from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) from pattern.web import Bing, asynchronous, plaintext from pattern.web import SEARCH, IMAGE, NEWS import time # This example retrieves results from Bing based on a given query. # The Bing search engine can retrieve up to a 1000 results (10x100) for a query. # Bing's "Custom Search API" is a paid service. # The pattern.web module uses a test account by default, # with 5000 free queries per month shared by all Pattern users. # If this limit is exceeded, SearchEngineLimitError is raised. # You should obtain your own license key at: # engine = Bing(license=None, language="en") # Quote a query to match it exactly: q = "\"is more important than\"" # When you execute a query, # the script will halt until all results are downloaded. # In apps with an infinite main loop (e.g., GUI, game), # it is often more useful if the app keeps on running # while the search is executed in the background. # This can be achieved with the asynchronous() function. # It takes any function and that function's arguments and keyword arguments: request = asynchronous(, q, start=1, count=100, type=SEARCH, timeout=10) # This while-loop simulates an infinite application loop. # In real-life you would have an app.update() or similar # in which you can check request.done every now and then. while not request.done: time.sleep(0.1) print(".") print("") print("") # An error occured in, raise it. if request.error: raise request.error # Retrieve the list of search results. for result in request.value: print(result.text) print(result.url) print("")