 01788994 a 0000 & 01789117 a 0000 & 01789279 a 0000 & 01789359 a 0000 & 01789481 a 0000 & 01789734 a 0000 & 01789873 a 0000 & 01789954 a 0000 & 01790070 a 0000 & 01790150 a 0000 & 01790259 a 0000 & 01790348 a 0000 & 01790507 a 0000 & 01790613 a 0000 & 01790807 a 0000 & 01790938 a 0000 & 01791036 a 0000 & 01791138 a 0000 & 01791257 a 0000 & 01791349 a 0000 & 01791434 a 0000 & 01791510 a 0000 & 01791591 a 0000 & 01791670 a 0000 & 01791749 a 0000 & 01791829 a 0000 | having patterns (especially colorful patterns) 01787009 00 s 01 banded 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture; "a banded rock" 01787138 00 s 01 black-and-tan 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having a pattern of black and tan 01787231 00 s 01 black-barred 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having a pattern consisting of black bars 01787331 00 s 01 black-marked 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having black marks 01787408 00 s 03 blotched 0 blotchy 0 splotched 0 002 & 01786133 a 0000 + 04694809 n 0201 | marked with irregularly shaped spots or blots 01787548 00 s 04 brindled 0 brindle 0 brinded 0 tabby 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having a grey or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of the patterned fur of cats 01787740 00 s 02 brown-speckled 0 brownish-speckled 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having brown speckles 01787842 00 s 02 brown-striped 0 brownish-striped 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having brown stripes 01787941 00 s 01 burled 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | (of wood) have a pattern from the grain of a tree burl 01788048 00 s 03 checked 0 checkered 0 chequered 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | patterned with alternating squares of color 01788169 00 s 01 cross-banded 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | (of snakes) having crossing bands on the back 01788273 00 s 02 dappled 0 mottled 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having spots or patches of color 01788369 00 s 01 dark-spotted 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having dark spots 01788445 00 s 05 dotted 0 flecked 0 specked 0 speckled 0 stippled 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having a pattern of dots 01788564 00 s 01 figured 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | (of e.g. fabric design) adorned with patterns; "my dress is richly figured"- Amy Lowell 01788705 00 s 02 floral 0 flowered 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | resembling or made of or suggestive of flowers; "an unusual floral design" 01788843 00 s 03 freckled 0 lentiginous 0 lentiginose 0 002 & 01786133 a 0000 + 05245192 n 0202 | relating to or covered with or resembling freckles 01788994 00 s 01 laced 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | edged or streaked with color; "white blossoms with purple-laced petals" 01789117 00 s 03 marbled 0 marbleized 0 marbleised 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | patterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble; "marbleized pink skin" 01789279 00 s 01 maroon-spotted 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having maroon spots 01789359 00 s 02 moire 0 watered 0 002 & 01786133 a 0000 + 03779246 n 0101 | (of silk fabric) having a wavelike pattern 01789481 00 s 03 patched 0 spotty 0 spotted 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture); "a field patched with ice and snow"; "the wall had a spotty speckled effect"; "a black-and-white spotted cow" 01789734 00 s 02 pointillist 0 pointillistic 0 003 & 01786133 a 0000 + 08276053 n 0201 + 10447924 n 0101 | of or relating to pointillism 01789873 00 s 01 pinstriped 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having very thin stripes 01789954 00 s 01 purple-veined 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | (of flowers) showing purple markings that resemble veins 01790070 00 s 01 purple-spotted 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having purple spots 01790150 00 s 03 red-striped 0 reddish-striped 0 red-streaked 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having red stripes 01790259 00 s 01 ringed 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having colored rings around the body 01790348 00 s 01 slashed 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | patterned by having color applied with sweeping strokes; "brown iris...slashed with yellow"- Willa Cather 01790507 00 s 01 sprigged 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | decorated with designs of sprigs; "sprigged muslin" 01790613 00 s 02 streaked 0 streaky 0 002 & 01786133 a 0000 + 04683136 n 0202 | marked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations; "streaked hair"; "fat legs and dirty streaky faces" 01790807 00 s 02 striped 0 stripy 0 003 & 01786133 a 0000 + 04683136 n 0201 + 02784732 n 0203 | marked or decorated with stripes 01790938 00 s 01 tessellated 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having a checkered or mottled appearance 01791036 00 s 01 tiger-striped 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having stripes resembling those of a tiger 01791138 00 s 03 veined 0 venose 0 veinlike 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having or showing markings that resemble veins 01791257 00 s 01 violet-streaked 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having streaks of violet color 01791349 00 s 01 white-blotched 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having blotches of white 01791434 00 s 01 white-ribbed 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having white ribs 01791510 00 s 01 white-streaked 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having white streaks 01791591 00 s 01 yellow-banded 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having yellow bands 01791670 00 s 01 yellow-marked 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having yellow marks 01791749 00 s 01 yellow-spotted 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having yellow spots 01791829 00 s 01 yellow-striped 0 001 & 01786133 a 0000 | having yellow stripes 01791911 00 a 01 plain 1 017 ^ 02174896 a 0000 ^ 00060397 a 0000 ^ 02018486 a 0000 ^ 01851523 a 0000 ! 01794340 a 0101 & 01792387 a 0000 & 01792573 a 0000 & 01792821 a 0000 & 01792973 a 0000 & 01793106 a 0000 & 01793254 a 0000 & 01793405 a 0000 & 01793557 a 0000 & 01793674 a 0000 & 01793812 a 0000 & 01793985 a 0000 & 01794125 a 0000 | not elaborate or elaborated; simple; "plain food"; "stuck to the plain facts"; "a plain blue suit"; "a plain rectangular brick building" 01792387 00 s 04 austere 0 severe 0 stark 0 stern 0 005 & 01791911 a 0000 + 04710390 n 0401 + 04697819 n 0302 + 04697666 n 0203 + 04697666 n 0101 | severely simple; "a stark interior" 01792573 00 s 03 bare(a) 0 mere(a) 0 simple(a) 2 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | apart from anything else; without additions or modifications; "only the bare facts"; "shocked by the mere idea"; "the simple passage of time was enough"; "the simple truth" 01792821 00 s 01 chaste 0 002 & 01791911 a 0000 + 04697442 n 0101 | pure and simple in design or style; "a chaste border of conventionalized flowers" 01792973 00 s 01 dry 1 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish; "dry toast"; "dry meat" 01793106 00 s 01 dry 2 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | having no adornment or coloration; "dry facts"; "rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner" 01793254 00 s 01 featureless 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | lacking distinguishing characteristics or features; "the featureless landscape of the steppe" 01793405 00 s 01 homely 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | plain and unpretentious; "homely truths"; "letters to his son full of homely advice"; "homely fare" 01793557 00 s 02 inelaborate 0 unelaborate 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | not elaborate; lacking rich or complex detail 01793674 00 s 01 literal 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | avoiding embellishment or exaggeration (used for emphasis); "it's the literal truth" 01793812 00 s 01 simple 0 003 & 01791911 a 0000 + 04697442 n 0104 + 04697442 n 0103 | unornamented; "a simple country schoolhouse"; "her black dress--simple to austerity" 01793985 00 s 02 tailored 0 trim 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | severely simple in line or design; "a neat tailored suit"; "tailored curtains" 01794125 00 s 01 vanilla 0 001 & 01791911 a 0000 | plain and without any extras or adornments; "the most common type of bond is the straight or plain vanilla bond"; "the basic car is known as the vanilla version" 01794340 00 a 01 fancy 0 018 ^ 00056002 a 0000 ^ 02016535 a 0000 ! 01791911 a 0101 & 01794771 a 0000 & 01794995 a 0000 & 01795203 a 0000 & 01795353 a 0000 & 01795460 a 0000 & 01795610 a 0000 & 01795799 a 0000 & 01795933 a 0000 & 01796109 a 0000 & 01796304 a 0000 & 01796452 a 0000 & 01796600 a 0000 & 01796736 a 0000 & 01796844 a 0000 & 01796977 a 0000 | not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy clothes" 01794771 00 s 03 aureate 0 florid 0 flamboyant 0 004 & 01794340 a 0000 + 12494794 n 0302 + 04699936 n 0301 + 04699936 n 0202 | elaborately or excessively ornamented; "flamboyant handwriting"; "the senator's florid speech" 01794995 00 s 03 baroque 0 churrigueresque 0 churrigueresco 0 002 & 01794340 a 0000 + 04698307 n 0102 | having elaborate symmetrical ornamentation; "the building...frantically baroque"-William Dean Howells 01795203 00 s 02 busy 0 fussy 0 002 & 01794340 a 0000 + 04700199 n 0201 | overcrowded or cluttered with detail; "a busy painting"; "a fussy design" 01795353 00 s 01 dressy 0 003 & 01794340 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 02756098 n 0103 | in fancy clothing 01795460 00 s 01 crackle 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware; "a crackle glaze" 01795610 00 s 01 damascene 0 002 & 01794340 a 0000 + 03160593 n 0101 | (of metals) decorated or inlaid with a wavy pattern of different (especially precious) metals; "a damascened sword" 01795799 00 s 01 damask 0 003 & 01794340 a 0000 + 03160894 n 0101 + 03160740 n 0101 | having a woven pattern; "damask table linens" 01795933 00 s 02 elaborate 0 luxuriant 0 003 & 01794340 a 0000 + 05116243 n 0201 + 04698112 n 0102 | marked by complexity and richness of detail; "an elaborate lace pattern" 01796109 00 s 04 embattled 0 battlemented 0 castled 0 castellated 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | having or resembling repeated square indentations like those in a battlement; "a crenelated molding" 01796304 00 s 01 fanciful 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | having a curiously intricate quality; "a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers" 01796452 00 s 01 fantastic 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | extravagantly fanciful in design, construction, appearance; "Gaudi's fantastic architecture" 01796600 00 s 02 lacy 0 lacelike 0 002 & 01794340 a 0000 + 03631177 n 0101 | made of or resembling lace; "a lacy gown"; "a lacy leaf" 01796736 00 s 02 puff 0 puffed 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | gathered for protruding fullness; "puff sleeves" 01796844 00 s 01 rococo 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | having excessive asymmetrical ornamentation; "an exquisite gilded rococo mirror" 01796977 00 s 03 vermicular 0 vermiculate 0 vermiculated 0 001 & 01794340 a 0000 | decorated with wormlike tracery or markings; "vermicular (or vermiculated) stonework" 01797148 00 a 01 planned 0 007 ^ 01337486 a 0000 ^ 01842763 a 0000 ! 01797862 a 0101 & 01797394 a 0000 & 01797528 a 0000 & 01797633 a 0000 & 01797770 a 0000 | designed or carried out according to a plan; "the planned outlays for new equipment" 01797394 00 s 01 contrived 0 001 & 01797148 a 0000 | showing effects of planning or manipulation; "a novel with a contrived ending" 01797528 00 s 01 deep-laid 0 001 & 01797148 a 0000 | secretly and carefully planned; "deep-laid plans" 01797633 00 s 02 preset 0 predetermined 0 001 & 01797148 a 0000 | set in advance; "a preset plan of action"; "at a predetermined time" 01797770 00 s 01 put-up 0 001 & 01797148 a 0000 | planned secretly; "it was a put-up job" 01797862 00 a 01 unplanned 0 006 ^ 01338730 a 0000 ! 01797148 a 0101 & 01798162 a 0000 & 01798371 a 0000 & 01798484 a 0000 & 01798697 a 0000 | without apparent forethought or prompting or planning; "an unplanned economy"; "accepts an unplanned order"; "an unplanned pregnancy"; "unplanned remarks" 01798162 00 s 02 casual 1 chance(a) 0 002 & 01797862 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0101 | occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence" 01798371 00 s 01 ad_hoc 0 001 & 01797862 a 0000 | often improvised or impromptu; "an ad hoc committee meeting" 01798484 00 s 01 casual 2 002 & 01797862 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0101 | without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand; "a casual remark"; "information collected by casual methods and in their spare time" 01798697 00 s 01 unpremeditated 0 001 & 01797862 a 0000 | not prepared or planned in advance; "asked an unpremeditated question" 01798828 00 a 01 studied 0 002 ^ 00073048 a 0000 ! 01799035 a 0101 | produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation; "a studied smile"; "a note of biting irony and studied insult"- V.L.Parrington 01799035 00 a 02 unstudied 0 uncontrived 0 003 ^ 00074346 a 0000 ! 01798828 a 0101 & 01799297 a 0000 | not by design or artifice; unforced and impromptu; "an air of unstudied spontaneous utterance is apt to be painstakingly achieved"; "simple unstudied charm" 01799297 00 s 01 candid 0 001 & 01799035 a 0000 | informal or natural; especially caught off guard or unprepared; "a candid photograph"; "a candid interview" 01799457 00 a 01 plausible 0 006 ^ 00644839 a 0000 + 04783724 n 0101 + 04783724 n 0102 ! 01799957 a 0101 & 01799670 a 0000 & 01799781 a 0000 | apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful; "a plausible excuse" 01799670 00 s 01 arguable 0 002 & 01799457 a 0000 + 00772189 v 0101 | capable of being supported by argument 01799781 00 s 03 glib 0 pat 0 slick 0 003 & 01799457 a 0000 + 05095324 n 0302 + 05095324 n 0101 | having only superficial plausibility; "glib promises"; "a slick commercial" 01799957 00 a 01 implausible 0 005 ^ 00645493 a 0000 + 04784322 n 0102 + 04784322 n 0101 ! 01799457 a 0101 & 01800169 a 0000 | having a quality that provokes disbelief; "gave the teacher an implausible excuse" 01800169 00 s 04 improbable 0 unbelievable 0 unconvincing 0 unlikely 0 003 & 01799957 a 0000 + 04758776 n 0402 + 04758452 n 0102 | having a probability too low to inspire belief 01800349 00 a 01 pleasant 0 013 ^ 01133876 a 0000 ^ 01586342 a 0000 ^ 01807219 a 0000 = 04778630 n 0000 + 07490713 n 0102 + 04778630 n 0101 + 01815628 v 0101 ! 01801600 a 0101 & 01800764 a 0000 & 01800873 a 0000 & 01801029 a 0000 & 01801327 a 0000 & 01801446 a 0000 | affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings; "we had a pleasant evening together"; "a pleasant scene"; "pleasant sensations" 01800764 00 s 01 beautiful 0 001 & 01800349 a 0000 | (of weather) highly enjoyable; "what a beautiful day" 01800873 00 s 01 dulcet 0 001 & 01800349 a 0000 | extremely pleasant in a gentle way; "the most dulcet swimming on the most beautiful and remote beaches" 01801029 00 s 03 enjoyable 0 gratifying 0 pleasurable 0 002 & 01800349 a 0000 + 04779336 n 0101 | affording satisfaction or pleasure; "the company was enjoyable"; "found her praise gratifying"; "full of happiness and pleasurable excitement"; "good printing makes a book more pleasurable to read" 01801327 00 s 01 grateful 0 001 & 01800349 a 0000 | affording comfort or pleasure; "the grateful warmth of the fire" 01801446 00 s 01 idyllic 0 002 & 01800349 a 0000 + 07307297 n 0101 | suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple and serene; "his idyllic life in Tahiti" 01801600 00 a 01 unpleasant 0 022 ^ 01808822 a 0000 ^ 01134769 a 0000 ^ 01587077 a 0000 ^ 01624633 a 0000 ^ 01716491 a 0000 = 04778630 n 0000 + 07494787 n 0101 + 04779649 n 0101 ! 01800349 a 0101 & 01802165 a 0000 & 01802774 a 0000 & 01802932 a 0000 & 01803247 a 0000 & 01803335 a 0000 & 01803583 a 0000 & 01803792 a 0000 & 01804034 a 0000 & 01804175 a 0000 & 01804422 a 0000 & 01804728 a 0000 & 01804906 a 0000 & 01805064 a 0000 | disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings ; "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odors" 01802165 00 s 0b acerb 0 acerbic 0 acid 0 acrid 0 bitter 0 blistering 0 caustic 0 sulfurous 0 sulphurous 0 virulent 0 vitriolic 0 008 & 01801600 a 0000 + 06721604 n 0b03 + 04658361 n 0a02 + 04658361 n 0a01 + 04643397 n 0501 + 04780232 n 0402 + 04780232 n 0401 + 04643397 n 0203 | harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique" 01802774 00 s 03 beastly 0 hellish 0 god-awful 0 002 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04781967 n 0101 | very unpleasant; "hellish weather"; "stop that god-awful racket" 01802932 00 s 03 dour 1 forbidding 0 grim 1 002 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04782610 n 0302 | harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance; "a dour, self-sacrificing life"; "a forbidding scowl"; "a grim man loving duty more than humanity"; "undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw"- J.M.Barrie 01803247 00 s 01 dreadful 0 002 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04782116 n 0102 | very unpleasant 01803335 00 s 02 embarrassing 0 mortifying 0 001 & 01801600 a 0000 | causing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation; "the embarrassing moment when she found her petticoat down around her ankles"; "it was mortifying to know he had heard every word" 01803583 00 s 02 harsh 1 rough 0 003 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04817564 n 0202 + 04639732 n 0103 | unpleasantly stern; "wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus"; "the nomad life is rough and hazardous" 01803792 00 s 01 harsh 3 002 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04988666 n 0101 | disagreeable to the senses; "the harsh cry of a blue jay"; "harsh cognac"; "the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes"; "harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway" 01804034 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 01801600 a 0000 | very unpleasant or even dangerous; "make it hot for him"; "in the hot seat"; "in hot water" 01804175 00 s 03 afflictive 0 painful 0 sore 0 005 & 01801600 a 0000 + 07495973 n 0302 + 07494363 n 0202 + 01797730 v 0101 + 00259927 v 0101 | causing misery or pain or distress; "it was a sore trial to him"; "the painful process of growing up" 01804422 00 s 03 rebarbative 0 repellent 0 repellant 0 007 & 01801600 a 0000 + 14920388 n 0302 + 02194913 v 0304 + 01808769 v 0301 + 14920586 n 0201 + 14920388 n 0201 + 05196054 n 0201 | serving or tending to repel; "he became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful"; "I find his obsequiousness repellent" 01804728 00 s 03 sharp 0 sharp-worded 0 tart 0 003 & 01801600 a 0000 + 04643397 n 0305 + 04643099 n 0102 | harsh; "sharp criticism"; "a sharp-worded exchange"; "a tart remark" 01804906 00 s 01 ungrateful 0 001 & 01801600 a 0000 | disagreeable; "I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure"- Abraham Lincoln 01805064 00 s 01 unhappy 0 001 & 01801600 a 0000 | causing discomfort; "the unhappy truth" 01805157 00 a 01 pleased 0 007 ^ 00588797 a 0000 ! 01805889 a 0101 & 01805355 a 0000 & 01805489 a 0000 & 01805618 a 0000 & 01805730 a 0000 & 01805801 a 0000 | experiencing or manifesting pleasure 01805355 00 s 03 amused 0 diverted 0 entertained 0 001 & 01805157 a 0000 | pleasantly occupied; "We are not amused" -Queen Victoria 01805489 00 s 02 bucked_up(p) 0 encouraged 0 001 & 01805157 a 0000 | inspired with confidence; "felt bucked up by his success" 01805618 00 s 01 chuffed 0 002 & 01805157 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | very pleased; "I'm chuffed to have won" 01805730 00 s 01 delighted 0 001 & 01805157 a 0000 | greatly pleased 01805801 00 s 01 gratified 0 001 & 01805157 a 0000 | having received what was desired 01805889 00 a 01 displeased 0 007 ^ 00589624 a 0000 ! 01805157 a 0101 & 01806106 a 0000 & 01806483 a 0000 & 01806677 a 0000 & 01806992 a 0000 & 01807075 a 0000 | not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure 01806106 00 s 0b annoyed 0 irritated 0 miffed 0 nettled 0 peeved 0 pissed 0 pissed_off 0 riled 0 roiled 0 steamed 0 stung 0 001 & 01805889 a 0000 | aroused to impatience or anger; "made an irritated gesture"; "feeling nettled from the constant teasing"; "peeved about being left out"; "felt really pissed at her snootiness"; "riled no end by his lies"; "roiled by the delay" 01806483 00 s 03 exasperated 0 cheesed_off 0 browned_off 0 001 & 01805889 a 0000 | greatly annoyed; out of patience; "had an exasperated look on his face"; "felt exasperated beyond endurance" 01806677 00 s 05 disgusted 0 fed_up(p) 0 sick(p) 0 sick_of(p) 0 tired_of(p) 0 001 & 01805889 a 0000 | having a strong distaste from surfeit; "grew more and more disgusted"; "fed up with their complaints"; "sick of it all"; "sick to death of flattery"; "gossip that makes one sick"; "tired of the noise and smoke" 01806992 00 s 01 frowning 0 001 & 01805889 a 0000 | showing displeasure or anger 01807075 00 s 02 offended 0 pained 0 001 & 01805889 a 0000 | hurt or upset; "she looked offended"; "face had a pained and puzzled expression" 01807219 00 a 01 pleasing 0 014 ^ 00166146 a 0000 ^ 00217728 a 0000 ^ 01264336 a 0000 ^ 01800349 a 0000 ! 01808822 a 0101 & 01807605 a 0000 & 01807799 a 0000 & 01807964 a 0000 & 01808139 a 0000 & 01808227 a 0000 & 01808329 a 0000 & 01808413 a 0000 & 01808544 a 0000 & 01808671 a 0000 | giving pleasure and satisfaction; "a pleasing piece of news"; "pleasing in manner and appearance" 01807605 00 s 01 admirable 0 003 & 01807219 a 0000 + 04729127 n 0101 + 04729127 n 0102 | inspiring admiration or approval; "among her many admirable qualities are generosity and graciousness" 01807799 00 s 01 charming 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | pleasing or delighting; "endowed with charming manners"; "a charming little cottage"; "a charming personality" 01807964 00 s 02 delightful 0 delicious 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | greatly pleasing or entertaining; "a delightful surprise"; "the comedy was delightful"; "a delicious joke" 01808139 00 s 01 easy 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | affording pleasure; "easy good looks" 01808227 00 s 02 fabulous 0 fab 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | extremely pleasing; "a fabulous vacation" 01808329 00 s 01 good 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | capable of pleasing; "good looks" 01808413 00 s 02 gratifying 0 sweet 1 002 & 01807219 a 0000 + 04778630 n 0202 | pleasing to the mind or feeling; "sweet revenge" 01808544 00 s 01 ingratiating 0 001 & 01807219 a 0000 | capable of winning favor; "with open arms and an ingratiating smile" 01808671 00 s 01 sweet 2 002 & 01807219 a 0000 + 04778630 n 0102 | pleasing to the senses; "the sweet song of the lark"; "the sweet face of a child" 01808822 00 a 01 displeasing 0 006 ^ 00220956 a 0000 ^ 01801600 a 0000 ! 01807219 a 0101 & 01809019 a 0000 & 01809245 a 0000 & 01809541 a 0000 | causing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities 01809019 00 s 02 disconcerting 0 upsetting 0 001 & 01808822 a 0000 | causing an emotional disturbance; "his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly"- Herb Caen; "an upsetting experience" 01809245 00 s 04 exasperating 0 infuriating 0 maddening 0 vexing 0 001 & 01808822 a 0000 | extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "I've had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening" 01809541 00 s 01 off-putting 0 001 & 01808822 a 0000 | causing annoyance or repugnance; "an off-putting remark" 01809655 00 a 01 pointed 0 017 ^ 02047807 a 0000 ^ 00800826 a 0000 + 05071556 n 0102 ! 01811504 a 0101 & 01810011 a 0000 & 01810189 a 0000 & 01810348 a 0000 & 01810453 a 0000 & 01810536 a 0000 & 01810613 a 0000 & 01810720 a 0000 & 01810868 a 0000 & 01810998 a 0000 & 01811172 a 0000 & 01811277 a 0000 & 01811352 a 0000 & 01811430 a 0000 | having a point 01810011 00 s 03 acanthoid 0 acanthous 0 spinous 0 005 & 01809655 a 0000 + 13912839 n 0302 + 13089631 n 0301 + 01900488 n 0301 + 13912839 n 0203 | shaped like a spine or thorn 01810189 00 s 04 acuate 0 acute 0 sharp 0 needlelike 0 004 & 01809655 a 0000 + 04184957 n 0301 + 04705324 n 0301 + 04705536 n 0201 | ending in a sharp point 01810348 00 s 02 barreled 0 barrelled 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | (of an arrow) tapered toward both ends 01810453 00 s 01 bristle-pointed 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | pointed like bristles 01810536 00 s 01 five-pointed 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | having five points 01810613 00 s 03 fusiform 0 spindle-shaped 0 cigar-shaped 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | tapering at each end 01810720 00 s 01 nibbed 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | (used of pens) having a writing point or nib especially of a certain kind; "a broad-nibbed pen" 01810868 00 s 01 peaked 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | having or rising to a peak; "the peaked ceiling"; "the island's peaked hills" 01810998 00 s 03 pyramidal 0 pyramidic 0 pyramidical 0 005 & 01809655 a 0000 + 04029125 n 0301 + 13914837 n 0301 + 04029125 n 0101 + 13914837 n 0101 | resembling a pyramid 01811172 00 s 01 sharpened 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | having the point made sharp; "a sharpened pencil" 01811277 00 s 01 six-pointed 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | having six points 01811352 00 s 01 spiked 1 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | having a long sharp point 01811430 00 s 01 spikelike 0 001 & 01809655 a 0000 | resembling a spike 01811504 00 a 02 pointless 0 unpointed 0 003 + 05071726 n 0201 ! 01809655 a 0101 & 01811683 a 0000 | not having a point especially a sharp point; "my pencils are all pointless" 01811683 00 s 01 blunt 0 002 & 01811504 a 0000 + 04705671 n 0102 | having a broad or rounded end; "thick marks made by a blunt pencil" 01811820 00 a 01 acute 2 001 ! 01811905 a 0101 | of an angle; less than 90 degrees 01811905 00 a 01 obtuse 0 001 ! 01811820 a 0101 | of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees 01811997 00 a 01 polished 0 004 ^ 00278551 a 0000 ! 01812846 a 0101 & 01812237 a 0000 & 01812630 a 0000 | perfected or made shiny and smooth; "his polished prose"; "in a freshly ironed dress and polished shoes"; "freshly polished silver" 01812237 00 s 05 bright 0 burnished 0 lustrous 0 shining 2 shiny 0 004 & 01811997 a 0000 + 04953954 n 0503 + 04954683 n 0501 + 05018103 n 0102 | made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents" 01812630 00 s 01 finished 0 001 & 01811997 a 0000 | (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected; "a dazzling and finished piece of writing"; "a finished violinist" 01812846 00 a 01 unpolished 0 006 ^ 00283703 a 0000 ^ 01949149 a 0000 ! 01811997 a 0101 & 01813081 a 0000 & 01813183 a 0000 & 01813289 a 0000 | not carefully reworked or perfected or made smooth by polishing; "dull unpolished shoes" 01813081 00 s 01 raw 0 001 & 01812846 a 0000 | untempered and unrefined; "raw talent"; "raw beauty" 01813183 00 s 01 rough 0 001 & 01812846 a 0000 | not perfected; "a rough draft"; "a few rough sketches" 01813289 00 s 01 unburnished 0 001 & 01812846 a 0000 | of metals e.g.; not made shiny and smooth by friction 01813400 00 a 01 politic 0 004 ^ 00758459 a 0000 ! 01814085 a 0101 & 01813733 a 0000 & 01813920 a 0000 | marked by artful prudence, expedience, and shrewdness; "it is neither polite nor politic to get into other people's quarrels"; "a politic decision"; "a politic manager"; "a politic old scoundrel"; "a shrewd and politic reply" 01813733 00 s 01 expedient 0 003 & 01813400 a 0000 + 05158431 n 0102 + 05158431 n 0101 | appropriate to a purpose; practical; "in the circumstances it was expedient to express loyalty" 01813920 00 s 01 sagacious 0 003 & 01813400 a 0000 + 04890361 n 0103 + 05614175 n 0101 | skillful in statecraft or management; "an astute and sagacious statesman" 01814085 00 a 01 impolitic 0 004 ^ 02570282 a 0000 ^ 00932367 a 0000 ! 01813400 a 0101 & 01814252 a 0000 | not politic; "an impolitic approach to a sensitive issue" 01814252 00 s 02 inexpedient 0 unwise 0 003 & 01814085 a 0000 + 05165303 n 0102 + 05165303 n 0101 | not appropriate to the purpose 01814385 00 a 01 political 0 004 ! 01815129 a 0101 & 01814711 a 0000 & 01814929 a 0000 & 01815030 a 0000 | involving or characteristic of politics or parties or politicians; "calling a meeting is a political act in itself"- Daniel Goleman; "political pressure"; "a political machine"; "political office"; "political policy" 01814711 00 s 01 governmental 0 001 & 01814385 a 0000 | relating to or dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state; "governmental policy"; "public confidence and governmental morale" 01814929 00 s 01 policy-making 0 001 & 01814385 a 0000 | concerned with policy, not administration 01815030 00 s 01 semipolitical 0 001 & 01814385 a 0000 | political in some (but not all) aspects 01815129 00 a 01 nonpolitical 0 002 ! 01814385 a 0101 & 01815219 a 0000 | not political 01815219 00 s 02 apolitical 0 unpolitical 0 001 & 01815129 a 0000 | politically neutral 01815309 00 a 01 ponderable 0 002 ! 01815669 a 0101 & 01815540 a 0000 | capable of being weighed or considered; "something ponderable from the outer world--something of which we can say that its weight is so and so"- James Jeans 01815540 00 s 01 assessable 0 001 & 01815309 a 0000 | capable of being considered carefully; "the assessable qualities of art" 01815669 00 a 01 imponderable 0 001 ! 01815309 a 0101 | difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision; "such imponderable human factors as aesthetic sensibility" 01815838 00 a 01 popular 0 008 = 04808639 n 0000 + 04808639 n 0101 ! 01816956 a 0101 & 01816195 a 0000 & 01816305 a 0000 & 01816376 a 0000 & 01816525 a 0000 & 01816696 a 0000 | regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public; "a popular tourist attraction"; "a popular girl"; "cabbage patch dolls are no longer popular" 01816195 00 s 01 best-selling(p) 0 001 & 01815838 a 0000 | selling in great numbers; "a best-selling novel" 01816305 00 s 01 fashionable 0 001 & 01815838 a 0000 | patronized by 01816376 00 s 02 favorite 0 favourite 0 002 & 01815838 a 0000 + 05790758 n 0202 | appealing to the general public; "a favorite tourist attraction" 01816525 00 s 01 hot 0 002 & 01815838 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very popular or successful; "one of the hot young talents"; "cabbage patch dolls were hot last season" 01816696 00 s 02 touristed 0 touristy 0 002 & 01815838 a 0000 + 10718131 n 0201 | visited by throngs of tourists; "of the three American Virgin islands St. Thomas is the most touristed"; "tourists descend in busloads...so the whole place is rather touristy" 01816956 00 a 01 unpopular 0 004 = 04808639 n 0000 + 04809089 n 0101 ! 01815838 a 0101 & 01817155 a 0000 | regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval; "unpopular ideas"; "an unpopular war" 01817155 00 s 01 less-traveled 0 001 & 01816956 a 0000 | not visited by many travelers; "the tourist's desire to visit less-traveled countries" 01817301 00 a 01 pro 0 001 ! 01817405 a 0101 | in favor of (an action or proposal etc.); "a pro vote" 01817405 00 a 01 anti 0 001 ! 01817301 a 0101 | not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.) 01817500 00 a 01 positive 1 011 ^ 00075135 a 0000 ^ 00584820 a 0000 ^ 01663571 a 0000 ^ 02354537 a 0000 = 04723816 n 0000 + 05166805 n 0101 + 05166805 n 0102 ! 01818234 a 0101 ! 01818992 a 0101 & 01817908 a 0000 & 01818077 a 0000 | characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance or certainty etc.; "a positive attitude"; "the reviews were all positive"; "a positive benefit"; "a positive demand" 01817908 00 s 02 affirmative 0 optimistic 0 004 & 01817500 a 0000 + 07541558 n 0201 + 05211793 n 0201 + 05167117 n 0101 | expecting the best; "an affirmative outlook" 01818077 00 s 01 constructive 0 002 & 01817500 a 0000 + 05165745 n 0101 | emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good; "constructive criticism" 01818234 00 a 01 negative 2 009 ^ 00586183 a 0000 ^ 01664581 a 0000 ^ 02356430 a 0000 = 04723816 n 0000 + 05167618 n 0101 ! 01818992 a 0101 ! 01817500 a 0101 & 01818680 a 0000 & 01818820 a 0000 | characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance; having no positive features; "a negative outlook on life"; "a colorless negative personality"; "a negative evaluation"; "a negative reaction to an advertising campaign" 01818680 00 s 02 antagonistic 0 counter 0 003 & 01818234 a 0000 + 09773245 n 0102 + 13860548 n 0101 | indicating opposition or resistance 01818820 00 s 01 perverse 0 002 & 01818234 a 0000 + 04909018 n 0103 | marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict; "took perverse satisfaction in foiling her plans" 01818992 00 a 01 neutral 2 004 ! 01817500 a 0101 ! 01818234 a 0101 & 01819152 a 0000 & 01819293 a 0000 | possessing no distinctive quality or characteristics 01819152 00 s 02 neutralized 0 neutralised 0 001 & 01818992 a 0000 | made neutral in some respect; deprived of distinctive characteristics 01819293 00 s 01 viewless 0 001 & 01818992 a 0000 | not having or expressing opinions or views 01819390 00 a 01 plus 0 003 ! 01819821 a 0101 & 01819592 a 0000 & 01819692 a 0000 | on the positive side or higher end of a scale; "a plus value"; "temperature of plus 5 degrees"; "a grade of C plus" 01819592 00 s 01 nonnegative 0 002 & 01819390 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | either positive or zero 01819692 00 s 01 positive 0 003 & 01819390 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05108109 n 0101 | greater than zero; "positive numbers" 01819821 00 a 01 minus 0 002 ! 01819390 a 0101 & 01819976 a 0000 | on the negative side or lower end of a scale; "minus 5 degrees"; "a grade of B minus" 01819976 00 s 01 negative 0 003 & 01819821 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 05108262 n 0102 | less than zero; "a negative number" 01820103 00 a 01 positive 5 001 ! 01820338 a 0101 | reckoned, situated or tending in the direction which naturally or arbitrarily is taken to indicate increase or progress or onward motion; "positive increase in graduating students" 01820338 00 a 01 negative 5 001 ! 01820103 a 0101 | reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive; "negative interest rates" 01820481 00 a 02 positive 4 confirming 2 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 01820861 a 0101 & 01820684 a 0000 | indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen; "a positive pregnancy test" 01820684 00 s 01 Gram-positive 0 002 & 01820481 a 0000 ;c 01348530 n 0000 | (of bacteria) being or relating to a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram's method 01820861 00 a 02 negative 4 disconfirming 2 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 ! 01820481 a 0101 & 01821078 a 0000 | not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition; "the HIV test was negative" 01821078 00 s 01 Gram-negative 0 002 & 01820861 a 0000 ;c 01348530 n 0000 | (of bacteria) being of or relating to a bacterium that does not retain the violet stain used in Gram's method 01821266 00 a 01 possible 0 014 ^ 01411451 a 0000 ^ 01834304 a 0000 ^ 01939984 a 0000 ^ 02417895 a 0000 = 14481929 n 0000 + 14481929 n 0101 + 14481929 n 0102 ! 01823092 a 0101 & 01821690 a 0000 & 01821920 a 0000 & 01822153 a 0000 & 01822411 a 0000 & 01822563 a 0000 & 01822933 a 0000 | capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences" 01821690 00 s 05 accomplishable 0 achievable 0 doable 0 manageable 0 realizable 0 004 & 01821266 a 0000 + 02526085 v 0201 + 14482444 n 0201 + 01640855 v 0102 | capable of existing or taking place or proving true; possible to do 01821920 00 s 02 affirmable 0 assertable 0 005 & 01821266 a 0000 + 01016778 v 0201 + 01011031 v 0203 + 00717045 v 0202 + 00665886 v 0106 | capable of being affirmed or asserted; "a quality affirmable of every member of the family" 01822153 00 s 02 attainable 0 come-at-able 0 004 & 01821266 a 0000 + 02526085 v 0103 + 14482444 n 0102 + 14482444 n 0103 | capable of being attained or accomplished; "choose an attainable goal"; "art is not something that is come-at-able by dint of study" 01822411 00 s 01 contingent 0 002 & 01821266 a 0000 + 07290761 n 0102 | possible but not certain to occur; "they had to plan for contingent expenses" 01822563 00 s 05 feasible 0 executable 0 practicable 0 viable 0 workable 0 012 & 01821266 a 0000 + 02436963 v 0501 + 02525447 v 0501 + 01629589 v 0502 + 01668603 v 0501 + 00634906 v 0506 + 05151576 n 0401 + 05152150 n 0302 + 05203207 n 0201 + 05152364 n 0102 + 05152364 n 0101 + 00428572 r 0102 | capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are 01822933 00 s 01 mathematical 0 001 & 01821266 a 0000 | statistically possible though highly improbable; "have a mathematical chance of making the playoffs" 01823092 00 a 01 impossible 0 013 ^ 01229020 a 0000 ^ 01836350 a 0000 ^ 02357115 a 0000 ^ 01941999 a 0000 ^ 02418538 a 0000 = 14481929 n 0000 + 14483126 n 0102 + 14483126 n 0101 ! 01821266 a 0101 & 01823475 a 0000 & 01823574 a 0000 & 01823948 a 0000 & 01824081 a 0000 | not capable of occurring or being accomplished or dealt with; "an impossible dream"; "an impossible situation" 01823475 00 s 01 hopeless 2 001 & 01823092 a 0000 | certain to fail; "the situation is hopeless" 01823574 00 s 04 impracticable 0 infeasible 0 unfeasible 0 unworkable 0 005 & 01823092 a 0000 + 05153359 n 0302 + 05153359 n 0201 + 05153155 n 0102 + 05153155 n 0101 | not capable of being carried out or put into practice; "refloating the sunken ship proved impracticable because of its fragility"; "a suggested reform that was unfeasible in the prevailing circumstances" 01823948 00 s 01 out(p) 0 001 & 01823092 a 0000 | not worth considering as a possibility; "a picnic is out because of the weather" 01824081 00 s 04 unachievable 0 unattainable 0 undoable 0 unrealizable 0 002 & 01823092 a 0000 + 14483508 n 0201 | impossible to achieve; "an unattainable goal" 01824244 00 a 03 potent 0 strong 4 stiff 0 008 ^ 00834198 a 0000 ^ 01001689 a 0000 ^ 01825671 a 0000 = 05034225 n 0000 + 05034225 n 0101 ! 01824751 a 0101 & 01824563 a 0000 & 01824653 a 0000 | having a strong physiological or chemical effect; "a potent toxin"; "potent liquor"; "a potent cup of tea", "a stiff drink" 01824563 00 s 01 equipotent 0 001 & 01824244 a 0000 | having equal strength or efficacy 01824653 00 s 01 multipotent 0 001 & 01824244 a 0000 | able to many things; "multipotent drugs" 01824751 00 a 01 impotent 0 008 ^ 01827535 a 0000 ^ 01002377 a 0000 = 05034225 n 0000 + 05204637 n 0103 + 05204637 n 0102 ! 01824244 a 0101 & 01825080 a 0000 & 01825310 a 0000 | lacking power or ability; "Technology without morality is barbarous; morality without technology is impotent"- Freeman J.Dyson; "felt impotent rage" 01825080 00 s 03 ineffective 0 ineffectual 0 unable 0 004 & 01824751 a 0000 + 05207963 n 0202 + 05207963 n 0203 + 05207963 n 0101 | lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler"; "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" 01825310 00 s 01 impuissant 0 002 & 01824751 a 0000 + 05204982 n 0103 | lacking physical strength or vigor 01825419 00 a 02 potent 2 virile 0 003 + 05008449 n 0201 + 14051728 n 0101 ! 01825550 a 0101 | (of a male) capable of copulation 01825550 00 a 01 impotent 2 003 + 14044930 n 0102 + 14044930 n 0101 ! 01825419 a 0101 | (of a male) unable to copulate 01825671 00 a 01 powerful 0 015 ^ 00834198 a 0000 ^ 01824244 a 0000 ^ 02321009 a 0000 = 05190804 n 0000 + 05190804 n 0102 ! 01827535 a 0101 & 01826186 a 0000 & 01826327 a 0000 & 01826477 a 0000 & 01826575 a 0000 & 01826828 a 0000 & 01826979 a 0000 & 01827161 a 0000 & 01827261 a 0000 & 01827432 a 0000 | having great power or force or potency or effect; "the most powerful government in western Europe"; "his powerful arms"; "a powerful bomb"; "the horse's powerful kick"; "powerful drugs"; "a powerful argument" 01826186 00 s 03 almighty 0 all-powerful 0 omnipotent 0 003 & 01825671 a 0000 + 14459185 n 0301 + 09536363 n 0107 | having unlimited power 01826327 00 s 01 coercive 0 002 & 01825671 a 0000 + 02504562 v 0101 | serving or intended to coerce; "authority is directional instead of coercive" 01826477 00 s 01 compelling 0 001 & 01825671 a 0000 | driving or forcing; "compelling ambition" 01826575 00 s 01 mighty 0 003 & 01825671 a 0000 + 05030680 n 0101 + 05030680 n 0102 | having or showing great strength or force or intensity; "struck a mighty blow"; "the mighty logger Paul Bunyan"; "the pen is mightier than the sword"- Bulwer-Lytton 01826828 00 s 01 muscular 0 001 & 01825671 a 0000 | having or suggesting great physical power or force; "the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony" 01826979 00 s 02 potent 0 strong 0 002 & 01825671 a 0000 + 05196582 n 0104 | having or wielding force or authority; "providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons" 01827161 00 s 01 puissant 0 003 & 01825671 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 05191695 n 0101 | powerful 01827261 00 s 01 regent(ip) 0 004 & 01825671 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 + 10516117 n 0101 + 00598970 n 0101 | acting or functioning as a regent or ruler; "prince-regent" 01827432 00 s 03 regnant 0 reigning 0 ruling 0 001 & 01825671 a 0000 | exercising power or authority 01827535 00 a 01 powerless 0 010 ^ 01824751 a 0000 ^ 00835609 a 0000 ^ 02324397 a 0000 = 05190804 n 0000 + 05204637 n 0101 ! 01825671 a 0101 & 01827766 a 0000 & 01827946 a 0000 & 01828130 a 0000 & 01828242 a 0000 | lacking power 01827766 00 s 02 feeble 0 nerveless 0 002 & 01827535 a 0000 + 14547643 n 0104 | lacking strength; "a weak, nerveless fool, devoid of energy and promptitude"- Nathaniel Hawthorne 01827946 00 s 02 helpless 1 incapacitated 0 002 & 01827535 a 0000 + 05204982 n 0101 | lacking in or deprived of strength or power; "lying ill and helpless"; "helpless with laughter" 01828130 00 s 01 low-powered 0 001 & 01827535 a 0000 | having little power to do work; "a low-powered engine" 01828242 00 s 01 weak 0 002 & 01827535 a 0000 + 05204982 n 0102 | not having authority, political strength, or governing power; "a weak president" 01828391 00 a 01 powered 0 007 ! 01829505 a 0101 & 01828706 a 0000 & 01828836 a 0000 & 01828987 a 0000 & 01829149 a 0000 & 01829254 a 0000 & 01829369 a 0000 | (often used in combination) having or using or propelled by means of power or power of a specified kind; "powered flight"; "kerosine-powered jet engines" 01828706 00 s 01 battery-powered 0 001 & 01828391 a 0000 | powered by one or more electric batteries; "a battery-powered radio" 01828836 00 s 01 high-powered 0 001 & 01828391 a 0000 | (used of microscopes) capable of a high degree of magnification; "a high-powered microscope" 01828987 00 s 01 hopped-up 0 002 & 01828391 a 0000 ;c 02958343 n 0000 | (of an automobile) having the engine modified to give extra power; "a hopped-up jalopy" 01829149 00 s 01 power-driven 0 001 & 01828391 a 0000 | powered by a motor; "a power-driven hand tool" 01829254 00 s 01 steam-powered 0 001 & 01828391 a 0000 | powered by a steam engine; "a steam-powered locomotive" 01829369 00 s 01 supercharged 0 001 & 01828391 a 0000 | (of e.g. an engine) having the power increased by fitting with a supercharger 01829505 00 a 01 unpowered 0 001 ! 01828391 a 0101 | not having or using power; "an autogiro is supported in flight by unpowered rotating wings" 01829652 00 a 01 high-tension 0 003 ;c 11449907 n 0000 ! 01829980 a 0101 & 01829835 a 0000 | subjected to or capable of operating under relatively high voltage; "high-tension wire" 01829835 00 s 02 high-voltage 0 high-potential 0 001 & 01829652 a 0000 | operating on or powered by a high voltage; "a high-voltage generator" 01829980 00 a 02 low-tension 0 low-voltage 0 002 ;c 11449907 n 0000 ! 01829652 a 0101 | subjected to or capable of operating under relative low voltage 01830134 00 a 01 influential 0 007 + 11414608 n 0101 + 10461747 n 0101 + 05194151 n 0101 ! 01830871 a 0101 & 01830403 a 0000 & 01830599 a 0000 & 01830703 a 0000 | having or exercising influence or power; "an influential newspaper"; "influential leadership for peace" 01830403 00 s 02 authoritative 0 important 0 002 & 01830134 a 0000 + 14434681 n 0201 | having authority or ascendancy or influence; "an important official"; "the captain's authoritative manner" 01830599 00 s 02 potent 0 powerful 0 002 & 01830134 a 0000 + 05190804 n 0202 | having great influence 01830703 00 s 01 prestigious 0 001 & 01830134 a 0000 | exerting influence by reason of high status or prestige; "a prestigious professor at a prestigious university" 01830871 00 a 01 uninfluential 0 001 ! 01830134 a 0101 | not influential 01830946 00 a 01 placental 0 005 + 01886756 n 0101 + 11680838 n 0101 + 05520699 n 0101 ! 01831346 a 0101 & 01831203 a 0000 | pertaining to or having or occurring by means of a placenta; "all mammals except monotremes and marsupials are placental mammals" 01831203 00 s 01 transplacental 0 001 & 01830946 a 0000 | occurring through or by way of the placenta; "transplacental passage of nutrients" 01831346 00 a 01 aplacental 0 001 ! 01830946 a 0101 | having no placenta; "monotremes and marsupials are aplacental mammals" 01831473 00 a 01 planted 0 008 ! 01832604 a 0101 & 01831679 a 0000 & 01831789 a 0000 & 01831942 a 0000 & 01832108 a 0000 & 01832245 a 0000 & 01832341 a 0000 & 01832491 a 0000 | set in the soil for growth 01831679 00 s 01 cropped 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | (of land or soil) used for growing crops; "cropped soil" 01831789 00 s 02 naturalized 0 naturalised 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | planted so as to give an effect of wild growth; "drifts of naturalized daffodils" 01831942 00 s 02 potbound 0 rootbound 1 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | (of a potted plant) grown too large for its container resulting in matting or tangling of the roots 01832108 00 s 01 quickset(a) 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | grown from cuttings planted directly in the ground; "a quickset hawthorn hedge" 01832245 00 s 02 seeded 0 sown 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | sprinkled with seed; "a seeded lawn" 01832341 00 s 03 self-seeded 0 self-sown 0 self-sowed 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | growing from seed dispersed by natural agency such as wind or birds 01832491 00 s 01 soil-building 0 001 & 01831473 a 0000 | (of crops) planted to improve the quality of the soil 01832604 00 a 01 unplanted 0 003 ! 01831473 a 0101 & 01832707 a 0000 & 01832807 a 0000 | not planted 01832707 00 s 01 uncropped 0 001 & 01832604 a 0000 | not used for growing crops; "uncropped soil" 01832807 00 s 02 unseeded 0 unsown 0 001 & 01832604 a 0000 | (of a piece of ground) not have a crop sown on it; "farmland still unsown" 01832945 00 a 02 plowed 0 ploughed 0 002 ! 01833226 a 0101 & 01833092 a 0000 | (of farmland) broken and turned over with a plow; "plowed fields" 01833092 00 s 01 tilled 0 001 & 01832945 a 0000 | turned or stirred by plowing or harrowing or hoeing; "tilled land ready for seed" 01833226 00 a 03 unplowed 0 unploughed 0 unbroken 4 003 ! 01832945 a 0101 & 01833401 a 0000 & 01833541 a 0000 | (of farmland) not plowed; "unplowed fields"; "unbroken land" 01833401 00 s 01 fallow 0 002 & 01833226 a 0000 + 09278295 n 0101 | left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season; "fallow farmland" 01833541 00 s 01 untilled 0 001 & 01833226 a 0000 | not plowed or harrowed or hoed; "untilled land" 01833643 00 a 01 cultivated 0 001 ! 01833791 a 0101 | (of land or fields) prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing; "cultivated land" 01833791 00 a 01 uncultivated 0 002 ! 01833643 a 0101 & 01833939 a 0000 | (of land or fields) not prepared for raising crops; "uncultivated land" 01833939 00 s 02 uncultivable 0 uncultivatable 0 001 & 01833791 a 0000 | not suitable for cultivation or tilling; "thickets of indigenous trees...on uncultivable land"- C.B.Palmer 01834121 00 a 01 potted 0 001 ! 01834230 a 0101 | of plants; planted or grown in a pot; "potted geraniums" 01834230 00 a 01 unpotted 0 001 ! 01834121 a 0101 | not planted in pots 01834304 00 a 01 practical 0 016 ^ 00013160 a 0000 ^ 01821266 a 0000 ^ 01939984 a 0000 ^ 02123812 a 0000 = 05151088 n 0000 + 00410247 n 0101 + 05151088 n 0101 ! 01836350 a 0101 & 01834812 a 0000 & 01835023 a 0000 & 01835276 a 0000 & 01835409 a 0000 & 01835663 a 0000 & 01835843 a 0000 & 01836025 a 0000 & 01836117 a 0000 | concerned with actual use or practice; "he is a very practical person"; "the idea had no practical application"; "a practical knowledge of Japanese"; "woodworking is a practical art" 01834812 00 s 02 applicative 0 applicatory 0 007 & 01834304 a 0000 + 02707429 v 0202 + 01158872 v 0204 + 02707429 v 0102 + 02676789 v 0101 + 02560164 v 0103 + 01158872 v 0104 | readily applicable or practical 01835023 00 s 01 functional 0 002 & 01834304 a 0000 + 05151372 n 0101 | designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture" 01835276 00 s 01 interoperable 0 003 & 01834304 a 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 05200816 n 0101 | able to exchange and use information 01835409 00 s 03 matter-of-fact 0 pragmatic 0 pragmatical 0 003 & 01834304 a 0000 + 05151869 n 0302 + 05151869 n 0202 | concerned with practical matters; "a matter-of-fact (or pragmatic) approach to the problem"; "a matter-of-fact account of the trip" 01835663 00 s 02 operable 0 practicable 0 003 & 01834304 a 0000 + 05152150 n 0202 + 05152150 n 0201 | usable for a specific purpose; "an operable plan"; "a practicable solution" 01835843 00 s 01 serviceable 0 003 & 01834304 a 0000 + 05150129 n 0102 + 05150129 n 0101 | intended or able to serve a purpose without elaboration; "serviceable low-heeled shoes"; 01836025 00 s 01 unimaginative 0 001 & 01834304 a 0000 | dealing only with concrete facts 01836117 00 s 01 working 0 001 & 01834304 a 0000 | adequate for practical use; especially sufficient in strength or numbers to accomplish something; "the party has a working majority in the House"; "a working knowledge of Spanish" 01836350 00 a 01 impractical 0 009 ^ 01823092 a 0000 ^ 01941999 a 0000 = 05151088 n 0000 ! 01834304 a 0101 & 01836766 a 0000 & 01837025 a 0000 & 01837182 a 0000 & 01837487 a 0000 & 01837605 a 0000 | not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters; "refloating the ship proved impractical because of the expense"; "he is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work"; "an impractical solution" 01836766 00 s 04 crazy 0 half-baked 0 screwball 0 softheaded 0 004 & 01836350 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 09974496 n 0306 + 00512843 n 0104 | foolish; totally unsound; "a crazy scheme"; "half-baked ideas"; "a screwball proposal without a prayer of working" 01837025 00 s 05 meshugge 0 meshugga 0 meshuga 0 meshuggeneh 0 meshuggener 0 003 & 01836350 a 0000 ;c 06951067 n 0000 + 10310516 n 0401 | senseless; crazy 01837182 00 s 03 quixotic 0 romantic 0 wild-eyed 0 003 & 01836350 a 0000 + 05152902 n 0201 + 06369216 n 0201 | not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic; "as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood"; "a romantic disregard for money"; "a wild-eyed dream of a world state" 01837487 00 s 01 unfunctional 0 001 & 01836350 a 0000 | not related to or suitable for everyday needs or activities 01837605 00 s 01 unwieldy 0 002 & 01836350 a 0000 + 04712130 n 0101 | difficult to work or manipulate; "unwieldy rules and regulations" 01837744 00 a 01 precise 0 014 ^ 00021766 a 0000 ^ 00779374 a 0000 ^ 00914421 a 0000 ^ 01103021 a 0000 + 04821451 n 0101 ! 01839417 a 0101 & 01838151 a 0000 & 01838253 a 0000 & 01838379 a 0000 & 01838529 a 0000 & 01838772 a 0000 & 01838916 a 0000 & 01839099 a 0000 & 01839317 a 0000 | sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment" 01838151 00 s 01 dead 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | unerringly accurate; "a dead shot"; "took dead aim" 01838253 00 s 01 fine 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | minutely precise especially in differences in meaning; "a fine distinction" 01838379 00 s 02 finespun 0 hairsplitting 0 002 & 01837744 a 0000 + 05749210 n 0201 | developed in excessively fine detail; "finespun distinctions" 01838529 00 s 02 meticulous 0 punctilious 0 004 & 01837744 a 0000 + 04672605 n 0203 + 04672605 n 0102 + 04672605 n 0101 | marked by precise accordance with details; "meticulous research"; "punctilious in his attention to rules of etiquette" 01838772 00 s 01 microscopic 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | extremely precise with great attention to details; "examined it with microscopic care" 01838916 00 s 02 nice 2 skillful 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | done with delicacy and skill; "a nice bit of craft"; "a job requiring nice measurements with a micrometer"; "a nice shot" 01839099 00 s 02 on_the_nose 0 on_the_button 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | being precise with regard to a prescribed or specified criterion; "his guess was on the nose"; "the prediction for snow was right on the button" 01839317 00 s 01 very(a) 0 001 & 01837744 a 0000 | precisely as stated; "the very center of town" 01839417 00 a 01 imprecise 0 006 ^ 01101391 a 0000 ^ 00023383 a 0000 ^ 00915787 a 0000 + 04804787 n 0101 ! 01837744 a 0101 & 01839663 a 0000 | not precise; "imprecise astronomical observations"; "the terms he used were imprecise and emotional" 01839663 00 s 01 general 0 001 & 01839417 a 0000 | somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise" 01839829 00 a 01 precocious 0 005 ^ 01334398 a 0000 + 05620294 n 0101 + 05620294 n 0102 ! 01840366 a 0101 & 01840121 a 0000 | characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude); "a precocious child"; "a precocious achievement" 01840121 00 s 01 advanced 0 001 & 01839829 a 0000 | farther along in physical or mental development; "the child's skeletal age was classified as `advanced'"; "children in the advanced classes in elementary school read far above grade average" 01840366 00 a 01 retarded 0 008 ^ 01336587 a 0000 ! 01839829 a 0101 & 01840673 a 0000 & 01840880 a 0000 & 01841054 a 0000 & 01841179 a 0000 & 01841295 a 0000 & 01841390 a 0000 | relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development; "providing a secure and sometimes happy life for the retarded" 01840673 00 s 04 backward 0 half-witted 0 slow-witted 0 feebleminded 0 005 & 01840366 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 05646723 n 0401 + 05645854 n 0303 + 05646218 n 0103 | retarded in intellectual development 01840880 00 s 03 imbecile 0 imbecilic 0 idiotic 0 004 & 01840366 a 0000 + 10197525 n 0301 + 10197525 n 0202 + 05647015 n 0101 | having a mental age of three to seven years 01841054 00 s 01 moronic 0 002 & 01840366 a 0000 + 10197525 n 0104 | having a mental age of between eight and twelve years 01841179 00 s 01 cretinous 0 003 & 01840366 a 0000 + 10197525 n 0103 + 14121667 n 0101 | afflicted with cretinism 01841295 00 s 01 delayed 0 001 & 01840366 a 0000 | not as far along as normal in development 01841390 00 s 03 dim-witted 0 simple 0 simple-minded 0 003 & 01840366 a 0000 + 04881369 n 0301 + 04881369 n 0202 | lacking mental capacity and subtlety 01841544 00 a 01 predictable 0 005 ^ 00340239 a 0000 + 04756025 n 0101 ! 01842001 a 0101 & 01841699 a 0000 & 01841834 a 0000 | capable of being foretold 01841699 00 s 01 foreseeable 0 001 & 01841544 a 0000 | capable of being anticipated; "foreseeable costs were well within the budget" 01841834 00 s 01 inevitable 0 003 & 01841544 a 0000 + 04754056 n 0102 + 04754056 n 0101 | invariably occurring or appearing; "the inevitable changes of the seasons" 01842001 00 a 01 unpredictable 0 007 ^ 00341405 a 0000 + 04758313 n 0101 ! 01841544 a 0101 & 01842198 a 0000 & 01842304 a 0000 & 01842468 a 0000 & 01842643 a 0000 | not capable of being foretold 01842198 00 s 01 aleatory 0 001 & 01842001 a 0000 | dependent on chance; "the aleatory element in life" 01842304 00 s 02 capricious 0 freakish 0 003 & 01842001 a 0000 + 04798185 n 0202 + 04735075 n 0101 | changeable; "a capricious summer breeze"; "freakish weather" 01842468 00 s 02 episodic 0 occasional 0 001 & 01842001 a 0000 | occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals; "episodic in his affections"; "occasional headaches" 01842643 00 s 01 unforeseeable 0 001 & 01842001 a 0000 | incapable of being anticipated; "unforeseeable consequences" 01842763 00 a 01 premeditated 0 004 ^ 01337486 a 0000 ^ 01797148 a 0000 ! 01843092 a 0101 & 01842963 a 0000 | characterized by deliberate purpose and some degree of planning; "a premeditated crime" 01842963 00 s 03 aforethought(ip) 0 planned 0 plotted 0 001 & 01842763 a 0000 | planned in advance; "with malice aforethought" 01843092 00 a 01 unpremeditated 0 003 ^ 01797862 a 0000 ! 01842763 a 0101 & 01843205 a 0000 | not premeditated 01843205 00 s 01 impulsive 0 002 & 01843092 a 0000 + 04662504 n 0101 | without forethought; "letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted" 01843380 00 a 01 prepared 0 013 ^ 01930512 a 0000 + 14031108 n 0102 ! 01845160 a 0101 & 01843746 a 0000 & 01843906 a 0000 & 01844002 a 0000 & 01844141 a 0000 & 01844241 a 0000 & 01844441 a 0000 & 01844585 a 0000 & 01844742 a 0000 & 01844858 a 0000 & 01845002 a 0000 | made ready or fit or suitable beforehand; "a prepared statement"; "be prepared for emergencies" 01843746 00 s 01 braced 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | positioned so as to be ready for confrontation or danger; "he stood to attention with his shoulders braced" 01843906 00 s 01 embattled 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | prepared for battle; "an embattled city" 01844002 00 s 02 equipped 0 fitted_out(p) 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | prepared with proper equipment; "equipped for service in the Arctic" 01844141 00 s 01 oven-ready 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | prepared before sale and ready to be cooked 01844241 00 s 01 preconditioned 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | having already been put into a suitable condition; "a surface preconditioned to receive paint"; "customers preconditioned to buy a product" 01844441 00 s 01 precooked 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | cooked partially or completely beforehand; "frozen precooked meals from the supermarket" 01844585 00 s 01 processed 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | subjected to a special process or treatment; "prepared ergot"; "processed cheeses are easy to spread" 01844742 00 s 01 ready 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | made suitable and available for immediate use; "dinner is ready" 01844858 00 s 01 spread 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | prepared or arranged for a meal; especially having food set out; "a table spread with food" 01845002 00 s 01 up(p) 0 001 & 01843380 a 0000 | (usually followed by `on' or `for') in readiness; "he was up on his homework"; "had to be up for the game" 01845160 00 a 01 unprepared 0 004 ^ 01932234 a 0000 ! 01843380 a 0101 & 01845451 a 0000 & 01845921 a 0000 | without preparation; not prepared for; "unprepared remarks"; "the shock was unprepared"; "our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared"- R.E.Danielson 01845451 00 s 09 ad-lib 0 extemporaneous 0 extemporary 0 extempore 0 impromptu 0 offhand 0 offhanded 0 off-the-cuff 0 unrehearsed 0 001 & 01845160 a 0000 | with little or no preparation or forethought; "his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment"; "an extemporaneous piano recital"; "an extemporary lecture"; "an extempore skit"; "an impromptu speech"; "offhand excuses"; "trying to sound offhanded and reassuring"; "an off-the-cuff toast"; "a few unrehearsed comments" 01845921 00 s 01 spur-of-the-moment 0 001 & 01845160 a 0000 | in response to an unforeseen need; "a spur-of-the-moment party" 01846049 00 a 01 prescription(a) 0 002 ;c 03740161 n 0000 ! 01846204 a 0101 | available only with a doctor's written prescription; "a prescription drug" 01846204 00 a 02 nonprescription(a) 0 over-the-counter(a) 0 002 ;c 03740161 n 0000 ! 01846049 a 0101 | purchasable without a doctor's prescription; "nonprescription drugs"; "an over-the-counter cold remedy" 01846413 00 a 01 present 2 013 = 13957601 n 0000 + 13268842 n 0101 + 13957601 n 0101 + 08642632 n 0101 + 05917174 n 0101 + 01233802 n 0101 ! 01847672 a 0101 & 01846815 a 0000 & 01847022 a 0000 & 01847101 a 0000 & 01847242 a 0000 & 01847349 a 0000 & 01847515 a 0000 | being or existing in a specified place; "the murderer is present in this room"; "present at the wedding"; "present at the creation" 01846815 00 s 01 attendant 0 005 & 01846413 a 0000 + 09608002 n 0101 + 15284999 n 0101 + 08185063 n 0101 + 01233397 n 0101 | being present (at meeting or event etc.) "attendant members of the congreation" 01847022 00 s 01 ever-present 0 001 & 01846413 a 0000 | being always present 01847101 00 s 01 existing 0 001 & 01846413 a 0000 | existing in something specified; "depletion of the oxygen existing in the bloodstream" 01847242 00 s 01 here(p) 0 002 & 01846413 a 0000 + 13958672 n 0101 | being here now; "is everyone here?" 01847349 00 s 01 naturally_occurring 0 001 & 01846413 a 0000 | existing by nature and without artificial aid; "one of the 93 naturally occurring chemical elements" 01847515 00 s 02 omnipresent 0 ubiquitous 0 004 & 01846413 a 0000 + 13958456 n 0202 + 13958456 n 0201 + 13958456 n 0103 | being present everywhere at once 01847672 00 a 01 absent 0 007 = 13957601 n 0000 + 13960974 n 0101 + 01234345 n 0101 ! 01846413 a 0101 & 01847864 a 0000 & 01848056 a 0000 & 01848171 a 0000 | not being in a specified place 01847864 00 s 01 away(p) 0 002 & 01847672 a 0000 + 13961273 n 0101 | not present; having left; "he's away right now"; "you must not allow a stranger into the house when your mother is away" 01848056 00 s 01 introuvable 0 001 & 01847672 a 0000 | impossible to find; "the book is practically introuvable" 01848171 00 s 02 truant 0 awol 0 003 & 01847672 a 0000 + 09757836 n 0201 + 01234612 n 0101 | absent without permission; "truant schoolboys"; "the soldier was AWOL for almost a week" 01848355 00 a 02 ostentatious 0 pretentious 4 007 + 04817923 n 0205 + 06889330 n 0101 + 04789274 n 0101 + 04817923 n 0102 ! 01848970 a 0101 & 01848611 a 0000 & 01848701 a 0000 | intended to attract notice and impress others; "an ostentatious sable coat" 01848611 00 s 01 flaunty 0 002 & 01848355 a 0000 + 06890846 n 0101 | inclined to flaunt 01848701 00 s 03 flamboyant 0 showy 0 splashy 0 006 & 01848355 a 0000 + 13978166 n 0302 + 04817923 n 0307 + 00755277 n 0202 + 04699936 n 0204 + 04699936 n 0101 | marked by ostentation but often tasteless; "a cheap showy rhinestone bracelet"; "a splashy half-page ad" 01848970 00 a 03 unostentatious 0 unpretentious 4 unpretending 0 003 + 04787154 n 0201 ! 01848355 a 0101 & 01849170 a 0000 | not ostentatious; "his unostentatious office"; "unostentatious elegance" 01849170 00 s 02 quiet 0 restrained 0 001 & 01848970 a 0000 | not showy or obtrusive; "clothes in quiet good taste" 01849288 00 a 01 pretentious 0 013 ^ 02393401 a 0000 + 06759349 n 0101 + 04788982 n 0101 ! 01851523 a 0101 & 01849740 a 0000 & 01849844 a 0000 & 01849960 a 0000 & 01850288 a 0000 & 01850446 a 0000 & 01850742 a 0000 & 01850862 a 0000 & 01851118 a 0000 & 01851330 a 0000 | making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction; "a pretentious country house"; "a pretentious fraud"; "a pretentious scholarly edition" 01849740 00 s 01 arty 0 002 & 01849288 a 0000 + 02743547 n 0101 | showily imitative of art or artists 01849844 00 s 02 artsy-craftsy 0 arty-crafty 0 001 & 01849288 a 0000 | pretentiously artistic; cloyingly charming 01849960 00 s 05 grandiloquent 0 overblown 0 pompous 0 pontifical 0 portentous 0 004 & 01849288 a 0000 + 06880134 n 0302 + 04817923 n 0303 + 04817923 n 0304 | puffed up with vanity; "a grandiloquent and boastful manner"; "overblown oratory"; "a pompous speech"; "pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey"- Newsweek 01850288 00 s 06 grandiose 0 hifalutin 0 highfalutin 0 highfaluting 0 hoity-toity 0 la-di-da 0 002 & 01849288 a 0000 + 07070429 n 0101 | affectedly genteel 01850446 00 s 03 high-flown 0 high-sounding 0 inflated 0 002 & 01849288 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals); "high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school"; "a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution" 01850742 00 s 01 jumped-up 0 003 & 01849288 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) upstart 01850862 00 s 04 nouveau-riche 0 parvenu 0 parvenue 0 upstart(a) 0 003 & 01849288 a 0000 + 10740868 n 0202 + 10740868 n 0103 | characteristic of someone who has risen economically or socially but lacks the social skills appropriate for this new position 01851118 00 s 01 sententious 0 001 & 01849288 a 0000 | abounding in or given to pompous or aphoristic moralizing; "too often the significant episode deteriorates into sententious conversation"- Kathleen Barnes 01851330 00 s 01 sesquipedalian 0 002 & 01849288 a 0000 + 07087940 n 0101 | given to the overuse of long words; "sesquipedalian orators"; "this sesquipedalian way of saying one has no money" 01851523 00 a 01 unpretentious 0 007 ^ 01791911 a 0000 ^ 02392878 a 0000 + 04787154 n 0101 ! 01849288 a 0101 & 01851795 a 0000 & 01851916 a 0000 & 01852107 a 0000 | lacking pretension or affectation; "an unpretentious country church"; "her quiet unpretentious demeanor" 01851795 00 s 01 honest 0 001 & 01851523 a 0000 | without pretensions; "worked at an honest trade"; "good honest food" 01851916 00 s 01 modest 0 001 & 01851523 a 0000 | free from pomp or affectation; "comfortable but modest cottages"; "a simple rectangular brick building"; "a simple man with simple tastes" 01852107 00 s 01 unpompous 0 001 & 01851523 a 0000 | not pompous 01852174 00 a 01 primary 0 010 ^ 00900616 a 0000 ^ 01010862 a 0000 ^ 01686439 a 0000 ! 01853461 a 0101 & 01852548 a 0000 & 01852666 a 0000 & 01852812 a 0000 & 01852924 a 0000 & 01853039 a 0000 & 01853228 a 0000 | of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest" 01852548 00 s 01 capital 0 001 & 01852174 a 0000 | of primary importance; "our capital concern was to avoid defeat" 01852666 00 s 01 direct 0 002 & 01852174 a 0000 + 04918210 n 0101 | being an immediate result or consequence; "a direct result of the accident" 01852812 00 s 01 firsthand 0 001 & 01852174 a 0000 | received directly from a source; "firsthand information" 01852924 00 s 01 first-string 0 001 & 01852174 a 0000 | being a regular member of a team; "first-string players" 01853039 00 s 01 original 0 001 & 01852174 a 0000 | (of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediary; "his work is based on only original, not secondary, sources" 01853228 00 s 02 particular 0 special 0 003 & 01852174 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0202 + 05159225 n 0206 | first and most important; "his special interest is music"; "she gets special (or particular) satisfaction from her volunteer work" 01853461 00 a 01 secondary 1 014 ^ 00902652 a 0000 ^ 01688271 a 0000 ! 01852174 a 0101 & 01853934 a 0000 & 01854129 a 0000 & 01854420 a 0000 & 01854546 a 0000 & 01854702 a 0000 & 01854935 a 0000 & 01855086 a 0000 & 01855204 a 0000 & 01855348 a 0000 & 01855446 a 0000 & 01855621 a 0000 | being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams" 01853934 00 s 03 alternate 0 alternative 0 substitute 0 004 & 01853461 a 0000 + 10648237 n 0302 + 05696425 n 0301 + 10680153 n 0102 | serving or used in place of another; "an alternative plan" 01854129 00 s 04 auxiliary 0 subsidiary 0 supplemental 0 supplementary 0 007 & 01853461 a 0000 + 02671421 n 0403 + 02671421 n 0303 + 10669991 n 0202 + 08003935 n 0202 + 13951984 n 0202 + 09780249 n 0102 | functioning in a supporting capacity; "the main library and its auxiliary branches" 01854420 00 s 01 collateral 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | accompany, concomitant; "collateral target damage from a bombing run" 01854546 00 s 01 indirect 0 002 & 01853461 a 0000 + 04919209 n 0101 | not as a direct effect or consequence; "indirect benefits"; "an indirect advantage" 01854702 00 s 01 secondhand 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | derived from what is primary or original; not firsthand; "a secondhand report"; "a secondhand account of a memory of something once read"; "most of our knowledge is secondhand" 01854935 00 s 01 second-string 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | being a replacement or substitute for a regular member of a team; "a second-string pitcher" 01855086 00 s 01 standby 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | ready for emergency use; "a standby generator"; "a standby crew" 01855204 00 s 01 thirdhand 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | derived from what is primary or original by two intermediate steps; "a thirdhand report" 01855348 00 s 01 tributary 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | (of a stream) flowing into a larger stream 01855446 00 s 02 utility(a) 0 substitute(a) 2 002 & 01853461 a 0000 + 10671042 n 0201 | capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team; "a utility infielder" 01855621 00 s 01 vicarious 0 001 & 01853461 a 0000 | experienced at secondhand; "read about mountain climbing and felt vicarious excitement" 01855764 00 a 01 basic 0 006 ! 01856929 a 0101 & 01856066 a 0000 & 01856238 a 0000 & 01856419 a 0000 & 01856686 a 0000 & 01856802 a 0000 | pertaining to or constituting a base or basis; "a basic fact"; "the basic ingredients"; "basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities" 01856066 00 s 02 basal 0 base 0 002 & 01855764 a 0000 + 03387016 n 0102 | serving as or forming a base; "the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats" 01856238 00 s 03 elementary 0 elemental 0 primary 0 002 & 01855764 a 0000 + 03081021 n 0103 | of or being the essential or basic part; "an elementary need for love and nurturing" 01856419 00 s 03 fundamental 0 rudimentary 0 underlying 0 001 & 01855764 a 0000 | being or involving basic facts or principles; "the fundamental laws of the universe"; "a fundamental incomatibility between them"; "these rudimentary truths"; "underlying principles" 01856686 00 s 01 grassroots 0 001 & 01855764 a 0000 | fundamental; "the grassroots factor in making the decision" 01856802 00 s 01 radical 0 001 & 01855764 a 0000 | arising from or going to the root or source; "a radical flaw in the plan" 01856929 00 a 02 incidental 0 incident 0 005 ! 01855764 a 0101 & 01857410 a 0000 & 01857527 a 0000 & 01857743 a 0000 & 01857956 a 0000 | (sometimes followed by `to') minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence; "incidental expenses"; "the road will bring other incidental advantages"; "extra duties incidental to the job"; "labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion"; "confusion incidental to a quick change" 01857410 00 s 01 omissible 0 003 & 01856929 a 0000 + 00615774 v 0105 + 00614999 v 0103 | capable of being left out 01857527 00 s 02 parenthetic 0 parenthetical 0 004 & 01856929 a 0000 + 06315873 n 0202 + 06600684 n 0205 + 06600684 n 0105 | qualifying or explaining; placed or as if placed in parentheses; "parenthetical remarks" 01857743 00 s 01 peripheral 0 001 & 01856929 a 0000 | related to the key issue but not of central importance; "a peripheral interest"; "energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy"; "peripheral issues" 01857956 00 s 01 secondary 0 001 & 01856929 a 0000 | depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection" 01858094 00 a 01 private 0 018 ^ 00898963 a 0000 ^ 01767329 a 0000 + 04622932 n 0102 ! 01861205 a 0101 & 01858740 a 0000 & 01859055 a 0000 & 01859368 a 0000 & 01859466 a 0000 & 01859571 a 0000 & 01859801 a 0000 & 01859970 a 0000 & 01860207 a 0000 & 01860328 a 0000 & 01860465 a 0000 & 01860580 a 0000 & 01860765 a 0000 & 01860890 a 0000 & 01861095 a 0000 | confined to particular persons or groups or providing privacy; "a private place"; "private discussions"; "private lessons"; "a private club"; "a private secretary"; "private property"; "the former President is now a private citizen"; "public figures struggle to maintain a private life" 01858740 00 s 05 clannish 0 cliquish 0 clubby 0 snobbish 0 snobby 0 006 & 01858094 a 0000 + 10617024 n 0501 + 04889162 n 0403 + 08227214 n 0301 + 04889337 n 0202 + 04889337 n 0101 | befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior 01859055 00 s 04 cloistered 0 reclusive 0 secluded 2 sequestered 0 002 & 01858094 a 0000 + 04622772 n 0201 | providing privacy or seclusion; "the cloistered academic world of books"; "sat close together in the sequestered pergola"; "sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree"; "a secluded romantic spot" 01859368 00 s 01 close 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | confined to specific persons; "a close secret" 01859466 00 s 01 closed-door 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | not open to the public; "a closed-door meeting" 01859571 00 s 02 confidential 2 secret 0 003 & 01858094 a 0000 + 06673435 n 0101 + 05615749 n 0101 | (of information) given in confidence or in secret; "this arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret communications" 01859801 00 s 01 confidential 0 002 & 01858094 a 0000 + 13929852 n 0101 | entrusted with private information and the confidence of another; "a confidential secretary" 01859970 00 s 01 insular 0 002 & 01858094 a 0000 + 14415518 n 0102 | suggestive of the isolated life of an island; "an exceedingly insular man; so deeply private as to seem inaccessible to the scrutiny of a novelist"- Leonard Michaels 01860207 00 s 01 nonpublic 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | not invested with or related to prominent position or status etc. 01860328 00 s 02 offstage 0 backstage 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | concealed from public view or attention; "offstage political meetings" 01860465 00 s 01 one-on-one 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | directly between two individuals; "one-on-one instruction" 01860580 00 s 03 privy 0 secluded 0 secret 2 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | hidden from general view or use; "a privy place to rest and think"; "a secluded romantic spot"; "a secret garden" 01860765 00 s 01 semiprivate 0 001 & 01858094 a 0000 | confined to a small number of hospital patients; "semiprivate room" 01860890 00 s 02 tete-a-tete 0 head-to-head 0 003 & 01858094 a 0000 + 03693474 n 0103 + 07142107 n 0101 | involving two persons; intimately private; "a tete-a-tete supper"; "a head-to-head conversation" 01861095 00 s 01 toffee-nosed 0 002 & 01858094 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | snobbish; pretentiously superior 01861205 00 a 01 public 0 010 ^ 00900478 a 0000 ^ 01704761 a 0000 + 04720536 n 0101 ! 01858094 a 0101 & 01861648 a 0000 & 01861776 a 0000 & 01861910 a 0000 & 01862055 a 0000 & 01862161 a 0000 & 01862296 a 0000 | not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole; "the public good"; "public libraries"; "public funds"; "public parks"; "a public scandal"; "public gardens"; "performers and members of royal families are public figures" 01861648 00 s 01 in_the_public_eye(p) 0 001 & 01861205 a 0000 | of great interest to the public; "a person in the public eye" 01861776 00 s 01 national 0 001 & 01861205 a 0000 | owned or maintained for the public by the national government; "national parks" 01861910 00 s 01 open 0 002 & 01861205 a 0000 + 05612809 n 0101 | open to or in view of all; "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor" 01862055 00 s 01 semipublic 0 001 & 01861205 a 0000 | having some of the features of public institution 01862161 00 s 01 state-supported 0 001 & 01861205 a 0000 | supported and operated by the government of a state; "a state university" 01862296 00 s 02 unexclusive 0 unrestricted 0 001 & 01861205 a 0000 | accessible to all 01862386 00 a 01 exclusive 0 008 + 00796588 v 0103 + 04889337 n 0103 ! 01863680 a 0101 & 01862697 a 0000 & 01862891 a 0000 & 01863066 a 0000 & 01863246 a 0000 & 01863442 a 0000 | excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority; "exclusive clubs"; "an exclusive restaurants and shops" 01862697 00 s 02 alone(p) 0 only 0 001 & 01862386 a 0000 | exclusive of anyone or anything else; "she alone believed him"; "cannot live by bread alone"; "I'll have this car and this car only" 01862891 00 s 01 inner 0 001 & 01862386 a 0000 | exclusive to a center; especially a center of influence; "inner regions of the organization"; "inner circles of government" 01863066 00 s 03 inside 0 inner 2 privileged 0 001 & 01862386 a 0000 | confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information" 01863246 00 s 01 selective 0 003 & 01862386 a 0000 + 00674607 v 0103 + 05208988 n 0101 | characterized by very careful or fastidious selection; "the school was very selective in its admissions" 01863442 00 s 01 white-shoe 0 002 & 01862386 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | denoting a company or law firm owned and run by members of the WASP elite who are generally conservative; "the politician tried to hide his white-shoe background" 01863680 00 a 01 inclusive 0 003 + 00684838 v 0101 ! 01862386 a 0101 & 01863970 a 0000 | including much or everything; and especially including stated limits; "an inclusive art form"; "an inclusive fee"; "his concept of history is modern and inclusive"; "from Monday to Friday inclusive" 01863970 00 s 01 comprehensive 0 003 & 01863680 a 0000 + 02629793 v 0103 + 05618293 n 0102 | broad in scope; "a comprehensive survey of world affairs" 01864123 00 a 01 privileged 0 004 ^ 01047874 a 0000 ^ 02021905 a 0000 ! 01864471 a 0101 & 01864279 a 0000 | blessed with privileges; "the privileged few" 01864279 00 s 01 sweetheart 0 001 & 01864123 a 0000 | privileged treatment of a favored person or corporation (sometimes unethically); "another sweetheart deal based on political influence" 01864471 00 a 01 underprivileged 0 005 ^ 02022953 a 0000 ^ 01049462 a 0000 ! 01864123 a 0101 & 01864666 a 0000 & 01865043 a 0000 | lacking the rights and advantages of other members of society 01864666 00 s 02 deprived 0 disadvantaged 0 001 & 01864471 a 0000 | marked by deprivation especially of the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences; "a childhood that was unhappy and deprived, the family living off charity"; "boys from a deprived environment, wherein the family life revealed a pattern of neglect, moral degradation, and disregard for law" 01865043 00 s 01 underclass(a) 0 001 & 01864471 a 0000 | belonging to the lowest and least privileged social stratum; "underclass mothers and children" 01865197 00 a 01 productive 0 015 ^ 00643250 a 0000 ^ 01001689 a 0000 ^ 01080297 a 0000 ^ 01870889 a 0000 ^ 02331262 a 0000 + 05147940 n 0101 + 05147940 n 0102 ! 01866535 a 0101 & 01865640 a 0000 & 01865807 a 0000 & 01865967 a 0000 & 01866129 a 0000 & 01866243 a 0000 & 01866336 a 0000 & 01866429 a 0000 | producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); "productive farmland"; "his productive years"; "a productive collaboration" 01865640 00 s 02 amentiferous 0 amentaceous 0 003 & 01865197 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 + 11674798 n 0202 | (of plants) bearing or characterized by aments or catkins 01865807 00 s 04 arable 0 cultivable 0 cultivatable 0 tillable 0 002 & 01865197 a 0000 + 04715818 n 0101 | (of farmland) capable of being farmed productively 01865967 00 s 03 fecund 0 fertile 2 prolific 0 002 & 01865197 a 0000 + 05625066 n 0101 | intellectually productive; "a prolific writer"; "a fecund imagination" 01866129 00 s 01 fur-bearing 0 001 & 01865197 a 0000 | of animals having fur (especially of commercial quality) 01866243 00 s 01 nut-bearing 0 001 & 01865197 a 0000 | (of shrubs or trees) producing nuts 01866336 00 s 01 oil-bearing 0 001 & 01865197 a 0000 | containing oil; "oil-bearing shale" 01866429 00 s 01 rich 2 002 & 01865197 a 0000 + 05147586 n 0101 | very productive; "rich seams of coal" 01866535 00 a 01 unproductive 0 008 ^ 01002377 a 0000 ^ 00644372 a 0000 ^ 01871949 a 0000 + 05148539 n 0101 ! 01865197 a 0101 & 01866812 a 0000 & 01867052 a 0000 & 01867189 a 0000 | not producing or capable of producing; "elimination of high-cost or unproductive industries" 01866812 00 s 05 bootless 0 fruitless 0 futile 0 sleeveless 0 vain 0 002 & 01866535 a 0000 + 05148186 n 0201 | unproductive of success; "a fruitless search"; "futile years after her artistic peak"; "a sleeveless errand"; "a vain attempt" 01867052 00 s 01 dry 0 001 & 01866535 a 0000 | unproductive especially of the expected results; "a dry run"; "a mind dry of new ideas" 01867189 00 s 01 nonproductive 0 001 & 01866535 a 0000 | not directly productive; "nonproductive labor" 01867295 00 a 02 generative 0 productive 4 004 + 05147940 n 0201 + 01628197 v 0101 + 01627355 v 0101 ! 01867502 a 0101 | having the ability to produce or originate; "generative power"; "generative forces" 01867502 00 a 01 consumptive 0 004 + 01157517 v 0101 + 01156834 v 0101 ! 01867295 a 0101 & 01867768 a 0000 | tending to consume or use often wastefully; "water suitable for beneficial consumptive uses"; "duties consumptive of time and energy"; "consumptive fires" 01867768 00 s 03 exploitative 0 exploitatory 0 exploitive 0 007 & 01867502 a 0000 + 02409148 v 0302 + 01162754 v 0301 + 02409148 v 0202 + 01162754 v 0201 + 02409148 v 0102 + 01162754 v 0101 | tending to exploit or make use of 01867996 00 a 02 reproducible 0 consistent 4 003 + 04806169 n 0101 ! 01868302 a 0101 & 01868185 a 0000 | capable of being reproduced; "astonishingly reproducible results can be obtained" 01868185 00 s 02 duplicable 0 duplicatable 0 002 & 01867996 a 0000 + 04806169 n 0102 | capable of being duplicated 01868302 00 a 02 unreproducible 0 irreproducible 0 004 + 04806316 n 0201 ! 01867996 a 0101 & 01868470 a 0000 & 01868578 a 0000 | impossible to reproduce or duplicate 01868470 00 s 01 inimitable 0 001 & 01868302 a 0000 | defying imitation; matchless; "an inimitable style" 01868578 00 s 01 unrepeatable 0 001 & 01868302 a 0000 | unique; "dogs and mice and flies are as unrepeatable as men are"- Theodosius Dobzhansky 01868724 00 a 01 professional 1 003 ! 01869370 a 0101 & 01869126 a 0000 & 01869258 a 0000 | engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood; "the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications"; "began her professional career after the Olympics"; "professional theater"; "professional football"; "a professional cook"; "professional actors and athletes" 01869126 00 s 02 nonrecreational 0 paid 0 001 & 01868724 a 0000 | involving gainful employment in something often done as a hobby 01869258 00 s 01 professed(a) 0 001 & 01868724 a 0000 | professing to be qualified; "a professed philosopher" 01869370 00 a 01 nonprofessional 0 003 ! 01868724 a 0101 & 01869634 a 0000 & 01869975 a 0000 | not professional; not engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or for gain; "the nonprofessional wives of his male colleagues"; "nonprofessional actors" 01869634 00 s 03 amateur 0 recreational 0 unpaid 0 003 & 01869370 a 0000 + 09786760 n 0101 + 09786585 n 0101 | engaged in as a pastime; "an amateur painter"; "gained valuable experience in amateur theatricals"; "recreational golfers"; "reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimulating"; "unpaid extras in the documentary" 01869975 00 s 01 lay 0 001 & 01869370 a 0000 | not of or from a profession; "a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease" 01870100 00 a 01 professional 2 001 ! 01870321 a 0101 | characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession; "professional conduct"; "professional ethics"; "a thoroughly professional performance" 01870321 00 a 01 unprofessional 0 002 ! 01870100 a 0101 & 01870636 a 0000 | not characteristic of or befitting a profession or one engaged in a profession; "described in unprofessional language so that high school students could understand it"; "was censured for unprofessional conduct"; "unprofessional repairs" 01870636 00 s 04 amateurish 0 amateur 1 inexpert 0 unskilled 0 003 & 01870321 a 0000 + 09786760 n 0201 + 05649116 n 0101 | lacking professional skill or expertise; "a very amateurish job"; "inexpert but conscientious efforts"; "an unskilled painting" 01870889 00 a 01 profitable 0 011 ^ 00064479 a 0000 ^ 01865197 a 0000 ^ 02495922 a 0000 + 05157866 n 0101 + 05157866 n 0102 ! 01871949 a 0101 & 01871204 a 0000 & 01871349 a 0000 & 01871473 a 0000 & 01871565 a 0000 & 01871774 a 0000 | yielding material gain or profit; "profitable speculation on the stock market" 01871204 00 s 01 bankable 0 001 & 01870889 a 0000 | guaranteed to bring a profit; "without bankable stars the film script aroused no interest" 01871349 00 s 02 fat 0 juicy 0 002 & 01870889 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | lucrative; "a juicy contract"; "a nice fat job" 01871473 00 s 03 gainful 0 paid 0 paying 0 001 & 01870889 a 0000 | yielding a fair profit 01871565 00 s 01 economic 0 001 & 01870889 a 0000 | financially rewarding; "it was no longer economic to keep the factory open"; "have to keep prices high enough to make it economic to continue the service" 01871774 00 s 03 lucrative 0 moneymaking 0 remunerative 0 003 & 01870889 a 0000 + 02249741 v 0303 + 00078393 n 0201 | producing a sizeable profit; "a remunerative business" 01871949 00 a 01 unprofitable 0 010 ^ 01866535 a 0000 ^ 02333453 a 0000 ^ 02497141 a 0000 + 05165533 n 0101 + 05165533 n 0102 ! 01870889 a 0101 & 01872265 a 0000 & 01872374 a 0000 & 01872486 a 0000 & 01872619 a 0000 | producing little or no profit or gain; "deposits abandoned by mining companies as unprofitable" 01872265 00 s 02 dead 0 idle 0 001 & 01871949 a 0000 | not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds" 01872374 00 s 01 lean 0 002 & 01871949 a 0000 + 05113462 n 0103 | not profitable or prosperous; "a lean year" 01872486 00 s 01 marginal 0 001 & 01871949 a 0000 | producing at a rate that barely covers production costs; "marginal industries" 01872619 00 s 01 unremunerative 0 001 & 01871949 a 0000 | not yielding profit or recompense; "an unremunerative occupation" 01872745 00 a 01 profound 0 011 ^ 01509527 a 0000 ^ 02083615 a 0000 + 13942554 n 0101 + 05613962 n 0103 + 05094863 n 0102 + 05926358 n 0105 + 05613962 n 0102 + 05094863 n 0101 ! 01873406 a 0101 & 01873163 a 0000 & 01873295 a 0000 | showing intellectual penetration or emotional depth; "the differences are profound"; "a profound insight"; "a profound book"; "a profound mind"; "profound contempt"; "profound regret" 01873163 00 s 01 deep 0 002 & 01872745 a 0000 + 05613962 n 0105 | marked by depth of thinking; "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory" 01873295 00 s 01 thoughtful 0 001 & 01872745 a 0000 | having intellectual depth; "a deeply thoughtful essay" 01873406 00 a 01 superficial 0 012 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ^ 02120458 a 0000 ^ 00950706 a 0000 + 05095111 n 0101 ! 01872745 a 0101 & 01873985 a 0000 & 01874331 a 0000 & 01874561 a 0000 & 01874716 a 0000 & 01874886 a 0000 & 01875227 a 0000 & 01875437 a 0000 | concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually; "superficial similarities"; "a superficial mind"; "his thinking was superficial and fuzzy"; "superficial knowledge"; "the superficial report didn't give the true picture"; "only superficial differences" 01873985 00 s 03 apparent(a) 0 ostensible 0 seeming(a) 0 003 & 01873406 a 0000 + 02134672 v 0101 + 04706727 n 0101 | appearing as such but not necessarily so; "for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent"; "the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies"; "the ostensible truth of their theories"; "his seeming honesty" 01874331 00 s 04 dilettante 0 dilettantish 0 dilettanteish 0 sciolistic 0 003 & 01873406 a 0000 + 05095561 n 0401 + 09987696 n 0102 | showing frivolous or superficial interest; amateurish; "his dilettantish efforts at painting" 01874561 00 s 01 facile 0 001 & 01873406 a 0000 | arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth; "too facile a solution for so complex a problem" 01874716 00 s 01 glib 0 002 & 01873406 a 0000 + 05095324 n 0101 | marked by lack of intellectual depth; "glib generalizations"; "a glib response to a complex question" 01874886 00 s 02 looking 0 sounding 0 001 & 01873406 a 0000 | appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms; "left their clothes dirty looking"; "a most disagreeable looking character"; "angry-looking"; "liquid-looking"; "severe-looking policemen on noble horses"; "fine-sounding phrases"; "taken in by high-sounding talk" 01875227 00 s 01 shallow 0 002 & 01873406 a 0000 + 05095111 n 0102 | lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious; "shallow people"; "his arguments seemed shallow and tedious" 01875437 00 s 01 skin-deep 0 001 & 01873406 a 0000 | penetrating no deeper than the skin: "her beauty is only skin-deep" 01875560 00 a 03 prognathous 0 prognathic 0 hypognathous 0 003 + 14579063 n 0201 ! 01875829 a 0101 & 01875711 a 0000 | having a projecting lower jaw 01875711 00 s 01 lantern-jawed 0 001 & 01875560 a 0000 | having a protruding jaw giving the face a gaunt appearance 01875829 00 a 01 opisthognathous 0 002 ! 01875560 a 0101 & 01875929 a 0000 | having receding jaws 01875929 00 s 01 chinless 0 001 & 01875829 a 0000 | having a receding chin 01876006 00 a 01 progressive 1 009 ^ 00203237 a 0000 ^ 01301624 a 0000 + 10256756 n 0103 + 04737743 n 0101 ! 01876957 a 0101 & 01876261 a 0000 & 01876555 a 0000 & 01876670 a 0000 & 01876780 a 0000 | favoring or promoting progress; "progressive schools" 01876261 00 s 04 advanced 0 forward-looking 0 innovative 0 modern 0 003 & 01876006 a 0000 + 05050668 n 0401 + 05634767 n 0301 | ahead of the times; "the advanced teaching methods"; "had advanced views on the subject"; "a forward-looking corporation"; "is British industry innovative enough?" 01876555 00 s 03 advancing 0 forward 0 forward-moving 0 002 & 01876006 a 0000 + 05046865 n 0201 | moving forward 01876670 00 s 02 modernized 0 modernised 0 001 & 01876006 a 0000 | brought up to date; "modernized methods" 01876780 00 s 01 state-of-the-art 0 001 & 01876006 a 0000 | the highest level of development at a particular time (especially the present time); "state-of-the-art technology" 01876957 00 a 01 regressive 1 007 ^ 00201354 a 0000 + 00249313 v 0101 ! 01876006 a 0101 & 01877182 a 0000 & 01877299 a 0000 & 01877416 a 0000 & 01877521 a 0000 | opposing progress; returning to a former less advanced state 01877182 00 s 02 atavistic 0 throwback(a) 0 002 & 01876957 a 0000 + 09819860 n 0101 | characteristic of an atavist 01877299 00 s 02 retrograde 0 retrogressive 0 002 & 01876957 a 0000 + 00249313 v 0203 | going from better to worse 01877416 00 s 02 returning 0 reverting 0 001 & 01876957 a 0000 | tending to return to an earlier state 01877521 00 s 02 unmodernized 0 unmodernised 0 001 & 01876957 a 0000 | not brought up to date 01877617 00 a 01 progressive 2 003 ;c 13308999 n 0000 ! 01877919 a 0101 & 01877792 a 0000 | (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate increases as the amount of income increases 01877792 00 s 01 degressive 0 001 & 01877617 a 0000 | (of taxes) gradually decreasing in rate on sums below a certain amount 01877919 00 a 01 regressive 2 002 ;c 13308999 n 0000 ! 01877617 a 0101 | (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount of income increases 01878075 00 a 01 pronounceable 0 002 ! 01878358 a 0101 & 01878227 a 0000 | capable of being uttered or pronounced; "a pronounceable group of letters" 01878227 00 s 03 rolled 0 rolling 0 trilled 0 001 & 01878075 a 0000 | uttered with a trill; "she used rolling r's as in Spanish" 01878358 00 a 01 unpronounceable 0 001 ! 01878075 a 0101 | impossible or difficult to pronounce correctly 01878466 00 a 01 proper 0 015 ^ 00134701 a 0000 ^ 00631391 a 0000 ^ 00682932 a 0000 ^ 00688947 a 0000 ^ 02034828 a 0000 = 04898437 n 0000 + 04898437 n 0102 ! 01880531 a 0101 & 01878870 a 0000 & 01879261 a 0000 & 01879464 a 0000 & 01879667 a 0000 & 01879912 a 0000 & 01880071 a 0000 & 01880163 a 0000 | marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness; "proper medical treatment"; "proper manners" 01878870 00 s 06 becoming 0 comely 0 comme_il_faut 0 decent 0 decorous 0 seemly 0 006 & 01878466 a 0000 + 04900357 n 0601 + 04898804 n 0501 + 04898804 n 0502 + 04871259 n 0401 + 04900597 n 0101 | according with custom or propriety; "her becoming modesty"; "comely behavior"; "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"; "a decent burial"; "seemly behavior" 01879261 00 s 02 correct 0 right 1 003 & 01878466 a 0000 + 04899031 n 0202 + 04899201 n 0101 | socially right or correct; "it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye"; "correct behavior" 01879464 00 s 02 correct 2 right 2 002 & 01878466 a 0000 + 04899201 n 0101 | in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure; "what's the right word for this?"; "the right way to open oysters" 01879667 00 s 01 fitting 0 002 & 01878466 a 0000 + 04716864 n 0102 | in harmony with the spirit of particular persons or occasion; "We have come to dedicate a portion of that field...It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this" 01879912 00 s 01 halal 0 002 & 01878466 a 0000 ;c 08455829 n 0000 | proper or legitimate; "the fund earns halal profits in full compliance with the Shari'a" 01880071 00 s 01 kosher 0 002 & 01878466 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | proper or legitimate 01880163 00 s 0c priggish 0 prim 0 prissy 0 prudish 0 puritanical 0 square-toed 0 straitlaced 0 strait-laced 0 straightlaced 0 straight-laced 0 tight-laced 0 victorian 0 006 & 01878466 a 0000 + 10487026 n 0502 + 04901152 n 0402 + 04901152 n 0201 + 04899980 n 0202 + 04899980 n 0101 | exaggeratedly proper; "my straitlaced Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts" 01880531 00 a 01 improper 0 011 ^ 00135718 a 0000 ^ 00683185 a 0000 ^ 00689471 a 0000 ^ 01021301 a 0000 ^ 02035337 a 0000 = 04898437 n 0000 + 04901326 n 0102 ! 01878466 a 0101 & 01880918 a 0000 & 01881365 a 0000 & 01881478 a 0000 | not suitable or right or appropriate; "slightly improper to dine alone with a married man"; "improper medication"; "improper attire for the golf course" 01880918 00 s 06 indecent 0 indecorous 0 unbecoming 0 uncomely 0 unseemly 0 untoward 0 006 & 01880531 a 0000 + 04902668 n 0501 + 04902797 n 0301 + 04902470 n 0202 + 04902925 n 0101 + 00737536 n 0101 | not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society; "was buried with indecent haste"; "indecorous behavior"; "language unbecoming to a lady"; "unseemly to use profanity"; "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry" 01881365 00 s 01 out-of-the-way 0 001 & 01880531 a 0000 | improper or even offensive; "out-of-the-way remarks" 01881478 00 s 02 wrong 2 incorrect 0 001 & 01880531 a 0000 | not in accord with established usage or procedure; "the wrong medicine"; "the wrong way to shuck clams"; "it is incorrect for a policeman to accept gifts" 01881696 00 a 02 prophetic 0 prophetical 0 016 + 06750154 n 0201 + 05775407 n 0201 + 10483890 n 0201 + 10483890 n 0101 + 10483530 n 0101 + 06750154 n 0101 + 05775407 n 0101 ! 01883586 a 0101 & 01882162 a 0000 & 01882292 a 0000 & 01882474 a 0000 & 01882621 a 0000 & 01882754 a 0000 & 01883106 a 0000 & 01883226 a 0000 & 01883325 a 0000 | foretelling events as if by supernatural intervention; "prophetic writings"; "prophetic powers"; "words that proved prophetic" 01882162 00 s 03 adumbrative 0 foreshadowing 0 prefigurative 0 002 & 01881696 a 0000 + 00871942 v 030b | indistinctly prophetic 01882292 00 s 03 apocalyptic 0 apocalyptical 0 revelatory 0 004 & 01881696 a 0000 + 02144243 v 0301 + 07315631 n 0201 + 06447897 n 0103 | prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom 01882474 00 s 03 clairvoyant 0 precognitive 0 second-sighted 0 003 & 01881696 a 0000 + 09925953 n 0101 + 07256695 n 0101 | foreseeing the future 01882621 00 s 02 Delphic 0 oracular 0 001 & 01881696 a 0000 | obscurely prophetic; "Delphic pronouncements"; "an oracular message" 01882754 00 s 06 divinatory 0 mantic 0 sibylline 0 sibyllic 0 vatic 0 vatical 0 004 & 01881696 a 0000 + 10595551 n 0401 + 10595361 n 0401 + 02107588 v 0101 | resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy; "the high priest's divinatory pronouncement"; "mantic powers"; "a kind of sibylline book with ready and infallible answers to questions" 01883106 00 s 03 fateful 0 foreboding(a) 0 portentous 0 002 & 01881696 a 0000 + 07286368 n 0302 | ominously prophetic 01883226 00 s 02 precursory 0 premonitory 0 001 & 01881696 a 0000 | warning of future misfortune 01883325 00 s 03 predictive 0 prognostic 0 prognosticative 0 007 & 01881696 a 0000 + 00917772 v 0303 + 07286368 n 0204 + 06749881 n 0201 + 00153665 n 0201 + 00871942 v 010d + 00917772 v 0101 | of or relating to prediction; having value for making predictions 01883586 00 a 01 unprophetic 0 003 ! 01881696 a 0101 & 01883719 a 0000 & 01883813 a 0000 | not prophetic; not foreseeing correctly 01883719 00 s 01 nonprognosticative 0 001 & 01883586 a 0000 | not offering prognostications 01883813 00 s 01 unpredictive 0 001 & 01883586 a 0000 | having no predictive value 01883898 00 a 01 prospective 0 004 ^ 01732270 a 0000 ! 01884539 a 0101 & 01884176 a 0000 & 01884353 a 0000 | of or concerned with or related to the future; "prospective earnings"; "a prospective mother"; "a prospective bride"; "the statute is solely prospective in operation" 01884176 00 s 02 likely 0 potential 0 004 & 01883898 a 0000 + 14482620 n 0203 + 14482620 n 0202 + 04756635 n 0102 | expected to become or be; in prospect; "potential clients" 01884353 00 s 01 future 0 003 & 01883898 a 0000 + 15121625 n 0103 + 05049930 n 0101 | effective in or looking toward the future; "he was preparing for future employment opportunities" 01884539 00 a 01 retrospective 0 005 ^ 00201354 a 0000 + 08407969 n 0101 + 00696414 v 0103 ! 01883898 a 0101 & 01884744 a 0000 | concerned with or related to the past; "retrospective self-justification" 01884744 00 s 03 ex_post_facto 0 retroactive 0 retro 0 002 & 01884539 a 0000 + 05751430 n 0301 | affecting things past; "retroactive tax increase"; "an ex-post-facto law"; "retro pay" 01884930 00 a 01 protected 0 012 ^ 02525206 a 0000 ^ 02093888 a 0000 ! 01886407 a 0101 & 01885275 a 0000 & 01885382 a 0000 & 01885532 a 0000 & 01885614 a 0000 & 01885757 a 0000 & 01885866 a 0000 & 01885991 a 0000 & 01886139 a 0000 & 01886241 a 0000 | kept safe or defended from danger or injury or loss; "the most protected spot I could find" 01885275 00 s 02 bastioned 0 fortified 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | secured with bastions or fortifications 01885382 00 s 01 battlemented 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | protected with battlements or parapets with indentations or embrasures for shooting through 01885532 00 s 01 burglarproof 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | secure against burglary 01885614 00 s 01 covert 0 002 & 01884930 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband; "a woman covert" 01885757 00 s 01 moated 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | protected by a deep wide ditch usually filled with water 01885866 00 s 01 shielded 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | (used especially of machinery) protected by a shield to prevent injury 01885991 00 s 01 snug 0 002 & 01884930 a 0000 + 14446298 n 0103 | offering safety; well protected or concealed; "a snug harbor"; "a snug hideout" 01886139 00 s 01 stormproof 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | protected against or able to withstand storms 01886241 00 s 01 weatherproof 0 001 & 01884930 a 0000 | able to withstand exposure to weather without damage; "weatherproof electric wiring"; "a weatherproof coat" 01886407 00 a 01 unprotected 0 008 ^ 02094755 a 0000 ^ 02360448 a 0000 ^ 02523275 a 0000 + 05043091 n 0103 ! 01884930 a 0101 & 01886620 a 0000 & 01886783 a 0000 & 01886963 a 0000 | lacking protection or defense 01886620 00 s 02 exposed 0 open 0 001 & 01886407 a 0000 | with no protection or shield; "the exposed northeast frontier"; "open to the weather"; "an open wound" 01886783 00 s 02 naked 0 defenseless 0 003 & 01886407 a 0000 + 05043091 n 0201 + 14456138 n 0101 | having no protecting or concealing cover; "naked to mine enemies"- Shakespeare 01886963 00 s 01 unshielded 0 001 & 01886407 a 0000 | (used especially of machinery) not protected by a shield 01887076 00 a 01 protective 0 015 ^ 01630117 a 0000 ^ 01763813 a 0000 + 04723622 n 0101 + 01129710 v 0101 + 01128193 v 0101 ! 01889173 a 0101 & 01887638 a 0000 & 01887819 a 0000 & 01888017 a 0000 & 01888284 a 0000 & 01888450 a 0000 & 01888554 a 0000 & 01888765 a 0000 & 01888941 a 0000 & 01889084 a 0000 | intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind; "a protective covering"; "the use of protective masks and equipment"; "protective coatings"; "kept the drunken sailor in protective custody"; "animals with protective coloring"; "protective tariffs" 01887638 00 s 02 cautionary 0 prophylactic 1 001 & 01887076 a 0000 | warding off; "the swastika...a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples"- Victor Schultze 01887819 00 s 03 contraceptive 0 prophylactic 2 antifertility 0 002 & 01887076 a 0000 + 03088164 n 0205 | capable of preventing conception or impregnation; "contraceptive devices and medications" 01888017 00 s 03 custodial 0 tutelary 0 tutelar 0 003 & 01887076 a 0000 + 09984298 n 0101 + 00818678 n 0102 | providing protective supervision; watching over or safeguarding; "daycare that is educational and not just custodial"; "a guardian angel"; "tutelary gods" 01888284 00 s 01 evasive 0 001 & 01887076 a 0000 | avoiding or escaping from difficulty or danger especially enemy fire; "pilots are taught to take evasive action" 01888450 00 s 01 overprotective 0 001 & 01887076 a 0000 | overly protective; "overprotective parents" 01888554 00 s 01 preservative 0 004 & 01887076 a 0000 + 14997529 n 0101 + 02280132 v 0102 + 00212414 v 0101 | tending or having the power to preserve; "timbers should be treated with a preservative substance" 01888765 00 s 01 protecting(a) 0 001 & 01887076 a 0000 | shielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort; "the protecting blanket of snow"; "a protecting alibi" 01888941 00 s 01 restrictive 0 002 & 01887076 a 0000 + 02509287 v 0101 | (of tariff) protective of national interests by restricting imports 01889084 00 s 01 safety-related 0 001 & 01887076 a 0000 | providing or ensuring safety 01889173 00 a 01 unprotective 0 001 ! 01887076 a 0101 | not affording protection 01889256 00 a 01 proud 0 016 ^ 01539642 a 0000 = 04886646 n 0000 ! 01892953 a 0101 & 01889819 a 0000 & 01890097 a 0000 & 01890187 a 0000 & 01890382 a 0000 & 01890752 a 0000 & 01890988 a 0000 & 01891109 a 0000 & 01891773 a 0000 & 01892327 a 0000 & 01892433 a 0000 & 01892506 a 0000 & 01892683 a 0000 & 01892830 a 0000 | feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride; "proud parents"; "proud of his accomplishments"; "a proud moment"; "proud to serve his country"; "a proud name"; "proud princes" 01889819 00 s 03 arrogant 0 chesty 0 self-important 0 004 & 01889256 a 0000 + 07508806 n 0303 + 04887497 n 0302 + 04887912 n 0101 | having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride; "an arrogant official"; "arrogant claims"; "chesty as a peacock" 01890097 00 s 01 beaming 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | pleased and proud; "beaming parents" 01890187 00 s 03 big 0 swelled 0 vainglorious 0 002 & 01889256 a 0000 + 04887373 n 0302 | feeling self-importance; "too big for his britches"; "had a swelled head"; "he was swelled with pride" 01890382 00 s 08 bigheaded 0 persnickety 0 snooty 0 snot-nosed 0 snotty 0 stuck-up 0 too_big_for_one's_breeches 0 uppish 0 004 & 01889256 a 0000 + 04839009 n 0802 + 10617024 n 0503 + 10617024 n 0304 | (used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant; "a snotty little scion of a degenerate family"-Laurent Le Sage; "they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety" 01890752 00 s 09 boastful 0 braggart(a) 0 bragging(a) 0 braggy 0 big 2 cock-a-hoop 0 crowing 0 self-aggrandizing 0 self-aggrandising 0 003 & 01889256 a 0000 + 07229747 n 0401 + 04887373 n 0101 | exhibiting self-importance; "big talk" 01890988 00 s 03 dignified 0 self-respecting 0 self-respectful 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | having or showing self-esteem 01891109 00 s 09 disdainful 0 haughty 0 imperious 0 lordly 0 overbearing 0 prideful 0 sniffy 0 supercilious 0 swaggering 0 007 & 01889256 a 0000 + 04888268 n 0802 + 04888788 n 0503 + 04887912 n 0405 + 04888788 n 0301 + 04887912 n 0202 + 04888268 n 0103 | having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy; "some economists are disdainful of their colleagues in other social disciplines"; "haughty aristocrats"; "his lordly manners were offensive"; "walked with a prideful swagger"; "very sniffy about breaches of etiquette"; "his mother eyed my clothes with a supercilious air"; "a more swaggering mood than usual"- W.L.Shirer 01891773 00 s 07 conceited 0 egotistic 0 egotistical 0 self-conceited 0 swollen 0 swollen-headed 0 vain 0 007 & 01889256 a 0000 + 07508996 n 0704 + 05141040 n 0701 + 04887129 n 0703 + 10047459 n 0301 + 10047459 n 0201 + 07508806 n 0202 | characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance; "a conceited fool"; "an attitude of self-conceited arrogance"; "an egotistical disregard of others"; "so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty"; "growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary"; "vain about her clothes" 01892327 00 s 01 house-proud 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | proud of your house or its furnishings or upkeep 01892433 00 s 01 overproud 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | excessively proud 01892506 00 s 02 pleased 0 proud_of(p) 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth; "proud of their child" 01892683 00 s 01 purse-proud 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | proud or arrogant because of your wealth (especially in the absence of other distinction) 01892830 00 s 01 shabby-genteel 0 001 & 01889256 a 0000 | trying to maintain dignity and self respect despite shabbiness 01892953 00 a 01 humble 0 007 ^ 01539225 a 0000 = 04889527 n 0000 + 04889527 n 0102 + 04889527 n 0101 ! 01889256 a 0101 & 01893303 a 0000 & 01893510 a 0000 | marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful; "a humble apology"; "essentially humble...and self-effacing, he achieved the highest formal honors and distinctions"- B.K.Malinowski 01893303 00 s 05 broken 0 crushed 0 humbled 0 humiliated 0 low 0 002 & 01892953 a 0000 + 07537668 n 0504 | subdued or brought low in condition or status; "brought low"; "a broken man"; "his broken spirit" 01893510 00 s 03 meek 0 mild 0 modest 0 003 & 01892953 a 0000 + 07509325 n 0101 + 04889779 n 0101 | humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness; "meek and self-effacing" 01893724 00 a 02 proved 0 proven 0 005 ! 01894416 a 0101 & 01893939 a 0000 & 01894077 a 0000 & 01894196 a 0000 & 01894324 a 0000 | established beyond doubt; "a proven liar"; "a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness" 01893939 00 s 01 established 0 001 & 01893724 a 0000 | shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt; "the established facts in the case" 01894077 00 s 01 evidenced 0 001 & 01893724 a 0000 | supported by evidence; "their evidenced friendliness to the US" 01894196 00 s 03 tested 0 tried 0 well-tried 0 001 & 01893724 a 0000 | tested and proved useful or correct; "a tested method" 01894324 00 s 01 verified 0 001 & 01893724 a 0000 | proved to be true; "a verified claim" 01894416 00 a 02 unproved 0 unproven 0 003 ! 01893724 a 0101 & 01894576 a 0000 & 01894670 a 0000 | not proved; "unproved allegations"; "unproved assumptions" 01894576 00 s 01 on_trial 0 001 & 01894416 a 0000 | in the process of being tested or tried 01894670 00 s 01 unverified 0 001 & 01894416 a 0000 | lacking proof or substantiation 01894758 00 a 01 provident 0 010 ^ 02157399 a 0000 ^ 01898129 a 0000 ^ 02421158 a 0000 + 04892970 n 0101 + 00406963 v 0101 ! 01895837 a 0101 & 01895099 a 0000 & 01895296 a 0000 & 01895630 a 0000 & 01895717 a 0000 | providing carefully for the future; "wild squirrels are provident"; "a provident father plans for his children's education" 01895099 00 s 02 careful 0 thrifty 0 005 & 01894758 a 0000 + 04893525 n 0203 + 04893787 n 0202 + 04664058 n 0103 + 04663494 n 0101 | mindful of the future in spending money; "careful with money" 01895296 00 s 07 farseeing 0 farsighted 0 foresighted 0 foresightful 0 prospicient 0 long 0 longsighted 0 005 & 01894758 a 0000 + 05805277 n 0504 + 04893172 n 0403 + 04893172 n 0302 + 05805277 n 0203 | planning prudently for the future; "large goals that required farsighted policies"; "took a long view of the geopolitical issues" 01895630 00 s 01 forehanded 0 001 & 01894758 a 0000 | having provided for the future 01895717 00 s 01 forethoughtful 0 001 & 01894758 a 0000 | thoughtful of the future; "careful forethoughtful planning" 01895837 00 a 01 improvident 0 007 ^ 01899360 a 0000 ^ 02422068 a 0000 + 04894552 n 0101 ! 01894758 a 0101 & 01896046 a 0000 & 01896299 a 0000 & 01896396 a 0000 | not provident; not providing for the future 01896046 00 s 04 short 0 shortsighted 0 unforesightful 0 myopic 0 002 & 01895837 a 0000 + 04894552 n 0202 | lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking" 01896299 00 s 01 thriftless 0 002 & 01895837 a 0000 + 04894964 n 0101 | careless of the future 01896396 00 s 01 unforethoughtful 0 001 & 01895837 a 0000 | lacking forethought 01896478 00 a 01 provocative 0 010 ^ 00921014 a 0000 + 01789514 v 010b + 01759326 v 0108 + 00794079 v 0101 ! 01897787 a 0101 & 01896925 a 0000 & 01897106 a 0000 & 01897224 a 0000 & 01897378 a 0000 & 01897607 a 0000 | serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy; "a provocative remark"; "a provocative smile"; "provocative Irish tunes which...compel the hearers to dance"- Anthony Trollope 01896925 00 s 03 agitative 0 agitating 0 provoking 0 002 & 01896478 a 0000 + 01762528 v 0101 | causing or tending to cause anger or resentment; "a provoking delay at the airport" 01897106 00 s 02 challenging 0 intriguing 0 001 & 01896478 a 0000 | disturbingly provocative; "an intriguing smile" 01897224 00 s 01 charged 0 001 & 01896478 a 0000 | capable of producing violent emotion or arousing controversy; "the highly charged issue of abortion" 01897378 00 s 06 incendiary 0 incitive 0 inflammatory 0 instigative 0 rabble-rousing 0 seditious 0 005 & 01896478 a 0000 + 00772813 n 0601 + 00851239 v 0402 + 01761120 v 0301 + 00851239 v 0201 | arousing to action or rebellion 01897607 00 s 01 rousing 0 001 & 01896478 a 0000 | rousing to activity or heightened action as by spurring or goading; "tossed a rousing political comment into the conversation" 01897787 00 a 02 unprovocative 0 unprovoking 4 005 ^ 02512922 a 0000 ^ 00922594 a 0000 ! 01896478 a 0101 & 01897948 a 0000 & 01898051 a 0000 | not provocative 01897948 00 s 01 disarming 0 002 & 01897787 a 0000 + 01157557 n 0101 | capable of allaying hostility 01898051 00 s 01 noninflammatory 0 001 & 01897787 a 0000 | not inflammatory 01898129 00 a 01 prudent 0 010 ^ 00309021 a 0000 ^ 01894758 a 0000 ^ 01996377 a 0000 ^ 02569130 a 0000 + 05615500 n 0104 ! 01899360 a 0101 & 01898490 a 0000 & 01898722 a 0000 & 01898974 a 0000 & 01899167 a 0000 | careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment; "a prudent manager"; "prudent rulers"; "prudent hesitation"; "more prudent to hide than to fight" 01898490 00 s 02 circumspect 0 discreet 0 002 & 01898129 a 0000 + 05615500 n 0202 | heedful of potential consequences; "circumspect actions"; "physicians are now more circumspect about recommending its use"; "a discreet investor" 01898722 00 s 03 judicious 0 wise 0 heady 0 004 & 01898129 a 0000 + 05159948 n 0202 + 05615373 n 0101 + 04890361 n 0101 | marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters; "judicious use of one's money"; "a wise decision" 01898974 00 s 01 provident 0 002 & 01898129 a 0000 + 04892970 n 0101 | careful in regard to your own interests; "the prudent use and development of resources"; "wild squirrels are provident" 01899167 00 s 01 prudential 0 002 & 01898129 a 0000 + 04892794 n 0101 | arising from or characterized by prudence especially in business matters; "he abstained partly for prudential reasons" 01899360 00 a 01 imprudent 0 008 ^ 00311663 a 0000 ^ 02570282 a 0000 ^ 01895837 a 0000 + 04894037 n 0101 ! 01898129 a 0101 & 01899742 a 0000 & 01899970 a 0000 & 01900188 a 0000 | not prudent or wise; "very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas"; "would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy"- A.M.Schlesinger 01899742 00 s 04 ill-considered 0 ill-judged 0 improvident 0 shortsighted 0 002 & 01899360 a 0000 + 04894552 n 0402 | not given careful consideration; "ill-considered actions often result in disaster"; "an ill-judged attempt" 01899970 00 s 01 injudicious 0 003 & 01899360 a 0000 + 05616092 n 0101 + 04891558 n 0102 | lacking or showing lack of judgment or discretion; unwise; "an injudicious measure"; "the result of an injudicious decision" 01900188 00 s 01 rash 0 002 & 01899360 a 0000 + 04894204 n 0103 | imprudently incurring risk; "do something rash that he will forever repent"- George Meredith 01900349 00 a 01 punctual 0 004 + 05047778 n 0101 ! 01900915 a 0101 & 01900630 a 0000 & 01900771 a 0000 | acting or arriving or performed exactly at the time appointed; "she expected guests to be punctual at meals"; "he is not a particularly punctual person"; "punctual payment" 01900630 00 s 01 prompt 0 002 & 01900349 a 0000 + 05047778 n 0102 | according to schedule or without delay; on time; "the train is prompt" 01900771 00 s 01 timely 1 002 & 01900349 a 0000 + 05049253 n 0102 | before a time limit expires; "the timely filing of his income tax return" 01900915 00 a 01 unpunctual 0 005 ! 01900349 a 0101 & 01901082 a 0000 & 01901186 a 0000 & 01901496 a 0000 & 01901649 a 0000 | not punctual; after the appointed time 01901082 00 s 01 behindhand 0 001 & 01900915 a 0000 | behind schedule; "was behindhand with the rent" 01901186 00 s 03 belated 0 late 0 tardy 0 003 & 01900915 a 0000 + 05047956 n 0301 + 05047059 n 0201 | after the expected or usual time; delayed; "a belated birthday card"; "I'm late for the plane"; "the train is late"; "tardy children are sent to the principal"; "always tardy in making dental appointments" 01901496 00 s 02 benighted 0 nighted 0 001 & 01900915 a 0000 | overtaken by night or darkness; "benighted (or nighted) travelers hurrying toward home" 01901649 00 s 01 last-minute 0 001 & 01900915 a 0000 | just before a deadline; at the last minute; "last-minute arrangements" 01901777 00 a 01 punished 0 002 ! 01902171 a 0101 & 01902003 a 0000 | subjected to a penalty (as pain or shame or restraint or loss) for an offense or fault or in order to coerce some behavior (as a confession or obedience) 01902003 00 s 01 tarred-and-feathered(a) 0 001 & 01901777 a 0000 | smeared with tar and covered with feathers as a punishment; "the poor tarred-and-feathered wretch" 01902171 00 a 01 unpunished 0 002 ! 01901777 a 0101 & 01902313 a 0000 | not punished; "would he forget the crime and let it go unpunished?" 01902313 00 s 02 uncorrected 0 undisciplined 0 001 & 01902171 a 0000 | not subjected to correction or discipline; "let her children grow up uncorrected" 01902468 00 a 02 punitive 0 punitory 0 007 + 02499629 v 0201 + 02499629 v 0101 ! 01903412 a 0101 & 01902703 a 0000 & 01902866 a 0000 & 01902980 a 0000 & 01903160 a 0000 | inflicting punishment; "punitive justice"; "punitive damages" 01902703 00 s 01 correctional 0 003 & 01902468 a 0000 + 01161821 n 0102 + 00258854 n 0101 | concerned with or providing correction; "a correctional institution" 01902866 00 s 01 penal 0 001 & 01902468 a 0000 | serving as or designed to impose punishment; "penal servitude" 01902980 00 s 01 penitentiary 0 003 & 01902468 a 0000 + 03911513 n 0101 + 07536870 n 0102 | used for punishment or reform of criminals or wrongdoers; "penitentiary institutions" 01903160 00 s 05 retaliatory 0 relatiative 0 retributive 0 retributory 0 vindicatory 0 003 & 01902468 a 0000 + 01153486 v 0103 + 01153165 v 0101 | of or relating to or having the nature of retribution; "retributive justice demands an eye for an eye" 01903412 00 a 01 rehabilitative 0 002 + 02552163 v 0101 ! 01902468 a 0101 | designed to accomplish rehabilitation; "from a penal to a rehabilitative philosophy"- J.B.Costello; "rehabilitative treatment" 01903617 00 a 01 purebred 0 005 = 04922787 n 0000 + 01323599 n 0102 ! 01904156 a 0101 & 01903813 a 0000 & 01903965 a 0000 | bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain 01903813 00 s 03 full-blooded 0 full-blood 0 blooded 0 001 & 01903617 a 0000 | of unmixed ancestry; "full-blooded Native American"; "blooded Jersies" 01903965 00 s 05 pedigree(a) 0 pedigreed 0 pureblood 0 pureblooded 0 thoroughbred 0 002 & 01903617 a 0000 + 01323599 n 0303 | having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal 01904156 00 a 01 crossbred 0 007 ^ 01291937 a 0000 = 04922787 n 0000 ! 01903617 a 0101 & 01904371 a 0000 & 01904485 a 0000 & 01904596 a 0000 & 01904698 a 0000 | bred from parents of different varieties or species 01904371 00 s 01 bigeneric 0 001 & 01904156 a 0000 | resulting from a cross between species of different genera 01904485 00 s 02 hybrid 0 intercrossed 0 002 & 01904156 a 0000 + 01327322 n 0101 | produced by crossbreeding 01904596 00 s 01 underbred 0 001 & 01904156 a 0000 | of inferior or mixed breed; "an underbred dog" 01904698 00 s 03 half-blooded 0 half-bred 0 half-breed 0 002 & 01904156 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 | (of animals) having only one purebred parent 01904845 00 a 01 pure 1 007 ^ 00360650 a 0000 = 04846770 n 0000 + 13990064 n 0102 + 13990064 n 0101 ! 01905377 a 0101 & 01905140 a 0000 & 01905235 a 0000 | (used of persons or behaviors) having no faults; sinless; "I felt pure and sweet as a new baby"- Sylvia Plath; "pure as the driven snow" 01905140 00 s 02 immaculate 0 undefiled 0 001 & 01904845 a 0000 | free from stain or blemish 01905235 00 s 01 white 0 002 & 01904845 a 0000 + 13990064 n 0105 | free from moral blemish or impurity; unsullied; "in shining white armor" 01905377 00 a 01 impure 1 004 ^ 00361509 a 0000 = 04846770 n 0000 ! 01904845 a 0101 & 01905552 a 0000 | (used of persons or behaviors) immoral or obscene; "impure thoughts" 01905552 00 s 02 defiled 0 maculate 0 001 & 01905377 a 0000 | morally blemished; stained or impure 01905653 00 a 01 pure 2 018 ^ 00427331 a 0000 ^ 01951684 a 0000 = 14486767 n 0000 + 14486767 n 0102 + 14486767 n 0101 ! 01908039 a 0101 & 01906173 a 0000 & 01906320 a 0000 & 01906464 a 0000 & 01906817 a 0000 & 01906975 a 0000 & 01907103 a 0000 & 01907293 a 0000 & 01907416 a 0000 & 01907481 a 0000 & 01907595 a 0000 & 01907711 a 0000 & 01907878 a 0000 | free of extraneous elements of any kind; "pure air and water"; "pure gold"; "pure primary colors"; "the violin's pure and lovely song"; "pure tones"; "pure oxygen" 01906173 00 s 01 axenic 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | (used of cultures of microorganisms) completely free from other organisms; "an axenic culture" 01906320 00 s 02 clean 0 fresh 0 003 & 01905653 a 0000 + 04926728 n 0201 + 14496193 n 0101 | free from impurities; "clean water"; "fresh air" 01906464 00 s 04 clean 1 clear 1 light 0 unclouded 0 004 & 01905653 a 0000 + 04701460 n 0403 + 04701460 n 0202 + 04701460 n 0201 | (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims; "efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings"; "clear laughter like a waterfall"; "clear reds and blues"; "a light lilting voice like a silver bell" 01906817 00 s 01 fine 0 002 & 01905653 a 0000 ;c 06125698 n 0000 | free from impurities; having a high or specified degree of purity; "gold 21 carats fine" 01906975 00 s 01 native 0 002 & 01905653 a 0000 + 04799881 n 0101 | as found in nature in the elemental form; "native copper" 01907103 00 s 04 plain 0 sheer 0 unmingled 0 unmixed 0 002 & 01905653 a 0000 + 14487026 n 0101 | not mixed with extraneous elements; "plain water"; "sheer wine"; "not an unmixed blessing" 01907293 00 s 01 pristine 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | completely free from dirt or contamination; "pristine mountain snow" 01907416 00 s 01 sublimate 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | made pure 01907481 00 s 01 unadulterated 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | not mixed with impurities; "unadulterated maple syrup" 01907595 00 s 01 unalloyed 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | free from admixture; "unalloyed metal"; "unalloyed pleasure" 01907711 00 s 02 uncontaminated 1 unpolluted 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | free from admixture with noxious elements; clean; "unpolluted streams"; "a contaminated lake" 01907878 00 s 01 virginal 0 001 & 01905653 a 0000 | untouched or undefiled; "nor is there anything more virginal than the shimmer of young foliage"- L.P.Smith 01908039 00 a 01 impure 2 013 ^ 00427786 a 0000 ^ 01952405 a 0000 = 14486767 n 0000 + 14487184 n 0102 + 14583670 n 0101 ! 01905653 a 0101 & 01908341 a 0000 & 01908539 a 0000 & 01908641 a 0000 & 01908755 a 0000 & 01908889 a 0000 & 01909077 a 0000 & 01909421 a 0000 | combined with extraneous elements 01908341 00 s 02 technical-grade 0 technical_grade 0 002 & 01908039 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 | containing small amounts of other chemicals, hence slightly impure; "technical-grade sulfuric acid" 01908539 00 s 03 adulterate 0 adulterated 0 debased 0 001 & 01908039 a 0000 | mixed with impurities 01908641 00 s 01 alloyed 0 001 & 01908039 a 0000 | (used of metals) debased by mixture with an inferior element 01908755 00 s 02 bastardized 0 bastardised 0 002 & 01908039 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 | deriving from more than one source or style 01908889 00 s 02 contaminated 0 polluted 0 001 & 01908039 a 0000 | rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution; "had to boil the contaminated water"; "polluted lakes and streams" 01909077 00 s 04 dirty 0 dingy 0 muddied 0 muddy 0 004 & 01908039 a 0000 + 04703698 n 0403 + 14498567 n 0202 + 14498567 n 0201 | (of color) discolored by impurities; not bright and clear; "dirty" is often used in combination; "a dirty (or dingy) white"; "the muddied grey of the sea"; "muddy colors"; "dirty-green walls"; "dirty-blonde hair" 01909421 00 s 01 unpurified 0 001 & 01908039 a 0000 | not made pure 01909491 00 a 01 contaminated 0 002 ! 01909718 a 0101 & 01909628 a 0000 | corrupted by contact or association; "contaminated evidence" 01909628 00 s 01 mercury-contaminated 0 001 & 01909491 a 0000 | contaminated by mercury 01909718 00 a 01 uncontaminated 0 001 ! 01909491 a 0101 | not corrupted by contact or association; "there is no culture uncontaminated by contact with the outside world" 01909890 00 a 01 purposeful 0 007 ^ 01496976 a 0000 ^ 01989669 a 0000 + 05170400 n 0101 ! 01910488 a 0101 & 01910114 a 0000 & 01910249 a 0000 & 01910359 a 0000 | serving as or indicating the existence of a purpose or goal 01910114 00 s 02 businesslike 0 earnest 0 002 & 01909890 a 0000 + 04646548 n 0202 | not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal 01910249 00 s 02 goal-directed 0 purposive 0 001 & 01909890 a 0000 | having a purpose; "purposive behavior" 01910359 00 s 02 purpose-built 0 purpose-made 0 001 & 01909890 a 0000 | designed and constructed to serve a particular purpose 01910488 00 a 01 purposeless 0 005 ^ 01497736 a 0000 + 05174326 n 0101 ! 01909890 a 0101 & 01910652 a 0000 & 01910819 a 0000 | not evidencing any purpose or goal 01910652 00 s 07 adrift(p) 0 afloat(p) 0 aimless 0 directionless 0 planless 0 rudderless 0 undirected 0 002 & 01910488 a 0000 + 05174326 n 0302 | aimlessly drifting 01910819 00 s 01 desultory 0 001 & 01910488 a 0000 | marked by lack of definite plan or regularity or purpose; jumping from one thing to another; "desultory thoughts"; "the desultory conversation characteristic of cocktail parties" 01911053 00 a 01 qualified 1 004 ^ 00510050 a 0000 ^ 00851744 a 0000 ! 01911415 a 0101 & 01911296 a 0000 | meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task; "many qualified applicants for the job" 01911296 00 s 01 well-qualified 0 001 & 01911053 a 0000 | more than adequately qualified; "a well-qualified officer" 01911415 00 a 01 unqualified 1 004 ^ 00511214 a 0000 ^ 00852988 a 0000 ! 01911053 a 0101 & 01911589 a 0000 | not meeting the proper standards and requirements and training 01911589 00 s 01 quack(a) 0 001 & 01911415 a 0000 | medically unqualified; "a quack doctor" 01911683 00 a 01 trained 0 005 ! 01912613 a 0101 & 01911951 a 0000 & 01912145 a 0000 & 01912280 a 0000 & 01912483 a 0000 | shaped or conditioned or disciplined by training; often used as a combining form; "a trained mind"; "trained pigeons"; "well-trained servants" 01911951 00 s 01 disciplined 0 001 & 01911683 a 0000 | trained mentally or physically by instruction or exercise; "the beautiful coordination of his disciplined muscles"; "a disciplined mind" 01912145 00 s 01 drilled 0 001 & 01911683 a 0000 | trained in a skill by repetitious practice; "well-drilled in military procedures" 01912280 00 s 02 housebroken 0 house-trained 0 001 & 01911683 a 0000 | (of pets) trained to urinate and defecate outside or in a special place; "housebroken pets"; "`house-trained' is chiefly British" 01912483 00 s 03 potty-trained 0 pot-trained 0 toilet-trained 0 001 & 01911683 a 0000 | (of children) trained to use the toilet 01912613 00 a 01 untrained 0 003 ! 01911683 a 0101 & 01912858 a 0000 & 01913089 a 0000 | not disciplined or conditioned or made adept by training; "an untrained voice"; "untrained troops"; "young minds untrained in the habit of concentration" 01912858 00 s 02 primitive 0 naive 0 002 & 01912613 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 | of or created by one without formal training; simple or naive in style; "primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking" 01913089 00 s 01 undisciplined 0 001 & 01912613 a 0000 | not subjected to discipline; "undisciplined talent" 01913200 00 a 01 qualified 2 006 ^ 00555325 a 0000 ^ 01540365 a 0000 ! 01913715 a 0101 & 01913413 a 0000 & 01913514 a 0000 & 01913642 a 0000 | limited or restricted; not absolute; "gave only qualified approval" 01913413 00 s 01 conditional 0 002 & 01913200 a 0000 + 13924069 n 0101 | qualified by reservations 01913514 00 s 02 hedged 0 weasel-worded 0 001 & 01913200 a 0000 | evasively worded in order to avoid an unqualified statement 01913642 00 s 02 limited 0 modified 0 001 & 01913200 a 0000 | mediocre 01913715 00 a 01 unqualified 2 007 ^ 00556709 a 0000 ^ 01541013 a 0000 ! 01913200 a 0101 & 01913931 a 0000 & 01914108 a 0000 & 01914250 a 0000 & 01914407 a 0000 | not limited or restricted; "an unqualified denial" 01913931 00 s 04 categoric 0 categorical 0 flat 0 unconditional 0 001 & 01913715 a 0000 | not modified or restricted by reservations; "a categorical denial"; "a flat refusal" 01914108 00 s 02 clean 0 clear 0 001 & 01913715 a 0000 | free of restrictions or qualifications; "a clean bill of health"; "a clear winner" 01914250 00 s 01 cool 0 002 & 01913715 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (used of a number or sum) without exaggeration or qualification; "a cool million bucks" 01914407 00 s 03 outright 0 straight-out 0 unlimited 0 001 & 01913715 a 0000 | without reservation or exception 01914521 00 a 01 qualitative 0 002 ! 01914930 a 0101 & 01914767 a 0000 | involving distinctions based on qualities; "qualitative change"; "qualitative data"; "qualitative analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture" 01914767 00 s 01 soft 0 001 & 01914521 a 0000 | using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation; "soft data"; "the soft sciences" 01914930 00 a 01 quantitative 0 008 ! 01914521 a 0101 & 01915353 a 0000 & 01915482 a 0000 & 01915586 a 0000 & 01915745 a 0000 & 01915849 a 0000 & 01915991 a 0000 & 01916142 a 0000 | expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement; "export wheat without quantitative limitations"; "quantitative analysis determines the amounts and proportions of the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture" 01915353 00 s 02 decimal 1 denary 0 001 & 01914930 a 0000 | numbered or proceeding by tens; based on ten; "the decimal system" 01915482 00 s 01 duodecimal 0 001 & 01914930 a 0000 | based on twelve; "the duodecimal number system" 01915586 00 s 02 numeric 0 numerical 0 001 & 01914930 a 0000 | measured or expressed in numbers; "numerical value"; "the numerical superiority of the enemy" 01915745 00 s 01 quantifiable 0 002 & 01914930 a 0000 + 05209822 n 0101 | capable of being quantified 01915849 00 s 01 three-figure 0 001 & 01914930 a 0000 | (of numbers) written with three figures; "100 through 999 are three-figure numbers" 01915991 00 s 01 valued 0 002 & 01914930 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (usually used in combination) having value of a specified kind; "triple-valued" 01916142 00 s 01 vicenary 0 001 & 01914930 a 0000 | of or relating to or based on 20 01916229 00 a 01 questionable 0 010 ^ 00590390 a 0000 ! 01918184 a 0101 & 01916555 a 0000 & 01916693 a 0000 & 01916784 a 0000 & 01916979 a 0000 & 01917370 a 0000 & 01917594 a 0000 & 01917916 a 0000 & 01918001 a 0000 | subject to question; "questionable motives"; "a questionable reputation"; "a fire of questionable origin" 01916555 00 s 03 alleged(a) 0 so-called 0 supposed 0 001 & 01916229 a 0000 | doubtful or suspect; "these so-called experts are no help" 01916693 00 s 01 apocryphal 0 001 & 01916229 a 0000 | being of questionable authenticity 01916784 00 s 03 debatable 0 problematic 0 problematical 0 002 & 01916229 a 0000 + 05687338 n 0302 | open to doubt or debate; "If you ever get married, which seems to be extremely problematic" 01916979 00 s 04 doubtful 0 dubious 0 dubitable 0 in_question(p) 0 003 & 01916229 a 0000 + 04757522 n 0202 + 04757522 n 0103 | open to doubt or suspicion; "the candidate's doubtful past"; "he has a dubious record indeed"; "what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false"; "it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought"- Karen Horney 01917370 00 s 01 equivocal 0 001 & 01916229 a 0000 | open to question; "aliens of equivocal loyalty"; "his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son"-Anna Jameson 01917594 00 s 05 fishy 0 funny 0 shady 0 suspect 0 suspicious 0 003 & 01916229 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 04895979 n 0502 | not as expected; "there was something fishy about the accident"; "up to some funny business"; "some definitely queer goings-on"; "a shady deal"; "her motives were suspect"; "suspicious behavior" 01917916 00 s 01 impugnable 0 001 & 01916229 a 0000 | subject to being discredited 01918001 00 s 02 self-styled 0 soi-disant 0 001 & 01916229 a 0000 | as claimed by and for yourself often without justification; "the self-styled `doctor' has no degree of any kind" 01918184 00 a 01 unquestionable 0 010 ^ 00590923 a 0000 ^ 00721505 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0104 + 04754862 n 0103 ! 01916229 a 0101 & 01918464 a 0000 & 01918541 a 0000 & 01918660 a 0000 & 01918771 a 0000 & 01918873 a 0000 | incapable of being questioned; "unquestionable authority" 01918464 00 s 01 acknowledged 0 001 & 01918184 a 0000 | generally accepted 01918541 00 s 02 beyond_doubt(p) 0 indubitable 0 002 & 01918184 a 0000 + 04754862 n 0202 | too obvious to be doubted 01918660 00 s 01 for_sure 0 001 & 01918184 a 0000 | not open to doubt; "she wanted to go; that was for sure" 01918771 00 s 01 mathematical 0 001 & 01918184 a 0000 | beyond question; "a mathematical certainty" 01918873 00 s 01 unimpeachable 0 001 & 01918184 a 0000 | beyond doubt or reproach; "an unimpeachable source" 01918984 00 a 01 quiet 1 008 ^ 00174379 a 0000 ^ 01454636 a 0000 + 04982856 n 0101 ! 01919931 a 0101 & 01919282 a 0000 & 01919428 a 0000 & 01919676 a 0000 & 01919793 a 0000 | free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound; "a quiet audience at the concert"; "the room was dark and quiet" 01919282 00 s 01 noiseless 0 002 & 01918984 a 0000 + 04983013 n 0101 | making no sound; "th' inaudible and noiseless foot of time"- Shakespeare 01919428 00 s 03 silent 0 soundless 0 still 0 005 & 01918984 a 0000 + 04982478 n 0302 + 04982856 n 0202 + 13925550 n 0101 + 04982207 n 0101 | marked by absence of sound; "a silent house"; "soundless footsteps on the grass"; "the night was still" 01919676 00 s 01 stilly 0 002 & 01918984 a 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 | (poetic) still or calm; "in the stilly night" 01919793 00 s 01 tiptoe 0 001 & 01918984 a 0000 | walking on the tips of ones's toes so as to make no noise; "moving with tiptoe steps" 01919931 00 a 01 noisy 0 017 ^ 00298767 a 0000 ^ 01452593 a 0000 + 04981474 n 0101 + 07122730 n 0101 ! 01918984 a 0101 & 01920367 a 0000 & 01920697 a 0000 & 01920834 a 0000 & 01921011 a 0000 & 01921171 a 0000 & 01921335 a 0000 & 01921466 a 0000 & 01921639 a 0000 & 01921752 a 0000 & 01921868 a 0000 & 01922030 a 0000 & 01922131 a 0000 | full of or characterized by loud and nonmusical sounds; "a noisy cafeteria"; "a small noisy dog" 01920367 00 s 05 blatant 0 clamant 0 clamorous 0 strident 0 vociferous 0 006 & 01919931 a 0000 + 04990021 n 0403 + 04990021 n 0402 + 07377473 n 0304 + 07122118 n 0301 + 04706882 n 0101 | conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry; "blatant radios"; "a clamorous uproar"; "strident demands"; "a vociferous mob" 01920697 00 s 02 abuzz 0 buzzing 0 001 & 01919931 a 0000 | noisy like the sound of a bee; "the room was abuzz over the latest scandal" 01920834 00 s 02 clangorous 0 clanging 0 002 & 01919931 a 0000 + 07380144 n 0102 | having a loud resonant metallic sound; "the clangorous locomotive works"; "a clanging gong" 01921011 00 s 01 clanking 0 001 & 01919931 a 0000 | having a hard nonresonant metallic sound; "clanking chains"; "the clanking arms of the soldiers near him" 01921171 00 s 01 clattery 0 001 & 01919931 a 0000 | a rattling sound as of hard things striking together; "a clattery typewriter"; "the clattery sound of dishes" 01921335 00 s 02 creaky 0 screaky 0 002 & 01919931 a 0000 + 07381864 n 0101 | having a rasping or grating sound; "creaky stairs" 01921466 00 s 03 rackety 0 rip-roaring 0 uproarious 0 005 & 01919931 a 0000 + 13978709 n 0303 + 07385660 n 0302 + 07390945 n 0101 + 04981474 n 0102 | uncontrollably noisy 01921639 00 s 02 reedy 0 wheezy 0 002 & 01919931 a 0000 + 02817799 n 0103 | having a tone of a reed instrument 01921752 00 s 01 stertorous 0 002 & 01919931 a 0000 + 00835976 n 0103 | of breathing having a heavy snoring sound 01921868 00 s 01 swishy 0 002 & 01919931 a 0000 + 07396414 n 0101 | resembling a sustained `sh' or soft whistle; "swishing windshield wipers"; "a swishy skirt" 01922030 00 s 01 thundering 0 001 & 01919931 a 0000 | sounding like thunder; "the thundering herd" 01922131 00 s 01 whirring 0 001 & 01919931 a 0000 | like the sound of rapidly vibrating wings 01922227 00 a 03 restful 0 reposeful 0 relaxing 0 003 + 04636250 n 0101 ! 01922562 a 0101 & 01922410 a 0000 | affording physical or mental rest; "she spent a restful night at home" 01922410 00 s 02 slumberous 0 slumbrous 0 003 & 01922227 a 0000 + 14015148 n 0201 + 14015148 n 0101 | quiet and tranquil; "a slumberous June morning" 01922562 00 a 02 restless 0 uneasy 5 003 + 04625284 n 0202 + 04625284 n 0101 ! 01922227 a 0101 | lacking or not affording physical or mental rest; "a restless night"; "she fell into an uneasy sleep" 01922763 00 a 01 quiet 2 007 ^ 01740892 a 0000 ^ 02389946 a 0000 ^ 00087152 a 0000 + 07515560 n 0103 ! 01923391 a 0101 & 01923118 a 0000 & 01923286 a 0000 | characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity; "a quiet life"; "a quiet throng of onlookers"; "quiet peace-loving people"; "the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years" 01923118 00 s 01 quiescent 0 003 & 01922763 a 0000 + 01064863 n 0102 + 01064863 n 0101 | marked by a state of tranquil repose; "the quiescent melancholy of the town" 01923286 00 s 01 untroubled 0 001 & 01922763 a 0000 | free from turmoil or worries; "untroubled times" 01923391 00 a 01 unquiet 0 006 ^ 00085264 a 0000 ^ 00822449 a 0000 ^ 02390335 a 0000 ! 01922763 a 0101 & 01923720 a 0000 & 01924148 a 0000 | characterized by unrest or disorder; "unquiet days of riots"; "following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation"; "spent an unquiet night tossing and turning" 01923720 00 s 05 disruptive 0 riotous 0 troubled 0 tumultuous 0 turbulent 0 006 & 01923391 a 0000 + 13979173 n 0501 + 13978709 n 0401 + 13978709 n 0402 + 01170502 n 0201 + 00554298 v 0101 | characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination; "effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive"; "riotous times"; "these troubled areas"; "the tumultuous years of his administration"; "a turbulent and unruly childhood" 01924148 00 s 02 squally 0 squalling 0 001 & 01923391 a 0000 | characterized by short periods of noisy commotion; "a home life that has been extraordinarily squally" 01924316 00 a 01 random 0 005 + 04771332 n 0101 ! 01925158 a 0101 & 01924585 a 0000 & 01924803 a 0000 & 01925000 a 0000 | lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements" 01924585 00 s 01 ergodic 0 002 & 01924316 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 | positive recurrent aperiodic state of stochastic systems; tending in probability to a limiting form that is independent of the initial conditions 01924803 00 s 02 haphazard 0 hit-or-miss 0 002 & 01924316 a 0000 + 04771332 n 0102 | dependent upon or characterized by chance; "a haphazard plan of action"; "his judgment is rather hit-or-miss" 01925000 00 s 01 stochastic 0 002 & 01924316 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 | being or having a random variable; "a stochastic variable"; "stochastic processes" 01925158 00 a 01 nonrandom 0 002 ! 01924316 a 0101 & 01925242 a 0000 | not random 01925242 00 s 01 purposive 0 001 & 01925158 a 0000 | having or showing or acting with a purpose or design; "purposive behavior" 01925372 00 a 01 rational 0 010 ^ 01430111 a 0000 ^ 01943406 a 0000 ^ 02073443 a 0000 + 04784978 n 0102 + 14379829 n 0101 ! 01926376 a 0101 & 01925708 a 0000 & 01925979 a 0000 & 01926089 a 0000 & 01926229 a 0000 | consistent with or based on or using reason; "rational behavior"; "a process of rational inference"; "rational thought" 01925708 00 s 03 coherent 0 logical 0 lucid 0 003 & 01925372 a 0000 + 04784664 n 0202 + 04821277 n 0102 | capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner; "a lucid thinker"; "she was more coherent than she had been just after the accident" 01925979 00 s 02 demythologized 0 demythologised 0 001 & 01925372 a 0000 | having mythical elements removed 01926089 00 s 03 intelligent 0 reasoning(a) 0 thinking(a) 0 002 & 01925372 a 0000 + 05617606 n 0101 | endowed with the capacity to reason 01926229 00 s 02 reasonable 0 sane 0 003 & 01925372 a 0000 + 14379501 n 0202 + 14379829 n 0103 | marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy" 01926376 00 a 01 irrational 0 009 ^ 01430847 a 0000 ^ 00464962 a 0000 ^ 01944660 a 0000 + 14397563 n 0101 ! 01925372 a 0101 & 01926654 a 0000 & 01926803 a 0000 & 01926921 a 0000 & 01927061 a 0000 | not consistent with or using reason; "irrational fears"; "irrational animals" 01926654 00 s 02 blind 0 unreasoning 0 001 & 01926376 a 0000 | not based on reason or evidence; "blind hatred"; "blind faith"; "unreasoning panic" 01926803 00 s 01 reasonless 0 001 & 01926376 a 0000 | not endowed with the capacity to reason; "a reasonless brute" 01926921 00 s 01 nonrational 0 001 & 01926376 a 0000 | not based on reason; "there is a great deal that is nonrational in modern culture" 01927061 00 s 01 superstitious 0 002 & 01926376 a 0000 + 05952678 n 0101 | showing ignorance of the laws of nature and faith in magic or chance; "finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin" 01927279 00 a 01 emotional 2 003 + 07480068 n 0101 + 04626280 n 0101 ! 01927455 a 0101 | determined or actuated by emotion rather than reason; "it was an emotional judgment" 01927455 00 a 02 cerebral 0 intellectual 5 002 + 05618849 n 0202 ! 01927279 a 0101 | involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct; "a cerebral approach to the problem"; "cerebral drama" 01927654 00 a 01 racial 0 005 ! 01928381 a 0101 & 01927904 a 0000 & 01928019 a 0000 & 01928114 a 0000 & 01928283 a 0000 | of or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups; "racial differences"; "racial discrimination" 01927904 00 s 01 biracial 0 001 & 01927654 a 0000 | consisting of or combining two races; "a biracial committee" 01928019 00 s 01 interracial 0 001 & 01927654 a 0000 | between races; "interracial conflict" 01928114 00 s 01 multiracial 0 001 & 01927654 a 0000 | made up of or involving or acting on behalf of various races; "a multiracial society"; "multiracial government" 01928283 00 s 01 racist 0 001 & 01927654 a 0000 | based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks" 01928381 00 a 01 nonracial 0 001 ! 01927654 a 0101 | not racial; having nothing to do with race or races; "his remarks were intended to be completely nonracial"; "a nonracial reason for the peremptory challenge of the juror" 01928608 00 a 01 reactive 0 010 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 14534457 n 0101 + 00446885 v 0101 ! 01929600 a 0101 & 01928926 a 0000 & 01929062 a 0000 & 01929202 a 0000 & 01929312 a 0000 & 01929456 a 0000 | participating readily in reactions; "sodium is a reactive metal"; "free radicals are very reactive" 01928926 00 s 02 activated 0 excited 0 002 & 01928608 a 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 | (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive 01929062 00 s 01 labile 0 002 & 01928608 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown 01929202 00 s 01 oxidizable 0 001 & 01928608 a 0000 | capable of undergoing a chemical reaction with oxygen 01929312 00 s 01 thermolabile 0 002 & 01928608 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | (chemistry, physics, biology) readily changed or destroyed by heat 01929456 00 s 01 unstable 0 002 & 01928608 a 0000 + 04775747 n 0102 | highly or violently reactive; "sensitive and highly unstable compounds" 01929600 00 a 01 unreactive 0 007 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 ! 01928608 a 0101 & 01929802 a 0000 & 01930004 a 0000 & 01930244 a 0000 & 01930417 a 0000 | (chemistry) not reacting chemically 01929802 00 s 01 inactive 0 003 & 01929600 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14010148 n 0102 | (chemistry) not participating in a chemical reaction; chemically inert; "desired amounts of inactive chlorine" 01930004 00 s 03 inert 0 indifferent 0 neutral 0 003 & 01929600 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05039819 n 0301 | having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive; "inert matter"; "an indifferent chemical in a reaction" 01930244 00 s 01 noble 0 001 & 01929600 a 0000 | inert especially toward oxygen; "a noble gas such as helium or neon"; "noble metals include gold and silver and platinum" 01930417 00 s 01 stable 0 001 & 01929600 a 0000 | not taking part readily in chemical change 01930512 00 a 01 ready 0 012 ^ 01843380 a 0000 ^ 02564986 a 0000 = 14031108 n 0000 + 14031523 n 0101 + 14031108 n 0101 ! 01932234 a 0101 & 01931034 a 0000 & 01931203 a 0000 & 01931517 a 0000 & 01931676 a 0000 & 01931807 a 0000 & 01931926 a 0000 | completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read" 01931034 00 s 01 at_the_ready(p) 0 001 & 01930512 a 0000 | ready for immediate use; "soldiers with guns at the ready"; "students with pens and notebooks at the ready" 01931203 00 s 03 fit(p) 0 primed(p) 0 set(p) 0 002 & 01930512 a 0000 + 04716864 n 0101 | (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed; "in no fit state to continue"; "fit to drop"; "laughing fit to burst"; "she was fit to scream"; "primed for a fight"; "we are set to go at any time" 01931517 00 s 01 in_order 0 001 & 01930512 a 0000 | in a state of proper readiness or preparation or arrangement; "everything is in order for their arrival" 01931676 00 s 01 prompt 0 001 & 01930512 a 0000 | ready and willing or quick to act; "she is always prompt to help her friends"; 01931807 00 s 01 ripe(p) 0 001 & 01930512 a 0000 | fully prepared or eager; "the colonists were ripe for revolution" 01931926 00 s 02 waiting 0 ready_and_waiting(p) 0 001 & 01930512 a 0000 | being and remaining ready and available for use; "waiting cars and limousines lined the curb"; "found her mother waiting for them"; "an impressive array of food ready and waiting for the guests"; "military forces ready and waiting" 01932234 00 a 01 unready 0 006 ^ 01845160 a 0000 = 14031108 n 0000 ! 01930512 a 0101 & 01932481 a 0000 & 01932633 a 0000 & 01932902 a 0000 | not prepared or in a state of readiness; slow to understand or respond; "she cursed her unready tongue" 01932481 00 s 01 flat-footed 0 001 & 01932234 a 0000 | unprepared and unable to react quickly; "the new product caught their competitors flat-footed" 01932633 00 s 07 napping 0 off-guard(a) 0 off_guard(p) 0 off_one's_guard(p) 0 off_his_guard 0 off_her_guard 0 off_your_guard 0 001 & 01932234 a 0000 | not prepared or vigilant; "the blow caught him napping"; "caught in an off-guard moment"; "found him off his guard" 01932902 00 s 01 unripe 0 001 & 01932234 a 0000 | not fully prepared 01932973 00 a 02 real 0 existent 2 015 ^ 00013160 a 0000 ^ 01115349 a 0000 ^ 01939984 a 0000 ^ 02179279 a 0000 = 13955461 n 0000 + 13954253 n 0203 + 02603699 v 0201 + 13955461 n 0102 + 13956097 n 0101 + 13955461 n 0101 ! 01934554 a 0101 & 01933520 a 0000 & 01933731 a 0000 & 01934026 a 0000 & 01934284 a 0000 | being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory; "real objects"; "real people; not ghosts"; "a film based on real life"; "a real illness"; "real humility"; "Life is real! Life is earnest!"- Longfellow 01933520 00 s 01 actual 0 003 & 01932973 a 0000 + 01644746 v 0103 + 13954818 n 0101 | taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated; "we saw the actual wedding on television"; "filmed the actual beating" 01933731 00 s 02 actual 2 factual 0 006 & 01932973 a 0000 + 04759428 n 0202 + 04759428 n 0201 + 01644746 v 0103 + 00987870 v 0101 + 13954818 n 0101 | existing in act or fact; "rocks and trees...the actual world"; "actual heroism"; "the actual things that produced the emotion you experienced" 01934026 00 s 02 objective 0 documentary 0 003 & 01932973 a 0000 + 06616806 n 0201 + 04892344 n 0101 | emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation; "objective art" 01934284 00 s 01 historical 0 002 & 01932973 a 0000 + 13956362 n 0101 | having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary; "the historical Jesus"; "doubt that a historical Camelot every existed"; "actual historical events" 01934554 00 a 01 unreal 0 021 ^ 01571363 a 0000 ^ 01116380 a 0000 ^ 02180797 a 0000 ^ 01574446 a 0000 ^ 01941999 a 0000 = 13955461 n 0000 + 13960117 n 0101 + 04762492 n 0101 ! 01932973 a 0101 & 01935139 a 0000 & 01935301 a 0000 & 01935581 a 0000 & 01935744 a 0000 & 01935935 a 0000 & 01936184 a 0000 & 01936528 a 0000 & 01936778 a 0000 & 01936997 a 0000 & 01937187 a 0000 & 01937390 a 0000 & 01937759 a 0000 | lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria; "ghosts and other unreal entities"; "unreal propaganda serving as news" 01935139 00 s 01 dreamed(a) 0 001 & 01934554 a 0000 | conceived of or imagined or hoped for; "his dreamed symphony that would take the world of music by storm" 01935301 00 s 04 envisioned 0 pictured 0 visualized 0 visualised 0 001 & 01934554 a 0000 | seen in the mind as a mental image; "the glory of his envisioned future"; "the snow-covered Alps pictured in her imagination"; "the visualized scene lacked the ugly details of real life" 01935581 00 s 02 eye-deceiving 0 trompe-l'oeil(a) 0 001 & 01934554 a 0000 | creating the illusion of seeing reality; "the visual deception of trompe-l'oeil art" 01935744 00 s 02 fabled 0 legendary 0 002 & 01934554 a 0000 + 06371413 n 0201 | celebrated in fable or legend; "the fabled Paul Bunyan and his blue ox"; "legendary exploits of Jesse James" 01935935 00 s 04 fabricated 0 fancied 0 fictional 0 fictitious 0 003 & 01934554 a 0000 + 06367107 n 0401 + 06757891 n 0302 | formed or conceived by the imagination; "a fabricated excuse for his absence"; "a fancied wrong"; "a fictional character" 01936184 00 s 05 fabulous 0 mythic 0 mythical 0 mythologic 0 mythological 0 007 & 01934554 a 0000 + 07978423 n 0501 + 07978423 n 0401 + 06372680 n 0301 + 06372680 n 0201 + 06371413 n 0102 + 06372095 n 0101 | based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity; "mythical centaurs"; "the fabulous unicorn" 01936528 00 s 03 fanciful 0 imaginary 0 notional 0 001 & 01934554 a 0000 | not based on fact; unreal; "the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties"- F.D.Roosevelt; "a small child's imaginary friends"; "to create a notional world for oneself" 01936778 00 s 02 fantastic 0 fantastical 0 003 & 01934554 a 0000 + 05632446 n 0201 + 05632446 n 0101 | existing in fancy only; "fantastic figures with bulbous heads the circumference of a bushel"- Nathaniel Hawthorne 01936997 00 s 01 hallucinatory 0 002 & 01934554 a 0000 + 02117649 v 0101 | characterized by or characteristic of hallucination ; "the bizarre hallucinatory dreams of fever"- Jean Stafford 01937187 00 s 02 illusional 0 illusionary 0 005 & 01934554 a 0000 + 00754767 n 0202 + 05939636 n 0101 + 05896059 n 0101 + 00754767 n 0102 | marked by or producing illusion; "illusionary stage effects" 01937390 00 s 02 illusive 0 illusory 0 002 & 01934554 a 0000 + 05896059 n 0201 | based on or having the nature of an illusion; "illusive hopes of finding a better job"; "Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy" 01937759 00 s 02 make-believe 0 pretend 0 003 & 01934554 a 0000 + 05769930 n 0103 + 00755500 n 0101 | imagined as in a play; "the make-believe world of theater"; "play money"; "dangling their legs in the water to catch pretend fish" 01937994 00 a 01 real(a) 2 003 ! 01938659 a 0101 & 01938322 a 0000 & 01938508 a 0000 | no less than what is stated; worthy of the name; "the real reason"; "real war"; "a real friend"; "a real woman"; "meat and potatoes--I call that a real meal"; "it's time he had a real job"; "it's no penny-ante job--he's making real money" 01938322 00 s 01 proper(a) 0 001 & 01937994 a 0000 | having all the qualities typical of the thing specified; "wanted a proper dinner; not just a snack"; "he finally has a proper job" 01938508 00 s 01 true(a) 0 001 & 01937994 a 0000 | rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend" 01938659 00 a 01 unreal 2 004 ! 01937994 a 0101 & 01938975 a 0000 & 01939226 a 0000 & 01939402 a 0000 | not actually such; being or seeming fanciful or imaginary; "this conversation is getting more and more unreal"; "the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy"; "the unreal world of advertising art" 01938975 00 s 02 deceptive 0 delusory 0 005 & 01938659 a 0000 + 02575082 v 0203 + 02575082 v 0101 + 00854420 v 0101 + 04874939 n 0101 | causing one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true; "deceptive calm"; "a delusory pleasure" 01939226 00 s 02 dreamlike 0 surreal 0 001 & 01938659 a 0000 | resembling a dream; "night invested the lake with a dreamlike quality"; "as irrational and surreal as a dream" 01939402 00 s 01 phantom 0 001 & 01938659 a 0000 | something apparently sensed but having no physical reality; "seemed to hear faint phantom bells"; "the amputee's illusion of a phantom limb" 01939596 00 a 01 real 1 002 ;c 06149484 n 0000 ! 01939784 a 0101 | of, relating to, or representing an amount that is corrected for inflation; "real prices"; "real income"; "real wages" 01939784 00 a 01 nominal 0 002 ;c 06149484 n 0000 ! 01939596 a 0101 | of, relating to, or characteristic of an amount that is not adjusted for inflation; "the nominal GDP"; "nominal interest rates" 01939984 00 a 01 realistic 0 012 ^ 01821266 a 0000 ^ 01834304 a 0000 ^ 01932973 a 0000 + 10509605 n 0101 ! 01941999 a 0101 & 01940472 a 0000 & 01940651 a 0000 & 01941026 a 0000 & 01941274 a 0000 & 01941383 a 0000 & 01941604 a 0000 & 01941814 a 0000 | aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are; "a realistic description"; "a realistic view of the possibilities"; "a realistic appraisal of our chances"; "the actors tried to create a realistic portrayal of the Africans" 01940472 00 s 02 down-to-earth 0 earthy 0 001 & 01939984 a 0000 | sensible and practical; "has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem"; "her earthy common sense" 01940651 00 s 04 hardheaded 0 hard-nosed 0 practical 1 pragmatic 0 004 & 01939984 a 0000 + 05151869 n 0402 + 00410247 n 0301 + 05151088 n 0301 | guided by practical experience and observation rather than theory; "a hardheaded appraisal of our position"; "a hard-nosed labor leader"; "completely practical in his approach to business"; "not ideology but pragmatic politics" 01941026 00 s 04 graphic 0 lifelike 0 pictorial 0 vivid 0 002 & 01939984 a 0000 + 05193338 n 0403 | evoking lifelike images within the mind; "pictorial poetry and prose"; "graphic accounts of battle"; "a lifelike portrait"; "a vivid description" 01941274 00 s 01 living 0 001 & 01939984 a 0000 | true to life; lifelike; "the living image of her mother" 01941383 00 s 02 true-to-life(a) 0 true_to_life(p) 0 001 & 01939984 a 0000 | representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys" 01941604 00 s 02 veridical 0 real 2 003 & 01939984 a 0000 + 13955461 n 0202 + 13955461 n 0201 | coinciding with reality; "perceptual error...has a surprising resemblance to veridical perception"- F.A.Olafson 01941814 00 s 02 virtual(a) 0 practical(a) 2 001 & 01939984 a 0000 | being actually such in almost every respect; "a practical failure"; "the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin" 01941999 00 a 01 unrealistic 0 009 ^ 01823092 a 0000 ^ 01836350 a 0000 ^ 01934554 a 0000 ! 01939984 a 0101 & 01942279 a 0000 & 01942507 a 0000 & 01942732 a 0000 & 01942888 a 0000 & 01943067 a 0000 | not realistic; "unrealistic expectations"; "prices at unrealistic high levels" 01942279 00 s 01 chimerical 0 002 & 01941999 a 0000 + 05769314 n 0101 | produced by a wildly fanciful imagination; "his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush 01942507 00 s 02 delusive 0 false 0 004 & 01941999 a 0000 + 13960464 n 0202 + 13960464 n 0201 + 02575082 v 0103 | inappropriate to reality or facts; "delusive faith in a wonder drug"; "delusive expectations"; "false hopes" 01942732 00 s 02 fantastic 0 wild 0 002 & 01941999 a 0000 + 05632446 n 0101 | fanciful and unrealistic; foolish; "a fantastic idea of his own importance" 01942888 00 s 01 kafkaesque 0 001 & 01941999 a 0000 | characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger; "the kafkaesque terror of the endless interrogations" 01943067 00 s 04 phantasmagoric 0 phantasmagorical 0 surreal 0 surrealistic 0 004 & 01941999 a 0000 + 08470210 n 0401 + 05928840 n 0201 + 05928840 n 0101 | characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions; "a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows"--J.C.Powys; "the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature" 01943406 00 a 02 reasonable 0 sensible 4 012 ^ 00956131 a 0000 ^ 01430111 a 0000 ^ 01925372 a 0000 ^ 02498708 a 0000 = 05160574 n 0000 + 05151701 n 0201 + 04783888 n 0101 + 05160574 n 0101 ! 01944660 a 0101 & 01943746 a 0000 & 01944088 a 0000 & 01944492 a 0000 | showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person" 01943746 00 s 03 commonsense 0 commonsensible 0 commonsensical 0 002 & 01943406 a 0000 + 05614657 n 0301 | exhibiting native good judgment; "arrive home at a reasonable hour"; "commonsense scholarship on the foibles of a genius"; "unlearned and commonsensical countryfolk were capable of solving problems that beset the more sophisticated" 01944088 00 s 05 healthy 0 intelligent 0 levelheaded 0 level-headed 0 sound 0 001 & 01943406 a 0000 | exercising or showing good judgment; "healthy scepticism"; "a healthy fear of rattlesnakes"; "the healthy attitude of French laws"; "healthy relations between labor and management"; "an intelligent solution"; "a sound approach to the problem"; "sound advice"; "no sound explanation for his decision" 01944492 00 s 02 tenable 0 well-founded 0 003 & 01943406 a 0000 + 04783888 n 0103 + 04783888 n 0102 | based on sound reasoning or evidence; "well-founded suspicions" 01944660 00 a 01 unreasonable 0 009 ^ 01430847 a 0000 ^ 01533120 a 0000 ^ 01926376 a 0000 = 05160574 n 0000 ! 01943406 a 0101 & 01944904 a 0000 & 01945010 a 0000 & 01945139 a 0000 & 01945350 a 0000 | not reasonable; not showing good judgment 01944904 00 s 01 counterintuitive 0 001 & 01944660 a 0000 | contrary to what common sense would suggest 01945010 00 s 02 indefensible 0 untenable 0 001 & 01944660 a 0000 | (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified 01945139 00 s 03 mindless 0 reasonless 0 senseless 0 003 & 01944660 a 0000 + 05174023 n 0103 + 04894204 n 0102 | not marked by the use of reason; "mindless violence"; "reasonless hostility"; "a senseless act" 01945350 00 s 03 undue 0 unjustified 0 unwarranted 0 001 & 01944660 a 0000 | lacking justification or authorization; "desire for undue private profit"; "unwarranted limitations of personal freedom" 01945550 00 a 02 reciprocal 0 mutual 0 013 + 13843401 n 0201 + 13841863 n 0201 + 13843401 n 0202 + 13841213 n 0102 + 00040420 n 0101 + 13841213 n 0101 ! 01946911 a 0101 & 01946012 a 0000 & 01946167 a 0000 & 01946267 a 0000 & 01946439 a 0000 & 01946595 a 0000 & 01946764 a 0000 | concerning each of two or more persons or things; especially given or done in return; "reciprocal aid"; "reciprocal trade"; "mutual respect"; "reciprocal privileges at other clubs" 01946012 00 s 01 bilateral 0 001 & 01945550 a 0000 | affecting or undertaken by two parties; "a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan" 01946167 00 s 01 trilateral 0 001 & 01945550 a 0000 | involving three parties; "trilateral talks" 01946267 00 s 01 correlative 0 003 & 01945550 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 13841651 n 0102 | expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation; "correlative conjunctions" 01946439 00 s 02 interactional 0 interactive 0 003 & 01945550 a 0000 + 02376958 v 0201 + 00039021 n 0101 | capable of acting on or influencing each other 01946595 00 s 02 reciprocative 0 reciprocatory 0 004 & 01945550 a 0000 + 01875820 v 0201 + 01875820 v 0101 + 02372326 v 0101 | moving alternately backward and forward 01946764 00 s 02 reciprocative 1 reciprocatory 1 003 & 01945550 a 0000 + 02372326 v 0201 + 02372326 v 0101 | given or done or owed to each other 01946911 00 a 01 nonreciprocal 0 003 ! 01945550 a 0101 & 01947021 a 0000 & 01947127 a 0000 | not reciprocal 01947021 00 s 01 nonreciprocating 0 001 & 01946911 a 0000 | not moving alternately forward and backward 01947127 00 s 03 unanswered 0 unreciprocated 0 unrequited 0 001 & 01946911 a 0000 | not returned in kind; "unrequited (unanswered) love" 01947266 00 a 01 refined 1 016 ^ 00411886 a 0000 ^ 00849357 a 0000 ^ 00983862 a 0000 ^ 01141743 a 0000 ^ 01811997 a 0000 ! 01949149 a 0101 & 01947741 a 0000 & 01948014 a 0000 & 01948092 a 0000 & 01948231 a 0000 & 01948389 a 0000 & 01948573 a 0000 & 01948721 a 0000 & 01948848 a 0000 & 01948958 a 0000 & 01949059 a 0000 | (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and genteel; "she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship"; "refined people with refined taste" 01947741 00 s 06 civilized 0 civilised 0 cultivated 0 cultured 0 genteel 0 polite 0 002 & 01947266 a 0000 + 04813540 n 0502 | marked by refinement in taste and manners; "cultivated speech"; "cultured Bostonians"; "cultured tastes"; "a genteel old lady"; "polite society" 01948014 00 s 01 couth 0 001 & 01947266 a 0000 | (used facetiously) refined 01948092 00 s 05 dainty 0 mincing 0 niminy-piminy 0 prim 0 twee 0 002 & 01947266 a 0000 + 04901152 n 0401 | affectedly dainty or refined 01948231 00 s 04 debonair 0 debonaire 0 debonnaire 0 suave 0 002 & 01947266 a 0000 + 04913322 n 0402 | having a sophisticated charm; "a debonair gentleman" 01948389 00 s 02 finespun 0 delicate 0 001 & 01947266 a 0000 | developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety; "the satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense" 01948573 00 s 02 gentlemanlike 0 gentlemanly 0 002 & 01947266 a 0000 + 10127273 n 0201 | befitting a man of good breeding; "gentlemanly behavior" 01948721 00 s 01 ladylike 0 002 & 01947266 a 0000 + 04667821 n 0101 | befitting a woman of good breeding; "ladylike manners" 01948848 00 s 01 patrician 0 001 & 01947266 a 0000 | befitting a person of noble origin; "a patrician nose" 01948958 00 s 02 overrefined 0 superfine 0 001 & 01947266 a 0000 | excessively delicate or refined 01949059 00 s 02 well-bred 0 well-mannered 0 001 & 01947266 a 0000 | of good upbringing 01949149 00 a 01 unrefined 1 017 ^ 00851103 a 0000 ^ 00985387 a 0000 ^ 01142349 a 0000 ^ 01812846 a 0000 ! 01947266 a 0101 & 01949611 a 0000 & 01949740 a 0000 & 01949859 a 0000 & 01950198 a 0000 & 01950711 a 0000 & 01950857 a 0000 & 01951008 a 0000 & 01951112 a 0000 & 01951197 a 0000 & 01951372 a 0000 & 01951456 a 0000 & 01951559 a 0000 | (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; "how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?" 01949611 00 s 01 agrestic 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | (of behavior) rustic and uncouth; "the agrestic behavior of a country boy" 01949740 00 s 03 artless 0 uncultivated 0 uncultured 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | (of persons) lacking art or knowledge 01949859 00 s 06 boorish 0 loutish 0 neanderthal 0 neandertal 0 oafish 0 swinish 0 002 & 01949149 a 0000 + 04914576 n 0101 | ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; "was boorish and insensitive"; "the loutish manners of a bully"; "her stupid oafish husband"; "aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude" 01950198 00 s 05 coarse 0 common 0 rough-cut 0 uncouth 0 vulgar 0 008 & 01949149 a 0000 + 00582318 v 0502 + 00011698 v 0501 + 04817280 n 0504 + 04817788 n 0402 + 04817280 n 0202 + 08181930 n 0202 + 04817280 n 0101 | lacking refinement or cultivation or taste; "he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "an untutored and uncouth human being"; "an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy"; "appealing to the vulgar taste for violence"; "the vulgar display of the newly rich" 01950711 00 s 01 crass 0 002 & 01949149 a 0000 + 04844343 n 0101 | (of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility 01950857 00 s 06 ill-bred 0 bounderish 0 lowbred 0 rude 0 underbred 0 yokelish 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace 01951008 00 s 01 low 0 002 & 01949149 a 0000 + 13951215 n 0102 | unrefined in character; "low comedy" 01951112 00 s 01 robust 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | rough and crude; "a robust tale" 01951197 00 s 01 rough 0 002 & 01949149 a 0000 + 13977184 n 0103 | (of persons or behavior) lacking refinement or finesse; "she was a diamond in the rough"; "rough manners" 01951372 00 s 01 rough-spoken 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | rude or uncouth in speech 01951456 00 s 02 ungentlemanly 0 ungentlemanlike 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | not befitting a gentleman 01951559 00 s 01 unladylike 0 001 & 01949149 a 0000 | lacking the behavior or manner or style considered proper for a lady 01951684 00 a 01 processed 0 007 ^ 01005063 a 0000 ^ 01905653 a 0000 ^ 01953635 a 0000 ! 01952405 a 0101 & 01951943 a 0000 & 01952153 a 0000 & 01952301 a 0000 | prepared or converted from a natural state by subjecting to a special process; "processed ores" 01951943 00 s 03 cured 0 vulcanized 0 vulcanised 0 001 & 01951684 a 0000 | (used of rubber) treated by a chemical or physical process to improve its properties (hardness and strength and odor and elasticity) 01952153 00 s 02 milled 0 polished 0 001 & 01951684 a 0000 | (of grains especially rice) having the husk or outer layers removed; "polished rice" 01952301 00 s 01 semi-processed 0 001 & 01951684 a 0000 | having been subjected to partial processing 01952405 00 a 01 unprocessed 0 007 ^ 01908039 a 0000 ^ 01005675 a 0000 ^ 01954781 a 0000 ! 01951684 a 0101 & 01952643 a 0000 & 01952907 a 0000 & 01953161 a 0000 | not altered from an original or natural state; "unprocessed commodities" 01952643 00 s 03 natural 0 raw(a) 0 rude(a) 0 001 & 01952405 a 0000 | (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes; "natural yogurt"; "natural produce"; "raw wool"; "raw sugar"; "bales of rude cotton" 01952907 00 s 01 streaming 0 002 & 01952405 a 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 | (computer science) using or relating to a form of continuous tape transport; used mainly to provide backup storage of unedited data; "streaming audio"; "streaming video recording" 01953161 00 s 02 unvulcanized 0 unvulcanised 0 001 & 01952405 a 0000 | (used of rubber) not subjected to the process of vulcanization 01953297 00 a 02 refined 2 processed 2 001 ! 01953467 a 0101 | freed from impurities by processing; "refined sugar"; "refined oil"; "to gild refined gold"- Shakespeare 01953467 00 a 03 unrefined 2 unprocessed 2 crude 2 003 + 04817564 n 0301 + 14472624 n 0302 ! 01953297 a 0101 | not refined or processed; "unrefined ore"; "crude oil" 01953635 00 a 01 treated 0 008 ^ 01951684 a 0000 ! 01954781 a 0101 & 01954005 a 0000 & 01954128 a 0000 & 01954263 a 0000 & 01954418 a 0000 & 01954517 a 0000 & 01954640 a 0000 | subjected to a physical (or chemical) treatment or action or agent; "the sludge of treated sewage can be used as fertilizer"; "treated timbers resist rot"; "treated fabrics resist wrinkling" 01954005 00 s 01 activated 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | (of sewage) treated with aeration and bacteria to aid decomposition 01954128 00 s 01 aerated 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | (of a liquid) treated by having air passed or bubbled through it for purification 01954263 00 s 02 burned 0 burnt 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | treated by heating to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point; "burnt sienna" 01954418 00 s 01 doped 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | treated or impregnated with a foreign substance 01954517 00 s 01 fumed 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | (of wood) darkened or colored by exposure to ammonia fumes; "fumed oak" 01954640 00 s 01 proofed 0 001 & 01953635 a 0000 | treated so as to become resistant; "rust-proofed automobiles"; "shrink-proofed fabrics" 01954781 00 a 01 untreated 0 003 ^ 01952405 a 0000 ! 01953635 a 0101 & 01954943 a 0000 | not subjected to chemical or physical treatment; "an untreated fabric" 01954943 00 s 01 raw 0 001 & 01954781 a 0000 | not processed or refined; "raw sewage" 01955031 00 a 01 oiled 0 001 ! 01955147 a 0101 | treated with oil; "oiled country roads"; "an oiled walnut table" 01955147 00 a 01 unoiled 0 001 ! 01955031 a 0101 | in need of oil treatment; "dusty unoiled roads"; "a dull unoiled table" 01955272 00 a 01 treated 2 004 ! 01955898 a 0101 & 01955494 a 0000 & 01955670 a 0000 & 01955796 a 0000 | given medical care or treatment; "a treated cold is usually gone in 14 days; if left untreated it lasts two weeks" 01955494 00 s 02 bandaged 0 bound 0 001 & 01955272 a 0000 | covered or wrapped with a bandage; "the bandaged wound on the back of his head"; "an injury bound in fresh gauze" 01955670 00 s 01 dosed 0 001 & 01955272 a 0000 | treated with some kind of application; "a mustache dosed with bear grease" 01955796 00 s 01 dressed 0 001 & 01955272 a 0000 | treated with medications and protective covering 01955898 00 a 01 untreated 2 001 ! 01955272 a 0101 | not given medical care or treatment; "an untreated disease"; "the untreated wounded lay on makeshift cots" 01956060 00 a 01 recoverable 0 003 ! 01956523 a 0101 & 01956229 a 0000 & 01956370 a 0000 | capable of being recovered or regained; "recoverable truth of a past event" 01956229 00 s 01 redeemable 0 001 & 01956060 a 0000 | recoverable upon payment or fulfilling a condition; "redeemable goods in a pawnshop" 01956370 00 s 01 retrievable 0 001 & 01956060 a 0000 | capable of being regained especially with effort; "he believed the information was retrievable" 01956523 00 a 02 unrecoverable 0 irrecoverable 0 003 ! 01956060 a 0101 & 01956675 a 0000 & 01956855 a 0000 | incapable of being recovered or regained 01956675 00 s 02 irretrievable 0 unretrievable 0 001 & 01956523 a 0000 | impossible to recover or recoup or overcome; "an irretrievable loss"; "irretrievable errors in judgment" 01956855 00 s 01 lost 0 001 & 01956523 a 0000 | incapable of being recovered or regained; "his lost honor" 01956964 00 a 01 regenerate 0 004 ^ 01451498 a 0000 ! 01957454 a 0101 & 01957177 a 0000 & 01957312 a 0000 | reformed spiritually or morally; "a regenerate sinner"; "regenerate by redemption from error or decay" 01957177 00 s 03 born-again 0 converted 0 reborn 0 001 & 01956964 a 0000 | spiritually reborn or converted; "a born-again Christian" 01957312 00 s 01 reformed 0 001 & 01956964 a 0000 | caused to abandon an evil manner of living and follow a good one; "a reformed drunkard" 01957454 00 a 02 unregenerate 0 unregenerated 0 006 ^ 01450969 a 0000 ^ 01743909 a 0000 ! 01956964 a 0101 & 01957712 a 0000 & 01957855 a 0000 & 01957942 a 0000 | not reformed morally or spiritually; "unregenerate human nature"; "unregenerate conservatism" 01957712 00 s 04 cussed 0 obdurate 0 obstinate 0 unrepentant 0 002 & 01957454 a 0000 + 04909270 n 0101 | stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing 01957855 00 s 01 impenitent 0 001 & 01957454 a 0000 | impervious to moral persuasion 01957942 00 s 02 unconverted 0 unpersuaded 0 001 & 01957454 a 0000 | not converted 01958027 00 a 01 registered 0 003 ! 01958659 a 0101 & 01958259 a 0000 & 01958512 a 0000 | listed or recorded officially; "record is made of `registered mail' at each point on its route to assure safe delivery"; "registered bonds" 01958259 00 s 02 certified 0 qualified 0 001 & 01958027 a 0000 | holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill; "a registered pharmacist"; "a registered hospital" 01958512 00 s 01 recorded 0 001 & 01958027 a 0000 | (of securities) having the owner's name entered in a register; "recorded holders of a stock" 01958659 00 a 01 unregistered 0 002 ! 