.. Copyright (C) 2001-2020 NLTK Project .. For license information, see LICENSE.TXT .. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ============= METEOR tests ============= No Allignment test ------------------ >>> from nltk.translate import meteor If the candidate has no alignment to any of the references, the METEOR score is 0. >>> round(meteor( ... ['The candidate has no alignment to any of the references'], ... 'John loves Mary' ... ),4) 0.0 Tests based on wikipedia examples --------------------------------- Testing on `wikipedia examples `_ >>> same_res = round(meteor( ... ['The cat sat on the mat'], ... 'The cat sat on the mat' ... ),4) >>> abs(same_res - 0.9977) < 1e-2 True >>> meteor( ... ['The cat sat on the mat'], ... 'on the mat sat the cat' ... ) 0.5 >>> round(meteor( ... ['The cat sat on the mat'], ... 'The cat was sat on the mat' ... ),4) 0.9654