# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Natural Language Toolkit: Stack decoder # # Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project # Author: Tah Wei Hoon # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT """ Tests for stack decoder """ import unittest from collections import defaultdict from math import log from nltk.translate import PhraseTable from nltk.translate import StackDecoder from nltk.translate.stack_decoder import _Hypothesis, _Stack class TestStackDecoder(unittest.TestCase): def test_find_all_src_phrases(self): # arrange phrase_table = TestStackDecoder.create_fake_phrase_table() stack_decoder = StackDecoder(phrase_table, None) sentence = ('my', 'hovercraft', 'is', 'full', 'of', 'eels') # act src_phrase_spans = stack_decoder.find_all_src_phrases(sentence) # assert self.assertEqual(src_phrase_spans[0], [2]) # 'my hovercraft' self.assertEqual(src_phrase_spans[1], [2]) # 'hovercraft' self.assertEqual(src_phrase_spans[2], [3]) # 'is' self.assertEqual(src_phrase_spans[3], [5, 6]) # 'full of', 'full of eels' self.assertFalse(src_phrase_spans[4]) # no entry starting with 'of' self.assertEqual(src_phrase_spans[5], [6]) # 'eels' def test_distortion_score(self): # arrange stack_decoder = StackDecoder(None, None) stack_decoder.distortion_factor = 0.5 hypothesis = _Hypothesis() hypothesis.src_phrase_span = (3, 5) # act score = stack_decoder.distortion_score(hypothesis, (8, 10)) # assert expected_score = log(stack_decoder.distortion_factor) * (8 - 5) self.assertEqual(score, expected_score) def test_distortion_score_of_first_expansion(self): # arrange stack_decoder = StackDecoder(None, None) stack_decoder.distortion_factor = 0.5 hypothesis = _Hypothesis() # act score = stack_decoder.distortion_score(hypothesis, (8, 10)) # assert # expansion from empty hypothesis always has zero distortion cost self.assertEqual(score, 0.0) def test_compute_future_costs(self): # arrange phrase_table = TestStackDecoder.create_fake_phrase_table() language_model = TestStackDecoder.create_fake_language_model() stack_decoder = StackDecoder(phrase_table, language_model) sentence = ('my', 'hovercraft', 'is', 'full', 'of', 'eels') # act future_scores = stack_decoder.compute_future_scores(sentence) # assert self.assertEqual( future_scores[1][2], ( phrase_table.translations_for(('hovercraft',))[0].log_prob + language_model.probability(('hovercraft',)) ), ) self.assertEqual( future_scores[0][2], ( phrase_table.translations_for(('my', 'hovercraft'))[0].log_prob + language_model.probability(('my', 'hovercraft')) ), ) def test_compute_future_costs_for_phrases_not_in_phrase_table(self): # arrange phrase_table = TestStackDecoder.create_fake_phrase_table() language_model = TestStackDecoder.create_fake_language_model() stack_decoder = StackDecoder(phrase_table, language_model) sentence = ('my', 'hovercraft', 'is', 'full', 'of', 'eels') # act future_scores = stack_decoder.compute_future_scores(sentence) # assert self.assertEqual( future_scores[1][3], # 'hovercraft is' is not in phrase table future_scores[1][2] + future_scores[2][3], ) # backoff def test_future_score(self): # arrange: sentence with 8 words; words 2, 3, 4 already translated hypothesis = _Hypothesis() hypothesis.untranslated_spans = lambda _: [(0, 2), (5, 8)] # mock future_score_table = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float)) future_score_table[0][2] = 0.4 future_score_table[5][8] = 0.5 stack_decoder = StackDecoder(None, None) # act future_score = stack_decoder.future_score(hypothesis, future_score_table, 8) # assert self.assertEqual(future_score, 0.4 + 0.5) def test_valid_phrases(self): # arrange hypothesis = _Hypothesis() # mock untranslated_spans method hypothesis.untranslated_spans = lambda _: [(0, 2), (3, 6)] all_phrases_from = [[1, 4], [2], [], [5], [5, 6, 7], [], [7]] # act phrase_spans = StackDecoder.valid_phrases(all_phrases_from, hypothesis) # assert self.assertEqual(phrase_spans, [(0, 1), (1, 2), (3, 5), (4, 5), (4, 6)]) @staticmethod def create_fake_phrase_table(): phrase_table = PhraseTable() phrase_table.add(('hovercraft',), ('',), 0.8) phrase_table.add(('my', 'hovercraft'), ('', ''), 0.7) phrase_table.add(('my', 'cheese'), ('', ''), 0.7) phrase_table.add(('is',), ('',), 