01958027 a 0101 & 01958777 a 0000 | not registered; "an unregistered citizen" 01958777 00 s 01 unlisted 0 001 & 01958659 a 0000 | not having your name entered on a voting list; "an unlisted voter" 01958898 00 a 01 registered 2 002 ;c 00015388 n 0000 ! 01959111 a 0101 | (of animals) officially recorded with or certified by a recognized breed association; especially in a stud book; "a registered Percheron" 01959111 00 a 01 unregistered 2 002 ;c 00015388 n 0000 ! 01958898 a 0101 | (of animals) not recorded with or certified by an official breed association; "unregistered dairy cattle" 01959294 00 a 01 regular 0 014 ^ 02019021 a 0000 ^ 02371718 a 0000 ^ 02382934 a 0000 = 04767347 n 0000 + 04767347 n 0101 ! 01960656 a 0101 & 01959711 a 0000 & 01959807 a 0000 & 01959918 a 0000 & 01960076 a 0000 & 01960207 a 0000 & 01960310 a 0000 & 01960432 a 0000 & 01960557 a 0000 | in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties" 01959711 00 s 01 first-string 0 001 & 01959294 a 0000 | of members of a team; not substitutes 01959807 00 s 02 lawful 0 rule-governed 0 001 & 01959294 a 0000 | according to custom or rule or natural law 01959918 00 s 02 official 0 prescribed 0 002 & 01959294 a 0000 + 01033458 n 0101 | conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline; "in prescribed order" 01960076 00 s 02 standard 0 stock 0 001 & 01959294 a 0000 | regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a stock item" 01960207 00 s 01 timed 0 001 & 01959294 a 0000 | regularly spaced in time; "closely timed intervals" 01960310 00 s 01 uniform 0 002 & 01959294 a 0000 + 04745370 n 0101 | evenly spaced; "at regular (or uniform) intervals" 01960432 00 s 01 weak 0 002 & 01959294 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection 01960557 00 s 01 well-ordered 0 001 & 01959294 a 0000 | ordered well; "well-ordered work habits" 01960656 00 a 01 irregular 0 015 ^ 02373599 a 0000 ^ 01401854 a 0000 ^ 02238462 a 0000 ^ 02021050 a 0000 ^ 02303077 a 0000 ^ 02383151 a 0000 = 04767347 n 0000 + 04770211 n 0101 + 00737188 n 0102 ! 01959294 a 0101 & 01961048 a 0000 & 01961205 a 0000 & 01961410 a 0000 & 01961666 a 0000 & 01961786 a 0000 | contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice; "irregular hiring practices" 01961048 00 s 02 asymmetrical 0 crooked 0 001 & 01960656 a 0000 | irregular in shape or outline; "asymmetrical features"; "a dress with a crooked hemline" 01961205 00 s 02 casual 0 occasional 0 002 & 01960656 a 0000 + 04912240 n 0101 | occurring from time to time; "casual employment"; "a casual correspondence with a former teacher"; "an occasional worker" 01961410 00 s 03 improper 0 unconventional 0 unlawful 0 004 & 01960656 a 0000 + 04810865 n 0301 + 04800885 n 0201 + 04901326 n 0102 | not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention; "an unconventional marriage"; "improper banking practices" 01961666 00 s 02 randomized 0 randomised 0 001 & 01960656 a 0000 | set up or distributed in a deliberately random way 01961786 00 s 01 strong 0 002 & 01960656 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection; "`sing' is a strong verb" 01961937 00 a 01 regular 1 001 ! 01962107 a 0101 | (of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula 01962107 00 a 01 irregular 1 002 + 05066012 n 0101 ! 01961937 a 0101 | (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement 01962310 00 a 01 regulated 0 001 ! 01962492 a 0101 | controlled or governed according to rule or principle or law; "well regulated industries"; "houses with regulated temperature" 01962492 00 a 01 unregulated 0 001 ! 01962310 a 0101 | not regulated; not subject to rule or discipline; "unregulated off-shore fishing" 01962631 00 a 01 remediable 0 001 ! 01962819 a 0101 | capable of being remedied or redressed ; "remediable problems"; "a remediable setback"; "not a crime but only a remediable blunder" 01962819 00 a 01 irremediable 0 001 ! 01962631 a 0101 | impossible to remedy or correct or redress; "an irremediable error"; "irremediable defects of character" 01962982 00 a 01 renewable 0 001 ! 01963117 a 0101 | that can be renewed or extended; "a renewable lease"; "renewable subscriptions" 01963117 00 a 02 unrenewable 0 nonrenewable 0 001 ! 01962982 a 0101 | that can not be renewed; "books on that shelf are unrenewable"; "gas and oil are nonrenewable resources" 01963294 00 a 01 rentable 0 001 ! 01963378 a 0101 | that is able or fit be rented 01963378 00 a 01 unrentable 0 001 ! 01963294 a 0101 | not able or fit to be rented; "the house was unrentable in that condition" 01963509 00 a 02 reparable 0 rectifiable 0 002 ! 01963792 a 0101 & 01963688 a 0000 | capable of being repaired or rectified; "reparable damage to the car"; "rectifiable wrongs" 01963688 00 s 01 maintainable 0 002 & 01963509 a 0000 + 02681795 v 0102 | capable of being maintained 01963792 00 a 01 irreparable 0 001 ! 01963509 a 0101 | impossible to repair, rectify, or amend; "irreparable harm"; "an irreparable mistake"; "irreparable damages" 01963958 00 a 02 repeatable 0 quotable 0 003 + 04807489 n 0201 ! 01964196 a 0202 ! 01964196 a 0101 | able or fit to be repeated or quoted; "what he said was not repeatable in polite company"; "he comes up with so many quotable phrases" 01964196 00 a 02 unrepeatable 0 unquotable 0 002 ! 01963958 a 0202 ! 01963958 a 0101 | not able or fit to be repeated or quoted; "what he said was funny but unquotable" 01964367 00 a 02 repetitive 0 repetitious 0 009 + 07342049 n 0202 + 07099271 n 0201 + 01018630 n 0201 + 07090721 n 0202 + 07090721 n 0101 + 02595662 v 0101 + 00343334 v 0102 ! 01964775 a 0101 & 01964632 a 0000 | characterized by repetition; "repetitive movement" 01964632 00 s 02 iterative 0 reiterative 0 004 & 01964367 a 0000 + 00958334 v 0202 + 00958334 v 0104 + 00343600 v 0101 | marked by iteration 01964775 00 a 01 nonrepetitive 0 001 ! 01964367 a 0101 | marked by the absence of repetition; "nonrepetitive DNA sequence"; "nonrepetitive dance movements" 01964933 00 a 01 printable 0 001 ! 01965096 a 0101 | fit for publication because free of material that is morally or legally objectionable; "printable language" 01965096 00 a 01 unprintable 0 001 ! 01964933 a 0101 | unfit for print because morally or legally objectionable or offensive to good taste; "an unprintable epithet"; "unprintable pictures" 01965287 00 a 01 requested 0 001 ! 01965388 a 0101 | asked for; "the requested aid is forthcoming" 01965388 00 a 01 unrequested 0 002 ! 01965287 a 0101 & 01965512 a 0000 | not requested; "the merchandise was unrequested" 01965512 00 s 02 unasked 0 unsolicited 0 001 & 01965388 a 0000 | not asked for; "unasked advice"; "unsolicited junk mail" 01965636 00 a 03 rhymed 0 rhyming 4 riming 0 004 ! 01966315 a 0101 & 01965849 a 0000 & 01966016 a 0000 & 01966212 a 0000 | having corresponding sounds especially terminal sounds; "rhymed verse"; "rhyming words" 01965849 00 s 01 alliterative 0 002 & 01965636 a 0000 + 01702154 v 0101 | having the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable; "alliterative verse" 01966016 00 s 01 assonant 0 003 & 01965636 a 0000 + 02750642 v 0101 + 07097346 n 0101 | having the same vowel sound occurring with different consonants in successive words or stressed syllables 01966212 00 s 01 end-rhymed 0 001 & 01965636 a 0000 | rhymed on the terminal syllables of the verses 01966315 00 a 04 unrhymed 0 unrimed 0 rhymeless 0 rimeless 0 001 ! 01965636 a 0101 | not having rhyme; "writing unrhymed blank verse is like playing tennis without a net" 01966488 00 a 02 uniform 0 unvarying 4 005 + 04745370 n 0102 + 04769049 n 0101 + 04745370 n 0101 ! 01966853 a 0101 & 01966740 a 0000 | always the same; showing a single form or character in all occurrences; "a street of uniform tall white buildings" 01966740 00 s 01 single(a) 0 001 & 01966488 a 0000 | having uniform application; "a single legal code for all" 01966853 00 a 01 multiform 0 002 ! 01966488 a 0101 & 01967041 a 0000 | occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances; "the multiform universe of nature and man"- John Dewey 01967041 00 s 02 polymorphic 0 polymorphous 0 002 & 01966853 a 0000 + 01328121 n 0101 | having or occurring in several distinct forms; "man is both polymorphic and polytypic"; "a polymorphous god" 01967240 00 a 02 periodic 0 periodical 0 023 + 06593296 n 0201 + 15289779 n 0201 + 04767805 n 0102 ! 01970464 a 0101 & 01967803 a 0000 & 01967917 a 0000 & 01968033 a 0000 & 01968165 a 0000 & 01968352 a 0000 & 01968503 a 0000 & 01968721 a 0000 & 01968811 a 0000 & 01968956 a 0000 & 01969038 a 0000 & 01969150 a 0000 & 01969348 a 0000 & 01969477 a 0000 & 01969606 a 0000 & 01969707 a 0000 & 01969881 a 0000 & 01970014 a 0000 & 01970136 a 0000 & 01970322 a 0000 | happening or recurring at regular intervals; "the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust" 01967803 00 s 01 cyclic 0 003 & 01967240 a 0000 + 07342495 n 0101 + 04767805 n 0101 | marked by repeated cycles 01967917 00 s 02 oscillatory 0 oscillating 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 01878063 v 0101 | having periodic vibrations 01968033 00 s 01 diurnal 0 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | having a daily cycle or occurring every day; "diurnal rotation of the heavens" 01968165 00 s 04 daily 0 day-to-day 0 day-by-day 0 day-after-day 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15155220 n 0101 | of or belonging to or occurring every day; "daily routine"; "a daily paper" 01968352 00 s 01 nightly 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15167027 n 0101 | happening every night; "nightly television now goes on until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m." 01968503 00 s 03 weekly 0 hebdomadal 0 hebdomadary 0 005 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15169873 n 0302 + 15169873 n 0202 + 15169873 n 0101 + 15136147 n 0101 | of or occurring every seven days; "a weekly visit"; "weekly paper" 01968721 00 s 02 semiweekly 0 biweekly 1 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring twice a week 01968811 00 s 01 hourly 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15227846 n 0101 | occurring every hour or payable by the hour; "hourly chimes"; "hourly pay" 01968956 00 s 01 half-hourly 0 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring ever half hour 01969038 00 s 02 fortnightly 0 biweekly 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15170331 n 0101 | occurring every two weeks 01969150 00 s 02 annual 0 yearly 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15203791 n 0201 | occurring or payable every year; "an annual trip to Paris"; "yearly medical examinations"; "annual (or yearly) income" 01969348 00 s 04 semiannual 0 biannual 0 biyearly 1 half-yearly 0 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring or payable twice each year 01969477 00 s 02 biennial 0 biyearly 2 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring every second year; "they met at biennial conventions" 01969606 00 s 01 triennial 0 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring every third year or lasting 3 years 01969707 00 s 01 monthly 0 003 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15209413 n 0102 + 15206296 n 0101 | of or occurring or payable every month; "monthly payments"; "the monthly newsletter" 01969881 00 s 02 bimonthly 0 bimestrial 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15204609 n 0201 | occurring every two months; "bimonthly visits" 01970014 00 s 02 semimonthly 0 bimonthly 1 001 & 01967240 a 0000 | occurring twice a month; "a semimonthly publication" 01970136 00 s 02 semestral 0 semestrial 0 004 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15204485 n 0201 + 15204485 n 0101 + 15225797 n 0101 | occurring every six months or during every period of six months 01970322 00 s 01 midweekly 0 002 & 01967240 a 0000 + 15136342 n 0101 | occurring during the middle of the week; "midweekly prayer meetings" 01970464 00 a 02 aperiodic 0 nonperiodic 0 003 ! 01967240 a 0101 & 01970604 a 0000 & 01970686 a 0000 | not recurring at regular intervals 01970604 00 s 01 noncyclic 0 001 & 01970464 a 0000 | not having repeated cycles 01970686 00 s 01 nonoscillatory 0 001 & 01970464 a 0000 | not having periodic vibrations 01970777 00 a 01 regular 2 003 ;c 08199025 n 0000 ! 01971046 a 0101 & 01970963 a 0000 | (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army" 01970963 00 s 01 standing 0 001 & 01970777 a 0000 | permanent; "a standing army" 01971046 00 a 01 irregular 2 002 ^ 00730731 a 0000 ! 01970777 a 0101 | (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces; "irregular troops"; "irregular warfare" 01971237 00 a 01 related 1 011 ^ 01417228 a 0000 ^ 01416508 a 0000 + 13795489 n 0101 ! 01972596 a 0101 & 01971519 a 0000 & 01971671 a 0000 & 01971846 a 0000 & 01972070 a 0000 & 01972204 a 0000 & 01972349 a 0000 & 01972479 a 0000 | connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage 01971519 00 s 02 affinal 0 affine 0 004 & 01971237 a 0000 ;c 06143546 n 0000 + 13813283 n 0201 + 09776522 n 0101 | (anthropology) related by marriage 01971671 00 s 03 agnate 0 agnatic 0 paternal 0 004 & 01971237 a 0000 + 13813898 n 0302 + 10236663 n 0201 + 10236663 n 0101 | related on the father's side; "a paternal aunt" 01971846 00 s 07 akin(p) 0 blood-related 0 cognate 1 consanguine 0 consanguineous 0 consanguineal 0 kin(p) 0 005 & 01971237 a 0000 + 10236304 n 0701 + 07969695 n 0701 + 13813591 n 0401 + 10236114 n 0303 | related by blood 01972070 00 s 01 allied 0 001 & 01971237 a 0000 | related by common characteristics or ancestry; "allied species"; "allied studies" 01972204 00 s 02 descendant 0 descendent 0 002 & 01971237 a 0000 + 10006511 n 0101 | proceeding by descent from an ancestor; "descendent gene" 01972349 00 s 03 enate 0 enatic 0 maternal(p) 0 001 & 01971237 a 0000 | related on the mother's side; "my maternal grandmother" 01972479 00 s 01 kindred 0 002 & 01971237 a 0000 + 07969695 n 0104 | related by blood or marriage; "kindred clans" 01972596 00 a 01 unrelated 1 003 + 13796403 n 0101 ! 01971237 a 0101 & 01972712 a 0000 | not connected by kinship 01972712 00 s 01 unconnected 0 002 & 01972596 a 0000 + 13794226 n 0101 | not connected by birth or family 01972820 00 a 02 related 2 related_to 0 011 + 13795489 n 0101 ! 01974740 a 0101 & 01973311 a 0000 & 01973529 a 0000 & 01973655 a 0000 & 01973823 a 0000 & 01973969 a 0000 & 01974071 a 0000 & 01974298 a 0000 & 01974451 a 0000 & 01974584 a 0000 | being connected either logically or causally or by shared characteristics ; "painting and the related arts"; "school-related activities"; "related to micelle formation is the...ability of detergent actives to congregate at oil-water interfaces" 01973311 00 s 03 affiliated 0 attached 0 connected 0 002 & 01972820 a 0000 + 14419164 n 0303 | being joined in close association; "affiliated clubs"; "all art schools whether independent or attached to universities" 01973529 00 s 01 age-related 0 001 & 01972820 a 0000 | changing (increasing or decreasing) as an individual's age increases 01973655 00 s 01 bound_up 0 001 & 01972820 a 0000 | closely or inseparably connected or associated with; "his career is bound up with the fortunes of the enterprise" 01973823 00 s 01 cognate 1 003 & 01972820 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 06289074 n 0101 | having the same ancestral language; "cognate languages" 01973969 00 s 02 connate 0 cognate 2 001 & 01972820 a 0000 | related in nature; "connate qualities" 01974071 00 s 01 coreferent 0 002 & 01972820 a 0000 + 13799063 n 0101 | related by sharing a symbolic link to a concrete object or an abstraction; "two expressions are coreferent if they denote the same object or individual" 01974298 00 s 03 correlative 0 correlate 0 correlated 0 004 & 01972820 a 0000 + 02658979 v 0101 + 00713996 v 0101 + 13841651 n 0102 | mutually related 01974451 00 s 01 corresponding 0 001 & 01972820 a 0000 | accompanying; "all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities" 01974584 00 s 01 side_by_side 0 001 & 01972820 a 0000 | closely related or associated; "a city in which communism and democracy had to live side by side" 01974740 00 a 01 unrelated 2 005 + 13796403 n 0101 ! 01972820 a 0101 & 01974904 a 0000 & 01974979 a 0000 & 01975059 a 0000 | lacking a logical or causal relation 01974904 00 s 01 misrelated 0 001 & 01974740 a 0000 | mistakenly related 01974979 00 s 01 orthogonal 0 001 & 01974740 a 0000 | statistically unrelated 01975059 00 s 01 uncorrelated 0 001 & 01974740 a 0000 | not varying together 01975138 00 a 01 relevant 0 006 + 13794417 n 0101 + 13794417 n 0102 ! 01976084 a 0101 & 01975448 a 0000 & 01975671 a 0000 & 01975833 a 0000 | having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research" 01975448 00 s 01 applicable 0 005 & 01975138 a 0000 + 02707429 v 0102 + 02676789 v 0101 + 02561332 v 0102 + 13795180 n 0101 | capable of being applied; having relevance; "gave applicable examples to support her argument" 01975671 00 s 01 germane(p) 0 002 & 01975138 a 0000 + 13795042 n 0101 | relevant and appropriate; "he asks questions that are germane and central to the issue" 01975833 00 s 01 pertinent 0 004 & 01975138 a 0000 + 13795180 n 0103 + 13795180 n 0102 + 02653706 v 0101 | having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand; "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion"; "remarks that were to the point" 01976084 00 a 01 irrelevant 0 007 + 13795834 n 0102 + 13795834 n 0101 ! 01975138 a 0101 & 01976360 a 0000 & 01976532 a 0000 & 01976851 a 0000 & 01977025 a 0000 | having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "an irrelevant comment"; "irrelevant allegations" 01976360 00 s 02 digressive 0 tangential 0 001 & 01976084 a 0000 | of superficial relevance if any; "a digressive allusion to the day of the week"; "a tangential remark" 01976532 00 s 04 extraneous 0 immaterial 0 impertinent 0 orthogonal 0 003 & 01976084 a 0000 + 13796216 n 0201 + 13796585 n 0101 | not pertinent to the matter under consideration; "an issue extraneous to the debate"; "the price was immaterial"; "mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point" 01976851 00 s 02 inapplicable 0 unsuitable 2 003 & 01976084 a 0000 + 04721058 n 0201 + 13796053 n 0101 | not capable of being applied; "rules inapplicable to day students" 01977025 00 s 01 moot 0 002 & 01976084 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | of no legal significance (as having been previously decided) 01977155 00 a 02 mindful 0 aware 4 007 = 04663763 n 0000 + 05675905 n 0201 + 05677952 n 0201 + 04663763 n 0101 ! 01978003 a 0101 & 01977488 a 0000 & 01977669 a 0000 | bearing in mind; attentive to; "ever mindful of her health"; "mindful of his responsibilities"; "mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action" 01977488 00 s 02 careful 0 heedful 0 003 & 01977155 a 0000 + 04663763 n 0202 + 04664058 n 0103 | cautiously attentive; "careful of her feelings"; "heedful of his father's advice" 01977669 00 s 05 evocative 0 redolent 0 remindful 0 reminiscent 0 resonant 0 006 & 01977155 a 0000 + 05762848 n 0401 + 05761559 n 0403 + 00611055 v 0401 + 01759326 v 0105 + 00930368 v 0102 | serving to bring to mind; "cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note"- Wilder Hobson; "a campaign redolent of machine politics" 01978003 00 a 03 unmindful 0 forgetful 2 mindless 0 005 = 04663763 n 0000 + 05673908 n 0201 + 04665543 n 0101 ! 01977155 a 0101 & 01978237 a 0000 | not mindful or attentive; "while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled"- G.B.Shaw 01978237 00 s 02 amnesic 0 amnesiac 0 004 & 01978003 a 0000 + 09788611 n 0202 + 09788611 n 0101 + 05672391 n 0101 | suffering from a partial loss of memory 01978395 00 a 01 replaceable 0 004 ^ 00932695 a 0000 + 04737234 n 0101 ! 01978894 a 0101 & 01978532 a 0000 | capable of being replaced 01978532 00 s 05 exchangeable 0 interchangeable 0 similar 0 standardized 0 standardised 0 004 & 01978395 a 0000 + 04743605 n 0301 + 04735929 n 0203 + 04735929 n 0202 | capable of replacing or changing places with something else; permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability; "interchangeable electric outlets" "interchangeable parts" 01978894 00 a 02 irreplaceable 0 unreplaceable 0 003 ^ 00933032 a 0000 + 04741195 n 0101 ! 01978395 a 0101 | impossible to replace; "irreplaceable antiques" 01979053 00 a 01 representational 0 006 ! 01980250 a 0101 & 01979326 a 0000 & 01979501 a 0000 & 01979604 a 0000 & 01979803 a 0000 & 01979985 a 0000 | (used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen; "representational art"; "representational images" 01979326 00 s 02 delineative 0 depictive 0 005 & 01979053 a 0000 + 01688256 v 0202 + 01686956 v 0202 + 02736778 v 0102 + 01689379 v 0101 | depicted in a recognizable manner 01979501 00 s 01 eidetic 0 001 & 01979053 a 0000 | of visual imagery of almost photographic accuracy 01979604 00 s 02 figural 0 figurative 0 001 & 01979053 a 0000 | consisting of or forming human or animal figures; "a figural design"; "the figurative art of the humanistic tradition"- Herbert Read 01979803 00 s 01 mimetic 0 002 & 01979053 a 0000 + 05962785 n 0101 | characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis; "a mimetic dance"; "the mimetic presentation of images" 01979985 00 s 02 naturalistic 0 realistic 0 003 & 01979053 a 0000 + 10509389 n 0201 + 08469457 n 0101 | representing what is real; not abstract or ideal; "realistic portraiture"; "a realistic novel"; "in naturalistic colors"; "the school of naturalistic writers" 01980250 00 a 01 nonrepresentational 0 009 ^ 00011757 a 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 ! 01979053 a 0101 & 01980557 a 0000 & 01980796 a 0000 & 01981009 a 0000 & 01981243 a 0000 & 01981448 a 0000 & 01981583 a 0000 | of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature 01980557 00 s 04 abstract 0 abstractionist 0 nonfigurative 0 nonobjective 0 003 & 01980250 a 0000 + 09758424 n 0201 + 04762134 n 0101 | not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting" 01980796 00 s 03 conventional 0 formal 0 schematic 0 006 & 01980250 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 + 04145578 n 0301 + 05891572 n 0303 + 05927813 n 0301 + 05891572 n 0302 | represented in simplified or symbolic form 01981009 00 s 02 geometric 0 geometrical 0 003 & 01980250 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 + 06004685 n 0201 | characterized by simple geometric forms in design and decoration; "a buffalo hide painted with red and black geometric designs" 01981243 00 s 01 hieratic 0 002 & 01980250 a 0000 ;c 06156968 n 0000 | adhering to fixed types or methods; highly restrained and formal; "the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved" 01981448 00 s 01 protogeometric 0 001 & 01980250 a 0000 | characteristic of the earliest phase of geometric art especially in Greece 01981583 00 s 01 semiabstract 0 001 & 01980250 a 0000 | characterized by stylized but recognizable subject matter 01981699 00 a 01 representative 0 005 + 00836236 v 0105 + 00988028 v 0101 ! 01982538 a 0101 & 01981916 a 0000 & 01982186 a 0000 | standing for something else; "the bald eagle is representative of the United States" 01981916 00 s 02 allegorical 0 allegoric 0 005 & 01981699 a 0000 + 06366581 n 0201 + 06880664 n 0102 + 06366581 n 0101 + 06372095 n 0103 | used in or characteristic of or containing allegory; "allegorical stories"; "an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army" 01982186 00 s 04 emblematic 0 emblematical 0 symbolic 0 symbolical 0 006 & 01981699 a 0000 + 05765415 n 0401 + 05765415 n 0301 + 06880664 n 0201 + 06880664 n 0101 + 03282591 n 0101 | serving as a visible symbol for something abstract; "a crown is emblematic of royalty"; "the spinning wheel was as symbolic of colonical Massachusetts as the codfish" 01982538 00 a 02 nonrepresentative 0 unsymbolic 0 001 ! 01981699 a 0101 | not standing for something else 01982646 00 a 01 reputable 0 010 ^ 01226240 a 0000 ^ 01993140 a 0000 = 14438125 n 0000 + 04871002 n 0102 ! 01983797 a 0101 & 01982957 a 0000 & 01983162 a 0000 & 01983432 a 0000 & 01983548 a 0000 & 01983672 a 0000 | having a good reputation; "a reputable business"; "a reputable scientist"; "a reputable wine" 01982957 00 s 03 esteemed 0 honored 0 prestigious 0 003 & 01982646 a 0000 + 14435809 n 0301 + 14435809 n 0302 | having an illustrious reputation; respected; "our esteemed leader"; "a prestigious author" 01983162 00 s 04 estimable 0 good 0 honorable 0 respectable 0 005 & 01982646 a 0000 + 04871002 n 0401 + 04868748 n 0301 + 02457233 v 0302 + 04849241 n 0202 | deserving of esteem and respect; "all respectable companies give guarantees"; "ruined the family's good name" 01983432 00 s 01 redoubtable 0 001 & 01982646 a 0000 | worthy of respect or honor; "born of a redoubtable family" 01983548 00 s 02 respected 0 well-thought-of 0 001 & 01982646 a 0000 | receiving deferential regard; "a respected family" 01983672 00 s 02 time-honored 0 time-honoured 0 001 & 01982646 a 0000 | acceptable for a long time; "time-honored customs" 01983797 00 a 01 disreputable 0 011 ^ 01227137 a 0000 ^ 01993843 a 0000 = 14438125 n 0000 + 04874409 n 0103 + 04874409 n 0102 ! 01982646 a 0101 & 01984097 a 0000 & 01984252 a 0000 & 01984411 a 0000 & 01984669 a 0000 & 01984806 a 0000 | lacking respectability in character or behavior or appearance 01984097 00 s 01 discreditable 0 001 & 01983797 a 0000 | tending to bring discredit or disrepute; blameworthy; "his marks were not at all discreditable" 01984252 00 s 02 discredited 0 damaged 0 001 & 01983797 a 0000 | being unjustly brought into disrepute; "a discredited politician"; "her damaged reputation" 01984411 00 s 03 ill-famed 0 infamous 0 notorious 0 003 & 01983797 a 0000 + 14439012 n 0201 + 14441230 n 0201 | known widely and usually unfavorably; "a notorious gangster"; "the tenderloin district was notorious for vice"; "the infamous Benedict Arnold"; 01984669 00 s 02 louche 0 shady 0 001 & 01983797 a 0000 | of questionable taste or morality; "a louche nightclub"; "a louche painting" 01984806 00 s 05 seamy 0 seedy 0 sleazy 0 sordid 0 squalid 0 004 & 01983797 a 0000 + 14499111 n 0503 + 04807971 n 0402 + 04874223 n 0301 | morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos"; "sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal" 01985247 00 a 02 receptive 0 open 0 011 + 04645020 n 0203 + 04645020 n 0101 + 04645020 n 0102 + 02739480 v 0103 + 00617095 v 0101 + 00686879 v 0101 ! 01986260 a 0101 & 01985557 a 0000 & 01985812 a 0000 & 01985976 a 0000 & 01986134 a 0000 | ready or willing to receive favorably; "receptive to the proposals" 01985557 00 s 02 acceptive 0 acceptant 0 007 & 01985247 a 0000 + 00719231 v 0201 + 00686447 v 0201 + 04638175 n 0202 + 00082525 n 0201 + 00180413 n 0202 + 00719231 v 0101 | accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an acceptant type of mind" 01985812 00 s 01 admissive 0 002 & 01985247 a 0000 + 02745486 v 0101 | characterized by or allowing admission; "an Elizabethan tragedy admissive of comic scenes" 01985976 00 s 01 assimilative 0 001 & 01985247 a 0000 | capable of mentally absorbing ; "assimilative processes", "assimilative capacity of the human mind" 01986134 00 s 01 hospitable 0 001 & 01985247 a 0000 | having an open mind; "hospitable to new ideas"; "open to suggestions" 01986260 00 a 01 unreceptive 0 002 ! 01985247 a 0101 & 01986349 a 0000 | not receptive 01986349 00 s 02 closed 0 unsympathetic 0 001 & 01986260 a 0000 | not having an open mind; "a closed mind unreceptive to new ideas" 01986483 00 a 01 reconcilable 0 003 ! 01986926 a 0101 & 01986654 a 0000 & 01986759 a 0000 | capable of being reconciled; "her way of thinking is reconcilable with mine" 01986654 00 s 01 harmonizable 0 001 & 01986483 a 0000 | capable of being made harmonious or consistent 01986759 00 s 01 resolvable 0 001 & 01986483 a 0000 | capable of being settled or resolved; "all disputed points are potentially resolvable"; "a resolvable quarrel" 01986926 00 a 02 irreconcilable 0 unreconcilable 0 003 ! 01986483 a 0101 & 01987093 a 0000 & 01987207 a 0000 | impossible to reconcile; "irreconcilable differences" 01987093 00 s 01 hostile 0 001 & 01986926 a 0000 | impossible to bring into friendly accord; "hostile factions" 01987207 00 s 01 inconsistent 0 001 & 01986926 a 0000 | not capable of being made consistent or harmonious; "inconsistent accounts" 01987341 00 a 01 reserved 1 008 ^ 00204077 a 0000 ^ 01316222 a 0000 ^ 02000118 a 0000 ^ 00720913 a 0000 ! 01988166 a 0101 & 01987646 a 0000 & 01987856 a 0000 & 01988024 a 0000 | marked by self-restraint and reticence; "was habitually reserved in speech, withholding her opinion"-Victoria Sackville-West 01987646 00 s 03 aloof 0 distant 0 upstage 0 003 & 01987341 a 0000 + 07505871 n 0201 + 04656996 n 0101 | remote in manner; "stood apart with aloof dignity"; "a distant smile"; "he was upstage with strangers" 01987856 00 s 01 diffident 0 002 & 01987341 a 0000 + 07523286 n 0101 | showing modest reserve; "she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor's lecture" 01988024 00 s 02 indrawn 0 withdrawn 0 002 & 01987341 a 0000 + 04656996 n 0204 | tending to reserve or introspection; "a quiet indrawn man" 01988166 00 a 01 unreserved 1 004 ^ 00720296 a 0000 ^ 01317012 a 0000 ^ 02000680 a 0000 ! 01987341 a 0101 | not cautious or reticent; "unreserved behavior" 01988324 00 a 01 reserved 2 003 ! 01988724 a 0101 & 01988468 a 0000 & 01988565 a 0000 | set aside for the use of a particular person or party 01988468 00 s 03 booked 0 engaged 0 set-aside(p) 0 001 & 01988324 a 0000 | reserved in advance 01988565 00 s 01 bookable 0 003 & 01988324 a 0000 + 02599754 v 0101 + 02498320 v 0103 | subject to being reserved or booked; "all seats bookable in advance" 01988724 00 a 01 unreserved 2 003 ! 01988324 a 0101 & 01988829 a 0000 & 01988934 a 0000 | not reserved 01988829 00 s 02 first-come-first-serve(p) 0 rush 0 001 & 01988724 a 0000 | not accepting reservations 01988934 00 s 01 unbooked 0 001 & 01988724 a 0000 | not reserved in advance 01989012 00 a 01 resistible 0 001 ! 01989175 a 0101 | capable of being resisted or withstood or frustrated; "a resistible attack"; "such resistible temptations" 01989175 00 a 02 irresistible 0 resistless 4 004 + 05192240 n 0102 + 05192240 n 0101 ! 01989012 a 0101 & 01989446 a 0000 | impossible to resist; overpowering; "irresistible (or resistless) impulses"; "what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object?" 01989446 00 s 02 overpowering 0 overwhelming 0 001 & 01989175 a 0000 | so strong as to be irresistible; "an overpowering need for solitude"; "the temptation to despair may become overwhelming"; "an overwhelming majority" 01989669 00 a 01 resolute 0 016 ^ 00262792 a 0000 ^ 00684480 a 0000 ^ 01909890 a 0000 + 04861486 n 0101 ! 01992149 a 0101 & 01990172 a 0000 & 01990373 a 0000 & 01990507 a 0000 & 01990653 a 0000 & 01991029 a 0000 & 01991166 a 0000 & 01991267 a 0000 & 01991462 a 0000 & 01991586 a 0000 & 01991783 a 0000 & 01991961 a 0000 | firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination; "stood resolute against the enemy"; "faced with a resolute opposition"; "a resolute and unshakeable faith" 01990172 00 s 04 bent 0 bent_on(p) 0 dead_set(p) 0 out_to(p) 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | fixed in your purpose; "bent on going to the theater"; "dead set against intervening"; "out to win every event" 01990373 00 s 01 determined 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | characterized by great determination; "a struggle against a determined enemy" 01990507 00 s 02 desperate 0 do-or-die(a) 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | desperately determined; "do-or-die revolutionaries"; "a do-or-die conflict" 01990653 00 s 08 firm 0 steadfast 0 steady 0 stiff 0 unbendable 0 unfaltering 0 unshakable 0 unwavering 0 005 & 01989669 a 0000 + 04862888 n 0401 + 04862382 n 0301 + 04865016 n 0201 + 04861486 n 0102 | marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; "firm convictions"; "a firm mouth"; "steadfast resolve"; "a man of unbendable perseverence"; "unwavering loyalty" 01991029 00 s 01 foursquare 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | characterized by firm and unwavering conviction; "a foursquare refusal to yield" 01991166 00 s 01 hell-bent 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | recklessly determined; "hell-bent on winning" 01991267 00 s 02 single-minded 0 resolved 0 002 & 01989669 a 0000 + 04863675 n 0101 | determined; "she was firmly resolved to be a doctor"; "single-minded in his determination to stop smoking" 01991462 00 s 01 spartan 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity; "spartan courage" 01991586 00 s 02 stalwart 0 stout 0 003 & 01989669 a 0000 + 05031560 n 0201 + 05031560 n 0102 | dependable; "the stalwart citizens at Lexington"; "a stalwart supporter of the UN"; "stout hearts" 01991783 00 s 03 undaunted 0 undismayed 0 unshaken 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | unshaken in purpose; "wholly undismayed by the commercial failure of the three movies he had made" 01991961 00 s 02 undeterred 0 undiscouraged 0 001 & 01989669 a 0000 | not deterred; "pursued his own path...undeterred by lack of popular appreciation and understanding"- Osbert Sitwell 01992149 00 a 01 irresolute 0 008 ^ 00685483 a 0000 + 04866465 n 0101 ! 01989669 a 0101 & 01992418 a 0000 & 01992555 a 0000 & 01992712 a 0000 & 01992867 a 0000 & 01992996 a 0000 | uncertain how to act or proceed; "the committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute" 01992418 00 s 01 discouraged 0 001 & 01992149 a 0000 | lacking in resolution; "the accident left others discouraged about going there" 01992555 00 s 01 infirm 1 001 & 01992149 a 0000 | lacking firmness of will or character or purpose; "infirm of purpose; give me the daggers" - Shakespeare 01992712 00 s 01 unstable 0 002 & 01992149 a 0000 + 04775747 n 0102 | disposed to psychological variability; "his rather unstable religious convictions" 01992867 00 s 03 vacillant 0 vacillating 0 wavering 0 002 & 01992149 a 0000 + 02706046 v 0103 | uncertain in purpose or action 01992996 00 s 01 weak-kneed 0 001 & 01992149 a 0000 | lacking will power or resolution; "the role of the dissenter is not for the weak-kneed" 01993140 00 a 01 respectable 0 008 ^ 01123148 a 0000 ^ 01982646 a 0000 ^ 02584981 a 0000 + 04871002 n 0101 ! 01993843 a 0101 & 01993408 a 0000 & 01993598 a 0000 & 01993693 a 0000 | characterized by socially or conventionally acceptable morals; "a respectable woman" 01993408 00 s 02 decent 0 nice 0 003 & 01993140 a 0000 + 04912982 n 0202 + 04900739 n 0101 | socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous; "from a decent family"; "a nice girl" 01993598 00 s 01 presentable 0 001 & 01993140 a 0000 | fit to be seen; "presentable clothes" 01993693 00 s 02 upstanding 0 solid 0 002 & 01993140 a 0000 + 04671075 n 0202 | meriting respect or esteem; "an upstanding member of the community" 01993843 00 a 01 unrespectable 0 002 + 04874409 n 0101 ! 01993140 a 0101 | unworthy of respect 01993940 00 a 01 respectful 0 007 ^ 00639842 a 0000 ^ 01892953 a 0000 ^ 02011810 a 0000 + 04913839 n 0103 ! 01994602 a 0101 & 01994180 a 0000 & 01994404 a 0000 | full of or exhibiting respect; "respectful behavior"; "a respectful glance" 01994180 00 s 03 deferent 0 deferential 0 regardful 0 008 & 01993940 a 0000 + 04913839 n 0201 + 04641153 n 0205 + 01228877 n 0201 + 04913839 n 0101 + 04641153 n 0105 + 01228877 n 0101 + 00878348 v 0103 | showing deference 01994404 00 s 01 honorific 0 002 & 01993940 a 0000 + 07070883 n 0101 | conferring or showing honor or respect; "honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession" 01994602 00 a 01 disrespectful 0 013 ^ 01539642 a 0000 ^ 00640283 a 0000 ^ 02012504 a 0000 ^ 01628302 a 0000 ^ 02079029 a 0000 ! 01993940 a 0101 & 01995047 a 0000 & 01995288 a 0000 & 01995500 a 0000 & 01995596 a 0000 & 01995863 a 0000 & 01996051 a 0000 & 01996288 a 0000 | exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous; "remarks disrespectful of the law"; "disrespectful in the presence of his parents"; "disrespectful toward his teacher" 01995047 00 s 03 annihilating 0 devastating 0 withering 0 001 & 01994602 a 0000 | making light of; "afire with annihilating invective"; "a devastating portrait of human folly"; "to compliments inflated I've a withering reply"- W.S.Gilbert 01995288 00 s 04 contemptuous 0 disdainful 0 insulting 0 scornful 0 006 & 01994602 a 0000 + 04888268 n 0203 + 07502980 n 0101 + 06715927 n 0101 + 04915687 n 0101 + 04888510 n 0101 | expressing extreme contempt 01995500 00 s 01 contumelious 0 002 & 01994602 a 0000 + 06715223 n 0104 | arrogantly insolent 01995596 00 s 05 derisive 0 gibelike 0 jeering 0 mocking 0 taunting 0 002 & 01994602 a 0000 + 00852922 v 0101 | abusing vocally; expressing contempt or ridicule; "derisive laughter"; "a jeering crowd"; "her mocking smile"; "taunting shouts of `coward' and `sissy'" 01995863 00 s 02 impious 0 undutiful 0 003 & 01994602 a 0000 + 04828485 n 0201 + 04828255 n 0102 | lacking due respect or dutifulness; "impious toward one's parents"; "an undutiful son" 01996051 00 s 04 impudent 0 insolent 0 snotty-nosed 0 flip 0 003 & 01994602 a 0000 + 04915866 n 0205 + 01224914 n 0201 | marked by casual disrespect; "a flip answer to serious question"; "the student was kept in for impudent behavior" 01996288 00 s 01 undeferential 0 001 & 01994602 a 0000 | not showing courteous respect 01996377 00 a 01 responsible 0 012 ^ 01616474 a 0000 ^ 01898129 a 0000 ^ 02464693 a 0000 = 04669247 n 0000 + 04669247 n 0102 + 04669247 n 0101 ! 01997910 a 0101 & 01996875 a 0000 & 01997221 a 0000 & 01997415 a 0000 & 01997583 a 0000 & 01997748 a 0000 | worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable; "a responsible adult"; "responsible journalism"; "a responsible position"; "the captain is responsible for the ship's safety"; "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament" 01996875 00 s 01 accountable 0 003 & 01996377 a 0000 + 00867644 v 0101 + 04669828 n 0101 | liable to account for one's actions; "governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves"; "fully accountable for what they did"; "the court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism"; "he was answerable to no one" 01997221 00 s 01 answerable 0 003 & 01996377 a 0000 + 04669828 n 0102 + 04669828 n 0103 | morally or legally responsible to a higher authority; "parents are answerable for their child's acts" 01997415 00 s 01 amenable 0 002 & 01996377 a 0000 + 04906026 n 0102 | liable to answer to a higher authority; "the president is amenable to the constitutional court" 01997583 00 s 01 liable 0 002 & 01996377 a 0000 + 14530403 n 0101 | held legally responsible; "men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service" 01997748 00 s 01 trustworthy 0 002 & 01996377 a 0000 + 04668819 n 0101 | taking responsibility for one's conduct and obligations; "trustworthy public servants" 01997910 00 a 01 irresponsible 0 011 = 04669247 n 0000 + 04670746 n 0102 + 04670746 n 0101 ! 01996377 a 0101 & 01998260 a 0000 & 01998535 a 0000 & 01998730 a 0000 & 01998835 a 0000 & 01998989 a 0000 & 01999085 a 0000 & 01999180 a 0000 | showing lack of care for consequences; "behaved like an irresponsible idiot"; "hasty and irresponsible action" 01998260 00 s 06 carefree 0 devil-may-care 0 freewheeling 0 happy-go-lucky 0 harum-scarum 0 slaphappy 0 003 & 01997910 a 0000 + 09991530 n 0506 + 07530866 n 0101 | cheerfully irresponsible; "carefree with his money"; "freewheeling urban youths"; "had a harum-scarum youth" 01998535 00 s 01 do-nothing(a) 0 002 & 01997910 a 0000 + 10197967 n 0103 | characterized by inability or unwillingness to work toward a goal or assume responsibility; "a do-nothing government" 01998730 00 s 01 feckless 0 002 & 01997910 a 0000 + 05139942 n 0101 | not fit to assume responsibility 01998835 00 s 02 idle 0 loose 0 002 & 01997910 a 0000 + 04885609 n 0201 | lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; "idle talk"; "a loose tongue" 01998989 00 s 01 trigger-happy 0 001 & 01997910 a 0000 | irresponsible in the use of firearms 01999085 00 s 01 unaccountable 0 001 & 01997910 a 0000 | free from control or responsibility 01999180 00 s 01 unreliable 0 003 & 01997910 a 0000 + 04671394 n 0104 + 04671394 n 0103 | lacking a sense of responsibility 01999306 00 a 01 responsive 0 006 ^ 02103481 a 0000 ^ 02105990 a 0000 + 05212973 n 0101 + 00717358 v 0102 ! 01999766 a 0101 & 01999608 a 0000 | readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion; "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience" 01999608 00 s 02 answering 0 respondent 0 003 & 01999306 a 0000 + 10524413 n 0201 + 00717358 v 0202 | replying; "an answering glance"; "an answering smile" 01999766 00 a 01 unresponsive 0 005 ^ 02105375 a 0000 ^ 02106761 a 0000 + 05213201 n 0101 ! 01999306 a 0101 & 01999941 a 0000 | not responding to some influence or stimulus 01999941 00 s 01 refractory 0 001 & 01999766 a 0000 | temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli; "the refractory period of a muscle fiber" 02000118 00 a 01 restrained 0 007 ^ 00598679 a 0000 ^ 01316222 a 0000 ^ 01987341 a 0000 ! 02000680 a 0101 & 02000298 a 0000 & 02000406 a 0000 & 02000559 a 0000 | under restraint 02000298 00 s 01 close 0 001 & 02000118 a 0000 | strictly confined or guarded; "kept under close custody" 02000406 00 s 03 low-key 0 low-keyed 0 subdued 0 001 & 02000118 a 0000 | restrained in style or quality; "a little masterpiece of low-keyed eloquence" 02000559 00 s 01 unexpansive 0 001 & 02000118 a 0000 | not given to high spirits or effusiveness; "an unexpansive man" 02000680 00 a 01 unrestrained 0 011 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ^ 00599821 a 0000 ^ 01317012 a 0000 ^ 01988166 a 0000 ! 02000118 a 0101 & 02000968 a 0000 & 02001240 a 0000 & 02001406 a 0000 & 02001596 a 0000 & 02001776 a 0000 & 02001984 a 0000 | not subject to restraint; "unrestrained laughter" 02000968 00 s 04 excessive 0 extravagant 0 exuberant 0 overweening 0 003 & 02000680 a 0000 + 05118862 n 0201 + 05118437 n 0102 | unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed" 02001240 00 s 01 freewheeling 0 001 & 02000680 a 0000 | free of restraints or rules; "freewheeling foolishness"; "the versatility of his poetic freewheeling style" 02001406 00 s 01 highflying(a) 0 001 & 02000680 a 0000 | extravagant or ambitious or extreme in aims or opinions; "they did not understand what had happend at the once highflying company" 02001596 00 s 04 unbridled 0 unchecked 0 uncurbed 0 ungoverned 0 001 & 02000680 a 0000 | not restrained or controlled; "unbridled rage"; "an unchecked temper"; "ungoverned rage" 02001776 00 s 02 unbuttoned 0 unlaced 0 001 & 02000680 a 0000 | not under constraint in action or expression; "this unbuttoned and disrespectful age"- Curtis Bok; "unlaced behavior in the neighborhood pub" 02001984 00 s 02 unhampered 0 unhindered 0 001 & 02000680 a 0000 | not slowed or blocked or interfered with; "an outlet for healthy and unhampered action"; "a priest unhampered by scruple"; "the new stock market was unhampered by tradition" 02002227 00 a 01 restricted 0 007 ^ 00415228 a 0000 ^ 00558373 a 0000 ^ 01064286 a 0000 ! 02002814 a 0101 & 02002470 a 0000 & 02002580 a 0000 & 02002683 a 0000 | subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance" 02002470 00 s 02 circumscribed 0 limited 0 001 & 02002227 a 0000 | subject to limits or subjected to limits 02002580 00 s 01 closed 0 001 & 02002227 a 0000 | not open to the general public; "a closed meeting" 02002683 00 s 02 off-limits 0 out-of-bounds(p) 0 001 & 02002227 a 0000 | barred to a designated group; "that area is off-limits" 02002814 00 a 01 unrestricted 0 007 ^ 01061489 a 0000 ! 02002227 a 0101 & 02003023 a 0000 & 02003186 a 0000 & 02003357 a 0000 & 02003477 a 0000 & 02003604 a 0000 | not subject to or subjected to restriction 02003023 00 s 01 all-weather 0 001 & 02002814 a 0000 | usable or operative or practiced in all kinds of weather; "a good all-weather road"; "all-weather flying" 02003186 00 s 01 discretionary 0 001 & 02002814 a 0000 | (especially of funds) not earmarked; available for use as needed; "discretionary funds"; "discretionary income" 02003357 00 s 01 open 0 002 & 02002814 a 0000 + 07465159 n 0101 | accessible to all; "open season"; "an open economy" 02003477 00 s 01 open-plan 0 001 & 02002814 a 0000 | (of rooms or buildings) having large rooms with few dividing partitions 02003604 00 s 01 open-ended 0 001 & 02002814 a 0000 | without fixed limits or restrictions; "an open-ended discussion" 02003725 00 a 01 restrictive 0 010 + 04639113 n 0102 + 00236592 v 0101 + 00233335 v 0101 ! 02005245 a 0101 & 02004023 a 0000 & 02004176 a 0000 & 02004385 a 0000 & 02004685 a 0000 & 02004838 a 0000 & 02005065 a 0000 | serving to restrict; "teenagers eager to escape restrictive home environments" 02004023 00 s 05 confining 0 constraining 0 constrictive 0 limiting 1 restricting 0 001 & 02003725 a 0000 | restricting the scope or freedom of action 02004176 00 s 03 inhibitory 0 repressive 0 repressing 0 003 & 02003725 a 0000 + 02424128 v 0201 + 00462689 v 0101 | restrictive of action; "a repressive regime"; "an overly strict and inhibiting discipline" 02004385 00 s 01 limiting 0 002 & 02003725 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase; "the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause" 02004685 00 s 02 regulative 0 regulatory 0 002 & 02003725 a 0000 + 00299341 v 0201 | restricting according to rules or principles; "a regulatory gene" 02004838 00 s 01 sumptuary 0 001 & 02003725 a 0000 | regulating or controlling expenditure or personal behavior; "sumptuary laws discouraging construction of large houses on small plots"; "sumptuary laws forbidding gambling" 02005065 00 s 01 suppressive 0 003 & 02003725 a 0000 + 02424652 v 0102 + 00462092 v 0101 | tending to suppress; "the government used suppressive measures to control the protest" 02005245 00 a 01 unrestrictive 0 003 ! 02003725 a 0101 & 02005364 a 0000 & 02005460 a 0000 | not tending to restrict 02005364 00 s 01 emancipative 0 002 & 02005245 a 0000 + 02496498 v 0102 | tending to set free 02005460 00 s 01 nonrestrictive 0 002 & 02005245 a 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 | not limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase; "the nonrestrictive clause in `I always buy his books, which have influenced me greatly,' refers to his books generally and adds an additional fact about them" 02005756 00 a 04 retentive 0 recollective 0 long 0 tenacious 0 008 ^ 01977155 a 0000 + 04864515 n 0406 + 00607780 v 0206 + 05651399 n 0103 + 05651399 n 0104 + 02701628 v 0101 + 00610010 v 0101 ! 02006031 a 0101 | good at remembering; "a retentive mind"; "tenacious memory" 02006031 00 a 03 unretentive 0 forgetful 1 short 0 004 ^ 01978003 a 0000 + 14450339 n 0301 + 05673209 n 0201 ! 02005756 a 0101 | (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory" 02006228 00 a 02 reticulate 0 reticular 0 009 + 05501485 n 0201 ! 02007413 a 0101 & 02006538 a 0000 & 02006700 a 0000 & 02006798 a 0000 & 02006933 a 0000 & 02007067 a 0000 & 02007225 a 0000 & 02007322 a 0000 | resembling or forming a network; "the reticulate veins of a leaf"; "a reticulated highway system" 02006538 00 s 03 cancellate 0 cancellated 0 clathrate 0 002 & 02006228 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | having a latticelike structure pierced with holes or windows 02006700 00 s 02 crisscross 0 crisscrossed 0 001 & 02006228 a 0000 | marked with crossing lines 02006798 00 s 04 fretted 0 interlaced 0 latticed 0 latticelike 0 001 & 02006228 a 0000 | having a pattern of fretwork or latticework 02006933 00 s 02 interconnected 0 interrelated 0 003 & 02006228 a 0000 + 13844212 n 0203 + 14420240 n 0102 | reciprocally connected 02007067 00 s 06 lacy 0 netlike 0 netted 0 webbed 0 weblike 0 webby 0 002 & 02006228 a 0000 + 09477037 n 0601 | having open interstices or resembling a web 02007225 00 s 01 meshed 0 001 & 02006228 a 0000 | resembling a network; "a meshed road system" 02007322 00 s 01 networklike 0 001 & 02006228 a 0000 | having a network of veins or ribs 02007413 00 a 01 nonreticulate 0 001 ! 02006228 a 0101 | not resembling or forming a network 02007508 00 a 01 retractile 0 002 ! 02007775 a 0101 & 02007663 a 0000 | capable of retraction; capable of being drawn back; "cats have retractile claws" 02007663 00 s 01 retractable 0 001 & 02007508 a 0000 | capable of being retracted; "retractable landing gear" 02007775 00 a 02 nonretractile 0 nonretractable 0 001 ! 02007508 a 0101 | not capable of being retracted 02007882 00 a 01 reflective 0 005 + 05010627 n 0103 + 02765924 v 0101 ! 02008380 a 0101 & 02008082 a 0000 & 02008245 a 0000 | capable of physically reflecting light or sound; "a reflective surface" 02008082 00 s 02 mirrorlike 0 specular 0 001 & 02007882 a 0000 | capable of reflecting light like a mirror; "mirrorlike surface of the lake"; "a specular metal" 02008245 00 s 01 reflecting 0 001 & 02007882 a 0000 | causing reflection or having a device that reflects; "a reflecting microscope" 02008380 00 a 02 nonreflective 0 nonreflecting 0 002 ! 02007882 a 0101 & 02008508 a 0000 | not capable of physical reflection 02008508 00 s 01 echoless 0 001 & 02008380 a 0000 | having or producing no echo; "the echoless darkness" 02008615 00 a 01 reflected 0 003 ! 02009012 a 0101 & 02008820 a 0000 & 02008917 a 0000 | (especially of incident sound or light) bent or sent back; "reflected light"; "reflected heat"; "reflected glory" 02008820 00 s 02 echoic 0 echolike 0 001 & 02008615 a 0000 | like or characteristic of an echo 02008917 00 s 01 mirrored 0 001 & 02008615 a 0000 | like or characteristic of a mirror image 02009012 00 a 01 unreflected 0 002 ! 02008615 a 0101 & 02009166 a 0000 | (especially of incident sound or light) not turned back by physical reflection 02009166 00 s 01 absorbed 0 001 & 02009012 a 0000 | retained without reflection; "the absorbed light intensity" 02009280 00 a 01 reverberant 0 014 + 04989657 n 0103 + 02136533 v 0101 + 02136271 v 0102 + 02183787 v 0104 ! 02011142 a 0101 & 02009688 a 0000 & 02009880 a 0000 & 02009993 a 0000 & 02010127 a 0000 & 02010266 a 0000 & 02010441 a 0000 & 02010536 a 0000 & 02010831 a 0000 & 02011002 a 0000 | having a tendency to reverberate or be repeatedly reflected; "a reverberant room"; "the reverberant booms of cannon" 02009688 00 s 02 bright 0 brilliant 0 002 & 02009280 a 0000 + 04954920 n 0203 | clear and sharp and ringing; "the bright sound of the trumpet section"; "the brilliant sound of the trumpets" 02009880 00 s 01 clinking 0 001 & 02009280 a 0000 | like the light sharp ringing sound of glasses being tapped 02009993 00 s 02 echoing(a) 0 reechoing 0 001 & 02009280 a 0000 | (of sounds) repeating by reflection; "a hotel with echoing halls" 02010127 00 s 01 hollow 0 001 & 02009280 a 0000 | as if echoing in a hollow space; "the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom" 02010266 00 s 02 jingling 0 jingly 0 002 & 02009280 a 0000 + 07385998 n 0201 | having a series of high-pitched ringing sounds like many small bells; "jingling sleigh bells" 02010441 00 s 01 live(a) 0 001 & 02009280 a 0000 | highly reverberant; "a live concert hall" 02010536 00 s 05 resonant 0 resonating 0 resounding 0 reverberating 0 reverberative 0 007 & 02009280 a 0000 + 02183787 v 0504 + 11477921 n 0101 + 04989657 n 0102 + 02183787 v 0101 + 02172888 v 0102 + 04988258 n 0101 | characterized by resonance; "a resonant voice"; "hear the rolling thunder" 02010831 00 s 02 tinkling 0 tinkly 0 002 & 02009280 a 0000 + 07398097 n 0202 | like the short high ringing sound of a small bell; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal" 02011002 00 s 01 vibrant 0 002 & 02009280 a 0000 + 02175958 v 0102 | of sounds that are strong and resonating; "the men's vibrant voices" 02011142 00 a 02 unreverberant 0 nonresonant 0 004 ! 02009280 a 0101 & 02011320 a 0000 & 02011445 a 0000 & 02011622 a 0000 | not reverberant; lacking a tendency to reverberate 02011320 00 s 01 anechoic 0 001 & 02011142 a 0000 | not having or producing echoes; sound-absorbent; "an anechoic chamber" 02011445 00 s 01 dead 0 001 & 02011142 a 0000 | lacking acoustic resonance; "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"; "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio" 02011622 00 s 02 dull 0 thudding 0 001 & 02011142 a 0000 | not clear and resonant; sounding as if striking with or against something relatively soft; "the dull thud"; "thudding bullets" 02011810 00 a 01 reverent 0 008 ^ 01993940 a 0000 + 06207561 n 0101 + 01778017 v 0105 + 01778568 v 0103 ! 02012504 a 0101 & 02012073 a 0000 & 02012157 a 0000 & 02012333 a 0000 | feeling or showing profound respect or veneration; "maintained a reverent silence" 02012073 00 s 02 adoring 0 worshipful 0 001 & 02011810 a 0000 | showing adoration 02012157 00 s 02 awed 0 awful 0 001 & 02011810 a 0000 | inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence; "awed by the silence"; "awful worshippers with bowed heads" 02012333 00 s 03 respectful 0 reverential 0 venerating 0 004 & 02011810 a 0000 + 07521039 n 0202 + 06207561 n 0201 + 04913839 n 0103 | feeling or manifesting veneration 02012504 00 a 01 irreverent 0 005 ^ 01994602 a 0000 + 00746232 n 0101 ! 02011810 a 0101 & 02012748 a 0000 & 02013083 a 0000 | showing lack of due respect or veneration; "irreverent scholars mocking sacred things"; "noisy irreverent tourists" 02012748 00 s 03 blasphemous 0 profane 0 sacrilegious 0 005 & 02012504 a 0000 + 00746587 n 0304 + 04856182 n 0301 + 06207874 n 0201 + 00746587 n 0103 | grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred; "blasphemous rites of a witches' Sabbath"; "profane utterances against the Church"; "it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on" 02013083 00 s 03 aweless 0 awless 0 disrespectful 0 001 & 02012504 a 0000 | neither feeling nor showing respect 02013197 00 a 01 revived 0 007 ! 02014308 a 0101 & 02013422 a 0000 & 02013630 a 0000 & 02013758 a 0000 & 02013864 a 0000 & 02014048 a 0000 & 02014140 a 0000 | restored to consciousness or life or vigor; "felt revived hope" 02013422 00 s 01 recrudescent 0 002 & 02013197 a 0000 + 07435891 n 0101 | the revival of an unfortunate situation after a period of abatement; "the patient presented with a case of recrudescent gastralgia" 02013630 00 s 01 redux(ip) 0 001 & 02013197 a 0000 | brought back; "the Victorian era redux"; "`Rabbit Redux' by John Updike" 02013758 00 s 01 renewed 0 001 & 02013197 a 0000 | restored to a new condition; "felt renewed strength" 02013864 00 s 02 resurgent 0 renascent 0 004 & 02013197 a 0000 + 01047803 n 0203 + 02624806 v 0101 + 01047338 n 0102 | rising again as to new life and vigor; "resurgent nationalism" 02014048 00 s 01 resuscitated 0 001 & 02013197 a 0000 | restored to life or consciousness 02014140 00 s 02 revitalized 0 revitalised 0 001 & 02013197 a 0000 | restored to new life and vigor; "a revitalized economy"; "a revitalized inner-city neighborhood" 02014308 00 a 02 unrevived 0 unrenewed 0 001 ! 02013197 a 0101 | not revived 02014387 00 a 01 awakened 0 002 ! 02014611 a 0101 & 02014514 a 0000 | aroused or activated; "an awakened interest in ballet" 02014514 00 s 01 aroused 0 001 & 02014387 a 0000 | aroused to action; "the aroused opposition" 02014611 00 a 01 unawakened 0 001 ! 02014387 a 0101 | not aroused or activated; "unawakened emotions" 02014715 00 a 03 awed 0 awestruck 0 awestricken 0 002 ! 02015055 a 0101 & 02014972 a 0000 | having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread; "stood in awed silence before the shrine"; "in grim despair and awestruck wonder" 02014972 00 s 01 overawed 0 001 & 02014715 a 0000 | overcome by a feeling of awe 02015055 00 a 01 unawed 0 002 ! 02014715 a 0101 & 02015134 a 0000 | not awed 02015134 00 s 02 aweless 0 awless 0 001 & 02015055 a 0000 | devoid of any feeling of awe or reverence 02015238 00 a 01 revolutionary 0 002 + 10527334 n 0102 ! 02015403 a 0101 | advocating or engaged in revolution; "revolutionary pamphlets"; "a revolutionary junta" 02015403 00 a 01 counterrevolutionary 0 001 ! 02015238 a 0101 | marked by opposition or antipathy to revolution; "ostracized for his counterrevolutionary tendencies" 02015571 00 a 01 rewarding 0 005 ^ 01807219 a 0000 ^ 01870889 a 0000 ! 02016001 a 0101 & 02015767 a 0000 & 02015891 a 0000 | providing personal satisfaction; "a rewarding career as a paramedic" 02015767 00 s 01 bountied 0 001 & 02015571 a 0000 | rewarded or able to be rewarded by a bounty; "a bountied animal pelt" 02015891 00 s 01 rewardful 0 001 & 02015571 a 0000 | offering or productive of reward; "rewardful pursuits" 02016001 00 a 01 unrewarding 0 003 ! 02015571 a 0101 & 02016145 a 0000 & 02016295 a 0000 | not rewarding; not providing personal satisfaction 02016145 00 s 03 thankless 0 unappreciated 0 ungratifying 0 001 & 02016001 a 0000 | not likely to be rewarded; "grading papers is a thankless task" 02016295 00 s 01 profitless 0 001 & 02016001 a 0000 | without profit or reward; "let us have no part in profitless quarrels"- D.D.Eisenhower; "How weary, flat, stale, and unprofitable / Seem to me all the uses of this world"- Shakespeare 02016535 00 a 01 rhetorical 0 012 ^ 01794340 a 0000 ^ 01419149 a 0000 + 06170498 n 0101 ! 02018486 a 0101 & 02016881 a 0000 & 02017141 a 0000 & 02017372 a 0000 & 02017613 a 0000 & 02017721 a 0000 & 02017933 a 0000 & 02018141 a 0000 & 02018296 a 0000 | given to rhetoric, emphasizing style at the expense of thought; "mere rhetorical frippery" 02016881 00 s 06 bombastic 0 declamatory 0 large 0 orotund 0 tumid 0 turgid 0 005 & 02016535 a 0000 + 07090573 n 0602 + 07090573 n 0601 + 04788982 n 0303 + 07087777 n 0101 | ostentatiously lofty in style; "a man given to large talk"; "tumid political prose" 02017141 00 s 02 flowery 0 ornate 0 002 & 02016535 a 0000 + 07070429 n 0203 | marked by elaborate rhetoric and elaborated with decorative details; "a flowery speech"; "ornate rhetoric taught out of the rule of Plato"-John Milton 02017372 00 s 03 empurpled 0 over-embellished 0 purple 0 001 & 02016535 a 0000 | excessively elaborate or showily expressed; "a writer of empurpled literature"; "many purple passages"; "an over-embellished story of the fish that got away" 02017613 00 s 01 forensic 0 001 & 02016535 a 0000 | of, relating to, or used in public debate or argument 02017721 00 s 03 grandiloquent 0 magniloquent 0 tall 0 003 & 02016535 a 0000 + 07070429 n 0202 + 07070429 n 0104 | lofty in style; "he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying" 02017933 00 s 01 oratorical 0 003 & 02016535 a 0000 + 10380672 n 0101 + 07241205 n 0101 | characteristic of an orator or oratory; "oratorical prose"; "harangued his men in an oratorical way"- Robert Graves 02018141 00 s 02 poetic 0 poetical 0 003 & 02016535 a 0000 + 07093273 n 0201 + 07093273 n 0101 | characteristic of or befitting poetry; "poetic diction" 02018296 00 s 01 stylistic 0 004 & 02016535 a 0000 + 06789215 n 0101 + 07066659 n 0102 + 04812871 n 0105 | of or relating to style (especially in the use of language); "stylistic devices" 02018486 00 a 01 unrhetorical 0 006 ^ 01045711 a 0000 ^ 01418789 a 0000 ^ 01791911 a 0000 ! 02016535 a 0101 & 02018649 a 0000 & 02018899 a 0000 | not rhetorical 02018649 00 s 02 matter-of-fact 0 prosaic 0 003 & 02018486 a 0000 + 07072434 n 0201 + 04795878 n 0202 | not fanciful or imaginative; "local guides describe the history of various places in matter-of-fact tones"; "a prosaic and unimaginative essay" 02018899 00 s 01 plainspoken 0 001 & 02018486 a 0000 | using simple and direct language; "a plainspoken country doctor" 02019021 00 a 02 rhythmical 0 rhythmic 0 016 ^ 01959294 a 0000 + 15287830 n 0202 + 04768028 n 0201 + 04991511 n 0201 + 04768028 n 0101 ! 02021050 a 0101 & 02019470 a 0000 & 02019635 a 0000 & 02019805 a 0000 & 02019881 a 0000 & 02020011 a 0000 & 02020310 a 0000 & 02020495 a 0000 & 02020609 a 0000 & 02020810 a 0000 & 02020897 a 0000 | recurring with measured regularity; "the rhythmic chiming of church bells"- John Galsworthy; "rhythmical prose" 02019470 00 s 01 Adonic 0 001 & 02019021 a 0000 | having a rhythm consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee or a trochee; "the verse of the laments is Adonic" 02019635 00 s 02 cadenced 0 cadent 0 003 & 02019021 a 0000 + 04991879 n 0201 + 04991879 n 0202 | marked by a rhythmical cadence; "the cadenced crunch of marching feet" 02019805 00 s 01 danceable 0 001 & 02019021 a 0000 | suitable for dancing 02019881 00 s 01 jazzy 0 003 & 02019021 a 0000 + 07060976 n 0101 + 07062697 n 0101 | resembling jazz (especially in its rhythm) 02020011 00 s 04 lilting 0 swinging 0 swingy 0 tripping 0 003 & 02019021 a 0000 + 07066042 n 0301 + 04992008 n 0302 | characterized by a buoyant rhythm; "an easy lilting stride"; "the flute broke into a light lilting air"; "a swinging pace"; "a graceful swingy walk"; "a tripping singing measure" 02020310 00 s 03 measured 0 metrical 0 metric 0 005 & 02019021 a 0000 ;c 06170025 n 0000 + 04991738 n 0301 + 07094093 n 0202 + 07094093 n 0201 | the rhythmic arrangement of syllables 02020495 00 s 01 Sapphic 0 002 & 02019021 a 0000 + 11281345 n 0101 | a meter used by Sappho and named after her 02020609 00 s 03 chantlike 0 intoned 0 singsong 0 001 & 02019021 a 0000 | uttered in a monotonous cadence or rhythm as in chanting; "their chantlike intoned prayers"; "a singsong manner of speaking" 02020810 00 s 01 syncopated 0 001 & 02019021 a 0000 | stressing a normally weak beat 02020897 00 s 01 throbbing 0 001 & 02019021 a 0000 | pounding or beating strongly or violently; "a throbbing pain"; "the throbbing engine of the boat" 02021050 00 a 02 unrhythmical 0 unrhythmic 0 005 ^ 01960656 a 0000 ! 02019021 a 0101 & 02021235 a 0000 & 02021332 a 0000 & 02021415 a 0000 | not rhythmic; irregular in beat or accent 02021235 00 s 02 arrhythmic 0 arrhythmical 0 001 & 02021050 a 0000 | without regard for rhythm 02021332 00 s 01 nonrhythmic 0 001 & 02021050 a 0000 | deliberately not rhythmic 02021415 00 s 01 unmeasured 0 001 & 02021050 a 0000 | not composed of measured syllables; not metrical; "unmeasured prose" 02021540 00 a 01 ribbed 0 003 ! 02021818 a 0101 & 02021664 a 0000 & 02021748 a 0000 | furnished or strengthened with ribs 02021664 00 s 01 costate 0 002 & 02021540 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | having ribs 02021748 00 s 01 riblike 0 001 & 02021540 a 0000 | resembling a rib 02021818 00 a 01 ribless 0 001 ! 02021540 a 0101 | having no ribs or no visible ribs 02021905 00 a 01 rich 0 007 ^ 00013887 a 0000 ^ 01864123 a 0000 = 14488317 n 0000 + 14491625 n 0102 ! 02022953 a 0101 & 02022167 a 0000 & 02022556 a 0000 | possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles" 02022167 00 s 05 affluent 0 flush 0 loaded 0 moneyed 0 wealthy 0 007 & 02021905 a 0000 + 14491271 n 0501 + 13353280 n 0501 + 14491271 n 0502 + 15295045 n 0208 + 09776642 n 0101 + 14491625 n 0101 | having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value; "an affluent banker"; "a speculator flush with cash"; "not merely rich but loaded"; "moneyed aristocrats"; "wealthy corporations" 02022556 00 s 08 comfortable 0 easy 0 prosperous 0 well-fixed 0 well-heeled 0 well-off 0 well-situated 0 well-to-do 0 002 & 02021905 a 0000 + 14474052 n 0301 | in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich; "they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards"; "easy living"; "a prosperous family"; "his family is well-situated financially"; "well-to-do members of the community" 02022953 00 a 01 poor 0 009 ^ 01864471 a 0000 = 14488317 n 0000 + 14493145 n 0102 ! 02021905 a 0101 & 02023287 a 0000 & 02023430 a 0000 & 02023661 a 0000 & 02023914 a 0000 & 02024022 a 0000 | having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret" 02023287 00 s 05 broke 0 bust 0 skint 0 stone-broke 0 stony-broke 0 001 & 02022953 a 0000 | lacking funds; "`skint' is a British slang term" 02023430 00 s 06 destitute 0 impoverished 0 indigent 0 necessitous 0 needy 0 poverty-stricken 0 005 & 02022953 a 0000 + 14493426 n 0504 + 14493716 n 0502 + 09367203 n 0401 + 14493716 n 0301 | poor enough to need help from others 02023661 00 s 06 hard_up 0 impecunious 0 in_straitened_circumstances(p) 0 penniless 0 penurious 0 pinched 0 005 & 02022953 a 0000 + 14493716 n 0503 + 14494186 n 0503 + 14494186 n 0402 + 14494186 n 0201 | not having enough money to pay for necessities 02023914 00 s 01 moneyless 0 001 & 02022953 a 0000 | having no money; "virtually moneyless rural regions" 02024022 00 s 01 unprovided_for(p) 0 001 & 02022953 a 0000 | without income or means; "left his family unprovided for" 02024143 00 a 01 rich 2 003 + 05115804 n 0103 + 05147586 n 0101 ! 02024411 a 0101 | having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest" 02024411 00 a 01 poor 2 004 + 05113462 n 0104 + 05148399 n 0101 ! 02024143 a 0101 & 02024658 a 0000 | lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value" 02024658 00 s 01 resourceless 0 001 & 02024411 a 0000 | lacking or deficient in natural resources 02024758 00 a 01 rich 3 004 + 04729328 n 0104 ! 02025498 a 0101 & 02024928 a 0000 & 02025274 a 0000 | suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display" 02024928 00 s 07 deluxe 0 gilded 0 grand 0 luxurious 0 opulent 0 princely 0 sumptuous 0 010 & 02024758 a 0000 + 14492373 n 0704 + 05146471 n 0704 + 05146471 n 0703 + 14492373 n 0503 + 14492373 n 0401 + 05146471 n 0402 + 05119223 n 0401 + 14492373 n 0402 + 04729328 n 0302 | rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms" 02025274 00 s 05 lavish 0 lucullan 0 lush 0 plush 0 plushy 0 004 & 02024758 a 0000 + 05116243 n 0302 + 11143600 n 0201 + 05146471 n 0101 | characterized by extravagance and profusion; "a lavish buffet"; "a lucullan feast" 02025498 00 a 01 poor 3 004 + 14493145 n 0102 ! 02024758 a 0101 & 02025718 a 0000 & 02025885 a 0000 | characterized by or indicating poverty; "the country had a poor economy"; "they lived in the poor section of town" 02025718 00 s 02 beggarly 0 mean 0 002 & 02025498 a 0000 + 09847010 n 0101 | marked by poverty befitting a beggar; "a beggarly existence in the slums"; "a mean hut" 02025885 00 s 01 slummy 0 002 & 02025498 a 0000 + 08651832 n 0101 | (of housing or residential areas) indicative of poverty; "a slummy part of town"; "slum conditions" 02026055 00 a 02 moneyed 0 monied 0 001 ! 02026197 a 0101 | based on or arising from the possession of money or wealth; "moneyed interests" 02026197 00 a 01 moneyless 0 001 ! 02026055 a 0101 | not based on the possession of money; "a moneyless economy" 02026312 00 a 01 solvent 0 003 + 14478143 n 0101 + 00761454 v 0102 ! 02026442 a 0101 | capable of meeting financial obligations 02026442 00 a 01 insolvent 0 003 + 14478291 n 0101 ! 02026312 a 0101 & 02026629 a 0000 | unable to meet or discharge financial obligations; "an insolvent person"; "an insolvent estate" 02026629 00 s 02 bankrupt 0 belly-up(p) 0 002 & 02026442 a 0000 + 09838370 n 0101 | financially ruined; "a bankrupt company"; "the company went belly-up" 02026785 00 a 01 rich 4 004 ;c 06125698 n 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05115804 n 0103 ! 02027003 a 0101 | high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture" 02027003 00 a 01 lean 0 002 + 05113462 n 0103 ! 02026785 a 0101 | lacking in mineral content or combustible material; "lean ore"; "lean fuel" 02027147 00 a 01 rimmed 0 003 ! 02027609 a 0101 & 02027319 a 0000 & 02027480 a 0000 | having a rim or a rim of a specified kind; "do you wear rimmed or rimless glasses?" 02027319 00 s 01 horn-rimmed 0 001 & 02027147 a 0000 | having the frame made of horn or tortoise shell or plastic that simulates either; "horn-rimmed glasses" 02027480 00 s 01 red-rimmed 0 001 & 02027147 a 0000 | rimmed with red; "your red-rimmed eyes reveal that you have been crying" 02027609 00 a 01 rimless 0 001 ! 02027147 a 0101 | lacking a rim or frame; "rimless glasses" 02027704 00 a 01 handed 0 004 + 05067007 n 0101 ! 02028263 a 0101 & 02027906 a 0000 & 02028046 a 0000 | having or involving the use of hands; "a handed, tree-living animal"; "a four-handed card game" 02027906 00 s 01 one-handed 0 001 & 02027704 a 0000 | having or using a single hand; "one-handed golfers"; "a one-handed backetball shot" 02028046 00 s 02 two-handed 0 bimanual 0 001 & 02027704 a 0000 | requiring two hands or designed for two people; "a two-handed sledgehammer"; "a two-handed crosscut saw"; "a machine designed for bimanual operation" 02028263 00 a 01 handless 0 001 ! 02027704 a 0101 | without a hand or hands; "a handless war veteran" 02028367 00 a 01 handled 0 001 ! 02028488 a 0101 | having a usually specified type of handle; "pearl-handled revolver" 02028488 00 a 01 handleless 0 001 ! 02028367 a 0101 | having no handle; "sleek cabinets with apparently handleless doors" 02028612 00 a 01 right-handed 0 007 ^ 00742879 a 0000 ^ 02031986 a 0000 + 05067514 n 0101 ! 02029167 a 0101 ! 02029752 a 0101 & 02028865 a 0000 & 02029047 a 0000 | using or intended for the right hand; "a right-handed batter"; "right-handed scissors" 02028865 00 s 01 dextral 0 002 & 02028612 a 0000 + 05067514 n 0102 | preferring to use right foot or hand or eye; "dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye" 02029047 00 s 02 right(a) 0 right-hand(a) 0 001 & 02028612 a 0000 | intended for the right hand; "a right-hand glove" 02029167 00 a 01 left-handed 0 007 ^ 00743435 a 0000 ^ 02032953 a 0000 + 05067367 n 0101 ! 02029752 a 0101 ! 02028612 a 0101 & 02029438 a 0000 & 02029568 a 0000 | using or intended for the left hand; "left-handed golfers need left-handed clubs"; "left-handed scissors" 02029438 00 s 02 left(a) 0 left-hand(a) 0 001 & 02029167 a 0000 | intended for the left hand; "I rarely lose a left-hand glove" 02029568 00 s 01 sinistral 0 002 & 02029167 a 0000 + 05067367 n 0102 | preferring to use left foot or hand or eye; "sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye" 02029752 00 a 02 ambidextrous 0 two-handed 4 005 + 05067199 n 0101 + 05067199 n 0102 ! 02028612 a 0101 ! 02029167 a 0101 & 02029954 a 0000 | equally skillful with each hand; "an ambidextrous surgeon" 02029954 00 s 01 equipoised 0 001 & 02029752 a 0000 | lacking lateral dominance; being neither right-handed nor left-handed 02030080 00 a 01 right 3 008 ^ 00574422 a 0000 ! 02030935 a 0101 ! 02031624 a 0101 & 02030312 a 0000 & 02030425 a 0000 & 02030562 a 0000 & 02030704 a 0000 & 02030793 a 0000 | of or belonging to the political or intellectual right 02030312 00 s 01 conservative 0 001 & 02030080 a 0000 | having social or political views favoring conservatism 02030425 00 s 02 oldline 0 old-line 0 001 & 02030080 a 0000 | adhering to conservative or reactionary principles; "an oldline senator" 02030562 00 s 03 reactionary 0 reactionist 0 far-right 0 003 & 02030080 a 0000 + 10508475 n 0101 + 06216634 n 0101 | extremely conservative 02030704 00 s 01 rightish 0 001 & 02030080 a 0000 | tending toward the political right 02030793 00 s 02 rightist 0 right-wing 0 002 & 02030080 a 0000 + 10531227 n 0101 | believing in or supporting tenets of the political right 02030935 00 a 01 left 2 008 ^ 00575230 a 0000 ^ 00298041 a 0000 ! 02031624 a 0101 ! 02030080 a 0101 & 02031165 a 0000 & 02031248 a 0000 & 02031335 a 0000 & 02031473 a 0000 | of or belonging to the political or intellectual left 02031165 00 s 01 far_left 0 001 & 02030935 a 0000 | radical or extremely liberal 02031248 00 s 01 leftish 0 001 & 02030935 a 0000 | tending toward the political left 02031335 00 s 03 leftist 0 left-of-center 0 left-wing 0 001 & 02030935 a 0000 | believing in or supporting tenets of the political left 02031473 00 s 01 liberal 0 003 & 02030935 a 0000 + 06204820 n 0102 + 06204820 n 0101 | having political or social views favoring reform and progress 02031624 00 a 01 center 0 004 + 08416523 n 0101 ! 02030080 a 0101 ! 02030935 a 0101 & 02031810 a 0000 | of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually 02031810 00 s 02 centrist 0 middle-of-the-road 0 002 & 02031624 a 0000 + 09904837 n 0101 | supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative 02031986 00 a 01 right 0 007 ^ 02028612 a 0000 = 08621598 n 0000 ! 02032953 a 0101 & 02032386 a 0000 & 02032617 a 0000 & 02032730 a 0000 & 02032850 a 0000 | being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the east when facing north; "my right hand"; "right center field"; "a right-hand turn"; "the right bank of a river is the bank on your right side when you are facing downstream" 02032386 00 s 01 far 0 001 & 02031986 a 0000 | being the animal or vehicle on the right or being on the right side of an animal or vehicle; "the horse on the right is the far horse"; "the right side is the far side of the horse" 02032617 00 s 01 rightmost 0 001 & 02031986 a 0000 | farthest to the right; "in the rightmost line of traffic" 02032730 00 s 01 right-hand(a) 0 001 & 02031986 a 0000 | located on or directed toward the right; "a right-hand turn" 02032850 00 s 01 starboard 0 001 & 02031986 a 0000 | located on the right side of a ship or aircraft 02032953 00 a 01 left 0 007 ^ 02029167 a 0000 = 08621598 n 0000 ! 02031986 a 0101 & 02033323 a 0000 & 02033450 a 0000 & 02033556 a 0000 & 02033742 a 0000 | being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north; "my left hand"; "left center field"; "the left bank of a river is bank on your left side when you are facing downstream" 02033323 00 s 01 left-hand(a) 0 001 & 02032953 a 0000 | located on or directed toward the left; "a car with left-hand drive" 02033450 00 s 01 leftmost 0 001 & 02032953 a 0000 | farthest to the left; "the leftmost non-zero digit" 02033556 00 s 02 near(a) 0 nigh(a) 0 001 & 02032953 a 0000 | being on the left side; "the near or nigh horse is the one on the left"; "the animal's left side is its near or nigh side" 02033742 00 s 02 port 0 larboard 0 002 & 02032953 a 0000 + 03642928 n 0102 | located on the left side of a ship or aircraft 02033868 00 a 01 horned 0 006 ! 02034739 a 0101 & 02034179 a 0000 & 02034248 a 0000 & 02034324 a 0000 & 02034504 a 0000 & 02034592 a 0000 | having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular kind; "horned viper"; "great horned owl"; "the unicorn--a mythical horned beast"; "long-horned cattle" 02034179 00 s 01 antlered 0 001 & 02033868 a 0000 | having antlers 02034248 00 s 01 antler-like 0 001 & 02033868 a 0000 | resembling antlers 02034324 00 s 05 bicorn 0 bicorned 0 bicornate 0 bicornuate 0 bicornuous 0 002 & 02033868 a 0000 + 02834642 n 0101 | having two horns or horn-shaped parts; "a bicornuate uterus" 02034504 00 s 01 hollow-horned 0 001 & 02033868 a 0000 | having horns that are hollow 02034592 00 s 01 horny 0 002 & 02033868 a 0000 + 01325417 n 0101 | having horns or hornlike projections; "horny coral"; "horny (or horned) frog" 02034739 00 a 01 hornless 0 001 ! 02033868 a 0101 | having no horns; "hornless cattle" 02034828 00 a 01 right 1 008 ^ 00905386 a 0000 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01369663 a 0000 ^ 01878466 a 0000 = 04847133 n 0000 + 04847133 n 0101 ! 02035337 a 0101 & 02035086 a 0000 | in conformance with justice or law or morality; "do the right thing and confess" 02035086 00 s 03 ethical 0 honorable 0 honourable 0 004 & 02034828 a 0000 + 04868748 n 0302 + 04868748 n 0201 + 09183693 n 0102 | adhering to ethical and moral principles; "it seems ethical and right"; "followed the only honorable course of action" 02035337 00 a 01 wrong 1 014 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 01880531 a 0000 ^ 01549291 a 0000 ^ 00905728 a 0000 ^ 01370590 a 0000 ^ 02513740 a 0000 = 04847133 n 0000 + 04854604 n 0101 + 00744131 n 0101 + 04851962 n 0101 ! 02034828 a 0101 & 02035765 a 0000 & 02036077 a 0000 & 02036397 a 0000 | contrary to conscience or morality or law; "it is wrong for the rich to take advantage of the poor"; "cheating is wrong"; "it is wrong to lie" 02035765 00 s 05 condemnable 0 criminal 0 deplorable 0 reprehensible 0 vicious 0 003 & 02035337 a 0000 + 00826201 v 0401 + 04853212 n 0401 | bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure; "a criminal waste of talent"; "a deplorable act of violence"; "adultery is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife" 02036077 00 s 02 base 0 immoral 0 003 & 02035337 a 0000 + 04850589 n 0201 + 04807971 n 0101 | not adhering to ethical or moral principles; "base and unpatriotic motives"; "a base, degrading way of life"; "cheating is dishonorable"; "they considered colonialism immoral"; "unethical practices in handling public funds" 02036397 00 s 02 misguided 0 mistaken 0 001 & 02035337 a 0000 | wrong in e.g. opinion or judgment; "well-meaning but misguided teachers"; "a mistaken belief"; "mistaken identity" 02036578 00 a 01 righteous 0 010 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01319874 a 0000 ^ 01369663 a 0000 ^ 01548193 a 0000 ^ 02513269 a 0000 ^ 02584981 a 0000 + 04826235 n 0101 ! 02037272 a 0101 & 02036934 a 0000 & 02037152 a 0000 | characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice; "the...prayer of a righteous man availeth much"- James 5:16 02036934 00 s 03 good 0 just 0 upright 0 004 & 02036578 a 0000 + 04826623 n 0301 + 04713853 n 0201 + 04849241 n 0102 | of moral excellence; "a genuinely good person"; "a just cause"; "an upright and respectable man" 02037152 00 s 01 sound 0 002 & 02036578 a 0000 + 05159948 n 0103 | free from moral defect; "a man of sound character" 02037272 00 a 01 unrighteous 0 009 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 01320988 a 0000 ^ 01549291 a 0000 ^ 01370590 a 0000 ^ 02588099 a 0000 ^ 02513740 a 0000 + 04827652 n 0101 ! 02036578 a 0101 & 02037531 a 0000 | not righteous; "an unrighteous man"; "an unrighteous law" 02037531 00 s 03 sinful 0 unholy 0 wicked 0 004 & 02037272 a 0000 + 04827957 n 0303 + 04855840 n 0201 + 04827957 n 0102 | having committed unrighteous acts; "a sinful person" 02037708 00 a 01 robust 0 016 ^ 01170243 a 0000 ^ 00707366 a 0000 ^ 02321009 a 0000 + 05031012 n 0101 ! 02040049 a 0101 & 02038126 a 0000 & 02038421 a 0000 & 02038555 a 0000 & 02038735 a 0000 & 02038891 a 0000 & 02038994 a 0000 & 02039304 a 0000 & 02039491 a 0000 & 02039632 a 0000 & 02039763 a 0000 & 02039845 a 0000 | sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction; "a robust body"; "a robust perennial" 02038126 00 s 05 beefy 0 burly 0 husky 0 strapping 0 buirdly 0 003 & 02037708 a 0000 ;r 08890097 n 0000 + 05031214 n 0301 | muscular and heavily built; "a beefy wrestler"; "had a tall burly frame"; "clothing sizes for husky boys"; "a strapping boy of eighteen"; "`buirdly' is a Scottish term" 02038421 00 s 01 big-boned 0 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | having a bone structure that is massive in contrast with the surrounding flesh 02038555 00 s 02 big-chested 0 chesty 0 002 & 02037708 a 0000 + 05552607 n 0202 | marked by a large or well-developed chest; "he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed" 02038735 00 s 03 big-shouldered 0 broad-shouldered 0 square-shouldered 0 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | having broad shoulders; "big-shouldered and heavy-armed" 02038891 00 s 02 cast-iron 0 iron 0 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | extremely robust; "an iron constitution" 02038994 00 s 04 hardy 0 stalwart 0 stout 0 sturdy 0 004 & 02037708 a 0000 + 14051381 n 0401 + 05031560 n 0301 + 05031012 n 0102 | having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships; "hardy explorers of northern Canada"; "proud of her tall stalwart son"; "stout seamen"; "sturdy young athletes" 02039304 00 s 01 hardy 1 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | able to survive under unfavorable weather conditions; "strawberries are hardy and easy to grow"; "camels are tough and hardy creatures" 02039491 00 s 01 half-hardy 0 002 & 02037708 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) requiring protection from frost; "half-hardy annuals" 02039632 00 s 01 heavy-armed 0 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | having massive arms; "he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed" 02039763 00 s 01 square-built 0 001 & 02037708 a 0000 | broad and solidly built 02039845 00 s 01 vigorous 0 003 & 02037708 a 0000 + 05035961 n 0102 + 05030806 n 0101 | strong and active physically or mentally; "a vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback"- W.H.Hudson 02040049 00 a 01 frail 0 006 ^ 00705891 a 0000 ^ 02324397 a 0000 + 14547643 n 0105 ! 02037708 a 0101 & 02040233 a 0000 & 02040519 a 0000 | physically weak; "an invalid's frail body" 02040233 00 s 08 decrepit 0 debile 0 feeble 0 infirm 0 rickety 0 sapless 0 weak 0 weakly 0 005 & 02040049 a 0000 + 05040275 n 0701 + 14547643 n 0401 + 14547643 n 0304 + 14547643 n 0203 | lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality; "a feeble old woman"; "her body looked sapless" 02040519 00 s 01 light-boned 0 001 & 02040049 a 0000 | having a bone structure that is light with respect to the surrounding flesh 02040652 00 a 02 round 0 circular 0 023 ^ 02043898 a 0000 + 00573571 v 0201 + 13873502 n 0201 + 05073559 n 0201 + 05072911 n 0101 ! 02043217 a 0101 & 02041134 a 0000 & 02041229 a 0000 & 02041711 a 0000 & 02041807 a 0000 & 02041940 a 0000 & 02042078 a 0000 & 02042183 a 0000 & 02042267 a 0000 & 02042411 a 0000 & 02042503 a 0000 & 02042599 a 0000 & 02042687 a 0000 & 02042775 a 0000 & 02042872 a 0000 & 02042970 a 0000 & 02043051 a 0000 & 02043142 a 0000 | having a circular shape 02041134 00 s 01 apple-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having the general shape of an apple 02041229 00 s 07 ball-shaped 0 global 0 globose 0 globular 0 orbicular 1 spheric 0 spherical 0 013 & 02040652 a 0000 + 05073131 n 0702 + 13898899 n 0701 + 04274530 n 0701 + 13898899 n 0601 + 13899200 n 0601 + 04274530 n 0601 + 05073131 n 0601 + 13899404 n 0402 + 03440512 n 0401 + 05073131 n 0404 + 05073131 n 0303 + 13899404 n 0202 | having the shape of a sphere or ball; "a spherical object"; "nearly orbicular in shape"; "little globular houses like mud-wasp nests"- Zane Grey 02041711 00 s 01 barrel-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having the general shape of a barrel 02041807 00 s 03 bulblike 0 bulbous 0 bulb-shaped 0 003 & 02040652 a 0000 + 02915480 n 0201 + 13864035 n 0101 | shaped like a bulb 02041940 00 s 01 capitate 0 003 & 02040652 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05273223 n 0101 | being abruptly enlarged and globose at the tip 02042078 00 s 01 coccoid 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | spherical; like a coccus; "a coccoid microorganism" 02042183 00 s 01 cumuliform 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | shaped like a cumulus cloud 02042267 00 s 06 discoid 0 discoidal 0 disklike 0 disclike 0 disk-shaped 0 disc-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having a flat circular shape 02042411 00 s 01 goblet-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | resembling the shape of a goblet 02042503 00 s 02 moonlike 0 moon-round 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | resembling the moon in shape 02042599 00 s 01 nutlike 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | resembling a nut in shape and size 02042687 00 s 01 pancake-like 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | resembling a pancake in shape 02042775 00 s 01 pear-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having a round shape tapered at one end 02042872 00 s 01 pinwheel-shaped 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having the round shape of a pinwheel 02042970 00 s 01 ringlike 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | having the shape of a ring 02043051 00 s 01 roundish 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | somewhat round in appearance or form 02043142 00 s 01 wheel-like 0 001 & 02040652 a 0000 | round like a wheel 02043217 00 a 01 square 0 007 ^ 02047807 a 0000 + 05072406 n 0101 ! 02040652 a 0101 & 02043499 a 0000 & 02043587 a 0000 & 02043729 a 0000 & 02043806 a 0000 | having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle; "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner" 02043499 00 s 01 quadrate 0 001 & 02043217 a 0000 | having four sides and four angles 02043587 00 s 01 right-angled 0 001 & 02043217 a 0000 | forming a right angle or containing one or more right angles; "a right-angled bend" 02043729 00 s 01 squared 0 001 & 02043217 a 0000 | having been made square 02043806 00 s 01 squarish 0 001 & 02043217 a 0000 | somewhat square in appearance or form 02043898 00 a 01 rounded 0 034 ^ 02317327 a 0000 ^ 00986027 a 0000 ^ 02049918 a 0000 ^ 02050116 a 0000 ^ 02040652 a 0000 + 05070453 n 0101 ! 02047807 a 0101 & 02044642 a 0000 & 02044736 a 0000 & 02044860 a 0000 & 02045008 a 0000 & 02045144 a 0000 & 02045255 a 0000 & 02045345 a 0000 & 02045473 a 0000 & 02045620 a 0000 & 02045723 a 0000 & 02045894 a 0000 & 02046017 a 0000 & 02046115 a 0000 & 02046199 a 0000 & 02046446 a 0000 & 02046625 a 0000 & 02046736 a 0000 & 02046828 a 0000 & 02046916 a 0000 & 02047051 a 0000 & 02047160 a 0000 & 02047252 a 0000 & 02047335 a 0000 & 02047413 a 0000 & 02047496 a 0000 & 02047603 a 0000 & 02047726 a 0000 | curving and somewhat round in shape rather than jagged; "low rounded hills"; "rounded shoulders" 02044642 00 s 02 allantoid 0 sausage-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | shaped like a sausage 02044736 00 s 04 almond-shaped 0 amygdaliform 0 amygdaloid 0 amygdaloidal 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | shaped like an almond 02044860 00 s 07 annular 0 annulate 0 annulated 0 circinate 0 ringed 0 ring-shaped 0 doughnut-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | shaped like a ring 02045008 00 s 02 aspheric 0 aspherical 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 ;c 06100778 n 0000 | varying slightly from a perfectly spherical shape 02045144 00 s 03 auriform 0 ear-shaped 0 ear-like 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having a shape resembling an ear 02045255 00 s 01 bean-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having a shape resembling a bean 02045345 00 s 01 bowfront 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having an outward curving front; "a bowfront dresser"; "a bowfront house" 02045473 00 s 04 crescent(a) 0 crescent-shaped 0 semilunar 0 lunate 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13896217 n 0101 | resembling the new moon in shape 02045620 00 s 02 cycloid 0 cycloidal 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13908777 n 0201 | resembling a circle 02045723 00 s 02 cylindrical 0 cylindric 0 005 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13865298 n 0201 + 13899804 n 0201 + 05073403 n 0102 + 05073403 n 0101 | having the form of a cylinder 02045894 00 s 01 disciform 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having a round or oval shape like a disc; "a disciform skin lesion" 02046017 00 s 02 domed 0 vaulted 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having a hemispherical vault or dome 02046115 00 s 01 dome-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having the shape of a dome 02046199 00 s 09 egg-shaped 0 elliptic 0 elliptical 0 oval 0 oval-shaped 0 ovate 0 oviform 0 ovoid 0 prolate 0 006 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13915023 n 0801 + 13878306 n 0402 + 13878306 n 0301 + 13878306 n 0201 + 05070622 n 0202 | rounded like an egg 02046446 00 s 03 ellipsoid 0 ellipsoidal 0 spheroidal 0 004 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13898645 n 0301 + 13897198 n 0201 + 13897198 n 0101 | having the nature or shape of an ellipsoid 02046625 00 s 01 hyperboloidal 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13896854 n 0101 | having the shape of a hyperboloid 02046736 00 s 02 lingulate 0 tongue-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | shaped like a tongue 02046828 00 s 02 olivelike 0 olive-like 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | resembling an olive 02046916 00 s 02 parabolic 0 parabolical 0 003 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13886371 n 0201 + 13886371 n 0101 | having the form of a parabola 02047051 00 s 01 paraboloidal 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 + 13897002 n 0101 | having the shape of a paraboloid 02047160 00 s 01 pillar-shaped 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | shaped like a cylindrical pillar 02047252 00 s 01 pineal 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | having the form of a pine cone 02047335 00 s 01 plumlike 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | resembling a plum fruit 02047413 00 s 02 rod-shaped 0 rodlike 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | resembling a rod 02047496 00 s 01 rotund 0 003 & 02043898 a 0000 + 05073131 n 0106 + 05073131 n 0105 | spherical in shape 02047603 00 s 01 terete 0 002 & 02043898 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | especially of plant parts; cylindrical and tapering 02047726 00 s 01 umbrellalike 0 001 & 02043898 a 0000 | resembling an umbrella 02047807 00 a 02 angular 0 angulate 0 020 ^ 01809655 a 0000 ^ 02043217 a 0000 + 13887509 n 0201 + 13887509 n 0101 + 13864763 n 0102 + 05070849 n 0101 ! 02043898 a 0101 & 02048247 a 0000 & 02048344 a 0000 & 02048449 a 0000 & 02048626 a 0000 & 02048794 a 0000 & 02048875 a 0000 & 02048977 a 0000 & 02049147 a 0000 & 02049243 a 0000 & 02049323 a 0000 & 02049428 a 0000 & 02049648 a 0000 & 02049812 a 0000 | having angles or an angular shape 02048247 00 s 01 angled 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | forming or set at an angle; "angled parking" 02048344 00 s 02 asteroid 0 star-shaped 0 002 & 02047807 a 0000 + 09208702 n 0101 | shaped like a star 02048449 00 s 02 bicuspid 0 bicuspidate 0 002 & 02047807 a 0000 + 05307358 n 0102 | having two cusps or points (especially a molar tooth); "bicuspid teeth"; "bicuspid leaves" 02048626 00 s 06 cuspate 0 cuspated 0 cusped 0 cuspidal 0 cuspidate 0 cuspidated 0 003 & 02047807 a 0000 + 03151916 n 0401 + 05307091 n 0406 | having cusps or points 02048794 00 s 01 equiangular 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | having all angles equal 02048875 00 s 01 isogonic 0 002 & 02047807 a 0000 + 13866515 n 0101 | having or making equal angles 02048977 00 s 01 rectangular 0 003 & 02047807 a 0000 + 13883346 n 0101 + 05071869 n 0101 | having four right angles; "a rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide" 02049147 00 s 02 sharp-cornered 0 sharp-angled 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | having sharp corners 02049243 00 s 01 square-shaped 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | shaped like a square 02049323 00 s 01 three-cornered 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | having three corners; "a three-cornered hat" 02049428 00 s 01 triangular 0 003 & 02047807 a 0000 + 13879320 n 0101 + 05072523 n 0101 | having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle; "a triangular figure"; "a triangular pyrimid has a triangle for a base" 02049648 00 s 02 tricuspid 0 tricuspidate 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | having three cusps or points (especially a molar tooth); "tricuspid molar"; "tricuspid valve" 02049812 00 s 01 unicuspid 0 001 & 02047807 a 0000 | having a single cusp or point; "a unicuspid tooth" 02049918 00 a 02 oblate 0 pumpkin-shaped 0 003 ^ 02043898 a 0000 + 05070622 n 0101 ! 02050116 a 0101 | having the equatorial diameter greater than the polar diameter; being flattened at the poles 02050116 00 a 02 prolate 0 watermelon-shaped 0 003 ^ 02043898 a 0000 ! 02049918 a 0101 & 02050368 a 0000 | having the polar diameter greater than the equatorial diameter; "a prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis" 02050368 00 s 01 cucumber-shaped 0 001 & 02050116 a 0000 | shaped like a cucumber 02050452 00 a 01 rural 0 011 + 04920237 n 0101 ! 02052333 a 0101 & 02050841 a 0000 & 02051013 a 0000 & 02051179 a 0000 & 02051500 a 0000 & 02051616 a 0000 & 02051788 a 0000 & 02051881 a 0000 & 02052005 a 0000 & 02052197 a 0000 | living in or characteristic of farming or country life; "rural people"; "large rural households"; "unpaved rural roads"; "an economy that is basically rural" 02050841 00 s 03 agrarian 0 agricultural 0 farming(a) 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | relating to rural matters; "an agrarian (or agricultural) society"; "farming communities" 02051013 00 s 02 agrestic 0 rustic 0 002 & 02050452 a 0000 + 04816125 n 0201 | characteristic of the fields or country; "agrestic simplicity"; "rustic stone walls" 02051179 00 s 03 arcadian 0 bucolic 1 pastoral 0 004 & 02050452 a 0000 + 06377275 n 0301 + 07043824 n 0302 + 09711754 n 0101 | (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic; "a country life of arcadian contentment"; "a pleasant bucolic scene"; "charming in its pastoral setting"; "rustic tranquility" 02051500 00 s 01 campestral 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | of fields or open country; "living in campestral seclusion" 02051616 00 s 03 countrified 0 countryfied 0 rustic 2 002 & 02050452 a 0000 + 04816125 n 0301 | characteristic of rural life; "countrified clothes"; "rustic awkwardness" 02051788 00 s 01 country-bred 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | rough and uncouth; "a country boy" 02051881 00 s 01 country-style 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | typical of the country; "country-style sausage"; "country music" 02052005 00 s 03 cracker-barrel 0 folksy 0 homespun 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | characteristic of country life; "cracker-barrel philosophy"; "folksy humor"; "the air of homespun country boys" 02052197 00 s 01 hobnailed 0 001 & 02050452 a 0000 | marked by the wearing of heavy boots studded with hobnails; "hobnailed laborers" 02052333 00 a 01 urban 0 007 + 00500055 v 0101 + 00499812 v 0101 + 04816302 n 0101 ! 02050452 a 0101 & 02052603 a 0000 & 02052757 a 0000 & 02052830 a 0000 | located in or characteristic of a city or city life; "urban property owners"; "urban affairs"; "urban manners" 02052603 00 s 04 citified 0 cityfied 0 city-bred 0 city-born 0 001 & 02052333 a 0000 | being or having the customs or manners or dress of a city person 02052757 00 s 01 city-like 0 001 & 02052333 a 0000 | resembling a city 02052830 00 s 02 urbanized 0 urbanised 0 001 & 02052333 a 0000 | made urban in nature; taking on urban characteristics; "the urbanized Eastern states" 02052983 00 a 01 rusted 0 002 ! 02053253 a 0101 & 02053094 a 0000 | having accumulated rust; "rusted hinges" 02053094 00 s 01 rusty 0 003 & 02052983 a 0000 + 14579365 n 0101 + 14889479 n 0101 | covered with or consisting of rust; "a rusty machine"; "rusty deposits" 02053253 00 a 01 rustless 0 005 ! 02052983 a 0101 & 02053392 a 0000 & 02053460 a 0000 & 02053553 a 0000 & 02053631 a 0000 | without rust 02053392 00 s 01 rust-free 0 001 & 02053253 a 0000 | free of rust 02053460 00 s 02 rustproof 0 rustproofed 0 001 & 02053253 a 0000 | treated against rusting 02053553 00 s 01 rust-resistant 0 001 & 02053253 a 0000 | resistant to rust 02053631 00 s 02 undercoated 0 undersealed 0 002 & 02053253 a 0000 ;c 03791235 n 0000 | (of motor vehicles) having a coating of tar or other rustproof material applied to the underside 02053818 00 a 01 holy 0 009 ^ 00573225 a 0000 ^ 02055062 a 0000 = 04855138 n 0000 + 04855138 n 0101 ! 02054779 a 0101 & 02054075 a 0000 & 02054216 a 0000 & 02054310 a 0000 & 02054610 a 0000 | belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power 02054075 00 s 02 beatified 0 blessed 1 001 & 02053818 a 0000 | Roman Catholic; proclaimed one of the blessed and thus worthy of veneration 02054216 00 s 01 Blessed 2 001 & 02053818 a 0000 | worthy of worship; "the Blessed Trinity" 02054310 00 s 03 consecrated 0 sacred 0 sanctified 0 002 & 02053818 a 0000 + 04855332 n 0201 | made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use; "a consecrated church"; "the sacred mosque"; "sacred elephants"; "sacred bread and wine"; "sanctified wine" 02054610 00 s 02 hallowed 0 sacred 2 002 & 02053818 a 0000 + 04855332 n 0201 | worthy of religious veneration; "the sacred name of Jesus"; "Jerusalem's hallowed soil" 02054779 00 a 02 unholy 0 unhallowed 0 004 = 04855138 n 0000 + 04855840 n 0101 ! 02053818 a 0101 & 02054926 a 0000 | not hallowed or consecrated 02054926 00 s 03 profane 0 unconsecrated 0 unsanctified 0 001 & 02054779 a 0000 | not holy because unconsecrated or impure or defiled 02055062 00 a 01 sacred 0 015 ^ 00573225 a 0000 ^ 01178974 a 0000 ^ 01781478 a 0000 + 04855332 n 0101 ! 02056880 a 0101 & 02055460 a 0000 & 02055617 a 0000 & 02055773 a 0000 & 02055900 a 0000 & 02056001 a 0000 & 02056165 a 0000 & 02056265 a 0000 & 02056566 a 0000 & 02056663 a 0000 & 02056761 a 0000 | concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music" 02055460 00 s 01 divine 0 002 & 02055062 a 0000 + 04854976 n 0101 | devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity; "divine worship"; "divine liturgy" 02055617 00 s 04 ineffable 0 unnameable 0 unspeakable 0 unutterable 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | too sacred to be uttered; "the ineffable name of the Deity" 02055773 00 s 01 inspirational 0 002 & 02055062 a 0000 + 05686690 n 0102 | imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul 02055900 00 s 03 inviolable 0 inviolate 0 sacrosanct 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | must be kept sacred 02056001 00 s 01 numinous 0 002 & 02055062 a 0000 + 10366484 n 0101 | evincing the presence of a deity; "a numinous wood"; "the most numinous moment in the Mass" 02056165 00 s 01 quasi-religious 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | resembling something that is religious 02056265 00 s 02 religious 0 spiritual 0 004 & 02055062 a 0000 + 04826999 n 0102 + 08081668 n 0101 + 04827175 n 0101 | concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church; "religious texts"; "a member of a religious order"; "lords temporal and spiritual"; "spiritual leaders"; "spiritual songs" 02056566 00 s 02 reverend 0 sublime 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | worthy of adoration or reverence 02056663 00 s 01 sacral 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | of or relating to sacred rites; "sacral laws" 02056761 00 s 02 taboo 0 tabu 0 001 & 02055062 a 0000 | forbidden to profane use especially in South Pacific islands 02056880 00 a 02 profane 0 secular 5 007 ^ 01180695 a 0000 ^ 01782519 a 0000 ^ 02577061 a 0000 + 06207874 n 0101 ! 02055062 a 0101 & 02057226 a 0000 & 02057444 a 0000 | not concerned with or devoted to religion; "sacred and profane music"; "secular drama"; "secular architecture", "children being brought up in an entirely profane environment" 02057226 00 s 03 laic 0 lay 0 secular 6 002 & 02056880 a 0000 + 08153102 n 0201 | characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy; "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"; "the lay ministry" 02057444 00 s 01 profanatory 0 001 & 02056880 a 0000 | profaning or tending to desecrate 02057535 00 a 01 sadistic 0 002 + 07493830 n 0101 ! 02057681 a 0101 | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another 02057681 00 a 01 masochistic 0 002 + 07494175 n 0101 ! 02057535 a 0101 | deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated 02057829 00 a 01 safe 1 010 ^ 01159655 a 0000 ^ 02525206 a 0000 ^ 02093888 a 0000 ^ 01319182 a 0000 + 04856308 n 0101 ! 02058794 a 0101 & 02058148 a 0000 & 02058379 a 0000 & 02058529 a 0000 & 02058656 a 0000 | free from danger or the risk of harm; "a safe trip"; "you will be safe here"; "a safe place"; "a safe bet" 02058148 00 s 01 fail-safe 0 001 & 02057829 a 0000 | eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction; "a fail-safe device in a nuclear weapon to deactivate it automatically in the event of accident" 02058379 00 s 01 off_the_hook(p) 0 001 & 02057829 a 0000 | freed from danger or blame or obligation; "I let him off the hook with a mild reprimand" 02058529 00 s 03 risk-free 0 riskless 0 unhazardous 0 002 & 02057829 a 0000 + 14538908 n 0201 | thought to be devoid of risk 02058656 00 s 02 safe_and_sound 0 unhurt 0 001 & 02057829 a 0000 | free from danger or injury; "the children were found safe and sound" 02058794 00 a 02 dangerous 0 unsafe 0 016 ^ 02094755 a 0000 ^ 02523275 a 0000 + 14541044 n 0101 + 08644213 n 0101 + 04856460 n 0101 ! 02057829 a 0101 & 02059280 a 0000 & 02059381 a 0000 & 02059626 a 0000 & 02059811 a 0000 & 02060106 a 0000 & 02060198 a 0000 & 02060359 a 0000 & 02060496 a 0000 & 02060912 a 0000 & 02061126 a 0000 | involving or causing danger or risk; liable to hurt or harm; "a dangerous criminal"; "a dangerous bridge"; "unemployment reached dangerous proportions" 02059280 00 s 01 breakneck 0 001 & 02058794 a 0000 | moving at very high speed; "a breakneck pace" 02059381 00 s 04 chancy 0 chanceful 0 dicey 0 dodgy 0 002 & 02058794 a 0000 + 00802629 n 0101 | of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk; "an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog"- New Yorker 02059626 00 s 01 desperate 1 001 & 02058794 a 0000 | (of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair; "a desperate criminal"; "taken hostage of desperate men" 02059811 00 s 03 hazardous 0 risky 0 wild 0 006 & 02058794 a 0000 + 14541852 n 0204 + 00802238 n 0201 + 14543552 n 0201 + 14541852 n 0101 + 14541538 n 0101 | involving risk or danger; "skydiving is a hazardous sport"; "extremely risky going out in the tide and fog"; "a wild financial scheme" 02060106 00 s 01 insidious 0 002 & 02058794 a 0000 + 04880138 n 0101 | intended to entrap 02060198 00 s 01 mordacious 0 002 & 02058794 a 0000 + 04943367 n 0101 | biting or given to biting; "they deliberately gave me a skittish and mordacious mount" 02060359 00 s 01 on_the_hook(p) 0 001 & 02058794 a 0000 | caught in a difficult or dangerous situation; "there I was back on the hook" 02060496 00 s 04 parlous 0 perilous 0 precarious 0 touch-and-go 0 006 & 02058794 a 0000 + 04856621 n 0301 + 14543552 n 0202 + 14541852 n 0203 + 00802238 n 0202 + 14541538 n 0202 | fraught with danger; "dangerous waters"; "a parlous journey on stormy seas"; "a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat"; "the precarious life of an undersea diver"; "dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery" 02060912 00 s 02 self-destructive 0 suicidal 0 002 & 02058794 a 0000 + 00222485 n 0201 | dangerous to yourself or your interests; "suicidal impulses"; "a suicidal corporate takeover strategy"; "a kamikaze pilot" 02061126 00 s 02 treacherous 0 unreliable 0 002 & 02058794 a 0000 + 04671394 n 0204 | dangerously unstable and unpredictable; "treacherous winding roads"; "an unreliable trestle" 02061307 00 a 01 safe(p) 2 002 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ! 02061487 a 0101 | having reached a base without being put out; "the runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball" 02061487 00 a 01 out(p) 2 003 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ! 02061307 a 0101 & 02061678 a 0000 | not allowed to continue to bat or run; "he was tagged out at second on a close play"; "he fanned out" 02061678 00 s 01 down(p) 0 001 & 02061487 a 0000 | being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth" 02061799 00 a 02 salable 0 saleable 0 005 + 04732237 n 0102 + 04732237 n 0101 ! 02062358 a 0101 & 02061998 a 0000 & 02062133 a 0000 | capable of being sold; fit for sale; "saleable at a low price" 02061998 00 s 01 marketable 1 002 & 02061799 a 0000 + 00470386 v 0103 | being in demand by especially employers; "marketable skills" 02062133 00 s 05 marketable 2 merchantable 0 sellable 0 vendable 0 vendible 0 005 & 02061799 a 0000 + 02302817 v 0505 + 02302817 v 0405 + 02298160 v 0101 + 00470386 v 0103 | fit to be offered for sale; "marketable produce" 02062358 00 a 02 unsalable 0 unsaleable 0 003 ! 02061799 a 0101 & 02062481 a 0000 & 02062565 a 0000 | impossible to sell 02062481 00 s 01 unmarketable 1 001 & 02062358 a 0000 | not capable of being sold 02062565 00 s 03 unmarketable 2 unmerchantable 0 unvendible 0 001 & 02062358 a 0000 | not fit for sale 02062670 00 a 01 same 0 015 ^ 00889831 a 0000 ^ 01409581 a 0000 ^ 02071420 a 0000 ^ 02507968 a 0000 = 04742535 n 0000 + 04742535 n 0101 ! 02064745 a 0101 & 02063279 a 0000 & 02063554 a 0000 & 02063759 a 0000 & 02063903 a 0000 & 02064013 a 0000 & 02064127 a 0000 & 02064427 a 0000 & 02064537 a 0000 | closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year" 02063279 00 s 01 assonant 0 004 & 02062670 a 0000 ;c 07096661 n 0000 + 02750642 v 0101 + 07097346 n 0101 | having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables; "note the assonant words and syllables in `tilting at windmills'" 02063554 00 s 03 comparable 0 corresponding 0 like 0 002 & 02062670 a 0000 + 04744814 n 0301 | conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year" 02063759 00 s 01 cookie-cutter 0 001 & 02062670 a 0000 | having the same appearance (as if mass-produced); "a suburb of cookie-cutter houses" 02063903 00 s 01 duplicate 0 001 & 02062670 a 0000 | identically copied from an original; "a duplicate key" 02064013 00 s 01 homophonic 0 003 & 02062670 a 0000 + 07131366 n 0101 + 07131169 n 0101 | having the same sound 02064127 00 s 02 identical 0 indistinguishable 0 004 & 02062670 a 0000 + 04743024 n 0203 + 04743024 n 0101 + 04743024 n 0102 | exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different; "rows of identical houses"; "cars identical except for their license plates"; "they wore indistinguishable hats" 02064427 00 s 01 one(a) 0 001 & 02062670 a 0000 | of the same kind or quality; "two animals of one species" 02064537 00 s 02 synoptic 0 synoptical 0 001 & 02062670 a 0000 | presenting or taking the same point of view; used especially with regard to the first three gospels of the New Testament; "synoptic sayings" 02064745 00 a 01 different 0 021 ^ 02073113 a 0000 ^ 00508192 a 0000 ^ 01410363 a 0000 ^ 02506555 a 0000 = 04748836 n 0000 + 04748836 n 0101 + 02666239 v 0101 ! 02062670 a 0101 & 02065404 a 0000 & 02065665 a 0000 & 02065958 a 0000 & 02066142 a 0000 & 02066312 a 0000 & 02066662 a 0000 & 02066836 a 0000 & 02067063 a 0000 & 02067491 a 0000 & 02067719 a 0000 & 02067913 a 0000 & 02068174 a 0000 & 02068277 a 0000 | unlike in nature or quality or form or degree; "took different approaches to the problem"; "came to a different conclusion"; "different parts of the country"; "on different sides of the issue"; "this meeting was different from the earlier one" 02065404 00 s 02 antithetic 0 antithetical 0 004 & 02064745 a 0000 + 13855230 n 0201 + 13855230 n 0101 + 07101406 n 0101 | sharply contrasted in character or purpose; "practices entirely antithetical to her professed beliefs"; "hope is antithetic to despair" 02065665 00 s 02 assorted 0 various 2 001 & 02064745 a 0000 | of many different kinds purposefully arranged but lacking any uniformity; "assorted sizes"; "his disguises are many and various"; "various experiments have failed to disprove the theory"; "cited various reasons for his behavior" 02065958 00 s 01 contrary 0 001 & 02064745 a 0000 | very opposed in nature or character or purpose; "acts contrary to our code of ethics"; "the facts point to a contrary conclusion" 02066142 00 s 02 contrasting 0 contrastive 0 002 & 02064745 a 0000 + 02666882 v 0201 | strikingly different; tending to contrast; "contrasting (or contrastive) colors" 02066312 00 s 04 diametric 2 diametrical 2 opposite 0 polar 0 004 & 02064745 a 0000 + 05950559 n 0401 + 13856110 n 0402 + 13854649 n 0302 | characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed; "in diametric contradiction to his claims"; "diametrical (or opposite) points of view"; "opposite meanings"; "extreme and indefensible polar positions" 02066662 00 s 01 divergent 0 004 & 02064745 a 0000 + 01004072 n 0102 + 04749709 n 0103 + 02661252 v 0103 | diverging from another or from a standard; "a divergent opinion" 02066836 00 s 01 disparate 0 003 & 02064745 a 0000 + 04750414 n 0101 + 04752530 n 0101 | fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind; "such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing"; "disparate ideas" 02067063 00 s 02 distinct 0 distinguishable 0 002 & 02064745 a 0000 + 04742766 n 0102 | (often followed by `from') not alike; different in nature or quality; "plants of several distinct types"; "the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses"; "gold is distinct from iron"; "a tree related to but quite distinct from the European beech"; "management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees" 02067491 00 s 02 diverse 0 various 0 002 & 02064745 a 0000 + 04751305 n 0102 | distinctly dissimilar or unlike; "celebrities as diverse as Bob Hope and Bob Dylan"; "animals as various as the jaguar and the cavy and the sloth" 02067719 00 s 02 divers(a) 0 diverse 2 003 & 02064745 a 0000 + 04751305 n 0201 + 04751305 n 0202 | many and different; "tourist offices of divers nationalities"; "a person of diverse talents" 02067913 00 s 01 opposite 2 002 & 02064745 a 0000 + 13854649 n 0102 | altogether different in nature or quality or significance; "the medicine's effect was opposite to that intended"; "it is said that opposite characters make a union happiest"- Charles Reade 02068174 00 s 01 several(p) 0 001 & 02064745 a 0000 | distinct and individual; "three several times" 02068277 00 s 01 variant 0 006 & 02064745 a 0000 + 07366627 n 0103 + 00194969 n 0102 + 02662297 v 0101 + 02661252 v 0102 + 00123170 v 0103 | differing from a norm or standard; "a variant spelling" 02068476 00 a 01 same 2 003 ! 02069355 a 0101 & 02068730 a 0000 & 02068946 a 0000 | same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street" 02068730 00 s 03 aforesaid(a) 0 aforementioned(a) 0 said(a) 0 001 & 02068476 a 0000 | being the one previously mentioned or spoken of; "works of all the aforementioned authors"; "said party has denied the charges" 02068946 00 s 03 identical 0 selfsame(a) 0 very(a) 0 004 & 02068476 a 0000 + 04743486 n 0201 + 04743024 n 0101 + 04743024 n 0102 | being the exact same one; not any other:; "this is the identical room we stayed in before"; "the themes of his stories are one and the same"; "saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers"; "on this very spot"; "the very thing he said yesterday"; "the very man I want to see" 02069355 00 a 01 other 0 011 ^ 02109678 a 0000 = 04742766 n 0000 ! 02068476 a 0101 & 02070030 a 0000 & 02070188 a 0000 & 02070342 a 0000 & 02070491 a 0000 & 02070711 a 0000 & 02070887 a 0000 & 02071139 a 0000 & 02071301 a 0000 | not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied; "today isn't any other day"- the White Queen; "the construction of highways and other public works"; "he asked for other employment"; "any other person would tell the truth"; "his other books are still in storage"; "then we looked at the other house"; "hearing was good in his other ear"; "the other sex"; "she lived on the other side of the street from me"; "went in the other direction" 02070030 00 s 01 different 0 002 & 02069355 a 0000 + 02666239 v 0101 | distinctly separate from the first; "that's another (or different) issue altogether" 02070188 00 s 02 another(a) 0 some_other 0 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | any of various alternatives; some other; "put it off to another (or some other) day" 02070342 00 s 01 different 1 002 & 02069355 a 0000 + 02666239 v 0101 | distinct or separate; "each interviewed different members of the community" 02070491 00 s 01 new(a) 0 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | other than the former one(s); different; "they now have a new leaders"; "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"; "ready to take a new direction" 02070711 00 s 01 opposite 0 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | the other one of a complementary pair; "the opposite sex"; "the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors" 02070887 00 s 01 opposite 1 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | being directly across from each other; facing; "And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm"- Longfellow; "we lived on opposite sides of the street"; "at opposite poles" 02071139 00 s 01 opposite 2 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | moving or facing away from each other; "looking in opposite directions"; "they went in opposite directions" 02071301 00 s 01 otherwise 0 001 & 02069355 a 0000 | other than as supposed or expected; "the outcome was otherwise" 02071420 00 a 01 similar 0 011 ^ 02062670 a 0000 = 04743605 n 0000 + 04743605 n 0101 ! 02073113 a 0101 & 02071782 a 0000 & 02071973 a 0000 & 02072341 a 0000 & 02072537 a 0000 & 02072660 a 0000 & 02072806 a 0000 & 02072923 a 0000 | marked by correspondence or resemblance; "similar food at similar prices"; "problems similar to mine"; "they wore similar coats" 02071782 00 s 02 akin(p) 0 kindred 0 001 & 02071420 a 0000 | similar in quality or character; "a feeling akin to terror"; "kindred souls"; "the amateur is closely related to the collector" 02071973 00 s 02 analogous 0 correspondent 0 008 & 02071420 a 0000 + 13817279 n 0202 + 04745240 n 0202 + 02633534 v 0202 + 02699497 v 0203 + 02657219 v 0203 + 05780339 n 0101 + 00651176 n 0101 | similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar; "brains and computers are often considered analogous"; "salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar" 02072341 00 s 02 confusable 0 mistakable 0 001 & 02071420 a 0000 | so similar as to be easily identified for another thing; "potentially confusable senses of words"; "easily mistakable signals" 02072537 00 s 01 connatural 0 001 & 02071420 a 0000 | similar in nature; "and mix with our connatural dust"- John Milton 02072660 00 s 01 corresponding 0 001 & 02071420 a 0000 | similar especially in position or purpose; "a number of corresponding diagonal points" 02072806 00 s 01 quasi(a) 0 001 & 02071420 a 0000 | having some resemblance; "a quasi success"; "a quasi contract" 02072923 00 s 01 sympathetic 0 002 & 02071420 a 0000 + 13811900 n 0101 | having similar disposition and tastes; "with their many similar tastes, he found her a most sympathetic companion" 02073113 00 a 01 dissimilar 0 003 = 04743605 n 0000 + 04750164 n 0101 ! 02071420 a 0101 | not similar; "a group of very dissimilar people"; "a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm"; "their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own"; "took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem" 02073443 00 a 01 sane 0 007 ^ 01925372 a 0000 + 14379501 n 0102 + 14379501 n 0101 ! 02074092 a 0101 & 02073678 a 0000 & 02073834 a 0000 & 02073970 a 0000 | mentally healthy; free from mental disorder; "appears to be completely sane" 02073678 00 s 02 compos_mentis(p) 0 of_sound_mind(p) 0 001 & 02073443 a 0000 | of sound mind, memory, and understanding; in law, competent to go to trial 02073834 00 s 03 in_his_right_mind(p) 0 in_her_right_mind(p) 0 in_their_right_minds(p) 0 001 & 02073443 a 0000 | behaving responsibly 02073970 00 s 01 lucid 0 002 & 02073443 a 0000 + 14379703 n 0101 | having a clear mind; "a lucid moment in his madness" 02074092 00 a 01 insane 0 025 ^ 01926376 a 0000 ^ 01944660 a 0000 + 14395240 n 0103 + 14395018 n 0101 ! 02073443 a 0101 & 02074673 a 0000 & 02074929 a 0000 & 02075321 a 0000 & 02075594 a 0000 & 02075737 a 0000 & 02075847 a 0000 & 02075938 a 0000 & 02076016 a 0000 & 02076234 a 0000 & 02076416 a 0000 & 02076557 a 0000 & 02076713 a 0000 & 02076817 a 0000 & 02076988 a 0000 & 02077157 a 0000 & 02077253 a 0000 & 02077469 a 0000 & 02077625 a 0000 & 02077741 a 0000 & 02077904 a 0000 | afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement; "was declared insane"; "insane laughter" 02074673 00 s 06 amuck 0 amok 0 berserk 0 demoniac 0 demoniacal 0 possessed(p) 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10002644 n 0401 | frenzied as if possessed by a demon; "the soldier was completely amuck"; "berserk with grief"; "a berserk worker smashing windows" 02074929 00 s 17 balmy 0 barmy 0 bats 0 batty 0 bonkers 0 buggy 0 cracked 0 crackers 0 daft 0 dotty 0 fruity 0 haywire 0 kooky 0 kookie 0 loco 0 loony 0 loopy 0 nuts 0 nutty 0 round_the_bend 0 around_the_bend 0 wacky 0 whacky 0 004 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10598904 n 1003 + 10240514 n 0d01 + 14397889 n 0902 | informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy" 02075321 00 s 08 brainsick 0 crazy 0 demented 0 disturbed 0 mad 0 sick 0 unbalanced 0 unhinged 0 006 & 02074092 a 0000 + 07950418 n 0601 + 14395240 n 0502 + 14395403 n 0302 + 14391876 n 0201 + 14397889 n 0201 | affected with madness or insanity; "a man who had gone mad" 02075594 00 s 02 certifiable 0 certified 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 + 00822262 v 0101 | fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly) 02075737 00 s 02 crackbrained 0 idiotic 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | insanely irresponsible; "an idiotic idea" 02075847 00 s 03 crazed 0 deranged 0 half-crazed 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | driven insane 02075938 00 s 02 fey 0 touched(p) 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | slightly insane 02076016 00 s 01 hebephrenic 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 + 14399438 n 0101 | suffering from a form of schizophrenia characterized by foolish mannerisms and senseless laughter along with delusions and regressive behavior 02076234 00 s 02 lunatic 0 moonstruck 0 004 & 02074092 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 14395240 n 0101 + 00512843 n 0105 | insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon 02076416 00 s 02 maniacal 0 maniac(p) 0 003 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10290541 n 0201 + 10276764 n 0103 | wildly disordered; "a maniacal frenzy" 02076557 00 s 01 manic-depressive 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10290684 n 0101 | suffering from a disorder characterized by alternating mania and depression 02076713 00 s 01 maniclike 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | resembling the mania of manic-depressive illness 02076817 00 s 03 mentally_ill 0 unsound 0 unstable 0 003 & 02074092 a 0000 + 04775747 n 0302 + 05160173 n 0201 | suffering from severe mental illness; "of unsound mind" 02076988 00 s 02 non_compos_mentis(p) 0 of_unsound_mind(p) 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | not of sound mind, memory, or understanding; in law, not competent to go to trial 02077157 00 s 01 paranoid 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10398370 n 0101 | suffering from paranoia 02077253 00 s 03 psychopathic 0 psychopathologic 0 psychopathological 0 005 & 02074092 a 0000 + 06055946 n 0302 + 06137759 n 0202 + 06055946 n 0202 + 14380140 n 0103 | suffering from an undiagnosed mental disorder 02077469 00 s 01 psychotic 0 004 & 02074092 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 10490141 n 0101 + 14398067 n 0101 | characteristic of or suffering from psychosis 02077625 00 s 02 raving_mad 0 wild 0 001 & 02074092 a 0000 | talking or behaving irrationally; "a raving lunatic" 02077741 00 s 01 schizophrenic 1 003 & 02074092 a 0000 + 10556704 n 0101 + 14398523 n 0101 | suffering from some form of schizophrenia; "schizophrenic patients" 02077904 00 s 02 screw-loose 0 screwy 0 002 & 02074092 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | not behaving normally 02078011 00 a 02 satiate 0 satiated 0 003 ! 02078399 a 0101 & 02078153 a 0000 & 02078264 a 0000 | supplied (especially fed) to satisfaction 02078153 00 s 01 jaded 0 001 & 02078011 a 0000 | dulled by surfeit; "the amoral, jaded, bored upper classes" 02078264 00 s 02 satiable 0 satisfiable 0 001 & 02078011 a 0000 | capable of being sated; "a satiable thirst"; "a satiable appetite" 02078399 00 a 03 insatiate 0 insatiable 0 unsatiable 0 004 ! 02078011 a 0101 & 02078673 a 0000 & 02078788 a 0000 & 02078894 a 0000 | impossible to satisfy; "an insatiate appetite"; "an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore"; "his passion for work was unsatiable" 02078673 00 s 02 quenchless 0 unquenchable 0 001 & 02078399 a 0000 | impossible to quench; "unquenchable thirst" 02078788 00 s 03 unsated 0 unsatiated 0 unsatisfied 0 001 & 02078399 a 0000 | not having been satisfied 02078894 00 s 01 unsatisfiable 0 001 & 02078399 a 0000 | not capable of being satisfied; "he knew the trap of unsatisfiable longing" 02079029 00 a 01 sarcastic 0 011 ^ 00647542 a 0000 ^ 01994602 a 0000 = 06777164 n 0000 + 06777164 n 0101 ! 02080488 a 0101 & 02079313 a 0000 & 02079507 a 0000 & 02079732 a 0000 & 02079830 a 0000 & 02080110 a 0000 & 02080318 a 0000 | expressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds 02079313 00 s 05 barbed 0 biting 0 nipping 0 pungent 0 mordacious 0 002 & 02079029 a 0000 + 06776986 n 0401 | capable of wounding; "a barbed compliment"; "a biting aphorism"; "pungent satire" 02079507 00 s 03 black 0 grim 0 mordant 0 002 & 02079029 a 0000 + 04782610 n 0202 | harshly ironic or sinister; "black humor"; "a grim joke"; "grim laughter"; "fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit" 02079732 00 s 01 corrosive 0 001 & 02079029 a 0000 | spitefully sarcastic; "corrosive cristism" 02079830 00 s 01 sardonic 0 001 & 02079029 a 0000 | disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking; "his rebellion is the bitter, sardonic laughter of all great satirists"- Frank Schoenberner; "a wry pleasure to be...reminded of all that one is missing"- Irwin Edman 02080110 00 s 02 satirical 0 satiric 0 003 & 02079029 a 0000 + 06777164 n 0203 + 06777164 n 0103 | exposing human folly to ridicule; "a persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine" 02080318 00 s 01 saturnine 0 001 & 02079029 a 0000 | bitter or scornful; "the face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips...twisted with disdain"- Oscar Wilde 02080488 00 a 01 unsarcastic 0 002 = 06777164 n 0000 ! 02079029 a 0101 | not sarcastic 02080577 00 a 01 satisfactory 0 013 ^ 00017782 a 0000 ^ 00051045 a 0000 + 04792127 n 0101 + 02671880 v 0101 + 01183573 v 0102 ! 02082218 a 0101 & 02080937 a 0000 & 02081114 a 0000 & 02081492 a 0000 & 02081563 a 0000 & 02081672 a 0000 & 02081933 a 0000 & 02082081 a 0000 | giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory" 02080937 00 s 04 adequate 0 passable 0 fair_to_middling 0 tolerable 0 002 & 02080577 a 0000 + 04792357 n 0102 | about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary" 02081114 00 s 06 all_right 0 fine 0 o.k. 0 ok 0 okay 0 hunky-dory 0 002 & 02080577 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine" 02081492 00 s 01 alright 0 001 & 02080577 a 0000 | nonstandard usage 02081563 00 s 03 comforting 0 cheering 0 satisfying 0 001 & 02080577 a 0000 | providing freedom from worry 02081672 00 s 04 copacetic 0 copasetic 0 copesetic 0 copesettic 0 001 & 02080577 a 0000 | completely satisfactory; "his smile said that everything was copacetic"; "You had to be a good judge of what a man was like, and the English was copacetic"- John O'Hara 02081933 00 s 01 passing(a) 0 001 & 02080577 a 0000 | allowing you to pass (e.g., an examination or inspection) satisfactorily; "a passing grade" 02082081 00 s 01 right 0 001 & 02080577 a 0000 | in or into a satisfactory condition; "things are right again now"; "put things right" 02082218 00 a 01 unsatisfactory 0 008 ^ 00051696 a 0000 ^ 00018584 a 0000 + 04793355 n 0101 ! 02080577 a 0101 & 02082611 a 0000 & 02082812 a 0000 & 02082924 a 0000 & 02083053 a 0000 | not giving satisfaction; "shops should take back unsatisfactory goods"; "her performance proved to be unsatisfactory"; "life is becoming increasingly unsatifactory"; "our discussion was very unsatisfactory" 02082611 00 s 03 disappointing 0 dissatisfactory 0 unsatisfying 0 002 & 02082218 a 0000 + 01816645 v 0201 | not up to expectations; "a disappointing performance from one who had seemed so promising" 02082812 00 s 01 failing 0 001 & 02082218 a 0000 | below acceptable in performance; "received failing grades" 02082924 00 s 01 off 0 001 & 02082218 a 0000 | below a satisfactory level; "an off year for tennis"; "his performance was off" 02083053 00 s 01 unacceptable 0 002 & 02082218 a 0000 + 04793925 n 0102 | not adequate to give satisfaction; "the coach told his players that defeat was unacceptable" 02083222 00 a 01 scalable 0 003 + 05210116 n 0101 ! 02083516 a 0101 & 02083391 a 0000 | capable of being scaled; possible to scale; "the scalable slope of a mountain" 02083391 00 s 03 ascendable 0 ascendible 0 climbable 0 002 & 02083222 a 0000 + 01969216 v 0101 | capable of being ascended 02083516 00 a 02 unscalable 0 unclimbable 0 001 ! 02083222 a 0101 | incapable of being ascended 02083615 00 a 01 scholarly 0 008 ^ 00649586 a 0000 ^ 01332386 a 0000 ^ 01872745 a 0000 + 10557854 n 0101 ! 02084538 a 0101 & 02083908 a 0000 & 02084101 a 0000 & 02084358 a 0000 | characteristic of scholars or scholarship; "scholarly pursuits"; "a scholarly treatise"; "a scholarly attitude" 02083908 00 s 03 academic 0 donnish 0 pedantic 0 003 & 02083615 a 0000 + 06890128 n 0301 + 10411356 n 0301 | marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects 02084101 00 s 02 bookish 0 studious 0 004 & 02083615 a 0000 + 05755883 n 0201 + 04866238 n 0201 + 04866365 n 0101 | characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading; "a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket"; "a quiet studious child" 02084358 00 s 02 erudite 0 learned 0 003 & 02083615 a 0000 + 05985999 n 0203 + 05985999 n 0101 | having or showing profound knowledge; "a learned jurist"; "an erudite professor" 02084538 00 a 01 unscholarly 0 004 ^ 01333718 a 0000 ! 02083615 a 0101 & 02084663 a 0000 & 02084735 a 0000 | not scholarly 02084663 00 s 01 unlearned 0 001 & 02084538 a 0000 | not well learned 02084735 00 s 01 unstudious 0 001 & 02084538 a 0000 | not studious 02084804 00 a 01 scientific 0 003 = 05999540 n 0000 ! 02085132 a 0101 & 02084979 a 0000 | conforming with the principles or methods used in science; "a scientific approach" 02084979 00 s 01 technological 0 002 & 02084804 a 0000 + 06125041 n 0104 | based in scientific and industrial progress; "a technological civilization" 02085132 00 a 01 unscientific 0 003 = 05999540 n 0000 ! 02084804 a 0101 & 02085322 a 0000 | not consistent with the methods or principles of science; "an unscientific lack of objectivity" 02085322 00 s 01 pseudoscientific 0 001 & 02085132 a 0000 | based on theories and methods erroneously regarded as scientific 02085449 00 a 01 scrupulous 0 006 ^ 01551130 a 0000 + 07525555 n 0101 + 05957737 n 0101 + 04869256 n 0101 ! 02085898 a 0101 & 02085740 a 0000 | having scruples; arising from a sense of right and wrong; principled; "less scrupulous producers sent bundles that were deceptive in appearance" 02085740 00 s 01 religious 0 002 & 02085449 a 0000 + 04848866 n 0101 | extremely scrupulous and conscientious; "religious in observing the rules of health" 02085898 00 a 01 unscrupulous 0 003 ^ 01551461 a 0000 + 04874086 n 0101 ! 02085449 a 0101 | without scruples or principles; "unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power" 02086115 00 a 01 conscientious 0 004 + 07506797 n 0101 + 04848492 n 0101 + 04848686 n 0101 ! 02086356 a 0101 | guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong; "a conscientious decision to speak out about injustice" 02086356 00 a 01 unconscientious 0 003 + 04849074 n 0101 ! 02086115 a 0101 & 02086472 a 0000 | not conscientious; 02086472 00 s 02 conscienceless 0 unconscionable 0 001 & 02086356 a 0000 | lacking a conscience; "a conscienceless villain"; "brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless"; "an unconscionable liar" 02086667 00 a 01 sealed 1 003 ^ 01653538 a 0000 ! 02086991 a 0101 & 02086879 a 0000 | closed or secured with or as if with a seal; "my lips are sealed"; "the package is still sealed"; "the premises are sealed" 02086879 00 s 01 unopened 0 001 & 02086667 a 0000 | not yet opened or unsealed; "unopened Christmas presents" 02086991 00 a 01 unsealed 1 003 ^ 01652902 a 0000 ! 02086667 a 0101 & 02087178 a 0000 | not closed or secured with or as if with a seal; "unsealed goods"; "the letter arrived unsealed" 02087178 00 s 02 open 0 opened 0 001 & 02086991 a 0000 | not sealed or having been unsealed; "the letter was already open"; "the opened package lay on the table" 02087342 00 a 02 sealed 2 certain 5 001 ! 02087450 a 0101 | established irrevocably; "his fate is sealed" 02087450 00 a 02 unsealed 2 uncertain 5 002 + 04756887 n 0202 ! 02087342 a 0101 | not established or confirmed; "his doom is as yet unsealed" 02087594 00 a 01 wrapped 0 001 ! 02087723 a 0101 | enclosed securely in a covering of paper or the like; "gaily wrapped gifts" 02087723 00 a 01 unwrapped 0 001 ! 02087594 a 0101 | not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed; "she faced a mountainous pile of presents still unwrapped"; "the floor around the tree was littered with gifts already unwrapped" 02087956 00 a 01 seaworthy 0 004 ^ 01398199 a 0000 = 14547036 n 0000 + 14547036 n 0101 ! 02088086 a 0101 | fit for a sea voyage 02088086 00 a 01 unseaworthy 0 003 ^ 01397385 a 0000 = 14547036 n 0000 ! 02087956 a 0101 | unfit for a voyage 02088198 00 a 01 airworthy 0 003 = 14547188 n 0000 + 14547188 n 0101 ! 02088314 a 0101 | (of aircraft) fit to fly 02088314 00 a 01 unairworthy 0 002 = 14547188 n 0000 ! 02088198 a 0101 | not fit to fly 02088404 00 a 01 concealed 0 012 ^ 01705655 a 0000 ! 02090341 a 0101 & 02088760 a 0000 & 02088883 a 0000 & 02088974 a 0000 & 02089377 a 0000 & 02089514 a 0000 & 02089724 a 0000 & 02089811 a 0000 & 02089943 a 0000 & 02090069 a 0000 & 02090228 a 0000 | hidden on any grounds for any motive; "a concealed weapon"; "a concealed compartment in his briefcase" 02088760 00 s 01 bushwhacking 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | lying in ambush; "bushwhacking guerrillas attacking from ambush" 02088883 00 s 01 dark 0 002 & 02088404 a 0000 + 05988498 n 0102 | secret; "keep it dark" 02088974 00 s 05 furtive 0 sneak(a) 0 sneaky 0 stealthy 0 surreptitious 0 008 & 02088404 a 0000 + 01051082 n 0401 + 04657631 n 0403 + 10486679 n 0302 + 04657631 n 0302 + 10616048 n 0201 + 10486679 n 0202 + 04657631 n 0101 | marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed; "a furtive manner"; "a sneak attack"; "stealthy footsteps"; "a surreptitious glance at his watch" 02089377 00 s 02 hidden 0 obscure 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | difficult to find; "hidden valleys"; "a hidden cave"; "an obscure retreat" 02089514 00 s 02 hidden 2 secret 2 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | designed to elude detection; "a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole"; "a secret passage"; "the secret compartment in the desk" 02089724 00 s 01 incognito(p) 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | with your identity concealed 02089811 00 s 01 lying_in_wait 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | waiting in concealment; in ambush; "an army lying in wait in the forest" 02089943 00 s 01 sealed 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | undisclosed for the time being; "sealed orders"; "a sealed move in chess" 02090069 00 s 01 secret 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | not open or public; kept private or not revealed; "a secret formula"; "secret ingredients"; "secret talks" 02090228 00 s 02 sneaking(a) 0 unavowed 0 001 & 02088404 a 0000 | not openly expressed; "a sneaking suspicion" 02090341 00 a 01 unconcealed 0 004 ^ 01704761 a 0000 ! 02088404 a 0101 & 02090567 a 0000 & 02090823 a 0000 | not concealed or hidden; "her unconcealed hostility poisoned the atmosphere"; "watched with unconcealed curiosity" 02090567 00 s 03 blatant 0 blazing 0 conspicuous 0 003 & 02090341 a 0000 + 14434219 n 0301 + 04706882 n 0101 | without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious; "blatant disregard of the law"; "a blatant appeal to vanity"; "a blazing indiscretion" 02090823 00 s 01 exhibitionistic 0 003 & 02090341 a 0000 + 10070942 n 0101 + 06889701 n 0101 | compulsively attracting attention to yourself especially by public exposure or exaggerated behavior 02091020 00 a 01 concealing 0 001 ! 02091165 a 0101 | covering or hiding; "the concealing darkness"; "concealing curtains prevented discovery" 02091165 00 a 01 revealing 0 002 ! 02091020 a 0101 & 02091300 a 0000 | showing or making known; "her dress was scanty and revealing" 02091300 00 s 05 indicative 0 indicatory 0 revelatory 0 significative 0 suggestive 0 005 & 02091165 a 0000 + 00930806 v 0501 + 00921300 v 0103 + 00772640 v 0102 + 00928232 v 0101 | (usually followed by `of') pointing out or revealing clearly; "actions indicative of fear" 02091574 00 a 01 sectarian 0 005 + 10573957 n 0101 + 08149781 n 0101 ! 02092129 a 0101 & 02091851 a 0000 & 02091997 a 0000 | belonging to or characteristic of a sect; "a sectarian mind"; "the negations of sectarian ideology"- Sidney Hook; "sectarian squabbles in psychology" 02091851 00 s 01 denominational 0 001 & 02091574 a 0000 | adhering or confined to a particular sect or denomination; "denominational prejudice" 02091997 00 s 01 narrow-minded 0 002 & 02091574 a 0000 + 06205411 n 0101 | rigidly adhering to a particular sect or its doctrines 02092129 00 a 02 nonsectarian 0 unsectarian 0 005 ! 02091574 a 0101 & 02092460 a 0000 & 02092741 a 0000 & 02092987 a 0000 & 02093134 a 0000 | not restricted to one sect or school or party; "religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere"; "nonsectarian colleges"; "a wide and unsectarian interest in religion"- Bertrand Russell 02092460 00 s 04 ecumenic 0 oecumenic 0 ecumenical 0 oecumenical 0 004 & 02092129 a 0000 + 08471949 n 0402 + 06790235 n 0301 + 06790235 n 0101 | concerned with promoting unity among churches or religions; "ecumenical thinking"; "ecumenical activities"; "the ecumenical movement" 02092741 00 s 02 interchurch 0 interdenominational 0 001 & 02092129 a 0000 | occurring between or among or common to different churches or denominations; "interchurch aid"; "interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians" 02092987 00 s 01 nondenominational 0 001 & 02092129 a 0000 | not restricted to a particular religious denomination; "a nondenominational church" 02093134 00 s 01 undenominational 0 001 & 02092129 a 0000 | not bound or devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination; "undenominational religious instruction" 02093305 00 a 03 secure 1 unafraid 2 untroubled 2 002 + 07526338 n 0101 ! 02093493 a 0101 | free from fear or doubt; easy in mind; "he was secure that nothing will be held against him" 02093493 00 a 01 insecure 1 005 + 14544159 n 0101 + 07524918 n 0101 ! 02093305 a 0101 & 02093703 a 0000 & 02093802 a 0000 | lacking self-confidence or assurance; "an insecure person lacking mental stability" 02093703 00 s 01 overanxious 0 001 & 02093493 a 0000 | anxious or nervous to an excessive degree 02093802 00 s 01 unassured 0 001 & 02093493 a 0000 | lacking boldness or confidence 02093888 00 a 01 secure 2 009 ^ 02525206 a 0000 ^ 01884930 a 0000 ^ 02057829 a 0000 + 14539268 n 0101 ! 02094755 a 0101 & 02094203 a 0000 & 02094388 a 0000 & 02094514 a 0000 & 02094633 a 0000 | free from danger or risk; "secure from harm"; "his fortune was secure"; "made a secure place for himself in his field" 02094203 00 s 01 assured 0 002 & 02093888 a 0000 + 04904162 n 0102 | characterized by certainty or security; "a tiny but assured income"; "we can never have completely assured lives" 02094388 00 s 01 firm 0 001 & 02093888 a 0000 | securely established; "holds a firm position as the country's leading poet" 02094514 00 s 01 fail-safe 0 001 & 02093888 a 0000 | guaranteed not to fail; "a fail-safe recipe for cheese souffle" 02094633 00 s 01 sure 0 001 & 02093888 a 0000 | physically secure or dependable; "a sure footing"; "was on sure ground" 02094755 00 a 02 insecure 2 unsafe 2 008 ^ 02058794 a 0000 ^ 01886407 a 0000 ^ 02523275 a 0000 + 14544159 n 0101 + 14541677 n 0101 ! 02093888 a 0101 & 02095037 a 0000 & 02095193 a 0000 | lacking in security or safety; "his fortune was increasingly insecure"; "an insecure future" 02095037 00 s 02 precarious 0 shaky 0 003 & 02094755 a 0000 + 04776021 n 0201 + 04756887 n 0103 | not secure; beset with difficulties; "a shaky marriage" 02095193 00 s 02 unguaranteed 0 unsecured 0 001 & 02094755 a 0000 | without financial security; "an unsecured note" 02095311 00 a 01 secure 3 005 ^ 01059400 a 0000 + 04777098 n 0105 ! 02095786 a 0101 & 02095542 a 0000 & 02095670 a 0000 | not likely to fail or give way; "the lock was secure"; "a secure foundation"; "a secure hold on her wrist" 02095542 00 s 01 steady 0 002 & 02095311 a 0000 + 04777852 n 0101 | securely in position; not shaky; "held the ladder steady" 02095670 00 s 01 tight 0 001 & 02095311 a 0000 | securely or solidly fixed in place; rigid; "the bolts are tight" 02095786 00 a 01 insecure 3 002 ^ 01060785 a 0000 ! 02095311 a 0101 | not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way; "the hinge is insecure" 02095936 00 a 01 fastened 0 002 ! 02096213 a 0101 & 02096083 a 0000 | firmly closed or secured; "found the gate fastened"; "a fastened seatbelt" 02096083 00 s 01 pegged-down 0 001 & 02095936 a 0000 | fastened by pegs; "the pegged-down branches of the plant will take root" 02096213 00 a 01 unfastened 0 003 ! 02095936 a 0101 & 02096382 a 0000 & 02096604 a 0000 | not closed or secured; "the car door was unfastened"; "unfastened seatbelts" 02096382 00 s 05 unbarred 0 unbolted 0 unlatched 0 unlocked 0 unsecured 0 001 & 02096213 a 0000 | not firmly fastened or secured; "an unbarred door"; "went through the unlatched gate into the street"; "an unlocked room" 02096604 00 s 01 undone 0 001 & 02096213 a 0000 | not fastened or tied or secured; "her blouse had come undone at the neck"; "his shoelaces were undone" 02096759 00 a 01 insured 0 002 ! 02097029 a 0101 & 02096923 a 0000 | covered by insurance; "an insured risk"; "all members of the film cast and crew are insured" 02096923 00 s 01 insurable 0 001 & 02096759 a 0000 | capable of being insured or eligible to be insured 02097029 00 a 01 uninsured 0 002 ! 02096759 a 0101 & 02097152 a 0000 | not covered by insurance; "an uninsured motorist" 02097152 00 s 01 uninsurable 0 001 & 02097029 a 0000 | not capable of being insured or not eligible to be insured 02097268 00 a 01 seductive 0 007 ^ 00166146 a 0000 ^ 02131072 a 0000 ! 02098136 a 0101 & 02097480 a 0000 & 02097796 a 0000 & 02097884 a 0000 & 02098002 a 0000 | tending to entice into a desired action or state 02097480 00 s 04 alluring 0 beguiling 0 enticing 0 tempting 0 002 & 02097268 a 0000 + 04688842 n 0403 | highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire; "an alluring prospect"; "her alluring smile"; "the voice was low and beguiling"; "difficult to say no to an enticing advertisement"; "a tempting invitation" 02097796 00 s 01 corrupting 0 001 & 02097268 a 0000 | seducing into corrupt practices 02097884 00 s 01 insidious 0 002 & 02097268 a 0000 + 04880138 n 0101 | beguiling but harmful; "insidious pleasures" 02098002 00 s 01 teasing 0 001 & 02097268 a 0000 | arousing sexual desire without intending to satisfy it; "her lazy teasing smile" 02098136 00 a 01 unseductive 0 003 ^ 00169164 a 0000 ! 02097268 a 0101 & 02098243 a 0000 | not seductive 02098243 00 s 02 uninviting 0 untempting 0 001 & 02098136 a 0000 | not tempting 02098325 00 a 01 selfish 0 007 ^ 00101800 a 0000 ^ 00639356 a 0000 ^ 01112573 a 0000 + 04834605 n 0101 ! 02099019 a 0101 & 02098694 a 0000 & 02098918 a 0000 | concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others; "Selfish men were...trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of civil rights"- Maria Weston Chapman 02098694 00 s 04 egotistic 0 egotistical 0 narcissistic 0 self-loving 0 004 & 02098325 a 0000 + 04835260 n 0303 + 10047459 n 0201 + 04887497 n 0101 | characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance 02098918 00 s 02 self-serving 0 self-seeking 0 001 & 02098325 a 0000 | interested only in yourself 02099019 00 a 01 unselfish 0 010 ^ 00101609 a 0000 ^ 00638981 a 0000 ^ 01111016 a 0000 + 04832951 n 0101 + 01085937 n 0102 ! 02098325 a 0101 & 02099303 a 0000 & 02099442 a 0000 & 02099561 a 0000 & 02099651 a 0000 | disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others 02099303 00 s 01 public-spirited 0 001 & 02099019 a 0000 | showing unselfish interest in the public welfare; "a public-spirited citizen" 02099442 00 s 03 self-denying 0 self-giving 0 self-sacrificing 0 001 & 02099019 a 0000 | willing to deprive yourself 02099561 00 s 01 self-forgetful 0 001 & 02099019 a 0000 | showing lack of self-interest 02099651 00 s 01 sharing 0 001 & 02099019 a 0000 | unselfishly willing to share with others; "a warm and sharing friend" 02099774 00 a 01 senior 0 008 ^ 01643620 a 0000 = 13949576 n 0000 + 13949576 n 0101 ! 02100709 a 0101 & 02100031 a 0000 & 02100236 a 0000 & 02100376 a 0000 & 02100566 a 0000 | older; higher in rank; longer in length of tenure or service; "senior officer" 02100031 00 s 03 elder 0 older 0 sr. 0 002 & 02099774 a 0000 + 10048218 n 0101 | used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son; "Bill Adams, Sr." 02100236 00 s 01 major(ip) 0 002 & 02099774 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | of the elder of two boys with the same family name; "Jones major" 02100376 00 s 01 precedential 0 002 & 02099774 a 0000 + 13949802 n 0101 | having precedence (especially because of longer service); "precedential treatment for senior members of the firm" 02100566 00 s 03 ranking(a) 0 superior 0 higher-ranking 0 002 & 02099774 a 0000 + 05158619 n 0201 | having a higher rank; "superior officer" 02100709 00 a 01 junior 0 009 ^ 01646941 a 0000 ^ 02329355 a 0000 = 13949576 n 0000 + 10227393 n 0101 + 10227266 n 0101 ! 02099774 a 0101 & 02100968 a 0000 & 02101240 a 0000 & 02101382 a 0000 | younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service 02100968 00 s 06 junior-grade 0 lower-ranking 0 lowly 0 petty(a) 0 secondary 0 subaltern 0 003 & 02100709 a 0000 + 10667709 n 0601 + 05173205 n 0401 | inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary" 02101240 00 s 01 minor(ip) 0 002 & 02100709 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | of the younger of two boys with the same family name; "Jones minor" 02101382 00 s 02 younger 0 jr. 0 001 & 02100709 a 0000 | used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father; "John Junior"; "John Smith, Jr." 02101580 00 a 01 sensational 0 005 = 07247602 n 0000 ! 02102321 a 0101 & 02101757 a 0000 & 02101942 a 0000 & 02102178 a 0000 | causing intense interest, curiosity, or emotion 02101757 00 s 02 lurid 0 shocking 0 003 & 02101580 a 0000 + 07088053 n 0102 + 04782610 n 0104 | glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism; "lurid details of the accident" 02101942 00 s 03 scandalmongering 0 sensationalistic 0 yellow(a) 0 004 & 02101580 a 0000 + 07247602 n 0201 + 07088053 n 0201 + 07135627 n 0101 | typical of tabloids; "sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow press" 02102178 00 s 01 screaming(a) 0 001 & 02101580 a 0000 | resembling a scream in effect; "screaming headlines"; "screaming colors and designs" 02102321 00 a 01 unsensational 0 002 = 07247602 n 0000 ! 02101580 a 0101 | not of such character as to arouse intense interest, curiosity, or emotional reaction 02102484 00 a 02 sensible 0 sensitive 4 009 ^ 00190115 a 0000 ^ 00570590 a 0000 ^ 02103481 a 0000 + 05652926 n 0202 + 02106006 v 0202 + 02106006 v 0102 + 05652926 n 0103 + 05678148 n 0101 ! 02102796 a 0101 | able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible creatures"; "the more sensible parts of the skin" 02102796 00 a 01 insensible 0 008 ^ 02105375 a 0000 ^ 02106761 a 0000 ^ 00191603 a 0000 ^ 00571643 a 0000 + 05680982 n 0101 ! 02102484 a 0101 & 02103052 a 0000 & 02103333 a 0000 | incapable of physical sensation; "insensible to pain"; "insensible earth" 02103052 00 s 02 anesthetic(a) 0 anaesthetic(a) 0 005 & 02102796 a 0000 + 02710766 n 0202 + 14023491 n 0202 + 02710766 n 0101 + 14023491 n 0101 | characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state" 02103333 00 s 03 asleep(p) 0 benumbed 0 numb 0 002 & 02102796 a 0000 + 14322528 n 0301 | lacking sensation; "my foot is asleep"; "numb with cold" 02103481 00 a 01 sensitive 1 018 ^ 01999306 a 0000 ^ 02102484 a 0000 ^ 02360448 a 0000 = 05019661 n 0000 + 05019661 n 0102 + 02155248 v 0101 + 02106006 v 0102 + 05652926 n 0101 ! 02105375 a 0101 & 02103982 a 0000 & 02104190 a 0000 & 02104277 a 0000 & 02104396 a 0000 & 02104600 a 0000 & 02104727 a 0000 & 02104890 a 0000 & 02105055 a 0000 & 02105176 a 0000 | responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light" 02103982 00 s 01 delicate 0 001 & 02103481 a 0000 | of an instrument or device; capable of registering minute differences or changes precisely; "almost undetectable with even the most delicate instruments" 02104190 00 s 01 erogenous 0 001 & 02103481 a 0000 | sensitive to sexual stimulation 02104277 00 s 02 excitable 0 irritable 1 002 & 02103481 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | capable of responding to stimuli 02104396 00 s 01 highly_sensitive 0 001 & 02103481 a 0000 | readily affected by various agents; "a highly sensitive explosive is easily exploded by a shock"; "a sensitive colloid is readily coagulated" 02104600 00 s 01 irritable 2 003 & 02103481 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 05653710 n 0102 | abnormally sensitive to a stimulus 02104727 00 s 02 light-sensitive 0 photosensitive 0 002 & 02103481 a 0000 + 05654201 n 0201 | sensitive to visible light; "photographic film is light-sensitive" 02104890 00 s 01 radiosensitive 0 002 & 02103481 a 0000 + 05654201 n 0102 | sensitive to radiation; "radiosensitive cancer cells can be treated with radiotherapy" 02105055 00 s 01 nociceptive 0 001 & 02103481 a 0000 | caused by or in response to pain; "a nociceptive spinal reflex" 02105176 00 s 02 reactive 0 responsive 0 003 & 02103481 a 0000 + 05653575 n 0102 + 00717358 v 0101 | reacting to a stimulus; "the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons" 02105375 00 a 01 insensitive 1 007 ^ 02102796 a 0000 ^ 01999766 a 0000 ^ 02363358 a 0000 = 05019661 n 0000 ! 02103481 a 0101 & 02105603 a 0000 & 02105898 a 0000 | not responsive to physical stimuli; "insensitive to radiation" 02105603 00 s 02 dead 0 deadened 0 002 & 02105375 a 0000 + 05213201 n 0102 | devoid of physical sensation; numb; "his gums were dead from the novocain"; "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"; "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities" 02105898 00 s 01 unreactive 0 001 & 02105375 a 0000 | not tending to react to stimulation 02105990 00 a 01 sensitive 2 012 ^ 01999306 a 0000 = 07512465 n 0000 + 07512465 n 0102 + 04842993 n 0102 + 00589469 v 0103 + 00589309 v 0101 + 07512465 n 0101 + 04842993 n 0101 ! 02106761 a 0101 & 02106366 a 0000 & 02106509 a 0000 & 02106651 a 0000 | being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others; "sensitive to the local community and its needs" 02106366 00 s 01 alive(p) 0 002 & 02105990 a 0000 + 13961642 n 0104 | (followed by `to' or `of') aware of; "is alive to the moods of others" 02106509 00 s 04 huffy 0 thin-skinned 0 feisty 0 touchy 0 003 & 02105990 a 0000 + 07553016 n 0402 + 07517869 n 0101 | quick to take offense 02106651 00 s 01 oversensitive 0 002 & 02105990 a 0000 + 07512719 n 0101 | unduly sensitive or thin-skinned 02106761 00 a 01 insensitive 2 014 ^ 01155354 a 0000 ^ 02102796 a 0000 ^ 02448437 a 0000 ^ 01999766 a 0000 = 07512465 n 0000 + 04844024 n 0102 + 04844024 n 0101 ! 02105990 a 0101 & 02107162 a 0000 & 02107386 a 0000 & 02107634 a 0000 & 02107827 a 0000 & 02107991 a 0000 & 02108098 a 0000 | deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive; "insensitive to the needs of the patients" 02107162 00 s 03 callous 0 indurate 0 pachydermatous 0 003 & 02106761 a 0000 + 04844625 n 0103 + 04844625 n 0102 | emotionally hardened; "a callous indifference to suffering"; "cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion" 02107386 00 s 02 dead(p) 0 numb(p) 0 003 & 02106761 a 0000 + 04636610 n 0203 + 05213201 n 0102 | (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; "passersby were dead to our plea for help"; "numb to the cries for mercy" 02107634 00 s 01 dull 0 002 & 02106761 a 0000 + 04844891 n 0101 | blunted in responsiveness or sensibility; "a dull gaze"; "so exhausted she was dull to what went on about her"- Willa Cather 02107827 00 s 02 insensible(p) 1 unaffected(p) 1 002 & 02106761 a 0000 + 04844625 n 0105 | unaware of or indifferent to; "insensible to the suffering around him" 02107991 00 s 01 soulless 0 001 & 02106761 a 0000 | lacking sensitivity or the capacity for deep feeling 02108098 00 s 02 thick-skinned 0 tough-skinned 0 001 & 02106761 a 0000 | insensitive to criticism 02108198 00 a 02 sensitizing 0 sensitising 0 002 = 14531772 n 0000 ! 02108359 a 0101 | making susceptible or sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli 02108359 00 a 02 desensitizing 0 desensitising 0 003 = 14531772 n 0000 ! 02108198 a 0101 & 02108547 a 0000 | making less susceptible or sensitive to either physical or emotional stimuli 02108547 00 s 01 numbing 0 001 & 02108359 a 0000 | causing numbness or insensitivity; "the numbing effect of grief" 02108665 00 a 02 sensory 0 sensorial 0 002 + 05651971 n 0201 ! 02108827 a 0101 | involving or derived from the senses; "sensory experience"; "sensory channels" 02108827 00 a 02 extrasensory 0 paranormal 2 005 ^ 01599532 a 0000 ! 02108665 a 0101 & 02109012 a 0000 & 02109162 a 0000 & 02109326 a 0000 | seemingly outside normal sensory channels 02109012 00 s 01 clairvoyant 0 003 & 02108827 a 0000 + 09925953 n 0101 + 07256695 n 0101 | perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses 02109162 00 s 01 telegnostic 0 002 & 02108827 a 0000 + 07256230 n 0101 | obtaining knowledge of distant events allegedly without use of normal sensory mechanisms 02109326 00 s 01 telepathic 0 002 & 02108827 a 0000 + 07255998 n 0101 | communicating without apparent physical signals 02109448 00 a 01 sent 0 001 ! 02109552 a 0101 | caused or enabled to go or be conveyed or transmitted 02109552 00 a 01 unsent 0 001 ! 02109448 a 0101 | not dispatched or transmitted; "the letter remained unwritten and unsent" 02109678 00 a 01 separate 0 017 ^ 02478749 a 0000 ^ 00727564 a 0000 ^ 00493460 a 0000 ^ 02069355 a 0000 ^ 01326917 a 0000 ^ 02152848 a 0000 = 14414294 n 0000 + 14414503 n 0103 ! 02111684 a 0101 & 02110161 a 0000 & 02110317 a 0000 & 02110447 a 0000 & 02110778 a 0000 & 02110993 a 0000 & 02111095 a 0000 & 02111339 a 0000 & 02111486 a 0000 | independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church" 02110161 00 s 01 apart(p) 0 001 & 02109678 a 0000 | having characteristics not shared by others; "scientists felt they were a group apart"- Vannever Bush 02110317 00 s 01 asunder(p) 0 001 & 02109678 a 0000 | widely separated especially in space; "as wide asunder as pole from pole" 02110447 00 s 04 detached 0 isolated 0 separated 0 set-apart 0 001 & 02109678 a 0000 | being or feeling set or kept apart from others; "she felt detached from the group"; "could not remain the isolated figure he had been"- Sherwood Anderson; "thought of herself as alone and separated from the others"; "had a set-apart feeling" 02110778 00 s 02 discrete 0 distinct 0 003 & 02109678 a 0000 + 14414503 n 0202 + 14414503 n 0101 | constituting a separate entity or part; "a government with three discrete divisions"; "on two distinct occasions" 02110993 00 s 01 disjoint 0 002 & 02109678 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 | having no elements in common 02111095 00 s 02 disjunct 0 isolated 1 001 & 02109678 a 0000 | marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements; "little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara"- Scientific Monthly 02111339 00 s 01 isolable 0 004 & 02109678 a 0000 + 00655378 v 0101 + 00496770 v 0101 + 00494269 v 0101 | capable of being isolated or disjoined 02111486 00 s 01 unaccompanied 0 001 & 02109678 a 0000 | (of a state or an event) taking place without something specified occurring at the same time; "a headache unaccompanied by other symptoms" 02111684 00 a 01 joint 0 011 ^ 00466808 a 0000 ^ 00492677 a 0000 ^ 01326148 a 0000 ^ 02152216 a 0000 ^ 02475855 a 0000 ! 02109678 a 0101 & 02111981 a 0000 & 02112108 a 0000 & 02112455 a 0000 & 02112701 a 0000 & 02112891 a 0000 | united or combined; "a joint session of Congress"; "joint owners" 02111981 00 s 01 clannish 0 001 & 02111684 a 0000 | characteristic of a clan especially in being unified; "clannish loyalty" 02112108 00 s 04 concerted 0 conjunct 0 conjunctive 0 cooperative 0 002 & 02111684 a 0000 + 02416278 v 0403 | involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities" 02112455 00 s 02 conjoined 0 conjoint 0 001 & 02111684 a 0000 | consisting of two or more associated entities; "the interplay of these conjoined yet opposed factors"; "social order and prosperity, the conjoint aims of government"- J.K.Fairbank 02112701 00 s 02 corporate 0 collective 0 001 & 02111684 a 0000 | done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; "a joint identity"; "the collective mind"; "the corporate good" 02112891 00 s 01 cosignatory 0 001 & 02111684 a 0000 | signing jointly with others 02112976 00 a 02 sanitary 0 healthful 2 004 + 04790070 n 0201 + 14494893 n 0101 ! 02113449 a 0101 & 02113191 a 0000 | free from filth and pathogens; "sanitary conditions for preparing food"; "a sanitary washroom" 02113191 00 s 02 hygienic 0 hygienical 0 004 & 02112976 a 0000 + 14495080 n 0201 + 14495080 n 0101 + 06051380 n 0101 | tending to promote or preserve health; "hygienic habits like using disposable tissues"; "hygienic surroundings with plenty of fresh air" 02113449 00 a 03 unsanitary 0 insanitary 0 unhealthful 2 004 + 04791740 n 0301 + 14495589 n 0101 ! 02112976 a 0101 & 02113672 a 0000 | not sanitary or healthful; "unsanitary open sewers"; "grim and unsanitary conditions" 02113672 00 s 01 unhygienic 0 001 & 02113449 a 0000 | unclean and constituting a likely cause of disease; "pathetic dogs kept in small unhygienic cages" 02113827 00 a 02 septic 0 infected 0 011 ^ 02116934 a 0000 ^ 01167817 a 0000 + 14180848 n 0101 ! 02115324 a 0101 & 02114190 a 0000 & 02114296 a 0000 & 02114483 a 0000 & 02114613 a 0000 & 02114746 a 0000 & 02115034 a 0000 & 02115187 a 0000 | containing or resulting from disease-causing organisms; "a septic sore throat"; "a septic environment"; "septic sewage" 02114190 00 s 01 abscessed 0 001 & 02113827 a 0000 | infected and filled with pus; "an abscessed tooth" 02114296 00 s 02 dirty 0 pestiferous 0 002 & 02113827 a 0000 + 14497763 n 0101 | contaminated with infecting organisms; "dirty wounds"; "obliged to go into infected rooms"- Jane Austen 02114483 00 s 01 contaminative 0 003 & 02113827 a 0000 + 00493259 v 0101 + 00492706 v 0103 | making impure by contact or mixing 02114613 00 s 02 purulent 0 pussy 0 003 & 02113827 a 0000 + 14312600 n 0102 + 14312600 n 0101 | containing pus; "a purulent wound" 02114746 00 s 02 infectious 0 infective 0 004 & 02113827 a 0000 + 00089750 v 0201 + 00088713 v 0201 + 14174549 n 0101 | caused by infection or capable of causing infection; "viruses and other infective agents"; "a carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease" 02115034 00 s 02 putrefactive 0 putrefacient 0 003 & 02113827 a 0000 + 00399553 v 0201 + 00399553 v 0101 | causing or promoting bacterial putrefaction 02115187 00 s 01 septicemic 0 002 & 02113827 a 0000 + 14189837 n 0102 | characteristic of septicemia; "a septicemic temperature curve" 02115324 00 a 01 antiseptic 0 011 ^ 00417413 a 0000 ^ 02116618 a 0000 ^ 01164763 a 0000 + 02724207 n 0101 + 14495230 n 0102 ! 02113827 a 0101 & 02115759 a 0000 & 02116054 a 0000 & 02116304 a 0000 & 02116397 a 0000 & 02116473 a 0000 | thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms; "doctors in antiseptic green coats"; "the antiseptic effect of alcohol"; "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities" 02115759 00 s 02 aseptic 0 sterile 0 005 & 02115324 a 0000 + 14495230 n 0204 + 14495230 n 0203 + 14495230 n 0101 + 13432903 n 0102 | free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms; "a sterile operating area"; "aseptic surgical instruments"; "aseptic surgical techniques" 02116054 00 s 03 bactericidal 0 disinfectant 0 germicidal 0 006 & 02115324 a 0000 + 03208229 n 0302 + 03208229 n 0201 + 00089324 v 0201 + 14772185 n 0101 + 02716205 n 0103 | preventing infection by inhibiting the growth or action of microorganisms 02116304 00 s 02 cleansing 0 purifying 0 001 & 02115324 a 0000 | acting like an antiseptic 02116397 00 s 01 nonpurulent 0 001 & 02115324 a 0000 | not containing pus 02116473 00 s 02 uninfected 0 clean 0 002 & 02115324 a 0000 + 14496193 n 0201 | free from sepsis or infection; "a clean (or uninfected) wound" 02116618 00 a 01 germfree 0 003 ^ 02115324 a 0000 ! 02116934 a 0101 & 02116783 a 0000 | free from germs or pathogenic organisms; sterile; "a germfree environment" 02116783 00 s 01 axenic 0 001 & 02116618 a 0000 | (of experimental animals) raised under sterile conditions; "axenic conditions"; "germfree animals" 02116934 00 a 01 germy 0 004 ^ 02113827 a 0000 + 01384491 n 0103 ! 02116618 a 0101 & 02117144 a 0000 | full of germs or pathological microorganisms; "the water in New York harbor is oily and dirty and germy" 02117144 00 s 02 unsterilized 0 unsterilised 0 001 & 02116934 a 0000 | not sterilized 02117232 00 a 02 adulterating 0 adulterant 0 004 + 14616939 n 0201 + 00487748 v 0202 ! 02117694 a 0101 & 02117464 a 0000 | making impure or corrupt by adding extraneous materials; "the adulterating effect of extraneous materials" 02117464 00 s 02 extraneous 0 foreign 0 002 & 02117232 a 0000 + 13796585 n 0101 | not belonging to that in which it is contained; introduced from an outside source; "water free of extraneous matter"; "foreign particles in milk" 02117694 00 a 01 purifying 0 004 ! 02117232 a 0101 & 02117866 a 0000 & 02118047 a 0000 & 02118181 a 0000 | freeing from noxious matter; "filtration is a purifying agent" 02117866 00 s 02 ablutionary 0 cleansing 0 002 & 02117694 a 0000 + 00255450 n 0101 | cleansing the body by washing; especially ritual washing of e.g. hands; "ablutionary rituals" 02118047 00 s 01 antiseptic 0 001 & 02117694 a 0000 | freeing from error or corruption; "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism" 02118181 00 s 02 detergent 0 detersive 0 007 & 02117694 a 0000 + 01393038 v 0201 + 15097017 n 0101 + 03181899 n 0101 + 05149127 n 0101 + 05149127 n 0102 + 01393038 v 0101 | having cleansing power 02118379 00 a 01 serious 0 010 = 04646548 n 0000 + 04646548 n 0101 ! 02120458 a 0101 & 02118840 a 0000 & 02119213 a 0000 & 02119639 a 0000 & 02119716 a 0000 & 02119971 a 0000 & 02120150 a 0000 & 02120276 a 0000 | concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities; "a serious student of history"; "a serious attempt to learn to ski"; "gave me a serious look"; "a serious young man"; "are you serious or joking?"; "Don't be so serious!" 02118840 00 s 03 earnest 0 sincere 0 solemn 1 006 & 02118379 a 0000 + 07512147 n 0302 + 04647826 n 0303 + 07512315 n 0203 + 04646548 n 0204 + 04646548 n 0102 | characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions; "both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate"; "an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant"; "a film with a solemn social message" 02119213 00 s 04 grave 0 sedate 0 sober 0 solemn 0 008 & 02118379 a 0000 + 04647826 n 0404 + 07512147 n 0402 + 04647826 n 0403 + 04647478 n 0304 + 04647826 n 0201 + 04647478 n 0101 + 04647478 n 0102 | dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises; "a grave God-fearing man"; "a quiet sedate nature"; "as sober as a judge"; "a solemn promise"; "the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence" 02119639 00 s 01 overserious 0 001 & 02118379 a 0000 | excessively serious 02119716 00 s 01 real 0 003 & 02118379 a 0000 + 13956097 n 0101 + 13955461 n 0101 | not to be taken lightly; "statistics demonstrate that poverty and unemployment are very real problems"; "to the man sleeping regularly in doorways homelessness is real" 02119971 00 s 02 thoughtful 0 serious-minded 0 003 & 02118379 a 0000 + 04646548 n 0203 + 01229793 n 0102 | acting with or showing thought and good sense; "a sensible young man" 02120150 00 s 01 sobering 0 001 & 02118379 a 0000 | tending to make sober or more serious; "the news had a sobering effect" 02120276 00 s 01 solid 0 002 & 02118379 a 0000 + 04671075 n 0102 | of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial; "work of solid scholarship"; "based on solid facts" 02120458 00 a 01 frivolous 0 012 ^ 01873406 a 0000 = 04646548 n 0000 + 04648207 n 0102 + 04648207 n 0101 + 00513401 n 0104 ! 02118379 a 0101 & 02120828 a 0000 & 02121123 a 0000 & 02121290 a 0000 & 02121424 a 0000 & 02121572 a 0000 & 02121735 a 0000 | not serious in content or attitude or behavior; "a frivolous novel"; "a frivolous remark"; "a frivolous young woman" 02120828 00 s 08 airheaded 0 dizzy 0 empty-headed 0 featherbrained 0 giddy 0 light-headed 0 lightheaded 0 silly 0 004 & 02120458 a 0000 + 04648440 n 0802 + 04894444 n 0701 + 04648440 n 0501 | lacking seriousness; given to frivolity; "a dizzy blonde"; "light-headed teenagers"; "silly giggles" 02121123 00 s 04 flighty 0 flyaway 0 head-in-the-clouds 0 scatterbrained 0 002 & 02120458 a 0000 + 04671841 n 0101 | guided by whim and fancy; "flighty young girls" 02121290 00 s 02 flippant 0 light-minded 0 003 & 02120458 a 0000 + 04648866 n 0202 + 04648866 n 0101 | showing inappropriate levity 02121424 00 s 02 idle 0 light 0 002 & 02120458 a 0000 + 04648596 n 0202 | silly or trivial; "idle pleasure"; "light banter"; "light idle chatter" 02121572 00 s 01 light 2 002 & 02120458 a 0000 + 04648596 n 0102 | intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound; "light verse"; "a light comedy" 02121735 00 s 01 trivial 0 001 & 02120458 a 0000 | concerned with trivialities; "a trivial young woman"; "a trivial mind" 02121859 00 a 01 playful 0 009 = 04649261 n 0000 + 07512039 n 0102 ! 02123314 a 0101 & 02122132 a 0000 & 02122379 a 0000 & 02122543 a 0000 & 02122715 a 0000 & 02123007 a 0000 & 02123118 a 0000 | full of fun and high spirits; "playful children just let loose from school" 02122132 00 s 05 coltish 0 frolicsome 0 frolicky 0 rollicking 0 sportive 0 003 & 02121859 a 0000 + 04649835 n 0503 + 04649835 n 0202 | given to merry frolicking; "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes" 02122379 00 s 03 devilish 0 rascally 0 roguish 0 003 & 02121859 a 0000 + 04909721 n 0303 + 10200047 n 0204 | playful in an appealingly bold way; "a roguish grin" 02122543 00 s 03 elfin 0 elfish 0 elvish 0 001 & 02121859 a 0000 | usually good-naturedly mischievous; "perpetrated a practical joke with elfin delight"; "elvish tricks" 02122715 00 s 08 arch 0 impish 0 implike 0 mischievous 0 pixilated 0 prankish 0 puckish 0 wicked 0 005 & 02121859 a 0000 + 04650010 n 0703 + 04909721 n 0601 + 04650010 n 0402 + 04650010 n 0201 | naughtily or annoyingly playful; "teasing and worrying with impish laughter"; "a wicked prank" 02123007 00 s 02 kittenish 0 frisky 0 002 & 02121859 a 0000 + 04649835 n 0201 | playful like a lively kitten 02123118 00 s 03 mocking 0 teasing 0 quizzical 0 001 & 02121859 a 0000 | playfully vexing (especially by ridicule); "his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air"- Lawrence Durrell 02123314 00 a 03 unplayful 0 serious 2 sober 2 004 = 04649261 n 0000 + 04647478 n 0304 + 04646548 n 0201 ! 02121859 a 0101 | completely lacking in playfulness 02123475 00 a 01 selected 0 002 ! 02123743 a 0101 & 02123579 a 0000 | chosen in preference to another 02123579 00 s 02 elect 0 elite 0 003 & 02123475 a 0000 + 08386555 n 0201 + 08386853 n 0102 | selected as the best; "an elect circle of artists"; "elite colleges" 02123743 00 a 01 unselected 0 001 ! 02123475 a 0101 | not selected 02123812 00 a 01 serviceable 0 008 ^ 01090308 a 0000 ^ 01834304 a 0000 ^ 02495922 a 0000 + 05150129 n 0102 + 05150129 n 0101 ! 02124654 a 0101 & 02124096 a 0000 & 02124253 a 0000 | ready for service or able to give long service; "serviceable equipment"; "heavy serviceable fabrics" 02124096 00 s 02 durable 0 long-wearing 0 002 & 02123812 a 0000 + 05053688 n 0102 | capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay; "durable denim jeans" 02124253 00 s 05 functional 0 usable 0 useable 0 operable 0 operational 0 006 & 02123812 a 0000 + 05150129 n 0304 + 01158872 v 0301 + 05150129 n 0203 + 01158872 v 0201 + 05151372 n 0101 | fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order" 02124654 00 a 01 unserviceable 0 007 ^ 01090993 a 0000 ^ 02497141 a 0000 ! 02123812 a 0101 & 02124886 a 0000 & 02125057 a 0000 & 02125198 a 0000 & 02125294 a 0000 | not ready for service; "unserviceable equipment may be replaced" 02124886 00 s 01 broken-down 0 001 & 02124654 a 0000 | not in working order; "had to push the broken-down car"; "a broken-down tractor fit only for children to play on" 02125057 00 s 02 burned-out 0 burnt-out 0 001 & 02124654 a 0000 | inoperative as a result of heat or friction; "a burned-out picture tube" 02125198 00 s 01 inoperable 0 001 & 02124654 a 0000 | not able to perform its normal function 02125294 00 s 01 unrepaired 0 001 & 02124654 a 0000 | unserviceable because necessary repairs have not been made 02125409 00 a 01 resident 0 006 + 10523519 n 0101 + 01053920 n 0101 + 01053920 n 0102 + 02648639 v 0102 + 02650552 v 0101 ! 02125601 a 0101 | living in a particular place; "resident aliens" 02125601 00 a 01 nonresident 0 001 ! 02125409 a 0101 | not living in a particular place or owned by permanent residents; "nonresident students who commute to classes"; "nonresident real estate" 02125797 00 a 01 settled 1 006 ! 02126889 a 0101 & 02126140 a 0000 & 02126332 a 0000 & 02126430 a 0000 & 02126694 a 0000 & 02126796 a 0000 | established in a desired position or place; not moving about; "nomads...absorbed among the settled people"; "settled areas"; "I don't feel entirely settled here"; "the advent of settled civilization" 02126140 00 s 01 based 0 001 & 02125797 a 0000 | having a base of operations (often used as a combining form); "a locally based business"; "an Atlanta-based company"; "carrier-based planes" 02126332 00 s 01 built-up 0 001 & 02125797 a 0000 | peopled with settlers; "the built-up areas" 02126430 00 s 04 located 0 placed 0 set 0 situated 0 001 & 02125797 a 0000 | situated in a particular spot or position; "valuable centrally located urban land"; "strategically placed artillery"; "a house set on a hilltop"; "nicely situated on a quiet riverbank" 02126694 00 s 01 nonnomadic 0 001 & 02125797 a 0000 | not nomadic or wandering; "nonnomadic people" 02126796 00 s 02 relocated 0 resettled 0 001 & 02125797 a 0000 | settled in a new location 02126889 00 a 01 unsettled 1 010 ! 02125797 a 0101 & 02127159 a 0000 & 02127509 a 0000 & 02127693 a 0000 & 02127815 a 0000 & 02128084 a 0000 & 02128388 a 0000 & 02128566 a 0000 & 02128736 a 0000 & 02128922 a 0000 | not settled or established; "an unsettled lifestyle" 02127159 00 s 05 aimless 0 drifting 0 floating 0 vagabond 1 vagrant 0 006 & 02126889 a 0000 + 10744544 n 0501 + 13943236 n 0501 + 10744544 n 0404 + 09468237 n 0401 + 05174326 n 0102 | continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another; "a drifting double-dealer"; "the floating population"; "vagrant hippies of the sixties" 02127509 00 s 03 erratic 0 planetary 0 wandering 1 001 & 02126889 a 0000 | having no fixed course; "an erratic comet"; "his life followed a wandering course"; "a planetary vagabond" 02127693 00 s 02 homeless 0 stateless 0 001 & 02126889 a 0000 | without nationality or citizenship; "stateless persons" 02127815 00 s 02 migrant 0 migratory 0 004 & 02126889 a 0000 + 01857093 v 0201 + 01856626 v 0201 + 01857093 v 0101 | habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work; "appalled by the social conditions of migrant life"; "migratory workers" 02128084 00 s 05 mobile 0 nomadic 0 peregrine 0 roving 0 wandering 2 003 & 02126889 a 0000 + 01611472 n 0301 + 04773351 n 0101 | migratory; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes" 02128388 00 s 02 peripatetic 0 wayfaring 0 002 & 02126889 a 0000 + 09808080 n 0103 | traveling especially on foot; "peripatetic country preachers"; "a poor wayfaring stranger" 02128566 00 s 01 itinerant 0 003 & 02126889 a 0000 + 10217831 n 0101 + 02102247 v 0101 | traveling from place to place to work; "itinerant labor"; "an itinerant judge" 02128736 00 s 02 rootless 0 vagabond 2 002 & 02126889 a 0000 + 09468237 n 0201 | wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community; "led a vagabond life"; "a rootless wanderer" 02128922 00 s 01 unlocated 0 001 & 02126889 a 0000 | lacking a particular location 02129007 00 a 01 migratory 0 002 + 01857093 v 0101 ! 02129136 a 0101 | used of animals that move seasonally; "migratory birds" 02129136 00 a 02 nonmigratory 0 resident 4 002 + 01053920 n 0201 ! 02129007 a 0101 | used of animals that do not migrate 02129259 00 a 01 settled 2 007 ! 02130514 a 0101 & 02129535 a 0000 & 02129718 a 0000 & 02129908 a 0000 & 02130137 a 0000 & 02130272 a 0000 & 02130391 a 0000 | established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night" 02129535 00 s 03 accomplished 0 effected 0 established 0 001 & 02129259 a 0000 | settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact" 02129718 00 s 04 appointed 0 decreed 0 ordained 0 prescribed 0 001 & 02129259 a 0000 | fixed or established especially by order or command; "at the time appointed (or the appointed time") 02129908 00 s 03 determined 0 dictated 0 set 0 001 & 02129259 a 0000 | determined or decided upon as by an authority; "date and place are already determined"; "the dictated terms of surrender"; "the time set for the launching" 02130137 00 s 01 deterministic 0 002 & 02129259 a 0000 + 05971086 n 0101 | an inevitable consequence of antecedent sufficient causes 02130272 00 s 01 firm 0 001 & 02129259 a 0000 | not subject to revision or change; "a firm contract"; "a firm offer" 02130391 00 s 01 preconcerted 0 001 & 02129259 a 0000 | previously arranged or agreed on; "following preconcerted plans" 02130514 00 a 01 unsettled 2 003 ! 02129259 a 0101 & 02130672 a 0000 & 02130821 a 0000 | still in doubt; "an unsettled issue"; "an unsettled state of mind" 02130672 00 s 02 doubtful 0 tentative 0 002 & 02130514 a 0000 + 05698247 n 0105 | unsettled in mind or opinion; "drew a few tentative conclusions" 02130821 00 s 04 open 0 undecided 0 undetermined 0 unresolved 0 001 & 02130514 a 0000 | not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought; "an open question"; "our position on this bill is still undecided"; "our lawsuit is still undetermined" 02131072 00 a 01 sexy 0 024 ^ 00921014 a 0000 ^ 02097268 a 0000 + 07487695 n 0101 + 07489059 n 0104 ! 