import os import sys import time import errno import signal import warnings import threading import subprocess try: import psutil except ImportError: psutil = None WIN32 = sys.platform == "win32" def _flag_current_thread_clean_exit(): """Put a ``_clean_exit`` flag on the current thread""" thread = threading.current_thread() thread._clean_exit = True def recursive_terminate(process, use_psutil=True): if use_psutil and psutil is not None: _recursive_terminate_with_psutil(process) else: _recursive_terminate_without_psutil(process) def _recursive_terminate_with_psutil(process, retries=5): try: children = psutil.Process( except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return # Kill the children in reverse order to avoid killing the parents before # the children in cases where there are more processes nested. for child in children[::-1]: try: child.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass process.terminate() process.join() def _recursive_terminate_without_psutil(process): """Terminate a process and its descendants. """ try: _recursive_terminate( except OSError as e: warnings.warn("Failed to kill subprocesses on this platform. Please" "install psutil:") # In case we cannot introspect the children, we fall back to the # classic Process.terminate. process.terminate() process.join() def _recursive_terminate(pid): """Recursively kill the descendants of a process before killing it. """ if sys.platform == "win32": # On windows, the taskkill function with option `/T` terminate a given # process pid and its children. try: subprocess.check_output( ["taskkill", "/F", "/T", "/PID", str(pid)], stderr=None) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # In windows, taskkill return 1 for permission denied and 128, 255 # for no process found. if e.returncode not in [1, 128, 255]: raise elif e.returncode == 1: # Try to kill the process without its descendants if taskkill # was denied permission. If this fails too, with an error # different from process not found, let the top level function # raise a warning and retry to kill the process. try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise else: try: children_pids = subprocess.check_output( ["pgrep", "-P", str(pid)], stderr=None ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # `ps` returns 1 when no child process has been found if e.returncode == 1: children_pids = b'' else: raise # Decode the result, split the cpid and remove the trailing line children_pids = children_pids.decode().split('\n')[:-1] for cpid in children_pids: cpid = int(cpid) _recursive_terminate(cpid) try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) except OSError as e: # if OSError is raised with [Errno 3] no such process, the process # is already terminated, else, raise the error and let the top # level function raise a warning and retry to kill the process. if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: raise def get_exitcodes_terminated_worker(processes): """Return a formated string with the exitcodes of terminated workers. If necessary, wait (up to .25s) for the system to correctly set the exitcode of one terminated worker. """ patience = 5 # Catch the exitcode of the terminated workers. There should at least be # one. If not, wait a bit for the system to correctly set the exitcode of # the terminated worker. exitcodes = [p.exitcode for p in list(processes.values()) if p.exitcode is not None] while len(exitcodes) == 0 and patience > 0: patience -= 1 exitcodes = [p.exitcode for p in list(processes.values()) if p.exitcode is not None] time.sleep(.05) return _format_exitcodes(exitcodes) def _format_exitcodes(exitcodes): """Format a list of exit code with names of the signals if possible""" str_exitcodes = ["{}({})".format(_get_exitcode_name(e), e) for e in exitcodes if e is not None] return "{" + ", ".join(str_exitcodes) + "}" def _get_exitcode_name(exitcode): if sys.platform == "win32": # The exitcode are unreliable on windows (see bpo-31863). # For this case, return UNKNOWN return "UNKNOWN" if exitcode < 0: try: import signal if sys.version_info > (3, 5): return signal.Signals(-exitcode).name # construct an inverse lookup table for v, k in signal.__dict__.items(): if (v.startswith('SIG') and not v.startswith('SIG_') and k == -exitcode): return v except ValueError: return "UNKNOWN" elif exitcode != 255: # The exitcode are unreliable on forkserver were 255 is always returned # (see bpo-30589). For this case, return UNKNOWN return "EXIT" return "UNKNOWN"