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4 years ago
Has/VBZ the/DT Internet/NN abandoned/VBD its/PRP$ role/NN as/IN the/DT leading/VBG incubator/NN of/IN political/JJ rumor/NN ?/.
Judging/VBG from/IN the/DT Net/NN 's/POS nonchalant/NN treatment/NN of/IN a/DT steamy/NN story/NN alleging/VBG recent/JJ infidelity/NN by/IN a/DT presidential/JJ candidate/NN ,/, the/DT answer/NN could/MD be/VB yes/UH ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ Jan/NNP ./.
4/LS ,/, 2000/CD ,/, issue/NN ,/, the/DT National/NNP Enquirer/NNP has/VBZ a/DT story/NN about/IN a/DT woman/NN who/WP claims/VBZ to/TO have/VB had/VBN an/DT 18/CD -/: month/NN affair/NN with/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT leading/VBG contenders/NNS ./.
(/( Although/IN the/DT Enquirer/NNP named/VBD both/DT names/NNS ,/, Slate/NNP will/MD not/RB do/VB so/RB ./.
We/PRP want/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO tell/VB the/DT story/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN without/IN being/VBG accused--reasonably--of/JJ just/RB using/VBG that/IN as/IN an/DT excuse/NN for/IN telling/VBG the/DT story/NN itself/PRP ./.
)/) Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP ,/, described/VBN by/IN the/DT Enquirer/NNP as/RB a/DT "/" stunning/JJ Playboy/NNP model/NN ,/, "/" claims/NNS to/TO have/VB had/VBN eight/CD sexual/JJ encounters/NNS with/IN the/DT candidate/NN in/IN at/IN least/JJS two/CD states/NNS between/IN December/NNP 1997/CD and/CC June/NNP 1999/CD ./.
Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP 's/POS story/NN has/VBZ little/RB apparent/JJ credibility/NN ./.
The/DT Enquirer/NNP itself/PRP concludes--/JJ 19/CD paragraphs/NNS into/IN its/PRP$ story--that/JJ "/" while/IN her/PRP$ story/NN may/MD have/VB the/DT appearance/NN of/IN truth/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ false--although/JJ [/( she/PRP ]/) vehemently/RB defends/VBZ it/PRP ./.
Rarely/RB has/VBZ the/DT falsity/NN or/CC unverifiability/NN of/IN a/DT spicy/NN political/JJ rumor/NN been/VBN an/DT impediment/NN to/TO its/PRP$ widespread/JJ distribution/NN on/IN the/DT Web/NNP ./.
But/CC Matt/NNP Drudge/NNP has/VBZ taken/VBN very/RB little/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT tale/NN of/IN the/DT candidate/NN 's/POS alleged/VBN affair/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ next/JJ to/TO impossible/JJ to/TO find/VB Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP 's/POS story/NN mentioned/VBD anywhere/RB on/IN the/DT Net/NN ./.
Even/RB two/CD sites/NNS devoted/VBN to/TO full-time/JJ bashing/NN of/IN the/DT candidate/NN have/VBP thus/RB far/RB been/VBN silent/JJ about/IN the/DT Enquirer/NNP story/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT major/JJ candidate/NN anxieties/NNS of/IN the/DT 2000/CD presidential/JJ race/NN has/VBZ been/VBN that/IN the/DT unchecked/JJ proliferation/NN of/IN political/JJ rumor/NN on/IN the/DT Internet/NN would/MD force/VB mainstream/NN media/NNS outlets/NNS to/TO cover/VB stories/NNS that/WDT were/VBD unchecked/JJ ,/, or/CC even/RB irresponsible/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, this/DT summer/NN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP and/CC other/JJ venerable/JJ media/NNS outposts/NNS ran/VBD stories/NNS on/IN mere/JJ allegations/NNS of/IN cocaine/NN use/NN by/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush--without/NNP any/DT corroboration--largely/JJ because/IN the/DT stories/NNS had/VBD become/VBN so/RB widespread/JJ on/IN the/DT Internet/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB hard/JJ to/TO imagine/VB Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP 's/POS story/NN being/VBG picked/VBN up/RB by/RB ,/, say/VB ,/, the/DT Drudge/NNP Report/NNP ,/, a/DT British/JJ tabloid/NN ,/, and/CC then/RB the/DT Washington/NNP Times/NNP -/: -/: a/DT time-tested/JJ spin/NN cycle/NN for/IN dirty/JJ political/JJ rumors/NNS ,/, particularly/RB when/WRB they/PRP are/VBP damaging/JJ to/TO Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
So/RB far/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ been/VBN silence/NN ./.
One/CD minimizing/VBG factor/NN might/MD be/VB the/DT fact/NN that/IN the/DT story/NN appeared/VBD in/IN the/DT publicity/NN netherworld/NN between/IN Christmas/NNP and/CC New/NNP Year/NNP 's/POS ./.
And/CC Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP 's/POS story/NN seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB less/JJR supporting/VBG evidence/NN than/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, Gennifer/NNP Flowers/NNPS '/POS 1992/CD tale/NN about/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, which/WDT was/VBD backed/VBN ,/, however/RB sketchily/RB ,/, by/IN tape-recorded/JJ telephone/NN conversations/NNS (/( a/DT technology/NN that/WDT would/MD later/RB revisit/VB the/DT Clinton/NNP presidency/NN )/) ./.
But/CC clearly/RB some/DT of/IN the/DT Web/NNP 's/POS indifference/NN to/TO the/DT Ms/NNP ./.
X/NN story/NN is/VBZ attributable/JJ to/TO the/DT gulf/NN between/IN the/DT Web/NNP and/CC the/DT tabloids/NNS ./.
The/DT Enquirer/NNP 's/POS Web/NNP site/NN has/VBZ posted/VBN the/DT cover/NN of/IN the/DT issue/NN containing/VBG Ms/NNP ./.
X/NNP 's/POS allegations/NNS ,/, with/IN a/DT big/JJ coverline/NN hyping/VBG the/DT "/" smear/NN ,/, "/" but/CC the/DT Web/NNP site/NN does/VBZ n't/RB offer/VB a/DT click-through/JJ to/TO the/DT story/NN itself/PRP ./.
The/DT Enquirer/NNP 's/POS print/NN circulation/NN is/VBZ a/DT little/JJ over/IN 2/CD million/CD ;/: it/PRP is/VBZ part/NN of/IN American/NNP Media/NNP ,/, a/DT tabloid/JJ chain/NN with/IN annual/JJ revenues/NNS of/IN approximately/RB $/$ 300/CD million/CD ./.
In/IN mid-/NN 1999/CD it/PRP was/VBD bought/VBN by/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP investment/NN firm/NN Evercore/NNP Partners/NNPS ./.
Although/IN both/DT the/DT Enquirer/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ sister/NN Star/NNP have/VBP Web/NNP sites/NNS ,/, they/PRP do/VBP not/RB use/VB them/PRP to/TO push/VB their/PRP$ dirt/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ probably/RB because/IN tabloid/JJ readers/NNS are/VBP not/RB the/DT nation/NN 's/POS most/RBS wired/VBN demographic/JJ ;/: regardless/RB ,/, if/IN the/DT tabloids/NNS do/VBP n't/RB post/VB their/PRP$ stories/NNS in/IN a/DT timely/JJ fashion/NN ,/, would-be/JJ Web/NNP publicists/NNS have/VBP nothing/NN to/TO link/VB to/TO ./.
For/IN a/DT time/NN ,/, Drudge/NNP straddled/JJ the/DT divide/NN between/IN Web/NNP and/CC checkout-line/JJ cultures/NNS ,/, making/VBG the/DT national/JJ press/NN corps/NN regularly/RB scramble/NN to/TO cover/VB a/DT tabloid/JJ item/NN ./.
But/CC if/IN Drudge/NNP passes/VBZ on/IN a/DT particular/JJ story/NN ,/, there/EX are/VBP few/JJ other/JJ columnists--in/JJ print/NN or/CC on/IN the/DT Web--who/NNP have/VBP the/DT inclination/NN and/CC audience/NN to/TO break/VB a/DT tabloid/JJ tale/NN out/IN to/TO mainstream/NN readers/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS "/" Page/NNP Six/CD "/" gossip/NN column/NN ran/VBD a/DT lead/JJ item/NN on/IN the/DT Enquirer/NNP story/NN on/IN Christmas/NNP Day/NNP ./.
Some/DT might/MD argue/VB that/IN Drudge--whose/NNP politics/NNS ,/, while/IN difficult/JJ to/TO define/VB ,/, are/VBP generally/RB right/NN of/IN center--is/JJ pulling/VBG punches/NNS to/TO favor/VB the/DT GOP/NNP ./.
But/CC Drudge/NNP was/VBD out/IN front/NN this/DT summer/NN reproducing/VBG stories/NNS about/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS property/NN having/VBG a/DT racially/RB restrictive/JJ lease/NN ,/, a/DT tale/NN that/WDT received/VBD wide/JJ Net/JJ play/NN but/CC little/JJ mainstream/NN attention/NN ./.
Drudge/NNP 's/POS relationship/NN with/IN the/DT tabloids/NNS has/VBZ lately/RB soured/VBD a/DT bit/NN ./.
In/IN January/NNP 1999/CD ,/, Drudge/NNP trumpeted/JJ the/DT details/NNS of/IN a/DT Star/NNP investigation/NN into/IN a/DT 13/CD -/: year-old/JJ boy/NN whose/WP$ mother--a/JJ black/JJ prostitute--claimed/JJ that/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD the/DT father/NN ./.
But/CC that/DT investigation/NN ,/, despite/IN Drudge/NNP 's/POS serial/NN hype/NN ,/, determined/VBD the/DT woman/NN 's/POS claims/NNS to/TO be/VB false/JJ ./.
Since/IN then/RB ,/, many/JJ tabloid/JJ publishers/NNS have/VBP come/VBN to/TO see/VB Web/NNP gossip/NN sites/NNS as/IN both/DT nuisance/NN and/CC competition/NN ./.
It/PRP may/MD be/VB ,/, too/RB ,/, that/DT Internet/NN rumor/NN sites/NNS are/VBP a/DT highly/RB precise/JJ barometer/NN of/IN public/JJ opinion/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ ,/, they/PRP are/VBP ignoring/VBG the/DT notion/NN of/IN a/DT candidate/NN 's/POS girlfriend/NN because/IN ,/, in/IN the/DT post-/NN Monica/NNP political/JJ climate/NN ,/, few/JJ Americans/NNPS believe/VBP that/IN ,/, even/RB if/IN true/JJ ,/, the/DT allegations/NNS have/VBP any/DT political/JJ significance/NN ./.
For/IN Monday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN Pundit/NNP Central/NNP ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) and/CC "/" International/NNP Papers/NNP "/" (/( Tuesday/NNP and/CC Friday/NNP )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
India/NNP 's/POS nuclear/JJ tests/NNS are/VBP Issue/NN 1/CD ./.
Johnny/NNP Chung/NNP 's/POS confession/NN that/IN he/PRP deposited/VBD Chinese/JJ military/JJ funds/NNS into/IN Democratic/NNP Party/NNP coffers/NNS takes/VBZ Issue/NN 2/CD ./.
Scrapping/NNP in/IN the/DT distance/NN for/IN Issue/NN 3/CD status/NN are/VBP Microsoft/NNP 's/POS antitrust/JJ problems/NNS ,/, the/DT Indonesia/NNP unrest/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Israel-/NNP Palestine/NNP peace/NN talks/NNS ./.
The/DT commentariat/NN polishes/NNS its/PRP$ worry/VBP beads/NNS over/IN the/DT Indian/JJ bomb/NN tests/NNS ./.
(/( See/VB "/" The/DT Week/NNP &slash;/NN The/DT Spin/NNP "/" for/IN more/RBR on/IN the/DT framing/NN of/IN the/DT South/NNP Asian/JJ nuclear/JJ issue/NN ./.
)/) Eleanor/NNP Clift/NNP (/( The/DT McLaughlin/NNP Group/NNP )/) calls/VBZ the/DT explosions/NNS "/" a/DT giant/JJ finger/NN to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
sanctions/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP required/VBN by/IN law/NN ,/, wo/MD n't/RB sway/VB India/NNP from/IN its/PRP$ path/NN or/CC stem/VB nuclear/JJ proliferation/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP has/VBZ "/" a/DT lot/NN of/IN sticks/NNS but/CC no/DT carrots/NNS ,/, "/" says/VBZ Mara/NNP Liasson/NNP (/( PBS/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP )/) ./.
All/DT agree/VBP that/IN the/DT G-/NNP 8/CD nations/NNS '/POS refusal/NN to/TO back/VB the/DT sanctions/NNS weakens/VBZ the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
position/NN ./.
At/IN midweek/JJ ,/, Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP blamed/VBD the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
intelligence/NN establishment/NN for/IN failing/VBG to/TO predict/VB the/DT blasts/NNS ,/, but/CC by/IN the/DT weekend/NN the/DT pundits/NNS agree/VBP that/IN India/NNP 's/POS intention/NN to/TO light/VB up/RP a/DT few/JJ nukes/NNS was/VBD obvious/JJ ./.
The/DT BJP/NNP ,/, India/NNP 's/POS ruling/VBG party/NN ,/, is/VBZ merely/RB making/VBG good/JJ on/IN its/PRP$ recent/JJ campaign/NN promise/NN to/TO test/VB the/DT devices/NNS (/( Margaret/NNP Carlson/NNP ,/, CNN/NNP 's/POS Capital/NNP Gang/NN ;/: Sen/NNP ./.
Daniel/NNP Patrick/NNP Moynihan/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, ABC/NNP 's/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP )/) ./.
Sympathy/NNP for/IN India/NNP abounds/VBZ on/IN the/DT shows/NNS ./.
Michael/NNP Barone/NNP (/( The/DT McLaughlin/NNP Group/NNP )/) defends/VBZ India/NNP 's/POS right/NN to/TO test/VB its/PRP$ weapons/NNS ,/, citing/VBG the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS '/POS "/" de/IN facto/FW military/JJ alliance/NN "/" with/IN China/NNP ,/, India/NNP 's/POS biggest/JJS regional/JJ foe/NN ./.
Fellow/NNP Group/NNP ies/NNS Mort/NNP Zuckerman/NNP and/CC Jay/NNP Carney/NNP decry/NN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
neglect/NN of/IN India/NNP as/IN justification/NN for/IN the/DT tests/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ kind/NN of/IN hard/JJ to/TO blame/VB [/( the/DT Indians/NNPS ]/) ,/, "/" says/VBZ Bill/NNP Kristol/NNP (/( This/DT Week/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT way/NN out/RP ?/.
Let/VB India/NNP join/VB the/DT nuclear/JJ club/NN by/IN signing/VBG and/CC honoring/VBG the/DT test-ban/JJ treaty/NN (/( Susan/NNP Page/NNP ,/, CNN/NNP 's/POS Late/RB Edition/NNP ;/: Moynihan/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT world/NN powers/NNS gave/VBD France/NNP this/DT out/IN after/IN it/PRP ruffled/VBN feathers/NNS with/IN its/PRP$ South/NNP Pacific/NNP nuclear/JJ tests/NNS earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT decade/NN ./.
Kristol/NNP draws/VBZ just/RB short/JJ of/IN calling/VBG the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS "/" a/DT helpless/JJ ,/, pitiful/JJ giant/NN "/" as/IN he/PRP extracts/NNS this/DT moral/JJ from/IN India/NNP 's/POS tests/NNS :/: "/" The/DT signal/NN has/VBZ gone/VBN out/RP that/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
is/VBZ not/RB serious/JJ "/" about/IN policing/VBG rogue/NN nations/NNS ./.
He/PRP also/RB compares/VBZ the/DT tests/NNS to/TO similar/JJ intransigence/NN on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP and/CC China/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB you/PRP can/MD keep/VB this/DT genie/NN in/IN the/DT bottle/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ Robert/NNP Novak/NNP (/( Capital/NNP Gang/NN )/) ./.
The/DT consensus/NN is/VBZ that/IN too/RB many/JJ nations--/JJ North/NNP Korea/NNP ,/, Pakistan/NNP ,/, and/CC China/NNP ,/, among/IN others--have/JJ advanced/VBD weapons/NNS technology/NN for/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO police/VB the/DT beat/NN effectively/RB ./.
"/" We/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stop/VB Russia/NNP from/IN supplying/VBG Iran/NNP !/.
"/" gripes/NNS Zuckerman/NNP ./.
Issue/NN 2/CD -/: -/: the/DT report/NN that/IN the/DT Chinese/JJ military/NN contributed/VBD to/TO the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP through/IN Johnny/NNP Chung--redeems/NNP Sen/NNP ./.
Fred/NNP Thompson/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP enn/NN ./.
When/WRB Thompson/NNP announced/VBD at/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN last/JJ summer/NN 's/POS Senate/NNP hearings/NNS that/IN he/PRP would/MD prove/VB a/DT Chinese/JJ effort/NN to/TO subvert/VB the/DT American/JJ electoral/JJ process/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD characterized/VBN as/IN an/DT overreaching/VBG conspiracist/NN ./.
Now/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ considered/VBD a/DT prophet/NN (/( Tucker/NNP Carlson/NNP ,/, Late/RB Edition/NNP ;/: Sam/NNP Donaldson/NNP ,/, This/DT Week/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT conspicuous/JJ absence/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP spinners/NNS playing/VBG "/" defense/NN "/" on/IN the/DT weekend/NN shows/VBZ adds/VBZ substance/NN to/TO the/DT Chung/NNP report/NN ,/, says/VBZ Tucker/NNP Carlson/NNP ./.
William/NNP Bennett/NNP (/( NBC/NNP 's/POS Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP )/) contributes/VBZ the/DT overstatement/NN of/IN the/DT weekend/NN when/WRB he/PRP fuses/NNS the/DT Chinese/JJ money/NN story/NN with/IN the/DT Indian/JJ tests/NNS :/: "/" Did/VBD the/DT [/( Democrats/NNPS '/POS ]/) frantic/JJ pursuit/NN of/IN money/NN lead/NN to/TO the/DT endangerment/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN through/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS ?/.
Rockin/NNP '/POS Jay/NNP Carney/NNP :/: Responding/VBG to/TO a/DT question/NN about/IN Frank/NNP Sinatra/NNP 's/POS impact/NN on/IN popular/JJ culture/NN ,/, Jay/NNP Carney/NNP announces/VBZ that/IN Guided/NNP by/IN Voices/NNS ,/, the/DT Dayton/NNP ,/, Ohio/NNP ,/, riff-rockers/JJ ,/, are/VBP his/PRP$ favorite/JJ band/NN ./.
Double/RB Dribble/NNP :/: Habitual/NNP double/JJ dribbler/NN Mark/NNP Shields/NNP sins/NNS again/RB ./.
He/PRP declares/VBZ on/IN both/DT PBS/NNP 's/POS NewsHour/NNP With/IN Jim/NNP Lehrer/NNP and/CC Capital/NNP Gang/NN that/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN got/VBD away/RB with/IN berating/VBG India/NNP because/IN the/DT nation--unlike/JJ China/NNP ,/, Greece/NNP ,/, and/CC Israel--has/NNP no/DT lobby/NN in/IN Washington/NNP ./.
For/IN Pundit/NNP Completists/NNP Only/RB :/: David/NNP Brock/NNP profiles/NNS Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP host/NN Tim/NNP Russert/NNP and/CC surveys/VBZ the/DT competitive/JJ world/NN of/IN the/DT pundit/NN shows/VBZ in/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP magazine/NN ./.
Snow/NNP Blind/JJ :/: On/IN Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP Tony/NNP Snow/NNP inserts/NNS his/PRP$ foot/NN in/IN his/PRP$ mouth/NN while/IN questioning/VBG Democratic/NNP Party/NNP loyalist/NN Frank/NNP Mankiewicz/NNP about/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN 's/POS scandals/NNS ./.
When/WRB Mankiewicz/NNP insists/VBZ that/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT proof/NN of/IN scandals/NNS ,/, Snow/NNP responds/VBZ ,/, "/" So/RB convictions/NNS of/IN Cabinet/NNP members/NNS do/VBP n't/RB rise/VB to/TO the/DT level/NN of/IN scandals/NNS ?/.
"/" What/WP convictions/NNS ?/.
asks/VBZ Mankiewicz/NNP ./.
Former/NNP Secretary/NNP of/IN Agriculture/NNP Michael/NNP Espy/NNP has/VBZ only/RB been/VBN indicted/VBN ./.
Gibbering/NNP ,/, Snow/NNP prudently/RB changes/VBZ the/DT subject/NN ./.
-/: -/: Jack/NNP Shafer/NNP
How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP portray/VBP violence/NN in/IN movies/NNS nowadays/RB so/IN that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT turn-on/JJ ?/.
Nearly/RB 30/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Sam/NNP Peckinpah/NNP devised/VBD a/DT massacre/NN at/IN the/DT climax/NN of/IN The/DT Wild/NNP Bunch/NNP that/IN he/PRP thought/VBD would/MD take/VB the/DT casualness/NNS out/IN of/IN killing/VBG ./.
He/PRP lingered/JJ on/IN it/PRP ,/, slowed/VBD it/PRP down/RB ,/, fastened/VBN on/IN blood-spurting/JJ bodies/NNS as/IN they/PRP hurtled/JJ through/IN the/DT air--and/JJ ended/VBD up/RP making/VBG it/PRP lyrical/JJ ,/, aestheticizing/VBG it/PRP ,/, distancing/VBG it/PRP ./.
Less/JJR well-intentioned/JJ filmmakers/NNS followed/VBN in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN "/" Bloody/NNP Sam/NNP ,/, "/" turning/VBG carnage/NN into/IN spectacle/NN ,/, even/RB into/IN rock/NN 'n'/CC roll/NN ./.
What/WP Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP has/VBZ accomplished/VBN in/IN Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP is/VBZ to/TO make/VB violence/NN terrible/JJ again/RB ./.
Nothing/NN in/IN the/DT movie/NN 's/POS melodramatic/JJ narrative/NN can/MD diminish/VB the/DT shocking/JJ immediacy/NN of/IN its/PRP$ combat/NN scenes/NNS ./.
The/DT opening/VBG battle/NN might/MD be/VB the/DT most/JJS visceral/NN ever/RB put/VB on/IN film/NN ./.
After/IN a/DT solemn/JJ but/CC predictable/JJ modern-day/JJ prologue--an/JJ old/JJ man/NN and/CC his/PRP$ extended/VBN family/NN trudge/NN out/IN to/TO a/DT cemetery/NN to/TO view/VB row/NN upon/IN row/NN of/IN white/JJ crosses--there/JJ 's/VBZ a/DT shock/NN cut/NN to/TO the/DT boats/NNS of/IN Allied/NNP soldiers/NNS surging/VBG toward/IN Omaha/NNP Beach/NNP in/IN Normandy/NNP ,/, France/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ D-D/NNP ay/NN ,/, 1944/CD ./.
Trembling/NNP hands/NNS open/VB a/DT canteen/NN ./.
They/PRP belong/VBP to/TO a/DT familiar/JJ star--/JJ Tom/NNP Hanks--but/NNP everything/NN that/WDT follows/VBZ is/VBZ alien/JJ ./.
The/DT camera/NN is/VBZ down/RB in/IN the/DT surf/NN ,/, pitching/VBG ,/, as/IN young/JJ men/NNS pray/NN and/CC vomit/NN ./.
They/PRP 've/VBP barely/RB beached/JJ before/IN the/DT first/JJ bullets/NNS come--before/JJ these/DT smooth-faced/JJ ,/, overgrown/NN kids/NNS begin/VBP to/TO get/VB blown/VBN through/IN ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB see/VB the/DT enemy/NN machine/NN guns/NNS or/CC rifles/NNS ,/, but/CC we/PRP hear/VBP the/DT pops/VBZ and/CC the/DT ceaseless/JJ whine/NN of/IN bullets/NNS ,/, and/CC we/PRP watch/VBP the/DT men/NNS as/IN their/PRP$ chests/NNS and/CC heads/VBZ explode/VB ./.
Some/DT drop/NN underwater/JJ ,/, but/CC still/RB the/DT bullets/NNS come/VBP in/IN near/IN silence/NN ,/, producing/VBG squalls/NNS of/IN blood/NN ;/: above/IN the/DT water/NN ,/, the/DT din/NN resumes/VBZ with/IN a/DT vengeance/NN ./.
The/DT images/NNS are/VBP supersharp/NN ,/, as/IN if/IN viewed/VBN through/IN too-strong/JJ glasses/NNS ,/, yet/RB they/PRP streak/NN and/CC pixilate--break/JJ into/IN shards--as/JJ the/DT camera/NN jerks/NNS wildly/RB left/VBD ,/, then/RB right/JJ ./.
Color/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN drained/VBN from/IN the/DT frame/NN :/: The/DT greens/NNS of/IN uniforms/NNS and/CC browns/NNS of/IN earth/NN are/VBP muted/VBN ,/, the/DT sky/NN rendered/VBD a/DT neutral/JJ gray/JJ ./.
Against/IN this/DT monochromatic/JJ palette/NN ,/, the/DT brackish/NN blood/NN leaps/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT screen/NN ./.
That/DT blood/NN is/VBZ everywhere/RB ./.
A/DT helmet/NN full/JJ of/IN seawater/NN turns/VBZ out/IN to/TO be/VB full/JJ of/IN sloshing/VBG gore/VB ;/: a/DT soldier/NN with/IN a/DT gushing/VBG arm/NN socket/NN picks/VBZ up/RP his/PRP$ severed/VBN limb/NN and/CC staggers/NNS aimlessly/RB ;/: a/DT man/NN with/IN his/PRP$ intestines/NNS on/IN the/DT outside/JJ wails/NNS through/IN a/DT last/JJ ,/, protracted/JJ hemorrhage/NN ./.
A/DT soldier/NN 's/POS helmet/NN stops/VBZ a/DT bullet/NN with/IN a/DT clank/NN ;/: he/PRP removes/VBZ it/PRP in/IN wonder/VBP ;/: his/PRP$ brains/NNS are/VBP then/RB blown/VBN out/RP ./.
For/IN nearly/RB half/PDT an/DT hour/NN ,/, the/DT horrors/NNS come/VBP one/CD upon/IN another/DT ,/, unaccompanied/JJ by/IN music/NN and/CC unrelieved/JJ by/IN any/DT point/NN of/IN view/NN except/IN that/DT of/IN the/DT soldiers/NNS in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN the/DT slaughter/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP no/DT objective/NN ,/, "/" establishing/VBG "/" shots/NNS and/CC no/DT possibility/NN for/IN emotional/JJ distance/NN ./.
Nauseated/NNP ,/, I/PRP fixed/VBD on/IN Hanks/NNP because/IN I/PRP knew/VBD the/DT star/NN would/MD survive/VB until/IN at/IN least/JJS the/DT last/JJ reel/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB that/DT reassurance/NN seemed/VBD precarious/JJ ./.
In/IN Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP ,/, death/NN can/MD come/VB at/IN any/DT instant/NN ,/, from/IN any/DT direction/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS running/VBG time/NN (/( nearly/RB three/CD hours/NNS ,/, total/JJ )/) ,/, each/DT action--even/JJ a/DT small/JJ one/CD ,/, such/JJ as/IN the/DT eating/NN of/IN an/DT apple--is/JJ thick/JJ with/IN potential/JJ finality/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT work/NN of/IN the/DT Spielberg/NNP we/PRP 've/VBP come/VBN to/TO know/VB ./.
After/IN Jaws/NNP (/( 1975/CD )/) and/CC Close/NNP Encounters/NNP of/IN the/DT Third/NNP Kind/NNP (/( 1977/CD )/) ,/, he/PRP could/MD afford/VB to/TO build/VB any/DT set/VBN ,/, throw/VB money/NN at/IN any/DT creative/JJ problem/NN ./.
His/PRP$ mise/NN en/IN scène/NN became/VBD increasingly/RB synthetic/JJ :/: He/PRP seemed/VBD to/TO lose/VB touch/NN with/IN the/DT texture/NN of/IN life/NN ./.
Even/RB Schindler/NNP 's/POS List/NN (/( 1993/CD )/) edged/VBD into/IN the/DT movie-ish/JJ ./.
Deciding/VBG to/TO shoot/VB Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP as/IN if/IN it/PRP were/VBD a/DT war/NN documentary/NN gives/VBZ Spielberg/NNP 's/POS art/NN a/DT new/JJ orientation/NN ./.
Or/CC rather/RB ,/, a/DT new/JJ disorientation/NN ./.
He/PRP shoots/VBZ battles/NNS so/IN that/IN we/PRP ca/MD n't/RB always/RB see/VB what/WP 's/VBZ happening/VBG ,/, our/PRP$ vantage/NN is/VBZ frighteningly/RB restricted/VBN ,/, and/CC the/DT world/NN of/IN combat/NN is/VBZ reduced/VBN to/TO pure/JJ sensation/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ n't/RB about/IN "/" bravery/NN "/" or/CC "/" heroism/NN "/" but/CC getting/VBG from/IN Point/NNP A/DT to/TO Point/NNP B/NNP without/IN being/VBG torn/VBN apart/RB by/IN bullets/NNS ./.
Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP ,/, from/IN a/DT script/NN by/IN Robert/NNP Rodat/NNP ,/, does/VBZ n't/RB remain/VB as/RB feverishly/RB abstract/JJ as/IN its/PRP$ imagery/NN ,/, but/CC at/IN its/PRP$ best/JJS ,/, early/RB on/IN ,/, it/PRP feels/VBZ undiagramed--unmapped/JJ ./.
A/DT squadron/NN of/IN Omaha/NNP survivors/NNS ,/, led/VBN by/IN Capt/NNP ./.
Miller/NNP (/( Hanks/NNP )/) ,/, is/VBZ sent/VBN behind/IN enemy/NN lines/NNS to/TO find/VB one/CD Pvt/NNP ./.
Ryan/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ three/CD brothers/NNS have/VBP been/VBN killed/VBN on/IN the/DT same/JJ day/NN in/IN separate/JJ battles/NNS ./.
The/DT seven/CD men/NNS under/IN Miller/NNP 's/POS command/NN are/VBP furious/JJ with/IN what/WP they/PRP see/VBP as/IN a/DT PR/NNP mission/NN and/CC a/DT misallocation/NN of/IN military/JJ resources/NNS ;/: they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB believe/VB they/PRP 're/VBP risking/VBG their/PRP$ lives/NNS to/TO rescue/VB one/CD anonymous/JJ private/JJ ./.
But/CC we/PRP in/IN the/DT audience/NN know/VB that/IN the/DT mission/NN is/VBZ more/JJR than/IN PR--that/NNP Gen/NNP ./.
Marshall/NNP (/( Harve/NNP Presnell/NNP ,/, sounding/VBG like/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP )/) has/VBZ ordered/VBN it/PRP out/IN of/IN a/DT Lincolnesque/NNP compassion/NN for/IN all/PDT the/DT families/NNS ripped/VBD apart/RB by/IN war/NN ./.
Freighted/NNP with/IN such/JJ symbolism/NN ,/, the/DT odyssey/NN cannot/NN help/NN but/CC amount/VB to/TO something/NN ./.
Miller/NNP 's/POS journey/NN into/IN the/DT bowels/NNS of/IN the/DT war--through/JJ rubbled/JJ villages/NNS and/CC fields/NNS strewn/VBN with/IN rotting/VBG corpses--attains/JJ the/DT surreal/JJ intensity/NN that/IN Francis/NNP Ford/NNP Coppola/NNP strove/VBD for/IN in/IN Apocalypse/NNP Now/RB (/( 1979/CD )/) ,/, except/IN without/IN the/DT self-conscious/JJ Golden/NNP Bough/NNP stabs/NNS at/IN myth-making/JJ ./.
Spielberg/NNP stages/NNS an/DT agonizingly/RB prolonged/VBN encounter/NN with/IN a/DT German/JJ sniper/NN in/IN a/DT mounting/VBG drizzle/NN ,/, the/DT life/NN of/IN a/DT wounded/VBN ,/, exposed/VBN soldier/NN streaming/VBG out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ body/NN with/IN the/DT rainwater/NN ./.
The/DT next/JJ assault/NN is/VBZ different/JJ ,/, an/DT attack/NN on/IN a/DT concrete/JJ Nazi/JJ "/" pillbox/NN "/" that/DT 's/VBZ barely/RB glimpsed/JJ through/IN the/DT thick/JJ smoke/NN ,/, the/DT action/NN viewed/VBN through/IN the/DT eyes/NNS of/IN the/DT squadron/NN 's/POS skinny/NN ,/, bookish/NN translator/NN (/( Jeremy/NNP Davies/NNP )/) ./.
After/IN the/DT shooting/VBG subsides/NNS ,/, the/DT tenderfoot/NN hurries/VBZ ahead/RB to/TO discover/VB the/DT group/NN 's/POS medic/JJ (/( Giovanni/NNP Ribisi/NNP )/) mortally/RB wounded/VBN ,/, being/VBG ministered/JJ to/TO by/IN squadron/NN mates/NNS hysterically/RB pressing/VBG the/DT dying/VBG man/NN for/IN instructions/NNS on/IN how/WRB to/TO stop/VB his/PRP$ bleeding/VBG ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ no/DT wonder/VBP that/IN ,/, later/RB ,/, the/DT men/NNS go/VBP through/IN piles/NNS of/IN dog/NN tags/NNS taken/VBN off/RP dead/VBN Americans/NNPS with/IN little/JJ more/JJR than/IN numb/JJ irritation/NN and/CC that/IN when/WRB they/PRP finally/RB stumble/VBP on/IN Pvt/NNP ./.
Ryan/NNP (/( Matt/NNP Damon/NNP )/) ,/, they/PRP can/MD barely/RB contain/VB their/PRP$ hostility/NN ./.
Soldiers/NNS in/IN war/NN movies/NNS are/VBP usually/RB undercharacterized--it/JJ comes/VBZ with/IN the/DT territory/NN ./.
But/CC these/DT young/JJ actors/NNS register/VBP ./.
Vin/NNP Diesel/NNP 's/POS loping/VBG charisma/NN made/VBD me/PRP sad/JJ to/TO see/VB him/PRP blown/VBN away/RB so/RB early/JJ ,/, and/CC Barry/NNP Pepper/NNP gives/VBZ a/DT stock/NN part--the/JJ sniper/NN who/WP prays/NNS fervently/RB before/IN he/PRP kills--a/JJ monomaniac/NN concentration/NN ./.
Mellish/NNP ,/, Adam/NNP Goldberg/NNP 's/POS nervy/JJ Jew/NNP ,/, who/WP ca/MD n't/RB keep/VB from/IN taunting/NN captured/VBN Germans/NNPS with/IN his/PRP$ religious/JJ identity/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT study/NN in/IN aggression/NN ,/, like/IN Groucho/NNP without/IN punch/NN lines/NNS ./.
There/EX are/VBP stellar/JJ turns/NNS by/IN Davies/NNP ,/, Ribisi/NNP ,/, Tom/NNP Sizemore/NNP as/IN a/DT plodding/VBG but/CC good-hearted/JJ sergeant/NN ,/, and/CC Edward/NNP Burns/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ acting/VBG is/VBZ less/RBR mannered/JJ when/WRB removed/VBN from/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ movies/NNS ./.
Tom/NNP Hanks/NNP '/POS efforts/NNS to/TO submerge/NN his/PRP$ moody-wise-guy/JJ personality/NN dovetails/VBZ movingly/RB with/IN his/PRP$ character/NN 's/POS struggle/NN to/TO keep/VB his/PRP$ humanity/NN in/IN check/NN ./.
I/PRP find/VBP Damon/NNP 's/POS proletarian/JJ integrity/NN deeply/RB suspect/VBP but/CC must/MD admit/VB that/IN he/PRP holds/VBZ the/DT camera/NN like/IN a/DT star/NN and/CC that/IN finding/VBG Pvt/NNP ./.
Ryan/NNP is/VBZ not/RB an/DT anticlimax/NN ./.
The/DT battles/NNS in/IN Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP make/VB most/JJS World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP pictures/NNS seem/VBP like/IN Hollywood/NNP kid/NN stuff--even/JJ the/DT bleak/JJ ,/, "/" existential/NN "/" ones/NNS like/IN Sam/NNP Fuller/NNP 's/POS Steel/NNP Helmet/NN (/( 1951/CD )/) and/CC Don/NNP Siegel/NNP 's/POS Hell/NNP Is/VBZ for/IN Heroes/NNP (/( 1962/CD )/) ./.
These/DT sequences/NNS carry/VBP a/DT post-/NN Vietnam/NNP aura/NN of/IN futility/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT scenes/NNS between/IN the/DT skirmishes/NNS are/VBP similarly/RB modern/JJ ,/, full/JJ of/IN rambling/VBG talk/NN and/CC post-/NN Godot/NNP waiting/VBG around/IN ./.
But/CC the/DT movie/NN 's/POS overall/JJ vision/NN is/VBZ surprisingly/RB old-fashioned/JJ ./.
In/IN most/JJS Vietnam/NNP films/NNS ,/, authority/NN is/VBZ insane/JJ ./.
Here/RB ,/, orders/NNS from/IN on/IN high/JJ bring/VB meaning/VBG ,/, a/DT glimpse/NN of/IN a/DT more/JJR divine/NN purpose/NN ./.
The/DT mission/NN has/VBZ the/DT opposite/JJ end/NN of/IN the/DT one/CD in/IN Apocalypse/NNP Now/RB :/: not/RB the/DT war/NN 's/POS heart/NN of/IN darkness/NNS but/CC its/PRP$ heart/NN of/IN light/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ another/DT ,/, more/JJR virulent/NN way/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT movie/NN is/VBZ old-fashioned/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT endless/JJ massacre/NN of/IN Americans/NNPS on/IN Omaha/NNP Beach/NNP ,/, I/PRP wrote/VBD in/IN my/PRP$ notebook/NN ,/, "/" No/DT one/NN who/WP experiences/VBZ this/DT scene/NN will/MD ever/RB cheer/VB for/IN a/DT war/NN again/RB ./.
"/" But/CC when/WRB the/DT tide/NN of/IN the/DT battle/NN turned/VBD and/CC the/DT Germans/NNPS started/VBD getting/VBG their/PRP$ heads/NNS blown/VBN off/RP ,/, I/PRP wrote/VBD "/" YES/NNP !/.
"/" And/CC when/WRB a/DT pair/NN of/IN Allied/NNP soldiers/NNS ,/, fresh/JJ from/IN witnessing/VBG their/PRP$ buddies/NNS being/VBG blown/VBN to/TO bits/NNS ,/, shot/NN several/JJ pleading/VBG Germans/NNPS rather/RB than/IN take/VB them/PRP prisoner/NN ,/, I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB applaud/VB the/DT act/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB feel/VB much/JJ like/IN grieving/VBG ,/, either/RB ./.
The/DT Germans/NNPS are/VBP faceless/JJ with/IN one/CD exception/NN :/: a/DT captured/VBN pillbox/NN Nazi/JJ who/WP babbles/NNS and/CC cajoles/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ,/, sings/VBZ American/JJ anthems/NNS ,/, extols/NNS Betty/NNP Grable/NNP 's/POS gams/NNS ,/, and/CC screams/VBZ "/" Fuck/NNP Hitler/NNP !/.
"/" Reiben/NNP (/( Burns/NNP )/) and/CC Mellish/NNP want/VBP to/TO blow/VB him/PRP away/RB ,/, but/CC the/DT translator--who/JJ has/VBZ almost/RB never/RB fired/VBD a/DT gun--protests/JJ vigorously/RB that/IN such/JJ an/DT act/NN would/MD be/VB a/DT war/NN crime/NN and/CC that/IN the/DT German/JJ must/MD be/VB taken/VBN prisoner/NN or/CC freed/VBN ./.
It/PRP would/MD be/VB wrong/JJ to/TO give/VB away/RB what/WP happens/VBZ next/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT consequence/NN of/IN the/DT squadron/NN 's/POS action/NN is/VBZ ham-handedly/JJ predictable/JJ and/CC ,/, morally/RB speaking/VBG ,/, takes/VBZ the/DT picture/NN down/RP a/DT peg/VB ./.
Too/RB bad/JJ ./.
It/PRP goes/VBZ without/IN saying/VBG ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN Spielberg/NNP makes/VBZ the/DT case/NN that/IN soldiers/NNS '/POS morals/NNS explode/VB like/IN land/NN mines/NNS amid/IN the/DT terrors/NNS of/IN war/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, where/WRB they/PRP live/VBP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO recall/VB a/DT more/RBR chilling/JJ stretch/NN in/IN modern/JJ movies/NNS than/IN the/DT one/CD before/IN the/DT last/JJ big/JJ battle/NN ,/, when/WRB the/DT American/JJ soldiers/NNS ,/, surrounded/VBN by/IN the/DT debris/NN of/IN a/DT devastated/VBN town/NN ,/, listen/VB to/TO the/DT echoey/NN ,/, piped-in/JJ strains/NNS of/IN an/DT Edith/NNP Piaf/NNP recording--and/JJ then/RB hear/VB the/DT first/JJ low/JJ rumbles/VBZ of/IN approaching/VBG German/JJ tanks/NNS ,/, each/DT man/NN alone/RB in/IN the/DT shared/VBN knowledge/NN that/IN this/DT foreign/JJ music/NN will/MD likely/RB be/VB the/DT last/JJ they/PRP 'll/MD hear/VB ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT manufacturer/NN 's/POS withdrawal/NN from/IN the/DT market/NN of/IN a/DT widely/RB used/VBN heart/NN drug/NN ./.
(/( The/DT story/NN is/VBZ flagged/JJ on/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP front/NN and/CC runs/VBZ inside/IN at/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ./.
)/) The/DT heart/NN attack/NN death/NN of/IN Nigerian/NNP dictator/NN ,/, Sani/NNP Abacha/NNP ,/, leads/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC is/VBZ also/RB the/DT top/JJ non-local/JJ story/NN at/IN the/DT WP/NNP ./.
(/( Abacha/NNP also/RB gets/VBZ front-page/JJ space/NN at/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ./.
)/) The/DT $/$ 32/CD billion/CD bank/NN merger/NN of/IN Wells/NNP Fargo/NNP and/CC Norwest/NNP leads/VBZ at/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, which/WDT also/RB features/VBZ top/NN of/IN the/DT page/NN pictures/NNS of/IN the/DT three/CD remaining/VBG Beatles/NNP together/RB in/IN London/NNP at/IN the/DT Linda/NNP McCartney/NNP memorial/NN service/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD their/PRP$ first/JJ joint/JJ public/JJ appearance/NN since/IN the/DT "/" rooftop/NN session/NN "/" at/IN Abbey/NNP Road/NNP in/IN 1969/CD ./.
Other/JJ stories/NNS getting/VBG lots/NNS of/IN front/NN and/CC front-section/JJ space/NN include/VBP :/: the/DT federal/JJ anti-trust/JJ suit/NN brought/VBN against/IN Intel/NNP for/IN allegedly/RB withholding/VBG technical/JJ data/NNS from/IN such/JJ companies/NNS as/IN Digital/NNP and/CC Compaq/NNP as/IN punishment/NN for/IN not/RB licensing/VBG their/PRP$ technology/NN to/TO the/DT chip/NN maker/NN ;/: the/DT decision/NN of/IN the/DT European/NNP Union--and/NNP soon/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ reported/VBN ,/, of/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
too--to/JJ ban/NN new/JJ investments/NNS in/IN Serbia/NNP and/CC to/TO freeze/VB its/PRP$ foreign/JJ assets/NNS as/IN a/DT sanction/NN against/IN Serbia/NNP for/IN its/PRP$ latest/JJS military/JJ actions/NNS against/IN Albanians/NNS in/IN Kosovo/NNP ;/: and/CC the/DT agreement/NN by/IN Honda/NNP and/CC Ford/NNP to/TO pay/VB $/$ 24/CD ./.
9/CD million/CD in/IN civil/JJ fines/NNS to/TO settle/VB Justice/NNP Department/NNP and/CC EPA/NNP claims/VBZ that/IN the/DT companies/NNS arranged/VBD for/IN cars/NNS to/TO emit/NN substantially/RB more/JJR pollutants/NNS than/IN they/PRP are/VBP supposed/VBN to/TO ./.
There/EX is/VBZ very/RB little/JJ explanation/NN in/IN these/DT Honda/NNP &slash;/NN Ford/NNP stories/NNS about/IN why/WRB the/DT companies/NNS did/VBD this/DT ./.
USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP say/VBP Ford/NNP did/VBD it/PRP to/TO improve/VB fuel/NN economy/NN ,/, but/CC do/VBP n't/RB really/RB get/VB into/IN Honda/NNP 's/POS motivation/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT other/JJ papers/NNS miss/VBP the/DT explanatory/JJ boat/NN regarding/VBG both/DT companies/NNS ./.
Roche/NNP Laboratories/NNPS pulled/VBD its/PRP$ heart/NN drug/NN Posicor/NNP off/IN the/DT world/NN market/NN Monday/NNP because/IN of/IN potentially/RB lethal/JJ interactions/NNS with/IN numerous/JJ other/JJ medications/NNS ./.
The/DT FDA/NNP ,/, says/VBZ USAT/NNP ,/, has/VBZ received/VBN reports/NNS of/IN 24/CD deaths/NNS that/WDT may/MD be/VB related/VBN to/TO the/DT medication/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ used/VBN for/IN chest/NN pain/NN and/CC high/JJ blood/NN pressure/NN by/IN about/IN 400/CD ,/, 000/CD patients/NNS worldwide--/JJ 200/CD ,/, 000/CD in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT death/NN of/IN Nigeria/NNP 's/POS Abacha/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ five-year/JJ reign/NN was/VBD marked/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ brutal/JJ suppression/NN of/IN political/JJ opponents/NNS and/CC who/WP had/VBD no/DT designated/VBN successor/NN ,/, initially/RB prompted/VBD hopes/VBZ among/IN Nigerian/NNP political/JJ exiles/NNS and/CC some/DT world/NN leaders/NNS that/IN Nigeria/NNP ,/, which/WDT had/VBD a/DT flourishing/JJ democracy/NN briefly/NN in/IN the/DT early/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, might/MD restore/VB civilian/JJ government/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP was/VBD not/RB to/TO be--within/JJ hours/NNS ,/, the/DT dictator/NN 's/POS defense/NN chief/NN was/VBD sworn/VBN in/IN as/IN the/DT new/JJ leader/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN the/DT moment/NN anyhow/RB ,/, the/DT democrats/NNS and/CC other/JJ political/JJ prisoners/NNS remain/VBP behind/IN bars/NNS and/CC in/IN some/DT cases/NNS ,/, under/IN death/NN sentences/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT merger/NN of/IN San/NNP Francisco-based/JJ Wells/NNP Fargo/NNP with/IN Minneapolis-based/JJ Norwest/NNP will/MD create/VB the/DT nation/NN 's/POS seventh/JJ largest/JJS bank/NN and/CC the/DT largest/JJS one/CD based/VBN west/NN of/IN the/DT Mississippi/NNP ./.
The/DT story/NN carries/VBZ warnings/NNS from/IN consumer/NN activists/NNS of/IN higher/JJR fees/NNS and/CC poorer/JJR service/NN ,/, but/CC also/RB notes/VBZ that/IN the/DT deal/NN could/MD be/VB an/DT economic/JJ boost/NN to/TO California/NNP ,/, because/IN the/DT combined/VBN operation/NN will/MD be/VB headquartered/JJ in/IN San/NNP Francisco/NNP ./.
USAT/NNP 's/POS news/NN section/NN "/" cover/VB story/NN ,/, "/" about/IN the/DT NRA/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO go/VB mainstream/NN via/IN Charlton/NNP Heston/NNP 's/POS image/NN ,/, is/VBZ illustrated/VBN by/IN the/DT same/JJ loopy/NN photograph/NN of/IN Heston/NNP that/IN the/DT NYT/NNP used/VBD when/WRB it/PRP did/VBD that/DT story/NN yesterday/NN ./.
With/IN everybody/NN else/RB giving/VBG President/NNP Clinton/NNP travel/NN advice/NN these/DT days/NNS ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP 's/POS Thomas/NNP Friedman/NNP ca/MD n't/RB resist/VB following/VBG suit/NN ./.
On/IN your/PRP$ way/NN home/NN from/IN China/NNP ,/, he/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, stop/VB in/IN Iran/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ reasoning/NN is/VBZ pretty/RB simple/JJ :/: "/" Looked/NNP at/IN a/DT map/NN of/IN South/NNP Asia/NNP lately/RB ?/.
China/NNP 's/POS got/VBD the/DT bomb/NN ./.
India/NNP 's/POS got/VBD the/DT bomb/NN ./.
Pakistan/NNP 's/POS got/VBD the/DT bomb/NN ./.
Let/VB 's/PRP see/VB ,/, who/WP 's/VBZ next/JJ to/TO Pakistan/NNP ./.
Iran/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP report/NN that/IN the/DT Secretary/NNP of/IN Defense/NNP ,/, William/NNP Cohen/NNP ,/, announced/VBD yesterday/NN that/IN the/DT Pentagon/NNP will/MD investigate/VB allegations/NNS made/VBD Sunday/NNP by/IN a/DT Time/NNP &slash;/NN CNN/NNP report/NN that/IN in/IN a/DT 1970/CD raid/NN on/IN a/DT village/NN in/IN Laos/NNP ,/, U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
troops/NNS and/CC aircraft/NN used/VBD nerve/NN gas/NN on/IN suspected/VBN American/JJ defectors/NNS living/VBG there/RB ./.
If/IN the/DT Cohen/NNP investigation/NN is/VBZ for/IN real/JJ it/PRP will/MD extend/VB to/TO Bobby/NNP Garwood/NNP ,/, the/DT last/JJ American/JJ soldier/NN to/TO come/VB home/NN alive/JJ from/IN the/DT Indochina/NNP war/NN ./.
The/DT SECDEF/NNP should/MD ask/VB Garwood/NNP if/IN he/PRP believes/VBZ he/PRP was/VBD ever/RB targeted/VBN for/IN death/NN by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
forces/NNS while/IN at/IN large/JJ in/IN the/DT jungle/NN ./.
And/CC here/RB 's/VBZ an/DT interesting/JJ question/NN today/NN 's/POS newspaper/NN accounts/NNS do/VBP n't/RB address/VB :/: Why/WRB would/MD there/EX be/VB a/DT commando/NN raid/NN to/TO kill/VB American/JJ defectors/NNS instead/RB of/IN bringing/VBG them/PRP back/RB to/TO be/VB court-martialed/JJ ?/.
It/PRP might/MD seem/VB that/IN this/DT oddity/NN proves/VBZ the/DT raids/NNS never/RB happened/VBD ./.
But/CC think/VBP about/IN it--if/JJ the/DT American/JJ soldiers/NNS were/VBD in/IN Laos/NNP in/IN 1970/CD ,/, they/PRP were/VBD part/NN of/IN Nixon/NNP 's/POS "/" secret/JJ war/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT had/VBD a/DT chance/NN to/TO remain/VB secret/JJ only/RB if/IN ./.
they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB come/VB back/RB from/IN it/PRP ./.
Zinc/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN the/DT hot/JJ new/JJ therapy/NN for/IN the/DT common/JJ cold/NN ./.
Once/RB just/RB a/DT weak-selling/JJ natural/JJ cold/JJ remedy/NN touted/VBD in/IN health-food/NN stores/NNS ,/, it/PRP now/RB sells/VBZ to/TO millions/NNS at/IN pharmacies/NNS and/CC grocery/NN stores/NNS ./.
Does/VBZ it/PRP work/VBP ?/.
Probably/RB not/RB ./.
Does/VBZ it/PRP sell/VBP ?/.
Ask/VB the/DT big/JJ pharmaceutical/JJ companies/NNS whose/WP$ immense/JJ resources/NNS are/VBP nurturing/VBG the/DT all-too-credulous/JJ market/NN for/IN unproven/JJ alternative/JJ medicines/NNS ./.
Zinc/NNP ,/, a/DT nutrient/NN found/VBD in/IN red/JJ meat/NN ,/, is/VBZ known/VBN to/TO be/VB essential/JJ to/TO growth/VB and/CC immune-system/NN function/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD not/RB plugged/VBD as/IN a/DT cold/JJ remedy/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, until/IN 1979/CD ,/, when/WRB a/DT Texas/NNP city/NN planner/NN ,/, George/NNP Eby/NNP ,/, became/VBD convinced/VBN that/IN megadoses/NNS of/IN zinc/NN improved/VBD his/PRP$ 3/CD -/: year-old/JJ leukemic/JJ daughter/NN 's/POS response/NN to/TO chemotherapy/NN and/CC protected/VBD her/PRP from/IN colds/NNS during/IN treatment/NN ./.
While/IN such/JJ anecdotes/NNS commonly/RB spur/VB alternative-medicine/JJ fads/NNS ,/, Eby/NNP took/VBD the/DT admirable/JJ step/NN of/IN instigating/VBG a/DT 1984/CD clinical/JJ trial/NN of/IN zinc/NN lozenges/NNS that/WDT found/VBD the/DT treatment/NN cut/VBP the/DT duration/NN of/IN colds/NNS in/IN half/NN ./.
Zinc/NNP did/VBD not/RB really/RB sell/VB ,/, however/RB ,/, until/IN the/DT summer/NN of/IN 1996/CD ,/, when/WRB the/DT Annals/NNP of/IN Internal/NNP Medicine/NNP published/VBD a/DT Cleveland/NNP Clinic/NNP study/NN with/IN similar/JJ results/NNS ./.
Patients/NNS showing/VBG cold/JJ symptoms/NNS for/IN 24/CD hours/NNS or/CC less/JJR were/VBD given/VBN either/CC zinc/NN or/CC placebo/NN lozenges/NNS ./.
They/PRP were/VBD instructed/VBN to/TO dissolve/VB one/CD lozenge/NN in/IN their/PRP$ mouths/NNS every/DT two/CD hours/NNS while/IN awake/JJ ,/, until/IN the/DT symptoms/NNS were/VBD gone/VBN ./.
Symptoms/NNP in/IN zinc/NN takers/NNS disappeared/VBD after/IN 4/CD ./.
4/CD days/NNS ,/, compared/VBN with/IN 7/CD ./.
6/CD days/NNS for/IN those/DT in/IN the/DT placebo/NN group/NN ./.
The/DT only/JJ problem/NN was/VBD zinc/NN 's/POS bitter/JJ taste/NN ./.
Eighty/NNP percent/NN of/IN patients/NNS who/WP got/VBD zinc/NN complained/VBD of/IN a/DT bad/JJ aftertaste/NN ,/, and/CC 20/CD percent/NN felt/VBD nauseated/JJ ./.
Still/RB ,/, the/DT evidence/NN for/IN zinc/NN is/VBZ equivocal/NN ./.
Eby/NNP 's/POS initial/JJ trial/NN stimulated/VBN seven/CD other/JJ studies/NNS ,/, and/CC while/IN three/CD found/VBD zinc/NN worked/VBD ,/, four/CD found/VBD it/PRP did/VBD not/RB ./.
Army/NN researchers/NNS in/IN Tacoma/NNP ,/, Wash/NNP ./.
,/, recently/RB pooled/VBN the/DT zinc/NN data/NN for/IN a/DT comprehensive/JJ "/" meta-analysis/JJ ,/, "/" published/VBN last/JJ month/NN in/IN the/DT Archives/NNPS of/IN Internal/NNP Medicine/NNP ./.
They/PRP found/VBD no/DT benefit/NN ,/, concluding/VBG ,/, "/" The/DT evidence/NN for/IN effectiveness/NN of/IN zinc/NN salts/NNS lozenges/NNS in/IN reducing/VBG the/DT duration/NN of/IN common/JJ colds/NNS is/VBZ still/RB lacking/VBG ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB unknown/JJ whether/IN large/JJ doses/NNS of/IN zinc/NN have/VBP toxic/JJ effects/NNS in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ./.
Some/DT scientists/NNS question/VBP whether/IN it/PRP is/VBZ even/RB biologically/RB plausible/JJ that/DT zinc/NN could/MD cure/VB colds/NNS ./.
Zinc/NNP backers/NNS propose/VBP that/IN the/DT element/NN 's/POS positive/JJ charge/NN could/MD a/DT )/) bind/NN it/PRP to/TO viruses/NNS ,/, blocking/VBG their/PRP$ entry/NN into/IN the/DT cells/NNS along/IN your/PRP$ nasal/NN tract/NN or/CC b/SYM )/) allow/VB it/PRP to/TO "/" clamp/VB "/" nerves/NNS that/WDT stimulate/VB congestion/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, University/NNP of/IN Virginia/NNP researcher/NN Jack/NNP Gwaltney/NNP pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN zinc/NN in/IN the/DT saliva/NN does/VBZ not/RB reach/VB the/DT nasal/NN tract/NN ,/, and/CC therefore/RB cannot/NN exert/VB any/DT of/IN these/DT effects/NNS ./.
Furthermore/RB ,/, the/DT zinc/NN levels/NNS needed/VBN to/TO kill/VB cold/JJ viruses/NNS in/IN the/DT test/NN tube/NN are/VBP far/RB higher/JJR than/IN anything/NN the/DT lozenges/NNS achieve/VBP ./.
Gwaltney/NNP and/CC others/NNS believe/VBP a/DT placebo/NN effect/NN may/MD account/VB for/IN the/DT sporadic/JJ positive/JJ results/NNS from/IN zinc/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ known/VBN that/IN inert/NN substances/NNS can/MD alleviate/VB symptoms/NNS in/IN colds/NNS ,/, asthma/NN ,/, sciatica/NN ,/, and/CC even/RB congestive/JJ heart/NN failure/NN through/IN the/DT power/NN of/IN suggestion/NN alone/RB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB to/TO say/VB the/DT symptoms/NNS are/VBP just/RB in/IN the/DT mind/NN ,/, but/CC rather/RB that/IN the/DT mind/NN can/MD generate/VB beneficial/JJ biological/JJ effects/NNS ./.
You/PRP might/MD think/VB that/IN the/DT fact/NN that/DT zinc/NN beat/VBP the/DT placebo/NN in/IN the/DT Cleveland/NNP Clinic/NNP trial/NN would/MD rule/VB out/RP a/DT placebo/NN effect/NN ./.
But/CC a/DT dummy/JJ pill/NN only/RB works/VBZ as/RB much/JJ as/IN you/PRP believe/VBP in/IN it/PRP ./.
Belief/NNP can/MD be/VB affected/VBN by/IN many/JJ factors/NNS ,/, including/VBG the/DT drug/NN 's/POS appearance/NN (/( certain/JJ pill/NN colors/NNS are/VBP more/RBR effective/JJ than/IN others/NNS )/) ,/, form/NN (/( injections/NNS often/RB have/VBP a/DT greater/JJR effect/NN than/IN pills/NNS )/) ,/, or/CC taste/NN (/( bitter/JJ may/MD seem/VB like/IN better/JJR )/) ./.
The/DT zinc/NN trials/NNS did/VBD not/RB ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, mask/NN zinc/NN 's/POS bitter/JJ ,/, medicine-like/JJ flavor/NN ./.
Zinc/NNP may/MD work/VB primarily/RB because/IN its/PRP$ distinctive/JJ taste/NN helps/VBZ convince/VB you/PRP that/IN it/PRP will/MD ./.
This/DT phenomenon/NN has/VBZ long/JJ confounded/JJ research/NN on/IN vitamin/NN C/NNP ,/, which/WDT ,/, after/IN almost/RB two-dozen/JJ studies/NNS ,/, has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN demonstrated/VBN to/TO provide/VB benefit/NN in/IN colds/NNS beyond/IN its/PRP$ placebo/NN effect/NN ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, publicity/NN from/IN the/DT Cleveland/NNP Clinic/NNP trial/NN made/VBD the/DT Quigley/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
's/POS Cold-/NNP Eeze/NNP zinc/NN gluconate/NN lozenges/NNS a/DT runaway/JJ success/NN ./.
Quigley/NNP was/VBD a/DT struggling/VBG dietary-supplement/JJ company/NN prior/RB to/TO the/DT study/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ stock/NN sold/VBD for/IN less/JJR than/IN a/DT dollar/NN a/DT share/NN ,/, and/CC revenues/NNS for/IN the/DT first/JJ half/NN of/IN 1996/CD were/VBD just/RB under/IN $/$ 175/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
The/DT study/NN 's/POS release/NN boosted/VBD the/DT stock/NN to/TO $/$ 37/CD a/DT share/NN overnight/JJ and/CC has/VBZ generated/VBN $/$ 41/CD million/CD in/IN revenues/NNS in/IN the/DT year/NN since/IN ./.
Subsequent/JJ revelations/NNS that/IN the/DT trial/NN 's/POS lead/NN researcher/NN owned/VBD stock/NN in/IN Quigley/NNP raised/VBD questions/NNS of/IN biased/VBN results/NNS ./.
On/IN the/DT day/NN that/IN his/PRP$ article/NN was/VBD published/VBN ,/, Dr/NNP ./.
Michael/NNP Macknin/NNP sold/VBD 9/CD ,/, 000/CD Quigley/NNP shares/NNS for/IN $/$ 145/CD ,/, 000/CD in/IN profit/NN ./.
During/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT study/NN ,/, Quigley/NNP gave/VBD Macknin/NNP options/NNS for/IN an/DT additional/JJ 10/CD ,/, 000/CD shares/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Cleveland/NNP Plain/NNP Dealer/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, Macknin/NNP denied/VBD that/IN this/DT was/VBD a/DT payment/NN and/CC said/VBD he/PRP received/VBD the/DT options/NNS after/IN his/PRP$ results/NNS had/VBD already/RB been/VBN compiled/VBN ./.
Others/NNS soon/RB joined/VBD the/DT zinc/NN rush/NN ./.
Nu-/NNP Wave/NNP Health/NNP Product/NNP introduced/VBD Cold-/NNP Rid/NNP sugar-free/JJ zinc/NN lozenges/NNS ./.
Weider/NNP Nutrition/NNP International/NNP offers/VBZ Cold-/NNP Free/NNP zinc/NN acetate/NN lozenges/NNS ,/, which/WDT it/PRP claims/VBZ have/VBP higher/JJR zinc/NN concentrations/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ zinc/NN gum/NN ,/, zinc/NN spray/NN ,/, even/RB zinc/NN lollipops/NNS ./.
And/CC now/RB pharmaceutical/JJ giant/NN Warner-/NNP Lambert/NNP has/VBZ jumped/VBN in/IN with/IN Hall/NNP 's/POS Zinc/NNP Defense/NNP ,/, a/DT lozenge/NN backed/VBN by/IN a/DT national/JJ TV-ad/NNP campaign/NN ./.
If/IN the/DT zinc/NN story/NN were/VBD an/DT isolated/VBN anecdote/NN ,/, it/PRP would/MD be/VB merely/RB amusing/JJ ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO misinformation/NN unrivaled/JJ since/IN the/DT pre-/NN FDA/NNP patent-medicine/JJ era/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, alternative/JJ therapies/NNS have/VBP become/VBN a/DT $/$ 14/CD billion/CD market/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ growing/VBG by/IN as/RB much/JJ as/IN 30/CD percent/NN annually/RB ./.
And/CC now/RB the/DT big/JJ boys/NNS want/VBP to/TO cash/VB in/IN ./.
In/IN addition/NN to/TO its/PRP$ zinc/NN pill/NN ,/, this/DT fall/NN ,/, Warner-/NNP Lambert/NNP introduced/VBD Celestial/NNP Seasonings/NNP lozenges/NNS with/IN echinacea/NN ,/, a/DT purple/JJ flower/NN that/IN herbalists/NNS promote/VBP without/IN clinical/JJ evidence/NN as/IN a/DT cold/JJ remedy/NN and/CC "/" immune-system/NN enhancer/NN ./.
"/" American/NNP Home/NNP Products/NNPS plans/NNS to/TO market/VB ginkgo/NN ,/, saw/VBD palmetto/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ herbal/JJ products/NNS under/IN its/PRP$ Centrum/NNP label/NN ./.
SmithKline/NNP recently/RB announced/VBD plans/NNS for/IN a/DT herbal/JJ line/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ ginkgo/NN ,/, saw/VBD palmetto/NN ,/, ginseng/NN ,/, and/CC St/NNP ./.
Johnswort/NNP ./.
As/IN with/IN zinc/NN ,/, many/JJ of/IN these/DT remedies/NNS become/VBP popular/JJ solely/RB on/IN the/DT basis/NN of/IN anecdotes/NNS ,/, testimonials/NNS ,/, and/CC equivocal/NN studies/NNS ./.
Health-food/NNP promoters/NNS often/RB cite/VBP traditional/JJ use/NN by/IN Native/NNP Americans/NNPS or/CC Chinese/JJ herbalists/NNS as/IN evidence/NN ./.
These/DT are/VBP terrific/JJ grounds/NNS for/IN deciding/VBG to/TO further/VB test/NN substances/NNS culled/VBN from/IN nature--some/JJ of/IN which/WDT will/MD surely/RB prove/VB valuable/JJ ./.
But/CC they/PRP are/VBP not/RB good/JJ reasons/NNS to/TO tout/VB them/PRP as/IN cures--or/JJ even/RB as/IN safe/NN ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ most/RBS worrisome/JJ about/IN the/DT entry/NN of/IN the/DT big/JJ pharmaceutical/JJ firms/NNS is/VBZ that/IN their/PRP$ large/JJ marketing/NN budgets/NNS will/MD expand/VB the/DT respectability/NN of/IN these/DT kinds/NNS of/IN low-standard/JJ claims/NNS ./.
Sure/RB the/DT big/JJ companies/NNS are/VBP more/RBR coy/JJ in/IN their/PRP$ pitches--the/JJ Hall/NNP 's/POS Zinc/NNP Defense/NNP box/NN says/VBZ zinc/NN "/" may/MD "/" relieve/VB cold/JJ symptoms/NNS and/CC ,/, in/IN small/JJ print/NN ,/, denies/VBZ making/VBG any/DT claim/NN to/TO treating/VBG a/DT health/NN condition--but/JJ that/WDT only/RB makes/VBZ the/DT sham/NN more/RBR effective/JJ ./.
So/RB what/WP does/VBZ work/NN for/IN colds/NNS ?/.
Drinking/NNP plenty/NN of/IN liquids/NNS keeps/VBZ mucus/JJ flowing/VBG out/IN of/IN the/DT body/NN and/CC carrying/VBG viruses/NNS with/IN it/PRP ./.
Trials/NNP show/NN that/IN over-the-counter/JJ combination/NN decongestant/NN &slash;/NN antihistamines/NNS do/VBP help/VB relieve/VB nasal/NN congestion/NN and/CC post-nasal/JJ drip/NN ./.
And/CC when/WRB suffering/VBG from/IN a/DT bout/NN of/IN miracle-cure/JJ claims/NNS ,/, try/VBP a/DT healthy/JJ dose/NN of/IN skepticism/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP and/CC Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ continue/VB reports/NNS on/IN the/DT Capitol/NNP shootings/NNS while/IN digging/VBG deeper/JJR into/IN the/DT gunman/NN 's/POS troubled/VBN past/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Ken/NNP Starr/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS gift/NN for/IN the/DT President/NNP :/: a/DT Federal/NNP grand/JJ jury/NN subpoena/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP describes/VBZ Russell/NNP "/" Rusty/NNP "/" Weston/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
as/IN a/DT mentally/RB disturbed/VBN loner/NN who/WP ,/, when/WRB not/RB panning/VBG for/IN gold/NN in/IN Montana/NNP streams/NNS ,/, raved/JJ about/IN his/PRP$ ties/NNS to/TO the/DT Kennedys/NNP and/CC being/VBG betrayed/VBN by/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT wounded/VBN gunman/NN ,/, who/WP has/VBZ a/DT "/" 50/CD -/: 50/CD "/" chance/NN of/IN survival/NN ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN charged/VBN with/IN murder/NN and/CC could/MD receive/VB the/DT death/NN penalty/NN ./.
Both/DT papers/NNS note/VBP the/DT reopening/VBG of/IN the/DT Capitol/NNP the/DT day/NN after/IN the/DT shootings/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP alone/RB specifies/VBZ the/DT shooter/NN 's/POS mental/JJ illness/NN as/IN paranoid/JJ schizophrenia/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP confirms/VBZ that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN subpoenaed/VBN to/TO appear/VB before/IN a/DT Federal/NNP grand/JJ jury--a/JJ first/JJ ever/RB for/IN a/DT sitting/VBG President/NNP ./.
Lawyers/NNS continue/VBP negotiating/VBG to/TO avoid/VB subjecting/VBG Clinton/NNP ,/, sans/NNS attorney/NN ,/, to/TO jurors/NNS '/POS questions/NNS ./.
While/IN legal/JJ scholars/NNS ca/MD n't/RB agree/VB whether/IN Clinton/NNP can/MD be/VB forced/VBN to/TO testify/VB ,/, certain/JJ House/NNP Democrats/NNPS have/VBP agreed/VBN publicly/RB that/IN the/DT President/NNP should/MD answer/VB the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN 's/POS inquiries/NNS well/RB before/IN November/NNP elections/NNS ./.
Plans/NNS to/TO arrest/VB Bosnia/NNP 's/POS two/CD most/JJS wanted/VBN war/NN criminals/NNS have/VBP been/VBN scrapped/VBN ,/, according/VBG to/TO a/DT NYT/NNP front/JJ page/NN piece/NN ./.
Cold-footed/NNP French/JJ officials/NNS and/CC fear/NN that/IN arrests/NNS would/MD provoke/VB further/JJ Serbian/NNP aggression/NN undermined/VBD the/DT 2/CD years/NNS and/CC over/RB $/$ 100/CD million/CD spent/VBD on/IN training/NN and/CC surveillance/NN in/IN prepararation/NN for/IN the/DT roundup/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP does/VBZ not/RB explain/VB why/WRB millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS were/VBD needed/VBN to/TO track/VB two/CD men/NNS later/RB described/VBD as/IN easy/JJ to/TO find/VB ./.
A/DT WP/NNP front/JJ page/NN story/NN reports/NNS on/IN the/DT acknowledgment/NN of/IN former/JJ South/NNP African/JJ '/POS coloreds/NNS '/POS that/IN they/PRP are/VBP indeed/RB black/JJ ./.
Many/JJ apartheid-era/JJ blacks/NNS claimed/VBD mixed/JJ ancestry/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO avoid/VB more/RBR severe/JJ restrictions/NNS ,/, often/RB changing/VBG family/NN names/NNS and/CC falsifying/VBG birth/NN records/NNS ./.
Cynics/NNP cite/VBP the/DT opportune/JJ timing/NN of/IN coloreds/NNS '/POS rediscovered/JJ blackness/NNS now/RB that/IN the/DT black-majority/JJ government/NN has/VBZ instituted/VBN policies/NNS helping/VBG those/DT who/WP faired/JJ worst/JJS under/IN apartheid/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP takes/VBZ a/DT look/NN at/IN exploited/VBN immigrant/JJ high/JJ tech/NN workers/NNS on/IN its/PRP$ front/NN ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
companies/NNS that/WDT sponsor/NN temporary/JJ visas/NNS for/IN foreign/JJ workers/NNS can/MD pay/VB them/PRP less/JJR and/CC work/VB them/PRP harder/RBR ./.
The/DT workers/NNS need/VBP new/JJ visas/NNS to/TO change/VB jobs/NNS and/CC face/VB stiff/JJ fines/NNS for/IN doing/VBG so/RB ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, companies/NNS dangle/NN green/JJ cards/NNS in/IN front/NN of/IN employees/NNS working/VBG under/IN the/DT federally/RB legislated/JJ $/$ 65/CD ,/, 000/CD salary/NN cap/NN just/RB to/TO keep/VB them/PRP honest/JJ ./.
The/DT always/RB AIDS-conscious/NNP NYT/NNP reports/NNS on/IN a/DT new/JJ U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
dilemma/NN :/: whether/IN to/TO advise/VB mothers/NNS infected/VBN with/IN the/DT AIDS/NNP virus/NN to/TO stop/VB breast-feeding/JJ ./.
Cultural/NNP and/CC medical/JJ considerations/NNS include/VBP fears/NNS that/IN non-infected/JJ mothers/NNS will/MD discontinue/VB breast-feeding/JJ and/CC the/DT danger/NN of/IN formula/NN mixed/JJ under/IN unsanitary/JJ conditions/NNS ./.
U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
statistics/NNS show/VBP that/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT quarter/NN of/IN mother-to-child/JJ transmissions/NNS of/IN the/DT HIV/NNP virus/NN occur/VB from/IN breast-feeding/JJ ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP piece/NN questions/VBZ the/DT wisdom/NN of/IN recent/JJ attempts/NNS to/TO align/VBP the/DT values/NNS of/IN the/DT military/NN with/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN society/NN ./.
One/CD defender/NN of/IN separate/JJ military/JJ culture/NN opines/NNS ,/, "/" We/PRP should/MD n't/RB be/VB running/VBG the/DT military/NN like/IN a/DT college/NN campus/NN ./.
"/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP wonders/VBZ if/IN an/DT inner-city/JJ high/JJ school/NN might/MD prove/VB a/DT more/RBR effective/JJ model/NN ./.
Dear/RB Harry/NNP ,/,
I/PRP feel/VBP a/DT strange/JJ mix/NN of/IN emotions/NNS in/IN this/DT new/JJ millennium/NN ./.
Like/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN people/NNS ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP ,/, I/PRP have/VBP a/DT guilty/JJ secret/NN :/: I/PRP wish/VBP something/NN bad/RB had/VBD happened/VBN ./.
Not/RB the/DT Rapture/NNP ./.
Not/RB even/RB a/DT Deadly/NNP Act/NNP of/IN Terrorism/NNP ./.
But/CC a/DT little/JJ glitch/NN would/MD have/VB been/VBN nice--kind/JJ of/IN like/IN a/DT snow/NN day/NN when/WRB you/PRP were/VBD a/DT kid/NN (/( I/NN 'm/VBP assuming/VBG you/PRP have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN in/IN L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
your/PRP$ whole/JJ life/NN )/) -/: -/: something/NN to/TO put/VB a/DT little/JJ dent/NN in/IN the/DT manic/JJ optimism/NN of/IN the/DT moment/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ hours/NNS without/IN the/DT power/NN ,/, or/CC having/VBG the/DT ATM/NNP jam/NN would/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT useful/JJ cautionary/JJ note/NN at/IN a/DT time/NN when/WRB everyone/NN feels/VBZ like/IN they/PRP deserve/VBP an/DT IPO/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
I/PRP see/VBP from/IN the/DT papers/NNS that/IN the/DT Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP consultants/NNS are/VBP already/RB extremely/RB defensive/JJ ,/, insisting/VBG that/IN the/DT problem/NN was/VBD n't/RB hyped/VBD and/CC that/IN their/PRP$ $/$ 100/CD billion/CD price/NN tag/NN was/VBD worth/JJ it/PRP ./.
I/PRP have/VBP my/PRP$ doubts/NNS ./.
On/IN New/NNP Year/NNP 's/POS Day/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ wife/NN raised/VBD a/DT question/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ already/RB become/VB cliché/NN 48/CD hours/NNS later/RB :/: If/IN Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP was/VBD n't/RB a/DT problem/NN in/IN countries/NNS that/WDT spent/VBD a/DT lot/NN (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
us/PRP )/) and/CC in/IN those/DT that/WDT spent/VBD little/JJ but/CC still/RB have/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN computers/NNS (/( Italy/NNP ,/, I/PRP gather/VBP )/) ,/, then/RB did/VBD n't/RB we/PRP get/VBP ripped/VBD off/RP ?/.
I/PRP still/RB have/VBP n't/RB heard/VBN a/DT good/JJ answer/NN
For/IN all/DT my/PRP$ wishing/VBG for/IN a/DT mini-disaster/JJ ,/, I/PRP also/RB felt/VBD much/RB more/JJR moved/VBN by/IN the/DT celebration/NN than/IN I/PRP thought/VBD I/PRP would/MD ./.
Watching/VBG the/DT rolling/NN party/NN across/IN the/DT globe/NN on/IN ABC/NNP and/CC CNN/NNP was/VBD strangely/RB riveting--not/JJ least/JJS of/IN all/DT because/IN Peter/NNP Jennings/NNP felt/VBD compelled/VBN to/TO pull/VB a/DT Jerry/NNP Lewis/NNP telethon/NN and/CC anchor/VB the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN himself/PRP ./.
By/IN the/DT end/NN he/PRP was/VBD babbling/VBG so/RB much/JJ ,/, I/PRP expected/VBD him/PRP to/TO point/VB to/TO the/DT tote/VB board/NN and/CC ask/VB Ed/NNP McMahon/NNP how/WRB much/JJ we/PRP 'd/MD raised/VBD ./.
Still/RB ,/, the/DT effect/NN of/IN seeing/VBG the/DT Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP date/NN roll/NN across/IN the/DT globe/NN brought/VBN out/RP the/DT Kumbaya/NNP spirit/NN in/IN me/PRP ./.
I/PRP feel/VBP the/DT same/JJ way/NN sometimes--/JJ I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB kidding--watching/JJ the/DT Weather/NNP Channel/NNP seeing/VBG a/DT storm/NN form/NN over/IN the/DT West/NNP Coast/NNP of/IN Africa/NNP and/CC then/RB roll/VB east/JJ into/IN a/DT hurricaine/NN ./.
The/DT same/JJ cloud/NN pattern/NN some/DT Malawi/NNP tribesman/NN gazed/JJ at/IN eventually/RB dumped/VBD water/NN on/IN a/DT shriner/NN at/IN a/DT casino/NN in/IN Biloxi/NNP ,/, Miss/NNP ./.
We/PRP are/VBP the/DT world/NN ./.
You/PRP think/VBP Clinton/NNP had/VBD a/DT good/JJ time/NN ,/, or/CC what/WP ?/.
Standing/VBG at/IN the/DT Lincoln/NNP Memorial/NNP ,/, reading/NN Lincoln/NNP 's/POS words/NNS ,/, with/IN an/DT audience/NN of/IN about/IN a/DT gazillion/NN and/CC a/DT Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP production/NN behind/IN him/PRP ?/.
Raised/NNP in/IN a/DT liberal/JJ home/NN ,/, it/PRP infuriated/VBD me/PRP as/IN a/DT kid/NN that/IN Nixon/NNP got/VBD to/TO leave/VB his/PRP$ signature/NN on/IN the/DT Apollo/NNP 11/CD plaque/NN left/VBN on/IN the/DT moon/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD Kennedy/NNP and/CC Johnson/NNP that/WDT got/VBD us/PRP there/RB ,/, and/CC here/RB was/VBD Mr/NNP ./.
House/NNP Un-/NNP American/NNP Activities/NNPS getting/VBG to/TO leave/VB his/PRP$ name/NN on/IN the/DT moon/NN after/IN just/RB six/CD months/NNS in/IN office/NN ./.
I/PRP imagine/VBP there/EX are/VBP gazillions/NNS of/IN conservatives/NNS for/IN whom/WP it/PRP 's/VBZ incredibly/RB painful/JJ that/IN Monica/NNP 's/POS boyfriend/NN got/VBD to/TO be/VB the/DT one/CD to/TO usher/NN in/IN the/DT Third/NNP Millennium/NNP ./.
Did/VBD you/PRP see/VBP the/DT Larry/NNP King/NNP column/NN in/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP ?/.
He/PRP says/VBZ that/IN Clinton/NNP told/VBD him/PRP he/PRP owns/VBZ the/DT original/JJ Harry/NNP Truman/NNP letter/NN to/TO the/DT music/NN critic/NN ,/, the/DT one/CD where/WRB he/PRP threatens/VBZ to/TO punch/VB out/RP the/DT guy/NN for/IN criticizing/VBG his/PRP$ daughter/NN 's/POS piano/NN recital/NN ./.
Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP gave/VBD Clinton/NNP the/DT letter/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO King/NNP ./.
Weird/NNP ./.
I/PRP see/VBP in/IN the/DT papers/NNS today/NN that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS proposing/VBG a/DT modest/JJ but/CC still/RB sizable/JJ tax/NN cut/NN for/IN next/JJ year/NN ./.
Can/MD there/EX be/VB any/DT doubt/NN how/WRB this/DT Kabuki/NNP ritual/NN will/MD play/VB out/IN yet/RB again/RB ?/.
The/DT Repubs/NNP will/MD push/VB for/IN bigger/JJR cuts/NNS ./.
Clinton/NNP and/CC the/DT Dems/NNP will/MD accuse/VB them/PRP of/IN endangering/VBG Medicare/NNP and/CC Social/NNP Security/NNP ./.
The/DT public/JJ will/MD back/RP the/DT Dems/NNP ./.
The/DT Republicans/NNPS will/MD bluster/NN ,/, losing/VBG popular/JJ support/NN ,/, but/CC then/RB they/PRP 'll/MD finally/RB cave/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP and/CC infuriate/VB their/PRP$ base/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP like/IN Wile/NNP E/NNP ./.
Coyote/NNP going/VBG off/IN the/DT cliff/NN every/DT time/NN ./.
Speaking/NN of/IN Republicans/NNPS ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP emceeing/VBG that/IN Congressional/NNP Dinner/NNP that/IN you/PRP hosted/VBD last/JJ year--/JJ 1/CD ,/, 200/CD Washington/NNP bigshots/NNS in/IN a/DT hotel/NN ball/NN room/NN ,/, done/VBN up/RP in/IN black/JJ tie/NN ./.
You/PRP 're/VBP a/DT comedy/NN God/NNP ./.
(/( Is/VBZ Spinal/NNP Tap/VB on/IN DVD/NNP yet/RB ?/.
)/) I/PRP do/VBP occasional/JJ stand/NN up/RB :/: Got/NNP any/DT tips/NNS ?/.
I/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN 30/CD days/NNS to/TO come/VB up/RP with/IN a/DT bevy/NN of/IN Denny/NNP Hastert/NNP jokes/NNS and/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP getting/VBG edgy/JJ ./.
As/IN millennial/NN anxiety/NN goes/VBZ ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ pretty/RB small/JJ stuff/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP could/MD still/RB use/VB a/DT few/JJ tips/NNS ./.
Talk/NN to/TO you/PRP later/RB ./.
-/: -/: Matt/NNP
The/DT House/NNP and/CC Senate/NNP passed/VBD legislation/NN to/TO build/VB a/DT national/JJ missile/NN defense/NN system/NN ./.
The/DT White/NNP House/NNP persuaded/VBD the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, but/CC not/RB the/DT House/NNP ,/, to/TO insert/VB a/DT clause/NN saying/VBG the/DT system/NN wo/MD n't/RB be/VB deployed/VBN until/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" technologically/RB possible/JJ ,/, "/" which/WDT could/MD allow/VB President/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ successors/NNS to/TO postpone/VB it/PRP ./.
If/IN the/DT House/NNP accepts/VBZ the/DT Senate/NNP language/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP will/MD support/VB their/PRP$ joint/JJ bill/NN ./.
If/IN not/RB ,/, he/PRP 'll/MD veto/VB it/PRP ./.
The/DT liberal/JJ spins/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT system/NN violates/VBZ the/DT anti-ballistic/JJ missile/NN treaty/NN with/IN Russia/NNP ./.
2/LS )/) It/PRP will/MD anger/NN the/DT Russians/NNPS and/CC kill/VB arms/NNS reduction/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ more/RBR important/JJ ./.
3/LS )/) It/PRP 's/VBZ too/RB expensive/JJ ./.
4/LS )/) It/PRP wo/MD n't/RB work/VB ./.
5/LS )/) Clinton/NNP caved/VBD as/IN usual/JJ ./.
6/CD )/) Conservatives/NNS just/RB want/VBP a/DT campaign/NN issue/NN for/IN 2000/CD ./.
The/DT conservative/JJ spins/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) New/NNP threats/NNS from/IN North/NNP Korea/NNP and/CC Iran/NNP justify/VB building/VBG the/DT system/NN ./.
2/LS )/) President/NNP Reagan/NNP is/VBZ vindicated/VBN ./.
3/LS )/) The/DT system/NN can/MD work/VB ./.
4/LS )/) The/DT ABM/NNP treaty/NN is/VBZ defunct/JJ ./.
5/LS )/) Clinton/NNP will/MD use/VB the/DT Senate/NNP 's/POS weasel/NN words/NNS to/TO postpone/VB the/DT system/NN indefinitely/RB ./.
6/CD )/) It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT great/JJ campaign/NN issue/NN for/IN 2000/CD ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 19/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
The/DT Kosovo/NNP peace/NN talks/NNS collapsed/VBD ./.
The/DT ethnic/JJ Albanians/NNS signed/VBD the/DT peace/NN deal/NN proposed/VBN by/IN French/JJ and/CC British/JJ mediators/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT Yugoslavs/NNP (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, Serbs/NNP )/) refused/VBD ,/, principally/RB because/IN they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stand/VB having/VBG NATO/NNP troops/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ country/NN to/TO enforce/VB it/PRP ./.
The/DT mediators/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: The/DT ethnic/JJ Albanians/NNS are/VBP good/JJ ,/, the/DT Serbs/NNP are/VBP bad/JJ ,/, and/CC now/RB NATO/NNP may/MD have/VB to/TO bomb/VB the/DT Serbs/NNP ./.
The/DT ethnic/JJ Albanians/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: Now/RB that/IN we/PRP signed/VBD the/DT deal/NN to/TO end/VB the/DT violence/NN and/CC the/DT Serbs/NNP did/VBD n't/RB ,/, please/VB bomb/NN them/PRP ./.
The/DT Serbs/NNP '/POS spin/NN :/: The/DT deal/NN was/VBD a/DT sham/NN concocted/VBN by/IN the/DT ethnic/JJ Albanians/NNS and/CC "/" their/PRP$ American/JJ friends/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB you/PRP 'll/MD bomb/VB us/PRP ./.
The/DT public/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
government/NN spin/NN :/: Now/RB we/PRP 're/VBP really/RB going/VBG to/TO bomb/VB you/PRP ./.
The/DT private/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
government/NN spin/NN :/: Bombing/NNP will/MD be/VB harder/RBR than/IN we/PRP thought/VBD ,/, so/RB first/JJ let/VB 's/POS try/VB begging/VBG again/RB ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 19/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
A/DT government/NN study/NN endorsed/VBD medical/JJ marijuana/NN ./.
The/DT study/NN was/VBD commissioned/VBN by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
drug/NN czar/NN Barry/NNP McCaffrey/NNP and/CC conducted/VBN by/IN the/DT National/NNP Academy/NNP of/IN Sciences/NNPS ./.
It/PRP says/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) pot/NN can/MD reduce/VB pain/NN ,/, anxiety/NN ,/, and/CC nausea/NN in/IN chemotherapy/NN patients/NNS and/CC people/NNS with/IN AIDS/NNP ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) its/PRP$ medical/JJ use/NN would/MD not/RB increase/VB casual/JJ pot/NN smoking/VBG or/CC more/RBR serious/JJ drug/NN use/NN among/IN healthy/JJ people/NNS ;/: but/CC 3/LS )/) since/IN pot/NN smoke/NN is/VBZ toxic/JJ ,/, only/RB people/NNS whose/WP$ long-term/JJ health/NN is/VBZ moot/JJ (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, terminally/RB ill/JJ people/NNS )/) should/MD use/VB it/PRP ./.
McCaffrey/NNP said/VBD little/JJ about/IN the/DT report/NN ,/, leading/VBG everyone/NN to/TO conclude/VB that/IN he/PRP 'll/MD ignore/VB it/PRP ./.
The/DT anti-pot/JJ spins/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT report/NN shows/VBZ pot/NN is/VBZ n't/RB medicine/NN ./.
2/LS )/) It/PRP shows/VBZ pot/NN is/VBZ toxic/JJ ./.
3/LS )/) Medical/NNP pot/NN is/VBZ a/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN to/TO legalization/NN ./.
The/DT pro-pot/JJ spins/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) Pot/NNP can/MD help/VB ./.
2/LS )/) "/" Arresting/NNP patients/NNS is/VBZ not/RB right/JJ ./.
"/" 3/LS )/) Legal/NNP pain-killing/JJ drugs/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, morphine/NN )/) are/VBP worse/JJR ./.
4/LS )/) Politicians/NNS are/VBP just/RB afraid/JJ of/IN being/VBG called/VBN soft/JJ on/IN drugs/NNS ./.
5/LS )/) Recent/JJ ballot/NN measures/NNS show/VBP voters/NNS want/VBP medical/JJ pot/NN ./.
6/CD )/) It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN to/TO legalization/NN ./.
7/CD )/) Let/VB 's/POS legalize/NN it/PRP ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 19/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP announced/VBD his/PRP$ presidential/JJ candidacy/NN on/IN the/DT Internet/NN ./.
He/PRP portrayed/VBD the/DT new/JJ medium/NN as/IN a/DT symbol/NN of/IN his/PRP$ emphasis/NN on/IN individualism/NN ,/, growth/NN ,/, and/CC opportunity/NN ,/, in/IN contrast/NN to/TO old-style/JJ centralized/VBN government/NN programs/NNS such/JJ as/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP ./.
Old/JJ platform/NN :/: pro-choice/JJ flat-taxer/JJ ./.
New/JJ platform/NN :/: no-new-taxes/JJ pro-lifer/JJ ./.
Critics/NNS '/POS spin/NN on/IN his/PRP$ wealth/NN :/: wacky/JJ billionaire/NN ./.
Forbes/NNP '/POS spin/NN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ "/" not/RB beholden/JJ "/" to/TO interest/VB groups/NNS ./.
Old/NNP spin/VB on/IN his/PRP$ experience/NN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT politician/NN ./.
New/NNP spin/VB :/: He/PRP can/MD win/VB because/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN campaigning/VBG nonstop/JJ since/IN 1995/CD ./.
Old/NNP spin/VB on/IN his/PRP$ significance/NN :/: He/PRP ca/MD n't/RB win/VB ./.
New/NNP spin/VB :/: He/PRP 'll/MD destroy/VB the/DT Republican/JJ front-runner/NN again/RB ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 17/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Paula/NNP Jones/NNP separated/VBN from/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO USA/NNP Today/NNP ,/, "/" The/DT split/NN followed/VBD disagreements/NNS over/IN strategy/NN in/IN her/PRP$ sexual/JJ harassment/NN case/NN ./.
how/WRB to/TO spend/VB the/DT money/NN they/PRP received/VBD from/IN their/PRP$ settlement/NN and/CC where/WRB to/TO live/VB in/IN the/DT post-lawsuit/JJ era/NN ./.
"/" Jones/NNP '/POS husband/NN presented/VBD himself/PRP as/IN the/DT voice/NN of/IN practicality/NN ,/, saying/VBG ,/, "/" My/PRP$ idea/NN is/VBZ you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB spend/VB money/NN until/IN you/PRP know/VBP what/WP you/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO have/VB ./.
"/" But/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP says/VBZ now/RB that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN fired/VBN as/IN an/DT airline/NN clerk/NN ,/, he/PRP "/" will/MD pursue/VB an/DT acting/VBG career/NN and/CC work/NN on/IN a/DT book/NN ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN also/RB says/VBZ Paula/NNP Jones/NNP will/MD accept/VB a/DT job/NN offer/NN as/IN a/DT manicurist/NN while/IN weighing/VBG "/" paid/VBN media/NNS offers/VBZ ./.
"/" (/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 17/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
The/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Henry/NNP Lyons/NNP resigned/VBD as/IN president/NN of/IN the/DT largest/JJS black/JJ American/JJ religious/JJ body/NN ,/, the/DT National/NNP Baptist/NNP Convention/NNP USA/NNP ./.
He/PRP had/VBD been/VBN convicted/VBN of/IN racketeering/NN and/CC grand/JJ theft/NN for/IN 1/LS )/) selling/VBG bogus/JJ membership/NN lists/NNS to/TO companies/NNS that/WDT sought/VBD access/NN to/TO black/JJ consumers/NNS ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) stealing/VBG donations/NNS intended/VBN to/TO rebuild/VB burned/VBN black/JJ churches/NNS ./.
The/DT sunny/JJ spin/NN ,/, from/IN Lyons/NNP '/POS attorney/NN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ "/" remorseful/JJ "/" and/CC resigned/VBD with/IN "/" dignity/NN ./.
"/" The/DT cautious/JJ spin/NN :/: Black/NNP churches/NNS are/VBP losing/VBG their/PRP$ tolerance/NN for/IN leaders/NNS who/WP exploit/VBP them/PRP ./.
The/DT pessimistic/JJ spin/NN ,/, from/IN Lyons/NNP '/POS possible/JJ successor/NN ,/, the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Calvin/NNP Butts/NNP :/: Leaders/NNP will/MD always/RB be/VB fallible/JJ ,/, so/RB structural/JJ reforms/NNS are/VBP needed/VBN to/TO make/VB them/PRP more/RBR accountable/JJ ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 17/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Delaware/NNP lawyer/NN Thomas/NNP Capano/NNP was/VBD sentenced/VBN to/TO death/NN for/IN murdering/VBG his/PRP$ ex-mistress/JJ ./.
Capano/NNP 's/POS trial/NN had/VBD drawn/VBN national/JJ attention/NN because/IN he/PRP was/VBD a/DT member/NN of/IN the/DT Delaware/NNP elite/NN and/CC because/IN ,/, contrary/JJ to/TO his/PRP$ attorneys/NNS '/POS advice/NN ,/, he/PRP took/VBD the/DT stand/NN and/CC confessed/VBD to/TO getting/VBG rid/JJ of/IN the/DT victim/NN 's/POS body/NN but/CC asserted/VBD that/IN another/DT of/IN his/PRP$ ex-mistresses/JJ had/VBD committed/VBN the/DT murder/NN ./.
After/IN being/VBG convicted/VBN ,/, Capano/NNP expressed/VBD no/DT remorse/NN but/CC asked/VBD the/DT jury/NN to/TO consider/VB his/PRP$ wife/NN 's/POS feelings/NNS in/IN choosing/VBG his/PRP$ sentence/NN ./.
The/DT jury/NN chose/VBD death/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT judge/NN agreed/VBD ,/, calling/VBG Capano/NNP 's/POS invocation/NN of/IN his/PRP$ family/NN further/JJ evidence/NN of/IN his/PRP$ selfishness/NNS ,/, ruthlessness/NNS ,/, and/CC contempt/NN ./.
Headline/NNP and/CC caption/NN writers/NNS alluded/VBD to/TO the/DT irony/NN of/IN Capano/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ prosecutor/NN ,/, being/VBG sentenced/VBN to/TO death/NN ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 17/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
The/DT International/NNP Chess/NNP Federation/NNP anointed/JJ its/PRP$ first/JJ black/JJ grandmaster/NN ./.
Maurice/NNP Ashley/NNP ,/, a/DT 34/CD -/: year-old/JJ Jamaican/JJ immigrant/JJ to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, earned/VBD his/PRP$ place/NN among/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS 470/CD grandmasters/NNS through/IN superior/JJ tournament/NN play/NN ./.
He/PRP stopped/VBD coaching/NN Harlem/NNP kids/NNS in/IN chess/NN two/CD years/NNS ago/RB in/IN order/NN to/TO train/VB himself/PRP for/IN tournaments/NNS and/CC achieve/VB his/PRP$ dream/NN ./.
The/DT sunny/JJ spin/NN :/: Anyone/NN can/MD succeed/VB with/IN talent/NN and/CC hard/JJ work/NN ./.
The/DT cynical/JJ spin/NN :/: Anyone/NN can/MD succeed/VB if/IN he/PRP stops/VBZ wasting/VBG his/PRP$ energy/NN on/IN others/NNS ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 17/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
House/NNP Minority/NNP Leader/NNP Dick/NNP Gephardt/NNP ,/, D-M/NNP o/NN ./.
,/, endorsed/VBD Vice/NNP President/NNP Al/NNP Gore/NNP for/IN president/NN and/CC joined/VBD him/PRP on/IN the/DT campaign/NN trail/NN ./.
Previously/RB ,/, pundits/NNS had/VBD downgraded/VBN Gore/NNP 's/POS stock/NN ,/, arguing/VBG that/IN he/PRP already/RB trails/VBZ Gov/NNP ./.
George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP exas/NNS ,/, in/IN polls/NNS ;/: that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS sleaze/NN is/VBZ rubbing/VBG off/RP on/IN Gore/NNP ;/: that/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO make/VB suburban/JJ traffic/NN jams/NNS a/DT presidential/JJ campaign/NN issue/NN is/VBZ frivolous/JJ ;/: and/CC that/IN Gore/NNP shot/NN himself/PRP in/IN the/DT foot/NN last/JJ week/NN by/IN claiming/VBG to/TO have/VB taken/VBN "/" the/DT initiative/NN in/IN creating/VBG the/DT Internet/NN ./.
"/" The/DT spins/VBZ on/IN Gephardt/NNP 's/POS endorsement/NN :/: 1/LS )/) It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT much-needed/JJ boost/NN for/IN Gore/NNP ./.
2/LS )/) It/PRP 's/VBZ mutual/JJ back/RB scratching/VBG ,/, since/IN Gore/NNP will/MD simultaneously/RB campaign/VB to/TO make/VB Gephardt/NNP the/DT House/NNP speaker/NN ./.
3/LS )/) The/DT early/JJ Democratic/JJ unity/NN will/MD scare/VB the/DT GOP/NNP ./.
4/LS )/) On/IN the/DT contrary/NN ,/, Democrats/NNPS are/VBP uniting/VBG because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP scared/VBN by/IN the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS early/JJ unity/NN behind/IN Bush/NNP ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 15/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Cinderella/NNP victors/NNS shook/VBD up/RP the/DT NCAA/NNP men/NNS 's/POS basketball/NN tournament/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT West/NNP ,/, 10/CD th/NN -/: seeded/VBN Gonzaga/NNP ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ already/RB taken/VBN out/IN seventh-seeded/JJ Minnesota/NNP and/CC second-seeded/JJ Stanford/NNP ,/, has/VBZ a/DT good/JJ chance/NN of/IN becoming/VBG the/DT third/JJ double-digit/JJ seed/NN ever/RB to/TO reach/VB the/DT quarterfinals/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT Midwest/NNP ,/, 10/CD th/NN -/: seeded/VBN Miami/NNP of/IN Ohio/NNP reached/VBD the/DT round/NN of/IN 16/CD by/IN knocking/VBG off/RP seventh-seeded/JJ Washington--behind/NNP a/DT 43/CD -/: point/NN onslaught/NN from/IN forward/RB Wally/NNP Szczerbiak--and/NNP second-seeded/JJ Utah/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT East/NNP ,/, 12/CD th/NN -/: seeded/VBN Southwest/NNP Missouri/NNP State/NNP held/VBD fifth-seeded/JJ Wisconsin/NNP to/TO 32/CD points--the/JJ lowest/JJS NCAA/NNP tournament/NN score/NN since/IN the/DT inception/NN of/IN the/DT shot/NN clock--and/JJ then/RB trounced/JJ fourth-seeded/JJ Tennessee/NNP ./.
This/DT year/NN 's/POS round/NN of/IN 16/CD boast/VB the/DT highest/JJS number/NN of/IN Cinderella/NNP teams/NNS in/IN the/DT tournament/NN 's/POS history/NN ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 15/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Boxing/NNP officials/NNS ordered/VBD a/DT rematch/NN of/IN the/DT March/NNP 13/CD heavyweight/JJ championship/NN fight/NN between/IN Evander/NNP Holyfield/NNP and/CC Lennox/NNP Lewis/NNP ./.
Fans/NNS and/CC sports/NNS writers/NNS are/VBP in/IN an/DT uproar/NN because/IN the/DT judges/NNS called/VBD the/DT fight/NN a/DT draw--despite/JJ a/DT huge/JJ disparity/NN of/IN punches/NNS in/IN Lewis/NNP '/POS favor/NN and/CC the/DT widespread/JJ perception/NN of/IN spectators/NNS that/IN Lewis/NNP won/VBD ./.
Gov/NNP ./.
George/NNP Pataki/NNP ,/, R-N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, said/VBD he/PRP will/MD ask/VB the/DT state/NN athletic/JJ commission/NN to/TO investigate/VB the/DT fight/NN ./.
The/DT spins/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT fight/NN was/VBD rigged/VBN ,/, probably/RB by/IN promoter/NN Don/NNP King/NNP ./.
2/LS )/) The/DT disputed/VBN outcome/NN only/RB shows/VBZ that/IN judging/VBG fights/NNS is/VBZ a/DT subjective/JJ art/NN ./.
3/LS )/) Even/RB so/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Lewis/NNP '/POS fault/NN for/IN failing/VBG to/TO put/VB the/DT outcome/NN beyond/IN question/NN by/IN going/VBG for/IN the/DT kill/NN ./.
4/LS )/) Who/WP cares/VBZ whether/IN the/DT judges/NNS are/VBP honest/JJ ?/.
The/DT real/JJ outrage/NN is/VBZ that/IN boxing/VBG is/VBZ barbaric/JJ ./.
5/LS )/) The/DT real/JJ outrage/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT fight/NN was/VBD boring/JJ ./.
6/CD )/) The/DT real/JJ outrage/NN is/VBZ that/IN boxing/VBG officials/NNS wo/MD n't/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO raise/VB enough/JJ money/NN to/TO pay/VB the/DT exorbitant/JJ sums/NNS the/DT boxers/NNS are/VBP demanding/VBG for/IN a/DT rematch/NN ./.
(/( 3/CD &slash;/NN 15/CD &slash;/NN 99/CD )/)
Befitting/NNP a/DT mid-summer/JJ news/NN drought/NN ,/, the/DT papers/NNS go/VBP their/PRP$ separate/JJ ways/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN internal/JJ dissension/NN at/IN the/DT DOJ/NNP about/IN whether/IN or/CC not/RB Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS 1996/CD campaign/NN fund-raising/JJ activities/NNS warranted/VBN an/DT independent/JJ counsel--/JJ Louis/NNP Freeh/NNP says/VBZ yes/UH and/CC Janet/NNP Reno/NNP says/VBZ no/UH ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT World/NNP Bank/NNP 's/POS hiring/NN of/IN outside/JJ auditors/NNS to/TO investigate/VB spending/NN from/IN a/DT $/$ 25/CD billion/CD annual/JJ development/NN project/NN fund/NN after/IN an/DT internal/JJ check/NN seemed/VBD to/TO suggest/VB kickbacks/NNS and/CC embezzlement/NN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT upcoming/JJ Senate/NNP battle/NN over/IN competing/VBG Democratic/JJ and/CC Republican/JJ bills/NNS regulating/VBG HMOs/NNP ./.
President/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS ,/, is/VBZ making/VBG a/DT rare/JJ congressional/JJ working/NN visit/NN to/TO plump/NN for/IN his/PRP$ party/NN 's/POS bill/NN ,/, which/WDT unlike/IN the/DT GOP/NNP alternative/NN ,/, would/MD strike/VB down/RP a/DT 25/CD -/: year-old/JJ ban/NN against/IN patients/NNS suing/VBG their/PRP$ health/NN plans/NNS ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP front-page/JJ story/NN with/IN the/DT most/RBS national/JJ impact/NN is/VBZ a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN 's/POS refusal/NN to/TO block/VB California/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ vote/NN to/TO eliminate/VB long-term/JJ bilingual/JJ education/NN ./.
The/DT Reno/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Free/JJ disagreement/NN was/VBD discussed/VBN during/IN Reno/NNP 's/POS appearance/NN yesterday/NN at/IN Senate/NNP hearings/NNS ,/, but/CC as/IN the/DT Times/NNP reminds/VBZ the/DT reader/NN four/CD paragraphs/NNS in/IN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD already/RB aired/VBN last/JJ winter/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT Times/NNP gets/VBZ excited/VBN enough/RB by/IN this/DT virtual/JJ news/NN to/TO also/RB offer/VB a/DT lead/JJ editorial/NN and/CC a/DT William/NNP Safire/NNP column/NN backing/VBG Freeh/NNP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP is/VBZ much/JJ calmer--calling/JJ the/DT Senate/NNP hearing/NN "/" a/DT familiar/JJ scene/NN ,/, "/" and/CC putting/VBG it/PRP on/IN p/NN ./.
7/CD ./.
The/DT World/NNP Bank/NNP investigation/NN apparently/RB encompasses/VBZ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT WP/NNP ,/, kickbacks/NNS possibly/RB received/VBN by/IN a/DT WB/NNP official/NN supervising/VBG a/DT water/NN project/NN in/IN Algeria/NNP ,/, possible/JJ misuse/NN of/IN a/DT fund/NN set/VBN up/RP by/IN the/DT Japanese/JJ government/NN to/TO subsidize/VB WB/NNP staff/NN expenses/NNS ,/, and/CC Bank-funded/NNP efforts/NNS in/IN Russia/NNP and/CC Indonesia/NNP ./.
Three/CD WB/NNP officials/NNS have/VBP been/VBN notified/VBN that/IN they/PRP are/VBP under/IN investigation/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP quotes/VBZ a/DT senior/JJ Bank/NNP official/NN as/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" So/IN the/DT question/NN is/VBZ '/POS Are/VBP we/PRP clean/VB ?/.
'/POS and/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB clear/JJ ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS off-lead/JJ is/VBZ that/IN a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN will/MD not/RB prevent/VB the/DT head/NN of/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS Secret/NNP Service/NNP detail/NN from/IN being/VBG forced/VBN to/TO testify/VB about/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS that/IN the/DT judge/NN "/" harshly/RB chastised/VBN "/" the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP for/IN continuing/VBG to/TO fight/VB Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP on/IN this/DT point/NN ./.
So/RB Special/JJ Agent/NNP Larry/NNP Cockell/NNP might/MD be/VB at/IN the/DT federal/JJ courthouse/NN this/DT morning/NN to/TO answer/VB Starr/NNP 's/POS questions/NNS ,/, although/IN the/DT Post/NNP says/VBZ Cockell/NNP may/MD be/VB advised/VBN not/RB to/TO show/VB up/RP ./.
Apparently/RB Starr/NNP is/VBZ interested/VBN in/IN asking/VBG Cockell/NNP about/IN what/WP he/PRP heard/VBD of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS discussion/NN with/IN his/PRP$ private/JJ attorney/NN Robert/NNP S/NNP ./.
Bennett/NNP in/IN the/DT limo/NN on/IN the/DT way/NN back/RB from/IN the/DT deposition/NN he/PRP gave/VBD on/IN Jan/NNP ./.
17/CD for/IN the/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP suit/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP notes/NNS ,/, this/DT means/VBZ that/IN Cockell/NNP 's/POS testimony/NN turns/VBZ on/IN ,/, not/RB just/RB "/" protective/JJ privilege/NN "/" but/CC also/RB on/IN attorney-client/JJ privilege/NN ,/, and/CC hence/RB it/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN there/EX will/MD be/VB much/RB more/JJR court/NN wrangling/VBG before/IN the/DT Cockell/NNP issue/NN is/VBZ resolved/VBN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP "/" Column/NNP One/CD "/" reports/NNS on/IN an/DT interesting/JJ conflict/NN between/IN medicine/NN and/CC the/DT law/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS common/JJ causes/NNS of/IN death/NN in/IN this/DT country/NN is/VBZ heart/NN attack/NN and/CC in/IN most/JJS attacks/NNS there/RB is/VBZ only/RB a/DT window/NN of/IN ten/CD minutes/NNS to/TO save/VB the/DT victim/NN 's/POS life/NN ./.
So/IN it/PRP would/MD seem/VB obvious/JJ that/IN the/DT advent/NN of/IN the/DT portable/JJ defibrillator--an/JJ electrical/JJ shock/NN device/NN that/WDT does/VBZ just/RB the/DT trick/NN in/IN an/DT overwhelming/JJ percentage/NN of/IN cases--would/JJ be/VB a/DT universally/RB accepted/VBN godsend/NN ./.
Given/VBN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, that/IN 80/CD percent/NN of/IN heart/NN attacks/NNS occur/VBP at/IN home/NN ,/, would/MD n't/RB it/PRP be/VB great/JJ if/IN defibrillators/NNS were/VBD as/RB common/JJ as/IN portable/JJ fire/NN extinguishers/NNS ?/.
Well/RB ,/, as/IN the/DT LAT/NNP tells/VBZ it/PRP ,/, the/DT trial/NN lawyers/NNS do/VBP n't/RB think/VB so/RB ,/, because/IN they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB like/VB exempting/VBG bystanders/NNS who/WP use/VBP the/DT devices/NNS from/IN possible/JJ lawsuits/NNS ./.
The/DT cops/NNS are/VBP n't/RB crazy/JJ about/IN them/PRP ,/, because/IN they/PRP fear/VBP this/DT will/MD lead/VB to/TO a/DT distraction/NN from/IN their/PRP$ primary/JJ law/NN enforcement/NN role/NN ,/, and/CC besides/IN they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO get/VB sued/VBD ./.
And/CC there/EX 's/VBZ the/DT fear/NN that/IN improper/JJ use/NN of/IN the/DT machines/NNS can/MD */NN cause/VB */NN heart/NN attacks--a/JJ dozen/NN states/NNS still/RB prohibit/VBP lay/VB people/NNS from/IN using/VBG the/DT machines/NNS ./.
USAT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT completely/RB positive/JJ account/NN of/IN the/DT productive/JJ and/CC powerful/JJ partnership/NN that/WDT has/VBZ developed/VBN between/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP ,/, especially/RB regarding/VBG international/JJ women/NNS 's/POS issues/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT handling/NN of/IN rape/NN charges/NNS at/IN the/DT Rwanda/NNP War/NNP Crimes/NNP Tribunal/NNP ,/, and/CC clamping/VBG down/RB on/IN the/DT international/JJ prostitution/NN trade/NN ./.
So/RB what/WP does/VBZ it/PRP say/VB about/IN the/DT First/CD Lady/NNP that/IN for/IN this/DT article/NN she/PRP not/RB only/RB declined/VBD to/TO be/VB interviewed/VBN but/CC even/RB declined/VBD to/TO answer/VB written/VBN questions/NNS ?/.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/WDT publishing/NN houses/NNS receive/VBP a/DT steady/JJ stream/NN of/IN requests/NNS for/IN free/JJ books/NNS from/IN prisoners/NNS ,/, which/WDT they/PRP frequently/RB honor/VBP ./.
The/DT article/NN reports/NNS that/WDT self-help/NN titles/NNS are/VBP among/IN the/DT most/JJS requested/VBN ,/, but/CC does/VBZ n't/RB explain/VB the/DT point/NN of/IN mailing/NN out/IN "/" The/DT Seven/CD Habits/NNP of/IN Highly/NNP Effective/NNP People/NNPS "/" to/TO guys/NNS on/IN death/NN row/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB when/WRB a/DT man/NN and/CC woman/NN first/RB meet/VB ,/, the/DT man/NN speaks/VBZ words/NNS so/RB true/JJ ,/, so/RB stirring/VBG ,/, that/IN the/DT woman/NN is/VBZ helpless/JJ to/TO resist/VB ./.
See/VB if/IN you/PRP can/MD identify/VB the/DT world-class/JJ smooth/JJ operators/NNS who/WP spoke/VBD these/DT opening/NN lines/NNS :/:
1/LS )/) "/" I/PRP could/MD get/VB lost/VBN in/IN those/DT blue/JJ eyes/NNS ./.
2/LS )/) "/" You/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN eyes/NNS like/IN Julia/NNP Roberts/NNP '/POS -/: -/: they/PRP 're/VBP so/RB big/JJ ./.
"/" [/( If/IN this/DT fails/VBZ ,/, follow/VB with/IN :/: ]/) "/" Your/PRP$ eyes/NNS haunt/VBP me/PRP ./.
3/LS )/) "/" You/PRP 're/VBP really/RB beautiful/JJ ,/, you/PRP know/VBP that/DT ?/.
Call/VB me/PRP ,/, it/PRP 'll/MD be/VB fun/NN ./.
4/LS )/) "/" You/PRP 're/VBP as/RB pretty/RB as/IN my/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
Sure/RB ,/, you/PRP were/VBD tempted/VBN to/TO guess/VB Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP for/IN all/DT four/CD ,/, but/CC the/DT answers/NNS are/VBP :/: 1/LS )/) Clinton/NNP ;/: 2/LS )/) Leonardo/NNP DiCaprio/NNP ;/: 3/LS )/) Jerry/NNP Springer/NNP ;/: 4/LS )/) Frank/NNP Gifford/NNP ./.
This/DT month/NN the/DT tabs/NNS explore/VBP the/DT sexual/JJ gambits/NNS of/IN famous/JJ men/NNS ./.
Chief/NNP among/IN them/PRP is/VBZ the/DT commander/NN in/IN chief/NN ./.
The/DT Star/NNP breaks/NNS news/NN this/DT week/NN with/IN an/DT account/NN by/IN a/DT flight/NN attendant/NN on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS 1992/CD campaign/NN plane/NN of/IN an/DT alleged/JJ sexual/JJ assault/NN by/IN him/PRP ./.
The/DT plane/NN was/VBD called/VBN Longhorn/NNP One/CD (/( Clinton/NNP had/VBD to/TO settle/VB for/IN this/DT name/NN ;/: Long/NNP Dong/NNP Silver/NNP and/CC Monkey/NNP Business/NNP were/VBD already/RB taken/VBN )/) and/CC is/VBZ described/VBN by/IN the/DT National/NNP Enquirer/NNP as/RB the/DT "/" lust-crazed/JJ Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP campaign/NN jet/NN ./.
"/" The/DT plane/NN has/VBZ figured/VBN prominently/RB in/IN the/DT tabloid/JJ universe/NN in/IN recent/JJ weeks/NNS ./.
The/DT Enquirer/NNP quotes/NNS an/DT "/" insider/NN "/" as/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP had/VBD his/PRP$ own/JJ '/POS Mile-/NNP High/NNP Club/NNP '/POS up/RB in/IN the/DT front/NN of/IN the/DT plane/NN ./.
"/" And/CC the/DT Star/NNP last/JJ week/NN ran/VBD pictures/NNS of/IN Clinton/NNP arm/NN in/IN arm/NN with/IN ,/, and/CC with/IN his/PRP$ hand/NN on/IN the/DT leg/NN of/IN ,/, flight/NN attendant/NN Debra/NNP Schiff/NNP ,/, who/WP later/RB went/VBD on/IN to/TO become/VB a/DT White/NNP House/NNP receptionist/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT account/NN of/IN flight/NN attendant/NN Cristy/NNP Zercher/NNP that/IN fleshes/NNS out/RP the/DT Clinton/NNP seduction/NN style/NN ./.
His/PRP$ opening/NN comment/NN to/TO her/PRP$ was/VBD Answer/NNP 1/CD ,/, above/RB ./.
And/CC Zercher/NNP claims/VBZ that/IN late/JJ one/CD night/NN ,/, while/IN almost/RB everyone/NN was/VBD sleeping--including/JJ Hillary/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD about/IN six/CD feet/NNS from/IN Zercher/NNP 's/POS jump/NN seat--/JJ Clinton/NNP came/VBD over/IN to/TO talk/VB ./.
He/PRP laid/VBD his/PRP$ head/NN on/IN Zercher/NNP 's/POS shoulder/NN ,/, asked/VBD her/PRP to/TO talk/VB about/IN herself/PRP and/CC ,/, for/IN 40/CD minutes/NNS ,/, on/IN and/CC off/IN ,/, rubbed/VBD the/DT side/NN of/IN her/PRP$ left/JJ breast/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP thought/VBD ,/, '/" Is/VBZ he/PRP really/RB doing/VBG what/WP I/PRP think/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ doing/VBG ?/.
'/POS "/" she/PRP recalls/VBZ ./.
While/IN feeling/VBG her/PRP$ breast/NN ,/, he/PRP also/RB wanted/VBD to/TO feel/VB her/PRP$ pain/NN ./.
When/WRB she/PRP mentioned/VBD she/PRP was/VBD divorced/VBN ,/, Clinton/NNP began/VBD asking/VBG repeatedly/RB of/IN the/DT marriage/NN ,/, "/" Was/VBD the/DT sex/NN at/IN least/JJS good/JJ ?/.
On/IN another/DT occasion/NN ,/, Zercher/NNP says/VBZ ,/, she/PRP pushed/VBD open/VB an/DT unlocked/VBD lavatory/NN door/NN to/TO find/VB Clinton/NNP standing/NN there/RB ,/, unzipped/JJ ./.
She/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP said/VBD to/TO her/PRP$ ,/, "/" Well/RB ,/, why/WRB do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP come/VBP in/IN and/CC shut/VBD the/DT door/NN ?/.
"/" Then/RB there/EX was/VBD the/DT time/NN he/PRP saw/VBD the/DT flight/NN attendants/NNS reading/NN Gennifer/NNP Flowers/NNPS '/POS interview/NN in/IN Penthouse/NNP ./.
Zercher/NNP says/VBZ Clinton/NNP kept/VBN asking/VBG them/PRP what/WP the/DT best/JJS part/NN was/VBD ./.
Schiff/NNP finally/RB said/VBD that/IN it/PRP was/VBD Flowers/NNPS '/POS comment/NN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD good/JJ at/IN giving/VBG oral/JJ sex/NN ./.
"/" That/DT 's/VBZ pretty/RB accurate/JJ ,/, "/" Zercher/NNP recalls/VBZ him/PRP saying/VBG ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ one/CD of/IN my/PRP$ favorite/JJ things/NNS ./.
He/PRP also/RB told/VBD them/PRP that/IN one/CD thing/NN he/PRP was/VBD afraid/JJ of/IN reporters/NNS uncovering/VBG was/VBD a/DT story/NN about/IN a/DT couple/NN who/WP were/VBD friends/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ ./.
They/PRP were/VBD getting/VBG divorced/VBN because/IN the/DT wife/NN found/VBD the/DT husband/NN cheating/NN on/IN her/PRP with/IN barnyard/NN animals/NNS ./.
Zercher/NNP recalls/VBZ her/PRP$ reaction/NN :/: "/" My/PRP$ God/NNP ,/, can/MD you/PRP imagine/VB if/IN he/PRP becomes/VBZ president/NN that/IN we/PRP were/VBD sitting/VBG here/RB talking/VBG about/IN farm/NN animals--and/JJ he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT one/CD that/WDT brought/VBD it/PRP up/RP ./.
Finally/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ the/DT orange/NN incident/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP got/VBD a/DT fruit/NN basket/NN that/WDT contained/VBD an/DT orange/NN that/WDT was/VBD ,/, in/IN Zercher/NNP 's/POS words/NNS ,/, "/" shrivelled/JJ and/CC deformed--it/JJ looked/VBD like/IN a/DT woman/NN 's/POS sexual/JJ organ/NN ./.
"/" Clinton/NNP brought/VBD it/PRP to/TO the/DT galley/NN to/TO show/VB the/DT flight/NN attendants/NNS ./.
He/PRP said/VBD :/: "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO keep/VB this/DT ./.
This/DT is/VBZ so/RB great/JJ because/IN I/PRP have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN getting/VBG any/DT of/IN this/DT lately/RB ./.
"/" He/PRP carried/VBD it/PRP around/IN and/CC flashed/VBD it/PRP at/IN Zercher/NNP for/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD weeks/NNS ,/, until/IN someone/NN finally/RB had/VBD to/TO take/VB the/DT deformed/VBN orange/NN away/RB from/IN the/DT future/JJ leader/NN of/IN the/DT free/JJ world/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT first/JJ time/NN Zercher/NNP 's/POS name/NN has/VBZ surfaced/VBN ./.
In/IN a/DT 1994/CD Washington/NNP Post/NNP story/NN she/PRP says/VBZ that/IN after/IN being/VBG contacted/VBN by/IN reporter/NN Michael/NNP Isikoff/NNP ,/, who/WP wanted/VBD to/TO know/VB about/IN events/NNS on/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP plane/NN ,/, she/PRP relayed/VBD news/NN of/IN the/DT phone/NN call/NN to/TO Debra/NNP Schiff/NNP ,/, who/WP ,/, in/IN turn/NN ,/, relayed/VBD it/PRP to/TO Clinton/NNP aide/NN Bruce/NNP Lindsey/NNP ./.
Zercher/NNP says/VBZ Lindsey/NNP called/VBN her/PRP$ and/CC urged/VBD her/PRP to/TO say/VB "/" all/DT positive/JJ things/NNS "/" about/IN her/PRP$ experiences/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ become/VB a/DT pattern/NN in/IN reports/NNS of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS sexual/JJ advances/NNS that/IN friends/NNS of/IN the/DT women/NNS in/IN question/NN confirm/VBP the/DT advance/NN but/CC often/RB say/VBP it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB unwelcome/JJ ./.
Sure/RB enough/RB ,/, a/DT Zercher/NNP friend/NN tells/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP that/IN Zercher/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ now/RB an/DT executive/NN assistant/NN in/IN New/NNP Jersey/NNP ,/, told/VBD her/PRP$ several/JJ years/NNS ago/RB that/IN Clinton/NNP groped/VBD her/PRP$ and/CC grabbed/VBD her/PRP$ breasts/NNS ./.
But/CC instead/RB of/IN finding/VBG his/PRP$ behavior/NN "/" humiliating/JJ ,/, "/" as/IN she/PRP now/RB tells/VBZ the/DT Star/NNP was/VBD the/DT case/NN ,/, the/DT friend/NN says/VBZ she/PRP laughed/VBD it/PRP off/RP ./.
Schiff/NNP has/VBZ also/RB appeared/VBN recently/RB in/IN the/DT tabs/NNS ./.
The/DT Star/NNP has/VBZ an/DT account/NN from/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS former/JJ chief/JJ White/NNP House/NNP steward/NN Mike/NNP McGrath--who/NNP has/VBZ testified/VBD before/IN the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN investigating/VBG the/DT current/JJ White/NNP House/NNP scandal--about/JJ the/DT Saturday/NNP that/IN Schiff/NNP locked/VBD him/PRP in/IN the/DT pantry/NN off/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP and/CC reportedly/RB said/VBD ,/, "/" We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO be/VB disturbed/VBN for/IN 20/CD minutes/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP said/VBD he/PRP heard/VBD Schiff/NNP go/VB into/IN the/DT study/NN ,/, where/WRB the/DT president/NN was/VBD ./.
Twenty/CD minutes/NNS later/RB ,/, she/PRP let/VBP McGrath/NNP out/RP ./.
Schiff/NNP told/VBD the/DT Star/NNP the/DT story/NN was/VBD "/" absolutely/RB not/RB true/JJ ./.
"/" McGrath/NNP also/RB solves/VBZ the/DT mystery/NN of/IN the/DT account/NN of/IN the/DT stained/JJ Kleenex/NNP reportedly/RB found/VBN by/IN another/DT steward/NN ,/, Bayani/NNP Nelvis/NNP ./.
McGrath/NNP says/VBZ Nelvis/NNP told/VBN him/PRP he/PRP saw/VBD Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP emerge/VB from/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS study/NN looking/VBG "/" shaky/JJ "/" and/CC "/" in/IN shock/NN "/" in/IN late/JJ 1995/CD ./.
Like/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT other/JJ women/NNS who/WP reportedly/RB emerge/VBP from/IN the/DT study/NN ,/, her/PRP$ hair/NN was/VBD mussed/JJ and/CC her/PRP$ clothes/NNS askew/NN ./.
After/IN she/PRP left/VBD ,/, Nelvis/NNP told/VBD McGrath/NNP ,/, he/PRP went/VBD into/IN the/DT study/NN ,/, where/WRB he/PRP found/VBD towels/NNS smeared/JJ with/IN lipstick/NN on/IN the/DT floor/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN the/DT tabloids/NNS ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS exploits/NNS are/VBP just/RB an/DT appetizer/NN for/IN someone/NN whose/WP$ sex/NN life/NN they/PRP really/RB care/VBP about/IN :/: Titanic/NNP star/NN DiCaprio/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ obviously/RB chosen/VBN Clinton/NNP as/IN a/DT role/NN model/NN and/CC who/WP ,/, at/IN only/RB 23/CD ,/, has/VBZ a/DT good/JJ chance/NN of/IN surpassing/VBG the/DT president/NN 's/POS accomplishments/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, after/IN he/PRP sorrowfully/RB bid/VBP adieu/NN at/IN the/DT airport/NN to/TO his/PRP$ latest/JJS love/NN ,/, singer/NN Alanis/NNP Morissette/NNP ,/, he/PRP began/VBD chatting/VBG up/RP a/DT blonde/JJ waiting/NN to/TO get/VB on/IN the/DT same/JJ plane/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN on/IN a/DT "/" date-a-day/JJ spree/NN "/" for/IN almost/RB a/DT year/NN ,/, friends/NNS tell/VBP the/DT publication/NN ./.
Though/IN DiCaprio/NNP has/VBZ gone/VBN out/IN with/IN a/DT string/NN of/IN models/NNS and/CC actresses/NNS ,/, including/VBG Liv/NNP Tyler/NNP ,/, Claire/NNP Danes/NNP ,/, Juliette/NNP Lewis/NNP ,/, and/CC Kate/NNP Moss/NNP ,/, a/DT friend/NN says/VBZ he/PRP is/VBZ no/DT snob/NN and/CC that/IN a/DT woman/NN does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB to/TO be/VB famous/JJ to/TO merit/VB his/PRP$ advances/NNS ./.
"/" Leo/NNP 's/POS motto/NN is/VBZ ,/, '/" So/RB many/JJ girls/NNS ,/, so/RB little/JJ time/NN ./.
'/POS "/" In/IN this/DT ,/, too/RB ,/, DiCaprio/NNP is/VBZ like/IN his/PRP$ mentor/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT Star/NNP 's/POS story/NN on/IN the/DT depositions/NNS of/IN the/DT Arkansas/NNP state/NN troopers/NNS who/WP acted/VBD as/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS bodyguards/NNS says/VBZ of/IN his/PRP$ liaisons/NNS ,/, "/" [/( S/NNP ]/) ome/NN [/( were/VBD ]/) on-going/JJ affairs/NNS ,/, others/NNS just/RB stands/NNS of/IN one/CD night/NN or/CC even/RB one/CD hour/NN ./.
The/DT women/NNS named/VBN included/VBD aides/NNS ,/, wives/NNS of/IN major/JJ supporters/NNS ,/, executives/NNS ,/, reporters/NNS ,/, beauty/NN queens/NNS ,/, barflies/NNS ,/, and/CC even/RB a/DT judge/NN ./.
The/DT Wright/NNP brothers/NNS probably/RB never/RB anticipated/VBN their/PRP$ contribution/NN to/TO priapism/NN but/CC ,/, like/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, DiCaprio/NNP is/VBZ also/RB an/DT advocate/NN of/IN airborne/JJ sex/NN ./.
For/IN one/CD woman/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, he/PRP hired/VBD a/DT jet/NN ./.
He/PRP "/" served/VBD her/PRP$ champagne/NN with/IN fresh/JJ strawberries/NNS and/CC ice/NN cream/NN ,/, and/CC they/PRP made/VBD love/NN while/IN looking/VBG at/IN the/DT stars/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT publication/NN does/VBZ not/RB mention/VB if/IN any/DT oranges/NNS were/VBD involved/VBN ./.
And/CC both/DT DiCaprio/NNP and/CC Clinton/NNP have/VBP found/VBN themselves/PRP in/IN a/DT few/JJ cock-ups/JJ over/IN their/PRP$ sexual/JJ escapades/NNS ./.
This/DT week/NN the/DT Enquirer/NNP reports/NNS that/IN while/IN in/IN Cuba/NNP ,/, DiCaprio/NNP ran/VBD into/IN model/NN Naomi/NNP Campbell/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT two/CD swam/NN naked/JJ at/IN a/DT Havana/NNP hotel/NN ./.
But/CC Campbell/NNP became/VBD outraged/JJ when/WRB she/PRP found/VBD out/RP DiCaprio/NNP was/VBD simultaneously/RB dating/VBG an/DT 18/CD -/: year-old/JJ Cuban/JJ model/NN ./.
Later/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, DiCaprio/NNP and/CC Campbell/NNP were/VBD seen/VBN together/RB in/IN Paris/NNP and/CC London/NNP ,/, although/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP quotes/VBZ a/DT Campbell/NNP representative/NN who/WP says/VBZ the/DT two/CD are/VBP just/RB "/" good/JJ friends/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ yet/RB another/DT DiCaprio/NNP love/NN triangle/NN ,/, the/DT Star/NNP reports/NNS this/DT week/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT publication/NN ,/, DiCaprio/NNP was/VBD smitten/NN with/IN actress/NN Elizabeth/NNP Berkley/NNP ,/, but/CC in/IN a/DT strange/JJ Cyrano-like/NNP move/NN ,/, he/PRP had/VBD a/DT friend/NN conduct/NN a/DT phone/NN romance/NN for/IN him/PRP ./.
During/IN one/CD phone/NN call/NN ,/, Berkley/NNP 's/POS boyfriend/NN picked/VBD up/RP the/DT receiver/NN and/CC became/VBD furious/JJ ./.
DiCaprio/NNP 's/POS friend/NN told/VBD the/DT boyfriend/NN to/TO meet/VB him/PRP in/IN front/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP hotel/NN where/WRB DiCaprio/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ pals/NNS were/VBD staying/VBG ./.
A/DT brawl/NN ensued/VBD ,/, although/IN DiCaprio/NNP emerged/VBD from/IN the/DT hotel/NN bar/NN only/RB after/IN the/DT fight/NN ,/, to/TO smoke/VB a/DT cigarette/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN the/DT black/JJ eye/NN DiCaprio/NNP is/VBZ now/RB sporting/VBG ,/, the/DT Globe/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT actor/NN was/VBD accidentally/RB hit/VBN by/IN a/DT men/NNS 's/POS room/NN door/NN at/IN another/DT New/NNP York/NNP bar/NN ./.
All/DT these/DT high/JJ jinks/NNS have/VBP the/DT Globe/NNP worried/VBN that/IN DiCaprio/NNP could/MD end/VB up/RB with/IN the/DT same/JJ medical/JJ condition/NN for/IN which/WDT the/DT Star/NNP says/VBZ Clinton/NNP is/VBZ receiving/VBG treatment/NN ./.
(/( "/" Clinton/NNP has/VBZ secretly/RB begun/VBN therapy/NN for/IN sexual/JJ addiction/NN in/IN a/DT bid/NN to/TO save/VB his/PRP$ presidency/NN ,/, "/" the/DT publication/NN reports/NNS ./.
)/) According/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, DiCaprio/NNP is/VBZ still/RB only/RB a/DT sex/NN addict/NN in/IN training/NN ./.
To/TO avoid/VB this/DT fate/NN ,/, a/DT "/" pal/NN "/" warns/VBZ ,/, the/DT actor/NN "/" needs/VBZ to/TO settle/VB down/RB and/CC find/VB out/IN what/WP real/JJ love/NN is/VBZ all/DT about/IN ./.
No/DT one/NN is/VBZ worrying/VBG about/IN the/DT fate/NN of/IN talk/NN show/NN host/NN Jerry/NNP Springer/NNP ./.
The/DT Star/NNP labels/VBZ his/PRP$ lines/NNS as/IN "/" dumb/JJ and/CC dumber/JJR "/" in/IN an/DT account/NN of/IN how/WRB he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO pick/VB up/RP a/DT "/" Los/NNP Angeles/NNP lovely/JJ "/" with/IN an/DT offer/NN to/TO fly/VB her/PRP to/TO Chicago/NNP and/CC give/VB her/PRP$ tickets/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ show/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP burst/VBD out/IN laughing--he/JJ just/RB looked/VBD so/RB desperate/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT woman/NN says/VBZ ./.
Springer/NNP does/VBZ have/VB one/CD thing/NN in/IN common/JJ with/IN Clinton/NNP :/: He/PRP likes/VBZ to/TO use/VB staffers/NNS to/TO approach/VB women/NNS for/IN him/PRP ./.
The/DT Star/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, while/IN governor/NN ,/, would/MD spot/VB women/NNS in/IN the/DT audience/NN while/IN he/PRP was/VBD speaking/VBG ./.
According/VBG to/TO one/CD trooper/NN ,/, he/PRP would/MD then/RB say/VB :/: "/" The/DT lady/NN in/IN the/DT red/JJ dress/NN ,/, the/DT lady/NN in/IN the/DT green/JJ dress/NN ./.
would/MD you/PRP go/VB get/VB me/PRP her/PRP$ name/NN and/CC phone/NN number/NN ?/.
She/PRP has/VBZ that/IN come-hither/JJ look/NN ./.
"/" Springer/NNP 's/POS approach/NN is/VBZ similar/JJ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT publication/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP peeks/NNS at/IN the/DT audience/NN before/IN the/DT show/NN to/TO pick/VB out/IN pretty/JJ girls/NNS ,/, then/RB sends/VBZ crew/NN members/NNS to/TO get/VB their/PRP$ phone/NN numbers/NNS ,/, "/" says/VBZ an/DT ex-staffer/JJ ./.
Perhaps/RB no/DT one/CD 's/POS opening/VBG line/NN is/VBZ lamer/NN than/IN Frank/NNP Gifford/NNP 's/POS ./.
"/" You/PRP 're/VBP as/RB pretty/RB as/IN my/PRP$ wife/NN "/" was/VBD his/PRP$ pathetic/JJ ,/, yet/RB successful/JJ ,/, approach/NN with/IN Suzen/NNP Johnson/NNP ,/, the/DT former/JJ flight/NN attendant/NN with/IN whom/WP the/DT Globe/NNP taped/VBD him/PRP having/VBG sex/NN ./.
(/( Perhaps/RB the/DT lesson/NN here/RB is/VBZ that/IN guys/NNS with/IN sex/NN problems/NNS should/MD take/VB Amtrak/NNP ./.
)/) But/CC now/RB the/DT Enquirer/NNP reports/VBZ there/RB 's/VBZ hope/NN for/IN men/NNS who/WP stray/VBP in/IN even/RB the/DT most/RBS public/JJ ways/NNS ./.
After/IN being/VBG wooed/VBN back/RB for/IN almost/RB a/DT year/NN ,/, Gifford/NNP 's/POS wife/NN and/CC talk/NN show/NN hostess/NNS Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP has/VBZ told/VBN a/DT friend/NN ,/, she/PRP forgives/NNS him/PRP ./.
"/" At/IN first/JJ I/PRP thought/VBD I/PRP 'd/MD die/VB ./.
But/CC now/RB I/PRP 've/VBP come/VBN to/TO love/VB Frank/NNP more/RBR than/IN ever/RB ,/, "/" Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP told/VBD the/DT friend/NN who/WP told/VBD the/DT Enquirer/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC I/PRP know/VBP our/PRP$ love/NN will/MD last/VB forever/RB !/.
For/IN Tuesday/NNP and/CC Saturday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) ,/, "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" (/( Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, and/CC "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" (/( Wednesday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
The/DT first/JJ anniversary/NN of/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN Princess/NNP Diana/NNP dominated/VBD headlines/NNS worldwide/NN ./.
The/DT British/JJ press/NN credited/VBD her/PRP$ untimely/RB demise/NN with/IN the/DT greatly/RB increased/VBN popularity/NN of/IN the/DT monarchy/NN in/IN Britain/NNP today/NN ./.
The/DT dramatically/RB diminished/VBN shows/NNS of/IN public/JJ mourning/VBG compared/VBN with/IN a/DT year/NN ago/RB were/VBD generally/RB interpreted--though/JJ without/IN any/DT evidence--as/JJ a/DT sign/NN that/DT grief/NN for/IN her/PRP$ had/VBD not/RB declined/VBN but/CC had/VBD become/VBN "/" private/JJ ./.
"/" Turning/NNP mystical/JJ ,/, the/DT conservative/JJ Sunday/NNP Telegraph/NNP said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN "/" she/PRP restored/VBD to/TO royal/JJ life/NN the/DT quasi-religious/JJ ideal/NN of/IN the/DT exalted/JJ coming/JJ down/RB among/IN the/DT meek/NN ./.
Without/IN knowing/VBG it/PRP ,/, Diana/NNP revived/VBD and/CC modified/VBN the/DT medieval/NN tradition/NN of/IN the/NNP '/POS royal/JJ touch/NN ,/, '/" bringing/VBG hope/VBP if/IN not/RB healing/VBG to/TO the/DT suffering/VBG and/CC the/DT dying/VBG ./.
Britain/NNP 's/POS biggest-selling/JJ newspaper/NN ,/, the/DT Sunday/NNP tabloid/JJ News/NNP of/IN the/DT World/NNP ,/, said/VBD "/" the/DT princess/NN who/WP would/MD not/RB go/VB quietly/RB has/VBZ humbled/VBN an/DT arrogant/JJ ,/, remote/JJ dynasty/NN ./.
Now/RB the/DT time/NN for/IN mourning/VBG is/VBZ at/IN an/DT end/NN ,/, but/CC those/DT in/IN high/JJ places/NNS should/MD never/RB forget--the/JJ time/NN for/IN learning/VBG goes/VBZ on/IN ./.
"/" Scotland/NNP on/IN Sunday/NNP rejoiced/JJ that/IN "/" the/DT hounding/VBG of/IN the/DT Queen/NNP "/" has/VBZ ended/VBN and/CC that/IN "/" instead/RB of/IN demanding/VBG that/IN the/DT Queen/NNP be/VB made/VBN to/TO dance/VB to/TO the/DT tune/NN of/IN the/DT mob/NN ,/, the/DT country/NN appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB taking/VBG its/PRP$ lead/NN from/IN her/PRP$ and/CC her/PRP$ family/NN ./.
"/" On/IN Monday/NNP ,/, the/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP noted/VBD "/" a/DT growing/VBG impatience/NN with/IN the/DT attempts/NNS to/TO turn/VB her/PRP$ [/( Diana/NNP ]/) into/IN a/DT secular/NN saint/NN "/" and/CC pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN Prince/NNP Charles/NNP '/POS "/" popularity/NN rating/NN is/VBZ now/RB equal/JJ to/TO that/DT of/IN Tony/NNP Blair/NNP ,/, the/DT prime/JJ minister/NN who/WP so/RB adeptly/RB expressed/VBD the/DT nation/NN 's/POS grief/NN a/DT year/NN ago/RB ./.
The/DT anniversary/NN was/VBD the/DT subject/NN of/IN massive/JJ press/NN comment/NN around/IN the/DT world/NN ,/, with/IN even/RB an/DT austere/JJ newspaper/NN such/JJ as/IN Le/NNP Monde/NNP of/IN Paris/NNP devoting/VBG three/CD whole/JJ pages/NNS to/TO it/PRP Sunday/NNP ./.
On/IN the/DT cause/NN of/IN the/DT princess/NN 's/POS death/NN in/IN a/DT car/NN crash/NN in/IN Paris/NNP ,/, Le/NNP Monde/NNP rejected/VBD all/DT conspiracy/NN theories/NNS and/CC said/VBD the/DT French/JJ investigating/VBG magistrate/NN has/VBZ already/RB concluded/VBN it/PRP was/VBD fundamentally/RB a/DT banal/JJ road/NN accident/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN published/VBD full/JJ page/NN profiles/NNS of/IN the/DT two/CD chief/NN custodians/NNS of/IN the/DT Diana/NNP cult--her/JJ brother/NN ,/, Lord/NNP Spencer/NNP ,/, and/CC Mohamed/NNP al-/NN Fayed/NNP ,/, the/DT father/NN of/IN her/PRP$ boyfriend/NN Dodi/NNP ./.
Both/DT were/VBD portrayed/VBN as/IN thorns/NNS in/IN the/DT side/NN of/IN the/DT royal/JJ family/NN ./.
In/IN Milan/NNP ,/, a/DT front-page/JJ editorial/NN in/IN Corriere/NNP Della/NNP Sera/NNP titled/VBD "/" The/DT Memory/NN of/IN Lady/NNP Diana/NNP in/IN Ashes/NNP "/" sought/VBN to/TO explain/VB why/WRB "/" the/DT river/NN of/IN tears/NNS has/VBZ slowed/VBN down/RB and/CC the/DT dissenters/NNS from/IN the/DT myth/NN have/VBP become/VBN bolder/JJR and/CC more/RBR numerous/JJ ./.
"/" Unlike/IN other/JJ still/RB powerful/JJ icons/NNS such/JJ as/IN Evita/NNP Perón/NNP and/CC Mother/NNP Teresa/NNP ,/, "/" Lady/NNP Diana/NNP has/VBZ left/VBN nothing/NN behind/IN ./.
not/RB a/DT word/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT phrase/NN that/WDT might/MD give/VB nourishment/NN to/TO her/PRP$ worshippers/NNS ,/, that/WDT might/MD render/VB her/PRP$ myth/NN lasting/JJ ,/, or/CC at/IN least/JJS a/DT little/JJ more/RBR lasting/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" Through/IN his/PRP$ songs/NNS ,/, even/RB Elvis/NNP Presley/NNP has/VBZ left/VBN behind/IN an/DT infinite/NN number/NN of/IN memorable/JJ words/NNS ,/, and/CC 20/CD years/NNS after/IN his/PRP$ death/NN ,/, his/PRP$ fans/NNS are/VBP battling/VBG strenuously/RB to/TO save/VB from/IN the/DT bulldozers/NNS the/DT theater/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP last/RB performed/VBN ./.
"/" In/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT followers/NNS of/IN the/DT dead/JJ princess/NN are/VBP "/" groping/VBG about/IN in/IN silence/NN "/" and/CC losing/VBG "/" the/DT faith/NN which/WDT seemed/VBD so/RB solid/JJ only/RB a/DT year/NN ago/RB ./.
Overlooking/NNP President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS visit/NN to/TO Russia/NNP this/DT week/NN ,/, the/DT Pioneer/NNP of/IN India/NNP ran/VBD an/DT editorial/JJ Monday/NNP about/IN his/PRP$ "/" homecoming/NN "/" to/TO Washington/NNP after/IN his/PRP$ vacation/NN in/IN Martha/NNP 's/POS Vineyard/NNP ,/, saying/VBG he/PRP is/VBZ sure/JJ to/TO be/VB comforted/VBN by/IN Robert/NNP Frost/NNP 's/POS lines/NNS "/" Home/NNP is/VBZ the/DT place/NN where/WRB ,/, when/WRB you/PRP have/VBP to/TO go/VB there/RB ,/, &slash;/NN They/PRP have/VBP to/TO take/VB you/PRP in/IN ./.
"/" The/DT daily/RB drew/VBD a/DT parallel/JJ "/" between/IN the/DT Clinton-/NNP Saddam/NNP standoff/NN on/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Clinton-/NNP Lewinsky/NNP affair/NN on/IN the/DT other/JJ ,/, "/" suggesting/VBG that/IN "/" both/DT are/VBP adventures/NNS of/IN convenience/NN activated/VBN by/IN unprecedented/JJ power/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ one/CD unmindful/JJ of/IN consequences/NNS ./.
"/" Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP is/VBZ useful/JJ "/" as/IN a/DT palliative/JJ for/IN personal/JJ boredom/NN ,/, "/" while/IN Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP is/VBZ useful/JJ "/" as/IN the/DT excuse/NN for/IN the/DT continued/VBN American/JJ presence/NN in/IN West/NNP Asia/NNP and/CC as/IN a/DT regional/JJ bully/NN to/TO checkmate/NN fundamentalist/JJ Iran/NNP 's/POS geopolitical/JJ ambitions/NNS "/" (/( which/WDT had/VBD been/VBN why/WRB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS "/" deliberately/RB stopped/VBD short/JJ of/IN unseating/VBG Mr/NNP ./.
Hussein/NNP "/" in/IN 1991/CD )/) ./.
The/DT editorial/NN concluded/VBN by/IN saying/VBG Americans/NNPS might/MD refuse/VB to/TO put/VB the/DT Lewinsky/NNP affair/NN behind/IN them/PRP ,/, "/" especially/RB if/IN they/PRP have/VBP daughters/NNS who/WP could/MD be/VB interns/NNS in/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, or/CC any/DT other/JJ house/NN for/IN that/DT matter/NN ./.
A/DT reader/NN 's/POS letter/NN Monday/NNP in/IN the/DT South/NNP China/NNP Morning/NNP Post/NNP of/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP blamed/VBD Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP 's/POS determination/NN to/TO crush/VB Clinton/NNP on/IN sexual/JJ envy/NN ./.
"/" Ken/NNP Starr/NNP ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ by/IN all/DT accounts/NNS ,/, unlike/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP ,/, was/VBD never/RB any/DT great/JJ shakes/VBZ with/IN the/DT ladies/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT writer/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" Unlike/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Starr/NNP is/VBZ not/RB exactly/RB what/WP one/PRP would/MD describe/VB as/IN charismatic/JJ ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT sort/NN of/IN guy/NN who/WP would/MD light/VB up/RP a/DT room/NN when/WRB he/PRP walked/VBD inside/IN ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN headed/VBN "/" A/DT sorry/JJ summit/NN in/IN Moscow/NNP ,/, "/" London/NNP 's/POS Financial/NNP Times/NNP said/VBD that/IN neither/DT Clinton/NNP nor/CC Russian/NNP President/NNP Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP "/" is/VBZ in/IN any/DT position/NN to/TO help/VB the/DT other/JJ "/" and/CC that/IN the/DT best/JJS to/TO be/VB hoped/VBN from/IN them/PRP is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP will/MD arrange/VB the/DT closest/JJS possible/JJ cooperation/NN on/IN security/NN issues/NNS because/IN of/IN the/DT danger/NN in/IN Russia/NNP "/" that/IN political/JJ weakness/NN at/IN home/NN might/MD lead/VB to/TO adventurism/NN abroad/RB ./.
Economist/NNP ,/, May/NNP 17/CD
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 17/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN cheers/NNS the/DT ascendancy/NN of/IN democracy/NN and/CC the/DT free/JJ market/NN in/IN Latin/NNP America/NNP ./.
The/DT region/NN is/VBZ now/RB an/DT equal/JJ partner/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, not/RB a/DT dependent/JJ cousin/NN ./.
The/DT editorial/NN predicts/VBZ a/DT hemisphere-wide/JJ free-trade/JJ region/NN within/IN 20/CD years/NNS ./.
A/DT piece/NN pegged/VBN to/TO Clinton/NNP 's/POS Tuskegee/NNP apology/NN insists/VBZ that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS improve/VBP its/PRP$ rules/NNS for/IN scientific/JJ research/NN on/IN humans/NNS :/: There/EX are/VBP too/RB many/JJ cases/NNS where/WRB patients/NNS do/VBP n't/RB really/RB consent/VB to/TO experimental/JJ treatments/NNS ./.
An/DT article/NN claims/NNS that/IN sly/JJ telecom/NN firms/NNS have/VBP figured/VBN out/IN how/WRB to/TO collude/NN in/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
spectrum/NN auctions/NNS ./.
The/DT result/NN :/: A/DT recent/JJ auction/NN raised/VBD only/RB $/$ 14/CD million--about/JJ $/$ 1/CD ./.
7/CD billion/CD less/JJR than/IN expected/VBN ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, June/NNP 2/CD
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 16/CD )/)
The/DT mammoth/JJ cover/NN essay/NN denounces/NNS human/JJ cloning/VBG as/RB morally/RB repugnant/NN ./.
Among/IN the/DT many/JJ objections/NNS cited/VBD are/VBP that/IN cloning/VBG :/: 1/LS )/) dehumanizes/NNS procreation/NN by/IN separating/VBG it/PRP from/IN sex/NN and/CC love/NN ;/: 2/LS )/) commodifies/NNS children/NNS ;/: 3/LS )/) distorts/VBZ relationships/NNS between/IN "/" parents/NNS "/" and/CC "/" children/NNS "/" ;/: 4/LS )/) denies/VBZ children/NNS their/PRP$ own/JJ identity/NN ;/: and/CC 5/LS )/) turns/VBZ children/NNS into/IN slaves/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS ./.
The/DT author/NN rejects/VBZ the/DT technological/JJ determinists/NNS who/WP say/VBP that/IN because/IN human/JJ cloning/VBG is/VBZ possible/JJ ,/, it/PRP should/MD be/VB done/VBN ./.
Also/RB ,/, an/DT article/NN contends/VBZ that/IN Tony/NNP Blair/NNP 's/POS legislative/JJ proposals/NNS (/( to/TO adopt/VB a/DT bill/NN of/IN rights/NNS ,/, abolish/VB hereditary/JJ rights/NNS in/IN the/DT House/NNP of/IN Lords/NNPS ,/, impose/VB proportional/JJ representation/NN ,/, assign/VB interest-rate/NN control/NN to/TO a/DT central/JJ bank/NN ,/, and/CC establish/VB parliaments/NNS for/IN Scotland/NNP and/CC Wales/NNP )/) will/MD change/VB Britain/NNP as/RB much/JJ as/IN Thatcherism/NNP did/VBD ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, May/NNP 18/CD
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 15/CD )/)
A/DT photography/NN issue/NN ./.
Nineteen/NNP famous/JJ and/CC not-so-famous/JJ photographers/NNS shoot/VBP Times/NNP Square/NNP ./.
Actors/NNP ,/, neon/NN signs/NNS ,/, and/CC hotel/NN rooms/NNS are/VBP much/RB depicted/VBN ./.
A/DT few/JJ short/JJ articles/NNS accompany/VB the/DT images/NNS ./.
One/CD celebrates/VBZ the/DT trend/NN toward/IN "/" true/JJ "/" fashion/NN photography/NN (/( pictures/NNS that/WDT show/NN models/NNS warts/NNS and/CC all/DT )/) ./.
Another/DT describes/VBZ Corbis/NNP ,/, Bill/NNP Gates/NNP '/POS digital/JJ photo/NN archive/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB making/VBG much/JJ money/NN because/IN the/DT market/NN for/IN digital/JJ images/NNS is/VBZ growing/VBG so/RB slowly/RB ./.
Newsweek/NNP and/CC Time/NNP ,/, May/NNP 19/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 13/CD )/)
"/" Can/MD Hong/NNP Kong/NNP Survive/VB ?/.
"/" Newsweek/NNP answers/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ cover/NN line/NN with/IN an/DT optimistic/JJ "/" yes/UH ./.
"/" A/DT poll/NN of/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP residents/NNS finds/VBZ them/PRP sanguine/JJ about/IN the/DT city/NN 's/POS future/NN ./.
An/DT economist/NN lists/VBZ 12/CD factors/NNS for/IN worried/VBN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP investors/NNS to/TO watch/VB ./.
Chief/NNP among/IN them/PRP :/: Will/MD China/NNP preserve/VB the/DT rule/NN of/IN law/NN and/CC free/JJ speech/NN ,/, which/WDT are/VBP essential/JJ for/IN business/NN prosperity/NN ?/.
Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP takes/VBZ Time/NNP 's/POS cover/NN as/IN he/PRP ends/VBZ a/DT three-year/JJ absence/NN from/IN the/DT screen/NN with/IN three/CD new/JJ movies/NNS ,/, including/VBG The/DT Lost/VBD World/NNP ,/, a/DT sequel/NN to/TO Jurassic/NNP Park/NNP ./.
The/DT article/NN concludes/VBZ the/DT 50/CD -/: year-old/JJ Spielberg/NNP has/VBZ grown/VBN up/RP since/IN E/NNP ./.
T/NN ./.
,/, but/CC not/RB too/RB much/JJ :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB a/DT boy/NN at/IN heart/NN ./.
(/( Only/RB revelation/NN :/: He/PRP plans/VBZ a/DT fourth/JJ Indiana/NNP Jones/NNP movie/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP describes/VBZ the/DT controversy/NN over/IN sex-corrective/JJ surgery/NN for/IN "/" intersexual/NN "/" babies--children/JJ born/VBN with/IN the/DT wrong--or/JJ incomplete--sex/JJ organs/NNS ./.
Doctors/NNS have/VBP given/VBN a/DT generation/NN of/IN such/JJ children/NNS "/" normal/JJ "/" sex/NN organs/NNS (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, they/PRP have/VBP transformed/VBN boys/NNS '/POS incomplete/JJ penises/NNS into/IN vaginas/NNS ,/, then/RB treated/VBD the/DT patients/NNS with/IN female/JJ hormones/NNS )/) ./.
Now/RB the/DT intersexuals/NNS are/VBP fighting/VBG back/RB ,/, arguing/VBG that/IN the/DT surgery/NN inflicts/NNS vast/JJ physical/JJ and/CC psychological/JJ damage/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN chronicles/VBZ Fidelity/NNP Investments/NNP '/POS continuing/VBG troubles/NNS ./.
Fidelity/NNP 's/POS funds/NNS are/VBP lagging/VBG and/CC the/DT best/JJS fund/NN managers/NNS are/VBP leaving/VBG ,/, but/CC the/DT firm/NN is/VBZ thriving/VBG as/IN a/DT manager/NN of/IN corporate/JJ pension/NN plans/NNS ./.
Also/RB in/IN Time/NNP ,/, a/DT package/NN of/IN stories/NNS celebrates/VBZ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
prosperity/NN ,/, saying/VBG that/IN the/DT country/NN is/VBZ in/IN better/JJR shape/NN than/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN in/IN decades/NNS :/: The/DT economy/NN is/VBZ humming/VBG ,/, crime/NN and/CC divorce/NN rates/NNS are/VBP falling/VBG ,/, etc/FW ./.
An/DT article/NN warns/VBZ that/IN Russia/NNP is/VBZ losing/VBG control/NN of/IN its/PRP$ nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS :/: Its/PRP$ early/JJ warning/NN system/NN is/VBZ disintegrating/VBG and/CC the/DT soldiers/NNS who/WP man/NN the/DT missiles/NNS are/VBP n't/RB being/VBG paid/VBN ,/, raising/VBG the/DT possibility/NN of/IN nukes/NNS being/VBG sold/VBN to/TO terrorists/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, May/NNP 19/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 13/CD )/)
Donald/NNP Trump/NNP is/VBZ still/RB shamelessly/RB self-promoting/JJ ,/, monumentally/RB egotistical/JJ ,/, and/CC greedy/JJ ,/, concludes/VBZ a/DT long/JJ profile/NN ./.
The/DT real-estate/NN impresario/NN has/VBZ rebounded/VBN from/IN his/PRP$ 1990/CD financial/JJ collapse/NN ,/, though/IN he/PRP exaggerates/NNS his/PRP$ wealth/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ now/RB divorcing/VBG his/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, Marla/NNP ,/, largely/RB because/IN under/IN the/DT terms/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ prenuptial/NN agreement/NN ,/, she/PRP 'd/MD be/VB entitled/VBN to/TO a/DT huge/JJ chunk/NN of/IN his/PRP$ fortune/NN if/IN they/PRP stayed/VBD married/VBN another/DT year/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN argues/VBZ that/IN blacks/NNS may/MD be/VB better/JJR athletes/NNS than/IN whites/NNS because/IN they/PRP have/VBP more/RBR genetic/JJ variability/NN :/: According/VBG to/TO statistical/JJ laws/NNS ,/, more/JJR variability/NN means/VBZ that/IN blacks/NNS are/VBP disproportionately/RB represented/VBN among/IN both/DT the/DT best/JJS and/CC the/DT worst/JJS athletes/NNS ./.
A/DT piece/NN says/VBZ that/IN Timothy/NNP McVeigh/NNP 's/POS lawyer/NN Stephen/NNP Jones/NNP has/VBZ erred/VBN by/IN trying/VBG the/DT case/NN in/IN the/DT press/NN ./.
He/PRP may/MD have/VB won/VBN McVeigh/NNP favorable/JJ coverage/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ getting/VBG hammered/VBN in/IN the/DT courtroom/NN ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, May/NNP 19/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 13/CD )/)
Moral-condemnation/NNP month/NN continues/VBZ at/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP ./.
Last/JJ week/NN 's/POS cover/NN story/NN blamed/VBD parents/NNS for/IN caring/VBG more/JJR about/IN their/PRP$ careers/NNS than/IN their/PRP$ kids/NNS ./.
This/DT week/NN 's/POS cover/NN deplores/VBZ adult/NN premarital/NN sex/NN ,/, saying/VBG that/IN it/PRP leads/VBZ to/TO abortion/NN ,/, weaker/JJR marriages/NNS ,/, and/CC STDs/NNP ./.
Unmarried/NNP twentysomethings/NNS get/VBP 50/CD percent/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS abortions/NNS ,/, and/CC cohabiting/VBG unmarried/JJ couples/NNS have/VBP high/JJ rates/NNS of/IN domestic/JJ violence/NN and/CC drug/NN abuse/NN ./.
A/DT piece/NN concludes/VBZ that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS $/$ 7/CD billion/CD education/NN plan/NN funnels/NNS too/RB much/JJ money/NN into/IN higher/JJR education/NN while/IN ignoring/VBG the/DT primary/JJ and/CC secondary/JJ schools/NNS that/WDT really/RB need/VBP funds/NNS ./.
Also/RB ,/, Arianna/NNP Huffington/NNP accuses/VBZ fellow/NN conservatives/NNS of/IN reneging/VBG on/IN their/PRP$ promises/NNS to/TO help/VB America/NNP 's/POS poor/NN ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, May/NNP 19/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 13/CD )/)
The/DT vice/NN president/NN is/VBZ "/" shifty/NN and/CC disingenuous/JJ "/" and/CC "/" the/DT biggest/JJS phony/JJ in/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, "/" argues/VBZ the/DT cover/NN story/NN ./.
The/DT veep/NN avoids/VBZ taking/VBG stands/VBZ on/IN tough/JJ issues/NNS ,/, flip-flops/JJ on/IN abortion/NN ,/, exploits/NNS family/NN tragedy/NN for/IN political/JJ gain/NN ,/, and/CC shamelessly/RB seeks/VBZ press/NN coverage/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN claims/NNS that/IN liberals/NNS are/VBP the/DT new/JJ "/" Confederacy/NNP "/" because/IN they/PRP deny/VBP American/JJ national/JJ identity/NN and/CC want/VBP to/TO classify/VB everyone/NN on/IN racial/JJ lines/NNS ./.
It/PRP also/RB likens/NNS American/JJ affirmative/JJ action/NN to/TO race-classification/JJ practices/NNS in/IN Nazi/NNP Germany/NNP and/CC apartheid/NN South/NNP Africa/NNP ./.
A/DT piece/NN says/VBZ that/IN Tony/NNP Blair/NNP is/VBZ not/RB like/IN Clinton/NNP :/: Blair/NNP has/VBZ actually/RB turned/VBN his/PRP$ party/NN rightward/JJ and/CC imposed/VBN fiscal/JJ conservatism/NN ,/, unlike/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, who/WP only/RB pretends/NNS to/TO do/VB so/RB ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, May/NNP 26/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 13/CD )/)
The/DT investigative/JJ cover/NN story/NN examines/VBZ the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
military/NN 's/POS use/NN of/IN depleted/VBN uranium/NN (/( DU/NNP )/) anti-tank/JJ shells/NNS ./.
During/IN the/DT Gulf/NNP War/NNP ,/, more/JJR than/IN 30/CD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
soldiers/NNS received/VBD friendly/JJ fire/NN wounds/NNS from/IN DU/NNP shells/NNS ./.
Many/JJ others/NNS were/VBD exposed/VBN to/TO the/DT toxic/JJ ,/, radioactive/JJ remains/NNS of/IN exploded/VBN shells/NNS ./.
Iraqi/JJ cancer/NN rates/NNS seem/VBP to/TO have/VB increased/VBN in/IN places/NNS where/WRB the/DT shells/NNS were/VBD used/VBN ./.
Also/RB ,/, hot/JJ author/NN Arlie/NNP Russell/NNP Hochschild/NNP adapts/NNS a/DT chapter/NN from/IN her/PRP$ book/NN The/DT Time/NNP Bind/NNP :/: She/PRP argues/VBZ that/IN Americans/NNPS must/MD stop/VB treating/VBG home/NN life/NN as/IN a/DT chore/NN and/CC learn/VB how/WRB to/TO invest/VB emotionally/RB in/IN their/PRP$ families/NNS ./.
Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP ,/, June/NNP 1997/CD
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 9/CD )/)
Software/NNP upstart/JJ Oracle/NNP 's/POS CEO/NNP Larry/NNP Ellison/NNP is/VBZ profiled/VBN ./.
He/PRP comes/VBZ across/IN as/IN a/DT superannuated/JJ adolescent/NN :/: hypermacho/NN ,/, sexist/JJ ,/, and/CC desperate/JJ for/IN attention/NN (/( but/CC brilliant/JJ )/) ./.
His/PRP$ quest/NN to/TO defeat/VB Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ portrayed/VBN as/IN an/DT unhealthy/JJ obsession/NN ./.
A/DT long/JJ article/NN chronicles/VBZ the/DT turmoil/NN at/IN ABC/NNP News/NNP ./.
David/NNP Westin/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN anointed/JJ Roone/NNP Arledge/NNP 's/POS successor/NN as/IN head/NN of/IN the/DT news/NN division/NN ,/, but/CC Arledge/NNP seems/VBZ reluctant/JJ to/TO cede/VB his/PRP$ power/NN ./.
The/DT legendary/JJ Arledge/NNP is/VBZ depicted/VBN as/IN detached/VBN ,/, lazy/JJ ,/, and/CC old/JJ ./.
Arnold/NNP Schwarzenegger/NNP is/VBZ on/IN the/DT cover/NN ./.
Why/WRB ?/.
Because/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ turning/VBG 50/CD ./.
The/DT Mafia/NNP has/VBZ replaced/VBN the/DT Wild/NNP West/NNP as/IN the/DT movie/NN industry/NN 's/POS great/JJ American/JJ myth/NN ./.
Re-released/NNP two/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB to/TO commemorate/VB its/PRP$ 25/CD th/NN anniversary/NN ,/, The/DT Godfather/NNP depicts/VBZ Mafiosi/NNP ruling/VBG a/DT sprawling/VBG business/NN empire/NN in/IN the/DT 1940/CD s/VBZ ./.
More/RBR recent/JJ films/NNS present/JJ images/NNS of/IN a/DT Mafia/NNP in/IN decline/NN :/: In/IN Donnie/NNP Brasco/NNP ,/, Al/NNP Pacino/NNP 's/POS mobster/NN character/NN loots/NNS parking/NN meters/NNS to/TO earn/VB his/PRP$ keep/VB ./.
Next/JJ month/NN CBS/NNP will/MD air/VB The/DT Last/JJ Don/NNP ,/, an/DT adaptation/NN of/IN Mario/NNP Puzo/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS novel/NN ./.
What/WP is/VBZ the/DT Mafia/NNP 's/POS role/NN in/IN real/JJ life/NN ,/, and/CC how/WRB has/VBZ it/PRP changed/VBD over/IN the/DT years/NNS ?/.
The/DT Mafia/NNP (/( Arabic/NNP for/IN "/" refuge/NN "/" )/) ,/, also/RB called/VBN la/FW cosa/NN nostra/NN (/( "/" our/PRP$ thing/NN "/" )/) ,/, began/VBD as/IN a/DT clandestine/JJ partisan/JJ band/NN in/IN 9/CD th/NN century/NN Sicily/NNP ,/, combating/VBG a/DT series/NN of/IN foreign/JJ invasions/NNS ./.
By/IN the/DT 18/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, it/PRP had/VBD evolved/VBN into/IN the/DT island/NN 's/POS unofficial/JJ government/NN ./.
It/PRP retained/VBD its/PRP$ paramilitary/JJ tactics/NNS and/CC insularity/NN (/( Mafiosi/NNP called/VBD their/PRP$ organization/NN a/DT "/" family/NN ,/, "/" and/CC members/NNS took/VBD a/DT blood/NN oath/NN )/) ./.
During/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, the/DT group/NN turned/VBD criminal/JJ ./.
It/PRP terrorized/JJ businesses/NNS and/CC landowners/NNS who/WP did/VBD n't/RB regularly/RB pay/VB protection/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT turn/NN of/RP the/DT century/NN ,/, the/DT Mafia/NNP attempted/VBD to/TO replicate/VB its/PRP$ Sicilian/NNP operation/NN throughout/IN Western/NNP Europe/NNP and/CC America/NNP ./.
It/PRP initially/RB succeeded/VBD only/RB in/IN Southern/NNP Italy/NNP and/CC America/NNP ./.
By/IN 1920/CD ,/, the/DT Mafia/NNP had/VBD established/VBN "/" families/NNS "/" (/( chapters/NNS )/) in/IN most/JJS Italian-/NNP American/JJ enclaves/NNS ,/, even/RB in/IN midsized/JJ cities/NNS like/IN Rochester/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, and/CC San/NNP Jose/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
Extorting/NNP protection/NN payments/NNS continued/VBD to/TO be/VB its/PRP$ primary/JJ function/NN ./.
Only/RB during/IN Prohibition/NNP did/VBD it/PRP branch/NN out/IN of/IN ethnic/JJ neighborhoods/NNS and/CC into/IN bootlegging/VBG ,/, gambling/NN ,/, and/CC prostitution/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, in/IN New/NNP York/NNP and/CC Chicago--the/NNP largest/JJS bastions/NNS of/IN organized/VBN crime--/JJ Jewish/JJ and/CC Italian/JJ gangs/NNS (/( not/RB Sicilian/NNP Mafiosi/NNP )/) dominated/VBN ./.
In/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT mobsters/NNS Meyer/NNP Lansky/NNP and/CC "/" Lucky/NNP "/" Luciano/NNP set/VBD up/RP a/DT national/JJ crime/NN syndicate--a/JJ board/NN of/IN the/DT most/RBS powerful/JJ organized-crime/NN chiefs/NNS to/TO mediate/VB disputes/NNS and/CC plan/NN schemes/NNS ./.
The/DT Mafia/NNP played/VBD only/RB a/DT minor/JJ role/NN ./.
The/DT Godfather/NNP 's/POS depiction/NN of/IN Mafia/NNP strength/NN in/IN the/DT late/JJ '/POS 40/CD s/VBZ is/VBZ largely/RB accurate/JJ ./.
Because/IN of/IN its/PRP$ committed/VBN ,/, disciplined/VBN rank/NN and/CC file/VB and/CC economic/JJ base/NN in/IN extortion/NN ,/, the/DT Mafia/NNP emerged/VBD as/IN the/DT dominant/JJ organized-crime/NN group/NN to/TO survive/VB Prohibition/NNP 's/POS repeal/NN ./.
In/IN 1957/CD ,/, Mafia/NNP families/NNS took/VBD control/NN of/IN the/DT Lansky-/NNP Luciano/NNP syndicate/NN ./.
During/IN the/NNP '/POS 40/CD s/VBZ and/CC '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ ,/, families/NNS also/RB firmed/VBD up/RP relationships/NNS with/IN urban/JJ political/JJ machines/NNS (/( New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP politicians/NNS openly/RB sought/VBN their/PRP$ support/NN )/) ,/, police/NN departments/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT FBI/NNP (/( J/NNP ./.
Edgar/NNP Hoover/NNP denied/VBD the/DT existence/NN of/IN the/DT Mafia/NNP and/CC refused/VBD to/TO investigate/VB it/PRP )/) ./.
City/NN governments/NNS helped/VBD rig/NN government/NN contracts/NNS and/CC turned/VBD a/DT blind/JJ eye/NN to/TO other/JJ rackets/NNS ./.
Many/JJ of/IN the/DT scams/NNS depended/VBD on/IN the/DT Mafia/NNP 's/POS increasing/VBG control/NN of/IN unions/NNS ,/, especially/RB the/DT Teamsters/NNPS and/CC the/DT Longshoremen/NNP 's/POS ./.
The/DT Mafia/NNP 's/POS power/NN has/VBZ steadily/RB declined/VBN since/IN the/DT late/JJ '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ ./.
In/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, the/DT number/NN of/IN "/" soldiers/NNS "/" or/CC "/" wise-guys/JJ "/" -/: -/: the/DT ones/NNS who/WP take/VBP the/DT blood/NN oath--has/JJ dwindled/VBD ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP Police/NNP Department/NNP ,/, there/EX were/VBD about/IN 3/CD ,/, 000/CD soldiers/NNS in/IN the/DT city/NN in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ ,/, 1/CD ,/, 000/CD in/IN 1990/CD ,/, and/CC only/RB 750/CD last/JJ year/NN ./.
The/DT Mafia/NNP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO rely/VB increasingly/RB on/IN "/" associates/NNS "/" -/: -/: mobsters/NNS who/WP have/VBP not/RB taken/VBN an/DT oath/NN ./.
Often/RB this/DT consists/VBZ of/IN alliances/NNS with/IN other/JJ ethnic/JJ gangs/NNS ,/, especially/RB Irish/JJ ones/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT last/JJ 10/CD years/NNS ,/, Mafia/NNP operations/NNS have/VBP been/VBN devastated/VBN by/IN arrests/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, last/JJ year/NN federal/JJ agents/NNS busted/VBD the/DT bulk/NN of/IN Detroit/NNP 's/POS family--one/JJ of/IN the/DT most/RBS powerful/JJ and/CC impenetrable/JJ ./.
