# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import unittest from nltk.corpus import ( sinica_treebank, conll2007, indian, cess_cat, cess_esp, floresta, ptb, udhr, ) # mwa_ppdb from nltk.compat import python_2_unicode_compatible from nltk.tree import Tree from nltk.test.unit.utils import skipIf class TestUdhr(unittest.TestCase): def test_words(self): for name in udhr.fileids(): try: words = list(udhr.words(name)) except AssertionError: print(name) raise self.assertTrue(words) def test_raw_unicode(self): for name in udhr.fileids(): txt = udhr.raw(name) assert not isinstance(txt, bytes), name class TestIndian(unittest.TestCase): def test_words(self): words = indian.words()[:3] self.assertEqual(words, ['মহিষের', 'সন্তান', ':']) def test_tagged_words(self): tagged_words = indian.tagged_words()[:3] self.assertEqual( tagged_words, [('মহিষের', 'NN'), ('সন্তান', 'NN'), (':', 'SYM')] ) class TestCess(unittest.TestCase): def test_catalan(self): words = cess_cat.words()[:15] txt = "El Tribunal_Suprem -Fpa- TS -Fpt- ha confirmat la condemna a quatre anys d' inhabilitació especial" self.assertEqual(words, txt.split()) self.assertEqual(cess_cat.tagged_sents()[0][34][0], "càrrecs") def test_esp(self): words = cess_esp.words()[:15] txt = "El grupo estatal Electricité_de_France -Fpa- EDF -Fpt- anunció hoy , jueves , la compra del" self.assertEqual(words, txt.split()) self.assertEqual(cess_esp.words()[115], "años") class TestFloresta(unittest.TestCase): def test_words(self): words = floresta.words()[:10] txt = "Um revivalismo refrescante O 7_e_Meio é um ex-libris de a" self.assertEqual(words, txt.split()) class TestSinicaTreebank(unittest.TestCase): def test_sents(self): first_3_sents = sinica_treebank.sents()[:3] self.assertEqual( first_3_sents, [['一'], ['友情'], ['嘉珍', '和', '我', '住在', '同一條', '巷子']] ) def test_parsed_sents(self): parsed_sents = sinica_treebank.parsed_sents()[25] self.assertEqual( parsed_sents, Tree( 'S', [ Tree('NP', [Tree('Nba', ['嘉珍'])]), Tree('V‧地', [Tree('VA11', ['不停']), Tree('DE', ['的'])]), Tree('VA4', ['哭泣']), ], ), ) class TestCoNLL2007(unittest.TestCase): # Reading the CoNLL 2007 Dependency Treebanks def test_sents(self): sents = conll2007.sents('esp.train')[0] self.assertEqual( sents[:6], ['El', 'aumento', 'del', 'índice', 'de', 'desempleo'] ) def test_parsed_sents(self): parsed_sents = conll2007.parsed_sents('esp.train')[0] self.assertEqual( parsed_sents.tree(), Tree( 'fortaleció', [ Tree( 'aumento', [ 'El', Tree( 'del', [ Tree( 'índice', [ Tree( 'de', [Tree('desempleo', ['estadounidense'])], ) ], ) ], ), ], ), 'hoy', 'considerablemente', Tree( 'al', [ Tree( 'euro', [ Tree( 'cotizaba', [ ',', 'que', Tree('a', [Tree('15.35', ['las', 'GMT'])]), 'se', Tree( 'en', [ Tree( 'mercado', [ 'el', Tree('de', ['divisas']), Tree('de', ['Fráncfort']), ], ) ], ), Tree('a', ['0,9452_dólares']), Tree( 'frente_a', [ ',', Tree( '0,9349_dólares', [ 'los', Tree( 'de', [ Tree( 'mañana', ['esta'], ) ], ), ], ), ], ), ], ) ], ) ], ), '.', ], ), ) @skipIf(not ptb.fileids(), "A full installation of the Penn Treebank is not available") class TestPTB(unittest.TestCase): def test_fileids(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.fileids()[:4], [ 'BROWN/CF/CF01.MRG', 'BROWN/CF/CF02.MRG', 'BROWN/CF/CF03.MRG', 'BROWN/CF/CF04.MRG', ], ) def test_words(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.words('WSJ/00/WSJ_0003.MRG')[:7], ['A', 'form', 'of', 'asbestos', 'once', 'used', '*'], ) def test_tagged_words(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.tagged_words('WSJ/00/WSJ_0003.MRG')[:3], [('A', 'DT'), ('form', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], ) def test_categories(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.categories(), [ 'adventure', 'belles_lettres', 'fiction', 'humor', 'lore', 'mystery', 'news', 'romance', 'science_fiction', ], ) def test_news_fileids(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.fileids('news')[:3], ['WSJ/00/WSJ_0001.MRG', 'WSJ/00/WSJ_0002.MRG', 'WSJ/00/WSJ_0003.MRG'], ) def test_category_words(self): self.assertEqual( ptb.words(categories=['humor', 'fiction'])[:6], ['Thirty-three', 'Scotty', 'did', 'not', 'go', 'back'], ) @unittest.skip("Skipping test for mwa_ppdb.") class TestMWAPPDB(unittest.TestCase): def test_fileids(self): self.assertEqual( mwa_ppdb.fileids(), ['ppdb-1.0-xxxl-lexical.extended.synonyms.uniquepairs'] ) def test_entries(self): self.assertEqual( mwa_ppdb.entries()[:10], [ ('10/17/01', '17/10/2001'), ('102,70', '102.70'), ('13,53', '13.53'), ('', ''), ('53,76', '53.76'), ('6.9.5', '6.9.5.'), ('', ''), ('76,20', '76.20'), ('79,85', '79.85'), ('93,65', '93.65'), ], ) # unload corpora from nltk.corpus import teardown_module