02134999 a 0101 & 02131668 a 0000 & 02131834 a 0000 & 02131958 a 0000 & 02132080 a 0000 & 02132224 a 0000 & 02132607 a 0000 & 02132735 a 0000 & 02132967 a 0000 & 02133207 a 0000 & 02133431 a 0000 & 02133653 a 0000 & 02133779 a 0000 & 02134162 a 0000 & 02134286 a 0000 & 02134397 a 0000 & 02134557 a 0000 & 02134701 a 0000 & 02134802 a 0000 & 02134896 a 0000 | marked by or tending to arouse sexual desire or interest; "feeling sexy"; "sexy clothes"; "sexy poses"; "a sexy book"; "sexy jokes" 02131668 00 s 06 aroused 0 horny 0 randy 0 ruttish 0 steamy 0 turned_on(p) 0 002 & 02131072 a 0000 + 14038027 n 0201 | feeling great sexual desire; "feeling horny" 02131834 00 s 01 autoerotic 0 002 & 02131072 a 0000 + 00855527 n 0101 | sexually satisfying yourself (as by masturbation) 02131958 00 s 02 coquettish 0 flirtatious 0 003 & 02131072 a 0000 + 09965134 n 0202 + 00512522 n 0201 | like a coquette 02132080 00 s 02 erotic 0 titillating 0 003 & 02131072 a 0000 + 09559896 n 0101 + 07487955 n 0102 | giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing 02132224 00 s 08 blue 0 gamy 0 gamey 0 juicy 1 naughty 0 racy 0 risque 0 spicy 0 004 & 02131072 a 0000 + 04902283 n 0804 + 04902283 n 0602 + 04902283 n 0201 | suggestive of sexual impropriety; "a blue movie"; "blue jokes"; "he skips asterisks and gives you the gamy details"; "a juicy scandal"; "a naughty wink"; "naughty words"; "racy anecdotes"; "a risque story"; "spicy gossip" 02132607 00 s 01 hot 0 002 & 02131072 a 0000 + 14038027 n 0102 | sexually excited or exciting; "was hot for her"; "hot pants" 02132735 00 s 02 intimate 0 sexual 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | involved in a sexual relationship; "the intimate (or sexual) relations between husband and wife"; "she had been intimate with many men"; "he touched her intimate parts" 02132967 00 s 05 juicy 0 luscious 0 red-hot 0 toothsome 0 voluptuous 0 002 & 02131072 a 0000 + 05210820 n 0502 | having strong sexual appeal; "juicy barmaids"; "a red-hot mama"; "a voluptuous woman"; "a toothsome blonde in a tight dress" 02133207 00 s 04 lascivious 0 lewd 0 libidinous 0 lustful 2 004 & 02131072 a 0000 + 07489714 n 0403 + 07489548 n 0301 + 07490214 n 0103 | driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires; "libidinous orgies" 02133431 00 s 01 lecherous 0 004 & 02131072 a 0000 + 00856733 n 0101 + 10552980 n 0102 + 07489714 n 0101 | given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity; "a lecherous gleam in his eye"; "a lecherous good-for-nothing" 02133653 00 s 01 leering 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | (of a glance) sidelong and slyly lascivious; "leering drugstore cowboys" 02133779 00 s 04 lubricious 0 lustful 1 prurient 0 salacious 0 006 & 02131072 a 0000 + 04903368 n 0404 + 04903368 n 0405 + 07490214 n 0302 + 07490214 n 0301 + 07489714 n 0203 | characterized by lust; "eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer"; "her sensuous grace roused his lustful nature"; "prurient literature"; "prurient thoughts"; "a salacious rooster of a little man" 02134162 00 s 01 orgiastic 0 003 & 02131072 a 0000 + 00511212 n 0101 + 01030280 n 0101 | used of frenzied sexual activity 02134286 00 s 02 oversexed 0 highly-sexed 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | having excessive sexual desire or appeal 02134397 00 s 02 pornographic 0 adult 0 002 & 02131072 a 0000 + 00747215 n 0101 | designed to arouse lust; "pornographic films and magazines"; "adult movies" 02134557 00 s 01 provocative 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | exciting sexual desire; "her gestures and postures became more wanton and provocative" 02134701 00 s 01 raunchy 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | earthy and sexually explicit; "a raunchy novel" 02134802 00 s 01 sexed 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | characterized by sexuality; "highly sexed" 02134896 00 s 01 sex-starved 0 001 & 02131072 a 0000 | desiring but deprived of sexual gratification 02134999 00 a 01 unsexy 0 004 ! 02131072 a 0101 & 02135138 a 0000 & 02135213 a 0000 & 02135290 a 0000 | not sexually aroused or arousing 02135138 00 s 01 sexless 1 001 & 02134999 a 0000 | sexually unattractive 02135213 00 s 01 sexless 2 001 & 02134999 a 0000 | having no sexual desire 02135290 00 s 01 undersexed 0 001 & 02134999 a 0000 | having a subnormal degree of sexual desire 02135389 00 a 01 sexual 0 006 = 05006898 n 0000 + 00844254 n 0103 ! 02135913 a 0101 & 02135595 a 0000 & 02135692 a 0000 & 02135773 a 0000 | having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores" 02135595 00 s 01 intersexual 0 001 & 02135389 a 0000 | existing or occurring between the sexes 02135692 00 s 01 sexed 0 001 & 02135389 a 0000 | having sexual differentiation 02135773 00 s 01 unisexual 0 001 & 02135389 a 0000 | relating to only one sex or having only one type of sexual organ; not hermaphroditic 02135913 00 a 02 asexual 0 nonsexual 0 007 = 05006898 n 0000 + 05008085 n 0101 ! 02135389 a 0101 & 02136158 a 0000 & 02136423 a 0000 & 02136522 a 0000 & 02136665 a 0000 | not having or involving sex; "an asexual spore"; "asexual reproduction" 02136158 00 s 05 agamic 0 agamous 0 agamogenetic 0 apomictic 0 parthenogenetic 0 005 & 02135913 a 0000 + 13532501 n 0501 + 13433727 n 0401 + 13434120 n 0302 + 11547737 n 0101 | (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction 02136423 00 s 01 fissiparous 0 002 & 02135913 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | reproducing by fission 02136522 00 s 02 neuter 0 sexless 2 002 & 02135913 a 0000 + 05008085 n 0202 | having no or imperfectly developed or nonfunctional sex organs 02136665 00 s 02 vegetal 0 vegetative 0 002 & 02135913 a 0000 + 00055709 v 0201 | (of reproduction) characterized by asexual processes 02136802 00 a 02 castrated 0 unsexed 0 004 ! 02137305 a 0101 & 02136970 a 0000 & 02137070 a 0000 & 02137205 a 0000 | deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes 02136970 00 s 02 altered 0 neutered 0 001 & 02136802 a 0000 | having testicles or ovaries removed 02137070 00 s 03 cut 0 emasculated 0 gelded 0 001 & 02136802 a 0000 | (of a male animal) having the testicles removed; "a cut horse" 02137205 00 s 01 spayed 0 001 & 02136802 a 0000 | (of a female animal) having the ovaries removed 02137305 00 a 01 uncastrated 0 002 ! 02136802 a 0101 & 02137394 a 0000 | not castrated 02137394 00 s 02 entire 0 intact 0 002 & 02137305 a 0000 + 14460407 n 0201 | (used of domestic animals) sexually competent; "an entire horse" 02137538 00 a 03 aphrodisiac 0 aphrodisiacal 0 sexy 4 005 + 07487695 n 0301 + 07489059 n 0304 + 02727281 n 0201 + 02727281 n 0101 ! 02137713 a 0101 | exciting sexual desire 02137713 00 a 01 anaphrodisiac 0 001 ! 02137538 a 0101 | tending to diminish sexual desire 02137806 00 a 01 estrous 0 005 ;c 01861778 n 0000 + 14038264 n 0101 ! 02138257 a 0101 & 02138034 a 0000 & 02138138 a 0000 | (of lower mammals) showing or in a state of estrus; in heat; "the estrous state"; "the estrous cycle" 02138034 00 s 02 monestrous 0 monoestrous 0 001 & 02137806 a 0000 | having one estrous cycle per year 02138138 00 s 02 polyestrous 0 polyoestrous 0 001 & 02137806 a 0000 | having more than one period of estrus per year 02138257 00 a 01 anestrous 0 003 ;c 01861778 n 0000 ! 02137806 a 0101 & 02138428 a 0000 | (of lower mammals) not in a state of estrus; not in heat; "an anestrous bitch" 02138428 00 s 04 diestrous 0 dioestrous 0 diestrual 0 dioestrual 0 003 & 02138257 a 0000 + 14038743 n 0302 + 14038743 n 0301 | (of animals that have several estrous cycles in one breeding season) in a period of sexual inactivity 02138659 00 a 01 shapely 0 012 + 04677514 n 0102 + 04686748 n 0102 ! 02140492 a 0101 & 02138989 a 0000 & 02139403 a 0000 & 02139563 a 0000 & 02139652 a 0000 & 02139793 a 0000 & 02139884 a 0000 & 02140144 a 0000 & 02140305 a 0000 & 02140392 a 0000 | having a well-proportioned and pleasing shape; "a slim waist and shapely legs" 02138989 00 s 0b bosomy 0 busty 0 buxom 0 curvaceous 0 curvy 0 full-bosomed 0 sonsie 0 sonsy 0 stacked 0 voluptuous 0 well-endowed 0 007 & 02138659 a 0000 + 04686748 n 0a03 + 04686748 n 0401 + 05001302 n 0301 + 05551494 n 0202 + 05553486 n 0101 + 05554405 n 0102 | (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves; "Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes"; "a curvy young woman in a tight dress" 02139403 00 s 02 callipygian 0 callipygous 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | pertaining to or having finely developed buttocks; "the quest for the callipygian ideal" 02139563 00 s 01 clean-limbed 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | having well-proportioned limbs 02139652 00 s 02 full-fashioned 0 fully_fashioned 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | knitted to fit the shape of the body; "full-fashioned hosiery" 02139793 00 s 02 Junoesque 0 statuesque 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | suggestive of a statue 02139884 00 s 04 modeled 0 sculptural 0 sculptured 0 sculpturesque 0 002 & 02138659 a 0000 + 04157320 n 0201 | resembling sculpture; "her finely modeled features"; "rendered with...vivid sculptural effect"; "the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes' bodies" 02140144 00 s 03 retrousse 0 tip-tilted 0 upturned 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | (used of noses) turned up at the end; "a retrousse nose"; "a small upturned nose" 02140305 00 s 01 well-proportioned 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | of pleasing proportions 02140392 00 s 01 well-turned 0 001 & 02138659 a 0000 | of a pleasing shape; "a well-turned ankle" 02140492 00 a 01 unshapely 0 013 ^ 02373599 a 0000 ! 02138659 a 0101 & 02140834 a 0000 & 02141021 a 0000 & 02141209 a 0000 & 02141298 a 0000 & 02141644 a 0000 & 02141735 a 0000 & 02141867 a 0000 & 02142063 a 0000 & 02142139 a 0000 & 02142306 a 0000 & 02142446 a 0000 | not well-proportioned and pleasing in shape; "a stout unshapely woman" 02140834 00 s 01 acromegalic 0 002 & 02140492 a 0000 + 14368483 n 0101 | marked or affected by enlargement or hypertrophy of the extremities or the face; "a protruding acromegalic jaw" 02141021 00 s 02 chunky 0 lumpy 0 003 & 02140492 a 0000 + 09307300 n 0202 + 07961016 n 0106 | like or containing small sticky lumps; "the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough" 02141209 00 s 02 clubfooted 0 taliped 0 001 & 02140492 a 0000 | having a deformed foot 02141298 00 s 05 deformed 0 distorted 0 ill-shapen 0 malformed 0 misshapen 0 004 & 02140492 a 0000 + 14213512 n 0503 + 14213512 n 0101 + 04691178 n 0103 | so badly formed or out of shape as to be ugly; "deformed thalidomide babies"; "his poor distorted limbs"; "an ill-shapen vase"; "a limp caused by a malformed foot"; "misshapen old fingers" 02141644 00 s 01 ill-proportioned 0 001 & 02140492 a 0000 | lacking pleasing proportions 02141735 00 s 02 knobby 0 knobbly 0 003 & 02140492 a 0000 + 03626418 n 0201 + 13895986 n 0102 | having knobs; "had knobbly knees" 02141867 00 s 03 nodular 0 nodulated 0 noduled 0 004 & 02140492 a 0000 + 13088989 n 0101 + 09371941 n 0101 + 05265038 n 0101 | having nodules or occurring in the form of nodules; "nodular ores" 02142063 00 s 01 nodulose 0 001 & 02140492 a 0000 | having minute nodules 02142139 00 s 02 pigeon-breasted 0 chicken-breasted 0 001 & 02140492 a 0000 | having a chest deformity marked by a projecting breastbone caused by infantile rickets 02142306 00 s 01 shapeless 0 002 & 02140492 a 0000 + 04691861 n 0101 | lacking symmetry or attractive form; "a shapeless hat on his head" 02142446 00 s 01 torulose 0 002 & 02140492 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | of a cylindrical or ellipsoid body; swollen and constricted at intervals 02142592 00 a 01 breasted 0 002 ! 02142983 a 0101 & 02142787 a 0000 | having a breast or breasts; or breasts as specified; used chiefly in compounds; "small-breasted"; "red-breasted sandpiper" 02142787 00 s 01 bosomed 0 001 & 02142592 a 0000 | having a bosom as specified or having something likened to a bosom; usually used in compounds; "full-bosomed women"; "the green-bosomed earth" 02142983 00 a 01 breastless 0 001 ! 02142592 a 0101 | without a breast 02143056 00 a 01 formed 0 073 ! 02151705 a 0101 & 02144436 a 0000 & 02144834 a 0000 & 02144913 a 0000 & 02144988 a 0000 & 02145135 a 0000 & 02145209 a 0000 & 02145308 a 0000 & 02145388 a 0000 & 02145464 a 0000 & 02145598 a 0000 & 02145674 a 0000 & 02145754 a 0000 & 02145832 a 0000 & 02145918 a 0000 & 02146029 a 0000 & 02146159 a 0000 & 02146235 a 0000 & 02146347 a 0000 & 02146481 a 0000 & 02146557 a 0000 & 02146645 a 0000 & 02146760 a 0000 & 02146864 a 0000 & 02146949 a 0000 & 02147033 a 0000 & 02147117 a 0000 & 02147203 a 0000 & 02147297 a 0000 & 02147387 a 0000 & 02147477 a 0000 & 02147567 a 0000 & 02147653 a 0000 & 02147739 a 0000 & 02147825 a 0000 & 02147922 a 0000 & 02148011 a 0000 & 02148109 a 0000 & 02148187 a 0000 & 02148277 a 0000 & 02148361 a 0000 & 02148450 a 0000 & 02148526 a 0000 & 02148648 a 0000 & 02148728 a 0000 & 02148805 a 0000 & 02148917 a 0000 & 02149070 a 0000 & 02149153 a 0000 & 02149245 a 0000 & 02149412 a 0000 & 02149502 a 0000 & 02149597 a 0000 & 02149695 a 0000 & 02149787 a 0000 & 02150029 a 0000 & 02150130 a 0000 & 02150220 a 0000 & 02150308 a 0000 & 02150397 a 0000 & 02150489 a 0000 & 02150569 a 0000 & 02150658 a 0000 & 02150750 a 0000 & 02150842 a 0000 & 02150960 a 0000 & 02151050 a 0000 & 02151145 a 0000 & 02151234 a 0000 & 02151320 a 0000 & 02151438 a 0000 & 02151527 a 0000 & 02151616 a 0000 | having or given a form or shape 02144436 00 s 06 ductile 0 malleable 0 pliable 0 pliant 0 tensile 0 tractile 0 006 & 02143056 a 0000 + 05023022 n 0402 + 05023022 n 0401 + 05022709 n 0302 + 05021884 n 0201 + 05022173 n 0101 | capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out; "ductile copper"; "malleable metals such as gold"; "they soaked the leather to made it pliable"; "pliant molten glass"; "made of highly tensile steel alloy" 02144834 00 s 01 acorn-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like an acorn 02144913 00 s 01 awl-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like an awl 02144988 00 s 05 bacillar 0 bacillary 0 bacilliform 0 baculiform 0 rod-shaped 0 002 & 02143056 a 0000 + 01349948 n 0201 | formed like a bacillus 02145135 00 s 01 bag-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a bag 02145209 00 s 01 bar-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a rigid strip of metal or wood 02145308 00 s 01 basket-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a basket 02145388 00 s 01 belt-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a belt 02145464 00 s 01 biform 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | having or combining two forms; "a biform crystal"; "the biform body of a mermaid" 02145598 00 s 01 boot-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a boot 02145674 00 s 01 bottle-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a bottle 02145754 00 s 01 botuliform 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a sausage 02145832 00 s 01 butterfly-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a butterfly 02145918 00 s 01 button-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a button; "button-shaped white flowers" 02146029 00 s 02 catenulate 0 chainlike 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | having a chainlike form; "catenulate bacterial cell colonies" 02146159 00 s 01 claw-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a claw 02146235 00 s 01 club-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a club that is larger at one end 02146347 00 s 01 club-shaped 1 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the black trefoil or clover leaf on some playing cards 02146481 00 s 01 cowl-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a cowl 02146557 00 s 01 cross-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a cross 02146645 00 s 01 die-cast 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | formed by forcing molten metal into a die; "a die-cast seal" 02146760 00 s 02 drum-shaped 0 drum-like 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in a form resembling a drum 02146864 00 s 01 eel-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of an eel 02146949 00 s 01 fan-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a fan 02147033 00 s 01 fig-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a fig 02147117 00 s 01 foot-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a foot 02147203 00 s 01 football-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a football 02147297 00 s 01 funnel-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a funnel 02147387 00 s 01 guitar-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a guitar 02147477 00 s 01 hammer-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a hammer 02147567 00 s 01 harp-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a harp 02147653 00 s 01 hook-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a hook 02147739 00 s 01 horn-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a horn 02147825 00 s 01 hourglass-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of an hourglass 02147922 00 s 01 H-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter H 02148011 00 s 01 keel-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the keel of a boat 02148109 00 s 01 lance-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a lance 02148187 00 s 01 lancet-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a lancet 02148277 00 s 01 lip-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a lip 02148361 00 s 01 L-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter L 02148450 00 s 01 lyre-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a lyre 02148526 00 s 02 navicular 0 scaphoid 0 003 & 02143056 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05272276 n 0103 | shaped like a boat 02148648 00 s 01 nutmeg-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a nutmeg 02148728 00 s 01 oven-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like an oven 02148805 00 s 01 paddle-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a paddle; "paddle-shaped fins" 02148917 00 s 01 perfected 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | (of plans, ideas, etc.) perfectly formed; "a graceful but not yet fully perfected literary style" 02149070 00 s 01 phylliform 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | having the shape of a leaf 02149153 00 s 01 pitcher-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a pitcher 02149245 00 s 01 precast 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | of structural members especially of concrete; cast into form before being transported to the site of installation 02149412 00 s 01 ribbon-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a ribbon 02149502 00 s 01 rudder-like 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | formed like and serving like a rudder 02149597 00 s 01 saddle-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a horse's saddle 02149695 00 s 01 slipper-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a slipper 02149787 00 s 03 shaped 0 molded 0 wrought 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort); "a shaped handgrip"; "the molded steel plates"; "the wrought silver bracelet" 02150029 00 s 02 spade-shaped 0 spade-like 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a spade 02150130 00 s 01 spider-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a spider 02150220 00 s 01 spoon-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a spoon 02150308 00 s 01 s-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter S 02150397 00 s 01 stirrup-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a stirrup 02150489 00 s 01 tassel-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped like a tassel 02150569 00 s 01 T-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter T 02150658 00 s 01 tadpole-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a tadpole 02150750 00 s 01 thimble-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a thimble 02150842 00 s 01 trumpet-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a trumpet; "trumpet-shaped flowers" 02150960 00 s 01 turnip-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a turnip 02151050 00 s 01 umbrella-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of an umbrella 02151145 00 s 01 U-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter U 02151234 00 s 01 vase-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of a vase 02151320 00 s 02 vermiform 0 worm-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | resembling a worm; long and thin and cylindrical 02151438 00 s 01 v-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter V 02151527 00 s 01 W-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter W 02151616 00 s 01 Y-shaped 0 001 & 02143056 a 0000 | shaped in the form of the letter Y 02151705 00 a 01 unformed 0 003 ! 02143056 a 0101 & 02151837 a 0000 & 02152078 a 0000 | not having form or shape; "unformed clay" 02151837 00 s 03 amorphous 0 formless 0 shapeless 0 002 & 02151705 a 0000 + 13909889 n 0301 | having no definite form or distinct shape; "amorphous clouds of insects"; "an aggregate of formless particles"; "a shapeless mass of protoplasm" 02152078 00 s 02 unshaped 0 unshapen 0 001 & 02151705 a 0000 | incompletely or imperfectly shaped; "unshaped dough"; "unshaped timbers" 02152216 00 a 01 shared 0 004 ^ 02111684 a 0000 ! 02152848 a 0101 & 02152473 a 0000 & 02152716 a 0000 | have in common; held or experienced in common; "two shared valence electrons forming a bond between adjacent nuclei"; "a shared interest in philately" 02152473 00 s 02 common 0 mutual 0 005 & 02152216 a 0000 + 13843401 n 0201 + 13841863 n 0201 + 04764741 n 0102 + 04764741 n 0101 | common to or shared by two or more parties; "a common friend"; "the mutual interests of management and labor" 02152716 00 s 01 joint 0 001 & 02152216 a 0000 | affecting or involving two or more; "joint income-tax return"; "joint ownership" 02152848 00 a 01 unshared 0 005 ^ 02109678 a 0000 ! 02152216 a 0101 & 02152985 a 0000 & 02153174 a 0000 & 02153359 a 0000 | not shared 02152985 00 s 02 exclusive 0 sole(a) 0 002 & 02152848 a 0000 + 00615774 v 0101 | not divided or shared with others; "they have exclusive use of the machine"; "sole rights of publication" 02153174 00 s 02 individual 0 single(a) 0 001 & 02152848 a 0000 | characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing; "an individual serving"; "single occupancy"; "a single bed" 02153359 00 s 01 undivided 0 001 & 02152848 a 0000 | not shared by or among others; "undivided responsibility" 02153472 00 a 02 shaven 0 shaved 0 003 ! 02153817 a 0101 & 02153620 a 0000 & 02153705 a 0000 | having the beard or hair cut off close to the skin 02153620 00 s 02 beardless 0 whiskerless 0 001 & 02153472 a 0000 | having no beard 02153705 00 s 03 clean-shaven 0 smooth-shaven 0 well-shaven 0 001 & 02153472 a 0000 | closely shaved recently 02153817 00 a 02 unshaven 0 unshaved 0 005 ! 02153472 a 0101 & 02153965 a 0000 & 02154118 a 0000 & 02154247 a 0000 & 02154334 a 0000 | not shaved 02153965 00 s 05 bearded 0 barbate 0 bewhiskered 0 whiskered 0 whiskery 0 002 & 02153817 a 0000 + 01901828 n 0501 | having hair on the cheeks and chin 02154118 00 s 03 bestubbled 0 stubbled 0 stubbly 0 001 & 02153817 a 0000 | having a short growth of beard; "his stubbled chin" 02154247 00 s 01 goateed 0 001 & 02153817 a 0000 | having a small pointed chin beard 02154334 00 s 02 mustachioed 0 mustached 0 001 & 02153817 a 0000 | having a moustache 02154422 00 a 02 sheared 0 shorn 0 001 ! 02154635 a 0101 | having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers; "picked up the baby's shorn curls from the floor"; "naked as a sheared sheep" 02154635 00 a 02 unsheared 0 unshorn 0 001 ! 02154422 a 0101 | not sheared; "a grizzly unshorn beard"; "unshorn sheep" 02154756 00 a 01 sheathed 0 005 ! 02155524 a 0101 & 02155054 a 0000 & 02155233 a 0000 & 02155361 a 0000 & 02155454 a 0000 | enclosed in a protective covering; sometimes used in combination; "his sheathed sword"; "the cat's sheathed claws"; "a ship's bottom sheathed in copper"; "copper-sheathed" 02155054 00 s 03 cased 0 encased 0 incased 0 001 & 02154756 a 0000 | covered or protected with or as if with a case; "knights cased in steel"; "products encased in leatherette" 02155233 00 s 01 clad 0 001 & 02154756 a 0000 | having an outer covering especially of thin metal; "steel-clad"; "armor-clad" 02155361 00 s 01 ironclad 0 001 & 02154756 a 0000 | sheathed in iron plates for protection 02155454 00 s 01 podlike 0 001 & 02154756 a 0000 | resembling a pod 02155524 00 a 02 unsheathed 0 bare 4 002 + 04697819 n 0201 ! 02154756 a 0101 | not having a protective covering; "unsheathed cables"; "a bare blade" 02155675 00 a 02 shockable 0 narrow-minded 4 001 ! 02155771 a 0101 | capable of being shocked 02155771 00 a 02 unshockable 0 broad-minded 4 002 + 06204623 n 0201 ! 02155675 a 0101 | incapable of being shocked; "he was warmhearted, sensible and unshockable" 02155936 00 a 03 shod 0 shodden 0 shoed 0 006 ! 02156579 a 0101 & 02156111 a 0000 & 02156177 a 0000 & 02156293 a 0000 & 02156421 a 0000 & 02156505 a 0000 | wearing footgear 02156111 00 s 01 booted 0 001 & 02155936 a 0000 | wearing boots 02156177 00 s 01 ironshod 0 001 & 02155936 a 0000 | shod or cased with iron; "ironshod hooves"; "ironshod wheels" 02156293 00 s 01 roughshod 0 001 & 02155936 a 0000 | (of a horse) having horseshoes with projecting nails to prevent slipping 02156421 00 s 02 sandaled 0 sandalled 0 001 & 02155936 a 0000 | shod with sandals 02156505 00 s 01 slippered 0 001 & 02155936 a 0000 | shod with slippers 02156579 00 a 02 unshod 0 unshoed 0 003 ! 02155936 a 0101 & 02156686 a 0000 & 02156822 a 0000 | not shod 02156686 00 s 03 barefoot 0 barefooted 0 shoeless 0 001 & 02156579 a 0000 | without shoes; "the barefoot boy"; "shoeless Joe Jackson" 02156822 00 s 01 stockinged 0 001 & 02156579 a 0000 | wearing stockings; "walks about in his stockinged feet" 02156934 00 a 02 calced 0 shod 4 001 ! 02157041 a 0101 | used of certain religious orders who wear shoes 02157041 00 a 03 discalced 0 discalceate 0 unshod 4 002 ;c 05946687 n 0000 ! 02156934 a 0101 | (used of certain religious orders) barefoot or wearing only sandals; "discalced friars" 02157226 00 a 03 nearsighted 0 shortsighted 0 myopic 0 004 + 14553290 n 0301 + 14553290 n 0203 + 14553290 n 0102 ! 02157399 a 0101 | unable to see distant objects clearly 02157399 00 a 02 farsighted 0 presbyopic 0 006 + 14555214 n 0201 + 14554011 n 0104 ! 02157226 a 0101 & 02157594 a 0000 & 02157747 a 0000 & 02157936 a 0000 | able to see distant objects clearly 02157594 00 s 04 eagle-eyed 0 keen-sighted 0 farseeing 0 longsighted 0 002 & 02157399 a 0000 + 14554011 n 0405 | capable of seeing to a great distance 02157747 00 s 02 hyperopic 0 hypermetropic 0 005 & 02157399 a 0000 ;c 06054446 n 0000 + 14554011 n 0203 + 14554011 n 0202 + 14554011 n 0101 | abnormal ability to focus of distant objects 02157936 00 s 01 telescopic 0 002 & 02157399 a 0000 + 04403638 n 0101 | capable of discerning distant objects; "a telescopic eye"; "telescopic vision" 02158089 00 a 01 shrinkable 0 001 ! 02158192 a 0101 | capable of being shrunk; "a shrinkable fabric" 02158192 00 a 01 unshrinkable 0 001 ! 02158089 a 0101 | incapable of being shrunk or diminished or reduced 02158301 00 a 01 sighted 0 005 + 05656537 n 0103 ! 02158826 a 0101 & 02158438 a 0000 & 02158646 a 0000 & 02158731 a 0000 | able to see 02158438 00 s 07 argus-eyed 0 hawk-eyed 0 keen-sighted 0 lynx-eyed 0 quick-sighted 0 sharp-eyed 0 sharp-sighted 0 002 & 02158301 a 0000 + 05655567 n 0703 | having very keen vision; "quick-sighted as a cat" 02158646 00 s 01 clear-sighted 0 001 & 02158301 a 0000 | having sharp clear vision 02158731 00 s 01 seeing 0 002 & 02158301 a 0000 + 05656537 n 0102 | having vision, not blind 02158826 00 a 02 blind 0 unsighted 4 013 + 14126660 n 0101 ! 02158301 a 0101 & 02159293 a 0000 & 02159364 a 0000 & 02159453 a 0000 & 02159612 a 0000 & 02159787 a 0000 & 02159969 a 0000 & 02160135 a 0000 & 02160291 a 0000 & 02160465 a 0000 & 02160622 a 0000 & 02160696 a 0000 | unable to see; "a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision"--Kenneth Jernigan 02159293 00 s 01 blinded 0 001 & 02158826 a 0000 | deprived of sight 02159364 00 s 02 blindfold 0 blindfolded 0 001 & 02158826 a 0000 | wearing a blindfold 02159453 00 s 02 color-blind 0 colour-blind 0 003 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14153010 n 0201 + 14153010 n 0101 | unable to distinguish one or more chromatic colors 02159612 00 s 01 dazzled 0 001 & 02158826 a 0000 | having vision overcome temporarily by or as if by intense light; "she shut her dazzled eyes against the sun's brilliance" 02159787 00 s 02 deuteranopic 0 green-blind 0 003 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14154168 n 0203 + 14154168 n 0101 | inability to see the color green or to distinguish green and purplish-red 02159969 00 s 06 dim-sighted 0 near-blind 0 purblind 0 sand-blind 0 visually_impaired 0 visually_challenged 0 001 & 02158826 a 0000 | having greatly reduced vision 02160135 00 s 03 eyeless 0 sightless 0 unseeing 0 003 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14126660 n 0202 + 14557206 n 0101 | lacking sight; "blind as an eyeless beggar" 02160291 00 s 02 protanopic 0 red-blind 0 003 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14154421 n 0202 + 14154421 n 0101 | inability to see the color red or to distinguish red and bluish-green 02160465 00 s 02 snow-blind 0 snow-blinded 0 002 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14555790 n 0101 | temporarily blinded by exposure to light reflected from snow or ice 02160622 00 s 01 stone-blind 0 001 & 02158826 a 0000 | completely blind 02160696 00 s 02 tritanopic 0 blue-blind 0 003 & 02158826 a 0000 + 14155031 n 0202 + 14155031 n 0101 | inability to see the color blue or to distinguish the colors blue and yellow 02160878 00 a 01 signed 0 003 ! 02161314 a 0101 & 02161016 a 0000 & 02161136 a 0000 | having a handwritten signature; "a signed letter" 02161016 00 s 01 autographed 0 001 & 02160878 a 0000 | bearing an autograph; "an autographed copy of his latest book" 02161136 00 s 01 subscribed 0 002 & 02160878 a 0000 ;c 06520944 n 0000 | (of a contract or will or other document) having a signature written at the end; "the subscribed will" 02161314 00 a 01 unsigned 0 001 ! 02160878 a 0101 | lacking a signature; "the message was typewritten and unsigned" 02161432 00 a 02 significant 0 important 4 017 ^ 01275562 a 0000 ^ 01496976 a 0000 = 05169813 n 0000 + 05168261 n 0201 + 05169813 n 0101 ! 02164402 a 0101 & 02161982 a 0000 & 02162179 a 0000 & 02162458 a 0000 & 02162733 a 0000 & 02162934 a 0000 & 02163307 a 0000 & 02163468 a 0000 & 02163602 a 0000 & 02163774 a 0000 & 02164050 a 0000 & 02164165 a 0000 | important in effect or meaning; "a significant change in tax laws"; "a significant change in the Constitution"; "a significant contribution"; "significant details"; "statistically significant" 02161982 00 s 01 momentous 0 003 & 02161432 a 0000 + 05170574 n 0103 + 05169412 n 0101 | of very great significance; "deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision"; "a momentous event" 02162179 00 s 02 epochal 0 epoch-making 0 002 & 02161432 a 0000 + 15248564 n 0102 | highly significant or important especially bringing about or marking the beginning of a new development or era; "epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill"; "an epoch-making discovery" 02162458 00 s 03 earthshaking 0 world-shaking 0 world-shattering 0 001 & 02161432 a 0000 | sufficiently significant to affect the whole world; "earthshaking proposals"; "the contest was no world-shaking affair"; "the conversation...could hardly be called world-shattering" 02162733 00 s 02 evidential 0 evidentiary 0 003 & 02161432 a 0000 + 05823932 n 0201 + 05823932 n 0101 | serving as or based on evidence; "evidential signs of a forced entry"; "its evidentiary value" 02162934 00 s 02 fundamental 0 profound 0 002 & 02161432 a 0000 + 05926358 n 0204 | far-reaching and thoroughgoing in effect especially on the nature of something; "the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred"; "the book underwent fundamental changes"; "committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance"; "profound social changes" 02163307 00 s 01 large 0 002 & 02161432 a 0000 + 05106317 n 0101 | fairly large or important in effect; influential; "played a large role in the negotiations" 02163468 00 s 01 monumental 0 001 & 02161432 a 0000 | of outstanding significance; "Einstein's monumental contributions to physics" 02163602 00 s 02 noteworthy 0 remarkable 0 001 & 02161432 a 0000 | worthy of notice; "a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain"; "a remarkable achievement" 02163774 00 s 02 probative 0 probatory 0 002 & 02161432 a 0000 + 02465297 v 0101 | tending to prove a particular proposition or to persuade you of the truth of an allegation; "evidence should only be excluded if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect" 02164050 00 s 01 operative 0 001 & 02161432 a 0000 | effective; producing a desired effect; "the operative word" 02164165 00 s 02 portentous 0 prodigious 0 003 & 02161432 a 0000 + 07286368 n 0206 + 07286368 n 0102 | of momentous or ominous significance; "such a portentous...monster raised all my curiosity"- Herman Melville; "a prodigious vision" 02164402 00 a 02 insignificant 0 unimportant 4 012 ^ 01497736 a 0000 ^ 01279978 a 0000 = 05169813 n 0000 + 14436438 n 0202 + 05172596 n 0201 + 05173579 n 0101 ! 02161432 a 0101 & 02164713 a 0000 & 02164913 a 0000 & 02165171 a 0000 & 02165318 a 0000 & 02165432 a 0000 | devoid of importance, meaning, or force 02164713 00 s 02 hole-and-corner 0 hole-in-corner 0 001 & 02164402 a 0000 | relating to the peripheral and unimportant aspects of life; "a hole-and-corner life in some obscure community"- H.G.Wells 02164913 00 s 05 flimsy 3 fragile 0 slight 0 tenuous 0 thin 1 004 & 02164402 a 0000 + 05114781 n 0504 + 05040939 n 0402 + 05173205 n 0303 | lacking substance or significance; "slight evidence"; "a tenuous argument"; "a thin plot"; a fragile claim to fame" 02165171 00 s 01 inappreciable 0 001 & 02164402 a 0000 | too small to make a significant difference; "inappreciable fluctuations in temperature" 02165318 00 s 01 light 0 001 & 02164402 a 0000 | having little importance; "losing his job was no light matter" 02165432 00 s 02 superficial 0 trivial 0 004 & 02164402 a 0000 + 00840413 v 0201 + 04486445 n 0202 + 05820462 n 0203 | of little substance or significance; "a few superficial editorial changes"; "only trivial objections" 02165655 00 a 01 significant 1 002 ;c 06018465 n 0000 ! 02165925 a 0101 | too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation; "the interaction effect is significant at the .01 level"; "no significant difference was found" 02165925 00 a 01 nonsignificant 0 002 ;c 06018465 n 0000 ! 02165655 a 0101 | attributable to chance 02166027 00 a 01 silenced 0 002 ! 02166277 a 0101 & 02166159 a 0000 | reduced to silence; "the silenced crowd waited expectantly" 02166159 00 s 01 suppressed 0 001 & 02166027 a 0000 | manifesting or subjected to suppression; "a suppressed press" 02166277 00 a 01 unsilenced 0 001 ! 02166027 a 0101 | not silenced 02166346 00 a 02 simple 1 unsubdivided 0 037 ^ 02174896 a 0000 ^ 02244619 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 04766059 n 0101 ! 02171024 a 0101 & 02167133 a 0000 & 02167285 a 0000 & 02167405 a 0000 & 02167513 a 0000 & 02167628 a 0000 & 02167740 a 0000 & 02167894 a 0000 & 02168014 a 0000 & 02168132 a 0000 & 02168248 a 0000 & 02168400 a 0000 & 02168549 a 0000 & 02168699 a 0000 & 02168796 a 0000 & 02168904 a 0000 & 02168991 a 0000 & 02169081 a 0000 & 02169175 a 0000 & 02169267 a 0000 & 02169359 a 0000 & 02169467 a 0000 & 02169591 a 0000 & 02169728 a 0000 & 02169844 a 0000 & 02169940 a 0000 & 02170052 a 0000 & 02170199 a 0000 & 02170411 a 0000 & 02170546 a 0000 & 02170673 a 0000 & 02170821 a 0000 & 02170957 a 0000 | (botany) of leaf shapes; of leaves having no divisions or subdivisions 02167133 00 s 04 acerate 0 acerose 0 acicular 0 needle-shaped 0 002 & 02166346 a 0000 + 09187036 n 0301 | narrow and long and pointed; as pine leaves 02167285 00 s 01 acuminate 0 002 & 02166346 a 0000 + 13089526 n 0101 | (of a leaf shape) narrowing to a slender point 02167405 00 s 01 apiculate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having a short sharply pointed tip 02167513 00 s 01 caudate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) tapering gradually into a long taillike tip 02167628 00 s 03 cordate 0 heart-shaped 0 cordiform 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf) shaped like a heart 02167740 00 s 02 cuneate 0 wedge-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) narrowly triangular, wider at the apex and tapering toward the base 02167894 00 s 01 deltoid 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | triangular or suggesting a capital delta, with a point at the apex 02168014 00 s 02 dolabriform 0 dolabrate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | having the shape of the head of an ax or cleaver 02168132 00 s 01 elliptic 0 002 & 02166346 a 0000 + 05070622 n 0102 | (of a leaf shape) in the form of an ellipse 02168248 00 s 04 ensiform 0 sword-shaped 0 swordlike 0 bladelike 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | shaped like a sword blade; "the iris has an ensiform leaf" 02168400 00 s 02 hastate 0 spearhead-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) like a spear point, with flaring pointed lobes at the base 02168549 00 s 02 lanceolate 0 lancelike 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) shaped like a lance head; narrow and tapering to a pointed apex 02168699 00 s 02 linear 0 elongate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) long and narrow 02168796 00 s 01 lyrate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having curvature suggestive of a lyre 02168904 00 s 01 needled 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | of trees whose leaves are acerate 02168991 00 s 01 two-needled 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of conifers) having two needles 02169081 00 s 01 three-needled 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of conifers) having three needles 02169175 00 s 01 four-needled 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of conifers) having four needles 02169267 00 s 01 five-needled 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of conifers) having five needles 02169359 00 s 01 obtuse 0 002 & 02166346 a 0000 + 04705950 n 0101 | (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex 02169467 00 s 01 oblanceolate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a tapering base 02169591 00 s 01 oblong 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having a somewhat elongated form with approximately parallel sides 02169728 00 s 01 obovate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base 02169844 00 s 02 orbiculate 0 orbicular 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | circular or nearly circular 02169940 00 s 01 ovate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | of a leaf shape; egg-shaped with the broader end at the base 02170052 00 s 03 pandurate 0 panduriform 0 fiddle-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having rounded ends and a contracted center 02170199 00 s 02 peltate 0 shield-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) round, with the stem attached near the center of the lower surface rather than the margin (as a nasturtium leaf for example) 02170411 00 s 01 perfoliate 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf) having the base united around (and apparently pierced by) the stem 02170546 00 s 02 reniform 0 kidney-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf or bean shape) resembling the shape of kidney 02170673 00 s 03 sagittate 0 sagittiform 0 arrow-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) like an arrow head without flaring base lobes 02170821 00 s 02 spatulate 0 spatula-shaped 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having a broad rounded apex and a narrow base 02170957 00 s 01 unlobed 0 001 & 02166346 a 0000 | without lobes 02171024 00 a 01 compound 0 031 ^ 02176178 a 0000 ^ 02245403 a 0000 ^ 02244619 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 02166346 a 0101 & 02171724 a 0000 & 02171836 a 0000 & 02171938 a 0000 & 02172038 a 0000 & 02172152 a 0000 & 02172255 a 0000 & 02172377 a 0000 & 02172488 a 0000 & 02172617 a 0000 & 02172770 a 0000 & 02172851 a 0000 & 02172995 a 0000 & 02173125 a 0000 & 02173264 a 0000 & 02173371 a 0000 & 02173510 a 0000 & 02173632 a 0000 & 02173773 a 0000 & 02173930 a 0000 & 02174089 a 0000 & 02174188 a 0000 & 02174305 a 0000 & 02174417 a 0000 & 02174542 a 0000 & 02174678 a 0000 & 02174781 a 0000 | composed of more than one part; "compound leaves are composed of several lobes; "compound flower heads" 02171724 00 s 03 bilobate 0 bilobated 0 bilobed 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | having two lobes; "a bilobate leaf" 02171836 00 s 01 binate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | growing in two parts or in pairs; "binate leaves" 02171938 00 s 01 bipartite 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | divided into two portions almost to the base 02172038 00 s 01 bipinnate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) 02172152 00 s 01 bipinnatifid 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | pinnatifid with the segments also pinnatifid 02172255 00 s 02 cleft 0 dissected 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib 02172377 00 s 01 conjugate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets 02172488 00 s 01 decompound 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | of a compound leaf; consisting of divisions that are themselves compound 02172617 00 s 03 even-pinnate 0 abruptly-pinnate 0 paripinnate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) pinnate with a pair of leaflets at the apex 02172770 00 s 01 incised 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | sharply and deeply indented 02172851 00 s 02 lobed 0 lobate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | having deeply indented margins but with lobes not entirely separate from each other 02172995 00 s 02 odd-pinnate 0 imparipinnate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (a leaf shape) pinnate with a single leaflet at the apex 02173125 00 s 02 palmate 0 palm-shaped 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | of a leaf shape; having leaflets or lobes radiating from a common point 02173264 00 s 01 palmatifid 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | of a leaf shape; palmately cleft rather than lobed 02173371 00 s 01 parted 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes 02173510 00 s 01 pedate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | of a leaf shape; having radiating lobes, each deeply cleft or divided 02173632 00 s 02 pinnate 0 pinnated 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) featherlike; having leaflets on each side of a common axis 02173773 00 s 01 pinnatifid 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets 02173930 00 s 01 pinnatisect 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets 02174089 00 s 01 quinquefoliate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having five leaflets 02174188 00 s 01 radiate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | having rays or ray-like parts as in the flower heads of daisies 02174305 00 s 01 ternate 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) consisting of three leaflets or sections 02174417 00 s 03 trifoliate 0 trifoliolate 0 trifoliated 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) having three leaflets 02174542 00 s 04 trilobate 0 trilobated 0 trilobed 0 three-lobed 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) divided into three lobes 02174678 00 s 02 tripinnate 0 tripinnated 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) thrice pinnate 02174781 00 s 01 tripinnatifid 0 001 & 02171024 a 0000 | (of a leaf shape) bipinnatifid with segments pinnatifid 02174896 00 a 01 simple 2 011 ^ 00749230 a 0000 ^ 01791911 a 0000 ^ 02166346 a 0000 = 04766275 n 0000 + 04766059 n 0102 + 04766059 n 0101 ! 02176178 a 0101 & 02175267 a 0000 & 02175487 a 0000 & 02175684 a 0000 & 02175980 a 0000 | having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance" 02175267 00 s 01 simplex 0 001 & 02174896 a 0000 | having only one part or element; "a simplex word has no affixes and is not part of a compound--like `boy' compared with `boyish' or `house' compared with `houseboat'" 02175487 00 s 01 simplistic 0 001 & 02174896 a 0000 | characterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity; "a simplistic theory of the universe"; "simplistic arguments of the ruling party" 02175684 00 s 02 unanalyzable 0 undecomposable 0 001 & 02174896 a 0000 | representing the furthest possible extent of analysis or division into parts; "a feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state"- G.S.Brett; "this weight of evidence is something mystical and unanalyzable"-M.R.Cohen 02175980 00 s 02 uncomplicated 0 unsophisticated 0 001 & 02174896 a 0000 | lacking complexity; "small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring"; "an unsophisticated machine" 02176178 00 a 01 complex 0 020 ^ 02171024 a 0000 ^ 00744916 a 0000 = 04766275 n 0000 + 04766275 n 0102 + 04766275 n 0101 ! 02174896 a 0101 & 02176741 a 0000 & 02176841 a 0000 & 02177397 a 0000 & 02177584 a 0000 & 02177755 a 0000 & 02177872 a 0000 & 02178116 a 0000 & 02178241 a 0000 & 02178348 a 0000 & 02178500 a 0000 & 02178628 a 0000 & 02178837 a 0000 & 02179044 a 0000 & 02179167 a 0000 | complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts; "a complex set of variations based on a simple folk melody"; "a complex mass of diverse laws and customs" 02176741 00 s 02 analyzable 0 decomposable 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | capable of being partitioned 02176841 00 s 06 Byzantine 0 convoluted 0 involved 0 knotty 0 tangled 0 tortuous 0 003 & 02176178 a 0000 + 04766620 n 0604 + 04766620 n 0403 | highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months" 02177397 00 s 02 colonial 0 compound 2 002 & 02176178 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony; "coral is a colonial organism" 02177584 00 s 01 complicated 0 002 & 02176178 a 0000 + 04766620 n 0101 | difficult to analyze or understand; "a complicated problem"; "complicated Middle East politics" 02177755 00 s 01 composite 0 002 & 02176178 a 0000 + 05870365 n 0102 | consisting of separate interconnected parts 02177872 00 s 01 compound 0 002 & 02176178 a 0000 + 05870180 n 0101 | consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts; "soap is a compound substance"; "housetop is a compound word"; "a blackberry is a compound fruit" 02178116 00 s 01 daedal 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | complex and ingenious in design or function; "the daedal hand of nature" 02178241 00 s 01 Gordian 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | extremely intricate; usually in phrase `Gordian knot' 02178348 00 s 04 interlacing 0 interlinking 0 interlocking 0 interwoven 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing 02178500 00 s 01 intricate 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate; "intricate lacework" 02178628 00 s 03 labyrinthine 0 labyrinthian 0 mazy 0 003 & 02176178 a 0000 + 03733281 n 0301 + 03733281 n 0202 | resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity; "a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths" 02178837 00 s 01 multifactorial 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | involving or depending on several factors or causes (especially pertaining to a condition or disease resulting from the interaction of many genes) 02179044 00 s 01 multiplex 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | having many parts or aspects; "the multiplex problem of drug abuse" 02179167 00 s 01 thickening 0 001 & 02176178 a 0000 | becoming more intricate or complex; "a thickening plot" 02179279 00 a 01 sincere 0 014 ^ 01115349 a 0000 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 01309991 a 0000 ^ 01932973 a 0000 ^ 02460502 a 0000 = 04867130 n 0000 + 04867130 n 0101 ! 02180797 a 0101 & 02179707 a 0000 & 02179808 a 0000 & 02179968 a 0000 & 02180157 a 0000 & 02180277 a 0000 & 02180486 a 0000 | open and genuine; not deceitful; "he was a good man, decent and sincere"; "felt sincere regret that they were leaving"; "sincere friendship" 02179707 00 s 01 bona_fide 0 001 & 02179279 a 0000 | undertaken in good faith; "a bona fide offer" 02179808 00 s 01 cordial 2 001 & 02179279 a 0000 | sincerely or intensely felt; "a cordial regard for his visitor's comfort"; "a cordial abhorrence of waste" 02179968 00 s 04 dear 0 devout 0 earnest 0 heartfelt 0 002 & 02179279 a 0000 + 07512315 n 0301 | earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences" 02180157 00 s 01 honest 0 002 & 02179279 a 0000 + 04871374 n 0102 | without dissimulation; frank; "my honest opinion" 02180277 00 s 03 genuine 0 true(a) 0 unfeigned 0 002 & 02179279 a 0000 + 04783247 n 0102 | not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed; "genuine emotion"; "her interest in people was unfeigned"; "true grief" 02180486 00 s 03 heart-whole 0 wholehearted 0 whole-souled 0 003 & 02179279 a 0000 + 04645473 n 0201 + 04867539 n 0202 | with unconditional and enthusiastic devotion; "heart-whole friendship"; "gave wholehearted support to her candidacy"; "wholehearted commitment"; "demonstrated his whole-souled allegiance" 02180797 00 a 01 insincere 0 016 ^ 01116380 a 0000 ^ 01222884 a 0000 ^ 01310685 a 0000 ^ 02461723 a 0000 ^ 01934554 a 0000 = 04867130 n 0000 + 04867871 n 0101 ! 02179279 a 0101 & 02181231 a 0000 & 02181432 a 0000 & 02181926 a 0000 & 02182088 a 0000 & 02182217 a 0000 & 02182302 a 0000 & 02182562 a 0000 & 02182728 a 0000 | lacking sincerity; "a charming but thoroughly insincere woman"; "their praise was extravagant and insincere" 02181231 00 s 05 bootlicking 0 fawning 0 obsequious 0 sycophantic 0 toadyish 0 003 & 02180797 a 0000 + 10684827 n 0401 + 04906712 n 0301 | attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery 02181432 00 s 07 buttery 0 fulsome 0 oily 0 oleaginous 0 smarmy 0 soapy 0 unctuous 0 008 & 02180797 a 0000 + 04868505 n 0705 + 06696308 n 0502 + 04868505 n 0504 + 04868505 n 0403 + 04868505 n 0302 + 06696308 n 0203 + 04868505 n 0201 | unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; "buttery praise"; "gave him a fulsome introduction"; "an oily sycophantic press agent"; "oleaginous hypocrisy"; "smarmy self-importance"; "the unctuous Uriah Heep"; "soapy compliments" 02181926 00 s 01 dissimulative 0 002 & 02180797 a 0000 + 02147824 v 0101 | concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive; "dissimulative arts" 02182088 00 s 01 false 0 003 & 02180797 a 0000 + 04879092 n 0102 + 06756407 n 0102 | deliberately deceptive; "false pretenses" 02182217 00 s 01 feigned 0 001 & 02180797 a 0000 | not genuine; "feigned sympathy" 02182302 00 s 03 gilded 0 meretricious 0 specious 0 003 & 02180797 a 0000 + 04875113 n 0301 + 04875113 n 0202 | based on pretense; deceptively pleasing; "the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility"; "meretricious praise"; "a meretricious argument" 02182562 00 s 01 hypocritical 0 003 & 02180797 a 0000 + 04868148 n 0101 + 06760076 n 0101 | professing feelings or virtues one does not have; "hypocritical praise" 02182728 00 s 01 plausible 0 001 & 02180797 a 0000 | given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments; "a plausible liar" 02182862 00 a 01 singular 0 001 ! 02182979 a 0101 | grammatical number category referring to a single item or unit 02182979 00 a 01 plural 0 003 + 14569844 n 0101 ! 02182862 a 0101 & 02183135 a 0000 | grammatical number category referring to two or more items or units 02183135 00 s 01 dual 0 002 & 02182979 a 0000 + 04920568 n 0101 | a grammatical number category referring to two items or units as opposed to one item (singular) or more than two items (plural); "ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek" 02183421 00 a 01 singular 1 001 ! 02183512 a 0101 | composed of one member, set, or kind 02183512 00 a 01 plural 1 001 ! 02183421 a 0101 | composed of more than one member, set, or kind 02183611 00 a 01 cardinal 0 134 ! 02200035 a 0101 & 02186132 a 0000 & 02186265 a 0000 & 02186338 a 0000 & 02186470 a 0000 & 02186580 a 0000 & 02186665 a 0000 & 02186750 a 0000 & 02186833 a 0000 & 02186970 a 0000 & 02187073 a 0000 & 02187161 a 0000 & 02187296 a 0000 & 02187379 a 0000 & 02187465 a 0000 & 02187606 a 0000 & 02187699 a 0000 & 02187793 a 0000 & 02187903 a 0000 & 02187995 a 0000 & 02188108 a 0000 & 02188205 a 0000 & 02188317 a 0000 & 02188431 a 0000 & 02188525 a 0000 & 02188620 a 0000 & 02188720 a 0000 & 02188817 a 0000 & 02188913 a 0000 & 02189008 a 0000 & 02189108 a 0000 & 02189209 a 0000 & 02189306 a 0000 & 02189396 a 0000 & 02189491 a 0000 & 02189587 a 0000 & 02189688 a 0000 & 02189786 a 0000 & 02189883 a 0000 & 02189979 a 0000 & 02190080 a 0000 & 02190182 a 0000 & 02190278 a 0000 & 02190377 a 0000 & 02190469 a 0000 & 02190562 a 0000 & 02190660 a 0000 & 02190755 a 0000 & 02190849 a 0000 & 02190942 a 0000 & 02191040 a 0000 & 02191139 a 0000 & 02191232 a 0000 & 02191336 a 0000 & 02191427 a 0000 & 02191519 a 0000 & 02191616 a 0000 & 02191710 a 0000 & 02191803 a 0000 & 02191895 a 0000 & 02191992 a 0000 & 02192090 a 0000 & 02192184 a 0000 & 02192284 a 0000 & 02192376 a 0000 & 02192469 a 0000 & 02192567 a 0000 & 02192662 a 0000 & 02192756 a 0000 & 02192849 a 0000 & 02192947 a 0000 & 02193046 a 0000 & 02193141 a 0000 & 02193249 a 0000 & 02193346 a 0000 & 02193444 a 0000 & 02193547 a 0000 & 02193647 a 0000 & 02193746 a 0000 & 02193844 a 0000 & 02193947 a 0000 & 02194051 a 0000 & 02194151 a 0000 & 02194255 a 0000 & 02194351 a 0000 & 02194448 a 0000 & 02194550 a 0000 & 02194649 a 0000 & 02194747 a 0000 & 02194844 a 0000 & 02194946 a 0000 & 02195049 a 0000 & 02195145 a 0000 & 02195234 a 0000 & 02195328 a 0000 & 02195423 a 0000 & 02195523 a 0000 & 02195620 a 0000 & 02195716 a 0000 & 02195811 a 0000 & 02195911 a 0000 & 02196012 a 0000 & 02196107 a 0000 & 02196211 a 0000 & 02196333 a 0000 & 02196439 a 0000 & 02196543 a 0000 & 02196657 a 0000 & 02196769 a 0000 & 02196891 a 0000 & 02197007 a 0000 & 02197130 a 0000 & 02197244 a 0000 & 02197364 a 0000 & 02197476 a 0000 & 02197595 a 0000 & 02197708 a 0000 & 02197828 a 0000 & 02197944 a 0000 & 02198069 a 0000 & 02198187 a 0000 & 02198302 a 0000 & 02198409 a 0000 & 02198520 a 0000 & 02198631 a 0000 & 02198752 a 0000 & 02198891 a 0000 & 02199005 a 0000 & 02199177 a 0000 & 02199342 a 0000 & 02199523 a 0000 & 02199699 a 0000 & 02199813 a 0000 & 02199919 a 0000 | being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers" 02186132 00 s 02 zero 0 0 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration; "a zero score" 02186265 00 s 01 non-zero 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | not involving zero 02186338 00 s 04 one 0 1 0 i 0 ane 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | used of a single unit or thing; not two or more; "`ane' is Scottish" 02186470 00 s 03 two 0 2 0 ii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than one; "he received two messages" 02186580 00 s 03 three 0 3 0 iii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than two 02186665 00 s 03 four 0 4 0 iv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than three 02186750 00 s 03 five 0 5 0 v 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than four 02186833 00 s 05 six 0 6 0 vi 0 half_dozen 0 half-dozen 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units 02186970 00 s 03 seven 0 7 0 vii 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13744916 n 0101 | being one more than six 02187073 00 s 03 eight 0 8 0 viii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than seven 02187161 00 s 03 nine 0 9 0 ix 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of one more than eight and one less than ten 02187296 00 s 03 ten 0 10 0 x 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than nine 02187379 00 s 03 eleven 0 11 0 xi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than ten 02187465 00 s 04 twelve 0 12 0 xii 0 dozen 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13746785 n 0404 | denoting a quantity consisting of 12 items or units 02187606 00 s 03 thirteen 0 13 0 xiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than twelve 02187699 00 s 03 fourteen 0 14 0 xiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than thirteen 02187793 00 s 03 fifteen 0 15 0 xv 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13747469 n 0101 | being one more than fourteen 02187903 00 s 03 sixteen 0 16 0 xvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than fifteen 02187995 00 s 03 seventeen 0 17 0 xvii 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13747725 n 0101 | being one more than sixteen 02188108 00 s 03 eighteen 0 18 0 xviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than seventeen 02188205 00 s 03 nineteen 0 19 0 xix 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13747989 n 0101 | being one more than eighteen 02188317 00 s 03 twenty 0 20 0 xx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units 02188431 00 s 03 twenty-one 0 21 0 xxi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than twenty 02188525 00 s 03 twenty-two 0 22 0 xxii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than twenty 02188620 00 s 03 twenty-three 0 23 0 xxiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than twenty 02188720 00 s 03 twenty-four 0 24 0 xxiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than twenty 02188817 00 s 03 twenty-five 0 25 0 xxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than twenty 02188913 00 s 03 twenty-six 0 26 0 xxvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than twenty 02189008 00 s 03 twenty-seven 0 27 0 xxvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than twenty 02189108 00 s 03 twenty-eight 0 28 0 xxviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than twenty 02189209 00 s 03 twenty-nine 0 29 0 xxix 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than twenty 02189306 00 s 03 thirty 0 30 0 xxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than twenty 02189396 00 s 03 thirty-one 0 31 0 xxxi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than thirty 02189491 00 s 03 thirty-two 0 32 0 xxxii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than thirty 02189587 00 s 03 thirty-three 0 33 0 xxxiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than thirty 02189688 00 s 03 thirty-four 0 34 0 xxxiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than thirty 02189786 00 s 03 thirty-five 0 35 0 xxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than thirty 02189883 00 s 03 thirty-six 0 36 0 xxxvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than thirty 02189979 00 s 03 thirty-seven 0 37 0 xxxvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than thirty 02190080 00 s 03 thirty-eight 0 38 0 xxxviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than thirty 02190182 00 s 03 thirty-nine 0 39 0 ixl 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than thirty 02190278 00 s 04 forty 0 40 0 xl 0 twoscore 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than thirty 02190377 00 s 03 forty-one 0 41 0 xli 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than forty 02190469 00 s 03 forty-two 0 42 0 xlii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than forty 02190562 00 s 03 forty-three 0 43 0 xliii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than forty 02190660 00 s 03 forty-four 0 44 0 xliv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than forty 02190755 00 s 03 forty-five 0 45 0 xlv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than forty 02190849 00 s 03 forty-six 0 46 0 xlvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than forty 02190942 00 s 03 forty-seven 0 47 0 xlvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than forty 02191040 00 s 03 forty-eight 0 48 0 xlviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than forty 02191139 00 s 03 forty-nine 0 49 0 il 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than forty 02191232 00 s 03 fifty 0 50 0 l 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13749644 n 0101 | being ten more than forty 02191336 00 s 03 fifty-one 0 51 0 li 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than fifty 02191427 00 s 03 fifty-two 0 52 0 lii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than fifty 02191519 00 s 03 fifty-three 0 53 0 liii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than fifty 02191616 00 s 03 fifty-four 0 54 0 liv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than fifty 02191710 00 s 03 fifty-five 0 55 0 lv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than fifty 02191803 00 s 03 fifty-six 0 56 0 lvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than fifty 02191895 00 s 03 fifty-seven 0 57 0 lvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than fifty 02191992 00 s 03 fifty-eight 0 58 0 lviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than fifty 02192090 00 s 03 fifty-nine 0 59 0 ilx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than fifty 02192184 00 s 04 sixty 0 60 0 lx 0 threescore 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than fifty 02192284 00 s 03 sixty-one 0 61 0 lxi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than sixty 02192376 00 s 03 sixty-two 0 62 0 lxii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than sixty 02192469 00 s 03 sixty-three 0 63 0 lxiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than sixty 02192567 00 s 03 sixty-four 0 64 0 lxiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than sixty 02192662 00 s 03 sixty-five 0 65 0 lxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than sixty 02192756 00 s 03 sixty-six 0 66 0 lxvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than sixty 02192849 00 s 03 sixty-seven 0 67 0 lxvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than sixty 02192947 00 s 03 sixty-eight 0 68 0 lxviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than sixty 02193046 00 s 03 sixty-nine 0 69 0 ilxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than sixty 02193141 00 s 03 seventy 0 70 0 lxx 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 + 13749894 n 0101 | being ten more than sixty 02193249 00 s 03 seventy-one 0 71 0 lxxi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than seventy 02193346 00 s 03 seventy-two 0 72 0 lxxii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than seventy 02193444 00 s 03 seventy-three 0 73 0 lxxiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than seventy 02193547 00 s 03 seventy-four 0 74 0 lxxiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than seventy 02193647 00 s 03 seventy-five 0 75 0 lxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than seventy 02193746 00 s 03 seventy-six 0 76 0 lxxvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than seventy 02193844 00 s 03 seventy-seven 0 77 0 lxxvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than seventy 02193947 00 s 03 seventy-eight 0 78 0 lxxviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than seventy 02194051 00 s 03 seventy-nine 0 79 0 ilxxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than seventy 02194151 00 s 04 eighty 0 80 0 lxxx 0 fourscore 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than seventy 02194255 00 s 03 eighty-one 0 81 0 lxxxi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than eighty 02194351 00 s 03 eighty-two 0 82 0 lxxxii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than eighty 02194448 00 s 03 eighty-three 0 83 0 lxxxiii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than eighty 02194550 00 s 03 eighty-four 0 84 0 lxxxiv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than eighty 02194649 00 s 03 eighty-five 0 85 0 lxxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than eighty 02194747 00 s 03 eighty-six 0 86 0 lxxxvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than eighty 02194844 00 s 03 eighty-seven 0 87 0 lxxxvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than eighty 02194946 00 s 03 eighty-eight 0 88 0 lxxxviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than eighty 02195049 00 s 03 eighty-nine 0 89 0 ixc 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than eighty 02195145 00 s 03 ninety 0 90 0 xc 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than eighty 02195234 00 s 03 ninety-one 0 91 0 xci 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than ninety 02195328 00 s 03 ninety-two 0 92 0 xcii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being two more than ninety 02195423 00 s 03 ninety-three 0 93 0 xciii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being three more than ninety 02195523 00 s 03 ninety-four 0 94 0 xciv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being four more than ninety 02195620 00 s 03 ninety-five 0 95 0 xcv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than ninety 02195716 00 s 03 ninety-six 0 96 0 xcvi 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being six more than ninety 02195811 00 s 03 ninety-seven 0 97 0 xcvii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being seven more than ninety 02195911 00 s 03 ninety-eight 0 98 0 xcviii 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being eight more than ninety 02196012 00 s 03 ninety-nine 0 99 0 ic 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being nine more than ninety 02196107 00 s 04 hundred 0 one_hundred 0 100 0 c 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than ninety 02196211 00 s 04 hundred_and_one 0 one_hundred_one 0 101 0 ci 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one more than one hundred 02196333 00 s 03 one_hundred_five 0 105 0 cv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred 02196439 00 s 03 one_hundred_ten 0 110 0 cx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred 02196543 00 s 03 one_hundred_fifteen 0 115 0 cxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred ten 02196657 00 s 03 one_hundred_twenty 0 120 0 cxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred ten 02196769 00 s 03 one_hundred_twenty-five 0 125 0 cxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred twenty 02196891 00 s 03 one_hundred_thirty 0 130 0 cxxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred twenty 02197007 00 s 03 one_hundred_thirty-five 0 135 0 cxxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred thirty 02197130 00 s 03 one_hundred_forty 0 140 0 cxl 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred thirty 02197244 00 s 03 one_hundred_forty-five 0 145 0 cxlv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred forty 02197364 00 s 03 one_hundred_fifty 0 150 0 cl 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred forty 02197476 00 s 03 one_hundred_fifty-five 0 155 0 clv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred fifty 02197595 00 s 03 one_hundred_sixty 0 160 0 clx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred fifty 02197708 00 s 03 one_hundred_sixty-five 0 165 0 clxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred sixty 02197828 00 s 03 one_hundred_seventy 0 170 0 clxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred sixty 02197944 00 s 03 one_hundred_seventy-five 0 175 0 clxxv 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being five more than one hundred seventy 02198069 00 s 03 one_hundred_eighty 0 180 0 clxxx 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred seventy 02198187 00 s 03 one_hundred_ninety 0 190 0 xcl 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred eighty 02198302 00 s 03 two_hundred 0 200 0 cc 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being ten more than one hundred ninety 02198409 00 s 03 three_hundred 0 300 0 ccc 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one hundred more than two hundred 02198520 00 s 03 four_hundred 0 400 0 cd 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | being one hundred more than three hundred 02198631 00 s 03 five_hundred 0 500 0 d 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units 02198752 00 s 05 thousand 0 one_thousand 0 1000 0 m 0 k 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units 02198891 00 s 01 ten_thousand 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | denoting a quantity consisting of 10,000 items or units 02199005 00 s 01 hundred_thousand 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | (in Roman numerals, C written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 100,000 items or units 02199177 00 s 01 million 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units 02199342 00 s 01 billion 0 003 & 02183611 a 0000 ;r 09044862 n 0000 + 13751829 n 0101 | denoting a quantity consisting of one thousand million items or units in the United States 02199523 00 s 01 billion 1 003 & 02183611 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 + 13752172 n 0101 | denoting a quantity consisting of one million million items or units in Great Britain 02199699 00 s 01 trillion 0 002 & 02183611 a 0000 ;r 09044862 n 0000 | one million million in the United States 02199813 00 s 01 trillion 1 002 & 02183611 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | one quintillion in Great Britain 02199919 00 s 01 zillion 0 001 & 02183611 a 0000 | very large indeterminate number; "a zillion people were there" 02200035 00 a 01 ordinal 0 095 + 13597280 n 0102 ! 02183611 a 0101 & 02201882 a 0000 & 02201970 a 0000 & 02202047 a 0000 & 02202146 a 0000 & 02202307 a 0000 & 02202443 a 0000 & 02202712 a 0000 & 02202854 a 0000 & 02202979 a 0000 & 02203123 a 0000 & 02203249 a 0000 & 02203373 a 0000 & 02203500 a 0000 & 02203629 a 0000 & 02203763 a 0000 & 02203868 a 0000 & 02203976 a 0000 & 02204131 a 0000 & 02204237 a 0000 & 02204363 a 0000 & 02204472 a 0000 & 02204580 a 0000 & 02204716 a 0000 & 02204823 a 0000 & 02204932 a 0000 & 02205045 a 0000 & 02205158 a 0000 & 02205271 a 0000 & 02205384 a 0000 & 02205496 a 0000 & 02205610 a 0000 & 02205725 a 0000 & 02205838 a 0000 & 02205947 a 0000 & 02206056 a 0000 & 02206173 a 0000 & 02206291 a 0000 & 02206409 a 0000 & 02206526 a 0000 & 02206642 a 0000 & 02206762 a 0000 & 02206881 a 0000 & 02206998 a 0000 & 02207105 a 0000 & 02207219 a 0000 & 02207334 a 0000 & 02207450 a 0000 & 02207566 a 0000 & 02207681 a 0000 & 02207795 a 0000 & 02207913 a 0000 & 02208030 a 0000 & 02208145 a 0000 & 02208270 a 0000 & 02208385 a 0000 & 02208492 a 0000 & 02208608 a 0000 & 02208723 a 0000 & 02208852 a 0000 & 02208971 a 0000 & 02209080 a 0000 & 02209197 a 0000 & 02209306 a 0000 & 02209423 a 0000 & 02209551 a 0000 & 02209678 a 0000 & 02209806 a 0000 & 02209933 a 0000 & 02210068 a 0000 & 02210202 a 0000 & 02210344 a 0000 & 02210478 a 0000 & 02210620 a 0000 & 02210752 a 0000 & 02210892 a 0000 & 02211024 a 0000 & 02211164 a 0000 & 02211296 a 0000 & 02211436 a 0000 & 02211572 a 0000 & 02211716 a 0000 & 02211850 a 0000 & 02211989 a 0000 & 02212108 a 0000 & 02212231 a 0000 & 02212352 a 0000 & 02212473 a 0000 & 02212591 a 0000 & 02212698 a 0000 & 02212805 a 0000 & 02212914 a 0000 & 02213029 a 0000 & 02213144 a 0000 | being or denoting a numerical order in a series; "ordinal numbers"; "held an ordinal rank of seventh" 02201882 00 s 01 zero 2 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | indicating an initial point or origin 02201970 00 s 01 zeroth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | preceding even the first 02202047 00 s 02 first 0 1st 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | indicating the beginning unit in a series 02202146 00 s 03 second 0 2nd 0 2d 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13846546 n 0101 | coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude 02202307 00 s 03 third 0 3rd 0 tertiary 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position 02202443 00 s 03 fourth 0 4th 0 quaternary 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude; "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present" 02202712 00 s 02 fifth 0 5th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13847240 n 0101 | coming next after the fourth and just before the sixth in position 02202854 00 s 02 sixth 0 6th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the fifth and just before the seventh in position 02202979 00 s 02 seventh 0 7th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13847498 n 0101 | coming next after the sixth and just before the eighth in position 02203123 00 s 02 eighth 0 8th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the seventh and just before the ninth in position 02203249 00 s 02 ninth 0 9th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the eighth and just before the tenth in position 02203373 00 s 02 tenth 0 10th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the ninth and just before the eleventh in position 02203500 00 s 02 eleventh 0 11th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the tenth and just before the twelfth in position 02203629 00 s 02 twelfth 0 12th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the eleventh and just before the thirteenth in position 02203763 00 s 02 thirteenth 0 13th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twelfth in position 02203868 00 s 02 fourteenth 0 14th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the thirteenth in position 02203976 00 s 02 fifteenth 0 15th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13848349 n 0101 | coming next after the fourteenth and just before the sixteenth in position 02204131 00 s 02 sixteenth 0 16th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the fifteenth in position 02204237 00 s 02 seventeenth 0 17th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13848565 n 0101 | coming next after the sixteenth in position 02204363 00 s 02 eighteenth 0 18th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the seventeenth in position 02204472 00 s 02 nineteenth 0 19th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the eighteenth in position 02204580 00 s 03 umpteenth 0 umteenth 0 umptieth 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | last in an indefinitely numerous series 02204716 00 s 02 twentieth 0 20th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the nineteenth in position 02204823 00 s 02 twenty-first 0 21st 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twentieth in position 02204932 00 s 02 twenty-second 0 22nd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-first in position 02205045 00 s 02 twenty-third 0 23rd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-second in position 02205158 00 s 02 twenty-fourth 0 24th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-third in position 02205271 00 s 02 twenty-fifth 0 25th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-fourth in position 02205384 00 s 02 twenty-sixth 0 26th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-fifth in position 02205496 00 s 02 twenty-seventh 0 27th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-sixth in position 02205610 00 s 02 twenty-eighth 0 28th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-seventh in position 02205725 00 s 02 twenty-ninth 0 29th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-eighth in position 02205838 00 s 02 thirtieth 0 30th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the twenty-ninth in position 02205947 00 s 02 thirty-first 0 31st 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | coming next after the thirtieth in position 02206056 00 s 02 thirty-second 0 32nd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-two in counting order 02206173 00 s 02 thirty-third 0 33rd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-three in counting order 02206291 00 s 02 thirty-fourth 0 34th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-four in counting order 02206409 00 s 02 thirty-fifth 0 35th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-five in counting order 02206526 00 s 02 thirty-sixth 0 36th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-six in counting order 02206642 00 s 02 thirty-seventh 0 37th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-seven in counting order 02206762 00 s 02 thirty-eighth 0 38th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-eight in counting order 02206881 00 s 02 thirty-ninth 0 39th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of thirty-nine in counting order 02206998 00 s 02 fortieth 0 40th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty in counting order 02207105 00 s 02 forty-first 0 41st 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-one in counting order 02207219 00 s 02 forty-second 0 42nd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-two in counting order 02207334 00 s 02 forty-third 0 43rd 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-three in counting order 02207450 00 s 02 forty-fourth 0 44th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-four in counting order 02207566 00 s 02 forty-fifth 0 45th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-five in counting order 02207681 00 s 02 forty-sixth 0 46th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-six in counting order 02207795 00 s 02 forty-seventh 0 47th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-seven in counting order 02207913 00 s 02 forty-eighth 0 48th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-eight in counting order 02208030 00 s 02 forty-ninth 0 49th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of forty-nine in counting order 02208145 00 s 02 fiftieth 0 50th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13849180 n 0101 | the ordinal number of fifty in counting order 02208270 00 s 02 fifty-fifth 0 55th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of fifty-five in counting order 02208385 00 s 02 sixtieth 0 60th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of sixty in counting order 02208492 00 s 02 sixty-fourth 0 64th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of sixty-four in counting order 02208608 00 s 02 sixty-fifth 0 65th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of sixty-five in counting order 02208723 00 s 02 seventieth 0 70th 0 002 & 02200035 a 0000 + 13849394 n 0101 | the ordinal number of seventy in counting order 02208852 00 s 02 seventy-fifth 0 75th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of seventy-five in counting order 02208971 00 s 02 eightieth 0 80th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of eighty in counting order 02209080 00 s 02 eighty-fifth 0 85th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of eighty-five in counting order 02209197 00 s 02 ninetieth 0 90th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of ninety in counting order 02209306 00 s 02 ninety-fifth 0 95th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of ninety-five in counting order 02209423 00 s 03 hundredth 0 centesimal 0 100th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order 02209551 00 s 02 hundred-and-first 0 101st 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred one in counting order 02209678 00 s 02 hundred-and-fifth 0 105th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred five in counting order 02209806 00 s 02 hundred-and-tenth 0 110th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred ten in counting order 02209933 00 s 02 hundred-and-fifteenth 0 115th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred fifteen in counting order 02210068 00 s 02 hundred-and-twentieth 0 120th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred twenty in counting order 02210202 00 s 02 hundred-and-twenty-fifth 0 125th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred twenty-five in counting order 02210344 00 s 02 hundred-and-thirtieth 0 130th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred thirty in counting order 02210478 00 s 02 hundred-and-thirty-fifth 0 135th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred thirty-five in counting order 02210620 00 s 02 hundred-and-fortieth 0 140th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred forty in counting order 02210752 00 s 02 hundred-and-forty-fifth 0 145th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred forty-five in counting order 02210892 00 s 02 hundred-and-fiftieth 0 150th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred fifty in counting order 02211024 00 s 02 hundred-and-fifty-fifth 0 155th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred fifty-five in counting order 02211164 00 s 02 hundred-and-sixtieth 0 160th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred sixty in counting order 02211296 00 s 02 hundred-and-sixty-fifth 0 165th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred sixty-five in counting order 02211436 00 s 02 hundred-and-seventieth 0 170th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred seventy in counting order 02211572 00 s 02 hundred-and-seventy-fifth 0 175th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred seventy-five in counting order 02211716 00 s 02 hundred-and-eightieth 0 180th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred eighty in counting order 02211850 00 s 02 hundred-and-ninetieth 0 190th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one hundred eighty-five in counting order 02211989 00 s 02 two-hundredth 0 200th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of two hundred in counting order 02212108 00 s 02 three-hundredth 0 300th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of three hundred in counting order 02212231 00 s 02 four-hundredth 0 400th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of four hundred in counting order 02212352 00 s 02 five-hundredth 0 500th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of five hundred in counting order 02212473 00 s 02 thousandth 0 1000th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one thousand in counting order 02212591 00 s 01 millionth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one million in counting order 02212698 00 s 01 billionth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one billion in counting order 02212805 00 s 01 trillionth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one trillion in counting order 02212914 00 s 01 quadrillionth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one quadrillion in counting order 02213029 00 s 01 quintillionth 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | the ordinal number of one quintillion in counting order 02213144 00 s 02 nth 0 n-th 0 001 & 02200035 a 0000 | last or greatest in an indefinitely large series; "to the nth degree" 02213270 00 a 02 scripted 0 written 4 001 ! 02213377 a 0101 | written as for a film or play or broadcast 02213377 00 a 01 unscripted 0 002 ! 02213270 a 0101 & 02213557 a 0000 | not furnished with or using a script; "unrehearsed and unscript spot interviews"; "unscripted talk shows" 02213557 00 s 03 ad-lib 0 spontaneous 0 unwritten 0 002 & 02213377 a 0000 + 04786763 n 0202 | said or done without having been planned or written in advance; "he made a few ad-lib remarks" 02213748 00 a 01 sinkable 0 001 ! 02213824 a 0101 | capable of being sunk 02213824 00 a 01 unsinkable 0 001 ! 02213748 a 0101 | incapable of being sunk; "they thought the Titanic was unsinkable" 02213947 00 a 01 single 5 008 ! 02215977 a 0101 & 02214366 a 0000 & 02214518 a 0000 & 02214736 a 0000 & 02215087 a 0000 & 02215382 a 0000 & 02215567 a 0000 & 02215769 a 0000 | existing alone or consisting of one entity or part or aspect or individual; "upon the hill stood a single tower"; "had but a single thought which was to escape"; "a single survivor"; "a single serving"; "a single lens"; "a single thickness" 02214366 00 s 02 azygous 0 azygos 0 002 & 02213947 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | occurring singly; not one of a pair; "the azygous muscle of the uvula" 02214518 00 s 03 one-man(a) 0 one-person(a) 0 one-woman(a) 0 001 & 02213947 a 0000 | designed for or restricted to a single person; "a one-man show"; "a one-person tent"; "Sarah Silverman's hilarious one-woman show" 02214736 00 s 05 lone(a) 0 lonesome(a) 0 only(a) 0 sole(a) 0 solitary(a) 0 002 & 02213947 a 0000 + 04622415 n 0203 | being the only one; single and isolated from others; "the lone doctor in the entire county"; "a lonesome pine"; "an only child"; "the sole heir"; "the sole example"; "a solitary instance of cowardice"; "a solitary speck in the sky" 02215087 00 s 02 singular 0 unique 0 003 & 02213947 a 0000 + 04763650 n 0202 + 04763650 n 0101 | the single one of its kind; "a singular example"; "the unique existing example of Donne's handwriting"; "a unique copy of an ancient manuscript"; "certain types of problems have unique solutions" 02215382 00 s 01 sui_generis 0 001 & 02213947 a 0000 | constituting a class of its own; unique; "a history book sui generis"; "sui generis works like Mary Chestnut's Civil War diary" 02215567 00 s 01 unary 0 001 & 02213947 a 0000 | consisting of or involving a single element or component; "in a unary operation in a mathematical system one element is used to yield a single result" 02215769 00 s 02 uninominal 0 one-member 0 002 & 02213947 a 0000 ;c 08163273 n 0000 | based on the system of having only one member from each district (as of a legislature); "a uninominal electoral system" 02215977 00 a 01 multiple 0 023 + 05859991 n 0101 + 05098750 n 0101 ! 02213947 a 0101 & 02216694 a 0000 & 02216890 a 0000 & 02216985 a 0000 & 02217241 a 0000 & 02217452 a 0000 & 02217799 a 0000 & 02218179 a 0000 & 02218314 a 0000 & 02218547 a 0000 & 02218834 a 0000 & 02219015 a 0000 & 02219144 a 0000 & 02219287 a 0000 & 02219492 a 0000 & 02219660 a 0000 & 02219770 a 0000 & 02219876 a 0000 & 02219988 a 0000 & 02220099 a 0000 & 02220207 a 0000 | having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual; "multiple birth"; "multiple ownership"; "made multiple copies of the speech"; "his multiple achievements in public life"; "her multiple personalities"; "a pineapple is a multiple fruit" 02216694 00 s 01 aggregate 0 002 & 02215977 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets; "raspberries are aggregate fruits" 02216890 00 s 01 bigeminal 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | occurring in pairs; "a bigeminal pulse" 02216985 00 s 01 binary 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | consisting of two (units or components or elements or terms); "a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other"; "a binary compound"; "the binary number system has two as its base" 02217241 00 s 04 double 1 doubled 2 twofold 1 two-fold 1 003 & 02215977 a 0000 + 05860200 n 0101 + 00803394 n 0102 | twice as great or many; "ate a double portion"; "the dose is doubled"; "a twofold increase" 02217452 00 s 03 double 2 dual 0 duple 0 002 & 02215977 a 0000 + 07939880 n 0202 | consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs; "an egg with a double yolk"; "a double (binary) star"; "double doors"; "dual controls for pilot and copilot"; "duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure" 02217799 00 s 07 double 3 dual 2 twofold 2 two-fold 2 treble 3 threefold 2 three-fold 2 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R.W.Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison 02218179 00 s 01 duplex 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | (used technically of a device or process) having two parts; "a duplex transaction" 02218314 00 s 02 manifold 0 multiplex 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | many and varied; having many features or forms; "manifold reasons"; "our manifold failings"; "manifold intelligence"; "the multiplex opportunities in high technology" 02218547 00 s 04 ternary 0 treble 1 triple 0 triplex 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having three units or components or elements; "a ternary operation"; "a treble row of red beads"; "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary"; "triple time has three beats per measure"; "triplex windows" 02218834 00 s 04 treble 0 threefold 1 three-fold 1 triple 1 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | three times as great or many; "a claim for treble (or triple) damages"; "a threefold increase" 02219015 00 s 01 triune 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | being three in one; used especially of the Christian Trinity; "a triune God" 02219144 00 s 03 quadruple 0 fourfold 1 four-fold 1 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | four times as great or many; "a fourfold increase in the dosage" 02219287 00 s 05 quadruple 2 quadruplicate 0 quadruplex 0 fourfold 0 four-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having four units or components; "quadruple rhythm has four beats per measure"; "quadruplex wire" 02219492 00 s 02 quaternate 0 quaternary 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | consisting of or especially arranged in sets of four; "quaternate leaves"; "a quaternary compound" 02219660 00 s 03 quintuple 0 fivefold 0 five-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having five units or components 02219770 00 s 03 sextuple 0 sixfold 0 six-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having six units or components 02219876 00 s 03 septuple 0 sevenfold 0 seven-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having seven units or components 02219988 00 s 03 octuple 0 eightfold 0 eight-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having eight units or components 02220099 00 s 03 nonuple 0 ninefold 0 nine-fold 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | having nine units or components 02220207 00 s 03 tenfold 0 ten-fold 0 denary 0 001 & 02215977 a 0000 | containing ten or ten parts 02220308 00 a 01 double 4 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 02220571 a 0101 | used of flowers having more than the usual number of petals in crowded or overlapping arrangements; "double chrysanthemums have many rows of petals and are usually spherical or hemispherical" 02220571 00 a 01 single 4 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 02220308 a 0101 | used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals; "single chrysanthemums resemble daisies and may have more than one row of petals" 02220788 00 a 01 multiple-choice 0 001 ! 02221017 a 0101 | offering several alternative answers from which the correct one is to be chosen; or consisting of such questions; "multiple-choice questions"; "a multiple-choice test" 02221017 00 a 01 true-false 0 001 ! 02220788 a 0101 | offering a series of statements each of which is to be judged as true or false; "a true-false test" 02221173 00 a 01 single-lane 0 001 ! 02221362 a 0101 | (of roads) having a single lane for traffic in both directions; when vehicles meet one must pull off the road to let the other pass 02221362 00 a 01 multilane 0 005 ! 02221173 a 0101 & 02221550 a 0000 & 02221723 a 0000 & 02221821 a 0000 & 02221951 a 0000 | (of roads and highways) having two or more lanes for traffic 02221550 00 s 02 divided 0 dual-lane 0 001 & 02221362 a 0000 | having a median strip or island between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions; "a divided highway" 02221723 00 s 01 two-lane 0 001 & 02221362 a 0000 | having a lane for traffic in each direction 02221821 00 s 01 three-lane 0 001 & 02221362 a 0000 | having a lane for traffic in each direction and a center lane for passing 02221951 00 s 01 four-lane 0 001 & 02221362 a 0000 | having two lanes for traffic in each direction 02222053 00 a 01 sized 0 026 ! 02225071 a 0101 & 02222578 a 0000 & 02222675 a 0000 & 02222773 a 0000 & 02222871 a 0000 & 02222965 a 0000 & 02223066 a 0000 & 02223165 a 0000 & 02223263 a 0000 & 02223361 a 0000 & 02223457 a 0000 & 02223559 a 0000 & 02223659 a 0000 & 02223785 a 0000 & 02223881 a 0000 & 02223977 a 0000 & 02224076 a 0000 & 02224168 a 0000 & 02224266 a 0000 & 02224362 a 0000 & 02224509 a 0000 & 02224588 a 0000 & 02224688 a 0000 & 02224790 a 0000 & 02224879 a 0000 & 02224977 a 0000 | having a specified size 02222578 00 s 01 apple-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of an apple 02222675 00 s 01 cherry-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a cherry 02222773 00 s 01 cookie-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a cookie 02222871 00 s 01 crow-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a crow 02222965 00 s 01 dog-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of an average dog 02223066 00 s 01 eightpenny 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | used of nail size; 2 1/2 in or 6.4 cm long 02223165 00 s 01 ferret-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a ferret 02223263 00 s 01 fourpenny 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | used of nail size; 1 3/8 in or 3.8 cm long 02223361 00 s 01 grape-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a grape 02223457 00 s 01 human-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a human being 02223559 00 s 01 kiwi-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a kiwi fruit 02223659 00 s 04 medium-sized 0 medium-size 0 moderate-sized 0 moderate-size 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | intermediate in size 02223785 00 s 01 mouse-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a mouse 02223881 00 s 01 ninepenny 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | used of nail size; 2 3/4 in or 7 cm long 02223977 00 s 01 orange-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of an orange 02224076 00 s 01 pig-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a pig 02224168 00 s 01 rabbit-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a rabbit 02224266 00 s 01 shrew-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a shrew 02224362 00 s 01 size 0 002 & 02222053 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | (used in combination) sized; "the economy-size package"; "average-size house" 02224509 00 s 01 sorted 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | arranged according to size 02224588 00 s 01 sparrow-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a sparrow 02224688 00 s 01 squirrel-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a squirrel 02224790 00 s 01 threepenny 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | used of nail size; 1 1/8 in long 02224879 00 s 01 turkey-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a turkey 02224977 00 s 01 wolf-sized 0 001 & 02222053 a 0000 | having the approximate size of a wolf 02225071 00 a 01 unsized 0 002 ! 02222053 a 0101 & 02225202 a 0000 | not fashioned to sizes; "unsized gloves; one size fits all" 02225202 00 s 01 unsorted 0 001 & 02225071 a 0000 | not arranged according to size 02225287 00 a 01 sized 1 001 ! 02225387 a 0101 | having the surface treated or coated with sizing 02225387 00 a 01 unsized 1 001 ! 02225287 a 0101 | not having the surface treated or coated with sizing; "unsized paper" 02225510 00 a 01 skilled 0 014 ^ 00510050 a 0000 ^ 00935500 a 0000 ! 02228335 a 0101 & 02226028 a 0000 & 02226162 a 0000 & 02226661 a 0000 & 02226756 a 0000 & 02226979 a 0000 & 02227344 a 0000 & 02227485 a 0000 & 02227663 a 0000 & 02227772 a 0000 & 02227946 a 0000 & 02228163 a 0000 | having or showing or requiring special skill; "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team"; "a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience"; "a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow"; "a skilled trade" 02226028 00 s 02 accomplished 0 complete 0 001 & 02225510 a 0000 | highly skilled; "an accomplished pianist"; "a complete musician" 02226162 00 s 07 adept 0 expert 0 good 0 practiced 0 proficient 0 skillful 0 skilful 0 007 & 02225510 a 0000 + 05640433 n 0601 + 05643190 n 0501 + 05154114 n 0501 + 05640729 n 0201 + 09762509 n 0102 + 05642175 n 0101 | having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude; "adept in handicrafts"; "an adept juggler"; "an expert job"; "a good mechanic"; "a practiced marksman"; "a proficient engineer"; "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"; "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching" 02226661 00 s 01 arch(a) 0 001 & 02225510 a 0000 | expert in skulduggery; "an arch criminal" 02226756 00 s 01 ball-hawking 0 004 & 02225510 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 ;c 00480993 n 0000 ;c 00468480 n 0000 | used of a player skilled in stealing the ball or robbing a batter of a hit; "a ball-hawking center fielder" 02226979 00 s 04 consummate 0 masterful 0 masterly 0 virtuoso(a) 0 005 & 02225510 a 0000 + 10755512 n 0401 + 09762509 n 0407 + 10298482 n 0301 + 10280130 n 0302 | having or revealing supreme mastery or skill; "a consummate artist"; "consummate skill"; "a masterful speaker"; "masterful technique"; "a masterly performance of the sonata"; "a virtuoso performance" 02227344 00 s 01 delicate 0 001 & 02225510 a 0000 | marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique; "a surgeon's delicate touch" 02227485 00 s 01 hot 0 002 & 02225510 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy; "a hot drummer"; "he's hot tonight" 02227663 00 s 01 mean 0 002 & 02225510 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | excellent; "famous for a mean backhand" 02227772 00 s 01 sure-handed 0 001 & 02225510 a 0000 | proficient and confident in performance; "promising playwrights...sure-handed enough to turn out top-drawer scripts" 02227946 00 s 02 technical 1 expert 5 002 & 02225510 a 0000 + 05640729 n 0202 | of or relating to or requiring special knowledge to be understood; "technical terminology"; "a technical report"; "technical language" 02228163 00 s 01 versatile 0 002 & 02225510 a 0000 + 05641834 n 0101 | competent in many areas and able to turn with ease from one thing to another; "a versatile writer" 02228335 00 a 01 unskilled 0 014 ^ 00511214 a 0000 ^ 00936740 a 0000 ! 02225510 a 0101 & 02228901 a 0000 & 02229000 a 0000 & 02229201 a 0000 & 02229324 a 0000 & 02229584 a 0000 & 02229812 a 0000 & 02229961 a 0000 & 02230080 a 0000 & 02230205 a 0000 & 02230324 a 0000 & 02230471 a 0000 | not having or showing or requiring special skill or proficiency; "unskilled in the art of rhetoric"; "an enthusiastic but unskillful mountain climber"; "unskilled labor"; "workers in unskilled occupations are finding fewer and fewer job opportunities"; "unskilled workmanship" 02228901 00 s 01 artless 0 001 & 02228335 a 0000 | showing lack of art; "an artless translation" 02229000 00 s 03 botchy 0 butcherly 0 unskillful 0 004 & 02228335 a 0000 + 05648247 n 0301 + 09879744 n 0208 + 00074790 n 0109 | poorly done; "a botchy piece of work"; "it was an unskillful attempt" 02229201 00 s 02 bungled 0 botched 0 001 & 02228335 a 0000 | spoiled through incompetence or clumsiness; "a bungled job" 02229324 00 s 04 bungling 0 clumsy 0 fumbling 0 incompetent 0 004 & 02228335 a 0000 + 05154241 n 0402 + 05154241 n 0401 + 05648459 n 0202 | showing lack of skill or aptitude; "a bungling workman"; "did a clumsy job"; "his fumbling attempt to put up a shelf" 02229584 00 s 02 crude 1 rough 0 003 & 02228335 a 0000 + 04817564 n 0202 + 04817564 n 0101 | not carefully or expertly made; "managed to make a crude splint"; "a crude cabin of logs with bark still on them"; "rough carpentry" 02229812 00 s 01 hopeless 3 002 & 02228335 a 0000 + 07542249 n 0101 | of a person unable to do something skillfully; "I'm hopeless at mathematics" 02229961 00 s 03 humble 0 menial 0 lowly 0 001 & 02228335 a 0000 | used of unskilled work (especially domestic work) 02230080 00 s 01 lubberly 0 002 & 02228335 a 0000 + 10274639 n 0106 | clumsy and unskilled; "a big stupid lubberly fellow" 02230205 00 s 02 out_of_practice(p) 0 rusty 0 002 & 02228335 a 0000 + 05648756 n 0201 | impaired in skill by neglect 02230324 00 s 01 semiskilled(a) 0 001 & 02228335 a 0000 | possessing or requiring limited skills; "semiskilled dockworkers"; "a semiskilled job" 02230471 00 s 01 weak 0 001 & 02228335 a 0000 | deficient or lacking in some skill; "he's weak in spelling" 02230581 00 a 01 verbal 0 001 ! 02230795 a 0101 | relating to or having facility in the use of words; "a good poet is a verbal artist"; "a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound"; "verbal aptitude" 02230795 00 a 02 numerical 0 mathematical 0 001 ! 02230581 a 0101 | relating to or having ability to think in or work with numbers; "tests for rating numerical aptitude"; "a mathematical whiz" 02230990 00 a 02 coarse 0 harsh 0 010 ^ 02238462 a 0000 = 04946877 n 0000 + 04949066 n 0201 + 04948722 n 0101 ! 02232251 a 0101 & 02231355 a 0000 & 02231502 a 0000 & 02231886 a 0000 & 02231998 a 0000 & 02232112 a 0000 | of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles; "coarse meal"; "coarse sand"; "a coarse weave" 02231355 00 s 02 coarse-grained 1 large-grained 0 001 & 02230990 a 0000 | not having a fine texture; "coarse-grained wood"; "large-grained sand" 02231502 00 s 07 farinaceous 0 coarse-grained 2 grainy 0 granular 0 granulose 0 gritty 0 mealy 0 006 & 02230990 a 0000 + 14700594 n 0601 + 09290777 n 0401 + 04949256 n 0403 + 09290777 n 0301 + 04949256 n 0302 | composed of or covered with particles resembling meal in texture or consistency; "granular sugar"; "the photographs were grainy and indistinct"; "it left a mealy residue" 02231886 00 s 01 granulated 0 001 & 02230990 a 0000 | made grainy or formed into granules; "granulated sugar" 02231998 00 s 02 plushy 0 plush-like 0 002 & 02230990 a 0000 + 03970546 n 0101 | (of textures) resembling plush 02232112 00 s 02 loose 0 open 0 001 & 02230990 a 0000 | (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; "an open texture"; "a loose weave" 02232251 00 a 01 fine 0 012 ^ 02236842 a 0000 = 04946877 n 0000 + 04948069 n 0101 ! 02230990 a 0101 & 02232739 a 0000 & 02232869 a 0000 & 02233072 a 0000 & 02233154 a 0000 & 02233282 a 0000 & 02233390 a 0000 & 02233680 a 0000 & 02233799 a 0000 | of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles; "wood with a fine grain"; "fine powdery snow"; "fine rain"; "batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave"; "covered with a fine film of dust" 02232739 00 s 02 close 0 tight 0 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | of textiles; "a close weave"; "smooth percale with a very tight weave" 02232869 00 s 02 close-grained 0 fine-grained 1 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | dense or compact in structure or texture, as a wood composed of small-diameter cells; "close-grained birch"; "fine-grained rock" 02233072 00 s 01 dustlike 0 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | as fine and powdery as dust 02233154 00 s 01 floury 0 002 & 02232251 a 0000 + 07569106 n 0101 | resembling flour in fine powdery texture; "a floury clay" 02233282 00 s 01 nongranular 0 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | not having granules; "clear nongranular cytoplasm" 02233390 00 s 06 powdered 0 powdery 0 pulverized 0 pulverised 0 small-grained 0 fine-grained 2 003 & 02232251 a 0000 + 14997012 n 0201 + 04948069 n 0202 | consisting of fine particles; "powdered cellulose"; "powdery snow"; "pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding" 02233680 00 s 01 small 0 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain" 02233799 00 s 01 superfine 0 001 & 02232251 a 0000 | of extremely fine size or texture; "superfine sugar"; "a superfine file" 02233927 00 a 01 smoky 0 006 + 13556893 n 0101 + 11508092 n 0101 ! 02234485 a 0101 & 02234187 a 0000 & 02234281 a 0000 & 02234388 a 0000 | marked by or emitting or filled with smoke; "smoky rafters"; "smoky chimneys"; "a smoky fireplace"; "a smoky corridor" 02234187 00 s 01 blackened 0 001 & 02233927 a 0000 | darkened by smoke; "blackened rafters" 02234281 00 s 01 smoking 0 001 & 02233927 a 0000 | emitting smoke in great volume; "a smoking fireplace" 02234388 00 s 01 smoke-filled 0 001 & 02233927 a 0000 | containing smoke; "smoke-filled rooms" 02234485 00 a 01 smokeless 0 002 ! 02233927 a 0101 & 02234673 a 0000 | emitting or containing little or no smoke; "smokeless factory stacks"; "smokeless fuel"; "a smokeless environment" 02234673 00 s 01 smoke-free 0 001 & 02234485 a 0000 | free of smoke; "smoke-free offices and restaurants" 02234781 00 a 02 slippery 0 slippy 0 012 ^ 02236842 a 0000 + 04947628 n 0204 + 00329031 n 0202 + 04947628 n 0103 ! 02236271 a 0101 & 02235188 a 0000 & 02235330 a 0000 & 02235520 a 0000 & 02235740 a 0000 & 02235826 a 0000 & 02235994 a 0000 & 02236146 a 0000 | causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide; "slippery sidewalks"; "a slippery bar of soap"; "the streets are still slippy from the rain" 02235188 00 s 01 lubricious 0 001 & 02234781 a 0000 | having a smooth or slippery quality; "the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious" 02235330 00 s 01 nonstick 0 001 & 02234781 a 0000 | (of surfaces especially of cooking utensils) permitting easy removal of adherent food particles; "a frying pan with a nonstick surface" 02235520 00 s 01 slick 0 002 & 02234781 a 0000 + 04947628 n 0101 | made slick by e.g. ice or grease; "sidewalks slick with ice"; "roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasn't had time to wash away the oil" 02235740 00 s 01 sliding 0 001 & 02234781 a 0000 | being a smooth continuous motion 02235826 00 s 02 slimed 0 slimy 0 003 & 02234781 a 0000 + 04935405 n 0201 + 14956661 n 0202 | covered with or resembling slime; "a slimy substance covered the rocks" 02235994 00 s 02 slipping 0 slithering 0 001 & 02234781 a 0000 | moving as on a slippery surface; "his slipping and slithering progress over the ice" 02236146 00 s 01 slithery 0 001 & 02234781 a 0000 | having a slippery surface or quality ; "slithery mud"; "slithery eels" 02236271 00 a 01 nonslippery 0 004 ^ 02238462 a 0000 ! 02234781 a 0101 & 02236423 a 0000 & 02236532 a 0000 | not slippery; not likely to slip or skid 02236423 00 s 01 nonskid 0 001 & 02236271 a 0000 | designed to reduce or prevent skidding; "nonskid tires" 02236532 00 s 01 nonslip 0 001 & 02236271 a 0000 | designed to reduce or prevent slipping; "a nonslip surface" 02236645 00 a 02 lubricated 0 greased 0 001 ! 02236757 a 0101 | smeared with oil or grease to reduce friction 02236757 00 a 02 unlubricated 0 ungreased 0 001 ! 02236645 a 0101 | not lubricated 02236842 00 a 01 smooth 0 014 ^ 00909545 a 0000 ^ 02232251 a 0000 ^ 01359543 a 0000 ^ 02234781 a 0000 + 04947186 n 0101 ! 02238462 a 0101 & 02237303 a 0000 & 02237420 a 0000 & 02237502 a 0000 & 02237644 a 0000 & 02237761 a 0000 & 02237978 a 0000 & 02238128 a 0000 & 02238310 a 0000 | having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror" 02237303 00 s 02 creaseless 0 uncreased 0 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | used especially of fabrics; "uncreased trousers" 02237420 00 s 01 even-textured 0 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | having an even texture 02237502 00 s 01 fast 0 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | (of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds; "a fast road"; "grass courts are faster than clay" 02237644 00 s 02 fine-textured 0 smooth-textured 0 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | having a smooth, fine-grained structure 02237761 00 s 01 glassy 0 002 & 02236842 a 0000 + 14881303 n 0101 | resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness; "the glassy surface of the lake"; "the pavement was...glassy with water"- Willa Cather 02237978 00 s 03 seamless 0 unlined 0 unseamed 0 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | smooth, especially of skin; "his cheeks were unlined"; "his unseamed face" 02238128 00 s 04 streamlined 0 aerodynamic 0 flowing 0 sleek 1 001 & 02236842 a 0000 | designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow; "a streamlined convertible" 02238310 00 s 03 velvet 0 velvety 0 velvet-textured 0 002 & 02236842 a 0000 + 04525038 n 0101 | smooth and soft to sight or hearing or touch or taste 02238462 00 a 02 rough 0 unsmooth 0 036 ^ 02230990 a 0000 ^ 01960656 a 0000 ^ 02236271 a 0000 ^ 00911327 a 0000 ^ 01359861 a 0000 ^ 01812846 a 0000 + 04948241 n 0101 ! 02236842 a 0101 & 02239289 a 0000 & 02239479 a 0000 & 02239607 a 0000 & 02239746 a 0000 & 02239888 a 0000 & 02240006 a 0000 & 02240129 a 0000 & 02240275 a 0000 & 02240379 a 0000 & 02240490 a 0000 & 02240668 a 0000 & 02240795 a 0000 & 02241078 a 0000 & 02241247 a 0000 & 02241443 a 0000 & 02241543 a 0000 & 02241714 a 0000 & 02241834 a 0000 & 02241988 a 0000 & 02242223 a 0000 & 02242412 a 0000 & 02242481 a 0000 & 02242582 a 0000 & 02242697 a 0000 & 02242798 a 0000 & 02242887 a 0000 & 02243086 a 0000 & 02243255 a 0000 | having or caused by an irregular surface; "trees with rough bark"; "rough ground"; "rough skin"; "rough blankets"; "his unsmooth face" 02239289 00 s 02 abrasive 0 scratchy 0 007 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04949066 n 0203 + 14286549 n 0202 + 14799244 n 0101 + 01251651 v 0102 + 01254013 v 0101 + 04949066 n 0102 | causing abrasion 02239479 00 s 02 alligatored 0 cracked 1 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | of paint or varnish; having the appearance of alligator hide 02239607 00 s 01 barky 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 13162297 n 0101 | resembling the rough bark of a tree; "the rattlesnake's barky scales" 02239746 00 s 02 broken 0 rugged 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04772388 n 0201 | topographically very uneven; "broken terrain"; "rugged ground" 02239888 00 s 01 bullate 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | of leaves; appearing puckered as if blistered 02240006 00 s 01 bumpy 2 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04949681 n 0101 | covered with or full of bumps; "a bumpy country road" 02240129 00 s 03 chapped 0 cracked 2 roughened 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | used of skin roughened as a result of cold or exposure; "chapped lips" 02240275 00 s 02 corded 0 twilled 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | of textiles; having parallel raised lines 02240379 00 s 02 costate 0 ribbed 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | (of the surface) having a rough, riblike texture 02240490 00 s 04 cragged 0 craggy 0 hilly 0 mountainous 0 004 & 02238462 a 0000 + 09359803 n 0401 + 09303008 n 0301 + 04772557 n 0301 | having hills and crags; "hilly terrain" 02240668 00 s 01 crushed 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | treated so as to have a permanently wrinkled appearance; "crushed velvet" 02240795 00 s 05 homespun(p) 0 nubby 0 nubbly 0 slubbed 0 tweedy 0 007 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04948722 n 0503 + 04502502 n 0501 + 13895622 n 0302 + 13895622 n 0201 + 04948722 n 0202 + 03529444 n 0101 | of textiles; having a rough surface; "a sweater knitted of nubbly homespun yarns" 02241078 00 s 02 imbricate 0 imbricated 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | used especially of leaves or bracts; overlapping or layered as scales or shingles 02241247 00 s 05 lepidote 0 leprose 0 scabrous 0 scaly 0 scurfy 0 004 & 02238462 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 04948603 n 0401 + 01902877 n 0401 | rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf 02241443 00 s 01 squamulose 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | covered with tiny scales 02241543 00 s 02 lined 0 seamed 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | (used especially of skin) marked by lines or seams; "their lined faces were immeasurably sad"; "a seamed face" 02241714 00 s 03 pocked 0 pockmarked 0 potholed 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | used of paved surfaces having holes or pits 02241834 00 s 02 rock-ribbed 0 rockbound 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | abounding in or bordered by rocky cliffs or scarps; "the rock-ribbed coast of Maine" 02241988 00 s 04 rocky 0 bouldery 0 bouldered 0 stony 0 005 & 02238462 a 0000 + 09416076 n 0402 + 09227839 n 0201 + 04772191 n 0101 + 09416076 n 0101 | abounding in rocks or stones; "rocky fields"; "stony ground"; "bouldery beaches" 02242223 00 s 03 gravelly 0 pebbly 0 shingly 0 004 & 02238462 a 0000 + 14699574 n 0301 + 09388023 n 0201 + 14698884 n 0101 | abounding in small stones; "landed at a shingly little beach" 02242412 00 s 01 roughish 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | somewhat rough 02242481 00 s 01 rugose 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | of leaves; ridged or wrinkled 02242582 00 s 01 sandpapery 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 14849880 n 0102 | having the abrasive texture of sandpaper 02242697 00 s 01 saw-like 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | having rough edges that can be used for sawing 02242798 00 s 01 scabby 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 05264247 n 0101 | covered with scabs 02242887 00 s 02 shagged 0 shaggy 0 003 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04183076 n 0201 + 04949560 n 0201 | having a very rough nap or covered with hanging shags; "junipers with shagged trunks"; "shaggy rugs" 02243086 00 s 03 textured 0 rough-textured 0 coarse-textured 0 001 & 02238462 a 0000 | having surface roughness; "a textured wall of stucco"; "a rough-textured tweed" 02243255 00 s 03 verrucose 0 warty 0 wartlike 0 002 & 02238462 a 0000 + 04696432 n 0201 | (of skin) covered with warts or projections that resemble warts 02243411 00 a 01 smooth 4 002 + 04709011 n 0101 ! 02243567 a 0101 | of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence; "a smooth ride" 02243567 00 a 06 rough 4 rocky 0 bumpy 0 jolty 0 jolting 0 jumpy 0 005 + 00867357 n 0602 + 00335988 n 0403 + 07338681 n 0302 + 00348008 n 0201 ! 02243411 a 0101 | causing or characterized by jolts and irregular movements; "a rough ride" 02243806 00 a 02 furrowed 0 rugged 2 004 ! 02244472 a 0101 & 02244065 a 0000 & 02244198 a 0000 & 02244361 a 0000 | having long narrow shallow depressions (as grooves or wrinkles) in the surface; "furrowed fields"; "his furrowed face lit by a warming smile" 02244065 00 s 01 canaliculate 0 001 & 02243806 a 0000 | having thin parallel channels; "canaliculate leafstalks of certain plants" 02244198 00 s 01 corrugated 0 001 & 02243806 a 0000 | shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges; "the surface of the ocean was rippled and corrugated" 02244361 00 s 02 rutted 0 rutty 0 002 & 02243806 a 0000 + 13894154 n 0201 | full of ruts; "rutty farm roads" 02244472 00 a 01 unfurrowed 0 001 ! 02243806 a 0101 | not marked with shallow depressions or furrows; "an unfurrowed field"; "unfurrowed cheeks" 02244619 00 a 01 smooth 2 010 ^ 02166346 a 0000 ^ 02171024 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 04769716 n 0101 ! 02245403 a 0101 & 02244890 a 0000 & 02245020 a 0000 & 02245108 a 0000 & 02245223 a 0000 & 02245318 a 0000 | of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth 02244890 00 s 01 entire 0 001 & 02244619 a 0000 | (of leaves or petals) having a smooth edge; not broken up into teeth or lobes 02245020 00 s 01 repand 0 001 & 02244619 a 0000 | having a slightly undulating margin 02245108 00 s 01 sinuate 0 001 & 02244619 a 0000 | having a strongly waved margin alternately concave and convex 02245223 00 s 01 undulate 0 001 & 02244619 a 0000 | having a wavy margin and rippled surface 02245318 00 s 02 unnotched 0 untoothed 0 001 & 02244619 a 0000 | having no notches 02245403 00 a 01 rough 2 024 ^ 02166346 a 0000 ^ 02171024 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 04948241 n 0101 ! 02244619 a 0101 & 02245944 a 0000 & 02246056 a 0000 & 02246182 a 0000 & 02246296 a 0000 & 02246410 a 0000 & 02246539 a 0000 & 02246637 a 0000 & 02246733 a 0000 & 02246826 a 0000 & 02246903 a 0000 & 02247074 a 0000 & 02247166 a 0000 & 02247295 a 0000 & 02247422 a 0000 & 02247489 a 0000 & 02247637 a 0000 & 02247785 a 0000 & 02247938 a 0000 & 02248011 a 0000 | of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped 02245944 00 s 01 bidentate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having toothlike projections that are themselves toothed 02246056 00 s 01 biserrate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having saw-like notches with the notches themselves similarly notched 02246182 00 s 02 ciliate 0 ciliated 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a margin or fringe of hairlike projections 02246296 00 s 03 crenate 0 crenated 0 scalloped 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a margin with rounded scallops 02246410 00 s 02 crenulate 0 crenulated 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a margin with small rounded teeth; "a crenulate leaf" 02246539 00 s 01 crispate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | wavy or notched and curled very irregularly 02246637 00 s 01 dentate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having toothlike projections in the margin 02246733 00 s 01 denticulate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a very finely toothed margin 02246826 00 s 01 emarginate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a notched tip 02246903 00 s 05 erose 0 jagged 0 jaggy 0 notched 1 toothed 1 002 & 02245403 a 0000 + 04772691 n 0201 | having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed 02247074 00 s 01 fimbriate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a fringe of slender processes 02247166 00 s 02 fringed 0 laciniate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having edges irregularly and finely slashed; "a laciniate leaf" 02247295 00 s 02 lacerate 0 lacerated 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | irregularly slashed and jagged as if torn; "lacerate leaves" 02247422 00 s 01 pectinate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | like a comb 02247489 00 s 01 rimose 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having a surface covered with a network of cracks and small crevices; "a tree with rimose bark" 02247637 00 s 01 runcinate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having incised margins with the lobes or teeth pointing toward the base; as dandelion leaves 02247785 00 s 05 serrate 0 serrated 0 saw-toothed 0 toothed 2 notched 2 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex 02247938 00 s 01 serrulate 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | minutely serrated 02248011 00 s 01 spinose 0 001 & 02245403 a 0000 | having spines 02248078 00 a 01 rifled 0 001 ! 02248204 a 0101 | of a firearm; having rifling or internal spiral grooves inside the barrel 02248204 00 a 02 unrifled 0 smoothbore 0 001 ! 02248078 a 0101 | of a firearm; not having rifling or internal spiral grooves inside the barrel 02248349 00 a 01 social 0 010 ^ 01074650 a 0000 ^ 02252634 a 0000 ^ 02257141 a 0000 = 04652635 n 0000 + 04652635 n 0101 ! 02249441 a 0101 & 02248693 a 0000 & 02248984 a 0000 & 02249183 a 0000 & 02249337 a 0000 | living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups; "a human being is a social animal"; "mature social behavior" 02248693 00 s 03 cultural 0 ethnic 0 ethnical 0 004 & 02248349 a 0000 + 04799133 n 0201 + 05984936 n 0102 + 05751794 n 0101 | denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people; "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties"- J.F.Kennedy; "ethnic food" 02248984 00 s 01 gregarious 0 002 & 02248349 a 0000 + 04653869 n 0101 | instinctively or temperamentally seeking and enjoying the company of others; "he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude" 02249183 00 s 01 interpersonal 0 001 & 02248349 a 0000 | occurring among or involving several people; "interpersonal situations in which speech occurs" 02249337 00 s 02 multiethnic 0 multi-ethnic 0 001 & 02248349 a 0000 | involving several ethnic groups 02249441 00 a 01 unsocial 0 009 ^ 02253065 a 0000 ^ 02258600 a 0000 = 04652635 n 0000 ! 02248349 a 0101 & 02249766 a 0000 & 02249948 a 0000 & 02250231 a 0000 & 02250430 a 0000 & 02250691 a 0000 | not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions; "the unsocial disposition to neglect one's neighbors" 02249766 00 s 01 alone(p) 0 002 & 02249441 a 0000 + 04622415 n 0101 | isolated from others; "could be alone in a crowded room"; "was alone with her thoughts"; "I want to be alone" 02249948 00 s 02 antisocial 0 asocial 2 001 & 02249441 a 0000 | hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior; "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial"; "crimes...and other asocial behavior"; "an antisocial deed" 02250231 00 s 01 asocial 0 001 & 02249441 a 0000 | given to avoiding association with others; "bears are asocial secretive animals"; "are you asocial or do you just enjoy living in the Antarctic?" 02250430 00 s 03 lone(a) 0 lonely(a) 1 solitary 1 004 & 02249441 a 0000 + 10172448 n 0303 + 04622415 n 0304 + 04622415 n 0202 | characterized by or preferring solitude; "a lone wolf"; "a lonely existence"; "a man of a solitary disposition"; "a solitary walk" 02250691 00 s 03 recluse 0 reclusive 0 withdrawn 0 004 & 02249441 a 0000 + 04656996 n 0304 + 04622772 n 0201 + 10172448 n 0102 | withdrawn from society; seeking solitude; "lived an unsocial reclusive life" 02250899 00 a 01 accompanied 0 001 ! 02251057 a 0101 | having companions or an escort; "there were lone gentlemen and gentlemen accompanied by their wives" 02251057 00 a 01 unaccompanied 0 005 ! 02250899 a 0101 & 02251212 a 0000 & 02251576 a 0000 & 02251773 a 0000 & 02251899 a 0000 | being without an escort 02251212 00 s 04 alone(p) 0 lone(a) 0 lonely(a) 0 solitary 0 004 & 02251057 a 0000 + 14415163 n 0402 + 14415163 n 0301 + 04622415 n 0101 | lacking companions or companionship; "he was alone when we met him"; "she is alone much of the time"; "the lone skier on the mountain"; "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel"; "a lonely soul"; "a solitary traveler" 02251576 00 s 03 isolated 0 marooned 0 stranded 0 001 & 02251057 a 0000 | cut off or left behind; "an isolated pawn"; "several stranded fish in a tide pool"; "travelers marooned by the blizzard" 02251773 00 s 01 tod 0 002 & 02251057 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | alone and on your own; "don't just sit there on your tod" 02251899 00 s 01 unattended 0 001 & 02251057 a 0000 | lacking accompaniment or a guard or escort; "unattended women"; "problems unattended with danger" 02252053 00 a 02 accompanied 1 attended 0 001 ! 02252182 a 0101 | playing or singing with instrumental or vocal accompaniment 02252182 00 a 01 unaccompanied 1 003 ! 02252053 a 0101 & 02252352 a 0000 & 02252480 a 0000 | playing or singing without accompaniment; "the soloist sang unaccompanied" 02252352 00 s 01 a_cappella 0 001 & 02252182 a 0000 | sung without instrumental accompaniment; "they sang an a cappella Mass" 02252480 00 s 01 solo 0 002 & 02252182 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | composed or performed by a single voice or instrument; "a passage for solo clarinet" 02252634 00 a 01 gregarious 0 006 ^ 02248349 a 0000 = 04653869 n 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 04653869 n 0101 ! 02253065 a 0101 & 02252877 a 0000 | (of animals) tending to form a group with others of the same species; "gregarious bird species" 02252877 00 s 01 social 0 003 & 02252634 a 0000 ;c 00015388 n 0000 + 04652635 n 0101 | tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind; "ants are social insects" 02253065 00 a 01 ungregarious 0 004 ^ 02249441 a 0000 = 04653869 n 0000 ! 02252634 a 0101 & 02253205 a 0000 | (of animals) not gregarious 02253205 00 s 03 nongregarious 0 nonsocial 0 solitary 0 002 & 02253065 a 0000 + 14415163 n 0302 | of plants and animals; not growing or living in groups or colonies; "solitary bees" 02253389 00 a 01 gregarious 1 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 02253655 a 0101 & 02253536 a 0000 | (of plants) growing in groups that are close together 02253536 00 s 01 clustered 0 002 & 02253389 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | growing close together but not in dense mats 02253655 00 a 01 ungregarious 1 003 ;c 00017222 n 0000 ! 02253389 a 0101 & 02253817 a 0000 | (of plants) growing together in groups that are not close together 02253817 00 s 03 caespitose 0 cespitose 0 tufted 0 002 & 02253655 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) growing in small dense clumps or tufts 02253964 00 a 01 seamed 0 003 ! 02254264 a 0101 & 02254088 a 0000 & 02254172 a 0000 | having or joined by a seam or seams 02254088 00 s 01 seamy 0 002 & 02253964 a 0000 + 04160372 n 0101 | showing a seam 02254172 00 s 03 sewed 0 sewn 0 stitched 0 001 & 02253964 a 0000 | fastened with stitches 02254264 00 a 01 seamless 0 004 ! 02253964 a 0101 & 02254434 a 0000 & 02254546 a 0000 & 02254669 a 0000 | not having or joined by a seam or seams; "seamless stockings" 02254434 00 s 01 broadloom 0 001 & 02254264 a 0000 | (of rugs or carpets) woven full width; "a broadloom rug" 02254546 00 s 01 circular-knit 0 001 & 02254264 a 0000 | knitted in tubular form; "circular-knit sweaters without seams" 02254669 00 s 01 unseamed 0 001 & 02254264 a 0000 | having no seams; "an unseamed garment made of plastic" 02254778 00 a 01 seeded 0 001 ! 02254971 a 0101 | (of the more skilled contestants) selectively arranged in the draw for position in a tournament so that they meet each other in later rounds 02254971 00 a 01 unseeded 0 001 ! 02254778 a 0101 | not seeded; used of players of lesser skill 02255069 00 a 01 seedy 0 010 + 13135832 n 0101 ! 02256082 a 0101 & 02255317 a 0000 & 02255394 a 0000 & 02255487 a 0000 & 02255608 a 0000 & 02255736 a 0000 & 02255840 a 0000 & 02255928 a 0000 & 02256005 a 0000 | full of seeds; "as seedy as a fig" 02255317 00 s 01 black-seeded 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having black seeds 02255394 00 s 02 multi-seeded 0 several-seeded 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having many seeds 02255487 00 s 01 seeded 1 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having or supplied with seeds; "a seeded breadfruit"; "seeded rolls" 02255608 00 s 01 seeded 2 002 & 02255069 a 0000 ;u 06307152 n 0000 | having seeds as specified; "many-seeded"; "black-seeded" 02255736 00 s 03 single-seeded 0 one-seeded 0 one-seed 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having a single seed 02255840 00 s 01 small-seeded 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having relatively small seeds 02255928 00 s 01 three-seeded 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having three seeds 02256005 00 s 01 white-seeded 0 001 & 02255069 a 0000 | having white seeds 02256082 00 a 01 seedless 0 003 ! 02255069 a 0101 & 02256209 a 0000 & 02256306 a 0000 | lacking seeds; "seedless grapefruit" 02256209 00 s 01 seeded 3 001 & 02256082 a 0000 | having the seeds extracted; "seeded raisins" 02256306 00 s 01 stoneless 0 001 & 02256082 a 0000 | (of fruits having stones) having the stone removed; "stoneless dried dates" 02256437 00 a 01 shuttered 0 002 ! 02256732 a 0101 & 02256659 a 0000 | provided with shutters or shutters as specified; often used in combination; "a church with a shuttered belfry and spire"; "green-shuttered cottages" 02256659 00 s 01 closed 0 001 & 02256437 a 0000 | with shutters closed 02256732 00 a 01 unshuttered 0 001 ! 02256437 a 0101 | not provided with shutters or having the shuttered open; "unshuttered windows" 02256868 00 a 01 sleeved 0 001 ! 02257038 a 0101 | made with sleeves or sleeves especially as specified; often used in combination; "sleeved garments"; "short-sleeved" 02257038 00 a 01 sleeveless 0 001 ! 02256868 a 0101 | having no sleeves; "sleeveless summer dresses" 02257141 00 a 01 sociable 0 014 ^ 01351391 a 0000 ^ 01074650 a 0000 ^ 02248349 a 0000 = 04652930 n 0000 + 08256369 n 0101 + 04652930 n 0102 + 04652930 n 0101 ! 02258600 a 0101 & 02257601 a 0000 & 02257731 a 0000 & 02257856 a 0000 & 02258002 a 0000 & 02258249 a 0000 & 02258360 a 0000 | inclined to or conducive to companionship with others; "a sociable occasion"; "enjoyed a sociable chat"; "a sociable conversation"; "Americans are sociable and gregarious" 02257601 00 s 02 clubbable 0 clubable 0 002 & 02257141 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | inclined to club together; "a clubbable man" 02257731 00 s 02 clubbish 0 clubby 0 001 & 02257141 a 0000 | effusively sociable; "a clubbish set"; "we got rather clubby" 02257856 00 s 01 companionable 0 003 & 02257141 a 0000 + 04653479 n 0102 + 04653479 n 0101 | suggestive of companionship; "a companionable pet" 02258002 00 s 02 convivial 0 good-time 0 002 & 02257141 a 0000 + 04653357 n 0101 | occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company; "a convivial atmosphere at the reunion"; "a woman of convivial nature"; "he was a real good-time Charlie" 02258249 00 s 03 extroverted 0 forthcoming 0 outgoing 0 001 & 02257141 a 0000 | at ease in talking to others 02258360 00 s 01 social 0 003 & 02257141 a 0000 + 08256369 n 0102 + 04652635 n 0101 | composed of sociable people or formed for the purpose of sociability; "a purely social club"; "the church has a large social hall"; "a social director" 02258600 00 a 01 unsociable 0 008 ^ 01076793 a 0000 ^ 02249441 a 0000 = 04652930 n 0000 + 04656748 n 0102 + 04656748 n 0101 ! 02257141 a 0101 & 02258972 a 0000 & 02259120 a 0000 | not inclined to society or companionship; "an unsociable nature...shy and reserved"; "generally unsociable except with intimate friends"; "unsociable behavior"; "an unsociable neighborhood" 02258972 00 s 01 antisocial 0 001 & 02258600 a 0000 | shunning contact with others; "standoffish and antisocial"; "he's not antisocial; just shy" 02259120 00 s 01 ungregarious 0 001 & 02258600 a 0000 | not disposed to seek company; "a lonely ungregarious person" 02259239 00 a 01 sold 0 003 ! 02259667 a 0101 & 02259380 a 0000 & 02259540 a 0000 | disposed of to a purchaser; "this merchandise is sold" 02259380 00 s 01 oversubscribed 0 001 & 02259239 a 0000 | sold in excess of available supply especially season tickets; "the opera season was oversubscribed" 02259540 00 s 01 sold-out 0 001 & 02259239 a 0000 | sold completely in advance; "had a sold-out house for both performances" 02259667 00 a 01 unsold 0 001 ! 02259239 a 0101 | not disposed of by purchase; "the house has been on the market almost a year and is still unsold" 02259817 00 a 01 soled 0 001 ! 02259966 a 0101 | having a sole or soles especially as specified; used in combination; "half-soled"; "rubber-soled" 02259966 00 a 01 soleless 0 001 ! 02259817 a 0101 | having no sole 02260035 00 a 01 solid 1 012 ^ 01150915 a 0000 = 14479615 n 0000 + 14480772 n 0102 ! 02261386 a 0101 ! 02262542 a 0101 & 02260382 a 0000 & 02260477 a 0000 & 02260570 a 0000 & 02260730 a 0000 & 02260847 a 0000 & 02261013 a 0000 & 02261162 a 0000 | of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous; "ice is water in the solid state" 02260382 00 s 02 coagulated 0 solidified 0 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | changed into a solid mass 02260477 00 s 01 concrete 0 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | formed by the coalescence of particles 02260570 00 s 03 congealed 0 jelled 0 jellied 0 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | congealed into jelly; solidified by cooling; "in Georgia they serve congealed salads" 02260730 00 s 01 dry 0 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones; "dry weight" 02260847 00 s 01 semisolid 0 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | partly solid; having a rigidity and viscosity intermediate between a solid and a liquid; "a semisolid mixture" 02261013 00 s 01 solid-state 1 002 & 02260035 a 0000 ;c 06099269 n 0000 | consisting of semiconductor materials and components and related devices 02261162 00 s 01 solid-state 2 001 & 02260035 a 0000 | characteristic of or relating to the physical properties of solid materials especially electromagnetic or thermodynamic or structural properties of crystalline solids 02261386 00 a 01 liquid 0 011 = 14479615 n 0000 + 14480420 n 0102 + 14480420 n 0103 + 04937043 n 0103 ! 02262542 a 0101 ! 02260035 a 0101 & 02261746 a 0000 & 02261985 a 0000 & 02262173 a 0000 & 02262293 a 0000 & 02262365 a 0000 | existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow; "water and milk and blood are liquid substances" 02261746 00 s 02 fluid 0 runny 0 007 & 02261386 a 0000 + 07407777 n 0203 + 04937043 n 0205 + 14939900 n 0101 + 14939445 n 0101 + 04937043 n 0102 + 04937043 n 0101 | characteristic of a fluid; capable of flowing and easily changing shape 02261985 00 s 02 liquefiable 0 liquifiable 0 006 & 02261386 a 0000 + 00444309 v 0202 + 00443984 v 0203 + 02757304 v 0101 + 00444309 v 0101 + 00443984 v 0101 | capable of being liquefied 02262173 00 s 02 liquefied 0 liquified 0 001 & 02261386 a 0000 | reduced to a liquid state; "liquefied petroleum gas" 02262293 00 s 01 semiliquid 0 001 & 02261386 a 0000 | somewhat liquid 02262365 00 s 01 watery 0 003 & 02261386 a 0000 + 04937427 n 0101 + 14845743 n 0101 | relating to or resembling or consisting of water; "a watery substance"; "a watery color" 02262542 00 a 01 gaseous 0 012 = 14479615 n 0000 + 14877585 n 0101 + 14481080 n 0101 + 04733204 n 0101 ! 02260035 a 0101 ! 02261386 a 0101 & 02262879 a 0000 & 02262984 a 0000 & 02263150 a 0000 & 02263270 a 0000 & 02263407 a 0000 & 02263491 a 0000 | existing as or having characteristics of a gas; "steam is water is the gaseous state" 02262879 00 s 02 aeriform 0 airlike 0 001 & 02262542 a 0000 | resembling air or having the form of air 02262984 00 s 02 aerosolized 0 aerosolised 0 001 & 02262542 a 0000 | in the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas 02263150 00 s 01 evaporated 0 001 & 02262542 a 0000 | drawn off in the form of vapor; "evaporated molecules boil off" 02263270 00 s 05 gasified 0 vaporized 0 vapourised 0 volatilized 0 volatilised 0 001 & 02262542 a 0000 | converted into a gas or vapor 02263407 00 s 01 gassy 0 002 & 02262542 a 0000 + 14481080 n 0101 | resembling gas 02263491 00 s 06 vaporific 0 vapourific 0 vaporish 0 vapourish 0 vaporous 0 vapourous 0 002 & 02262542 a 0000 + 15055633 n 0501 | resembling or characteristic of vapor; "vaporous clouds" 02263680 00 a 01 solid 2 005 = 14452442 n 0000 + 04941124 n 0102 + 14452442 n 0101 ! 02263982 a 0101 & 02263875 a 0000 | entirely of one substance with no holes inside; "a solid block of wood" 02263875 00 s 01 massive 0 001 & 02263680 a 0000 | being the same substance throughout; "massive silver" 02263982 00 a 01 hollow 0 011 = 14452442 n 0000 ^ 01086545 a 0000 + 13910895 n 0101 + 09305031 n 0101 + 09304750 n 0102 + 14455552 n 0101 ! 02263680 a 0101 & 02264366 a 0000 & 02264521 a 0000 & 02264657 a 0000 & 02264807 a 0000 | not solid; having a space or gap or cavity; "a hollow wall"; "a hollow tree"; "hollow cheeks"; "his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year" 02264366 00 s 01 cavernous 0 002 & 02263982 a 0000 + 09239302 n 0101 | being or suggesting a cavern; "vast cavernous chambers hollowed out of limestone" 02264521 00 s 03 deep-set 0 sunken 0 recessed 0 001 & 02263982 a 0000 | having a sunken area; "hunger gave their faces a sunken look" 02264657 00 s 03 fistular 0 fistulate 0 fistulous 0 003 & 02263982 a 0000 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 05548032 n 0101 | hollow and tube-shaped like a reed 02264807 00 s 05 tubular 0 cannular 0 tubelike 0 tube-shaped 0 vasiform 0 003 & 02263982 a 0000 + 02951170 n 0201 + 04493505 n 0101 | constituting a tube; having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids) 02265015 00 a 01 soluble 1 010 + 05010314 n 0102 + 13583272 n 0101 + 05210221 n 0101 ! 02265891 a 0101 & 02265306 a 0000 & 02265386 a 0000 & 02265496 a 0000 & 02265594 a 0000 & 02265719 a 0000 & 02265815 a 0000 | (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent (usually water) 02265306 00 s 01 alcohol-soluble 0 001 & 02265015 a 0000 | soluble in alcohol 02265386 00 s 02 dissolvable 0 dissoluble 0 002 & 02265015 a 0000 + 05010314 n 0201 | capable of dissolving 02265496 00 s 01 fat-soluble 0 001 & 02265015 a 0000 | soluble in fats; "fat-soluble vitamin A" 02265594 00 s 02 meltable 0 disintegrable 0 003 & 02265015 a 0000 + 00444629 v 0101 + 00376106 v 0106 | capable of melting 02265719 00 s 01 oil-soluble 0 001 & 02265015 a 0000 | soluble in oil; "oil-soluble pigments" 02265815 00 s 01 water-soluble 0 001 & 02265015 a 0000 | soluble in water 02265891 00 a 02 insoluble 1 indissoluble 0 003 + 05210373 n 0101 ! 02265015 a 0101 & 02266043 a 0000 | (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved 02266043 00 s 02 water-insoluble 0 non-water-soluble 0 001 & 02265891 a 0000 | not soluble in water 02266145 00 a 01 soluble 2 005 ^ 00938801 a 0000 + 05215483 n 0102 ! 02266600 a 0101 & 02266351 a 0000 & 02266451 a 0000 | susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained; "the puzzle is soluble" 02266351 00 s 01 answerable 0 002 & 02266145 a 0000 + 00635523 v 0101 | capable of being answered 02266451 00 s 02 solvable 0 resolvable 0 002 & 02266145 a 0000 + 05215483 n 0101 | capable of being solved; "such problems are perfectly solvable" 02266600 00 a 01 insoluble 2 004 ^ 00939105 a 0000 + 05215699 n 0102 ! 02266145 a 0101 & 02266771 a 0000 | admitting of no solution or explanation; "an insoluble doubt" 02266771 00 s 04 insolvable 0 unsoluble 0 unsolvable 0 unresolvable 0 001 & 02266600 a 0000 | not easily solved; "an apparantly insolvable problem"; "public finance...had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved"- C.L.Jones 02267012 00 a 02 solved 0 resolved 4 001 ! 02267164 a 0101 | explained or answered; "mysteries solved and unsolved; problems resolved and unresolved" 02267164 00 a 02 unsolved 0 unresolved 4 001 ! 02267012 a 0101 | not solved; "many crimes remain unsolved"; "many problems remain unresolved" 02267308 00 a 01 some(a) 0 007 ^ 01552885 a 0000 ^ 01551633 a 0000 ! 02268485 a 0101 ! 02269286 a 0101 & 02267686 a 0000 & 02268133 a 0000 & 02268268 a 0000 | quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns to indicate an unspecified number or quantity; "have some milk"; "some roses were still blooming"; "having some friends over"; "some apples"; "some paper" 02267686 00 s 03 any(a) 0 whatever 0 whatsoever 0 001 & 02267308 a 0000 | one or some or every or all without specification; "give me any peaches you don't want"; "not any milk is left"; "any child would know that"; "pick any card"; "any day now"; "cars can be rented at almost any airport"; "at twilight or any other time"; "beyond any doubt"; "need any help we can get"; "give me whatever peaches you don't want"; "no milk whatsoever is left" 02268133 00 s 01 both(a) 0 001 & 02267308 a 0000 | (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two; "both girls are pretty" 02268268 00 s 01 several(a) 0 001 & 02267308 a 0000 | (used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many; "several letters came in the mail"; "several people were injured in the accident" 02268485 00 a 01 no(a) 0 005 ! 02269286 a 0101 ! 02267308 a 0101 & 02268882 a 0000 & 02269039 a 0000 & 02269142 a 0000 | quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "I'll get you there in no time" 02268882 00 s 01 nary(a) 0 001 & 02268485 a 0000 | (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a' or `not one' or `never a'; "heard nary a sound" 02269039 00 s 01 none 0 001 & 02268485 a 0000 | not any; "thou shalt have none other gods before me" 02269142 00 s 01 zero(a) 0 001 & 02268485 a 0000 | having no measurable or otherwise determinable value; "the goal is zero population growth" 02269286 00 a 01 all(a) 0 006 ! 02267308 a 0101 ! 02268485 a 0101 & 02269635 a 0000 & 02269794 a 0000 & 02270057 a 0000 & 02270186 a 0000 | quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class; "we sat up all night"; "ate all the food"; "all men are mortal"; "all parties are welcome" 02269635 00 s 01 each(a) 0 001 & 02269286 a 0000 | (used of count nouns) every one considered individually; "each person is mortal"; "each party is welcome" 02269794 00 s 01 every(a) 0 001 & 02269286 a 0000 | (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception; "every person is mortal"; "every party is welcome"; "had every hope of success"; "every chance of winning" 02270057 00 s 01 every_last(p) 0 002 & 02269286 a 0000 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (used as intensive) every; "every last one of you" 02270186 00 s 01 every(a) 2 001 & 02269286 a 0000 | each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified; "every third seat"; "every two hours" 02270342 00 a 01 sophisticated 0 011 ^ 01106614 a 0000 ^ 00866047 a 0000 ^ 00849357 a 0000 ^ 01306273 a 0000 ^ 01421602 a 0000 ^ 02577061 a 0000 ! 02271544 a 0101 & 02270782 a 0000 & 02271052 a 0000 & 02271177 a 0000 & 02271437 a 0000 | having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement and savoir-faire; "sophisticated young socialites"; "a sophisticated audience"; "a sophisticated lifestyle"; "a sophisticated book" 02270782 00 s 02 blase 0 worldly 0 002 & 02270342 a 0000 + 04880273 n 0202 | very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world; "the blase traveler refers to the ocean he has crossed as `the pond'"; "the benefits of his worldly wisdom" 02271052 00 s 02 intelligent 0 well-informed 0 001 & 02270342 a 0000 | possessing sound knowledge; "well-informed readers" 02271177 00 s 04 polished 0 refined 0 svelte 0 urbane 0 002 & 02270342 a 0000 + 04913212 n 0401 | showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner"; "maintained an urbane tone in his letters" 02271437 00 s 01 worldly-wise 0 001 & 02270342 a 0000 | experienced in and wise to the ways of the world 02271544 00 a 02 naive 0 naif 0 011 ^ 00646413 a 0000 ^ 01308425 a 0000 ^ 02578235 a 0000 + 04880573 n 0103 ! 02270342 a 0101 & 02272047 a 0000 & 02272305 a 0000 & 02272485 a 0000 & 02272670 a 0000 & 02272954 a 0000 & 02273088 a 0000 | marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; "a teenager's naive ignorance of life"; "the naive assumption that things can only get better"; "this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances" 02272047 00 s 05 childlike 0 wide-eyed 0 round-eyed 0 dewy-eyed 0 simple 0 003 & 02271544 a 0000 + 04881369 n 0502 + 04881369 n 0501 | exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity; "childlike trust"; "dewy-eyed innocence"; "listened in round-eyed wonder" 02272305 00 s 01 credulous 0 003 & 02271544 a 0000 + 04881156 n 0101 + 04895558 n 0101 | showing a lack of judgment or experience; "so credulous he believes everything he reads" 02272485 00 s 03 fleeceable 0 green 0 gullible 0 002 & 02271544 a 0000 + 04881156 n 0302 | naive and easily deceived or tricked; "at that early age she had been gullible and in love" 02272670 00 s 02 innocent 0 ingenuous 0 003 & 02271544 a 0000 + 04880830 n 0203 + 04880830 n 0102 | lacking in sophistication or worldliness; "a child's innocent stare"; "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it" 02272954 00 s 01 simple-minded 0 002 & 02271544 a 0000 + 04881369 n 0101 | lacking subtlety and insight; "a simple-minded argument" 02273088 00 s 02 unsophisticated 0 unworldly 0 001 & 02271544 a 0000 | not wise in the ways of the world; "either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver"; "this helplessly unworldly woman"- Kate O'Brien 02273326 00 a 01 sound 0 012 ^ 01017161 a 0000 ^ 01170243 a 0000 ^ 00289365 a 0000 ^ 00681094 a 0000 ^ 01319182 a 0000 ^ 02557357 a 0000 + 14546844 n 0101 ! 02274253 a 0101 & 02273643 a 0000 & 02273838 a 0000 & 02273952 a 0000 & 02274089 a 0000 | financially secure and safe; "sound investments"; "a sound economy" 02273643 00 s 04 dependable 0 good 1 safe 0 secure 0 004 & 02273326 a 0000 + 13344071 n 0401 + 04856308 n 0301 + 04670022 n 0102 | financially sound; "a good investment"; "a secure investment" 02273838 00 s 01 healthy 0 001 & 02273326 a 0000 | financially secure and functioning well; "a healthy economy" 02273952 00 s 01 solid 0 002 & 02273326 a 0000 + 04671075 n 0102 | financially sound; "the bank is solid and will survive this attack" 02274089 00 s 01 stable 0 003 & 02273326 a 0000 + 04778401 n 0102 + 04778401 n 0101 | firm and dependable; subject to little fluctuation; "the economy is stable" 02274253 00 a 01 unsound 0 011 ^ 00289082 a 0000 ^ 00679147 a 0000 ^ 01317954 a 0000 ^ 01017738 a 0000 ^ 01172889 a 0000 ^ 02559180 a 0000 + 14560360 n 0101 ! 02273326 a 0101 & 02274537 a 0000 & 02274869 a 0000 & 02274959 a 0000 | not sound financially; "unsound banking practices" 02274537 00 s 04 bad 2 risky 0 high-risk 0 speculative 0 005 & 02274253 a 0000 + 14543756 n 0401 + 02272090 v 0401 + 00802238 n 0201 + 14543552 n 0201 | not financially safe or secure; "a bad investment"; "high risk investments"; "anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky"; "speculative business enterprises" 02274869 00 s 01 long 0 001 & 02274253 a 0000 | involving substantial risk; "long odds" 02274959 00 s 01 wildcat 0 001 & 02274253 a 0000 | outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices; "wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks"; "wildcat stock speculation"; "a wildcat airline"; "wildcat life insurance schemes" 02275209 00 a 01 sound 1 003 + 14546844 n 0101 ! 02275629 a 0101 & 02275412 a 0000 | in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay; "a sound timber"; "the wall is sound"; "a sound foundation" 02275412 00 s 03 solid 0 strong 0 substantial 0 003 & 02275209 a 0000 + 04761212 n 0302 + 04761212 n 0103 | of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings" 02275629 00 a 01 unsound 1 004 + 14560360 n 0101 ! 02275209 a 0101 & 02275803 a 0000 & 02275892 a 0000 | not in good condition; damaged or decayed; "an unsound foundation" 02275803 00 s 01 corroded 0 001 & 02275629 a 0000 | eaten away as by acid or oxidation 02275892 00 s 03 decayed 0 rotten 0 rotted 0 002 & 02275629 a 0000 + 14561102 n 0203 | damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless; "rotten floor boards"; "rotted beams"; "a decayed foundation" 02276088 00 a 01 effervescent 0 008 + 13471681 n 0101 + 04733347 n 0102 + 00519363 v 0104 ! 02276964 a 0101 & 02276305 a 0000 & 02276660 a 0000 & 02276752 a 0000 & 02276852 a 0000 | (of a liquid) giving off bubbles 02276305 00 s 07 bubbling 0 bubbly 0 foaming 0 foamy 0 frothy 0 effervescing 0 spumy 0 008 & 02276088 a 0000 + 09443641 n 0701 + 09282724 n 0502 + 04733347 n 0503 + 09282724 n 0401 + 04733539 n 0401 + 09229709 n 0201 + 04733347 n 0201 | emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer" 02276660 00 s 02 aerated 0 charged 0 001 & 02276088 a 0000 | supplied with carbon dioxide 02276752 00 s 02 fizzing 0 fizzy 0 002 & 02276088 a 0000 + 07919310 n 0201 | hissing and bubbling 02276852 00 s 01 carbonated 0 001 & 02276088 a 0000 | having carbonation (especially artificially carbonated) 02276964 00 a 01 noneffervescent 0 003 ! 02276088 a 0101 & 02277078 a 0000 & 02277182 a 0000 | not effervescent 02277078 00 s 01 flat 0 001 & 02276964 a 0000 | having lost effervescence; "flat beer"; "a flat cola" 02277182 00 s 02 noncarbonated 0 uncarbonated 0 001 & 02276964 a 0000 | not having carbonation 02277279 00 a 02 sparkling 0 effervescent 4 002 + 00519363 v 0204 ! 02277485 a 0101 | used of wines and waters; charged naturally or artificially with carbon dioxide; "sparkling wines"; "sparkling water" 02277485 00 a 02 still 0 noneffervescent 4 001 ! 02277279 a 0101 | not sparkling; "a still wine"; "still mineral water" 02277607 00 a 02 specialized 0 specialised 0 005 ^ 01103021 a 0000 ! 02278337 a 0101 & 02277829 a 0000 & 02278011 a 0000 & 02278195 a 0000 | developed or designed for a special activity or function; "a specialized tool" 02277829 00 s 01 differentiated 0 002 & 02277607 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | exhibiting biological specialization; adapted during development to a specific function or environment 02278011 00 s 01 special 0 002 & 02277607 a 0000 + 04763925 n 0102 | adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose; "a special kind of paint"; "a special medication for arthritis" 02278195 00 s 01 specialistic 0 003 & 02277607 a 0000 + 10632576 n 0101 + 10631941 n 0101 | showing focused training; "specialist training" 02278337 00 a 02 unspecialized 0 unspecialised 0 003 ^ 01101391 a 0000 ! 02277607 a 0101 & 02278513 a 0000 | not specialized or modified for a particular purpose or function 02278513 00 s 02 generalized 0 generalised 0 002 & 02278337 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment; "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal" 02278738 00 a 02 spinous 0 spiny 0 001 ! 02278842 a 0101 | having spines; "the dorsal fin is spinous" 02278842 00 a 01 spineless 0 001 ! 02278738 a 0101 | lacking spiny processes; "spineless fins" 02278939 00 a 01 spirited 0 019 ^ 00873603 a 0000 ^ 00885695 a 0000 ^ 00804695 a 0000 = 04631700 n 0000 + 04631700 n 0102 ! 02281325 a 0101 & 02279360 a 0000 & 02279523 a 0000 & 02279622 a 0000 & 02279723 a 0000 & 02279900 a 0000 & 02280090 a 0000 & 02280333 a 0000 & 02280457 a 0000 & 02280566 a 0000 & 02280680 a 0000 & 02280821 a 0000 & 02280969 a 0000 & 02281182 a 0000 | displaying animation, vigor, or liveliness 02279360 00 s 02 boisterous 0 knockabout 0 001 & 02278939 a 0000 | full of rough and exuberant animal spirits; "boisterous practical jokes"; "knockabout comedy" 02279523 00 s 01 con_brio 0 002 & 02278939 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | with liveliness or spirit 02279622 00 s 02 dashing 0 gallant 0 001 & 02278939 a 0000 | lively and spirited; "a dashing hero" 02279723 00 s 03 ebullient 0 exuberant 0 high-spirited 0 005 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04634161 n 0301 + 00857923 v 0201 + 07555647 n 0201 + 04634540 n 0103 | joyously unrestrained 02279900 00 s 03 feisty 0 plucky 0 spunky 0 004 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04857490 n 0304 + 04859816 n 0202 + 04859816 n 0203 | showing courage; "the champion is faced with a feisty challenger" 02280090 00 s 04 impertinent 0 irreverent 0 pert 0 saucy 0 004 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04632703 n 0301 + 04649651 n 0303 + 04649651 n 0101 | characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality; "a certain irreverent gaiety and ease of manner" 02280333 00 s 02 lively 0 racy 0 002 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04632157 n 0101 | full of zest or vigor; "a racy literary style" 02280457 00 s 01 mettlesome 0 002 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04634415 n 0101 | having a proud and unbroken spirit 02280566 00 s 01 resilient 0 001 & 02278939 a 0000 | recovering readily from adversity, depression, or the like 02280680 00 s 02 snappy 0 whipping 0 001 & 02278939 a 0000 | smart and fashionable; "snappy conversation"; "some sharp and whipping lines" 02280821 00 s 01 sprightly 0 002 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04632157 n 0104 | full of spirit and vitality; "a sprightly young girl"; "a sprightly dance" 02280969 00 s 02 vibrant 0 vivacious 0 002 & 02278939 a 0000 + 04634299 n 0201 | vigorous and animated; "a vibrant group that challenged the system"; "a charming and vivacious hostess"; "a vivacious folk dance" 02281182 00 s 04 zestful 0 yeasty 0 zesty 0 barmy 0 003 & 02278939 a 0000 + 07491981 n 0303 + 07491981 n 0104 | marked by spirited enjoyment 02281325 00 a 01 spiritless 0 010 ^ 00806512 a 0000 ^ 00887062 a 0000 = 04631700 n 0000 + 04636610 n 0104 ! 02278939 a 0101 & 02281611 a 0000 & 02281813 a 0000 & 02281938 a 0000 & 02282171 a 0000 & 02282277 a 0000 | lacking ardor or vigor or energy; "a spiritless reply to criticism" 02281611 00 s 01 apathetic 0 003 & 02281325 a 0000 + 07483622 n 0101 + 04636610 n 0101 | showing little or no emotion or animation; "a woman who became active rather than apathetic as she grew older" 02281813 00 s 01 bloodless 0 001 & 02281325 a 0000 | without vigor or zest or energy; "an insipid and bloodless young man" 02281938 00 s 02 dispirited 0 listless 0 003 & 02281325 a 0000 + 07484109 n 0203 + 07537668 n 0105 | marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm; "a dispirited and divided Party"; "reacted to the crisis with listless resignation" 02282171 00 s 01 heartless 0 002 & 02281325 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | devoid of courage or enthusiasm 02282277 00 s 01 thin 0 001 & 02281325 a 0000 | lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile" 02282376 00 a 02 spontaneous 0 self-generated 4 005 + 04786763 n 0101 ! 02283188 a 0101 & 02282651 a 0000 & 02282843 a 0000 & 02282985 a 0000 | happening or arising without apparent external cause; "spontaneous laughter"; "spontaneous combustion"; "a spontaneous abortion" 02282651 00 s 02 impulsive 0 unprompted 0 002 & 02282376 a 0000 + 04662504 n 0101 | proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus; "an impulsive gesture of affection" 02282843 00 s 01 intuitive 0 001 & 02282376 a 0000 | spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency; "an intuitive revulsion" 02282985 00 s 02 natural 0 instinctive 0 001 & 02282376 a 0000 | unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct; "a cat's natural aversion to water"; "offering to help was as instinctive as breathing" 02283188 00 a 01 induced 0 003 ! 02282376 a 0101 & 02283356 a 0000 & 02283525 a 0000 | brought about or caused; not spontaneous; "a case of steroid-induced weakness" 02283356 00 s 02 elicited 0 evoked 0 001 & 02283188 a 0000 | called forth from a latent or potential state by stimulation; "evoked potentials"; "an elicited response" 02283525 00 s 01 iatrogenic 0 002 & 02283188 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 | induced by a physician's words or therapy (used especially of a complication resulting from treatment) 02283703 00 a 01 spoken 0 006 ^ 00150202 a 0000 ! 02284578 a 0101 & 02284023 a 0000 & 02284169 a 0000 & 02284324 a 0000 & 02284423 a 0000 | uttered through the medium of speech or characterized by speech; sometimes used in combination; "a spoken message"; "the spoken language"; "a soft-spoken person"; "sharp-spoken" 02284023 00 s 04 expressed 0 uttered 0 verbalized 0 verbalised 0 001 & 02283703 a 0000 | communicated in words; "frequently uttered sentiments" 02284169 00 s 02 oral 0 unwritten 0 002 & 02283703 a 0000 + 07198846 n 0101 | using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement" 02284324 00 s 01 verbal 0 001 & 02283703 a 0000 | expressed in spoken words; "a verbal contract" 02284423 00 s 02 viva-voce 0 word-of-mouth 0 001 & 02283703 a 0000 | expressed orally; "a viva-voce report"; "the film had good word-of-mouth publicity" 02284578 00 a 01 written 0 012 ^ 02213270 a 0000 ! 02283703 a 0101 & 02284892 a 0000 & 02285035 a 0000 & 02285147 a 0000 & 02285278 a 0000 & 02285407 a 0000 & 02285480 a 0000 & 02285607 a 0000 & 02285739 a 0000 & 02285854 a 0000 & 02285969 a 0000 | set down in writing in any of various ways; "written evidence" 02284892 00 s 02 backhand 0 left-slanting 0 002 & 02284578 a 0000 ;c 00614730 n 0000 | (of handwriting) having the letters slanting backward 02285035 00 s 01 cursive 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | having successive letter joined together; "cursive script" 02285147 00 s 01 engrossed 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written formally in a large clear script, as a deed or other legal document 02285278 00 s 03 graphic 0 graphical 0 in_writing(p) 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written or drawn or engraved; "graphic symbols" 02285407 00 s 01 handwritten 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written by hand 02285480 00 s 01 holographic 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written wholly in the handwriting of the signer; "a holographic will" 02285607 00 s 01 inscribed 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written (by handwriting, printing, engraving, or carving) on or in a surface 02285739 00 s 01 longhand 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | having words written out in full by hand; "longhand writing" 02285854 00 s 01 scrivened 0 003 & 02284578 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 ;c 07092592 n 0000 | copied in handwriting 02285969 00 s 01 shorthand 0 001 & 02284578 a 0000 | written in abbreviated or symbolic form; "shorthand notes" 02286083 00 a 03 voiced 0 sonant 0 soft 0 002 + 07120364 n 0201 ! 02286294 a 0101 | produced with vibration of the vocal cords; "a frequently voiced opinion"; "voiced consonants such as `b' and `g' and `z'"; 02286294 00 a 04 unvoiced 0 voiceless 4 surd 0 hard 0 003 + 07130341 n 0204 ! 02286083 a 0101 & 02286507 a 0000 | produced without vibration of the vocal cords; "unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'" 02286507 00 s 01 whispered 0 001 & 02286294 a 0000 | spoken in soft hushed tones without vibrations of the vocal cords; "a long whispered conversation" 02286661 00 a 01 written 2 002 ! 02286927 a 0101 & 02286790 a 0000 | systematically collected and written down; "written laws" 02286790 00 s 02 codified 0 statute(p) 0 001 & 02286661 a 0000 | enacted by a legislative body; "statute law"; "codified written laws" 02286927 00 a 01 unwritten 0 002 ! 02286661 a 0101 & 02287175 a 0000 | based on custom rather than documentation; "an unwritten law"; "rites...so ancient that they well might have had their unwritten origins in Aurignacian times"- J.L.T.C.Spence 02287175 00 s 01 common-law(p) 0 001 & 02286927 a 0000 | based on common law; "a common-law right" 02287276 00 a 01 vocalic 2 004 + 07114712 n 0101 + 07112550 n 0101 ! 02287636 a 0101 & 02287510 a 0000 | being or containing or characterized by vowels; "vocalic sounds"; "the Gaelic language being uncommonly vocalic"- Walter Scott 02287510 00 s 01 vowellike 0 001 & 02287276 a 0000 | having characteristics of a vowel sound; "the vowellike nature of `r'" 02287636 00 a 01 consonantal 2 002 + 07115021 n 0101 ! 02287276 a 0101 | being or marked by or containing or functioning as a consonant; "consonantal sounds"; "a consonantal Hebrew text"; "consonantal alliteration"; "a consonantal cluster" 02287878 00 a 01 stoppable 0 002 ! 02288118 a 0101 & 02288022 a 0000 | capable of being stopped; "if we pick up our pace he may be stoppable" 02288022 00 s 01 abatable 0 002 & 02287878 a 0000 + 00245289 v 0102 | capable of being abated 02288118 00 a 01 unstoppable 0 002 ! 02287878 a 0101 & 02288252 a 0000 | not capable of being stopped; "as unstoppable as the wind" 02288252 00 s 01 unbeatable 0 001 & 02288118 a 0000 | hard to defeat; "an unbeatable ball team" 02288350 00 a 01 syllabic 2 001 ! 02288490 a 0101 | (of speech sounds) forming the nucleus of a syllable; "the syllabic 'nl' in 'riddle'" 02288490 00 a 01 nonsyllabic 2 001 ! 02288350 a 0101 | (of speech sounds) not forming or capable of forming the nucleus of a syllable; "initial 'l' in 'little' is nonsyllabic" 02288668 00 a 01 syllabic 0 009 + 06304671 n 0101 ! 02289738 a 0101 & 02288904 a 0000 & 02289018 a 0000 & 02289151 a 0000 & 02289287 a 0000 & 02289405 a 0000 & 02289543 a 0000 & 02289659 a 0000 | consisting of a syllable or syllables 02288904 00 s 01 disyllabic 0 001 & 02288668 a 0000 | having or characterized by or consisting of two syllables 02289018 00 s 01 monosyllabic 0 002 & 02288668 a 0000 + 06294309 n 0101 | having or characterized by or consisting of one syllable 02289151 00 s 01 octosyllabic 0 002 & 02288668 a 0000 + 07096425 n 0101 | having or characterized by or consisting of eight syllables 02289287 00 s 01 pentasyllabic 0 001 & 02288668 a 0000 | having or characterized by or consisting of five syllables 02289405 00 s 01 polysyllabic 0 002 & 02288668 a 0000 + 06302083 n 0101 | having or characterized by words of more than three syllables 02289543 00 s 01 decasyllabic 0 001 & 02288668 a 0000 | having or characterized by or consisting of ten syllables 02289659 00 s 01 syllabled 0 001 & 02288668 a 0000 | pronounced in syllables 02289738 00 a 02 nonsyllabic 0 unsyllabic 0 002 ! 02288668 a 0101 & 02290179 a 0000 | not forming a syllable or the nucleus of a syllable; consisting of a consonant sound accompanied in the same syllable by a vowel sound or consisting of a vowel sound dominated by other vowel sounds in a syllable (as the second vowel in a falling diphthong); "the nonsyllabic `n' in `botany' when it is pronounced `botny'"; "the nonsyllabic `i' in `oi'" 02290179 00 s 01 unsyllabled 0 001 & 02289738 a 0000 | not articulated in syllables 02290265 00 a 01 syllabic 1 002 ! 02290454 a 0101 ! 02290714 a 0101 | (of verse) having lines based on number of syllables rather than on rhythmical arrangement of stresses or quantities 02290454 00 a 01 accentual 1 003 + 07085375 n 0103 ! 02290714 a 0101 ! 02290265 a 0101 | (of verse) having a metric system based on stress rather than syllables or quantity; "accentual poetry is based on the number of stresses in a line"; "accentual rhythm" 02290714 00 a 01 quantitative 1 002 ! 02290265 a 0101 ! 02290454 a 0101 | (of verse) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables; "in typical Greek and Latin verse of the classical period the rhymic system is based on some arrangement of long and short elements" 02290998 00 a 01 stable 0 010 ^ 00583239 a 0000 ^ 01754421 a 0000 ^ 02301560 a 0000 + 04778401 n 0102 + 04738641 n 0102 ! 02291843 a 0101 & 02291336 a 0000 & 02291500 a 0000 & 02291632 a 0000 & 02291754 a 0000 | resistant to change of position or condition; "a stable ladder"; "a stable peace"; "a stable relationship"; "stable prices" 02291336 00 s 03 firm 2 steady 0 unfluctuating 0 002 & 02290998 a 0000 + 04777852 n 0102 | not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall; "stocks are still firm" 02291500 00 s 01 lasting 0 002 & 02290998 a 0000 + 05053688 n 0101 | lasting a long time without change; "a lasting relationship" 02291632 00 s 01 stabile 0 002 & 02290998 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | (chemistry, physics, biology) resistant to change 02291754 00 s 02 stabilized 0 stabilised 0 001 & 02290998 a 0000 | made stable or firm 02291843 00 a 01 unstable 0 015 ^ 01755627 a 0000 ^ 00583990 a 0000 ^ 02303077 a 0000 + 04775747 n 0102 ! 02290998 a 0101 & 02292303 a 0000 & 02292421 a 0000 & 02292573 a 0000 & 02292797 a 0000 & 02293141 a 0000 & 02293230 a 0000 & 02293386 a 0000 & 02293497 a 0000 & 02293592 a 0000 & 02293760 a 0000 | lacking stability or fixity or firmness; "unstable political conditions"; "the tower proved to be unstable in the high wind"; "an unstable world economy" 02292303 00 s 02 coseismic 0 coseismal 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | being where earthquake waves arrive simultaneously 02292421 00 s 04 crank 0 cranky 0 tender 0 tippy 0 002 & 02291843 a 0000 ;c 02858304 n 0000 | (used of boats) inclined to heel over easily under sail 02292573 00 s 02 explosive 0 volatile 0 002 & 02291843 a 0000 + 04628850 n 0203 | liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation" 02292797 00 s 04 rickety 0 shaky 0 wobbly 0 wonky 0 005 & 02291843 a 0000 + 07364700 n 0301 + 00867983 n 0203 + 14004572 n 0202 + 04775562 n 0102 | inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; "a rickety table"; "a wobbly chair with shaky legs"; "the ladder felt a little wobbly"; "the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky" 02293141 00 s 01 rocky 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | liable to rock; "on high rocky heels" 02293230 00 s 02 seismic 0 seismal 0 003 & 02291843 a 0000 + 07428954 n 0204 + 07428954 n 0104 | subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration 02293386 00 s 01 tipsy 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated; "a tipsy boat" 02293497 00 s 01 top-heavy 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | unstable by being overloaded at the top 02293592 00 s 01 tottering 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | (of structures or institutions) having lost stability; failing or on the point of collapse; "a tottering empire" 02293760 00 s 01 volcanic 0 001 & 02291843 a 0000 | explosively unstable; "a volcanic temper" 02293856 00 a 02 staccato 0 disconnected 2 004 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 14417697 n 0204 ! 02294263 a 0101 & 02294122 a 0000 | (music) marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply; "staccato applause"; "a staccato command"; "staccato notes" 02294122 00 s 02 abrupt 0 disconnected 0 001 & 02293856 a 0000 | marked by sudden changes in subject and sharp transitions; "abrupt prose" 02294263 00 a 02 legato 0 smooth 3 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 04709011 n 0201 ! 02293856 a 0101 | (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected; "a legato passage" 02294440 00 a 01 staged 0 001 ! 02294563 a 0101 | written for or performed on the stage; "a staged version of the novel" 02294563 00 a 01 unstaged 0 002 ! 02294440 a 0101 & 02294662 a 0000 | not performed on the stage 02294662 00 s 01 unperformed 0 001 & 02294563 a 0000 | not performed; "the author of numerous unperformed plays" 02294777 00 a 01 standard 1 006 ^ 01689880 a 0000 ! 02295867 a 0101 & 02295098 a 0000 & 02295298 a 0000 & 02295511 a 0000 & 02295710 a 0000 | established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence; "a standard reference work"; "the classical argument between free trade and protectionism" 02295098 00 s 04 authoritative 0 classical 0 classic 0 definitive 0 001 & 02294777 a 0000 | of recognized authority or excellence; "the definitive work on Greece"; "classical methods of navigation" 02295298 00 s 03 basic 0 canonic 0 canonical 2 001 & 02294777 a 0000 | reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality; "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern" 02295511 00 s 02 casebook 0 textbook 0 002 & 02294777 a 0000 + 06503034 n 0101 | according to or characteristic of a casebook or textbook; typical; "a casebook schizophrenic"; "a textbook example" 02295710 00 s 02 criterial 0 criterional 0 004 & 02294777 a 0000 + 07260623 n 0202 + 07260623 n 0102 + 05924920 n 0101 | serving as a basis for evaluation 02295867 00 a 01 nonstandard 0 001 ! 02294777 a 0101 | not standard; not accepted as a model of excellence; "a nonstandard text" 02295998 00 a 01 standard 2 008 ^ 01593649 a 0000 = 00033615 n 0000 ! 02297166 a 0101 & 02296415 a 0000 & 02296632 a 0000 & 02296824 a 0000 & 02296950 a 0000 & 02297089 a 0000 | conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure" 02296415 00 s 01 modular 0 003 & 02295998 a 0000 + 03778817 n 0101 + 03778600 n 0101 | constructed with standardized units or dimensions allowing flexibility and variety in use; "modular furniture"; "modular homes" 02296632 00 s 01 regular 0 002 & 02295998 a 0000 + 04767347 n 0101 | conforming to a standard or pattern; "following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet" 02296824 00 s 01 regulation 0 001 & 02295998 a 0000 | prescribed by or according to regulation; "regulation army equipment" 02296950 00 s 02 standardized 0 standardised 0 001 & 02295998 a 0000 | brought into conformity with a standard; "standardized education" 02297089 00 s 01 stock 0 001 & 02295998 a 0000 | routine; "a stock answer" 02297166 00 a 01 nonstandard 2 004 = 00033615 n 0000 ! 02295998 a 0101 & 02297409 a 0000 & 02297586 a 0000 | varying from or not adhering to a standard; "nonstandard windows"; "envelopes of nonstandard sizes"; "nonstandard lengths of board" 02297409 00 s 03 deficient 0 inferior 0 substandard 0 003 & 02297166 a 0000 + 13951444 n 0201 + 14449405 n 0102 | falling short of some prescribed norm; "substandard housing" 02297586 00 s 01 nonnormative 0 001 & 02297166 a 0000 | not based on a norm 02297664 00 a 02 standard 3 received 4 004 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 02298285 a 0101 & 02297966 a 0000 & 02298152 a 0000 | conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British) 02297966 00 s 01 acceptable 0 004 & 02297664 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 04792679 n 0101 + 04792679 n 0102 | judged to be in conformity with approved usage; "acceptable English usage" 02298152 00 s 01 classical 0 001 & 02297664 a 0000 | (language) having the form used by ancient standard authors; "classical Greek 02298285 00 a 01 nonstandard 3 004 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ! 02297664 a 0101 & 02298642 a 0000 & 02298766 a 0000 | not conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community; "a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups"; "the common core of nonstandard words and phrases in folk speech"- A.R.Dunlap 02298642 00 s 01 bad 0 003 & 02298285 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | nonstandard; "so-called bad grammar" 02298766 00 s 02 unacceptable 0 unaccepted 0 003 & 02298285 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 04793925 n 0102 | not conforming to standard usage; "the following use of `access' was judged unacceptable by a panel of linguists; `You can access your cash at any of 300 automatic tellers'" 02299048 00 a 01 starchy 0 003 + 15053867 n 0101 ! 02299366 a 0101 & 02299189 a 0000 | consisting of or containing starch; "starchy foods" 02299189 00 s 05 starchlike 0 amylaceous 0 amyloid 0 amyloidal 0 farinaceous 0 004 & 02299048 a 0000 + 15054862 n 0401 + 14730105 n 0401 + 15054862 n 0301 | resembling starch 02299366 00 a 01 starchless 0 001 ! 02299048 a 0101 | lacking starch 02299437 00 a 01 starry 0 007 + 09444783 n 0101 + 09444100 n 0101 ! 02300101 a 0101 & 02299673 a 0000 & 02299748 a 0000 & 02299889 a 0000 & 02300002 a 0000 | abounding with or resembling stars; "a starry night"; "starry illumination" 02299673 00 s 01 comet-like 0 001 & 02299437 a 0000 | resembling a comet 02299748 00 s 01 sparkling 0 001 & 02299437 a 0000 | shining with brilliant points of light like stars; "sparkling snow"; "sparkling eyes" 02299889 00 s 01 starlike 0 001 & 02299437 a 0000 | resembling a star; "they saw a starlike object in the sky" 02300002 00 s 01 starlit 0 001 & 02299437 a 0000 | lighted only by stars; "the starlit darkness" 02300101 00 a 01 starless 0 001 ! 02299437 a 0101 | not starry; having no stars or starlike objects; "dark starless nights" 02300227 00 a 01 nourished 0 006 ! 02300914 a 0101 & 02300413 a 0000 & 02300501 a 0000 & 02300624 a 0000 & 02300714 a 0000 & 02300786 a 0000 | being provided with adequate nourishment 02300413 00 s 01 corn-fed 0 001 & 02300227 a 0000 | fed on corn; "corn-fed livestock" 02300501 00 s 02 full 0 replete(p) 0 001 & 02300227 a 0000 | filled to satisfaction with food or drink; "a full stomach" 02300624 00 s 02 well-fed 0 well-nourished 0 001 & 02300227 a 0000 | properly nourished 02300714 00 s 01 overfed 0 001 & 02300227 a 0000 | too well nourished 02300786 00 s 01 stall-fed 0 001 & 02300227 a 0000 | (of livestock) kept and fed in a stall in order to fatten for the market 02300914 00 a 01 malnourished 0 006 ! 02300227 a 0101 & 02301107 a 0000 & 02301180 a 0000 & 02301338 a 0000 & 02301430 a 0000 & 02301489 a 0000 | not being provided with adequate nourishment 02301107 00 s 01 foodless 0 001 & 02300914 a 0000 | being without food 02301180 00 s 03 ill-fed 0 underfed 0 undernourished 0 001 & 02300914 a 0000 | not getting adequate food; "gaunt underfed children"; "badly undernourished" 02301338 00 s 02 starved 0 starving 0 001 & 02300914 a 0000 | suffering from lack of food 02301430 00 s 01 unfed 0 001 & 02300914 a 0000 | not fed 02301489 00 s 01 unnourished 0 001 & 02300914 a 0000 | not nourished 02301560 00 a 01 steady 0 012 ^ 00909545 a 0000 ^ 02290998 a 0000 ^ 00087152 a 0000 + 04770068 n 0101 ! 