The/DT FBI/NNP describes/VBZ once-thriving/JJ operations/NNS in/IN Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ,/, Boston/NNP ,/, San/NNP Francisco/NNP ,/, and/CC other/JJ major/JJ cities/NNS as/RB virtually/RB defunct/JJ ./.
The/DT head/NN of/IN the/DT FBI/NNP 's/POS organized-crime/NN unit/NN estimates/VBZ that/IN 10/CD percent/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS active/JJ Mafia/NNP soldiers/NNS are/VBP now/RB locked/VBN up/RP ./.
Only/RB New/NNP York/NNP and/CC Chicago/NNP have/VBP substantial/JJ Mafia/NNP organizations/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Mafia/NNP consists/VBZ of/IN five/CD families/NNS (/( Gambino/NNP ,/, Genovese/NNP ,/, Lucchese/NNP ,/, Bonanno/NNP ,/, and/CC Colombo/NNP )/) that/WDT have/VBP sometimes/RB cooperated/VBN ,/, sometimes/RB competed/VBN with/IN one/CD another/DT ./.
Until/IN the/DT 1992/CD arrest/NN of/IN its/PRP$ boss/NN ,/, John/NNP Gotti/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Gambino/NNP family/NN was/VBD the/DT nation/NN 's/POS most/RBS powerful/JJ ./.
However/RB ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN replaced/VBN by/IN the/DT Genovese/NNP family/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ recently/RB suffered/VBN fewer/JJR arrests/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT Genoveses/NNP ,/, too/RB ,/, are/VBP in/IN trouble/NN ./.
The/DT family/NN 's/POS leader/NN ,/, Vincent/NNP "/" Chin/NNP "/" Gigante/NNP ,/, was/VBD recently/RB indicted/VBN and/CC has/VBZ been/VBN said/VBN to/TO be/VB mentally/RB unstable--he/JJ used/VBN to/TO wander/VB Greenwich/NNP Village/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ pajamas/NNS ,/, mumbling/VBG incoherently/RB ./.
The/DT Lucchese/NNP and/CC Bonanno/NNP families/NNS merged/VBD gambling/VBG activities/NNS last/JJ year/NN to/TO compensate/VB for/IN thinning/VBG ranks/NNS ./.
Police/NN estimate/NN that/IN Chicago/NNP 's/POS Mafia/NNP syndicate/NN the/DT "/" Outfit/NNP "/" has/VBZ only/RB 100/CD members--half/JJ its/PRP$ 1990/CD strength/NN ./.
After/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN convictions/NNS in/IN the/DT mid-/NN '/" 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT Outfit/NNP lost/VBD its/PRP$ control/NN of/IN Las/NNP Vegas/NNP casino-gambling/JJ revenue/NN to/TO legitimate/JJ business/NN ./.
In/IN spite/NN of/IN declining/VBG numbers/NNS ,/, the/DT Mafia/NNP remains/VBZ profitable/JJ ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP Police/NNP Department/NNP ,/, in/IN 1994/CD the/DT five/CD families/NNS pocketed/JJ $/$ 2/CD billion/CD from/IN gambling/NN alone/RB ./.
Loan-sharking/NNP also/RB continues/VBZ to/TO be/VB lucrative/JJ ./.
However/RB ,/, the/DT Mafia/NNP 's/POS other/JJ activities/NNS have/VBP radically/RB changed/VBN ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, its/PRP$ biggest/JJS extortion/NN schemes/NNS in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP area/NN have/VBP been/VBN broken/VBN up/RP :/: It/PRP no/RB longer/RB controls/NNS wholesale/JJ food/NN (/( the/DT City/NNP Council/NNP broke/VBD its/PRP$ hold/NN on/IN Fulton/NNP Fish/NN Market/NNP )/) or/CC Long/NNP Island/NNP 's/POS garbage-removal/JJ cartel/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ adapted/VBN to/TO the/DT losses/NNS by/IN shifting/VBG to/TO white-collar/JJ crime/NN ./.
Major/NNP new/JJ scams/NNS include/VBP collaboration/NN with/IN small/JJ brokerage/NN houses/NNS in/IN stock-tampering/JJ schemes/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT manufacturing/NN of/IN faulty/JJ prepaid/JJ telephone/NN calling/VBG cards/NNS sold/VBN at/IN convenience/NN stores/NNS ./.
Mafia/NNP experts/NNS propose/VBP five/CD explanations/NNS for/IN the/DT decline/NN :/:
1/LS )/) Increased/VBN federal/JJ enforcement/NN ./.
Before/IN Hoover/NNP 's/POS death/NN ,/, the/DT FBI/NNP did/VBD not/RB aggressively/RB investigate/VB the/DT Mafia/NNP ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, starting/VBG in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ federal/JJ prosecutors/NNS have/VBP used/VBN the/DT Racketeer/NNP Influenced/NNP and/CC Corrupt/NNP Organizations/NNP Act/NNP (/( RICO/NNP )/) ,/, passed/VBN in/IN 1970/CD ,/, to/TO charge/VB top/JJ mob/NN bosses/NNS with/IN extortion/NN ./.
2/LS )/) The/DT government/NN cleaned/VBN up/RP the/DT unions/NNS ./.
As/RB late/RB as/IN 1986/CD ,/, the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP found/VBD that/IN the/DT Mafia/NNP controlled/VBD the/DT International/NNP Longshoremen/NNP 's/POS Association/NNP ,/, the/DT Hotel/NNP and/CC Restaurant/NNP Employees/NNPS union/NN ,/, the/DT Teamsters/NNPS union/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Laborers/NNP '/POS International/NNP Union/NNP ./.
However/RB ,/, subsequent/JJ government/NN supervision/NN of/IN these/DT unions/NNS has/VBZ reduced/VBN mob/NN involvement/NN ./.
3/LS )/) The/DT rise/NN of/IN black/JJ urban/JJ politics/NNS destroyed/VBD the/DT big/JJ city/NN machines/NNS the/DT Mafia/NNP once/RB depended/VBD upon/IN to/TO carry/VB out/RP its/PRP$ rackets/NNS ./.
4/LS )/) Assimilation/NNP :/: Second-/NNP and/CC third-generation/JJ Sicilians/NNP ,/, who/WP now/RB control/NN the/DT Mafia/NNP ,/, place/NN less/JJR emphasis/NN on/IN the/DT omertà/NN -/: -/: the/DT code/NN of/IN silence/NN that/WDT precludes/VBZ snitching/VBG ./.
Turncoats/NNP have/VBP provided/VBN the/DT decisive/JJ evidence/NN in/IN recent/JJ cases/NNS against/IN John/NNP Gotti/NNP and/CC other/JJ bosses/NNS ./.
5/LS )/) The/DT Mafia/NNP failed/VBD to/TO control/VB the/DT drug/NN trade/NN ./.
Mexican/JJ ,/, Colombian/JJ ,/, and/CC South/NNP Asian/JJ mobsters/NNS more/RBR efficiently/RB import/NN cheaper/JJR drugs/NNS and/CC eschew/NN partnerships/NNS with/IN the/DT Mafia/NNP ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, many/JJ predict/VBP the/DT Russian/JJ mob/NN ,/, operating/VBG out/IN of/IN Brooklyn/NNP ,/, will/MD soon/RB replace/VB the/DT Mafia/NNP as/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP 's/POS largest/JJS organized-crime/NN outfit/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP like/IN Chatterbox/NNP ,/, you/PRP have/VBP little/JJ time/NN during/IN this/DT busy/JJ holiday/NN season/NN to/TO sort/VB out/IN what/WP positions/VBZ the/DT Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ candidates/NNS should/MD take/VB ./.
Fortunately/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ an/DT easy/JJ solution/NN !/.
Just/RB observe/VBP whatever/WDT Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP accuses/VBZ Al/NNP Gore/NNP of/IN secretly/RB favoring/VBG ,/, or/CC whatever/WDT Al/NNP Gore/NNP accuses/VBZ Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP of/IN secretly/RB favoring/VBG !/.
In/IN most/JJS presidential/JJ elections/NNS ,/, you/PRP get/VBP lots/NNS of/IN ideologically/RB different/JJ candidates/NNS vying/VBG for/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ nomination/NN ./.
This/DT can/MD be/VB very/RB confusing/JJ ./.
In/IN this/DT election/NN ,/, you/PRP get/VBP two/CD candidates/NNS who/WP are/VBP ideological/JJ twins/NNS !/.
For/IN all/DT their/PRP$ populist/JJ posturing/NN ,/, both/DT candidates/NNS are/VBP "/" third/JJ way/NN "/" Democrats/NNPS (/( formerly/RB known/VBN as/IN "/" neoliberals/NNS "/" )/) who/WP can/MD be/VB counted/VBN on/IN to/TO favor/VB a/DT non-doctrinaire/JJ ,/, moderately/RB liberal/JJ style/NN of/IN governing/VBG ./.
Deep/JJ down/RB ,/, Bradley/NNP and/CC Gore/NNP both/DT know/VB they/PRP are/VBP interchangeable/JJ ,/, and/CC find/VB it/PRP deeply/RB unsettling/JJ ./.
So/IN they/PRP lash/VBP out/RB at/IN one/CD another/DT by/IN each/DT accusing/VBG the/DT other/JJ of/IN favoring/VBG politically/RB unpopular/JJ ,/, but/CC programmatically/RB wise/JJ policy/NN positions/NNS :/: to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS if/IN circumstances/NNS warrant/VBP it/PRP ;/: to/TO raise/VB the/DT retirement/NN age/NN for/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP benefits/NNS ;/: to/TO consider/VB school/NN vouchers/NNS on/IN an/DT experimental/JJ basis/NN ;/: and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
Next/JJ time/NN you/PRP see/VBP Gore/NNP and/CC Bradley/NNP debate/NN ,/, try/VB Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS unique/JJ method/NN for/IN determining/VBG the/DT right/JJ positions/NNS on/IN the/DT issues/NNS :/: look/VB to/TO see/VB what/WP each/DT accuses/VBZ the/DT other/JJ of/IN secretly/RB wanting/VBG !/.
Then/RB say/VBP ,/, "/" Hey/NNP ,/, sue/VB me/PRP ,/, I/PRP want/VBP that/IN ,/, too/RB !/.
Void/NNP where/WRB prohibited/VBN by/IN law/NN ./.
Two/CD Girls/NNP and/CC a/DT Guy/NNP (/( Fox/NNP Searchlight/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Despite/IN raves/VBZ for/IN Robert/NNP Downey/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
's/POS performance/NN in/IN director/NN James/NNP Toback/NNP 's/POS comedy/NN ,/, critics/NNS deem/VBP Two/CD Girls/NNP bathetic/JJ ./.
Downey/NNP plays/VBZ an/DT actor/NN who/WP 's/VBZ two-timing/JJ two/CD beautiful/JJ women/NNS ,/, played/VBN by/IN Heather/NNP Graham/NNP and/CC Natalie/NNP Gregson/NNP Wagner/NNP ./.
Critics/NNS find/VBP the/DT women/NNS 's/POS continued/VBD attraction/NN to/TO him/PRP implausible/JJ and/CC object/VBP to/TO the/DT film/NN 's/POS lugubrious/JJ dialogue/NN about/IN the/DT futility/NN of/IN love/NN ./.
Downey/NNP 's/POS character/NN ,/, a/DT self-destructive/JJ liar/NN ,/, reminds/VBZ critics/NNS of/IN Downey/NNP himself--a/JJ recovering/VBG heroin/NN addict/NN ./.
He/PRP "/" has/VBZ clearly/RB had/VBD a/DT lot/NN of/IN practice/NN trying/VBG to/TO explain/VB the/DT unexplainable/JJ in/IN 12/CD -/: step/NN groups/NNS "/" (/( David/NNP Edelstein/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Sliding/NNP Doors/NNP (/( Miramax/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS debate/NN the/DT merits/NNS of/IN the/DT star/NN ,/, Gwyneth/NNP Paltrow/NNP ,/, more/JJR than/IN anything/NN else/RB in/IN this/DT "/" slender/JJ romantic/JJ comedy/NN "/" (/( Stephen/NNP Holden/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS Rita/NNP Kempley/NNP calls/VBZ Paltrow/NNP a/DT "/" fair/JJ reminder/NN of/IN the/DT young/JJ Audrey/NNP Hepburn/NNP ,/, "/" but/CC Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP 's/POS Lisa/NNP Schwarzbaum/NNP says/VBZ her/PRP$ "/" image/NN project/NN [/( s/VBZ ]/) better/JJR in/IN fashion-magazine/JJ stills/NNS than/IN in/IN motion/NN ./.
"/" The/DT film/NN is/VBZ credited/VBN with/IN a/DT clever/JJ conceit/NN (/( it/PRP weaves/VBZ together/RB two/CD versions/NNS of/IN a/DT British/NNP PR/NNP agent/NN 's/POS life/NN )/) but/CC is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO suffer/VB from/IN simplistic/JJ characters/NNS ,/, windy/NN dialogue/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT facile/NN moral/JJ message/NN (/( life/NN is/VBZ predestined/JJ )/) ./.
(/( Edelstein/NNP reviews/VBZ the/DT film/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Miramax/NNP plugs/NNS it/PRP here/RB ./.
Damascus/NNP Gate/NNP ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Stone/NNP (/( Houghton/NNP Mifflin/NNP )/) ./.
Most/JJS critics/NNS say/VBP the/DT Outerbridge/NNP Reach/NNP author/NN 's/POS meditation/NN on/IN religious/JJ fervor/NN ,/, set/VBN in/IN the/DT Holy/NNP Land/NNP ,/, comes/VBZ up/RB short/JJ ./.
Stone/NNP 's/POS thriller/NN about/IN the/DT sojourns/NNS of/IN a/DT half-/NN Jewish/JJ ,/, half-/NN Catholic/NNP journalist/NN in/IN Jerusalem/NNP 's/POS Old/NNP City/NNP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO cut/VB to/TO the/DT heart/NN of/IN zealotry/NN ./.
But/CC its/PRP$ take/NN on/IN religion/NN is/VBZ simple-minded/JJ :/: "/" In/IN this/DT novel/NN one/CD is/VBZ either/CC a/DT messianist/NN or/CC a/DT nonbeliever/NN "/" (/( Jonathan/NNP Rosen/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT few/JJ reviewers/NNS say/VBP he/PRP succeeds/VBZ entirely/RB :/: "/" Leave/VB it/PRP to/TO a/DT goy/NN to/TO write/VB the/DT definitive/JJ novel/NN about/IN Israel/NNP "/" (/( Daphne/NNP Merkin/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
Other/JJ Powers/NNP :/: The/DT Age/NNP of/IN Suffrage/NNP ,/, Spiritualism/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Scandalous/NNP Victoria/NNP Woodhull/NNP ,/, by/IN Barbara/NNP Goldsmith/NNP (/( Knopf/NNP )/) ;/: Notorious/NNP Victoria/NNP :/: The/DT Life/NNP of/IN Victoria/NNP Woodhull/NNP ,/, Uncensored/NNP ,/, by/IN Mary/NNP Gabriel/NNP (/( Algonquin/NNP )/) ./.
Two/CD biographies--the/JJ first/JJ serious/JJ ones/NNS since/IN 1928/CD -/: -/: win/VB praise/NN for/IN rescuing/VBG the/DT colorful/JJ Woodhull/NNP (/( 1838/CD -/: 1927/CD )/) from/IN historical/JJ oblivion/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ claims/NNS to/TO fame/NN :/: A/DT onetime/JJ prostitute/NN ,/, she/PRP founded/VBD a/DT brokerage/NN house/NN ,/, ran/VBD for/IN president/NN ,/, championed/VBD free/JJ love/NN ,/, and/CC brought/VBD down/RP the/DT preacher/NN Henry/NNP Ward/NNP Beecher/NNP by/IN publicizing/VBG a/DT sex/NN scandal/NN involving/VBG him/PRP ./.
Goldsmith/NNP 's/POS biography/NN is/VBZ deemed/VBN novelistic/JJ but/CC sensationalist/NN ,/, Gabriel/NNP 's/POS scholarly/JJ but/CC dry/JJ ./.
Still/RB unsure/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ significance/NN ,/, critics/NNS declare/VBP Woodhull/NNP "/" America/NNP 's/POS most/RBS bizarre/JJ feminist/JJ "/" (/( Francine/NNP Du/NNP Plessix/NNP Gray/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
Merlin/NNP (/( NBC/NNP ;/: April/NNP 26/CD and/CC 27/CD ,/, 9/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP &slash;/NN PT/NNP )/) ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT costliest/JJS made-for-/JJ TV/NN movies--a/JJ telling/VBG of/IN the/DT King/NNP Arthur/NNP legend/NN from/IN the/DT wizard/NN 's/POS perspective--is/JJ judged/VBN one/CD of/IN the/DT best/JJS ./.
It/PRP "/" deserves/VBZ to/TO be/VB shown/VBN annually/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP 's/POS Ken/NNP Tucker/NNP ./.
NBC/NNP 's/POS $/$ 30/CD million/CD expenditure/NN is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO have/VB paid/VBN off/RP ,/, with/IN realistic/JJ special/JJ effects/NNS (/( fire-breathing/JJ dragons/NNS ,/, a/DT talking/VBG horse/NN more/RBR convincing/JJ than/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Ed/NNP )/) and/CC all-star/JJ performances/NNS from/IN Sam/NNP Neill/NNP ,/, Helena/NNP Bonham/NNP Carter/NNP ,/, Isabella/NNP Rossellini/NNP ,/, and/CC Martin/NNP Short/JJ ./.
Critics/NNS are/VBP relieved/VBN Merlin/NNP has/VBZ none/NN of/IN the/DT campiness/NNS endemic/JJ to/TO medieval/NN TV/NN dramas/NN ./.
(/( NBC/NNP plugs/NNS its/PRP$ "/" television/NN event/NN "/" here/RB ./.
"/" Alexander/NNP Calder/NNP :/: 1898/CD -/: 1976/CD "/" (/( National/NNP Gallery/NNP of/IN Art/NNP ,/, Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
A/DT retrospective/NN rescues/VBZ the/DT American/JJ sculptor/NN from/IN his/PRP$ reputation/NN as/IN the/DT unsubstantial/NN "/" user-friendly/JJ modernist/JJ "/" (/( Roberta/NNP Smith/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP say/VBP the/DT show/NN highlights/VBZ the/DT way/NN Surrealism/NNP inspired/VBD Calder/NNP 's/POS now-forgotten/JJ grotesque/JJ sculptures/NNS from/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ./.
His/PRP$ own/JJ innovations--especially/JJ the/DT mobile--are/JJ credited/VBN with/IN influencing/VBG other/JJ major/JJ sculptors/NNS ,/, including/VBG Picasso/NNP and/CC David/NNP Smith/NNP ./.
Critics/NNS chalk/NN up/RB Calder/NNP 's/POS previous/JJ low/JJ standing/NN to/TO the/DT abundance/NN of/IN sculptures/NNS he/PRP made/VBD in/IN the/NNP '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ for/IN corporate/JJ plazas/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP labeled/VBN "/" mostly/RB boring/JJ "/" (/( Robert/NNP Hughes/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN the/DT National/NNP Gallery/NNP site/NN ./.
Kirov/NNP Opera/NNP (/( Metropolitan/NNP Opera/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS applaud/VBP the/DT St/NNP ./.
Petersburg-based/NNP company/NN 's/POS 18/CD day/NN stint/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ./.
"/" Just/RB long/RB enough/RB to/TO leave/VB the/DT American/JJ opera/NN world/NN with/IN a/DT welcome/JJ legacy/NN of/IN Russianization/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ Newsday/NNP 's/POS Justin/NNP Davidson/NNP ./.
A/DT spate/NN of/IN profiles/NNS heaps/NNS praise/VBP on/IN the/DT flamboyant/JJ conductor/NN Valery/NNP Gergiev/NNP ,/, who/WP saved/VBD the/DT Kirov/NNP financially/RB as/IN Russia/NNP went/VBD capitalist/JJ ./.
Critics/NNS focus/VBP on/IN Gergiev/NNP 's/POS promotion/NN of/IN lesser-known/JJ works/NNS by/IN Russian/JJ composers/NNS and/CC on/IN his/PRP$ unusual/JJ arrangements/NNS ./.
While/IN "/" the/DT great/JJ orchestras/NNS are/VBP all/DT sounding/VBG pretty/RB much/JJ alike/RB ,/, the/DT Kirov/NNP has/VBZ a/DT character/NN all/DT its/PRP$ own/JJ "/" (/( Matthew/NNP Gurewitsch/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
April/NNP 22/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Wild/NNP Man/NNP Blues/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Object/NNP of/IN My/PRP$ Affection/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Chinese/JJ Box/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Seinfeld/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Bitch/NNP :/: In/IN Praise/NNP of/IN Difficult/NNP Women/NNP ,/, by/IN Elizabeth/NNP Wurtzel/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Closed/NNP Chambers/NNP :/: The/DT First/CD Eyewitness/NNP Account/NNP of/IN the/DT Epic/NNP Struggles/NNP Inside/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ,/, by/IN Edward/NNP Lazarus/NNP ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Shadows/NNP of/IN a/DT Hand/NNP :/: The/DT Drawings/NNP of/IN Victor/NNP Hugo/NNP ./.
April/NNP 15/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: My/PRP$ Giant/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: City/NNP of/IN Angels/NNPS ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Big/NNP One/CD ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Brave/NNP New/NNP World/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Flawed/NNP Giant/NNP :/: Lyndon/NNP Johnson/NNP and/CC His/PRP$ Times/NNP 1961/CD -/: 1973/CD ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Dallek/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Nat/NNP Tate/NNP :/: An/DT American/NNP Artist/NNP ,/, 1928/CD -/: 1960/CD ,/, by/IN William/NNP Boyd/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Quarantine/NNP ,/, by/IN Jim/NNP Crace/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: Wait/VB Until/IN Dark/JJ ./.
April/NNP 8/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Lost/VBD in/IN Space/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Butcher/NNP Boy/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Spanish/NNP Prisoner/NNP ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Left/NNP of/IN the/DT Middle/NNP ,/, by/IN Natalie/NNP Imbruglia/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Push/VBP (/( ABC/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Frontline/NNP :/: From/IN Jesus/NNP to/TO Christ--/NNP The/DT First/CD Christians/NNS (/( PBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: An/DT Instance/NNP of/IN the/DT Fingerpost/NNP ,/, by/IN Iain/NNP Pears/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Cavedweller/NNP ,/, by/IN Dorothy/NNP Allison/NNP ./.
April/NNP 1/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Grease/NN ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Newton/NNP Boys/NNPS ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: From/IN the/DT Earth/NNP to/TO the/DT Moon/NNP (/( HBO/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Teletubbies/NNP (/( PBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Sound/NNP of/IN Music/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT All-/NNP True/NNP Travels/NNP and/CC Adventures/NNP of/IN Lidie/NNP Newton/NNP ,/, by/IN Jane/NNP Smiley/NNP ;/:
Book--/NNP Consilience/NNP :/: The/DT Unity/NNP of/IN Knowledge/NNP ,/, by/IN E/NNP ./.
O/NNP ./.
Wilson/NNP ;/:
Fashion/NNP -/: -/: Fall/NN Lines/NNPS ./.
-/: -/: Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP
The/DT preliminaries/NNS are/VBP over/IN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ time/NN to/TO decide/VB ./.
Should/MD the/DT Senate/NNP convict/VB President/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC expel/VB him/PRP from/IN office/NN ?/.
My/PRP$ answer/NN ,/, after/IN months/NNS of/IN indecision/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT strong/JJ "/" Yes/UH !/.
I/PRP had/VBD formerly/RB been/VBN impressed/VBN by/IN the/DT argument/NN that/IN ousting/VBG Clinton/NNP would/MD set/VB a/DT precedent/NN for/IN any/DT party/NN having/VBG a/DT sufficient/JJ majority/NN in/IN Congress/NNP to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN any/DT president/NN ,/, which/WDT would/MD convert/VB us/PRP into/IN a/DT parliamentary/JJ democracy/NN ./.
At/IN one/CD time/NN I/PRP had/VBD thought/VBN our/PRP$ problem/NN might/MD be/VB solved/VBN by/IN the/DT 25/CD th/NN Amendment/NNP ,/, which/WDT provides/VBZ for/IN the/DT removal/NN of/IN a/DT president/NN found/VBD unable/JJ to/TO perform/VB the/DT duties/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ office/NN ./.
But/CC that/WDT required/VBD the/DT concurrence/NN of/IN the/DT vice/NN president/NN ,/, which/WDT would/MD surely/RB not/RB be/VB forthcoming/JJ ./.
I/PRP had/VBD also/RB thought/VBN that/IN Clinton/NNP might/MD save/VB us/PRP a/DT lot/NN of/IN soul-searching/JJ by/IN resigning/VBG ,/, but/CC apparently/RB he/PRP will/MD not/RB ./.
At/IN some/DT times/NNS I/PRP thought/VBD that/DT censure/NN or/CC rebuke/NN might/MD do/VB as/IN punishment/NN and/CC expression/NN of/IN indignation/NN ./.
I/PRP can/MD say/VB exactly/RB when/WRB I/PRP came/VBD to/TO the/DT conclusion/NN that/IN Clinton/NNP had/VBD to/TO be/VB removed/VBN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD the/DT morning/NN of/IN Dec/NNP ./.
15/CD ,/, 1998/CD ./.
That/DT was/VBD two/CD days/NNS before/IN the/DT House/NNP of/IN Representatives/NNPS was/VBD to/TO start/VB action/NN on/IN impeaching/VBG him/PRP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD also/RB one/CD day/NN before/IN he/PRP gave/VBD orders/NNS to/TO bomb/VB Iraq/NNP ./.
I/PRP got/VBD out/IN of/IN bed/NN that/DT morning/NN ,/, took/VBD in/IN the/DT papers/NNS ,/, and/CC scanned/JJ the/DT first/JJ page/NN ./.
Within/IN 10/CD minutes/NNS I/PRP was/VBD decided/VBN ,/, and/CC not/RB only/RB decided/VBD ,/, but/CC decided/VBD with/IN a/DT heat/NN that/IN I/PRP rarely/RB feel/VBP about/IN public/JJ affairs/NNS ./.
What/WP sparked/VBD this/DT heat/NN was/VBD the/DT picture/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP in/IN Gaza/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT reminder/NN of/IN the/DT picture/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP the/DT previous/JJ day/NN ,/, wearing/VBG a/DT yarmulke/NN at/IN the/DT grave/NN of/IN Yitzhak/NNP Rabin/NNP ./.
And/CC I/PRP suddenly/RB thought/VBD ,/, "/" Is/VBZ this/DT the/DT man/NN I/PRP want/VBP representing/VBG the/DT righteousness/NNS of/IN America/NNP in/IN a/DT land/NN sacred/JJ to/TO billions/NNS of/IN Jews/NNPS ,/, Christians/NNS ,/, and/CC Moslems/NNPS ?/.
"/" Then/RB I/PRP asked/VBD whether/IN I/PRP wanted/VBD him/PRP to/TO represent/VB us/PRP anywhere/RB ./.
Do/VBP we/PRP want/VB him/PRP laying/VBG the/DT wreath/NN at/IN the/DT Tomb/NNP of/IN the/DT Unknown/JJ Soldier/NNP ,/, comforting/JJ our/PRP$ mourners/NNS ,/, saluting/VBG our/PRP$ heroes/NNS ?/.
Do/VBP I/PRP want/VB to/TO see/VB his/PRP$ "/" sincere/JJ "/" face/NN on/IN television/NN every/DT day/NN ?/.
No/DT ,/, decidedly/RB no/UH !/.
No/DT ,/, even/RB more/RBR decidedly/RB no/DT ,/, after/IN the/DT bombing/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB whether/IN he/PRP decided/VBD to/TO bomb/VB Iraq/NNP in/IN order/NN to/TO divert/VB us/PRP from/IN the/DT forthcoming/JJ impeachment/NN debate/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ the/DT point/NN :/: I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB ,/, and/CC most/JJS of/IN the/DT world/NN does/VBZ n't/RB know/VB ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ generated/VBN the/DT belief/NN that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ capable/JJ of/IN taking/VBG such/JJ grave/JJ action/NN to/TO save/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ skin/NN ./.
Terminating/NNP the/DT action/NN in/IN Iraq/NNP without/IN any/DT conclusive/JJ results/NNS only/RB a/DT few/JJ hours/NNS after/IN the/DT House/NNP voted/VBD for/IN impeachment/NN strengthened/VBD that/DT belief/NN ./.
He/PRP had/VBD started/VBN the/DT bombing/NN just/RB in/IN time/NN to/TO give/VB his/PRP$ supporters/NNS the/DT refuge/NN of/IN arguing/VBG that/IN to/TO impeach/NN the/DT commander/NN in/IN chief/JJ while/IN our/PRP$ troops/NNS were/VBD in/IN harm/NN 's/POS way/NN would/MD be/VB unpatriotic/JJ ./.
He/PRP had/VBD stopped/VBN the/DT bombing/NN as/RB soon/RB as/IN that/DT argument/NN became/VBD useless/JJ ./.
That/DT is/VBZ an/DT abuse/NN of/IN power/NN !/.
The/DT whole/JJ episode/NN shows/VBZ how/WRB unfit/JJ he/PRP is/VBZ to/TO be/VB president/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ polluted/JJ the/DT atmosphere/NN within/IN which/WDT policy/NN decisions/NNS are/VBP made/VBN ./.
L/NNP ike/NN almost/RB everyone/NN else/RB ,/, I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB "/" this/DT thing/NN "/" over/IN with/IN ./.
But/CC to/TO me/PRP "/" this/DT thing/NN "/" is/VBZ not/RB only/RB the/DT process/NN ;/: it/PRP is/VBZ also/RB the/DT Clinton/NNP presidency/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO punish/VB him/PRP or/CC have/VBP a/DT national/JJ catharsis/NN ./.
I/PRP want/VBP something/NN more/RBR practical/JJ ./.
I/PRP want/VBP him/PRP off/IN our/PRP$ screen/NN ./.
I/PRP admit/VBP that/IN I/PRP never/RB wanted/VBD Clinton/NNP to/TO be/VB president/NN and/CC never/RB voted/VBD for/IN him/PRP ./.
But/CC I/PRP was/VBD always/RB "/" cool/VB "/" about/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP have/VBP not/RB been/VBN a/DT deep-dyed/JJ Clinton/NNP hater/NN ./.
Except/IN for/IN the/DT 1993/CD health/NN care/NN plan/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ vacillation/NN toward/IN Iraq/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ policy/NN has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN terrible/JJ ,/, in/IN my/PRP$ opinion/NN ./.
The/DT performance/NN of/IN the/DT economy/NN during/IN his/PRP$ administration/NN has/VBZ been/VBN good/JJ ,/, and/CC although/IN I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB attribute/VB very/RB much/RB of/IN that/DT to/TO him/PRP ,/, at/IN least/JJS he/PRP has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN an/DT obstacle/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB expect/VB any/DT improvement/NN ,/, or/CC any/DT change/NN ,/, in/IN public/JJ policy/NN as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN his/PRP$ departure/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT article/NN I/PRP wrote/VBD during/IN the/DT 1996/CD campaign/NN (/( pre-/NN Lewinsky/NNP )/) I/PRP said/VBD of/IN Clinton/NNP :/:
But/CC he/PRP has/VBZ one/CD serious/JJ deficiency/NN as/IN a/DT president/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ prone/JJ to/TO foolish/JJ mistakes/NNS ./.
Every/DT president/NN ,/, like/IN everyone/NN else/RB ,/, makes/VBZ mistakes/NNS ./.
Foolish/NNP mistakes/NNS are/VBP ones/NNS that/WDT could/MD reliably/RB have/VB been/VBN known/VBN in/IN advance/NN to/TO be/VB mistakes/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ something/NN in/IN Bill/NNP Clinton--some/NNP odd/JJ combination/NN of/IN naivete/NN and/CC conceit--that/JJ makes/VBZ him/PRP liable/JJ to/TO such/JJ mistakes/NNS ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ gone/VBN too/RB far/RB in/IN his/PRP$ foolish/JJ mistakes/NNS ,/, and/CC beyond/IN foolish/JJ mistakes/NNS ,/, and/CC I/PRP am/VBP no/RB longer/RB "/" cool/VB "/" about/IN him/PRP as/IN president/NN ./.
People/NNS who/WP are/VBP legally/RB fastidious/JJ say/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB the/DT sex/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT perjury/NN ./.
For/IN me/PRP it/PRP is/VBZ partly/RB the/DT sex/NN ./.
If/IN he/PRP had/VBD lied/VBD under/IN oath/NN about/IN parking/NN illegally/RB I/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB so/RB disgusted/JJ ./.
But/CC for/IN a/DT married/VBN man/NN to/TO have/VB oral/JJ sex/NN with/IN a/DT woman/NN employee/NN less/JJR than/IN half/PDT his/PRP$ age/NN in/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP -/: -/: I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB claim/VB not/RB to/TO be/VB offended/JJ by/IN that/DT ./.
I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN told/VBN that/WDT is/VBZ an/DT old-fashioned/JJ ,/, puritanical/JJ attitude/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB old-fashioned/JJ puritans/NNS have/VBP the/DT right/NN as/IN citizens/NNS to/TO protest/VB the/DT behavior/NN of/IN their/PRP$ president/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB only/RB the/DT perjury/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT sophomoric/JJ deviousness/NNS of/IN the/DT perjury/NN that/WDT is/VBZ an/DT insult/NN to/TO our/PRP$ intelligence/NN ./.
The/DT constitutional/JJ question/NN remains/NNS ./.
Does/VBZ his/PRP$ behavior/NN add/VB up/IN to/TO grounds/NNS for/IN removal/NN from/IN office/NN ?/.
The/DT words/NNS in/IN the/DT Constitution/NNP ,/, "/" high/JJ crimes/NNS and/CC misdemeanors/NNS ,/, "/" give/VB us/PRP much/JJ latitude/NN ./.
If/IN the/DT framers/NNS had/VBD wanted/VBN to/TO limit/VB us/PRP more/JJR they/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN more/RBR specific/JJ ./.
Essentially/RB ,/, they/PRP left/VBD the/DT judgment/NN to/TO us--not/JJ to/TO an/DT opinion/NN poll/NN or/CC even/RB to/TO our/PRP$ political/JJ representatives/NNS who/WP are/VBP closest/JJS to/TO the/DT people/NNS but/CC to/TO our/PRP$ most/RBS senior/JJ political/JJ representatives/NNS ,/, the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ opinion/NN is/VBZ that/IN not/RB every/DT perjury/NN is/VBZ a/DT "/" high/JJ "/" crime/NN ,/, as/IN grounds/NNS for/IN removing/VBG a/DT president/NN from/IN office/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP believe/VBP that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS performance/NN ,/, before/IN and/CC after/IN his/PRP$ perjuries/NNS ,/, has/VBZ universally/RB generated/VBN such/JJ a/DT response/NN of/IN disapproval/NN ,/, ranging/VBG from/IN cynicism/NN to/TO disgust/NN ,/, as/IN to/TO degrade/NN the/DT ability/NN of/IN the/DT presidency/NN to/TO serve/VB its/PRP$ function/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP has/VBZ said/VBN that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ his/PRP$ goal/NN to/TO degrade/NN the/DT ability/NN of/IN Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP to/TO threaten/VB Iraq/NNP 's/POS neighbors/NNS ./.
But/CC Clinton/NNP has/VBZ degraded/JJ the/DT ability/NN of/IN the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO lead/VB the/DT nation/NN and/CC the/DT world/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ a/DT high/JJ crime/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP still/RB concerned/VBN about/IN the/DT risk/NN of/IN setting/VBG a/DT precedent/NN for/IN opposition/NN majorities/NNS in/IN Congress/NNP to/TO remove/VB presidents/NNS for/IN purely/RB political/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
Future/JJ generations/NNS will/MD have/VB to/TO deal/VB with/IN that/DT ./.
For/IN now/RB we/PRP have/VBP to/TO set/VB the/DT precedent/NN that/IN presidents/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD so/RB behave/VB themselves/PRP as/IN to/TO merit/VB the/DT confidence/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT big/JJ country/NN ,/, and/CC surely/RB we/PRP can/MD find/VB men/NNS and/CC women/NNS in/IN it/PRP who/WP are/VBP as/IN capable/JJ of/IN being/VBG president/NN as/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP is/VBZ and/CC who/WP are/VBP also/RB able/JJ to/TO commit/VB themselves/PRP to/TO good/JJ behavior/NN ./.
The/DT Constitution/NNP requires/VBZ a/DT vote/NN of/IN at/IN least/JJS two-thirds/NNS of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP to/TO convict/VB and/CC expel/VB a/DT president/NN ./.
The/DT Republicans/NNPS will/MD not/RB have/VB a/DT two-thirds/NNS majority/NN ,/, and/CC Clinton/NNP cannot/NN be/VB convicted/VBN on/IN the/DT votes/NNS of/IN Republicans/NNPS alone/RB ./.
That/DT is/VBZ a/DT good/JJ thing/NN ./.
The/DT precedent-setting/JJ risk/NN would/MD be/VB greater/JJR if/IN the/DT president/NN were/VBD convicted/VBN by/IN a/DT strictly/RB party-line/JJ vote/NN ./.
The/DT case/NN against/IN the/DT president/NN should/MD be/VB strong/JJ enough/RB to/TO justify/VB some/DT members/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ party/NN voting/NN against/IN him/PRP ./.
In/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN this/DT president/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
With/IN the/DT millennium/NN looming/VBG ,/, the/DT list-makers/JJ seem/VBP to/TO have/VB inherited/VBN the/DT earth/NN ./.
First/LS ,/, the/DT American/NNP Film/NNP Institute/NNP drew/VBD up/RP a/DT register/NN of/IN the/DT 100/CD greatest/JJS American/JJ films/NNS ever/RB made/VBN ./.
Random/NNP House/NNP 's/POS Modern/NNP Library/NNP chased/VBD the/DT idea/NN a/DT few/JJ months/NNS later/RB with/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ list/NN of/IN the/DT 100/CD best/JJS works/NNS of/IN fiction/NN of/IN the/DT century/NN ,/, and/CC next/JJ month/NN it/PRP promises/VBZ to/TO name/VB the/DT 100/CD best/JJS works/NNS of/IN nonfiction/NN ./.
Last/JJ month/NN ,/, the/DT Freedom/NNP Forum/NNP 's/POS Newseum/NNP compiled/VBN a/DT roster/NN of/IN the/DT 100/CD top/JJ stories/NNS of/IN the/DT century/NN ,/, and/CC this/DT week/NN New/NNP York/NNP University/NNP 's/POS journalism/NN department/NN pegged/VBD the/DT century/NN 's/POS 100/CD best/JJS works/NNS of/IN American/JJ journalism/NN ./.
Not/RB to/TO be/VB left/VBN behind/IN ,/, we/PRP 've/VBP plundered/JJ the/DT extensive/JJ newspaper/NN archives/NNS at/IN the/DT Columbia/NNP University/NNP School/NNP of/IN Journalism/NNP ,/, our/PRP$ Nexis/NNP account/NN ,/, and/CC even/RB Peter/NNP Jennings/NNP '/POS new/JJ best-selling/JJS book/NN to/TO assemble/VB a/DT more/RBR compelling--and/JJ concise--look/JJ at/IN the/DT 100/CD high/JJ points/NNS of/IN the/DT century/NN ./.
Your/PRP$ mileage/NN may/MD vary/VB ,/, so/RB if/IN you/PRP 've/VBP come/VBN across/IN an/DT important/JJ headline/NN that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP overlooked/VBN ,/, please/VB send/VB it/PRP to/TO 100/CD TopHeds/NNP @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Click/NNP to/TO read/VB the/DT best/JJS of/IN the/DT nominations/NNS ./.
1901/CD :/: Near-/NNP Sighted/NNP Teddy/NNP Roosevelt/NNP Bags/NNP President/NNP McKinley/NNP on/IN Safari/NNP
1903/CD :/: Wright/NNP Brothers/NNPS Announce/NNP 3/CD -/: Second/NNP Meal/NNP Service/NNP on/IN All/DT 12/CD -/: Second/JJ Flights/NNS
1908/CD :/: President/NNP Taft/NNP Calls/NNS for/IN Federal/NNP Legislation/NNP To/TO Enlarge/NNP Doorways/NNP ,/, Railway/NNP Seats/NNS ,/, Bathtubs/NNP
1912/CD :/: Albania/NNP Lapses/NNP Into/IN Anarchy/NNP 85/CD Years/NNS Too/RB Soon/RB
1912/CD :/: Shipping/NNP Magnate/NNP Declares/NNP Titanic/NNP -/: Iceberg/NNP Merger/NNP Successful/JJ
1913/CD :/: Congress/NNP Creates/VBZ IRS/NNP "/" To/TO Unite/NNP Nation/NNP Against/IN Common/NNP Enemy/NNP "/"
1914/CD :/: Panama/NNP Canal/NNP Opens/NNP New/NNP Era/NNP of/IN Global/NNP Trade/NNP in/IN Panama/NNP Hats/NNP
1914/CD :/: Fighting/NNP Breaks/NNP Out/IN Between/IN War/NNP Correspondents/NNP
1915/CD :/: German/NNP Submarine/NNP Fires/VBZ Warning/NNP Torpedo/NNP Into/IN Lusitania/NNP
1916/CD :/: Army/NNP Physicians/NNPS Laud/NNP Mustard/NNP Gas/NNP as/IN First/CD Inhalable/NNP Condiment/NNP
1917/CD :/: President/NNP Wilson/NNP Vows/NNP To/TO Make/NNP World/NNP Safe/NNP for/IN Robber/NNP Barons/NNP
1918/CD :/: Lenin/NNP Orders/NNS Pictures/NNP of/IN Czar/NNP 's/POS Family/NNP Put/VBD on/IN Milk/NN Cartons/NNS
1918/CD :/: Wife/NNP 's/POS Honeymoon/NNP Antics/NNP Give/VB Gandhi/NNP Idea/NNP of/IN Passive/NNP Resistance/NNP
1919/CD :/: Congress/NNP Votes/NNP for/IN Prohibition/NNP ,/, Celebrates/NNP With/IN First/CD Toast/NNP in/IN Congressional/NNP Speakeasy/NNP
1919/CD :/: Senate/NNP Rejects/NNP Treaty/NNP of/IN Versailles/NNP for/IN Having/VBG Suspicious/NNP Foreign-/NNP Sounding/NNP Name/NN
1920/CD :/: Women/NNP Experience/NN Futility/NNP of/IN Voting/NNP Firsthand/NNP
1921/CD :/: Humane/NNP Loophole/NNP in/IN Immigration/NNP Quotas/NNP Lets/NNP Some/DT Foreigners/NNS Enter/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
as/IN Livestock/NN
1925/CD :/: Heisenberg/NNP Says/VBZ Uncertainty/NN Principle/NNP May/NNP or/CC May/NNP Not/RB Be/VB Greatest/NNP Discovery/NNP Ever/RB
1927/CD :/: Parisian/NNP Hijacker/NNP Forces/NNP Charles/NNP Lindbergh/NNP To/TO Make/NNP Nonstop/NNP Transatlantic/NNP Flight/NNP at/IN Gunpoint/NNP
1927/CD :/: Supreme/NNP Court/NNP Rules/NNPS Films/NNP Do/VBP Not/RB Have/VB Right/RB To/TO Remain/NNP Silent/NNP
1928/CD :/: Babe/NNP Ruth/NNP Seldom/RB Gets/VBZ to/TO First/CD ,/, Admits/NNP Wife/NNP
1929/CD :/: Stock/NNP Market/NNP Crash/NNP Linked/NNP to/TO Jews/NNPS ,/, Blacks/NNPS ,/, Catholics/NNPS ,/, Radicals/NNP ,/, Foreigners/NNS ,/, and/CC Anyone/NN Who/WP Looks/NNP Funny/JJ
1929/CD :/: Al/NNP Capone/NNP Denies/NNP Murder/NN for/IN Profit/NNP Allegations/NNP ,/, Insists/NNP Gangland/NNP Slayings/NNP "/" Purely/NNP for/IN Fun/NNP "/"
1933/CD :/: U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Goes/VBZ off/RP Gold/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, Adopts/NNP Moldy/NNP Crust/NNP of/IN Bread/NNP Standard/NNP
1933/CD :/: FDR/NNP 's/POS "/" The/DT Only/JJ Thing/NN We/PRP Have/VBP To/TO Fear/NN Is/VBZ Eleanor/NNP "/" Speech/NNP Calms/NNP Nation/NNP
1933/CD :/: New/NNP Deal/NNP ,/, Same/JJ Deck/NNP
1933/CD :/: First/CD Woman/NNP Cabinet/NNP Member/NNP ,/, Frances/NNP Perkins/NNP ,/, Celebrates/NNP by/IN Getting/VBG Coffee/NNP for/IN Other/NNP Cabinet/NNP Members/NNPS
1934/CD :/: Newborn/NNP Ralph/NNP Nader/NNP Files/NNP Suit/NNP Against/IN Mother/NNP for/IN Ejecting/NNP Him/PRP Into/IN Hostile/JJ ,/, Unsafe/NNP Environment/NNP
1935/CD :/: Alcoholics/NNP Anonymous/NNP Sells/NNP First/CD Mailing/NNP List/NN to/TO Smirnoff/NNP
1935/CD :/: National/NNP Labor/NNP Relations/NNPS Act/NNP Recognizes/NNP Workers/NNPS '/POS Right/RB To/TO Be/VB Fired/NNP Collectively/RB
1935/CD :/: Remaining/VBG Chinese/NNP Communists/NNPS Receive/NNP "/" I/PRP Survived/VBD the/DT Long/NNP March/NNP "/" T-S/NNP hirts/NNS
1936/CD :/: Moscow/NNP Show/NNP Trials/NNP Notably/RB Lacking/NNP in/IN Good/NNP Show/NNP Tunes/NNP
1936/CD :/: Spanish/NNP Civil/NNP War/NNP Erupts/NNP as/IN Bullfighters/NNP ,/, Flamenco/NNP Dancers/NNP Clash/NNP Over/IN Limited/NNP Supply/NNP of/IN Tights/NNP
1937/CD :/: Jobless/NNP Rate/NNP Tops/NNP 110/CD Percent/NN With/IN Many/JJ Unemployed/NNP at/IN More/JJR Than/IN One/CD Occupation/NNP
1937/CD :/: Over-/NNP Excited/NNP Hindenburg/NNP Announcer/NNP Explodes/NNP
1938/CD :/: Chamberlain/NNP Calls/NNS Hitler/NNP "/" The/DT Nicest/NNP Totalitarian/NNP Maniac/NNP I/PRP 've/VBP Ever/RB Appeased/NNP "/"
1939/CD :/: Poland/NNP Invades/NNP Itself/NNP
1939/CD :/: Lou/NNP Gehrig/NNP Has/VBZ Lou/NNP Gehrig/NNP 's/POS Disease/NNP ;/: "/" With/IN My/PRP$ Name/NN ,/, I/PRP Figured/NNP It/PRP Was/VBD Only/RB a/DT Matter/NNP of/IN Time/NNP ,/, "/" Says/VBZ Yankee/NNP First/CD Baseman/NNP
1940/CD :/: Millions/NNS of/IN Women/NNP Enter/VB Work/NNP Force/NNP for/IN Lower/JJR Pay/NN ,/, Longer/JJR Hours/NNS ;/: "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT Greatest/NNP Thing/NNP Since/IN Slavery/NNP !/.
"/" Say/VB Industry/NNP Leaders/NNP
1940/CD :/: Leon/NNP Trotsky/NNP Dies/VBZ in/IN First/CD Ice/NNP Pick-/NNP Assisted/NNP Suicide/NNP
1941/CD :/: "/" Neither/DT a/DT Borrower/NNP Nor/CC a/DT Lender/NNP Be/VB "/" Clause/NN Added/VBD to/TO Lend-/NNP Lease/NNP Act/NNP
1941/CD :/: Japanese/NNP Stir-/NNP Fry/NNP Pearl/NNP Harbor/NNP
1942/CD :/: French/NNP Resistance/NNP Waiters/NNP Bravely/NNP Refuse/NNP to/TO Refill/NNP Nazi/JJ Officers/NNS '/POS Coffee/NNP Cups/NNP
1943/CD :/: Oklahoma/NNP !/.
Admitted/NNP to/TO Union/NNP ;/: Sprightly/NNP Musical/JJ To/TO Replace/NNP Boring/NNP Actual/JJ State/NNP
1944/CD :/: Allied/NNP Soldiers/NNS Hear/NNP of/IN Nude/NNP French/NNP Sunbathing/NNP ,/, Storm/NN Normandy/NNP Beaches/NNP
1945/CD :/: Stalin/NNP "/" Genuinely/NNP Touched/NNP "/" by/IN Gift/NNP of/IN Eastern/NNP Europe/NNP at/IN Potsdam/NNP Surprise/NNP Party/NNP
1947/CD :/: FAA/NNP Charges/NNS Drunken/NNP UFO/NNP Pilot/NN in/IN Roswell/NNP Crash/NNP
1948/CD :/: Truman/NNP Defeats/NNP Dewey/NNP ;/: Huey/NNP and/CC Louie/NNP Have/VBP Yet/RB To/TO Concede/NNP
1950/CD :/: U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Blamed/VBN for/IN Starting/VBG Hopeless/NNP Asian/NNP Land/NNP War/NNP 15/CD Years/NNS Too/RB Soon/RB
1954/CD :/: Some/DT TV/NNP Couples/NNP May/NNP Be/VB Sleeping/NNP Together/RB ,/, Say/VB Insiders/NNS
1956/CD :/: U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
Asks/NNP Hungary/NNP if/IN It/PRP Has/VBZ Parking/NNP Spaces/NNP for/IN 10/CD ,/, 000/CD Tanks/NNS
1956/CD :/: Thousands/NNS of/IN Innocent/JJ Soviet/NNP Corpses/NNP Thrilled/NNP by/IN Posthumous/NNP Rehabilitation/NNP
1958/CD :/: First/CD Hospice/NNP Allows/NNP Patients/NNPS To/TO Die/VB in/IN Homelike/NNP Setting--/NNP Surrounded/VBN by/IN Greedy/NNP ,/, Hateful/NNP Relatives/NNP
1959/CD :/: Congressional/NNP Quiz/NNP Show/NNP Investigators/NNS Stunned/VBN by/IN Revelation/NNP That/DT Not/RB Everything/NN on/IN TV/NN Is/VBZ Real/JJ
1960/CD :/: U-/NNP 2/CD Shot/NNP Down/IN Over/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
;/: Infant/NNP Bono/NNP Unhurt/NNP
1961/CD :/: CIA/NNP Markets/NNP Bay/NNP of/IN Pigs/NNP Blooper/NNP Reel/NNP
1962/CD :/: Thousands/NNS of/IN Innocent/JJ Trees/NNP Die/VBP To/TO Make/VB Silent/NNP Spring/NNP a/DT Best/JJS Seller/NNP
1963/CD :/: JFK/NNP Accidentally/NNP Struck/NNP Down/IN by/IN Flying/NNP Zapruder/NNP Lens/NNP Cap/NNP
1964/CD :/: Rockefellers/NNP ,/, Kennedys/NNP Conscientiously/NNP Object/NNP to/TO War/NNP on/IN Poverty/NN
1966/CD :/: Marshall/NNP McLuhan/NNP Caught/NNP Reading/VBG
1966/CD :/: Robert/NNP McNamara/NNP Commended/NNP by/IN PTA/NNP for/IN Applying/VBG New/NNP Math/NNP to/TO U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Casualty/NNP Figures/NNS
1968/CD :/: Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
,/, RFK/NNP Assassinated/NNP Separately/RB but/RB Equally/RB
1968/CD :/: Hippies/NNP ,/, Beatniks/NNP Sign/NNP Historic/NNP Personal/NNP Hygiene/NNP Ban/NNP
1968/CD :/: Nonproliferation/NNP Treaty/NNP Strictly/RB Limits/NNP Nuclear/NNP Weapons/NNP to/TO Nations/NNPS That/DT Can/MD Afford/NNP Them/NNP
1969/CD :/: Teddy/NNP Kennedy/NNP Charged/NNP With/IN "/" Leaving/VBG the/DT Scene/NNP of/IN a/DT Successful/JJ Cover-/NNP Up/IN "/"
1970/CD :/: Near-/NNP Perfect/NNP Neil/NNP Young/NNP Guitar/NNP Solo/NNP Ruined/VBN by/IN Addition/NNP of/IN Second/JJ Note/NN
1972/CD :/: J/NNP ./.
Edgar/NNP Hoover/NNP Buried/VBN in/IN Simple/NN but/CC Elegant/NNP Black/NNP Dress/NNP
1973/CD :/: Liz/NNP Taylor/NNP Will/NNP Use/NNP New/NNP Bar/NNP Code/NNP Technology/NNP To/TO Track/NNP Husbands/NNP
1973/CD :/: Entire/NNP Consumer/NNP Product/NNP Safety/NNP Commission/NNP Dies/VBZ in/IN Pinto/NNP Explosion/NNP
1974/CD :/: Ford/NNP Pardons/NNP Nixon/NNP for/IN Plaid/NNP Trousers/NNP
1974/CD :/: Good/NNP News/NNP :/: Smelly/NNP Ozone/NN Layer/NNP Disappearing/NNP
1977/CD :/: IBM/NNP Monopoly/NNP Threatens/NNP Free/NNP Market/NNP ,/, Warns/NNP Head/NNP of/IN Tiny/NNP Start-/NNP Up/IN Microsoft/NNP
1979/CD :/: U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Embassy/NNP in/IN Iran/NNP Under/IN New/NNP Management/NNP
1981/CD :/: MTV/NNP Brings/NNP Western/JJ Civilization/NN to/TO Official/NNP Halt/NNP
1981/CD :/: Reagan/NNP Shot/NNP En/NNP Route/NNP to/TO NRA/NNP Fund-/NNP Raiser/NNP
1981/CD :/: Sandra/NNP Day/NNP O/NNP '/POS Connor/NNP Receives/NNP Congratulatory/NNP Pat/NNP on/IN the/DT Behind/IN From/IN Fellow/NNP Justices/NNPS
1984/CD :/: "/" Mondale/NNP Fever/NN "/" Sweeps/NNP Minnesota/NNP ,/, District/NNP of/IN Columbia/NNP
1985/CD :/: "/" We/PRP Are/VBP the/DT World/NNP "/" Gives/VBZ Hope/NNP to/TO Rock/NNP Has-/NNP Beens/NNP Starving/NNP for/IN a/DT Hit/VBP
1987/CD :/: Ollie/NNP North/NNP Wins/NNP Daytime/NNP Emmy/NNP
1988/CD :/: Democratic/NNP Platform/NNP Not/RB High/NNP Enough/JJ To/TO Make/VB Dukakis/NNP Visible/NNP
1989/CD :/: Chinese/JJ Authorities/NNP Kick/NNP Off/IN "/" Keep/VB Tiananmen/NNP Square/NNP Clean/NNP "/" Week/NNP With/IN Special/JJ Tank/NNP Sweepers/NNP
1989/CD :/: Scientist/NNP Achieves/NNP Cold/NNP Fusion/NNP on/IN Honeymoon/NNP
1991/CD :/: Iraqi/JJ Army/NNP Stages/NNP Spirited/JJ 3/CD &slash;/NN 8/CD -/: of-a-/JJ Second/NNP Counteroffensive/NNP
1993/CD :/: "/" For/IN God/NNP 's/POS Sake/NNP ,/, Use/NN a/DT Decent/JJ Camera/NN !/.
"/" Pleads/NNP Extraterrestrial/NNP
1994/CD :/: Abstinence/NNP TV/NNP Spots/NNS Boost/VB Teen/NNP Celibacy/NNP to/TO a/DT Record/NNP 0/CD ./.
0002/CD percent/NN
1996/CD :/: Desperate/JJ Postmaster/NNP General/NNP Tries/NNP To/TO Hand/NNP Deliver/VB E-M/NNP ail/NN
1997/CD :/: AOL/NNP Offers/NNP 50/CD Hours/NNS of/IN Free/NNP Downtime/NNP
1998/CD :/: Wave/NNP of/IN 1970/CD s/VBZ Nostalgia/NNP Drives/NNP up/RB Oil/NNP Prices/NNS
1998/CD :/: Primitive/NNP Amazon/NNP Tribe/NNP Still/RB Using/VBG Apple/NNP IIs/NNP
1998/CD :/: Visa/NNP To/TO Assume/VB National/NNP Debt/NNP for/IN 5/CD ./.
9/CD percent/NN ,/, No/DT Annual/JJ Fee/NN
1998/CD :/: Hair/NNP Club/NNP for/IN Men/NN Must/MD Admit/NNP Women/NNP ,/, High/NNP Court/NNP Rules/NNPS
1998/CD :/: "/" Bad/NNP Luck/NNP Gene/NNP "/" Identified/NNP
1998/CD :/: China/NNP 's/POS Abacuses/NNP Still/RB Reeling/NNP From/IN Year/NN 2000/CD B/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
1999/CD :/: Internet/NNP Fills/NNP up/RB Last/JJ 3/CD percent/NN of/IN Terrifying/NNP Void/NNP of/IN Existence/NNP
1999/CD :/: ACLU/NNP Targets/NNP Lactose/NNP Intolerance/NNP
1999/CD :/: Harvard/NNP To/TO Accept/NNP Mortal/NNP Kombat/NNP Scores/NNPS in/IN Place/NN of/IN SATs/NNP
1999/CD :/: Western/NNP Union/NNP Introduces/NNP Singing/NNP Mammogram/NNP
1999/CD :/: FDA/NNP Approves/NNP Nicotine/NNP Eye/NNP Patch/NNP
1999/CD :/: Drugs/NNP Win/NNP Drug/NNP War/NNP
1999/CD :/: Turnout/NNP for/IN Apocalypse/NNP Lighter/NNP Than/IN Expected/NNP ;/: Most/JJS Prefer/NNP To/TO Be/VB Elsewhere/RB When/WRB World/NNP Ends/NNPS
Is/VBZ there/EX an/DT important/JJ headline/NN that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP overlooked/VBN ?/.
Please/VB send/VB your/PRP$ nominations/NNS to/TO 100/CD TopHeds/NNP @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Click/NNP to/TO read/VB the/DT best/JJS of/IN the/DT nominations/NNS ./.
Who/WP in/IN their/PRP$ right/JJ mind/NN would/MD bite/VB off/IN a/DT chunk/NN of/IN another/DT person/NN 's/POS ear/NN ?/.
Vincent/NNP van/NN Gogh/NNP is/VBZ famous/JJ for/IN slicing/VBG off/RP his/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
But/CC van/NN Gogh/NNP was/VBD not/RB in/IN his/PRP$ "/" right/JJ mind/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP suffered/VBD from/IN manic-depressive/NN illness/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ likely/JJ ,/, from/IN past/JJ revelations/NNS ,/, that/IN Mike/NNP Tyson/NNP may/MD be/VB similarly/RB afflicted/VBN ./.
This/DT creates/VBZ an/DT interesting/JJ moral/JJ dilemma/NN for/IN Tyson/NNP ,/, boxing/VBG officials/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT public/NN ./.
A/DT connection/NN between/IN mania/NN and/CC artistic/JJ achievement/NN has/VBZ been/VBN known/VBN since/IN ancient/JJ times/NNS ./.
Psychologist/NNP Kay/NNP Redfield/NNP Jamison/NNP ,/, in/IN Touched/NNP With/IN Fire/NNP :/: Manic-/NNP Depressive/NNP Illness/NNP and/CC the/DT Artistic/NNP Temperament/NNP ,/, maintains/VBZ that/DT mania/NN is/VBZ an/DT essential/JJ driving/NN force/NN for/IN many/JJ artists/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT fiery/NN aspects/NNS of/IN thought/VBD and/CC feeling/NN that/IN initially/RB compel/VB the/DT artistic/JJ voyage--fierce/JJ energy/NN ,/, high/JJ mood/NN ,/, and/CC quick/JJ intelligence/NN ;/: a/DT sense/NN of/IN the/DT visionary/JJ and/CC the/DT grand/JJ ;/: a/DT restless/JJ and/CC feverish/NN temperament--commonly/JJ carry/NN with/IN them/PRP the/DT capacity/NN for/IN vastly/RB darker/JJR moods/NNS ,/, grimmer/NN energies/NNS ,/, and/CC ,/, occasionally/RB ,/, bouts/NNS of/IN '/POS madness/NN ./.
'/POS "/" Ernest/NNP Hemingway/NNP ,/, Virginia/NNP Woolf/NNP ,/, and/CC Mark/NNP Rothko/NNP all/DT suffered/VBD from/IN manic/JJ depression/NN ./.
The/DT disease/NN fueled/VBD their/PRP$ artistic/JJ achievements/NNS even/RB as/IN it/PRP led/VBD to/TO their/PRP$ suicides/NNS ./.
There/EX may/MD well/RB be/VB a/DT similar/JJ relationship/NN ,/, for/IN similar/JJ reasons/NNS ,/, between/IN manic/JJ depression/NN and/CC sporting/VBG achievement/NN ./.
Golfer/NNP Bert/NNP Yancey/NNP was/VBD the/DT only/RB well-known/JJ athlete/NN to/TO publicly/RB acknowledge/VBP this/DT affliction/NN ./.
But/CC New/NNP York/NNP Mets/NNP pitcher/NN Pete/NNP Harnisch/NNP made/VBD headlines/NNS this/DT year/NN when/WRB he/PRP became/VBD disabled/JJ because/IN of/IN unspecified/JJ depression/NN ./.
And/CC Dr/NNP ./.
Richard/NNP Wyatt/NNP ,/, a/DT psychiatrist/NN who/WP has/VBZ worked/VBN with/IN athletes/NNS ,/, says/VBZ there/EX are/VBP many/JJ other/JJ cases/NNS ./.
In/IN 1988/CD Tyson/NNP told/VBD an/DT ABC/NNP television/NN audience/NN that/IN he/PRP had/VBD had/VBD a/DT psychiatric/JJ illness/NN all/DT his/PRP$ life/NN ,/, that/IN he/PRP 'd/MD discussed/VBN manic/JJ depression/NN with/IN his/PRP$ psychiatrist/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN this/DT illness/NN caused/VBD him/PRP to/TO do/VB things/NNS he/PRP would/MD normally/RB never/RB do/VB ./.
Tyson/NNP 's/POS former/JJ wife/NN ,/, actress/NN Robin/NNP Givens/NNP ,/, said/VBD point-blank/JJ in/IN the/DT same/JJ joint/JJ interview/NN ,/, "/" Mike/NNP is/VBZ a/DT manic-depressive/NN ./.
Tyson/NNP 's/POS well-publicized/JJ actions/NNS over/IN the/DT years/NNS are/VBP consistent/JJ with/IN a/DT manic-depressive/NN illness/NN ./.
Tyson/NNP confessed/VBD to/TO David/NNP Remnick/NNP of/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, "/" There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT doubt/NN about/IN it/PRP ;/: I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT wild/JJ man/NN ./.
"/" According/VBG to/TO Remnick/NNP ,/, Tyson/NNP 's/POS former/JJ trainer/NN Teddy/NNP Atlas/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" [/( Tyson/NNP 's/POS ]/) like/IN a/DT double/JJ feature/NN now/RB ,/, like/IN you/PRP 're/VBP getting/VBG Heidi/NNP and/CC Godzilla/NNP at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ./.
Manic/NNP depression/NN is/VBZ not/RB rooted/VBN in/IN a/DT Freudian/NNP childhood/NN trauma/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT genetically/RB determined/VBN ,/, chronic/JJ ,/, and/CC incurable/JJ disease/NN that/WDT affects/VBZ about/IN 1/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT adult/NN population--striking/JJ people/NNS hardest/JJS in/IN their/PRP$ 30/CD s/VBZ ./.
The/DT symptoms/NNS often/RB can/MD be/VB contained/VBN by/IN medication/NN ./.
Without/IN medication/NN ,/, people/NNS suffering/VBG from/IN manic/JJ depression/NN face/NN poor/JJ outcomes/NNS ./.
Some/DT studies/NNS report/VBP that/IN 20/CD percent/NN of/IN untreated/JJ sufferers/NNS commit/VBP suicide/NN ,/, making/VBG untreated/JJ manic/JJ depression/NN as/RB lethal/JJ as/IN many/JJ forms/NNS of/IN cancer/NN and/CC heart/NN disease/NN ./.
The/DT disease/NN also/RB worsens/NNS over/IN time/NN ,/, with/IN both/DT mania/NN and/CC depression/NN becoming/VBG more/RBR pronounced/JJ and/CC less/RBR responsive/JJ to/TO medication/NN ./.
Victims/NNP are/VBP especially/RB prone/JJ to/TO drug/NN and/CC alcohol/NN abuse/NN ,/, with/IN all/PDT the/DT attendant/NN complications/NNS ./.
Would/MD it/PRP make/VB a/DT difference/NN if/IN Tyson/NNP were/VBD not/RB just/RB a/DT chump/NN who/WP chomped/JJ on/IN the/DT ear/NN of/IN a/DT champ/NN ,/, but/CC were/VBD suffering/VBG from/IN an/DT often/RB fatal/JJ disease/NN that/WDT can/MD be/VB effectively/RB treated/VBN ?/.
It/PRP would/MD ./.
Tyson/NNP faces/VBZ a/DT Hobson/NNP 's/POS choice/NN :/: he/PRP could/MD seek/VB treatment/NN that/WDT could/MD diminish/VB his/PRP$ boxing/VBG skills/NNS or/CC avoid/VB treatment/NN and/CC become/VB sicker/NN ./.
Treatment/NNP requires/VBZ daily/JJ doses/NNS of/IN lithium/NN (/( or/CC other/JJ mood-stabilizing/JJ drugs/NNS )/) ./.
The/DT effect/NN on/IN his/PRP$ athletic/JJ performance/NN might/MD be/VB severe/JJ ./.
The/DT medication--by/JJ design--diminishes/JJ many/JJ of/IN the/DT qualities/NNS that/WDT helped/VBD Tyson/NNP to/TO reach/VB the/DT top/NN of/IN his/PRP$ game/NN ,/, including/VBG feelings/NNS of/IN increased/VBN energy/NN ,/, invulnerability/NN ,/, elation/NN ,/, exhilaration/NN ,/, inflated/VBN self-esteem/NN ,/, hostility/NN ,/, and/CC violence/NN ./.
Tyson/NNP acknowledged/VBD the/DT risk/NN in/IN 1988/CD when/WRB he/PRP said/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB taking/VBG any/DT medicine/NN because/IN I/PRP feel/VBP medicine/NN 's/POS going/VBG to/TO change/VB me/PRP ./.
For/IN some/DT patients/NNS ,/, lithium/NN also/RB has/VBZ undesirable/JJ side/NN effects/NNS ./.
Wyatt/NNP found/VBD that/IN some/DT athletes/NNS experienced/VBD tremors/NNS and/CC reacted/VBD more/RBR slowly/RB physically/RB and/CC mentally/RB ,/, while/IN others/NNS improved/VBD their/PRP$ performance/NN under/IN drug/NN maintenance/NN ./.
Going/VBG off/IN lithium/NN to/TO prepare/VB for/IN a/DT bout/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT way/NN out/IN of/IN this/DT dilemma/NN ,/, since/IN in/IN many/JJ cases/NNS lithium/NN is/VBZ not/RB as/IN effective/JJ the/DT second/JJ time/NN around/RP ./.
All/DT athletes/NNS are/VBP required/VBN to/TO pass/VB physicals/NNS to/TO ensure/VB that/IN they/PRP do/VBP not/RB place/VB themselves/PRP or/CC other/JJ participants/NNS at/IN risk/NN ./.
A/DT boxer/NN cannot/NN fight/NN with/IN a/DT heart/NN condition/NN or/CC dementia/NN ./.
So/RB why/WRB should/MD a/DT boxer/NN with/IN manic-depressive/NN illness--and/JJ a/DT history/NN of/IN egregious/JJ conduct/NN consistent/JJ with/IN the/DT disease--be/JJ licensed/VBN to/TO fight/VB without/IN medical/JJ clearance/NN ?/.
Then/RB there/EX 's/VBZ the/DT public/NN 's/POS infatuation/NN with/IN train/NN wrecks/NNS ./.
We/PRP anticipate/VBP accidents/NNS at/IN stock/NN car/NN races/NNS ./.
We/PRP go/VBP to/TO the/DT "/" fights/NNS "/" and/CC a/DT hockey/NN game/NN breaks/NNS out/RP ./.
We/PRP egg/NN on/IN Dennis/NNP Rodman/NNP ,/, watching/VBG him/PRP parade/NN like/IN a/DT peacock/NN and/CC break/VB down/RB in/IN tears/NNS on/IN national/JJ TV/NN ./.
We/PRP goad/NN baseball/NN player/NN Albert/NNP Belle/NNP so/RB much/JJ that/IN All-/NNP Star-game/NNP manager/NN Joe/NNP Torre/NNP must/MD confine/NN him/PRP to/TO the/DT dugout/NN ./.
NBA/NNP forward/RB Dennis/NNP Scott/NNP makes/VBZ headlines/NNS for/IN uncharacteristic/JJ rants/NNS ./.
The/DT press/NN and/CC public/JJ love/NN it/PRP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, the/DT adulation/NN feeds/VBZ a/DT sense/NN of/IN invincibility--especially/JJ if/IN the/DT athlete/NN already/RB happens/VBZ to/TO suffer/VB from/IN manic/JJ depression/NN ./.
After/IN a/DT crash/NN ,/, the/DT crowd/NN 's/POS silence/NN feeds/VBZ an/DT athlete/NN 's/POS paranoia/NN ,/, depression/NN ,/, and/CC despair/NN ./.
Tyson/NNP 's/POS choice/NN is/VBZ whether/IN to/TO save/VB his/PRP$ life/NN or/CC save/VB his/PRP$ career/NN ./.
The/DT choice/NN for/IN others/NNS is/VBZ whether/IN to/TO force/VB him/PRP to/TO make/VB the/DT right/JJ choice/NN ,/, or/CC to/TO continue/VB deriving/VBG profit/NN and/CC entertainment/NN from/IN his/PRP$ illness/NN ./.
So/RB far/RB ,/, there/EX have/VBP been/VBN three/CD distinct/JJ phases/NNS to/TO Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ phase/NN ,/, which/WDT lasted/VBD until/IN early/JJ autumn/NN ,/, Gore/NNP high-handedly/JJ ignored/VBD the/DT fellow/NN running/VBG against/IN him/PRP in/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ primaries/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT second/JJ phase/NN ,/, which/WDT lasted/VBD until/IN mid-/NN November/NNP ,/, Gore/NNP shook/VBD up/RP his/PRP$ staff/NN ,/, welcomed/VBD Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP 's/POS exciting/JJ challenge/NN ,/, and/CC began/VBD responding/VBG to/TO it/PRP as/IN a/DT vigorous/JJ competitor/NN ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, Gore/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN has/VBZ now/RB entered/VBN a/DT third/JJ ,/, much/RB more/RBR aggressive/JJ phase/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT he/PRP nips/NNS too/RB eagerly/RB at/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS ankles/NNS and/CC attempts/NNS to/TO bury/VB his/PRP$ rival/JJ under/IN a/DT mountain/NN of/IN inconsistent/JJ and/CC often/RB spurious/JJ charges/NNS ./.
In/IN recent/JJ days/NNS ,/, Gore/NNP has/VBZ passed/VBN up/RP no/DT opportunity/NN to/TO whack/VB Bradley/NNP ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ criticized/VBD him/PRP over/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN his/PRP$ health-care/NN plan/NN ,/, its/PRP$ consequences/NNS for/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN different/JJ minority/NN groups/NNS ,/, for/IN his/PRP$ past/JJ positions/NNS on/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, for/IN his/PRP$ lack/NN of/IN a/DT position/NN on/IN Medicare/NNP ,/, and/CC even/RB for/IN not/RB saying/VBG whether/IN he/PRP would/MD reappoint/NN Alan/NNP Greenspan--a/NNP decision/NN that/WDT will/MD belong/VB to/TO the/DT current/JJ president/NN ,/, not/RB the/DT next/JJ one/CD ./.
As/IN my/PRP$ colleague/NN Will/MD Saletan/NNP recently/RB argued/VBD in/IN a/DT "/" Frame/NNP Game/NNP "/" column/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ nothing/NN wrong/JJ with/IN negative/JJ campaigning/NN per/IN se/FW ./.
But/CC if/IN some/DT of/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS criticisms/NNS of/IN Bradley/NNP are/VBP fair/JJ ,/, others/NNS are/VBP totally/RB unfair/JJ ,/, and/CC all/DT are/VBP part/NN of/IN a/DT transparent/JJ effort/NN to/TO keep/VB his/PRP$ opponent/NN on/IN the/DT defensive/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ obnoxious/JJ political/JJ behavior/NN ./.
So/RB why/WRB is/VBZ Gore/NNP baiting/VBG Bradley/NNP like/IN a/DT schoolyard/NN bully/NN ?/.
You/PRP can/MD get/VB a/DT better/JJR sense/NN of/IN what/WP Gore/NNP is/VBZ doing/VBG by/IN looking/VBG closely/RB at/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ latest/JJS onslaughts/NNS ,/, over/IN the/DT largely/RB phony/JJ issue/NN of/IN whether/IN Bradley/NNP intends/VBZ to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP sat/VBD down/RB for/IN an/DT interview/NN with/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ./.
Asked/VBN what/WP he/PRP would/MD do/VB if/IN his/PRP$ health-care/NN plan/NN required/VBD a/DT tax/NN increase/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP quite/RB reasonably/RB responded/VBD that/IN he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB believe/VB it/PRP will/MD require/VB a/DT tax/NN increase/NN ,/, but/CC that/IN if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ ,/, his/PRP$ options/NNS would/MD include/VB cutting/VBG other/JJ spending/NN or/CC raising/VBG taxes/NNS ,/, and/CC that/IN he/PRP would/MD make/VB a/DT judgment/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD doing/VBG what/WP any/DT wise/JJ politician/NN does/VBZ ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ refusing/VBG to/TO indulge/VB a/DT hypothetical/JJ question--though/JJ even/RB his/PRP$ non-answer/JJ was/VBD more/JJR than/IN he/PRP should/MD have/VB said/VBN ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS response/NN looked/VBD like/IN a/DT juicy/JJ patch/NN of/IN exposed/VBN flesh/NN for/IN his/PRP$ crazed/JJ pit/NN bull/NN of/IN a/DT rival/NN ./.
"/" In/IN today/NN 's/POS Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, Senator/NNP Bradley/NNP stated/VBD he/PRP would/MD be/VB willing/JJ to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS to/TO pay/VB for/IN his/PRP$ trillion-dollar/JJ health-care/NN plan/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD a/DT press/NN release/NN sent/VBD out/IN by/IN the/DT Gore/NNP campaign/NN on/IN Dec/NNP ./.
3/CD ./.
"/" That/DT might/MD be/VB his/PRP$ worst/JJS idea/NN yet/RB ./.
Gore/NNP 's/POS criticism/NN of/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS comments/NNS was/VBD unfair/JJ ./.
Though/IN various/JJ analyses/NNS have/VBP suggested/VBN that/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS health-care/NN plan/NN may/MD require/VB more/JJR funding/NN than/IN Bradley/NNP has/VBZ yet/RB acknowledged/VBN in/IN order/NN to/TO be/VB effective/JJ ,/, Bradley/NNP has/VBZ offered/VBN a/DT plausible/JJ plan/NN to/TO pay/VB for/IN his/PRP$ proposal/NN out/IN of/IN projected/VBN budget/NN surpluses/NNS ./.
And/CC in/IN his/PRP$ interview/NN with/IN the/DT Post/NNP ,/, Bradley/NNP did/VBD n't/RB put/VB forward/RB raising/VBG taxes/NNS as/RB an/DT "/" idea/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP said/VBD that/IN because/IN he/PRP could/MD n't/RB predict/VB what/WP would/MD happen/VB to/TO the/DT economy/NN ,/, it/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB prudent/JJ to/TO rule/VB out/IN raising/VBG taxes/NNS in/IN the/DT future/NN categorically/RB ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN answered/VBD Gore/NNP 's/POS tax-raising/JJ charge/NN by/IN pointing/VBG out/RP that/IN Bradley/NNP and/CC Gore/NNP have/VBP essentially/RB the/DT same/JJ position/NN on/IN future/JJ tax/NN increases/NNS ./.
Neither/DT thinks/VBZ raising/VBG taxes/NNS will/MD be/VB necessary/JJ to/TO pay/VB for/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ various/JJ initiatives/NNS ,/, including/VBG health-care/NN reforms/NNS ./.
Nor/CC has/VBZ either/CC of/IN them/PRP made/VBD a/DT read-my-lips/JJ pledge/NN not/RB to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS under/IN any/DT circumstances/NNS (/( and/CC indeed/RB ,/, Gore/NNP ,/, campaigning/NN in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, specifically/RB declined/VBD to/TO make/VB such/PDT a/DT pledge/NN today/NN )/) ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN might/MD have/VB gone/VBN much/JJ further/RB in/IN pointing/VBG out/RP the/DT disingenuousness/NNS of/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS attack/NN ./.
Having/VBG campaigned/VBN with/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP on/IN a/DT middle-class/NN tax/NN cut/NN in/IN 1992/CD ,/, Gore/NNP reversed/VBD himself/PRP and/CC supported/VBD a/DT (/( necessary/JJ )/) tax/NN increase/NN in/IN 1993/CD ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, Gore/NNP has/VBZ supported/VBN tax/NN increases/NNS on/IN tobacco/NN as/RB recently/RB as/IN this/DT year/NN ./.
Also/RB ,/, it/PRP just/RB seems/VBZ crazy/JJ for/IN Democrats/NNPS to/TO start/VB demanding/VBG "/" no/DT new/JJ taxes/NNS "/" pledges/NNS from/IN other/JJ Democrats/NNPS ./.
Then/RB again/RB ,/, Republican/JJ candidates/NNS are/VBP now/RB charging/VBG each/DT other/JJ with/IN endangering/VBG Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, which/WDT suggests/VBZ that/IN each/DT party/NN has/VBZ to/TO some/DT extent/NN been/VBN brainwashed/JJ by/IN the/DT other/JJ 's/POS propaganda/NN ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS mild/JJ rebuttal/NN provided/VBD an/DT opportunity/NN for/IN Gore/NNP to/TO slam/VBP him/PRP even/RB harder/RBR ./.
"/" Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP 's/POS zigs/NNS and/CC zags/NNS over/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS raise/VBP questions/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ steadiness/NN as/IN a/DT possible/JJ steward/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ economy/NN ,/, "/" Gore/NNP spokesman/NN Chris/NNP Lehane/NNP said/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ next/JJ release/NN ,/, dated/VBN Dec/NNP ./.
6/CD ./.
"/" One/CD day/NN he/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP 'll/MD consider/VB new/JJ taxes/NNS to/TO pay/VB for/IN his/PRP$ flawed/VBN ,/, trillion-dollar/JJ health-care/NN plan/NN ./.
The/DT next/JJ day/NN he/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB really/RB mean/VB it/PRP ./.
These/DT are/VBP confusing/JJ enough/JJ messages/NNS from/IN Candidate/NNP Bradley/NNP ./.
Just/RB think/VBP what/WP those/DT statements/NNS would/MD do/VB to/TO the/DT markets/NNS if/IN they/PRP came/VBD from/IN a/DT President/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC in/IN a/DT subsequent/JJ press/NN release/NN issued/VBD the/DT same/JJ day/NN ,/, entitled/VBN "/" Can/MD We/PRP Trust/NNP Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP To/TO Keep/VB the/DT Economy/NNP Strong/JJ ?/.
"/" Lehane/NNP added/VBD :/: "/" Within/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, Bradley/NNP 's/POS statements/NNS raise/VBP questions/NNS as/IN to/TO whether/IN or/CC not/RB he/PRP has/VBZ the/DT vision/NN and/CC the/DT experience/NN to/TO keep/VB the/DT economy/NN strong/JJ ./.
"/" Gore/NNP repeated/VBD these/DT charges/NNS in/IN person/NN at/IN an/DT appearance/NN yesterday/NN at/IN New/NNP York/NNP University/NNP Law/NNP School/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP received/VBD an/DT endorsement/NN from/IN former/JJ Treasury/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Rubin/NNP ./.
Gore/NNP accused/VBD Bradley/NNP of/IN "/" proposing/VBG "/" a/DT tax/NN increase/NN and/CC described/VBD Bradley/NNP 's/POS and/CC Bush/NNP 's/POS approaches/NNS to/TO the/DT economy/NN as/IN "/" if/IN it/PRP ai/VBP n't/RB broke/VBD ,/, let/VB 's/POS break/VB it/PRP ./.
The/DT unfairness/NNS of/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS accusations/NNS escalates/NNS in/IN response/NN to/TO Bradley/NNP 's/POS attempts/NNS to/TO defend/VB himself/PRP ./.
Whether/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS position/NN on/IN tax/NN increases/NNS is/VBZ reasonable/JJ or/CC not/RB ,/, he/PRP clearly/RB has/VBZ n't/RB zigzagged/JJ on/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN entirely/RB consistent/JJ ./.
But/CC a/DT near-universal/JJ assumption/NN in/IN politics/NNS says/VBZ that/IN a/DT candidate/NN has/VBZ to/TO respond/VB to/TO charges/NNS made/VBN by/IN serious/JJ opponents/NNS ,/, lest/IN those/DT charges/NNS be/VB generally/RB accepted/VBN as/IN true/JJ ./.
So/RB Bradley/NNP once/RB again/RB answered/VBN Gore/NNP 's/POS accusation/NN ,/, this/DT time/NN by/IN getting/VBG two/CD supporters/NNS with/IN credibility/NN on/IN economic/JJ issues--former/JJ Fed/NNP Chairman/NNP Paul/NNP Volcker/NNP and/CC Henry/NNP Kaufman--to/NNP issue/NN a/DT statement/NN defending/VBG him/PRP ./.
This/DT prompted/VBD the/DT Gore/NNP campaign/NN to/TO put/VB out/IN yet/RB another/DT release/NN accusing/VBG Bradley/NNP of/IN stonewalling/VBG and/CC ,/, somewhat/RB bizarrely/RB ,/, of/IN "/" name-calling/NN ./.
Gore/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB assuming/VBG that/IN if/IN Bradley/NNP has/VBZ to/TO spend/VB his/PRP$ time/NN answering/VBG such/JJ charges/NNS ,/, he/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO get/VB his/PRP$ "/" positive/JJ "/" message/NN out/RP ./.
But/CC Gore/NNP 's/POS stratagem/NN is/VBZ even/RB more/RBR diabolical/JJ than/IN that/DT ./.
As/IN one/CD Gore/NNP aide/NN explained/VBD to/TO me/PRP ,/, the/DT pepper-spray/JJ of/IN criticism/NN leaves/VBZ Bradley/NNP with/IN a/DT Hobson/NNP 's/POS choice/NN ./.
Either/CC he/PRP ignores/VBZ it/PRP ,/, in/IN which/WDT case/NN the/DT charges/NNS damage/VBP him/PRP ,/, or/CC he/PRP responds/VBZ in/IN kind/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT case/NN he/PRP diminishes/VBZ his/PRP$ carefully/RB cultivated/VBN reputation/NN for/IN high-mindedness/NN ./.
Once/RB Bradley/NNP descends/VBZ from/IN his/PRP$ pedestal/NN and/CC begins/VBZ trading/NN insults/NNS with/IN Gore/NNP ,/, he/PRP loses/VBZ his/PRP$ aura/NN of/IN saintliness/NNS and/CC becomes/VBZ just/RB another/DT scrapping/VBG politician/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB Bradley/NNP has/VBZ quite/RB figured/VBN out/IN how/WRB to/TO deal/VB with/IN this/DT dilemma/NN ./.
His/PRP$ press/NN secretary/NN ,/, Eric/NNP Hauser/NNP ,/, told/VBD me/PRP that/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS assault/NN "/" is/VBZ not/RB changing/VBG our/PRP$ strategy/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB changing/VBG the/DT dynamics/NNS of/IN the/DT race/NN ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP himself/PRP told/VBD the/DT Post/NNP that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ intent/NN on/IN running/VBG a/DT positive/JJ campaign/NN and/CC that/IN he/PRP intends/VBZ to/TO shoot/VB back/RB only/RB when/WRB Gore/NNP hits/NNS him/PRP with/IN something/NN "/" outrageous/JJ ./.
"/" What/WP Bradley/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB seem/VB to/TO have/VB banked/JJ on/IN is/VBZ Gore/NNP 's/POS accusing/VBG him/PRP of/IN something/NN outrageous/JJ every/DT few/JJ hours/NNS ./.
The/DT word/NN "/" Enough/JJ ,/, "/" splashed/VBD across/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN of/IN the/DT Algerian/NNP government/NN newspaper/NN El/NNP Moudjahid/NNP ,/, referred/VBD not/RB ,/, as/IN one/PRP might/MD have/VB expected/VBN ,/, to/TO the/DT continuing/VBG massacres/NNS by/IN Islamic/NNP extremists/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP reported/VBN to/TO have/VB claimed/VBN at/IN least/JJS 600/CD dead/JJ since/IN the/DT holy/JJ month/NN of/IN Ramadan/NNP began/VBD Dec/NNP ./.
30/CD ,/, but/CC to/TO the/DT agitation/NN the/DT killings/NNS have/VBP provoked/VBN in/IN western/JJ Europe/NNP and/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
"/" Only/RB Paris/NNP has/VBZ no/DT Algeria/NNP plan/NN ,/, "/" ran/VBD a/DT headline/NN in/IN Germany/NNP 's/POS Die/VBP Welt/NNP over/IN a/DT story/NN about/IN France/NNP 's/POS fear/NN of/IN offending/VBG its/PRP$ former/JJ North/NNP African/JJ colony/NN ./.
Everyone/NN else/RB was/VBD urging/VBG Algeria/NNP to/TO agree/VB to/TO an/DT international/JJ commission/NN of/IN inquiry/NN ,/, an/DT offer/NN that/IN it/PRP angrily/RB rejected/VBD ./.
El/NNP Moudjahid/NNP suggested/VBD that/IN the/DT countries/NNS trying/VBG to/TO meddle/VB in/IN Algerian/NNP affairs/NNS "/" begin/VB by/IN worrying/VBG about/IN the/DT terrorists/NNS they/PRP harbour/NN and/CC protect/VB in/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ territories/NNS in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT right/NN of/IN asylum/NN and/CC the/DT rights/NNS of/IN man/NN ./.
The/DT Vatican/NNP 's/POS official/JJ newspaper/NN ,/, L/NNP '/POS Osservatore/NNP Romano/NNP (/( ignoring/VBG the/DT murder/NN of/IN a/DT gentleman-in-waiting/JJ to/TO the/DT pope/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD given/VBN big/JJ play/NN in/IN all/DT other/JJ European/JJ newspapers/NNS because/IN of/IN its/PRP$ apparent/JJ homosexual/JJ overtones/NNS )/) ,/, called/VBN for/IN "/" a/DT clear/JJ and/CC decisive/JJ intervention/NN "/" in/IN Algeria/NNP to/TO stop/VB the/DT massacres/NNS from/IN sliding/VBG into/IN "/" genocide/NN ./.
"/" Most/JJS of/IN the/DT press/NN in/IN the/DT Arab/JJ world/NN remained/VBD silent/JJ on/IN the/DT subject/NN ,/, an/DT exception/NN being/VBG the/DT Saudi/NNP daily/JJ Al-/NNP Jazirah/NNP ,/, which/WDT appealed/VBD to/TO Algiers/NNP "/" to/TO accept/VB the/DT offers/NNS of/IN Arab/JJ countries/NNS and/CC to/TO co-operate/JJ with/IN them/PRP to/TO study/VB ways/NNS of/IN pursuing/VBG the/DT authors/NNS of/IN these/DT terrorist/JJ crimes/NNS ./.
On/IN the/DT subject/NN of/IN terrorist/JJ crimes/NNS ,/, the/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP of/IN London/NNP carried/VBD an/DT op-ed/JJ feature/NN by/IN former/JJ Washington/NNP correspondent/NN and/CC veteran/NN conspiracy/NN theorist/NN Ambrose/NNP Evans-/NNP Pritchard/NNP (/( whose/WP$ Secret/NNP Life/NNP of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP :/: The/DT Unreported/JJ Stories/NNP was/VBD reviewed/VBN in/IN Slate/NNP )/) under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" The/DT Oklahoma/NNP Bomb/NNP :/: has/VBZ justice/NN been/VBN done/VBN ?/.
"/" It/PRP claimed/VBD that/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP and/CC the/DT FBI/NNP had/VBD deliberately/RB covered/VBN up/RP the/DT fact/NN that/IN the/DT bombing/NN had/VBD been/VBN a/DT broad/JJ conspiracy/NN ,/, involving/VBG several/JJ other/JJ people/NNS ,/, in/IN order--for/JJ unexplained/JJ reasons--to/JJ put/NN all/PDT the/DT blame/NN for/IN it/PRP on/IN Terry/NNP Nichols/NNP and/CC Tim/NNP McVeigh/NNP ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN opposite/JJ this/DT piece/NN ,/, the/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP noted/VBD that/IN even/RB the/DT meltdown/NN of/IN the/DT Asian/JJ financial/JJ system/NN had/VBD failed/VBN to/TO stem/VB the/DT fall/NN in/IN the/DT price/NN of/IN gold/NN ,/, and/CC said/VBD :/: "/" The/DT insatiable/JJ demand/NN for/IN dollars/NNS ,/, and/CC for/IN dollar/NN instruments/NNS backed/VBN by/IN Washington/NNP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT defining/VBG vote/NN of/IN confidence/NN in/IN the/DT American/JJ political/JJ economy/NN ./.
"/" "/" The/DT US/NNP economy/NN now/RB rules/VBZ supreme/NN ,/, vindicating/VBG the/DT chaotic/JJ dynamism/NN of/IN American/JJ culture/NN ,/, so/RB much/RB better/RBR suited/VBN to/TO the/DT technologies/NNS of/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ than/IN the/DT dirigiste/NN and/CC over-regulated/JJ system/NN of/IN Japan/NNP ,/, "/" it/PRP added/VBD ./.
"/" But/CC some/DT of/IN the/DT credit/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, must/MD go/VB to/TO Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ re-asserted/JJ the/DT primacy/NN of/IN the/DT US/NNP Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP ,/, which/WDT he/PRP chairs/VBZ ,/, by/IN pursuing/VBG a/DT monetary/JJ policy/NN of/IN near-perfect/JJ calibration/NN for/IN the/DT past/JJ decade/NN ./.
Across/IN the/DT English/NNP Channel/NNP ,/, the/DT influential/JJ Le/NNP Monde/NNP said/VBD that/DT nothing/NN seemed/VBD able/JJ to/TO stop/VB "/" the/DT financial/JJ torment/VB of/IN Asia/NNP ,/, "/" which/WDT was/VBD now/RB poised/VBN to/TO claim/VB China/NNP as/IN its/PRP$ next/JJ victim/NN unless/IN there/EX was/VBD a/DT "/" rapid/JJ and/CC collective/JJ reaction/NN "/" by/IN the/DT international/JJ community/NN ./.
"/" Like/IN the/DT Titanic/NNP ,/, Asia/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB sinking/VBG inexorably/RB into/IN crisis/NN ,/, "/" its/PRP$ alarmist/NN editorial/NN continued/VBD ./.
"/" There/EX is/VBZ a/DT vicious/JJ circle/NN from/IN which/WDT one/PRP can/MD see/VB no/DT way/NN out/RP ./.
Titanic/NNP -/: -/: James/NNP Cameron/NNP 's/POS $/$ 200/CD -/: million/CD movie/NN ,/, that/IN is--opened/JJ in/IN continental/JJ Europe/NNP this/DT week/NN to/TO rave/VB reviews/NNS ,/, with/IN Le/NNP Monde/NNP describing/VBG it/PRP (/( under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" The/DT world/NN 's/POS most/RBS beautiful/JJ melodrama/NN between/IN Belfast/NNP and/CC New/NNP York/NNP "/" )/) as/IN one/CD of/IN "/" the/DT masterpieces/NNS of/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ./.
"/" Germany/NNP 's/POS Die/VBP Welt/NNP was/VBD equally/RB enthusiastic/JJ and/CC commented/VBD ,/, "/" This/DT Titanic/NNP is/VBZ unsinkable/JJ ./.
Warm/JJ praise/NN was/VBD bestowed/VBN by/IN the/DT left-leaning/JJ Paris/NNP newspaper/NN Libération/NNP on/IN the/DT often/RB derided/VBN paintings/NNS by/IN Sir/NNP Winston/NNP Churchill/NNP ,/, of/IN which/WDT the/DT auction/NN house/NN Sotheby/NNP 's/POS staged/VBD an/DT exhibition/NN in/IN London/NNP this/DT week/NN ./.
"/" The/DT old/JJ lion/NN had/VBD some/DT paw/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" Without/IN going/VBG as/RB far/RB as/IN the/DT Times/NNP [/( of/IN London/NNP ]/) ,/, which/WDT likened/VBD some/DT of/IN his/PRP$ paintings/NNS to/TO Monet/NNP on/IN a/DT bad/JJ day/NN ,/, the/DT exhibition/NN shows/VBZ the/DT work/NN of/IN a/DT real/JJ artist/NN ,/, "/" Libération/NNP added/VBD ./.
The/DT press/NN in/IN Britain/NNP agreed/VBD that/IN Churchill/NNP had/VBD anyway/RB far/RB outstripped/VBD Adolf/NNP Hitler/NNP in/IN artistic/JJ talent/NN ./.
The/DT most/RBS widely/RB published/VBN photograph/NN across/IN western/JJ Europe/NNP was/VBD of/IN Mohammed/NNP al/NN Fayed/NNP ,/, the/DT Egyptian/JJ owner/NN of/IN the/DT London/NNP department/NN store/NN Harrods/NNP (/( and/CC now-never-to-be/JJ father-in-law/NN of/IN Princess/NNP Diana/NNP )/) ,/, holding/VBG on/IN his/PRP$ head/NN a/DT diamond/NN and/CC platinum/NN coronet/NN that/WDT had/VBD been/VBN reduced/VBN in/IN the/DT Harrods/NNP sale/NN from/IN $/$ 400/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO just/RB under/IN $/$ 300/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
He/PRP was/VBD standing/VBG in/IN at/IN the/DT opening/NN of/IN the/DT sale/NN for/IN the/DT actress/NN and/CC singer/NN Cher/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD pulled/VBN out/IN after/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN her/PRP$ former/JJ husband/NN and/CC stage/NN partner/NN Sonny/NNP Bono/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN the/DT spin/NN on/IN Bono/NNP 's/POS fatal/JJ skiing/NN accident/NN ./.
Culturebox/NNP ca/MD n't/RB think/VB of/IN a/DT relationship/NN more/RBR appalling/JJ than/IN the/DT benign/JJ bond/NN alleged/VBN to/TO exist/VB between/IN mentor/NN and/CC prot/NN ,/, g/SYM ,/, ./.
How/WRB humiliating/JJ for/IN the/DT supplicant/NN ,/, to/TO grovel/NN before/IN the/DT living/VBG proof/NN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ inadequacy/NN !/.
How/WRB nervewracking/VBG for/IN his/PRP$ benefactor/NN ,/, that/IN soon/RB he/PRP 'll/MD be/VB forced/VBN to/TO compete/VB with/IN the/DT poor/JJ resentful/JJ bastard/NN !/.
Why/WRB ,/, one/CD wonders/VBZ ,/, do/VBP n't/RB more/JJR prot/NN ,/, g/SYM ,/, s/VBZ grow/VB up/IN to/TO become/VB character/NN assassins/NNS ?/.
The/DT short/JJ answer/NN is/VBZ ,/, they/PRP do/VBP ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ examples/NNS of/IN prot/NN ,/, g/SYM ,/, ingratitude/NN is/VBZ Ernest/NNP Hemingway/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ second/JJ book/NN ,/, The/DT Torrents/NNP of/IN Spring/NNP ,/, was/VBD a/DT vicious/JJ parody/NN of/IN his/PRP$ unusually/RB indulgent/NN mentor/NN ,/, Sherwood/NNP Anderson/NNP ./.
(/( Hemingway/NNP dashed/VBD it/PRP off/RP in/IN ten/CD days/NNS before/IN submitting/VBG it/PRP to/TO his/PRP$ publisher/NN ;/: he/PRP was/VBD deliberately/RB trying/VBG to/TO break/VB his/PRP$ multi-book/JJ contract/NN ./.
)/) Philip/NNP Roth/NNP 's/POS portrait/NN of/IN E/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Lonoff/NNP ,/, a/DT ./.
k/NN ./.
a/DT ./.
Bernard/NNP Malamud/NNP ,/, in/IN The/DT Ghost/NN Writer/NNP ,/, involves/VBZ a/DT subtler/NN form/NN of/IN backstabbing/VBG :/: the/DT unkind/NN portrait/NN masquerading/VBG as/IN homage/NN ./.
(/( See/VB Note/VB 1/CD below/IN to/TO see/VB what/WP Culturebox/NNP means/VBZ ./.
But/CC where/WRB mentor-murder/JJ really/RB thrives/VBZ is/VBZ in/IN the/DT somewhat/RB less/JJR elevated/VBD genre/NN of/IN literary/JJ memoir/NN ./.
Brendan/NNP Gill/NNP 's/POS Here/RB at/IN the/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS delightful/JJ example/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ to/TO Culturebox/NNP 's/POS mind/NN ./.
Damning/NNP with/IN faint/JJ praise/NN and/CC exceptionally/RB witty/JJ prose/NN ,/, Gill/NNP skewers/NNS both/DT Harold/NNP Ross/NNP (/( "/" As/IN for/IN manners/NNS ,/, Ross/NNP might/MD truly/RB be/VB said/VBN not/RB to/TO have/VB had/VBN any/DT "/" )/) and/CC William/NNP Shawn/NNP (/( "/" Shawn/NNP ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, might/MD be/VB a/DT revenant/NN from/IN some/DT small/JJ eighteenth-century/JJ court/NN "/" )/) ./.
Less/RBR amusing/JJ ,/, but/CC more/RBR typical/JJ ,/, is/VBZ an/DT 1983/CD essay/NN by/IN James/NNP Atlas/NNP in/IN The/DT Atlantic/NNP Monthly/JJ ,/, in/IN which/WDT he/PRP offers/VBZ up/RP the/DT spectacle/NN of/IN himself/PRP cringing/VBG at/IN the/DT feet/NNS of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP intellectuals/NNS who/WP helped/VBD him/PRP with/IN his/PRP$ biography/NN of/IN poet/NN Delmore/NNP Schwartz--and/NNP equally/RB nasty/JJ portraits/NNS of/IN the/DT intellectuals/NNS themselves/PRP ./.
(/( See/VB Note/VB 2/CD for/IN a/DT typical/JJ exchange/NN between/IN Atlas/NNP and/CC Alfred/NNP Kazin/NNP ./.
Then/RB there/EX 's/VBZ Paul/NNP Theroux/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ book/NN on/IN his/PRP$ former/JJ mentor/NN V/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Naipaul/NNP is/VBZ excerpted/JJ in/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS New/NNP Yorker/NNP ./.
Never/RB before/IN has/VBZ Culturebox/NNP encountered/VBN such/JJ dizzying/JJ heights/NNS of/IN disingenousness--the/JJ prot/NN ,/, g/SYM ,/, pretending/VBG to/TO be/VB taken/VBN in/IN by/IN the/DT mentor/NN ,/, while/IN storing/VBG up/RP anecdotes/NNS that/WDT prove/VBP his/PRP$ foulness/NNS ./.
The/DT pinnacle/NN of/IN disingenousness/NNS is/VBZ n't/RB Theroux/NNP 's/POS ,/, though--it/JJ 's/VBZ the/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS headline/NN :/: "/" The/DT Enigma/NNP of/IN Friendship/NNP ./.
"/" As/IN if/IN !/.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT nuanced/JJ exploration/NN of/IN the/DT mysterious/JJ bonds/NNS that/WDT form/NN between/IN writers/NNS ./.
The/DT portrait/NN may/MD well/RB be/VB accurate--/JJ Naipaul/NNP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT writer/NN with/IN a/DT reputation/NN for/IN warmheartedness--but/JJ all/DT that/WDT can/MD be/VB concluded/VBN from/IN the/DT exercise/NN is/VBZ that/IN ,/, at/IN best/JJS ,/, one/CD monster/NN deserved/VBD the/DT other/JJ ./.
(/( See/VB Note/VB 3/CD for/IN a/DT choice/NN passage/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD while/IN contemplating/VBG further/JJ instances/NNS of/IN mentor-murder/JJ in/IN this/DT issue/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP -/: -/: see/VB the/DT "/" Talk/NN of/IN the/DT Town/NNP "/" 's/POS paeans/NNS to/TO the/DT departing/VBG Tina/NNP Brown/NNP ,/, particularly/RB Anthony/NNP Lane/NNP 's/POS meditation/NN upon/IN her/PRP$ query/NN ,/, "/" Is/VBZ Housman/NNP hot/JJ ?/.
"/" (/( Note/VB 4/LS )/) -/: -/: that/IN Culturebox/NNP was/VBD moved/VBN to/TO invent/VB a/DT subgenre/NN ,/, spiterature/NN ./.
It/PRP rhymes/VBZ with/IN literature/NN :/: literature/NN as/IN spit/NN ,/, composed/VBN in/IN spite/NN ./.
Readers/NNS are/VBP hereby/NN invited/VBN to/TO submit/VB suggestions/NNS to/TO culturebox/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN for/IN the/DT most/RBS spiteful/JJ work/NN of/IN spiterature/NN they/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB encountered/VBN ./.
A/DT warning/NN ,/, however/RB :/: Should/MD your/PRP$ suggestions/NNS turn/VB out/RP to/TO be/VB superior/JJ to/TO Culturebox/NNP 's/POS ,/, she/PRP might/MD well/RB be/VB forced/VBN to/TO write/VB an/DT expose/VB in/IN which/WDT you/PRP are/VBP roundly/RB damned/RB with/IN her/PRP$ faint/JJ praise/NN ./.
Note/VB 1/CD :/: Here/RB 's/POS Nathan/NNP Zuckerman/NNP on/IN his/PRP$ hero/NN ,/, who/WP ca/MD n't/RB stop/VB fussing/VBG with/IN a/DT malfunctioning/VBG record-player/JJ arm/NN :/:
This/DT ,/, I/PRP realized/VBD ,/, is/VBZ the/DT excruciating/VBG scrupulosity/NN ,/, the/DT same/JJ maddening/VBG ,/, meticulous/JJ attention/NN to/TO every/DT last/JJ detail/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ you/PRP great/JJ ,/, that/WDT keeps/VBZ you/PRP going/VBG and/CC got/VBD you/PRP through/IN and/CC now/RB is/VBZ dragging/VBG you/PRP down/RB ./.
Standing/VBG with/IN E/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Lonoff/NNP over/IN the/DT disobedient/NN arm/NN of/IN his/PRP$ record/NN player/NN ,/, I/PRP understood/VBD the/DT celebrated/JJ phenomenon/NN for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN :/: a/DT man/NN ,/, his/PRP$ destiny/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ work-all/JJ one/CD ./.
What/WP a/DT terrible/JJ triumph/NN !/.
Note/VB 2/CD :/: Here/RB 's/POS Atlas/NNP on/IN Kazin/NNP :/:
"/" You/PRP know/VBP what/WP I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB get/VB about/IN you/PRP ?/.
"/" Kazin/NNP was/VBD studying/VBG me/PRP intently/RB ./.
"/" You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB stand/VB up/RP for/IN yourself/PRP ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP read/VBN your/PRP$ reviews/NNS ./.
You/PRP say/VBP whatever/WDT you/PRP want/VBP in/IN print/NN ,/, you/PRP take/VBP on/IN this/DT big/JJ book/NN ,/, and/CC then/RB you/PRP sit/VBP here/RB like/IN a/DT schoolboy/NN in/IN the/DT principal/NN 's/POS office/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ ,/, "/" I/PRP murmured/JJ ./.
"/" You/PRP bully/NN me/PRP ./.
"/" The/DT more/JJR annoyed/VBD he/PRP got/VBD ,/, the/DT more/JJR unnerved/VBD I/PRP was/VBD ./.
Cowed/NNP by/IN his/PRP$ intensity/NN ,/, I/PRP was/VBD afraid/JJ to/TO open/VB my/PRP$ mouth/NN ./.
My/PRP$ way/NN was/VBD to/TO creep/NN up/RP ,/, toss/VB in/IN a/DT grenade--/JJ "/" Delmore/NNP considered/VBD you/PRP a/DT serious/JJ menace/NN to/TO criticism/NN "/" -/: -/: then/RB melt/VB away/RB before/IN he/PRP could/MD get/VB off/IN a/DT shot/NN ./.
But/CC Kazin/NNP liked/VBD to/TO argue/VB ;/: it/PRP was/VBD a/DT way/NN of/IN working/VBG off/RP grievances/NNS ,/, improving/VBG one/CD 's/POS mental/JJ circulation/NN ./.
For/IN him/PRP ,/, rudeness/NNS was/VBD to/TO conversation/NN what/WP polemic/JJ was/VBD to/TO journalism--a/JJ style/NN ,/, a/DT genre/NN ,/, an/DT expressive/JJ mode/NN ./.
Note/VB 3/CD :/: Here/RB 's/POS Theroux/NNP on/IN Naipaul/NNP :/:
The/DT whites/NNS he/PRP had/VBD met/VBN in/IN Uganda/NNP ,/, he/PRP said/VBD ,/, drank/NN too/RB much/JJ ./.
They/PRP were/VBD intellectually/RB dead/JJ ./.
They/PRP were/VBD common/JJ ./.
They/PRP were/VBD inferior/JJ ./.
"/" Infies/NNP "/" was/VBD his/PRP$ name/NN for/IN them/PRP ./.
"/" Listen/VB to/TO the/DT infy/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD while/IN an/DT expatriate/NN held/VBN forth/RB in/IN the/DT Senior/NNP Common/NNP Room/NNP ./.
I/PRP had/VBD never/RB met/VBN anyone/NN so/RB certain/JJ ,/, so/RB intense/JJ ,/, so/RB observant/NN ,/, so/RB impatient/JJ ,/, so/RB intelligent/JJ ./.
He/PRP was/VBD stimulating/VBG and/CC tiring/VBG to/TO be/VB with/IN ,/, like/IN a/DT brilliant/JJ ,/, demanding/VBG child-needy/JJ ,/, exhausting/JJ ,/, funny/JJ ./.
Note/VB 4/CD :/: Here/RB 's/POS Lane/NNP on/IN Brown/NNP :/:
There/EX were/VBD innumerable/JJ occasions/NNS on/IN which/WDT Tina/NNP was/VBD right/NN ,/, and/CC obviously/RB right/NN ;/: but/CC I/PRP had/VBD a/DT fondness/NN for/IN those/DT times/NNS when/WRB she/PRP was/VBD right/NN while/IN seeming/JJ to/TO be/VB wrong/JJ ,/, or/CC when/WRB she/PRP went/VBD via/IN wrongness/NNS to/TO get/VB to/TO the/DT right/JJ stuff/NN ./.
Critics/NNS claimed/VBD to/TO discern/VB superfluous/JJ gloss/VBP ,/, but/CC what/WP she/PRP did/VBD was/VBD to/TO apply/VB the/DT invigorating/VBG rhetoric/NN of/IN of/IN gloss/VBP to/TO the/DT supposedly/RB unglamorous/JJ ,/, and/CC thereby/RB encourage/VB reades/NNS to/TO try/VB what/WP they/PRP might/MD otherwise/RB disdain/VB ;/: only/RB thus/RB can/MD I/PRP account/VBP for/IN her/PRP$ kindly/RB tolerance/NN of/IN my/PRP$ grimmer/NN taste/NN ./.
-/: -/: Judith/NNP Shulevitz/NNP
Senate/NNP hearings/NNS on/IN the/DT campaign-finance/JJ scandal/NN opened/VBD ./.
Committee/NNP Chairman/NNP Sen/NNP ./.
Fred/NNP Thompson/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP enn/NN ./.
,/, announced/VBD that/IN he/PRP had/VBD evidence/NN of/IN a/DT Chinese/JJ plot/NN to/TO infiltrate/VB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, but/CC could/MD n't/RB say/VB more/JJR because/IN the/DT evidence/NN is/VBZ top/JJ secret/NN ./.
Ranking/NNP Democrat/NNP John/NNP Glenn/NNP ,/, D-O/NNP hio/NN ,/, indirectly/RB accused/VBN Thompson/NNP of/IN McCarthyism/NNP and/CC upstaged/JJ him/PRP by/IN announcing/VBG an/DT offer/NN from/IN John/NNP Huang/NNP to/TO testify/VB in/IN exchange/NN for/IN partial/JJ immunity/NN ./.
Republicans/NNS worried/VBD that/IN an/DT immunity/NN grant/NN might/MD let/VB Huang/NNP off/IN the/DT hook/NN ,/, à/NN la/FW Ollie/NNP North/NNP ./.
Hours/NNS later/RB ,/, Republicans/NNPS (/( including/VBG Rep/NNP ./.
Dan/NNP Burton/NNP ,/, the/DT chairman/NN of/IN the/DT House/NNP committee/NN investigating/VBG the/DT scandal/NN )/) toasted/VBD North/NNP at/IN a/DT gala/NN in/IN his/PRP$ honor/NN ./.
The/DT early/JJ line/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT hearings/NNS are/VBP n't/RB catching/VBG fire/NN ./.
For/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS take/NN ,/, see/VB Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP 's/POS "/" Dispatch/NNP ./.
"/" (/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Doctors/NNS reported/VBD that/DT fenfluramine/NN and/CC phentermine/NN ,/, a/DT popular/JJ diet/NN pill/NN combination/NN ,/, may/MD cause/VB severe/JJ heart-valve/JJ disease/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN is/VBZ all/DT over/JJ front/JJ pages/NNS and/CC the/DT TV/NN news/NN because/IN the/DT pills/NNS are/VBP prescribed/VBN about/RB 20/CD million/CD times/NNS a/DT year/NN ./.
The/DT Food/NNP and/CC Drug/NNP Administration/NNP is/VBZ sending/VBG warnings/NNS to/TO thousands/NNS of/IN doctors/NNS ./.
The/DT news/NN cycle/NN on/IN drug/NN scares/VBZ has/VBZ become/VBN so/RB fast/RB that/IN the/DT backlash/NN (/( accusing/VBG the/DT new/JJ report/NN of/IN over-hyping/JJ the/DT heart-disease/JJ link/NN and/CC ignoring/VBG the/DT benefits/NNS of/IN reduced/VBN obesity/NN )/) is/VBZ already/RB underway/NN ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
NASA/NNP landed/VBD a/DT robot/NN on/IN Mars/NNP and/CC began/VBD exploring/VBG the/DT surface/NN ./.
Scientists/NNS are/VBP steering/VBG the/DT 2/CD -/: foot-long/JJ ,/, 23/CD -/: pound/NN robot/NN by/IN remote/JJ control/NN (/( from/IN 119/CD million/CD miles/NNS away/RB )/) and/CC downloading/VBG the/DT video/NN and/CC geological/JJ data/NNS it/PRP collects/VBZ ./.
Evidence/NN of/IN ancient/JJ flood/NN water/NN (/( which/WDT might/MD now/RB be/VB frozen/VBN at/IN the/DT poles/NNS or/CC beneath/IN the/DT planet/NN 's/POS surface/NN )/) and/CC signs/NNS of/IN repeated/VBN melting/VBG and/CC crystallization/NN of/IN the/DT planet/NN 's/POS crust/NN indicate/VBP that/IN Mars/NNP is/VBZ much/RB more/RBR like/IN Earth/NNP than/IN was/VBD previously/RB thought/VBN ./.
The/DT mission/NN 's/POS official/NN Web/NNP site/NN has/VBZ reportedly/RB surpassed/VBN 150/CD million/CD hits/NNS in/IN five/CD days/NNS ,/, making/VBG it/PRP the/DT busiest/JJS site/NN in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT Web/NNP ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Cambodia/NNP 's/POS second/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN staged/VBD a/DT successful/JJ coup/NN against/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS first/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN ./.
The/DT victors/NNS began/VBD looting/VBG ,/, and/CC hunting/NN down/RP the/DT new/JJ leader/NN 's/POS political/JJ rivals/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN whom/WP has/VBZ already/RB been/VBN executed/VBN ./.
Analysts/NNS foresee/VBP two/CD possible/JJ outcomes/NNS :/: brutal/JJ tyranny/NN (/( the/DT optimistic/JJ scenario/NN )/) or/CC bloody/JJ civil/JJ war/NN ./.
This/DT follows/VBZ Cambodia/NNP 's/POS history/NN of/IN :/: 1/LS )/) massive/JJ genocide/NN ;/: 2/LS )/) a/DT decade-long/JJ civil/JJ war/NN ;/: and/CC 3/LS )/) billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS in/IN foreign/JJ aid/NN to/TO restore/VB democracy/NN ,/, which/WDT now/RB seem/VBP to/TO have/VB been/VBN wasted/VBN ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Boxing/NNP regulators/NNS revoked/VBN Mike/NNP Tyson/NNP 's/POS license/NN to/TO fight/VB and/CC fined/VBD him/PRP $/$ 3/CD million/CD for/IN biting/VBG off/IN part/NN of/IN Evander/NNP Holyfield/NNP 's/POS ear/NN ./.
Tyson/NNP can/MD apply/VB for/IN reinstatement/NN in/IN a/DT year/NN ./.
Optimists/NNP called/VBD the/DT penalty/NN stiff/JJ and/CC predicted/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD restore/VB some/DT standard/NN of/IN decency/NN to/TO the/DT sport/NN ./.
Pessimists/NNP pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN Tyson/NNP gets/VBZ to/TO keep/VB $/$ 27/CD million/CD he/PRP earned/VBD from/IN the/DT fight/NN and/CC can/MD take/VB his/PRP$ services/NNS overseas/RB ./.
Fans/NNS rated/VBD the/DT bite/NN the/DT most/RBS disgusting/JJ offense/NN in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN sports/NNS ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Mexico/NNP 's/POS ruling/VBG party/NN lost/VBD control/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ assembly/NN for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN in/IN 68/CD years/NNS ./.
It/PRP was/VBD the/DT longest-reigning/JJ political/JJ party/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
Reasons/NNS for/IN the/DT defeat/NN :/: 1/LS )/) Voters/NNS were/VBD sick/JJ of/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS lousy/JJ economy/NN ;/: 2/LS )/) they/PRP were/VBD sick/JJ of/IN the/DT ruling/VBG party/NN 's/POS tradition/NN of/IN rigging/VBG elections/NNS ;/: and/CC 3/LS )/) this/DT time/NN ,/, the/DT ruling/VBG party/NN neglected/VBN to/TO rig/NN the/DT election/NN ./.
President/NNP Ernesto/NNP Zedillo/NNP executed/VBD one/CD of/IN history/NN 's/POS most/RBS impressive/JJ post-election/JJ spin/NN jobs/NNS ,/, portraying/VBG his/PRP$ party/NN 's/POS defeat/NN as/IN proof/NN of/IN the/DT climate/NN of/IN freedom/NN and/CC democracy/NN he/PRP has/VBZ fostered/VBN ./.
Now/RB that/IN the/DT party/NN has/VBZ lost/VBN its/PRP$ grip/NN ,/, analysts/NNS foresee/VBP a/DT wave/NN of/IN opportunistic/JJ defections/NNS by/IN politicians/NNS ,/, as/IN happened/VBN to/TO Southern/NNP Democrats/NNPS in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Sports/NNS news/NN :/: Cleveland/NNP Indians/NNPS catcher/NN Sandy/NNP Alomar/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
won/VBD baseball/NN 's/POS All-/NNP Star/NNP Game/NNP for/IN the/DT American/NNP League/NNP with/IN a/DT two-run/JJ ,/, seventh-inning/JJ home/NN run/NN in/IN his/PRP$ team/NN 's/POS ballpark/NN ./.
Martina/NNP Hingis/NNP and/CC Pete/NNP Sampras/NNP won/VBD the/DT women/NNS 's/POS and/CC men/NNS 's/POS tennis/NN championships/NNS at/IN Wimbledon/NNP ./.
Sportswriters/NNP lionized/JJ Hingis/NNP as/IN a/DT Wunderkind/NNP (/( she/PRP 's/VBZ 16/CD ,/, the/DT youngest/JJS Wimbledon/NNP champ/NN in/IN a/DT century/NN )/) and/CC Sampras/NNP as/IN arguably/RB the/DT greatest/JJS player/NN ever/RB (/( he/PRP 's/VBZ on/IN track/NN to/TO shatter/NN the/DT record/NN for/IN men/NNS 's/POS grand/JJ slam/VBP titles/NNS )/) ./.
Women/NNP 's/POS runner-up/JJ Jana/NNP Novotna/NNP choked/VBD away/RB a/DT third-set/JJ lead/NN in/IN the/DT finals/NNS for/IN the/DT second/JJ time/NN but/CC managed/VBN (/( unlike/IN last/JJ time/NN )/) not/RB to/TO cry/VB on/IN the/DT shoulder/NN of/IN the/DT Duchess/NNP of/IN Kent/NNP ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
Miscellany/NNP :/: NATO/NNP formally/RB admitted/VBD Poland/NNP ,/, Hungary/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Czech/NNP Republic/NNP ./.
The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS successfully/RB pressured/JJ its/PRP$ allies/NNS to/TO postpone/VB a/DT similar/JJ decision/NN on/IN Romania/NNP and/CC Slovenia/NNP until/IN 1999/CD ./.
The/DT investigation/NN of/IN Michael/NNP Kennedy/NNP 's/POS alleged/VBN affair/NN with/IN his/PRP$ kids/NNS '/POS teen-age/JJ baby/NN sitter/NN is/VBZ being/VBG dropped/VBN because/IN the/DT baby/NN sitter/NN wo/MD n't/RB cooperate/VB ./.
Hawaiian/JJ legislators/NNS decided/VBD to/TO give/VB domestic-partnership/JJ benefits/NNS to/TO gay/JJ couples/NNS instead/RB of/IN letting/VBG them/PRP marry/VB ./.
Lockheed/NNP Martin/NNP announced/VBD its/PRP$ purchase/NN of/IN Northrop/NNP Grumman/NNP ,/, completing/VBG the/DT defense/NN industry/NN 's/POS consolidation/NN into/IN two/CD camps/NNS (/( Lockheed/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Boeing/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT British/JJ company/NN that/IN recently/RB won/VBD fame/NN for/IN cloning/VBG a/DT sheep/NN is/VBZ reportedly/RB on/IN the/DT verge/NN of/IN deriving/VBG human/JJ blood/NN plasma/NN from/IN sheep/NN and/CC cows/NNS ./.
A/DT new/JJ scientific/JJ report/NN claims/NNS that/WDT puberty/NN begins/VBZ as/RB early/RB as/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN 6/CD ./.
A/DT woman/NN in/IN North/NNP Carolina/NNP was/VBD charged/VBN with/IN murdering/VBG her/PRP$ son/NN by/IN whacking/VBG him/PRP with/IN a/DT computer/NN keyboard/NN ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 9/CD )/)
The/DT British/JJ finally/RB relinquished/VBN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP to/TO China/NNP ./.
Thousands/NNS of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
journalists/NNS found/VBD excuses/NNS to/TO spend/VB the/DT week/NN there/RB ,/, playing/VBG up/RP the/DT possibilities/NNS of/IN political/JJ confrontation/NN and/CC violence/NN (/( China/NNP oafishly/RB sent/VBD thousands/NNS of/IN troops/NNS to/TO show/VB everyone/NN who/WP 's/VBZ the/DT boss/NN )/) before/IN conceding/VBG that/DT nothing/NN was/VBD going/VBG to/TO happen/VB ./.
Poorest/JJS excuse/NN for/IN a/DT reporter/NN 's/POS travel/NN expenses/NNS :/: "/" Hong/NNP Kong/NNP Ponders/NNP Meaning/NNP of/IN Record/NNP Rainfall/NNP "/" (/( Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Pundits/NNP agreed/VBD that/DT capitalism/NN will/MD continue/VB to/TO flourish/VB there/RB even/RB if/IN democracy/NN does/VBZ n't/RB :/: The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Tom/NNP Friedman/NNP noted/VBD that/IN replicas/NNS of/IN the/DT "/" Goddess/NNP of/IN Democracy/NNP "/" (/( erected/VBD in/IN 1989/CD by/IN protesters/NNS in/IN Tiananmen/NNP Square/NNP )/) ,/, which/WDT were/VBD being/VBG peddled/VBN by/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP demonstrators/NNS ,/, were/VBD "/" Made/VBN in/IN China/NNP ./.
"/" (/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 7/CD )/)
Jimmy/NNP Stewart/NNP ,/, Robert/NNP Mitchum/NNP ,/, and/CC Charles/NNP Kuralt/NNP died/VBD ./.
Hollywood/NNP pundits/NNS contrasted/VBD Stewart/NNP (/( the/DT idealistic/JJ gentleman/NN )/) with/IN Mitchum/NNP (/( the/DT hard-living/JJ rogue/NN )/) and/CC juxtaposed/JJ both/DT of/IN them--/JJ "/" the/DT last/NN of/IN the/DT giants/NNS of/IN Hollywood/NNP 's/POS golden/JJ era/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times--/NNP with/IN today/NN 's/POS mediocre/JJ movie/NN stars/NNS ./.
Cultural/JJ commentators/NNS paired/VBN Stewart/NNP with/IN Kuralt/NNP as/IN champions/NNS of/IN virtue/NN and/CC the/DT common/JJ man/NN ./.
Television/NN journalists/NNS ceaselessly/RB glorified/JJ Kuralt/NNP 's/POS television/NN journalism/NN ./.
(/( 7/CD &slash;/NN 7/CD )/)
Thousands/NNS of/IN demonstrators/NNS mobbed/JJ Seattle/NNP this/DT week/NN to/TO protest/VB the/DT Third/NNP Ministerial/NNP Conference/NNP of/IN the/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization/NNP ./.
They/PRP argued/VBD that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP ,/, a/DT 135/CD -/: nation/NN club/NN in/IN which/WDT membership/NN is/VBZ voluntary/JJ but/CC "/" free/JJ trade/NN "/" rules/NNS are/VBP mandatory/JJ ,/, threatens/VBZ to/TO dissolve/VB human/JJ rights/NNS ,/, labor/NN laws/NNS ,/, and/CC health/NN and/CC environmental/JJ protections/NNS in/IN the/DT acid/NN of/IN global/JJ capitalism/NN ./.
Tuesday/NNP and/CC Wednesday/NNP ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC WTO/NNP Director-/NNP General/NNP Michael/NNP Moore/NNP fired/VBD back/RB ./.
The/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS advocates/NNS ,/, belatedly/RB realizing/VBG that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT political/JJ target/NN ,/, are/VBP beginning/VBG to/TO counter/VB the/DT principal/JJ spins/VBZ against/IN the/DT organization/NN ./.
1/LS ./.
Whether/IN to/TO trade/VB vs/NNS ./.
how/WRB to/TO trade/VB ./.
The/DT protesters/NNS want/VBP us/PRP to/TO ask/VB first/JJ what/WP political/JJ terms/NNS of/IN trade/NN are/VBP being/VBG offered/VBN ,/, and/CC then/RB to/TO decide/VB ,/, based/VBN on/IN how/WRB good/JJ or/CC bad/JJ those/DT terms/NNS are/VBP ,/, whether/IN or/CC not/RB to/TO trade/VB ./.
By/IN this/DT logic/NN ,/, because/IN the/DT WTO/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB include/VB labor/NN and/CC environmental/JJ regulations/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ trade/NN rules/NNS (/( thereby/RB undermining/VBG such/JJ regulations/NNS in/IN many/JJ countries/NNS ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT protesters/NNS )/) ,/, the/DT WTO/NNP should/MD be/VB suspended/VBN ./.
"/" Until/IN the/DT WTO/NNP addresses/NNS these/DT important/JJ issues/NNS ,/, there/EX will/MD be/VB no/DT support/NN for/IN a/DT major/JJ new/JJ round/NN of/IN trade/NN negotiations/NNS ,/, "/" declared/VBD AFL-CIO/NNP President/NNP John/NNP Sweeney/NNP several/JJ days/NNS before/IN the/DT Seattle/NNP meeting/NN ./.
"/" Hey/NNP ,/, hey/UH ,/, ho/NN ,/, ho/NN ,/, the/DT WTO/NNP has/VBZ got/VBN to/TO go/VB ,/, "/" protesters/NNS chanted/VBD in/IN the/DT streets/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ad/NN ,/, a/DT coalition/NN of/IN environmentalists/NNS said/VBD "/" public/JJ interest/NN groups/NNS …/NN want/VBP the/DT WTO/NNP to/TO stop/VB in/IN its/PRP$ tracks/NNS ./.
…/NN Many/JJ feel/VBP the/DT WTO/NNP can/MD never/RB be/VB democratically/RB reformed/VBN ./.
Clinton/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO reverse/VB these/DT two/CD questions/NNS ./.
He/PRP wants/VBZ us/PRP to/TO ask/VB first/JJ whether/IN trading/NN is/VBZ generally/RB good/JJ or/CC bad/JJ ,/, and/CC then--only/JJ after/IN we/PRP 've/VBP agreed/VBN that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ good--to/JJ begin/VB discussing/VBG on/IN what/WP political/JJ terms/NNS we/PRP should/MD trade/VB ./.
"/" We/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO listen/VB to/TO people/NNS who/WP have/VBP legitimate/JJ economic/JJ concerns/NNS ,/, legitimate/JJ environmental/JJ concerns/NNS ,/, legitimate/JJ labor/NN concerns/NNS ,/, "/" Clinton/NNP conceded/VBD in/IN a/DT speech/NN in/IN Seattle/NNP Wednesday/NNP ./.
But/CC first/NN ,/, said/VBD Clinton/NNP ,/, "/" Everybody/NN has/VBZ to/TO decide/VB :/: Do/VBP you/PRP think/VB we/PRP are/VBP better/JJR off/RP or/CC worse/JJR off/RP with/IN an/DT increasingly/RB integrated/VBN global/JJ economy/NN ,/, where/WRB productive/JJ Americans/NNPS have/VBP a/DT chance/NN to/TO sell/VB their/PRP$ goods/NNS and/CC services/NNS and/CC skills/NNS around/IN the/DT world/NN ?/.
I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP 're/VBP better/JJR off/RP ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT number/NN one/CD core/NN decision/NN we/PRP ought/MD to/TO make/VB up/RP our/PRP$ mind/NN as/IN a/DT country/NN we/PRP agree/VBP about/IN ./.
2/LS ./.
What/WP is/VBZ capitalism/NN destroying/VBG ?/.
The/DT protesters/NNS contrast/VBP global/JJ capitalism/NN with/IN enlightened/JJ national/JJ laws/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT environmentalists/NNS '/POS ad/NN ,/, the/DT WTO/NNP ,/, by/IN promoting/VBG and/CC mandating/VBG unfettered/JJ trade/NN ,/, is/VBZ destroying/VBG "/" standards/NNS for/IN safety/NN ,/, health/NN and/CC the/DT environment/NN "/" in/IN "/" nations/NNS …/NN that/WDT try/VBP to/TO protect/VB the/DT safety/NN of/IN their/PRP$ food/NN ,/, their/PRP$ jobs/NNS ,/, small/JJ businesses/NNS or/CC Nature/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT AFL-CIO/NNP says/VBZ the/DT WTO/NNP should/MD be/VB reined/JJ in/IN to/TO preserve/VB "/" workers/NNS '/POS rights/NNS "/" and/CC to/TO "/" protect/VB the/DT ability/NN of/IN governments/NNS ,/, at/IN all/DT levels/NNS ,/, to/TO use/VB their/PRP$ purchasing/VBG power/NN to/TO reinforce/VB their/PRP$ values/NNS and/CC standards/NNS ./.
The/DT WTO/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ defenders/NNS argue/VBP that/IN the/DT regimes/NNS and/CC laws/NNS mowed/JJ down/RB by/IN global/JJ capitalism/NN are/VBP more/RBR often/RB corrupt/JJ than/IN enlightened--in/JJ short/JJ ,/, that/DT capitalism/NN is/VBZ an/DT improvement/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP says/VBZ the/DT WTO/NNP fosters/NNS respect/NN for/IN the/DT "/" rule/NN of/IN law/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT weeds/NNS out/IN corruption/NN and/CC discourages/VBZ war/NN ./.
Francis/NNP Fukuyama/NNP ,/, writing/VBG in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, says/VBZ poor/JJ people/NNS around/IN the/DT world/NN are/VBP dominated/VBN by/IN "/" local/JJ companies/NNS …/NN interlocked/JJ with/IN local/JJ political/JJ elites/NNS in/IN a/DT web/NN of/IN cronyism/NN and/CC corruption/NN ./.
Globalization/NNP in/IN the/DT form/NN of/IN foreign/JJ direct/JJ investment/NN by/IN multinational/JJ corporations/NNS not/RB only/RB creates/VBZ employment/NN but/CC directly/RB threatens/VBZ these/DT local/JJ elites/NNS by/IN exposing/VBG them/PRP to/TO competition/NN ./.
Addressing/VBG the/DT WTO/NNP conference/NN Tuesday/NNP ,/, Moore/NNP argued/VBD that/IN global/JJ capitalism/NN has/VBZ replaced/VBN not/RB Marxist/JJ utopia/NN but/CC warped/JJ Marxist/JJ totalitarianism/NN and/CC aggression/NN ./.
Free/JJ trade/NN "/" tore/VBD down/RP the/DT walls/NNS of/IN economic/JJ and/CC political/JJ oppression/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Moore/NNP ./.
"/" Our/PRP$ parents/NNS learnt/NN from/IN the/DT great/JJ depression/NN ,/, made/VBN deeper/JJR and/CC more/RBR lethal/JJ by/IN rising/VBG trade/NN barriers/NNS from/IN which/WDT came/VBD the/DT twin/JJ tyrannies/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ age/NN ,/, fascism/NN and/CC Marxism/NNP ,/, thus/RB war/NN ;/: hot/JJ and/CC cold/JJ ./.
They/PRP swore/VBD it/PRP would/MD not/RB happen/VB again/RB ,/, and/CC they/PRP created/VBD an/DT international/JJ architecture/NN which/WDT included/VBD the/DT UN/NNP ,/, IMF/NNP ,/, World/NNP Bank/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT GATT/NNP ,/, now/RB the/DT WTO/NNP ,/, to/TO achieve/VB that/IN peaceful/JJ purpose/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
Does/VBZ the/DT WTO/NNP permit/NN problems/NNS or/CC solutions/NNS ?/.
The/DT protesters/NNS say/VBP the/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ bad/JJ because/IN it/PRP permits/VBZ oppressive/JJ and/CC environmentally/RB destructive/JJ practices/NNS and/CC ,/, by/IN liberating/JJ greed/NN ,/, promotes/VBZ these/DT practices/NNS ./.
By/IN focusing/VBG on/IN the/DT free/JJ flow/NN of/IN capital/NN ,/, WTO/NNP leaders/NNS "/" are/VBP not/RB supporting/VBG human/JJ rights/NNS and/CC workers/NNS '/POS rights/NNS ,/, "/" said/VBD a/DT union/NN official/NN in/IN Seattle/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP sees/VBZ it/PRP the/DT other/JJ way/NN around/IN :/: The/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ good/JJ because/IN it/PRP permits/VBZ discussion/NN of/IN these/DT practices/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB wrong/JJ for/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO say/VB we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB in/IN child/NN labor/NN ,/, or/CC forced/VBD labor/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT oppression/NN of/IN our/PRP$ brothers/NNS and/CC sisters/NNS who/WP work/VBP for/IN a/DT living/VBG around/IN the/DT world--and/JJ [/( that/DT ]/) we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB that/IN growing/VBG the/DT economy/NN requires/VBZ us/PRP to/TO undermine/VB the/DT environment/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Clinton/NNP ./.
But/CC to/TO make/VB those/DT arguments/NNS and/CC resolve/VB those/DT issues/NNS with/IN other/JJ nations/NNS effectively/RB ,/, said/VBD Clinton/NNP ,/, "/" You/PRP have/VBP to/TO have/VB some/DT system/NN to/TO resolve/VB them/PRP ./.
4/LS ./.
Opening/NN the/DT WTO/NNP vs/NNS ./.
opening/VBG world/NN trade/NN ./.
Sweeney/NNP blasts/NNS "/" trade/NN accords/NNS negotiated/VBN behind/IN closed/VBD doors/NNS "/" and/CC demands/NNS that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP become/VBD "/" open/JJ "/" and/CC "/" accountable/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT environmentalists/NNS call/VBP the/DT WTO/NNP an/DT "/" invisible/JJ government/NN "/" that/IN "/" was/VBD elected/VBN by/IN no-one/JJ "/" and/CC "/" operates/VBZ in/IN secrecy/NN ./.
"/" Moore/NNP replies/VBZ that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ democratic--/JJ "/" Ministers/NNP are/VBP here/RB because/IN their/PRP$ people/NNS decided/VBD so/RB ./.
Our/PRP$ agreements/NNS must/MD be/VB agreed/VBN by/IN Parliaments/NNP "/" -/: -/: but/CC Clinton/NNP goes/VBZ further/RB ./.
He/PRP frames/NNS the/DT issue/NN of/IN openness/NN more/RBR broadly/RB ,/, arguing/VBG that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN trade/NN decisions/NNS more/RBR accountable/JJ and/CC more/RBR universally/RB beneficial/JJ than/IN they/PRP used/VBD to/TO be/VB ./.
"/" We/PRP do/VBP have/VBP to/TO open/VB the/DT WTO/NNP and/CC the/DT world/NN trading/NN system/NN to/TO greater/JJR public/JJ scrutiny/NN and/CC to/TO greater/JJR public/JJ participation/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ Clinton/NNP ./.
But/CC "/" what/WP we/PRP came/VBD here/RB to/TO the/DT WTO/NNP meeting/NN in/IN Seattle/NNP to/TO do/VB "/" is/VBZ "/" to/TO open/JJ markets/NNS and/CC expand/VB opportunities/NNS ./.
5/LS ./.
Stability/NNP vs/NNS ./.
progress/NN ./.
The/DT protesters/NNS focus/VBP on/IN "/" stability/NN "/" and/CC worry/VBP that/IN unfettered/JJ trade/NN will/MD demolish/VB it/PRP ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO world/NN capital/NN flow/NN ,/, says/VBZ Sweeney/NNP ,/, "/" financial/JJ collapses/NNS have/VBP grown/VBN more/RBR severe/JJ and/CC more/RBR frequent/JJ ./.
"/" But/CC what/WP the/DT protesters/NNS call/VBP stability/NN ,/, Moore/NNP calls/VBZ stagnation/NN :/: "/" The/DT least-developed/JJ countries/NNS are/VBP not/RB threatened/VBN by/IN globalization/NN ./.
They/PRP are/VBP threatened/VBN by/IN de-globalization/JJ ,/, falling/VBG outside/IN of/IN the/DT world/NN economy/NN and/CC slipping/VBG ever/RB further/RB behind/IN ./.
"/" Clinton/NNP portrays/VBZ the/DT instability/NN of/IN big/JJ industrial/JJ shifts--for/JJ example/NN ,/, the/DT loss/NN of/IN American/JJ jobs/NNS in/IN steel/NN and/CC the/DT simultaneous/JJ creation/NN of/IN American/JJ jobs/NNS in/IN software--as/JJ a/DT transition/NN to/TO a/DT world/NN in/IN which/WDT "/" everybody/NN can/MD do/VB what/WP they/PRP do/VBP best/JJS ./.
"/" To/TO mitigate/VB that/DT instability/NN ,/, he/PRP promises/VBZ to/TO give/VB people/NNS "/" time/NN and/CC support/NN and/CC investment/NN to/TO make/VB the/DT transitions/NNS into/IN the/DT new/JJ economy/NN ./.
Human/JJ nature/NN puts/VBZ Clinton/NNP at/IN a/DT disadvantage/NN in/IN this/DT debate/NN ./.
Most/JJS people/NNS would/MD rather/RB keep/VB what/WP they/PRP have/VBP than/IN risk/NN it/PRP for/IN a/DT hypothetical/JJ payoff/NN ./.
And/CC while/IN the/DT costs/NNS of/IN unrestricted/JJ trade/NN tend/VBP to/TO be/VB visible/JJ because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP nearby/JJ and/CC concentrated/VBN (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, the/DT closure/NN of/IN a/DT local/JJ factory/NN )/) ,/, the/DT benefits/NNS tend/VBP to/TO be/VB invisible/JJ because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP faraway/JJ or/CC diffuse/NN (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, lower/JJR prices/NNS at/IN the/DT grocery/NN store/NN or/CC higher/JJR wages/NNS in/IN Latin/NNP America/NNP )/) ./.
"/" The/DT people/NNS that/WDT are/VBP going/VBG to/TO win/VB will/MD always/RB be/VB somewhat/RB uncertain/JJ of/IN their/PRP$ gain/NN ,/, whereas/IN the/DT people/NNS who/WP will/MD lose/VB are/VBP absolutely/RB sure/JJ of/IN what/WP they/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO lose/VB ,/, "/" says/VBZ Clinton/NNP ./.
Therefore/RB ,/, embracing/VBG free/JJ trade/NN "/" will/MD require/VB …/NN imagination/NN and/CC trust/NN and/CC humility/NN and/CC flexibility/NN ./.
6/CD ./.
Bully/NNP or/CC protector/NN ?/.
Former/NNP WTO/NNP Director-/NNP General/NNP Renato/NNP Ruggiero/NNP once/RB called/VBD the/DT WTO/NNP a/DT "/" new/JJ constitution/NN for/IN a/DT single/JJ global/JJ economy/NN ,/, "/" and/CC protesters/NNS have/VBP seized/VBN on/IN this/DT somewhat/RB presumptuous/JJ self-characterization/JJ to/TO portray/VB the/DT WTO/NNP as/IN a/DT police/NN state/NN designed/VBN by/IN rich/JJ nations/NNS to/TO facilitate/VB the/DT exploitation/NN of/IN poor/JJ ones/NNS ./.
"/" Unlike/IN other/JJ global/JJ bodies/NNS (/( including/VBG the/DT UN/NNP )/) ,/, the/DT WTO/NNP enjoys/VBZ unique/JJ enforcement/NN powers/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT environmentalists/NNS warn/VBP in/IN their/PRP$ ad/NN ./.
"/" Offending/NNP countries/NNS must/MD conform/VB with/IN WTO/NNP rules/NNS ,/, or/CC face/VB harsh/JJ sanctions/NNS ./.
Moore/NNP sees/VBZ these/DT governmental/JJ analogies/NNS in/IN a/DT different/JJ light/NN ./.
He/PRP thinks/VBZ the/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS constitution/NN and/CC police/NN powers/NNS will/MD protect/VB poor/JJ countries/NNS ,/, not/RB exploit/VB them/PRP ./.
"/" Developing/VBG countries/NNS need/VBP a/DT secure/VB and/CC stable/JJ world/NN trading/NN system/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP says/VBZ ./.
"/" They/PRP need/VBP more/JJR openness/NN ,/, not/RB less/JJR ./.
Stronger/JJR rules/NNS ,/, not/RB weaker/JJR ones/NNS ./.
…/NN I/PRP 'm/VBP from/IN a/DT small/JJ country/NN [/( New/NNP Zealand/NNP ]/) ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB see/VB what/WP we/PRP are/VBP doing/VBG here/RB as/IN a/DT threat/NN to/TO our/PRP$ sovereignty/NN ./.
I/PRP see/VBP interdependence/NN as/IN a/DT guarantor/NN of/IN our/PRP$ sovereignty/NN and/CC safety/NN ./.
7/CD ./.
Imports/NNS vs/NNS ./.
exports/NNS ./.
Some/DT goods/NNS are/VBP produced/VBN more/RBR cheaply/RB in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS than/IN abroad/RB ./.
Others/NNS are/VBP produced/VBN more/RBR cheaply/RB abroad/RB than/IN here/RB ./.
Unrestricted/NNP trade/NN will/MD help/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
industries/NNS in/IN the/DT first/JJ category/NN but/CC will/MD wipe/VB out/RP those/DT in/IN the/DT second/JJ category/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ why/WRB Clinton/NNP talks/NNS about/IN the/DT first/JJ category/NN ,/, while/IN the/DT protesters/NNS talk/VBP about/IN the/DT second/NN ./.
Two/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, Sweeney/NNP brought/VBD a/DT steelworkers/NNS union/NN official/NN to/TO the/DT National/NNP Press/NNP Club/NNP to/TO illustrate/VB how/WRB the/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS prohibition/NN against/IN trade/NN barriers/NNS facilitates/NNS the/DT loss/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
manufacturing/NN jobs/NNS to/TO "/" dumped/VBD imports/NNS "/" and/CC cheap/JJ labor/NN abroad/RB ./.
Wednesday/NNP ,/, Clinton/NNP chose/VBD to/TO talk/VB about/IN a/DT different/JJ industry/NN ./.
"/" The/DT typical/JJ American/NNP eats/VBZ 20/CD pounds/NNS of/IN fresh/JJ apples/NNS each/DT year/NN ,/, "/" whereas/IN "/" the/DT typical/JJ European/JJ consumes/NNS about/IN 46/CD pounds/NNS ,/, "/" said/VBD Clinton/NNP ./.
"/" So/RB America/NNP exported/VBD $/$ 353/CD million/CD worth/NN of/IN apples/NNS last/JJ year/NN ./.
"/" Lowering/NNP trade/NN barriers/NNS in/IN China/NNP ,/, Japan/NNP ,/, and/CC Mexico/NNP means/VBZ "/" more/JJR apple/NN sales/NNS from/IN Washington/NNP "/" and/CC more/JJR help/NN for/IN "/" family/NN farmers/NNS ,/, "/" he/PRP observed/VBD ./.
Clinton/NNP joked/VBD that/IN his/PRP$ apple/NN reference/NN was/VBD "/" a/DT pander/NN to/TO Washington/NNP state/NN ,/, "/" but/CC it/PRP was/VBD more/JJR than/IN that/DT ./.
The/DT national/JJ industries/NNS that/WDT will/MD lose/VB under/IN global/JJ capitalism/NN and/CC the/DT national/JJ industries/NNS that/WDT will/MD win/VB are--to/JJ borrow/VB a/DT self-illustrating/JJ rhetorical/JJ metaphor--apples/JJ and/CC oranges/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT key/NN to/TO reassuring/JJ Americans/NNPS about/IN the/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ to/TO talk/VB about/IN the/DT apples/NNS ./.
For/IN Tuesday/NNP and/CC Friday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) and/CC "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" (/( Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
The/DT initial/JJ euphoria/NN over/IN the/DT Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP peace/NN agreement/NN rapidly/RB gave/VBD way/NN in/IN the/DT British/JJ and/CC Irish/JJ press/NN to/TO fears/NNS that/IN it/PRP might/MD fail/VB ./.
In/IN Britain/NNP ,/, only/RB the/DT Independent/NNP ,/, recently/RB purchased/VBN by/IN the/DT Irish/NNP CEO/NNP of/IN H/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Heinz/NNP Co/NNP ./.
,/, Tony/NNP O/NNP '/POS Reilly/NNP ,/, appeared/VBD to/TO discount/VB the/DT possibility/NN of/IN failure/NN from/IN the/DT start/NN ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ headline/NN last/JJ Saturday/NNP read/VBD ,/, "/" Peace/NN at/IN last/JJ for/IN Ulster/NNP ,/, "/" and/CC an/DT editorial/NN gushed/JJ ,/, "/" [/( I/PRP ]/) t/NN is/VBZ not/RB naive/JJ to/TO be/VB optimistic/JJ about/IN its/PRP$ prospects/NNS "/" and/CC "/" we/PRP must/MD all/DT resist/VBP the/DT temptation/NN to/TO see/VB future/JJ violence/NN described/VBD as/IN a/DT failure/NN of/IN the/DT peace/NN process/NN ,/, "/" although/IN that/DT temptation/NN would/MD surely/RB be/VB strong/JJ ./.
The/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP ,/, always/RB deeply/RB suspicious/JJ of/IN any/DT dealings/NNS between/IN Britain/NNP and/CC Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP ,/, the/DT political/JJ wing/NN of/IN the/DT Irish/NNP Republican/NNP Army/NNP ,/, criticized/VBD several/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN the/DT settlement/NN and/CC emphasized/VBD that/IN it/PRP "/" does/VBZ not/RB in/IN itself/PRP mean/VBP peace/NN in/IN Ulster/NNP 's/POS time/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP added/VBD that/IN Ulster/NNP 's/POS unionist/NN voters/NNS "/" should/MD not/RB ,/, at/IN least/JJS as/IN yet/RB ,/, feel/VBP that/IN they/PRP are/VBP against/IN peace/NN by/IN rejecting/VBG yesterday/NN 's/POS agreement--or/JJ be/VB stampeded/VBN into/IN voting/NN '/" Yes/UH '/POS in/IN a/DT referendum/NN ./.
"/" "/" Please/VB make/VB it/PRP work/VBP ,/, "/" begged/VBN the/DT liberal/JJ Guardian/NNP in/IN its/PRP$ front-page/JJ headline/NN ,/, saying/VBG in/IN its/PRP$ editorial/NN that/IN while/IN failure/NN was/VBD a/DT possibility/NN ,/, so/RB also/RB was/VBD success/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT time/NN for/IN gratitude/NN ,/, and/CC even/RB the/DT odd/JJ private/JJ prayer/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP went/VBD on/IN ./.
"/" For/IN this/DT was/VBD a/DT blessed/VBN Good/NNP Friday/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" [/( W/NNP ]/) hat/NN has/VBZ been/VBN achieved/VBN is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ new/JJ opportunity/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP is/VBZ only/RB that/DT ./.
The/DT people/NNS of/IN Ireland/NNP ,/, north/RB and/CC south/RB ,/, must/MD make/VB up/RP their/PRP$ minds/NNS to/TO take/VB it/PRP ./.
By/IN Easter/NNP Sunday/NNP ,/, the/DT Sunday/NNP Telegraph/NNP was/VBD leading/VBG with/IN the/DT news/NN that/DT peace/NN was/VBD already/RB threatened/VBN by/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP 's/POS refusal/NN to/TO press/VB the/DT IRA/NN to/TO hand/VB over/IN its/PRP$ weapons/NNS immediately/RB ./.
Rupert/NNP Murdoch/NNP 's/POS Sunday/NNP Times/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, described/VBD divisions/NNS among/IN the/DT Protestant/JJ unionists/NNS as/IN the/DT main/JJ threat/NN to/TO peace/NN ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT British/NNP Sunday/NNP newspapers/NNS highlighted/VBD an/DT agreement/NN between/IN British/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Tony/NNP Blair/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ Conservative/JJ predecessor/NN John/NNP Major/NNP to/TO campaign/VB together/RB for/IN a/DT "/" Yes/UH "/" vote/NN in/IN next/JJ month/NN 's/POS referendum/NN in/IN Ulster/NNP ./.
The/DT Sunday/NNP Mirror/NNP published/VBD an/DT "/" exclusive/JJ "/" front-page/JJ report/NN that/IN Blair/NNP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO ask/VB the/DT queen/NN to/TO confer/VB a/DT knighthood/NN on/IN the/DT chairman/NN of/IN the/DT peace/NN talks/NNS ,/, former/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Sen/NNP ./.
George/NNP Mitchell/NNP ./.
Surprisingly/RB ,/, the/DT Sunday/NNP Telegraph/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN was/VBD hostile/JJ to/TO President/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD elsewhere/RB been/VBN garnering/VBG plaudits/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ contribution/NN to/TO the/DT peace/NN settlement/NN ./.
It/PRP described/VBD his/PRP$ intervention/NN as/IN "/" merely/RB opportunistic/JJ "/" and/CC added/VBD :/: "/" In/IN his/PRP$ intrusions/NNS into/IN the/DT peace/NN process/NN ,/, President/NNP Clinton--a/NNP man/NN who/WP took/VBD no/DT risks/NNS last/JJ week--has/JJ tried/VBD to/TO represent/VB Britain/NNP as/IN if/IN it/PRP were/VBD a/DT colonial/NN power/NN ,/, slowly/RB withdrawing/VBG from/IN a/DT Third/NNP World/NNP '/POS statelet/NN ./.
'/POS It/PRP is/VBZ worth/JJ reminding/VBG him/PRP that/IN Ulster/NNP is/VBZ ,/, and/CC remains/VBZ ,/, part/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP Kingdom/NNP and/CC ,/, as/IN such/JJ ,/, is/VBZ part/NN of/IN a/DT developed/VBN democracy/NN ./.
By/IN Monday/NNP ,/, every/DT British/JJ broadsheet/NN was/VBD stressing/VBG the/DT difficulties/NNS facing/VBG the/DT peace/NN settlement/NN because/IN of/IN divisions/NNS within/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP and/CC among/IN the/DT unionists/NNS ,/, while/IN the/DT Guardian/NNP led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN with/IN a/DT warning/NN by/IN Mitchell/NNP of/IN increased/VBN terrorist/JJ violence/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT referendum/NN ./.
Continental/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, emphasized/VBD the/DT problems/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT Irish/JJ peace/NN remains/VBZ to/TO be/VB built/VBN ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT conservative/JJ Paris/NNP daily/JJ Le/NNP Figaro/NNP over/IN its/PRP$ main/JJ front-page/JJ story/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT adjoining/JJ comment/NN ,/, it/PRP described/VBD the/DT Ulster/NNP settlement/NN as/IN "/" typically/RB English/NNP "/" in/IN its/PRP$ pragmatism/NN ./.
"/" What/WP continental/JJ jurist/NN could/MD have/VB thought/VBN up/RP a/DT statute/NN which/WDT reaffirms/VBZ Ulster/NNP 's/POS dependence/NN on/IN the/DT crown/NN without/IN excluding/VBG its/PRP$ eventual/JJ reattachment/NN to/TO the/DT Republic/NNP of/IN Ireland/NNP ?/.
"/" it/PRP asked/VBD ./.
On/IN Tuesday/NNP ,/, Le/NNP Monde/NNP carried/VBD an/DT article/NN by/IN its/PRP$ Madrid/NNP correspondent/NN about/IN intense/JJ Spanish/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT Ulster/NNP settlement/NN as/IN a/DT possible/JJ key/NN to/TO solving/VBG the/DT Basque/NNP terrorist/JJ problem/NN in/IN Spain/NNP ./.
But/CC El/NNP País/NNP of/IN Madrid/NNP quoted/VBD Blair/NNP ,/, spending/NN Easter/NNP with/IN his/PRP$ family/NN in/IN Córdoba/NNP ,/, as/IN saying/VBG there/EX were/VBD no/DT comparisons/NNS to/TO be/VB made/VBN between/IN the/DT two/CD situations/NNS ./.
The/DT Ulster/NNP agreement/NN was/VBD greeted/VBN with/IN even/RB greater/JJR euphoria/NN in/IN the/DT Irish/JJ press/NN than/IN in/IN its/PRP$ British/JJ counterpart/NN ./.
The/DT Cork/NNP Examiner/NNP hailed/VBD it/PRP as/IN the/DT achievement/NN of/IN "/" lasting/JJ peace/NN ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT Irish/NNP Times/NNP compared/VBD John/NNP Hume/NNP ,/, the/DT Ulster/NNP Social/NNP Democratic/NNP Party/NNP leader/NN who/WP played/VBD the/DT key/JJ role/NN in/IN launching/VBG the/DT peace/NN negotiations/NNS ,/, to/TO "/" Moses/NNP entering/VBG the/DT Promised/NNP Land/NNP "/" -/: -/: though/IN ,/, as/IN the/DT Irish/JJ historian/NN and/CC politician/NN Conor/NNP Cruise/NNP O/NNP '/POS Brien/NNP pointed/VBD out/IN in/IN an/DT op-ed/JJ article/NN in/IN the/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP on/IN Monday/NNP ,/, Moses/NNP never/RB actually/RB entered/VBD the/DT Promised/NNP Land/NNP ./.
But/CC O/NNP '/POS Brien/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN opposed/VBN to/TO making/VBG deals/NNS with/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP ,/, noted/VBD that/IN there/EX was/VBD now/RB less/RBR open/JJ emphasis/NN in/IN Ireland/NNP on/IN peace/NN than/IN on/IN a/DT breakthrough/NN for/IN Irish/JJ nationalism/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP added/VBD that/IN an/DT article/NN in/IN the/DT Sunday/NNP Business/NNP Post--the/NNP Dublin/NNP newspaper/NN most/RBS sympathetic/JJ to/TO Sinn/NNP Fein--had/NNP rather/RB given/VBN the/DT game/NN away/RB with/IN an/DT article/NN that/WDT said/VBD ,/, "/" [/( T/NN ]/) he/PRP IRA/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO maintain/VB its/PRP$ ceasefire/NN for/IN several/JJ months/NNS ,/, will/MD almost/RB certainly/RB resist/VB any/DT attempt/NN to/TO accede/VB to/TO unionist/NN demands/NNS for/IN actual/JJ decommissioning/VBG of/IN weapons/NNS by/IN early/JJ summer/NN ./.
"/" O/NNP '/POS Brien/NNP predicted/VBD that/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP and/CC the/DT IRA/NN would/MD continue/VB to/TO operate/VB the/DT "/" peace/NN process/NN "/" as/IN "/" a/DT fertile/JJ and/CC rewarding/JJ field/NN for/IN further/JJ blackmail/VB "/" and/CC that/IN the/DT peace/NN proposals/NNS "/" may/MD well/RB be/VB defeated/VBN "/" by/IN unionist/NN voters/NNS in/IN the/DT referendum/NN ./.
Katha/NNP ,/,
Oh/UH ,/, God/NNP ./.
We/PRP 're/VBP agreeing/VBG again/RB ./.
Since/IN when/WRB was/VBD sport/NN a/DT crucial/JJ civic/JJ virtue/NN ?/.
Even/RB egghead/NN effete/JJ sheets/NNS like/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP dedicate/NN a/DT whole/JJ section/NN most/JJS days/NNS to/TO it/PRP ,/, as/IN if/IN it/PRP meant/VBD anything/NN real/JJ or/CC interesting/JJ ,/, or/CC was/VBD n't/RB a/DT lowest/JJS common/JJ denominator/NN entertainment/NN ./.
You/PRP 're/VBP right/NN about/IN stadiums/NNS as/RB well/RB ./.
DC/NNP just/RB shelled/VBD out/RP a/DT fortune/NN for/IN a/DT new/JJ MCI/NNP stadium/NN downtown/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT new/JJ Redskins/NNP stadium/NN ,/, and/CC every/DT idiotic/JJ newsman/NN and/CC woman/NN is/VBZ required/VBN to/TO nod/NN knowingly/RB when/WRB the/DT sports/NNS guy/NN makes/VBZ some/DT obscure/JJ reference/NN to/TO some/DT impenetrable/JJ football/NN play/NN ,/, and/CC anyone/NN like/IN me/PRP who/WP finds/VBZ the/DT entire/JJ exercise/NN faintly/RB ridiculous/JJ is/VBZ regarded/VBN as/IN unpatriotic/JJ and/CC unmanly/RB ./.
IF/IN DC/NNP spent/VBD an/DT ounce/NN of/IN the/DT mental/JJ energy/NN it/PRP expends/NNS on/IN sports/NNS on/IN education/NN then/RB the/DT city/NN might/MD be/VB livable/JJ once/RB again/RB ./.
And/CC the/DT only/JJ people/NNS more/RBR boring/JJ than/IN sports/NNS stars/NNS are/VBP movie/NN actors/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ own/JJ theory/NN is/VBZ that/IN sports/NNS are/VBP one/CD of/IN the/DT very/RB few/JJ ways/NNS that/IN most/JJS heterosexual/NN (/( and/CC some/DT homosexual/JJ )/) men/NNS can/MD communicate/VB with/IN each/DT other/JJ about/IN anything/NN other/JJ than/IN the/DT weather/NN ./.
They/PRP cannot/NN talk/NN about/IN their/PRP$ feelings/NNS ;/: and/CC they/PRP cannot/NN really/RB hang/VB out/IN in/IN groups/NNS of/IN three/CD or/CC less/JJR (/( someone/NN might/MD think/VB they/PRP 're/VBP gay/JJ )/) ;/: and/CC women/NNS confuse/VB and/CC frustrate/VB them/PRP ./.
So/RB ./.
how/WRB about/IN those/DT Skins/NNP ?/.
Yes/UH ,/, there/EX are/VBP some/DT aspects/NNS to/TO sports/NNS that/WDT are/VBP beautiful/JJ and/CC admirable/JJ ;/: and/CC baseball/NN in/IN this/DT regard/NN is/VBZ on/IN a/DT different/JJ plane/NN than/IN football/NN ;/: and/CC soccer/NN is/VBZ even/RB more/JJR engaging/VBG ./.
(/( I/NN wo/MD n't/RB bore/VBD you/PRP with/IN an/DT appreciation/NN of/IN a/DT five-day/JJ cricket/NN match/NN )/) ./.
But/CC in/IN general/JJ ,/, these/DT are/VBP definitely/RB what/WP Mr/NNP ./.
Mill/NNP would/MD have/VB called/VBN lower/JJR pleasures/NNS ./.
And/CC we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB a/DT better/JJR job/NN of/IN keeping/VBG them/PRP in/IN their/PRP$ place/NN ./.
On/IN a/DT more/RBR troubling/JJ level/NN ,/, the/DT sports/NNS fetish/NN is/VBZ also/RB a/DT crude/NN way/NN of/IN defining/VBG masculinity/NN down/RB ./.
I/PRP went/VBD to/TO a/DT high/JJ school/NN (/( all/DT male/NN ,/, and/CC not/RB one/CD of/IN those/DT fee-paying/JJ buggery/NN clinics/NNS from/IN Masterpiece/NNP Theatre/NNP )/) where/WRB the/DT rugby/NN team/NN were/VBD gods/NNS ./.
But/CC they/PRP were/VBD n't/RB the/DT only/RB male/JJ role/NN models/NNS ./.
Britain/NNP still/RB had/VBD a/DT place/NN for/IN the/DT masculine/JJ scholar/NN ,/, or/CC debater/NN ,/, or/CC scientist/NN ./.
America/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP to/TO have/VB allowed/VBN for/IN these/DT other/JJ pursuits/NNS but/CC to/TO have/VB avoided/VBN seeing/VBG them/PRP as/IN part/NN of/IN being/VBG male/JJ ./.
(/( It/PRP 's/VBZ bound/VBN up/RP ,/, at/IN some/DT level/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT fear/NN of/IN homosexuality/NN ,/, I/PRP suppose/VBP ./.
)/) This/DT means/VBZ that/IN the/DT minute/NN the/DT american/NN male/NN has/VBZ a/DT crisis/NN of/IN masculinity/NN ,/, he/PRP looks/VBZ to/TO Brett/NNP Favre/NNP or/CC Reggie/NNP White/NNP for/IN guidance/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ extremely/RB troubling/JJ ./.
But/CC are/VBP you/PRP as/IN interested/JJ in/IN the/DT business/NN pages/NNS as/IN I/PRP am/VBP ?/.
best/JJS Andrew/NNP
Federal/JJ attorneys/NNS in/IN the/DT Eastern/NNP District/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP arrested/VBD and/CC indicted/VBN seven/CD people/NNS in/IN a/DT case/NN that/WDT touched/VBD on/IN Holland/NNP ,/, Hasidim/NNP ,/, and/CC squirrels/NNS ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ the/DT connection/NN ?/.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN noon/NN ET/NNP Thursday/NNP to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Tuesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
278/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Interest/NNP Rate/NNP "/" :/: Fill/NNP in/IN the/DT blank/NN as/IN Carleton/NNP S/NNP ./.
Fiorina/NNP ,/, 44/CD ,/, the/DT newly/RB announced/VBN CEO/NNP of/IN the/DT $/$ 50/CD billion/CD Hewlett-/NNP Packard/NNP company/NN ,/, meets/VBZ the/DT press/NN :/: "/" My/PRP$ _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN is/VBZ interesting/JJ but/CC really/RB not/RB the/DT subject/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN here/RB ./.
"/" Ability/NNP to/TO play/VB soccer/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jennifer/NNP "/" Damned/NNP One-/NNP Note/VB Media/NNP !/.
"/" Miller/NNP
"/" Inability/NNP to/TO distinguish/VB '/POS profits/NNS '/POS from/IN '/POS losses/NNS ./.
'/POS "/" -/: -/: Paul/NNP Tullis/NNP
"/" Dinner/NNP with/IN Andre/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Erich/NNP Van/NNP Dussen/NNP
"/" Sexual/NNP discrimination/NN lawsuit/NN against/IN Hewlett-/NNP Packard/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Richard/NNP Nikonovich-/NNP Kahn/NNP
"/" Nike/NNP Inner/NNP Actives/NNP sports/NNS bra/NN ,/, which/WDT will/MD go/VB on/IN sale/NN at/IN major/JJ sporting/NN goods/NNS retailers/NNS Monday/NNP ,/, July/NNP 26/CD ,/, with/IN a/DT suggested/VBN retail/JJ price/NN of/IN $/$ 40/CD ./.
"/" -/: -/: Doug/NNP Welty/NNP (/( Daniel/NNP Radosh/NNP and/CC Kate/NNP Wing/NNP had/VBD similar/JJ answers/NNS ./.
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
But/CC of/IN course/NN it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB for/IN Carleton/NNP Fiorina/NNP to/TO say/VB what/WP the/DT subject/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN is/VBZ ;/: that/DT 's/VBZ the/DT job/NN of/IN the/DT reporter/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, if/IN the/DT reporter/NN works/VBZ for/IN Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP ,/, of/IN the/DT celebrity/NN 's/POS press/NN agent/NN ./.
You/PRP 'll/MD find/VB your/PRP$ experience/NN with/IN the/DT newspapers/NNS less/RBR frustrating/JJ if/IN you/PRP accept/VBP the/DT idea/NN that/IN the/DT reporter/NN is/VBZ there/EX to/TO tell/VB not/RB your/PRP$ story/NN but/CC his/PRP$ or/CC hers/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ ,/, no/DT doubt/NN ,/, irritating/VBG to/TO be/VB misquoted/JJ ,/, but/CC at/IN least/JJS you/PRP retain/VBP the/DT moral/JJ high/JJ ground/NN and/CC a/DT sense/NN of/IN yourself/PRP as/IN wise/JJ and/CC well-spoken/JJ ,/, albeit/IN misunderstood/VBN ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ completely/RB intolerable/JJ is/VBZ to/TO be/VB accurately/RB quoted/VBN and/CC seen--even/JJ by/IN yourself--to/JJ be/VB no/RB better/JJR than/IN you/PRP actually/RB are/VBP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT deeply/RB demoralizing/VBG experience/NN for/IN anyone/NN who/WP lacks/VBZ adequate/JJ powers/NNS of/IN self-deception/JJ and/CC photo/NN approval/NN ./.
Egalitarian/NNP Utopia/NNP Answer/NNP
"/" My/PRP$ gender/NN is/VBZ interesting/JJ but/CC really/RB not/RB the/DT subject/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN here/RB ./.
"/" I/PRP hope/VBP that/IN we/PRP are/VBP at/IN a/DT point/NN that/DT everyone/NN has/VBZ figured/VBN out/RP that/IN there/EX is/VBZ not/RB a/DT glass/NN ceiling/NN ,/, "/" Fiorina/NNP added/VBD ./.
Well/RB ,/, maybe/RB ./.
But/CC ,/, while/IN she/PRP is/VBZ undoubtedly/RB a/DT terrifically/RB capable/JJ and/CC successful/JJ executive/NN ,/, her/PRP$ new/JJ job/NN will/MD make/VB her/PRP$ the/DT only/JJ woman/NN ever/RB to/TO head/VB a/DT company/NN included/VBN in/IN the/DT Dow/NNP Jones/NNP industrial/JJ average/JJ and/CC one/CD of/IN only/RB three/CD to/TO run/VB a/DT company/NN listed/VBN on/IN the/DT S/NNP &/CC P/NN 500/CD ./.
The/DT former/JJ president/NN of/IN the/DT $/$ 20/CD billion/CD global/JJ service/NN provider/NN division/NN of/IN Lucent/NNP Technologies/NNPS ,/, Fiorina/NNP is/VBZ a/DT surprising/JJ choice/NN in/IN other/JJ ways/NNS ,/, too/RB ./.
She/PRP is/VBZ young/JJ ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ an/DT outsider/NN in/IN a/DT company/NN that/WDT has/VBZ traditionally/RB found/VBN its/PRP$ leaders/NNS in-house/JJ ,/, she/PRP brings/VBZ a/DT marketing/NN and/CC sales/NNS background/NN to/TO the/DT engineering/NN culture/NN of/IN H-P/NNP ,/, and/CC her/PRP$ first/JJ name/NN seems/VBZ utterly/RB unrelated/JJ to/TO her/PRP$ surname/NN ./.
"/" Carly/NNP was/VBD quite/RB simply/RB the/DT best/JJS person/NN to/TO lead/VB H-P/NNP into/IN the/DT next/JJ century/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Lewis/NNP Platt/NNP ,/, the/DT company/NN 's/POS current/JJ chief/NN ./.
"/" And/CC to/TO look/VB fabulous/JJ doing/VBG it/PRP ,/, "/" he/PRP did/VBD not/RB add/VB ./.
Brooke/NNP Saucier/NNP 's/POS Pom-/NNP Pom-/NNP Shaking/NNP Follow-/NNP Up/IN
How/WRB ironic/JJ ./.
I/PRP was/VBD a/DT cheerleader/NN in/IN high/JJ school/NN ,/, and/CC Jeff/NNP Webb/NNP was/VBD the/DT announcer/NN on/IN ESPN/NNP as/IN we/PRP won/VBD the/DT national/JJ championship/NN in/IN 1987/CD ./.
Goooooooooooooo/NNP ,/, News/NNP Quiz/NNP !/.
Good/NNP News--/NNP Or/CC Not/RB ,/, Depending--/NNP Extra/NNP
"/" An/DT investigation/NN into/IN the/DT size/NN of/IN male/JJ sex/NN organs/NNS reveals/VBZ that/IN homosexuals/NNS are/VBP generally/RB better/RBR endowed/VBN than/IN heterosexuals/NNS ./.
Researchers/NNS say/VBP they/PRP surveyed/VBD data/NNS gathered/VBD on/IN 5/CD ,/, 172/CD men/NNS and/CC found/VBD penis/NNS sizes/NNS to/TO be/VB larger/JJR in/IN homosexuals/NNS than/IN heterosexuals/NNS based/VBN on/IN five/CD measurement/NN standards/NNS ./.
Researchers/NNS say/VBP an/DT earlier/JJR study/NN also/RB shows/VBZ that/IN homosexuals/NNS differ/VBP ,/, on/IN average/JJ ,/, from/IN heterosexuals/NNS in/IN genital/JJ size/NN ./.
A/DT survey/NN of/IN 126/CD homosexual/JJ men/NNS had/VBD larger/JJR penises/NNS on/IN the/DT average/NN than/IN a/DT similar/JJ group/NN of/IN 86/CD heterosexuals/NNS ./.
"/" -/: -/: from/IN The/DT List/NN ,/, a/DT service/NN of/IN Wired/NNP Strategies/NNS ./.
Subscribe/NNP free/JJ by/IN e-mailing/JJ join-/NN THELIST/NNP @/IN wiredstrategies/NNS ./.
com/NN ./.
(/( Thanks/NNS to/TO Katha/NNP Pollitt/NNP ./.
Ongoing/NNP Domain/NNP Name/NN Extra/NNP
GlobalEconomy/NNP ./.
com/NN is/VBZ already/RB registered/VBN by/IN SatelliteTV/NNP ./.
Dollar-/NNP A-D/NNP ay/NN ./.
com/NN is/VBZ already/RB registered/VBN by/IN Execulink/NNP Internet/NNP Services/NNPS ./.
FiftyCents-A-Day/NNP ./.
com/NN is/VBZ available/JJ ./.
