from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int from builtins import map, zip from builtins import range import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) import random from collections import defaultdict from pattern.text import Model from pattern.vector import shuffled, SLP from pattern.en import lexicon, parsetree from random import seed from io import open # This example demonstrates how a Perceptron classifier # can be used to construct an English language model # (i.e., a classifier that predicts part-of-speech tags), # by learning from a training set of tagged sentences. # First we need training data: a corpus of manually annotated (= tagged) sentences. # Typically, Penn Treebank is used, which contains texts from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). # In this example we will use the freely available Open American National Corpus (OANC). print("load training data...") def corpus(path, encoding="utf-8"): """ Yields sentences of (word, tag)-tuples from the given corpus, which is a .txt file with a sentence on each line, with slash-encoded tokens (e.g., the/DT cat/NN). """ for s in open(path, encoding=encoding): s = list(map(lambda w: w.split("/"), s.strip().split(" "))) s = list(map(lambda w: (w[0].replace("&slash;", "/"), w[1]), s)) yield s # The corpus is included in the Pattern download zip, in pattern/test/corpora: path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "test", "corpora", "tagged-en-oanc.txt") data = list(corpus(path)) # A parser is typically based on a lexicon of known words (aka a tag dictionary), # that contains frequent words and their most frequent part-of-speech tag. # This approach is fast. However, some words can have more than one tag, # depending on their context in the sentence (e.g., "a can" vs. "can I"). # When we train a language model (i.e., a classifier), # we want to make sure that it captures all ambiguity, # ignoring ambiguous entries in the lexicon, # handling them with the classifier instead. # For example, the lexicon in pattern.en will always tag "about" as IN (preposition), # even though it can also be used as RB (adverb) in about 25% of the cases. # We will add "about" to the set of words in the lexicon to ignore # when using a language model. print("load training lexicon...") f = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) # {word1: {tag1: count, tag2: count, ...}} for s in data: for w, tag in s: f[w][tag] += 1 known, unknown = set(), set() for w, tags in f.items(): n = sum(tags.values()) # total count m = sorted(tags, key=tags.__getitem__, reverse=True)[0] # most frequent tag if float(tags[m]) / n >= 0.97 and n > 1: # Words that are always handled by the lexicon. known.add(w) if float(tags[m]) / n < 0.92 and w in lexicon: # Words in the lexicon that should be ignored and handled by the model. unknown.add(w) # A language model is a classifier (e.g., NB, KNN, SVM, SLP) # trained on words and their context (= words to the left & right in sentence), # that predicts the part-of-speech tag of unknown words. # Take a look at the Model class in pattern/text/ # You'll see an internal Model._v() method # that creates a training vector from a given word and its context, # using information such as word suffix, first letter (i.e., for proper nouns), # the part-of-speech tags of preceding words, surrounding tags, etc. # Perceptron (SLP, single-layer averaged perceptron) works well for language models. # Perceptron is an error-driven classifier. # When given a training example (e.g., tagged word + surrounding words), # it will check if it could correctly predict this example. # If not, it will adjust its weights. # So the accuracy of the perceptron can be improved significantly # by training in multiple iterations, averaging out all weights. # This will take several minutes. # If you want it to run faster for experimentation, # use less iterations or less data in the code below: print("training model...") seed(0) # Lock random list shuffling so we can compare. m = Model(known=known, unknown=unknown, classifier=SLP()) for iteration in range(5): for s in shuffled(data[:20000]): prev = None next = None for i, (w, tag) in enumerate(s): if i < len(s) - 1: next = s[i + 1] m.train(w, tag, prev, next) prev = (w, tag) next = None f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "en-model.slp"), final=True) # Each parser in Pattern (pattern.en,,, ...) # assumes that a lexicon of known words and their most frequent tag is available, # along with some rules for morphology (suffixes, e.g., -ly = adverb) # and context (surrounding words) for unknown words. # If a language model is also available, it overrides these (simpler) rules. # For English, this can raise accuracy from about 94% up to about 97%, # and makes the parses about 3x faster. print("loading model...") f = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "en-model.slp") lexicon.model = Model.load(f, lexicon) # To test the accuracy of the language model, # we can compare a tagged corpus to the predicted tags. # This corpus must be different from the one used for training. # Typically, sections 22, 23 and 24 of the WSJ are used. # Note that the WSJ contains standardized English. # The accuracy will be lower when tested on, for example, informal tweets. # A different classifier could be trained for informal language use. print("testing...") i, n = 0, 0 for s1 in data[-5000:]: s2 = " ".join(w for w, tag in s1) s2 = parsetree(s2, tokenize=False) s2 = ((w.string, w.tag or "") for w in s2[0]) for (w1, tag1), (w2, tag2) in zip(s1, s2): if tag1 == tag2.split("-")[0]: # NNP-PERS => NNP i += 1 n += 1 print(float(i) / n) # accuracy