from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) from pattern.web import Facebook, NEWS, COMMENTS, LIKES from pattern.db import Datasheet, pprint, pd # The Facebook API can be used to search public status updates (no license needed). # It can also be used to get status updates, comments and persons that liked it, # from a given profile or product page. # This requires a personal license key. # If you are logged in to Facebook, you can get a license key here: # # (We don't / can't store your information). # 1) Searching for public status updates. # Search for all status updates that contain the word "horrible". try: # We'll store the status updates in a Datasheet. # A Datasheet is a table of rows and columns that can be exported as a CSV-file. # In the first column, we'll store a unique id for each status update. # We only want to add new status updates, i.e., those we haven't seen yet. # With an index on the first column we can quickly check if an id already exists. table = Datasheet.load(pd("opinions.csv")) index = set(table.columns[0]) except: table = Datasheet() index = set() fb = Facebook() # With, a "live" request is sent to Facebook: # we get the most recent results instead of those in the local cache. # Keeping a local cache can also be useful (e.g., while testing) # because a query is instant when it is executed the second time. for status in"horrible", count=25, cached=False): print("=" * 100) print( print(status.text) print( # Yields an (id, name)-tuple. print( print(status.likes) print(status.comments) print("") # Only add the tweet to the table if it doesn't already exists. if len(table) == 0 or not in index: table.append([, status.text]) index.add( # Create a .csv in pattern/examples/01-web/"opinions.csv")) # 2) Status updates from specific profiles. # For this you need a personal license key: # license = "" if license != "": fb = Facebook(license) # Facebook.profile() returns a dictionary with author info. # By default, this is your own profile. # You can also supply the id of another profile, # or the name of a product page. me = fb.profile()["id"] for status in, type=NEWS, count=30, cached=False): print("-" * 100) print( # Status update unique id. print(status.title) # Status title (i.e., the id of the page or event given as URL). print(status.text) # Status update text. print(status.url) # Status update image, external link, ... if status.comments > 0: # Retrieve comments on the status update. print("%s comments:" % status.comments) print([(, x.text, x.likes) for x in, type=COMMENTS)]) if status.likes > 0: # Retrieve likes on the status update. print("%s likes:" % status.likes) print([ for x in, type=LIKES)]) print("")