from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int from builtins import range import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) from pattern.web import Google, plaintext from pattern.web import SEARCH # The pattern.web module has a SearchEngine class, # with a method that yields a list of Result objects. # Each Result has url, title, text, language, author and date and properties. # Subclasses of SearchEngine include: # Google, Bing, Yahoo, Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Flickr, ... # This example retrieves results from Google based on a given query. # The Google search engine can handle SEARCH type searches. # Other search engines may also handle IMAGE, NEWS, ... # Google's "Custom Search API" is a paid service. # The pattern.web module uses a test account by default, # with a 100 free queries per day shared by all Pattern users. # If this limit is exceeded, SearchEngineLimitError is raised. # You should obtain your own license key at: # # Activate "Custom Search API" under "Services" and get the key under "API Access". # Then use Google(license=[YOUR_KEY]).search(). # This will give you 100 personal free queries, or 5$ per 1000 queries. engine = Google(license=None, language="en") # Veale & Hao's method for finding similes using wildcards (*): # # This will match results such as: # - "as light as a feather", # - "as cute as a cupcake", # - "as drunk as a lord", # - "as snug as a bug", etc. q = "as * as a *" # Google is very fast but you can only get up to 100 (10x10) results per query. for i in range(1, 2): for result in, start=i, count=10, type=SEARCH, cached=True): print(plaintext(result.text)) # plaintext() removes all HTML formatting. print(result.url) print( print("")