from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..")) from pattern.web import URL, DOM, plaintext from pattern.web import NODE, TEXT, COMMENT, ELEMENT, DOCUMENT # The pattern.web module has a number of convenient search engines, as demonstrated. # But often you will need to handle the HTML in web pages of your interest manually. # The DOM object can be used for this, similar to the Javascript DOM. # The DOM (Document Object Model) parses a string of HTML # and returns a tree of nested Element objects. # The DOM elements can then be searched by tag name, CSS id, CSS class, ... # For example, top news entries on Reddit are coded as: #
# ... # # ... # Bagel the bengal, destroyer of boxes # ... #
# # ... which - naturally - is a picture of a cat. url = URL("") dom = DOM( #print(dom.body.content) for e in dom.by_tag("div._1poyrkZ7g36PawDueRza-J s1r3zmnv-7 bmeGah")[:5]: # Top 5 reddit entries. for a in e.by_tag("a.SQnoC3ObvgnGjWt90zD9Z")[:1]: print(plaintext(a.content)) print(a.attrs["href"]) print("") # The links in the HTML source code may be relative, # e.g., "../img.jpg" instead of "". # We can get the absolute URL by prepending the base URL. # However, this can get messy with anchors, trailing slashes and redirected URL's. # A good way to get absolute URL's is to use the module's abs() function: from pattern.web import abs url = URL("") for link in DOM("a"): link = link.attrs.get("href", "") link = abs(link, base=url.redirect or url.string) print(link) # The DOM object is a tree of nested Element and Text objects. # All objects inherit from Node (check the source code). # Node.type : NODE, TEXT, COMMENT, ELEMENT or DOM # Node.parent : Parent Node object. # Node.children : List of child Node objects. # : Next Node in Node.parent.children. # Node.previous : Previous Node in Node.parent.children. # DOM.head : Element with tag name "head". # DOM.body : Element with tag name "body". # Element.tag : Element tag name, e.g. "body". # Element.attrs : Dictionary of tag attributes, e.g. {"class": "header"} # Element.content : Element HTML content as a string. # Element.source : Element tag + content # Element.get_element_by_id(value) # Element.get_elements_by_tagname(value) # Element.get_elements_by_classname(value) # Element.get_elements_by_attribute(name=value) # You can also use shorter aliases (we prefer them): # Element.by_id(), by_tag(), by_class(), by_attr(). # The tag name passed to Element.by_tag() can include # a class (e.g., "div.message") or an id (e.g., "div#header"). # For example: # In the tag, retrieve the element. # Get the string value of its "content" attribute and split into a list: dom = DOM(URL("").download(cached=True)) kw = dom.head.by_attr(name="Description")[0] kw = kw.attrs["content"] print(kw) print("") # If you know CSS, you can also use short and handy CSS selectors: # # Element(selector) will return a list of nested elements that match the given string. dom = DOM(URL("").download()) for e in dom("div#ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_ctl01_Omkadering span div:contents p"): print(plaintext(e.content)) print("") ######################################## Test Techcrunch - #################################### print("#"*40, "Test Techcrunch", "#"*40) url = URL("") dom = DOM( for e in dom.by_tag("")[:5]: for a in e.by_tag("")[:1]: print(plaintext(a.content)) for h in a.by_tag("")[:1]: print(h.attrs["href"]) print("") print("\n") header = dom.by_class("river__title")[0] print(header.content) print("\n") title_image = dom.by_attr(name="msapplication-TileImage")[0] print(title_image.attrs['content']) print("\n") url = URL("") dom = DOM( for k in dom.by_class("post-block__title__link"): print(k.content.strip()) print("") print("\n") for e in dom("header:post-block__header h2:post-block__title a:post-block__title__link"): print(e.content.strip()) print(e.attrs["href"]) print("") ################################ Test Habr - #################################### print("#"*40, "Test Habr", "#"*40) url = URL("") dom = DOM( for e in dom.by_tag("h2.post__title")[:5]: for a in e.by_tag("a.post__title_link")[:1]: print(plaintext(a.content)) print("") print("\n") for k in dom.by_class("post__hubs inline-list"): for p in k.by_tag("li.inline-list__item inline-list__item_hub"): for t in p.by_tag("a.inline-list__item-link hub-link "): print(t.content) print("\n") descr = dom.by_attr(name="description")[0] print(descr.attrs['content']) print("\n") for p in dom("div#broadcast_tabs_posts"): for e in p.by_class("content-list content-list_most-read"): for k in e.by_tag(" post-info__title_large"): print(plaintext(k.content)) print("")