Participants/NNS are/VBP invited/VBN to/TO submit/VB a/DT similar/JJ set/VBN (/( a/DT pair/NN will/MD do/VB )/) -/: -/: a/DT domain/NN name/NN that/WDT is/VBZ already/RB taken/VBN along/IN with/IN an/DT amusing/JJ and/CC available/JJ alternative/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD check/VB the/DT availability/NN of/IN domain/NN names/NNS at/IN http/NN :/: &slash;/NN &slash;/NN www/NN ./.
eHost/NN ./.
com/NN &slash;/NN domain/NN _/NN reg/NN &slash;/NN index/NN ./.
html/NN ./.
Replies/NNP due/JJ by/IN noon/NN ET/NNP Thursday/NNP ./.
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Ambiguous/NNP name/NN ,/, attractive/JJ ass/NNS ./.
If/IN you/PRP grew/VBD up/RB in/IN the/DT 1950/CD s/VBZ ,/, as/IN I/PRP did/VBD ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ nearly/RB impossible/JJ to/TO watch/VB the/DT rise/NN of/IN the/DT Internet/NN without/IN thinking/VBG back/RB to/TO the/DT rise/NN of/IN television/NN ,/, way/NN back/RB when/WRB ./.
A/DT powerful/JJ new/JJ technology/NN occasioned/JJ an/DT enormous/JJ amount/NN of/IN hyperventilation/NN about/IN the/DT new/JJ medium/NN 's/POS potential/JJ as/IN an/DT agent/NN of/IN change--change/JJ (/( it/PRP almost/RB goes/VBZ without/IN saying/VBG )/) that/WDT would/MD demonstrably/RB improve/VB the/DT society/NN ./.
Television/NNP would/MD be/VB the/DT greatest/JJS educational/JJ force/NN ever/RB created/VBD ./.
It/PRP would/MD not/RB just/RB entertain/VB but/CC also/RB enlighten/VB ./.
High-mindedness/NNP would/MD reign/NN ./.
Et/NNP cetera/NN ,/, et/CC cetera/NN ./.
Some/DT five/CD decades/NNS have/VBP passed/VBN ,/, and/CC we/PRP know/VBP all/DT about/JJ television/NN now/RB ./.
We/PRP know/VBP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, that/IN while/IN television/NN 's/POS effect/NN on/IN society/NN has/VBZ been/VBN large/JJ ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ n't/RB been/VBN especially/RB high-minded/JJ ./.
Television/NNP has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO be/VB much/RB more/JJR about/IN sweeps/NNS week/NN than/IN about/IN uplifting/VBG the/DT culture/NN ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ fair/JJ to/TO say/VB that/IN ,/, in/IN part/NN as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN our/PRP$ experience/NN with/IN television/NN ,/, we/PRP tend/VBP to/TO shy/VB away/RB from/IN making/VBG grandiose/JJ claims/NNS for/IN new/JJ technologies/NNS anymore/RB ./.
We/PRP 've/VBP become/VBN warier/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN a/DT long/JJ time/NN since/IN we/PRP 've/VBP fallen/VBN for/IN the/DT grand/JJ promise/NN of/IN a/DT new/JJ technological/JJ marvel/VB ./.
Which/WDT is/VBZ why/WRB the/DT hoopla/NN surrounding/VBG the/DT Internet/NN is/VBZ so/RB bewildering/VBG ./.
Where/WRB is/VBZ all/DT that/IN hard-won/JJ cynicism/NN that/IN now/JJ marks/VBZ the/DT American/JJ character/NN ?/.
It/PRP vanishes/VBZ as/RB soon/RB as/IN the/DT subject/JJ turns/VBZ to/TO the/DT Internet/NN and/CC its/PRP$ alleged/VBN power/NN to/TO transform/VB our/PRP$ lives/NNS ./.
Suddenly/RB ,/, we/PRP are/VBP innocents/NNS again/RB ,/, just/RB as/IN in/IN the/DT 1950/CD s/VBZ ,/, willing/JJ to/TO believe/VB just/RB about/IN any/DT claim/NN about/IN the/DT Internet/NN 's/POS promise/NN ./.
Not/RB only/RB can/MD the/DT Internet/NN help/VB free/JJ citizens/NNS from/IN the/DT tyranny/NN of/IN oppressive/JJ governments/NNS ,/, not/RB only/RB can/MD it/PRP make/VB investors/NNS wealthier/JJR and/CC citizens/NNS more/RBR active/JJ and/CC students/NNS more/RBR eager/JJ to/TO learn/VB ,/, but/CC it/PRP can/MD also/RB enhance/VB the/DT experience/NN of/IN watching/VBG a/DT ballgame/NN by/IN allowing/VBG you/PRP to/TO interact/NN with/IN a/DT commentator/NN while/IN the/DT game/NN is/VBZ still/RB going/VBG on/IN !/.
(/( I/NN 'm/VBP still/RB trying/VBG to/TO figure/VB out/IN why/WRB anybody/NN would/MD want/VB to/TO do/VB that/DT ./.
More/RBR surprising/JJ yet/RB ,/, Internet/NN proselytizing/VBG is/VBZ often/RB led/VBN by/IN actual/JJ smart/JJ people--people/JJ like/IN Esther/NNP Dyson/NNP ./.
Dyson/NNP is/VBZ ,/, without/IN question/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT computer/NN industry/NN 's/POS Really/RB Big/NNP Thinkers/NNP ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ on/IN a/DT first-name/JJ basis/NN with/IN all/PDT the/DT computer/NN moguls/NNS ./.
(/( In/IN her/PRP$ acknowledgments/NNS she/PRP coyly/RB thanks/NNS "/" all/PDT the/DT Bills/NNS I/PRP have/VBP known/VBN ./.
"/" )/) Her/PRP$ industry/NN confabs/NNS drip/NN with/IN cachet/NN ./.
And/CC her/PRP$ newsletter/NN ,/, Release/NNP 1/CD ./.
0/CD ,/, may/MD well/RB be/VB the/DT single/JJ most/RBS indispensable/JJ publication/NN in/IN all/DT of/IN technologydom/NN ,/, full/JJ of/IN insightful/JJ analysis/NN and/CC trend-spotting/JJ in/IN the/DT best/JJS sense/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ profile/NN is/VBZ high/JJ enough/RB that/IN the/DT publisher/NN felt/VBD justified/JJ in/IN putting/VBG her/PRP$ face/NN on/IN the/DT cover/NN of/IN her/PRP$ new/JJ book/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ titled/VBN Release/NNP 2/CD ./.
0/CD ./.
(/( Dyson/NNP says/VBZ that/IN the/DT paperback/NN edition/NN ,/, when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ out/IN ,/, will/MD be/VB called/VBN Release/NNP 2/CD ./.
1/CD ./.
Cute/NNP ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, the/DT sharpness/NN that/WDT characterizes/VBZ her/PRP$ newsletter/NN is/VBZ nowhere/RB to/TO be/VB found/VBN in/IN her/PRP$ book/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP live/VBP on/IN the/DT Net/NN ,/, "/" writes/VBZ Dyson--and/NNP it/PRP shows/VBZ ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, her/PRP$ prose/NN more/RBR closely/RB resembles/VBZ a/DT series/NN of/IN e-mail/JJ missives/NNS than/IN a/DT rigorous/JJ argument/NN ./.
All/DT that/IN e-mailing/JJ she/PRP does/VBZ appears/VBZ to/TO have/VB caused/VBN her/PRP to/TO forget/VB how/WRB to/TO write/VB more/JJR than/IN four/CD consecutive/JJ paragraphs/NNS at/IN a/DT time/NN ./.
More/RBR crucially/RB ,/, her/PRP$ "/" design/NN for/IN living/VBG in/IN the/DT digital/JJ age/NN ,/, "/" as/IN the/DT subtitle/NN puts/VBZ it/PRP ,/, comes/VBZ across/IN as/IN a/DT cross/NN between/IN New/NNP Age/NNP philosophy/NN and/CC 1950/CD s/VBZ hyperbole/NN ./.
Critical/JJ thinking/NN has/VBZ been/VBN replaced/VBN by/IN wishful/JJ thinking/NN ./.
What/WP Dyson/NNP essentially/RB believes/VBZ is/VBZ that/IN if/IN we/PRP would/MD just/RB embrace/VB the/DT Net/NN ,/, we/PRP could/MD make/VB the/DT world/NN a/DT better/JJR place/NN ./.
Really/RB ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT Net/NN will/MD help/VB create/VB wonderful/JJ communities/NNS of/IN like-minded/JJ people/NNS whose/WP$ interactions/NNS are/VBP spirited/JJ but/CC always/RB fair-minded--just/JJ like/IN Dyson/NNP 's/POS interactions/NNS with/IN the/DT Net/JJ communities/NNS she/PRP 's/VBZ involved/VBN in/IN ./.
This/DT will/MD happen/VB because/IN people/NNS will/MD gravitate/NN toward/IN communities/NNS where/WRB they/PRP share/VBP interests/NNS and/CC respect/VB the/DT views/NNS of/IN others/NNS in/IN the/DT community/NN ./.
(/( Dyson/NNP never/RB quite/RB gets/VBZ around/IN to/TO explaining/VBG what/WP happens/VBZ to/TO those/DT who/WP tend/VBP to/TO disrupt/VB those/DT nurturing/VBG Net/JJ communities/NNS ./.
)/) She/PRP believes/VBZ the/DT Net/NN will/MD allow/VB "/" those/DT who/WP want/VBP freedom/NN [/( to/TO ]/) be/VB able/JJ to/TO work/VB on/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ terms/NNS without/IN sacrificing/VBG as/RB much/JJ as/IN they/PRP must/MD today/NN ./.
"/" In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, the/DT Net/JJ will/MD free/VB people/NNS from/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO work/VB for/IN large/JJ organizations/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO make/VB a/DT decent/JJ living/NN ./.
In/IN Dyson/NNP 's/POS view/NN ,/, this/DT will/MD be/VB particularly/RB good/JJ for/IN obnoxious/JJ people/NNS ./.
"/" People/NNS who/WP are/VBP n't/RB much/JJ fun/NN to/TO work/VB with/IN will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO become/VB more/RBR independent/JJ ,/, "/" is/VBZ how/WRB she/PRP phrases/NNS it/PRP ./.
And/CC on/IN and/CC on/IN ./.
The/DT Net/JJ will/MD foster/VB truth-telling/JJ and/CC fuller/JJR disclosure/NN in/IN all/DT sorts/NNS of/IN areas/NNS ./.
It/PRP will/MD allow/VB people/NNS to/TO be/VB anonymous/JJ when/WRB it/PRP suits/VBZ them/PRP and/CC to/TO be/VB themselves/PRP when/WRB that/IN suits/NNS them/PRP ./.
If/IN people/NNS 's/POS secrets/NNS are/VBP somehow/RB revealed/VBN on/IN the/DT Net/NN ,/, well/RB ,/, that/WDT could/MD be/VB good/JJ too/RB ./.
(/( "/" At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, we/PRP may/MD all/DT become/VBP more/JJR tolerant/NN if/IN everyone/NN 's/POS flaws/NNS are/VBP more/RBR visible/JJ ./.
"/" )/) And/CC ,/, my/PRP$ personal/JJ favorite/NN ,/, Dyson/NNP believes/VBZ that/IN the/DT explosion/NN of/IN Internet/NN content/NN will/MD somehow/RB "/" bring/VB back/RB new/JJ respect/NN for/IN people/NNS ,/, for/IN personal/JJ attention/NN ,/, for/IN service/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN human/JJ interaction/NN ./.
Underlying/VBG all/DT her/PRP$ prognostications/NNS on/IN work/NN ,/, security/NN ,/, privacy/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN is/VBZ one/CD central/JJ ,/, and/CC rather/RB circular/JJ ,/, idea/NN ./.
If/IN the/DT Internet/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO live/VB up/RP to/TO its/PRP$ potential/JJ ,/, says/VBZ Dyson/NNP ,/, we/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB nicer/JJR to/TO each/DT other/JJ ./.
As/IN she/PRP puts/VBZ it/PRP ,/, "/" One/CD purpose/NN of/IN this/DT book/NN is/VBZ to/TO encourage/VB people/NNS to/TO make/VB the/DT mainstream/NN of/IN cyberspace/NN nice/JJ enough/RB that/IN people/NNS will/MD want/VB to/TO live/VB their/PRP$ social/JJ lives/NNS there/RB ./.
"/" But/CC she/PRP also/RB seems/VBZ to/TO believe/VB that/IN if/IN we/PRP would/MD start/VB spending/VBG more/JJR of/IN our/PRP$ social/JJ lives/NNS on/IN the/DT Net/NN ,/, that/WDT would/MD help/VB make/VB us/PRP nicer/JJR ,/, since/IN the/DT culture/NN of/IN the/DT Internet/NN will/MD inevitably/RB foster/VB "/" niceness/NNS ./.
Niceness/NNP ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, permeates/NNS this/DT book--everything/JJ Dyson/NNP says/VBZ ,/, she/PRP tries/VBZ to/TO say/VB as/RB nicely/RB as/IN possible/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ true/JJ even/RB when/WRB she/PRP 's/VBZ conceding/VBG that/IN not/RB everyone/NN in/IN cyberspace/NN is/VBZ as/RB nice/JJ as/IN she/PRP is/VBZ ./.
"/" It/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB nice/JJ to/TO say/VB it/PRP ,/, "/" she/PRP writes/VBZ at/IN one/CD point/NN ,/, "/" but/CC people/NNS are/VBP not/RB all/DT always/RB nice/JJ ,/, and/CC therefore/RB a/DT little/RB social/JJ pressure/NN can/MD be/VB a/DT good/JJ thing/NN ./.
"/" See/VB how/WRB nice/JJ that/DT was/VBD ?/.
There/EX are/VBP two/CD problems/NNS with/IN this/DT emphasis/NN on/IN niceness/NNS ,/, one/CD small/JJ and/CC one/CD large/JJ ./.
The/DT small/JJ problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN as/IN virtues/NNS go/VBP ,/, niceness/NNS is/VBZ wildly/RB overrated/JJ ./.
Nice/NNP books/NNS ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, are/VBP usually/RB bland/JJ books--as/JJ this/DT one/CD is/VBZ ./.
More/JJR to/TO the/DT point/NN ,/, for/IN people/NNS who/WP are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO get/VB something/NN done/VBN ,/, too/RB much/JJ niceness/NNS is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO get/VB in/IN the/DT way/NN ./.
Very/RB few/JJ of/IN Dyson/NNP 's/POS Silicon/NNP Valley/NNP CEO/NNP friends/NNS are/VBP "/" nice/JJ ,/, "/" except/IN maybe/RB to/TO her/PRP ./.
The/DT larger/JJR problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Internet/NN is/VBZ simply/RB not/RB going/VBG to/TO make/VB us/PRP nicer/JJR people--nor/JJ are/VBP we/PRP going/VBG to/TO become/VB nicer/JJR just/RB because/IN we/PRP want/VBP to/TO see/VB the/DT Internet/NN reach/NN its/PRP$ full/JJ potential/NN ./.
The/DT notion/NN is/VBZ ludicrous/JJ on/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
No/DT matter/NN how/WRB much/JJ information/NN gets/VBZ loaded/VBN into/IN it/PRP ,/, the/DT Internet/NN is/VBZ never/RB going/VBG to/TO transform/VB the/DT dynamics/NNS of/IN human/JJ behavior/NN ./.
At/IN least/JJS not/RB for/IN the/DT better/JJR ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, the/DT evidence/NN thus/RB far/RB is/VBZ quite/RB depressing/VBG in/IN this/DT regard/NN ./.
As/IN anyone/NN who/WP has/VBZ spent/VBN any/DT time/NN in/IN a/DT chat/VB room/NN knows/VBZ ,/, the/DT bad/JJ tends/VBZ to/TO drive/VB out/RP the/DT good/NN ./.
Which/WDT ,/, when/WRB you/PRP think/VBP about/IN it/PRP ,/, is/VBZ pretty/RB much/JJ the/DT way/NN it/PRP happens/VBZ in/IN the/DT offline/NN world/NN ./.
My/PRP$ own/JJ bet/NN is/VBZ that/IN by/IN 2004/CD -/: -/: a/DT year/NN in/IN which/WDT Dyson/NNP places/NNS many/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ predictions--books/JJ like/IN hers/PRP will/MD seem/VB like/IN artifacts/NNS from/IN a/DT more/RBR gullible/JJ age/NN ./.
We/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB making/VBG extravagant/JJ claims/NNS for/IN the/DT Internet/NN anymore/RB ,/, but/CC will/MD accept/VB that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB a/DT tool--sometimes/JJ extremely/RB useful/JJ ,/, sometimes/RB not/RB ./.
Some/DT of/IN what/WP is/VBZ on/IN it/PRP will/MD be/VB very/RB good/JJ ,/, a/DT lot/NN of/IN it/PRP will/MD be/VB junk/NN ./.
It/PRP 'll/MD be/VB just/RB like/IN television/NN ./.
And/CC no/DT one/PRP will/MD be/VB nicer/JJR ./.
At/IN their/PRP$ joint/JJ appearance/NN in/IN Claremont/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
H/NNP ./.
,/, today/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP and/CC John/NNP McCain/NNP seemed/VBD to/TO be/VB saying/VBG much/RB the/DT same/JJ thing/NN about/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
Both/DT see/VB the/DT present/JJ system/NN as/IN murderous/JJ to/TO democracy/NN ./.
McCain/NNP said/VBD at/IN the/DT event/NN what/WP he/PRP has/VBZ often/RB said/VBN before/IN :/: that/DT reform/NN is/VBZ required/VBN in/IN order/NN to/TO "/" give/VB the/DT government/NN of/IN this/DT country/NN back/RB to/TO its/PRP$ citizens/NNS ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP ,/, using/VBG somewhat/RB stronger/JJR language/NN ,/, described/VBD big/JJ money/NN a/DT "/" plague/VB ,/, "/" an/DT acid/NN "/" eating/VBG away/RB at/IN the/DT core/NN of/IN our/PRP$ democracy/NN "/" and/CC as/IN "/" a/DT great/JJ stone/NN wall/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ between/IN the/DT people/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ representatives/NNS ./.
"/" As/IN the/DT two/CD men/NNS also/RB explained/VBD in/IN a/DT Nightline/NNP forum/NN taped/VBN before/IN their/PRP$ "/" handshake/NN ,/, "/" they/PRP both/DT support/NN an/DT outright/JJ ban/NN on/IN soft/JJ money--the/JJ huge/JJ ,/, unregulated/JJ contributions/NNS funneled/VBN into/IN the/DT general/JJ election/NN by/IN way/NN of/IN the/DT political/JJ parties/NNS ./.
But/CC Bradley/NNP and/CC McCain/NNP do/VBP n't/RB fully/RB agree/VB about/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN their/PRP$ differences/NNS are/VBP subtle/JJ ones/NNS grounded/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ respective/JJ political/JJ orientations/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP the/DT Democrat/NNP thinks/VBZ that/IN special-interest/JJ money/NN works/VBZ primarily/RB to/TO prevent/VB the/DT government/NN from/IN passing/VBG useful/JJ new/JJ laws/NNS ,/, like/IN health-care/NN reform/NN and/CC regulation/NN of/IN handguns/NNS ./.
McCain/NNP the/DT Republican/NNP thinks/VBZ that/IN special-interest/JJ money/NN causes/VBZ the/DT government/NN to/TO waste/VB money/NN on/IN unnecessary/JJ programs/NNS and/CC prevents/VBZ it/PRP from/IN cutting/VBG ones/NNS it/PRP should/MD get/VB rid/JJ of/IN ./.
Other/JJ distinctions/NNS visible/JJ today/NN point/NN up/RP temperamental/NN differences/NNS between/IN the/DT two/CD men/NNS ./.
McCain/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ more/JJR of/IN a/DT risk-taker/JJ ,/, feels/VBZ so/RB strongly/RB about/IN soft/JJ money/NN that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ promised/VBN not/RB to/TO accept/VB it/PRP should/MD he/PRP become/VB the/DT nominee/NN no/DT matter/NN what/WP his/PRP$ Democratic/JJ rival/JJ does/VBZ ./.
Bradley/NNP ,/, more/RBR cautious/JJ by/IN nature/NN ,/, has/VBZ declined/VBN to/TO take/VB a/DT pledge/NN of/IN unilateral/JJ disarmament/NN ./.
McCain/NNP is/VBZ also/RB more/RBR categorical/JJ about/IN his/PRP$ moral/JJ indictment/NN ,/, saying/VBG at/IN the/DT press/NN conference/NN following/VBG today/NN 's/POS event/NN that/IN special-interest/JJ money/NN corrupts/NNS everyone/NN in/IN politics/NNS ,/, himself/PRP included/VBD ./.
Money/NN ,/, he/PRP said/VBD ,/, buys/VBZ access/NN ,/, and/CC "/" access/NN is/VBZ influence/NN ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, said/VBD no/DT decision/NN he/PRP had/VBD ever/RB made/VBN was/VBD influenced/VBN by/IN money/NN ,/, merely/RB that/IN he/PRP resented/VBD the/DT suspicion--the/JJ appearance/NN of/IN impropriety--that/JJ is/VBZ unavoidable/JJ under/IN the/DT present/JJ system/NN ./.
But/CC when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO what/WP sort/NN of/IN reform/NN is/VBZ necessary/JJ ,/, Bradley/NNP and/CC McCain/NNP actually/RB have/VBP big/JJ disagreements/NNS that/IN they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB illuminate/VB today/NN ./.
Basically/RB it/PRP comes/VBZ down/RB to/TO this/DT :/: Bradley/NNP 's/POS idea/NN of/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN is/VBZ comprehensive/JJ ./.
He/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO eliminate/VB the/DT role/NN of/IN private/JJ money/NN from/IN politics/NNS once/RB and/CC for/IN all/DT ./.
McCain/NNP 's/POS approach/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, is/VBZ incremental/JJ ./.
He/PRP will/MD be/VB satisfied/VBN with/IN reducing/VBG the/DT role/NN and/CC power/NN of/IN special-interest/JJ money/NN in/IN Washington/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP believes/VBZ that/IN the/DT entire/JJ system/NN of/IN financing/NN campaigns/NNS needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB overhauled/VBN ./.
To/TO do/VB this/DT ,/, he/PRP thinks/VBZ ,/, will/MD require/VB not/RB only/RB banning/VBG soft/JJ money/NN and/CC providing/VBG free/JJ TV/NN air/NN time/NN to/TO candidates/NNS ,/, but/CC also/RB full/JJ public/JJ financing/NN of/IN congressional/JJ elections/NNS and/CC a/DT constitutional/JJ amendment/NN to/TO overturn/VB Buckley/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Valeo/NNP ,/, the/DT 1976/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP decision/NN that/WDT defines/VBZ spending/NN as/IN speech/NN ./.
In/IN Claremont/NNP ,/, Bradley/NNP employed/VBN the/DT metaphor/NN he/PRP also/RB uses/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN :/: "/" Money/NNP in/IN politics/NNS is/VBZ similar/JJ to/TO the/DT ants/NNS in/IN your/PRP$ kitchen/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ./.
"/" Just/RB when/WRB you/PRP think/VBP you/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN them/PRP blocked/VBD ,/, they/PRP find/VBP another/DT way/NN to/TO get/VB in/IN ./.
Only/RB hermetically/RB sealing/VBG the/DT kitchen/NN off/IN will/MD work/VB ./.
"/" We/PRP need/VBP to/TO amend/VB the/DT Constitution/NNP and/CC provide/VB full/JJ public/JJ financing/NN ,/, he/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, because/IN "/" anything/NN less/JJR means/VBZ that/DT democracy/NN can/MD still/RB be/VB corrupted/JJ ./.
McCain/NNP agrees/VBZ with/IN Bradley/NNP about/IN how/WRB harmful/JJ special-interest/JJ money/NN is/VBZ ./.
But/CC his/PRP$ own/JJ solution/NN is/VBZ much/RB more/RBR modest/JJ ./.
McCain/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB think/VB it/PRP will/MD be/VB possible/JJ to/TO eliminate/VB the/DT influence/NN of/IN private/JJ money/NN from/IN politics/NNS ,/, or/CC that/IN doing/VBG so/RB would/MD even/RB be/VB desirable/JJ ./.
He/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO stamp/VB out/RP the/DT most/RBS pernicious/JJ abuses--the/JJ enormous/JJ contributions/NNS by/IN corporations/NNS ,/, labor/NN unions/NNS ,/, and/CC wealthy/JJ individuals/NNS ./.
And/CC he/PRP hopes/VBZ to/TO level/VB the/DT playing/VBG field/NN for/IN challengers/NNS and/CC incumbents/NNS by/IN providing/VBG free/JJ airtime/NN for/IN candidates/NNS ./.
But/CC McCain/NNP does/VBZ not/RB favor/VB public/JJ financing/NN for/IN congressional/JJ campaigns/NNS and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB think/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ necessary/JJ to/TO amend/VB the/DT Constitution/NNP to/TO get/VB meaningful/JJ reform/NN ./.
I/PRP 'd/MD give/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN credit/NN to/TO both/DT McCain/NNP and/CC Bradley/NNP for/IN trying/VBG to/TO explain/VB this/DT complex/JJ problem/NN and/CC make/VB it/PRP into/IN a/DT major/JJ issue/NN in/IN the/DT campaign/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP think/VBP that/IN McCain/NNP 's/POS less/RBR ambitious/JJ ,/, piecemeal/RB approach/NN makes/VBZ much/RB more/JJR sense/NN than/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS comprehensive/JJ one/CD ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS desire/NN to/TO solve/VB the/DT problem/NN once/RB and/CC for/IN all/DT is/VBZ understandable/JJ ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ approach/NN is/VBZ dangerous/JJ ./.
Amending/VBG the/DT Constitution/NNP should/MD always/RB be/VB a/DT last/JJ resort/NN ./.
And/CC in/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, the/DT alternatives/NNS have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN exhausted/VBN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB clear/JJ that/IN Buckley/NNP v/NN ./.
Valeo/NNP prevents/VBZ genuine/JJ reform--or/JJ that/IN even/RB if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ ,/, the/DT corruption/NN of/IN the/DT current/JJ system/NN is/VBZ severe/JJ enough/RB to/TO warrant/VB tinkering/NN with/IN the/DT Bill/NNP of/IN Rights/NNP ./.
And/CC in/IN practical/JJ terms/NNS ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ the/DT point/NN of/IN even/RB discussing/VBG a/DT constitutional/JJ amendment--which/JJ requires/VBZ a/DT two-thirds/NNS vote/VBP in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP as/RB well/RB as/IN ratification/NN by/IN the/DT states--if/JJ you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB a/DT majority/NN to/TO pass/VB a/DT simple/JJ bill/NN ?/.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS sweeping/JJ proposals/NNS also/RB cut/VBP against/IN the/DT nature/NN and/CC history/NN of/IN the/DT problem/NN ./.
Political/JJ reform/NN in/IN this/DT country/NN has/VBZ never/RB taken/VBN the/DT form/NN of/IN systemic/JJ reengineering/VBG ./.
Instead/RB ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN a/DT frustrating/JJ but/CC productive/JJ process/NN ,/, one/CD in/IN which/WDT rising/VBG expectations/NNS and/CC public/JJ outrage/NN lead/NN to/TO ameliorative/JJ legislation/NN and/CC higher/JJR ethical/JJ standards/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP ought/MD to/TO understand/VB this/DT ,/, not/RB only/RB because/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ well-versed/JJ in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN political/JJ reform--there/JJ 's/VBZ a/DT chapter/NN on/IN the/DT subject/NN in/IN his/PRP$ book--but/JJ because/IN the/DT challenge/NN of/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN is/VBZ so/RB similar/JJ to/TO that/DT of/IN tax/NN reform/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD his/PRP$ own/JJ greatest/JJS legislative/JJ accomplishment/NN as/IN a/DT Senator/NNP ./.
Passed/VBN in/IN 1986/CD ,/, tax/NN reform/NN was/VBD undone/VBN over/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT following/VBG decade/NN ./.
The/DT post-/NN Watergate/NNP campaign/NN finance/NN reforms/NNS were/VBD unmade/NN in/IN a/DT very/RB similar/JJ way--smart/JJ lawyers/NNS and/CC lobbyists/NNS opened/VBD loopholes/NNS ./.
The/DT loopholes/NNS expanded/VBN ,/, and/CC eventually/RB got/VBD to/TO the/DT point/NN where/WRB a/DT fresh/JJ set/NN of/IN reforms/NNS was/VBD needed/VBN ./.
Just/RB like/IN campaign/NN finance/NN today/NN ./.
I/PRP loved/VBD the/DT traffic/NN story/NN :/: for/IN its/PRP$ winning/VBG characters/NNS (/( a/DT "/" poet/NN of/IN thermodynamics/NNS "/" and/CC a/DT "/" Jam/NNP professor/NN "/" )/) ,/, its/PRP$ clear/JJ explication/NN of/IN competing/VBG scientific/JJ theories/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT satisfaction/NN of/IN knowing/VBG that/IN our/PRP$ nation/NN 's/POS best/JJS physicists/NNS are/VBP even/RB more/JJR annoyed/VBN by/IN traffic/NN than/IN are/VBP the/DT rest/NN of/IN us/PRP ./.
I/PRP noticed/VBD that/IN the/DT story/NN did/VBD n't/RB use/VB the/DT word/NN "/" sprawl/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP did/VBD n't/RB reference/NN Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS "/" livability/NN agenda/NN "/" for/IN the/DT 2000/CD election/NN or/CC quote/VB any/DT politicians/NNS decrying/VBG the/DT pernicious/JJ social/JJ effect/NN of/IN traffic/NN ./.
(/( Sipress/NNP did/VBD call/NN the/DT Eastern/NNP seaboard/NN '/" sprawling/VBG ,/, '/" but/CC that/DT 's/VBZ it/PRP )/) ./.
Instead/RB ,/, the/DT story/NN was/VBD nicely/RB focused/VBN on/IN local/JJ trouble/NN spots/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT Capital/NNP Beltway/NNP and/CC the/DT Woodrow/NNP Wilson/NNP Bridge/NNP ./.
I/PRP wonder/NN if/IN this/DT indicates/VBZ that/DT sprawl/NN has/VBZ ebbed/JJ back/RB into/IN the/DT realm/NN of/IN the/DT regional/JJ ,/, or/CC just/RB that/IN Sipress/NNP was/VBD so/RB annoyed/VBN by/IN all/PDT the/DT rhetoric/NN that/IN he/PRP left/VBD it/PRP out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ piece/NN ./.
Speaking/NN of/IN local/JJ issues/NNS ,/, the/DT carpetbagger/NN issue/NN rankles/NNS me/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, but/CC for/IN different/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
I/PRP keep/VBP hearing/NN New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS described/VBD as/IN transient/JJ drifters/NNS whose/WP$ own/JJ roots/NNS are/VBP so/RB ephemeral/NN that/IN we/PRP are/VBP willing/JJ to/TO let/VB any/DT politician/NN rent/NN a/DT hotel/NN room/NN and/CC represent/VB us/PRP ./.
As/IN someone/NN who/WP 's/VBZ lived/VBD in/IN four/CD of/IN the/DT five/CD boroughs/NNS ,/, whose/WP$ family/NN (/( on/IN both/DT sides/NNS )/) has/VBZ lived/VBN in/IN the/DT city/NN since/IN arriving/VBG in/IN America/NNP ,/, and/CC who/WP worked/VBD for/IN the/DT City/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, I/PRP am/VBP offended/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ partly/RB because/IN my/PRP$ local/JJ pride/NN has/VBZ been/VBN injured/VBN ,/, but/CC also/RB because/IN I/PRP think/VBP that/IN New/NNP York--with/NNP its/PRP$ size/NN ,/, diversity/NN ,/, abundant/JJ businesses/NNS ,/, crumbling/VBG schools/NNS ,/, huge/JJ infrastructure/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB on--has/JJ local/JJ needs/NNS that/WDT are/VBP just/RB as/IN (/( if/IN not/RB more/JJR )/) particular/JJ as/IN any/DT other/JJ district/NN in/IN the/DT country/NN ./.
And/CC even/RB if/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP 's/POS denizens/NNS are/VBP more/RBR transitory/JJ than/IN the/DT average/JJ American/NNP ,/, residents/NNS of/IN New/NNP York/NNP State/NNP are/VBP not/RB ./.
So/RB even/RB if/IN we/PRP elect/VBP an/DT adopted/VBN Senator/NNP rather/RB than/IN a/DT homegrown/NN one/CD ,/, it/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB because/IN we/PRP lack/VBP a/DT sense/NN of/IN place/NN ./.
Yesterday/NN you/PRP warned/VBD me/PRP not/RB to/TO lump/NN you/PRP with/IN radio/NN hosts/NNS who/WP chide/NN Hillary/NNP for/IN capitalizing/VBG on/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS fame/NN and/CC power/NN ./.
Yet/RB today/NN you/PRP wrote/VBD that/IN "/" Hillary/NNP owes/VBZ her/PRP$ celebrity/NN solely/RB to/TO her/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS political/JJ career/NN ./.
"/" Yes/UH ,/, she/PRP does--just/JJ as/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, Al/NNP Gore/NNP ,/, and/CC Jack/NNP Kennedy/NNP once/RB owed/VBD theirs/PRP only/RB to/TO their/PRP$ fathers/NNS ./.
If/IN sons/NNS can/MD create/VB political/JJ careers/NNS based/VBN on/IN the/DT successes/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ fathers/NNS ,/, why/WRB ca/MD n't/RB wives/NNS do/VB so/RB based/VBN on/IN those/DT of/IN their/PRP$ husbands/NNS ?/.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO prevent/VB one/CD political/JJ dynasty/NN from/IN being/VBG created/VBN ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO topple/VB them/PRP all/DT ./.
Walter/NNP ,/, our/PRP$ correspondence/NN is/VBZ drawing/VBG to/TO a/DT close/NN ./.
Thank/VB you/PRP so/RB much/JJ for/IN sharing/VBG your/PRP$ breakfast/NN thoughts/NNS ,/, especially/RB with/IN someone/NN with/IN far/RB fewer/JJR years/NNS of/IN newspaper-reading/JJ (/( and/CC writing/VBG !/.
)/) under/IN her/PRP$ belt/NN ./.
Cheers/NNP ,/, Jodi/NNP
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: I/PRP never/RB responded/VBD to/TO the/DT wager/NN you/PRP made/VBD with/IN me/PRP yesterday/NN ./.
If/IN Rick/NNP Lazio/NNP wins/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Senate/NNP race/NN ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD buy/VB you/PRP a/DT Manhattan/NNP at/IN the/DT bar/NN of/IN your/PRP$ choice/NN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Immigration/NNP and/CC Naturalization/NNP Service/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO return/VB 6/CD -/: year-old/JJ Elián/NNP González/NNP to/TO his/PRP$ father/NN in/IN Cuba/NNP by/IN Jan/NNP ./.
14/CD ./.
All/DT other/JJ papers/NNS front/NN the/DT story/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN Labor/NNP Secretary/NNP Alexis/NNP Herman/NNP 's/POS backpedaling/VBG on/IN an/DT Occupational/NNP Safety/NNP and/CC Health/NNP Administration/NNP directive/NN making/VBG employers/NNS responsible/JJ for/IN safety/NN and/CC health/NN violations/NNS in/IN employees/NNS '/POS home/NN offices/NNS ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP tops/VBZ its/PRP$ "/" World-/NNP Wide/NNP "/" box/NN with/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ debate/NN at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN New/NNP Hampshire/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ local/JJ and/CC off-leads/JJ the/DT uncertain/JJ status/NN of/IN fighting/VBG between/IN Russians/NNPS and/CC Chechens/NNP in/IN Grozny/NNP ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, which/WDT leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT governor/NN 's/POS State/NNP of/IN the/DT State/NNP address/NN ,/, off-leads/JJ González/NNP and/CC reefers/NNS the/DT Labor/NNP Department/NNP story/NN ./.
Officially/RB ,/, the/DT INS/NNP judged/VBN the/DT case/NN based/VBN on/IN law/NN and/CC research/NN ,/, but/CC anonymous/JJ officials/NNS told/VBD the/DT NYT/NNP that/IN the/DT administration/NN did/VBD not/RB want/VB to/TO damage/VB relations/NNS with/IN Cuba/NNP when/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO forge/VB new/JJ contacts/NNS there/RB ./.
Justice/NNP Department/NNP officials/NNS indicated/VBD they/PRP would/MD oppose/VB threatened/VBN legal/JJ moves/NNS by/IN González/NNP 's/POS angry/JJ relatives/NNS ,/, who/WP are/VBP hosting/VBG the/DT boy/NN in/IN Miami/NNP ./.
No/DT decision/NN has/VBZ been/VBN made/VBN on/IN how/WRB Elián/NNP will/MD be/VB reunited/VBN with/IN his/PRP$ father/NN :/: The/DT INS/NNP offered/VBD to/TO bring/VB Juan/NNP González/NNP to/TO the/DT States/NNPS to/TO pick/VB the/DT boy/NN up/RB ,/, but/CC González/NNP has/VBZ said/VBN it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT Americans/NNPS '/POS responsibility/NN to/TO bring/VB him/PRP home/NN ./.
González/NNP senior/NN may/MD be/VB under/IN pressure/NN from/IN the/DT Cuban/JJ government/NN ,/, the/DT LAT/NNP and/CC Post/NNP report/NN ./.
Each/DT story/NN carries/VBZ President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS boast/NN that/IN his/PRP$ administration/NN has/VBZ kept/VBN the/DT boy/NN 's/POS plight/NN "/" out/IN of/IN politics/NNS ,/, "/" but/CC the/DT two/CD Times/NNP dispute/NN that/DT statement/NN ./.
Castro/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ name/NN is/VBZ n't/RB even/RB mentioned/VBN in/IN the/DT Post/NNP ,/, is/VBZ treated/VBN with/IN kid/NN gloves/NNS in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP ./.
Only/RB the/DT LAT/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Castro/NNP has/VBZ called/VBN the/DT situation/NN an/DT abduction/NN ./.
Elián/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN roped/JJ into/IN someone/NN else/RB 's/POS game/NN :/: He/PRP is/VBZ the/DT center/NN of/IN an/DT "/" international/JJ tug/NN of/IN war/NN "/" in/IN the/DT WP/NNP lede/NN and/CC a/DT front-page/JJ LAT/NNP caption/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT "/" center/NN of/IN a/DT political/JJ tug-of-war/NN "/" in/IN the/DT USAT/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP turns/VBZ him/PRP into/IN "/" the/DT central/JJ object/VBP in/IN a/DT tug-of-war/NN ./.
"/" How/WRB can/MD the/DT situation/NN almost/RB unanimously/RB be/VB a/DT political/JJ "/" tug/NN of/IN war/NN "/" if/IN so/RB little/JJ is/VBZ mentioned/VBN of/IN who/WP 's/VBZ tugging/VBG on/IN the/DT other/JJ end/NN ?/.
A/DT flurry/NN of/IN calls/NNS between/IN Labor/NNP and/CC the/DT White/NNP House/NNP resulted/VBD in/IN Herman/NNP recanting/VBG the/DT home/NN office/NN directive/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS ./.
The/DT confusion/NN shows/VBZ that/IN telecommuting/VBG has/VBZ changed/VBN the/DT workplace/NN so/IN that/IN traditional/JJ rules/NNS and/CC regulations/NNS may/MD no/DT longer/RB apply--or/JJ perhaps/RB no/DT one/CD 's/POS sure/JJ how/WRB to/TO apply/VB them/PRP ./.
Withdrawing/NNP the/DT directive/NN ,/, which/WDT first/RB made/VBN news/NN Tuesday/NNP ,/, may/MD not/RB affect/VB the/DT policy/NN behind/IN it/PRP ./.
Almost/RB 20/CD million/CD people/NNS in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
work/NN at/IN home/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP front/NN the/DT Securities/NNPS and/CC Exchange/NNP Commission/NNP 's/POS filing/NN of/IN a/DT civil/JJ suit/NN against/IN stock/NN guru/NN Yun/NNP Soo/NNP Oh/UH Park--/NNP "/" Tokyo/NNP Joe/NNP "/" of/IN Internet/NN fame/NN ./.
Park/NNP ,/, accused/VBN of/IN committing/VBG four/CD counts/NNS of/IN fraud/NN ,/, is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO have/VB advised/VBN followers/NNS to/TO buy/VB certain/JJ stocks/NNS ,/, which/WDT he/PRP then/RB sold/VBD on/IN the/DT sly/JJ as/IN their/PRP$ orders/NNS lifted/VBD the/DT stocks/NNS '/POS prices/NNS ./.
In/IN 1998/CD ,/, he/PRP allegedly/RB accepted/VBD 100/CD ,/, 000/CD shares/NNS in/IN a/DT cigar/NN maker/NN and/CC Boca/NNP Raton/NNP deli-owner/JJ ;/: in/IN return/NN ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO have/VB recommended/VBN the/DT stock/NN to/TO his/PRP$ customers/NNS ,/, without/IN revealing/VBG his/PRP$ relationship/NN to/TO the/DT company/NN ./.
The/DT SEC/NNP 's/POS complaint/NN is/VBZ its/PRP$ most/RBS aggressive/JJ move/NN yet/RB against/IN an/DT Internet/NN stock/NN whiz/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP ,/, Post/NNP (/( in/IN their/PRP$ business/NN sections/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC WSJ/NNP report/NN that/IN Amazon/NNP ./.
com/NN Inc/NNP ./.
's/POS fourth-quarter/JJ revenue/NN ,/, $/$ 650/CD million/CD ,/, failed/VBD to/TO match/VB analysts/NNS '/POS "/" whisper/NN number/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT in/IN some/DT circles/NNS doubled/VBD earlier/RBR ,/, published/VBN estimates/NNS of/IN $/$ 500/CD million/CD ./.
Stockholders/NNS were/VBD not/RB impressed/VBN :/: Investors/NNS beat/VBP the/DT stock/NN down/RB 15/CD percent/NN ,/, lowering/VBG its/PRP$ market/NN capitalization/NN by/IN $/$ 4/CD billion/CD ,/, to/TO $/$ 24/CD billion/CD ./.
Coverage/NNP of/IN the/DT fourth/JJ Bradley-/NNP Gore/NNP debate/NN is/VBZ pot/NN luck/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WSJ/NNP address/VBP both/DT candidates/NNS '/POS strengthening/NN of/IN earlier/JJR statements/NNS defending/VBG gays/NNS in/IN the/DT military/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP summarizes/NNS the/DT debate/NN topics/NNS as/IN "/" guns/NNS ,/, health/NN ,/, ability/NN "/" in/IN its/PRP$ headline/NN and/CC mentions/VBZ Sen/NNP ./.
Edward/NNP Kennedy/NNP 's/POS endorsement/NN of/IN Gore/NNP in/IN its/PRP$ subhead/NN ./.
The/DT WSJ/NNP highlights/VBZ in/IN its/PRP$ "/" World-/NNP Wide/NNP "/" column/NN (/( as/IN opposed/VBN to/TO its/PRP$ story/NN )/) Bradley/NNP 's/POS accusation/NN that/IN Gore/NNP contorted/JJ his/PRP$ health/NN care/NN plan/NN by/IN claiming/VBG it/PRP would/MD hurt/VB minorities/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, the/DT debate/NN centered/VBN on/IN who/WP might/MD be/VB a/DT stronger/JJR president/NN ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP front-pager/JJ reports/NNS that/IN McCain/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT midst/NN of/IN a/DT fight/NN against/IN the/DT power/NN of/IN money/NN in/IN politics/NNS ,/, twice/RB in/IN the/DT past/JJ couple/NN months/NNS urged/VBD the/DT Federal/NNP Communications/NNP Commission/NNP to/TO act/VB on/IN an/DT issue/NN that/WDT would/MD benefit/VB a/DT major/JJ contributor/NN to/TO his/PRP$ campaign/NN ./.
Chechens/NNP claim/NN to/TO have/VB seized/VBN a/DT village/NN southwest/JJS of/IN Grozny/NNP ;/: Russians/NNPS said/VBD the/DT fighters/NNS fled/VBD the/DT capital/NN in/IN desperation/NN ./.
NYT/NNP Moscow/NNP bureau/NN chief/NN Michael/NNP Gordon/NNP reports/NNS from/IN North/NNP Ossetia/NNP ,/, a/DT Russian/JJ republic/NN west/NN of/IN Chechnya/NNP :/: "/" It/PRP is/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO verify/VB either/CC side/VB 's/POS claims/NNS since/IN the/DT Russian/JJ military/NN has/VBZ not/RB taken/VBN reporters/NNS to/TO Chechnya/NNP for/IN three/CD days/NNS ./.
Department/NNP of/IN Misplaced/NNP Rhetorical/NNP Imagery/NNP :/: In/IN light/NN of/IN last/JJ year/NN 's/POS school/NN shootings/NNS ,/, the/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN headline/NN is/VBZ somewhat/RB startling/JJ :/: "/" [/( Gov/NNP ./.
]/NN Davis/NNP Issues/NNPS a/DT Call/NN to/TO Arms/NNS for/IN Better/NNP Teachers/NNPS ,/, Schools/NNP ./.
"/" Coincidentally/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
George/NNP Pataki/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP lead/NN ,/, outlined/VBN changes/NNS in/IN practices/NNS for/IN recruiting/VBG teachers/NNS ,/, saying/VBG that/IN "/" right/RB now/RB ,/, Colin/NNP Powell/NNP ca/MD n't/RB teach/VB in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP schools/NNS that/IN he/PRP grew/VBD up/RB in/IN ./.
"/" The/DT LAT/NNP story/NN explains/VBZ that/IN Davis/NNP used/VBD images/NNS of/IN warfare/NN in/IN his/PRP$ State/NNP of/IN the/DT State/NNP speech/NN to/TO drum/VB up/RP enthusiasm/NN for/IN hiring/VBG and/CC training/VBG new/JJ teachers/NNS ./.
The/DT "/" war/NN for/IN the/DT future/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ,/, "/" will/MD be/VB fought/VBN school/NN to/TO school/VB ,/, classroom/NN to/TO classroom/NN ,/, desk/NN to/TO desk/NN ./.
"/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP knows/VBZ what/WP he/PRP means/VBZ ,/, but/CC had/VBD hoped/VBN classroom/NN warfare/NN might/MD be/VB left/VBN in/IN the/DT past/NN ./.
Sire/NNP ,/, the/DT Technology/NNP Is/VBZ Revolting/NNP
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, technological/JJ snafus/NNS conspired/VBD to/TO delay/VB both/DT our/PRP$ daily/JJ "/" prop/VB "/" of/IN new/JJ material/NN on/IN several/JJ days/NNS and/CC our/PRP$ weekly/JJ e-mail/JJ delivery/NN ./.
We/PRP apologize/VB to/TO readers/NNS of/IN both/DT versions/NNS of/IN Slate/NNP ./.
These/DT computer/NN thingamabobs--gosh/JJ ,/, they/PRP really/RB are/VBP confusing/JJ and/CC complicated/VBN !/.
Just/RB so/IN you/PRP know/VBP how/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO work/VB (/( and/CC usually/RB does/VBZ )/) :/: Each/DT day/NN 's/POS edition/NN is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB available/JJ on/IN the/DT Web/NNP the/DT previous/JJ evening/NN at/IN around/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
Pacific/JJ time/NN (/( 8/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
Eastern/JJ time/NN )/) ./.
The/DT one/CD exception/NN is/VBZ the/DT weekend/NN edition/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT edition/NN with/IN the/DT most/RBS new/JJ and/CC updated/VBN material/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ usually/RB available/JJ on/IN the/DT Web/NNP by/IN 2/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
Friday/NNP afternoon/NN ,/, Eastern/NNP time/NN ./.
The/DT weekly/JJ e-mail/JJ delivery/NN should/MD arrive/VB Friday/NNP afternoon/NN as/RB well/RB ./.
(/( You/PRP can/MD also/RB download/NN this/DT same/JJ file/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ formatted/JJ for/IN easy/JJ print-out/JJ ,/, directly/RB from/IN the/DT Web/NNP ./.
Our/PRP$ No/UH ./.
1/LS concern/NN last/JJ week/NN was/VBD trying/VBG to/TO keep/VB Bill/NNP Gates/NNP from/IN finding/VBG out/IN about/IN these/DT problems/NNS we/PRP were/VBD having/VBG ,/, since/IN Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ a/DT company/NN where/WRB nothing/NN ever/RB goes/VBZ wrong/JJ ./.
(/( Our/PRP$ No/UH ./.
2/LS concern/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, was/VBD you/PRP ,/, the/DT customer/NN ./.
)/) At/IN an/DT emergency/NN staff/NN meeting/NN ,/, we/PRP considered/VBD our/PRP$ options/NNS ./.
Young/NNP Plotz/NNP had/VBD a/DT three-word/JJ suggestion/NN that/WDT does/VBZ n't/RB bear/VB repeating/VBG ./.
Foer/NNP and/CC Gore/NNP offered/VBD to/TO distract/VB Gates/NNP with/IN their/PRP$ vaudeville/NN act/NN while/IN Sobel/NNP and/CC Hohlt/NNP snuck/NN the/DT pages/NNS into/IN his/PRP$ browser/NN cache/NN ./.
Finally/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, we/PRP decided/VBD to/TO tell/VB him/PRP the/DT truth/NN ./.
He/PRP took/VBD it/PRP pretty/RB well/RB ./.
"/" That/DT 's/VBZ OK/JJ ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" I/PRP 'm/VBP still/RB busy/JJ looking/VBG at/IN Investor/NNP ./.
Satan/NNP or/CC Sunshine/NNP ?/.
In/IN her/PRP$ dispatches/NNS last/JJ week/NN from/IN the/DT inauguration/NN ,/, Karenna/NNP Gore/NNP invited/VBD Slate/NNP readers/NNS to/TO help/VB her/PRP$ choose/VB a/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP code/NN name/NN superior/JJ to/TO the/DT one/CD she/PRP regrets/VBZ having/VBG chosen/VBN four/CD years/NNS ago/RB :/: Smurfette/NNP ./.
It/PRP must/MD have/VB two/CD syllables/NNS and/CC begin/VB with/IN S/NNP ,/, for/IN some/DT reason/NN ./.
Among/IN reader/NN suggestions/NNS (/( in/IN "/" The/DT Fray/NNP "/" )/) ,/, Gore/NNP reports/NNS ,/, "/" Sultry/NNP ,/, Sexy/NNP ,/, and/CC Sassy/NNP seem/VBP superior/JJ to/TO Schoolmarm/NNP ,/, Shapeless/NNP ,/, and/CC Schnauzer/NNP ./.
"/" Other/JJ nominees/NNS :/: Sandstorm/NNP ,/, Seraph/NNP ,/, Scylla/NNP (/( "/" Fends/NNP off/RP sailors/NNS ,/, "/" a/DT reader/NN points/NNS out/IN )/) ./.
Scrounger/NNP ,/, Shameless/NNP ,/, Snorer/NNP ,/, Slimfast/NNP ,/, and/CC Spoiler/NNP did/VBD not/RB appeal/VB ,/, and/CC Stripper/NNP and/CC Stoner/NNP were/VBD positively/RB alarming/JJ ./.
Bottom/NNP line/NN :/: She/PRP is/VBZ still/RB looking/VBG ./.
Top/NNP Draft/NNP Choice/NNP
We/PRP 're/VBP pleased/VBN to/TO announce/VB that/IN Michael/NNP Lewis/NNP will/MD be/VB joining/VBG Slate/NNP as/IN a/DT regular/JJ contributor/NN ./.
Michael/NNP is/VBZ the/DT author/NN of/IN Liar/NNP 's/POS Poker/NNP ,/, the/DT best-selling/JJS memoir/NN of/IN life/NN as/IN an/DT investment/NN banker/NN in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ./.
Losers/NNP ,/, an/DT expanded/VBN version/NN of/IN his/PRP$ coverage/NN of/IN the/DT 1996/CD presidential/JJ campaign/NN ,/, will/MD be/VB published/VBN this/DT spring/NN by/IN Knopf/NNP ./.
He/PRP also/RB writes/VBZ a/DT monthly/JJ column/NN for/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Sunday/NNP Magazine/NNP ./.
Look/VB for/IN Michael/NNP 's/POS regular/JJ contributions/NNS starting/VBG in/IN April/NNP ,/, with/IN occasional/JJ appetizers/NNS before/IN then/RB ./.
-/: -/: Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP
Economist/NNP ,/, April/NNP 24/CD
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 24/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN warns/VBZ NATO/NNP to/TO do/VB some/DT birthday/NN soul-searching/JJ ./.
The/DT alliance/NN must/MD establish/VB an/DT international/JJ protectorate/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP that/IN guarantees/NNS refugees/NNS the/DT right/NN of/IN return/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP must/MD reassure/VB a/DT wary/JJ world/NN that/IN it/PRP will/MD not/RB make/VB a/DT habit/NN of/IN waging/VBG war/NN on/IN sovereign/JJ nations/NNS ./.
Failure/NN could/MD mean/VB "/" terminal/NN decline/NN ./.
"/" ./.
A/DT long/JJ ,/, fascinating/JJ survey/NN of/IN NATO/NNP says/VBZ the/DT narrow/JJ interests/NNS of/IN some/DT European/JJ members/NNS conflict/VBP with/IN America/NNP 's/POS "/" broader/JJR vision/NN "/" and/CC wonders/VBZ whether/IN members/NNS '/POS conflicting/JJ positions/NNS on/IN Iraq/NNP ,/, Iran/NNP ,/, and/CC Israel/NNP could/MD strain/VB the/DT alliance/NN in/IN the/DT future/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN describes/VBZ a/DT kid-run/JJ Florida/NNP anti-smoking/JJ campaign/NN ./.
One/CD billboard/NN features/VBZ a/DT bikini-clad/JJ tobacco/NN executive/NN ,/, poolside/NN with/IN cigarette/NN and/CC black/JJ socks/NNS ./.
The/DT campaign/NN is/VBZ demonstrably/RB successful/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT governor/NN wants/VBZ to/TO slash/VB its/PRP$ budget/NN ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 23/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN ,/, "/" Milosevic/NNP 's/POS Willing/JJ Executioners/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ that/IN Serbs/NNP actively/RB support/NN the/DT ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN of/IN Kosovo/NNP and/CC the/DT murder/NN of/IN Muslims/NNPS ./.
Serbs/NNP honestly/RB believe/VBP themselves/PRP to/TO be/VB victims/NNS ./.
Milosevic/NNP did/VBD not/RB need/VB to/TO push/VB them/PRP into/IN violence/NN ./.
The/DT piece/NN is/VBZ full/JJ of/IN chilling/JJ anecdotes/NNS about/IN Serbs/NNP '/POS "/" gratuitous/JJ sadism/NN "/" and/CC indifference/NN to/TO Kosovar/NNP suffering/VBG ./.
An/DT article/NN slams/NNS CNN/NNP for/IN acting/VBG as/IN a/DT conduit/NN for/IN Serb/NNP propaganda/NN ./.
Rather/RB than/IN try/VB to/TO subvert/VB or/CC oppose/VBP Belgrade/NNP 's/POS censorship/NN ,/, CNN/NNP has/VBZ happily/RB accepted/VBN it/PRP in/IN exchange/NN for/IN "/" access/NN ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, April/NNP 25/CD
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 22/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN deplores/VBZ the/DT Americanization/NNP of/IN Israeli/JJ politics/NNS ./.
The/DT American/JJ political/JJ consultants/NNS hired/VBN by/IN the/DT leading/VBG candidates/NNS for/IN prime/JJ minister--/JJ Arthur/NNP Finkelstein/NNP for/IN Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP ,/, James/NNP Carville/NNP and/CC others/NNS for/IN Ehud/NNP Barak--have/NNP brought/VBD sound/NN bites/VBZ ,/, attack/NN ads/NNS ,/, and/CC wedge/NN issues/NNS to/TO the/DT campaign/NN ./.
Sadly/RB ,/, this/DT has/VBZ removed/VBN all/PDT the/DT substance/NN from/IN Israeli/JJ politics/NNS and/CC left/VBD it/PRP just/RB as/RB vapid/NN as/IN the/DT American/JJ system/NN ./.
A/DT profile/NN of/IN Montenegrin/NNP President/NNP Milo/NNP Djukanovic/NNP calls/VBZ him/PRP the/DT West/NNP 's/POS best/JJS hope/VBP for/IN Yugoslavia/NNP ./.
Once/RB a/DT Milosevic/NNP stooge/NN ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ become/VBN an/DT anti-/NN Milosevic/NNP ,/, free-market/JJ democrat/NN ./.
Problem/NNP :/: Milosevic/NNP may/MD take/VB the/DT opportunity/NN provided/VBN by/IN the/DT NATO/NNP bombing/NN to/TO depose/NN Djukanovic/NNP and/CC install/VB a/DT more/JJR subservient/NN leader/NN ./.
A/DT feature/NN marvels/NNS at/IN military/JJ food/NN ,/, which/WDT now/RB includes/VBZ a/DT barbecue/NN chicken/NN sandwich/NN that/WDT lasts/VBZ three/CD years/NNS without/IN spoiling/VBG and/CC airdrop/NN rations/NNS that/IN "/" flutter/NN ,/, rather/RB than/IN plummet/VB ,/, down/RB to/TO earth/NN ,/, lest/IN they/PRP take/VBP anyone/NN out/IN in/IN the/DT process/NN ./.
"/" Next/JJ step/NN :/: "/" a/DT transdermal/NN nutrient/NN delivery/NN system/NN "/" -/: -/: that/DT is/VBZ ,/, a/DT food/NN patch/NN ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, April/NNP 26/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
Time/NNP 's/POS cover/NN depicts/VBZ soldiers/NNS in/IN the/DT spring/NN 's/POS most/RBS anticipated/VBN war--in/JJ other/JJ words/NNS ,/, actors/NNS from/IN Star/NNP Wars/NNS :/: The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP ./.
Time/NNP gushes/VBZ over/IN the/DT "/" fresh/JJ ,/, handsome/JJ ,/, grand/JJ "/" new/JJ movie/NN and/CC publishes/VBZ a/DT fold-out/JJ guide/NN to/TO its/PRP$ new/JJ characters/NNS and/CC techno-military/JJ toys/NNS ./.
Bill/NNP Moyers/NNP interviews/NNS George/NNP Lucas/NNP about/IN the/DT series/NN '/" "/" true/JJ theology/NN ./.
"/" (/( Moyers/NNP :/: "/" In/IN authentic/JJ religion/NN ,/, does/VBZ n't/RB it/PRP take/VBP Kierkegaard/NNP 's/POS leap/NN of/IN faith/NN ?/.
"/" Lucas/NNP :/: "/" Yes/UH ./.
that/WDT is/VBZ what/WP '/POS Use/NN the/DT Force/NNP '/POS is/VBZ ./.
"/" )/)
The/DT real/JJ war/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP is/VBZ featured/VBN inside/IN ,/, as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ in/IN Newsweek/NNP ./.
Time/NNP berates/NNS NATO/NNP for/IN its/PRP$ self-congratulatory/JJ and/CC ill-timed/JJ birthday/NN celebrations/NNS ./.
Newsweek/NNP berates/NNS NATO/NNP for/IN its/PRP$ obfuscation/NN of/IN civilian/JJ casualties/NNS ./.
Time/NN dusts/NNS off/RP NATO/NNP Commander/NNP Gen/NNP ./.
Wesley/NNP Clark/NNP 's/POS 1975/CD thesis/NN ,/, which/WDT doubted/VBD the/DT "/" coercive/JJ effects/NNS ./.
of/IN air/NN attacks/NNS ./.
"/" Robert/NNP McNamara/NNP tells/VBZ Newsweek/NNP that/IN "/" it/PRP is/VBZ totally/RB inappropriate/JJ for/IN an/DT ex-/NN Secretary/NNP of/IN Defense/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN a/DT war/NN ./.
in/IN which/WDT there/EX are/VBP great/JJ difficulties/NNS ahead/RB ./.
to/TO be/VB talking/VBG about/IN mistakes/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP then/RB blames/VBZ military/JJ leaders/NNS for/IN overestimating/VBG the/DT effectiveness/NN of/IN bombing/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS cover/NN story/NN argues/VBZ that/IN North/NNP America/NNP was/VBD first/RB peopled/VBN by/IN "/" a/DT Rainbow/NNP Coalition/NNP of/IN ethnic/JJ types/NNS ,/, "/" not/RB just/RB the/DT Bering/NNP Strait-crossing/NNP Asians/NNPS commonly/RB depicted/VBN in/IN history/NN textbooks/NNS ./.
New/JJ evidence/NN suggests/VBZ that/IN Asians/NNPS migrated/JJ from/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP Rim/NNP in/IN canoes/NNS and/CC that/IN Europeans/NNPS followed/VBD the/DT frozen/VBN shoreline/NN to/TO the/DT East/NNP Coast/NNP ./.
An/DT expert/NN predicts/VBZ that/IN the/DT research/NN could/MD relegate/NN today/NN 's/POS Native/NNP Americans/NNPS to/TO "/" just/RB another/DT Ellis/NNP Island/NNP group/NN "/" and/CC threaten/VB their/PRP$ hard-won/JJ legal/JJ rights/NNS ./.
Time/NN reports/NNS on/IN new/JJ research/NN showing/VBG that/IN at/IN least/JJS 450/CD animal/NN species--including/JJ giraffes/NNS ,/, goats/NNS ,/, and/CC dolphins--become/JJ sexually/RB aroused/VBN through/IN homosexual/JJ rubbing/VBG ,/, entwining/VBG ,/, and/CC kissing/VBG ./.
Dissenting/NNP researchers/NNS question/VBP whether/IN close/JJ genital/JJ contact/NN is/VBZ really/RB sex/NN ./.
The/DT piece/NN does/VBZ not/RB include/VB reaction/NN from/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP or/CC Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, April/NNP 26/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN frets/VBZ about/IN widespread/JJ hearing/NN loss/NN ./.
Noisy/NNP appliances/NNS will/MD soon/RB sport/NN warning/NN labels/NNS ,/, and/CC earplugs/NNS and/CC earmuffs/NNS will/MD become/VB ubiquitous/JJ ./.
The/DT magazine/NN reports/NNS that/IN earlier/RBR this/DT month/NN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
officials/NNS met/VBD secretly/RB with/IN Kosovo/NNP Liberation/NNP Army/NNP rebels/NNS but/CC decided/VBD not/RB to/TO arm/VB them/PRP ./.
A/DT story/NN says/VBZ that/DT half/PDT the/DT Kosovar/NNP refugees/NNS are/VBP children/NNS under/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN 15/CD ./.
A/DT piece/NN says/VBZ that/IN Christian/NNP colleges/NNS and/CC universities/NNS have/VBP fueled/VBN an/DT enrollment/NN boom/NN with/IN deep/JJ tuition/NN discounts/NNS and/CC open/JJ enrollment/NN policies/NNS ./.
(/( "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ against/IN our/PRP$ Christian/NNP perspective/NN to/TO be/VB elitist/NN or/CC exclusionary/JJ ,/, "/" explains/VBZ one/CD administrator/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, April/NNP 26/CD and/CC May/NNP 3/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT magazine/NN devotes/VBZ a/DT double/JJ issue/NN to/TO money/NN ./.
One/CD piece/NN chronicles/VBZ the/DT frenetic/JJ days/NNS of/IN Mary/NNP Meeker/NNP ,/, the/DT investment/NN banker/NN who/WP orchestrated/VBD stock/NN offerings/NNS for/IN Netscape/NNP ,/, Priceline/NNP ,/, and/CC America/NNP Online/NNP ./.
A/DT writer/NN who/WP once/RB worked/VBD in/IN a/DT sweatshop/NN defends/VBZ them/PRP ./.
Conditions/NNP are/VBP n't/RB as/RB bad/JJ as/IN union/NN protests/NNS indicate/VBP ,/, and/CC immigrant/JJ laborers/NNS grouse/NN only/RB about/IN losing/VBG work/NN to/TO cheaper/JJR factories/NNS abroad/RB ./.
An/DT author/NN gripes/NNS about/IN how/WRB tough/JJ it/PRP was/VBD to/TO grow/VB up/RP rich/JJ ./.
She/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB even/RB know/VB how/WRB much/JJ is/VBZ in/IN her/PRP$ trust/NN fund/NN ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, April/NNP 26/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
A/DT piece/NN opines/NNS that/IN Richard/NNP Holbrooke/NNP ,/, not/RB Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP ,/, is/VBZ responsible/JJ for/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
underestimation/NN of/IN Milosevic/NNP 's/POS obstinacy/NN ./.
Holbrooke/NNP is/VBZ adding/VBG a/DT dark/JJ afterword/NN to/TO new/JJ editions/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ book/NN on/IN Balkans/NNP diplomacy/NN ./.
The/DT cover/NN story/NN charts/VBZ America/NNP 's/POS "/" struggle/NN to/TO rediscover/VB a/DT compelling/JJ patriotic/JJ language/NN "/" and/CC exults/NNS in/IN the/DT "/" new/JJ ,/, crunchier/JJR "/" patriotism/NN embodied/VBN by/IN John/NNP McCain/NNP ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, May/NNP 3/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, April/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1999/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN charts/NNS Michael/NNP Milken/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO become/VB "/" the/DT Sam/NNP Walton/NNP of/IN gray/JJ matter/NN "/" by/IN acquiring/VBG a/DT "/" cradle/NN to/TO grave/JJ "/" series/NN of/IN education/NN businesses/NNS ,/, from/IN preschools/NNS to/TO vocational/NN training/NN firms/NNS ./.
The/DT piece/NN chides/VBZ Milken/NNP for/IN failing/VBG to/TO include/VB critical/JJ assessments/NNS of/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ junk/NN bond/NN markets/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ textbooks/NNS ./.
The/DT magazine/NN publishes/VBZ an/DT anti-voucher/JJ screed/NN by/IN Ron/NNP Unz/NNP ,/, the/DT conservative/JJ activist/NN behind/IN California/NNP 's/POS ban/NN on/IN bilingual/JJ education/NN ./.
Unz/NNP writes/VBZ that/IN public/JJ schools/NNS are/VBP vital/JJ to/TO social/JJ cohesion/NN and/CC proposes/VBZ an/DT ideological/JJ truce/NN on/IN the/DT issue/NN :/: If/IN the/DT left/NN will/MD acknowledge/VB that/IN its/PRP$ efforts/NNS to/TO reform/VB public/JJ schools/NNS have/VBP failed/VBN ,/, the/DT right/NN will/MD stop/VB pushing/VBG "/" to/TO turn/VB our/PRP$ public/JJ schools/NNS over/IN to/TO ideological/JJ zealots/NNS or/CC the/DT marketing/NN division/NN from/IN Nike/NNP ./.
American/NNP Pie/NNP (/( Universal/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Mixed/VBN reviews/NNS but/CC a/DT boffo/NN box-office/NN turnout/NN for/IN this/DT teen/JJ sex/NN comedy/NN about/IN four/CD high-school/NN seniors/NNS determined/VBN to/TO lose/VB their/PRP$ virginity/NN ./.
Critics/NNS take/VBP one/CD of/IN two/CD positions/NNS ./.
1/LS )/) The/DT gross-out/JJ scenes/NNS (/( one/CD youth/NN shtups/NNS an/DT apple/NN pie/NN ;/: another/DT drinks/NNS a/DT beer/NN laced/VBN with/IN semen/NN )/) are/VBP just/RB "/" sucker/NN bait/NN to/TO entice/VB teenage/JJ audiences/NNS into/IN the/DT tent/NN to/TO see/VB a/DT movie/NN that/WDT is/VBZ as/IN sweet/JJ and/CC sincere/JJ at/IN heart/NN as/IN anything/NN Mickey/NNP Rooney/NNP and/CC Judy/NNP Garland/NNP ever/RB experienced/VBD "/" (/( Kenneth/NNP Turan/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
2/LS )/) Grossness/NNP is/VBZ the/DT film/NN 's/POS essence/NN :/: "/" [/( D/NNP ]/) irty/NN jokes/NNS are/VBP inserted/VBN at/IN regular/JJ intervals/NNS like/IN pop/NN songs/NNS to/TO perk/JJ up/RP the/DT action/NN ./.
an/DT upper-middle-class/JJ Porky/NNP 's/POS ,/, American/NNP Pie/NNP is/VBZ unable/JJ to/TO transcend/NN its/PRP$ own/JJ dirty/JJ mind/NN ./.
Among/IN this/DT year/NN 's/POS bumper/NN crop/NN of/IN teenage/JJ movies/NNS ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT shallowest/NN and/CC most/JJS prurient/NN "/" (/( Stephen/NNP Holden/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT most/RBS positive/JJ take/NN comes/VBZ from/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS Michael/NNP O/NNP '/POS Sullivan/NNP ,/, who/WP writes/VBZ that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT "/" warped/JJ ,/, hysterical/JJ and--believe/JJ it/PRP or/CC not--sweet/JJ little/JJ gem/NN of/IN a/DT movie/NN ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP to/TO read/VB David/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP and/CC here/RB to/TO see/VB the/DT trailer/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ footage/NN of/IN the/DT teen-pastry/JJ union/NN ./.
Arlington/NNP Road/NNP (/( Sony/NNP Screen/NNP Gems/NNP )/) ./.
Most/JJS critics/NNS are/VBP unimpressed/JJ by/IN this/DT thriller/NN starring/VBG Jeff/NNP Bridges/NNPS as/IN a/DT professor/NN who/WP becomes/VBZ convinced/VBN that/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ neighbor/NN ,/, played/VBN by/IN Tim/NNP Robbins/NNP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT domestic/JJ terrorist/NN ./.
Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP (/( the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP )/) speaks/VBZ for/IN most/JJS critics/NNS when/WRB he/PRP complains/VBZ that/IN the/DT film/NN "/" begins/VBZ well/RB and/CC makes/VBZ good/JJ points/NNS ,/, but/CC it/PRP flies/VBZ off/RP the/DT rails/NNS in/IN the/DT last/JJ 30/CD minutes/NNS ./.
The/DT climax/NN is/VBZ so/RB implausible/JJ we/PRP stop/VBP caring/VBG and/CC start/VB scratching/VBG our/PRP$ heads/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP departs/NNS from/IN the/DT pack/NN ,/, calling/VBG the/DT film/NN a/DT "/" crackerjack/NN thriller/NN ./.
well/RB paced/VBN and/CC cleverly/RB constructed/VBN ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO watch/VB the/DT trailer/NN ./.
True/JJ at/IN First/CD Light/NNP ,/, by/IN Ernest/NNP Hemingway/NNP ,/, edited/JJ by/IN Patrick/NNP Hemingway/NNP (/( Scribner/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS heap/NN scorn/NN on/IN this/DT edited/JJ version/NN of/IN an/DT unfinished/JJ "/" fictional/JJ memoir/NN "/" left/VBN behind/IN by/IN Hemingway/NNP and/CC crucify/NN the/DT writer/NN 's/POS children/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ now/RB routine/JJ desecration/NN of/IN their/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS reputation/NN (/( see/VB the/DT line/NN of/IN furniture/NN ,/, eyeglasses/NNS ,/, and/CC shotguns/NNS licensed/VBN by/IN Hemingway/NNP Ltd/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
The/DT prose/NN in/IN this/DT "/" literary/JJ violation/NN "/" reads/VBZ "/" like/IN a/DT parody/NN of/IN Hemingway/NNP "/" (/( Deirdre/NNP Donahue/NNP ,/, USA/NNP Today/NNP )/) ./.
It/PRP "/" reflects/VBZ a/DT marvelous/JJ writer/NN 's/POS disastrous/JJ loss/NN of/IN talent/NN "/" (/( Kenneth/NNP S/NNP ./.
Lynn/NNP ,/, National/NNP Review/NNP )/) ;/: a/DT "/" sad/JJ ,/, bloated/JJ ,/, inert/NN so-called/JJ book/NN "/" (/( L/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Klepp/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Michiko/NNP Kakutani/NNP ,/, after/IN opening/VBG her/PRP$ review/NN with/IN an/DT embarrassing/JJ parody/NN of/IN Hemingway/NNP 's/POS style/NN ,/, writes/VBZ that/IN "/" his/PRP$ angular/NN language/NN has/VBZ turned/VBN maudlin/NN and/CC flabby/NN ./.
"/" The/DT most/RBS positive/JJ review/NN comes/VBZ from/IN James/NNP Wood/NNP in/IN the/DT Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP :/: "/" The/DT famous/JJ style/NN occasionally/RB flares/NNS into/IN fineness/NNS ./.
the/DT book/NN is/VBZ never/RB quite/RB uninteresting/VBG ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP to/TO find/VB out/IN about/IN the/DT legality/NN of/IN publishing/VBG a/DT dead/JJ person/NN 's/POS unfinished/JJ work/NN ,/, here/RB to/TO read/VB the/DT first/JJ chapter/NN of/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, and/CC here/RB to/TO check/VB out/RP the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS special/JJ on/IN Hemingway/NNP including/VBG photos/NNS ,/, interviews/NNS ,/, and/CC essays/NNS ./.
The/DT Metaphysical/NNP Touch/NNP ,/, by/IN Sylvia/NNP Brownrigg/NNP (/( Farrar/NNP ,/, Straus/NNP &/CC Giroux/NNP )/) ./.
Positive/JJ reviews/NNS for/IN this/DT philosophical/JJ novel/NN about/IN an/DT e-mail/JJ romance/NN ./.
Although/IN the/DT plot/NN seems/VBZ ripped/VBN from/IN You/PRP 've/VBP Got/NNP Mail/NNP ,/, the/DT novel/NN is/VBZ far/RB more/RBR sophisticated/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ execution--a/JJ Milan/NNP Kundera-like/NNP inquiry/NN into/IN ontology/NN ,/, the/DT uniqueness/NNS of/IN e-mail/JJ communication/NN ,/, and/CC human/JJ existence/NN in/IN general/NN ./.
Brownrigg/NNP 's/POS forte/NN is/VBZ her/PRP$ ability/NN to/TO emulate/VB the/DT "/" curiously/RB banal/JJ ,/, clever-clever/JJ ,/, quasi-poetic/JJ style/NN that/WDT seems/VBZ to/TO afflict/VB so/RB many/JJ inhabitants/NNS of/IN cyberspace/NN "/" (/( Geoff/NNP Nicholson/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) in/IN the/DT many/JJ epistolary/JJ sections/NNS of/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP "/" wonderfully/RB captures/NNS the/DT ghostly/JJ dance/NN of/IN presence/NN and/CC absence/NN that/WDT can/MD characterize/VB digital/JJ relationships/NNS "/" (/( Erik/NNP Davis/NNP ,/, the/DT Voice/NNP Literary/NNP Supplement/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO read/VB the/DT first/JJ chapter/NN ./.
A/DT Better/NNP War/NNP :/: The/DT Unexamined/NNP Victories/NNP and/CC the/DT Final/NNP Tragedy/NNP of/IN America/NNP 's/POS Last/JJ Years/NNS in/IN Vietnam/NNP ,/, by/IN Lewis/NNP Sorley/NNP (/( Harcourt/NNP Brace/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT retired/VBD CIA/NNP official/NN and/CC Army/NNP officer/NN ,/, Sorley/NNP posits/NNS a/DT new/JJ theory/NN on/IN the/DT Vietnam/NNP War/NNP :/: The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS won/VBD ,/, but/CC the/DT military/JJ victory/NN was/VBD immediately/RB undercut/VBN by/IN diplomatic/JJ backtracking/VBG and/CC congressional/JJ cowardice/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP assigned/VBN Jeffrey/NNP Record/NNP to/TO review/VB the/DT book/NN ,/, which/WDT seems/VBZ an/DT odd/JJ choice/NN considering/VBG that/IN Record/NNP just/RB published/VBD a/DT book/NN titled/VBD The/DT Wrong/JJ War/NNP :/: Why/WRB We/PRP Lost/VBD in/IN Vietnam/NNP ./.
Record/NNP predictably/RB refutes/NNS Sorley/NNP 's/POS thesis/NN (/( "/" How/WRB does/VBZ one/CD explain/VB Saigon/NNP 's/POS fall/NN when/WRB ,/, according/VBG to/TO Sorley/NNP ,/, we/PRP had/VBD won/VBN the/DT war/NN by/IN late/JJ 1971/CD ?/.
"/" )/) ,/, but/CC he/PRP concedes/VBZ that/IN "/" A/DT Better/NNP War/NNP is/VBZ a/DT comprehensive/JJ and/CC long-overdue/JJ examination/NN of/IN the/DT immediate/JJ post-/NN Tet/NNP offensive/JJ years/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB the/DT most/RBS fascinating/JJ years/NNS of/IN the/DT war/NN ./.
"/" Other/JJ reviewers/NNS praise/VBP Sorley/NNP 's/POS research/NN and/CC writing/VBG :/: "/" A/DT first-rate/JJ challenge/NN to/TO the/DT conventional/JJ wisdom/NN about/IN American/JJ military/JJ performance/NN in/IN Vietnam/NNP "/" (/( Publishers/NNPS Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO buy/VB the/DT book/NN ./.
Harry/NNP Potter/NNP and/CC the/DT Prisoner/NNP of/IN Azkaban/NNP ,/, by/IN J/NNP ./.
K/NNP ./.
Rowling/NNP (/( Scholastic/NNP Trade/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT third/JJ installment/NN in/IN the/DT British/JJ children/NNS 's/POS series/NN went/VBD on/IN sale/NN in/IN England/NNP last/JJ Thursday/NNP ,/, resulting/VBG in/IN after-school/JJ stampedes/NNS on/IN bookstores/NNS ./.
Although/IN not/RB available/JJ in/IN America/NNP for/IN another/DT two/CD months/NNS ,/, advance/NN orders/NNS have/VBP already/RB placed/VBN Prisoner/NNP of/IN Azkaban/NNP at/IN No/UH ./.
6/CD on/IN the/DT Amazon/NNP best-seller/NN list--and/JJ positions/NNS one/CD and/CC two/CD are/VBP held/VBN by/IN the/DT other/JJ Harry/NNP Potter/NNP titles/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP list/NN has/VBZ the/DT two/CD available/JJ Potter/NNP books/NNS at/IN positions/NNS three/CD and/CC four/CD ./.
)/) The/DT subject/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ volume/NN is/VBZ the/DT same/JJ as/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT series/NN :/: the/DT life/NN of/IN young/JJ wizard/NN Harry/NNP Potter/NNP ,/, who/WP attends/VBZ a/DT boarding/VBG school/NN for/IN sorcerers/NNS ./.
The/DT critics/NNS call/VBP this/DT one/CD the/DT best/JJS Potter/NNP adventure/NN yet/RB :/: It/PRP "/" blends/NNS the/DT banal/JJ and/CC the/DT fantastic/JJ ,/, the/DT everyday/JJ and/CC the/DT magical/JJ ,/, all/DT with/IN a/DT devilish/NN humour/NN and/CC a/DT timeless/JJ sense/NN of/IN style/NN ./.
Spellbinding/NNP ,/, enchanting/JJ ,/, bewitching/VBG stuff/NN "/" (/( Paul/NNP Davies/NNP ,/, the/DT Daily/NNP Mirror/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT few/JJ gripe/NN that/IN the/DT series/NN is/VBZ just/RB a/DT formula/NN boys/NNS '/POS boarding-school/JJ adventure/NN story/NN gussied/JJ up/RB with/IN magical/JJ trappings/NNS (/( see/VB last/JJ week/NN 's/POS discussion/NN in/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS )/) ,/, but/CC young/JJ readers/NNS do/VBP n't/RB seem/VB to/TO care/VB :/: According/VBG to/TO Bloomsbury/NNP ,/, the/DT book/NN 's/POS U/NNP ./.
K/NNP ./.
publisher/NN ,/, Azkaban/NNP broke/VBD an/DT opening-day/JJ sales/NNS record--/JJ 16/CD ,/, 853/CD copies/NNS in/IN the/DT first/JJ 100/CD minutes/NNS on/IN sale/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO order/VB an/DT advance/NN copy/NN ./.
Friendly/NNP Fire/NNP ,/, by/IN Joe/NNP Lovano/NNP and/CC Greg/NNP Osby/NNP (/( Blue/NNP Note/VB Records/NNPS )/) ./.
Excellent/NNP reviews/NNS for/IN the/DT collaboration/NN between/IN two/CD of/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ '/POS most/RBS acclaimed/JJ jazz/NN saxophonists/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT telepathy/NN flows/NNS on/IN this/DT much-awaited/JJ meeting/NN ./.
Both/DT men/NNS are/VBP noted/VBN risk-takers/JJ and/CC cutting-edge/JJ improvisers/NNS whose/WP$ penchant/NN for/IN the/DT maniacal/NN makes/VBZ them/PRP ideal/JJ partners/NNS "/" (/( Karl/NNP Stark/NNP ,/, the/DT Philadelphia/NNP Inquirer/NNP )/) ./.
Gene/NNP Seymour/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN Newsday/NNP that/IN "/" there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT sense/NN of/IN play/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD that/DT 's/VBZ almost/RB kinda/NN sweet/JJ ./.
Both/DT are/VBP assertive/JJ ./.
Neither/DT gets/VBZ in/IN the/DT other/JJ 's/POS way/NN ./.
"/" The/DT only/RB sour/JJ note/NN comes/VBZ from/IN Don/NNP Heckman/NNP in/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, who/WP objects/NNS not/RB to/TO the/DT music/NN so/RB much/JJ as/IN to/TO the/DT structure/NN :/: "/" [/( T/NN ]/) he/PRP basic/JJ jam/NN session/NN format/NN ./.
simply/RB fails/VBZ to/TO sustain/VB interest/NN for/IN the/DT entire/JJ album/NN ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO find/VB out/IN more/JJR about/IN Lovano/NNP and/CC here/RB to/TO find/VB out/IN more/JJR about/IN Osby/NNP ./.
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
Told/NNP Mountain/NNP
I/PRP am/VBP furious/JJ !/.
James/NNP Wood/NNP revealed/VBD the/DT plot/NN and/CC ending/NN of/IN Cold/NNP Mountain/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ review/NN (/( "/" Gone/VBN With/IN the/DT Wind/NNP "/" )/) ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT last/JJ time/NN I/PRP read/VBP a/DT book/NN review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ,/, folks/NNS ./.
From/IN a/DT review/NN ,/, I/PRP want/VBP an/DT impression/NN of/IN the/DT book/NN and/CC an/DT opinion/NN ,/, not/RB all/PDT the/DT details/NNS of/IN the/DT plot/NN !/.
If/IN the/DT author/NN uses/VBZ a/DT plot/NN with/IN a/DT surprise/NN ending/VBG ,/, he/PRP probably/RB wants/VBZ the/DT reader/NN to/TO be/VB surprised/VBN ./.
Wood/NNP should/MD not/RB have/VB done/VBN this/DT ;/: you/PRP should/MD never/RB have/VB published/VBN his/PRP$ review/NN ./.
Can/MD you/PRP change/VBP it/PRP now/RB before/IN you/PRP reveal/VBP the/DT plot/NN to/TO other/JJ innocent/JJ readers/NNS like/IN me/PRP ?/.
-/: -/: John/NNP Acton/NNP
Not/RB Innocent/JJ
In/IN "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" for/IN Dec/NNP ./.
24/CD ,/, Scott/NNP Shuger/NNP says/VBZ the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP made/VBD a/DT rookie/NN mistake/NN for/IN saying/VBG that/IN Terry/NNP Nichols/NNP was/VBD "/" innocent/JJ "/" of/IN bombing/NN charges/NNS instead/RB of/IN "/" not/RB guilty/JJ ./.
"/" Not/RB so/RB fast/RB ./.
The/DT newspaper/NN has/VBZ a/DT very/RB good/JJ reason/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Associated/NNP Press/NNP stylebook/NN ,/, the/DT manual/JJ for/IN how/WRB reporters/NNS and/CC editors/NNS should/MD address/VB varying/VBG concerns/NNS ,/, one/PRP should/MD "/" use/VB innocent/JJ ,/, rather/RB than/IN not/RB guilty/JJ ,/, in/IN describing/VBG a/DT defendant/NN 's/POS plea/NN or/CC a/DT jury/NN verdict/NN ,/, to/TO guard/VB against/IN the/DT word/NN not/RB being/VBG dropped/VBN inadvertently/RB ./.
"/" Now/RB many/JJ other/JJ newspapers/NNS have/VBP their/PRP$ own/JJ styles/NNS ,/, even/RB when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO "/" innocent/JJ "/" vs/NNS ./.
"/" not/RB guilty/JJ ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT technical/JJ difference/NN is/VBZ secondary/JJ to/TO possible/JJ libel/NN concerns/NNS ./.
-/: -/: Vince/NNP Tuss/NNP
Boise/NNP ,/, Idaho/NNP
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
The/DT Large/JJ Curd/NNP Giveth/NNP and/CC the/DT Small/NNP Curd/NNP Taketh/NNP Away/RB
Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP could/MD n't/RB have/VB been/VBN more/RBR wrong/JJ when/WRB ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ Feb/NNP ./.
15/CD column/NN ,/, "/" Corporate-/NNP Welfare/NNP NIMBYs/NNP ,/, "/" he/PRP implies/VBZ ,/, with/IN no/DT supporting/VBG documentation/NN ,/, that/IN I/PRP am/VBP selective/JJ in/IN my/PRP$ commitment/NN to/TO deficit/NN reduction/NN and/CC eliminating/VBG corporate/JJ welfare/NN ./.
Weisberg/NNP correctly/RB notes/VBZ I/PRP am/VBP a/DT Democratic/JJ co-sponsor/NN of/IN S/NNP ./.
206/CD ,/, a/DT bill/NN to/TO establish/VB an/DT independent/JJ commission/NN to/TO review/VB and/CC recommend/VB termination/NN of/IN corporate-welfare/JJ subsidies/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ incorrect/JJ when/WRB he/PRP states/VBZ ,/, four/CD sentences/NNS later/RB ,/, "/" Feingold/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ up/RP for/IN re-election/NN in/IN 1998/CD ,/, carries/VBZ a/DT different/JJ tune/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO aid/VB to/TO families/NNS with/IN dependent/JJ cheese/NN ./.
Weisberg/NNP also/RB poses/VBZ a/DT rhetorical/JJ question/NN in/IN his/PRP$ column/NN ,/, asking/VBG if/IN my/PRP$ commitment/NN to/TO reducing/VBG corporate/JJ welfare/NN "/" would/MD ./.
include/VBP ,/, say/VB ,/, federal/JJ dairy/NN supports/VBZ and/CC marketing/NN orders/NNS for/IN the/DT milk/NN industry/NN ,/, which/WDT somehow/RB escaped/VBD being/VBG scaled/VBN back/RB in/IN the/DT 1996/CD Farm/NNP Bill/NNP ?/.
I/PRP voted/VBD against/IN the/DT 1996/CD Farm/NNP Bill/NNP ,/, in/IN large/JJ measure/NN because/IN it/PRP did/VBD so/RB little/JJ to/TO eliminate/VB market/NN distortions/NNS and/CC bring/VB needed/VBN reform/NN to/TO the/DT antiquated/JJ Milk/NN Marketing/NNP Order/NNP system/NN ,/, or/CC MMO/NNP ,/, to/TO make/VB it/PRP more/RBR reflective/JJ of/IN supply/NN and/CC demand/NN ./.
The/DT current/JJ system/NN ,/, instituted/VBN in/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ,/, distorts/VBZ the/DT market/NN ,/, discriminates/NNS against/IN the/DT dairy/NN farmers/NNS of/IN the/DT Upper/NNP Midwest/NNP by/IN providing/VBG higher/JJR prices/NNS (/( called/VBN "/" distance/NN differentials/NNS "/" )/) to/TO farmers/NNS who/WP live/VBP far/RB from/IN Eau/NNP Claire/NNP ,/, Wis/NNP ./.
,/, (/( the/DT city/NN from/IN which/WDT these/DT "/" distance/NN differentials/NNS "/" are/VBP calculated/VBN )/) and/CC puts/VBZ Wisconsin/NNP producers/NNS at/IN an/DT artificial/JJ competitive/JJ disadvantage/NN ./.
The/DT current/JJ MMO/NNP system/NN survives/VBZ because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ defended/VBN by/IN powerful/JJ interests/NNS who/WP are/VBP its/PRP$ beneficiaries/NNS ./.
I/PRP have/VBP ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, worked/VBD hard/JJ to/TO create/VB dairy-policy/JJ reform/NN ,/, including/VBG introducing/VBG two/CD bills/NNS in/IN the/DT 105/CD th/NN Congress/NNP :/: S/NNP ./.
52/CD ,/, which/WDT would/MD eliminate/VB the/DT distance/NN differential/NN in/IN dairy/NN pricing/NN ,/, and/CC S/NNP ./.
322/CD ,/, which/WDT would/MD repeal/VB the/DT creation/NN of/IN the/DT Northeast/NNP Interstate/NNP Dairy/NNP Compact/NNP ,/, a/DT dairy/NN cartel/NN created/VBD last/JJ year/NN that/WDT allows/VBZ six/CD Northeastern/NNP states/NNS to/TO fix/VB higher/JJR prices/NNS for/IN milk/NN in/IN their/PRP$ region/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP often/RB stated/VBN that/IN if/IN the/DT MMO/NNP system/NN cannot/NN be/VB reformed/VBN ,/, it/PRP should/MD be/VB eliminated/VBN ,/, and/CC Wisconsin/NNP farmers/NNS have/VBP probably/RB been/VBN more/RBR active/JJ than/IN farmers/NNS in/IN any/DT other/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN in/IN calling/VBG for/IN deregulation/NN of/IN this/DT system/NN ./.
Weisberg/NNP 's/POS assertion/NN that/IN "/" federal/JJ dairy/NN supports/VBZ ./.
somehow/RB escaped/VBD being/VBG scaled/VBN back/RB in/IN the/DT 1996/CD Farm/NNP Bill/NNP "/" is/VBZ also/RB incorrect/JJ ./.
Federal/JJ dairy/NN supports/NNS have/VBP ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, been/VBN cut/VBN dramatically/RB ./.
In/IN 1983/CD ,/, the/DT price/NN support/NN was/VBD $/$ 13/CD ./.
10/CD per/IN hundredweight/NN (/( about/IN 11/CD gallons/NNS of/IN milk/NN )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT program/NN cost/NN taxpayers/NNS about/IN $/$ 2/CD ./.
6/CD billion/CD ./.
By/IN 1995/CD ,/, the/DT price/NN support/NN had/VBD been/VBN reduced/VBN to/TO $/$ 10/CD ./.
10/CD per/IN hundredweight/NN ,/, and/CC ,/, while/IN the/DT myth/NN persists/VBZ that/IN the/DT dairy/NN program/NN costs/VBZ billions/NNS ,/, the/DT facts/NNS are/VBP that/IN ,/, in/IN 1996/CD ,/, the/DT program/NN operated/VBN at/IN no/DT cost/NN to/TO the/DT taxpayers/NNS ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, the/DT 1996/CD Farm/NNP Bill/NNP completely/RB eliminates/VBZ the/DT dairy/NN price/NN support/NN by/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN 1999/CD ./.
The/DT dairy/NN industry/NN is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ commodity/NN group/NN to/TO have/VB its/PRP$ support/NN terminated/VBN by/IN the/DT most/RBS recent/JJ Farm/NNP Bill/NNP ./.
Some/DT other/JJ commodities/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN wheat/NN and/CC feed/NN grains/NNS ,/, were/VBD provided/VBN with/IN hefty/JJ annual/JJ guaranteed/VBN government/NN subsidies/NNS in/IN that/DT same/JJ legislation/NN ./.
So/RB exactly/RB what/WP is/VBZ the/DT corporate/JJ welfare/NN Weisberg/NNP is/VBZ talking/VBG about/RP ?/.
Deficit/NNP reduction/NN and/CC balancing/VBG the/DT federal/JJ budget/NN are/VBP serious/JJ ,/, complex/JJ ,/, and/CC demanding/VBG tasks/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT policy/NN implications/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ efforts/NNS reach/VBP across/IN the/DT nation/NN ,/, even/RB around/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
These/DT efforts/NNS are/VBP not/RB advanced/VBN by/IN unsupported/JJ suggestions/NNS of/IN hypocrisy/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN are/VBP contained/VBN in/IN Weisberg/NNP 's/POS column/NN ./.
-/: -/: Sen/NNP ./.
Russell/NNP D/NNP ./.
Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP Replies/NNP
Read/NNP Sen/NNP ./.
Feingold/NNP 's/POS letter/NN carefully/RB ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ not/RB say/VB he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO end/VB corporate/JJ welfare/NN for/IN dairy/NN farmers/NNS ./.
He/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP wants/VBZ Wisconsin/NNP farmers/NNS to/TO get/VB a/DT better/JJR deal/NN ./.
Feingold/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO "/" reform/NN ,/, "/" not/RB eliminate/VB ,/, the/DT Milk/NN Marketing/NNP Order/NNP system/NN ,/, though/IN he/PRP acknowledges/VBZ that/IN it/PRP constitutes/VBZ a/DT "/" cartel/NN "/" designed/VBN to/TO keep/VB dairy/NN prices/NNS high/JJ ./.
Sounds/VBZ a/DT lot/NN like/IN NIMBYism/NNP to/TO me/PRP ./.
I/PRP should/MD add/VB that/IN I/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN in/IN a/DT better/JJR position/NN to/TO reflect/VB the/DT subtleties/NNS in/IN Feingold/NNP 's/POS position/NN if/IN his/PRP$ press/NN office/NN had/VBD returned/VBN repeated/VBN calls/VBZ asking/VBG about/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP was/VBD revolted/JJ by/IN the/DT reference/NN to/TO JonBenet/NNP Ramsay/NNP in/IN "/" Thank/VB Heaven/NNP for/IN Little/NNP Girls/NNP ,/, "/" by/IN Larissa/NNP MacFarquhar/NNP ./.
I/PRP felt/VBD that/IN you/PRP were/VBD trying/VBG to/TO capitalize/VB on/IN the/DT savage/NN bestiality/NN committed/VBN on/IN a/DT small/JJ child/NN by/IN whoever/WP strangled/VBN her/PRP$ ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN the/DT abuse/NN committed/VBN by/IN her/PRP$ parents/NNS ,/, who/WP put/VBP her/PRP on/IN display/NN in/IN a/DT manner/NN no/DT 6/CD -/: year-old/JJ should/MD be/VB forced/VBN to/TO endure/VB ./.
When/WRB will/MD publications/NNS such/JJ as/IN yours/NNS manage/VBP to/TO develop/VB some/DT sense/NN of/IN human/JJ moral/JJ responsibility/NN ?/.
-/: -/: Oakes/NNP Ames/NNP
Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP ,/, Socialist/NNP
Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ article/NN "/" Eight/CD Reasons/NNS Not/RB to/TO Cut/VB the/DT Capital-/NNP Gains/NNS Tax/NNP "/" truly/RB proves/VBZ the/DT adage/NN that/IN liberals/NNS cannot/NN stand/NN success/NN ./.
Using/VBG Kinsley/NNP 's/POS analogy/NN ,/, if/IN we/PRP observe/VBP that/IN we/PRP have/VBP too/RB many/JJ bakers/NNS and/CC not/RB enough/JJ butchers/NNS ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ reasonable/JJ to/TO suggest/VB that/IN we/PRP ought/MD to/TO reduce/VB the/DT tax/NN on/IN butchers/NNS ./.
Our/PRP$ rates/NNS of/IN saving/VBG and/CC investment/NN are/VBP staggeringly/RB low/JJ ,/, in/IN both/DT historical/JJ and/CC contemporaneous/JJ contexts/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ ample/JJ reason/NN to/TO believe/VB that/IN increasing/VBG the/DT rates/NNS of/IN saving/VBG and/CC investment/NN would/MD be/VB beneficial/JJ to/TO the/DT economy/NN ./.
Hence/RB ,/, reducing/VBG disincentives/NNS to/TO save/VB and/CC invest/VB (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, the/DT capital-gains/NNS tax/NN )/) seems/VBZ to/TO make/VB sense/NN ./.
The/DT evidence/NN that/IN a/DT capital-gains/NNS tax/NN would/MD pay/VB for/IN itself/PRP is/VBZ a/DT bit/NN stronger/JJR than/IN Kinsley/NNP would/MD care/VB to/TO admit/VB ./.
First/LS of/IN all/DT ,/, people/NNS are/VBP going/VBG to/TO do/VB something/NN with/IN the/DT money/NN they/PRP have/VBP made/VBN as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN realized/VBD capital/NN gains/NNS ./.
Either/CC they/PRP will/MD spend/VB it/PRP ,/, in/IN which/WDT case/NN local/JJ sales-tax/NN receipts/NNS will/MD increase/VB ,/, or/CC they/PRP will/MD move/VB it/PRP into/IN some/DT other/JJ form/NN of/IN investment/NN ,/, which/WDT will/MD be/VB taxed/VBN in/IN turn/NN ./.
Having/VBG the/DT government/NN take/NN nearly/RB one-third/NN of/IN the/DT amount/NN of/IN your/PRP$ investment/NN earnings/NNS is/VBZ way/NN too/RB much/JJ ./.
The/DT purpose/NN of/IN tax/NN policy/NN should/MD be/VB to/TO generate/VB income/NN for/IN the/DT government/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN it/PRP can/MD perform/VB its/PRP$ necessary/JJ and/CC essential/JJ functions/NNS ,/, with/IN the/DT least/JJS distortion/NN and/CC effect/NN on/IN the/DT overall/JJ economy/NN as/IN possible/JJ ./.
Kinsley/NNP seeks/VBZ to/TO remedy/VB ,/, through/IN the/DT coercive/JJ power/NN of/IN government/NN ,/, those/DT circumstances/NNS and/CC conditions/NNS in/IN society/NN that/IN he/PRP finds/VBZ troubling/JJ ./.
I/PRP would/MD respectfully/RB suggest/VB that/IN this/DT makes/VBZ him/PRP much/RB more/JJR of/IN a/DT socialist/NN than/IN his/PRP$ Republican/JJ critics/NNS ./.
-/: -/: Stephen/NNP J/NNP ./.
Master/NNP of/IN Deceit/NNP
It/PRP astonishes/NNS me/PRP that/IN Ann/NNP Douglas/NNP ,/, in/IN "/" Psycho/NNP Dramas/NNP ,/, "/" her/PRP$ review/NN of/IN the/DT Sam/NNP Tanenhaus/NNP biography/NN of/IN Whittaker/NNP Chambers/NNP ,/, acknowledges/VBZ that/IN Chambers/NNP was/VBD right/NN about/IN everything/NN ,/, but/CC still/RB maintains/VBZ the/DT old/JJ liberal/JJ condescension/NN for/IN this/DT perennially/RB maligned/VBN figure/NN ./.
She/PRP recognizes/VBZ that/IN Chambers/NNP '/POS Witness/NNP is/VBZ "/" one/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ American/JJ autobiographies/NNS ,/, "/" even/RB a/DT "/" masterpiece/NN ,/, "/" yet/RB still/RB regards/VBZ it/PRP as/IN "/" torrential/NN "/" and/CC "/" lurid/NN ./.
"/" She/PRP notes/VBZ Chambers/NNP '/POS "/" susceptibility/NN to/TO ridicule/NN and/CC parody/NN ,/, "/" and/CC concludes/VBZ that/IN "/" he/PRP was/VBD a/DT pulp-fiction/JJ Dostoyevsky/NNP ,/, an/DT author/NN he/PRP admired/VBD above/IN all/DT others/NNS ./.
Douglas/NNP writes/VBZ as/IN if/IN Chambers/NNP was/VBD not/RB really/RB involved/VBN in/IN the/DT Communist/JJ conspiracy/NN inside/IN this/DT country/NN ,/, but/CC somehow/RB fictionalized/JJ it/PRP ./.
She/PRP implies/VBZ that/IN he/PRP was/VBD ridiculous/JJ for/IN admiring/VBG Dostoyevsky/NNP ./.
Finally/RB ,/, and/CC worst/JJS of/IN all/DT ,/, Douglas/NNP prides/NNS herself/PRP for/IN being/VBG able/JJ to/TO "/" believe/VBP ./.
Chambers/NNP '/POS testimony/NN against/IN Hiss/NNP without/IN accepting/VBG his/PRP$ interpretation/NN of/IN the/DT Soviet-/NNP American/JJ confrontation/NN ./.
"/" She/PRP faults/NNS the/DT biographer/NN ,/, Tanenhaus/NNP ,/, for/IN sharing/VBG his/PRP$ subject/JJ 's/POS viewpoint/NN and/CC not/RB doubting/VBG "/" the/DT Soviets/NNPS '/POS more/JJR or/CC less/RBR total/JJ culpability/NN for/IN the/DT long/JJ disaster/NN we/PRP call/VBP the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ./.
"/" She/PRP recommends/VBZ that/IN Tanenhaus/NNP should/MD read/VB some/DT revisionist/NN works/VBZ that/DT challenge/NN such/JJ an/DT assumption/NN ./.
But/CC what/WP is/VBZ her/PRP$ assumption/NN ?/.
That/DT there/EX was/VBD a/DT chance/NN for/IN meaningful/JJ cooperation/NN with/IN the/DT Soviet/JJ dictatorship/NN ?/.
That/DT its/PRP$ recruitment/NN of/IN Alger/NNP Hiss/NNP ,/, a/DT top/JJ official/NN present/JJ at/IN the/DT Yalta/NNP conference/NN (/( which/WDT set/VBD the/DT conditions/NNS for/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP by/IN selling/VBG out/RP Eastern/NNP Europe/NNP )/) and/CC an/DT architect/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP Nations/NNPS (/( which/WDT granted/VBD independent/JJ votes/NNS to/TO Soviet/JJ subject/JJ states/NNS of/IN Eastern/NNP Europe/NNP )/) ,/, was/VBD an/DT exception/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT trifle/RB ?/.
That/DT the/DT Communists/NNPS in/IN America/NNP were/VBD really/RB grand/JJ old/JJ troopers/NNS with/IN a/DT different/JJ vision/NN of/IN the/DT future/NN ?/.
She/PRP should/MD take/VB time/NN from/IN reading/NN revisionist/NN works/VBZ to/TO look/VB at/IN the/DT revelations/NNS of/IN the/DT VENONA/NNP files/NNS ,/, those/DT hundreds/NNS of/IN intercepted/VBN telegrams/NNS from/IN Soviet/JJ agents/NNS in/IN America/NNP that/WDT reveal/VBP the/DT tip/NN of/IN an/DT enormous/JJ iceberg/NN of/IN espionage/NN and/CC subversion/NN ./.
She/PRP characterizes/VBZ Chambers/NNP as/IN a/DT Dostoyevskian/NNP figure/NN ,/, "/" trying/VBG to/TO break/VB what/WP he/PRP saw/VBD as/IN the/NNP '/POS invincible/JJ ignorance/NN '/" of/IN a/DT nation/NN blinded/JJ to/TO the/DT '/POS crisis/NN of/IN history/NN '/" by/IN its/PRP$ prosperity/NN and/CC misguided/JJ generous-mindedness/JJ ./.
"/" Here/RB she/PRP is/VBZ right/NN :/: The/DT ignorance/NN does/VBZ indeed/RB appear/VB to/TO be/VB invincible/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Gary/NNP Kern/NNP
In/IN Defense/NNP of/IN Alexis/NNP
Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP 's/POS article/NN "/" Washington/NNP Swingers/NNP "/" was/VBD both/DT inaccurate/JJ and/CC unfair/JJ when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO Alexis/NNP Herman/NNP ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS nominee/NN to/TO be/VB secretary/NN of/IN labor/NN ./.
Let/VB 's/PRP start/VB with/IN a/DT simple/JJ ,/, central/JJ factual/JJ error/NN in/IN the/DT first/JJ substantive/JJ paragraph/NN about/IN Alexis/NNP :/: "/" After/IN she/PRP left/VBD the/DT Labor/NNP Department/NNP ,/, she/PRP set/VBD up/RP a/DT firm/NN to/TO advise/VB companies/NNS on/IN how/WRB to/TO comply/VB with/IN those/DT [/( affirmative-action/NN ]/) regulations/NNS ./.
"/" Baloney/NNP ./.
That/DT was/VBD not/RB why/WRB she/PRP set/VBD up/RP her/PRP$ business/NN ./.
She/PRP set/VBD up/RP her/PRP$ firm/NN to/TO provide/VB advice/NN to/TO corporations/NNS ,/, local/JJ governments/NNS ,/, and/CC nonprofits/NNS on/IN dozens/NNS of/IN aspects/NNS of/IN labor/NN and/CC marketing/NN issues/NNS ./.
She/PRP started/VBD this/DT business/NN to/TO see/VB if/IN she/PRP could/MD make/VB some/DT money/NN by/IN making/VBG the/DT workplace/NN work/NN better/RBR ./.
This/DT was/VBD what/WP she/PRP was/VBD trained/VBN to/TO do/VB ,/, and/CC what/WP she/PRP was/VBD accomplished/VBN at/IN ./.
Remember/VB ,/, this/DT was/VBD at/IN the/DT dawn/NN of/IN the/DT Reagan/NNP era/NN ./.
We/PRP of/IN the/DT policy-wonk/JJ elite/NN were/VBD all/DT a-titter/JJ about/IN the/DT theory/NN of/IN federalism/NN ,/, public-private/JJ partnership/NN pablum/NN was/VBD first/JJ beginning/NN to/TO gurgle/NN from/IN the/DT mouth/NN of/IN a/DT Massachusetts/NNP governor/NN ,/, and/CC every/DT program/NN to/TO help/VB black/JJ kids/NNS get/VBP jobs/NNS with/IN federal/JJ help/NN was/VBD being/VBG axed/JJ ./.
So/RB Alexis/NNP hit/VBD the/DT road/NN ,/, trying/VBG to/TO help/VB localities/NNS figure/VBP out/IN how/WRB to/TO get/VB the/DT most/JJS out/IN of/IN what/WP was/VBD left/VBN and/CC trying/VBG to/TO help/VB corporations/NNS make/VB more/JJR progress/NN on/IN hiring/VBG minorities/NNS and/CC marketing/NN to/TO African-/NNP Americans/NNPS ./.
Her/PRP$ first/JJ ,/, most/RBS lucrative/JJ ,/, and/CC longest-standing/JJ client/NN was/VBD Procter/NNP &/CC Gamble--a/NNP contact/NN she/PRP had/VBD made/VBN before/IN she/PRP ever/RB entered/VBD government/NN ./.
But/CC wait--that/JJ 's/POS not/RB the/DT half/NN of/IN the/DT misleading/JJ errors/NNS in/IN Weisberg/NNP 's/POS paragraph/NN ./.
His/PRP$ accusation/NN by/IN innuendo/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Jackson/NNP needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB spelled/VBN out/RP ./.
He/PRP implies/VBZ Alexis/NNP funneled/VBN money/NN to/TO Jesse/NNP Jackson/NNP when/WRB she/PRP was/VBD at/IN Labor/NNP ,/, in/IN exchange/NN for/IN being/VBG the/DT beneficiary/NN of/IN Jackson/NNP 's/POS largess/NN when/WRB she/PRP went/VBD to/TO the/DT private/JJ sector/NN ./.
Weisberg/NNP further/JJ implies/VBZ that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ something/NN wrong/JJ with/IN Jackson/NNP 's/POS Operation/NN Push/VBP negotiating/VBG agreements/NNS with/IN corporations/NNS that/WDT included/VBD monitoring/VBG arrangements/NNS ./.
Most/JJS of/IN Alexis/NNP '/POS business/NN did/VBD not/RB involve/VB any/DT relationship/NN with/IN Operation/NN Push/VBP ./.
But/CC some/DT contracts/NNS did/VBD ,/, and/CC here/RB is/VBZ how/WRB they/PRP worked/VBD ./.
Jackson/NNP and/CC others/NNS spotted/VBD in/IN the/DT early/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ that/IN there/EX were/VBD no/DT white-collar/JJ minority/NN employees/NNS in/IN lots/NNS of/IN major/JJ companies/NNS ,/, and/CC no/DT black/JJ franchises/NNS in/IN major/JJ franchise/NN businesses/NNS ./.
The/DT companies/NNS realized/VBD they/PRP had/VBD to/TO do/VB better/JJR or/CC face/NN marketplace/NN consequences/NNS ,/, so/IN they/PRP set/VBD out/IN to/TO hire/VB more/JJR minorities/NNS ./.
They/PRP then/RB turned/VBD to/TO Alexis/NNP for/IN help--sometimes/JJ at/IN Jackson/NNP 's/POS suggestion/NN ,/, sometimes/RB because/IN other/JJ companies/NNS had/VBD recommended/VBN her/PRP$ firm/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ work/NN ended/VBD up/RP delivering/VBG radical/JJ reductions/NNS in/IN turnover/NN ,/, and/CC that/WDT made/VBD them/PRP more/JJR money/NN ,/, provided/VBN revenue/NN for/IN Alexis/NNP '/POS business/NN ,/, and/CC opened/VBD doors/NNS for/IN women/NNS and/CC minorities/NNS ./.
Now/RB we/PRP get/VBP to/TO the/DT "/" appearance/NN of/IN impropriety/NN "/" card/NN ./.
Market/NNP Square/NNP :/: Alexis/NNP ,/, as/IN a/DT private/JJ businessperson/NN ,/, provides/VBZ valuable/JJ help/NN to/TO a/DT developer/NN ./.
He/PRP gives/VBZ her/PRP$ an/DT ownership/NN stake/NN ./.
Weisberg/NNP agrees/VBZ nothing/NN is/VBZ illegal/JJ ,/, but/CC he/PRP elliptically/RB implies/VBZ there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT problem/NN ./.
He/PRP implies/VBZ that/IN Herman/NNP later/RB helped/VBD Herb/NNP Miller--even/NNP though/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
He/PRP then/RB adds/VBZ in/IN a/DT passing/VBG shot/NN at/IN Vernon/NNP Jordan--as/NNP if/IN Vernon/NNP needs/VBZ Alexis/NNP '/POS help/NN ./.
Alexis/NNP should/MD be/VB and/CC is/VBZ proud/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ career/NN before/IN and/CC after/IN the/DT Labor/NNP Department/NNP ./.
Apparently/RB with/IN little/JJ or/CC no/DT knowledge/NN of/IN it/PRP ,/, Weisberg/NNP chose/VBD to/TO believe/VB the/DT smug/JJ ,/, cynical/JJ view--odd/JJ that/IN he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB bother/VB to/TO check/VB with/IN her/PRP$ clients/NNS ./.
He/PRP may/MD dislike/VB anyone/NN who/WP goes/VBZ from/IN government/NN to/TO business/NN and/CC back/RB ,/, but/CC to/TO make/VB it/PRP sound/VBP like/IN Alexis/NNP is/VBZ at/IN the/DT head/NN of/IN the/DT class/NN for/IN likely/JJ wrongdoing/NN is/VBZ unsupportable/JJ ./.
This/DT woman/NN has/VBZ 20/CD years/NNS of/IN real/JJ experience/NN making/VBG progress/NN on/IN the/DT critical/JJ problem/NN of/IN diversity/NN in/IN the/DT workplace/NN ,/, but/CC Weisberg/NNP and/CC others/NNS are/VBP making/VBG her/PRP$ sound/NN as/IN if/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN a/DT product/NN of/IN Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, all/PDT the/DT time/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ unfair/JJ and/CC harms/VBZ her/PRP$ ability/NN to/TO help/VB us/PRP all/DT later/RB ./.
When/WRB she/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN teaching/NN kids/NNS the/DT "/" culture/NN of/IN work/NN ,/, "/" she/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB speaking/VBG dry/JJ corporate/JJ prose/NN ,/, nor/CC is/VBZ she/PRP speaking/VBG the/DT fashion-sensitive/JJ policy/NN prose/NN ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ speaking/VBG with/IN some/DT actual/JJ experience/NN ./.
Alexis/NNP deserves/VBZ full/JJ and/CC fair/NN reporting/NN and/CC an/DT open/JJ hearing/NN ./.
The/DT Senate/NNP committee/NN needs/VBZ to/TO do/VB its/PRP$ job/NN and/CC get/VB these/DT issues/NNS into/IN a/DT forum/NN where/WRB the/DT nominee/NN can/MD respond/VB ,/, rather/RB than/IN leeching/VBG them/PRP through/IN repeated/VBN ,/, incorrect/JJ media/NNS stories/NNS ./.
Weisberg/NNP needs/VBZ to/TO do/VB his/PRP$ and/CC get/VB a/DT full/JJ picture/NN of/IN a/DT person/NN before/IN he/PRP chooses/VBZ to/TO dismiss/VB her/PRP$ life/NN 's/POS work/NN as/IN a/DT trip/NN through/IN the/DT revolving/JJ door/NN ./.
-/: -/: Mark/NNP Steitz/NNP
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Vala/NNP ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ the/DT winter/NN like/IN at/IN Velia/NNP ?/.
Tell/VB me/PRP about/IN the/DT climate/NN at/IN Salerno/NNP ./.
What/WP are/VBP the/DT people/NNS like/IN ?/.
Are/VBP there/EX good/JJ roads/NNS ?/.
Musa/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ doctor/NN ,/, has/VBZ seen/VBN to/TO it/PRP that/IN Baiae/NNP 's/POS Absolutely/RB out/IN of/IN the/DT question/NN for/IN me/PRP And/CC furthermore/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ seen/VBN to/TO it/PRP that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP Extremely/NNP unpopular/JJ there/RB ,/, now/RB that/IN he/PRP makes/VBZ me/PRP Pour/NNP ice/NN water/NN over/IN myself/PRP in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN winter/NN ./.
Naturally/RB Baiae/NNP grumbles/NNS because/IN its/PRP$ groves/NNS Of/IN myrtle/NN are/VBP now/RB no/RB longer/JJR what/WP one/CD resorts/NNS to/TO ,/, And/CC its/PRP$ sulfur/NN hot/JJ baths/NNS scorned/JJ ,/, so/RB celebrated/JJ Once/RB upon/IN a/DT time/NN for/IN being/VBG good/JJ for/IN Everything/NN that/IN ails/NNS one/CD ,/, and/CC they/PRP 're/VBP miffed/VBN By/IN invalids/NNS who/WP go/VBP away/RB to/TO put/VB Their/PRP$ heads/NNS and/CC shoulders/NNS under/IN Clusium/NNP 's/POS waters/NNS Or/CC else/RB to/TO plunge/VB in/IN Gabii/NNP 's/POS frigid/NN baths/NNS ./.
So/IN I/PRP have/VBP to/TO change/VB my/PRP$ route/NN and/CC drive/NN right/NN past/JJ The/DT old/JJ familiar/JJ places/NNS ./.
"/" Where/WRB are/VBP you/PRP going/VBG ?/.
This/DT is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT way/NN to/TO Baiae/NNP or/CC to/TO Cumas/NNP "/" -/: That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP the/DT rider/NN 's/POS going/VBG to/TO say/VB to/TO his/PRP$ horse/NN ,/, Angrily/NNP trying/VBG to/TO make/VB him/PRP go/VB the/DT old/JJ way/NN ,/, But/CC the/DT horse/NN has/VBZ the/DT bit/NN in/IN his/PRP$ mouth/NN and/CC wo/MD n't/RB be/VB turned/VBN ./.
Tell/VB me/PRP ,/, what/WP town/NN down/RB there/EX is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS for/IN food/NN ?/.
Do/VBP they/PRP have/VB fresh/JJ water/NN there/RB ,/, flowing/VBG from/IN springs/VBZ The/DT whole/JJ year/NN round/NN ,/, or/CC do/VBP they/PRP have/VBP to/TO use/VB
Rainwater/NNP collected/VBD in/IN tanks/NNS and/CC saved/VBN for/IN the/DT purpose/NN ?/.
No/DT point/NN in/IN even/RB asking/VBG about/IN the/DT wine/NN ./.
At/IN home/NN I/PRP 'm/VBP used/VBN to/TO putting/VBG up/RP with/IN whatever/WDT ;/: But/CC when/WRB I/PRP go/VBP away/RB I/PRP want/VBP to/TO have/VB Something/NN a/DT whole/JJ lot/NN nicer/JJR ,/, smooth/JJ and/CC mellow/JJ ,/, Infusing/NNP hopefulness/NNS into/IN the/DT heart/NN and/CC veins/NNS ,/, Good/JJ for/IN banishing/VBG care/NN and/CC promoting/VBG a/DT flow/NN Of/IN eloquence/NN to/TO make/VB some/DT lady/NN think/VBP That/DT I/PRP 'm/VBP still/RB young/JJ when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ perfectly/RB clear/JJ I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB ./.
Which/WDT town/NN down/RB there/EX is/VBZ better/JJR for/IN serving/VBG rabbit/NN ,/, Which/WDT for/IN wild/JJ boar/NN ,/, which/WDT one/CD is/VBZ better/JJR for/IN fish/NN ,/, So/IN I/PRP 'll/MD come/VB back/RB home/NN as/RB fat/JJ as/IN a/DT Phaeacian/NNP ?/.
Write/NNP me/PRP a/DT letter/NN ;/: you/PRP 're/VBP my/PRP$ authority/NN ./.
Maenius/NNP with/IN great/JJ spirit/NN squandered/VBN all/PDT The/DT inheritance/NN he/PRP had/VBD from/IN his/PRP$ father/NN and/CC mother/NN ,/, And/CC so/RB became/VBD an/DT extra/JJ man/NN and/CC sponger/NN ,/, A/DT parasite/NN with/IN no/DT fixed/VBN place/NN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, Who/WP when/WRB he/PRP needed/VBD a/DT dinner/NN would/MD gladly/RB dine/NN out/IN On/IN vicious/JJ scandal/NN he/PRP spread/VBD with/IN impartial/JJ justice/NN About/IN both/DT friend/NN and/CC foe/NN ./.
And/CC when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD n't/RB Able/NNP to/TO wangle/NN an/DT invitation/NN he/PRP lived/VBD On/IN dishes/NNS of/IN cheap/JJ gray/JJ lamb/NN ,/, inveighing/VBG against/IN Gluttons/NNP and/CC prodigals/NNS ,/, saying/VBG they/PRP ought/MD to/TO be/VB branded/JJ ./.
But/CC when/WRB he/PRP ate/VBD well/RB he/PRP ate/VBD it/PRP all/DT up/RB and/CC said/VBD ,/, "/" My/PRP$ heavens/NNS ,/, this/DT ragout/NN of/IN quail/NN is/VBZ simply/RB delicious/JJ ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP just/RB like/IN that/DT ./.
When/WRB there/EX is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT lot/NN to/TO be/VB had/VBN ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP very/RB good/JJ at/IN praising/VBG moderation/NN ;/: But/CC when/WRB there/EX 's/VBZ something/NN better/JJR and/CC richer/JJR offered/JJ ,/, Why/WRB then/RB I/PRP 'm/VBP very/RB good/JJ at/IN praising/VBG how/WRB You/PRP rich/JJ men/NNS live/VBP and/CC dine/NN in/IN your/PRP$ splendid/JJ houses/NNS ./.
One/CD of/IN my/PRP$ persistent/JJ fantasies/NNS used/VBN to/TO be/VB of/IN sitting/VBG at/IN a/DT sidewalk/NN table/NN at/IN a/DT cafe/NN in/IN Paris/NNP ./.
I/PRP would/MD be/VB writing/VBG with/IN my/PRP$ pen/NN (/( la/FW plume/NN de/IN ma/NN tante/NN )/) in/IN a/DT notebook/NN (/( un/NN cahier/NN )/) while/IN smoking/VBG a/DT Gauloise/NNP ./.
I/PRP would/MD not/RB be/VB writing/VBG economics/NNS ./.
One/CD cannot/NN write/VB economics/NNS while/IN sitting/VBG at/IN a/DT sidewalk/NN cafe/NN ./.
Maybe/RB that/WDT is/VBZ why/WRB there/EX have/VBP been/VBN so/RB few/JJ distinguished/VBD French/JJ economists/NNS ./.
I/PRP would/MD be/VB writing/VBG a/DT novel/NN ,/, or/CC perhaps/RB poetry/NN ,/, or/CC even/RB a/DT philosophical/JJ treatise/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP would/MD frequently/RB raise/VB my/PRP$ eyes/NNS to/TO watch/VB the/DT girls/NNS (/( les/FW filles/NNS )/) go/VB by/IN ./.
I/PRP no/RB longer/RB have/VBP that/DT fantasy/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP ,/, however/RB ,/, eat/VB from/IN time/NN to/TO time/NN at/IN an/DT outdoor/JJ table/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN a/DT small/JJ restaurant/NN on/IN the/DT street/NN leading/VBG to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB try/VB to/TO write/VB there/RB ./.
I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB write/VB with/IN la/FW plume/NN de/IN ma/NN tante/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP addicted/VBN to/TO the/DT word/NN processor/NN ./.
I/PRP suppose/VBP I/PRP could/MD use/VB a/DT laptop/NN computer/NN ./.
But/CC that/DT mechanism/NN would/MD destroy/VB the/DT romantic/JJ illusion/NN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, I/PRP watch/VBP the/DT passers-by/NNS ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB concentrating/VBG on/IN the/DT girls/NNS ./.
I/PRP am/VBP concentrating/VBG on/IN the/DT married/VBN couples/NNS ./.
How/WRB do/VBP I/PRP know/VBP that/IN those/DT men/NNS and/CC women/NNS walking/VBG two-by-two/JJ up/IN to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP are/VBP married/VBN to/TO each/DT other/JJ ?/.
Well/RB ,/, 75/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT men/NNS between/IN the/DT ages/NNS of/IN 30/CD and/CC 75/CD are/VBP married/VBN ,/, so/RB if/IN you/PRP see/VBP a/DT man/NN in/IN that/DT age/NN group/NN walking/VBG with/IN a/DT woman/NN to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center--which/NNP is/VBZ not/RB exactly/RB Club/NNP Med--it/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT good/JJ bet/NN that/IN the/DT two/CD are/VBP married/VBN ,/, and/CC almost/RB certainly/RB to/TO each/DT other/JJ ./.
I/PRP look/VBP particularly/RB at/IN the/DT women/NNS in/IN those/DT couples/NNS ./.
They/PRP are/VBP not/RB glamorous/JJ ./.
There/EX are/VBP no/DT Marlene/NNP Dietrichs/NNP ,/, Marilyn/NNP Monroes/NNP ,/, or/CC Vivien/NNP Leighs/NNP among/IN them/PRP ./.
(/( It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT sign/NN of/IN my/PRP$ age/NN that/IN I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB think/VB of/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN a/DT single/JJ living/NN glamorous/JJ movie/NN actress/NN ./.
)/) Some/DT of/IN them/PRP are/VBP pretty/RB ,/, but/CC many/JJ would/MD be/VB considered/VBN plain/JJ ./.
Since/IN they/PRP are/VBP on/IN their/PRP$ way/NN to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP ,/, presumably/RB to/TO attend/VB a/DT play/NN ,/, an/DT opera/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT concert/NN ,/, one/PRP may/MD assume/VB that/IN they/PRP are/VBP somewhat/RB above/IN average/JJ in/IN cultural/JJ literacy/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN other/JJ respects/VBZ one/PRP must/MD assume/VB that/IN they/PRP are/VBP ,/, like/IN most/JJS people/NNS ,/, average/JJ ./.
But/CC to/TO the/DT man/NN whose/WP$ hand/NN or/CC arm/VB she/PRP is/VBZ holding/VBG ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ not/RB "/" average/JJ ./.
"/" She/PRP is/VBZ the/DT whole/JJ world/NN to/TO him/PRP ./.
They/PRP may/MD argue/VB occasionally/RB ,/, or/CC even/RB frequently/RB ./.
He/PRP may/MD have/VB an/DT eye/NN for/IN the/DT cute/JJ intern/NN in/IN his/PRP$ office/NN ./.
But/CC that/DT is/VBZ superficial/JJ ./.
Fundamentally/RB ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS valuable/JJ thing/NN in/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ./.
Genesis/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" And/CC the/DT Lord/NNP God/NNP said/VBD :/: '/POS It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB good/JJ that/IN the/DT man/NN should/MD be/VB alone/RB ;/: I/PRP will/MD make/VB him/PRP a/DT help/NN meet/VB for/IN him/PRP ./.
'/POS "/" And/CC so/RB ,/, "/" made/VBN He/PRP a/DT woman/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB that/IN He/PRP made/VBD a/DT pretty/JJ woman/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT witty/JJ woman/NN ,/, or/CC an/DT any-kind-of-adjective/JJ woman/NN ./.
He/PRP made/VBD the/DT basic/JJ woman/NN ./.
Why/WRB is/VBZ this/DT basic/JJ woman/NN so/RB valuable/JJ to/TO the/DT man/NN whose/WP$ hand/NN or/CC arm/VB she/PRP is/VBZ holding/VBG as/IN I/PRP see/VBP them/PRP making/VBG their/PRP$ way/NN up/IN to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP ?/.
I/PRP think/VBP there/EX are/VBP three/CD simple/JJ things/NNS ./.
First/LS ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ a/DT warm/JJ body/NN in/IN bed/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB refer/VB to/TO their/PRP$ sexual/JJ activity/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ important/JJ but/CC too/RB varied/VBD for/IN me/PRP to/TO generalize/VB about/IN ./.
I/PRP refer/VBP to/TO something/NN that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, if/IN possible/JJ ,/, even/RB more/RBR primitive/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ human/JJ contact/NN ./.
A/DT baby/NN crying/VBG in/IN its/PRP$ crib/NN does/VBZ n't/RB want/VB conversation/NN or/CC a/DT gold/NN ring/NN ./.
He/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO be/VB picked/VBN up/RB ,/, held/VBN ,/, and/CC patted/JJ ./.
Adults/NNS need/NN that/IN physical/JJ contact/NN also/RB ./.
They/PRP need/VBP to/TO cuddle/NN together/RB for/IN warmth/NN and/CC comfort/NN in/IN an/DT indifferent/JJ or/CC cold/JJ world/NN ./.
At/IN least/JJS ,/, they/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO do/VB that/DT ./.
The/DT plain/JJ woman/NN and/CC plain/JJ man/NN I/PRP am/VBP watching/VBG do/VBP that/DT for/IN each/DT other/JJ ./.
But/CC conversation/NN is/VBZ also/RB important/JJ ./.
These/DT couples/NNS may/MD have/VB been/VBN talking/VBG to/TO each/DT other/JJ for/IN 30/CD years/NNS or/CC more/JJR ./.
You/PRP might/MD think/VB they/PRP have/VB nothing/NN left/VBN to/TO say/VB ./.
But/CC still/RB they/PRP can/MD talk/VB to/TO each/DT other/JJ in/IN ways/NNS that/IN they/PRP cannot/NN talk/NN to/TO anyone/NN else/RB ./.
He/PRP can/MD tell/VB her/PRP of/IN something/NN good/JJ he/PRP has/VBZ done/VBN ,/, or/CC something/NN good/JJ that/WDT has/VBZ happened/VBN to/TO him/PRP ,/, without/IN fearing/VBG that/IN she/PRP will/MD think/VB he/PRP is/VBZ bragging/NN ./.
He/PRP can/MD tell/VB her/PRP of/IN something/NN bad/JJ that/WDT has/VBZ happened/VBN without/IN fearing/VBG that/IN she/PRP will/MD think/VB he/PRP is/VBZ complaining/VBG ./.
He/PRP can/MD tell/VB her/PRP of/IN the/DT most/RBS trivial/JJ thing/NN without/IN fearing/VBG that/IN she/PRP will/MD think/VB he/PRP is/VBZ bothering/VBG her/PRP ./.
He/PRP can/MD count/VB on/IN her/PRP$ interest/NN and/CC understanding/NN ./.
The/DT primary/JJ purpose/NN of/IN this/DT conversation/NN is/VBZ not/RB to/TO convey/VB any/DT specific/JJ information/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ primary/JJ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO say/VB ,/, "/" I/PRP am/VBP here/RB and/CC I/PRP know/VBP that/IN you/PRP are/VBP here/RB ./.
Third/NNP ,/, the/DT woman/NN serves/VBZ the/DT man/NN 's/POS need/NN to/TO be/VB needed/VBN ./.
If/IN no/DT one/CD needs/VBZ you/PRP ,/, what/WP good/JJ are/VBP you/PRP ,/, and/CC what/WP are/VBP you/PRP here/RB for/RP ?/.
Other/JJ people--employers/JJ ,/, students/NNS ,/, readers--may/JJ say/VBP that/IN they/PRP need/VBP you/PRP ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB true/JJ ./.
In/IN all/DT such/JJ relationships/NNS you/PRP are/VBP replaceable/JJ at/IN some/DT price/NN ./.
But/CC to/TO this/DT woman/NN you/PRP are/VBP not/RB replaceable/JJ at/IN any/DT price/NN ./.
And/CC that/DT gives/VBZ you/PRP the/DT self-esteem/NN to/TO go/VB out/IN and/CC meet/VB the/DT world/NN every/DT day/NN ./.
So/IN this/DT "/" ordinary/JJ "/" woman--one/JJ like/IN about/RB 50/CD million/CD others/NNS in/IN America--has/NNP this/DT great/JJ value/NN to/TO this/DT man/NN she/PRP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO the/DT theater/NN with/IN ./.
He/PRP surely/RB does/VBZ not/RB make/VB a/DT calculation--does/JJ n't/RB mark/VB her/PRP to/TO market/VB ./.
He/PRP probably/RB never/RB says/VBZ how/WRB much/JJ he/PRP values/VBZ her/PRP$ ,/, to/TO himself/PRP or/CC to/TO her/PRP ./.
But/CC he/PRP acts/VBZ as/IN if/IN he/PRP knows/VBZ it/PRP ./.
Isee/NNP that/IN I/PRP have/VBP written/VBN these/DT views/NNS entirely/RB from/IN the/DT point/NN of/IN view/NN of/IN the/DT man/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ only/RB natural/JJ for/IN me/PRP ./.
But/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB for/IN a/DT minute/NN think/NN that/IN the/DT relationship/NN I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN trying/VBG to/TO describe/VB is/VBZ one-sided/JJ ./.
On/IN the/DT contrary/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ reciprocal/JJ ./.
I/PRP can/MD hear/VB you/PRP saying/VBG :/: "/" How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP know/VBP all/PDT this/DT ?/.
You/PRP are/VBP only/RB an/DT economist/NN ,/, practitioner/NN of/IN the/DT dismal/JJ science/NN ./.
You/PRP are/VBP n't/RB Ann/NNP Landers/NNP ./.
"/" That/DT is/VBZ all/DT true/JJ ./.
But/CC my/PRP$ wife/NN and/CC I/PRP walked/VBD up/RB that/DT hill/NN to/TO the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP many/JJ times/NNS ./.
"/" Frame/NNP Game/NNP "/" is/VBZ an/DT occasional/JJ Slate/NNP department/NN based/VBN on/IN the/DT premise/NN that/IN who/WP wins/VBZ in/IN Washington/NNP is/VBZ often/RB determined/VBN by/IN how/WRB the/DT issue/NN is/VBZ framed/VBN ./.
The/DT author/NN neither/DT endorses/VBZ nor/CC condemns/VBZ any/DT of/IN the/DT views/NNS expressed/VBD ,/, however/RB laudatory/NN or/CC repellent/JJ ./.
The/DT 25/CD th/NN anniversary/NN of/IN Roe/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Wade/NNP has/VBZ arrived/VBN ,/, and/CC activists/NNS on/IN both/DT sides/NNS are/VBP eager/JJ to/TO tell/VB you/PRP what/WP the/DT debate/NN is/VBZ all/DT about/IN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN 25/CD years/NNS of/IN struggling/VBG to/TO protect/VB babies/NNS ,/, say/VBP the/DT pro-lifers/JJ ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN 25/CD years/NNS of/IN defending/VBG reproductive/JJ freedom/NN ,/, say/VBP the/DT pro-choicers/JJ ./.
Actually/RB ,/, the/DT debate/NN has/VBZ been/VBN about/IN persuading/VBG you/PRP what/WP it/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN ./.
Most/JJS of/IN us/PRP are/VBP ambivalent/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, we/PRP may/MD agree/VB with/IN pro-lifers/JJ that/DT abortion/NN is/VBZ wrong/JJ while/IN agreeing/VBG with/IN pro-choicers/JJ that/IN people/NNS are/VBP entitled/VBN to/TO make/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ reproductive/JJ decisions/NNS ./.
Where/WRB we/PRP ultimately/RB come/VBP down/RB on/IN the/DT issue--and/JJ how/WRB the/DT political/JJ war/NN turns/VBZ out--depends/JJ on/IN which/WDT group/NN can/MD get/VB us/PRP to/TO focus/VB on/IN the/DT viewpoint/NN we/PRP share/VBP with/IN them/PRP ./.
This/DT debate/NN revolves/VBZ around/IN three/CD fundamental/JJ axes/NNS ./.
1/LS Realism/NNP vs/NNS ./.
idealism/NN :/: This/DT axis/NNS dominated/VBD the/DT debate/NN in/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ./.
Several/JJ lines/NNS of/IN argument/NN hinge/VB on/IN it/PRP ./.
Legal/JJ pragmatism/NN vs/NNS ./.
legal/JJ moralism/NN :/: Pro-lifers/NNP regard/NN the/DT law/NN as/IN a/DT moral/JJ teacher/NN ./.
Roe/NNP infuriates/NNS them/PRP in/IN part/NN because/IN they/PRP think/VBP it/PRP teaches/VBZ kids/NNS that/WDT abortion/NN is/VBZ OK/JJ ./.
Conversely/RB ,/, they/PRP think/VBP that/IN an/DT abortion/NN ban/NN ,/, even/RB if/IN it/PRP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB enforced/VBN ,/, will/MD teach/VB kids/NNS that/WDT abortion/NN is/VBZ wrong/JJ ./.
Unfortunately/RB for/IN them/PRP ,/, the/DT past/JJ 25/CD years/NNS have/VBP destroyed/VBN the/DT public/NN 's/POS faith/NN that/DT government/NN can/MD do/VB much/RB of/IN anything/NN ,/, let/VB alone/RB improve/VB our/PRP$ morals/NNS by/IN passing/VBG laws/NNS ./.
Nixon/NNP resigned/VBD a/DT year/NN after/IN Roe/NNP ./.
Then/RB Carter/NNP screwed/VBD things/NNS up/RB ./.
Then/RB Reagan/NNP persuaded/VBD the/DT country/NN that/IN the/DT government/NN always/RB screws/NNS things/NNS up/RB ./.
Now/RB we/PRP 're/VBP more/RBR susceptible/JJ to/TO the/DT pro-choice/JJ argument/NN that/IN banning/VBG abortions/NNS would/MD just/RB divert/VB them/PRP to/TO the/DT black/JJ market/NN ./.
Illegal/NNP abortions/NNS vs/NNS ./.
legal/JJ abortions/NNS :/: When/WRB abortion/NN was/VBD illegal/JJ ,/, pro-choicers/JJ focused/VBN national/JJ attention/NN on/IN the/DT gore/VB and/CC repugnance/NN of/IN coat/NN hangers/NNS and/CC back/RB alleys/NNS ./.
After/IN Roe/NNP ,/, pro-lifers/JJ turned/VBD our/PRP$ attention/NN to/TO the/DT gore/VB and/CC repugnance/NN of/IN many/JJ legal/JJ abortions/NNS ./.
The/DT longer/JJR abortion/NN remains/VBZ legal/JJ ,/, the/DT more/JJR people/NNS read/VBP about/IN casual/JJ abortions/NNS ,/, the/DT more/JJR they/PRP forget/VBP how/WRB gory/NN and/CC repugnant/NN abortion/NN was/VBD when/WRB it/PRP was/VBD illegal/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ why/WRB pro-choicers/JJ constantly/RB moan/VB that/IN Roe/NNP is/VBZ in/IN jeopardy/NN and/CC that/DT abortion/NN will/MD soon/RB be/VB banned/VBN again/RB ./.
To/TO gain/VB the/DT upper/JJ hand/NN ,/, each/DT side/NN needs/VBZ to/TO convince/VB you/PRP that/IN the/DT other/JJ side/NN has/VBZ the/DT upper/JJ hand/NN ./.
Traditionalism/NNP vs/NNS ./.
radicalism/NN :/: Pro-lifers/NNP equate/VB the/DT American/JJ way/NN with/IN traditional/JJ ideas/NNS ,/, threatened/VBN by/IN relativism/NN ./.
Pro-choicers/NNP equate/VB the/DT American/JJ way/NN with/IN pluralism/NN ,/, threatened/VBN by/IN radical/JJ fundamentalism/NN ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP had/VBD the/DT better/JJR of/IN this/DT argument/NN in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ and/CC 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, because/IN pro-choicers/JJ got/VBD mixed/VBN up/RB with/IN the/DT sexual/JJ revolution/NN and/CC the/DT anti-war/JJ movement/NN ./.
Spiro/NNP Agnew/NNP called/VBD Democrats/NNPS the/DT party/NN of/IN "/" acid/NN ,/, amnesty/NN ,/, and/CC abortion/NN ./.
"/" As/IN Roe/NNP took/VBD root/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, pro-choicers/JJ became/VBD defenders/NNS of/IN the/DT status/NN quo/NN ,/, and/CC pro-lifers/JJ resorted/JJ to/TO protest-movement/JJ tactics/NNS such/JJ as/IN civil/JJ disobedience/NN ./.
Nowadays/NNP ,/, pro-choicers/JJ call/NN pro-lifers/JJ "/" radicals/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT association/NN of/IN abortion/NN rights/NNS with/IN tradition/NN and/CC national/JJ stability/NN helped/VBD persuade/VB the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP to/TO reaffirm/VB Roe/NNP in/IN 1992/CD ./.
Capitalism/NN vs/NNS ./.
socialism/NN :/: Most/JJS pro-choicers/JJ make/NN an/DT economically/RB rational/JJ argument/NN ./.
A/DT woman/NN 's/POS inability/NN to/TO spare/VB the/DT time/NN or/CC the/DT money/NN to/TO raise/VB a/DT child/NN properly/RB is/VBZ an/DT acceptable/JJ reason/NN for/IN aborting/VBG her/PRP$ pregnancy/NN ./.
Such/JJ practical/JJ logic/NN helped/VBD draw/VB mainstream/NN civic/JJ organizations/NNS into/IN the/DT pre-/NN Roe/NNP movement/NN to/TO relax/VB abortion/NN laws/NNS ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, many/JJ pro-lifers/JJ insist/VBP that/DT society/NN protect/VB and/CC sustain/VB life/NN at/IN any/DT cost/NN ./.
They/PRP apply/VBP this/DT argument/NN to/TO neonatal/NN hospital/NN care/NN ,/, lifelong/JJ disabilities/NNS ,/, and/CC assisted/VBN suicide/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN to/TO abortion/NN ./.
Absorbing/NNP this/DT pro-life/JJ socialism/NN is/VBZ a/DT long-term/JJ problem/NN for/IN Republicans/NNPS ./.
Technology/NN vs/NNS ./.
self-restraint/JJ :/: Pro-choicers/NNP count/NN on/IN technology/NN to/TO prevent/VB unwanted/JJ consequences/NNS of/IN sex/NN ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP reply/VB that/IN self-restraint/JJ is/VBZ the/DT only/RB effective/JJ solution/NN ./.
This/DT debate/NN began/VBD with/IN birth/NN control/NN in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ (/( George/NNP Bush/NNP earned/VBD the/DT nickname/NN "/" Rubbers/NNP "/" for/IN sponsoring/VBG family/NN planning/NN legislation/NN )/) and/CC continued/VBD through/IN abortion/NN in/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ to/TO AIDS/NNP in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ./.
Today/NN ,/, pro-choicers/JJ advertise/VB drugs/NNS such/JJ as/IN RU-/NNP 486/CD ,/, Norplant/NNP ,/, and/CC Ovral/NNP as/IN solutions/NNS to/TO the/DT abortion/NN problem/NN ,/, while/IN pro-lifers/JJ depict/VB abortion/NN as/IN a/DT culture/NN of/IN callousness/NNS that/IN drugs/NNS can/MD only/RB obscure/VB ./.
2/LS Woman/NNP vs/NNS ./.
fetus/NN :/: In/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT focus/NN of/IN the/DT abortion/NN controversy/NN shifted/VBN to/TO the/DT relative/JJ rights/NNS of/IN the/DT prospective/JJ mother/NN and/CC her/PRP$ potential/JJ offspring/NN ./.
Zoom-out/NNP vs/NNS ./.
zoom-in/JJ :/: Ever/RB since/IN Roe/NNP ,/, pro-life/JJ posters/NNS and/CC pamphlets/NNS have/VBP depicted/VBN isolated/VBN fetuses/NNS ./.
The/DT public-relations/NNS masterstroke/NN of/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, a/DT pro-life/JJ film/NN called/VBD The/DT Silent/NNP Scream/NNP ,/, featured/VBN ultrasound/NN pictures/NNS of/IN the/DT dismemberment/NN of/IN a/DT fetus/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ,/, pro-lifers/JJ have/VBP used/VBN fetal/JJ diagrams/NNS to/TO illustrate/VB the/DT horror/NN of/IN "/" partial/JJ birth/NN "/" abortions/NNS ./.
Pro-choicers/NNP point/NN out/IN that/IN these/DT close-up/NN images/NNS literally/RB cut/VBP the/DT fetus/NN 's/POS context--the/JJ woman--out/JJ of/IN the/DT picture/NN ./.
They/PRP offer/VBP alternative/NN pictures--in/JJ the/DT "/" partial/JJ birth/NN "/" debate/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, they/PRP used/VBD a/DT photo/NN of/IN a/DT woman/NN who/WP had/VBD gone/VBN through/IN the/DT procedure/NN ,/, surrounded/VBN by/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN and/CC kids--to/JJ emphasize/VB the/DT woman/NN 's/POS humanity/NN and/CC obscure/VB the/DT fetus/NN ./.
Equality/NNP vs/NNS ./.
motherhood/NN :/: In/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, pro-choicers/JJ attached/VBD the/DT abortion/NN issue/NN to/TO the/DT emerging/VBG feminist/JJ movement/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, this/DT combination/NN proved/VBD doubly/RB vulnerable/JJ to/TO the/DT New/NNP Right/RB 's/POS critique/NN :/: Women/NNP 's/POS careers/NNS bore/VBD the/DT bloodstains/NNS of/IN abortions/NNS ./.
Today/NN ,/, feminism/NN remains/VBZ a/DT bad/JJ word/NN ,/, but/CC Republicans/NNPS have/VBP adjusted/VBN their/PRP$ philosophy/NN of/IN motherhood/NN to/TO accommodate/VB women/NNS 's/POS political/JJ power/NN (/( hence/RB their/PRP$ attention/NN to/TO "/" soccer/NN moms/NNS "/" )/) ./.
Accordingly/RB ,/, when/WRB pro-lifers/JJ advocate/NN measures/NNS that/WDT would/MD make/VB clinics/NNS give/VB women/NNS information/NN designed/VBN to/TO dissuade/VB them/PRP from/IN having/VBG an/DT abortion/NN ,/, they/PRP call/VBP these/DT measures/NNS "/" women/NNS 's/POS right/NN to/TO know/VB "/" bills/NNS ./.
Conversely/RB ,/, pro-choicers/JJ accept/VB the/DT culture/NN of/IN motherhood/NN and/CC accuse/VBP pro-lifers/JJ of/IN defiling/VBG it/PRP by/IN forcing/VBG women/NNS to/TO bear/VB the/DT offspring/NN not/RB of/IN their/PRP$ husbands/NNS but/CC of/IN their/PRP$ rapists/NNS ./.
Persecution/NNP vs/NNS ./.
civil/JJ rights/NNS :/: Many/JJ women/NNS who/WP seek/VBP Medicaid-funded/NNP abortions/NNS are/VBP black/JJ or/CC Hispanic/JJ ./.
From/IN this/DT ,/, pro-choicers/JJ conclude/VB that/IN restrictions/NNS on/IN Medicaid-funded/NNP abortions/NNS are/VBP racist/JJ because/IN they/PRP target/VBP black/JJ and/CC Hispanic/JJ women/NNS ./.
Conversely/RB ,/, pro-lifers/JJ argue/VBP that/IN pro-choicers/JJ are/VBP racists/NNS because/IN they/PRP use/VBP Medicaid/NNP ,/, and/CC abortion/NN ,/, to/TO exterminate/NN black/JJ and/CC Hispanic/JJ fetuses/NNS ./.
Pro-choicers/NNP defend/VB the/DT right/NN to/TO abortion/NN as/IN an/DT extension/NN of/IN the/DT "/" civil/JJ rights/NNS "/" granted/VBN to/TO blacks/NNS and/CC women/NNS ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP reply/VB that/IN "/" civil/JJ rights/NNS "/" should/MD be/VB extended/VBN not/RB to/TO women/NNS seeking/VBG abortions/NNS but/CC to/TO their/PRP$ fetuses/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT most/RBS defenseless/JJ members/NNS of/IN the/DT human/JJ family/NN ./.
Slope/NNP vs/NNS ./.
slope/NN :/: Much/JJ of/IN the/DT debate/NN turns/VBZ on/IN which/WDT issues/NNS are/VBP associated/VBN with/IN abortion/NN ./.
Roe/NNP was/VBD based/VBN in/IN part/NN on/IN Griswold/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Connecticut/NNP ,/, a/DT 1965/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP decision/NN that/WDT upheld/VBD the/DT right/NN to/TO use/VB contraceptives/NNS ./.
By/IN arguing/VBG for/IN abortion/NN rights/NNS in/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN birth/NN control/NN ,/, pro-choicers/JJ persuaded/VBD the/DT court/NN to/TO treat/VB it/PRP as/IN a/DT sexual-privacy/JJ issue/NN ./.
In/IN subsequent/JJ cases/NNS ,/, they/PRP have/VBP argued/VBN that/IN anti-pregnancy/JJ measures/NNS (/( such/JJ as/IN high/JJ postcoital/NN doses/NNS of/IN birth-control/JJ pills/NNS )/) blur/VB the/DT distinction/NN between/IN birth/NN control/NN and/CC abortion/NN ./.
This/DT raises/VBZ the/DT specter/NN of/IN a/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN toward/IN regulating/VBG sex/NN ./.
Recognizing/NNP this/DT trap/NN ,/, the/DT National/NNP Right/RB to/TO Life/NNP Committee/NNP refuses/VBZ to/TO talk/VB about/IN birth/NN control/NN ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP focus/VB instead/RB on/IN the/DT "/" partial/JJ birth/NN "/" procedure/NN and/CC discuss/VB abortion/NN in/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN "/" life/NN "/" issues/NNS such/JJ as/IN assisted/VBN suicide/NN ./.
This/DT raises/VBZ the/DT specter/NN of/IN a/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN toward/IN decriminalizing/VBG murder/NN ./.
Murderer/NNP vs/NNS ./.
murder/NN :/: Half/NN of/IN all/DT Americans/NNPS say/VBP that/IN killing/VBG a/DT fetus/NN is/VBZ murder/NN ,/, but/CC few/JJ regard/NN the/DT woman/NN who/WP participates/VBZ in/IN the/DT killing/VBG as/IN a/DT murderer/NN ./.
In/IN Roe/NNP ,/, the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP skewered/JJ Texas/NNP for/IN enshrining/VBG this/DT contradiction/NN in/IN law/NN ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, each/DT camp/NN continues/VBZ to/TO exploit/VB one/CD end/NN of/IN the/DT paradox/NN while/IN ignoring/VBG the/DT other/JJ ./.
In/IN a/DT 1988/CD presidential/JJ debate/NN ,/, George/NNP Bush/NNP portrayed/VBD the/DT fetus/NN as/IN a/DT human/JJ life/NN but/CC said/VBD he/PRP had/VBD n't/RB "/" sorted/VBN out/RP the/DT penalties/NNS "/" for/IN taking/VBG it/PRP ./.
His/PRP$ pro-choice/JJ opponent/NN ,/, Michael/NNP Dukakis/NNP ,/, ignored/VBD the/DT question/NN of/IN the/DT fetus/NN 's/POS humanity/NN and/CC instead/RB accused/VBN Bush/NNP of/IN threatening/VBG to/TO treat/VB women/NNS like/IN criminals/NNS for/IN choosing/VBG abortion/NN ./.
3/LS Who/WP decides/VBZ vs/NNS ./.
what/WP 's/VBZ done/VBN :/: While/IN the/DT other/JJ lines/NNS of/IN argument/NN continue/VB ,/, in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS the/DT question/NN of/IN whose/WP$ judgment/NN should/MD count/VB in/IN the/DT abortion/NN decision/NN has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO the/DT fore/NN ./.
Medicine/NN vs/NNS ./.
morality/NN :/: Roe/NNP struck/VBD down/RP abortion/NN laws/NNS in/IN part/NN on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS that/IN they/PRP interfered/VBD with/IN doctors/NNS '/POS professional/JJ judgment/NN ./.
This/DT scientific/JJ veneer/NN neatly/RB obscured/VBD the/DT ethical/JJ dimension/NN of/IN abortion/NN decisions/NNS ./.
Over/IN the/DT years/NNS ,/, pro-choicers/JJ have/VBP continued/VBN to/TO invoke/VB medical/JJ expertise/NN ,/, particularly/RB by/IN rigging/VBG polls/NNS to/TO ask/VB whether/IN "/" a/DT woman/NN and/CC her/PRP$ doctor/NN "/" (/( as/IN opposed/VBN to/TO a/DT woman/NN alone/RB )/) should/MD be/VB entrusted/VBN with/IN the/DT abortion/NN decision/NN ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP ,/, seeking/VBG to/TO reassert/VB the/DT priority/NN of/IN morality/NN over/IN medicine/NN ,/, always/RB describe/VB physicians/NNS who/WP terminate/VB pregnancies/NNS as/IN "/" abortionists/NNS ,/, "/" not/RB "/" doctors/NNS ./.
"/" They/PRP also/RB dismiss/VBP "/" medical/JJ "/" allowances/NNS for/IN late-term/JJ abortions/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN "/" mental/JJ health/NN ,/, "/" as/IN pseudoscientific/JJ loopholes/NNS that/WDT let/VBP doctors/NNS authorize/VB abortions/NNS for/IN any/DT reason/NN ./.
The/DT medicine/NN &slash;/NN morality/NN argument/NN has/VBZ become/VBN central/JJ to/TO several/JJ battles/NNS of/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ./.
Pro-lifers/NNP have/VBP driven/VBN abortion/NN out/IN of/IN mainstream/NN medical/JJ facilities/NNS and/CC into/IN specialized/JJ ,/, stigmatized/JJ clinics/NNS ./.
But/CC in/IN 1993/CD ,/, pro-choicers/JJ won/VBD passage/NN of/IN a/DT federal/JJ law/NN protecting/VBG clinics/NNS from/IN obstruction/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT reasoning/NN that/IN they/PRP 're/VBP legal/JJ medical/JJ facilities/NNS ./.
In/IN 1994/CD ,/, pro-choicers/JJ tried/VBD to/TO insulate/VB abortion/NN from/IN moral/JJ challenge/NN by/IN enveloping/VBG it/PRP in/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP health-care/NN plan/NN ,/, but/CC pro-lifers/JJ thwarted/VBN them/PRP ./.
In/IN the/DT "/" partial/JJ birth/NN "/" debate/NN ,/, faced/VBN with/IN embarrassing/JJ data/NNS about/IN the/DT nature/NN of/IN late-term/JJ abortions/NNS and/CC the/DT reasons/NNS for/IN them/PRP ,/, pro-choicers/JJ again/RB are/VBP falling/VBG back/RB on/IN the/DT argument/NN that/IN doctors/NNS know/VBP best/JJS ./.
Families/NNS vs/NNS ./.
government/NN :/: Beginning/VBG in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT National/NNP Abortion/NNP Rights/NNP Action/NNP League/NNP executed/VBD the/DT most/RBS important/JJ framing/NN maneuver/NN of/IN the/DT post-/NN Roe/NNP era/NN ./.
Guided/NNP by/IN pollster/NN Harrison/NNP Hickman/NNP ,/, NARAL/NNP used/VBD ads/NNS ,/, candidate/NN manuals/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ media/NNS to/TO disseminate/VB a/DT new/JJ message/NN :/: "/" Who/WP decides/VBZ ?/.
"/" This/DT message/NN changed/VBD the/DT focus/NN of/IN the/DT abortion/NN debate/NN from/IN the/DT morality/NN of/IN the/DT choice/NN (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, how/WRB late/RB into/IN a/DT pregnancy/NN abortions/NNS should/MD be/VB allowed/VBN ,/, and/CC for/IN which/WDT reasons/NNS )/) to/TO the/DT identity/NN of/IN the/DT chooser/NN ./.
Whereas/IN the/DT medical-expertise/JJ argument/NN is/VBZ defensively/RB neutral/JJ ,/, the/DT "/" who/WP decides/VBZ "/" question/NN is/VBZ aggressively/RB political/JJ ./.
By/IN rhetorically/RB stacking/VBG their/PRP$ side/NN of/IN the/DT question/NN (/( to/TO include/VB husbands/NNS ,/, doctors/NNS ,/, and/CC clergymen/NN ,/, along/IN with/IN women/NNS )/) and/CC defining/VBG the/DT other/JJ side/NN as/IN "/" the/DT government/NN ,/, "/" pro-choicers/JJ have/VBP won/VBN the/DT sympathy/NN of/IN voters/NNS who/WP dislike/VBP big/JJ government/NN more/JJR than/IN they/PRP dislike/VBP abortion/NN ./.
Throughout/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ,/, this/DT message/NN has/VBZ deterred/VBD pro-life/JJ politicians/NNS from/IN trying/VBG to/TO ban/VB abortion/NN ./.
The/DT "/" partial/JJ birth/NN "/" abortion/NN ban/NN ,/, on/IN which/WDT Congress/NNP will/MD soon/RB vote/VB again/RB ,/, represents/VBZ a/DT shrewd/JJ countermaneuver/NN by/IN pro-lifers/JJ to/TO push/VB the/DT abortion/NN debate/NN away/RB from/IN "/" who/WP decides/VBZ "/" and/CC back/RB toward/IN "/" what/WP 's/VBZ done/VBN ,/, "/" toward/IN the/DT humanity/NN of/IN the/DT fetus/NN and/CC the/DT repugnance/NN of/IN legal/JJ abortion/NN ./.
Pro-choicers/NNP call/NN the/DT ban/NN a/DT cynical/JJ ploy/NN designed/VBN to/TO regain/VB political/JJ advantage/NN ,/, not/RB to/TO prevent/VB abortions/NNS ./.
But/CC is/VBZ it/PRP any/DT more/RBR cynical/JJ than/IN liberal/JJ pro-choicers/JJ campaigning/NN against/IN big/JJ government/NN ?/.
The/DT 25/CD years/NNS of/IN debate/NN since/IN Roe/NNP have/VBP settled/VBN only/RB one/CD thing/NN :/: An/DT issue/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB all/DT about/JJ principle/NN has/VBZ become/VBN all/DT about/JJ positioning/NN ./.
A/DT letter/NN writer/NN once/RB accused/VBD The/DT [/( Toronto/NNP ]/) Globe/NNP and/CC Mail/NNP ,/, Canada/NNP 's/POS newspaper/NN of/IN record/NN ,/, of/IN setting/VBG a/DT new/JJ record/NN for/IN splitting/NN an/DT infinitive/JJ ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ article/NN ended/VBD in/IN the/DT phrase/NN ,/, Premier/NNP Peterson/NNP said/VBD that/IN in/IN order/NN to/TO after/IN which/WDT the/DT notice/NN SEE/VBP P/NN ./.
A/DT 16/CD was/VBD inserted/VBN ,/, and/CC on/IN page/NN A/DT 16/CD the/DT sentence/NN was/VBD indeed/RB completed/VBN as/IN promised/VBN :/: balance/NN the/DT budget/NN ,/, expectations/NNS would/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB lowered/VBN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ some/DT split/NN !/.
However/RB ,/, writing/VBG letters/NNS to/TO editors/NNS to/TO complain/VB about/IN split/NN infinitives/NNS is/VBZ child/NN 's/POS play/NN for/IN the/DT truly/RB obsessed/JJ ./.
As/IN a/DT self-confessed/JJ obsessive/JJ when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO newspapers/NNS '/POS errors/NNS ,/, my/PRP$ own/JJ pet/NN peeve—/NN which/WDT all/PDT the/DT North/JJ American/JJ news/NN services/NNS and/CC most/JJS of/IN its/PRP$ major/JJ news/NN magazines/NNS seem/VBP to/TO be/VB guilty/JJ of—is/NNS leaving/VBG diacritical/JJ marks/NNS off/RP foreign/JJ words/NNS ./.
To/TO their/PRP$ credit/NN ,/, British/JJ news/NN services/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Reuters/NNP )/) and/CC publications/NNS like/IN the/DT Observer/NNP ,/, Guardian/NNP ,/, and/CC Economist/NNP ,/, are/VBP usually/RB quite/RB careful/JJ to/TO get/VB it/PRP right/JJ ./.
Sometimes/RB these/DT omissions/NNS are/VBP genuinely/RB trivial/JJ ./.
Montreal/NNP is/VBZ quite/RB acceptable/JJ ;/: Montréal/NNP would/MD be/VB pretentious/JJ except/IN perhaps/RB in/IN Canada/NNP ./.
But/CC sometimes/RB they/PRP are/VBP not/RB trivial/JJ at/IN all/DT ,/, because/IN a/DT diacritical/JJ mark/NN can/MD change/VB the/DT pronunciation/NN ,/, the/DT spelling/VBG and/CC therefore/RB even/RB the/DT meaning/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN ./.
In/IN general/JJ ,/, diacritical/JJ marks/NNS are/VBP all/PDT those/DT little/JJ jots/NNS and/CC tittles/NNS that/WDT appear/VBP over/RB ,/, under/RB ,/, and/CC even/RB through/IN various/JJ letters/NNS ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB many/JJ in/IN English/NNP ;/: the/DT only/RB common/JJ one/CD I/PRP can/MD think/VB of/IN offhand/NN is/VBZ the/DT diaeresis/NNS (/( as/IN in/IN the/DT two/CD dots/NNS over/IN naïve/NN )/) ./.
where/WRB it/PRP indicates/VBZ that/IN two/CD vowels/NNS side/VBP by/IN side/NN are/VBP not/RB a/DT diphthong/NN but/CC separate/JJ ,/, distinct/JJ vowels/NNS ./.
Israël/NNP is/VBZ an/DT example/NN which/WDT is/VBZ not/RB seen/VBN much/JJ any/DT more/JJR ;/: Zaïre/NNP is/VBZ seen/VBN occasionally/RB ;/: Haïti/NNP is/VBZ common/JJ in/IN French/JJ ,/, where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ pronounced/VBN as/IN three/CD syllables/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT English/NNP standard/JJ seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB Haiti/NNP (/( two/CD syllables/NNS )/) ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP still/RB insists/VBZ on/IN coöperate/NN ./.
Related/NNP to/TO diacritical/JJ marks/NNS are/VBP two/CD constructs/NNS ,/, the/DT ligature/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT character/NN resulting/VBG from/IN tying/VBG together/RB two/CD or/CC more/RBR standard/JJ letters/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT digraph/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT special/JJ case/NN of/IN the/DT ligature/NN ./.
The/DT term/NN ligature/NN is/VBZ usually/RB reserved/VBN for/IN printer/NN 's/POS conventions/NNS (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, where/WRB combinations/NNS like/IN fi/NN ,/, ffi/NN ,/, fl/NN ,/, and/CC ffl/NN are/VBP linked/VBN together/RB to/TO form/VB a/DT single/JJ character/NN )/) ,/, whereas/IN the/DT digraph/NN ./.
while/IN graphically/RB tying/VBG together/RB two/CD characters/NNS ,/, actually/RB represents/VBZ two/CD diphthongs/NNS which/WDT were/VBD common/JJ in/IN Latin/NNP :/: after/IN the/DT invention/NN of/IN printing/NN ,/, the/DT Latin/NNP &slash;/NN Romance/NNP ae/NN became/VBD æ/NN ,/, and/CC oe/NN became/VBD œ/NN ./.
These/DT are/VBP almost/RB never/RB seen/VBN in/IN the/DT US/NNP today/NN ,/, but/CC they/PRP are/VBP still/RB occasionally/RB encountered/VBD in/IN British/JJ and/CC other/JJ varieties/NNS of/IN English/NNP influenced/VBN by/IN British/JJ practice/NN ,/, although/IN it/PRP is/VBZ usually/RB the/DT unligated/JJ form/NN that/IN one/CD encounters/VBZ ,/, not/RB the/DT digraphs/NNS ./.
The/DT most/RBS common/JJ example/NN used/VBN to/TO be/VB US/NNP encyclopedia/NN vs/NNS ./.
traditional/JJ non-/NN US/NNP encyclopaedia/NN (/( encyclopædia/NN )/) ./.
However/RB ,/, as/IN even/RB the/DT British/JJ spell/NN this/DT word/NN the/DT US/NNP way/NN now/RB ,/, the/DT best/JJS examples/NNS of/IN current/JJ US/NNP &slash;/NN non-/NN US/NNP dichotomies/NNS in/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT digraphs/NNS can/MD be/VB gleaned/VBN from/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN medicine/NN and/CC science/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN gynœcology/NN &slash;/NN gynecology/NN ,/, hœmatology/NN &slash;/NN hematology/NN ,/, œsophagus/JJ &slash;/NN esophagus/JJ ,/, œstrogen/NN &slash;/NN estrogen/NN ,/, cœsium/NN &slash;/NN cesium/NN ,/, œdema/NN &slash;/NN edema/NN ,/, œstrus/JJ &slash;/NN estrus/JJ ,/, pœdiatrics/NNS &slash;/NN pediatrics/NNS ./.
In/IN Canada/NNP ,/, one/CD rarely/RB encounters/VBZ in/IN common/JJ usage/NN the/DT British/JJ spellings/NNS listed/VBN ,/, but/CC ,/, while/IN they/PRP continue/VBP to/TO be/VB widely/RB used/VBN by/IN medical/JJ professionals/NNS ,/, even/RB that/DT practice/NN has/VBZ come/VBN under/IN US/NNP influence/NN ./.
Diacritical/NNP marks/NNS can/MD be/VB broken/VBN down/RB into/IN two/CD types/NNS :/: accents/NNS ,/, which/WDT affect/VBP ,/, roughly/RB speaking/VBG ,/, pronunciation/NN only/RB ;/: and/CC umlauts/NNS ,/, which/WDT affect/VBP spelling/VBG as/RB well/RB as/IN pronunciation/NN ./.
As/IN already/RB mentioned/VBN ,/, English/NNP is/VBZ relatively/RB sterile/JJ when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO diacritical/JJ marks/NNS ;/: true/JJ gold/NN can/MD best/JJS be/VB struck/VBN in/IN foreign/JJ fields/NNS ,/, where/WRB the/DT accent/NN grave/JJ ,/, accent/NN aigu/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT circonflexe/NN ./.
The/DT two/CD accents/NNS are/VBP used/VBN in/IN French/JJ to/TO change/VB the/DT value/NN of/IN e/SYM ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS common/JJ vowel/NN in/IN French/JJ (/( as/IN in/IN English/NNP )/) and/CC which/WDT comes/VBZ in/IN as/IN many/JJ varieties/NNS as/IN Campbell/NNP 's/POS soup—hence/NN the/DT need/NN for/IN some/DT kind/NN of/IN regulation/NN by/IN diacritical/JJ marks/NNS ./.
The/DT circonflexe/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, is/VBZ really/RB a/DT sign/NN of/IN orthography/NN ,/, not/RB pronunciation/NN ,/, being/VBG a/DT reminder/NN of/IN a/DT dropped/VBN s—it/NN is/VBZ usually/RB there/RB for/IN historical/JJ reasons/NNS but/CC connoting/VBG a/DT reason/NN which/WDT has/VBZ long/RB since/IN ceased/VBD to/TO make/VB sense/NN and/CC which/WDT modern/JJ French/JJ speakers/NNS have/VBP probably/RB been/VBN blithely/RB unaware/JJ of/IN ./.
Thus/RB the/DT French/JJ île/NN reminds/VBZ us/PRP that/IN the/DT word/NN was/VBD once/RB spelled/VBN isle/NN ,/, from/IN Latin/NNP insula/NN ;/: the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT eight/CD month/NN ,/, Août/NNP ,/, reminds/VBZ us/PRP that/IN it/PRP came/VBD from/IN the/DT Latin/NNP augustus/JJ ;/: and/CC être/NN betrays/NNS its/PRP$ origins/NNS as/IN Latin/NNP esse/NN with/IN the/DT same/JJ orthographical/JJ scar/NN ./.
German/JJ has/VBZ no/DT pure/JJ accents/NNS that/IN I/PRP can/MD think/VB of/IN (/( other/JJ than/IN the/DT occasional/JJ diaeresis/NNS in/IN foreign/JJ proper/JJ nouns/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN Israël/NNP )/) ,/, but/CC it/PRP has/VBZ one/CD very/RB common/JJ ligature/NN and/CC ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT umlaut/NN which/WDT is/VBZ much/JJ like/IN a/DT digraph—in/NN fact/NN ,/, these/DT characters/NNS are/VBP essential/JJ to/TO proper/JJ spelling/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ for/IN that/DT reason/NN that/IN a/DT dropped/VBN umlaut/NN may/MD be/VB seen/VBN as/IN an/DT offense/NN ./.
The/DT common/JJ ligature/NN in/IN German/JJ orthography/NN is/VBZ the/DT esszet/NN (/( β/NN ,/, β/NN )/) and/CC there/EX are/VBP three/CD vowels/NNS which/WDT can/MD take/VB the/DT umlaut/NN (/( ä/NN ,/, ö/NN ,/, and/CC ü/NN )/) ./.
The/DT esszet/NN (/( pronounced/VBN ess-tset/JJ )/) was/VBD formed/VBN when/WRB mediæval/NN (/( for/IN US/NNP read/VBD medieval/NN )/) humanists/NNS got/VBD carried/VBN away/RB and/CC tried/VBD to/TO force/VB German/JJ into/IN the/DT Græco-/NNP Latin/NNP mould/NN of/IN grammar/NN and/CC spelling/VBG (/( a/DT disease/NN that/DT spread/NN to/TO the/DT British/NNP Isles/NNP ,/, too/RB )/) ./.
In/IN Greek/JJ ,/, the/DT sigma/NN that/WDT is/VBZ written/VBN in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN (/( σ/NN ,/, called/VBN medial/NN sigma/NN )/) is/VBZ different/JJ from/IN the/DT sigma/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN (/( ς/NN ,/, called/VBD final/JJ ,/, or/CC terminal/NN sigma/NN )/) ./.
In/IN mediæval/NN Latin/NNP the/DT two/CD s/VBZ 's/POS were/VBD also/RB differentiated/JJ :/: ∫/NN was/VBD the/DT medial/NN s/VBZ ,/, and/CC s/VBZ the/DT terminal/NN s/VBZ ./.
This/DT convention/NN persisted/VBD until/IN recently/RB ./.
In/IN microfilms/NNS of/IN the/DT 1881/CD Canadian/JJ census/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP come/VBN across/IN names/NNS like/IN Agne/NNP ∫/NN s/VBZ ,/, who/WP was/VBD sometimes/RB noted/VBN as/IN being/VBG a/DT dre/NN ∫/NN smaker/NN ./.
In/IN German/JJ ,/, this/DT double-s/JJ ,/, ∫/NN s/VBZ ,/, eventually/RB evolved/VBD into/IN β/NN ./.
The/DT diphthongs/NNS ae/NN ,/, oe/NN ,/, and/CC ue/NN appear/VBP so/RB often/RB in/IN German/JJ that/IN mediæval/NN scribes/NNS started/VBD writing/VBG the/DT e/SYM above/IN the/DT first/JJ vowel/NN ,/, something/NN like/IN this/DT :/: \/NN ?/.
\/NN ./.
As/IN they/PRP were/VBD writing/VBG with/IN flat-pointed/JJ pens/NNS ,/, which/WDT tended/VBD to/TO emphasize/VB the/DT vertical/JJ strokes/NNS (/( especially/RB in/IN Fraktur/NNP ,/, the/DT so-called/JJ gothie/NN script/NN of/IN old/JJ German/JJ )/) the/DT little/RB superior/JJ e/SYM came/VBD to/TO be/VB represented/VBN by/IN two/CD short/JJ ,/, vertical/JJ strokes/NNS ,/, which/WDT then/RB became/VBD two/CD square/JJ dots/NNS ./.
Then/RB ,/, when/WRB Germany/NNP adopted/VBD Latin/NNP letters/NNS during/IN the/DT pre-/NN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP era/NN ,/, they/PRP became/VBD two/CD round/NN dots/NNS ./.