02303077 a 0101 & 02301969 a 0000 & 02302187 a 0000 & 02302366 a 0000 & 02302537 a 0000 & 02302705 a 0000 & 02302822 a 0000 & 02302941 a 0000 | not subject to change or variation especially in behavior; "a steady beat"; "a steady job"; "a steady breeze"; "a steady increase"; "a good steady ballplayer" 02301969 00 s 03 dependable 0 rock-steady 0 steady-going 0 003 & 02301560 a 0000 + 04670022 n 0102 + 04670022 n 0101 | consistent in performance or behavior; "dependable in one's habits"; "a steady-going family man" 02302187 00 s 02 even 0 regular 0 003 & 02301560 a 0000 + 04767347 n 0201 + 04769456 n 0101 | occurring at fixed intervals; "a regular beat"; "the even rhythm of his breathing" 02302366 00 s 01 firm 0 001 & 02301560 a 0000 | (of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling; "his voice was firm and confident"; "a firm step" 02302537 00 s 02 level 0 unwavering 0 001 & 02301560 a 0000 | not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a level voice"; "she gave him a level look"- Louis Auchincloss 02302705 00 s 01 steadied 0 001 & 02301560 a 0000 | made steady or constant; "the noise became a steadied roaring" 02302822 00 s 01 sure 0 002 & 02301560 a 0000 + 04778267 n 0101 | certain not to fail; "a sure hand on the throttle" 02302941 00 s 03 surefooted 0 sure-footed 0 footsure 0 001 & 02301560 a 0000 | not liable to stumble or fall; "on surefooted donkeys" 02303077 00 a 01 unsteady 0 019 ^ 00085264 a 0000 ^ 01960656 a 0000 ^ 00911327 a 0000 ^ 02291843 a 0000 + 04773182 n 0101 ! 02301560 a 0101 & 02303575 a 0000 & 02303754 a 0000 & 02304035 a 0000 & 02304119 a 0000 & 02304208 a 0000 & 02304322 a 0000 & 02304565 a 0000 & 02304987 a 0000 & 02305176 a 0000 & 02305394 a 0000 & 02305484 a 0000 & 02305651 a 0000 & 02305786 a 0000 | subject to change or variation; "her unsteady walk"; "his hand was unsteady as he poured the wine"; "an unsteady voice" 02303575 00 s 03 arrhythmic 0 jerking 0 jerky 0 004 & 02303077 a 0000 + 00335988 n 0301 + 04770535 n 0302 + 14110674 n 0102 | lacking a steady rhythm; "an arrhythmic heartbeat" 02303754 00 s 03 convulsive 0 spasmodic 0 spastic 0 004 & 02303077 a 0000 + 04771738 n 0301 + 01389007 v 0101 + 01388813 v 0101 | affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions; resembling a spasm; "convulsive motions"; "his body made a spasmodic jerk"; "spastic movements" 02304035 00 s 01 faltering 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | unsteady in speech or action 02304119 00 s 02 flickering 0 aflicker(p) 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | shining unsteadily 02304208 00 s 01 fluctuating 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | having unpredictable ups and downs; "fluctuating prices" 02304322 00 s 02 palpitant 0 palpitating 0 004 & 02303077 a 0000 + 01889392 v 0101 + 01889129 v 0103 + 01879928 v 0101 | having a slight and rapid trembling motion; "palpitant movements rather than violent eruptions"; "my palpitating heart" 02304565 00 s 03 shaky 0 shivering 0 trembling 0 002 & 02303077 a 0000 + 14004572 n 0102 | vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze; "a quaking bog"; "the quaking child asked for more"; "quivering leaves of a poplar tree"; "with shaking knees"; "seemed shaky on her feet"; "sparkling light from the shivering crystals of the chandelier"; "trembling hands" 02304987 00 s 02 quavering 0 tremulous 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear; "the old lady's quavering voice"; "spoke timidly in a tremulous voice" 02305176 00 s 02 shifting 0 shifty 0 003 & 02303077 a 0000 + 04734698 n 0201 + 00331655 n 0201 | changing position or direction; "he drifted into the shifting crowd"; "their nervous shifting glances"; "shifty winds" 02305394 00 s 01 shuddering 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | shaking convulsively or violently 02305484 00 s 02 tottering 0 tottery 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | unsteady in gait as from infirmity or old age; "a tottering skeleton of a horse"; "a tottery old man" 02305651 00 s 01 uneven 5 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | variable and recurring at irregular intervals ; "an uneven gait"; "uneven spacing" 02305786 00 s 01 wobbling 0 001 & 02303077 a 0000 | (of sound) fluctuating unsteadily; "a low-pitched wobbling sound" 02305906 00 a 01 stemmed 0 001 ! 02306080 a 0101 | having a stem or stems or having a stem as specified; often used in combination; "stemmed goblets"; "long-stemmed roses" 02306080 00 a 01 stemless 0 002 ! 02305906 a 0101 & 02306192 a 0000 | not having a stem; "stemless glassware" 02306192 00 s 01 stemmed 2 001 & 02306080 a 0000 | having the stem removed; "stemmed berries" 02306288 00 a 01 stimulating 0 011 ^ 00921014 a 0000 ^ 01343918 a 0000 ^ 01356683 a 0000 ^ 01560513 a 0000 ^ 02309341 a 0000 ! 02307367 a 0101 & 02306598 a 0000 & 02306763 a 0000 & 02306874 a 0000 & 02307026 a 0000 & 02307199 a 0000 | rousing or quickening activity or the senses; "a stimulating discussion" 02306598 00 s 02 challenging 0 thought-provoking 0 001 & 02306288 a 0000 | stimulating interest or thought; "a challenging hypothesis"; "a thought-provoking book" 02306763 00 s 01 exciting 0 001 & 02306288 a 0000 | stimulating interest and discussion; "an exciting novel" 02306874 00 s 02 piquant 0 salty 0 002 & 02306288 a 0000 + 07072838 n 0201 | engagingly stimulating or provocative; "a piquant wit"; "salty language" 02307026 00 s 02 rousing 0 stirring 0 001 & 02306288 a 0000 | capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement; "a rousing sermon"; "stirring events such as wars and rescues" 02307199 00 s 01 thrilling 0 001 & 02306288 a 0000 | causing quivering or shivering as by cold or fear or electric shock; "a thrilling wind blew off the frozen lake" 02307367 00 a 02 unstimulating 0 unexciting 4 007 ^ 00922594 a 0000 ^ 01344963 a 0000 ^ 01561564 a 0000 ! 02306288 a 0101 & 02307563 a 0000 & 02307729 a 0000 & 02308001 a 0000 | not stimulating 02307563 00 s 02 bland 0 flat 0 002 & 02307367 a 0000 + 07069747 n 0201 | lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting; "a bland little drama"; "a flat joke" 02307729 00 s 02 dry 0 juiceless 0 001 & 02307367 a 0000 | lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless; "a dry book"; "a dry lecture filled with trivial details"; "dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life"- John Mason Brown 02308001 00 s 01 vapid 0 003 & 02307367 a 0000 + 05206573 n 0105 + 05206573 n 0104 | lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest; "a vapid conversation"; "a vapid smile"; "a bunch of vapid schoolgirls" 02308214 00 a 01 depressant 0 007 + 04166553 n 0103 + 01814396 v 0101 ! 02309341 a 0101 & 02308472 a 0000 & 02308840 a 0000 & 02309004 a 0000 & 02309187 a 0000 | capable of depressing physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent 02308472 00 s 07 ataractic 0 ataraxic 0 sedative 0 tranquilizing 0 tranquillizing 0 tranquilising 0 tranquillising 0 006 & 02308214 a 0000 + 04166553 n 0301 + 00022316 v 0301 + 04904560 n 0201 + 04470232 n 0107 + 04904560 n 0101 | tending to soothe or tranquilize; "valium has a tranquilizing effect"; "took a hot drink with sedative properties before going to bed" 02308840 00 s 03 narcotic 0 narcotizing 0 narcotising 0 003 & 02308214 a 0000 + 03808564 n 0101 + 05682055 n 0101 | inducing stupor or narcosis; "narcotic drugs" 02309004 00 s 01 relaxant 0 004 & 02308214 a 0000 + 04072811 n 0101 + 00025654 v 0101 + 00026385 v 0101 | tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension; "a relaxant drug" 02309187 00 s 06 soporific 0 soporiferous 0 somniferous 0 somnific 0 hypnogogic 0 hypnagogic 0 002 & 02308214 a 0000 + 04260934 n 0101 | sleep inducing 02309341 00 a 01 stimulative 0 010 ^ 02306288 a 0000 + 02116118 v 0101 + 00503164 v 0101 + 00022686 v 0101 ! 02308214 a 0101 & 02309668 a 0000 & 02309800 a 0000 & 02309971 a 0000 & 02310185 a 0000 & 02310371 a 0000 | capable of arousing or accelerating physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent 02309668 00 s 02 adrenocorticotropic 0 adrenocorticotrophic 0 001 & 02309341 a 0000 | stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex 02309800 00 s 01 analeptic 0 002 & 02309341 a 0000 + 02707547 n 0101 | stimulating the central nervous system; "an analeptic drug stimulates the central nervous system" 02309971 00 s 03 excitant 0 excitative 0 excitatory 0 006 & 02309341 a 0000 + 00559102 v 0301 + 00503164 v 0302 + 02116118 v 0102 + 01762528 v 0106 + 00503164 v 0102 | (of drugs e.g.) able to excite or stimulate 02310185 00 s 02 irritating 0 irritative 0 003 & 02309341 a 0000 + 00503715 v 0201 + 00063291 v 0201 | (used of physical stimuli) serving to stimulate or excite; "an irritative agent" 02310371 00 s 02 stimulant 0 stimulating 0 004 & 02309341 a 0000 + 02116118 v 0101 + 00794079 v 0102 + 00503164 v 0101 | that stimulates; "stimulant phenomena" 02310533 00 a 01 stomatous 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05246215 n 0101 ! 02310771 a 0101 & 02310679 a 0000 | having a mouth or mouthlike opening 02310679 00 s 01 mouthlike 0 001 & 02310533 a 0000 | of an opening that resembles a mouth 02310771 00 a 02 astomatous 0 mouthless 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02310533 a 0101 | having no mouth or mouthlike opening 02310895 00 a 01 straight 1 008 ^ 00760916 a 0000 ^ 01233347 a 0000 = 05064037 n 0000 + 05074057 n 0101 ! 02311544 a 0101 & 02311190 a 0000 & 02311293 a 0000 & 02311442 a 0000 | having no deviations; "straight lines"; "straight roads across the desert"; "straight teeth"; "straight shoulders" 02311190 00 s 01 aligned 0 001 & 02310895 a 0000 | in a straight line; "pearly teeth evenly aligned" 02311293 00 s 01 unbent 0 001 & 02310895 a 0000 | not bent; "looking for an unbent nail"; "trees with straight unbent trunks make the best lumber" 02311442 00 s 01 untwisted 0 001 & 02310895 a 0000 | not twisted; formerly twisted but now straight 02311544 00 a 01 crooked 1 021 ^ 02317327 a 0000 ^ 00762355 a 0000 = 05064037 n 0000 + 05074218 n 0101 ! 02310895 a 0101 & 02312060 a 0000 & 02312250 a 0000 & 02312354 a 0000 & 02312450 a 0000 & 02312719 a 0000 & 02312918 a 0000 & 02313138 a 0000 & 02313235 a 0000 & 02313454 a 0000 & 02313563 a 0000 & 02313676 a 0000 & 02313784 a 0000 & 02314070 a 0000 & 02314236 a 0000 & 02314371 a 0000 & 02314451 a 0000 | having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned; "crooked country roads"; "crooked teeth" 02312060 00 s 01 akimbo(ip) 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | (used of arms and legs) bent outward with the joint away from the body; "a tailor sitting with legs akimbo"; "stood with arms akimbo" 02312250 00 s 01 anfractuous 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | full of twists and turns; "anfractuous cliffs" 02312354 00 s 02 aquiline 0 hooked 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | curved down like an eagle's beak 02312450 00 s 06 askew 0 awry(p) 0 cockeyed 0 lopsided 0 wonky 0 skew-whiff 0 002 & 02311544 a 0000 + 05066195 n 0401 | turned or twisted toward one side; "a...youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry"- G.K.Chesterton; "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff" 02312719 00 s 03 contorted 2 writhed 0 writhen 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | twisted (especially as in pain or struggle); "his mad contorted smile"; "writhed lips"; "my writhen features"- Walter scott 02312918 00 s 02 deflective 0 refractive 0 006 & 02311544 a 0000 + 05011568 n 0202 + 02111838 v 0201 + 00920929 v 0201 + 05011568 n 0201 + 02033805 v 0101 | capable of changing the direction (of a light or sound wave) 02313138 00 s 01 geniculate 0 002 & 02311544 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | bent at a sharp angle 02313235 00 s 05 gnarled 0 gnarly 0 knotted 0 knotty 0 knobbed 0 002 & 02311544 a 0000 + 13885836 n 0202 | used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots; "gnarled and knotted hands"; "a knobbed stick" 02313454 00 s 01 malposed 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | characterized by malposition; "crooked malposed teeth" 02313563 00 s 01 reflexed 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | (of leaves) bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees 02313676 00 s 01 squiggly 0 003 & 02311544 a 0000 + 06404416 n 0101 + 06801033 n 0101 | wavy and twisting 02313784 00 s 05 tortuous 0 twisting 0 twisty 0 winding 0 voluminous 0 003 & 02311544 a 0000 + 13885370 n 0102 + 13885370 n 0101 | marked by repeated turns and bends; "a tortuous road up the mountain"; "winding roads are full of surprises"; "had to steer the car down a twisty track" 02314070 00 s 01 warped 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | used especially of timbers or boards; bent out of shape usually by moisture; "the floors were warped and cracked" 02314236 00 s 01 windblown 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | used especially of trees; growing in a shape determined by the prevailing winds 02314371 00 s 01 wry 0 001 & 02311544 a 0000 | bent to one side; "a wry neck" 02314451 00 s 02 zigzag 0 zig-zag 0 003 & 02311544 a 0000 + 13887319 n 0201 + 13887319 n 0101 | having short sharp turns or angles 02314584 00 a 01 straight 5 005 + 04331126 n 0102 + 05074057 n 0101 ! 02315002 a 0101 & 02314756 a 0000 & 02314919 a 0000 | free from curves or angles; "a straight line" 02314756 00 s 02 trabeated 0 trabeate 0 002 & 02314584 a 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 | not arcuate; having straight horizontal beams or lintels (rather than arches) 02314919 00 s 02 uncurved 0 uncurving 0 001 & 02314584 a 0000 | having no curves 02315002 00 a 02 curved 0 curving 0 015 ! 02314584 a 0101 & 02315461 a 0000 & 02315648 a 0000 & 02315808 a 0000 & 02315914 a 0000 & 02316071 a 0000 & 02316253 a 0000 & 02316366 a 0000 & 02316524 a 0000 & 02316626 a 0000 & 02316718 a 0000 & 02316820 a 0000 & 02316992 a 0000 & 02317145 a 0000 & 02317258 a 0000 | having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend; "the curved tusks of a walrus"; "his curved lips suggested a smile but his eyes were hard" 02315461 00 s 06 arced 0 arched 0 arching 0 arciform 0 arcuate 0 bowed 0 003 & 02315002 a 0000 ;c 06123363 n 0000 + 13874384 n 0501 | forming or resembling an arch; "an arched ceiling" 02315648 00 s 02 curvilineal 0 curvilinear 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | characterized by or following a curved line; "curvilinear tracery"; "curvilinear motion" 02315808 00 s 01 eellike 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | resembling an eel in being long and thin and sinuous 02315914 00 s 03 falcate 0 falciform 0 sickle-shaped 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | curved like a sickle; "a falcate leaf"; "falcate claws"; "the falcate moon" 02316071 00 s 02 curvy 0 curvey 0 005 & 02315002 a 0000 + 05072663 n 0202 + 02829696 n 0202 + 05072663 n 0102 + 02829696 n 0102 | having curves; "a settee with only one curvy end" 02316253 00 s 01 flexuous 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | having turns or windings; "the flexuous bed of the stream" 02316366 00 s 02 hooklike 0 hooked 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | having or resembling a hook (especially in the ability to grasp and hold); "hooklike thorns"; 02316524 00 s 02 incurvate 0 incurved 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | bent into or having an inward curve 02316626 00 s 02 recurved 0 recurvate 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | curved backward or inward 02316718 00 s 01 semicircular 0 002 & 02315002 a 0000 + 13874251 n 0101 | curved into a half circle 02316820 00 s 03 serpentine 0 snaky 0 snakelike 0 002 & 02315002 a 0000 + 01726692 n 0201 | resembling a serpent in form; "a serpentine wall"; "snaky ridges in the sand" 02316992 00 s 03 sinuate 0 sinuous 0 wiggly 0 003 & 02315002 a 0000 + 13885207 n 0202 + 13885207 n 0201 | curved or curving in and out; "wiggly lines" 02317145 00 s 01 sinusoidal 0 002 & 02315002 a 0000 + 13909190 n 0102 | having a succession of waves or curves 02317258 00 s 01 upcurved 0 001 & 02315002 a 0000 | curving upward 02317327 00 a 01 coiled 0 006 ! 02318272 a 0101 & 02317598 a 0000 & 02317800 a 0000 & 02317942 a 0000 & 02318057 a 0000 & 02318207 a 0000 | curled or wound (especially in concentric rings or spirals); "a coiled snake ready to strike"; "the rope lay coiled on the deck" 02317598 00 s 08 coiling 0 helical 0 spiral 0 spiraling 0 volute 0 voluted 0 whorled 1 turbinate 0 004 & 02317327 a 0000 + 04279666 n 0502 + 03065424 n 0503 + 03065424 n 0205 | in the shape of a coil 02317800 00 s 02 convolute 0 convoluted 0 002 & 02317327 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | rolled longitudinally upon itself; "a convolute petal" 02317942 00 s 01 involute 0 001 & 02317327 a 0000 | (of some shells) closely coiled so that the axis is obscured 02318057 00 s 02 involute 2 rolled 0 002 & 02317327 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | especially of petals or leaves in bud; having margins rolled inward 02318207 00 s 01 wound 0 001 & 02317327 a 0000 | put in a coil 02318272 00 a 02 uncoiled 0 straight 2 002 ! 02317327 a 0101 & 02318372 a 0000 | no longer coiled 02318372 00 s 01 uncurled 0 001 & 02318272 a 0000 | not curled; "lay uncurled on the bed" 02318464 00 a 02 straight 4 square 4 008 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 01395617 a 0000 = 04871374 n 0000 + 04872016 n 0102 ! 02319129 a 0101 & 02318728 a 0000 & 02318950 a 0000 & 02319034 a 0000 | characterized by honesty and fairness; "straight dealing"; "a square deal" 02318728 00 s 02 aboveboard 0 straightforward 0 002 & 02318464 a 0000 + 04918498 n 0202 | without concealment or deception; honest; "their business was open and aboveboard"; "straightforward in all his business affairs" 02318950 00 s 02 guileless 0 transparent 0 001 & 02318464 a 0000 | free of deceit 02319034 00 s 01 straightarrow(a) 0 001 & 02318464 a 0000 | conventionally moral and upright 02319129 00 a 02 crooked 2 corrupt 4 007 ^ 01222884 a 0000 ^ 01396047 a 0000 = 04871374 n 0000 + 04853948 n 0201 + 04875556 n 0101 ! 02318464 a 0101 & 02319346 a 0000 | not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive 02319346 00 s 03 sneaky 0 underhand 0 underhanded 0 003 & 02319129 a 0000 + 10616048 n 0101 + 04657631 n 0102 | marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods" 02319538 00 a 02 stressed 0 accented 0 003 ! 02320117 a 0101 & 02319765 a 0000 & 02319922 a 0000 | bearing a stress or accent; "an iambic foot consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable as in `delay'" 02319765 00 s 03 emphatic 0 emphasized 0 emphasised 0 003 & 02319538 a 0000 + 07085375 n 0102 + 05037394 n 0102 | spoken with emphasis; "an emphatic word" 02319922 00 s 01 masculine 0 002 & 02319538 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (music or poetry) ending on an accented beat or syllable; "a masculine cadence"; "the masculine rhyme of `annoy, enjoy'" 02320117 00 a 01 unstressed 0 004 ! 02319538 a 0101 & 02320289 a 0000 & 02320442 a 0000 & 02320680 a 0000 | not bearing a stress or accent; "short vowels are unstressed" 02320289 00 s 01 feminine 0 002 & 02320117 a 0000 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (music or poetry) ending on an unaccented beat or syllable; "a feminine ending" 02320442 00 s 03 unaccented 0 light 0 weak 0 001 & 02320117 a 0000 | (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress; "a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable"; "a weak stress on the second syllable" 02320680 00 s 01 unemphatic 0 001 & 02320117 a 0000 | not emphasized 02320751 00 a 02 tonic 0 accented 4 001 ! 02320886 a 0101 | used of syllables; "a tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word" 02320886 00 a 02 atonic 0 unaccented 4 001 ! 02320751 a 0101 | used of syllables; "an atonic syllable carries no stress" 02321009 00 a 01 strong 0 023 ^ 01825671 a 0000 ^ 02037708 a 0000 ^ 00707366 a 0000 ^ 02447344 a 0000 = 05029706 n 0000 ! 02324397 a 0101 & 02321575 a 0000 & 02321702 a 0000 & 02321809 a 0000 & 02322157 a 0000 & 02322248 a 0000 & 02322391 a 0000 & 02322512 a 0000 & 02322704 a 0000 & 02322885 a 0000 & 02323072 a 0000 & 02323204 a 0000 & 02323358 a 0000 & 02323521 a 0000 & 02323726 a 0000 & 02323823 a 0000 & 02324005 a 0000 & 02324165 a 0000 | having strength or power greater than average or expected; "a strong radio signal"; "strong medicine"; "a strong man" 02321575 00 s 01 beardown(a) 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | with full strength; "his beardown performance in the exhibition game" 02321702 00 s 01 beefed-up 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | made greater or stronger; "beefed-up sales efforts" 02321809 00 s 05 brawny 0 hefty 0 muscular 0 powerful 1 sinewy 0 008 & 02321009 a 0000 + 05030418 n 0505 + 05030418 n 0303 + 05030418 n 0304 + 05027837 n 0201 + 05027837 n 0202 + 05030418 n 0101 + 05030418 n 0102 | (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful; "a hefty athlete"; "a muscular boxer"; "powerful arms" 02322157 00 s 01 bullnecked 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | having a thick short powerful neck 02322248 00 s 01 bullocky 0 002 & 02321009 a 0000 + 02403820 n 0101 | resembling a bullock in strength and power; "thick bullocky shoulders" 02322391 00 s 01 fortified 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | having something added to increase the strength; "fortified wine" 02322512 00 s 03 hard 0 knockout 0 severe 0 002 & 02321009 a 0000 + 05036715 n 0303 | very strong or vigorous; "strong winds"; "a hard left to the chin"; "a knockout punch"; "a severe blow" 02322704 00 s 02 industrial-strength 0 weapons-grade 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | extremely strong or concentrated or durable; "industrial-strength detergent"; "weapons-grade salsa" 02322885 00 s 01 ironlike 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | exhibiting strength or hardness like that of iron; "ironlike determination"; "ironlike nerves"; "ironlike discipline of the Marines" 02323072 00 s 02 knock-down(a) 0 powerful 2 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | strong enough to knock down or overwhelm; "a knock-down blow" 02323204 00 s 01 noticeable 0 004 & 02321009 a 0000 + 04706290 n 0102 + 04706290 n 0103 + 02118476 v 0101 | readily noticed; "a noticeable resemblance" 02323358 00 s 02 reinforced 0 strengthened 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | given added strength or support; "reinforced concrete contains steel bars or metal netting" 02323521 00 s 01 robust 0 002 & 02321009 a 0000 + 04920000 n 0101 | strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity; "the experiment yielded robust results"; "a robust faith" 02323726 00 s 01 stiff 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | powerful; "a stiff current"; "a stiff breeze" 02323823 00 s 01 vehement 0 002 & 02321009 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0105 | characterized by great force or energy; "vehement deluges of rain"; "vehement clapping"; "a vehement defense" 02324005 00 s 01 virile 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | characterized by energy and vigor; "a virile and ever stronger free society"; "a new and virile leadership" 02324165 00 s 02 well-knit 0 well-set 0 001 & 02321009 a 0000 | strongly and firmly constructed; "a well-knit argument"; "a well-knit theatrical production"; "well-knit athletes"; "a sailor short but well-set"- Alexander Hamilton 02324397 00 a 01 weak 0 017 ^ 00705891 a 0000 ^ 02448166 a 0000 ^ 01827535 a 0000 = 05029706 n 0000 + 05040275 n 0101 ! 02321009 a 0101 & 02324781 a 0000 & 02324944 a 0000 & 02325097 a 0000 & 02325304 a 0000 & 02325484 a 0000 & 02325642 a 0000 & 02325816 a 0000 & 02325984 a 0000 & 02326342 a 0000 & 02326482 a 0000 & 02326621 a 0000 | wanting in physical strength; "a weak pillar" 02324781 00 s 02 anemic 0 anaemic 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 14372738 n 0202 + 14372738 n 0101 | lacking vigor or energy; "an anemic attempt to hit the baseball" 02324944 00 s 04 adynamic 0 asthenic 0 debilitated 0 enervated 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 14547976 n 0201 + 14547976 n 0202 | lacking strength or vigor 02325097 00 s 02 faint 0 feeble 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 05040939 n 0201 + 05041165 n 0101 | lacking strength or vigor; "damning with faint praise"; "faint resistance"; "feeble efforts"; "a feeble voice" 02325304 00 s 02 feeble 2 lame 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 14472900 n 0201 + 05040939 n 0101 | pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness; "a feeble excuse"; "a lame argument" 02325484 00 s 01 flimsy 1 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 14969254 n 0102 + 05041320 n 0101 | lacking solidity or strength; "a flimsy table"; "flimsy construction" 02325642 00 s 02 jerry-built 0 shoddy 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 05140593 n 0201 + 05041320 n 0202 | of inferior workmanship and materials; "mean little jerry-built houses" 02325816 00 s 04 namby-pamby 0 gutless 0 spineless 0 wishy-washy 0 003 & 02324397 a 0000 + 04889966 n 0301 + 10344319 n 0101 | weak in willpower, courage or vitality 02325984 00 s 04 pale 0 pallid 0 wan 0 sick 0 002 & 02324397 a 0000 + 04975612 n 0101 | (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble; "the pale light of a half moon"; "a pale sun"; "the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street"; "a pallid sky"; "the pale (or wan) stars"; "the wan light of dawn" 02326342 00 s 01 puny 0 002 & 02324397 a 0000 + 05173205 n 0104 | inferior in strength or significance; "a puny physique"; "puny excuses" 02326482 00 s 01 vulnerable 0 002 & 02324397 a 0000 + 14543931 n 0101 | capable of being wounded or hurt; "vulnerable parts of the body" 02326621 00 s 01 weakened 0 001 & 02324397 a 0000 | made weak or weaker 02326695 00 a 03 stubborn 0 obstinate 0 unregenerate 1 014 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 02451951 a 0000 ^ 01025913 a 0000 + 04863074 n 0101 ! 02328659 a 0101 & 02327078 a 0000 & 02327315 a 0000 & 02327428 a 0000 & 02327569 a 0000 & 02328012 a 0000 & 02328108 a 0000 & 02328297 a 0000 & 02328445 a 0000 & 02328559 a 0000 | tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield 02327078 00 s 02 bloody-minded 0 cantankerous 0 002 & 02326695 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | stubbornly obstructive and unwilling to cooperate; "unions...have never been as bloody-minded about demarcation as the shipbuilders"- Spectator 02327315 00 s 02 bolshy 0 stroppy 0 003 & 02326695 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | obstreperous 02327428 00 s 03 bullheaded 0 bullet-headed 0 pigheaded 0 003 & 02326695 a 0000 + 04863074 n 0305 + 04863074 n 0102 | obstinate and stupid 02327569 00 s 06 dogged 0 dour 0 persistent 0 pertinacious 0 tenacious 0 unyielding 0 007 & 02326695 a 0000 + 04863793 n 0603 + 04864515 n 0506 + 04864515 n 0505 + 04864515 n 0407 + 04864515 n 0303 + 04864515 n 0101 | stubbornly unyielding; "dogged persistence"; "dour determination"; "the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics"; "a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it"- T.S.Eliot; "men tenacious of opinion" 02328012 00 s 02 contrarious 0 cross-grained 0 001 & 02326695 a 0000 | difficult to deal with 02328108 00 s 01 determined 0 001 & 02326695 a 0000 | devoting full strength and concentrated attention to; "made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters" 02328297 00 s 02 hardheaded 0 mulish 0 002 & 02326695 a 0000 + 04908835 n 0204 | unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack 02328445 00 s 01 stiff-necked 0 001 & 02326695 a 0000 | haughtily stubborn; "a stiff-necked old Boston brahmin" 02328559 00 s 02 strong-minded 0 strong-willed 0 001 & 02326695 a 0000 | having a determined will 02328659 00 a 01 docile 0 007 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 02451113 a 0000 + 04905697 n 0101 ! 02326695 a 0101 & 02328916 a 0000 & 02329075 a 0000 & 02329220 a 0000 | willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed; "the docile masses of an enslaved nation" 02328916 00 s 02 meek 0 tame 0 003 & 02328659 a 0000 + 04905842 n 0201 + 07509325 n 0101 | very docile; "tame obedience"; "meek as a mouse"- Langston Hughes 02329075 00 s 02 sheeplike 0 sheepish 0 001 & 02328659 a 0000 | like or suggestive of a sheep in docility or stupidity or meekness or timidity 02329220 00 s 01 yielding 0 001 & 02328659 a 0000 | inclined to yield to argument or influence or control; "a timid yielding person" 02329355 00 a 01 subordinate 2 007 ^ 00788821 a 0000 ^ 00792991 a 0000 ! 02330336 a 0101 & 02329606 a 0000 & 02329765 a 0000 & 02329864 a 0000 & 02330064 a 0000 | subject or submissive to authority or the control of another; "a subordinate kingdom" 02329606 00 s 01 feudatory 0 001 & 02329355 a 0000 | owing feudal allegiance to or being subject to a sovereign; "it remained feudatory to India until 1365" 02329765 00 s 01 ruled 0 001 & 02329355 a 0000 | subject to a ruling authority; "the ruled mass" 02329864 00 s 02 subject 0 dependent 0 003 & 02329355 a 0000 + 08499840 n 0202 + 09625401 n 0102 | being under the power or sovereignty of another or others; "subject peoples"; "a dependent prince" 02330064 00 s 01 subservient 0 002 & 02329355 a 0000 + 13952466 n 0102 | compliant and obedient to authority; "editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones"-G. B. Shaw 02330336 00 a 01 insubordinate 0 006 ^ 00695523 a 0000 ! 02329355 a 0101 & 02330574 a 0000 & 02330762 a 0000 & 02330935 a 0000 & 02331088 a 0000 | not submissive to authority; "a history of insubordinate behavior"; "insubordinate boys" 02330574 00 s 01 contumacious 0 003 & 02330336 a 0000 + 01179564 n 0101 + 01180858 n 0101 | wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient; "a contumaceous witness is subject to punishment" 02330762 00 s 02 disobedient 0 unruly 0 004 & 02330336 a 0000 + 04908396 n 0201 + 04909414 n 0101 + 02543181 v 0101 | unwilling to submit to authority; "unruly teenagers" 02330935 00 s 01 mutinous 0 002 & 02330336 a 0000 + 00963896 n 0101 | disposed to or in a state of mutiny; "the men became mutinous and insubordinate" 02331088 00 s 01 rebellious 0 003 & 02330336 a 0000 + 01177327 n 0101 + 01179393 n 0102 | resisting control or authority; "temperamentally rebellious"; "a rebellious crew" 02331262 00 a 01 successful 0 017 ^ 01047874 a 0000 ^ 01865197 a 0000 ^ 00695024 a 0000 = 14474894 n 0000 + 14474052 n 0102 ! 02333453 a 0101 & 02331721 a 0000 & 02331857 a 0000 & 02332204 a 0000 & 02332286 a 0000 & 02332421 a 0000 & 02332604 a 0000 & 02332704 a 0000 & 02332845 a 0000 & 02332956 a 0000 & 02333147 a 0000 & 02333314 a 0000 | having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome; "a successful architect"; "a successful business venture" 02331721 00 s 01 boffo 0 001 & 02331262 a 0000 | resoundingly successful and popular; "for years he was a boffo box office certainty" 02331857 00 s 07 booming 0 flourishing 0 palmy 0 prospering 0 prosperous 0 roaring 0 thriving 0 002 & 02331262 a 0000 + 14489699 n 0501 | very lively and profitable; "flourishing businesses"; "a palmy time for stockbrokers"; "a prosperous new business"; "doing a roaring trade"; "a thriving tourist center"; "did a thriving business in orchids" 02332204 00 s 01 in(p) 0 001 & 02331262 a 0000 | holding office; "the in party" 02332286 00 s 01 made 0 001 & 02331262 a 0000 | successful or assured of success; "now I am a made man forever"- Christopher Marlowe 02332421 00 s 01 no-hit 0 002 & 02331262 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | of a game (or the pitching) in which a pitcher allows the opponent no hits; "a no-hit pitcher"; "a no-hit game" 02332604 00 s 01 productive 0 002 & 02331262 a 0000 + 05147940 n 0101 | yielding positive results 02332704 00 s 01 self-made 0 001 & 02331262 a 0000 | having achieved success or recognition by your own efforts; "a self-made millionaire" 02332845 00 s 01 sure-fire 0 001 & 02331262 a 0000 | certain to be successful; "a sure-fire way to get rich" 02332956 00 s 01 triple-crown 0 002 & 02331262 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | unofficial championship title for player who heads the league in batting average and home runs and runs batted in 02333147 00 s 01 triple-crown 1 002 & 02331262 a 0000 ;c 00450070 n 0000 | of a horse that has won the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness races 02333314 00 s 02 victorious 0 winning 1 002 & 02331262 a 0000 + 07473441 n 0101 | having won; "the victorious entry"; "the winning team" 02333453 00 a 01 unsuccessful 0 018 ^ 00694608 a 0000 ^ 01049462 a 0000 ^ 01871949 a 0000 = 14474894 n 0000 ! 02331262 a 0101 & 02333880 a 0000 & 02333976 a 0000 & 02334321 a 0000 & 02334436 a 0000 & 02334561 a 0000 & 02334717 a 0000 & 02334854 a 0000 & 02334973 a 0000 & 02335119 a 0000 & 02335241 a 0000 & 02335393 a 0000 & 02335602 a 0000 & 02335708 a 0000 | not successful; having failed or having an unfavorable outcome 02333880 00 s 01 attempted 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | tried unsuccessfully; "attempted murder" 02333976 00 s 06 defeated 0 disappointed 0 discomfited 0 foiled 0 frustrated 0 thwarted 0 002 & 02333453 a 0000 + 07946135 n 0302 | disappointingly unsuccessful; "disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions"; "their foiled attempt to capture Calais"; "many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers"; "his best efforts were thwarted" 02334321 00 s 05 done_for(p) 0 ruined 0 sunk 0 undone 0 washed-up 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | doomed to extinction 02334436 00 s 01 down-and-out 0 002 & 02333453 a 0000 + 10028402 n 0101 | lacking resources (or any prospect of resources) 02334561 00 s 02 empty-handed 0 unrewarded 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | having acquired or gained nothing; "the returned from the negotiations empty-handed" 02334717 00 s 01 hitless 0 002 & 02333453 a 0000 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | (of a batter) without a hit; "he went hitless for three innings" 02334854 00 s 01 no-win 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | certain to end in failure and disappointment; "a no-win situation" 02334973 00 s 01 out(a) 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | out of power; especially having been unsuccessful in an election; "now the Democrats are out" 02335119 00 s 03 scoreless 0 goalless 0 hitless 2 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | having no points scores; "a scoreless inning" 02335241 00 s 01 self-defeating 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | acting to defeat its own purpose; "it is self-defeating...to ignore the progress of events" 02335393 00 s 03 unfulfilled 0 unrealized 0 unrealised 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | of persons; marked by failure to realize full potentialities; "unfulfilled and uneasy men"; "unrealized dreams and ambitions" 02335602 00 s 01 unplaced 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | not one of the first three in a race or competition 02335708 00 s 01 winless 0 001 & 02333453 a 0000 | having no wins; "the team had a very disappointing winless season" 02335828 00 a 01 sufficient 0 008 ^ 00105746 a 0000 = 05108740 n 0000 + 13580415 n 0102 + 05112609 n 0101 + 02669789 v 0101 ! 02336449 a 0101 & 02336109 a 0000 & 02336338 a 0000 | of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement but without being abundant; "sufficient food" 02336109 00 s 03 adequate 0 decent 0 enough 0 003 & 02335828 a 0000 + 13580415 n 0301 + 04792357 n 0102 | sufficient for the purpose; "an adequate income"; "the food was adequate"; "a decent wage"; "enough food"; "food enough" 02336338 00 s 01 comfortable 0 001 & 02335828 a 0000 | sufficient to provide comfort; "a comfortable salary" 02336449 00 a 02 insufficient 0 deficient 4 010 ^ 00106456 a 0000 = 05108740 n 0000 + 05113133 n 0203 + 05113133 n 0101 ! 02335828 a 0101 & 02336759 a 0000 & 02336904 a 0000 & 02337188 a 0000 & 02337329 a 0000 & 02337558 a 0000 | of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds" 02336759 00 s 02 depleted 0 low 0 002 & 02336449 a 0000 + 05097845 n 0201 | no longer sufficient; "supplies are low"; "our funds are depleted" 02336904 00 s 03 inadequate 0 poor 0 short 0 004 & 02336449 a 0000 + 14450339 n 0301 + 05113462 n 0204 + 04793555 n 0102 | not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience" 02337188 00 s 02 lean 1 skimpy 0 002 & 02336449 a 0000 + 05113462 n 0103 | containing little excess; "a lean budget"; "a skimpy allowance" 02337329 00 s 03 light 0 scant(p) 0 short 2 002 & 02336449 a 0000 + 05113462 n 0206 | less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight" 02337558 00 s 01 shy(p) 0 002 & 02336449 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | short; "eleven is one shy of a dozen" 02337667 00 a 01 sugary 0 009 ^ 02367604 a 0000 ^ 02368336 a 0000 + 05716577 n 0103 + 04994727 n 0101 ! 02338327 a 0101 & 02337912 a 0000 & 02338037 a 0000 & 02338125 a 0000 & 02338197 a 0000 | containing sugar; "he eats too much sugary food" 02337912 00 s 02 candied 0 sugar-coated 0 001 & 02337667 a 0000 | encrusted with sugar or syrup; "candied grapefruit peel" 02338037 00 s 03 honeyed 0 honied 0 syrupy 0 001 & 02337667 a 0000 | with honey added 02338125 00 s 01 honeylike 0 001 & 02337667 a 0000 | resembling honey 02338197 00 s 04 sugared 0 sweetened 0 sweet 0 sweet-flavored 0 002 & 02337667 a 0000 + 04994413 n 0301 | with sweetening added 02338327 00 a 02 sugarless 0 nonsweet 0 004 ^ 02367785 a 0000 ! 02337667 a 0101 & 02338468 a 0000 & 02338543 a 0000 | not containing sugar 02338468 00 s 01 unsugared 0 001 & 02338327 a 0000 | with no sugar added 02338543 00 s 01 unsweetened 0 001 & 02338327 a 0000 | not made sweet 02338615 00 a 01 superior 1 011 ^ 00791227 a 0000 ^ 01210854 a 0000 + 05158619 n 0101 ! 02340213 a 0101 & 02338917 a 0000 & 02339120 a 0000 & 02339341 a 0000 & 02339577 a 0000 & 02339791 a 0000 & 02340003 a 0000 & 02340096 a 0000 | of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler" 02338917 00 s 04 arch 0 condescending 0 patronizing 0 patronising 0 002 & 02338615 a 0000 + 04655168 n 0202 | (used of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others with condescension 02339120 00 s 02 eminent 0 high 0 003 & 02338615 a 0000 + 05097361 n 0201 + 14435445 n 0101 | standing above others in quality or position; "people in high places"; "the high priest"; "eminent members of the community" 02339341 00 s 02 leading(a) 0 preeminent 0 002 & 02338615 a 0000 + 14435445 n 0203 | greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement; "our greatest statesmen"; "the country's leading poet"; "a preeminent archeologist" 02339577 00 s 03 high-level 0 high-ranking 0 upper-level 0 001 & 02338615 a 0000 | at an elevated level in rank or importance; "a high-level official"; "a high-level corporate briefing"; "upper-level management" 02339791 00 s 02 majestic 0 olympian 0 001 & 02338615 a 0000 | majestic in manner or bearing; superior to mundane matters; "his majestic presence"; "olympian detachment"; "olympian beauty and serene composure" 02340003 00 s 01 superordinate 0 001 & 02338615 a 0000 | of higher rank or status or value 02340096 00 s 01 upper 0 001 & 02338615 a 0000 | superior in rank or accomplishment; "the upper half of the class" 02340213 00 a 01 inferior 1 009 ^ 01206474 a 0000 ^ 01212469 a 0000 ^ 00792991 a 0000 ! 02338615 a 0101 & 02340458 a 0000 & 02340710 a 0000 & 02340878 a 0000 & 02341014 a 0000 & 02341132 a 0000 | of or characteristic of low rank or importance 02340458 00 s 05 humble 0 low 0 lowly 0 modest 0 small 0 003 & 02340213 a 0000 + 13951215 n 0202 + 14436438 n 0101 | low or inferior in station or quality; "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings" 02340710 00 s 01 indifferent 0 001 & 02340213 a 0000 | fairly poor to not very good; "has an indifferent singing voice"; "has indifferent qualifications for the job" 02340878 00 s 01 low-level 0 001 & 02340213 a 0000 | at a low level in rank or importance; "a low-level job"; "low-level discussions" 02341014 00 s 01 middle-level 0 001 & 02340213 a 0000 | intermediate in rank or position; "middle-level management" 02341132 00 s 01 outclassed 0 001 & 02340213 a 0000 | decisively surpassed by something else so as to appear to be of a lower class 02341266 00 a 01 superior 2 025 ^ 00227507 a 0000 = 04728068 n 0000 + 04728376 n 0101 ! 02345272 a 0101 & 02341864 a 0000 & 02342196 a 0000 & 02342309 a 0000 & 02342463 a 0000 & 02342608 a 0000 & 02342778 a 0000 & 02342899 a 0000 & 02343110 a 0000 & 02343378 a 0000 & 02343517 a 0000 & 02343636 a 0000 & 02343762 a 0000 & 02343931 a 0000 & 02344070 a 0000 & 02344241 a 0000 & 02344381 a 0000 & 02344512 a 0000 & 02344672 a 0000 & 02344793 a 0000 & 02344998 a 0000 & 02345194 a 0000 | of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students" 02341864 00 s 09 ace 0 A-one 0 crack 0 first-rate 0 super 0 tiptop 0 topnotch 0 top-notch 0 tops(p) 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops" 02342196 00 s 01 banner 1 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | unusually good; outstanding; "a banner year for the company" 02342309 00 s 02 blue-ribbon(a) 0 select 1 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | selected or chosen for special qualifications; "the blue-ribbon event of the season" 02342463 00 s 02 boss 0 brag 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | exceptionally good; "a boss hand at carpentry"; "his brag cornfield" 02342608 00 s 02 brilliant 0 superb 0 003 & 02341266 a 0000 + 04954920 n 0103 + 04814238 n 0102 | of surpassing excellence; "a brilliant performance"; "a superb actor" 02342778 00 s 01 capital 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | first-rate; "a capital fellow"; "a capital idea" 02342899 00 s 05 choice 0 prime(a) 0 prize 0 quality 0 select 2 002 & 02341266 a 0000 + 04728604 n 0102 | of superior grade; "choice wines"; "prime beef"; "prize carnations"; "quality paper"; "select peaches" 02343110 00 s 04 excellent 0 first-class 1 fantabulous 0 splendid 0 004 & 02341266 a 0000 + 05851744 n 0102 + 04728786 n 0101 + 02673965 v 0101 | very good;of the highest quality; "made an excellent speech"; "the school has excellent teachers"; "a first-class mind" 02343378 00 s 01 gilt-edged 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | of the highest quality or value; "gilt-edged securities"; "gilt-edged credentials" 02343517 00 s 03 greatest 0 sterling(a) 0 superlative 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 + 13940456 n 0307 | highest in quality 02343636 00 s 01 high-performance 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | modified to give superior performance; "a high-performance car" 02343762 00 s 01 outstanding 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | distinguished from others in excellence; "did outstanding work in human relations"; "an outstanding war record" 02343931 00 s 01 premium 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | having or reflecting superior quality or value; "premium gasoline at a premium price" 02344070 00 s 02 pukka 0 pucka 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;r 08900535 n 0000 | absolutely first class and genuine; "pukka sahib"; "pukka quarters with a swarm of servants" 02344241 00 s 01 shining 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | marked by exceptional merit; "had shining virtues and few faults"; "a shining example" 02344381 00 s 01 spiffing 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | excellent or splendid; "that's a perfectly spiffing idea" 02344512 00 s 01 supreme 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | highest in excellence or achievement; "supreme among musicians"; "a supreme endxxeavor"; "supreme courage" 02344672 00 s 03 top-flight 0 top-hole 0 topping 0 002 & 02341266 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | excellent; best possible 02344793 00 s 02 transcendent 0 surpassing 0 005 & 02341266 a 0000 + 13950440 n 0102 + 13950440 n 0101 + 02669081 v 0102 + 02669477 v 0102 | exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence 02344998 00 s 01 weapons-grade 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | of a quality adequate for use in weapons (especially in weapons of mass destruction); "weapons-grade plutonium"; "weapons-grade anthrax" 02345194 00 s 01 well-made 0 001 & 02341266 a 0000 | skillfully constructed 02345272 00 a 01 inferior 2 021 ^ 00229630 a 0000 = 04728068 n 0000 + 04730580 n 0101 ! 02341266 a 0101 & 02345713 a 0000 & 02345859 a 0000 & 02346013 a 0000 & 02346242 a 0000 & 02346351 a 0000 & 02346557 a 0000 & 02346785 a 0000 & 02346878 a 0000 & 02347086 a 0000 & 02347371 a 0000 & 02347489 a 0000 & 02347564 a 0000 & 02347742 a 0000 & 02347915 a 0000 & 02348140 a 0000 & 02348285 a 0000 & 02348376 a 0000 | of low or inferior quality 02345713 00 s 01 bad 0 002 & 02345272 a 0000 + 05144079 n 0102 | below average in quality or performance; "a bad chess player"; "a bad recital" 02345859 00 s 01 base 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal; "base coins of aluminum"; "a base metal" 02346013 00 s 08 bum 0 cheap 0 cheesy 0 chintzy 0 crummy 0 punk 0 sleazy 0 tinny 0 006 & 02345272 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 04816761 n 0704 + 04818460 n 0704 + 04818460 n 0201 + 10539715 n 0107 | of very poor quality; flimsy 02346242 00 s 02 bush-league 0 bush 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | not of the highest quality or sophistication 02346351 00 s 03 cheapjack 0 shoddy 0 tawdry 0 003 & 02345272 a 0000 + 04818700 n 0307 + 05140593 n 0201 | cheap and shoddy; "cheapjack moviemaking...that feeds on the low taste of the mob"- Judith Crist 02346557 00 s 02 coarse 0 common 0 002 & 02345272 a 0000 + 04817280 n 0202 | of low or inferior quality or value; "of what coarse metal ye are molded"- Shakespeare; "produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population" 02346785 00 s 01 coarsened 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | made coarse or crude by lack of skill 02346878 00 s 02 commercial 0 commercial-grade 0 002 & 02345272 a 0000 + 01090446 n 0101 | of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior; "commercial grade of beef"; "commercial oxalic acid" 02347086 00 s 05 deplorable 0 execrable 0 miserable 0 woeful 0 wretched 0 003 & 02345272 a 0000 + 04731309 n 0501 + 14448333 n 0303 | of very poor quality or condition; "deplorable housing conditions in the inner city"; "woeful treatment of the accused"; "woeful errors of judgment" 02347371 00 s 01 less 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | (usually preceded by `no') lower in quality; "no less than perfect" 02347489 00 s 01 low-grade 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | of inferior quality 02347564 00 s 02 mediocre 0 second-rate 0 002 & 02345272 a 0000 + 10569179 n 0102 | moderate to inferior in quality; "they improved the quality from mediocre to above average" 02347742 00 s 02 ropey 0 ropy 0 003 & 02345272 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) very poor in quality; "ropey food"; "a ropey performance" 02347915 00 s 03 scrawny 0 scrubby 0 stunted 0 004 & 02345272 a 0000 + 05107495 n 0303 + 04730985 n 0202 + 04730985 n 0101 | inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees" 02348140 00 s 01 second-class 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | of inferior status or quality; "a second-class citizen"; "second-class accommodations" 02348285 00 s 01 third-rate 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | of lesser quality than second-rate 02348376 00 s 02 utility(a) 0 utility-grade 0 001 & 02345272 a 0000 | used of beef; usable but inferior 02348482 00 a 01 superior 3 002 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 02348678 a 0101 | having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets" 02348678 00 a 01 inferior 3 002 ;c 06095022 n 0000 ! 02348482 a 0101 | having an orbit between the sun and the Earth's orbit; "Mercury and Venus are inferior planets" 02348847 00 a 01 superjacent 0 004 ! 02349477 a 0101 & 02349003 a 0000 & 02349149 a 0000 & 02349274 a 0000 | lying immediately above or on something else 02349003 00 s 01 incumbent 0 002 & 02348847 a 0000 ;c 06115701 n 0000 | lying or leaning on something else; "an incumbent geological formation" 02349149 00 s 02 overlying 0 superimposed 0 001 & 02348847 a 0000 | placed on or over something else; "an overlying image" 02349274 00 s 01 superincumbent 0 001 & 02348847 a 0000 | lying or resting on and exerting pressure on something else; "superincumbent layers of dead plants cut off the air and arrested decomposition" 02349477 00 a 01 subjacent 0 002 ! 02348847 a 0101 & 02349604 a 0000 | lying nearby but lower; "hills and subjacent valleys" 02349604 00 s 01 underlying 0 001 & 02349477 a 0000 | located beneath or below 02349685 00 a 02 superscript 0 superior 0 003 ;c 06677302 n 0000 ! 02349852 a 0101 ! 02350035 a 0101 | written or printed above and to one side of another character 02349852 00 a 02 subscript 0 inferior 0 004 ;c 06677302 n 0000 + 06820212 n 0101 ! 02350035 a 0101 ! 02349685 a 0101 | written or printed below and to one side of another character 02350035 00 a 01 adscript 0 003 ;c 06677302 n 0000 ! 02349685 a 0101 ! 02349852 a 0101 | written or printed immediately following another character and aligned with it 02350205 00 a 01 supervised 0 001 ! 02350353 a 0101 | under observation or under the direction of a superintendent or overseer; "supervised play" 02350353 00 a 01 unsupervised 0 002 ! 02350205 a 0101 & 02350590 a 0000 | not supervised or under constant observation; "the school maintains unsupervised study halls during free periods"; "reliable workers are generally unsupervised" 02350590 00 s 01 unattended 0 001 & 02350353 a 0000 | not watched; "she dashed out leaving the bar unattended"; "a fire left unattended" 02350729 00 a 01 supported 0 009 ! 02352301 a 0101 & 02351064 a 0000 & 02351149 a 0000 & 02351246 a 0000 & 02351370 a 0000 & 02351490 a 0000 & 02351692 a 0000 & 02351988 a 0000 & 02352153 a 0000 | held up or having the weight borne especially from below; "supported joints in a railroad track have ties directly under the rail ends" 02351064 00 s 01 based 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | having a base; "firmly based ice" 02351149 00 s 02 braced 0 buttressed 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | held up by braces or buttresses 02351246 00 s 01 gimbaled 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | supported on gimbals and remaining steady or level when the base tips 02351370 00 s 03 pendent 0 pendant 0 dependent 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | held from above; "a pendant bunch of grapes" 02351490 00 s 01 supernatant 0 003 & 02350729 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 09451103 n 0101 | of a liquid; floating on the surface above a sediment or precipitate; "the supernatant fat was skimmed off" 02351692 00 s 01 suspended 1 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | (of undissolved particles in a fluid) supported or kept from sinking or falling by buoyancy and without apparent attachment; "suspended matter such as silt or mud..."; "dust particles suspended in the air"; "droplets in suspension in a gas" 02351988 00 s 01 underhung 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | supported from below especially resting on a track instead of suspended from above; "underhung sliding doors" 02352153 00 s 01 underslung 0 001 & 02350729 a 0000 | supported from above especially in a vehicle having springs attached to the axle from below 02352301 00 a 01 unsupported 0 003 ! 02350729 a 0101 & 02352472 a 0000 & 02352572 a 0000 | not held up or borne; "removal of the central post left the roof unsupported" 02352472 00 s 01 strapless 0 001 & 02352301 a 0000 | having no straps; "a strapless evening gown" 02352572 00 s 01 unbraced 0 001 & 02352301 a 0000 | without braces or props 02352650 00 a 01 supported 2 002 ! 02353026 a 0101 & 02352868 a 0000 | sustained or maintained by aid (as distinct from physical support); "a club entirely supported by membership dues"; "well-supported allegations" 02352868 00 s 02 subsidized 0 subsidised 0 001 & 02352650 a 0000 | having partial financial support from public funds; "lived in subsidized public housing" 02353026 00 a 01 unsupported 2 004 ! 02352650 a 0101 & 02353211 a 0000 & 02353488 a 0000 & 02353599 a 0000 | not sustained or maintained by nonmaterial aid; "unsupported accusations" 02353211 00 s 06 baseless 0 groundless 0 idle 0 unfounded 0 unwarranted 0 wild 0 002 & 02353026 a 0000 + 05140086 n 0302 | without a basis in reason or fact; "baseless gossip"; "the allegations proved groundless"; "idle fears"; "unfounded suspicions"; "unwarranted jealousy" 02353488 00 s 03 single-handed 0 unassisted 0 unbacked 0 001 & 02353026 a 0000 | unsupported by other people 02353599 00 s 02 uncorroborated 0 unsubstantiated 0 001 & 02353026 a 0000 | unsupported by other evidence 02353707 00 a 02 assisted 0 aided 0 003 ! 02354129 a 0101 & 02353849 a 0000 & 02354001 a 0000 | having help; often used as a combining form 02353849 00 s 01 motor-assisted 0 001 & 02353707 a 0000 | relying on an engine for propulsion in addition to muscle power; "a motor-assisted bicycle" 02354001 00 s 01 power-assisted 0 001 & 02353707 a 0000 | supplementing or replacing manual effort; "power-assisted steering" 02354129 00 a 01 unassisted 0 003 ! 02353707 a 0101 & 02354234 a 0000 & 02354403 a 0000 | lacking help 02354234 00 s 01 naked 0 001 & 02354129 a 0000 | (of the eye or ear e.g.) without the aid of an optical or acoustical device or instrument; "visible to the naked eye" 02354403 00 s 01 unaided 0 001 & 02354129 a 0000 | carried out without aid or assistance; "his first unaided walk through the park" 02354537 00 a 01 supportive 0 011 ^ 01817500 a 0000 + 02453889 v 0106 + 02556126 v 0101 + 00895304 v 0102 ! 02356430 a 0101 & 02354897 a 0000 & 02355248 a 0000 & 02355398 a 0000 & 02355521 a 0000 & 02356048 a 0000 & 02356244 a 0000 | furnishing support or assistance; "a supportive family network"; "his family was supportive of his attempts to be a writer" 02354897 00 s 06 accessory 0 adjunct 0 ancillary 0 adjuvant 0 appurtenant 0 auxiliary 0 006 & 02354537 a 0000 + 09780249 n 0602 + 02653706 v 0502 + 02671421 n 0502 + 09188229 n 0201 + 02671421 n 0101 | furnishing added support; "an ancillary pump"; "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism"; "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other" 02355248 00 s 02 accessary 0 accessory 1 001 & 02354537 a 0000 | aiding and abetting in a crime; "he was charged with being accessory to the crime" 02355398 00 s 01 certificatory 0 002 & 02354537 a 0000 + 02444662 v 0103 | serving to certify or endorse authoritatively 02355521 00 s 0c collateral 0 confirmative 0 confirming 0 confirmatory 0 corroborative 0 corroboratory 0 substantiating 0 substantiative 0 validating 0 validatory 0 verificatory 0 verifying 0 015 & 02354537 a 0000 + 00664483 v 0b01 + 01012561 v 0a01 + 00667224 v 0a01 + 00665886 v 0804 + 02663340 v 0601 + 01012561 v 0602 + 00665886 v 0602 + 02663340 v 0501 + 01012561 v 0502 + 00665886 v 0502 + 01012073 v 0401 + 00665886 v 0401 + 00665886 v 0201 + 13352865 n 0101 | serving to support or corroborate; "collateral evidence" 02356048 00 s 01 demonstrative_of(p) 0 001 & 02354537 a 0000 | serving to prove or demonstrate; "the oath of office is...demonstrative of the legislative opinion on this subject"- John Marshall 02356244 00 s 02 encouraging 0 supporting 0 001 & 02354537 a 0000 | furnishing support and encouragement; "the anxious child needs supporting and accepting treatment from the teacher" 02356430 00 a 01 unsupportive 0 004 ^ 01818234 a 0000 ! 02354537 a 0101 & 02356579 a 0000 & 02356712 a 0000 | not furnishing support or assistance 02356579 00 s 02 confounding 0 contradictory 0 002 & 02356430 a 0000 + 02663141 v 0201 | that confounds or contradicts or confuses 02356712 00 s 02 disconfirming 0 invalidating 0 001 & 02356430 a 0000 | establishing as invalid or untrue 02356820 00 a 01 surmountable 0 003 ^ 00569090 a 0000 ! 02357115 a 0101 & 02357006 a 0000 | capable of being surmounted or overcome; "situations of measurable and surmountable danger" 02357006 00 s 02 conquerable 0 superable 0 001 & 02356820 a 0000 | capable of being surmounted or excelled 02357115 00 a 02 insurmountable 0 unsurmountable 0 004 ^ 01823092 a 0000 ^ 00569568 a 0000 ! 02356820 a 0101 & 02357322 a 0000 | not capable of being surmounted or overcome; "insurmountable disadvantages" 02357322 00 s 02 insuperable 0 unconquerable 0 001 & 02357115 a 0000 | incapable of being surmounted or excelled; "insuperable odds"; "insuperable heroes" 02357479 00 a 01 surprised 0 007 ! 02359308 a 0101 & 02357810 a 0000 & 02358277 a 0000 & 02358650 a 0000 & 02358762 a 0000 & 02358898 a 0000 & 02359051 a 0000 | taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment; "surprised by her student's ingenuity"; "surprised that he remembered my name"; "a surprised expression" 02357810 00 s 05 amazed 0 astonied 0 astonished 0 astounded 0 stunned 0 001 & 02357479 a 0000 | filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock; "an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation"; "I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral"; "astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing"; "stood in stunned silence"; "stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses" 02358277 00 s 07 dumbfounded 0 dumfounded 0 flabbergasted 0 stupefied 0 thunderstruck 0 dumbstruck 0 dumbstricken 0 001 & 02357479 a 0000 | as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise; "a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accident"; "the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless"; "was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion" 02358650 00 s 01 gobsmacked 0 003 & 02357479 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | utterly astounded 02358762 00 s 03 goggle-eyed 0 openmouthed 0 popeyed 0 002 & 02357479 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | with eyes or mouth open in surprise 02358898 00 s 01 jiggered 0 003 & 02357479 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal expletive) surprised; "Well I'm jiggered!" 02359051 00 s 01 startled 0 001 & 02357479 a 0000 | excited by sudden surprise or alarm and making a quick involuntary movement; "students startled by the teacher's quiet return"; "the sudden fluttering of the startled pigeons"; "her startled expression" 02359308 00 a 02 unsurprised 0 not_surprised 0 001 ! 02357479 a 0101 | not surprised or expressing surprise; "that unsuprised obstinate look on his face" 02359464 00 a 01 surprising 0 006 ^ 00930290 a 0000 + 04796725 n 0102 ! 02360351 a 0101 & 02359789 a 0000 & 02359958 a 0000 & 02360171 a 0000 | causing surprise or wonder or amazement; "the report shows a surprising lack of hard factual data"; "leaped up with surprising agility"; "she earned a surprising amount of money" 02359789 00 s 02 amazing 0 astonishing 0 001 & 02359464 a 0000 | surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks" 02359958 00 s 01 startling 0 001 & 02359464 a 0000 | so remarkably different or sudden as to cause momentary shock or alarm; "Sydney's startling new Opera House"; "startling news"; "startling earthquake shocks" 02360171 00 s 01 stunning 0 001 & 02359464 a 0000 | causing great astonishment and consternation; "the strike came as a stunning protest against management"; "a stunning defeat" 02360351 00 a 01 unsurprising 0 002 ^ 00929567 a 0000 ! 02359464 a 0101 | not causing surprise 02360448 00 a 01 susceptible 0 019 ^ 02103481 a 0000 ^ 01886407 a 0000 ^ 02523275 a 0000 = 14530061 n 0000 + 14530061 n 0102 + 14530061 n 0101 ! 02363358 a 0101 & 02360944 a 0000 & 02361325 a 0000 & 02361540 a 0000 & 02361848 a 0000 & 02362030 a 0000 & 02362178 a 0000 & 02362348 a 0000 & 02362499 a 0000 & 02362708 a 0000 & 02362904 a 0000 & 02363093 a 0000 & 02363166 a 0000 | (often followed by `of' or `to') yielding readily to or capable of; "susceptible to colds"; "susceptible of proof" 02360944 00 s 09 allergic 0 hypersensitive 0 hypersensitized 0 hypersensitised 0 sensitized 0 sensitised 0 supersensitive 0 supersensitized 0 supersensitised 0 004 & 02360448 a 0000 + 14533796 n 0201 + 05653475 n 0201 + 14532816 n 0101 | having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific factor); "allergic children"; "hypersensitive to pollen" 02361325 00 s 01 amenable 1 001 & 02360448 a 0000 | open to being acted upon in a certain way; "an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death"; "the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment" 02361540 00 s 03 capable 0 open 0 subject 0 002 & 02360448 a 0000 + 14530836 n 0101 | possibly accepting or permitting; "a passage capable of misinterpretation"; "open to interpretation"; "an issue open to question"; "the time is fixed by the director and players and therefore subject to much variation" 02361848 00 s 04 convincible 0 persuadable 0 persuasible 0 suasible 0 004 & 02360448 a 0000 + 02586121 v 0302 + 00766418 v 0301 + 00769553 v 0103 | being susceptible to persuasion 02362030 00 s 02 fictile 0 pliable 0 001 & 02360448 a 0000 | susceptible to being led or directed; "fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda" 02362178 00 s 04 liable(p) 0 nonimmune 0 nonresistant 0 unresistant 0 001 & 02360448 a 0000 | (often followed by `to') likely to be affected with; "liable to diabetes" 02362348 00 s 01 predisposed 0 001 & 02360448 a 0000 | made susceptible; "because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease" 02362499 00 s 02 amenable 0 tractable 0 005 & 02360448 a 0000 + 04905188 n 0202 + 04905188 n 0201 + 04906026 n 0101 + 04906026 n 0102 | readily reacting to suggestions and influences; "a responsive student" 02362708 00 s 01 suggestible 0 005 & 02360448 a 0000 + 00927430 v 0102 + 00930806 v 0101 + 00875394 v 0102 + 14534571 n 0101 | susceptible or responsive to suggestion; "suggestible young minds" 02362904 00 s 01 temptable 0 007 & 02360448 a 0000 + 01807770 v 0101 + 01807529 v 0101 + 00782527 v 0103 + 00784184 v 0101 + 00793785 v 0101 + 00776523 v 0103 | susceptible to temptation 02363093 00 s 01 unvaccinated 0 001 & 02360448 a 0000 | not vaccinated 02363166 00 s 01 vulnerable 0 002 & 02360448 a 0000 + 14543931 n 0101 | susceptible to criticism or persuasion or temptation; "vulnerable to bribery"; "an argument vulnerable to refutation" 02363358 00 a 02 unsusceptible 0 insusceptible 0 010 ^ 02105375 a 0000 = 14530061 n 0000 + 14526764 n 0101 ! 02360448 a 0101 & 02363614 a 0000 & 02363811 a 0000 & 02363939 a 0000 & 02364066 a 0000 & 02364245 a 0000 & 02364347 a 0000 | not susceptible to 02363614 00 s 02 immune 0 resistant 0 005 & 02363358 a 0000 + 14527171 n 0202 + 05213894 n 0201 + 02755017 v 0201 + 14527171 n 0101 | relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection) 02363811 00 s 03 immunized 0 immunised 0 vaccinated 0 001 & 02363358 a 0000 | having been rendered unsusceptible to a disease 02363939 00 s 01 immunogenic 0 002 & 02363358 a 0000 + 14527430 n 0101 | possessing the ability to elicit an immune response 02364066 00 s 01 incapable(p) 0 002 & 02363358 a 0000 + 05207570 n 0101 | not being susceptible to or admitting of something (usually followed by `of'); "incapable of solution" 02364245 00 s 02 unpersuadable 0 unsuasible 0 001 & 02363358 a 0000 | not susceptible to persuasion 02364347 00 s 01 unresponsive 0 001 & 02363358 a 0000 | not susceptible to suggestion or influence 02364448 00 a 03 impressionable 0 waxy 0 impressible 0 006 + 01767949 v 0302 ! 02365264 a 0101 & 02364721 a 0000 & 02364834 a 0000 & 02364954 a 0000 & 02365142 a 0000 | easily impressed or influenced; "an impressionable youngster"; "an impressionable age"; "a waxy mind" 02364721 00 s 01 easy 0 001 & 02364448 a 0000 | readily exploited or tricked; "an easy victim"; "an easy mark" 02364834 00 s 01 spinnable 0 001 & 02364448 a 0000 | capable or susceptible to being influenced by biased information 02364954 00 s 02 plastic 0 pliant 0 003 & 02364448 a 0000 + 04659730 n 0203 + 04659730 n 0202 | capable of being influenced or formed; "the plastic minds of children"; "a pliant nature" 02365142 00 s 01 susceptible 0 003 & 02364448 a 0000 + 14530061 n 0102 + 14530061 n 0101 | easily impressed emotionally 02365264 00 a 01 unimpressionable 0 001 ! 02364448 a 0101 | not sensitive or susceptible to impression; "an unimpressionable mind" 02365397 00 a 01 exempt 0 004 ! 02366200 a 0101 & 02365776 a 0000 & 02365900 a 0000 & 02366078 a 0000 | (of persons) freed from or not subject to an obligation or liability (as e.g. taxes) to which others or other things are subject; "a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process"; "exempt from jury duty"; "only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes" 02365776 00 s 01 excused 0 001 & 02365397 a 0000 | granted exemption; "one of the excused jurors planned to write a book" 02365900 00 s 01 immune 0 002 & 02365397 a 0000 + 00213903 n 0102 | secure against; "immune from taxation as long as he resided in Bermuda"; "immune from criminal prosecution" 02366078 00 s 01 privileged 0 001 & 02365397 a 0000 | not subject to usual rules or penalties; "a privileged statement" 02366200 00 a 01 nonexempt 0 004 ! 02365397 a 0101 & 02366365 a 0000 & 02366474 a 0000 & 02366618 a 0000 | (of persons) not exempt from an obligation or liability 02366365 00 s 01 liable(p) 1 001 & 02366200 a 0000 | subject to legal action; "liable to criminal charges" 02366474 00 s 01 taxpaying 0 001 & 02366200 a 0000 | not exempt from paying taxes; "after training they became productive taxpaying citizens" 02366618 00 s 01 unexcused 0 001 & 02366200 a 0000 | not excused; "too many unexcused absences" 02366716 00 a 01 scheduled 0 002 ! 02367095 a 0101 & 02366927 a 0000 | planned or scheduled for some certain time or times; "the scheduled meeting"; "the scheduled flights had to be cancelled because of snow" 02366927 00 s 01 regular 0 002 & 02366716 a 0000 + 04767347 n 0101 | regularly scheduled for fixed times; "at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures" 02367095 00 a 01 unscheduled 0 003 ! 02366716 a 0101 & 02367319 a 0000 & 02367477 a 0000 | not scheduled or not on a regular schedule; "an unscheduled meeting"; "the plane made an unscheduled stop at Gander for refueling" 02367319 00 s 02 extra 0 special 0 001 & 02367095 a 0000 | added to a regular schedule; "a special holiday flight"; "put on special buses for the big game" 02367477 00 s 01 forced 0 001 & 02367095 a 0000 | made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency; "a forced landing" 02367604 00 a 01 sweet 1 004 ^ 02337667 a 0000 ^ 02368336 a 0000 + 04994413 n 0101 ! 02367785 a 0101 | (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content; "sweet dessert wines" 02367785 00 a 01 dry 3 006 ^ 02368787 a 0000 ^ 02338327 a 0000 ! 02367604 a 0101 & 02368068 a 0000 & 02368147 a 0000 & 02368247 a 0000 | (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation; "a dry white burgundy"; "a dry Bordeaux" 02368068 00 s 01 brut 0 001 & 02367785 a 0000 | (of champagne) extremely dry 02368147 00 s 01 medium-dry 0 001 & 02367785 a 0000 | of a wine that is dry but not extremely dry 02368247 00 s 02 sec 0 unsweet 0 001 & 02367785 a 0000 | (of champagne) moderately dry 02368336 00 a 01 sweet 2 008 ^ 02337667 a 0000 ^ 02367604 a 0000 ^ 02395115 a 0000 + 05716577 n 0102 + 04994413 n 0101 ! 02368787 a 0101 & 02368566 a 0000 & 02368718 a 0000 | having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar 02368566 00 s 04 cloying 0 saccharine 0 syrupy 0 treacly 0 004 & 02368336 a 0000 + 07860208 n 0401 + 06775969 n 0401 + 04994614 n 0201 | overly sweet 02368718 00 s 01 sweetish 0 001 & 02368336 a 0000 | somewhat sweet 02368787 00 a 01 sour 0 010 ^ 02367785 a 0000 ^ 02369763 a 0000 ^ 02395115 a 0000 + 04993882 n 0101 ! 02368336 a 0101 & 02369027 a 0000 & 02369179 a 0000 & 02369335 a 0000 & 02369460 a 0000 & 02369683 a 0000 | having a sharp biting taste 02369027 00 s 03 acerb 0 acerbic 0 astringent 0 004 & 02368787 a 0000 + 05717549 n 0301 + 05717549 n 0302 + 04994126 n 0201 | sour or bitter in taste 02369179 00 s 04 acetose 0 acetous 0 vinegary 0 vinegarish 0 003 & 02368787 a 0000 + 04994264 n 0402 + 04994264 n 0301 | tasting or smelling like vinegar 02369335 00 s 04 acidic 0 acid 0 acidulent 0 acidulous 0 002 & 02368787 a 0000 + 05716961 n 0402 | being sour to the taste 02369460 00 s 05 lemony 0 lemonlike 0 sourish 0 tangy 0 tart 0 007 & 02368787 a 0000 + 05716744 n 0503 + 04994126 n 0502 + 05715864 n 0409 + 04993108 n 0406 + 07749582 n 0101 + 05716342 n 0101 | tasting sour like a lemon 02369683 00 s 01 subacid 0 001 & 02368787 a 0000 | slightly sour to the taste 02369763 00 a 01 soured 0 003 ^ 02368787 a 0000 ! 02369989 a 0101 & 02369869 a 0000 | having turned bad 02369869 00 s 03 off 0 sour 0 turned 0 002 & 02369763 a 0000 + 04993882 n 0201 | in an unpalatable state; "sour milk" 02369989 00 a 01 unsoured 0 002 ! 02369763 a 0101 & 02370083 a 0000 | not having turned bad 02370083 00 s 03 fresh 0 sweet 0 unfermented 0 002 & 02369989 a 0000 + 04926728 n 0101 | not soured or preserved; "sweet milk" 02370212 00 a 01 suspected 0 001 ! 02370329 a 0101 | believed likely; "a suspected thief"; "a suspected infection" 02370329 00 a 01 unsuspected 0 002 ! 02370212 a 0101 & 02370625 a 0000 | not suspected or believed likely; "remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring"; "he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected"; "unsuspected difficulties arose"; "unsuspected turnings in the road" 02370625 00 s 01 unknown 0 001 & 02370329 a 0000 | not known to exist; "things obscurely felt surged up from unknown depths" 02370752 00 a 01 swept 0 003 ! 02371215 a 0101 & 02370894 a 0000 & 02371077 a 0000 | possessing sweep; "the sleek swept wings of the plane" 02370894 00 s 01 sweptback 0 002 & 02370752 a 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 | (especially of aircraft wings) angled rearward from the point of attachment; "aircraft with sweptback wings" 02371077 00 s 01 sweptwing 0 002 & 02370752 a 0000 ;c 02686568 n 0000 | (of an aircraft) having sweptback wings; "a sweptwing aircraft" 02371215 00 a 01 unswept 0 001 ! 02370752 a 0101 | not swept or having sweep; "a boxy little plane with square unswept wings" 02371343 00 a 01 sworn 0 002 ! 02371583 a 0101 & 02371495 a 0000 | bound by or stated on oath; "now my sworn friend and then mine enemy"- Shakespeare 02371495 00 s 01 bound 0 001 & 02371343 a 0000 | bound by an oath; "a bound official" 02371583 00 a 01 unsworn 0 001 ! 02371343 a 0101 | not bound by or stated on oath; "the witness stands unsworn"; "unsworn testimony" 02371718 00 a 02 symmetrical 0 symmetric 0 015 ^ 01718158 a 0000 ^ 01959294 a 0000 + 13898315 n 0201 + 05064827 n 0201 + 05064827 n 0102 ! 02373599 a 0101 & 02372118 a 0000 & 02372303 a 0000 & 02372434 a 0000 & 02372520 a 0000 & 02372697 a 0000 & 02372951 a 0000 & 02373055 a 0000 & 02373309 a 0000 & 02373467 a 0000 | having similarity in size, shape, and relative position of corresponding parts 02372118 00 s 04 bilateral 0 isobilateral 0 bilaterally_symmetrical 0 bilaterally_symmetric 0 002 & 02371718 a 0000 + 05065386 n 0101 | having identical parts on each side of an axis 02372303 00 s 01 biradial 0 001 & 02371718 a 0000 | showing both bilateral and radial symmetry; "some sea anemones are biradial" 02372434 00 s 02 cruciate 0 cruciform 0 001 & 02371718 a 0000 | shaped like a cross 02372520 00 s 02 even 0 regular 0 003 & 02371718 a 0000 + 05065211 n 0201 + 04769456 n 0101 | symmetrically arranged; "even features"; "regular features"; "a regular polygon" 02372697 00 s 01 interchangeable 0 003 & 02371718 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 04735929 n 0103 | (mathematics, logic) such that the arguments or roles can be interchanged; "the arguments of the symmetric relation, `is a sister of,' are interchangeable" 02372951 00 s 01 isosceles 0 001 & 02371718 a 0000 | (of a triangle) having two sides of equal length 02373055 00 s 03 radial 0 stellate 0 radiate 0 001 & 02371718 a 0000 | arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a common center; "radial symmetry"; "a starlike or stellate arrangement of petals"; "many cities show a radial pattern of main highways" 02373309 00 s 02 radially_symmetrical 0 centrosymmetric 0 001 & 02371718 a 0000 | having a symmetrical arrangement of radiating parts about a central point 02373467 00 s 02 rhombohedral 0 trigonal 0 003 & 02371718 a 0000 ;c 06098876 n 0000 + 13915417 n 0101 | having threefold symmetry 02373599 00 a 02 asymmetrical 0 asymmetric 0 007 ^ 01960656 a 0000 + 05065717 n 0201 + 05065717 n 0101 ! 02371718 a 0101 & 02373868 a 0000 & 02373981 a 0000 & 02374259 a 0000 | characterized by asymmetry in the spatial arrangement or placement of parts or components 02373868 00 s 01 lopsided 0 001 & 02373599 a 0000 | having one side lower or smaller or lighter than the other 02373981 00 s 01 noninterchangeable 0 003 & 02373599 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 | such that the terms of an expression cannot be interchanged without changing the meaning; "the arguments of the symmetric relation, `is the father of', are noninterchangeable" 02374259 00 s 02 unsymmetric 0 unsymmetrical 0 001 & 02373599 a 0000 | lacking symmetry 02374349 00 a 02 actinomorphic 0 actinomorphous 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02374697 a 0101 & 02374557 a 0000 | capable of division into symmetrical halves by any longitudinal plane passing through the axis 02374557 00 s 01 actinoid 0 001 & 02374349 a 0000 | having a radial form; "starfish are actinoid--that is, they are radially symmetrical" 02374697 00 a 03 zygomorphic 0 bilaterally_symmetrical 0 zygomorphous 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02374349 a 0101 | capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing through the axis 02374914 00 a 01 sympathetic 0 009 ^ 00506299 a 0000 ^ 00560586 a 0000 ^ 01372049 a 0000 + 07553301 n 0101 + 06199142 n 0101 ! 02375828 a 0101 & 02375312 a 0000 & 02375491 a 0000 & 02375639 a 0000 | expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward; "sympathetic to the students' cause"; "a sympathetic observer"; "a sympathetic gesture" 02375312 00 s 01 commiserative 0 002 & 02374914 a 0000 + 01822248 v 0101 | feeling or expressing sympathy; "made commiserative clicking sounds with his tongue"- Kenneth Roberts 02375491 00 s 01 condolent 0 002 & 02374914 a 0000 + 06633692 n 0101 | expressing sympathy with a person who experienced the death of a loved one 02375639 00 s 02 empathic 0 empathetic 0 002 & 02374914 a 0000 + 07554856 n 0201 | showing empathy or ready comprehension of others' states; "a sensitive and empathetic school counselor" 02375828 00 a 01 unsympathetic 0 005 ^ 00507053 a 0000 ^ 00561036 a 0000 ^ 01999766 a 0000 ! 02374914 a 0101 & 02376118 a 0000 | not sympathetic or disposed toward; "unsympathetic officialdom"; "people unsympathetic to the revolution"; "his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic" 02376118 00 s 02 unsympathizing 0 unsympathising 0 001 & 02375828 a 0000 | not showing or expressing sympathy; "an uncharitable and unsympathizing attitude" 02376277 00 a 04 sympathetic 2 appealing 2 likeable 2 likable 2 005 ;c 06376154 n 0000 + 01776952 v 0401 + 01776952 v 0301 + 04687333 n 0202 ! 02376562 a 0101 | (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings; "the sympathetic characters in the play" 02376562 00 a 04 unsympathetic 2 unappealing 2 unlikeable 2 unlikable 2 002 ;c 06376154 n 0000 ! 02376277 a 0101 | (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings; "all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic" 02376809 00 a 01 sympatric 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13959463 n 0101 ! 02376995 a 0101 | (of biological species or speciation) occurring in the same or overlapping geographical areas 02376995 00 a 01 allopatric 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13959289 n 0101 ! 02376809 a 0101 | (of biological species or speciation) occurring in areas isolated geographically from one another 02377186 00 a 01 synchronic 0 003 ^ 02377651 a 0000 ;c 06282651 n 0000 ! 02377418 a 0101 | concerned with phenomena (especially language) at a particular period without considering historical antecedents; "synchronic linguistics" 02377418 00 a 02 diachronic 0 historical 4 004 ;c 06282651 n 0000 + 05170088 n 0201 + 06169050 n 0103 ! 02377186 a 0101 | used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time; "diachronic linguistics" 02377651 00 a 03 synchronous 0 synchronal 0 synchronic 4 013 ^ 02377186 a 0000 + 13845239 n 0302 + 13845239 n 0303 + 13845239 n 0102 + 13845239 n 0104 ! 02379595 a 0101 & 02378191 a 0000 & 02378347 a 0000 & 02378496 a 0000 & 02378872 a 0000 & 02379157 a 0000 & 02379323 a 0000 & 02379455 a 0000 | occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase; "recovery was synchronous with therapy"- Jour.A.M.A.; "a synchronous set of clocks"; "the synchronous action of a bird's wings in flight"; "synchronous oscillations" 02378191 00 s 03 coetaneous 0 coeval 0 contemporaneous 1 004 & 02377651 a 0000 + 05048948 n 0302 + 05048948 n 0301 + 09960417 n 0202 | of the same period 02378347 00 s 02 coexistent 0 coexisting 0 004 & 02377651 a 0000 + 13957268 n 0101 + 02604618 v 0101 + 02604477 v 0101 | existing at the same time 02378496 00 s 07 coincident 0 coincidental 0 coinciding 0 concurrent 0 co-occurrent 0 cooccurring 0 simultaneous 0 010 & 02377651 a 0000 + 05048123 n 0702 + 05048123 n 0701 + 05048301 n 0504 + 07284554 n 0504 + 05048301 n 0401 + 00345312 v 0401 + 05048301 n 0102 + 02660442 v 0101 + 00345312 v 0102 | occurring or operating at the same time; "a series of coincident events" 02378872 00 s 02 contemporaneous 2 contemporary 0 003 & 02377651 a 0000 + 05050668 n 0105 + 05048948 n 0101 | occurring in the same period of time; "a rise in interest rates is often contemporaneous with an increase in inflation"; "the composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart" 02379157 00 s 01 parallel 0 002 & 02377651 a 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 | of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations; "parallel processing" 02379323 00 s 01 synchronic 2 002 & 02377651 a 0000 + 13845239 n 0103 | (of taxa) occurring in the same period of geological time 02379455 00 s 02 synchronized 0 synchronised 0 001 & 02377651 a 0000 | operating in unison; "the synchronized flapping of a bird's wings" 02379595 00 a 01 asynchronous 0 005 ! 02377651 a 0101 & 02379820 a 0000 & 02379925 a 0000 & 02380225 a 0000 & 02380358 a 0000 | not synchronous; not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase 02379820 00 s 01 allochronic 0 001 & 02379595 a 0000 | (of taxa) occurring in different geologic times 02379925 00 s 03 anachronic 0 anachronous 0 anachronistic 0 009 & 02379595 a 0000 + 15180304 n 0301 + 09606873 n 0301 + 02707036 n 0301 + 09606873 n 0201 + 02707036 n 0201 + 15180304 n 0101 + 09606873 n 0101 + 02707036 n 0101 | chronologically misplaced; "English public schools are anachronistic" 02380225 00 s 04 nonsynchronous 0 unsynchronized 0 unsynchronised 0 unsynchronous 0 001 & 02379595 a 0000 | not occurring together 02380358 00 s 03 serial 0 in_series(p) 0 nonparallel 0 003 & 02379595 a 0000 ;c 06128570 n 0000 + 13791910 n 0101 | of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations; "serial processing" 02380565 00 a 01 synchronous 1 001 ! 02380819 a 0101 | (digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that requires a common clock signal (a timing reference) between the communicating devices in order to coordinate their transmissions 02380819 00 a 01 asynchronous 1 001 ! 02380565 a 0101 | (digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that does not require a common clock between the communicating devices; timing signals are derived from special characters in the data stream itself 02381089 00 a 01 syndetic 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 ! 02381189 a 0101 | connected by a conjunction 02381189 00 a 01 asyndetic 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 07099135 n 0101 ! 02381089 a 0101 | lacking conjunctions 02381302 00 a 01 synonymous 0 006 + 06303682 n 0101 + 13808161 n 0103 + 13808161 n 0102 ! 02381764 a 0101 & 02381495 a 0000 & 02381613 a 0000 | (of words) meaning the same or nearly the same 02381495 00 s 01 similar 0 002 & 02381302 a 0000 + 04743605 n 0101 | (of words) expressing closely related meanings 02381613 00 s 01 substitutable 0 001 & 02381302 a 0000 | (of words) interchangeable in a given context without changing the import of the expression 02381764 00 a 01 antonymous 0 007 + 06288024 n 0101 ! 02381302 a 0101 & 02381963 a 0000 & 02382144 a 0000 & 02382396 a 0000 & 02382572 a 0000 & 02382762 a 0000 | of words: having opposite meanings 02381963 00 s 01 complementary 0 001 & 02381764 a 0000 | of words or propositions so related that each is the negation of the other; "`male' and `female' are complementary terms" 02382144 00 s 01 contradictory 0 004 & 02381764 a 0000 + 13857486 n 0101 + 02663141 v 0101 + 00823436 v 0101 | of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false; "`perfect' and `imperfect' are contradictory terms" 02382396 00 s 01 contrary 0 001 & 02381764 a 0000 | of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false; "`hot' and `cold' are contrary terms" 02382572 00 s 02 contrastive 0 incompatible 0 002 & 02381764 a 0000 + 02666882 v 0101 | of words so related that one contrasts with the other; "`rich' and `hard-up' are contrastive terms" 02382762 00 s 01 converse 0 001 & 02381764 a 0000 | of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other; "`parental' and `filial' are converse terms" 02382934 00 a 01 systematic 0 004 ^ 01668340 a 0000 ^ 01959294 a 0000 + 04768657 n 0103 ! 02383151 a 0101 | characterized by order and planning; "the investigation was very systematic"; "a systematic administrator" 02383151 00 a 01 unsystematic 0 003 ^ 01668858 a 0000 ^ 01960656 a 0000 ! 02382934 a 0101 | lacking systematic arrangement or method or organization; "unsystematic and fragmentary records"; "he works in an unsystematic manner" 02383380 00 a 01 taciturn 0 006 ^ 00546646 a 0000 ^ 00500569 a 0000 + 04652438 n 0103 ! 02383831 a 0101 & 02383564 a 0000 & 02383709 a 0000 | habitually reserved and uncommunicative 02383564 00 s 01 buttoned-up 0 003 & 02383380 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British colloquial) not inclined to conversation 02383709 00 s 02 reticent 0 untalkative 0 002 & 02383380 a 0000 + 04652438 n 0102 | temperamentally disinclined to talk 02383831 00 a 01 voluble 0 005 ^ 00494907 a 0000 ^ 00548781 a 0000 + 04651195 n 0102 ! 02383380 a 0101 & 02384077 a 0000 | marked by a ready flow of speech; "she is an extremely voluble young woman who engages in soliloquies not conversations" 02384077 00 s 06 chatty 0 gabby 0 garrulous 0 loquacious 0 talkative 0 talky 0 008 & 02383831 a 0000 + 07223985 n 0601 + 04651382 n 0505 + 04651382 n 0403 + 04651382 n 0404 + 04651382 n 0302 + 04651382 n 0301 + 07135080 n 0205 | full of trivial conversation; "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors" 02384383 00 a 01 tactful 0 004 ^ 00638981 a 0000 + 04841810 n 0102 ! 02384843 a 0101 & 02384672 a 0000 | having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion"; "a tactful remark eased her embarrassment" 02384672 00 s 02 discerning 0 discreet 0 002 & 02384383 a 0000 + 04842029 n 0203 | unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic; "a discerning editor"; "a discreet silence" 02384843 00 a 02 tactless 0 untactful 0 004 ^ 00639356 a 0000 ^ 00851103 a 0000 + 04846243 n 0101 ! 02384383 a 0101 | lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age" 02385102 00 a 01 tall 0 014 ^ 01382086 a 0000 ^ 01204557 a 0000 = 05002352 n 0000 + 05002540 n 0101 + 05137165 n 0102 ! 02386612 a 0101 & 02385492 a 0000 & 02385726 a 0000 & 02385851 a 0000 & 02386002 a 0000 & 02386125 a 0000 & 02386305 a 0000 & 02386418 a 0000 & 02386545 a 0000 | great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships" 02385492 00 s 04 gangling 0 gangly 0 lanky 0 rangy 0 002 & 02385102 a 0000 + 04998700 n 0301 | tall and thin and having long slender limbs; "a gangling teenager"; "a lanky kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man" 02385726 00 s 01 in_height(p) 0 001 & 02385102 a 0000 | having a specified height; "five feet tall"; "five feet in height" 02385851 00 s 03 leggy 1 long-legged 0 long-shanked 0 004 & 02385102 a 0000 + 05561507 n 0101 + 05560787 n 0101 + 03654576 n 0101 | having long legs 02386002 00 s 02 leggy 2 tall-growing 0 002 & 02385102 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of plants) having tall spindly stems 02386125 00 s 01 long 0 002 & 02385102 a 0000 + 05133287 n 0101 | of relatively great height; "a race of long gaunt men"- Sherwood Anderson; "looked out the long French windows" 02386305 00 s 02 long-stalked 0 tall-stalked 0 001 & 02385102 a 0000 | of plants having relatively long stalks 02386418 00 s 02 stately 0 statuesque 0 002 & 02385102 a 0000 + 04729984 n 0101 | of size and dignity suggestive of a statue 02386545 00 s 01 tallish 0 001 & 02385102 a 0000 | somewhat tall 02386612 00 a 02 short 3 little 0 011 ^ 01206474 a 0000 = 05002352 n 0000 + 05137938 n 0101 + 05002680 n 0101 ! 02385102 a 0101 & 02386962 a 0000 & 02387413 a 0000 & 02387662 a 0000 & 02387790 a 0000 & 02387970 a 0000 & 02388070 a 0000 | low in stature; not tall; "he was short and stocky"; "short in stature"; "a short smokestack"; "a little man" 02386962 00 s 06 chunky 0 dumpy 0 low-set 0 squat 0 squatty 0 stumpy 0 004 & 02386612 a 0000 + 04998816 n 0502 + 05137778 n 0401 + 04998816 n 0201 | short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature; "some people seem born to be square and chunky"; "a dumpy little dumpling of a woman"; "dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears"; "a little church with a squat tower"; "a squatty red smokestack"; "a stumpy ungainly figure" 02387413 00 s 05 compact 0 heavyset 1 stocky 0 thick 0 thickset 0 002 & 02386612 a 0000 + 04941325 n 0101 | having a short and solid form or stature; "a wrestler of compact build"; "he was tall and heavyset"; "stocky legs"; "a thickset young man" 02387662 00 s 01 half-length 0 001 & 02386612 a 0000 | representing only the upper half of the body; "a half-length portrait" 02387790 00 s 05 pint-size 0 pint-sized 0 runty 0 sawed-off 0 sawn-off 0 004 & 02386612 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 + 10543544 n 0301 + 05107495 n 0302 | well below average height 02387970 00 s 01 short-stalked 0 001 & 02386612 a 0000 | of plants having relatively short stalks 02388070 00 s 02 squab 0 squabby 0 001 & 02386612 a 0000 | short and fat 02388145 00 a 02 tame 1 tamed 4 009 ^ 02451113 a 0000 = 04905842 n 0000 + 04905842 n 0101 ! 02389220 a 0101 & 02388441 a 0000 & 02388596 a 0000 & 02388773 a 0000 & 02388921 a 0000 & 02389099 a 0000 | brought from wildness into a domesticated state; "tame animals"; "fields of tame blueberries" 02388441 00 s 02 broken 0 broken_in 0 001 & 02388145 a 0000 | tamed or trained to obey; "a horse broken to the saddle"; "this old nag is well broken in" 02388596 00 s 01 cultivated 0 001 & 02388145 a 0000 | no longer in the natural state; developed by human care and for human use; "cultivated roses"; "cultivated blackberries" 02388773 00 s 02 docile 0 gentle 0 002 & 02388145 a 0000 + 04905697 n 0101 | easily handled or managed; "a gentle old horse, docile and obedient" 02388921 00 s 02 domestic 0 domesticated 0 002 & 02388145 a 0000 + 05209113 n 0101 | converted or adapted to domestic use; "domestic animals"; "domesticated plants like maize" 02389099 00 s 01 tamed 0 001 & 02388145 a 0000 | brought from wildness; "the once inhospitable landscape is now tamed" 02389220 00 a 02 wild 1 untamed 4 009 ^ 02451951 a 0000 = 04907826 n 0000 + 13939353 n 0101 + 08683548 n 0101 ! 02388145 a 0101 & 02389520 a 0000 & 02389649 a 0000 & 02389719 a 0000 & 02389833 a 0000 | in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated; "wild geese"; "edible wild plants" 02389520 00 s 03 feral 0 ferine 0 savage 0 002 & 02389220 a 0000 + 05038251 n 0301 | wild and menacing; "a pack of feral dogs" 02389649 00 s 01 semi-wild 0 001 & 02389220 a 0000 | partially wild 02389719 00 s 01 unbroken 0 001 & 02389220 a 0000 | not subdued or trained for service or use; "unbroken colts" 02389833 00 s 01 undomesticated 0 001 & 02389220 a 0000 | not domesticated; "a few undomesticated horses left" 02389946 00 a 01 tame 2 003 ^ 01922763 a 0000 ! 02390335 a 0101 & 02390194 a 0000 | very restrained or quiet; "a tame Christmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed" 02390194 00 s 01 subdued 0 002 & 02389946 a 0000 + 04889779 n 0102 | quieted and brought under control; "children were subdued and silent" 02390335 00 a 01 wild 2 007 ^ 01923391 a 0000 + 04909887 n 0101 ! 02389946 a 0101 & 02390569 a 0000 & 02390724 a 0000 & 02391003 a 0000 & 02391342 a 0000 | marked by extreme lack of restraint or control; "wild talk"; "wild parties" 02390569 00 s 02 chaotic 0 disorderly 0 003 & 02390335 a 0000 + 14499262 n 0201 + 13976322 n 0101 | completely unordered and unpredictable and confusing 02390724 00 s 05 delirious 0 excited 0 frantic 0 mad 0 unrestrained 0 003 & 02390335 a 0000 + 04885784 n 0401 + 14391876 n 0102 | marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion; "a crowd of delirious baseball fans"; "something frantic in their gaiety"; "a mad whirl of pleasure" 02391003 00 s 02 frenzied 0 manic 0 003 & 02390335 a 0000 + 14391660 n 0201 + 09181557 n 0201 | affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason; "a frenzied attack"; "a frenzied mob"; "the prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused"- H.W.Carter; "outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity" 02391342 00 s 01 unsubdued 0 001 & 02390335 a 0000 | not brought under control; "the horse remained unsubdued" 02391455 00 a 02 tangible 0 touchable 0 005 ^ 00013160 a 0000 + 04760024 n 0102 + 04760024 n 0101 ! 02391867 a 0101 & 02391683 a 0000 | perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch; "skin with a tangible roughness" 02391683 00 s 02 tactile 0 tactual 0 002 & 02391455 a 0000 + 05721990 n 0102 | producing a sensation of touch; "tactile qualities"; "the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair" 02391867 00 a 02 intangible 0 impalpable 4 005 ^ 00011757 a 0000 + 04760296 n 0203 + 04760296 n 0101 + 04760296 n 0102 ! 02391455 a 0101 | incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch; "the intangible constituent of energy"- James Jeans 02392134 00 a 01 tangible 2 004 ;c 01094725 n 0000 ! 02392654 a 0101 & 02392406 a 0000 & 02392537 a 0000 | (of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value ; "tangible property like real estate"; "tangible assets such as machinery" 02392406 00 s 01 real 0 001 & 02392134 a 0000 | (of property) fixed or immovable; "real property consists of land and buildings" 02392537 00 s 01 realizable 0 001 & 02392134 a 0000 | capable of being realized; "realizable benefits of the plan" 02392654 00 a 01 intangible 2 003 ;c 01094725 n 0000 + 04760296 n 0102 ! 02392134 a 0101 | (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value; "intangible assets such as good will" 02392878 00 a 01 tasteful 2 007 ^ 00849357 a 0000 ^ 01851523 a 0000 = 05749619 n 0000 + 04813395 n 0101 ! 02393401 a 0101 & 02393086 a 0000 & 02393220 a 0000 | having or showing or conforming to good taste 02393086 00 s 03 aesthetic 0 esthetic 0 artistic 0 001 & 02392878 a 0000 | aesthetically pleasing; "an artistic flower arrangement" 02393220 00 s 03 understated 0 unostentatious 0 unpretentious 0 002 & 02392878 a 0000 + 04787154 n 0301 | exhibiting restrained good taste; "the room is pleasant and understated" 02393401 00 a 01 tasteless 2 011 ^ 00851103 a 0000 ^ 01849288 a 0000 = 05749619 n 0000 + 04818284 n 0101 ! 02392878 a 0101 & 02393670 a 0000 & 02393791 a 0000 & 02394366 a 0000 & 02394487 a 0000 & 02394793 a 0000 & 02394975 a 0000 | lacking aesthetic or social taste 02393670 00 s 01 barbaric 0 001 & 02393401 a 0000 | unrestrained and crudely rich; "barbaric use of color or ornament" 02393791 00 s 0d brassy 0 cheap 0 flash 0 flashy 0 garish 0 gaudy 0 gimcrack 0 loud 0 meretricious 0 tacky 0 tatty 0 tawdry 0 trashy 0 015 & 02393401 a 0000 + 05140593 n 0d02 + 04818700 n 0c07 + 04818460 n 0b03 + 04818460 n 0a02 + 04818700 n 0906 + 04818700 n 0804 + 02787435 n 0603 + 04818700 n 0603 + 04690769 n 0602 + 04690769 n 0501 + 04818700 n 0502 + 04818700 n 0401 + 06889330 n 0303 + 04818460 n 0201 | tastelessly showy; "a flash car"; "a flashy ring"; "garish colors"; "a gaudy costume"; "loud sport shirts"; "a meretricious yet stylish book"; "tawdry ornaments" 02394366 00 s 01 Brummagem 0 002 & 02393401 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | cheap and showy; "a cheap Brummagem imitation" 02394487 00 s 02 camp 0 campy 0 002 & 02393401 a 0000 + 05649960 n 0201 | providing sophisticated amusement by virtue of having artificially (and vulgarly) mannered or banal or sentimental qualities; "they played up the silliness of their roles for camp effect"; "campy Hollywood musicals of the 1940's" 02394793 00 s 03 indelicate 0 off-color 0 off-colour 0 001 & 02393401 a 0000 | in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent; "an indelicate remark"; "an off-color joke" 02394975 00 s 02 ostentatious 0 pretentious 0 003 & 02393401 a 0000 + 04817923 n 0205 + 04817923 n 0102 | (of a display) tawdry or vulgar 02395115 00 a 01 tasty 0 034 ^ 00133417 a 0000 ^ 01716227 a 0000 ^ 01073822 a 0000 ^ 02368787 a 0000 ^ 02368336 a 0000 = 04992163 n 0000 + 05658226 n 0101 + 04995421 n 0102 ! 02399399 a 0101 & 02395810 a 0000 & 02395910 a 0000 & 02396098 a 0000 & 02396267 a 0000 & 02396354 a 0000 & 02396484 a 0000 & 02396578 a 0000 & 02396720 a 0000 & 02396911 a 0000 & 02397119 a 0000 & 02397234 a 0000 & 02397496 a 0000 & 02397644 a 0000 & 02397732 a 0000 & 02397903 a 0000 & 02398051 a 0000 & 02398129 a 0000 & 02398255 a 0000 & 02398378 a 0000 & 02398608 a 0000 & 02398773 a 0000 & 02398928 a 0000 & 02399014 a 0000 & 02399176 a 0000 & 02399259 a 0000 | pleasing to the sense of taste; "a tasty morsel" 02395810 00 s 02 acid-tasting 0 sour-tasting 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | having a sour acidic taste 02395910 00 s 03 ambrosial 0 ambrosian 0 nectarous 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07610295 n 0302 | extremely pleasing to the taste; sweet and fragrant; "a nectarous drink"; "ambrosial food" 02396098 00 s 01 bitter 0 004 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07889814 n 0101 + 05717115 n 0101 + 04994824 n 0102 | causing a sharp and acrid taste experience;"quinine is bitter" 02396267 00 s 02 bitterish 0 sharp-tasting 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | somewhat bitter 02396354 00 s 02 bittersweet 0 semisweet 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | having a taste that is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness 02396484 00 s 01 choice 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | appealing to refined taste; "choice wine" 02396578 00 s 01 dainty 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07557165 n 0101 | especially pleasing to the taste; "a dainty dish to set before a kind"; 02396720 00 s 07 delectable 0 delicious 0 luscious 0 pleasant-tasting 0 scrumptious 0 toothsome 0 yummy 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 04995793 n 0604 | extremely pleasing to the sense of taste 02396911 00 s 08 flavorful 0 flavourful 0 flavorous 0 flavourous 0 flavorsome 0 flavoursome 0 sapid 0 saporous 0 004 & 02395115 a 0000 + 04996113 n 0702 + 05715864 n 0403 + 05715864 n 0302 | full of flavor 02397119 00 s 01 fruity 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 13134947 n 0101 | tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit 02397234 00 s 04 full-bodied 0 racy 0 rich 0 robust 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 05164101 n 0301 + 04992834 n 0204 | marked by richness and fullness of flavor; "a rich ruby port"; "full-bodied wines"; "a robust claret"; "the robust flavor of fresh-brewed coffee" 02397496 00 s 01 peppery 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07815588 n 0101 | having the piquant burning taste of peppers; "corn chips with peppery salsa" 02397644 00 s 01 gingery 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | having a taste like that of ginger 02397732 00 s 02 hot 0 spicy 1 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 04993312 n 0101 | producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot" 02397903 00 s 02 grapey 0 grapy 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07758680 n 0201 + 07758680 n 0101 | having a taste like that of grapes; "a grapey wine" 02398051 00 s 01 mild-tasting 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | having a mild taste 02398129 00 s 01 nippy 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 05715864 n 0108 + 04993108 n 0101 | a sharp biting taste; "a nippy cheese" 02398255 00 s 02 nutty 0 nutlike 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 13136556 n 0101 | having the flavor of nuts; "a nutty sherry" 02398378 00 s 05 piquant 0 savory 0 savoury 0 spicy 0 zesty 0 007 & 02395115 a 0000 + 04993108 n 0507 + 04992570 n 0401 + 07594840 n 0302 + 05715864 n 0306 + 07594840 n 0201 + 04995940 n 0203 | having an agreeably pungent taste 02398608 00 s 02 pungent 0 acrid 0 002 & 02395115 a 0000 + 04992834 n 0101 | strong and sharp;"the pungent taste of radishes"; "the acrid smell of burning rubber" 02398773 00 s 01 salty 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 05717342 n 0102 + 05717342 n 0101 | one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of sea water 02398928 00 s 01 smoky 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | tasting of smoke; "smoky sausages" 02399014 00 s 01 sour 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 05716744 n 0102 + 04993882 n 0101 | one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons 02399176 00 s 01 strong-flavored 0 001 & 02395115 a 0000 | having a strong taste 02399259 00 s 02 winy 0 winey 0 003 & 02395115 a 0000 + 07891726 n 0201 + 07891726 n 0101 | having the taste of wine; "a rich winy taste" 02399399 00 a 01 tasteless 1 008 ^ 00133851 a 0000 ^ 01716491 a 0000 = 04992163 n 0000 + 04997032 n 0105 ! 02395115 a 0101 & 02399595 a 0000 & 02400002 a 0000 & 02400125 a 0000 | lacking flavor 02399595 00 s 08 bland 0 flat 0 flavorless 0 flavourless 0 insipid 0 savorless 1 savourless 1 vapid 0 009 & 02399399 a 0000 + 04997032 n 0704 + 04997032 n 0603 + 04997282 n 0503 + 04997282 n 0502 + 04997032 n 0402 + 04997032 n 0301 + 05717953 n 0201 + 04997282 n 0101 | lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea" 02400002 00 s 04 unflavored 0 unflavoured 0 nonflavored 0 nonflavoured 0 001 & 02399399 a 0000 | without flavoring added 02400125 00 s 02 unsalted 0 unseasoned 0 001 & 02399399 a 0000 | without salt or seasoning 02400218 00 a 02 taxable 0 nonexempt 2 007 ^ 02366200 a 0000 + 02307547 v 0101 + 14530563 n 0101 ! 02400929 a 0101 & 02400471 a 0000 & 02400628 a 0000 & 02400724 a 0000 | (of goods or funds) subject to taxation; "taxable income"; "nonexempt property" 02400471 00 s 01 assessable 0 003 & 02400218 a 0000 + 00682230 v 0101 + 00681429 v 0104 | capable of being assessed especially for the purpose of taxation 02400628 00 s 01 dutiable 0 001 & 02400218 a 0000 | subject to import tax; "dutiable imports" 02400724 00 s 02 ratable 0 rateable 0 004 & 02400218 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 + 14530659 n 0202 + 14530659 n 0101 | liable to payment of locally assessed property taxes; "the ratable value of property" 02400929 00 a 02 nontaxable 0 exempt 2 005 ^ 02365397 a 0000 ! 02400218 a 0101 & 02401196 a 0000 & 02401288 a 0000 & 02401445 a 0000 | (of goods or funds) not subject to taxation; "the funds of nonprofit organizations are nontaxable"; "income exempt from taxation" 02401196 00 s 01 duty-free 0 001 & 02400929 a 0000 | exempt from duty; "duty-free liquor" 02401288 00 s 03 tax-exempt 0 tax-free 0 untaxed 0 001 & 02400929 a 0000 | (of goods or funds) not taxed; "tax-exempt bonds"; "an untaxed expense account" 02401445 00 s 01 unratable 0 002 & 02400929 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | not subject to locally assessed property taxes; "unratable properties" 02401590 00 a 01 temperate 0 006 ^ 01508719 a 0000 ^ 01531375 a 0000 + 04883243 n 0102 ! 02402268 a 0101 & 02401863 a 0000 & 02402078 a 0000 | not extreme in behavior; "temperate in his habits"; "a temperate response to an insult"; "temperate in his eating and drinking" 02401863 00 s 02 abstemious 0 light(a) 0 002 & 02401590 a 0000 + 05114262 n 0101 | marked by temperance in indulgence; "abstemious with the use of adverbs"; "a light eater"; "a light smoker"; "ate a light supper" 02402078 00 s 02 moderate 0 restrained 0 002 & 02401590 a 0000 + 05117660 n 0102 | marked by avoidance of extravagance or extremes; "moderate in his demands"; "restrained in his response" 02402268 00 a 01 intemperate 0 005 ^ 01533120 a 0000 ^ 01509527 a 0000 + 00747671 n 0102 ! 02401590 a 0101 & 02402439 a 0000 | excessive in behavior; "intemperate rage" 02402439 00 s 02 big(a) 0 heavy(a) 2 001 & 02402268 a 0000 | prodigious; "big spender"; "big eater"; "heavy investor" 02402559 00 a 01 temperate 1 005 ^ 00438166 a 0000 + 11456462 n 0103 ! 02403030 a 0101 & 02402846 a 0000 & 02402943 a 0000 | (of weather or climate) free from extremes; mild; or characteristic of such weather or climate; "a temperate region"; "the temperate zones"; "temperate plants" 02402846 00 s 01 cold-temperate 0 001 & 02402559 a 0000 | the colder parts of temperate waters 02402943 00 s 01 equable 0 001 & 02402559 a 0000 | not varying; "an equable climate" 02403030 00 a 01 intemperate 1 002 ^ 00438567 a 0000 ! 02402559 a 0101 | (of weather or climate) not mild; subject to extremes; "an intemperate climate"; "intemperate zones" 02403206 00 a 01 tense 1 006 ^ 01447302 a 0000 + 14544335 n 0103 + 14544335 n 0102 ! 02403671 a 0101 & 02403401 a 0000 & 02403505 a 0000 | taut or rigid; stretched tight; "tense piano strings" 02403401 00 s 01 overstrung 0 001 & 02403206 a 0000 | too tightly strung; "an overstrung archery bow" 02403505 00 s 02 taut 0 tight 0 003 & 02403206 a 0000 + 04776940 n 0201 + 04776940 n 0102 | pulled or drawn tight; "taut sails"; "a tight drumhead"; "a tight rope" 02403671 00 a 01 lax 1 009 ^ 01446749 a 0000 + 14546042 n 0101 ! 02403206 a 0101 & 02403944 a 0000 & 02404081 a 0000 & 02404306 a 0000 & 02404421 a 0000 & 02404670 a 0000 & 02404793 a 0000 | lacking in strength or firmness or resilience; "a lax rope"; "a limp handshake" 02403944 00 s 03 drooping 0 droopy 0 sagging 0 002 & 02403671 a 0000 + 13905572 n 0202 | hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness) 02404081 00 s 01 limp 0 002 & 02403671 a 0000 + 04939046 n 0102 | lacking in strength or firmness or resilience; "gave a limp handshake"; "a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know" G.K.Chesterton; "a slack grip" 02404306 00 s 01 floppy 0 002 & 02403671 a 0000 + 00327510 n 0101 | hanging limply; "a spaniel with floppy ears" 02404421 00 s 02 loose 0 slack 0 005 & 02403671 a 0000 + 04775357 n 0201 + 04233556 n 0201 + 04775357 n 0202 + 04774511 n 0101 | not tense or taut; "the old man's skin hung loose and grey"; "slack and wrinkled skin"; "slack sails"; "a slack rope" 02404670 00 s 01 loose-jointed 0 001 & 02403671 a 0000 | loosely articulated or constructed; "a loose-jointed paragraph" 02404793 00 s 01 tensionless 0 001 & 02403671 a 0000 | free from tension 02404868 00 a 01 tense 2 003 ;c 06177033 n 0000 ! 02405160 a 0101 & 02405038 a 0000 | pronounced with relatively tense tongue muscles (e.g., the vowel sound in `beat') 02405038 00 s 01 constricted 0 002 & 02404868 a 0000 ;c 06177033 n 0000 | especially tense; especially in some dialects 02405160 00 a 01 lax 2 002 ;c 06177033 n 0000 ! 02404868 a 0101 | pronounced with muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet') 02405326 00 a 01 tense 3 015 ^ 00085264 a 0000 ^ 00822449 a 0000 + 14376188 n 0102 ! 02407603 a 0101 & 02405677 a 0000 & 02405805 a 0000 & 02405959 a 0000 & 02406166 a 0000 & 02406370 a 0000 & 02406640 a 0000 & 02406790 a 0000 & 02406908 a 0000 & 02407041 a 0000 & 02407193 a 0000 & 02407346 a 0000 | in or of a state of physical or nervous tension 02405677 00 s 02 aroused 0 wound_up 0 001 & 02405326 a 0000 | brought to a state of great tension; "all wound up for a fight" 02405805 00 s 04 cliff-hanging 0 suspenseful 0 suspensive 0 nail-biting 0 001 & 02405326 a 0000 | (of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense 02405959 00 s 01 taut 0 002 & 02405326 a 0000 + 14544335 n 0104 | subjected to great tension; stretched tight; "the skin of his face looked drawn and tight"; "her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow" 02406166 00 s 04 antsy 0 fidgety 0 fretful 0 itchy 0 003 & 02405326 a 0000 + 07513795 n 0201 + 07513795 n 0202 | nervous and unable to relax; "a constant fretful stamping of hooves"; "a restless child" 02406370 00 s 09 edgy 0 high-strung 0 highly_strung 0 jittery 0 jumpy 0 nervy 0 overstrung 0 restive 0 uptight 0 007 & 02405326 a 0000 + 07525760 n 0804 + 04625716 n 0802 + 07525760 n 0502 + 07525760 n 0401 + 05171978 n 0101 + 07525057 n 0101 | being in a tense state 02406640 00 s 01 electric 0 002 & 02405326 a 0000 + 07514600 n 0101 | (of a situation) exceptionally tense; "an atmosphere electric with suspicion" 02406790 00 s 01 isotonic 0 002 & 02405326 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | of two or more muscles; having equal tension 02406908 00 s 01 nervous 0 002 & 02405326 a 0000 + 04624959 n 0101 | easily agitated; "a nervous addict"; "a nervous thoroughbred" 02407041 00 s 01 strained 0 001 & 02405326 a 0000 | showing signs of mental and emotional tension; "her voice was strained as she asked the question" 02407193 00 s 01 unrelaxed 0 001 & 02405326 a 0000 | nor relaxed; "his life was drawing to a close in baffled zeal and unrelaxed strain"- U.B.Phillips 02407346 00 s 04 pumped-up(a) 0 pumped_up(p) 0 pumped(p) 0 wired 0 002 & 02405326 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | tense with excitement and enthusiasm as from a rush of adrenaline; "we were really pumped up for the race"; "he was so pumped he couldn't sleep" 02407603 00 a 01 relaxed 0 006 ^ 00822115 a 0000 ^ 00087152 a 0000 ! 02405326 a 0101 & 02407855 a 0000 & 02408011 a 0000 & 02408140 a 0000 | without strain or anxiety; "gave the impression of being quite relaxed"; "a relaxed and informal discussion" 02407855 00 s 01 degage 0 001 & 02407603 a 0000 | free and relaxed in manner; "rather degage after the nervousness he had shown at dinner"- Edmund Wilson 02408011 00 s 02 laid-back 0 mellow 0 002 & 02407603 a 0000 + 04656448 n 0201 | unhurried and relaxed; "a mellow conversation" 02408140 00 s 01 unstrained 0 001 & 02407603 a 0000 | not placed under psychological stress; "the campaign would not leave party loyalties unstrained" 02408293 00 a 01 hypertonic 1 003 + 14576242 n 0102 + 14576242 n 0101 ! 02408470 a 0101 | (of living tissue) in a state of abnormally high tension; "hypertonic muscle tissue" 02408470 00 a 01 hypotonic 1 003 + 14576468 n 0103 + 14576468 n 0101 ! 02408293 a 0101 | (of living tissue) lacking normal tone or tension 02408611 00 a 01 territorial 0 004 ! 02409293 a 0101 & 02408793 a 0000 & 02408977 a 0000 & 02409095 a 0000 | belonging to the territory of any state or ruler; "territorial rights" 02408793 00 s 01 jurisdictional 0 002 & 02408611 a 0000 + 08590369 n 0101 | restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction; "the jurisdictional limits of a state" 02408977 00 s 01 regional 0 001 & 02408611 a 0000 | related or limited to a particular region; "a regional dialect" 02409095 00 s 01 sectional 0 001 & 02408611 a 0000 | related or limited to a distinct region or subdivision of a territory or community or group of people; "sectional tensions arose over slavery" 02409293 00 a 02 extraterritorial 0 exterritorial 0 001 ! 02408611 a 0101 | outside territorial limits or jurisdiction; "fishing in extraterritorial waters"; "enjoying exterritorial privileges and rights" 02409500 00 a 01 territorial 1 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 01221464 n 0101 ! 02409712 a 0101 | displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders; "territorial behavior"; "strongly territorial birds" 02409712 00 a 01 nonterritorial 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02409500 a 0101 | not displaying territoriality; "a nonterritorial species" 02409849 00 a 01 thermoplastic 0 002 + 14593344 n 0101 ! 02410156 a 0101 | having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled; "thermoplastic materials can be remelted and cooled time after time without undergoing any appreciable chemical change" 02410156 00 a 02 thermosetting 0 thermoset 0 001 ! 02409849 a 0101 | having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured; "the phenol resins and plastics were the original synthetic thermosetting materials" 02410393 00 a 01 thick 1 015 ^ 00986027 a 0000 ^ 02560548 a 0000 = 05103072 n 0000 + 05136662 n 0101 ! 02412164 a 0101 & 02410983 a 0000 & 02411116 a 0000 & 02411224 a 0000 & 02411322 a 0000 & 02411447 a 0000 & 02411559 a 0000 & 02411683 a 0000 & 02411798 a 0000 & 02411913 a 0000 & 02412059 a 0000 | not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions; "an inch thick"; "a thick board"; "a thick sandwich"; "spread a thick layer of butter"; "thick coating of dust"; "thick warm blankets" 02410983 00 s 01 deep 0 002 & 02410393 a 0000 + 05134880 n 0101 | relatively thick from top to bottom; "deep carpets"; "deep snow" 02411116 00 s 01 deep-chested 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | thick in the chest; "a deep-chested breed of dog" 02411224 00 s 01 fat 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | having a relatively large diameter; "a fat rope" 02411322 00 s 01 four-ply 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | having a thickness made up of four layers or strands; "four-ply yarns" 02411447 00 s 01 heavy 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | made of fabric having considerable thickness; "a heavy coat" 02411559 00 s 01 heavy 4 002 & 02410393 a 0000 + 05136662 n 0102 | of relatively large extent and density; "a heavy line" 02411683 00 s 01 quilted 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | made of layers of fabric held together by patterned stitching 02411798 00 s 01 thickened 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | made or having become thick; "thickened bronchial arteries" 02411913 00 s 01 three-ply 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | having a thickness made up of three layers or strands; "three-ply cloth"; "three-ply yarn" 02412059 00 s 01 two-ply 0 001 & 02410393 a 0000 | having a thickness made up of two layers or strands 02412164 00 a 01 thin 1 021 ^ 02561888 a 0000 ^ 00988232 a 0000 = 05103072 n 0000 + 05103648 n 0101 ! 02410393 a 0101 & 02412732 a 0000 & 02412880 a 0000 & 02413037 a 0000 & 02413221 a 0000 & 02413390 a 0000 & 02413851 a 0000 & 02414031 a 0000 & 02414188 a 0000 & 02414323 a 0000 & 02414500 a 0000 & 02414599 a 0000 & 02414749 a 0000 & 02414908 a 0000 & 02415025 a 0000 & 02415172 a 0000 & 02415294 a 0000 | of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint" 02412732 00 s 01 bladed 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 ;c 06098876 n 0000 | composed of thin flat plates resembling a knife blade; "bladed arsenopyrite" 02412880 00 s 02 capillary 0 hairlike 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 11433806 n 0101 | long and slender with a very small internal diameter; "a capillary tube" 02413037 00 s 02 compressed 0 flat 0 003 & 02412164 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05063349 n 0202 | flattened laterally along the whole length (e.g., certain leafstalks or flatfishes) 02413221 00 s 01 depressed 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | flattened downward as if pressed from above or flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces 02413390 00 s 0b diaphanous 0 filmy 0 gauzy 0 gauze-like 0 gossamer 0 see-through 0 sheer 0 transparent 0 vaporous 0 vapourous 0 cobwebby 0 006 & 02412164 a 0000 + 03059934 n 0b01 + 11520619 n 0801 + 04702127 n 0803 + 03429914 n 0301 + 03339296 n 0201 | so thin as to transmit light; "a hat with a diaphanous veil"; "filmy wings of a moth"; "gauzy clouds of dandelion down"; "gossamer cobwebs"; "sheer silk stockings"; "transparent chiffon"; "vaporous silks" 02413851 00 s 05 filamentous 0 filiform 0 filamentlike 0 threadlike 0 thready 0 003 & 02412164 a 0000 + 09409203 n 0502 + 14867858 n 0102 | thin in diameter; resembling a thread 02414031 00 s 01 fine 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 05136978 n 0101 | thin in thickness or diameter; "a fine film of oil"; "fine hairs"; "read the fine print" 02414188 00 s 01 light 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 05028700 n 0101 | very thin and insubstantial; "thin paper"; "light summer dresses" 02414323 00 s 01 hyperfine 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 | extremely fine or thin, as in a spectral line split into two or more components; "hyperfine structure" 02414500 00 s 01 paper_thin 0 001 & 02412164 a 0000 | thin as paper; "her blouse was paper thin" 02414599 00 s 01 papery 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 14974264 n 0101 | thin and paperlike; "papery leaves"; "wasps that make nests of papery material" 02414749 00 s 02 ribbonlike 0 ribbony 0 003 & 02412164 a 0000 + 09409203 n 0201 + 04087899 n 0201 | long and thin; resembling a ribbon; "ribbonlike noodles" 02414908 00 s 01 sleazy 0 001 & 02412164 a 0000 | of cloth; thin and loosely woven; "the coat has a sleazy lining" 02415025 00 s 01 slender 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 05103648 n 0103 | having little width in proportion to the length or height; "a slender pole" 02415172 00 s 01 tenuous 0 002 & 02412164 a 0000 + 05103648 n 0102 | very thin in gauge or diameter; "a tenuous thread" 02415294 00 s 01 wafer-thin 0 001 & 02412164 a 0000 | very thin; "wafer-thin sheets of metal" 02415390 00 a 01 thick 2 014 = 04936403 n 0000 = 04934546 n 0000 + 04936403 n 0101 ! 02417301 a 0101 & 02415764 a 0000 & 02415938 a 0000 & 02416036 a 0000 & 02416285 a 0000 & 02416390 a 0000 & 02416610 a 0000 & 02416765 a 0000 & 02416898 a 0000 & 02417028 a 0000 & 02417170 a 0000 | relatively dense in consistency; "thick cream"; "thick soup"; "thick smoke"; "thick fog" 02415764 00 s 02 clogged 0 clotted 0 001 & 02415390 a 0000 | thickened or coalesced in soft thick lumps (such as clogs or clots); "clotted blood"; "seeds clogged together" 02415938 00 s 01 coagulable 0 001 & 02415390 a 0000 | capable of coagulating and becoming thick 02416036 00 s 05 coagulate 0 coagulated 0 curdled 0 grumous 0 grumose 0 003 & 02415390 a 0000 + 14939663 n 0401 + 05402333 n 0402 | transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass; "coagulated blood"; "curdled milk"; "grumous blood" 02416285 00 s 01 creamy 0 003 & 02415390 a 0000 + 07847198 n 0101 + 04936690 n 0101 | thick like cream 02416390 00 s 03 dense 0 heavy 1 impenetrable 0 002 & 02415390 a 0000 + 04941453 n 0101 | permitting little if any light to pass through because of denseness of matter; "dense smoke"; "heavy fog"; "impenetrable gloom" 02416610 00 s 03 gelatinous 0 gelatinlike 0 jellylike 0 004 & 02415390 a 0000 + 14730553 n 0101 + 14730553 n 0102 + 04936213 n 0101 | thick like gelatin 02416765 00 s 04 ropy 0 ropey 0 stringy 0 thready 0 002 & 02415390 a 0000 + 04935904 n 0106 | forming viscous or glutinous threads 02416898 00 s 01 soupy 0 002 & 02415390 a 0000 + 04936690 n 0102 | having the consistency and appearance of soup; "a soupy fog" 02417028 00 s 02 syrupy 0 viscous 0 003 & 02415390 a 0000 + 04935003 n 0202 + 04935003 n 0201 | having a relatively high resistance to flow 02417170 00 s 01 thickened 0 001 & 02415390 a 0000 | made thick in consistency; "flour-thickened gravy"; "dust-thickened saliva" 02417301 00 a 01 thin 2 006 = 04936403 n 0000 = 04934546 n 0000 + 04936846 n 0101 ! 02415390 a 0101 & 02417611 a 0000 & 02417725 a 0000 | relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil" 02417611 00 s 01 tenuous 0 002 & 02417301 a 0000 + 05089612 n 0102 | having thin consistency; "a tenuous fluid" 02417725 00 s 03 rare 0 rarefied 0 rarified 0 002 & 02417301 a 0000 + 05089612 n 0101 | having low density; "rare gasses"; "lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air" 02417895 00 a 01 thinkable 0 006 ^ 00644839 a 0000 ^ 01821266 a 0000 ! 02418538 a 0101 & 02418093 a 0000 & 02418249 a 0000 & 02418412 a 0000 | capable of being conceived or imagined or considered 02418093 00 s 02 cogitable 0 ponderable 0 001 & 02417895 a 0000 | capable of being thought about; "space flight to other galaxies becomes more cogitable" 02418249 00 s 02 conceivable 0 imaginable 0 003 & 02417895 a 0000 + 14482299 n 0101 + 14482299 n 0102 | capable of being imagined; "that is one possible answer" 02418412 00 s 03 presumable 0 supposable 0 surmisable 0 001 & 02417895 a 0000 | capable of being inferred on slight grounds 02418538 00 a 01 unthinkable 0 004 ^ 01823092 a 0000 ^ 00645493 a 0000 ! 02417895 a 0101 & 02418692 a 0000 | incapable of being conceived or considered 02418692 00 s 04 impossible 0 inconceivable 0 out_of_the_question 0 unimaginable 0 004 & 02418538 a 0000 + 14483348 n 0202 + 14483348 n 0201 + 14483126 n 0102 | totally unlikely 02418872 00 a 01 thoughtful 0 010 ^ 00638981 a 0000 = 04660536 n 0000 + 05785508 n 0106 ! 02420530 a 0101 & 02419159 a 0000 & 02419434 a 0000 & 02419933 a 0000 & 02420085 a 0000 & 02420215 a 0000 & 02420390 a 0000 | exhibiting or characterized by careful thought; "a thoughtful paper" 02419159 00 s 04 bemused 0 deep_in_thought(p) 0 lost(p) 0 preoccupied 0 002 & 02418872 a 0000 + 05700087 n 0402 | deeply absorbed in thought; "as distant and bemused as a professor listening to the prattling of his freshman class"; "lost in thought"; "a preoccupied frown" 02419434 00 s 09 brooding 0 broody 0 contemplative 0 meditative 0 musing 0 pensive 0 pondering 0 reflective 0 ruminative 0 011 & 02418872 a 0000 + 00630380 v 090b + 04661546 n 0802 + 00630380 v 0808 + 07533607 n 0601 + 04660805 n 0402 + 00704388 v 0402 + 00630380 v 0403 + 00630380 v 0306 + 00704388 v 0303 + 04660805 n 0303 | deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man"; 02419933 00 s 01 cogitative 0 003 & 02418872 a 0000 + 00703512 v 0101 + 00628491 v 0102 | given to cogitation; "he looked at me with cogitative eyes" 02420085 00 s 01 well_thought_out(p) 0 001 & 02418872 a 0000 | resulting from careful thought; "the paper was well thought out" 02420215 00 s 01 deliberative 0 002 & 02418872 a 0000 + 00812580 v 0102 | involved in or characterized by deliberation and discussion and examination; "a deliberative body" 02420390 00 s 01 excogitative 0 002 & 02418872 a 0000 + 00630380 v 0105 | concerned with excogitating or having the power of excogitation 02420530 00 a 01 thoughtless 0 006 ^ 00639356 a 0000 = 04660536 n 0000 + 04661706 n 0102 ! 02418872 a 0101 & 02420757 a 0000 & 02421003 a 0000 | showing lack of careful thought; "the debate turned into thoughtless bickering" 02420757 00 s 02 inconsiderate 0 unconsidered 0 002 & 02420530 a 0000 + 04845967 n 0102 | without proper consideration or reflection; "slovenly inconsiderate reasoning"; "unconsidered words"; "prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions" 02421003 00 s 03 unreflective 0 unthinking 0 unthoughtful 0 002 & 02420530 a 0000 + 04661706 n 0301 | not exhibiting or characterized by careful thought 02421158 00 a 01 thrifty 0 007 ^ 01894758 a 0000 + 04893525 n 0103 + 04893787 n 0102 ! 02422068 a 0101 & 02421364 a 0000 & 02421833 a 0000 & 02421919 a 0000 | careful and diligent in the use of resources 02421364 00 s 05 economical 0 frugal 0 scotch 0 sparing 0 stinting 0 005 & 02421158 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 04893358 n 0202 + 04893358 n 0201 + 04893787 n 0101 | avoiding waste; "an economical meal"; "an economical shopper"; "a frugal farmer"; "a frugal lunch"; "a sparing father and a spending son"; "sparing in their use of heat and light"; "stinting in bestowing gifts"; "thrifty because they remember the great Depression"; "`scotch' is used only informally" 02421833 00 s 01 penny-wise 0 001 & 02421158 a 0000 | thrifty in small matters only 02421919 00 s 01 saving 0 001 & 02421158 a 0000 | characterized by thriftiness; "wealthy by inheritance but saving by constitution"- Ellen Glasgow 02422068 00 a 01 wasteful 0 006 ^ 01895837 a 0000 + 04894964 n 0103 ! 02421158 a 0101 & 02422242 a 0000 & 02422499 a 0000 & 02422592 a 0000 | tending to squander and waste 02422242 00 s 04 extravagant 0 prodigal 0 profligate 0 spendthrift 0 007 & 02422068 a 0000 + 10479561 n 0302 + 10479561 n 0201 + 00743641 n 0202 + 04894807 n 0202 + 04894807 n 0101 + 00743641 n 0101 | recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures" 02422499 00 s 01 pound-foolish 0 001 & 02422068 a 0000 | unwise in dealing with large sums 02422592 00 s 02 uneconomical 0 uneconomic 0 001 & 02422068 a 0000 | wasteful of resources 02422685 00 a 01 tidy 0 014 ^ 00417413 a 0000 ^ 00983862 a 0000 ^ 02427087 a 0000 + 14497233 n 0101 + 04896515 n 0101 ! 02424254 a 0101 & 02423073 a 0000 & 02423284 a 0000 & 02423432 a 0000 & 02423563 a 0000 & 02423649 a 0000 & 02423865 a 0000 & 02423981 a 0000 & 02424095 a 0000 | marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits; "a tidy person"; "a tidy house"; "a tidy mind" 02423073 00 s 03 clean-cut 0 trig 0 trim 2 002 & 02422685 a 0000 + 14497511 n 0302 | neat and smart in appearance; "a clean-cut and well-bred young man"; "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap"; "a trim beard" 02423284 00 s 02 neat 0 orderly 0 003 & 02422685 a 0000 + 13968547 n 0201 + 04896515 n 0102 | clean or organized; "her neat dress"; "a neat room" 02423432 00 s 01 neat 3 002 & 02422685 a 0000 + 04896515 n 0102 | showing care in execution; "neat homework"; "neat handwriting" 02423563 00 s 01 ruly 0 001 & 02422685 a 0000 | neat and tidy; "a small ruly beard" 02423649 00 s 03 shipshape 0 trim 1 well-kept 0 002 & 02422685 a 0000 + 14497511 n 0202 | of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder; "even the barn was shipshape"; "a trim little sailboat" 02423865 00 s 01 slicked_up 0 001 & 02422685 a 0000 | having been made especially tidy; "slicked up for visitors" 02423981 00 s 01 straight 0 001 & 02422685 a 0000 | neatly arranged; not disorderly; "the room is straight now" 02424095 00 s 02 uncluttered 0 unlittered 0 001 & 02422685 a 0000 | having nothing extraneous; "an uncluttered room"; "the unlittered shoulders of the road" 02424254 00 a 01 untidy 0 017 ^ 00419289 a 0000 ^ 00985387 a 0000 ^ 02428377 a 0000 + 14499594 n 0101 + 04897428 n 0101 ! 02422685 a 0101 & 02424716 a 0000 & 02424949 a 0000 & 02425220 a 0000 & 02425529 a 0000 & 02425749 a 0000 & 02426042 a 0000 & 02426270 a 0000 & 02426420 a 0000 & 02426550 a 0000 & 02426679 a 0000 & 02426890 a 0000 | not neat and tidy; "careless and untidy in her personal habits"; "an untidy living room"; "untidy and casual about money" 02424716 00 s 04 blowsy 0 blowzy 0 slatternly 0 sluttish 0 005 & 02424254 a 0000 + 04896995 n 0402 + 10663315 n 0307 + 10609198 n 0301 + 04896995 n 0301 | characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; used especially of women 02424949 00 s 02 cluttered 0 littered 0 001 & 02424254 a 0000 | filled or scattered with a disorderly accumulation of objects or rubbish; "the storm left the drivewaylittered with sticks nd debris"; "his library was a cluttered room with piles of books on every chair" 02425220 00 s 05 disheveled 0 dishevelled 0 frowzled 0 rumpled 0 tousled 0 001 & 02424254 a 0000 | in disarray; extremely disorderly; "her clothing was disheveled"; "powder-smeared and frowzled"; "a rumpled unmade bed"; "a bed with tousled sheets"; "his brown hair was tousled, thick, and curly"- Al Spiers 02425529 00 s 05 disorderly 0 higgledy-piggledy 0 hugger-mugger 0 jumbled 0 topsy-turvy 0 004 & 02424254 a 0000 + 13976322 n 0505 + 13976731 n 0301 + 04897604 n 0102 | in utter disorder; "a disorderly pile of clothes" 02425749 00 s 03 frowsy 0 frowzy 0 slovenly 0 004 & 02424254 a 0000 + 10612210 n 0302 + 14499734 n 0302 + 04896878 n 0301 | negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt; "filled the door with her frowzy bulk"; "frowzy white hair"; "slovenly appearance" 02426042 00 s 02 messy 0 mussy 0 006 & 02424254 a 0000 + 14500047 n 0203 + 14500047 n 0204 + 14500047 n 0101 + 14500047 n 0102 + 04897428 n 0102 | dirty and disorderly; "a mussy fussy bedroom"; "a child's messy eating habits" 02426270 00 s 01 scraggly 0 001 & 02424254 a 0000 | lacking neatness or order; "the old man's scraggly beard"; "a scraggly little path to the door" 02426420 00 s 01 sloppy 0 002 & 02424254 a 0000 + 14499734 n 0101 | lacking neatness or order; "a sloppy room"; "sloppy habits" 02426550 00 s 01 slouchy 0 002 & 02424254 a 0000 + 05003273 n 0101 | lacking stiffness in form or posture; "a slouchy sweater" 02426679 00 s 04 sprawling 0 straggling 0 rambling 0 straggly 0 002 & 02424254 a 0000 + 07939159 n 0401 | spreading out in different directions; "sprawling handwriting"; "straggling branches"; "straggly hair" 02426890 00 s 01 unkempt 2 002 & 02424254 a 0000 + 14499734 n 0103 | not properly maintained or cared for; "an unkempt garden"; "native vistas and unkempt rambling paths"; "an ukempt appearance" 02427087 00 a 01 groomed 0 009 ^ 02422685 a 0000 ! 02428377 a 0101 & 02427412 a 0000 & 02427594 a 0000 & 02427718 a 0000 & 02427882 a 0000 & 02427981 a 0000 & 02428150 a 0000 & 02428251 a 0000 | neat and smart in appearance; well cared for; "the manager was a beautifully groomed young man"; "his horse was always groomed" 02427412 00 s 01 brushed 0 001 & 02427087 a 0000 | (of hair or clothing) groomed with a brush; "with shining hair neatly brushed"; "the freshly brushed clothes hung in the closet" 02427594 00 s 02 kempt 0 tidy 0 002 & 02427087 a 0000 + 04896515 n 0201 | (of hair) neat and tidy; "a nicely kempt beard" 02427718 00 s 02 plastered 0 slicked 0 001 & 02427087 a 0000 | (of hair) made smooth by applying a sticky or glossy substance; "black hair plastered with pomade" 02427882 00 s 01 pomaded 0 001 & 02427087 a 0000 | (of hair) groomed with pomade; "pomaded hair" 02427981 00 s 01 sleek 0 002 & 02427087 a 0000 + 04950336 n 0101 | well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed; "sleek figures in expensive clothes" 02428150 00 s 01 well-groomed 0 001 & 02427087 a 0000 | having your hair neatly brushed and combed 02428251 00 s 02 well-groomed 1 well-dressed 0 001 & 02427087 a 0000 | having tasteful clothing and being scrupulously neat 02428377 00 a 01 ungroomed 0 005 ^ 02424254 a 0000 ! 02427087 a 0101 & 02428610 a 0000 & 02428810 a 0000 & 02428884 a 0000 | not neat and smart in appearance; "he was wrinkled and ungroomed, with a two-day beard"; "ungroomed hair" 02428610 00 s 04 bushy 0 shaggy 0 shaggy-haired 0 shaggy-coated 0 003 & 02428377 a 0000 + 09431283 n 0201 + 14499953 n 0201 | used of hair; thick and poorly groomed; "bushy locks"; "a shaggy beard" 02428810 00 s 01 ill-dressed 0 001 & 02428377 a 0000 | not well dressed 02428884 00 s 01 unbrushed 0 001 & 02428377 a 0000 | (of hair or clothing) not brushed; "snarled unbrushed hair"; "the suit was wrinkled and unbrushed, as if it had been slept in" 02429066 00 a 01 combed 0 001 ! 02429182 a 0101 | (of hair) made tidy with a comb; "with hair combed to the side" 02429182 00 a 01 uncombed 0 003 ! 02429066 a 0101 & 02429377 a 0000 & 02429461 a 0000 | (of hair) not combed; "he was unwashed and uncombed with his clothes half buttoned"; "wild unkempt hair" 02429377 00 s 01 uncombable 0 001 & 02429182 a 0000 | not capable of being combed 02429461 00 s 01 unkempt 0 002 & 02429182 a 0000 + 14499734 n 0103 | not neatly combed; "wild unkempt hair" 02429571 00 a 01 timbered 0 003 ! 02430002 a 0101 & 02429721 a 0000 & 02429880 a 0000 | furnished with or made of wood or timbers; "timbered walls" 02429721 00 s 02 half-timber 0 half-timbered 0 001 & 02429571 a 0000 | having exposed wood framing with spaces filled with masonry, as in Tudor architecture 02429880 00 s 01 timber-framed 0 001 & 02429571 a 0000 | framed by exposed timbers; "a magnificently timbered old barn" 02430002 00 a 01 untimbered 0 001 ! 02429571 a 0101 | lacking timbers; "an untimbered boat" 02430096 00 a 01 toned 0 001 ! 02430238 a 0101 | having or distinguished by a tone; often used in combination; "full-toned"; "silver-toned" 02430238 00 a 01 toneless 0 001 ! 02430096 a 0101 | lacking in tone or expression; "his toneless mechanical voice" 02430355 00 a 01 tongued 0 002 ! 02430659 a 0101 & 02430563 a 0000 | provided with or resembling a tongue; often used in combination; "tongued shoes"; "tongued boards"; "toungued lightning"; "long-tongued" 02430563 00 s 01 tonguelike 0 001 & 02430355 a 0000 | resembling a tongue in form or function 02430659 00 a 01 tongueless 0 001 ! 02430355 a 0101 | lacking a tongue; "tongueless moccasins" 02430756 00 a 01 tipped 0 008 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 02431619 a 0101 & 02431024 a 0000 & 02431178 a 0000 & 02431262 a 0000 & 02431351 a 0000 & 02431440 a 0000 & 02431529 a 0000 | having a tip; or having a tip as specified (used in combination); "a rubber-tipped cane" 02431024 00 s 01 filter-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a cigar or cigarette; having a tip designed to filter the smoke; "filter-tipped cigarettes" 02431178 00 s 01 pink-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a leaf tipped with pink 02431262 00 s 01 plume-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a plant tipped with a plume 02431351 00 s 01 spine-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a plant tipped with a spine 02431440 00 s 01 thorn-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a plant tipped with a thorn 02431529 00 s 01 yellow-tipped 0 001 & 02430756 a 0000 | of a flower tipped with yellow 02431619 00 a 01 untipped 0 001 ! 02430756 a 0101 | not provided with a special tip; "untipped cigarettes" 02431728 00 a 01 tired 0 017 + 14016361 n 0103 ! 02434605 a 0101 & 02432154 a 0000 & 02432428 a 0000 & 02432562 a 0000 & 02432682 a 0000 & 02432851 a 0000 & 02433000 a 0000 & 02433365 a 0000 & 02433451 a 0000 & 02433895 a 0000 & 02433975 a 0000 & 02434115 a 0000 & 02434210 a 0000 & 02434307 a 0000 & 02434380 a 0000 & 02434473 a 0000 | depleted of strength or energy; "tired mothers with crying babies"; "too tired to eat" 02432154 00 s 04 all_in(p) 0 beat(p) 0 bushed(p) 0 dead(p) 0 002 & 02431728 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very tired; "was all in at the end of the day"; "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"; "bushed after all that exercise"; "I'm dead after that long trip" 02432428 00 s 02 aweary 0 weary 0 002 & 02431728 a 0000 + 14016361 n 0202 | physically and mentally fatigued; "`aweary' is archaic" 02432562 00 s 04 bleary 0 blear 0 bleary-eyed 0 blear-eyed 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | tired to the point of exhaustion 02432682 00 s 02 bored 0 world-weary 0 002 & 02431728 a 0000 + 07533735 n 0201 | tired of the world; "bored with life"; "strolled through the museum with a bored air" 02432851 00 s 02 burned-out 0 burnt-out 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | exhausted as a result of longtime stress; "she was burned-out before she was 30" 02433000 00 s 05 careworn 0 drawn 0 haggard 0 raddled 0 worn 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering; "looking careworn as she bent over her mending"; "her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness"; "that raddled but still noble face"; "shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face"- Charles Dickens 02433365 00 s 02 drooping 0 flagging 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | weak from exhaustion 02433451 00 s 09 exhausted 0 dog-tired 0 fagged 0 fatigued 0 played_out 0 spent 0 washed-out 0 worn-out(a) 0 worn_out(p) 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted; "the day's shopping left her exhausted"; "he went to bed dog-tired"; "was fagged and sweaty"; "the trembling of his played out limbs"; "felt completely washed-out"; "only worn-out horses and cattle"; "you look worn out" 02433895 00 s 01 footsore 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | having sore or tired feet 02433975 00 s 02 jaded 0 wearied 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | exhausted; "my father's words had left me jaded and depressed"- William Styron 02434115 00 s 02 knackered 0 drained 0 002 & 02431728 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | very tired 02434210 00 s 01 ragged 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | worn out from stress or strain; "run ragged" 02434307 00 s 01 travel-worn 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | tired by travel 02434380 00 s 02 unrefreshed 0 unrested 0 001 & 02431728 a 0000 | not rested or refreshed; 02434473 00 s 01 whacked 0 003 & 02431728 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (British informal) exhausted or worn out 02434605 00 a 01 rested 0 004 ^ 00804695 a 0000 ! 02431728 a 0101 & 02434797 a 0000 & 02434929 a 0000 | not tired; refreshed as by sleeping or relaxing; "came back rested from her vacation" 02434797 00 s 04 fresh 0 invigorated 0 refreshed 0 reinvigorated 0 002 & 02434605 a 0000 + 14051056 n 0101 | with restored energy 02434929 00 s 03 untired 0 unwearied 0 unweary 0 001 & 02434605 a 0000 | with unreduced energy 02435026 00 a 01 tolerable 0 004 ^ 01760944 a 0000 ! 02435671 a 0101 & 02435206 a 0000 & 02435383 a 0000 | capable of being borne or endured; "the climate is at least tolerable" 02435206 00 s 04 bearable 0 endurable 0 sufferable 0 supportable 0 002 & 02435026 a 0000 + 00668099 v 0105 | capable of being borne though unpleasant; "sufferable punishment" 02435383 00 s 02 tolerant 0 resistant 0 001 & 02435026 a 0000 | able to tolerate environmental conditions or physiological stress; "the plant is tolerant of saltwater"; "these fish are quite tolerant as long as extremes of pH are avoided"; "the new hybrid is more resistant to drought" 02435671 00 a 03 intolerable 0 unbearable 0 unendurable 0 005 ^ 01761186 a 0000 ! 02435026 a 0101 & 02435901 a 0000 & 02436025 a 0000 & 02436245 a 0000 | incapable of being put up with; "an intolerable degree of sentimentality" 02435901 00 s 01 bitter 0 001 & 02435671 a 0000 | very difficult to accept or bear; "the bitter truth"; "a bitter sorrow" 02436025 00 s 04 impossible 0 insufferable 0 unacceptable 0 unsufferable 0 003 & 02435671 a 0000 + 04793925 n 0302 + 04793925 n 0301 | used of persons or their behavior; "impossible behavior"; "insufferable insolence" 02436245 00 s 01 unsupportable 0 001 & 02435671 a 0000 | not able to be supported or defended 02436341 00 a 01 tolerant 0 006 ^ 00359459 a 0000 ^ 01735736 a 0000 + 06204406 n 0101 + 02457585 v 0101 ! 02436622 a 0101 & 02436551 a 0000 | showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others 02436551 00 s 01 unbigoted 0 001 & 02436341 a 0000 | not opinionated 02436622 00 a 01 intolerant 0 005 ^ 00359862 a 0000 + 06205154 n 0101 ! 02436341 a 0101 & 02436794 a 0000 & 02436995 a 0000 | unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion 02436794 00 s 01 bigoted 0 001 & 02436622 a 0000 | blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion and intolerant toward others; "a bigoted person"; "an outrageously bigoted point of view" 02436995 00 s 02 rigid 0 strict 0 004 & 02436622 a 0000 + 04639371 n 0202 + 04660261 n 0103 + 04660261 n 0102 | incapable of compromise or flexibility 02437148 00 a 01 tonal 0 010 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 05719605 n 0101 + 04987620 n 0104 + 06863751 n 0102 ! 02438188 a 0101 & 02437462 a 0000 & 02437534 a 0000 & 02437685 a 0000 & 02437853 a 0000 & 02438043 a 0000 | having tonality; i.e. tones and chords organized in relation to one tone such as a keynote or tonic 02437462 00 s 01 keyed 0 001 & 02437148 a 0000 | set to a key or tone 02437534 00 s 01 diatonic 0 001 & 02437148 a 0000 | based on or using the five tones and two semitones of the major or minor scales of western music 02437685 00 s 01 polytonal 0 002 & 02437148 a 0000 + 07025151 n 0101 | using more than one key or tonality simultaneously; "exciting rhythms and polytonal harmonies" 02437853 00 s 01 toned 0 001 & 02437148 a 0000 | having or characterized or distinguished by tone or a specific tone; often used in combination; "full-toned"; "shrill-toned"; "deep-toned" 02438043 00 s 01 tonic 0 002 & 02437148 a 0000 + 06865345 n 0103 | relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale; "tonic harmony" 02438188 00 a 02 atonal 0 unkeyed 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06864014 n 0101 ! 02437148 a 0101 | characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality 02438346 00 a 01 toothed 0 010 ! 02439582 a 0101 & 02438655 a 0000 & 02438749 a 0000 & 02438831 a 0000 & 02438968 a 0000 & 02439076 a 0000 & 02439225 a 0000 & 02439303 a 0000 & 02439377 a 0000 & 02439499 a 0000 | having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination; "saw-toothed" 02438655 00 s 01 buck-toothed 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having protruding upper front teeth 02438749 00 s 01 cogged 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having cogs; "a cogged wheel" 02438831 00 s 02 fine-toothed(a) 0 fine-tooth(a) 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having fine teeth set close together; "a fine-toothed comb" 02438968 00 s 01 gap-toothed 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having widely spaced teeth; "his gap-toothed grin" 02439076 00 s 03 saber-toothed 0 sabertoothed 0 sabre-toothed 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having teeth that resemble sabers; "a saber-toothed tiger" 02439225 00 s 01 small-toothed 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | having small teeth 02439303 00 s 01 toothlike 0 001 & 02438346 a 0000 | resembling a tooth 02439377 00 s 01 toothy 0 002 & 02438346 a 0000 + 05282746 n 0101 | having or showing prominent teeth; "a toothy smile" 02439499 00 s 01 tusked 0 002 & 02438346 a 0000 + 01465713 n 0101 | having tusks 02439582 00 a 01 toothless 0 003 ! 02438346 a 0101 & 02439740 a 0000 & 02439875 a 0000 | lacking teeth; "most birds are toothless"; "a toothless old crone" 02439740 00 s 03 edental 0 edentate 0 edentulate 0 001 & 02439582 a 0000 | having few if any teeth; "anteaters are edentate animals" 02439875 00 s 01 edentulous 0 001 & 02439582 a 0000 | having lost teeth 02439949 00 a 01 top(a) 0 008 ^ 00227507 a 0000 ^ 01204557 a 0000 ! 02440691 a 0101 ! 02441215 a 0101 & 02440184 a 0000 & 02440292 a 0000 & 02440461 a 0000 & 02440617 a 0000 | situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf" 02440184 00 s 01 apical 0 003 & 02439949 a 0000 + 08494987 n 0101 + 08677801 n 0103 | situated at an apex 02440292 00 s 01 crowning 0 001 & 02439949 a 0000 | forming or providing a crown or summit; "the crowning star on a Christmas tree"; "her hair was her crowning glory" 02440461 00 s 03 topmost 0 uppermost 0 upmost 0 001 & 02439949 a 0000 | at or nearest to the top; "the uppermost book in the pile"; "on the topmost step" 02440617 00 s 01 upper 0 001 & 02439949 a 0000 | the topmost one of two 02440691 00 a 01 bottom(a) 0 005 ! 02441215 a 0101 ! 02439949 a 0101 & 02440881 a 0000 & 02440996 a 0000 & 02441132 a 0000 | situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer" 02440881 00 s 03 bottommost 0 lowermost 0 nethermost 0 001 & 02440691 a 0000 | farthest down; "bottommost shelf" 02440996 00 s 01 inferior 0 002 & 02440691 a 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 | lower than a given reference point; "inferior alveolar artery" 02441132 00 s 01 nether 0 001 & 02440691 a 0000 | lower; "gnawed his nether lip" 02441215 00 a 01 side(a) 0 004 ! 02439949 a 0101 ! 02440691 a 0101 & 02441373 a 0000 & 02441469 a 0000 | located on a side; "side fences"; "the side porch" 02441373 00 s 01 broadside 0 001 & 02441215 a 0000 | toward a full side; "a broadside attack" 02441469 00 s 02 lateral 0 sidelong 0 001 & 02441215 a 0000 | situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson 02441642 00 a 01 topped 0 004 ! 02442082 a 0101 & 02441786 a 0000 & 02441895 a 0000 & 02441990 a 0000 | having a top of a specified character 02441786 00 s 02 flat-topped 0 flat-top 0 001 & 02441642 a 0000 | having a flat or flattened upper surface 02441895 00 s 01 lidded 0 001 & 02441642 a 0000 | having a lid; "milk in a heavy lidded mug" 02441990 00 s 01 screw-topped 0 001 & 02441642 a 0000 | having a lid with a spiral groove 02442082 00 a 01 topless 0 002 ! 02441642 a 0101 & 02442184 a 0000 | having no top; "a topless jar" 02442184 00 s 01 lidless 0 001 & 02442082 a 0000 | having no lid; "a lidless container" 02442274 00 a 01 bottomed 0 005 ! 02443005 a 0101 & 02442441 a 0000 & 02442604 a 0000 & 02442765 a 0000 & 02442883 a 0000 | having a bottom of a specified character 02442441 00 s 03 bell-bottomed 0 bell-bottom 0 bellbottom 0 001 & 02442274 a 0000 | (of trousers) having legs that flare at the bottom; "bell-bottomed trousers" 02442604 00 s 01 copper-bottomed 0 001 & 02442274 a 0000 | having a bottom of copper or sheathed with copper; "copper-bottomed pots"; "a copper-bottomed ship" 02442765 00 s 02 flat-bottomed 0 flat-bottom 0 001 & 02442274 a 0000 | having a flat bottom; "a flat-bottomed boat" 02442883 00 s 02 round-bottomed 0 round-bottom 0 001 & 02442274 a 0000 | having a rounded bottom; "round-bottom flasks" 02443005 00 a 01 bottomless 0 001 ! 02442274 a 0101 | having no bottom; "bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front" 02443155 00 a 01 top-down 0 001 ! 02443406 a 0101 | of an approach to a problem that begins at the highest conceptual level and works down to the details; "a top-down analysis might begin by looking at macro-economic trends"; "top-down programming" 02443406 00 a 01 bottom-up 0 001 ! 02443155 a 0101 | of an approach to a problem that begins with details and works up to the highest conceptual level; "bottom-up parser"; "a bottom-up model of the reading process" 02443623 00 a 01 equatorial 0 004 + 08568719 n 0101 ! 02444147 a 0101 & 02443803 a 0000 & 02443907 a 0000 | of or existing at or near the geographic equator; "equatorial Africa" 02443803 00 s 02 pantropical 0 pantropic 0 001 & 02443623 a 0000 | distributed throughout the tropics 02443907 00 s 02 tropical 0 tropic 0 003 & 02443623 a 0000 + 08665281 n 0203 + 08675145 n 0101 | relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator); "tropical islands"; "tropical fruit" 02444147 00 a 01 polar 0 005 + 08620881 n 0101 ! 02443623 a 0101 & 02444375 a 0000 & 02444475 a 0000 & 02444627 a 0000 | of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles; "polar regions" 02444375 00 s 01 circumpolar 0 001 & 02444147 a 0000 | located or found throughout a polar region 02444475 00 s 02 north-polar 0 Arctic 0 003 & 02444147 a 0000 + 08496477 n 0201 + 08611836 n 0101 | of or relating to the Arctic; "the Arctic summer" 02444627 00 s 02 south-polar 0 Antarctic 0 003 & 02444147 a 0000 + 08494459 n 0201 + 08652717 n 0101 | at or near the south pole 02444758 00 a 01 testate 0 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 10703336 n 0102 ! 02444894 a 0101 | having made a legally valid will before death 02444894 00 a 01 intestate 0 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 ! 02444758 a 0101 | having made no legally valid will before death or not disposed of by a legal will; "he died intestate"; "intestate property" 02445093 00 a 01 touched 0 003 ! 02445554 a 0101 & 02445207 a 0000 & 02445394 a 0000 | having come into contact 02445207 00 s 01 brushed 0 001 & 02445093 a 0000 | touched lightly in passing; grazed against; "of all the people brushed against in a normal day on a city street I remember not a one" 02445394 00 s 01 grazed 0 001 & 02445093 a 0000 | scraped or touched lightly in passing; "his grazed and bleeding arm proved he had been in the line of fire" 02445554 00 a 01 untouched 0 001 ! 02445093 a 0101 | not having come in contact 02445636 00 a 01 tough 1 009 ^ 00829496 a 0000 + 04710866 n 0102 ! 02446651 a 0101 & 02445863 a 0000 & 02445978 a 0000 & 02446070 a 0000 & 02446239 a 0000 & 02446380 a 0000 & 02446551 a 0000 | resistant to cutting or chewing 02445863 00 s 03 cartilaginous 0 gristly 0 rubbery 0 002 & 02445636 a 0000 + 05288091 n 0202 | difficult to chew 02445978 00 s 01 chewy 0 002 & 02445636 a 0000 + 00278810 n 0101 | requiring much chewing 02446070 00 s 04 coriaceous 0 leathered 0 leatherlike 0 leathery 0 002 & 02445636 a 0000 + 14759722 n 0401 | resembling or made to resemble leather; tough but pliable 02446239 00 s 04 fibrous 1 sinewy 0 stringy 0 unchewable 1 001 & 02445636 a 0000 | (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew 02446380 00 s 02 hempen 0 fibrous 2 002 & 02445636 a 0000 + 14866889 n 0201 | having or resembling fibers especially fibers used in making cordage such as those of jute 02446551 00 s 01 tough-skinned 0 001 & 02445636 a 0000 | having a relatively tough outer covering 02446651 00 a 01 tender 1 007 ^ 00828779 a 0000 + 00514871 v 0102 ! 02445636 a 0101 & 02446846 a 0000 & 02446931 a 0000 & 02447104 a 0000 & 02447215 a 0000 | easy to cut or chew; "tender beef" 02446846 00 s 02 chewable 0 cuttable 0 001 & 02446651 a 0000 | easy to cut or chew 02446931 00 s 02 crisp 0 crispy 0 005 & 02446651 a 0000 + 07712559 n 0202 + 04939547 n 0203 + 07712559 n 0102 + 04939547 n 0102 | tender and brittle; "crisp potato chips" 02447104 00 s 02 flaky 0 flakey 0 002 & 02446651 a 0000 + 04939872 n 0101 | made of or easily forming flakes 02447215 00 s 02 tenderized 0 tenderised 0 001 & 02446651 a 0000 | made tender as by marinating or pounding; "tenderized meat" 02447344 00 a 02 tough 2 toughened 2 007 ^ 00935500 a 0000 ^ 00707366 a 0000 ^ 02321009 a 0000 ! 02448166 a 0101 & 02447569 a 0000 & 02447779 a 0000 & 02448040 a 0000 | physically toughened; "the tough bottoms of his feet" 02447569 00 s 03 calloused 0 callous 0 thickened 0 002 & 02447344 a 0000 + 14364566 n 0201 | having calluses; having skin made tough and thick through wear; "calloused skin"; "with a workman's callous hands" 02447779 00 s 03 enured 0 inured 0 hardened 0 001 & 02447344 a 0000 | made tough by habitual exposure; "hardened fishermen"; "a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured"- Robert Lynd; "our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men"- V.S.Pritchett 02448040 00 s 01 weather-beaten 0 001 & 02447344 a 0000 | tanned and coarsened from being outdoors; "a weather-beaten face" 02448166 00 a 02 tender 2 untoughened 2 004 ^ 02324397 a 0000 + 14332617 n 0101 ! 02447344 a 0101 & 02448324 a 0000 | physically untoughened; "tender feet" 02448324 00 s 02 delicate 0 soft 0 001 & 02448166 a 0000 | easily hurt; "soft hands"; "a baby's delicate skin" 02448437 00 a 01 tough 3 005 ^ 01155354 a 0000 ^ 02106761 a 0000 ! 02448889 a 0101 & 02448623 a 0000 & 02448749 a 0000 | not given to gentleness or sentimentality; "a tough character" 02448623 00 s 03 hard-bitten 0 hard-boiled 0 pugnacious 0 001 & 02448437 a 0000 | tough and callous by virtue of experience 02448749 00 s 02 tough-minded 0 unsentimental 0 001 & 02448437 a 0000 | facing facts or difficulties realistically and with determination 02448889 00 a 01 tender 3 006 ^ 01156112 a 0000 + 07554342 n 0101 + 07505347 n 0102 ! 02448437 a 0101 & 02449177 a 0000 & 02449287 a 0000 | given to sympathy or gentleness or sentimentality; "a tender heart"; "a tender smile"; "tender loving care"; "tender memories"; "a tender mother" 02449177 00 s 01 protective 0 002 & 02448889 a 0000 + 07545303 n 0101 | showing care; "a protective mother" 02449287 00 s 01 sentimental 0 003 & 02448889 a 0000 + 07481951 n 0101 + 07482128 n 0101 | given to or marked by sentiment or sentimentality 02449430 00 a 01 toxic 0 012 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 01611067 a 0000 ^ 01167817 a 0000 + 15034074 n 0101 + 13583478 n 0101 ! 02450640 a 0101 & 02449775 a 0000 & 02449952 a 0000 & 02450175 a 0000 & 02450269 a 0000 & 02450364 a 0000 & 02450512 a 0000 | of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison; "suffering from exposure to toxic substances" 02449775 00 s 02 cyanogenetic 0 cyanogenic 0 003 & 02449430 a 0000 + 14827017 n 0201 + 14827017 n 0101 | capable of producing cyanide; "amygdalin is a cyanogenetic glucoside" 02449952 00 s 03 deadly 0 venomous 0 virulent 0 004 & 02449430 a 0000 + 05166560 n 0301 + 15036916 n 0201 + 04791081 n 0101 | extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom; "venomous snakes"; "a virulent insect bite" 02450175 00 s 01 hepatotoxic 0 002 & 02449430 a 0000 + 15036103 n 0101 | toxic to the liver 02450269 00 s 01 nephrotoxic 0 002 & 02449430 a 0000 + 15036211 n 0101 | toxic to the kidney 02450364 00 s 01 ototoxic 0 001 & 02449430 a 0000 | toxic to the organs of hearing or balance or to the auditory nerve; "some drugs are ototoxic" 02450512 00 s 02 poisonous 0 toxicant 0 002 & 02449430 a 0000 + 05166397 n 0101 | having the qualities or effects of a poison 02450640 00 a 02 nontoxic 0 atoxic 0 005 ^ 01159655 a 0000 ! 02449430 a 0101 & 02450814 a 0000 & 02450919 a 0000 & 02451014 a 0000 | not producing or resulting from poison 02450814 00 s 01 antitoxic 0 002 & 02450640 a 0000 + 15028050 n 0101 | counteracting a toxin or poison 02450919 00 s 02 nonpoisonous 0 non-poisonous 0 001 & 02450640 a 0000 | not producing poison 02451014 00 s 01 nonvenomous 0 001 & 02450640 a 0000 | not producing venom; "nonvenomous snakes" 02451113 00 a 02 tractable 0 manipulable 0 013 ^ 00696518 a 0000 ^ 02328659 a 0000 ^ 01474513 a 0000 ^ 01612053 a 0000 ^ 02388145 a 0000 = 04905188 n 0000 + 04774365 n 0201 + 04905188 n 0102 + 04905188 n 0101 ! 02451951 a 0101 & 02451551 a 0000 & 02451634 a 0000 & 02451828 a 0000 | easily managed (controlled or taught or molded); "tractable young minds"; "the natives...being...of an intelligent tractable disposition"- Samuel Butler 02451551 00 s 02 ductile 0 malleable 0 001 & 02451113 a 0000 | easily influenced 02451634 00 s 02 docile 0 teachable 0 003 & 02451113 a 0000 + 00829107 v 0201 + 00273734 v 0201 | ready and willing to be taught; "docile pupils eager for instruction"; "teachable youngsters" 02451828 00 s 02 tamable 0 tameable 0 003 & 02451113 a 0000 + 00302130 v 0205 + 00302130 v 0105 | capable of being tamed 02451951 00 a 01 intractable 0 013 ^ 00695523 a 0000 ^ 01613463 a 0000 ^ 02326695 a 0000 ^ 01475282 a 0000 ^ 02389220 a 0000 = 04905188 n 0000 + 04907269 n 0102 + 04907269 n 0101 ! 02451113 a 0101 & 02452379 a 0000 & 02452562 a 0000 & 02452789 a 0000 & 02452919 a 0000 | not tractable; difficult to manage or mold; "an intractable disposition"; "intractable pain"; "the most intractable issue of our era"; "intractable metal" 02452379 00 s 02 balking 0 balky 0 003 & 02451951 a 0000 + 00107279 n 0201 + 04908721 n 0201 | stopping short and refusing to go on; "a balking"; "a balky mule"; "a balky customer" 02452562 00 s 02 refractory 2 stubborn 0 004 & 02451951 a 0000 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 04908835 n 0201 + 04907575 n 0101 | not responding to treatment; "a stubborn infection"; "a refractory case of acne"; "stubborn rust stains" 02452789 00 s 02 uncontrollable 0 unmanageable 0 001 & 02451951 a 0000 | difficult to solve or alleviate; "uncontrollable pain" 02452919 00 s 01 unmalleable 0 002 & 02451951 a 0000 + 05023974 n 0101 | difficult or impossible to shape or work 02453035 00 a 02 table_d'hote 0 prix_fixe 0 001 ! 02453183 a 0101 | (of a restaurant meal) complete but with limited choices and at a fixed price 02453183 00 a 01 a_la_carte 0 001 ! 02453035 a 0101 | (of a restaurant meal) having unlimited choices with a separate price for each item 02453323 00 a 02 traceable 0 trackable 0 001 ! 02453492 a 0101 | capable of being traced or tracked; "a traceable riverbed"; "the traceable course of an ancient wall" 02453492 00 a 01 untraceable 0 001 ! 02453323 a 0101 | incapable of being traced or tracked down; "an untraceable source" 02453616 00 a 01 tracked 0 003 ! 02454081 a 0101 & 02453770 a 0000 & 02453921 a 0000 | having tracks; "new snow tracked by rabbits"; "tracked vehicles" 02453770 00 s 01 caterpillar-tracked 0 001 & 02453616 a 0000 | having caterpillar treads or tracks on the wheels; "a caterpillar-tracked earthmover" 02453921 00 s 02 half-track 0 half-tracked 0 001 & 02453616 a 0000 | having caterpillar treads on the rear and wheels in front; "half-track armored vehicles" 02454081 00 a 01 trackless 0 001 ! 02453616 a 0101 | having no tracks; "a trackless trolley"; "the trackless snowy meadow" 02454206 00 a 01 traveled 0 002 ! 02454482 a 0101 & 02454339 a 0000 | traveled over or through; sometimes used as a combining term 02454339 00 s 01 heavily_traveled 0 001 & 02454206 a 0000 | subject to much traffic or travel; "the region's most heavily traveled highways" 02454482 00 a 02 untraveled 0 untravelled 0 002 ! 02454206 a 0101 & 02454619 a 0000 | not traveled over or through; "untraveled roads" 02454619 00 s 01 untraversed 0 001 & 02454482 a 0000 | not traveled over or through; "untraveled roads"; "an untraversed region" 02454750 00 a 02 trimmed 0 cut 5 002 ! 02455069 a 0101 & 02454885 a 0000 | made neat and tidy by trimming; "his neatly trimmed hair" 02454885 00 s 01 clipped 0 001 & 02454750 a 0000 | cut or trimmed by clipping; "a handsome man with a clipped moustache"; "clipped hedges"; "close-clipped lawns"; "a clipped poodle" 02455069 00 a 02 untrimmed 0 uncut 5 002 ! 02454750 a 0101 & 02455188 a 0000 | not trimmed; "shaggy untrimmed locks" 02455188 00 s 01 unclipped 0 001 & 02455069 a 0000 | not clipped; "unclipped rosebushes"; "unclipped hair" 02455297 00 a 01 troubled 0 019 ^ 00543603 a 0000 ^ 01923391 a 0000 ! 02459109 a 0101 & 02455845 a 0000 & 02456157 a 0000 & 02456530 a 0000 & 02456698 a 0000 & 02456875 a 0000 & 02457015 a 0000 & 02457167 a 0000 & 02457558 a 0000 & 02457932 a 0000 & 02458046 a 0000 & 02458262 a 0000 & 02458408 a 0000 & 02458497 a 0000 & 02458691 a 0000 & 02458871 a 0000 & 02458973 a 0000 | characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need; "troubled areas"; "fell into a troubled sleep"; "a troubled expression"; "troubled teenagers" 02455845 00 s 05 annoyed 0 harassed 0 harried 0 pestered 0 vexed 1 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances; "harassed working mothers"; "a harried expression"; "her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions"; "the vexed parents of an unruly teenager" 02456157 00 s 05 anxious 0 nervous 0 queasy 0 uneasy 0 unquiet 0 006 & 02455297 a 0000 + 04625284 n 0402 + 04625284 n 0303 + 14375576 n 0201 + 07525760 n 0203 + 07524760 n 0101 | causing or fraught with or showing anxiety; "spent an anxious night waiting for the test results"; "cast anxious glances behind her"; "those nervous moments before takeoff"; "an unquiet mind" 02456530 00 s 05 buffeted 0 storm-tossed 0 tempest-tossed 0 tempest-tost 0 tempest-swept 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | pounded or hit repeatedly by storms or adversities 02456698 00 s 01 careful 0 003 & 02455297 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 04664058 n 0103 | full of cares or anxiety; "Thou art careful and troubled about many things"-Luke 10.41 02456875 00 s 02 care-laden 0 heavy-laden 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | burdened by cares; "all ye that labor and are heavy-laden"-Matt.11:28 02457015 00 s 01 clouded 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance; "his face was clouded with unhappiness" 02457167 00 s 05 disquieted 0 distressed 1 disturbed 0 upset 0 worried 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief; "too upset to say anything"; "spent many disquieted moments"; "distressed about her son's leaving home"; "lapsed into disturbed sleep"; "worried parents"; "a worried frown"; "one last worried check of the sleeping children" 02457558 00 s 04 distressed 0 hard-pressed 0 hard_put 0 in_a_bad_way(p) 1 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty; "distressed companies need loans and technical advice"; "financially hard-pressed Mexican hotels are lowering their prices"; "we were hard put to meet the mortgage payment"; "found themselves in a bad way financially" 02457932 00 s 01 fraught 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | marked by distress; "a fraught mother-daughter relationship" 02458046 00 s 03 hag-ridden 0 hagridden 0 tormented 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | tormented or harassed by nightmares or unreasonable fears; "hagridden...by visions of an imminent heaven or hell upon earth"- C.S.Lewis 02458262 00 s 01 haunted 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | showing emotional affliction or disquiet; "her expression became progressively more haunted" 02458408 00 s 01 mothy 0 002 & 02455297 a 0000 + 02283201 n 0101 | infested with moths 02458497 00 s 02 stressed 0 distressed 2 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | suffering severe physical strain or distress; "he dropped out of the race, clearly distressed and having difficulty breathing" 02458691 00 s 01 struggling 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | engaged in a struggle to overcome especially poverty or obscurity; "a financially struggling theater"; "struggling artists" 02458871 00 s 01 suffering 0 001 & 02455297 a 0000 | troubled by pain or loss; "suffering refugees" 02458973 00 s 01 troublous 0 003 & 02455297 a 0000 + 07289014 n 0101 + 05687338 n 0101 | full of trouble; "these are troublous times" 02459109 00 a 01 untroubled 0 010 ^ 01922763 a 0000 ^ 00545015 a 0000 ! 02455297 a 0101 & 02459465 a 0000 & 02459667 a 0000 & 02459862 a 0000 & 02459969 a 0000 & 02460099 a 0000 & 02460262 a 0000 & 02460404 a 0000 | not beset by troubles or disturbance or distress; "seemed untroubled by doubts of any kind"; "untroubled sleep"; "a kind untroubled face" 02459465 00 s 02 carefree 0 unworried 0 002 & 02459109 a 0000 + 04672210 n 0101 | free of trouble and worry and care; "the carefree joys of childhood"; "carefree millionaires, untroubled financially" 02459667 00 s 01 clear 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt); "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes" 02459862 00 s 01 dreamless 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | untroubled by dreams; "a sound and dreamless sleep" 02459969 00 s 01 trouble-free 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | without problems or difficulties; "NASA reported a trouble-free launch" 02460099 00 s 01 unconcerned 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | easy in mind; not worried; "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination" 02460262 00 s 01 undisturbed 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | untroubled by interference or disturbance; "he could pursue his studies undisturbed" 02460404 00 s 01 unmolested 0 001 & 02459109 a 0000 | not interfered with, disturbed, or harmed 02460502 00 a 01 true 0 012 ^ 00631391 a 0000 ^ 00958880 a 0000 ^ 01115349 a 0000 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 02179279 a 0000 = 13956488 n 0000 + 13956488 n 0104 ! 02461723 a 0101 & 02460964 a 0000 & 02461295 a 0000 & 02461438 a 0000 & 02461586 a 0000 | consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B. Russell; "the true meaning of the statement" 02460964 00 s 04 actual 0 genuine 0 literal 0 real 0 006 & 02460502 a 0000 + 13955461 n 0402 + 13956097 n 0401 + 13955461 n 0401 + 04760611 n 0301 + 13955341 n 0201 | being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a literal solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma" 02461295 00 s 02 apodictic 0 apodeictic 0 002 & 02460502 a 0000 ;c 06163751 n 0000 | of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain 02461438 00 s 01 truthful 0 001 & 02460502 a 0000 | conforming to truth; "I wouldn't have told you this if it weren't so"; "a truthful statement" 02461586 00 s 01 sure 0 002 & 02460502 a 0000 + 05697363 n 0106 | infallible or unfailing; "a sure (or true) sign of one's commitment" 02461723 00 a 01 false 0 012 ^ 01222884 a 0000 ^ 01116380 a 0000 ^ 00632438 a 0000 ^ 02180797 a 0000 = 13956488 n 0000 + 13960464 n 0102 + 06756407 n 0102 ! 02460502 a 0101 & 02462089 a 0000 & 02462210 a 0000 & 02462375 a 0000 & 02462489 a 0000 | not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality; "gave false testimony under oath"; "false tales of bravery" 02462089 00 s 01 mendacious 0 002 & 02461723 a 0000 + 04876235 n 0101 | intentionally untrue; "a mendacious statement" 02462210 00 s 02 specious 0 spurious 0 003 & 02461723 a 0000 + 13960833 n 0201 + 04875113 n 0101 | plausible but false; "a specious claim"; "spurious inferences" 02462375 00 s 01 trumped-up(a) 0 001 & 02461723 a 0000 | concocted with intent to deceive; "trumped-up charges" 02462489 00 s 01 untrue 0 001 & 02461723 a 0000 | not according with the facts; "unfortunately the statement was simply untrue" 02462619 00 a 02 trustful 0 trusting 2 006 ^ 00646413 a 0000 + 04895246 n 0202 + 04895246 n 0103 ! 02463154 a 0101 & 02462883 a 0000 & 02463029 a 0000 | inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust; "great brown eye, true and trustful"- Nordhoff & Hall 02462883 00 s 01 confiding 0 001 & 02462619 a 0000 | willing to entrust personal matters; "first she was suspicious, then she became confiding" 02463029 00 s 02 unsuspecting 0 unsuspicious 0 001 & 02462619 a 0000 | not suspicious; "deceiving the unsuspecting public" 02463154 00 a 01 distrustful 0 009 ^ 00647070 a 0000 + 04895773 n 0102 ! 02462619 a 0101 & 02463582 a 0000 & 02463847 a 0000 & 02464105 a 0000 & 02464277 a 0000 & 02464491 a 0000 & 02464615 a 0000 | having or showing distrust; "a man of distrustful nature"; "my experience...in other fields of law has made me distrustful of rules of thumb generally"- B.N.Cardozo; "vigilant and distrustful superintendence"- Thomas Jefferson 02463582 00 s 03 cynical 0 misanthropic 0 misanthropical 0 005 & 02463154 a 0000 + 10321882 n 0301 + 04658524 n 0301 + 04658524 n 0201 + 09986532 n 0101 | believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others 02463847 00 s 04 doubting 0 questioning 0 skeptical 0 sceptical 0 006 & 02463154 a 0000 + 05980051 n 0403 + 10604634 n 0402 + 10604634 n 0301 + 05980051 n 0302 + 05698982 n 0303 | marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener" 02464105 00 s 03 jealous 0 green-eyed 0 overjealous 0 001 & 02463154 a 0000 | suspicious or unduly suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival; "a jealous lover" 02464277 00 s 05 leery 0 mistrustful 0 suspicious 0 untrusting 0 wary 0 005 & 02463154 a 0000 + 04664413 n 0501 + 05698791 n 0304 + 04895979 n 0302 + 06716483 n 0102 | openly distrustful and unwilling to confide 02464491 00 s 01 misogynic 0 002 & 02463154 a 0000 + 07547064 n 0101 | (used of men) having deep-seated distrust of women 02464615 00 s 01 oversuspicious 0 001 & 02463154 a 0000 | unduly suspicious 02464693 00 a 02 trustworthy 0 trusty 0 015 ^ 00958880 a 0000 ^ 01222360 a 0000 ^ 00724081 a 0000 ^ 01996377 a 0000 + 13929852 n 0202 + 05943066 n 0202 + 04895246 n 0201 + 04668819 n 0202 + 04668819 n 0101 ! 02466111 a 0101 & 02465115 a 0000 & 02465350 a 0000 & 02465519 a 0000 & 02465909 a 0000 & 02465978 a 0000 | worthy of trust or belief; "a trustworthy report"; "an experienced and trustworthy traveling companion" 02465115 00 s 02 authentic 0 reliable 1 004 & 02464693 a 0000 + 04670022 n 0204 + 04670022 n 0203 + 04783247 n 0101 | conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief; "an authentic account by an eyewitness"; "reliable information" 02465350 00 s 02 creditworthy 0 responsible 0 003 & 02464693 a 0000 + 04669247 n 0202 + 04669063 n 0101 | having an acceptable credit rating; "a responsible borrower" 02465519 00 s 04 dependable 0 honest 0 reliable 2 true(p) 0 007 & 02464693 a 0000 + 04877530 n 0402 + 04670022 n 0304 + 04670022 n 0303 + 04871374 n 0202 + 04670022 n 0102 + 04670022 n 0101 | worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable sourcSFLe of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me" 02465909 00 s 01 fiducial 0 001 & 02464693 a 0000 | based on trust 02465978 00 s 02 sure 0 trusted 0 001 & 02464693 a 0000 | (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence; "a sure (or trusted) friend" 02466111 00 a 02 untrustworthy 0 untrusty 0 009 ^ 01222884 a 0000 ^ 00959731 a 0000 ^ 00724861 a 0000 + 04670531 n 0202 + 04670531 n 0101 ! 02464693 a 0101 & 02466382 a 0000 & 02466566 a 0000 & 02466734 a 0000 | not worthy of trust or belief; "an untrustworthy person" 02466382 00 s 02 devious 0 shifty 0 003 & 02466111 a 0000 + 04875728 n 0202 + 04875556 n 0102 | characterized by insincerity or deceit; evasive; "a devious character"; "shifty eyes" 02466566 00 s 02 fly-by-night 0 shady 0 003 & 02466111 a 0000 + 04811767 n 0201 + 10098388 n 0101 | (of businesses and businessmen) unscrupulous; "a shady operation" 02466734 00 s 02 slippery 0 tricky 0 003 & 02466111 a 0000 + 04875728 n 0204 + 04875728 n 0103 | not to be trusted; "how extraordinarily slippery a liar the camera is"- James Agee 02466916 00 a 01 tubed 0 001 ! 02466999 a 0101 | of a tire; having an inner tube 02466999 00 a 01 tubeless 0 002 + 04494762 n 0101 ! 02466916 a 0101 | of a tire; not needing an inner tube 02467108 00 a 01 tucked 0 001 ! 02467241 a 0101 | having tucked or being tucked; "tightly tucked blankets"; "a fancy tucked shirt" 02467241 00 a 01 untucked 0 001 ! 02467108 a 0101 | lacking tucks or not being tucked; "the sheet came untucked"; "plain untucked shirt front" 02467386 00 a 01 turned 0 006 ! 02468326 a 0101 & 02467559 a 0000 & 02467766 a 0000 & 02467982 a 0000 & 02468110 a 0000 & 02468208 a 0000 | moved around an axis or center 02467559 00 s 02 inverted 0 upside-down 0 001 & 02467386 a 0000 | being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed; "a quotation mark is sometimes called an inverted comma"; "an upside-down cake" 02467766 00 s 03 overturned 0 upset 0 upturned 0 001 & 02467386 a 0000 | having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom; "an overturned car"; "the upset pitcher of milk"; "sat on an upturned bucket" 02467982 00 s 01 reversed 0 001 & 02467386 a 0000 | turned inside out and resewn; "the reversed collar looked as good as new" 02468110 00 s 02 rotated 0 revolved 0 001 & 02467386 a 0000 | turned in a circle around an axis 02468208 00 s 02 wrong-side-out(p) 0 inside-out(p) 0 001 & 02467386 a 0000 | with the inside surface on the outside 02468326 00 a 01 unturned 0 003 ! 02467386 a 0101 & 02468453 a 0000 & 02468538 a 0000 | not turned; "left no stone unturned" 02468453 00 s 01 right-side-out(p) 0 001 & 02468326 a 0000 | of fabric or clothing 02468538 00 s 01 right-side-up(p) 0 001 & 02468326 a 0000 | of objects having a top and bottom 02468635 00 a 01 typical 0 008 ^ 00356926 a 0000 = 14501545 n 0000 + 14501545 n 0101 ! 02469928 a 0101 & 02469119 a 0000 & 02469407 a 0000 & 02469577 a 0000 & 02469756 a 0000 | exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category; "a typical American girl"; "a typical suburban community"; "the typical car owner drives 10,000 miles a year"; "a painting typical of the Impressionist school"; "a typical romantic poem"; "a typical case of arteritis" 02469119 00 s 03 emblematic 0 exemplary 0 typic 0 005 & 02468635 a 0000 + 09909060 n 0303 + 05820620 n 0201 + 06880664 n 0101 + 03282591 n 0101 | being or serving as an illustration of a type; "the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy"; "an action exemplary of his conduct"; 02469407 00 s 01 representative 0 002 & 02468635 a 0000 + 02541921 v 0101 | serving to represent or typify; "representative moviegoers"; "a representative modern play" 02469577 00 s 02 regular(a) 0 veritable(a) 0 001 & 02468635 a 0000 | often used as intensifiers; "a regular morass of details"; "a regular nincompoop"; "he's a veritable swine" 02469756 00 s 01 true 0 001 & 02468635 a 0000 | conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician" 02469928 00 a 02 atypical 0 untypical 0 007 ^ 01595596 a 0000 ^ 00357983 a 0000 = 14501545 n 0000 + 14503060 n 0202 + 14503060 n 0101 ! 02468635 a 0101 & 02470316 a 0000 | not representative of a group, class, or type; "a group that is atypical of the target audience"; "a class of atypical mosses"; "atypical behavior is not the accepted type of response that we expect from children" 02470316 00 s 01 unrepresentative 0 001 & 02469928 a 0000 | not exemplifying a class; "I soon tumbled to the fact that my weekends were atypical"; "behavior quite unrepresentative (or atypical) of the profession" 02470531 00 a 03 underhand 0 underhanded 0 underarm 0 002 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 02470734 a 0101 | with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level; "an underhand pitch"; "an underhand stroke" 02470734 00 a 03 overhand 0 overhanded 0 overarm 0 003 ;c 00523513 n 0000 ! 02470531 a 0101 & 02470952 a 0000 | with hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level; "an overhand pitch"; "an overhand stroke" 02470952 00 s 01 round-arm 0 002 & 02470734 a 0000 ;c 00476389 n 0000 | with the arm swung round at shoulder height; "round-arm bowling" 02471091 00 a 01 surface 0 005 ! 02471782 a 0101 ! 02472563 a 0101 & 02471264 a 0000 & 02471466 a 0000 & 02471602 a 0000 | on the surface; "surface materials of the moon" 02471264 00 s 01 aboveground 0 001 & 02471091 a 0000 | on or above the surface of the ground; "aboveground nuclear testing"; "surface instruments for detecting oil deposits"; "surface transportation" 02471466 00 s 01 grade-constructed 0 001 & 02471091 a 0000 | constructed at ground level; "grade-constructed accesses to the freeway" 02471602 00 s 02 opencast 0 opencut 0 002 & 02471091 a 0000 ;c 00922327 n 0000 | (of mines and mining) worked from the exposed surface; "opencast mining"; "an opencut iron mine" 02471782 00 a 01 subsurface 0 006 ! 02472563 a 0101 ! 02471091 a 0101 & 02471984 a 0000 & 02472137 a 0000 & 02472252 a 0000 & 02472384 a 0000 | beneath the surface; "subsurface materials of the moon" 02471984 00 s 02 belowground 0 underground 0 001 & 02471782 a 0000 | under the level of the ground; "belowground storage areas"; "underground caverns" 02472137 00 s 02 submarine 0 undersea 0 002 & 02471782 a 0000 + 04347754 n 0101 | beneath the surface of the sea 02472252 00 s 03 submerged 1 submersed 1 underwater 0 001 & 02471782 a 0000 | beneath the surface of the water; "submerged rocks" 02472384 00 s 02 subterranean 0 subterraneous 0 001 & 02471782 a 0000 | being or operating under the surface of the earth; "subterranean passages"; "a subsurface flow of water" 02472563 00 a 01 overhead 0 002 ! 