from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) import random from pattern.db import Datasheet from import tag, predicative from pattern.vector import SVM, KNN, NB, count, shuffled # This example demonstrates a Support Vector Machine (SVM). # SVM is a robust classifier that uses "kernel" functions. # See: # # As a metaphor, imagine the following game: # - The ground is scattered with red and blue marbles. # - It is your task to separate them using a single, straight line. # # The separation is going to be a rough approximation, obviously. # # Now imagine the following game: # - The room is filled with static, floating red and blue marbles. # - It is your task to separate them by inserting a glass panel between them. # # The 3-D space gives a lot more options. Adding more dimensions add even more options. # This is roughly what a SVM does, using kernel functions to push the separation # to a higher dimension. # Pattern includes precompiled C binaries of libsvm. # If these do not work on your system you have to compile libsvm manually. # You can also change the "SVM()" statement below with "KNN()", # so you can still follow the rest of the example. classifier = SVM() # We'll build a classifier to predict sentiment in Dutch movie reviews. # For example, "geweldige film!" (great movie) indicates a positive sentiment. # The CSV file at pattern/test/corpora/ # contains 1,500 positive and 1,500 negative reviews. # The pattern.vector module has a shuffled() function # which we use to randomly arrange the reviews in the list: print("loading data...") data = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "test", "corpora", "") data = Datasheet.load(data) data = shuffled(data) # We do not necessarily need Document objects as in the previous examples. # We can train any classifier on simple Python dictionaries too. # This is sometimes easier if you want full control over the data. # The instance() function below returns a train/test instance for a given review: # 1) parse the review for part-of-speech tags, # 2) keep adjectives, adverbs and exclamation marks (these mainly carry sentiment), # 3) lemmatize the Dutch adjectives, e.g., "goede" => "goed" (good). # 4) count the distinct words in the list, map it to a dictionary. def instance(review): # "Great book!" v = tag(review) # [("Great", "JJ"), ("book", "NN"), ("!", "!")] v = [word for (word, pos) in v if pos in ("JJ", "RB") or word in ("!")] v = [predicative(word) for word in v] # ["great", "!", "!"] v = count(v) # {"great": 1, "!": 1} return v # We can add any kind of features to a custom instance dict. # For example, in a deception detection experiment # we may want to populate the dict with PRP (pronouns), punctuation marks, # average sentence length, a score for word diversity, etc. # Use 1,000 random instances as training material. print("training...") for score, review in data[:1000]: classifier.train(instance(review), type=int(score) > 0)"sentiment-nl-svm.p") #classifier = SVM.load("sentiment-nl-svm.p") # Use 500 random instances as test. print("testing...") i = n = 0 for score, review in data[1000:1500]: if classifier.classify(instance(review)) == (int(score) > 0): i += 1 n += 1 # The overall accuracy is around 82%. # A Naieve Bayes classifier has about 78% accuracy. # A KNN classifier has about 80% accuracy. # Careful: to get a reliable score you need to calculate precision and recall, # study the documentation at: # print(float(i) / n) # The work is not done here. # Low accuracy is disappointing, but high accuracy is often suspicious. # Things to look out for: # - distinction between train and test set, # - overfitting: