from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int from builtins import range import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) from pattern.web import Twitter from pattern.en import Sentence, parse from import search from pattern.vector import Document, Model, KNN # Classification is a supervised machine learning method, # where labeled documents are used as training material # to learn how to label unlabeled documents. # This example trains a simple classifier with Twitter messages. # The idea is that, if you have a number of texts with a "type" # (mail/spam, positive/negative, language, author's age, ...), # you can predict the type of other "unknown" texts. # The k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm classifies texts according # to the k documents that are most similar (cosine similarity) to the given input document. m = Model() t = Twitter() # First, we mine a model of a 1000 tweets. # We'll use hashtags as type. for page in range(1, 10): for tweet in'#win OR #fail', start=page, count=100, cached=True): # If the tweet contains #win hashtag, we'll set its type to 'WIN': s = tweet.text.lower() # tweet in lowercase p = '#win' in s and 'WIN' or 'FAIL' # document labels s = Sentence(parse(s)) # parse tree with part-of-speech tags s = search('JJ', s) # adjectives in the tweet s = [match[0].string for match in s] # adjectives as a list of strings s = " ".join(s) # adjectives as string if len(s) > 0: m.append(Document(s, type=p, stemmer=None)) # Train k-Nearest Neighbor on the model. # Note that this is only a simple example: to build a robust classifier # you would need a lot more training data (e.g., tens of thousands of tweets). # The more training data, the more statistically reliable the classifier becomes. # The only way to really know if your classifier is working correctly # is to test it with testing data, see the documentation for Classifier.test(). classifier = KNN(baseline=None) # By default, baseline=MAJORITY for document in m: # (classify unknown documents with the most frequent type). classifier.train(document) # These are the adjectives the classifier has learned: print(sorted(classifier.features)) print() # We can now ask it to classify documents containing these words. # Note that you may get different results than the ones below, # since you will be mining other (more recent) tweets. # Again, a robust classifier needs lots and lots of training data. # If None is returned, the word was not recognized, # and the classifier returned the default value (see above). print(classifier.classify('sweet potato burger')) # yields 'WIN' print(classifier.classify('stupid autocorrect')) # yields 'FAIL' # "What can I do with it?" # In the scientific community, classifiers have been used to predict: # - the opinion (positive/negative) in product reviews on blogs, # - the age of users posting on social networks, # - the author of medieval poems, # - spam in e-mail messages, # - lies & deception in text, # - doubt & uncertainty in text, # and to: # - improve search engine query results (e.g., where "jeans" queries also yield "denim" results), # - win at Jeopardy!, # - win at rock-paper-scissors, # and so on...