02471091 a 0101 ! 02471782 a 0101 | located or originating from above; "an overhead crossing" 02472693 00 a 02 submersible 0 submergible 0 009 + 01991472 v 0201 + 01578254 v 0201 + 00217700 v 0203 + 04348359 n 0101 + 04348184 n 0101 + 01991472 v 0101 + 01578254 v 0101 + 00217700 v 0103 ! 02473033 a 0101 | capable of being immersed in water or functioning while submerged; "a submersible pump"; "a submergible electric frying pan" 02473033 00 a 02 nonsubmersible 0 nonsubmergible 0 001 ! 02472693 a 0101 | not submersible or submergible 02473141 00 a 01 tearful 0 007 + 07534278 n 0102 ! 02473977 a 0101 & 02473371 a 0000 & 02473543 a 0000 & 02473655 a 0000 & 02473757 a 0000 & 02473886 a 0000 | filled with or marked by tears; "tearful eyes"; "tearful entreaties" 02473371 00 s 02 liquid 0 swimming 0 002 & 02473141 a 0000 + 14480420 n 0102 | filled or brimming with tears; "swimming eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid" 02473543 00 s 01 misty-eyed 0 001 & 02473141 a 0000 | having eyes blurred as with tears; "sad and misty-eyed" 02473655 00 s 03 teary 0 teary-eyed 0 watery-eyed 0 001 & 02473141 a 0000 | with eyes full of tears 02473757 00 s 03 sniffly 0 snuffling 0 snuffly 0 003 & 02473141 a 0000 + 00836149 n 0301 + 00836149 n 0102 | liable to sniffle 02473886 00 s 01 weepy 0 002 & 02473141 a 0000 + 07534278 n 0101 | liable to weep easily 02473977 00 a 02 tearless 0 dry-eyed 0 002 ! 02473141 a 0101 & 02474076 a 0000 | free from tears 02474076 00 s 01 dry 0 002 & 02473977 a 0000 + 14536438 n 0101 | not shedding tears; "dry sobs"; "with dry eyes" 02474191 00 a 01 union 0 003 ! 02474674 a 0101 & 02474377 a 0000 & 02474476 a 0000 | of trade unions; "the union movement"; "union negotiations"; "a union-shop clause in the contract" 02474377 00 s 01 closed(a) 0 001 & 02474191 a 0000 | requiring union membership; "a closed shop" 02474476 00 s 04 organized 0 organised 0 unionized 0 unionised 0 001 & 02474191 a 0000 | being a member of or formed into a labor union; "organized labor"; "unionized workers"; "a unionized shop" 02474674 00 a 01 nonunion 0 003 ! 02474191 a 0101 & 02474876 a 0000 & 02475001 a 0000 | not belonging to or not allowing affiliation with a trade union; "nonunion carpenters"; "a nonunion contractor" 02474876 00 s 01 open(a) 0 001 & 02474674 a 0000 | not requiring union membership; "an open shop employs nonunion workers" 02475001 00 s 04 unorganized 0 unorganised 0 nonunionized 0 nonunionised 0 001 & 02474674 a 0000 | not affiliated in a trade union; "the workers in the plant were unorganized" 02475179 00 a 01 uniparous 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02475292 a 0101 | producing only one offspring at a time 02475292 00 a 01 multiparous 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02475179 a 0101 & 02475430 a 0000 | producing more than one offspring at a time 02475430 00 s 02 biparous 0 twinning 0 001 & 02475292 a 0000 | producing two offspring at a time 02475529 00 a 01 unipolar 0 001 ! 02475604 a 0101 | having a single pole 02475604 00 a 01 bipolar 0 002 ! 02475529 a 0101 & 02475692 a 0000 | having two poles 02475692 00 s 01 Janus-faced 0 001 & 02475604 a 0000 | having or concerned with polarities or contrasts; "a Janus-faced view of history"; "a Janus-faced policy" 02475855 00 a 01 united 0 020 ^ 00466808 a 0000 ^ 01326148 a 0000 ^ 02111684 a 0000 ! 02478749 a 0101 & 02476338 a 0000 & 02476485 a 0000 & 02476637 a 0000 & 02476870 a 0000 & 02477047 a 0000 & 02477211 a 0000 & 02477335 a 0000 & 02477457 a 0000 & 02477557 a 0000 & 02477691 a 0000 & 02477885 a 0000 & 02478052 a 0000 & 02478215 a 0000 & 02478383 a 0000 & 02478504 a 0000 & 02478589 a 0000 | characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity; "presented a united front" 02476338 00 s 02 agreed 0 in_agreement(p) 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | united by being of the same opinion; "agreed in their distrust of authority" 02476485 00 s 03 allied 0 confederate 0 confederative 0 003 & 02475855 a 0000 + 02434541 v 0301 + 09761068 n 0202 | united in a confederacy or league 02476637 00 s 05 amalgamate 0 amalgamated 0 coalesced 0 consolidated 0 fused 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school" 02476870 00 s 02 coalescent 0 coalescing 0 003 & 02475855 a 0000 + 00382109 n 0102 + 00382109 n 0101 | growing together, fusing; "coalescent tradititions"; "coalescent bones" 02477047 00 s 01 cohesive 0 003 & 02475855 a 0000 + 02753642 v 0101 + 14420464 n 0104 | cohering or tending to cohere; well integrated; "a cohesive organization" 02477211 00 s 03 conjugate 0 conjugated 0 coupled 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | joined together especially in a pair or pairs 02477335 00 s 01 conjunct 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | bound in close association; "conjunct influences"; "conjunct ideas" 02477457 00 s 02 federate 0 federated 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | united under a central government 02477557 00 s 05 incorporate 0 incorporated 0 integrated 0 merged 0 unified 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | formed or united into a whole 02477691 00 s 01 in_league(p) 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | (usually followed by `with') united in effort as if in a league; "they found out that some policemen were in league with the criminals" 02477885 00 s 02 one(a) 0 unitary 0 002 & 02475855 a 0000 + 04743370 n 0101 | having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice" 02478052 00 s 01 suprasegmental 0 002 & 02475855 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | pertaining to a feature of speech that extends over more than a single speech sound 02478215 00 s 01 tied 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | bound together by or as if by a strong rope; especially as by a bond of affection; "people tied by blood or marriage" 02478383 00 s 01 undivided 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | not parted by conflict of opinion; "presented an undivided front" 02478504 00 s 01 unpartitioned 0 001 & 02475855 a 0000 | not divided by partitions 02478589 00 s 02 unsegmented 0 nonsegmental 0 002 & 02475855 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | having a body that is not divided into segments; "unsegmented worms" 02478749 00 a 01 divided 0 029 ^ 00467913 a 0000 ^ 01326917 a 0000 ^ 02109678 a 0000 ! 02475855 a 0101 & 02479361 a 0000 & 02479492 a 0000 & 02479602 a 0000 & 02480023 a 0000 & 02480151 a 0000 & 02480317 a 0000 & 02480631 a 0000 & 02480747 a 0000 & 02480861 a 0000 & 02481012 a 0000 & 02481354 a 0000 & 02481457 a 0000 & 02481608 a 0000 & 02481793 a 0000 & 02481870 a 0000 & 02481951 a 0000 & 02482159 a 0000 & 02482298 a 0000 & 02482509 a 0000 & 02482644 a 0000 & 02482790 a 0000 & 02482932 a 0000 & 02483011 a 0000 & 02483198 a 0000 & 02483311 a 0000 | separated into parts or pieces; "opinions are divided" 02479361 00 s 02 bicameral 0 two-chambered 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | consisting of two chambers; "the bicameral heart of a fish" 02479492 00 s 01 bifid 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | divided into two lobes; "a bifid petal" 02479602 00 s 08 bifurcate 0 biramous 0 branched 0 forked 0 fork-like 0 forficate 0 pronged 2 prongy 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 + 04010927 n 0801 | resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches; "the biramous appendages of an arthropod"; "long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects"; "a forked river"; "a forked tail"; "forked lightning"; "horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots" 02480023 00 s 01 bifurcated 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | divided into or made up of two parts; "socially bifurcated populations" 02480151 00 s 02 bilocular 0 biloculate 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 | divided into or containing two cells or chambers; "having a bilocular capsule" 02480317 00 s 01 black-and-white 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | of a situation that is sharply divided into mutually exclusive categories; "he rejected a black-and-white world"; "there are no black-and-white certainties"; "there were no grey areas, you were either for him or against him, he was all black-and-white" 02480631 00 s 01 chambered 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having compartmental chambers; "a spiral chambered seashell" 02480747 00 s 02 cloven 0 bisulcate 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | (used of hooves) split, divided; "bisulcate hoof" 02480861 00 s 01 dichotomous 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 + 07939880 n 0101 | divided or dividing into two sharply distinguished parts or classifications 02481012 00 s 04 disconnected 0 disunited 0 fragmented 0 split 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 + 14417697 n 0104 | having been divided; having the unity destroyed; "Congress...gave the impression of...a confusing sum of disconnected local forces"-Samuel Lubell; "a league of disunited nations"- E.B.White; "a fragmented coalition"; "a split group" 02481354 00 s 01 disjointed 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | taken apart at the joints; "a disjointed fowl" 02481457 00 s 01 disjunct 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 | having deep constrictions separating head, thorax, and abdomen, as in insects 02481608 00 s 01 episodic 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes; "the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together" 02481793 00 s 01 four-pronged 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having four prongs 02481870 00 s 01 many-chambered 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having many chambers 02481951 00 s 03 metameric 0 segmental 0 segmented 0 003 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 02665812 n 0101 | having the body divided into successive metameres or segments, as in earthworms or lobsters 02482159 00 s 01 mullioned 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | of windows; divided by vertical bars or piers usually of stone; "mullioned windows" 02482298 00 s 01 pentamerous 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | divided into five parts; specifically, having each floral whorl consist of five (or a multiple of five) members; "pentamerous flowers" 02482509 00 s 02 pronged 0 tined 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having prongs or tines; usually used in combination; "a three-tined fork" 02482644 00 s 02 sectional 0 sectioned 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | consisting of or divided into sections; "a sectional sofa"; "sectioned plates" 02482790 00 s 01 segmental 2 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | divided or organized into speech segments or isolable speech sounds 02482932 00 s 01 three-pronged 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having three prongs 02483011 00 s 01 torn 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | disrupted by the pull of contrary forces; "torn between love and hate"; "torn by conflicting loyalties"; "torn by religious dissensions" 02483198 00 s 01 trifid 0 002 & 02478749 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | divided into three lobes; "trifid petals" 02483311 00 s 01 two-pronged 0 001 & 02478749 a 0000 | having two prongs 02483386 00 a 01 adnate 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02483540 a 0101 | of unlike parts or organs; growing closely attached; "a calyx adnate to the ovary" 02483540 00 a 01 connate 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02483386 a 0101 | of similar parts or organs; closely joined or united; "a connate tomato flower" 02483692 00 a 01 univalve 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02483908 a 0101 & 02483839 a 0000 | used of mollusks, especially gastropods, as snails etc. 02483839 00 s 01 single-shelled 0 001 & 02483692 a 0000 | univalve 02483908 00 a 02 bivalve 0 bivalved 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01955933 n 0101 ! 02483692 a 0101 & 02484078 a 0000 | used of mollusks having two shells (as clams etc.) 02484078 00 s 03 lamellibranch 0 pelecypod 0 pelecypodous 0 003 & 02483908 a 0000 + 01955933 n 0302 + 01955933 n 0202 | bivalve 02484208 00 a 01 ascending(a) 0 009 ^ 02490170 a 0000 ! 02485650 a 0101 & 02484530 a 0000 & 02484638 a 0000 & 02484919 a 0000 & 02485050 a 0000 & 02485168 a 0000 & 02485319 a 0000 & 02485488 a 0000 | moving or going or growing upward; "the ascending plane"; "the ascending staircase"; "the ascending stems of chickweed" 02484530 00 s 03 acclivitous 0 rising 0 uphill 0 002 & 02484208 a 0000 + 09206985 n 0102 | sloping upward 02484638 00 s 03 ascendant 0 ascendent 0 ascensive 0 007 & 02484208 a 0000 + 01969216 v 0301 + 02037472 v 0301 + 01970348 v 0204 + 02037472 v 0201 + 01969216 v 0101 + 02037472 v 0101 | tending or directed upward; "rooted and ascendant strength like that of foliage"- John Ruskin 02484919 00 s 01 assurgent 0 002 & 02484208 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 | growing or extending upward; "an assurgent stem or leaf" 02485050 00 s 01 assurgent 2 002 & 02484208 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | rising from the sea; "a seahorse assurgent" 02485168 00 s 01 scandent 0 001 & 02484208 a 0000 | used especially of plants; having a tendency to climb; "plants of a creeping or scandent nature" 02485319 00 s 01 highflying(a) 0 001 & 02484208 a 0000 | moving upward or along at a considerable height; "some highflying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it" 02485488 00 s 02 up(a) 0 upward(a) 0 001 & 02484208 a 0000 | extending or moving toward a higher place; "the up staircase"; "a general upward movement of fish" 02485650 00 a 01 descending(a) 0 010 ^ 02491961 a 0000 ! 02484208 a 0101 & 02485895 a 0000 & 02486046 a 0000 & 02486122 a 0000 & 02486248 a 0000 & 02486425 a 0000 & 02486504 a 0000 & 02486628 a 0000 & 02486797 a 0000 | coming down or downward 02485895 00 s 03 declivitous 0 downhill 0 downward-sloping 0 003 & 02485650 a 0000 + 09269472 n 0201 + 09265620 n 0102 | sloping down rather steeply 02486046 00 s 01 degressive 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | going down by steps 02486122 00 s 02 descendant 0 descendent 0 003 & 02485650 a 0000 + 01970826 v 0201 + 01970826 v 0101 | going or coming down 02486248 00 s 02 down(a) 0 downward(a) 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream" 02486425 00 s 01 downward-arching 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | curving downward 02486504 00 s 01 drizzling 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | (of rain) falling lightly in very small drops; "a raw drizzing rain" 02486628 00 s 02 dropping 0 falling 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | coming down freely under the influence of gravity; "the eerie whistle of dropping bombs"; "falling rain" 02486797 00 s 01 raining 0 001 & 02485650 a 0000 | falling in drops or as if falling like rain; "watched the raining apple blossoms" 02486932 00 a 01 rising 0 002 ! 02487244 a 0101 & 02487108 a 0000 | advancing or becoming higher or greater in degree or value or status; "a rising trend"; "a rising market" 02487108 00 s 02 improving 0 up 0 001 & 02486932 a 0000 | getting higher or more vigorous; "its an up market"; "an improving economy" 02487244 00 a 01 falling 0 003 ! 02486932 a 0101 & 02487414 a 0000 & 02487540 a 0000 | becoming lower or less in degree or value; "a falling market"; "falling incomes" 02487414 00 s 01 down(a) 0 001 & 02487244 a 0000 | becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market" 02487540 00 s 01 soft 0 002 & 02487244 a 0000 + 14489859 n 0101 | (of a commodity or market or currency) falling or likely to fall in value; "the market for computers is soft" 02487718 00 a 01 climactic 0 005 + 14568516 n 0101 + 07417043 n 0101 + 06373747 n 0101 + 00062133 n 0102 ! 02487906 a 0101 | consisting of or causing a climax; "a climactic development" 02487906 00 a 01 anticlimactic 0 002 + 07427951 n 0101 ! 02487718 a 0101 | coming after the climax especially of a dramatic or narrative plot; "everything after the discovery of the murderer was anticlimactic" 02488118 00 a 01 upmarket 0 002 ! 02488445 a 0101 & 02488304 a 0000 | designed for consumers with high incomes; "he turned up in well-cut clothes...and upmarket felt hats"- New Yorker 02488304 00 s 01 upscale 0 001 & 02488118 a 0000 | appropriate for people with good incomes; "an upscale neighborhood"; "an upscale motel" 02488445 00 a 01 downmarket 0 002 ! 02488118 a 0101 & 02488553 a 0000 | designed for low-income consumers 02488553 00 s 01 downscale 0 001 & 02488445 a 0000 | intended for people with low incomes; "mass-produced downscale versions of high-priced fashions" 02488705 00 a 01 transitive 0 005 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 00420716 v 0101 + 13798118 n 0102 + 13798118 n 0101 ! 02488907 a 0101 | designating a verb that requires a direct object to complete the meaning 02488907 00 a 01 intransitive 0 004 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 13798301 n 0102 + 13798301 n 0101 ! 02488705 a 0101 | designating a verb that does not require or cannot take a direct object 02489092 00 a 01 translatable 0 001 ! 02489312 a 0101 | capable of being put into another form or style or language; "substances readily translatable to the American home table"; "his books are eminently translatable" 02489312 00 a 01 untranslatable 0 001 ! 02489092 a 0101 | not capable of being put into another form or style or language; "an untranslatable idiom"; "untranslatable art" 02489485 00 a 04 ungulate 0 ungulated 0 hoofed 0 hooved 0 003 + 02370806 n 0101 ! 02489745 a 0101 & 02489667 a 0000 | having or resembling hoofs; "horses and other hoofed animals" 02489667 00 s 01 solid-hoofed 0 001 & 02489485 a 0000 | having solid hooves 02489745 00 a 02 unguiculate 0 unguiculated 0 004 + 02371344 n 0101 ! 02489485 a 0101 & 02489961 a 0000 & 02490098 a 0000 | having or resembling claws or nails; "unguiculate animals"; "an unguiculate flower petal" 02489961 00 s 01 clawed 0 001 & 02489745 a 0000 | having or resembling a claw or claws; often used as a combining form; "sharp-clawed" 02490098 00 s 01 clawlike 0 001 & 02489745 a 0000 | resembling a claw 02490170 00 a 01 up 0 012 ^ 02484208 a 0000 ^ 01204557 a 0000 ! 02491961 a 0101 & 02490631 a 0000 & 02490831 a 0000 & 02490949 a 0000 & 02491171 a 0000 & 02491308 a 0000 & 02491421 a 0000 & 02491578 a 0000 & 02491708 a 0000 & 02491836 a 0000 | being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level; "the anchor is up"; "the sun is up"; "he lay face up"; "he is up by a pawn"; "the market is up"; "the corn is up" 02490631 00 s 03 ahead(p) 0 in_the_lead 0 leading 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | having the leading position or higher score in a contest; "he is ahead by a pawn"; "the leading team in the pennant race" 02490831 00 s 01 aweigh 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | (used of an anchor) hanging clear of the bottom; "anchors aweigh" 02490949 00 s 02 dormie 0 dormy 0 002 & 02490170 a 0000 ;c 00464894 n 0000 | in match play a side that stands as many holes ahead as there are holes remaining to be played; "he was dormie three and still lost the match" 02491171 00 s 02 heavenward 0 skyward 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | directed toward heaven or the sky; "the soul in its heavenward flight" 02491308 00 s 01 risen 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | (of e.g. celestial bodies) above the horizon; "the risen sun" 02491421 00 s 01 sprouted 0 002 & 02490170 a 0000 ;c 08436759 n 0000 | (of growing vegetation) having just emerged from the ground; "the corn is sprouted" 02491578 00 s 01 upbound 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | heading in any direction that is conventionally up; "upbound shipping lanes" 02491708 00 s 01 upfield 0 002 & 02490170 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | away from the defending teams' end of the playing field 02491836 00 s 01 upward 0 001 & 02490170 a 0000 | directed up; "the cards were face upward"; "an upward stroke of the pen" 02491961 00 a 01 down 0 012 ^ 02485650 a 0000 ^ 01206474 a 0000 ! 02490170 a 0101 & 02492383 a 0000 & 02492565 a 0000 & 02492719 a 0000 & 02492812 a 0000 & 02492981 a 0000 & 02493137 a 0000 & 02493300 a 0000 & 02493395 a 0000 & 02493574 a 0000 | being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today" 02492383 00 s 01 behind(p) 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | having the lower score or lagging position in a contest; "behind by two points"; "the 8th inning found the home team trailing" 02492565 00 s 01 downbound 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | heading in any direction that is conventionally down; "a downbound channel"; "the downbound train" 02492719 00 s 01 downcast 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | directed downward; "a downcast glance" 02492812 00 s 01 downfield 0 002 & 02491961 a 0000 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | toward or in the defending team's end of the playing field; "he threw to a downfield receiver" 02492981 00 s 01 downward(ip) 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | on or toward a surface regarded as a base; "he lay face downward"; "the downward pull of gravity" 02493137 00 s 01 fallen 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | having dropped by the force of gravity; "fallen leaves covered the forest floor"; "sat on a fallen tree trunk" 02493300 00 s 01 set(p) 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | being below the horizon; "the moon is set" 02493395 00 s 01 thrown 0 001 & 02491961 a 0000 | caused to fall to the ground; "the thrown rider got back on his horse"; "a thrown wrestler"; "a ball player thrown for a loss" 02493574 00 s 01 weak 0 002 & 02491961 a 0000 + 14474718 n 0101 | tending downward in price; "a weak market for oil stocks" 02493700 00 a 01 upstage 0 001 ! 02493867 a 0101 | of the back half of a stage; "she crossed to the upstage chair forcing the lead to turn his back to the audience" 02493867 00 a 01 downstage 0 001 ! 02493700 a 0101 | of the front half of a stage 02493951 00 a 02 upstairs 0 upstair 0 001 ! 02494092 a 0101 | on or of upper floors of a building; "the upstairs maid"; "an upstairs room" 02494092 00 a 02 downstairs 0 downstair 0 002 ! 02493951 a 0101 & 02494253 a 0000 | on or of lower floors of a building; "the downstairs (or downstair) phone" 02494253 00 s 01 ground-floor 0 001 & 02494092 a 0000 | on the floor closest to level with the ground; "the ground-floor entrance is kept locked" 02494401 00 a 01 upstream 0 001 ! 02494499 a 0101 | in the direction against a stream's current 02494499 00 a 01 downstream 0 001 ! 02494401 a 0101 | in the direction of a stream's current 02494594 00 a 01 uptown 0 001 ! 02494716 a 0101 | of or located in the upper part of a town; "uptown residential areas" 02494716 00 a 01 downtown 0 002 + 08539072 n 0102 ! 02494594 a 0101 | of or located in the lower part of a town, or in the business center; "downtown Manhattan"; "delinquents roaming the downtown streets" 02494923 00 a 01 used 0 003 ! 02495346 a 0101 & 02495156 a 0000 & 02495270 a 0000 | employed in accomplishing something; "the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war"- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker 02495156 00 s 01 in_use 0 001 & 02494923 a 0000 | currently being used; "robots are in use throughout industry" 02495270 00 s 02 utilized 0 utilised 0 001 & 02494923 a 0000 | put to use 02495346 00 a 01 misused 0 003 ! 02494923 a 0101 & 02495564 a 0000 & 02495687 a 0000 | used incorrectly or carelessly or for an improper purpose; "misused words are often laughable but one weeps for misused talents" 02495564 00 s 01 abused 0 001 & 02495346 a 0000 | used improperly or excessively especially drugs; "an abused substance" 02495687 00 s 06 exploited 2 ill-used 0 put-upon 0 used 2 victimized 0 victimised 0 001 & 02495346 a 0000 | of persons; taken advantage of; "after going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used" 02495922 00 a 02 useful 0 utile 2 014 ^ 00834198 a 0000 ^ 00931555 a 0000 ^ 01195536 a 0000 ^ 01870889 a 0000 ^ 02123812 a 0000 = 05148699 n 0000 + 05148699 n 0201 ! 02497141 a 0101 & 02496323 a 0000 & 02496425 a 0000 & 02496534 a 0000 & 02496674 a 0000 & 02496857 a 0000 & 02497013 a 0000 | being of use or service; "the girl felt motherly and useful"; "a useful job"; "a useful member of society" 02496323 00 s 01 multipurpose 0 001 & 02495922 a 0000 | having multiple uses; "a multipurpose tool" 02496425 00 s 03 reclaimable 0 recyclable 0 reusable 0 001 & 02495922 a 0000 | capable of being used again 02496534 00 s 01 serviceable 0 002 & 02495922 a 0000 + 05150129 n 0102 | capable of being put to good use; "a serviceable kitchen gadget" 02496674 00 s 02 useable 0 usable 0 005 & 02495922 a 0000 + 05150129 n 0203 + 01158872 v 0201 + 05150129 n 0104 + 01158872 v 0101 | capable of being put to use; "usable byproducts" 02496857 00 s 01 utilitarian 0 002 & 02495922 a 0000 + 05148699 n 0101 | having utility often to the exclusion of values; "plain utilitarian kitchenware" 02497013 00 s 01 utilizable 0 002 & 02495922 a 0000 + 01158872 v 0102 | capable of being put to a profitable or practical use 02497141 00 a 01 useless 0 009 ^ 00835609 a 0000 ^ 01871949 a 0000 ^ 02124654 a 0000 = 05148699 n 0000 + 05150588 n 0102 ! 02495922 a 0101 & 02497471 a 0000 & 02497743 a 0000 & 02497830 a 0000 | having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully; "a kitchen full of useless gadgets"; "she is useless in an emergency" 02497471 00 s 04 futile 0 ineffectual 0 otiose 0 unavailing 0 004 & 02497141 a 0000 + 05207963 n 0202 + 05207963 n 0203 + 05150855 n 0101 | producing no result or effect; "a futile effort"; "the therapy was ineffectual"; "an otiose undertaking"; "an unavailing attempt" 02497743 00 s 01 inutile 0 002 & 02497141 a 0000 + 05150588 n 0101 | not worth using 02497830 00 s 03 unserviceable 0 unusable 0 unuseable 0 001 & 02497141 a 0000 | not capable of being used 02497938 00 a 01 utopian 0 005 ^ 01749320 a 0000 + 10743356 n 0101 + 13932045 n 0101 ! 02498507 a 0101 & 02498213 a 0000 | characterized by or aspiring to impracticable perfection; "the dim utopian future"; "utopian idealists"; "recognized the utopian nature of his hopes" 02498213 00 s 05 airy 0 impractical 0 visionary 0 Laputan 0 windy 0 005 & 02497938 a 0000 + 05630539 n 0401 + 10756641 n 0301 + 05768252 n 0301 + 05152518 n 0201 | not practical or realizable; speculative; "airy theories about socioeconomic improvement"; "visionary schemes for getting rich" 02498507 00 a 01 dystopian 0 002 + 13932213 n 0101 ! 02497938 a 0101 | as bad as can be; characterized by human misery; "AIDS is one of the dystopian harbingers of the global villages"- Susan Sontag 02498708 00 a 01 valid 0 010 ^ 01406640 a 0000 ^ 01943406 a 0000 + 04809453 n 0102 + 04783567 n 0102 ! 02499750 a 0101 & 02499036 a 0000 & 02499148 a 0000 & 02499301 a 0000 & 02499511 a 0000 & 02499643 a 0000 | well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force; "a valid inference"; "a valid argument"; "a valid contract" 02499036 00 s 01 binding 0 001 & 02498708 a 0000 | executed with proper legal authority; "a binding contract" 02499148 00 s 03 legal 0 sound 1 effectual 1 002 & 02498708 a 0000 + 04809237 n 0101 | having legal efficacy or force; "a sound title to the property" 02499301 00 s 02 legitimate 0 logical 0 003 & 02498708 a 0000 + 04784664 n 0202 + 04784664 n 0201 | based on known statements or events or conditions; "rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year" 02499511 00 s 03 reasoned 0 sound 2 well-grounded 0 002 & 02498708 a 0000 + 05159948 n 0203 | logically valid; "a sound argument" 02499643 00 s 01 validated 0 001 & 02498708 a 0000 | declared or made legally valid; "a validated claim" 02499750 00 a 01 invalid 0 010 ^ 01407465 a 0000 + 04810510 n 0102 + 04810510 n 0101 ! 02498708 a 0101 & 02500050 a 0000 & 02500179 a 0000 & 02500379 a 0000 & 02500497 a 0000 & 02500590 a 0000 & 02500736 a 0000 | having no cogency or legal force; "invalid reasoning"; "an invalid driver's license" 02500050 00 s 02 bad 0 uncollectible 0 001 & 02499750 a 0000 | not capable of being collected; "a bad (or uncollectible) debt" 02500179 00 s 02 fallacious 0 unsound 0 004 & 02499750 a 0000 + 05940688 n 0201 + 05893916 n 0101 + 04810727 n 0101 | containing or based on a fallacy; "fallacious reasoning"; "an unsound argument" 02500379 00 s 01 false 0 001 & 02499750 a 0000 | erroneous and usually accidental; "a false start"; "a false alarm" 02500497 00 s 02 invalidated 0 nullified 0 001 & 02499750 a 0000 | deprived of legal force 02500590 00 s 02 null 0 void 0 003 & 02499750 a 0000 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06532763 n 0101 | lacking any legal or binding force; "null and void" 02500736 00 s 02 sophistic 0 sophistical 0 004 & 02499750 a 0000 + 09899929 n 0202 + 09899929 n 0102 + 05895138 n 0101 | plausible but misleading 02500884 00 a 01 valuable 0 013 ^ 00933154 a 0000 ^ 01275562 a 0000 ^ 02584981 a 0000 + 13371030 n 0101 + 05141222 n 0104 + 02256109 v 0102 ! 02502163 a 0101 & 02501247 a 0000 & 02501367 a 0000 & 02501534 a 0000 & 02501693 a 0000 & 02501820 a 0000 & 02502016 a 0000 | having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange; "a valuable diamond" 02501247 00 s 01 blue-chip 0 001 & 02500884 a 0000 | extremely valuable; "Rembrandt is considered a blue-chip artist" 02501367 00 s 02 invaluable 0 priceless 0 003 & 02500884 a 0000 + 05141222 n 0203 + 05141222 n 0101 | having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth 02501534 00 s 01 precious 0 002 & 02500884 a 0000 + 05146272 n 0103 | of high worth or cost; "diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are precious stones" 02501693 00 s 01 rich 0 002 & 02500884 a 0000 + 04729328 n 0104 | of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques" 02501820 00 s 01 semiprecious 0 001 & 02500884 a 0000 | used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones; "such semiprecious stones as amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline" 02502016 00 s 01 worth(p) 0 002 & 02500884 a 0000 + 13764342 n 0101 | having a specified value; "not worth his salt"; "worth her weight in gold" 02502163 00 a 01 worthless 0 012 ^ 02588099 a 0000 + 05139561 n 0101 ! 02500884 a 0101 & 02502468 a 0000 & 02502578 a 0000 & 02502901 a 0000 & 02502994 a 0000 & 02503216 a 0000 & 02503305 a 0000 & 02503656 a 0000 & 02503900 a 0000 & 02504046 a 0000 | lacking in usefulness or value; "a worthless idler" 02502468 00 s 01 chaffy 0 001 & 02502163 a 0000 | value; "an empty chaffy book by a foolish chaffy fellow" 02502578 00 s 07 good-for-nothing 0 good-for-naught 0 meritless 0 no-account 0 no-count 0 no-good 0 sorry 0 004 & 02502163 a 0000 + 05140278 n 0702 + 10135953 n 0206 + 10135953 n 0104 | without merit; "a sorry horse"; "a sorry excuse"; "a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick"; "the car was a no-good piece of junk" 02502901 00 s 01 manky 0 002 & 02502163 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | inferior and worthless 02502994 00 s 03 negligible 0 paltry 0 trifling 0 002 & 02502163 a 0000 + 05140278 n 0201 | not worth considering; "he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost"; "piffling efforts"; "a trifling matter" 02503216 00 s 01 nugatory 0 001 & 02502163 a 0000 | of no real value; "a nugatory law" 02503305 00 s 06 otiose 0 pointless 0 purposeless 0 senseless 0 superfluous 0 wasted 0 004 & 02502163 a 0000 + 05174023 n 0402 + 05174326 n 0301 + 05174023 n 0205 | serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being; "otiose lines in a play"; "advice is wasted words"; "a pointless remark"; "a life essentially purposeless"; "senseless violence" 02503656 00 s 02 rubbishy 0 trashy 0 004 & 02502163 a 0000 + 14857497 n 0202 + 05140593 n 0202 + 14857497 n 0101 | cheap and inferior; of no value; "rubbishy newspapers that form almost the sole reading of the majority"; "trashy merchandise" 02503900 00 s 01 tinpot(a) 0 002 & 02502163 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | inferior (especially of a country's leadership); "he's a tinpot Hitler" 02504046 00 s 01 valueless 0 002 & 02502163 a 0000 + 05140454 n 0101 | of no value 02504131 00 a 01 variable 0 015 ^ 00577920 a 0000 ^ 00583990 a 0000 + 09468959 n 0101 + 04735233 n 0102 + 00123170 v 0103 + 02662297 v 0101 + 04735233 n 0101 ! 02505716 a 0101 & 02504558 a 0000 & 02504830 a 0000 & 02505004 a 0000 & 02505141 a 0000 & 02505308 a 0000 & 02505415 a 0000 & 02505617 a 0000 | liable to or capable of change; "rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable"; "variable winds"; "variable expenses" 02504558 00 s 03 changeable 0 uncertain 0 unsettled 0 003 & 02504131 a 0000 + 04733640 n 0102 + 04733640 n 0101 | subject to change; "a changeable climate"; "the weather is uncertain"; "unsettled weather with rain and hail and sunshine coming one right after the other" 02504830 00 s 01 covariant 0 002 & 02504131 a 0000 + 06025287 n 0101 | changing so that interrelations with another variable quantity or set of quantities remain unchanged 02505004 00 s 01 multivariate 0 002 & 02504131 a 0000 ;c 06018465 n 0000 | pertaining to any procedure involving two or more variables 02505141 00 s 01 protean 0 002 & 02504131 a 0000 + 09569142 n 0101 | taking on different forms; "eyes...of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same" 02505308 00 s 01 shifting 0 001 & 02504131 a 0000 | continuously varying; "taffeta with shifting colors" 02505415 00 s 01 variant 0 006 & 02504131 a 0000 + 08111157 n 0102 + 05840650 n 0102 + 04735233 n 0103 + 02662297 v 0101 + 00436879 v 0101 | exhibiting variation and change; "letters variant in size" 02505617 00 s 01 versatile 0 001 & 02504131 a 0000 | changeable or inconstant; "versatile moods" 02505716 00 a 01 invariable 0 009 ^ 00576680 a 0000 ^ 00583239 a 0000 + 04739932 n 0102 + 04769456 n 0102 + 04739932 n 0101 ! 02504131 a 0101 & 02506029 a 0000 & 02506267 a 0000 & 02506408 a 0000 | not liable to or capable of change; "an invariable temperature"; "an invariable rule"; "his invariable courtesy" 02506029 00 s 04 changeless 0 constant 0 invariant 1 unvarying 0 004 & 02505716 a 0000 + 04739932 n 0303 + 04738641 n 0201 + 05054312 n 0101 | unvarying in nature; "maintained a constant temperature"; "principles of unvarying validity" 02506267 00 s 02 hard-and-fast 0 strict 0 002 & 02505716 a 0000 + 04673173 n 0201 | (of rules) stringently enforced; "hard-and-fast rules" 02506408 00 s 01 invariant 2 003 & 02505716 a 0000 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 04738995 n 0101 | unaffected by a designated operation or transformation 02506555 00 a 01 varied 0 012 ^ 02064745 a 0000 ^ 01198737 a 0000 ^ 01540365 a 0000 = 04751305 n 0000 + 04735556 n 0101 ! 02507968 a 0101 & 02506922 a 0000 & 02507209 a 0000 & 02507324 a 0000 & 02507436 a 0000 & 02507515 a 0000 & 02507772 a 0000 | characterized by variety; "immigrants' varied ethnic and religious traditions"; "his work is interesting and varied" 02506922 00 s 04 many-sided 0 multifaceted 0 miscellaneous 0 multifarious 0 002 & 02506555 a 0000 + 04751305 n 0403 | having many aspects; "a many-sided subject"; "a multifaceted undertaking"; "multifarious interests"; "the multifarious noise of a great city"; "a miscellaneous crowd" 02507209 00 s 01 omnifarious 0 001 & 02506555 a 0000 | of all varieties or forms or kinds; "omnifarious reading" 02507324 00 s 03 varicolored 0 varicoloured 0 variegated 0 001 & 02506555 a 0000 | having a variety of colors 02507436 00 s 01 variform 0 001 & 02506555 a 0000 | varying in form or shape 02507515 00 s 02 varying 0 variable 0 006 & 02506555 a 0000 + 04735233 n 0202 + 02662297 v 0201 + 00436879 v 0201 + 00123170 v 0203 + 04771890 n 0202 | marked by diversity or difference; "the varying angles of roof slope"; "nature is infinitely variable" 02507772 00 s 02 versatile 0 various 2 002 & 02506555 a 0000 + 05641834 n 0101 | having great diversity or variety; "his various achievements are impressive"; "his vast and versatile erudition" 02507968 00 a 02 unvaried 0 unvarying 0 004 ^ 02062670 a 0000 = 04751305 n 0000 + 04740173 n 0101 ! 02506555 a 0101 | lacking variety 02508104 00 a 01 veiled 0 001 ! 02508277 a 0101 | having or as if having a veil or concealing cover; "a veiled dancer"; "a veiled hat"; "veiled threats"; "veiled insults" 02508277 00 a 01 unveiled 0 003 ! 02508104 a 0101 & 02508514 a 0000 & 02508669 a 0000 | revealed; especially by having a veil removed; "a new generation of unveiled women in Iran"; "applauding the unveiled statue of Winston Churchill" 02508514 00 s 01 disclosed 0 001 & 02508277 a 0000 | made known (especially something secret or concealed); "the disclosed purpose of their wicked plan" 02508669 00 s 01 undraped 0 001 & 02508277 a 0000 | stripped of drapery; "the undraped statue" 02508766 00 a 01 ventilated 0 004 ! 02509292 a 0101 & 02508917 a 0000 & 02509059 a 0000 & 02509170 a 0000 | exposed to air; "a well ventilated room" 02508917 00 s 02 aired 0 airy 0 003 & 02508766 a 0000 + 11431754 n 0204 + 05105745 n 0201 | open to or abounding in fresh air; "airy rooms" 02509059 00 s 01 louvered 0 001 & 02508766 a 0000 | supplied with louvers for ventilation; "a louvered door" 02509170 00 s 01 vented 0 001 & 02508766 a 0000 | supplied with a vent or vents for intake of air or discharge of gases 02509292 00 a 01 unventilated 0 006 ^ 00267871 a 0000 ! 02508766 a 0101 & 02509484 a 0000 & 02509710 a 0000 & 02509854 a 0000 & 02509984 a 0000 | not ventilated; "stuffy unventilated rooms" 02509484 00 s 04 airless 0 close 0 stuffy 0 unaired 0 002 & 02509292 a 0000 + 05112474 n 0301 | lacking fresh air; "a dusty airless attic"; "the dreadfully close atmosphere"; "hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke" 02509710 00 s 01 fuggy 0 004 & 02509292 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 14521954 n 0101 | (British informal) poorly ventilated 02509854 00 s 02 unaerated 0 unoxygenated 0 002 & 02509292 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | (used of blood) not supplied with oxygen 02509984 00 s 01 unvented 0 001 & 02509292 a 0000 | not provided with vents 02510062 00 a 01 vertebrate 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01471682 n 0101 ! 02510273 a 0101 | having a backbone or spinal column; "fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals" 02510273 00 a 02 invertebrate 0 spineless 1 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02510062 a 0101 | lacking a backbone or spinal column; "worms are an example of invertebrate animals" 02510446 00 a 01 violable 0 003 + 02668523 v 0101 + 02566528 v 0104 ! 02510604 a 0101 | capable of being violated; "a violable rule"; "a violable contract" 02510604 00 a 01 inviolable 0 002 ! 02510446 a 0101 & 02510786 a 0000 | incapable of being transgressed or dishonored; "the person of the king is inviolable"; "an inviolable oath" 02510786 00 s 02 unassailable 0 untouchable 0 001 & 02510604 a 0000 | impossible to assail 02510879 00 a 01 violent 0 013 ^ 01244410 a 0000 ^ 01742296 a 0000 + 05037813 n 0106 ! 02512922 a 0101 & 02511340 a 0000 & 02511528 a 0000 & 02511800 a 0000 & 02512044 a 0000 & 02512205 a 0000 & 02512334 a 0000 & 02512470 a 0000 & 02512641 a 0000 & 02512794 a 0000 | acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity; "a violent attack"; "a violent person"; "violent feelings"; "a violent rage"; "felt a violent dislike" 02511340 00 s 01 convulsive 0 003 & 02510879 a 0000 + 00859937 v 0101 + 00032297 v 0101 | resembling a convulsion in being sudden and violent; "a convulsive rage"; "convulsive laughter" 02511528 00 s 04 ferocious 0 fierce 0 furious 0 savage 0 006 & 02510879 a 0000 + 05038251 n 0401 + 05037813 n 0303 + 05037813 n 0202 + 04830689 n 0101 + 05037813 n 0101 | marked by extreme and violent energy; "a ferocious beating"; "fierce fighting"; "a furious battle" 02511800 00 s 02 hot 0 raging 0 001 & 02510879 a 0000 | characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent" 02512044 00 s 02 knockdown-dragout 0 knock-down-and-drag-out 0 002 & 02510879 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | extremely violent; "a knock-down-and-drag-out fight" 02512205 00 s 01 lashing 0 001 & 02510879 a 0000 | violently urging on by whipping or flogging; "looked at the lashing riders" 02512334 00 s 01 lurid 0 002 & 02510879 a 0000 + 04782610 n 0104 | horrible in fierceness or savagery; "lurid crimes"; "a lurid life" 02512470 00 s 01 rampageous 0 002 & 02510879 a 0000 + 00554541 n 0101 | displaying raging violence; often destructive; "the hot rampageous horses of my will"- W.H.Auden 02512641 00 s 02 ruffianly 0 tough 0 002 & 02510879 a 0000 + 09879297 n 0104 | violent and lawless; "the more ruffianly element"; "tough street gangs" 02512794 00 s 01 slam-bang 0 002 & 02510879 a 0000 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | violent and sudden and noisy; "a slam-bang collision" 02512922 00 a 01 nonviolent 0 005 ^ 01740892 a 0000 ^ 01897787 a 0000 + 01242716 n 0103 ! 02510879 a 0101 & 02513101 a 0000 | abstaining (on principle) from the use of violence 02513101 00 s 02 passive 0 peaceful 0 003 & 02512922 a 0000 + 13970584 n 0202 + 04907020 n 0102 | peacefully resistant in response to injustice; "passive resistance" 02513269 00 a 01 virtuous 0 011 ^ 00360650 a 0000 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01548193 a 0000 ^ 01781478 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 + 04847298 n 0102 + 04847482 n 0101 ! 02513740 a 0101 & 02513521 a 0000 & 02513614 a 0000 + 04847298 n 0101 | morally excellent 02513521 00 s 01 impeccable 0 002 & 02513269 a 0000 + 04826485 n 0101 | not capable of sin 02513614 00 s 03 impeccant 0 innocent 0 sinless 0 003 & 02513269 a 0000 + 13990064 n 0303 + 13990064 n 0204 | free from sin 02513740 00 a 01 wicked 0 016 ^ 01131043 a 0000 ^ 01549291 a 0000 ^ 01782519 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 ^ 02035337 a 0000 + 14563564 n 0102 + 04852750 n 0102 + 00745637 n 0103 ! 02513269 a 0101 & 02514099 a 0000 & 02514239 a 0000 & 02514380 a 0000 & 02514543 a 0000 & 02514819 a 0000 & 02515001 a 0000 & 02515214 a 0000 | morally bad in principle or practice 02514099 00 s 02 evil 0 vicious 0 004 & 02513740 a 0000 + 04830689 n 0203 + 00747029 n 0201 + 04852088 n 0102 | having the nature of vice 02514239 00 s 01 heavy 0 001 & 02513740 a 0000 | (of an actor or role) being or playing the villain; "Iago is the heavy role in `Othello'" 02514380 00 s 02 flagitious 0 heinous 0 002 & 02513740 a 0000 + 04830343 n 0205 | extremely wicked, deeply criminal; "a flagitious crime"; "heinous accusations" 02514543 00 s 03 iniquitous 0 sinful 0 ungodly 0 004 & 02513740 a 0000 + 04828754 n 0301 + 04827957 n 0202 + 00745637 n 0104 | characterized by iniquity; wicked because it is believed to be a sin; "iniquitous deeds"; "he said it was sinful to wear lipstick"; "ungodly acts" 02514819 00 s 04 irreclaimable 0 irredeemable 0 unredeemable 0 unreformable 0 001 & 02513740 a 0000 | insusceptible of reform; "vicious irreclaimable boys"; "irredeemable sinners" 02515001 00 s 02 nefarious 0 villainous 0 004 & 02513740 a 0000 + 10753546 n 0201 + 04853361 n 0202 + 04852750 n 0101 | extremely wicked; "nefarious schemes"; "a villainous plot"; "a villainous band of thieves" 02515214 00 s 02 peccable 0 peccant 0 001 & 02513740 a 0000 | liable to sin; "a frail and peccable mortal"- Sir Walter Scott 02515341 00 a 02 visible 0 seeable 0 014 ^ 01746605 a 0000 + 05017458 n 0102 + 05017458 n 0101 ! 02517265 a 0101 & 02515808 a 0000 & 02515993 a 0000 & 02516148 a 0000 & 02516316 a 0000 & 02516435 a 0000 & 02516570 a 0000 & 02516690 a 0000 & 02516785 a 0000 & 02517002 a 0000 & 02517169 a 0000 | capable of being seen; or open to easy view; "a visible object"; "visible stars"; "mountains visible in the distance"; "a visible change of expression"; "visible files" 02515808 00 s 01 circumpolar 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | (of a celestial body) continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel; "a circumpolar star" 02515993 00 s 01 in_sight 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | at or within a reasonable distance for seeing; "not a policeman in sight"; "kept the monkey in view" 02516148 00 s 02 ocular 0 visual 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | visible; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"- Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image" 02516316 00 s 02 macroscopic 0 macroscopical 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | visible to the naked eye; using the naked eye 02516435 00 s 02 megascopic 0 gross 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features) 02516570 00 s 02 microscopic 0 microscopical 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | visible under a microscope; using a microscope 02516690 00 s 01 subgross 0 001 & 02515341 a 0000 | too small to be visible to the naked eye 02516785 00 s 02 panoptic 0 panoptical 0 002 & 02515341 a 0000 + 03883944 n 0201 | including everything visible in one view; "a panoptic aerial photograph of the missile base"; "a panoptic stain used in microscopy" 02517002 00 s 01 telescopic 0 003 & 02515341 a 0000 + 05636554 n 0101 + 04403638 n 0101 | visible only with a telescope; "a bright star with a telescopic companion" 02517169 00 s 01 viewable 0 002 & 02515341 a 0000 + 02150948 v 0102 | capable of being viewed 02517265 00 a 02 invisible 0 unseeable 0 014 ^ 01748318 a 0000 ^ 01705655 a 0000 + 05017909 n 0102 + 05017909 n 0101 ! 02515341 a 0101 & 02517713 a 0000 & 02517817 a 0000 & 02517999 a 0000 & 02518229 a 0000 & 02518370 a 0000 & 02518470 a 0000 & 02518601 a 0000 & 02518852 a 0000 & 02518926 a 0000 | impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye; "the invisible man"; "invisible rays"; "an invisible hinge"; "invisible mending" 02517713 00 s 01 camouflaged 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | made invisible by means of protective coloring 02517817 00 s 03 concealed 0 hidden 0 out_of_sight 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | not accessible to view; "concealed (or hidden) damage"; "in stormy weather the stars are out of sight" 02517999 00 s 01 infrared 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | having or employing wavelengths longer than light but shorter than radio waves; lying outside the visible spectrum at its red end; "infrared radiation"; "infrared photography" 02518229 00 s 01 lightless 0 002 & 02517265 a 0000 + 13983807 n 0102 | giving no light; "lightless stars `visible' only to radio antennae" 02518370 00 s 01 nonvisual 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | not resulting in vision; "nonvisual stimuli" 02518470 00 s 01 occult 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | hidden and difficult to see; "an occult fracture"; "occult blood in the stool" 02518601 00 s 01 ultraviolet 0 002 & 02517265 a 0000 + 11521940 n 0101 | having or employing wavelengths shorter than light but longer than X-rays; lying outside the visible spectrum at its violet end; "ultraviolet radiation"; "an ultraviolet lamp" 02518852 00 s 01 undetectable 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | not easily seen 02518926 00 s 01 unseeyn 0 001 & 02517265 a 0000 | not seen or perceived; "unseen natural resources" 02519029 00 a 02 viviparous 0 live-bearing 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02519171 a 0101 ! 02519399 a 0101 | producing living young (not eggs) 02519171 00 a 01 oviparous 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02519399 a 0101 ! 02519029 a 0101 & 02519292 a 0000 | egg-laying 02519292 00 s 01 broody 0 001 & 02519171 a 0000 | physiologically ready to incubate eggs; "a broody hen" 02519399 00 a 01 ovoviviparous 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02519029 a 0101 ! 02519171 a 0101 | producing living young from eggs that hatch within the body 02519555 00 a 01 volatile 0 007 ^ 00583990 a 0000 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 15093735 n 0101 + 00552253 v 0101 + 05009921 n 0101 ! 02520077 a 0101 & 02519813 a 0000 | evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures; "volatile oils"; "volatile solvents" 02519813 00 s 07 evaporable 0 vaporific 0 vapourific 0 vaporizable 0 vapourisable 0 volatilizable 0 volatilisable 0 005 & 02519555 a 0000 + 00552253 v 0702 + 00552253 v 0601 + 00366858 v 0402 + 00442267 v 0402 | (used of substances) capable of being volatilized 02520077 00 a 03 nonvolatile 0 nonvolatilizable 0 nonvolatilisable 0 001 ! 02519555 a 0101 | not volatilizing readily; "a nonvolatile acid" 02520219 00 a 01 voluntary 1 010 ^ 00570590 a 0000 ^ 02564986 a 0000 ^ 01337486 a 0000 + 10759331 n 0103 ! 02521353 a 0101 & 02520693 a 0000 & 02520824 a 0000 & 02520925 a 0000 & 02521036 a 0000 & 02521183 a 0000 | of your own free will or design; done by choice; not forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social workers"; "a voluntary confession" 02520693 00 s 02 willful 0 wilful 0 001 & 02520219 a 0000 | done by design; "the insult was intentional"; "willful disobedience" 02520824 00 s 01 freewill 0 001 & 02520219 a 0000 | done of your own accord; "a freewill offering" 02520925 00 s 01 self-imposed 0 001 & 02520219 a 0000 | voluntarily assumed or endured; "self-imposed exile" 02521036 00 s 03 uncoerced 0 unforced 0 willing 0 001 & 02520219 a 0000 | not brought about by coercion or force; "the confession was uncoerced" 02521183 00 s 02 unpaid 0 volunteer(a) 0 001 & 02520219 a 0000 | without payment; "the soup kitchen was run primarily by unpaid helpers"; "a volunteer fire department" 02521353 00 a 03 involuntary 1 nonvoluntary 0 unvoluntary 0 008 ^ 00571643 a 0000 ^ 02566015 a 0000 ! 02520219 a 0101 & 02521758 a 0000 & 02521890 a 0000 & 02521998 a 0000 & 02522082 a 0000 & 02522164 a 0000 | not subject to the control of the will; "involuntary manslaughter"; "involuntary servitude"; "an involuntary shudder"; "It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat"- John F.Kennedy 02521758 00 s 02 driven 0 goaded 0 001 & 02521353 a 0000 | compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred" 02521890 00 s 01 forced 0 001 & 02521353 a 0000 | forced or compelled; "promised to abolish forced labor" 02521998 00 s 01 unconscious 0 001 & 02521353 a 0000 | without conscious volition 02522082 00 s 01 unwilled 0 001 & 02521353 a 0000 | without deliberate volition 02522164 00 s 01 unwilling 0 002 & 02521353 a 0000 + 04645599 n 0101 | in spite of contrary volition 02522267 00 a 01 voluntary 2 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 02522417 a 0101 | controlled by individual volition; "voluntary motions"; "voluntary muscles" 02522417 00 a 01 involuntary 2 005 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 02522267 a 0101 & 02522669 a 0000 & 02522938 a 0000 & 02523092 a 0000 | controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control; "involuntary muscles"; "gave an involuntary start" 02522669 00 s 03 automatic 0 reflex(a) 0 reflexive 0 003 & 02522417 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 00863513 n 0201 | without volition or conscious control; "the automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eye in strong light"; "a reflex knee jerk"; "sneezing is reflexive" 02522938 00 s 01 autonomic 0 002 & 02522417 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | relating to or controlled by the autonomic nervous system; "autonomic reflexes" 02523092 00 s 01 vegetative 0 002 & 02522417 a 0000 ;c 06080522 n 0000 | relating to involuntary bodily functions; "vegetative functions such as digestion or growth or circulation" 02523275 00 a 01 vulnerable 0 017 ^ 00569090 a 0000 ^ 02058794 a 0000 ^ 02094755 a 0000 ^ 02360448 a 0000 ^ 01886407 a 0000 + 05042871 n 0101 ! 02525206 a 0101 & 02523664 a 0000 & 02523867 a 0000 & 02524032 a 0000 & 02524192 a 0000 & 02524345 a 0000 & 02524443 a 0000 & 02524563 a 0000 & 02524688 a 0000 & 02524900 a 0000 & 02525058 a 0000 | susceptible to attack; "a vulnerable bridge" 02523664 00 s 04 assailable 0 undefendable 0 undefended 0 open 0 003 & 02523275 a 0000 + 01119169 v 0102 + 05043349 n 0101 | not defended or capable of being defended; "an open city"; "open to attack" 02523867 00 s 01 compromising 0 001 & 02523275 a 0000 | vulnerable to danger especially of discredit or suspicion; "she found herself in a compromising situation" 02524032 00 s 02 defenseless 0 defenceless 0 003 & 02523275 a 0000 + 05043091 n 0202 + 05043091 n 0101 | lacking protection or support; "a defenseless child" 02524192 00 s 01 endangered 0 002 & 02523275 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of flora or fauna) in imminent danger of extinction; "an endangered species" 02524345 00 s 01 indefensible 0 001 & 02523275 a 0000 | not able to be protected against attack 02524443 00 s 02 insecure 0 unsafe 0 003 & 02523275 a 0000 + 14544159 n 0101 + 14541677 n 0101 | not safe from attack 02524563 00 s 01 penetrable 0 002 & 02523275 a 0000 + 04940730 n 0101 | capable of being penetrated; "penetrable defenses" 02524688 00 s 01 threatened 0 002 & 02523275 a 0000 ;c 00017222 n 0000 | (of flora or fauna) likely in the near future to become endangered; "the spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one" 02524900 00 s 02 under_attack(p) 0 under_fire(p) 0 001 & 02523275 a 0000 | subjected to enemy attack or censure; "an official under fire for mismanagement" 02525058 00 s 01 unguarded 0 001 & 02523275 a 0000 | lacking protection or a guard; "an unguarded gate"; "his unguarded queen was open to attack" 02525206 00 a 01 invulnerable 0 014 ^ 01884930 a 0000 ^ 02057829 a 0000 ^ 02093888 a 0000 ^ 00569568 a 0000 + 05033681 n 0101 ! 02523275 a 0101 & 02525597 a 0000 & 02525732 a 0000 & 02525876 a 0000 & 02526061 a 0000 & 02526124 a 0000 & 02526441 a 0000 & 02526611 a 0000 & 02526725 a 0000 | immune to attack; impregnable; "gunners raked the beach from invulnerable positions on the cliffs" 02525597 00 s 02 airtight 0 air-tight 0 001 & 02525206 a 0000 | having no weak points; "an airtight defense"; "an airtight argument" 02525732 00 s 02 bombproof 0 shellproof 0 001 & 02525206 a 0000 | able to resist the explosive force of bombs and shells; "bombproof shelter" 02525876 00 s 02 defendable 0 defensible 0 006 & 02525206 a 0000 + 05202954 n 0201 + 01149138 v 0202 + 01129876 v 0201 + 01127795 v 0201 + 01017643 v 0202 | capable of being defended 02526061 00 s 01 entrenched 0 001 & 02525206 a 0000 | dug in 02526124 00 s 06 impregnable 0 inviolable 0 secure 0 strong 0 unassailable 0 unattackable 0 003 & 02525206 a 0000 + 14539029 n 0102 + 14539693 n 0301 | immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with; "an impregnable fortress"; "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable"; "a secure telephone connection" 02526441 00 s 01 tight 0 002 & 02525206 a 0000 + 05088804 n 0104 | set so close together as to be invulnerable to penetration; "in tight formation"; "a tight blockade" 02526611 00 s 01 sheltered 0 001 & 02525206 a 0000 | protected from danger or bad weather; "a sheltered harbor" 02526725 00 s 01 untouchable 0 001 & 02525206 a 0000 | beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment; "for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target"- Newsweek 02526925 00 a 01 wanted 0 008 ^ 00732960 a 0000 ^ 01461822 a 0000 ^ 02539968 a 0000 ! 02527734 a 0101 & 02527220 a 0000 & 02527402 a 0000 & 02527489 a 0000 & 02527588 a 0000 | desired or wished for or sought; "couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy"; "a wanted criminal"; "a wanted poster" 02527220 00 s 02 craved 0 desired 0 001 & 02526925 a 0000 | wanted intensely; "the child could no longer resist taking one of the craved cookies"; "it produced the desired effect" 02527402 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 02526925 a 0000 | wanted by the police; "a hot suspect" 02527489 00 s 03 longed-for 0 wished-for 0 yearned-for 0 001 & 02526925 a 0000 | greatly desired 02527588 00 s 02 sought 0 sought-after(a) 0 001 & 02526925 a 0000 | being searched for; "the most sought-after item was the silver candelabrum" 02527734 00 a 01 unwanted 0 012 ^ 00733905 a 0000 ^ 01463137 a 0000 ^ 02540236 a 0000 ! 02526925 a 0101 & 02528048 a 0000 & 02528206 a 0000 & 02528440 a 0000 & 02528566 a 0000 & 02528809 a 0000 & 02528921 a 0000 & 02529047 a 0000 & 02529148 a 0000 | not wanted; not needed; "tried to give away unwanted kittens" 02528048 00 s 01 abdicable 0 002 & 02527734 a 0000 + 02379198 v 0101 | capable of being discarded or renounced or relinquished; "abdicable responsibilites" 02528206 00 s 04 cast-off(a) 0 discarded 0 throwaway(a) 0 thrown-away(a) 0 001 & 02527734 a 0000 | thrown away; "wearing someone's cast-off clothes"; "throwaway children living on the streets"; "salvaged some thrown-away furniture" 02528440 00 s 02 friendless 0 outcast 0 003 & 02527734 a 0000 + 10386312 n 0201 + 04622672 n 0101 | excluded from a society 02528566 00 s 02 outcaste 0 casteless 0 003 & 02527734 a 0000 ;r 08900535 n 0000 + 10386515 n 0101 | not belonging to or having been expelled from a caste and thus having no place or status in society; "the foreigner was a casteless person" 02528809 00 s 01 uncalled-for 0 001 & 02527734 a 0000 | not required or requested; "uncalled-for suggestions" 02528921 00 s 01 unclaimed 0 001 & 02527734 a 0000 | not claimed or called for by an owner or assignee; "unclaimed luggage" 02529047 00 s 02 undesired 0 unsought 0 001 & 02527734 a 0000 | not desired; "an undesired result" 02529148 00 s 03 unwelcome 0 unwished 0 unwished-for 0 001 & 02527734 a 0000 | not welcome; "unwelcome publicity" 02529264 00 a 01 warm 1 007 ^ 01247240 a 0000 = 05011790 n 0000 + 05016753 n 0102 ! 02529945 a 0101 & 02529581 a 0000 & 02529761 a 0000 & 02529859 a 0000 | having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat; "a warm body"; "a warm room"; "a warm climate"; "a warm coat" 02529581 00 s 02 lukewarm 0 tepid 0 004 & 02529264 a 0000 + 05016936 n 0203 + 05016936 n 0202 + 05016936 n 0101 | moderately warm; "he hates lukewarm coffee"; "tepid bath water" 02529761 00 s 01 warmed 0 001 & 02529264 a 0000 | having been warmed up; "a cup of warmed milk" 02529859 00 s 01 warming 0 001 & 02529264 a 0000 | imparting heat; "a warming fire" 02529945 00 a 01 cool 1 009 ^ 01251128 a 0000 = 05011790 n 0000 + 05015678 n 0102 ! 02529264 a 0101 & 02530282 a 0000 & 02530370 a 0000 & 02530474 a 0000 & 02530620 a 0000 & 02530693 a 0000 | neither warm nor very cold; giving relief from heat; "a cool autumn day"; "a cool room"; "cool summer dresses"; "cool drinks"; "a cool breeze" 02530282 00 s 01 air-conditioned 0 001 & 02529945 a 0000 | cooled by air conditioning 02530370 00 s 01 air-cooled 0 001 & 02529945 a 0000 | cooled by a flow of air; "an air-cooled engine" 02530474 00 s 01 caller 0 001 & 02529945 a 0000 | providing coolness; "a cooling breeze"; "`caller' is a Scottish term as in `a caller breeze'" 02530620 00 s 01 precooled 0 001 & 02529945 a 0000 | cooled in advance 02530693 00 s 01 water-cooled 0 001 & 02529945 a 0000 | kept cool or designed to be kept cool by means of water especially circulating water; "a water-cooled engine" 02530861 00 a 01 warm 2 007 ^ 00853776 a 0000 ^ 01074650 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 + 07544647 n 0106 ! 02531422 a 0101 & 02531122 a 0000 & 02531243 a 0000 | psychologically warm; friendly and responsive; "a warm greeting"; "a warm personality"; "warm support" 02531122 00 s 01 cordial 0 002 & 02530861 a 0000 + 04655929 n 0102 | politely warm and friendly; "a cordial handshake" 02531243 00 s 01 hearty 0 003 & 02530861 a 0000 + 07544647 n 0105 + 04867539 n 0101 | showing warm and heartfelt friendliness; "gave us a cordial reception"; "a hearty welcome" 02531422 00 a 01 cool 2 008 ^ 00087152 a 0000 ^ 01257612 a 0000 ^ 00856860 a 0000 ^ 01076793 a 0000 = 04626280 n 0000 + 04629604 n 0102 ! 02530861 a 0101 & 02531775 a 0000 | psychologically cool and unenthusiastic; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike; "relations were cool and polite"; "a cool reception"; "cool to the idea of higher taxes" 02531775 00 s 01 unresponsive 0 002 & 02531422 a 0000 + 05213201 n 0101 | aloof or indifferent; "was unresponsive to her passionate advances" 02531919 00 a 01 warm 3 002 ! 02532200 a 0101 & 02532114 a 0000 | (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows; "warm reds and yellows and orange" 02532114 00 s 01 hot 0 001 & 02531919 a 0000 | (color) bold and intense; "hot pink" 02532200 00 a 01 cool 3 002 ! 02531919 a 0101 & 02532398 a 0000 | (color) inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets; "cool greens and blues and violets" 02532398 00 s 01 cold 0 001 & 02532200 a 0000 | (color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey" 02532508 00 a 01 warm-blooded 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02532898 a 0101 & 02532681 a 0000 | having warm blood (in animals whose body temperature is internally regulated) 02532681 00 s 03 homoiothermic 0 homeothermic 0 homothermic 0 004 & 02532508 a 0000 + 01315330 n 0303 + 01315330 n 0201 + 01315330 n 0102 | of birds and mammals; having constant and relatively high body temperature 02532898 00 a 01 cold-blooded 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 ! 02532508 a 0101 & 02533075 a 0000 | having cold blood (in animals whose body temperature is not internally regulated) 02533075 00 s 04 poikilothermic 0 poikilothermous 0 heterothermic 0 ectothermic 0 003 & 02532898 a 0000 + 01315581 n 0201 + 01315581 n 0101 | of animals except birds and mammals; having body temperature that varies with the environment 02533313 00 a 01 warmhearted 0 004 ^ 01463965 a 0000 + 07546279 n 0101 + 07544647 n 0107 ! 02533540 a 0101 | marked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy and generosity; "gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger" 02533540 00 a 01 coldhearted 0 004 ^ 01466593 a 0000 + 07506149 n 0102 ! 02533313 a 0101 & 02533682 a 0000 | lacking in sympathy or feeling 02533682 00 s 01 brittle 0 001 & 02533540 a 0000 | lacking warmth and generosity of spirit; "a brittle and calculating woman" 02533810 00 a 01 washable 0 005 + 02742842 v 0101 + 01270199 v 0101 + 01535246 v 0101 ! 02534245 a 0101 & 02534042 a 0000 | capable of being washed without injury; "washable woolens"; "acrylic blankets are both warm and washable" 02534042 00 s 02 wash-and-wear 0 drip-dry 0 002 & 02533810 a 0000 + 04553561 n 0101 | treated so as to be easily or quickly washed and dried and requiring little or no ironing; "a wash-and-wear shirt" 02534245 00 a 01 nonwashable 0 001 ! 02533810 a 0101 | not washable 02534315 00 a 01 waxed 0 001 ! 02534417 a 0101 | treated with wax; "waxed floors"; "waxed mustache" 02534417 00 a 01 unwaxed 0 001 ! 02534315 a 0101 | not waxed; "the unwaxed floor" 02534501 00 a 01 waxing 0 001 ! 02534690 a 0101 | (of the moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon increases; "the waxing moon passes from new to full" 02534690 00 a 01 waning 0 001 ! 02534501 a 0101 | (of the Moon) pertaining to the period during which the visible surface of the moon decreases; "after full moon comes the waning moon" 02534877 00 a 01 increasing 0 011 ! 02536740 a 0101 & 02535161 a 0000 & 02535335 a 0000 & 02535533 a 0000 & 02535645 a 0000 & 02535831 a 0000 & 02536026 a 0000 & 02536123 a 0000 & 02536365 a 0000 & 02536518 a 0000 & 02536605 a 0000 | becoming greater or larger; "increasing prices" 02535161 00 s 02 accelerative 0 acceleratory 0 005 & 02534877 a 0000 + 00439343 v 0201 + 00438178 v 0201 + 00439343 v 0101 + 00438178 v 0101 | tending to increase velocity 02535335 00 s 01 accretionary 0 007 & 02534877 a 0000 + 13754565 n 0101 + 13425425 n 0101 + 13425245 n 0101 + 13425067 n 0101 + 13424865 n 0101 + 13263540 n 0101 | marked or produced by accretion 02535533 00 s 01 accretive 0 003 & 02534877 a 0000 + 00159368 v 0101 + 00396325 v 0101 | growing by accretion 02535645 00 s 01 augmentative 0 001 & 02534877 a 0000 | increasing or having the power to increase especially in size or amount or degree; "`up' is an augmentative word in `hurry up'" 02535831 00 s 01 incorporative 0 002 & 02534877 a 0000 + 01541000 v 0101 | growing by taking over and incorporating adjacent territories; "the Russian Empire was a typical incorporative state" 02536026 00 s 02 maximizing 0 maximising 0 001 & 02534877 a 0000 | making as great as possible 02536123 00 s 01 multiplicative 0 003 & 02534877 a 0000 + 00641672 v 0101 + 00247390 v 0101 | tending or having the power to multiply or increase in number or quantity or degree; "the multiplicative tendency of proportional representation" 02536365 00 s 02 profit-maximizing 0 profit-maximising 0 001 & 02534877 a 0000 | making the profit as great as possible; "the profit-maximizing price" 02536518 00 s 01 progressive 0 001 & 02534877 a 0000 | gradually advancing in extent 02536605 00 s 01 raising 0 001 & 02534877 a 0000 | increasing in quantity or value; "a cost-raising increase in the basic wage rate" 02536740 00 a 01 decreasing 0 006 ! 02534877 a 0101 & 02536911 a 0000 & 02537181 a 0000 & 02537351 a 0000 & 02537513 a 0000 & 02537636 a 0000 | becoming less or smaller 02536911 00 s 03 depreciating 0 depreciative 0 depreciatory 0 005 & 02536740 a 0000 + 00315330 v 0301 + 00315020 v 0301 + 00315330 v 0201 + 00315020 v 0201 | tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value; "a depreciating currency"; "depreciatory effects on prices" 02537181 00 s 01 detractive 0 002 & 02536740 a 0000 + 00532115 v 0102 | causing to decrease in importance or value; "detractive influences on the volume of investment" 02537351 00 s 01 diminishing 0 001 & 02536740 a 0000 | becoming smaller or less or appearing to do so; "diminishing returns"; "his diminishing respect for her" 02537513 00 s 03 dwindling 0 tapering 0 tapering_off 0 001 & 02536740 a 0000 | gradually decreasing until little remains 02537636 00 s 01 falling 0 001 & 02536740 a 0000 | decreasing in amount or degree; "falling temperature" 02537743 00 a 01 increasing 2 003 ! 02538050 a 0101 & 02537841 a 0000 & 02537946 a 0000 | music 02537841 00 s 01 accelerando 0 002 & 02537743 a 0000 + 15264726 n 0101 | gradually increasing in tempo 02537946 00 s 01 crescendo 0 002 & 02537743 a 0000 + 04990525 n 0101 | gradually increasing in volume 02538050 00 a 01 decreasing 2 005 ! 02537743 a 0101 & 02538184 a 0000 & 02538295 a 0000 & 02538389 a 0000 & 02538508 a 0000 | music 02538184 00 s 01 allargando 0 001 & 02538050 a 0000 | gradually decreasing in tempo and broadening in manner 02538295 00 s 01 calando 0 001 & 02538050 a 0000 | gradually decreasing in tempo and volume 02538389 00 s 02 decrescendo 0 diminuendo 0 002 & 02538050 a 0000 + 04991225 n 0101 | gradually decreasing in volume 02538508 00 s 04 rallentando 0 ritardando 0 ritenuto 0 rit. 0 001 & 02538050 a 0000 | gradually decreasing in tempo 02538626 00 a 01 inflationary 0 003 ;c 06149484 n 0000 + 13498828 n 0101 ! 02538803 a 0101 | associated with or tending to cause increases in inflation; "inflationary prices" 02538803 00 a 01 deflationary 0 003 ;c 06149484 n 0000 + 13459821 n 0101 ! 02538626 a 0101 | associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money; "deflationary measures" 02539034 00 a 01 weaned 0 002 ;c 01861778 n 0000 ! 02539223 a 0101 | freed of dependence on something especially (for mammals) mother's milk; "the just-weaned calf bawled for its mother" 02539223 00 a 01 unweaned 0 001 ! 02539034 a 0101 | not weaned; "some children remain unweaned until their second or third birthdays" 02539359 00 a 01 wearable 0 005 + 02705132 v 0101 + 00047745 v 0101 + 00050652 v 0101 + 00052374 v 0101 ! 02539576 a 0101 | suitable for wear or able to be worn; "wearable evening clothes"; "a wearable hearing aid" 02539576 00 a 01 unwearable 0 001 ! 02539359 a 0101 | not suitable for wear or able to be worn; "shoes so dilapidated as to be unwearable" 02539717 00 a 01 weedy 0 002 + 13085113 n 0101 ! 02539877 a 0101 | abounding with or resembling weeds; "a weedy path"; "weedy plants that take over a garden" 02539877 00 a 01 weedless 0 001 ! 02539717 a 0101 | free from weeds; "a weedless garden" 02539968 00 a 01 welcome 0 003 ^ 02526925 a 0000 + 14413265 n 0101 ! 02540236 a 0101 | giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted; "a welcome relief"; "a welcome guest"; "made the children feel welcome"; "you are welcome to join us" 02540236 00 a 01 unwelcome 0 003 ^ 02527734 a 0000 ! 02539968 a 0101 & 02540458 a 0000 | not welcome; not giving pleasure or received with pleasure; "unwelcome publicity"; "unwelcome interruptions"; "unwelcome visitors" 02540458 00 s 01 uninvited 0 001 & 02540236 a 0000 | unwelcome and unwanted; "uninvited guests"; "uninvited thoughts" 02540578 00 a 01 well 1 006 ^ 01017161 a 0000 ^ 01170243 a 0000 + 14447908 n 0102 ! 02541302 a 0101 & 02540899 a 0000 & 02541012 a 0000 | in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury; "appears to be entirely well"; "the wound is nearly well"; "a well man"; "I think I'm well; at least I feel well" 02540899 00 s 02 asymptomatic 0 symptomless 0 001 & 02540578 a 0000 | having no symptoms of illness or disease 02541012 00 s 03 cured 0 healed 0 recovered 0 001 & 02540578 a 0000 | freed from illness or injury; "the patient appears cured"; "the incision is healed"; "appears to be entirely recovered"; "when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium"- Normon Cameron 02541302 00 a 02 ill 1 sick 1 039 ^ 01172889 a 0000 ^ 01017738 a 0000 + 07950418 n 0201 + 14061805 n 0204 + 14061805 n 0101 ! 02540578 a 0101 & 02542148 a 0000 & 02542256 a 0000 & 02542325 a 0000 & 02542675 a 0000 & 02542878 a 0000 & 02543034 a 0000 & 02543149 a 0000 & 02543324 a 0000 & 02543436 a 0000 & 02543598 a 0000 & 02543823 a 0000 & 02543934 a 0000 & 02544048 a 0000 & 02544427 a 0000 & 02544525 a 0000 & 02544892 a 0000 & 02545023 a 0000 & 02545168 a 0000 & 02545257 a 0000 & 02545385 a 0000 & 02545484 a 0000 & 02545592 a 0000 & 02545689 a 0000 & 02545874 a 0000 & 02545989 a 0000 & 02546116 a 0000 & 02546316 a 0000 & 02546526 a 0000 & 02546624 a 0000 & 02546713 a 0000 & 02546854 a 0000 & 02547131 a 0000 & 02547217 a 0000 | affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function; "ill from the monotony of his suffering" 02542148 00 s 02 afflicted 0 stricken 1 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | grievously affected especially by disease 02542256 00 s 01 aguish 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | affected by ague 02542325 00 s 08 ailing 0 indisposed 0 peaked(p) 0 poorly(p) 0 sickly 0 unwell 1 under_the_weather 0 seedy 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14061805 n 0602 | somewhat ill or prone to illness; "my poor ailing grandmother"; "feeling a bit indisposed today"; "you look a little peaked"; "feeling poorly"; "a sickly child"; "is unwell and can't come to work" 02542675 00 s 04 airsick 0 air_sick 0 carsick 0 seasick 0 006 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14203942 n 0401 + 14203813 n 0301 + 14203605 n 0202 + 14203605 n 0102 + 14203605 n 0101 | experiencing motion sickness 02542878 00 s 01 autistic 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 05896998 n 0101 | characteristic of or affected with autism; "autistic behavior"; "autistic children" 02543034 00 s 04 bedfast 0 bedridden 0 bedrid 0 sick-abed 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | confined to bed (by illness) 02543149 00 s 03 bilious 0 liverish 0 livery 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 05385534 n 0301 + 14062565 n 0101 | suffering from or suggesting a liver disorder or gastric distress 02543324 00 s 01 bronchitic 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14146273 n 0101 | suffering from or prone to bronchitis 02543436 00 s 01 consumptive 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | afflicted with or associated with pulmonary tuberculosis; "a consumptive patient"; "a consumptive cough" 02543598 00 s 02 convalescent 0 recovering 0 004 & 02541302 a 0000 + 09961605 n 0101 + 13452347 n 0101 + 00092690 v 0103 | returning to health after illness or debility; "convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed" 02543823 00 s 02 delirious 0 hallucinating 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14391876 n 0102 | experiencing delirium 02543934 00 s 01 diabetic 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 10010977 n 0101 + 14117805 n 0101 | suffering from diabetes 02544048 00 s 04 dizzy 0 giddy 0 woozy 0 vertiginous 0 004 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14372513 n 0404 + 14372513 n 0202 + 14372513 n 0101 | having or causing a whirling sensation; liable to falling; "had a dizzy spell"; "a dizzy pinnacle"; "had a headache and felt giddy"; "a giddy precipice"; "feeling woozy from the blow on his head"; "a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff" 02544427 00 s 01 dyspeptic 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14336317 n 0102 | suffering from dyspepsia 02544525 00 s 05 faint 0 light 0 swooning 0 light-headed 0 lightheaded 0 004 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14372513 n 0503 + 07478318 n 0101 + 07480666 n 0101 | weak and likely to lose consciousness; "suddenly felt faint from the pain"; "was sick and faint from hunger"; "felt light in the head"; "a swooning fit"; "light-headed with wine"; "light-headed from lack of sleep" 02544892 00 s 02 feverish 0 feverous 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14365356 n 0201 + 14365356 n 0105 | having or affected by a fever 02545023 00 s 01 funny 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | experiencing odd bodily sensations; "told the doctor about the funny sensations in her chest" 02545168 00 s 01 gouty 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14188804 n 0101 | suffering from gout 02545257 00 s 01 green 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | looking pale and unhealthy; "you're looking green"; "green around the gills" 02545385 00 s 02 laid_low(p) 0 stricken 2 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | put out of action (by illness) 02545484 00 s 01 laid_up(p) 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | ill and usually confined; "laid up with a bad cold" 02545592 00 s 01 milk-sick 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | affected with or related to milk sickness 02545689 00 s 05 nauseated 0 nauseous 0 queasy 0 sick 2 sickish 0 004 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14359952 n 0402 + 14360320 n 0301 + 14359952 n 0201 | feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit 02545874 00 s 01 palsied 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | affected with palsy or uncontrollable tremor; "palsied hands" 02545989 00 s 02 paralytic 0 paralyzed 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 10398033 n 0101 + 14558226 n 0101 | affected with paralysis 02546116 00 s 01 paraplegic 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 10398487 n 0101 + 14559495 n 0101 | suffering complete paralysis of the lower half of the body usually resulting from damage to the spinal cord 02546316 00 s 02 rickety 0 rachitic 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14354642 n 0201 + 14201311 n 0202 | affected with, suffering from, or characteristic of rickets; "rickety limbs and joints"; "a rachitic patient" 02546526 00 s 01 scrofulous 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14144247 n 0101 | afflicted with scrofula 02546624 00 s 01 sneezy 0 002 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14314850 n 0101 | inclined to sneeze 02546713 00 s 01 spastic 0 003 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14094653 n 0102 + 04771738 n 0101 | suffering from spastic paralysis; "a spastic child" 02546854 00 s 02 tubercular 0 tuberculous 0 004 & 02541302 a 0000 + 14211440 n 0201 + 14211440 n 0101 + 14143415 n 0101 | constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus; "a tubercular child"; "tuberculous patients"; "tubercular meningitis" 02547131 00 s 01 unhealed 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | not healed; "an unhealed wound" 02547217 00 s 01 upset 0 001 & 02541302 a 0000 | mildly physically distressed; "an upset stomach" 02547317 00 a 01 wet 1 023 = 14534696 n 0000 + 14534696 n 0101 ! 02551380 a 0101 & 02547862 a 0000 & 02547953 a 0000 & 02548066 a 0000 & 02548619 a 0000 & 02548820 a 0000 & 02549032 a 0000 & 02549234 a 0000 & 02549393 a 0000 & 02549569 a 0000 & 02549691 a 0000 & 02549857 a 0000 & 02550023 a 0000 & 02550170 a 0000 & 02550333 a 0000 & 02550517 a 0000 & 02550704 a 0000 & 02550891 a 0000 & 02551069 a 0000 & 02551141 a 0000 & 02551259 a 0000 | covered or soaked with a liquid such as water; "a wet bathing suit"; "wet sidewalks"; "wet weather" 02547862 00 s 02 bedewed 0 dewy 0 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14834132 n 0201 | wet with dew 02547953 00 s 01 besprent 0 001 & 02547317 a 0000 | sprinkled over; "glistening grass besprent with raindrops" 02548066 00 s 0c boggy 0 marshy 0 miry 0 mucky 0 muddy 0 quaggy 0 sloppy 0 sloughy 0 soggy 0 squashy 0 swampy 0 waterlogged 0 012 & 02547317 a 0000 + 09452395 n 0b01 + 14536331 n 0901 + 09438313 n 0801 + 14535056 n 0703 + 14956523 n 0701 + 09355850 n 0603 + 14956325 n 0501 + 14535056 n 0502 + 09355850 n 0301 + 09347779 n 0201 + 09225943 n 0101 | (of soil) soft and watery; "the ground was boggy under foot"; "a marshy coastline"; "miry roads"; "wet mucky lowland"; "muddy barnyard"; "quaggy terrain"; "the sloughy edge of the pond"; "swampy bayous" 02548619 00 s 02 clammy 0 dank 0 003 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14536085 n 0201 + 14536085 n 0102 | unpleasantly cool and humid; "a clammy handshake"; "clammy weather"; "a dank cellar"; "dank rain forests" 02548820 00 s 03 damp 0 dampish 0 moist 0 004 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14535905 n 0303 + 14535905 n 0101 + 14535905 n 0102 | slightly wet; "clothes damp with perspiration"; "a moist breeze"; "eyes moist with tears" 02549032 00 s 02 sodden 0 soppy 0 001 & 02547317 a 0000 | wet through and through; thoroughly wet; "stood at the door drenched (or soaked) by the rain"; "the speaker's sodden collar"; "soppy clothes" 02549234 00 s 02 drippy 0 drizzly 0 003 & 02547317 a 0000 + 11502322 n 0201 + 05010506 n 0101 | wet with light rain; "a sad drizzly day"; "a wet drippy day" 02549393 00 s 01 humid 0 003 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14535643 n 0102 + 14535643 n 0101 | containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor; "humid air"; "humid weather" 02549569 00 s 01 misty 0 003 & 02547317 a 0000 + 11482706 n 0101 + 04704116 n 0102 | wet with mist; "the misty evening" 02549691 00 s 03 muggy 0 steamy 0 sticky 1 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14535807 n 0101 | hot or warm and humid; "muggy weather"; "the steamy tropics"; "sticky weather" 02549857 00 s 02 reeking 0 watery 1 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 04937427 n 0201 | wet with secreted or exuded moisture such as sweat or tears; "wiped his reeking neck" 02550023 00 s 01 rheumy 0 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14853647 n 0101 | moist, damp, wet (especially of air); "the raw and theumy damp of night air" 02550170 00 s 01 sloppy 1 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14535056 n 0103 | wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material; "a sloppy floor"; "a sloppy saucer" 02550333 00 s 02 showery 0 rainy 0 004 & 02547317 a 0000 + 15008607 n 0201 + 11501381 n 0201 + 11502497 n 0101 | (of weather) wet by periods of rain; "showery weather"; "rainy days" 02550517 00 s 02 steaming 0 steamy 1 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 04704116 n 0203 | filled with steam or emitting moisture in the form of vapor or mist; "a steaming kettle"; "steamy towels" 02550704 00 s 01 sticky 2 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 04935239 n 0101 | moist as with undried perspiration and with clothing sticking to the body; "felt sticky and chilly at the same time" 02550891 00 s 01 tacky 0 002 & 02547317 a 0000 + 04935904 n 0105 | (of a glutinous liquid such as paint) not completely dried and slightly sticky to the touch; "tacky varnish" 02551069 00 s 01 undried 0 001 & 02547317 a 0000 | still wet or moist 02551141 00 s 01 washed 0 001 & 02547317 a 0000 | wet as from washing; sometimes used in combination; "rain-washed" 02551259 00 s 01 watery 2 003 & 02547317 a 0000 + 14535056 n 0101 + 14845743 n 0101 | filled with water; "watery soil" 02551380 00 a 01 dry 1 018 = 14534696 n 0000 + 14536438 n 0101 ! 02547317 a 0101 & 02551946 a 0000 & 02552222 a 0000 & 02552315 a 0000 & 02552415 a 0000 & 02552646 a 0000 & 02552849 a 0000 & 02553017 a 0000 & 02553137 a 0000 & 02553234 a 0000 & 02553560 a 0000 & 02553725 a 0000 & 02553797 a 0000 & 02553902 a 0000 & 02554019 a 0000 & 02554140 a 0000 | free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet; "dry land"; "dry clothes"; "a dry climate"; "dry splintery boards"; "a dry river bed"; "the paint is dry" 02551946 00 s 05 adust 0 baked 0 parched 0 scorched 0 sunbaked 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight; "a vast desert all adust"; "land lying baked in the heat"; "parched soil"; "the earth was scorched and bare"; "sunbaked salt flats" 02552222 00 s 01 air-dried 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | made dry by contact with unheated air 02552315 00 s 01 air-dry 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | not giving off moisture on exposure to the air 02552415 00 s 02 arid 0 waterless 0 004 & 02551380 a 0000 + 14536438 n 0202 + 14537250 n 0101 + 14537250 n 0102 | lacking sufficient water or rainfall; "an arid climate"; "a waterless well"; "miles of waterless country to cross" 02552646 00 s 02 bone-dry(a) 0 bone_dry(p) 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | without a trace of moisture; as dry as a weathered bone; "bone-dry leaves are a fire hazard"; "a drier to get the clothes bone dry" 02552849 00 s 02 desiccated 0 dried-out 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | thoroughly dried out; "old boxes of desiccated Cuban cigars"; "dried-out boards beginning to split" 02553017 00 s 01 dried 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | not still wet; "the ink has dried"; "a face marked with dried tears" 02553137 00 s 01 dried-up 1 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | depleted of water; "a dried-up water hole" 02553234 00 s 06 dried-up 2 sere 0 sear 0 shriveled 0 shrivelled 0 withered 0 003 & 02551380 a 0000 ;c 08436759 n 0000 + 14537472 n 0201 | (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture; "dried-up grass"; "the desert was edged with sere vegetation"; "shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings"; "withered vines" 02553560 00 s 01 dry-shod 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | having or keeping the feet or shoes dry; "a land bridge over which man and beasts could have crossed dry-shod" 02553725 00 s 01 kiln-dried 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | dried in a kiln 02553797 00 s 01 rainless 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | lacking rain; "a rainless month"; "rainless skies" 02553902 00 s 01 semiarid 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | somewhat arid; "a semiarid region with little annual rainfall" 02554019 00 s 01 semi-dry 0 001 & 02551380 a 0000 | somewhat dry; "swabbing left the deck semi-dry but still slippery" 02554140 00 s 01 thirsty 0 002 & 02551380 a 0000 + 14537250 n 0103 | needing moisture; "thirsty fields under a rainless sky" 02554267 00 a 02 wet 2 lactating 0 002 ! 02554546 a 0101 & 02554420 a 0000 | producing or secreting milk; "a wet nurse"; "a wet cow"; "lactating cows" 02554420 00 s 01 fresh 0 001 & 02554267 a 0000 | having recently calved and therefore able to give milk; "the cow is fresh" 02554546 00 a 01 dry 2 003 + 14536438 n 0101 ! 02554267 a 0101 & 02554663 a 0000 | not producing milk; "a dry cow" 02554663 00 s 01 milkless 0 001 & 02554546 a 0000 | having no milk; "milkless breasts" 02554752 00 a 01 wet 4 001 ! 02554940 a 0101 | supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "a wet candidate running on a wet platform"; "a wet county" 02554940 00 a 01 dry 4 001 ! 02554752 a 0101 | opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages; "the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers"; "a dry state" 02555126 00 a 01 wet 5 003 + 14535431 n 0102 + 14534696 n 0101 ! 02555267 a 0101 | containing moisture or volatile components; "wet paint" 02555267 00 a 01 dry 5 002 + 14536438 n 0101 ! 02555126 a 0101 | lacking moisture or volatile components; "dry paint" 02555387 00 a 02 hydrous 0 hydrated 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 02555550 a 0101 | containing combined water (especially water of crystallization as in a hydrate) 02555550 00 a 01 anhydrous 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ! 02555387 a 0101 | without water; especially without water of crystallization 02555683 00 a 01 wheeled 0 001 ! 02555777 a 0101 | having wheels; often used in combination 02555777 00 a 01 wheelless 0 001 ! 02555683 a 0101 | having no wheels or having no wheeled vehicles; "dragging a wheelless stoneboat filled with rocks"; "wheelless societies" 02555954 00 a 01 white-collar 0 005 ^ 02225510 a 0000 ! 02556720 a 0101 & 02556229 a 0000 & 02556402 a 0000 & 02556568 a 0000 | of or designating salaried professional or clerical work or workers; "the coal miner's son aspired to a white-collar occupation as a bookkeeper" 02556229 00 s 01 clerical 0 002 & 02555954 a 0000 + 09928451 n 0101 | appropriate for or engaged in office work; "clerical skills"; "a clerical job"; "the clerical staff" 02556402 00 s 01 professional 0 001 & 02555954 a 0000 | engaged in by members of a profession; "professional occupations include medicine and the law and teaching" 02556568 00 s 01 pink-collar 0 001 & 02555954 a 0000 | of or relating to a class of jobs once traditionally filled by women; "a pink-collar employee" 02556720 00 a 01 blue-collar 0 005 ^ 02228335 a 0000 ! 02555954 a 0101 & 02556901 a 0000 & 02557023 a 0000 & 02557145 a 0000 | of or designating manual industrial work or workers 02556901 00 s 01 industrial 0 001 & 02556720 a 0000 | employed in industry; "the industrial classes"; "industrial work" 02557023 00 s 01 manual(a) 0 001 & 02556720 a 0000 | doing or requiring physical work; "manual labor"; "manual laborer" 02557145 00 s 02 wage-earning 0 working-class 0 001 & 02556720 a 0000 | working for hourly wages rather than fixed (e.g. annual) salaries; "working-class occupations include manual as well as industrial labor" 02557357 00 a 01 wholesome 0 011 ^ 01164763 a 0000 ^ 01170243 a 0000 ^ 02273326 a 0000 + 04789689 n 0101 ! 02559180 a 0101 & 02557719 a 0000 & 02558032 a 0000 & 02558184 a 0000 & 02558528 a 0000 & 02558767 a 0000 & 02558996 a 0000 | conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being; "wholesome attitude"; "wholesome appearance"; "wholesome food" 02557719 00 s 06 alimentary 0 alimental 0 nourishing 1 nutrient 0 nutritious 0 nutritive 0 009 & 02557357 a 0000 + 04789897 n 0602 + 13523661 n 0501 + 07570720 n 0503 + 04789897 n 0501 + 00021265 n 0402 + 01204191 v 0403 + 01202728 v 0401 + 07570720 n 0105 | of or providing nourishment; "good nourishing stew" 02558032 00 s 01 heart-healthy 0 001 & 02557357 a 0000 | of foods that are low in fats and sodium and other ingredients that may foster heart disease 02558184 00 s 03 healthy 0 salubrious 0 good_for_you(p) 0 003 & 02557357 a 0000 + 04790238 n 0202 + 04790238 n 0201 | promoting health; healthful; "a healthy diet"; "clean healthy air"; "plenty of healthy sleep"; "healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy"; "the salubrious mountain air and water"- C.B.Davis; "carrots are good for you" 02558528 00 s 05 hearty 0 satisfying 0 solid 0 square 0 substantial 0 002 & 02557357 a 0000 + 04761212 n 0502 | providing abundant nourishment; "a hearty meal"; "good solid food"; "ate a substantial breakfast"; "four square meals a day" 02558767 00 s 01 organic 0 002 & 02557357 a 0000 ;c 07702362 n 0000 | of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken" 02558996 00 s 01 salubrious 2 002 & 02557357 a 0000 + 04790238 n 0101 | favorable to health of mind or body; "not the most salubrious campsite"; "one of the less salubrious suburbs" 02559180 00 a 01 unwholesome 0 012 ^ 01160031 a 0000 ^ 01611067 a 0000 ^ 01167817 a 0000 ^ 01172889 a 0000 ^ 02274253 a 0000 + 04790449 n 0101 ! 02557357 a 0101 & 02559534 a 0000 & 02559694 a 0000 & 02559862 a 0000 & 02560035 a 0000 & 02560402 a 0000 | detrimental to physical or moral well-being; "unwholesome food"; "unwholesome habits like smoking" 02559534 00 s 03 insalubrious 0 unhealthful 0 unhealthy 0 004 & 02559180 a 0000 + 04791740 n 0201 + 04791928 n 0102 + 04791928 n 0101 | detrimental to health 02559694 00 s 02 insubstantial 0 jejune 0 003 & 02559180 a 0000 + 04791453 n 0202 + 04791453 n 0201 | lacking in nutritive value; "the jejune diets of the very poor" 02559862 00 s 01 morbid 0 003 & 02559180 a 0000 + 05699906 n 0101 + 04790449 n 0102 | suggesting an unhealthy mental state; "morbid interest in death"; "morbid curiosity" 02560035 00 s 08 nauseating 0 nauseous 0 noisome 0 queasy 0 loathsome 0 offensive 0 sickening 0 vile 0 009 & 02559180 a 0000 + 04781349 n 0804 + 04996571 n 0704 + 04780958 n 0601 + 01810447 v 0602 + 04781349 n 0501 + 04790774 n 0302 + 07504111 n 0201 + 04996571 n 0103 | causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench" 02560402 00 s 01 rich 0 001 & 02559180 a 0000 | containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods" 02560548 00 a 02 wide 0 broad 4 013 ^ 00525453 a 0000 ^ 02410393 a 0000 = 05136150 n 0000 + 05136343 n 0202 + 05136343 n 0101 ! 02561888 a 0101 & 02561014 a 0000 & 02561123 a 0000 & 02561302 a 0000 & 02561391 a 0000 & 02561490 a 0000 & 02561560 a 0000 & 02561752 a 0000 | having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other; "wide roads"; "a wide necktie"; "wide margins"; "three feet wide"; "a river two miles broad"; "broad shoulders"; "a broad river" 02561014 00 s 01 beamy 0 002 & 02560548 a 0000 + 05136546 n 0101 | broad in the beam; "a beamy cargo ship" 02561123 00 s 02 bird's-eye 0 panoramic 0 003 & 02560548 a 0000 + 05933246 n 0206 + 03884072 n 0201 | as from an altitude or distance; "a bird's-eye survey"; "a panoramic view" 02561302 00 s 01 broad-brimmed 0 001 & 02560548 a 0000 | (of hats) having a broad brim 02561391 00 s 01 deep 0 001 & 02560548 a 0000 | extending relatively far inward; "a deep border" 02561490 00 s 01 fanlike 0 001 & 02560548 a 0000 | resembling a fan 02561560 00 s 01 sweeping 0 001 & 02560548 a 0000 | taking in or moving over (or as if over) a wide area; often used in combination; "a sweeping glance"; "a wide-sweeping view of the river" 02561752 00 s 01 wide-screen(a) 0 001 & 02560548 a 0000 | (motion pictures) projected on a screen with much greater width than height 02561888 00 a 01 narrow 0 014 ^ 01415021 a 0000 ^ 00287640 a 0000 ^ 02412164 a 0000 = 05136150 n 0000 + 09365863 n 0101 + 05136788 n 0101 ! 02560548 a 0101 & 02562235 a 0000 & 02562368 a 0000 & 02562484 a 0000 & 02562566 a 0000 & 02562705 a 0000 & 02562805 a 0000 & 02562909 a 0000 | not wide; "a narrow bridge"; "a narrow line across the page" 02562235 00 s 03 constricting 0 constrictive 0 narrowing 0 001 & 02561888 a 0000 | (of circumstances) tending to constrict freedom 02562368 00 s 01 narrowed 0 001 & 02561888 a 0000 | reduced in size as by squeezing together; "his narrowed eyes" 02562484 00 s 01 narrow-mouthed 0 001 & 02561888 a 0000 | having a narrow mouth 02562566 00 s 02 slender 0 thin 0 003 & 02561888 a 0000 + 05136978 n 0202 + 05103648 n 0103 | very narrow; "a thin line across the page" 02562705 00 s 01 strait 0 002 & 02561888 a 0000 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | narrow; "strait is the gate" 02562805 00 s 01 straplike 0 001 & 02561888 a 0000 | long and narrow like a strap; "straplike leaves" 02562909 00 s 03 tapered 0 tapering 0 narrowing 2 001 & 02561888 a 0000 | becoming gradually narrower; "long tapering fingers"; "trousers with tapered legs" 02563068 00 a 01 wide 2 003 + 05104548 n 0108 ! 02563310 a 0101 & 02563194 a 0000 | great in degree; "won by a wide margin" 02563194 00 s 01 comfortable 0 001 & 02563068 a 0000 | more than adequate; "the home team had a comfortable lead" 02563310 00 a 01 narrow 2 003 + 05121095 n 0102 ! 02563068 a 0101 & 02563466 a 0000 | very limited in degree; "won by a narrow margin"; "a narrow escape" 02563466 00 s 02 bare(a) 0 marginal 0 001 & 02563310 a 0000 | just barely adequate or within a lower limit; "a bare majority"; "a marginal victory" 02563616 00 a 01 wieldy 0 001 ! 02563727 a 0101 | easy to handle or use or manage; "a large but wieldy book" 02563727 00 a 02 unwieldy 0 unmanageable 4 004 + 04711665 n 0103 ! 02563616 a 0101 & 02564023 a 0000 & 02564330 a 0000 | difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape; "we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter"; "almost dropped the unwieldy parcel" 02564023 00 s 04 awkward 0 bunglesome 0 clumsy 0 ungainly 0 002 & 02563727 a 0000 + 04711665 n 0101 | difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape; "an awkward bundle to carry"; "a load of bunglesome paraphernalia"; "clumsy wooden shoes"; "the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl" 02564330 00 s 02 cumbersome 0 cumbrous 0 002 & 02563727 a 0000 + 04711665 n 0102 | difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight; "a cumbersome piece of machinery"; "cumbrous protective clothing" 02564546 00 a 01 wigged 0 003 ! 02564915 a 0101 & 02564683 a 0000 & 02564810 a 0000 | wearing a wig; "the judges all wigged and robed" 02564683 00 s 02 peruked 0 periwigged 0 001 & 02564546 a 0000 | wearing a wig popular for men in the 17th and 18th centuries 02564810 00 s 01 toupeed 0 001 & 02564546 a 0000 | wearing a small hairpiece to cover partial baldness 02564915 00 a 01 wigless 0 001 ! 02564546 a 0101 | not wearing a wig 02564986 00 a 01 willing 0 013 ^ 00696518 a 0000 ^ 01292128 a 0000 ^ 01930512 a 0000 ^ 02520219 a 0000 = 04623612 n 0000 + 04644512 n 0101 ! 02566015 a 0101 & 02565327 a 0000 & 02565425 a 0000 & 02565583 a 0000 & 02565701 a 0000 & 02565801 a 0000 & 02565939 a 0000 | disposed or inclined toward; "a willing participant"; "willing helpers" 02565327 00 s 01 consenting 0 001 & 02564986 a 0000 | having given consent; "consenting adults" 02565425 00 s 04 disposed(p) 0 fain 0 inclined(p) 0 prepared 0 002 & 02564986 a 0000 + 14031108 n 0402 | having made preparations; "prepared to take risks" 02565583 00 s 02 glad 0 happy 0 001 & 02564986 a 0000 | eagerly disposed to act or to be of service; "glad to help" 02565701 00 s 01 ready 0 001 & 02564986 a 0000 | mentally disposed; "he was ready to believe her" 02565801 00 s 01 volitional 0 003 & 02564986 a 0000 + 05652593 n 0101 + 00163047 n 0101 | with deliberate intention; "a volitional act" 02565939 00 s 01 willing_and_able 0 001 & 02564986 a 0000 | not reluctant 02566015 00 a 01 unwilling 0 009 ^ 00695523 a 0000 ^ 01293158 a 0000 ^ 02521353 a 0000 = 04623612 n 0000 + 04645599 n 0101 ! 02564986 a 0101 & 02566299 a 0000 & 02566453 a 0000 & 02566644 a 0000 | not disposed or inclined toward; "an unwilling assistant"; "unwilling to face facts" 02566299 00 s 01 grudging 0 001 & 02566015 a 0000 | of especially an attitude; "gave grudging consent"; "grudging acceptance of his opponent's victory" 02566453 00 s 03 loath 0 loth 0 reluctant 0 002 & 02566015 a 0000 + 04645943 n 0301 | unwillingness to do something contrary to your custom; "a reluctant smile"; "loath to admit a mistake" 02566644 00 s 02 unintentional 0 unwilled 0 001 & 02566015 a 0000 | without deliberate intent; "my heart with unwilled love grew warm"- George Macdonald 02566799 00 a 01 winged 0 011 ! 02568285 a 0101 & 02567117 a 0000 & 02567281 a 0000 & 02567473 a 0000 & 02567593 a 0000 & 02567738 a 0000 & 02567815 a 0000 & 02567918 a 0000 & 02567999 a 0000 & 02568076 a 0000 & 02568192 a 0000 | having wings or as if having wings of a specified kind; "the winged feet of Mercury"; 02567117 00 s 04 alar 0 alary 0 aliform 0 wing-shaped 0 004 & 02566799 a 0000 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 05309965 n 0201 + 02151940 n 0201 | having or resembling wings 02567281 00 s 02 alate 0 alated 0 003 & 02566799 a 0000 + 05309965 n 0101 + 02151940 n 0101 | (of seeds or insects) having winglike extensions; "alate leaves"; "alate seeds of a maple tree" 02567473 00 s 01 batwing 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | formed or shaped like a bat's wing; "a dress with batwing sleeves" 02567593 00 s 02 brachypterous 0 short-winged 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | (especially of certain insects) having very short or rudimentary wings 02567738 00 s 01 one-winged 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | having a single wing 02567815 00 s 01 pinioned 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | (of birds) especially having the flight feathers 02567918 00 s 01 slender-winged 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | having slender wings 02567999 00 s 01 small-winged 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | having small wings 02568076 00 s 01 volant(ip) 0 002 & 02566799 a 0000 ;c 05801594 n 0000 | with wings extended in a flying position 02568192 00 s 01 winglike 0 001 & 02566799 a 0000 | resembling a wing in shape or position 02568285 00 a 01 wingless 0 003 ! 02566799 a 0101 & 02568389 a 0000 & 02568480 a 0000 | lacking wings 02568389 00 s 02 apterous 0 apteral 0 001 & 02568285 a 0000 | (of insects) without wings 02568480 00 s 01 flightless 0 001 & 02568285 a 0000 | incapable of flying 02568556 00 a 01 wired 0 003 ! 02569030 a 0101 & 02568738 a 0000 & 02568884 a 0000 | equipped with wire or wires especially for electric or telephone service; "a well-wired house" 02568738 00 s 01 bugged 0 001 & 02568556 a 0000 | having hidden electronic eavesdropping devices; "wired hotel rooms"; "even the car is bugged" 02568884 00 s 01 connected 0 002 & 02568556 a 0000 + 13791389 n 0103 | wired together to an alarm system; "all the window alarms are connected" 02569030 00 a 01 wireless 0 001 ! 02568556 a 0101 | having no wires; "a wireless security system" 02569130 00 a 01 wise 0 011 ^ 00067038 a 0000 ^ 00067966 a 0000 ^ 01813400 a 0000 ^ 01898129 a 0000 + 04890112 n 0102 ! 02570282 a 0101 & 02569454 a 0000 & 02569558 a 0000 & 02569945 a 0000 & 02570046 a 0000 & 02570183 a 0000 | having or prompted by wisdom or discernment; "a wise leader"; "a wise and perceptive comment" 02569454 00 s 02 all-knowing 0 omniscient 0 002 & 02569130 a 0000 + 14458943 n 0201 | infinitely wise 02569558 00 s 03 perspicacious 0 sagacious 0 sapient 0 005 & 02569130 a 0000 + 05617107 n 0302 + 05614175 n 0202 + 05621439 n 0104 + 05621439 n 0103 | acutely insightful and wise; "much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument"; "observant and thoughtful, he was given to asking sagacious questions"; "a source of valuable insights and sapient advice to educators" 02569945 00 s 01 owlish 0 001 & 02569130 a 0000 | resembling an owl; solemn and wise in appearance 02570046 00 s 01 sapiential 0 001 & 02569130 a 0000 | characterized by wisdom, especially the wisdom of God; "a sapiential government" 02570183 00 s 01 sage 0 001 & 02569130 a 0000 | having wisdom that comes with age and experience 02570282 00 a 01 foolish 0 014 ^ 01814085 a 0000 ^ 01899360 a 0000 ^ 00067767 a 0000 ^ 00068278 a 0000 + 05647156 n 0102 ! 02569130 a 0101 & 02570643 a 0000 & 02571277 a 0000 & 02571536 a 0000 & 02571903 a 0000 & 02572038 a 0000 & 02572267 a 0000 & 02572420 a 0000 & 02572657 a 0000 | devoid of good sense or judgment; "foolish remarks"; "a foolish decision" 02570643 00 s 09 absurd 0 cockeyed 0 derisory 0 idiotic 0 laughable 0 ludicrous 0 nonsensical 0 preposterous 0 ridiculous 0 005 & 02570282 a 0000 + 06607809 n 0903 + 00852922 v 0301 + 04891683 n 0101 + 06607809 n 0102 | incongruous;inviting ridicule; "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework"; "that's a cockeyed idea"; "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer"; "a contribution so small as to be laughable"; "it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion"; "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history"; "her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous" 02571277 00 s 05 asinine 0 fatuous 0 inane 0 mindless 0 vacuous 0 009 & 02570282 a 0000 + 05647451 n 0501 + 05174023 n 0504 + 05174023 n 0403 + 04894204 n 0402 + 05174023 n 0301 + 04891683 n 0203 + 04891683 n 0202 + 04891944 n 0101 | devoid of intelligence 02571536 00 s 08 cockamamie 0 cockamamy 0 goofy 0 sappy 0 silly 0 wacky 0 whacky 0 zany 0 007 & 02570282 a 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 + 10157744 n 0809 + 10805113 n 0801 + 04891683 n 0504 + 10157744 n 0302 + 09930876 n 0303 | ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books" 02571903 00 s 01 fond 0 001 & 02570282 a 0000 | absurd or silly because unlikely; "fond hopes of becoming President"; "fond fancies" 02572038 00 s 03 harebrained 0 insane 0 mad 0 002 & 02570282 a 0000 + 05647156 n 0304 | very foolish; "harebrained ideas"; "took insane risks behind the wheel"; "a completely mad scheme to build a bridge between two mountains" 02572267 00 s 02 ill-conceived 0 misguided 0 001 & 02570282 a 0000 | poorly conceived or thought out; "an ill-conceived plan to take over the company" 02572420 00 s 04 rattlebrained 0 rattlepated 0 scatterbrained 0 scatty 0 001 & 02570282 a 0000 | lacking sense or discretion; "his rattlebrained crackpot ideas"; "how rattlepated I am! I've forgotten what I came for"- Glenway Westcott 02572657 00 s 01 unwise 0 002 & 02570282 a 0000 + 04891333 n 0103 | showing or resulting from lack of judgment or wisdom; "an unwise investor is soon impoverished" 02572823 00 a 01 wooded 0 014 ^ 01290333 a 0000 ! 02575008 a 0101 & 02573192 a 0000 & 02573443 a 0000 & 02573708 a 0000 & 02573859 a 0000 & 02573987 a 0000 & 02574092 a 0000 & 02574188 a 0000 & 02574294 a 0000 & 02574481 a 0000 & 02574614 a 0000 & 02574706 a 0000 & 02574890 a 0000 | covered with growing trees and bushes etc; "wooded land"; "a heavily wooded tract" 02573192 00 s 04 arboraceous 0 arboreous 0 woodsy 1 woody 0 004 & 02572823 a 0000 + 05216102 n 0401 + 05216102 n 0302 + 08438533 n 0303 | abounding in trees; "an arboreous landscape"; "violets in woodsy shady spots"; "a woody area near the highway" 02573443 00 s 02 bosky 0 brushy 0 003 & 02572823 a 0000 + 08437515 n 0201 + 08438840 n 0101 | covered with or consisting of bushes or thickets; "brushy undergrowth"; "`bosky' is a literary term"; "a bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza"- Jack Beatty 02573708 00 s 02 braky 0 brambly 0 003 & 02572823 a 0000 + 13119870 n 0201 + 08437721 n 0101 | covered with brambles and ferns and other undergrowth 02573859 00 s 01 forested 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | covered with forest; "efforts to protect forested lands of the northwest" 02573987 00 s 01 jungly 0 002 & 02572823 a 0000 + 08439022 n 0101 | overgrown with tropical vegetation 02574092 00 s 01 overgrown 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | abounding in usually unwanted vegetation 02574188 00 s 01 rushy 0 002 & 02572823 a 0000 + 11743294 n 0101 | abounding in rushes; "a rushy marsh" 02574294 00 s 02 scrabbly 0 scrubby 0 003 & 02572823 a 0000 + 04730985 n 0202 + 08438223 n 0201 | sparsely covered with stunted trees or vegetation and underbrush; "open scrubby woods" 02574481 00 s 02 sylvan 0 silvan 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | relating to or characteristic of wooded regions; "a shady sylvan glade" 02574614 00 s 01 thicket-forming 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | tending to form dense thickets 02574706 00 s 01 timbered 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | covered with growing timber; "thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly"; "hills timbered up to their summits" 02574890 00 s 01 woodsy 0 001 & 02572823 a 0000 | characteristic or suggestive of woods; "a fresh woodsy fragrance" 02575008 00 a 02 unwooded 0 treeless 0 004 ^ 01289701 a 0000 ! 02572823 a 0101 & 02575138 a 0000 & 02575238 a 0000 | not wooded 02575138 00 s 01 unforested 0 001 & 02575008 a 0000 | not covered with forest; "unforested lands" 02575238 00 s 01 untimbered 0 001 & 02575008 a 0000 | without trees; "an untimbered area" 02575330 00 a 01 woody 0 010 + 15098161 n 0101 ! 02576657 a 0101 & 02575653 a 0000 & 02575733 a 0000 & 02575834 a 0000 & 02575952 a 0000 & 02576058 a 0000 & 02576223 a 0000 & 02576365 a 0000 & 02576489 a 0000 | made of or containing or resembling wood; "woody plants"; "perennial herbs with woody stems"; "a woody taste" 02575653 00 s 01 ashen 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | made of wood of the ash tree 02575733 00 s 01 beechen 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | consisting of or made of wood of the beech tree 02575834 00 s 03 birch 0 birchen 0 birken 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | consisting of or made of wood of the birch tree 02575952 00 s 01 cedarn 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | consisting of or made of cedar; "carved cedarn doors" 02576058 00 s 01 ligneous 0 003 & 02575330 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 14935319 n 0101 | consisting of or containing lignin or xylem; "ligneous (or woody) tissue" 02576223 00 s 01 oaken 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | consisting of or made of wood of the oak tree; "a solid oak table"; "the old oaken bucket" 02576365 00 s 01 suffrutescent 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | of a plant; having a woody base that does not die down each year 02576489 00 s 01 wooden 0 001 & 02575330 a 0000 | made or consisting of (entirely or in part) or employing wood; "a wooden box"; "an ancient cart with wooden wheels" 02576657 00 a 01 nonwoody 0 003 ! 02575330 a 0101 & 02576795 a 0000 & 02576918 a 0000 | not woody; not consisting of or resembling wood 02576795 00 s 01 herbaceous 0 002 & 02576657 a 0000 ;c 06066555 n 0101 | characteristic of a nonwoody herb or plant part 02576918 00 s 02 pulpy 0 squashy 0 003 & 02576657 a 0000 + 09400826 n 0101 + 04939198 n 0102 | like a pulp or overripe; not having stiffness 02577061 00 a 03 worldly 0 secular 7 temporal 0 010 ^ 01180695 a 0000 ^ 02056880 a 0000 ^ 02270342 a 0000 + 04621524 n 0101 + 05670972 n 0103 ! 02578235 a 0101 & 02577454 a 0000 & 02577734 a 0000 & 02577907 a 0000 & 02578035 a 0000 | characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world; "worldly goods and advancement"; "temporal possessions of the church" 02577454 00 s 01 economic 0 002 & 02577061 a 0000 + 00192613 n 0101 | concerned with worldly necessities of life (especially money); "he wrote the book primarily for economic reasons"; "gave up the large house for economic reasons"; "in economic terms they are very privileged" 02577734 00 s 01 material 0 001 & 02577061 a 0000 | concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests; "material possessions"; "material wealth"; "material comforts" 02577907 00 s 03 materialistic 0 mercenary 0 worldly-minded 0 002 & 02577061 a 0000 + 14039310 n 0101 | marked by materialism 02578035 00 s 02 mundane 0 terrestrial 0 002 & 02577061 a 0000 + 04880273 n 0103 | concerned with the world or worldly matters; "mundane affairs"; "he developed an immense terrestrial practicality" 02578235 00 a 01 unworldly 0 007 ^ 02271544 a 0000 ^ 01781478 a 0000 ! 02577061 a 0101 & 02578546 a 0000 & 02578894 a 0000 & 02579136 a 0000 & 02579363 a 0000 | not concerned with the temporal world or swayed by mundane considerations; "was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards"- Sheldon Cheney 02578546 00 s 05 anchoritic 0 eremitic 0 eremitical 0 hermitic 0 hermitical 0 008 & 02578235 a 0000 + 10519126 n 0502 + 10172448 n 0501 + 10519126 n 0402 + 10172448 n 0401 + 10518945 n 0301 + 10518945 n 0201 + 10519126 n 0101 | characterized by ascetic solitude; "the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony"; "his hermitic existence" 02578894 00 s 05 cloistered 0 cloistral 0 conventual 0 monastic 0 monastical 0 005 & 02578235 a 0000 + 10112129 n 0402 + 08224413 n 0301 + 03099454 n 0301 + 04073948 n 0202 | of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows 02579136 00 s 02 spiritual 0 unearthly 0 002 & 02578235 a 0000 + 04621314 n 0101 | concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul; "a spiritual approach to life"; "spiritual fulfillment"; "spiritual values"; "unearthly love" 02579363 00 s 01 unmercenary 0 001 & 02578235 a 0000 | not mercenary; not influenced by financial gains 02579469 00 a 01 woven 0 003 ! 02579952 a 0101 & 02579760 a 0000 & 02579864 a 0000 | made or constructed by interlacing threads or strips of material or other elements into a whole; "woven fabrics"; "woven baskets"; "the incidents woven into the story"; "folk songs woven into a symphony" 02579760 00 s 01 braided 0 001 & 02579469 a 0000 | woven by (or as if by) braiding; "braided cordage" 02579864 00 s 01 plain-woven 0 001 & 02579469 a 0000 | (of cloth) made in plain weave 02579952 00 a 01 unwoven 0 003 ! 02579469 a 0101 & 02580126 a 0000 & 02580267 a 0000 | not woven; "tapa cloth is an unwoven fabric made by pounding bark into a thin sheet" 02580126 00 s 01 felted 0 001 & 02579952 a 0000 | made by combining fibers with a binder using heat and pressure; "felt is a felted cloth" 02580267 00 s 01 knitted 0 001 & 02579952 a 0000 | made by intertwining threads in a series of connected loops rather than by weaving; "knitted garments"; "a hand-knitted sweater" 02580449 00 a 01 worn 0 025 ^ 01638438 a 0000 ! 02584699 a 0101 & 02581047 a 0000 & 02581172 a 0000 & 02581254 a 0000 & 02581365 a 0000 & 02581530 a 0000 & 02581829 a 0000 & 02582064 a 0000 & 02582163 a 0000 & 02582269 a 0000 & 02582473 a 0000 & 02582602 a 0000 & 02582697 a 0000 & 02582873 a 0000 & 02583043 a 0000 & 02583271 a 0000 & 02583467 a 0000 & 02583619 a 0000 & 02583898 a 0000 & 02584031 a 0000 & 02584203 a 0000 & 02584347 a 0000 & 02584459 a 0000 & 02584610 a 0000 | affected by wear; damaged by long use; "worn threads on the screw"; "a worn suit"; "the worn pockets on the jacket" 02581047 00 s 01 aged 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | at an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable); "aged rocks" 02581172 00 s 01 attrited 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn by rubbing or friction 02581254 00 s 01 battered 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | damaged especially by hard usage; "his battered old hat" 02581365 00 s 01 clapped_out 0 002 & 02580449 a 0000 ;r 08860123 n 0000 | worn from age or heavy use and no longer able to operate (of cars or machines or people) 02581530 00 s 06 creaky 0 decrepit 0 derelict 0 flea-bitten 0 run-down 0 woebegone 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn and broken down by hard use; "a creaky shack"; "a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape"; "a flea-bitten sofa"; "a run-down neighborhood"; "a woebegone old shack" 02581829 00 s 02 dog-eared 0 eared 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down; "a somewhat dog-eared duke...a bit run down"-Clifton Fadiman; "an old book with dog-eared pages" 02582064 00 s 02 eroded 0 scoured 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn away as by water or ice or wind 02582163 00 s 01 frayed 1 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn away or tattered along the edges; "frayed cuffs" 02582269 00 s 02 mangy 0 mangey 0 004 & 02580449 a 0000 + 14274217 n 0201 + 14274217 n 0101 + 04816761 n 0103 | having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap; "a mangy carpet"; "a mangy old fur coat" 02582473 00 s 02 moth-eaten 1 mothy 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn or eaten away by (or as if by) moths; "moth-eaten blankets" 02582602 00 s 01 played_out 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn out; "a played out deck of cards" 02582697 00 s 01 ragged 1 002 & 02580449 a 0000 + 04817168 n 0101 | being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn; "clothes as ragged as a scarecrow's"; "a ragged tramp" 02582873 00 s 02 raddled 0 worn-out 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | used until no longer useful; "battered trumpets and raddled radios"; "worn-out shoes with flapping soles" 02583043 00 s 04 moth-eaten 0 ratty 0 shabby 0 tatty 0 002 & 02580449 a 0000 + 04816761 n 0301 | showing signs of wear and tear; "a ratty old overcoat"; "shabby furniture"; "an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains" 02583271 00 s 02 scruffy 0 seedy 0 002 & 02580449 a 0000 + 04816761 n 0202 | shabby and untidy; "a surge of ragged scruffy children"; "he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin"- Mark Twain 02583467 00 s 02 shopworn 0 shopsoiled 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn or faded from being on display in a store; "shopworn merchandise at half price" 02583619 00 s 02 tattered 1 tatterdemalion 0 002 & 02580449 a 0000 + 10504664 n 0202 | worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing; "a man in a tattered shirt"; "the tattered flag"; "tied up in tattered brown paper"; "a tattered barefoot boy"; "a tatterdemalion prince" 02583898 00 s 01 threadbare 1 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | having the nap worn away so that the threads show through; "threadbare rugs" 02584031 00 s 01 thumbed 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | (of pages) worn or soiled by thumb and fingers by frequent handling or turning; "well-thumbed pages of the dictionary" 02584203 00 s 03 vermiculate 0 worm-eaten 0 wormy 0 002 & 02580449 a 0000 + 01922303 n 0301 | infested with or damaged (as if eaten) by worms 02584347 00 s 01 waterworn 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | (of rocks especially) worn smooth by the action of water 02584459 00 s 03 weather-beaten 0 weatherworn 0 weathered 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | worn by exposure to the weather; "a house of weathered shingles" 02584610 00 s 01 well-worn 0 001 & 02580449 a 0000 | showing signs of much wear or use 02584699 00 a 01 new 9 002 ! 02580449 a 0101 & 02584817 a 0000 | unaffected by use or exposure; "it looks like new" 02584817 00 s 01 unweathered 0 001 & 02584699 a 0000 | not worn by exposure to the weather; "chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock" 02584981 00 a 01 worthy 0 024 ^ 00904163 a 0000 ^ 01129977 a 0000 ^ 01226240 a 0000 ^ 02036578 a 0000 ^ 02500884 a 0000 = 04806804 n 0000 + 10792506 n 0101 + 04806804 n 0101 + 05138208 n 0101 ! 02588099 a 0101 & 02585545 a 0000 & 02585919 a 0000 & 02586089 a 0000 & 02586206 a 0000 & 02586446 a 0000 & 02586608 a 0000 & 02586747 a 0000 & 02586957 a 0000 & 02587083 a 0000 & 02587261 a 0000 & 02587407 a 0000 & 02587556 a 0000 & 02587738 a 0000 & 02587936 a 0000 | having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable; "a worthy fellow"; "a worthy cause" 02585545 00 s 04 applaudable 0 commendable 0 laudable 0 praiseworthy 0 004 & 02584981 a 0000 + 04807342 n 0401 + 00860620 v 0301 + 00860292 v 0101 | worthy of high praise; "applaudable efforts to save the environment"; "a commendable sense of purpose"; "laudable motives of improving housing conditions"; "a significant and praiseworthy increase in computer intelligence" 02585919 00 s 01 creditable 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | worthy of often limited commendation; "the student's effort on the essay--though not outstanding--was creditable" 02586089 00 s 01 cum_laude 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | with honor; with academic distinction; "a cum laude graduate" 02586206 00 s 02 deserving 0 worth(p) 0 004 & 02584981 a 0000 ;u 07106246 n 0000 + 05138208 n 0201 + 04807050 n 0101 | worthy of being treated in a particular way; "an idea worth considering"; "the deserving poor" (often used ironically) 02586446 00 s 02 exemplary 0 model(a) 0 003 & 02584981 a 0000 + 05925366 n 0102 + 05925366 n 0101 | worthy of imitation; "exemplary behavior"; "model citizens" 02586608 00 s 01 magna_cum_laude 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | with high honor; with high academic distinction; "a magna cum laude graduate" 02586747 00 s 02 meritorious 0 meritable 0 004 & 02584981 a 0000 + 02646378 v 0202 + 04807050 n 0102 + 04807050 n 0103 | deserving reward or praise; "a lifetime of meritorious service"; "meritorious conduct" 02586957 00 s 02 noteworthy 0 notable 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | worthy of notice; "a noteworthy advance in cancer research" 02587083 00 s 01 quotable 0 002 & 02584981 a 0000 + 04807489 n 0101 | suitable for or worthy of quotation; "a quotable slogan"; "his remarks are not quotable in mixed company" 02587261 00 s 01 sacred 0 002 & 02584981 a 0000 + 04855332 n 0101 | worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling" 02587407 00 s 01 summa_cum_laude 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | with highest honor; with the highest academic distinction; "a summa cum laude graduate" 02587556 00 s 02 valued 0 precious 0 001 & 02584981 a 0000 | held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature; "a valued friend"; "precious memories" 02587738 00 s 02 valuable 0 worthful 0 004 & 02584981 a 0000 + 05141222 n 0104 + 02256109 v 0102 + 00694068 v 0103 | having worth or merit or value; "a valuable friend"; "a good and worthful man" 02587936 00 s 01 worthwhile 0 002 & 02584981 a 0000 + 05139436 n 0101 | sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest; "a worthwhile book" 02588099 00 a 01 unworthy 0 010 ^ 00904548 a 0000 ^ 01227137 a 0000 ^ 02037272 a 0000 ^ 02502163 a 0000 = 04806804 n 0000 + 04807776 n 0101 ! 02584981 a 0101 & 02588421 a 0000 & 02588527 a 0000 & 02588647 a 0000 | lacking in value or merit; "dispel a student whose conduct is deemed unworthy"; "unworthy of forgiveness" 02588421 00 s 02 undeserving 0 unworthy 1 001 & 02588099 a 0000 | not deserving; "the undeserving poor" 02588527 00 s 01 unmerited 0 001 & 02588099 a 0000 | not merited; "unmerited treatment of a potentially fine subject" 02588647 00 s 01 unmeritorious 0 001 & 02588099 a 0000 | without merit; "protect...from unmeritorious criticism" 02588762 00 a 01 xeric 0 003 ! 02589086 a 0101 ! 02589551 a 0101 & 02588915 a 0000 | being deficient in moisture; "deserts provide xeric environments" 02588915 00 s 01 xerophytic 0 002 & 02588762 a 0000 + 13121104 n 0102 | adapted to a xeric (or dry) environment; "cacti are xerophytic plants"; "xerophytic adaptations" 02589086 00 a 01 hydric 0 004 ! 02589551 a 0101 ! 02588762 a 0101 & 02589258 a 0000 & 02589402 a 0000 | having or characterized by excessive moisture; "a hydric habitat" 02589258 00 s 01 hydrophytic 0 002 & 02589086 a 0000 + 13121544 n 0103 | growing wholly or partially in water; "water lilies are hydrophytic" 02589402 00 s 01 hygrophytic 0 002 & 02589086 a 0000 + 11553522 n 0101 | requiring an abundance of moisture; "some tropical ferns are hygrophytic" 02589551 00 a 01 mesic 0 003 ! 02588762 a 0101 ! 02589086 a 0101 & 02589730 a 0000 | having or characterized by moderate or a well-balanced supply of moisture; "mesic habitats" 02589730 00 s 01 mesophytic 0 002 & 02589551 a 0000 + 13121349 n 0101 | being or growing in or adapted to a moderately moist environment; "mesophytic habitats"; "mesophytic plants" 02589913 00 a 01 zonal 0 001 ! 02590057 a 0101 | associated with or divided into zones; "a zonal pattern of cell structure"; "zonal division" 02590057 00 a 01 azonal 0 002 ! 02589913 a 0101 & 02590168 a 0000 | not divided into zones; "azonal heating" 02590168 00 s 01 azonic 0 001 & 02590057 a 0000 | not restricted to any particular zone or region 02590268 00 a 01 acrocarpous 0 001 ! 02590382 a 0101 | (of mosses) having the archegonia at the top of the stem 02590382 00 a 01 pleurocarpous 0 002 + 11539467 n 0101 ! 02590268 a 0101 | (of mosses) having the archegonia on short lateral branches 02590519 00 a 01 cursorial 0 001 ! 02590614 a 0101 | (of limbs and feet) adapted for running 02590614 00 a 01 fossorial 0 001 ! 02590519 a 0101 | (of limbs and feet) adapted for digging 02590709 00 a 01 homocercal 0 002 ;c 06072912 n 0000 ! 02590891 a 0101 | possessing a symmetrical tail that extends beyond the end of the vertebral column (as in most bony fishes) 02590891 00 a 01 heterocercal 0 002 ;c 06072912 n 0000 ! 02590709 a 0101 | possessing a tail with the upper lobe larger than the lower and with the vertebral column prolonged into the upper lobe 02591088 00 a 01 webbed 0 002 ! 02591372 a 0101 & 02591239 a 0000 | (of the feet of some animals) having the digits connected by a thin fold of skin 02591239 00 s 01 palmate 0 001 & 02591088 a 0000 | (of the feet of water birds) having three toes connected by a thin fold of skin 02591372 00 a 01 unwebbed 0 001 ! 02591088 a 0101 | (of the feet of some animals) not webbed; "a primitive frog with unwebbed toes" 02591506 00 a 01 faceted 0 001 ! 02591594 a 0101 | having facets; "a faceted diamond" 02591594 00 a 01 unfaceted 0 001 ! 02591506 a 0101 | lacking facets; "an unfaceted gem" 02591684 00 a 01 ipsilateral 0 001 ! 02591787 a 0101 | on or relating to the same side (of the body) 02591787 00 a 01 contralateral 0 001 ! 02591684 a 0101 | on or relating to the opposite side (of the body) 02591896 00 a 01 salient 0 001 ! 02592015 a 0101 | (of angles) pointing outward at an angle of less than 180 degrees 02592015 00 a 02 re-entrant 0 reentrant 0 001 ! 02591896 a 0101 | (of angles) pointing inward; "a polygon with re-entrant angles" 02592147 00 a 01 proactive 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 02592396 a 0101 | descriptive of any event or stimulus or process that has an effect on events or stimuli or processes that occur subsequently; "proactive inhibition"; "proactive interference" 02592396 00 a 01 retroactive 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 02592147 a 0101 | descriptive of any event or stimulus or process that has an effect on the effects of events or stimuli or process that occurred previously 02592611 00 a 01 rh-positive 0 001 ! 02592750 a 0101 | of persons (or their blood) having the Rh factor present in their red blood cells 02592750 00 a 01 rh-negative 0 001 ! 02592611 a 0101 | of persons (or their blood) lacking the Rh factor present in their red blood cells 02592890 00 a 01 categorematic 0 005 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 06752410 n 0102 + 06752410 n 0101 ! 02593269 a 0101 & 02593124 a 0000 | of a term or phrase capable of standing as the subject or (especially) the predicate of a proposition 02593124 00 s 01 autosemantic 0 002 & 02592890 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | of a word or phrase meaningful in isolation, independent of context 02593269 00 a 01 syncategorematic 0 005 ;c 06163751 n 0000 + 06752695 n 0102 + 06752695 n 0101 ! 02592890 a 0101 & 02593578 a 0000 | of a term that cannot stand as the subject or (especially) the predicate of a proposition but must be used in conjunction with other terms; "`or' is a syncategorematic term" 02593578 00 s 01 synsemantic 0 002 & 02593269 a 0000 ;c 06172789 n 0000 | of a word or phrase meaningful only when it occurs in the company of other words 02593735 00 a 01 idiographic 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 02593861 a 0101 | relating to or involving the study of individuals 02593861 00 a 01 nomothetic 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ! 02593735 a 0101 | relating to or involving the search for abstract universal principles 02594006 00 a 01 pro-choice 0 001 ! 02594159 a 0101 | advocating a woman's right to control her own body (especially her right to an induced abortion) 02594159 00 a 01 pro-life 0 001 ! 02594006 a 0101 | advocating full legal protection of embryos and fetuses (especially opposing the legalization of induced abortions) 02594329 00 a 02 baptized 0 baptised 0 001 ! 02594443 a 0101 | having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism 02594443 00 a 02 unbaptized 0 unbaptised 0 001 ! 02594329 a 0101 | not having undergone the Christian ritual of baptism 02594565 00 a 01 benign 2 002 ;c 06060845 n 0000 ! 02594714 a 0101 | not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) 02594714 00 a 01 malignant 2 005 ;c 06060845 n 0000 + 14237561 n 0101 + 14237561 n 0102 ! 02594565 a 0101 & 02594940 a 0000 | dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor) 02594940 00 s 01 cancerous 0 002 & 02594714 a 0000 + 14239918 n 0101 | relating to or affected with cancer; "a cancerous growth" 02595071 00 a 01 calcicolous 0 001 ! 02595167 a 0101 | growing or living in soil rich in lime 02595167 00 a 01 calcifugous 0 001 ! 02595071 a 0101 | growing or living in acid soil 02595255 00 a 01 invertible 0 001 ! 02595357 a 0101 | having an additive or multiplicative inverse 02595357 00 a 01 non-invertible 0 001 ! 02595255 a 0101 | not admitting an additive or multiplicative inverse 02595469 00 a 01 immunocompetent 0 002 + 13974144 n 0101 ! 02595647 a 0101 | capable of developing an immune response following exposure to an antigen; "immunocompetent cells" 02595647 00 a 01 immunodeficient 0 002 + 13974317 n 0101 ! 02595469 a 0101 | incapable of developing an immune response following exposure to an antigen; "immunodeficient rodents" 02595829 00 a 01 allogeneic 0 002 + 06051542 n 0101 ! 02596059 a 0101 | denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to the same species but genetically dissimilar (and hence immunologically incompatible) 02596059 00 a 01 xenogeneic 0 002 + 06051542 n 0101 ! 02595829 a 0101 | denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to different species 02596222 00 a 01 long-spurred 0 001 ! 02596342 a 0101 | of flowers having a long extension at the base of the corolla 02596342 00 a 01 short-spurred 0 001 ! 02596222 a 0101 | of flowers have a short extension at the base of the corolla 02596462 00 a 01 shelled 0 005 ! 02597007 a 0101 & 02596626 a 0000 & 02596728 a 0000 & 02596810 a 0000 & 02596905 a 0000 | of animals or fruits that have a shell 02596626 00 s 01 hard-shelled 0 001 & 02596462 a 0000 | of animals or plants that have a hard shell 02596728 00 s 01 smooth-shelled 0 001 & 02596462 a 0000 | having a smooth shell 02596810 00 s 01 spiral-shelled 0 001 & 02596462 a 0000 | having a shell that forms a spiral 02596905 00 s 01 thin-shelled 0 001 & 02596462 a 0000 | of animals or plants that have a thin shell 02597007 00 a 02 unshelled 0 shell-less 0 001 ! 02596462 a 0101 | of animals or fruits that have no shell 02597115 00 a 01 jawed 0 003 ! 02597418 a 0101 & 02597245 a 0000 & 02597329 a 0000 | of animals having jaws of a specified type 02597245 00 s 01 long-jawed 0 001 & 02597115 a 0000 | having relatively long jaws 02597329 00 s 01 square-jawed 0 001 & 02597115 a 0000 | having a relatively square jaw 02597418 00 a 01 jawless 0 001 ! 02597115 a 0101 | of animals having no jaw 02597496 00 a 01 skinned 0 003 ! 02597781 a 0101 & 02597617 a 0000 & 02597696 a 0000 | having skin of a specified kind 02597617 00 s 01 smooth-skinned 0 001 & 02597496 a 0000 | having smooth skin 02597696 00 s 01 velvety-skinned 0 001 & 02597496 a 0000 | having skin like velvet 02597781 00 a 01 skinless 0 001 ! 02597496 a 0101 | having no skin 02597850 00 a 01 flowering 0 001 ! 02597951 a 0101 | having a flower or bloom; "a flowering plant" 02597951 00 a 02 flowerless 0 nonflowering 0 002 ! 02597850 a 0101 & 02598110 a 0000 | without flower or bloom and not producing seeds; "a flowerless plant" 02598110 00 s 01 spore-bearing 0 001 & 02597951 a 0000 | bearing spores instead of producing seeds 02598211 00 a 03 vegetal 0 vegetational 0 vegetative 0 004 + 00232542 v 0301 + 00232388 v 0301 + 00232225 v 0301 + 08436759 n 0201 | composed of vegetation or plants; "regions rich in vegetal products"; "vegetational cover"; "the decaying vegetative layer covering a forest floor" 02598494 00 a 01 asphaltic 0 002 + 14769465 n 0101 + 14667455 n 0101 | containing asphalt; "asphaltic residues" 02598608 01 a 02 abasic 0 abatic 0 004 + 14549070 n 0201 \ 14549070 n 0201 + 14549070 n 0101 \ 14549070 n 0101 | of or relating to abasia (inability to walk) 02598768 01 a 01 abbatial 0 006 + 09754217 n 0101 + 09754404 n 0101 + 02667576 n 0101 + 02667478 n 0101 + 02667379 n 0101 \ 02667379 n 0101 | of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess 02598981 01 a 01 abdominovesical 0 002 \ 05556943 n 0101 \ 05512337 n 0101 | of or relating to the abdomen and the urinary bladder 02599114 01 a 01 Aberdonian 0 005 + 09153570 n 0101 + 09139380 n 0101 + 09094093 n 0101 + 08892186 n 0101 \ 08892186 n 0101 | of or relating to Aberdeen 02599269 01 a 02 Abkhaz 0 Abkhazian 0 002 \ 09019355 n 0202 \ 09019355 n 0101 | of or relating to Abkazia or its people or their language 02599409 01 a 01 Abnaki 0 001 \ 09645871 n 0101 | of or relating to the Abnakis or their language 02599509 01 a 01 Aboriginal 0 003 + 09676490 n 0103 + 09676490 n 0101 \ 09676490 n 0101 | of or pertaining to members of the indigenous people of Australia; "an Aboriginal rite" 02599689 01 a 01 abient 0 004 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 09180616 n 0101 ! 02603779 a 0101 \ 09180616 n 0101 | characterized by avoidance or withdrawal 02599837 01 a 01 abiogenetic 0 002 + 11420376 n 0101 \ 11420376 n 0101 | originating by abiogenesis 02599939 01 a 01 academic 0 004 + 09759069 n 0102 + 08280124 n 0101 + 08274923 n 0101 \ 08274923 n 0101 | associated with academia or an academy; "the academic curriculum"; "academic gowns" 02600131 01 a 01 acanthotic 0 002 + 14221741 n 0101 \ 14221741 n 0101 | of or relating to or having acanthosis 02600244 01 a 03 acapnic 0 acapnial 0 acapnotic 0 006 + 14042165 n 0302 \ 14042165 n 0302 + 14042165 n 0202 \ 14042165 n 0202 + 14042165 n 0102 \ 14042165 n 0102 | relating to or demonstrating acapnia 02600447 01 a 01 acervate 0 001 \ 11533026 n 0101 | pertaining to a growth of fungi that forms a heaped-up mass; "acervate fungous sporophores" 02600593 01 a 01 acetonic 0 002 + 14600504 n 0101 \ 14600504 n 0101 | of or relating to acetone 02600691 01 a 01 acetylenic 0 002 + 14600742 n 0101 \ 14600742 n 0101 | of or related to acetylene 02600792 01 a 01 acetylic 0 002 + 14594456 n 0101 \ 14599168 n 0101 | of or related to acetic acid 02600893 01 a 01 Achaean 0 001 \ 08782490 n 0101 | of or relating to Achaea or its ancient Greek people 02600999 01 a 01 Aeolian 1 002 + 08160697 n 0101 \ 08784104 n 0101 | of or relating to Aeolis or its ancient Greek people 02601123 01 a 01 achenial 0 002 + 12036067 n 0101 \ 12036067 n 0101 | pertaining to dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit 02601242 01 a 01 achlorhydric 0 001 \ 14912387 n 0101 | lacking hydrochloric acid 02601326 01 a 01 achondritic 0 002 + 09186928 n 0101 \ 09186928 n 0101 | of or related to an achondrite 02601432 01 a 01 aciculate 0 001 \ 09187036 n 0101 | related to plants or animals or crystals having aciculae or needlelike parts 02601564 01 a 01 acidimetric 0 002 + 00647919 n 0101 \ 00647919 n 0101 | involving or related to acidimetry 02601674 01 a 01 acidotic 0 002 + 14019600 n 0101 \ 14019600 n 0101 | having or being characterized by acidosis 02601788 01 a 01 acinar 0 002 + 13138155 n 0101 \ 13138155 n 0101 | pertaining to the individual parts making up an aggregate fruit like a blackberry 02601940 01 a 04 acinar 1 acinous 0 acinose 0 acinic 0 007 + 05516366 n 0401 \ 05516366 n 0401 \ 05516366 n 0301 + 05516366 n 0201 \ 05516366 n 0201 + 05516366 n 0101 \ 05516366 n 0101 | pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound gland) 02602190 01 a 01 acneiform 0 001 \ 14222112 n 0101 | resembling acne 02602261 01 a 01 adolescent 0 003 + 14426910 n 0101 + 00252710 v 0101 \ 15147850 n 0101 | relating to or peculiar to or suggestive of an adolescent; "adolescent problems" 02602434 01 a 02 acrogenic 0 acrogenous 0 003 + 11536369 n 0201 \ 11536369 n 0201 \ 11536369 n 0101 | pertaining to flowerless plants (ferns or mosses) in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem 02602644 01 a 02 actinometric 0 actinometrical 0 003 \ 00998037 n 0201 + 00998037 n 0101 \ 00998037 n 0101 | of or related to actinometry 02602784 01 a 02 actinomycetal 0 actinomycetous 0 004 + 01375204 n 0201 \ 01375204 n 0201 + 01375204 n 0101 \ 01375204 n 0101 | of or belonging to the actinomycetes 02602951 01 a 01 actinomycotic 0 002 + 14254102 n 0101 \ 14254102 n 0101 | of or related to actinomycosis infection 02603069 01 a 02 aculeate 0 aculeated 0 002 \ 01901091 n 0201 \ 01901091 n 0101 | having or resembling a stinger or barb; "aculeate insects such as bees and wasps" 02603235 01 a 01 adactylous 0 001 \ 14152803 n 0101 | without fingers and/or toes 02603319 01 a 01 adamantine 0 001 \ 14834563 n 0102 | consisting of or having the hardness of adamant 02603423 01 a 01 adenocarcinomatous 0 002 + 14246710 n 0101 \ 14246710 n 0101 | of or pertaining to adenocarcinoma 02603540 01 a 01 adenoid 0 002 + 05529286 n 0102 \ 05529286 n 0102 | relating to or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue 02603673 01 a 01 adenoidal 0 002 + 05529286 n 0102 \ 05529286 n 0102 | of or pertaining to the adenoids 02603779 01 a 01 adient 0 004 ;c 06136258 n 0000 + 09180791 n 0101 ! 02599689 a 0101 \ 09180791 n 0101 | characterized by acceptance or approach 02603926 01 a 02 adjudicative 0 adjudicatory 0 006 + 02501278 v 0202 + 00698855 v 0204 \ 00874457 n 0201 + 02501278 v 0102 + 00698855 v 0104 \ 00874457 n 0101 | concerned with adjudicating 02604117 01 a 02 adnexal 0 annexal 0 004 + 05221649 n 0201 \ 05221649 n 0202 + 05221649 n 0101 \ 05221649 n 0101 | of or pertaining to adnexa 02604261 01 a 01 Adonic 0 001 \ 09547629 n 0101 | or relating to or like Adonis 02604343 01 a 01 adrenal 0 002 + 05331171 n 0102 \ 05331171 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the adrenal glands or their secretions 02604473 01 a 01 adrenal 1 001 \ 05332802 n 0101 | near the kidneys 02604543 01 a 02 adrenergic 0 sympathomimetic 0 002 + 02682038 n 0101 \ 05408388 n 0101 | relating to epinephrine (its release or action) 02604683 01 a 01 agnostic 0 002 \ 09778927 n 0101 \ 05980051 n 0101 | of or pertaining to an agnostic or agnosticism 02604802 01 a 01 Aleutian 0 001 \ 08488411 n 0101 | of or relating to the Aleut or their language or culture 02604913 01 a 01 ancestral 0 002 + 09792555 n 0101 \ 09792555 n 0101 | of or belonging to or inherited from an ancestor 02605035 01 a 01 antheridial 0 002 + 13091312 n 0101 \ 13091312 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by an antheridium 02605157 01 a 01 antiadrenergic 0 001 \ 05408388 n 0101 | relating to blocking or reducing adrenergic effects in the body 02605281 01 a 01 antiapartheid 0 001 \ 06659168 n 0101 | opposing the policy of apartheid in South Africa; "an antiapartheid leader" 02605416 01 a 01 antidotal 0 001 \ 02719588 n 0101 | counteracting the effects of a poison 02605509 01 a 01 antiferromagnetic 0 002 + 11479640 n 0101 \ 11479640 n 0101 | relating to antiferromagnetism 02605621 01 a 01 antipollution 0 001 \ 14516743 n 0101 | intended to reduce pollution; "antipollution laws"; "antipollution devices on automobile exhaust systems" 02605786 01 a 02 antisatellite 0 ASAT 0 002 \ 04137444 n 0201 \ 04137444 n 0101 | of or relating to a system to destroy satellites in orbit; "antisatellite weapons" 02605953 01 a 01 antiviral 0 001 \ 02725367 n 0101 | inhibiting or stopping the growth and reproduction of viruses 02606070 01 a 01 adrenocortical 0 001 \ 05490983 n 0101 | of or derived from the cortex of the adrenal glands 02606182 01 a 01 advective 0 002 + 02102655 v 0101 \ 13427989 n 0101 | of or relating to advection 02606283 01 a 01 adventitial 0 002 + 05606633 n 0103 \ 05606633 n 0103 | of or pertaining to the adventitia 02606393 01 a 01 adventuristic 0 002 + 00796315 n 0101 \ 04662182 n 0101 | of or pertaining to adventurism 02606502 01 a 01 aecial 0 002 + 13063514 n 0101 \ 13063514 n 0101 | of or belonging to an aecium 02606601 01 a 01 Aeolian 0 002 + 09553490 n 0101 \ 09553490 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds; relating to or caused by the wind 02606762 01 a 01 aeriferous 0 001 \ 14841267 n 0101 | conveying air; as the bronchial tubes 02606856 01 a 01 aerological 0 002 + 06119226 n 0101 \ 06119226 n 0101 | of or pertaining to aerology 02606960 01 a 01 aerolitic 0 002 + 09189289 n 0101 \ 09189289 n 0101 | of or pertaining to certain stony meteorites 02607078 01 a 01 aeromechanic 0 002 + 06114351 n 0101 \ 06114351 n 0101 | of or pertaining to aerodynamics 02607187 01 a 01 aeromedical 0 002 + 06046037 n 0101 \ 06046037 n 0101 | of or relating to aviation medicine 02607298 01 a 02 aeronautical 0 aeronautic 0 004 + 06096913 n 0201 \ 06096913 n 0201 + 06096913 n 0101 \ 06096913 n 0101 | of or pertaining to aeronautics 02607455 01 a 02 aesculapian 0 medical 2 003 + 06043075 n 0201 + 09559201 n 0101 \ 09559201 n 0101 | of or belonging to Aesculapius or the healing art 02607608 01 a 01 affine 0 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 \ 13785965 n 0101 | (mathematics) of or pertaining to the geometry of affine transformations 02607752 01 a 02 affixal 0 affixial 0 004 + 06308049 n 0201 \ 06308049 n 0201 + 06308049 n 0101 \ 06308049 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a linguistic affix 02607909 01 a 01 agential 0 006 + 14007546 n 0101 + 00172710 n 0102 + 10373801 n 0101 + 09777353 n 0101 + 09777012 n 0101 \ 09777353 n 0101 | of or relating to an agent or agency 02608090 01 a 01 agonal 0 003 + 14324274 n 0101 + 07495551 n 0101 \ 07495551 n 0101 | pertaining to or associated with agony (especially death agonies) 02608244 01 a 01 agonistic 0 002 + 09779280 n 0101 \ 00035697 n 0101 | of or relating to the athletic contests held in ancient Greece 02608380 01 a 01 agranulocytic 0 002 + 14071896 n 0101 \ 14071896 n 0101 | relating to the blood disorder of agranulocytosis 02608507 01 a 01 agraphic 0 001 \ 14095948 n 0101 | relating to or having agraphia 02608592 01 a 02 agrobiologic 0 agrobiological 0 004 + 06066072 n 0201 \ 06066072 n 0201 + 06066072 n 0101 \ 06066072 n 0101 | of or pertaining to agrobiology 02608753 01 a 02 agrologic 0 agrological 0 004 + 06066267 n 0201 \ 06066267 n 0201 + 06066267 n 0101 \ 06066267 n 0101 | of or related to agrology 02608902 01 a 02 agronomic 0 agronomical 0 004 + 06065819 n 0201 \ 06065819 n 0201 + 06065819 n 0101 \ 06065819 n 0101 | of or relating to or promoting agronomy 02609065 01 a 01 agrypnotic 0 002 + 01030033 n 0101 \ 01030033 n 0101 | of or pertaining to agrypnia 02609168 01 a 01 air-breathing 0 001 \ 00831191 n 0101 | deriving oxygen from the air; "he studied respiration in marine air-breathing vertebrates"; "large air-breathing ichthyosaurs had hydrofoils" 02609369 01 a 02 alabaster 0 alabastrine 0 002 \ 14665351 n 0201 \ 14665351 n 0101 | of or resembling alabaster; "alabaster statue" 02609503 01 a 01 Alaskan 0 004 + 09740954 n 0101 + 09055015 n 0101 \ 09055015 n 0101 \ 09740954 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the state or people of Alaska 02609673 01 a 01 Albigensian 0 003 + 08085159 n 0101 \ 06227708 n 0101 \ 08085159 n 0101 | of or relating to Albigenses or Albigensianism 02609813 01 a 01 Albanian 0 004 + 09689958 n 0101 + 06942252 n 0101 + 08704822 n 0101 \ 08704822 n 0101 | of or relating to Albania or its people or language or culture 02609984 01 a 04 albinal 0 albinotic 0 albinic 0 albinistic 0 009 + 09781650 n 0401 + 14152279 n 0401 \ 14152279 n 0401 + 14152279 n 0301 \ 14152279 n 0301 + 14152279 n 0201 \ 14152279 n 0201 + 14152279 n 0101 \ 14152279 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or affected by albinism 02610260 01 a 01 albitic 0 002 + 14865533 n 0101 \ 14865533 n 0101 | of or related to albite feldspar 02610364 01 a 01 albuminous 0 002 + 14731509 n 0101 \ 14731509 n 0101 | relating to or containing or resembling albumin 02610486 01 a 01 albuminuric 0 002 + 14265958 n 0101 \ 14265958 n 0101 | of or related to the state of albuminuria 02610603 01 a 02 alchemic 0 alchemical 0 004 + 05778749 n 0201 \ 05778749 n 0201 + 05778749 n 0101 \ 05778749 n 0101 | related to or concerned with alchemy 02610761 01 a 02 alchemistic 0 alchemistical 0 004 + 09781921 n 0201 \ 09781921 n 0201 + 09781921 n 0101 \ 09781921 n 0101 | of or relating to alchemists 02610917 01 a 01 aldehydic 0 001 \ 14584765 n 0101 | of or related to or containing aldehydes 02611013 01 a 01 aleuronic 0 002 + 14729953 n 0101 \ 14729953 n 0101 | of or related to aleurone 02611112 01 a 01 algoid 0 001 \ 01397114 n 0101 | of or resembling algae 02611187 01 a 01 algolagnic 0 002 + 07493682 n 0101 \ 07493682 n 0101 | of or relating to algolagnia 02611290 01 a 02 algometric 0 algometrical 0 004 + 00998196 n 0201 \ 00998196 n 0201 + 00998196 n 0101 \ 00998196 n 0101 | of or related to algometry 02611442 01 a 03 Algonquian 0 Algonkian 0 Algonquin 0 007 + 06906971 n 0302 \ 09646608 n 0301 + 09646432 n 0201 + 06908159 n 0201 \ 09646608 n 0201 + 09646608 n 0101 \ 09646608 n 0101 | of or relating to an Algonquian tribe or its people or language 02611694 01 a 01 alimentative 0 002 + 01204191 v 0102 \ 01057759 n 0102 | related to the supply of aliment 02611803 01 a 01 alkahestic 0 002 + 15048463 n 0101 \ 15048463 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the alkahest that alchemists assumed to exist 02611943 01 a 01 alkaloidal 0 002 + 14712692 n 0101 \ 14712692 n 0101 | pertaining to or consisting of alkaloids 02612058 01 a 01 alkalotic 0 002 + 14021266 n 0101 \ 14021266 n 0101 | marked by alkalosis (or a tendency toward alkalosis) 02612184 01 a 01 alkylic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14617189 n 0101 \ 14617189 n 0102 | of or related to an alkyl 02612300 01 a 01 allantoic 0 001 \ 01473393 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by an allantois 02612400 01 a 02 allelic 0 allelomorphic 0 003 \ 05437785 n 0202 + 05437785 n 0101 \ 05437785 n 0101 | of or relating to alleles 02612531 01 a 01 allergenic 0 002 + 14584260 n 0101 \ 14584260 n 0101 | relating to or having the effect of an allergen 02612653 01 a 01 allergic 0 002 + 14532816 n 0101 \ 14532816 n 0101 | characterized by or caused by allergy; "an allergic reaction" 02612787 01 a 01 Allied 1 001 \ 08171210 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War I; "an allied offensive"; "the Allied powers" 02612939 01 a 01 Allied 2 001 \ 08171592 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the Allies in World War II; "an Allied victory"; "the Allied armies" 02613090 01 a 01 allogamous 0 002 + 07437870 n 0101 \ 07437870 n 0101 | relating to cross-fertilization in plants 02613206 01 a 01 allographic 0 001 \ 06819557 n 0101 | of or relating to an allograph 02613294 01 a 01 allomerous 0 002 + 07337935 n 0101 \ 07337935 n 0101 | pertaining to allomerism 02613393 01 a 01 allometric 0 002 + 05998356 n 0101 \ 05998356 n 0101 | relating to or marked by allometry 02613502 01 a 01 allomorphic 0 001 \ 06306606 n 0101 | pertaining to allomorphs 02613584 01 a 01 allophonic 0 002 + 07111933 n 0101 \ 07111933 n 0101 | pertaining to allophones 02613683 01 a 02 allotropic 0 allotropical 0 007 + 11409329 n 0202 + 11409329 n 0201 \ 11409329 n 0201 + 11409329 n 0101 + 11409329 n 0102 + 14624025 n 0101 \ 11409329 n 0101 | of or related to or exhibiting allotropism; "carbon and sulfur and phosphorus are allotropic elements" 02613965 01 a 01 allylic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14617427 n 0101 \ 14617427 n 0102 | of or pertaining to the allyl radical 02614093 01 a 01 alopecic 0 001 \ 14457361 n 0101 | pertaining to loss of hair or wool or feathers 02614194 01 a 02 alphabetic 0 alphabetical 0 005 + 06497459 n 0201 \ 06497459 n 0201 + 06497459 n 0101 ! 02614435 a 0101 \ 06497459 n 0101 | relating to or expressed by a writing system that uses an alphabet; "alphabetical writing system" 02614435 01 a 01 analphabetic 0 002 ! 02614194 a 0101 \ 06497459 n 0101 | relating to or expressed by a writing system that is not alphabetic 02614579 01 a 04 alphanumeric 0 alphanumerical 0 alphameric 0 alphamerical 0 006 + 06500262 n 0401 \ 06500262 n 0401 \ 06500262 n 0301 + 06500262 n 0201 \ 06500262 n 0201 \ 06500262 n 0101 | of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters 02614816 01 a 01 Altaic 0 003 + 09690208 n 0101 + 06926212 n 0101 \ 06926212 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or written in Altaic 02614945 01 a 01 altitudinal 0 004 + 13897657 n 0101 + 13836550 n 0103 + 05131647 n 0101 \ 05131647 n 0101 | pertaining to altitude 02615079 01 a 01 alular 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 02190465 n 0101 + 01897667 n 0102 \ 01897667 n 0102 | pertaining to alulae 02615207 01 a 01 aluminous 0 002 + 14627820 n 0101 \ 14627820 n 0101 | pertaining to or containing aluminum or alum 02615325 01 a 01 alveolar 0 001 \ 05528395 n 0101 | pertaining to the tiny air sacs of the lungs 02615424 01 a 01 alveolar 2 002 + 07115493 n 0103 \ 05310351 n 0101 | pertaining to the sockets of the teeth or that part of the upper jaw; "alveolar processes" 02615587 01 a 01 amalgamative 0 002 + 01462005 v 0105 \ 01238424 n 0101 | characterized by or tending toward amalgamation 02615711 01 a 01 amaranthine 0 001 \ 11823043 n 0101 | of or related to the amaranth plant 02615804 01 a 01 amaurotic 0 002 + 14096412 n 0101 \ 14096412 n 0101 | pertaining to blindness caused by amaurosis 02615921 01 a 01 amblyopic 0 002 + 14096598 n 0101 \ 14096598 n 0101 | pertaining to a kind of visual impairment without apparent organic pathology 02616071 01 a 01 Ambrosian 0 002 + 10815648 n 0101 \ 10815648 n 0101 | of or by or relating to Saint Ambrose; "Ambrosian chants" 02616202 01 a 01 ambulacral 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 02317025 n 0101 \ 02317025 n 0101 | pertaining to the ambulacra of radial echinoderms 02616345 01 a 01 ambulatory 0 002 \ 00283951 n 0101 + 00283951 n 0101 | relating to or adapted for walking; "an ambulatory corridor" 02616480 01 a 02 ameboid 0 amoeboid 0 002 \ 01392380 n 0201 \ 01392380 n 0101 | like an amoeba (especially in having a variable irregular shape) 02616627 01 a 04 amenorrheic 0 amenorrhoeic 0 amenorrheal 0 amenorrhoeal 0 006 + 14302261 n 0402 \ 14302261 n 0401 + 14302261 n 0301 \ 14302261 n 0301 \ 14302261 n 0201 \ 14302261 n 0101 | related to the suppression of normal menstrual flow for any reason other than pregnancy 02616906 01 a 01 amethystine 0 001 \ 14722589 n 0101 | containing or resembling amethyst 02616997 01 a 01 Amharic 0 002 + 06987812 n 0101 \ 06987812 n 0101 | related to or characteristic of or written in Amharic; "the Amharic language" 02617146 01 a 02 amino 0 aminic 0 004 + 14739004 n 0201 \ 14739004 n 0201 + 14617597 n 0101 \ 14739004 n 0101 | pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia 02617357 01 a 01 amitotic 0 002 + 13430074 n 0101 \ 13430074 n 0101 | pertaining to a simple method of cell division 02617476 01 a 01 ammino 0 001 \ 14743727 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of an ammine (an inorganic coordination compound of ammonia and a metallic salt) 02617641 01 a 02 ammoniac 0 ammoniacal 0 004 + 14743976 n 0201 \ 14743582 n 0201 + 14743976 n 0101 \ 14743582 n 0101 | pertaining to or containing or similar to ammonia 02617812 01 a 01 ammonitic 0 002 + 09195958 n 0101 \ 09195958 n 0101 | of or related to an order of fossil cephalopods 02617933 01 a 02 amnestic 0 amnesic 0 005 + 09788611 n 0201 + 05672391 n 0201 \ 05672391 n 0201 + 05672391 n 0101 \ 05672391 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by amnesia 02618108 01 a 03 amniotic 0 amnionic 0 amnic 0 006 + 01472638 n 0301 \ 01472638 n 0301 + 01472638 n 0201 \ 01472638 n 0201 + 01472638 n 0101 \ 01472638 n 0101 | of or related to the amnion or characterized by developing an amnion; "amniotic membrane" 02618361 01 a 01 amoristic 0 002 + 09789304 n 0101 \ 09789304 n 0101 | of or pertaining to romantic love 02618468 01 a 02 amphitheatric 0 amphitheatrical 0 006 + 02705201 n 0202 + 02704949 n 0202 \ 02704949 n 0201 + 02705201 n 0101 + 02704949 n 0101 \ 02704949 n 0101 | of or related to an amphitheater 02618668 01 a 01 amphoric 0 001 \ 00876542 n 0101 | the sound heard in auscultation resembling the hollow sound made by blowing across the mouth of a bottle; "amphoric breathing indicates a cavity in the lung" 02618880 01 a 02 ampullar 0 ampullary 0 007 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05254197 n 0201 + 02706221 n 0201 \ 05254197 n 0201 + 05254197 n 0101 + 02706221 n 0101 \ 05254197 n 0101 | of or related to an ampulla 02619083 01 a 01 amygdaline 0 001 \ 07750586 n 0101 | related to or resembling an almond 02619174 01 a 01 amylolytic 0 002 + 13430391 n 0101 \ 13430391 n 0101 | of or related to the process of amylolysis 02619291 01 a 01 anabiotic 0 002 + 14063290 n 0101 \ 14063290 n 0101 | of or related to the state of anabiosis 02619404 01 a 01 anabolic 0 002 + 13430495 n 0101 \ 13430495 n 0101 | of or related to the synthetic phase of metabolism 02619527 01 a 01 anaclitic 0 001 \ 13930725 n 0101 | of or related to relationships that are characterized by the strong dependence of one person on another 02619686 01 a 01 anacoluthic 0 002 ;c 06170498 n 0000 \ 07098989 n 0102 | of or related to syntactic inconsistencies of the sort known as anacoluthons 02619839 01 a 04 anaglyphic 0 anaglyphical 0 anaglyptic 0 anaglyptical 0 010 \ 02707344 n 0401 + 02707344 n 0301 + 02707188 n 0301 + 13430786 n 0301 \ 02707188 n 0301 + 13430786 n 0201 + 02707344 n 0201 + 02707188 n 0201 \ 02707188 n 0201 \ 02707344 n 0101 | related to anaglyphs or anaglyphy 02620134 01 a 02 anagogic 0 anagogical 0 002 \ 06246241 n 0201 \ 06246241 n 0101 | based on or exemplifying anagoge 02620252 01 a 02 anagrammatic 0 anagrammatical 0 004 + 06287620 n 0201 \ 06287620 n 0201 + 06287620 n 0101 \ 06287620 n 0101 | related to anagrams or containing or making an anagram 02620436 01 a 01 anal 0 002 + 05538016 n 0101 \ 05538016 n 0101 | of or related to the anus; "anal thermometer" 02620550 01 a 01 analytic 0 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 06014043 n 0101 \ 06014043 n 0101 | using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus; "analytic statics" 02620724 01 a 01 anamnestic 0 003 + 06515297 n 0103 + 05761918 n 0103 \ 05761918 n 0103 | of or relating to anamnesis; aiding the memory 02620863 01 a 01 anamorphic 1 001 \ 02708885 n 0101 | pertaining to a kind of distorting optical system; "an anamorphic lense" 02620992 01 a 01 anamorphic 2 001 \ 13431221 n 0101 | pertaining to gradual evolution from one type of organism to another 02621117 01 a 01 anaphasic 0 002 + 13431380 n 0101 \ 13431380 n 0101 | of or related to the stage of mitosis known as anaphase 02621246 01 a 01 anaplastic 0 002 + 14369194 n 0101 \ 14369194 n 0101 | of or relating to anaplasia 02621348 01 a 01 anarchistic 0 003 + 09791816 n 0101 + 06213890 n 0101 \ 06213890 n 0101 | of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism 02621496 01 a 01 anasarcous 0 002 + 14315897 n 0101 \ 14315897 n 0101 | characterized by or affected by dropsy 02621609 01 a 02 anastigmatic 0 stigmatic 0 003 + 13938663 n 0201 \ 13938663 n 0201 \ 02709101 n 0101 | pertaining to a lens or lens system free of astigmatism (able to form point images) 02621799 01 a 01 Andalusian 0 002 + 08493261 n 0101 \ 08493261 n 0101 | in or relating to Andalusia 02621901 01 a 02 androgenetic 0 androgenous 0 006 + 10172080 n 0204 + 05008746 n 0201 + 13431722 n 0201 \ 13431722 n 0201 + 13431722 n 0101 \ 13431722 n 0101 | of or related to androgenesis 02622093 01 a 01 androgenic 0 002 + 13431722 n 0102 \ 14747587 n 0101 | of or related to the male hormone androgen 02622210 01 a 01 androgynous 1 002 + 05008746 n 0101 \ 10172080 n 0104 | relating to or exhibiting both female and male sex organs but with a predominantly female appearance 02622386 01 a 01 anemographic 0 001 \ 00998329 n 0101 | pertaining to the recording of wind measurements 02622493 01 a 02 anemometric 0 anemometrical 0 004 + 02710429 n 0201 \ 00998423 n 0201 + 02710429 n 0101 \ 00998423 n 0101 | pertaining to the measurement of wind speed and direction 02622678 01 a 02 anencephalic 0 anencephalous 0 004 + 14152617 n 0201 \ 14152617 n 0201 + 14152617 n 0101 \ 14152617 n 0101 | characterized by partial or total absence of a brain 02622859 01 a 03 anestrous 0 anestric 0 anoestrous 0 005 \ 14038482 n 0301 + 14038482 n 0203 + 14038482 n 0201 \ 14038482 n 0201 \ 14038482 n 0101 | of or relating to anestrus 02623037 01 a 03 anginal 0 anginose 0 anginous 0 005 + 14108039 n 0302 \ 14108039 n 0302 \ 14108039 n 0202 + 14108039 n 0102 \ 14108039 n 0102 | of or related to the pain of angina pectoris 02623229 01 a 02 angiocarpic 0 angiocarpous 0 003 + 11665648 n 0201 \ 11665648 n 0201 \ 11665648 n 0101 | having or being fruit enclosed in a shell or husk 02623387 01 a 01 angiomatous 0 002 + 14235928 n 0101 \ 14235928 n 0101 | of or related to or having a tumor of the kind known as an angioma 02623529 01 a 01 angiospermous 0 002 + 11665372 n 0101 \ 11665372 n 0101 | of or related to or characteristic of plants that are angiosperms 02623672 01 a 01 Anglophilic 0 002 + 07500957 n 0101 \ 07500957 n 0101 | characterized by Anglophilia 02623776 01 a 01 Anglophobic 0 002 + 07502099 n 0101 \ 07502099 n 0101 | characterized by Anglophobia 02623880 01 a 01 anguine 0 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01726692 n 0101 | of or related to or resembling a snake 02623991 01 a 01 anicteric 0 001 \ 14319684 n 0102 | without jaundice; "anicteric hepatitis" 02624086 01 a 01 animalistic 0 003 + 05958549 n 0101 + 04624517 n 0101 \ 05958549 n 0101 | of or pertaining to animalism 02624209 01 a 01 animatistic 0 002 + 05735256 n 0101 \ 05735256 n 0101 | of or pertaining to animatism 02624314 01 a 02 animist 0 animistic 0 004 + 05958712 n 0201 \ 05958712 n 0201 + 09794668 n 0101 \ 05958712 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the doctrine of animism 02624477 01 a 01 aniseikonic 0 002 + 14097162 n 0101 \ 14097162 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the visual defect aniseikonia 02624615 01 a 02 anisogamic 0 anisogamous 0 003 + 13432249 n 0201 \ 13432249 n 0201 \ 13432249 n 0101 | relating to a type of sexual reproduction in which the gametes are dissimilar in some respect (as size or shape) 02624834 01 a 01 anisogametic 0 002 + 05457201 n 0101 \ 05457201 n 0101 | relating to either of a pair of dissimilar (anisogamic) gametes combining in sexual reproduction 02625007 01 a 01 anisometropic 0 002 + 14555560 n 0101 \ 14555560 n 0101 | relating to a difference in the refractive power of the two eyes 02625149 01 a 01 ankylotic 0 002 + 14022520 n 0101 \ 14022520 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the abnormality ankylosis 02625281 01 a 01 annalistic 0 003 + 06597617 n 0101 + 06515662 n 0101 \ 06515662 n 0101 | relating to annals; "a book with an annalistic approach" 02625430 01 a 01 Bayesian 0 001 \ 05918379 n 0101 | of or relating to statistical methods based on Bayes' theorem 02625546 01 a 01 Arminian 0 002 + 06229586 n 0101 \ 06229586 n 0101 | of or relating to Arminianism 02625648 01 a 01 Armenian 0 005 + 09690371 n 0101 + 06352117 n 0101 + 06942699 n 0101 + 09017526 n 0101 \ 09017526 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Armenia or the people or culture of Armenia 02625838 01 a 01 Biedermeier 0 001 \ 03405725 n 0101 | of or relating to a style of furniture developed in Germany in the 19th century 02625975 01 a 02 annelid 0 annelidan 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01934207 n 0202 + 01934440 n 0101 \ 01934207 n 0102 | relating to or belonging to or characteristic of any worms of the phylum Annelida 02626177 01 a 01 annexational 0 003 + 00373418 n 0101 + 00078536 n 0101 \ 00078536 n 0101 | relating to annexation 02626294 01 a 01 hermeneutic 0 001 \ 06183398 n 0101 | interpretive or explanatory 02626379 01 a 01 Middle_Eastern 0 001 \ 08791167 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in the Middle East 02626487 01 a 01 annunciatory 0 003 + 00965871 v 0101 + 00974367 v 0101 \ 06726158 n 0103 | relating to the act of announcing or being announced 02626634 01 a 01 alliaceous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 12431128 n 0101 \ 12431128 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the botanical genus Allium; "onions, leeks, garlic, chives are alliaceous plants" 02626829 01 a 02 anodic 0 anodal 0 005 + 02714535 n 0201 + 02714315 n 0201 \ 02714315 n 0201 ! 02626995 a 0101 \ 02714315 n 0101 | of or at or relating to an anode 02626995 01 a 01 cathodic 0 002 ! 02626829 a 0101 \ 02984699 n 0101 | of or at or pertaining to a cathode; "cathodic deposition of metals" 02627136 01 a 01 anoperineal 0 002 \ 05538016 n 0101 \ 05538494 n 0101 | relating to the anus and surrounding perineum 02627257 01 a 01 anopheline 0 002 + 02201497 n 0101 \ 02201252 n 0102 | relating to or characteristic of malaria mosquitoes 02627383 01 a 01 anorectal 0 002 \ 05538016 n 0101 \ 05537806 n 0101 | pertaining to the anus and rectum considered together 02627510 01 a 01 anorthitic 0 002 + 14865667 n 0101 \ 14865667 n 0101 | characteristic of anorthite 02627612 01 a 02 anosmic 0 anosmatic 0 004 + 14552477 n 0201 \ 14552477 n 0201 + 14552477 n 0101 \ 14552477 n 0101 | relating to an impairment or loss of the sense of smell 02627787 01 a 01 anoxemic 0 002 + 14503234 n 0101 \ 14503234 n 0101 | relating to or marked by abnormally little oxygen in arterial blood 02627927 01 a 01 anoxic 0 002 + 14043243 n 0101 \ 14043243 n 0101 | relating to or marked by a severe deficiency of oxygen in tissues or organs 02628073 01 a 01 anserine 0 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01858023 n 0102 | of or resembling a goose 02628171 01 a 01 antecubital 0 001 \ 05579944 n 0104 | of or relating to the region of the arm in front of the elbow; "blood was drawn from the antecubital region" 02628337 01 a 02 antennal 0 antennary 0 006 + 02715229 n 0201 + 02584915 n 0201 \ 02584915 n 0201 + 02715229 n 0101 + 02584915 n 0101 \ 02584915 n 0101 | of or relating to antennae; "antennal senses of insects" 02628550 01 a 01 anthracitic 0 002 + 14814921 n 0101 \ 14814921 n 0101 | relating to or resembling anthracite coal 02628667 01 a 02 anthropic 0 anthropical 0 002 \ 02472293 n 0203 \ 02472293 n 0103 | relating to mankind or the period of mankind's existence 02628811 01 a 02 anthropogenetic 0 anthropogenic 0 004 \ 13432647 n 0201 + 13432647 n 0102 + 13432647 n 0101 \ 13432647 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings 02629017 01 a 02 anthropometric 0 anthropometrical 0 004 + 00998604 n 0201 \ 00998604 n 0201 + 00998604 n 0101 \ 00998604 n 0101 | of or relating to anthropometry 02629182 01 a 01 anthropophagous 0 002 + 09891079 n 0103 \ 09891079 n 0103 | of or relating to eaters of human flesh 02629301 01 a 01 antibiotic 0 002 + 02716866 n 0101 \ 02716866 n 0101 | of or relating to antibiotic drugs 02629410 01 a 04 anticancer 0 antineoplastic 0 antitumor 0 antitumour 0 005 \ 14235200 n 0402 \ 14235200 n 0301 + 02722458 n 0201 \ 14235200 n 0203 \ 14239918 n 0101 | used in the treatment of cancer; "anticancer drug"; "an antineoplastic effect" 02629659 01 a 02 anticlimactic 0 anticlimactical 0 003 \ 06373991 n 0201 + 06373991 n 0101 \ 06373991 n 0101 | of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style 02629846 01 a 01 anticoagulative 0 001 \ 02718259 n 0101 | of or relating to an anticoagulant 02629942 01 a 01 anticyclonic 0 003 ;c 06118563 n 0000 + 14521021 n 0101 \ 14521021 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the atmosphere around a high pressure center 02630121 01 a 01 antigenic 0 002 + 15037339 n 0101 \ 15037339 n 0101 | of or relating to antigens 02630221 01 a 02 antimonic 0 antimonious 0 004 + 14628668 n 0201 \ 14628668 n 0201 + 14628668 n 0101 \ 14628668 n 0101 | relating to or derived from antimony; "antimonious oxide" 02630402 01 a 01 antinomian 0 002 + 09797257 n 0101 \ 06187154 n 0101 | relating to or influenced by antinomianism 02630519 01 a 02 antiphonary 0 antiphonal 1 004 + 07033245 n 0201 + 07048782 n 0201 + 07033245 n 0101 + 07048782 n 0101 | relating to or resembling an antiphon or antiphony 02630695 01 a 02 antipodal 0 antipodean 0 005 + 13855100 n 0201 \ 08631750 n 0201 + 13829243 n 0101 + 08631750 n 0101 \ 08631750 n 0101 | relating to the antipodes or situated at opposite sides of the earth; "antipodean latitudes"; "antipodal regions of the earth"; "antipodal points on a sphere" 02630994 01 a 01 antistrophic 0 001 \ 06386832 n 0101 | of or relating to an antistrophe 02631085 01 a 02 antitypic 0 antitypical 0 004 \ 05927364 n 0201 + 05841029 n 0101 + 05927364 n 0101 \ 05927364 n 0101 | of or relating to an antitype 02631238 01 a 03 anuran 0 batrachian 0 salientian 0 007 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01639369 n 0301 \ 01639369 n 0301 + 01639765 n 0205 \ 01639369 n 0205 + 01639765 n 0104 \ 01639369 n 0103 | relating to frogs and toads 02631453 01 a 02 anuretic 0 anuric 0 003 \ 14065903 n 0201 + 14065903 n 0101 \ 14065903 n 0101 | of or relating to an inability to urinate 02631594 01 a 01 anxiolytic 0 002 + 03771443 n 0105 \ 14374432 n 0101 | anxiety relieving 02631686 01 a 01 aoristic 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06330037 n 0101 \ 06330037 n 0101 | of or relating to the aorist tense 02631812 01 a 02 aortal 0 aortic 0 004 + 05335971 n 0201 \ 05335971 n 0201 + 05335971 n 0101 \ 05335971 n 0101 | of or relating to the aorta 02631955 01 a 02 aphaeretic 0 apheretic 0 005 + 13433061 n 0202 + 00649992 n 0201 \ 13433061 n 0201 + 13433061 n 0101 \ 13433061 n 0101 | relating to or formed by or consisting of aphaeresis 02632148 01 a 01 aphakic 0 002 + 09798096 n 0101 \ 14097432 n 0101 | of or relating to or afflicted with aphakia 02632263 01 a 01 aphanitic 0 002 + 14726315 n 0101 \ 14726315 n 0101 | of or relating to aphanite 02632363 01 a 01 aphasic 0 003 + 09798244 n 0101 + 14097574 n 0101 \ 14097574 n 0101 | related to or affected by aphasia; "aphasic speech" 02632504 01 a 01 aphetic 0 002 + 13433283 n 0101 \ 13433283 n 0101 | produced by aphesis 02632595 01 a 01 apian 0 001 \ 02206856 n 0101 | relating to or having the characteristics of bees 02632696 01 a 01 apiarian 0 002 + 02727426 n 0101 \ 09846755 n 0102 | relating to bees or beekeeping 02632799 01 a 01 apicultural 0 002 + 00916285 n 0102 \ 00916285 n 0102 | relating to the care and breeding of bees 02632916 01 a 01 aplitic 0 002 + 14726484 n 0101 \ 14726484 n 0101 | of or related to aplite 02633011 01 a 02 apneic 0 apnoeic 0 002 \ 14369408 n 0201 \ 14369408 n 0101 | of or relating to apnea 02633115 01 a 01 apocalyptic 0 002 + 07315631 n 0101 \ 07315631 n 0101 | of or relating to an apocalypse 02633222 01 a 01 Apocryphal 0 002 + 06457952 n 0101 \ 06457952 n 0101 | of or belonging to the Apocrypha 02633329 01 a 01 apocynaceous 0 001 \ 11766609 n 0101 | of or relating to tropical plants of the family Apocynaceae 02633447 01 a 03 apogamic 0 apogametic 0 apogamous 0 006 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13433462 n 0301 \ 13433462 n 0301 \ 13433462 n 0201 + 13433462 n 0101 \ 13433462 n 0101 | of or relating to the development of an embryo in the absence of fertilization 02633696 01 a 01 apogean 0 002 + 08495420 n 0101 \ 08495420 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of an apogee; "apogean tides occur when the moon is at the apogee of its orbit" 02633877 01 a 02 apomictic 0 apomictical 0 005 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13433727 n 0201 \ 11536567 n 0201 + 13433727 n 0101 \ 11536567 n 0101 | of or relating to a plant that reproduces by apomixis 02634073 01 a 01 aponeurotic 0 002 + 05582690 n 0101 \ 05582690 n 0101 | of or relating to an aponeurosis; "muscles attached by a flat aponeurotic membrane" 02634232 01 a 01 apophatic 0 002 + 07101649 n 0101 \ 05942104 n 0101 | of or relating to the belief that God can be known to humans only in terms of what He is not (such as `God is unknowable') 02634428 01 a 01 apophyseal 1 004 + 13088460 n 0101 + 05473104 n 0101 \ 05473104 n 0101 \ 13088460 n 0101 | of or relating to an apophysis 02634569 01 a 01 apoplectic 0 002 + 14082303 n 0102 \ 14082303 n 0102 | pertaining to or characteristic of apoplexy; "apoplectic seizure" 02634709 01 a 02 apoplectiform 0 apoplectoid 0 002 \ 14082303 n 0202 \ 14082303 n 0102 | resembling apoplexy 02634820 01 a 01 aposiopetic 0 002 + 07101778 n 0101 \ 07101778 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of aposiopesis 02634940 01 a 01 apostrophic 0 001 \ 07101937 n 0101 | of or characteristic of apostrophe; "a passage of apostrophic grandeur" 02635069 01 a 01 apothecial 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11533622 n 0101 \ 11533622 n 0101 | of or relating to the apothecium of some lichens and fungi 02635221 01 a 02 apothegmatic 0 apothegmatical 0 004 + 07153130 n 0202 \ 07153130 n 0202 + 07153130 n 0102 \ 07153130 n 0102 | given to or characterized by terse apothegms 02635395 01 a 01 Appalachian 0 002 + 08493493 n 0101 \ 08493493 n 0101 | in or relating to Appalachia 02635499 01 a 01 appellative 0 001 \ 06319293 n 0101 | pertaining to or dealing with or used as a common noun 02635611 01 a 01 appendicular 0 002 + 02728968 n 0101 \ 05559908 n 0102 | relating to or consisting of an appendage or appendages; especially the limbs; "the appendicular skeleton" 02635794 01 a 01 appointive 0 003 + 02396205 v 0101 + 02475922 v 0101 \ 00163779 n 0101 | relating to the act of appointing; "appointive powers" 02635941 01 a 02 appositional 0 appositive 0 004 + 01500214 v 0201 \ 13801217 n 0201 + 13801217 n 0101 \ 13801217 n 0101 | relating to or being in apposition; "an appositive noun" 02636123 01 a 01 appropriative 0 002 + 02272549 v 0101 \ 00083975 n 0101 | of or relating to or given to the act of taking for yourself 02636261 01 a 01 apsidal 0 002 + 02731398 n 0101 \ 02731398 n 0101 | of or relating to an apse 02636358 01 a 01 aptitudinal 0 002 + 05622456 n 0101 \ 05622456 n 0101 | of or relating to aptitudes 02636461 01 a 01 aqueous 0 001 \ 14845743 n 0101 | similar to or containing or dissolved in water; "aqueous solutions" 02636582 01 a 01 aquatic 0 001 \ 14845743 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or being in water; "an aquatic environment" 02636708 01 a 01 aquiferous 0 002 + 09201998 n 0101 \ 09201998 n 0101 | of or relating to an aquifer 02636811 01 a 05 arachnoid 0 arachnidian 0 spidery 0 spiderlike 0 spiderly 0 006 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01772222 n 0301 + 01768969 n 0201 \ 01768969 n 0202 + 01769347 n 0102 \ 01768969 n 0102 | relating to or resembling a member of the class Arachnida 02637063 01 a 01 Aramaic 0 002 + 06988307 n 0101 \ 06988307 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Aramaic languages 02637182 01 a 02 Aramean 0 Aramaean 0 004 + 09033813 n 0201 \ 09033813 n 0201 + 09033813 n 0101 \ 09033813 n 0101 | of or relating to Aram or to its inhabitants or their culture or their language 02637380 01 a 02 araneidal 0 araneidan 0 004 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01771966 n 0204 + 01771966 n 0103 \ 01771966 n 0104 | relating to or resembling a spider 02637537 01 a 01 Arawakan 0 005 + 09803247 n 0102 + 09803247 n 0101 + 06917764 n 0101 \ 09803247 n 0101 \ 06917764 n 0101 | of or relating to the peoples who speak the language of the Arawak 02637730 01 a 02 arbitral 0 arbitrational 0 004 + 07150850 n 0201 + 01190884 n 0201 \ 07150850 n 0201 \ 07150850 n 0101 | relating to or resulting from arbitration; "the arbitral adjustment of the controversy"; "an arbitrational settlement" 02637973 01 a 01 arbitrative 0 002 + 00760956 v 0105 \ 07150850 n 0101 | relating to or having the authority to arbitrate; "an arbitrative board" 02638121 01 a 04 arborical 0 arboreal 0 arborary 0 arborous 0 008 + 13107891 n 0401 \ 13104059 n 0401 + 13107891 n 0301 \ 13104059 n 0301 + 13107891 n 0201 \ 13104059 n 0201 + 13107891 n 0101 \ 13104059 n 0101 | of or relating to or formed by trees; "an arborous roof" 02638392 01 a 04 archaeological 0 archeological 0 archaeologic 0 archeologic 0 008 + 06144081 n 0401 \ 06144081 n 0401 + 06144081 n 0302 \ 06144081 n 0301 + 06144081 n 0201 \ 06144081 n 0201 + 06144081 n 0102 \ 06144081 n 0101 | related to or dealing with or devoted to archaeology; "an archaeological dig"; "a dramatic archaeological discovery" 02638740 01 a 01 archaistic 0 003 + 07073447 n 0101 + 07073447 n 0102 \ 07073447 n 0101 | imitative of an archaic style or manner; "archaistic writing" 02638894 01 a 02 archangelic 0 archangelical 0 004 + 09539183 n 0201 \ 09539183 n 0201 + 09539183 n 0101 \ 09539183 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling archangels 02639064 01 a 01 arched 0 001 \ 02733524 n 0101 | constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches; "an arched passageway" 02639193 01 a 01 archdiocesan 0 002 + 08550862 n 0101 \ 08550862 n 0101 | of or relating to an archdiocese 02639302 01 a 01 archducal 0 002 + 09804658 n 0101 \ 09804658 n 0101 | belonging to or befitting an archduke or his archduchy 02639430 01 a 02 archegonial 0 archegoniate 0 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 11689054 n 0201 + 11689054 n 0101 \ 11689054 n 0101 | of or relating to an archegonium 02639590 01 a 01 archesporial 0 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11688378 n 0102 + 11688378 n 0101 \ 11688378 n 0101 | of or relating to the cells in a sporangium that give rise to spores 02639772 01 a 01 archidiaconal 0 002 + 09804343 n 0101 \ 09804343 n 0101 | of or relating to an archdeacon or his office 02639895 01 a 02 archiepiscopal 0 archepiscopal 0 004 + 09805151 n 0201 \ 09805151 n 0201 + 09805151 n 0101 \ 09805151 n 0101 | of or associated with an archbishop; "an archiepiscopal see" 02640086 01 a 01 archipelagic 0 002 + 09203827 n 0101 \ 09203827 n 0101 | relating to or part of an archipelago; "an archipelagic war" 02640223 01 a 01 archival 0 002 + 02735086 n 0101 \ 02735086 n 0101 | of or relating to or contained in or serving as an archive 02640354 01 a 01 archosaurian 0 003 + 01695681 n 0102 + 01695681 n 0101 \ 01695259 n 0101 | of or relating to reptiles of the subclass Archosauria 02640503 01 a 01 areal 0 003 + 08497294 n 0101 + 05128519 n 0101 \ 08497294 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving an area 02640629 01 a 01 arenicolous 0 001 \ 15019030 n 0101 | growing or living or burrowing in sand; "arenicolous worms" 02640746 01 a 02 areolar 0 areolate 0 003 \ 05555017 n 0201 + 05554804 n 0101 \ 05555017 n 0101 | relating to or like or divided into areolae; "areolar tissue" 02640908 01 a 01 argentic 0 001 \ 14654954 n 0101 | relating to compounds in which silver is bivalent 02641012 01 a 01 argentous 0 001 \ 14654954 n 0101 | relating to compounds in which silver is univalent 02641118 01 a 01 armillary 0 001 \ 02887970 n 0101 | of or relating to bracelets 02641201 01 a 02 aroid 0 araceous 0 005 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11778534 n 0201 \ 11778534 n 0201 + 11779300 n 0102 \ 11778534 n 0101 | relating to a plant of the family Araceae 02641378 01 a 01 aromatic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 04980008 n 0103 \ 14610088 n 0101 | (chemistry) of or relating to or containing one or more benzene rings; "an aromatic organic compound" 02641571 01 a 01 arsenical 0 004 + 14768201 n 0101 + 14629149 n 0101 \ 14602721 n 0101 + 14602721 n 0101 | relating to or containing arsenic; "arsenic vapor" 02641731 01 a 01 arsenious 0 002 + 14629149 n 0101 \ 14629149 n 0101 | relating to compounds in which arsenic is trivalent 02641856 01 a 01 arterial 0 002 + 05333777 n 0101 \ 05333777 n 0101 | of or involving or contained in the arteries; "arterial disease"; "the arterial system"; "arterial blood" 02642034 01 a 01 venous 0 002 + 05418717 n 0101 \ 05418717 n 0101 | of or contained in or performing the function of the veins; "venous inflammation"; "venous blood as contrasted with arterial blood"; "venous circulation" 02642258 01 a 01 arteriovenous 0 002 \ 05333777 n 0101 \ 05418717 n 0101 | connecting an artery to a vein; "an arteriovenous fistula" 02642394 01 a 01 arthralgic 0 002 + 14324572 n 0101 \ 14324572 n 0101 | of or relating to arthralgia 02642497 01 a 01 arthromeric 0 002 + 05225439 n 0101 \ 05225439 n 0101 | of or relating to one of the body segments of jointed animals 02642634 01 a 03 arthropodal 0 arthropodan 0 arthropodous 0 007 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 01767199 n 0301 \ 01767199 n 0302 \ 01767199 n 0202 + 01767199 n 0101 + 01767661 n 0101 \ 01767199 n 0102 | of or relating to invertebrates of the phylum Arthropoda 02642886 01 a 02 arthrosporic 0 arthrosporous 0 006 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13092548 n 0201 \ 13092385 n 0201 + 13092548 n 0101 + 13092385 n 0101 \ 13092385 n 0101 | of or relating to arthrospores 02643082 01 a 01 Arthurian 0 002 + 10824888 n 0101 \ 10824888 n 0101 | of or relating to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table 02643220 01 a 02 articular 0 articulary 0 004 + 05595083 n 0202 \ 05595083 n 0202 + 05595083 n 0102 \ 05595083 n 0102 | relating to or affecting the joints of the body; "the articular surfaces of bones"; "articular disease" 02643446 01 a 02 articulatory 0 articulative 0 005 + 00978369 v 0201 + 00978549 v 0202 \ 07131854 n 0201 + 00978549 v 0102 \ 07131854 n 0101 | of or relating to articulation; "articulatory features"; "articulatory phonetics" 02643673 01 a 03 artiodactyl 0 artiodactylous 0 even-toed 0 005 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 02394068 n 0302 + 02394068 n 0201 \ 02394068 n 0202 \ 02394068 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to mammals of the order Artiodactyla 02643900 01 a 01 arundinaceous 0 002 + 12148079 n 0101 \ 12148079 n 0102 | of or relating to or resembling reedlike plants of the genus Arundinaria 02644050 01 a 01 ascensional 0 004 + 07311661 n 0101 + 07445480 n 0104 + 00324384 n 0103 \ 00324384 n 0103 | tending to rise 02644177 01 a 02 ascetic 0 ascetical 0 004 + 09758173 n 0202 \ 09758173 n 0202 + 09758173 n 0102 \ 09758173 n 0102 | pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline; "ascetic practices" 02644407 01 a 01 ascitic 0 002 + 14110025 n 0101 \ 14110025 n 0101 | of or relating to or resulting from an abnormal accumulation of protein and electrolyte rich fluid in the peritoneal cavity 02644602 01 a 01 asclepiadaceous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13233012 n 0101 \ 13233012 n 0101 | of or relating to plants of the milkweed family 02644748 01 a 01 ascocarpous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11532816 n 0101 \ 11532816 n 0101 | of or relating to ascocarps 02644870 01 a 02 ascosporic 0 ascosporous 0 005 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13092240 n 0201 \ 13092240 n 0201 + 13092240 n 0101 \ 13092240 n 0101 | of or relating to ascospores 02645042 01 a 01 associational 0 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 \ 05763916 n 0101 \ 06137918 n 0101 | of or relating to associations or associationism 02645187 01 a 01 asteriated 0 001 \ 13881810 n 0101 | (of some crystals especially gemstones) exhibiting asterism 02645303 01 a 01 asterismal 0 002 + 09208496 n 0101 \ 09208496 n 0101 | relating to asterisms or constellations 02645417 01 a 01 stoloniferous 0 001 \ 13127843 n 0101 | producing stolons 02645494 01 a 02 stomatal 1 stomatous 1 004 + 11680032 n 0201 \ 11680032 n 0201 + 11680032 n 0101 \ 11680032 n 0101 | relating to or constituting plant stomata; "stomatal openings" 02645677 01 a 02 stomatal 2 stomatous 2 004 + 05246215 n 0201 \ 05246215 n 0201 + 05246215 n 0101 \ 05246215 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of or having a mouth or mouthlike opening 02645868 01 a 01 astomatal 0 001 \ 02645494 a 0101 | lacking a stoma or stomata 02645950 01 a 01 stored-program 0 001 \ 06580219 n 0101 | of or concerning programs stored in the computer's own memory 02646072 01 a 01 astragalar 0 004 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05271383 n 0103 + 05271383 n 0102 \ 05271383 n 0102 | of or relating to the anklebone 02646215 01 a 01 astrocytic 0 003 ;c 06078978 n 0000 + 05467758 n 0101 \ 05467758 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing large star-shaped cells in the neuroglia 02646381 01 a 02 astronautic 0 astronautical 0 006 + 09818022 n 0201 \ 06096913 n 0202 \ 09818022 n 0201 + 09818022 n 0101 \ 06096913 n 0102 \ 09818022 n 0101 | of or belonging to astronauts or the science of astronautics 02646605 01 a 02 astronomic 0 astronomical 0 004 + 06095022 n 0201 \ 06095022 n 0201 + 06095022 n 0101 \ 06095022 n 0101 | relating or belonging to the science of astronomy; "astronomic telescope" 02646804 01 a 01 asynergic 0 003 + 14024391 n 0101 + 14024391 n 0102 \ 14024391 n 0101 | of or relating to the state of asynergy; lacking synergy 02646952 01 a 02 ataxic 0 atactic 0 004 + 14091254 n 0201 \ 14091254 n 0201 + 14091254 n 0101 \ 14091254 n 0101 | lacking motor coordination; marked or caused by ataxia 02647123 01 a 01 atherosclerotic 0 002 + 14108713 n 0101 \ 14108713 n 0101 | of or relating to atherosclerosis 02647236 01 a 01 atonalistic 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 06864014 n 0102 \ 06864014 n 0102 | of or relating to atonalism 02647358 01 a 01 atonic 0 004 + 14545845 n 0102 + 14545845 n 0103 + 14545845 n 0101 \ 14545845 n 0101 | characterized by a lack of tonus 02647497 01 a 01 atrial 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05393023 n 0101 \ 05393023 n 0101 | of or relating to a cavity or chamber in the body (especially one of the upper chambers of the heart) 02647688 01 a 02 atrioventricular 0 auriculoventricular 0 004 \ 05392348 n 0201 \ 05391763 n 0201 \ 05393023 n 0101 \ 05391763 n 0101 | relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the heart; "atrioventricular disease" 02647917 01 a 01 attentional 0 002 ;c 06136258 n 0000 \ 05702275 n 0101 | of or relating to attention 02648021 01 a 01 attitudinal 0 001 \ 06193203 n 0101 | of or relating to attitudes 02648106 01 a 01 attritional 0 005 + 13423615 n 0102 + 11460063 n 0103 + 07356970 n 0101 + 00361795 n 0101 \ 07356970 n 0101 | relating to or caused by attrition 02648270 01 a 01 audiometric 0 003 + 06060732 n 0102 + 00998982 n 0101 \ 00998982 n 0101 | of or relating to audiometry 02648392 01 a 01 audiovisual 0 002 + 02757927 n 0101 \ 02757927 n 0102 | involving both hearing and seeing (usually relating to teaching aids); "the school's audiovisual department" 02648576 01 a 01 augitic 0 002 + 14667668 n 0101 \ 14667668 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing the mineral augite 02648698 01 a 01 aural 0 001 \ 04727214 n 0102 | relating to or characterized by an aura; "various aural effects that precede a migraine headache" 02648847 01 a 01 aural 1 001 \ 05320899 n 0101 | of or pertaining to hearing or the ear; "an animal with a very sensitive aural apparatus" 02648988 01 a 01 auricular 1 002 + 05392348 n 0101 \ 05392348 n 0101 | pertaining to an auricle of the heart; "auricular fibrillation" 02649125 01 a 01 auricular 2 002 + 05323889 n 0101 \ 05323889 n 0101 | relating to or perceived by or shaped like the organ of hearing; "my apprehension of words is auricular; I must hear what I read"- George Santayana; "an auricular confession"; "an auricular appendage" 02649399 01 a 01 autoimmune 0 002 + 14527977 n 0101 \ 00860434 n 0101 | of or relating to the immune response of the body against substance normally present in the body 02649570 01 a 01 biauricular 0 001 \ 02649125 a 0101 | relating to the two auditory openings; "the biauricular diameter of the skull" 02649706 01 a 02 auroral 1 aurorean 0 004 + 15168790 n 0204 \ 15168790 n 0201 + 15168790 n 0104 \ 15168790 n 0101 | characteristic of the dawn; "a dim auroral glow" 02649873 01 a 01 auroral 2 002 + 11427241 n 0101 \ 11427241 n 0101 | of or relating to the atmospheric phenomenon auroras; "a prominent green line in the spectrum of the auroras is called the `auroral line'" 02650083 01 a 02 aurous 0 auric 0 002 \ 14638799 n 0201 \ 14638799 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing or derived from gold 02650214 01 a 01 auscultatory 0 001 \ 00876542 n 0101 | of or relating to auscultation 02650303 01 a 01 austenitic 0 002 + 14769760 n 0101 \ 14769760 n 0101 | composed of austenite; "austenitic alloy steel" 02650425 01 a 01 Australasian 0 002 + 08836165 n 0101 \ 08836165 n 0101 | relating to or found in Australasia 02650537 01 a 01 australopithecine 0 002 + 02476219 n 0101 \ 02475821 n 0101 | of or belonging to the hominid genus Australopithecus 02650672 01 a 01 autacoidal 0 003 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 05414534 n 0101 \ 05414534 n 0101 | of or relating to an autacoid 02650795 01 a 03 autarchic 0 autarchical 0 autarkical 0 006 + 13993356 n 0301 \ 08361001 n 0301 + 13993356 n 0202 + 08361001 n 0202 \ 08361001 n 0201 \ 08361001 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by autarchy 02651014 01 a 02 authorial 0 auctorial 0 005 + 10794014 n 0202 + 10126177 n 0203 \ 10794014 n 0202 + 10794014 n 0102 \ 10794014 n 0102 | of or by or typical of an author; "authorial comments"; "auctorial flights of imagination" 02651244 01 a 02 autobiographical 0 autobiographic 0 003 \ 06516087 n 0201 + 06516087 n 0101 \ 06516087 n 0101 | relating to or in the style of an autobiography; "they compiled an autobiographical history of the movement" 02651468 01 a 02 autobiographical 1 autobiographic 1 003 \ 09825296 n 0201 + 06516087 n 0101 \ 09825296 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of an autobiographer; "he seldom suppressed his autobiographical tendencies" 02651696 01 a 01 autocatalytic 0 002 + 13435770 n 0101 \ 13435770 n 0101 | relating to or proceeding by autocatalysis 02651816 01 a 01 autogenetic 0 002 + 11420376 n 0102 \ 11420376 n 0102 | of or relating to autogenesis 02651921 01 a 01 autographic 0 001 \ 06407094 n 0101 | written in the author's own handwriting 02652018 01 a 01 autolytic 0 002 + 13435918 n 0101 \ 13435918 n 0101 | of or relating to self-digestion 02652124 01 a 01 autoplastic 0 003 + 05583158 n 0102 + 00667096 n 0101 \ 00667096 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved in autoplasty 02652261 01 a 01 autoradiographic 0 001 \ 13436206 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by autoradiography 02652372 01 a 01 autotelic 0 002 + 05946089 n 0101 \ 05946089 n 0101 | of or relating to or believing in autotelism 02652490 01 a 01 autotomic 0 002 + 00394242 n 0101 \ 00394242 n 0101 | of or relating to autotomy 02652590 01 a 02 autotrophic 0 autophytic 0 005 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13124654 n 0201 \ 13124654 n 0201 ! 