I/PRP have/VBP always/RB thought/VBN that/IN the/DT ü/NN was/VBD a/DT perky/JJ little/JJ character—draw/NN a/DT circle/NN around/IN it/PRP and/CC you/PRP get/VBP that/IN ubiquitous/JJ Californianism/NNP ,/, \/NN ?/.
\/NN ./.
The/DT convention/NN in/IN English/NNP is/VBZ to/TO transcribe/VBP the/DT umlaut—to/NN restore/VB ,/, as/IN it/PRP were/VBD ,/, the/DT lost/VBD e/SYM ./.
Hence/RB ,/, the/DT Hanseatic/NNP port/NN of/IN Lübeck/NNP is/VBZ properly/RB Luebeck/NNP in/IN English/NNP Similarly/RB ,/, the/DT esszet/NN should/MD be/VB transcribed/JJ as/IN ss/NNS ,/, never/RB as/IN B/NNP ,/, which/WDT I/PRP see/VBP often/RB ./.
The/DT Scandinavian/JJ languages/NNS also/RB have/VBP characters/NNS similar/JJ to/TO the/DT German/JJ umlauts/NNS :/: besides/IN the/DT ä/NN and/CC ö/NN (/( Swedish/JJ )/) ,/, Norwegian/JJ and/CC Danish/JJ have/VBP œ/NN (/( a/DT +/NN e/SYM as/IN in/IN English/NNP )/) ,/, Norwegian/JJ and/CC Danish/JJ also/RB have/VBP θ/NN (/( o/NN +/NN e/SYM )/) and/CC all/DT three/CD use/NN a/DT (/( a/DT +/NN a/DT )/) ./.
The/DT rules/NNS for/IN transcription/NN are/VBP similar/JJ to/TO those/DT for/IN German/JJ words/NNS :/: Alborg/NNP =/SYM Aalborg/NNP ;/: Kθbenhavn/NNP =/SYM Koebenhavn/NNP (/( of/IN course/NN ,/, in/IN this/DT case/NN there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT perfectly/RB acceptable/JJ English/NNP equivalent/NN ,/, Copenhagen/NNP )/) ./.
As/IN an/DT interesting/JJ aside/RB ,/, German/JJ alphabetizes/NNS words/NNS as/IN if/IN the/DT umlauts/NNS were/VBD transcribed/JJ (/( so/IN Köln/NNP would/MD come/VB before/IN Kohl/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN )/) ,/, but/CC the/DT Scandinavian/JJ languages/NNS treat/VBP their/PRP$ umlauts/NNS as/IN trans-z/JJ characters/NNS (/( so/RB in/IN Swedish/JJ phone/NN books/NNS ,/, Ödlund/NN would/MD come/VB after/IN Zetterström/NNP )/) ./.
Umlauts/NNP are/VBP not/RB simply/RB accents/NNS ,/, however/RB :/: they/PRP are/VBP fundamental/JJ to/TO the/DT spelling/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN and/CC should/MD always/RB be/VB transcribed/JJ as/IN ae/NN &slash;/NN oe/NN &slash;/NN ue/NN (/( or/CC aa/NN in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN the/DT Scandinavian/JJ a/DT )/) in/IN character/NN sets/NNS that/WDT do/VBP not/RB provide/VB umlauts/NNS ./.
In/IN any/DT case/NN ,/, many/JJ German/JJ and/CC Scandinavian/JJ place/NN names/NNS have/VBP English/NNP equivalents/NNS :/: Munich/NNP for/IN München/NNP ,/, Cologne/NNP for/IN Köln/NNP ,/, the/DT aforementioned/JJ Copenhagen/NNP for/IN Kθbenhavn/NNP ,/, Gothenburg/NNP for/IN Göteborg/NNP ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
However/RB ,/, I/PRP recently/RB read/VBP an/DT Associated/NNP Press/NNP account/NN of/IN a/DT neo-/NN Nazi/JJ demonstration/NN in/IN a/DT place/NN called/VBD Nurnberg/NNP ./.
The/DT problem/NN here/RB is/VBZ that/IN this/DT is/VBZ neither/DT fish/NN nor/CC fowl/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT correct/JJ English/NNP name/NN for/IN this/DT city/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ Nuremberg/NNP ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT correct/JJ German/JJ name/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ Nürnberg/NNP ,/, or/CC Nuernberg/NNP ./.
One/CD strongly/RB suspects/VBZ that/IN the/DT writer/NN simply/RB did/VBD not/RB know/VB the/DT English/NNP name/NN for/IN Nürnberg/NNP ./.
Yet/RB more/JJR confirming/VBG evidence/NN to/TO the/DT pessimists/NNS amongst/IN us/PRP who/WP lament/NN the/DT deterioriation/NN of/IN standards/NNS by/IN the/DT users/NNS and/CC abusers/NNS of/IN the/DT Mother/NNP Tongue/NNP ,/, especially/RB cis-/NN Atlantic/NNP journalists/NNS ./.
If/IN there/EX are/VBP any/DT questions/NNS ,/, comments/NNS ,/, that/WDT arise/VBP from/IN any/DT edition/NN of/IN this/DT newsletter/NN ,/, please/VB feel/VBP free/JJ to/TO contact/VB me/PRP (/( Ron/NNP Shaw/NNP )/) at—/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP also/RB open/JJ to/TO suggestive/JJ topics/NNS for/IN next/JJ trimester/NN 's/POS edition/NN ./.
[/NN From/IN a/DT newsletter/NN ,/, Total/NNP Quality/NNP Management/NNP ,/, published/VBN by/IN OAO/NNP Corporation/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
The/DT Oxford/NNP Companion/NNP to/TO the/DT English/NNP Language/NNP (/( OCEL/NNP )/) is/VBZ missing/VBG an/DT s/VBZ at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN its/PRP$ title/NN ,/, for/IN it/PRP has/VBZ headings/NNS for/IN more/JJR than/IN four/CD hundred/CD varieties/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ multivaried/JJ mother/NN tongue—/NN Australian/NNP English/NNP ,/, Singapore/NNP English/NNP ,/, Indian/NNP English/NNP ,/, Black/NNP Vernacular/NNP English/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT varieties/NNS are/VBP unfamiliar/JJ ,/, like/IN Babu/NNP English/NNP ,/, a/DT mode/NN of/IN address/NN and/CC reference/NN in/IN several/JJ Indo-/NNP Aryan/NNP languages/NNS ,/, including/VBG Hindi/NNP ,/, for/IN officials/NNS working/VBG forrajahs/NNS ,/, landlords/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
My/PRP$ mother/NN tongue/NN is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT mutants/NNS listed/VBN in/IN OCEL/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP am/VBP constantly/RB being/VBG reminded/VBN of/IN the/DT peculiarities/NNS of/IN my/PRP$ usage/NN ./.
After/IN giving/VBG an/DT American/JJ telephone/NN receptionist/NN my/PRP$ phone/NN number/NN ,/, I/PRP added/VBD ,/, My/PRP$ local/JJ is/VBZ 222/CD ./.
Your/PRP$ what/WP ?/.
she/PRP retorted/JJ ./.
I/PRP quickly/RB corrected/VBD myself/PRP :/: My/PRP$ extension/NN is/VBZ 222/CD ./.
I/PRP left/VBD a/DT Newfoundland/NNP customer/NN perplexed/JJ when/WRB I/PRP told/VBD him/PRP that/IN I/PRP would/MD try/VB to/TO find/VB an/DT item/NN at/IN one/CD of/IN our/PRP$ filials/NNS ,/, instead/RB of/IN subsidiaries/NNS ./.
I/PRP am/VBP guilty/JJ of/IN speaking/VBG Quebec/NNP English/NNP ./.
In/IN Quebec/NNP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ taken/VBN for/IN granted/VBN that/IN English/NNP affects/VBZ French/JJ ./.
One/CD hears/VBZ expressions/NNS like/IN le/DT snack/NN bar/NN ,/, chequer/NN (/( instead/RB of/IN verifier/NN )/) ,/, and/CC un/NN towing/VBG a/DT tow/NN truck/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT business/NN world/NN one/CD encounters/VBZ a/DT myriad/JJ of/IN Anglicisms/NNP like/IN meeting/NN ,/, cash/NN flow/NN ,/, down-size/JJ ,/, and/CC business/NN itself/PRP ./.
The/DT presence/NN of/IN these/DT borrowings/NNS make/VBP some/DT Quebecois/NNP feel/VBP that/IN their/PRP$ language/NN is/VBZ under/IN threat/NN ./.
The/DT professor/NN (/( teacher/NN )/) at/IN the/DT polyvalent/NN (/( high/JJ school/NN )/) believed/VBN that/DT scholarity/NN (/( education/NN )/) was/VBD being/VBG affected/VBN by/IN students/NNS consecrating/VBG (/( devoting/VBG )/) more/JJR time/NN to/TO manifestations/NNS (/( demonstrations/NNS )/) about/IN the/DT dress/NN code/NN than/IN to/TO their/PRP$ notes/NNS (/( grades/NNS )/) ./.
During/IN his/PRP$ conferences/NNS (/( lectures/VBZ )/) ,/, their/PRP$ inattention/NN was/VBD hurting/VBG their/PRP$ apprenticeship/NN (/( learning/NN of/IN the/DT subject/JJ matter/NN )/) ./.
He/PRP also/RB felt/VBD he/PRP was/VBD getting/VBG collaboration/NN (/( cooperation/NN )/) from/IN his/PRP$ confreres/FW ,/, Anglophone/NNP (/( English/NNP speakers/NNS )/) ,/, Francophone/NNP (/( French/JJ speakers/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC Allophone/NNP (/( speakers/NNS of/IN neither/DT English/NNP nor/CC French/JJ )/) in/IN better/JJR serving/VBG the/DT collectivity/NN (/( community/NN )/) ./.
He/PRP thus/RB had/VBD a/DT rendezvous/NN (/( meeting/NN )/) with/IN the/DT Director-/NNP General/NNP (/( principal/JJ )/) ,/, Monsieur/NNP Gendron/NNP ,/, and/CC stated/VBD that/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT primordial/JJ (/( essential/JJ )/) consideration/NN that/IN some/DT teachers/NNS be/VB let/VBN go/VB before/IN they/PRP reached/VBD permanence/NN (/( tenure/NN )/) under/IN the/DT syndicate/NN (/( union/NN )/) agreement/NN ./.
Monsieur/NNP Gendron/NNP wrote/VBD back/RB saying/VBG that/IN he/PRP had/VBD requested/VBN a/DT subvention/NN (/( grant/VB )/) in/IN the/DT annex/NN (/( appendix/NN )/) to/TO his/PRP$ planification/NN (/( policy/NN )/) budget/NN to/TO the/DT confessional/NN (/( denominational/NN )/) school/NN board/NN in/IN order/NN that/IN formation/NN modalities/NNS (/( training/NN methods/NNS )/) could/MD be/VB created/VBN to/TO make/VB teachers/NNS more/RBR dynamic/JJ animators/NNS (/( group/NN leaders/NNS )/) ./.
Although/IN terms/NNS like/IN collaboration/NN ,/, rendezvous/NN ,/, and/CC annex/NN might/MD be/VB used/VBN in/IN non-/NN Quebec/NNP English/NNP contexts/NNS ,/, they/PRP read/VBP like/IN inappropriate/JJ choices/NNS from/IN a/DT synonym/NN dictionary/JJ ,/, and/CC cooperation/NN ,/, meeting/NN ,/, and/CC appendix/NN seem/VBP more/RBR natural/JJ ./.
The/DT trend/NN towards/IN the/DT Gallicization/NNP of/IN English/NNP in/IN Quebec/NNP coincides/VBZ with/IN the/DT introduction/NN of/IN pro-/JJ French/JJ legislation/NN around/IN twenty/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT use/NN of/IN French/JJ has/VBZ gained/VBN in/IN prestige/NN as/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, making/VBG it/PRP more/RBR likely/JJ for/IN Gallic/NNP loanwords/NNS to/TO appear/VB in/IN English/NNP ./.
Anglophones/NNP are/VBP speaking/VBG French/JJ to/TO a/DT greater/JJR extent/NN at/IN home/NN and/CC at/IN work/NN ,/, creating/VBG a/DT situation/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT French/JJ term/NN becomes/VBZ more/RBR familiar/JJ than/IN the/DT English/NNP ./.
Thus/RB ,/, an/DT Anglophone/NNP might/MD use/VB the/DT word/NN demand/NN when/WRB he/PRP means/VBZ ask/VB ,/, reparations/NNS when/WRB he/PRP means/VBZ repairs/NNS ,/, and/CC remark/NN when/WRB he/PRP means/VBZ notice/NN ,/, because/IN he/PRP is/VBZ constantly/RB employing/VBG demander/NN ,/, réparations/NNS ,/, and/CC remarquer/NN when/WRB speaking/VBG French/JJ ./.
These/DT faux/JJ amis/NNS (/( false/JJ friends/NNS )/) ,/, as/IN they/PRP are/VBP called/VBN ,/, are/VBP confused/VBN both/DT by/IN Anglophones/NNP speaking/VBG French/JJ and/CC Francophones/NNP speaking/VBG English/NNP ./.
They/PRP are/VBP also/RB among/IN many/JJ of/IN the/DT words/NNS likely/JJ to/TO have/VB their/PRP$ meanings/NNS changed/VBN in/IN Quebec/NNP English/NNP ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, résumer/NN does/VBZ not/RB mean/VB to/TO resume/VB but/CC ,/, as/IN Americans/NNPS know/VBP from/IN their/PRP$ adoption/NN of/IN résumé/NN for/IN curriculum/NN vitae/NN ,/, to/TO summarize/VB ;/: and/CC decevoir/NN means/VBZ to/TO disappoint/VB ,/, not/RB to/TO deceive/VB ./.
Not/RB many/JJ Anglophones/NNP in/IN Quebec/NNP today/NN use/NN resume/NN and/CC deceive/VB in/IN the/DT French/JJ sense/NN ,/, but/CC over/IN time/NN I/PRP suspect/VBP that/IN such/JJ usages/NNS will/MD increase/VB ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ often/RB hard/JJ to/TO know/VB where/WRB English/NNP and/CC French/JJ begin/VB and/CC end/VB ./.
Franglais/NNP includes/VBZ such/JJ classics/NNS as/IN hot-dog/JJ steamé/NN all/DT dressed/VBN ,/, and/CC a/DT rock/NN music/NN review/NN which/WDT declared/VBD that/IN a/DT group/NN 's/POS appeal/NN was/VBD to/TO male/JJ white/JJ trash/NN de/IN vieille/NN souche/NN ./.
Vieille/NNP souche/NN is/VBZ a/DT term/NN that/WDT refers/VBZ to/TO old/JJ stock/NN Quebecers/NNP ./.
To/TO those/DT who/WP bemoan/NN the/DT loss/NN of/IN the/DT chastity/NN of/IN the/DT French/JJ language/NN ,/, all/DT I/PRP can/MD say/VB is/VBZ that/IN the/DT lady/NN never/RB was/VBD a/DT virgin/JJ :/: French/JJ is/VBZ essentially/RB mutated/VBN Latin/NNP corrupted/JJ by/IN Arabic/NNP ,/, Gaulish/NNP ,/, and/CC Germanic/NNP ,/, to/TO name/VB a/DT few/JJ of/IN the/DT seducers/NNS ./.
Even/RB the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, France/NNP ,/, owes/VBZ its/PRP$ name/NN (/( as/IN does/VBZ England/NNP )/) to/TO a/DT Germanic/NNP tribe/NN ./.
Language/NNP purity/NN is/VBZ a/DT myth/NN ./.
The/DT reality/NN is/VBZ that/IN English/NNP and/CC French/NNPS have/VBP been/VBN borrowing/VBG from/IN one/CD another/DT since/IN at/IN least/JJS 1066/CD ./.
Ironically/RB ,/, some/DT of/IN the/DT dreaded/VBN Anglicisms/NNP ,/, like/IN rosbif/NN and/CC club/NN ,/, were/VBD originally/RB Gallicisms/NNP that/WDT had/VBD penetrated/VBN English/NNP in/IN the/DT 18/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
John/NNP Updike/NNP remarked/VBD that/DT language/NN has/VBZ bloomed/JJ from/IN the/DT infinite/NN fumblings/NNS of/IN anonymous/JJ men/NNS ./.
We/PRP meddle/VB constantly/RB with/IN our/PRP$ linguistic/JJ roots/NNS ,/, grafing/VBG suffixes/NNS and/CC slang/NN with/IN equal/JJ abandon/VB ,/, and/CC toss/VB the/DT resulting/VBG hybrids/NNS about/IN us/PRP with/IN the/DT carelessness/NNS of/IN toddlers/NNS flinging/VBG pablum/NN ./.
Thus/RB are/VBP new/JJ words/NNS born/VBN ,/, whether/IN as/IN engineer/NN 's/POS lingo/NN or/CC the/DT wino/NN 's/POS mutterings/NNS ./.
But/CC new/JJ language/NN blooms/NNS also/RB from/IN the/DT not-so-careless/JJ utterances/NNS of/IN certain/JJ individual/JJ writers/NNS ,/, particularly/RB in/IN the/DT field/NN of/IN speculative/JJ fiction/NN ./.
At/IN least/JJS since/IN Lewis/NNP Carroll/NNP intrigued/VBN his/PRP$ readers/NNS with/IN Jabberwocky/NNP ,/, there/EX have/VBP been/VBN writers—/NN Robert/NNP Heinlein/NNP and/CC Dr/NNP ./.
But/CC for/IN sheer/JJ variety/NN ,/, quantity/NN ,/, and/CC above/IN all/DT charm/NN of/IN his/PRP$ neologisms/NNS ,/, I/PRP submit/VBP that/DT none/NN compare/VB with/IN Jack/NNP Vance/NNP ,/, a/DT ./.
k/NN ./.
a/DT ./.
John/NNP Holbrook/NNP Vance/NNP ./.
As/IN Jack/NNP Rawlins/NNP said/VBD ,/, ./.
to/TO make/VB up/RP words/NNS that/WDT carry/VBP just/RB the/DT right/JJ scent/NN ,/, that/DT strike/NN the/DT reader/NN as/IN new/JJ and/CC familiar/JJ simultaneously/RB ,/, is/VBZ extremely/RB challenging/VBG ,/, and/CC Vance/NNP is/VBZ a/DT master/NN at/IN it/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB unusual/JJ for/IN a/DT single/JJ novel/NN to/TO have/VB fifty/NN or/CC more/RBR newly/RB created/VBN words/NNS ;/: in/IN The/DT Face/NNP there/EX are/VBP almost/RB a/DT hundred/CD ./.
In/IN Showboat/NNP World/NNP ,/, Apollon/NNP Zamp/NNP advertises/VBZ for/IN musicians/NNS who/WP ./.
play/VB instruments/NNS of/IN the/DT following/JJ categories/NNS :/: belp-horn/JJ ,/, screedle/NN ,/, cadenciver/NN ,/, variboom/NN ,/, elf-pipe/JJ ,/, tympany/NN ,/, guitar/NN ,/, dulciole/NN ,/, heptagong/NN ,/, zinfonella/NN ./.
In/IN Galactic/NNP Effectuator/NNP ,/, Vance/NNP tosses/NNS off/IN gangee/NN ,/, sprugge/NN ,/, cardenil/NN bush/NN ,/, raptap/NN ,/, and/CC shatterbone/NN in/IN two/CD orgiastic/JJ paragraphs/NNS ./.
Most/JJS of/IN Vance/NNP 's/POS neologisms/NNS are/VBP nouns/NNS ,/, the/DT majority/NN of/IN them/PRP plants/NNS ,/, animals/NNS and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC foods/NNS ./.
Others/NNS designate/JJ musical/JJ instruments/NNS or/CC weapons/NNS ,/, denote/NN magical/JJ spells/NNS ,/, crystallize/NN cultural/JJ concepts/NNS or/CC rituals/NNS ,/, or/CC express/VB metaphors/NNS ./.
Some/DT ,/, like/IN skak/NN and/CC merrihew/NN ,/, are/VBP footnoted/VBN with/IN lengthy/JJ explanations/NNS about/IN the/DT sociology/NN of/IN magical/JJ creatures/NNS ./.
Terms/NNS like/IN Monomantic/NNP Syntoraxis/NNP and/CC Tempofluxion/NNP Dogma/NNP reflect/VB his/PRP$ droll/NN skepticism/NN toward/IN religion/NN ./.
Some/DT are/VBP wonderfully/RB playful/JJ ,/, such/JJ as/IN pinky-panky-poo/JJ ,/, or/CC simply/RB wonderful/JJ ,/, such/JJ as/IN scurch/NN and/CC dreuwhy/NN (/( the/DT latter/NN alleged/VBN to/TO have/VB been/VBN drawn/VBN from/IN the/DT ancient/JJ Welsh/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT adjectives/NNS are/VBP always/RB vivid/JJ :/: the/DT colors/NNS rawn/NN and/CC pallow/NN and/CC smaudre/NN (/( which/WDT also/RB function/NN as/IN nouns/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC squalmaceous/JJ or/CC halcositic/JJ ./.
He/PRP also/RB gives/VBZ us/PRP verbs/NNS (/( disturgle/NN ,/, skirkling/VBG )/) ,/, a/DT few/JJ articles/NNS and/CC cardinal/NN numbers/NNS ,/, and/CC even/RB a/DT sprinkling/VBG of/IN interjections/NNS and/CC appellatives/NNS ./.
The/DT words/NNS may/MD also/RB be/VB categorized/VBN according/VBG to/TO whether/IN they/PRP are/VBP intended/VBN to/TO be/VB English/NNP ./.
Clearly/RB most/JJS of/IN them/PRP are/VBP ;/: we/PRP are/VBP expected/VBN to/TO read/VB them/PRP without/IN recoiling/VBG ,/, though/IN we/PRP may/MD grope/NN for/IN a/DT dictionary/JJ ./.
Others/NNS are/VBP implicitly/RB or/CC expressly/RB taken/VBN from/IN an/DT imaginary/JJ tongue/NN such/JJ as/IN Paonese/NNP or/CC the/DT idiom/NN of/IN the/DT Dirdir/NNP ,/, or/CC that/IN of/IN the/DT Water-folk/NNP (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, the/DT shibbolethic/JJ brga/NN skth/NN gz/NN )/) ./.
But/CC the/DT most/RBS interesting/JJ method/NN of/IN analyzing/VBG Vance/NNP 's/POS neologisms/NNS is/VBZ by/IN etymological/JJ speculation/NN ,/, which/WDT falls/VBZ into/IN roughly/RB five/CD categories/NNS that/WDT shade/NN into/IN one/CD another/DT like/IN colors/NNS in/IN the/DT spectrum/NN ./.
I/PRP list/VBP these/DT divisions/NNS in/IN order/NN of/IN decreasing/VBG distance/NN from/IN English/NNP :/:
1/LS ./.
Those/DT that/WDT appear/VBP to/TO have/VB come/VBN into/IN the/DT world/NN de/IN novo/NN ,/, from/IN stem/NN to/TO suffix/NN ./.
We/PRP can/MD think/VB of/IN no/DT corollary/JJ ,/, and/CC feel/VBP little/JJ or/CC no/DT resonance/NN with/IN known/VBN words—dyssac/NN (/( an/DT herb/NN liquor/NN )/) ,/, thawn/NN (/( a/DT bearded/JJ cave-dweller/JJ )/) ,/, bgrassik/NN (/( translation/NN uncertain/JJ )/) ./.
2/LS ./.
Those/DT that/DT tantalize/NN us/PRP with/IN faint/JJ echoes/NNS of/IN known/VBN words/NNS ./.
The/DT morphemes/NNS are/VBP rather/RB familiar/JJ ,/, but/CC overall/JJ we/PRP cannot/NN place/NN them/PRP :/: harquisade/NN (/( a/DT variety/NN of/IN tree/NN with/IN glass/NN foliage/NN )/) ,/, marathaxus/JJ (/( a/DT scale/NN from/IN the/DT body/NN of/IN the/DT demon/NN Sadlark/NNP )/) ./.
Some/DT of/IN these/DT are/VBP ./.
hauntingly/RB familiar/JJ growths/NNS ,/, like/IN catafalque/NN trees/NNS and/CC hangman/NN trees/NNS ,/, as/IN Terry/NNP Dowling/NNP put/VBD it/PRP ./.
Submulgery/NNP ,/, ensqualm/NN ,/, bifaulgulate—the/NN reader/NN runs/VBZ to/TO the/DT dictionary/JJ and/CC is/VBZ surprised/VBN to/TO find/VB them/PRP absent/JJ ./.
Some/DT sound/NN so/RB real/JJ that/IN they/PRP flit/NN past/JJ like/IN butterflies/NNS or/CC called/VBN strikes/NNS ,/, only/RB to/TO awaken/NN us/PRP in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN the/DT night/NN with/IN the/DT realization/NN that/IN they/PRP cannot/NN be/VB :/: halcoid/NN ,/, subuculate/NN ,/, Chief/NNP Manciple/NNP ./.
Close/JJ cousins/NNS of/IN such/JJ words/NNS float/VBP unbidden/NN into/IN our/PRP$ consciousness/NN ./.
We/PRP think/VBP of/IN subterfuge/NN and/CC skulduggery/NN to/TO explain/VB submulgery/NN ;/: coaxed/JJ by/IN ensqualm/NN ,/, we/PRP recall/VBP ensnare/NN ,/, qualm/NN ,/, and/CC squall/NN ;/: for/IN bifaulgulate/NN ,/, ungulate/NN and/CC a/DT host/NN of/IN words/NNS beginning/VBG with/IN the/DT prefix/NN bi-/NN come/VB to/TO mind/VB ./.
We/PRP are/VBP crowded/VBN with/IN conjecture/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
Portmanteau/NNP words/NNS ,/, the/DT most/RBS fascinating/JJ and/CC treacherous/JJ ./.
Here/RB the/DT stems/VBZ are/VBP reasonably/RB certain/JJ ,/, but/CC they/PRP ignite/VB an/DT extended/VBN metaphor/NN ./.
Thasdrubal/NNP 's/POS Laganetic/NNP Transfer/NN was/VBD the/DT spell/NN used/VBN by/IN the/DT magician/NN Iucounu/NNP to/TO banish/VB Cugel/NNP on/IN his/PRP$ search/NN for/IN the/DT euphoriant/NN cusps/NNS in/IN The/DT Eyes/NNS of/IN the/DT Overworld/NNP ./.
One/PRP might/MD easily/RB overlook/VB the/DT hidden/VBN word/NN lagan/NN goods/NNS thrown/VBN into/IN the/DT sea/NN with/IN a/DT buoy/VB attached/VBN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ certainly/RB a/DT reference/NN to/TO Firx/NNP ,/, the/DT painful/JJ parasite/NN installed/VBN in/IN Cugel/NNP 's/POS liver/NN to/TO keep/VB his/PRP$ mind/NN on/IN his/PRP$ task/NN ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, the/DT phrase/NN is/VBZ a/DT reminder/NN of/IN Vance/NNP 's/POS love/NN of/IN sailing/NN ./.
Another/DT example/NN is/VBZ gleft/NN ,/, a/DT kind/NN of/IN phantom/JJ ,/, one/CD of/IN which/WDT stole/VBD part/NN of/IN Guyal/NNP 's/POS brain/NN while/IN his/PRP$ mother/NN was/VBD in/IN labor/NN ./.
Surely/RB this/DT word/NN arose/VBD from/IN glia/NN ,/, a/DT class/NN of/IN brain/NN cells/NNS ,/, and/CC theft/NN ./.
An/DT especially/RB intriguing/JJ case/NN is/VBZ pleurmalion/NN ,/, the/DT tubeshaped/JJ device/NN used/VBN by/IN the/DT sorcerer/NN Rhialto/NNP to/TO discern/VB the/DT location/NN of/IN a/DT precious/JJ textual/NN prism/NN ,/, even/RB from/IN great/JJ distances/NNS in/IN space/NN and/CC time/NN ./.
We/PRP cannot/NN avoid/VB recognition/NN of/IN the/DT Latin/NNP pleura/NN side/NN or/CC rib/NN ./.
And/CC must/MD n't/RB the/DT -/: malion/NN fragment/NN refer/VBP to/TO Pygmalion/NNP ,/, the/DT legendary/JJ king/NN who/WP fell/VBD in/IN love/NN with/IN his/PRP$ sculpture/NN of/IN a/DT woman/NN and/CC persuaded/VBD Aphrodite/NNP to/TO bring/VB it/PRP to/TO life/NN ?/.
We/PRP are/VBP struck/VBN by/IN the/DT insight/NN that/IN the/DT pleurmalion/NN relates/VBZ to/TO the/DT lost/VBN prism/NN as/IN the/DT biblical/JJ rib/NN to/TO a/DT woman/NN ,/, bringing/VBG it/PRP (/( her/PRP$ )/) into/IN view/NN and/CC thus/RB to/TO hand/VB ./.
They/PRP must/MD be/VB reunited/VBN ./.
Any/DT doubts/NNS that/IN Vance/NNP actually/RB thinks/VBZ along/IN these/DT lines/NNS are/VBP dispelled/VBD by/IN a/DT revealing/VBG footnote/NN to/TO the/DT word/NN murst/NN in/IN Chapter/NN 16/CD of/IN the/DT last/JJ book/NN in/IN his/PRP$ Demon/NNP Prince/NNP series/NN :/: The/DT meaning/NN of/IN this/DT word/NN ,/, like/IN others/NNS in/IN The/DT Book/NNP of/IN Dreams/NNS [/( the/DT villain/NN 's/POS childhood/NN notebook/NN can/MD only/RB be/VB conjectured/JJ ./.
(/( Must/MD :/: urgency/NN ?/.
With/IN verst/NN :/: in/IN Old/NNP Russia/NNP ,/, a/DT league/NN ?/.
Farfetched/NNP ,/, but/CC who/WP knows/VBZ ?/.
4/LS ./.
In/IN this/DT group/NN are/VBP words/NNS that/WDT draw/VBP clearly/RB from/IN identifiable/JJ roots/NNS and/CC appendages/NNS and/CC combine/VB them/PRP according/VBG to/TO traditional/JJ rules/NNS :/: calligynics/NNS ,/, malepsy/NN ,/, Gynodyne/NNP ,/, photochrometz/NN ./.
These/DT are/VBP mix-/NN 'n'/CC -/: match/VB suits/NNS of/IN clothes/NNS ./.
The/DT Latin/NNP ,/, Greek/JJ ,/, or/CC Old/NNP English/NNP roots/NNS are/VBP readily/RB discernible/JJ (/( though/IN I/PRP cannot/NN explain/VBP the/DT -/: etz/NN in/IN the/DT last/JJ case/NN )/) ,/, and/CC generate/VB few/JJ if/IN any/DT metaphorical/JJ overtones/NNS ./.
5/LS ./.
Compounds/NNP ,/, straightforward/JJ alloys/NNS of/IN real/JJ words/NNS ,/, sturdily/RB welded/VBN or/CC hyphenated/JJ :/: sagmaw/NN ,/, trapperfish/NN ,/, sadapple/NN ,/, bumbuster/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT delightfully/RB macabre/NN ghostclutch/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ even/RB been/VBN known/VBN to/TO do/VB this/DT in/IN French/JJ :/: garde-nez/JJ nose-protector/JJ is/VBZ a/DT logical/JJ amalgam/NN of/IN garder/NN to/TO guard/VB and/CC pince-nez/JJ :/: An/DT extravagant/JJ garde-nez/JJ of/IN gold/NN filigree/JJ clung/NN to/TO the/DT ridge/NN of/IN his/PRP$ nose/NN ./.
Such/JJ compounds/NNS can/MD seduce/VB us/PRP into/IN spurious/JJ assumptions/NNS ./.
The/DT term/NN elving-platform—a/JJ birthing/VBG station/NN for/IN the/DT species/NNS hyrcan/NN major—implies/NNS the/DT existence/NN of/IN the/DT verb/NN to/TO elve/NN ,/, give/VB birth/NN to/TO an/DT elf/NN !/.
Vance/NNP can/MD indeed/RB be/VB master/NN of/IN the/DT ridiculous/JJ ./.
(/( Meanwhile/RB we/PRP should/MD not/RB overlook/VB that/DT hyrcan/NN major/NN is/VBZ also/RB a/DT fine/NN portmanteau/NN word/NN ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ references/NNS to/TO Hyrcania/NNP ,/, a/DT province/NN of/IN the/DT ancient/JJ Persian/NNP and/CC Parthian/NNP empires/NNS ,/, and/CC Ursa/NNP Major/NNP ,/, the/DT Great/NNP Bear/NNP constellation/NN ./.
Even/RB some/DT of/IN Vance/NNP 's/POS proper/JJ nouns/NNS hint/VBP strongly/RB at/IN the/DT existence/NN of/IN daily/JJ words/NNS :/: Universal/NNP Pancomium/NNP ,/, the/DT name/NN of/IN a/DT large/JJ boat/NN ,/, suggests/VBZ a/DT more/RBR generalized/JJ category/NN of/IN encomium/NN ;/: reading/NN Dylas/NNP Extranuator/NNP (/( a/DT spaceship/NN )/) compels/VBZ us/PRP to/TO ask/VB what/WP extranuate/NN might/MD mean—perhaps/NNS strain/VBP in/IN wonder/VBP ?/.
A/DT building/NN called/VBD the/DT Catademnon/NNP (/( pungent/JJ gust/NN of/IN ancient/JJ Greek/JJ syllables/NNS !/.
)/) is/VBZ certainly/RB not/RB merely/RB a/DT confection/NN ,/, reminding/VBG us/PRP as/IN it/PRP does/VBZ of/IN condemn/VB ,/, Agamenmon/NNP ,/, and/CC Parthenon/NNP ,/, all/DT of/IN which/WDT relate/VBP directly/RB to/TO Vance/NNP 's/POS hero/NN Emphyrio/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ tragic/JJ fate/NN ./.
Vance/NNP has/VBZ achieved/VBN something/NN extraordinary/JJ :/: the/DT invention/NN of/IN nearly/RB 1700/CD interesting/JJ new/JJ words/NNS ,/, a/DT number/NN sufficient/JJ to/TO justify/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ dictionary/JJ ./.
In/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT Burroughs/NNP Dictionary/NNP and/CC The/DT Dune/NNP Encyclopedia/NNP include/VBP many/JJ characters/NNS and/CC places/NNS and/CC are/VBP thus/RB actually/RB concordances/NNS or/CC encyclopedias/NNS rather/RB than/IN true/JJ dictionaries/NNS ./.
And/CC Vance/NNP is/VBZ still/RB busily/RB ,/, incorrigibly/RB at/IN work/NN ./.
Most/JJS neologisms/NNS remain/VBP in/IN their/PRP$ literary/JJ greenhouses/NNS ,/, to/TO be/VB enjoyed/VBN only/RB by/IN visitors/NNS ./.
But/CC some/DT have/VBP escaped/VBN and/CC spread/NN like/IN weeds/NNS to/TO become/VB part/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN :/: Heinlein/NNP 's/POS grok/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ./.
How/WRB many/JJ of/IN Vance/NNP 's/POS coinings/NNS will/MD infiltrate/VB our/PRP$ daily/JJ gab/NN ?/.
Will/MD we/PRP send/VB our/PRP$ enemies/NNS skirkling/VBG ,/, or/CC drink/VB skull-busters/JJ at/IN the/DT corner/NN bar/NN ?/.
Will/MD our/PRP$ windows/NNS be/VB made/VBN of/IN translux/NN ?/.
In/IN The/DT Languages/NNP of/IN Pao/NNP ,/, Vance/NNP explored/JJ the/DT notion/NN of/IN using/VBG created/VBN languages/NNS as/IN instruments/NNS of/IN social/JJ engineering/NN ./.
Let/VB us/PRP hope/VBP that/IN his/PRP$ whimsical/JJ words—/NN Whimsicant—are/NNP already/RB doing/VBG just/RB that/DT ./.
Child/NNP Safety/NNP Prevention/NNP Program/NNP Offers/NNP Little/NNP Sisters/NNP Sound/NNP Strategies/NNS ./.
[/NN From/IN Reaching/VBG Out/IN ,/, newsletter/NN of/IN the/DT Big/NNP Sister/NNP Association/NNP of/IN Greater/NNP Boston/NNP ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Built/VBN of/IN sandstone/NN bricks/NNS and/CC 25/CD ft/NN tall/JJ ,/, Fuller/NNP 's/POS remains/NNS were/VBD placed/VBN beneath/IN the/DT floor/NN of/IN this/DT mausoleum/NN on/IN his/PRP$ death/NN in/IN 1834/CD ./.
[/NN From/IN The/DT Independent/NNP ,/, ,/, Section/NN Two/CD ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Has/VBZ the/DT past/JJ year/NN brought/VBD the/DT lowering/VBG of/IN voices/NNS and/CC search/NN for/IN common/JJ ground/NN called/VBN for/IN in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN the/DT shootings/NNS by/IN Cardinal/NNP Bernard/NNP Law/NNP ,/, Gov/NNP ./.
William/NNP Weld/NNP and/CC others/NNS ?/.
[/NN From/IN the/DT Boston/NNP Globe/NNP ,/, ,/, front-page/JJ article/NN by/IN Don/NNP Aucoin/NNP (/( who/WP ought/MD to/TO be/VB made/VBN to/TO stand/VB in/IN the/DT corner/NN )/) ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Recently/RB a/DT brisk/JJ ,/, chummy/NN young/JJ woman/NN whom/WP I/PRP had/VBD just/RB met/VBN asked/VBN me/PRP what/WP my/PRP$ first/JJ name/NN is/VBZ ./.
John/NNP ,/, I/PRP told/VBD her/PRP ./.
Well/RB ,/, now/RB ,/, John/NNP ./.
,/, she/PRP began/VBD ./.
Nobody/NN calls/VBZ me/PRP John/NNP ,/, I/PRP said/VBD gently/RB ./.
I/PRP then/RB explained/VBD to/TO her/PRP that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB so/RB much/RB the/DT first-naming/JJ itself/PRP that/IN some/DT of/IN us/PRP older/JJR citizens/NNS do/VBP not/RB like/IN but/CC the/DT doing/VBG it/PRP in/IN a/DT casual/JJ way/NN by/IN people/NNS we/PRP do/VBP not/RB know/VB ./.
I/PRP told/VBD her/PRP that/IN people/NNS who/WP know/VBP me/PRP call/VBP me/PRP Jock/NNP ./.
I/PRP have/VBP carried/VBN that/DT label/NN from/IN the/DT first/JJ week/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD born/VBN in/IN Winnipeg/NNP General/NNP Hospital/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ mother/NN was/VBD Canadian/JJ by/IN birth/NN ;/: my/PRP$ father/NN an/DT immigrant/JJ from/IN Scotland/NNP ./.
Nurses/NNP in/IN the/DT hospital/NN teased/VBN him/PRP about/IN his/PRP$ accent/NN and/CC began/VBD referring/VBG to/TO me/PRP as/IN wee/NN Jock/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ mother/NN 's/POS relatives/NNS picked/VBD it/PRP up/RP and/CC I/PRP have/VBP lived/VBN with/IN it/PRP ever/RB since/IN ./.
When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD in/IN high/JJ school/NN some/DT of/IN my/PRP$ friends/NNS took/VBD delight/NN in/IN referring/VBG to/TO me/PRP as/IN an/DT athletic/JJ supporter/NN ./.
(/( I/NN like/VBP the/DT woman/NN in/IN Peter/NNP De/NNP Vries/NNP '/POS novel/NN ,/, Forever/NNP Panting/NNP ,/, who/WP spoke/VBD about/IN John/NNP Jock/NNP Rousseau/NNP ./.
Dr/NNP ./.
Wayne/NNP W/NNP ./.
Dyer/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT better-selling/JJ gurus/NNS in/IN pop/NN psychology/NN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, gave/VBD this/DT advice/NN in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN ,/, Pulling/NNP Your/PRP$ Own/JJ Strings/NNP :/: Always/RB deal/NN with/IN people/NNS on/IN a/DT first/JJ name/NN basis/NN unless/IN they/PRP make/VBP it/PRP clear/JJ that/IN they/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB addressed/VBN in/IN some/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
Why/WRB did/VBD he/PRP use/VBP the/DT word/NN need/NN with/IN respect/NN to/TO those/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP prefer/VBP not/RB be/VB called/VBN by/IN our/PRP$ first/JJ names/NNS by/IN people/NNS who/WP do/VBP not/RB know/VB us/PRP at/IN all/DT well/RB ?/.
I/PRP read/VBP somewhere/RB that/IN a/DT girl/NN was/VBD given/VBN the/DT name/NN Camery/NNP because/IN her/PRP$ uncle/NN had/VBD served/VBN in/IN the/DT Queen/NNP 's/POS Own/NNP Cameron/NNP Highlanders/NNP ,/, a/DT regiment/NN in/IN the/DT British/JJ army/NN ./.
The/DT writer/NN pointed/VBD out/IN how/WRB unfortunate/JJ that/WDT was/VBD ,/, as/IN camery/NN ,/, he/PRP said/VBD ,/, is/VBZ a/DT disease/NN of/IN horses/NNS in/IN which/WDT pimples/NNS appear/VBP on/IN the/DT palate/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD skeptical/JJ of/IN that/DT ./.
So/IN to/TO three/CD or/CC four/CD dictionaries/NNS ./.
No/DT mention/NN ./.
That/DT writer/NN ,/, I/PRP knew/VBD ,/, liked/VBD to/TO do/VB a/DT little/RB leg-pulling/JJ in/IN his/PRP$ writings/NNS ./.
Then/RB I/PRP went/VBD to/TO the/DT big/JJ Oxford/NNP :/: camery/NN is/VBZ an/DT obsolete/JJ word/NN and/CC the/DT writer/NN had/VBD simply/RB quoted/VBN that/IN dictionary/JJ 's/POS definition/NN ./.
Now/RB I/PRP worry/VBP a/DT little/JJ about/IN my/PRP$ car/NN ,/, a/DT splendid/JJ secondhand/NN Toyota/NNP Camry/NNP ./.
H/NNP ./.
L/NNP ./.
Mencken/NNP ,/, in/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ more/RBR crotchety/JJ moods/NNS ,/, said/VBD this/DT :/: The/DT first/JJ Rotarian/NNP was/VBD the/DT first/JJ man/NN to/TO call/VB John/NNP the/DT Baptist/NNP Jack/NNP ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, an/DT English/NNP university/NN teacher/NN said/VBD this/DT about/IN John/NNP Milton/NNP :/: I/PRP would/MD venture/VB to/TO assert/VB that/IN no/DT human/JJ being/NN ever/RB called/VBD him/PRP Johnnie/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT USA/NNP an/DT actor/NN who/WP appears/VBZ in/IN two/CD roles/NNS in/IN a/DT play/NN is/VBZ given/VBN as/IN his/PRP$ name/NN for/IN the/DT second/JJ one/CD ,/, George/NNP Spelvin/NNP ./.
An/DT actress/NN is/VBZ Georgina/NNP ./.
I/PRP understand/VBP that/IN in/IN England/NNP he/PRP is/VBZ Walter/NNP Plinge/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP not/RB know/VB what/WP name/NN they/PRP give/VBP to/TO a/DT woman/NN ./.
P/NN ./.
G/NNP ./.
Wodehouse/NNP has/VBZ delighted/VBN many/JJ readers/NNS with/IN the/DT names/NNS he/PRP gave/VBD to/TO characters/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ wonderful/JJ humorous/JJ novels/NNS :/: Jeeves/NNP and/CC Bertie/NNP Wooster/NNP ,/, Pongo/NNP Thistleton/NNP ,/, and/CC many/JJ others/NNS ./.
About/IN the/DT naming/NN of/IN characters/NNS he/PRP said/VBD this/DT :/: Odd/NNP how/WRB important/JJ story/NN names/NNS are/VBP ./.
It/PRP always/RB takes/VBZ me/PRP about/IN as/IN long/JJ toget/NN them/PRP to/TO my/PRP$ satisfaction/NN as/IN it/PRP does/VBZ to/TO write/VB the/DT novel/NN ./.
Many/JJ years/NNS ago/RB I/PRP found/VBD in/IN an/DT abandoned/VBN farmhouse/NN a/DT copy/NN of/IN a/DT 1912/CD issue/NN of/IN The/DT Presbyterian/NNP ,/, a/DT periodical/JJ published/VBN in/IN Toronto/NNP and/CC devoted/VBN to/TO spiritual/NN uplift/NN and/CC the/DT sale/NN of/IN patent/NN medicines/NNS and/CC trusses/NNS ./.
In/IN it/PRP the/DT editor/NN commented/VBD briefly/NN on/IN a/DT recently/RB published/VBN pamphlet/NN written/VBN by/IN Bernard/NNP Shaw/NNP ,/, On/IN Going/VBG to/TO Church/NNP ./.
He/PRP gently/RB castigated/VBN Shaw/NNP for/IN indulging/VBG in/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT modish/JJ foibles/NNS of/IN the/DT day/NN by/IN calling/VBG himself/PRP G/NNP ./.
Bernard/NNP Shaw/NNP rather/RB than/IN use/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT good/JJ old/JJ Irish/JJ manner/NN ,/, George/NNP B/NNP ./.
Shaw/NNP ./.
Then/RB he/PRP suggested/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ fellow/NN ministers/NNS that/IN J/NNP ./.
Melchizedec/NNP Smith/NNP looks/VBZ more/RBR impressive/JJ than/IN either/DT John/NNP M/NNP ./.
Smith/NNP or/CC J/NNP ./.
M/NNP ./.
Smith/NNP ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB I/PRP read/VBP a/DT brief/JJ report/NN on/IN some/DT research/NN that/WDT had/VBD been/VBN done/VBN at/IN a/DT California/NNP university/NN by/IN a/DT team/NN of/IN psychologists/NNS in/IN which/WDT they/PRP discovered/VBD that/IN the/DT way/NN people/NNS sign/NN their/PRP$ names/NNS and/CC use/VB it/PRP for/IN public/JJ purposes/NNS tells/VBZ something/NN significant/JJ aboutthem/NN ./.
They/PRP said/VBD that/IN if/IN you/PRP use/VBP John/NNP J/NNP ./.
Doe/NNP you/PRP probably/RB are/VBP a/DT very/RB conventional/JJ person/NN ./.
A/DT simple/JJ John/NNP Doe/NNP suggests/VBZ that/IN you/PRP are/VBP rather/RB outspoken/JJ ,/, an/DT assertive/JJ loner/NN ./.
(/( Bernard/NNP Shaw/NNP was/VBD the/DT playwright/NN 's/POS usual/JJ byline/NN ./.
)/) John/NNP James/NNP Doe/NNP tends/VBZ to/TO be/VB rather/RB proud/JJ ,/, and/CC he/PRP likes/VBZ to/TO stand/VB in/IN the/DT limelight/NN ./.
J/NNP ./.
Doe/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO be/VB excessively/RB modest/JJ ./.
J/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Cyberspeak/NNP is/VBZ ubiquitous/JJ ./.
Many/JJ cyberwords/NNS ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, download/NN ,/, laptop/NN ,/, and/CC modern/JJ are/VBP euphonious/JJ ,/, enriching/VBG the/DT language/NN ./.
They/PRP are/VBP not/RB loanwords/NNS ,/, but/CC here/RB in/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ right/JJ ./.
Other/JJ terminologies/NNS ,/, especially/RB that/IN of/IN metrication/NN ,/, are/VBP cuckoos/NNS in/IN the/DT nest/NN ./.
In/IN turfing/VBG out/RP the/DT venerable/JJ words/NNS ,/, they/PRP deprive/VB the/DT language/NN of/IN colour/NN and/CC warmth/NN
Arnold/NNP Bennett/NNP said/VBD that/IN any/DT change/NN ,/, albeit/IN for/IN the/DT better/JJR ,/, is/VBZ always/RB accompanied/VBN by/IN drawbacks/NNS and/CC discomforts/NNS ./.
One/CD regrets/VBZ the/DT inevitable/JJ parting/NN with/IN words/NNS that/WDT have/VBP served/VBN us/PRP since/IN Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP times/NNS and/CC were/VBD here/RB before/IN King/NNP Alfred/NNP ./.
Many/RB arrived/VBD with/IN William/NNP the/DT Conqueror/NNP ./.
Others/NNS were/VBD absorbed/VBN in/IN Shakespeare/NNP 's/POS time/NN ,/, often/RB from/IN the/DT great/JJ literatures/NNS of/IN Greece/NNP and/CC Rome/NNP ./.
Soldiers/NNS ,/, sailors/NNS ,/, and/CC traders/NNS brought/VBD home/NN idioms/NNS from/IN distant/JJ lands/NNS ./.
Some/DT words/NNS die/VBP and/CC are/VBP forgotten/VBN ,/, but/CC many/JJ of/IN those/DT which/WDT wrapped/VBD themselves/PRP about/IN us/PRP like/VBP comfy/NN old/JJ coats/NNS are/VBP stolen/VBN off/RP our/PRP$ backs/NNS ./.
I/PRP like/VBP that/DT ancient/JJ Saxon/NNP phrase/NN ,/, which/WDT calls/VBZ The/DT burial-ground/JJ God/NNP '/POS s-/NN Acre/NNP !/.
[/NN Longfellow/NNP :/: God/NNP '/POS s-/NN Acre/NNP ]/NN
Only/RB in/IN phrases/NNS like/IN God/NNP '/POS s-/NN Acre/NNP and/CC broadacre/NN does/VBZ acre/NN still/RB mean/VB a/DT field/NN of/IN sorts/NNS ./.
Correctly/NNP ,/, an/DT acre/NN is/VBZ a/DT measure/NN of/IN 4840/CD square/JJ yards/NNS of/IN land/NN ,/, whereas/IN Old/NNP English/NNP aecer/NN was/VBD the/DT field—a/NN piece/NN of/IN land/NN cleared/VBD for/IN ploughing/VBG or/CC grazing/NN ./.
An/DT acre/NN 's/POS precise/JJ definition/NN varied/VBD according/VBG to/TO time/NN and/CC place/NN ./.
A/DT farmer/NN was/VBD an/DT acreman/NN who/WP paid/VBD a/DT firma/NN ,/, or/CC fixed/VBD rent/NN ./.
Later/RB an/DT acre/NN was/VBD a/DT strip/NN of/IN open/JJ field/NN ,/, large/JJ enough/RB to/TO be/VB ploughed/JJ by/IN a/DT yoke/NN of/IN oxen/NN in/IN one/CD day/NN ./.
To/TO help/VB the/DT ploughman/NN measure/NN his/PRP$ 4840/CD square/JJ yards/NNS ,/, a/DT chain/NN 22/CD yards/NNS long/RB was/VBD laid/VBN along/IN the/DT field/NN 's/POS headland/NN ,/, showing/VBG the/DT width/NN to/TO be/VB ploughed/JJ ./.
From/IN here/RB he/PRP would/MD plough/NN furlongs/NNS (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, a/DT furrow/NN long/JJ )/) ,/, of/IN 10/CD chains/NNS or/CC 220/CD yards/NNS ./.
Come/VBN Sunday/NNP ,/, the/DT ploughman/NN might/MD mark/VB out/RP the/DT village/NN cricket/NN pitch/NN ,/, having/VBG borrowed/VBD the/DT farmer/NN 's/POS chain/NN :/: 22/CD yards/NNS exactly/RB ./.
Persons/NNP of/IN a/DT certain/JJ age/NN learned/VBN by/IN rote/JJ that/IN eight/CD furlongs/NNS make/VBP a/DT mile/NN ,/, and/CC since/IN the/DT 9/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, a/DT furlong/NN has/VBZ described/VBN an/DT eighth/JJ part/NN of/IN an/DT English/NNP mile/NN ,/, regardless/RB of/IN its/PRP$ agricultural/JJ definition/NN ./.
From/IN time/NN immemorial/NN we/PRP have/VBP used/VBN our/PRP$ bodies/NNS for/IN measuring—by/NN foot/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ./.
An/DT ell/NN ,/, Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP eln/NN ,/, was/VBD a/DT rough/JJ reckoning/NN ,/, being/VBG the/DT distance/NN from/IN the/DT crook/NN of/IN the/DT arm/NN to/TO the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT longest/JJS finger/NN ,/, the/DT elbow/NN being/VBG where/WRB the/DT bow/NN or/CC bend/VB occurred/VBD ./.
Bow/NNP is/VBZ from/IN an/DT old/JJ verb/NN ,/, bugan/NN to/TO bend/VB ,/, and/CC is/VBZ at/IN the/DT root/NN of/IN rainbow/NN ,/, bow/VB (/( tie/VB )/) ,/, and/CC bow/VB (/( and/CC arrow/NN )/) ./.
Using/VBG our/PRP$ fingers/NNS ,/, we/PRP counted/VBD in/IN tens/NNS ./.
Numbers/NNPS 11/CD and/CC 12/CD emphasize/VB this/DT finger-reckoning/JJ ./.
After/IN ten/CD sheep/NN had/VBD passed/VBD him/PRP ,/, the/DT shepherd/NN had/VBD used/VBN up/RP all/DT his/PRP$ fingers/NNS ./.
Many/JJ etymologists/NNS believe/VBP that/DT endleofon/NN is/VBZ the/DT Old/NNP English/NNP form/NN for/IN left/VBN after/IN ten/CD ,/, one/CD left/VBN over/IN ./.
Twelve/CD in/IN Old/NNP English/NNP was/VBD twa-lif/JJ or/CC twelf/NN ,/, when/WRB two/CD (/( more/JJR than/IN ten/CD )/) were/VBD left/VBN ./.
Twa-lif/NNP represents/VBZ the/DT elements/NNS in/IN two/CD and/CC leave/VB ./.
To/TO tell/VB meant/VBN to/TO count/VB (/( as/IN in/IN telling/VBG the/DT beads/NNS of/IN a/DT rosary/JJ )/) ;/: a/DT tale/NN was/VBD a/DT reckoning/NN ./.
In/IN L/NNP '/POS Allegro/NNP ,/, Milton/NNP writes/VBZ :/:
And/CC every/DT shepherd/NN tells/VBZ his/PRP$ tale/NN Under/IN the/DT hawthorn/NN in/IN the/DT dale/NN ./.
In/IN telling/VBG his/PRP$ tale/NN ,/, every/DT shepherd/NN counted/VBD his/PRP$ sheep/NN as/IN they/PRP went/VBD past/JJ him/PRP ./.
We/PRP still/RB tell/VBP the/DT time/NN ./.
A/DT hand-span/JJ is/VBZ the/DT stretch/NN from/IN thumb/NN to/TO little/JJ finger/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO Dr/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP ,/, span/NN new/JJ was/VBD the/DT term/NN applied/VBN to/TO cloth/NN immediately/RB after/IN taking/VBG it/PRP off/RP the/DT spannans/NNS ,/, or/CC stretchers/NNS ./.
A/DT rod/NN ,/, pole/NN ,/, or/CC perch/NN was/VBD measured/VBN by/IN a/DT stick/NN ,/, the/DT Old/NNP English/NNP rodd/NN being/VBG 5/CD yards/NNS ./.
The/DT area/NN of/IN an/DT acre/NN was/VBD standardized/JJ by/IN Edward/NNP I/PRP as/IN being/VBG land/NN 40/CD rods/NNS long/RB by/IN 4/CD rods/NNS wide/JJ ./.
Yard/NNP (/( OE/NNP gyrd/NN ,/, geard/NN )/) is/VBZ of/IN superior/JJ stock/NN :/: the/DT earth/NN itself/PRP was/VBD middangeard/NN middleyard/NN ,/, being/VBG the/DT place/NN between/IN the/DT abode/NN of/IN the/DT gods/NNS and/CC the/DT abode/NN of/IN giants/NNS ./.
As/IN a/DT suffix/NN it/PRP survives/VBZ in/IN churchyard/NN ,/, dockyard/NN ,/, and/CC shipyard/NN ./.
Until/IN about/IN 1150/CD ,/, Old/NNP English/NNP time/NN was/VBD reckoned/VBN by/IN nights/NNS ,/, not/RB by/IN days/NNS ,/, for/IN the/DT Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP language/NN flourished/VBN in/IN lands/NNS where/WRB nights/NNS were/VBD long/JJ and/CC the/DT days/NNS fleeting/JJ periods/NNS of/IN light/NN ./.
The/DT light/NN of/IN learning/VBG ,/, notes/VBZ Simeon/NNP Potter/NNP in/IN Our/PRP$ Language/NNP ,/, shone/NN more/RBR brightly/RB in/IN Northumbria/NNP than/IN anywhere/RB else/RB in/IN Europe/NNP ./.
Northumbria/NNP was/VBD then/RB on/IN the/DT periphery/NN of/IN the/DT civilised/JJ world/NN ./.
Weary/NNP se/FW '/POS ennights/NNS ,/, nine/CD times/NNS nine/CD Shall/NNP he/PRP dwindle/NN ,/, peak/NN and/CC pine/VBP ./.
[/NN Macbeth/NNP i/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 20/CD ]/NN
Reckoning/NNP by/IN nights/NNS is/VBZ a/DT relic/JJ of/IN the/DT Celtic/NNP custom/NN of/IN starting/VBG the/DT day/NN at/IN sunset/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT Book/NNP of/IN Genesis/NNP too/RB ,/, evening/NN always/RB precedes/VBZ morning/NN :/: The/DT evening/NN and/CC the/DT morning/NN were/VBD the/DT first/JJ day/NN ./.
The/DT time/NN between/IN light/JJ and/CC dark/JJ ,/, twilight/NN ,/, is/VBZ of/IN the/DT same/JJ root/NN as/IN two/CD ,/, twain/NN ,/, twixt/NN ,/, and/CC tween/NN ,/, from/IN Old/NNP English/NNP twa/NN ./.
A/DT certain/JJ drama/NN is/VBZ attached/VBN to/TO words/NNS prefixed/JJ by/IN night/NN -/: ./.
From/IN Old/NNP English/NNP galen/NN to/TO sing/VB comes/VBZ nightingale/NN ,/, simply/RB the/DT singer/NN by/IN night/NN ./.
Deadly/NNP nightshade/NN and/CC woody/NN nightshade/NN ,/, the/DT narcotic/JJ plants/NNS commonly/RB known/VBN as/IN belladonna/NN and/CC bittersweet/NN ,/, have/VBP their/PRP$ origins/NNS in/IN Old/NNP English/NNP nihtscada/NN ,/, niht/NN night/NN and/CC scada/NN shade/NN ./.
Old/NNP English/NNP mare/NN in/IN nightmare/NN means/VBZ demon/NN or/CC devil/NN ./.
Tennyson/NNP writes/VBZ of/IN the/DT black/JJ bat/NN ,/, night/NN ,/, Shakespeare/NNP of/IN the/DT foul/JJ womb/NN of/IN night/NN ./.
Better/NNP sleep/VB might/MD have/VB resulted/VBN from/IN taking/VBG a/DT nightcap/NN or/CC grog/NN (/( whiskey/NN preferred/VBN )/) before/IN bedtime/NN ,/, helped/VBD too/RB by/IN wearing/VBG a/DT night/NN cap/NN ./.
Small/JJ units/NNS of/IN time—/NN second/JJ ,/, minute/NN ,/, and/CC hour/NN —/NN are/VBP borrowed/VBN from/IN Latin/NNP secundus/JJ ,/, minuta/NN ,/, and/CC hora/NN ./.
Year/NN ,/, month/NN ,/, week/NN ,/, and/CC day/NN are/VBP Old/NNP English/NNP gear/NN ,/, monao/NN ,/, wice/NN ,/, and/CC daeg/NN ./.
Day/NNP has/VBZ poetical/JJ overtones/NNS ./.
The/DT daisy/NN flower/NN closes/VBZ its/PRP$ pink-tipped/JJ petals/NNS (/( lashes/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC goes/VBZ to/TO sleep/VB when/WRB the/DT sun/NN sets/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT morning/NN the/DT petals/NNS open/JJ to/TO the/DT light/NN ./.
Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP for/IN daisy/NN was/VBD daeges/NNS eage/NN day/NN 's/POS eye/NN ./.
The/DT Bible/NNP uses/VBZ dayspring/VBG for/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN ;/: also/RB for/IN the/DT commencement/NN of/IN the/DT Messiah/NNP 's/POS reign/NN :/:
The/DT dayspring/VBG from/IN on/IN high/JJ hath/NN visited/VBD us/PRP ./.
[/NN Luke/NNP i/NNP ,/, 78/CD ]/NN
Old/NNP English/NNP springan/NN (/( German/JJ springen/NN )/) became/VBD spring/NN ,/, but/CC an/DT older/JJR word/NN for/IN that/DT season/NN marks/VBZ a/DT period/NN of/IN the/DT Church/NNP Year/NNP :/: Lent/NNP ./.
The/DT Saxon/NNP 's/POS March/NNP was/VBD lencten/NN ./.
Lenten/NNP food/NN being/VBG frugal/JJ and/CC stinted/JJ ,/, Shakespeare/NNP has/VBZ lenten/NN entertainment/NN in/IN Hamlet/NNP ,/, a/DT lenten/NN answer/NN in/IN Twelfth/NNP Night/NNP ,/, and/CC a/DT lenten/NN pye/NN in/IN Romeo/NNP and/CC Juliet/NNP ./.
Lent/NNP lily/NN is/VBZ the/DT older/JJR name/NN for/IN the/DT daffodil/NN ./.
When/WRB daffodils/NNS begin/VBP to/TO peer/VB ,/, With/IN heigh/NN !/.
the/DT doxy/NN ,/, over/IN the/DT dale/NN ,/, Why/WRB ,/, then/RB comes/VBZ in/IN the/DT sweet/JJ o/NN '/" the/DT year/NN ,/, For/IN the/DT red/JJ blood/NN reigns/NNS in/IN the/DT winter/NN 's/POS pale/NN ./.
[/NN A/DT Winter/NNP 's/POS Tale/NNP ,/, IV/NNP ,/, ii/NN ,/, 1/CD ]/NN
Of/IN unknown/JJ origin/NN ,/, doxy/NN is/VBZ variously/RB the/DT low/JJ term/NN for/IN sweetheart/NN or/CC mistress/NN ,/, female/JJ tramp/NN or/CC beggar/NN ,/, plaything/VBG or/CC paramour/NN [/( toy/NN boy/NN ?/.
]/NN ,/, even/RB a/DT baby/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT West/NNP of/IN England/NNP ,/, babies/NNS were/VBD called/VBN doxies/NNS ./.
The/DT oldest/JJS words/NNS ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, wife/NN ,/, live/VB ,/, fight/NN ,/, love/NN ,/, sleep/VB ,/, and/CC house/NN ,/, relate/VBP to/TO home/NN and/CC family/NN ./.
They/PRP also/RB include/VBP the/DT counting/NN of/IN time/NN and/CC measuring/NN of/IN space/NN ,/, the/DT meeting/NN of/IN communities/NNS ,/, the/DT working/NN of/IN the/DT soil/NN and/CC caring/VBG for/IN beasts/NNS ./.
The/DT language/NN was/VBD not/RB called/VBN Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP by/IN those/DT who/WP spoke/VBD it/PRP ,/, but/CC Englisc/NNP from/IN Engle/NNP Angles/NNP ,/, Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP being/VBG simply/RB the/DT earliest/JJS form/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN ./.
William/NNP Burroughs/NNP said/VBD that/IN words/NNS are/VBP an/DT around-the-world/JJ ,/, ox-cart/JJ way/NN of/IN doing/VBG things/NNS ,/, awkward/JJ instruments/NNS ,/, eventually/RB to/TO be/VB laid/VBN aside/RB ./.
He/PRP was/VBD thinking/NN of/IN the/DT space/NN age/NN and/CC no/DT doubt/NN would/MD have/VB included/VBN the/DT cyberworld/NN ./.
But/CC Richard/NNP Morrison/NNP ,/, writing/VBG in/IN The/DT Times/NNP in/IN 1995/CD ,/, says/VBZ he/PRP knows/VBZ a/DT journalist/NN who/WP has/VBZ taken/VBN to/TO writing/VBG his/PRP$ stories/NNS in/IN longhand/NN ,/, revising/VBG them/PRP laboriously/RB in/IN ink/NN ,/, and/CC only/RB then/RB tapping/VBG them/PRP into/IN the/DT computer/NN ./.
When/WRB Morrison/NNP asked/VBD why/WRB he/PRP did/VBD that/IN ,/, his/PRP$ friend/NN answered/VBD ,/, So/RB that/DT posterity/NN can/MD compare/VB the/DT various/JJ drafts/NNS ./.
Shakespeare/NNP would/MD surely/RB have/VB understood/VBN the/DT need/NN ./.
When/WRB the/DT first/JJ European/JJ settlers/NNS arrived/VBD in/IN Australia/NNP in/IN 1788/CD ,/, there/EX were/VBD approximately/RB 250/CD separate/JJ languages/NNS spoken/VBN by/IN the/DT indigenous/JJ peoples/NNS ./.
During/IN the/DT 200/CD years/NNS of/IN European/JJ occupation/NN these/DT have/VBP declined/VBN in/IN use/NN ,/, to/TO the/DT point/NN where/WRB not/RB more/JJR than/IN about/IN twenty/CD are/VBP active/JJ ,/, in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN they/PRP are/VBP being/VBG learnt/NN by/IN Aboriginal/NNP children/NNS and/CC cover/VB aspects/NNS of/IN the/DT everyday/JJ life/NN experienced/VBN by/IN those/DT children/NNS ./.
These/DT active/JJ languages/NNS tend/VBP to/TO be/VB those/DT spoken/VBN in/IN the/DT north/NN and/CC the/DT west/NN of/IN Australia/NNP ,/, in/IN those/DT parts/NNS of/IN the/DT country/NN where/WRB the/DT Aborigines/NNP have/VBP been/VBN most/RBS able/JJ to/TO retain/VB their/PRP$ traditional/JJ way/NN of/IN life/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ languages/NNS that/IN the/DT Europeans/NNPS encountered/VBD ,/, those/DT once/RB spoken/VBN on/IN the/DT east/JJ coast/NN of/IN Australia/NNP ,/, survive/VB only/RB as/IN they/PRP were/VBD recorded/VBN by/IN the/DT settlers/NNS and/CC have/VBP been/VBN reconstructed/VBN in/IN the/DT light/NN of/IN later/RB acquired/VBN knowledge/NN of/IN the/DT family/NN of/IN Aboriginal/NNP languages/NNS as/IN a/DT whole/NN ./.
Paradoxically/NNP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ these/DT languages/NNS that/WDT have/VBP contributed/VBN most/JJS to/TO the/DT lexicon/NN of/IN Australian/NNP English/NNP ./.
Not/RB more/JJR than/IN about/IN 400/CD words/NNS have/VBP been/VBN borrowed/VBN altogether/RB ,/, and/CC yet/RB of/IN these/DT some/DT 60/CD come/VB from/IN Dharuk/NNP ,/, the/DT language/NN which/WDT was/VBD spoken/VBN on/IN the/DT site/NN now/RB occupied/VBN by/IN the/DT city/NN of/IN Sydney/NNP and/CC not/RB much/JJ beyond/IN it/PRP ,/, which/WDT existed/VBD in/IN an/DT inland/RB and/CC a/DT coastal/JJ dialect/NN ./.
Although/IN there/EX are/VBP still/RB a/DT few/JJ Dharuk/NNP descendants/NNS in/IN the/DT vicinity/NN of/IN Sydney/NNP ,/, and/CC these/DT may/MD still/RB use/VB a/DT handful/NN of/IN Dharuk/NNP words/NNS ,/, Dharuk/NNP effectively/RB ceased/VBD to/TO function/VB as/IN a/DT language/NN by/IN the/DT mid-/NN 19/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
What/WP then/RB survives/VBZ ?/.
Names/NNS of/IN flora/NNS and/CC fauna/NNS ,/, names/NNS of/IN implements/VBZ ,/, especially/RB weapons/NNS ,/, a/DT few/JJ miscellaneous/JJ names/NNS of/IN dwellings/NNS ,/, ceremonies/NNS ,/, people/NNS identified/VBN by/IN sex/NN or/CC activity/NN ,/, striking/JJ features/NNS of/IN the/DT environment/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT handful/NN of/IN pidgin/NN terms/NNS suggestive/JJ of/IN an/DT only/RB rudimentary/JJ communicative/JJ exchange/NN ./.
The/DT flora/NNS and/CC fauna/NNS are/VBP characterised/JJ by/IN their/PRP$ distinctiveness/NN ./.
The/DT Great/NNP South/NNP Land/NNP was/VBD to/TO prove/VB extraordinarily/RB rich/JJ in/IN new/JJ species/NNS ,/, some/DT of/IN which/WDT ,/, like/IN the/DT kangaroo/NN ,/, had/VBD an/DT irresistible/JJ novelty/NN about/IN them/PRP ;/: at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN they/PRP were/VBD as/RB numerous/JJ as/IN sheep/NN in/IN England/NNP and/CC as/IN useful/JJ to/TO man/VB ./.
The/DT wallaby/NN and/CC the/DT wallaroo/NN were/VBD ,/, like/IN the/DT kangaroo/NN ,/, large/JJ marsupials/NNS which/WDT the/DT Aborigines/NNP hunted/VBN ;/: the/DT koala/NN was/VBD also/RB a/DT marsupial/NN but/CC arboreal/NN in/IN habit/NN and/CC sufficiently/RB unique/JJ in/IN appearance/NN to/TO have/VB had/VBN the/DT settlers/NNS liken/NN it/PRP to/TO a/DT bear/NN ,/, a/DT sloth/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT monkey/NN in/IN their/PRP$ naming/NN of/IN it/PRP ;/: the/DT wombat/NN was/VBD a/DT heavy/NN ,/, thickset/NN marsupial/NN sometimes/RB known/VBN as/IN a/DT badger/NN because/IN of/IN its/PRP$ burrowing/VBG habit/NN ./.
The/DT only/JJ animal/NN immediately/RB recognisable/JJ to/TO European/JJ eyes/NNS was/VBD the/DT native/JJ dog/NN or/CC dingo/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT distinction/NN was/VBD early/RB made/VBN between/IN the/DT domesticated/JJ dog/NN ,/, or/CC dingo/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT wild/JJ dog/NN ,/, or/CC warrigal/NN ./.
Two/CD of/IN the/DT small/JJ number/NN of/IN birds/NNS identified/VBN were/VBD the/DT boobook/NN ,/, an/DT omnipresent/JJ owl/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT currawong/NN ,/, a/DT large/JJ ,/, crowlike/NN bird/NN whose/WP$ curiosity/NN would/MD have/VB brought/VBN it/PRP to/TO notice/VB ./.
The/DT name/NN of/IN a/DT good/JJ eating/NN fish/NN ,/, the/DT wollami/NN or/CC snapper/NN ,/, on/IN which/WDT the/DT early/JJ settlers/NNS were/VBD frequently/RB dependent/JJ ,/, was/VBD again/RB an/DT understandable/JJ borrowing/NN ./.
When/WRB it/PRP came/VBD to/TO plants/NNS ,/, the/DT same/JJ sort/NN of/IN criteria/NNS were/VBD observed/VBN :/: the/DT waratah/NN ,/, a/DT strikingly/RB beautiful/JJ red/JJ flower/NN which/WDT has/VBZ become/VBN the/DT floral/JJ emblem/NN of/IN New/NNP South/NNP Wales/NNP ,/, was/VBD soon/RB identified/VBN ,/, as/IN were/VBD the/DT burrawang/NN ,/, a/DT palmlike/NN plant/NN very/RB common/JJ in/IN the/DT coastal/JJ forests/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT kurrajong/NN ,/, a/DT plant/NN that/IN yields/VBZ a/DT useful/JJ fibre/NN ./.
The/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT dance/NN ceremony/NN corroboree/NN ,/, probably/RB the/DT most/RBS immediately/RB observable/JJ characteristic/NN of/IN peoples/NNS regarded/VBN as/IN savages/NNS ,/, which/WDT had/VBD both/DT a/DT religious/JJ and/CC an/DT informal/JJ social/JJ form/NN ,/, was/VBD readily/RB adopted/VBN ,/, as/IN was/VBD koradji/NN a/DT wise/JJ elder/JJR or/CC ,/, as/IN he/PRP was/VBD often/RB described/VBN ,/, a/DT witch/NN doctor/NN ./.
Weapons/NNP like/IN the/DT boomerang/NN ,/, the/DT hielamon/NN (/( a/DT wooden/JJ shield/NN )/) ,/, the/DT nulla/NN nulla/NN (/( a/DT club/NN )/) ,/, the/DT waddy/NN (/( ditto/NN )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT woomera/NN (/( a/DT spear-thrower/JJ )/) ,/, were/VBD identifiable/JJ to/TO the/DT earliest/JJS settlers/NNS as/IN were/VBD also/RB gin/NN woman/NN ,/, myall/NN ,/, which/WDT distinguished/VBD a/DT wild/JJ Aborigine/NNP from/IN his/PRP$ civilised/JJ or/CC tame/JJ brother/NN ,/, gibber/NN a/DT stone/NN ,/, and/CC gunyah/NN a/DT dwelling/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT largest/JJS group/NN of/IN words/NNS that/WDT characterise/NN the/DT early/JJ period/NN are/VBP those/DT that/IN clearly/RB formed/VBN part/NN of/IN a/DT language/NN used/VBN for/IN the/DT limited/JJ communication/NN that/WDT took/VBD place/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD peoples/NNS :/: cobra/NN head/NN ,/, mundowie/NN foot/NN ,/, bogie/NN to/TO bathe/NN or/CC a/DT bathing/NN place/NN ,/, crammer/NN to/TO steal/VB ,/, nangry/NN to/TO sleep/VB ,/, patter/NN to/TO eat/VB ,/, budgeree/NN good/JJ ,/, cabon/NN big/JJ ,/, cooler/JJR angry/JJ ,/, jerron/NN afraid/JJ ,/, narangy/NN little/JJ ,/, muny/NN very/RB ,/, baal/NN a/DT negative/NN ,/, and/CC cooee/NN a/DT call/NN or/CC to/TO call/VB ./.
Of/IN the/DT several/JJ word/NN lists/NNS compiled/VBN by/IN officers/NNS of/IN the/DT First/CD Fleet/NNP ,/, as/IN the/DT first/JJ group/NN of/IN convict-laden/JJ ships/NNS was/VBD known/VBN ,/, that/IN of/IN Lieut/NNP ./.
William/NNP Dawes/NNP is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS ambitious/JJ ,/, attempting/VBG a/DT grammar/NN of/IN Dharuk/NNP as/RB well/RB as/IN a/DT vocabulary/JJ ./.
But/CC such/JJ a/DT resource/NN is/VBZ more/JJR an/DT indication/NN of/IN what/WP was/VBD available/JJ to/TO the/DT settlers/NNS than/IN a/DT record/NN of/IN what/WP they/PRP actually/RB used/VBD ./.
For/IN that/IN we/PRP must/MD turn/RB to/TO their/PRP$ accounts/NNS of/IN life/NN in/IN the/DT colony/NN and/CC to/TO the/DT words/NNS which/WDT they/PRP adopted/VBD ,/, which/WDT they/PRP use/VBP more/JJR or/CC less/RBR unselfconsciously/RB as/IN part/NN of/IN their/PRP$ language/NN as/IN colonists/NNS ./.
And/CC here/RB there/EX are/VBP three/CD observations/NNS to/TO be/VB made/VBN ./.
First/LS ,/, the/DT words/NNS used/VBN by/IN the/DT Aborigines/NNP were/VBD seldom/RB as/IN attractive/JJ to/TO the/DT colonists/NNS as/IN descriptive/JJ English/NNP names/NNS that/IN emphasised/JJ the/DT perceived/VBN resemblance/NN between/IN the/DT new/JJ and/CC the/DT known/VBN and/CC familiar/JJ ,/, and/CC so/RB made/VBN for/IN more/RBR certain/JJ communication/NN ./.
Thus/RB ,/, distinguishing/VBG epithets/NNS like/IN colonial/NN ,/, native/JJ ,/, wild/JJ ,/, black/JJ ,/, brown/JJ ,/, green/JJ ,/, and/CC gray/JJ qualify/VB names/NNS of/IN common/JJ Old/NNP World/NNP species/NNS like/IN apple/NN ,/, ash/NN ,/, oak/NN ,/, and/CC pine/VBP to/TO build/VB a/DT considerable/JJ and/CC understandable/JJ vocabulary/JJ ./.
Second/JJ ,/, a/DT positive/JJ effort/NN needed/VBN to/TO be/VB made/VBN to/TO ascertain/VB the/DT Aboriginal/NNP name/NN ,/, and/CC experience/NN showed/VBD that/IN the/DT geographical/JJ range/NN of/IN Dharuk/NNP was/VBD extremely/RB limited/JJ :/: the/DT fact/NN that/IN a/DT new/JJ set/NN of/IN names/NNS came/VBD into/IN use/NN as/IN one/CD crossed/VBD the/DT boundary/NN of/IN another/DT Aboriginal/NNP language/NN must/MD have/VB mitigated/JJ against/IN borrowing/NN ./.
Third/NNP ,/, the/DT Aborigines/NNP were/VBD widely/RB thought/VBN of/IN as/RB backward/RB and/CC uncivilised/JJ and/CC ,/, while/IN this/DT attitude/NN persisted/VBD ,/, their/PRP$ nomenclature/NN carried/VBD no/DT great/JJ recommendation/NN ./.
Could/MD the/DT thoughts/NNS of/IN the/DT estranged/VBN Royal/NNP Couple/NN occasionally/RB turn/RB to/TO an/DT interesting/JJ series/NN of/IN collective/JJ nouns/NNS that/WDT apply/VBP to/TO their/PRP$ circumstances/NNS ?/.
Princess/NNP Diana/NNP 's/POS musings/NNS ,/, in/IN her/PRP$ sea/NN of/IN troubles/NNS ,/, could/MD go/VB back/RB to/TO her/PRP$ association/NN with/IN a/DT nayful/JJ of/IN knaves/NNS ,/, particularly/RB one/CD ,/, one/CD of/IN an/DT execution/NN of/IN officers/NNS who/WP have/VBP betrayed/VBN her/PRP$ confidences/NNS ./.
She/PRP has/VBZ encountered/VBN a/DT threatening/VBG of/IN courtiers/NNS and/CC an/DT abandonment/NN of/IN confidantes/NNS ./.
The/DT publication/NN of/IN a/DT beribboned/JJ bundle/NN of/IN love/NN letters/NNS would/MD entertain/VB a/DT company/NN of/IN gossips/NNS and/CC a/DT knot/NN of/IN adversaries/NNS for/IN ever/RB ,/, much/JJ to/TO the/DT embarrassment/NN of/IN her/PRP$ eloquence/NN of/IN lawyers/NNS ./.
Outdoors/NNP she/PRP is/VBZ harassed/VBD by/IN cassettes/NNS of/IN photographers/NNS and/CC a/DT worship/NN of/IN writers/NNS ,/, all/DT of/IN whom/WP are/VBP employed/VBN by/IN a/DT cluster/NN of/IN publishers/NNS ./.
At/IN school/NN her/PRP$ children/NNS are/VBP surrounded/VBN by/IN a/DT rascal/NN of/IN boys/NNS and/CC ,/, on/IN occasions/NNS ,/, a/DT flock/NN of/IN girls/NNS ./.
The/DT young/JJ boys/NNS have/VBP to/TO endure/VB a/DT kissing/VBG of/IN aunts/NNS and/CC suffer/VB a/DT slew/NN of/IN uncles/NNS ./.
Charles/NNP 's/POS reflections/NNS are/VBP of/IN a/DT non-patience/JJ of/IN wives/NNS (/( both/DT his/PRP$ own/JJ and/CC others/NNS '/POS )/) and/CC an/DT incredibility/NN of/IN cuck-olds/JJ ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN a/DT state/NN of/IN princes/NNS who/WP are/VBP shod/NN by/IN a/DT drunkship/NN of/IN cobblers/NNS and/CC clothed/VBN by/IN a/DT disguising/VBG of/IN tailors/NNS ./.
During/IN his/PRP$ sporting/VBG activities/NNS he/PRP is/VBZ accompanied/VBN by/IN a/DT stalk/NN of/IN foresters/NNS while/IN shooting/VBG at/IN a/DT column/NN of/IN wildfowl/NN or/CC riding/VBG with/IN a/DT blast/NN of/IN huntsmen/NN who/WP are/VBP escorted/JJ by/IN a/DT kennel/NN of/IN hounds/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ estates/NNS are/VBP managed/VBN by/IN a/DT provision/NN of/IN stewards/NNS ./.
At/IN home/NN he/PRP is/VBZ surrounded/VBN by/IN a/DT farrago/NN of/IN toadies/NNS ,/, a/DT draught/NN of/IN butlers/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT temperance/NN of/IN cooks/NNS ./.
Charles/NNP 's/POS affairs/NNS are/VBP the/DT concern/NN of/IN a/DT caucus/JJ of/IN politicians/NNS ,/, a/DT noble/JJ crew/NN of/IN lords/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT bench/NN of/IN bishops/NNS ,/, all/DT of/IN whom/WP are/VBP kept/VBN informed/VBN by/IN a/DT diligence/NN of/IN messengers/NNS ./.
Finally/RB ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ devoted/VBN to/TO his/PRP$ maternal/NN grandmother/NN ,/, a/DT descendant/NN of/IN a/DT dishworship/NN of/IN Scots/NNP ./.
Although/IN a/DT complete/JJ linguistic/JJ description/NN will/MD have/VB to/TO wait/VB until/IN the/DT dust/NN settles—if/NN it/PRP does/VBZ at/IN all/DT ,/, given/VBN the/DT volatility/NN of/IN the/DT technology/NN and/CC the/DT ever-increasing/JJ number/NN of/IN the/DT participants-certain/JJ features/NNS ,/, destined/VBN to/TO remain/VB ,/, are/VBP already/RB apparent/JJ ./.
As/RB far/RB as/IN grammar/NN is/VBZ concerned/VBN ,/, the/DT simplistic/JJ syntax/NN and/CC the/DT exceptional/JJ preponderance/NN of/IN nouns/NNS and/CC verbs/NNS (/( with/IN an/DT accompanying/VBG heavy/JJ reliance/NN on/IN conversion/NN )/) are/VBP obvious/JJ and/CC enduring/VBG ./.
The/DT vocabulary/JJ ,/, like/IN the/DT grammar/NN ,/, is/VBZ determined/VBN to/TO a/DT large/JJ extent/NN by/IN the/DT medium/NN of/IN computers/NNS and/CC the/DT operation/NN of/IN networking/NN ./.
But/CC their/PRP$ insistence/NN on/IN speed/NN is/VBZ not/RB entirely/RB the/DT message/NN ./.
Nor/CC would/MD it/PRP be/VB correct/JJ simply/RB to/TO draw/VB comparisons/NNS with/IN newspeak/NN or/CC some/DT other/JJ centrally/RB decreed/VBN and/CC regulated/VBN system/NN ./.
For/IN although/IN the/DT vocabulary/JJ does/VBZ make/VB important/JJ use/NN of/IN computer/NN terminology/NN ,/, and/CC although/IN it/PRP does/VBZ share/NN with/IN newspeak/NN a/DT penchant/NN for/IN blends/NNS and/CC acronyms/NNS and/CC an/DT avoidance/NN of/IN adjectives/NNS and/CC adverbs/NNS ,/, it/PRP reflects/VBZ a/DT manner/NN and/CC an/DT environment/NN greater/JJR than/IN both/DT computerese/NN and/CC newspeak/NN ./.
Within/IN a/DT strictly/RB controlled/VBN computer/NN system/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT accuracy/NN is/VBZ absolute/JJ ,/, the/DT vocabulary/JJ as/IN a/DT whole/NN is/VBZ programmatically/RB casual/JJ ./.
Its/PRP$ salient/NN characteristic/NN is/VBZ its/PRP$ playful/JJ primitivism/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ laid/VBN back/RB :/: one/CD talks/NNS ,/, chats/NNS ,/, browses/NNS ./.
Stress/NN (/( evident/JJ in/IN terms/NNS like/IN prowler/NN ,/, skulker/NN ,/, lurker/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN Trojan/NNP horse/NN ,/, worm/NN ,/, vulture/NN ,/, leech/NN )/) is/VBZ soothed/JJ with/IN (/( or/CC disguised/VBN by/IN )/) a/DT variety/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ palliatives/NNS :/: generous/JJ helpings/NNS from/IN pop/NN culture/NN (/( cookie/NN monster/NN ,/, Kermit/NNP )/) and/CC science/NN fiction/NN (/( cyberpunk/NN ,/, core/NN wars/NNS ,/, cosmic/JJ rays/NNS ,/, emoticon/NN )/) ;/: chummy/NN diminutives/NNS (/( archie/NN ,/, newbie/NN ,/, smiley/NN )/) ;/: and/CC jingly/RB rhymes/VBZ (/( snail/NN mail/NN )/) ./.
The/DT iconic/JJ word/NN is/VBZ surfing/VBG :/: a/DT sociolinguistic/JJ cornucopia/NN of/IN connotations/NNS of/IN sport/NN ,/, vigor/NN ,/, youth/NN ,/, individuality/NN ,/, speed/NN ,/, independence/NN ,/, leisure/NN ,/, health/NN ,/, and/CC middle-to-upper-class/JJ education/NN and/CC affluence/NN ./.
The/DT vocabulary/JJ is/VBZ jocular/NN in/IN its/PRP$ easy/JJ mixture/NN of/IN the/DT casual/JJ (/( in/IN slang/NN or/CC coinages/NNS or/CC abbreviations/NNS )/) ,/, the/DT learned/VBD (/( in/IN avatar/NN ,/, baroque/JJ ,/, catatonic/JJ ,/, synchronous/JJ )/) ,/, the/DT visual/JJ (/( in/IN hieroglyphics/NNS or/CC emoticons/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC even/RB the/DT aural/JJ (/( in/IN the/DT fondness/NN for/IN explosives/NNS ,/, like/IN bang/NN ,/, common/JJ spoken/VBN name/NN for/IN !/.
)/) or/CC onomatopoeia/NN (/( bletch/NN ,/, glitch/NN ,/, gonk/NN )/) ./.
The/DT vocabulary/JJ is/VBZ suffisant/NN in/IN its/PRP$ wordplay/NN (/( AIDS/NNP ,/, A/DT */NN Infected/NNP Disk/NN Syndrome/NNP ,/, sex/NN ,/, Software/NNP EXchange/NNP )/) as/IN in/IN the/DT nonchalance/NN of/IN its/PRP$ central/JJ and/CC mixed/JJ metaphor/NN :/: surfing/VBG the/DT web/NN ,/, borrowed/VBN from/IN scanning/VBG television/NN channels/NNS for/IN a/DT watchable/JJ program/NN ./.
The/DT vocabulary/JJ is/VBZ mischievous/JJ in/IN the/DT mixture—and/NN not/RB just/RB in/IN the/DT ways/NNS just/RB mentioned/VBN ./.
One/CD prominent/JJ phenomenon/NN is/VBZ the/DT flaunting/VBG use/NN of/IN homographs/NNS :/: words/NNS that/WDT appear/VBP in/IN conventional/JJ dictionaries/NNS are/VBP given/VBN a/DT meaning/VBG which/WDT is/VBZ not/RB to/TO be/VB derived/VBN logically/RB or/CC figuratively/RB from/IN the/DT customary/JJ one/CD ./.
Leaving/VBG aside/RB blends/NNS and/CC acronyms/NNS ,/, a/DT few/JJ representative/NN examples/NNS (/( with/IN definitions/NNS from/IN various/JJ sources/NNS )/) should/MD be/VB sufficient/JJ :/:
advent/NN the/DT prototypical/JJ compute/VB adventure/NN game/NN ./.
arc/NN to/TO create/VB a/DT compressed/VBN (/( archive/NN )/) from/IN a/DT group/NN of/IN files/NNS using/VBG SEA/NNP ARC/NNP ,/, PKWare/NNP ,/, PICARC/NNP ,/, or/CC a/DT compatible/JJ program/NN ./.
biff/NN to/TO notify/VB someone/NN of/IN incoming/JJ mail/NN [/( named/VBN after/IN the/DT implementor/NN 's/POS dog/NN barked/JJ whenever/WRB the/DT mailman/NN came/VBD ]/) ./.
bum/NN to/TO make/VB highly/RB efficient/JJ ,/, either/CC in/IN time/NN or/CC space/NN ,/, often/RB at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN clarity/NN ./.
chemist/NN someone/NN who/WP wastes/VBZ computer/NN time/NN on/IN number/NN crunching/VBG when/WRB you/PRP 'd/MD far/RB rather/RB the/DT machine/NN were/VBD doing/VBG something/NN more/RBR productive/JJ ./.
flag/NN a/DT piece/NN of/IN information/NN that/WDT is/VBZ either/DT TRUE/JJ or/CC FALSE/NNP ./.
flame/NN an/DT ill-considered/JJ ,/, insulting/JJ e-mail/JJ or/CC Usenet/NNP retort/NN ./.
jughead/NN an/DT index/NN of/IN high-level/JJ gopher/NN menus/NNS ./.
lynx/NN an/DT excellent/JJ ,/, text-based/JJ ,/, UNIX/NNP browser/NN for/IN the/DT Web/NNP ./.
pretzel/NN command/NN key/JJ ./.
strudel/NN common/JJ (/( spoken/VBN )/) name/NN for/IN the/DT circumflex/NN character/NN ./.
tin/NN a/DT threaded/JJ newsreader/NN for/IN UNIX/NNP ./.
troll/NN to/TO deliberately/RB post/VB egregiously/RB false/JJ information/NN to/TO a/DT newsgroup/NN in/IN hopes/NNS of/IN tricking/VBG dense/JJ know-it-alls/JJ into/IN correcting/VBG you/PRP ./.
It/PRP may/MD be/VB argued/VBN that/IN such/JJ personal/JJ semantics/NNS are/VBP more/JJR than/IN mischievous/JJ ./.
But/CC it/PRP would/MD be/VB going/VBG too/RB far/RB to/TO assert/VB that/IN they/PRP are/VBP critical/JJ of/IN existing/VBG structures/NNS ./.
Jargon/NNP or/CC slang/NN and/CC standard/JJ have/VBP always/RB coexisted/JJ and/CC over/IN the/DT years/NNS have/VBP grown/VBN more/RBR mutually/RB tolerant/NN ./.
What/WP is/VBZ clear/JJ ,/, in/IN any/DT case/NN ,/, is/VBZ that/IN a/DT private/JJ and/CC exclusive/JJ language/NN is/VBZ evolving/VBG and/CC engaging/VBG ever/RB larger/JJR numbers/NNS of/IN participants/NNS in/IN a/DT linguistic/JJ process/NN which/WDT is/VBZ destined/VBN to/TO become/VB more/JJR and/CC more/RBR public/NN as/IN computer/NN technology/NN itself/PRP becomes/VBZ the/DT dominant/JJ force/NN in/IN communication/NN and/CC other/JJ social/JJ activities/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT point/NN of/IN view/NN of/IN language/NN ,/, what/WP is/VBZ interesting/JJ is/VBZ the/DT coincidence/NN ,/, be/VB it/PRP mischievous/JJ or/CC critical/JJ or/CC accidental/NN ,/, of/IN the/DT ideal/JJ and/CC the/DT real/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT examples/NNS of/IN semantic/JJ noncompliance—along/NN with/IN features/NNS as/RB widely/RB disparate/JJ as/IN computerese/NN or/CC the/DT variety/NN of/IN registers—begin/NN to/TO reflect/VB a/DT world-view/JJ ,/, the/DT crystallization/NN of/IN a/DT special/JJ sphere/NN ./.
Real/JJ ,/, as/IN in/IN realtime/NN 6/CD the/DT time/NN it/PRP takes/VBZ real/JJ people/NNS to/TO communicate/VB ,/, as/IN on/IN a/DT telephone/NN '/" is/VBZ set/VBN against/IN virtual/JJ :/: 1/CD ./.
common/JJ alternative/NN to/TO logical/JJ ./.
2/CD ./.
simulated/JJ ;/: performing/VBG the/DT function/NN of/IN something/NN that/WDT is/VBZ n't/RB really/RB there/RB ./.
For/IN netizens/NNS ,/, cyberspace/NN is/VBZ the/DT shared/VBN imaginary/JJ reality/NN of/IN the/DT computer/NN networks/NNS ./.
For/IN citizens/NNS ,/, shared/VBN reality/NN is/VBZ the/DT existence/NN in/IN space/NN and/CC time/NN of/IN Khyber/NNP Pass/NNP ./.
As/IN a/DT guest/NN in/IN a/DT Thai/NNP household/NN I/PRP was/VBD drying/VBG my/PRP$ hands/NNS on/IN a/DT towel/NN when/WRB ,/, glancing/VBG down/RB ,/, I/PRP noticed/VBD some/DT writing/VBG on/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP think/VBP my/PRP$ hosts/NNS were/VBD a/DT little/RB disconcerted/JJ to/TO see/VB me/PRP emerging/VBG from/IN their/PRP$ bathroom/NN laughing/VBG roundly/RB a/DT couple/NN of/IN minutes/NNS later/RB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ an/DT example/NN of/IN what/WP Western/JJ advertising/NN agencies/NNS in/IN Asia/NNP call/NN atmosphere/NN English/NNP ./.
But/CC let/VB us/PRP return/VBP to/TO for/IN a/DT moment/NN The/DT Sun/NNP Was/VBD Shining/NNP and/CC the/DT Dude/NNP 's/POS Family/NNP Went/VBD on/IN a/DT Picnic/NNP ./.
It/PRP turned/VBD out/RP this/DT towel/NN had/VBD been/VBN made/VBN in/IN Thailand/NNP ./.
As/IN is/VBZ already/RB well/RB established/VBN ,/, the/DT Japanese/NNPS are/VBP the/DT undisputed/JJ masters/NNS of/IN putting/VBG largely/RB meaningless/JJ English/NNP on/IN their/PRP$ products/NNS ./.
Here/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, was/VBD an/DT example/NN of/IN Thai/NNP efforts/NNS in/IN the/DT same/JJ direction/NN and/CC ,/, as/IN a/DT long-term/JJ resident/NN here/RB ,/, I/PRP am/VBP pleased/VBN to/TO note/VB that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ grammatically/RB irreproachable/JJ and/CC makes/VBZ some/DT sort/NN of/IN sense/NN !/.
My/PRP$ hosts/NNS had/VBD one/CD other/JJ towel/NN in/IN the/DT same/JJ series/NN which/WDT they/PRP eagerly/RB dug/VBD out/IN ;/: it/PRP read/VBP :/: In/IN the/DT Evening/NNP the/DT Sheep/NNP Was/VBD Praying/NNP to/TO the/DT Twinkling/NNP Stars/NNP in/IN the/DT Dark/NNP Sky/NNP ./.
I/PRP plucked/VBN disconsolately/RB at/IN this/DT towel/NN ./.
Not/RB at/IN all/DT contemporary/JJ ,/, maybe/RB it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB the/DT simple-minded/JJ nonsense/NN it/PRP seemed/VBD ,/, maybe/RB a/DT parody/NN of/IN Wordsworth/NNP perpetrated/VBN by/IN a/DT disillusioned/JJ towel/NN copy/NN writer/NN à/NN la/FW J/NNP ./.
K/NNP ./.
Stephens/NNP '/POS celebrated/JJ parody/NN of/IN that/DT poet/NN :/: Two/CD Voices/NNS are/VBP there/EX :/: One/CD is/VBZ of/IN the/DT deep/JJ &slash;/NN And/CC one/CD is/VBZ of/IN an/DT old/JJ half-witted/JJ sheep/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT end/NN I/PRP decided/VBD it/PRP was/VBD the/DT simple-minded/JJ nonsense/NN it/PRP seemed/VBD ./.
I/PRP work/VBP with/IN many/JJ Japanese/NN in/IN Thailand/NNP ,/, often/RB outside/JJ office/NN hours/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ apartments/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, intrigued/VBN by/IN the/DT Dude/NNP towel/NN ,/, I/PRP furtively/RB began/VBD to/TO case/NN their/PRP$ kids/NNS '/POS T-/NNP shirts/NNS (/( all/DT of/IN which/WDT ,/, it/PRP turned/VBD out/IN ,/, had/VBD been/VBN bought/VBN in/IN Japan/NNP )/) ./.
In/IN four/CD weeks/NNS I/PRP came/VBD across/IN the/DT following/NN ,/, starting/VBG with/IN the/DT simplest/JJS :/:
Here/RB ,/, meaning/VBG and/CC grammar/NN cannot/NN be/VB faulted/VBN (/( except/IN for/IN PAPP/NNP BABY/NNP :/: PAP/NNP BABY/NNP would/MD be/VB intelligible/JJ if/IN odd—/NN lactation/NN ,/, paps/NNS ,/, pap/NN pabulum/NN )/) ,/, though/RB ,/, with/IN regard/NN to/TO clothing/NN ,/, few/JJ countries/NNS can/MD be/VB said/VBN to/TO conform/VB to/TO the/DT extent/NN Japan/NNP does/VBZ ./.
The/DT salariman/NN 's/POS uniform/NN is/VBZ well/RB known/VBN ,/, and/CC all/DT Japanese/JJ schoolgirls/NNS must/MD wear/VB blouses/NNS modelled/JJ on/IN those/DT of/IN Portuguese/NNP mariners/NNS from/IN the/DT days/NNS of/IN sail/NN ./.
Some/DT have/VBP said/VBN that/IN the/DT Japanese/NN even/RB conform/VB in/IN rebellion/NN :/: the/DT Yakuza/NNP (/( Japanese/NNP Mafia/NNP )/) all/DT dress/NN alike/RB though/IN a/DT little/JJ sharper/JJR ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
Next/JJ up/RB on/IN the/DT catwalk/NN is/VBZ a/DT young/JJ fellow/NN modelling/VBG a/DT truly/RB classic/JJ T-/NNP shirt/NN :/:
Notice/NNP the/DT spelling/NN of/IN favourite/NN —/NN the/DT writer/NN is/VBZ incomprehensible/NN in/IN British/NNP English/NNP ./.
Rivalling/NNP haute/NN insect-warming/JJ couture/NN is/VBZ the/DT last/JJ gem/NN my/PRP$ research/NN turned/VBD up/RB ,/, a/DT T-/NNP shirt/NN bearing/VBG the/DT words/NNS :/:
All/DT these/DT slogans/NNS are/VBP wrought/VBD in/IN attractive/JJ designs/NNS and/CC lettering/VBG and/CC are/VBP not/RB intended/VBN to/TO be/VB read/VBN ,/, so/IN I/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO express/VB my/PRP$ thanks/NNS to/TO those/DT puzzled/VBN Japanese/JJ parents/NNS who/WP allowed/VBD me/PRP to/TO do/VB so/RB ./.
How/WRB do/VBP the/DT Japanese/JJ manage/VB to/TO come/VB up/RP with/IN such/JJ copy/NN ?/.
Some/DT have/VBP suggested/VBN the/DT injudicious/JJ use/NN of/IN Japanese/JJ &slash;/NN English/NNP dictionaries/NNS combined/VBN with/IN deplorable/JJ highschool/NN English/NNP teaching/NN ./.
Nicholas/NNP Bornoff/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN Pink/NNP Samurai/NNP ,/, cites/VBZ some/DT perhaps/RB edifying/VBG advertising/NN copy/NN from/IN a/DT catalogue/NN for/IN bar/NN and/CC club/NN furniture/NN :/:
Idioms/NNP in/IN other/JJ languages/NNS can/MD be/VB misleading/JJ ,/, for/IN there/EX are/VBP many/JJ different/JJ and/CC often/RB colourful/JJ metaphoric/JJ ways/NNS of/IN expressing/VBG the/DT same/JJ concept/NN ./.
Here/RB are/VBP a/DT few/JJ examples/NNS from/IN French/JJ and/CC German/JJ ./.
avoir/NN du/NNP monde/NN au/NN balcon/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO have/VB the/DT world/NN on/IN a/DT balcony/NN ]/) (/( of/IN a/DT woman/NN )/) to/TO be/VB well-endowed/JJ
avoir/NN une/NN peur/NN bleue/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO have/VB a/DT blue/JJ fear/NN ./.
]/NN to/TO get/VB the/DT fright/NN of/IN one/CD 's/POS life/NN
avoir/NN des/NNP antennes/NNS [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO have/VB antennae/NN ]/) to/TO have/VB a/DT sixth/JJ sense/NN
bruit/NN de/IN couleur/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
a/DT colourful/JJ noise/NN ]/) a/DT rumour/NN
casse-tête/JJ [/( Lit/NNP ./.
head-breaker/JJ ]/) brain-teaser/JJ
essayer/NN de/IN noyer/NN le/DT poisson/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
attempt/NN to/TO drown/VB a/DT fish/NN ]/) to/TO fudge/VB the/DT issue/NN
avaler/NN les/FW couleuvres/NNS [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO swallow/VB grass-snakes/JJ ]/) to/TO endure/VB humiliation/NN
prendre/NN un/NN carton/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO take/VB a/DT carton/NN ]/) to/TO get/VB a/DT licking/VBG
brasser/NN de/IN l/NN '/" air/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO shuffle/NN the/DT air/NN ]/) to/TO give/VB the/DT impression/NN of/IN being/VBG busy/JJ
se/FW noyer/NN dans/NNS un/NN verre/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO drown/VB oneself/PRP in/IN a/DT glass/NN ]/) to/TO make/VB a/DT mountain/NN out/IN of/IN a/DT molehill/NN
être/NN haut/NN comme/NN trois/NNS pommes/NNS [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO be/VB three/CD apples/NNS high/JJ ]/) to/TO be/VB knee-high/JJ to/TO a/DT grass-hopper/JJ
river/NN son/NN clou/NN à/NN quelqu/NN '/" un/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO fasten/NN one/CD 's/POS nail/NN to/TO somebody/NN ]/) to/TO leave/VB somebody/NN speechless/JJ
pour/VB un/NN oui/NN ou/NN un/NN non/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
for/IN a/DT yes/UH or/CC a/DT no/DT ]/) at/IN the/DT drop/NN of/IN a/DT hat/NN
Impossible/JJ n/NN '/" est/NN pas/NNS français/NNS ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
Impossible/JJ is/VBZ not/RB a/DT French/JJ word/NN ./.
]/NN There/EX is/VBZ no/DT such/JJ word/NN as/IN ca/MD n't/RB ./.
Ce/NNP n/NN '/" est/NN pas/NNS un/NN aigle/NN ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ no/DT eagle/NN ./.
]/NN He/PRP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT brightest/JJS ./.
être/NN aimable/JJ comme/NN une/NN porte/NN de/IN prison/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO be/VB as/RB pleasant/JJ as/IN a/DT prison/NN gate/NN ]/) to/TO be/VB a/DT miserable/JJ so-and-so/JJ
un/NN jour/FW à/NN marquer/NN d/SYM '/POS une/NN croix/NN blanche/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
a/DT day/NN for/IN marking/VBG with/IN a/DT white/JJ cross/NN ]/) a/DT red-letter/JJ day/NN
jeter/NN son/NN bonnet/NN par-dessus/JJ les/FW moulins/NNS [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO throw/VB one/CD 's/POS hat/NN over/IN the/DT windmills/NNS ]/) to/TO throw/VB caution/NN to/TO the/DT winds/NNS
Plaie/NNP d/SYM '/POS argent/NN n/NN '/" est/NN pas/NNS mortelle/NN ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
A/DT wound/VBD of/IN money/NN is/VBZ not/RB fatal/JJ ./.
]/NN It/PRP is/VBZ only/RB money/NN ./.
ne/NN pas/NNS savoir/NN sur/NN quel/NN pied/JJ danser/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
not/RB to/TO know/VB on/IN which/WDT foot/VBP to/TO dance/VB ]/) not/RB to/TO know/VB what/WP to/TO do/VB
and/CC some/DT German/JJ idioms/NNS :/:
öffentliche/NN Hände/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
public/JJ hands/NNS ]/) local/JJ authorities/NNS
das/NNS horizontale/NN Gewerbe/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
the/DT horizontal/NN trade/NN ]/) the/DT oldest/JJS profession/NN
Fersengeld/NNP geben/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO give/VB heel/NN money/NN ]/) to/TO run/VB away/RB
ein/NN blinder/NN Passagier/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
a/DT blind/JJ passenger/NN ]/) a/DT stowaway/NN
Farbe/NNP bekennen/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO admit/VB to/TO colour/NN ]/) to/TO come/VB clean/VB
Mein/NNP Rad/NNP hat/NN eine/NN Acht/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ bike/NN has/VBZ an/DT eight/CD ./.
]/NN My/PRP$ bike/NN has/VBZ a/DT buckled/JJ wheel/NN ./.
seinem/NN Affen/NNP Zucker/NNP geben/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO give/VB sugar/NN to/TO one/CD 's/POS monkey/NN ]/) to/TO let/VB oneself/PRP go/VB
Stein/NNP and/CC Bein/NNP schwören/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO swear/VB stone/NN and/CC leg/NN ]/) to/TO swear/VB blind/JJ
Der/NNP Teufel/NNP steckt/NN im/NN Detail/NNP ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
The/DT devil/NN hides/NNS in/IN the/DT minute/NN ./.
]/NN It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT little/JJ things/NNS that/DT cause/VBP problems/NNS
Grillen/NNP im/NN Kopf/NNP haben/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO have/VB crickets/NNS in/IN the/DT head/NN ]/) to/TO have/VB strange/JJ ideas/NNS
jenseits/NNS von/NNP Gut/NNP und/NN Böse/NNP sein/NN [/( Lit/NNP ./.
to/TO be/VB beyond/IN good/JJ and/CC evil/JJ ]/) to/TO be/VB past/JJ it/PRP
das/NNS Ei/NNP des/NNP Kolumbus/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
the/DT egg/NN of/IN Columbus/NNP ]/) an/DT inspired/VBN discovery/NN
Das/NNP paβ/NN wie/NN die/NN Faust/NNP ins/NNS Auge/NNP ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
That/DT goes/VBZ like/IN a/DT first/JJ into/IN the/DT eye/NN ]/) That/DT clashes/NNS dreadfully/RB ./.
Da/NNP lachen/NN die/NN Hühner/NNP ./.
[/NN Lit/NNP ./.
This/DT makes/VBZ the/DT chickens/NNS laugh/NN ./.
]/NN You/PRP must/MD be/VB joking/VBG ./.
And/CC here/RB are/VBP some/DT metaphoric/JJ masterpieces/NNS :/:
Storchschnabel/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
stork/NN 's/POS beak/NN ]/) geranium/NN
Glühbirne/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
glowing/JJ pear/NN ]/) electric/JJ light/JJ bulb/NN
Fingerhut/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
hat/NN for/IN a/DT finger/NN ]/) a/DT thimble/JJ
Eigenbrötler/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
one/CD who/WP eats/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ bread/NN ]/) a/DT loner/NN
Jägerlatein/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
huntsman/NN 's/POS Latin/NNP ]/) fish/NN story/NN
ein/NN Achtgroschenjunge/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
Löwenmäulchen/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
small/JJ lions/NNS '/POS mouths/NNS ]/) snapdragon/NN
Hühnerauge/NNP [/( Lit/NNP ./.
chicken/NN 's/POS eye/NN ]/) corn/NN (/( on/IN the/DT foot/NN )/)
The/DT most/RBS important/JJ contribution/NN to/TO comparative/JJ linguistics/NNS was/VBD made/VBN by/IN Sir/NNP William/NNP Jones/NNP (/( 1746/CD -/: 94/CD )/) ,/, a/DT British/JJ linguist/NN trained/VBN in/IN the/DT law/NN who/WP was/VBD appointed/VBN judge/NN of/IN the/DT supreme/NN court/NN of/IN judicature/NN at/IN Calcutta/NNP ,/, in/IN 1783/CD ./.
Convinced/NNP of/IN the/DT importance/NN of/IN consulting/NN Hindu/NNP legal/JJ authorities/NNS in/IN the/DT original/JJ [/( Encyc/NNP ./.
Brit/NNP ./.
1963/CD ,/, 13/CD ,/, 140/CD a/DT ]/) ,/, Jones/NNP ,/, well/RB versed/JJ in/IN Sanskrit/NNP ,/, became/VBD aware/JJ of/IN the/DT correspondences/NNS among/IN Sanskrit/NNP ,/, Greek/JJ ,/, Latin/NNP ,/, Slavic/NNP ,/, and/CC Germanic/NNP forms/NNS ,/, which/WDT led/VBD him/PRP to/TO the/DT conclusion/NN that/IN Sanskrit/NNP was/VBD another/DT ,/, older/JJR form/NN of/IN a/DT parent/NN language/NN from/IN which/WDT all/DT had/VBD sprung/VBN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD his/PRP$ work/NN that/WDT formed/VBD the/DT basis/NN of/IN the/DT linguistic/JJ studies/NNS later/RB carried/VBD on/IN by/IN the/DT brothers/NNS Grimm/NNP (/( Jakob/NNP Ludwig/NNP Karl/NNP ,/, 1785/CD -/: 1863/CD ;/: Wilhelm/NNP Karl/NNP ,/, 1786/CD -/: 1859/CD )/) ,/, which/WDT ,/, in/IN turn/NN ,/, gave/VBD foundation/NN to/TO the/DT development/NN of/IN the/DT comparative/JJ method/NN ./.
The/DT term/NN Indo-/NNP European/JJ cropped/VBD up/RP first/JJ at/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ;/: as/IN much/JJ of/IN the/DT work/NN was/VBD being/VBG done/VBN in/IN Germany/NNP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB surprising/VBG that/IN the/DT term/NN preferred/VBN there/EX was/VBD Indo-/NNP Germanic/NNP ,/, actually/RB a/DT translation/NN of/IN indogermanisch/NN (/( with/IN a/DT small/JJ i/NNP because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ an/DT adjective/NN )/) ,/, which/WDT arose/VBD in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1820/CD s/VBZ ;/: the/DT latter/JJ survives/VBZ in/IN the/DT literature/NN ,/, largely/RB replaced/VBN by/IN the/DT former/NN ,/, especially/RB since/IN the/DT discovery/NN that/IN Celtic/NNP is/VBZ a/DT member/NN of/IN the/DT family/NN ./.
The/DT reason/NN for/IN bringing/VBG up/RP this/DT bit/NN of/IN history/NN is/VBZ to/TO introduce/VB four/CD terms/NNS with/IN which/WDT some/DT readers/NNS may/MD be/VB unfamiliar/JJ and/CC which/WDT reflect/VBP to/TO some/DT small/JJ degree/NN the/DT poetry/NN that/IN once/RB lurked/JJ in/IN the/DT hearts/NNS of/IN linguists/NNS educated/VBN in/IN literature/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN linguistics/NNS ./.
The/DT first/JJ is/VBZ karmadharāya/NN ,/, a/DT Sanskrit/NNP compound/NN of/IN karma/NN fate/NN ,/, destiny/NN +/NN dharāya/NN holding/NN ,/, bearing/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO describe/VB a/DT compound/NN word/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT first/JJ member/NN describes/VBZ the/DT second/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN highway/NN ,/, blackbird/NN ,/, (/( adj/NN ./.
+/NN n/NN ./.
)/) ,/, steamboat/NN ,/, bonehead/NN ,/, fingerstall/NN ,/, fingernail/NN ,/, toenail/NN (/( attrib/NN ./.
n/NN ./.
+/NN n/NN ./.
)/) ./.
The/DT second/NN is/VBZ dvandva/NN ,/, a/DT Sanskrit/NNP redundant/JJ compound/NN of/IN dva/NN +/NN dva/NN pair/NN ,/, couple/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO describe/VB compounds/NNS in/IN which/WDT the/DT elements/NNS are/VBP linked/VBN as/IN if/IN joined/VBN by/IN a/DT copula/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN prince-consort/JJ ,/, attorney-general/JJ ,/, postmaster-general/JJ (/( n/NN ./.
+/NN n/NN ./.
)/) ,/, bittersweet/NN (/( adj/NN ./.
+/NN adj/NN ./.
)/) ./.
The/DT third/NN is/VBZ bahuvrihi/NN ,/, a/DT Sanskrit/NNP compound/NN meaning/VBG having/VBG much/JJ rice/NN ,/, </NN bahú/NN much/JJ +/NN vrīhiacute/NN ;/: rice/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO describe/VB compounds/NNS composed/VBN of/IN an/DT adjective/NN and/CC a/DT substantive/JJ so/RB as/IN to/TO form/VB ,/, principally/RB ,/, a/DT possessive/JJ adjective/NN ,/, like/IN bahuvrihi/NN itself/PRP ;/: it/PRP also/RB forms/VBZ a/DT compound/NN that/WDT is/VBZ different/JJ grammatically/RB from/IN its/PRP$ head/NN member/NN and/CC ,/, particularly/RB ,/, plurals/NNS that/WDT function/NN as/IN singular/NN nouns/NNS ,/, as/IN in/IN lazy-bones/JJ ,/, sly-boots/JJ ./.
Other/JJ examples/NNS are/VBP rosy-fingered/JJ ,/, redcoat/NN ,/, high-potency/JJ (/( vitamin/NN )/) ,/, and/CC ,/, indeed/RB ,/, all/DT such/JJ compounds/NNS that/WDT might/MD be/VB spelled/VBN as/IN two/CD words/NNS in/IN predicative/JJ position/NN but/CC are/VBP usually/RB written/VBN with/IN a/DT hyphen/NN when/WRB in/IN attributive/JJ position/NN ./.
The/DT fourth/JJ is/VBZ tatpurusha/NN literally/RB his/PRP$ servant/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO describe/VB compounds/NNS in/IN which/WDT the/DT first/JJ element/NN qualifies/VBZ or/CC determines/VBZ the/DT second/NN ,/, while/IN the/DT second/JJ retains/VBZ its/PRP$ grammatical/JJ independence/NN as/IN a/DT noun/NN ,/, adjective/NN ,/, or/CC participle/NN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, bookcase/NN ,/, yearbook/NN ,/, summerhouse/NN ,/, windowbox/NN ,/, eyedoctor/NN ;/: hair-raising/JJ ,/, finger-licking/JJ ,/, God-fearing/NNP ,/, man-eating/JJ ;/: nose-picker/JJ ,/, bottom-feeder/JJ ,/, dive/NN bomber/NN ,/, fighter/NN escort/NN ./.
Whether/IN the/DT compound/NN is/VBZ written/VBN conventionally/RB as/IN two/CD words/NNS ,/, as/IN a/DT hypheme/NN ,/, or/CC solid/JJ has/VBZ no/DT bearing/NN on/IN its/PRP$ analysis/NN ./.
These/DT are/VBP not/RB the/DT only/JJ possibilities/NNS for/IN compounding/NN in/IN English/NNP (/( or/CC Hindi/NNP ,/, or/CC Sanskrit/NNP )/) ,/, but/CC they/PRP are/VBP the/DT most/RBS common/JJ ./.
Unbelievably/NNP ,/, Part/NNP V/NNP ,/, ./.
has/VBZ not/RB even/RB been/VBN accorded/VBN pagination/NN ,/, something/NN for/IN which/WDT Random/NNP House/NNP ought/MD to/TO be/VB carpeted/VBD for/IN before/IN the/DT International/NNP Bibliographical/NNP Court/NNP ./.
[/NN From/IN a/DT review/NN by/IN Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP in/IN VERBATIM/NNP ,/, XXII/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 18/CD ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ,/, and/CC some/DT other/JJ base/NN villains/NNS ./.
It/PRP must/MD be/VB emphasized/VBN that/IN this/DT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT synonym/NN dictionary/JJ ;/: rather/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ just/RB what/WP its/PRP$ title/NN denotes/NNS :/: a/DT dictionary/JJ of/IN adjectives/NNS that/WDT are/VBP appropriately/RB connected/VBN with/IN the/DT nouns/NNS that/WDT are/VBP listed/VBN ./.
In/IN a/DT more/RBR technical/JJ sense/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT collection/NN of/IN collocative/JJ adjectives/NNS ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, adjectives/NNS that/WDT are/VBP often/RB associated/VBN with/IN the/DT nouns/NNS that/WDT are/VBP listed/VBN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, here/RB is/VBZ the/DT listing/NN under/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT nouns/NNS :/:
appetite/NN ,/, appetites/NNS mighty/JJ ,/, enormous/JJ ,/, gargantuan/JJ ,/, endless/JJ ,/, limitless/JJ ,/, unlimited/JJ ,/, unfailing/VBG ,/, uncontrollable/JJ ,/, lusty/NN ,/, voracious/JJ ,/, ravenous/JJ ,/, (/( in/IN )/) satiable/JJ ,/, sharp/JJ ,/, ferocious/JJ ,/, rapacious/JJ ,/, devouring/VBG ,/, brutish/JJ ,/, wolfish/NN ,/, healthy/JJ ,/, hearty/JJ ,/, greedy/JJ ,/, keen/JJ ,/, robust/JJ ,/, inordinate/JJ ,/, substantial/JJ ,/, unbridled/JJ ,/, avaricious/JJ ,/, poor/JJ ,/, grotesque/JJ ,/, morbid/NN ,/, morose/NN ,/, raucous/JJ ,/, finicky/NN ,/, discriminating/VBG ,/, ,/, (/( im/NN )/) moderate/JJ ,/, shrunk/VBN ,/, new-found/JJ ,/, catholic/JJ ,/, postprandial/NN
Not/RB all/PDT these/DT adjectives/NNS seem/VBP appropriate/JJ to/TO me/PRP :/: it/PRP is/VBZ hard/RB for/IN me/PRP to/TO envision/VB a/DT context/NN in/IN which/WDT satiable/JJ appetite/NN ,/, raucous/JJ appetite/NN ,/, shrunk/VBN appetite/NN ,/, or/CC postprandial/NN appetite/NN might/MD be/VB appropriate/JJ ;/: on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, I/PRP ,/, like/IN many/JJ readers/NNS ,/, could/MD probably/RB come/VB up/RP with/IN several/JJ other/JJ adjectives/NNS that/WDT are/VBP not/RB listed/VBN ./.
Without/IN going/VBG into/IN detail/NN on/IN each/DT one/CD of/IN these/DT ,/, the/DT difficulty/NN I/PRP see/VBP is/VBZ ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, with/IN raucous/JJ appetite/NN ,/, for/IN raucous/JJ means/VBZ harsh/JJ ,/, strident/JJ ,/, grating/VBG and/CC is/VBZ commonly/RB associated/VBN with/IN voice/NN ,/, where/WRB ,/, indeed/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ listed/VBN ./.
As/IN shrunk/VBN is/VBZ a/DT past/JJ and/CC past/JJ participle/NN of/IN shrink/VB and/CC not/RB ,/, properly/RB ,/, an/DT adjective/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB sure/JJ why/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ there/RB in/IN place/NN of/IN shrunken/NN ,/, especially/RB since/IN Mikhail/NNP specifically/RB writes/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ Preface/NNP ,/, Only/RB words/NNS listed/VBN in/IN standard/JJ language/NN dictionaries/NNS as/IN adjectives/NNS are/VBP included/VBN in/IN this/DT Dictionary/NNP ./.
Thus/RB all/DT other/JJ etymological/JJ forms/NNS ,/, as/IN participles/NNS ending/VBG in/IN -/: ed/JJ (/( rejected/VBD offer/NN )/) or/CC -/: ing/VBG (/( playing/VBG child/NN )/) ,/, are/VBP excluded/VBN ./.
As/IN for/IN postprandial/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ usually/RB applied/VBN to/TO something/NN edible/JJ or/CC drinkable/JJ ,/, as/IN referring/VBG to/TO something/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ after/IN a/DT meal/NN ;/: in/IN my/PRP$ language/NN (/( and/CC culture/NN )/) ,/, postprandial/NN appetite/NN would/MD be/VB a/DT rare/JJ collocution/NN ./.
Everyone/NN has/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ private/JJ view/NN of/IN how/WRB language/NN works/VBZ ,/, an/DT observation/NN seldom/RB offered/VBN by/IN linguists/NNS ,/, even/RB those/DT who/WP touch/VBP on/IN the/DT subject/NN of/IN idiolect/NN ./.
That/DT this/DT book/NN is/VBZ highly/RB personal/JJ becomes/VBZ evident/JJ in/IN the/DT entry/NN immediately/RB following/VBG that/IN for/IN appetite/NN :/:
appetizer/NN ,/, appetizers/NNS See/VB also/RB food/NN intriguing/JJ ,/, exquisite/JJ ,/, irresistible/JJ ,/, tasty/JJ ,/, cheesy/JJ ,/, spicy/NN ,/, tangy/NN
Here/RB ,/, one/PRP might/MD yearn/NN for/IN some/DT punctuation/NN :/: surely/RB the/DT last/JJ four/CD words/NNS cannot/NN be/VB considered/VBN alongside/IN the/DT first/JJ three/CD ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, I/PRP can/MD think/VB of/IN dozens/NNS of/IN other/JJ words/NNS in/IN the/DT tasty/JJ ,/, tangy/NN class/NN that/WDT could/MD be/VB added/VBN ,/, but/CC those/DT appear/VB in/IN the/DT very/RB long/JJ entry/NN under/IN food/NN ./.
In/IN principle/NN ,/, I/PRP like/VBP the/DT idea/NN of/IN such/JJ a/DT book/NN and/CC have/VBP thought/VBN about/IN doing/VBG one/CD myself/PRP ./.
But/CC the/DT almost/RB insurmountable/JJ practical/JJ considerations/NNS reared/VBN up/RP before/IN me/PRP ,/, and/CC I/PRP quickly/RB abandoned/VBD the/DT idea/NN ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, entries/NNS become/VBP less/RBR useful/JJ the/DT longer/RBR they/PRP are/VBP ./.
In/IN the/DT present/JJ work/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT entry/NN for/IN appetite/NN runs/VBZ to/TO eleven/CD lines/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ reasonably/RB assimilable/JJ ;/: the/DT entry/NN for/IN approach/NN ,/, approaches/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, runs/VBZ to/TO thirty-nine/JJ lines/NNS ,/, life/NN ,/, lives/VBZ to/TO fifty-eight/JJ ,/, eye/NN ,/, eyes/NNS to/TO sixty-eight/JJ ./.
Are/VBP users/NNS really/RB so/RB desperate/JJ for/IN descriptive/JJ adjectives/NNS that/WDT will/MD go/VB with/IN nouns/NNS as/IN to/TO be/VB willing/JJ to/TO wade/VB through/IN almost/RB two/CD hundred/CD terms/NNS ?/.
I/PRP rather/RB doubt/VBP it/PRP ./.
Then/RB there/EX is/VBZ the/DT question/NN ,/, Why/WRB are/VBP both/DT singular/NN and/CC plural/NN forms/NNS shown/VBN for/IN the/DT headwords/NNS ?/.
Although/IN mention/NN is/VBZ made/VBN of/IN the/DT fact/NN in/IN the/DT Preface/NNP ,/, no/DT reason/NN is/VBZ given/VBN ,/, and/CC one/PRP might/MD assume/VB that/IN users/NNS of/IN such/JJ a/DT book/NN would/MD have/VB no/DT difficulty/NN in/IN assuming/VBG that/IN the/DT plural/NN of/IN breadwinner/NN is/VBZ breadwinners/NNS ,/, even/RB that/IN the/DT singular/NN of/IN teeth/NNS is/VBZ tooth/NN ./.
A/DT chief/JJ criticism/NN of/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, in/IN particular/JJ ,/, is/VBZ that/IN the/DT adjectives/NNS are/VBP jumbled/JJ together/RB in/IN no/DT discernible/JJ order/NN or/CC ,/, as/IN mentioned/VBN ,/, with/IN punctuation/NN between/IN (/( except/IN for/IN a/DT serial/NN comma/NN )/) ./.
Thus/RB under/IN architecture/NN ,/, we/PRP find/VBP strings/NNS like/IN
(/( un/NN )/) original/JJ ,/, eccentric/JJ ,/, plain/JJ ,/, austere/JJ ,/, mediocre/JJ ,/, nondescript/JJ ./.
civic/JJ ,/, religious/JJ ,/, pastel/NN ,/, mosaic/JJ ,/, landscape/NN ,/, prehistoric/JJ ./.
and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB till/IN we/PRP get/VBP to/TO the/DT end/NN ,/, where/WRB a/DT dozen/NN styles/NNS are/VBP listed/VBN that/IN there/EX is/VBZ any/DT sense/NN of/IN semantic/JJ or/CC associative/JJ grouping/VBG ./.
This/DT shortcoming/NN can/MD be/VB seen/VBN in/IN most/JJS entries/NNS :/:
area/NN ,/, areas/NNS ./.
affluent/JJ ,/, rich/JJ ,/, unique/JJ ,/, crucial/JJ ,/, key/JJ ,/, prime/JJ ,/, vital/JJ ,/, sensitive/JJ ,/, volatile/JJ ,/, enjoyable/JJ ,/, quiet/JJ ./.
artefact/NN ,/, artefacts/NNS [/( sic/JJ ]/) ./.
impressive/JJ ,/, authentic/JJ ./.
priceless/JJ ,/, deathless/JJ ./.
aboriginal/NN ,/, religious/JJ ,/, cultural/JJ eye/NN ,/, eyes/NNS ./.
bluish/JJ ,/, (/( china-/NN )/) blue/JJ ,/, sea-blue/JJ ,/, brunet/NN ,/, almond/NN ,/, (/( liquid-/NN )/) brown/JJ ,/, ginger-brown/JJ ./.
From/IN the/DT spelling/VBG (/( artefact/NN ,/, honour/NN )/) and/CC from/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT publisher/NN ,/, this/DT is/VBZ clearly/RB a/DT work/NN produced/VBN in/IN Britain/NNP ./.
Although/IN there/EX might/MD be/VB some/DT differences/NNS between/IN British/JJ and/CC American/NNP English/NNP ,/, one/CD is/VBZ sore/JJ put/NN to/TO accept/VB their/PRP$ extending/VBG to/TO the/DT notion/NN that/IN speakers/NNS of/IN British/NNP English/NNP regard/NN almond/NN as/IN a/DT color/NN for/IN eyes/NNS rather/RB than/IN a/DT shape/NN ./.
This/DT collection/NN could/MD have/VB been/VBN made/VBN more/RBR useful/JJ and/CC more/RBR usable/JJ had/VBD the/DT author/NN attempted/VBD to/TO group/VB adjectives/NNS within/IN an/DT entry/NN according/VBG to/TO semantic/JJ character/NN rather/RB than/IN just/RB dump/VB them/PRP into/IN one/CD helter-skelter/JJ list/NN without/IN separators/NNS of/IN any/DT kind/NN ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
In/IN the/DT decades/NNS during/IN which/WDT I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN involved/VBN in/IN the/DT compilation/NN ,/, editing/NN ,/, revision/NN ,/, updating/VBG ,/, adaptation/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
of/IN dictionaries/NNS ,/, I/PRP have/VBP always/RB considered/VBN lexicography/NN an/DT art/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ not/RB to/TO say/VB that/DT technique/NN is/VBZ not/RB involved/VBN ,/, merely/RB to/TO observe/VB that/IN some/DT dictionaries/NNS are/VBP better/JJR than/IN others/NNS because/IN their/PRP$ editors/NNS are/VBP more/JJR literate/NN ,/, imaginative/JJ ,/, poetic/JJ ,/, and/CC generally/RB possess/VBP those/DT attributes/VBZ with/IN which/WDT we/PRP associate/JJ art/NN rather/RB than/IN technique/NN or/CC mundane/JJ craftsmanship/NN ./.
Such/JJ dictionaries/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, succeed/VB because/IN they/PRP establish/VB a/DT rapport/NN with/IN generations/NNS of/IN users/NNS ./.
It/PRP goes/VBZ without/IN saying/VBG that/IN most/JJS of/IN those/DT drawn/VBN to/TO lexicography/NN ,/, like/IN those/DT attracted/VBN to/TO art/NN schools/NNS ,/, exhibit/NN skills/NNS more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB associated/VBN with/IN craft/NN than/IN with/IN art/NN ;/: these/DT days/NNS ,/, far/RB too/RB few/JJ of/IN those/DT who/WP work/VBP on/IN dictionaries/NNS have/VBP a/DT thorough/JJ grounding/NN in/IN literature/NN ,/, let/VB alone/RB the/DT various/JJ specialties/NNS within/IN linguistics—general/NN and/CC comparative/JJ studies/NNS ,/, classical/JJ and/CC modern/JJ foreign/JJ language/NN study/NN ,/, phonetics/NNS ,/, philology/NN ,/, etymology/NN ,/, to/TO say/VB nothing/NN of/IN lexicology/NN and/CC lexicography/NN ./.
The/DT results/NNS are/VBP seen/VBN on/IN the/DT bookshelves/NNS of/IN bookshops/NNS throughout/IN the/DT world/NN :/: adequate/JJ but/CC largely/RB pedestrian/JJ bilingual/JJ dictionaries/NNS and/CC a/DT scattering/VBG of/IN monolingual/NN works/VBZ that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN resurrected/VBN by/IN greedy/JJ publishers/NNS who/WP have/VBP engaged/VBN dryasdust/NN editors/NNS to/TO update/VB out-dated/JJ ,/, out-of-copyright/JJ dictionaries/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO make/VB a/DT fast/JJ buck/NN ./.
Lexicographic/NNP technocrats/NNS enjoy/VBP using/VBG terms/NNS like/IN terminology/NN ,/, terminography/NN ,/, LSP/NNP language/NN for/IN special/JJ purposes/NNS ,/, LGP/NNP language/NN for/IN general/JJ purposes/NNS ,/, lemma/NN ,/, lexeme/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ words/NNS ,/, reflecting/VBG the/DT notion/NN ,/, long/JJ prevalent/JJ in/IN psychology/NN ,/, sociology/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ social/JJ sciences/NNS ,/, that/IN if/IN you/PRP can/MD give/VB a/DT problem/NN a/DT name/NN ,/, you/PRP have/VBP somehow/RB gone/VBN a/DT long/JJ way/NN toward/IN solving/VBG it/PRP ./.
This/DT book/NN ,/, which/WDT consists/VBZ of/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN chapters/NNS and/CC subchapters/NNS ,/, was/VBD written/VBN by/IN a/DT committee/NN ,/, which/WDT immediately/RB tells/VBZ the/DT reader/NN something/NN about/IN its/PRP$ likely/JJ consistency/NN and/CC continuity/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ true/JJ that/IN the/DT principles/NNS that/WDT apply/VBP to/TO specialized/JJ dictionaries/NNS are/VBP not/RB the/DT same/JJ as/IN those/DT that/WDT apply/VBP to/TO general/JJ dictionaries/NNS ,/, either/CC monolingual/NN or/CC bilingual/JJ ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, the/DT user/NN of/IN a/DT specialized/JJ dictionary/JJ can/MD be/VB assumed/VBN to/TO have/VB a/DT level/NN of/IN sophistication/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ knowledge/NN of/IN and/CC some/DT understanding/NN of/IN what/WP goes/VBZ on/IN in/IN general/JJ dictionaries/NNS ./.
It/PRP takes/VBZ the/DT editors/NNS of/IN the/DT subject/JJ book/NN several/JJ pages/NNS to/TO make/VB this/DT point/NN ,/, which/WDT ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP ,/, is/VBZ rather/RB simple/JJ ./.
Their/PRP$ explanation/NN includes/VBZ Venn/NNP diagrams/NNS (/( which/WDT ,/, notwithstanding/IN their/PRP$ utility/NN ,/, I/PRP thought/VBD had/VBN gone/VBN out/IN of/IN fashion/NN a/DT few/JJ decades/NNS ago/RB )/) and/CC other/JJ devices/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO imagine/VB that/IN this/DT book/NN would/MD be/VB picked/VBN up/RB by/IN anyone/NN but/CC a/DT lexicographer/NN or/CC someone/NN interested/JJ enough/RB in/IN becoming/VBG one/CD to/TO subject/VB himself/PRP to/TO such/JJ a/DT turgid/JJ presentation/NN ;/: in/IN the/DT event/NN ,/, one/PRP might/MD assume/VB a/DT certain/JJ level/NN of/IN familiarity/NN with/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
Yet/RB the/DT treatment/NN is/VBZ reminiscent/NN of/IN Washington/NNP Irving/NNP 's/POS Knickerbocker/NNP History/NN of/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, which—facetiously/RB ,/, at/IN least—starts/NNS out/IN with/IN the/DT creation/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
If/IN one/CD doubts/NNS the/DT turgidity/NN of/IN the/DT style/NN of/IN this/DT work/NN ,/, witness/NN the/DT following/NN ,/, which/WDT merely/RB says/VBZ that/IN entries/NNS in/IN a/DT dictionary/JJ can/MD be/VB ordered/VBN in/IN different/JJ ways/NNS :/:
The/DT macrostructure/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN list/NN should/MD be/VB understood/VBN as/IN the/DT arrangement/NN of/IN the/DT lemmata/NN occurring/VBG in/IN the/DT word/NN list/NN ./.
Is/VBZ that/IN the/DT writing/NN of/IN a/DT person/NN to/TO whom/WP you/PRP would/MD want/VB to/TO give/VB the/DT responsibility/NN for/IN explaining/VBG complex/JJ or/CC unknown/JJ terms/NNS in/IN simple/JJ language/NN ?/.
A/DT few/JJ sentences/NNS farther/RBR on/IN ,/, the/DT writer/NN offers/NNS :/:
Knowledge/NNP of/IN the/DT alphabet/NN implies/VBZ that/DT lemmata/NN may/MD easily/RB be/VB arranged/VBN and/CC looked/VBD up/RB ./.
I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP have/VBP dwelt/NN on/IN such/JJ shortcomings/NNS enough/RB ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
This/DT is/VBZ truly/RB an/DT impressive-looking/JJ tome/NN ,/, persuading/VBG one/CD that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ complete/JJ and/CC authoritative/JJ ./.
As/IN for/IN completeness/NN ,/, writing/VBG systems/NNS are/VBP a/DT bit/NN off/RP my/PRP$ beaten/VBN track/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP dare/VBP not/RB offer/VB an/DT opinion/NN ;/: as/IN for/IN authority/NN ,/, while/IN Peter/NNP T/NN ./.
Daniels/NNP '/POS name/NN is/VBZ not/RB familiar/JJ to/TO me/PRP ,/, the/DT work/NN of/IN William/NNP Bright/NNP ,/, Professor/NNP Emeritus/NNP of/IN linguistics/NNS at/IN UCLA/NNP and/CC erstwhile/NN editor/NN (/( for/IN twenty-two/JJ years/NNS )/) of/IN Language/NNP ,/, the/DT journal/NN of/IN the/DT Linguistics/NNP Society/NNP of/IN America/NNP ,/, is/VBZ well/RB known/VBN to/TO me/PRP ,/, chiefly/RB in/IN his/PRP$ latter/JJ capacity/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT preceding/VBG number/NN of/IN VERBATIM/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 3/CD ]/) ,/, appeared/VBD a/DT review/NN article/NN by/IN Dr/NNP ./.
William/NNP Brashear/NNP ,/, of/IN the/DT Egyptian/NNP Museum/NNP in/IN Berlin/NNP ,/, of/IN two/CD new/JJ books/NNS dealing/VBG with/IN the/DT alphabet/NN ;/: now/RB we/PRP have/VBP this/DT comprehensive/JJ work/NN on/IN writing/VBG systems/NNS ./.
Interest/NN in/IN writing/VBG systems/NNS was/VBD dormant/JJ for/IN many/JJ years/NNS :/: some/DT thirty/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, the/DT only—and/NN best-known—/JJ scholar/NN working/VBG with/IN alphabets/NNS was/VBD Dr/NNP ./.
David/NNP Diringer/NNP ./.
The/DT spark/NN that/WDT has/VBZ ignited/VBN so/RB many/JJ to/TO look/VB at/IN the/DT subject/NN is/VBZ difficult/JJ to/TO identify/VB :/: perhaps/RB it/PRP can/MD be/VB put/VBN down/RB to/TO television/NN and/CC its/PRP$ many/JJ programs/NNS dealing/VBG with/IN archaeology/NN ./.
A/DT recent/JJ program/NN on/IN the/DT Minoan/NNP civilization/NN mentioned/VBN that/IN Michael/NNP Ventris/NNP was/VBD a/DT teenager/NN when/WRB he/PRP listened/VBD to/TO a/DT lecture/NN by/IN Sir/NNP Arthur/NNP Evans/NNP in/IN which/WDT he/PRP described/VBD his/PRP$ struggles/NNS trying/VBG to/TO translate/VB what/WP had/VBD become/VBN known/VBN as/IN Linear/NNP A/DT and/CC Linear/NNP B/NNP ,/, the/DT ancient/JJ scripts/NNS found/VBD at/IN Knossos/NNP and/CC elsewhere/RB in/IN Crete/NNP ./.
Ventris/NNP ,/, the/DT program/NN held/VBD ,/, vowed/VBD to/TO be/VB the/DT one/CD who/WP would/MD one/CD day/NN translate/VBP the/DT script/NN (/( s/VBZ )/) ,/, a/DT reflex/JJ of/IN ambition/NN rarely/RB associated/VBN with/IN teenagers/NNS today/NN ./.
In/IN any/DT event/NN ,/, Ventris/NNP did/VBD ,/, finally/RB ,/, decode/NN Linear/NNP B/NNP ,/, but/CC died/VBD (/( at/IN thirty-four/JJ )/) before/IN arriving/VBG at/IN a/DT translation/NN of/IN Linear/NNP A/DT ./.
If/IN susceptible/JJ teenagers/NNS watched/VBN that/DT program/NN ,/, perhaps/RB they/PRP will/MD be/VB inspired/VBN to/TO work/VB on/IN Linear/NNP A/DT ,/, still/RB an/DT enigma/NN ,/, owing/VBG largely/RB to/TO the/DT paucity/NN of/IN corpus/NN ./.
The/DT subject/NN of/IN writing/VBG systems/NNS was/VBD considered/VBN beyond/IN the/DT pale/NN by/IN structural/JJ linguists/NNS ,/, as/IN it/PRP was/VBD not/RB a/DT reflex/JJ of/IN natural/JJ utterance/NN but/CC a/DT secondary/JJ representation/NN ./.
(/( Structural/NNP linguists/NNS do/VBP not/RB like/IN to/TO deal/VB with/IN meaning/VBG ,/, either/CC ,/, satisfied/VBN that/IN the/DT meaning/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN is/VBZ the/DT sum/NN of/IN its/PRP$ perfectly/RB valid/JJ argument/NN if/IN one/CD allows/VBZ context/NN to/TO include/VB one/CD 's/POS mother/NN telling/VBG an/DT infant/NN ,/, Here/RB ,/, darling/NN ,/, eat/VBP another/DT spoon/NN of/IN applesauce/NN ./.
Unless/IN ostensive/JJ objects/NNS are/VBP thus/RB pointed/VBN to/TO and/CC identified/VBN ,/, how/WRB could/MD anyone/NN ever/RB learn/VB their/PRP$ names/NNS ?/.
)/) As/IN a/DT consequence/NN ,/, the/DT subject/NN was/VBD infra/NN dig/NN for/IN serious/JJ linguists/NNS for/IN many/JJ years/NNS ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ refreshing/JJ to/TO see/VB it/PRP brought/VBD to/TO the/DT surface/NN again/RB ./.
The/DT impact/NN of/IN writing/VBG on/IN language/NN cannot/NN be/VB denied/VBN :/: in/IN English/NNP ,/, the/DT conservatism/NN of/IN the/DT spelling/VBG system/NN has/VBZ had/VBN an/DT effect/NN on/IN the/DT preservation/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ features/NNS that/WDT might/MD have/VB otherwise/RB faded/VBN ;/: in/IN all/DT languages/NNS ,/, the/DT traditions/NNS of/IN literature/NN (/( to/TO say/VB nothing/NN of/IN scripture/NN [/( sic/JJ ]/) )/) have/VBP a/DT profound/JJ influence/NN ,/, as/IN the/DT fundamentalist/JJ effect/NN bears/VBZ witness/NN ./.
To/TO ignore/VB or/CC scorn/VB writing/NN and/CC its/PRP$ influences/NNS is/VBZ struthious/JJ and/CC unscholarly/RB ,/, and/CC this/DT emerging/VBG crop/NN of/IN books/NNS ,/, besides/IN their/PRP$ attractive/JJ graphics—excuse/NN the/DT pun—/NN are/VBP welcome/JJ ./.
The/DT relationships/NNS between/IN linguistics/NNS and/CC writing/VBG are/VBP emphasized/VBN here/RB and/CC there/RB in/IN The/DT World/NNP 's/POS Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS by/IN the/DT short/JJ essays/NNS ,/, prepared/VBN by/IN the/DT editors/NNS and/CC contributors/NNS ,/, that/DT punctuate/NN the/DT text/NN ./.
It/PRP would/MD be/VB most/RBS useful/JJ to/TO provide/VB a/DT list/NN of/IN the/DT thirteen/NN parts/NNS of/IN the/DT book/NN :/:
Part/NN I/PRP Grammatology/NNP
Part/NNP II/NNP Ancient/NNP and/CC Near/IN Eastern/NNP Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP III/NNP Decipherment/NNP
Part/NNP IV/NNP East/NNP Asian/JJ Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP V/NNP European/JJ Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP VI/NNP South/NNP Asian/JJ Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP VII/NNP Southeast/NNP Asian/JJ Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP VIII/NNP Middle/NNP Eastern/NNP Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS
Part/NN IX/CD Scripts/NNP Invented/NNP in/IN Modern/NNP Times/NNP
Part/NNP X/NNP Use/NNP and/CC Adaptation/NNP of/IN Scripts/NNP
Part/NNP XI/NNP Sociolinguistics/NNP and/CC Scripts/NNP
Part/NNP XII/NNP Secondary/JJ Notation/NNP Systems/NNPS
Part/NNP XIII/NNP imprinting/VBG and/CC Printing/NNP
Each/DT of/IN these/DT parts/NNS ,/, introduced/VBN by/IN a/DT contributor/NN or/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT editors/NNS ,/, has/VBZ several/JJ sections/NNS ;/: there/EX are/VBP seventyfour/NN sections/NNS in/IN all/DT ,/, and/CC each/DT of/IN those/DT ,/, in/IN turn/NN ,/, has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ commentary/NN ./.
The/DT result/NN is/VBZ not/RB only/RB a/DT comprehensive/JJ treatment/NN of/IN a/DT subject/NN by/IN an/DT authority/NN but/CC a/DT detailed/VBN description/NN of/IN the/DT place/NN the/DT section/NN has/VBZ in/IN the/DT general/JJ scheme/NN of/IN representing/VBG ideas/NNS by/IN squiggles/NNS on/IN a/DT page/NN ,/, rock/NN ,/, or/CC tablet/NN ./.
Not/RB only/RB are/VBP (/( so-called/JJ )/) standard/JJ writing/NN systems/NNS described/VBD ,/, but/CC (/( under/IN Part/NNP XII/NNP )/) there/EX are/VBP sections/NNS on/IN Numerical/NNP Notation/NNP ,/, Shorthand/NNP ,/, Phonetic/NNP Notation/NNP ,/, Music/NNP Notation/NNP (/( by/IN James/NNP D/NNP ./.
McCawley/NNP ,/, University/NNP of/IN Chicago/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC Movement/NNP Notation/NNP Systems/NNPS (/( dealing/VBG with/IN dance/NN )/) ./.
The/DT section/NN Adaptations/NNP of/IN Arabic/NNP Script/NNP was/VBD prepared/VBN by/IN Alan/NNP S/NNP ./.
Kaye/NNP (/( California/NNP State/NNP University/NNP ,/, Fullerton/NNP )/) ,/, erstwhile/NN contributor/NN to/TO VERBATIM/NNP ;/: Bernard/NNP Comrie/NNP (/( Cambridge/NNP University/NNP )/) and/CC our/PRP$ friend/NN Eric/NNP P/NN ./.
Hamp/NNP (/( University/NNP of/IN Chicago/NNP )/) contributed/VBD the/DT subsection/NN on/IN Welsh/NNP ,/, in/IN Part/NNP X/NNP ./.
The/DT word/NN colophon/NN has/VBZ undergone/VBN several/JJ metamorphoses/NNS since/IN its/PRP$ earliest/JJS appearance/NN in/IN the/DT 17/CD th/NN century/NN :/: it/PRP originally/RB referred/VBD to/TO the/DT inscription/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN a/DT book/NN identifying/VBG its/PRP$ basic/JJ bibliographic/JJ information/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, title/NN ,/, author/NN ,/, subject/JJ ,/, publisher/NN ,/, date/NN and/CC place/NN of/IN publication/NN ,/, in/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, the/DT information/NN today/NN found/VBD on/IN the/DT title/NN page/NN ./.
Presumably/RB ,/, because/IN it/PRP sounded/VBD like/IN a/DT fancy/JJ bibliographic/JJ term/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD adapted/VBN in/IN the/DT 20/CD th/NN century/NN as/IN a/DT fancy/JJ word/NN for/IN logotype/NN ,/, or/CC trade/NN mark/NN ./.
For/IN its/PRP$ third/JJ incarnation/NN we/PRP can/MD cite/VB page/NN 920/CD of/IN the/DT present/JJ book/NN in/IN which/WDT colophon/NN is/VBZ drawn/VBN into/IN service/NN as/IN the/DT title/NN of/IN a/DT section/NN that/IN lists/NNS all/PDT the/DT typographic/JJ fonts/NNS employed/VBN in/IN typesetting/VBG the/DT book/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ a/DT useful/JJ and/CC interesting/JJ adjunct/NN ,/, and/CC we/PRP must/MD assume/VB that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN called/VBN colophon/NN because/IN typography/NN has/VBZ been/VBN subsumed/VBN under/IN the/DT original/JJ rubric/NN of/IN bibliographic/JJ information/NN ./.
Although/IN it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB documented/VBN in/IN any/DT dictionary/JJ that/IN I/PRP checked/VBD ,/, this/DT usage/NN is/VBZ familiar/JJ to/TO me/PRP as/IN referring/VBG to/TO the/DT modest/JJ comments/NNS that/IN publishers/NNS like/IN Alfred/NNP A/DT ./.
Knopf/NNP once/RB included/VBD on/IN the/DT last/JJ page/NN of/IN their/PRP$ books/NNS ,/, for/IN example/NN (/( actually/RB from/IN a/DT Random/NNP House/NNP title/NN )/) :/:
This/DT book/NN has/VBZ been/VBN set/VBN in/IN Weiss/NNP by/IN Typographic/NNP Images/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP ;/: printed/VBN by/IN Rae/NNP Publishing/NNP ,/, Cedar/NNP Grove/NNP ,/, New/NNP Jersey/NNP ;/: and/CC bound/VBN by/IN A/DT ./.
Horowitz/NNP &/CC Sons/NNP ,/, Fairfield/NNP ,/, New/NNP Jersey/NNP ./.
The/DT paper/NN was/VBD donated/VBN by/IN the/DT Lindenmyer/NNP Paper/NNP Corporation/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP ./.
&slash;/NN Book/NNP design/NN by/IN Carole/NNP Lowenstein/NNP
—/NN from/IN Donald/NNP S/NNP ./.
Klopfer/NNP ,/, An/DT Appreciation/NNP ,/, Random/NNP House/NNP ,/, 1987/CD ./.
The/DT World/NNP 's/POS Writing/VBG Systems/NNPS is/VBZ an/DT essential/JJ addition/NN to/TO the/DT library/NN of/IN anyone/NN interested/JJ in/IN or/CC involved/VBN in/IN any/DT of/IN the/DT myriad/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN language/NN ,/, both/DT as/IN a/DT fascinating/JJ browsing/NN book/NN and/CC as/IN an/DT important/JJ reference/NN work/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP no/DT immediate/JJ need/NN for/IN information/NN about/IN Sinhalese/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, but/CC who/WP knows/VBZ what/WP sorts/NNS of/IN questions/NNS may/MD arise/VB in/IN my/PRP$ mind/NN (/( or/CC others/NNS '/POS )/) that/WDT might/MD send/VB me/PRP rushing/VBG to/TO the/DT shelf/NN ?/.
My/PRP$ only/RB disappointment/NN was/VBD that/IN Daniels/NNP '/POS concluding/VBG essays/NNS on/IN Analog/NNP and/CC Digital/NNP Writing/VBG (/( Section/NN 74/CD )/) were/VBD not/RB sufficiently/RB detailed/JJ and/CC technical/JJ for/IN my/PRP$ taste/NN ,/, but/CC then/RB my/PRP$ appetite/NN for/IN matters/NNS technical/JJ probably/RB exceeds/VBZ that/IN of/IN most/JJS people/NNS likely/JJ to/TO be/VB concerned/VBN with/IN writing/VBG systems/NNS ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
Phoneticians/NNP ,/, pronunciation/NN editors/NNS of/IN dictionaries/NNS ,/, linguists/NNS ,/, language/NN teachers/NNS ,/, and/CC others/NNS who/WP are—and/NN ought/MD to/TO be—interested/JJ in/IN and/CC knowledgeable/JJ about/IN the/DT sounds/NNS of/IN many/JJ languages/NNS and/CC who/WP have—and/NN ought/MD to/TO have—sufficient/NN background/NN and/CC training/NN to/TO understand/VB the/DT technical/JJ materials/NNS on/IN which/WDT understanding/NN of/IN the/DT text/NN relies/VBZ will/MD be/VB amply/RB rewarded/VBN by/IN this/DT valuable/JJ book/NN ./.
The/DT writing/VBG is/VBZ concise/NN and/CC specific/JJ ,/, allowing/VBG little/JJ room/NN for/IN idle/JJ chatter/NN ;/: the/DT information/NN is/VBZ sometimes/RB revelatory/NN :/:
Nearly/RB 90/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT Californian/NN speakers/NNS produced/VBD 0/CD as/IN in/IN think/VBP ./.
with/IN the/DT tip/NN of/IN the/DT tongue/NN protruded/JJ between/IN the/DT teeth/NNS so/IN that/IN the/DT turbulence/NN is/VBZ produced/VBN between/IN the/DT blade/NN of/IN the/DT tongue/NN and/CC the/DT upper/JJ incisors/NNS ./.
Only/RB 10/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT British/JJ speakers/NNS made/VBD this/DT sound/NN in/IN this/DT way/NN ;/: 90/CD percent/NN of/IN them/PRP used/VBD an/DT articulation/NN with/IN the/DT tip/NN of/IN the/DT tongue/NN behind/IN the/DT upper/JJ front/JJ teeth/NNS ./.
[/NN p/NN ./.
143/CD ]/NN
One/CD is/VBZ moved/VBN to/TO enquire/NN how/WRB the/DT sound/NN is/VBZ articulated/JJ by/IN speakers/NNS of/IN other/JJ English/NNP dialects/NNS or/CC in/IN other/JJ regions/NNS (/( New/NNP England/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN )/) ,/, but/CC the/DT book/NN does/VBZ not/RB go/VB into/IN that/DT much/JJ detail/NN ./.
The/DT organization/NN is/VBZ by/IN sound/NN types/NNS :/: Stops/NNP ,/, Nasals/NNP and/CC Nasalized/NNP Consonants/NNP ,/, Fricatives/NNP ,/, Laterals/NNP ,/, Rhotics/NNP ,/, Clicks/NNP ,/, Vowels/NNS ,/, and/CC Multiple/NNP Articulatory/NNP Gestures/NNP ,/, the/DT last/JJ being/NN combined/VBN sounds/NNS ./.
Ladefoged/NNP ,/, Professor/NNP of/IN Phonetics/NNP Emeritus/NNP at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN California/NNP ,/, and/CC Maddieson/NNP ,/, Adjunct/NNP Professor/NNP of/IN Linguistics/NNP ,/, ibid/NN ./.
,/, are/VBP well/RB known/VBN for/IN their/PRP$ work/NN in/IN phonetics/NNS ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
[/NN Available/NNP in/IN the/DT US/NNP from/IN Seven/CD Hills/NNP Book/NNP Distributors/NNPS ,/, 49/CD Central/NNP Avenue/NNP ,/, Cincinnati/NNP ,/, OH/NNP 45202/CD ./.
Ronald/NNP Rose/NNP writes/VBZ a/DT weekly/JJ column/NN about/IN language/NN in/IN The/DT Canberra/NNP Times/NNP ,/, and/CC this/DT book/NN is/VBZ a/DT collection/NN of/IN those/DT essays/NNS ,/, fleshed/JJ out/IN in/IN full/JJ in/IN those/DT instances/NNS where/WRB they/PRP might/MD have/VB been/VBN cut/VBN by/IN the/DT newspaper/NN for/IN economy/NN of/IN space/NN ./.
The/DT essays/NNS are/VBP brief/JJ and/CC interesting/JJ and/CC range/NN throughout/IN the/DT entire/JJ spectrum/NN of/IN the/DT subject/NN ,/, including/VBG literature/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, a/DT piece/NN on/IN spoofs/NNS in/IN which/WDT Rose/NNP cites/VBZ several/JJ that/WDT are/VBP well/RB known/VBN ,/, omits/VBZ others/NNS (/( like/IN Poe/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Great/NNP Balloon/NNP Hoax/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC includes/VBZ at/IN least/JJS one/CD that/WDT is/VBZ a/DT satire/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT different/JJ sort/NN of/IN animal/NN :/: Gulliver/NNP 's/POS Travels/NNP is/VBZ not/RB ,/, to/TO my/PRP$ mind/NN ,/, a/DT spoof/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP all/DT in/IN favor/NN of/IN weekly/JJ columns/NNS on/IN language/NN ,/, but/CC one/PRP must/MD be/VB careful/JJ ./.
Rose/NNP is/VBZ now/RB seventy-six/JJ and/CC ,/, evidently/RB ,/, going/VBG strong/JJ ./.
The/DT book/NN is/VBZ informative/JJ and/CC entertaining/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT reader/NN should/MD check/VB the/DT validity/NN of/IN some/DT of/IN Rose/NNP 's/POS comments/NNS before/IN incorporating/VBG it/PRP into/IN a/DT doctoral/JJ dissertation/NN or/CC other/JJ important/JJ work/NN ./.
That/DT admonition/NN applies/VBZ also/RB to/TO the/DT blurb/NN on/IN the/DT back/NN cover/NN ,/, which/WDT ,/, presumably/RB ,/, was/VBD composed/VBN by/IN somebody/NN at/IN Kangaroo/NNP Press/NNP but/CC not/RB submitted/VBN to/TO Rose/NNP for/IN approval/NN ./.
It/PRP refers/VBZ to/TO His/PRP$ vulgar/NN vocabulary/JJ and/CC facility/NN in/IN slang/NN ,/, but—more/NN important—it/NN offers/VBZ oddities/NNS like/IN a/DT reference/NN to/TO learning/VBG by/IN rote/JJ on/IN page/NN 105/CD and/CC to/TO Pidgin/NNP on/IN page/NN 41/CD :/: upon/IN looking/VBG both/DT up/RB ,/, I/PRP found/VBD nothing/NN about/IN rote/JJ learning/NN on/IN page/NN 105/CD and/CC nothing/NN about/IN Pidgin/NNP on/IN page/NN 41/CD ;/: nor/CC was/VBD either/CC listed/VBN in/IN the/DT sparse/NN index/NN ./.
The/DT cover/NN copy/NN also/RB refers/VBZ to/TO his/PRP$ endlessly/RB entertaining/JJ analyses/NNS of/IN literary/JJ terms/NNS such/JJ hypocorism/NN [/( sic/JJ ]/) palindrome/NN ,/, clerihew/NN ,/, idiom/NN ,/, [/( and/CC ]/) acronym/NN :/: of/IN these/DT ,/, acronym/NN and/CC hypocorism/NN are/VBP as/IN absent/JJ from/IN the/DT index/NN as/RB the/DT as/JJ between/IN such/JJ and/CC hypocorism/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB such/JJ curiosities/NNS will/MD make/VB the/DT book/NN a/DT collector/NN 's/POS item/NN ,/, but/CC whoever/WP wrote/VBD the/DT text/NN for/IN it/PRP at/IN Kangaroo/NNP ought/MD to/TO be/VB relegated/VBN to/TO the/DT outback/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP prejudiced/VBN ,/, I/PRP know/VBP ,/, but/CC while/IN I/PRP find/VBP the/DT use/NN of/IN impact/NN as/IN a/DT verb/NN an/DT interesting/JJ linguistic/JJ development/NN ,/, I/PRP consider/VBP it/PRP execrable/JJ style/NN for/IN literate/NN speakers/NNS and/CC (/( especially/RB )/) writers/NNS ;/: yet/RB it/PRP appears/VBZ in/IN Rose/NNP 's/POS Preface/NNP ,/, where/WRB one/PRP can/MD also/RB find/VB a/DT transitive/JJ use/NN for/IN coruscate/NN (/( OED/NNP 2/CD e/SYM please/VB note/NN )/) ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB de/IN rigueur/FW for/IN linguists/NNS or/CC lexicographers/NNS to/TO utter/JJ judgments/NNS about/IN language/NN ,/, just/RB as/IN doctors/NNS are/VBP not/RB supposed/VBN to/TO react/VB with/IN revulsion/NN should/MD a/DT patient/NN reveal/VBP a/DT particularly/RB revolting/VBG affliction/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP (/( occasionally—like/NN now/RB )/) that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ just/RB such/JJ prejudices/NNS that/IN I/PRP am/VBP being/VBG paid/VBN to/TO express/VB ./.
Otherwise/RB ,/, why/WRB bother/VB reading/VBG a/DT review/NN ?/.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
Subtitle/NNP :/: An/DT Essay/NNP on/IN the/DT Relation/NNP between/IN Thought/NNP and/CC Language/NNP ./.
Sparse/NNP index/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: The/DT guiding/VBG intuition/NN is/VBZ that/IN Davidson/NNP 's/POS work/NN is/VBZ best/RBS understood/VBN as/IN an/DT ongoing/JJ attempt/NN to/TO purge/VB semantics/NNS of/IN theoretical/JJ reifications/NNS ./.
Seen/VBN in/IN this/DT light/VB the/DT recent/JJ attack/NN on/IN the/DT notion/NN of/IN language/NN itself/PRP emerges/VBZ as/IN a/DT natural/JJ development/NN of/IN his/PRP$ Quinian/NNP scepticism/NN towards/IN meanings/NNS and/CC his/PRP$ rejection/NN of/IN referencebased/JJ semantic/JJ theories/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: [/( P/NN ]/) rovides/NNS a/DT clear/JJ ,/, easily/RB understood/VBN course/NN in/IN statistics/NNS for/IN the/DT linguist/NN who/WP works/VBZ with/IN real/JJ linguistic/JJ data/NNS from/IN real/JJ subjects/NNS and/CC converts/VBZ those/DT finding/VBG into/IN numbers/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: This/DT book/NN is/VBZ a/DT general/JJ introduction/NN to/TO the/DT study/NN of/IN bilingualism/NN from/IN a/DT combined/VBN sociolinguistic/JJ and/CC psycholinguistic/JJ perspective/NN ./.
Professor/NNP Romaine/NNP explores/VBZ bilingualism/NN as/IN both/DT a/DT societal/NN and/CC cognitive/JJ phenomenon/NN ./.
The/DT author/NN also/RB assesses/NNS the/DT positive/JJ and/CC negative/JJ claims/NNS made/VBN for/IN the/DT effects/NNS of/IN bilingualism/NN on/IN children/NNS 's/POS cognitive/JJ ,/, social/JJ and/CC academic/JJ development/NN ,/, and/CC examines/VBZ the/DT assumptions/NNS behind/IN various/JJ language/NN policies/NNS and/CC programs/NNS for/IN bilingual/JJ children/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: This/DT is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ complete/JJ introduction/NN to/TO the/DT current/JJ generative/JJ theoretical/JJ phonology/NN ,/, presenting/VBG a/DT general/JJ introduction/NN to/TO the/DT two/CD theories/NNS of/IN phonological/JJ representation/NN that/WDT lie/VBP at/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN current/JJ research/NN ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, the/DT central/JJ issues/NNS and/CC tenets/NNS of/IN lexical/JJ phonology/NN are/VBP set/VBN out/IN and/CC critically/RB evaluated/VBN ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: Does/VBZ the/DT language/NN we/PRP speak/VBP create/VB and/CC sustain/VB a/DT sexist/JJ culture/NN ?/.
The/DT authors/NNS ./.
explore/VB ./.
the/DT idea/NN that/DT language/NN shapes/VBZ individual/JJ lives—that/NN through/IN our/PRP$ speech/NN we/PRP all/DT help/VBP recreate/VB gender/NN divisions/NNS in/IN society/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: In/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, Professor/NNP Preston/NNP assesses/NNS the/DT relationship/NN between/IN second/JJ language/NN acquisition/NN and/CC sociolinguistics/NNS ,/, focusing/VBG in/IN particular/JJ on/IN the/DT findings/NNS of/IN quantitative/JJ sociolinguists/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: [/( This/DT book/NN ]/) is/VBZ concerned/VBN with/IN how/WRB and/CC why/WRB language/NN is/VBZ used/VBN and/CC how/WRB its/PRP$ use/NN varies/VBZ in/IN different/JJ cultures/NNS ./.
Saville-/NNP Troike/NNP presents/VBZ the/DT essential/JJ terms/NNS and/CC concepts/NNS introduced/VBN and/CC developed/VBN by/IN Dell/NNP Hymes/NNP and/CC others/NNS and/CC surveys/VBZ the/DT most/RBS important/JJ findings/NNS and/CC applications/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ work/NN ./.
Drawing/VBG on/IN insights/NNS from/IN social/JJ anthropology/NN and/CC psycholinguistics/NNS and/CC using/VBG examples/NNS from/IN a/DT great/JJ many/JJ languages/NNS and/CC cultures/NNS ,/, she/PRP builds/VBZ up/RP a/DT model/NN which/WDT includes/VBZ communications/NNS within/IN the/DT overall/JJ framework/NN of/IN cultural/JJ competence/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT cover/NN :/: Assuming/VBG no/DT prior/JJ knowledge/NN of/IN the/DT subject/NN ,/, this/DT book/NN offers/VBZ a/DT thorough/JJ account/NN of/IN topics/NNS covered/VBN in/IN courses/NNS in/IN phonetics/NNS and/CC phonology/NN ./.
Undertaking/NNP a/DT description/NN of/IN a/DT language/NN may/MD be/VB regarded/VBN as/IN a/DT curious/JJ occupation/NN ./.
Writing/VBG reviews/NNS of/IN them/PRP is/VBZ no/DT less/RBR odd/JJ an/DT experience/NN ./.
For/IN various/JJ reasons/NNS ,/, I/PRP have/VBP chosen/VBN to/TO comment/VB on/IN only/RB certain/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, chiefly/RB because/IN a/DT thorough/JJ review/NN would/MD occupy/VB far/RB more/JJR space/NN in/IN VERBATIM/NNP than/IN many/JJ readers/NNS might/MD willingly/RB tolerate/VB ./.
Suffice/VB it/PRP to/TO say/VB that/IN the/DT grammar/NN is/VBZ Chomskyan/NNP and/CC ,/, though/IN a/DT bit/NN thin/JJ on/IN the/DT ground/NN ,/, is/VBZ quite/RB adequate/JJ ./.
I/PRP have/VBP found/VBN other/JJ things/NNS to/TO criticize/VB ,/, however/RB ,/, that/WDT may/MD be/VB more/JJR germane/NN to/TO books/NNS in/IN general/JJ ,/, especially/RB reference/NN books/NNS and/CC ,/, particularly/RB ,/, to/TO reference/NN books/NNS on/IN language/NN ./.
First/LS ,/, I/PRP want/VBP to/TO vent/VB my/PRP$ spleen/NN on/IN publishers/NNS '/POS book/NN designers/NNS who/WP have/VBP n't/RB the/DT slightest/JJS idea/NN of/IN what/WP they/PRP are/VBP doing/VBG ./.
As/IN one/CD case/NN in/IN point/NN ,/, I/PRP cite/VBP The/DT Random/NNP House/NNP Dictionary/NNP of/IN the/DT English/NNP Language/NNP ,/, Second/NNP Edition/NNP ,/, in/IN which/WDT ,/, possibly/RB in/IN order/NN to/TO mimic/VB other/JJ dictionaries/NNS but/CC probably/RB because/IN there/EX are/VBP few/JJ things/NNS that/IN designers/NNS can/MD get/VB their/PRP$ grubby/NN little/JJ fingers/NNS into/IN ,/, the/DT main/JJ entry/NN words/NNS were/VBD reset/NN in/IN sans-serif/JJ type/NN ,/, presumably/RB just/RB to/TO make/VB them/PRP harder/RBR to/TO read/VB ./.
Those/DT who/WP are/VBP not/RB designers/NNS but/CC typographers/NNS steeped/JJ in/IN statistics/NNS of/IN readability/NN and/CC other/JJ scientific/JJ applications/NNS to/TO typography/NN are/VBP fully/RB aware/JJ that/IN because/IN of/IN the/DT redundancy/NN built/VBN into/IN its/PRP$ characters/NNS ,/, almost/RB any/DT serif/NN font/NN is/VBZ more/JJR (/( readily/RB )/) legible/JJ than/IN any/DT sans-serif/JJ face/NN ,/, and/CC trying/VBG to/TO make/VB a/DT book/NN look/NN modern/JJ by/IN using/VBG sans-serif/JJ makes/VBZ no/DT sense/NN at/IN all/DT ./.
Besides/IN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ nothing/NN modern/JJ about/IN sans-serif/JJ type/NN :/: if/IN anything/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ moderne/NN —/NN that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, in/IN the/DT tradition/NN of/IN Art/NNP Deco/NNP ./.
Turning/NNP to/TO the/DT illustrations/NNS (/( including/VBG the/DT black-and-white/JJ maps/NNS )/) in/IN the/DT RHD/NNP 2/CD e/SYM ,/, it/PRP must/MD be/VB said/VBN that/IN the/DT originals/NNS were/VBD a/DT model/NN of/IN clarity/NN and/CC detail/NN :/: I/PRP know/VBP ,/, for/IN as/IN Managing/VBG Editor/NNP ,/, it/PRP was/VBD among/IN my/PRP$ responsibilities/NNS to/TO commission/NN them/PRP and/CC to/TO accept/VB or/CC reject/VB completed/VBN artwork/NN or/CC to/TO have/VB it/PRP modified/VBN ./.
That/DT was/VBD a/DT laborious/JJ and/CC time-consuming/JJ task/NN ,/, amply/RB rewarded/VBN by/IN the/DT high/JJ quality/NN of/IN the/DT drawings/NNS as/IN published/VBN in/IN the/DT original/JJ edition/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT Second/NNP Edition/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, the/DT designers/NNS took/VBD it/PRP upon/IN themselves—merely/RB for/IN the/DT sake/NN of/IN change/NN ,/, I/PRP believe—to/NN lay/VBP a/DT fine/NN screen/NN over/IN every/DT illustration/NN (/( except/IN the/DT maps/NNS )/) ,/, thus/RB losing/VBG much/JJ of/IN the/DT finical/JJ detail/NN originally/RB produced/VBD ./.
The/DT result/NN is/VBZ a/DT dull/JJ ,/, grayish/NN blob/NN on/IN the/DT page/NN ./.
As/IN if/IN to/TO confirm/VB that/IN the/DT various/JJ afflictions/NNS of/IN designers/NNS have/VBP infected/VBD the/DT UK/NNP operations/NNS of/IN Oxford/NNP University/NNP Press/NNP ,/, we/PRP are/VBP now/RB faced/VBN with/IN Greenbaum/NNP 's/POS Grammar/NNP ,/, which/WDT can/MD only/RB be/VB said/VBN to/TO have/VB suffered/VBN ./.
Worse/JJR ,/, their/PRP$ incredibly/RB unimaginative/JJ work/NN has/VBZ resulted/VBN in/IN a/DT book/NN that/WDT ought/MD to/TO have/VB been/VBN about/IN 400/CD pages/NNS shorter/JJR than/IN the/DT present/JJ work/NN ,/, which/WDT I/PRP shall/MD explain/VB ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ Preface/NNP ,/, Professor/NNP Greenbaum/NNP suggests/VBZ that/IN the/DT Grammar/NNP can/MD be/VB used/VBN as/IN a/DT work/NN of/IN reference/NN ./.
The/DT structure/NN of/IN the/DT book—through/NN no/DT fault/NN of/IN the/DT author/NN 's/POS ,/, I/PRP am/VBP sure—militates/NNS against/IN such/JJ use/NN ,/, for/IN the/DT Index/NNP refers/VBZ the/DT user/NN to/TO numbered/VBD sections/NNS :/: each/DT chapter/NN is/VBZ numbered/VBN from/IN 1/CD (/( The/DT English/NNP Language/NNP )/) through/IN 12/CD (/( Spelling/NNP )/) ,/, with/IN subsections/NNS numbered/VBD sequentially/RB (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, 1/CD ./.
