# Natural Language Toolkit: NLTK's very own tokenizer. # # Copyright (C) 2001-2020 NLTK Project # Author: # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT import re from nltk.tokenize.api import TokenizerI class MacIntyreContractions: """ List of contractions adapted from Robert MacIntyre's tokenizer. """ CONTRACTIONS2 = [ r"(?i)\b(can)(?#X)(not)\b", r"(?i)\b(d)(?#X)('ye)\b", r"(?i)\b(gim)(?#X)(me)\b", r"(?i)\b(gon)(?#X)(na)\b", r"(?i)\b(got)(?#X)(ta)\b", r"(?i)\b(lem)(?#X)(me)\b", r"(?i)\b(mor)(?#X)('n)\b", r"(?i)\b(wan)(?#X)(na)\s", ] CONTRACTIONS3 = [r"(?i) ('t)(?#X)(is)\b", r"(?i) ('t)(?#X)(was)\b"] CONTRACTIONS4 = [r"(?i)\b(whad)(dd)(ya)\b", r"(?i)\b(wha)(t)(cha)\b"] class NLTKWordTokenizer(TokenizerI): """ The NLTK tokenizer that has improved upon the TreebankWordTokenizer. The tokenizer is "destructive" such that the regexes applied will munge the input string to a state beyond re-construction. It is possible to apply `TreebankWordDetokenizer.detokenize` to the tokenized outputs of `NLTKDestructiveWordTokenizer.tokenize` but there's no guarantees to revert to the original string. """ # Starting quotes. STARTING_QUOTES = [ (re.compile(u"([«“‘„]|[`]+)", re.U), r" \1 "), (re.compile(r"^\""), r"``"), (re.compile(r"(``)"), r" \1 "), (re.compile(r"([ \(\[{<])(\"|\'{2})"), r"\1 `` "), (re.compile(r"(?i)(\')(?!re|ve|ll|m|t|s|d)(\w)\b", re.U), r"\1 \2"), ] # Ending quotes. ENDING_QUOTES = [ (re.compile(u"([»”’])", re.U), r" \1 "), (re.compile(r'"'), " '' "), (re.compile(r"(\S)(\'\')"), r"\1 \2 "), (re.compile(r"([^' ])('[sS]|'[mM]|'[dD]|') "), r"\1 \2 "), (re.compile(r"([^' ])('ll|'LL|'re|'RE|'ve|'VE|n't|N'T) "), r"\1 \2 "), ] # For improvements for starting/closing quotes from TreebankWordTokenizer, # see discussion on https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/1437 # Adding to TreebankWordTokenizer, nltk.word_tokenize now splits on # - chervon quotes u'\xab' and u'\xbb' . # - unicode quotes u'\u2018', u'\u2019', u'\u201c' and u'\u201d' # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/issues/1995#issuecomment-376741608 # Also, behavior of splitting on clitics now follows Stanford CoreNLP # - clitics covered (?!re|ve|ll|m|t|s|d)(\w)\b # Punctuation. PUNCTUATION = [ (re.compile(r'([^\.])(\.)([\]\)}>"\'' u"»”’ " r"]*)\s*$", re.U), r"\1 \2 \3 "), (re.compile(r"([:,])([^\d])"), r" \1 \2"), (re.compile(r"([:,])$"), r" \1 "), (re.compile(r"\.{2,}", re.U), r" \g<0> "), # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/2322 (re.compile(r"[;@#$%&]"), r" \g<0> "), ( re.compile(r'([^\.])(\.)([\]\)}>"\']*)\s*$'), r"\1 \2\3 ", ), # Handles the final period. (re.compile(r"[?!]"), r" \g<0> "), (re.compile(r"([^'])' "), r"\1 ' "), (re.compile(r"[*]", re.U), r" \g<0> "), # See https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/2322 ] # Pads parentheses PARENS_BRACKETS = (re.compile(r"[\]\[\(\)\{\}\<\>]"), r" \g<0> ") # Optionally: Convert parentheses, brackets and converts them to PTB symbols. CONVERT_PARENTHESES = [ (re.compile(r"\("), "-LRB-"), (re.compile(r"\)"), "-RRB-"), (re.compile(r"\["), "-LSB-"), (re.compile(r"\]"), "-RSB-"), (re.compile(r"\{"), "-LCB-"), (re.compile(r"\}"), "-RCB-"), ] DOUBLE_DASHES = (re.compile(r"--"), r" -- ") # List of contractions adapted from Robert MacIntyre's tokenizer. _contractions = MacIntyreContractions() CONTRACTIONS2 = list(map(re.compile, _contractions.CONTRACTIONS2)) CONTRACTIONS3 = list(map(re.compile, _contractions.CONTRACTIONS3)) def tokenize(self, text, convert_parentheses=False, return_str=False): for regexp, substitution in self.STARTING_QUOTES: text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) for regexp, substitution in self.PUNCTUATION: text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) # Handles parentheses. regexp, substitution = self.PARENS_BRACKETS text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) # Optionally convert parentheses if convert_parentheses: for regexp, substitution in self.CONVERT_PARENTHESES: text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) # Handles double dash. regexp, substitution = self.DOUBLE_DASHES text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) # add extra space to make things easier text = " " + text + " " for regexp, substitution in self.ENDING_QUOTES: text = regexp.sub(substitution, text) for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS2: text = regexp.sub(r" \1 \2 ", text) for regexp in self.CONTRACTIONS3: text = regexp.sub(r" \1 \2 ", text) # We are not using CONTRACTIONS4 since # they are also commented out in the SED scripts # for regexp in self._contractions.CONTRACTIONS4: # text = regexp.sub(r' \1 \2 \3 ', text) return text if return_str else text.split()