02652877 a 0101 \ 13124654 n 0103 | of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources by photosynthesis 02652877 01 a 01 heterotrophic 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 02652590 a 0101 | requiring organic compounds of carbon and nitrogen for nourishment; "most animals are heterotrophic" 02653056 01 a 01 autotypic 0 003 + 13436361 n 0101 + 03316274 n 0102 \ 13436361 n 0101 | of or relating to autotypy 02653174 01 a 01 auxetic 0 002 + 13436682 n 0101 \ 13436682 n 0101 | of or relating to growth by auxesis 02653281 01 a 01 auxinic 0 002 + 14745057 n 0101 \ 14745057 n 0101 | relating to or containing auxins 02653385 01 a 03 axiomatic 0 axiomatical 0 postulational 0 004 + 06753550 n 0201 \ 06753550 n 0201 + 06753550 n 0101 \ 06753550 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from axioms; "axiomatic physics"; "the postulational method was applied to geometry"- S.S.Stevens 02653651 01 a 02 axiomatic 2 aphoristic 0 003 + 07153130 n 0201 + 07152948 n 0102 \ 07152948 n 0102 | containing aphorisms or maxims; "axiomatic wisdom" 02653806 01 a 02 avellan 0 avellane 0 002 \ 12289433 n 0203 \ 12289433 n 0103 | pertaining to filberts or hazelnuts 02653924 01 a 01 avian 0 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01503061 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of birds 02654035 01 a 02 avifaunal 0 avifaunistic 0 004 + 07993643 n 0201 \ 07993643 n 0201 + 07993643 n 0101 \ 07993643 n 0101 | of or relating to birds of a particular region or period 02654216 01 a 01 avionic 0 002 + 06097231 n 0101 \ 06097231 n 0101 | of or relating to avionics 02654314 01 a 01 avitaminotic 0 002 + 14198576 n 0101 \ 14198576 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of avitaminosis 02654442 01 a 01 avocational 0 002 + 00432689 n 0101 \ 00432689 n 0101 | of or involved in an avocation 02654548 01 a 01 avuncular 0 002 + 10736091 n 0101 \ 10736091 n 0101 | being or relating to an uncle 02654652 01 a 01 avuncular 1 001 \ 10736259 n 0101 | resembling a uncle in kindness or indulgence 02654752 01 a 01 award-winning 0 001 \ 07354731 n 0101 | having received awards; "this award-winning bridge spans a distance of five miles" 02654894 01 a 01 axial 0 002 + 02764614 n 0101 \ 02764614 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling an axis of rotation 02655015 01 a 02 axile 0 axial 2 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 06008609 n 0201 \ 13128771 n 0201 \ 13128771 n 0101 | relating to or attached to the axis; "axial angle" 02655180 01 a 01 axillary 1 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05549576 n 0102 \ 05549576 n 0101 | of or relating to the armpit; "axillary gland" 02655318 01 a 01 axiological 0 002 + 06161606 n 0101 \ 06161606 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of values 02655431 01 a 01 axonal 0 003 ;c 06081833 n 0000 + 05468849 n 0101 \ 05468849 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling an axon 02655560 01 a 01 Azerbaijani 0 003 + 09735542 n 0101 + 06927007 n 0101 \ 09018162 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Azerbaijan or the people or culture of Azerbaijan 02655723 01 a 01 azido 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 14621194 n 0101 | relating to or containing the azido group N3 02655838 01 a 01 azimuthal 0 002 + 13893502 n 0101 \ 13893502 n 0101 | of or relating to or in azimuth 02655943 01 a 01 azo 0 001 \ 14621319 n 0101 | relating to or containing the azo radical 02656034 01 a 01 diazo 0 001 \ 14771831 n 0101 | relating to or containing diazonium 02656121 01 a 01 zoic 0 001 \ 00015388 n 0101 | pertaining to animals or animal life or action 02656218 01 a 03 azotemic 0 uremic 0 uraemic 0 005 + 14210971 n 0302 + 14210971 n 0201 \ 14210971 n 0201 + 14210971 n 0103 \ 14210971 n 0103 | of or involving excess nitrogenous waste products in the urine (usually due to kidney insufficiency) 02656464 01 a 01 baboonish 0 001 \ 02486410 n 0101 | resembling a baboon 02656539 01 a 01 Babylonian 0 002 + 08916832 n 0101 \ 08916832 n 0101 | of or relating to the city of Babylon or its people or culture; "Babylonian religion" 02656699 01 a 02 baccate 0 berrylike 0 002 \ 13137951 n 0202 \ 13137951 n 0102 | resembling a berry 02656801 01 a 01 bacchantic 0 002 + 09829798 n 0101 \ 09829798 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a bacchanalian reveler 02656930 01 a 02 bacillar 0 bacillary 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 01349948 n 0201 \ 01349948 n 0201 \ 01349948 n 0101 | relating to or produced by or containing bacilli 02657100 01 a 01 back-channel 0 001 \ 06260817 n 0101 | via a back channel; "the failure of back-channel negotiations" 02657221 01 a 01 bacteremic 0 002 + 14110219 n 0101 \ 14110219 n 0101 | of or relating to or having bacteremia 02657334 01 a 01 bacteriolytic 0 002 + 13437379 n 0101 \ 13437379 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing bacteriolysis 02657454 01 a 02 bacteriophagic 0 bacteriophagous 0 004 + 01334862 n 0201 \ 01334862 n 0201 + 01334862 n 0101 \ 01334862 n 0101 | of or relating to bacteriophages 02657619 01 a 01 bacteriostatic 0 002 + 13437495 n 0101 \ 13437495 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing bacteriostasis 02657741 01 a 04 bacteroidal 0 bacteroid 0 bacterioidal 0 bacterioid 0 007 \ 01348530 n 0401 + 01348530 n 0302 \ 01348530 n 0301 + 01349735 n 0201 \ 01348530 n 0201 + 01349735 n 0101 \ 01348530 n 0101 | resembling bacteria 02657966 01 a 01 Bahai 0 001 \ 06244552 n 0101 | of or relating to Bahaism 02658043 01 a 01 balletic 0 003 + 07054336 n 0101 + 00528667 n 0101 \ 07054336 n 0101 | characteristic of or resembling or suitable for ballet 02658188 01 a 01 ballistic 0 003 + 11481487 n 0101 + 06114246 n 0101 \ 11481487 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity; "ballistic missile" 02658412 01 a 02 balsamic 0 balsamy 0 006 + 14896714 n 0201 \ 14896714 n 0201 + 14896714 n 0101 + 11552686 n 0101 + 02783790 n 0101 \ 14896714 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing balsam; "a balsamic fragrance" 02658629 01 a 01 baric 0 002 + 14629998 n 0101 \ 14629998 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing barium 02658737 01 a 01 barographic 0 001 \ 02794008 n 0101 | relating to or registered by a barograph 02658835 01 a 02 barometric 0 barometrical 0 004 + 02794156 n 0201 \ 02794156 n 0201 + 02794156 n 0101 \ 02794156 n 0101 | relating to atmospheric pressure or indicated by a barometer; "barometric pressure" 02659044 01 a 01 barytic 0 002 + 14630204 n 0101 \ 14630204 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing baryta 02659154 01 a 01 basaltic 0 002 + 14773022 n 0101 \ 14773022 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing basalt; "basaltic magma is fluid" 02659292 01 a 01 basidial 0 002 + 12994475 n 0101 \ 12994475 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by basidia 02659404 01 a 01 basidiomycetous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 12997654 n 0101 \ 12997654 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of fungi of the class Basidiomycetes 02659571 01 a 01 basidiosporous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11548465 n 0101 \ 11548465 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by spores produced by basidia 02659733 01 a 02 basilar 0 basilary 0 004 + 08511777 n 0201 \ 08511777 n 0201 + 09215315 n 0101 \ 08511777 n 0101 | of or relating to or located at the base; "the basilar membrane of the cochlea" 02659931 01 a 01 basilican 0 003 + 02801184 n 0101 + 02801047 n 0101 \ 02801047 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a basilica 02660065 01 a 01 basinal 0 001 \ 09215437 n 0101 | of or relating to a basin; "basinal deposits" 02660164 01 a 02 batholithic 0 batholitic 0 005 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 14932303 n 0202 \ 14932303 n 0201 + 14932303 n 0101 \ 14932303 n 0101 | of or relating to a batholith 02660337 01 a 02 bathymetric 0 bathymetrical 0 005 + 00999089 n 0201 + 02808695 n 0201 \ 00999089 n 0201 + 00999089 n 0101 \ 00999089 n 0101 | of or relating to measurements of the depths of oceans or lakes 02660546 01 a 01 bauxitic 0 002 + 14668277 n 0101 \ 14668277 n 0101 | resembling or containing bauxite 02660651 01 a 04 behavioristic 0 behaviorist 0 behaviouristic 0 behaviourist 0 008 + 09608520 n 0402 \ 06139764 n 0401 + 06139764 n 0302 \ 06139764 n 0301 + 09608520 n 0201 \ 06139764 n 0201 + 06139764 n 0101 \ 06139764 n 0101 | of or relating to behaviorism; "behavioristic psychology" 02660940 01 a 01 Belarusian 0 003 + 06944480 n 0101 + 09011151 n 0101 \ 09011151 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Belarus or to the people or culture of Belarus 02661099 01 a 01 belemnitic 0 002 + 01973723 n 0101 \ 01973723 n 0101 | of or relating to belemnites 02661202 01 a 02 benedictory 0 benedictive 0 002 \ 07189411 n 0201 \ 07189411 n 0101 | expressing benediction 02661314 01 a 01 beneficiary 0 002 + 13248087 n 0101 \ 13248087 n 0101 | having or arising from a benefice; "a beneficiary baron" 02661446 01 a 01 benevolent 0 002 + 01226679 n 0101 \ 01226679 n 0101 | intending or showing kindness; "a benevolent society" 02661574 01 a 03 benthic 0 benthal 0 benthonic 0 006 + 08578517 n 0301 + 00005787 n 0301 \ 08578517 n 0301 + 08578517 n 0201 \ 08578517 n 0201 \ 08578517 n 0101 | of or relating to or happening on the bottom under a body of water 02661806 01 a 01 bentonitic 0 002 + 14813709 n 0101 \ 14813709 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing bentonite 02661922 01 a 01 benzenoid 0 001 \ 14774699 n 0101 | similar to benzene in structure or linkage 02662020 01 a 01 benzoic 0 002 \ 14775321 n 0101 \ 14897941 n 0101 | containing or derived from benzoic acid or benzoin 02662142 01 a 01 benzylic 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14622623 n 0101 \ 14622623 n 0102 | relating to benzyl 02662252 01 a 01 betulaceous 0 002 + 12280487 n 0101 \ 12280487 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of trees of the birch family 02662394 01 a 03 biaxial 0 biaxal 0 biaxate 0 003 \ 06008609 n 0301 \ 06008609 n 0201 \ 06008609 n 0101 | having two axes; "biaxial crystals" 02662538 01 a 02 bibliographic 0 bibliographical 0 003 + 06486630 n 0201 \ 06486630 n 0201 \ 06486630 n 0101 | relating to or dealing with bibliography 02662692 01 a 01 bibliolatrous 0 002 + 01044867 n 0101 \ 01044867 n 0101 | given to Bible-worship 02662792 01 a 01 bibliomaniacal 0 002 + 04946266 n 0101 \ 04946266 n 0101 | characteristic of or characterized by or noted for bibliomania 02662933 01 a 01 bibliophilic 0 002 + 09852679 n 0101 \ 09852679 n 0101 | of or relating to bibliophiles 02663040 01 a 01 bibliopolic 0 002 + 09852826 n 0101 \ 09852826 n 0101 | of or relating to bibliopoles 02663145 01 a 02 bibliothecal 0 bibliothecarial 0 005 + 07978055 n 0201 \ 07978055 n 0201 \ 10257948 n 0201 + 07978055 n 0101 \ 07978055 n 0101 | of or relating to a library or bibliotheca or a librarian 02663351 01 a 01 bibliotic 0 002 + 05998526 n 0101 \ 05998526 n 0101 | of or relating to bibliotics 02663453 01 a 01 bicapsular 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 11685179 n 0101 | divided into two capsules or having a two-part capsule 02663583 01 a 01 bichromated 0 001 \ 15013764 n 0101 | treated or combined with bichromate 02663676 01 a 01 bicipital 0 002 + 05579239 n 0101 \ 05579239 n 0101 | having two heads or points of origin as a biceps 02663798 01 a 01 bignoniaceous 0 002 + 12813393 n 0101 \ 12813393 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Bignoniaceae 02663950 01 a 01 biliary 0 002 + 05406570 n 0101 \ 05385161 n 0101 | relating to the bile ducts or the gallbladder 02664067 01 a 02 bilious 0 biliary 2 004 + 05406570 n 0201 \ 05406570 n 0201 + 05406570 n 0101 \ 05406570 n 0101 | relating to or containing bile 02664215 01 a 01 billiard 0 001 \ 00499924 n 0101 | of or relating to billiards; "a billiard ball"; "a billiard cue"; "a billiard table" 02664354 01 a 02 bimetallistic 0 bimetallic 2 003 \ 13373746 n 0201 + 13373746 n 0101 \ 13373746 n 0101 | pertaining to a monetary system based on two metals; "in a bimetallistic system both gold and silver can constitute legal tender" 02664592 01 a 01 bimillenial 0 002 + 15141375 n 0101 \ 15141375 n 0101 | of or relating to a bimillennium 02664700 01 a 01 binary 0 001 \ 06810020 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a number system have 2 as its base; "a binary digit" 02664825 01 a 01 biocatalytic 0 002 + 14723909 n 0101 \ 14723909 n 0101 | of or relating to biocatalysts 02664932 01 a 01 biochemical 0 002 + 06079620 n 0101 \ 06079620 n 0101 | of or relating to biochemistry; involving chemical processes in living organisms 02665088 01 a 01 bioclimatic 0 001 \ 06119496 n 0101 | of or concerned with the relations of climate and living organisms 02665212 01 a 01 biogenetic 0 002 + 00850260 n 0101 \ 00850260 n 0101 | of or relating to the production of living organisms from other living organisms 02665367 01 a 01 biogenous 0 003 + 13438817 n 0102 + 00850260 n 0101 \ 00850260 n 0101 | producing or produced by living things 02665497 01 a 01 biogenic 0 001 \ 11473488 n 0101 | produced by living organisms or biological processes; "fermentation is a biogenic process" 02665642 01 a 02 biogeographic 0 biogeographical 0 003 + 06066414 n 0201 \ 06066414 n 0201 \ 06066414 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved with biogeography 02665803 01 a 02 biological 0 biologic 0 007 + 11473488 n 0201 + 06037666 n 0201 \ 11473488 n 0201 + 11473488 n 0101 + 07993109 n 0102 + 06037666 n 0101 \ 11473488 n 0101 | pertaining to biology or to life and living things 02666029 01 a 01 biologistic 0 002 + 00411235 n 0101 \ 00411235 n 0101 | of or relating to biologism 02666132 01 a 02 sociobiologic 0 sociobiological 0 004 + 06082972 n 0201 \ 06082972 n 0201 + 06082972 n 0101 \ 06082972 n 0101 | of or relating to sociobiology 02666294 01 a 01 neurobiological 0 002 + 06078511 n 0101 \ 06078511 n 0101 | of or relating to the biological study of the nervous system 02666434 01 a 01 bionic 0 002 + 06126336 n 0101 \ 06126336 n 0101 | of or relating to bionics 02666530 01 a 01 biosynthetic 0 002 + 13438817 n 0101 \ 13438817 n 0101 | of or relating to biosynthesis 02666637 01 a 01 biosystematic 0 002 + 06152973 n 0101 \ 06152973 n 0101 | of or relating to biosystematics 02666747 01 a 01 biotitic 0 002 + 14668743 n 0101 \ 14668743 n 0101 | relating to or involving biotite 02666852 01 a 01 biotypic 0 002 + 07941574 n 0101 \ 07941574 n 0101 | of or relating to a biotype 02666952 01 a 01 black-and-white 0 001 \ 04958634 n 0104 | lacking hue or shades of grey; part white and part black; "a black-and-white cow"; "black-and-white blooms"; "black-and-white stripes" 02667148 01 a 01 blastogenetic 0 003 + 13438979 n 0101 + 05992804 n 0101 \ 13438979 n 0101 | of or relating to blastogenesis 02667275 01 a 01 bodily 1 002 + 05216365 n 0101 \ 05216365 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the body; "a bodily organ"; "bodily functions" 02667426 01 a 01 Bohemian 0 002 + 08758882 n 0101 \ 08758882 n 0101 | of or relating to Bohemia or its language or people 02667550 01 a 01 bolographic 0 001 \ 02865108 n 0102 | of or relating to a bolograph 02667637 01 a 01 bolometric 0 002 + 02865214 n 0101 \ 02865214 n 0101 | of or relating to a bolometer 02667741 01 a 01 Boolean 0 002 + 10857271 n 0101 \ 10857271 n 0101 | of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT 02667973 01 a 01 borated 0 001 \ 14669084 n 0101 | mixed or impregnated with borax 02668058 01 a 01 boronic 0 002 + 14631871 n 0101 \ 14631871 n 0101 | of or relating to boron 02668153 01 a 01 boskopoid 0 001 \ 02475478 n 0101 | belonging or relating to or resembling Boskop man 02668258 01 a 02 botanic 0 botanical 0 004 + 06066555 n 0201 \ 06066555 n 0201 + 06066555 n 0101 \ 06066555 n 0101 | of or relating to plants or botany; "botanical garden" 02668432 01 a 03 botryoid 0 botryoidal 0 boytrose 0 003 \ 13144794 n 0301 \ 13144794 n 0201 \ 13144794 n 0101 | resembling a cluster of grapes in form 02668585 01 a 01 Botswanan 0 001 \ 08852389 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Botswana or the people of Botswana 02668695 01 a 01 bottom-dwelling 0 001 \ 01316579 n 0102 | of or relating to fish and marine life that dwell on the bottom of a body of water 02668839 01 a 01 bottom-feeding 0 001 \ 01316579 n 0101 | of or relating to fish and marine life that feed on the bottom of a body of water 02668981 01 a 01 boustrophedonic 0 002 + 06361446 n 0101 \ 06361446 n 0101 | of or relating to writing alternate lines in opposite directions 02669125 01 a 01 brachial 0 001 \ 05563770 n 0101 | of or relating to an arm; "brachial artery" 02669223 01 a 02 brachiopod 0 brachiopodous 0 003 + 02315309 n 0201 \ 02315309 n 0202 \ 02315309 n 0102 | of or belonging to the phylum Brachiopoda 02669373 01 a 01 brachyurous 0 002 + 01976477 n 0101 \ 01976477 n 0102 | of or belonging to the suborder Brachyura 02669490 01 a 01 bracteal 0 002 + 13154841 n 0101 \ 13154841 n 0101 | pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract 02669616 01 a 02 bracteate 0 bracted 0 003 \ 13154841 n 0201 ! 02716516 a 0101 \ 13154841 n 0101 | having bracts 02669731 01 a 01 bracteolate 0 001 \ 13155095 n 0101 | having bracteoles 02669806 01 a 02 brahminic 0 brahminical 0 008 + 09872782 n 0202 + 09872557 n 0202 + 08306959 n 0202 \ 09872782 n 0202 + 09872782 n 0102 + 09872557 n 0102 + 08306959 n 0102 \ 09872782 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of a brahmin 02670050 01 a 01 branchial 0 002 + 02510769 n 0102 \ 02510769 n 0102 | of or relating to gills (or to parts of the body derived from embryonic gills) 02670202 01 a 03 branchiopod 0 branchiopodan 0 branchiopodous 0 004 + 01994176 n 0301 \ 01994176 n 0302 \ 01994176 n 0202 \ 01994176 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of the subclass Branchiopoda 02670411 01 a 02 brassy 0 brasslike 0 004 \ 02891788 n 0201 + 08217135 n 0102 + 02891788 n 0101 \ 02891788 n 0101 | resembling the sound of a brass instrument 02670572 01 a 01 breech-loading 0 001 \ 02896856 n 0101 | (of guns) designed to be loaded at the breech 02670678 01 a 01 bregmatic 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05231769 n 0101 \ 05231769 n 0101 | of or relating to the bregma of the skull 02670812 01 a 01 brimless 0 001 \ 02902079 n 0101 | without a brim; "a brimless hat" 02670899 01 a 01 brisant 0 002 + 11412179 n 0101 \ 11412179 n 0101 | of or relating to the power (the shattering effect) of an explosive 02671038 01 a 02 broadband 0 wideband 0 002 \ 06260628 n 0201 \ 06260628 n 0101 | responding to or operating at a wide band of frequencies; "a broadband antenna" 02671202 01 a 01 broadband 1 001 \ 03820728 n 0101 | of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video) 02671423 01 a 01 Brobdingnagian 0 002 + 05627083 n 0101 \ 05627083 n 0101 | huge; relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Brobdingnag 02671577 01 a 01 bromic 0 002 + 14632129 n 0101 \ 14632129 n 0101 | relating to or containing bromine (especially pentavalent bromine) 02671714 01 a 01 bromidic 0 001 \ 07154046 n 0105 | given to uttering bromides 02671795 01 a 01 buccal 0 001 \ 05602835 n 0101 | of or relating to or toward the cheek 02671885 01 a 01 bulimic 0 004 + 09836057 n 0101 + 14057001 n 0101 + 14039828 n 0101 \ 14039828 n 0101 | suffering from bulimia 02672015 01 a 01 burrlike 0 001 \ 12036368 n 0102 | resembling a burr; especially in being prickly 02672116 01 a 01 bursal 0 002 + 05516554 n 0101 \ 05516554 n 0101 | relating to or affecting a bursa 02672219 01 a 01 buteonine 0 002 + 01607309 n 0101 \ 01607103 n 0102 | relating to or resembling a hawk of the genus Buteo 02672344 01 a 01 butyraceous 0 002 + 07848338 n 0101 \ 14787707 n 0101 | having the qualities of butter or yielding or containing a substance like butter 02672500 01 a 01 butyric 0 001 \ 14788332 n 0101 | relating to or producing butyric acid 02672591 01 a 01 cachectic 0 003 + 14548105 n 0102 + 14548105 n 0101 \ 14548105 n 0101 | relating to or having the symptoms of cachexia 02672729 01 a 02 cacodemonic 0 cacodaemonic 0 004 + 09542541 n 0202 \ 09542541 n 0201 + 09542541 n 0101 \ 09542541 n 0101 | of or relating to evil spirits 02672886 01 a 01 cacodylic 0 004 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14788875 n 0101 + 14788714 n 0101 \ 14788714 n 0102 | of or relating to cacodyl 02673022 01 a 01 cadastral 0 002 + 06502192 n 0102 \ 06502192 n 0102 | of or relating to the records of a cadastre 02673139 01 a 02 cadaverous 0 cadaveric 0 004 + 05218119 n 0201 \ 05218119 n 0201 + 05218119 n 0101 \ 05218119 n 0101 | of or relating to a cadaver or corpse; "we had long anticipated his cadaverous end" 02673345 01 a 01 caducean 0 002 + 06884520 n 0101 \ 06884520 n 0101 | of or relating to a caduceus 02673446 01 a 01 caecilian 0 003 + 01655344 n 0101 + 01655116 n 0101 \ 01655116 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to the family Caeciliidae 02673594 01 a 01 caesural 0 003 + 15271732 n 0101 + 07085072 n 0101 \ 07085072 n 0101 | of or relating to a caesura 02673712 01 a 01 caffeinic 0 002 + 14761122 n 0102 \ 14761122 n 0102 | of or containing caffein 02673810 01 a 01 cairned 0 001 \ 07273802 n 0101 | marked by cairns 02673880 01 a 01 calcaneal 0 001 \ 05274808 n 0102 | relating to the heel bone or heel 02673969 01 a 02 calcareous 0 chalky 0 003 + 03003091 n 0201 \ 14936905 n 0201 \ 14936905 n 0101 | composed of or containing or resembling calcium carbonate or calcite or chalk 02674148 01 a 02 calceolate 0 calceiform 0 002 \ 02938218 n 0201 \ 02938218 n 0101 | of slipper-shaped blossoms; "the calceiform lip of certain orchids" 02674303 01 a 01 calcic 0 001 \ 14632648 n 0101 | derived from or containing calcium or lime 02674398 01 a 01 calciferous 0 001 \ 14632648 n 0101 | bearing or producing or containing calcium or calcium carbonate or calcite 02674530 01 a 01 calcitic 0 002 + 14935751 n 0101 \ 14935751 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing calcite 02674642 01 a 01 calculous 0 002 + 09230768 n 0101 \ 09230768 n 0101 | relating to or caused by or having a calculus or calculi 02674772 01 a 02 calendric 0 calendrical 0 005 + 02939565 n 0201 \ 15173479 n 0201 + 15173479 n 0101 + 08266849 n 0101 \ 15173479 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of or used in a calendar or time measurement; "calendric systems"; "solstice is a time of calendric importance" 02675055 01 a 01 calico 0 001 \ 02939763 n 0101 | made of calico or resembling calico in being patterned; "calico dresses"; "a calico cat" 02675196 01 a 01 calisthenic 0 003 + 00627437 n 0101 + 00627664 n 0101 \ 00627664 n 0101 | of or relating to calisthenics 02675320 01 a 01 callithumpian 0 003 + 08428623 n 0101 + 07054122 n 0104 \ 08428623 n 0101 | of or relating to a callithump 02675446 01 a 01 caloric 2 002 + 13726562 n 0101 \ 13726562 n 0105 | of or relating to calories in food; "comparison of foods on a caloric basis"; "the caloric content of foods" 02675626 01 a 01 noncaloric 0 001 \ 13726562 n 0105 | of food have no (or few) calories; "a noncaloric drink" 02675738 01 a 01 calorimetric 0 002 + 01001814 n 0101 \ 01001814 n 0101 | of or relating to the measurement of heat 02675856 01 a 03 calyceal 0 calycine 0 calycinal 0 005 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 11691523 n 0301 \ 11691523 n 0201 + 11691523 n 0101 \ 11691523 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a calyx 02676046 01 a 02 calycular 0 calicular 0 004 + 02155448 n 0201 \ 02155448 n 0201 + 02155448 n 0101 \ 02155448 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a calyculus 02676205 01 a 02 calyculate 0 calycled 0 002 \ 02155448 n 0201 \ 02155448 n 0101 | having a calyculus 02676309 01 a 01 calyptrate 1 001 \ 11532547 n 0101 | having a calyptra 02676383 01 a 01 calyptrate 2 001 \ 02190465 n 0102 | having calypters 02676456 01 a 01 cambial 0 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13097338 n 0101 + 05286412 n 0101 \ 13097338 n 0101 | of or relating to or functioning as a cambium 02676610 01 a 03 campanulate 0 campanular 0 campanulated 0 004 \ 13886260 n 0303 + 13886260 n 0203 \ 13886260 n 0203 \ 13886260 n 0103 | shaped like a bell or campana; "campanulate flowers of the genus Campanula" 02676825 01 a 01 camphoraceous 0 002 + 14790979 n 0101 \ 14790979 n 0101 | being or having the properties of camphor; "camphoraceous odor" 02676966 01 a 01 camphoric 0 002 + 14790979 n 0101 \ 14790979 n 0101 | relating to or derived from or containing camphor; "camphoric liniments" 02677112 01 a 01 canalicular 0 002 + 05251655 n 0101 \ 05251655 n 0101 | relating to or like or having a canaliculus 02677231 01 a 01 cancroid 0 002 + 14242788 n 0101 \ 14242788 n 0101 | of or relating to a cancroid 02677332 01 a 01 canicular 0 003 + 09435965 n 0103 + 15237567 n 0102 \ 09435965 n 0103 | relating to or especially immediately preceding or following the heliacal rising of Canicula (the Dog Star); "canicular days" 02677549 01 a 01 canicular 2 002 + 15237567 n 0102 \ 15237567 n 0102 | of or relating to the dog days of summer; "the canicular heat of the Deep South" 02677703 01 a 01 canine 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 02083346 n 0101 \ 02083038 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of members of the family Canidae 02677861 01 a 02 canine 2 laniary 0 003 \ 05307091 n 0201 + 05307091 n 0101 \ 05307091 n 0101 | of or relating to a pointed conical tooth 02678001 01 a 01 capacitive 0 001 \ 11433546 n 0101 | of or relating to capacitance 02678087 01 a 01 Capetian 0 002 + 10891271 n 0101 \ 08154213 n 0101 | of or relating to the French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet 02678218 01 a 02 capitular 0 capitulary 0 002 \ 08228838 n 0201 \ 08228838 n 0101 | of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter; "capitular estates" 02678371 01 a 01 Cappadocian 0 002 + 08701161 n 0101 \ 08701161 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Cappadocia or its people or culture 02678502 01 a 01 caprine 0 001 \ 02416519 n 0101 | being or pertaining to or resembling a goat or goats; "caprine creatures"; "a caprine strain of virus"; "a caprine voice" 02678677 01 a 01 capsular 0 006 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11685179 n 0101 + 05317191 n 0101 + 02957755 n 0101 + 02957586 n 0101 \ 11685179 n 0101 | of or relating to a capsule 02678850 01 a 01 capsular 2 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05317191 n 0101 | resembling a capsule; "the capsular ligament is a sac surrounding the articular cavity of a freely movable joint and attached to the bones" 02679063 01 a 01 carangid 0 003 ;c 06083243 n 0000 + 02576223 n 0102 \ 02575766 n 0101 | of or relating to fish of the family Carangidae 02679202 01 a 01 carbocyclic 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 14633206 n 0101 | having or relating to or characterized by a ring composed of carbon atoms 02679352 01 a 01 carbolated 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 14796073 n 0101 | containing or treated with carbolic acid 02679468 01 a 02 carbonyl 0 carbonylic 0 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14790526 n 0201 \ 14790693 n 0201 + 14790526 n 0101 \ 14790693 n 0101 | relating to or containing the carbonyl group 02679653 01 a 02 carboxyl 0 carboxylic 0 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14790796 n 0201 \ 14790796 n 0202 + 14790796 n 0101 \ 14790796 n 0102 | relating to or containing the carboxyl group or carboxyl radical 02679858 01 a 01 carcinogenic 0 002 + 14793812 n 0101 \ 14242337 n 0101 | causing or tending to cause cancer; "the carcinogenic action of certain chemicals" 02680017 01 a 01 carcinomatous 0 002 + 14242337 n 0101 \ 14242337 n 0101 | being or relating to carcinoma; "a carcinomatous lesion" 02680151 01 a 01 cardiographic 0 001 \ 02963503 n 0101 | of or relating to a cardiograph 02680242 01 a 02 cardiopulmonary 0 cardiorespiratory 0 004 \ 05388805 n 0201 \ 00830811 n 0201 \ 05388805 n 0101 \ 05387544 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart and the lungs and their functions; "cardiopulmonary resuscitation" 02680492 01 a 01 carinal 0 001 \ 05227209 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a carina 02680580 01 a 01 carnivorous 0 001 \ 02075296 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of carnivores; "the lion and other carnivorous animals" 02680723 01 a 02 Caroline 0 Carolean 0 007 + 10892786 n 0201 + 10892564 n 0201 \ 10892564 n 0202 \ 10892786 n 0202 \ 10892564 n 0102 \ 10892786 n 0102 \ 10891981 n 0101 | of or relating to the life and times of kings Charles I or Charles II of England 02680977 01 a 01 Carolingian 0 003 + 10891981 n 0103 \ 08154363 n 0101 \ 08154363 n 0102 | of or relating to the Frankish dynasty founded by Charlemagne's father 02681141 01 a 01 carotid 0 001 \ 05339357 n 0101 | of or relating to either of the two major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck 02681282 01 a 01 carpellary 0 002 + 11677743 n 0101 \ 11677743 n 0101 | belonging to or forming or containing carpels 02681402 01 a 01 carpetbag 0 001 \ 09896973 n 0101 | following the practices or characteristic of carpetbaggers; "carpetbag adventurers"; "a carpetbag government" 02681567 01 a 01 carposporic 0 002 + 11548728 n 0101 \ 11548728 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a carpospore 02681681 01 a 01 carposporous 0 002 + 11548728 n 0101 \ 11548728 n 0101 | having carpospores 02681776 01 a 01 cartilaginous 0 002 + 05288091 n 0101 \ 05288091 n 0101 | of or relating to cartilage 02681881 01 a 02 cartographic 0 cartographical 0 003 + 00924579 n 0202 \ 00924579 n 0202 \ 00924579 n 0102 | of or relating to the making of maps or charts 02682039 01 a 01 Carthusian 0 001 \ 08149004 n 0101 | of or relating to the Carthusian order 02682134 01 a 02 caruncular 0 carunculous 0 005 + 05471181 n 0201 \ 05471181 n 0201 + 05471181 n 0102 + 05471181 n 0101 \ 05471181 n 0101 | resembling a caruncle 02682298 01 a 02 carunculate 0 carunculated 0 002 \ 05471181 n 0201 \ 05471181 n 0101 | having a caruncle 02682406 01 a 01 caryophyllaceous 0 002 + 11804604 n 0101 \ 11804604 n 0101 | of or pertaining to plants of the family Caryophyllaceae 02682543 01 a 01 cash-and-carry 0 001 \ 13386465 n 0101 | sold for cash and the customer carries it away (no delivery service); "cash-and-carry business" 02682699 01 a 02 catabolic 0 katabolic 0 004 + 13443787 n 0201 \ 13443787 n 0201 + 13443787 n 0101 \ 13443787 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by catabolism 02682863 01 a 02 catachrestic 0 catachrestical 0 004 + 07102034 n 0201 \ 07102034 n 0201 + 07102034 n 0101 \ 07102034 n 0101 | constituting or characterized by or given to catachresis 02683049 01 a 01 catalatic 0 002 + 14737639 n 0101 \ 14737639 n 0101 | of or relating to the enzyme catalase 02683160 01 a 01 cataphatic 0 001 \ 05942338 n 0101 | of or relating to the religious belief that God can be known to humans positively or affirmatively 02683315 01 a 01 cataplastic 0 002 + 07428257 n 0101 \ 07428257 n 0101 | of or relating to cataplasia 02683419 01 a 02 catapultic 0 catapultian 0 007 + 02982232 n 0201 + 02981911 n 0201 \ 02981911 n 0201 + 02982232 n 0101 + 04240097 n 0103 + 02981911 n 0101 \ 02981911 n 0101 | of or like a catapult; "a catapultic kind of action" 02683650 01 a 01 catarrhal 0 002 + 14339772 n 0101 \ 14339772 n 0101 | of or relating to a catarrh; "catarrhal fever is any of several respiratory or oral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue in horses and sheep" 02683869 01 a 01 categorial 0 003 + 07997703 n 0102 + 05838765 n 0101 \ 05838765 n 0101 | of or relating to the concept of categories 02684005 01 a 02 categorical 0 categoric 0 005 + 07997703 n 0202 \ 07997703 n 0202 + 07997703 n 0102 + 05838765 n 0101 \ 07997703 n 0102 | relating to or included in a category or categories 02684198 01 a 01 cathectic 0 003 ;c 00704305 n 0000 + 09185612 n 0101 \ 09185612 n 0101 | of or relating to cathexis 02684317 01 a 01 cathedral 0 002 + 02983904 n 0101 \ 02983904 n 0101 | relating to or containing or issuing from a bishop's office or throne; "a cathedral church" 02684482 01 a 01 catkinate 0 001 \ 11674798 n 0101 | resembling a catkin 02684557 01 a 02 catoptric 0 catoptrical 0 004 + 06101180 n 0201 \ 06101180 n 0201 + 06101180 n 0101 \ 06101180 n 0101 | of or relating to catoptrics; produced by or based on mirrors 02684742 01 a 02 cecal 0 caecal 0 004 + 05536370 n 0202 \ 05536370 n 0201 + 05536370 n 0101 \ 05536370 n 0101 | of or like a cecum 02684875 01 a 01 celebratory 0 002 + 02490877 v 0101 \ 07450651 n 0101 | used for celebrating 02684971 01 a 02 celestial 0 heavenly 0 003 + 05627785 n 0201 \ 05627785 n 0201 \ 05627785 n 0101 | relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven; "celestial beings"; "heavenly hosts" 02685153 01 a 02 celestial 1 heavenly 1 002 \ 09436708 n 0201 \ 09436708 n 0101 | of or relating to the sky; "celestial map"; "a heavenly body" 02685299 01 a 01 cellular 0 008 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 08358594 n 0101 + 02991711 n 0101 + 02991555 n 0101 + 02991302 n 0101 + 02991048 n 0101 + 00006484 n 0101 \ 00006484 n 0101 | relating to cells; "cellular walls"; "cellular physiology" 02685539 01 a 01 extracellular 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02686159 a 0101 \ 00006484 n 0101 | located or occurring outside a cell or cells; "extracellular fluid" 02685703 01 a 01 integral 0 001 \ 13728499 n 0101 | of or denoted by an integer 02685785 01 a 02 integumentary 0 integumental 0 004 + 05239243 n 0201 \ 05239243 n 0201 + 05239243 n 0101 \ 05239243 n 0101 | of or relating to the integument 02685946 01 a 01 intercellular 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 00006484 n 0101 | located between cells 02686046 01 a 01 interest-bearing 0 001 \ 13318584 n 0101 | of financial obligations on which interest is paid 02686159 01 a 01 intracellular 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 02685539 a 0101 \ 00006484 n 0101 | located or occurring within a cell or cells; "intracellular fluid" 02686322 01 a 01 cellulosid 0 001 \ 14793921 n 0101 | of or containing or made from cellulose; "cellulosic fibers" 02686439 01 a 01 cementitious 0 003 + 14704640 n 0101 + 14804175 n 0101 \ 14804175 n 0101 | like or relevant to or having the properties of cement; "the adhesion of cementitious materials" 02686630 01 a 04 cenobitic 0 coenobitic 0 cenobitical 0 coenobitical 0 009 + 10519291 n 0402 \ 10519291 n 0401 + 10519291 n 0301 \ 10519291 n 0301 + 10519291 n 0202 \ 10519291 n 0201 + 10519291 n 0101 ! 02686950 a 0101 \ 10519291 n 0101 | of or relating to or befitting cenobites or their practices of communal living 02686950 01 a 02 eremitic 0 eremitical 0 005 + 10518945 n 0201 \ 10518945 n 0201 + 10518945 n 0101 ! 02686630 a 0101 \ 10518945 n 0101 | of or relating to or befitting eremites or their practices of hermitic living; "eremitic austerities" 02687191 01 a 01 cenogenetic 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13444940 n 0101 ! 02687434 a 0101 \ 13444940 n 0101 | of or relating to cenogenesis 02687333 01 a 01 Cenozoic 0 001 \ 15124361 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the Cenozoic era 02687434 01 a 01 palingenetic 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13531652 n 0101 ! 02687191 a 0101 \ 13531652 n 0101 | of or relating to palingenesis 02687578 01 a 01 censorial 0 003 + 09903936 n 0101 + 09903639 n 0101 \ 09903639 n 0101 | belonging or relating to a censor or a censor's functions 02687727 01 a 01 centesimal 0 001 \ 13739051 n 0102 | relating to or divided into hundredths 02687822 01 a 01 centigrade(ip) 0 001 \ 13852600 n 0103 | of or relating to a temperature scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees 02688016 01 a 02 centralist 0 centralistic 0 002 \ 01237872 n 0201 \ 01237872 n 0101 | advocating centralization 02688131 01 a 01 centroidal 0 002 + 08523217 n 0101 \ 08523217 n 0101 | of or relating to (especially passing through) a centroid 02688263 01 a 01 centrosomic 0 002 + 05446767 n 0101 \ 05446767 n 0101 | of or relating to a centrosome 02688369 01 a 02 cephalopod 0 cephalopodan 0 003 \ 01968115 n 0201 + 01968315 n 0101 \ 01968115 n 0101 | relating or belonging to the class Cephalopoda 02688523 01 a 01 cercarial 0 002 + 01925916 n 0101 \ 01925916 n 0101 | of or relating to cercaria 02688623 01 a 01 cereal 0 004 + 12141495 n 0101 + 07802417 n 0103 + 07702796 n 0101 \ 12156819 n 0101 | made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it; "a cereal beverage"; "cereal grasses" 02688833 01 a 01 cerebellar 0 002 + 05485554 n 0101 \ 05485554 n 0101 | relating to or associated with the cerebellum; "cerebellar artery" 02688974 01 a 01 cerebral 0 001 \ 05491993 n 0101 | of or relating to the cerebrum or brain; "cerebral hemisphere"; "cerebral activity" 02689112 01 a 01 cerebrospinal 0 002 \ 05503705 n 0101 \ 05481095 n 0101 | of or relating to the brain and spinal cord; "cerebrospinal fluid" 02689256 01 a 01 cerebrovascular 0 002 \ 05417975 n 0101 \ 05481095 n 0101 | of or relating to the brain and the blood vessels that supply it; "a cerebrovascular accident" 02689430 01 a 01 cervical 0 002 + 05546540 n 0102 \ 05546540 n 0101 | relating to or associated with the neck 02689542 01 a 01 ceric 0 001 \ 14633957 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing cerium especially with valence 4 02689658 01 a 01 cerous 0 002 + 14633957 n 0101 \ 14633957 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing cerium with valence 3 02689782 01 a 01 ceruminous 0 002 + 15095103 n 0101 \ 15095103 n 0101 | relating to or secreting cerumen 02689889 01 a 01 cervine 0 001 \ 02430045 n 0101 | relating to or resembling deer 02689973 01 a 02 cetacean 0 cetaceous 0 005 + 02062209 n 0201 \ 02062209 n 0201 + 02062430 n 0101 + 02062209 n 0101 \ 02062209 n 0101 | of or relating to whales and dolphins etc 02690153 01 a 01 chaetal 0 002 + 01901694 n 0101 \ 01901694 n 0101 | of or relating to chaetae (setae or bristles) 02690270 01 a 02 chaetognathan 0 chaetognathous 0 004 + 01923637 n 0201 \ 01923637 n 0201 + 01923637 n 0101 \ 01923637 n 0101 | of or relating to arrowworms 02690429 01 a 02 chaffy 0 chafflike 0 004 \ 14805899 n 0201 + 14805899 n 0101 + 02999001 n 0101 \ 14805899 n 0101 | abounding in or covered with or resembling or consisting of chaff 02690613 01 a 03 Chaldean 0 Chaldaean 0 Chaldee 0 010 + 09640327 n 0303 \ 08917881 n 0301 + 09640327 n 0202 + 08917503 n 0203 + 08917881 n 0201 \ 08917881 n 0201 + 09640327 n 0101 + 08917503 n 0103 + 08917881 n 0101 \ 08917881 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Chaldea or its people or language or culture 02690922 01 a 01 chalybeate 0 001 \ 14642417 n 0101 | containing or impregnated with or tasting of iron 02691028 01 a 01 chancroidal 0 002 + 14212303 n 0101 \ 14212303 n 0101 | of or relating to or having chancroids 02691142 01 a 01 chancrous 0 002 + 14184067 n 0101 \ 14184067 n 0101 | of or having chancres 02691237 01 a 01 chaotic 0 003 + 06246529 n 0101 \ 06246529 n 0101 ;c 06090869 n 0101 | of or relating to a sensitive dependence on initial conditions 02691390 01 a 01 charitable 0 002 + 04832050 n 0101 \ 01089635 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by charity; "a charitable foundation" 02691531 01 a 03 chartaceous 0 papery 0 paperlike 0 004 \ 14974264 n 0301 + 14974264 n 0201 \ 14974264 n 0201 \ 14974264 n 0101 | of or like paper 02691680 01 a 01 chauvinistic 0 002 + 09912075 n 0101 \ 09911849 n 0101 | of or relating to persons convinced of the superiority of their own gender or kind 02691839 01 a 01 Chechen 0 001 \ 09004625 n 0101 | of or relating to Chechnya or its people or culture 02691944 01 a 01 chelate 1 001 \ 02156532 n 0102 | having or resembling chelae or claws 02692034 01 a 01 cheliferous 0 001 \ 02156532 n 0102 | having chelae 02692105 01 a 02 chelate 2 chelated 0 002 \ 13445831 n 0201 \ 13445831 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by chelation 02692229 01 a 02 cheliceral 0 chelicerate 0 003 \ 01768596 n 0201 + 01768596 n 0101 \ 01768596 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling chelicerae 02692378 01 a 01 chelicerous 0 002 + 01768596 n 0101 \ 01768596 n 0101 | having chelicerae 02692471 01 a 01 chelonian 0 003 + 01662622 n 0101 + 01662274 n 0101 \ 01662274 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling or being a turtle or tortoise 02692624 01 a 02 chemical 0 chemic 0 004 + 06084469 n 0201 \ 06084469 n 0201 + 06084469 n 0101 \ 06084469 n 0101 | relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance" 02692815 01 a 01 photochemical 0 002 + 06090397 n 0101 \ 06090397 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by the effects of light on chemical systems 02692966 01 a 01 chemical 1 003 + 14806838 n 0101 + 06084469 n 0101 \ 14806838 n 0101 | of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer" 02693186 01 a 01 physicochemical 0 001 \ 06089447 n 0101 | relating to physical chemistry 02693278 01 a 01 chemiluminescent 0 002 + 11476767 n 0101 \ 11476767 n 0101 | relating to the phenomenon of chemiluminescence; "fireflies are chemiluminescent" 02693440 01 a 01 chemoreceptive 0 001 \ 05300231 n 0101 | of or relating to chemoreceptors 02693533 01 a 02 chemotherapeutic 0 chemotherapeutical 0 004 + 00662340 n 0201 \ 00662340 n 0201 + 00662340 n 0101 \ 00662340 n 0101 | of or relating to chemotherapy 02693701 01 a 01 cherty 0 002 + 14870525 n 0101 \ 14870525 n 0101 | resembling or containing chert 02693802 01 a 01 Chian 0 002 + 08782976 n 0101 \ 08782976 n 0101 | of or relating to Chios 02693895 01 a 03 chiasmal 0 chiasmic 0 chiasmatic 0 007 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05228496 n 0302 \ 05228496 n 0301 + 05228496 n 0202 \ 05228496 n 0201 + 05228496 n 0102 \ 05228496 n 0101 | of or relating to a chiasm 02694109 01 a 01 childbearing 0 002 + 13448334 n 0102 \ 13448334 n 0101 | relating to or suitable for childbirth; "of childbearing age" 02694247 01 a 03 chimeric 0 chimerical 0 chimeral 0 007 + 09493562 n 0301 + 05769314 n 0301 \ 09493562 n 0301 + 09493562 n 0201 \ 09493562 n 0201 + 05769314 n 0101 \ 09493562 n 0101 | being or relating to or like a chimera; "his Utopia is not as chimeric commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists"- Douglas Bush 02694583 01 a 01 Chippendale 0 001 \ 10896046 n 0101 | of or relating to an 18th-century style of furniture made by Thomas Chippendale; graceful outlines and Greek motifs and massive rococo carvings 02694784 01 a 01 chirpy 0 004 + 07379409 n 0101 \ 07379409 n 0101 ;c 01503061 n 0101 ;c 02159955 n 0101 | (birds or insects) characterized by or tending to chirp 02694948 01 a 01 chitinous 0 002 + 14732722 n 0101 \ 14732722 n 0101 | of or resembling chitin 02695045 01 a 01 chlamydial 0 004 + 14175579 n 0101 + 01372709 n 0101 \ 14175579 n 0101 \ 01372709 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the sexually transmitted infection or to the parasite 02695229 01 a 02 chlorophyllose 0 chlorophyllous 0 003 + 01398212 n 0201 \ 01398212 n 0201 \ 01398212 n 0101 | relating to or being or containing chlorophyll 02695389 01 a 02 chlorotic 0 greensick 0 002 \ 14166775 n 0202 \ 14166775 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or suffering from chlorosis 02695522 01 a 01 choleraic 0 002 + 14129579 n 0101 \ 14129579 n 0101 | relating to or resulting from or resembling cholera 02695647 01 a 01 choragic 0 002 + 09920106 n 0101 \ 09920106 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of a choragus 02695765 01 a 01 chordal 0 002 + 06869951 n 0101 \ 06869951 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or emphasizing chords; "chordal assonance in modern music"; "chordal rather than contrapuntal music" 02695966 01 a 01 chordate 0 002 + 01466257 n 0101 \ 01465994 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Chordata 02696090 01 a 01 Christological 0 004 + 06187013 n 0101 + 06184574 n 0101 \ 06184574 n 0101 \ 06187013 n 0101 | of or relating to Christology 02696234 01 a 01 chromatinic 0 003 + 05436080 n 0101 ! 02696638 a 0101 \ 05436080 n 0101 | (of substance of a cell nucleus) readily colored by stains 02696386 01 a 01 Churchillian 0 002 + 10897312 n 0101 \ 10897312 n 0101 | of or relating to or suggestive of Winston Churchill 02696515 01 a 01 Wilsonian 0 002 + 11390855 n 0101 \ 11390855 n 0101 | of or relating to or suggestive of Woodrow Wilson 02696638 01 a 01 achromatinic 0 003 + 05436381 n 0101 ! 02696234 a 0101 \ 05436381 n 0101 | (of substance of a cell nucleus) not readily colored by stains 02696795 01 a 01 cinematic 0 002 + 06262567 n 0102 \ 06262567 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the cinema 02696920 01 a 02 civil 0 civic 2 002 \ 09923673 n 0201 \ 09923673 n 0101 | of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals; "civil rights"; "civil liberty"; "civic duties"; "civic pride" 02697116 01 a 01 civil 1 001 \ 08168978 n 0101 | of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state; "civil affairs"; "civil strife"; "civil disobedience"; "civil branches of government" 02697329 01 a 01 civic 0 001 \ 08540903 n 0101 | of or relating or belonging to a city; "civic center"; "civic problems" 02697452 01 a 01 municipal 0 002 + 08626283 n 0101 \ 08225581 n 0101 | relating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality; "municipal government"; "municipal bonds"; "a municipal park"; "municipal transportation" 02697677 01 a 01 clamatorial 0 002 + 01547143 n 0101 \ 01547143 n 0101 | of or relating to Clamatores 02697781 01 a 02 cleistogamous 0 cleistogamic 0 002 \ 07439167 n 0201 \ 07439167 n 0101 | exhibiting or relating to cleistogamy 02697911 01 a 01 clerical 0 002 + 08152787 n 0101 \ 08152787 n 0101 | of or relating to the clergy; "clerical collar" 02698031 01 a 01 clerical 1 002 + 09928451 n 0101 \ 09928451 n 0101 | of or relating to clerks; "clerical work" 02698145 01 a 01 classical 0 001 \ 06170371 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome; " a classical scholar" 02698301 01 a 01 clonal 0 001 \ 07940242 n 0101 | of or relating to a clone 02698379 01 a 01 closed-circuit 0 001 \ 03048883 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of a closed circuit; "closed-circuit television" 02698514 01 a 02 cloven-hoofed 0 cloven-footed 0 002 \ 02154264 n 0201 \ 02154264 n 0102 | of or relating to the cloven feet of ruminants or swine 02698663 01 a 01 cloze 0 001 \ 05741139 n 0101 | based on or being a test of reading skill using the cloze procedure 02698782 01 a 01 coastal 0 002 + 09428293 n 0102 \ 09428293 n 0102 | of or relating to a coast; "coastal erosion" 02698898 01 a 01 coccal 0 002 + 01350855 n 0101 \ 01350855 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or resembling a coccus 02699011 01 a 01 coccygeal 0 002 + 05274247 n 0101 \ 05274247 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the coccyx 02699121 01 a 01 coin-operated 0 001 \ 04243941 n 0102 | of devices that do not operate without the prior insertion of one or more coins; "a coin-operated telephone" 02699289 01 a 02 collagenous 0 collagenic 0 004 + 05287090 n 0201 \ 05287090 n 0201 + 05287090 n 0101 \ 05287090 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of collagen 02699451 01 a 01 collarless 0 001 \ 03068181 n 0101 | without a collar 02699524 01 a 02 collegiate 0 collegial 2 005 + 08278324 n 0201 + 08278169 n 0201 + 03069752 n 0201 \ 08278169 n 0201 \ 08278169 n 0101 | of or resembling or typical of a college or college students; "collegiate living"; "collegiate attitudes"; "collegiate clothes" 02699792 01 a 01 collegial 0 002 + 09936215 n 0101 \ 09935990 n 0101 | characterized by or having authority vested equally among colleagues; "collegial harmony"; "a tendency to turn from collegial to one-man management"- Merle Fainsod 02700029 01 a 01 colonial 0 004 + 09937688 n 0101 + 08499840 n 0101 + 08374049 n 0101 \ 08374049 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony 02700199 01 a 01 colonial 1 002 + 07995856 n 0101 \ 07995856 n 0101 | of animals who live in colonies, such as ants 02700317 01 a 01 colonic 0 003 + 00696147 n 0102 + 05535869 n 0101 \ 05535869 n 0101 | of or relating to the colon 02700434 01 a 01 colorectal 0 002 \ 05535869 n 0101 \ 05537806 n 0101 | relating to or affecting the colon and the rectum; "most colorectal cancers arise from adenomatous polyps" 02700615 01 a 02 colorimetric 0 colorimetrical 0 005 + 00647536 n 0201 \ 00647536 n 0201 + 00647536 n 0101 + 03071552 n 0101 \ 00647536 n 0101 | of or relating to colorimetry 02700792 01 a 01 commensal 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 01386182 n 0101 \ 13842241 n 0101 | living in a state of commensalism 02700918 01 a 01 communal 2 002 + 02295979 v 0101 \ 08541609 n 0101 | relating to a small administrative district or community; "communal elections in several European countries" 02701099 01 a 01 composite 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11915214 n 0101 \ 11911591 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae 02701253 01 a 01 conceptualistic 0 002 + 05969537 n 0101 \ 05969537 n 0101 | involving or characteristic of conceptualism 02701377 01 a 01 concretistic 0 002 + 05941037 n 0101 \ 05941037 n 0101 | of or relating to concrete representations of abstractions; "a concretistic-seeming statement" 02701548 01 a 01 condylar 0 002 + 05471629 n 0101 \ 05471629 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a condyle 02701662 01 a 01 configurational 0 001 \ 05731779 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by configuration 02701775 01 a 01 confrontational 0 004 + 07181713 n 0101 + 07231728 n 0101 + 07181043 n 0101 \ 01169744 n 0101 | of or relating to confrontation 02701922 01 a 01 congregational 0 001 \ 07991364 n 0101 | relating to or conducted or participated in by a congregation; "congregational membership"; "congregational singing" 02702099 01 a 01 conjunctival 0 002 + 05315095 n 0101 \ 05315095 n 0101 | of or relating to the conjunctiva 02702209 01 a 01 consonantal 0 002 + 07115021 n 0101 \ 07115021 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of a consonant 02702332 01 a 01 constitutional 0 001 \ 04933544 n 0101 | of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup; "constitutional walk" 02702473 01 a 01 consubstantial 0 003 ;c 06184270 n 0000 + 06188292 n 0101 \ 06188292 n 0101 | regarded as the same in substance or essence (as of the three persons of the Trinity) 02702656 01 a 01 contractual 0 002 + 06520944 n 0101 \ 06520944 n 0101 | relating to or part of a binding legal agreement; "contractual obligations" 02702807 01 a 01 cosmic 0 002 + 09466280 n 0105 \ 09466280 n 0105 | of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe; "cosmic laws"; "cosmic catastrophe"; "cosmic rays" 02703001 01 a 02 cosmologic 1 cosmological 1 004 + 06163223 n 0201 \ 06163223 n 0201 + 06163223 n 0101 \ 06163223 n 0101 | pertaining to the branch of philosophy dealing with the elements and laws and especially the characteristics of the universe such as space and time and causality; "cosmologic philosophy"; "a cosmological argument is an argument that the universe demands the admission of an adequate external cause which is God" 02703438 01 a 05 cosmologic 0 cosmological 0 cosmogonic 0 cosmogonical 0 cosmogenic 0 009 \ 06098195 n 0503 + 06098195 n 0402 \ 06098195 n 0402 + 06098195 n 0302 \ 06098195 n 0302 + 06098195 n 0201 \ 06098195 n 0201 + 06098195 n 0101 \ 06098195 n 0101 | pertaining to the branch of astronomy dealing with the origin and history and structure and dynamics of the universe; "cosmologic science"; "cosmological redshift"; "cosmogonic theories of the origin of the universe" 02703911 01 a 01 cordless 0 001 \ 03106898 n 0101 | not having a cord; "cordless telephone" 02704005 01 a 02 coreferential 0 co-referent 0 002 + 13799063 n 0101 \ 13799063 n 0101 | relating to coreference 02704120 01 a 02 cormous 0 cormose 0 003 \ 13134680 n 0201 + 13134680 n 0101 \ 13134680 n 0101 | having or producing corms 02704245 01 a 01 corneal 0 002 + 05317354 n 0101 \ 05317354 n 0101 | of or related to the cornea 02704344 01 a 01 Cornish 0 001 \ 08881398 n 0101 | of or related to Cornwall or its people or the Cornish language 02704461 01 a 01 correlational 0 004 + 13841651 n 0101 + 06031248 n 0101 + 06032246 n 0103 \ 13841651 n 0101 | relating to or employing correlation 02704611 01 a 01 corymbose 0 001 \ 13131282 n 0101 | resembling a corymb 02704686 01 a 01 corinthian 0 003 + 09711320 n 0101 + 08786432 n 0101 \ 08786432 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Corinth or its inhabitants 02704844 01 a 01 costal 0 004 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05592126 n 0101 + 05279026 n 0102 \ 05279026 n 0101 | of or relating to or near a rib 02704983 01 a 01 intercostal 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05552287 n 0101 \ 05279026 n 0101 | located or occurring between the ribs; "intercostal muscles" 02705138 01 a 01 intertidal 0 001 \ 08596076 n 0101 | of or relating to the littoral area above the low-tide mark 02705254 01 a 01 covalent 0 003 + 05034761 n 0102 + 05034761 n 0101 \ 05034761 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by covalence; "covalent bond" 02705409 01 a 01 cross-ply 0 001 \ 03971422 n 0101 | of or relating to an older kind of automobile tire that had a flexible tread and relatively stiff sidewalls 02705572 01 a 01 cross-pollinating 0 001 \ 07438792 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of cross-pollination 02705692 01 a 01 croupy 0 002 + 14174011 n 0101 \ 14174011 n 0101 | resembling or arising from or indicating croup 02705809 01 a 01 crural 0 002 + 05561390 n 0101 \ 05561390 n 0101 | of or relating the leg from the knee to the foot 02705928 01 a 01 crustal 0 001 \ 09260010 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the crust of the earth or moon 02706051 01 a 01 crustaceous 0 001 \ 09260218 n 0101 | being or having or resembling a hard crust or shell 02706160 01 a 02 crustaceous 1 crustacean 0 003 \ 01974399 n 0201 + 01974399 n 0101 \ 01974399 n 0101 | of or belonging to the class Crustacea 02706305 01 a 01 crustose 0 001 \ 09260218 n 0101 | (of lichens) having a thin crusty thallus that adheres closely to the surface on which it is growing; "crustose lichens" 02706480 01 a 01 cryogenic 0 002 + 06098687 n 0101 \ 14826328 n 0101 | of or relating to very low temperatures 02706593 01 a 01 cryonic 0 002 + 06070179 n 0101 \ 06070179 n 0101 | of or relating to cryonics 02706691 01 a 05 cryptanalytic 0 cryptographic 0 cryptographical 0 cryptologic 0 cryptological 0 010 + 06172502 n 0504 \ 06172502 n 0504 + 06172502 n 0404 \ 06172502 n 0404 + 06172502 n 0303 + 00614489 n 0301 \ 06172502 n 0303 \ 06172502 n 0203 + 06172502 n 0101 \ 06172502 n 0101 | of or relating to cryptanalysis 02707008 01 a 02 cryptogamic 0 cryptogamous 0 004 + 11552133 n 0201 \ 11552133 n 0201 + 11552133 n 0101 \ 11552133 n 0101 | of or relating to a cryptogam 02707164 01 a 01 cryptobiotic 0 002 + 14063475 n 0101 \ 14063475 n 0101 | of or related to the state of cryptobiosis 02707283 01 a 02 ctenoid 0 comb-like 0 002 \ 03074855 n 0201 \ 01918585 n 0101 | resembling a comb; having projections like the teeth of a comb 02707429 01 a 01 cubital 0 002 + 05579944 n 0104 \ 05579944 n 0104 | of or relating to the elbow 02707528 01 a 01 cucurbitaceous 0 002 + 12157276 n 0101 \ 12157276 n 0101 | of or relating to plants of the family Cucurbitaceae 02707659 01 a 01 culinary 0 001 \ 07571324 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in cooking 02707750 01 a 01 cuneiform 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05281874 n 0101 | of or relating to the tarsal bones (or other wedge-shaped bones) 02707889 01 a 02 cupric 0 cuprous 0 003 \ 14635722 n 0201 + 14635722 n 0101 \ 14635722 n 0101 | of or containing divalent copper 02708020 01 a 01 curricular 0 002 + 06676416 n 0104 \ 06676416 n 0104 | of or relating to an academic course of study 02708140 01 a 01 custard-like 0 001 \ 07619004 n 0101 | resembling custard in consistency 02708232 01 a 01 cyclic 0 002 ;c 06114578 n 0000 \ 07341665 n 0101 | conforming to the Carnot cycle 02708334 01 a 02 cytoarchitectural 0 cytoarchitectonic 0 004 + 04933197 n 0201 \ 04933197 n 0202 + 04933197 n 0101 \ 04933197 n 0101 | of or relating to cytoarchitecture 02708506 01 a 01 cytolytic 0 002 + 13455086 n 0101 \ 13455086 n 0101 | of or relating to cytolysis, the dissolution or destruction of a cell 02708649 01 a 01 cytophotometric 0 001 \ 01003435 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of cells by means of a cytophotometer 02708776 01 a 02 cytoplasmic 0 cytoplasmatic 0 004 + 05432948 n 0201 \ 05432948 n 0201 + 05432948 n 0101 \ 05432948 n 0101 | of or relating to cytoplasm 02708931 01 a 01 cytoplastic 0 002 + 05432948 n 0101 \ 05433400 n 0101 | of or relating to a cytoplast 02709036 01 a 01 bicylindrical 0 001 \ 13899804 n 0101 | having two cylindrical surfaces usually with parallel axes; "certain lenses are bicylindrical" 02709190 01 a 01 cystic 0 002 + 14202996 n 0101 \ 14202996 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a cyst 02709299 01 a 01 cystic 1 002 + 05517578 n 0102 \ 05517578 n 0102 | of or relating to a normal cyst (as the gallbladder or urinary bladder) 02709441 01 a 02 cytogenetic 0 cytogenetical 0 004 + 06070738 n 0201 \ 06070738 n 0201 + 13454950 n 0101 \ 06070738 n 0101 | of or relating to cytogenetics 02709599 01 a 01 cytokinetic 0 001 \ 13504497 n 0101 | of or relating to the division of the cytoplasm of a cell following the division of the nucleus 02709752 01 a 02 cytological 0 cytologic 0 004 + 06070503 n 0201 \ 06070503 n 0201 + 06070503 n 0101 \ 06070503 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of cytology 02709917 01 a 01 cytotoxic 0 002 + 15035367 n 0101 \ 15035367 n 0101 | of or relating to substances that are toxic to cells 02710043 01 a 05 czarist 0 czaristic 0 tsarist 0 tsaristic 0 tzarist 0 007 \ 09987161 n 0501 + 09987239 n 0402 \ 09987161 n 0401 \ 09987161 n 0301 + 09987239 n 0201 \ 09987161 n 0201 \ 09987161 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a czar 02710294 01 a 01 deductive 0 003 + 00944924 v 0101 + 00636574 v 0101 \ 05774129 n 0101 | relating to logical deduction; "deductive reasoning" 02710438 01 a 01 deliverable 0 001 \ 00317207 n 0101 | suitable for or ready for delivery 02710530 01 a 01 Democratic 0 002 + 08361329 n 0101 \ 10002031 n 0101 | belong to or relating to the Democratic Party; "Democratic senator" 02710672 01 a 01 Demotic 1 002 + 06976833 n 0102 \ 06976833 n 0102 | of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek based on colloquial use 02710825 01 a 01 denominational 0 001 \ 08146782 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a particular religious denomination; "denominational politics" 02710981 01 a 01 denominational 1 001 \ 08006989 n 0101 | relating to the face value of a banknote, coin, or stamp 02711098 01 a 01 dental 0 001 \ 05282746 n 0101 | of or relating to the teeth; "dental floss" 02711194 01 a 01 dental 1 001 \ 06047430 n 0101 | of or relating to dentistry; "dental student" 02711292 01 a 02 despotic 0 despotical 0 004 + 10735298 n 0203 \ 10735298 n 0203 + 10735298 n 0103 \ 10735298 n 0103 | belonging to or having the characteristics of a despot 02711468 01 a 01 diagonalizable 0 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 \ 08268962 n 0101 | capable of being transformed into a diagonal matrix 02711599 01 a 01 diamagnetic 0 002 + 11479816 n 0101 \ 11479816 n 0101 | relating to or exhibiting diamagnetism; slightly repelled by a magnet 02711744 01 a 01 diamantine 0 001 \ 14834563 n 0101 | consisting of diamonds or resembling diamonds 02711846 01 a 03 diametral 0 diametric 0 diametrical 0 009 + 13871717 n 0301 + 05101815 n 0301 \ 13871717 n 0301 + 13871717 n 0201 + 05101815 n 0201 \ 13871717 n 0201 + 13871717 n 0101 + 05101815 n 0101 \ 13871717 n 0101 | related to or along a diameter; "the diametral plane" 02712125 01 a 02 diaphoretic 0 sudorific 0 004 \ 13535261 n 0204 + 03188979 n 0101 + 13535261 n 0103 \ 13535261 n 0103 | inducing perspiration 02712270 01 a 01 diastolic 0 002 + 07401236 n 0101 \ 07401236 n 0101 | of or relating to a diastole or happening during a diastole 02712403 01 a 01 dicarboxylic 0 001 \ 14790796 n 0101 | containing two carboxyls per molecule 02712499 01 a 01 Dickensian 0 002 + 10934410 n 0101 \ 10934410 n 0101 | of or like the novels of Charles Dickens (especially with regard to poor social and economic conditions) 02712678 01 a 01 dictatorial 0 002 + 10011902 n 0101 \ 10011902 n 0101 | of or characteristic of a dictator; "dictatorial powers" 02712810 01 a 01 differentiable 0 001 \ 06014730 n 0103 | possessing a differential coefficient or derivative 02712922 01 a 01 differential 0 004 + 04749310 n 0101 + 13859307 n 0101 + 04748836 n 0101 \ 04748836 n 0101 | relating to or showing a difference; "differential treatment" 02713096 01 a 01 digital 0 002 + 05566097 n 0101 \ 05566097 n 0101 | relating to or performed with the fingers; "digital examination" 02713232 01 a 01 digital 1 001 \ 13741022 n 0101 | displaying numbers rather than scale positions; "digital clock"; "digital readout" 02713368 01 a 02 dimorphic 0 dimorphous 0 004 \ 11492643 n 0201 \ 11493083 n 0201 \ 11492643 n 0101 \ 11493083 n 0101 | occurring or existing in two different forms; "dimorphic crystals"; "dimorphous organisms" 02713581 01 a 01 Dionysian 0 003 ;c 07979425 n 0000 + 09558898 n 0101 \ 09558898 n 0101 | of or relating to or worshipping Dionysus 02713715 01 a 01 diplomatic 0 002 + 07148573 n 0101 \ 07148573 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of diplomacy; "diplomatic immunity" 02713855 01 a 01 dipterous 0 002 + 02188065 n 0101 \ 02188065 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the Diptera 02713974 01 a 01 directional 0 003 + 05066626 n 0102 ! 02714141 a 0101 \ 13827426 n 0101 | relating to or indicating directions in space; "a directional microphone" 02714141 01 a 01 omnidirectional 0 002 ! 02713974 a 0101 \ 13827426 n 0101 | not directional; "omnidirectional antenna" 02714263 01 a 01 directional 1 001 \ 01133281 n 0102 | relating to direction toward a (nonspatial) goal; "he tried to explain the directional trends of modern science" 02714433 01 a 01 discomycetous 0 002 + 13028337 n 0101 \ 13028611 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of fungi of the subclass Discomycetes 02714578 01 a 01 distributional 0 001 \ 05087297 n 0101 | of or relating to spatial distribution; "distributional requirements" 02714708 01 a 01 dithyrambic 0 001 \ 07239428 n 0101 | of or in the manner of a dithyramb 02714800 01 a 01 dramatic 0 003 + 07007945 n 0102 + 06376154 n 0101 \ 07007945 n 0102 | pertaining to or characteristic of drama; "dramatic arts" 02714948 01 a 01 drupaceous 0 002 + 13138308 n 0101 \ 13138308 n 0101 | of or related to a drupe 02715047 01 a 01 dumpy 0 002 + 08560027 n 0101 \ 08560027 n 0101 | resembling a garbage dump 02715142 01 a 01 dural 0 002 + 05482529 n 0102 \ 05482529 n 0101 | of or relating to the dura mater 02715244 01 a 01 dynastic 0 002 + 07971582 n 0101 \ 07971582 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a dynasty 02715365 01 a 02 dysgenic 0 cacogenic 0 005 + 06042690 n 0202 \ 06042690 n 0202 + 06042690 n 0101 ! 02715949 a 0101 \ 06042690 n 0101 | pertaining to or causing degeneration in the offspring produced 02715567 01 a 01 dysplastic 0 002 + 14365950 n 0101 \ 14365950 n 0101 | relating to or evidencing dysplasia 02715677 01 a 01 Ephesian 0 001 \ 08788326 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Ephesus or its people or language or culture 02715802 01 a 01 Eucharistic 0 002 + 01035853 n 0102 \ 01035853 n 0102 | of or relating to the sacrament of the Eucharist; "the Eucharistic cup" 02715949 01 a 01 eugenic 0 003 + 06042486 n 0101 ! 02715365 a 0101 \ 06042486 n 0101 | pertaining to or causing improvement in the offspring produced 02716101 01 a 02 Eurocentric 0 Europocentric 0 003 \ 06201778 n 0201 + 06201778 n 0101 \ 06201778 n 0101 | focussed on Europe and the Europeans 02716247 01 a 01 eutrophic 0 002 ;c 06070929 n 0101 \ 13476590 n 0101 | (ecology) of a lake or other body of water rich in nutrients and subject to eutrophication 02716412 01 a 01 Ebionite 0 001 \ 10349836 n 0102 | of or relating to the Ebionites or their religion 02716516 01 a 01 ebracteate 0 002 ! 02669616 a 0101 \ 13154841 n 0101 | without bracts 02716605 01 a 01 economic 0 002 + 08366753 n 0101 \ 06149484 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of economics; "economic theory" 02716739 01 a 02 economic 1 economical 0 004 + 08366753 n 0201 \ 08366753 n 0201 + 08366753 n 0101 \ 08366753 n 0101 | of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth; "economic growth"; "aspects of social, political, and economical life" 02717021 01 a 01 socioeconomic 0 001 \ 02716605 a 0101 | involving social as well as economic factors; "socioeconomic status" 02717149 01 a 01 ectopic 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05081660 n 0101 \ 05081660 n 0101 | exhibiting ectopia 02717258 01 a 01 editorial 0 001 \ 06268567 n 0102 | of or relating to an article stating opinions or giving perspectives; "editorial column" 02717402 01 a 01 editorial 1 002 + 10044879 n 0101 \ 10044879 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of an editor; "editorial duties" 02717538 01 a 01 electoral 0 003 + 00181781 n 0101 + 00180962 n 0101 \ 00180962 n 0101 | of or relating to elections; "electoral process" 02717678 01 a 01 electrocardiographic 0 001 \ 02963503 n 0102 | of or relating to an electrocardiograph 02717784 01 a 01 electrochemical 0 002 + 06089857 n 0101 \ 06089857 n 0101 | of or involving electrochemistry 02717896 01 a 01 electroencephalographic 0 001 \ 03275311 n 0101 | of or relating to an electroencephalograph 02718008 01 a 01 electrolytic 0 002 + 14847929 n 0101 \ 03275681 n 0102 | of or relating to or containing an electrolyte 02718131 01 a 01 electrolytic 1 002 + 13472125 n 0101 \ 13472125 n 0101 | of or concerned with or produced by electrolysis 02718256 01 a 01 electromechanical 0 001 \ 03276574 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving an electrically operated mechanical device 02718393 01 a 01 electromotive 0 001 \ 11443532 n 0102 | concerned with or producing electric current 02718497 01 a 01 electronic 0 002 + 06099269 n 0101 \ 06099269 n 0101 | of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons; "electronic devices" 02718719 01 a 01 electronic 1 002 + 06099269 n 0101 \ 09271904 n 0101 | of or concerned with electrons; "electronic energy" 02718845 01 a 02 electrophoretic 0 cataphoretic 0 004 + 13472518 n 0202 \ 13472518 n 0202 + 13472518 n 0101 \ 13472518 n 0101 | of or relating to electrophoresis 02719009 01 a 02 electrostatic 0 static 0 003 \ 11514462 n 0201 + 06100101 n 0101 \ 11514462 n 0101 | concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity; "an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static electricity" 02719244 01 a 01 elegiac 0 001 \ 06379568 n 0101 | resembling or characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy; "an elegiac poem on a friend's death" 02719395 01 a 01 elemental 0 001 \ 14622893 n 0102 | relating to or being an element; "elemental sulphur" 02719503 01 a 01 elemental 2 001 \ 11525303 n 0101 | relating to severe atmospheric conditions; "a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe"- J.K.Howard 02719685 01 a 01 elementary 0 001 \ 08412749 n 0103 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of elementary school or elementary education; "the elementary grades"; "elementary teachers" 02719872 01 a 01 elfin 0 001 \ 09540739 n 0101 | relating to or made or done by or as if by an elf; "elfin bells"; "all the little creatures joined in the elfin dance" 02720042 01 a 02 empyrean 0 empyreal 0 003 + 08521267 n 0203 \ 08521267 n 0203 \ 08521267 n 0103 | of or relating to the sky or heavens; "the empyrean sphere" 02720203 01 a 01 emulous 0 001 \ 01021270 n 0101 | characterized by or arising from emulation or imitation 02720312 01 a 02 eonian 0 aeonian 0 004 + 15243730 n 0202 \ 15243730 n 0201 + 15243730 n 0101 \ 15243730 n 0101 | of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era) 02720484 01 a 02 epenthetic 0 parasitic 0 002 \ 07117788 n 0201 \ 07117788 n 0101 | of or pertaining to epenthesis 02720601 01 a 02 epidural 0 extradural 0 002 \ 05482529 n 0201 \ 05482529 n 0101 | on or outside the dura mater 02720715 01 a 01 epigastric 0 002 + 05396071 n 0101 \ 05396071 n 0101 | lying on or over the stomach 02720818 01 a 01 epigastric 1 002 + 05396071 n 0101 \ 05604434 n 0101 | of or relating to the anterior walls of the abdomen; "epigastric artery" 02720965 01 a 01 epilithic 0 001 \ 14696793 n 0102 | growing on stone; "epilithic mosses" 02721057 01 a 02 episcopal 0 pontifical 0 003 \ 09857200 n 0201 + 09857200 n 0101 \ 09857200 n 0101 | denoting or governed by or relating to a bishop or bishops 02721220 01 a 01 equestrian 0 002 + 10185793 n 0102 \ 00299217 n 0102 | of or relating to or featuring horseback riding 02721342 01 a 01 equestrian 1 001 \ 10238375 n 0101 | of or relating to or composed of knights 02721439 01 a 01 equine 1 002 + 02374149 n 0101 \ 02373601 n 0101 | of or belonging to the family Equidae 02721547 01 a 01 equine 0 001 \ 02374451 n 0101 | resembling a horse 02721618 01 a 01 equinoctial 0 002 + 15223343 n 0101 \ 15223343 n 0101 | relating to an equinox (when the lengths of night and day are equal) 02721762 01 a 01 equinoctial 1 002 + 08520190 n 0104 \ 08568719 n 0101 | relating to the vicinity of the equator 02721877 01 a 01 ergonomic 0 002 + 06126523 n 0103 \ 06126523 n 0103 | of or relating to ergonomics 02721979 01 a 01 ergotic 0 002 + 12965626 n 0101 \ 12965626 n 0101 | relating to or produced by ergot 02722083 01 a 01 ergotropic 0 002 + 00861894 n 0101 \ 00861894 n 0101 | of or relating to ergotropism 02722187 01 a 01 eruptive 0 001 \ 14321469 n 0101 | producing or characterized by eruptions; "an eruptive disease" 02722304 01 a 01 erythematous 0 002 + 14226303 n 0101 \ 14226303 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by erythema 02722421 01 a 01 erythroid 0 001 \ 05454070 n 0103 | relating to erythrocytes 02722501 01 a 01 erythropoietic 0 002 + 13476111 n 0101 \ 13476111 n 0101 | of or relating to the formation of red blood cells 02722630 01 a 01 eschatological 0 002 + 06183162 n 0101 \ 06183162 n 0101 | of or relating to or dealing with or regarding the ultimate destiny of mankind and the world 02722801 01 a 01 esophageal 0 002 + 05533948 n 0101 \ 05533948 n 0101 | relating to the esophagus 02722901 01 a 01 Essene 0 001 \ 09655354 n 0101 | said of or relating to the Essenes 02722988 01 a 01 essential 0 003 + 15110096 n 0101 + 05171045 n 0102 \ 15110096 n 0101 | being or relating to or containing the essence of a plant etc; "essential oil" 02723158 01 a 01 Estonian 0 003 + 06957896 n 0101 + 09012297 n 0101 \ 09012297 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Estonia or the people or culture of Estonia 02723312 01 a 01 estrogenic 0 002 + 14749794 n 0101 \ 14749794 n 0101 | relating to or caused by estrogen 02723420 01 a 02 estuarine 0 estuarial 0 003 + 09274500 n 0201 \ 09274500 n 0201 \ 09274500 n 0101 | of or relating to or found in estuaries 02723563 01 a 01 ethical 0 002 + 06159473 n 0101 \ 06159473 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical study of ethics; "ethical codes"; "ethical theories" 02723723 01 a 01 evidentiary 0 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 06643408 n 0101 \ 06643408 n 0101 | pertaining to or constituting evidence; "evidentiary technique"; "an evidentiary fact" 02723904 01 a 01 excrescent 0 003 + 13894434 n 010c + 05603650 n 0101 \ 14234074 n 0101 | forming an outgrowth (usually an excessive outgrowth) 02724050 01 a 01 excretory 0 002 + 00072989 v 0101 \ 13473097 n 0103 | of or relating to the process of excretion 02724166 01 a 02 exegetic 0 exegetical 0 004 + 07171940 n 0201 \ 07171940 n 0201 + 07171940 n 0101 \ 07171940 n 0101 | relating to exegesis 02724308 01 a 01 exilic 0 002 + 10071139 n 0101 \ 00207761 n 0101 | of or relating to a period of exile (especially the exile of the Jews known as the Babylonian Captivity) 02724483 01 a 01 existential 0 002 + 13954253 n 0103 \ 13954253 n 0103 | relating to or dealing with existence (especially with human existence) 02724630 01 a 01 existential 1 001 \ 05970755 n 0101 | of or as conceived by existentialism; "an existential moment of choice" 02724759 01 a 01 existentialist 0 001 \ 05970755 n 0101 | relating to or involving existentialism; "existentialist movement"; "existentialist philosophy"; "the existentialist character of his ideas" 02724960 01 a 01 extropic 0 002 + 06749267 n 0101 \ 06749267 n 0101 | of or relating to extropy 02725058 01 a 01 facial 1 002 + 08510666 n 0102 \ 08510666 n 0102 | of or pertaining to the outside surface of an object 02725181 01 a 02 factor_analytical 0 factor_analytic 0 003 \ 06030196 n 0201 + 06030196 n 0101 \ 06030196 n 0101 | of or relating to or the product of factor analysis 02725350 01 a 01 factorial 0 002 + 05859811 n 0101 \ 05859811 n 0101 | of or relating to factorials 02725452 01 a 01 facultative 0 001 \ 05650329 n 0101 | of or relating to the mental faculties 02725548 01 a 01 Fahrenheit(ip) 0 001 \ 13852820 n 0101 | of or relating to a temperature scale proposed by the inventor of the mercury thermometer; "water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit under normal conditions" 02725764 01 a 01 fanged 0 001 \ 01465472 n 0101 | having fangs 02725829 01 a 01 federal 2 001 \ 08052549 n 0101 | of or relating to the central government of a federation; "a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government" 02726017 01 a 01 femoral 0 003 + 05573895 n 0101 \ 05573895 n 0101 \ 05562249 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the femur or thigh 02726151 01 a 01 fenestral 0 001 \ 04587648 n 0101 | of or relating to windows 02726232 01 a 01 fenestral 1 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05325378 n 0101 | of or relating to or having a fenestra 02726345 01 a 01 fermentable 0 001 \ 13575433 n 0103 | capable of being fermented 02726429 01 a 02 ferric 0 ferrous 0 002 \ 14642417 n 0201 \ 14642417 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing iron 02726546 01 a 02 feudal 0 feudalistic 0 004 + 07972425 n 0201 \ 07972425 n 0201 + 07972425 n 0101 \ 07972425 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of feudalism 02726715 01 a 02 febrile 0 feverish 0 004 + 14365356 n 0205 \ 14365356 n 0201 ! 02726921 a 0101 \ 14365356 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by fever; "a febrile reaction caused by an allergen" 02726921 01 a 01 afebrile 0 002 ! 02726715 a 0101 \ 14365356 n 0101 | having no fever 02727009 01 a 04 fiber-optic 0 fiberoptic 0 fibre-optic 0 fibreoptic 0 008 + 06280816 n 0404 \ 06280816 n 0404 + 06280816 n 0301 \ 06280816 n 0303 + 06280816 n 0202 \ 06280816 n 0202 + 06280816 n 0101 \ 06280816 n 0101 | of or relating to fiber optics 02727263 01 a 01 fibrillose 0 001 \ 14867858 n 0101 | covered with fibrils more or less evenly disposed 02727369 01 a 01 fibrinous 0 002 + 14733941 n 0101 \ 14733941 n 0101 | characterized by the presence of fibrin 02727482 01 a 01 fibrocartilaginous 0 001 \ 05288593 n 0101 | of or relating to fibrocartilage 02727579 01 a 01 fictile 0 001 \ 00609868 n 0101 | of or relating to the craft of pottery; "the fictile art"; "fictile ware" 02727706 01 a 01 fictional 0 003 + 06367107 n 0101 ! 02727912 a 0101 \ 06367107 n 0101 | related to or involving literary fiction; "clever fictional devices"; "a fictional treatment of the train robbery" 02727912 01 a 01 nonfictional 0 002 ! 02727706 a 0101 \ 06367571 n 0101 | not fictional 02728002 01 a 01 field-crop 0 001 \ 13086556 n 0101 | of or relating to field crops; "field-crop management" 02728113 01 a 01 filar 0 002 + 05229468 n 0102 \ 14867858 n 0102 | related to or having filaments (especially across a field of view as in the eyepiece of a telescope); "a filar eyepiece" 02728303 01 a 01 bifilar 0 001 \ 02728113 a 0101 | having or using two filaments; "a bifilar suspension of a waving part of an instrument" 02728444 01 a 01 unifilar 0 001 \ 02728113 a 0101 | having or using only one filament 02728532 01 a 01 filarial 0 002 + 01933478 n 0101 \ 01933478 n 0101 | related to or infested with or transmitting parasitic worms especially filaria 02728683 01 a 01 filariid 0 002 ;c 06083243 n 0000 \ 01933342 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to the family Filariidae 02728812 01 a 02 fisheye 0 wide-angle 0 002 \ 04583212 n 0201 \ 04583212 n 0102 | of or relating to a fisheye lens 02728929 01 a 01 fishy 0 002 + 02512053 n 0101 \ 02512053 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling fish; "the soup had a fishy smell" 02729065 01 a 01 fistulous 0 002 + 05548032 n 0101 \ 05548032 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or resembling a fistula 02729182 01 a 02 flaky 0 flakey 0 004 + 09222051 n 0203 \ 09222051 n 0203 + 09222051 n 0103 \ 09222051 n 0103 | made of or resembling flakes; "flaky soap" 02729339 01 a 02 fleshy 0 sarcoid 0 002 + 05268112 n 0101 \ 05268112 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling flesh 02729457 01 a 01 flinty 0 002 + 14871078 n 0101 \ 14871078 n 0101 | containing flint 02729544 01 a 01 floricultural 0 002 + 00921399 n 0102 \ 00921399 n 0102 | of or relating to or involving floriculture 02729665 01 a 01 flowery 0 002 + 11669921 n 0101 \ 11669921 n 0101 | of or relating to or suggestive of flowers; "a flowery hat"; "flowery wine" 02729812 01 a 01 fluvial 0 001 \ 09411430 n 0101 | of or relating to or happening in a river; "fluvial deposits" 02729927 01 a 02 foliate 2 foliated 0 003 ;c 06123363 n 0000 \ 13152742 n 0203 \ 13152742 n 0103 | ornamented with foliage or foils; "foliate tracery"; "a foliated capital" 02730102 01 a 01 foliaceous 0 001 \ 13152742 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or resembling the leaf of a plant 02730212 01 a 01 forcipate 0 001 \ 03381231 n 0101 | shaped like a forceps; deeply forked 02730304 01 a 03 formalistic 0 formalized 0 formalised 0 008 ;c 05946687 n 0000 ;c 00933420 n 0000 \ 00411717 n 0301 \ 00411717 n 0201 + 05961867 n 0101 + 05971621 n 0101 + 00411717 n 0101 \ 00411717 n 0101 | concerned with or characterized by rigorous adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art); "highly formalized plays like `Waiting for Godot'" 02730673 01 a 01 formic 0 001 \ 14873344 n 0101 | of or containing or derived from formic acid 02730770 01 a 01 formic 1 001 \ 02219486 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from ants 02730861 01 a 01 formulary 0 002 + 06816935 n 0101 \ 06816935 n 0101 | of or relating to or of the nature of a formula 02730982 01 a 01 fossil 0 001 \ 09284589 n 0101 | characteristic of a fossil 02731061 01 a 01 fossiliferous 0 001 \ 09284589 n 0101 | bearing or containing fossils; "fossiliferous strata" 02731174 01 a 02 three-wheel 0 three-wheeled 0 002 \ 04574999 n 0201 \ 04574999 n 0101 | of or relating to vehicles having three wheels; "a three-wheel bike" 02731334 01 a 01 fourhanded 0 002 ;c 00488225 n 0000 \ 00488225 n 0101 | (of card games) involving or requiring four players 02731461 01 a 02 four-wheel 0 four-wheeled 0 002 \ 04574999 n 0201 \ 04574999 n 0101 | of or relating to vehicles with four wheels; "a four-wheel drive" 02731616 01 a 01 Frankish 0 001 \ 09688804 n 0101 | of or relating to the Franks 02731699 01 a 01 fraternal 1 002 + 08229467 n 0101 \ 08075388 n 0101 | of or relating to a fraternity or society of usually men; "a fraternal order" 02731850 01 a 01 fretted 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 02731953 a 0101 \ 03396074 n 0101 | having frets 02731953 01 a 01 unfretted 0 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 ! 02731850 a 0101 \ 03396074 n 0101 | without frets 02732059 01 a 01 frictional 0 003 + 11459538 n 0101 + 00712031 n 0101 \ 11459538 n 0101 | pertaining to or worked or produced by friction; "frictional electricity"; "frictional heat"; "frictional gearing" 02732266 01 a 01 frictionless 0 001 \ 11459538 n 0101 | lacking all friction; "a perpetual motion machine would have to be frictionless" 02732405 01 a 01 Frisian 0 003 + 08951777 n 0101 \ 08951385 n 0101 \ 08951777 n 0101 | of or relating to the people or culture or language of Friesland or Frisia 02732569 01 a 02 Galilean 0 Galilaean 0 008 + 10117957 n 0202 + 08793914 n 0201 \ 10117957 n 0201 \ 08793914 n 0201 + 10117957 n 0101 + 08793914 n 0101 \ 10117957 n 0101 \ 08793914 n 0101 | of or relating to Galilee or its inhabitants 02732806 01 a 01 Galilean 1 003 + 10987724 n 0101 + 08793914 n 0101 \ 10987724 n 0101 | of or relating to Galileo or his works 02732935 01 a 01 Gallican 0 001 \ 08475070 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Gallicanism 02733034 01 a 01 garlicky 0 003 + 12434775 n 0101 + 07818277 n 0101 \ 07818277 n 0101 | relating to or tasting or smelling of garlic; "garlicky sauce" 02733187 01 a 03 gastric 0 stomachic 0 stomachal 0 005 + 05556943 n 0303 \ 05395690 n 0301 + 05395690 n 0201 \ 05395690 n 0201 \ 05395690 n 0101 | relating to or involving the stomach; "gastric ulcer" 02733390 01 a 01 gastroduodenal 0 002 \ 05395690 n 0101 \ 05534955 n 0101 | of or relating to the stomach and the duodenum 02733515 01 a 01 gastroesophageal 0 002 \ 05395690 n 0101 \ 05533948 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving the stomach and esophagus 02733652 01 a 01 pneumogastric 0 002 \ 05387544 n 0101 \ 05395690 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving the lungs and stomach 02733782 01 a 01 gemmiferous 0 001 \ 11682659 n 0101 | bearing or reproducing by a gemma 02733873 01 a 01 generational 0 004 + 15290930 n 0101 + 08369406 n 0103 + 08368907 n 0101 \ 08369406 n 0103 | of or relating to a generation 02734016 01 a 01 generic 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 08108972 n 0101 \ 08108972 n 0101 | relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus; "the generic name" 02734192 01 a 02 genetic 0 genetical 0 005 + 05436752 n 0201 + 06075527 n 0201 + 06075527 n 0101 + 05436752 n 0101 \ 06075527 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of genetics; "genetic research" 02734391 01 a 01 genetic 1 001 \ 07323922 n 0101 | pertaining to or referring to origin; "genetic history reconstructs the origins of a literary work" 02734544 01 a 03 genic 0 genetic 2 genetical 2 005 + 05436752 n 0301 \ 05436752 n 0301 \ 05436752 n 0201 + 05436752 n 0101 \ 05436752 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by or being a gene; "genic combinations"; "genetic code" 02734776 01 a 02 genial 0 mental 4 002 \ 05277100 n 0201 \ 05599617 n 0101 | of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw 02734914 01 a 01 mental 3 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 05277100 n 0101 | of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks 02735066 01 a 01 gentile 0 003 + 10166394 n 0103 + 09679028 n 0101 \ 09679028 n 0101 | belonging to or characteristic of non-Jewish peoples 02735208 01 a 02 geometric 0 geometrical 0 004 + 06004685 n 0201 \ 06004685 n 0201 + 06004685 n 0101 \ 06004685 n 0101 | of or relating to or determined by geometry 02735375 01 a 01 geophytic 0 002 + 13120958 n 0101 \ 13120958 n 0101 | of or relating to geophytes 02735476 01 a 01 geostrategic 0 002 + 06148915 n 0101 \ 06148915 n 0101 | of or relating to geostrategy; "Pakistan became a country of paramount geostrategic importance to the United States" 02735669 01 a 02 geothermal 0 geothermic 0 002 \ 11466043 n 0201 \ 11466043 n 0101 | of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth 02735812 01 a 01 gingival 0 002 + 05304932 n 0101 \ 05304932 n 0101 | of or relating to the gums 02735911 01 a 01 glabellar 0 002 + 05232691 n 0101 \ 05232691 n 0101 | of or relating to the glabella 02736015 01 a 01 glacial 0 004 + 14519673 n 0101 + 13487409 n 0101 + 09289331 n 0101 \ 09289331 n 0101 | relating to or derived from a glacier; "glacial deposit" 02736179 01 a 01 glial 0 002 + 05467054 n 0102 \ 05467054 n 0102 | of or relating to neuroglia 02736276 01 a 01 gluteal 0 002 + 05570129 n 0101 \ 05570129 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the gluteus muscles 02736393 01 a 01 glycogenic 0 002 + 14795749 n 0101 \ 14795749 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving glycogen 02736507 01 a 01 granuliferous 0 001 \ 09291513 n 0101 | producing or full of granules 02736596 01 a 01 granulomatous 0 002 + 14238639 n 0101 \ 14238639 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by granulomas 02736716 01 a 01 grapelike 0 001 \ 07758680 n 0101 | resembling the fruit of a grape vine 02736808 01 a 02 graphic 0 graphical 0 003 + 07000195 n 0201 \ 07000195 n 0201 \ 07000195 n 0101 | relating to or presented by a graph; "a graphic presentation of the data" 02736983 01 a 01 graphic 1 001 \ 03453985 n 0101 | of or relating to the graphic arts; "the etchings, drypoints, lithographs, and engravings which together form his graphic work"- British Book News 02737183 01 a 02 gravitational 0 gravitative 0 005 + 01835280 v 0201 \ 11464143 n 0201 + 11464143 n 0102 + 07362830 n 0101 \ 11464143 n 0102 | of or relating to or caused by gravitation 02737371 01 a 01 grubby 0 002 + 02312006 n 0101 \ 02312006 n 0101 | infested with grubs 02737461 01 a 01 guttural 0 002 + 07120176 n 0101 \ 05547508 n 0101 | relating to or articulated in the throat; "the glottal stop and uvular `r' and `ch' in German `Bach' are guttural sounds" 02737655 01 a 02 hair-shirt 0 hair-shirted 0 002 \ 03476542 n 0201 \ 03476542 n 0101 | self-sacrificing or austere 02737772 01 a 01 harmonic 0 003 + 04984180 n 0101 ! 02737981 a 0101 \ 07027180 n 0101 | of or relating to harmony as distinct from melody and rhythm; "subtleties of harmonic change and tonality"- Ralph Hill 02737981 01 a 01 nonharmonic 0 002 ! 02737772 a 0101 \ 07027180 n 0101 | not harmonic; "a nonharmonic note" 02738091 01 a 01 harmonic 1 002 + 07027180 n 0101 \ 06111253 n 0101 | of or relating to the branch of acoustics that studies the composition of musical sounds; "the sound of the resonating cavity cannot be the only determinant of the harmonic response" 02738346 01 a 01 harmonic 2 003 + 05719804 n 0101 + 04988078 n 0101 \ 04988078 n 0101 | of or relating to harmonics 02738464 01 a 04 Hasidic 0 Hassidic 0 Chasidic 0 Chassidic 0 008 \ 06234257 n 0404 \ 08094866 n 0405 \ 06234257 n 0303 \ 08094866 n 0304 \ 06234257 n 0202 \ 08094866 n 0202 \ 06234257 n 0101 \ 08094866 n 0101 | of or relating to the Jewish Hasidim or its members or their beliefs and practices 02738760 01 a 01 Hawaiian 0 006 + 09742569 n 0101 + 06938493 n 0101 + 09079505 n 0101 + 09078231 n 0101 \ 09078231 n 0101 \ 09079505 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the state or island of Hawaii or to the people or culture or language 02739013 01 a 01 heathlike 0 001 \ 12226932 n 0101 | resembling heath 02739085 01 a 01 Hebridean 0 002 + 08893223 n 0101 \ 08893223 n 0101 | of or relating to the Hebrides 02739189 01 a 02 heliacal 0 heliac 0 002 \ 09450163 n 0201 \ 09450163 n 0101 | pertaining to or near the sun; especially the first rising of a star after and last setting before its invisibility owing to its conjunction with the sun; "the heliacal rising of the Dog Star"; "the heliacal or Sothic year is determined by the heliacal rising of Sothis (the Egyptian name for the Dog Star)" 02739578 01 a 06 hematopoietic 0 haematopoietic 0 hemopoietic 0 haemopoietic 0 hematogenic 0 haematogenic 0 010 \ 13492453 n 0608 \ 13492453 n 0507 + 13492453 n 0404 \ 13492453 n 0404 + 13492453 n 0303 \ 13492453 n 0303 + 13492453 n 0202 \ 13492453 n 0202 + 13492453 n 0101 \ 13492453 n 0101 | pertaining to the formation of blood or blood cells; "hemopoietic stem cells in bone marrow" 02739967 01 a 01 hemodynamic 0 001 \ 06082310 n 0101 | or of relating to or involved in hemodynamics 02740070 01 a 01 hemispherical 0 004 + 13899109 n 0101 + 08583095 n 0101 + 05476915 n 0101 \ 13899109 n 0101 | of or relating to or being a hemisphere 02740223 01 a 02 hemorrhagic 0 haemorrhagic 0 004 + 14288235 n 0203 \ 14288235 n 0203 + 14288235 n 0102 \ 14288235 n 0102 | of or relating to a hemorrhage 02740380 01 a 01 hepatic 0 001 \ 05385534 n 0101 | pertaining to or affecting the liver; "hepatic ducts"; "hepatic cirrhosis" 02740508 01 a 01 heroic 0 001 \ 10173086 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity; "heroic legends"; "the heroic age" 02740649 01 a 01 heterodyne 0 002 ;c 06099269 n 0000 \ 11477710 n 0101 | of or relating to the beat produced by heterodyning two oscillations 02740793 01 a 01 heterosporous 0 002 + 13493566 n 0101 \ 13493566 n 0101 | characterized by heterospory 02740899 01 a 01 Hollywood 0 001 \ 08068597 n 0101 | of or relating to the film industry in the United States; "a Hollywood actor" 02741032 01 a 01 homeostatic 0 002 + 14003167 n 0101 \ 14003167 n 0101 | related to or characterized by homeostasis 02741150 01 a 02 homonymic 0 homonymous 0 002 \ 06292649 n 0201 \ 06292649 n 0101 | of or related to or being homonyms 02741271 01 a 01 homosporous 0 002 + 13493874 n 0101 \ 13493874 n 0101 | characterized by homospory 02741373 01 a 03 homostylous 0 homostylic 0 homostyled 0 004 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 11677259 n 0301 \ 11677259 n 0201 \ 11677259 n 0101 | (botany) having styles all of the same length 02741557 01 a 01 horse-drawn 0 001 \ 02374451 n 0101 | pulled by a horse; "a horse-drawn carriage" 02741658 01 a 02 hexadecimal 0 hex 0 002 \ 06811419 n 0201 \ 06811419 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a number system having 16 as its base 02741797 01 a 02 hexangular 0 hexagonal 0 003 + 13882276 n 0201 \ 13882276 n 0201 \ 13882276 n 0101 | having six sides or divided into hexagons 02741943 01 a 01 hidrotic 0 002 + 13535261 n 0105 \ 05405751 n 0102 | of or relating to sweat 02742039 01 a 01 hieratic 0 002 + 06362260 n 0101 \ 06362260 n 0101 | written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing; "hieratic Egyptian script" 02742206 01 a 02 hieroglyphic 0 hieroglyphical 0 004 + 06362441 n 0201 \ 06362441 n 0201 + 06362441 n 0102 \ 06362441 n 0101 | written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols 02742403 01 a 02 hieroglyphic 1 hieroglyphical 1 004 + 06403679 n 0201 \ 06403679 n 0201 + 06403679 n 0102 \ 06403679 n 0101 | resembling hieroglyphic writing 02742564 01 a 01 high-energy 0 001 \ 11452218 n 0101 | of or relating to elementary particles having energies of hundreds of thousands of electron volts 02742719 01 a 01 hircine 0 001 \ 02416519 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or suggestive of a goat (especially in strong odor) 02742844 01 a 01 home 0 001 \ 08490199 n 0101 | relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are; "my home town" 02742972 01 a 01 hooflike 0 001 \ 02153959 n 0101 | resembling a hoof; especially having the horny texture of a hoof; "hooflike calluses" 02743112 01 a 01 horary 0 004 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 15228378 n 0101 + 15227846 n 0101 \ 15227846 n 0101 | relating to the hours; "the horary cycle" 02743261 01 a 01 human 0 003 + 02472293 n 0104 + 04726938 n 0101 \ 04726938 n 0102 | characteristic of humanity; "human nature" 02743391 01 a 01 human 1 002 + 04726938 n 0101 + 04726938 n 0102 | relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects" 02743547 01 a 03 humanist 0 humanistic 0 humane 1 003 \ 06153846 n 0302 \ 06153846 n 0202 \ 06153846 n 0102 | pertaining to or concerned with the humanities; "humanistic studies"; "a humane education" 02743750 01 a 02 humanistic 3 humanist 3 003 \ 08476829 n 0201 + 08476829 n 0101 \ 08476829 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Renaissance humanism; "the humanistic revival of learning" 02743932 01 a 02 humanist 2 humanistic 2 002 \ 05967191 n 0201 \ 05967191 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a philosophy asserting human dignity and man's capacity for fulfillment through reason and scientific method and often rejecting religion; "the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution"- Wendell Thomas 02744247 01 a 01 humic 0 002 + 14908822 n 0101 \ 14908822 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from humus; "humic acid" 02744370 01 a 01 humified 0 001 \ 14908822 n 0101 | converted to humus; "humified soil" 02744460 01 a 01 hyaloplasmic 0 002 + 05434053 n 0101 \ 05434053 n 0101 | of or relating to hyaloplasm 02744565 01 a 01 hydrocephalic 0 003 + 14465768 n 0102 + 14465768 n 0101 \ 14465768 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by or evidencing hydrocephalus 02744720 01 a 02 hydrographic 0 hydrographical 0 003 + 06120111 n 0201 \ 06120111 n 0201 \ 06120111 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of hydrography 02744876 01 a 01 hydrolyzable 0 002 + 00564151 v 0101 \ 13494919 n 0101 | capable of undergoing hydrolysis 02744985 01 a 01 hydroxy 0 001 \ 14914775 n 0101 | being or containing a hydroxyl group 02745075 01 a 01 hymenopterous 0 002 + 02205896 n 0101 \ 02205896 n 0101 | of or relating to insects of the order Hymenoptera 02745203 01 a 01 hypnotic 0 001 \ 14026592 n 0101 | of or relating to hypnosis 02745284 01 a 02 ideal 0 idealistic 0 003 + 05972103 n 0201 \ 05972103 n 0201 \ 05972103 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of the reality of ideas 02745453 01 a 01 ideographic 0 001 \ 06840648 n 0102 | of or relating to or consisting of ideograms 02745555 01 a 01 ideological 0 002 \ 06212839 n 0102 + 06212839 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation 02745739 01 a 01 idiopathic 0 001 \ 14074715 n 0103 | (of diseases) arising from an unknown cause; "idiopathic epilepsy" 02745862 01 a 01 immune 0 002 + 14527171 n 0101 \ 14526764 n 0102 | relating to the condition of immunity; "the immune system" 02745991 01 a 01 immunochemical 0 002 + 06051925 n 0101 \ 06051925 n 0101 | of or relating to immunochemistry 02746103 01 a 01 immunocompromised 0 001 \ 13973990 n 0101 | unable to develop a normal immune response usually because of malnutrition or immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive therapy 02746290 01 a 02 immunological 0 immunologic 0 004 + 06051542 n 0201 \ 06051542 n 0201 + 06051542 n 0101 \ 06051542 n 0101 | of or relating to immunology 02746446 01 a 01 immunosuppressed 0 001 \ 13974620 n 0101 | of persons whose immune response is inadequate 02746555 01 a 01 immunosuppressive 0 001 \ 13974620 n 0101 | of or relating to a substance that lowers the body's normal immune response and induces immunosuppression 02746724 01 a 01 immunotherapeutic 0 001 \ 00663333 n 0101 | of or relating to immunotherapy; "various immunotherapeutic techniques have been employed with AIDS patients" 02746897 01 a 01 imperial 0 002 + 08557482 n 0101 \ 10053004 n 0101 | befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress; "imperial palace" 02747036 01 a 01 imperial 1 002 + 08405723 n 0101 \ 08405723 n 0101 | relating to or associated with an empire; "imperial colony"; "the imperial gallon was standardized legally throughout the British Empire" 02747246 01 a 01 imperial 2 001 \ 13577731 n 0101 | of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures 02747371 01 a 01 impetiginous 0 001 \ 14227613 n 0101 | of or relating to or having impetigo 02747466 01 a 02 impressionist 0 impressionistic 0 004 + 03565051 n 0201 + 00549106 n 0201 \ 03565051 n 0201 \ 03565051 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Impressionism; "impressionist music" 02747667 01 a 01 impressionistic 1 004 + 05916739 n 0101 + 04675314 n 0101 + 00549106 n 0101 \ 05916739 n 0101 | of or relating to or based on an impression rather than on facts or reasoning; "a surprisingly impressionistic review bearing marks of hasty composition"; "she had impressionistic memories of her childhood" 02747989 01 a 01 Incan 0 001 \ 08488833 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the Incas or their culture or empire 02748097 01 a 01 incendiary 0 001 \ 00378296 n 0101 | involving deliberate burning of property; "an incendiary fire" 02748216 01 a 01 incestuous 0 002 + 00848891 n 0101 \ 00848891 n 0101 | relating to or involving incest 02748322 01 a 01 incestuous 1 001 \ 04655442 n 0102 | resembling incest as by excessive intimacy 02748421 01 a 01 inductive 0 002 ;c 11449907 n 0000 \ 11468172 n 0102 | arising from inductance; "inductive reactance" 02748542 01 a 01 indusial 0 001 \ 13094381 n 0101 | of or relating to or being an indusium 02748635 01 a 01 industrial 0 001 \ 00923444 n 0101 | of or relating to or resulting from industry; "industrial output" 02748757 01 a 01 inertial 0 001 \ 11468763 n 0101 | of or relating to inertia 02748837 01 a 01 infantile 0 001 \ 15145586 n 0101 | of or relating to infants or infancy; "infantile paralysis" 02748952 01 a 02 inferential 0 illative 0 003 \ 05774614 n 0201 + 05774614 n 0101 \ 05774614 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of illation or inference; "the illative faculty of the mind" 02749150 01 a 01 informational 0 001 \ 05816287 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of information 02749257 01 a 01 inguinal 0 002 + 05597734 n 0102 \ 05597734 n 0102 | of or relating to or near the groin 02749365 01 a 01 inhalant 0 003 + 01198779 v 0101 + 00005041 v 0101 \ 00836788 n 0101 | inhaling or serving for inhalation; "an inhalant pore" 02749510 01 a 01 ink-jet 0 001 \ 03571942 n 0101 | of or relating to an ink-jet printer 02749600 01 a 01 inscriptive 0 001 \ 06405699 n 0101 | of or relating to an inscription 02749690 01 a 01 insecticidal 0 001 \ 14919948 n 0101 | of or relating to insecticide 02749778 01 a 01 institutional 0 004 + 08053576 n 0101 + 03746574 n 0104 + 03574555 n 0101 \ 08053576 n 0101 | relating to or constituting or involving an institution; "institutional policy" 02749971 01 a 02 interlinear 0 interlineal 0 002 \ 07012534 n 0201 \ 07012534 n 0101 | written between lines of text 02750090 01 a 01 intracerebral 0 001 \ 05491993 n 0101 | within the brain 02750166 01 a 01 intracranial 0 001 \ 02844273 a 0101 | within the skull 02750241 01 a 01 intraventricular 0 001 \ 05502556 n 0101 | within the system of ventricles in the brain; "intraventricular pressure" 02750377 01 a 01 intervertebral 0 001 \ 05284333 n 0101 | pertaining to the space between two vertebrae 02750483 01 a 01 insular 0 002 + 14415518 n 0102 \ 09316454 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island; "insular territories"; "Hawaii's insular culture" 02750663 01 a 01 intuitionist 0 001 \ 05972264 n 0101 | of or relating to intuitionism 02750752 01 a 01 ionic 0 003 + 09315159 n 0101 ! 02751367 a 0101 \ 09315159 n 0101 | containing or involving or occurring in the form of ions; "ionic charge"; "ionic crystals"; "ionic hydrogen" 02750948 01 a 01 Ionic 1 001 \ 09042924 n 0101 | of or relating to Ionia or its inhabitants or its language 02751058 01 a 01 Ionic 2 001 \ 04699157 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the Ionic order of classical Greek architecture 02751177 01 a 01 Ionian 0 001 \ 08786283 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the ancient Ionians who lived in Attica and related territories, to their Ionic dialect of Greek, or to their culture 02751367 01 a 02 nonionic 0 nonpolar 0 002 ! 02750752 a 0101 \ 09315159 n 0101 | not ionic; "a nonionic substance" 02751484 01 a 01 iridaceous 0 002 + 12411084 n 0101 \ 12411084 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Iridaceae 02751630 01 a 01 iritic 0 001 \ 05319936 n 0101 | of or relating to located near the iris of the eye 02751733 01 a 02 ischemic 0 ischaemic 0 004 + 14166118 n 0202 \ 14166118 n 0202 + 14166118 n 0101 \ 14166118 n 0101 | relating to or affected by ischemia 02751889 01 a 01 isentropic 0 001 \ 05012585 n 0102 | with unchanging entropy; at constant entropy 02751990 01 a 01 Ismaili 0 001 \ 06236492 n 0101 | of or relating to a branch of Shiism that is noted for its esoteric philosophy 02752122 01 a 01 isthmian 0 002 + 09319604 n 0101 \ 09319604 n 0101 | of or relating to or forming an isthmus 02752234 01 a 01 Jamesian 0 001 \ 11079252 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Henry James or his writing 02752354 01 a 01 Jamesian 1 001 \ 11079392 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of William James or his philosophy or his teachings 02752496 01 a 01 Jeffersonian 0 002 + 11081828 n 0101 \ 11081828 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Thomas Jefferson or his principles or theories; "Jeffersonian democracy" 02752678 01 a 01 jet-propelled 0 001 \ 11470008 n 0101 | propelled by (or as if propelled by) a jet engine 02752787 01 a 01 jihadi 0 001 \ 00996513 n 0101 | of or relating to a jihad 02752865 01 a 01 jittery 0 002 + 07345960 n 0101 \ 07345960 n 0101 | characterized by jerky movements; "a jittery ride" 02752987 01 a 03 judicial 0 juridical 0 juridic 0 004 \ 04850117 n 0301 \ 04850117 n 0201 + 10225219 n 0101 \ 04850117 n 0101 | relating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge; "judicial system" 02753205 01 a 01 judicial 2 002 + 10225219 n 0101 \ 10225219 n 0101 | belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge; "judicial robes" 02753345 01 a 01 jumentous 0 002 + 01317089 n 0102 \ 01317089 n 0102 | smelling strongly like a beast of burden; "jumentous urine" 02753478 01 a 01 Jurassic 0 001 \ 15126595 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the second period of the Mesozoic era 02753600 01 a 01 pre-Jurassic 0 001 \ 15126595 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the time before the Jurassic period 02753724 01 a 02 juridical 2 juridic 2 002 \ 06161718 n 0202 \ 06161718 n 0102 | of or relating to the law or jurisprudence; "juridical days" 02753868 01 a 01 jurisprudential 0 002 + 06161718 n 0101 \ 06161718 n 0101 | relating to the science or philosophy of law or a system of laws 02754012 01 a 01 leaden 0 001 \ 14643467 n 0101 | made of lead; "a leaden weight" 02754096 01 a 01 legal 0 001 \ 08441203 n 0101 | of or relating to jurisprudence; "legal loophole" 02754197 01 a 01 legal 1 001 \ 00611143 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the profession of law; "the legal profession" 02754327 01 a 01 labial 0 001 \ 05522456 n 0101 | relating to or near the female labium 02754417 01 a 01 labial 1 002 + 07117007 n 0102 \ 05305806 n 0101 | of or relating to the lips of the mouth; "labial stops" 02754543 01 a 01 lactogenic 0 001 \ 14929350 n 0101 | inducing lactation 02754618 01 a 03 large-capitalization 0 large-capitalisation 0 large-cap 0 003 \ 00952386 n 0301 \ 00952386 n 0202 \ 00952386 n 0101 | of stocks of companies with a market capitalization of five billion dollars or more 02754839 01 a 02 lathery 0 sudsy 0 004 \ 09439213 n 0202 + 09439213 n 0103 \ 09439213 n 0103 \ 09336555 n 0101 | resembling lather or covered with lather 02754995 01 a 01 Latin-American 0 002 + 09022831 n 0101 \ 09022831 n 0101 | of or relating to the countries of Latin America or their people; "Latin-American countries"; "Latin-American music" 02755190 01 a 01 leguminous 0 002 + 11747468 n 0101 \ 11747468 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of legumes 02755301 01 a 01 leonine 0 001 \ 02129165 n 0101 | of or characteristic of or resembling a lion 02755399 01 a 01 Levitical 0 002 + 06433035 n 0101 \ 06433035 n 0101 | of or relating to the book of Leviticus in the Bible 02755525 01 a 02 lexicalized 0 lexicalised 0 002 \ 13507472 n 0201 \ 13507472 n 0101 | expressed by a word 02755634 01 a 01 life-support 0 002 \ 03663910 n 0101 \ 03664159 n 0101 | of or pertaining to equipment or methods used to sustain life 02755772 01 a 01 liliaceous 0 002 + 12423565 n 0101 \ 12423565 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Liliaceae 02755918 01 a 02 limacine 0 limacoid 0 002 \ 01945685 n 0201 \ 01945685 n 0101 | of or resembling a slug 02756025 01 a 01 limnological 0 002 + 06120317 n 0101 \ 06120317 n 0101 | of or relating to limnology 02756129 01 a 01 living 0 001 \ 07945818 n 0101 | pertaining to living persons; "within living memory" 02756234 01 a 01 lobeliaceous 0 002 + 12168126 n 0101 \ 12168126 n 0101 | belonging to the family Lobeliaceae 02756346 01 a 01 local 1 002 + 08641113 n 0102 \ 08641113 n 0102 | of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood; "local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citizens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbreaks of flu"; "a local bus line" 02756620 01 a 01 locker-room 0 001 \ 03683708 n 0101 | relating to or appropriate for a locker room; "locker-room humor" 02756743 01 a 02 logogrammatic 0 logographic 0 003 \ 06840890 n 0202 + 06840890 n 0101 \ 06840890 n 0101 | of or relating to logograms or logographs 02756894 01 a 01 long-distance 0 001 \ 06274092 n 0101 | of or relating to or being a long-distance telephone call; "a long-distance call"; "a long-distance transmission line"; "a long-distance operator" 02757100 01 a 01 loopy 0 002 + 13875571 n 0101 \ 13875571 n 0101 | consisting of or covered with or having loops 02757215 01 a 02 lucifugous 0 lucifugal 0 002 \ 00862399 n 0201 \ 00862399 n 0101 | light-avoiding 02757316 01 a 01 lunar 0 001 \ 09358358 n 0101 | of or relating to or associated with the moon; "lunar surface"; "lunar module" 02757446 01 a 03 sublunar 0 sublunary 0 cislunar 0 003 \ 09358358 n 0301 \ 09358358 n 0201 \ 09358358 n 0101 | situated between the earth and the moon 02757599 01 a 04 translunar 0 translunary 0 superlunar 0 superlunary 0 004 \ 09358358 n 0401 \ 09358358 n 0301 \ 09358358 n 0201 \ 09358358 n 0101 | situated beyond the moon or its orbit around the earth; "who can imagine a translunary visitor in Times Square?" 02757863 01 a 01 lung-like 0 001 \ 05387544 n 0101 | performing functions similar to those performed by lungs 02757975 01 a 01 lunisolar 0 002 \ 09358358 n 0101 \ 09450163 n 0101 | relating to or attributed to the moon and the sun or their mutual relations 02758124 01 a 01 lupine 0 001 \ 02114100 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of wolves 02758222 01 a 01 luteal 0 002 + 05518614 n 0101 \ 05518614 n 0101 | of or relating to the corpus luteum 02758328 01 a 01 macaronic 0 002 \ 06962600 n 0101 \ 07157123 n 0101 | of or containing a mixture of Latin words and vernacular words jumbled together; "macaronic verse" 02758500 01 a 01 macroeconomic 0 002 + 06150933 n 0101 \ 06150933 n 0101 | of or relating to macroeconomics 02758610 01 a 01 Malayo-Polynesian 0 001 \ 06937768 n 0101 | of or relating to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian languages 02758750 01 a 02 Mandaean 0 Mandean 0 004 \ 10290223 n 0202 \ 06988808 n 0202 \ 10290223 n 0101 \ 06988808 n 0101 | of or relating to the Mandaean people or their language or culture 02758935 01 a 01 mandibulate 0 001 \ 05275905 n 0102 | having mandibles 02759009 01 a 03 Manichaean 0 Manichean 0 Manichee 0 005 \ 06243575 n 0301 + 06243575 n 0201 \ 06243575 n 0201 + 06243575 n 0101 \ 06243575 n 0101 | of or relating to Manichaeism 02759190 01 a 01 manual 0 001 \ 05564590 n 0101 | of or relating to the hands; "manual dexterity" 02759290 01 a 01 Maoist 0 001 \ 06215495 n 0101 | of or relating to Maoism 02759367 01 a 01 maternal 0 001 \ 10332385 n 0101 | relating to or derived from one's mother; "maternal genes" 02759480 01 a 01 matutinal 0 001 \ 15165289 n 0101 | pertaining to or occurring in the morning; "took his matutinal walk" 02759604 01 a 01 paternal 0 001 \ 10080869 n 0101 | belonging to or inherited from one's father; "spent his childhood on the paternal farm"; "paternal traits" 02759765 01 a 01 patriarchal 0 002 + 10406266 n 0101 \ 10406266 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a man who is older or higher in rank 02759910 01 a 01 mealy 0 002 + 07567707 n 0101 \ 07567707 n 0101 | containing meal or made of meal 02760011 01 a 01 mecopterous 0 002 + 02161944 n 0101 \ 02162235 n 0101 | of or relating to mecopterans 02760116 01 a 01 medical 0 003 + 00142361 n 0105 + 00612160 n 0101 \ 00612160 n 0101 | relating to the study or practice of medicine; "the medical profession"; "a medical student"; "medical school" 02760316 01 a 01 biomedical 0 002 + 06047096 n 0101 \ 06047096 n 0101 | relating to the activities and applications of science to clinical medicine; "biomedical research laboratory" 02760500 01 a 01 premedical 0 001 \ 00612160 n 0101 | preparing for the study of medicine; "premedical students" 02760615 01 a 01 medicolegal 0 002 \ 00612160 n 0101 \ 08441203 n 0101 | pertaining to legal aspects of the practice of medicine (as malpractice or patient consent for operations or patient information) 02760820 01 a 01 medullary 0 002 + 05490799 n 0101 \ 05490799 n 0101 | of or relating to the medulla of any body part 02760940 01 a 01 medullary 2 002 + 05495172 n 0102 \ 05495172 n 0102 | of or relating to the medulla oblongata 02761053 01 a 01 medullary 1 001 \ 05285623 n 0101 | containing or consisting of or resembling bone marrow 02761162 01 a 01 medusoid 0 001 \ 01910252 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a medusa 02761251 01 a 01 meningeal 0 002 + 05326900 n 0102 \ 05326900 n 0102 | relating to the meninges 02761349 01 a 01 menopausal 0 002 + 15154462 n 0101 \ 15154462 n 0101 | of or relating to the menopause 02761455 01 a 01 Merovingian 0 001 \ 08156200 n 0101 | of or relating to the Merovingian dynasty or its members 02761569 01 a 01 Prakritic 0 003 + 06973505 n 0101 + 06973092 n 0101 \ 06973092 n 0101 | of or relating to Prakrit 02761686 01 a 01 Procrustean 0 001 \ 09569709 n 0101 | of or relating to the mythical giant Procrustes or the mode of torture practiced by him 02761831 01 a 01 provencal 0 001 \ 08944960 n 0101 | of or relating to Provence or its people or their culture 02761944 01 a 01 pre-Christian 0 001 \ 15249096 n 0101 | of or relating to or being the time before the beginning of the Christian era 02762081 01 a 02 prejudicial 0 prejudicious 0 004 + 06201908 n 0202 \ 06201908 n 0202 + 06201908 n 0102 \ 06201908 n 0102 | tending to favor preconceived ideas; "the presence of discriminatory or prejudicial attitudes in the white population" 02762326 01 a 01 premenopausal 0 001 \ 15154462 n 0101 | prior to menopause 02762404 01 a 02 presocratic 0 pre-Socratic 0 002 \ 11307422 n 0201 \ 11307422 n 0101 | before the time of Socrates 02762522 01 a 01 postdiluvian 0 001 \ 11455386 n 0102 | existing or occurring after Noah's flood 02762621 01 a 01 postdoctoral 0 001 \ 10456696 n 0101 | of or relating to study or research that is done after work for the doctoral degree has been completed 02762782 01 a 01 postexilic 0 001 \ 00208141 n 0101 | of or relating to the period in Jewish history after 539 BC (after the Babylonian Captivity) 02762931 01 a 01 postglacial 0 001 \ 15255195 n 0102 | relating to or occurring during the time following a glacial period 02763056 01 a 01 postmenopausal 0 001 \ 15154462 n 0101 | subsequent to menopause 02763140 01 a 01 postpositive 0 001 \ 06483702 n 0101 | (of a modifier) placed after another word 02763240 01 a 01 pouched 0 001 \ 05516848 n 0101 | having a pouch 02763308 01 a 01 pteridological 0 002 + 06074613 n 0101 \ 06074613 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of ferns 02763423 01 a 01 meiotic 0 002 + 13512725 n 0101 \ 13512725 n 0101 | of or relating to meiosis 02763520 01 a 02 mercuric 0 mercurous 0 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14645346 n 0201 \ 14645346 n 0201 + 14645346 n 0101 \ 14645346 n 0101 | of or containing mercury 02763684 01 a 01 meretricious 0 002 ;u 07073447 n 0000 \ 10485440 n 0101 | like or relating to a prostitute; "meretricious relationships" 02763824 01 a 01 meridional 0 002 + 08598823 n 0101 \ 08598823 n 0101 | of or relating to a meridian 02763927 01 a 01 metrological 0 002 + 06135806 n 0101 \ 06135806 n 0101 | of or relating to metrology 02764031 01 a 01 micaceous 0 002 + 14681555 n 0101 \ 14681555 n 0101 | hydrous silicates of or relating to or resembling mica 02764159 01 a 01 microeconomic 0 001 \ 06151108 n 0101 | of or relating to microeconomics 02764251 01 a 01 military 0 001 \ 06248043 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare; "military law" 02764378 01 a 01 paramilitary 0 002 + 08207209 n 0101 \ 08207209 n 0101 | of or relating to a group of civilians organized to function like or to assist a military unit 02764549 01 a 01 minimalist 0 001 \ 08469233 n 0101 | of or relating to artistic minimalism 02764643 01 a 01 ministerial 1 004 + 10320863 n 0101 + 10320695 n 0101 + 00585810 n 0101 \ 10320695 n 0101 | of or relating to a government minister or ministry; "ministerial decree" 02764828 01 a 01 ministerial 2 002 + 09983572 n 0103 \ 09983572 n 0103 | of or relating to a minister of religion or the minister's office; "ministerial duties" 02764991 01 a 01 minty 0 001 \ 07606278 n 0101 | relating to or suggestive of mint 02765076 01 a 01 Mishnaic 0 001 \ 06462807 n 0101 | of or relating to the Mishna (the first part of the Talmud) 02765190 01 a 01 omissive 0 002 + 00614999 v 0103 \ 05706954 n 0101 | characterized by omissions; "omissive crimes" 02765308 01 a 02 miotic 0 myotic 0 004 + 00865808 n 0204 \ 03772881 n 0202 + 00865808 n 0103 \ 03772881 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing constriction of the pupil of the eye; "a miotic drug" 02765506 01 a 02 missionary 0 missional 0 002 \ 08403225 n 0201 \ 08403225 n 0101 | relating to or connected to a religious mission 02765640 01 a 01 monocarboxylic 0 001 \ 14790796 n 0101 | containing one carboxyl group 02765730 01 a 01 monoclonal 0 001 \ 07940242 n 0101 | forming or derived from a single clone 02765825 01 a 02 Monophysite 0 Monophysitic 0 003 + 06189776 n 0201 \ 06189776 n 0201 \ 06189776 n 0101 | of or relating to Monophysitism 02765965 01 a 01 monotypic 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 08109772 n 0101 \ 08109772 n 0101 | consisting of only one type 02766085 01 a 01 moraceous 0 002 + 12398682 n 0101 \ 12398682 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Moraceae 02766229 01 a 01 morbilliform 0 001 \ 14123044 n 0103 | of a rash that resembles that of measles 02766328 01 a 01 motivational 0 004 + 14578471 n 0101 + 00070641 n 0101 + 00023773 n 0101 \ 00023773 n 0101 | of or relating to motivation 02766469 01 a 02 mousy 0 mousey 0 004 + 02330245 n 0201 \ 02330245 n 0201 + 02330245 n 0101 \ 02330245 n 0101 | infested with mice 02766602 01 a 01 myalgic 0 002 + 14329040 n 0101 \ 14329040 n 0101 | of or relating to myalgia 02766699 01 a 02 myelinated 0 medullated 0 003 \ 14957893 n 0203 \ 14957893 n 0101 ! 02766848 a 0101 | (of neurons) covered with a layer of myelin 02766848 01 a 01 unmyelinated 0 002 ! 02766699 a 0101 \ 14957893 n 0101 | (of neurons) not myelinated 02766952 01 a 01 myopathic 0 002 + 14209201 n 0101 \ 14209201 n 0101 | of or relating to any disease of the muscles that is not caused by nerve dysfunction 02767110 01 a 01 narcoleptic 0 004 + 10345556 n 0101 + 03808424 n 0101 + 14307468 n 0101 \ 14307468 n 0101 | of or relating to narcolepsy 02767250 01 a 01 nasopharyngeal 0 002 + 05528854 n 0101 \ 05528854 n 0101 | of or relating to or located near the nasopharynx 02767378 01 a 01 natal 0 001 \ 07320302 n 0101 | relating to or accompanying birth; "natal injuries"; "natal day"; "natal influences" 02767514 01 a 01 natal 1 001 \ 05559256 n 0102 | of or relating to the buttocks 02767596 01 a 01 natriuretic 0 002 + 14270241 n 0101 \ 14270241 n 0101 | of or relating to natriuresis 02767701 01 a 01 naval 0 002 + 08191701 n 0101 \ 08191701 n 0101 | connected with or belonging to or used in a navy; "naval history"; "naval commander"; "naval vessels" 02767872 01 a 01 Nazarene 0 002 \ 08794193 n 0101 \ 10349670 n 0101 | of or relating to the town of Nazareth or its inhabitants 02768002 01 a 01 Nazarene 1 001 \ 10349836 n 0101 | of or relating to the Nazarenes or their religion 02768106 01 a 01 neonatal 0 001 \ 10353016 n 0101 | relating to or affecting the infant during the first month after birth; "neonatal care"; "the neonatal period" 02768271 01 a 01 neoplastic 0 002 + 14235200 n 0103 \ 14235200 n 0103 | of or related to or having the properties of a neoplasm; "neoplastic cells" 02768421 01 a 02 neotenic 0 neotenous 0 004 + 14569683 n 0201 \ 06198083 n 0201 + 06198083 n 0101 \ 06198083 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by neoteny; "neotenic development" 02768611 01 a 01 Nestorian 0 003 + 11204409 n 0101 \ 11204409 n 0101 \ 06190305 n 0101 | relating to Nestorius or Nestorianism 02768740 01 a 01 New_Caledonian 0 002 + 08844108 n 0101 \ 08844108 n 0101 | of or relating to New Caledonia 02768850 01 a 01 Noachian 0 001 \ 11208431 n 0101 | of or relating to Noah or his time; "Noachian deluge" 02768958 01 a 01 nominal 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 06317862 n 0101 | pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun; "nominal phrase"; "noun phrase" 02769128 01 a 01 nominal 1 001 \ 06333653 n 0101 | relating to or constituting or bearing or giving a name; "the Russian system of nominal brevity"; "a nominal lists of priests"; "taxable males as revealed by the nominal rolls" 02769358 01 a 01 nominalistic 0 002 + 05974156 n 0101 \ 05974156 n 0101 | of or relating to nominalism 02769463 01 a 01 nominative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 06311160 n 0101 | serving as or indicating the subject of a verb and words identified with the subject of a copular verb; "nominative noun endings"; "predicate nominative" 02769692 01 a 01 North_Vietnamese 0 001 \ 09163584 n 0101 | of or relating to North Vietnam or its people or culture 02769811 01 a 01 nosocomial 0 001 \ 03540595 n 0101 | taking place or originating in a hospital; "nosocomial infection" 02769933 01 a 03 numeral 0 numerical 0 numeric 0 004 \ 13582013 n 0301 + 13582013 n 0201 \ 13582013 n 0201 \ 13582013 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting numbers; "a numeral adjective" 02770123 01 a 01 numerological 0 002 + 06248530 n 0101 \ 06248530 n 0101 | of or relating to numerology 02770229 01 a 01 Numidian 0 002 + 08707710 n 0101 \ 08707710 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Numidia or its people or culture 02770360 01 a 01 numinous 0 002 + 10366484 n 0101 \ 10366484 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a numen 02770479 01 a 01 oleaceous 0 002 + 12299988 n 0101 \ 12299988 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of trees or shrubs of the olive family 02770629 01 a 02 olfactory 0 olfactive 0 002 \ 05658603 n 0201 \ 05658603 n 0101 | of or relating to olfaction 02770742 01 a 02 oligarchic 0 oligarchical 0 005 + 08362455 n 0201 \ 08362455 n 0201 + 08362455 n 0101 + 10377185 n 0101 \ 08362455 n 0101 | of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy 02770951 01 a 02 one-humped 0 single-humped 0 002 \ 13894434 n 0203 \ 13894434 n 0103 | having one hump; "a one-humped camel" 02771079 01 a 01 oneiric 0 001 \ 05768553 n 0101 | of or relating to or suggestive of dreams 02771174 01 a 01 onomastic 0 002 + 06178995 n 0101 \ 06178995 n 0101 | of or related to onomastics; "he published a collection of his onomastic essays" 02771328 01 a 01 on-the-job 0 001 \ 00582388 n 0103 | relating to or associated with a job or employment; "on-the-job training"; "on-the-job requirements" 02771485 01 a 01 oral 0 001 \ 05302499 n 0101 | of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth; "oral hygiene"; "an oral thermometer"; "an oral vaccine" 02771648 01 a 01 orb-weaving 0 001 \ 01772782 n 0103 | of spiders who weave circular webs 02771740 01 a 01 oropharyngeal 0 002 + 05529012 n 0101 \ 05529012 n 0101 | of or relating to or located near the oropharynx 02771866 01 a 01 Orphic 0 002 + 09571914 n 0101 \ 09571914 n 0101 | ascribed to Orpheus or characteristic of ideas in works ascribed to Orpheus 02772012 01 a 01 Orwellian 0 002 + 11217479 n 0101 \ 11217479 n 0101 | of or relating to the works of George Orwell (especially his picture of a future totalitarian state) 02772186 01 a 04 pachydermatous 0 pachydermal 0 pachydermic 0 pachydermous 0 008 + 02453108 n 0401 \ 02453108 n 0401 + 02453108 n 0301 \ 02453108 n 0301 + 02453108 n 0201 \ 02453108 n 0201 + 02453108 n 0101 \ 02453108 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of pachyderms 02772465 01 a 01 packable 0 001 \ 03870546 n 0101 | capable of being packed 02772543 01 a 01 palatoglossal 0 002 \ 05309725 n 0101 \ 05301072 n 0103 | relating to the palate and tongue 02772654 01 a 02 paleontological 0 palaeontological 0 004 + 06073888 n 0202 \ 06073888 n 0202 + 06073888 n 0101 \ 06073888 n 0101 | of or relating to paleontology 02772819 01 a 01 Palladian 0 002 + 11221495 n 0101 \ 11221495 n 0101 | referring to or relating to or having the style of architecture created by Andrea Palladio; "the much imitated arch and column compositions known as the Palladian motif" 02773062 01 a 02 palmar 0 volar 0 005 \ 05565696 n 0201 \ 05577190 n 0201 + 05565696 n 0101 \ 05565696 n 0101 \ 05577190 n 0101 | relating to the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot; "the volar surface"; "the palmar muscle" 02773293 01 a 01 palpatory 0 002 + 01210352 v 0101 \ 00143885 n 0101 | relating to or involving palpation 02773401 01 a 01 palpebrate 0 001 \ 05313822 n 0103 | having eyelids 02773472 01 a 01 panicled 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13132656 n 0101 | having panicles; occurring in panicles; "a panicled inflorescence" 02773612 01 a 01 papilliform 0 001 \ 05473735 n 0101 | shaped like a papilla 02773691 01 a 01 paradigmatic 2 003 + 06309684 n 0102 ! 02808653 a 0101 \ 06309684 n 0102 | related as members of a substitution class; "paradigmatic word associations" 02773862 01 a 01 paramedical 0 002 + 10398176 n 0102 + 10398176 n 0101 | of or denoting a person who assists physicians and nurses or is trained physicians and nurses in their activities; "ambulance drivers are paramedical to give emergency medical aid; "ambulance drivers are paramedical personnel" 02774164 01 a 01 paranasal 0 001 \ 05528604 n 0101 | adjacent to the nasal cavities; "paranasal sinus" 02774269 01 a 02 parhelic 0 parheliacal 0 003 \ 11487732 n 0201 + 11487732 n 0101 \ 11487732 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a parhelion 02774411 01 a 01 parliamentary 0 002 + 08319198 n 0101 \ 08319198 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of a parliament; "parliamentary reform"; "a parliamentary body" 02774585 01 a 01 parous 0 002 + 14047171 n 0102 \ 14047171 n 0101 | having given birth to one or more viable children 02774705 01 a 01 parotid 0 001 \ 05533212 n 0101 | relating to or located near the parotid gland 02774804 01 a 01 paroxysmal 0 002 + 14082788 n 0101 \ 14082788 n 0101 | accompanied by or of the nature of paroxysms 02774923 01 a 01 paschal 0 001 \ 15191401 n 0101 | of or relating to Passover or Easter; "paschal lamb" 02775029 01 a 01 passerine 0 003 + 01524359 n 0101 ! 02775175 a 0101 \ 01524359 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the passeriform birds 02775175 01 a 01 nonpasserine 0 002 ! 02775029 a 0101 \ 01524359 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of birds that are not perching birds 02775318 01 a 01 Pauline 0 001 \ 11225661 n 0101 | relating to Paul the Apostle or his doctrines 02775417 01 a 01 peacekeeping 0 001 \ 00980904 n 0101 | of or relating to the preservation of peace between hostile groups by international military forces; "a peacekeeping force" 02775599 01 a 01 peaty 0 002 + 14689493 n 0101 \ 14689493 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or of the nature of peat 02775713 01 a 01 perigonal 0 001 \ 11692265 n 0104 | of or relating to a perigone 02775797 01 a 01 perithelial 0 002 + 05327652 n 0101 \ 05327652 n 0101 | of or relating to the tissue layer around small blood vessels 02775934 01 a 02 monetary 0 pecuniary 0 004 \ 13384557 n 0201 + 13384877 n 0101 + 13384557 n 0101 \ 13384557 n 0101 | relating to or involving money; "monetary rewards"; "he received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services" 02776174 01 a 01 pedal 0 001 \ 05563034 n 0101 | of or relating to the feet; "the word for a pedal extremity is `foot'" 02776296 01 a 01 pectineal 0 001 \ 05278714 n 0101 | of or relating to the pubis 02776379 01 a 01 pemphigous 0 002 + 14230800 n 0101 \ 14230800 n 0101 | of or relating to or manifesting pemphigus 02776496 01 a 01 petaloid 0 001 \ 11690455 n 0101 | resembling a flower petal 02776576 01 a 01 phagocytic 0 002 + 05450888 n 0101 \ 05450888 n 0101 | capable of functioning as a phagocyte 02776688 01 a 01 phalangeal 0 002 + 05278584 n 0101 \ 05278584 n 0101 | of or relating to the bones of the fingers or toes 02776813 01 a 01 Pharaonic 0 002 + 10421016 n 0101 \ 10421016 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Egyptian kings 02776931 01 a 01 Phoenician 0 001 \ 08919693 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Phoenicia or its inhabitants 02777055 01 a 01 phonogramic 0 002 + 06821889 n 0101 \ 06821889 n 0101 | of or relating to a phonogram 02777160 01 a 02 phonological 0 phonologic 0 004 + 06177450 n 0201 \ 06177450 n 0201 + 06177450 n 0101 \ 06177450 n 0101 | of or relating to phonology; "the phonological component of language" 02777355 01 a 01 photomechanical 0 003 + 13537176 n 0101 + 05666530 n 0101 \ 13537176 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving various methods of using photography to make plates for printing 02777548 01 a 02 photometric 0 photometrical 0 003 + 01003272 n 0201 \ 01003272 n 0201 \ 01003272 n 0101 | of or relating to photometry 02777686 01 a 01 photosynthetic 0 003 + 13537429 n 0101 ! 02777831 a 0101 \ 13537429 n 0101 | relating to or using or formed by photosynthesis 02777831 01 a 01 nonphotosynthetic 0 002 ! 02777686 a 0101 \ 13537429 n 0101 | not photosynthetic 02777931 01 a 01 phreatic 0 001 \ 14847503 n 0101 | of or relating to ground water 02778016 01 a 01 phrenological 0 002 + 06045847 n 0101 \ 06045847 n 0101 | of or relating to phrenology 02778122 01 a 01 pictographic 0 002 + 06840530 n 0101 \ 06840530 n 0101 | consisting of or characterized by the use of pictographs; "a pictographic script"; "pictographic stage in the development of writing" 02778332 01 a 01 plagioclastic 0 002 + 14865316 n 0101 \ 14865316 n 0101 | of or relating to plagioclase 02778439 01 a 01 pilar 0 002 + 05254393 n 0102 \ 05254393 n 0102 | of or relating to a hair 02778533 01 a 01 pilosebaceous 0 002 \ 05518257 n 0101 \ 05328232 n 0101 | of or relating to a hair follicle and its sebaceous gland 02778668 01 a 02 planetal 0 planetary 0 005 + 09394007 n 0201 \ 09394007 n 0201 + 09394646 n 0101 + 09394007 n 0101 \ 09394007 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling the physical or orbital characteristics of a planet or the planets; "planetary motion"; "planetary year" 02778943 01 a 01 planktonic 0 002 + 01383638 n 0101 \ 01383638 n 0101 | of or relating to plankton 02779044 01 a 01 planographic 0 002 + 06679457 n 0102 \ 06679457 n 0102 | of or relating to or involving planography 02779163 01 a 01 plantar 0 001 \ 05577190 n 0101 | relating to or occurring on the undersurface of the foot; "plantar warts can be very painful" 02779310 01 a 01 interplanetary 0 001 \ 09394007 n 0101 | between or among planets; "interplanetary travel" 02779420 01 a 01 penal 0 001 \ 01160342 n 0101 | of or relating to punishment; "penal reform"; "penal code" 02779530 01 a 01 penicillin-resistant 0 001 \ 03910033 n 0101 | unaffected by penicillin; "penicillin-resistant bacteria" 02779654 01 a 01 penumbral 0 001 \ 13985219 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the region of partial shadow around an umbra 02779774 01 a 01 physical 0 002 + 06090869 n 0101 \ 06090869 n 0101 | relating to the sciences dealing with matter and energy; especially physics; "physical sciences"; "physical laws" 02779960 01 a 01 plane-polarized 0 001 \ 11492014 n 0101 | (of a moving wave) vibrating in a single plane; "plane-polarized light" 02780093 01 a 02 planetary 2 terrestrial 2 002 \ 09270894 n 0201 \ 09270894 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the planet Earth or its inhabitants; "planetary rumblings and eructations"- L.C.Eiseley ; "the planetary tilt"; "this terrestrial ball" 02780355 01 a 01 extraterrestrial 0 002 + 09484465 n 0102 \ 09270894 n 0101 | originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere; "is there extraterrestrial life?" 02780538 01 a 01 Platonistic 0 002 + 05974564 n 0101 \ 05974564 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of or in accordance with Platonism 02780680 01 a 01 Platonic 0 002 + 11239271 n 0101 \ 11239271 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Plato or his philosophy; "Platonic dialogues" 02780837 01 a 01 pleomorphic 0 003 + 11492833 n 0102 + 11491816 n 0101 \ 11491816 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by pleomorphism 02780975 01 a 01 plumbaginaceous 0 002 + 12097927 n 0101 \ 12097927 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Plumbaginaceae 02781131 01 a 02 plumbic 0 plumbous 0 002 \ 14643467 n 0201 \ 14643467 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of lead 02781247 01 a 02 plutocratic 0 plutocratical 0 004 + 08362775 n 0201 \ 10443955 n 0201 + 08362775 n 0101 \ 10443955 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a plutocrat 02781425 01 a 01 polarographic 0 002 + 00647147 n 0101 \ 00647147 n 0101 | of or involving polarography 02781531 01 a 01 polemoniaceous 0 002 + 12808933 n 0101 \ 12808933 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Polemoniaceae 02781685 01 a 01 politically_correct 0 001 \ 04899713 n 0101 | exhibiting political correctness 02781783 01 a 01 politically_incorrect 0 001 \ 04901754 n 0101 | exhibiting political incorrectness 02781885 01 a 02 polydactyl 0 polydactylous 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 14471724 n 0201 \ 05566097 n 0202 \ 05566097 n 0102 | of or relating to a person (or other vertebrate) having more than the normal number of digits 02782106 01 a 01 polyhedral 0 002 + 13883885 n 0101 \ 13883885 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a polyhedron 02782225 01 a 01 polymeric 0 002 + 14994328 n 0101 \ 14994328 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of a polymer; "a polymeric compound" 02782367 01 a 02 pompous 0 ceremonious 0 003 \ 01026897 n 0201 + 04815002 n 0101 \ 04815002 n 0101 | characterized by pomp and ceremony and stately display 02782525 01 a 01 popliteal 0 001 \ 05573602 n 0101 | of or relating to the area behind the knee joint 02782629 01 a 01 positionable 0 001 \ 01051331 n 0104 | capable of being positioned 02782715 01 a 01 positional 0 001 \ 08621598 n 0101 | of or relating to or determined by position 02782815 01 a 03 positivist 0 positivistic 0 positive 0 006 + 05166805 n 0302 \ 05993367 n 0301 + 05993367 n 0201 \ 05993367 n 0201 + 10456138 n 0101 \ 05993367 n 0101 | of or relating to positivism; "positivist thinkers"; "positivist doctrine"; "positive philosophy" 02783085 01 a 02 pragmatic 0 pragmatical 0 004 + 05974798 n 0201 \ 05974798 n 0201 + 05974798 n 0101 \ 05974798 n 0101 | of or concerning the theory of pragmatism 02783250 01 a 01 prandial 0 001 \ 07573696 n 0101 | of or relating to a meal 02783329 01 a 01 preanal 0 001 \ 05538016 n 0101 | situated in front of the anus 02783412 01 a 02 preclinical 0 presymptomatic 0 002 \ 00153105 n 0201 \ 00153105 n 0101 | of or relating to the early phases of a disease when accurate diagnosis is not possible because symptoms of the disease have not yet appeared 02783646 01 a 01 precancerous 0 001 \ 14239918 n 0101 | of or relating to a growth that is not malignant but is likely to become so if not treated 02783795 01 a 01 precordial 0 002 + 05493002 n 0101 \ 05493002 n 0101 | in front of the heart; involving the precordium 02783917 01 a 01 predestinarian 0 002 + 05966129 n 0101 \ 05966129 n 0101 | of or relating to predestination; holding the doctrine of predestination 02784068 01 a 01 prelapsarian 0 001 \ 07362386 n 0102 | of or relating to the time before the Fall of Adam and Eve 02784185 01 a 01 premenstrual 0 001 \ 13513747 n 0101 | of or relating to or occurring during the period just before menstruation 02784317 01 a 01 presentational 0 003 ;c 06136258 n 0000 ;c 06158346 n 0000 \ 06891022 n 0101 | of or relating to a presentation (especially in psychology or philosophy); "what Whitehead calls `perception in the presentational immediacy'" 02784558 01 a 01 pressor 0 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 \ 11429968 n 0101 | increasing (or tending to increase) blood pressure; "pressor reflexes" 02784701 01 a 02 prodromal 0 prodromic 0 004 + 14303877 n 0201 \ 14303877 n 0201 + 14303877 n 0101 \ 14303877 n 0101 | symptomatic of the onset of an attack or a disease 02784873 01 a 01 professorial 0 002 + 10480730 n 0101 \ 10480730 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of professors; "professorial demeanor" 02785018 01 a 01 prolusory 0 001 \ 06397903 n 0103 | of or relating to or having the character of a prolusion 02785130 01 a 01 propagative 0 003 + 00055871 v 0101 + 00055539 v 0101 \ 00849982 n 0103 | characterized by propagation or relating to propagation 02785279 01 a 02 prostate 0 prostatic 0 003 + 05331404 n 0202 \ 05331404 n 0201 \ 05331404 n 0101 | relating to the prostate gland 02785412 01 a 01 prosthetic 0 002 + 04013729 n 0101 \ 04013729 n 0101 | relating to or serving as a prosthesis 02785525 01 a 01 prosthetic 1 003 + 06049091 n 0101 + 04013729 n 0101 \ 06049091 n 0101 | of or relating to prosthetics 02785647 01 a 01 prosthodontic 0 002 + 06049250 n 0101 \ 06049250 n 0101 | of or relating to prosthodontics 02785757 01 a 01 proteinaceous 0 002 + 14728724 n 0101 \ 14728724 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of protein 02785874 01 a 01 provincial 0 002 + 08654360 n 0102 \ 08654360 n 0102 | of or associated with a province; "provincial government" 02786006 01 a 01 pubertal 0 002 + 15148295 n 0101 \ 15148295 n 0101 | of or related to puberty 02786103 01 a 01 pupillary 0 002 + 05320183 n 0101 \ 05320183 n 0101 | of or relating to the pupil of the eye 02786215 01 a 01 Puranic 0 002 + 06463786 n 0101 \ 06463786 n 0101 | of or relating to the Purana 02786315 01 a 01 putrid 0 003 + 14561102 n 0102 + 14488200 n 0101 \ 14560926 n 0101 | of or relating to or attended by putrefaction; "putrid decomposition" 02786473 01 a 01 rabid 0 001 \ 14271667 n 0101 | of or infected by rabies 02786549 01 a 01 radial-ply 0 001 \ 03971422 n 0101 | of or relating to automobile tires that have a strip under the tread and relatively little stiffening in the sidewalls; "radial-ply tires" 02786744 01 a 01 radiological 0 003 + 06062407 n 0101 + 00903309 n 0102 \ 00903309 n 0102 | of or relating to radiology 02786866 01 a 02 radiotelephonic 0 radiophonic 0 006 + 04044498 n 0202 \ 06276501 n 0202 + 06276501 n 0102 + 06276501 n 0101 + 04044498 n 0101 \ 06276501 n 0102 | relating to or by means of radiotelephony 02787073 01 a 01 rationalistic 0 002 + 05975473 n 0101 \ 05975473 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of rationalism 02787210 01 a 01 ratty 0 001 \ 02331046 n 0101 | of or characteristic of rats 02787290 01 a 01 realistic 0 002 + 10509161 n 0101 \ 05975659 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism; "a realistic system of thought" 02787452 01 a 01 real-time 0 002 ;c 06128570 n 0000 \ 15298695 n 0101 | of or relating to computer systems that update information at the same rate they receive information 02787627 01 a 01 recoilless 0 001 \ 07350754 n 0101 | of or being a weapon that is designed to minimize recoil 02787740 01 a 01 recombinant 0 001 \ 14831479 n 0102 | of or relating to recombinant DNA 02787831 01 a 01 recreational 0 003 + 00401783 n 0102 + 00426928 n 0102 \ 00426928 n 0102 | of or relating to recreation; "a recreational area with a pool and ball fields" 02788005 01 a 02 refractive 0 refractile 0 006 \ 11503287 n 0201 + 05011568 n 0102 + 02111838 v 0101 + 00920929 v 0101 + 05011568 n 0101 \ 11503287 n 0101 | of or relating to or capable of refraction; "the refractive characteristics of the eye" 02788252 01 a 01 refractory-lined 0 001 \ 03404900 n 0102 | (of furnaces) lined with material that has a high melting point 02788378 01 a 01 republican 1 002 + 10522633 n 0101 \ 08263113 n 0101 | relating to or belonging to the Republican Party; "a Republican senator"; "Republican party politics" 02788554 01 a 01 resinlike 0 001 \ 14894140 n 0101 | resembling resin in properties or texture 02788651 01 a 01 revenant 0 001 \ 10526441 n 0101 | of or relating to or typical of a revenant; "revenant shrieks and groans" 02788779 01 a 01 Rhodesian 0 002 + 09167101 n 0103 \ 09167101 n 0103 | of or relating to the former country of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 02788916 01 a 01 rocket-propelled 0 001 \ 11498679 n 0101 | propelled by (or as if propelled by) a rocket engine 02789031 01 a 02 Romansh 0 Rumansh 0 002 \ 06968174 n 0202 \ 06968174 n 0101 | of or relating to the Romansh language 02789151 01 a 03 romantic 0 romanticist 0 romanticistic 0 005 + 06155075 n 0301 \ 06155075 n 0301 \ 06155075 n 0201 + 06155075 n 0101 \ 06155075 n 0101 | belonging to or characteristic of Romanticism or the Romantic Movement in the arts; "romantic poetry" 02789409 01 a 02 ropy 0 ropey 0 004 + 04108268 n 0201 \ 04108268 n 0201 + 04108268 n 0101 \ 04108268 n 0101 | of or resembling rope (or ropes) in being long and strong 02789579 01 a 01 royal 0 001 \ 10628644 n 0103 | of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch; "the royal party"; "the royal crest"; "by royal decree"; "a royal visit" 02789798 01 a 01 royal 1 001 \ 08153437 n 0101 | established or chartered or authorized by royalty; "the Royal Society" 02789920 01 a 01 ruminant 0 003 + 01174555 v 0101 ! 02790134 a 0101 \ 02398732 n 0101 | related to or characteristic of animals of the suborder Ruminantia or any other animal that chews a cud; "ruminant mammals" 02790134 01 a 01 nonruminant 0 002 ! 02789920 a 0101 \ 02398732 n 0101 | not ruminant 02790222 01 a 01 agricultural 0 001 \ 00916464 n 0102 | relating to or used in or promoting agriculture or farming; "agricultural engineering"; "modern agricultural (or farming) methods"; "agricultural (or farm) equipment"; "an agricultural college" 02790474 01 a 03 aquicultural 0 aquacultural 0 hydroponic 0 006 + 00918976 n 0301 \ 00918976 n 0302 + 00916147 n 0201 \ 00918976 n 0202 + 00918976 n 0102 \ 00918976 n 0102 | of or relating to aquiculture; "aquacultural methods"; "hydroponic lettuce" 02790726 01 a 01 rural 1 002 + 04920237 n 0101 \ 08644722 n 0101 | of or relating to the countryside as opposed to the city; "rural electrification"; "rural free delivery" 02790900 01 a 01 Ruritanian 0 002 + 05631681 n 0101 \ 05631681 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Ruritania (or any other imaginary country) 02791058 01 a 01 Sabine 0 001 \ 09717233 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Sabines 02791161 01 a 01 saccadic 0 002 + 00338271 n 0101 \ 00338271 n 0101 | of or related to the rapid movement of the eyes between points of fixation 02791308 01 a 02 sacculated 0 sacculate 0 002 \ 05322570 n 0201 \ 05322570 n 0101 | formed with or having saclike expansions; "the alimentary tract is partially sacculated" 02791483 01 a 01 sadomasochistic 0 002 + 07494018 n 0101 \ 07494018 n 0101 | of or relating to sadomasochism; "sadomasochistic sexual practices" 02791630 01 a 01 Sadducean 0 002 + 10545524 n 0101 \ 10545524 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sadducees 02791735 01 a 01 Saharan 0 001 \ 09172283 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in the Sahara Desert 02791838 01 a 01 sapiens 0 001 \ 02474777 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Homo sapiens 02791943 01 a 02 sarcolemmic 0 sarcolemnous 0 003 \ 05427570 n 0201 + 05427570 n 0101 \ 05427570 n 0101 | of or relating to sarcolemma 02792080 01 a 01 sartorial 0 003 + 10689564 n 0103 \ 10689564 n 0101 \ 00618436 n 0101 | of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring 02792214 01 a 01 sartorial 1 002 + 05589896 n 0101 \ 05589896 n 0101 | of or relating to the sartorius muscle 02792326 01 a 01 scalene 1 001 \ 05590144 n 0102 | of or relating to any of the scalene muscles 02792424 01 a 01 scalene 2 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 \ 13880704 n 0101 | of a triangle having three sides of different lengths 02792550 01 a 01 scapular 0 002 + 05279688 n 0101 \ 05279688 n 0101 | relating to or near the shoulder blade 02792661 01 a 01 scapulohumeral 0 002 \ 05279688 n 0101 \ 05593181 n 0101 | relating to the shoulder blade and upper arm bone 02792789 01 a 01 scenic 0 001 \ 04145056 n 0101 | of or relating to the stage or stage scenery; "scenic design" 02792903 01 a 01 scholastic 0 006 + 15203229 n 0101 + 08277393 n 0101 + 08276720 n 0101 + 05757536 n 0101 + 04146050 n 0101 \ 08276720 n 0101 | of or relating to schools; "scholastic year" 02793094 01 a 01 scholastic 1 003 + 10558896 n 0101 + 05976065 n 0101 \ 05976065 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of scholasticism; "scholastic philosophy" 02793273 01 a 01 scientific 0 001 \ 05999540 n 0101 | of or relating to the practice of science; "scientific journals" 02793394 01 a 01 sclerotic 0 001 \ 05447218 n 0101 | of or relating to the sclera of the eyeball; "sclerotic tissue" 02793513 01 a 02 sclerotic 1 sclerosed 0 003 \ 14110411 n 0201 + 14110411 n 0101 \ 14110411 n 0101 | relating to or having sclerosis; hardened; "a sclerotic patient" 02793681 01 a 01 scurfy 0 002 + 09426621 n 0101 \ 09426621 n 0101 | having or producing or covered with scurf 02793793 01 a 01 Scythian 0 005 + 10566966 n 0101 + 06975469 n 0101 + 09177647 n 0101 \ 10566966 n 0101 \ 06975469 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Scythians or their culture or language 02793988 01 a 01 secular 0 001 \ 05968835 n 0101 | of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations 02794123 01 a 01 secretarial 0 002 + 10569744 n 0101 \ 10569744 n 0101 | of or relating to a secretary or to a secretary's work 02794253 01 a 01 secretory 0 001 \ 05404728 n 0101 | of or relating to or producing a secretion; " a secretory cell" 02794372 01 a 01 sectarian 1 003 + 10573957 n 0101 + 08149781 n 0101 \ 08251877 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of a sect or sects; "sectarian differences" 02794543 01 a 01 sectorial 0 002 + 13875027 n 0101 \ 13875027 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a sector; "a sectorial box" 02794670 01 a 01 self 0 001 \ 09604981 n 0101 | (used as a combining form) relating to--of or by or to or from or for--the self; "self-knowledge"; "self-proclaimed"; "self-induced" 02794853 01 a 02 self-aggrandizing 0 self-aggrandising 0 002 \ 00373862 n 0202 \ 00373862 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of self-aggrandizement 02795013 01 a 01 self-induced 0 001 \ 11468578 n 0101 | produced by electrical self-induction 02795109 01 a 01 self-limited 0 002 ;c 06043075 n 0000 \ 15268857 n 0103 | relating to a disease that tends to run a definite course without treatment 02795262 01 a 01 self-pollinating 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 07438983 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of self-pollination 02795399 01 a 01 self-renewing 0 001 \ 01248961 n 0101 | of or relating to self-renewal 02795489 01 a 01 self-service 0 001 \ 00098939 n 0101 | of or denoting an establishment (a restaurant or shop etc.) where customers serve themselves 02795640 01 a 01 semiautobiographical 0 001 \ 06516087 n 0101 | of or relating to a work that combines autobiography and fiction; "a semiautobiographical novel" 02795804 01 a 01 seminal 0 001 \ 05404336 n 0101 | pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen; "seminal fluid" 02795925 01 a 01 seminiferous 0 001 \ 05404336 n 0101 | bearing or producing seed or semen; "seminiferous tubules" 02796042 01 a 02 semiotic 0 semiotical 0 003 + 05976257 n 0201 + 05976257 n 0101 \ 05976257 n 0101 | of or relating to semiotics; "semiotic analysis" 02796194 01 a 01 semiparasitic 0 001 \ 13120775 n 0102 | of or relating to plants that are semiparasites 02796301 01 a 01 senatorial 0 002 + 10578471 n 0101 \ 10578471 n 0101 | of or relating to senators; "senatorial election" 02796425 01 a 02 sensational 0 sensory 0 002 \ 05712076 n 0201 \ 05712076 n 0101 | relating to or concerned in sensation; "the sensory cortex"; "sensory organs" 02796588 01 a 02 sepaloid 0 sepaline 0 002 \ 11690612 n 0201 \ 11690612 n 0101 | resembling or characteristic of a sepal 02796711 01 a 02 septal 0 septate 0 004 \ 05222940 n 0201 + 11683443 n 0101 + 05222940 n 0101 \ 05222940 n 0101 | of or relating to a septum 02796854 01 a 01 sepulchral 0 002 + 02921884 n 0103 \ 02921884 n 0103 | of or relating to a sepulchre; "sepulchral inscriptions"; "sepulchral monuments in churches" 02797021 01 a 01 serial 0 004 + 06593803 n 0102 + 06621447 n 0101 + 08457976 n 0101 \ 08457976 n 0101 | pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series; "serial monogamy"; "serial killing"; "a serial killer"; "serial publication" 02797257 01 a 01 serial 2 003 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 08457976 n 0101 \ 07057196 n 0101 | pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music" 02797408 01 a 01 sidereal 0 001 \ 09252970 n 0101 | of or relating to the stars or constellations; "sidereal bodies"; "the sidereal system" 02797550 01 a 01 Sikh 0 003 ;c 06239931 n 0000 + 10598349 n 0101 \ 06239931 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sikhs or their religious beliefs and customs 02797704 01 a 02 siliceous 0 silicious 0 004 + 15041277 n 0201 \ 15041277 n 0201 + 15041277 n 0101 \ 15041277 n 0101 | relating to or containing or resembling silica; "gritrock is siliceous sandstone" 02797907 01 a 01 single-stranded 0 001 \ 14867858 n 0103 | having a single strand; "single-stranded RNA" 02798014 01 a 01 Siouan 0 003 + 09669125 n 0101 \ 09669125 n 0101 \ 06920129 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sioux people or their language and culture 02798167 01 a 01 Sisyphean 0 002 + 09498697 n 0101 \ 09498697 n 0101 | of or relating to Sisyphus 02798267 01 a 01 snow-capped 0 001 \ 09438844 n 0101 | (of mountains) capped with a covering of snow 02798370 01 a 02 social 0 societal 0 003 + 07966140 n 0201 \ 07966140 n 0201 \ 07966140 n 0101 | relating to human society and its members; "social institutions"; "societal evolution"; "societal forces"; "social legislation" 02798597 01 a 01 social 2 001 \ 08387930 n 0101 | relating to or belonging to or characteristic of high society; "made fun of her being so social and high-toned"; "a social gossip colum"; "the society page" 02798806 01 a 01 soft-finned 0 001 \ 01428580 n 0101 | of or relating to fish with soft fins 02798901 01 a 01 soft-nosed 0 001 \ 02916350 n 0101 | (of a bullet) made of soft material that expands on impact 02799016 01 a 01 solar 0 001 \ 09450163 n 0101 | relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun; "solar eclipse"; "solar energy" 02799173 01 a 01 sociopathic 0 002 + 10489564 n 0101 \ 14388139 n 0102 | of or relating to a sociopathic personality disorder 02799301 01 a 01 solanaceous 0 002 + 12892226 n 0101 \ 12892226 n 0101 | of or relating to plants of the family Solanaceae (the potato family) 02799446 01 a 01 Solomonic 0 002 + 11307759 n 0101 \ 11307759 n 0101 | exhibiting or requiring the wisdom of Solomon in making difficult decisions 02799595 01 a 01 somatosensory 0 001 \ 05654873 n 0101 | of or relating to the somatosenses 02799689 01 a 01 soteriological 0 002 + 06191687 n 0101 \ 06191687 n 0101 | of or relating to soteriology 02799797 01 a 01 squint-eyed 0 001 \ 14557415 n 0102 | affected by strabismus 02799877 01 a 01 squinty 0 001 \ 00878328 n 0101 | characterized by squinting; "he looked with squinty eyes" 02799988 01 a 01 specialistic 0 003 + 10632576 n 0101 + 10631941 n 0101 \ 10631941 n 0101 | of or related to or characteristic of specialists 02800132 01 a 01 spectral 0 003 + 11420831 n 0101 + 05128219 n 0101 \ 11420831 n 0101 | of or relating to a spectrum; "spectral colors"; "spectral analysis" 02800291 01 a 01 spectrographic 0 003 + 04272638 n 0102 + 04272782 n 0101 \ 04272782 n 0101 | relating to or employing a spectrograph 02800427 01 a 01 spermicidal 0 002 + 04274396 n 0101 \ 04274396 n 0101 | destructive to spermatozoa 02800529 01 a 02 spermous 0 spermatic 0 004 + 05457469 n 0201 \ 05457469 n 0201 + 05457469 n 0101 \ 05457469 n 0101 | consisting of or resembling spermatozoa 02800689 01 a 01 spherical 0 003 + 04274530 n 0101 ! 02800851 a 0101 \ 13899200 n 0101 | of or relating to spheres or resembling a sphere; "spherical geometry" 02800851 01 a 01 nonspherical 0 002 ! 02800689 a 0101 \ 13899200 n 0101 | not spherical 02800941 01 a 01 sphingine 0 001 \ 04274807 n 0101 | resembling a sphinx; "a sphingine smile" 02801037 01 a 01 splashy 0 002 + 07395104 n 0101 \ 07395104 n 0101 | characterized by water flying about haphazardly 02801156 01 a 03 splenic 0 splenetic 0 lienal 0 006 + 05333467 n 0302 \ 05333467 n 0302 + 05333467 n 0201 \ 05333467 n 0201 + 05333467 n 0101 \ 05333467 n 0101 | of or relating to the spleen 02801349 01 a 02 splintery 0 slivery 0 005 + 09442838 n 0202 + 09385137 n 0202 \ 09385137 n 0202 + 09442838 n 0101 \ 09442838 n 0101 | resembling or consisting of or embedded with long slender fragments of (especially) wood having sharp points; "a rough splintery floor of old pine boards" 02801641 01 a 01 sporogenous 0 001 \ 11547855 n 0101 | producing spores or reproducing by means of spores 02801749 01 a 01 sportive 0 001 \ 00523513 n 0101 | relating to or interested in sports 02801839 01 a 01 sporting 0 001 \ 00523513 n 0101 | relating to or used in sports; "sporting events"; "sporting equipment" 02801964 01 a 01 spousal 0 002 + 10640620 n 0101 \ 10640620 n 0101 | relating to a spouse; "a fitting symbol of spousal love" 02802092 01 a 01 spring-loaded 0 001 \ 04288272 n 0101 | containing a compressed spring that presses one part against another 02802220 01 a 01 stagflationary 0 002 + 13560738 n 0101 \ 13560738 n 0101 | characteristic of or promoting stagflation 02802341 01 a 01 stainable 0 002 + 04944710 n 0101 \ 04944710 n 0101 | capable of being stained (especially of cells and cell parts) 02802476 01 a 01 Stalinist 0 001 \ 11312120 n 0101 | of or relating to Joseph Stalin or his times 02802576 01 a 02 stannic 0 stannous 0 002 \ 14658855 n 0201 \ 14658855 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing tin 02802694 01 a 01 staphylococcal 0 002 + 01379389 n 0101 \ 01379389 n 0101 | of or relating to the staphylococcus bacteria; "a staphylococcal infection" 02802848 01 a 01 statutory 0 001 \ 06564387 n 0102 | relating to or created by statutes; "statutory matters"; "statutory law" 02802976 01 a 02 stellar 0 astral 0 002 \ 09444100 n 0201 \ 09444100 n 0101 | being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars; "an astral body"; "stellar light" 02803150 01 a 01 interstellar 0 001 \ 09444100 n 0101 | between or among stars; "the density of hydrogen in interplanetary and interstellar space" 02803299 01 a 01 stemmatic 0 001 \ 13912540 n 0101 | of or relating to a textual stemma 02803389 01 a 02 stenographic 0 stenographical 0 005 + 06350127 n 0202 + 00615462 n 0201 \ 06350127 n 0202 + 00615462 n 0101 \ 06350127 n 0102 | of or relating to or employing stenography 02803579 01 a 01 steroidal 0 004 + 14745635 n 0102 + 15057744 n 0101 ! 02803740 a 0101 \ 14745635 n 0101 | of or relating to steroid hormones or their effects 02803740 01 a 01 nonsteroidal 0 002 ! 02803579 a 0101 \ 15058023 n 0101 | not steroidal or not having the effects of steroid hormones 02803876 01 a 01 stoichiometric 0 002 + 13825840 n 0101 \ 13825840 n 0101 | of or relating to stoichiometry 02803986 01 a 01 stovepiped 0 002 ;c 06128570 n 0000 \ 13551117 n 0101 | of or relating to data stored in separate databases; "stovepiped information" 02804139 01 a 01 subarctic 0 001 \ 08496798 n 0101 | of or relating to latitudes just south of the Arctic Circle 02804254 01 a 01 subcortical 0 001 \ 05486510 n 0104 | of or relating to or being or involving nerve centers below the cerebral cortex 02804391 01 a 01 subdural 0 001 \ 05482529 n 0101 | below the dura mater but above the arachnoid membrane of the meninges 02804515 01 a 01 sublingual 0 001 \ 05301072 n 0101 | beneath the tongue 02804590 01 a 01 suburban 0 004 + 00123018 v 0101 + 00122853 v 0101 + 08554440 n 0102 \ 08554440 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs; "suburban population" 02804777 01 a 01 sub-Saharan 0 001 \ 09172283 n 0101 | of or relating to or situated in the region south of the Sahara Desert 02804905 01 a 01 suctorial 0 003 + 11517494 n 0101 + 00842692 n 0103 \ 00842692 n 0103 | adapted for sucking or clinging by suction 02805039 01 a 01 Sufi 0 002 \ 05949266 n 0101 \ 10672371 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sufis or to Sufism 02805148 01 a 02 sulfurous 0 sulphurous 0 004 + 14656219 n 0203 \ 14656219 n 0203 + 14656219 n 0101 \ 14656219 n 0101 | of or related to or containing sulfur or derived from sulfur 02805331 01 a 01 Sumerian 0 004 + 10674471 n 0101 + 08918248 n 0101 \ 08918248 n 0101 \ 10674471 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Sumer or its inhabitants 02805490 01 a 01 superficial 0 004 + 04677113 n 0101 + 04358381 n 0101 + 05135951 n 0101 \ 08660339 n 0101 | of, affecting, or being on or near the surface; "superficial measurements"; "the superficial area of the wall"; "a superficial wound" 02805735 01 a 01 suppurative 0 003 + 00096766 v 0103 ! 02805872 a 0101 \ 13479889 n 0102 | relating to or characterized by suppuration 02805872 01 a 01 nonsuppurative 0 002 ! 02805735 a 0101 \ 13479889 n 0102 | not suppurative 02805966 01 a 02 supraorbital 0 supraocular 0 002 \ 05285275 n 0201 \ 05285275 n 0101 | located or occurring above the eye socket 02806098 01 a 01 surficial 0 002 + 09451517 n 0101 \ 09451517 n 0101 | pertaining to or occurring on or near the earth's surface; "a surficial geologic deposit" 02806261 01 a 01 sustainable 0 006 + 02679530 v 0102 + 01202728 v 0103 + 00818422 v 0101 + 00665886 v 0103 + 05029594 n 0101 \ 05029594 n 0101 | capable of being sustained 02806435 01 a 01 sustentacular 0 002 + 01216191 n 0102 \ 01216191 n 0103 | serving to sustain or support; "sustentacular cells" 02806565 01 a 01 syllabic 0 001 \ 06361770 n 0101 | consisting of or using a syllabary; "eskimos of the eastern Arctic have a system of syllabic writing" 02806721 01 a 01 syllabic 1 003 + 06304671 n 0101 + 07113491 n 0101 \ 06304671 n 0101 | of or relating to syllables; "syllabic accent"; "syllabic characters each represent a syllable" 02806907 01 a 02 symbolic 0 symbolical 0 005 + 06806469 n 0201 + 05765415 n 0201 \ 06806469 n 0201 + 06806469 n 0101 \ 06806469 n 0101 | relating to or using or proceeding by means of symbols; "symbolic logic"; "symbolic operations"; "symbolic thinking" 02807163 01 a 01 symbolic 1 001 \ 06807849 n 0101 | using symbolism; "symbolic art" 02807249 01 a 01 symptomatic 0 002 + 14299637 n 0101 \ 14299637 n 0101 | relating to or according to or affecting a symptom or symptoms; "symptomatic relief"; "symptomatic treatment"; "a symptomatic classification of diseases" 02807478 01 a 04 syncretic 0 syncretical 0 syncretistic 0 syncretistical 0 010 + 14421724 n 0401 + 13564215 n 0401 \ 14421724 n 0401 + 14421724 n 0301 \ 14421724 n 0301 + 14421724 n 0201 + 13564215 n 0201 \ 14421724 n 0201 + 14421724 n 0101 \ 14421724 n 0101 | of or characterized by syncretism 02807775 01 a 04 syncretic 1 syncretical 1 syncretistic 1 syncretistical 1 008 + 13564215 n 0401 \ 13564215 n 0401 + 13564215 n 0301 \ 13564215 n 0301 + 13564215 n 0201 \ 13564215 n 0201 + 13564215 n 0101 \ 13564215 n 0101 | relating to a historical tendency for a language to reduce its use of inflections; "modern English is a syncretic language" 02808126 01 a 02 synesthetic 0 synaesthetic 0 004 + 05720602 n 0202 \ 05720602 n 0201 + 05720602 n 0101 \ 05720602 n 0101 | relating to or experiencing synesthesia; involving more than one sense; "synesthetic response to music"; "synesthetic metaphor" 02808380 01 a 01 synoptic 0 002 + 06468951 n 0102 \ 06468951 n 0102 | presenting a summary or general view of a whole; "a synoptic presentation of a physical theory" 02808548 01 a 01 synovial 0 002 + 05415200 n 0101 \ 05415200 n 0101 | relating to or secreting synovia 02808653 01 a 01 syntagmatic 0 004 + 06313457 n 0101 + 06313457 n 0102 ! 02773691 a 0101 \ 06313457 n 0101 | related as members of a syntagma; "syntagmatic word associations" 02808830 01 a 01 tangential 0 003 + 13871134 n 0101 + 13788035 n 0101 \ 13871134 n 0101 | of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent; "tangential forces" 02809010 01 a 01 Tasmanian 0 003 + 08834123 n 0101 + 08833981 n 0101 \ 08834123 n 0101 | of or relating to Tasmania 02809128 01 a 01 taurine 0 001 \ 02403325 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a bull 02809220 01 a 02 technical 0 proficient 0 004 \ 05643190 n 0201 + 05643190 n 0102 \ 05665146 n 0101 + 05820462 n 0101 | of or relating to technique or proficiency in a practical skill; "his technical innovation was his brushwork"; "the technical dazzle of her dancing" 02809492 01 a 01 technophilic 0 001 \ 07555775 n 0101 | of or relating to or showing technophilia 02809592 01 a 01 technophobic 0 001 \ 07504258 n 0101 | of or relating to or showing technophobia 02809692 01 a 02 technical 3 technological 0 004 + 06125041 n 0204 + 00949619 n 0201 \ 06125041 n 0204 \ 06125041 n 0104 | of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles; "technical college"; "technological development" 02809958 01 a 01 telemetered 0 001 \ 01116206 n 0101 | of or pertaining to telemetry; "the telemetered information was recorded and analyzed" 02810102 01 a 04 tellurian 0 telluric 0 terrestrial 0 terrene 0 004 \ 09334396 n 0403 \ 09334396 n 0303 \ 09334396 n 0203 \ 09334396 n 0103 | of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the sea or air 02810316 01 a 01 semiterrestrial 0 001 \ 09334396 n 0103 | chiefly but not exclusively terrestrial 02810417 01 a 01 telluric 1 002 + 14657228 n 0101 \ 14657228 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing the chemical element tellurium 02810552 01 a 01 temperamental 0 002 + 04623612 n 0102 \ 04623612 n 0102 | relating to or caused by temperament; "temperamental indifference to neatness"; "temperamental peculiarities" 02810739 01 a 01 temporal 0 001 \ 05602683 n 0101 | of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit); "temporal bone" 02810882 01 a 01 temporal 1 001 \ 00028270 n 0101 | of or relating to or limited by time; "temporal processing"; "temporal dimensions"; "temporal and spacial boundaries"; "music is a temporal art" 02811081 01 a 01 spatiotemporal 0 001 \ 06010737 n 0101 | of or relating to space and time together (having both spatial extension and temporal duration); "spatiotemporal coherence" 02811265 01 a 02 tendinous 0 sinewy 0 004 + 05296253 n 0202 \ 05296253 n 0202 + 05296253 n 0101 \ 05296253 n 0101 | consisting of tendons or resembling a tendon 02811428 01 a 01 tendril-climbing 0 001 \ 13102775 n 0101 | of or relating to plants that climb by means of tendrils 02811547 01 a 01 tensile 0 001 \ 11515051 n 0101 | of or relating to tension; "tensile stress"; "tensile pull" 02811660 01 a 01 tensional 0 002 + 13980596 n 0102 \ 14002481 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by tension 02811774 01 a 01 tentacular 0 003 + 05195175 n 0101 + 02584643 n 0101 \ 02584643 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling tentacles 02811908 01 a 01 tentacled 0 001 \ 02584643 n 0101 | having tentacles 02811980 01 a 01 teratogenic 0 002 + 09455998 n 0101 \ 09455998 n 0101 | of or relating to substances or agents that can interfere with normal embryonic development 02812147 01 a 01 terminal 0 001 \ 15224486 n 0101 | relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time; "terminal examinations"; "terminal payments" 02812306 01 a 01 terminal 1 001 \ 04413631 n 0101 | of or relating to or situated at the ends of a delivery route; "freight pickup is a terminal service"; "terminal charges" 02812482 01 a 01 territorial 0 003 + 08493064 n 0101 + 08552138 n 0102 \ 08552138 n 0102 | of or relating to a territory; "the territorial government of the Virgin Islands"; "territorial claims made by a country" 02812697 01 a 01 testaceous 0 002 + 11682349 n 0101 \ 11682349 n 0101 | relating to or possessing a testa or hard shell; "testaceous fish" 02812838 01 a 01 testamentary 0 002 + 06544142 n 0102 \ 06544142 n 0102 | of or relating to a will or testament or bequeathed by a will or testament 02812989 01 a 01 testimonial 0 005 + 06648207 n 0102 + 06648207 n 0101 + 06732710 n 0101 + 06734467 n 0101 \ 06734467 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting testimony 02813162 01 a 01 testimonial 1 003 + 06697195 n 0102 + 06694540 n 0102 \ 06697195 n 0102 | expressing admiration or appreciation; "testimonial dinner" 02813315 01 a 01 theatrical 0 003 + 07006119 n 0104 + 04788693 n 0102 \ 07006119 n 0104 | of or relating to the theater 02813437 01 a 01 Theban 0 001 \ 08789076 n 0101 | of or relating to the Greek city of Thebes or its people or culture 02813557 01 a 01 Theban 1 001 \ 08899776 n 0101 | of or relating to the Egyptian city of Thebes or its people or culture 02813680 01 a 01 thematic 0 003 + 06599788 n 0103 + 05920272 n 0101 \ 06599788 n 0103 | relating to or constituting a topic of discourse 02813819 01 a 01 unthematic 0 002 ! 