1/CD English/NNP Internationally/NNP through/IN 1/CD ./.
10/CD Good/NNP English/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT typical/JJ question/NN a/DT user/NN faces/VBZ is/VBZ a/DT choice/NN between/IN may/MD and/CC might/MD ,/, so/IN I/PRP looked/VBD up/RB might/MD in/IN the/DT Index/NNP and/CC found/VBD
might/MD 3/CD ./.
25/CD ;/: 4/CD ./.
29/CD ;/: 5/CD ./.
17/CD ,/, 24/CD
The/DT first/JJ problem/NN ,/, inherent/JJ in/IN the/DT poor/JJ design/NN of/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, is/VBZ that/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT clue/NN in/IN the/DT running/VBG heads/VBZ as/IN to/TO which/WDT chapter/NN and/CC section/NN one/CD has/VBZ turned/VBN to/TO (/( unless/IN he/PRP has/VBZ chanced/JJ on/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN a/DT chapter/NN or/CC section/NN :/: only/RB the/DT page/NN number/NN appears/VBZ )/) ./.
The/DT section/NN titles/NNS and/CC numbers/NNS frequently/RB appear/VBP at/IN the/DT gutter/NN column/NN ,/, making/VBG it/PRP almost/RB impossible/JJ to/TO thumb/VB through/IN the/DT book/NN to/TO find/VB a/DT reference/NN quickly/RB ./.
As/IN it/PRP happens/VBZ ,/, both/DT the/DT title/NN of/IN subsections/NNS 3/CD ./.
25/CD and/CC 4/CD ./.
29/CD happen/VB to/TO be/VB in/IN the/DT gutters/NNS of/IN the/DT pages/NNS where/WRB they/PRP begin/VBP ,/, making/VBG it/PRP inconvenient/JJ to/TO find/VB them/PRP ./.
Had/VBD these/DT numerals/NNS been/VBN set/VBN at/IN the/DT foredge/NN of/IN the/DT pages/NNS (/( instead/RB of/IN the/DT page/NN numbers/NNS ,/, which/WDT serve/VBP no/DT discernible/JJ useful/JJ purpose/NN )/) ,/, finding/VBG the/DT proper/JJ chapter/NN and/CC subsection/NN numbers/NNS would/MD have/VB been/VBN greatly/RB facilitated/JJ ./.
The/DT second/JJ problem/NN is/VBZ the/DT (/( unexplained/JJ )/) style/NN 24/CD ,/, which/WDT should/MD properly/RB be/VB designated/VBN 5/CD ./.
24/CD :/: there/EX are/VBP only/RB 12/CD chapters/NNS ,/, so/IN it/PRP is/VBZ confusing/JJ to/TO see/VB a/DT reference/NN ,/, apparently/RB to/TO a/DT chapter/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ really/RB a/DT reference/NN to/TO a/DT subsection/NN ./.
(/( Under/IN the/DT Index/NNP entry/NN for/IN dictionaries/NNS are/VBP listed/VBN 8/CD ./.
28/CD ,/, 30/CD ,/, but/CC chapter/NN 8/CD contains/VBZ no/DT subsections/NNS beyond/IN 8/CD ./.
21/CD ,/, clearly/RB a/DT mistake/NN ./.
Third/NNP ,/, excluding/VBG the/DT Appendix/NNP and/CC a/DT Glossary/NNP ,/, the/DT book/NN contains/VBZ only/RB 600/CD pages/NNS ,/, and/CC ,/, presumably/RB to/TO bulk/NN up/RP its/PRP$ page/NN count/NN (/( probably/RB at/IN the/DT instigation/NN of/IN the/DT publisher/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN more/JJR money/NN could/MD be/VB charged/VBN for/IN it/PRP )/) ,/, the/DT designer/NN has/VBZ employed/VBN a/DT hanging/VBG indention/NN of/IN about/IN ten/CD picas/NNS ,/, and/CC wide/JJ interlinear/NN spaces/NNS ./.
The/DT result/NN ,/, had/VBD the/DT book/NN been/VBN set/VBN to/TO full/JJ measure/NN ,/, is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN less/JJR than/IN 400/CD pages/NNS long/JJ ./.
Fourth/JJ ,/, relating/VBG specifically/RB to/TO the/DT entries/NNS looked/VBD up/RB ,/, while/IN may/MD and/CC might/MD are/VBP both/DT mentioned/VBN ,/, except/IN for/IN the/DT following/VBG passing/VBG remark/NN [/( p/NN ./.
154/CD ]/) no/DT comment/NN appears/NNS :/:
3/LS ./.
Their/PRP$ past/JJ forms/NNS are/VBP often/RB used/VBN to/TO refer/VB to/TO present/VB or/CC future/JJ time/NN :/:
He/PRP might/MD be/VB there/RB now/RB ./.
She/PRP could/MD drive/VB my/PRP$ car/NN tomorrow/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ not/RB inaccurate/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP scarcely/RB tells/VBZ the/DT full/JJ story/NN ,/, nor/CC is/VBZ it/PRP particularly/RB helpful/JJ in/IN explaining/VBG the/DT use/NN of/IN may/MD ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT present/NN of/IN which/WDT might/MD is/VBZ the/DT past/NN ,/, in/IN constructions/NNS like/IN She/PRP may/MD have/VB said/VBN that/IN vs/NNS ./.
She/PRP might/MD have/VB said/VBN that/DT ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT internal/JJ cross/NN reference/NN to/TO 5/CD ./.
24/CD B/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT notions/NNS of/IN Permission/NN and/CC Possibility/NNP are/VBP given/VBN peremptory/JJ coverage/NN (/( though/IN there/EX are/VBP six/CD citations/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC no/DT helpful/JJ comment/NN is/VBZ offered/VBN about/IN their/PRP$ interchangeability/NN in/IN contemporary/JJ usage/NN or/CC what/WP was/VBD ,/, formerly/RB ,/, their/PRP$ distinction/NN in/IN formal/JJ contexts/NNS ./.
Fifth/NNP ,/, the/DT Glossary/NNP (/( pp/NN ./.
615/CD -/: 35/CD )/) concerns/NNS itself/PRP largely/RB with/IN the/DT terminology/NN of/IN Chomskyan/NNP grammar/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT treatment/NN is/VBZ unsatisfactory/NN ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/,
rhotic/JJ accent/NN Non-rhotic/NNP accents/NNS drop/VBP the/DT &slash;/NN r/LS &slash;/NN when/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ followed/VBN by/IN a/DT consonant/JJ sound/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN part/NN ./.
They/PRP also/RB drop/VBP the/DT &slash;/NN r/LS &slash;/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ before/IN a/DT pause/NN ./.
Rhotic/NNP accents/NNS retain/VBP the/DT &slash;/NN r/LS &slash;/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ poor/JJ style/NN to/TO find/VB the/DT headword/NN term/NN defined/VBN virtually/RB as/IN an/DT afterthought/NN ./.
The/DT entry/NN at/IN mass/NN noun/NN is/VBZ a/DT cross/NN reference/NN ,/, See/VB count/NN noun/NN ./.
;/: but/CC the/DT definition/NN at/IN count/NN noun/NN makes/VBZ no/DT mention/NN of/IN mass/NN noun/NN ./.
Although/IN the/DT definition/NN for/IN common/JJ noun/NN consists/VBZ of/IN a/DT cross/NN reference/NN to/TO proper/JJ noun/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ no/DT proper/JJ definition/NN for/IN it/PRP at/IN proper/JJ noun/NN ,/, only/RB a/DT contrastive/JJ comment/NN from/IN which/WDT one/CD is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO derive/VB a/DT definition/NN by/IN default/NN ./.
As/IN only/RB Chomskyan/NNP grammar/NN is/VBZ covered/VBN in/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, entries/NNS are/VBP lacking/VBG for/IN such/JJ common/JJ grammatical/JJ concepts—albeit/NN from/IN other/JJ disciplines/NNS ,/, like/IN traditional/JJ substantive/JJ ,/, dependent/JJ clause/NN ,/, independent/JJ clause/NN ,/, conjunctive/JJ adverb/NN ,/, adverbial/NN conjunction/NN ,/, misplaced/VBN (/( or/CC dangling/VBG )/) modifier/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
—/NN all/DT terms/NNS well/RB established/VBN in/IN discussions/NNS of/IN nonChomskyan/NN grammar/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN the/DT definitions/NNS use/VBP terms/NNS that/WDT are/VBP not/RB themselves/PRP defined/VBD and/CC are/VBP not/RB always/RB transparently/RB clear/JJ ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, postmodify/NN ,/, linguistic/JJ unit/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
Some/DT of/IN these/DT shortcomings/NNS can/MD be/VB laid/VBN at/IN the/DT door/NN of/IN the/DT author/NN ,/, some/DT at/IN the/DT door/NN of/IN the/DT book/NN designer/NN ,/, most/JJS in/IN the/DT lap/NN of/IN the/DT editor/NN (/( if/IN there/EX was/VBD one/CD )/) ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ undeniable/JJ that/IN the/DT word-stock/JJ of/IN a/DT language/NN can/MD be/VB derived/VBN from/IN a/DT vast/JJ corpus/NN of/IN its/PRP$ writing/VBG and/CC speech/NN to/TO produce/VB a/DT dictionary/JJ ;/: a/DT grammar/NN can/MD be/VB likewise/RB derived/VBN ,/, but/CC such/JJ exercises/NNS are/VBP rare/JJ and/CC are/VBP usually/RB confined/VBN to/TO work/VB on/IN dead/JJ languages/NNS ./.
Thus/RB ,/, Champollion/NNP had/VBD little/JJ enough/RB to/TO go/VB on/IN to/TO decipher/NN the/DT Rosetta/NNP Stone/NNP ,/, and/CC Ventris/NNP would/MD have/VB been/VBN hard/JJ put/VBN to/TO find/VB a/DT native/JJ speaker/NN of/IN Minoan/NNP Linear/NNP B/NNP (/( or/CC A/DT )/) ./.
But/CC for/IN modern/JJ languages/NNS ,/, the/DT situation/NN is/VBZ different/JJ ./.
Preparing/NNP a/DT monolingual/NN English/NNP dictionary/JJ ,/, lexicographers/NNS who/WP are/VBP native/JJ speakers/NNS of/IN English/NNP may/MD often/RB turn/RB to/TO citations/NNS of/IN usage/NN in/IN context/NN to/TO derive/VB or/CC verify/VB senses/NNS of/IN some/DT words/NNS ;/: but/CC for/IN words/NNS whose/WP$ meanings/NNS they/PRP already/RB know/VBP ,/, they/PRP can/MD rely/VB on/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ knowledge/NN and/CC use/NN citations/NNS for/IN confirmation/NN ./.
Relying/VBG solely/RB on/IN one/CD 's/POS own/JJ knowledge/NN can/MD be/VB dangerous—witness/NNS Johnson/NNP 's/POS definition/NN of/IN pastern/NN —/NN so/IN one/PRP must/MD always/RB check/VB and/CC double-check/JJ ;/: but/CC that/DT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT difficult/JJ matter/NN if/IN citation/NN material/NN is/VBZ available/JJ ,/, and/CC there/EX are/VBP usually/RB other/JJ books/NNS or/CC specialists/NNS one/PRP can/MD consult/VB ./.
(/( Let/VB me/PRP say/VBP parenthetically/RB that/IN not/RB only/RB is/VBZ there/EX nothing/NN wrong/JJ with/IN looking/VBG at/IN others/NNS '/POS work/NN but/CC that/IN those/DT who/WP studiously/RB avoid/VBP doing/VBG so/RB for/IN any/DT reason/NN are/VBP extremely/RB foolish/JJ :/: how/WRB can/MD one/CD know/VB how/WRB the/DT competition/NN has/VBZ handled/VBN something/NN without/IN checking/NN ?/.
Aside/RB from/IN the/DT unavoidable/JJ fact/NN that/DT competition/NN is/VBZ a/DT driving/VBG force/NN in/IN the/DT publication/NN of/IN such/JJ works/NNS ,/, one/PRP can/MD scarcely/RB expect/VB to/TO improve/VB on/IN the/DT competitive/JJ works/NNS without/IN knowing/VBG what/WP they/PRP are/VBP up/IN to/TO ./.
Writing/VBG a/DT grammar/NN entails/VBZ many/JJ judgements/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT most/RBS relevant/JJ for/IN my/PRP$ purposes/NNS here/RB is/VBZ to/TO wonder/VB about/IN the/DT amount/NN of/IN information/NN brought/VBN to/TO the/DT task/NN by/IN the/DT grammarian/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ highly/RB unlikely/JJ that/IN the/DT subject/NN will/MD be/VB approached/VBN with/IN a/DT feigned/JJ tabula/NN rasa/NN ,/, relying/VBG solely/RB on/IN citation/NN materials/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT question/NN arises/VBZ whether/IN the/DT grammar/NN is/VBZ constructed/VBN from/IN what/WP is/VBZ known/VBN (/( or/CC found/VBD )/) and/CC then/RB verified/VBN through/IN the/DT application/NN of/IN suitable/JJ citations/NNS ,/, whether/IN the/DT grammar/NN is/VBZ citation-driven/JJ ,/, or/CC a/DT combination/NN of/IN the/DT two/CD is/VBZ employed/VBN ./.
In/IN any/DT event/NN ,/, the/DT requirement/NN for/IN an/DT experienced/VBN grammarian/NN is/VBZ undiminished/JJ ./.
In/IN principle/NN ,/, one/PRP must/MD question/VB the/DT function/NN of/IN a/DT grammar/NN ./.
In/IN essence/NN ,/, such/JJ a/DT work/NN cannot/NN be/VB more/JJR or/CC less/JJR than/IN a/DT description/NN of/IN how/WRB a/DT language/NN works/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT question/NN must/MD arise/VB in/IN the/DT mind/NN of/IN the/DT publisher/NN (/( if/IN not/RB the/DT grammarian/NN )/) ,/, Who/WP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO use/VB the/DT book/NN ?/.
That/DT is/VBZ not/RB readily/RB answered/VBD these/DT days/NNS ./.
There/EX was/VBD a/DT time/NN when/WRB students/NNS were/VBD required/VBN to/TO study/VB the/DT grammar/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN ,/, but/CC that/DT day/NN appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB gone/VBN ./.
Today/NN ,/, then/RB ,/, we/PRP might/MD more/RBR logically/RB be/VB looking/VBG at/IN a/DT market/NN consisting/VBG of/IN people/NNS who/WP want/VBP a/DT reference/NN grammar/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, one/CD in/IN which/WDT they/PRP can/MD find/VB answers/NNS to/TO their/PRP$ questions/NNS about/IN how/WRB the/DT language/NN works/NNS ./.
This/DT raises/VBZ a/DT question/NN germane/NN to/TO the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Grammar/NNP ./.
Professor/NNP Greenbaum/NNP has/VBZ drawn/VBN on/IN the/DT huge/JJ resources/NNS of/IN a/DT number/NN of/IN different/JJ corpora/NN of/IN English/NNP that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN gathered/VBN at/IN the/DT Survey/NN of/IN English/NNP Usage/NNP and/CC several/JJ other/JJ research/NN centers/NNS ,/, all/DT of/IN which/WDT are/VBP listed/VBN in/IN an/DT Appendix/NNP [/( pp/NN ./.
601/CD -/: 14/CD ]/) ./.
The/DT sources/NNS of/IN the/DT citations/NNS range/VBP widely/RB and/CC include/VBP telephone/NN conversations/NNS ,/, classroom/NN lessons/NNS ,/, broadcast/NN interviews/NNS ,/, parliamentary/JJ debates/NNS ,/, spontaneous/JJ commentaries/NNS ,/, business/NN transactions/NNS ,/, news/NN broadcasts/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
One/PRP could/MD scarcely/RB disagree/VB with/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN all/DT of/IN these/DT make/NN up/RP a/DT reasonable/JJ crosssection/NN of/IN what/WP must/MD be/VB categorized/VBN as/IN the/DT popular/JJ use/NN of/IN language/NN ./.
Throughout/IN the/DT Grammar/NNP are/VBP interspersed/VBN quotations/NNS from/IN these/DT sources/NNS ,/, each/DT carefully/RB documented/VBN ./.
That/DT might/MD well/RB provide/VB a/DT reasonably/RB accurate/JJ picture/NN of/IN contemporary/JJ language/NN ./.
But/CC is/VBZ that/IN what/WP a/DT user/NN of/IN the/DT Grammar/NNP as/IN a/DT reference/NN grammar/NN might/MD want/VB ?/.
One/CD of/IN the/DT beauties/NNS of/IN the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Dictionary/NNP (/( and/CC of/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, A/DT Grammar/NNP of/IN the/DT English/NNP Language/NNP ,/, by/IN George/NNP O/NNP ./.
Curme/NNP )/) is/VBZ that/IN users/NNS are/VBP comforted/VBN by/IN quotations/NNS from/IN sources/NNS that/WDT are/VBP acknowledged/VBN paragons/NNS of/IN English/NNP usage/NN ,/, writers/NNS like/IN Shakespeare/NNP ,/, Milton/NNP ,/, Dickens/NNP ,/, Scott/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, even/RB Hemingway/NNP ./.
Are/VBP they/PRP likely/JJ to/TO be/VB attracted/VBN by/IN evidence/NN from/IN students/NNS '/POS conversations/NNS with/IN their/PRP$ flatmates/NNS ?/.
There/EX is/VBZ still/RB another/DT aspect/NN to/TO the/DT whole/JJ business/NN of/IN citations/NNS ./.
Some/DT thirty/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, I/PRP proposed/VBD that/IN the/DT most/RBS relevantly/RB useful/JJ attribute/VBP of/IN citations/NNS was/VBD their/PRP$ exposure/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, the/DT number/NN of/IN people/NNS who/WP ,/, on/IN the/DT basis/NN of/IN readership/NN statistics/NNS ,/, could/MD be/VB assumed/VBN to/TO be/VB reading/NN and/CC listening/VBG to/TO the/DT manifestations/NNS of/IN language/NN presented/VBN in/IN books/NNS ,/, newspapers/NNS ,/, magazines/NNS ,/, and/CC radio/NN and/CC television/NN broadcasts/NNS [/( Word/NNP ,/, XXVI/NNP ,/, 3/CD :/: An/DT Unabridged/NNP Word/NNP Count/VBP of/IN English/NNP ]/) ./.
The/DT exposure/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN would/MD be/VB expressed/VBN as/IN an/DT index/NN number/NN resulting/VBG from/IN the/DT normalization/NN of/IN (/( unwieldily/RB large/JJ )/) numbers/NNS of/IN readers/NNS and/CC listeners/NNS and/CC would/MD be/VB likely/JJ to/TO provide/VB some/DT meaningful/JJ measure/NN of/IN the/DT frequency/NN for/IN a/DT significantly/RB large/JJ percentage/NN of/IN the/DT lexicon/NN ./.
Prior/RB to/TO that/DT ,/, frequencies/NNS had/VBD been/VBN calculated/VBN on/IN the/DT basis/NN of/IN raw/JJ occurrences/NNS in/IN a/DT text/NN selected/VBN by/IN a/DT researcher/NN at/IN whim/NN ,/, though/IN it/PRP must/MD be/VB acknowledged/VBN that/IN the/DT books/NNS (/( at/IN least/JJS )/) selected/VBN for/IN examination/NN were/VBD classics/NNS of/IN literature/NN assumed/VBD to/TO be/VB widely/RB read/VBN ,/, taught/VBD ,/, and/CC used/VBD as/IN models/NNS of/IN effective/JJ expression/NN (/( if/IN one/CD insists/VBZ on/IN avoiding/VBG the/DT concept/NN of/IN good/JJ English/NNP )/) ./.
In/IN resorting/VBG to/TO sources/NNS that/WDT might/MD be/VB justifiably/RB viewed/VBN as/IN natural/JJ language/NN ,/, those/DT who/WP concur/VB with/IN Professor/NNP Greenbaum/NNP 's/POS approach/NN ignore/VBP this/DT important/JJ aspect/NN of/IN citational/NN matter/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB sure/JJ that/DT anyone/NN has/VBZ attempted/VBN their/PRP$ documentation/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP is/VBZ well/RB known/VBN that/IN an/DT enormous/JJ number/NN of/IN clichés/NNS ,/, idioms/NNS ,/, metaphors/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ expressions/NNS used/VBN in/IN everyday/JJ contemporary/JJ speech/NN and/CC writing/VBG derive/VB from/IN the/DT writings/NNS of/IN Shakespeare/NNP and/CC other/JJ contributors/NNS to/TO the/DT imagery/NN and/CC poetry/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN ./.
While/IN their/PRP$ manifestations/NNS undoubtedly/RB appear/VBP in/IN the/DT snatches/NNS of/IN telephone/NN and/CC flatmate/NN conversations/NNS recorded/VBN in/IN the/DT numerous/JJ corpora/NN cited/VBD in/IN the/DT Appendix/NNP to/TO the/DT Grammar/NNP ,/, their/PRP$ exposure/NN is/VBZ virtually/RB asymptotic/JJ to/TO zero/CD ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, there/EX are/VBP some/DT who/WP believe/VBP that/IN we/PRP might/MD be/VB well/RB advised/VBN to/TO attend/VB to/TO what/WP Milton/NNP ,/, Donne/NNP ,/, Dryden/NNP ,/, Jefferson/NNP ,/, Franklin/NNP ,/, Lincoln/NNP ,/, Byron/NNP ,/, Shelley/NNP ,/, Keats/NNP ,/, Austen/NNP ,/, Alcott/NNP ,/, Dickens/NNP ,/, and/CC thousands/NNS of/IN others/NNS have/VBP contributed/VBN to/TO the/DT molding/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN in/IN all/DT its/PRP$ reflexes/NNS and/CC who/WP find/VBP it/PRP difficult/JJ to/TO understand/VB the/DT usefulness/NN to/TO be/VB derived/VBN from/IN an/DT analysis/NN of/IN idle/JJ telephone/NN and/CC flatmate/NN conversations/NNS ,/, student/NN essays/NNS read/VBN by/IN no/DT one/CD other/JJ than/IN the/DT instructor/NN charged/VBN with/IN their/PRP$ marking/VBG ,/, business/NN letters/NNS read/VBN by/IN no/DT one/CD other/JJ than/IN their/PRP$ (/( individual/JJ )/) recipients/NNS ,/, non-printed/JJ examination/NN scripts/NNS exposed/VBN to/TO nobody/NN ,/, social/JJ letters/NNS ,/, classroom/NN lessons/NNS ,/, business/NN transactions/NNS (/( between/IN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, architect/NN and/CC 2/CD clients/NNS and/CC solicitor/NN and/CC client/NN )/) ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
Is/VBZ that/DT lack/NN of/IN representative/NN material/NN what/WP people/NNS want/VBP or/CC expect/VBP from/IN a/DT grammar/NN ?/.
Not/RB I/PRP ,/, to/TO be/VB sure/JJ ./.
Given/VBN a/DT choice/NN ,/, I/PRP should/MD prefer/VB to/TO model/VB my/PRP$ language/NN on/IN the/DT writings/NNS of/IN acknowledged/VBD masters/NNS and/CC on/IN the/DT speech/NN of/IN Roosevelts/NNP and/CC Churchills/NNP rather/RB than/IN on/IN what/WP appears/VBZ in/IN a/DT student/NN essay/NN ./.
I/PRP can/MD make/VB a/DT clinical/JJ observation/NN regarding/VBG the/DT diminution/NN of/IN politeness/NNS in/IN the/DT language/NN ,/, attributable/JJ ,/, perhaps/RB ,/, to/TO the/DT lowering/VBG of/IN the/DT standards/NNS of/IN civility/NN and/CC yielding/VBG ,/, typically/RB ,/, constructions/NNS like/IN Me/PRP and/CC her/PRP$ went/VBD to/TO the/DT park/NN (/( as/IN contrasted/VBN with/IN Her/PRP$ and/CC me/PRP went/VBD to/TO the/DT park/NN ,/, I/PRP suppose/VBP )/) ./.
Also/RB ,/, comments/NNS regarding/VBG standard/NN and/CC nonstandard/NN usage/NN are/VBP absent/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, nothing/NN is/VBZ offered/VBN regarding/VBG the/DT poor/JJ style/NN of/IN the/DT reflexive/JJ pronouns/NNS for/IN I/PRP or/CC me/PRP as/IN in/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP had/VBD obviously/RB been/VBN very/RB carefully/RB planned/VBN with/IN Peter/NNP and/CC myself/PRP in/IN mind/NN [/( p/NN ./.
183/CD ]/) ,/, though/IN why/WRB and/CC is/VBZ italicized/JJ in/IN the/DT original/NN is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO understand/VB ./.
It/PRP may/MD be/VB argued/VBN that/IN in/IN a/DT descriptive/JJ grammar—how/NN can/MD a/DT grammar/NN be/VB anything/NN but/CC descriptive/JJ ?/.
—/NN comment/NN about/IN good/JJ and/CC bad/JJ English/NNP are/VBP anathema/NN ,/, but/CC weasily/RB little/JJ comments/NNS can/MD be/VB inserted/VBN (/( as/IN they/PRP are/VBP in/IN dictionary/JJ usage/NN notes/NNS )/) referring/VBG to/TO careful/JJ speakers/NNS ,/, educated/VBN users/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ peers/NNS ,/, and/CC others/NNS whom/WP users/NNS of/IN a/DT grammar/NN might/MD ,/, conceivable/JJ ,/, wish/VBP to/TO emulate/VB ./.
Thus/RB ,/, rare/JJ is/VBZ the/DT dictionary/JJ that/WDT offers/VBZ infer/NN as/IN a/DT synonym/NN for/IN imply/VBP without/IN some/DT sort/NN of/IN label/NN ./.
Even/RB the/DT permissive/JJ Merriam-/NNP Webster/NNP III/NNP ,/, while/IN remaining/VBG tight-lipped/JJ about/IN usage/NN ,/, condescends/NNS to/TO offer/VB see/VB IMPLY/NNP at/IN definition/NN 4/CD of/IN infer/NN ./.
As/IN those/DT who/WP use/VBP infer/NN for/IN imply/VBP might/MD be/VB somehow/RB stigmatized/JJ in/IN (/( some/DT )/) educated/VBN circles/NNS ,/, failure/NN to/TO report/VB such/JJ a/DT usage/NN leaves/VBZ the/DT suspicious/JJ user/NN of/IN a/DT dictionary/JJ (/( or/CC grammar/NN )/) who/WP has/VBZ the/DT wit/NN to/TO look/VB it/PRP up/RP facing/VBG a/DT serious/JJ lacuna/NN in/IN the/DT information/NN given/VBN about/IN the/DT language/NN ./.
Such/JJ information/NN is/VBZ not/RB prescriptive/JJ or/CC proscriptive/JJ ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ descriptive/JJ of/IN certain/JJ attitudes—right/NN or/CC wrong—about/NN the/DT language/NN and/CC has/VBZ its/PRP$ proper/JJ place/NN in/IN a/DT dictionary/JJ ./.
Comparable/JJ grammatical/JJ usages/NNS merit/VBP mention/NN and/CC appropriate/JJ comment/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT subsection/NN called/VBD Good/NNP English/NNP Greenbaum/NNP makes/VBZ a/DT passing/VBG reference/NN to/TO the/DT aesthetic/JJ use/NN of/IN language/NN [/( 1/CD ./.
10/CD ]/) ;/: but/CC remarks/NNS concerning/VBG artistic/JJ use/NN of/IN language/NN are/VBP notably/RB absent/JJ ,/, presumably/RB lest/IN they/PRP constitute/VBP some/DT sort/NN of/IN value/NN judgment/NN ./.
As/IN we/PRP all/DT know/VBP ,/, the/DT grammar/NN has/VBZ been/VBN distorted/VBN by/IN political/JJ correctness/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, in/IN avoiding/VBG the/DT masculine/JJ pronoun/NN as/IN a/DT pronoun/NN of/IN reference/NN )/) ,/, and/CC ,/, in/IN a/DT rare/JJ opinion/NN ,/, the/DT author/NN concedes/VBZ that/IN constructions/NNS like/IN A/DT Candidate/NNP who/WP wishes/VBZ to/TO enter/VB the/DT School/NNP before/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ eighteenth/NN birthday/NN may/MD be/VB asked/VBN to/TO write/VB to/TO state/VB his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ reasons/NNS can/MD be/VB clumsy/JJ ./.
The/DT basic/JJ question/NN is/VBZ ,/, To/TO what/WP use/NN can/MD such/JJ a/DT book/NN be/VB put/VBN ?/.
[/NN It/PRP is/VBZ with/IN the/DT deepest/JJS regret/NN that/IN we/PRP announce/VBP the/DT sudden/JJ death/NN ,/, on/IN 28/CD May/NNP 1996/CD ,/, of/IN our/PRP$ friend/NN Professor/NNP Greenbaum/NNP ,/, while/IN on/IN a/DT speaking/VBG engagement/NN in/IN Moscow/NNP ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
At/IN first/JJ ,/, the/DT idea/NN that/IN there/EX can/MD be/VB a/DT single/JJ word/NN in/IN English/NNP or/CC in/IN any/DT language/NN that/IN merits/NNS the/DT creation/NN of/IN a/DT 232/CD -/: page/NN volume—directory/NN ,/, rather/RB than/IN dictionary—/NN devoted/VBN to/TO it/PRP exclusively/RB must/MD seem/VB preposterous/JJ ./.
But/CC with/IN the/DT initial/JJ riffle/NN through/IN the/DT pages/NNS of/IN The/DT F/NNP Word/NNP ,/, noting/VBG the/DT different/JJ typefaces/NNS that/IN designate/JJ parts/NNS of/IN speech/NN ,/, definition/NN ,/, date/NN of/IN origin/NN ,/, source/NN ,/, examples/NNS ,/, it/PRP becomes/VBZ evident/JJ that/IN this/DT word/NN is/VBZ the/DT great/JJ workhorse/NN ,/, an/DT old/JJ familiar/JJ in/IN The/DT Life/NNP ,/, and/CC indeed/RB deserving/JJ ./.
The/DT F/NNP Word/NNP ,/, the/DT work/NN of/IN the/DT scholar/NN etymologist/NN who/WP is/VBZ a/DT resident/NN editor/NN in/IN the/DT dictionary/JJ department/NN at/IN Random/NNP House/NNP ,/, proves/VBZ to/TO be/VB a/DT rare/JJ item/NN indeed/RB :/: a/DT comprehensive/JJ ,/, vastly/RB eclectic/JJ ,/, tongue-in-cheek/JJ serious/JJ treatment/NN that/WDT has/VBZ to/TO be/VB the/DT first/JJ and/CC last/JJ word/NN on/IN this/DT world-class/JJ Word/NNP ./.
For/IN the/DT curious/JJ layperson/NN ,/, it/PRP will/MD be/VB a/DT source/NN of/IN amazement/NN and/CC information/NN ,/, a/DT good/JJ deal/NN of/IN it/PRP funny/JJ ,/, including/VBG many/JJ of/IN the/DT anecdote-examples/JJ ,/, but/CC some/DT of/IN it/PRP revealing/VBG and/CC far/RB from/IN funny/JJ ./.
Funny/JJ are/VBP the/DT ingenious/JJ hybrids/NNS ,/, elaborate/VB euphemisms/NNS and/CC novel/NN insult-categories/JJ ./.
Not/RB funny/JJ ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, are/VBP numbers/NNS of/IN sex-related/JJ terms/NNS referring/VBG to/TO actions/NNS or/CC practices/NNS more/RBR traditionally/RB the/DT subjects/NNS of/IN reports/NNS by/IN physicians/NNS ,/, psychiatrists/NNS ,/, the/DT courts/NNS ,/, and/CC ,/, increasingly/RB ,/, stories/NNS in/IN the/DT media/NNS ./.
That/DT some/DT of/IN the/DT terms/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT practices/NNS ,/, are/VBP nearly/RB as/RB old/JJ as/IN printing/NN cuts/NNS or/CC ought/MD to/TO cut/VB the/DT ground/NN out/IN from/IN under/IN those/DT authorities/NNS who/WP attribute/VBP it/PRP all/DT to/TO the/DT '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ '/POS and/CC post-/NN '/" 60/CD s/VBZ '/POS generations/NNS ./.
It/PRP takes/VBZ no/RB more/JJR than/IN a/DT preliminary/JJ skim/VB to/TO suspect/VB what/WP is/VBZ soon/RB substantiated/JJ in/IN the/DT ample/JJ sources/NNS and/CC usages/NNS that/WDT accompany/VB most/JJS entries—that/NN it/PRP is/VBZ within/IN the/DT military/JJ services/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC Great/NNP Britain/NNP ,/, from/IN the/DT times/NNS of/IN the/DT World/NNP Wars/NNPS ,/, that/IN the/DT F-/NNP words/NNS have/VBP their/PRP$ truest/NN homes/NNS ./.
Why/WRB this/DT is/VBZ so/RB might/MD provoke/VB some/DT thought/VBD ./.
Is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT kind/NN of/IN barracks/NN clannishness/NNS ?/.
Certainly/RB it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT macho/JJ ,/, masculine/JJ kind/NN of/IN thing/NN ,/, with/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT touch/NN of/IN adolescent/JJ snobbery/NN in/IN one/CD 's/POS familiarity/NN with/IN a/DT special/JJ treasure/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN snafu/NN or/CC B/NNP ./.
F/NN ./.
D/NNP ./.
(/( q/NN ./.
v/NN ./.
for/IN yourself/PRP )/) ./.
An/DT instance/NN comes/VBZ to/TO mind/VB from/IN the/DT 1941/CD -/: 1946/CD years/NNS lived/VBD in/IN an/DT infantry/NN division/NN ./.
Crossing/NNP the/DT North/NNP Atlantic/NNP in/IN late/JJ 1943/CD ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT nine/CD of/IN us/PRP packed/VBD in/IN a/DT cabin/NN made/VBN for/IN two/CD read/VB aloud/RB a/DT joke/NN in/IN a/DT letter/NN from/IN home/NN :/: A/DT Scotsman/NNP (/( jokes/NNS were/VBD openly/RB ethnic/JJ then/RB )/) on/IN discovering/VBG his/PRP$ near-drowned/JJ son/NN being/VBG resuscitated/JJ yells/VBZ at/IN the/DT exhausted/VBN rescuer/NN ,/, Well/RB and/CC good/JJ ,/, mon/NN ,/, but/CC where/WRB in/IN '/POS ell/NN is/VBZ his/PRP$ hat/NN ?/.
Overnight/NNP it/PRP became/VBD a/DT staple/NN for/IN expressing/VBG ingratitude/NN ,/, greed/NN or/CC pushiness/NNS ,/, properly/RB adapted/VBN of/IN course/NN :/: Say/VB yr/NN chow/NN 's/POS not/RB hot/JJ enough/RB ?/.
Where/WRB 's/POS '/POS is/VBZ fxxxin/NN '/" hat/NN ,/, hey/UH ?/.
And/CC there/EX were/VBD a/DT number/NN of/IN outfits/NN —/NN companies/NNS ,/, battalions/NNS ,/, and/CC at/IN least/JJS one/CD regiment—that/NN claimed/VBD snafu/NN was/VBD coined/VBN solely/RB in-house/JJ ,/, to/TO the/DT point/NN that/IN the/DT division/NN newspaper/NN once/RB actually/RB tried/VBD to/TO authenticate/NN the/DT origin/NN ,/, precipitating/VBG a/DT near/JJ riot/NN ./.
Curious/NNP among/IN the/DT many/JJ curiosities/NNS in/IN this/DT entertaining/JJ work/NN :/: the/DT World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP coinage/NN snafu/NN gets/VBZ only/RB two/CD and/CC a/DT half/NN pages/NNS ./.
The/DT word/NN or/CC term/VB commanding/VBG the/DT second/JJ greatest/JJS coverage/NN is/VBZ an/DT unspeakable/JJ that/WDT is/VBZ evidently/RB spoken/VBN a/DT great/JJ deal/NN ./.
Including/VBG all/DT its/PRP$ usages/NNS ,/, initials/NNS ,/, purposeful/JJ distortions/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, it/PRP fills/VBZ pages/NNS 191/CD to/TO 214/CD ./.
I/PRP ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, would/MD never/RB have/VB suspected/VBN !/.
This/DT book/NN will/MD probably/RB find/VB no/DT reader/NN fully/RB conversant/NN beforehand/RB with/IN even/RB half/PDT its/PRP$ contents/NNS ./.
Who/WP knows/VBZ the/DT distinction/NN between/IN a/DT fxxxface/NN and/CC a/DT fxxxhead/NN ?/.
A/DT big/JJ bonus/NN is/VBZ the/DT funny/JJ and/CC learned/VBD Foreword/NNP by/IN Roy/NNP Blount/NNP ,/, Jr/NNP ./.
Needed/NNP is/VBZ a/DT different/JJ term/NN for/IN humorist/NN Blount/NNP ./.
This/DT one/CD suggests/VBZ the/DT business/NN of/IN being/VBG funny/JJ ,/, and/CC conveys/VBZ nothing/NN of/IN the/DT surprise/NN and/CC delight/NN at/IN observations/NNS that/WDT cause/VBP explosions/NNS of/IN laughter/NN ./.
The/DT Foreword/NNP is/VBZ itself/PRP worth/JJ the/DT price/NN ,/, which/WDT easily/RB makes/VBZ The/DT F/NN Word/NNP a/DT double/JJ bargain/NN ./.
Benedict/NNP B/NNP ./.
Salvationist/NNP ,/, ex-army/JJ bugler/NN ,/, retired/VBD marine/JJ biologist/NN ,/, inventor/NN ,/, paronomasiamaniac/NN ,/, you/PRP name/VBP it/PRP ,/, Zach/NNP Arnold/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN or/CC is/VBZ it/PRP ./.
He/PRP cites/VBZ Byron/NNP 's/POS lines/NNS from/IN Don/NNP Juan/NNP :/: There/EX 's/VBZ music/NN in/IN all/DT things/NNS ,/, if/IN man/NN had/VBD ears/NNS ,/, and/CC then/RB sets/VBZ out/IN with/IN passionate/JJ vim/NN to/TO prove/VB the/DT point/NN ./.
The/DT genial/JJ wheeze/NN was/VBD to/TO construct/VB playable/JJ instrument/NN sculptures/NNS ,/, and/CC to/TO christen/NN them/PRP with/IN music-related/JJ puns/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Tuba/NNP Toothpaste/NNP )/) ./.
Zach/NNP Arnold/NNP is/VBZ fully/RB versed/JJ in/IN the/DT theory/NN and/CC practice/NN of/IN punning/VBG ,/, and/CC clearly/RB has/VBZ it/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ bones/NNS ./.
He/PRP knows/VBZ about/IN Lévi-/NNP Strauss/NNP 's/POS notion/NN of/IN intellectual/JJ do-it-yourself/JJ (/( bricolage/NN )/) ./.
Each/DT of/IN his/PRP$ punstruments/NNS creatively/RB cannibalizes/NNS and/CC recycles/VBZ preexisting/VBG materials/NNS ,/, all/DT that/WDT comes/VBZ to/TO hand/VB ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ fully/RB aware/JJ ,/, too/RB ,/, of/IN the/DT very/RB ancient/JJ tradition/NN of/IN the/DT rebus/JJ ,/, the/DT pictorial/NN pun/NN ./.
Not/RB letting/VBG his/PRP$ own/JJ exuberance/NN run/NN away/RB with/IN him/PRP ,/, he/PRP prudently/RB issues/VBZ a/DT safety/NN warning/NN about/IN the/DT manipulation/NN of/IN tools/NNS and/CC substances/NNS ./.
Throughout/IN ,/, rhetoric/NN ,/, figures/NNS of/IN speech/NN ,/, music/NN ,/, and/CC handymanship/NN feed/NN productively/RB and/CC voraciously/RB off/RP each/DT other/JJ ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT pun/NN is/VBZ ,/, in/IN (/( typically/RB )/) more/JJR senses/NNS than/IN one/CD ,/, first/JJ a/DT mock-up/JJ and/CC then/RB ,/, if/IN it/PRP works/VBZ ,/, a/DT working/VBG model/NN ./.
As/IN Freud/NNP underlined/VBD ,/, playing/VBG on/IN the/DT multiple/JJ meanings/NNS of/IN words/NNS is/VBZ an/DT exercise/NN in/IN thrift/NN :/: two/CD or/CC more/JJR meanings/NNS for/IN one/CD word/NN or/CC phrase/NN ./.
Wit/NNP is/VBZ psychic/JJ economy/NN ./.
In/IN more/RBR technological/JJ terms/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT computer/NN ,/, as/IN Arnold/NNP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT pun/NN enables/VBZ a/DT continuous/JJ flip-flop/NN (/( though/IN flip/JJ gags/NNS often/RB flop/NN )/) ./.
The/DT computer/NN 's/POS version/NN of/IN this/DT is/VBZ a/DT switching/VBG between/IN two/CD stable/JJ states/NNS (/( unstable/JJ mates/NNS )/) ,/, but/CC of/IN course/NN any/DT shuttling/VBG begets/NNS an/DT element/NN of/IN instability/NN ,/, wobble/JJ ,/, neitherone-thing-nor-the-other/JJ ./.
Some/DT Arnoldian/NNP examples/NNS :/: Shoe/NNP Horn/NNP and/CC Soul/NNP Music/NNP ,/, Jello/NNP Dali/NNP ,/, Orange-juice/NNP Harp/NNP ,/, Knocked/NNP Urn/NNP in/IN Sea/NNP (/( did/VBD you/PRP wince/NN ?/.
That/DT is/VBZ a/DT clichéic/JJ ,/, kneejerk/NN reaction/NN ,/, and/CC you/PRP should/MD be/VB ashamed/JJ of/IN yourself/PRP )/) ,/, Valse/NNP Teeth/NNP ./.
Infected/NNP ,/, I/PRP cooked/VBN up/RP :/: Baby/NNP Sitar/NNP ,/, Bad/NNP Vibes/NNP ,/, King/NNP Gong/NNP ,/, Anglo-saxophone/NNP (/( scooped/VBD there/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, by/IN Christine/NNP Brooke-/NNP Rose/NNP )/) ./.
Punning/NNP is/VBZ often/RB ,/, as/IN with/IN the/DT suck-blow/JJ mouth-organ/JJ ,/, vamping/VBG ,/, i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, harping/VBG ,/, extracting/VBG blood/NN out/IN of/IN a/DT victim/NN ,/, or/CC camping/VBG around/IN ./.
The/DT punner/NN like/IN Arnold/NNP prolifically/RB spawns/VBZ neologisms/NNS ,/, inkhorn/NN terms/NNS ,/, even/RB nonce-words/JJ ./.
As/RB well/RB as/IN being/VBG purely/RB verbal/JJ ,/, the/DT pun/NN can/MD be/VB visual/JJ ,/, kinetic/JJ ,/, gestural/NN ./.
Arnold/NNP in/IN fact/NN offers/VBZ useful/JJ tips/NNS (/( patter/NN ,/, stage-business/JJ )/) for/IN performing/VBG his/PRP$ pieces/NNS ,/, rather/RB like/IN the/DT word-balloons/JJ in/IN cartoons/NNS ./.
As/IN it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT humble/JJ ,/, brazen/VB harmonica/NN ,/, he/PRP suggests/VBZ for/IN the/DT repertoire/NN pop/NN songs/NNS of/IN all/DT epochs/NNS or/CC popular/JJ classics/NNS ./.
As/IN always/RB in/IN any/DT collection/NN of/IN wordplays/NNS ,/, many—/NN most—are/NN terrible/JJ or/CC toothless/JJ (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Tuning/NNP Fork/NNP ,/, which/WDT lacks/VBZ the/DT desirable/JJ distance/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD items/NNS suddenly/RB conjoined/JJ )/) ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ fully/RB conscious/JJ of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, for/IN which/WDT he/PRP coins/NNS cacohomonym/NN ./.
Swift/NNP said/VBD that/IN like/IN fleas/NNS ,/, puns/NNS get/VBP everywhere/RB ./.
The/DT impulse/NN in/IN this/DT book/NN is/VBZ macaronic/JJ hybrid/NN ,/, adhocist/NN ,/, ecumenical/JJ ,/, miscegenating/VBG ./.
Example/NN :/: A/DT sabot/NN boat/NN ,/, although/IN one/PRP could/MD use/VB it/PRP on/IN any/DT day/NN of/IN the/DT week/NN and/CC not/RB just/RB on/IN the/DT sabat/NN or/CC shabath/NN ,/, which/WDT immediately/RB tempts/VBZ one/CD to/TO throw/VB the/DT baby/NN out/IN with/IN the/DT shabath/NN ,/, probably/RB the/DT best/JJS solution/NN —/NN if/IN somewhat/RB murky/JJ and/CC not/RB potable—after/NN all/DT ./.
This/DT has/VBZ the/DT pseudo-shamefaced/JJ but/CC essentially/RB brass-necked/JJ mark/NN of/IN the/DT inveterate/JJ punner/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, method/NN in/IN his/PRP$ madness/NN (/( it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN claimed/VBN that/IN puns/NNS introduce/VB lunacy/NN into/IN language/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP was/VBD there/RB all/DT along/IN )/) ,/, and/CC capering/VBG wordcaprice/NN in/IN his/PRP$ pedantry/NN ./.
Brigid/NNP Brophy/NNP pointed/VBD out/IN to/TO me/PRP the/DT musical/JJ puns/NNS in/IN Mozart/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT horns/NNS sound/VBP forth/RB on/IN occasion/NN to/TO intimate/VB cuckoldry/NN ./.
Unlike/IN Onan/NNP ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB myself/PRP a/DT handyman/NN ,/, nor/CC can/MD I/PRP play/VB anything/NN except/IN cricket/NN or/CC hooky/NN ./.
Arnold/NNP ,/, like/IN Georges/NNP Perec/NNP ,/, provides/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ mode/NN d/SYM '/POS emploi/NN ,/, instructions/NNS for/IN use/NN ./.
All/DT you/PRP need/VBP ,/, apparently/RB ,/, is/VBZ a/DT lathe/NN ,/, a/DT sharp/JJ knife/NN ,/, a/DT band/NN saw/VBD (/( not/RB to/TO be/VB confused/VBN with/IN a/DT hawk/NN )/) ,/, manual/JJ dexterity/NN ,/, dedication/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT requisite/JJ amount/NN of/IN the/DT higher/JJR lunacy/NN (/( though/IN ,/, like/IN Hamlet/NNP ,/, Arnold/NNP is/VBZ but/CC mad/JJ northnorth-west/JJ )/) ,/, and/CC you/PRP too/RB could/MD say/VB :/: I/PRP can/MD do/VB that/DT ./.
Gizza/NNP job/NN ./.
This/DT book/NN is/VBZ highly/RB sophisticated/JJ and/CC deeply/RB naive/JJ ,/, just/RB as/IN punning/VBG is/VBZ adult/NN &slash;/NN childish/JJ ,/, iuvenis/NNS senex/NN ;/: ingenuity/NN and/CC ingenuousness/NNS rub/VBP matey/NN shoulders/NNS ./.
All/DT proceeds/NNS go/VBP to/TO the/DT Salvation/NNP Army/NNP ./.
So/RB salve/VB your/PRP$ conscience/NN ,/, and/CC save/VB your/PRP$ soul/NN ,/, by/IN buying/VBG it/PRP ./.
Walter/NNP Redfern/NNP
University/NNP of/IN Reading/VBG
Child/NNP Safety/NNP Prevention/NNP Program/NNP Offers/NNP Little/NNP Sisters/NNP Sound/NNP Strategies/NNS ./.
[/NN From/IN Reaching/VBG Out/IN ,/, newsletter/NN of/IN the/DT Big/NNP Sister/NNP Association/NNP of/IN Greater/NNP Boston/NNP ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Nel/NNP van/NN Dijk/NNP ,/, ./.
A/DT letter/NN from/IN L/NNP ./.
Alan/NNP Swanson/NNP [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 21/CD ]/) claims/NNS that/IN the/DT original/JJ name/NN for/IN the/DT Beatles/NNP was/VBD The/DT Golden/NNP Beatles/NNP ./.
This/DT caught/VBN my/PRP$ eye/NN right/RB away/RB as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT well-known/JJ fact/NN among/IN Beatles/NNP fans/NNS that/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT original/JJ names/NNS for/IN the/DT band/NN was/VBD The/DT Silver/JJ Beatles/NNP ./.
This/DT name/NN appeared/VBD after/IN a/DT few/JJ changes/NNS in/IN line-up/NN of/IN the/DT members/NNS and/CC in/IN their/PRP$ name/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN The/DT Quarrymen/NNP and/CC Johnny/NNP and/CC the/DT Moondogs/NNP ./.
After/IN reading/NN through/IN some/DT Beatles/NNP literature/NN ,/, it/PRP becomes/VBZ obvious/JJ there/EX are/VBP some/DT inconsistencies/NNS as/IN to/TO how/WRB the/DT Beatles/NNP chose/VBD The/DT Silver/JJ Beatles/NNP after/IN calling/VBG themselves/PRP Johnny/NNP and/CC the/DT Moondogs/NNP ,/, though/IN the/DT fact/NN remains/VBZ that/IN they/PRP never/RB called/VBD themselves/PRP The/DT Golden/NNP Beatles/NNP ./.
The/DT best/JJS explanation/NN for/IN the/DT name/NN Beatles/NNP can/MD be/VB traced/VBN directly/RB to/TO the/DT music/NN that/WDT influenced/VBD Lennon/NNP ,/, McCartney/NNP ,/, Harrison/NNP ,/, and/CC Sutcliffe/NNP at/IN the/DT time/NN and/CC to/TO their/PRP$ music/NN idol/NN ,/, Buddy/NNP Holly/NNP ./.
The/DT music/NN of/IN the/DT early/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ in/IN the/DT Liverpool/NNP area/NN was/VBD often/RB referred/VBN to/TO as/IN beat/NN music/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB ,/, modeling/NN themselves/PRP after/IN Holly/NNP 's/POS band/NN ,/, the/DT Crickets/NNP ,/, John/NNP ,/, who/WP could/MD n't/RB resist/VB a/DT pun/NN ,/, suggested/VBD Beatles/NNP as/IN a/DT play/NN on/IN beat/NN music/NN ./.
Where/WRB the/DT Beatles/NNP got/VBD Silver/NN from/IN is/VBZ harder/RBR to/TO trace/VB ./.
One/CD source/NN claims/NNS that/WDT silver/NN was/VBD an/DT obscure/JJ reference/NN to/TO Long/NNP John/NNP Silver/NNP ,/, highlighting/VBG Lennon/NNP 's/POS role/NN as/IN band/NN leader/NN ./.
This/DT proves/VBZ true/JJ when/WRB recalling/VBG other/JJ band/NN names/NNS from/IN the/DT early/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ ,/, such/JJ as/IN Gerry/NNP and/CC the/DT Pacemakers/NNPS ,/, Rory/NNP Storm/NN and/CC the/DT Hurricanes/NNPS ,/, and/CC Derry/NNP and/CC the/DT Seniors/NNP ,/, all/DT names/NNS that/WDT point/NN out/IN that/IN one/CD member/NN was/VBD the/DT leader/NN ./.
Other/JJ people/NNS have/VBP dismissed/VBN the/DT adjective/NN Silver/NN as/IN merely/RB an/DT addition/NN to/TO give/VB the/DT name/NN some/DT flash/VBP ./.
The/DT language/NN of/IN the/DT Beatles/NNP ,/, what/WP they/PRP said/VBD ,/, what/WP they/PRP wrote/VBD about/IN ,/, and/CC first/NN of/IN all/DT what/WP they/PRP called/VBN themselves/PRP ,/, is/VBZ an/DT important/JJ part/NN of/IN Western/JJ culture/NN ./.
Most/JJS authorities/NNS in/IN these/DT matters/NNS [/( cf/NN ./.
Darwin/NNP Ortiz/NNP 's/POS Gambling/NNP Scams/NNP ,/, p/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP just/RB read/VB Mr/NNP ./.
William/NNP H/NNP ./.
Dougherty/NNP 's/POS EPISTOLA/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 2/CD ]/) on/IN the/DT subject/NN of/IN balagan/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP refers/VBZ to/TO a/DT previous/JJ contribution/NN by/IN Milton/NNP Horowitz/NNP ./.
Surely/RB ,/, the/DT vehicle/NN for/IN carrying/VBG the/DT Russian/JJ word/NN into/IN Modern/NNP Israeli/NNP Hebrew/NNP was/VBD Yiddish/JJ !/.
And/CC in/IN Yiddish/JJ ,/, balagan/NN means/VBZ mess/NN ,/, bedlam/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB unknown/JJ ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, that/IN meanings/NNS change/VBP when/WRB words/NNS cross/VBP language/NN frontiers/NNS ,/, and/CC what/WP was/VBD a/DT temporary/JJ booth/NN at/IN a/DT Russian/JJ fair/JJ (/( quite/RB probably/RB a/DT chaotic/JJ ,/, noisy/NN affair/NN )/) becomes/VBZ a/DT mess/NN and/CC a/DT bedlam/NN in/IN Yiddish/JJ ./.
As/IN a/DT lover/NN of/IN Yiddish/JJ ,/, I/PRP hate/VBP to/TO see/VB its/PRP$ influence/NN ignored/VBN in/IN such/JJ a/DT lengthy/JJ etymological/JJ review/NN ./.
[/NN Undoubtedly/NNP ,/, Uriel/NNP Weinreich/NNP would/MD have/VB offered/VBN the/DT same/JJ remark/NN himself/PRP ,/, as/IN his/PRP$ Languages/NNP in/IN Contact/NN (/( 1953/CD )/) made/VBD the/DT point/NN many/JJ times/NNS over/IN ./.
—/NN Editor/NNP ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ piece/NN ,/, The/DT Day/NNP They/PRP Took/NNP the/DT Peck/NNP out/IN of/IN Pecksniffian/NNP [/( XXIII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, Doug/NNP Briggs/NNP observed/VBD ,/, There/EX is/VBZ a/DT movement/NN to/TO decriminalize/NN the/DT meanings/NNS of/IN words/NNS that/WDT once/RB described/VBD criminal/JJ conduct/NN in/IN unmistakable/JJ terms/NNS ./.
Amen/UH ./.
And/CC I/PRP have/VBP an/DT additional/JJ example/NN of/IN what/WP he/PRP means/VBZ ./.
I/PRP am/VBP a/DT child/NN of/IN the/NNP '/POS 20/CD s/VBZ ,/, a/DT time/NN when/WRB those/DT who/WP were/VBD involved/VBN in/IN what/WP was/VBD then/RB (/( I/NN believe/VBP )/) a/DT minuscule/JJ drug/NN problem/NN in/IN the/DT US/NNP were/VBD called/VBN dope/NN fiends/NNS ./.
The/DT implication/NN for/IN a/DT child/NN or/CC youth/NN ,/, quite/RB intentional/JJ I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ ,/, was/VBD that/DT anybody/NN who/WP took/VBD drugs/NNS (/( dope/NN )/) was/VBD not/RB only/RB to/TO be/VB avoided/VBN ,/, but/CC also/RB feared/VBD ./.
To/TO this/DT day/NN I/PRP carry/VBP that/DT reaction/NN to/TO drug/NN users/NNS ./.
Today/NN the/DT use/NN of/IN narcotics/NNS is/VBZ commonly/RB referred/VBN to/TO as/IN doing/VBG drugs/NNS ,/, a/DT phrase/NN that/WDT seems/VBZ to/TO imply/VB a/DT harmless/JJ activity/NN such/JJ as/IN doing/VBG the/DT samba/NN ./.
Alternatively/RB ,/, one/CD perhaps/RB might/MD be/VB into/IN drugs/NNS ,/, as/IN if/IN he/PRP were/VBD dabbling/VBG in/IN one/CD more/RBR little/JJ pastime/NN whose/WP$ attraction/NN would/MD ultimately/RB fade/VB as/IN he/PRP got/VBD into/IN something/NN else/RB ./.
These/DT locutions/NNS would/MD be/VB of/IN little/JJ importance/NN ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, if/IN it/PRP were/VBD not/RB for/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN they/PRP have/VBP been/VBN adopted/VBN by/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT news/NN media/NNS and/CC the/DT entertainment/NN industry/NN ./.
Nobody/NN uses/VBZ dope/NN fiend/NN any/DT more/JJR ,/, even/RB referring/VBG to/TO addicts/NNS who/WP regularly/RB overdose/NN ./.
And/CC in/IN that/DT word/NN overdose/NN we/PRP have/VBP yet/RB another/DT euphemism/NN ,/, do/VBP n't/RB we/PRP ,/, as/IN if/IN there/EX were/VBD such/JJ a/DT thing/NN as/IN a/DT beneficent/NN normal/JJ dose/NN of/IN heroin/NN or/CC crack/VB ./.
As/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Briggs/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB saying/VBG ,/, ideas/NNS have/VBP consequences/NNS ,/, and/CC so/RB do/VBP the/DT words/NNS that/WDT express/VBP them/PRP ./.
On/IN another/DT subject/NN in/IN the/DT same/JJ issue/NN ,/, Ronald/NNP Mansbridge/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Intrusive/NNP S/NNP reminded/VBD me/PRP of/IN another/DT intrusion/NN ,/, or/CC rather/RB a/DT transposition/NN ,/, that/IN I/PRP seem/VBP to/TO be/VB hearing/VBG more/JJR and/CC more/JJR these/DT days/NNS ./.
It/PRP happens/VBZ when/WRB a/DT speaker/NN wants/VBZ to/TO modify/VB the/DT adjective/NN another/DT ,/, and/CC comes/VBZ up/RB (/( turns/VBZ around/RP ?/.
)/) with/IN That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT whole/JJ another/DT subject/NN ./.
Words/NNPS are/VBP fun/NN if/IN we/PRP keep/VBP our/PRP$ tempers—and/NN as/RB long/RB as/IN we/PRP have/VBP VERBATIM/NNP ./.
Pols/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT article/NN in/IN XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD by/IN Jerome/NNP Betts/NNP concerning/VBG names/NNS that/WDT match/VBP their/PRP$ possessors/NNS '/POS professions/NNS ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ triggered/VBN an/DT old/JJ memory/NN from/IN my/PRP$ high-school/NN days/NNS (/( almost/RB 70/CD years/NNS ago/RB )/) when/WRB a/DT teacher/NN cited/VBD ,/, as/RB presumably/RB authentic/JJ ,/, the/DT story/NN of/IN a/DT visitor/NN to/TO a/DT little/RB western/JJ town/NN who/WP noticed/VBD a/DT shingle/NN reading/VBG A/DT ./.
Swindler/NNP ,/, Attorney-at-/NNP Law/NNP ./.
The/DT visitor/NN pointed/VBD out/RP the/DT unfortunate/JJ conjunction/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT lawyer/NN simply/RB protested/VBD that/IN it/PRP was/VBD actually/RB his/PRP$ name/NN ./.
Suggested/NNP the/DT visitor/NN ,/, Why/WRB do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP at/IN least/JJS substitute/NN your/PRP$ whole/JJ first/JJ name/NN for/IN that/DT awful/JJ A/DT ?/.
The/DT lawyer/NN sadly/RB replied/VBD ,/, It/PRP 's/VBZ Adam/NNP ./.
In/IN A/DT Proper/JJ Look/NN at/IN Verbs/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, Nigel/NNP Ross/NNP writes—accurately/RB so—of/NN the/DT pervasion/NN and/CC intrusion/NN of/IN proper/JJ verbs/NNS into/IN our/PRP$ language/NN alongside/IN proper/JJ nouns/NNS and/CC proper/JJ adjectives/NNS ./.
Being/VBG from/IN the/DT European/JJ side/NN of/IN VERBATIM/NNP readership/NN ,/, he/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB aware/JJ of/IN the/DT California/NNP invasion/NN of/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP Northwest/NNP ./.
Thousands/NNS of/IN Californians/NNPS have/VBP relocated/VBN to/TO Washington/NNP and/CC Oregon/NNP for/IN personal/JJ or/CC job-related/JJ reasons/NNS ,/, and/CC many/JJ ,/, many/JJ Washingtonians/NNP and/CC Oregonians/NNP do/VBP not/RB like/IN it/PRP at/IN all/DT ./.
The/DT bumper/NN sticker/NN in/IN the/DT accompanying/VBG photo/NN uses/VBZ a/DT proper/JJ verb/NN to/TO reflect/VB that/IN prevalent/JJ Pacific/NNP Northwest/NNP opinion/NN concerning/VBG their/PRP$ new/JJ ,/, ex-/NN California/NNP neighbors/NNS ./.
In/IN response/NN to/TO Dr/NNP ./.
Murray/NNP Zimmerman/NNP 's/POS review/NN of/IN A/DT Sea/NNP of/IN Words/NNPS [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, I/PRP enclose/NN a/DT copy/NN of/IN The/DT Patrick/NNP O/NNP '/POS Brian/NNP Newsletter/NNP from/IN March/NNP 1994/CD containing/VBG an/DT explanation/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN marthambles/NNS :/:
Marthambles/NNP is/VBZ a/DT very/JJ fine/NN word/NN that/IN I/PRP found/VBD in/IN a/DT quack/UH 's/POS pamphlet/NN of/IN the/DT late/JJ 17/CD th/NN or/CC early/JJ 18/CD th/NN century/NN advising/VBG a/DT nostrum/NN that/WDT would/MD cure/VB not/RB only/RB the/DT strong/JJ fires/NNS and/CC a/DT whole/JJ variety/NN of/IN more/JJR obvious/JJ diseases/NNS but/CC the/DT marthambles/NNS too/RB ./.
I/PRP have/VBP never/RB see/VB it/PRP anywhere/RB else/RB and/CC it/PRP has/VBZ escaped/VBN the/DT OED/NNP ./.
A/DT small/JJ correction/NN is/VBZ in/IN order/NN to/TO Daniel/NNP Temianka/NNP 's/POS Badges/NNP Redux/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 13/CD ]/) :/: for/IN Joseph/NNP Wood/NNP Crutch/NNP read/VBD Krutch/NNP ./.
Bumpersticker/NNP seen/VBN the/DT other/JJ day/NN :/: Illiterate/NNP ?/.
Write/NNP for/IN help/NN ./.
If/IN my/PRP$ Ontario/NNP townsman/NN Mr/NNP ./.
Kurt/NNP Loeb/NNP was/VBD impressed/VBN with/IN the/DT licence/NN plate/NN 2/CD THMD/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 3/CD ]/) ,/, may/MD I/PRP suggest/VB that/IN he/PRP stroll/VBP over/IN to/TO Bathurst/NNP Street/NNP any/DT weekday/NN rush/NN hour/NN and/CC wait/VB for/IN 2/CD TH/NNP LES/NNP to/TO drive/VB by/IN ./.
Primary/JJ ,/, secondary/JJ ,/, and/CC (/( someday/RB ,/, St/NNP ./.
Apollonia/NNP forfend/NN ,/, mine/JJ own/JJ teeth/NNS should/MD fall/VB out/IN )/) tertiary/JJ appropriateness/NN is/VBZ his/PRP for/IN the/DT viewing/VBG ./.
Hilary/NNP Howard/NNP 's/POS article/NN [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD ]/) brings/VBZ up/RP the/DT song/NN A/DT Boy/NNP Named/VBN Sue/NNP ./.
I/PRP knew/VBD a/DT man/NN named/VBD Sue/NNP ,/, a/DT distinguished/VBN attorney/NN in/IN my/PRP$ home/NN town/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP spelled/VBN it/PRP Sioux/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT city/NN of/IN Sioux/NNP Falls/NNP ,/, South/NNP Dakota/NNP ./.
He/PRP named/VBD his/PRP$ daughter/NN Suzanne/NNP ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ son/NN was/VBD named/VBN Bill/NNP ./.
I/PRP also/RB knew/VBD a/DT girl/NN named/VBD Bill/NNP ./.
She/PRP was/VBD called/VBN Billie/NNP ,/, but/CC her/PRP$ given/VBN name/NN was/VBD Bill/NNP Lee/NNP ./.
Her/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS name/NN was/VBD Lee/NNP ,/, and/CC she/PRP was/VBD the/DT third/JJ daughter/NN and/CC last/JJ child/NN in/IN the/DT family/NN ,/, so/IN they/PRP must/MD have/VB given/VBN up/RP on/IN having/VBG a/DT boy/NN who/WP could/MD carry/VB on/IN the/DT father/NN 's/POS name/NN ./.
Marc/NNP A/DT ./.
Schindler/NNP 's/POS potentially/RB important/JJ piece/NN ,/, Elementary/NNP ,/, My/PRP$ Dear/RB Medeleev/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) is/VBZ unfortunately/RB marred/VBN by/IN some/DT bloopers/NNS ./.
Hydrogen/NNP is/VBZ a/DT name/NN of/IN Greek/JJ origin/NN ,/, not/RB Latin/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ called/VBN Wasserstoff/NNP in/IN German/JJ (/( not/RB Wasserstoffe/NNP )/) ./.
Kohlenstoff/NNP (/( not/RB Kohlstoffe/NNP )/) means/VBZ carbon/NN ,/, not/RB charcoal/NN (/( which/WDT is/VBZ Holzkohle/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT German/JJ for/IN oxygen/NN is/VBZ Sauerstoff/NNP (/( not/RB Sauerstoffe/NNP )/) and/CC for/IN nitrogen/NN Stickstoff/NNP (/( not/RB Stickstoffe/NNP )/) ./.
English/JJ nitrogen/NN comes/VBZ from/IN Greek/JJ nitron/NN (/( not/RB natron/NN )/) ./.
The/DT name/NN of/IN gallium/NN is/VBZ not/RB only/RB a/DT pun/NN on/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN its/PRP$ discoverer/NN ,/, Lecoq/NNP de/IN Boisbaudran/NNP ,/, but/CC a/DT patriotic/JJ tribute/NN to/TO his/PRP$ native/JJ country—/NN Latin/NNP Gallia/NNP ,/, Gaul/NNP ,/, France/NNP ./.
The/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT discovery/NN and/CC naming/NN of/IN the/DT lanthanides/NNS (/( the/DT fourteen/CD rare-earth/JJ elements/NNS with/IN atomic/JJ numbers/NNS 58/CD to/TO 71/CD in/IN Mendeleev/NNP 's/POS table/NN )/) is/VBZ fascinating/JJ ./.
In/IN 1788/CD the/DT mineral/NN ytterbite/NN (/( now/RB gadolinite/NN )/) was/VBD discovered/VBN near/IN the/DT Swedish/JJ village/NN (/( not/RB town/NN )/) of/IN Ytterby/NNP ./.
The/DT Finnish/JJ chemist/NN Gadolin/NNP isolated/VBD a/DT new/JJ earth/NN (/( metallic/JJ oxide/NN )/) there/RB in/IN 1794/CD and/CC called/VBD it/PRP yttria/NN ./.
In/IN 1803/CD the/DT Swedish/JJ chemist/NN Berzelius/NNP discovered/VBD another/DT earth/NN and/CC named/VBD it/PRP cerium/NN ,/, for/IN the/DT asteroid/NN (/( minor/JJ planet/NN )/) Ceres/NNP ./.
Take/VB just/RB yttria/NN ./.
In/IN 1843/CD the/DT Swedish/JJ chemist/NN Mosander/NNP analysed/JJ this/DT earth/NN into/IN yttrium/NN proper/JJ ,/, erbium/NN ,/, and/CC terbium/NN ,/, all/DT named/VBN for/IN Ytterby/NNP ./.
In/IN 1878/CD the/DT Swiss/JJ chemist/NN Marignac/NNP further/RBR isolated/VBD ytterbium/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN 1879/CD the/DT Swedish/JJ chemist/NN Cleve/NNP distinguished/VBD holmium/NN (/( named/VBN for/IN Stockholm/NNP )/) and/CC thulium/NN (/( from/IN Thule/NNP ,/, the/DT farthest/JJS land/NN known/VBN to/TO the/DT Greeks/NNPS )/) ./.
In/IN 1886/CD the/DT aforesaid/NN Lecoq/NNP de/IN Boisbaudran/NNP (/( who/WP had/VBD already/RB discovered/VBN gallium/NN in/IN 1875/CD )/) isolated/VBN dysprosium/NN (/( Greek/JJ for/IN difficult/JJ to/TO reach/VB )/) ./.
In/IN 1907/CD the/DT French/JJ chemist/NN Urbain/NNP separated/JJ lutetium/NN from/IN ytterbium/NN ,/, naming/VBG it/PRP for/IN his/PRP$ native/JJ Paris/NNP (/( Roman/NNP name/NN Lutetia/NNP )/) ./.
Cerium/NNP has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, similar/JJ development/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN by/IN the/DT early/JJ 20/CD th/NN century/NN all/DT 14/CD lanthanides/NNS had/VBD been/VBN isolated/VBN ./.
(/( The/DT element/NN with/IN atomic/JJ number/NN 61/CD is/VBZ not/RB found/VBN naturally/RB ,/, and/CC this/DT number/NN was/VBD allocated/VBN to/TO promethium/NN ,/, when/WRB proof/NN of/IN its/PRP$ existence/NN was/VBD confirmed/VBN by/IN American/JJ chemists/NNS ,/, who/WP named/VBD it/PRP for/IN Prometheus/NNP ,/, in/IN Greek/JJ mythology/NN the/DT earliest/JJS teacher/NN and/CC benefactor/NN of/IN mankind/NN ./.
Ex/NNP tempore/NN speakers/NNS ,/, whether/IN private/JJ citizens/NNS unused/JJ to/TO explaining/VBG themselves/PRP before/IN large/JJ groups/NNS or/CC public/JJ figures/NNS long/RB used/VBN to/TO it/PRP ,/, may/MD flounder/VB about/IN when/WRB unexpectedly/RB faced/VBN with/IN camera/NN or/CC microphone/NN ./.
They/PRP may/MD struggle/VB to/TO find/VB the/DT right/JJ word/NN and/CC ,/, if/IN they/PRP succeed/VBP ,/, may/MD mispronounce/NN it/PRP ./.
Such/JJ lapses/NNS ,/, surely/RB ,/, may/MD be/VB forgiven/VBN ./.
Charity/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, does/VBZ have/VB its/PRP$ limits/NNS and/CC cannot/NN be/VB stretched/VBN to/TO cover/VB the/DT following/VBG :/:
crooshible/JJ (/( crucible/NN )/) Coretta/NNP Scott/NNP King/NNP ,/, The/DT Jim/NNP Lehrer/NNP News/NNP Hour/NNP 19/CD February/NNP 1996/CD
debbicle/NN (/( débcle/NN )/) Economist/NNP Paul/NNP Solomon/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 12/CD November/NNP 1994/CD
esculation/NN (/( escalation/NN )/) Indiana/NNP Rep/NNP ./.
Lee/NNP Hamilton/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 5/CD &slash;/NN 31/CD &slash;/NN 95/CD
exasterbated/JJ (/( exacerbated/VBN )/) Military/NNP Historian/NNP Edward/NNP F/NNP ./.
Murphy/NNP ,/, All/DT Things/NNS Considered/VBN ,/, National/NNP Public/NNP Radio/NNP 14/CD April/NNP 1996/CD
heenious/JJ (/( heinous/JJ )/) Portland/NNP (/( Maine/NNP )/) Police/NN Chief/NNP Mike/NNP Chitwood/NNP ,/, NBC/NNP News/NNP 28/CD June/NNP 1996/CD
imbrigglio/NN (/( imbroglio/NN )/) Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP leader/NN Ralph/NNP Reed/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 12/CD June/NNP 1995/CD
inniment/NN (/( imminent/JJ )/) —/NN Military/NNP Historian/NNP Edward/NNP F/NNP ./.
Murphy/NNP ,/, All/DT Things/NNS Considered/VBN ,/, National/NNP Public/NNP Radio/NNP 4/CD &slash;/NN 14/CD &slash;/NN 96/CD
leggislation/NN (/( legislation/NN )/) Eleanor/NNP Holmes/NNP Norton/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 16/CD January/NNP 1995/CD
mischievious/JJ Massachusetts/NNP Senator/NNP John/NNP Kerry/NNP ,/, Mac/NNP Neil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 27/CD April/NNP 95/CD
peripatretic/JJ (/( peripatetic/JJ )/) Alexander/NNP Haig/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 19/CD December/NNP 1994/CD
preemptory/NN (/( either/CC peremptory/JJ or/CC preemptive/JJ ,/, the/DT context/NN did/VBD not/RB reveal/VB which/WDT )/) Alexander/NNP Haig/NNP ,/, MacNeil/NNP &slash;/NN Lehrer/NNP 19/CD December/NNP 1994/CD
un-be-noun-st/JJ (/( unbeknownst/JJ )/) Biologist/NNP John/NNP McChesney/NNP ,/, All/DT Things/NNS Considered/VBN ,/, National/NNP Public/NNP Radio/NNP 23/CD April/NNP 1995/CD
When/WRB the/DT man/NN in/IN the/DT street/NN or/CC his/PRP$ female/JJ counterpart/NN says/VBZ all-mond/JJ (/( almond/NN )/) ,/, beero/NN (/( bureau/NN )/) ,/, callm/NN (/( calm/VB )/) ,/, carmel/NN (/( caramel/NN )/) ,/, cooten/NN (/( could/MD n't/RB )/) ,/, deffly/RB (/( definitely/RB )/) ,/, ditten/NN (/( did/VBD n't/RB )/) ,/, ek/NN cetera/NN (/( et/CC cetera/NN )/) ,/, gore-may/JJ (/( gourmet/NN )/) ,/, prolly/RB (/( probably/RB )/) ,/, putt-ing/JJ (/( putting/VBG )/) ,/, tair-iss/JJ (/( terrorist/JJ )/) ,/, tore-iss/JJ (/( tourist/NN )/) ,/, or/CC commits/VBZ other/JJ and/CC worse/JJR sins/NNS against/IN good/JJ English/NNP and/CC grammar/NN ,/, the/DT listener/NN realizes/VBZ that/IN the/DT vernacular—a/NN dialect/NN ,/, Low/NNP being/VBG spoken/VBN and/CC prolly/RB thinks/VBZ no/DT more/JJR about/IN it/PRP ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT speakers/NNS may/MD never/RB have/VB been/VBN taught/VBN the/DT basics/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ one/CD and/CC only/RB language/NN ,/, their/PRP$ mother/NN tongue/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB ,/, too/RB ,/, they/PRP have/VBP never/RB heard/VBN of/IN dictionaries/NNS ./.
The/DT foregoing/VBG examples/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, were/VBD not/RB drawn/VBN from/IN the/DT street/NN but/CC from/IN the/DT air/NN and/CC were/VBD uttered/VBD by/IN professional/JJ broadcasters/NNS ./.
Is/VBZ there/EX any/DT excuse/NN for/IN broadcasters/NNS who/WP read/VBP their/PRP$ scripts/NNS still/RB managing/VBG to/TO mangle/NN not/RB merely/RB the/DT foreign/JJ names/NNS which/WDT recur/NN daily/JJ but/CC even/RB everyday/JJ words/NNS like/IN nuclear/JJ ?/.
Consider/VB the/DT following/VBG :/:
assessible/JJ (/( accessible/JJ )/) Portland/NNP (/( Maine/NNP )/) NBC/NNP reporter/NN Chris/NNP Rose/NNP 29/CD May/NNP 1996/CD
baffoonish/NN (/( buffoonish/NN )/) Portland/NNP (/( Maine/NNP )/) NBC/NNP News/NNP anchor/VB Cindy/NNP Williams/NNP 28/CD June/NNP 1996/CD
cause/VB celeb/NN (/( cause/VB célèbre/NN )/) former/JJ judge/NN and/CC ,/, during/IN the/DT O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Simpson/NNP trial/NN ,/, a/DT legal/JJ consultant/NN for/IN NBC/NNP Ira/NNP Reiner/NNP February/NNP or/CC March/NNP 1996/CD
coodigrah/NN (/( coup/NN de/IN grâce/NN )/) Ira/NNP Reiner/NNP NBC/NNP 19/CD June/NNP 1995/CD
epitats/NNS (/( epithets/NNS )/) NBC/NNP News/NNP reporter/NN David/NNP Bloom/NNP 29/CD July/NNP 1995/CD and/CC on/IN many/JJ occasions/NNS since/IN ;/: CBS/NNP 60/CD Minutes/NNPS reporter/NN Steve/NNP Croft/NNP 25/CD September/NNP 1994/CD
in-dicked-ment/JJ (/( indictment/NN )/) Lewiston/NNP (/( Maine/NNP )/) NBC/NNP News/NNP reporter/NN Ann/NNP Murray/NNP 6/CD June/NNP 1996/CD
noodging/VBG (/( nudging/VBG )/) All/DT Things/NNS Considered/VBN reporter/NN Terry/NNP Gross/NNP National/NNP Public/NNP Radio/NNP 25/CD May/NNP 1996/CD
On/IN June/NNP 7/CD ,/, 1996/CD ,/, the/DT Maine/NNP Public/NNP Radio/NNP announcer/NN ,/, reading/VBG the/DT midday/NN news/NN report/NN ,/, spoke/VBD of/IN a/DT local/JJ philanthropist/NN who/WP was/VBD doughnutting/VBG something-or-other—/JJ I/PRP did/VBD not/RB learn/VB what/WP because/IN I/PRP was/VBD straining/VBG to/TO understand/VB that/IN mysterious/JJ verb/NN and/CC ,/, too/RB late/JJ ,/, realized/VBD donating/VBG had/VBD been/VBN meant/VBN ./.
In/IN April/NNP 1996/CD ,/, a/DT political/JJ advertisement/NN on/IN television/NN used/VBD the/DT word/NN legislator/NN when/WRB the/DT context/NN made/VBD clear/JJ that/DT legislature/NN was/VBD intended/VBN ./.
That/DT ad/NN disappeared/VBD after/IN a/DT few/JJ days/NNS ;/: I/PRP wish/VBP I/PRP could/MD feel/VB confident/JJ that/IN its/PRP$ removal/NN was/VBD caused/VBN by/IN concern/NN for/IN the/DT language/NN ./.
Again/RB and/CC again/RB one/CD hears/VBZ local/JJ and/CC national/JJ broadcasters/NNS according/VBG an/DT extra/JJ syllable/NN to/TO past/JJ participles/NNS as/IN if/IN the/DT words/NNS were/VBD back-formed/JJ from/IN adverbs/NNS ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, allegèd/NN ,/, assurèd/NN ,/, composèd/NN ,/, markèd/NN ,/, suffusèd/NN ,/, supposèd/NN ./.
NBC/NNP News/NNP anchor/VB ,/, Tom/NNP Brokaw/NNP ,/, who/WP regularly/RB says/VBZ bo/NN `/`` l/NN and/CC Clin/NNP `/`` on/IN ,/, recently/RB introduced/VBD a/DT report/NN on/IN brust/NN cancer/NN ./.
BBC/NNP has/VBZ its/PRP$ Pronunciation/NNP Unit/NNP which/WDT advises/VBZ on/IN usage/NN and/CC pronunciation/NN ./.
Australia/NNP has/VBZ had/VBN its/PRP$ watchdog/NN Standing/VBG Committee/NNP on/IN Spoken/NNP English/NNP ./.
Now/RB we/PRP learn/VBP [/( ANTIPODEAN/NNP ENGLISH/NNP ,/, XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) that/IN SCOSE/NNP is/VBZ being/VBG disbanded/VBN ./.
I/PRP urge/VBP and/CC advise/VB its/PRP$ members/NNS to/TO listen/VB to/TO US/NNP broadcasters/NNS for/IN a/DT week/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
Listen/VB and/CC reconsider/VB your/PRP$ decision/NN ./.
How/WRB long/JJ is/VBZ it/PRP since/IN you/PRP turned/VBD round/NN and/CC gave/VBD someone/NN a/DT good/JJ earful/JJ ?/.
And/CC did/VBD he/PRP or/CC she/PRP turn/VBP round/NN and/CC give/VB as/RB good/JJ as/IN they/PRP got/VBD ?/.
You/PRP might/MD turn/VB round/NN to/TO me/PRP and/CC say/VB you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB what/WP I/PRP 'm/VBP on/IN about/IN ./.
In/IN which/WDT case/NN I/PRP am/VBP liable/JJ to/TO turn/VB round/NN to/TO you/PRP and/CC say/VB ,/, Of/IN course/NN you/PRP do/VBP ./.
Open/NNP your/PRP$ ears/NNS ./.
But/CC beware/VB ./.
You/PRP may/MD find/VB this/DT particular/JJ speech/NN habit/NN to/TO be/VB like/IN the/DT creaking/VBG tree/NN outside/IN the/DT window/NN :/: it/PRP was/VBD always/RB there/EX but/CC you/PRP never/RB heard/VBD it/PRP ./.
Once/RB you/PRP hear/VBP it/PRP you/PRP scarcely/RB hear/VBP anything/NN else/RB ./.
Why/WRB do/VBP we/PRP twist/VBP and/CC spin/VB before/IN we/PRP speak/VBP ?/.
Is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT ritual/NN ?/.
A/DT spell/NN to/TO ward/VB off/RP contradiction/NN ?/.
A/DT dance/NN of/IN selfjustification/NN ?/.
Certainly/RB ,/, it/PRP usually/RB carries/VBZ some/DT hint/NN of/IN aggression/NN ,/, and/CC ,/, as/IN always/RB ,/, vindication/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT mouth/NN of/IN the/DT utterer/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP turn/VBP round/NN and/CC do/VBP it/PRP to/TO me/PRP ,/, it/PRP probably/RB means/VBZ you/PRP are/VBP being/VBG duplicitous/JJ in/IN some/DT way—switching/VBG allegiance/NN ;/: reversing/VBG an/DT opinion/NN ./.
A/DT turncoat/NN ,/, perhaps/RB ./.
She/PRP turned/VBD round/NN and/CC told/VBD me/PRP she/PRP always/RB knew/VBD I/PRP had/VBD the/DT dress/NN sense/NN of/IN a/DT bag-lady/JJ ./.
We/PRP might/MD term/VB this/DT Turning/NNP Round/NNP and/CC Offering/NNP Bare-faced/NNP Cheek/NNP ./.
The/DT orbiting/VBG full/JJ moon/NN ,/, perhaps/RB ./.
Consumer/NN grievances/NNS are/VBP particularly/RB rich/JJ in/IN these/DT audacious/JJ revolutions/NNS ./.
Retailers/NNS seem/VBP to/TO turn/VB round/NN wholesale/JJ on/IN their/PRP$ hapless/JJ customers/NNS with/IN outrageous/JJ demands/NNS ./.
The/DT Gas/NNP Board/NNP turned/VBD round/NN and/CC said/VBD I/PRP had/VBD to/TO pay/VB for/IN their/PRP$ cock-up/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ called/VBN Turning/NNP Round/NNP and/CC Moving/VBG the/DT Goalposts/NNP ./.
If/IN ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, I/PRP turn/VBP round/NN and/CC do/VBP it/PRP to/TO you/PRP ,/, it/PRP probably/RB means/VBZ that/IN I/PRP am/VBP turning/VBG in/IN heroic/JJ defiance/NN ,/, wheeling/NN in/IN righteous/JJ indignation/NN ,/, turning/VBG on/IN my/PRP$ tormentors/NNS ./.
I/PRP turned/VBD round/NN and/CC told/VBD them/PRP I/PRP was/VBD n't/RB going/VBG to/TO take/VB it/PRP lying/VBG down/RB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ known/VBN as/IN Turning/NNP Round/NNP and/CC Standing/VBG One/CD 's/POS Ground/NNP ./.
The/DT average/JJ day/NN 's/POS listening/VBG to/TO talk/VB radio/NN will/MD provide/VB a/DT vertiginous/JJ selection/NN of/IN all/PDT these/DT categories—plus/JJ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT Political/NNP Revolution/NNP ./.
That/DT is/VBZ not/RB ,/, as/RB previously/RB thought/VBD ,/, the/DT overthrow/VB of/IN one/CD faction/NN by/IN another/DT but/CC describes/VBZ those/DT occasions/NNS when/WRB the/DT minister/NN reverses/VBZ his/PRP$ position/NN while/IN claiming/VBG consistency/NN of/IN stance/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ called/VBN Turning/NNP Round/NNP and/CC Steering/NNP a/DT Steady/NNP Course/NNP and/CC appears/VBZ on/IN Page/NNP 1/CD of/IN the/DT Spin/NNP Doctor/NNP 's/POS Manual/NNP ./.
The/DT pièce-de-résistance/JJ of/IN the/DT rotating/VBG phrase/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, came/VBD when/WRB my/PRP$ own/JJ step-daughter/JJ told/VBD me/PRP of/IN an/DT aggravated/VBN duet/NN (/( or/CC should/MD that/WDT be/VB roundelay/NN ?/.
)/) between/IN herself/PRP and/CC her/PRP$ habitual/NN sparring/VBG partner/NN ./.
Thus/RB creating/VBG ,/, in/IN the/DT true/JJ sense/NN of/IN the/DT term/NN ,/, a/DT circular/JJ argument/NN ./.
Dizzying/NNP stuff/NN ,/, eh/NN ?/.
We/PRP 're/VBP tiny/JJ ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP tuney/NN
We/PRP have/VBP n't/RB got/VBN a/DT loonie/NN
Because/IN of/IN Brian/NNP Mulroney/NNP
and/CC the/DT stupid/JJ G/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
T/NN ./.
Mulroney/NNP rhymes/VBZ with/IN loonie/NN ./.
Brian/NNP Mulroney/NNP was/VBD Canada/NNP 's/POS prime/JJ minister/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN ./.
Canada/NNP almost/RB did/VBD n't/RB have/VB a/DT loonie/NN ./.
The/DT original/JJ design/NN for/IN the/DT reverse/JJ side/NN of/IN the/DT coin/NN featured/VBD a/DT voyageur—/NN the/DT same/JJ as/IN on/IN the/DT older/JJR nickel/NN the/DT dies/VBZ were/VBD stolen/VBN on/IN the/DT way/NN to/TO the/DT Royal/NNP Canadian/NNP Mint/NNP in/IN Winnipeg/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT first/JJ coins/NNS were/VBD due/JJ to/TO be/VB minted/VBN ./.
The/DT backup/NN design/NN was/VBD that/IN of/IN a/DT loon—our/NN unofficial/JJ national/JJ bird/NN ./.
Ah/UH ,/, but/CC that/IN unfortunate/JJ name/NN :/: loon/NN as/IN in/IN loony/JJ bin/NN !/.
Although/IN the/DT terms/NNS loonie/NN ,/, a/DT diminutive/JJ noun/NN from/IN loon/NN ,/, and/CC loony/JJ ,/, an/DT adjective/NN (/( ultimately/RB )/) from/IN lunar/NN are/VBP etymologically/RB distinct/JJ ,/, their/PRP$ similarity/NN has/VBZ encouraged/VBN obvious/JJ satirical/JJ connections/NNS :/: our/PRP$ economy/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ loony/JJ ,/, has/VBZ as/IN its/PRP$ fundamental/JJ unit/NN of/IN currency/NN the/DT loonie/NN ;/: many/JJ felt/VBD that/IN the/DT policies/NNS of/IN Brian/NNP Mulroney/NNP were/VBD loony/JJ ./.
In/IN short/JJ ,/, the/DT slang/NN term/NN sprang/VBD up/RB immediately/RB and/CC collectively/RB ,/, and/CC no/DT one/CD person/NN could/MD ever/RB claim/VB to/TO be/VB the/DT inventor/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP may/MD have/VB the/DT dubious/JJ distinction/NN of/IN being/VBG the/DT first/JJ to/TO propose/VB this/DT name/NN in/IN a/DT letter-to-the-editor/JJ published/VBN in/IN Canada/NNP 's/POS newspaper/NN of/IN record/NN ,/, The/DT [/( Toronto/NNP ]/) Globe/NNP and/CC Mail/NNP ,/, on/IN 20/CD February/NNP 1993/CD ,/, long/RB before/IN the/DT Mint/NNP announced/VBD the/DT coin/NN ./.
When/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO counting/VBG ,/, I/PRP have/VBP always/RB been/VBN in/IN awe/NN of/IN French/JJ schoolchildren/NN ./.
How/WRB do/VBP they/PRP manage/VBP to/TO do/VB mental/JJ arithmetic/NN with/IN numbers/NNS such/JJ as/IN quatre-vingtdix-sept/JJ four/CD twenties/NNS plus/CC seventeen/NN and/CC soixante-quinze/JJ sixty/NN plus/CC fifteen/NN ,/, which/WDT require/VBP mental/JJ agility/NN just/RB to/TO translate/VB them/PRP into/IN the/DT figures/NNS 97/CD and/CC 75/CD ?/.
The/DT comparable/JJ English/NNP three/CD score/NN years/NNS and/CC ten/CD is/VBZ certainly/RB more/RBR poetic/JJ than/IN the/DT simpler/JJR seventy/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP doubt/VBP whether/IN it/PRP was/VBD ever/RB used/VBN in/IN calculations/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ admiration/NN for/IN the/DT French/JJ has/VBZ ,/, however/RB ,/, paled/VBD into/IN insignificance/NN since/IN I/PRP started/VBD learning/VBG to/TO count/VB money/NN in/IN Mina/NNP ,/, a/DT language/NN spoken/VBN in/IN Togo/NNP and/CC parts/NNS of/IN Benin/NNP and/CC Ghana/NNP ./.
I/PRP was/VBD astounded/JJ to/TO realize/VB that/IN illiterate/JJ market/NN women/NNS (/( Benin/NNP has/VBZ an/DT illiteracy/NN rate/NN of/IN over/IN 75/CD %/NN )/) happily/RB multiply/VB five/CD by/IN thirteen/NN and/CC add/VB one/CD hundred/CD while/IN my/PRP$ brain/NN is/VBZ still/RB struggling/VBG to/TO work/VB out/IN whether/IN this/DT comes/VBZ to/TO more/JJR or/CC less/JJR than/IN 150/CD ./.
Counting/VBG money/NN in/IN Mina/NNP involves/VBZ using/VBG multiples/NNS of/IN five/CD as/RB far/RB as/IN twenty-five/JJ and/CC then/RB using/VBG a/DT combination/NN of/IN multiples/NNS of/IN twenty-five/JJ and/CC five/CD as/RB far/RB as/IN one/CD hundred/CD ./.
Even/RB numbers/NNS greater/JJR than/IN 100/CD are/VBP sometimes/RB expressed/VBN as/IN multiples/NNS of/IN twenty-five/JJ ./.
This/DT means/VBZ that/IN 180/CD CFA/NNP francs/NNS can/MD be/VB expressed/VBN as/IN one/CD hundred/CD plus/CC sixteen/NN fives/NNS ,/, or/CC as/IN one/CD hundred/CD plus/CC three/CD twenty-fives/JJ plus/CC five/CD ,/, or/CC yet/RB again/RB as/IN seven/CD twenty-fives/JJ plus/CC five/CD ./.
After/IN this/DT humbling/VBG experience/NN I/PRP am/VBP inclined/VBN to/TO review/VB my/PRP$ earlier/JJR belief/NN that/IN French/JJ children/NNS must/MD be/VB at/IN a/DT disadvantage/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO mental/JJ arithmetic/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, children/NNS who/WP grow/VBP up/RP speaking/VBG a/DT language/NN such/JJ as/IN French/JJ or/CC Mina/NNP ,/, which/WDT obliges/VBZ them/PRP to/TO make/VB connections/NNS between/IN numbers/NNS and/CC introduces/VBZ them/PRP to/TO multiples/NNS at/IN a/DT very/RB early/JJ age/NN ,/, probably/RB take/VB to/TO arithmetic/NN faster/RBR than/IN those/DT who/WP plod/NN along/IN adding/VBG one/CD to/TO the/DT previous/JJ number/NN ad/NN infinitum/NN ./.
Roughly/RB two-thirds/NNS of/IN the/DT way/NN through/IN the/DT enthralling/VBG Edo/NNP show/NN at/IN the/DT National/NNP Gallery/NNP of/IN Art/NNP ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT glass/NN case/NN containing/VBG two/CD outsize/NN dishes/NNS ,/, each/DT a/DT couple/NN of/IN feet/NNS in/IN diameter/NN ./.
White/NNP and/CC cobalt/NN blue/JJ ,/, these/DT porcelain/NN dishes/NNS have/VBP as/IN their/PRP$ decoration/NN fanciful/JJ maps/NNS of/IN the/DT world/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT islands/NNS of/IN Japan/NNP in/IN the/DT center/NN ./.
Like/IN Saul/NNP Steinberg/NNP 's/POS famous/JJ map/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS from/IN the/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS point/NN of/IN view/NN ,/, these/DT maps/NNS relegate/NN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN to/TO the/DT truncated/JJ periphery/NN ,/, with/IN such/JJ speculative/JJ identifications/NNS as/RB the/DT "/" Land/NNP of/IN Dwarves/NNP "/" and/CC the/DT "/" Land/NNP of/IN Women/NNP ./.
"/" Of/IN course/NN ,/, by/IN the/DT 1830/CD s/VBZ ,/, when/WRB these/DT dishes/NNS were/VBD made/VBN ,/, the/DT Japanese/NN knew/VBD better/JJR but/CC ,/, like/IN Steinberg/NNP 's/POS ,/, the/DT maps/NNS capture/NN the/DT cultural/JJ confidence/NN of/IN the/DT playfully/RB arrogant/JJ islander/NN ./.
The/DT humiliating/JJ visit/NN of/IN the/DT black/JJ ships/NNS of/IN Commodore/NNP Matthew/NNP Perry/NNP ,/, demanding/VBG trade/NN rights/NNS and/CC treaty/NN concessions/NNS for/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, was/VBD still/RB two/CD decades/NNS away/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT Japanese/NN could/MD retain/VB for/IN a/DT little/JJ longer/RBR the/DT illusion/NN that/IN their/PRP$ two/CD centuries/NNS of/IN peace/NN and/CC feudal/JJ harmony/NN would/MD last/VB forever/RB ./.
By/IN 1868/CD ,/, when/WRB Edo/NNP was/VBD renamed/VBN Tokyo/NNP ,/, the/DT dream/NN was/VBD shattered/VBN ,/, and/CC Japan/NNP began/VBD the/DT hard/JJ work/NN of/IN entering/VBG the/DT modern/JJ world/NN ./.
"/" Edo/NNP :/: Art/NNP in/IN Japan/NNP 1615/CD -/: 1868/CD ,/, "/" expertly/RB organized/VBN by/IN Robert/NNP T/NN ./.
Singer/NNP of/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP County/NNP Museum/NNP of/IN Art/NNP ,/, shows/VBZ off/IN roughly/RB 300/CD objects/NNS from/IN this/DT peaceful/JJ interlude/NN ./.
Almost/RB all/DT are/VBP from/IN Japanese/JJ collections/NNS ,/, and/CC many/JJ are/VBP designated/VBN as/IN "/" National/NNP Treasures/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT Edo/NNP period/NN extended/VBN from/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT civil/JJ wars/NNS of/IN the/DT 16/CD th/NN century/NN (/( the/DT source/NN of/IN all/DT samurai/NN films/NNS )/) and/CC the/DT consolidation/NN of/IN power/NN under/IN the/DT warlord/NN Tokugawa/NNP Ieyasu/NNP ,/, to/TO the/DT Meiji/NNP Restoration/NNP ,/, when/WRB Japan/NNP adopted/VBD something/NN resembling/VBG a/DT parliamentary/JJ monarchy/NN under/IN the/DT emperor/NN ./.
The/DT successive/JJ Tokugawa/NNP leaders/NNS established/VBD their/PRP$ power/NN base/NN around/IN their/PRP$ castle/NN in/IN Edo/NNP and/CC developed/VBD a/DT clever/JJ system/NN of/IN keeping/VBG the/DT feudal/JJ lords/NNS (/( the/DT daimyo/NN )/) under/IN their/PRP$ tributary/JJ thumb/NN ./.
The/DT daimyo/NN were/VBD required/VBN to/TO spend/VB alternate/JJ years/NNS in/IN Edo/NNP ,/, while/IN their/PRP$ families/NNS lived/VBD there/EX all/PDT the/DT time/NN ,/, as/IN hostages/NNS of/IN sorts/NNS ./.
This/DT arrangement/NN called/VBN for/IN constant/JJ traveling/VBG ,/, and/CC these/DT travels/VBZ to/TO and/CC from/IN Edo/NNP were/VBD carried/VBN out/IN with/IN a/DT good/JJ deal/NN of/IN pomp/NN and/CC circumstance/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN the/DT objects/NNS on/IN display/NN in/IN the/DT National/NNP Gallery/NNP derive/VB from/IN these/DT ceremonial/JJ processions/NNS ./.
There/EX are/VBP cases/NNS filled/VBN with/IN elaborate/VB and/CC witty/JJ helmets/NNS from/IN the/DT early/JJ 17/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, shaped/VBN like/IN the/DT knobby/NN turbo/NN seashell/NN or/CC with/IN rabbit/NN ears/NNS appended/VBN ;/: swords/NNS designed/VBD more/JJR to/TO impress/VB than/IN to/TO kill/VB ;/: saddles/NNS decorated/VBN with/IN such/JJ whimsical/JJ and/CC hardly/RB threatening/VBG motifs/NNS as/IN powder/NN puffs/NNS and/CC cosmetic/JJ brushes/NNS ./.
The/DT layout/NN of/IN the/DT show/NN is/VBZ neither/DT by/IN chronology/NN nor/CC by/IN medium/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT big/JJ thematic/JJ divisions--/JJ "/" Style/NN ,/, "/" "/" Samurai/NNP ,/, "/" "/" Travel/NNP and/CC Landscape/NNP ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT like--give/JJ the/DT impression/NN that/DT time/NN stood/VBD still/RB ./.
Politically/RB ,/, and/CC to/TO some/DT extent/NN artistically/RB ,/, the/DT impression/NN is/VBZ accurate/JJ ./.
(/( A/DT survey/NN of/IN American/JJ art/NN from/IN the/DT landing/NN of/IN the/DT Pilgrim/NNP Fathers/NNS to/TO the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT Civil/NNP War--the/NNP chronological/JJ extent/NN of/IN the/DT Japan/NNP show--would/JJ look/NN ridiculous/JJ laid/VBN out/IN on/IN a/DT similar/JJ model/NN ./.
)/) From/IN the/DT stunning/JJ rooms/NNS of/IN the/DT Style/NN section/NN ,/, you/PRP ascend/NN one/CD of/IN I/PRP ./.
M/NNP ./.
Pei/NNP 's/POS sky-lit/JJ spiral/NN staircases/NNS (/( transformed/VBN into/IN a/DT bamboo/NN and/CC pebble/JJ grove/NN )/) to/TO the/DT more/RBR austere/JJ world/NN of/IN Samurai/NNP ,/, "/" Work/NN ,/, "/" and/CC "/" Religion/NNP and/CC Festivals/NNP ./.
"/" All/DT seems/VBZ orderly/JJ and/CC timeless/JJ ,/, just/RB as/IN the/DT Tokugawa--with/NNP their/PRP$ xenophobia/NN and/CC rigid/JJ social/JJ class/NN boundaries--wanted/JJ it/PRP ./.
Toward/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT show/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, especially/RB in/IN the/DT section/NN devoted/VBN to/TO entertainment/NN ,/, a/DT sense/NN of/IN historical/JJ change/NN enters/VBZ in/IN ./.
In/IN the/DT pleasure/NN quarter/NN of/IN Edo/NNP ,/, the/DT feudal/JJ divisions/NNS between/IN commoners/NNS and/CC nobility/NN broke/VBD down/RB ,/, and/CC this/DT "/" floating/VBG world/NN "/" gave/VBD birth/NN to/TO new/JJ and/CC vigorous/JJ forms/NNS of/IN popular/JJ entertainment/NN ./.
Sumo/NNP wrestlers/NNS and/CC Kabuki/NNP actors/NNS were/VBD the/DT celebrities/NNS ,/, and/CC artists/NNS advertised/VBD their/PRP$ prowess/NN in/IN cheap/JJ color/NN woodblock/NN prints/NNS (/( see/VB Katsukawa/NNP Shun/NNP '/POS ei/NN 's/VBZ The/DT Sumo/NNP Wrestlers/NNP Kajihama/NNP and/CC Jinmaku/NNP ,/, circa/NN 1790/CD ,/, and/CC Toshusai/NNP Sharaku/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Kabuki/NNP Actor/NNP Otani/NNP Oniji/NNP III/NNP as/IN the/DT Servant/NNP Edohei/NNP ,/, 1794/CD )/) ./.
From/IN the/DT start/NN of/IN the/DT show/NN ,/, two/CD opposing/VBG tendencies/NNS are/VBP immediately/RB evident/JJ ./.
One/CD is/VBZ the/DT retreat/NN from/IN materialism/NN and/CC the/DT modern/JJ city/NN into/IN a/DT monochromatic/JJ refuge/NN of/IN meditative/JJ calm/NN ./.
This/DT tendency/NN is/VBZ associated/VBN with/IN Zen/NNP and/CC looks/VBZ back/RB to/TO the/DT tradition/NN of/IN the/DT scholar-aesthete/JJ hermit/NN imported/VBD centuries/NNS earlier/RBR from/IN China/NNP ./.
Everything/NN is/VBZ pared/VBN down/RB ,/, black-and-white/JJ ,/, elemental/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT finest/JJS of/IN all/DT Zen/NNP paintings/NNS are/VBP on/IN view/NN in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, including/VBG the/DT bare-bones/JJ Circle/NNP ,/, Triangle/NNP ,/, Square/NNP ,/, by/IN Sengai/NNP Gibon/NNP ,/, perhaps/RB the/DT single/JJ most/RBS famous/JJ Zen/NNP image/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT other/JJ extreme/NN is/VBZ the/DT eager/JJ embrace/VB of/IN urban/JJ chaos/NN ,/, masquerade/NN ,/, and/CC color/NN ./.
The/DT woodblock/NN prints/NNS of/IN the/DT late/JJ 18/CD th/NN century/NN adopt/VB technicolored/JJ effects/NNS drawn/VBN from/IN many/JJ different/JJ traditions/NNS ,/, including/VBG Western/NNP perspective--which/JJ struck/VBD Japanese/JJ artists/NNS as/IN a/DT tricky/JJ and/CC artificial/JJ set/NN of/IN rules/NNS ./.
Both/DT these/DT contrasting/VBG traditions/NNS ,/, Zen/NNP austerity/NN and/CC floating-world/JJ carnival/NN ,/, brought/VBN about/IN a/DT greater/JJR individualism/NN in/IN Japanese/JJ art/NN ./.
Zen/NNP masters/NNS were/VBD known/VBN for/IN their/PRP$ eccentric/JJ and/CC unpredictable/JJ behavior/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT kindred/JJ idiosyncrasy/NN was/VBD valued/VBN in/IN the/DT Edo/NNP demimonde/NN ./.
In/IN all/PDT the/DT sections/NNS of/IN the/DT show/NN ,/, even/RB the/DT least/JJS conducive/JJ to/TO frivolity/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ an/DT element/NN of/IN playfulness/NN and/CC oddball/NN aesthetic/JJ daring/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT Religion/NNP and/CC Festivals/NNP section/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, one/CD finds/VBZ among/IN pictures/NNS of/IN Buddhas/NNP and/CC Shinto/NNP deities/NNS (/( see/VB Ogata/NNP Korin/NNP ,/, Gods/NNS of/IN Wind/NNP and/CC Thunder/NNP )/) a/DT large/JJ ink-brushed/JJ hanging/NN scroll/NN depicting/VBG nothing/NN but/CC vegetables/NNS (/( Ito/NNP Jakuchu/NNP ,/, Vegetable/NNP parinirvana/NN ,/, circa/NN 1780/CD )/) ./.
In/IN the/DT center/NN is/VBZ a/DT long/JJ white/JJ radish/NN with/IN forked/VBN roots/NNS ,/, surrounded/VBN by/IN melons/NNS and/CC gourds/NNS and/CC turnips/NNS and/CC squash/NN ./.
This/DT painting/NN ,/, as/IN any/DT 18/CD th/NN century/NN viewer/NN would/MD recognize/VB ,/, is/VBZ a/DT parody/NN of/IN scenes/NNS of/IN the/DT dying/VBG Buddha/NNP surrounded/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ followers/NNS ./.
And/CC yet/RB ,/, this/DT painting/NN of/IN mourning/VBG vegetables/NNS has/VBZ a/DT peculiar/JJ gravity/NN about/IN it/PRP ./.
Jakuchu/NNP ,/, a/DT vegetarian/NN who/WP managed/VBD his/PRP$ family/NN 's/POS vegetable/NN business/NN ,/, seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB taken/VBN vegetables/NNS pretty/RB seriously/RB ./.
More/RBR obvious/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ intent/NN to/TO amuse/VBP is/VBZ a/DT striking/JJ 19/CD th/NN century/NN Kabuki/NNP costume/JJ with/IN a/DT shoot-me-here/JJ target/NN on/IN the/DT back/NN and/CC an/DT arrow/NN through/IN the/DT bull/NN '/" s-eye/JJ ./.
Here/RB again/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, there/EX is/VBZ an/DT appealing/VBG restraint/NN in/IN the/DT elegant/JJ design/NN and/CC muted/VBN greens/NNS of/IN the/DT costume/NN ./.
The/DT most/JJS satisfying/VBG objects/NNS in/IN the/DT Edo/NNP show/NN are/VBP those/DT that/WDT find/VBP ways/NNS to/TO reconcile/VB the/DT two/CD opposing/VBG tendencies--/JJ Zenlike/NNP austerity/NN and/CC floating-world/JJ flamboyance--of/JJ the/DT period/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ another/DT reason/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, for/IN the/DT extraordinary/JJ pleasures/NNS this/DT exhibition/NN provides/VBZ ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ the/DT uncanny/JJ familiarity/NN of/IN Japanese/JJ art/NN for/IN Western/JJ viewers/NNS ./.
Exotic/NNP and/CC remote/JJ as/IN this/DT island/NN world/NN was/VBD ,/, it/PRP had/VBD a/DT special/JJ appeal/NN for/IN late/JJ 19/CD th/NN century/NN Europeans/NNPS and/CC Americans/NNPS ./.
Impressionism/NN ,/, the/DT most/RBS popular/JJ of/IN all/DT Western/JJ art/NN movements/NNS ,/, is/VBZ inconceivable/JJ without/IN the/DT provocation/NN of/IN Japanese/JJ art/NN ./.
The/DT Edo/NNP show/NN includes/VBZ the/DT woodblock/NN print/NN depicting/VBG an/DT angular/NN courtesan/NN (/( by/IN Keisai/NNP Eisen/NNP )/) that/IN Vincent/NNP van/NN Gogh/NNP used/VBD as/IN the/DT basis/NN for/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ painting/NN (/( The/DT Courtesan/NNP ,/, 1887/CD )/) ,/, now/RB on/IN view/NN in/IN the/DT van/NN Gogh/NNP show/NN elsewhere/RB in/IN the/DT National/NNP Gallery/NNP ./.
Because/IN of/IN the/DT tremendous/JJ vogue/NN of/IN such/JJ images/NNS ,/, collected/VBN and/CC reworked/VBN by/IN Edgar/NNP Degas/NNP and/CC Claude/NNP Monet/NNP and/CC Mary/NNP Cassatt/NNP and/CC then/RB adopted/VBN in/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ popular/JJ culture/NN ,/, we/PRP recognize/VBP immediately/RB the/DT polymorphous/JJ personae/NN of/IN the/DT floating/VBG world--the/JJ sumo/NN wrestlers/NNS ,/, the/DT geisha/NN and/CC her/PRP$ admirers/NNS (/( see/VB Kitagawa/NNP Utamaro/NNP ,/, The/DT Mosquito/NNP Net/NN ,/, circa/NN 1797/CD )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT swashbuckling/VBG samurai/NN ./.
And/CC which/WDT of/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ mountains/NNS is/VBZ more/RBR familiar/JJ to/TO us/PRP than/IN the/DT cone/NN of/IN Mount/NNP Fuji/NNP ?/.
The/DT nomadic/JJ traveler/NN Lafcadio/NNP Hearn/NNP compared/VBD it/PRP to/TO an/DT inverted/JJ half-open/JJ fan/NN ,/, or/CC "/" some/DT exquisite/JJ sloping/VBG of/IN shoulders/NNS toward/IN the/DT neck/NN ./.
"/" In/IN Katsushika/NNP Hokusai/NNP 's/POS Sudden/NNP Wind/NNP on/IN a/DT Clear/NNP Day/NNP (/( circa/NN 1830/CD -/: 1832/CD )/) ,/, the/DT wind/NN has/VBZ exposed/VBN the/DT whole/JJ sweep/NN of/IN the/DT landscape/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT visible/JJ grain/NN of/IN the/DT wood/NN reads/VBZ as/IN the/DT ridges/NNS of/IN the/DT mountainside/NN ./.
Returning/NNP to/TO those/DT playful/JJ ceramic/JJ maps/NNS of/IN the/DT world/NN ,/, one/CD notices/NNS that/IN the/DT artist/NN has/VBZ dipped/VBN his/PRP$ brush/NN in/IN blue/JJ and/CC painted/VBD the/DT profile/NN of/IN Fuji/NNP on/IN the/DT main/JJ island/NN of/IN Japan/NNP ./.
For/IN a/DT split/NN second/JJ it/PRP 's/VBZ possible/JJ to/TO imagine/VB that/IN it/PRP really/RB is/VBZ the/DT center/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
Now/RB that/IN Congress/NNP and/CC President/NNP Clinton/NNP have/VBP opted/VBN to/TO use/VB the/DT threat/NN of/IN utter/JJ destitution/NN to/TO dissuade/VB poor/JJ teen-agers/NNS and/CC women/NNS from/IN having/VBG children/NNS on/IN the/DT public/JJ dole/VB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ time/NN to/TO revive/VB a/DT more/JJR humane/NN ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB more/RBR effective/JJ ,/, proposal/NN with/IN the/DT same/JJ objective/NN ./.
This/DT idea/NN surfaced/VBD briefly/NN and/CC spectacularly/RB in/IN 1990/CD ,/, when/WRB the/DT Philadelphia/NNP Inquirer/NNP suggested/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN perhaps/RB some/DT welfare/NN mothers/NNS should/MD be/VB "/" offered/VBD an/DT increased/VBN benefit/NN "/" if/IN they/PRP would/MD agree/VB to/TO practice/VB effective/JJ birth/NN control--specifically/JJ ,/, to/TO use/VB the/DT then-new/JJ Norplant/NNP contraceptive/NN ,/, which/WDT prevents/VBZ pregnancy/NN for/IN five/CD years/NNS after/IN being/VBG implanted/VBN under/IN the/DT skin/NN of/IN the/DT upper/JJ arm/NN ./.
An/DT uproar/NN followed/VBN ./.
The/DT editorial/NN writers--who/JJ had/VBD insensitively/RB suggested/VBN a/DT desire/NN to/TO reduce/VB births/NNS of/IN poor/JJ black/JJ babies/NNS in/IN particular--were/JJ savaged/JJ by/IN many/JJ Inquirer/NNP staffers/NNS and/CC others/NNS as/IN racist/JJ advocates/NNS of/IN eugenics/NNS ,/, even/RB of/IN "/" genocide/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP also/RB caught/VBD it/PRP from/IN some/DT abortion-rights/NNS zealots/NNS ,/, who/WP are/VBP suspicious/JJ of/IN any/DT government/NN efforts/NNS to/TO influence/VB reproductive/JJ choices/NNS ,/, and/CC from/IN conservatives/NNS ,/, who/WP think/VBP the/DT only/RB proper/JJ way/NN to/TO discourage/VB teen/JJ pregnancy/NN is/VBZ to/TO preach/VB abstinence/NN ./.
The/DT newspaper/NN abjectly/RB apologized/VBD for/IN a/DT "/" misguided/JJ and/CC wrongheaded/JJ editorial/NN opinion/NN ./.
"/" And/CC ever/RB since/RB ,/, the/DT whole/JJ subject/NN has/VBZ been/VBN taboo/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB a/DT good/JJ idea/NN ,/, for/IN poor/JJ girls/NNS and/CC women/NNS themselves/PRP ,/, and/CC for/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN us/PRP ./.
Millions/NNS of/IN babies/NNS are/VBP being/VBG born/VBN to/TO poor/JJ teen-agers/NNS so/RB lacking/VBG in/IN elementary/JJ skills/NNS ,/, work/NN habits/NNS ,/, and/CC self-discipline/NN that/IN they/PRP are/VBP unlikely/JJ to/TO be/VB either/CC responsible/JJ parents/NNS or/CC self-supporting/JJ providers/NNS ./.
Many/JJ of/IN these/DT babies/NNS grow/VBP up/RB in/IN squalor/NN and/CC themselves/PRP become/VBP dependent/JJ denizens/NNS of/IN the/DT welfare/NN culture/NN ./.
The/DT only/RB realistic/JJ hope/NN for/IN breaking/VBG the/DT bleak/JJ cycle/NN of/IN teen/JJ pregnancy/NN and/CC welfare/NN dependency/NN is/VBZ to/TO find/VB ways/NNS to/TO persuade/VB poor/JJ teen-agers/NNS not/RB to/TO have/VB babies--at/JJ least/JJS ,/, not/RB until/IN they/PRP are/VBP old/JJ enough/RB ,/, and/CC capable/JJ enough/RB ,/, and/CC self-supporting/JJ enough/RB to/TO provide/VB a/DT decent/JJ home/NN life/NN ./.
But/CC nobody--nobody--has/JJ any/DT great/JJ ideas/NNS for/IN realizing/VBG this/DT hope/VBP ,/, short/JJ of/IN reverting/VBG to/TO the/DT cruelest/NN ,/, let-/NN '/" em-starve/JJ brand/NN of/IN social/JJ Darwinism/NNP ./.
Thoughtful/NNP progressives/NNS like/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Daniel/NNP Patrick/NNP Moynihan/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, have/VBP properly/RB stressed/VBN the/DT need/NN to/TO push/VB welfare/NN mothers/NNS into/IN jobs/NNS and/CC job-training/NN programs/NNS ./.
This/DT makes/VBZ sense/NN because/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT women/NNS will/MD rise/VB to/TO the/DT occasion/NN ,/, learn/VBP the/DT work/NN ethic/JJ ,/, and/CC become/VB self-supporting/JJ ./.
And/CC others/NNS may/MD be/VB dissuaded/JJ from/IN having/VBG children/NNS by/IN the/DT prospect/NN of/IN being/VBG required/VBN to/TO work/VB ./.
But/CC (/( as/IN Moynihan/NNP acknowledges/VBZ )/) many/JJ welfare/NN mothers/NNS are/VBP so/RB crippled/VBN by/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ early/JJ childhood/NN environments/NNS as/IN to/TO be/VB essentially/RB unemployable/JJ ,/, no/DT matter/NN how/WRB well-financed/JJ and/CC well-run/JJ the/DT jobs/NNS programs/NNS and/CC related/VBN counseling/NN ,/, training/NN ,/, and/CC child-care/JJ programs/NNS ./.
And/CC under/IN the/DT harsh/JJ new/JJ welfare/NN reform/NN ,/, the/DT jobs/NNS programs/NNS will/MD not/RB be/VB well/RB financed/VBN ./.
It/PRP appears/VBZ that/IN millions/NNS of/IN welfare/NN mothers/NNS and/CC children/NNS will/MD simply/RB be/VB cut/VBN off--unable/JJ to/TO get/VB or/CC hold/VB jobs/NNS ,/, and/CC left/VBD to/TO beg/VB from/IN relatives/NNS and/CC strangers/NNS ,/, to/TO steal/VB what/WP they/PRP can/MD ,/, even/RB to/TO sleep/VB on/IN the/DT streets/NNS ,/, depending/VBG on/IN how/WRB much/JJ Calcutta-style/NNP misery/NN the/DT taxpayers/NNS are/VBP willing/JJ to/TO tolerate/VB ./.
Given/VBN the/DT stark/JJ ugliness/NNS of/IN trying/VBG to/TO end/VB the/DT welfare/NN culture/NN by/IN spreading/VBG homelessness/NN and/CC hunger/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ especially/RB striking/JJ that/IN one/CD pretty/RB good/JJ ,/, pretty/RB humane/NN idea/NN has/VBZ been/VBN virtually/RB ignored/VBN in/IN the/DT welfare/NN debate/NN of/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT small/JJ effort/NN to/TO reopen/VB discussion/NN of/IN this/DT option/NN ,/, here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT specific/JJ proposal/NN :/: States/NNPS should/MD experiment/NN with/IN programs/NNS in/IN which/WDT all/DT qualifying/VBG teen-agers/NNS and/CC women/NNS would/MD be/VB offered/VBN lump-sum/JJ $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD cash/NN payments--on/JJ top/NN of/IN any/DT other/JJ benefits/NNS they/PRP receive--to/JJ have/VBP Norplant/NNP (/( or/CC another/DT long-term/JJ contraceptive/JJ )/) implanted/VBN at/IN government/NN expense/NN ./.
They/PRP would/MD be/VB free/JJ to/TO have/VB it/PRP removed/VBD whenever/WRB they/PRP chose/VBD ,/, but/CC would/MD be/VB rewarded/VBN with/IN additional/JJ payments/NNS (/( of/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, $/$ 30/CD )/) for/IN each/DT month/NN in/IN which/WDT they/PRP kept/VBD it/PRP ./.
The/DT category/NN of/IN qualifying/VBG teen-agers/NNS and/CC women/NNS could/MD include/VB all/DT recipients/NNS of/IN welfare/NN or/CC other/JJ public/JJ assistance/NN (/( including/VBG daughters/NNS of/IN recipients/NNS )/) who/WP are/VBP competent/JJ to/TO give/VB informed/VBN consent/NN to/TO the/DT implant/VB procedure/NN ./.
Or/CC the/DT program/NN could/MD be/VB restricted/VBN in/IN various/JJ ways/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO blunt/VB possible/JJ objections/NNS ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, you/PRP could/MD require/VB parental/JJ consent/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, eligibility/NN could/MD be/VB restricted/VBN to/TO those/DT who/WP have/VBP already/RB been/VBN pregnant/JJ ,/, or/CC at/IN least/JJS sexually/RB active/JJ ;/: to/TO those/DT over/JJ age/NN 13/CD ,/, or/CC under/IN age/NN 21/CD ;/: or/CC some/DT combination/NN thereof/RB ./.
Why/WRB Norplant/NNP ?/.
Because/IN it/PRP requires/VBZ no/DT ongoing/JJ effort/NN or/CC supervision/NN to/TO be/VB effective/JJ ,/, and/CC it/PRP can/MD be/VB discontinued/VBN only/RB after/IN some/DT (/( rather/RB small/JJ )/) effort/NN ./.
As/IN such/JJ ,/, Norplant/NNP is/VBZ the/DT only/RB contraceptive/JJ the/DT government/NN could/MD pay/VB people/NNS to/TO use/VB with/IN any/DT hope/VBP of/IN affecting/VBG those/DT who/WP are/VBP n't/RB strongly/RB motivated/VBN to/TO either/CC become/VB pregnant/JJ or/CC avoid/VB pregnancy/NN ./.
How/WRB much/JJ good/JJ the/DT Norplant/NNP option/NN would/MD do/VB is/VBZ debatable/JJ ./.
But/CC the/DT arguments/NNS that/IN it/PRP would/MD do/VB harm/VB seem/VB unpersuasive/JJ ./.
Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT quick/JJ review/NN of/IN possible/JJ objections/NNS ,/, left/VBD and/CC right/NN :/:
B/NNP ribing/VBG poor/JJ women/NNS and/CC girls/NNS to/TO implant/VB Norplant/NNP would/MD coerce/NN them/PRP into/IN not/RB having/VBG children/NNS ,/, thus/RB violating/VBG their/PRP$ rights/NNS to/TO reproductive/JJ choice/NN ,/, like/IN the/DT one-child-per-family/JJ policy/NN and/CC coerced/JJ abortions/NNS in/IN China/NNP ./.
To/TO the/DT contrary/NN ,/, a/DT government/NN offer/NN of/IN money/NN is/VBZ not/RB coercion--and/JJ not/RB even/RB remotely/RB comparable/JJ to/TO what/WP goes/VBZ on/IN in/IN China/NNP ./.
Existing/JJ benefits/NNS would/MD not/RB be/VB reduced/VBN for/IN anyone/NN declining/VBG Norplant/NNP ./.
This/DT means/VBZ that/DT nobody/NN who/WP really/RB wanted/VBD a/DT child/NN would/MD be/VB prevented/VBN from/IN having/VBG one/CD ./.
To/TO be/VB sure/JJ ,/, the/DT government/NN would/MD be/VB trying/VBG to/TO influence/VB reproductive/JJ choices/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT same/JJ is/VBZ true/JJ of/IN existing/VBG policies/NNS promoting/VBG free/JJ contraception/NN ,/, and/CC of/IN laws/NNS like/IN the/DT Hyde/NNP Amendment/NNP ,/, which/WDT denies/VBZ Medicaid/NNP funding/NN for/IN abortions--not/JJ to/TO mention/VB the/DT still/JJ extant/NN statutes/NNS making/VBG it/PRP a/DT crime/NN to/TO commit/VB statutory/JJ rape/NN (/( sex/NN with/IN a/DT consenting/VBG minor/JJ )/) ,/, fornication/NN (/( premarital/NN sex/NN )/) ,/, and/CC adultery/NN ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ groveling/VBG 1990/CD editorial/NN apology/NN ,/, the/DT Inquirer/NNP said/VBD :/: "/" Our/PRP$ critics/NNS countered/VBD that/IN to/TO dangle/NN cash/NN or/CC some/DT other/JJ benefit/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN a/DT desperately/RB poor/JJ woman/NN is/VBZ tantamount/JJ to/TO coercion/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP right/JJ ./.
"/" No/DT ,/, they/PRP were/VBD wrong/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT Inquirer/NNP was/VBD right/NN in/IN its/PRP$ initial/JJ Norplant/NNP editorial/NN ,/, when/WRB it/PRP noted/VBD that/IN women/NNS would/MD be/VB free/JJ to/TO "/" change/NN their/PRP$ minds/NNS at/IN any/DT point/NN and/CC become/VB fertile/JJ again/RB ./.
"/" Many/JJ people/NNS ,/, "/" David/NNP Boldt/NNP ,/, then-editor/JJ of/IN the/DT Inquirer/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN page/NN ,/, noted/VBD in/IN a/DT subsequent/JJ commentary/NN ,/, "/" saw/VBD the/DT editorial/NN as/IN part/NN of/IN an/DT ongoing/JJ white/JJ conspiracy/NN to/TO carry/VB out/IN genocide/NN of/IN blacks/NNS in/IN America/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ pernicious/JJ nonsense/NN ,/, no/DT matter/NN how/WRB many/JJ people/NNS say/VBP it/PRP ./.
The/DT original/JJ Inquirer/NNP editorial/NN unwittingly/RB invited/VBD such/JJ smears/NNS by/IN linking/VBG its/PRP$ Norplant/NNP proposal/NN to/TO race--specifically/JJ ,/, to/TO a/DT report/NN that/IN nearly/RB half/PDT the/DT nation/NN 's/POS black/JJ children/NNS are/VBP living/VBG in/IN poverty/NN ./.
But/CC nobody/NN is/VBZ proposing/VBG that/DT race/NN be/VBP a/DT factor/NN in/IN any/DT program/NN promoting/VBG Norplant/NNP to/TO welfare/NN recipients/NNS ,/, most/JJS of/IN whom/WP are/VBP white/JJ ./.
Nobody/NN is/VBZ proposing/VBG to/TO sterilize/VB women/NNS or/CC forbid/NN them/PRP from/IN having/VBG children/NNS ./.
And/CC while/IN a/DT disproportionate/JJ percentage/NN of/IN welfare/NN mothers/NNS and/CC children/NNS are/VBP black/JJ ,/, black/JJ America/NNP ,/, like/IN white/JJ America/NNP ,/, can/MD only/RB benefit/VB from/IN any/DT program/NN that/IN rewards/NNS people/NNS for/IN avoiding/VBG pregnancy/NN unless/IN and/CC until/IN they/PRP are/VBP old/JJ enough/RB and/CC self-supporting/JJ enough/RB to/TO provide/VB decently/RB for/IN children/NNS ./.
G/NNP irls/NNS and/CC women/NNS on/IN Norplant/NNP may/MD be/VB at/IN greater/JJR risk/NN of/IN contracting/NN and/CC spreading/VBG AIDS/NNP ,/, because/IN they/PRP will/MD be/VB less/RBR likely/JJ to/TO demand/VB that/IN their/PRP$ sex/NN partners/NNS use/VBP condoms/NNS ./.
A/DT 1994/CD study/NN reported/VBD in/IN The/DT New/NNP England/NNP Journal/NNP of/IN Medicine/NNP found/VBD that/IN Norplant/NNP had/VBD no/DT effect/NN on/IN recipients/NNS '/POS decisions/NNS whether/IN to/TO use/VB condoms/NNS or/CC visit/VB doctors--and/JJ was/VBD 19/CD times/NNS as/RB effective/JJ as/IN the/DT pill/NN in/IN preventing/VBG pregnancy/NN ./.
Any/DT Norplant/NNP incentive/NN program/NN should/MD include/VB vigorous/JJ counseling/NN about/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO use/VB condoms/NNS against/IN disease/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB now/RB ,/, how/WRB many/JJ women/NNS and/CC girls/NNS are/VBP so/RB much/RB more/RBR afraid/JJ of/IN pregnancy/NN than/IN of/IN death/NN that/IN they/PRP use/VBP condoms/NNS solely/RB to/TO avoid/VB the/DT former/NN ,/, and/CC would/MD stop/VB once/RB on/IN Norplant/NNP ?/.
Not/RB many/JJ ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP ./.
N/NNP orplant/NN itself/PRP may/MD be/VB unhealthy/JJ ./.
The/DT possibility/NN of/IN serious/JJ long-term/JJ health/NN damage/NN from/IN any/DT relatively/RB new/JJ contraceptive/NN like/IN Norplant/NNP must/MD be/VB taken/VBN seriously/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT risks/NNS should/MD ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, be/VB fully/RB disclosed/VBN to/TO women/NNS considering/VBG using/VBG it/PRP ./.
But/CC no/DT contraceptive/NN is/VBZ risk-free/JJ ./.
And/CC the/DT available/JJ evidence/NN indicates/VBZ that/IN the/DT risks/NNS inherent/JJ in/IN pregnancy/NN and/CC childbirth--and/JJ in/IN abortion--are/JJ at/IN least/JJS as/RB great/JJ as/IN the/DT risks/NNS inherent/JJ in/IN Norplant/NNP ./.
Plaintiffs/NNS '/POS tort/NN lawyers/NNS have/VBP nearly/RB killed/VBN off/RP Norplant/NNP ,/, scaring/VBG away/RB many/JJ women/NNS and/CC doctors/NNS ,/, by/IN a/DT torrent/NN of/IN personal-injury/JJ suits/NNS against/IN its/PRP$ manufacturer/NN ./.
The/DT lawyers/NNS include/VBP many/JJ of/IN the/DT same/JJ folks/NNS who/WP created/VBD a/DT tidal/JJ wave/NN of/IN litigation/NN based/VBN on/IN the/DT apparently/RB bogus/JJ claim/NN about/IN the/DT dangers/NNS of/IN silicone/NN breast/NN implants/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT Food/NNP and/CC Drug/NNP Administration/NNP has/VBZ repeatedly/RB found/VBN Norplant/NNP to/TO be/VB safe/JJ and/CC effective/JJ ./.
More/JJR than/IN a/DT million/CD women/NNS have/VBP used/VBN it/PRP with/IN only/RB minor/JJ side/NN effects/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN changing/VBG menstrual/JJ bleeding/NN patterns/NNS ,/, reported/VBD ./.
There/EX have/VBP been/VBN complaints/NNS by/IN a/DT small/JJ percentage/NN of/IN Norplant/NNP users/NNS of/IN severe/JJ pain/NN or/CC scarring/VBG from/IN having/VBG it/PRP removed/VBD ./.
But/CC the/DT apparent/JJ reason/NN was/VBD inadequate/JJ training/NN of/IN physicians/NNS in/IN the/DT (/( usually/RB quick/JJ and/CC painless/JJ )/) removal/NN procedure--an/JJ easily/RB remedied/VBN problem--and/JJ not/RB any/DT inherent/JJ defect/NN in/IN the/DT product/NN ./.
I/PRP t/NN is/VBZ sexist/JJ to/TO seek/VB to/TO thrust/NN contraception/NN only/RB upon/IN women/NNS ./.
Sexism/NNP has/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN it/PRP ./.
First/LS ,/, almost/RB all/DT welfare/NN checks/NNS are/VBP written/VBN to/TO women--not/JJ to/TO men/NNS ,/, who/WP do/VBP n't/RB get/VB pregnant/JJ ./.
Second/JJ ,/, the/DT only/JJ forms/VBZ of/IN contraception/NN now/RB available/JJ for/IN men/NNS are/VBP condoms/NNS and/CC vasectomies/NNS ./.
It/PRP would/MD hardly/RB make/VB sense/NN to/TO hand/VB out/IN $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD payments/NNS to/TO men/NNS for/IN taking/VBG home/NN a/DT bunch/NN of/IN condoms/NNS ,/, or/CC to/TO try/VB to/TO police/VB their/PRP$ use/NN ./.
And/CC a/DT vasectomy--unlike/JJ a/DT Norplant/NNP implant--/JJ cannot/NN always/RB be/VB reversed/VBN ./.
Giving/VBG teen-agers/NNS contraceptives/NNS encourages/VBZ promiscuity/NN ,/, and/CC bribing/VBG them/PRP to/TO use/VB Norplant/NNP will/MD encourage/VB it/PRP even/RB more/JJR ./.
The/DT weight/NN of/IN the/DT evidence/NN suggests/VBZ that/IN teen-agers/NNS '/POS decisions/NNS whether/IN or/CC not/RB to/TO engage/VB in/IN sexual/JJ activity/NN do/VBP n't/RB have/VB much/JJ to/TO do/VB with/IN whether/IN the/DT government/NN gives/VBZ them/PRP contraceptives/NNS ./.
Many/JJ have/VBP unprotected/JJ sex/NN ,/, and/CC almost/RB all/DT can/MD get/VB contraceptives/NNS if/IN they/PRP want/VBP them/PRP ./.
As/IN I/PRP have/VBP suggested/VBN ,/, one/CD possible/JJ restriction/NN (/( although/IN not/RB one/CD I/PRP would/MD favor/VB )/) on/IN any/DT Norplant/NNP incentive/NN program/NN would/MD be/VB to/TO limit/VB eligibility/NN to/TO teen-agers/NNS who/WP have/VBP already/RB been/VBN pregnant/JJ or/CC ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, sexually/RB active/JJ ./.
Norplant/NNP counselors/NNS could/MD also/RB stress/VB the/DT benefits/NNS of/IN abstinence/NN ,/, while/IN presenting/VBG the/DT contraceptive/NN as/IN a/DT backup/NN safeguard/VB ./.
T/NN een-agers/JJ should/MD learn/VB about/IN sex/NN and/CC contraception/NN from/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS ,/, not/RB the/DT government/NN ./.
A/DT parental-consent/JJ requirement/NN would/MD answer/VB this/DT objection/NN ./.
I/PRP would/MD not/RB advocate/VB such/JJ a/DT requirement/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, because/IN of/IN the/DT overwhelming/JJ evidence/NN that/IN many/JJ parents/NNS have/VBP little/JJ or/CC no/DT constructive/JJ communication/NN with/IN their/PRP$ children/NNS about/IN such/JJ matters/NNS ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP that/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ two/CD daughters/NNS (/( now/RB 12/CD and/CC nine/CD years/NNS old/JJ )/) would/MD consult/VB with/IN me/PRP and/CC my/PRP$ wife/NN before/IN getting/VBG Norplant/NNP or/CC becoming/VBG sexually/RB active/JJ ./.
But/CC if/IN they/PRP end/VBP up/RP deciding/VBG to/TO go/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ ways/NNS ,/, I/PRP 'd/MD rather/RB that/IN they/PRP have/VBP unrestricted/JJ access/NN to/TO Norplant/NNP than/IN that/IN they/PRP risk/VBP pregnancy/NN ./.
Would/MD a/DT Norplant/NNP program/NN be/VB thwarted/VBN by/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN many/JJ poor/JJ teen-agers/NNS actually/RB want/VBP to/TO get/VB pregnant/JJ and/CC have/VBP a/DT child/NN ?/.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB so/RB ./.
First/LS ,/, there/RB are/VBP about/RB 3/CD million/CD unwanted/JJ pregnancies/NNS in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS every/DT year/NN ,/, half/NN of/IN which/WDT end/VBP in/IN abortion/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN these/DT involve/VB teen-agers/NNS and/CC women/NNS who/WP are/VBP (/( or/CC will/MD be/VB )/) on/IN welfare/NN ./.
Norplant/NNP could/MD stop/VB almost/RB all/PDT these/DT ./.
Second/JJ ,/, the/DT allure/NN of/IN pregnancy/NN for/IN many/JJ other/JJ poor/JJ teen-agers/NNS may/MD be/VB so/RB slight/JJ ,/, or/CC so/RB fleeting/JJ ,/, or/CC so/RB fraught/JJ with/IN ambivalence/NN ,/, that/IN a/DT $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD Norplant/NNP incentive/NN would/MD have/VB plenty/NN of/IN takers/NNS ./.
And/CC even/RB if/IN such/JJ a/DT program/NN only/RB delayed/VBD pregnancies/NNS a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ,/, that/WDT would/MD be/VB a/DT very/RB good/JJ thing/NN ./.
Most/JJS 15/CD -/: year-olds/JJ would/MD be/VB better/JJR mothers/NNS ,/, and/CC have/VBP a/DT better/JJR chance/NN of/IN making/VBG something/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ lives/NNS ,/, if/IN they/PRP waited/VBD five/CD or/CC seven/CD years/NNS before/IN having/VBG babies/NNS ./.
Norplant/NNP is/VBZ no/DT panacea/NN for/IN poverty/NN ;/: nothing/NN is/VBZ ./.
The/DT question/NN is/VBZ whether/IN a/DT Norplant/NNP incentive/NN program/NN might/MD do/VB some/DT good/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ only/RB one/CD way/NN to/TO find/VB out/IN :/: Give/VB it/PRP a/DT try/NN ./.
If/IN it/PRP fails/VBZ ,/, the/DT cost--in/JJ terms/NNS of/IN numbers/NNS of/IN teen-agers/NNS and/CC women/NNS taking/VBG the/DT $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD offer--will/JJ be/VB tiny/JJ ./.
And/CC it/PRP just/RB might/MD help/VB ./.
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
Lighten/NNP Up/IN on/IN Linda/NNP
In/IN her/PRP$ July/NNP 6/CD entry/NN in/IN the/DT dialogue/NN "/" Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP :/: Victimized/NNP or/CC Vicious/NNP ,/, "/" Margaret/NNP Carlson/NNP writes/VBZ ,/, concerning/VBG Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP ,/, "/" I/PRP have/VBP to/TO stick/VB by/IN my/PRP$ observation/NN that/IN people/NNS ,/, for/IN better/JJR or/CC for/IN worse/JJR ,/, grow/VB into/IN their/PRP$ appearance/NN ,/, coming/VBG to/TO look/VB on/IN the/DT outside/JJ as/IN they/PRP feel/VBP on/IN the/DT inside/JJ ./.
Imagine/VB if/IN Rush/NNP Limbaugh/NNP said/VBD something/NN like/IN that/DT regarding/VBG ,/, say/VB ,/, Hillary/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: Jim/NNP Howard/NNP
Tripp/NNP Trapped/NNP
It/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN most/JJS people/NNS view/VBP Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP (/( Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP :/: Victimized/NNP or/CC Vicious/NNP )/) as/IN some/DT kind/NN of/IN wicked/JJ stepmother/NN ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ unfortunate/JJ ./.
Tripp/NNP is/VBZ justified/JJ in/IN worrying/VBG that/IN her/PRP$ job/NN and/CC reputation/NN were/VBD being/VBG threatened/VBN after/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS lawyer/NN identified/VBD her/PRP as/IN someone/NN who/WP is/VBZ "/" not/RB to/TO be/VB believed/VBN ./.
"/" It/PRP would/MD be/VB very/RB easy/JJ for/IN me/PRP to/TO say/VB ,/, piously/RB ,/, that/IN I/PRP would/MD have/VB sacrificed/JJ my/PRP$ job/NN rather/RB than/IN make/VB the/DT recordings/NNS ,/, but/CC I/PRP am/VBP a/DT single/JJ 24/CD -/: year-old/JJ without/IN children/NNS ,/, and/CC I/PRP can/MD afford/VB to/TO take/VB a/DT more/RBR principled/JJ stance/NN ./.
Tripp/NNP has/VBZ not/RB only/RB herself/PRP to/TO think/VB about/IN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO protecting/VBG her/PRP$ job/NN and/CC reputation/NN ,/, but/CC also/RB the/DT well-being/NN of/IN her/PRP$ children/NNS and/CC her/PRP$ ability/NN to/TO support/VB them/PRP ./.
What/WP would/MD people/NNS think/VB of/IN a/DT mother/NN who/WP sacrificed/JJ her/PRP$ own/JJ children/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO protect/VB the/DT president/NN and/CC Monica/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: Damian/NNP M/NNP ./.
Taping/NNP for/IN Trouble/NN
Please/VB ask/VB Jonah/NNP Goldberg/NNP (/( Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP :/: Victimized/NNP or/CC Vicious/NNP )/) to/TO explain/VB why/WRB he/PRP thinks/VBZ ,/, if/IN all/DT Tripp/NNP wanted/VBD to/TO do/VB was/VBD to/TO protect/VB her/PRP$ good/JJ name/NN ,/, she/PRP continued/VBD to/TO tape/VB Lewinsky/NNP long/RB after/IN she/PRP would/MD have/VB had/VBN enough/RB "/" evidence/NN "/" for/IN this/DT purpose/NN ./.
As/IN Carlson/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" A/NNP '/POS seeker/NN of/IN the/DT truth/NN ,/, '/" as/IN Tripp/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO herself/PRP ,/, might/MD at/IN best/JJS need/VB to/TO tape/VB one/CD conversation/NN and/CC hold/VB it/PRP in/IN reserve/NN for/IN that/DT dark/JJ moment/NN when/WRB her/PRP$ veracity/NN was/VBD challenged/VBN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, she/PRP taped/VBD 20/CD hours/NNS '/POS worth/JJ and/CC offered/VBD them/PRP up/RP gratuitously/RB ,/, to/TO get/VB the/DT ball/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD n't/RB moving/VBG much/JJ ,/, rolling/VBG ./.
Why/WRB ,/, Jonah/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: Angus/NNP Maitland/NNP
Yates/NNP ?/.
Yikes/NNP !/.
As/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT constituents/NNS of/IN Sidney/NNP Yates/NNP ,/, the/DT topic/NN of/IN Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP 's/POS July/NNP 2/CD "/" Strange/NNP Bedfellow/NNP ,/, "/" I/PRP can/MD tell/VB you/PRP that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT distant/JJ and/CC ineffective/JJ congressman/NN for/IN decades/NNS ./.
I/PRP say/VBP this/DT despite/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN Yates/NNP on/IN most/JJS political/JJ issues/NNS ./.
Not/RB surprisingly/RB ,/, Weisberg/NNP admits/VBZ his/PRP$ personal/JJ relationships/NNS with/IN Yates/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ staff/NN ./.
Yates/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN little/JJ for/IN the/DT economic/JJ development/NN of/IN our/PRP$ district/NN ./.
While/IN I/PRP admire/NN his/PRP$ championship/NN of/IN the/DT arts/NNS and/CC the/DT environment/NN ,/, these/DT do/VBP little/RB concrete/NN for/IN the/DT vast/JJ majority/NN of/IN constituents/NNS ./.
Yates/NNP is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ congressman/NN in/IN the/DT Illinois/NNP delegation/NN who/WP refuses/VBZ to/TO set/VB up/RP an/DT e-mail/JJ link/NN for/IN constituents/NNS ./.
How/WRB does/VBZ this/DT sit/VB with/IN a/DT Microsoft/NNP enterprise/NN ?/.
Yates/NNP refused/VBD to/TO step/VB aside/RB when/WRB he/PRP became/VBD obviously/RB physically/RB infirm/NN ./.
He/PRP misses/VBZ more/JJR votes/NNS than/IN all/DT but/CC a/DT handful/NN of/IN congressmen/NNS ./.
Yates/NNP maintains/VBZ little/JJ contact/NN with/IN his/PRP$ district/NN and/CC made/VBN only/RB token/JJ campaign/NN appearances/NNS ./.
He/PRP refused/VBD to/TO debate/VB his/PRP$ campaign/NN opponents/NNS ./.
Emperor/NNP Sid/NNP treated/VBD those/DT Democrats/NNPS who/WP dared/VBD to/TO oppose/VB him/PRP as/IN traitors/NNS and/CC thought/VBD of/IN himself/PRP as/IN congressman/NN by/IN divine/NN right/JJ ./.
Our/PRP$ district/NN will/MD now/RB be/VB vastly/RB better/JJR off/RP by/IN his/PRP$ replacement/NN by/IN a/DT person/NN 45/CD years/NNS his/PRP$ junior/JJ ./.
Yates/NNP has/VBZ personally/RB enriched/JJ himself/PRP at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN his/PRP$ constituents/NNS and/CC his/PRP$ retirement/NN is/VBZ welcome/JJ to/TO many/JJ ./.
Ironically/RB ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS news/NN splashes/NNS made/VBN by/IN Yates/NNP in/IN the/DT last/JJ decade/NN was/VBD when/WRB one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ staffers/NNS invoked/VBD Sid/NNP 's/POS clout/NN and/CC attempted/VBD to/TO set/VB up/RP dog-walking/JJ runs/NNS in/IN Rock/NNP Creek/NNP Park/NNP ./.
When/WRB this/DT hit/VBD the/DT newspapers/NNS ,/, out-of-touch/JJ Sid/NNP denied/VBD any/DT knowledge/NN of/IN the/DT aide/NN 's/POS activities/NNS ./.
What/WP an/DT embarrassment/NN ./.
-/: -/: Thomas/NNP A/DT ./.
Phenomenology/NNP of/IN Spirits/NNS
As/IN a/DT member/NN of/IN that/DT clandestine/JJ group/NN of/IN German/JJ wine/NN lovers/NNS that/IN Fareed/NNP Zakaria/NNP describes/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ June/NNP 30/CD "/" Wine/NNP 's/POS World/NNP ,/, "/" I/PRP feel/VBP obliged/VBN to/TO clarify/VB the/DT place/NN in/IN the/DT pantheon/NN of/IN winedom/NN of/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT figures/NNS mentioned/VBN in/IN Zakaria/NNP 's/POS hymn/NN ./.
I/PRP speak/VBP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, of/IN Hegel/NNP ./.
Whatever/WDT the/DT merits/NNS of/IN the/DT rather/RB severe/JJ idiom/NN in/IN which/WDT Hegel/NNP chose/VBD to/TO couch/NN his/PRP$ ideas/NNS ,/, he/PRP was/VBD nonetheless/RB a/DT member/NN in/IN good/JJ standing/NN in/IN the/DT wine/NN lovers/NNS '/POS circle/NN ./.
He/PRP grew/VBD up/RB in/IN a/DT wine/NN drinking/NN area/NN (/( Württemberg/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC he/PRP did/VBD a/DT stint/NN as/IN a/DT house/NN tutor/NN at/IN Frankfurt/NNP 's/POS most/JJS distinguished/VBN wine/NN merchant/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, in/IN an/DT effort/NN to/TO lure/VB him/PRP into/IN taking/VBG the/DT job/NN ,/, his/PRP$ friend/NN Hölderlin/NNP even/RB promised/VBD him/PRP ,/, "/" you/PRP will/MD drink/VB very/RB good/JJ Rhine/NNP wine/NN or/CC French/JJ wine/NN at/IN the/DT table/NN ./.
"/" When/WRB he/PRP was/VBD writing/VBG his/PRP$ Phenomenology/NNP of/IN Spirit/NN ,/, despite/IN his/PRP$ very/RB meager/JJ income/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD ordering/VBG shipments/NNS of/IN Médoc/NNP and/CC Pontak/NNP (/( Haut-/NNP Brion/NNP )/) ./.
(/( See/VB where/WRB his/PRP$ priorities/NNS lay/VBP ./.
)/) When/WRB he/PRP became/VBD famous/JJ in/IN Berlin/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ tastes/NNS shifted/VBN slightly/RB to/TO Mosels/NNP (/( loved/VBD them/PRP )/) ,/, Rhine/NNP wines/NNS ,/, and/CC Cahors/NNP (/( lots/NNS of/IN it/PRP )/) ./.
He/PRP especially/RB loved/VBD the/DT 1811/CD vintage/NN of/IN "/" comet/NN "/" wines/NNS ,/, and/CC he/PRP and/CC Schleiermacher/NNP even/RB stopped/VBD quarreling/VBG for/IN a/DT while/NN after/IN Schleiermacher/NNP gave/VBD Hegel/NNP the/DT address/NN of/IN a/DT good/JJ Bordeaux/NNP merchant/NN !/.
Worldly/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ heart/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD also/RB not/RB averse/NN to/TO the/DT Italians/NNPS ,/, drinking/NN and/CC praising/VBG "/" Lacrima/NNP Christi/NNP "/" (/( red/JJ )/) as/IN he/PRP was/VBD writing/VBG a/DT Latin/NNP oration/NN on/IN the/DT Augsburg/NNP Confession/NNP ./.
When/WRB he/PRP was/VBD visiting/VBG Saxon/NNP Dresden/NNP at/IN the/DT height/NN of/IN the/DT Prussian/NNP reaction/NN in/IN the/DT 1820/CD s/VBZ ,/, he/PRP surprised/VBD his/PRP$ students/NNS sitting/VBG at/IN the/DT table/NN with/IN him/PRP by/IN ordering/VBG the/DT most/RBS expensive/JJ champagne/NN in/IN Europe/NNP ,/, Château/NNP Sillery/NNP ./.
With/IN none/NN of/IN the/DT students/NNS quite/RB understanding/NN just/RB what/WP called/VBD for/IN such/JJ a/DT lavish/JJ outlay/NN on/IN the/DT old/JJ fellow/NN 's/POS part/NN ,/, he/PRP astonished/JJ them/PRP even/RB more/JJR by/IN raising/VBG his/PRP$ glass/NN and/CC toasting/VBG July/NNP 14/CD and/CC the/DT storming/VBG of/IN the/DT Bastille/NNP ./.
So/RB on/IN July/NNP 14/CD ,/, instead/RB of/IN champagne/NN ,/, a/DT crisp/JJ Riesling/NNP might/MD be/VB the/DT way/NN for/IN us/PRP German/JJ wine/NN lovers/NNS to/TO toast/NN that/IN venerated/JJ French/JJ holiday/NN ./.
We/PRP can/MD celebrate/VB Hegel/NNP and/CC the/DT revolution/NN at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ./.
And/CC indulge/VB our/PRP$ secret/JJ taste/NN ./.
-/: -/: Terry/NNP Pinkard/NNP Professor/NNP of/IN philosophyGeorgetown/NN UniversityWashington/NNP
Bedrock/NNP Blues/NNP
As/RB much/JJ as/IN I/PRP enjoy/VBP Scott/NNP Shuger/NNP 's/POS daily/JJ analysis/NN of/IN "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP ,/, "/" from/IN time/NN to/TO time/NN he/PRP gets/VBZ the/DT facts/NNS just/RB plain/JJ wrong/NN ./.
Usually/RB it/PRP 's/VBZ in/IN the/DT last/JJ paragraph/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ usually/RB some/DT flippant/JJ remark/NN that/WDT would/MD be/VB witty/JJ if/IN it/PRP were/VBD only/RB true/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT July/NNP 2/CD Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP ,/, Shuger/NNP wrote/VBD :/:
[/NN Clinton/NNP ]/) told/VBD families/NNS there/RB that/DT home/NN ownership/NN is/VBZ an/DT investment/NN in/IN society/NN ,/, the/DT bedrock/NN of/IN middle-class/NN life/NN ./.
Wonder/NN if/IN the/DT Times/NNP had/VBD trouble/NN resisting/VBG the/DT observation/NN that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ an/DT investment/JJ Clinton/NNP 's/POS never/RB made/VBN ,/, a/DT bedrock/NN he/PRP 's/VBZ never/RB stood/VBD on/IN ./.
I/PRP quote/VBP from/IN Page/NNP 151/CD of/IN Meredith/NNP Oakley/NNP 's/POS biography/NN On/IN the/DT Make/VB :/: The/DT Rise/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP :/:
Hillary/NNP ,/, three/CD months/NNS shy/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ twenty-eighth/JJ birthday/NN ,/, returned/VBD to/TO Fayetteville/NNP ./.
inclined/VBN to/TO accept/VB the/DT twenty-nine-year-old/JJ Clinton/NNP 's/POS marriage/NN proposal/NN ./.
Any/DT remaining/VBG reluctance/NN was/VBD dashed/VBN when/WRB he/PRP greeted/VBD her/PRP$ return/NN with/IN the/DT news/NN that/IN he/PRP had/VBD purchased/VBN a/DT small/JJ brick/NN and/CC stonework/NN house/NN she/PRP had/VBD admired/VBN ./.
This/DT oft-reported/JJ account/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS marriage/NN proposal/NN is/VBZ well/RB known/VBN ./.
Too/RB bad/JJ Shuger/NNP felt/VBD the/DT need/NN to/TO be/VB witty--but/JJ wrong/NN ./.
Guess/NNP he/PRP was/VBD just/RB following/VBG Clinton/NNP 's/POS Fifth/NNP Law/NNP of/IN Politics/NNS (/( Page/NNP 146/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Under/IN enough/JJ pressure/NN ,/, most/RBS people--but/JJ not/RB everybody--will/JJ stretch/NN the/DT truth/NN on/IN you/PRP ./.
-/: -/: Kari/NNP Chisholm/NNP Portland/NNP ,/, Ore/NNP ./.
The/DT Delicate/NNP Art/NNP of/IN Profanity/NNP
I/PRP was/VBD just/RB reading/VBG this/DT fascinating/JJ and/CC well-written/JJ article/NN (/( "/" Flame/NNP Posies/NNP ,/, "/" July/NNP 3/LS )/) about/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC admiring/VBG the/DT balls/NNS of/IN a/DT publication/NN that/WDT ran/VBD the/DT headline/NN "/" Who/WP gives/VBZ a/DT f/SYM */NN */NN */NN about/IN the/DT yen/NN ?/.
"/" last/JJ week/NN and/CC had/VBD already/RB used/VBN the/DT phrase/NN "/" holy/JJ shit/NN "/" upward/RB of/IN five/CD times/NNS in/IN the/DT opening/NN paragraphs/NNS ,/, when/WRB I/PRP happened/VBD upon/IN this/DT sentence/NN :/: "/" Later/RB that/DT year/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN spread/VBD its/PRP$ legs/NNS for/IN the/DT theory/NN that/IN TWA/NNP Flight/NNP 800/CD was/VBD downed/VBD by/IN foul/JJ play/NN ,/, based/VBN on/IN the/DT discovery/NN of/IN '/POS PETN/NNP '/POS residues/NNS in/IN the/DT wreckage/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP ,/, personally/RB ,/, a/DT big/JJ fan/NN of/IN the/DT well-chosen/JJ off-color/JJ remark/NN ./.
"/" Screw/NNP you/PRP ,/, "/" "/" kiss/NNS my/PRP$ ass/NNS ,/, "/" "/" fuck/NN me/PRP "/" -/: -/: these/DT are/VBP all/DT phrases/NNS that/WDT have/VBP levels/NNS of/IN meaning/VBG that/WDT have/VBP nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT physical/JJ acts/NNS they/PRP describe/VBP ./.
(/( See/VB Donnie/NNP Brasco/NNP and/CC "/" fuggedaboudit/NN ./.
"/" )/) I/PRP have/VBP recently/RB deliberately/RB begun/VBN to/TO use/VB variations/NNS of/IN "/" kick/VBP ass/NNS "/" and/CC "/" bites/VBZ X/NNP in/IN the/DT ass/NNS "/" because/IN they/PRP are/VBP colorful/JJ ,/, evocative/JJ phrases/NNS ;/: because/IN ,/, thanks/NNS to/TO South/NNP Park/NNP ,/, ass/NNS references/NNS are/VBP newly/RB familiar/JJ and/CC hilarious/JJ and/CC because/IN they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB evoke/VBP particularly/RB vivid/JJ mental/JJ images/NNS of/IN asses/NNS any/RB longer/RBR ./.
Or/CC at/IN least/JJS ,/, less/JJR than/IN they/PRP used/VBD to/TO ./.
What/WP I/PRP am/VBP very/RB gently/RB trying/VBG to/TO get/VB at/IN is/VBZ :/: I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB the/DT phrase/NN "/" spread/NN its/PRP$ legs/NNS "/" has/VBZ quite/RB entered/VBN the/DT off-color/JJ oversoul/NN ./.
I/PRP think/VBP ,/, like/IN "/" up/RP the/DT ass/NNS ,/, "/" it/PRP is/VBZ just/RB a/DT smidgen/NN too/RB vivid/JJ for/IN the/DT average/JJ reader/NN ./.
(/( Then/RB again/RB ,/, we/PRP have/VBP seen/VBN the/DT rise/NN of/IN "/" suck/NN "/" in/IN its/PRP$ many/JJ forms/NNS ,/, so/RB perhaps/RB I/PRP 'll/MD be/VB proved/VBN wrong/JJ ./.
)/) So/RB when/WRB you/PRP write/VBP "/" spreads/VBZ its/PRP$ legs/NNS ,/, "/" that/DT 's/VBZ exactly/RB what/WP I/PRP think/VBP of/IN ,/, and/CC for/IN me/PRP ,/, there/EX is/VBZ something/NN inherently/RB unpleasant/JJ in/IN having/VBG my/PRP$ gender/NN 's/POS chief/JJ sexual/JJ activity/NN thrown/VBN up/RP on/IN the/DT electronic/JJ page/NN as/IN an/DT analogy/NN for/IN submissiveness/NNS ./.
Human/JJ reproduction/NN pretty/RB much/JJ hinges/NNS on/IN leg-spreading/JJ and/CC ,/, hence/RB ,/, one/PRP would/MD think/VB this/DT act/NN would/MD be/VB synonymous/JJ with/IN ./.
well/RB ,/, something/NN better/JJR than/IN the/DT Times/NNP being/VBG sluttishly/RB seduced/JJ into/IN an/DT ill-supported/JJ TWA/NNP theory/NN ./.
Bottom/NNP line/NN :/: You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB so/RB much/JJ as/IN a/DT Saturday/NNP Night/NNP Live/NNP sketch/NN to/TO point/VB to/TO as/IN an/DT example/NN of/IN how/WRB the/DT phrase/NN "/" spread/NN its/PRP$ legs/NNS "/" has/VBZ become/VBN so/RB prevalent/JJ as/IN to/TO have/VB mostly/RB lost/VBN its/PRP$ primary/JJ meaning/NN ;/: I/PRP think/VBP sex/NN deserves/VBZ better/JJR than/IN to/TO be/VB compared/VBN to/TO bad/JJ reporting/NN and/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB especially/RB keen/JJ on/IN seeing/VBG my/PRP$ gender/NN 's/POS role/NN during/IN sex/NN interpreted/VBN as/IN one/CD of/IN whorish/NN submission/NN ./.
-/: -/: Kate/NNP Powers/NNP
School/NNP Principles/NNPS
David/NNP Brooks/NNP chides/VBZ Bill/NNP McKibben/NNP in/IN the/DT July/NNP 1/CD "/" Breakfast/NN Table/NNP "/" for/IN having/VBG one/CD child/NN ,/, arguing/VBG that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ "/" symbolic/JJ politics/NNS taken/VBN to/TO an/DT extreme/NN ./.
"/" If/IN only/RB one/CD couple/NN does/VBZ it/PRP ,/, it/PRP will/MD have/VB little/JJ effect/NN on/IN the/DT situation/NN ./.
"/" Maybe/RB if/IN everybody/NN followed/VBD McKibben/NNP 's/POS lead/NN it/PRP would/MD [/( make/VBP a/DT difference/NN ]/) ./.
"/" In/IN the/DT next/JJ paragraph/NN ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ OK/JJ for/IN Bill/NNP and/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP to/TO send/VB their/PRP$ kid/NN to/TO a/DT private/JJ school/NN while/IN opposing/VBG school/NN choice/NN because/IN you/PRP should/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO rise/VB above/IN principle/NN to/TO send/VB your/PRP$ kids/NNS to/TO private/JJ school/NN ./.
Am/NNP I/PRP the/DT only/RB one/CD who/WP notices/NNS the/DT faulty/JJ logic/NN ?/.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Clintons/NNP are/VBP n't/RB an/DT isolated/VBN example/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN the/DT opponents/NNS of/IN school/NN choice/NN send/VB their/PRP$ kids/NNS to/TO private/JJ school/NN ,/, even/RB while/IN professing/VBG steadfast/JJ belief/NN in/IN public/JJ schools/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ like/IN McKibben/NNP having/VBG 10/CD children/NNS ,/, making/VBG his/PRP$ wife/NN &slash;/NN significant/JJ other/JJ take/NN fertility/NN drugs/NNS ,/, and/CC then/RB telling/VBG everyone/NN we/PRP are/VBP running/VBG out/IN of/IN resources/NNS and/CC everyone/NN else/RB should/MD have/VB one/CD child/NN ./.
If/IN there/EX were/VBD only/RB one/CD white/JJ ,/, affluent/JJ couple/NN sending/VBG its/PRP$ child/NN to/TO private/JJ schools/NNS while/IN decrying/VBG school/NN choice/NN for/IN others/NNS ,/, that/WDT would/MD be/VB one/CD thing/NN ./.
For/IN an/DT entire/JJ political/JJ class/NN to/TO engage/VB in/IN this/DT behavior/NN is/VBZ a/DT national/JJ disaster/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB that/WDT is/VBZ why/WRB (/( as/IN Brooks/NNP says/VBZ )/) public/JJ schools/NNS are/VBP crappy/NN in/IN three-fourths/JJ of/IN the/DT country/NN ./.
-/: -/: Bill/NNP Jones/NNP Pasadena/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
I/PRP followed/VBD Charles/NNP Paul/NNP Freund/NNP 's/POS argument/NN in/IN the/DT July/NNP 1/CD "/" High/NNP Concept/NNP "/" about/IN the/DT AFI/NNP 100/CD greatest/JJS films/NNS list/VBP and/CC the/DT decline/NN of/IN cultural/JJ gatekeeping/VBG right/RB up/IN to/TO the/DT point/NN when/WRB he/PRP began/VBD discussing/VBG the/DT actual/JJ movies/NNS on/IN the/DT list/NN ./.
But/CC his/PRP$ offhand/NN comment/NN that/IN Bonnie/NNP and/CC Clyde/NNP "/" presents/VBZ criminality/NN in/IN soft/JJ focus/NN "/" is/VBZ so/RB off-the-beam/JJ it/PRP taints/NNS his/PRP$ entire/JJ analysis/NN ./.
Exactly/RB what/WP is/VBZ "/" soft/JJ focus/NN "/" about/IN the/DT bank/NN teller/NN who/WP gets/VBZ shot/VBN full/JJ in/IN the/DT face/NN or/CC Gene/NNP Hackman/NNP 's/POS agonizing/JJ death/NN throes/NNS or/CC Bonnie/NNP and/CC Clyde/NNP 's/POS final/JJ ,/, staccato/NN "/" dance/NN of/IN death/NN "/" ?/.
Freund/NNP 's/POS take/NN on/IN the/DT Godfather/NNP pictures/NNS as/RB a/DT "/" daydream/NN of/IN limitless/JJ wealth/NN and/CC power/NN "/" is/VBZ even/RB loonier/NN ./.
Has/VBZ he/PRP even/RB seen/VBN The/DT Godfather/NNP Part/NNP II/NNP ,/, which/WDT charts/VBZ the/DT complete/JJ moral/JJ decay/NN of/IN Pacino/NNP 's/POS Michael/NNP in/IN minute/NN psychological/JJ detail/NN ?/.
Freund/NNP is/VBZ right/NN that/IN in/IN many/JJ ways/NNS the/DT Godfather/NNP pictures/NNS (/( especially/RB Part/NNP II/NNP )/) are/VBP the/DT opposite/NN of/IN the/DT traditional/JJ gangster/NN movie/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ precisely/RB wrong/JJ in/IN his/PRP$ reasons/NNS why/WRB ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT older/JJR gangster/NN pictures/NNS that/WDT romanticize/NN the/DT charismatic/JJ crooks/NNS portrayed/VBN by/IN Bogart/NNP ,/, Cagney/NNP ,/, Robinson/NNP ,/, et/CC al/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ nothing/NN romantic/JJ about/IN the/DT criminal/JJ violence/NN depicted/VBN in/IN the/DT Godfather/NNP movies/NNS or/CC the/DT way/NN the/DT blood/NN seems/VBZ to/TO drain/VB out/IN of/IN Pacino/NNP 's/POS character/NN over/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT epic/NN ./.
Given/VBN the/DT volumes/NNS that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN written/VBN about/IN these/DT movies/NNS ,/, Freund/NNP 's/POS blatant/JJ misreadings/NNS are/VBP stupefying/VBG ./.
Maybe/RB a/DT little/JJ more/RBR cultural/JJ gatekeeping/VBG on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN Slate/NNP editors/NNS is/VBZ in/IN order/NN ./.
-/: -/: Steve/NNP Warrick/NNP Pleasant/NNP Hill/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
The/DT Dirt/NNP on/IN White/NNP Boards/NNP
Regarding/VBG the/DT June/NNP 29/CD "/" Millionerds/NNP "/" column/NN on/IN white/JJ boards/NNS ,/, Michael/NNP Lewis/NNP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" But/CC I/PRP have/VBP now/RB seen/VBN many/JJ hundreds/NNS of/IN these/DT boards/NNS ,/, bearing/VBG the/DT remnants/NNS of/IN some/DT recent/JJ group/NN meeting/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP cannot/NN recall/NN ever/RB seeing/VBG anything/NN on/IN them/PRP remotely/RB resembling/VBG a/DT thought/VBD ./.
Have/VBP you/PRP now/RB ?/.
Have/VBP you/PRP ever/RB been/VBN part/NN of/IN a/DT team/NN developing/VBG a/DT OO/NNP plan/NN for/IN a/DT software/NN project/NN ?/.
Have/VBP you/PRP ever/RB diagramed/JJ a/DT relational/NN database/NN for/IN a/DT critique/NN from/IN your/PRP$ colleagues/NNS ?/.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT white/JJ boards/NNS you/PRP 've/VBP seen/VBN were/VBD spied/VBD while/IN you/PRP were/VBD escorted/JJ about/IN by/IN PR/NNP flacks/NNS or/CC techs/NNS and/CC suits/NNS on/IN a/DT PR/NNP mission/NN ./.
They/PRP were/VBD all/DT sort/NN of/IN nervous/JJ because/IN you/PRP 're/VBP a/DT celebrity/NN writer/NN ./.
They/PRP gave/VBD you/PRP free/JJ meals/NNS ./.
Am/NNP I/PRP right/RB so/RB far/RB ?/.
You/PRP 've/VBP never/RB seen/VBN a/DT white/JJ board/NN used/VBN in/IN real/JJ technical/JJ development/NN ,/, have/VBP you/PRP ?/.
You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB know/VB what/WP you/PRP 're/VBP talking/VBG about/IN ,/, do/VBP you/PRP ?/.
The/DT fact/NN that/IN what/WP you/PRP 've/VBP just/RB written--and/JJ much/JJ of/IN what/WP you/PRP 've/VBP written/VBN before--is/JJ untrue/JJ does/VBZ n't/RB bother/VB you/PRP because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ all/DT in/IN fun/NN ,/, right/NN ?/.
And/CC not/RB really/RB important/JJ ,/, true/JJ ?/.
Just/RB to/TO amuse/VBP ,/, you/PRP see/VBP ./.
You/PRP 're/VBP a/DT stylist/NN ./.
-/: -/: Mitchell/NNP Coffey/NNP
So/RB ./.
What/WP ?/.
Regarding/VBG Michael/NNP Lewis/NNP '/POS comments/NNS in/IN "/" Millionerds/NNP "/" about/IN programmers/NNS '/POS use/NN of/IN "/" so/RB "/" :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT California/NNP programmer/NN thing/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT programmer/NN thing/NN ./.
I/PRP work/VBP in/IN Champaign-/NNP Urbana/NNP ,/, Ill/NNP ./.
,/, (/( about/IN 150/CD miles/NNS south/RB of/IN Chicago/NNP ,/, 120/CD miles/NNS west/NN of/IN Indianapolis/NNP ,/, home/NN of/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Illinois/NNP )/) and/CC no/DT professional/JJ programmer/NN I/PRP know/VBP has/VBZ this/DT verbal/JJ mannerism/NN ./.
My/PRP$ personal/JJ opinion/NN would/MD be/VB that/IN people/NNS give/VBP so/RB many/JJ technical/JJ presentations/NNS in/IN formal/JJ and/CC informal/JJ settings/NNS ,/, where/WRB every/DT other/JJ sentence/NN or/CC clause/NN starts/VBZ with/IN "/" so/RB "/" -/: -/: "/" so/RB then/RB the/DT frob/NN bit/NN is/VBZ set/VBN ,/, so/IN this/DT path/NN is/VBZ followed/VBN ,/, so/IN no/DT data/NNS hits/VBZ the/DT wire/NN "/" -/: -/: that/IN they/PRP just/RB "/" get/VB in/IN the/DT habit/NN "/" of/IN prefacing/VBG everything/NN with/IN "/" so/RB ./.
-/: -/: Alan/NNP M/NNP ./.
Carroll/NNP Cisco/NNP Systems/NNPS
Working/NNP Words/NNPS
Although/IN Jason/NNP Turner/NNP 's/POS remark/NN ,/, discussed/VBN in/IN the/DT June/NNP 29/CD "/" Chatterbox/NNP ,/, "/" may/MD have/VB been/VBN unintentional/NN in/IN its/PRP$ reference/NN to/TO the/DT "/" welcome/JJ sign/NN "/" over/IN Auschwitz/NNP 's/POS main/JJ gate/NN ,/, his/PRP$ attitude/NN remains/VBZ the/DT same/JJ :/: forced/VBN labor/NN without/IN hope/VBP for/IN education/NN ,/, decent/JJ child/NN care/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT better/RBR future/JJ ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB Jewish/JJ or/CC German/JJ ,/, but/CC I/PRP immediately/RB recognized/VBD the/DT infamous/JJ quote/NN ./.
I/PRP believe/VBP a/DT Haitian/JJ proverb/NN properly/RB sums/VBZ up/RP the/DT entire/JJ work/NN &slash;/NN welfare/NN debate/NN :/: "/" If/IN work/NN were/VBD good/JJ for/IN you/PRP ,/, the/DT rich/JJ would/MD leave/VB none/NN for/IN the/DT poor/JJ ./.
Amen/UH ./.
-/: -/: Max/NNP E/NNP ./.
Hughey/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
San/NNP Diego/NNP
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
A/DT judge/NN in/IN Hawaii/NNP ruled/VBD this/DT week/NN that/IN the/DT state/NN 's/POS constitutional/JJ prohibition/NN against/IN sex/NN discrimination/NN requires/VBZ it/PRP to/TO give/VB legal/JJ sanction/NN to/TO same-sex/JJ marriages/NNS ./.
Although/IN state/NN officials/NNS plan/VBP to/TO appeal/VB the/DT decision/NN to/TO the/DT state/NN Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ,/, the/DT judge/NN 's/POS decision/NN has/VBZ revived/VBN the/DT controversy/NN that/WDT prompted/VBD Congress/NNP to/TO pass/VB (/( and/CC President/NNP Clinton/NNP to/TO sign/VB )/) the/DT Defense/NNP of/IN Marriage/NNP Act/NNP in/IN September/NNP ./.
