# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # These tests require a working internet connection. from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int from builtins import map, zip, filter from builtins import object, range, next import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) import unittest import time import warnings from pattern import web try: PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except: PATH = "" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestCache(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_cache(self): # Assert cache unicode. k, v = "test", "ünîcødé" web.cache[k] = v self.assertTrue(isinstance(web.cache[k], str)) self.assertEqual(web.cache[k], v) self.assertEqual(web.cache.age(k), 0) del web.cache[k] print("pattern.web.Cache") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestUnicode(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Test data with different (or wrong) encodings. self.strings = ( "ünîcøde", "ünîcøde".encode("utf-16"), "ünîcøde".encode("latin-1"), "ünîcøde".encode("windows-1252"), "ünîcøde", "אוניקאָד" ) def test_decode_utf8(self): # Assert unicode. for s in self.strings: self.assertTrue(isinstance(web.decode_utf8(s), str)) print("pattern.web.decode_utf8()") def test_encode_utf8(self): # Assert Python bytestring. for s in self.strings: self.assertTrue(isinstance(web.encode_utf8(s), bytes)) print("pattern.web.encode_utf8()") def test_fix(self): # Assert fix for common Unicode mistakes. self.assertEqual(web.fix("cliché"), "cliché") self.assertEqual(web.fix("cliché"), "cliché") self.assertEqual(web.fix("cliché"), "cliché") self.assertEqual(web.fix("–"), "–") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestURL(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # Test a live URL that has fast response time self.live = "http://www.google.com/" # Test a fake URL with the URL parser. self.url = "https://username:password@www.domain.com:8080/path/path/page.html?q=1#anchor" self.parts = { "protocol": "https", "username": "username", "password": "password", "domain": "www.domain.com", "port": 8080, "path": ["path", "path"], "page": "page.html", "query": {"q": 1}, "anchor": "anchor" } def test_asynchrous(self): # Assert asynchronous function call (returns 1). v = web.asynchronous(lambda t: time.sleep(t) or 1, 0.2) while not v.done: time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(v.value, 1) print("pattern.web.asynchronous()") def test_extension(self): # Assert filename extension. v = web.extension(os.path.join("pattern", "test", "test-web.py.zip")) self.assertEqual(v, ".zip") print("pattern.web.extension()") def test_urldecode(self): # Assert URL decode (inverse of urllib.urlencode). v = web.urldecode("?user=me&page=1&q=&") self.assertEqual(v, {"user": "me", "page": 1, "q": None}) print("pattern.web.urldecode()") def test_proxy(self): # Assert URL proxy. v = web.proxy("www.proxy.com", "https") self.assertEqual(v, ("www.proxy.com", "https")) print("pattern.web.proxy()") def test_url_parts(self): # Assert URL._parse and URL.parts{}. v = web.URL(self.url) for a, b in ( (web.PROTOCOL, self.parts["protocol"]), (web.USERNAME, self.parts["username"]), (web.PASSWORD, self.parts["password"]), (web.DOMAIN, self.parts["domain"]), (web.PORT, self.parts["port"]), (web.PATH, self.parts["path"]), (web.PAGE, self.parts["page"]), (web.QUERY, self.parts["query"]), (web.ANCHOR, self.parts["anchor"])): self.assertEqual(v.parts[a], b) print("pattern.web.URL.parts") def test_url_query(self): # Assert URL.query and URL.querystring. v = web.URL(self.url) v.query["page"] = 10 v.query["user"] = None self.assertEqual(v.query, {"q": 1, "page": 10, "user": None}) self.assertEqual(v.querystring, "q=1&page=10&user=") # Assert URL.querystring encodes unicode arguments. q = ({"ünîcødé": 1.5}, "%C3%BCn%C3%AEc%C3%B8d%C3%A9=1.5") v.query = q[0] self.assertEqual(v.querystring, q[1]) # Assert URL.query decodes unicode arguments. v = web.URL("http://domain.com?" + q[1]) self.assertEqual(v.query, q[0]) print("pattern.web.URL.query") print("pattern.web.URL.querystring") def test_url_string(self): # Assert URL._set_string(). v = web.URL("") v.string = "https://domain.com" self.assertEqual(v.parts[web.PROTOCOL], "https") self.assertEqual(v.parts[web.DOMAIN], "domain.com") self.assertEqual(v.parts[web.PATH], []) print("pattern.web.URL.string") def test_url(self): # Assert URL.copy(). v = web.URL(self.url) v = v.copy() # Assert URL.__setattr__(). v.username = "new-username" v.password = "new-password" # Assert URL.__getattr__(). self.assertEqual(v.method, web.GET) self.assertEqual(v.protocol, self.parts["protocol"]) self.assertEqual(v.username, "new-username") self.assertEqual(v.password, "new-password") self.assertEqual(v.domain, self.parts["domain"]) self.assertEqual(v.port, self.parts["port"]) self.assertEqual(v.path, self.parts["path"]) self.assertEqual(v.page, self.parts["page"]) self.assertEqual(v.query, self.parts["query"]) self.assertEqual(v.anchor, self.parts["anchor"]) print("pattern.web.URL") def test_url_open(self): # Assert URLError. v = web.URL(self.live.replace("http://", "htp://")) self.assertRaises(web.URLError, v.open) self.assertEqual(v.exists, False) # Assert HTTPError. v = web.URL(self.live + "iphone/android.html") self.assertRaises(web.HTTPError, v.open) self.assertRaises(web.HTTP404NotFound, v.open) self.assertEqual(v.exists, False) # Assert socket connection. v = web.URL(self.live) self.assertTrue(v.open() is not None) self.assertEqual(v.exists, True) # Assert user-agent and referer. self.assertTrue(v.open(user_agent=web.MOZILLA, referrer=web.REFERRER) is not None) print("pattern.web.URL.exists") print("pattern.web.URL.open()") def test_url_download(self): t = time.time() v = web.URL(self.live).download(cached=False, throttle=0.25, unicode=True) t = time.time() - t # Assert unicode content. self.assertTrue(isinstance(v, str)) # Assert download rate limiting. self.assertTrue(t >= 0.25) print("pattern.web.URL.download()") def test_url_mimetype(self): # Assert URL MIME-type. v = web.URL(self.live).mimetype self.assertTrue(v in web.MIMETYPE_WEBPAGE) print("pattern.web.URL.mimetype") def test_url_headers(self): # Assert URL headers. v = web.URL(self.live).headers["content-type"].split(";")[0] self.assertEqual(v, "text/html") print("pattern.web.URL.headers") def test_url_redirect(self): # Assert URL redirected URL (this depends on where you are). # In Belgium, it yields "http://www.google.be/". v = web.URL(self.live).redirect print("pattern.web.URL.redirect: " + self.live + " => " + str(v)) def test_abs(self): # Assert absolute URL (special attention for anchors). for a, b in ( ("../page.html", "http://domain.com/path/"), ( "page.html", "http://domain.com/home.html")): v = web.abs(a, base=b) self.assertEqual(v, "http://domain.com/page.html") for a, b, c in ( ( "#anchor", "http://domain.com", "/"), ( "#anchor", "http://domain.com/", ""), ( "#anchor", "http://domain.com/page", "")): v = web.abs(a, base=b) self.assertEqual(v, b + c + a) # http://domain.com/#anchor print("pattern.web.abs()") def test_base(self): # Assert base URL domain name. self.assertEqual(web.base("http://domain.com/home.html"), "domain.com") print("pattern.web.base()") def test_oauth(self): # Assert OAuth algorithm. data = { "q": '"cåts, døgs & chîckéns = fün+"', "oauth_version": "1.0", "oauth_nonce": "0", "oauth_timestamp": 0, "oauth_consumer_key": "key", "oauth_signature_method": "HMAC-SHA1" } v = web.oauth.sign("http://yboss.yahooapis.com/ysearch/web", data, secret="secret") self.assertEqual(v, "RtTu8dxSp3uBzSbsuLAXIWOKfyI=") print("pattern.web.oauth.sign()") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestPlaintext(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_find_urls(self): # Assert URL finder with common URL notations. for url in ( "http://domain.co.uk", "https://domain.co.uk", "www.domain.cu.uk", "domain.com", "domain.org", "domain.net"): self.assertEqual(web.find_urls("(" + url + ".")[0], url) # Assert case-insensitive, punctuation and . # Assert several matches in string. self.assertEqual(web.find_urls("HTTP://domain.net")[0], "HTTP://domain.net") self.assertEqual(web.find_urls("http://domain.net),};")[0], "http://domain.net") self.assertEqual(web.find_urls("http://domain.net\">domain")[0], "http://domain.net") self.assertEqual(web.find_urls("domain.com, domain.net"), ["domain.com", "domain.net"]) print("pattern.web.find_urls()") def test_find_email(self): # Assert e-mail finder with common e-mail notations. s = "firstname.last+name@domain.ac.co.uk" v = web.find_email("(" + s + ".") self.assertEqual(v[0], s) # Assert several matches in string. s = ["me@site1.com", "me@site2.com"] v = web.find_email("(" + ",".join(s) + ")") self.assertEqual(v, s) print("pattern.web.find_email()") def test_find_between(self): # Assert search between open tag and close tag. s = "" v = web.find_between("", s) self.assertEqual(v[0], " type='text/javascript'>alert(0);") # Assert several matches in string. s = "a0ba1b" v = web.find_between("a", "b", s) self.assertEqual(v, ["0", "1"]) print("pattern.web.find_between()") def test_strip_tags(self): # Assert HTML parser and tag stripper. for html, plain in ( ("ünîcøde", "ünîcøde"), ("", ""), ("