02813978 a 0101 \ 06599788 n 0103 | not relating to a melodic subject; "there is nothing unthematic in this composition" 02813978 01 a 01 thematic 1 003 + 07029247 n 0101 ! 02813819 a 0101 \ 07029247 n 0101 | of or relating to a melodic subject 02814104 01 a 02 thenal 0 thenar 0 007 + 05565937 n 0201 + 05565696 n 0202 \ 05565696 n 0202 + 05565937 n 0101 + 05565696 n 0102 \ 05565696 n 0102 \ 05565937 n 0101 | of or relating to the palm of the hand or to the area at the base of the thumb 02814352 01 a 01 thermal 1 001 \ 09305898 n 0101 | of or relating to a hot spring; "thermal water" 02814453 01 a 03 thermal 0 thermic 0 caloric 0 006 + 13726296 n 0301 \ 11466043 n 0301 \ 11466043 n 0201 + 11518645 n 0101 ! 02814758 a 0101 \ 11466043 n 0101 | relating to or associated with heat; "thermal movements of molecules"; "thermal capacity"; "thermic energy"; "the caloric effect of sunlight" 02814758 01 a 01 nonthermal 0 002 ! 02814453 a 0101 \ 11466043 n 0101 | not involving heat; "nonthermal luminescence" 02814878 01 a 02 thermoelectric 0 thermoelectrical 0 003 \ 11514672 n 0201 + 11514672 n 0101 \ 11514672 n 0101 | involving or resulting from thermoelectricity 02815039 01 a 01 threaded 0 001 \ 04154938 n 0101 | (of bolts or screws) having screw threads 02815135 01 a 01 tibial 0 002 + 05594367 n 0101 \ 05594367 n 0101 | relating to or located near a tibia 02815241 01 a 01 tidal 0 002 + 07402519 n 0101 \ 07402519 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by tides; "tidal wave" 02815361 01 a 01 tiered 0 001 \ 04433905 n 0101 | having or arranged in tiers; "a tiered mound" 02815459 01 a 01 time-release 0 001 \ 13549672 n 0101 | of or relating to a preparation that gradually releases an active substance (especially a drug) over a period of time 02815635 01 a 01 Timorese 0 001 \ 08908739 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Timor or its inhabitants 02815753 01 a 01 tinny 0 002 + 14658855 n 0101 \ 14658855 n 0101 | of or containing tin 02815843 01 a 01 titular 0 002 + 06343117 n 0101 \ 06343117 n 0101 | of or associated with or bearing a title signifying nobility; "titular dignitaries" 02815998 01 a 01 titular 1 002 + 06343520 n 0101 \ 06343520 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the title of a work of art; "performed well in the titular (or title) role"; "the titular theme of the book" 02816198 01 a 01 titular 2 002 + 06339416 n 0101 \ 06339416 n 0101 | of or bearing a title signifying status or function; "of titular rank" 02816340 01 a 02 titular 3 titulary 0 004 + 05181199 n 0201 \ 05181199 n 0201 + 05181199 n 0101 \ 05181199 n 0101 | of or relating to a legal title to something; "titulary rights" 02816522 01 a 01 toll-free 0 001 \ 13323749 n 0101 | having no toll levied for its use; "a toll-free road"; "a toll-free telephone number" 02816663 01 a 02 tonic 1 tonal 0 004 + 04986883 n 0201 \ 04986883 n 0201 + 04986883 n 0101 \ 04986883 n 0101 | employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words; "Chinese is a tonal language" 02816888 01 a 01 tonic 2 004 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 14544672 n 0103 + 14544672 n 0101 \ 14544672 n 0102 | of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue; "a tonic reflex"; "tonic muscle contraction" 02817113 01 a 01 clonic 0 003 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 14083061 n 0101 \ 14083061 n 0101 | of or relating to abnormal neuromuscular activity characterized by rapidly alternating muscle contraction and relaxation; "clonic spasm" 02817339 01 a 01 topical 0 003 + 06599788 n 0102 + 05814291 n 0101 \ 05814291 n 0101 | of or relating to or arranged by topics; "a detailed record on both a chronological and a topical basis" 02817533 01 a 02 topological 0 topologic 0 002 \ 06017594 n 0201 \ 06017594 n 0101 | of or relating to topology 02817647 01 a 01 toroidal 0 003 + 13900287 n 0101 + 13900088 n 0102 \ 13900287 n 0101 | of or relating to or shaped like a toroid; doughnut shaped 02817796 01 a 01 torrential 0 002 + 07407593 n 0101 \ 07407593 n 0101 | relating to or resulting from the action of a torrent; "torrential erosion"; "torrential adaptations seen in some aquatic forms" 02817999 01 a 01 tortious 0 001 \ 00733883 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the nature of a tort; "tortious acts" 02818111 01 a 02 totalitarian 0 totalistic 0 003 + 06213688 n 0203 \ 06213688 n 0203 \ 06213688 n 0102 | of or relating to the principles of totalitarianism according to which the state regulates every realm of life; "totalitarian theory and practice"; "operating in a totalistic fashion" 02818402 01 a 01 totipotent 0 004 ;c 00006484 n 0000 + 05214976 n 0101 + 05214976 n 0102 \ 05214976 n 0101 | having the ability to give rise to unlike cells; "embryonic stem cells are totipotent" 02818600 01 a 01 tubercular 0 002 + 14143415 n 0101 \ 14143415 n 0101 | relating to tuberculosis or those suffering from it; "a tubercular hospital" 02818751 01 a 01 tubercular 1 002 + 05542686 n 0102 \ 05542686 n 0101 | pertaining to or of the nature of a normal tuberosity or tubercle; "a tubercular process for the attachment of a ligament or muscle" 02818958 01 a 01 tubercular 2 003 + 14211440 n 0101 + 14143415 n 0101 \ 14211440 n 0101 | characterized by the presence of tuberculosis lesions or tubercles; "tubercular leprosy" 02819139 01 a 01 tuberculate 0 001 \ 13088989 n 0102 | covered with tubercles 02819219 01 a 01 tuberculoid 0 001 \ 14143415 n 0101 | resembling tuberculosis; "tuberculoid lesions"; "tuberculoid leprosy" 02819346 01 a 01 turbinate 0 001 \ 05283816 n 0101 | of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages 02819475 01 a 02 two-humped 0 double-humped 0 002 \ 13894434 n 0203 \ 13894434 n 0103 | having two humps 02819582 01 a 02 two-wheel 0 two-wheeled 0 002 \ 04574999 n 0201 \ 04574999 n 0101 | of or relating to vehicles with two wheels; "a two-wheeled cart" 02819734 01 a 01 umbelliform 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13131028 n 0101 | resembling or in the form of an umbel 02819848 01 a 01 umbelliferous 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 12930044 n 0101 | relating to or belonging to plants of the family Umbelliferae 02819988 01 a 01 uncial 0 002 + 06353225 n 0101 \ 06353225 n 0101 | relating to or written in majuscule letters (which resemble modern capitals); "uncial letters" 02820153 01 a 01 Uniate 0 001 \ 08086987 n 0102 | of or relating to former Eastern Christian or Orthodox churches that have been received under the jurisdiction of the Church of Rome but retain their own rituals and practices and canon law 02820395 01 a 01 unicellular 0 001 \ 00006484 n 0101 | having or consisting of a single cell 02820490 01 a 02 uniovular 0 uniovulate 0 002 \ 11678768 n 0201 \ 11678768 n 0101 | having a single ovule 02820598 01 a 01 unitary 1 001 \ 09465459 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or involving the use of units; "a unitary method was applied"; "established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations" 02820808 01 a 01 unitary 2 001 \ 14460565 n 0102 | relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity; "the unitary principles of nationalism"; "a unitary movement in politics" 02820991 01 a 01 unpigmented 0 001 \ 04976319 n 0101 | having no pigmentation 02821071 01 a 01 urban 0 002 + 04816302 n 0101 \ 08524735 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area; "urban sociology"; "urban development" 02821243 01 a 01 urceolate 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 04515890 n 0101 | urn-shaped; large below and contracted toward the mouth 02821373 01 a 01 urethral 0 002 + 05513020 n 0101 \ 05513020 n 0101 | of or relating to the urethra 02821475 01 a 01 urogenital 0 001 \ 05509452 n 0101 | of or relating to the urinary and reproductive systems 02821586 01 a 01 usufructuary 0 003 + 10742269 n 0101 + 05190356 n 0101 \ 05190356 n 0101 | of or relating to the nature of a usufruct 02821723 01 a 02 uveal 0 uveous 0 004 + 05317960 n 0201 \ 05317960 n 0201 + 05317960 n 0101 \ 05317960 n 0101 | of or relating to the uvea of the eye 02821875 01 a 02 vacuolate 0 vacuolated 0 002 \ 05447087 n 0201 \ 05447087 n 0101 | formed into or containing one or more vacuoles or small membrane-bound cavities within a cell 02822055 01 a 02 vagal 0 pneumogastric 1 005 ;c 06078978 n 0000 + 05480076 n 0204 \ 05480076 n 0204 + 05480076 n 0101 \ 05480076 n 0101 | of or relating to the vagus nerve 02822229 01 a 01 valedictory 0 002 + 07243565 n 0104 \ 00053525 n 0101 | of or relating to an occasion or expression of farewell; "a valedictory address"; "valedictory praise for his uniformly manly course"; "a suitable valedictory gesture" 02822472 01 a 01 apopemptic 0 002 ;u 07073447 n 0000 \ 00053097 n 0101 | addressed to one who is departing; "apopemptic hymns" 02822601 01 a 01 valent 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 05034473 n 0102 \ 05034473 n 0101 | (chemistry) having valence; usually used in combination 02822746 01 a 02 valetudinarian 0 valetudinary 0 003 \ 10745613 n 0201 + 10745613 n 0101 \ 10745613 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian 02822929 01 a 01 valved 0 001 \ 04519536 n 0101 | (of brass instruments) having valves 02823018 01 a 01 vanilla 0 001 \ 07828807 n 0101 | flavored with vanilla extract; "he liked vanilla ice cream" 02823131 01 a 03 variolar 0 variolic 0 variolous 0 003 \ 14124423 n 0302 \ 14124423 n 0202 \ 14124423 n 0102 | relating to small pox 02823266 01 a 01 Vedic 0 001 \ 06464419 n 0102 | of or relating to the Vedas or to the ancient Sanskrit in which they were written; "the Vedic literature" 02823423 01 a 01 ventilatory 0 002 + 00581891 v 0101 \ 00266645 n 0101 | provided with ventilation or involving pulmonary ventilation 02823559 01 a 01 ventricular 1 004 + 05502556 n 0101 + 05391763 n 0101 \ 05391763 n 0101 \ 05502556 n 0101 | of or relating to a ventricle (of the heart or brain) 02823724 01 a 01 verbal 0 003 + 06318062 n 0101 + 06320569 n 0101 \ 06318062 n 0101 | of or relating to or formed from a verb; "verbal adjectives like `running' in `hot and cold running water'" 02823920 01 a 01 verbal 1 001 \ 06286395 n 0101 | of or relating to or formed from words in general; "verbal ability" 02824040 01 a 01 vertical 0 002 + 01238607 n 0101 \ 01238607 n 0101 | relating to or involving all stages of a business from production to distribution 02824194 01 a 01 viatical 0 003 + 00082347 n 0102 + 00082347 n 0101 \ 00082347 n 0101 | pertaining to the purchase of insurance policies from terminally ill policy holders; "viatical business"; "viatical companies"; "National Viatical Association" 02824444 01 a 01 vibrational 0 003 + 14004572 n 0106 + 00345926 n 0101 \ 07345166 n 0102 | of or relating to or characterized by vibration 02824585 01 a 01 vicarial 0 004 + 10750365 n 0101 + 10750188 n 0101 + 10750031 n 0101 \ 10750031 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a vicar 02824740 01 a 01 vicennial 0 001 \ 13748128 n 0101 | occurring once every 20 years 02824825 01 a 01 vigesimal 0 001 \ 13748128 n 0101 | relating to or based on the number twenty 02824922 01 a 01 virginal 0 002 + 10755257 n 0101 \ 13967581 n 0101 | characteristic of a virgin or virginity; "virginal white dresses" 02825060 01 a 01 vitreous 0 001 \ 14881303 n 0101 | relating to or resembling or derived from or containing glass; "vitreous rocks"; "vitreous silica" 02825213 01 a 01 vitreous 1 001 \ 05318407 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting the vitreous humor of the eye; "the vitreous chamber" 02825355 01 a 01 vocal 0 002 + 00745187 v 0101 \ 07110615 n 0101 | having or using the power to produce speech or sound; "vocal organs"; "all vocal beings hymned their praise" 02825533 01 a 01 vocal 2 003 + 01704236 v 0101 ! 02825770 a 0101 \ 07110615 n 0101 | relating to or designed for or using the singing voice; "vocal technique"; "the vocal repertoire"; "organized a vocal group to sing his compositions" 02825770 01 a 01 instrumental 0 003 + 03800933 n 0102 ! 02825533 a 0101 \ 03800933 n 0101 | relating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments; "instrumental compositions"; "an instrumental ensemble" 02825985 01 a 01 vocalic 0 003 + 07114712 n 0101 + 07112550 n 0101 \ 07112550 n 0101 | relating to or associated with or containing a vowel; "vocalic segments"; "the vocalic ablaut" 02826169 01 a 01 volcanic 0 002 + 09472597 n 0101 \ 09472597 n 0101 | relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes; "volcanic steam"; "volcanic islands such as Iceland"; "a volcanic cone is a conical mountain or hill built up of material from volcanic eruptions" 02826443 01 a 03 atheist 0 atheistic 0 atheistical 0 007 + 09820044 n 0301 + 09820044 n 0201 + 05980256 n 0201 + 06223468 n 0201 \ 06223468 n 0201 + 09820044 n 0101 \ 06223468 n 0101 | related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings" 02826701 01 a 01 electrical 0 001 \ 11449907 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with electricity; "an electrical engineer"; "electrical and mechanical engineering industries" 02826877 01 a 02 electric 0 electrical 1 004 \ 11449907 n 0201 + 11450566 n 0101 + 11449907 n 0101 \ 11449907 n 0101 | using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity; "electric current"; "electric wiring"; "electrical appliances"; "an electrical storm" 02827160 01 a 02 voltaic 0 galvanic 0 005 ;c 11449907 n 0000 + 11450453 n 0201 \ 11450453 n 0201 + 13643276 n 0101 \ 11523538 n 0101 | pertaining to or producing electric current by chemical action; "a galvanic cell"; "a voltaic (or galvanic) couple" 02827413 01 a 01 photoconductive 0 002 + 11409689 n 0101 \ 11409689 n 0101 | of or relating to photoconductivity; "selenium is a photoconductive substance" 02827571 01 a 01 photoemissive 0 001 \ 11410172 n 0101 | of or relating to photoemission 02827662 01 a 01 photovoltaic 0 001 \ 11523538 n 0101 | producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy (especially light) 02827790 01 a 02 photoelectric 0 photoelectrical 0 002 \ 11491194 n 0201 \ 11449907 n 0101 | of or pertaining to photoelectricity; "the photoelectric effect" 02827950 01 a 01 hydroelectric 0 002 + 11467202 n 0101 \ 11467202 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in the production of electricity by waterpower; "hydroelectric power" 02828123 01 a 01 hydrostatic 0 003 + 06113415 n 0101 ! 02828310 a 0101 \ 06113415 n 0101 | relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit; "hydrostatic pressure" 02828310 01 a 01 hydrokinetic 0 003 + 06113914 n 0102 ! 02828123 a 0101 \ 06113914 n 0102 | relating to fluids in motion or the forces that produce or affect such motion 02828482 01 a 01 interlocutory 0 001 \ 07136206 n 0101 | consisting of dialogue 02828564 01 a 01 interstitial 0 003 + 05230171 n 0101 + 03581531 n 0101 \ 03581531 n 0101 | of or relating to interstices 02828688 01 a 01 isomeric 0 002 + 14924188 n 0101 \ 13939734 n 0101 | of or relating to or exhibiting isomerism 02828802 01 a 01 isometric 0 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 13786187 n 0101 \ 13786187 n 0101 | related by an isometry 02828917 01 a 02 isomorphous 0 isomorphic 0 004 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 04744645 n 0201 + 04744645 n 0102 \ 04744645 n 0101 | having similar appearance but genetically different 02829094 01 a 01 isotonic 0 001 \ 06859056 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by the equal intervals of a musical scale; "isotonic tuning" 02829238 01 a 01 lapidary 0 001 \ 14699752 n 0102 | of or relating to precious stones or the art of working with them; "the ring is of no lapidary value"- Lord Byron; "lapidary art" 02829422 01 a 01 legislative 0 002 + 02466670 v 0101 \ 06535222 n 0101 | of or relating to or created by legislation; "legislative proposal" 02829565 01 a 01 legislative 1 001 \ 08163273 n 0101 | relating to a legislature or composed of members of a legislature; "legislative council" 02829711 01 a 01 leprous 0 002 + 14136187 n 0101 \ 14136187 n 0101 | relating to or resembling or having leprosy 02829826 01 a 01 lingual 1 002 + 05301072 n 0102 \ 05301072 n 0101 | pertaining to or resembling or lying near the tongue; "lingual inflammation"; "the lingual surface of the teeth" 02830010 01 a 02 Linnaean 0 Linnean 0 004 + 11133551 n 0201 \ 11133551 n 0201 + 11133551 n 0101 \ 11133551 n 0101 | of or relating to Linnaeus or to the system of taxonomic classification that Linnaeus proposed 02830223 01 a 01 long-chain 0 001 \ 09343266 n 0101 | of molecules having relatively long chains of atoms in a molecule 02830345 01 a 01 longitudinal 0 002 + 08596668 n 0101 \ 08596668 n 0101 | of or relating to lines of longitude; "longitudinal reckoning by the navigator" 02830501 01 a 01 literary 0 002 + 06364641 n 0101 \ 06364641 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of literature; "literary criticism" 02830645 01 a 01 critical 0 005 + 06374587 n 0101 + 09979072 n 0101 + 09979321 n 0101 + 09979589 n 0101 \ 05734018 n 0101 | of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism; "critical acclaim" 02830849 01 a 01 lithic 0 001 \ 14696793 n 0102 | relating to or composed of stone; "lithic sandstone" 02830954 01 a 01 lithic 1 001 \ 14643793 n 0101 | of or containing lithium 02831031 01 a 01 lymphatic 0 002 + 05404074 n 0101 \ 05404074 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by lymph 02831143 01 a 01 lymphocytic 0 002 + 05451384 n 0101 \ 05451384 n 0101 | of or relating to lymphocytes; "lymphocytic leukemia" 02831272 01 a 01 lymphoid 0 001 \ 05404074 n 0101 | resembling lymph or lymphatic tissues 02831364 01 a 01 lysogenic 0 002 + 14194345 n 0102 \ 13509528 n 0101 | capable of producing or undergoing lysis 02831478 01 a 01 lysogenic 1 003 + 14194345 n 0101 + 14194345 n 0102 \ 14194345 n 0101 | of or relating to lysogeny 02831596 01 a 01 magisterial 0 002 + 10280945 n 0101 \ 10280945 n 0101 | of or relating to a magistrate; "official magisterial functions" 02831736 01 a 02 atmospheric 0 atmospherical 0 007 + 09210604 n 0201 + 08499057 n 0201 \ 08499057 n 0201 + 14520278 n 0101 + 09210604 n 0101 + 08499057 n 0101 \ 08499057 n 0101 | relating to or located in the atmosphere; "atmospheric tests" 02831979 01 a 02 amphibious 0 amphibian 0 004 + 01627424 n 0201 \ 01625747 n 0201 + 01625747 n 0101 \ 01625747 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia 02832164 01 a 01 insectan 0 002 + 02159955 n 0101 \ 02159955 n 0101 | of or relating to the class Insecta 02832272 01 a 01 mammalian 0 002 + 01861778 n 0102 \ 01861465 n 0101 | of or relating to the class Mammalia 02832382 01 a 01 piscine 0 001 \ 02512053 n 0101 | of or relating to fish 02832458 01 a 01 reptilian 0 003 + 01661091 n 0102 + 01660719 n 0101 \ 01660719 n 0101 | of or relating to the class Reptilia 02832586 01 a 01 algal 0 002 + 01397114 n 0101 \ 01397114 n 0101 | of or relating to alga 02832678 01 a 02 fungal 0 fungous 0 004 + 12992868 n 0201 \ 12992868 n 0201 + 12992868 n 0101 \ 12992868 n 0101 | of or relating to fungi 02832818 01 a 02 fungicidal 0 antifungal 0 004 + 02720201 n 0201 \ 02720201 n 0201 + 02720201 n 0103 \ 02720201 n 0103 | capable of destroying fungi 02832969 01 a 02 fungoid 0 funguslike 0 002 \ 12992868 n 0201 \ 12992868 n 0101 | resembling fungi 02833070 01 a 01 infectious 0 003 + 14174549 n 0101 + 13498404 n 0101 \ 14174549 n 0101 | of or relating to infection; "infectious hospital"; "infectious disease" 02833235 01 a 01 plantal 0 002 + 00017222 n 0101 \ 00017222 n 0101 | of or relating to plants 02833331 01 a 02 vegetative 1 vegetive 1 004 \ 01065057 n 0201 + 02615580 v 0101 + 00026734 v 0102 \ 01065057 n 0101 | of or relating to an activity that is passive and monotonous; "a dull vegetative lifestyle" 02833544 01 a 01 bacterial 0 003 + 01348530 n 0101 + 01348530 n 0102 \ 01348530 n 0101 | relating to or caused by bacteria; "bacterial infection" 02833692 01 a 02 parasitic 1 parasitical 0 004 + 01384687 n 0201 \ 01384687 n 0201 + 01384687 n 0101 \ 01384687 n 0101 | relating to or caused by parasites; "parasitic infection" 02833873 01 a 01 antibacterial 0 001 \ 02833544 a 0101 | destroying bacteria or inhibiting their growth 02833979 01 a 02 cyanobacterial 0 cyanophyte 0 003 \ 01357707 n 0201 + 01358572 n 0101 \ 01358259 n 0102 | relating to or caused by photosynthetic bacteria of the class Cyanobacteria 02834164 01 a 01 moneran 0 001 \ 01341876 n 0101 | of or relating to the Monera 02834246 01 a 01 triangulate 0 001 \ 13879320 n 0101 | composed of or marked with triangles 02834340 01 a 01 quadrangular 0 003 + 13879126 n 0102 + 04030518 n 0102 \ 13879126 n 0102 | of or relating to or shaped like a quadrangle 02834480 01 a 01 tetragonal 0 002 + 13879126 n 0103 \ 13879126 n 0103 | of or relating to or shaped like a quadrilateral 02834603 01 a 01 tetrametric 0 002 + 07096029 n 0101 \ 07096029 n 0101 | of or relating to verse lines written in tetrameter 02834730 01 a 02 pentangular 0 pentagonal 0 002 \ 13882201 n 0201 \ 13882201 n 0101 | of or relating to or shaped like a pentagon 02834862 01 a 02 octangular 0 octagonal 0 002 \ 13882563 n 0201 \ 13882563 n 0101 | of or relating to or shaped like an octagon 02834992 01 a 02 neoclassicist 0 neoclassicistic 0 003 + 06154464 n 0201 \ 06154464 n 0201 \ 06154464 n 0101 | relating to or advocating neoclassicism 02835145 01 a 02 expressionist 0 expressionistic 0 004 + 08467258 n 0201 \ 08467258 n 0201 + 10073851 n 0101 \ 08467258 n 0101 | of or relating to expressionism; "expressionist art" 02835329 01 a 02 postmodernist 0 postmodern 0 002 \ 03990025 n 0201 \ 03990025 n 0101 | of or relating to postmodernism; "postmodernist architecture" 02835481 01 a 01 revolutionary 0 002 + 00962722 n 0101 \ 00962722 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of a revolution; "revolutionary wars"; "the Revolutionary era" 02835654 01 a 02 residual 0 residuary 0 007 + 15004501 n 0201 + 13810818 n 0204 \ 15004501 n 0201 + 13810818 n 0103 + 15004501 n 0101 + 13810818 n 0104 \ 15004501 n 0101 | relating to or indicating a remainder; "residual quantity" 02835887 01 a 01 relativistic 0 003 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 06106502 n 0101 \ 06106502 n 0101 | relating or subject to the special or the general theory of relativity; "relativistic quantum mechanics"; "relativistic increase in mass"; "radiation from relativistic particles" 02836161 01 a 01 relativistic 1 003 + 05212609 n 0101 + 05975846 n 0101 \ 05975846 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of relativism 02836314 01 a 01 raptorial 0 002 + 01604330 n 0102 \ 01604330 n 0102 | relating to or characteristic of birds of prey; "raptorial claws and bill for seizing prey" 02836479 01 a 01 radical 1 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 \ 06300193 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting a linguistic root; "a radical verb form" 02836626 01 a 01 radial 2 001 \ 11428023 n 0104 | issuing in rays from a common center; relating to rays of light; "radial heat" 02836757 01 a 01 radial 0 002 + 13871538 n 0101 \ 13871538 n 0101 | relating to or moving along or having the direction of a radius; "radial velocity" 02836910 01 a 01 radial 1 002 + 05593318 n 0101 \ 05593318 n 0101 | relating to or near the radius; "the radial aspect of the forearm" 02837047 01 a 01 ulnar 0 002 + 05593476 n 0101 \ 05593476 n 0101 | relating to or near the ulna 02837145 01 a 01 radiographic 0 003 + 13545382 n 0101 + 00904428 n 0101 \ 00904428 n 0101 | relating to or produced by radiography 02837278 01 a 01 birefringent 0 002 + 11503482 n 0102 \ 11503482 n 0102 | relating to or characterized by double refraction 02837404 01 a 01 bisectional 0 001 \ 00386450 n 0101 | of or relating to bisection 02837489 01 a 01 bismuthal 0 002 + 14631502 n 0101 \ 14631502 n 0101 | of or relating to bismuth 02837588 01 a 01 bismuthic 0 001 \ 14631502 n 0101 | containing bismuth (especially in the pentavalent state) 02837700 01 a 01 bisontine 0 001 \ 02410509 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of bison 02837794 01 a 02 bistered 0 bistred 0 002 \ 14843640 n 0201 \ 14843640 n 0101 | colored with or as if with bister 02837910 01 a 01 bistroic 0 001 \ 02844214 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a bistro 02838005 01 a 01 polar 0 002 + 08620881 n 0101 \ 08620881 n 0101 | located at or near or coming from the earth's poles; "polar diameter"; "polar zone"; "a polar air mass"; "Antarctica is the only polar continent" 02838220 01 a 01 bipolar 0 001 \ 02838005 a 0101 | of, pertaining to, or occurring in both polar regions; "the bipolar distribution of certain species" 02838374 01 a 01 bipolar 1 001 \ 14392639 n 0103 | of or relating to manic depressive illness 02838470 01 a 01 transpolar 0 001 \ 08620881 n 0101 | extending across or crossing either pole; "transpolar air routes" 02838592 01 a 01 photographic 0 005 + 13536794 n 0101 + 00620554 n 0101 + 00903559 n 0101 + 03925226 n 0101 \ 00903559 n 0101 | relating to photography or obtained by using photography; "photographic equipment" 02838805 01 a 01 photic 0 001 \ 11473954 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by light 02838894 01 a 01 pneumatic 0 001 \ 14841267 n 0101 | of or relating to or using air (or a similar gas); "pneumatic drill"; "pneumatic tire" 02839036 01 a 01 pneumococcal 0 002 + 01380754 n 0101 \ 01380754 n 0101 | of or derived from or caused by bacteria of the genus pneumococcus 02839179 01 a 01 phallic 0 002 + 05526384 n 0102 \ 05526384 n 0102 | relating to a phallus especially as an embodiment of generative power; "a phallic cult"; "phallic worship" 02839357 01 a 01 feminist 0 002 + 10084635 n 0101 \ 00800421 n 0102 | of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women; "feminist critique" 02839505 01 a 01 professional 0 001 \ 00609953 n 0101 | of or relating to a profession; "we need professional advice"; "professional training"; "professional equipment for his new office" 02839695 01 a 01 professional 1 001 \ 08112096 n 0101 | of or relating to or suitable as a profession; "professional organizations"; "a professional field such as law" 02839865 01 a 02 vulpine 0 vulpecular 0 002 \ 02118333 n 0201 \ 02118333 n 0101 | resembling or characteristic of a fox; "vulpine cunning" 02840006 01 a 02 wolflike 0 wolfish 0 002 \ 02114100 n 0201 \ 02114100 n 0101 | resembling or characteristic (or considered characteristic) of a wolf; "ran in wolflike packs"; "wolfish rapacity" 02840203 01 a 02 vulvar 0 vulval 0 003 + 05521636 n 0201 \ 05521636 n 0201 \ 05521636 n 0101 | of or relating to the vulva 02840328 01 a 02 clitoral 0 clitoric 0 004 + 05523420 n 0201 \ 05523420 n 0201 + 05523420 n 0101 \ 05523420 n 0101 | of or relating to the clitoris 02840478 01 a 01 vocational 0 001 \ 00583246 n 0103 | of or relating to a vocation or occupation; especially providing or undergoing training in special skills; "vocational school"; "vocational students learning to repair a motor" 02840711 01 a 01 ungual 1 003 \ 05581693 n 0101 \ 02156140 n 0101 \ 02153959 n 0101 | of or relating to a nail or claw or hoof 02840840 01 a 01 succinic 0 001 \ 14894880 n 0101 | of or relating to or obtained from amber 02840935 01 a 01 umbilical 0 002 + 05556595 n 0102 \ 05556595 n 0102 | relating to or resembling the umbilicus; "umbilical cord" 02841066 01 a 02 spatial 0 spacial 0 006 + 00028651 n 0201 \ 00028651 n 0201 + 00028651 n 0101 + 05062748 n 0102 ! 02841422 a 0101 \ 00028651 n 0101 | pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space; "the first dimension to concentrate on is the spatial one"; "spatial ability"; "spatial awareness"; "the spatial distribution of the population" 02841422 01 a 01 nonspatial 0 002 ! 02841066 a 0101 \ 00028651 n 0101 | not spatial; "a nonspatial continuum" 02841534 01 a 02 sigmoid 0 sigmoidal 0 002 \ 05537417 n 0202 \ 05537417 n 0102 | of or relating to the sigmoid flexure in the large intestine 02841678 01 a 01 sigmoid 1 001 \ 13867641 n 0101 | curved in two directions (like the letter S) 02841776 01 a 01 sciatic 0 001 \ 05596004 n 0101 | of or relating to the ischium (or the part of the hipbone containing it); "sciatic nerve" 02841919 01 a 01 sciatic 1 002 + 14330727 n 0101 \ 14330727 n 0101 | relating to or caused by or afflicted with sciatica 02842042 01 a 01 semantic 0 002 + 06179792 n 0101 \ 06179792 n 0101 | of or relating to meaning or the study of meaning; "semantic analysis" 02842185 01 a 02 bovine 0 bovid 0 002 \ 02401661 n 0202 \ 02401661 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle) 02842320 01 a 01 crinoid 0 002 + 02320127 n 0101 \ 02319967 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the class Crinoidea 02842445 01 a 02 linguistic 0 lingual 0 006 + 05301072 n 0202 \ 06282651 n 0201 + 06171040 n 0101 ! 02842704 a 0101 \ 06282651 n 0101 + 10264219 n 0101 | consisting of or related to language; "linguistic behavior"; "a linguistic atlas"; "lingual diversity" 02842704 01 a 01 nonlinguistic 0 002 ! 02842445 a 0101 \ 06282651 n 0101 | not consisting of or related to language; "depended on his nonlinguistic skills" 02842862 01 a 01 intralinguistic 0 001 \ 06282651 n 0101 | within a particular language; "intralinguistic variation" 02842981 01 a 01 sociolinguistic 0 002 + 06181123 n 0101 \ 06181123 n 0101 | of or relating to sociolinguistics 02843095 01 a 01 cross-linguistic 0 001 \ 06282651 n 0101 | relating to different languages; "cross-linguistic evidence" 02843218 01 a 01 linguistic 1 003 + 06172789 n 0101 \ 06172789 n 0101 + 10264437 n 0101 | of or relating to the scientific study of language; "linguistic theory" 02843382 01 a 01 bridal 0 002 + 09874725 n 0101 \ 09874725 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a bride; "bridal gown" 02843495 01 a 03 bridal 1 nuptial 0 spousal 1 003 \ 07452074 n 0301 \ 07452074 n 0201 \ 01037469 n 0101 | of or relating to a wedding; "bridal procession"; "nuptial day"; "spousal rites"; "wedding cake"; "marriage vows" 02843717 01 a 01 cardiac 0 001 \ 05388805 n 0101 | of or relating to the heart; "cardiac arrest" 02843816 01 a 01 caudal 0 003 + 05228264 n 0101 ! 02844174 a 0101 \ 02157557 n 0101 | constituting or relating to a tail; "caudal appendage" 02843959 01 a 02 Caucasian 0 Caucasic 0 005 + 09238674 n 0201 + 08519624 n 0202 \ 08519624 n 0202 + 08519624 n 0101 \ 08519624 n 0102 | of or relating to the geographical region of Caucasia; "Caucasian languages" 02844174 01 a 01 cephalic 0 002 ! 02843816 a 0101 \ 05538625 n 0101 | of or relating to the head 02844273 01 a 01 cranial 0 002 + 05540513 n 0101 \ 05540513 n 0101 | of or relating to the cranium which encloses the brain; "cranial pressure" 02844419 01 a 02 craniometric 0 craniometrical 0 004 + 06147308 n 0201 \ 06147308 n 0201 + 06147308 n 0101 \ 06147308 n 0101 | of or relating to craniometry 02844578 01 a 01 comatose 0 002 + 05680193 n 0102 \ 05680193 n 0101 | relating to or associated with a coma; "comatose breathing"; "comatose state" 02844728 01 a 04 conic 0 conical 0 conelike 0 cone-shaped 0 010 \ 13872592 n 0401 \ 13872592 n 0301 + 13872592 n 0201 + 11682842 n 0201 + 03089348 n 0201 \ 13872592 n 0201 + 13872975 n 0102 + 13872592 n 0101 + 03089348 n 0101 \ 13872592 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a cone; "conical mountains"; "conelike fruit" 02845048 01 a 01 corinthian 2 001 \ 04699298 n 0101 | or pertaining to the Corinthian style of architecture 02845158 01 a 01 corvine 0 001 \ 01579028 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a crow 02845244 01 a 02 ciliary 2 ciliate 0 003 \ 05314919 n 0203 + 05314919 n 0103 \ 05314919 n 0103 | of or relating to the human eyelash 02845379 01 a 03 ciliary 1 ciliate 1 cilial 0 005 + 01458105 n 0301 \ 01458105 n 0301 \ 01458105 n 0201 + 01458105 n 0101 \ 01458105 n 0101 | of or relating to cilia projecting from the surface of a cell 02845585 01 a 01 ciliary 0 001 \ 05313344 n 0101 | relating to the ciliary body and associated structures of the eye 02845704 01 a 01 counterinsurgent 0 002 + 00963749 n 0102 \ 00963749 n 0102 | of or relating or characteristic of actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency 02845871 01 a 01 counterrevolutionary 0 002 + 00963057 n 0101 \ 00963057 n 0101 | relating to or being a counterrevolution 02845996 01 a 02 counterterror 0 counterterrorist 0 002 \ 05906734 n 0201 \ 05906734 n 0101 | intended to prevent terrorism; "the government took counterterror measures" 02846168 01 a 02 cyprinid 0 cyprinoid 0 003 \ 01438720 n 0201 + 01439121 n 0101 \ 01438720 n 0101 | of or relating to members of fish family Cyprinidae 02846322 01 a 03 dietary 0 dietetic 0 dietetical 0 011 + 07560903 n 0301 + 07561112 n 0301 \ 07561112 n 0301 + 07560903 n 0201 + 07561112 n 0201 \ 07561112 n 0201 + 07561590 n 0101 + 07560903 n 0101 + 07561112 n 0101 + 01070187 n 0101 \ 07561112 n 0101 | of or relating to the diet; "dietary restrictions" 02846630 01 a 02 diluvian 0 diluvial 0 002 \ 11502102 n 0203 \ 11502102 n 0103 | of or connected with a deluge 02846743 01 a 02 antediluvian 0 antediluvial 0 003 + 09795894 n 0201 \ 02846630 a 0202 \ 02846630 a 0102 | of or relating to the period before the biblical flood; "antediluvian man" 02846927 01 a 01 dominical 0 001 \ 15163797 n 0101 | of or relating to Sunday as the Lord's Day 02847025 01 a 01 dominical 1 001 \ 11083656 n 0101 | of or relating to or coming from Jesus Christ 02847126 01 a 01 Donatist 0 001 \ 06228086 n 0101 | of or relating to Donatism 02847207 01 a 01 Dorian 0 001 \ 08783444 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Greek inhabitants of Doris, to their Doric dialect of Greek, or to their culture 02847370 01 a 01 doric 0 001 \ 04698998 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the Doric style of architecture 02847473 01 a 01 dot-com 0 002 + 08002384 n 0101 \ 08002384 n 0101 | of or relating to an internet company; "a dot-com outfit in San Francisco" 02847619 01 a 01 floral 0 002 + 00017222 n 0102 \ 08436759 n 0102 | of or relating to the plant life in a particular region; "characteristic alpine floral elements" 02847786 01 a 01 floral 1 001 \ 11669921 n 0101 | relating to or associated with flowers; "floral organs" 02847894 01 a 02 fiscal 0 financial 0 007 + 06150633 n 0201 + 01134037 n 0201 + 01098698 n 0201 ! 02848119 a 0201 \ 01098698 n 0201 + 13358360 n 0101 \ 01098698 n 0101 | involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility" 02848119 01 a 01 nonfinancial 0 002 ! 02847894 a 0102 \ 01098698 n 0101 | not involving financial matters 02848227 01 a 01 fiducial 1 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 \ 07260623 n 0101 | used as a fixed standard of reference for comparison or measurement; "a fiducial point" 02848388 01 a 02 fiduciary 0 fiducial 0 003 \ 13360498 n 0201 + 10086074 n 0101 \ 13360498 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of a legal trust (i.e. the holding of something in trust for another); "a fiduciary contract"; "in a fiduciary capacity"; "fiducial power" 02848658 01 a 01 funicular 0 002 + 02934641 n 0102 \ 02933842 n 0101 | relating to or operated by a cable; "funicular railway" 02848787 01 a 01 lactic 0 001 \ 07844042 n 0101 | of or relating to or obtained from milk (especially sour milk or whey); "lactic acid"; "lactic fermentation" 02848948 01 a 01 lacteal 0 001 \ 05399034 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or producing or resembling milk; "lacteal fluids"; "lacteal organs" 02849098 01 a 01 galactic 0 002 + 08271042 n 0101 \ 08271042 n 0101 | of or relating to a galaxy (especially our galaxy the Milky Way); "the galactic plane" 02849257 01 a 01 extragalactic 0 001 \ 08271042 n 0101 | outside or beyond a galaxy; "extragalactic nebula" 02849367 01 a 01 intergalactic 0 001 \ 08271042 n 0101 | between or among galaxies; "intergalactic space" 02849475 01 a 01 gnomic 0 002 + 09541125 n 0101 \ 07153385 n 0101 | relating to or containing gnomes; "gnomic verse" 02849594 01 a 01 Gnostic 0 003 + 10133210 n 0101 + 05708030 n 0101 \ 06222959 n 0101 | of or relating to Gnosticism; "Gnostic writings" 02849732 01 a 01 gymnastic 0 002 + 00433802 n 0101 \ 00433802 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in exercises intended to develop strength and agility; "gymnastic horse" 02849904 01 a 01 gyral 0 001 \ 05492426 n 0101 | relating to or associated with or comprising a convolution of the brain; "the gyral sulcus" 02850047 01 a 01 alvine 0 001 \ 05534333 n 0101 | of or relating to the intestines 02850132 01 a 02 epistemic 0 epistemological 0 004 + 06166748 n 0201 \ 06166748 n 0201 + 05612358 n 0101 \ 06166748 n 0101 | of or relating to epistemology; "epistemic modal" 02850309 01 a 04 hemal 0 haemal 0 hematal 0 haematal 0 004 \ 05417975 n 0401 \ 05417975 n 0301 \ 05417975 n 0201 \ 05417975 n 0101 | relating to the blood vessels or blood 02850483 01 a 04 hemic 0 haemic 0 hematic 0 haematic 0 004 \ 05399847 n 0401 \ 05399847 n 0301 \ 05399847 n 0201 \ 05399847 n 0101 | relating to or containing or affecting blood; "a hematic cyst"; "a hematic crisis" 02850701 01 a 01 hemiparasitic 0 002 + 13120775 n 0101 \ 13120775 n 0101 | of or relating to plants that are hemiparasites 02850826 01 a 02 haemophilic 0 hemophilic 0 005 + 10170989 n 0204 \ 14170337 n 0201 + 14170337 n 0102 + 10170989 n 0105 \ 14170337 n 0101 | relating to or having hemophilia 02851001 01 a 01 humoral 0 003 + 05604535 n 0101 + 05397468 n 0104 \ 05397468 n 0104 | of or relating to bodily fluids 02851122 01 a 02 chylaceous 0 chylous 0 004 + 05403849 n 0201 \ 05403849 n 0201 + 05403849 n 0101 \ 05403849 n 0101 | consisting of chyle or having the properties of chyle 02851296 01 a 03 chylific 0 chylifactive 0 chylifactory 0 003 \ 05403849 n 0301 \ 05403849 n 0201 \ 05403849 n 0101 | producing or converting into chyle 02851451 01 a 01 chyliferous 0 001 \ 05403849 n 0101 | transmitting chyle; "chyliferous vessels" 02851550 01 a 01 iconic 0 004 + 07269916 n 0101 + 03558971 n 0101 + 03931044 n 0103 \ 03558971 n 0101 | relating to or having the characteristics on an icon 02851709 01 a 02 ichorous 0 sanious 0 004 + 05417472 n 0205 \ 05417472 n 0205 + 05417472 n 0104 \ 05417472 n 0104 | of or resembling or characterized by ichor or sanies; "an ichorous discharge"; "the sanious discharge from an ulcer" 02851944 01 a 01 icosahedral 0 002 + 13915883 n 0101 \ 13915883 n 0101 | of or relating to an icosahedron 02852052 01 a 01 icterogenic 0 001 \ 14319684 n 0102 | producing jaundice 02852128 01 a 02 ictal 0 ictic 0 003 \ 14081941 n 0202 + 14081941 n 0102 \ 14081941 n 0102 | of or relating to a seizure or convulsion 02852265 01 a 03 igneous 1 pyrogenic 0 pyrogenous 0 003 \ 05016171 n 0302 \ 05016171 n 0202 \ 05016171 n 0102 | produced under conditions involving intense heat; "igneous rock is rock formed by solidification from a molten state; especially from molten magma"; "igneous fusion is fusion by heat alone"; "pyrogenic strata" 02852589 01 a 01 iridic 0 001 \ 05319936 n 0101 | of or relating to the iris of the eye 02852679 01 a 01 iridic 1 001 \ 14642219 n 0101 | of or containing iridium 02852756 01 a 01 jugular 0 003 + 05042573 n 0101 + 05370918 n 0101 \ 05546540 n 0101 | relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat; "jugular vein" 02852920 01 a 03 marital 0 matrimonial 0 married 0 004 \ 13963970 n 0301 + 13963970 n 0202 \ 13963970 n 0201 \ 13963970 n 0101 | of or relating to the state of marriage; "marital status"; "marital fidelity"; "married bliss" 02853146 01 a 01 resinated 0 001 \ 14894140 n 0101 | impregnated or flavored with resin; "resinated wine" 02853254 01 a 03 sulphuretted 0 sulfurized 1 sulfuretted 0 003 \ 14656219 n 0301 \ 14656219 n 0201 \ 14656219 n 0101 | treated or impregnated with sulfur; "sulfuretted hydrogen" 02853434 01 a 02 mastoid 0 mastoidal 1 001 \ 05554653 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a nipple 02853534 01 a 01 mastoid 1 002 + 05542193 n 0101 \ 05542193 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the region of the mastoid process 02853663 01 a 01 phocine 0 001 \ 02076196 n 0101 | of or relating to seals 02853740 01 a 02 saurian 0 lacertilian 0 005 + 01673668 n 0203 \ 01674464 n 0201 + 01674216 n 0101 + 01673668 n 0101 \ 01674464 n 0101 | of or relating to lizards 02853905 01 a 01 stearic 0 002 + 15057103 n 0101 \ 14864360 n 0101 | of or relating to or composed of fat 02854013 01 a 02 vinous 0 vinaceous 0 004 + 07891726 n 0201 \ 07891726 n 0201 + 07891726 n 0101 \ 07891726 n 0101 | of or relating to wine 02854154 01 a 01 tegular 0 001 \ 15074568 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a series of tiles 02854257 01 a 01 dyadic 0 001 \ 13743605 n 010c | of or relating to a dyad or based on two 02854350 01 a 02 algebraic 0 algebraical 0 004 + 06012726 n 0201 \ 06012726 n 0201 + 06012726 n 0101 \ 06012726 n 0101 | of or relating to algebra; "algebraic geometry" 02854521 01 a 02 biblical 0 scriptural 0 004 + 06431740 n 0207 \ 06431740 n 0207 + 06431740 n 0101 \ 06431740 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or contained in or in accordance with the Bible; "biblical names"; "biblical Hebrew" 02854747 01 a 01 biblical 2 002 + 06431740 n 0101 \ 06431740 n 0101 | in keeping with the nature of the Bible or its times or people; "biblical styles in writing"; "a beard of biblical proportions"; "biblical costumes" 02854968 01 a 01 postbiblical 0 001 \ 06431740 n 0101 | subsequent to biblical times 02855055 01 a 01 Koranic 0 002 + 06461609 n 0101 \ 06461609 n 0101 | of or related to the sacred texts of Islam; "Koranic laws" 02855185 01 a 02 polymorphic 0 polymorphous 0 006 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 11492388 n 0201 \ 11492388 n 0201 + 11492388 n 0101 + 01328121 n 0101 \ 11492388 n 0101 | relating to the occurrence of more than one kind of individual (independent of sexual differences) in an interbreeding population; "a polymorphic species" 02855503 01 a 02 polymorphous 1 polymorphic 1 005 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 11492833 n 0201 \ 11492833 n 0201 + 11492833 n 0101 \ 11492833 n 0101 | relating to the crystallization of a compound in two or more different forms; "polymorphous crystallization" 02855757 01 a 02 polyphonic 0 polyphonous 0 004 ;c 07020895 n 0000 + 07024929 n 0201 \ 07024929 n 0201 \ 07024929 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by polyphony; "polyphonic traditions of the baroque" 02855970 01 a 01 contrapuntal 0 001 \ 07025419 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint; "contrapuntal base" 02856124 01 a 01 polyphonic 1 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 06839411 n 0101 \ 06839411 n 0101 | having two or more phonetic values; "polyphonic letters such as `a'" 02856286 01 a 01 lyric 1 002 ;c 07092592 n 0000 \ 06380726 n 0101 | of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses emotion (often in a songlike way); "lyric poetry" 02856460 01 a 01 lyric 2 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 07026352 n 0101 | relating to or being musical drama; "the lyric stage" 02856584 01 a 01 perianal 0 001 \ 05538016 n 0101 | around the anus 02856654 01 a 02 pericardial 0 pericardiac 0 003 \ 05428473 n 0201 + 05428473 n 0101 \ 05428473 n 0101 | located around the heart or relating to or affecting the pericardium; "pericardial space" 02856851 01 a 01 perineal 0 002 + 05538494 n 0101 \ 05538494 n 0101 | of or relating to the perineum; "perineal pains" 02856972 01 a 01 peroneal 0 001 \ 05594201 n 0101 | of or relating to the fibula or the outer part of the leg below the knee 02857099 01 a 02 poetic 0 poetical 0 005 + 07093273 n 0201 + 07092592 n 0201 \ 07092592 n 0201 + 07093273 n 0101 \ 07092592 n 0101 | of or relating to poetry; "poetic works"; "a poetic romance" 02857295 01 a 01 poetic 1 002 + 10444194 n 0101 \ 10444194 n 0101 | of or relating to poets; "poetic insight" 02857407 01 a 01 political 1 002 + 06149192 n 0101 \ 06149192 n 0101 | of or relating to your views about social relationships involving authority or power; "political opinions" 02857587 01 a 01 political 2 002 + 00611972 n 0101 \ 00611972 n 0101 | of or relating to the profession of governing; "political career" 02857726 01 a 01 phonetic 0 003 + 06177033 n 0101 + 07111047 n 0101 \ 06177033 n 0101 | of or relating to the scientific study of speech sounds; "phonetic analysis" 02857893 01 a 02 phonetic 1 phonic 0 005 + 07111047 n 0201 \ 07111047 n 0201 + 06177033 n 0101 + 07111047 n 0101 \ 07111047 n 0101 | of or relating to speech sounds; "phonetic transcription" 02858086 01 a 01 phonemic 0 002 + 07111711 n 0101 \ 07111711 n 0101 | of or relating to phonemes of a particular language; "phonemic analysis" 02858231 01 a 02 philosophic 0 philosophical 0 007 + 05944686 n 0201 + 05943300 n 0202 + 06158346 n 0201 \ 06158346 n 0201 + 06158346 n 0101 + 10423589 n 0101 \ 06158346 n 0101 | of or relating to philosophy or philosophers; "philosophical writing"; "a considerable knowledge of philosophical terminology" 02858539 01 a 01 Rousseauan 0 002 + 11272689 n 0101 \ 11272689 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) 02858707 01 a 01 personal 0 001 \ 06326797 n 0101 | indicating grammatical person; "personal verb endings" 02858816 01 a 01 personal 1 002 + 04617562 n 0101 \ 04617562 n 0101 | of or arising from personality; "personal magnetism" 02858941 01 a 01 intensive 1 001 \ 06321054 n 0101 | tending to give force or emphasis; "an intensive adverb" 02859053 01 a 01 infernal 0 003 + 05629682 n 0103 + 08582837 n 0106 \ 08582837 n 0106 | characteristic of or resembling Hell; "infernal noise"; "infernal punishment" 02859221 01 a 01 litigious 0 003 + 01186810 n 0101 + 04644306 n 0101 \ 01186810 n 0101 | of or relating to litigation 02859341 01 a 02 acronymic 0 acronymous 0 004 + 07091902 n 0201 \ 07091902 n 0201 + 07091902 n 0101 \ 07091902 n 0101 | characterized by the use of acronyms 02859500 01 a 02 apostolic 0 apostolical 0 005 + 09798811 n 0201 \ 09798811 n 0201 + 09799213 n 0101 + 09798811 n 0101 \ 09798811 n 0101 | of or relating to or deriving from the Apostles or their teachings 02859708 01 a 01 phenomenal 0 001 \ 00034213 n 0101 | of or relating to a phenomenon; "phenomenal science" 02859817 01 a 02 eudemonic 0 eudaemonic 0 004 + 09542697 n 0202 \ 06160418 n 0201 + 09542697 n 0101 \ 06160418 n 0101 | producing happiness and well-being 02859974 01 a 02 eukaryotic 0 eucaryotic 0 006 + 01415626 n 0202 ! 02860183 a 0202 \ 01415626 n 0201 + 01415626 n 0101 ! 02860183 a 0101 \ 01415626 n 0101 | having cells with `good' or membrane-bound nuclei 02860183 01 a 02 prokaryotic 0 procaryotic 0 006 + 01415920 n 0202 ! 02859974 a 0202 \ 01415920 n 0201 + 01415920 n 0101 ! 02859974 a 0101 \ 01415920 n 0101 | having cells that lack membrane-bound nuclei 02860389 01 a 02 pectoral 0 thoracic 0 004 \ 05552607 n 0202 + 05551711 n 0101 + 03903290 n 0101 \ 05552607 n 0102 | of or relating to the chest or thorax; "pectoral organ" 02860564 01 a 01 pastoral 0 003 + 06625850 n 0101 + 09983572 n 0105 \ 09983572 n 0105 | of or relating to a pastor; "pastoral work"; "a pastoral letter" 02860719 01 a 01 particularistic 0 002 + 05705075 n 0101 \ 05705075 n 0101 | relating to particularism (exclusive interest in one group or class or sect etc.); "a particularistic-seeming statement" 02860919 01 a 01 parturient 0 002 + 14048441 n 0101 \ 13532886 n 0101 | of or relating to or giving birth; "parturient pangs"; "the parturient uterus" 02861072 01 a 01 patellar 0 002 + 05278395 n 0101 \ 05278395 n 0101 | near or relating to the patella or kneecap; "patellar tendon" 02861206 01 a 02 pathological 0 pathologic 0 004 + 06060845 n 0201 \ 06060845 n 0201 + 06060845 n 0101 \ 06060845 n 0101 | of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory" 02861402 01 a 01 palatine 0 001 \ 03877845 n 0101 | of or relating to a palace 02861483 01 a 01 palatine 1 002 + 10394141 n 0101 \ 10394141 n 0101 | of or relating to a count palatine and his royal prerogatives 02861617 01 a 02 pictorial 0 pictural 0 006 + 06999436 n 0201 + 03876519 n 0202 + 03931044 n 0201 \ 06999436 n 0201 + 06593668 n 0101 \ 06999436 n 0101 | pertaining to or consisting of pictures; "pictorial perspective"; "pictorial records" 02861859 01 a 01 optical 1 002 + 06100778 n 0101 \ 06100778 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving light or optics; "optical supplies" 02861997 01 a 02 objective 0 accusative 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 06311557 n 0202 \ 06311557 n 0103 | serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; "objective case"; "accusative endings" 02862251 01 a 02 possessive 0 genitive 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 06311852 n 0202 \ 06311852 n 0104 | serving to express or indicate possession; "possessive pronouns"; "the genitive endings" 02862444 01 a 01 nuclear 1 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 \ 09375085 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces" 02862629 01 a 01 nuclear 2 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 05434927 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division" 02862797 01 a 02 nucleated 0 nucleate 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 05434927 n 0201 \ 05434927 n 0101 | having a nucleus or occurring in the nucleus; "nucleated cells" 02862964 01 a 02 visceral 0 splanchnic 0 001 \ 05298988 n 0101 | relating to or affecting the viscera; "visceral bleeding"; "a splanchnic nerve" 02863111 01 a 01 narcotic 0 001 \ 03808564 n 0101 | of or relating to or designating narcotics; "narcotic addicts"; "narcotic stupor" 02863247 01 a 02 mystic 0 mystical 0 006 + 10343554 n 0201 + 05784560 n 0201 + 05948857 n 0201 \ 05948857 n 0201 + 05948857 n 0101 \ 05948857 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of mysticism; "mystical religion" 02863464 01 a 02 mystic 1 mystical 1 006 + 10343554 n 0201 + 05784560 n 0201 + 05948857 n 0201 \ 05784560 n 0201 + 05784560 n 0101 \ 05784560 n 0101 | relating to or resembling mysticism; "mystical intuition"; "mystical theories about the securities market" 02863724 01 a 04 carbonaceous 0 carbonous 0 carbonic 0 carboniferous 0 006 \ 14633206 n 0401 + 00369628 v 0301 + 14633206 n 0301 \ 14633206 n 0301 \ 14633206 n 0201 \ 14633206 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon 02863959 01 a 01 Melanesian 0 001 \ 08836630 n 0101 | of or relating to Melanesia or its people or culture 02864068 01 a 01 melodic 0 001 \ 07028373 n 0102 | of or relating to melody; "melodic harmony" 02864165 01 a 01 monumental 0 004 + 08600443 n 0101 + 04076713 n 0102 + 03743902 n 0102 \ 03743902 n 0102 | relating or belonging to or serving as a monument; "the use of the arch in monumental architecture"; "monumental sculptures" 02864400 01 a 01 modal 0 003 + 13801424 n 0102 + 13801424 n 0103 \ 13801424 n 0102 | relating to or expressing the mood of a verb; "modal auxiliary" 02864551 01 a 01 modal 1 002 + 06861630 n 0101 \ 06861630 n 0101 | of or relating to a musical mode; especially written in an ecclesiastical mode 02864699 01 a 01 millenary 0 003 + 15252146 n 0101 + 15141213 n 0101 \ 13750844 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of 1000 02864824 01 a 02 millennial 0 millennian 0 005 + 15141213 n 0201 \ 15141213 n 0201 + 15252146 n 0101 + 15141213 n 0101 \ 15141213 n 0101 | relating to a millennium or span of a thousand years 02865018 01 a 02 millenarian 0 chiliastic 0 002 + 06189551 n 0204 \ 15141213 n 0101 | relating to or believing in the millennium of peace and happiness 02865172 01 a 01 metropolitan 0 002 + 08524735 n 0102 \ 08226335 n 0102 | relating to or characteristic of a metropolis; "metropolitan area" 02865315 01 a 01 meteoric 0 002 + 09353109 n 0102 \ 09353109 n 0101 | pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids; "meteoric shower"; "meteoric impacts" 02865479 01 a 03 meteorologic 0 meteorological 0 meteoric 2 005 \ 06118563 n 0301 + 06118563 n 0201 \ 06118563 n 0201 + 06118563 n 0101 \ 06118563 n 0101 | of or pertaining to atmospheric phenomena, especially weather and weather conditions; "meteorological factors"; "meteorological chart"; "meteoric (or meteorological) phenomena" 02865814 01 a 01 metaphysical 0 002 + 06162653 n 0101 \ 06162653 n 0101 | pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics; "metaphysical philosophy" 02865963 01 a 01 metastable 0 002 ;c 06090869 n 0000 \ 04739262 n 0101 | (of physical systems) continuing in its present state of equilibrium unless sufficiently disturbed to pass to a more stable state of equilibrium 02866183 01 a 01 meridian 0 001 \ 15165490 n 0101 | of or happening at noon; "meridian hour" 02866278 01 a 01 mercurial 0 002 + 14645346 n 0101 \ 14645346 n 0101 | relating to or containing or caused by mercury; "mercurial preparations"; "mercurial sore mouth" 02866448 01 a 01 Mercurial 1 002 + 09562704 n 0101 \ 09562704 n 0101 | relating to or having characteristics (eloquence, shrewdness, swiftness, thievishness) attributed to the god Mercury; "more than Mercurial thievishness" 02866674 01 a 01 Mercurial 2 001 \ 09351408 n 0101 | relating to or under the (astrological) influence of the planet Mercury; "the Mercurial canals" 02866825 01 a 01 Mesoamerican 0 002 + 08735564 n 0101 \ 10310783 n 0101 | of or relating to the people of Mesoamerica or their languages or cultures 02866976 01 a 02 mesoblastic 0 mesodermal 0 004 + 01464077 n 0201 \ 01464077 n 0201 + 01464077 n 0102 \ 01464077 n 0101 | relating to or derived from the mesoderm 02867141 01 a 01 Mesozoic 0 001 \ 15126175 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the Mesozoic era 02867242 01 a 01 messianic 0 004 + 09537502 n 0101 + 09537325 n 0101 + 09537660 n 0101 \ 09537660 n 0101 | of or relating to a messiah promising deliverance; "messianic cult" 02867419 01 a 01 muciferous 0 001 \ 05415395 n 0101 | containing or secreting mucus 02867505 01 a 01 mucosal 0 002 + 05327134 n 0102 \ 05327134 n 0102 | of or relating to mucous membranes 02867611 01 a 01 murine 0 002 + 02331842 n 0101 \ 02331479 n 0102 | of or relating to or transmitted by a member of the family Muridae (rats and mice); "a murine plague" 02867783 01 a 01 musical 0 002 + 04983402 n 0102 \ 07020895 n 0101 | characterized by or capable of producing music; "a musical evening"; "musical instruments" 02867945 01 a 01 musicological 0 002 + 06171388 n 0101 \ 06171388 n 0101 | of or relating to musicology 02868051 01 a 01 exteroceptive 0 001 \ 05653848 n 0101 | of or relating to exteroception 02868142 01 a 01 proprioceptive 0 001 \ 05659621 n 0101 | of or relating to proprioception 02868235 01 a 01 interoceptive 0 001 \ 05654052 n 0101 | of or relating to interoception 02868326 01 a 01 perceptive 0 004 + 07513247 n 0102 + 05749619 n 0104 + 02106506 v 0101 \ 00876874 n 0102 | of or relating to perception; "perceptive faculties" 02868489 01 a 02 acoustic 0 acoustical 0 005 + 06094774 n 0201 \ 06094774 n 0201 + 02675987 n 0101 + 06094774 n 0101 \ 06094774 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall" 02868704 01 a 03 auditory 0 audile 0 auditive 0 004 \ 05657718 n 0301 + 10165673 n 0201 \ 05657718 n 0201 \ 05657718 n 0101 | of or relating to the process of hearing; "auditory processing"; "an audile person" 02868916 01 a 03 gustatory 0 gustative 0 gustatorial 0 005 + 05658226 n 0302 \ 05715283 n 0301 \ 05715283 n 0201 + 05658226 n 0102 \ 05715283 n 0101 | of or relating to gustation 02869097 01 a 03 haptic 0 tactile 0 tactual 0 007 \ 05655119 n 0301 \ 05722427 n 0301 + 05721990 n 0202 \ 05655119 n 0201 \ 05722427 n 0201 \ 05655119 n 0101 \ 05722427 n 0101 | of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch; "haptic data"; "a tactile reflex" 02869368 01 a 01 ocellated 0 001 \ 04681621 n 0102 | having ocelli 02869437 01 a 01 octal 0 001 \ 06810238 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a number system having 8 as its base; "an octal digit" 02869563 01 a 04 ocular 4 optic 4 optical 4 visual 4 005 \ 05654362 n 0401 \ 05654362 n 0301 + 05311054 n 0203 \ 05654362 n 0201 \ 05654362 n 0101 | relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation" 02869823 01 a 04 ocular 0 optic 0 optical 0 opthalmic 0 004 \ 05311054 n 0401 \ 05311054 n 0301 \ 05311054 n 0201 \ 05311054 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light" 02870178 01 a 01 orbital 2 002 + 05285275 n 0102 \ 05285275 n 0102 | of or relating to the eye socket; "orbital scale"; "orbital arch" 02870315 01 a 02 suborbital 2 subocular 0 001 \ 05285275 n 0102 | situated on or below the floor of the eye socket; "a suborbital bone" 02870453 01 a 02 kinesthetic 0 kinaesthetic 0 007 + 05658985 n 0204 + 05722208 n 0202 \ 05658985 n 0201 + 05658985 n 0103 + 05722208 n 0101 + 05658985 n 0101 \ 05658985 n 0101 | of or relating to kinesthesis 02870663 01 a 02 angelic 0 angelical 0 005 + 10546850 n 0204 + 09538915 n 0201 \ 09538915 n 0201 + 09538915 n 0101 \ 09538915 n 0101 | of or relating to angels; "angelic messenger" 02870846 01 a 02 seraphic 0 seraphical 0 004 + 09539872 n 0201 \ 09539872 n 0201 + 09539872 n 0101 \ 09539872 n 0101 | of or relating to an angel of the first order; "he imagined a seraphic presence in the room" 02871060 01 a 01 ethereal 0 004 ;c 06084469 n 0000 + 14709102 n 0101 + 03299929 n 0101 \ 03299929 n 0101 | of or containing or dissolved in ether; "ethereal solution" 02871229 01 a 01 firmamental 0 002 + 08521267 n 0104 \ 08521267 n 0104 | relating to the firmament or upper regions 02871347 01 a 01 elysian 0 002 + 05628403 n 0101 \ 05628403 n 0101 | relating to the Elysian Fields 02871449 01 a 01 diocesan 0 003 + 10013811 n 0101 + 08550966 n 0101 \ 08550966 n 0101 | belonging to or governing a diocese 02871575 01 a 01 eparchial 0 003 + 08654260 n 0101 + 08551296 n 0101 \ 08551296 n 0101 | of or relating to an eparchy 02871695 01 a 01 parochial 0 003 + 08615001 n 0101 + 08223688 n 0101 \ 08615001 n 0101 | relating to or supported by or located in a parish; "parochial schools" 02871858 01 a 01 regional 0 001 \ 08630985 n 0101 | characteristic of a region; "regional flora" 02871957 01 a 01 vicinal 0 002 + 08641113 n 0101 \ 08641113 n 0101 | belonging to or limited to a vicinity 02872066 01 a 02 conjugal 0 connubial 0 002 \ 13963970 n 0201 \ 13963970 n 0101 | of or relating to marriage or to the relationship between a wife and husband; "connubial bliss"; "conjugal visits" 02872265 01 a 01 binocular 0 001 \ 05311054 n 0101 | relating to both eyes; "binocular vision" 02872362 01 a 01 cultural 2 002 + 00917759 n 0101 \ 00917759 n 0101 | relating to the raising of plants or animals; "a cultural variety" 02872501 01 a 01 cultural 0 002 + 05984936 n 0102 \ 05984936 n 0102 | of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society; "cultural roots" 02872654 01 a 01 sociocultural 0 002 \ 07966140 n 0101 \ 05984936 n 0102 | relating to both social and cultural matters 02872776 01 a 01 multicultural 0 001 \ 05964805 n 0101 | of or relating to or including several cultures; "a multicultural event" 02872908 01 a 01 cross-cultural 0 001 \ 08287844 n 0101 | dealing with or comparing two or more cultures; "a cross-cultural survey" 02873042 01 a 01 transcultural 0 001 \ 08287844 n 0101 | extending through all human cultures; "a transcultural ideal of freedom embracing all the peoples of the world" 02873213 01 a 01 transactinide 0 002 + 14627373 n 0101 \ 14627373 n 0101 | of or belonging to the elements with atomic numbers greater than 103 02873359 01 a 01 transcendental 0 002 + 06192186 n 0101 \ 06192186 n 0101 | of or characteristic of a system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual above the empirical and material 02873557 01 a 01 transuranic 0 001 \ 14660443 n 0101 | having an atomic number greater than 92 02873654 01 a 01 burlesque 0 003 + 06780309 n 0107 + 07017999 n 0101 \ 07017999 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a burlesque; "burlesque theater" 02873811 01 a 01 vascular 0 005 + 00581671 v 0101 + 00122097 v 0101 + 05214469 n 0101 \ 05397333 n 0101 ! 02874053 a 0101 | of or relating to or having vessels that conduct and circulate fluids; "vascular constriction"; "a vascular bundle" 02874053 01 a 01 avascular 0 001 ! 02873811 a 0101 | without blood vessels 02874130 01 a 01 cardiovascular 0 001 \ 05417975 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels; "cardiovascular conditioning" 02874282 01 a 01 choral 1 007 + 08188814 n 0101 + 08188638 n 0101 + 08188449 n 0101 + 08187837 n 0101 + 07379695 n 0101 + 07050177 n 0102 \ 08187837 n 0101 | related to or written for or performed by a chorus or choir; "choral composition"; "choral ensemble" 02874543 01 a 01 choric 0 002 + 08187988 n 0101 \ 08187988 n 0101 | relating to or written for or in the style of a Greek chorus; "a choric Greek tragedy" 02874700 01 a 01 chorionic 0 002 + 01472939 n 0101 \ 01472939 n 0101 | of or relating to a chorion; "a chorionic villus is a minute vascular projection on the fetal chorion" 02874876 01 a 02 communist 0 communistic 0 004 + 08365855 n 0201 + 06214744 n 0201 \ 06214744 n 0201 \ 06214744 n 0101 | relating to or marked by communism; "Communist Party"; "communist governments"; "communistic propaganda" 02875104 01 a 01 post-communist 0 001 \ 06214744 n 0101 | no longer communist; subsequent to being communistic; "the bank announced its first loan to a post-communist country" 02875282 01 a 01 Marxist 0 001 \ 06215618 n 0101 | following the ideas of Marx and Engels 02875374 01 a 01 Marxist-Leninist 0 001 \ 06215152 n 0101 | following the ideas of Marx expanded to include those of Lenin 02875499 01 a 03 Bolshevik 0 Bolshevist 0 Bolshevistic 0 005 + 09863936 n 0302 + 08368308 n 0301 \ 08368308 n 0301 \ 08368308 n 0201 \ 08368308 n 0101 | of or relating to Bolshevism; "Bolshevik Revolution" 02875707 01 a 03 cutaneous 0 cutaneal 0 dermal 2 004 \ 05238282 n 0303 + 05238282 n 0203 \ 05238282 n 0203 \ 05238282 n 0103 | relating to or existing on or affecting the skin; "cutaneous nerves"; "a cutaneous infection" 02875930 01 a 02 dermal 0 dermic 0 004 + 05243879 n 0201 \ 05243879 n 0201 + 05243879 n 0101 \ 05243879 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in the dermis 02876088 01 a 04 cuticular 0 epidermal 0 epidermic 0 dermal 1 009 \ 05240211 n 0402 + 05240211 n 0301 \ 05240211 n 0302 + 05240211 n 0201 \ 05240211 n 0202 + 01895630 n 0101 + 01903756 n 0103 \ 05240211 n 0102 \ 01895630 n 0101 | of or relating to a cuticle or cuticula 02876360 01 a 02 ectodermal 0 ectodermic 0 004 + 01463739 n 0201 \ 01463739 n 0201 + 01463739 n 0101 \ 01463739 n 0101 | of or relating to the ectoderm 02876514 01 a 01 encysted 0 001 \ 14202996 n 0101 | enclosed in (or as if in) a cyst 02876601 01 a 02 endermic 0 endermatic 0 002 \ 05238282 n 0201 \ 05238282 n 0101 | acting by absorption through the skin; "endermic ointment" 02876745 01 a 01 endogenous 0 001 \ 11668117 n 0104 | of or resembling an endogen 02876829 01 a 01 hypodermal 0 002 + 01895850 n 0101 \ 01895850 n 0101 | of or relating to the hypodermis 02876936 01 a 02 hypodermic 0 subcutaneous 0 003 \ 05238282 n 0201 + 01895850 n 0101 \ 05238282 n 0101 | relating to or located below the epidermis; "hypodermic needle"; "subcutaneous implant" 02877131 01 a 02 hypoglycemic 0 hypoglycaemic 0 004 + 14319454 n 0202 \ 14319454 n 0202 + 14319454 n 0101 \ 14319454 n 0101 | of or relating to hypoglycemia; "hypoglycemic agents" 02877313 01 a 02 hypovolemic 0 hypovolaemic 0 004 + 14195112 n 0202 \ 14195112 n 0202 + 14195112 n 0101 \ 14195112 n 0101 | of or relating to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood 02877503 01 a 03 intradermal 0 intradermic 0 intracutaneous 0 003 \ 05238282 n 0301 \ 05238282 n 0201 \ 05238282 n 0101 | relating to areas between the layers of the skin; "an intradermal injection" 02877704 01 a 01 facial 0 005 + 05479314 n 0101 + 00665781 n 0101 + 05601198 n 0101 + 05600637 n 0101 \ 05600637 n 0101 | of or concerning the face; "a facial massage"; "facial hair"; "facial expression" 02877910 01 a 02 mandibular 0 inframaxillary 0 003 \ 05275905 n 0202 + 05275905 n 0102 \ 05275905 n 0102 | relating to the lower jaw 02878045 01 a 01 mandibulofacial 0 001 \ 05600637 n 0101 | of or relating to the lower jaw and face 02878147 01 a 01 maxillary 0 002 + 05284132 n 0103 \ 05284132 n 0103 | of or relating to the upper jaw 02878252 01 a 01 maxillodental 0 001 \ 05284132 n 0103 | of or relating to the upper jaw and its associated teeth 02878368 01 a 01 maxillofacial 0 002 ;c 06063588 n 0000 \ 05600637 n 0101 | of or relating to the upper jaw and face (particularly with reference to specialized surgery of the maxilla); "maxillofacial surgery" 02878580 01 a 01 maxillomandibular 0 001 \ 05546040 n 0101 | relating to the upper and lower jaws 02878680 01 a 01 interfacial 0 002 + 03578435 n 0101 \ 03578435 n 0101 | relating to or situated at an interface; "an interfacial layer"; "interfacial tension is the surface tension at the interface between two liquids" 02878902 01 a 02 lacrimal 1 lachrymal 1 002 \ 05331653 n 0201 \ 05331653 n 0101 | relating to or located near the organ that produces tears 02879044 01 a 02 lacrimal 0 lachrymal 0 002 \ 05405324 n 0201 \ 05405324 n 0101 | of or relating to tears 02879152 01 a 02 lacrimatory 0 lachrymatory 0 002 \ 05405324 n 0201 \ 05405324 n 0101 | relating to or prompting tears 02879273 01 a 02 menstrual 0 catamenial 0 002 + 13513747 n 0204 \ 13513747 n 0101 | of or relating to menstruation or the menses; "menstrual period" 02879424 01 a 01 mural 0 002 + 03799710 n 0101 \ 04546855 n 0101 | of or relating to walls; "mural painting" 02879535 01 a 01 extralinguistic 0 001 \ 06282651 n 0101 | not included within the realm of language 02879638 01 a 04 papal 0 apostolic 1 apostolical 1 pontifical 1 006 + 10453533 n 0404 \ 10453533 n 0401 \ 10453533 n 0301 \ 10453533 n 0201 + 10453533 n 0101 \ 10453533 n 0101 | proceeding from or ordered by or subject to a pope or the papacy regarded as the successor of the Apostles; "papal dispensation" 02879947 01 a 01 Peloponnesian 0 002 + 08790495 n 0102 \ 08790495 n 0102 | of or relating to Peloponnesus; "Peloponnesian War" 02880076 01 a 01 pubic 0 002 + 05278714 n 0101 \ 05278714 n 0101 | relating or near the pubis; "pubic bones"; "pubic hair" 02880201 01 a 01 viral 0 002 + 01328702 n 0101 \ 01328702 n 0101 | relating to or caused by a virus; "viral infection" 02880322 01 a 02 grammatical 0 grammatic 0 004 + 06174404 n 0201 \ 06174404 n 0201 + 06174404 n 0101 \ 06174404 n 0101 | of or pertaining to grammar; "the grammatic structure of a sentence"; "grammatical rules"; "grammatical gender" 02880557 01 a 02 syntactic 0 syntactical 0 006 + 06176107 n 0201 + 06176322 n 0201 \ 06176322 n 0201 + 06176107 n 0101 + 06176322 n 0101 \ 06176322 n 0101 | of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax; "the syntactic rules of a language" 02880808 01 a 01 glossopharyngeal 0 002 \ 05301072 n 0101 \ 05547508 n 0101 | pertaining to the tongue and throat 02880924 01 a 01 glottal 0 002 + 05301526 n 0101 \ 05301526 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by the glottis; "glottal stops" 02881057 01 a 01 glottochronological 0 002 + 06156521 n 0101 \ 06156521 n 0101 | pertaining to the study of the evolution of languages from a common source; "glottochronological studies" 02881246 01 a 01 lexicostatistic 0 002 + 06179574 n 0101 \ 06179574 n 0101 | pertaining to statistical methods used in studying the relations between languages; "lexicostatistic techniques" 02881438 01 a 01 focal 0 003 + 11455695 n 0101 + 08572335 n 0101 \ 11455695 n 0101 | of or relating to a focus; "focal length" 02881567 01 a 02 genital 0 venereal 0 001 \ 05514081 n 0103 | of or relating to the external sex organs; "genital herpes"; "venereal disease" 02881711 01 a 02 genitourinary 0 GU 0 002 \ 05514081 n 0102 \ 05333259 n 0102 | of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions; "genitourinary infections" 02881888 01 a 01 feline 0 002 + 02120997 n 0101 \ 02121620 n 0101 | of or relating to cats; "feline fur" 02881995 01 a 01 laryngeal 0 002 + 05529729 n 0101 \ 05529729 n 0101 | of or relating to or situated in the larynx; "laryngeal infection" 02882135 01 a 01 laryngopharyngeal 0 003 + 05529159 n 0101 \ 05529729 n 0101 \ 05547508 n 0102 | of or relating to the larynx and pharynx 02882275 01 a 01 zygotic 0 002 + 05431926 n 0101 \ 05431926 n 0101 | of or relating to a zygote 02882373 01 a 01 uninucleate 0 002 ! 02882467 a 0101 \ 05434927 n 0101 | having one nucleus 02882467 01 a 01 multinucleate 0 002 ! 02882373 a 0101 \ 05434927 n 0101 | having two or more nuclei 02882570 01 a 01 muscular 0 003 + 05289057 n 0101 + 14044719 n 0101 \ 05289297 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of muscle; "muscular contraction" 02882726 01 a 01 musculoskeletal 0 002 \ 05289297 n 0101 \ 05585383 n 0102 | relating to muscles and skeleton 02882838 01 a 01 intramuscular 0 001 \ 05289297 n 0101 | within a muscle; "an intramuscular injection" 02882943 01 a 01 neuroendocrine 0 002 \ 05462315 n 0101 \ 05329533 n 0101 | of or relating to the nervous and endocrine systems (especially as they function together) 02883112 01 a 01 neurogenic 0 001 \ 05296775 n 0101 | arising in or stimulated by nerve tissues 02883210 01 a 01 neuroglial 0 002 + 05467054 n 0101 \ 05467054 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of neuroglia; "neuroglial tissue" 02883344 01 a 01 neuromatous 0 002 + 14249262 n 0101 \ 14249262 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by neuromas 02883459 01 a 01 neuromuscular 0 002 \ 05289297 n 0101 \ 05474346 n 0101 | affecting or characteristic of both neural and muscular tissue 02883599 01 a 02 nephritic 0 renal 0 002 \ 05332802 n 0201 \ 05332802 n 0101 | of or relating to the kidneys 02883710 01 a 01 nephritic 1 002 + 14113798 n 0101 \ 14113798 n 0101 | affected by nephritis 02883805 01 a 01 neurotoxic 0 002 + 15036321 n 0101 \ 15036321 n 0101 | poisonous to nerves or nerve cells 02883914 01 a 01 neurotropic 0 002 ;c 06043075 n 0000 \ 00862310 n 0101 | (of a virus, toxin, or chemical) tending to attack or affect the nervous system preferentially 02884085 01 a 01 parental 0 004 ;c 06075527 n 0000 + 10399491 n 0101 ! 02884275 a 0101 \ 10399491 n 0101 | designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced 02884275 01 a 01 filial 0 003 ;c 06075527 n 0000 ! 02884085 a 0101 \ 10373998 n 0101 | designating the generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation 02884456 01 a 01 spinal 0 003 + 05588174 n 0103 + 01900488 n 0101 \ 05588174 n 0103 | of or relating to the spine or spinal cord; "spinal cord"; "spinal injury" 02884619 01 a 01 atomic 0 002 + 14619225 n 0101 \ 14619225 n 0101 | of or relating to or comprising atoms; "atomic structure"; "atomic hydrogen" 02884766 01 a 02 monatomic 0 monoatomic 0 002 \ 14619225 n 0201 \ 14619225 n 0101 | of or relating to an element consisting of a single atom; "helium and argon are monatomic gases" 02884949 01 a 01 diatomic 0 001 \ 14619225 n 0101 | of or relating to a molecule made up of two atoms; "a diatomic molecule" 02885076 01 a 01 polyatomic 0 001 \ 14619225 n 0101 | of or relating to a molecule made up of more than two atoms 02885192 01 a 01 subatomic 0 001 \ 14619225 n 0101 | of or relating to constituents of the atom or forces within the atom; "subatomic particles"; "harnessing subatomic energy" 02885370 01 a 01 client-server 0 001 \ 03085915 n 0101 | relating to a computer system in which a central server supports a number of networked workstations 02885529 01 a 01 clinical 0 004 + 08054076 n 0101 + 07146300 n 0101 + 03043274 n 0101 \ 08054076 n 0101 | relating to a clinic or conducted in or as if in a clinic and depending on direct observation of patients; "clinical observation"; "clinical case study" 02885790 01 a 01 subclinical 0 001 \ 02885529 a 0101 | relating to the stage in the development of a disease before the symptoms are observed 02885934 01 a 01 postal 0 003 + 06264398 n 0104 + 00318186 n 0101 \ 06264398 n 0104 | of or relating to the system for delivering mail; "postal delivery" 02886090 01 a 01 continental 0 002 + 09254614 n 0101 \ 09254614 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a continent; "the continental divide"; "continental drift" 02886263 01 a 01 Continental 1 002 + 08696737 n 0101 \ 08696737 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or typical of Europe; "a Continental breakfast" 02886406 01 a 01 continental 2 001 \ 09048460 n 0101 | of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolutionary War; "the Continental Army"; "the Continental Congress" 02886629 01 a 01 lexical 0 003 + 05651068 n 0101 + 05651242 n 0102 \ 06286395 n 0101 | of or relating to words; "lexical decision task" 02886767 01 a 01 nonlexical 0 001 \ 06286395 n 0101 | not relating to words; "nonlexical morphemes" 02886869 01 a 01 lexical 1 002 + 06418901 n 0102 \ 06418901 n 0102 | of or relating to dictionaries 02886971 01 a 01 psychosexual 0 002 + 05930010 n 0101 \ 05930010 n 0101 | of or relating to the mental or emotional attitudes about sexuality 02887115 01 a 01 sexagesimal 0 001 \ 13738840 n 0101 | of or relating to or reckoning in sixtieths; "the sexagesimal divisions of hours and degrees" 02887266 01 a 01 sex-limited 0 001 \ 05007280 n 0101 | relating to characteristics that are expressed differently in the two sexes 02887399 01 a 01 sex-linked 0 001 \ 11506549 n 0101 | concerning characteristics that are determined by genes carried on the sex chromosomes (on the X chromosome in particular) 02887578 01 a 01 sexual 1 002 + 05006898 n 0103 \ 05006898 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions" 02887741 01 a 02 coital 0 copulatory 0 004 + 01428853 v 0201 \ 00845523 n 0204 + 00845523 n 0105 \ 00845523 n 0105 | of or relating to coitus or copulation 02887899 01 a 01 marine 0 001 \ 09426788 n 0101 | of or relating to the sea; "marine explorations" 02888000 01 a 01 marine 1 002 ;r 09044862 n 0000 \ 08192970 n 0103 | of or relating to military personnel who serve both on land and at sea (specifically the U.S. Marine Corps); "marine barracks" 02888198 01 a 01 multilevel 0 001 \ 03365991 n 0101 | of a building having more than one level 02888295 01 a 02 multiphase 0 polyphase 0 003 ;c 11449907 n 0000 \ 15290132 n 0201 \ 15290132 n 0101 | of an electrical system that uses or generates two or more alternating voltages of the same frequency but differing in phase angle 02888531 01 a 01 muzzle-loading 0 001 \ 03469687 n 0101 | (of firearms) taking the projectile or cartridge through the muzzle 02888659 01 a 01 littoral 0 001 \ 08596076 n 0101 | of or relating to a coastal or shore region 02888757 01 a 01 sublittoral 0 001 \ 09255207 n 0101 | of or relating to the region of the continental shelf (between the seashore and the edge of the continental shelf) or the marine organisms situated there 02888968 01 a 01 surgical 0 003 + 06063588 n 0101 ! 02889157 a 0101 \ 00671351 n 0102 | of or relating to or involving or used in surgery; "surgical instruments"; "surgical intervention" 02889157 01 a 01 nonsurgical 0 002 ! 02888968 a 0101 \ 00671351 n 0102 | not surgical; "nonsurgical techniques" 02889271 01 a 01 open-hearth 0 001 \ 03848537 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by the open-hearth process; "open-hearth steel" 02889406 01 a 01 ophthalmic 0 001 \ 06054446 n 0101 | of or relating to ophthalmology; "ophthalmic surgery" 02889516 01 a 01 ophthalmic 1 001 \ 05311054 n 0101 | of or relating to the eye; "ophthalmic defect" 02889619 01 a 01 physiotherapeutic 0 002 + 00700000 n 0102 \ 00700000 n 0102 | of or relating to or used in physical therapy 02889746 01 a 03 nautical 2 maritime 0 marine 2 003 \ 01105737 n 0301 \ 01105737 n 0201 \ 01105737 n 0101 | relating to or involving ships or shipping or navigation or seamen; "nautical charts"; "maritime law"; "marine insurance" 02889978 01 a 01 thalassic 0 001 \ 09426788 n 0101 | relating to the seas, especially smaller or inland seas; "deposits of sediment in gulfs and seas rather than in the ocean proper are known as thalassic deposits"- Scientific American 02890216 01 a 02 oceanic 0 pelagic 0 003 \ 09426788 n 0201 + 09376198 n 0101 \ 09376198 n 0101 | relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean; "oceanic islands like Bermuda"; "oceanic currents"; "oceanic birds"; "pelagic organisms"; "pelagic whaling" 02890492 01 a 01 transoceanic 0 001 \ 09376198 n 0101 | on or from the other side of an ocean; "transoceanic crossing" 02890613 01 a 01 ursine 0 001 \ 02131653 n 0101 | of or relating to or similar to bears 02890703 01 a 02 intravenous 0 endovenous 0 002 \ 05418717 n 0201 \ 05418717 n 0101 | within or by means of a vein; "an intravenous inflammation"; "intravenous feeding" 02890874 01 a 01 montane 0 001 \ 09359803 n 0101 | of or inhabiting mountainous regions; "montane flowers" 02890983 01 a 01 mechanical 0 003 + 00098385 n 0102 + 06100236 n 0101 \ 06100236 n 0101 | relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics; "a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance"; "the mechanical pressure of a strong wind" 02891236 01 a 02 mechanical 1 mechanically_skillful 0 002 \ 03701640 n 0201 \ 03701640 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with machinery or tools; "mechanical arts"; "mechanical design"; "mechanical skills" 02891444 01 a 01 zoological 0 001 \ 00015388 n 0101 | of or relating to animals or animal groups; "zoological garden" 02891564 01 a 01 zoological 1 002 + 06083243 n 0101 \ 06083243 n 0101 | concerning the study of animals and their classification and properties; "zoological research" 02891733 01 a 01 protozoological 0 002 + 06073748 n 0101 \ 02891444 a 0101 | concerning the branch of zoology that studies protozoans 02891869 01 a 03 protozoal 0 protozoan 0 protozoic 0 004 \ 01389188 n 0302 + 01389507 n 0202 \ 01389188 n 0202 \ 01389188 n 0102 | of or relating to the Protozoa 02892033 01 a 01 rental 0 002 + 13295657 n 0101 \ 13295657 n 0101 | of or relating to rent; "rental agreement"; "rental charges" 02892164 01 a 01 rental 1 002 + 13248393 n 0102 \ 13248393 n 0102 | available to rent or lease; "a rental car" 02892277 01 a 01 rickettsial 0 002 + 01371483 n 0101 \ 01371483 n 0101 | relating to or caused by rickettsias 02892389 01 a 01 ritual 0 004 + 00414790 n 0101 + 01027859 n 0101 + 01027859 n 0102 \ 01027859 n 0102 | of or relating to or employed in social rites or rituals; "a ritual dance of Haiti"; "sedate little colonial tribe with its ritual tea parties"- Nadine Gordimer 02892656 01 a 01 ritual 2 003 + 01030820 n 0101 + 01029406 n 0101 \ 01029406 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of religious rituals; "ritual killing" 02892819 01 a 02 fetal 0 foetal 0 004 + 01459791 n 0202 \ 01459791 n 0201 + 01459791 n 0101 \ 01459791 n 0101 | of or relating to a fetus; "fetal development" 02892980 01 a 01 juvenile 0 003 + 09622049 n 0101 + 04928585 n 0103 \ 15147713 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people; "juvenile diabetes"; "juvenile fashions" 02893195 01 a 01 herbal 0 003 + 12205694 n 0101 + 07811416 n 0101 \ 07811416 n 0101 | of or relating to herbs; "herbal tea, herbal medicine" 02893338 01 a 02 doctoral 0 doctorial 0 009 + 06702458 n 0202 + 10021892 n 0201 + 10020890 n 0201 \ 10021892 n 0201 \ 06702458 n 0202 + 06702458 n 0102 + 10021892 n 0101 \ 10021892 n 0101 \ 06702458 n 0102 | of or relating to a doctor or doctorate; "doctoral dissertation"; "doctorial candidates" 02893637 01 a 02 pediatric 0 paediatric 0 004 + 06061631 n 0202 \ 06061631 n 0202 + 06061631 n 0101 \ 06061631 n 0101 | of or relating to the medical care of children; "pediatric dentist" 02893827 01 a 01 kinetic 0 002 + 00863222 n 0101 \ 06113597 n 0102 | relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith; "kinetic energy" 02893994 01 a 01 mammary 0 002 + 05554189 n 0102 \ 05554189 n 0102 | of or relating to the milk-giving gland of the female 02894119 01 a 03 neural 0 neuronal 0 neuronic 0 006 + 05465567 n 0302 \ 05465567 n 0302 + 05465567 n 0202 \ 05465567 n 0202 + 05465567 n 0102 \ 05465567 n 0102 | of or relating to neurons; "neural network" 02894327 01 a 01 sensorineural 0 001 \ 02894119 a 0101 | of or relating to the neural process of sensation 02894436 01 a 01 sensorimotor 0 001 \ 00859001 n 0101 | of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination of an organism or to the controlling nerves 02894591 01 a 01 occupational 0 001 \ 00582388 n 0101 | of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained; "occupational hazard" 02894741 01 a 01 pelvic 0 002 + 05596651 n 0101 \ 05596651 n 0101 | of or relating to the pelvis; "pelvic exam"; "pelvic inflammation" 02894878 01 a 01 frontal 2 003 ;c 06118563 n 0000 + 11460488 n 0101 \ 11460488 n 0101 | of or relating to the front of an advancing mass of air; "frontal rainfall" 02895044 01 a 02 bucolic 0 pastoral 2 002 \ 10587605 n 0202 \ 10587605 n 0102 | relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle; "pastoral seminomadic people"; "pastoral land"; "a pastoral economy" 02895268 01 a 01 Masonic 0 003 + 10111144 n 0102 \ 10111144 n 0102 \ 08235513 n 0102 | of or relating to Freemasons or Freemasonry; "Masonic lodge" 02895418 01 a 01 masonic 1 003 + 10297531 n 0101 \ 10297531 n 0101 \ 00608896 n 0101 | of or relating to stonemasons or masonry; "masonic tools" 02895565 01 a 01 Masoretic 0 002 + 06375624 n 0101 \ 06375624 n 0101 | of or relating to the Masorah 02895668 01 a 01 masted 0 001 \ 03726760 n 0101 | having or furnished with a mast; often used in combination; "probably was so masted when she set forth"- S.E.Morrison; "a three-masted bark" 02895861 01 a 01 migrational 0 005 + 07312616 n 0101 + 01123095 n 0101 \ 01123095 n 0101 \ 07312616 n 0101 \ 07312829 n 0101 | of or related to migration 02896017 01 a 03 mnemonic 0 mnemotechnic 0 mnemotechnical 0 003 \ 05661551 n 0301 \ 05661551 n 0201 \ 05661551 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved the practice of aiding the memory; "mnemonic device" 02896222 01 a 01 parietal 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05541645 n 0101 | of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium; "parietal lobe" 02896383 01 a 01 statuary 0 002 + 04306847 n 0101 \ 04306847 n 0101 | of or relating to or suitable for statues 02896497 01 a 01 tubal 0 002 + 05246511 n 0101 \ 05246511 n 0101 | of or relating to occurring in a tube such as e.g. the Fallopian tube or Eustachian tube; "tubal ligation"; "tubal pregnancy" 02896692 01 a 01 velar 0 002 + 05309392 n 0102 \ 05309392 n 0102 | of or relating to the velum 02896789 01 a 02 documentary 0 documental 0 008 + 06470073 n 0201 + 03217458 n 0201 \ 06470073 n 0201 + 13403331 n 0101 + 06510977 n 0102 + 06470073 n 0101 + 03217458 n 0101 \ 06470073 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or derived from documents 02897040 01 a 01 iambic 0 002 ;c 06170025 n 0000 \ 07095280 n 0101 | of or consisting of iambs; "iambic pentameter" 02897158 01 a 01 structural 0 001 \ 04931965 n 0101 | relating to or having or characterized by structure; "structural engineer"; "structural errors"; "structural simplicity" 02897335 01 a 01 structural 1 001 \ 05726345 n 0101 | relating to or caused by structure, especially political or economic structure; "structural unemployment in a technological society" 02897524 01 a 02 anatomic 0 anatomical 0 005 + 07151892 n 0202 + 05217168 n 0208 \ 05217168 n 0208 + 05217168 n 0108 \ 05217168 n 0108 | of or relating to the structure of the body; "anatomical features" 02897730 01 a 02 anatomic 1 anatomical 1 004 + 06057539 n 0201 \ 06057539 n 0201 + 06057539 n 0101 \ 06057539 n 0101 | of or relating to the branch of morphology that studies the structure of organisms; "anatomical research" 02897957 01 a 01 architectural 0 001 \ 06123363 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the art and science of architecture; "architectural history"; "architectural design" 02898121 01 a 02 tectonic 1 architectonic 0 003 + 06124395 n 0201 \ 06124395 n 0202 \ 06124395 n 0102 | of or pertaining to construction or architecture 02898276 01 a 02 organizational 0 organisational 0 002 \ 05726596 n 0203 \ 05726596 n 0102 | of or relating to an organization; "organizational structure" 02898433 01 a 01 cogitative 0 002 + 00628491 v 0102 \ 05784242 n 0101 | of or relating to having capacities for cogitation; "the cogitative faculty" 02898584 01 a 01 cognitive 0 002 + 00594621 v 0102 \ 00023271 n 0101 | of or being or relating to or involving cognition; "cognitive psychology"; "cognitive style" 02898750 01 a 01 mental 0 003 + 06195839 n 0101 + 05618056 n 0105 \ 05611302 n 0101 | of or relating to the mind; "mental powers"; "mental development"; "mental hygiene" 02898922 01 a 01 cultural 1 002 + 05751794 n 0101 \ 05751794 n 0101 | of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors; "cultural events"; "a person of broad cultural interests" 02899112 01 a 01 factual 0 003 + 04759428 n 0102 + 04759428 n 0101 \ 05817396 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by facts; "factual considerations" 02899271 01 a 01 achondroplastic 0 002 + 14121804 n 0101 \ 14121804 n 0101 | of or relating to achondroplasia 02899383 01 a 01 ateleiotic 0 002 + 14508799 n 0101 \ 14508799 n 0101 | of or relating to ateleiosis 02899486 01 a 02 ecclesiastical 0 ecclesiastic 0 002 \ 08082602 n 0201 \ 08082602 n 0101 | of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church); "ecclesiastic history" 02899666 01 a 04 priestly 0 hieratic 1 hieratical 1 sacerdotal 0 004 \ 08113443 n 0401 \ 08113443 n 0301 \ 08113443 n 0201 \ 08113443 n 0101 | associated with the priesthood or priests; "priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments"; "hieratic gestures" 02899912 01 a 01 sacerdotal 2 002 + 05951820 n 0101 \ 05951820 n 0101 | of or relating to a belief in sacerdotalism; "sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests" 02900081 01 a 01 molar 0 003 + 13724081 n 0102 + 05040081 n 0101 \ 13724081 n 0102 | containing one mole of a substance; "molar weight" 02900219 01 a 01 molar 2 003 + 13724081 n 0102 + 05040081 n 0101 \ 13724081 n 0102 | designating a solution containing one mole of solute per liter of solution 02900381 01 a 01 molal 0 003 + 13724081 n 0102 + 05039907 n 0101 \ 13724081 n 0102 | designating a solution containing one mole of solute per kilogram of solvent 02900545 01 a 01 molar 3 002 + 05307773 n 0101 \ 05307773 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the grinding teeth in the back of a mammal's mouth; "molar teeth" 02900700 01 a 01 molecular 0 002 + 14682133 n 0101 \ 14682133 n 0101 | relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules; "molecular structure"; "molecular oxygen"; "molecular weight is the sum of all the atoms in a molecule" 02900932 01 a 01 bimolecular 0 001 \ 14682133 n 0101 | relating to or affecting two molecules 02901028 01 a 01 intramolecular 0 001 \ 14682133 n 0101 | within the molecule; occurring by a reaction between different parts of the same molecule 02901178 01 a 01 intermolecular 0 001 \ 14682133 n 0101 | existing or acting between molecules; "intermolecular forces"; "intermolecular condensation" 02901331 01 a 01 macerative 0 002 + 00398741 v 0101 \ 13510152 n 0101 | accompanied by or characterized by maceration; "macerative degeneration of the liver" 02901491 01 a 02 macrencephalic 0 macrencephalous 0 004 + 14152492 n 0201 \ 14152492 n 0201 + 14152492 n 0101 \ 14152492 n 0101 | having a large brain case 02901649 01 a 02 macrocephalic 0 macrocephalous 0 003 \ 14508974 n 0201 + 14508974 n 0101 \ 14508974 n 0101 | having an exceptionally large head and brain 02901806 01 a 03 microcephalic 0 microcephalous 0 nanocephalic 0 006 + 14509299 n 0303 \ 14509299 n 0303 + 14509299 n 0201 \ 14509299 n 0201 + 14509299 n 0101 \ 14509299 n 0101 | having an abnormally small head and underdeveloped brain; "a nanocephalic dwarf" 02902068 01 a 01 microelectronic 0 002 + 06115179 n 0101 \ 06115179 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of miniature electronic components 02902214 01 a 02 machine_readable 0 computer_readable 0 002 ;c 06128570 n 0000 \ 06357985 n 0101 | suitable for feeding directly into a computer 02902361 01 a 01 macromolecular 0 002 + 14944888 n 0101 \ 14944888 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of or characterized by macromolecules; "macromolecular compounds" 02902531 01 a 01 isotopic 0 002 + 14619658 n 0101 \ 14619658 n 0101 | of or relating to or having the relation of an isotope 02902658 01 a 01 isothermic 0 001 \ 08590172 n 0101 | of or relating to an isotherm 02902744 01 a 01 microcosmic 0 001 \ 05938314 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a microcosm; "the microcosmic world of business" 02902883 01 a 01 micrometeoric 0 001 \ 09353918 n 0101 | of or relating to micrometeorites 02902976 01 a 01 micropylar 0 001 \ 11679378 n 0101 | of or relating to a micropyle 02903062 01 a 01 macrocosmic 0 002 + 09466280 n 0106 \ 09466280 n 0106 | relating to or constituting a macrocosm 02903177 01 a 01 mucinous 0 002 + 14730955 n 0101 \ 14730955 n 0101 | relating to or containing mucin 02903281 01 a 01 mucinoid 0 001 \ 14730955 n 0101 | resembling mucin 02903352 01 a 01 mucocutaneous 0 002 \ 05327134 n 0101 \ 05238282 n 0101 | of or relating to the mucous membranes and skin 02903477 01 a 01 mucopurulent 0 002 \ 05415395 n 0101 \ 05417472 n 0101 | containing or composed of mucus and pus 02903593 01 a 02 mucous 0 mucose 0 003 \ 05415395 n 0201 + 05415395 n 0101 \ 05415395 n 0101 | of or secreting or covered with or resembling mucus; "mucous tissue"; "mucous glands of the intestine" 02903793 01 a 02 mucoid 0 mucoidal 0 003 \ 05415395 n 0201 + 14956027 n 0101 \ 05415395 n 0101 | relating to or resembling mucus; "a mucoid substance" 02903946 01 a 01 colloidal 0 002 + 14588219 n 0101 \ 14588219 n 0101 | of or relating to or having the properties of a colloid 02904075 01 a 01 administrative 0 003 + 02431971 v 0102 + 02431971 v 0101 \ 08164585 n 0101 | of or relating to or responsible for administration 02904223 01 a 01 managerial 0 002 + 10014939 n 0102 \ 01133281 n 0101 | of or relating to the function or responsibility or activity of management 02904372 01 a 01 supervisory 0 002 + 02443049 v 0102 \ 10676877 n 0101 | of or limited to or involving supervision; "in a supervisory capacity" 02904518 01 a 02 nervous 0 neural 1 003 \ 05462315 n 0201 + 05474346 n 0101 \ 05462315 n 0101 | of or relating to the nervous system; "nervous disease"; "neural disorder" 02904691 01 a 01 latinate 0 001 \ 06962600 n 0101 | derived from or imitative of Latin 02904780 01 a 01 latitudinal 0 003 + 08595720 n 0101 + 08595531 n 0101 \ 08595531 n 0101 | of or relating to latitudes north or south 02904916 01 a 01 Florentine 0 001 \ 08812166 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of the city of Florence; "Florentine art" 02905050 01 a 01 earthen 0 001 \ 14842992 n 0101 | made of earth (or baked clay); "an earthen pot" 02905151 01 a 01 earthy 0 002 + 14842992 n 0101 \ 14842992 n 0101 | of or consisting of or resembling earth; "it had an earthy smell"; "only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean" 02905356 01 a 01 monometallic 0 001 \ 14625458 n 0102 | containing one atom of metal in the molecule; "monometallic carbonyls" 02905485 01 a 01 brazen 0 001 \ 14716997 n 0101 | made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness) 02905591 01 a 02 geological 0 geologic 0 004 + 06115701 n 0201 \ 06115701 n 0201 + 06115701 n 0101 \ 06115701 n 0101 | of or relating to or based on geology; "geological formations"; "geologic forces" 02905794 01 a 01 psychological 0 002 + 06136258 n 0101 \ 06136258 n 0101 | of or relating to or determined by psychology; "psychological theories" 02905943 01 a 01 psychogenetic 0 001 \ 13543093 n 0101 | of or relating to the origin and development of the mind 02906059 01 a 02 psychogenetic 1 psychogenic 0 002 \ 13543231 n 0201 \ 13543231 n 0101 | of or relating to the psychological cause of a disorder 02906206 01 a 01 sociological 0 002 + 06151693 n 0101 \ 06151693 n 0101 | of or relating to or determined by sociology; "sociological studies" 02906351 01 a 01 demographic 0 002 + 06022076 n 0101 \ 06152125 n 0101 | of or relating to demography; "demographic surveys" 02906478 01 a 04 ecological 0 ecologic 0 bionomical 0 bionomic 0 009 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 06070929 n 0402 \ 06070929 n 0402 + 06070929 n 0302 \ 06070929 n 0302 + 06070929 n 0201 \ 06070929 n 0201 + 06070929 n 0101 \ 06070929 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of ecology; "ecological research" 02906778 01 a 02 ecological 1 ecologic 1 004 + 14513062 n 0201 \ 14513062 n 0201 + 14513062 n 0101 \ 14513062 n 0101 | characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment; "an ecological disaster" 02907000 01 a 01 theological 0 004 + 06182144 n 0101 + 06183899 n 0101 + 00613973 n 0101 \ 06183899 n 0101 | of or relating to or concerning theology; "theological seminar" 02907175 01 a 01 anthropological 0 002 + 06143546 n 0101 \ 06143546 n 0101 | of or concerned with the science of anthropology; "anthropological studies" 02907330 01 a 01 paleoanthropological 0 002 + 06074189 n 0101 \ 06074189 n 0101 | of or concerned with the scientific study of human fossils 02907473 01 a 01 computational 0 004 + 05802185 n 0102 + 00868910 n 0102 \ 00868910 n 0102 \ 03082979 n 0101 | of or involving computation or computers; "computational linguistics" 02907656 01 a 01 athletic 0 002 + 09820263 n 0101 \ 00523513 n 0102 | relating to or befitting athletics or athletes; "athletic facilities" 02907798 01 a 01 astrophysical 0 002 + 06097775 n 0101 \ 06097775 n 0101 | of or concerned with astrophysics; "astrophysical sciences" 02907935 01 a 01 geopolitical 0 002 + 06148748 n 0101 \ 06148748 n 0101 | of or relating to geopolitics 02908041 01 a 02 thermodynamic 0 thermodynamical 0 004 + 06114578 n 0201 \ 06114578 n 0201 + 06114578 n 0101 \ 06114578 n 0101 | of or concerned with thermodynamics; "the thermodynamic limit" 02908235 01 a 01 geophysical 0 002 + 06117562 n 0101 \ 06117562 n 0101 | of or concerned with geophysics; "geophysical sciences" 02908366 01 a 02 seismological 0 seismologic 0 004 + 06120496 n 0201 \ 06120496 n 0201 + 06120496 n 0101 \ 06120496 n 0101 | of or concerned with seismology 02908525 01 a 01 peptic 0 002 + 14978729 n 0101 \ 13465809 n 0101 | relating to or promoting digestion; "peptic juices" 02908647 01 a 01 duodenal 0 002 + 05534955 n 0101 \ 05534955 n 0101 | in or relating to the duodenum; "duodenal ulcer" 02908768 01 a 01 neuropsychological 0 002 + 06140799 n 0102 \ 06140799 n 0102 | of or concerned with neuropsychology 02908887 01 a 01 neurophysiological 0 002 + 06081602 n 0101 \ 06081602 n 0101 | of or concerned with neurophysiology 02909006 01 a 01 navigational 0 004 + 01105737 n 0101 + 00314469 n 0102 + 00815801 n 0101 \ 00815801 n 0101 | of or relating to navigation; "navigational aids" 02909168 01 a 01 differential 1 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 06014730 n 0104 \ 00870640 n 0101 | involving or containing one or more derivatives; "differential equation" 02909336 01 a 01 deconstructionist 0 001 \ 05970012 n 0102 | of or concerned with the philosophical theory of literature known as deconstructionism; "deconstructionist criticism" 02909517 01 a 01 rationalist 0 001 \ 05975473 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism; "rationalist philosophy" 02909651 01 a 02 calligraphic 0 calligraphical 0 003 + 06403969 n 0201 \ 06403969 n 0201 \ 06403969 n 0101 | of or relating to or expressed in calligraphy 02909808 01 a 02 lexicographic 0 lexicographical 0 003 + 00931721 n 0201 \ 00931721 n 0201 \ 00931721 n 0101 | of or relating to lexicography 02909952 01 a 01 orthographic 0 002 + 06351202 n 0101 \ 06351202 n 0101 | of or relating to or expressed in orthography 02910074 01 a 01 telegraphic 0 002 + 04400499 n 0101 \ 04400499 n 0101 | of or relating to or transmitted by telegraph; "a telegraphic machine"; "telegraphic news reports" 02910248 01 a 02 typographic 0 typographical 0 006 + 06677974 n 0201 + 01103000 n 0201 \ 01103000 n 0201 + 06677974 n 0101 + 01103000 n 0101 \ 01103000 n 0101 | relating to or occurring or used in typography; "the typographic art"; "a typographical error" 02910506 01 a 01 astrological 0 002 + 05778131 n 0101 \ 05778131 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with astrology; "astrological chart" 02910644 01 a 01 syllogistic 0 002 + 05779116 n 0101 \ 05779116 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of syllogism; "syllogistic reasoning" 02910789 01 a 02 necromantic 0 necromantical 0 005 + 05978812 n 0204 + 05777439 n 0201 \ 05777439 n 0201 + 05978812 n 0104 \ 05777439 n 0101 | relating to or associated with necromancy; "mysterious necromantic rites" 02911008 01 a 01 lithomantic 0 002 + 05777298 n 0101 \ 05777298 n 0101 | of or relating to lithomancy 02911112 01 a 01 mechanistic 0 002 + 05972781 n 0101 \ 05972781 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical theory of mechanism 02911243 01 a 01 chiromantic 0 002 + 05777830 n 0103 \ 05777830 n 0103 | of or relating to palmistry 02911346 01 a 01 parametric 0 002 + 05859071 n 0101 \ 05859071 n 0101 | of or relating to or in terms of a parameter; "parametric equation" 02911488 01 a 01 nonparametric 0 002 ;c 06018465 n 0000 \ 06022727 n 0101 | not involving an estimation of the parameters of a statistic 02911627 01 a 01 statistical 0 002 + 06018465 n 0101 \ 06018465 n 0101 | of or relating to statistics; "statistical population" 02911757 01 a 01 nihilistic 0 003 + 13973320 n 0101 + 05965388 n 0101 \ 05965388 n 0101 | of or relating to nihilism 02911876 01 a 02 spiritualistic 0 spiritualist 0 004 \ 05951969 n 0201 + 05976805 n 0101 + 05951969 n 0101 \ 05951969 n 0101 | of or relating to or connected with spiritualism 02912054 01 a 02 supernaturalist 0 supernaturalistic 0 004 + 05952490 n 0201 + 04789406 n 0201 \ 05952490 n 0201 \ 05952490 n 0101 | of or relating to supernaturalism; "supernaturalist beliefs" 02912250 01 a 01 operationalist 0 001 \ 05974363 n 0101 | of or relating to or espousing operationalism; "operationalist doctrine" 02912383 01 a 01 operatic 0 003 + 07026352 n 0101 + 03849814 n 0101 \ 07026352 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of opera 02912518 01 a 01 trigonometric 0 002 + 06012513 n 0101 \ 06012513 n 0101 | of or relating to or according to the principles of trigonometry; "trigonometric function" 02912686 01 a 02 pharmacological 0 pharmacologic 0 004 + 06054892 n 0201 \ 06054892 n 0201 + 06054892 n 0101 \ 06054892 n 0101 | of or relating to pharmacology 02912848 01 a 02 toxicological 0 toxicologic 0 004 + 06064462 n 0201 \ 06064462 n 0201 + 06064462 n 0101 \ 06064462 n 0101 | of or relating to toxicology 02913004 01 a 02 psychiatric 0 psychiatrical 0 004 + 06055946 n 0201 \ 06055946 n 0201 + 06055946 n 0101 \ 06055946 n 0101 | relating to or used in or engaged in the practice of psychiatry; "psychiatric disorder"; "psychiatric hospital" 02913243 01 a 02 oncological 0 oncologic 0 004 + 06054266 n 0201 \ 06054266 n 0201 + 06054266 n 0101 \ 06054266 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing oncology; "oncological nurse" 02913428 01 a 02 psychoanalytical 0 psychoanalytic 0 004 + 00704305 n 0201 \ 00704305 n 0201 + 00704305 n 0101 \ 00704305 n 0101 | of or relating to or incorporating the methods and theory of psychiatric treatment originated by Sigmund Freud; "Freud's psychoanalytical theories"; "psychoanalytic treatment" 02913737 01 a 01 psychometric 0 002 + 06141023 n 0101 \ 06141023 n 0101 | of or relating to psychometrics; "psychometric journals" 02913870 01 a 01 psychomotor 0 002 \ 05833840 n 0101 \ 00859001 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterizing mental events that have motor consequences or vice versa 02914038 01 a 01 psychotherapeutic 0 003 + 06056923 n 0101 + 00700652 n 0101 \ 06056923 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing psychotherapy; "psychotherapeutic sessions" 02914213 01 a 02 therapeutic 0 therapeutical 0 004 + 00661091 n 0201 \ 00661091 n 0201 + 00661091 n 0101 \ 00661091 n 0101 | relating to or involved in therapy; "therapeutic approach to criminality" 02914414 01 a 02 neuroanatomic 0 neuroanatomical 0 004 + 06060208 n 0201 \ 06060208 n 0201 + 06060208 n 0101 \ 06060208 n 0101 | of or relating to neural tissue or the nervous system 02914599 01 a 01 virological 0 002 + 06065640 n 0101 \ 06065640 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of virology; "virological research" 02914740 01 a 02 bacteriological 0 bacteriologic 0 004 + 06046692 n 0201 \ 06046692 n 0201 + 06046692 n 0101 \ 06046692 n 0101 | of or relating to bacteriology 02914902 01 a 01 cardiologic 0 002 + 06047275 n 0101 \ 06047275 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in or practicing cardiology; "cardiologic evidence" 02915055 01 a 02 endocrine 0 endocrinal 0 005 + 05329735 n 0202 + 05407119 n 0202 \ 05329735 n 0201 ! 02915381 a 0101 \ 05329735 n 0101 | of or belonging to endocrine glands or their secretions; "endocrine system" 02915271 01 a 01 enolic 0 002 + 14605590 n 0101 \ 14605590 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of enol 02915381 01 a 01 exocrine 0 002 ! 02915055 a 0101 \ 05328867 n 0101 | of or relating to exocrine glands or their secretions 02915507 01 a 01 endodontic 0 002 + 06048184 n 0101 \ 06048184 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving or practicing endodontics; "an endodontic specialist" 02915666 01 a 01 endoparasitic 0 002 + 01385017 n 0101 \ 01385017 n 0101 | of or relating to parasites that live in the internal organs of animals 02915815 01 a 01 orthodontic 0 004 + 06048552 n 0103 + 06048552 n 0101 + 06048552 n 0102 \ 06048552 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving or practicing orthodontics; "orthodontic braces" 02916006 01 a 02 periodontic 0 periodontal 0 005 + 06048851 n 0201 + 06048851 n 0202 \ 06048851 n 0201 + 06048851 n 0101 \ 06048851 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving or practicing periodontics; "periodontal disease" 02916230 01 a 02 dermatologic 0 dermatological 0 004 + 06049500 n 0201 \ 06049500 n 0201 + 06049500 n 0101 \ 06049500 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing dermatology 02916403 01 a 01 exodontic 0 002 + 06048373 n 0101 \ 06048373 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving exodontics; "exodontic surgeon" 02916539 01 a 02 geriatric 0 gerontological 0 004 + 06050650 n 0202 \ 06050650 n 0201 + 06050650 n 0101 \ 06050650 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing geriatrics; "geriatric hospital" 02916730 01 a 01 geriatric 1 002 + 06050650 n 0101 \ 07943870 n 0101 | of or relating to the aged; "geriatric disorder" 02916852 01 a 01 German-American 0 001 \ 09742315 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of German Americans 02916969 01 a 03 gynecological 0 gynaecological 0 gynecologic 0 006 + 06050901 n 0301 \ 06050901 n 0301 + 06050901 n 0202 \ 06050901 n 0201 + 06050901 n 0101 \ 06050901 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing gynecology; "gynecological examination" 02917221 01 a 01 gymnosophical 0 002 + 05962414 n 0101 \ 05962414 n 0101 | of or relating to gymnosophy 02917327 01 a 01 gymnospermous 0 002 + 11596108 n 0101 \ 11595312 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of plants of the class Gymnospermae 02917470 01 a 03 hematologic 0 haematological 0 hematological 0 006 + 06051134 n 0301 \ 06051134 n 0301 + 06051134 n 0202 \ 06051134 n 0201 + 06051134 n 0101 \ 06051134 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved in hematology 02917694 01 a 02 obstetric 0 obstetrical 0 004 + 06053439 n 0201 \ 06053439 n 0201 + 06053439 n 0101 \ 06053439 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in or practicing obstetrics; "obstetric hospital" 02917893 01 a 02 neurological 0 neurologic 0 006 + 06052864 n 0201 + 06078978 n 0201 \ 06052864 n 0201 + 06052864 n 0101 + 06078978 n 0101 \ 06052864 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in or practicing neurology; "neurological evidence" 02918132 01 a 01 spectrometric 0 003 + 00649482 n 0102 + 03726516 n 0102 \ 00649482 n 0102 | of or relating to or involving spectrometry 02918271 01 a 02 spectroscopic 0 spectroscopical 0 005 + 00649482 n 0201 \ 00649482 n 0201 + 00649482 n 0101 + 04273064 n 0101 \ 00649482 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving spectroscopy; "spectroscopic analysis" 02918490 01 a 01 mass_spectroscopic 0 002 + 00650743 n 0101 \ 00650743 n 0101 | relating to or involving mass spectroscopy 02918615 01 a 01 mass-spectrometric 0 001 \ 03726516 n 0101 | relating to or involving a mass spectrometer 02918724 01 a 01 electron_microscopic 0 001 \ 00641109 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving an electron microscope 02918844 01 a 02 microscopic 0 microscopical 0 006 + 00640889 n 0201 + 03760671 n 0201 \ 00640889 n 0201 + 00640889 n 0101 + 03760671 n 0101 \ 00640889 n 0101 | of or relating to or used in microscopy; "microscopic analysis"; "microscopical examination" 02919100 01 a 02 insurrectional 0 insurrectionary 0 004 + 00962129 n 0202 \ 00962129 n 0202 + 00962129 n 0102 \ 00962129 n 0102 | of or relating to or given to insurrection 02919275 01 a 02 conspiratorial 0 conspirative 0 007 + 00707624 v 0201 + 00706975 v 0201 \ 05908882 n 0201 + 08251303 n 0101 + 06524935 n 0101 + 09958892 n 0101 \ 05908882 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of conspiracy or conspirators; "a conspiratorial whisper"; "the discovery of possible conspirative codes" 02919594 01 a 01 domestic 0 002 + 00409075 n 0101 \ 03259505 n 0102 | of or relating to the home; "domestic servant"; "domestic science" 02919733 01 a 01 econometric 0 002 + 06150449 n 0101 \ 06150449 n 0101 | of or relating to econometrics; "econometric theories" 02919863 01 a 01 criminological 0 002 + 06151942 n 0101 \ 06151942 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved in criminology 02919986 01 a 01 classicistic 0 002 + 06154724 n 0101 \ 06154724 n 0101 | of or relating to classicism; "the classicistic tradition" 02920121 01 a 01 historical 0 004 + 06155567 n 0101 + 05170088 n 0101 ! 02920321 a 0101 \ 06155567 n 0101 | of or relating to the study of history; "historical scholars"; "a historical perspective" 02920321 01 a 01 ahistorical 0 001 ! 02920121 a 0101 | unconcerned with or unrelated to history or to historical development or to tradition 02920464 01 a 01 ontological 0 002 + 06162847 n 0101 \ 06162847 n 0101 | of or relating to ontology; "ontological speculations" 02920594 01 a 02 pietistic 0 pietistical 0 004 + 08475722 n 0201 \ 08475722 n 0201 + 08475722 n 0101 \ 08475722 n 0101 | of or relating to Pietism; "the Pietistic movement" 02920769 01 a 02 fascist 0 fascistic 0 004 + 06217944 n 0201 \ 06217944 n 0201 + 10079893 n 0101 \ 06217944 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of fascism; "fascist propaganda" 02920951 01 a 01 Catholic 0 003 + 09679925 n 0101 + 06227263 n 0101 \ 06227263 n 0101 | of or relating to or supporting Catholicism; "the Catholic Church" 02921108 01 a 01 Anglo-catholic 0 001 \ 08087981 n 0101 | supporting the Anglican Church 02921199 01 a 01 Anglo-Indian 0 002 + 09702541 n 0101 \ 08900535 n 0101 | relating to British India or the English in India 02921325 01 a 02 Roman 1 Romanic 0 005 ;r 08806897 n 0000 ;c 15253139 n 0000 + 06827503 n 0201 + 09717047 n 0201 \ 08806897 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from Rome (especially ancient Rome); "Roman architecture"; "the old Roman wall" 02921569 01 a 01 Roman 2 002 + 09716933 n 0101 \ 09716933 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of people of Rome; "Roman virtues"; "his Roman bearing in adversity"; "a Roman nose" 02921753 01 a 09 Roman 0 R.C. 0 Romanist 0 romish 0 Roman_Catholic 0 popish 0 papist 0 papistic 0 papistical 0 008 + 09680657 n 0901 + 09680657 n 0801 + 09680657 n 0701 \ 06227562 n 0501 \ 06227562 n 0401 \ 06227562 n 0301 \ 06227562 n 0201 \ 06227562 n 0101 | of or relating to or supporting Romanism; "the Roman Catholic Church" 02922086 01 a 01 Roman 3 002 + 06827503 n 0101 \ 06827503 n 0101 | characteristic of the modern type that most directly represents the type used in ancient Roman inscriptions 02922263 01 a 02 Jewish 1 Judaic 1 003 + 09681351 n 0201 \ 09681351 n 0201 \ 09681351 n 0101 | of or relating to Jews or their culture or religion; "He is Jewish"; "a Jewish wedding" 02922448 01 a 02 Judaic 0 Judaical 0 005 + 08094013 n 0201 + 06232880 n 0201 \ 06232880 n 0201 + 09681351 n 0101 \ 06232880 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Jews or their culture or religion; "the Judaic idea of justice" 02922690 01 a 01 Anglo-Jewish 0 001 \ 09681351 n 0101 | of English-speaking Jews and their culture; "Anglo-Jewish papers" 02922814 01 a 01 evangelical 0 002 + 06455138 n 0103 \ 06455138 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or in keeping with the Christian gospel especially as in the first 4 books of the New Testament 02923005 01 a 01 evangelical 1 002 + 06455138 n 0103 \ 06231030 n 0101 | relating to or being a Christian church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the 4 Gospels; "evangelical Christianity"; "an ultraconservative evangelical message" 02923281 01 a 01 evangelistic 0 002 + 10067011 n 0101 \ 07244613 n 0101 | relating to or promoting the preaching and dissemination of the Christian gospel; "evangelistic fervor"; "the evangelistic concerns of the early church" 02923510 01 a 03 Muslim 0 Moslem 0 Islamic 0 007 + 08095647 n 0301 + 06234825 n 0301 \ 06234825 n 0302 + 09682291 n 0202 \ 06234825 n 0202 + 09682291 n 0101 \ 06234825 n 0102 | of or relating to or supporting Islamism; "Islamic art" 02923745 01 a 03 Hindu 0 Hindi 0 Hindoo 0 007 + 09684609 n 0302 + 09713501 n 0302 \ 06236802 n 0301 + 06970103 n 0201 \ 06236802 n 0201 + 09684609 n 0101 \ 06236802 n 0101 | of or relating to or supporting Hinduism; "the Hindu faith" 02923981 01 a 01 Hmong 0 001 \ 09713764 n 0101 | of or related to the Hmong people or their language or their culture 02924102 01 a 02 Buddhist 0 Buddhistic 0 004 + 08098708 n 0201 + 06240244 n 0201 \ 06240244 n 0201 \ 06240244 n 0101 | of or relating to or supporting Buddhism; "Buddhist sculpture" 02924286 01 a 01 sculptural 0 002 + 04157320 n 0101 \ 04157320 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of sculpture; "sculptural embellishments" 02924428 01 a 01 evaporative 0 003 + 00575970 v 0101 + 00575720 v 0101 \ 13572436 n 0105 | relating to or causing or being caused by evaporation; "an evaporative cooler" 02924600 01 a 01 Confucian 0 002 + 10906822 n 0101 \ 05969758 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Confucianism; "Confucian ethics" 02924739 01 a 03 Shinto 0 Shintoist 0 Shintoistic 0 004 + 06243347 n 0302 \ 06243347 n 0302 \ 06243347 n 0202 \ 06243347 n 0102 | relating to or characteristic of Shintoism; "Shinto temples" 02924932 01 a 01 Kokka 0 002 + 08100481 n 0102 \ 08100481 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the branch of Shinto recognized as the state religion of Japan 02925084 01 a 01 Shuha 0 001 \ 08100656 n 0101 | of or pertaining to any Shinto sect other than Kokka Shinto 02925195 01 a 01 Rastafarian 0 002 + 09685922 n 0102 \ 06225855 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Rastafarianism or Rastafarians 02925342 01 a 02 Jain 0 Jainist 0 003 + 09685085 n 0201 \ 06239655 n 0201 \ 06239655 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Jainism; "Jain gods" 02925492 01 a 01 Taoist 1 001 \ 05977340 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical system developed by Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life 02925655 01 a 01 Taoist 2 001 \ 06243096 n 0101 | of or relating to the popular Chinese religious system based on the teachings of Lao-tzu but including a pantheon of gods along with divination and magic; "Taoist temples" 02925879 01 a 01 textual 0 003 + 06388579 n 0101 + 06387980 n 0101 \ 06387980 n 0101 | of or relating to or based on a text; "textual analysis" 02926025 01 a 02 Tantric 0 Tantrik 0 004 \ 06242427 n 0202 + 08099647 n 0101 + 06242427 n 0102 \ 06242427 n 0102 | of or relating to Tantrism; "Tantric rituals" 02926188 01 a 01 magnetic 0 002 + 03705379 n 0101 \ 11479058 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by magnetism; "magnetic forces" 02926320 01 a 01 electromagnetic 0 003 + 11479368 n 0101 + 06099107 n 0101 \ 11479368 n 0101 | pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; "electromagnetic energy" 02926519 01 a 01 Avestan 0 005 ;c 06244149 n 0000 + 06352301 n 0101 + 06973941 n 0101 + 06430996 n 0101 \ 06430996 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the Avesta (sacred text of Zoroastrianism) 02926708 01 a 01 Zoroastrian 0 003 + 09686146 n 0101 + 11407715 n 0101 \ 11407715 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Zoroaster or the religion he founded 02926858 01 a 01 capillary 0 001 \ 05254795 n 0101 | of or relating to hair 02926936 01 a 01 automotive 0 001 \ 02958343 n 0103 | of or relating to motor vehicles; "automotive supplies" 02927048 01 a 01 horticultural 0 002 + 00918383 n 0102 \ 00918383 n 0102 | of or relating to the cultivation of plants 02927169 01 a 01 cervical 1 002 + 05303232 n 0101 \ 05303232 n 0101 | of or relating to the cervix of the uterus; "cervical cancer" 02927303 01 a 01 American 0 002 + 09195615 n 0101 \ 09195615 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the continents and islands of the Americas; "the American hemisphere"; "American flora and fauna" 02927512 01 a 01 American 1 006 + 00410406 v 0101 + 00409643 v 0101 + 09738708 n 0101 + 06947479 n 0103 + 09044862 n 0103 \ 09044862 n 0103 | of or relating to the United States of America or its people or language or culture; "American citizens"; "American English"; "the American dream" 02927803 01 a 01 anti-American 0 003 ! 02927944 a 0101 + 09796974 n 0101 \ 09044862 n 0103 | opposed to the United States and its policies 02927944 01 a 01 pro-American 0 002 ! 02927803 a 0101 \ 09044862 n 0103 | supporting the United States and its policies 02928066 01 a 04 Indian 1 Amerind 0 Amerindic 0 Native_American 0 005 \ 09645091 n 0402 \ 09645091 n 0302 + 06906439 n 0201 \ 09645091 n 0202 \ 09645091 n 0102 | of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads" 02928347 01 a 01 Indian 0 002 + 08900535 n 0101 \ 08900535 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of India or the East Indies or their peoples or languages or cultures; "the Indian subcontinent"; "Indian saris" 02928566 01 a 01 North_American 0 001 \ 09372504 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the continent or countries of North America or their peoples 02928728 01 a 01 South_American 0 003 + 09440400 n 0101 + 08173289 n 0101 \ 09440400 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the continent or countries of South America or their peoples 02928926 01 a 01 South_African 0 002 + 08999482 n 0101 \ 08999482 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of South Africa or its people 02929071 01 a 01 asymptotic 0 002 + 13870935 n 0101 \ 13870935 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of an asymptote; "an asymptotic function" 02929216 01 a 04 subtropical 0 subtropic 0 semitropical 0 semitropic 0 003 + 08674344 n 0201 \ 08674344 n 0201 \ 08674344 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics; "even near the equator vegetation at 5000 ft is subtropical rather than tropical" 02929500 01 a 01 tropical 0 002 + 08675145 n 0101 \ 08675145 n 0101 | of or relating to the tropics, or either tropic; "tropical year" 02929637 01 a 01 equatorial 0 001 \ 08568719 n 0101 | of or relating to conditions at the geographical equator; "equatorial heat" 02929769 01 a 01 equatorial 2 002 + 13874073 n 0101 \ 13874073 n 0101 | of or relating to or at an equator; "equatorial diameter" 02929901 01 a 01 rational 0 004 ;c 06000644 n 0000 + 04784978 n 0102 ! 02930083 a 0101 \ 13819207 n 0101 | capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers; "rational numbers" 02930083 01 a 01 irrational 0 003 ;c 06000644 n 0000 ! 02929901 a 0101 \ 13819207 n 0101 | real but not expressible as the quotient of two integers; "irrational numbers" 02930255 01 a 01 anionic 0 004 + 14618050 n 0102 + 09197815 n 0101 ! 02930387 a 0101 \ 09197815 n 0101 | of or relating to anions 02930387 01 a 01 cationic 0 003 + 09238294 n 0101 ! 02930255 a 0101 \ 09238294 n 0101 | of or relating to cations 02930503 01 a 01 Satanic 0 002 + 09543353 n 0101 \ 09543353 n 0101 | of or relating to Satan; "Satanic verses" 02930616 01 a 01 angular 0 002 + 13887509 n 0101 \ 13887509 n 0101 | measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle; "angular momentum" 02930765 01 a 02 rabbinical 0 rabbinic 0 006 + 06341609 n 0201 + 10502329 n 0201 \ 10502329 n 0201 + 06341609 n 0101 + 10502329 n 0101 \ 10502329 n 0101 | of or relating to rabbis or their teachings; "rabbinical school" 02930987 01 a 01 arteriosclerotic 0 002 + 14108324 n 0101 \ 14108324 n 0101 | affected by arteriosclerosis 02931096 01 a 01 idolatrous 0 002 + 01044084 n 0101 \ 01044084 n 0101 | relating to or practicing idolatry; "idolatrous worship" 02931227 01 a 01 sacramental 0 002 + 01034925 n 0101 \ 01034925 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving a sacrament 02931345 01 a 03 theist 0 theistical 0 theistic 0 007 + 06223669 n 0301 \ 06223669 n 0301 + 06223669 n 0201 + 09848110 n 0201 \ 06223669 n 0201 + 09848110 n 0101 \ 06223669 n 0101 | of or relating to theism 02931554 01 a 02 deist 0 deistic 0 003 + 06223922 n 0201 \ 06223922 n 0201 \ 06223922 n 0101 | of or relating to deism 02931675 01 a 02 pantheist 0 pantheistic 0 004 + 06225235 n 0201 + 06224975 n 0201 \ 06224975 n 0201 \ 06224975 n 0101 | of or relating to pantheism 02931826 01 a 01 nocturnal 1 001 \ 15167027 n 0101 | of or relating to or occurring in the night; "nocturnal darkness" 02931947 01 a 03 mensural 0 measured 0 mensurable 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 06864725 n 0101 | having notes of fixed rhythmic value 02932081 01 a 01 mensural 1 001 \ 00033615 n 0101 | of or relating to measure 02932161 01 a 01 mensal 0 001 \ 03201208 n 0101 | the dining table 02932231 01 a 01 epicarpal 0 002 + 11684499 n 0101 \ 11684499 n 0101 | of or relating to the epicarp 02932334 01 a 01 epithelial 0 002 + 05239808 n 0101 \ 05239808 n 0101 | of or belonging to the epithelium; "epithelial layer" 02932462 01 a 01 epitheliod 0 001 \ 05239808 n 0101 | resembling epithelium; "epithelial tissue" 02932561 01 a 01 pancreatic 0 002 + 05387167 n 0101 \ 05387167 n 0101 | of or involving the pancreas; "pancreatic cancer" 02932685 01 a 01 ovarian 0 002 + 05515287 n 0101 \ 05515287 n 0101 | of or involving the ovaries; "ovarian cancer" 02932802 01 a 01 ovine 0 001 \ 02411705 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or of the nature of or characteristic of a sheep or sheep 02932931 01 a 01 ovular 1 002 + 05458300 n 0101 \ 05457973 n 0101 | of or relating to an ovum 02933027 01 a 01 ovular 2 002 + 11678768 n 0101 \ 11678768 n 0101 | being or of the nature of an ovule 02933132 01 a 01 uterine 0 001 \ 05519085 n 0101 | of or involving the uterus; "uterine cancer" 02933230 01 a 01 intrauterine 0 001 \ 02933132 a 0101 | within the womb 02933304 01 a 01 testicular 0 002 + 05524615 n 0102 \ 05524615 n 0101 | of or involving the testes; "testicular cancer" 02933426 01 a 01 rectal 0 002 + 05537806 n 0101 \ 05537806 n 0101 | of or involving the rectum; "rectal cancer" 02933540 01 a 01 rectosigmoid 0 002 \ 05537417 n 0101 \ 05537806 n 0101 | of or related to or near the sigmoid colon and the upper part of the rectum 02933692 01 a 01 monozygotic 0 001 \ 02882275 a 0101 | derived from a single fertilized egg; "monozygotic twins" 02933807 01 a 02 dizygotic 0 dizygous 0 002 \ 02882275 a 0201 \ 02882275 a 0101 | derived from two separately fertilized eggs; "dizygotic twins" 02933954 01 a 01 synaptic 0 002 + 05473928 n 0101 \ 05473928 n 0101 | (neuroscience) of or involving synapses 02934066 01 a 01 dendritic 0 002 + 05469861 n 0101 \ 05469861 n 0101 | (neuroscience) of or relating to or resembling a dendrite; "dendritic fiber" 02934216 01 a 01 iliac 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05275315 n 0101 | of or relating to the ilium 02934314 01 a 01 lobar 0 003 + 05493303 n 0101 + 03680734 n 0101 \ 05493303 n 0101 | of or relating to or affecting a lobe; "lobar pneumonia" 02934458 01 a 02 lobate 0 lobated 0 002 \ 05493303 n 0201 \ 05493303 n 0101 | having or resembling a lobe or lobes; "a lobate tongue" 02934594 01 a 01 abdominal 0 003 + 05558345 n 0102 + 05556943 n 0101 \ 05556943 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the abdomen; "abdominal muscles" 02934744 01 a 01 hormonal 0 002 + 05407119 n 0101 \ 05407119 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by hormones; "hormonal changes" 02934876 01 a 01 hemispheric 0 002 + 05476915 n 0101 \ 05476915 n 0101 | of or relating to the cerebral hemispheres 02934994 01 a 01 occipital 0 002 + 05540976 n 0101 \ 05540976 n 0101 | of or relating to the occiput; "occipital bone" 02935115 01 a 03 pneumonic 0 pulmonary 0 pulmonic 0 003 \ 05387544 n 0301 \ 05387544 n 0201 \ 05387544 n 0101 | relating to or affecting the lungs; "pulmonary disease" 02935285 01 a 01 pneumonic 1 002 + 14147627 n 0101 \ 14147627 n 0101 | pertaining to or characterized by or affected by pneumonia; "pneumonic plague" 02935437 01 a 01 intrapulmonary 0 001 \ 05387544 n 0101 | being or occurring within a lung 02935530 01 a 03 intestinal 0 enteric 1 enteral 1 004 \ 05534333 n 0301 \ 05534333 n 0201 + 05534333 n 0101 \ 05534333 n 0101 | of or relating to or inside the intestines; "intestinal disease" 02935725 01 a 01 skeletal 0 002 + 05585383 n 0102 \ 05585383 n 0102 | of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton; "the skeletal system"; "skeletal bones"; "skeletal muscles" 02935913 01 a 01 skinny 0 002 + 05238282 n 0101 \ 05238282 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling skin 02936020 01 a 02 adjectival 0 adjective 0 004 \ 06319029 n 0201 + 06319029 n 0101 + 06321702 n 0101 \ 06319029 n 0101 | of or relating to or functioning as an adjective; "adjectival syntax"; "an adjective clause" 02936235 01 a 01 adverbial 0 004 + 06324355 n 0101 + 06319157 n 0101 + 06323612 n 0101 \ 06319157 n 0101 | of or relating to or functioning as an adverb; "adverbial syntax" 02936410 01 a 01 morphemic 0 002 + 06306233 n 0101 \ 06306233 n 0101 | of or relating to morphemes 02936511 01 a 01 bimorphemic 0 001 \ 02936410 a 0101 | consisting of two morphemes; "the bimorphemic word `rays'" 02936627 01 a 01 monomorphemic 0 001 \ 02936410 a 0101 | consisting of only one morpheme; "`raise' is monomorphemic but `rays' is not" 02936764 01 a 01 polymorphemic 0 001 \ 02936410 a 0101 | consisting of two or more morphemes 02936859 01 a 01 morphophonemic 0 002 + 07111510 n 0101 \ 06178660 n 0101 | of or relating to morphophonemics 02936971 01 a 01 clausal 0 002 + 06314144 n 0101 \ 06314144 n 0101 | of or relating to or functioning as a clause; "clausal structure" 02937108 01 a 01 phrasal 0 005 + 07154330 n 0105 + 07045353 n 0101 + 00527061 n 0101 + 06316048 n 0101 \ 06316048 n 0101 | of or relating to or functioning as a phrase; "phrasal verb" 02937294 01 a 01 infinitival 0 002 + 06318904 n 0101 \ 06318904 n 0101 | relating to or formed with the infinitive; "infinitival clause" 02937433 01 a 01 pronominal 0 001 \ 06325370 n 0101 | relating to pronouns; "pronominal reference" 02937534 01 a 01 indexical 0 002 + 06491786 n 0101 \ 06639674 n 0101 | of or relating to or serving as an index 02937648 01 a 01 indexless 0 001 \ 06491786 n 0101 | lacking an index 02937720 01 a 01 cruciferous 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11867525 n 0101 \ 11867525 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Cruciferae 02937876 01 a 01 mathematical 0 002 + 06000644 n 0101 \ 06000644 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics; "a mathematical textbook"; "slide rules and other mathematical instruments"; "a mathematical solution to a problem"; "mathematical proof" 02938143 01 a 01 choreographic 0 001 \ 07020763 n 0101 | of or concerned with choreography 02938236 01 a 01 runic 0 002 + 06840187 n 0101 \ 06840187 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of runes; "runic inscription" 02938361 01 a 01 scriptural 2 003 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 06403393 n 0103 \ 06351613 n 0101 | written or relating to writing 02938485 01 a 01 pentatonic 0 002 + 06861435 n 0102 \ 06861435 n 0101 | relating to a pentatonic scale 02938590 01 a 01 anaphoric 0 001 \ 07100815 n 0101 | relating to anaphora; "anaphoric reference" 02938689 01 a 02 anapestic 0 anapaestic 0 002 \ 07095390 n 0202 \ 07095390 n 0101 | (of a metric foot) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one 02938854 01 a 01 rhetorical 0 002 + 06170498 n 0101 \ 07072698 n 0101 | of or relating to rhetoric; "accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested"- W.A.White; "the rhetorical sin of the meaningless variation"- Lewis Mumford 02939099 01 a 01 tectonic 0 002 ;c 06115701 n 0000 \ 06118370 n 0101 | pertaining to the structure or movement of the earth's crust; "tectonic plates"; "tectonic valleys" 02939272 01 a 01 riparian 0 001 \ 09415584 n 0101 | of or relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream; "riparian land" 02939406 01 a 01 Martian 0 002 + 09347445 n 0101 \ 09347445 n 0101 | of or relating to the planet Mars (or its fictional inhabitants) 02939542 01 a 01 actuarial 0 002 + 10652954 n 0102 \ 10652954 n 0102 | of or relating to the work of an actuary 02939656 01 a 01 psycholinguistic 0 002 + 06140587 n 0101 \ 06140587 n 0101 | of or relating to the psychology of language 02939781 01 a 01 robotic 0 001 \ 02761392 n 0102 | of or relating to mechanical robots; "among our robotic devices is a vacuum cleaner" 02939919 01 a 02 rotatory 0 revolutionary 2 004 + 07440979 n 0202 \ 07440979 n 0202 + 02045790 v 0101 \ 07440979 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic or causing an axial or orbital turn 02940115 01 a 02 epicyclic 0 epicyclical 0 004 + 13909296 n 0201 \ 13909296 n 0201 + 13909296 n 0101 \ 13909296 n 0101 | of or relating to an epicycle; "epicyclic gear train" 02940292 01 a 01 expansionist 0 001 \ 05961608 n 0101 | of or involving or guided by expansionism 02940392 01 a 01 experimental 0 001 \ 05798043 n 0101 | relating to or based on experiment; "experimental physics" 02940509 01 a 03 expiatory 0 expiative 0 propitiatory 0 004 + 02520509 v 0201 \ 00095121 n 0201 + 02520509 v 0101 \ 00095121 n 0101 | having power to atone for or offered by way of expiation or propitiation; "expiatory (or propitiatory) sacrifice" 02940759 01 a 01 familial 0 002 + 07970406 n 0101 \ 07970406 n 0101 | relating to or having the characteristics of a family; "children of the same familial background"; "familial aggregation" 02940953 01 a 04 etiological 0 etiologic 0 aetiological 0 aetiologic 0 008 + 07327608 n 0402 \ 07327608 n 0401 + 07327608 n 0302 \ 07327608 n 0301 + 07327608 n 0201 \ 07327608 n 0201 + 07327608 n 0101 \ 07327608 n 0101 | relating to the etiology of a disease; "etiological agent" 02941235 01 a 04 etiological 1 etiologic 1 aetiological 1 aetiologic 1 008 + 06161048 n 0402 \ 06161048 n 0401 + 06161048 n 0302 \ 06161048 n 0301 + 06161048 n 0201 \ 06161048 n 0201 + 06161048 n 0101 \ 06161048 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical study of causation 02941513 01 a 01 exuvial 0 002 + 05240076 n 0101 \ 05240076 n 0101 | of or relating to the cast-off skins or cuticles of various animals 02941652 01 a 02 behavioral 0 behavioural 0 002 \ 01220984 n 0201 \ 01220984 n 0101 | of or relating to behavior; "behavioral sciences" 02941790 01 a 01 African 0 003 + 09634494 n 0101 + 09189411 n 0101 \ 09189411 n 0101 | of or relating to the nations of Africa or their peoples; "African languages" 02941957 01 a 01 East_African 0 002 + 08699426 n 0101 \ 08699426 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in East Africa 02942077 01 a 01 East_Indian 0 002 + 08841956 n 0103 \ 08841956 n 0102 | of or relating to or located in the East Indies 02942200 01 a 01 Afro-Asian 0 001 \ 09207288 n 0101 | of or relating to the nations of Africa and Asia or their peoples; "Afro-Asian population" 02942347 01 a 02 phenotypical 0 phenotypic 0 004 + 04933852 n 0201 \ 04933852 n 0201 + 04933852 n 0101 \ 04933852 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting a phenotype; "phenotypical profile" 02942542 01 a 02 genotypical 0 genotypic 0 006 + 07941405 n 0201 + 04934043 n 0201 \ 04934043 n 0201 + 07941405 n 0101 + 04934043 n 0101 \ 04934043 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting a genotype; "genotypical pattern" 02942769 01 a 01 ontogenetic 0 003 + 13489037 n 0105 + 13489037 n 0106 \ 13489037 n 0105 | of or relating to the origin and development of individual organisms; "ontogenetic development" 02942958 01 a 02 phylogenetic 0 phyletic 0 003 \ 13477023 n 0203 + 13477023 n 0104 \ 13477023 n 0103 | of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms; "phylogenetic development" 02943151 01 a 01 environmental 0 001 \ 06070929 n 0101 | concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment; "environmental pollution" 02943303 01 a 01 environmental 1 002 + 13934596 n 0101 \ 13934596 n 0101 | of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors" 02943463 01 a 01 methodological 0 003 + 06166898 n 0101 + 05661400 n 0101 \ 05661400 n 0101 | relating to the methodology of some discipline; "methodological errors" 02943631 01 a 01 cross-sectional 0 002 + 05822085 n 0101 \ 08548065 n 0101 | of or relating to a cross section; "a cross-sectional slice" 02943771 01 a 01 sectional 0 001 \ 08648153 n 0101 | relating to or based upon a section (i.e. as if cut through by an intersecting plane); "a sectional view"; "sectional drawings" 02943954 01 a 02 trabecular 0 trabeculate 0 003 \ 05295160 n 0201 + 05295160 n 0101 \ 05295160 n 0101 | of or relating to trabeculae 02944089 01 a 01 tracheal 0 003 + 05532050 n 0101 + 05531814 n 0101 \ 05531814 n 0101 | relating to or resembling or functioning like a trachea 02944235 01 a 01 tractive 0 001 \ 11460281 n 0102 | exerting traction and serving to pull 02944327 01 a 04 transdermal 0 transdermic 0 percutaneous 0 transcutaneous 0 005 ;c 06054892 n 0000 \ 05238282 n 0401 \ 05238282 n 0301 \ 05243879 n 0201 \ 05243879 n 0101 | through the unbroken skin; refers to medications applied directly to the skin (creams or ointments) or in time-release forms (skin patches); "transdermal estrogen"; "percutaneous absorption" 02944694 01 a 01 transitional 0 001 \ 07415730 n 0102 | of or relating to or characterized by transition; "adolescence is a transitional stage between childhood and adulthood" 02944872 01 a 01 traumatic 0 002 + 14285662 n 0104 \ 14285662 n 0104 | of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body 02945002 01 a 01 trophic 0 001 \ 13523661 n 0101 | of or relating to nutrition; "a trophic level on the food chain" 02945120 01 a 01 tympanic 0 001 \ 05318831 n 0102 | associated with the eardrum 02945202 01 a 01 tympanic 1 002 + 03612965 n 0104 \ 03612965 n 0104 | resembling a drum 02945292 01 a 01 tympanitic 0 001 \ 14063877 n 0101 | of or relating to tympanites 02945377 01 a 01 perceptual 0 002 + 00876874 n 0102 \ 00876874 n 0102 | of or relating to the act of perceiving; "perceptual stimulus" 02945514 01 a 01 libidinal 0 002 + 07489548 n 0101 \ 07489548 n 0101 | belonging to the libido; "libidinal impulses"; "libidinal gratification" 02945660 01 a 01 epileptic 0 003 + 10062176 n 0101 + 14086143 n 0101 \ 14086143 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of epilepsy; "epileptic seizure" 02945820 01 a 01 developmental 0 002 + 13489037 n 0104 \ 13489037 n 0104 | of or relating to or constituting development; "developmental psychology" 02945971 01 a 02 pedagogical 0 pedagogic 0 008 + 05660937 n 0203 + 00883297 n 0204 + 00887081 n 0203 \ 00887081 n 0203 + 05660937 n 0103 + 00883297 n 0104 + 00887081 n 0103 \ 00887081 n 0103 | of or relating to pedagogy; "pedagogical significance" 02946221 01 a 01 educational 0 002 + 05753564 n 0101 \ 05753564 n 0101 | relating to the process of education; "educational psychology" 02946359 01 a 01 prehistoric 0 002 + 15254550 n 0101 \ 15254550 n 0101 | of or relating to times before written history; "prehistoric archeology" 02946507 01 a 01 Atlantic 0 002 + 09209263 n 0101 \ 09209263 n 0101 | relating to or bordering the Atlantic Ocean; "Atlantic currents" 02946644 01 a 01 Pacific 0 002 + 09382990 n 0101 \ 09382990 n 0101 | relating to or bordering the Pacific Ocean; "Pacific islands" 02946777 01 a 01 transatlantic 0 001 \ 02946507 a 0101 | crossing the Atlantic Ocean; "transatlantic flight" 02946888 01 a 01 synergistic 0 002 + 06191854 n 0101 \ 06191854 n 0101 | of or relating to the theological doctrine of synergism 02947019 01 a 01 monistic 0 002 + 05964643 n 0101 \ 05964643 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of monism; "the monistic school would regard national law and international law as an integrated whole"- J.S.Roucek 02947252 01 a 02 dualistic 0 Manichaean 1 004 + 06243575 n 0201 \ 05960698 n 0201 + 05960698 n 0101 \ 05960698 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of dualism; "a Manichaean conflict between good and evil" 02947477 01 a 01 pluralistic 0 003 + 08367683 n 0101 + 05965749 n 0101 \ 05965749 n 0101 | of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of pluralism; "a pluralistic culture" 02947653 01 a 01 pleural 0 002 + 05388115 n 0101 \ 05388115 n 0101 | of or relating to the pleura or the walls of the thorax; "pleural muscles" 02947799 01 a 01 hilar 0 003 + 11678493 n 0101 + 05224755 n 0102 \ 05224755 n 0102 | of or relating to or located near a hilum 02947928 01 a 01 labyrinthine 0 001 \ 05321307 n 0103 | relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear; "labyrinthine deafness" 02948068 01 a 01 lobular 0 003 + 05493650 n 0101 + 05064722 n 0101 \ 05493650 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a lobule 02948198 01 a 01 interlobular 0 001 \ 02948068 a 0101 | between lobes or lobules 02948281 01 a 01 intralobular 0 001 \ 02948068 a 0101 | inside lobes or lobules 02948363 01 a 01 anastomotic 0 002 + 05249420 n 0101 \ 05249420 n 0101 | of or relating to or exhibiting anastomosis 02948482 01 a 01 bronchial 0 002 + 05531511 n 0101 \ 05531511 n 0101 | relating to or associated with the bronchi; "bronchial tubes"; "bronchial pneumonia" 02948640 01 a 01 arteriolar 0 003 + 05337301 n 0102 + 05337301 n 0101 \ 05337301 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving arterioles 02948774 01 a 01 bronchiolar 0 002 + 05531666 n 0101 \ 05531666 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving bronchioles 02948892 01 a 01 rhombic 0 002 + 13882961 n 0101 \ 13882961 n 0101 | resembling a rhombus 02948984 01 a 01 trapezoidal 0 002 + 13881512 n 0101 \ 13881512 n 0101 | resembling a trapezoid 02949082 01 a 01 physiological 0 002 + 05005064 n 0101 \ 06080522 n 0101 | of or relating to the biological study of physiology; "physiological psychology"; "Pavlov's physiological theories" 02949275 01 a 03 morphologic 0 morphological 0 structural 2 004 + 06078327 n 0201 \ 06078327 n 0201 + 06078327 n 0101 \ 06078327 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with the morphology of plants and animals; "morphological differences" 02949511 01 a 05 geomorphologic 0 geomorphological 0 morphologic 2 morphological 2 structural 3 007 ;c 06115701 n 0000 + 06117855 n 0401 + 06117855 n 0301 + 06117855 n 0202 \ 06117855 n 0202 + 06117855 n 0102 \ 06117855 n 0102 | pertaining to geological structure; "geomorphological features of the Black Hills"; "morphological features of granite"; "structural effects of folding and faulting of the earth's surface" 02949931 01 a 02 morphologic 1 morphological 1 005 + 06178042 n 0201 \ 06178042 n 0201 + 06177729 n 0101 + 06178042 n 0101 \ 06178042 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with the formation of admissible words in a language 02950154 01 a 01 occlusive 0 003 + 07115914 n 0103 + 01476483 v 0104 \ 14100769 n 0101 | tending to occlude 02950264 01 a 01 ohmic 0 002 + 13646816 n 0101 \ 13646816 n 0101 | of or relating to or measured in ohms 02950371 01 a 01 mortuary 0 002 + 03785499 n 0102 \ 07451463 n 0101 | of or relating to a funeral 02950471 01 a 01 mortuary 1 002 + 03785499 n 0102 \ 11444117 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of death 02950588 01 a 01 funerary 0 002 + 07451463 n 0101 \ 07451463 n 0101 | of or for or relating to a funeral; "funerary urn" 02950711 01 a 02 strategic 0 strategical 0 006 + 06249177 n 0201 + 05905348 n 0202 \ 05905348 n 0202 + 06249177 n 0101 + 05905348 n 0102 \ 05905348 n 0102 | relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations" 02951000 01 a 01 tactical 0 005 + 05905152 n 0101 + 06248968 n 0101 + 05905152 n 0102 \ 05905152 n 0101 \ 06248968 n 0101 | of or pertaining to tactic or tactics; "a tactical error" 02951184 01 a 01 cinerary 0 001 \ 03073694 n 0102 | containing or used for ashes of the cremated dead; "a cinerary urn" 02951306 01 a 01 circulatory 1 001 \ 05511618 n 0101 | relating to circulatory system or to circulation of the blood 02951425 01 a 01 veinal 0 002 + 13098186 n 0101 \ 13098186 n 0101 | relating to the veins of plants; "leaves affected with veinal mosaic" 02951565 01 a 02 circulative 0 circulatory 2 003 \ 07312221 n 0201 + 02042404 v 0101 \ 07312221 n 0101 | of or relating to circulation 02951702 01 a 02 euphonic 0 euphonical 0 004 + 05718556 n 0202 \ 05718556 n 0202 + 05718556 n 0102 \ 05718556 n 0102 | of or relating to or characterized by euphony 02951869 01 a 02 metamorphic 0 metamorphous 0 003 + 00402128 n 0201 \ 13514880 n 0201 \ 13514880 n 0101 | of or relating to metamorphosis (especially of rocks); "metamorphic stage"; "marble is a metamorphic rock that takes a high polish" 02952109 01 a 01 sedimentary 0 002 + 09428967 n 0101 \ 09428967 n 0101 | resembling or containing or formed by the accumulation of sediment; "sedimentary deposits" 02952275 01 a 01 Christian 0 004 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 11083656 n 0105 + 08082236 n 0102 \ 06226057 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Christianity; "Christian rites" 02952450 01 a 01 Judeo-Christian 0 002 \ 06232880 n 0101 \ 06226057 n 0101 | being historically related to both Judaism and Christianity; "the Judeo-Christian tradition" 02952622 01 a 01 Protestant 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 09679316 n 0101 \ 06228549 n 0101 | of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism; "Protestant churches"; "a Protestant denomination" 02952814 01 a 02 universalistic 0 universalist 0 003 ;c 06182144 n 0000 \ 06192665 n 0201 \ 06192665 n 0101 | of or relating to or tending toward universalism 02952975 01 a 03 Calvinist 0 Calvinistic 0 Calvinistical 0 007 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 09889346 n 0301 \ 06229853 n 0301 + 06229853 n 0201 \ 06229853 n 0201 + 09889346 n 0101 \ 06229853 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Calvinism or its adherents 02953235 01 a 02 fundamentalist 0 fundamentalistic 0 004 ;c 06182144 n 0000 + 06231328 n 0201 \ 06231328 n 0201 \ 06231328 n 0101 | of or relating to or tending toward fundamentalism 02953420 01 a 02 Orthodox 0 Jewish-Orthodox 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 06232880 n 0201 \ 06232880 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Judaism; "Orthodox Judaism" 02953598 01 a 04 Orthodox 1 Eastern_Orthodox 0 Russian_Orthodox 0 Greek_Orthodox 0 005 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 08086356 n 0401 \ 08086356 n 0301 \ 08086356 n 0201 \ 08086356 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Eastern Orthodox Church 02953847 01 a 01 radio 0 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 \ 11499091 n 0101 | indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry" 02953973 01 a 01 dipolar 0 001 \ 09266946 n 0101 | having equal and opposite electric charges or magnetic poles having opposite signs and separated by a small distance 02954143 01 a 01 deformational 0 003 + 07358060 n 0101 + 00404726 n 0102 \ 07358060 n 0101 | relating to or causing change in either shape or size of a material body or geometric figure 02954331 01 a 01 totemic 0 003 + 05954672 n 0101 + 04458409 n 0101 \ 05954672 n 0101 | relating to totemism; "totemic object" 02954459 01 a 01 Anglican 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 09958292 n 0101 \ 08087981 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Anglican church; "an Anglican bishop" 02954633 01 a 01 Baptistic 0 002 + 09838701 n 0101 \ 08089420 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; "Baptistis baptismal practices" 02954799 01 a 02 Congregational 2 Congregationalist 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 08090973 n 0201 \ 08090973 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church 02954981 01 a 02 Episcopal 1 Episcopalian 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 08088472 n 0201 \ 08088472 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Episcopal church; "the Episcopal hierarchy"; "married by an Episcopalian minister" 02955216 01 a 01 revivalistic 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 06231191 n 0101 \ 06231191 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterizing revivalism 02955358 01 a 01 Lutheran 2 002 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 08091744 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther; "Lutheran doctrines" 02955562 01 a 02 Methodist 0 Wesleyan 0 004 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 10312773 n 0201 + 11381824 n 0201 \ 08092340 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the branch of Protestantism adhering to the views of Wesley; "Methodist theology" 02955806 01 a 01 Mormon 0 002 ;c 05946687 n 0000 \ 08089205 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Mormon Church; "Mormon leaders"; "the former Mormon practice of polygamy" 02955996 01 a 01 Unitarian 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 10738670 n 0101 \ 06230358 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterizing Unitarianism 02956137 01 a 01 orchestral 0 002 + 08248157 n 0101 \ 08248157 n 0101 | relating to or composed for an orchestra; "orchestral score" 02956272 01 a 01 orchestrated 0 001 \ 08248157 n 0101 | arranged for performance by an orchestra 02956371 01 a 01 communicative 0 002 + 00742320 v 0101 \ 00033020 n 0101 | of or relating to communication; "communicative arts" 02956502 01 a 01 autosomal 0 002 + 05443966 n 0101 \ 05443966 n 0101 | of or relating to an autosome; "autosomal gene" 02956623 01 a 01 chromatic 0 001 \ 04956594 n 0101 | able to refract light without spectral color separation; "chromatic lens" 02956752 01 a 01 chromosomal 0 002 + 05442131 n 0101 \ 05442131 n 0101 | of or relating to a chromosome; "chromosomal defect" 02956880 01 a 01 chronological 0 004 + 13845114 n 0101 + 06503224 n 0101 + 06156346 n 0101 \ 06503224 n 0101 | relating to or arranged according to temporal order; "chronological age" 02957066 01 a 01 Italian 0 004 + 09716047 n 0101 + 06964247 n 0101 + 08801678 n 0101 \ 08801678 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Italy or its people or culture or language; "Italian cooking" 02957276 01 a 01 Russian 0 003 + 09006413 n 0101 + 09002814 n 0101 \ 09003284 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Russia or its people or culture or language; "Russian dancing" 02957469 01 a 01 German 0 003 + 09747722 n 0101 + 06950528 n 0101 \ 08766988 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Germany or its people or language; "German philosophers"; "German universities"; "German literature" 02957699 01 a 01 East_German 0 001 \ 08768647 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of East Germany; "East German spies" 02957823 01 a 02 Celtic 0 Gaelic 0 006 + 06960566 n 0201 + 09688233 n 0201 \ 09688008 n 0201 + 06960298 n 0101 + 09688008 n 0101 \ 09688008 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the Celts 02958017 01 a 01 Britannic 0 002 + 08860123 n 0104 \ 09732544 n 0101 | of Britain; "Her Britannic Majesty" 02958126 01 a 02 Teutonic 0 Germanic 2 004 + 06946497 n 0201 + 06950528 n 0201 \ 09689152 n 0201 \ 09689152 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the ancient Teutons or their languages; "Teutonic peoples such as Germans and Scandinavians and British"; "Germanic mythology" 02958392 01 a 02 French 0 Gallic 1 003 + 09708648 n 0202 \ 08929922 n 0201 \ 08929922 n 0101 | of or pertaining to France or the people of France; "French cooking"; "a Gallic shrug" 02958576 01 a 01 Spanish 0 001 \ 09023321 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Spain or the people of Spain; "Spanish music" 02958714 01 a 01 Iberian 0 002 + 08984567 n 0102 \ 08984567 n 0102 | of or relating to the Iberian Peninsula or its inhabitants 02958844 01 a 01 Lusitanian 0 002 + 09166304 n 0101 \ 09166304 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the region of Lusitania or its people or language 02959007 01 a 02 Portuguese 0 Lusitanian 1 003 + 09728009 n 0101 + 06966310 n 0101 \ 08984788 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Portugal or the people of Portugal or their language; "Portuguese wines" 02959224 01 a 01 Sicilian 0 003 + 09717566 n 0101 + 08810999 n 0101 \ 08811215 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Sicily or the people of Sicily; "the Sicilian Mafia" 02959406 01 a 01 Soviet 0 001 \ 09003284 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the former Soviet Union or its people; "Soviet leaders" 02959553 01 a 01 Finnish 0 002 + 06958255 n 0101 \ 08779504 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Finland or the people of Finland; "Finnish architecture" 02959720 01 a 01 Swedish 0 001 \ 08765890 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Sweden or its people or culture or language; "the Swedish King"; "Swedish punch"; "Swedish umlauts" 02959912 01 a 02 Norwegian 0 Norse 0 005 \ 08764107 n 0201 + 09725402 n 0101 + 06954303 n 0101 + 08764107 n 0101 \ 08764107 n 0101 | of or relating to Norway or its people or culture or language; "Norwegian herring" 02960130 01 a 02 Scandinavian 2 Norse 1 004 + 09730204 n 0101 + 08760856 n 0101 + 08760510 n 0101 \ 08760510 n 0101 | of or relating to Scandinavia or its peoples or cultures; "Norse sagas"; "Norse nomads" 02960338 01 a 01 Danish 0 002 + 06954048 n 0101 \ 08761244 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Denmark or the Danes or their language ; "Danish furniture" 02960507 01 a 01 Belgian 0 003 + 09694109 n 0101 + 08849753 n 0101 \ 08849753 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Belgium or the Belgian people; "the Belgian Queen" 02960686 01 a 01 Dutch 0 001 \ 08949093 n 0101 | of or relating to the Netherlands or its people or culture; "Dutch painting"; "Dutch painters" 02960832 01 a 01 Luxembourgian 0 002 + 08960987 n 0101 \ 08960987 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Luxembourg; "Luxembourgian food" 02960975 01 a 01 Swiss 0 001 \ 09031653 n 0101 | of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture; "the Swiss army" 02961099 01 a 01 Austrian 0 003 + 09691604 n 0101 + 08845555 n 0101 \ 08845555 n 0101 | of or relating to Austria or its people or culture; "Austrian music" 02961258 01 a 01 Polish 0 002 + 06944720 n 0101 \ 08982587 n 0101 | of or relating to Poland or its people or culture; "Polish sausage" 02961396 01 a 01 Polynesian 0 001 \ 08841667 n 0101 | of or relating to Polynesia or its people or culture 02961505 01 a 02 Hungarian 0 Magyar 0 004 + 09713985 n 0202 + 06958836 n 0202 + 08952190 n 0101 \ 08952190 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Hungary; "Hungarian folk music" 02961688 01 a 02 Czech 0 Czechoslovakian 0 007 + 09699200 n 0201 + 08757569 n 0201 \ 08757569 n 0201 + 09699403 n 0101 + 09699200 n 0103 + 06944911 n 0101 \ 08757569 n 0101 | of or relating to Czechoslovakia or its people or their language; "The Czech border"; "Czechoslovak nationalists"; "The Czechoslovakian population" 02962013 01 a 02 Yugoslavian 0 Yugoslav 0 005 + 09750891 n 0201 \ 08816236 n 0203 + 09750891 n 0103 + 08816236 n 0103 \ 08816236 n 0103 | of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people or languages; "Yugoslavian wine" 02962272 01 a 03 Romanian 0 Rumanian 0 Roumanian 0 006 + 08813978 n 0302 \ 08813978 n 0301 + 08813978 n 0203 \ 08813978 n 0201 + 08813978 n 0101 \ 08813978 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the country of Romania or its people or languages; "Romanian folk music" 02962551 01 a 01 Baltic 0 001 \ 09213254 n 0102 | of or near or on the Baltic Sea; "The Baltic republics" 02962659 01 a 01 Baltic 1 002 + 06945679 n 0101 \ 09012101 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baltic States or their peoples or languages 02962818 01 a 01 Latvian 0 002 + 09013074 n 0101 \ 09013074 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Latvia or its people or language 02962961 01 a 01 Lithuanian 0 003 + 06946199 n 0101 + 09013830 n 0101 \ 09013830 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Lithuania or its people or language 02963128 01 a 01 Moldovan 0 002 + 09014586 n 0101 \ 09014586 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Moldova or its people or culture 02963272 01 a 01 Kyrgyzstani 0 001 \ 09020440 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Kyrgyzstan or its people or culture 02963404 01 a 01 Tajikistani 0 001 \ 09020961 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Tajikistan or it people or culture 02963535 01 a 01 Turkmen 0 001 \ 09021503 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Turkmenistan or its people or culture 02963665 01 a 01 Ukrainian 0 002 + 09014979 n 0101 \ 09014979 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Ukraine or its people or culture 02963810 01 a 01 Uzbekistani 0 001 \ 09022265 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Uzbekistan or its people or culture 02963942 01 a 01 Serbian 0 003 + 08816969 n 0101 \ 08816969 n 0101 \ 09751076 n 0101 | of or relating to the people or language or culture of the region of Serbia 02964107 01 a 01 Croatian 0 003 + 09751256 n 0101 + 08815858 n 0101 \ 08815858 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Croatia or its people or language; "Croatian villages" 02964291 01 a 01 Slovenian 0 003 + 09749753 n 0101 + 08818444 n 0101 \ 08818444 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Slovenia or its people or language; "Slovenian independence" 02964482 01 a 01 Slovakian 0 002 + 08759013 n 0101 \ 08759013 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Slovakia or its people or language 02964629 01 a 01 Bosnian 0 002 + 08817630 n 0105 \ 08817630 n 0104 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bosnia-Herzegovina or the people of Bosnia 02964782 01 a 01 Chinese 0 001 \ 08730550 n 0102 | of or pertaining to China or its peoples or cultures; "Chinese food" 02964904 01 a 01 Sinitic 0 001 \ 09698108 n 0101 | of or relating to the Chinese people or their language or culture; "Sinitic dialects" 02965043 01 a 02 Japanese 0 Nipponese 0 003 + 09718217 n 0202 + 09718217 n 0101 \ 08921850 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Japan or its people or their culture or language; "the Japanese Emperor"; "Japanese cars" 02965274 01 a 01 exponential 0 003 + 13789462 n 0101 + 06812417 n 0101 \ 06812417 n 0101 | of or involving exponents; "exponential growth" 02965415 01 a 01 paradigmatic 0 002 + 05937524 n 0102 \ 05937524 n 0102 | of or relating to a typical example; "paradigmatic learning" 02965552 01 a 01 paradigmatic 1 002 + 13804375 n 0101 \ 13804375 n 0101 | of or relating to a grammatical paradigm; "paradigmatic inflection" 02965696 01 a 01 Tibetan 0 002 + 08906952 n 0101 \ 08906952 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Tibet or its people or their language; "Tibetan monks" 02965861 01 a 01 Himalayan 0 002 + 09303647 n 0101 \ 09303647 n 0101 | of or relating to the Himalayas; "Himalayan peaks" 02965985 01 a 01 Chilean 0 003 + 09697986 n 0101 + 08720481 n 0101 \ 08720481 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Chile or its people; "Chilean volcanoes" 02966154 01 a 01 Peruvian 0 003 + 09726499 n 0101 + 08979054 n 0101 \ 08979054 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Peru or its people; "Peruvian artifacts" 02966324 01 a 01 Ecuadorian 0 002 + 08776687 n 0101 \ 08776687 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Ecuador or its people; "Ecuadorian folklore" 02966482 01 a 01 Panamanian 0 003 + 09726120 n 0101 + 08739206 n 0101 \ 08739206 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Panama or its people; "Panamanian economy" 02966656 01 a 01 Venezuelan 0 003 + 09747062 n 0101 + 09161803 n 0101 \ 09161803 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Venezuela or its people; "Venezuelan oil" 02966829 01 a 01 Brazilian 0 002 + 08853741 n 0101 \ 08853741 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Brazil or the people of Brazil 02966972 01 a 02 Argentine 0 Argentinian 0 004 + 09691149 n 0201 + 08711974 n 0201 \ 08711974 n 0201 \ 08711974 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Argentina or its people; "Argentinian tango" 02967179 01 a 01 Paraguayan 0 003 + 09726246 n 0101 + 08978343 n 0101 \ 08978343 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Paraguay or its people 02967333 01 a 01 Uruguayan 0 003 + 09746936 n 0101 + 09160295 n 0101 \ 09160295 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Uruguay or its people 02967485 01 a 01 Bolivian 0 002 + 08852843 n 0101 \ 08852843 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bolivia or its people 02967618 01 a 01 Colombian 0 003 + 09698517 n 0101 + 08732116 n 0101 \ 08732116 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Colombia or its people; "Colombian coffee" 02967791 01 a 01 Korean 0 004 + 09718936 n 0101 + 06929171 n 0101 + 08954611 n 0101 \ 08954611 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Korea or its people or language; "Korean handicrafts" 02967990 01 a 01 North_Korean 0 003 + 09719105 n 0101 + 08955082 n 0101 \ 08955082 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of North Korea or its people or their culture 02968166 01 a 01 South_Korean 0 003 + 09719207 n 0101 + 08955626 n 0101 \ 08955626 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of South Korea or its people 02968325 01 a 01 European 0 004 + 09275473 n 0101 + 08172695 n 0101 + 08173515 n 0108 \ 09275473 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe; "European Community" 02968525 01 a 02 Asian 0 Asiatic 0 008 + 09641757 n 0202 + 09207288 n 0201 + 08172877 n 0201 \ 09207288 n 0201 + 09641757 n 0101 + 09207288 n 0101 + 08172877 n 0101 \ 09207288 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Asia or the peoples of Asia or their languages or culture; "Asian countries" 02968828 01 a 02 Cambodian 0 Kampuchean 0 006 + 09696280 n 0202 + 08716738 n 0203 \ 08716738 n 0201 + 09696280 n 0101 + 08716738 n 0101 \ 08716738 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Cambodia or its people or language 02969060 01 a 01 Manchurian 0 002 + 08722844 n 0101 \ 08722844 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their culture; "the Manchurian invasion" 02969241 01 a 01 Honduran 0 002 + 09712570 n 0101 \ 08737716 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Honduras or its people 02969375 01 a 02 Salvadoran 0 Salvadorean 0 003 + 08738272 n 0201 \ 08738272 n 0201 \ 08738272 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of El Salvador or its people; "Salvadoran coffee"; "Salvadoran guerillas" 02969591 01 a 01 Cuban 0 004 + 09698901 n 0101 + 08750151 n 0101 + 08750334 n 0101 \ 08750334 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Cuba or the people of Cuba; "Cuban rum" 02969775 01 a 01 Bavarian 0 002 + 08771596 n 0101 \ 08771596 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bavaria or its people; "Bavarian beer" 02969925 01 a 01 Byzantine 0 001 \ 08800676 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Byzantine Empire or the ancient city of Byzantium 02970073 01 a 01 Byzantine 1 001 \ 08086356 n 0103 | of or relating to the Eastern Orthodox Church or the rites performed in it; "Byzantine monks"; "Byzantine rites" 02970241 01 a 01 Ottoman 0 001 \ 09038597 n 0101 | of or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its people or its culture 02970360 01 a 01 Seljuk 0 001 \ 08158089 n 0101 | of or relating to the Seljuks 02970442 01 a 01 Neapolitan 0 002 + 08805565 n 0101 \ 08805565 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Naples or its people 02970576 01 a 01 Milanese 0 001 \ 08809165 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Milan or its people 02970689 01 a 01 Tuscan 0 002 + 08811982 n 0101 \ 08811982 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Tuscany or its people 02970820 01 a 01 Venetian 0 003 + 09717454 n 0101 + 08813264 n 0101 \ 08813264 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Venice or its people; "Venetian glass"; "Venetian canals" 02971007 01 a 02 Tyrolean 0 Tyrolese 0 003 \ 08846135 n 0201 + 08846135 n 0101 \ 08846135 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Tyrol or its people; "Tyrolean yodeling" 02971192 01 a 01 Viennese 0 001 \ 08846324 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Vienna or its inhabitants 02971311 01 a 01 Glaswegian 0 003 + 09749142 n 0101 + 08892971 n 0101 \ 08892971 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Glasgow or its inhabitants 02971469 01 a 01 Egyptian 0 005 + 09700492 n 0101 + 06990000 n 0101 + 08896831 n 0102 + 08897065 n 0101 \ 08897065 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Egypt or its people or their language 02971672 01 a 01 Hindustani 0 003 + 09713501 n 0103 + 06970373 n 0101 \ 08902422 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Hindustan or its people or language 02971839 01 a 02 Nepalese 0 Nepali 0 005 + 09724066 n 0202 + 06972985 n 0201 \ 08906374 n 0201 + 09724066 n 0101 \ 08906374 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its people or language or culture; "Nepalese troops massed at the border"; "Nepali mountains are among the highest in the world"; "the different Nepali words for `rice'" 02972194 01 a 01 Indonesian 0 002 + 08907606 n 0101 \ 08907606 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Indonesia or its people or languages 02972344 01 a 01 Alsatian 0 003 + 09785786 n 0101 + 08940209 n 0101 \ 08940209 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Alsace or its inhabitants 02972499 01 a 01 Athenian 0 005 + 09711132 n 0101 + 09130599 n 0101 + 09076982 n 0101 + 08785343 n 0101 \ 08785343 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Athens or its inhabitants 02972690 01 a 01 Spartan 0 002 + 08787240 n 0101 \ 08787240 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Sparta or its people 02972821 01 a 01 Thracian 0 001 \ 08915784 n 0101 | of or relating to Thrace or its people or culture 02972925 01 a 01 Israeli 0 002 + 09715833 n 0101 \ 08792548 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Israel or its people 02973056 01 a 02 Genoese 0 Genovese 0 002 \ 08808452 n 0201 \ 08808452 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Genoa or its inhabitants; "the Genoese sailor we call Columbus" 02973241 01 a 01 tragic 0 003 ;c 06376154 n 0000 + 07016948 n 0101 \ 07016948 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of tragedy; "tragic hero" 02973392 01 a 01 comic 0 003 ;c 06376154 n 0000 + 07015510 n 0101 \ 07015510 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of comedy; "comic hero" 02973540 01 a 01 tragicomic 0 003 ;c 06376154 n 0000 + 07017161 n 0101 \ 07017161 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of tragicomedy; "a playwright specializing in tragicomic drama" 02973733 01 a 01 abyssal 0 001 \ 09186592 n 0101 | relating to ocean depths from 2000 to 5000 meters 02973836 01 a 01 neritic 0 001 \ 09369039 n 0101 | of or relating to the region of the sea over the continental shelf which is less than 200 meters deep; "neritic fauna"; "neritic oil" 02974023 01 a 02 baroque 0 Baroque 0 002 \ 15259076 n 0201 \ 15259076 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the elaborately ornamented style of architecture, art, and music popular in Europe between 1600 and 1750 02974248 01 a 01 bathyal 0 001 \ 09255343 n 0102 | relating to ocean depths between 200 and 2000 meters (corresponds to the continental slope) 02974393 01 a 01 hadal 0 001 \ 09376526 n 0104 | relating to the deepest parts of the ocean (below 6000 meters) 02974507 01 a 02 operculate 0 operculated 0 002 \ 01902368 n 0201 \ 01902368 n 0101 | having an operculum 02974615 01 a 01 Palestinian 0 004 + 09713357 n 0101 + 08798771 n 0101 + 08798382 n 0101 \ 08798771 n 0101 | of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants; "Palestinian guerrillas" 02974812 01 a 01 infernal 1 002 + 07303697 n 0102 \ 07303697 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire; "infernal heat" 02974979 01 a 01 cortical 0 003 + 05486510 n 0104 + 05490578 n 0101 \ 05490578 n 0101 | of or relating to a cortex 02975096 01 a 01 metabolic 0 002 + 13514314 n 0101 \ 13514314 n 0101 | of or relating to metabolism; "metabolic rate" 02975216 01 a 01 metastatic 0 002 + 13515353 n 0101 \ 13515353 n 0101 | relating to or affected by metastasis; "metastatic growth" 02975349 01 a 01 gonadal 0 002 + 05524430 n 0101 \ 05524430 n 0101 | of or relating to the gonads; "gonadal hormones" 02975469 01 a 01 agonadal 0 001 \ 05524430 n 0101 | lacking gonads 02975538 01 a 01 diagnostic 0 002 + 00152727 n 0101 \ 00152727 n 0101 | concerned with diagnosis; used for furthering diagnosis; "a diagnostic reading test" 02975697 01 a 02 gastrointestinal 0 GI 0 001 \ 05532225 n 0105 | of or relating to the stomach and intestines; "a gastrointestinal disorder" 02975840 01 a 02 gastronomic 0 gastronomical 0 005 + 00936296 n 0201 \ 07572206 n 0201 + 07572206 n 0101 + 00936296 n 0101 \ 07572206 n 0101 | of or relating to gastronomy; "gastronomic adventures" 02976040 01 a 01 carnal 0 002 + 00727012 v 0102 \ 05268112 n 0101 | of or relating to the body or flesh; "carnal remains" 02976164 01 a 01 cross-modal 0 001 \ 05652396 n 0101 | relating to different sense modalities 02976260 01 a 01 functional 1 001 \ 05149325 n 0101 | relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis" 02976525 01 a 01 neurotic 0 002 + 14393161 n 0101 \ 14393161 n 0101 | characteristic of or affected by neurosis; "neurotic disorder"; "neurotic symptoms" 02976681 01 a 02 epidemiologic 0 epidemiological 0 004 + 06050024 n 0201 \ 06050024 n 0201 + 06050024 n 0101 \ 06050024 n 0101 | of or relating to epidemiology; "epidemiological studies" 02976870 01 a 01 qualitative 0 001 \ 00646833 n 0102 | relating to or involving comparisons based on qualities 02976983 01 a 02 quantal 0 quantized 0 005 ;c 06090869 n 0000 \ 05855517 n 0201 + 05855748 n 0101 + 05855517 n 0101 \ 05855517 n 0101 | of or relating to a quantum or capable of existing in only one of two states 02977198 01 a 01 quantitative 0 001 \ 05108740 n 0101 | relating to the measurement of quantity; "quantitative studies" 02977320 01 a 01 Quebecois 0 001 \ 08829071 n 0101 | of or relating to Quebec (especially to the French speaking inhabitants or their culture) 02977465 01 a 01 Assamese 0 003 + 09673779 n 0101 + 06970784 n 0101 \ 08902097 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Assam or its people or culture or language 02977638 01 a 01 Austronesian 0 004 + 09691435 n 0101 + 06937531 n 0101 + 08836329 n 0101 \ 08836329 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Austronesia or its people or culture 02977826 01 a 01 Algerian 0 003 + 09690083 n 0101 + 08705397 n 0101 \ 08705397 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Algeria or its inhabitants; "Algerian towns" 02978000 01 a 01 Andorran 0 002 + 09690496 n 0101 \ 09023118 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Andorra or its people; "the Andorran hills" 02978155 01 a 02 Monacan 0 Monegasque 0 004 + 10327987 n 0201 \ 08967868 n 0201 + 08967868 n 0101 \ 08967868 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Monaco or its people 02978335 01 a 01 Galwegian 0 002 + 08892058 n 0101 \ 08892058 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Scottish district of Galloway or its people 02978495 01 a 01 Calcuttan 0 002 + 08903636 n 0102 \ 08903636 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Calcutta or its inhabitants 02978635 01 a 01 circadian 0 001 \ 15155220 n 0101 | of or relating to biological processes occurring at 24-hour intervals; "circadian rhythms" 02978781 01 a 02 rhinal 0 nasal 0 003 + 05277532 n 0201 \ 05598147 n 0201 \ 05598147 n 0101 | of or in or relating to the nose; "nasal passages" 02978928 01 a 02 perinasal 0 perirhinal 0 002 \ 05598147 n 0201 \ 05598147 n 0101 | near the nose 02979028 01 a 02 otic 0 auricular 0 002 \ 05323889 n 0201 \ 05320899 n 0101 | of or relating to near the ear 02979139 01 a 01 retinal 0 003 + 15005386 n 0102 + 05426989 n 0101 \ 05426989 n 0101 | in or relating to the retina of the eye; "retinal cells" 02979285 01 a 01 orbital 0 003 + 08612340 n 0101 + 08612049 n 0101 \ 08612049 n 0101 | of or relating to an orbit; "orbital revolution"; "orbital velocity" 02979443 01 a 01 suborbital 0 001 \ 08612049 n 0101 | having or involving a trajectory of less than one orbit; "the first manned suborbital flight" 02979593 01 a 01 reductionist 0 001 \ 05782563 n 0101 | of or relating to the theory of reductionism; "reductionist arguments" 02979722 01 a 01 maturational 0 003 + 13512238 n 0101 + 13489037 n 0103 \ 13489037 n 0103 | relating to or involved in maturation; "maturational process" 02979878 01 a 01 dynamic 2 003 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 06113597 n 0101 \ 06113597 n 0101 | of or relating to dynamics 02979995 01 a 01 hydrodynamic 0 003 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 06113914 n 0101 \ 06113914 n 0101 | of or relating to hydrodynamics 02980122 01 a 01 aerodynamic 0 003 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 06114351 n 0102 \ 06114351 n 0102 | of or relating to aerodynamics 02980247 01 a 02 rheologic 0 rheological 0 005 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 06102316 n 0201 \ 06102316 n 0201 + 06102316 n 0101 \ 06102316 n 0101 | of or relating to rheology 02980416 01 a 02 meteoritic 0 meteoritical 0 004 + 09352849 n 0201 \ 09352849 n 0201 + 09352849 n 0101 \ 09352849 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by meteorites 02980583 01 a 01 micrometeoritic 0 002 + 09353918 n 0101 \ 09353918 n 0101 | of or relating to micrometeorites 02980696 01 a 02 cometary 0 cometic 0 004 + 09251407 n 0201 \ 09251407 n 0201 + 09251407 n 0101 \ 09251407 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a comet 02980854 01 a 01 asteroidal 0 002 + 09208702 n 0101 \ 09208702 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling an asteroid 02980972 01 a 01 piezoelectric 0 002 + 11491308 n 0101 \ 11491308 n 0101 | relating to or involving piezoelectricity; "piezoelectric plates" 02981115 01 a 01 thyroid 0 001 \ 05330244 n 0101 | suggestive of a thyroid disorder; "thyroid personality" 02981224 01 a 01 thyrotoxic 0 001 \ 14120767 n 0102 | of or relating to or affected by hyperthyroidism 02981329 01 a 02 thyroid 1 thyroidal 0 003 + 05330244 n 0202 \ 05330244 n 0201 \ 05330244 n 0101 | of or relating to the thyroid gland; "thyroid deficiency"; "thyroidal uptake" 02981508 01 a 01 antithyroid 0 001 \ 02981329 a 0101 | having the effect of counteracting excessive thyroid activity; "antithyroid drugs" 02981648 01 a 01 congressional 0 001 \ 08318691 n 0101 | of or relating to congress; "congressional hearing" 02981759 01 a 01 instructional 0 004 + 06786629 n 0102 + 00883297 n 0102 + 00887081 n 0102 \ 00887081 n 0102 | of or relating to or used in instruction; "instructional aids" 02981935 01 a 01 catechismal 0 003 ;c 05946687 n 0000 + 06412771 n 0101 \ 06412771 n 0101 | of or relating to a catechism summarizing the principles of Christianity 02982102 01 a 02 catechetical 0 catechetic 1 005 ;c 06182144 n 0000 + 00887882 n 0201 \ 00887882 n 0201 + 00887882 n 0101 \ 00887882 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving catechesis 02982288 01 a 02 catechistic 0 catechetic 0 003 \ 07194293 n 0201 + 06412771 n 0101 \ 07194293 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a rigorous catechism; "the catechistic method" 02982473 01 a 01 Canadian 0 003 + 09696585 n 0101 + 08820121 n 0101 \ 08820121 n 0101 | of or relating to Canada or its people 02982602 01 a 01 necrotic 0 002 + 11486708 n 0101 \ 11486708 n 0101 | relating to or affected by necrosis; "necrotic tissue" 02982729 01 a 01 hypothalamic 0 002 + 05499379 n 0101 \ 05499379 n 0101 | of or relating to the hypothalamus 02982840 01 a 01 cortico-hypothalamic 0 001 \ 02982729 a 0101 | of or relating to the cortex and the hypothalamus 02982956 01 a 01 thalamocortical 0 001 \ 02974979 a 0101 | relating to or connecting the cortex and thalamus; "the thalamocortical system" 02983097 01 a 01 gestational 0 004 + 15226214 n 0101 + 14046202 n 0102 + 05772215 n 0101 \ 14046202 n 0102 | of or relating to gestation 02983236 01 a 01 progestational 0 001 \ 14046202 n 0102 | preceding and favoring gestation; of or relating to physiological changes associated with ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum 02983431 01 a 01 progestational 1 001 \ 14746048 n 0101 | of or relating to progesterone (or to a drug with effects like those of progesterone) 02983577 01 a 01 emotional 0 003 + 07480068 n 0101 + 04626280 n 0101 \ 07480068 n 0101 | of or pertaining to emotion; "emotional health"; "an emotional crisis" 02983739 01 a 01 macrobiotic 0 002 + 06042312 n 0101 \ 06042312 n 0101 | of or relating to the theory or practice of macrobiotics; "macrobiotic diet" 