import importlib import logging import os import sys import matplotlib from matplotlib import cbook from matplotlib.backend_bases import _Backend _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # NOTE: plt.switch_backend() (called at import time) will add a "backend" # attribute here for backcompat. def _get_running_interactive_framework(): """ Return the interactive framework whose event loop is currently running, if any, or "headless" if no event loop can be started, or None. Returns ------- Optional[str] One of the following values: "qt5", "qt4", "gtk3", "wx", "tk", "macosx", "headless", ``None``. """ QtWidgets = (sys.modules.get("PyQt5.QtWidgets") or sys.modules.get("PySide2.QtWidgets")) if QtWidgets and QtWidgets.QApplication.instance(): return "qt5" QtGui = (sys.modules.get("PyQt4.QtGui") or sys.modules.get("PySide.QtGui")) if QtGui and QtGui.QApplication.instance(): return "qt4" Gtk = sys.modules.get("gi.repository.Gtk") if Gtk and Gtk.main_level(): return "gtk3" wx = sys.modules.get("wx") if wx and wx.GetApp(): return "wx" tkinter = sys.modules.get("tkinter") if tkinter: for frame in sys._current_frames().values(): while frame: if frame.f_code == tkinter.mainloop.__code__: return "tk" frame = frame.f_back if 'matplotlib.backends._macosx' in sys.modules: if sys.modules["matplotlib.backends._macosx"].event_loop_is_running(): return "macosx" if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and not os.environ.get("DISPLAY"): return "headless" return None