That/DT act/NN defines/VBZ marriage/NN for/IN the/DT purposes/NNS of/IN federal/JJ law/NN as/IN the/DT union/NN of/IN a/DT man/NN and/CC a/DT woman/NN (/( thereby/RB denying/VBG federal/JJ spousal/NN benefits/NNS to/TO same-sex/JJ partners/NNS )/) and/CC permits/VBZ states/NNS to/TO deny/VB recognition/NN to/TO same-sex/JJ marriages/NNS performed/VBN in/IN other/JJ states/NNS ./.
While/IN it/PRP is/VBZ true/JJ that/IN a/DT large/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT debate/NN over/IN same-sex/JJ marriage/NN has/VBZ focused/VBN on/IN the/DT moral/JJ and/CC religious/JJ issues/NNS ,/, marriage/NN is/VBZ also/RB a/DT legal/JJ condition/NN with/IN practical/JJ consequences/NNS ./.
What/WP advantages--and/JJ disadvantages--would/JJ become/VB available/JJ to/TO same-sex/JJ unions/NNS if/IN they/PRP were/VBD officially/RB recognized/VBN by/IN the/DT government/NN ?/.
The/DT federal/JJ tax/NN code/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN many/JJ state/NN tax/NN systems/NNS ,/, favors/VBZ marriages/NNS in/IN which/WDT one/CD spouse/NN earns/VBZ most/JJS of/IN or/CC all/PDT the/DT income/NN ,/, and/CC penalizes/VBZ those/DT in/IN which/WDT income/NN is/VBZ equally/RB or/CC nearly/RB equally/RB split/VB between/IN the/DT partners/NNS ./.
The/DT oft-complained-of/JJ "/" marriage/NN penalty/NN "/" only/RB exists/VBZ in/IN the/DT latter/JJ case/NN ./.
If/IN both/DT partners/NNS have/VBP roughly/RB equal/JJ incomes--which/JJ may/MD be/VB the/DT case/NN more/RBR often/RB among/IN same-sex/JJ couples/NNS than/IN among/IN opposite-sex/JJ ones--getting/JJ married/VBN will/MD raise/VB their/PRP$ taxes/NNS ./.
But/CC a/DT working/VBG person/NN who/WP is/VBZ the/DT sole/JJ or/CC main/JJ support/NN of/IN a/DT same-sex/JJ partner/NN could/MD realize/VB a/DT large/JJ tax/NN saving/VBG if/IN the/DT union/NN were/VBD legally/RB sanctioned/VBN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ especially/RB so/RB if/IN they/PRP are/VBP approaching/VBG retirement/NN ./.
Social/NNP Security/NNP 's/POS old-age/JJ and/CC disability/NN programs/NNS both/DT favor/NN married/VBD people/NNS ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, when/WRB a/DT fully/RB insured/VBN worker/NN retires/VBZ ,/, the/DT spouse/NN receives/VBZ half/NN of/IN the/DT worker/NN 's/POS benefits/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT case/NN with/IN unmarried/JJ couples--which/JJ fact/NN gives/VBZ married/VBN partners/NNS the/DT edge/NN over/IN their/PRP$ unwed/JJ counterparts/NNS ./.
(/( However/RB ,/, if/IN each/DT partner/NN had/VBD had/VBN substantial/JJ earnings/NNS ,/, no/DT marriage/NN benefit/NN would/MD accrue--the/JJ law/NN requires/VBZ the/DT lower-earning/JJ partner/NN to/TO choose/VB between/IN taking/VBG his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ own/JJ earned/VBD benefit/NN or/CC one-half/NN of/IN the/DT partner/NN 's/POS benefit/NN ./.
)/) If/IN only/RB one/CD partner/NN in/IN a/DT same-sex/JJ marriage/NN had/VBD substantial/JJ earnings/NNS ,/, the/DT couple/NN would/MD realize/VB a/DT much/RB higher/JJR rate/NN of/IN return/NN on/IN that/DT partner/NN 's/POS Social/NNP Security/NNP taxes/NNS than/IN they/PRP would/MD have/VB if/IN unwed/JJ or/CC earning/VBG comparable/JJ incomes/NNS ./.
Social/NNP Security/NNP survivor/NN benefits/NNS -/: -/: and/CC spousal/NN benefits/NNS under/IN other/JJ federal/JJ programs/NNS such/JJ as/IN veterans/NNS '/POS pensions/NNS -/: -/: apply/VB only/RB to/TO a/DT legal/JJ spouse/NN ,/, not/RB to/TO an/DT unmarried/JJ partner/NN ./.
Though/IN the/DT law/NN does/VBZ not/RB require/VB that/IN businesses/NNS provide/VBP their/PRP$ workers/NNS with/IN medical/JJ benefits/NNS ,/, many/JJ employers/NNS do/VBP so/RB ./.
Benefits/NNP often/RB cover/VBP employees/NNS '/POS families/NNS ,/, and/CC some/DT companies/NNS now/RB are/VBP extending/VBG benefits/NNS to/TO same-sex/JJ partners/NNS as/RB well/RB ./.
But/CC benefits/NNS for/IN employees/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ families/NNS are/VBP tax-free/JJ ./.
When/WRB businesses/NNS offer/VBP benefits/NNS to/TO unmarried/JJ partners/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, the/DT cost/NN is/VBZ taxable/JJ income/NN ./.
If/IN same-sex/JJ partners/NNS were/VBD legally/RB recognized/VBN as/IN spouses/NNS ,/, the/DT benefits/NNS would/MD no/RB longer/RB be/VB taxed/VBN ./.
Marriage/NNP also/RB grants/VBZ a/DT spouse/NN automatic/JJ "/" medical/JJ power/NN of/IN attorney/NN "/" -/: -/: the/DT legal/JJ authority/NN to/TO make/VB medical/JJ decisions/NNS for/IN an/DT incapacitated/JJ person/NN ./.
Unmarried/NNP partners/NNS ,/, of/IN the/DT same/JJ or/CC opposite/JJ sex/NN ,/, must/MD hire/VB a/DT lawyer/NN to/TO obtain/VB this/DT authority/NN ./.
Hospitals/NNS also/RB generally/RB bar/VB those/DT who/WP are/VBP not/RB members/NNS of/IN a/DT patient/NN 's/POS immediate/JJ family/NN from/IN intensive/JJ care/NN units/NNS ./.
The/DT marriage/NN contract/NN confers/VBZ numerous/JJ rights/NNS to/TO a/DT surviving/VBG spouse/NN upon/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN the/DT other/JJ spouse/NN ./.
This/DT includes/VBZ deciding/VBG how/WRB to/TO dispose/VB of/IN the/DT deceased/JJ 's/POS body/NN ./.
Marriage/NNP also/RB helps/VBZ the/DT survivor/NN to/TO inherit/VBP ./.
In/IN most/JJS states/NNS ,/, a/DT spouse/NN automatically/RB inherits/VBZ from/IN a/DT deceased/JJ partner/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN unmarried/JJ couples/NNS ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, the/DT survivor/NN is/VBZ entitled/VBN to/TO nothing/NN unless/IN the/DT deceased/JJ specifically/RB wills/NNS it/PRP to/TO him/PRP or/CC her/PRP ./.
When/WRB unmarried/JJ people/NNS die/VBP intestate--without/JJ a/DT will--their/JJ assets/NNS automatically/RB go/VBP to/TO their/PRP$ families/NNS ./.
Because/IN married/VBN people/NNS are/VBP considered/VBN to/TO be/VB an/DT economic/JJ unit/NN ,/, moreover/RB ,/, the/DT federal/JJ estate/NN tax/NN exempts/NNS all/DT assets/NNS inherited/VBN by/IN a/DT spouse/NN ./.
Unmarried/NNP partners/NNS receive/VBP no/DT such/JJ exemption/NN ./.
And/CC where/WRB a/DT surviving/VBG spouse/NN may/MD sue/VB for/IN wrongful/JJ death/NN ,/, or/CC for/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ own/JJ emotional/JJ distress/NN ,/, if/IN the/DT death/NN is/VBZ arguably/RB someone/NN else/RB 's/POS fault/NN (/( a/DT traffic/NN accident/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN )/) ,/, an/DT unmarried/JJ partner/NN generally/RB has/VBZ no/DT such/JJ right/JJ ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT most/RBS important/JJ legal/JJ consequences/NNS of/IN marriage/NN involve/VB getting/VBG out/IN of/IN it/PRP (/( even/RB though/IN it/PRP is/VBZ true/JJ that/IN one/CD spouse/NN generally/RB cannot/NN be/VB required/VBN to/TO testify/VB against/IN the/DT other/JJ in/IN court/NN as/RB long/RB as/IN they/PRP 're/VBP still/RB married/VBN )/) ./.
Divorce/NNP laws/NNS divide/VBP property/NN and/CC dictate/VBP the/DT financial/JJ support/NN of/IN spouses/NNS who/WP did/VBD little/JJ work/NN outside/IN the/DT home/NN ./.
These/DT laws/NNS vary/VBP by/IN state/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN general/JJ ,/, when/WRB a/DT marriage/NN dissolves/VBZ ,/, each/DT partner/NN is/VBZ considered/VBN to/TO own/VB everything/NN he/PRP &slash;/NN she/PRP brought/VBD into/IN the/DT marriage/NN ,/, while/IN all/DT assets/NNS obtained/VBN during/IN the/DT marriage/NN (/( except/IN by/IN inheritance/NN )/) are/VBP considered/VBN joint/JJ property/NN ./.
What/WP happens/VBZ to/TO joint/JJ property/NN ?/.
Most/JJS states/NNS have/VBP "/" equitable/JJ distribution/NN "/" laws/NNS ,/, under/IN which/WDT it/PRP is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB divided/VBN fairly/RB ,/, though/IN not/RB necessarily/RB in/IN half/NN ./.
Only/RB eight/CD states/NNS have/VBP "/" community/NN property/NN "/" laws/NNS requiring/VBG that/IN all/DT assets/NNS acquired/VBN during/IN a/DT marriage/NN be/VB divided/VBN equally/RB ./.
A/DT same-sex/JJ spouse/NN probably/RB could/MD n't/RB count/VB on/IN any/DT long-term/JJ alimony/NN ./.
Since/IN the/DT "/" no-fault/JJ "/" divorce/NN reforms/NNS of/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, courts/NNS have/VBP rarely/RB made/VBN such/JJ awards/NNS in/IN cases/NNS involving/VBG the/DT dissolution/NN of/IN marriage/NN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, courts/NNS give/VBP the/DT financially/RB dependent/JJ spouse/NN "/" maintenance/NN "/" payments/NNS ,/, which/WDT provide/VBP support/NN while/IN she/PRP or/CC he/PRP gains/VBZ a/DT footing/NN in/IN the/DT work/NN force/NN ./.
In/IN practical/JJ terms/NNS ,/, maintenance/NN usually/RB lasts/VBZ only/RB five/CD to/TO seven/CD years/NNS ,/, and/CC rarely/RB longer/RBR than/IN the/DT marriage/NN did/VBD ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
immigration/NN law/NN permits/VBZ spouses/NNS of/IN American/JJ citizens/NNS to/TO become/VB American/JJ citizens/NNS with/IN only/RB a/DT few/JJ exceptions/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN sham/NN marriages/NNS undertaken/VBN for/IN the/DT purpose/NN of/IN obtaining/VBG citizenship/NN ./.
Although/IN there/EX are/VBP still/RB some/DT legal/JJ hoops/NNS to/TO jump/VB through/IN ,/, marriage/NN would/MD enable/VB the/DT same-sex/JJ partner/NN of/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
citizen/NN to/TO avoid/VB the/DT very/RB lengthy/JJ (/( and/CC frequently/RB unsuccessful/JJ )/) application/NN process/NN for/IN citizenship/NN ./.
Aprimary/NNP argument/NN against/IN same-sex/JJ marriage/NN is/VBZ that/DT marriage/NN is/VBZ an/DT institution/NN for/IN the/DT raising/NN of/IN children/NNS ./.
But/CC laws/NNS pertaining/VBG to/TO child-rearing/JJ are/VBP surprisingly/RB marriage-neutral/JJ ./.
Parents/NNS have/VBP the/DT same/JJ obligations/NNS to/TO support/VB their/PRP$ children/NNS regardless/RB of/IN whether/IN they/PRP are/VBP ,/, or/CC ever/RB were/VBD ,/, married/VBN to/TO each/DT other/JJ ./.
(/( And/CC marriage/NN benefits/NNS go/VBP to/TO all/DT married/VBN people/NNS regardless/RB of/IN whether/IN they/PRP have/VBP children/NNS ./.
)/) Same-sex/NNP marriage/NN would/MD have/VB no/DT direct/JJ effect/NN on/IN the/DT rights/NNS and/CC obligations/NNS of/IN parenthood/NN ./.
It/PRP might/MD well/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, facilitate/VB gay/JJ couples/NNS '/POS efforts/NNS to/TO adopt/VB children/NNS ./.
The/DT marriage/NN contract/NN pours/VBZ a/DT sea/NN of/IN benefits/NNS and/CC obligations/NNS into/IN a/DT single/JJ "/" I/PRP do/VBP ./.
"/" As/IN a/DT generic/JJ set/NN of/IN laws/NNS for/IN an/DT extraordinarily/RB diverse/JJ group/NN of/IN marriages/NNS ,/, marriage/NN law/NN burdens/NNS some/DT couples/NNS some/DT of/IN the/DT time/NN and/CC benefits/NNS most/JJS couples/NNS most/JJS of/IN the/DT time/NN ./.
Symbolism/NNP aside/RB ,/, if/IN government/NN extended/VBD marriage/NN to/TO same-sex/JJ couples/NNS ,/, the/DT new/JJ spouses/NNS would/MD find/VB the/DT pros/NNS and/CC cons/NNS about/IN the/DT same/JJ ./.
Washington/NNP ,/, like/IN ,/, I/PRP suppose/VBP ,/, the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, is/VBZ alive/JJ with/IN echoes/NNS of/IN Watergate/NNP these/DT days--for/JJ obvious/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
How/WRB do/VBP President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS offenses/NNS compare/VBP with/IN President/NNP Nixon/NNP 's/POS ?/.
What/WP light/JJ does/VBZ the/DT Nixon/NNP case/NN throw/VB on/IN the/DT definition/NN of/IN "/" high/JJ crimes/NNS and/CC misdemeanors/NNS "/" ?/.
What/WP precedent/NN does/VBZ Congress/NNP '/POS procedure/NN in/IN the/DT Watergate/NNP case/NN establish/VB for/IN the/DT procedure/NN in/IN the/DT Lewinsky/NNP case/NN ?/.
I/PRP do/VBP not/RB propose/VB to/TO add/VB to/TO the/DT volume/NN of/IN punditry/NN on/IN such/JJ questions/NNS ./.
But/CC I/PRP can/MD add/VB a/DT footnote/NN on/IN the/DT question/NN of/IN what/WP it/PRP was/VBD like/IN being/VBG an/DT innocent/JJ in/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP during/IN the/DT Watergate/NNP affair/NN ./.
I/PRP use/VBP the/DT word/NN "/" innocent/JJ ,/, "/" of/IN course/NN ,/, to/TO mean/VB not/RB just/RB "/" not/RB guilty/JJ "/" but/CC also/RB "/" unaware/JJ "/" or/CC "/" naive/JJ ./.
Iwas/NNP chairman/NN of/IN Nixon/NNP 's/POS Council/NNP of/IN Economic/NNP Advisers/NNPS during/IN the/DT whole/JJ business/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD at/IN the/DT Homestead/NNP ,/, in/IN Hot/NNP Springs/NNP ,/, Va/NNP ./.
,/, Sunday/NNP morning/NN ,/, June/NNP 18/CD ,/, 1972/CD ,/, when/WRB I/PRP read/VBP ,/, in/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, of/IN the/DT break-in/JJ at/IN the/DT Watergate/NNP Office/NNP Building/NNP ./.
The/DT previous/JJ evening/NN I/PRP had/VBD given/VBN a/DT speech/NN to/TO the/DT Virginia/NNP Bankers/NNP Association/NNP about/IN the/DT wonders/NNS of/IN the/DT economic/JJ situation/NN ./.
Only/RB a/DT little/JJ before/IN that/IN I/PRP had/VBD held/VBN a/DT press/NN conference/NN announcing/VBG that/IN the/DT economic/JJ statistics/NNS of/IN the/DT first/JJ quarter/NN were/VBD the/DT best/JJS in/IN recorded/VBN history--or/JJ ,/, I/PRP cautiously/RB added/VBD ,/, "/" at/IN least/JJS in/IN the/DT Christian/NNP era/NN ./.
"/" We/PRP seemed/VBD to/TO be/VB on/IN our/PRP$ way/NN to/TO an/DT orderly/JJ dismantling/VBG of/IN price/NN and/CC wage/NN controls/NNS ./.
Nixon/NNP 's/POS re-election/NN in/IN November/NNP seemed/VBD assured/VBN ,/, the/DT only/JJ question/NN being/VBG which/WDT Democratic/JJ candidate/NN would/MD be/VB defeated/VBN most/RBS decisively/RB ./.
The/DT Watergate/NNP break-in/JJ did/VBD not/RB look/VB like/IN a/DT cloud/NN on/IN our/PRP$ ,/, or/CC my/PRP$ ,/, horizon/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD years/NNS ,/, up/RB almost/RB to/TO the/DT last/JJ days/NNS ,/, I/PRP could/MD see/VB the/DT cloud/NN getting/VBG darker/JJR and/CC darker/JJR but/CC did/VBD not/RB believe/VB the/DT Nixon/NNP presidency/NN would/MD come/VB to/TO a/DT premature/JJ end/NN ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, I/PRP had/VBD my/PRP$ own/JJ experience/NN with/IN the/DT extent/NN of/IN bias/NN and/CC animosity/NN in/IN the/DT press/NN against/IN anything/NN having/VBG to/TO do/VB with/IN Nixon/NNP ./.
During/IN many/JJ years/NNS in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, before/IN I/PRP entered/VBD the/DT Nixon/NNP administration/NN ,/, I/PRP had/VBD had/VBN friendly/JJ relations/NNS with/IN many/JJ reporters/NNS ./.
I/PRP was/VBD then/RB associated/VBN with/IN the/DT Committee/NNP for/IN Economic/NNP Development/NNP ,/, the/DT least/JJS conservative/NN of/IN the/DT business/NN organizations/NNS ,/, and/CC we/PRP were/VBD the/DT "/" good/JJ guys/NNS "/" to/TO the/DT liberal/JJ press/NN ./.
But/CC these/DT same/JJ reporters/NNS became/VBD my/PRP$ enemies/NNS and/CC ,/, I/PRP felt/VBD ,/, misrepresented/VBD me/PRP as/RB soon/RB as/IN it/PRP became/VBD apparent/JJ I/PRP was/VBD devoted/VBN to/TO Nixon/NNP ./.
As/IN it/PRP happened/VBD ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS chief/NN pursuers/NNS in/IN the/DT press/NN ,/, Carl/NNP Bernstein/NNP ,/, of/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, had/VBD been/VBN my/PRP$ neighbor/NN in/IN Silver/NNP Spring/NNP ,/, Md/NNP ./.
,/, and/CC a/DT friend/NN of/IN my/PRP$ children/NNS 's/POS ./.
He/PRP had/VBD been/VBN a/DT likable/JJ boy/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP put/VBP no/DT great/JJ stock/NN in/IN his/PRP$ professionalism/NN or/CC objectivity/NN ./.
So/IN I/PRP did/VBD not/RB believe/VB the/DT press/NN was/VBD giving/VBG an/DT accurate/JJ account/NN of/IN what/WP had/VBD happened/VBN ./.
At/IN 8/CD a/DT ./.
m/NN ./.
each/DT day/NN I/PRP participated/VBD in/IN a/DT meeting/NN of/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP staff/NN ,/, presided/VBD over/IN by/IN the/DT chief/NN of/IN staff--first/JJ Bob/NNP Haldeman/NNP and/CC later/RB Al/NNP Haig/NNP ./.
Almost/RB every/DT morning/NN in/IN 1973/CD and/CC 1974/CD ,/, we/PRP were/VBD given/VBN a/DT status/NN report/NN on/IN the/DT Watergate/NNP case/NN ,/, the/DT constant/JJ refrain/NN of/IN which/WDT was/VBD that/DT everything/NN was/VBD going/VBG to/TO come/VB out/RP all/DT right/JJ ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB anyone/NN was/VBD lying/VBG to/TO us/PRP ./.
But/CC no/DT one/CD told/VBD us--and/JJ perhaps/RB did/VBD n't/RB know--how/JJ the/DT legal/JJ and/CC political/JJ process/NN was/VBD going/VBG to/TO unfold/VB ./.
Still/RB ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB underestimate/NN the/DT importance/NN of/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ unwillingness/NN to/TO believe/VB ./.
Nixon/NNP had/VBD honored/VBN me/PRP by/IN making/VBG me/PRP member/NN and/CC then/RB chairman/NN of/IN his/PRP$ Council/NNP of/IN Economic/NNP Advisers/NNPS ./.
He/PRP had/VBD treated/VBN me/PRP with/IN respect/NN and/CC offered/VBD me/PRP his/PRP$ friendship/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD unwilling/JJ to/TO believe/VB that/IN he/PRP had/VBD behaved/VBN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/IN a/DT committee/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ,/, even/RB one/CD composed/VBN mainly/RB of/IN his/PRP$ political/JJ enemies/NNS ,/, would/MD consider/VB deserving/JJ of/IN impeachment/NN ./.
Ican/NNP think/VBP of/IN only/RB one/CD economic/JJ policy/NN decision/NN that/WDT was/VBD probably/RB influenced/VBN by/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS concern/NN with/IN Watergate/NNP ./.
By/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN 1973/CD ,/, after/IN the/DT election/NN ,/, the/DT wage-price/JJ control/NN system/NN began/VBD to/TO come/VB unglued/JJ ./.
The/DT world/NN food/NN supply/NN had/VBD fallen/VBN because/IN of/IN bad/JJ weather/NN in/IN Russia/NNP and/CC El/NNP Niño/NNP in/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP ,/, food/NN prices/NNS were/VBD rising/VBG beyond/IN our/PRP$ control/NN ,/, and/CC with/IN food/NN prices/NNS rising/VBG it/PRP was/VBD hard/JJ to/TO restrain/VB wages/NNS ./.
When/WRB I/PRP spoke/VBD with/IN Leonard/NNP Garment/NNP ,/, then/RB the/DT president/NN 's/POS counsel/NN ,/, he/PRP said/VBD the/DT president/NN was/VBD in/IN trouble/NN and/CC asked/VBD whether/IN we/PRP could/MD n't/RB have/VB some/DT kind/NN of/IN economic/JJ spectacular/JJ to/TO help/VB bolster/VB his/PRP$ public/JJ support/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB because/IN I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB enough/JJ imagination/NN ,/, I/PRP had/VBD no/DT comfort/NN to/TO give/VB him/PRP ./.
In/IN March/NNP the/DT president/NN suggested/VBD to/TO me/PRP that/IN we/PRP might/MD have/VB another/DT wage-price/JJ freeze/NN ,/, like/IN the/DT one/CD we/PRP had/VBD imposed/VBN in/IN August/NNP 1971/CD that/WDT had/VBD been/VBN so/RB popular/JJ ./.
I/PRP replied/VBD ,/, smart-alecky/JJ ,/, that/IN you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB step/VB in/IN the/DT same/JJ river/NN twice/RB ./.
He/PRP came/VBD back/RB with/IN the/DT wittiest/NN words/NNS I/PRP ever/RB heard/VBD from/IN him/PRP :/: "/" Yes/UH ,/, you/PRP can/MD ,/, if/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ frozen/VBN ./.
That/DT was/VBD not/RB the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT matter/NN ./.
The/DT economic/JJ situation/NN continued/VBD to/TO deteriorate/VB and/CC ,/, as/IN I/PRP now/RB see/VBP ,/, so/RB did/VBD the/DT political/JJ one/CD ./.
Nixon/NNP brought/VBD back/RB as/IN counselor/NN John/NNP Connally/NNP ,/, who/WP ,/, in/IN 1971/CD and/CC 1972/CD ,/, as/IN secretary/NN of/IN the/DT Treasury/NNP ,/, had/VBD been/VBN his/PRP$ specialist/NN in/IN long-ball/JJ economic/JJ policy/NN ./.
The/DT president/NN wanted/VBD his/PRP$ economic/JJ team/NN ,/, thus/RB fortified/VBN ,/, to/TO produce/VB a/DT dramatic/JJ economic/JJ policy/NN that/WDT would/MD improve/VB the/DT nation/NN 's/POS economy/NN and/CC his/PRP$ political/JJ standing/NN ./.
A/DT new/JJ wage-price/JJ freeze/NN was/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT options/NNS to/TO be/VB considered/VBN ./.
But/CC none/NN of/IN us/PRP ,/, not/RB even/RB Connally/NNP ,/, wanted/VBD that/DT ./.
The/DT president/NN repeatedly/RB asked/VBD us/PRP to/TO reconsider/VB ./.
After/IN several/JJ uncomfortable/JJ weeks/NNS he/PRP decided/VBD ,/, without/IN the/DT benefit/NN of/IN his/PRP$ economists/NNS ,/, to/TO impose/VB the/DT freeze/NN anyway/RB ./.
It/PRP was/VBD an/DT immediate/JJ flop/NN and/CC did/VBD not/RB last/JJ long/JJ ./.
Then/RB we/PRP reverted/VBN to/TO unspectacular/NN ,/, even/RB painful/JJ ,/, economics/NNS ./.
As/IN I/PRP look/VBP back/RB at/IN those/DT days/NNS I/PRP am/VBP impressed/VBN by/IN the/DT way/NN in/IN which/WDT President/NNP Nixon/NNP continued/VBD to/TO perform/VB his/PRP$ duties/NNS in/IN what/WP was/VBD surely/RB a/DT time/NN of/IN great/JJ stress/NN for/IN him/PRP ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, I/PRP was/VBD not/RB an/DT intimate/JJ ,/, and/CC I/PRP did/VBD not/RB see/VB him/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ private/JJ moments/NNS ./.
But/CC still/RB ,/, I/PRP had/VBD many/JJ meetings/NNS with/IN him/PRP ,/, and/CC he/PRP showed/VBD no/DT signs/NNS of/IN distraction/NN or/CC impatience/NN ./.
He/PRP would/MD take/VB notes/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ yellow/JJ pad/NN and/CC sum/NN up/RP the/DT sense/NN of/IN our/PRP$ meetings/NNS in/IN an/DT orderly/JJ manner/NN ,/, as/IN he/PRP had/VBD always/RB done/VBN ./.
Near/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, in/IN July/NNP 1974/CD ,/, I/PRP went/VBD out/IN to/TO San/NNP Clemente/NNP to/TO draft/VB what/WP was/VBD to/TO be/VB ,/, although/IN we/PRP did/VBD n't/RB know/VB it/PRP at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, Nixon/NNP 's/POS last/JJ address/NN as/IN president/NN before/IN his/PRP$ resignation/NN message/NN ./.
The/DT speech/NN was/VBD long/JJ and/CC ,/, I/PRP can/MD now/RB see/VB ,/, rather/RB platitudinous/JJ ./.
But/CC Nixon/NNP read/VBP all/PDT the/DT drafts/NNS ./.
He/PRP discussed/VBD them/PRP with/IN me/PRP and/CC Roy/NNP Ash/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD then/RB the/DT budget/NN director/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP delivered/VBD the/DT final/JJ speech/NN with/IN vigor/NN on/IN July/NNP 25/CD in/IN Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD on/IN the/DT plane/NN flying/VBG back/RB to/TO Washington/NNP that/IN we/PRP got/VBD news/NN of/IN votes/NNS in/IN the/DT House/NNP committee/NN that/WDT made/VBD impeachment/NN extremely/RB likely/JJ ./.
Two/CD weeks/NNS later/RB my/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, my/PRP$ son/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP were/VBD in/IN the/DT East/NNP Room/NNP of/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, tears/NNS streaming/VBG down/RP our/PRP$ cheeks/NNS as/IN Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP said/VBD farewell/NN to/TO his/PRP$ staff/NN ./.
SUBJECT/NNP :/: gwbush/NN ./.
com/NN is/VBZ just/RB a/DT cybersquatter/NN
FROM/NNP :/: Matt/NNP Maddox/NNP
RE/NNP :/:
DATE/NNP :/: Wed/NNP Sept/NNP 29/CD
Actually/RB ,/, the/DT article/NN fails/VBZ to/TO include/VB one/CD critical/JJ fact/NN :/: Zack/NNP Exley/NNP 's/POS Bush/NNP parody/NN site/NN was/VBD not/RB set/VBN up/RP to/TO express/VB opinions--or/JJ even/RB to/TO parody/NN Bush/NNP ./.
Exley/NNP is/VBZ a/DT cybersquatter/NN who/WP demanded/VBD $/$ 20/CD K/NNP from/IN the/DT Bush/NNP campaign/NN for/IN the/DT rights/NNS to/TO the/DT domain/NN name/NN ./.
When/WRB they/PRP refused/VBD ,/, he/PRP set/VBD up/RP an/DT anti-/NN Bush/NNP site/NN ./.
The/DT guy/NN even/RB claims/VBZ to/TO be/VB non-partisan/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ just/RB a/DT case/NN of/IN electronic/JJ blackmail/VB that/IN the/DT media/NNS blowhards/NNS want/VBP to/TO turn/VB into/IN a/DT free-speech/NN case/NN ./.
(/( To/TO respond/VB ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP is/VBZ the/DT real/JJ cybersquatter/NN
FROM/NNP :/: Diane/NNP
RE/NNP :/:
DATE/NNP :/: Tue/NNP Sept/NNP 28/CD
Personally/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP the/DT Bush/NNP camp/NN is/VBZ acting/VBG like/IN brats/NNS that/WDT did/VBD n't/RB get/VB everything/NN they/PRP wanted/VBD at/IN Christmas/NNP ./.
As/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP sure/JJ y/NN '/" all/DT know/VBP ,/, the/DT Bush/NNP campaign/NN purposely/RB combatted/JJ the/DT possibility/NN of/IN competing/VBG with/IN mock/JJ spoof/NN sites/NNS like/IN gwbush/NN ./.
com/NN by/IN BUYING/NNP domain/NN names/NNS (/( over/IN 60/CD sites/NNS ,/, from/IN what/WP I/PRP got/VBD from/IN the/DT Newsweek/NNP article/NN )/) ./.
Some/DT examples/NNS (/( and/CC go/VB ahead/RB and/CC try/VB them/PRP )/) :/: www/NN ./.
georgebushbites/NNS ./.
com/NN ,/, www/NN ./.
georgebushblows/NNS ./.
com/NN ,/, georgebushsucks/NNS ./.
com/NN ,/, www/NN ./.
bushbites/NNS ./.
com/NN ,/, www/NN ./.
bushsux/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
All/DT these/DT sites/NNS will/MD automatically/RB lead/VB into/IN George/NNP Dubbawya/NNP 's/POS Web/NNP site/NN (/( www/NN ./.
georgewbush/NN ./.
com/NN )/) ./.
Neat/NNP ,/, huh/NN ?/.
GWBush/NNP ./.
com/NN and/CC another/DT Zack/NNP Exley/NNP site/NN squeaked/JJ by/IN this/DT ,/, and/CC since/IN the/DT campaign/NN could/MD n't/RB buy/VB it/PRP ,/, they/PRP decided/VBD to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN it/PRP ./.
Funny/JJ ,/, I/PRP thought/VBD that/IN politics/NNS and/CC campaigning/NN were/VBD about/IN freedom/NN of/IN speech/NN and/CC the/DT ability/NN to/TO compete/VB ./.
The/DT Bush/NNP campaign/NN has/VBZ a/DT sweet/JJ monopoly/NN on/IN that/DT ./.
If/IN you/PRP would/MD like/VB more/JJR information/NN ,/, you/PRP should/MD go/VB to/TO the/DT site/NN that/WDT is/VBZ actually/RB handling/VBG this/DT case/NN :/: www/NN ./.
rtmark/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ everything/NN from/IN the/DT cease/VB and/CC desist/VB letter/NN to/TO any/DT articles/NNS remote/JJ to/TO the/DT subject/NN ./.
(/( To/TO respond/VB ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
SUBJECT/NNP :/: "/" Analysis/NNP "/" from/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS adman/NN
FROM/NNP :/: Michael/NNP
RE/NNP :/:
DATE/NNP :/: Wed/NNP Sept/NNP 22/CD
How/WRB ingenious/JJ of/IN Slate/NNP to/TO publish/VB a/DT sales/NNS pitch/NN under/IN the/DT guise/NN of/IN analysis/NN ./.
This/DT column/NN is/VBZ tantamount/JJ to/TO having/VBG an/DT ABC/NNP account/NN exec/NN go/NN on/IN World/NNP News/NNP Tonight/NNP to/TO deliver/VB a/DT special/JJ report/NN on/IN why/WRB Drew/NNP Carey/NNP gives/VBZ you/PRP more/JJR bang/NN for/IN your/PRP$ media/NNS buck/VBP ./.
The/DT impact/NN of/IN the/DT Web/NNP on/IN the/DT campaign/NN is/VBZ a/DT worthy/JJ topic/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT little/JJ more/JJR objectivity/NN ,/, please/VB ./.
(/( To/TO respond/VB ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
SUBJECT/NNP :/: The/DT weatherman/NN is/VBZ just/RB a/DT middleman/NN
FROM/NNP :/: R/NN ./.
RE/NNP :/:
DATE/NNP :/: Mon/NNP Sept/NNP 27/CD
Your/PRP$ comments/NNS about/IN weather/NN hysteria/NN were/VBD generally/RB right/NN on/IN ,/, but/CC I/PRP felt/VBD your/PRP$ comments/NNS about/IN the/DT role/NN of/IN the/DT Web/NNP in/IN promoting/VBG that/DT hysteria/NN missed/VBD the/DT point/NN ./.
Access/NNP to/TO weather/VB information/NN on/IN the/DT Web/NNP is/VBZ a/DT giant/NN leap/NN forward/RB in/IN weather/NN media/NNS because/IN it/PRP allows/VBZ one/CD to/TO avoid/VB the/DT hype/NN and/CC hysteria/NN with/IN which/WDT the/DT general/JJ news/NN media/NNS covers/VBZ extreme/JJ weather/NN ./.
Check/VB out/IN www/NN ./.
wunderground/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
The/DT information/NN is/VBZ straightforward/JJ ,/, but/CC interestingly/RB displayed/VBN ./.
I/PRP could/MD track/VB Floyd/NNP ,/, read/VB Weather/NNP Service/NNP bulletins/NNS ,/, and/CC follow/VB satellite/NN images/NNS without/IN having/VBG to/TO suffer/VB through/IN moronic/JJ anchor-blondes/JJ screaming/VBG into/IN microphones/NNS over/IN the/DT sound/NN of/IN the/DT wind/NN ./.
Weather/NNP sites/NNS on/IN the/DT Web/NNP eliminate/VB the/DT media/NNS middleman/NN ,/, and/CC is/VBZ n't/RB that/IN the/DT point/NN ?/.
(/( To/TO respond/VB ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
SUBJECT/NNP :/: Conservatives/NNS w/NN &slash;/NN compassion/NN are/VBP "/" wimps/NNS "/" ?/.
RE/NNP :/:
DATE/NNP :/: Thu/NNP Sept/NNP 23/CD
A/DT conservative/JJ shows/VBZ genuine/JJ compassion/NN and/CC he/PRP gets/VBZ called/VBN a/DT wimp/NN !/.
Maybe/RB he/PRP should/MD have/VB called/VBN a/DT news/NN conference/NN and/CC told/VBD the/DT wounded/VBN to/TO "/" put/VB some/DT ice/NN on/IN it/PRP ./.
"/" Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT news/NN flash/NN :/: Conservatives/NNS are/VBP human/JJ too/RB ./.
They/PRP have/VBP wives/NNS ,/, children/NNS ,/, pets/NNS ;/: they/PRP love/VBP and/CC make/VB love/NN ,/, have/VBP gardens/NNS ,/, go/VB to/TO church/NN and/CC make/VB friends/NNS ./.
(/( To/TO respond/VB ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
Everybody/NN leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Monica-related/NNP maneuverings/NNS taking/VBG place/NN on/IN Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP ./.
The/DT general/JJ consensus/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT public/NN 's/POS support/NN for/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS remaining/VBG in/IN office/NN has/VBZ withstood/VBN the/DT airing/NN of/IN his/PRP$ grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN and/CC indeed/RB ,/, has/VBZ even/RB grown/VBN a/DT bit/NN stronger/RBR ./.
This/DT has/VBZ ,/, report/NN the/DT papers/NNS ,/, encouraged/VBN Democrats/NNPS to/TO seek/VB a/DT compromise/NN outcome/NN short/JJ of/IN impeachment--say/JJ ,/, having/VBG Clinton/NNP testify/VB before/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP with/IN a/DT guarantee/NN that/IN he/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB removed/VBN from/IN office/NN ,/, although/IN perhaps/RB censured/VBD and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC fined/VBN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN former/JJ White/NNP House/NNP counsel--and/JJ Washington/NNP Wise/NNP Man--/NNP Lloyd/NNP Cutler/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN working/VBG the/DT Hill/NNP for/IN a/DT censure/NN deal/NN as/IN an/DT unofficial/JJ Clinton/NNP rep/NN ./.
But/CC Judiciary/NNP chairman/NN Henry/NNP Hyde/NNP is/VBZ quoted/VBN by/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP saying/VBG that/DT talk/NN of/IN such/JJ a/DT deal/NN is/VBZ "/" very/RB premature/JJ ./.
"/" Hyde/NNP expects/VBZ a/DT committee/NN vote/NN recommending/VBG impeachment/NN hearings/NNS to/TO come/VB in/IN early/JJ October/NNP ,/, with/IN the/DT hearings/NNS beginning/VBG after/IN the/DT November/NNP election/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP explains/VBZ the/DT politics/NNS of/IN that/DT schedule/NN :/: it/PRP would/MD allow/VB Republicans/NNPS to/TO avoid/VB looking/VBG too/RB soft/JJ or/CC too/RB hard/RB on/IN the/DT president/NN before/IN the/DT elections/NNS ,/, while/IN still/RB forcing/VBG Democrats/NNPS to/TO cast/VB a/DT pre-election/JJ vote/NN on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS fate/NN ./.
The/DT papers/NNS report/VBP that/IN as/IN part/NN of/IN its/PRP$ anti-impeachment/JJ lobbying/NN ,/, the/DT White/NNP House/NNP legal/JJ team/NN went/VBD on/IN the/DT offensive/JJ yesterday/NN ,/, writing/VBG a/DT letter/NN to/TO Hyde/NNP accusing/VBG Ken/NNP Starr/NNP of/IN deliberately/RB leaving/VBG exculpatory/NN statements/NNS he/PRP 'd/MD turned/VBD up/RB out/IN of/IN the/DT formal/JJ report/NN he/PRP tendered/VBD to/TO Congress/NNP ./.
"/" Ultimately/RB ,/, we/PRP just/RB got/VBD the/DT sex/NN ,/, "/" a/DT presidential/JJ advisor/NN is/VBZ quoted/VBN in/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ./.
Exhibit/NN A/DT of/IN something/NN in/IN evidence/NN but/CC not/RB in/IN the/DT report/NN is/VBZ Lewinsky/NNP 's/POS statement/NN to/TO the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN that/IN "/" no/DT one/CD ever/RB asked/VBD me/PRP to/TO lie/VB and/CC I/PRP was/VBD never/RB promised/VBN a/DT job/NN for/IN my/PRP$ silence/NN ./.
"/" The/DT LAT/NNP notes/NNS ,/, referring/VBG to/TO the/DT Starr/NNP office/NN 's/POS response/NN ,/, that/IN when/WRB this/DT statement/NN was/VBD paraphrased/JJ in/IN the/DT report/NN the/DT modifier/NN "/" explicitly/RB "/" was/VBD added/VBN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP notes/NNS that/IN the/DT Starr/NNP office/NN sarcastically/RB observed/VBD that/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP team/NN now/RB appears/VBZ to/TO find/VB Lewinsky/NNP credible/JJ on/IN some/DT topics/NNS but/CC not/RB others/NNS ./.
The/DT papers/NNS report/VBP that/IN at/IN a/DT White/NNP House/NNP East/NNP Room/NNP reception/NN ,/, Nelson/NNP Mandela/NNP said/VBD that/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, Africa/NNP and/CC the/DT entire/JJ world/NN supported/VBD Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD ,/, notes/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT kind/NN of/IN emotional/JJ endorsement/NN that/IN Clinton/NNP has/VBZ trouble/NN getting/VBG these/DT days/NNS from/IN members/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ party/NN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN China/NNP has/VBZ banned/VBN a/DT kind/NN of/IN foreign/JJ joint/JJ venture/NN that/WDT was/VBD the/DT principal/JJ way/NN such/JJ telecommunications/NNS firms/NNS as/IN Sprint/NNP had/VBD begun/VBN gaining/VBG entry/NN into/IN Chinese/JJ markets/NNS ./.
The/DT move/NN is/VBZ the/DT latest/JJS in/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN protectionist/JJ steps/NNS that/WDT are/VBP worsening/VBG the/DT business/NN climate/NN for/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
companies/NNS and/CC widening/VBG the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
-/: China/NNP trade/NN gap/NN ./.
The/DT trend/NN is/VBZ puzzling/JJ ,/, the/DT paper/NN notes/NNS ,/, in/IN that/IN the/DT Asian/JJ economic/JJ crisis/NN has/VBZ already/RB made/VBN foreign/JJ investors/NNS leery/JJ of/IN investing/VBG in/IN China/NNP ./.
A/DT WP/NNP story/NN says/VBZ that/DT trade/NN is/VBZ quickly/RB becoming/VBG the/DT biggest/JJS issue/NN between/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC China/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
stats/NNS ,/, the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
deficit/NN with/IN China/NNP is/VBZ second/JJ only/RB to/TO the/DT one/CD with/IN Japan/NNP ./.
China/NNP says/VBZ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP statistics/NNS are/VBP exaggerated/JJ ./.
The/DT big/JJ leverage/NN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
has/VBZ to/TO remedy/VB the/DT problem/NN is/VBZ ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Post/NNP ,/, that--especially/JJ with/IN other/JJ Asian/JJ markets/NNS in/IN such/JJ disarray--/JJ America/NNP is/VBZ China/NNP 's/POS most/RBS important/JJ export/NN market/NN ./.
Although/IN the/DT NYT/NNP 's/POS off-lead/JJ reports/NNS that/IN any/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
-/: Iran/NNP thaw/NN is/VBZ still/RB a/DT long/JJ way/NN off/RP ,/, LAT/NNP 's/POS front/NN ,/, and/CC inside/IN stories/NNS at/IN all/PDT the/DT other/JJ papers/NNS ,/, report/NN that/IN Iran/NNP 's/POS president/NN Mohammed/NNP Khatemi/NNP told/VBD reporters/NNS yesterday/NN that/IN the/DT fatwa/NN issued/VBN against/IN Salman/NNP Rushdie/NNP for/IN blaspheming/VBG Islam/NNP was/VBD "/" completely/RB finished/VBD ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ NYT/NNP story/NN shows/VBZ that/IN private/JJ and/CC suburban/JJ school/NN parents/NNS still/RB lead/VBP the/DT way/NN in/IN fighting/VBG against/IN threats/NNS to/TO their/PRP$ children/NNS so/RB slight/JJ as/IN to/TO be/VB all/DT but/CC invisible/JJ to/TO ordinary/JJ folk/NN ./.
The/DT latest/JJS bogeyman/NN :/: peanut/NN butter/NN allergies/NNS ./.
A/DT number/NN of/IN elite/NN schools/NNS in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP area/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS ,/, have/VBP declared/VBN peanut-free/JJ cafeterias/NNS ./.
Others/NNS serve/VBP peanut/NN butter/NN sandwiches/NNS only/RB in/IN a/DT special/JJ designated/VBN area/NN ./.
Some/DT schools/NNS have/VBP stored/VBN syringes/NNS of/IN antidote/NN around/IN their/PRP$ buildings/NNS ./.
And/CC thought/VBD is/VBZ being/VBG given/VBN to/TO providing/VBG separate/JJ instructional/JJ materials/NNS to/TO peanut-allergic/JJ children/NNS ./.
One/CD lawyer/NN who/WP represents/VBZ many/JJ New/NNP York/NNP private/JJ schools/NNS is/VBZ concerned/VBN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, that/IN peanut/NN allergies/NNS might/MD qualify/VB as/IN a/DT disability/NN that/WDT must/MD be/VB accommodated/VBN under/IN the/DT American/NNP with/IN Disabilities/NNPS Act/NNP ./.
The/DT NYC/NNP public/JJ schools/NNS have/VBP done/VBN none/NN of/IN these/DT things/NNS ,/, largely/RB because/IN no/DT one/CD has/VBZ complained/VBN ./.
(/( Although/IN peanuts/NNS are/VBP not/RB served/VBN because/IN they/PRP are/VBP deemed/VBN a/DT choking/VBG hazard/NN ./.
)/) The/DT Times/NNP notes/NNS that/IN according/VBG to/TO the/DT Center/NNP of/IN Disease/NNP Control/NNP ,/, from/IN 1979/CD through/IN 1995/CD ,/, there/EX were/VBD but/CC 88/CD deaths/NNS nationwide/JJ from/IN all/DT forms/NNS of/IN food/NN allergy/NN combined/VBN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO hold/VB his/PRP$ nose/NN and/CC sign/VB a/DT $/$ 268/CD billion/CD spending/NN bill/NN for/IN the/DT Pentagon/NNP ,/, a/DT story/NN fronted/JJ by/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC put/VBD atop/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS "/" Worldwide/NNP "/" box/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP compromised/VBN with/IN the/DT GOP/NNP because/IN it/PRP was/VBD unclear/JJ whether/IN congressional/JJ Democrats/NNPS could/MD have/VB sustained/VBN a/DT veto/NN and/CC because/IN the/DT president/NN wants/VBZ to/TO focus/VB on/IN other/JJ budget/NN issues/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS '/POS push/NN for/IN a/DT 1/CD ./.
4/CD percent/NN across-the-board/JJ spending/NN cut/NN ./.
(/( For/IN a/DT budget/NN primer/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
)/) USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO officially/RB leave/VB the/DT GOP/NNP for/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party--a/NNP story/NN reefered/JJ by/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP and/CC fronted/JJ by/IN the/DT Post/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP ,/, where/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT top/JJ non-local/JJ lead/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT opening/NN of/IN a/DT Gaza-to-/NNP West-/NNP Bank/NNP travel/NN corridor/NN through/IN Israel/NNP ,/, a/DT story/NN fronted/JJ by/IN the/DT Post/NNP ,/, USAT/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP (/( but/CC not/RB the/DT Journal/NNP )/) ./.
Most/JJS travel/NN was/VBD eastbound/NN ,/, from/IN the/DT Gaza/NNP Strip/NNP to/TO the/DT West/NNP Bank/NNP (/( where/WRB there/EX are/VBP more/JJR jobs/NNS and/CC where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ easier/JJR to/TO sneak/VBP into/IN Israel/NNP )/) ./.
"/" The/DT young/JJ men/NNS aboard/IN [/( a/DT bus/NN leaving/VBG Gaza/NNP ]/) ,/, with/IN duffel/NN bags/NNS and/CC packed/VBN falafel/NN lunches/NNS ,/, sang/VBD Egyptian/JJ pop/NN songs/NNS ,/, clapped/JJ ,/, and/CC celebrated/JJ ,/, "/" writes/VBZ the/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS correspondent/NN ,/, who/WP notes/VBZ the/DT condescension/NN many/JJ West/NNP Bank/NNP Palestinians/NNPS have/VBP for/IN their/PRP$ poorer/JJR ,/, more/RBR socially/RB conservative/JJ Gazan/NNP compatriots/NNS ./.
Buchanan/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ speechwriter/NN for/IN Barry/NNP Goldwater/NNP ,/, Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP ,/, and/CC Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP ,/, urged/VBD his/PRP$ supporters/NNS to/TO "/" save/VB our/PRP$ republic/NN before/IN she/PRP disappears/VBZ into/IN the/DT godless/JJ New/NNP World/NNP Order/NNP that/IN the/DT elites/NNS are/VBP constructing/VBG in/IN a/DT betrayal/NN of/IN everything/NN for/IN which/WDT our/PRP$ Founding/VBG Fathers/NNS lived/VBD ,/, fought/VBD and/CC died/VBD ./.
"/" The/DT Post/NNP and/CC LAT/NNP note/NN that/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP criticized/VBD Buchanan/NNP for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN after/IN the/DT announcement/NN ./.
Pat/NNP Choate/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ Reform/NNP Party/NNP vice/NN presidential/JJ nominee/NN and/CC a/DT Buchanan/NNP supporter/NN ,/, said/VBD he/PRP hopes/VBZ to/TO schedule/VB a/DT "/" series/NN of/IN debates/NNS "/" between/IN Buchanan/NNP and/CC likely/JJ rival/JJ Donald/NNP Trump/NNP ./.
Choate/NNP tells/VBZ the/DT LAT/NNP that/IN Ross/NNP Perot/NNP has/VBZ decided/VBN not/RB to/TO run/VB ,/, but/CC the/DT Post/NNP still/RB speculates/NNS that/IN Perot/NNP might/MD jump/VB in/IN ./.
A/DT smart/JJ opinion/NN piece/NN in/IN the/DT Journal/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN Buchanan/NNP is/VBZ not/RB an/DT American/JJ populist/JJ so/RB much/JJ as/IN a/DT pre-war/JJ ,/, European-style/NNP Christian/NNP Socialist/NNP like/IN Karl/NNP Lueger/NNP ,/, Vienna/NNP 's/POS turn-of-the-century/JJ mayor/NN ./.
Lueger/NNP was/VBD a/DT tribune/NN of/IN the/DT lower/JJR middle/JJ class/NN and/CC an/DT anti-/NN Marxist--but/NNP also/RB an/DT anti-capitalist/JJ ,/, an/DT anti-liberal/JJ ,/, and/CC a/DT mild/JJ anti-/NN Semite/NNP ./.
(/( For/IN Ballot/NN Box/NNP 's/POS take/NN on/IN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS decision/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ;/: to/TO learn/VB how/WRB the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP picks/VBZ its/PRP$ nominee/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
A/DT new/JJ USAT/NNP -/: CNN-Gallup/NNP poll/NN shows/VBZ Al/NNP Gore/NNP trailing/VBG Bush/NNP by/IN nine/CD points/NNS ,/, 52/CD to/TO 43/CD -/: -/: a/DT big/JJ improvement/NN over/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS 16/CD -/: point/NN deficit/NN earlier/RBR this/DT month/NN ./.
Gore/NNP also/RB leads/VBZ Bradley/NNP 57/CD to/TO 32/CD ,/, compared/VBN with/IN 51/CD to/TO 32/CD two/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB (/( although/IN Bradley/NNP still/RB leads/VBZ in/IN New/NNP Hampshire/NNP and/CC New/NNP York/NNP )/) ./.
Buchanan/NNP lags/VBZ at/IN 5/CD percent/NN ./.
A/DT Newsweek/NNP poll--cited/JJ in/IN a/DT separate/JJ Post/NNP story/NN on/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS first/JJ campaign/NN commercials--also/JJ puts/VBZ the/DT vice/NN president/NN just/RB 9/CD points/NNS in/IN back/RB of/IN Bush/NNP ,/, 49/CD to/TO 40/CD ./.
Every/DT paper/NN fronts/NNS the/DT death/NN of/IN golfing/NN champion/NN Payne/NNP Stewart/NNP in/IN a/DT bizarre/JJ corporate/JJ jet/NN crash/NN ./.
En/NNP route/NN from/IN Florida/NNP to/TO Texas/NNP ,/, the/DT Learjet/NNP apparently/RB lost/VBD cabin/NN pressure/NN ,/, at/IN which/WDT point/VBP radio/NN contact/NN ceased/VBD ./.
Air/NNP Force/NNP F-/NNP 16/CD s/VBZ tracking/VBG the/DT plane/NN could/MD only/RB watch/VB as/IN it/PRP flew/VBD on/IN autopilot/NN for/IN over/IN 1/CD ,/, 000/CD miles/NNS ,/, ran/VBD out/IN of/IN fuel/NN ,/, and/CC plunged/VBD into/IN a/DT South/NNP Dakota/NNP swamp/VB ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ a/DT loss/NN of/IN pressure/NN at/IN 39/CD ,/, 000/CD feet/NNS would/MD drop/VB cabin/NN temperature/NN to/TO below/IN zero/CD (/( Fahrenheit/NN or/CC Celsius/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: the/DT paper/NN does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB )/) and/CC give/VB the/DT pilots/NNS 10/CD seconds/NNS to/TO affix/NN oxygen/NN masks/NNS before/IN losing/VBG consciousness/NN from/IN hypoxia/NN ./.
(/( The/DT Post/NNP says/VBZ one/CD to/TO two/CD minutes/NNS until/IN loss/NN of/IN consciousness--at/JJ 30/CD ,/, 000/CD feet--and/JJ the/DT NYT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT loss/NN of/IN cabin/NN pressure/NN could/MD have/VB been/VBN gradual/JJ and/CC therefore/RB virtually/RB unnoticeable/JJ ./.
)/) The/DT Journal/NNP says/VBZ the/DT crash/NN may/MD "/" throw/VB a/DT spotlight/NN on/IN the/DT widening/NN popularity/NN of/IN corporate/JJ jets/NNS ,/, "/" but/CC the/DT same/JJ article/NN notes/NNS that/IN private/JJ plane/NN crashes/NNS have/VBP actually/RB decreased/VBN over/IN the/DT last/JJ five/CD years/NNS ./.
All/DT the/DT papers/NNS front/NN the/DT death/NN of/IN Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP Chafee/NNP ,/, R-R/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
,/, at/IN 77/CD from/IN heart/NN failure/NN ./.
Chafee/NNP was/VBD a/DT centrist/JJ deal-maker/JJ ,/, a/DT champion/NN of/IN health/NN care/NN and/CC the/DT environment/NN ostracized/JJ by/IN an/DT increasingly/RB conservative/JJ GOP/NNP and/CC an/DT increasingly/RB partisan/JJ Senate/NNP ./.
The/DT Post/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT first-rate/JJ analysis/NN of/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS 20/CD percent/NN drop/NN in/IN IBM/NNP 's/POS share/NN price/NN ./.
Alan/NNP Sloan/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP 's/POS Wall/NNP Street/NNP correspondent/NN ,/, notes/NNS that/WDT yesterday/NN 's/POS plunge/NN came/VBD after/IN Big/NNP Blue/NNP announced/VBD that/IN its/PRP$ mainframe/NN computer/NN sales/NNS would/MD be/VB soft/JJ for/IN the/DT next/JJ six/CD months/NNS ./.
Sloan/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN stock/NN analysts/NNS could/MD have/VB predicted/VBN this/DT sales/NNS drop-off/NN with/IN a/DT few/JJ phone/NN calls/NNS to/TO mainframe/NN buyers/NNS ./.
Yet/RB a/DT database/NN search/NN of/IN 22/CD IBM/NNP stock/NN analysts/NNS shows/VBZ that/IN only/RB one/CD had/VBD downgraded/VBN IBM/NNP stock/NN prior/RB to/TO the/DT announcement/NN ./.
After/IN the/DT announcement/NN and/CC stock/NN plunge/NN ,/, four/CD of/IN them/PRP downgraded/VBD ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ what/WP rural/JJ types/NNS call/VBP locking/VBG the/DT barn/NN door/NN after/IN the/DT horse/NN has/VBZ been/VBN stolen/VBN ,/, "/" he/PRP observes/VBZ ./.
(/( For/IN Moneybox/NNP 's/POS take/NN on/IN the/DT IBM/NNP sell-off/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ LAT/NNP piece/NN on/IN the/DT alleged/VBN Bank/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP money-laundering/NN scandal/NN argues/VBZ that/IN much/JJ of/IN the/DT suspicious/JJ Russian/JJ money/NN is/VBZ owned/VBN by/IN legitimate/JJ Russian/JJ businessmen/NNS who/WP simply/RB do/VBP not/RB trust/VB Russian/JJ banks/NNS or/CC wish/VBP to/TO avoid/VB paying/VBG excessive/JJ taxes/NNS to/TO a/DT corrupt/JJ government/NN ./.
"/" Safe/NNP investments/NNS in/IN Russia/NNP are/VBP as/RB rare/JJ as/IN flamingos/NNS in/IN Siberia/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT authors/NNS write/VBP ./.
"/" Most/JJS [/( Russian/JJ ]/) people/NNS think/VBP that/IN the/DT only/RB smart/JJ thing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN their/PRP$ money/NN is/VBZ to/TO ./.
try/VB to/TO get/VB it/PRP out/IN of/IN the/DT country/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP examines/VBZ the/DT gentrification/NN of/IN Freehold/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Once/RB a/DT tight-knit/JJ but/CC downtrodden/JJ blue-collar/JJ community/NN ,/, the/DT hometown/NN of/IN Bruce/NNP Springsteen/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT wealthy/JJ ,/, yuppified/JJ commercial/JJ district/NN ,/, with/IN lots/NNS of/IN jobs/NNS ,/, high/JJ taxes/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT fleet/NN of/IN SUVs/NNP ./.
The/DT Post/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT correction/NN that/WDT will/MD make/VB every/DT high-school/NN biology/NN teacher/NN cluck/NN with/IN disapproval/NN :/: "/" An/DT item/NN on/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS Science/NNP page/NN incorrectly/RB stated/VBD that/DT mitochondrial/NN DNA/NNP is/VBZ found/VBN in/IN the/DT nucleus/NN of/IN cells/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ in/IN every/DT cell/NN 's/POS cytoplasm/NN ./.
GTE/NNP 's/POS $/$ 28/CD billion/CD bid/NN for/IN MCI/NNP leads/VBZ the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, and/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN Janet/NNP Reno/NNP 's/POS testimony/NN before/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP about/IN her/PRP$ Clinton/NNP fund-raising/JJ probe/NN ./.
USAT/NNP ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP note/NN that/IN GTE/NNP 's/POS move/NN is/VBZ the/DT biggest/JJS cash/NN offer/NN in/IN corporate/JJ history/NN and/CC that/IN it/PRP sets/VBZ up/RP a/DT fight/NN for/IN MCI/NNP between/IN GTE/NNP and/CC WorldCom/NNP ,/, which/WDT two/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB made/VBD a/DT $/$ 30/CD billion/CD all-stock/JJ offer/NN ./.
British/NNP Telecommunications/NNP ,/, which/WDT had/VBD previously/RB reached/VBN an/DT agreement/NN with/IN MCI/NNP to/TO take/VB over/IN the/DT company/NN for/IN $/$ 19/CD billion/CD in/IN cash/NN and/CC stock/NN ,/, might/MD make/VB it/PRP a/DT three-way/JJ bidding/NN war/NN ,/, although/IN the/DT papers/NNS suggest/VBP the/DT British/JJ concern/NN will/MD drop/VB out/RP ./.
No/DT matter/NN the/DT particular/JJ outcome/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP sees/VBZ the/DT dealing/VBG as/IN indicative/JJ of/IN the/DT telecommunications/NNS industry/NN 's/POS trend/NN towards/IN increasing/VBG consolidation/NN ,/, noting/VBG that/IN a/DT combined/VBN GTE-MCI/NNP would/MD be/VB the/DT first/JJ company/NN since/IN the/DT breakup/NN of/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN to/TO have/VB a/DT large/JJ presence/NN in/IN both/DT local/JJ and/CC long-distance/NN markets/NNS ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT Times/NNP quotes/NNS one/CD lawyer/NN who/WP says/VBZ Justice/NNP will/MD "/" give/VB this/DT thing/NN a/DT very/RB ,/, very/RB hard/JJ look/NN "/" precisely/RB because/IN the/DT deal/NN would/MD produce/VB a/DT company/NN like/IN the/DT old/JJ AT/NNP &/CC T/NN in/IN its/PRP$ scope/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP sees/VBZ the/DT possibility/NN here/RB of/IN "/" a/DT 1980/CD s-style/JJ hostile/JJ takeover/NN battle/NN ./.
"/" The/DT WSJ/NNP also/RB sees/VBZ a/DT return/NN to/TO wild/JJ action/NN ,/, possibly/RB to/TO include/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT Baby/NNP Bells/NNP jumping/VBG in/IN with/IN a/DT bid/NN ./.
All/DT the/DT majors/NNS have/VBP front-page/JJ coverage/NN of/IN the/DT Reno/NNP testimony/NN ,/, and/CC all/DT report/NN the/DT open/JJ hostility/NN from/IN the/DT panel/NN 's/POS Republicans/NNPS ./.
But/CC they/PRP vary/VBP in/IN what/WP aspect/NN of/IN her/PRP$ remarks/NNS they/PRP stress/VBP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS Reno/NNP lead/NN emphasizes/VBZ her/PRP$ revelation/NN to/TO the/DT committee/NN that/IN she/PRP has/VBZ agreed/VBN not/RB to/TO close/VB out/RP any/DT line/NN of/IN fund-raising/JJ inquiry/NN unless/IN FBI/NNP Director/NNP Freeh/NNP also/RB agrees/VBZ ./.
USAT/NNP also/RB stresses/VBZ this/DT ,/, calling/VBG it/PRP an/DT "/" extraordinary/JJ arrangement/NN ,/, "/" but/CC then/RB goes/VBZ on/IN to/TO quote/VB a/DT Justice/NNP spokesman/NN saying/VBG that/IN Reno/NNP and/CC Freeh/NNP have/VBP entered/VBN into/IN such/JJ agreements/NNS before/RB ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP that/WDT specifies/VBZ two/CD examples/NNS of/IN when/WRB :/: Oklahoma/NNP City/NNP and/CC TWA/NNP Flight/NNP 800/CD ./.
The/DT WP/NNP highlights/VBZ Reno/NNP 's/POS admission/NN that/IN her/PRP$ fund-raising/JJ probe/NN has/VBZ had/VBN problems/NNS ,/, including/VBG internal/JJ disputes/NNS about/IN how/WRB to/TO proceed/VB ./.
More/JJR White/NNP House/NNP fundraising/VBG tapes/NNS were/VBD released/VBN yesterday/NN and/CC several/JJ of/IN the/DT majors/NNS suggest/VBP that/IN they/PRP are/VBP damaging/JJ to/TO Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT tapes/NNS show/VBP Clinton/NNP conferring/VBG easily/RB ,/, at/IN times/NNS on/IN a/DT first-name/JJ basis/NN ,/, "/" with/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT most/RBS notorious/JJ figures/NNS of/IN the/DT 1996/CD campaign/NN ./.
"/" The/DT papers/NNS note/VBP that/IN in/IN this/DT batch/NN of/IN videos/NNS ,/, the/DT President/NNP can/MD be/VB seen/VBN in/IN friendly/JJ banter/NN ,/, not/RB just/RB with/IN John/NNP Huang/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ boss/NN James/NNP Riady/NNP ,/, but/CC also/RB with/IN Yah/NNP Lin/NNP Trie/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT recently/RB convicted/VBN Teamster/NNP fund-raiser/NN Martin/NNP Davis/NNP ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ NYT/NNP op-ed/JJ column/NN ,/, Thomas/NNP Friedman/NNP explains/VBZ how/WRB it/PRP can/MD be/VB that/IN Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP 's/POS popularity/NN is/VBZ up/RB since/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS bungled/VBN attempt/NN to/TO assassinate/VB a/DT top/JJ Hamas/NNP operative/NN ./.
"/" The/DT silent/JJ majority/NN in/IN Israel/NNP stopped/VBD caring/VBG a/DT long/JJ time/NN ago/RB about/IN Nablus/NNP or/CC Hebron/NNP or/CC Gaza/NNP or/CC a/DT Palestinian/JJ state/NN ./.
As/RB far/RB as/IN the/DT Israeli/JJ silent/JJ majority/NN is/VBZ concerned/VBN ,/, the/DT Palestinians/NNPS can/MD have/VB them/PRP all/DT ./.
But/CC ./.
if/IN they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB eat/VB in/IN peace/NN at/IN the/DT Apropos/NNP Cafe/NNP ,/, shop/NN at/IN the/DT Jerusalem/NNP mall/NN or/CC ride/VB the/DT 18/CD bus/NN ,/, then/RB no/DT amount/NN of/IN serial/NN bungling/VBG by/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Netanyahu/NNP will/MD turn/VB the/DT Israeli/JJ silent/JJ majority/NN against/IN him/PRP ./.
"/" That/DT fear/NN of/IN suicide/NN terrorism/NN ,/, says/VBZ Friedman/NNP ,/, is/VBZ "/" the/DT most/RBS important/JJ political/JJ fact/NN in/IN Israel/NNP today/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP brings/VBZ word/NN that/DT yesterday/NN the/DT CIA/NNP ,/, acting/VBG under/IN pressure/NN from/IN a/DT federal/JJ lawsuit/NN ,/, broke/VBD a/DT 50/CD -/: year-old/JJ budgetary/JJ silence/NN and/CC confirmed/VBD for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN ever/RB the/DT size/NN of/IN the/DT government/NN intelligence/NN budget/NN :/: $/$ 26/CD ./.
6/CD billion/CD ./.
When/WRB GTE/NNP spends/VBZ that/DT kind/NN of/IN money/NN ,/, it/PRP knows/VBZ what/WP it/PRP 's/VBZ getting/VBG ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, May/NNP 24/CD
The/DT cover/NN story/NN questions/NNS Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP 's/POS beatification/NN by/IN the/DT press/NN ./.
His/PRP$ oft-recounted/JJ experiences/NNS in/IN Vietnam/NNP and/CC well-publicized/JJ stances/NNS for/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN and/CC against/IN tobacco/NN make/NN him/PRP seem/VBP noble/JJ ,/, rugged/JJ ,/, and/CC enlightened/JJ ./.
But/CC the/DT media/NNS have/VBP ignored/VBN his/PRP$ unsavory/JJ side/NN ,/, which/WDT includes/VBZ skirt-chasing/JJ and/CC fervent/JJ social/JJ conservatism/NN (/( "/" he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT thousand/CD percent/NN anti-gay/JJ ,/, "/" says/VBZ Rep/NNP ./.
Barney/NNP Frank/NNP ,/, D-M/NNP ass/NNS ./.
)/) ./.
A/DT story/NN gauges/VBZ the/DT intellectual/JJ heft/NN of/IN the/DT presidential/JJ candidates/NNS '/POS platforms/NNS ./.
Too-vague/NNP Bradley/NNP touts/VBZ "/" lofty/JJ ideas/NNS but/CC no/DT proposals/NNS ,/, "/" too-specific/JJ Gore/NNP hawks/NNS "/" a/DT profusion/NN of/IN proposals/NNS that/IN obscure/JJ his/PRP$ big/JJ goals/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC too-vague/JJ ,/, too-unspecific/JJ Bush/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB shared/VBN "/" either/CC goal/NN or/CC proposal/NN ./.
"/" ./.
A/DT piece/NN says/VBZ that/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP 's/POS response/NN to/TO the/DT China/NNP intelligence/NN scandal/NN epitomizes/NNS Clinton/NNP 's/POS dangerous/JJ tendency/NN "/" to/TO substitute/VB damage/NN control/NN for/IN foreign/JJ policy/NN ./.
"/" The/DT administration/NN has/VBZ brushed/VBN off/RP the/DT charges/NNS with/IN the/DT same/JJ deft/NN techniques--the/JJ dodge/VBP ,/, the/DT denial/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT claim/NN of/IN irrelevancy--that/JJ characterized/VBN its/PRP$ handling/NN of/IN Flytrap/NNP ./.
Economist/NNP ,/, May/NNP 8/CD
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN ,/, "/" A/DT Bungled/NNP War/NNP ,/, "/" asserts/VBZ that/IN NATO/NNP should/MD scrap/VB its/PRP$ initial/JJ goals/NNS of/IN establishing/VBG autonomy/NN and/CC democracy/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP ,/, and/CC settle/VB for/IN a/DT Bosnia-style/NNP peacekeeping/VBG force/NN ./.
Milosevic/NNP is/VBZ despicable/JJ ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ removal/NN would/MD further/RB destabilize/VB Yugoslavia/NNP ./.
A/DT story/NN diagnoses/NNS what/WP ails/NNS the/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization/NNP :/: too/RB much/JJ legalism/NN ,/, too/RB little/JJ leadership/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT heavy/JJ new/JJ burden/NN of/IN monitoring/VBG trade/NN issues/NNS (/( such/JJ as/IN food/NN regulation/NN and/CC environmental/JJ protection/NN )/) that/WDT were/VBD once/RB domestic/JJ concerns/NNS of/IN individual/JJ countries/NNS ./.
The/DT magazine/NN lauds/NNS a/DT recent/JJ crop/NN of/IN video/NN games/NNS that/WDT emphasize/VBP strategy/NN and/CC good/JJ judgment/NN over/IN violent/JJ combat/NN ./.
Even/RB though/IN the/DT games/NNS are/VBP populated/VBN by/IN assassins/NNS and/CC commandos/NNS ,/, they/PRP are/VBP not/RB excessively/RB bloodthirsty/NN ;/: one/CD even/RB subtracts/NNS points/NNS for/IN gratuitous/JJ kills/VBZ ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, May/NNP 9/CD
The/DT cover/NN story/NN profiles/NNS prodigal/JJ mogul/NN Mike/NNP Ovitz/NNP ./.
After/IN trying/VBG his/PRP$ hand/NN at/IN Disney/NNP ,/, philanthropy/NN ,/, Broadway/NNP ,/, and/CC professional/JJ sports/NNS ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ returning/VBG to/TO the/DT pinnacle/NN of/IN the/DT Hollywood/NNP hierarchy/NN through/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ Artists/NNP Management/NNP Group/NNP ,/, which/WDT purports/VBZ to/TO give/VB clients/NNS more/JJR control/NN of/IN their/PRP$ "/" product/NN ./.
"/" The/DT piece/NN retreads/NNS his/PRP$ feud/NN with/IN his/PRP$ former/JJ company/NN ,/, Creative/NNP Artists/NNP Agency/NNP ./.
Ovitz/NNP is/VBZ sure/JJ to/TO make/VB tons/NNS of/IN money/NN and/CC infuriate/VB his/PRP$ former/JJ colleagues/NNS ,/, but/CC there/EX is/VBZ no/DT guarantee/NN that/IN this/DT will/MD satisfy/VB his/PRP$ gargantuan/JJ appetite/NN for/IN power/NN ./.
A/DT piece/NN trails/VBZ Vice/NNP President/NNP Al/NNP Gore/NNP on/IN his/PRP$ quest/NN to/TO raise/VB $/$ 55/CD million/CD by/IN the/DT 2000/CD convention/NN ./.
Gore/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN tending/VBG his/PRP$ network/NN of/IN money/NN men/NNS all/DT his/PRP$ political/JJ life/NN ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ focus/NN on/IN fund/NN raising/VBG might/MD overshadow/NN his/PRP$ campaign/NN message/NN ./.
(/( Evidence/NN that/IN this/DT is/VBZ already/RB happening/VBG :/: articles/NNS like/IN this/DT one/CD ./.
Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP ,/, June/NNP 1999/CD
A/DT profile/NN asks/VBZ if/IN hedge/NN fund/NN manager/NN and/CC journalist/NN Jim/NNP Cramer/NNP is/VBZ a/DT financial/JJ wizard/NN or/CC just/RB an/DT attention-happy/JJ blowhard/NN ./.
From/IN a/DT journalist/NN :/: "/" He/PRP really/RB knows/VBZ what/WP he/PRP 's/VBZ talking/VBG about/IN ./.
"/" From/IN an/DT investment/NN banker/NN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ "/" a/DT very/RB ,/, very/RB good/JJ self-promoter/JJ "/" and/CC "/" entertainment/NN "/" only/RB ./.
The/DT magazine/NN excerpts/NNS a/DT new/JJ oral/JJ biography/NN of/IN the/DT members/NNS of/IN Monty/NNP Python/NNP 's/POS Flying/NNP Circus/NNP ./.
Eric/NNP Idle/JJ expresses/VBZ relief/NN that/IN the/DT all-male/JJ troupe/NN had/VBD "/" no/DT girls/NNS to/TO sulk/NN or/CC feel/VBP left/VBN out/IN ,/, "/" while/IN John/NNP Cleese/NNP admits/VBZ that/IN they/PRP almost/RB called/VBD the/DT show/NN Bunn/NNP Wackett/NNP Buzzard/NNP Stubble/NNP and/CC Boot/NNP ./.
The/DT cover/NN story/NN lambastes/VBZ journalists/NNS for/IN pawing/VBG through/IN Julia/NNP Robert/NNP 's/POS personal/JJ life/NN ,/, but/CC reveals/VBZ her/PRP$ shoe/NN size/NN ,/, bra/NN size/NN ,/, and/CC romantic/JJ history/NN anyway/RB ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, May/NNP 17/CD
Katha/NNP Pollitt/NNP announces/VBZ her/PRP$ resignation/NN from/IN the/DT magazine/NN 's/POS masthead/NN ,/, though/IN she/PRP will/MD continue/VB to/TO write/VB her/PRP$ column/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD chagrined/JJ at/IN The/DT Nation/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ publication/NN of/IN a/DT column/NN by/IN conservative/JJ education/NN activist/NN Ron/NNP Unz/NNP arguing/VBG that/IN liberal/JJ education/NN reform/NN has/VBZ been/VBN an/DT unmitigated/JJ failure/NN ./.
(/( See/VB a/DT previous/JJ for/IN details/NNS )/) ./.
The/DT cover/NN story/NN asserts/VBZ that/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP 's/POS indictment/NN of/IN Julie/NNP Hiatt/NNP Steele/NNP is/VBZ based/VBN on/IN unbelievable/JJ assertions/NNS by/IN Kathleen/NNP Willey/NNP ,/, who/WP "/" choreographed/JJ "/" her/PRP$ allegations/NNS to/TO make/VB them/PRP more/JJR "/" marketable/JJ ./.
"/" ./.
A/DT piece/NN profiles/NNS new/JJ for-profit/JJ prisons/NNS specializing/VBG in/IN geriatric/JJ felons/NNS and/CC worries/NNS that/IN they/PRP will/MD cut/VB services/NNS to/TO bolster/VB profits/NNS ./.
ARTnews/NNP ,/, May/NNP 1999/CD
Yet/RB another/DT best-of-century/JJ list/NN :/: the/DT 25/CD most/RBS influential/JJ artists/NNS ./.
The/DT magazine/NN 's/POS panel/NN makes/VBZ mostly/RB predictable/JJ choices/NNS ,/, including/VBG sculptor/NN Constantin/NNP Brancusi/NNP ,/, Surrealist/NNP Salvador/NNP Dalí/NNP ,/, Abstract/NNP Expressionist/NNP Willem/NNP de/IN Kooning/NNP ,/, architect/NN Le/NNP Corbusier/NNP ,/, Neoplasticist/NNP Piet/NNP Mondrian/NNP ,/, photographer/NN Man/NNP Ray/NNP ,/, Impressionist/JJ Claude/NNP Monet/NNP ,/, and/CC "/" probably/RB the/DT most/RBS influential/JJ "/" Henri/NNP Matisse/NNP ./.
The/DT unusual/JJ picks/NNS include/VBP Robert/NNP Smithson/NNP and/CC Donald/NNP Judd/NNP ./.
Surprising/NNP omissions/NNS :/: Mark/NNP Rothko/NNP and/CC Alexander/NNP Calder/NNP ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
The/DT newsweeklies/NNS '/POS cover/NN packages/NNS pander/NN to/TO anxious/JJ parents/NNS ./.
Newsweek/NNP shows/VBZ them/PRP "/" the/DT secret/JJ life/NN of/IN teens/NNS ,/, "/" while/IN Time/NNP tells/VBZ them/PRP how/WRB to/TO protect/VB Web-surfing/NNP kids/NNS from/IN online/NN perils/NNS ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS paranoid/JJ cover/NN package/NN (/( "/" it/PRP 's/VBZ Lord/NNP of/IN the/DT Flies/NNP on/IN a/DT vast/JJ scale/NN "/" )/) urges/VBZ early/JJ childhood/NN intervention/NN for/IN difficult/JJ toddlers/NNS and/CC "/" zero/CD tolerance/NN for/IN bullies/VBZ ./.
"/" Time/NNP 's/POS cover/NN instructs/VBZ parents/NNS to/TO check/VB the/DT ratings/NNS listed/VBN on/IN video/NN game/NN boxes/NNS ,/, block/VB offensive/JJ content/NN on/IN their/PRP$ computers/NNS ,/, and/CC click/NN the/DT "/" history/NN "/" button/NN on/IN their/PRP$ browser/NN to/TO see/VB where/WRB their/PRP$ kids/NNS have/VBP been/VBN ./.
A/DT handy/JJ foldout/NN "/" quality/NN meter/NN "/" rates/NNS games/NNS and/CC Internet/NN sites/NNS ./.
(/( Any/DT 12/CD -/: year-old/JJ could/MD predict/VB the/DT results/NNS :/: educational/JJ software/NN gets/VBZ a/DT "/" wholesome/JJ "/" ;/: sex/NN and/CC hate/VBP sites/NNS are/VBP "/" gruesome/JJ ./.
"/" )/) ./.
Tipper/NNP Gore/NNP beseeches/NNS Time/NNP readers/NNS to/TO attend/VB to/TO youngsters/NNS '/POS mental/JJ health/NN (/( "/" If/IN we/PRP knew/VBD a/DT child/NN had/VBD a/DT broken/VBN arm/NN ,/, we/PRP would/MD take/VB that/DT child/NN to/TO an/DT emergency/NN room/NN ./.
"/" )/) ./.
Time/NN reports/NNS that/IN lawyers/NNS are/VBP already/RB cozying/VBG up/RP to/TO the/DT parents/NNS of/IN slain/VBN Columbine/NNP High/NNP students/NNS ./.
Possible/JJ litigation/NN targets/NNS :/: the/DT killers/NNS '/POS parents/NNS and/CC the/DT local/JJ police/NN ./.
Parents/NNS of/IN the/DT children/NNS killed/VBN in/IN West/NNP Paducah/NNP ,/, Ky/NNP ./.
,/, have/VBP already/RB filed/VBN suit/NN against/IN the/DT producers/NNS of/IN The/DT Basketball/NNP Diaries/NNP ,/, the/DT film/NN said/VBD to/TO have/VB inspired/VBN the/DT rampage/NN there/RB ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
An/DT article/NN asserts/VBZ that/IN Yugoslav/NNP President/NNP Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP ,/, supported/VBN by/IN a/DT network/NN of/IN student/NN volunteers/NNS ,/, is/VBZ winning/VBG an/DT Internet/NN propaganda/NN war/NN ./.
The/DT volunteers/NNS argue/VBP politely/RB in/IN chat/VB rooms/NNS ,/, maintain/VBP a/DT sophisticated/JJ Web/NNP site/NN ,/, and/CC encourage/VB activism/NN by/IN Serbian/NNP expats/NNS ./.
In/IN contrast/NN ,/, a/DT Pentagon/NNP official/NN says/VBZ that/IN American/JJ anti-/NN Serb/NNP radio/NN programming/NN reaches/VBZ "/" an/DT area/NN the/DT size/NN of/IN my/PRP$ desk/NN ./.
"/" ./.
A/DT piece/NN explains/VBZ a/DT new/JJ Republican/JJ plan/NN to/TO revamp/VB Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, savvily/RB designed/VBN to/TO pre-empt/VB criticism/NN from/IN both/DT conservatives/NNS and/CC liberals/NNS ./.
The/DT plan/NN gives/VBZ workers/NNS a/DT 2/CD percent/NN income-tax/NN rebate/NN to/TO be/VB invested/VBN in/IN a/DT stock/NN market/NN fund/NN ./.
At/IN retirement/NN ,/, you/PRP choose/VBP a/DT payout/NN based/VBN on/IN that/DT fund/NN 's/POS performance/NN or/CC on/IN a/DT set/NN of/IN guaranteed/VBN benefits/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT cover/NN story/NN ,/, U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP becomes/VBZ the/DT latest/JJS publication/NN to/TO warn/VB about/IN the/DT declining/VBG effectiveness/NN of/IN antibiotics/NNS ./.
Some/DT are/VBP prescribed/VBN so/RB heavily/RB that/IN bacteria/NNS are/VBP growing/VBG resistant/JJ to/TO them/PRP ./.
Children/NNP ,/, more/RBR susceptible/JJ to/TO microbes/NNS than/IN adults/NNS ,/, are/VBP in/IN the/DT most/JJS danger/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
A/DT piece/NN describes/VBZ how/WRB the/DT dog/NN genome/NN is/VBZ being/VBG combed/VBN for/IN clues/NNS about/IN human/JJ genetic/JJ diseases/NNS ./.
Because/IN dogs/NNS are/VBP deliberately/RB inbred/JJ ,/, genetic/JJ diseases/NNS are/VBP easier/JJR to/TO isolate/VB and/CC track/VB ./.
One/CD researcher--aided/JJ by/IN a/DT team/NN of/IN 27/CD sleepy/JJ Doberman/NNP pinschers--has/JJ already/RB targeted/VBD the/DT gene/NN for/IN narcolepsy/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN profiles/NNS J/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
G/NNP ./.
Boggs/NNP ,/, an/DT artist/NN whose/WP$ medium/NN is/VBZ counterfeited/JJ money/NN ./.
Boggs/NNP creates/VBZ exquisite/JJ mockups/NNS of/IN real/JJ bills/NNS and/CC convinces/VBZ his/PRP$ patrons/NNS to/TO use/VB them/PRP as/IN real/JJ cash/NN ./.
He/PRP claims/VBZ to/TO have/VB "/" spent/VBN "/" upward/RB of/IN $/$ 1/CD million/CD in/IN drawn/VBN money/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN exonerated/VBN on/IN counterfeiting/VBG charges/NNS in/IN Britain/NNP ,/, Australia/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
The/DT cover/NN story/NN canonizes/NNS Littleton/NNP victim/NN Cassie/NNP Bernall/NNP ,/, the/DT born-again/JJ Christian/NNP teen-ager/NN killed/VBN after/IN declaring/VBG her/PRP$ faith/NN in/IN God/NNP ./.
Her/PRP$ death/NN is/VBZ called/VBN a/DT divinely/RB ordained/VBN act/NN ,/, intended/VBN to/TO inspire/VB others/NNS to/TO spread/VB the/DT gospel/NN ./.
A/DT piece/NN lauds/NNS Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS response/NN to/TO the/DT Littleton/NNP shooting/VBG ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT "/" born-again/JJ Hollywood/NNP basher/NN "/" and/CC was/VBD the/DT only/RB presidential/JJ candidate/NN to/TO deliver/VB a/DT compelling/JJ moral/JJ response/NN to/TO the/DT shooting/VBG ./.
An/DT article/NN reminds/VBZ readers/NNS that/IN the/DT next/JJ president/NN will/MD likely/RB fill/VB three/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP seats/NNS ./.
An/DT editorial/NN berates/NNS congressional/JJ Republicans/NNPS for/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS "/" deeply/RB irresponsible/JJ "/" isolationist/NN votes/NNS on/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP mean/VBP ,/, really/RB ,/, it/PRP seem/VBP like/IN everybody/NN and/CC they/PRP momma/NN done/VBN had/VBD something/NN to/TO say/VB on/IN the/DT subject/NN !/.
"/" The/DT sentence/NN comes/VBZ from/IN Geneva/NNP Smitherman/NNP ,/, a/DT professor/NN of/IN English/NNP ,/, the/DT director/NN of/IN the/DT African-/NNP American/NNP Language/NNP and/CC Literacy/NN Program/NN at/IN Michigan/NNP State/NNP University/NNP ,/, the/DT author/NN of/IN the/DT books/NNS Talkin/NNP and/CC Testifyin/NNP (/( 1977/CD )/) and/CC Black/NNP Talk/NN (/( 1994/CD )/) ,/, and/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT people/NNS quoted/VBN most/RBS frequently/RB by/IN reporters/NNS and/CC commentators/NNS seeking/VBG context/NN for/IN the/DT national/JJ controversy/NN over/IN "/" ebonics/NNS "/" -/: -/: a/DT form/NN of/IN Black/NNP English/NNP recently/RB granted/VBD official/JJ recognition/NN as/IN a/DT separate/JJ language/NN by/IN the/DT Oakland/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
,/, school/NN board/NN ./.
As/IN it/PRP happens/VBZ ,/, though/RB ,/, Smitherman/NNP 's/POS words/NNS have/VBP nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT Oakland/NNP school/NN board/NN 's/POS action/NN ./.
They/PRP were/VBD written/VBN two/CD decades/NNS ago/RB ,/, when/WRB the/DT vernacular/NN used/VBN by/IN many/JJ blacks/NNS in/IN America/NNP 's/POS inner/JJ cities/NNS and/CC the/DT rural/JJ South/NNP was/VBD receiving/VBG its/PRP$ first/JJ round/NN of/IN national/JJ attention/NN ,/, partly/RB as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN influential/JJ works/NNS of/IN scholarship/NN such/JJ as/IN J/NNP ./.
L/NNP ./.
Dillard/NNP 's/POS Black/NNP English/NNP (/( 1973/CD )/) ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS later/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT widely/RB publicized/VBN ruling/NN ,/, a/DT Michigan/NNP court/NN ordered/VBD local/JJ school/NN districts/NNS to/TO take/VB account/NN of/IN Black/NNP English/NNP ./.
The/DT most/RBS remarkable/JJ element/NN of/IN this/DT story/NN ,/, in/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, is/VBZ how/WRB unchanging/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
The/DT central/JJ pedagogical/JJ problems/NNS (/( low/JJ achievement/NN by/IN large/JJ numbers/NNS of/IN black/JJ students/NNS ,/, and/CC how/WRB to/TO reach/VB these/DT students/NNS )/) ,/, the/DT scholarly/JJ arguments/NNS (/( how/WRB should/MD Black/NNP English/NNP be/VB characterized/VBN ?/.
)/) ,/, the/DT flashes/NNS of/IN racial/JJ feeling/NN ,/, the/DT sober/JJ (/( and/CC dyspeptic/JJ )/) public/JJ commentary--one/JJ could/MD transplant/VB it/PRP all/DT from/IN one/CD era/NN to/TO another/DT ,/, without/IN risk/NN of/IN anachronism/NN ./.
To/TO recap/NN the/DT events/NNS of/IN the/DT present/JJ era/NN ,/, then--briefly/JJ :/: On/IN Dec/NNP ./.
18/CD ,/, 1996/CD ,/, the/DT Oakland/NNP Unified/NNP School/NNP District/NNP unanimously/RB endorsed/VBD a/DT resolution/NN whose/WP$ ulterior/NN intentions/NNS remain/VBP unclear/JJ ,/, but/CC which/WDT ,/, at/IN the/DT very/RB least/JJS ,/, declares/VBZ that/IN the/DT "/" primary/JJ language/NN "/" spoken/VBN by/IN many/JJ of/IN its/PRP$ 28/CD ,/, 000/CD black/JJ students/NNS is/VBZ not/RB English/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT distinct/JJ language--not/JJ a/DT dialect/NN ,/, not/RB nonstandard/NN speech--called/JJ "/" ebonics/NNS "/" (/( a/DT combination/NN of/IN "/" ebony/NN ,/, "/" meaning/VBG "/" black/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC "/" phonics/NNS "/" )/) ./.
The/DT resolution/NN asserts/VBZ that/IN deficiencies/NNS in/IN black/JJ educational/JJ achievement/NN cannot/NN be/VB remedied/VBN unless/IN the/DT prevalence/NN of/IN ebonics/NNS is/VBZ recognized/VBN and/CC somehow/RB dealt/VBN with/IN ./.
What/WP might/MD "/" somehow/RB dealt/VBN with/IN "/" involve/VB ?/.
Representatives/NNS for/IN the/DT Oakland/NNP schools/NNS have/VBP given/VBN answers/NNS that/WDT sometimes/RB conflict/NN with/IN the/DT wording/NN of/IN the/DT resolution/NN itself/PRP on/IN such/JJ issues/NNS as/IN whether/IN ebonics/NNS would/MD or/CC should/MD be/VB a/DT language/NN used/VBN in/IN formal/JJ instruction/NN (/( as/IN opposed/VBN to/TO something/NN that/IN teachers/NNS simply/RB should/MD be/VB given/VBN financial/JJ incentives/NNS to/TO be/VB aware/JJ of/IN and/CC conversant/NN in/IN )/) ;/: whether/IN ebonics/NNS would/MD itself/PRP be/VB taught/VBN as/IN a/DT subject/JJ ;/: and/CC whether/IN claiming/VBG the/DT status/NN of/IN a/DT distinct/JJ language/NN for/IN ebonics/NNS was/VBD ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, a/DT ploy/NN to/TO shake/VB loose/JJ federal/JJ bilingual-education/JJ dollars/NNS (/( an/DT outcome/NN immediately/RB ruled/VBD out/IN by/IN Richard/NNP W/NNP ./.
Riley/NNP ,/, the/DT secretary/NN of/IN education/NN )/) ./.
Needless/JJ to/TO say/VB ,/, the/DT confrontational/JJ language/NN of/IN the/DT Oakland/NNP resolution/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT ill-advised/JJ statement/NN that/IN ebonics/NNS is/VBZ "/" genetically/RB based/VBN ,/, "/" did/VBD nothing/NN to/TO stifle/VB criticism/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP to/TO read/VB the/DT full/JJ text/NN of/IN the/DT resolution/NN ./.
)/) The/DT educational/JJ politics/NNS of/IN this/DT issue/NN will/MD no/DT doubt/VB play/VB themselves/PRP out/IN in/IN the/DT usual/JJ messy/NN American/JJ way--and/JJ ,/, with/IN luck/NN ,/, they/PRP will/MD do/VB so/RB beyond/IN the/DT glare/NN of/IN publicity/NN (/( that/IN being/VBG where/WRB experimental/JJ educational/JJ programs/NNS that/WDT involve/VBP the/DT inner-city/JJ vernacular/NN but/CC avoid/VB the/DT manifestos/NNS are/VBP already/RB taking/VBG place/NN )/) ./.
Two/CD points/NNS deserve/VBP mention/VB ./.
First/LS ,/, the/DT word/NN "/" ebonics/NNS ,/, "/" which/WDT dates/NNS back/RB to/TO the/DT early/JJ 1970/CD s/VBZ and/CC has/VBZ been/VBN used/VBN even/RB in/IN some/DT public-school/JJ settings/NNS without/IN controversy/NN for/IN years/NNS ,/, may/MD seem/VB to/TO be/VB putting/VBG on/IN airs/NNS ,/, but/CC what/WP many/JJ linguists/NNS prefer/VBP to/TO call/VB "/" Black/NNP English/NNP Vernacular/NNP "/" or/CC "/" African-/NNP American/NNP Vernacular/NNP English/NNP "/" is/VBZ a/DT major/JJ linguistic/JJ stream/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN flowing/VBG within/IN recognizable/JJ channels/NNS for/IN centuries/NNS ./.
(/( Benjamin/NNP Franklin/NNP and/CC ,/, before/IN him/PRP ,/, Cotton/NNP Mather/NNP left/VBD simulations/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ writings/NNS of/IN the/DT speech/NN of/IN some/DT American/JJ blacks/NNPS that/WDT anticipate/VBP vernacular/NN renderings/NNS today/NN ./.
)/) There/EX is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, no/DT single/JJ "/" Black/NNP English/NNP "/" -/: -/: there/EX are/VBP various/JJ black/JJ Englishes/NNP in/IN Africa/NNP and/CC the/DT Caribbean/NNP ,/, for/IN instance--and/JJ Black/NNP English/NNP Vernacular/NNP is/VBZ not/RB considered/VBN a/DT separate/JJ language/NN by/IN most/JJS language/NN specialists/NNS or/CC ,/, for/IN that/DT matter/NN ,/, ordinary/JJ people/NNS ./.
(/( As/IN one/CD commentator/NN has/VBZ recently/RB noted/VBN ,/, the/DT complaint/NN about/IN rap/NN lyrics/NNS is/VBZ not/RB that/IN they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB understood/VBN ./.
)/) But/CC the/DT black/JJ American/JJ speech/NN at/IN issue/NN in/IN Oakland--however/NNP one/CD categorizes/NNS it/PRP as/IN a/DT language/NN or/CC a/DT dialect--not/JJ only/RB is/VBZ pervasive/JJ but/CC also/RB displays/VBZ features/NNS that/IN one/CD finds/VBZ nationwide/JJ ,/, owing/VBG to/TO its/PRP$ roots/NNS in/IN the/DT black/JJ migration/NN from/IN a/DT common/JJ region/NN ,/, the/DT South/NNP ./.
There/EX are/VBP telltale/JJ characteristics/NNS ,/, widely/RB if/IN not/RB universally/RB present/JJ :/: the/DT replacement/NN of/IN an/DT initial/JJ "/" th/NN "/" with/IN a/DT "/" d/SYM "/" sound/NN (/( "/" dis/NNS ,/, "/" "/" dem/NN "/" )/) and/CC of/IN a/DT medial/NN or/CC final/JJ "/" th/NN "/" by/IN an/DT "/" f/SYM "/" or/CC other/JJ consonant/JJ sound/NN (/( "/" with/IN "/" becomes/VBZ "/" wif/NN ,/, "/" "/" brother/NN "/" becomes/VBZ "/" bruvah/NN "/" )/) ;/: a/DT reduction/NN of/IN consonant/JJ clusters/NNS in/IN general/JJ (/( so/IN that/IN "/" first/JJ "/" becomes/VBZ "/" firs/NNS "/" and/CC "/" hand/NN "/" becomes/VBZ "/" han/NN "/" )/) ;/: the/DT replacement/NN of/IN a/DT final/JJ "/" r/LS "/" sound/NN with/IN a/DT vowel/NN sound/NN (/( "/" summah/NN "/" for/IN "/" summer/NN "/" and/CC "/" mo/NN "/" for/IN "/" more/JJR "/" )/) ;/: the/DT prevalence/NN of/IN so-called/JJ plosive/JJ consonants/NNS (/( making/VBG a/DT word/NN such/JJ as/IN "/" bill/NN "/" sound/NN more/RBR like/IN "/" beel/NN "/" )/) ;/: the/DT placement/NN of/IN stress/NN on/IN a/DT first/JJ ,/, rather/RB than/IN a/DT second/NN ,/, syllable/NN (/( "/" DEE-troit/NNP "/" )/) ;/: the/DT disappearance/NN of/IN the/DT final/JJ "/" s/VBZ "/" from/IN third-person/JJ singular/NN verbs/NNS (/( "/" what/WP go/VB '/POS round/NN ,/, come/VB '/POS round/NN "/" )/) ;/: the/DT dropping/VBG of/IN the/DT copula/NN (/( "/" I/PRP here/RB ,/, "/" "/" the/DT coffee/NN cold/JJ "/" )/) and/CC of/IN certain/JJ tense/JJ inflections/NNS altogether/RB ./.
The/DT ancestry/NN of/IN vernacular/NN elements/NNS such/JJ as/IN these/DT is/VBZ diverse/JJ and/CC includes/VBZ antique/JJ forms/NNS of/IN English/NNP and/CC slave-trade-era/JJ maritime/NN lingua/NN franca/NN ,/, but/CC an/DT African/JJ origin/NN for/IN many/JJ of/IN them/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN persuasively/RB argued/VBN for/IN ./.
West/NNP African/JJ languages/NNS ,/, to/TO give/VB just/RB one/CD example/NN ,/, also/RB tend/VBP not/RB to/TO make/VB use/NN of/IN a/DT "/" th/NN "/" sound/NN ./.
Second/JJ ,/, disagree/VBP as/IN one/PRP might/MD with/IN the/DT highhanded/JJ approach/NN taken/VBN by/IN the/DT Oakland/NNP Unified/NNP School/NNP District/NNP ,/, the/DT linguistic/JJ challenge/NN confronting/VBG urban/JJ schools/NNS defies/VBZ armchair/NN comprehension/NN ./.
Discussions/NNP around/IN the/DT holiday/NN dinner/NN table/NN in/IN Greenwich/NNP or/CC Grosse/NNP Pointe/NNP may/MD characterize/VB ebonics/NNS as/IN an/DT issue/NN mainly/RB of/IN laziness/NNS or/CC sloppiness--something/JJ whose/WP$ rectification/NN should/MD be/VB a/DT matter/NN merely/RB of/IN better/JJR habits/NNS or/CC self-control/NN ,/, like/IN standing/NN up/RB straight/JJ or/CC looking/VBG another/DT person/NN in/IN the/DT eye/NN ./.
The/DT front-line/JJ literature/NN from/IN America/NNP 's/POS classrooms/NNS belies/NNS that/WDT notion/NN ./.
Those/DT interested/JJ in/IN acquiring/VBG some/DT (/( sanitized/VBN )/) sense/NN of/IN how/WRB great/JJ is/VBZ the/DT task--even/JJ in/IN the/DT absence/NN of/IN any/DT other/JJ social/JJ problems--that/JJ faces/VBZ a/DT teacher/NN wishing/VBG to/TO impart/VB mainstream/NN speaking/NN and/CC writing/VBG skills/NNS to/TO black/JJ students/NNS who/WP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB them/PRP might/MD consult/VB the/DT soon-to-be-published/JJ English/NNP :/: An/DT African-/NNP American/NNP Handbook--/NNP A/DT Guide/NNP to/TO the/DT Mastery/NNP of/IN Speaking/NNP More/JJR and/CC Better/NNP English/NNP ,/, by/IN Savannah/NNP Miller/NNP Young/NNP ,/, a/DT black/JJ elementary-school/JJ principal/NN in/IN St/NNP ./.
Louis/NNP ./.
(/( The/DT book/NN will/MD be/VB available/JJ in/IN mid-/NN January/NNP ./.
Address/NNP queries/NNS to/TO P/NN ./.
O/NNP ./.
Box/NNP 11704/CD ,/, Clayton/NNP ,/, MO/NNP 631005/CD -/: 3098/CD ./.
)/) After/IN several/JJ brief/JJ introductory/JJ chapters/NNS ,/, the/DT book/NN settles/VBZ into/IN a/DT detailed/VBN program/NN of/IN lessons/NNS and/CC drills/NNS ./.
The/DT therapeutic/JJ lesson/NN plan/NN I/PRP suggest/VBP for/IN speakers/NNS of/IN standard/JJ American/NNP English/NNP :/: Imagine/VB what/WP would/MD be/VB involved/VBN in/IN undertaking/VBG this/DT program/NN yourself/PRP ,/, in/IN reverse/NN ./.
William/NNP Labov/NNP ,/, a/DT professor/NN of/IN linguistics/NNS at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Pennsylvania/NNP and/CC the/DT author/NN of/IN an/DT early/JJ study/NN ,/, The/DT Social/NNP Stratification/NNP of/IN English/NNP in/IN New/NNP York/NNP (/( 1966/CD )/) ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN arguing/VBG for/IN years/NNS that/IN ,/, whatever/WDT its/PRP$ original/JJ sources/NNS ,/, the/DT language/NN of/IN poor/JJ ,/, urban/JJ blacks/NNS is/VBZ becoming/VBG ever/RB more/RBR divergent/JJ from/IN that/DT of/IN other/JJ Americans/NNPS ,/, as/IN de/IN facto/FW racial/JJ segregation/NN and/CC social/JJ isolation/NN become/VBP the/DT permanent/JJ lot/NN of/IN a/DT vast/JJ subgroup/NN of/IN African/NNP Americans/NNPS ./.
The/DT widespread/JJ use/NN of/IN the/DT so-called/JJ invariant/NN "/" be/VB "/" to/TO indicate/VB continuous/JJ or/CC habitual/NN action/NN (/( "/" he/PRP be/VB late/JJ "/" )/) ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, is/VBZ not/RB a/DT historical/JJ legacy/NN but/CC a/DT development/NN of/IN the/DT last/JJ 50/CD years/NNS ./.
"/" Ebonics/NNP "/" may/MD not/RB merit/VB the/DT status/NN of/IN a/DT distinct/JJ language/NN now/RB ,/, his/PRP$ research/NN seems/VBZ to/TO imply--but/JJ just/RB give/VB it/PRP time/NN ./.
Every/DT time/NN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS goes/VBZ into/IN battle/NN ,/, anti-war/JJ activists/NNS blame/VBP the/DT causes/NNS and/CC casualties/NNS of/IN the/DT conflict/NN on/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
government/NN ./.
They/PRP excuse/NN the/DT enemy/NN regime/NN 's/POS aggression/NN and/CC insist/VBP that/IN it/PRP can/MD be/VB trusted/VBN to/TO negotiate/VB and/CC honor/VB a/DT fair/JJ resolution/NN ./.
While/IN doing/VBG everything/NN they/PRP can/MD to/TO hamstring/VB the/DT American/JJ administration/NN 's/POS ability/NN to/TO wage/VB the/DT war/NN ,/, they/PRP argue/VBP that/IN the/DT war/NN can/MD never/RB be/VB won/VBN ,/, that/IN the/DT administration/NN 's/POS claims/NNS to/TO the/DT contrary/JJ are/VBP lies/VBZ ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD trim/VB its/PRP$ absurd/JJ demands/NNS and/CC bug/NN out/IN with/IN whatever/WDT face-saving/JJ deal/NN it/PRP can/MD get/VB ./.
In/IN past/JJ wars/NNS ,/, Republicans/NNPS accused/VBD these/DT domestic/JJ opponents/NNS of/IN sabotaging/VBG American/JJ morale/NN and/CC aiding/VBG the/DT enemy/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN this/DT war/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS are/VBP n't/RB bashing/VBG the/DT anti-war/JJ movement/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP leading/VBG it/PRP ./.
Last/JJ weekend/NN ,/, three/CD of/IN the/DT top/JJ five/CD Republicans/NNPS in/IN Congress--/NNP Senate/NNP Majority/NNP Leader/NNP Trent/NNP Lott/NNP of/IN Mississippi/NNP ,/, Senate/NNP Majority/NNP Whip/NNP Don/NNP Nickles/NNP of/IN Oklahoma/NNP ,/, and/CC House/NNP Majority/NNP Whip/NNP Tom/NNP DeLay/NNP of/IN Texas--went/NNP on/IN television/NN to/TO discuss/VB the/DT war/NN ./.
Here/RB 's/POS what/WP they/PRP said/VBD ./.
1/LS ./.
The/DT atrocities/NNS are/VBP America/NNP 's/POS fault/NN ./.
"/" Once/RB the/DT bombing/NN commenced/VBD ,/, I/PRP think/VBP then/RB [/( Slobodan/NNP ]/) Milosevic/NNP unleashed/VBD his/PRP$ forces/NNS ,/, and/CC then/RB that/DT 's/VBZ when/WRB the/DT slaughtering/VBG and/CC the/DT massive/JJ ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN really/RB started/VBD ,/, "/" Nickles/NNP said/VBD at/IN a/DT news/NN conference/NN after/IN appearing/VBG on/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT administration/NN 's/POS campaign/NN has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT disaster/NN ./.
[/NN It/PRP ]/) escalated/VBD a/DT guerrilla/NN warfare/NN into/IN a/DT real/JJ war/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT real/JJ losers/NNS are/VBP the/DT Kosovars/NNP and/CC innocent/JJ civilians/NNS ./.
"/" On/IN Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP ,/, DeLay/NNP blamed/VBD the/DT ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN on/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
intervention/NN ./.
"/" Clinton/NNP 's/POS bombing/NN campaign/NN has/VBZ caused/VBN all/DT of/IN these/DT problems/NNS to/TO explode/VB ,/, "/" DeLay/NNP charged/VBD in/IN a/DT House/NNP floor/NN speech/NN replayed/JJ on/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ./.
2/LS ./.
The/DT failure/NN of/IN diplomacy/NN to/TO avert/VB the/DT war/NN is/VBZ America/NNP 's/POS fault/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP had/VBD doubts/NNS about/IN the/DT bombing/NN campaign/NN from/IN the/DT beginning/NN ,/, "/" Lott/NNP offered/VBD on/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB think/VB we/PRP had/VBD done/VBN enough/RB in/IN the/DT diplomatic/JJ area/NN ./.
"/" Nickles/NNP called/VBD NATO/NNP 's/POS prewar/NN peace/NN proposal/NN to/TO the/DT Serbs/NNP "/" a/DT very/RB arrogant/JJ agreement/NN "/" that/IN "/" really/RB caused/VBD this/DT thing/NN to/TO escalate/VB ./.
3/LS ./.
Congress/NNP should/MD not/RB support/VB the/DT war/NN ./.
When/WRB asked/VBD whether/IN they/PRP would/MD authorize/VB Clinton/NNP "/" to/TO use/VB all/DT necessary/JJ force/NN to/TO win/VB this/DT war/NN ,/, including/VBG ground/NN troops/NNS ,/, "/" Lott/NNP and/CC Nickles/NNP -/: -/: who/WP had/VBD voted/VBN a/DT month/NN ago/RB ,/, along/IN with/IN 70/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP GOP/NNP ,/, not/RB to/TO support/VB the/DT NATO/NNP air/NN campaign--said/JJ they/PRP would/MD n't/RB ./.
Nickles/NNP questioned/VBD the/DT propriety/NN of/IN "/" NATO/NNP 's/POS objectives/NNS ,/, "/" calling/VBG its/PRP$ goal/NN of/IN "/" access/NN to/TO all/DT of/IN Serbia/NNP ./.
ludicrous/JJ ./.
"/" DeLay/NNP ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, voted/VBD not/RB only/RB against/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS House/NNP resolution/NN authorizing/VBG Clinton/NNP to/TO conduct/VB the/DT air/NN war--which/JJ failed/VBD on/IN a/DT tie/NN vote--but/JJ also/RB in/IN favor/NN of/IN legislation/NN "/" directing/VBG the/DT president/NN ./.
to/TO remove/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Armed/NNP Forces/NNPS from/IN their/PRP$ positions/NNS in/IN connection/NN with/IN the/DT present/JJ operations/NNS against/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Republic/NNP of/IN Yugoslavia/NNP ./.
"/" When/WRB asked/VBD whether/IN he/PRP had/VBD lobbied/VBN his/PRP$ colleagues/NNS to/TO defeat/VB the/DT resolution/NN authorizing/VBG the/DT air/NN war/NN ,/, as/IN had/VBD been/VBN reported/VBN ,/, DeLay/NNP conceded/VBD that/IN he/PRP had/VBD "/" talked/VBN to/TO a/DT couple/NN of/IN members/NNS during/IN the/DT vote/NN "/" but/CC claimed/VBD not/RB to/TO have/VB swayed/VBN anyone/NN since/IN it/PRP was/VBD "/" a/DT vote/NN of/IN conscience/NN ./.
4/LS ./.
We/PRP ca/MD n't/RB win/VB ./.
"/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB that/IN Milosevic/NNP will/MD ever/RB raise/VB a/DT white/JJ flag/NN ,/, "/" warned/VBD Nickles/NNP ./.
DeLay/NNP agreed/VBD :/: "/" He/PRP 's/VBZ stronger/JJR in/IN Kosovo/NNP now/RB than/IN he/PRP was/VBD before/IN the/DT bombing/NN ./.
The/DT Serbian/NNP people/NNS are/VBP rallying/VBG around/IN him/PRP like/VBP never/RB before/RB ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ much/RB stronger/JJR with/IN his/PRP$ allies/NNS ,/, Russians/NNPS and/CC others/NNS ./.
"/" Clinton/NNP "/" has/VBZ no/DT plan/NN for/IN the/DT end/NN "/" and/CC "/" recognizes/VBZ that/IN Milosevic/NNP will/MD still/RB be/VB in/IN power/NN ,/, "/" added/VBD DeLay/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT bombing/NN was/VBD a/DT mistake/NN ./.
And/CC this/DT president/NN ought/MD to/TO show/VB some/DT leadership/NN and/CC admit/VB it/PRP ,/, and/CC come/VB to/TO some/DT sort/NN of/IN negotiated/VBN end/NN ./.
5/LS ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
propaganda/NN ./.
On/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ,/, Defense/NNP Secretary/NNP William/NNP Cohen/NNP argued/VBD that/IN Yugoslavia/NNP had/VBD underestimated/VBN NATO/NNP 's/POS resolve/NN more/JJR than/IN NATO/NNP had/VBD underestimated/VBN Yugoslavia/NNP 's/POS ,/, and/CC Joint/NNP Chiefs/NNPS vice/NN chairman/NN Gen/NNP ./.
Joseph/NNP Ralston/NNP asserted/VBD that/IN Milosevic/NNP "/" had/VBD already/RB started/VBN his/PRP$ campaign/NN of/IN killing/VBG "/" before/IN NATO/NNP intervened/VBD ./.
Nickles/NNP dismissed/VBD both/DT arguments/NNS ./.
"/" This/DT war/NN is/VBZ not/RB going/VBG well/RB ,/, "/" he/PRP declared/VBD ./.
"/" I/PRP heard/VBD Secretary/NNP Cohen/NNP say/VBP ,/, '/" Well/RB ,/, Milosevic/NNP miscalculated/VBD how/WRB ,/, you/PRP know/VBP ,/, steadfast/JJ we/PRP would/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT bombing/NN campaign/NN ./.
'/POS But/CC frankly/RB ./.
we/PRP grossly/RB miscalculated/VBD what/WP Milosevic/NNP 's/POS response/NN would/MD be/VB ./.
"/" Later/RB ,/, Nickles/NNP volunteered/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP would/MD take/VB a/DT little/JJ issue/NN with/IN [/( what/WP ]/) Gen/NNP ./.
Ralston/NNP said/VBD ./.
The/DT number/NN of/IN killings/NNS prior/RB to/TO the/DT bombing/NN ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN exaggerated/JJ ./.
"/" Moreover/RB ,/, given/VBN NATO/NNP 's/POS desperate/JJ need/VBP to/TO "/" bring/VB Milosevic/NNP to/TO the/DT table/NN ,/, "/" DeLay/NNP cautioned/VBD ,/, "/" It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB helpful/JJ for/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS spin/NN machine/NN to/TO be/VB out/IN there/EX right/RB now/RB saying/VBG that/IN Milosevic/NNP is/VBZ weakening/VBG ./.
"/" The/DT truth/NN ,/, said/VBD DeLay/NNP ,/, is/VBZ that/IN "/" nothing/NN has/VBZ changed/VBN ./.
6/CD ./.
Give/VB peace/NN a/DT chance/NN ./.
Cohen/NNP said/VBD it/PRP was/VBD "/" highly/RB unlikely/JJ "/" that/IN Clinton/NNP would/MD meet/VB with/IN Milosevic/NNP in/IN response/NN to/TO Yugoslavia/NNP 's/POS release/NN of/IN the/DT three/CD captured/VBN American/JJ soldiers/NNS over/IN the/DT weekend/NN ,/, since/IN the/DT Serbs/NNP were/VBD continuing/VBG their/PRP$ atrocities/NNS and/CC were/VBD n't/RB offering/NN to/TO meet/VB NATO/NNP 's/POS conditions/NNS ./.
DeLay/NNP called/VBD this/DT refusal/NN "/" really/RB disappointing/JJ "/" and/CC a/DT failure/NN of/IN "/" leadership/NN ./.
The/DT president/NN ought/MD to/TO open/VB up/RP negotiations/NNS and/CC come/VB to/TO some/DT sort/NN of/IN diplomatic/JJ end/NN ./.
"/" Lott/NNP implored/JJ Clinton/NNP to/TO "/" give/VB peace/NN a/DT chance/NN "/" and/CC ,/, comparing/VBG the/DT war/NN with/IN the/DT recent/JJ Colorado/NNP high-school/NN shootings/NNS ,/, urged/VBD him/PRP to/TO resolve/VB the/DT Kosovo/NNP conflict/NN with/IN "/" words/NNS ,/, not/RB weapons/NNS ./.
7/CD ./.
We/PRP have/VBP no/DT choice/NN but/CC to/TO compromise/VB ./.
Unless/IN Clinton/NNP finds/VBZ "/" a/DT way/NN to/TO get/VB the/DT bombing/NN stopped/VBD "/" and/CC to/TO "/" get/VB Milosevic/NNP to/TO pull/VB back/RB his/PRP$ troops/NNS "/" voluntarily/RB ,/, NATO/NNP faces/VBZ "/" a/DT quagmire/NN ./.
a/DT long/JJ ,/, protracted/JJ ,/, bloody/JJ war/NN ,/, "/" warned/VBD Lott/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP "/" only/RB has/VBZ two/CD choices/NNS ,/, "/" said/VBD DeLay--to/NNP "/" occupy/VB Yugoslavia/NNP and/CC take/VB Milosevic/NNP out/IN "/" or/CC "/" to/TO negotiate/VB some/DT sort/NN of/IN diplomatic/JJ end/NN ,/, diplomatic/JJ agreement/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO end/VB this/DT failed/VBN policy/NN ./.
8/CD ./.
We/PRP 're/VBP eager/JJ to/TO compromise/VB ./.
NATO/NNP has/VBZ insisted/VBN all/DT along/IN that/DT Milosevic/NNP must/MD allow/VB a/DT well-armed/JJ international/JJ force/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP to/TO protect/VB the/DT ethnic/JJ Albanians/NNS ./.
When/WRB asked/VBD whether/IN "/" the/DT administration/NN ought/MD to/TO insist/VB "/" that/IN these/DT requirements/NNS "/" be/VB met/VBN "/" as/IN a/DT condition/NN of/IN negotiation/NN ,/, DeLay/NNP twice/RB ducked/JJ the/DT question/NN ./.
Nickles/NNP advocated/VBD "/" a/DT compromise/NN ,/, "/" and/CC Lott/NNP expressed/VBD interest/NN in/IN Yugoslavia/NNP 's/POS proposal/NN for/IN a/DT "/" lightly/RB armed/VBN "/" U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
peacekeeping/VBG force/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP rather/RB than/IN a/DT fully/RB equipped/VBN NATO/NNP force/NN ./.
"/" Surely/RB there/EX 's/VBZ wiggle/NN room/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Lott/NNP ./.
"/" Obviously/RB ,/, [/( the/DT Serbs/NNP ]/) do/VBP n't/RB want/VB them/PRP heavily/RB armed/VBN ,/, but/CC they/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN to/TO be/VB armed/VBN sufficiently/RB to/TO protect/VB themselves/PRP ./.
So/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP something/NN can/MD be/VB worked/VBN out/RP ./.
9/CD ./.
We/PRP 'll/MD back/RB off/RP first/JJ ./.
Nickles/NNP discounted/VBD the/DT administration/NN 's/POS demand/NN that/IN Yugoslavia/NNP halt/NN its/PRP$ ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO halt/VB NATO/NNP 's/POS bombardment/NN :/: "/" Secretary/NNP Cohen/NNP says/VBZ ,/, '/" Well/RB ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Milosevic/NNP has/VBZ to/TO do/VB all/DT these/DT things/NNS ,/, then/RB we/PRP 'll/MD stop/VB the/DT bombing/NN ./.
'/POS Tim/NNP ,/, I/PRP strongly/RB believe/VBP we/PRP need/VBP a/DT simultaneous/JJ withdrawal/NN of/IN the/DT Serbian/NNP aggressive/JJ forces/NNS ,/, have/VBP a/DT stopping/NN of/IN the/DT bombing/NN ,/, and/CC an/DT insertion/NN of/IN international/JJ police-keeping/JJ force/NN ./.
"/" Lott/NNP 's/POS formulation/NN put/VBD NATO/NNP 's/POS withdrawal/NN first/RB :/: "/" Let/VB 's/POS see/VB if/IN we/PRP ca/MD n't/RB find/VB a/DT way/NN to/TO get/VB the/DT bombing/NN stopped/VBD ,/, get/VB Milosevic/NNP to/TO pull/VB back/RB his/PRP$ troops/NNS ,/, find/VBP a/DT way/NN to/TO get/VB the/DT Kosovars/NNP [/( to/TO ]/) go/NN back/RB in/IN ./.
"/" And/CC DeLay/NNP suggested/VBD that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD pull/VB out/IN unilaterally/RB :/: "/" When/WRB Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP saw/VBD that/IN he/PRP had/VBD made/VBN a/DT mistake/NN putting/VBG our/PRP$ soldiers/NNS in/IN Lebanon/NNP ./.
he/PRP admitted/VBD the/DT mistake/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP withdrew/VBD from/IN Lebanon/NNP ./.
Some/DT Democrats/NNPS call/NN Republicans/NNPS who/WP make/VBP these/DT arguments/NNS unpatriotic/JJ ./.
Republicans/NNS reply/VB that/IN they/PRP 're/VBP serving/VBG their/PRP$ country/NN by/IN debunking/VBG and/CC thwarting/VBG a/DT bad/JJ policy/NN administered/VBN by/IN a/DT bad/JJ president/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD be/VB sure/JJ of/IN only/RB two/CD things/NNS :/: Each/DT party/NN is/VBZ arguing/VBG exactly/RB the/DT opposite/NN of/IN what/WP it/PRP argued/VBD the/DT last/JJ time/NN a/DT Republican/JJ president/NN led/VBD the/DT nation/NN into/IN war/NN ,/, and/CC exactly/RB the/DT opposite/NN of/IN what/WP it/PRP will/MD argue/VB next/JJ time/NN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Dept/NNP ./.
of/IN Justice/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO have/VB Microsoft/NNP held/VBN in/IN contempt/NN because/IN the/DT company/NN is/VBZ allegedly/RB flouting/VBG the/DT recently/RB issued/VBN court/NN order/NN requiring/VBG it/PRP to/TO market/VB its/PRP$ Web/NNP browser/NN Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP separately/RB from/IN its/PRP$ Windows/NNP 95/CD operating/VBG system/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN news/NN that/IN GM/NNP and/CC Ford/NNP are/VBP ready/JJ to/TO roll/VB out/RP the/DT cleanest-running-ever/JJ gasoline-powered/JJ cars/NNS ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN 's/POS decision/NN to/TO open/VB the/DT way/NN to/TO full-scale/JJ trade/NN between/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC Vietnam/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB is/VBZ that/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP Council/NNP has/VBZ passed/VBN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS toughest/JJS restrictions/NNS on/IN outdoor/JJ cigarette/NN advertising/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT WP/NNP lead/NN ,/, Ford/NNP and/CC GM/NNP say/VBP they/PRP could/MD put/VB their/PRP$ new/JJ generation/NN of/IN clean/VB gas-powered/JJ cars/NNS on/IN the/DT road/NN soon/RB provided/VBD they/PRP got/VBD guarantees/VBZ the/DT cars/NNS would/MD qualify/VB as/IN acceptable/JJ under/IN the/DT pollution/NN standards/NNS everywhere/RB in/IN the/DT country/NN outside/IN California/NNP ./.
(/( The/DT cars/NNS are/VBP said/VBN to/TO eliminate/VB 99/CD percent/NN of/IN smog-producing/JJ emissions/NNS ,/, but/CC California/NNP has/VBZ adopted/VBN eventual/JJ zero-admissions/JJ standards/NNS ./.
)/) But/CC much/JJ to/TO the/DT companies/NNS '/POS chagrin/NN ,/, New/NNP York/NNP and/CC Massachusetts/NNP have/VBP adopted/VBN requirements/NNS similar/JJ to/TO California/NNP 's/POS and/CC their/PRP$ fear/NN is/VBZ that/IN other/JJ states/NNS will/MD follow/VB suit/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN quotes/NNS unidentified/JJ EPA/NNP officials/NNS saying/VBG that/IN the/DT automakers/NNS '/POS proposals/NNS offer/VBP an/DT acceptable/JJ compromise/NN ,/, which/WDT will/MD produce/VB cleaner/JJR air/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN states/NNS that/IN economic/JJ normalization/NN between/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC Vietnam/NNP will/MD result/VB from/IN the/DT administration/NN 's/POS decision/NN ,/, based/VBN on/IN its/PRP$ view/NN that/IN Vietnam/NNP 's/POS emigration/NN policies/NNS have/VBP improved/VBN considerably/RB ,/, to/TO grant/VB Vietnam/NNP a/DT waiver/NN from/IN the/DT Jackson-/NNP Vanik/NNP Amendment/NNP ,/, which/WDT bars/VBZ full/JJ economic/JJ relations/NNS with/IN Communist/NNP countries/NNS that/WDT do/VBP n't/RB permit/VB free/JJ emigration/NN ./.
This/DT will/MD unblock/VB a/DT variety/NN of/IN government-backed/JJ financing/NN programs/NNS for/IN the/DT Vietnam/NNP projects/NNS of/IN various/JJ American/JJ companies/NNS ./.
It/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN helpful/JJ if/IN the/DT story/NN had/VBD said/VBN high/JJ up/RB in/IN what/WP respects/VBZ Vietnam/NNP 's/POS emigration/NN stance/NN has/VBZ improved/VBN ,/, and/CC had/VBD also/RB explained/VBN how/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ that/IN the/DT president/NN can/MD alter/VB a/DT country/NN 's/POS trade/NN status/NN like/IN this/DT unilaterally/RB ,/, without/IN Senate/NNP approval/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC LAT/NNP front/JJ pages/NNS carry/VBP news/NN of/IN the/DT decision/NN by/IN New/NNP Jersey/NNP to/TO allow/VB gay/JJ partners/NNS to/TO jointly/RB adopt/VB children/NNS on/IN the/DT same/JJ basis/NN as/IN married/VBN couples/NNS ,/, the/DT first/JJ state/NN to/TO do/VB so/RB ./.
(/( The/DT NYT/NNP runs/VBZ the/DT story/NN inside/IN ./.
)/) The/DT WP/NNP story/NN includes/VBZ these/DT factoids/NNS :/: between/IN eight/CD and/CC thirteen/NN million/CD children/NNS nationwide/JJ are/VBP being/VBG raised/VBN by/IN gay/JJ parents/NNS ,/, while/IN two/CD states/NNS ,/, New/NNP Hampshire/NNP and/CC Florida/NNP ,/, bar/NN the/DT adoption/NN of/IN children/NNS by/IN gays/NNS ./.
USAT/NNP reports/NNS that/WDT yesterday/NN ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP signed/VBD the/DT first/JJ law/NN directly/RB cracking/VBG down/RB on/IN unauthorized/JJ distribution/NN in/IN cyberspace/NN of/IN copyrighted/VBN material/NN even/RB if/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT profit/NN sought/VBN ./.
The/DT piece/NN suggests/VBZ that/IN the/DT new/JJ law/NN addresses/VBZ the/DT case/NN of/IN a/DT large/JJ corporate/JJ interest/NN being/VBG abused/VBN by/IN a/DT lone-wolf/JJ operator/NN ./.
But/CC does/VBZ it/PRP also/RB address/VBP cases/NNS where/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT corporation/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ doing/VBG the/DT stealing/VBG ?/.
Like/IN a/DT magazine/NN 's/POS putting/VBG an/DT article/NN on/IN its/PRP$ Web/NNP site/NN for/IN which/WDT one-time/JJ print/NN rights/NNS only/RB had/VBD been/VBN purchased/VBN from/IN a/DT freelance/NN writer/NN ?/.
Or/CC if/IN its/PRP$ online/NN archives/NNS contained/VBD plagiarized/JJ material/NN ?/.
The/DT story/NN does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB ./.
The/DT WP/NNP "/" Politics/NNS "/" column/NN reports/NNS that/DT Sen/NNP ./.
Mitch/NNP McConnell/NNP and/CC Rep/NNP ./.
John/NNP Linder/NNP recently/RB sent/VBD out/RP a/DT letter/NN titled/VBN "/" In/IN Praise/NNP of/IN Soft/NNP Money/NNP "/" to/TO the/DT Fortune/NNP 500/CD CEOs/NNS ,/, which/WDT described/VBD soft/JJ money/NN as/IN "/" entirely/RB legal/JJ ,/, ethical/JJ ,/, beneficial/JJ and/CC necessary/JJ to/TO our/PRP$ nation/NN 's/POS healthy/JJ two-party/JJ system/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP states/NNS that/IN in/IN Japan/NNP ,/, more/JJR than/IN 700/CD viewers/NNS of/IN a/DT television/NN cartoon/NN show/NN were/VBD taken/VBN to/TO hospitals/NNS ,/, many/JJ suffering/NN from/IN seizures/NNS and/CC unconsciousness/NNS ,/, after/IN viewing/VBG a/DT sequence/NN in/IN the/DT show/NN containing/VBG strobe/NN effects/NNS ./.
Jay/NNP Leno/NNP explained/VBD last/JJ night/NN why/WRB network/NN executives/NNS are/VBP so/RB concerned/VBN :/: TV/NN is/VBZ n't/RB supposed/VBN to/TO cause/VB brain/NN damage/NN that/DT fast/RB ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Postal/NNP Service/NNP plans/VBZ to/TO issue/VB a/DT philanthropy/NN stamp/NN next/JJ year/NN that/WDT will/MD depict/VB a/DT bee/NN pollinating/VBG a/DT flower/NN and/CC will/MD bear/VB the/DT words/NNS :/: "/" Giving/VBG and/CC Sharing/VBG :/: an/DT American/JJ Tradition/NNP ./.
"/" Guess/NNP the/DT rights/NNS to/TO the/DT Pamela/NNP and/CC Tommy/NNP Lee/NNP video/NN were/VBD n't/RB available/JJ ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Nasdaq/NNP composite/JJ index/NN breaking/VBG the/DT 3/CD ,/, 000/CD barrier/NN ,/, a/DT story/NN topping/VBG the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS "/" Business/NNP and/CC Finance/NNP "/" box/NN ./.
Most/JJS papers/NNS note/VBP that/IN the/DT index/NN has/VBZ risen/VBN 50/CD percent/NN in/IN a/DT year/NN ,/, buoyed/VBN by/IN a/DT small/JJ group/NN of/IN weighted/JJ tech/NN stocks/NNS like/IN Microsoft/NNP and/CC Intel/NNP ./.
Investors/NNS are/VBP cautiously/RB optimistic/JJ ,/, and/CC although/IN a/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP article/NN says/VBZ the/DT Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP is/VBZ unlikely/JJ to/TO raise/VB interest/NN rates/NNS again/RB this/DT year/NN ,/, the/DT other/JJ papers/NNS note/VBP that/IN Wall/NNP Street/NNP will/MD wait/VB for/IN October/NNP 's/POS employment/NN figures/NNS (/( to/TO be/VB released/VBN Friday/NNP )/) before/IN reaching/VBG a/DT conclusion/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN a/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP lawsuit/NN against/IN seven/CD utility/NN companies/NNS for/IN pollution/NN violations/NNS ,/, a/DT story/NN reefered/JJ by/IN USAT/NNP ./.
The/DT government/NN alleges/VBZ that/IN 32/CD coal-powered/JJ plants/NNS (/( USAT/NNP says/VBZ 17/CD )/) in/IN the/DT South/NNP and/CC Midwest/NNP lack/NN appropriate/JJ pollution-control/JJ equipment/NN ./.
Unlike/IN the/DT NYT/NNP 's/POS story/NN ,/, the/DT WSJ/NNP 's/POS story/NN mentions/VBZ prominently/RB the/DT probable/JJ cost/NN increases/NNS for/IN consumers/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT Journal/NNP asserts/VBZ ,/, without/IN attribution/NN ,/, that/IN new/JJ pollution/NN controls/NNS will/MD cost/VB $/$ 100/CD million/CD per/IN plant/NN ;/: the/DT Times/NNP mentions--at/JJ the/DT end/NN of/IN its/PRP$ story--the/JJ government/NN 's/POS estimate/NN of/IN $/$ 3/CD million/CD to/TO $/$ 4/CD million/CD per/IN plant/NN ./.
The/DT non-local/JJ lead/NN at/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP is/VBZ the/DT State/NNP Department/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO make/VB the/DT lifting/NN of/IN Serbian/NNP sanctions/NNS contingent/JJ on/IN free/JJ elections/NNS ,/, rather/RB than/IN on/IN Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP 's/POS relinquishing/VBG power/NN ./.
(/( The/DT NYT/NNP broke/VBD this/DT story/NN yesterday/NN ;/: see/VB yesterday/NN 's/POS TP/NNP ./.
)/) The/DT Post/NNP 's/POS non-local/JJ lead/NN is/VBZ a/DT report/NN on/IN the/DT Colombian/JJ civil/JJ war/NN :/: The/DT Marxist/JJ rebels/NNS have/VBP become/VBN so/RB well-stocked/JJ with/IN Eastern/JJ European/JJ weapons/NNS that/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN is/VBZ requesting/VBG an/DT additional/JJ $/$ 2/CD billion/CD in/IN aid/NN to/TO the/DT Colombian/JJ government/NN over/IN the/DT next/JJ three/CD years/NNS (/( compared/VBN to/TO $/$ 289/CD million/CD in/IN FY/NNP '/POS 99/CD )/) ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP reports/NNS inside/IN that/IN the/DT rebels/NNS ,/, who/WP began/VBD peace/NN talks/NNS with/IN the/DT government/NN on/IN Oct/NNP ./.
24/CD ,/, have/VBP started/VBN kidnapping/NN journalists/NNS with/IN increasing/VBG frequency/NN ./.
A/DT Seattle/NNP workplace/NN massacre/NN is/VBZ fronted/JJ by/IN USAT/NNP and/CC reefered/JJ by/IN the/DT LAT/NNP and/CC Post/NNP ./.
The/DT gunman/NN wore/VBD fatigues/NNS to/TO a/DT shipyard/NN and/CC shot/NN four/CD people/NNS with/IN a/DT 9/CD mm/NN handgun/NN ,/, killing/VBG two/CD ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ still/RB at/IN large/JJ ./.
(/( Note/VB :/: The/DT online/NN version/NN of/IN USAT/NNP 's/POS story/NN links/NNS to/TO :/: "/" Discussion/NNP :/: Does/VBZ media/NNS coverage/NN of/IN shooting/VBG sprees/NNS lead/VBP to/TO copycat/NN crimes/NNS ?/.
"/" Furthermore/RB :/: Does/VBZ TP/NNP 's/POS coverage/NN of/IN media/NNS coverage/NN of/IN shooting/VBG sprees/NNS lead/VBP to/TO copycat/NN crimes/NNS ?/.
USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP front/NN the/DT latest/JJS radar/NN data/NNS from/IN the/DT EgyptAir/NNP crash/NN ./.
After/IN falling/VBG suddenly/RB from/IN 33/CD ,/, 000/CD feet/NNS to/TO 16/CD ,/, 000/CD feet/NNS (/( and/CC perhaps/RB reaching/VBG the/DT speed/NN of/IN sound/NN )/) ,/, the/DT plane/NN rose/VBD like/IN a/DT roller/NN coaster/NN to/TO 24/CD ,/, 000/CD feet/NNS and/CC then/RB dropped/VBD again/RB to/TO 10/CD ,/, 000/CD feet/NNS ,/, at/IN which/WDT point/VBP it/PRP was/VBD "/" no/DT longer/RB consistent/JJ with/IN a/DT flying/VBG airplane/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT National/NNP Transportation/NNP Safety/NNP Board/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP fronts/NNS and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP reefers/NNS (/( with/IN an/DT above-the-fold/JJ photo/NN )/) stories/NNS on/IN the/DT aftermath/NN of/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS Indian/JJ cyclone/NN ,/, which/WDT left/VBN about/IN 3/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO 5/CD ,/, 000/CD dead/JJ ./.
The/DT two/CD reporters/NNS describe/VBP half-naked/JJ residents/NNS boiling/VBG water/NN amid/IN flattened/VBN huts/NNS ,/, with/IN bloated/JJ bodies--both/JJ livestock/NN and/CC human--being/JJ picked/VBD apart/RB by/IN dogs/NNS and/CC crows/VBZ ./.
"/" The/DT winds/NNS have/VBP plucked/VBN off/RP slabs/NNS of/IN concrete/JJ and/CC left/VBD the/DT sidewalks/NNS gap-toothed/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT NYT/NNP correspondent/NN writes/VBZ ./.
"/" Some/DT of/IN the/DT city/NN 's/POS dead/JJ have/VBP been/VBN discovered/VBN 20/CD miles/NNS away/RB ,/, carried/VBD off/IN in/IN the/DT raging/VBG cascades/NNS to/TO a/DT town/NN called/VBD Kujang/NNP ./.
The/DT Post/NNP fronts/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT LAT/NNP and/CC USAT/NNP reefer/NN ,/, the/DT conviction/NN of/IN Aaron/NNP McKinney/NNP for/IN second-degree/JJ murder/NN ,/, kidnapping/NN ,/, and/CC robbery/NN in/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN Matthew/NNP Shepard/NNP in/IN Wyoming/NNP ./.
Although/IN McKinney/NNP is/VBZ eligible/JJ for/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/NN ,/, the/DT lack/NN of/IN a/DT first-degree-murder/JJ conviction/NN and/CC Wyoming/NNP 's/POS historic/JJ reluctance/NN to/TO use/VB the/DT death/NN penalty/NN makes/VBZ that/DT sentence/NN unlikely/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT fascinating/JJ "/" where-are-they-now/JJ ?/.
"/" dispatch/VB from/IN Iran/NNP on/IN the/DT student/NN revolutionaries/NNS who/WP stormed/VBD the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Embassy/NNP 20/CD years/NNS ago/RB today/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN these/DT students/NNS are/VBP now/RB reformists/NNS pressing/VBG for/IN open/JJ ,/, secular/NN government/NN ./.
And/CC although/IN there/EX will/MD be/VB government-sponsored/JJ anti-/NN American/JJ protests/NNS today/NN in/IN Tehran/NNP ,/, most/JJS student/NN remembrances/NNS will/MD take/VB the/DT form/NN of/IN muted/VBN calls/VBZ for/IN "/" dialogue/NN ./.
"/" "/" Every/DT revolution/NN at/IN first/NN has/VBZ special/JJ idealistic/JJ causes/NNS and/CC aims/VBZ to/TO change/VB the/DT world/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT three/CD students/NNS to/TO organize/VB the/DT takeover/NN ./.
"/" But/CC in/IN practice/NN ,/, after/IN a/DT while/NN ,/, the/DT revolutionaries/NNS will/MD come/VB face/NN to/TO face/VB with/IN some/DT realities/NNS ./.
"/" Now/RB shorn/VB of/IN his/PRP$ revolutionary/JJ beard/NN and/CC wearing/VBG rimless/JJ Western/JJ spectacles/NNS ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ that/IN "/" after/IN 20/CD years/NNS of/IN great/JJ difficulties/NNS ,/, including/VBG a/DT war/NN imposed/VBN on/IN us/PRP and/CC poor/JJ economy/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ peers/NNS are/VBP "/" confronting/VBG the/DT demand/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS to/TO participate/VB in/IN politics/NNS ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, the/DT Post/NNP and/CC Times/NNP report/NN that/IN Iran/NNP 's/POS supreme/NN leader/NN ,/, Ayatollah/NNP Ali/NNP Khamenei/NNP ,/, yesterday/NN denounced/VBD pro-/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Iranians/NNPS as/IN "/" traitors/NNS "/" and/CC "/" simpletons/NNS ./.
"/" On/IN the/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS opinion/NN page/NN ,/, former/JJ Reagan/NNP administration/NN official/NN Ken/NNP Adelman/NNP writes/VBZ a/DT conventional/JJ remembrance/NN of/IN the/DT hostage/NN crisis/NN :/: President/NNP Carter/NNP was/VBD weak/JJ and/CC Reagan/NNP won/VBD the/DT day/NN ./.
Earlier/RBR this/DT week/NN the/DT Journal/NNP seasoned/JJ its/PRP$ editorial/NN page/NN with/IN a/DT delightful/JJ collection/NN of/IN its/PRP$ best/JJS "/" Salt/NNP and/CC Pepper/NNP "/" cartoons--a/JJ daily/JJ gag-comic/JJ begun/VBN in/IN 1944/CD ./.
Two/CD of/IN these/DT cartoons/NNS distill/NN several/JJ generations/NNS of/IN changes/NNS in/IN business/NN mores/NNS particularly/RB well/RB ./.
In/IN a/DT cartoon/NN from/IN the/NNP '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ ,/, a/DT slightly/RB paunchy/NN middle-aged/JJ man/NN ,/, smoking/VBG a/DT stogie/NN under/IN an/DT umbrella/NN on/IN the/DT beach/NN ,/, tells/VBZ his/PRP$ petite/JJ ,/, bikini-clad/JJ secretary/NN sitting/VBG at/IN his/PRP$ feet/NNS with/IN her/PRP$ typewriter/NN ,/, "/" Take/VB a/DT postcard/NN ,/, Miss/NNP Hobbs/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC in/IN a/DT cartoon/NN from/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ,/, a/DT natty/NN ,/, bespectacled/JJ young/JJ man/NN in/IN an/DT ill-fitting/JJ suit/NN says/VBZ to/TO a/DT professional/JJ woman/NN at/IN a/DT cocktail/NN party/NN ,/, "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB one/CD of/IN those/DT nerds/NNS who/WP 's/VBZ made/VBD a/DT fortune/NN with/IN some/DT kind/NN of/IN software/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP just/RB a/DT nerd/NN ./.
"/" From/IN IBM/NNP alpha/NN to/TO Microsoft/NNP beta/NN in/IN half/PDT a/DT century--we/JJ 've/VBP come/VBN a/DT long/JJ way/NN ,/, baby/NN ./.
He/PRP Got/NNP Game/NNP (/( Buena/NNP Vista/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS rank/VBP Spike/NNP Lee/NNP 's/POS Oedipal/NNP basketball/NN drama--starring/JJ Denzel/NNP Washington/NNP as/IN a/DT convict/VB and/CC the/DT NBA/NNP 's/POS Ray/NNP Allen/NNP as/IN his/PRP$ estranged/VBN son--at/JJ the/DT top/NN of/IN his/PRP$ oeuvre/NN ./.
After/IN paying/VBG Lee/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ films/NNS scant/JJ attention/NN ,/, they/PRP declare/VBP him/PRP "/" underrated/JJ "/" and/CC "/" overlooked/VBD "/" (/( Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP pleased/VBN to/TO find/VB that/IN Allen/NNP can/MD act/VB ,/, that/IN Washington/NNP has/VBZ a/DT mean/JJ streak/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN Lee/NNP critiques/NNS capitalism/NN more/JJR than/IN he/PRP does/VBZ racism/NN ./.
Dissenters/NNP gripe/NN about/IN cheap/JJ high-mindedness/NN ,/, especially/RB the/DT caricatures/NNS of/IN money-grubbing/JJ sports/NNS agents/NNS ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN David/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP and/CC here/RB for/IN the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Les/NNP Misérables/NNP (/( Columbia/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT 18/CD th/NN film/NN version/NN of/IN Victor/NNP Hugo/NNP 's/POS novel/NN ,/, this/DT one/CD from/IN Danish/JJ director/NN Bille/NNP August/NNP ,/, wins/VBZ modest/JJ praise/NN despite/IN its/PRP$ familiar/JJ story/NN and/CC conventional/JJ telling/VBG ./.
Strong/JJ performances/NNS are/VBP credited/VBN :/: Geoffrey/NNP Rush/NNP uses/VBZ the/DT prosecutor/NN Javert/NNP as/IN a/DT portrait/NN of/IN zealotry/NN ,/, and/CC Liam/NNP Neeson/NNP makes/VBZ the/DT prisoner/NN Valjean/NNP ,/, a/DT character/NN without/IN a/DT "/" recognizable/JJ human/JJ flaw/NN ,/, "/" seem/VBP complex/JJ (/( Jay/NNP Carr/NNP ,/, the/DT Boston/NNP Globe/NNP )/) ./.
Others/NNS praise/VBP the/DT film/NN 's/POS slow/JJ European/JJ pace/NN as/IN an/DT antidote/NN to/TO Hollywood/NNP 's/POS manic/JJ style/NN ./.
Detractors/NNP complain/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB plain/JJ boring/NN ./.
(/( Here/RB is/VBZ the/DT official/NN site/NN ./.
And/CC a/DT recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" has/VBZ an/DT item/NN on/IN Hugo/NNP chic/JJ ./.
Summer/NNPS Movie/NNP Roundup/NNP ./.
Few/JJ summer/NN movies/NNS are/VBP even/RB trying/VBG to/TO duplicate/VB Titanic/NNP 's/POS success/NN ,/, the/DT Hollywood/NNP press/NN reports/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT studios/NNS sensibly/RB scaled/VBN down/RB "/" in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN the/DT Christmastime/NNP smash/NN hit/VBD ,/, says/VBZ Time/NNP 's/POS Richard/NNP Corliss/NNP ./.
Variety/NNP 's/POS Dan/NNP Cox/NNP forecasts/NNS fewer/JJR action/NN flicks/NNS and/CC "/" more/RBR offbeat/JJ weepies/NNS than/IN usual/JJ ./.
"/" Highly/NNP touted/VBD are/VBP Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP 's/POS World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP drama/NN Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP (/( starring/VBG Tom/NNP Hanks/NNP and/CC Matt/NNP Damon/NNP )/) and/CC Peter/NNP Weir/NNP 's/POS satiric/JJ The/DT Truman/NNP Show/NNP ,/, about/IN a/DT man/NN (/( Jim/NNP Carrey/NNP )/) whose/WP$ entire/JJ life/NN is/VBZ televised/VBN ./.
The/DT exception/NN is/VBZ a/DT remake/VB of/IN Godzilla/NNP from/IN the/DT creators/NNS of/IN Independence/NNP Day/NNP ;/: critics/NNS predict/VBP it/PRP will/MD be/VB the/DT summer/NN box-office/NN champ/NN ./.
Newsmagazine/NNP Roundup/NNP ./.
Rumors/NNS that/IN ABC/NNP and/CC NBC/NNP may/MD replace/VB their/PRP$ nightly/JJ news/NN shows/VBZ with/IN prime-time/JJ newsmagazines/NNS trigger/VBP laments/VBZ about/IN the/DT genre/NN 's/POS decline/NN ./.
NBC/NNP 's/POS tabloidy/NN Dateline/NNP ,/, already/RB on/IN four/CD times/NNS a/DT week/NN ,/, is/VBZ called/VBN "/" as/IN close/JJ to/TO local/JJ TV/NN news/NN as/IN anything/NN the/DT networks/NNS have/VBP yet/RB come/VB up/RP with/IN "/" (/( Richard/NNP Zoglin/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, a/DT highly/RB praised/VBN PBS/NNP documentary/NN about/IN 60/CD Minutes/NNPS producer/NN Don/NNP Hewitt/NNP prompts/VBZ critics/NNS to/TO note/VB that/DT show/NN 's/POS downfall/NN as/RB well/RB ./.
Citing/VBG Andy/NNP Rooney/NNP 's/POS dithering/VBG commentaries/NNS and/CC a/DT story/NN bashing/VBG gay/JJ studies/NNS ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP declares/VBZ the/DT once/RB high-minded/JJ CBS/NNP show/NN "/" alarmingly/RB behind/IN the/DT times/NNS ./.
Easy/NNP Riders/NNP ,/, Raging/NNP Bulls/NNPS :/: How/WRB the/DT Sex-/NNP Drugs-and-/NNP Rock/NNP 'n'/CC Roll/NNP Generation/NNP Saved/NNP Hollywood/NNP ,/, by/IN Peter/NNP Biskind/NNP (/( Simon/NNP &/CC Schuster/NNP )/) ./.
As/IN 1970/CD s/VBZ American/JJ cinema/NN enjoys/VBZ a/DT critical/JJ renaissance/NN ,/, reviewers/NNS lap/VBP up/RP the/DT gossip/NN in/IN a/DT book/NN about/IN its/PRP$ groundbreaking/VBG directors/NNS ./.
Reviewers/NNP share/NN the/DT author/NN 's/POS view/NN that/IN these/DT auteurs--including/JJ Francis/NNP Ford/NNP Coppola/NNP ,/, Martin/NNP Scorsese/NNP ,/, William/NNP Friedkin/NNP ,/, and/CC Paul/NNP Schrader--reinvented/NNP American/JJ cinema/NN with/IN their/PRP$ gritty/JJ dramas/NN but/CC arrogantly/RB overindulged/JJ in/IN drugs/NNS and/CC sex/NN ./.
Some/DT critics/NNS rant/NN about/IN present-day/JJ Hollywood/NNP :/: "/" [/( F/NN ]/) ew/NN of/IN the/DT films/NNS of/IN the/DT earlier/JJR era/NN would/MD get/VB the/DT green/JJ light/JJ today/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ USA/NNP Today/NNP 's/POS Susan/NNP Wloszczyna/NNP ./.
(/( Excerpts/NNS are/VBP available/JJ here/RB ./.
The/DT Communist/NNP Manifesto/NNP ,/, by/IN Karl/NNP Marx/NNP and/CC Frederick/NNP Engels/NNP (/( Verso/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT left-wing/JJ publishing/NN house/NN Verso/NNP has/VBZ reissued/JJ the/DT classic/NN of/IN political/JJ philosophy/NN on/IN its/PRP$ 150/CD th/NN anniversary/NN ,/, marketing/VBG the/DT book/NN at/IN chic/JJ clothiers/NNS as/IN "/" an/DT accessory/JJ ,/, a/DT stocking-stuffer/JJ ,/, a/DT badge/NN of/IN consummate/JJ capitalist/JJ cool/NN "/" (/( Barbara/NNP Ehrenreich/NNP ,/, Salon/NNP )/) ./.
Left-wing/NNP reviewers/NNS stress/VBP the/DT tract/NN 's/POS continued/VBD relevance/NN as/IN a/DT critique/NN of/IN labor/NN relations/NNS ,/, while/IN conservatives/NNS redefine/VB Marx/NNP and/CC Engels/NNP as/IN prophets/NNS of/IN capitalism/NN who/WP respected/VBD the/DT economy/NN 's/POS dynamism/NN and/CC strength/NN ./.
Scholarly/NNP reviewers/NNS honor/VBP it/PRP as/IN "/" an/DT enduring/VBG masterpiece/NN that/WDT immediately/RB catches/VBZ up/RP readers/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ transpersonal/NN force/NN and/CC sweep/NN "/" (/( Steven/NNP Marcus/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT Judas/NNP Kiss/VB (/( Broadhurst/NNP Theatre/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ./.
Liam/NNP Neeson/NNP brings/VBZ Oscar/NNP Wilde/NNP chic/JJ to/TO Broadway/NNP in/IN a/DT new/JJ play/NN by/IN British/JJ playwright/NN David/NNP Hare/NNP ,/, but/CC critics/NNS are/VBP unimpressed/JJ ./.
The/DT brawny/JJ Neeson/NNP "/" is/VBZ a/DT calamity/NN "/" as/IN Wilde/NNP ,/, says/VBZ New/NNP York/NNP '/POS John/NNP Simon/NNP ./.
Hare/NNP 's/POS script/NN is/VBZ faulted/VBN for/IN making/VBG Wilde/NNP inhumanly/RB noble/JJ and/CC for/IN blaming/VBG Wilde/NNP 's/POS celebrated/JJ fall/NN entirely/RB on/IN his/PRP$ lover/NN ,/, Lord/NNP Alfred/NNP Douglas/NNP ./.
The/DT revival/NN of/IN interest/NN in/IN Wilde--another/NNP play/VB about/IN him/PRP (/( Gross/NNP Indecency/NNP )/) and/CC a/DT new/JJ movie/NN (/( Wilde/NNP )/) -/: -/: continues/VBZ to/TO delight/VB critics/NNS ./.
"/" All/DT that/DT 's/VBZ missing/VBG ./.
are/VBP the/DT dashboard/NN statuettes/NNS and/CC the/DT black/JJ velvet/NN portraits/NNS ,/, "/" says/VBZ Time/NNP 's/POS Walter/NNP Kirn/NNP ./.
Recent/JJ Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP columns/NNS
April/NNP 29/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Two/CD Girls/NNP and/CC a/DT Guy/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Sliding/NNP Doors/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Damascus/NNP Gate/NNP ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Stone/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Other/NNP Powers/NNP :/: The/DT Age/NNP of/IN Suffrage/NNP ,/, Spiritualism/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Scandalous/NNP Victoria/NNP Woodhull/NNP ,/, by/IN Barbara/NNP Goldsmith/NNP (/( Knopf/NNP )/) ;/: Notorious/NNP Victoria/NNP :/: The/DT Life/NNP of/IN Victoria/NNP Woodhull/NNP ,/, Uncensored/NNP ,/, by/IN Mary/NNP Gabriel/NNP (/( Algonquin/NNP )/) ./.
Television/NNP -/: -/: Merlin/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Alexander/NNP Calder/NNP :/: 1898/CD -/: 1976/CD "/" ;/:
Opera/NNP -/: -/: Kirov/NNP Opera/NNP ./.
April/NNP 22/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Wild/NNP Man/NNP Blues/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Object/NNP of/IN My/PRP$ Affection/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Chinese/JJ Box/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Seinfeld/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Bitch/NNP :/: In/IN Praise/NNP of/IN Difficult/NNP Women/NNP ,/, by/IN Elizabeth/NNP Wurtzel/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Closed/NNP Chambers/NNP :/: The/DT First/CD Eyewitness/NNP Account/NNP of/IN the/DT Epic/NNP Struggles/NNP Inside/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ,/, by/IN Edward/NNP Lazarus/NNP ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Shadows/NNP of/IN a/DT Hand/NNP :/: The/DT Drawings/NNP of/IN Victor/NNP Hugo/NNP ./.
April/NNP 15/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: My/PRP$ Giant/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: City/NNP of/IN Angels/NNPS ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Big/NNP One/CD ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Brave/NNP New/NNP World/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Flawed/NNP Giant/NNP :/: Lyndon/NNP Johnson/NNP and/CC His/PRP$ Times/NNP 1961/CD -/: 1973/CD ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Dallek/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Nat/NNP Tate/NNP :/: An/DT American/NNP Artist/NNP ,/, 1928/CD -/: 1960/CD ,/, by/IN William/NNP Boyd/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Quarantine/NNP ,/, by/IN Jim/NNP Crace/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: Wait/VB Until/IN Dark/JJ ./.
April/NNP 8/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Lost/VBD in/IN Space/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Butcher/NNP Boy/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Spanish/NNP Prisoner/NNP ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Left/NNP of/IN the/DT Middle/NNP ,/, by/IN Natalie/NNP Imbruglia/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Push/VBP (/( ABC/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Frontline/NNP :/: From/IN Jesus/NNP to/TO Christ--/NNP The/DT First/CD Christians/NNS (/( PBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: An/DT Instance/NNP of/IN the/DT Fingerpost/NNP ,/, by/IN Iain/NNP Pears/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Cavedweller/NNP ,/, by/IN Dorothy/NNP Allison/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP
What/WP 's/VBZ so/RB special/JJ about/IN special/JJ prosecutors/NNS these/DT days/NNS ?/.
USA/NNP Today/NNP and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN Janet/NNP Reno/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO ask/VB that/IN one/CD be/VB appointed/VBN to/TO investigate/VB if/IN Interior/NNP Secretary/NNP Bruce/NNP Babbitt/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO reject/VB a/DT casino/NN application/NN opposed/VBN by/IN major/JJ Democratic/JJ party/NN contributors/NNS had/VBD any/DT connection/NN to/TO subsequent/JJ donations/NNS they/PRP made/VBD ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP 's/POS unprecedented/JJ subpoenaing/VBG of/IN members/NNS of/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS Secret/NNP Service/NNP detail/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT revelation/NN that/IN U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
weapons/NNS inspectors/NNS have/VBP uncovered/VBN evidence/NN that/IN in/IN 1995/CD Russia/NNP had/VBD agreed/VBN to/TO sell/VB Iraq/NNP sophisticated/JJ equipment/NN that/WDT could/MD be/VB used/VBN to/TO develop/VB biological/JJ weapons/NNS ./.
This/DT disclosure/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT WP/NNP ,/, puts/VBZ a/DT new/JJ spin/NN on/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ diplomatic/JJ efforts/NNS to/TO modify/VB the/DT inspection/NN procedures/NNS applying/VBG to/TO Iraq/NNP :/: perhaps/RB they/PRP are/VBP designed/VBN ,/, not/RB to/TO head/VB off/IN a/DT war/NN ,/, but/CC to/TO keep/VB such/JJ mass/NN destruction/NN fingerprints/NNS from/IN being/VBG lifted/VBN ./.
Our/PRP$ grandchildren/NNS may/MD look/VB back/RB at/IN this/DT as/IN the/DT year/NN when/WRB the/DT branch/NN of/IN the/DT Cabinet/NNP known/VBN as/IN Special/JJ Prosecutions/NNP started/VBD on/IN its/PRP$ way/NN to/TO becoming/VBG the/DT largest/JJS single/JJ entity/NN in/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN (/( Motto/NNP :/: "/" The/DT Purpose/NNP of/IN Government/NNP is/VBZ to/TO Investigate/NNP Government/NNP "/" )/) ./.
USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP (/( in/IN its/PRP$ front-page/JJ piece/NN )/) note/NN this/DT is/VBZ Reno/NNP 's/POS fourth/JJ request/NN for/IN a/DT special/JJ prosecutor/NN looking/VBG into/IN a/DT Clinton/NNP Cabinet/NNP officer/NN and/CC the/DT Times/NNP adds/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT sixth/JJ one/CD appointed/VBN overall/JJ during/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP goes/VBZ on/IN to/TO observe/VB that/IN this/DT is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ Clinton-era/NNP outside/JJ inquiry/NN into/IN political/JJ fund-raising/NN ./.
(/( You/PRP 'll/MD recall/VB Reno/NNP declined/VBD to/TO go/VB the/DT special/JJ prosecutor/NN route/NN over/IN Clinton-/NNP Gore/NNP coffees/NNS and/CC phone/NN calls/NNS ./.
The/DT papers/NNS all/DT emphasize/VBP ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN Reno/NNP 's/POS request/NN is/VBZ "/" very/RB narrow/JJ in/IN scope/NN "/" (/( the/DT NYT/NNP 's/POS words/NNS )/) ./.
And/CC the/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ any/DT subsequent/JJ broadening/VBG of/IN this/DT mandate/NN would/MD be/VB "/" unusual/JJ ./.
"/" Hmmm/NNP ./.
perhaps/RB someone/NN should/MD check/VB this/DT with/IN that/DT key/JJ figure/NN in/IN 1970/CD s/VBZ Arkansas/NNP real/JJ estate/NN deals/NNS ,/, Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ./.
Starr/NNP 's/POS move/NN on/IN the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP raises/VBZ novel/NN arguments/NNS ./.
Agents/NNS have/VBP testified/VBD before/IN (/( most/RBS famously/RB about/IN the/DT Watergate/NNP taping/NN system/NN )/) ,/, but/CC never/RB about/IN what/WP they/PRP saw/VBD or/CC heard/VBD the/DT president/NN do/VBP ./.
As/IN a/DT WP/NNP editorial/NN points/NNS out/IN ,/, the/DT agents/NNS are/VBP law/NN enforcement/NN officers/NNS and/CC so/RB should/MD n't/RB be/VB any/DT more/RBR silent/JJ about/IN illegal/JJ activities/NNS than/IN say/VBP ,/, an/DT Arkansas/NNP state/NN trooper/NN ./.
But/CC on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP points/NNS out/RP that/IN the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN if/IN a/DT president/NN physically/RB distances/NNS himself/PRP from/IN his/PRP$ protective/JJ detail/NN out/IN of/IN fears/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ confidentiality/NN ,/, security/NN is/VBZ compromised/VBN ./.
More/JJR Monica/NNP news/NN :/: Marcia/NNP Lewis/NNP '/POS second/JJ day/NN of/IN grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN ended/VBD abruptly/RB ,/, says/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, when/WRB she/PRP became/VBD physically/RB and/CC emotionally/RB unable/JJ to/TO continue/VB ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ expected/VBN back/RB today/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ daughter/NN will/MD nestle/NN into/IN that/DT pre-warmed/JJ hot/JJ seat/NN early/JJ next/JJ week/NN ./.
The/DT USAT/NNP front/NN carries/VBZ word/NN that/IN the/DT EPA/NNP is/VBZ considering/VBG requiring/VBG local/JJ water/NN systems/NNS to/TO issue/VB reports/NNS on/IN the/DT chemical/NN contents/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ water/NN to/TO consumers/NNS ./.
The/DT story/NN also/RB makes/VBZ the/DT LAT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP ,/, which/WDT reports/VBZ that/IN the/DT FDA/NNP is/VBZ considering/VBG requiring/VBG similar/JJ labeling/VBG on/IN bottled/JJ water/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ key/JJ :/: without/IN the/DT ability/NN to/TO know/VB what/WP 's/VBZ in/IN tap/VB water/NN alternatives/NNS ,/, knowing/VBG what/WP 's/VBZ in/IN tap/VB water/NN is/VBZ n't/RB worth/JJ much/JJ ./.
A/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP "/" Politics/NNS and/CC Policy/NNP "/" piece/NN on/IN the/DT post-affirmative/JJ action/NN drive/NN to/TO do/VB away/RB with/IN SATs/NNP as/IN a/DT college/NN admissions/NNS tool/NN reports/NNS that/IN after/IN the/DT Texas/NNP legislature/NN passed/VBD a/DT law/NN that/IN in/IN effect/NN replaced/VBD SAT/NNP scores/NNS with/IN high/JJ school/NN class/NN rank/NN ,/, Texas/NNP A/DT &/CC M/NNP University/NNP found/VBD that/IN some/DT high/JJ schools/NNS are/VBP reporting/VBG that/IN 25/CD percent/NN of/IN their/PRP$ students/NNS are/VBP in/IN the/DT top/JJ 10/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT class/NN ./.
A/DT letter/NN to/TO the/DT editor/NN in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP points/NNS out/IN there/EX was/VBD something/NN odd/JJ in/IN the/DT recent/JJ Times/NNP charge/NN in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP ca/MD n't/RB prove/VB his/PRP$ sweeping/JJ assertion/NN that/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP has/VBZ illegally/RB leaked/VBN grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN ./.
The/DT writer/NN notes/NNS that/IN the/DT Times/NNP could/MD help/VB in/IN this/DT regard/NN ,/, since/IN it/PRP has/VBZ run/VBN stories/NNS apparently/RB benefiting/VBG from/IN leaked/VBN information/NN relating/VBG to/TO grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN ./.
But/CC although/IN the/DT topic/NN is/VBZ important/JJ enough/RB for/IN a/DT NYT/NNP editorial/NN ,/, do/VBP n't/RB look/VB for/IN any/DT Times/NNP news/NN stories/NNS to/TO really/RB dig/VB into/IN such/JJ leaks/NNS ,/, as/IN they/PRP are/VBP the/DT lifeblood/NN of/IN the/DT paper/NN 's/POS scandal/NN coverage/NN ./.
Readers/NNS are/VBP asked/VBN at/IN this/DT point/NN to/TO observe/VB a/DT moment/NN of/IN silence/NN ./.
After/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS nee-saying/JJ debacle/NN ,/, TP/NNP 's/POS eighth-grade/JJ French/JJ teacher/NN ,/, Mme/NNP ./.
Teller/NNP ,/, hung/VBD herself/PRP ./.
Is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT stock-market/NN correction/NN yet/RB ?/.
Do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP think/VB everyone/NN would/MD feel/VB better/JJR if/IN there/EX were/VBD an/DT agency/NN that/WDT could/MD actually/RB step/VB forward/RB and/CC say/VB ,/, "/" We/PRP are/VBP now/RB officially/RB in/IN a/DT correction/NN ,/, "/" the/DT way/NN the/DT government/NN does/VBZ with/IN recessions/NNS ?/.
Or/CC would/MD everyone/NN feel/VB worse/JJR ?/.
Regardless/RB ,/, the/DT market/NN did/VBD take/VB it/PRP on/IN the/DT chin/NN this/DT week/NN ,/, battered/VBN by/IN the/DT combination/NN of/IN earnings/NNS disappointments/NNS from/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN bellwethers/NNS and/CC ,/, above/IN all/DT ,/, by/IN the/DT soaring/VBG yield/NN on/IN the/DT 30/CD -/: year/NN bond/NN ./.
A/DT Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP rate/NN hike/NN on/IN Nov/NNP ./.
16/CD is/VBZ now/RB a/DT foregone/JJ conclusion/NN ,/, and/CC there/EX may/MD already/RB be/VB a/DT rate/NN hike/NN after/IN that/DT one/CD priced/VBN into/IN the/DT market/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, that/WDT means/VBZ that/IN if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP in/IN the/DT market/NN ,/, now/RB is/VBZ most/RBS definitely/RB not/RB the/DT time/NN to/TO sell/VB ./.
Instead/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT moment/NN to/TO remember/VB Kipling/NNP ./.
No/DT ,/, not/RB The/DT Jungle/NNP Book/NNP ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT time/NN to/TO wonder/VB :/: Why/WRB is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT correction/NN when/WRB the/DT market/NN drops/NNS by/IN 10/CD percent/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB when/WRB it/PRP rises/VBZ by/IN 10/CD percent/NN ?/.
The/DT lower/JJR price/NN is/VBZ n't/RB any/DT more/JJR of/IN an/DT equilibrium/NN state/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB necessarily/RB any/DT more/RBR accurate/JJ ./.
So/RB let/VB 's/POS call/NN it/PRP a/DT dislocation/NN instead/RB ,/, and/CC imagine/VB that/IN someday/RB soon/RB all/DT our/PRP$ shoulders/NNS will/MD be/VB back/RB in/IN their/PRP$ sockets/NNS ./.
Right/RB where/WRB they/PRP belong/VBP ./.
On/IN to/TO this/DT week/NN 's/POS Cocktail/NNP Chat/NNP ./.
1/LS ./.
"/" In/IN a/DT decision/NN that/WDT will/MD help/VB AT/NNP &/CC T/NN expand/VB its/PRP$ national/JJ cable/NN reach/NN ,/, the/DT FCC/NNP affirmed/VBD an/DT old/JJ rule/NN limiting/VBG any/DT one/CD company/NN from/IN serving/VBG more/JJR than/IN 30/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT cable/NN households/NNS ,/, but/CC changed/VBD its/PRP$ definition/NN of/IN '/POS cable/NN households/NNS '/POS so/IN that/IN any/DT one/CD company/NN can/MD now/RB serve/VB 36/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT market/NN ./.
Is/VBZ this/DT what/WP they/PRP call/VBP quantum/NN math/NN ?/.
2/LS ./.
"/" Con/NN Ed/NNP agreed/VBD to/TO buy/VB Northeast/NNP Utilities/NNP for/IN $/$ 3/CD ./.
3/LS billion/CD ./.
Oddly/RB ,/, the/DT Bronx/NNP cheers/NNS that/WDT have/VBP greeted/VBN recent/JJ megamergers/NNS in/IN the/DT telecommunications/NNS industry/NN were/VBD absent/JJ when/WRB this/DT deal/NN was/VBD announced/VBN ./.
I/PRP think/VBP that/DT 's/VBZ because/IN no/DT one/CD under/IN 65/CD owns/VBZ stock/NN in/IN power/NN companies/NNS anymore/RB ./.
3/LS ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ from/IN a/DT full-page/JJ Intel/NNP ad/NN in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP (/( punctuation/NN duplicated/VBN exactly/RB )/) :/: '/POS from/IN a/DT dedicated/VBN oc/NN 48/CD fiber/NN optic/JJ ring/NN that/WDT can/MD to/TO scale/VB to/TO oc/NN 192/CD ,/, providing/VBG network/NN connectivity/NN to/TO multiple/JJ carriers/NNS ./.
to/TO as/RB many/JJ as/IN 10/CD ,/, 000/CD stacked/VBN servers/NNS ./.
'/POS It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN e/SYM ./.
e/SYM ./.
cummings/NNS meets/VBZ the/DT biggest/JJS geek/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
And/CC hey/UH ,/, what/WP about/IN oc/NN 193/CD ,/, anyway/RB ?/.
4/LS ./.
"/" Least/NNP surprising/JJ headline/NN of/IN the/DT week/NN :/: '/POS Steelmakers/NNS Are/VBP Expected/NNP To/TO Post/NNP Weak/NNP Results/NNS ./.
'/" "/"
5/LS ./.
"/" Shares/NNS in/IN Abercrombie/NNP &/CC Fitch/NNP were/VBD smoked/VBD for/IN a/DT 20/CD percent/NN loss/NN Wednesday/NNP after/IN the/DT company/NN announced/VBD that/IN its/PRP$ same-store/CD sales/NNS for/IN the/DT most/RBS recent/JJ quarter/NN would/MD come/VB in/IN slightly/RB below/IN Wall/NNP Street/NNP expectations/NNS ./.
This/DT came/VBD as/IN something/NN of/IN a/DT shock/NN to/TO Merrill/NNP Lynch/NNP analyst/NN Mark/NNP Friedman/NNP ,/, who/WP Monday/NNP morning/NN boosted/VBD his/PRP$ rating/NN on/IN the/DT stock/NN after/IN company/NN officials/NNS assured/VBD him/PRP that/IN the/DT company/NN was/VBD right/NN on/IN track/NN ./.
I/PRP guess/VBP the/DT company/NN 's/POS sales/NNS on/IN Monday/NNP afternoon/NN and/CC Tuesday/NNP were/VBD just/RB so/RB awful/JJ that/IN they/PRP wrecked/VBD the/DT whole/JJ quarter/NN ./.
6/CD ./.
"/" Motorola/NNP agreed/VBD to/TO put/VB America/NNP Online/NNP 's/POS Instant/NNP Messenger/NNP software/NN in/IN its/PRP$ next/JJ generation/NN of/IN cell/NN phones/NNS and/CC pagers/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT greatest/JJS news/NN I/PRP 've/VBP heard/VBN in/IN months/NNS ./.
Now/RB you/PRP can/MD be/VB hunted/VBN down/RB and/CC annoyed/VBD when/WRB you/PRP 're/VBP offline/NN ,/, too/RB ./.
Thought/NNP not/RB giving/VBG out/RP your/PRP$ cell/NN phone/NN number/NN would/MD keep/VB you/PRP safe/JJ ?/.
Well/RB ,/, in/IN this/DT brave/JJ new/JJ world/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP have/VBP a/DT screen/NN name/NN ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP fair/JJ game/NN ./.
7/CD ./.
"/" Philip/NNP Morris/NNP has/VBZ finally/RB admitted/VBN that/DT smoking/NN does/VBZ cause/VB lung/NN cancer/NN and/CC other/JJ diseases/NNS ./.
Next/JJ ,/, coffee/NN makers/NNS will/MD admit/VB that/DT caffeine/NN makes/VBZ some/DT people/NNS jittery/JJ ,/, and/CC Nabisco/NNP will/MD admit/VB that/DT peanut/NN butter/NN and/CC Ritz/NNP crackers/NNS are/VBP just/RB a/DT match/NN made/VBN in/IN heaven/NN ./.
Let/VB other/JJ journalists/NNS travel/VBP the/DT world/NN in/IN search/NN of/IN scoops/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ story/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT kitchen/NN and/CC the/DT living/VBG room--and/JJ in/IN the/DT toilet/NN ./.
In/IN researching/VBG this/DT piece/NN ,/, I/PRP turned/VBD my/PRP$ apartment/NN into/IN a/DT paper/NN torture/VBP facility/NN as/IN I/PRP compared/VBD the/DT wiping/VBG power/NN of/IN 10/CD brands/NNS of/IN paper/NN towels/NNS ,/, six/CD lines/NNS of/IN facial/JJ tissues/NNS ,/, and/CC 11/CD types/NNS of/IN toilet/NN paper/NN ./.
Not/RB all/DT my/PRP$ experiments/NNS were/VBD successful/JJ ,/, and/CC as/IN I/PRP mop/VB up/RP the/DT spills/NNS I/PRP can/MD only/RB hope/VB that/IN my/PRP$ landlady/NN does/VBZ n't/RB read/VB Slate/NNP ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO late-stage/JJ capitalism/NN ,/, the/DT supermarket/NN shelves/NNS sag/NN with/IN scores/NNS of/IN brands/NNS in/IN the/DT three/CD main/JJ paper/NN categories/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB as/RB daunting/JJ as/IN it/PRP sounds/VBZ ,/, because/IN the/DT market/NN is/VBZ now/RB dominated/VBN by/IN four/CD companies/NNS :/: giant/NN Procter/NNP &/CC Gamble/NNP (/( Bounty/NNP ,/, Charmin/NNP ,/, and/CC Puffs/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC three/CD other/JJ products/NNS of/IN merger/NN mania/NN Kimberly-/NNP Clark/NNP (/( Scott/NNP ,/, Kleenex/NNP ,/, and/CC Viva/FW )/) ,/, Georgia-/NNP Pacific/NNP (/( Coronet/NNP ,/, Sparkle/NNP ,/, Angel/NNP Soft/NNP ,/, and/CC MD/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC Fort/NNP James/NNP (/( Brawny/NNP ,/, Quilted/NNP Northern/NNP ,/, and/CC Green/NNP Forest/NNP )/) ./.