02983891 01 a 01 biotic 0 001 \ 11473291 n 0101 | of or relating to living organisms 02983978 01 a 01 gubernatorial 0 002 + 10140314 n 0101 \ 10140314 n 0101 | relating to a governor; "gubernatorial election" 02984104 01 a 01 presidential 0 006 + 10467395 n 0103 + 00596807 n 0101 + 10468750 n 0101 + 10468559 n 0101 + 10467179 n 0101 \ 10467179 n 0101 | relating to a president or presidency; "presidential aides"; "presidential veto" 02984333 01 a 01 vice-presidential 0 002 + 10751265 n 0101 \ 10751265 n 0101 | relating to a vice president or vice-presidency; "Vice-presidential debates" 02984491 01 a 01 copular 0 002 + 06472824 n 0101 \ 06472824 n 0101 | of or relating to a copula; "a copular verb" 02984607 01 a 01 coronary 0 002 + 05607126 n 0101 \ 05607126 n 0101 | surrounding like a crown (especially of the blood vessels surrounding the heart); "coronary arteries" 02984781 01 a 01 corporate 0 001 \ 08059412 n 0101 | of or belonging to a corporation; "corporate rates"; "corporate structure" 02984911 01 a 01 corporatist 0 001 \ 05197043 n 0101 | of or relating to corporatism 02984998 01 a 01 corpuscular 0 002 + 05449268 n 0103 \ 05449268 n 0103 | of or relating to corpuscles 02985102 01 a 01 dimensional 0 002 + 05062993 n 0101 \ 05093581 n 0101 | of or relating to dimensions 02985206 01 a 01 volumed 0 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 \ 06413666 n 0101 | (often used in combination) consisting of or having a given number or kind of volumes; "the poet's volumed works"; "a two-volumed history"; "multi-volumed encyclopedias"; "large-volumed editions" 02985474 01 a 02 volumetric 0 volumetrical 0 004 + 04541475 n 0201 \ 04541475 n 0201 + 04541475 n 0101 \ 04541475 n 0101 | of or relating to measurement by volume; "volumetric analysis" 02985662 01 a 01 hypothermic 0 002 + 14044454 n 0101 \ 14044454 n 0101 | of or relating to or affected by hypothermia 02985782 01 a 01 hyperthermal 0 002 + 14044454 n 0101 \ 14044174 n 0101 | of or relating to or affected by hyperthermia 02985904 01 a 02 yogistic 0 yogic 0 006 + 06239361 n 0201 + 00630960 n 0201 \ 06239361 n 0201 + 06239361 n 0101 + 00630960 n 0101 \ 06239361 n 0101 | of or relating to yoga; "yogic exercises" 02986098 01 a 01 botulinal 0 002 + 15035123 n 0101 \ 01357328 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by the botulinus 02986218 01 a 02 logistic 0 logistical 0 004 + 01060745 n 0201 \ 01060745 n 0201 + 01060745 n 0101 \ 01060745 n 0101 | of or relating to logistics; "logistic requirements" 02986392 01 a 01 organicistic 0 002 + 05994706 n 0101 \ 05994706 n 0101 | relating to or tending toward organicism 02986509 01 a 02 organismal 0 organismic 0 004 + 00004475 n 0201 \ 08436036 n 0201 + 08436036 n 0101 \ 08436036 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to an organism (considered as a whole); "the organismic theory of the state" 02986740 01 a 02 artifactual 0 artefactual 0 004 + 00021939 n 0202 \ 00021939 n 0202 + 00021939 n 0101 \ 00021939 n 0102 | of or relating to artifacts 02986893 01 a 01 mutafacient 0 001 \ 09364086 n 0101 | capable of inducing mutation (used mainly of intracellular agents) 02987017 01 a 01 mutagenic 0 001 \ 09364086 n 0101 | capable of inducing mutation (used mainly of extracellular factors such as X-rays or chemical pollution) 02987177 01 a 01 mutational 0 004 + 10341660 n 0102 + 07297811 n 0101 + 07425011 n 0101 \ 07425011 n 0101 | of or relating to or resulting from mutation 02987332 01 a 01 mutative 0 002 + 00119873 v 0101 \ 07425011 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or marked by genetic mutation 02987454 01 a 01 mutant 0 004 + 10341660 n 0101 + 01324305 n 0101 + 00119873 v 0101 \ 07425011 n 0101 | tending to undergo or resulting from mutation; "a mutant gene" 02987623 01 a 01 incident 0 002 + 11467996 n 0101 \ 11467996 n 0101 | falling or striking of light rays on something; "incident light" 02987760 01 a 02 serologic 0 serological 0 004 + 06063072 n 0201 \ 06063072 n 0201 + 06063072 n 0101 \ 06063072 n 0101 | of or relating to serology 02987910 01 a 02 chromatographic 0 chromatographical 0 003 + 13448778 n 0201 \ 13448778 n 0201 \ 13448778 n 0101 | of or relating to chromatography 02988060 01 a 01 national 0 004 + 09625401 n 0101 + 13953787 n 0101 + 07949463 n 0101 \ 08168978 n 0102 | of or relating to or belonging to a nation or country; "national hero"; "national anthem"; "a national landmark" 02988281 01 a 01 national 1 002 + 07949463 n 0101 \ 13953787 n 0101 | of or relating to nationality; "national origin" 02988402 01 a 01 national 2 002 + 07949463 n 0101 \ 08166552 n 0101 | characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation; "a national trait" 02988550 01 a 02 nativist 0 nativistic 0 003 + 05973198 n 0201 \ 05973198 n 0201 \ 05973198 n 0101 | of or relating to or advocating nativism; "nativist theories"; "the traditional controversy between the nativistic and empiristic theories" 02988793 01 a 02 nativist 1 nativistic 1 003 + 06660668 n 0201 \ 06660668 n 0201 \ 06660668 n 0101 | advocating the perpetuation of native societies; "the old nativist prejudice against the foreign businessman"; "the nativistic faith preaches the old values"- C.K.Kluckhohn 02989069 01 a 01 naturistic 0 002 + 01031563 n 0102 \ 01031563 n 0102 | in accord with naturism 02989167 01 a 03 congeneric 0 congenerical 0 congenerous 0 003 \ 01328302 n 0302 \ 01328302 n 0202 \ 01328302 n 0102 | belonging to the same genus 02989316 01 a 01 specific 0 001 \ 08110373 n 0101 | relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species; "specific characters" 02989459 01 a 01 conspecific 0 001 \ 08110373 n 0101 | belonging to the same species; "cultivated cabbage and wild cabbage are conspecific" 02989601 01 a 01 experiential 0 002 + 05984584 n 0101 \ 05984584 n 0101 | relating to or resulting from experience; "a personal, experiential reality" 02989754 01 a 02 medieval 0 mediaeval 0 002 \ 15259284 n 0201 \ 15259284 n 0101 | relating to or belonging to the Middle Ages; "Medieval scholars"; "Medieval times" 02989921 01 a 01 mediatorial 0 001 \ 09624559 n 0101 | of or relating to a mediator or the duties of a mediator 02990035 01 a 01 mediatory 0 002 \ 07150644 n 0101 \ 01240432 n 0101 | of or related to or directed toward mediation 02990154 01 a 01 curatorial 0 002 + 09983889 n 0101 \ 09983889 n 0101 | of or relating to a curator or the duties of a curator; "curatorial duties" 02990304 01 a 01 proverbial 0 002 + 07153838 n 0101 \ 07153838 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling or expressed in a proverb; "he kicked the proverbial bucket"; "the proverbial grasshopper" 02990501 01 a 02 epiphyseal 0 epiphysial 0 004 + 05592504 n 0201 \ 05592504 n 0201 + 05592504 n 0101 \ 05592504 n 0101 | relating to the epiphysis of a bone 02990660 01 a 02 diaphyseal 0 diaphysial 0 004 + 05592733 n 0201 \ 05592733 n 0201 + 05592733 n 0101 \ 05592733 n 0101 | relating to the diaphysis of a bone 02990819 01 a 01 theocratic 0 002 + 08363428 n 0101 \ 08363428 n 0101 | of or relating to or being a theocracy; "a theocratic state" 02990954 01 a 01 comparative 0 003 + 06322693 n 0101 + 00653620 v 0101 \ 13853808 n 0101 | relating to or based on or involving comparison; "comparative linguistics" 02991122 01 a 01 artistic 0 003 + 09812338 n 0101 + 02743547 n 0101 \ 09812338 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of art or artists; "his artistic background" 02991287 01 a 02 aesthetic 0 esthetic 0 003 \ 06161223 n 0202 + 05968971 n 0101 \ 06161223 n 0101 | relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics; "aesthetic values" 02991463 01 a 01 official 0 002 + 08337324 n 0105 \ 08337324 n 0105 | of or relating to an office; "official privileges" 02991586 01 a 01 teleological 0 002 + 05977619 n 0101 \ 05977619 n 0101 | of or relating to teleology 02991690 01 a 01 sentential 0 002 + 06285090 n 0101 \ 06285090 n 0101 | of or relating to a sentence; "the sentential subject" 02991819 01 a 01 intrasentential 0 001 \ 02991690 a 0101 | of or relating to constituents within a sentence; "intrasentential co-occurrence" 02991962 01 a 01 cross-sentential 0 001 \ 02991690 a 0101 | of or relating to relations between sentences 02992070 01 a 01 scopal 0 005 ;c 06163751 n 0000 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 14513259 n 0103 + 05125377 n 0101 \ 05125377 n 0101 | of or relating to scope; "scopal dependency" 02992241 01 a 01 simian 0 002 + 02470238 n 0101 \ 02470325 n 0101 | relating to or resembling an ape; "simian features" 02992363 01 a 01 bubaline 0 001 \ 02410702 n 0103 | relating to or resembling a buffalo 02992453 01 a 01 embolic 0 004 + 14373407 n 0101 + 14101083 n 0101 \ 14101083 n 0101 \ 14373407 n 0101 | of or relating to an embolism or embolus 02992601 01 a 01 falconine 0 001 \ 01610955 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a falcon 02992691 01 a 01 ferial 0 002 + 15163408 n 0101 \ 15163408 n 0101 | of or relating to or being a feria 02992796 01 a 01 faucal 0 003 ;c 06057539 n 0000 + 05547904 n 0101 \ 05547904 n 0101 | of or relating to the fauces 02992914 01 a 01 future 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 06330401 n 0101 | a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened; "future auxiliary" 02993094 01 a 02 futuristic 0 futurist 0 004 \ 08468084 n 0201 + 08468084 n 0101 + 06209242 n 0101 \ 08468084 n 0101 | of or relating to futurism; "futurist art" 02993258 01 a 01 gallinaceous 0 001 \ 01789386 n 0102 | of or relating to or resembling a gallinacean 02993362 01 a 03 geodetic 0 geodesic 0 geodesical 0 007 + 06120881 n 0301 \ 06120881 n 0301 + 13870414 n 0201 + 06120881 n 0201 \ 06120881 n 0201 + 06120881 n 0101 \ 06120881 n 0101 | of or relating to or determined by geodesy 02993591 01 a 02 heraldic 0 heraldist 0 002 \ 03515338 n 0201 \ 03515338 n 0101 | of or relating to heraldry 02993702 01 a 01 humanitarian 0 002 + 04829182 n 0101 \ 05967402 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of humanitarianism; "humanitarian aid" 02993853 01 a 01 homophonous 0 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 07131366 n 0101 \ 07131169 n 0101 | characteristic of the phenomenon of words of different origins that are pronounced the same way; "'horse' and 'hoarse' are homophonous words" 02994089 01 a 01 hyperbolic 0 002 + 13886575 n 0101 \ 13886575 n 0101 | of or relating to a hyperbola; "hyperbolic functions" 02994217 01 a 01 lacustrine 0 001 \ 09328904 n 0101 | of or relating to or living near lakes 02994312 01 a 01 liturgical 0 003 + 01035853 n 0105 + 01033184 n 0101 \ 01033184 n 0101 | of or relating to or in accord with liturgy 02994448 01 a 02 locomotive 0 locomotor 0 005 \ 00283127 n 0201 + 04773596 n 0101 + 00283127 n 0101 + 01835496 v 0104 \ 00283127 n 0101 | of or relating to locomotion 02994617 01 a 01 logarithmic 0 002 + 06812631 n 0101 \ 06812631 n 0101 | of or relating to or using logarithms; "logarithmic function" 02994754 01 a 01 Markovian 0 002 + 11157275 n 0101 \ 13511507 n 0101 | relating to or generated by a Markov process 02994872 01 a 02 marmorean 0 marmoreal 0 004 + 14947807 n 0201 \ 14947807 n 0201 + 14947807 n 0101 \ 14947807 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of marble 02995039 01 a 01 marly 0 002 + 14681249 n 0101 \ 14681249 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling or abounding in marl 02995161 01 a 02 mesonic 0 mesic 0 005 ;c 06090869 n 0000 + 09352282 n 0201 \ 09352282 n 0201 + 09352282 n 0101 \ 09352282 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a meson; "the radii of the mesic orbits"- Lawrence Wilets 02995373 01 a 01 marsupial 0 001 \ 05517268 n 0101 | of or relating to the marsupials; "marsupial animals" 02995482 01 a 01 mercantile 0 001 \ 08367339 n 0101 | of or relating to the economic system of mercantilism; "mercantile theories"; "mercantile system" 02995636 01 a 02 metric 0 metrical 0 005 + 13659162 n 0202 + 13659162 n 0201 \ 13659162 n 0201 + 13659162 n 0101 \ 13659162 n 0101 | based on the meter as a standard of measurement; "the metric system"; "metrical equivalents" 02995864 01 a 01 non-metric 0 001 \ 13659162 n 0101 | not based on the meter as a standard of measurement 02995972 01 a 01 mythic 0 002 + 06372680 n 0101 \ 06372680 n 0101 | relating to or having the nature of myth; "a novel of almost mythic consequence" 02996123 01 a 01 nacreous 0 002 + 14758706 n 0102 \ 14758706 n 0102 | consisting of or resembling mother-of-pearl 02996239 01 a 01 normative 0 001 \ 13854488 n 0101 | relating to or dealing with norms; "normative discipline"; "normative samples" 02996373 01 a 01 North_African 0 001 \ 09178141 n 0101 | of or relating to northern Africa 02996466 01 a 01 ordinal 0 001 \ 08106934 n 0101 | of or relating to a taxonomic order; "family and ordinal names of animals and plants" 02996605 01 a 02 palatal 0 palatine 2 004 + 05278152 n 0201 \ 05309725 n 0201 + 05309725 n 0101 \ 05309725 n 0101 | relating to or lying near the palate; "palatal index"; "the palatine tonsils" 02996801 01 a 01 Paleozoic 0 001 \ 15126931 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the Paleozoic era 02996904 01 a 02 parabolic 0 parabolical 0 006 + 06373090 n 0201 + 06372095 n 0202 \ 06372095 n 0202 + 06373090 n 0101 + 06372095 n 0102 \ 06372095 n 0102 | resembling or expressed by parables 02997099 01 a 01 pharyngeal 0 002 + 05547508 n 0102 \ 05547508 n 0102 | of or relating to the throat; "pharyngeal fricatives" 02997227 01 a 01 phrenic 0 001 \ 05318606 n 0101 | of or relating to the diaphragm; "phrenic nerve" 02997329 01 a 01 prosodic 0 001 \ 07083732 n 0101 | of or relating to the rhythmic aspect of language or to the suprasegmental phonemes of pitch and stress and juncture and nasalization and voicing 02997529 01 a 01 appetitive 0 001 \ 07485626 n 0101 | of or relating to appetite; "appetitive needs" 02997632 01 a 01 aversive 0 001 \ 07502669 n 0102 | tending to repel or dissuade; "aversive conditioning" 02997740 01 a 01 promissory 0 003 + 00884317 v 0101 + 00884011 v 0101 \ 07226545 n 0101 | relating to or having the character of a promise; "promissory note" 02997900 01 a 01 quartan 0 001 \ 15113229 n 0101 | occurring every fourth day (especially the fever and weakness of malaria); "quartan malaria" 02998046 01 a 01 quarterly 0 002 + 15206590 n 0101 \ 15206590 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of a quarter; "quarterly report" 02998184 01 a 01 quartzose 0 001 \ 14693733 n 0101 | relating to or made of quartz 02998269 01 a 01 quintessential 0 004 + 14847103 n 0101 + 05821646 n 0101 + 05922175 n 0101 \ 05821646 n 0101 | representing the perfect example of a class or quality 02998438 01 a 01 roentgenographic 0 002 + 00904623 n 0101 \ 00904623 n 0101 | relating to or produced by roentgenography 02998561 01 a 01 rotary 0 001 \ 07440979 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by rotation; "rotary dial" 02998669 01 a 01 septic 0 002 + 14180848 n 0101 \ 13458019 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by putrefaction; "the septic action occurs at the bottom of the septic tank" 02998844 01 a 02 semicentennial 0 semicentenary 0 002 \ 15251212 n 0202 \ 15251212 n 0101 | of or relating to or marking the 50th anniversary 02998988 01 a 02 centennial 0 centenary 0 004 + 15251336 n 0202 \ 15205532 n 0201 + 15251336 n 0101 \ 15205532 n 0101 | of or relating to or completing a period of 100 years; "centennial celebration" 02999190 01 a 02 bicentennial 0 bicentenary 0 004 + 15251600 n 0202 \ 15251600 n 0202 + 15251600 n 0101 \ 15251600 n 0101 | of or relating to or completing a period of 200 years; "bicentennial celebration" 02999398 01 a 02 tricentenary 0 tricentennial 0 006 \ 15251757 n 0201 \ 15251757 n 0202 \ 15251757 n 0203 \ 15251757 n 0101 \ 15251757 n 0102 \ 15251757 n 0103 | of or relating to or completing a period of 300 years 02999616 01 a 01 sophistic 0 002 + 10625099 n 0101 \ 09899929 n 0102 | of or pertaining to sophists 02999718 01 a 02 national_socialist 0 Nazi 0 002 \ 08366202 n 0201 \ 08366202 n 0101 | relating to a form of socialism; "the national socialist party came to power in Germany in 1933" 02999904 01 a 01 Nazi 2 001 \ 08366440 n 0101 | relating to or consistent with or typical of the ideology and practice of Nazism or the Nazis; "the total Nazi crime"; "the Nazi interpretation of history" 03000110 01 a 02 capitalist 0 capitalistic 0 004 + 08364143 n 0201 \ 08364143 n 0201 + 09892262 n 0101 \ 08364143 n 0101 | of or relating to capitalism or capitalists; "a capitalist nation"; "capitalistic methods and incentives" 03000341 01 a 01 zymotic 0 002 + 13575226 n 0101 \ 13575226 n 0101 | relating to or caused by infection 03000447 01 a 02 zymotic 1 zymolytic 0 004 + 13575433 n 0202 \ 13575433 n 0201 + 13575433 n 0101 \ 13575433 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing fermentation 03000608 01 a 01 osmotic 0 002 + 13528100 n 0101 \ 13528100 n 0101 | of or relating to osmosis; "osmotic pressure" 03000725 01 a 01 evolutionary 0 002 + 13477023 n 0101 \ 13477023 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by evolution; "evolutionary biology" 03000868 01 a 01 oracular 0 002 + 06750339 n 0101 \ 06750339 n 0101 | of or relating to an oracle; "able by oracular means to expose a witch" 03001012 01 a 01 peritoneal 0 002 + 05427739 n 0101 \ 05427739 n 0101 | of or relating to or affecting the peritoneum; "peritoneal cancer" 03001153 01 a 01 Epicurean 0 002 \ 10959479 n 0101 \ 05961141 n 0101 | of Epicurus or epicureanism; "Epicurean philosophy" 03001278 01 a 02 holographic 0 holographical 0 002 \ 06407221 n 0202 \ 06407221 n 0102 | written entirely in one's own hand; "holographic document" 03001428 01 a 01 holographic 2 001 \ 06101333 n 0101 | of or relating to holography or holograms 03001527 01 a 02 canonic 0 canonical 0 002 \ 08453299 n 0201 \ 08453299 n 0101 | of or relating to or required by canon law 03001653 01 a 02 canonic 2 canonical 2 004 + 06430537 n 0201 \ 06664594 n 0201 + 06430537 n 0101 \ 06664594 n 0101 | appearing in a biblical canon; "a canonical book of the Christian New Testament" 03001853 01 a 01 canonist 0 002 + 09891730 n 0101 \ 06664594 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. "canonist communism" 03002040 01 a 01 symphonic 0 002 + 07044760 n 0101 \ 07044760 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic or suggestive of a symphony; "symphonic choir" 03002190 01 a 01 contextual 0 003 + 14512817 n 0101 + 06284898 n 0101 \ 06284898 n 0101 | relating to or determined by or in context; "contextual information" 03002351 01 a 02 nutritional 0 nutritionary 0 008 + 13523661 n 0201 + 07570720 n 0203 + 06135915 n 0201 \ 13523661 n 0201 + 13523661 n 0101 + 07570720 n 0103 + 06135915 n 0101 \ 13523661 n 0101 | of or relating to or providing nutrition; "nutritional information" 03002617 01 a 01 paramagnetic 0 002 + 03889208 n 0101 \ 03889208 n 0101 | of or relating to a paramagnet 03002724 01 a 01 motional 0 002 + 00279835 n 0101 \ 07309781 n 0102 | of or relating to or characterized by motion 03002841 01 a 02 hydrometric 0 gravimetric 0 006 + 01002413 n 0202 + 03553486 n 0202 \ 01002413 n 0201 + 01002413 n 0101 + 03553486 n 0101 \ 01002413 n 0101 | of or relating to hydrometry 03003031 01 a 02 thermohydrometric 0 thermogravimetric 0 005 + 01116466 n 0201 + 04421582 n 0202 \ 03002841 a 0201 + 04421582 n 0101 \ 03002841 a 0101 | of or relating to thermal hydrometry 03003223 01 a 01 ferromagnetic 0 002 + 11480284 n 0101 \ 11480284 n 0101 | relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism 03003344 01 a 01 English 0 005 + 00300317 v 0102 + 09732668 n 0101 + 06947032 n 0101 + 08871007 n 0101 \ 08871007 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people; "English history"; "the English landed aristocracy"; "English literature" 03003616 01 a 01 English 1 003 + 06947032 n 0101 + 06155432 n 0101 \ 06947032 n 0101 | of or relating to the English language 03003744 01 a 01 Irish 0 005 + 09732778 n 0101 + 07907161 n 0101 + 06960778 n 0101 + 08859173 n 0101 \ 08859173 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Ireland or its people 03003928 01 a 03 Afghani 0 Afghan 0 Afghanistani 0 008 + 09689435 n 0302 \ 08703454 n 0301 + 09689435 n 0201 + 06975132 n 0205 + 08703454 n 0201 \ 08703454 n 0201 + 06975132 n 0104 \ 08703454 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people 03004196 01 a 01 Central_American 0 002 + 09697401 n 0101 \ 08735705 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Central America or its people or languages 03004358 01 a 02 idiomatic 0 idiomatical 0 005 + 07081177 n 0202 \ 07081177 n 0202 + 07081177 n 0102 + 07154330 n 0101 \ 07081177 n 0102 | of or relating to or conforming to idiom; "idiomatic English" 03004561 01 a 01 dialectal 0 002 + 07155661 n 0101 \ 07155661 n 0101 | belonging to or characteristic of a dialect; "dialectal variation" 03004701 01 a 01 percussive 0 002 + 01248023 v 0101 \ 00545059 n 0101 | involving percussion or featuring percussive instruments; "percussive music" 03004852 01 a 02 waxen 0 waxy 0 004 + 05216240 n 0201 + 15094294 n 0201 \ 15094294 n 0201 \ 15094294 n 0101 | made of or covered with wax; "waxen candles"; "careful, the floor is waxy" 03005039 01 a 01 enzymatic 0 002 + 14732946 n 0101 \ 14732946 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by an enzyme 03005155 01 a 01 nonenzymatic 0 001 \ 14732946 n 0101 | not relating to or produced by enzymes; "nonenzymatic systems" 03005276 01 a 03 iodinated 0 iodized 0 iodised 0 003 \ 14641397 n 0301 \ 14641397 n 0201 \ 14641397 n 0101 | treated with iodine; "iodized salt" 03005423 01 a 02 dramaturgic 0 dramaturgical 0 004 + 07006119 n 0201 \ 07006119 n 0201 + 07006119 n 0101 \ 07006119 n 0101 | relating to the technical aspects of drama 03005593 01 a 01 autodidactic 0 002 + 09825413 n 0101 \ 09825413 n 0101 | relating to or having the characteristics of an autodidact 03005728 01 a 01 aneuploid 0 001 \ 14022661 n 0101 | having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number 03005862 01 a 04 aneurysmal 0 aneurismal 0 aneurysmatic 0 aneurismatic 0 008 + 14106025 n 0402 \ 14106025 n 0401 + 14106025 n 0301 \ 14106025 n 0301 + 14106025 n 0202 \ 14106025 n 0201 + 14106025 n 0101 \ 14106025 n 0101 | relating to or affected by an aneurysm 03006126 01 a 01 alluvial 0 002 + 09193282 n 0103 \ 09193282 n 0103 | of or relating to alluvium 03006225 01 a 01 doctrinal 0 002 + 05943300 n 0101 \ 05943300 n 0101 | relating to or involving or preoccupied with doctrine; "quibbling over doctrinal minutiae" 03006389 01 a 01 dogmatic 0 002 + 05960464 n 0101 \ 06790042 n 0101 | relating to or involving dogma; "dogmatic writings" 03006513 01 a 01 providential 0 001 \ 14473917 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of providence; "assumption that nature operates only according to a providential plan"- M.R.Cohen 03006699 01 a 01 philanthropic 0 002 + 01089483 n 0101 \ 01089483 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by philanthropy; "a philanthropic society" 03006854 01 a 02 philatelic 0 philatelical 0 004 + 01016420 n 0201 \ 01016420 n 0201 + 01016420 n 0101 \ 01016420 n 0101 | of or relating to philately or of interest to philatelists 03007038 01 a 01 aerophilatelic 0 002 + 01016628 n 0101 \ 01016628 n 0101 | of or relating to airmail stamps 03007149 01 a 01 pleochroic 0 001 \ 11491619 n 0101 | of or relating to or having pleochroism 03007245 01 a 01 sternal 0 002 + 05281189 n 0101 \ 05281189 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the sternum 03007354 01 a 01 congestive 0 002 + 01478603 v 0105 \ 14320394 n 0101 | relating to or affected by an abnormal collection of blood or other fluid; "congestive heart disease" 03007530 01 a 02 hemolytic 0 haemolytic 0 004 + 13493213 n 0202 \ 13493213 n 0201 + 13493213 n 0101 \ 13493213 n 0101 | relating to or involving or causing hemolysis; "hemolytic anemia" 03007718 01 a 01 sarcolemmal 0 002 + 05427570 n 0101 \ 05427570 n 0101 | of or relating to the sarcolemma 03007826 01 a 01 sarcosomal 0 002 + 05445546 n 0101 \ 05445546 n 0101 | of or relating to sarcosomes 03007929 01 a 01 sternutatory 0 001 \ 15057558 n 0101 | tending to cause sneezing 03008013 01 a 01 sympathetic 0 003 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 05505131 n 0101 | of or relating to the sympathetic nervous system; "sympathetic neurons"; "sympathetic stimulation" 03008207 01 a 01 urinary 0 002 + 14855724 n 0101 \ 14855724 n 0101 | of or relating to the function or production or secretion of urine 03008345 01 a 01 urinary 1 001 \ 05509452 n 0103 | of or relating to the urinary system of the body 03008447 01 a 02 atheromatous 0 atheromatic 0 004 + 05269495 n 0201 \ 05269495 n 0201 + 05269495 n 0101 \ 05269495 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling atheroma; "atheromatous degeneration of the arteries" 03008659 01 a 01 basophilic 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 04944910 n 0101 \ 04944910 n 0101 | staining readily with basic dyes 03008785 01 a 01 intimal 0 002 + 05319760 n 0101 \ 05319760 n 0101 | of or relating to the intima 03008885 01 a 02 coeliac 0 celiac 0 002 \ 05558345 n 0201 \ 05558345 n 0101 | of or in or belonging to the cavity of the abdomen 03009016 01 a 01 celiac 1 001 \ 14057828 n 0101 | belonging to or prescribed for celiac disease; "a celiac diet" 03009131 01 a 01 emphysematous 0 002 + 14147380 n 0101 \ 14147380 n 0101 | relating to or resembling or being emphysema 03009253 01 a 01 granulocytic 0 002 + 05453145 n 0101 \ 05453145 n 0101 | of or relating to granulocytes 03009360 01 a 01 atrophic 0 001 \ 14365741 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by atrophy; "atrophic arthritis" 03009476 01 a 01 mesenteric 0 002 + 05429195 n 0101 \ 05429195 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in a mesentery 03009594 01 a 01 glomerular 0 002 + 05247804 n 0101 \ 05247804 n 0101 | of or relating to glomeruli 03009696 01 a 01 calcific 0 001 \ 14364980 n 0101 | involving or resulting from calcification 03009792 01 a 01 fibrocalcific 0 001 \ 03009696 a 0101 | involving or resulting from calcification of fibrous tissue 03009911 01 a 02 pyknotic 0 pycnotic 0 004 + 14076667 n 0201 \ 14076667 n 0202 + 14076667 n 0102 \ 14076667 n 0102 | of or relating to or exhibiting pyknosis 03010071 01 a 01 eosinophilic 0 002 + 05453943 n 0101 \ 05453943 n 0101 | of or relating to eosinophil 03010176 01 a 02 papillary 0 papillose 0 004 \ 05473735 n 0201 + 05473735 n 0101 + 05473593 n 0101 \ 05473735 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling papilla 03010337 01 a 01 papillate 0 001 \ 05473593 n 0101 | resembling or covered with papillae 03010428 01 a 01 vesicular 0 001 \ 05517578 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving vesicles; "normal vesicular breathing" 03010553 01 a 01 vestibular 0 002 + 05304603 n 0101 \ 05659365 n 0103 | relating to the sense of equilibrium 03010664 01 a 01 vertebral 0 002 + 05284333 n 0101 \ 05284333 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting vertebrae 03010781 01 a 01 neocortical 0 002 + 05481746 n 0102 \ 05481746 n 0102 | of or relating to the neocortex of the cerebrum 03010904 01 a 01 paleocortical 0 002 + 05481870 n 0102 \ 05481870 n 0102 | of or relating to the olfactory cortex of the cerebrum 03011036 01 a 01 limbic 0 001 \ 05235745 n 0101 | of or relating to or forming a limbus 03011126 01 a 01 fugal 0 002 + 14030291 n 0101 \ 07043675 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the style of a musical fugue 03011248 01 a 01 parasympathetic 0 002 + 05505679 n 0102 \ 05505679 n 0101 | of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system 03011380 01 a 01 parasympathomimetic 0 001 \ 05505679 n 0101 | having an effect similar to that resulting from stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system; "parasympathomimetic drugs slow the heart rate" 03011592 01 a 02 hypophyseal 0 hypophysial 0 004 + 05483890 n 0204 \ 05483890 n 0204 + 05483890 n 0104 \ 05483890 n 0104 | of or relating to the hypophysis 03011750 01 a 01 hyperemic 0 002 + 14320984 n 0101 \ 14320984 n 0101 | relating to or caused by hyperemia 03011858 01 a 01 neuropsychiatric 0 002 + 06053101 n 0101 \ 06053101 n 0101 | of or relating to neuropsychiatry 03011972 01 a 01 psychopharmacological 0 002 + 06055824 n 0101 \ 06055824 n 0101 | of or relating to psychopharmacology 03012094 01 a 01 salivary 0 002 + 05416198 n 0101 \ 05416198 n 0101 | of or relating to saliva; "salivary gland" 03012209 01 a 01 prime 0 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 \ 13594302 n 0101 | of or relating to or being an integer that cannot be factored into other integers; "prime number" 03012377 01 a 01 nilpotent 0 001 \ 13742358 n 0101 | equal to zero when raised to a certain power 03012477 01 a 01 megakaryocytic 0 002 + 05448928 n 0101 \ 05448928 n 0101 | of or pertaining to large bone marrow cells 03012599 01 a 01 megaloblastic 0 002 + 05449797 n 0101 \ 05449797 n 0101 | of or relating to megaloblasts 03012707 01 a 01 myelic 0 001 \ 05503705 n 0101 | of or relating to the spinal cord 03012793 01 a 01 myelinic 0 002 + 14957893 n 0101 \ 14957893 n 0101 | of or relating to the substance that forms a sheath around the axon of some nerve fibers 03012954 01 a 01 myeloid 0 001 \ 05285623 n 0102 | of or relating to bone marrow 03013037 01 a 01 myeloid 1 001 \ 05503705 n 0101 | of or relating to the spinal cord 03013124 01 a 01 myocardial 0 002 + 05391000 n 0101 \ 05391000 n 0101 | of or relating to the myocardium 03013231 01 a 01 myoid 0 001 \ 05289057 n 0101 | resembling muscle 03013300 01 a 01 myotonic 0 002 + 14545353 n 0101 \ 14545353 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by myotonia 03013412 01 a 01 triumphal 0 001 \ 07473441 n 0102 | relating to or celebrating a triumph; "a triumphal procession"; "a triumphal arch" 03013550 01 a 01 Darwinian 0 003 + 09992331 n 0101 + 10923313 n 0101 \ 06110091 n 0101 | of or relating to Charles Darwin's theory of organic evolution; "Darwinian theories" 03013726 01 a 01 neo-Darwinian 0 002 + 06110267 n 0101 \ 06110267 n 0101 | of or relating to Darwin's theories as modified by modern genetic findings; "Neo-Darwinian theories" 03013904 01 a 01 Lamarckian 0 002 + 11114791 n 0101 \ 06110426 n 0101 | of or relating to Lamarckism; "Lamarckian theories" 03014030 01 a 01 neo-Lamarckian 0 001 \ 06110598 n 0101 | of or relating to a modern version of Lamarckism; "Neo-Lamarckian theories" 03014166 01 a 01 larval 0 002 + 02311060 n 0101 \ 02311060 n 0101 | relating to or typical of a larva; "the larval eye" 03014288 01 a 01 operational 0 001 \ 00577068 n 0101 | pertaining to a process or series of actions for achieving a result; "operational difficulties"; "they assumed their operational positions" 03014485 01 a 02 microbial 0 microbic 0 003 \ 01384491 n 0201 + 01384491 n 0101 \ 01384491 n 0101 | of or involving or caused by or being microbes; "microbial warfare" 03014655 01 a 01 cochlear 0 001 \ 05326624 n 0101 | of or relating to the cochlea of the ear; "cochlear implant" 03014770 01 a 01 lumbar 0 002 + 02463403 n 0102 \ 02463403 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the part of the back between the ribs and the hipbones; "lumbar vertebrae" 03014941 01 a 01 lumbosacral 0 002 \ 03014770 a 0101 \ 03113164 a 0101 | of or relating to or near the small of the back and the back part of the pelvis between the hips 03015113 01 a 04 flagellate 0 flagellated 0 whiplike 0 lash-like 0 005 \ 03643907 n 0401 \ 04577769 n 0301 \ 01458302 n 0201 + 01416585 n 0101 \ 01458302 n 0101 | having or resembling a lash or whip (as does a flagellum) 03015336 01 a 01 biflagellate 0 001 \ 03015113 a 0101 | having two flagella; "a biflagellate zoospore" 03015441 01 a 01 ceramic 0 003 + 02997391 n 0101 + 00935247 n 0101 \ 02997391 n 0101 | of or relating to or made from a ceramic; "a ceramic dish" 03015589 01 a 02 epic 0 epical 0 005 + 06379721 n 0203 \ 06379721 n 0203 + 06379721 n 0103 + 06379721 n 0104 \ 06379721 n 0103 | constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic; "epic tradition" 03015805 01 a 03 Hellenic 0 Hellenistic 0 Hellenistical 0 005 + 05956489 n 0301 \ 05956489 n 0301 + 05956489 n 0201 \ 05956489 n 0201 \ 05956489 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the classical Greek civilization 03016027 01 a 02 Panhellenic 0 Pan-Hellenic 0 002 \ 05956489 n 0201 \ 05956489 n 0101 | of or relating to all the Greeks; "the Olympic Games were a Panhellenic celebration" 03016202 01 a 03 Greek 1 Grecian 0 Hellenic 1 008 + 06976392 n 0302 + 09710164 n 0302 \ 08780881 n 0301 + 09710164 n 0201 \ 08780881 n 0201 + 09710164 n 0101 + 06976392 n 0101 \ 08780881 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Greece or the Greeks or the Greek language; "Greek mythology"; "a Grecian robe" 03016519 01 a 01 Syrian 0 002 + 09033333 n 0101 \ 09033333 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Syria or its people or culture; "the Syrian government" 03016684 01 a 01 Minoan 0 002 + 09564680 n 0101 \ 08290763 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Bronze Age culture of Crete; "the Minoan palace at Knossos" 03016857 01 a 01 Mycenaean 0 002 + 08787049 n 0101 \ 08787049 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Mycenae or its inhabitants; "Mycenaean bronzes" 03017025 01 a 01 Aegean 0 002 + 09188609 n 0101 \ 09188609 n 0101 | of or relating to or bordering the Aegean Sea; "Aegean islands" 03017159 01 a 01 Aegean 1 001 \ 08290156 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the prehistoric Aegean civilization 03017286 01 a 01 Attic 0 002 + 06977610 n 0101 \ 08786283 n 0101 | of or relating to Attica or its inhabitants or to the dialect spoken in Athens in classical times; "Attic Greek" 03017468 01 a 01 Boeotian 0 002 + 08789243 n 0101 \ 08789243 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Boeotia or its people or to the dialect spoken there in classical times; "Boeotian dialects" 03017659 01 a 01 Dipylon 0 002 + 08785958 n 0102 \ 08785958 n 0101 | of or relating to a gateway on the west of ancient Athens 03017788 01 a 01 Argive 0 002 \ 08786660 n 0101 + 08786660 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Greek city of Argos or its people 03017922 01 a 01 executive 0 004 + 02563327 v 0102 + 02563860 v 0101 + 01640855 v 0103 \ 01127379 n 0101 | having the function of carrying out plans or orders etc.; "the executive branch" 03018112 01 a 02 topographical 0 topographic 0 006 + 06122578 n 0201 + 05064541 n 0201 \ 06122578 n 0201 + 06122578 n 0101 + 05064541 n 0101 \ 06122578 n 0101 | concerned with topography; "a topographical engineer"; "a topographical survey"; "topographic maps" 03018375 01 a 01 endothelial 0 002 + 05240522 n 0101 \ 05240522 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in the endothelium 03018498 01 a 03 taxonomic 0 taxonomical 0 systematic 0 009 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 08378356 n 0201 + 06153186 n 0201 + 01013770 n 0201 \ 01013770 n 0201 + 08378356 n 0101 + 06153186 n 0101 + 01013770 n 0101 \ 01013770 n 0101 | of or relating to taxonomy; "taxonomic relations"; "a taxonomic designation" 03018802 01 a 01 classificatory 0 003 + 00739662 v 0102 + 00654625 v 0101 \ 01012712 n 0103 | relating to or involving classification:"classificatory criteria" 03018964 01 a 01 eutherian 0 002 + 01886220 n 0101 \ 01886220 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the subclass Eutheria; "eutherian mammals" 03019114 01 a 01 proteolytic 0 002 + 13542688 n 0101 \ 13542688 n 0101 | of or relating to proteolysis 03019219 01 a 01 microsomal 0 002 + 05434361 n 0101 \ 05434361 n 0101 | of or relating to microsomes 03019322 01 a 02 mithraic 0 mithraistic 0 004 + 09531826 n 0201 + 06243963 n 0201 \ 06243963 n 0201 \ 06243963 n 0101 | of or relating to Mithraism or its god 03019483 01 a 01 mitotic 0 001 \ 13516597 n 0101 | of or relating to or undergoing mitosis 03019576 01 a 01 mitral 0 001 \ 05393813 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in or near the mitral valve; "mitral insufficiency" 03019709 01 a 01 mitral 1 002 + 03773970 n 0101 \ 03773970 n 0101 | relating to or resembling the miter worn by some clerics 03019836 01 a 01 follicular 0 002 + 05518094 n 0101 \ 05518094 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting a follicle 03019955 01 a 01 philological 0 002 + 06171040 n 0102 \ 06171040 n 0102 | of or relating to or dealing with philology 03020075 01 a 01 dystopian 0 002 + 13932213 n 0101 \ 13932213 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or resembling a dystopia 03020193 01 a 02 utopian 0 Utopian 0 003 + 07283198 n 0201 \ 07283198 n 0201 \ 13932045 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or resembling a utopia; "a Utopian novel" 03020354 01 a 01 Stoic 0 002 + 10658676 n 0101 \ 05976948 n 0101 | pertaining to Stoicism or its followers 03020463 01 a 02 patristic 0 patristical 0 005 + 06364004 n 0201 \ 09921792 n 0201 + 06364004 n 0101 + 06185302 n 0101 \ 09921792 n 0101 | of or relating to the writings of the early church fathers 03020663 01 a 01 sapphirine 0 001 \ 15019483 n 0101 | made of or resembling sapphire 03020750 01 a 01 saprophytic 0 002 + 13124164 n 0101 \ 13124164 n 0101 | obtaining food osmotically from dissolved organic material 03020884 01 a 01 saprobic 0 003 ;c 06037666 n 0000 + 13124358 n 0101 \ 13124358 n 0101 | living in or being an environment rich in organic matter but lacking oxygen 03021051 01 a 01 katharobic 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 13124529 n 0101 | of living being in an oxygenated environment lacking organic matter 03021194 01 a 02 cubist 0 cubistic 0 003 + 08466175 n 0201 \ 08466175 n 0201 \ 08466175 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of cubism; "cubist art" 03021347 01 a 01 tomentose 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13090091 n 0103 | covered with densely matted filaments 03021459 01 a 01 hyoid 0 001 \ 05275162 n 0102 | of or relating to the hyoid bone 03021543 01 a 02 geographic 0 geographical 0 003 + 06122178 n 0201 \ 06122178 n 0201 \ 06122178 n 0101 | of or relating to the science of geography 03021693 01 a 01 shouldered 0 001 \ 05548840 n 0101 | having shoulders or shoulders as specified; usually used as a combining form; "stoop-shouldered"; "broad-shouldered" 03021866 01 a 03 shrubby 0 fruticose 0 fruticulose 0 002 + 13112664 n 0101 \ 13112664 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a shrub 03022003 01 a 01 etymological 0 003 + 06514621 n 0101 + 06168855 n 0101 \ 06514621 n 0101 | based on or belonging to etymology; "I merely drew an etymological distinction" 03022177 01 a 01 British 0 002 + 09732544 n 0101 \ 08858942 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture; "his wife is British" 03022349 01 a 01 epiphytic 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13122985 n 0102 \ 13122985 n 0102 | of or relating to epiphytes 03022469 01 a 01 lithophytic 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13123841 n 0101 \ 13123841 n 0101 | of or relating to lithophytes 03022593 01 a 01 budgetary 0 003 + 13421462 n 0101 + 13421832 n 0101 \ 13421832 n 0101 | of or relating to a budget; "budgetary considerations" 03022739 01 a 02 propagandist 0 propagandistic 0 004 + 06674542 n 0201 \ 10482921 n 0201 + 10482921 n 0101 \ 10482921 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by propaganda 03022917 01 a 02 isolationist 0 isolationistic 0 004 + 06662193 n 0201 \ 06662193 n 0201 + 10217684 n 0101 \ 06662193 n 0101 | of or relating to isolationism 03023077 01 a 01 ascomycetous 0 002 + 13024012 n 0101 \ 13024012 n 0101 | related to or characteristic of fungi of the class Ascomycetes 03023216 01 a 01 pianistic 0 002 + 03928116 n 0101 \ 10430665 n 0101 | skilled at or adapted for the piano; "pianistic abilities" 03023348 01 a 01 pianistic 1 002 + 03928116 n 0101 \ 03928116 n 0101 | of or relating to the piano 03023449 01 a 01 Parisian 0 003 + 09708750 n 0101 + 08932568 n 0101 \ 08932568 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Paris or its inhabitants; "Parisian restaurants can be expensive" 03023644 01 a 02 dialectic 0 dialectical 0 005 + 13857804 n 0201 + 06163548 n 0201 \ 06163548 n 0201 + 06163548 n 0101 \ 06163548 n 0101 | of or relating to or employing dialectic; "the dialectical method" 03023852 01 a 01 Turkish 0 001 \ 09039411 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Turkey or its people or language; "Turkish towels" 03023995 01 a 01 Eurafrican 0 003 + 09686262 n 0101 \ 09275473 n 0101 \ 09189411 n 0101 | relating to or coming from Europe and Africa 03024132 01 a 02 Eurasian 0 Eurasiatic 0 005 + 09275016 n 0201 \ 09275016 n 0201 + 09686401 n 0101 + 09275016 n 0101 \ 09275016 n 0101 | relating to, or coming from, Europe and Asia; "His mother was Eurasian, and his father Chinese"; "the Eurasian landmass is the largest in the world" 03024420 01 a 02 Moroccan 0 Maroc 0 004 \ 08969291 n 0201 + 09723564 n 0101 + 08969291 n 0101 \ 08969291 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Morocco or its people; "Moroccan mosques cannot be entered by infidels" 03024647 01 a 03 Scots 0 Scottish 0 Scotch 0 005 \ 08890097 n 0301 + 06950209 n 0201 \ 08890097 n 0201 + 06950209 n 0102 \ 08890097 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language; "Scots Gaelic"; "the Scots community in New York"; "`Scottish' tends to be the more formal term as in `The Scottish Symphony' or `Scottish authors' or `Scottish mountains'"; "`Scotch' is in disfavor with Scottish people and is used primarily outside Scotland except in such frozen phrases as `Scotch broth' or `Scotch whiskey' or `Scotch plaid'" 03025252 01 a 01 Corsican 0 003 + 08942091 n 0102 + 08941895 n 0102 \ 08941895 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Corsica or its people 03025403 01 a 01 Sardinian 0 004 + 10552285 n 0101 + 06964600 n 0101 + 08810631 n 0101 \ 08810786 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Sardinia or its people or its language 03025590 01 a 01 Alpine 0 001 \ 09194357 n 0101 | relating to the Alps and their inhabitants; "Alpine countries, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Germany" 03025746 01 a 01 alpine 1 001 \ 09193705 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of alps; "alpine sports" 03025853 01 a 01 Andean 0 002 + 09196611 n 0101 \ 09196611 n 0101 | relating to the Andes and their inhabitants 03025967 01 a 01 myrmecophytic 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13179056 n 0101 \ 13179056 n 0101 | of or relating to myrmecophytes 03026095 01 a 01 tuberous 0 003 + 13128365 n 0101 + 05542686 n 0101 \ 13128365 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a tuber; "a tuberous root" 03026244 01 a 01 semi-tuberous 0 001 \ 13128365 n 0101 | partly tuberous 03026319 01 a 02 saponaceous 0 soapy 0 004 + 04947888 n 0201 + 04253437 n 0201 \ 04253437 n 0201 \ 04253437 n 0101 | resembling or having the qualities of soap; "a soapy consistency" 03026504 01 a 02 umbellate 0 umbellar 0 003 + 13131028 n 0201 \ 13131028 n 0201 \ 13131028 n 0101 | bearing or consisting of or resembling umbels 03026652 01 a 01 narial 0 002 + 05600431 n 0101 \ 05600431 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the nares 03026758 01 a 01 Cartesian 0 002 + 10931854 n 0101 \ 10931854 n 0101 | of or relating to Rene Descartes or his works; "Cartesian linguistics" 03026902 01 a 01 Mexican 0 002 + 08740875 n 0101 \ 08740875 n 0101 | of or relating to Mexico or its inhabitants; "Mexican food is hot" 03027040 01 a 01 Tudor 0 001 \ 08159031 n 0101 | of or relating to a style of architecture in England in the 15th century; "half-timbered Tudor houses"; "Tudor furniture" 03027213 01 a 01 Shavian 0 002 + 11295936 n 0101 \ 11295936 n 0101 | of or relating to George Bernard Shaw or his works 03027335 01 a 02 Shakespearian 0 Shakespearean 0 004 + 11295196 n 0201 \ 11295196 n 0201 + 11295196 n 0101 \ 11295196 n 0101 | of or relating to William Shakespeare or his works; "Shakespearean plays" 03027538 01 a 01 Skinnerian 0 003 + 10605608 n 0101 + 11304461 n 0101 \ 11304461 n 0101 | of or relating to B. F. Skinner or his behaviorist psychology 03027692 01 a 01 Falstaffian 0 002 + 09598750 n 0101 \ 09598750 n 0101 | of or resembling Falstaff 03027793 01 a 01 Victorian 0 004 + 10753061 n 0101 + 11365857 n 0101 \ 11365857 n 0101 \ 15122853 n 0101 | of or relating to Queen Victoria of Great Britain or to the age in which she ruled; "Victorian morals" 03028005 01 a 01 Gaussian 0 002 + 10992675 n 0101 \ 10992675 n 0101 | of or relating to Karl Gauss or his mathematical theories of magnetics or electricity or astronomy or probability; "Gaussian distribution" 03028216 01 a 01 Aeschylean 0 002 + 10809086 n 0101 \ 10809086 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Aeschylus 03028338 01 a 01 Alexandrian 0 002 + 10812360 n 0101 \ 10812360 n 0101 | of or relating to Alexander the Great or his empire 03028465 01 a 04 Aristotelian 0 Aristotelean 0 Aristotelic 0 peripatetic 0 009 + 09808080 n 0403 \ 10822338 n 0401 \ 10822338 n 0301 + 09808080 n 0202 + 10822338 n 0201 \ 10822338 n 0201 + 09808080 n 0101 + 10822338 n 0101 \ 10822338 n 0101 | of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy; "Aristotelean logic" 03028778 01 a 01 Audenesque 0 001 \ 10828233 n 0101 | in the manner of W. H. Auden 03028863 01 a 01 Balzacian 0 002 + 10833111 n 0101 \ 10833111 n 0101 | of or relating to Honore de Balzac or his writings 03028987 01 a 01 Beethovenian 0 003 + 10841405 n 0101 + 07278014 n 0101 \ 10841405 n 0101 | of or relating to Ludwig van Beethoven or his music 03029133 01 a 01 Bismarckian 0 002 + 10851599 n 0101 \ 10851599 n 0101 | of or relating to Prince Otto von Bismarck or his accomplishments 03029274 01 a 01 Bogartian 0 002 + 10855047 n 0101 \ 10855047 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the style of Humphrey Bogart 03029400 01 a 02 Caesarian 1 Caesarean 1 004 + 10878161 n 0201 \ 10878161 n 0201 + 10878161 n 0101 \ 10878161 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Julius Caesar 03029573 01 a 04 cesarean 0 cesarian 0 caesarean 0 caesarian 0 007 \ 00185778 n 040b + 00185778 n 030b \ 00185778 n 030b + 00185778 n 020a \ 00185778 n 020a + 00185778 n 0109 \ 00185778 n 0109 | relating to abdominal delivery 03029801 01 a 02 Coleridgian 0 Coleridgean 0 004 + 10904821 n 0201 \ 10904821 n 0201 + 10904821 n 0101 \ 10904821 n 0101 | of or relating to Samuel Taylor Coleridge or his writings 03029984 01 a 01 Columbian 0 002 + 10905315 n 0101 \ 10905315 n 0101 | of or relating to Christopher Columbus 03030096 01 a 01 pre-Columbian 0 001 \ 03029984 a 0101 | of or relating to or originating in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus 03030235 01 a 01 Cromwellian 0 002 + 10916105 n 0101 \ 10916105 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Oliver Cromwell 03030364 01 a 02 Dantean 0 Dantesque 0 003 \ 10922239 n 0201 + 10922239 n 0101 \ 10922239 n 0101 | of or relating to Dante Alighieri or his writings 03030515 01 a 01 Demosthenic 0 002 + 10930428 n 0101 \ 10930428 n 0101 | of or relating to Demosthenes or his oratory 03030635 01 a 01 Deweyan 0 002 + 10932898 n 0101 \ 10932898 n 0101 | of or relating to John Dewey or his philosophy 03030753 01 a 02 Donnean 0 Donnian 0 004 + 10939856 n 0201 \ 10939856 n 0201 + 10939856 n 0101 \ 10939856 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of John Donne 03030919 01 a 02 Dostoevskian 0 Dostoyevskian 0 004 + 10940669 n 0201 \ 10940669 n 0202 + 10940669 n 0102 \ 10940669 n 0102 | of or relating to or in the style of Feodor Dostoevski 03031102 01 a 01 Draconian 0 002 + 10942675 n 0101 \ 10942675 n 0101 | of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws; "Draconian measures" 03031247 01 a 01 Einsteinian 0 002 + 10954498 n 0101 \ 10954498 n 0101 | of or relating to Albert Einstein or his theories; "the Einsteinian universe" 03031400 01 a 01 Elizabethan 0 004 + 10050712 n 0101 + 10957330 n 0102 \ 10957330 n 0101 \ 15122648 n 0101 | of or relating to Elizabeth I of England or to the age in which she ruled as queen; "Elizabethan music" 03031615 01 a 01 Erasmian 0 002 + 10959857 n 0101 \ 10959857 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Erasmus 03031733 01 a 01 Freudian 0 002 + 10982127 n 0101 \ 10982127 n 0101 | of or relating to Sigmund Freud or his psychoanalytic ideas; "Freudian theories" 03031886 01 a 01 Frostian 0 002 + 10983931 n 0101 \ 10983931 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Robert Frost 03032009 01 a 01 Gandhian 0 002 + 10989339 n 0101 \ 10989339 n 0101 | of or relating to Mahatma Gandhi or his teachings 03032131 01 a 01 Gauguinesque 0 001 \ 10992528 n 0101 | in the manner of Paul Gauguin 03032219 01 a 02 Goethean 0 Goethian 0 004 + 11004106 n 0201 \ 11004106 n 0201 + 11004106 n 0101 \ 11004106 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Goethe 03032383 01 a 01 Handelian 0 002 + 11027631 n 0101 \ 11027631 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of George Frederick Handel 03032518 01 a 01 Hegelian 0 002 + 11038084 n 0101 \ 11038084 n 0101 | of or relating to Hegel or his dialectic philosophy 03032642 01 a 01 Hemingwayesque 0 001 \ 11039860 n 0101 | in the manner of Ernest Hemingway 03032736 01 a 01 Hitlerian 0 002 + 11052672 n 0101 \ 11052672 n 0101 | of or relating to or suggestive of Adolf Hitler or his Nazi regime in Germany 03032887 01 a 01 Hittite 0 002 \ 10178464 n 0101 \ 06975902 n 0101 | of or relating to the Hittite people or their language or culture 03033024 01 a 01 Hugoesque 0 001 \ 11065345 n 0101 | in the manner of Victor Hugo 03033108 01 a 02 Huxleyan 0 Huxleian 0 004 + 11069534 n 0201 \ 11069534 n 0201 + 11069534 n 0101 \ 11069534 n 0101 | of or relating to Thomas Huxley 03033259 01 a 01 Ibsenian 0 002 + 11070644 n 0101 \ 11070644 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of the playwright Henrik Ibsen 03033397 01 a 01 Proustian 0 002 + 11247298 n 0101 \ 11247298 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Marcel Proust 03033522 01 a 01 Ptolemaic 0 002 + 11247413 n 0101 \ 11247413 n 0101 | of or relating to the astronomer Ptolemy 03033636 01 a 01 Socratic 0 002 + 11307422 n 0101 \ 11307422 n 0101 | of or relating to Socrates or to his method of teaching; "Socratic teaching" 03033785 01 a 01 Jungian 0 002 + 11094611 n 0101 \ 11094611 n 0101 | of or relating to Carl Jung or his psychological theories 03033914 01 a 01 Kantian 0 002 + 11096508 n 0101 \ 11096508 n 0101 | of or relating to Immanuel Kant or his philosophy 03034035 01 a 01 Keynesian 0 003 + 11103397 n 0101 \ 11103397 n 0101 \ 05995355 n 0101 | of or relating to John Maynard Keynes or to his economic theories 03034192 01 a 01 Kiplingesque 0 001 \ 11105778 n 0101 | in the manner of Rudyard Kipling 03034283 01 a 02 Leibnizian 0 Leibnitzian 0 004 + 11125193 n 0202 \ 11125193 n 0202 + 11125193 n 0101 \ 11125193 n 0101 | of or relating to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz or to his mathematics or philosophy 03034487 01 a 01 Leonardesque 0 001 \ 11128394 n 0101 | in the manner of Leonardo da Vinci 03034580 01 a 02 Lincolnesque 0 Lincolnian 0 003 + 11132462 n 0201 \ 11132462 n 0201 \ 11132462 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Abraham Lincoln 03034741 01 a 01 Lutheran 0 001 \ 11145364 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Martin Luther or his teachings; "the Lutheran doctrine of justification by faith alone" 03034903 01 a 01 Marian 0 002 + 11161412 n 0101 \ 11161412 n 0101 | of or relating to or venerating the Virgin Mary 03035021 01 a 01 Michelangelesque 0 001 \ 11178161 n 0101 | in the manner of Michelangelo 03035113 01 a 02 Muhammadan 0 Mohammedan 0 004 + 10327002 n 0201 \ 11184092 n 0201 + 10327002 n 0103 \ 11184092 n 0103 | of or relating to the Arabian prophet Muhammad or to the religion he founded 03035313 01 a 01 Mosaic 0 001 \ 11193392 n 0101 | of or relating to Moses or the laws and writings attributed to him; "Mosaic Law" 03035446 01 a 01 most-favored-nation 0 001 \ 06773857 n 0101 | of or relating to a commercial treaty where two nations agree to accord each other the same favorable terms that would be offered in treaties with any other nation 03035675 01 a 02 Mozartian 0 Mozartean 0 005 + 11194355 n 0201 + 07278652 n 0201 \ 11194355 n 0201 + 11194355 n 0101 \ 11194355 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 03035876 01 a 01 Napoleonic 0 002 + 11200276 n 0101 \ 11200276 n 0101 | of or relating to or like Napoleon Bonaparte; "Napoleonic Wars" 03036014 01 a 01 Newtonian 0 003 + 10357012 n 0101 + 11205375 n 0101 \ 11205375 n 0101 | of or relating to or inspired by Sir Isaac Newton or his science; "Newtonian physics" 03036191 01 a 01 Pasteurian 0 002 + 11224877 n 0101 \ 11224877 n 0101 | of or relating to Louis Pasteur or his experiments 03036316 01 a 01 Pavlovian 0 002 + 11227206 n 0101 \ 11227206 n 0101 | of or relating to Ivan Pavlov or his experiments; "Pavlovian conditioning" 03036464 01 a 01 Piagetian 0 002 + 11234292 n 0101 \ 11234292 n 0101 | of or relating to or like or in the manner of Jean Piaget 03036595 01 a 02 eponymous 0 eponymic 0 006 + 06334985 n 0201 + 06334778 n 0201 \ 06334778 n 0201 + 06334985 n 0101 + 06334778 n 0101 \ 06334778 n 0101 | being or relating to or bearing the name of an eponym 03036805 01 a 01 Pythagorean 0 002 + 11250056 n 0101 \ 11250056 n 0101 | of or relating to Pythagoras or his geometry; "Pythagorean philosophy"; "Pythagorean theorem" 03036974 01 a 01 Wagnerian 0 002 + 11369834 n 0101 \ 11369834 n 0101 | of or relating to Richard Wagner or his music 03037093 01 a 01 Washingtonian 0 003 + 09746189 n 0101 + 09152944 n 0101 \ 09152944 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the state of Washington 03037236 01 a 01 Washingtonian 1 003 + 09746314 n 0101 + 09070793 n 0101 \ 09070793 n 0101 | of or relating to the capital of the United States; "Washingtonian museums" 03037407 01 a 01 Washingtonian 2 002 + 08357129 n 0102 \ 08357129 n 0102 | of or relating to the people who run the federal government; "Washingtonian politics as usual" 03037579 01 a 01 Washingtonian 3 002 + 11375418 n 0101 \ 11375418 n 0101 | of or relating to or in the manner of George Washington 03037712 01 a 01 Rembrandtesque 0 001 \ 11257932 n 0101 | in the manner of Rembrandt 03037799 01 a 01 Riemannian 0 002 + 11262168 n 0101 \ 11262168 n 0101 | of or relating to Riemann's non-Euclidean geometry 03037924 01 a 01 Rooseveltian 0 002 + 11270023 n 0101 \ 11270023 n 0101 | of or relating to or like or in the manner of Franklin Roosevelt 03038065 01 a 01 Senecan 0 002 + 11292391 n 0101 \ 11292391 n 0101 | of or relating to or like or in the manner of the Roman Seneca 03038199 01 a 02 Stravinskyan 0 Stravinskian 0 005 + 11321841 n 0201 \ 11321841 n 0201 + 11321841 n 0101 + 07278775 n 0101 \ 11321841 n 0101 | of or relating to or like or in the manner of Stravinsky 03038401 01 a 01 Thoreauvian 0 002 + 11340992 n 0101 \ 11340992 n 0101 | relating to or like or in the manner of Henry David Thoreau 03038536 01 a 02 Voltarian 0 Voltarean 0 004 + 11368638 n 0201 \ 11368638 n 0201 + 11368638 n 0101 \ 11368638 n 0101 | in the manner of Voltaire 03038683 01 a 01 Wordsworthian 0 002 + 11397657 n 0101 \ 11397657 n 0101 | in the manner of William Wordsworth 03038796 01 a 01 Wittgensteinian 0 001 \ 11393828 n 0101 | in the manner of Ludwig Wittgenstein 03038894 01 a 01 Yeatsian 0 002 + 11402463 n 0101 \ 11402463 n 0101 | in the manner of William Butler Yeats 03039004 01 a 01 Zolaesque 0 001 \ 11407591 n 0101 | in the manner of Emile Zola 03039087 01 a 03 Hebraic 0 Hebraical 0 Hebrew 0 006 + 06987124 n 0301 \ 06987124 n 0301 + 09681351 n 0202 \ 06987124 n 0201 + 06987124 n 0101 \ 06987124 n 0101 | of or relating to the language of the Hebrews; "Hebrew vowels" 03039314 01 a 03 Hebraic 1 Hebraical 1 Hebrew 1 006 + 09681351 n 0302 \ 09681351 n 0302 + 09681351 n 0202 \ 09681351 n 0202 + 09681351 n 0102 \ 09681351 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Hebrews; "the old Hebrew prophets" 03039556 01 a 01 monocarpic 0 001 \ 11686780 n 0101 | dying after bearing fruit only once 03039648 01 a 01 puerperal 0 005 + 15142568 n 0101 + 10492086 n 0101 \ 13448334 n 0101 \ 15142568 n 0101 \ 10492086 n 0101 | relating to or connected with or occurring at the time of childbirth or shortly following, or to the woman who has just given birth 03039907 01 a 01 acetic 0 001 \ 14599168 n 0101 | relating to or containing acetic acid 03039997 01 a 01 actinic 0 002 + 04917292 n 0101 \ 04917292 n 0101 | relating to or exhibiting actinism 03040103 01 a 02 aldermanic 0 aldermanly 0 004 + 09782397 n 0201 \ 09782397 n 0201 + 09782397 n 0101 \ 09782397 n 0101 | of or relating to or like an alderman 03040264 01 a 02 alexic 0 word-blind 0 003 \ 14099050 n 0203 + 09782855 n 0101 \ 14099050 n 0102 | of or relating to or symptomatic of alexia 03040408 01 a 01 dyslexic 0 002 + 14099643 n 0101 \ 14099643 n 0101 | of or relating to or symptomatic of dyslexia 03040525 01 a 01 monochromatic 0 002 + 14155274 n 0102 \ 14155274 n 0102 | of or relating to monochromatism 03040635 01 a 01 Moravian 0 001 \ 08758679 n 0101 | of or relating to the people or culture of Moravia 03040740 01 a 01 dichromatic 0 002 + 14153616 n 0102 \ 14153616 n 0102 | of or relating to dichromatism 03040846 01 a 01 ambassadorial 0 002 + 09787534 n 0101 \ 09787534 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of ambassadors 03040974 01 a 06 amoebic 0 amebic 0 amoeban 0 ameban 0 amoebous 0 amebous 0 012 + 01392380 n 0601 \ 01392380 n 0602 + 01392380 n 0502 \ 01392380 n 0502 + 01392380 n 0401 \ 01392380 n 0402 + 01392380 n 0302 \ 01392380 n 0302 + 01392380 n 0201 \ 01392380 n 0202 + 01392380 n 0102 \ 01392380 n 0102 | pertaining to or resembling amoebae; "amoebic dysentery" 03041331 01 a 02 anemic 0 anaemic 0 004 + 14195315 n 0202 \ 14195315 n 0201 + 14195315 n 0101 \ 14195315 n 0101 | relating to anemia or suffering from anemia 03041491 01 a 02 anaesthetic 0 anesthetic 0 003 \ 14023491 n 0201 + 00021065 v 0102 \ 14023491 n 0102 | relating to or producing insensibility 03041636 01 a 01 ablative 0 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 \ 06312418 n 0101 | relating to the ablative case 03041739 01 a 01 accusatorial 0 004 + 06730780 n 0101 + 07234230 n 0101 ! 03042005 a 0101 \ 09762385 n 0101 | specifically indicating a form of prosecution in which one is publicly accused of and tried for a crime and in which the judge is not also the prosecutor 03042005 01 a 01 inquisitorial 0 003 + 10208287 n 0101 ! 03041739 a 0101 \ 10208287 n 0101 | especially indicating a form of prosecution in which proceedings are secret and the accused is questioned by a prosecutor who acts also as the judge 03042249 01 a 01 West_African 0 002 + 06996309 n 0101 \ 09178310 n 0101 | of or relating to the countries or cultures or people of West Africa 03042394 01 a 02 Afrikaans 0 Afrikaner 0 004 + 09635635 n 0201 \ 08999482 n 0201 + 06952861 n 0101 \ 08999482 n 0101 | belonging or relating to white people of South Africa whose ancestors were Dutch or to their language; "an Afrikaans couple"; "Afrikaner support" 03042661 01 a 01 aneroid 0 002 + 02710600 n 0102 \ 02710600 n 0102 | containing no liquid or actuated without the use of liquid; "aneroid barometer" 03042812 01 a 01 Angolan 0 003 + 09690621 n 0101 + 08707917 n 0101 \ 08707917 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Angola or its people; "the Angolan Civil War" 03042986 01 a 01 Anguillan 1 003 + 09690864 n 0101 + 08708742 n 0101 \ 08708742 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Anguilla or its people; "Anguillan sea food specialties" 03043173 01 a 03 prenuptial 0 premarital 0 antenuptial 0 004 \ 07452074 n 0301 \ 07452074 n 0201 ! 03043371 a 0101 \ 07452074 n 0101 | relating to events before a marriage; "prenuptial agreement" 03043371 01 a 01 postnuptial 0 002 ! 03043173 a 0101 \ 07452074 n 0101 | relating to events after a marriage 03043482 01 a 02 anti-semitic 0 antisemitic 0 004 + 06203956 n 0202 \ 06203956 n 0202 + 06203956 n 0101 \ 06203956 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews 03043667 01 a 01 Antiguan 1 003 + 09691024 n 0101 + 08709945 n 0101 \ 08709945 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Antigua or its people; "Antiguan islands" 03043838 01 a 01 antiquarian 0 001 \ 02723754 n 0101 | of or relating to antiques or antiquities 03043937 01 a 01 antiquarian 1 002 + 09797606 n 0102 \ 09797606 n 0102 | of or relating to persons who study or deal in antiques or antiquities 03044083 01 a 02 appellate 0 appellant 0 006 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 09800469 n 0201 + 02497824 v 0201 + 02497586 v 0201 \ 01185611 n 0201 \ 01185611 n 0101 | of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals); "appellate court" 03044331 01 a 01 anecdotal 0 002 + 07220586 n 0101 \ 07220586 n 0101 | having the character of an anecdote; "anecdotal evidence" 03044462 01 a 01 Arabian 0 002 + 02379908 n 0101 \ 02379908 n 0102 | of or relating to Arabian horses 03044566 01 a 01 Arabian 1 003 + 09729530 n 0102 + 08847694 n 0102 \ 08847694 n 0102 | relating to or associated with Arabia or its people; "Arabian Nights"; "Arabian Sea" 03044740 01 a 01 Arabic 0 002 + 06988057 n 0101 \ 09729530 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Arabs; "Arabic languages" 03044869 01 a 02 arithmetical 0 arithmetic 0 004 + 06004067 n 0201 \ 06004067 n 0201 + 06004067 n 0101 \ 06004067 n 0101 | relating to or involving arithmetic; "arithmetical computations" 03045059 01 a 01 armorial 0 002 ;c 05801594 n 0000 \ 03058726 n 0102 | of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms; "armorial bearing" 03045196 01 a 01 aspectual 0 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 13804669 n 0101 \ 13804669 n 0101 | of or belonging to an aspect (as an aspect of the verb); "the aspectual system of Greek" 03045377 01 a 01 asphyxiated 0 001 \ 14042423 n 0101 | in a state of asphyxia 03045457 01 a 01 audio-lingual 0 000 | of or relating to a method of teaching language that focuses on listening and speaking 03045585 01 a 01 Augustan 0 002 + 10828990 n 0101 \ 10828990 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the times of the Roman Emperor Augustus; "the Augustan Age" 03045750 01 a 01 Australian 0 004 + 09691279 n 0101 + 06940290 n 0101 + 08831004 n 0101 \ 09211266 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Australia or its inhabitants or its languages; "Australian deserts"; "Australian aborigines" 03045992 01 a 01 Bahamian 0 003 + 09691729 n 0101 + 08847268 n 0101 \ 08847268 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Bahama Islands or their inhabitants; "Bahamian population" 03046184 01 a 01 Bahraini 0 002 + 09691858 n 0101 \ 08848421 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bahrain or its people or language; "Bahraini beaches" 03046349 01 a 02 Bangladeshi 0 East_Pakistani 0 003 \ 08848731 n 0201 + 09691994 n 0101 \ 08848731 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bangladesh or its people or language; "Bangladeshi dialects" 03046559 01 a 01 Bantoid 0 001 \ 06991980 n 0101 | relating to or designating languages that possess characteristics of Bantu; "Bantoid languages" 03046708 01 a 01 Bantu 0 003 + 09692624 n 0101 + 06991980 n 0101 \ 09692624 n 0101 | of or relating to the African people who speak one of the Bantoid languages or to their culture; "the Bantu population of Sierra Leone" 03046931 01 a 01 Bantu-speaking 0 001 \ 06991980 n 0101 | of or relating to people who speak Bantu; "the Bantu-speaking people of Africa" 03047071 01 a 01 baptismal 0 002 + 01037819 n 0101 \ 01037819 n 0101 | of or relating to baptism; "baptismal font" 03047188 01 a 01 Barbadian 0 004 + 09693982 n 0101 + 08755436 n 0101 + 08755214 n 0101 \ 08755214 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Barbados or its inhabitants; "a Barbadian vacation" 03047388 01 a 01 bardic 0 001 \ 09839022 n 0101 | being a bard or relating to a bard's poetry; "bardic poetry" 03047501 01 a 01 Benedictine 0 002 + 10112434 n 0101 \ 10112434 n 0101 | of or relating to the Benedictines 03047611 01 a 01 Benedictine 1 001 \ 10843858 n 0101 | of or relating to Saint Benedict or his works 03047714 01 a 01 Bengali 0 004 + 09692430 n 0101 + 08483353 n 0101 + 06970946 n 0101 \ 08710535 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bengal or its people; "Bengali hills" 03047898 01 a 01 Beninese 0 002 + 09694269 n 0101 \ 08759420 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Benin or its people; "Benin bronzes" 03048046 01 a 01 Bermudan 0 002 + 09694392 n 0101 \ 08710678 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bermuda or its inhabitants; "Bermudan beaches" 03048204 01 a 01 Bhutanese 0 002 + 09694529 n 0101 \ 08852209 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Bhutan or its people or culture or language; "Bhutanese Buddhists" 03048385 01 a 01 bilabial 0 002 + 07117333 n 0101 \ 02754417 a 0101 | of or relating to or being a speech sound that is articulated using both lips; "bilabial fricatives" 03048558 01 a 01 binomial 0 001 + 06036506 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of two terms; "binomial expression" 03048680 01 a 02 biographic 0 biographical 0 003 + 06515827 n 0201 \ 06515827 n 0201 \ 06515827 n 0101 | of or relating to or being biography; "biographical data" 03048845 01 a 01 bituminous 0 002 + 14911530 n 0101 \ 14911530 n 0101 | resembling or containing bitumen; "bituminous coal" 03048971 01 a 02 bituminoid 0 bitumenoid 0 002 \ 14911530 n 0201 \ 14911530 n 0101 | like bitumen 03049071 01 a 02 bivalent 1 divalent 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 05034473 n 0201 \ 05034473 n 0101 | having a valence of two or having two valences 03049220 01 a 01 bivariate 0 002 ;c 06000644 n 0000 \ 05857459 n 0101 | having two variables; "bivariate binomial distribution" 03049350 01 a 02 bladdery 0 bladderlike 0 003 \ 02848118 n 0201 + 05512139 n 0101 \ 02848118 n 0101 | resembling a bladder 03049475 01 a 01 bladed 1 001 \ 04373894 n 0102 | bearing or characterized by a blade or sword; often used in combination; "he fought on, broken-bladed but unbowed" 03049642 01 a 01 bladed 2 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13131883 n 0101 | having a blade or blades; often used in combination; "a single-bladed leaf"; "narrow-bladed grass" 03049812 01 a 03 blastemal 0 blastematic 0 blastemic 0 006 + 05431402 n 0301 \ 05431402 n 0301 + 05431402 n 0201 \ 05431402 n 0201 + 05431402 n 0101 \ 05431402 n 0101 | of or relating to blastemata 03050012 01 a 01 blastocoelic 0 004 + 01459242 n 0102 + 01459242 n 0101 + 01459242 n 0103 \ 01459242 n 0101 | of or relating to a segmentation cavity 03050164 01 a 02 blastodermatic 0 blastodermic 0 004 + 01459480 n 0201 \ 01459480 n 0201 + 01459480 n 0101 \ 01459480 n 0101 | of or relating to a blastoderm 03050324 01 a 01 blastomeric 0 002 + 01459664 n 0101 \ 01459664 n 0101 | of or relating to a blastomere 03050430 01 a 01 blastomycotic 0 002 + 14125159 n 0101 \ 14125159 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of blastomycosis 03050560 01 a 02 blastoporal 0 blastoporic 0 004 + 01463115 n 0201 \ 01463115 n 0201 + 01463115 n 0101 \ 01463115 n 0101 | of or relating to a blastopore 03050716 01 a 02 blastospheric 0 blastular 0 004 + 01461646 n 0201 \ 01461646 n 0201 + 01461646 n 0102 \ 01461646 n 0102 | of or relating to a blastula 03050870 01 a 02 boric 0 boracic 0 003 \ 14631871 n 0201 + 14631871 n 0101 \ 14631871 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from or containing boron; "boric acid" 03051035 01 a 01 Bruneian 0 002 + 08896092 n 0101 \ 08896092 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Brunei or its people; "Bruneian oil production" 03051194 01 a 01 bubonic 0 002 + 14315722 n 0101 \ 14315722 n 0101 | of or evidencing buboes; "bubonic plague" 03051307 01 a 01 Bulgarian 0 004 + 09695620 n 0101 + 06945569 n 0101 + 08714132 n 0101 \ 08714132 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Bulgaria or its people; "the Bulgarian capital is Sofia" 03051512 01 a 01 bungaloid 0 001 \ 02919792 n 0101 | characterized by bungalows; "the bungaloid suburbs" 03051619 01 a 01 bureaucratic 0 005 + 08009659 n 0101 + 08051565 n 0101 + 08456727 n 0101 \ 09880427 n 0101 \ 08456727 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy; "his bureaucratic behavior annoyed his colleagues"; "a bureaucratic nightmare" 03051889 01 a 01 burglarious 0 002 + 00785045 n 0101 \ 00785045 n 0101 | involving or resembling burglary; "burglarious tools" 03052018 01 a 01 Burmese 0 003 + 09695747 n 0101 + 06932435 n 0101 \ 08715390 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Myanmar or its people; "the Burmese capital"; "Burmese tonal languages" 03052218 01 a 02 Burundi 0 Burundian 0 003 + 08716219 n 0201 \ 08716219 n 0201 \ 08716219 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Burundi or its people; "the Burundi capital" 03052403 01 a 01 Californian 0 003 + 09741612 n 0101 + 09060768 n 0101 \ 09060768 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of California or its inhabitants; "Californian beaches" 03052588 01 a 01 Cameroonian 0 003 + 09696456 n 0101 + 08717209 n 0101 \ 08717209 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Cameroon or its people; "the Cameroonian capital" 03052770 01 a 01 cannibalistic 0 004 + 00412839 n 0101 + 09891079 n 0101 \ 09891079 n 0101 \ 00412839 n 0101 | characteristic of cannibals or exhibiting cannibalism; "cannibalistic behavior" 03052963 01 a 01 cantonal 0 001 \ 08725454 n 0104 | of or relating to a canton 03053044 01 a 01 carboniferous 2 002 + 15127307 n 0101 \ 15127307 n 0101 | of or relating to the Carboniferous geologic era; "carboniferous rock system" 03053199 01 a 01 Carmelite 0 002 + 10778148 n 0101 \ 10778148 n 0101 | of or relating to the Carmelite friars; "Carmelite monasteries" 03053336 01 a 01 carpal 0 002 + 05584928 n 0102 \ 05584928 n 0102 | of or relating to the wrist; "Carpal tunnel syndrome" 03053460 01 a 02 casuistic 0 casuistical 0 004 + 09899929 n 0201 \ 06160055 n 0201 + 06160055 n 0101 \ 06160055 n 0101 | of or relating to the use of ethical principles to resolve moral problems 03053657 01 a 02 casuistic 1 casuistical 1 004 + 09899929 n 0201 \ 06160244 n 0201 + 06160244 n 0101 \ 06160244 n 0101 | of or relating to or practicing casuistry; "overly subtle casuistic reasoning" 03053859 01 a 01 Catalan 0 003 + 06967529 n 0101 + 09028062 n 0101 \ 06967529 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the Catalan language; "Catalan poetry" 03054020 01 a 01 Catalan 1 003 + 09900284 n 0101 + 09028062 n 0101 \ 09028062 n 0101 | relating to or denoting or characteristic of Catalonia or its inhabitants; "Catalan independence movement" 03054216 01 a 01 cataleptic 0 003 + 09900391 n 0101 + 14070206 n 0101 \ 14070206 n 0101 | of or having characteristics of or affected with catalepsy; "cataleptic persons"; "cataleptic state" 03054409 01 a 01 catalytic 0 002 + 13444131 n 0101 \ 13444131 n 0101 | relating to or causing or involving catalysis; "catalytic reactions" 03054551 01 a 01 catatonic 0 004 ;c 06043075 n 0000 + 14545045 n 0101 + 14399116 n 0103 \ 14545045 n 0101 | characterized by catatonia especially either rigidity or extreme laxness of limbs 03054743 01 a 01 Chadian 0 003 + 09697650 n 0101 + 08720037 n 0101 \ 08720037 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Republic of Chad or its people or language; "the Chadian desert"; "Chad soldiers"; "Chadian folktales" 03054978 01 a 01 citric 0 001 \ 14812872 n 0101 | of or related to citric acid 03055059 01 a 01 citrous 0 002 + 07747055 n 0101 \ 07747055 n 0101 | of or relating to or producing fruit of the plants of the genus Citrus; "the citrus production of Florida" 03055237 01 a 01 citrous 1 002 + 12707781 n 0101 \ 12707781 n 0101 | of or relating to plants of the genus Citrus; "a citrous disease" 03055374 01 a 02 climatic 0 climatical 0 004 + 14519366 n 0201 \ 14519366 n 0201 + 14519366 n 0101 \ 14519366 n 0101 | of or relating to a climate; "climatic changes" 03055543 01 a 01 Cockney 0 001 \ 09704770 n 0101 | relating to or resembling a cockney; "Cockney street urchins" 03055658 01 a 01 cockney 1 003 + 09704770 n 0101 + 06948017 n 0101 \ 06948017 n 0101 | characteristic of Cockneys or their dialect; "cockney vowels" 03055809 01 a 02 commemorative 0 commemorating 0 005 \ 07452841 n 0201 + 00612612 v 0101 + 00612042 v 0101 + 00611481 v 0101 \ 07452841 n 0101 | intended as a commemoration; "a commemorative plaque" 03056010 01 a 01 concessive 0 002 + 00806049 v 0101 \ 07216412 n 0101 | of or pertaining to concession 03056115 01 a 01 Congolese 0 002 + 09698644 n 0101 \ 08734385 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Congo region or its people; "Congolese rulers"; "the Congolese republic" 03056304 01 a 01 consular 0 004 + 03093427 n 0101 + 09959797 n 0101 \ 09959797 n 0101 \ 03093427 n 0101 | having to do with a consul or his office or duties 03056463 01 a 01 Coptic 0 004 + 06990371 n 0101 + 09700706 n 0101 + 09681234 n 0101 \ 09681234 n 0101 | of or relating to the Copts or their church or language or art; "the distinctive Coptic art of 6th-century Christian Egypt" 03056693 01 a 01 Costa_Rican 0 002 + 08736107 n 0101 \ 08736107 n 0101 | of or relating to Costa Rica or its people; "the Costa Rican rain forest"; "our Costa Rican neighbors" 03056871 01 a 04 creaseproof 0 wrinkleproof 0 crease-resistant 0 wrinkle-resistant 0 004 \ 13905792 n 0401 \ 13905792 n 0303 \ 13905792 n 0201 \ 13905792 n 0103 | of fabric that does not wrinkle easily 03057075 01 a 02 creedal 0 credal 0 006 + 06789411 n 0204 + 05959954 n 0201 \ 06789411 n 0204 + 06789411 n 0104 + 05959954 n 0101 \ 06789411 n 0104 | of or relating to a creed 03057253 01 a 01 Creole 1 001 \ 09709531 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of native-born persons of French descent in Louisiana; "Creole cooking" 03057413 01 a 01 Creole 2 001 \ 06905358 n 0101 | of or relating to a language that arises from contact between two other languages and has features of both; "Creole grammars" 03057591 01 a 01 Cretaceous 0 002 + 15126361 n 0101 \ 15126361 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the third period of the Mesozoic era 03057732 01 a 01 cretaceous 1 001 \ 14806598 n 0101 | abounding in chalk 03057807 01 a 01 cybernetic 0 002 + 06142598 n 0101 \ 06142598 n 0101 | of or relating the principles of cybernetics; "cybernetic research" 03057949 01 a 03 cyclonic 0 cyclonal 0 cyclonical 0 007 + 11443721 n 0301 \ 11443721 n 0301 + 11443721 n 0201 \ 11443721 n 0201 + 14521302 n 0101 + 11443721 n 0101 \ 11443721 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a violent tropical storm; "cyclonic destruction" 03058223 01 a 03 cyclonic 1 cyclonal 1 cyclonical 1 006 ;c 06118563 n 0000 + 14521302 n 0301 + 14521302 n 0201 + 14521302 n 0101 + 11443721 n 0101 \ 14521302 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the atmosphere around a low pressure center; "cyclonic cloud pattern" 03058501 01 a 01 cyclopean 0 002 + 09490572 n 0101 \ 09490572 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling the Cyclops; "Cyclopean eye" 03058635 01 a 01 cyclothymic 0 002 + 14392862 n 0101 \ 14392862 n 0101 | of or relating to or exhibiting cyclothymia 03058754 01 a 03 Cyprian 0 Cypriote 0 Cypriot 0 007 + 09699020 n 0301 \ 08756735 n 0301 + 09699020 n 0202 \ 08756735 n 0201 + 09699020 n 0103 + 08756884 n 0101 \ 08756735 n 0101 | of or relating to Cyprus or its people or culture; "Cypriot expatriates"; "Cypriote monasteries" 03059033 01 a 01 Cyrillic 0 002 + 06499796 n 0102 \ 06499796 n 0102 | relating to or written in the alphabet used for writing Slavic languages; "Cyrillic writing" 03059198 01 a 01 dacitic 0 002 + 14726823 n 0101 \ 14726823 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of dacite; "dacitic magma is highly viscous" 03059340 01 a 01 dactylic 0 003 ;c 06170025 n 0000 + 07095148 n 0101 \ 07095148 n 0101 | of or consisting of dactyls; "dactylic meter" 03059477 01 a 01 daisylike 0 001 \ 11939491 n 0101 | resembling a daisy 03059551 01 a 01 Dalmatian 0 003 + 09988918 n 0101 + 08819223 n 0101 \ 08819223 n 0101 | of or relating to Dalmatia or its inhabitants 03059688 01 a 01 damascene 0 002 + 09733580 n 0101 \ 09033936 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Damascus or its people; "damascene city gates" 03059847 01 a 01 defervescent 0 002 + 07368482 n 0101 \ 07368482 n 0101 | of or relating to the reduction of a fever 03059966 01 a 01 departmental 0 003 + 08548733 n 0101 + 08114861 n 0101 \ 08114861 n 0101 | of or relating to a department; "departmental policy" 03060114 01 a 01 interdepartmental 0 002 ! 03060257 a 0101 \ 08114861 n 0101 | between or among departments; "interdepartmental competition" 03060257 01 a 01 intradepartmental 0 002 ! 03060114 a 0101 \ 08114861 n 0101 | within a department; "intradepartmental memos" 03060385 01 a 01 digestive 0 003 + 01197338 v 0101 + 00481555 v 0101 \ 13465809 n 0101 | relating to or having the power to cause or promote digestion; "digestive juices"; "a digestive enzyme"; "digestive ferment" 03060601 01 a 02 Delphic 0 Delphian 0 003 + 08786855 n 0201 \ 08786855 n 0201 \ 08786855 n 0101 | of or relating to Delphi or to the oracles of Apollo at Delphi; "Delphic oracle" 03060782 01 a 02 demagogic 0 demagogical 0 004 + 07187297 n 0202 \ 10001481 n 0201 + 07187297 n 0102 \ 10001481 n 0101 | characteristic of or resembling a demagogue; "demagogic speeches" 03060971 01 a 01 diabetic 0 002 + 14117805 n 0101 \ 14117805 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing diabetes 03061081 01 a 01 disciplinary 0 002 + 05996646 n 0101 \ 05996646 n 0101 | relating to a specific field of academic study; "economics in its modern disciplinary sense" 03061250 01 a 01 interdisciplinary 0 001 \ 05996646 n 0101 | drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study; "interdisciplinary studies"; "an interdisciplinary conference" 03061455 01 a 01 disciplinary 1 003 + 04881623 n 0101 + 01161821 n 0101 \ 04881623 n 0101 | relating to discipline in behavior; "disciplinary problems in the classroom" 03061626 01 a 01 divisional 0 002 + 08213205 n 0101 \ 08213205 n 0101 | of or relating to a military division; "divisional artillery" 03061762 01 a 01 Djiboutian 0 003 + 09700125 n 0101 + 08762495 n 0101 \ 08762495 n 0101 | of or relating to Djibouti or its people or culture; "Djiboutian landscape"; "Djiboutian merchants"; "a Djiboutian storyteller" 03061982 01 a 01 dogmatic 1 002 + 05960464 n 0101 \ 05960464 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative 03062151 01 a 01 dolomitic 0 003 + 14673747 n 0101 + 14838055 n 0101 \ 14838055 n 0101 | relating to or consisting of dolomite 03062280 01 a 01 domiciliary 0 003 + 08559155 n 0101 + 03259505 n 0103 \ 03259505 n 0103 | of or relating to or provided in a domicile; "domiciliary medical care"; "domiciliary caves" 03062466 01 a 01 Dominican 0 001 \ 10778345 n 0101 | of or relating to Saint Dominic or the Dominican order; "Dominican monks" 03062595 01 a 01 Dominican 1 001 \ 08752021 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican Republic or its people; "the Dominican population" 03062754 01 a 01 ducal 0 003 + 10038778 n 0101 + 10038620 n 0101 \ 10038778 n 0101 | of or belonging to or suitable for a duke; "ducal palace" 03062899 01 a 01 ductless 0 001 \ 05250659 n 0101 | not having a duct; "ductless glands" 03062990 01 a 01 Edwardian 0 003 + 10046387 n 0101 + 10951459 n 0101 \ 10951459 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of the era of Edward VII in England; "Edwardian furniture" 03063176 01 a 01 elocutionary 0 002 + 07083246 n 0101 \ 07083246 n 0101 | of or relating to elocution; "elocutionary recitals" 03063305 01 a 02 empiric 0 empirical 0 005 ;u 07073447 n 0000 + 00633108 n 0202 \ 00633108 n 0201 + 00633108 n 0102 \ 00633108 n 0101 | relying on medical quackery; "empiric treatment" 03063492 01 a 01 endometrial 0 002 + 05519820 n 0101 \ 05519820 n 0101 | of or relating to the endometrium 03063601 01 a 01 endoscopic 0 003 + 00642045 n 0101 + 03286572 n 0101 \ 00642045 n 0101 | of or relating to endoscopy 03063721 01 a 02 enteric 0 enteral 0 004 + 05532641 n 0201 \ 05532641 n 0201 + 05532641 n 0101 \ 05532641 n 0101 | of or relating to the enteron 03063868 01 a 02 entomological 0 entomologic 0 004 + 06072275 n 0201 \ 06072275 n 0201 + 06072275 n 0101 \ 06072275 n 0101 | of or relating to the biological science of entomology; "entomological research" 03064076 01 a 02 entozoan 0 endozoan 0 005 + 01385017 n 0205 \ 01385017 n 0205 + 01385017 n 0103 + 01385017 n 0104 \ 01385017 n 0104 | of or relating to entozoa 03064239 01 a 02 epizoan 0 ectozoan 0 004 + 01385330 n 0203 \ 01385330 n 0203 + 01385330 n 0105 \ 01385330 n 0105 | of or relating to epizoa 03064382 01 a 01 entrepreneurial 0 002 + 10060352 n 0101 \ 10060352 n 0101 | of or relating to an entrepreneur; "entrepreneurial risks" 03064520 01 a 01 Eritrean 0 003 + 09705784 n 0101 + 08777544 n 0101 \ 08777544 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Eritrea or its people; "Eritrean civil war" 03064693 01 a 01 Ethiopian 0 003 + 09705124 n 0101 + 08778061 n 0101 \ 08778061 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Ethiopia or its people or languages; "Ethiopian immigrants" 03064883 01 a 02 ethnographic 0 ethnographical 0 003 + 06146546 n 0201 \ 06146546 n 0201 \ 06146546 n 0101 | of or relating to ethnography; "ethnographical data" 03065047 01 a 02 ethnological 0 ethnologic 0 004 + 06146880 n 0201 \ 06146880 n 0201 + 06146880 n 0101 \ 06146880 n 0101 | of or relating to ethnology; "ethnological field work" 03065227 01 a 02 euclidian 0 euclidean 0 004 + 10962302 n 0201 \ 10962302 n 0201 + 10962302 n 0101 \ 10962302 n 0101 | relating to geometry as developed by Euclid; "Euclidian geometry" 03065414 01 a 01 Fabian 0 001 \ 06220819 n 0101 | of or relating to Fabianism; "the Fabian society" 03065516 01 a 02 fatalist 0 fatalistic 0 004 + 05971394 n 0201 \ 05971394 n 0201 + 10080508 n 0101 \ 05971394 n 0101 | of or relating to fatalism; "a fatalist person" 03065685 01 a 02 faecal 0 fecal 0 002 + 14854262 n 0204 + 14854262 n 0103 | of or relating to feces; "fecal matter" 03065804 01 a 01 feudatory 0 002 + 10746581 n 0105 \ 04877938 n 0102 | of or pertaining to the relation of a feudal vassal to his lord; "a feudatory relationship" 03065969 01 a 01 Fijian 0 004 + 09705909 n 0101 + 06938623 n 0101 + 08779149 n 0101 \ 08779149 n 0101 | of or relating to Fiji or its people or language or culture; "the Fijian population"; "Fijian folktales" 03066180 01 a 02 Filipino 0 Philippine 0 005 + 06939756 n 0201 \ 08981244 n 0201 + 09727440 n 0101 + 06939756 n 0102 \ 08981244 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Philippines or its people or customs; "the Philippine President"; "our Filipino cook" 03066448 01 a 01 Flemish 0 003 + 08483788 n 0101 + 06952705 n 0101 \ 08849549 n 0101 | of or relating to Flanders or its people or language or culture; "the Flemish population of Belgium"; "Flemish painters" 03066658 01 a 01 Franciscan 0 002 + 10978098 n 0105 \ 10978098 n 0101 | of or relating to Saint Francis of Assisi or to the order founded by him; "Franciscan monks" 03066825 01 a 01 Gabonese 0 002 + 09710041 n 0101 \ 08945529 n 0101 | of or relating to Gabon or its inhabitants; "Gabonese hills"; "Gabonese writers" 03066978 01 a 01 Gallic 0 002 + 09688487 n 0101 \ 08929722 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Gaul or the Gauls; "Ancient Gallic dialects"; "Gallic migrations"; "the Gallic Wars" 03067153 01 a 01 Gambian 0 003 + 09747495 n 0101 + 08945821 n 0101 \ 08945821 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Gambia or its inhabitants; "Gambian game parks" 03067329 01 a 02 genealogic 0 genealogical 0 004 + 08102402 n 0201 \ 08102402 n 0201 + 05998225 n 0101 \ 08102402 n 0101 | of or relating to genealogy; "genealogical records" 03067506 01 a 01 Georgian 0 005 + 10995592 n 0101 + 10995292 n 0101 + 10995115 n 0101 + 10994906 n 0101 \ 10996285 n 0101 | of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England; "the first Georgian monarch" 03067712 01 a 01 Georgian 4 003 + 09742443 n 0101 + 09075842 n 0101 \ 09075842 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the American state of Georgia or its inhabitants; "the Georgian state capital is Atlanta"; "Georgian peach farmers" 03067957 01 a 01 Georgian 5 002 + 09018848 n 0101 \ 09018848 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Asian republic of Georgia or its people or language; "the Georgian capital is Tbilisi"; "Georgian farmers"; "Georgian vowels" 03068198 01 a 01 Georgian 6 001 \ 09076421 n 0101 | of or relating to the former British colony of Georgia; "the Georgian colony" 03068330 01 a 01 Germanic 0 002 + 06950528 n 0101 \ 06946497 n 0101 | of or relating to the language of Germans; "the Germanic sound shifts" 03068473 01 a 03 Ghanaian 0 Ghanese 0 Ghanian 0 006 + 09748889 n 0301 + 08946187 n 0301 \ 08946187 n 0301 \ 08946187 n 0201 + 08946187 n 0101 \ 08946187 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Ghana or its people or language; "Ghanaian cocoa production" 03068737 01 a 01 Gibraltarian 0 003 + 09749011 n 0101 + 09028841 n 0101 \ 09028841 n 0101 | of or relating to Gibraltar or its inhabitants; "Gibraltarian customs office" 03068909 01 a 01 Gilbertian 0 002 + 10999584 n 0101 \ 10999048 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the style of William S. Gilbert; "Gilbertian libretti" 03069079 01 a 01 gladiatorial 0 002 + 10131815 n 0101 \ 10131815 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling gladiators or their combat; "gladiatorial combats" 03069238 01 a 01 glandular 0 002 + 05327767 n 0101 \ 05327767 n 0101 | relating to or affecting or functioning as a gland; "glandular malfunctions" 03069388 01 a 02 gonadotropic 0 gonadotrophic 0 003 \ 05410315 n 0202 + 05410315 n 0101 \ 05410315 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving gonadotropin 03069542 01 a 01 Gothic 0 001 \ 10139774 n 0101 | of or relating to the Goths; "Gothic migrations" 03069643 01 a 01 Gothic 1 002 + 06955706 n 0101 \ 06955706 n 0101 | of or relating to the language of the ancient Goths; "the Gothic Bible translation" 03069797 01 a 01 Gothic 2 002 + 06826589 n 0101 \ 06826589 n 0101 | characteristic of the style of type commonly used for printing German 03069937 01 a 01 green 0 002 + 10060904 n 0101 \ 08260386 n 0101 | concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party 03070101 01 a 01 greenhouse 0 001 \ 11461268 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by the greenhouse effect; "greenhouse gases" 03070230 01 a 01 greenside 0 002 ;c 00464894 n 0000 \ 08579780 n 0101 | adjacent to a putting green; "greenside bunker" 03070352 01 a 01 Gregorian 2 003 + 11014652 n 0101 \ 11014652 n 0102 \ 15174218 n 0101 | of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the calendar he introduced in 1582 03070517 01 a 01 Gregorian 1 003 + 11013876 n 0101 \ 11013876 n 0102 \ 07035153 n 0103 | of or relating to Pope Gregory I or to the plainsong chants of the Roman Catholic Church 03070697 01 a 01 Grenadian 0 003 + 09749260 n 0101 + 08946909 n 0101 \ 08946909 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Grenada or its inhabitants; "the Grenadian capital" 03070879 01 a 01 growing 0 001 \ 13489037 n 0101 | relating to or suitable for growth; "the growing season for corn"; "good growing weather" 03071022 01 a 01 Guatemalan 0 003 + 09712195 n 0101 + 08737041 n 0101 \ 08737041 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Guatemala or its residents; "Guatemalan coffee" 03071201 01 a 01 Guinean 0 003 + 09749386 n 0101 + 08947319 n 0101 \ 08947319 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Guinea or its inhabitants; "Guinean borders" 03071374 01 a 01 Guyanese 0 002 + 09712324 n 0101 \ 08948346 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Guyana or its inhabitants; "the Guyanese capital" 03071535 01 a 01 gyroscopic 0 002 + 03473227 n 0101 \ 03473227 n 0101 | having the characteristics of a gyroscope 03071651 01 a 01 Haitian 0 003 + 09712448 n 0101 + 08751494 n 0101 \ 08751494 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the republic of Haiti or its people; "Haitian shantytowns" 03071838 01 a 01 Hanoverian 0 004 + 09704368 n 0101 + 10159852 n 0101 + 08154960 n 0101 \ 08154960 n 0101 | of or relating to the former English royal House of Hanover or their supporters 03072028 01 a 01 Hispaniolan 0 002 + 08751317 n 0101 \ 08751317 n 0102 | of or relating to the West Indian island of Hispaniola 03072158 01 a 02 Hispanic 0 Latino 0 003 \ 10629647 n 0203 + 10629647 n 0103 \ 10629647 n 0103 | related to a Spanish-speaking people or culture; "the Hispanic population of California is growing rapidly" 03072365 01 a 02 histological 0 histologic 0 004 + 06077413 n 0201 \ 06077413 n 0201 + 06077413 n 0101 \ 06077413 n 0101 | of or relating to histology 03072518 01 a 01 Hertzian 0 002 + 11046934 n 0101 \ 11046722 n 0101 | of or relating to the physicist Heinrich Hertz or his work; "Hertzian discoveries" 03072673 01 a 02 hiplength 0 hip-length 0 002 \ 08583554 n 0101 \ 08583682 n 0101 | extending to or just over the hips; "a hiplength jacket" 03072816 01 a 01 Hippocratic 0 002 + 11051632 n 0101 \ 11051632 n 0101 | of or relating to Hippocrates or the school of medicine that took his name 03072966 01 a 01 homeopathic 0 002 ! 03073110 a 0101 \ 00710889 n 0101 | of or relating to the practice of homeopathy; "homeopathic medicine" 03073110 01 a 01 allopathic 0 002 ! 03072966 a 0101 \ 00710692 n 0101 | of or relating to the practice of allopathy; "allopathic remedies" 03073251 01 a 01 Homeric 0 002 + 11057381 n 0101 \ 11057381 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Homer or his age or the works attributed to him; "Homeric Greek" 03073420 01 a 02 homiletic 0 homiletical 0 003 \ 05635764 n 0201 + 07244949 n 0101 \ 05635764 n 0101 | of or relating to homiletics; "homiletic speech" 03073574 01 a 02 homiletic 1 homiletical 1 005 + 06183518 n 0201 + 07244949 n 0201 \ 07244949 n 0201 + 07244949 n 0101 \ 07244949 n 0101 | of the nature of a homily or sermon 03073751 01 a 01 hydraulic 0 002 + 06113009 n 0102 \ 06113009 n 0102 | of or relating to the study of hydraulics; "hydraulic engineer" 03073888 01 a 01 hydraulic 1 001 \ 14845743 n 0101 | moved or operated or effected by liquid (water or oil); "hydraulic erosion"; "hydraulic brakes" 03074039 01 a 01 hydropathic 0 001 \ 00711127 n 0101 | of or relating to hydropathy or its administration; "hydropathic treatments" 03074173 01 a 01 Icelandic 0 001 \ 08953324 n 0101 | of or relating to Iceland or its people or culture and language; "Icelandic ports"; "the Icelandic president is a woman"; "Icelandic sagas" 03074368 01 a 02 imperialistic 0 imperialist 0 005 \ 00804909 n 0201 + 06661396 n 0101 + 06218308 n 0101 + 00804909 n 0101 \ 00804909 n 0101 | of or relating to imperialism; "imperialistic wars" 03074565 01 a 03 Indo-European 0 Indo-Aryan 0 Aryan 0 004 + 09635823 n 0301 \ 09635823 n 0302 \ 09635823 n 0202 \ 09635823 n 0102 | of or relating to the former Indo-European people; "Indo-European migrations" 03074777 01 a 02 Indo-European 1 Indo-Germanic 0 002 \ 06941644 n 0201 \ 06941644 n 0101 | of or relating to the Indo-European language family 03074922 01 a 01 tribal 0 004 + 07969695 n 0106 + 08168531 n 0101 + 08372411 n 0101 \ 08372411 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a tribe; "tribal customs" 03075087 01 a 01 intertribal 0 001 \ 08372411 n 0101 | between or among tribes; "intertribal warfare" 03075191 01 a 02 Iranian 0 Persian 0 007 + 09714429 n 0203 + 06974127 n 0201 + 08910668 n 0203 + 09714429 n 0102 + 06973610 n 0101 + 08910668 n 0101 \ 08910668 n 0101 | of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture; "Iranian mountains"; "Iranian security police" 03075470 01 a 02 Iraqi 0 Iraki 0 004 + 09714694 n 0202 \ 08913434 n 0201 + 09714694 n 0101 \ 08913434 n 0101 | of or relating to Iraq or its people or culture; "Iraqi oil"; "Iraqi refugees" 03075662 01 a 01 Italic 0 002 + 06961853 n 0101 \ 06961853 n 0101 | of or relating to the Italic languages; "ancient Italic dialects" 03075798 01 a 01 italic 1 003 + 06350918 n 0101 + 06827344 n 0101 \ 06827344 n 0101 | characterized by slanting characters; "italic characters" 03075944 01 a 01 Jacksonian 0 002 + 11075823 n 0101 \ 11075823 n 0102 | of or pertaining to Andrew Jackson or his presidency or his concepts of popular democracy 03076108 01 a 01 Jacobean 0 001 \ 11079802 n 0102 | of or relating to James I or his reign or times; "Jacobean writers" 03076230 01 a 02 Jacobinic 0 Jacobinical 0 004 + 10218802 n 0201 \ 10218802 n 0201 + 10218802 n 0101 \ 10218802 n 0101 | of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution; "Jacobinic terrorism" 03076432 01 a 01 Jamaican 0 004 + 09718092 n 0101 + 08753729 n 0101 + 08753933 n 0101 \ 08753933 n 0101 | of or relating to Jamaica (the island or the country) or to its inhabitants; "Jamaican rum"; "the Jamaican Prime Minister" 03076663 01 a 02 Javanese 0 Javan 0 006 + 10220080 n 0202 + 08908248 n 0201 \ 08908248 n 0201 + 10220080 n 0101 + 06939431 n 0101 \ 08908248 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Java or its inhabitants or its language; "Javanese temples"; "Javanese dialects" 03076935 01 a 03 Jesuitical 0 Jesuitic 0 Jesuit 0 009 \ 10221520 n 0301 \ 06185138 n 0301 + 06185138 n 0201 + 10221520 n 0201 \ 10221520 n 0201 \ 06185138 n 0201 + 10221520 n 0101 \ 10221520 n 0101 \ 06185138 n 0101 | having qualities characteristic of Jesuits or Jesuitism; "Jesuitical education" 03077235 01 a 01 Jordanian 0 003 + 09718811 n 0101 + 08927186 n 0101 \ 08927186 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Jordan or its people; "Jordanian archeological sites" 03077419 01 a 01 journalistic 0 003 + 06266417 n 0101 + 00611674 n 0101 \ 06266417 n 0101 | of or relating to or having the characteristics of journalism; "journalistic writing" 03077599 01 a 01 Jovian 1 002 + 09573966 n 0101 \ 09573966 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or befitting the Roman deity Jupiter; "Jovian thunderbolts"; "Jovian wrath" 03077765 01 a 01 Jovian 2 002 + 09322454 n 0101 \ 09322454 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of or resembling the planet Jupiter; "Jovian satellites" 03077930 01 a 01 Julian 0 002 + 10878161 n 0102 \ 10878161 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Julius Caesar; "the Julian calendar" 03078076 01 a 01 karyokinetic 0 002 + 13504739 n 0101 \ 13504739 n 0101 | of or relating to the division of the nucleus of a cell during mitosis or meiosis 03078234 01 a 01 Kashmiri 0 003 + 09676021 n 0101 + 06972874 n 0101 \ 08975617 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Kashmir or its people or culture; "the Kashmiri mountains"; "Kashmiri love poems" 03078445 01 a 01 Kazakhstani 0 002 + 09736181 n 0101 \ 09019726 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Kazakhstan or to the Kazakhs or their culture 03078586 01 a 01 Kenyan 0 003 + 09719309 n 0101 + 08928193 n 0101 \ 08928193 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Kenya or its people; "Kenyan mountains" 03078753 01 a 01 knee-length 0 001 \ 05573602 n 0101 | extending to the knee 03078832 01 a 01 Kurdish 0 001 \ 09038990 n 0101 | of or relating to Kurdistan or the Kurds or their language and culture; "Kurdish Moslems" 03078975 01 a 01 Kuwaiti 0 002 + 09719653 n 0101 \ 08929555 n 0101 | of or relating to the capital of Kuwait or its residents; "Kuwaiti streets are lined with luxury stores" 03079151 01 a 01 Kuwaiti 1 002 + 09719653 n 0101 \ 08929243 n 0101 | of or relating to the kingdom of Kuwait or its people; "Kuwaiti ports" 03079293 01 a 01 Lancastrian 2 002 + 08873269 n 0101 \ 08873269 n 0101 | of or relating to the English city of Lancaster or its residents; "Lancastrian city center" 03079460 01 a 01 Lancastrian 3 002 + 08155765 n 0101 \ 08155765 n 0101 | of or relating to the former English royal house or their supporters; "Lancastrian royalty" 03079627 01 a 01 Laotian 0 003 + 09719794 n 0102 + 08956760 n 0101 \ 08956760 n 0101 | of or relating to Laos or its people; "the Laotian Prime Minister"; "Laotian refugees" 03079803 01 a 01 Lao 0 001 \ 09719794 n 0101 | of or relating to a member of the Buddhist people inhabiting the Mekong river in Laos and Thailand 03079951 01 a 01 Laputan 0 002 + 05630539 n 0101 \ 05630539 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Laputa or its people 03080101 01 a 01 Latin 0 001 \ 06962600 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient Latins or the Latin language; "Latin verb conjugations" 03080238 01 a 01 Latin 1 001 \ 08806735 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient region of Latium; "Latin towns" 03080351 01 a 02 Romance 0 Latin 2 002 \ 06963951 n 0201 \ 06963951 n 0101 | relating to languages derived from Latin; "Romance languages" 03080492 01 a 01 Latin 3 001 \ 03080351 a 0101 | relating to people or countries speaking Romance languages; "Latin America" 03080619 01 a 01 Lebanese 0 001 \ 08957381 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Lebanon or its people; "Lebanese mountains" 03080756 01 a 01 lenten 0 001 \ 15242029 n 0101 | of or relating to or suitable for Lent; "lenten food" 03080862 01 a 01 Levantine 0 002 + 09720702 n 0101 \ 08915159 n 0101 | of or relating to the Levant or its inhabitants; "the Levantine coast" 03081006 01 a 01 Liberian 0 003 + 09720842 n 0101 + 08959254 n 0101 \ 08959254 n 0101 | of or relating to Liberia or its people; "Liberian ship owners" 03081160 01 a 01 Libyan 0 003 + 09720967 n 0101 + 08959683 n 0101 \ 08959683 n 0101 | of or relating to Libya or its people; "the Libyan desert"; "Libyan terrorists" 03081328 01 a 01 Liechtensteiner 0 002 + 09721088 n 0101 \ 08960548 n 0101 | of or relating to Liechtenstein or its inhabitants; "Liechtensteiner castles" 03081485 01 a 01 Lilliputian 0 003 + 09601429 n 0101 + 05630734 n 0101 \ 05630734 n 0101 | tiny; relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Lilliput; "the Lilliputian population" 03081681 01 a 01 lithographic 0 001 \ 06680002 n 0101 | of or produced by or involved in lithography; "lithographic reproduction" 03081813 01 a 01 Liverpudlian 0 002 + 08877382 n 0101 \ 08877382 n 0101 | of or relating to Liverpool or its people; "Liverpudlian streets"; "Liverpudlian street urchins" 03081986 01 a 01 Luxemburger 0 001 \ 08960987 n 0103 | of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of Luxemburg or its people 03082125 01 a 01 Luxemburger 2 001 \ 08961402 n 0103 | of or relating to the capital city of Luxemburg; "Luxemburger streets" 03082253 01 a 01 Macedonian 0 002 + 08961630 n 0101 \ 08961630 n 0101 | of or relating to Macedonia or its inhabitants; "Macedonian hills" 03082394 01 a 01 Machiavellian 0 003 + 11147729 n 0101 \ 11147729 n 0101 \ 06214164 n 0101 | of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended; "Machiavellian thinking" 03082589 01 a 01 Madagascan 0 003 + 08961970 n 0101 + 08962187 n 0101 \ 08962187 n 0101 | of or relating to Madagascar or its people; "Madagascan pepper" 03082745 01 a 01 malarial 0 002 + 14077830 n 0101 \ 14077830 n 0101 | of or infected by or resembling malaria; "malarial fever" 03082875 01 a 01 Malawian 0 003 + 09721759 n 0101 + 08962610 n 0101 \ 08962610 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Malawi or its people or culture; "Malawian hills"; "Malawian soldiers" 03083069 01 a 02 Malay 0 Malayan 0 006 + 09712696 n 0202 + 08963369 n 0201 \ 09712696 n 0201 + 09712696 n 0101 + 06938887 n 0101 \ 09712696 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the people or language of Malaysia and the northern Malay Peninsula and parts of the western Malay Archipelago; "Malay peoples"; "Malayan syllable structure" 03083417 01 a 02 Malaysian 0 Malayan 1 005 + 08963369 n 0201 \ 08963369 n 0202 + 09721883 n 0101 + 08963369 n 0101 \ 08963369 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Malaysia; "Malaysian police crack down hard on drug smugglers"; "Malayan crocodiles" 03083678 01 a 01 Malian 0 003 + 09722279 n 0101 + 08965598 n 0101 \ 08965598 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Mali or its people; "Malian deserts" 03083842 01 a 01 Maltese 0 002 \ 08966408 n 0101 \ 08966239 n 0101 | of or relating to the island or republic of Malta or its inhabitants; "Maltese customs officers" 03084010 01 a 01 Malthusian 0 004 + 10286749 n 0101 + 11152856 n 0101 \ 11152856 n 0101 \ 05995726 n 0101 | of or relating to Thomas Malthus or to Malthusianism; "Malthusian theories" 03084196 01 a 01 Mancunian 0 003 + 09704876 n 0101 + 08876975 n 0101 \ 08876975 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the English city of Manchester or its residents; "Mancunian merchants" 03084397 01 a 01 manorial 0 003 + 13252168 n 0101 + 03718458 n 0101 \ 03718458 n 0101 | of or relating to or based on the manor; "manorial accounts" 03084548 01 a 01 Manx 0 002 + 06961221 n 0101 \ 08887716 n 0101 | of or relating to the Isle of Man or its inhabitants or their language; "the Manx fishing industry"; "there are few Manx speakers alive today" 03084759 01 a 02 Mauritanian 0 Mauritian 1 009 + 09722530 n 0201 + 08967329 n 0201 + 08967484 n 0201 \ 08967329 n 0201 \ 08967484 n 0201 + 09722399 n 0101 + 08966820 n 0101 \ 08967329 n 0101 \ 08967484 n 0101 | of or related to the island or country of Mauritius or its inhabitants; "Mauritanian tropical fish" 03085072 01 a 01 mayoral 0 002 + 10303814 n 0101 \ 10303814 n 0101 | of or relating to a mayor or the office of mayor; "mayoral elections" 03085213 01 a 01 Mediterranean 0 002 + 09350045 n 0101 \ 09350045 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of or located near the Mediterranean Sea; "Mediterranean countries" 03085394 01 a 01 megalithic 0 002 + 03743016 n 0101 \ 03743016 n 0101 | of or relating to megaliths or the people who erected megaliths; "megalithic monuments like Stonehenge" 03085572 01 a 01 membranous 0 002 + 03743761 n 0101 \ 05426243 n 0101 | relating to or made of or similar to a membrane; "membranous lining" 03085715 01 a 01 Mendelian 0 002 + 11173199 n 0101 \ 11173199 n 0101 | of or relating to Gregor Mendel or in accord with Mendel's laws; "Mendelian inheritance" 03085877 01 a 01 mentholated 0 001 \ 14950394 n 0101 | containing, or impregnated with, menthol; "mentholated cough syrup" 03086002 01 a 01 meritocratic 0 003 + 07973088 n 0101 + 06218824 n 0101 \ 07973088 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a meritocracy; "meritocratic society" 03086167 01 a 01 metacarpal 0 002 + 05593871 n 0101 \ 05593871 n 0101 | of or relating to the metacarpus; "metacarpal bones" 03086294 01 a 02 metallurgical 0 metallurgic 0 004 + 06125698 n 0201 \ 06125698 n 0201 + 06125698 n 0101 \ 06125698 n 0101 | of or relating to metallurgy; "metallurgical engineer" 03086476 01 a 01 metatarsal 0 002 + 05594568 n 0101 \ 05594568 n 0101 | of or relating to the metatarsus; "metatarsal bones" 03086603 01 a 01 methylated 0 001 \ 14952122 n 0101 | having received a methyl group; "methylated alcohol" 03086712 01 a 01 milch 0 001 \ 05399034 n 0101 | giving milk; bred or suitable primarily for milk production; "milch goats, milch camels" 03086852 01 a 01 millenary 1 002 + 15263283 n 0101 \ 15263283 n 0101 | of or relating to the doctrine of the millennium 03086974 01 a 01 mineral 1 001 \ 14662574 n 0101 | relating to minerals; "mineral elements"; "mineral deposits" 03087088 01 a 02 Mongol 0 Mongolian 1 006 + 09644152 n 0202 + 06928839 n 0201 + 08968677 n 0201 \ 08968677 n 0201 + 09644152 n 0101 \ 08968677 n 0101 | of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures; "the Mongol invaders"; "a Mongolian pony"; "Mongolian syntax strongly resembles Korean syntax" 03087424 01 a 01 Mongolian 2 002 + 08968879 n 0101 \ 08968879 n 0101 | of or relating to the modern Mongolian People's Republic; "the Mongolian embassy" 03087579 01 a 01 mongoloid 0 001 \ 14159623 n 0101 | of or relating to or suffering from Down syndrome; 03087685 01 a 01 Mongoloid 1 002 ;c 06143546 n 0000 \ 08968677 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of one of the traditional racial division of humankind including especially peoples of central and eastern Asia 03087909 01 a 01 mongoloid 2 001 \ 09644152 n 0101 | characteristic of or resembling a Mongol; "the mongoloid epicanthic fold" 03088038 01 a 01 Montserratian 0 003 + 09723228 n 0101 + 08711300 n 0101 \ 09723228 n 0101 | of or relating to Montserrat or the inhabitants of Montserrat; "Montserratian natives" 03088220 01 a 02 Moorish 0 Moresque 0 003 \ 09723361 n 0201 + 05843687 n 0101 \ 09723361 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the Moors; "Moorish courtyard" 03088384 01 a 01 Mozambican 0 003 + 09723689 n 0101 + 08971025 n 0101 \ 09723689 n 0101 | of or relating to the people of Mozambique; "Mozambican troops are at the border" 03088558 01 a 01 Mozambican 1 002 + 08971025 n 0101 \ 08971025 n 0101 | of or relating to or located in Mozambique; "Mozambican towns" 03088695 01 a 01 Muscovite 0 002 + 09729062 n 0101 \ 09729062 n 0101 | of or relating to the residents of Moscow; "Muscovite street dealers" 03088838 01 a 01 Namibian 0 003 + 09723819 n 0101 + 08699654 n 0101 \ 08699654 n 0101 | of or relating to Namibia or its people 03088968 01 a 01 Nauruan 0 003 + 09723944 n 0101 + 08841209 n 0101 \ 08841483 n 0101 | of or relating to the island republic of Nauru or its residents 03089121 01 a 03 Neanderthal 0 Neanderthalian 0 Neandertal 0 006 + 02475078 n 0303 \ 02475078 n 0302 + 02475078 n 0204 \ 02475078 n 0202 + 02475078 n 0104 \ 02475078 n 0102 | relating to or belonging to or resembling Neanderthal man; "Neanderthal skull" 03089377 01 a 02 nebular 0 nebulous 0 005 ;c 06095022 n 0000 + 09366940 n 0201 \ 09366940 n 0201 + 09366940 n 0101 \ 09366940 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a nebula; "the nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system" 03089615 01 a 01 nectariferous 0 002 + 11683838 n 0101 \ 11683838 n 0101 | possessing nectaries 03089713 01 a 01 nectar-rich 0 001 \ 14846779 n 0101 | of plants that are rich in nectar 03089804 01 a 01 eolithic 0 001 \ 15232236 n 0101 | of or relating to the earliest period of the Stone Age (characterized by the use of eoliths) 03089951 01 a 01 mesolithic 0 001 \ 15233239 n 0101 | of or relating to a middle period of the Stone Age (following the paleolithic) 03090086 01 a 01 neolithic 0 001 \ 15233411 n 0101 | of or relating to the most recent period of the Stone Age (following the mesolithic); "evidence of neolithic settlements" 03090263 01 a 02 paleolithic 0 palaeolithic 0 002 \ 15231964 n 0201 \ 15232406 n 0101 | of or relating to the second period of the Stone Age (following the eolithic); "paleolithic artifacts" 03090456 01 a 01 neuralgic 0 003 + 14329262 n 0102 + 14329262 n 0101 \ 14329262 n 0101 | of or relating to or suffering from neuralgia; "neuralgic pains" 03090612 01 a 01 neurasthenic 0 003 + 10353813 n 0101 + 14066959 n 0101 \ 14066959 n 0101 | of or relating to or suffering from neurasthenia; "neurasthenic tendencies" 03090782 01 a 02 Nicaean 0 Nicene 0 003 \ 08504151 n 0201 + 08504151 n 0101 \ 08504151 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient city of Nicaea in Asia Minor 03090939 01 a 01 Nicaraguan 0 002 + 08738820 n 0101 \ 08738820 n 0101 | of or relating to Nicaragua or is people; "Nicaraguan earthquakes" 03091080 01 a 02 Nigerian 0 Nigerien 0 004 \ 09724785 n 0201 + 09724785 n 0101 + 08973330 n 0101 \ 09724785 n 0101 | of or relating to the people of Nigeria; "a Nigerian novelist won the Nobel Prize for literature this year" 03091307 01 a 01 Nigerian 1 003 + 09724785 n 0101 + 08973330 n 0101 \ 08973776 n 0101 | of or relating to Nigeria; "the Nigerian capital used to be Lagos" 03091464 01 a 01 Nilotic 0 002 + 06998108 n 0101 \ 06998108 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting the Nilotic group of languages; "Nilotic syntax" 03091618 01 a 01 Nilotic 1 002 + 09371360 n 0101 \ 09371360 n 0101 | of or relating to the Nile River or the people living near it 03091751 01 a 01 nitrogen-fixing 0 001 \ 13522305 n 0101 | contributing to the process of nitrogen fixation 03091861 01 a 02 nitrogenous 0 nitrogen-bearing 0 002 + 14647235 n 0101 \ 14647235 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing nitrogen 03091996 01 a 03 azotic 0 nitric 0 nitrous 0 006 + 14861355 n 0305 \ 14647235 n 0301 + 14861355 n 0205 \ 14647235 n 0201 + 14647623 n 0101 \ 14647623 n 0101 | of or containing nitrogen; "nitric acid" 03092198 01 a 01 nodular 0 004 + 13088989 n 0101 + 09371941 n 0101 + 05265038 n 0101 \ 05265038 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by or having nodules; "Nodular vaginitis" 03092376 01 a 01 nontranslational 0 002 ! 03125925 a 0101 \ 07446404 n 0101 | of or relating to movement that is not uniform or not without rotation 03092527 01 a 01 Nordic 0 001 \ 08760393 n 0101 | relating to Germany and Scandinavia; "Hitler wanted Nordic people to rule Europe" 03092661 01 a 01 Nordic 1 001 \ 06953731 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting the Scandinavian group of languages; "Nordic languages have a gender system" 03092824 01 a 01 Norman 0 001 \ 09713260 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Normans; "the Norman Invasion in 1066" 03092958 01 a 01 Norman 1 001 \ 08944561 n 0102 | of or relating to or characteristic of Normandy; "Norman beaches" 03093076 01 a 01 Olympic 0 001 \ 07457126 n 0101 | of or relating to the Olympic Games; "Olympic winners" 03093184 01 a 01 Olympian 0 003 + 09378529 n 0101 \ 09378529 n 0102 + 09553347 n 0101 | of or pertaining to the greater gods of ancient Greece whose abode was Mount Olympus; "Olympian deities" 03093379 01 a 02 Olympian 1 Olympic 1 003 + 08790953 n 0201 \ 08790953 n 0201 \ 08790953 n 0101 | of the region of Olympia in Greece or its inhabitants; "Olympian plain" 03093551 01 a 01 Omani 0 002 + 09725653 n 0101 \ 08975106 n 0101 | of or relating to Oman or its people; "Omani oil producers"; "Omani ports" 03093695 01 a 01 open-source 0 002 ;c 06128570 n 0000 \ 06358513 n 0101 | of or relating to or being computer software for which the source code is freely available 03093862 01 a 01 optative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 13802098 n 0101 | relating to a mood of verbs in some languages; "optative verb endings" 03094006 01 a 01 optative 1 002 + 00679389 v 0103 \ 05790944 n 0101 | indicating an option or wish 03094107 01 a 01 subjunctive 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 13801937 n 0101 | relating to a mood of verbs; "subjunctive verb endings" 03094239 01 a 01 implicational 0 002 + 13860281 n 0101 \ 13860281 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with logical implication; " implicational language universals" 03094404 01 a 01 imperative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 13802306 n 0101 | relating to verbs in the imperative mood 03094520 01 a 02 indicative 0 declarative 0 004 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 13801700 n 0204 \ 13801700 n 0203 \ 13801700 n 0101 | relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements; "indicative mood" 03094740 01 a 01 interrogative 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 13802485 n 0101 | relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood; "not all questions have an interrogative construction" 03094928 01 a 01 ornithological 0 002 + 06073494 n 0101 \ 06073494 n 0101 | of or relating to ornithology; "her ornithological interests" 03095068 01 a 03 orthopedic 0 orthopaedic 0 orthopedical 0 004 + 06064106 n 0301 \ 06064106 n 0301 \ 06064106 n 0201 \ 06064106 n 0101 | of or relating to orthopedics; "orthopedic shoes" 03095257 01 a 01 orthoptic 0 002 + 00708957 n 0101 \ 05656042 n 0101 | of or relating to normal binocular vision 03095372 01 a 01 outdoor 0 001 \ 08613733 n 0101 | pertaining to or concerning the outdoors or outdoor activities; "outdoor education is the area of teacher training concerned with training for outdoor activities" 03095588 01 a 01 Oxonian 0 003 + 09705003 n 0101 + 08877807 n 0101 \ 08877807 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of the city of Oxford, England, or its inhabitants; "his Oxonian neighbors"; "Oxonian bookstores" 03095813 01 a 01 Oxonian 1 002 + 03868509 n 0102 \ 03868509 n 0102 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of Oxford University; "Oxonian education" 03095964 01 a 01 Pakistani 0 002 + 09725772 n 0101 \ 08975902 n 0101 | of or relating to Pakistan or its people or language; "Pakistani mountain passes"; "Pakistani soldiers" 03096141 01 a 01 palatial 0 002 + 03877845 n 0101 \ 03877845 n 0101 | relating to or being a palace; "the palatial residence" 03096269 01 a 01 Papuan 0 003 + 06941115 n 0101 + 08844923 n 0101 \ 08844923 n 0101 | of or relating to Papua or its people or language; "Papuan native crafts"; "Papuan vowels" 03096448 01 a 02 paralytic 0 paralytical 0 004 + 14558226 n 0201 \ 14558226 n 0201 + 14558226 n 0101 \ 14558226 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of paralysis; "paralytic symptoms" 03096635 01 a 01 parenteral 0 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 \ 05532225 n 0101 | located outside the alimentary tract 03096747 01 a 01 parenteral 1 002 ;c 06043075 n 0000 \ 03096635 a 0101 | administered by means other than through the alimentary tract (as by intramuscular or intravenous injection) 03096931 01 a 01 Parthian 0 003 + 09726374 n 0101 + 08978821 n 0101 \ 08978821 n 0101 | pertaining to Parthia or its people or language or culture; "Parthian archeology" 03097103 01 a 01 participial 0 004 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06330528 n 0102 + 06330528 n 0101 \ 06330528 n 0101 | of or relating to or consisting of participles; "participial inflections" 03097289 01 a 01 partitive 0 003 + 06301792 n 0101 + 01557774 v 0103 \ 00397953 n 0102 | indicating or characterized by or serving to create partition or division into parts; "partitive tendencies in education" 03097502 01 a 01 partitive 2 001 \ 13809207 n 0101 | (Romance languages) relating to or denoting a part of a whole or a quantity that is less than the whole; "a partitive construction" 03097689 01 a 01 patronymic 0 003 + 06335832 n 0101 + 06335832 n 0102 \ 06335832 n 0101 | of or derived from a personal or family name 03097826 01 a 01 pectic 0 002 + 14978232 n 0101 \ 14978232 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from pectin; "pectic acid" 03097952 01 a 02 penile 0 penial 0 003 + 05526384 n 0201 \ 05526384 n 0201 \ 05526384 n 0101 | of or relating to the penis; "penile erection" 03098096 01 a 01 scrotal 0 002 + 05517406 n 0101 \ 05517406 n 0101 | relating to or having or lying within a scrotum; "scrotal mammals"; "scrotal testes" 03098252 01 a 01 peninsular 0 002 + 09388848 n 0101 \ 09388848 n 0101 | of or forming or resembling a peninsula; "peninsular isolation" 03098390 01 a 01 pentavalent 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 05034473 n 0101 | having a valence of five 03098491 01 a 01 pentecostal 0 003 + 15197042 n 0105 + 15242209 n 0101 \ 15242209 n 0101 | of or relating to or occurring at Pentecost 03098628 01 a 01 pentecostal 1 002 + 10414865 n 0101 \ 08087319 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of any of various Pentecostal religious bodies or their members 03098803 01 a 02 pharmaceutical 0 pharmaceutic 0 011 + 06055300 n 0201 + 03249342 n 0205 + 10421470 n 0201 + 06055300 n 0202 \ 06055300 n 0202 \ 10421470 n 0201 + 06055300 n 0102 + 06055300 n 0101 + 03249342 n 0105 \ 06055300 n 0102 \ 10421470 n 0101 | of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists; "the pharmaceutical industry" 03099131 01 a 01 pharmaceutical 1 002 + 03920989 n 0101 \ 03920989 n 0101 | of or relating to drugs used in medical treatment 03099259 01 a 01 philharmonic 0 001 \ 08248157 n 0101 | composing or characteristic of an orchestral group; "philharmonic players" 03099392 01 a 01 Philistine 0 003 + 10422871 n 0101 \ 10422871 n 0101 \ 08799706 n 0101 | of or relating to ancient Philistia or its culture or its people 03099549 01 a 01 phonic 1 002 + 07111047 n 0101 \ 05650820 n 0102 | relating to speech 03099638 01 a 01 phonic 2 001 \ 00888409 n 0101 | pertaining to the phonic method of teaching reading 03099742 01 a 02 phosphorous 0 phosphoric 0 004 + 14649197 n 0201 \ 14649197 n 0201 + 14649197 n 0101 \ 14649197 n 0101 | containing or characteristic of phosphorus; "phosphoric acid" 03099928 01 a 01 pineal 0 001 \ 05485098 n 0102 | relating to the pineal body; "pineal hormone" 03100026 01 a 01 piratical 0 004 + 10437262 n 0105 + 10435367 n 0101 + 03947888 n 0101 \ 10435367 n 0101 | characteristic of pirates; "piratical attackers" 03100184 01 a 01 piratical 1 002 + 00750405 n 0104 \ 00750405 n 0104 | characteristic of piracy; "piratical editions of my book" 03100315 01 a 02 piscatorial 0 piscatory 0 002 \ 00454121 n 0201 \ 00454121 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing; "a piscatory life" 03100479 01 a 01 pituitary 0 002 + 05483890 n 0101 \ 05483890 n 0101 | of or relating to the pituitary gland; "pituitary hormone" 03100611 01 a 01 polygonal 0 001 \ 13866144 n 0101 | having many sides or relating to a surface marked by polygons; "polygonal structure" 03100751 01 a 02 polynomial 0 multinomial 0 003 \ 05861855 n 0202 + 05861855 n 0101 \ 05861855 n 0101 | having the character of a polynomial; "a polynomial expression" 03100921 01 a 01 porcine 0 001 \ 02395003 n 0101 | relating to or suggesting swine; "comparison between human and porcine pleasures" 03101056 01 a 01 porphyritic 0 002 + 14996395 n 0101 \ 14996395 n 0101 | (of rocks) consisting of porphyry or containing large crystals in a fine groundmass of minerals 03101227 01 a 01 postganglionic 0 001 \ 05296968 n 0101 | beyond or distal to a ganglion (referring especially to the unmyelinated fibers that originate from cells in autonomic ganglia) 03101415 01 a 01 postictal 0 001 \ 14081941 n 0102 | pertaining to the period following a seizure or convulsion; "postictal drowsiness" 03101553 01 a 01 postmillennial 0 001 \ 15263283 n 0101 | of or relating to the period following the millennium 03101667 01 a 01 postural 0 003 + 05002822 n 0103 + 05079866 n 0102 \ 05002822 n 0103 | of or relating to or involving posture; "postural exercises" 03101818 01 a 04 praetorian 0 praetorial 0 pretorian 0 pretorial 0 009 + 10463028 n 0401 \ 10463028 n 0401 + 10463028 n 0302 + 10463028 n 0301 \ 10463028 n 0301 + 10463028 n 0201 \ 10463028 n 0201 + 10463028 n 0101 \ 10463028 n 0101 | of or relating to a Roman praetor; "praetorial powers" 03102110 01 a 01 Pre-Raphaelite 0 002 + 10465248 n 0101 \ 10465248 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the Pre-Raphaelites; "the Pre-Raphaelite painters" 03102278 01 a 01 prepositional 0 002 ;c 06172789 n 0000 \ 06325145 n 0101 | of or relating to or formed with a preposition; "prepositional phrase" 03102427 01 a 01 primiparous 0 002 + 10472274 n 0101 \ 10472274 n 0101 | of or relating to a woman who has given birth only once 03102558 01 a 01 prismatic 0 003 + 13884511 n 0101 + 04005340 n 0101 \ 04005340 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling or constituting a prism; "prismatic form" 03102723 01 a 01 prefectural 0 003 + 08626947 n 0101 + 00596496 n 0101 \ 08626947 n 0101 | of or relating to a prefecture; "a prefectural museum" 03102871 01 a 01 probabilistic 0 004 + 05091770 n 0101 + 04756172 n 0101 + 05975258 n 0101 \ 05091770 n 0101 | of or relating to or based on probability; "probabilistic quantum theory" 03103058 01 a 01 probabilistic 1 002 + 06160781 n 0101 \ 06160781 n 0101 | of or relating to the Roman Catholic philosophy of probabilism 03103198 01 a 01 procedural 0 005 + 06582403 n 0104 + 00577068 n 0102 + 01023636 n 0101 + 01023820 n 0101 \ 01023636 n 0101 | of or relating to procedure; "a procedural violation" 03103380 01 a 01 processional 0 001 \ 00296585 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of a procession; "in good processional order" 03103520 01 a 01 processional 1 001 \ 00296585 n 0101 | intended for use in a procession; "processional music"; "processional cross" 03103655 01 a 01 proconsular 0 003 + 10478462 n 0101 + 10478293 n 0101 \ 10478462 n 0101 | of or relating to or typical of a proconsul; "proconsular offices" 03103815 01 a 01 promotional 0 001 \ 07247071 n 0101 | of or relating to serving as publicity; "promotional fares" 03103932 01 a 01 promotional 1 001 \ 07251984 n 0101 | of or relating to advancement; "promotional exams" 03104040 01 a 01 propulsive 0 001 \ 11497777 n 0101 | having the power to propel; "propulsive coefficient" 03104149 01 a 01 Prussian 0 002 + 08775784 n 0101 \ 08775784 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Prussia or its inhabitants; "Prussian officers"; "Prussian aristocracy" 03104332 01 a 01 pudendal 0 002 + 05514272 n 0101 \ 05514272 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the pudendum; "pudendal nerve" 03104461 01 a 01 puerile 0 002 + 04928760 n 0102 \ 09918248 n 0101 | of or characteristic of a child; "puerile breathing" 03104585 01 a 01 pugilistic 0 003 + 00445802 n 0102 \ 00445802 n 0102 \ 09870208 n 0102 | of or relating to pugilism or pugilists; "a pugilistic career" 03104740 01 a 02 Carthaginian 0 Punic 0 004 + 06989657 n 0201 + 09697070 n 0101 + 08919949 n 0101 \ 08919949 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Carthage or its people or their language; "the Punic Wars"; "Carthaginian peace" 03104988 01 a 01 purgatorial 0 003 + 13937406 n 0101 + 05631449 n 0101 \ 05631449 n 0101 | of or resembling purgatory; "purgatorial fires" 03105129 01 a 03 purgatorial 1 purging 1 purifying 0 003 \ 00252662 n 0303 \ 00252662 n 0203 \ 00252662 n 0103 | serving to purge or rid of sin; "purgatorial rites" 03105296 01 a 01 puritanical 0 003 + 04639591 n 0101 \ 10494195 n 0101 \ 06232635 n 0101 | of or relating to Puritans or Puritanism 03105430 01 a 02 pyemic 0 pyaemic 0 004 + 14190736 n 0202 \ 14190736 n 0202 + 14190736 n 0101 \ 14190736 n 0101 | of or relating to pyemia 03105571 01 a 01 pyloric 0 002 + 05535095 n 0101 \ 05535095 n 0101 | relating to or near the pylorus 03105674 01 a 01 pyogenic 0 001 \ 14210888 n 0101 | producing pus 03105742 01 a 01 pyrectic 0 003 + 14584502 n 0102 + 14365356 n 0104 \ 14584502 n 0101 | having or causing fever 03105856 01 a 01 pyrochemical 0 002 + 13544279 n 0102 \ 14806838 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by chemical reactions at high temperatures 03106005 01 a 02 pyroelectric 0 pyroelectrical 0 004 + 11435661 n 0201 \ 11435661 n 0201 + 11435661 n 0101 \ 11435661 n 0101 | relating to or exhibiting pyroelectricity 03106176 01 a 01 pyrogallic 0 002 + 14615400 n 0101 \ 14615400 n 0101 | of or relating to pyrogallol 03106279 01 a 03 pyrogenic 1 pyrogenous 1 pyrogenetic 1 004 \ 14584502 n 0301 + 14584502 n 0201 \ 14584502 n 0201 \ 14584502 n 0101 | produced by or producing fever 03106446 01 a 01 pyrographic 0 002 + 00938240 n 0101 \ 00938240 n 0101 | of or relating to or produced by pyrography 03106565 01 a 02 pyroligneous 0 pyrolignic 0 002 \ 07360077 n 0201 \ 07360077 n 0101 | of a substance produced by the effect of heat on wood, especially by destructive distillation 03106748 01 a 01 pyrolytic 0 002 + 07360077 n 0101 \ 07360077 n 0101 | resulting from pyrolysis 03106846 01 a 02 pyrotechnic 0 pyrotechnical 0 005 + 00617692 n 0201 + 00617692 n 0202 \ 00617692 n 0201 + 00617692 n 0102 \ 00617692 n 0101 | of or relating to the craft of making fireworks; "pyrotechnic smokes" 03107061 01 a 01 pyrrhic 0 002 + 11249890 n 0101 \ 11249890 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling Pyrrhus or his exploits (especially his sustaining staggering losses in order to defeat the Romans); "a Pyrrhic victory" 03107285 01 a 01 pyrrhic 1 002 + 07095895 n 0101 \ 07095895 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing a metrical foot of two unstressed syllables; "pyrrhic verses" 03107450 01 a 01 pyrrhic 2 002 + 00542584 n 0101 \ 00542584 n 0101 | of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece; "pyrrhic dance movements" 03107596 01 a 02 Qatari 0 Katari 0 004 + 09728137 n 0202 \ 08986905 n 0201 + 09728137 n 0101 \ 08986905 n 0101 | of or concerning Qatar or its inhabitants; "the Qatari ruling family"; "Qatari oil wells" 03107801 01 a 01 quadratic 0 001 \ 13731021 n 0101 | of or relating to the second power; "quadratic equation" 03107913 01 a 01 biquadratic 0 005 + 13731356 n 0102 + 06670390 n 0102 + 05862113 n 0101 + 13731356 n 0101 \ 13731356 n 0103 | of or relating to the fourth power 03108077 01 a 01 quadratic 1 001 \ 13878634 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a square; "quadratic shapes" 03108193 01 a 04 quadraphonic 0 quadriphonic 0 quadrasonic 0 quadrisonic 0 005 \ 04030965 n 0401 \ 04030965 n 0301 \ 04030965 n 0201 + 04030965 n 0101 \ 04030965 n 0101 | of or relating to quadraphony; "his quadraphonic sound system" 03108429 01 a 02 quincentennial 0 quincentenary 0 002 \ 15252021 n 0202 \ 15252021 n 0101 | of or relating to a 500th anniversary; "the quincentennial celebration of the founding of the city" 03108623 01 a 02 Quechuan 0 Kechuan 0 008 + 06917083 n 0205 + 09726970 n 0202 \ 09726970 n 0201 \ 06917083 n 0201 + 09726970 n 0101 + 06917083 n 0101 \ 09726970 n 0101 \ 06917083 n 0101 | of or relating to the Quechua or their language 03108861 01 a 01 Rabelaisian 0 002 + 11251225 n 0101 \ 11251225 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works; "Rabelaisian characters" 03109032 01 a 01 rayless 0 001 \ 13131516 n 0101 | having no parts resembling rays; not having ray flowers 03109141 01 a 02 recessionary 0 recessive 0 002 \ 14013368 n 0201 \ 14013368 n 0101 | of or pertaining to a recession 03109261 01 a 01 recessional 0 004 + 08429556 n 0102 + 07037232 n 0101 + 00057486 n 0102 \ 00057486 n 0102 | of or relating to receding 03109399 01 a 03 redemptive 0 redemptional 0 redemptory 0 006 + 02551602 v 0302 \ 00094001 n 0301 + 00094001 n 0201 \ 00094001 n 0201 + 02551602 v 0102 \ 00094001 n 0101 | of or relating to or resulting in redemption; "a redemptive theory about life"- E.K.Brown 03109663 01 a 01 regimental 0 002 + 08213817 n 0101 \ 08213817 n 0101 | belonging to or concerning a regiment; "regimental units" 03109795 01 a 01 residential 0 002 + 01053920 n 0102 \ 01053920 n 0102 | of or relating to or connected with residence; "a residential requirement for the doctorate" 03109963 01 a 01 residuary 1 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 \ 13810818 n 0105 | entitled to the residue of an estate (after payment of debts and specific gifts); "the residuary part of the estate"; "the residuary beneficiary" 03110183 01 a 01 resistive 0 002 + 11503968 n 0105 \ 11503968 n 0104 | exhibiting or relating to electrical resistance; "resistive load" 03110322 01 a 01 respiratory 0 004 + 00002573 v 0101 + 00002325 v 0101 + 00001740 v 0103 \ 00830811 n 0101 | pertaining to respiration; "respiratory assistance" 03110485 01 a 01 inspiratory 0 002 + 00005041 v 0102 \ 00836788 n 0101 | pertaining to the drawing in phase of respiration 03110610 01 a 01 expiratory 0 002 + 00004227 v 0102 \ 00835267 n 0102 | of or relating to the breathing out phase of respiration 03110741 01 a 02 responsive 0 antiphonal 0 004 + 07034516 n 0202 + 07033245 n 0201 \ 07033245 n 0201 \ 06385582 n 0101 | containing or using responses; alternating; "responsive reading"; "antiphonal laughter" 03110952 01 a 01 retentive 0 002 + 04946400 n 0101 \ 00810598 n 0101 | having the capacity to retain something 03111065 01 a 01 reversionary 0 003 ;c 08441203 n 0000 + 13341350 n 0101 \ 13341350 n 0101 | of or relating to or involving a reversion (especially a legal reversion); "reversionary annuity"; "reversionary interest" 03111283 01 a 01 Rhenish 0 002 + 07897200 n 0102 \ 09408540 n 0101 | of or relating to the Rhine River and the lands adjacent to it; "Rhenish wines tend to be sweet" 03111451 01 a 01 rhizomatous 0 002 + 13128582 n 0101 \ 13128582 n 0101 | producing or possessing or resembling rhizomes 03111573 01 a 01 rhizoidal 0 001 \ 12974826 n 0101 | of or relating to a rhizoid 03111656 01 a 02 rhomboid 0 rhomboidal 0 004 + 13883133 n 0201 \ 13883133 n 0201 + 13883133 n 0101 \ 13883133 n 0101 | shaped like a rhombus or rhomboid; "rhomboidal shapes" 03111832 01 a 01 ritualistic 0 003 + 06148002 n 0101 + 01031023 n 0101 \ 01031023 n 0101 | of or characterized by or adhering to ritualism; "a feudal or ritualistic society"; "the ritualistic killing of a sheep" 03112046 01 a 01 romaic 0 002 + 06976833 n 0101 \ 08780881 n 0101 | relating to modern Greece or its inhabitants or its language 03112177 01 a 02 Romany 0 Romani 0 002 \ 10154186 n 0201 \ 10154186 n 0101 | of or relating to the Gypsies or their language or culture; "Romani nomads"; "Romany folk songs"; "a Gypsy fortune-teller" 03112379 01 a 01 rotational 0 001 \ 00342028 n 0101 | of or pertaining to rotation; "rotational inertia" 03112486 01 a 02 Rwandan 0 Ruandan 0 002 \ 08815046 n 0201 \ 08815046 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Rwanda; "Rwandan mountains" 03112615 01 a 01 Sabahan 0 002 + 08964288 n 0101 \ 08964288 n 0101 | of or pertaining to Sabah or its people; "Sabahan tribesmen" 03112747 01 a 01 Sabbatarian 0 002 + 15164750 n 0101 \ 15164750 n 0101 | pertaining to the Sabbath and its observance 03112867 01 a 01 sabbatical 0 001 \ 15139849 n 0102 | of or relating to sabbatical leave; "sabbatical research project" 03112989 01 a 02 sabbatical 1 sabbatic 0 003 \ 15164750 n 0201 + 15164750 n 0101 \ 15164750 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sabbath; "Friday is a sabbatical day for Muslims" 03113164 01 a 01 sacral 0 002 + 05279407 n 0101 \ 05279407 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the sacrum 03113271 01 a 01 sacrificial 0 002 + 00227595 n 0101 \ 00227595 n 0101 | used in or connected with a sacrifice; "sacrificial lamb" 03113404 01 a 01 Samoan 0 002 + 08991491 n 0101 \ 08991491 n 0101 | of or relating to Samoa or its people or language or culture; "Samoan fishing industry" 03113562 01 a 01 San_Marinese 0 002 + 09729945 n 0101 \ 08992181 n 0101 | of or relating to San Marino or its people; "San Marinese castles" 03113705 01 a 01 Sarawakian 0 003 + 09730077 n 0101 + 08964474 n 0101 \ 08964474 n 0101 | of or relating to Sarawak or its people; "Sarawakian beaches"; "Sarawakian natives" 03113881 01 a 02 satyric 0 satyrical 0 006 + 10552980 n 0201 + 09548111 n 0201 \ 09548111 n 0201 + 10552980 n 0101 + 09548111 n 0101 \ 09548111 n 0101 | of or relating to or having the characteristics of a satyr; "this satyric old man pursues young girls" 03114139 01 a 02 Saudi-Arabian 0 Saudi 0 004 + 09729387 n 0201 \ 08993288 n 0201 + 08993288 n 0101 \ 08993288 n 0101 | of or relating to Saudi Arabia or its people; "the Saudi-Arabian desert"; "the Saudi royal family" 03114359 01 a 03 saxicolous 0 saxatile 0 saxicoline 0 003 \ 13124019 n 0304 \ 13124019 n 0204 \ 13124019 n 0104 | growing on or living among rocks 03114508 01 a 01 Saxon 0 003 ;r 08871007 n 0000 + 09702836 n 0101 \ 09702836 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the early Saxons or Anglo-Saxons and their descendents (especially the English or Lowland Scots) and their language; "Saxon princes"; "for greater clarity choose a plain Saxon term instead of a latinate one" 03114843 01 a 01 Anglo-Saxon 0 003 + 09701977 n 0101 + 06949591 n 0102 \ 09701977 n 0101 | of or relating to the Anglo-Saxons or their language; "Anglo-Saxon poetry"; "The Anglo-Saxon population of Scotland" 03115053 01 a 02 schismatic 0 schismatical 0 005 + 00386676 n 0201 \ 00386676 n 0201 + 07314078 n 0101 + 00386676 n 0101 \ 00386676 n 0101 | of or relating to or involved in or characteristic of schism; "schismatic sects" 03115277 01 a 02 schizoid 0 schizophrenic 0 003 + 14398523 n 0201 \ 14398523 n 0201 \ 14398523 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of schizophrenia 03115436 01 a 01 scorbutic 0 003 + 14201520 n 0101 + 14201520 n 0102 \ 14201520 n 0101 | of or relating to or having or resembling scurvy; "scorbutic symptoms" 03115598 01 a 01 scotomatous 0 002 + 14556203 n 0101 \ 14556203 n 0101 | relating to scotoma 03115693 01 a 02 Semite 0 Semitic 0 004 + 09639919 n 0201 \ 09639919 n 0201 + 09639919 n 0101 \ 09639919 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Semites; "Semite peoples" 03115874 01 a 01 Semitic 1 002 + 06986894 n 0101 \ 06986894 n 0101 | of or relating to the group of Semitic languages; "Semitic tongues have a complicated morphology" 03116043 01 a 01 Senegalese 0 002 + 09730824 n 0101 \ 08995862 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Senegal or its people; "Senegalese villages"; "Senegalese herdsmen" 03116224 01 a 01 sericultural 0 004 + 13555101 n 0101 + 00923303 n 0101 \ 13555101 n 0101 \ 00923303 n 0101 | of or relating to sericulture; "sericultural industry" 03116391 01 a 01 serous 0 002 + 05403149 n 0101 \ 05403149 n 0101 | of or producing or containing serum; "a serous exudate" 03116517 01 a 01 Seychellois 0 002 + 09730951 n 0101 \ 08996483 n 0101 | of the Seychelles or their people; "Seychellois fishermen" 03116651 01 a 03 Thai 0 Tai 0 Siamese 0 003 \ 09036452 n 0303 \ 09036452 n 0201 \ 09036452 n 0101 | of or relating to Thailand; "the Thai border with Laos" 03116809 01 a 03 Thai 1 Tai 1 Siamese 1 005 + 06936149 n 0302 \ 06936149 n 0301 \ 06936149 n 0201 + 06936149 n 0101 \ 06936149 n 0101 | of or relating to the languages of the Thai people; "Thai tones" 03117012 01 a 03 Thai 2 Tai 2 Siamese 2 005 + 09734294 n 0303 \ 09734294 n 0303 \ 09734294 n 0202 + 09734294 n 0101 \ 09734294 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Thailand or its people; "Siamese kings"; "different Thai tribes live in the north" 03117272 01 a 01 Siberian 0 003 + 09731082 n 0101 + 09005712 n 0101 \ 09005712 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Siberia or the Siberians; "Siberian natural resources"; "Siberian coal miners"; "the Siberian tundra" 03117503 01 a 01 Sierra_Leonean 0 002 + 08996871 n 0101 \ 08996871 n 0101 | of or relating to Sierra Leone or its people; "Sierra Leonean politics" 03117653 01 a 01 Singaporean 1 004 + 09749614 n 0101 + 08997801 n 0101 + 08997487 n 0101 \ 08997801 n 0101 | of or relating to the city of Singapore; "the Singaporean main street" 03117835 01 a 01 Singaporean 2 005 + 09749614 n 0101 + 08997310 n 0101 + 08997487 n 0101 \ 08997487 n 0101 \ 08997310 n 0101 | of or relating to the island nation of Singapore and its people; "Singaporean rubber" 03118050 01 a 02 Singhalese 0 Sinhalese 0 002 \ 09732047 n 0201 \ 09732047 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sinhalese people; "Sinhalese rebels fighting the Tamils" 03118215 01 a 03 Sinhala 0 Singhalese 1 Sinhalese 1 003 \ 06971741 n 0301 \ 06971741 n 0201 \ 06971741 n 0101 | of or relating to the Sinhalese languages; "the Sinhalese versions of the Ramayana" 03118413 01 a 02 Sri_Lankan 0 Ceylonese 0 003 \ 08718962 n 0201 + 08719100 n 0101 \ 08718962 n 0101 | of or relating to Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) or its people or culture; "Sri Lankan beaches"; "Sri Lankan forces fighting the Sinhalese rebels" 03118661 01 a 01 Slav 0 002 + 09676884 n 0101 \ 09676884 n 0101 | speaking a Slavic language; "the Slav population of Georgia" 03118790 01 a 02 Slavonic 0 Slavic 0 005 + 06943771 n 0201 + 09676884 n 0201 \ 06943771 n 0203 + 09676884 n 0101 \ 06943771 n 0103 | of or relating to Slavic languages 03118960 01 a 03 small-capitalization 0 small-capitalisation 0 small-cap 0 003 \ 00952386 n 0301 \ 00952386 n 0202 \ 00952386 n 0101 | of stocks of companies with a market capitalization of less than one billion dollars 03119182 01 a 02 Somalian 0 Somali 0 005 + 09749880 n 0202 + 06991004 n 0201 \ 08998560 n 0201 + 08998560 n 0101 \ 08998560 n 0101 | of or relating to the African republic of Somalia or its people or their language and culture; "Somali coffee is excellent" 03119441 01 a 01 Sotho 0 003 + 09693372 n 0101 + 06995222 n 0101 \ 06995222 n 0101 | of or relating to any of the group of Sotho languages; "Sotho noun classifiers" 03119608 01 a 01 spastic 0 003 + 14094653 n 0102 + 04771738 n 0101 \ 14360459 n 0101 | relating to or characterized by spasm; "a spastic colon"; "spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy" 03119811 01 a 01 spicate 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13133438 n 0101 | having or relating to spikes; "spicate inflorescence" 03119937 01 a 01 spiny-finned 0 001 \ 02552171 n 0101 | of or relating to fish with spiny fins 03120034 01 a 01 spondaic 0 003 ;c 06170025 n 0000 + 07095775 n 0101 \ 07095775 n 0101 | of or consisting of spondees; "spondaic hexameter" 03120176 01 a 01 stereoscopic 0 003 + 05657515 n 0102 + 04316498 n 0101 \ 05657515 n 0102 | of or relating to stereoscopy; "stereoscopic vision" 03120323 01 a 01 stereoscopic 1 002 + 04316498 n 0101 \ 04316498 n 0101 | of or relating to a stereoscope; "stereoscopic lenses" 03120454 01 a 01 stigmatic 1 004 + 10656488 n 0101 + 14571930 n 0101 + 06794666 n 0102 \ 06794666 n 0102 | pertaining to or resembling or having stigmata 03120610 01 a 01 stingless 0 001 \ 14332085 n 0101 | without a sting 03120681 01 a 01 stipendiary 0 002 + 13294135 n 0101 \ 13294135 n 0101 | pertaining to or of the nature of a stipend or allowance; "stipendiary funds" 03120834 01 a 01 substantival 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06303540 n 0101 \ 06303540 n 0101 | of or relating to or having the nature or function of a substantive (i.e. a noun or noun equivalent); "a substantival constituent" 03121060 01 a 01 gerundial 0 003 ;c 06174404 n 0000 + 06318352 n 0101 \ 06318352 n 0101 | relating to or like a gerund; "the gerundial suffix `-ing'" 03121212 01 a 01 Sudanese 0 002 + 09732170 n 0101 \ 09029457 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the African Republic of the Sudan or its people; "the Sudanese desert" 03121394 01 a 02 sulphuric 0 sulfuric 0 004 + 14656219 n 0201 \ 14656219 n 0201 + 14656219 n 0103 \ 14656219 n 0101 | of or relating to or containing sulfur; "sulphuric esters" 03121573 01 a 01 Sumatran 0 002 + 09750157 n 0101 \ 08908954 n 0101 | of or relating to the island of Sumatra or its inhabitants; "Sumatran cigars" 03121723 01 a 01 Swazi 2 001 \ 09031233 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Swaziland or its people or their language 03121855 01 a 01 syphilitic 0 002 + 14133985 n 0101 \ 14133985 n 0101 | of or relating to or infected with syphilis; "syphilitic symptoms" 03121996 01 a 01 systolic 0 001 \ 07401409 n 0101 | of or relating to a systole or happening during a systole 03122108 01 a 01 extrasystolic 0 001 \ 07401604 n 0101 | of or relating to or happening during an extrasystole 03122221 01 a 01 Tahitian 0 002 + 08989941 n 0101 \ 08989941 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the island of Tahiti or its residents or their language and culture 03122400 01 a 03 Taiwanese 0 Chinese 1 Formosan 0 002 + 08730354 n 0302 \ 08730550 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the island republic on Taiwan or its residents or their language; "the Taiwanese capital is Taipeh" 03122633 01 a 01 tabular 0 002 + 08266235 n 0101 \ 08266235 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or arranged in table form 03122750 01 a 01 Tamil 0 002 \ 09675393 n 0101 \ 06980315 n 0101 | of or relating to a speaker of the Tamil language or the language itself; "Tamil agglutinative phrases" 03122923 01 a 01 tannic 0 002 + 15067025 n 0101 \ 15067025 n 0101 | derived from tannin 03123013 01 a 01 Tanzanian 0 002 + 09034550 n 0101 \ 09034550 n 0101 | of or relating to the republic of Tanzania or its people 03123143 01 a 01 tarsal 0 003 + 05281874 n 0101 + 05594822 n 0101 \ 05594822 n 0101 | of or relating to or near the tarsus of the foot; "tarsal bones" 03123296 01 a 01 tartaric 0 002 + 15013269 n 0102 \ 15013269 n 0102 | relating to or derived from or resembling tartar; "tartaric acid" 03123434 01 a 01 telephonic 0 002 + 06272290 n 0102 \ 06272290 n 0101 | of or relating to telephony; "telephonic connection" 03123561 01 a 01 terminological 0 002 + 06304059 n 0101 \ 06304059 n 0101 | of or concerning terminology; "terminological disputes" 03123695 01 a 01 terpsichorean 0 002 + 00428270 n 0103 \ 00428270 n 0103 | of or relating to dancing; "her terpsichorean activities" 03123830 01 a 01 tertian 1 001 \ 06859504 n 0101 | of or relating to a tonal system based on major thirds; "a tertian tonal system" 03123964 01 a 01 tertian 0 001 \ 07342495 n 0101 | relating to symptoms (especially malarial fever) that appear every other day; "tertian fever" 03124111 01 a 01 tetanic 0 001 \ 14185803 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing tetanus 03124201 01 a 01 tetanic 1 001 \ 14310504 n 0101 | of or relating to or causing tetany 03124290 01 a 01 tetravalent 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 05034473 n 0101 | haveing a valence of four 03124392 01 a 01 Texan 0 003 + 09745834 n 0101 + 09141526 n 0101 \ 09141526 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Texas or its residents 03124541 01 a 01 textile 0 001 \ 03309808 n 0101 | of or relating to fabrics or fabric making; "textile research" 03124657 01 a 01 theosophical 0 002 + 05953614 n 0101 \ 05953614 n 0101 | of or relating to theosophy; "theosophical writings" 03124786 01 a 01 thermionic 0 002 + 09457199 n 0101 \ 09457199 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of thermions; "thermionic cathode" 03124931 01 a 01 thermometric 0 003 + 01116360 n 0101 + 04421872 n 0101 \ 01116360 n 0101 | of or relating to thermometry; "helium gas was the thermometric fluid" 03125096 01 a 01 thermostatic 0 002 + 04422875 n 0101 \ 04422875 n 0101 | of or relating to a thermostat; "thermostatic control" 03125227 01 a 01 thespian 0 002 + 09765278 n 0104 \ 07007945 n 0102 | of or relating to drama; "the movie director had thespian cooperation" 03125370 01 a 01 Tobagonian 0 002 + 08756052 n 0101 \ 08756052 n 0101 | of or relating to Tobago or its people; "Tobagonian beaches" 03125505 01 a 01 Togolese 0 001 \ 08759986 n 0101 | of or relating to the African country of Togo or its people; "the Togolese capital" 03125643 01 a 01 Tongan 1 002 + 09037133 n 0101 \ 09037133 n 0101 | of or relating to the island monarchy of Tonga or its people; "Tongan beaches" 03125792 01 a 01 tonsorial 0 001 \ 09838895 n 0101 | of or relating to barbers and barbering; "tonsorial work"; "tonsorial parlor" 03125925 01 a 01 translational 0 002 ! 03092376 a 0101 \ 07446404 n 0101 | of or relating to uniform movement without rotation 03126054 01 a 01 Triassic 0 001 \ 15126750 n 0101 | of or relating to or denoting the first period of the Mesozoic era 03126175 01 a 01 Trinidadian 0 002 + 08755852 n 0101 \ 08755852 n 0101 | of or relating to the island of Trinidad; "Trinidadian rum" 03126310 01 a 01 trihydroxy 0 001 \ 14914775 n 0101 | containing three hydroxyl groups 03126399 01 a 01 trivalent 0 002 ;c 06084469 n 0000 \ 05034473 n 0101 | having a valence of three 03126499 01 a 01 trochaic 0 003 ;c 06170025 n 0000 + 07095653 n 0101 \ 07095653 n 0101 | of or consisting of trochees; "trochaic dactyl" 03126638 01 a 01 Trojan 0 002 + 08788887 n 0101 \ 08788887 n 0101 | of or relating to the ancient city of Troy or its inhabitants; "Trojan cities" 03126787 01 a 01 trophoblastic 0 002 + 01462209 n 0101 \ 01462209 n 0101 | of or relating to the trophoblast; "trophoblastic cancer" 03126922 01 a 01 trophotropic 0 002 + 00862488 n 0101 \ 00862488 n 0101 | of or relating to trophotropism 03127030 01 a 01 Tunisian 1 003 + 09734760 n 0101 + 09037394 n 0101 \ 09037394 n 0101 | of or relating to Tunisia or its inhabitants; "Tunisian archeological sites" 03127197 01 a 01 Tunisian 2 001 \ 09037838 n 0101 | of or relating to the city of Tunis or its residents; "Tunisian markets" 03127324 01 a 01 Turkic 0 001 \ 06926458 n 0101 | of or relating to the people who speak the Turkic language 03127435 01 a 01 tutorial 0 003 + 07148022 n 0101 + 09931418 n 0103 \ 09931418 n 0103 | of or relating to tutors or tutoring; "tutorial sessions" 03127583 01 a 01 Ugandan 0 001 \ 09043052 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Uganda or its people; "Ugandan game parks" 03127718 01 a 01 uric 0 001 \ 14855724 n 0101 | in or relating to or obtained from urine; "uric acid" 03127822 01 a 01 uricosuric 0 001 \ 14855724 n 0101 | acting to increase the excretion of uric acid in the urine 03127937 01 a 01 uvular 0 002 + 05309245 n 0101 \ 05309245 n 0101 | of or relating to or associated with the uvula; "the uvular r" 03128070 01 a 01 vaginal 0 002 + 05521111 n 0101 \ 05521111 n 0101 | of or relating to the vagina; "vaginal suppository" 03128193 01 a 01 valvular 0 003 + 05395286 n 0101 + 04519153 n 0101 \ 04519153 n 0101 | relating to or operating by means of valves 03128327 01 a 01 vehicular 0 002 + 04524313 n 0101 \ 04524313 n 0101 | of or relating to or intended for (motor) vehicles; "vehicular traffic" 03128472 01 a 01 vestal 0 002 + 09471224 n 0101 \ 09564177 n 0101 | of or relating to Vesta; "vestal virgin" 03128583 01 a 01 vestiary 0 002 + 03051540 n 0103 \ 03051540 n 0101 | relating to clothing (especially vestments) 03128699 01 a 01 vestmental 0 002 + 04532106 n 0101 \ 04532106 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling a vestment 03128816 01 a 01 veterinary 0 003 + 10749715 n 0102 \ 10749715 n 0101 \ 06065423 n 0101 | of or relating to veterinarians or veterinary medicine 03128963 01 a 01 vibrionic 0 002 + 01364162 n 0101 \ 01364008 n 0101 | caused by bacteria of the genus Vibrio; "vibrionic dysentery" 03129098 01 a 01 viceregal 0 002 + 10751785 n 0101 \ 10751785 n 0101 | of or relating to a viceroy; "the viceregal visit" 03129222 01 a 01 Vietnamese 0 004 \ 09163192 n 0101 \ 06937229 n 0101 + 09747191 n 0101 \ 09747191 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Vietnam or its people or its language ; "the Vietnamese countryside"; the Vietnamese tones"; "Vietnamese boat people" 03129490 01 a 01 vocative 0 003 ;c 06172789 n 0000 + 06312237 n 0101 \ 06312237 n 0101 | relating to a case used in some languages; "vocative verb endings" 03129648 01 a 02 voyeuristic 0 voyeuristical 0 008 + 10761326 n 0201 + 00738372 n 0201 \ 00738372 n 0201 \ 10761326 n 0201 + 00738372 n 0101 + 10761326 n 0101 \ 00738372 n 0101 \ 10761326 n 0101 | of or relating to voyeurs or voyeurism; "his voyeuristic pleasures" 03129915 01 a 01 weatherly 0 003 ;c 04128837 n 0000 + 04774901 n 0101 \ 04774901 n 0101 | (of a sailing vessel) making very little leeway when close-hauled 03130073 01 a 02 Welsh 0 Cambrian 0 006 + 09747329 n 0203 + 08894456 n 0203 \ 08894456 n 0203 + 09747329 n 0102 + 06961557 n 0101 \ 08894456 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its people or their language; "the Welsh coast"; "Welsh syntax" 03130337 01 a 03 wheaten 0 whole-wheat 0 wholemeal 0 003 \ 07803545 n 0301 \ 07803545 n 0201 \ 07803545 n 0101 | of or relating to or derived from wheat; "wheaten bread" 03130509 01 a 01 Wiccan 0 001 \ 06245462 n 0101 | of or relating to Wicca 03130585 01 a 01 oaten 0 001 \ 07804152 n 0101 | of or related to or derived from oats; "oaten bread" 03130689 01 a 02 woolen 0 woollen 0 004 + 04599235 n 0203 \ 04599235 n 0201 + 04599235 n 0102 \ 04599235 n 0101 | of or related to or made of wool; "a woolen sweater" 03130858 01 a 01 xerographic 0 002 + 00904904 n 0101 \ 00904904 n 0101 | of or relating to xerography 03130962 01 a 01 Yemeni 0 002 + 09750770 n 0101 \ 09164561 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Yemen or its inhabitants; "Yemeni mountains" 03131116 01 a 02 Zairean 0 Zairese 0 005 + 09751622 n 0201 \ 08734385 n 0203 + 09751622 n 0102 + 08734385 n 0103 \ 08734385 n 0103 | of or relating to or characteristic of Zaire or its people; "Zairean elections" 03131331 01 a 01 Zambian 0 003 + 09751772 n 0101 + 09165613 n 0101 \ 09165613 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Zambia or its people 03131480 01 a 01 New_Zealander 0 001 \ 08971914 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of New Zealand or its people; "New Zealander sheep farms" 03131633 01 a 01 zenithal 0 002 + 08684769 n 0101 \ 08684769 n 0101 | relating to or located at or near the zenith 03131750 01 a 01 Zimbabwean 0 003 + 09751895 n 0101 + 09167101 n 0101 \ 09167101 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of Zimbabwe or its people 03131904 01 a 01 Zionist 0 002 + 10805501 n 0101 \ 10805501 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a supporter of Zionism; "the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl" 03132067 01 a 01 Zionist 1 001 \ 06663463 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of Zionism; "the Zionist movement" 03132185 01 a 02 zonal 0 zonary 0 004 + 08541841 n 0201 + 08509442 n 0201 + 08688247 n 0201 \ 05611062 n 0101 | relating to or of the nature of a zone; "the zonal frontier" 03132360 01 a 01 bizonal 0 001 \ 08509442 n 0101 | relating to or concerned with the combined affairs of two administrative zones; "Bizonal currency was used in occupied Germany after World War II" 03132560 01 a 01 zodiacal 0 003 + 08685188 n 0101 + 04615456 n 0101 \ 08685188 n 0101 | relating to or included in the zodiac; "zodiacal constellations" 03132715 01 a 01 ammoniated 0 001 \ 14744120 n 0101 | combined or treated with ammonia; "ammoniated mercury" 03132826 01 a 01 Briton 0 002 + 09700964 n 0102 \ 09688366 n 0101 | characteristic of or associated with the Britons; "the Briton inhabitants of England" 03132982 01 a 01 carroty 0 002 + 12937678 n 0101 \ 07730207 n 0101 | resembling the bright orange of the root of the carrot plant; "a boy with carroty hair" 03133141 01 a 04 philhellenic 0 philhellene 0 Graecophile 0 Graecophilic 0 006 + 10422540 n 0403 + 10422540 n 0303 + 10422540 n 0201 \ 10422540 n 0201 + 10422540 n 0101 \ 10422540 n 0101 | characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things; "the Philhellenic Society" 03133413 01 a 01 boreal 0 001 \ 13831176 n 0101 | toward or located in the north; "the boreal signs of the Zodiac" 03133530 01 a 01 boreal 1 002 + 11487950 n 0104 \ 11487950 n 0101 | relating to or marked by qualities associated with the north wind 03133666 01 a 02 axillary 2 alar 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13130423 n 0101 \ 13130423 n 0101 | of or relating to the axil 03133791 01 a 01 paniculate 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13132656 n 0101 | having a panicle 03133883 01 a 01 phyllodial 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 13131752 n 0101 \ 13131752 n 0101 | having a phyllode 03133994 01 a 02 rupestral 0 rupicolous 0 002 \ 14696793 n 0201 \ 14696793 n 0101 | composed of or inscribed on rock; "rupestral drawings in the caves of Northern Spain" 03134166 01 a 01 Kafkaesque 0 001 \ 11095731 n 0101 | relating to or in the manner of Franz Kafka or his writings 03134282 01 a 01 Faustian 0 002 + 09599023 n 0101 \ 09599023 n 0101 | pertaining to or resembling or befitting Faust or Faustus especially in insatiably striving for worldly knowledge and power even at the price of spiritual values; "a Faustian pact with the Devil" 03134550 01 a 01 invitational 0 002 + 07186148 n 0101 \ 07186148 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of an invitation 03134675 01 a 01 involucrate 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 \ 13155305 n 0101 | having an involucre 03134771 01 a 01 scalar 0 002 + 05864351 n 0101 \ 13815342 n 0101 | of or relating to a directionless magnitude (such as mass or speed etc.) that is completely specified by its magnitude; "scalar quantity" 03134979 01 a 01 scalar 1 002 + 06856568 n 0101 \ 06856568 n 0101 | of or relating to a musical scale; "he played some basic scalar patterns on his guitar" 03135137 01 a 01 anthropocentric 0 003 + 06201476 n 0101 + 06201476 n 0102 \ 06201476 n 0101 | human-centered; "our anthropocentric view of the world" 03135290 01 a 01 ethnocentric 0 001 \ 06201667 n 0101 | centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own 03135403 01 a 01 deictic 0 003 + 06289693 n 0101 + 06179985 n 0101 \ 06179985 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of a word whose reference depends on the circumstances of its use; "deictic pronouns" 03135608 01 a 02 shallow-draft 0 shallow-draught 0 002 \ 05135155 n 0201 \ 05135155 n 0101 | of vessels whose keel is not far below the waterline; "a shallow-draft river boat" 03135786 01 a 02 shamanist 0 shamanistic 0 004 + 06245084 n 0201 + 06244852 n 0201 \ 06244852 n 0201 \ 06244852 n 0101 | of or relating to shamanism 03135937 01 a 01 shambolic 0 001 \ 14497679 n 0101 | (British slang) disorderly or chaotic; "it's a shambolic system" 03136057 01 a 01 shaped 0 001 \ 00027807 n 0101 | having the shape of; "a square shaped playing field" 03136162 01 a 01 sharp-pointed 0 001 \ 03974215 n 0101 | having a sharp point 03136242 01 a 01 shelflike 0 001 \ 04190052 n 0101 | resembling a shelf (or considered to resemble a shelf); "shelflike table" 03136371 01 a 01 Shona 0 001 \ 10591239 n 0101 | of or relating to or characteristic of the culture of the Shonas 03136487 01 a 01 short-handled 0 001 \ 03485997 n 0101 | having a short handle 03136568 01 a 01 short-order 0 001 \ 07279968 n 0101 | of or relating to food that can be prepared quickly; "a short-order cook" 03136699 01 a 01 side-to-side 0 001 \ 05551318 n 0101 | alternately left and right with respect to a central point; "the side-to-side motion of the boat" 03136855 01 a 01 striate 0 001 \ 13908348 n 0101 | marked with stria or striations 03136940 01 a 01 sulcate 0 001 \ 05223550 n 0101 | having deep narrow furrows or grooves 03137031 01 a 01 hymenal 0 002 + 05521934 n 0101 \ 05521934 n 0101 | of or relating to the hymen 03137130 01 a 01 hymeneal 0 002 \ 01036996 n 0102 \ 01036996 n 0101 | of or relating to a wedding or marriage; "hymeneal rites" 03137260 01 a 02 servomechanical 0 servo 0 003 + 04176295 n 0201 \ 04176295 n 0202 \ 04176295 n 0102 | of or involving servomechanisms 03137397 01 a 02 onomatopoeic 0 onomatopoetic 0 003 + 07104574 n 0201 \ 07104574 n 0201 \ 07104574 n 0101 | of or relating to or characterized by onomatopoeia 03137558 01 a 01 commercial 0 002 + 01090446 n 0101 \ 01090446 n 0101 | of or relating to commercialism; "a commercial attache"; "commercial paper"; "commercial law" 03137726 01 a 01 dictyopteran 0 001 \ 02232606 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the order Dictyoptera 03137840 01 a 01 isopteran 0 001 \ 02222718 n 0101 | relating to or characteristic of insects of the order Isoptera 03137958 01 a 01 obligational 0 001 \ 06773150 n 0101 | relating or constituting or qualified to create a legal or financial obligation; "obligational authority" 03138122 01 a 01 oscine 0 002 + 01525720 n 0101 \ 01525720 n 0102 | of or relating to the songbirds 03138224 01 a 03 osseous 0 osteal 0 bony 0 004 + 05269901 n 0301 \ 14757848 n 0301 \ 14757848 n 0201 \ 14757848 n 0101 | composed of or containing bone; "osseous tissue" 03138396 01 a 02 ossicular 0 ossiculate 0 003 \ 05277728 n 0201 + 05277728 n 0101 \ 05277728 n 0101 | pertaining to the ossicles in the middle ear 03138545 01 a 01 ossiferous 0 001 \ 05269901 n 0101 | containing bones (especially fossil bones); "ossiferous caves" 03138664 01 a 01 osteal 1 001 \ 05269901 n 0101 | relating to bone or to the skeleton 03138752 01 a 01 abolitionary 0 002 + 00228283 n 0101 \ 00228283 n 0101 | relating to or favoring abolition, especially abolition of slavery 03138895 01 a 01 abomasal 0 002 + 02399942 n 0101 \ 02399942 n 0101 | relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants) 03139045 01 a 02 absolutist 0 absolutistic 0 005 + 08440630 n 0202 + 06213688 n 0201 \ 06213688 n 0201 + 09755398 n 0101 \ 06213688 n 0101 | pertaining to the principle of totalitarianism 03139235 01 a 01 accentual 0 003 + 06822198 n 0101 + 07085375 n 0103 \ 07085375 n 0103 | of or pertaining to accent or stress 03139363 01 a 01 accessional 0 001 \ 13253423 n 0101 | of or constituting an accession 03139452 01 a 01 accipitrine 0 001 \ 01606335 n 0101 | of or relating to or belonging to the genus Accipiter (or to typical hawks) 03139585 01 a 01 accommodational 0 002 + 00193225 n 0101 \ 00193225 n 0101 | of or relating to the accommodation of the lens of the eye; "accommodational strain" 03139749 01 a 02 acculturational 0 acculturative 0 005 + 00159880 v 0201 \ 05757049 n 0201 + 05757049 n 0101 + 01128984 n 0103 \ 05757049 n 0101 | of or relating to acculturation 03139930 01 a 01 centromeric 0 002 + 05444324 n 0101 \ 05444324 n 0101 | pertaining to the dense specialized portion of a chromosome to which the spindle attaches during mitosis 03140110 01 a 01 acentric 0 001 \ 05444324 n 0101 | lacking a centromere; "an acentric chromosome fragment" 03140220 01 a 01 acrocentric 0 001 \ 05444324 n 0101 | having a subterminal centromere; "an acrocentric chromosome" 03140338 01 a 01 metacentric 0 001 \ 05444324 n 0101 | having two equal arms because of the median position of the centromere; "a metacentric chromosome" 03140494 01 a 01 metacentric 1 003 ;c 00912822 n 0000 + 05866822 n 0101 \ 05866822 n 0101 | of or relating to the metacenter 03140621 01 a 01 mud-brick 0 001 \ 03796522 n 0101 | of or incorporating mud bricks 03140707 01 a 01 telocentric 0 001 \ 05444324 n 0101 | having the form of a straight rod because the centromere is in a terminal position; "a telocentric chromosome" 03140875 01 a 01 anaphylactic 0 002 + 14533547 n 0101 \ 14533547 n 0101 | related to the hypersensitivity known as anaphylaxis; "anaphylactic shock" 03141026 01 a 01 bronchoscopic 0 002 + 02905886 n 0101 \ 02905886 n 0101 | of or relating to an instrument for examining the interior of the bronchi 03141177 01 a 01 bryophytic 0 003 ;c 06066555 n 0000 + 11536778 n 0101 \ 11537327 n 0101 | relating to plants of the division Bryophyta 03141315 01 a 01 bulbaceous 0 002 + 13134059 n 0101 \ 13134059 n 0101 | producing or growing from bulbs 03141421 01 a 01 bulbed 0 001 \ 13134059 n 0101 | having a bulb 03141487 01 a 01 bulbar 0 002 + 05495172 n 0103 \ 05495172 n 0103 | involving the medulla oblongata; "bulbar paralysis" 03141609 01 a 01 racial 0 002 + 07967982 n 0101 \ 07967982 n 0101 | of or related to genetically distinguished groups of people; "racial groups" 03141756 01 a 01 scalic 0 002 + 06856568 n 0101 \ 06856568 n 0101 | of or related to a musical scale; "scalic patterns" 03141878 01 a 01 rosaceous 0 002 + 12619306 n 0101 \ 12619306 n 0101 | of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Rosaceae 03142022 01 a 01 Rosicrucian 0 001 \ 10539462 n 0101 | of or relating to the Rosicrucians 03142114 01 a 03 streptococcal 0 streptococcic 0 strep 0 005 + 01381044 n 0303 \ 01381044 n 0301 \ 01381044 n 0201 + 01381044 n 0101 \ 01381044 n 0101 | of or relating to or caused by streptococci 03142313 01 a 01 subclavian 0 001 \ 05274105 n 0101 | situated beneath the clavicle 03142399 01 a 01 thalloid 0 001 \ 11532017 n 0101 | of or relating to or resembling or consisting of a thallus 03142512 01 a 01 thallophytic 0 002 + 11531701 n 0101 \ 11531701 n 0101 | pertaining to or characteristic of thallophytes 03142636 01 a 01 ulcerative 0 003 + 00537153 v 0101 + 00019982 v 0101 \ 14211609 n 0102 | of or relating to or characterized by ulceration; "ulcerative colitis" 03142799 01 a 01 ultramicroscopic 0 002 + 04506688 n 0101 \ 04506688 n 0101 | too small to be seen without an ultramicroscope 03142927 01 a 01 ultramontane 0 001 \ 05987650 n 0101 | of or relating to ultramontanism 03143018 01 a 01 undescended 0 001 \ 05525391 n 0102 | (of the testis) remaining in the abdomen instead of descending into the scrotum 03143155 01 a 02 undulatory 0 undulant 0 002 \ 07352048 n 0201 \ 07352048 n 0101 | resembling waves in form or outline or motion 03143286 01 a 01 universalistic 1 001 \ 05869584 n 0101 | of or relating to the whole 03143374 01 a 01 point-of-sale 0 001 \ 08620061 n 0101 | of or relating to or being the location where something is purchased 03143502 01 a 01 vasomotor 0 002 \ 01150096 n 0101 \ 00366207 n 0101 | relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate 03143662 01 a 01 vesical 0 002 + 05512139 n 0102 \ 05512139 n 0102 | of or relating to a bladder (especially the urinary bladder) 03143794 01 a 02 viscometric 0 viscosimetric 0 006 + 01117318 n 0202 + 04538249 n 0202 \ 04538249 n 0202 + 01117318 n 0101 + 04538249 n 0101 \ 04538249 n 0101 | of or relating to the measurement of viscosity 03144004 01 a 02 viricidal 0 virucidal 0 004 + 15048293 n 0202 \ 15048293 n 0202 + 15048293 n 0101 \ 15048293 n 0101 | tending to destroy viruses 03144152 01 a 01 vitiliginous 0 002 + 14232945 n 0101 \ 14232945 n 0101 | of or relating to or having vitiligo 03144265 01 a 01 ratlike 0 001 \ 02331046 n 0101 | resembling or characteristic of a rat 03144356 01 a 01 salamandriform 0 001 \ 01629276 n 0101 | shaped like a salamander 03144441 01 a 01 salvific 0 001 \ 00094001 n 0102 | pertaining to the power of salvation or redemption 03144546 01 a 01 shakedown 0 001 \ 07369922 n 0101 | intended to test a new system under operating conditions and to familiarize the operators with the system; "a shakedown cruise" 03144729 01 a 01 sidearm 0 001 \ 00106272 n 0101 | (of pitches) made with the arm moving parallel to the ground; "a sidearm pitch" 03144862 01 a 01 varicelliform 0 001 \ 14132975 n 0102 | resembling the rash of chickenpox 03144955 01 a 03 wedge-shaped 0 cuneal 0 cuneiform 1 001 \ 13919547 n 0101 | shaped like a wedge 03145054 01 a 01 wiry 0 002 + 04594218 n 0101 \ 04594218 n 0101 | of or relating to wire 03145145 01 a 01 WYSIWYG 0 001 \ 06572654 n 0101 | relating to or being a word processing system that prints the text exactly as it appears on the computer screen 03145310 01 a 01 X-linked 0 001 \ 05442594 n 0101 | relating to genes or characteristics or conditions carried on the X chromosome; "an X-linked mutation" 03145467 01 a 02 yeasty 0 yeastlike 0 004 \ 15106271 n 0201 + 15106271 n 0101 + 13025647 n 0101 \ 13025647 n 0101 | of or resembling or containing yeast 03145622 01 a 01 Yuman 0 001 \ 09673091 n 0101 | of or relating to the language or culture of the Yuma people 03145734 01 a 01 Zapotec 0 001 \ 09649372 n 0101 | of or relating to the language or culture of the Zapotec people 03145851 01 a 01 zero 0 001 \ 08001344 n 0101 | of or relating to the null set (a set with no members) 03145956 01 a 01 zoonotic 0 002 + 14276649 n 0101 \ 14276649 n 0101 | of or relating to or constituting zoonosis; "the Ebola virus is believed to be zoonotic" 03146117 01 a 01 zygomatic 0 002 + 05284851 n 0101 \ 05602835 n 0101 | of or relating to the cheek region of the face 03146237 01 a 01 zymoid 0 001 \ 14732946 n 0101 | resembling an enzyme 03146310 01 a 04 .22_caliber 0 .22-caliber 0 .22_calibre 0 .22-calibre 0 004 \ 05103283 n 0404 \ 05103283 n 0304 \ 05103283 n 0203 \ 05103283 n 0103 | of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures twenty-two hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .22 caliber pistol" 03146602 01 a 04 .38_caliber 0 .38-caliber 0 .38_calibre 0 .38-calibre 0 004 \ 05103283 n 0404 \ 05103283 n 0304 \ 05103283 n 0203 \ 05103283 n 0103 | of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures thirty-eight hundredths of an inch in diameter; "a .38 caliber shell" 03146895 01 a 04 .45_caliber 0 .45-caliber 0 .45_calibre 0 .45-calibre 0 004 \ 05103283 n 0404 \ 05103283 n 0304 \ 05103283 n 0203 \ 05103283 n 0103 | of or relating to the bore of a gun (or its ammunition) that measures forty-five hundredths of an inch in diameter 03147163 01 a 01 nosohusial 0 000 | taking place related or acquired under home healthcare; "nosohusial infections" 03147281 44 a 01 avenged 0 002 ! 03147408 a 0101 < 01153486 v 0102 | for which vengeance has been taken; "an avenged injury" 03147408 44 a 01 unavenged 0 002 ! 03147281 a 0101 < 01153486 v 0102 | for which vengeance has not been taken; "an unavenged murder" 03147543 44 a 01 beaten 0 001 < 01624897 v 0101 | formed or made thin by hammering; "beaten gold" 03147643 44 a 02 calibrated 0 graduated 0 002 < 01589497 v 0201 < 01589497 v 0101 | marked with or divided into degrees; "a calibrated thermometer" 03147793 44 a 01 cantering 0 001 < 01959340 v 0101 | riding at a gait between a trot and a gallop; "the cantering soldiers" 03147919 44 a 02 collected 0 gathered 0 004 ! 03148137 a 0202 < 01380638 v 0201 ! 03148137 a 0101 < 01380638 v 0103 | brought together in one place; "the collected works of Milton"; "the gathered folds of the skirt" 03148137 44 a 02 uncollected 0 ungathered 0 004 ! 03147919 a 0202 < 01380638 v 0201 ! 03147919 a 0101 < 01380638 v 0103 | not brought together in one place; "uncollected garbage in the streets" 03148333 44 a 01 contested 0 002 < 00869596 v 0101 ! 03148487 a 0101 | disputed or made the object of contention or competition; "a contested election" 03148487 44 a 01 uncontested 0 002 < 00869596 v 0101 ! 03148333 a 0101 | not disputed and not made the object of contention or competition; "uncontested authority" 03148653 44 a 01 corbelled 0 001 < 02352824 v 0101 | having a corbel 03148724 44 a 01 elapsed 0 001 < 02072849 v 0101 | (of time) having passed or slipped by; "elapsed time" 03148831 44 a 01 forced 0 001 < 01871979 v 0102 | produced by or subjected to forcing; "forced-air heating"; "furnaces of the forced-convection type"; "forced convection in plasma generators" 03149025 44 a 01 hammered 0 001 < 01675245 v 0102 | shaped or worked with a hammer and often showing hammer marks; "a bowl of hammered brass" 03149169 44 a 02 hand-held 0 handheld 0 002 < 01216670 v 0201 < 01216670 v 0101 | small and light enough to be operated while you hold it in your hands; "a hand-held computer" 03149347 44 a 01 held 0 001 < 02441897 v 0101 | occupied or in the control of; often used in combination; "enemy-held territory" 03149478 44 a 01 streaming 0 001 < 00069012 v 0101 | exuding a bodily fluid in profuse amounts; "his streaming face"; "her streaming eyes" 03149619 44 a 01 surmounted 0 001 < 02694548 v 0101 | having something on top; "columns surmounted by statues" 03149732 44 a 01 filled 0 002 ! 03149843 a 0101 < 01183573 v 0103 | of purchase orders that have been filled 03149843 44 a 01 unfilled 0 002 ! 03149732 a 0101 < 01183573 v 0103 | of purchase orders that have not been filled 03149960 44 a 01 fitted 0 001 < 02659763 v 0101 | being the right size and shape to fit as desired; "a fitted overcoat"; "he quickly assembled the fitted pieces" 03150124 44 a 02 hypophysectomized 0 hypophysectomised 0 002 < 00181005 v 0202 < 00181005 v 0101 | having the pituitary gland removed by surgery; "hypophysectomized tadpoles" 03150301 44 a 01 malted 0 002 ! 03150431 a 0101 < 00117757 v 0101 | of grain that has been converted into malt; "malted barley" 03150431 44 a 01 unmalted 0 002 ! 03150301 a 0101 < 00117757 v 0101 | of grain that has not been converted into malt; "unmalted barley" 03150569 44 a 01 marched_upon 0 001 < 01996735 v 0101 | being or having been trodden or marched on 03150670 44 a 02 mercerized 0 mercerised 0 002 < 00185698 v 0201 < 00185698 v 0101 | of cotton thread that has been treated with sodium hydroxide to shrink it and increase its luster and affinity for dye; "mercerized cotton" 03150897 44 a 01 mounded_over 0 001 < 01660547 v 0101 | having a wound formed over it 03150985 44 a 01 operating 0 001 < 01525666 v 0103 | involved in a kind of operation; "the operating conditions of the oxidation pond" 03151122 44 a 02 oxidized 0 oxidised 0 002 < 00238867 v 0202 < 00238867 v 0101 | combined with or having undergone a chemical reaction with oxygen; "the oxidized form of iodine" 03151302 44 a 01 parked 0 001 < 01493380 v 0101 | that have been left; "there were four parked cars across the street" 03151423 44 a 02 pasteurized 0 pasteurised 0 002 < 00364629 v 0202 < 00364629 v 0101 | having been subjected to pasteurization in order to halt fermentation 03151582 44 a 02 unpasteurized 0 unpasteurised 0 002 < 00364629 v 0202 < 00364629 v 0101 | not having undergone pasteurization 03151711 44 a 02 penciled 0 pencilled 0 002 < 01688604 v 0201 < 01688604 v 0101 | drawn or written with a pencil; "a penciled sketch"; "the penciled message" 03151871 44 a 01 pitched 0 001 < 00298420 v 0101 | (of sound) set to a certain pitch or key; usually used as a combining form; "high-pitched" 03152015 44 a 01 played 0 002 ;c 00455599 n 0000 < 01072949 v 0101 | (of games) engaged in; "the loosely played game" 03152135 44 a 01 plugged 0 001 < 00123170 v 0101 | (of a coin) altered by the insertion of a plug of base metal 03152249 44 a 01 posed 0 002 ! 03152350 a 0101 < 02142775 v 0102 | arranged for pictorial purposes 03152350 44 a 01 unposed 0 002 ! 03152249 a 0101 < 02142775 v 0102 | not arranged for pictorial purposes; "unposed photographs" 03152480 44 a 01 posted 0 001 < 00991683 v 0101 | publicly announced; "the posted speed limit" 03152577 44 a 01 preconceived 0 001 < 01633343 v 0102 | (of an idea or opinion) formed beforehand; especially without evidence or through prejudice; "certain preconceived notions" 03152759 44 a 01 punishing 0 001 < 02499629 v 0101 | resulting in punishment; "the king imposed a punishing tax" 03152874 44 a 01 pursued 0 001 < 02000868 v 0101 | followed with enmity as if to harm; "running and leaping like a herd of pursued antelopes" 03153018 44 a 01 ranging 0 001 < 01881180 v 010a | wandering freely; "at night in bed...his slowly ranging thoughts...encountered her" 03153155 44 a 01 re-created 0 001 < 01619354 v 0101 | created anew; "this re-created literalness" 03153255 44 a 01 regenerating 0 001 < 00167535 v 0101 | that are generating anew; "regenerating fibers" 03153361 44 a 04 ridged 0 carinate 0 carinated 0 keeled 0 002 + 01517966 n 0201 < 00144446 v 0101 | having a ridge or shaped like a ridge or suggesting the keel of a ship; "a carinate sepal" 03153554 44 a 02 sanitized 0 sanitised 0 002 < 00554468 v 0202 < 00554468 v 0101 | made sanitary 03153653 44 a 01 shrieked 0 001 < 00914420 v 0101 | uttered in a shrill scream as of pain or terror 03153755 44 a 01 sintered 0 001 < 01661096 v 0101 | formed into a mass by heat and pressure 03153849 44 a 01 sluicing 0 001 < 01853882 v 0101 | pouring from or as if from a sluice; "the sluicing rain" 03153960 44 a 01 spray-dried 0 001 < 00215661 v 0101 | dried by bringing a sprayed substance (e.g. milk or soap) into contact with hot air and recovering it in the form of a powder 03154143 44 a 01 squashed 0 001 < 01593937 v 0101 | that has been violently compressed; "the squashed looking nakedness of the fledgling birds" 03154289 44 a 01 stacked 0 001 < 01503404 v 0101 | arranged in a stack 03154362 44 a 01 strung 0 001 < 01359432 v 0101 | that is on a string; "keys strung on a red cord" 03154463 44 a 02 sublimed 0 sublimated 0 002 < 00365810 v 0202 < 00365810 v 0101 | passing or having passed from the solid to the gaseous state (or vice versa) without becoming liquid 03154649 44 a 02 thoriated 0 tittering 0 002 < 00030142 v 0202 < 00497391 v 0101 | being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter 03154786 44 a 01 transpiring 0 001 < 02066757 v 0101 | that is passing through; "transpiring gas" 03154886 44 a 01 sought 0 001 < 01315613 v 0102 | that is looked for; "the long sought relatives" 03154986 44 a 01 closed-captioned 0 002 ;c 06277280 n 0000 < 02323870 v 0101 | broadcast with captions that are seen only on receivers having special equipment; can be provided for hard-of-hearing viewers 03155193 44 a 01 saponified 0 002 ! 03155306 a 0101 < 00538571 v 0101 | converted into soap; "saponified oils" 03155306 44 a 01 unsaponified 0 002 ! 03155193 a 0101 < 00538571 v 0101 | not converted into soap; "unsaponified fat"