0.8) phrase_table.add(('is',), ('',), 0.5) phrase_table.add(('full', 'of'), ('', ''), 0.01) phrase_table.add(('full', 'of', 'eels'), ('', '', ''), 0.5) phrase_table.add(('full', 'of', 'spam'), ('', ''), 0.5) phrase_table.add(('eels',), ('',), 0.5) phrase_table.add(('spam',), ('',), 0.5) return phrase_table @staticmethod def create_fake_language_model(): # nltk.model should be used here once it is implemented language_prob = defaultdict(lambda: -999.0) language_prob[('my',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('hovercraft',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('is',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('full',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('of',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('eels',)] = log(0.1) language_prob[('my', 'hovercraft')] = log(0.3) language_model = type( '', (object,), {'probability': lambda _, phrase: language_prob[phrase]} )() return language_model class TestHypothesis(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): root = _Hypothesis() child = _Hypothesis( raw_score=0.5, src_phrase_span=(3, 7), trg_phrase=('hello', 'world'), previous=root, ) grandchild = _Hypothesis( raw_score=0.4, src_phrase_span=(1, 2), trg_phrase=('and', 'goodbye'), previous=child, ) self.hypothesis_chain = grandchild def test_translation_so_far(self): # act translation = self.hypothesis_chain.translation_so_far() # assert self.assertEqual(translation, ['hello', 'world', 'and', 'goodbye']) def test_translation_so_far_for_empty_hypothesis(self): # arrange hypothesis = _Hypothesis() # act translation = hypothesis.translation_so_far() # assert self.assertEqual(translation, []) def test_total_translated_words(self): # act total_translated_words = self.hypothesis_chain.total_translated_words() # assert self.assertEqual(total_translated_words, 5) def test_translated_positions(self): # act translated_positions = self.hypothesis_chain.translated_positions() # assert translated_positions.sort() self.assertEqual(translated_positions, [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]) def test_untranslated_spans(self): # act untranslated_spans = self.hypothesis_chain.untranslated_spans(10) # assert self.assertEqual(untranslated_spans, [(0, 1), (2, 3), (7, 10)]) def test_untranslated_spans_for_empty_hypothesis(self): # arrange hypothesis = _Hypothesis() # act untranslated_spans = hypothesis.untranslated_spans(10) # assert self.assertEqual(untranslated_spans, [(0, 10)]) class TestStack(unittest.TestCase): def test_push_bumps_off_worst_hypothesis_when_stack_is_full(self): # arrange stack = _Stack(3) poor_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(0.01) # act stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.2)) stack.push(poor_hypothesis) stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.1)) stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.3)) # assert self.assertFalse(poor_hypothesis in stack) def test_push_removes_hypotheses_that_fall_below_beam_threshold(self): # arrange stack = _Stack(3, 0.5) poor_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(0.01) worse_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(0.009) # act stack.push(poor_hypothesis) stack.push(worse_hypothesis) stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.9)) # greatly superior hypothesis # assert self.assertFalse(poor_hypothesis in stack) self.assertFalse(worse_hypothesis in stack) def test_push_does_not_add_hypothesis_that_falls_below_beam_threshold(self): # arrange stack = _Stack(3, 0.5) poor_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(0.01) # act stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.9)) # greatly superior hypothesis stack.push(poor_hypothesis) # assert self.assertFalse(poor_hypothesis in stack) def test_best_returns_the_best_hypothesis(self): # arrange stack = _Stack(3) best_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(0.99) # act stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.0)) stack.push(best_hypothesis) stack.push(_Hypothesis(0.5)) # assert self.assertEqual(stack.best(), best_hypothesis) def test_best_returns_none_when_stack_is_empty(self): # arrange stack = _Stack(3) # assert self.assertEqual(stack.best(), None)