", "text\n\n"), ("
  • text
  • ", "* text\n"), ("text", "text\t"), ("
    ", "\n"), ("
    ", "\n\n"), ("

    ", "\n\n\n\n\n")): self.assertEqual(web.strip_tags(html), plain) # Assert exclude tags and attributes v = web.strip_tags("
    text", exclude={"a": ["href"]}) self.assertEqual(v, "text") print("pattern.web.strip_tags()") def test_strip_element(self): # Assert strip

    elements. v = web.strip_element("


    ", "p") self.assertEqual(v, " ") print("pattern.web.strip_element()") def test_strip_between(self): # Assert strip

    elements. v = web.strip_between("", "


    ") self.assertEqual(v, " text

    ") print("pattern.web.strip_between()") def test_strip_javascript(self): # Assert strip ") self.assertEqual(v, " ") print("pattern.web.strip_javascript()") def test_strip_inline_css(self): # Assert strip ") self.assertEqual(v, " ") print("pattern.web.strip_inline_css()") def test_strip_comments(self): # Assert strip elements. v = web.strip_comments(" ") self.assertEqual(v, " ") print("pattern.web.strip_comments()") def test_strip_forms(self): # Assert strip
    elements. v = web.strip_forms(" text
    ") self.assertEqual(v, " ") print("pattern.web.strip_forms()") def test_encode_entities(self): # Assert HTML entity encoder (e.g., "&" => "&&") for a, b in ( ("É", "É"), ("&", "&"), ("<", "<"), (">", ">"), ('"', """), ("'", "'")): self.assertEqual(web.encode_entities(a), b) print("pattern.web.encode_entities()") def test_decode_entities(self): # Assert HMTL entity decoder (e.g., "&" => "&") for a, b in ( ("&", "&"), ("&", "&"), ("&", "&"), (" ", "\xa0"), ("&foo;", "&foo;")): self.assertEqual(web.decode_entities(a), b) print("pattern.web.decode_entities()") def test_collapse_spaces(self): # Assert collapse multiple spaces. for a, b in ( (" ", ""), (" .. ", ".."), (". .", ". ."), (". \n", "."), ("\xa0", "")): self.assertEqual(web.collapse_spaces(a), b) # Assert preserve indendation. self.assertEqual(web.collapse_spaces(" . \n", indentation=True), " .") print("pattern.web.collapse_spaces()") def test_collapse_tabs(self): # Assert collapse multiple tabs to 1 space. for a, b in ( ("\t\t\t", ""), ("\t..\t", ".."), (".\t\t.", ". ."), (".\t\n", ".")): self.assertEqual(web.collapse_tabs(a), b) # Assert preserve indendation. self.assertEqual(web.collapse_tabs("\t\t .\t\n", indentation=True), "\t\t .") print("pattern.web.collapse_tabs()") def test_collapse_linebreaks(self): # Assert collapse multiple linebreaks. for a, b in ( ("\n\n\n", "\n"), (".\n\n.", ".\n."), (".\r\n.", ".\n."), (".\n .", ".\n ."), (" \n .", "\n .")): self.assertEqual(web.collapse_linebreaks(a), b) print("pattern.web.collapse_linebreaks()") def test_plaintext(self): # Assert plaintext: # - strip




    paragraph2 link