#### DOCUMENTATION GENERATOR ##########################################################################
# Keeps the offline documention in synch with the online documentation.
# Simply run "python update.py" to generate the latest version.
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(".."))
import codecs
import re
from pattern.web import URL, Document, strip_javascript, strip_between
url = "http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/pages/"
#--- HTML TEMPLATE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use a simplified HTML template based on the online documentation.
template = """
#--- DOWNLOAD & UPDATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for p in ("-", "-web", "-db", "-search", "-vector", "-graph", "-canvas", "-metrics",
"-de", "-en", "-es", "-fr", "-it", "-nl",
"-shell", "stop-words", "mbsp-tags", "-dev"):
# We include some useful pages (Penn Treebank tags, stop words) referenced in the documentation.
if p.startswith("-"):
p = "pattern" + p.rstrip("-")
title = p.replace("-", ".")
if p == "stop-words":
title = "Stop words"
if p == "mbsp-tags":
title = "Penn Treebank II tag set"
# Download the online documentation pages.
print("Retrieving", url + p)
html = URL(url + p).download(cached=False)
# Parse the actual documentation, we don't need the website header, footer, navigation, search.
html = Document(html)
html = html.by_id("content-area")
html = html.by_class("node-type-page")[0]
html = html.source
html = strip_javascript(html)
html = strip_between('
', '/#navbar -->', html)
html = strip_between('
', '/#sidebar-right -->', html)
html = strip_between('