In/IN picking/VBG the/DT 37/CD contestants/NNS for/IN this/DT survey/NN I/PRP strove/VBD to/TO find/VB representatives/NNS of/IN the/DT three/CD price/NN points--premium/JJ ,/, middle-of-the-road/JJ ,/, and/CC generic--and/JJ to/TO give/VB recycled/VBN and/CC novelty/NN products/NNS an/DT equal/JJ opportunity/NN to/TO impress/VB ./.
All/DT paper--facial/JJ tissues/NNS ,/, writing/VBG paper/NN ,/, newsprint--is/JJ created/VBN equal/JJ ./.
What/WP makes/VBZ "/" sanitary/JJ wiping/VBG paper/NN "/" (/( to/TO use/VB the/DT wonderful/JJ cadences/NNS of/IN marketing-speak/JJ )/) stretchy/NN and/CC absorbent/JJ is/VBZ a/DT process/NN called/VBN "/" creping/VBG "/" :/: A/DT metal/NN blade/NN removes/VBZ the/DT paper/NN as/IN it/PRP dries/NNS from/IN the/DT steel/NN cylinder/NN on/IN which/WDT it/PRP was/VBD formed/VBN ,/, lowering/VBG the/DT paper/NN 's/POS density/NN ./.
The/DT premium/NN wiping/VBG papers/NNS are/VBP also/RB embossed/JJ ,/, which/WDT creates/VBZ pockets/NNS to/TO hold/VB more/JJR "/" moisture/NN ./.
"/" (/( Kimberly-/NNP Clark/NNP 's/POS Web/NNP site/NN boasts/VBZ that/IN "/" On/IN the/DT East/NNP Coast/NNP only/RB ,/, Kleenex/NNP Cottonelle/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN given/VBN a/DT unique/JJ ,/, patented/VBD ,/, gentle/JJ texture/NN that/WDT is/VBZ designed/VBN to/TO give/VB consumers/NNS a/DT clean/VB ,/, fresh/JJ feeling/NN ./.
"/" Apparently/RB ,/, we/PRP hardy/JJ westerners/NNS do/VBP n't/RB deserve/VB such/JJ luxury/NN ./.
P/NN aper/NN towels/NNS contain/VBP more/RBR fibrous/JJ pulp/NN ./.
This/DT increases/VBZ their/PRP$ strength/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT manufacturers/NNS usually/RB give/VBP them/PRP more/RBR pronounced/JJ embossing/VBG for/IN greater/JJR soaking/VBG power/NN ./.
Whereas/IN little/JJ girls/NNS and/CC babies/NNS appear/VBP on/IN toilet/NN paper/NN wrappers/NNS ,/, paper/NN towel/NN packages/NNS depict/VBP beefy/JJ ,/, brawny/JJ guys/NNS ,/, indicating/VBG their/PRP$ toughness/NN ./.
In/IN this/DT category/NN the/DT contestants/NNS were/VBD :/:
Bounty/NNP Rinse/NNP &/CC Reuse/NNP
Versatile/NNP Viva/FW
Kleenex/NNP Viva/FW Job/NNP Squad/NNP
Middle-of-the-/NNP Road/NNP
Scott/NNP Towels/NNP
Brawny/NNP Pick-a-/NNP Size/NN Big/NNP Roll/NNP
Kleenex/NNP Viva/FW
Seventh/NNP Generation/NNP
Second/NNP Nature/NNP Plus/NNP
Envision/NNP Preference/NNP
Natural/NNP Value/NNP
To/TO see/VB if/IN the/DT towels/NNS really/RB could/MD provide/VB the/DT implied/VBN strength/NN and/CC security/NN ,/, I/PRP tested/VBD the/DT ability/NN of/IN a/DT single/JJ sheet/NN to/TO hold/VB the/DT moisture/NN produced/VBN when/WRB a/DT damp/JJ tea/NN bag/NN was/VBD left/VBN on/IN it/PRP for/IN two/CD minutes/NNS ./.
Unfortunately/RB for/IN me/PRP and/CC my/PRP$ security/NN deposit/NN ,/, none/NN of/IN my/PRP$ towels/NNS succeeded/VBN ./.
I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB any/DT of/IN the/DT blue/JJ liquid/JJ ad/NN agencies/NNS use/VBP in/IN commercials/NNS to/TO indicate/VB absorbency/NN ,/, so/IN I/PRP gauged/JJ the/DT soaking/VBG power/NN of/IN individual/JJ sheets/NNS with/IN tap/VB water/NN ./.
Absorbency/NNP varied/VBD little/JJ as/IN I/PRP poured/VBD a/DT quarter-cup/JJ of/IN water/NN onto/IN towel/NN after/IN towel/NN ./.
Not/RB a/DT single/JJ one/PRP could/MD hold/VB all/PDT the/DT fluid/NN ,/, but/CC even/RB the/DT cheapest/JJS towel/NN stayed/VBD solid/JJ as/IN it/PRP was/VBD wrung/VB out/IN and/CC used/VBN to/TO wipe/VB up/RP the/DT excess/NN from/IN the/DT counter/NN ./.
These/DT tests/NNS convinced/VBD me/PRP that/IN while/IN paper/NN towels/NNS ca/MD n't/RB perform/VB miracles/NNS ,/, even/RB the/DT lowliest/NN example/NN of/IN the/DT species/NNS can/MD soak/VB up/RB liquid/JJ and/CC dry/JJ your/PRP$ hands/NNS ./.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP faced/VBN with/IN a/DT big/JJ ,/, messy/NN job/NN ,/, it/PRP might/MD be/VB worth/JJ spending/VBG the/DT extra/JJ money/NN for/IN a/DT premium/NN product/NN such/JJ as/IN Bounty/NNP Rinse/NNP &/CC Reuse/NNP or/CC Kleenex/NNP Viva/FW Job/NNP Squad/NNP but/CC ,/, under/IN normal/JJ circumstances/NNS ,/, a/DT budget/NN recycled/VBN product/NN such/JJ as/IN the/DT ones/NNS on/IN offer/NN from/IN Natural/NNP Value/NNP or/CC Second/NNP Nature/NNP offer/NN good/JJ value/NN and/CC provide/VB the/DT desired/VBN durability/NN ./.
I/PRP drew/VBD the/DT line/NN at/IN catching/VBG a/DT cold/NN for/IN this/DT story/NN and/CC instead/RB subjected/VBN six/CD brands/NNS of/IN facial/JJ tissues/NNS to/TO a/DT "/" spray/NN test/NN ./.
"/" The/DT contestants/NNS were/VBD :/:
Purely/NNP Cotton/NNP
Kleenex/NNP ColdCare/NNP With/IN Aloe/NNP and/CC Vitamin/NNP D/NNP
Middle-of-the-/NNP Road/NNP
Heritage/NNP Hearth/NNP (/( my/PRP$ local/JJ store/NN brand/NN )/)
Seventh/NNP Generation/NNP 2/CD -/: Ply/NNP Facial/NNP Tissue/NNP
Envision/NNP Preference/NNP Ultra/NNP
Using/VBG a/DT squirt/NN bottle/NN ,/, I/PRP simulated/JJ a/DT big/JJ ,/, soggy/JJ sneeze/NN to/TO test/VB their/PRP$ absorbency/NN ./.
To/TO my/PRP$ amazement/NN ,/, all/PDT the/DT subjects/NNS survived/VBD the/DT soaking/VBG ./.
While/IN absorbency/NN did/VBD not/RB vary/VB ,/, the/DT softness/NN factor/NN is/VBZ significant--the/JJ downright/RB decadence/NN of/IN the/DT Kleenex/NNP ColdCare/NNP range/NN makes/VBZ everything/NN else/RB seem/VBP almost/RB abrasive/JJ ./.
(/( And/CC ply--the/JJ number/NN of/IN layers/NNS of/IN paper/NN in/IN the/DT product--is/JJ n't/RB everything/NN ,/, the/DT Envision/NNP Preference/NNP Ultra/NNP is/VBZ a/DT 3/CD -/: ply/RB "/" premium/NN "/" product/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP still/RB feels/VBZ like/IN a/DT scouring/VBG pad/NN after/IN touching/VBG a/DT virgin/JJ fiber/NN tissue/NN ./.
)/) Thicker/NNP tissues/NNS also/RB keep/VBP germs/NNS off/RP your/PRP$ hands/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO sneeze/NN at/IN ./.
You/PRP 'll/MD come/VB to/TO no/DT harm/NN if/IN you/PRP use/VBP tissues/NNS as/IN lavatory/NN paper/NN ,/, but/CC your/PRP$ plumbing/NN might--while/JJ the/DT strengthening/VBG cellulose/NN fibers/NNS they/PRP contain/VBP are/VBP biodegradable/JJ ,/, facial/JJ tissues/NNS do/VBP n't/RB break/VB down/RB as/RB quickly/RB as/IN toilet/NN tissue/NN ,/, so/RB flushing/VBG is/VBZ not/RB recommended/VBN ./.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP cold-free/JJ ,/, you/PRP almost/RB certainly/RB do/VBP n't/RB need/VB the/DT mattressy/NN softness/NN of/IN an/DT ultra/NN brand/NN (/( and/CC you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB clean/VB your/PRP$ spectacles/NNS with/IN the/DT aloed/JJ hankies/NNS )/) ./.
Americans/NNPS are/VBP sheet/NN scared/VBN of/IN running/VBG out/IN of/IN toilet/NN tissue/NN -/: -/: the/DT average/JJ family/NN stash/VB of/IN eight/CD rolls/NNS does/VBZ n't/RB even/RB take/VB Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP hoarding/NN into/IN account/NN ./.
Scanning/NNP the/DT supermarket/NN shelves/NNS ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT vast/JJ price/NN difference/NN between/IN the/DT budget/NN brands/NNS and/CC the/DT premium/NN products/NNS ,/, but/CC are/VBP the/DT latter/JJ worth/JJ the/DT extra/JJ ?/.
The/DT contestants/NNS were/VBD :/:
Ultra/NNP Soft/NNP Quilted/NNP Northern/NNP
Kleenex/NNP Cottonelle/NNP Ultrasoft/NNP
Middle-of-the-/NNP Road/NNP
Heritage/NNP Hearth/NNP Ultra/NNP Soft/NNP
Kleenex/NNP Cottonelle/NNP
MD/NNP Twin/NNP Quilted/NNP
Seventh/NNP Generation/NNP
Natural/NNP Value/NNP
Novelty/NNP Papers/NNP
Purely/NNP Cotton/NNP
Cottonelle/NNP Moist/NNP Wipes/NNP
Blue/NNP Label/NNP
I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB conduct/VB any/DT fiendish/NN experiments/NNS on/IN loo/NN paper--/JJ I/PRP figured/VBD that/IN the/DT product/NN 's/POS purpose/NN is/VBZ specific/JJ enough/RB that/IN a/DT trial/NN "/" in/IN the/DT field/NN "/" would/MD tell/VB me/PRP all/DT I/PRP needed/VBD to/TO know/VB ./.
All/DT contestants/NNS went/VBD through/IN the/DT rotation/NN in/IN my/PRP$ bathroom/NN ./.
For/IN novelty/NN value/NN ,/, I/PRP also/RB tried/VBD Cottonelle/NNP Moist/NNP Wipes/NNP ,/, which/WDT offer/VBP "/" a/DT fresher/NN clean/VB than/IN with/IN bathroom/NN tissue/NN alone/RB ./.
"/" The/DT packaging/NN promised/VBD that/IN that/IN I/PRP 'd/MD "/" feel/VB cleaner/JJR ,/, more/RBR refreshed/JJ ,/, and/CC confident/JJ ,/, "/" but/CC somehow/RB using/VBG the/DT adult/NN equivalent/NN of/IN baby/NN wipes/NNS failed/VBD to/TO enhance/VB my/PRP$ self-esteem/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT interests/NNS of/IN internationalism/NN ,/, I/PRP imported/VBD a/DT package/NN of/IN "/" smooth/JJ "/" Blue/NNP Label/NNP toilet/NN paper--the/JJ medicated/JJ ,/, waxy/NN retro-wipe/JJ so/RB beloved/JJ of/IN government/NN offices--from/JJ Britain/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT harsh/JJ wipe/VB and/CC seems/VBZ completely/RB unsuited/JJ for/IN contact/NN with/IN one/CD 's/POS soft/JJ bits/NNS ,/, but/CC drape/VB a/DT sheet/NN of/IN it/PRP over/IN a/DT comb/NN and/CC it/PRP makes/VBZ a/DT wonderful/JJ kazoolike/NN musical/JJ instrument/NN ./.
The/DT latest/JJS marketing/NN angle/NN in/IN toilet/NN tissue/NN is/VBZ the/DT double/JJ or/CC triple/JJ roll/NN ./.
There/EX does/VBZ n't/RB appear/VB to/TO be/VB any/DT agreement/NN on/IN what/WP constitutes/VBZ a/DT standard/JJ roll--so-called/JJ double/JJ rolls/NNS measure/NN anywhere/RB from/IN 187/CD square/JJ feet/NNS to/TO 280/CD square/JJ feet/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT Charmin/NNP triple/JJ roll/NN is/VBZ a/DT giant/NN 462/CD square/JJ feet/NNS (/( though/IN we/PRP 're/VBP assured/VBN it/PRP "/" fits/VBZ almost/RB all/DT standard/JJ dispensers/NNS "/" )/) ./.
The/DT implied/VBN economies/NNS do/VBP n't/RB pan/VB out--in/JJ my/PRP$ local/JJ supermarket/NN the/DT perfectly/RB adequate/JJ single-roll/JJ store/NN brand/NN (/( Heritage/NNP Hearth/NNP )/) was/VBD considerably/RB cheaper/JJR per/IN square/JJ foot/NN than/IN any/DT of/IN the/DT double/JJ or/CC triple/JJ rolls/NNS (/( only/RB half/PDT the/DT price/NN of/IN the/DT most/RBS expensive/JJ premium/NN brand/NN I/PRP tried/VBD ,/, Kleenex/NNP Cottonelle/NNP Ultrasoft/NNP Double/RB Roll/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB take/VB up/RP as/IN much/JJ room/NN in/IN my/PRP$ Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP storeroom/NN ./.
Recycled/NNP toilet/NN tissues/NNS have/VBP improved/VBN since/IN the/DT sandpaperlike/NN sheets/NNS of/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, but/CC they/PRP just/RB ca/MD n't/RB compete/VB on/IN the/DT softness/NN front/NN ./.
The/DT recycled/VBN ingredients/NNS include/VBP rough/JJ stuff/NN like/IN cardboard/NN boxes/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN office/NN paper/NN ./.
Still/RB ,/, the/DT case/NN for/IN recycling/NN is/VBZ persuasive/JJ ./.
The/DT packaging/NN for/IN Seventh/NNP Generation/NNP toilet/NN paper/NN claims/NNS that/IN "/" [/( i/NNP ]/) f/SYM every/DT household/NN in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
replaced/VBN just/RB one/CD roll/NN of/IN 500/CD sheet/NN virgin/JJ fiber/NN bathroom/NN tissues/NNS with/IN 100/CD %/NN recycled/VBN ones/NNS ,/, we/PRP could/MD save/VB :/: 297/CD ,/, 000/CD trees/NNS ;/: 1/CD ./.
2/CD million/CD cubic/JJ feet/NNS of/IN landfill/NN space/NN ,/, equal/JJ to/TO 1/CD ,/, 400/CD full/JJ garbage/NN trucks/NNS ;/: 122/CD million/CD gallons/NNS of/IN water/NN ,/, a/DT year/NN 's/POS supply/NN for/IN 3/CD ,/, 500/CD families/NNS of/IN four/CD ./.
"/" Since/IN most/JJS Americans/NNPS get/VBP through/IN 48/CD to/TO 55/CD rolls/NNS of/IN TP/NNP per/IN year/NN ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN trees/NNS ,/, trash/NN ,/, and/CC water/NN ./.
The/DT mainstream/NN brands/NNS base/VBP their/PRP$ sales/NNS pitches/NNS on/IN descriptors/NNS such/JJ as/IN "/" gentle/JJ ,/, "/" "/" plush/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC "/" cottony/NN softness/NN ,/, "/" but/CC although/IN names/NNS such/JJ as/IN Cottonelle/NNP trade/NN on/IN the/DT image/NN of/IN cotton/NN ,/, the/DT products/NNS are/VBP wood-based/JJ ,/, whereas/IN one/CD relative/JJ newcomer/NN to/TO the/DT market/NN is/VBZ actually/RB made/VBN from/IN the/DT fluffy/JJ plant/NN ./.
Purely/NNP Cotton/NNP bathroom/NN and/CC facial/JJ tissues/NNS are/VBP made/VBN from/IN "/" cotton/NN linter/NN "/" -/: -/: what/WP 's/VBZ left/VBN over/IN when/WRB fibers/NNS and/CC cottonseed/JJ oil/NN have/VBP been/VBN harvested/VBN ./.
As/IN a/DT byproduct/NN ,/, cotton/NN linter/NN is/VBZ considered/VBN 100/CD percent/NN recycled/VBN &slash;/NN recovered/VBD and/CC ,/, although/IN it/PRP is/VBZ bleached/JJ to/TO make/VB it/PRP snowy/NN white/JJ ,/, the/DT process/NN does/VBZ n't/RB produce/VB dioxins/NNS as/IN with/IN wood/NN pulp/NN bleaching/VBG ./.
After/IN my/PRP$ experiments/NNS ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD probably/RB stick/VB with/IN Purely/NNP Cotton/NNP ,/, which/WDT costs/VBZ no/RB more/JJR than/IN the/DT premium/NN brands/NNS ,/, is/VBZ environmentally/RB sound/NN ,/, acceptably/RB soft/JJ ,/, and/CC appropriately/RB absorbent/JJ ./.
Even/RB the/DT cheapest/JJS toilet/NN paper/NN gets/VBZ the/DT job/NN done/VBN ,/, so/RB if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO impress/VB guests/NNS or/CC if/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO keep/VB paper/NN hankies/NNS in/IN the/DT bathroom/NN ,/, buy/VBP the/DT expensive/JJ stuff/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP 'll/MD bet/VB your/PRP$ delicate/JJ bits/NNS wo/MD n't/RB notice/VB the/DT difference/NN ./.
An/DT introduction/NN and/CC apologia/NN ./.
By/IN Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP
The/DT name/NN ?/.
It/PRP means/VBZ nothing/NN ,/, or/CC practically/RB nothing/NN ./.
We/PRP chose/VBD it/PRP as/IN an/DT empty/JJ vessel/NN into/IN which/WDT we/PRP can/MD pour/VB meaning/VBG ./.
We/PRP hope/VBP SLATE/NNP will/MD come/VB to/TO mean/VB good/JJ original/JJ journalism/NN in/IN this/DT new/JJ medium/NN ./.
Beyond/IN that/DT ,/, who/WP knows/VBZ ?/.
Good/JJ magazines/NNS are/VBP exercises/VBZ in/IN serendipity/NN ./.
Credit--or/NNP blame--for/JJ the/DT name/NN "/" SLATE/NNP ,/, "/" by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, goes/VBZ to/TO David/NNP Weld/NNP ,/, then/RB of/IN Microsoft/NNP ,/, now/RB of/IN Cognisoft/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
A/DT Seattle/NNP cyberwag/NN says/VBZ that/IN the/DT name/NN "/" SLATE/NNP "/" is/VBZ appropriate/JJ ,/, because/IN whenever/WRB he/PRP asks/VBZ anyone/NN from/IN Microsoft/NNP ,/, "/" How/WRB 's/POS your/PRP$ project/NN coming/VBG along/RB ?/.
"/" the/DT answer/NN he/PRP usually/RB gets/VBZ is/VBZ ,/, "/" 's/POS late/RB ./.
"/" SLATE/NNP ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN reasonably/RB prompt/VB ./.
Less/JJR than/IN six/CD months/NNS ago/RB ,/, it/PRP was/VBD a/DT four-page/JJ memorandum/NN and/CC a/DT single/JJ Internet/NN naif/NN ./.
SLATE/NNP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT first/JJ "/" webzine/NN ,/, "/" but/CC everyone/NN in/IN this/DT nascent/NN business/NN is/VBZ still/RB struggling/VBG with/IN some/DT pretty/RB basic/JJ issues/NNS ./.
Starting/VBG an/DT online/NN magazine/NN is/VBZ like/IN starting/VBG a/DT traditional/JJ paper/NN magazine/NN by/IN asking/VBG :/: "/" OK/JJ ,/, you/PRP chop/VB down/RP the/DT trees/NNS ./.
Then/RB what/WP ?/.
To/TO be/VB honest/JJ ,/, we/PRP are/VBP running/VBG late/RB on/IN a/DT few/JJ things/NNS ./.
For/IN the/DT reader--you--there/JJ is/VBZ good/JJ news/NN and/CC bad/JJ news/NN here/RB ./.
The/DT good/JJ news/NN is/VBZ that/IN our/PRP$ billing/NN system/NN is/VBZ n't/RB ready/JJ yet/RB ./.
We/PRP intend/VBP to/TO charge/VB $/$ 19/CD ./.
95/CD a/DT year/NN for/IN SLATE/NNP ./.
That/DT is/VBZ far/RB less/JJR than/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN equivalent/NN print/NN magazines/NNS ,/, because/IN there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT paper/NN ,/, printing/NN ,/, or/CC postage/NN ./.
But/CC $/$ 19/CD ./.
95/CD (/( $/$ 34/CD ./.
95/CD for/IN two/CD years/NNS )/) is/VBZ more/JJR than/IN zero/CD ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ what/WP Web/NNP readers/NNS are/VBP used/VBN to/TO paying/VBG ./.
We/PRP believe/VBP that/IN expecting/VBG readers/NNS to/TO share/VB the/DT cost/NN ,/, as/IN they/PRP do/VBP in/IN print/NN ,/, is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ way/NN serious/JJ journalism/NN on/IN the/DT Web/NNP can/MD be/VB self-supporting/JJ ./.
Depending/VBG completely/RB on/IN advertisers/NNS would/MD not/RB be/VB healthy/JJ even/RB if/IN it/PRP were/VBD possible/JJ ./.
And/CC we/PRP want/VBP to/TO be/VB self-supporting/JJ ./.
Indeed/RB one/CD of/IN SLATE/NNP 's/POS main/JJ goals/NNS is/VBZ to/TO demonstrate/VB ,/, if/IN we/PRP can/MD ,/, that/IN the/DT economies/NNS of/IN cyberspace/NN make/NN it/PRP easier/JJR for/IN our/PRP$ kind/NN of/IN journalism/NN to/TO pay/VB for/IN itself/PRP ./.
Most/JJS magazines/NNS like/IN SLATE/NNP depend/VB on/IN someone/NN 's/POS generosity/NN or/CC vanity/NN or/CC misplaced/VBN optimism/NN to/TO pay/VB the/DT bills/NNS ./.
But/CC self-supporting/JJ journalism/NN is/VBZ freer/JJR journalism/NN ./.
(/( As/IN A/DT ./.
J/NNP ./.
Liebling/NNP said/VBD ,/, freedom/NN of/IN the/DT press/NN is/VBZ for/IN those/DT who/WP own/JJ one/CD ./.
)/) If/IN the/DT Web/NNP can/MD make/VB serious/JJ journalism/NN more/RBR easily/RB self-supporting/JJ ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ gift/NN from/IN technology/NN to/TO democracy/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT moment/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, SLATE/NNP is/VBZ yours/NNS for/IN free/JJ ./.
So/RB enjoy/VB ./.
We/PRP expect/VBP to/TO start/VB requiring/VBG registration/NN in/IN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, and/CC to/TO require/VB payment/NN beginning/VBG Nov/NNP ./.
1/CD ./.
The/DT bad/JJ news/NN for/IN readers/NNS is/VBZ that/IN some/DT features/NNS are/VBP n't/RB quite/RB ready/JJ yet/RB ./.
Prime/NNP among/IN them/PRP is/VBZ "/" The/DT Fray/NNP ,/, "/" our/PRP$ reader-discussion/JJ forum/NN ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, please/VB e-mail/JJ any/DT comments/NNS you/PRP may/MD have/VB to/TO slate/NN @/IN msn/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
We/PRP 'll/MD be/VB publishing/VBG a/DT traditional/JJ "/" Letters/NNS to/TO the/DT Editor/NNP "/" page/NN until/IN The/DT Fray/NNP is/VBZ up/RB and/CC running/VBG in/IN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ./.
We/PRP especially/RB need/VBP ,/, and/CC appreciate/VB ,/, your/PRP$ comments/NNS in/IN these/DT early/JJ weeks/NNS ./.
Every/DT new/JJ magazine/NN is/VBZ a/DT "/" beta/NN "/" version/NN for/IN a/DT while/NN ,/, especially/RB a/DT new/JJ magazine/NN in/IN a/DT new/JJ medium/NN ./.
SLATE/NNP has/VBZ gotten/VBN enormous/JJ hype--some/JJ of/IN it/PRP ,/, to/TO be/VB sure/JJ ,/, self-induced/JJ ,/, but/CC much/JJ of/IN it/PRP not/RB ./.
We/PRP appreciate/VBP the/DT attention/NN ./.
But/CC of/IN course/NN ,/, it/PRP also/RB makes/VBZ us/PRP nervous/JJ ./.
We/PRP have/VBP a/DT smaller/JJR budget/NN and/CC staff/NN than/IN most/JJS well-known/JJ magazines--even/JJ smaller/JJR than/IN some/DT webzines/NNS ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB claim/VB to/TO have/VB all/DT the/DT answers/NNS ./.
But/CC ,/, with/IN your/PRP$ help/NN ,/, we/PRP plan/VBP to/TO have/VB all/DT the/DT answers/NNS by/IN Christmas/NNP ./.
So/RB What/WP 's/VBZ in/IN It/PRP ?/.
First/LS ,/, let/VBP me/PRP urge/VB you/PRP to/TO read/VB a/DT special/JJ page/NN called/VBN Consider/VB Your/PRP$ Options/NNPS ./.
This/DT page/NN explains/VBZ and/CC executes/VBZ the/DT various/JJ ways/NNS you/PRP can/MD receive/VB and/CC read/VB SLATE/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB like/VB reading/NN on/IN a/DT computer/NN screen/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT special/JJ version/NN of/IN SLATE/NNP that/IN you/PRP can/MD print/VB out/IN in/IN its/PRP$ entirety/NN ,/, reformatted/JJ like/IN a/DT traditional/JJ print/NN magazine/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB mind/VB reading/NN on/IN a/DT screen/NN but/CC hate/VBP waiting/VBG for/IN pages/NNS to/TO download--and/JJ hate/VBP running/VBG up/RP those/DT online/NN charges/NNS from/IN your/PRP$ Internet/NN provider--you/JJ will/MD soon/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO download/NN the/DT whole/JJ magazine/NN at/IN once/RB and/CC read/VB it/PRP offline/NN ./.
Also/RB on/IN the/DT Consider/VB Your/PRP$ Options/NNPS page/NN ,/, you/PRP can/MD order/VB SLATE/NNP to/TO be/VB delivered/VBN to/TO your/PRP$ computer/NN by/IN e-mail/JJ ./.
(/( Caution/NN :/: This/DT may/MD not/RB work/VB with/IN your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ system/NN ./.
)/) We/PRP 'll/MD even/RB send/VB you/PRP SLATE/NNP on/IN Paper/NNP ,/, a/DT monthly/JJ compilation/NN of/IN highlights/NNS from/IN SLATE/NNP ,/, through/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Mail/NNP ./.
(/( The/DT cost/NN is/VBZ $/$ 29/CD a/DT year/NN ./.
Call/VB 800/CD -/: 555/CD -/: 4995/CD to/TO order/VB ./.
Individual/JJ copies/NNS of/IN SLATE/NNP on/IN Paper/NNP will/MD be/VB available/JJ exclusively/RB at/IN Starbucks/NNP ./.
And/CC selected/VBN articles/NNS from/IN SLATE/NNP will/MD also/RB appear/VB in/IN Time/NNP magazine/NN ./.
While/IN you/PRP 're/VBP on/IN the/DT Consider/VB Your/PRP$ Options/NNPS page/NN ,/, please/VB read/VB about/IN how/WRB to/TO navigate/VB around/IN SLATE/NNP ./.
We/PRP use/VBP page/NN numbers/NNS ,/, like/IN a/DT traditional/JJ print/NN magazine/NN ,/, and/CC have/VBP tried/VBN to/TO make/VB it/PRP as/RB easy/JJ as/IN possible/JJ either/DT to/TO "/" flip/JJ through/IN "/" the/DT magazine/NN or/CC to/TO and/CC from/IN the/DT Table/NNP of/IN Contents/NNP ./.
OK/JJ ,/, But/CC What/WP 's/VBZ in/IN It/PRP ?/.
[/NN STET/NNP double/JJ "/" ?/.
"/" ]/NN
SLATE/NNP is/VBZ basically/RB a/DT weekly/JJ :/: Most/JJS articles/NNS will/MD appear/VB for/IN a/DT week/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX will/MD be/VB something/NN new/JJ to/TO read/VB almost/RB every/DT day/NN ./.
Some/DT elements/NNS will/MD change/VB constantly/RB ./.
Other/JJ elements/NNS will/MD appear/VB and/CC be/VB removed/VBN throughout/IN the/DT week/NN ./.
Every/DT article/NN will/MD indicate/VB when/WRB it/PRP was/VBD "/" posted/VBD "/" and/CC when/WRB it/PRP will/MD be/VB "/" composted/JJ ./.
"/" As/IN a/DT general/JJ rule/NN the/DT Back/RB of/IN the/DT Book/NNP ,/, containing/VBG cultural/JJ reviews/NNS and/CC commentary/NN ,/, will/MD be/VB posted/VBN Mondays/NNS and/CC Tuesdays/NNPS ,/, the/DT longer/RBR Features/NNPS will/MD be/VB posted/VBN Wednesdays/NNS and/CC Thursdays/NNPS ,/, and/CC the/DT front-of-the-book/JJ Briefing/NNP section/NN will/MD be/VB posted/VBN Fridays/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP miss/VBP something/NN ,/, you/PRP can/MD easily/RB call/VB it/PRP up/RP from/IN our/PRP$ archive/NN ,/, "/" The/DT Compost/NNP ./.
Let/VB me/PRP try/VB to/TO describe/VB a/DT typical/JJ issue/NN of/IN SLATE/NNP ./.
The/DT Readme/NNP column/NN will/MD not/RB always/RB be/VB as/RB solipsistic/JJ as/IN this/DT one/CD ./.
It/PRP will/MD usually/RB be/VB a/DT commentary/NN on/IN public/JJ affairs/NNS by/IN one/CD of/IN SLATE/NNP 's/POS editors/NNS ./.
Several/JJ regular/JJ departments/NNS in/IN the/DT Briefing/NNP section/NN are/VBP attempts/NNS at/IN "/" meta-news/JJ "/" :/: the/DT news/NN about/IN the/DT news/NN ,/, a/DT sense/NN of/IN how/WRB the/DT week/NN 's/POS big/JJ stories/NNS are/VBP being/VBG played/VBN and/CC perceived/VBN ./.
The/DT Week/NNP &slash;/NN The/DT Spin/NNP takes/VBZ a/DT dozen/NN or/CC so/RB topics/NNS ,/, from/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS election-campaign/JJ developments/NNS to/TO the/DT latest/JJS big/JJ book/NN from/IN Knopf/NNP ,/, and/CC analyses/NNS ,/, as/RB objectively/RB [/( LINK/NNP TO/TO TEXT/NNP CCC/NNP ]/) as/IN possible/JJ ,/, the/DT spin/NN they/PRP 're/VBP getting/VBG ,/, the/DT sub-angles/JJ that/WDT are/VBP emerging/VBG ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
In/IN Other/JJ Magazines/NNS uses/VBZ the/DT covers/NNS and/CC contents/NNS of/IN Time/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, as/IN a/DT handy/JJ measure/NN of/IN what/WP the/DT culture/NN considers/VBZ important/JJ ./.
(/( We/PRP aim/VBP to/TO have/VB these/DT magazines/NNS in/IN SLATE/NNP even/RB before/IN they/PRP reach/VBP the/DT newsstands/NNS or/CC your/PRP$ mailbox/NN ./.
)/) The/DT Horse/NNP Race/NN tracks/VBZ the/DT presidential/JJ candidates/NNS like/IN stocks/NNS ,/, as/IN priced/VBN by/IN the/DT opinion/NN polls/NNS ,/, the/DT pundits/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT genuine/JJ market/NN in/IN political/JJ candidates/NNS run/VBP out/IN of/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Iowa/NNP ./.
Our/PRP$ man/NN William/NNP Saletan/NNP will/MD compute/VB and/CC analyze/VB changes/NNS in/IN the/DT pundits/NNS index/NN ./.
The/DT Gist/NNP ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, is/VBZ SLATE/NNP 's/POS effort/NN to/TO provide/VB a/DT quick/JJ education/NN on/IN some/DT current/JJ issue/NN in/IN a/DT form/NN as/IN free/JJ of/IN spin/NN as/IN possible/JJ ./.
Also/RB free/JJ of/IN quotes/NNS ,/, anecdotes/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ paraphernalia/NNS ./.
The/DT only/RB 1/CD ,/, 000/CD words/NNS you/PRP 'll/MD have/VB to/TO read/VB when/WRB you/PRP might/MD rather/RB read/VB nothing/NN at/IN all/DT ./.
In/IN a/DT weekly/JJ department/NN called/VBD Varnish/NNP Remover/NNP ,/, political/JJ consultant/NN Robert/NNP Shrum/NNP will/MD deconstruct/NN a/DT 30/CD -/: second/JJ TV/NN spot/NN from/IN the/DT election/NN campaign/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD download/NN a/DT video/NN or/CC audio/JJ clip/NN of/IN the/DT spot/NN itself/PRP ./.
"/" Assessment/NNP "/" will/MD be/VB a/DT short/JJ ,/, judgmental/JJ profile/NN of/IN some/DT figure/NN in/IN the/DT news/NN ./.
(/( Coming/VBG up/RP soon/RB :/: James/NNP Fallows/NNP on/IN Wired/NNP magazine/NN 's/POS godfather/NN ,/, Nicholas/NNP Negroponte/NNP ./.
Stanford/NNP economist/NN Paul/NNP Krugman/NNP writes/VBZ The/DT Dismal/JJ Scientist/NNP ,/, a/DT once-a-month/JJ column/NN on/IN economic/JJ policy/NN ./.
(/( See/VB his/PRP$ debut/NN essay/NN in/IN this/DT issue/NN ,/, about/IN the/DT economic/JJ war/NN within/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ./.
)/) University/NNP of/IN Rochester/NNP economist/NN Steven/NNP Landsburg/NNP writes/VBZ monthly/JJ on/IN "/" Everyday/NNP Economics/NNP ,/, "/" using/VBG economic/JJ analysis/NN to/TO illuminate/VB everyday/JJ life/NN ./.
(/( His/PRP$ first/JJ column/NN ,/, in/IN our/PRP$ next/JJ issue/NN ,/, will/MD explain/VB how/WRB sexual/JJ promiscuity/NN can/MD actually/RB reduce/VB the/DT spread/NN of/IN AIDS/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT Earthling/NNP "/" will/MD be/VB a/DT monthly/JJ column/NN by/IN Robert/NNP Wright/NNP ,/, contributor/NN to/TO the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP and/CC Time/NNP ,/, and/CC author/NN of/IN the/DT acclaimed/JJ book/NN on/IN evolutionary/JJ psychology/NN ,/, The/DT Moral/NNP Animal/NNP ./.
Other/JJ regular/JJ Briefing/NNP features/NNS will/MD include/VB a/DT Press/NNP column/NN by/IN our/PRP$ deputy/NN editor/NN ,/, Jack/NNP Shafer/NNP ./.
Doodlennium/NNP is/VBZ our/PRP$ weekly/JJ cartoon/NN strip/NN by/IN Mark/NNP Alan/NNP Stamaty/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ "/" Washingtoon/NNP "/" appeared/VBD for/IN many/JJ years/NNS in/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC Time/NNP ./.
Our/PRP$ SLATE/NNP Diary/NNP will/MD be/VB an/DT actual/JJ daily/JJ diary/NN ,/, written/VBN and/CC posted/VBN every/DT weekday/NN by/IN someone/NN with/IN an/DT interesting/JJ mind/NN ./.
Our/PRP$ first/JJ diarist/NN is/VBZ David/NNP O/NNP ./.
Russell/NNP ,/, writer/NN and/CC director/NN of/IN Flirting/NNP With/IN Disaster/NN ./.
Our/PRP$ second/JJ diarist/NN will/MD be/VB novelist/NN Muriel/NNP Spark/NNP ./.
Can/MD There/EX Possibly/RB be/VB More/JJR ?/.
Our/PRP$ Features/NNPS section/NN begins/VBZ each/DT week/NN with/IN the/DT Committee/NNP of/IN Correspondence/NNP ,/, our/PRP$ e-mail/JJ discussion/NN group/NN ./.
The/DT committee/NN is/VBZ run/VBN by/IN Herbert/NNP Stein/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ chairman/NN of/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS Council/NNP of/IN Economic/NNP Advisers/NNPS best-known/JJS now/RB for/IN his/PRP$ witty/JJ columns/NNS in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ./.
We/PRP have/VBP great/JJ hopes/NNS for/IN e-mail/JJ as/IN a/DT medium/NN of/IN debate/NN that/WDT can/MD combine/VB the/DT immediacy/NN of/IN talk-television/JJ with/IN the/DT intellectual/JJ discipline/NN of/IN the/DT written/VBN word/NN ./.
We/PRP hope/VBP for/IN something/NN halfway/RB between/IN The/DT McLaughlin/NNP Group/NNP and/CC the/DT correspondence/NN page/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Review/NNP of/IN Books/NNPS ./.
Will/MD it/PRP work/VBP ?/.
Check/VB out/RP our/PRP$ first/JJ attempt--/JJ Does/VBZ Microsoft/NNP Play/NNP Fair/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: and/CC let/VB us/PRP know/VB what/WP you/PRP think/VBP ./.
The/DT Features/NNPS section/NN is/VBZ also/RB where/WRB we/PRP run/VBP longer/JJR articles/NNS [/( LINK/NNP TO/TO TEXT/NNP DDD/NNP ]/) and/CC occasional/JJ humor/NN pieces/NNS (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, pieces/NNS that/WDT are/VBP intentionally/RB ,/, or/CC at/IN least/JJS aspirationally/RB ,/, humorous/JJ )/) ./.
This/DT week/NN in/IN The/DT Temptation/NN of/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP ,/, SLATE/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP editor/NN ,/, Jodie/NNP Allen/NNP ,/, cruelly/RB analyzes/NNS the/DT arguments/NNS for/IN a/DT tax/NN cut/NN ./.
Social/JJ critic/NN Nicholas/NNP Lemann/NNP writes/VBZ on/IN Jews/NNPS in/IN Second/JJ Place/NN ,/, about/IN what/WP happens/VBZ to/TO American/NNP Jews/NNPS as/IN Asians/NNPS replace/VBP them/PRP at/IN the/DT top/NN of/IN the/DT meritocracy/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT legendary/JJ recluse/NN Henry/NNP David/NNP Thoreau/NNP emerges/VBZ to/TO give/VB SLATE/NNP readers/NNS an/DT exclusive/JJ peek/NN at/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ Web/NNP page/NN ./.
In/IN SLATE/NNP Gallery/NNP ,/, we/PRP have/VBP a/DT continuous/JJ exhibition/NN of/IN computer-based/JJ art/NN ./.
You/PRP may/MD like/VB or/CC dislike/VB this/DT stuff/NN (/( we/PRP 'll/MD have/VB plenty/NN of/IN linked/VBN commentary/NN to/TO help/VB you/PRP decide/VB )/) ./.
What/WP appeals/NNS to/TO us/PRP about/IN computer/NN art/NN is/VBZ that/IN SLATE/NNP can/MD show/VB you/PRP not/RB reproductions/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT actual/JJ art/NN itself/PRP ./.
We/PRP start/VBP with/IN an/DT offering/NN by/IN Jenny/NNP Holzer/NNP ./.
This/DT week/NN 's/POS reviews/NNS include/VBP Ann/NNP Hulbert/NNP 's/POS book/NN review/NN of/IN Miss/NNP Manners/NNP '/POS latest/JJS encyclical/JJ ;/: Sarah/NNP Kerr/NNP 's/POS television/NN review/NN of/IN the/DT changing/VBG fashions/NNS in/IN season/NN finales/NNS ;/: Larissa/NNP MacFarquhar/NNP 's/POS High/NNP Concept/NNP column/NN ,/, about/IN how/WRB managed/VBN care/NN could/MD improve/VB psychotherapy/NN ;/: and/CC Cullen/NNP Murphy/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Good/NNP Word/NNP ,/, about/IN the/DT difference/NN between/IN "/" Jesuitical/NNP "/" and/CC "/" Talmudic/NNP ./.
In/IN general/JJ ,/, SLATE/NNP 's/POS Back/RB of/IN the/DT Book/NNP will/MD contain/VB a/DT weekly/JJ book/NN review/NN ,/, alternating/VBG television/NN and/CC movie/NN reviews/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT rotating/VBG menu/NN of/IN columns/NNS on/IN music/NN (/( classical/JJ and/CC popular/JJ )/) ,/, sports/NNS ,/, web/NN sites/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ topics/NNS ./.
Jeffrey/NNP Steingarten/NNP will/MD be/VB writing/VBG monthly/JJ on/IN food/NN (/( "/" In/IN the/DT Soup/NNP "/" )/) ,/, Anne/NNP Hollander/NNP on/IN fashion/NN (/( "/" Clothes/NNPS Sense/NN "/" )/) ,/, and/CC Margaret/NNP Talbot/NNP on/IN "/" Men/NN and/CC Women/NNP ./.
"/" Audio/NNP and/CC video/NN clips/NNS will/MD be/VB offered/VBN where/WRB appropriate/JJ ./.
Every/DT issue/NN will/MD have/VB a/DT poem/NN ,/, read/VB aloud/RB by/IN the/DT author/NN ,/, with/IN text/NN ./.
In/IN this/DT issue/NN is/VBZ a/DT new/JJ poem/NN by/IN Seamus/NNP Heaney/NNP ./.
And/CC coming/VBG up/RP soon/RB ,/, two/CD additional/JJ Back/RB of/IN the/DT Book/NNP features/NNS :/: an/DT interactive/JJ acrostic/JJ puzzle/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT stock-market/NN contest/NN ./.
Does/VBZ SLATE/NNP Have/VBP a/DT Slant/NNP ?/.
SLATE/NNP is/VBZ owned/VBN by/IN Microsoft/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, and/CC that/IN bothers/NNS some/DT people/NNS ./.
Can/MD a/DT giant/JJ software/NN company/NN put/VBD out/RP a/DT magazine/NN that/WDT is/VBZ free/JJ to/TO think/VB for/IN itself/PRP ?/.
All/DT we/PRP can/MD say/VB is/VBZ that/IN Microsoft/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS on/IN this/DT subject/NN ,/, and/CC we/PRP look/VBP forward/RB to/TO putting/VBG the/DT company/NN 's/POS hands-off/JJ commitment/NN to/TO the/DT test/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT concern/NN strikes/NNS me/PRP as/IN misplaced/VBN ./.
In/IN a/DT day/NN of/IN media/NNS conglomerates/NNS with/IN myriad/JJ daily/JJ conflicts/NNS of/IN interest--/JJ Time/NNP Warner/NNP ,/, Rupert/NNP Murdoch/NNP 's/POS News/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, Disney-/NNP ABC--how/NNP can/MD it/PRP be/VB a/DT bad/JJ thing/NN for/IN a/DT new/JJ company/NN to/TO begin/VB competing/VBG in/IN the/DT media/NNS business/NN ?/.
A/DT journalist/NN who/WP worries/VBZ about/IN Microsoft/NNP putting/VBG out/RP a/DT magazine/NN is/VBZ a/DT journalist/NN with/IN a/DT steady/JJ job/NN ./.
Readers/NNS may/MD also/RB wonder/VB whether/IN SLATE/NNP will/MD have/VB a/DT particular/JJ political/JJ flavor/NN ./.
The/DT answer/NN is/VBZ that/IN we/PRP do/VBP not/RB set/VBN out/IN with/IN any/DT ideological/JJ mission/NN or/CC agenda/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, we/PRP are/VBP not/RB committed/VBN to/TO any/DT artificial/JJ balance/NN of/IN views/NNS ./.
We/PRP will/MD publish/VB articles/NNS from/IN various/JJ perspectives/NNS ,/, but/CC we/PRP will/MD not/RB agonize/VB if/IN the/DT mix/NN averages/NNS out/IN to/TO be/VB somewhere/RB other/JJ than/IN dead/JJ center/NN ./.
A/DT good/JJ magazine/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, does/VBZ develop/VB a/DT personality/NN ,/, an/DT attitude/NN ,/, [/( LINK/NNP TO/TO TEXT/NNP FFF/NNP ]/) and/CC some/DT prejudices--even/JJ crotchets/NNS ./.
A/DT few/JJ of/IN SLATE/NNP 's/POS are/NN already/RB becoming/VBG clear/JJ ./.
In/IN discussing/VBG current/JJ events/NNS ,/, we/PRP have/VBP a/DT preference/NN for/IN policy/NN over/IN politics/NNS ./.
We/PRP 'd/MD rather/RB discuss/VB the/DT effect/NN of/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP 's/POS tax-cut/JJ proposal/NN on/IN the/DT economy/NN than/IN its/PRP$ effect/NN on/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
Within/IN the/DT policy/NN arena/NN ,/, we/PRP seem/VBP to/TO have/VB a/DT special/JJ fondness/NN for/IN economics/NNS ./.
This/DT was/VBD not/RB planned/VBN ;/: it/PRP 's/VBZ one/CD of/IN those/DT serendipitous/JJ developments/NNS I/PRP mentioned/VBD ./.
Whether/IN it/PRP reflects/VBZ good/JJ luck/NN or/CC bad/JJ luck/NN is/VBZ a/DT matter/NN of/IN taste/NN (/( yours/NNS )/) ./.
Finally/RB ,/, we/PRP intend/VBP to/TO take/VB a/DT fairly/RB skeptical/JJ stance/NN toward/IN the/DT romance/NN and/CC rapidly/RB escalating/VBG vanity/NN of/IN cyberspace/NN ./.
We/PRP do/VBP not/RB start/VB out/IN with/IN the/DT smug/JJ assumption/NN that/IN the/DT Internet/NN changes/VBZ the/DT nature/NN of/IN human/NN thought/NN ,/, or/CC that/IN all/PDT the/DT restraints/NNS that/WDT society/NN imposes/VBZ on/IN individuals/NNS in/IN "/" real/JJ life/NN "/" must/MD melt/VB away/RB in/IN cyberia/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ a/DT deadening/VBG conformity/NN in/IN the/DT hipness/NNS of/IN cyberspace/NN culture/NN in/IN which/WDT we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB intend/VB to/TO participate/VB ./.
Part/NN of/IN our/PRP$ mission/NN at/IN SLATE/NNP will/MD be/VB trying/VBG to/TO bring/VB cyberspace/NN down/IN to/TO earth/NN ./.
Should/MD be/VB fun/NN ./.
Thanks/NNS for/IN joining/VBG us/PRP ./.
Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP is/VBZ editor/NN of/IN SLATE/NNP ./.
TEXT/NNP AAA/NNP :/: No/DT ,/, this/DT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT link/NN to/TO the/DT Cognisoft/NNP home/NN page/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT general/JJ rule/NN ,/, we/PRP plan/VBP to/TO avoid/VB hyperlinks/NNS to/TO outside/JJ sites/NNS in/IN the/DT text/NN of/IN articles/NNS ,/, and/CC to/TO group/VB them/PRP at/IN the/DT end/NN instead/RB ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT small/JJ illustration/NN of/IN our/PRP$ general/JJ philosophy--better/JJ call/NN it/PRP a/DT hope--that/JJ ,/, even/RB on/IN the/DT Web/NNP ,/, some/DT people/NNS will/MD want/VB to/TO read/VB articles/NNS in/IN the/DT traditional/JJ linear/JJ fashion--i/JJ ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, from/IN beginning/VBG to/TO end--rather/JJ than/IN darting/VBG constantly/RB from/IN site/NN to/TO site/NN ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
TEXT/NNP BBB/NNP :/: Only/RB kidding/VBG ./.
Easter/NNP ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
TEXT/NNP CCC/NNP :/: Objectivity/NNP ,/, we/PRP hope/VBP ,/, will/MD distinguish/VB this/DT feature/NN from/IN Newsweek/NNP 's/POS "/" Conventional/JJ Wisdom/NNP Watch/NNP ,/, "/" which/WDT is/VBZ often/RB an/DT effort/NN to/TO set/VB the/DT spin/NN rather/RB than/IN describe/VB it/PRP ./.
Anyway/RB ,/, the/DT "/" CW/NNP Watch/NNP "/" was/VBD a/DT rip-off/JJ of/IN a/DT similar/JJ feature/NN in/IN the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD the/DT editor/NN there/RB ./.
And/CC TNR/NNP 's/POS feature/NN itself/PRP was/VBD lifted/VBN from/IN Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
's/POS ,/, City/NNP Paper/NNP ,/, which/WDT was/VBD edited/JJ at/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT theft/NN by/IN Jack/NNP Shafer/NNP ,/, now/RB deputy/NN editor/NN of/IN SLATE/NNP ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
TEXT/NNP DDD/NNP :/: Those/DT dread/NN words/NNS "/" longer/JJR articles/NNS "/" raise/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT big/JJ uncertainties/NNS about/IN this/DT enterprise/NN :/: How/WRB long/JJ an/DT article/NN will/MD people/NNS be/VB willing/JJ to/TO read/VB on/IN a/DT computer/NN screen/NN ?/.
We/PRP have/VBP several/JJ answers/NNS to/TO this/DT question/NN :/: 1/LS )/) We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB ./.
Clearly/RB it/PRP 's/VBZ less/JJR than/IN on/IN paper/NN ,/, but/CC how/WRB much/RB less/JJR is/VBZ uncertain/JJ ./.
2/LS )/) We/PRP 're/VBP determined/VBN to/TO test/VB the/DT outer/JJ limits/NNS ./.
3/LS )/) We/PRP 'll/MD do/VB our/PRP$ best/JJS ,/, graphically/RB ,/, to/TO make/VB reading/NN on/IN screen/NN a/DT more/RBR pleasant/JJ experience/NN (/( suggestions/NNS welcome/JJ )/) ./.
4/LS )/) We/PRP 'll/MD also/RB make/VB SLATE/NNP as/RB easy/JJ as/IN possible/JJ to/TO print/VB out/RP ./.
5/LS )/) This/DT will/MD become/VB less/JJR of/IN a/DT problem/NN as/IN screens/NNS are/VBP developed/VBN that/WDT can/MD be/VB taken/VBN to/TO bed/NN or/CC the/DT bathroom/NN ./.
6/CD )/) Two/CD thousand/CD words/NNS ./.
Or/CC at/IN least/JJS we/PRP 're/VBP starting--optimistically/JJ ,/, perhaps--with/JJ the/DT hope/NN that/IN 2000/CD words/NNS or/CC so/RB is/VBZ not/RB too/RB much/JJ ./.
(/( By/IN contrast/NN ,/, a/DT typical/JJ print-magazine/JJ feature/NN or/CC cover/VB story/NN might/MD run/VB anywhere/RB from/IN 5000/CD to/TO 15/CD ,/, 000/CD words/NNS ./.
At/IN least/JJS among/IN non-cyberheads/JJ ,/, the/DT computer-screen/JJ problem/NN seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB everyone/NN 's/POS favorite/JJ conversational/NN thrust/NN with/IN regard/NN to/TO SLATE/NNP ./.
In/IN recent/JJ months/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN amazed/VBN to/TO learn/VB of/IN the/DT places/NNS and/CC postures/NNS in/IN which/WDT people/NNS like/IN to/TO read/VB magazines/NNS ./.
Bed/NNP and/CC bath/NN are/VBP just/RB the/DT beginning/NN ./.
At/IN a/DT Seattle/NNP dinner/NN party/NN ,/, a/DT woman/NN made/VBD the/DT interesting/JJ point/NN that/IN her/PRP$ problem/NN is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT screen/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT chair/NN ./.
Even/RB "/" ergonomic/JJ "/" computer/NN chairs/NNS are/VBP designed/VBN for/IN typing/VBG ,/, not/RB for/IN reading/NN ./.
For/IN this/DT woman/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN others/NNS who/WP may/MD feel/VB the/DT same/JJ way/NN ,/, we/PRP have/VBP asked/VBN several/JJ furniture/NN designers/NNS to/TO sketch/NN a/DT real/JJ computer/NN reading/NN chair--one/JJ you/PRP can/MD curl/VB up/RB in/IN with/IN your/PRP$ mouse/NN and/CC your/PRP$ cup/NN of/IN Starbucks/NNP and/CC read/VB SLATE/NNP online/NN ./.
That/DT feature/NN will/MD appear/VB in/IN a/DT week/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
TEXT/NNP EEE/NNP :/: In/IN this/DT regard/NN we/PRP are/VBP more/RBR like/IN the/DT newsmagazines--/JJ Time/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP ,/, U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP -/: -/: than/IN the/DT overtly/RB political/JJ magazines/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, National/NNP Review/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ./.
Each/DT of/IN the/DT newsmagazines/NNS may/MD have/VB an/DT identifiable/JJ political/JJ tilt/NN ./.
But/CC pushing/VBG a/DT particular/JJ line/NN is/VBZ not/RB what/WP they/PRP are/VBP fundamentally/RB about/RB ,/, and/CC knowing/VBG where/WRB they/PRP average/VBP out/IN wo/MD n't/RB tell/VB you/PRP what/WP any/DT individual/JJ article/NN will/MD say/VB ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
TEXT/NNP FFF/NNP :/: This/DT is/VBZ different/JJ from/IN "/" attitude/NN "/" -/: -/: that/IN free-floating/JJ ,/, supercilious/JJ cynicism/NN that/WDT is/VBZ much/RB prized/VBN in/IN the/DT culture/NN of/IN cyberspace/NN ./.
We/PRP may/MD develop/VB an/DT attitude--a/JJ set/NN of/IN prejudices/NNS derived/VBN from/IN logic/NN and/CC evidence/NN ,/, as/IN best/JJS we/PRP can/MD determine/VB them--but/JJ we/PRP 'll/MD leave/VB "/" attitude/NN "/" to/TO the/DT kids/NNS ./.
Go/VB back/RB ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN of/IN a/DT plan/NN to/TO combat/VB global/JJ warming/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB is/VBZ a/DT presidential/JJ advisory/JJ commission/NN 's/POS recommendation/NN of/IN numerous/JJ new/JJ rights/NNS for/IN patients/NNS ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT news/NN that/IN during/IN the/NNP '/POS 96/CD campaign/NN ,/, the/DT Republican/NNP National/NNP Committee/NNP steered/VBD $/$ 1/CD million/CD of/IN donors/NNS '/POS funds/NNS to/TO sympathetic/JJ outside/JJ groups/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT National/NNP Right/RB to/TO Life/NNP Committee/NNP ./.
And/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Boeing/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN of/IN the/DT largest/JJS loss/NN in/IN company/NN history/NN ./.
USAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT Clinton/NNP greenhouse/NN plan/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB submitted/VBN to/TO an/DT upcoming/JJ international/JJ conference/NN on/IN the/DT problem/NN ,/, sets/NNS up/RP a/DT pollution/NN credits/NNS market/NN under/IN which/WDT companies/NNS profit/VBP from/IN getting/VBG below/IN emissions/NNS standards/NNS ,/, promises/VBZ further/JJ incentives/NNS for/IN companies/NNS cutting/VBG emissions/NNS before/IN 2008/CD ,/, and/CC also/RB invests/VBZ $/$ 5/CD billion/CD over/IN five/CD years/NNS on/IN energy-efficient/JJ technology/NN ./.
But/CC ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, the/DT proposal/NN is/VBZ considered/VBN not/RB stringent/JJ enough/RB by/IN many/JJ environmentalist/NN groups/NNS ,/, U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
allies/NNS ,/, and/CC developing/VBG countries/NNS ,/, yet/RB too/RB stringent/JJ by/IN many/JJ American/JJ industries/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP ,/, in/IN its/PRP$ front-page/JJ piece/NN ,/, points/NNS out/RP that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS proposal/NN falls/VBZ short/JJ of/IN the/DT goals/NNS he/PRP outlined/VBD in/IN 1993/CD ,/, when/WRB he/PRP called/VBD for/IN voluntary/JJ cuts/NNS in/IN greenhouse/NN gas/NN emissions/NNS back/RB to/TO 1990/CD levels/NNS by/IN the/DT year/NN 2000/CD ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, in/IN its/PRP$ front-page/JJ story/NN ,/, that/IN most/RBS clearly/RB explains/VBZ the/DT relative/JJ smallness/NNS of/IN the/DT plan/NN 's/POS $/$ 5/CD billion/CD investment/NN in/IN global/JJ warming/NN control/NN :/: "/" enough/RB to/TO give/VB every/DT citizen/NN an/DT annual/JJ rebate/NN covering/VBG one-fourth/NN of/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN a/DT high-efficiency/JJ light/JJ bulb/NN ./.
Earlier/RBR this/DT year/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS howled/JJ upon/IN learning/VBG that/IN DNC/NNP officials/NNS helped/VBD steer/VB givers/NNS to/TO congenial/JJ outside/JJ groups/NNS ./.
Today/NN 's/POS WP/NNP lead/NN shows/VBZ that/IN the/DT RNC/NNP did/VBD it/PRP too/RB ./.
The/DT stratagem/NN allows/VBZ both/DT donors/NNS and/CC political/JJ parties/NNS to/TO spend/VB on/IN their/PRP$ pet/NN causes/NNS without/IN being/VBG identified/VBN (/( unlike/IN political/JJ parties/NNS ,/, interest/NN groups/NNS do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO disclose/VB their/PRP$ money/NN sources/NNS )/) ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Times/NNP ,/, the/DT presidential/JJ commission/NN says/VBZ that/IN patients/NNS '/POS rights/NNS should/MD include/VB the/DT right/NN to/TO an/DT external/JJ review/NN of/IN denials/NNS of/IN care/NN or/CC coverage/NN by/IN insurers/NNS and/CC HMOs/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT right/NN to/TO such/JJ information/NN as/IN how/WRB often/RB and/CC how/WRB successfully/RB a/DT doctor/NN has/VBZ performed/VBN a/DT procedure/NN ./.
President/NNP Clinton/NNP is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO endorse/VB all/PDT this/DT ,/, although/IN ,/, the/DT Times/NNP points/NNS out/IN ,/, nobody/NN has/VBZ explained/VBN how/WRB these/DT new/JJ rights/NNS would/MD be/VB enforced/VBN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS report/NN on/IN Boeing/NNP (/( which/WDT the/DT paper/NN describes/VBZ as/IN "/" the/DT world/NN 's/POS premier/NN aircraft/NN maker/NN ./.
"/" Is/VBZ n't/RB that/IN just/RB a/DT little/JJ boosterish/NN for/IN a/DT front-page/JJ story/NN ?/.
)/) says/VBZ that/IN the/DT company/NN shocked/VBD Wall/NNP St/NNP ./.
yesterday/NN with/IN its/PRP$ surprise/NN disclosure/NN of/IN a/DT $/$ 1/CD ./.
6/CD billion/CD loss/NN ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN aircraft/NN orders/NNS are/VBP rolling/VBG in/IN ,/, but/CC the/DT company/NN ca/MD n't/RB keep/VB up/RP because/IN of/IN part/NN shortages/NNS and/CC the/DT hiring/NN of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN inexperienced/JJ workers/NNS ./.
More/JJR detail/NN comes/VBZ to/TO light/VB today/NN about/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP 's/POS case/NN against/IN Microsoft/NNP ./.
Both/DT the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP and/CC WP/NNP reveal/VBP that/IN Justice/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP was/VBD Compaq/NNP that/WDT was/VBD prevented/VBN by/IN MS/NNP from/IN offering/VBG its/PRP$ buyers/NNS easy/JJ keyboard/NN access/NN to/TO Netscape/NNP software/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT government/NN 's/POS petition/NN also/RB claims/VBZ that/IN Gateway/NNP 2000/CD and/CC Micron/NNP Electronics/NNP were/VBD told/VBN by/IN Microsoft/NNP that/IN they/PRP could/MD not/RB remove/VB Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP or/CC its/PRP$ desktop/NN icon/NN from/IN their/PRP$ machines/NNS ./.
Also/RB ,/, the/DT Post/NNP says/VBZ the/DT government/NN 's/POS evidence/NN includes/VBZ some/DT email/NN from/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP to/TO his/PRP$ company/NN 's/POS executive/NN committee/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP says/VBZ that/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO neutralize/NN the/DT coffee/NN videos/NNS by/IN getting/VBG the/DT release/NN of/IN a/DT 1996/CD ABC/NNP News/NNP tape/NN in/IN which/WDT candidate/NN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP admits/VBZ that/IN the/DT RNC/NNP was/VBD financing/VBG ads/NNS that/WDT were/VBD helping/VBG his/PRP$ campaign/NN ./.
ABC/NNP has/VBZ refused/VBN the/DT request/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT tape/NN ,/, Dole/NNP explains/VBZ to/TO Ted/NNP Koppel/NNP that/IN the/DT ad/NN is/VBZ okay/JJ because/IN "/" it/PRP never/RB says/VBZ ,/, '/" I/PRP 'm/VBP running/VBG for/IN president/NN ./.
'/" "/"
Two/CD months/NNS after/IN Muriel/NNP Spark/NNP 's/POS poem/NN "/" Mungo/NNP Bays/NNP at/IN the/DT Moon/NNP "/" was/VBD published/VBN in/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, her/PRP$ brown/JJ dog/NN Mungo/NNP was/VBD found/VBN poisoned/VBN at/IN her/PRP$ garden/NN gate/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT British/JJ press/NN has/VBZ copiously/RB reported/VBN this/DT week/NN ,/, Mungo/NNP was/VBD the/DT fifth/JJ dog/NN lost/VBN by/IN the/DT British/JJ novelist/NN ,/, who/WP lives/VBZ in/IN Tuscany/NNP ,/, over/IN the/DT past/JJ 12/CD years/NNS ./.
Although/IN this/DT sounds/VBZ like/IN something/NN straight/JJ out/IN of/IN Spark/NNP 's/POS wonderfully/RB creepy/NN novels/NNS ,/, she/PRP and/CC her/PRP$ pets/NNS are/VBP not/RB special/JJ victims/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT story/NN of/IN everyday/JJ life/NN in/IN Tuscany/NNP ./.
Hundreds--and/NNP quite/RB possibly/RB thousands--of/JJ dogs/NNS ,/, cats/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ domestic/JJ pets/NNS are/VBP killed/VBN by/IN poisoning/NN each/DT year/NN in/IN this/DT cradle/NN of/IN European/JJ civilization/NN ,/, this/DT sun-soaked/JJ land/NN of/IN vines/NNS and/CC olives/NNS and/CC cypresses/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ wife/NN and/CC I/PRP are/VBP lucky/JJ enough/RB to/TO own/VB a/DT farmhouse/NN in/IN Tuscany/NNP ./.
Five/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Susanna/NNP came/VBD into/IN the/DT house/NN one/CD day/NN to/TO find/VB a/DT very/RB thin/JJ and/CC pregnant/JJ spotted/VBD white/JJ ,/, bitch/NN lying/VBG on/IN the/DT sofa/NN in/IN the/DT sitting/VBG room/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD a/DT mongrel/NN ,/, as/IN virtually/RB all/PDT the/DT stray/VB dogs/NNS in/IN Tuscany/NNP are/VBP ,/, but/CC obviously/RB with/IN a/DT powerful/JJ strain/NN of/IN Dalmatian/NNP in/IN her/PRP$ and/CC with/IN that/DT alarming/JJ Dalmatian/NNP 's/POS "/" smile/NN "/" that/WDT looks/VBZ like/IN a/DT snarl/NN ./.
Soon/RB she/PRP had/VBD a/DT name/NN ,/, Allegra/NNP ,/, and/CC two/CD pups/NNS ,/, Brutta/NNP (/( ugly/JJ )/) and/CC Bella/NNP (/( beautiful/JJ )/) ./.
Susanna/NNP found/VBD a/DT good/JJ home/NN for/IN Brutta/NNP ,/, but/CC Bella/NNP we/PRP kept/VBD ./.
After/IN a/DT while/NN ,/, Allegra/NNP and/CC Bella/NNP were/VBD joined/VBN by/IN another/DT stray/JJ dog/NN of/IN a/DT very/RB different/JJ kind/NN ,/, a/DT huge/JJ white/JJ fluffy/JJ sheepdog/NN who/WP was/VBD given/VBN the/DT name/NN of/IN Eddy/NNP ./.
Eddy/NNP adopted/VBD a/DT posture/NN of/IN world-weary/JJ dignity/NN and/CC behaved/VBD like/IN the/DT indulgent/NN father/NN of/IN unruly/JJ daughters/NNS ./.
They/PRP accepted/VBD him/PRP ,/, though/RB ,/, and/CC liked/VBD to/TO tease/NN him/PRP mercilessly/RB until/IN he/PRP would/MD give/VB in/IN and/CC join/VB in/IN their/PRP$ games/NNS ./.
If/IN these/DT dogs/NNS had/VBD a/DT fault/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD their/PRP$ habit/NN of/IN barking/VBG all/DT night/NN ,/, having/VBG made/VBN it/PRP their/PRP$ mission/NN ,/, most/RBS unsuccessfully/RB pursued/VBN ,/, to/TO keep/VB the/DT wild/JJ boar/NN away/RB from/IN the/DT house/NN ./.
For/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT time/NN they/PRP enjoyed/VBD a/DT happy/JJ and/CC carefree/JJ existence/NN ./.
Then/RB one/CD morning/NN a/DT couple/NN of/IN years/NNS ago/RB ,/, there/EX was/VBD a/DT blast/NN from/IN a/DT shotgun/NN very/RB near/IN the/DT house/NN ,/, and/CC Eddy/NNP came/VBD running/VBG home/NN with/IN blood/NN pouring/VBG from/IN his/PRP$ face/NN and/CC side/NN ./.
He/PRP recovered/VBD ./.
But/CC then/RB ,/, in/IN January/NNP ,/, Bella/NNP and/CC Allegra/NNP did/VBD not/RB come/VB in/RB ,/, as/IN they/PRP always/RB did/VBD ,/, for/IN their/PRP$ evening/NN meal/NN ./.
The/DT next/JJ day/NN Susanna/NNP discovered/VBD Allegra/NNP 's/POS stiff/JJ body/NN lying/VBG in/IN grass/NN behind/IN the/DT house/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT couple/NN of/IN days/NNS later/RB the/DT body/NN of/IN Bella/NNP was/VBD discovered/VBN in/IN one/CD of/IN her/PRP$ favorite/JJ patches/NNS of/IN undergrowth/NN ./.
Who/WP could/MD possibly/RB have/VB done/VBN this/DT awful/JJ thing/NN ?/.
I/PRP asked/VBD the/DT vet/NN who/WP performed/VBD the/DT autopsy/NN on/IN Allegra/NNP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ an/DT Englishman/NNP ,/, Dr/NNP ./.
Malcolm/NNP Holliday/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ been/VBN in/IN Tuscany/NNP for/IN 25/CD years/NNS and/CC is/VBZ one/CD of/IN two/CD representatives/NNS in/IN Italy/NNP of/IN a/DT British/JJ charity/NN ,/, the/DT Anglo-/NNP Italian/NNP Society/NNP for/IN the/DT Protection/NNP of/IN Animals/NNS ./.
Holliday/NNP is/VBZ heir/NN to/TO a/DT long/JJ line/NN of/IN British/JJ people/NNS who/WP have/VBP fallen/VBN in/IN love/NN with/IN Italy/NNP but/CC have/VBP been/VBN appalled/VBN by/IN the/DT Italian/JJ treatment/NN of/IN animals/NNS ./.
With/IN a/DT city/NN practice/NN ,/, he/PRP treats/VBZ several/JJ cases/NNS each/DT year/NN of/IN dogs/NNS poisoned/VBN maliciously/RB by/IN next-door/JJ neighbors/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB objecting/VBG to/TO the/DT noise/NN ./.
But/CC Holliday/NNP endorsed/VBD the/DT general/JJ assumption/NN that/IN almost/RB all/DT dog/NN poisonings/NNS in/IN the/DT countryside/NN are/VBP committed/VBN by/IN hunters/NNS ./.
Many/JJ dogs/NNS die/VBP in/IN bitter/JJ territorial/NN wars/NNS between/IN rival/JJ squads/NNS of/IN wild/JJ boar/NN hunters/NNS and/CC in/IN the/DT fierce/JJ competition/NN between/IN truffle/NN hunters/NNS seeking/VBG a/DT bigger/JJR share/NN of/IN the/DT lucrative/JJ truffle/NN market/NN by/IN eliminating/VBG rivals/NNS '/POS hounds/NNS ./.
Americans/NNPS may/MD find/VB this/DT hard/JJ to/TO believe/VB ,/, but/CC gun/NN owners/NNS are/VBP an/DT even/RB more/RBR privileged/JJ tribe/NN in/IN Italy/NNP than/IN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
They/PRP have/VBP a/DT constitutional/JJ right/NN to/TO walk/VB over/IN other/JJ people/NNS 's/POS land/NN without/IN permission/NN ./.
An/DT ordinary/JJ person/NN just/RB going/VBG for/IN a/DT walk/NN in/IN the/DT country/NN is/VBZ trespassing--unless/JJ he/PRP 's/VBZ holding/VBG a/DT gun/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT case/NN it/PRP 's/VBZ OK/JJ ./.
Hunters/NNP are/VBP allowed/VBN to/TO take/VB their/PRP$ dogs/NNS on/IN buses/NNS ;/: other/JJ people/NNS are/VBP not/RB ./.
The/DT law/NN requires/VBZ dogs/NNS to/TO be/VB tied/VBN up/RP during/IN the/DT game/NN breeding/VBG and/CC shooting/VBG seasons/NNS (/( a/DT law/NN we/PRP were/VBD guilty/JJ of/IN breaking/VBG in/IN the/DT cases/NNS of/IN Allegra/NNP and/CC Bella/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC for/IN all/DT that/IN ,/, the/DT hunters/NNS are/VBP not/RB happy/JJ ./.
They/PRP have/VBP practically/RB no/DT pheasants/NNS or/CC partridges/NNS to/TO shoot/VB at/IN anymore/RB ,/, and/CC they/PRP are/VBP fiercely/RB protective/JJ of/IN the/DT birds/NNS put/VBP down/RB in/IN the/DT countryside/NN in/IN February/NNP by/IN the/DT shooting/VBG associations/NNS to/TO which/WDT they/PRP pay/VBP their/PRP$ dues/NNS ./.
Consider/VB ,/, further/RBR ,/, that/IN nearly/RB all/DT predators/NNS apart/RB from/IN foxes/NNS are/VBP now/RB protected/VBN species/NNS ,/, and/CC that/IN owning/VBG a/DT gun/NN license/NN is/VBZ very/RB expensive/JJ ,/, and/CC you/PRP will/MD understand/VB why/WRB the/DT hunter/NN 's/POS lot/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT happy/JJ one/CD ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, hunting/NN continues/VBZ to/TO have/VB an/DT atavistic/JJ hold/NN on/IN many/JJ Tuscan/NNP men/NNS over/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN 50/CD ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ among/IN this/DT group/NN that/IN the/DT poisoners--probably/JJ only/RB a/DT handful/NN of/IN them--are/JJ assumed/VBD to/TO lurk/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ main/JJ targets/NNS may/MD not/RB be/VB dogs/NNS but/CC foxes/NNS ,/, for/IN which/WDT they/PRP also/RB lay/VBP illegal/JJ traps/NNS ./.
But/CC they/PRP do/VBP not/RB hesitate/VB to/TO place/VB their/PRP$ poisoned/VBN baits/NNS close/RB to/TO people/NNS 's/POS houses/NNS where/WRB dogs/NNS ,/, cats/NNS ,/, and/CC even/RB children/NNS may/MD find/VB them/PRP ./.
Together/RB with/IN their/PRP$ addiction/NN to/TO killing/VBG birds/NNS ,/, they/PRP have/VBP inherited/VBN from/IN their/PRP$ ancestors/NNS a/DT cruel/JJ indifference/NN to/TO the/DT fate/NN of/IN any/DT animal/NN ,/, even/RB that/IN of/IN a/DT much-loved/JJ pet/NN ./.
All/DT attempts/NNS to/TO identify/VB the/DT poisoners/NNS are/VBP frustrated/VBN by/IN a/DT tradition/NN of/IN reluctance/NN ,/, even/RB among/IN their/PRP$ victims/NNS ,/, to/TO tangle/NN with/IN authority/NN ./.
I/PRP called/VBD on/IN a/DT neighbor/NN whose/WP$ dog/NN was/VBD poisoned/VBN along/IN with/IN ours/PRP ,/, and/CC he/PRP said/VBD that/IN if/IN he/PRP found/VBD the/DT perpetrator/NN ,/, he/PRP would/MD give/VB him/PRP the/DT thrashing/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP would/MD n't/RB dream/NN of/IN going/VBG to/TO the/DT police/NN ./.
At/IN that/DT level/NN of/IN society/NN ,/, Tuscany/NNP is/VBZ not/RB so/RB different/JJ from/IN Sicily/NNP ./.
We/PRP think/VBP we/PRP know/VBP who/WP may/MD have/VB done/VBN it/PRP ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ an/DT old/JJ man/NN who/WP lives/VBZ nearby/JJ ,/, a/DT fanatical/JJ member/NN of/IN the/DT local/JJ hunting/NN fraternity/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN against/IN him/PRP ,/, but/CC he/PRP once/RB explained/VBD to/TO another/DT neighbor/NN how/WRB to/TO make/VB poisoned/VBN meatballs/NNS with/IN a/DT mixture/NN of/IN legal/JJ substances--organophosphates/JJ and/CC others--that/JJ cause/NN internal/JJ hemorrhaging/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD what/WP killed/VBD Allegra/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ car/NN was/VBD seen/VBN near/IN our/PRP$ house/NN around/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT poisoning/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX 's/VBZ little/JJ point/NN in/IN pursuing/VBG the/DT perpetrator/NN ,/, whoever/WP he/PRP or/CC she/PRP may/MD be/VB ./.
While/IN poisoning/NN dogs/NNS is/VBZ strictly/RB illegal/JJ ,/, there/EX have/VBP to/TO be/VB two/CD witnesses/NNS who/WP saw/VBD the/DT laying/VBG down/RB of/IN the/DT poison/NN ,/, and/CC even/RB then/RB the/DT punishment/NN is/VBZ only/RB a/DT modest/JJ fine/NN ./.
The/DT perpetual/JJ hair/NN crisis/NN is/VBZ never/RB over/IN ./.
Hair/NNP produces/VBZ 10/CD times/NNS the/DT anxiety/NN clothes/NNS ever/RB stir/VBP up--nobody/JJ admits/VBZ to/TO having/VBG a/DT bad/JJ clothes/NNS day/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ./.
Fashion/NNP in/IN coiffure/NN naturally/RB relates/VBZ to/TO what/WP 's/VBZ cool/NN below/IN the/DT neck/NN ,/, but/CC since/IN we/PRP mostly/RB grow/VBP our/PRP$ hair/NN ourselves/PRP ,/, its/PRP$ visual/JJ life/NN has/VBZ a/DT stronger/JJR meaning/VBG than/IN that/DT of/IN pants/NNS and/CC shirts/NNS ./.
A/DT man/NN I/PRP know/VBP ,/, a/DT distinguished/VBN professor/NN of/IN philosophy/NN at/IN a/DT distinguished/VBN university/NN ,/, has/VBZ just/RB had/VBN his/PRP$ short/JJ ,/, light-brown/JJ hair/NN dyed/VBN platinum/NN blond/JJ ./.
What/WP made/VBD him/PRP do/VBP that/DT ?/.
He/PRP wanted/VBD ,/, he/PRP told/VBD me--this/JJ man/NN 's/POS career/NN is/VBZ based/VBN on/IN deep/JJ thinking/NN and/CC he/PRP lives/VBZ in/IN amorous/JJ harmony/NN with/IN a/DT woman--to/JJ look/NN like/IN a/DT gay/JJ weight/NN lifter/NN ./.
So/IN he/PRP does/VBZ ,/, sort/NN of/IN ./.
His/PRP$ new/JJ hair/NN produces/VBZ a/DT fine/NN ambiguous/JJ effect/NN ,/, a/DT not-so-easily-readable/JJ physical/JJ presence/NN that/WDT can/MD blend/VB in/IN with/IN several/JJ wayward/JJ forms/NNS of/IN nonacademic/JJ company/NN ./.
It/PRP also/RB gives/VBZ just/RB the/DT slightest/JJS salutary/JJ fright/NN to/TO colleagues/NNS and/CC students/NNS ./.
Not/RB everybody/NN pinpoints/NNS his/PRP$ own/JJ wishes/NNS as/RB accurately/RB as/IN my/PRP$ friend/NN ,/, but/CC since/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN compulsory/JJ hats/NNS ,/, men/NNS and/CC women/NNS have/VBP allowed/VBN their/PRP$ personal/JJ fantasies/NNS to/TO focus/VB on/IN hair/NN even/RB more/JJR than/IN on/IN clothes/NNS ./.
Clothes/NNPS are/VBP public/JJ husks/NNS ,/, they/PRP shift/VBP on/IN and/CC off/IN your/PRP$ body/NN and/CC in/IN and/CC out/IN of/IN fashion/NN and/CC your/PRP$ life/NN ;/: you/PRP can/MD hide/VB your/PRP$ alternate/JJ selves/NNS ,/, or/CC your/PRP$ mistakes/NNS ,/, in/IN the/DT back/NN of/IN the/DT closet/NN ./.
But/CC hair/NN is/VBZ only/RB partially/RB public/JJ ./.
Since/IN it/PRP stays/VBZ with/IN you/PRP continuously/RB ,/, even/RB while/IN you/PRP 're/VBP naked/JJ ,/, your/PRP$ hair/NN adorns/NNS your/PRP$ most/RBS intimate/JJ identity/NN ,/, just/RB as/IN your/PRP$ face/NN does/VBZ ,/, and/CC only/RB secondarily/RB supports/VBZ the/DT roles/NNS you/PRP play/VBP in/IN life/NN ./.
What/WP you/PRP do/VBP with/IN it/PRP has/VBZ to/TO satisfy/VB in/IN both/DT realms/NNS ./.
Not/RB so/RB easy/JJ in/IN our/PRP$ hyperconscious/JJ and/CC fractional/JJ modern/JJ world/NN ./.
The/DT hard/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT comforting/JJ fantasy/NN you/PRP realize/VBP on/IN your/PRP$ head/NN may/MD seem/VB like/IN quite/RB another/DT thing/NN to/TO the/DT world/NN ./.
You/PRP cut/VBP your/PRP$ hair/NN very/RB short/JJ to/TO feel/VB young/JJ and/CC free/JJ ;/: your/PRP$ audience/NN sees/VBZ the/DT look/NN of/IN a/DT plucked/VBN turkey/NN ./.
Your/PRP$ haircut/NN imitates/NNS a/DT movie/NN star/NN 's/POS ;/: in/IN it/PRP you/PRP resemble/VBP a/DT schoolteacher/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, hair/NN fantasy/NN is/VBZ mostly/RB unconscious/JJ and/CC so/RB is/VBZ the/DT response/NN to/TO it/PRP ./.
Our/PRP$ personal/JJ failures/NNS count/VBP as/IN such/JJ only/RB if/IN we/PRP feel/VBP that/IN our/PRP$ hidden/VBN hair/NN agenda/NN fails/VBZ us/PRP ./.
Most/JJS others/NNS do/VBP n't/RB notice/VB anything/NN ./.
The/DT publicity/NN of/IN private/JJ hair/NN is/VBZ a/DT long/JJ story/NN ;/: it/PRP figures/VBZ in/IN the/DT willingly/RB shaven/NN heads/NNS of/IN ancient/JJ priests/NNS and/CC modern/JJ skinheads/NNS ,/, in/IN the/DT punitive/JJ shearing/VBG of/IN male/JJ convicts/NNS and/CC female/JJ French/JJ collaborators/NNS ,/, in/IN huge/JJ powdered/JJ wigs/NNS and/CC elaborately/RB extended/VBN curls/NNS or/CC braids/NNS ./.
Politically/RB charged/VBN hair/NN doubtless/RB dates/VBZ straight/JJ back/RB to/TO humanity/NN 's/POS first/JJ racial/JJ conflicts/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB preceded/VBN by/IN its/PRP$ earliest/JJS social/JJ conflicts/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT hair/NN of/IN the/DT enemy/NN that/IN marks/NNS him/PRP as/IN such/JJ ,/, as/IN with/IN the/DT flowing/VBG tresses/NNS of/IN royalist/NN Cavaliers/NNP (/( effete/JJ tyrants/NNS )/) and/CC the/DT cropped/VBN hair/NN of/IN parliamentary/JJ Roundheads/NNP (/( crude/NN thugs/NNS )/) during/IN the/DT English/NNP Civil/NNP War/NNP ./.
Partisan/NNP passion/NN about/IN hair/NN has/VBZ been/VBN keenest/NN in/IN gender/NN politics--expressed/JJ mainly/RB by/IN women/NNS cutting/VBG off/IN their/PRP$ hair/NN and/CC by/IN men/NNS growing/VBG it--since/JJ hair/NN is/VBZ universally/RB erotic/JJ and/CC has/VBZ no/DT function/NN except/IN as/IN a/DT vehicle/NN of/IN pleasure/NN and/CC meaning/VBG ./.
The/DT idea/NN that/IN men/NNS and/CC women/NNS must/MD wear/VB differing/VBG coiffures/NNS goes/VBZ very/RB deep/JJ ,/, since/IN visible/JJ hair/NN is/VBZ what/WP should/MD reveal/VB the/DT invisible/JJ difference/NN between/IN the/DT bodies/NNS ./.
This/DT shows/VBZ up/RB in/IN pictures/NNS of/IN Adam/NNP and/CC Eve/NNP before/IN the/DT Fall/NN ,/, where/WRB his/PRP$ hair/NN is/VBZ always/RB rather/RB short/JJ and/CC hers/PRP is/VBZ always/RB very/RB long/JJ and/CC noticeable/JJ ,/, as/IN if/IN God/NNP had/VBD personally/RB styled/VBN them/PRP that/DT way/NN from/IN the/DT beginning/NN ./.
For/IN some/DT years/NNS now/RB women/NNS have/VBP been/VBN wearing/VBG disorderly/JJ hair/NN as/IN a/DT rule--the/JJ more/RBR chic/JJ the/DT messier/NN ./.
An/DT insouciant/NN ,/, infantile/JJ carelessness/NNS seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB the/DT desired/VBN effect/NN ,/, even/RB if/IN a/DT well-tailored/JJ suit/NN is/VBZ covering/VBG a/DT well-tended/JJ body/NN below/IN the/DT helter-skelter/JJ head/NN ./.
This/DT custom/NN suggests/VBZ new/JJ stages/NNS in/IN the/DT old/JJ rebellion/NN against/IN religious/JJ strictures/NNS ,/, which/WDT once/RB demanded/VBD that/IN female/JJ hair--divinely/JJ ordained/VBN to/TO be/VB long/JJ and/CC seductive--be/JJ covered/VBN up/RP lest/IN it/PRP incite/NN lust/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT modern/JJ West/NNP ,/, progressive/JJ slackening/VBG of/IN those/DT rules/NNS came/VBD to/TO permit/VB naked/JJ hair/NN for/IN women/NNS ,/, but/CC only/RB under/IN visible/JJ control--not/JJ hidden/VBN ,/, but/CC very/RB well-dressed/JJ in/IN public/NN ./.
Even/RB short/JJ hair/NN was/VBD eventually/RB acceptable/JJ for/IN women/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, but/CC visibly/RB careful/JJ grooming/VBG was/VBD still/RB the/DT rule/NN for/IN fashionable/JJ female/JJ heads/NNS until/IN the/DT last/JJ 15/CD years/NNS or/CC so/RB ./.
Since/IN then/RB we/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN having/VBG the/DT mop/VB and/CC the/DT shag/NN and/CC the/DT mane/NN and/CC the/DT haystack/NN ,/, with/IN straight/JJ and/CC curled/VBD ,/, long/JJ and/CC short/JJ versions/NNS of/IN each/DT ,/, sometimes/RB untidily/RB caught/VBN up/RP in/IN clamps/NNS and/CC clasps/NNS and/CC elastic/JJ bands/NNS ./.
Hair/NNP in/IN historical/JJ movies/NNS is/VBZ often/RB the/DT same/JJ ,/, never/RB mind/NN the/DT elaborately/RB coiled/JJ and/CC oiled/JJ evidence/NN of/IN history/NN ./.
It/PRP would/MD seem/VB that/IN the/DT more/RBR powerful/JJ modern/JJ women/NNS feel/VBP ,/, the/DT less/JJR they/PRP want/VBP their/PRP$ hair/NN to/TO look/VB submissive--and/JJ that/WDT includes/VBZ neat/JJ ./.
By/IN contrast/NN the/DT complex/JJ systems/NNS of/IN braids/NNS worn/VBN by/IN many/JJ black/JJ women/NNS seem/VBP like/IN elegant/JJ reincarnations/NNS of/IN ancient/JJ Egyptian/JJ or/CC Minoan/NNP practice/NN ,/, a/DT civilized/JJ display/NN of/IN effort/NN made/VBD ,/, precise/JJ care/NN taken/VBN ,/, beauty/NN manifestly/RB pursued/VBD and/CC achieved/VBN in/IN the/DT most/RBS august/JJ tradition/NN ./.
This/DT idea/NN is/VBZ even/RB fashionably/RB acceptable/JJ for/IN the/DT chic/JJ face/NN and/CC body/NN and/CC for/IN certain/JJ clothes/NNS ,/, but/CC not/RB for/IN modish/JJ hair/NN ./.
Heaven/NNP forbid/NN that/IN the/DT old/JJ tease-and-spray/JJ routines/NNS should/MD appear/VB habitual/NN to/TO Carolyn/NNP Bessette-/NNP Kennedy/NNP or/CC the/DT supermodels/NNS ./.
The/DT look/NN of/IN money/NN spent/VBN ,/, yes--mops/JJ and/CC haystacks/NNS do/VBP actually/RB need/VBP a/DT constant/JJ attention/NN that/IN braids/NNS do/VBP n't/RB ;/: and/CC elaborate/VB processes/VBZ for/IN streaking/VBG and/CC tinting/VBG and/CC correctly/RB disarranging/VBG them/PRP can/MD rack/NN up/RP a/DT very/RB noticeable/JJ tab/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT overall/JJ impression/NN must/MD remain/VB that/IN of/IN no/DT trouble/NN taken/VBN whatsoever/RB ,/, even/RB to/TO make/VB a/DT straight/JJ part/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN the/DT hair/NN looks/VBZ as/IN if/IN sun/NN and/CC wind/NN and/CC some/DT tumbling/VBG in/IN bed/NN were/VBD all/DT it/PRP ever/RB got/VBD ./.
Anything/NN too/RB processed/VBD might/MD smack/RB of/IN oppression/NN or/CC repression/NN ,/, pretension/NN or/CC hypocrisy/NN ,/, maybe/RB acknowledged/VBD alliance/NN with/IN reactionary/JJ values/NNS ,/, the/DT Margaret/NNP Thatcher/NNP effect/NN ./.
Coiffed/NNP hair/NN is/VBZ desirable/JJ for/IN TV/NN anchorwomen/NN and/CC political/JJ candidates/NNS ,/, as/IN a/DT proper/JJ concession/NN to/TO masculine/JJ convention/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB when/WRB off-duty/JJ ./.
Men/NN have/VBP a/DT harder/RBR time/NN with/IN their/PRP$ hair/NN ./.
Censure/NNP for/IN hairstyles/NNS has/VBZ mostly/RB fallen/VBN on/IN men/NNS ,/, since/IN male/JJ appearance/NN has/VBZ forever/RB mattered/VBN so/RB much/JJ at/IN war/NN and/CC work/NN ./.
Detailed/NNP rules/NNS have/VBP much/RB more/RBR often/RB been/VBN applied/VBN to/TO male/JJ rather/RB than/IN to/TO female/JJ arrangements/NNS ./.
As/IN a/DT result/NN men/NNS are/VBP much/RB more/RBR afraid/JJ of/IN looking/VBG ridiculous/JJ than/IN women/NNS are/VBP ,/, since/IN female/JJ fashion/NN has/VBZ risk/NN built/VBN into/IN it/PRP ./.
For/IN men/NNS 's/POS hair/NN ,/, the/DT cosmic/JJ risk/NN is/VBZ the/DT possible/JJ baldness/NNS haunting/VBG them/PRP all/DT ,/, and/CC that/WDT only/RB adds/VBZ to/TO the/DT high/JJ tension/NN attending/VBG male/JJ choices/NNS ./.
Modern/NNP men/NNS have/VBP been/VBN saddled/VBN with/IN an/DT image/NN of/IN strong/JJ simplicity/NN ,/, the/DT neat/JJ suggestion/NN of/IN an/DT upper-class/JJ sporting/NN and/CC military/JJ milieu/NN ./.
That/DT Ralph/NNP Laurenish/NNP note/NN blends/NNS quite/RB well/RB with/IN proletarian/JJ chic/JJ or/CC the/DT skinhead/NN aesthetic/JJ ./.
The/DT visual/JJ keynote/NN is/VBZ sharp/JJ clarity/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN the/DT overall/JJ norm/NN is/VBZ neat/JJ ,/, short/JJ hair/NN ,/, give/VB or/CC take/VB a/DT few/JJ inches/NNS ./.
Long/NNP and/CC flowing/VBG is/VBZ occasional/JJ ,/, really/RB messy/NN is/VBZ exceptional/JJ ./.
But/CC dreadlocks/NNS aside/RB ,/, modern/JJ pared-down/JJ male/JJ looks/NNS ,/, even/RB daring/JJ ones/NNS ,/, will/MD not/RB permit/VB any/DT deliberately/RB ornamental/JJ curling/VBG and/CC braiding/VBG and/CC powdering/VBG and/CC adorning/VBG of/IN hair/NN ./.
That/DT mostly/RB leaves/VBZ creative/JJ topiary/JJ ,/, with/IN shearing/VBG and/CC partial/JJ shearing/VBG included/VBN ,/, for/IN the/DT fantasy/NN life/NN of/IN male/JJ hair/NN ./.
Flagrant/NNP dyeing/VBG for/IN men/NNS is/VBZ also/RB becoming/VBG more/RBR common/JJ ,/, following/VBG female/JJ practice--but/JJ not/RB in/IN the/DT mainstream/NN ,/, out/IN of/IN which/WDT my/PRP$ academic/JJ friend/NN is/VBZ so/RB eager/JJ to/TO keep/VB ./.
At/IN an/DT earlier/JJR period/NN ,/, this/DT same/JJ adventurous/JJ philosopher/NN briefly/NN affected/VBD the/DT softly/RB stubbled/JJ face/NN ,/, and/CC still/RB earlier/RBR the/DT quarter-inch-long/JJ haircut/NN then/RB uncommon/JJ even/RB at/IN the/DT margins/NNS ,/, except/IN in/IN military/JJ school/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP did/VBD that/IN ,/, I/PRP said/VBD ,/, how/WRB could/MD you/PRP ?/.
why/WRB did/VBD you/PRP ?/.
wailing/VBG at/IN the/DT loss/NN of/IN his/PRP$ fine/NN thatch/NN and/CC simultaneously/RB unable/JJ to/TO keep/VB from/IN stroking/VBG his/PRP$ mown/NN ,/, velvety/NN skull/NN ./.
"/" Q/NNP ./.
E/NNP ./.
D/NNP ./.
"/" said/VBD he/PRP with/IN satisfaction/NN ./.
Touché/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, OCT/NNP ./.
27/CD -/: -/: Depending/VBG on/IN which/WDT high-minded/JJ pundit/NN you/PRP listen/VBP to/TO ,/, you/PRP know/VBP that/IN the/DT Senate/NNP race/NN between/IN incumbent/JJ Republican/NNP Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP and/CC Rep/NNP ./.
Chuck/NNP Schumer/NNP is/VBZ either/CC 1/LS )/) the/DT "/" dirtiest/JJS "/" or/CC 2/LS )/) the/DT "/" ugliest/NN "/" campaign/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS history/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT campaign/NN ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, in/IN which/WDT the/DT challenger/NN 's/POS slogan/NN is/VBZ "/" Too/RB many/JJ lies/NNS for/IN too/RB long/JJ ,/, "/" where/WRB each/DT candidate/NN blithely/RB runs/VBZ ads/NNS accusing/VBG his/PRP$ opponent/NN of/IN coddling/NN child/NN pornographers/NNS ,/, and/CC where/WRB virtually/RB the/DT only/RB intelligible/JJ sentences/NNS of/IN the/DT so-called/JJ debates/NNS were/VBD "/" Stop/NNP being/VBG rude/JJ !/.
"/" and/CC "/" Let/VB me/PRP finish/VB !/.
"/" Right-thinking/NNP New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS (/( and/CC there/EX are/VBP far/RB too/RB many/JJ of/IN them/PRP )/) agree/VBP :/: This/DT Senate/NNP race/NN is/VBZ a/DT perversion/NN of/IN democracy/NN ./.
The/DT goo-goos/JJ have/VBP it/PRP wrong/JJ ./.
This/DT race/NN has/VBZ done/VBN exactly/RB what/WP a/DT campaign/NN should/MD :/: expose/VB the/DT candidates/NNS in/IN all/DT their/PRP$ nakedness/NNS ./.
Newspapers/NNS and/CC commentators/NNS solemnly/RB observe/VBP that/IN this/DT riot/NN of/IN negative/JJ ads/NNS and/CC name-calling/NN has/VBZ cost/VBN $/$ 40/CD million/CD (/( roughly/RB $/$ 25/CD million/CD from/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP and/CC the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP ,/, the/DT balance/NN from/IN Schumer/NNP and/CC the/DT Democrats/NNPS )/) ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ about/IN $/$ 2/CD for/IN every/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ./.
A/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, Slate/NNP 's/POS Steven/NNP E/NNP ./.
Landsburg/NNP wrote/VBD a/DT column/NN arguing/VBG that/IN every/DT American/NNP has/VBZ got/VBN 15/CD cents/NNS worth/NN of/IN entertainment/NN from/IN the/DT $/$ 40/CD million/CD Ken/NNP Starr/NNP investigation/NN ./.
Well/RB ,/, if/IN there/EX are/VBP any/DT New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS who/WP have/VBP n't/RB got/VBN $/$ 2/CD worth/NN of/IN diversion/NN out/IN of/IN the/DT Schumer-/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP race/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP n't/RB met/VBN them/PRP ./.
Schumer/NNP is/VBZ stumping/VBG today/NN with/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ fitting/JJ ,/, because/IN Schumer/NNP would/MD like/VB everyone/NN to/TO believe/VB that/IN Clintonism/NNP is/VBZ the/DT core/NN of/IN his/PRP$ campaign/NN ./.
The/DT Brooklyn/NNP representative/NN has/VBZ spent/VBN the/DT last/JJ few/JJ years/NNS doing/VBG what/WP Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP did/VBD before/IN his/PRP$ presidential/JJ run/NN ,/, shaking/VBG off/IN a/DT mostly/RB liberal/JJ record/NN and/CC repositioning/NN himself/PRP as/IN a/DT moderate/JJ who/WP understands/VBZ suburban/JJ voters/NNS ./.
Schumer/NNP abandoned/VBD his/PRP$ opposition/NN to/TO the/DT death/NN penalty/NN ,/, voted/VBD for/IN the/DT Defense/NNP of/IN Marriage/NNP Act/NNP ,/, and/CC signed/VBN on/IN to/TO every/DT crime/NN bill/NN he/PRP could/MD find/VB ./.
At/IN all/DT his/PRP$ campaign/NN appearances/NNS ,/, Schumer/NNP emphasizes/VBZ that/IN "/" I/PRP am/VBP a/DT tough-on-crime/JJ moderate/JJ ./.
"/" Like/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ counting/VBG on/IN liberals/NNS to/TO vote/VB for/IN him/PRP because/IN they/PRP have/VBP nowhere/RB else/RB to/TO go/VB ./.
(/( Schumer/NNP resembles/VBZ Clinton/NNP in/IN another/DT way/NN :/: He/PRP takes/VBZ credit/NN for/IN everything/NN ./.
Schumer/NNP ,/, I/PRP learned/VBD from/IN his/PRP$ past/JJ few/JJ days/NNS of/IN campaign/NN appearances/NNS ,/, is/VBZ responsible/JJ for/IN the/DT national/JJ drop/NN in/IN crime/NN ,/, the/DT protection/NN of/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP and/CC Medicare/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT budget/NN deal/NN ./.
Thank/VB you/PRP ,/, congressman/NN !/.
His/PRP$ New/NNP York/NNP Democratic/JJ colleagues/NNS have/VBP coined/VBN the/DT phrase/NN "/" to/TO Schume/NNP ./.
"/" It/PRP means/VBZ "/" to/TO take/VB credit/NN for/IN something/NN that/IN others/NNS have/VBP done/VBN ./.
"/" )/)
But/CC if/IN Schumer/NNP is/VBZ a/DT Clinton/NNP on/IN paper/NN ,/, he/PRP certainly/RB is/VBZ n't/RB in/IN the/DT flesh/NN ./.
Today/NN 's/POS appearance/NN with/IN the/DT first/JJ lady/NN at/IN a/DT New/NNP Rochelle/NNP senior/JJ center/NN makes/VBZ this/DT glaringly/RB obvious/JJ ./.
When/WRB Bill/NNP and/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP appear/VB together/RB ,/, he/PRP radiates/NNS the/DT warmth/NN ./.
When/WRB Schumer/NNP and/CC Hillary/NNP appear/VBP together/RB ,/, she/PRP does/VBZ ./.
Hillary/NNP is/VBZ chatty/NN and/CC informal/JJ ./.
Schumer/NNP has/VBZ all/PDT the/DT charm/NN of/IN a/DT lawnmower/NN ./.
To/TO a/DT crowd/NN of/IN genial/JJ ,/, upbeat/JJ seniors/NNS ,/, Schumer/NNP serves/VBZ vicious/JJ attacks/NNS on/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
He/PRP fires/VBZ off/RP some/DT good/JJ lines/NNS :/: D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP votes/NNS "/" like/IN a/DT senator/NN from/IN Mississippi/NNP ,/, not/RB a/DT senator/NN from/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, "/" and/CC "/" When/WRB the/DT choice/NN was/VBD between/IN Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP and/CC seniors/NNS ,/, Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP chose/VBD Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT vitriol/NN does/VBZ n't/RB fit/VB the/DT mood/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB flamethrowing/VBG ,/, he/PRP lectures/VBZ ./.
He/PRP responds/VBZ to/TO one/CD question/NN from/IN an/DT 81/CD -/: year-old/JJ with/IN an/DT endless/JJ ,/, learned/VBD ,/, and/CC cringingly/RB dull/JJ discourse/NN on/IN health/NN care/NN financing/NN ./.
Schumer/NNP is/VBZ no/DT fun/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT grind/VB ./.
If/IN he/PRP were/VBD a/DT salesman/NN ,/, you/PRP 'd/MD buy/VB the/DT car/NN just/RB to/TO get/VB him/PRP to/TO leave/VB you/PRP alone/RB ./.
Even/RB his/PRP$ loyalists/NNS do/VBP n't/RB seem/VB to/TO like/IN him/PRP much/JJ ./.
The/DT half-dozen/NN elderly/JJ women/NNS I/PRP spoke/VBD to/TO after/IN the/DT event/NN all/DT said/VBD the/DT same/JJ thing/NN :/: Of/IN course/NN they/PRP would/MD vote/VB for/IN Schumer--but/NNP mostly/RB because/IN they/PRP hate/VBP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
(/( Brief/NNP interruption/NN for/IN speculation/NN about/IN Hillary/NNP 's/POS peculiar/JJ behavior/NN ./.
She/PRP clearly/RB loathes/VBZ D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ,/, and/CC she/PRP makes/VBZ a/DT point/NN of/IN never/RB referring/VBG to/TO him/PRP by/IN name/NN ./.
She/PRP calls/VBZ him/PRP only/RB "/" Chuck/NNP Schumer/NNP 's/POS opponent/NN ./.
"/" Here/RB 's/VBZ the/DT peculiarity/NN :/: She/PRP also/RB never/RB refers/VBZ to/TO Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP by/IN name/NN ./.
She/PRP calls/VBZ him/PRP "/" my/PRP$ husband/NN "/" or/CC "/" the/DT president/NN ,/, "/" never/RB "/" Bill/NNP ./.
"/" Does/VBZ this/DT have/VBP psychological/JJ significance/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ she/PRP so/RB angry/JJ that/IN she/PRP wo/MD n't/RB say/VB his/PRP$ name/NN ?/.
The/DT lesson/NN of/IN the/DT Schumer/NNP campaign/NN is/VBZ not/RB that/IN you/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB Clinton/NNP to/TO beat/VB D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ,/, given/VBN that/IN the/DT overbearing/VBG Schumer/NNP will/MD never/RB be/VB Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT lesson/NN of/IN the/DT Schumer/NNP campaign/NN is/VBZ that/IN you/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP to/TO beat/VB D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
Clintonism/NNP is/VBZ relentlessness/NNS plus/CC charm/NN ./.
D/NNP '/POS Amatoism/NNP (/( which/WDT is/VBZ now/RB Schumerism/NNP )/) is/VBZ just/RB relentlessness/NNS ,/, and/CC to/TO hell/NN with/IN the/DT charm/NN ./.
My/PRP$ mother-in-law/NN ,/, who/WP lives/VBZ in/IN Schumer/NNP 's/POS congressional/JJ district/NN and/CC always/RB votes/VBZ for/IN him/PRP ,/, says/VBZ she/PRP 's/VBZ thinking/NN of/IN supporting/VBG D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP this/DT year/NN :/: "/" He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT sleaze/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ good/JJ for/IN the/DT Jews/NNPS ./.
"/" Substitute/NNP "/" gays/NNS "/" or/CC "/" Irish/JJ "/" or/CC "/" farmers/NNS "/" or/CC "/" cancer/NN victims/NNS "/" or/CC "/" bankers/NNS "/" for/IN "/" Jews/NNPS ,/, "/" and/CC you/PRP begin/VBP to/TO see/VB Schumer/NNP 's/POS struggle/NN ./.
Sen/NNP ./.
Pothole/NNP is/VBZ the/DT master/NN of/IN the/DT ethnic/JJ pork/NN barrel/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP shows/VBZ up/RB at/IN Jewish/JJ gatherings/NNS wearing/VBG a/DT yarmulke/NN with/IN "/" Alfonse/NNP "/" stitched/VBN on/IN it/PRP ./.
)/) He/PRP relies/VBZ on/IN "/" We/PRP owe/VBP him/PRP "/" to/TO override/VB voters/NNS '/POS distaste/NN for/IN his/PRP$ viciousness/NNS and/CC basic/JJ amorality/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN 18/CD years/NNS ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ ./.
Schumer/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB yet/RB have/VB the/DT pull/NN to/TO imitate/VBP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP 's/POS pork-barreling/NN (/( though/IN he/PRP would/MD if/IN he/PRP could--/JJ Schumer/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, happily/RB obeys/NNS Wall/NNP Street/NNP 's/POS bidding/NN on/IN the/DT House/NNP Banking/NNP Committee/NNP in/IN order/NN to/TO raise/VB campaign/NN funds/NNS )/) ./.
So/RB Schumer/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN the/DT next/JJ best/JJS thing/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO steal/VB D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN style/NN ./.
In/IN Schumer/NNP ,/, D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP finally/RB faces/VBZ an/DT opponent/NN who/WP 's/VBZ as/IN hardheaded/JJ ,/, shameless/JJ ,/, and/CC effective/JJ as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
Usually/RB D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP dictates/VBZ a/DT campaign/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ opponent/NN desperately/RB plays/VBZ defense/NN ./.
Schumer/NNP has/VBZ turned/VBN the/DT tables/NNS on/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
The/DT first/JJ day/NN after/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ primary/NN ,/, Schumer/NNP unleashed/VBD "/" Too/RB many/JJ lies/NNS for/IN too/RB long/JJ "/" ads/NNS ./.
More/RBR recently/RB ,/, D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP stupidly/RB (/( but/CC innocently/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP )/) called/VBN Schumer/NNP a/DT "/" putzhead/NN ,/, "/" then/RB denied/VBD having/VBG said/VBN it/PRP ./.
(/( "/" Putz/NNP "/" is/VBZ a/DT Yiddish/JJ insult/NN that/WDT literally/RB means/VBZ "/" penis/NNS "/" but/CC in/IN common/JJ usage/NN means/VBZ "/" fool/NN ./.
"/" )/) Schumer/NNP has/VBZ managed/VBN to/TO gin/NN this/DT into/IN an/DT ongoing/JJ controversy/NN about/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP 's/POS trustworthiness/NNS and/CC to/TO score/NN major/JJ points/NNS with/IN Jewish/JJ voters/NNS ./.
Since/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS murder/NN of/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP abortion/NN doctor/NN ,/, Schumer/NNP 's/POS people/NNS have/VBP subtly/RB tried/VBN to/TO connect/VB the/DT anti-abortion/JJ D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP with/IN the/DT extremist/NN right-to-lifers/NNS ./.
And/CC every/DT time/NN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP has/VBZ attacked/VBN ,/, Schumer/NNP has/VBZ fired/VBN it/PRP back/RB in/IN his/PRP$ face/NN ./.
D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP tried/VBD to/TO exploit/VB the/DT ill/JJ feelings/NNS between/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP and/CC upstate/JJ ./.
He/PRP ran/VBD an/DT ad/NN upstate/JJ depicting/VBG Schumer/NNP as/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP shark/NN swimming/NN up/RP the/DT Hudson/NNP ./.
Schumer/NNP immediately/RB countered/VBN by/IN running/VBG the/DT D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP commercial/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP ,/, labeling/VBG it/PRP "/" the/DT ad/NN Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB want/VB you/PRP to/TO see/VB ./.
"/" D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS strategy--to/JJ tar/NN Schumer/NNP as/IN a/DT lazy/JJ ,/, "/" part-time/JJ "/" congressman/NN who/WP skips/NNS votes--seems/JJ to/TO be/VB backfiring/VBG as/RB well/RB ./.
Newspaper/NNP after/IN newspaper/NN has/VBZ berated/VBD D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP for/IN this/DT patently/RB dishonest/JJ strategy/NN ,/, noting/VBG that/IN Schumer/NNP is/VBZ probably/RB the/DT hardest-working/JJ member/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ./.
Schumer/NNP ,/, like/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ,/, is/VBZ aggressive/JJ ,/, opportunistic/JJ ,/, and/CC unpleasant/JJ in/IN more/JJR ways/NNS that/IN I/PRP care/VBP to/TO discover/VB ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ a/DT fundamental/JJ difference/NN between/IN them/PRP ./.
D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP is/VBZ the/DT éminence/NN grise/NN (/( or/CC perhaps/RB the/DT éminence/NN noire/NN )/) of/IN the/DT corrupt/JJ Nassau/NNP County/NNP Republican/JJ machine/NN ./.
He/PRP believes/VBZ that/IN politics/NNS is/VBZ about/IN bending/VBG the/DT rules/NNS for/IN cronies/NNS and/CC campaign/NN contributors/NNS ,/, and/CC he/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN implicated/VBN in/IN more/RBR gross/JJ behavior/NN than/IN almost/RB any/DT politician/NN around/IN ./.
Schumer/NNP is/VBZ clean/JJ ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB cheat/VB ./.
He/PRP may/MD have/VB moderated/VBN his/PRP$ views/NNS to/TO win/VB ,/, but/CC he/PRP is/VBZ mostly/RB principled/JJ and/CC mostly/RB honest/JJ ./.
Even/RB so/RB ,/, out-/NN D/NNP '/POS Amatoing/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP on/IN the/DT campaign/NN trail/NN may/MD not/RB be/VB enough/RB ./.
Some/DT signs/NNS are/VBP promising/JJ for/IN Schumer/NNP ./.
A/DT week/NN out/IN ,/, the/DT polls/NNS are/VBP dead/JJ even/RB and/CC actually/RB seem/VBP to/TO be/VB trending/VBG slightly/RB in/IN Schumer/NNP 's/POS favor/NN ./.
D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN distracted/VBN by/IN Putzgate/NNP ,/, and/CC Schumer/NNP is/VBZ getting/VBG sweet/JJ PR/NNP off/RP Hillary/NNP 's/POS visit/NN and/CC the/DT president/NN 's/POS planned/VBN campaign/NN appearance/NN Friday/NNP ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO imagine/VB that/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP will/MD lose/VB ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ saved/VBN his/PRP$ war/NN chest/NN ./.
He/PRP and/CC the/DT GOP/NNP will/MD spend/VB $/$ 8/CD million/CD on/IN an/DT ad/NN blitz/NN during/IN the/DT five/CD days/NNS leading/VBG up/RP to/TO the/DT election/NN :/: Schumer/NNP has/VBZ saved/VBN only/RB a/DT small/JJ fraction/NN of/IN that/DT ./.
You/PRP can/MD be/VB sure/JJ that/IN the/DT D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ads/NNS will/MD be/VB cheap/JJ and/CC distorted/JJ ,/, but/CC that/IN at/IN least/JJS something/NN from/IN them/PRP will/MD stick/VB to/TO Schumer/NNP ./.
Every/DT article/NN about/IN Schumer/NNP notes/NNS that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ never/RB lost/VBN an/DT election/NN ./.
But/CC neither/DT has/VBZ D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Campaign/NNP '/POS 98/CD "/" Dispatches/NNP
"/" The/DT Gambling/NNP Gamble/NNP "/" :/: South/NNP Carolina/NNP 's/POS Democrats/NNPS Bet/NNP the/DT Farm/NNP
"/" Foghorn/NNP Leghorn/NNP Meets/NNP an/DT Owl/NNP "/" :/: Sen/NNP ./.
Fritz/NNP Hollings/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Rep/NNP ./.
Bob/NNP Inglis/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
20/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
To/TO hear/VB the/DT poet/NN read/NN "/" Seasons/NNPS Journal/NNP ,/, "/" click/NN ./.
seeing/VBG her/PRP$ off/IN only/RB incense/NN greets/VBZ him/PRP coming/VBG back/RB into/IN the/DT room/NN
stretched/VBN on/IN the/DT floor/NN after/IN a/DT long/JJ day/NN 's/POS talking/VBG rubbing/VBG noses/NNS with/IN his/PRP$ cat/NN
first/JJ frost/NN whitens/NNS grasses/NNS ,/, first/JJ white/JJ smoke/NN from/IN his/PRP$ neighbor/NN 's/POS cabin/NN
snow/NN at/IN night/NN :/: deep-sleeping/JJ population/NN comes/VBZ drifting/VBG down/RB
friend/NN not/RB seen/VBN for/IN years/NNS :/: gray/JJ whiskers/NNS around/IN the/DT boyish/JJ smile/NN
after/IN the/DT staid/JJ snowfalls/NNS the/DT rain/NN now/RB splashy/JJ as/IN children/NNS
on/IN and/CC on/IN reading/VBG a/DT friend/NN 's/POS new/JJ novel/NN wishing/VBG to/TO be/VB more/JJR kind/NN
the/DT great/JJ dead/JJ mallow/NN ready/JJ for/IN chopping/VBG springs/VBZ purple/JJ flowers/NNS
mind/NN wandering/VBG ,/, suddenly/RB driving/VBG very/RB fast/RB :/: Mozart/NNP in/IN the/DT car/NN
farmers/NNS '/POS market/NN carrying/VBG flowers/NNS carefully/RB down/RB crowded/VBN aisles/NNS
girls/NNS jump/VBP rope/NN in/IN out/IN pepper/NN pepper/NN old/JJ man/NN wipes/NNS his/PRP$ brow/NN
evening/NN tea/NN contemplating/VBG the/DT great/JJ kindness/NN of/IN everyone/NN
before/IN they/PRP risk/VBP a/DT word/NN the/DT poets/NNS at/IN the/DT lily/NN pond/NN drink/NN three/CD cups/NNS of/IN wine/NN
awkward/JJ moment/NN :/: gazing/VBG into/IN each/DT other/JJ 's/POS eyes/NNS a/DT bit/NN too/RB long/JJ
summer/NN 's/POS offering/NN ants/NNS on/IN the/DT windowsill/NN ants/NNS in/IN the/DT cat/NN 's/POS dish/NN
on/IN Hendry/NNP 's/POS Beach/NNP respectable/JJ ,/, leashed/JJ dog/NN ,/, sniffed/VBD by/IN free-ranging/JJ others/NNS
collecting/VBG beach/NN stones/NNS holes/NNS and/CC odd/JJ edges/NNS :/: slow/JJ artistry/NN
house-mice/JJ scurry/VB awake/JJ from/IN their/PRP$ naps/NNS after/IN the/DT heat/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN
digging/NN out/RP the/DT dandelions/NNS ;/: readying/VBG ground/NN for/IN the/DT next/JJ generation/NN
throw-aways/JJ at/IN the/DT curb/NN :/: inside-out/JJ umbrella/NN bed/NN that/WDT would/MD n't/RB work/VB
the/DT poppies/NNS sway/VBP the/DT wind/NN looks/VBZ around/IN the/DT cat/NN licks/NNS herself/PRP
awake/JJ ,/, listening/VBG :/: laughter/NN of/IN guest/NN love-makers/JJ trying/VBG to/TO be/VB more/RBR quiet/JJ
cooling/VBG evening/NN breeze/NN :/: the/DT potted/JJ plants/NNS take/VBP water/NN yield/NN back/RB earth-scent/JJ
late/RB for/IN work/NN he/PRP stands/VBZ there/EX reading/VBG an/DT old/JJ love/NN letter/NN
patch/NN of/IN moonlight/NN rocking/VBG ,/, rocking/VBG ,/, wo/MD n't/RB come/VB in/IN with/IN the/DT tide/NN
Complete/JJ this/DT expression/NN of/IN amazement/NN from/IN Dr/NNP ./.
Francis/NNP Collins/NNP of/IN the/DT National/NNP Institutes/NNPS of/IN Health/NNP ,/, "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB often/RB pick/VB up/RP a/DT scientific/JJ paper/NN and/CC find/VB myself/PRP getting/VBG chills/NNS ,/, as/IN I/PRP did/VBD when/WRB I/PRP saw/VBD _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN ./.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP Sunday/NNP to/TO news/NN _/NN quiz/NN @/IN hotmail/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Wednesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
346/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Solid/NNP Goldberg/NNP "/" :/:
While/IN introducing/VBG President/NNP Clinton/NNP at/IN a/DT Beverly/NNP Hills/NNP dinner/NN Tuesday/NNP ,/, Whoopi/NNP Goldberg/NNP recalled/VBD a/DT disturbing/JJ question/NN one/CD of/IN her/PRP$ granddaughters/NNS recently/RB asked/VBD ./.
"/" This/DT was/VBD kind/NN of/IN chilling/JJ ,/, because/IN it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB even/RB like/IN I/PRP could/MD say/VB ,/, '/" No/DT ,/, no/DT ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB going/VBG to/TO happen/VB ./.
'/POS "/" What/WP was/VBD the/DT question/NN ?/.
"/" Hey/NNP ,/, Grandma/NNP ,/, how/WRB the/DT fuck/NN did/VBD you/PRP fool/NN Mike/NNP Nichols/NNP so/RB badly/RB ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Larry/NNP Amoros/NNP
"/" Are/VBP you/PRP going/VBG to/TO let/VB Andy/NNP Dick/NNP baby-sit/JJ for/IN us/PRP again/RB ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Adam/NNP Bonin/NNP
"/" Are/VBP rampaging/VBG anarchists/NNS ever/RB going/VBG to/TO ransack/NN our/PRP$ neighborhood/NN Starbucks/NNP ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Peter/NNP Carlin/NNP
"/" Could/MD Bruce/NNP Vilanch/NNP write/VB even/RB more/RBR musical/JJ numbers/NNS into/IN next/JJ year/NN 's/POS Oscars/NNP ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Matt/NNP Sullivan/NNP (/( Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP and/CC Larry/NNP Amoros/NNP had/VBD similar/JJ answers/NNS ./.
"/" Gramma/NNP ,/, the/DT kids/NNS at/IN school/NN say/VBP that/IN one/CD day/NN ,/, the/DT Academy/NNP of/IN Motion/NNP Picture/NNP Arts/NNP and/CC Sciences/NNPS is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO come/VB to/TO your/PRP$ home/NN and/CC demand/VB the/DT return/NN of/IN the/DT Oscar/NNP (/( TM/NNP )/) you/PRP won/VBD for/IN Ghost/NN ,/, citing/VBG the/DT poor/JJ quality/NN of/IN your/PRP$ performances/NNS in/IN Eddie/NNP ,/, The/DT Associate/NNP ,/, Boys/NNPS on/IN the/DT Side/NNP and/CC ,/, to/TO be/VB perfectly/RB honest/JJ here/RB ,/, Ghost/NN ./.
Is/VBZ that/IN true/JJ ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Retribution/NNP in/IN Lieu/NNP of/IN an/DT Actual/JJ Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
Because/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS worthless/JJ e-mail/JJ provider/NN is/VBZ displaying/VBG its/PRP$ characteristic/JJ incompetence/NN (/( surely/RB not/RB treachery--that/JJ would/MD suggest/VB paranoia/NN on/IN my/PRP$ part/NN and/CC determination/NN and/CC skill/NN on/IN theirs--not/JJ likely/JJ )/) ,/, I/PRP received/VBD no/DT reader/NN responses/NNS to/TO today/NN 's/POS quiz/NN ,/, except/IN a/DT few/JJ that/WDT slipped/VBD through/IN enemy/NN lines/NNS ,/, and/CC those/DT using/VBG a/DT back/JJ channel/NN I/PRP 'd/MD rather/RB not/RB discuss/VB ./.
(/( I/NN can/MD say/VB that/IN my/PRP$ neighbors/NNS are/VBP pretty/RB annoyed/VBN at/IN the/DT pebbles/NNS inadvertently/RB flung/NN at/IN their/PRP$ windows/NNS ./.
)/) However/RB ,/, I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN given/VBN the/DT usual/JJ meaningless/JJ reassurances/NNS that/IN this/DT problem/NN will/MD be/VB corrected/VBN shortly/RB ./.
Complaints/NNS can/MD be/VB sent/VBN directly/RB to/TO Critical/JJ Path/NNP ./.
But/CC not/RB by/IN e-mail/JJ ./.
Gold/NNP Rush/NNP to/TO Judgment/NNP Answer/NNP
The/DT granddaughter/NN asked/VBD if/IN she/PRP might/MD get/VB killed/VBN at/IN school/NN ./.
Presumably/RB this/DT was/VBD an/DT inquiry/NN into/IN the/DT possibilities/NNS of/IN gun/NN violence/NN and/CC not/RB a/DT request/NN for/IN the/DT sweet/JJ release/NN that/DT death/NN can/MD bring/VB from/IN irksome/JJ relatives/NNS ./.
Whoopi/NNP told/VBD this/DT moving/VBG personal/JJ anecdote/NN at/IN an/DT event/NN marking/VBG the/DT sixth/JJ anniversary/NN of/IN the/DT Brady/NNP Bill/NNP ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ after-dinner/JJ remarks/NNS ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP said/VBD :/: "/" Screw/NNP it/PRP ./.
Go/VB on/IN and/CC shoot/VB each/DT other/JJ if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO ./.
What/WP the/DT hell/NN do/VBP I/PRP care/VBP ?/.
I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT lame/JJ duck/NN ./.
With/IN a/DT big/JJ butt/NN ./.
"/" No/DT ,/, no/DT ,/, of/IN course/NN he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ just/RB the/DT rum/NN cake/NN talking/NN ./.
If/IN there/EX was/VBD rum/NN cake/NN ./.
How/WRB should/MD I/PRP know/VB ?/.
I/PRP was/VBD n't/RB there/RB ./.
Unlike/IN Dweezil/NNP Zappa/NNP and/CC Gregory/NNP Peck/NNP ./.
What/WP the/DT president/NN said/VBD was/VBD ,/, "/" No/DT one/NN believes/VBZ America/NNP is/VBZ as/RB safe/JJ as/IN it/PRP should/MD be/VB or/CC can/MD be/VB ./.
Or/CC as/IN tidy/JJ ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB adding/VBG ./.
"/" We/PRP should/MD not/RB ./.
be/VB speechless/JJ when/WRB our/PRP$ children/NNS say/VBP ,/, '/" Am/NNP I/PRP going/VBG to/TO make/VB it/PRP to/TO Christmas/NNP ?/.
'/POS "/" said/VBD Goldberg/NNP ./.
"/" We/PRP should/MD give/VB them/PRP an/DT honest/JJ answer/NN :/: not/RB if/IN you/PRP keep/VBP asking/VBG these/DT phony-baloney/JJ movie-of-the-week/JJ questions/NNS ,/, "/" she/PRP untidily/RB failed/VBD to/TO add/VB ./.
Ought/NNP To/TO Biography/NNP Extra/NNP
Participants/NNS were/VBD asked/VBN for/IN the/DT title/NN of/IN a/DT much/RB needed/VBN but/CC unwritten/JJ autobiography/NN of/IN any/DT national/JJ political/JJ figure/NN ./.
"/" Seven/CD Years/NNS in/IN Tibetia/NNP ,/, by/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP
"/" I/PRP 've/VBP Finally/RB Made/VBN Up/IN My/PRP$ Mind/VB To/TO Run/NNP ,/, by/IN Mario/NNP Cuomo/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: David/NNP Salzman/NNP
"/" George/NNP W/NNP ./.
's/POS Yes/UH ,/, I/PRP Can/MD :/: My/PRP$ Dad/NNP Said/VBD !/.
"/" -/: -/: Larry/NNP Amoros/NNP
"/" Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Good/NNP Old/NNP Days/NNPS ,/, a/DT memoir/NN of/IN the/DT 3/CD ./.
7/CD ailment-free/JJ afternoons/NNS ./.
"/" -/: -/: Mary/NNP Fee/NN
"/" Teddy/NNP Kennedy/NNP 's/POS Shoulda/NNP ,/, Woulda/NNP ,/, Coulda/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jennifer/NNP Rubin/NNP
"/" Tuesdays/NNPS With/IN Malcolm/NNP (/( The/DT Rest/VB of/IN the/DT Week/NNP With/IN Mom/NN ,/, Because/IN Dad/NNP Was/VBD off/RP Hanging/NNP Out/IN With/IN His/PRP$ '/POS Motorcycle/NNP Club/NNP '/POS )/) ,/, by/IN Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP
Adam/NNP Bonin/NNP 's/POS David/NNP Foster/NNP Wallace/NNP collection/NN
Infinite/NNP Jest/NNP ,/, by/IN Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP
Brief/NN Interviews/NNS With/IN Hideous/NNP Men/NNP ,/, by/IN Ken/NNP Starr/NNP
Girl/NNP With/IN Curious/NNP Hair/NNP ,/, by/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP
The/DT Broom/NNP of/IN the/DT System/NNP ,/, by/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP
A/DT Supposedly/RB Fun/NNP Thing/NNP I/PRP 'll/MD Never/RB Do/VB Again/RB ,/, by/IN William/NNP J/NNP ./.
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR books/NNS ./.
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Exasperation/NNP with/IN Critical/JJ Path/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP 's/POS worthless/JJ e-mail/JJ provider/NN ./.
Economist/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
7/CD )/)
A/DT cover/NN editorial/NN pegged/VBN to/TO Tony/NNP Blair/NNP 's/POS U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
visit/NN argues/VBZ that/IN he/PRP and/CC Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP are/VBP not/RB as/RB similar/JJ as/IN they/PRP seem/VBP ./.
While/IN they/PRP share/VBP broad/JJ principles/NNS (/( fiscal/JJ responsibility/NN ,/, free/JJ trade/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) and/CC political/JJ tactics/NNS (/( artful/JJ repackaging/VBG of/IN conservative/JJ ideas/NNS )/) ,/, Blair/NNP is/VBZ much/RB more/RBR left-wing/JJ than/IN Clinton/NNP (/( as/IN Britain/NNP is/VBZ much/RB more/RBR left-wing/JJ than/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS )/) ./.
Blair/NNP has/VBZ banned/VBN all/DT handguns/NNS and/CC favors/VBZ Britain/NNP 's/POS national/JJ health-care/NN system/NN ,/, policies/NNS that/WDT would/MD be/VB inconceivable/JJ for/IN Clinton/NNP ./.
A/DT piece/NN dampens/NNS enthusiasm/NN about/IN recent/JJ rises/NNS in/IN Asia/NNP 's/POS stock/NN markets/NNS :/: Asian/JJ economies/NNS are/VBP still/RB in/IN dire/JJ shape/NN and/CC governments/NNS are/VBP not/RB doing/VBG nearly/RB enough/RB to/TO restore/VB fiscal/JJ stability/NN ./.
Also/RB ,/, a/DT long/JJ survey/NN on/IN Central/NNP Asia/NNP ./.
Conclusion/NNP :/: oil/NN and/CC chaos/NN ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
6/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN package/NN reiterates/VBZ TNR/NNP 's/POS line/NN that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD try/VB to/TO overthrow/VB Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP ./.
One/CD piece/NN argues/VBZ that/DT anything/NN short/JJ of/IN toppling/VBG Saddam/NNP would/MD be/VB pointless/JJ :/: Iraq/NNP will/MD be/VB recalcitrant/JJ till/IN he/PRP falls/VBZ ./.
(/( It/PRP also/RB notes/VBZ that/IN Turkey/NNP and/CC our/PRP$ Arab/JJ allies/NNS do/VBP n't/RB favor/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
military/JJ intervention/NN nearly/RB as/RB much/JJ as/IN they/PRP did/VBD during/IN the/DT Gulf/NNP War/NNP :/: We/PRP 'll/MD have/VB to/TO go/VB it/PRP alone/RB ./.
)/) Another/DT article/NN says/VBZ the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD not/RB limit/VB itself/PRP to/TO a/DT few/JJ days/NNS of/IN bombing/NN (/( the/DT current/NN battle/NN plan/NN )/) :/: Only/RB a/DT long/JJ ,/, insistent/JJ air/NN campaign/NN will/MD persuade/VB Saddam/NNP 's/POS troops/NNS to/TO attempt/VB a/DT coup/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN mocks/NNS a/DT right-wing/NN ,/, Clinton-hating/NNP group/NN called/VBD Commission/NNP to/TO Restore/NNP the/DT Presidency/NNP to/TO Greatness/NNP :/: One/CD leading/VBG member/NN predicted/VBD that/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP would/MD announce/VB that/IN he/PRP was/VBD a/DT woman/NN (/( "/" Wilma/NNP Clinton/NNP "/" )/) during/IN a/DT guest/NN appearance/NN on/IN Ellen/NNP ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
5/LS )/)
Would-be/JJ Teamsters/NNPS President/NNP Jimmy/NNP Hoffa/NNP is/VBZ a/DT pale/JJ imitation/NN of/IN his/PRP$ father/NN ,/, argues/VBZ the/DT cover/NN profile/NN ./.
Hoffa/NNP fils/NNS shares/VBZ his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS virulent/NN anti-federal-government/JJ streak/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP lacks/VBZ Dad/NNP 's/POS fire/NN ,/, organizing/VBG skill/NN ,/, and/CC toughness/NN ./.
Hoffa/NNP will/MD likely/RB win/VB the/DT next/JJ Teamsters/NNPS election/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT union/NN is/VBZ too/RB weakened/VBN by/IN corruption/NN and/CC too/RB bullied/VBD by/IN management/NN and/CC the/DT feds/NNS to/TO be/VB the/DT force/NN it/PRP once/RB was/VBD ./.
A/DT survey/NN of/IN suburban/JJ Americans/NNPS finds/VBZ they/PRP are/VBP tolerant/NN of/IN atheists/NNS ,/, people/NNS of/IN other/JJ races/NNS ,/, working/VBG mothers--everyone/JJ but/CC gays/NNS ./.
Reason/NNP :/: They/PRP consider/VBP homosexuality/NN an/DT active/JJ choice/NN ./.
If/IN they/PRP believed/VBD homosexuality/NN was/VBD innate/JJ ,/, they/PRP 'd/MD tolerate/VB gays/NNS ,/, too/RB ./.
A/DT photo/NN essay/NN depicts/VBZ Dzerzhinsk/NNP ,/, Russia/NNP ,/, the/DT world/NN 's/POS "/" least-habitable/JJ ,/, "/" most-polluted/JJ city/NN ./.
Once/RB the/DT center/NN of/IN Soviet/JJ chemical-weapons/NNS production/NN ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ a/DT reservoir/NN of/IN toxic/JJ waste/NN called/VBD the/DT "/" White/NNP Sea/NNP ./.
"/" Life/NN expectancy/NN for/IN its/PRP$ 300/CD ,/, 000/CD residents/NNS :/: 47/CD years/NNS for/IN women/NNS ,/, 42/CD years/NNS for/IN men/NNS ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
3/LS )/)
Lewinsky/NNP ,/, Week/NNP 2/CD :/: Newsweek/NNP 's/POS cover/NN story/NN is/VBZ "/" The/DT Secret/JJ Sex/NN Wars/NNS "/" ;/: Time/NNP 's/POS is/VBZ Independent/NNP Counsel/NNP Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
Inside/IN both/DT magazines/NNS :/: maps/NNS of/IN the/DT connections/NNS in/IN the/DT alleged/VBN "/" right-wing/JJ conspiracy/NN "/" against/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, profiles/NNS of/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP (/( steely-eyed/JJ in/IN this/DT time/NN of/IN crisis/NN )/) ,/, and/CC still/RB more/RBR pop-psychologizing/JJ about/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS personality/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS package/NN tracks/VBZ the/DT "/" secret/JJ war/NN "/" behind/IN the/DT scenes/NNS ,/, where/WRB Clinton/NNP 's/POS staffers/NNS ,/, lawyers/NNS ,/, and/CC private/JJ detectives/NNS labor/NN to/TO contain/VB bimbo/NN eruptions/NNS ./.
It/PRP runs/VBZ several/JJ new/JJ pictures/NNS of/IN Lewinsky/NNP ,/, including/VBG two/CD that/WDT are/VBP embarrassingly/RB revealing/VBG ./.
An/DT article/NN says/VBZ other/JJ nations/NNS might/MD turn/RB to/TO Treasury/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Rubin/NNP for/IN stability/NN while/IN Clinton/NNP reels/NNS ./.
Rubin/NNP is/VBZ calm/JJ and/CC confident/JJ ./.
A/DT piece/NN argues/VBZ that/IN the/DT media/NNS should/MD stop/VB reporting/VBG on/IN the/DT scandal/NN because/IN the/DT public/NN has/VBZ spoken/VBN in/IN favor/NN of/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
Wag/NNP the/DT Dog/NNP director/NN Barry/NNP Levinson/NNP writes/VBZ that/IN his/PRP$ movie/NN was/VBD just/RB a/DT joke/NN but/CC compares/VBZ Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS allegation/NN of/IN a/DT right-wing/JJ conspiracy/NN to/TO the/DT distraction/NN ploys/NNS found/VBD in/IN the/DT film/NN ./.
Time/NNP 's/POS profile/NN of/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP depicts/VBZ him/PRP as/IN conservative/JJ ,/, overzealous/JJ ,/, and/CC nerdy/JJ ./.
In/IN junior/JJ high/NN ,/, "/" his/PRP$ hobby/NN was/VBD polishing/VBG|NN shoes/NNS ,/, "/" says/VBZ his/PRP$ mom/NN ./.
Time/NNP also/RB wonders/VBZ how/WRB the/DT scandal/NN will/MD affect/VB kids/NNS ./.
From/IN one/CD 10/CD -/: year-old/JJ pundit/NN :/: "/" I/PRP would/MD rather/RB see/VB happy/JJ news/NN ./.
About/IN Leonardo/NNP DiCaprio/NNP ./.
"/" A/DT Time/NNP rundown/NN of/IN how/WRB the/DT scandal/NN played/VBD across/IN the/DT world/NN includes/VBZ these/DT words/NNS from/IN a/DT Thai/NNP government/NN spokesman/NN :/: "/" Great/NNP leaders/NNS are/VBP very/RB good/JJ at/IN sex/NN :/: Cleopatra/NNP ,/, Genghis/NNP Khan/NNP ,/, Napoleon/NNP ,/, Mao/NNP Zedong/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP is/VBZ also/RB a/DT capable/JJ leader/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP is/VBZ normal/JJ for/IN him/PRP to/TO be/VB very/RB good/JJ at/IN sex/NN ./.
"/" ./.
Also/RB in/IN Time/NNP ,/, an/DT essay/NN makes/VBZ the/DT case/NN for/IN human/JJ cloning/VBG ./.
The/DT risk/NN is/VBZ small/JJ ,/, and/CC cloning/VBG could/MD benefit/VB victims/NNS of/IN Parkinson/NNP 's/POS disease/NN ,/, leukemia/NN ,/, and/CC severe/JJ burns/NNS ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
3/LS )/)
The/DT cover/NN package/NN on/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS swift/JJ comeback/NN asserts/VBZ that/IN a/DT right-wing/JJ conspiracy/NN does/VBZ exist/VB ,/, though/IN it/PRP is/VBZ less/RBR monolithic/JJ than/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP suggests/VBZ ./.
An/DT essay/NN claims/VBZ the/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN wields/VBZ too/RB much/JJ power/NN :/: Starr/NNP 's/POS current/JJ investigation/NN is/VBZ an/DT unconstitutional/JJ invasion/NN of/IN privacy/NN ./.
Psychiatrist/NNP Peter/NNP Kramer/NNP (/( Listening/NNP to/TO Prozac/NNP )/) says/VBZ the/DT same/JJ qualities/NNS that/WDT make/VBP Clinton/NNP a/DT good/JJ politician/NN (/( risk-taking/NN ,/, abundant/JJ energy/NN ,/, and/CC narcissism/NN )/) make/VB him/PRP a/DT likely/JJ womanizer/NN ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP finds/VBZ a/DT new/JJ marketing/NN ploy/NN for/IN classical/JJ music/NN :/: The/DT Mediaeval/NNP Baebes/NNP perform/VB Gregorian/NNP chants/NNS ,/, wear/VB flimsy/JJ garb/NN ,/, and/CC chat/VB about/IN all/DT things/NNS gothic/JJ ./.
Just/RB like/IN the/DT Spice/NNP Girls/NNP ,/, each/DT baebe/NN has/VBZ a/DT nickname/NN ./.
(/( Our/PRP$ favorite/JJ :/: Dragon/NNP Baebe/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
3/LS )/)
The/DT Clintons/NNP '/POS marriage/NN is/VBZ "/" stupefyingly/RB weird/JJ "/" but/CC founded/VBD on/IN genuine/JJ passion/NN ,/, affection/NN ,/, and/CC respect/NN ,/, argues/VBZ a/DT piece/NN ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB loyal/JJ for/IN cold/JJ political/JJ reasons/NNS ,/, she/PRP 's/VBZ loyal/JJ because/IN she/PRP "/" '/POS literally/RB decides/VBZ that/IN she/PRP believes/VBZ him/PRP ./.
'/POS "/" ./.
The/DT magazine/NN publishes/VBZ a/DT reconstructed/VBN image/NN of/IN Kennewick/NNP Man/NNP ,/, the/DT 9/CD ,/, 000/CD -/: year-old/JJ Caucasoid/NNP skeleton/NN found/VBD in/IN Washington/NNP state/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP is/VBZ evidence/NN that/IN Caucasians/NNP settled/VBD North/NNP America/NNP before/IN American/NNP Indians/NNPS ./.
)/) Based/VBN on/IN the/DT clay/NN model/NN ,/, Kennewick/NNP man/NN looked/VBD like/IN the/DT actor/NN Patrick/NNP Stewart/NNP ./.
Karla/NNP Faye/NNP Tucker/NNP ,/, the/DT pickax/NN murderer/NN scheduled/VBN for/IN execution/NN today/NN ,/, is/VBZ profiled/VBN ./.
Once/RB a/DT drug-addled/JJ ,/, vicious/JJ "/" Miss/NNP Tough/JJ Guy/NNP ,/, "/" she/PRP is/VBZ now/RB smart/JJ ,/, sweet/JJ ,/, good/JJ ,/, and/CC truly/RB religious/JJ ./.
(/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN the/DT story/NN ,/, see/VB what/WP the/DT international/JJ papers/NNS are/VBP saying/VBG ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
3/LS )/)
A/DT 10/CD -/: story/NN ,/, glee-filled/JJ cover/NN package/NN ./.
(/( Cover/NNP headline/NN :/: "/" Yow/NNP !/.
"/" ;/: cover/VB image/NN :/: Clinton/NNP as/IN a/DT centaur/NN ,/, cavorting/VBG with/IN naked/JJ girls/NNS on/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP lawn/NN ./.
)/) A/DT piece/NN proposes/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS best-case/JJ "/" alternative/JJ narrative/NN "/" :/: He/PRP bonded/VBN with/IN Lewinsky/NNP over/IN her/PRP$ unhappy/JJ childhood/NN and/CC gave/VBD her/PRP$ career/NN advice/NN ;/: she/PRP became/VBD obsessed/VBN with/IN him/PRP and/CC sent/VBD him/PRP gifts/NNS ;/: he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO help/VB her/PRP while/IN gradually/RB pushing/VBG her/PRP$ away/RB ./.
The/DT problem/NN with/IN the/DT story/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB credible/JJ ,/, given/VBN Clinton/NNP 's/POS sexual/JJ history/NN ./.
Two/CD weeks/NNS after/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP and/CC Time/NNP gushed/JJ about/IN "/" Clintonism/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT Standard/NNP offers/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ definition/NN (/( pegged/VBN to/TO the/DT State/NNP of/IN the/DT Union/NNP )/) :/: "/" Clintonism/NNP transforms/VBZ your/PRP$ most/RBS parochial/JJ worries/NNS into/IN matters/NNS of/IN state/NN ,/, "/" dealing/VBG with/IN picayune/NN issues/NNS rather/RB than/IN genuine/JJ ones/NNS ./.
The/DT Republican/NNP Party--/NNP "/" Clintonism/NNP lite/NN "/" -/: -/: is/VBZ just/RB as/IN vapid/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN upbraids/NNS some/DT conservatives/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ anti-/NN American/JJ foreign/JJ policy/NN ./.
Libertarians/NNP say/VBP America/NNP should/MD stop/VB wasting/VBG money/NN on/IN imperial/JJ power/NN ,/, and/CC cultural/JJ conservatives/NNS say/VBP America/NNP should/MD stop/VB exporting/VBG its/PRP$ horrible/JJ values/NNS to/TO the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP both/DT wrong/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Standard/NNP ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
3/LS )/)
The/DT Nation/NNP shrugs/VBZ about/IN the/DT scandal/NN ./.
General/NNP takes/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT sex/NN was/VBD consensual/NN ./.
2/LS )/) Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP is/VBZ corrupt/JJ and/CC ideological/JJ ./.
3/LS )/) The/DT punditocracy/NN is/VBZ ignoring/VBG the/DT real/JJ story/NN (/( Starr/NNP 's/POS Grand/NNP Inquisition/NNP )/) in/IN favor/NN of/IN salacious/JJ sex/NN ./.
4/LS )/) Lewinsky/NNP is/VBZ payback/NN for/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS real/JJ sins--the/JJ destruction/NN of/IN social/JJ welfare/NN and/CC support/NN for/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/NN ./.
Ex-/NNP Labor/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Reich/NNP ,/, who/WP wrote/VBD a/DT piece/NN in/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP about/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO renew/VB America/NNP 's/POS social/JJ compact/NN ,/, writes/VBZ a/DT piece/NN about/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO renew/VB America/NNP 's/POS social/JJ compact/NN ./.
While/IN America/NNP is/VBZ prosperous/JJ ,/, we/PRP should/MD reduce/VB inequality/NN ,/, strengthen/VB public/JJ education/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
-/: -/: Seth/NNP Stevenson/NNP
Economist/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN urges/VBZ careful/JJ treatment/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS banks/NNS ./.
The/DT International/NNP Monetary/NNP Fund/NNP must/MD bail/VB out/RP banks/NNS when/WRB their/PRP$ failure/NN might/MD spur/VB a/DT worldwide/NN depression/NN (/( as/IN in/IN Asia/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC in/IN some/DT relatively/RB harmless/JJ cases/NNS (/( Russia/NNP )/) we/PRP should/MD let/VB banks/NNS fail--otherwise/JJ gambling/NN investors/NNS will/MD never/RB learn/VB their/PRP$ lesson/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN attempts/NNS to/TO explain/VB the/DT drastic/JJ fall/NN in/IN crime/NN in/IN American/JJ cities/NNS ./.
Small/JJ saviors/NNS :/: new/JJ crime-fighting/JJ ideas/NNS (/( computerized/JJ databases/NNS ,/, the/DT "/" broken/VBN window/NN "/" theory/NN )/) ,/, more/JJR policemen/NN on/IN the/DT beat/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT crack/NN epidemic/NN ./.
Big/JJ savior/NN :/: the/DT decrease/NN in/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN boys/NNS aged/VBN 15/CD to/TO 21/CD ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN says/VBZ the/DT spread/NN of/IN suburbs/NNS has/VBZ spurred/VBN the/DT rise/NN of/IN the/DT Christian/NNP right/JJ ./.
Back/RB when/WRB evangelicals/NNS inhabited/VBN rural/JJ communities/NNS ,/, they/PRP were/VBD never/RB forced/VBN to/TO confront/VB cultural/JJ enemies/NNS ./.
Now/RB that/IN they/PRP live/VBP in/IN diverse/JJ suburbs/NNS ,/, they/PRP have/VBP become/VBN separatists/NNS ./.
Alarmed/VBN by/IN cultural/JJ differences/NNS ,/, they/PRP have/VBP started/VBN home/NN schooling/NN kids/NNS and/CC running/VBG for/IN political/JJ office/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN says/VBZ that/IN Russia/NNP is/VBZ suffering/VBG another/DT huge/JJ brain/NN drain/NN ./.
Smart/NNP ,/, educated/VBN Russians/NNPS who/WP just/RB recently/RB achieved/VBN middle-class/NN comfort/NN refuse/NN to/TO return/VB to/TO poverty/NN now/RB that/IN the/DT economy/NN has/VBZ collapsed/VBN ./.
So/IN they/PRP are/VBP fleeing/VBG the/DT country/NN in/IN droves/NNS ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
1/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN describes/VBZ the/DT chaos/NN of/IN Azerbaijan/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ Soviet/JJ republic/NN holding/VBG the/DT rights/NNS to/TO an/DT oil/NN lode/NN in/IN the/DT Caspian/NNP Sea/NNP ./.
Capital/NN city/NN Baku/NNP is/VBZ "/" rampant/JJ with/IN ham-handed/JJ Russian/JJ spies/NNS ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN Turkish/JJ gangsters/NNS (/( known/VBN for/IN their/PRP$ proud/JJ display/NN of/IN chest/NN hair/NN )/) ,/, black-eyed/JJ Chechen/NNP revolutionaries/NNS ,/, paranoid/JJ American/JJ diplomats/NNS ,/, fanatical/JJ Iranian/JJ terrorists/NNS and/CC financial/JJ speculators/NNS of/IN various/JJ nationalities/NNS ./.
"/" Baku/NNP 's/POS foray/NN into/IN capitalism/NN has/VBZ wrought/VBD violence/NN ,/, instability/NN ,/, and/CC corruption/NN ,/, but/CC American/JJ companies/NNS are/VBP still/RB investing/VBG ./.
A/DT story/NN tracks/VBZ photography/NN 's/POS growing/VBG legitimacy/NN as/IN an/DT art/NN form/NN ./.
New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Metropolitan/NNP Museum/NNP of/IN Art/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN steadily/RB adding/VBG to/TO its/PRP$ once/RB meager/JJ collection/NN ,/, and/CC photography/NN has/VBZ become/VBN "/" the/DT medium/NN of/IN the/DT moment/NN ./.
"/" Because/IN millions/NNS of/IN amateurs/NNS own/JJ cameras/NNS and/CC take/VB pictures/NNS ,/, photography/NN sometimes/RB gets/VBZ little/JJ respect/NN from/IN snobby/NN museums/NNS ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
Time/NNP goes/VBZ Oprah-overboard/NNP with/IN four/CD articles/NNS on/IN the/DT talk/NN show/NN host/NN and/CC her/PRP$ new/JJ movie/NN of/IN Toni/NNP Morrison/NNP 's/POS Beloved/NNP (/( about/IN a/DT runaway/JJ slave/NN dealing/VBG with/IN motherhood/NN )/) ./.
Making/VBG Beloved/NNP was/VBD a/DT deeply/RB emotional/JJ experience/NN for/IN Winfrey/NNP ,/, but/CC what/WP is/VBZ n't/RB ?/.
Morrison/NNP at/IN first/JJ disliked/JJ the/DT film/NN ,/, but/CC she/PRP is/VBZ now/RB a/DT fan/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS cover/NN story/NN :/: Home/NNP schooling--it/JJ 's/POS not/RB just/RB for/IN zealots/NNS anymore/RB !/.
About/IN 1/CD ./.
5/CD million/CD kids/NNS are/VBP home/RB schooled/JJ ,/, and/CC many/JJ parents/NNS insist/VBP it/PRP keeps/VBZ their/PRP$ children/NNS engaged/VBN in/IN hands-on/JJ learning/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS dubious/JJ list/NN of/IN recent/JJ home/NN schoolees/NNS :/: Jessica/NNP DuBroff/NNP ,/, the/DT 7/CD -/: year-old/JJ pilot/NN whose/WP$ plane/NN crashed/VBD ;/: Rebecca/NNP Sealfon/NNP ,/, the/DT national/JJ spelling/NN bee/NN champion/NN with/IN bizarre/JJ social/JJ tics/NNS ;/: and/CC Hanson/NNP ,/, the/DT teen-idol/JJ pop/NN group/NN with/IN great/JJ hair/NN ./.
Both/DT mags/NNS run/VBP wine/NN stories/NNS ./.
Newsweek/NNP covers/VBZ the/DT wine/NN industry/NN 's/POS push/NN to/TO make/VB Americans/NNPS drink/NN more/JJR wine/NN ./.
America/NNP produces/VBZ more/JJR wine/NN than/IN any/DT country/NN save/VB Italy/NNP ,/, France/NNP ,/, and/CC Spain/NNP ,/, yet/RB we/PRP rank/VBP near/IN the/DT bottom/NN in/IN wine/NN consumption/NN ./.
The/DT Wine/NNP Market/NNP Council/NNP will/MD launch/VB a/DT media/NNS campaign/NN in/IN February/NNP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, Time/NNP salutes/NNS the/DT wines/NNS of/IN Chile/NNP ./.
High/JJ quality/NN and/CC cheap/JJ ,/, Chilean/JJ wines/NNS are/VBP now/RB the/DT third-most/JJ popular/JJ imports/NNS ,/, behind/IN only/RB French/JJ and/CC Italian/JJ vintages/NNS ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN ranks/NNS HMOs/NNP ./.
Top/JJ three/CD :/: Fallon/NNP Community/NNP Health/NNP Plan/NNP (/( Massachusetts/NNP )/) ,/, Finger/NNP Lakes-/NNP Blue/NNP Choice/NNP (/( New/NNP York/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC Tufts/NNP Health/NNP Plan/NNP (/( Massachusetts/NNP ,/, Maine/NNP ,/, New/NNP Hampshire/NNP ,/, Rhode/NNP Island/NNP )/) ./.
An/DT accompanying/VBG article/NN profiles/NNS Boston/NNP 's/POS Community/NNP Medical/NNP Alliance/NNP ,/, a/DT small/JJ HMO/NNP that/WDT stresses/VBZ prevention/NN over/IN treatment/NN and/CC which/WDT even/RB makes/VBZ house/NN calls/NNS ./.
A/DT story/NN explains/VBZ Japan/NNP 's/POS plummeting/VBG fertility/NN rate/NN :/: Women/NNP in/IN their/PRP$ late/JJ 20/CD s/VBZ do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO sacrifice/VB their/PRP$ independence/NN to/TO marriage/NN and/CC motherhood/NN ./.
Japanese/JJ men/NNS do/VBP n't/RB help/VB to/TO bring/VB up/RP baby/NN ,/, and/CC nannies/NNS are/VBP frowned/JJ upon/IN ,/, so/IN motherhood/NN can/MD ruin/VB a/DT woman/NN 's/POS career/NN ./.
Japan/NNP 's/POS fertility/NN rate/NN is/VBZ now/RB "/" one/CD of/IN the/DT lowest/JJS in/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
"/" ./.
Bummer/NNP Dept/NNP ./.
:/: Some/DT parents/NNS now/RB rent/NN drug-sniffing/JJ dogs/NNS to/TO search/VB their/PRP$ teens/NNS '/POS bedrooms/NNS ./.
Drug-dog/NNP rental/JJ (/( for/IN home/NN or/CC office/NN )/) is/VBZ a/DT growing/VBG industry/NN :/: One/CD rental/JJ facility/NN explains/VBZ ,/, "/" We/PRP give/VBP kids/NNS another/DT out/RP ./.
If/IN somebody/NN says/VBZ ,/, '/" Hey/NNP ,/, try/VBP this/DT ,/, '/" the/DT kid/NN can/MD say/VB ,/, '/" But/CC what/WP if/IN the/DT dogs/NNS show/VBP up/RB today/NN ?/.
'/" "/"
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
"/" The/DT Talk/NN of/IN the/DT Town/NNP "/" runs/VBZ essays/NNS on/IN Flytrap/NNP from/IN Toni/NNP Morrison/NNP ,/, Janet/NNP Malcolm/NNP ,/, James/NNP Salter/NNP ,/, and/CC others/NNS ./.
All/DT are/VBP pro-/JJ Clinton/NNP and/CC anti-/NN Starr/NNP ./.
Morrison/NNP :/: "/" This/DT is/VBZ Slaughtergate/NNP ./.
A/DT sustained/VBN ,/, bloody/JJ ,/, arrogant/JJ coup/NN d/SYM '/POS etat/NN ./.
The/DT Presidency/NNP is/VBZ being/VBG stolen/VBN from/IN us/PRP ./.
And/CC the/DT people/NNS know/VBP it/PRP ./.
"/" Malcolm/NNP :/: "/" Since/IN the/DT object/NN of/IN [/( Starr/NNP 's/POS investigation/NN ]/) was/VBD to/TO turn/VB the/DT nation/NN against/IN the/DT President/NNP ,/, those/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP deplored/JJ the/DT investigation/NN from/IN the/DT start/NN can/MD only/RB take/VB satisfaction/NN in/IN Starr/NNP 's/POS bungling--in/JJ this/DT time/NN of/IN few/JJ satisfactions/NNS ./.
"/" ./.
The/DT fall/NN books/NNS section/NN includes/VBZ articles/NNS on/IN Eudora/NNP Welty/NNP and/CC Raymond/NNP Carver/NNP (/( a/DT "/" prairie/NN existentialist/NN "/" )/) and/CC reviews/NNS much/JJ new/JJ fiction/NN ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN argues/VBZ that/DT devolution/NN of/IN power/NN from/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN to/TO the/DT states/NNS is/VBZ an/DT opportunity/NN for/IN progressives/NNS ./.
Giving/VBG power/NN to/TO local/JJ governments/NNS encourages/VBZ experimentation/NN that/IN the/DT whole/JJ country/NN can/MD learn/VB from/IN ./.
Examples/NNS cited/VBD :/: state/NN tobacco/NN lawsuits/NNS ,/, local/JJ anti-pollution/JJ taxes/NNS ,/, higher/JJR minimum/JJ wages/NNS ,/, campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN at/IN the/DT state/NN level/NN ,/, and/CC better/RBR local/JJ mass/NN transit/NN ./.
Drawback/NNP :/: Progressive/JJ policies/NNS make/VBP a/DT community/NN less/JJR "/" business/NN friendly/JJ ,/, "/" so/RB surrounding/VBG areas/NNS reap/VB the/DT economic/JJ benefits/NNS ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN claims/NNS that/IN "/" Hollywood/NNP Beats/NNP Harvard/NNP "/" in/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ./.
Originally/RB a/DT bastion/NN for/IN Ivy/NNP League/NNP wonks/NNS such/JJ as/IN George/NNP Stephanopoulos/NNP and/CC Ira/NNP Magaziner/NNP ,/, the/DT Clinton/NNP White/NNP House/NNP is/VBZ now/RB cozier/NN with/IN West/NNP Coast/NNP elites/NNS :/: the/DT Thomasons/NNP ,/, Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP ,/, Barbra/NNP Streisand/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
A/DT story/NN praises/VBZ the/DT Miss/NNP America/NNP pageant/NN for/IN having/VBG "/" tilted/JJ the/DT tiara/NN from/IN left/VBD to/TO right/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT new/JJ Miss/NNP America/NNP is/VBZ a/DT born-again/JJ Christian/NNP who/WP says/VBZ Clinton/NNP should/MD resign/VB and/CC whose/WP$ cause/VB is/VBZ diabetes/NN awareness/NN ./.
The/DT last/JJ Miss/NNP America/NNP "/" held/VBN progressive/JJ views/NNS "/" and/CC supported/VBN AIDS/NNP research/NN ./.
Apparently/RB even/RB diseases/NNS are/VBP partisan/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Seth/NNP Stevenson/NNP
More/JJR Flytrap/NNP ./.
The/DT papers/NNS offer/VBP a/DT mixed/JJ bag/NN of/IN Sunday/NNP stories/NNS ,/, with/IN no/DT direct/JJ overlap/VB among/IN the/DT three/CD front/JJ pages/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB summarizes/NNS a/DT report/NN documenting/VBG mistakes/NNS in/IN Veterans/NNP hospitals/NNS from/IN June/NNP 1997/CD -/: December/NNP 1998/CD ,/, and/CC tracks/VBZ the/DT ensuing/VBG drive/NN to/TO conduct/VB similar/JJ studies/NNS in/IN other/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
health-care/NN systems/NNS ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP details/NNS the/DT start/NN of/IN an/DT investigation/NN into/IN a/DT Dec/NNP ./.
6/CD air/NN traffic/NN control/NN glitch/NN that/IN nearly/RB caused/VBN two/CD passenger/NN planes/NNS to/TO collide/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT local/JJ story/NN about/IN the/DT state/NN 's/POS failure/NN to/TO crack/VB down/RB on/IN fraud/NN in/IN its/PRP$ Medi-/NNP Cal/NNP system/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT unprecedented/JJ front-page/JJ address/NN to/TO its/PRP$ readers/NNS ,/, the/DT LAT/NNP takes/VBZ responsibility/NN for/IN violating/VBG the/DT hallowed/JJ "/" separation/NN of/IN church/NN and/CC state/NN "/" -/: -/: the/DT code/NN that/WDT prevents/VBZ journalists/NNS from/IN maintaining/VBG a/DT financial/JJ or/CC personal/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT stories/NNS they/PRP cover/VBP ./.
The/DT Department/NNP of/IN Veterans/NNP Affairs/NNP report/NN enumerates/NNS more/JJR than/IN 3/CD ,/, 000/CD mistakes/NNS made/VBN in/IN V/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
hospitals/NNS from/IN June/NNP 1997/CD -/: December/NNP 1998/CD ./.
Seven/CD hundred/CD of/IN these/DT cases/NNS resulted/VBD in/IN the/DT patient/NN 's/POS death/NN ./.
The/DT study/NN ,/, the/DT first/JJ of/IN its/PRP$ kind/NN by/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
health-care/NN system/NN ,/, found/VBD that/IN doctors/NNS committed/VBD a/DT range/NN of/IN errors/NNS ,/, including/VBG operations/NNS on/IN the/DT wrong/JJ body/NN part/NN or/CC patient/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP reports/NNS ./.
Spokesmen/NNS for/IN the/DT health-care/NN industry/NN concur/VB that/IN the/DT frequency/NN of/IN errors/NNS is/VBZ probably/RB no/DT lower/JJR in/IN other/JJ hospital/NN systems/NNS ./.
The/DT National/NNP Academy/NNP of/IN Sciences/NNPS ,/, which/WDT recently/RB called/VBN for/IN similar/JJ studies/NNS in/IN hospitals/NNS nationwide/JJ ,/, reported/VBD last/JJ month/NN that/IN between/IN 44/CD ,/, 000/CD and/CC 98/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS a/DT year/NN die/NN from/IN mistakes/NNS :/: That/DT 's/VBZ higher/JJR than/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN people/NNS who/WP die/VBP annually/RB on/IN highways/NNS or/CC from/IN breast/NN cancer/NN or/CC AIDS/NNP ./.
The/DT Post/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP report/NN that/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
security/NN agencies/NNS are/VBP watching/VBG with/IN increasing/VBG vigilance/NN potential/JJ New/NNP Year/NNP 's/POS Eve/NNP hot/JJ spots/NNS ./.
The/DT former/JJ fronts/NNS news/NN that/IN all/DT 301/CD ports/NNS of/IN entry/NN into/IN the/DT country/NN have/VBP been/VBN placed/VBN on/IN high/JJ alert/NN after/IN an/DT Algerian/NNP man/NN was/VBD arrested/VBN Tuesday/NNP for/IN smuggling/NN bomb/NN materials/NNS from/IN Canada/NNP ./.
Although/IN the/DT headline/NN ,/, "/" US/NNP Borders/NNP on/IN High/NNP Alert/NNP ,/, "/" suggests/VBZ the/DT story/NN might/MD be/VB about/IN Customs/NNP Service/NNP preparations/NNS against/IN future/JJ smuggling/NN attempts/NNS ,/, the/DT story/NN explores/VBZ the/DT suspect/NN 's/POS alleged/VBN ties/NNS to/TO Osama/NNP bin/NN Laden/NNP ./.
The/DT equipment/NN confiscated/VBN by/IN customs/NNS officials/NNS seems/VBZ to/TO match/VB that/WDT used/VBN by/IN others/NNS linked/VBN to/TO bin/NN Laden/NNP ./.
Tim/NNP Weiner/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP that/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
investigators/NNS have/VBP helped/VBN pin/VB down/RB at/IN home/NN and/CC abroad/RB people/NNS suspected/VBN of/IN plotting/VBG violence/NN over/IN New/NNP Year/NNP 's/POS ./.
An/DT aside/RB halfway/RB through/IN the/DT piece/NN likens/NNS FBI/NNP agents/NNS ,/, scanning/VBG the/DT Internet/NN for/IN hacker/NN assaults/NNS and/CC political/JJ extremists/NNS ,/, to/TO "/" ancients/NNS searching/VBG the/DT skies/NNS for/IN a/DT sign/NN ./.
A/DT WP/NNP front-pager/JJ and/CC a/DT quirky/JJ NYT/NNP Magazine/NNP spread/NN examine/VB just/RB how/WRB low/JJ Web/NNP "/" retailers/NNS "/" will/MD go/VB in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN establishing/VBG a/DT loyal/JJ customer/NN base/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP story/NN anoints/NNS Familywonder/NNP ./.
com/NN discount-king/JJ :/: The/DT site/NN ,/, an/DT online/NN warehouse/NN of/IN things/NNS to/TO buy/VB children/NNS ,/, promised/VBD last/JJ week/NN to/TO send/VB $/$ 20/CD to/TO anyone/NN who/WP answered/VBD a/DT survey/NN and/CC purchased/VBN at/IN least/JJS $/$ 20/CD worth/NN of/IN merchandise/NN ./.
With/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN a/DT toy/NN industry/NN guru/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP calculates/VBZ that/IN Etoys/NNP ./.
com/NN would/MD lose/VB $/$ 41/CD ./.
97/CD on/IN a/DT sale/NN totaling/VBG $/$ 68/CD ./.
97/CD ./.
These/DT sites/NNS are/VBP jockeying/NN to/TO build/VB "/" brand/NN names/NNS in/IN the/DT new/JJ millennium/NN "/" (/( NYT/NNP )/) ,/, by/IN hotly/RB pursuing/VBG tactics/NNS that/IN "/" would/MD be/VB ,/, in/IN any/DT normal/JJ business/NN ,/, ruinous/JJ "/" (/( WP/NNP )/) ./.
Russians/NNPS go/VBP to/TO the/DT polls/NNS today/NN to/TO elect/VB a/DT new/JJ Duma/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP describes/VBZ the/DT campaign/NN as/IN "/" a/DT barroom/NN brawl/NN ,/, a/DT chairs-over-the-head/JJ affair/NN "/" that/IN the/DT disgruntled/JJ public/JJ nonetheless/RB took/VBD seriously/RB ./.
An/DT adviser/NN to/TO Moscow/NNP Mayor/NNP Yuri/NNP Luzhkov/NNP (/( Kremlin/NNP foe/NN )/) told/VBD the/DT LAT/NNP that/IN the/DT Kremlin/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN for/IN Duma/NNP seats/NNS "/" makes/VBZ Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP 's/POS presidential/JJ election/NN bids/NNS look/VBP clean/VB ./.
"/" The/DT two/CD Times/NNP es/NNS see/VBP the/DT election/NN as/RB an/DT "/" unofficial/JJ Presidential/NNP primary/JJ "/" (/( LAT/NNP )/) ;/: Russians/NNPS will/MD elect/VB a/DT new/JJ president/NN next/JJ summer/NN ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP 's/POS David/NNP Hoffman/NNP presents/VBZ a/DT closer/JJR look/NN at/IN the/DT Duma/NNP 's/POS structure/NN and/CC how/WRB a/DT change/NN in/IN the/DT party/NN composition/NN (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, fewer/JJR Communists/NNPS )/) might/MD result/VB in/IN action/NN on/IN market/NN reform/NN and/CC tax/NN law/NN ./.
The/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN may/MD force/VB the/DT usually/RB independent/JJ Export-/NNP Import/NN Bank/NNP to/TO drop/VB $/$ 500/CD million/CD in/IN loan/NN guarantees/NNS to/TO a/DT Russian/JJ oil/NN company/NN known/VBN for/IN questionable/JJ practices/NNS ,/, according/VBG to/TO a/DT Post/NNP front-pager/JJ ./.
At/IN issue/NN :/: The/DT administration/NN is/VBZ debating/VBG whether/IN it/PRP is/VBZ worse/JJR to/TO give/VB loans/NNS to/TO an/DT operation/NN generally/RB thought/VBD to/TO be/VB shady/JJ ,/, or/CC risk/NN jeopardize/VB already/RB strained/VBN relations/NNS with/IN the/DT Kremlin/NNP ./.
Is/VBZ n't/RB this/DT thinking/VBG similar/JJ to/TO the/DT logic/NN faulted/VBN in/IN a/DT number/NN of/IN "/" Who/WP Lost/VBD Russia/NNP ?/.
"/" articles/NNS that/WDT have/VBP appeared/VBN in/IN recent/JJ months/NNS ?/.
:/: Fear/NN of/IN something/NN worse/JJR around/IN the/DT corner/NN persuades/VBZ the/DT administration/NN to/TO live/VB with/IN known/VBN evils/NNS ./.
Candidates/NNP Bush/NNP ,/, McCain/NNP ,/, and/CC Bradley/NNP have/VBP all/DT suggested/VBN that/IN the/DT administration/NN stop/VBP the/DT loans/NNS ,/, the/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS ./.
Under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" To/TO Our/PRP$ Readers/NNS ,/, "/" Kathryn/NNP M/NNP ./.
Downing/NNP and/CC Michael/NNP Parks/NNP ,/, the/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS publisher/NN and/CC editor/NN ,/, explain/VB that/IN the/DT paper/NN shared/VBN with/IN Staples/NNP profits/NNS generated/VBN from/IN an/DT Oct/NNP ./.
10/CD Sunday/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP devoted/VBD to/TO LA/NNP 's/POS new/JJ Staples/NNP Center/NNP ./.
The/DT two-column/JJ text/NN comes/VBZ about/IN a/DT month/NN and/CC a/DT half/NN after/IN Downing/NNP asked/VBD forgiveness/NN from/IN an/DT irate/NN staff/NN ./.
Tomorrow/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN will/MD print/VB the/DT results/NNS of/IN media/NNS writer/NN David/NNP Shaw/NNP 's/POS investigation/NN into/IN the/DT matter/NN ./.
Below/NNP their/PRP$ note/NN the/DT paper/NN runs/VBZ its/PRP$ statement/NN of/IN principles/NNS :/: "/" Our/PRP$ mission/NN is/VBZ to/TO provide/VB the/DT news/NN ,/, information/NN ,/, analysis/NN and/CC commentary/NN [/( readers/NNS ]/) need/VBP to/TO lead/VB successful/JJ lives/NNS and/CC to/TO be/VB effective/JJ citizens/NNS in/IN a/DT democracy/NN ./.
The/DT Siege/NNP (/( 20/CD th/NN Century/NNP Fox/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS are/VBP sour/JJ on/IN this/DT what-if/JJ action/NN thriller/NN about/IN terrorism/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ./.
They/PRP say/VBP the/DT film/NN cashes/NNS in/IN on/IN the/DT audience/NN 's/POS fear/NN of/IN Islamic/NNP fundamentalists/NNS ,/, then/RB chastises/VBZ them/PRP for/IN bigotry/NN ./.
Editorialists/NNP and/CC reviewers/NNS alike/RB call/VBP the/DT movie/NN anti-/NN Arab/JJ ./.
Denzel/NNP Washington/NNP and/CC Annette/NNP Bening/NNP (/( FBI/NNP and/CC CIA/NNP operatives/NNS ,/, respectively/RB )/) are/VBP said/VBN to/TO be/VB good/JJ but/CC not/RB great/JJ ./.
Bruce/NNP Willis/NNP (/( as/IN a/DT psychotic/JJ Army/NNP general/JJ )/) is/VBZ so/RB stamped/JJ in/IN moviegoers/NNS '/POS minds/NNS as/IN the/DT butt-kicking/JJ good/JJ guy/NN that/IN he/PRP leaves/VBZ the/DT audience/NN cheering/VBG at/IN all/PDT the/DT wrong/JJ moments/NNS ./.
(/( Visit/NNP the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Elizabeth/NNP (/( Gramercy/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Mixed/VBN ,/, but/CC mainly/RB good/JJ ,/, reviews/NNS for/IN this/DT lavish/JJ costume/JJ drama/NN about/IN the/DT first/JJ Queen/NNP Elizabeth/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ troubled/JJ ascendance/NN to/TO the/DT throne/NN ./.
Some/DT love/NN the/DT "/" darkly/RB sumptuous/JJ ,/, hypnotically/RB complex/JJ "/" plotting/VBG (/( Richard/NNP Schickel/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ;/: others/NNS call/VBP the/DT film/NN "/" Masterpiece/NNP Theater/NNP for/IN the/DT MTV/NNP generation/NN ,/, "/" riddled/JJ with/IN glaring/JJ historical/JJ inaccuracies/NNS (/( Rod/NNP Dreher/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP )/) ./.
Two/CD things/NNS draw/VBP praise/NN from/IN all/DT :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT spectacular/JJ art/NN direction/NN ;/: 2/LS )/) Cate/NNP Blanchett/NNP 's/POS performance/NN as/IN a/DT feminist/JJ Virgin/NNP Queen/NNP ./.
(/( David/NNP Edelstein/NNP reviews/VBZ the/DT film/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
The/DT Waterboy/NNP (/( Buena/NNP Vista/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS either/CC love/VB it/PRP or/CC hate/VBP it/PRP :/: Either/CC the/DT movie/NN "/" overflows/NNS with/IN repellent/JJ humor/NN "/" (/( Joan/NNP Anderman/NNP ,/, the/DT Boston/NNP Globe/NNP )/) ,/, or/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" loony/JJ ,/, unapologetic/JJ fun/NN ./.
an/DT utter/JJ hoot/NN "/" (/( Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
With/IN a/DT voice/NN "/" like/IN Truman/NNP Capote/NNP on/IN Seconal/NNP "/" (/( Dave/NNP Kehr/NNP ,/, Daily/NNP News/NNP )/) ,/, Adam/NNP Sandler/NNP regresses/NNS from/IN the/DT borderline/NN maturity/NN of/IN The/DT Wedding/NN Singer/NNP back/RB to/TO his/PRP$ trademark/NN sweet/JJ ,/, addled/JJ ,/, violent/JJ character--this/JJ time/NN in/IN a/DT formula/NN sports-loser-turned-sports-hero/JJ flick/NN aimed/VBN at/IN the/DT fraternity/NN &slash;/NN junior-high-school/JJ crowd/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO read/VB about/IN the/DT making/NN of/IN this/DT film/NN ./.
Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP (/( Miramax/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
This/DT tribute/NN to/TO '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ glam/NN uses/VBZ a/DT Citizen/NNP Kane/NNP -/: style/NN device/NN to/TO explore/VB the/DT rise/NN and/CC fall/NN of/IN a/DT pair/NN of/IN Iggy/NNP Pop/NNP &slash;/NN Ziggy/NNP Stardust-ish/NNP rock/NN stars/NNS ./.
Some/DT critics/NNS (/( such/JJ as/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Maslin/NNP )/) nearly/RB fall/NN out/IN of/IN their/PRP$ chairs/NNS in/IN awe/NN at/IN the/DT operatic/JJ splendor/NN of/IN the/DT music/NN and/CC pageantry--/JJ "/" blazing/VBG with/IN exquisite/JJ yet/RB abstract/JJ passions/NNS ./.
"/" Others/NNS are/VBP less/RBR impressed/JJ by/IN all/PDT the/DT stuff-strutting/JJ :/: "/" [/( E/NNP ]/) veryone/NN in/IN the/DT movie/NN has/VBZ the/DT approximate/JJ human/JJ weight/NN of/IN a/DT hologram/NN "/" (/( Peter/NNP Rainer/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Read/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Shakespeare/NNP :/: The/DT Invention/NNP of/IN the/DT Human/NNP ,/, by/IN Harold/NNP Bloom/NNP (/( Riverhead/NNP Books/NNPS )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP call/NN Bloom/NNP 's/POS tome/NN "/" a/DT cloak-bag/JJ of/IN ideas/NNS ,/, stuffed/VBN with/IN true/JJ wisdom/NN and/CC false/JJ bombast/NN "/" (/( Jonathan/NNP Bate/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
Bloom/NNP 's/POS vigor/NN and/CC intelligence/NN in/IN his/PRP$ examination/NN of/IN Shakespeare/NNP 's/POS plays/VBZ make/NN the/DT book/NN a/DT joy/NN to/TO read/VB ,/, despite/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN he/PRP "/" does/VBZ not/RB quite/RB prove/VB his/PRP$ tremendous/JJ thesis/NN "/" (/( Jodie/NNP Morse/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) -/: -/: that/IN Shakespeare/NNP single-handedly/RB created/VBD the/DT modern/JJ idea/NN of/IN individual/JJ personality/NN ./.
Critics/NNS call/VBP Bloom/NNP "/" a/DT master/NN entertainer/NN "/" who/WP has/VBZ applied/VBN his/PRP$ formidable/JJ skills/NNS to/TO the/DT noble/JJ project/NN of/IN a/DT general/JJ reader/NN 's/POS introduction/NN to/TO Shakespeare/NNP (/( David/NNP Gates/NNP and/CC Yahlin/NNP Chang/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO buy/VB the/DT book/NN ./.
Bruce/NNP Springsteen/NNP :/: Tracks/NNP ,/, by/IN Bruce/NNP Springsteen/NNP (/( Columbia/NNP )/) ./.
This/DT four/CD disc/NN collection/NN of/IN old/JJ songs--mainly/JJ unpublished/JJ material/NN with/IN a/DT few/JJ B-/NNP sides--is/JJ said/VBD to/TO provide/VB valuable/JJ insight/NN into/IN Springsteen/NNP 's/POS progression/NN as/IN an/DT artist/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT music/NN itself/PRP is/VBZ only/RB so-so/JJ ./.
The/DT harsher/JJR critics/NNS call/VBP it/PRP "/" iffy/JJ ballads/NNS and/CC lame/JJ roadhouse/NN rock/NN "/" (/( Jeff/NNP Giles/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
Despite/IN the/DT weakness/NN of/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT recycled/VBN scraps/NNS ,/, Springsteen/NNP 's/POS "/" unbridled/JJ earnestness/NNS and/CC positive/JJ energy/NN "/" are/VBP still/RB impressive/JJ (/( David/NNP Browne/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO join/VB an/DT online/NN discussion/NN about/IN Springsteen/NNP ./.
Le/NNP Nozze/NNP di/FW Figaro/NNP ,/, Metropolitan/NNP Opera/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP ./.
The/DT Met/NNP 's/POS "/" handsome/JJ and/CC subtle/JJ "/" production/NN (/( Alex/NNP Ross/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) leaves/VBZ critics/NNS debating/VBG diva/NN Cecilia/NNP Bartoli/NNP 's/POS performance/NN as/IN Susanna/NNP ./.
Is/VBZ she/PRP "/" comically/RB over/IN the/DT top/JJ ,/, attention-grabbing/JJ and/CC at/IN times/NNS hysterical/JJ "/" (/( Anthony/NNP Tommasini/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ,/, or/CC is/VBZ she/PRP simply/RB a/DT "/" captivating/JJ comic/JJ presence/NN "/" (/( Charles/NNP Isherwood/NNP ,/, Variety/NNP )/) ?/.
Not/RB everyone/NN loved/VBD the/DT production/NN :/: New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Peter/NNP Davis/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" [/( T/NN ]/) he/PRP characters/NNS [/( are/VBP ]/) foggily/RB defined/VBD and/CC the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT opera/NN left/VBD unexamined/JJ ./.
"/" (/( Here/RB 's/VBZ the/DT schedule/NN for/IN remaining/VBG performances/NNS ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Nov/NNP ./.
4/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: American/JJ History/NN X/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: John/NNP Carpenter/NNP 's/POS Vampires/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Life/NNP Is/VBZ Beautiful/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Living/VBG Out/IN Loud/JJ ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Jackson/NNP Pollock/NNP "/" (/( Museum/NNP of/IN Modern/NNP Art/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: A/DT Man/NN in/IN Full/NNP ,/, by/IN Tom/NNP Wolfe/NNP ./.
Oct/NNP ./.
28/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Pleasantville/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Apt/JJ Pupil/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Soldier/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: King/NNP of/IN the/DT World/NNP :/: The/DT Rise/NN of/IN Muhammad/NNP Ali/NNP ,/, by/IN David/NNP Remnick/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Evening/NNP ,/, by/IN Susan/NNP Minot/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Bech/NNP at/IN Bay/NNP :/: A/DT Quasi-/NNP Novel/NNP ,/, by/IN John/NNP Updike/NNP ./.
Oct/NNP ./.
21/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Beloved/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Bride/NNP of/IN Chucky/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Practical/NNP Magic/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: Corpus/NNP Christi/NNP ,/, by/IN Terrence/NNP McNally/NNP (/( Manhattan/NNP Theatre/NNP Club/NNP )/) ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Live/NNP :/: 1966/CD ,/, by/IN Bob/NNP Dylan/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Poisonwood/NNP Bible/NNP ,/, by/IN Barbara/NNP Kingsolver/NNP ./.
Oct/NNP ./.
14/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Holy/NNP Man/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Mighty/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Slam/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: A/DT Night/NNP at/IN the/DT Roxbury/NNP ;/:
Dance/NN -/: -/: Swan/NN Lake/NNP (/( Neil/NNP Simon/NNP Theatre/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Work/NN in/IN Progress/NNP ,/, by/IN Michael/NNP Eisner/NNP with/IN Tony/NNP Schwartz/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Pure/NNP Drivel/NNP ,/, by/IN Steve/NNP Martin/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Eliza/NNP Truitt/NNP
This/DT weekend/NN ,/, various/JJ senators/NNS appeared/VBD on/IN television/NN to/TO explain/VB why/WRB witnesses/NNS should/MD or/CC should/MD not/RB testify/VB at/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS trial/NN ./.
Not/RB surprisingly/RB ,/, every/DT way/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT Republicans/NNPS frame/NN the/DT question/NN leads/VBZ to/TO calling/VBG witnesses/NNS ,/, and/CC every/DT way/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT Democrats/NNPS frame/NN the/DT question/NN leads/VBZ to/TO not/RB calling/VBG witnesses/NNS ./.
Republicans/NNS want/VBP to/TO focus/VB attention/NN on/IN the/DT facts/NNS of/IN the/DT case/NN ,/, which/WDT are/VBP strong/JJ ./.
Democrats/NNPS want/VBP to/TO divert/VB attention/NN to/TO the/DT significance/NN of/IN the/DT case/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ weak/JJ ./.
So/RB Republicans/NNPS want/VBP witnesses/NNS ,/, and/CC Democrats/NNPS do/VBP n't/RB ./.
Republicans/NNS also/RB want/VBP to/TO focus/VB scrutiny/NN on/IN the/DT defendant/NN (/( Clinton/NNP )/) ,/, whereas/IN Democrats/NNPS want/VBP to/TO shift/VB scrutiny/NN to/TO the/DT prosecution/NN (/( the/DT GOP/NNP )/) ./.
Finally/RB ,/, Democrats/NNPS want/VBP to/TO underscore/VB the/DT constitutional/JJ costs/NNS of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS conviction/NN ,/, while/IN Republicans/NNPS want/VBP to/TO underscore/VB the/DT social/JJ costs/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ acquittal/NN ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ a/DT taxonomy/NN of/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS frames/NNS and/CC strategies/NNS ,/, taken/VBN from/IN a/DT debate/NN among/IN six/CD senators/NNS on/IN NBC/NNP 's/POS Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ./.
1/LS ./.
Sex/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT simplest/JJS Democratic/JJ frame/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO keep/VB witnesses/NNS out/RP ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP will/MD talk/VB about/IN sex/NN ,/, besmirch/NN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, and/CC offend/VB the/DT viewing/VBG public/JJ ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB understand/VB why/WRB the/DT House/NNP feels/VBZ they/PRP have/VBP to/TO sully/RB the/DT floor/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS Senate/NNP "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
Barbara/NNP Boxer/NNP ,/, D-C/NNP alif/NN ./.
)/) ./.
2/LS ./.
Rule/NN of/IN Law/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT Republican/JJ rebuttal/NN to/TO the/DT "/" sex/NN "/" frame/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ purposes/NNS are/VBP 1/LS )/) to/TO get/VB witnesses/NNS into/IN the/DT trial/NN by/IN arguing/VBG that/IN the/DT real/JJ subject/NN of/IN testimony/NN is/VBZ perjury/NN and/CC obstruction/NN ,/, not/RB sex/NN ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) to/TO shift/VB the/DT burden/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP 's/POS defenders/NNS by/IN warning/VBG that/IN his/PRP$ acquittal/NN would/MD send/VB the/DT country/NN a/DT corrosive/JJ message/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" You/PRP can/MD certainly/RB argue/VB ./.
that/DT someone/NN who/WP breaks/VBZ the/DT law/NN in/IN not/RB upholding/VBG and/CC not/RB telling/VBG the/DT truth/NN under/IN oath/NN and/CC someone/NN who/WP obstructs/NNS justice/NN does/VBZ ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, threaten/VBP the/DT republic/NN "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
Rick/NNP Santorum/NNP ,/, R-P/NNP a/DT ./.
)/) ./.
3/LS ./.
Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT basic/JJ Democratic/JJ rebuttal/NN to/TO the/DT "/" rule/NN of/IN law/NN "/" frame/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ purposes/NNS are/VBP to/TO shortcut/NN the/DT trial/NN ,/, change/NN the/DT subject/NN from/IN the/DT facts/NNS of/IN the/DT case/NN to/TO their/PRP$ insignificance/NN ,/, and/CC shift/VB the/DT burden/NN back/RB to/TO Clinton/NNP 's/POS accusers/NNS ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN even/RB if/IN all/PDT the/DT facts/NNS are/VBP granted/VBN ,/, they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB "/" rise/NN to/TO the/DT level/NN "/" that/WDT would/MD justify/VB his/PRP$ removal/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" We/PRP 're/VBP willing/JJ to/TO accept/VB the/DT facts/NNS ,/, because/IN the/DT threshold/NN question/NN is/VBZ this/DT :/: Even/RB if/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ all/DT true/JJ exactly/RB as/IN the/DT House/NNP managers/NNS have/VBP put/VBN it/PRP forward/RB ,/, does/VBZ this/DT rise/NN to/TO the/DT level/NN of/IN impeachment/NN ?/.
Does/VBZ it/PRP rise/VBP to/TO the/DT level/NN of/IN high/JJ crimes/NNS and/CC misdemeanors/NNS ?/.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT threshold/NN question/NN "/" (/( Boxer/NNP )/) ./.
4/LS ./.
Censure/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT advanced/VBN rebuttal/NN to/TO the/DT "/" rule/NN of/IN law/NN "/" frame/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO fast-forward/JJ past/JJ the/DT verdict/NN to/TO the/DT sentence/NN ,/, with/IN an/DT emphasis/NN on/IN mitigating/JJ circumstances/NNS ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN a/DT resolution/NN censuring/VBG Clinton/NNP is/VBZ sufficient/JJ to/TO reaffirm/VB the/DT laws/NNS against/IN perjury/NN and/CC obstruction/NN of/IN justice/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" I/PRP came/VBD to/TO the/DT conclusion/NN that/IN the/DT appropriate/JJ punishment/NN for/IN this/DT kind/NN of/IN wrongdoing/NN ,/, lying/VBG about/IN an/DT extramarital/JJ relationship/NN ,/, was/VBD censure/NN ./.
Part/NN of/IN the/DT rule/NN of/IN law/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT punishment/NN should/MD fit/VB the/DT crime/NN "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
Charles/NNP Schumer/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
5/LS ./.
Constitutional/NNP Duty/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT Republican/JJ response/NN to/TO the/DT "/" censure/NN "/" frame/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO abort/NN the/DT censure/NN movement/NN before/IN the/DT censure/NN movement/NN aborts/NNS the/DT trial/NN ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Constitution/NNP authorizes/VBZ the/DT Senate/NNP to/TO vote/VB only/RB on/IN conviction/NN ,/, not/RB on/IN censure/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB our/PRP$ business/NN is/VBZ to/TO tell/VB the/DT president/NN he/PRP has/VBZ to/TO ./.
make/VB some/DT magical/JJ act/NN of/IN contrition/NN ./.
Our/PRP$ job/NN is/VBZ defined/VBN very/RB clearly/RB in/IN the/DT Constitution/NNP "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
Mike/NNP DeWine/NNP ,/, R-O/NNP hio/NN )/) ./.
6/CD ./.
Constitutional/NNP Duty/NNP 2/CD ./.
This/DT Democratic/JJ rejoinder/NN turns/VBZ the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS strict/JJ constructionism/NN on/IN its/PRP$ head/NN ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Constitution/NNP says/VBZ the/DT president/NN should/MD be/VB removed/VBN only/RB for/IN crimes/NNS that/WDT imperil/NN the/DT nation/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" George/NNP Mason/NNP ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, put/VB it/PRP succinctly/RB ./.
He/PRP said/VBD ,/, '/" Was/VBD this/DT an/DT attempt/NN to/TO subvert/VB the/DT Constitution/NNP ?/.
'/POS All/DT of/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS untruths/NNS ,/, all/DT of/IN his/PRP$ lying/VBG under/IN oath/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP will/MD ,/, about/IN an/DT extramarital/JJ relationship/NN does/VBZ not/RB subvert/VB the/DT Constitution/NNP "/" (/( Schumer/NNP )/) ./.
7/CD ./.
Jury/NNP ./.
This/DT all-purpose/JJ Republican/JJ frame/NN posits/NNS that/IN the/DT Senate/NNP is/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS jury/NN and/CC should/MD behave/VB accordingly/RB ./.
This/DT accomplishes/VBZ several/JJ objectives/NNS ./.
First/LS ,/, it/PRP makes/VBZ the/DT strongest/JJS case/NN for/IN calling/VBG witnesses/NNS ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" I/PRP have/VBP never/RB seen/VBN a/DT trial/NN before/IN where/WRB you/PRP had/VBD factual/JJ disputes/NNS where/WRB you/PRP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB witnesses/NNS where/WRB you/PRP could/MD watch/VB their/PRP$ demeanor/NN on/IN the/DT stand/NN ,/, listen/VB to/TO them/PRP ,/, judge/NN one/CD witness/NN vs/NNS ./.
another/DT witness/NN "/" (/( DeWine/NNP )/) ./.
Second/JJ ,/, it/PRP neutralizes/VBZ the/DT "/" summary/NN judgment/NN "/" frame/NN ,/, since/IN summary/NN judgments/NNS are/VBP up/IN to/TO the/DT judge/NN ,/, not/RB the/DT jury/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" We/PRP have/VBP an/DT obligation/NN to/TO sit/VB back/RB as/IN jurors/NNS and/CC let/VB the/DT case/NN be/VB presented/VBN "/" (/( Santorum/NNP )/) ./.
Third/NNP ,/, it/PRP shortcuts/NNS the/DT "/" summary/NN judgment/NN "/" and/CC "/" censure/NN "/" frames/NNS by/IN organizing/VBG the/DT trial/NN 's/POS issues/NNS in/IN temporal/JJ sequence/NN rather/RB than/IN as/IN a/DT decision/NN tree/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" We/PRP 're/VBP prejudging/VBG this/DT thing/NN [/( when/WRB we/PRP say/VBP ]/) it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB meet/VB the/DT standard/NN of/IN the/DT high/JJ crimes/NNS and/CC misdemeanors/NNS ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP the/DT trial/NN 's/VBZ all/DT about/IN ./.
We/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO listen/VB to/TO the/DT evidence/NN "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP Chafee/NNP ,/, R-R/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
)/) ./.
8/CD ./.
Jury/NNP Nullification/NNP ./.
This/DT Democratic/JJ rebuttal/NN shatters/NNS the/DT "/" jury/NN "/" frame/NN and/CC diverts/NNS scrutiny/NN from/IN the/DT defendant/NN to/TO the/DT prosecution/NN ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Senate/NNP should/MD reject/VB the/DT case/NN not/RB because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ unproven/JJ but/CC because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ politically/RB motivated/VBN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" One/CD of/IN the/DT reasons/NNS why/WRB we/PRP feel/VBP that/IN this/DT impeachment/NN trial/NN is/VBZ really/RB not/RB what/WP it/PRP 's/VBZ purported/JJ to/TO be/VB is/VBZ that/IN there/EX have/VBP been/VBN four/CD years/NNS of/IN investigations/NNS ./.
There/EX are/VBP people/NNS that/WDT just/RB want/VBP to/TO get/VB this/DT president/NN "/" (/( Sen/NNP ./.
Dianne/NNP Feinstein/NNP ,/, D-C/NNP alif/NN ./.
)/) ./.
9/CD ./.
Jury/NNP Nullification/NNP Nullification/NNP ./.
This/DT Republican/JJ rejoinder/NN grants/NNS that/IN the/DT House/NNP impeachment/NN process/NN was/VBD politicized/VBN but/CC argues/VBZ that/IN 1/LS )/) the/DT Senate/NNP should/MD be/VB above/IN such/JJ tawdry/JJ politics/NNS ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) the/DT way/NN to/TO regain/VB public/JJ confidence/NN is/VBZ to/TO transcend/NN partisan/JJ rancor/NN and/CC skepticism/NN by/IN reverting/VBG to/TO the/DT innocence/NN of/IN a/DT jury/NN ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" We/PRP 're/VBP sort/NN of/IN like/IN the/DT petit/NN jury/NN ./.
How/WRB we/PRP got/VBD there/RB ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ up/RP for/IN somebody/NN else/RB to/TO determine/VB ./.
What/WP we/PRP have/VBP to/TO look/VB at/IN is/VBZ what/WP the/DT facts/NNS are/VBP "/" (/( DeWine/NNP )/) ./.
10/CD ./.
Democracy/NNP ./.
This/DT nuclear/JJ response/NN combines/VBZ the/DT jury/NN nullification/NN and/CC constitutional/JJ duty/NN arguments/NNS ,/, suggesting/VBG that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS removal/NN would/MD violate/VB the/DT Constitution/NNP and/CC "/" undo/VB the/DT election/NN ./.
"/" The/DT purpose/NN of/IN this/DT rhetorical/JJ bomb/NN is/VBZ to/TO annihilate/NN any/DT discussion/NN of/IN the/DT facts/NNS ./.
Example/NN :/: "/" Do/VBP I/PRP think/VB he/PRP answered/VBD that/DT question/NN honestly/RB ?/.
No/UH ./.
Do/VBP I/PRP think/VB what/WP he/PRP did/VBD was/VBD reprehensible/JJ ?/.
Absolutely/RB ./.
But/CC the/DT question/NN is/VBZ ,/, this/DT alone/RB ,/, does/VBZ it/PRP rise/VBP to/TO that/DT level/NN where/WRB you/PRP overturn/VB an/DT election/NN ?/.
"/" (/( Feinstein/NNP )/) ./.
11/CD ./.
Jury/NNP Duty/NNP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS favorite/JJ frame/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT debate/NN over/IN witnesses/NNS ,/, its/PRP$ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO strip/VB Republicans/NNPS of/IN their/PRP$ appeals/NNS to/TO the/DT Constitution/NNP ,/, jury/NN guidelines/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT rule/NN of/IN law/NN ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN members/NNS of/IN Congress/NNP have/VBP day/NN jobs/NNS ,/, and/CC every/DT day/NN they/PRP spend/VBP on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS trial--i/JJ ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, jury/NN duty--is/JJ a/DT day/NN they/PRP 're/VBP not/RB spending/NN on/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, education/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ issues/NNS ./.
When/WRB Boxer/NNP raised/VBD this/DT concern/NN ,/, her/PRP$ Republican/JJ colleagues/NNS explained/VBD that/IN they/PRP were/VBD "/" two-tracking/JJ "/" the/DT trial/NN while/IN working/VBG on/IN "/" things/NNS that/WDT affect/VBP our/PRP$ constituents/NNS ./.
"/" That/DT answer/NN wo/MD n't/RB do/VB ./.
It/PRP lets/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS defenders/NNS steer/VB the/DT discussion/NN away/RB from/IN the/DT trial/NN ./.
It/PRP grants/VBZ the/DT distinction/NN between/IN the/DT trial/NN and/CC the/DT people/NNS 's/POS business/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP puts/VBZ the/DT GOP/NNP on/IN a/DT collision/NN course/NN with/IN its/PRP$ argument/NN that/IN Clinton/NNP should/MD n't/RB deliver/VB his/PRP$ State/NNP of/IN the/DT Union/NNP address/NN on/IN Jan/NNP ./.
19/CD ./.
But/CC that/DT 's/VBZ a/DT "/" Frame/NNP Game/NNP "/" for/IN another/DT day/NN ./.
By/IN Michael/NNP Ryan/NNP
(/( posted/VBD Wednesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
5/CD ;/: to/TO be/VB composted/JJ Wednesday/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
12/CD )/)
To/TO hear/VB the/DT poet/NN read/NN "/" Dream/VB Pun/NNP ,/, "/" click/NN or/CC on/IN the/DT title/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB how/WRB I/PRP knewthe/NN signalman/NN was/VBD the/DT signalman/NN ./.
His/PRP$ fuzzy/JJ red-brown/JJ hair/NN the/DT color/NN of/IN blood/NN ?/.
I/PRP knewhe/NN was/VBD n't/RB just/RB a/DT waiter/NN carrying/VBG a/DT traywhen/NN he/PRP pushed/VBD through/IN the/DT rathskellerdoing/VBG the/DT Hitler/NNP salute--not/JJ straight/JJ upSieg/NN Heil/NNP but/CC the/DT lateral/NN one/CD ,/, elbow-fulcrum/JJ on/IN his/PRP$ shoulder/NN 's/POS plane/NN ,/, hand/NN (/( made/VBN into/IN blade/NN )/) starting/VBG at/IN his/PRP$ heartsweeping/VBG the/DT quadrant/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN himas/NNS if/IN only/RB to/TO clear/VB a/DT paththrough/NN the/DT jolly/RB ,/, blocked/VBN aisle/NN ./.
You/PRP were/VBD n't/RB the/DT woman/NN at/IN the/DT tall/JJ tableI/NN was/VBD sitting/VBG with/IN ,/, where/WRB we/PRP eat/VBP together/RB most/JJS of/IN the/DT timewatching/VBG the/DT sky/NN change/NN at/IN sunset/NN and/CC talking/VBG about/IN our/PRP$ day/NN (/( characters/NNS from/IN each/DT other/JJ 's/POS livesflickering/VBG ghostlike/NN through/IN that/DT gorgeous/JJ air/NN )/) -/: -/: nor/CC was/VBD I/PRP speaking/VBG to/TO her/PRP$ when/WRB he/PRP pushed/VBD through/IN doing/VBG the/DT Hitler/NNP salutethat/NN meant/VBN run/VB right/RB then/IN to/TO save/VB myself/PRP ./.
There/EX was/VBD n't/RB time/VB for/IN a/DT word/NN to/TO her/PRP ./.
The/DT bomb/NN exploded/VBD as/IN I/PRP got/VBD out/RP the/DT door/NN ./.
You/PRP know/VBP what/WP it/PRP was/VBD like/IN in/IN there/RB ./.
You/PRP 've/VBP listened/VBN to/TO me/PRP so/RB many/JJ hoursdepicting/VBG aftermaths/NNS of/IN my/PRP$ blunt/VB shame/NN ./.
The/DT place/NN had/VBD been/VBN jammed/VBN ,/, everyone/NN drunk/JJ ,/, the/DT cellar/NN had/VBD kept/VBN the/DT explosion/NN in--pillowed/JJ ,/, muffled/VBN ,/, a/DT brief/JJ hot/JJ thudwithin/NN thick/JJ earth-sunk/JJ concrete/JJ walls/NNS ./.
But/CC oh/UH my/PRP$ God/NNP what/WP it/PRP had/VBD done/VBN ./.
I/PRP crawled/VBD back/RB into/IN the/DT rubblesearching/VBG for/IN her/PRP$ ,/, until/IN I/PRP sawthe/NN work/NN I/PRP had/VBD to/TO do/VB now/RB ./.
What/WP had/VBD happened/VBN had/VBN happened/VBN ,/, I/PRP 'd/MD never/RB know/VB how/WRB ./.
I/PRP had/VBD to/TO help/VB withthe/NN wounded/VBN and/CC haul/NN out/RP the/DT dead/NN ./.
So/RB ,/, Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN having/VBG an/DT affair/NN with/IN congressional/JJ aide/NN Callista/NNP Bisek/NNP for/IN six/CD years--since/JJ before/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Revolution/NNP of/IN 1994/CD ./.
Why/WRB did/VBD n't/RB Larry/NNP Flynt/NNP tell/VB us/PRP about/IN it/PRP when/WRB it/PRP mattered/VBN ?/.
You/PRP remember/VBP :/: Flynt/NNP ,/, the/DT pornographer/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ crack/NN team/NN of/IN snoops/NNS were/VBD going/VBG to/TO blast/VB the/DT lid/NN off/RP the/DT hypocritical/JJ Republican/NNP Congress/NNP that/WDT was/VBD trying/VBG to/TO impeach/NN a/DT president/NN over/IN sex/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
Flynt/NNP offered/VBD up/RP to/TO $/$ 1/CD million/CD in/IN reward/NN money/NN ./.
Yet/RB here/RB one/CD of/IN Flynt/NNP 's/POS juiciest/NN potential/JJ targets/NNS was/VBD cheating/VBG ,/, and/CC Flynt/NNP did/VBD n't/RB blow/VB his/PRP$ cover/NN ./.
Did/VBD Flynt/NNP fail/VBP to/TO find/VB out/IN about/IN Gingrich/NNP and/CC Bisek/NNP ?/.
No/DT ,/, according/VBG to/TO Allan/NNP MacDonell/NNP ,/, executive/JJ editor/NN of/IN Flynt/NNP 's/POS Hustler/NNP magazine/NN ./.
MacDonell/NNP told/VBD kausfiles/NNS that/IN "/" we/PRP had/VBD some/DT information/NN "/" on/IN Gingrich--indeed/NNP ,/, Hustler/NNP had/VBD compiled/VBN a/DT "/" good/JJ dossier/NN "/" on/IN the/DT speaker/NN before/IN he/PRP resigned/VBD his/PRP$ office/NN after/IN the/DT Nov/NNP ./.
1998/CD elections/NNS ./.
Did/VBD that/DT dossier/NN include/VBP the/DT Bisek/NNP matter/NN ?/.
"/" Yes/UH ./.
"/" So/RB why/WRB did/VBD n't/RB Flynt/NNP expose/VB the/DT affair/NN ?/.
"/" We/PRP were/VBD holding/VBG back/RB ./.
"/" Why/WRB hold/VB back/RB ?/.
MacDonell/NNP said/VBD that/IN Bisek/NNP was/VBD a/DT "/" private/JJ "/" citizen/NN ,/, which/WDT caused/VBD some/DT concern/NN ,/, but/CC also/RB that/IN Hustler/NNP "/" wanted/VBD to/TO see/VB what/WP Gingrich/NNP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO do/VB next/RB as/IN far/RB as/IN his/PRP$ career/NN was/VBD concerned/VBN ./.
Hmmm/NNP ./.
In/IN early/JJ 1999/CD ,/, while/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP impeachment/NN was/VBD pending/VBG before/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, Republicans/NNPS charged/VBD that/IN Flynt/NNP was/VBD blackmailing/VBG anti-/NN Clinton/NNP congressmen/NNS ./.
This/DT came/VBD after/IN Flynt/NNP 's/POS investigator/NN ,/, Dan/NNP Moldea/NNP ,/, told/VBD the/DT Washington/NNP Times/NNP ,/, "/" We/PRP have/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN these/DT guys/NNS ,/, dead/JJ bang/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT evidence/NN is/VBZ clear/JJ ./.
But/CC they/PRP have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN going/VBG on/IN TV/NN ,/, or/CC on/IN the/DT floor/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ,/, shooting/VBG their/PRP$ mouths/NNS off/RP ,/, trying/VBG to/TO take/VB the/DT moral/JJ high/JJ ground/NN against/IN Clinton/NNP ./.
And/CC as/IN a/DT consequence/NN ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP throwing/VBG it/PRP back/RB in/IN the/DT river/NN ./.
"/" If/IN a/DT Republican/NNP "/" has/VBZ n't/RB been/VBN shooting/VBG his/PRP$ mouth/NN off/RP ,/, "/" Moldea/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" we/PRP let/VBP him/PRP go/VB ./.
And/CC ,/, come/VB to/TO think/VB of/IN it/PRP ,/, Gingrich/NNP was/VBD kind/NN of/IN uncharacteristically/RB quiet/JJ during/IN the/DT impeachment/NN mess/NN ,/, was/VBD n't/RB he/PRP ?/.
Did/VBD Gingrich/NNP know/VB Flynt/NNP had/VBD the/DT goods/NNS on/IN him/PRP ?/.
"/" We/PRP never/RB contacted/VBD him/PRP ,/, "/" says/VBZ MacDonell/NNP ,/, though/IN he/PRP concedes/VBZ Gingrich/NNP "/" could/MD have/VB known/VBN ./.
"/" MacDonell/NNP says/VBZ Hustler/NNP 's/POS concern/NN was/VBD getting/VBG maximum/NN publicity/NN and/CC sales/NNS for/IN Hustler/NNP ,/, not/RB necessarily/RB making/VBG Gingrich/NNP behave/VB ./.
"/" We/PRP were/VBD going/VBG to/TO wait/VB until/IN the/DT disclosure/NN would/MD do/VB us/PRP the/DT most/JJS benefit/NN ./.
"/" If/IN Gingrich/NNP had/VBD come/VBN out/IN in/IN a/DT high-profile/JJ way/NN and/CC denounced/VBD Clinton/NNP 's/POS sexual/JJ immorality/NN ,/, would/MD Flynt/NNP have/VB dropped/VBN the/DT bomb/NN then/RB ?/.
"/" That/DT was/VBD kind/NN of/IN our/PRP$ idea/NN ./.
"/" What/WP if/IN Newt/NNP had/VBD n't/RB resigned/VBN after/IN his/PRP$ 1998/CD election/NN losses/NNS ,/, and/CC instead/RB had/VBD resolved/VBN to/TO seek/VB another/DT term/NN as/IN House/NNP speaker--would/JJ Flynt/NNP then/RB have/VBP tried/VBN to/TO bring/VB him/PRP down/RB ?/.
"/" Not/RB necessarily/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ MacDonell/NNP ./.
"/" We/PRP were/VBD n't/RB that/WDT concerned/VBD with/IN bringing/VBG down/RB anybody/NN ./.
We/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO do/VB the/DT most/JJS for/IN [/( ourselves/PRP ]/) ./.
So/RB was/VBD Gingrich/NNP effectively/RB (/( if/IN not/RB illegally/RB )/) blackmailed/VBN ?/.
You/PRP ,/, the/DT reader/NN ,/, be/VBP the/DT judge/NN !/.
I/PRP tend/VBP to/TO believe/VB MacDonell/NNP 's/POS claim/NN of/IN pure/JJ ,/, publicity-seeking/JJ self-interest/NN ./.
But/CC that/DT does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB Gingrich/NNP 's/POS behavior/NN was/VBD n't/RB affected/VBN by/IN knowledge/NN that/IN Flynt/NNP ,/, or/CC someone/NN like/IN him/PRP ,/, knew/VBD about/IN Bisek/NNP and/CC might/MD blow/VB the/DT whistle/VBP ./.
Intentionally/NNP or/CC not/RB ,/, Flynt/NNP served/VBD Clinton/NNP well/RB ./.
Flynt/NNP would/MD probably/RB agree/VB ./.
Last/JJ spring/NN ,/, after/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS impeachment/NN trial/NN was/VBD over--and/JJ months/NNS after/IN Gingrich/NNP resigned--he/JJ finally/RB published/VBN his/PRP$ long-awaited/JJ (/( and/CC disappointing/JJ )/) Flynt/NNP Report/NNP ./.
It/PRP did/VBD allude/NN to/TO the/DT Bisek/NNP matter/NN ,/, saying/VBG :/: "/" Rumors/NNS of/IN an/DT ongoing/JJ affair/NN between/IN the/DT remarried/JJ Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP and/CC a/DT female/JJ staff/NN member/NN of/IN then-/NN Congressman/NNP Steve/NNP Gunderson/NNP (/( R-W/NNP isconsin/NN )/) */NN reached/VBD HUSTLER/NNP from/IN more/JJR than/IN one/CD inside/IN source/NN ./.
Maybe/RB this/DT whiff/NN of/IN fresh/JJ scandal/NN was/VBD the/DT deciding/VBG factor/NN in/IN Newt/NNP 's/POS abrupt/JJ withdrawal/NN from/IN the/DT mud/NN fight/NN ./.
"/" And/CC ,/, Flynt/NNP might/MD have/VB added/VBN ,/, in/IN determining/VBG Newt/NNP 's/POS fighting/NN style/NN during/IN the/DT previous/JJ months/NNS ./.
Gingrich/NNP 's/POS press/NN spokesman/NN ,/, Michael/NNP Shields/NNP ,/, declined/VBD to/TO comment/VB on/IN this/DT story/NN when/WRB contacted/VBN by/IN kausfiles/NNS ./.
*/NN In/IN 1993/CD ,/, when/WRB her/PRP$ romance/NN with/IN the/DT speaker/NN apparently/RB began/VBD ,/, Bisek/NNP was/VBD an/DT aide/NN to/TO Gunderson/NNP ./.
Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP 's/POS new/JJ book/NN ,/, A/DT Republic/NNP ,/, Not/RB an/DT Empire/NNP ,/, has/VBZ drawn/VBN fire/NN for/IN its/PRP$ claim/NN that/IN Hitler/NNP posed/VBD no/DT threat/NN to/TO American/JJ national/JJ interests/NNS ./.
Already/RB ,/, some/DT Republicans/NNPS have/VBP disavowed/VBD him/PRP ,/, and/CC some/DT historians/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN Norm/NNP Goda/NNP ,/, Gerhard/NNP L/NNP ./.
Weinberg/NNP ,/, and/CC Robert/NNP G/NNP ./.
Kaufman/NNP ,/, have/VBP rebutted/VBN him/PRP ./.
But/CC Buchanan/NNP 's/POS Hitlerophilia/NNP is/VBZ just/RB the/DT start/NN of/IN his/PRP$ problems/NNS ./.
The/DT real/JJ news/NN about/IN A/DT Republic/NNP ,/, Not/RB an/DT Empire/NNP is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP repeatedly/RB warps/NNS American/JJ history/NN to/TO support/VB Buchanan/NNP 's/POS nativist/NN ideology/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP to/TO read/VB if/IN today/NN 's/POS congressional/JJ Republicans/NNPS would/MD have/VB voted/VBN to/TO stop/VB Hitler/NNP ./.
The/DT aim/NN of/IN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS book/NN is/VBZ to/TO revive/VB the/DT doctrine/NN of/IN isolationism/NN and/CC restore/VB legitimacy/NN to/TO its/PRP$ advocates/NNS ./.
As/IN Buchanan/NNP notes/NNS ,/, the/DT term/NN "/" isolationist/NN "/" (/( which/WDT he/PRP rejects/VBZ )/) was/VBD coined/VBN in/IN the/DT 1920/CD s/VBZ to/TO denigrate/NN those/DT who/WP would/MD keep/VB America/NNP out/IN of/IN European/JJ wars/NNS ./.
For/IN Buchanan/NNP ,/, what/WP others/NNS call/VBP isolationism/NN has/VBZ a/DT noble/JJ history/NN ,/, dating/VBG to/TO George/NNP Washington/NNP 's/POS admonition/NN that/IN America/NNP should/MD "/" steer/VB clear/JJ of/IN permanent/JJ alliances/NNS ./.
"/" In/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, Buchanan/NNP argues/VBZ ,/, presidents/NNS obeyed/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT nation/NN thrived/VBD ./.
But/CC with/IN the/DT Spanish-/NNP American/NNP War/NNP ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT policy/NN was/VBD junked/JJ ,/, and/CC since/IN then/RB we/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN rushing/VBG headlong/RB into/IN ruin/VB ./.
Errors/NNP ,/, distorted/JJ emphases/NNS ,/, discredited/VBN theories/NNS ,/, internal/JJ inconsistencies/NNS ,/, and/CC outright/JJ prejudice/NN permeate/NN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS book/NN right/NN from/IN the/DT beginning/NN ./.
Early/RB on/RB ,/, he/PRP refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT American/NNP West/JJ before/IN European/JJ settlers/NNS arrived/VBD as/IN "/" empty/JJ land/NN ./.
"/" For/IN a/DT screed/NN against/IN American/JJ imperialism/NN ,/, his/PRP$ book/NN is/VBZ astonishingly/RB uncritical/JJ about/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS violent/JJ conquest/NN of/IN the/DT West/NNP ./.
In/IN writing/VBG about/IN the/DT 1811/CD Battle/NNP of/IN Tippecanoe--the/NNP showdown/NN between/IN the/DT troops/NNS of/IN the/DT Indian/JJ leader/NN Tecumseh/NNP and/CC of/IN the/DT Indiana/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
William/NNP Henry/NNP Harrison--/NNP Buchanan/NNP treats/VBZ the/DT Indians/NNPS as/IN Britain/NNP 's/POS hired/VBN minions/NNS who/WP ran/VBD around/IN scalping/VBG Americans/NNPS for/IN sport/NN ,/, rather/RB than/IN a/DT threatened/VBN people/NNS who/WP enlisted/VBD Britain/NNP in/IN a/DT strategic/JJ alliance/NN ./.
He/PRP also/RB describes/VBZ the/DT Florida/NNP of/IN the/DT early/JJ 19/CD th/NN century/NN as/IN "/" a/DT haven/NN for/IN ./.
marauding/VBG Indians/NNPS who/WP regularly/RB crossed/VBN into/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
territory/NN to/TO pillage/NN ,/, burn/VB and/CC murder/NN ,/, "/" and/CC calls/VBZ Andrew/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, who/WP ruthlessly/RB waged/VBD war/NN against/IN them/PRP ,/, a/DT man/NN of/IN "/" vision/NN ,/, unapologetic/JJ about/IN the/DT means/NNS [/( he/PRP ]/) employed/VBN to/TO realize/VB the/DT destiny/NN [/( he/PRP ]/) foresaw/VBD for/IN America/NNP ./.
"/" There/EX 's/VBZ much/JJ to/TO admire/NN about/IN Andrew/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ brutal/JJ Florida/NNP campaign/NN should/MD elicit/NN at/IN least/JJS pause/NN ,/, if/IN not/RB apologies/NNS ./.
Buchanan/NNP 's/POS determination/NN to/TO see/VB the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN as/IN a/DT success/NN story/NN (/( the/DT better/JJR to/TO underscore/VB the/DT failures/NNS of/IN 20/CD th/NN -/: century/NN policy/NN )/) also/RB leads/VBZ him/PRP to/TO a/DT rosy/JJ view/NN of/IN the/DT Mexican-/NNP American/NNP War/NNP ./.
Dismissive/NNP of/IN those/DT who/WP have/VBP questioned/VBN America/NNP 's/POS aggressive/JJ annexation/NN of/IN the/DT Southwest/NNP ,/, he/PRP argues/VBZ that/IN opponents/NNS of/IN annexation/NN were/VBD dupes/VBZ of/IN Britain/NNP ./.
Actually/RB ,/, expansion/NN aroused/VBD Northern/NNP fears/NNS mainly/RB because/IN it/PRP promised/VBD to/TO create/VB more/JJR states/NNS hospitable/JJ to/TO slavery/NN ,/, but/CC in/IN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS telling/VBG ,/, the/DT central/JJ issue/NN of/IN antebellum/JJ America/NNP garners/NNS barely/RB a/DT mention/NN ./.
The/DT Anglophobia/NNP returns/NNS when/WRB he/PRP buys/VBZ into/IN hoary/JJ theories/NNS that/IN America/NNP foolishly/RB accepted/VBD the/DT "/" Open/NNP Door/NNP Policy/NNP "/" in/IN China/NNP because/IN the/DT British/JJ had/VBD conned/JJ Secretary/NNP of/IN State/NNP John/NNP Hay/NNP ./.
Buchanan/NNP also/RB resurrects/VBZ 75/CD -/: year-old/JJ claims/NNS that/IN the/DT wily/JJ schemes/NNS of/IN Wall/NNP Street/NNP financiers/NNS and/CC munitions-makers/JJ plunged/VBD America/NNP into/IN World/NNP War/NNP I/PRP ./.
(/( And/CC as/IN Kaufman/NNP notes/NNS in/IN the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, recent/JJ scholarship/NN suggests/VBZ Kaiser/NNP Wilhelm/NNP was/VBD more/JJR of/IN a/DT continental/JJ menace/NN than/IN previously/RB recognized/VBN and/CC that/IN the/DT war/NN was/VBD n't/RB necessarily/RB the/DT "/" mistake/NN "/" common/JJ wisdom/NN once/RB held/VBD it/PRP to/TO be/VB ./.
Buchanan/NNP 's/POS theory/NN of/IN 20/CD th/NN -/: century/NN foreign/JJ policy/NN is/VBZ basically/RB that/IN Democratic/JJ presidents/NNS have/VBP been/VBN bad/JJ ./.
His/PRP$ vituperation/NN for/IN Woodrow/NNP Wilson/NNP extends/VBZ beyond/IN the/DT familiar/JJ argument/NN that/IN Wilson/NNP 's/POS arrogance/NN sabotaged/JJ his/PRP$ efforts/NNS to/TO win/VB Senate/NNP approval/NN for/IN joining/VBG the/DT League/NNP of/IN Nations/NNPS ;/: Buchanan/NNP also/RB faults/NNS Wilson/NNP for/IN impugning/VBG the/DT patriotism/NN of/IN so-called/JJ "/" hyphenates/NNS "/" -/: -/: immigrants/NNS who/WP wanted/VBD American/JJ policy/NN to/TO favor/VB their/PRP$ native/JJ lands/NNS ./.
The/DT criticism/NN is/VBZ plainly/RB disingenuous/JJ :/: In/IN two/CD of/IN his/PRP$ last/JJ three/CD chapters/NNS ,/, Buchanan/NNP bashes/NNS Jewish/NNP and/CC Mexican-/NNP Americans/NNPS for/IN speaking/VBG up/RP on/IN behalf/NN of/IN Israel/NNP and/CC Mexico/NNP ./.
Likewise/RB ,/, Buchanan/NNP ,/, until/IN now/RB not/RB known/VBN as/IN a/DT friend/NN of/IN Asian/JJ immigrants/NNS ,/, sheds/NNS crocodile/NN tears/NNS for/IN the/DT Japanese-/NNP Americans/NNPS interned/JJ during/IN World/NNP War/NNP II--apparently/NNP so/IN he/PRP can/MD take/VB another/DT swipe/NN at/IN Franklin/NNP Roosevelt/NNP ./.
This/DT brings/VBZ us/PRP to/TO the/DT much-reported/JJ World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP controversy/NN ./.
Buchanan/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN Britain/NNP and/CC France/NNP never/RB should/MD have/VB pledged/VBN to/TO defend/VB Poland/NNP ./.
Had/VBD the/DT Allies/NNS acquiesced/VBD in/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS invasion/NN there/EX (/( following/VBG ,/, mind/NN you/PRP ,/, Germany/NNP 's/POS unchallenged/JJ invasions/NNS of/IN the/DT Rhineland/NNP ,/, Austria/NNP ,/, and/CC Czechoslovakia/NNP )/) ,/, then/RB Hitler/NNP would/MD have/VB spared/VBN the/DT West/NNP and/CC attacked/VBN Stalin/NNP 's/POS Russia/NNP ,/, leading/VBG the/DT two/CD regimes/NNS to/TO fight/VB to/TO the/DT death/NN ./.
Buchanan/NNP further/JJ argues/VBZ that/IN after/IN Germany/NNP 's/POS loss/NN in/IN the/DT Battle/NNP of/IN Britain/NNP in/IN 1940/CD ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS was/VBD safe/JJ ,/, and/CC thus/RB Roosevelt/NNP ,/, who/WP inveigled/JJ the/DT country/NN into/IN war/NN ,/, is/VBZ at/IN fault/NN for/IN the/DT 400/CD ,/, 000/CD American/JJ lives/NNS lost/VBD ./.
Counterfactuals----are/NNP unprovable/JJ ./.
They/PRP carry/VBP rhetorical/JJ power/NN but/CC no/DT meaning/VBG ./.
Besides/IN ,/, as/IN Goda/NNP and/CC Weinberg/NNP have/VBP both/DT shown/VBN at/IN TomPaine/NNP ./.
com/NN ,/, Hitler/NNP did/VBD plan/NN for/IN war/NN with/IN America/NNP ./.
In/IN 1940/CD ,/, he/PRP commissioned/VBD bombers/NNS that/WDT could/MD reach/VB New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP ,/, and/CC Germany/NNP actively/RB quested/JJ for/IN the/DT atomic/JJ bomb/NN ./.
And/CC even/RB if/IN Germany/NNP had/VBD ignored/VBN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC achieved/VBN "/" only/RB "/" its/PRP$ goal/NN of/IN becoming/VBG "/" master/NN of/IN Europe/NNP "/" (/( Buchanan/NNP 's/POS words/NNS )/) ,/, no/DT historian/NN would/MD agree/VB that/IN American/JJ interests/NNS would/MD have/VB remained/VBN unimperiled/JJ ./.
As/IN for/IN the/DT charges/NNS against/IN FDR/NNP ,/, they/PRP too/RB are/VBP specious--the/JJ residue/NN of/IN 1940/CD s/VBZ conspiracy/NN theories/NNS by/IN the/DT ultra-rightists/JJ Buchanan/NNP seeks/VBZ to/TO redeem/VB ./.
Yes/UH ,/, in/IN 1940/CD ,/, politicians/NNS of/IN both/DT parties/NNS ran/VBD for/IN office/NN promising/JJ peace/NN while/IN contemplating/VBG war/NN ./.
But/CC throughout/IN 1940/CD and/CC 1941/CD ,/, the/DT overall/JJ climate/NN became/VBD increasingly/RB belligerent/NN ,/, making/VBG neutrality/NN untenable/JJ ./.
For/IN a/DT while/NN ,/, Roosevelt/NNP succeeded/VBD anyway/RB in/IN his/PRP$ balancing/VBG act/NN :/: supporting/VBG America/NNP 's/POS allies/NNS ,/, as/IN he/PRP knew/VBD he/PRP had/VBD to/TO ,/, while/IN satisfying/VBG popular/JJ anti-war/JJ sentiment/NN with/IN what/WP he/PRP called/VBD ,/, in/IN a/DT Fireside/NNP Chat/NNP of/IN Dec/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, 1940/CD ,/, "/" methods/NNS short/JJ of/IN war/NN ./.
"/" Mainly/RB ,/, this/DT policy/NN meant/VBN "/" Lend-/NNP Lease/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT congressional/JJ act/NN that/WDT allowed/VBD the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO arm/VB countries/NNS under/IN attack/NN ,/, most/RBS importantly/RB Britain/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP theater/NN ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, FDR/NNP pursued/VBD a/DT diplomatic/JJ resolution/NN with/IN Japan/NNP until/IN late/JJ November/NNP 1941/CD ,/, when/WRB he/PRP learned/VBD that/IN Japan/NNP was/VBD continuing/VBG its/PRP$ southward/NN aggression/NN despite/IN the/DT negotiations/NNS ./.
Recently/RB Buchanan/NNP ,/, boxed/JJ in/IN by/IN criticisms/NNS ,/, has/VBZ insisted/VBN that/IN he/PRP does/VBZ agree/VB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD have/VB declared/VBN war/NN on/IN Germany--because/NNP Germany/NNP declared/VBD war/NN on/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS first/JJ ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ called/VBN it/PRP a/DT "/" damnable/JJ lie/NN "/" to/TO claim/VB that/IN he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB consider/VB the/DT war/NN to/TO have/VB been/VBN a/DT noble/JJ one/CD ./.
But/CC he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB realize/VB how/WRB this/DT admission/NN leaves/VBZ him/PRP without/IN an/DT argument/NN ./.
If/IN going/VBG to/TO war/VB against/IN Hitler/NNP was/VBD ultimately/RB the/DT right/JJ policy/NN ,/, then/RB in/IN hindsight/NN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS beloved/JJ isolationists/NNS ,/, even/RB if/IN well-intentioned/JJ ,/, were/VBD wrong/JJ ./.
Buchanan/NNP might/MD reply/VB with/IN what/WP he/PRP says/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN :/: that/IN FDR/NNP "/" maneuvered/VBD us/PRP into/IN one/CD collision/NN after/IN another/DT with/IN Germany/NNP and/CC Japan/NNP so/IN that/DT war/NN would/MD be/VB '/POS thrust/VBN upon/IN us/PRP '/POS "/" -/: -/: in/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS effectively/RB made/VBD the/DT choice/NN to/TO wage/VB war/NN first/RB ./.
But/CC if/IN that/DT 's/VBZ the/DT case/NN ,/, a/DT consistent/JJ argument/NN would/MD have/VB to/TO stick/VB by/IN the/DT claim/NN that/IN the/DT war/NN was/VBD a/DT mistake--a/JJ position/NN even/RB Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP knows/VBZ to/TO be/VB untenable/JJ in/IN a/DT presidential/JJ election/NN ./.
To/TO revive/VB the/DT isolationists/NNS '/POS reputation/NN ,/, Buchanan/NNP also/RB distorts/VBZ the/DT views/NNS of/IN Charles/NNP Lindbergh/NNP ,/, who/WP even/RB his/PRP$ sympathetic/JJ biographer/NN A/DT ./.
Scott/NNP Berg/NNP admits/VBZ was/VBD an/DT anti-/NN Semite/NNP ./.
While/IN Buchanan/NNP correctly/RB notes/VBZ that/IN many/JJ non-bigots/JJ opposed/VBD the/DT war/NN ,/, Lindbergh/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB so/RB easily/RB exonerated/VBD ./.
Lindbergh/NNP openly/RB admired/VBD Hitler/NNP ,/, cozied/JJ up/IN to/TO Hermann/NNP Goering/NNP ,/, and/CC branded/JJ Jews/NNPS as/IN un-/NN American/JJ agitators/NNS who/WP used/VBD their/PRP$ alleged/VBN power/NN to/TO attain/VB their/PRP$ parochial/JJ ends/NNS ./.
Buchanan/NNP pities/NNS the/DT "/" Lone/NNP Eagle/NNP ,/, "/" who/WP he/PRP says/VBZ suffered/VBN "/" for/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life--and/JJ beyond/IN "/" for/IN uttering/VBG "/" three/CD short/JJ paragraphs/NNS ./.
"/" Recently/RB ,/, Buchanan/NNP yelled/VBD at/IN CBS/NNP 's/POS Bob/NNP Schieffer/NNP on/IN Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP for/IN asking/VBG about/IN a/DT passage/NN in/IN A/DT Republic/NNP ,/, Not/RB an/DT Empire/NNP in/IN which/WDT he/PRP bemoans/NNS the/DT alleged/VBN power/NN of/IN the/DT Israeli/JJ lobby/NN ./.
"/" That/DT is/VBZ one/CD paragraph/NN out/IN of/IN a/DT 2/CD ,/, 000/CD -/: point/NN essay/NN ,/, "/" Buchanan/NNP retorted/JJ ,/, suggesting/VBG an/DT affinity/NN with/IN Lindbergh/NNP ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, just/RB as/IN Lindbergh/NNP was/VBD guilty/JJ of/IN more/JJR than/IN three/CD offending/VBG paragraphs/NNS ,/, Buchanan/NNP 's/POS bigotry/NN is/VBZ not/RB confined/VBN to/TO just/RB one/CD paragraph/NN of/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, as/RB ./.
Buchanan/NNP ca/MD n't/RB reconcile/VB his/PRP$ lifelong/JJ anti-communism/JJ with/IN the/DT anti-interventionist/JJ philosophy/NN that/WDT supposedly/RB unites/VBZ his/PRP$ book/NN ,/, so/RB when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP he/PRP carves/VBZ out/RP an/DT absurd/JJ exception/NN :/: The/DT extreme/JJ evil/NN of/IN communism/NN ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, warranted/VBN military/JJ action/NN in/IN places/NNS as/RB far-flung/JJ as/IN Vietnam/NNP or/CC as/RB minuscule/JJ as/IN Nicaragua/NNP ./.
Hitler/NNP was/VBD n't/RB a/DT threat/NN to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, but/CC Ho/NNP Chi/NNP Minh/NNP was/VBD ./.
Nearly/RB everyone/NN agrees/VBZ today/NN that/IN the/DT Vietnam/NNP War/NNP was/VBD unwinnable/JJ and/CC was/VBD needlessly/RB prolonged/JJ so/IN America/NNP could/MD save/VB face/NN ./.
But/CC Buchanan/NNP deems/VBZ it/PRP "/" a/DT legitimate/JJ war/NN of/IN containment/NN that/WDT could/MD have/VB been/VBN won/VBN in/IN half/PDT the/DT time/NN ./.
if/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS had/VBD used/VBN full/JJ conventional/JJ power/NN ./.
"/" Incidentally/NNP ,/, he/PRP also/RB asserts/VBZ wrongly/RB that/IN Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP 's/POS "/" Christmas/NNP bombing/NN "/" of/IN Hanoi/NNP in/IN 1972/CD made/VBN peace/NN possible/JJ ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, the/DT peace/NN treaty/NN signed/VBN in/IN January/NNP 1973/CD differed/VBD little/JJ from/IN one/CD on/IN the/DT table/NN the/DT previous/JJ October/NNP ./.
The/DT key/NN to/TO peace/NN lay/VB in/IN Nixon/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO jettison/NN his/PRP$ demand/NN that/IN Ho/NNP Chi/NNP Minh/NNP withdraw/VB from/IN South/JJ Vietnam--a/NNP demand/NN that/IN he/PRP could/MD have/VB renounced/VBD four/CD years/NNS earlier/RB ,/, sparing/VBG 18/CD ,/, 000/CD American/JJ lives/NNS ./.
One/PRP could/MD go/VB on/IN ./.
Buchanan/NNP throws/VBZ in/IN tenuous/JJ assertions/NNS and/CC crusty/JJ old/JJ theories/NNS willy-nilly/RB ,/, regardless/RB of/IN their/PRP$ provenance/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ because/IN he/PRP has/VBZ set/VBN out/IN to/TO make/VB an/DT argument/NN ,/, and/CC only/RB then/RB rounded/VBN up/RP whatever/WDT "/" evidence/NN "/" he/PRP can/MD find/VB to/TO support/VB it/PRP ./.
And/CC the/DT real/JJ argument/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ through/IN is/VBZ less/JJR about/IN foreign/JJ policy/NN aims--his/JJ arguments/NNS on/IN behalf/NN of/IN Cold/NNP War/NNP intervention/NN make/NN that/IN clear--than/JJ about/IN a/DT nativist/NN vision/NN of/IN America/NNP ,/, where/WRB foreigners/NNS are/VBP n't/RB to/TO be/VB trusted/VBN ,/, where/WRB the/DT fates/NNS of/IN Indians/NNPS ,/, blacks/NNS ,/, and/CC Jews/NNPS do/VBP n't/RB count/VB ./.
Most/JJS Americans/NNPS reject/VBP this/DT vision/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB those/DT who/WP do/VBP n't/RB should/MD realize/VB that/IN Buchanan/NNP 's/POS method--forming/JJ his/PRP$ conclusions/NNS based/VBN on/IN prejudice/NN ,/, then/RB rustling/NN up/RP the/DT support/NN for/IN them--invariably/JJ produces/VBZ bad/JJ history/NN ./.
Elizabeth/NNP is/VBZ a/DT lurid/NN paraphrase/VBP of/IN the/DT old/JJ Groucho/NNP Marx/NNP line/NN about/IN Doris/NNP Day/NNP :/: "/" I/PRP knew/VBD the/DT Virgin/NNP Queen/NNP before/IN she/PRP was/VBD a/DT virgin/JJ ./.
"/" As/IN the/DT movie/NN tells/VBZ it/PRP ,/, she/PRP was/VBD a/DT sylvan/NN ,/, redheaded/JJ princess/NN (/( Cate/NNP Blanchett/NNP )/) given/VBN to/TO gamboling/VBG with/IN her/PRP$ fella/NN (/( Joseph/NNP Fiennes/NNP )/) between/IN periods/NNS of/IN internment/NN in/IN the/DT Tower/NNP of/IN London/NNP on/IN charges/NNS of/IN conspiring/VBG to/TO overthrow/VB her/PRP$ half-sister/JJ ,/, the/DT heatedly/RB Catholic/NNP Queen/NNP Mary/NNP (/( Kathy/NNP Burke/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT daughter/NN of/IN the/DT second/JJ wife/NN of/IN Henry/NNP VIII/NNP ,/, Anne/NNP Boleyn/NNP ,/, and/CC therefore/RB dubbed/VBD a/DT bastard/NN by/IN the/DT papists/NNS ,/, the/DT Protestant/JJ Elizabeth/NNP ascends/NNS the/DT throne/NN to/TO find/VB the/DT air/NN still/RB thick/JJ with/IN smoke/NN from/IN roasted/JJ heretics/NNS ,/, a/DT team/NN of/IN skulking/VBG Catholics/NNPS plotting/VBG her/PRP$ assassination/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT council/NN of/IN advisers/NNS (/( lords/NNS ,/, bishops/NNS ,/, sundry/JJ old/JJ boys/NNS )/) who/WP snigger/NN openly/RB at/IN the/DT prospect/NN of/IN taking/VBG orders/NNS from/IN a/DT woman/NN ./.
Only/RB a/DT strategic/JJ marriage/NN to/TO a/DT Spaniard/NNP or/CC a/DT Frenchman/NNP will/MD mollify/VB all/DT factions/NNS ,/, her/PRP$ advisers/NNS insist/VBP ,/, but/CC the/DT pickings/NNS prove/VBP dismal/JJ ./.
(/( Her/PRP$ French/JJ suitor/NN enjoys/VBZ wearing/VBG dresses/NNS ./.
)/) After/IN skulls/NNS are/VBP smashed/VBN ,/, throats/NNS slit/NN ,/, and/CC bosoms/NNS skewered/JJ in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN Christ/NNP ,/, Elizabeth/NNP decides/VBZ to/TO :/: a/DT )/) "/" unsex/NN "/" herself/PRP and/CC become/VB a/DT symbol--the/JJ Virgin/NNP Queen/NNP ,/, married/VBD only/RB to/TO England/NNP ;/: and/CC b/SYM )/) entertain/VB dissenting/JJ opinions/NNS exclusively/RB from/IN those/DT whose/WP$ heads/NNS are/VBP affixed/JJ to/TO spikes/NNS ./.
You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB both/DT a/DT queenly/RB queen/NN and/CC a/DT womanly/RB woman/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT script/NN (/( by/IN Michael/NNP Hirst/NNP )/) -/: -/: at/IN least/JJS not/RB in/IN 1554/CD ./.
(/( The/DT director/NN ,/, Shekhar/NNP Kapur/NNP ,/, made/VBD the/DT same/JJ point/NN in/IN his/PRP$ grim/JJ 1994/CD Indian/JJ epic/NN The/DT Bandit/NNP Queen/NNP ,/, against/IN a/DT backdrop/NN of/IN scrubby/NN plains/NNS along/IN the/DT Ganges/NNP ./.
)/) Is/VBZ this/DT feminist/JJ take/NN historically/RB accurate/JJ ?/.
Probably/RB ,/, although/IN the/DT evidence/NN suggests/VBZ that/IN Elizabeth/NNP had/VBD developed/VBN a/DT head/NN for/IN stratagems/NNS earlier/RBR in/IN life/NN (/( her/PRP$ position/NN had/VBD been/VBN precarious/JJ since/IN the/DT beheading/NN of/IN her/PRP$ mother/NN )/) and/CC came/VBD to/TO the/DT throne/NN with/IN few/JJ girlish/NN illusions/NNS about/IN How/WRB Things/NNS Work/NN in/IN a/DT barbarous/JJ state/NN ./.
That/DT said/VBD ,/, the/DT movie/NN 's/POS approach/NN makes/VBZ for/IN juicy/JJ melodrama/NN ./.
The/DT tone/NN of/IN Elizabeth/NNP comes/VBZ nearer/IN to/TO the/DT nihilistic/JJ relish/NN of/IN Jacobeans/NNP such/JJ as/IN John/NNP Ford/NNP and/CC John/NNP Webster/NNP than/IN to/TO the/DT more/RBR sorrowful/JJ horror/NN of/IN the/DT Elizabethan/NNP dramatists/NNS Ben/NNP Jonson/NNP and/CC William/NNP Shakespeare/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ even/RB closer/JJR to/TO a/DT Jacobean/NNP drama/NN of/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ age/NN :/: The/DT Godfather/NNP (/( 1972/CD )/) ,/, which/WDT it/PRP emulates/NNS by/IN cutting/VBG back-and-forth/JJ between/IN queen/NN and/CC courtiers/NNS in/IN prayer/NN and/CC the/DT roundup/NN and/CC slaughter/NN of/IN Catholics/NNPS on/IN their/PRP$ privies/NNS ,/, in/IN bed/NN with/IN their/PRP$ mistresses/NNS ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
Their/PRP$ severed/VBN heads/VBZ look/VB on/RB ,/, wide-eyed/JJ ,/, as/IN Elizabeth/NNP directs/VBZ her/PRP$ hair/NN to/TO be/VB shorn--images/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ girlhood/NN flashing/VBG by/IN as/IN her/PRP$ locks/NNS rain/NN down--and/JJ then/RB walks/VBZ weightily/RB to/TO her/PRP$ throne/NN ,/, now/RB a/DT chalk-faced/JJ gorgon/NN ./.
With/IN all/DT due/JJ respect/NN to/TO Blanchett/NNP ,/, Bette/NNP Davis/NNP ,/, and/CC Glenda/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ favorite/JJ Elizabeth/NNP I/PRP remains/VBZ Miranda/NNP Richardson/NNP 's/POS capricious/JJ ,/, baby-talking/JJ psychopath/NN on/IN the/DT BBC/NNP comedy/NN Blackadder/NNP II/NNP ./.
(/( Casting/NNP about/IN for/IN a/DT new/JJ lord/NN high/JJ executioner/NN ,/, she/PRP mews/NNS to/TO Rowan/NNP Atkinson/NNP ,/, "/" There/EX are/VBP thousands/NNS of/IN Catholics/NNPS simply/RB dying/VBG to/TO have/VB their/PRP$ heads/NNS sneaked/VBD off/RP -/: -/: and/CC there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT one/CD to/TO organize/VB it/PRP ./.
"/" )/) But/CC Blanchett/NNP comes/VBZ in/IN a/DT close/JJ second/JJ ,/, pulling/VBG off/IN the/DT transition/NN from/IN hapless/JJ young/JJ woman/NN to/TO coolly/RB ruthless/JJ monarch/NN with/IN uncommon/JJ subtlety/NN ./.
Gradually/RB expunging/VBG all/DT empathy/NN from/IN her/PRP$ moist/NN ,/, pink/JJ eyes/NNS and/CC permitting/VBG her/PRP$ visage/NN to/TO ossify/NN ,/, she/PRP gives/VBZ this/DT carnival/NN of/IN carnage/NN an/DT awe-inspiring/JJ center/NN ./.
A/DT more/RBR subversive/JJ sort/NN of/IN queen/NN is/VBZ on/IN display/NN in/IN Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP ,/, Todd/NNP Haynes/NNP '/POS musical/JJ fantasia/NN on/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ era/NN of/IN "/" glam/NN "/" or/CC "/" glitter/NN "/" rock/NN ./.
Here/RB the/DT monarch/NN is/VBZ a/DT David/NNP Bowie-esque/NNP singer/NN called/VBD Brian/NNP Slade/NNP (/( Jonathan/NNP Rhys-/NNP Meyers/NNP )/) and/CC his/PRP$ spidery/NN ,/, space-age/JJ alter/VB ego/NN ,/, Maxwell/NNP Demon/NNP ./.
The/DT movie/NN opens/VBZ with/IN a/DT spaceship/NN depositing/VBG an/DT infant/JJ Oscar/NNP Wilde/NNP on/IN the/DT stoop/NN of/IN a/DT Dublin/NNP townhouse/NN ./.
Then/RB it/PRP skips/NNS ahead/RB to/TO track/VB a/DT jade/NN pin/NN (/( it/PRP signifies/NNS hedonistic/JJ liberation/NN )/) from/IN the/DT custody/NN of/IN a/DT young/JJ Wilde/NNP to/TO a/DT swishy/NN fringe/NN creature/NN called/VBD Jack/NNP Fairy/NNP to/TO the/DT regal/NN Slade/NNP ,/, a/DT bisexual/NN superstar/NN who/WP carries/VBZ the/DT news/NN to/TO all/DT the/DT young/JJ dudes/NNS ./.
After/IN that/DT ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP in/IN an/DT Orwellian/NNP 1984/CD that/DT 's/VBZ presided/VBD over/IN by/IN a/DT vaguely/RB fascist/JJ president/NN and/CC by/IN arena/NN rockers/NNS who/WP serve/VBP as/IN propagandists/NNS for/IN a/DT repressively/RB conformist/NN state/NN ./.
Whatever/WDT happened/VBD to/TO Brian/NNP Slade/NNP ,/, the/DT glitter/NN kids/NNS ,/, the/DT visionary/JJ exhibitionists/NNS and/CC gleeful/JJ poseurs/NNS ?/.
Borrowing/NNP its/PRP$ framework/NN from/IN Citizen/NNP Kane/NNP ,/, the/DT movie/NN follows/VBZ a/DT reporter/NN (/( Christian/NNP Bale/NNP )/) assigned/VBN to/TO reconstruct/VB Slade/NNP 's/POS life/NN and/CC solve/VB the/DT mystery/NN of/IN his/PRP$ whereabouts/NN ./.
Whatever/WDT you/PRP make/NN of/IN Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP (/( opinions/NNS have/VBP ranged/VBN from/IN rapturous/JJ to/TO casually/RB dismissive/JJ )/) ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN no/DT other/JJ musical/JJ ever/RB made/VBN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ determinedly/RB swirling/VBG ,/, discursive/JJ ,/, elliptical/JJ ./.
Now/RB the/DT story/NN is/VBZ told/VBN by/IN an/DT omniscient/NN narrator/NN ,/, now/RB a/DT TV/NN reporter/NN ,/, now/RB a/DT participant/NN ./.
Now/RB it/PRP 's/VBZ flashing/VBG back/RB ,/, now/RB forward/RB ./.
Every/DT other/JJ line/NN of/IN dialogue/NN is/VBZ a/DT cue/NN for/IN one/CD of/IN its/PRP$ dazzling/JJ numbers/NNS ,/, largely/RB covers/NNS of/IN songs/NNS by/IN Brian/NNP Eno/NNP ,/, Bryan/NNP Ferry/NNP ,/, and/CC T/NN ./.
Rex/NNP ./.
The/DT narrative/NN is/VBZ a/DT challenge/NN to/TO keep/VB up/RP with/IN ,/, but/CC then/RB ,/, great/JJ artists/NNS often/RB invent/VBP their/PRP$ own/JJ syntax/NN ./.
In/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, Haynes/NNP employed/VBN Barbie/NNP dolls/NNS to/TO depict/VB the/DT rise/NN and/CC wasting/NN away/RB from/IN anorexia/NN of/IN the/DT singer/NN Karen/NNP Carpenter/NNP ./.
Lucky/JJ audiences/NNS who/WP caught/VBD Superstar/NNP :/: The/DT Karen/NNP Carpenter/NNP Story/NNP (/( it/PRP was/VBD shelved/VBD when/WRB Richard/NNP Carpenter/NNP served/VBD the/DT producers/NNS with/IN an/DT order/NN to/TO cease/VB and/CC desist/VB exhibition/NN )/) began/VBD by/IN laughing/VBG at/IN this/DT elaborately/RB posed/VBN ,/, soft-rock/JJ femme/NN ,/, only/RB to/TO discover/VB by/IN the/DT climax/NN that/IN the/DT cultural/JJ forces/NNS that/WDT were/VBD eating/VBG at/IN her/PRP$ (/( and/CC that/DT kept/VBD her/PRP from/IN eating/VBG )/) had/VBD grown/VBN heartbreakingly/RB palpable/JJ ./.
Poison/NN (/( 1991/CD )/) ,/, Haynes/NNP '/POS Genêt-inspired/NNP exploration/NN of/IN transgression/NN ,/, did/VBD n't/RB overcome/VB its/PRP$ own/JJ artiness/NNS ./.
But/CC Safe/NNP (/( 1995/CD )/) ,/, the/DT story/NN of/IN a/DT Reagan-era/NN housewife/NN (/( Julianne/NNP Moore/NNP )/) convinced/VBN that/IN her/PRP$ environment/NN is/VBZ poisoning/NN her/PRP$ ,/, is/VBZ an/DT entrancing/VBG meditation/NN on/IN the/DT power/NN of/IN culture/NN to/TO crush/VB the/DT individual/NN ./.
Despite/IN its/PRP$ ironic/JJ detachment/NN ,/, the/DT film/NN draws/VBZ you/PRP into/IN its/PRP$ heroine/NN 's/POS sickly/RB state/NN :/: Breathing/NNP oxygen/NN from/IN a/DT canister/NN inside/IN a/DT high-tech/JJ igloo/NN ,/, she/PRP dwindles/NNS to/TO nearly/RB nothing/NN ,/, the/DT modern/JJ incarnation/NN of/IN the/DT Incredible/NNP Shrinking/VBG Man/NN ./.
(/( It/PRP was/VBD partly/RB my/PRP$ passion/NN for/IN Haynes/NNP '/POS films/NNS that/WDT led/VBD me/PRP to/TO accept/VB a/DT job/NN offer/NN from/IN his/PRP$ indefatigable/JJ producer/NN Christine/NNP Vachon/NNP last/JJ year/NN to/TO collaborate/VB on/IN a/DT nuts-and-bolts/JJ book/NN about/IN producing/VBG ,/, Shooting/NNP To/TO Kill/VB ./.
So/RB my/PRP$ review/NN of/IN Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP -/: -/: like/IN my/PRP$ review/NN of/IN Vachon/NNP 's/POS other/JJ recent/JJ release/NN ,/, Happiness/NNP -/: -/: should/MD be/VB read/VBN as/IN the/DT work/NN of/IN a/DT partisan/JJ ./.
But/CC not/RB a/DT blind/JJ partisan/JJ ./.
In/IN Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP ,/, Haynes/NNP sets/NNS out/IN to/TO demonstrate/VB the/DT power/NN of/IN popular/JJ music/NN to/TO change/VB people/NNS 's/POS lives--to/JJ tell/VB them/PRP it/PRP 's/VBZ OK/JJ to/TO fashion/VB themselves/PRP into/IN anything/NN they/PRP please/VBP ./.
The/DT core/NN of/IN the/DT movie/NN turns/VBZ out/IN not/RB to/TO be/VB the/DT Bowie/NNP figure/NN but/CC the/DT journalist/NN ,/, Arthur/NNP Stuart/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD a/DT witness/NN to/TO the/DT events/NNS he/PRP 's/VBZ now/RB reconstructing/VBG ./.
Bale/NNP is/VBZ such/JJ an/DT expressive/JJ performer/NN that/IN Stuart/NNP 's/POS remembrance/NN of/IN things/NNS past/JJ attains/NNS a/DT Proustian/NNP intensity/NN ./.
To/TO him/PRP ,/, Slade/NNP was/VBD a/DT sexual/JJ messiah/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP never/RB seen/VBN a/DT more/RBR vivid/JJ distillation/NN of/IN rock/NN 's/POS allure/NN than/IN the/DT scene/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP reverently/RB opens/VBZ the/DT new/JJ Brian/NNP Slade/NNP album--its/JJ centerfold/NN image/NN is/VBZ a/DT lithe/NN ,/, naked/JJ ,/, green-tinged/JJ Maxwell/NNP Demon--slips/NNP the/DT vinyl/NN out/IN of/IN its/PRP$ paper/NN jacket/NN and/CC ,/, after/IN gingerly/RB setting/VBG the/DT LP/NNP on/IN the/DT turntable/JJ ,/, props/NNS a/DT chair/NN under/IN the/DT doorknob/NN to/TO keep/VB the/DT uncomprehending/VBG world/NN at/IN bay/NN ./.
But/CC if/IN Haynes/NNP wants/VBZ Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP to/TO be/VB an/DT anthem/NN to/TO the/DT principles/NNS Bowie/NNP once/RB embodied--the/JJ embrace/VB of/IN artifice/NN and/CC the/DT smashing/NN of/IN conventional/JJ sexual/JJ roles--he/JJ also/RB wants/VBZ to/TO portray/VB the/DT rocker/NN as/IN a/DT hollow/JJ opportunist/NN who/WP abandoned/VBD glam/NN and/CC bisexuality/NN for/IN the/DT life/NN of/IN a/DT corporate/JJ superstar/NN ,/, throwing/VBG in/IN his/PRP$ lot/NN with/IN the/DT forces/NNS of/IN repression/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT lot/NN to/TO cover/VB ./.
An/DT actor/NN of/IN stature/NN might/MD have/VB bridged/JJ these/DT two/CD impulses/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT beautiful/JJ ,/, brazenly/RB slim-hipped/JJ Rhys-/NNP Meyers/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB his/PRP$ lines/NNS sound/VBP as/IN if/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ thinking/VBG them/PRP up/RP on/IN the/DT spot/NN ,/, and/CC Slade/NNP 's/POS self-destructive/JJ passion/NN for/IN Curt/NNP Wild/NNP (/( Ewan/NNP McGregor/NNP )/) ,/, the/DT film/NN 's/POS fuzzy/JJ ,/, sweet/JJ Iggy/NNP Pop/NNP figure/NN ,/, seems/VBZ less/JJR an/DT emotional/JJ imperative/NN than/IN a/DT thematic/JJ one/CD ./.
A/DT case/NN can/MD be/VB made/VBN that/IN Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB fully/RB filled/VBN in/IN ,/, and/CC that/IN Haynes/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ never/RB shaken/VBN off/IN his/PRP$ background/NN as/IN a/DT semiotics/NNS major/JJ ,/, has/VBZ made/VBN a/DT movie/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ all/DT signifiers/NNS ./.
I/PRP sometimes/RB found/VBD myself/PRP wishing/VBG he/PRP would/MD let/VB the/DT picture/NN catch/NN its/PRP$ breath/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT performers/NNS would/MD stop/VB coming/VBG at/IN me/PRP in/IN stroboscopic/JJ flashes/NNS ./.
But/CC then/RB I/PRP 'd/MD be/VB swept/VBN up/RB in/IN the/DT sinuous/JJ motion/NN of/IN his/PRP$ filmmaking/VBG ,/, in/IN the/DT elation/NN of/IN watching/NN point/NN of/IN view/NN passed/VBN like/IN a/DT baton/NN from/IN hand/NN to/TO hand/VB ,/, in/IN the/DT liberating/JJ force/NN of/IN his/PRP$ language/NN and/CC soundtrack/NN ./.
Velvet/NNP Goldmine/NNP might/MD seem/VB like/IN a/DT collection/NN of/IN baubles/NNS ,/, but/CC those/DT baubles/NNS are/VBP strung/NN ./.
Is/VBZ Brad/NNP Pitt/NNP the/DT worst/JJS actor/NN on/IN earth/NN ?/.
The/DT case/NN could/MD be/VB made/VBN ,/, and/CC Meet/NNP Joe/NNP Black/NNP could/MD serve/VB as/IN Exhibit/NN A/DT ./.
Pitt/NNP plays/VBZ two/CD roles/NNS in/IN this/DT seven/CD course/NN schlockfest/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ (/( briefly/NN )/) a/DT slick/JJ but/CC wholesome/JJ yuppie/NN and/CC then/RB (/( interminably/RB )/) Death/NN ,/, who/WP takes/VBZ over/IN the/DT young/JJ man/NN 's/POS body/NN when/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ thumped/JJ by/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN cars/NNS in/IN the/DT movie/NN 's/POS most/RBS promising/JJ moment/NN ./.
Bleached/NNP so/RB blond/JJ that/IN he/PRP looks/VBZ like/IN an/DT irradiated/JJ android/NN ,/, Pitt/NNP expels/NNS all/DT expression/NN from/IN his/PRP$ face/NN and/CC all/DT tone/NN from/IN his/PRP$ voice/NN ./.
He/PRP speaks/VBZ very/RB ,/, very/RB slowly/RB ./.
The/DT stunt/NN half-works/JJ ,/, at/IN least/JJS until/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO undergo/VB an/DT inner/JJ transformation/NN and/CC acquire/VB human/JJ emotions--whereupon/JJ his/PRP$ face/NN remains/VBZ just/RB as/IN blank/NN ./.
Pitt/NNP 's/POS conception/NN of/IN the/DT role/NN is/VBZ an/DT idée/NN fixe/NN by/IN someone/NN who/WP does/VBZ n't/RB appear/VB to/TO have/VB an/DT idée/NN in/IN his/PRP$ head/NN ./.
Martin/NNP Brest/NNP ,/, the/DT director/NN ,/, is/VBZ known/VBN for/IN shooting/VBG a/DT ton/NN of/IN footage/NN and/CC then/RB "/" finding/VBG "/" his/PRP$ films/NNS in/IN the/DT editing/NN room/NN ./.
What/WP do/VBP you/PRP suppose/VBP he/PRP "/" found/VBD "/" when/WRB he/PRP scrutinized/VBD these/DT miles/NNS of/IN celluloid/NN with/IN Pitt/NNP doing/VBG nothing/NN and/CC taking/VBG his/PRP$ sweet/JJ time/NN doing/VBG it/PRP ?/.
The/DT first/JJ adaptation/NN of/IN this/DT story/NN (/( originally/RB a/DT play/NN )/) was/VBD the/DT 1934/CD Death/NN Takes/VBZ a/DT Holiday/NNP ,/, which/WDT came/VBD in/IN at/IN a/DT perky/JJ 78/CD minutes/NNS ./.
A/DT conceit/NN this/DT fragile/JJ needs/VBZ to/TO whiz/NN along/IN to/TO keep/VB our/PRP$ disbelief/NN in/IN suspension/NN ,/, but/CC Meet/NNP Joe/NNP Black/NNP grinds/VBZ on/IN for/IN three/CD hours/NNS (/( longer/RBR than/IN either/DT Beloved/NNP or/CC Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC Pitt/NNP acts/NNS as/IN if/IN he/PRP has/VBZ leased/VBN the/DT screen/NN by/IN the/DT year/NN ./.
Anthony/NNP Hopkins/NNP plays/VBZ the/DT zillionaire/NN communications/NNS baron/NN whom/WP Death/NN enlists/NNS in/IN the/DT hope/NN of/IN understanding/VBG the/DT human/JJ condition--an/JJ odd/JJ choice/NN for/IN a/DT tour/NN guide/NN ,/, since/IN most/JJS people/NNS 's/POS condition/NN does/VBZ n't/RB involve/VB personal/JJ helicopters/NNS ,/, sprawling/VBG mansions/NNS on/IN Long/NNP Island/NNP Sound/NNP ,/, or/CC Manhattan/NNP apartments/NNS that/WDT sport/NN Olympic-size/NNP swimming/NN pools/NNS ./.
Four/CD screenwriters/NNS ,/, among/IN them/PRP the/DT great/JJ Bo/NNP Goldman/NNP (/( Melvin/NNP and/CC Howard/NNP ,/, 1980/CD ;/: Shoot/NNP the/DT Moon/NNP ,/, 1982/CD )/) ,/, labored/JJ on/IN this/DT moldy/JJ script/NN ,/, which/WDT features/VBZ characters/NNS who/WP ask/VBP questions/NNS that/WDT begin/VBP "/" Am/NNP I/PRP to/TO understand/VB that/IN ./.
"/" and/CC a/DT corporate/JJ villain/NN who/WP directs/VBZ another/DT character/NN to/TO "/" wake/NN up/RB and/CC smell/NN the/DT thorns/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP apparently/RB never/RB occurred/VBD to/TO even/RB one/CD of/IN these/DT overpaid/VBN scribes/NNS to/TO eliminate/VB Hopkins/NNP '/POS rueful/JJ realization/NN that/IN he/PRP 'd/MD "/" never/RB write/VB the/DT great/JJ American/JJ novel/NN "/" -/: -/: no/DT kidding/VBG ,/, given/VBN his/PRP$ flagrantly/RB Welsh/NNP accent/NN ./.
Actually/RB ,/, Hopkins/NNP gives/VBZ this/DT humanistic/JJ magnate/NN considerable/JJ weight/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN whether/IN or/CC not/RB Death/NN takes/VBZ him/PRP before/IN he/PRP can/MD stop/VB to/TO smell/NN the/DT roses/NNS and/CC make/VB amends/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ neglected/VBN children/NNS becomes/VBZ a/DT matter/NN of/IN some/DT suspense/NN ./.
The/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT cast/NN works/VBZ with/IN equal/JJ fortitude/NN ,/, especially/RB Jeffrey/NNP Tambor/NNP (/( Hank/NNP "/" Hey/NNP now/RB !/.
"/" Kingsley/NNP on/IN The/DT Larry/NNP Sanders/NNP Show/NNP )/) as/IN Hopkins/NNP '/POS milksop/NN son-in-law/JJ and/CC Marcia/NNP Gay/NNP Harden/NNP as/IN his/PRP$ party/NN planning/NN ,/, perpetually/RB wilting/VBG elder/JJR daughter/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT younger/JJR daughter/NN ,/, the/DT dark/NN eyed/VBD ,/, spaghetti/NNS thin/JJ Claire/NNP Forlani/NNP has/VBZ to/TO carry/VB the/DT picture/NN 's/POS bathos/NNS on/IN her/PRP$ exquisite/JJ shoulders/NNS ./.
Her/PRP$ tremulous/JJ thoroughbred/JJ act/NN wears/VBZ thin/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ hardly/RB her/PRP$ fault/NN :/: She/PRP has/VBZ to/TO emote/VB like/IN mad/JJ opposite/JJ a/DT black/JJ pit/NN of/IN death--or/JJ is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Black/NNP Death/NN of/IN Pitt/NNP ?/.
The/DT Whitewater/NNP indictment/NN of/IN Susan/NNP McDougal/NNP leads/VBZ at/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ./.
The/DT Unabomber/NNP life-plus/JJ sentence/NN imposed/VBN on/IN Theodore/NNP Kacszynski/NNP leads/VBZ at/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ./.
While/IN McDougal/NNP is/VBZ still/RB front-page/JJ where/WRB it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB lead/VB ,/, the/DT Unabomber/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB the/DT front/NN at/IN the/DT WP/NNP ./.
McDougal/NNP was/VBD indicted/VBN for/IN criminal/JJ contempt/NN and/CC obstruction/NN by/IN the/DT Arkansas/NNP Whitewater/NNP grand/JJ jury/NN for/IN refusing/VBG to/TO answer/VB questions/NNS posed/VBN by/IN Ken/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
Having/VBG already/RB completed/VBD an/DT 18/CD -/: month/NN civil/JJ contempt/NN sentence/NN for/IN refusing/VBG to/TO answer/VB Starr/NNP 's/POS questions/NNS and/CC now/RB serving/VBG time/NN for/IN her/PRP$ Whitewater/NNP fraud/NN conviction/NN ,/, she/PRP could/MD get/VB ten/CD years/NNS if/IN convicted/VBN on/IN these/DT new/JJ charges/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT move/NN is/VBZ an/DT escalation/NN of/IN Starr/NNP 's/POS investigation/NN ./.
USAT/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ his/PRP$ final/JJ effort/NN to/TO force/VB McDougal/NNP to/TO cooperate/VB ./.
The/DT indictment/NN contains/VBZ some/DT new/JJ information/NN ./.
At/IN one/CD point/NN in/IN the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN room/NN ,/, McDougal/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" Mr/NNP ./.
Starr/NNP should/MD resign/VB ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ my/PRP$ only/RB answer/NN to/TO you/PRP ./.
"/" And/CC the/DT evidence/NN she/PRP was/VBD questioned/VBN about/IN there/EX but/CC did/VBD not/RB explain/VB includes/VBZ a/DT $/$ 5/CD ,/, 081/CD ./.
82/CD check/NN she/PRP made/VBD out/IN in/IN 1983/CD bearing/VBG the/DT notation/NN ,/, "/" Payoff/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
"/" (/( The/DT NYT/NNP carries/VBZ substantial/JJ excerpts/NNS from/IN one/CD of/IN McDougal/NNP 's/POS grand/JJ jury/NN appearances/NNS ./.
The/DT Post/NNP quotes/NNS some/DT legal/JJ experts/NNS saying/VBG it/PRP 's/VBZ highly/RB unusual/JJ to/TO prosecute/VB someone/NN for/IN criminal/JJ contempt/NN who/WP has/VBZ already/RB served/VBN a/DT civil/JJ sentence/NN for/IN the/DT same/JJ refusal/NN to/TO testify/VB ./.
(/( Small/JJ but/CC important/JJ point/NN :/: the/DT USAT/NNP story/NN never/RB mentions/VBZ that/IN McDougal/NNP was/VBD granted/VBN immunity/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT is/VBZ precisely/RB what/WP makes/VBZ her/PRP$ silence/NN indictable/JJ ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP get/VB this/DT right/JJ ./.
The/DT Unabomber/NNP sentencing/NN proceedings/NNS included/VBD a/DT statement/NN from/IN him/PRP as/RB well/RB as/IN remarks/NNS by/IN victims/NNS and/CC survivors/NNS of/IN victims/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ Kacszynski/NNP was/VBD "/" unrepentant/NN "/" and/CC "/" steely-eyed/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT victims/NNS "/" anguished/JJ ./.
"/" A/DT widow/NN 's/POS suggestion/NN to/TO the/DT court/NN makes/VBZ everybody/NN 's/POS story/NN :/: "/" Lock/NNP him/PRP so/RB far/RB down/RB that/IN when/WRB he/PRP dies/VBZ ,/, he/PRP 'll/MD be/VB closer/JJR to/TO hell/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP wondering/VBG what/WP sort/NN of/IN service/NN to/TO look/VB out/IN for/IN when/WRB NationsBank/NNP completes/VBZ its/PRP$ recently/RB announced/VBD $/$ 60/CD billion/CD merger/NN with/IN BankAmerica/NNP to/TO become/VB the/DT nation/NN 's/POS largest/JJS bank/NN ,/, take/VBP a/DT gander/NN at/IN the/DT WP/NNP front/NN ,/, which/WDT reports/VBZ that/IN NationsBank/NNP ,/, without/IN admitting/VBG guilt/NN (/( or/CC denying/VBG any/DT wrongdoing/NN )/) ,/, agreed/VBD to/TO pay/VB $/$ 6/CD ./.
75/CD million/CD in/IN fines/NNS to/TO settle/VB charges/NNS it/PRP sold/VBD high-risk/JJ investment/NN funds/NNS as/IN safe/JJ banking/NN products/NNS ,/, mostly/RB to/TO elderly/JJ customers/NNS who/WP suffered/VBD significant/JJ losses/NNS ./.
Three/CD senior/JJ executives/NNS at/IN the/DT bank/NN also/RB received/VBD fines/NNS from/IN $/$ 35/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO $/$ 100/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
The/DT story/NN does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB ,/, but/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" guesses/NNS these/DT fines/NNS do/VBP n't/RB represent/VB as/IN much/JJ of/IN a/DT dent/NN to/TO the/DT bankers/NNS as/IN the/DT uninsured/JJ losses/NNS did/VBD to/TO the/DT elderly/JJ investors/NNS ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, they/PRP only/RB amount/VBP to/TO one-ten-thousandth/JJ of/IN the/DT value/NN of/IN the/DT merged/VBN company/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP front/JJ reports/NNS that/IN on/IN the/DT strength/NN of/IN news/NN stories/NNS about/IN tiny/JJ biotech/JJ firm/NN EntreMed/NNP 's/POS promising/JJ cancer/NN drugs/NNS ,/, the/DT company/NN 's/POS stock/NN price/NN quadrupled/VBD yesterday/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT inside/JJ piece/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP details/NNS this/DT development/NN and/CC a/DT concomitant/NN rise/NN in/IN the/DT hope/NN market/NN as/RB well/RB ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN about/IN only/RB about/IN 5/CD %/NN of/IN the/DT five/CD million/CD workplace/NN drug/NN tests/NNS administered/VBN last/JJ year/NN by/IN one/CD major/JJ lab/NN came/VBD out/IN positive/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ down/RB from/IN 5/CD ./.
8/CD %/NN the/DT year/NN before/IN and/CC from/IN 18/CD ./.
1/LS %/NN in/IN 1987/CD ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP reports/NNS that/IN a/DT black/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Marine/NNP was/VBD severely/RB beaten/VBN in/IN broad/JJ daylight/NN in/IN a/DT busy/JJ Moscow/NNP park/NN by/IN a/DT band/NN of/IN Russian/JJ skinheads/NNS ./.
Skinhead/NNP assaults/NNS have/VBP become/VBN such/PDT a/DT problem/NN ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, that/IN the/DT American/NNP Embassy/NNP has/VBZ twice/RB alerted/VBD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
citizens/NNS ,/, particularly/RB those/DT of/IN African/JJ or/CC Asian/JJ origin/NN about/IN the/DT danger/NN of/IN unprovoked/JJ attacks/NNS ./.
Other/JJ embassies/NNS have/VBP done/VBN the/DT same/JJ ./.
Foreign/JJ student/NN groups/NNS complain/VBP that/IN Russian/JJ cops/NNS routinely/RB fail/VBP to/TO protect/VB them/PRP ./.
The/DT story/NN is/VBZ carried/VBN inside/IN ,/, as/IN it/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT LAT/NNP on/IN Monday/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT question/NN is/VBZ ,/, why/WRB ?/.
If/IN a/DT white/JJ Russian/JJ embassy/NN guard/NN was/VBD viciously/RB assaulted/JJ by/IN black/JJ thugs/NNS in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" thinks/VBZ it/PRP would/MD be/VB a/DT page/NN one/CD story/NN everywhere/RB ,/, in/IN this/DT country/NN and/CC beyond/IN ./.
Ahh/NNP Mim/NNP ,/,
Good/JJ morning/NN ./.
The/DT Coca-/NNP Cola/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB cutting/VBG it/PRP ./.
I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP want/VBP a/DT scotch/NN with/IN my/PRP$ toast/NN ./.
The/DT need/VBP to/TO rant/NN is/VBZ upon/IN me/PRP ./.
So/RB soon/RB after/IN the/DT Brooklyn/NNP Museum/NNP ,/, we/PRP are/VBP right/RB back/RB in/IN Moralityland/NNP with/IN something/NN called/VBD the/DT Catholic/NNP League/NNP for/IN Religious/NNP and/CC Civil/NNP Rights/NNP ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ leader/NN Bill/NNP Donohue/NNP ,/, wanting/VBG to/TO scourge/NN the/DT movie/NN Dogma/NNP from/IN silver/NN screens/NNS everywhere/RB because/RB ,/, among/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB like/VB Alanis/NNP Morissette/NNP being/VBG cast/NN as/IN God/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN David/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS take/NN on/IN the/DT controversy/NN ./.
)/) The/DT League/NNP has/VBZ so/RB far/RB managed/VBN to/TO create/VB picket/NN lines/NNS and/CC scare/VB off/RP Disney/NNP and/CC Miramax/NNP ,/, and/CC this/DT is/VBZ nonsense/NN is/VBZ getting/VBG tired/JJ ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB picket/NN churches/NNS ,/, even/RB though/IN I/PRP find/VBP the/DT Doctrine/NNP of/IN Transubstantiation/NNP makes/VBZ me/PRP queasy/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB raise/VB a/DT crew/NN to/TO protest/VB Adam/NNP Sandler/NNP 's/POS insulting/JJ my/PRP$ intelligence/NN ./.
I/PRP simply/RB let/VBP it/PRP slide/NN and/CC ignore/VB it/PRP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ only/RB a/DT joke/NN ,/, stupid/JJ ./.
Ben/NNP Affleck/NNP and/CC Matt/NNP Damon/NNP are/VBP falling/VBG angels/NNS who/WP only/RB fall/NN as/RB far/RB as/IN Wisconsin/NNP after/IN being/VBG too/RB zealous/JJ at/IN Sodom/NNP and/CC Gomorrah/NNP ./.
Get/VB it/PRP ?/.
I/PRP can/MD hardly/RB blame/VB Director/NNP Kevin/NNP Smith/NNP (/( Clerks/NNP ,/, Chasing/NNP Amy/NNP )/) for/IN complaining/VBG that/IN no/DT one/CD 's/POS going/VBG after/IN the/DT current/JJ box-office/NN leader/NN Stigmata/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ violent/JJ ,/, bloody/JJ ,/, highly/RB anti-/NN Catholic/NNP ,/, or/CC for/IN telling/VBG the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP ,/, "/" Next/JJ time/NN ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD just/RB make/VB a/DT stupid/JJ stoner/NN flick/NN ,/, and/CC leave/VB it/PRP alone/RB ./.
"/" They/PRP wear/VBP us/PRP down/RB by/IN exhaustion/NN ./.
Believe/NNP me/PRP ,/, I/PRP know/VBP ./.
I/PRP once/RB almost/RB did/VBD two/CD years/NNS in/IN jail/NN for/IN publishing/VBG the/DT work/NN of/IN Robert/NNP Crumb/NNP ./.
But/CC talking/NN of/IN stupid/JJ stoners/NNS ,/, a/DT counterattack/NN on/IN Moralityland/NNP just/RB came/VBD from/IN the/DT most/RBS unlikely/JJ quarter/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO CNN/NNP ,/, New/NNP Mexico/NNP 's/POS Republican/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Gary/NNP Johnson/NNP told/VBD a/DT less/JJR than/IN happy/JJ conservative/JJ audience/NN that/IN the/DT legalization/NN of/IN drugs/NNS is/VBZ well/RB overdue/JJ ./.
"/" Regulate/NNP them/PRP ,/, control/NN them/PRP ,/, but/CC legalize/NN them/PRP ,/, "/" declared/VBD Johnson/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP can/MD only/RB ask/VB ,/, "/" What/WP kept/VBD you/PRP ?/.
"/" The/DT War/NNP on/IN Drugs/NNS has/VBZ been/VBN raging/VBG through/IN my/PRP$ entire/JJ lifetime/NN ,/, and/CC despite/IN hundreds/NNS of/IN billions/NNS of/IN tax/NN dollars/NNS ,/, the/DT triumphant/NN propaganda/NN of/IN the/DT DEA/NNP ,/, and/CC at/IN least/JJS seven/CD administrations/NNS ,/, drugs/NNS are/VBP absolutely/RB everywhere/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS has/VBZ the/DT biggest/JJS per-capita/JJ drug-related/JJ incarceration/NN rate/NN this/DT side/NN of/IN Hell/NNP ./.
The/DT equation/NN is/VBZ so/RB damned/RB simple/JJ and/CC obvious/JJ ./.
The/DT very/JJ illegality/NN of/IN recreational/JJ drugs/NNS is/VBZ the/DT risk/NN that/WDT creates/VBZ the/DT vast/JJ profitability/NN ./.
Remove/NNP the/DT risk/NN and/CC you/PRP remove/VB the/DT profit/NN incentive/NN ,/, and/CC at/IN least/JJS half/PDT the/DT problem/NN is/VBZ solved/VBN ./.
Regulation/NNP ,/, control/NN ,/, keeping/VBG dope/NN away/RB from/IN minors/NNS ,/, and/CC harm-reduction/JJ programs/NNS become/VBP infinitely/RB possible/JJ ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, one/CD does/VBZ still/RB have/VB to/TO fight/VB what/WP might/MD be/VB called/VBN the/DT Drug/NNP Enforcement/NNP Industry/NNP ,/, a/DT modest/JJ but/CC powerful/JJ branch/NN of/IN the/DT Military-/NNP Industrial/NNP Complex/JJ ,/, whose/WP$ current/JJ leader/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP drug/NN tzar/NN Barry/NNP McCaffrey/NNP ,/, was/VBD as/IN dismissive/JJ of/IN Gov/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ of/IN any/DT discussion/NN of/IN legalization/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ got/VBD bigger/JJR fish/NN to/TO fry/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, recently/RB handed/VBN $/$ 2/CD billion/CD to/TO kindle/NN his/PRP$ own/JJ covert/JJ brush/NN war/NN in/IN Colombia/NNP ./.
I/PRP was/VBD also/RB going/VBG to/TO rant/NN on/IN about/IN the/DT Patient/NNP Bill/NNP of/IN Rights/NNP ,/, and/CC why/WRB I/PRP really/RB want/VBP Warren/NNP Beatty/NNP to/TO run/VB ,/, but/CC that/DT 'll/MD have/VB to/TO come/VB later/RB ./.
Maybe/RB after/IN the/DT bars/NNS have/VBP opened/VBN ./.
Love/NN ,/, Mick/NNP
Stories/NNP about/IN Republican/NNP President-designate/NNP George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP invariably/RB note/NN that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ spent/VBN most/JJS of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN doing/VBG exactly/RB what/WP his/PRP$ father/NN ,/, former/JJ President/NNP George/NNP H/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, once/RB did/VBD ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB quite/RB right/JJ ./.
W/NNP ./.
has/VBZ spent/VBN most/JJS of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN doing/VBG exactly/RB what/WP his/PRP$ father/NN did/VBD ,/, but/CC doing/VBG it/PRP worse/JJR ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ a/DT chip/NN off/RP the/DT old/JJ block/NN ,/, chipped/VBN ./.
Poppy/NNP Bush/NNP starred/JJ at/IN Andover/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
lazed/JJ his/PRP$ way/NN through/IN the/DT prep/NN school/NN ./.
The/DT father/NN motored/JJ through/IN Yale/NNP in/IN two/CD and/CC a/DT half/NN years/NNS ,/, earning/VBG a/DT Phi/NNP Beta/NNP Kappa/NNP key/JJ along/IN the/DT way/NN ./.
The/DT son/NN squeaked/JJ through/IN old/JJ Eli/NNP ./.
Poppy/NNP ,/, like/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ father/NN Sen/NNP ./.
Prescott/NNP Bush/NNP before/IN him/PRP ,/, captained/JJ the/DT Yale/NNP baseball/NN team/NN and/CC joined/VBD the/DT secret/JJ society/NN Skull/NNP &/CC Bones/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
was/VBD n't/RB good/JJ enough/RB to/TO play/VB ball/NN for/IN Yale/NNP ./.
And/CC though/IN he/PRP joined/VBD Skull/NNP &/CC Bones/NNP ,/, he/PRP whiled/JJ away/RB his/PRP$ nights/NNS with/IN a/DT much/RB less/RBR refined/JJ group/NN ,/, the/DT hard-drinking/JJ frat/NN brothers/NNS of/IN DKE/NNP ./.
The/DT elder/JJR Bush/NNP enlisted/VBD in/IN the/DT Navy/NNP in/IN 1942/CD ,/, became/VBD the/DT service/NN 's/POS youngest/JJS fighter/NN pilot/NN ,/, flew/VBD 58/CD missions/NNS in/IN the/DT South/NNP Pacific/NNP ,/, was/VBD shot/VBN down/RB over/IN enemy/NN waters/NNS ,/, and/CC won/VBD the/DT Distinguished/NNP Flying/NNP Cross/NNP ./.
The/DT son/NN also/RB became/VBD a/DT fighter/NN pilot--for/JJ the/DT Texas/NNP Air/NNP National/NNP Guard/NNP ./.
He/PRP spent/VBD the/DT Vietnam/NNP War/NNP flying/VBG "/" missions/NNS "/" over/IN the/DT Texas/NNP scrub/NN ./.
W/NNP ./.
followed/VBN his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS path/NN into/IN the/DT oil/NN business/NN ./.
Both/DT abandoned/VBN New/NNP England/NNP for/IN West/NNP Texas/NNP to/TO strike/VB it/PRP rich/JJ ./.
Both/DT relied/VBN on/IN rich/JJ friends/NNS for/IN a/DT head/NN start/NN ,/, but/CC whereas/IN the/DT old/JJ man/NN scored/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ oilfields/NNS ,/, the/DT son/NN struggled/VBD ./.
George/NNP H/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
ran/VBD for/IN Congress/NNP and/CC won/VBD ./.
George/NNP W/NNP ./.
ran/VBD for/IN Congress/NNP and/CC lost/VBD ./.
Come/VBN middle/JJ age/NN ,/, the/DT father/NN threw/VBD himself/PRP into/IN public/JJ service/NN :/: U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
ambassador/NN ,/, China/NNP ambassador/NN ,/, CIA/NNP director/NN ./.
The/DT son/NN threw/VBD himself/PRP into/IN baseball/NN ,/, as/IN an/DT executive/NN for/IN the/DT Texas/NNP Rangers/NNPS ./.
(/( Americans/NNPS tend/VBP to/TO forget/VB the/DT heroic/JJ life/NN of/IN President/NNP Bush/NNP ./.
This/DT was/VBD one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ unfortunate/JJ talents/NNS :/: He/PRP could/MD make/VB the/DT extraordinary/JJ seem/VBP mundane/JJ ./.
There/EX are/VBP competing/VBG theories/NNS about/IN what/WP the/DT son/NN 's/POS pale/JJ imitation/NN of/IN a/DT résumé/NN signifies/NNS ./.
The/DT first/JJ ,/, popular/JJ among/IN Gov/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP 's/POS fans/NNS ,/, is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT late/JJ bloomer/NN ./.
It/PRP took/VBD him/PRP till/IN his/PRP$ mid-/NN 40/CD s/VBZ to/TO settle/VB down/RB ,/, but/CC now/RB that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ he/PRP is/VBZ making/VBG up/RP for/IN his/PRP$ lost/JJ years/NNS and/CC surpassing/VBG the/DT father/NN he/PRP has/VBZ so/RB long/RB trailed/VBD ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ won/VBN a/DT statewide/JJ race/NN in/IN Texas/NNP twice/RB ./.
Poppy/NNP lost/VBD both/DT his/PRP$ statewide/JJ campaigns/NNS in/IN Texas/NNP ./.
Junior/NN has/VBZ already/RB vanquished/JJ former/JJ Texas/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Ann/NNP Richards/NNP ,/, the/DT woman/NN who/WP ridiculed/VBN his/PRP$ father/NN in/IN 1988/CD ./.
Now/RB he/PRP will/MD topple/VB Al/NNP Gore/NNP ,/, half/PDT the/DT team/NN that/WDT battered/VBD Dad/NNP in/IN 1992/CD ./.
The/DT other/JJ ,/, less/RBR charitable/JJ ,/, theory/NN surmises/NNS that/WDT just/RB as/IN W/NNP ./.
has/VBZ tried/VBN to/TO equal/VB his/PRP$ father/NN and/CC fallen/VBN short/JJ ,/, so/IN he/PRP 'll/MD find/VB some/DT way/NN to/TO choke/VB in/IN the/DT presidential/JJ election/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ far/RB too/RB early/JJ to/TO take/VB sides/NNS on/IN this/DT question/NN or/CC to/TO draw/VB grand/JJ psychological/JJ conclusions/NNS about/IN how/WRB the/DT father/NN will/MD shadow/VB the/DT son/NN 's/POS presidential/JJ campaign/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ another/DT way/NN to/TO look/VB at/IN W/NNP ./.
's/POS knockoff/NN résumé/NN :/: as/IN a/DT documentary/NN of/IN a/DT generational/NN change/NN in/IN American/JJ politics/NNS ./.
Brookings/NNP Institution/NNP scholar/NN Stephen/NNP Hess/NNP ,/, author/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS Political/NNP Dynasties/NNP ,/, notes/VBZ that/IN American/JJ political/JJ dynasties/NNS come/VBP in/IN all/DT sizes/NNS and/CC flavors/NNS ./.
In/IN some/DT ,/, a/DT family/NN from/IN humble/JJ origins/NNS uses/VBZ political/JJ success/NN to/TO make/VB itself/PRP rich/JJ and/CC snooty/JJ ./.
In/IN some/DT ,/, a/DT dynasty/NN is/VBZ stolidly/RB consistent/JJ across/IN generations/NNS ./.
The/DT Tafts/NNP of/IN Ohio/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, have/VBP been/VBN steady/JJ Republican/JJ burghers/NNS for/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT century/NN ./.
The/DT Bushes/NNP started/VBD as/IN a/DT noblesse/NN oblige/NN dynasty/NN ./.
Prescott/NNP Bush/NNP began/VBD his/PRP$ (/( forgettable/JJ )/) service/NN as/IN a/DT senator/NN only/RB after/IN a/DT long/JJ career/NN as/IN a/DT gentleman/NN banker/NN ./.
He/PRP viewed/VBD his/PRP$ political/JJ activity/NN as/IN an/DT obligation/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP instilled/JJ that/DT sentiment/NN in/IN his/PRP$ son/NN George/NNP ./.
Poppy/NNP was/VBD dutiful/JJ in/IN pursuit/NN of/IN office/NN ,/, compiling/VBG the/DT requisite/JJ experience/NN almost/RB mechanically/RB ,/, adding/VBG line/NN after/IN line/NN to/TO his/PRP$ résumé/NN until/IN America/NNP had/VBD no/DT choice/NN but/CC to/TO elect/VB him/PRP president/NN ./.
Politics/NNS was/VBD always/RB a/DT duty/NN ,/, never/RB a/DT pleasure/NN ./.
(/( Remember/VB the/DT horror/NN of/IN hearing/NN George/NNP Bush/NNP ingratiating/VBG himself/PRP with/IN voters/NNS by/IN calling/VBG them/PRP "/" my/PRP$ main/JJ man/NN "/" and/CC the/DT like/JJ ?/.
But/CC what/WP began/VBD as/IN noblesse/NN oblige/NN has/VBZ morphed/JJ into/IN something/NN different/JJ during/IN this/DT generation/NN ./.
The/DT Bushes/NNP are/VBP a/DT microcosm/NN of/IN the/DT transformation/NN of/IN Republican/JJ politics/NNS from/IN Northeastern/NNP elitism/NN to/TO Western/JJ populism/NN ./.
The/DT son/NN 's/POS failure/NN to/TO match/VB his/PRP$ father/NN reflects/VBZ this/DT small-/NN D/NNP democratization/NN ./.
Bush/NNP the/DT elder/JJR came/VBD of/IN age/NN when/WRB New/NNP England/NNP Republicans/NNPS led/VBD the/DT party/NN ,/, and/CC patrician/NN manners/NNS were/VBD boons/NNS to/TO a/DT Republican/NNP ./.
But/CC in/IN an/DT era/NN when/WRB a/DT politician/NN 's/POS ability/NN to/TO communicate/VB trumps/NNS anything/NN else/RB and/CC the/DT balance/NN of/IN Republican/JJ power/NN has/VBZ shifted/VBN west/NN ,/, the/DT preppy/JJ ,/, Anglican/NNP ethos/NN that/WDT defined/VBD the/DT old/JJ man/NN is/VBZ suspect/VBP ./.
(/( George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP spent/VBD his/PRP$ 1978/CD congressional/JJ campaign/NN excusing/VBG his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS membership/NN in/IN the/DT Trilateral/NNP Commission/NNP ./.
)/) In/IN today/NN 's/POS politics/NNS ,/, the/DT son/NN 's/POS checkered/JJ résumé/NN signifies/NNS success/NN ./.
By/IN choosing/VBG DKE/NNP over/IN Skull/NNP &/CC Bones/NNP ,/, drinking/NN over/IN studying/VBG ,/, baseball/NN over/IN the/DT United/NNP Nations/NNPS ,/, George/NNP W/NNP ./.
compiled/VBN a/DT record/NN that/IN suits/VBZ our/PRP$ populist/JJ age/NN ./.
W/NNP ./.
has/VBZ bartered/VBN the/DT high-status/JJ accomplishments/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ father/NN for/IN something/NN more/RBR precious/JJ :/: regular/JJ guyness/NNS ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ warm/JJ and/CC impulsive/JJ where/WRB his/PRP$ father/NN was/VBD distant/JJ and/CC calculating/VBG ./.
Every/DT story/NN about/IN the/DT son/NN applauds/VBZ his/PRP$ democratic/JJ instincts/NNS ,/, his/PRP$ ease/NN with/IN all/DT kinds/NNS of/IN people/NNS ,/, his/PRP$ ebullience/NN and/CC physicality/NN ,/, his/PRP$ informality/NN ./.
His/PRP$ passionate/JJ Methodism/NNP contrasts/VBZ with/IN his/PRP$ ancestors/NNS '/POS chilly/JJ Episcopalianism/NNP ./.
The/DT Gore/NNP dynasty/NN ,/, oddly/RB ,/, has/VBZ followed/VBN the/DT opposite/JJ path/NN ./.
Al/NNP Gore/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
has/VBZ outdone/VBN his/PRP$ senator/NN father/NN in/IN the/DT calculus/JJ of/IN political/JJ achievement/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT veep/NN is/VBZ stiff/JJ and/CC awkward/JJ and/CC dutiful/JJ in/IN a/DT way/NN that/IN his/PRP$ impulsive/JJ ,/, backslappy/NN dad/NN never/RB was/VBD ./.
George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP jokes/NNS that/IN his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS idea/NN of/IN a/DT perfect/JJ son/NN is/VBZ Al/NNP Gore/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
This/DT may/MD be/VB America/NNP 's/POS choice/NN in/IN 2000/CD :/: the/DT George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP who/WP is/VBZ n't/RB George/NNP H/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT Al/NNP Gore/NNP who/WP is/VBZ ./.
Among/IN the/DT questions/NNS unexplored/JJ in/IN the/DT reams/NNS of/IN news/NN copy/NN commemorating/VBG the/DT 20/CD th/NN century/NN 's/POS end/NN is/VBZ the/DT likely/JJ fate/NN of/IN Boomer/NNP Irony/NNP ./.
Chatterbox/NNP agrees/VBZ with/IN Jedediah/NNP Purdy/NNP that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ too/RB much/JJ of/IN it/PRP (/( though/IN he/PRP has/VBZ n't/RB bothered/VBN to/TO read/VB Purdy/NNP 's/POS book/NN ;/: Chatterbox/NNP feels/VBZ that/IN William/NNP McGowan/NNP covered/VBD the/DT subject/NN pretty/RB comprehensively/RB in/IN a/DT three-page/JJ article/NN */NN published/VBN in/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Monthly/JJ in/IN 1986/CD ,/, under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Why/WRB David/NNP Letterman/NNP Is/VBZ Bad/JJ for/IN America/NNP "/" )/) ./.
But/CC Chatterbox--who/NNP is/VBZ ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, a/DT Boomer--is/NNP not/RB willing/JJ entirely/RB to/TO give/VB up/RP the/DT habit/NN of/IN discoursing/VBG ironically/RB ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ therefore/RB with/IN some/DT apprehension/NN that/IN Chatterbox/NNP views/VBZ the/DT coming/VBG of/IN a/DT new/JJ century/NN ./.
Boomer/NNP Irony/NNP is/VBZ ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, a/DT distinctly/RB fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN phenomenon/NN ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ how/WRB Britannica/NNP ./.
com/NN defines/VBZ fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN :/:
of/IN ,/, relating/VBG to/TO ,/, characteristic/NN of/IN ,/, or/CC resembling/VBG the/DT late-/NN 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN literary/JJ and/CC artistic/JJ climate/NN of/IN sophistication/NN ,/, escapism/NN ,/, extreme/JJ aestheticism/NN ,/, world-weariness/JJ ,/, and/CC fashionable/JJ despair/NN ./.
When/WRB used/VBN in/IN reference/NN to/TO literature/NN ,/, the/DT term/NN essentially/RB describes/VBZ the/DT movement/NN inaugurated/VBN by/IN the/DT Decadent/NNP poets/NNS of/IN France/NNP and/CC the/DT movement/NN called/VBN Aestheticism/NNP in/IN England/NNP during/IN this/DT period/NN ./.
Sound/NNP familiar/JJ ?/.
(/( To/TO sample/NN some/DT bona/JJ fide/JJ fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN art/NN and/CC poetry/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS sexual/JJ indiscretions/NNS (/( not/RB to/TO mention/VB his/PRP$ casual/JJ perjury/NN about/IN them/PRP )/) make/VB him/PRP a/DT very/JJ fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN president/NN ,/, though/IN as/IN a/DT policymaker/NN he/PRP 's/VBZ clearly/RB superior/JJ to/TO William/NNP McKinley/NNP ./.
Should/MD history/NN repeat/NN itself/PRP ,/, we/PRP should/MD expect/VB next/JJ year/NN to/TO elect/VB a/DT humorless/JJ ,/, no-nonsense/JJ president/NN like/IN Teddy/NNP Roosevelt/NNP ./.
(/( Chatterbox/NNP is/VBZ not/RB so/RB fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN as/IN to/TO contemplate/VB that/IN this/DT president/NN would/MD take/VB office/NN as/IN Roosevelt/NNP did--succeeding/JJ a/DT predecessor/NN who/WP dies/VBZ in/IN office/NN ./.
)/) This/DT speaks/VBZ well/RB for/IN the/DT chances/NNS of/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP */NN */NN and/CC Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP ,/, and/CC poorly/RB for/IN those/DT of/IN the/DT smirky/NN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ./.
(/( John/NNP McCain/NNP is/VBZ a/DT hard/JJ case/NN ,/, being/VBG conventionally/RB brave/JJ and/CC forthright/JJ but/CC also/RB kind/NN of/IN a/DT cutup/NN ;/: his/PRP$ crack/NN about/IN propping/VBG up/RP a/DT dead/JJ Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP à/NN la/FW Weekend/NNP at/IN Bernie/NNP 's/POS was/VBD very/RB fin/NN de/IN siècle/NN ./.
)/) However/RB ,/, to/TO give/VB an/DT appropriate/JJ nod/NN to/TO the/DT underdogs/NNS ,/, the/DT TR/NNP model/NN also/RB speaks/VBZ well/RB for/IN the/DT chances/NNS of/IN Gary/NNP Bauer/NNP ,/, Orrin/NNP Hatch/NNP ,/, and/CC Alan/NNP Keyes/NNP (/( none/NN of/IN whom/WP has/VBZ an/DT ironic/JJ or/CC decadent/JJ bone/NN in/IN his/PRP$ body/NN ,/, as/RB far/RB as/IN Chatterbox/NNP can/MD see/VB )/) ./.
You/PRP begin/VBP to/TO see/VB the/DT cause/NN for/IN Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS anxiety/NN ./.
*/NN edited/JJ by/IN Chatterbox/NNP
*/NN */NN Though/IN Gore/NNP does/VBZ have/VB an/DT ironic/JJ ,/, Boomerish/NNP sense/NN of/IN humor/NN ,/, he/PRP shows/VBZ so/RB little/JJ of/IN it/PRP to/TO the/DT public/NN that/IN he/PRP might/MD as/RB well/RB not/RB have/VB one/CD ./.
The/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP 's/POS decision/NN Monday/NNP to/TO let/VB California/NNP 's/POS anti-affirmative/JJ action/NN Proposition/NN 209/CD stand/VB leads/VBZ at/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT emerging/VBG Republican/NNP congressional/JJ campaign/NN against/IN Clinton/NNP administration/NN small-scale/JJ health/NN care/NN reform--and/JJ sticks/VBZ the/DT 209/CD victory/NN deep/JJ inside/IN ,/, on/IN p/NN ./.
13/CD of/IN the/DT national/JJ edition/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT 209/CD decision/NN "/" marks/VBZ a/DT major/JJ victory/NN for/IN the/DT champions/NNS of/IN a/DT new/JJ colorblind/NN standard/JJ for/IN government/NN ./.
"/" The/DT three/CD papers/NNS leading/VBG with/IN 209/CD all/DT make/VBP it/PRP clear/JJ that/IN the/DT decision/NN will/MD probably/RB spur/VB 209/CD -/: style/NN laws/NNS in/IN many/JJ states/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT LAT/NNP mentions/VBZ that/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP will/MD consider/VB a/DT federal/JJ version/NN later/RB this/DT week/NN ./.
The/DT three/CD also/RB point/NN out/IN that/IN although/IN this/DT Court/NNP decision/NN was/VBD probably/RB the/DT watershed/NN ,/, there/EX might/MD well/RB be/VB other/JJ eventual/JJ appeals/NNS based/VBN on/IN cases/NNS where/WRB plaintiffs/NNS allege/VBP actual/JJ harm/NN as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN the/DT law/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP mentions/VBZ another/DT factor/NN that/WDT could/MD lead/VB to/TO further/VB legal/JJ challenge/NN :/: 209/CD bans/NNS "/" preferential/JJ treatment/NN "/" but/CC does/VBZ not/RB define/VB it/PRP ./.
So/RB look/VB for/IN cases/NNS that/IN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, claim/NN that/IN 209/CD does/VBZ n't/RB prohibit/VB preference-based/JJ recruiting/NN for/IN programs/NNS with/IN color-blind/JJ internal/JJ standards/NNS ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP health/NN care/NN lead/NN states/NNS that/IN the/DT same/JJ business/NN and/CC insurance/NN lobbyists/NNS who/WP teamed/VBD up/IN to/TO help/VB kill/VB health/NN care/NN reform/NN in/IN 1994/CD are/VBP mobilizing/VBG to/TO block/VB the/DT more/RBR modest/JJ ,/, piecemeal/RB federal/JJ quality-of-care/JJ proposals--like/JJ mandated-length/JJ hospital/NN stays/VBZ for/IN certain/JJ procedures/NNS and/CC government/NN standards/NNS for/IN health/NN plans--that/JJ the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN has/VBZ subsequently/RB endorsed/VBN ./.
The/DT paper/NN reports/NNS that/IN Senate/NNP Republican/JJ leaders/NNS recently/RB organized/VBN anti-/NN Clinton/NNP strategy/NN briefings/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP also/RB notes/VBZ an/DT interesting/JJ split/NN within/IN the/DT Republican/JJ constituency/NN concerning/VBG this/DT issue/NN :/: Many/JJ doctors/NNS ,/, convinced/VBN that/WDT managed/VBD care/NN companies/NNS have/VBP cut/VBN into/IN their/PRP$ autonomy/NN and/CC their/PRP$ incomes/NNS ,/, are/VBP in/IN favor/NN of/IN many/JJ of/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP provisions/NNS reigning/VBG them/PRP in/IN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT front-page/JJ feature/NN about/IN a/DT group/NN of/IN Allendale/NNP ,/, South/NNP Carolina/NNP women/NNS with/IN children/NNS who/WP are/VBP striving/VBG to/TO hold/VB down/RP the/DT jobs/NNS that/WDT have/VBP gotten/VBN them/PRP off/IN welfare/NN ./.
The/DT piece/NN makes/VBZ the/DT point/NN that/IN getting/VBG off/IN welfare/NN by/IN working/NN is/VBZ even/RB harder/RBR for/IN the/DT rural/JJ poor/NN ,/, who/WP often/RB have/VBP no/DT access/NN to/TO public/JJ transportation/NN ,/, or/CC ,/, surprisingly/RB ,/, phones/NNS ./.
USAT/NNP 's/POS off-lead/JJ is/VBZ an/DT update/NN on/IN the/DT Iraq/NNP &slash;/NN weapons/NNS inspector/NN situation/NN ./.
The/DT latest/JJS is/VBZ that/IN Iraq/NNP continues/VBZ to/TO block/VB the/DT operations/NNS of/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
weapons/NNS inspection/NN team/NN ,/, and/CC to/TO threaten/VB to/TO shoot/VB down/RB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
surveillance/NN planes/NNS ./.
The/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS ,/, has/VBZ warned/VBN Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP that/DT time/NN is/VBZ running/VBG out/IN for/IN him/PRP to/TO avoid/VB "/" firm/JJ action/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Iraq/NNP story/NN is/VBZ also/RB carried/VBN on/IN the/DT NYT/NNP front/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN the/DT "/" world-wide/JJ news/NN "/" box/NN on/IN the/DT front/NN of/IN the/DT WSJ/NNP ,/, but/CC does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB the/DT front/NN of/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ./.
Or/CC of/IN the/DT WP/NNP ,/, which/WDT runs/VBZ it/PRP on/IN p/NN ./.
14/CD ./.
The/DT WP/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT piece/NN inside/IN on/IN the/DT first-ever/JJ World/NNP Bank/NNP study/NN of/IN AIDS/NNP ,/, released/VBN yesterday/NN ./.
The/DT piece/NN opens/VBZ with/IN the/DT report/NN 's/POS observation/NN that/IN ,/, "/" About/IN 2/CD ./.
3/CD billion/CD people/NNS ,/, roughly/RB half/PDT the/DT population/NN of/IN the/DT developing/VBG world/NN ,/, live/VB in/IN places/NNS where/WRB the/DT AIDS/NNP epidemic/NN has/VBZ barely/RB begun/VBN ,/, and/CC even/RB mildly/RB successful/JJ prevention/NN programs/NNS could/MD have/VB enormous/JJ benefits/NNS ./.
"/" By/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP inside/IN piece/NN on/IN the/DT study/NN emphasizes/VBZ not/RB the/DT possibilities/NNS of/IN prevention/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT scope/NN of/IN the/DT disease/NN 's/POS surge/NN ,/, saving/VBG for/IN its/PRP$ 13/CD th/NN paragraph/NN the/DT material/NN that/IN the/DT Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN ,/, about/IN the/DT relative/JJ scarcity/NN of/IN the/DT disease/NN for/IN about/IN half/PDT the/DT world/NN ./.
As/IN if/IN to/TO back/VB up/RP its/PRP$ more/JJR alarmist/NN take/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT front-page/JJ piece/NN about/IN how/WRB AIDS/NNP is/VBZ suddenly/RB ravishing/VBG Kaliningrad/NNP ,/, a/DT city/NN of/IN 400/CD ,/, 000/CD that/WDT connects/VBZ Russia/NNP with/IN Europe/NNP ./.
Back/RB to/TO the/DT 209/CD decision/NN :/: It/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN the/DT majors/NNS have/VBP picked/VBN up/RP the/DT Hollywood/NNP habit/NN of/IN overlooking/VBG the/DT writer/NN ./.
Like/IN stars/NNS on/IN Oscar/NNP night/NN ,/, the/DT papers/NNS '/POS coverage/NN of/IN the/DT 209/CD victory/NN mentions/VBZ such/JJ proponents/NNS as/IN Pete/NNP Wilson/NNP and/CC Ward/NNP Connerly/NNP ,/, but/CC there/EX is/VBZ no/DT front-page/JJ mention/NN of/IN Tom/NNP Wood/NNP or/CC Glynn/NNP Clustred/NNP ,/, who/WP wrote/VBD and/CC conceived/VBD 209/CD in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ./.
Hello/UH ,/, Fred--/NNP
I/PRP 'm/VBP in/IN a/DT sudden/JJ panic/NN ,/, realizing/VBG that/IN this/DT is/VBZ the/DT last/JJ installment/NN and/CC we/PRP have/VBP a/DT few/JJ hundred/CD words/NNS to/TO wrap/VB up/RP the/DT argument/NN and/CC resolve/VB the/DT points/NNS left/VBD hanging/VBG around/IN ./.
So/IN I/PRP 'll/MD do/VB it/PRP Larry/NNP King/NNP style/NN ,/, with/IN varied/VBD points/NNS connected/VBN with/IN ellipses/NNS (/( that/DT 's/VBZ the/DT three/CD dots/NNS in/IN a/DT row/NN ,/, Larry/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
*/NN One/CD perspective/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ gotten/VBN no/DT hearing/NN in/IN this/DT discussion/NN is/VBZ the/DT "/" immoral/JJ war/NN "/" view--that/JJ the/DT South/JJ Vietnamese/JJ regime/NN was/VBD so/RB corrupt/JJ ,/, or/CC the/DT North/NNP Vietnamese/JJ aims/VBZ so/RB admirably/RB anti-colonial/JJ ,/, that/IN the/DT effort/NN to/TO protect/VB South/NNP Vietnam/NNP was/VBD wrong/JJ per/IN se/FW ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ because/IN neither/DT of/IN us/PRP ,/, nor/CC Lind/NNP ,/, is/VBZ in/IN this/DT camp/NN ./.
But/CC we/PRP 've/VBP suggested/VBN that/IN the/DT scope/NN of/IN argument/NN is/VBZ narrower/JJR than/IN I/PRP suspect/VBP it/PRP still/RB remains/VBZ in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
*/NN What/WP you/PRP ,/, Lind/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP disagree/VBP about/IN ,/, in/IN various/JJ forms/NNS ,/, all/DT has/VBZ to/TO do/VB with/IN means/VBZ and/CC proportion/NN ./.
We/PRP agree/VBP that/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB better/JJR if/IN South/NNP Vietnam/NNP had/VBD not/RB been/VBN taken/VBN over/IN by/IN the/DT North--and/NNP that/IN it/PRP was/VBD better/JJR that/IN Thailand/NNP ,/, Malaysia/NNP ,/, and/CC others/NNS beat/VBP their/PRP$ insurgencies/NNS ./.
The/DT question/NN is/VBZ whether/IN the/DT fight/NN was/VBD worth/JJ it/PRP at/IN several/JJ crucial/JJ junctures/NNS :/: when/WRB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS got/VBD more/RBR seriously/RB involved/VBN in/IN 1963/CD -/: 64/CD ;/: when/WRB it/PRP dramatically/RB escalated/VBD in/IN 1967/CD -/: 68/CD ;/: and/CC when/WRB it/PRP began/VBD a/DT prolonged/JJ withdrawal/NN ,/, from/IN 1969/CD through/IN the/DT fall/NN of/IN Saigon/NNP in/IN 1975/CD ./.
*/NN Lind/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN the/DT initial/JJ engagement/NN was/VBD necessary/JJ ,/, for/IN the/DT "/" bandwagon/NN "/" reasons/NNS of/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP we/PRP have/VBP discussed/VBN previously/RB ./.
I/PRP view/VBP it/PRP as/IN understandable/JJ -/: -/: for/IN those/DT same/JJ reasons--but/JJ ultimately/RB unwise/JJ and/CC destructive/JJ ,/, for/IN reasons/NNS that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN played/VBN out/IN in/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
politics/NNS ever/RB since/IN ./.
And/CC ,/, much/JJ as/IN I/PRP hate/VBP using/VBG this/DT word/NN ,/, Nixon/NNP 's/POS prolongation/NN of/IN the/DT withdrawal/NN seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP ,/, well/RB ,/, criminal/JJ ./.
(/( OK/JJ ,/, '/" 60/CD s-style/JJ hyperbole/NN ,/, but/CC you/PRP know/VBP what/WP I/PRP mean/VBP ./.
Maybe/RB "/" criminally/RB unwise/JJ ./.
"/" )/) Tens/NNP of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN Americans/NNPS ,/, and/CC hundreds/NNS of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN Vietnamese/JJ ,/, died/VBD during/IN the/DT extended/VBN separation/NN ./.
Even/RB assuming/VBG there/EX was/VBD some/DT offsetting/VBG increase/NN in/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
credibility/NN in/IN those/DT years/NNS ,/, it/PRP could/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN worthwhile/JJ ./.
*/NN You/PRP ask/VBP about/IN the/DT Korean/JJ option--long-term/JJ partition/NN ,/, enforced/VBN by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
troops/NNS ./.
That/DT might/MD have/VB been/VBN conceivable/JJ in/IN 1963/CD or/CC 1964/CD ,/, when/WRB the/DT balance/NN between/IN aims/VBZ and/CC costs/VBZ was/VBD still/RB more/RBR reasonable/JJ from/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
perspective/NN ./.
By/IN 1970/CD everything/NN about/IN that/DT balance/NN had/VBD shifted/VBN ./.
For/IN reasons/NNS Lind/NNP lays/VBZ out/IN very/RB clearly/RB ,/, domestic/JJ politics/NNS had/VBD powerfully/RB and/CC predictably/RB turned/VBD against/IN such/JJ a/DT costly/JJ war/NN ./.
*/NN You/PRP raise/VBP several/JJ times/NNS the/DT claim/NN that/IN the/DT South/NNP Vietnamese/JJ were/VBD in/IN some/DT sense/NN "/" winning/VBG "/" by/IN 1970/CD ./.
Even/RB assuming/VBG for/IN purposes/NNS of/IN argument/NN that/IN this/DT is/VBZ true/JJ (/( which/WDT I/PRP dispute/VBP ,/, but/CC that/DT 's/VBZ for/IN another/DT day/NN )/) ,/, by/IN that/DT time/NN it/PRP was/VBD becoming/VBG irrelevant/JJ ./.
The/DT cost/NN had/VBD exceeded/VBN a/DT level/NN that/IN any/DT student/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
politics/NNS thought/VBD this/DT country/NN would/MD endure/VB for/IN such/JJ a/DT symbolic/JJ struggle/NN ./.
*/NN Yes/UH ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ odd/JJ that/IN we/PRP should/MD be/VB struggling/VBG for/IN the/DT mantle/NN of/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT balance/NN of/IN costs/NNS and/CC goals/NNS is/VBZ something/NN he/PRP clearly/RB understood/VBD ./.
The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS (/( as/IN Lind/NNP also/RB points/VBZ out/IN )/) is/VBZ willing/JJ to/TO pay/VB financial/JJ costs/NNS ,/, like/IN those/DT of/IN the/DT Reagan/NNP defense/NN spend-up/JJ ./.
But/CC we/PRP properly/RB dislike/VBP sending/VBG people/NNS to/TO die/VB for/IN symbolic/JJ struggles/VBZ when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB really/RB necessary--and/JJ that/DT 's/VBZ why/WRB My/PRP$ Ronnie/NNP got/VBD those/DT Marines/NNPS out/IN of/IN Lebanon/NNP ./.
I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ someone/NN made/VBN the/DT case/NN that/IN this/DT had/VBN become/VBN a/DT symbolic/JJ stand/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP could/MD n't/RB afford/VB to/TO look/VB as/IN if/IN he/PRP was/VBD running/VBG ./.
That/DT did/VBD n't/RB stop/VB him/PRP ./.
*/NN My/PRP$ starting/NN point/NN was/VBD that/IN ,/, agree/VBP or/CC disagree/VBP ,/, people/NNS should/MD read/VB Michael/NNP Lind/NNP 's/POS book/NN ./.
I/PRP end/VBP on/IN that/DT point/NN too/RB ./.
But/CC of/IN course/NN it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB the/DT only/RB one/CD to/TO read/VB ./.
Peter/NNP Scott/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ Lost/VBD Crusade/NN ,/, the/DT memoir/NN of/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
soldier/NN who/WP trained/VBN Cambodian/JJ mercenaries/NNS ,/, is/VBZ the/DT most/JJS affecting/VBG book/NN of/IN any/DT sort/NN I/PRP 've/VBP read/VBN in/IN a/DT long/JJ time/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, recommended/VBD to/TO me/PRP by/IN the/DT novelist/NN Charles/NNP McCarry/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ book/NN The/DT Tears/NNP of/IN Autumn/NNP stands/VBZ with/IN Graham/NNP Greene/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Quiet/NNP American/NNP in/IN conveying/VBG the/DT climate/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS first/JJ involvement/NN in/IN Southeast/NNP Asia/NNP ./.
*/NN I/PRP 've/VBP also/RB just/RB been/VBN reading/VBG Fredrik/NNP Logevall/NNP 's/POS Choosing/NNP War/NNP ,/, a/DT new/JJ academic/JJ history/NN that/WDT argues/VBZ more/JJR or/CC less/JJR the/DT exact/JJ opposite/NN of/IN Lind/NNP 's/POS case/NN ./.
From/IN late/JJ 1963/CD to/TO early/JJ 1965/CD ,/, Logevall/NNP claims/VBZ ,/, the/DT Johnson/NNP administration/NN faced/VBD a/DT deliberate/JJ choice/NN about/IN whether/IN it/PRP should/MD raise/VB or/CC lower/VB the/DT stakes/NNS in/IN Vietnam/NNP :/: Make/NNP it/PRP an/DT all-out/JJ test/NN of/IN will/MD ,/, which/WDT it/PRP became/VBD ,/, or/CC look/VB for/IN an/DT excuse/NN to/TO leave--perhaps/JJ with/IN the/DT claim/NN that/IN the/DT regime/NN in/IN the/DT South/NNP had/VBD become/VBN too/RB ill-behaved/JJ to/TO be/VB worth/JJ further/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
support/NN or/CC lives/NNS ./.
Logevall/NNP 's/POS evidence/NN is/VBZ beyond/IN my/PRP$ ability/NN to/TO introduce/VB here/RB ./.
I/PRP 'll/MD simply/RB say/VB that/IN if/IN Lind/NNP proves/VBZ that/IN the/DT decision/NN to/TO go/VB to/TO war/NN was/VBD understandable/JJ ,/, Logevall/NNP provides/VBZ the/DT argument/NN for/IN the/DT "/" minimal/JJ realist/NN "/" view/NN that/IN it/PRP was/VBD unnecessary/JJ and/CC unwise/JJ ./.
And/CC as/IN he/PRP says/VBZ in/IN the/DT final/JJ pages/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ book/NN :/:
The/DT certainty/NN that/IN this/DT was/VBD an/DT unnecessary/JJ war/NN ,/, not/RB merely/RB in/IN hindsight/NN but/CC in/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN that/DT time/NN ,/, also/RB makes/VBZ the/DT astronomical/JJ costs/NNS that/WDT resulted/VBD from/IN it/PRP during/IN 1965/CD -/: 1973/CD that/IN much/RB more/RBR difficult/JJ to/TO contemplate/VB ./.
A/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, on/IN his/PRP$ public-radio/JJ program/NN A/DT Prairie/NNP Home/NNP Companion/NNP ,/, Garrison/NNP Keillor/NNP spent/VBD several/JJ minutes/NNS conversing/VBG with/IN the/DT occasional/JJ character/NN Larry/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ fictional/JJ twin/JJ brother/NN ,/, who/WP lives/VBZ beneath/IN the/DT stage/NN and/CC harbors/NNS resentments/NNS about/IN a/DT show-business/JJ career/NN that/WDT slipped/VBD away/RB ./.
"/" Larry/NNP ,/, you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB live/VB in/IN the/DT past/NN ,/, "/" Keillor/NNP said/VBD at/IN one/CD point/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP does/VBZ no/DT good/NN to/TO hold/VB a/DT grudge/NN ./.
You/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN to/TO move/VB on/IN ,/, Larry/NNP ./.
You/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN to/TO find/VB closure/NN ./.
A/DT Prairie/NNP Home/NNP Companion/NNP does/VBZ not/RB rely/VB for/IN its/PRP$ comedic/JJ grammar/NN on/IN concepts/NNS accessible/JJ mainly/RB to/TO an/DT overinformed/JJ urban/JJ elite/NN ,/, so/RB when/WRB certain/JJ words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS crop/NN up/RB on/IN that/DT program/NN ,/, you/PRP can/MD be/VB pretty/RB sure/JJ the/DT underlying/VBG meanings/NNS have/VBP been/VBN suffused/JJ through/IN the/DT middle-range/JJ ZIP/NNP codes/NNS ./.
Such/JJ is/VBZ the/DT case/NN with/IN closure/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT sense/NN of/IN bringing/VBG an/DT emotional/JJ process/NN to/TO its/PRP$ natural/JJ conclusion/NN ./.
The/DT term/NN has/VBZ so/RB rapidly/RB evolved/VBD from/IN restricted/VBN jargon/NN into/IN mainstream/NN patois--it/JJ is/VBZ hardly/RB more/JJR "/" technical/JJ "/" now/RB than/IN the/DT words/NNS du/NNP jour/FW after/IN soup/NN on/IN a/DT truck-stop/JJ menu--that/JJ A/DT Prairie/NNP Home/NNP Companion/NNP cannot/NN only/RB use/NN it/PRP safely/RB ,/, but/CC can/MD even/RB give/VB it/PRP a/DT knowing/VBG ,/, ironic/JJ twist/NN ./.
Closure/NNP has/VBZ familiar/JJ applications/NNS in/IN the/DT realm/NN of/IN personal/JJ relationships/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT movie/NN Heat/NNP ,/, to/TO cite/VB just/RB one/CD instance/NN ,/, Diane/NNP Venora/NNP says/VBZ to/TO her/PRP$ ex-husband/JJ ,/, Al/NNP Pacino/NNP :/: "/" I/PRP may/MD be/VB stoned/VBN on/IN grass/NN and/CC Prozac/NNP ,/, but/CC you/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN walking/VBG through/IN our/PRP$ life/NN dead/JJ ./.
And/CC now/RB I/PRP have/VBP to/TO demean/NN myself/PRP with/IN Ralph/NNP just/RB to/TO get/VB closure/NN with/IN you/PRP ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT word/NN turns/VBZ up/RB in/IN any/DT sort/NN of/IN story/NN where/WRB "/" finis/NNS "/" is/VBZ being/VBG written/VBN ./.
Patients/NNS who/WP served/VBD as/IN unwitting/JJ subjects/NNS of/IN 1950/CD s/VBZ radiation/NN experiments/NNS described/VBD their/PRP$ recent/JJ settlement/NN with/IN the/DT government/NN as/RB bringing/VBG "/" a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ,/, "/" using/VBG the/DT word/NN in/IN its/PRP$ by-now/JJ standard/JJ noun-phrase/JJ setting/NN ./.
(/( Closure/NNP on/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ sometimes/RB seems/VBZ too/RB final/JJ ./.
)/) The/DT makers/NNS of/IN a/DT $/$ 450/CD doll/NN that/WDT bears/VBZ the/DT features/NNS of/IN a/DT young/JJ Jacqueline/NNP Kennedy/NNP Onassis/NNP attributed/VBD the/DT doll/NN 's/POS popularity/NN to/TO the/DT public/NN 's/POS "/" unresolved/JJ feelings/NNS about/IN Jackie/NNP "/" :/: Buying/NNP a/DT doll/NN "/" gives/VBZ them/PRP a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ./.
"/" In/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT rambling/VBG valedictory/NN press/NN conference/NN last/JJ fall/NN of/IN Notre/NNP Dame/NNP 's/POS football/NN coach/NN ,/, Lou/NNP Holtz/NNP ,/, was/VBD criticized/VBN by/IN one/CD sportswriter/NN for/IN its/PRP$ "/" absence/NN of/IN any/DT real/JJ sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ./.
Closure/NNP is/VBZ nowadays/RB most/RBS often/RB encountered/VBD in/IN contexts/NNS involving/VBG death/NN ./.
Newspaper/NNP and/CC broadcast/NN accounts/NNS routinely/RB describe/VBP the/DT return/NN of/IN a/DT serviceman/NN 's/POS long-lost/JJ remains/NNS from/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP ,/, Korea/NNP ,/, or/CC Vietnam/NNP as/IN bringing/VBG a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ./.
Late/RB last/JJ year/NN ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP profiled/VBN a/DT local/JJ undertaker/NN named/VBD Roberto/NNP Garcia/NNP :/: "/" While/IN the/DT profits/NNS are/VBP nice/JJ ,/, Garcia/NNP says/VBZ the/DT most/JJS fulfilling/VBG part/NN of/IN his/PRP$ job/NN is/VBZ helping/VBG families/NNS establish/VB a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ./.
"/" Now/RB that/IN executions/NNS are/VBP once/RB again/RB a/DT normal/JJ part/NN of/IN American/JJ life--someone/JJ is/VBZ executed/VBN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS once/RB a/DT week/NN ,/, on/IN average--they/JJ ,/, too/RB ,/, reliably/RB bring/VB on/IN that/DT clausural/NN feeling/NN ./.
"/" What/WP I/PRP 'm/VBP hoping/VBG is/VBZ that/DT everyone/NN will/MD have/VB a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN from/IN this/DT ,/, "/" a/DT police/NN officer/NN told/VBD a/DT reporter/NN after/IN an/DT execution/NN was/VBD carried/VBN out/IN last/JJ month/NN in/IN Arizona/NNP ,/, 18/CD years/NNS after/IN the/DT crimes/NNS had/VBD been/VBN committed/VBN ./.
Commenting/VBG on/IN a/DT documentary/NN in/IN which/WDT parents/NNS witnessed/VBN the/DT execution/NN of/IN the/DT killer/NN of/IN two/CD of/IN their/PRP$ children/NNS ,/, a/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP columnist/NN wrote/VBD :/: "/" Watching/VBG him/PRP die/VBP gave/VBD them/PRP a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN ./.
"/" The/DT relatives/NNS of/IN Nicole/NNP Brown/NNP Simpson/NNP and/CC Ronald/NNP Goldman/NNP did/VBD not/RB witness/NN anything/NN so/RB dramatic/JJ ,/, but/CC according/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, closure/NN was/VBD what/WP they/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, had/VBD sought/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ recent/JJ lawsuit/NN against/IN O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Simpson/NNP ./.
The/DT $/$ 33/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD award/NN was/VBD not/RB the/DT issue/NN ,/, they/PRP told/VBD the/DT Times/NNP :/: "/" Rather/RB ./.
they/PRP were/VBD looking/VBG for/IN closure--/JJ '/POS justice/NN ,/, '/" some/DT called/VBN it--to/JJ the/DT worst/JJS thing/NN that/WDT had/VBD ever/RB happened/VBN to/TO them/PRP ./.
The/DT origins/NNS of/IN closure/NN are/VBP hardly/RB obscure/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ derived/VBN from/IN the/DT Latin/NNP verb/NN clausere/NN ,/, meaning/VBG "/" to/TO close/VB ,/, "/" which/WDT also/RB gives/VBZ us/PRP the/DT enclosed/VBN architectural/JJ space/NN cloister/NN ,/, the/DT enclosed/VBN syntactical/JJ space/NN clause/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT fear/NN of/IN enclosed/VBN space/NN altogether/RB ,/, claustrophobia/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT political/JJ sense/NN ,/, closure/NN ,/, now/RB most/RBS commonly/RB invoked/VBD in/IN its/PRP$ Gallic/NNP variant/NN ,/, cloture/NN ,/, refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT ending/NN of/IN debate/NN in/IN a/DT legislative/JJ body/NN and/CC dates/NNS back/RB to/TO the/DT late/JJ 19/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
In/IN literary/JJ criticism/NN ,/, closure/NN refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT manner/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT poem/NN (/( or/CC any/DT text/NN )/) achieves/VBZ thematic/JJ and/CC structural/JJ finality/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT psychological/JJ jargon/NN of/IN Gestalt/NNP theory/NN (/( "/" Gestalt/NNP "/" being/VBG German/JJ for/IN "/" pattern/NN "/" or/CC "/" form/NN "/" )/) ,/, closure/NN refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT propensity/NN of/IN the/DT human/JJ mind/NN to/TO impose/VB or/CC perceive/VBP order/NN despite/IN gaps/NNS or/CC asymmetry/NN ./.
This/DT meaning/NN of/IN closure/NN helps/VBZ to/TO explain/VB _/NN _/NN _/NN most/JJS people/NNS have/VBP no/DT _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN at/IN all/DT in/IN figuring/VBG out/RP the/DT missing/VBG _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN in/IN this/DT sentence/NN ./.
Fill-in-the-blanks/NNP exercises/NNS have/VBP been/VBN fashioned/VBN into/IN what/WP are/VBP known/VBN as/IN cloze/NN tests/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP designed/VBN to/TO test/VB passages/NNS for/IN readability/NN and/CC readers/NNS for/IN comprehension/NN ./.
The/DT Gestalt/NNP term/NN closure/NN has/VBZ an/DT application/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN ,/, where/WRB it/PRP refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT way/NN the/DT reader/NN mentally/RB imagines/VBZ what/WP has/VBZ happened/VBN between/IN panels/NNS ./.
The/DT impulse/NN behind/IN the/DT real-life/JJ quest/NN for/IN a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure--the/JJ impulse/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, to/TO discern/VB meaning/VBG ,/, to/TO impose/VB coherence/NN ,/, to/TO tie/VB up/RP loose/JJ ends--is/JJ no/DT doubt/NN as/RB timeless/JJ as/IN sentience/NN itself/PRP ./.
But/CC how/WRB did/VBD it/PRP come/VBP to/TO be/VB so/RB closely/RB bound/VBN up/RP with/IN a/DT specific/JJ word/NN ?/.
One/CD factor/NN is/VBZ the/DT psychologizing/VBG of/IN everyday/JJ life/NN ,/, a/DT development/NN that/WDT scarcely/RB needs/VBZ documentation/NN ./.
When/WRB we/PRP require/VBP words/NNS to/TO describe/VB personal/JJ motivation/NN and/CC other/JJ interior/JJ processes/NNS ,/, the/DT most/RBS likely/JJ source/NN today/NN is/VBZ psychology/NN ./.
The/DT lexicon/NN so/RB derived/VBD is/VBZ large/JJ and/CC growing/VBG :/: co-dependency/JJ ,/, recovery/NN ,/, denial/NN ,/, self-esteem/NN ,/, self-help/NN ./.
As/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN noted/VBN ,/, there/EX are/VBP no/RB longer/RB sins/NNS ,/, only/RB syndromes/NNS ./.
Asecond/NNP factor/NN is/VBZ the/DT news/NN media/NNS ,/, in/IN particular/JJ local/JJ television/NN news/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ built/VBN on/IN abbreviated/JJ human/JJ stories/NNS with/IN a/DT recognizable/JJ beginning/NN ,/, middle/JJ ,/, and/CC end/NN :/: A/DT violent/JJ crime/NN ./.
A/DT daring/JJ rescue/NN ./.
A/DT belated/JJ discovery/NN ./.
A/DT sudden/JJ disaster/NN ./.
Psychotherapeutic/NNP templates/NNS are/VBP easy/JJ to/TO apply/VB ./.
The/DT words/NNS "/" a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN "/" have/VBP by/IN now/RB been/VBN uttered/VBD so/RB often/RB on/IN camera--along/JJ with/IN the/DT companion/NN phrase/NN "/" the/DT healing/NN process/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT is/VBZ what/WP observers/NNS hope/VBP will/MD occur/VB after/IN the/DT scab/NN of/IN closure/NN has/VBZ formed--that/JJ they/PRP have/VBP joined/VBN the/DT off-the-rack/JJ vocabulary/JJ of/IN stock/NN phrases/NNS that/IN ordinary/JJ Americans/NNPS can/MD pick/VB from/IN when/WRB a/DT camera/NN appears/VBZ in/IN front/NN of/IN them/PRP ./.
How/WRB much/RB more/RBR deeply/RB a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN will/MD penetrate/VB is/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO say--but/JJ that/IN it/PRP will/MD go/VB deeper/JJR is/VBZ without/IN question/NN ./.
I/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB surprised/VBN to/TO learn/VB someday/RB that/DT wedding/NN vows/VBZ are/VBP being/VBG exchanged/VBN in/IN which/WDT the/DT union/NN is/VBZ set/VBN to/TO last/VB "/" until/IN a/DT sense/NN of/IN closure/NN do/VBP us/PRP part/NN ./.
"/" And/CC surely/RB ,/, "/" A/DT Sense/NN of/IN Closure/NNP "/" will/MD be/VB the/DT headline/NN above/IN the/DT news/NN analysis/NN in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP the/DT morning/NN before/IN the/DT asteroid/NN hits/NNS ./.
At/IN least/JJS we/PRP wo/MD n't/RB have/VB to/TO read/VB "/" The/DT Healing/NNP Process/NNP "/" on/IN the/DT editorial/NN page/NN the/DT following/VBG day/NN ./.
Campaign/NN finance/NN is/VBZ an/DT arcane/JJ and/CC confusing/JJ subject/NN ,/, filled/VBN with/IN unspoken/NN understandings/NNS ./.
One/CD of/IN these/DT is/VBZ the/DT distinction/NN between/IN rules/NNS that/WDT must/MD be/VB obeyed/JJ and/CC rules/NNS that/WDT can/MD be/VB safely/RB flouted/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT Republican/JJ primaries/NNS ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, aides/NNS to/TO Bob/NNP Dole/NNP admitted/VBD that/IN they/PRP were/VBD going/VBG to/TO exceed/VB legal/JJ limits/NNS on/IN how/WRB much/JJ they/PRP could/MD spend/VB ,/, an/DT act/NN commentators/NNS compared/VBN at/IN the/DT time/NN to/TO running/VBG a/DT red/JJ light/NN ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ aides/NNS were/VBD helping/VBG to/TO develop/VB the/DT so-called/JJ "/" issue/NN "/" ads/NNS produced/VBN by/IN state/NN parties--ads/JJ which/WDT ,/, in/IN theory/NN ,/, were/VBD n't/RB supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB co-ordinated/JJ with/IN his/PRP$ re-election/NN effort/NN ./.
And/CC neither/DT party/NN even/RB bothered/VBD to/TO claim/VB that/IN the/DT tens/NNS of/IN millions/NNS being/VBG raised/VBN in/IN so-called/JJ "/" soft/JJ money/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT cannot/NN be/VB legally/RB used/VBN for/IN federal/JJ elections/NNS ,/, was/VBD being/VBG spent/VBN on/IN anything/NN other/JJ than/IN the/DT federal/JJ election/NN ./.
None/NN of/IN these/DT clear/JJ violations/NNS was/VBD deemed/VBN to/TO be/VB especially/RB scandalous/JJ ,/, even/RB by/IN prudes/NNS at/IN places/NNS like/IN Common/NNP Cause/NNP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, a/DT Dole/NNP supporter/NN named/VBD Simon/NNP Fireman/NNP is/VBZ confined/VBN to/TO his/PRP$ Boston/NNP apartment/NN ,/, where/WRB he/PRP wears/VBZ an/DT electronic/JJ collar/NN and/CC ponders/NNS the/DT $/$ 6/CD million/CD fine/NN he/PRP must/MD pay/VB for/IN enlisting/VBG his/PRP$ employees/NNS at/IN Aqua/NNP Leisure/NNP Industries/NNPS ,/, a/DT maker/NN of/IN inflatable/JJ pool/NN toys/NNS ,/, in/IN a/DT scheme/NN to/TO contribute/VB $/$ 69/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO the/DT Dole/NNP campaign/NN ./.
A/DT similar/JJ invisible/JJ line/NN separates/NNS the/DT campaign-finance/JJ violations/NNS that/WDT become/VBP major/JJ media/NNS scandals/NNS and/CC those/DT that/WDT go/VBP unmentioned/JJ or/CC rate/NN only/RB as/IN footnotes/NNS in/IN the/DT press/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB immediately/RB obvious/JJ why/WRB reporters/NNS are/VBP so/RB fascinated/VBN by/IN John/NNP Huang/NNP 's/POS possible/JJ use/NN of/IN his/PRP$ position/NN at/IN the/DT Commerce/NNP Department/NNP to/TO raise/VB money/NN for/IN his/PRP$ party/NN ,/, while/IN they/PRP largely/RB ignored/VBD the/DT last/JJ two/CD secretaries/NNS of/IN commerce/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS Ron/NNP Brown/NNP and/CC George/NNP Bush/NNP 's/POS Robert/NNP Mosbacher/NNP ,/, who/WP were/VBD using/VBG the/DT entire/JJ department/NN as/IN a/DT fund-raising/JJ vehicle/NN ./.
Why/WRB is/VBZ Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP 's/POS use/NN of/IN GOPAC/NNP to/TO raise/VB undisclosed/JJ contributions/NNS a/DT scandal/NN being/VBG investigated/VBN by/IN the/DT House/NNP Ethics/NNP Committee/NNP ,/, while/IN Republican/NNP National/NNP Chairman/NNP Haley/NNP Barbour/NNP 's/POS front/NN for/IN avoiding/VBG disclosure/NN ,/, the/DT National/NNP Policy/NNP Forum/NNP ,/, rates/VBZ as/IN a/DT nonstory/NN ?/.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ no/DT logic/NN to/TO any/DT of/IN it/PRP ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ considered/VBD an/DT outrage/NN ,/, and/CC even/RB what/WP 's/VBZ considered/VBD a/DT crime/NN ,/, are/VBP matters/NNS determined/VBN largely/RB by/IN accident/NN ./.
Advocates/NNS of/IN reform/NN are/VBP always/RB happy/JJ to/TO have/VB a/DT high-profile/JJ scandal/NN ,/, like/IN the/DT presently/RB unfolding/VBG "/" Indogate/NNP ,/, "/" to/TO help/VB them/PRP sensitize/VB the/DT public/NN to/TO just/RB how/WRB seamy/JJ the/DT whole/JJ business/NN of/IN campaign/NN financing/NN is/VBZ ./.
The/DT last/JJ thing/NN they/PRP 're/VBP about/IN to/TO do/VB is/VBZ explain/VB away/RB the/DT latest/JJS revelations/NNS as/IN just/RB an/DT exotically/RB textured/JJ version/NN of/IN what/WP goes/VBZ on/IN every/DT day/NN ./.
And/CC press/NN coverage/NN is/VBZ largely/RB driven/VBN by/IN how/WRB big/JJ a/DT fuss/NNS is/VBZ made/VBN by/IN members/NNS of/IN the/DT opposition--not/JJ by/IN any/DT barometer/NN of/IN relative/JJ venality/NN ./.
Right/RB now/RB ,/, Republicans/NNPS are/VBP making/VBG an/DT enormous/JJ fuss/NNS about/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS ,/, so/IN the/DT story/NN is/VBZ huge/JJ ./.
But/CC we/PRP must/MD pause/VB and/CC ask/VB :/: Are/VBP we/PRP making/VBG an/DT example/NN out/IN of/IN the/DT DNC/NNP for/IN misdeeds/NNS that/WDT everybody/NN commits/VBZ ?/.
Or/CC did/VBD John/NNP Huang/NNP and/CC James/NNP Riady--and/NNP perhaps/RB Harold/NNP Ickes/NNP and/CC Bill/NNP Clinton--really/NNP do/VBP something/NN unusually/RB bad/JJ in/IN the/DT last/JJ campaign/NN cycle/NN ?/.
Much/JJ hinges/NNS ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, on/IN facts/NNS we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB ./.
Huang/NNP may/MD have/VB asked/VBN all/DT his/PRP$ Asian/JJ contributors/NNS whether/IN they/PRP were/VBD legal/JJ residents/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC been/VBN misled/VBN by/IN them/PRP ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT hard/JJ evidence/NN that/IN he/PRP did/VBD DNC/NNP business/NN at/IN Commerce/NNP or/CC government/NN business/NN after/IN Clinton/NNP moved/VBD him/PRP to/TO the/DT DNC/NNP in/IN 1995/CD ./.
But/CC assuming/VBG ,/, for/IN purposes/NNS of/IN argument/NN ,/, that/IN most/JJS of/IN what/WP has/VBZ been/VBN alleged/VBN by/IN Republicans/NNPS is/VBZ true/JJ ,/, the/DT Indonesian/JJ scandal/NN potentially/RB involves/VBZ three/CD categories/NNS of/IN wrongdoing/NN :/: 1/LS )/) accepting/VBG illegal/JJ contributions/NNS ;/: 2/LS )/) trading/NN favors/VBZ for/IN contributions/NNS ;/: and/CC 3/LS )/) misusing/VBG a/DT government/NN position/NN to/TO raise/VB campaign/NN money/NN ./.
Actually/RB ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT fourth/JJ question--whether/JJ Huang/NNP violated/VBD federal/JJ conflict-of-interest/NN rules/NNS by/IN dealing/VBG with/IN his/PRP$ old/JJ company/NN ,/, the/DT Indonesian-based/NNP Lippo/NNP conglomerate/NN ,/, while/IN he/PRP was/VBD a/DT midlevel/JJ official/NN at/IN the/DT Commerce/NNP Department/NNP ./.
But/CC that/DT 's/VBZ a/DT matter/NN of/IN personal/JJ corruption/NN unrelated/JJ to/TO the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP financing/NN ,/, so/IN I/PRP wo/MD n't/RB dwell/NN on/IN it/PRP here/RB ,/, even/RB though/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ potentially/RB the/DT most/RBS serious/JJ charge/NN against/IN Huang/NNP ./.
Question/NNP 1/CD :/: The/DT DNC/NNP has/VBZ now/RB returned/VBN nearly/RB half/NN of/IN the/DT $/$ 2/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD in/IN soft/JJ money/NN raised/VBN by/IN Huang/NNP from/IN Indonesian/JJ and/CC other/JJ Asian-/NNP American/JJ sources/NNS ./.
Assuming/VBG that/IN these/DT contributions/NNS were/VBD illegal/JJ because/IN the/DT contributors/NNS were/VBD n't/RB legal/JJ residents/NNS (/( something/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN fully/RB established/VBN only/RB in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN one/CD $/$ 250/CD ,/, 000/CD Korean/JJ contribution/NN )/) ,/, did/VBD Huang/NNP and/CC the/DT DNC/NNP do/VBP anything/NN out/IN of/IN the/DT ordinary/JJ ?/.
Answer/NNP :/: Not/RB really/RB ./.
There/EX are/VBP examples/NNS beyond/IN number/NN of/IN simply/RB illegal/JJ contributions/NNS that/IN the/DT press/NN and/CC public/JJ just/RB shrugged/VBD off/RP ./.
Even/RB Pat/NNP Robertson/NNP got/VBD busted/JJ in/IN 1988/CD for/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN a/DT Christian/NNP Broadcasting/NNP Network/NNP plane--his/JJ travels/NNS were/VBD valued/VBN at/IN $/$ 260/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
If/IN one/CD focuses/VBZ on/IN the/DT narrow/JJ category/NN of/IN contributions/NNS that/WDT are/VBP illegal/JJ because/IN they/PRP come/VBP from/IN foreigners/NNS (/( even/RB though/IN it/PRP is/VBZ arguably/RB no/RB worse/JJR than/IN any/DT other/JJ category/NN of/IN violation/NN )/) ,/, there/EX is/VBZ still/RB little/JJ novelty/NN to/TO the/DT Huang/NNP affair/NN ./.
Federal/NNP Election/NNP Commission/NNP files/NNS disclose/VB many/JJ examples/NNS of/IN money/NN taken/VBN illegally/RB from/IN foreign/JJ nationals/NNS :/: Japanese/JJ interests/NNS contributing/VBG to/TO candidates/NNS in/IN local/JJ races/NNS in/IN Hawaii/NNP ,/, South/NNP Americans/NNPS giving/VBG to/TO the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP of/IN Florida/NNP ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
Just/RB a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, the/DT RNC/NNP returned/VBD $/$ 15/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO a/DT Canadian/JJ company/NN called/VBD Methanex/NNP after/IN the/DT contribution/NN was/VBD disclosed/VBN in/IN Roll/NNP Call/NNP ./.
's/POS recent/JJ $/$ 1/CD million/CD contribution/NN to/TO the/DT California/NNP Republican/NNP Party/NNP may/MD fall/VB into/IN this/DT category/NN as/RB well/RB ./.
The/DT same/JJ goes/VBZ for/IN contributions/NNS that/WDT are/VBP illegal/JJ by/IN virtue/NN of/IN their/PRP$ having/VBG been/VBN made/VBN "/" in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN another/DT ,/, "/" an/DT issue/NN that/WDT has/VBZ surfaced/VBN in/IN connection/NN with/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS Buddhist/NNP temple/NN fund-raiser/NN ./.
The/DT FEC/NNP has/VBZ frequently/RB disallowed/VBD contributions/NNS made/VBN to/TO both/DT parties/NNS under/IN aliases/NNS ./.
If/IN the/DT Huang/NNP case/NN is/VBZ novel/NN ,/, it/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB as/IN a/DT deliberate/JJ and/CC systematic/JJ violation/NN of/IN the/DT laws/NNS regarding/VBG contributions/NNS by/IN noncitizens/NNS ./.
In/IN terms/NNS of/IN being/VBG systematic/JJ ,/, there/EX is/VBZ n't/RB much/JJ of/IN a/DT case/NN ./.
Both/DT parties/NNS have/VBP employed/VBN ethnic/JJ fund-raisers--/JJ Jewish/JJ ,/, Korean/JJ ,/, Greek/JJ ,/, Chinese--for/NNP many/JJ years/NNS ./.
Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP held/VBD a/DT Sikh/NNP fund-raising/JJ event/NN last/JJ year/NN in/IN California/NNP ./.
in/IN 1992/CD was/VBD Yung/NNP Soo/NNP Yoo/NNP ,/, who/WP makes/VBZ John/NNP Huang/NNP look/VB like/IN a/DT piker/NN when/WRB it/PRP come/VBP to/TO sleaze/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT co-chairs/JJ of/IN Asian-/NNP Americans/NNPS for/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP was/VBD California/NNP Rep/NNP ./.
Jay/NNP Kim/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ under/IN investigation/NN by/IN the/DT FEC/NNP for/IN taking/VBG illegal/JJ contributions/NNS from/IN four/CD Korean/JJ companies/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO those/DT with/IN experience/NN in/IN fund/NN raising/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ often/RB a/DT delicate/JJ matter/NN to/TO establish/VB whether/IN ethnic/JJ donors/NNS are/VBP eligible/JJ to/TO give/VB ./.
When/WRB someone/NN offers/VBZ to/TO write/VB you/PRP a/DT check/NN for/IN $/$ 5/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, you/PRP do/VBP not/RB ask/VB to/TO see/VB a/DT green/JJ card/NN ./.
The/DT reality/NN that/IN neither/DT party/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT habit/NN of/IN investigating/VBG its/PRP$ donors/NNS is/VBZ illustrated/VBN by/IN various/JJ outrageous/JJ incidents/NNS ./.
In/IN 1992/CD ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS got/VBD contributions/NNS totaling/VBG $/$ 633/CD ,/, 770/CD from/IN a/DT Japanese-/NNP American/NNP with/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP connections/NNS named/VBD Michael/NNP Kojima/NNP ./.
No/DT one/NN bothered/VBN to/TO ask/VB where/WRB Kojima/NNP ,/, a/DT failed/VBN restaurateur/NN with/IN ex-wives/JJ suing/VBG him/PRP for/IN nonsupport/NN ,/, got/VBD the/DT money/NN ./.
Ironically/RB enough/RB ,/, his/PRP$ biggest/JJS creditor/NN turns/VBZ out/IN to/TO have/VB been/VBN the/DT Lippo/NNP Bank/NNP of/IN Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP owed/VBD $/$ 600/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
Huang/NNP was/VBD not/RB really/RB an/DT innovator/NN ;/: he/PRP was/VBD simply/RB more/RBR successful/JJ than/IN his/PRP$ predecessors/NNS in/IN both/DT parties/NNS in/IN tapping/VBG ethnic/JJ subcultures/NNS for/IN cash/NN ./.
What/WP Huang/NNP 's/POS higher-ups/JJ at/IN the/DT DNC/NNP can/MD most/JJS be/VB faulted/VBN for/IN is/VBZ not/RB following/VBG suspicions/NNS they/PRP should/MD have/VB had/VBN about/IN the/DT huge/JJ sums/NNS he/PRP was/VBD reeling/VBG in/IN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, they/PRP looked/VBD the/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
In/IN 1994/CD ,/, the/DT DNC/NNP abandoned/VBD its/PRP$ own/JJ procedure/NN for/IN vetting/VBG contributions/NNS for/IN legality/NN ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB exactly/RB why/WRB this/DT happened/VBD ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT good/JJ bet/NN that/IN it/PRP had/VBD something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT pressure/NN coming/VBG from/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP to/TO raise/VB extraordinary/JJ amounts/NNS of/IN money/NN for/IN the/DT upcoming/JJ 1996/CD race/NN ./.
The/DT culture/NN of/IN fund-raising/JJ rewards/NNS quantity/NN ,/, not/RB care/VB ./.
It/PRP discourages/VBZ close/JJ scrutiny/NN and/CC too/RB many/JJ questions/NNS ./.
The/DT less/JJR you/PRP ask/VBP ,/, the/DT more/JJR you/PRP get/VBP ./.
And/CC given/VBN that/IN there/EX has/VBZ been/VBN no/DT real/JJ enforcement/NN of/IN these/DT rules/NNS in/IN the/DT past/NN ,/, fund-raisers/NNS have/VBP n't/RB lost/VBN a/DT lot/NN of/IN sleep/NN about/IN contributions/NNS turning/VBG out/IN to/TO be/VB tainted/VBN ./.
If/IN the/DT money/NN goes/VBZ bad/JJ ,/, you/PRP simply/RB return/VBP it/PRP with/IN the/DT appropriate/JJ regretful/JJ noises/NNS ./.
Question/NNP 2/CD :/: Is/VBZ the/DT Lippo/NNP scandal/NN an/DT egregious/JJ example/NN of/IN a/DT political/JJ quid/NN pro/FW quo/NN ?/.
Answer/NNP :/: Definitely/NNP not/RB ./.
Examples/NNS of/IN favors/NNS in/IN exchanges/NNS for/IN campaign/NN contributions/NNS are/VBP plentiful/JJ ./.
Consider/VB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT relationship/NN between/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP and/CC Chiquita/NNP ./.
In/IN 1995/CD ,/, Dole/NNP introduced/VBD legislation/NN to/TO impose/VB trade/NN sanctions/NNS on/IN Colombia/NNP ,/, Ecuador/NNP ,/, and/CC Costa/NNP Rica--but/NNP not/RB Honduras/NNP ,/, where/WRB Dole/NNP 's/POS favorite/JJ bananas/NNS are/VBP grown/VBN ./.
Why/WRB was/VBD a/DT senator/NN from/IN Kansas/NNP so/RB interested/JJ in/IN bananas/NNS ?/.
It/PRP might/MD have/VB had/VBN something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN Chiquita/NNP giving/VBG $/$ 677/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP in/IN the/DT last/JJ campaign/NN cycle/NN or/CC the/DT generous/JJ offer/NN by/IN its/PRP$ CEO/NNP ,/, Carl/NNP Lindner/NNP ,/, to/TO let/VB Dole/NNP use/NN the/DT company/NN jet/NN ./.
(/( "/" Sen/NNP ./.
Dole/NNP has/VBZ taken/VBN this/DT position/NN because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ right/NN for/IN America/NNP ,/, "/" Dole/NNP spokeswoman/NN Christina/NNP Martin/NNP said/VBD earlier/RBR this/DT year/NN ./.
"/" To/TO suggest/VB any/DT other/JJ reason/NN is/VBZ totally/RB absurd/JJ ./.
"/" )/) Or/CC ,/, there/EX is/VBZ the/DT relationship/NN between/IN ./.
This/DT kind/NN of/IN treatment/NN for/IN big/JJ contributors/NNS is/VBZ quite/RB routine/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT Indonesia/NNP case/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, there/RB is/VBZ as/IN yet/RB no/DT evidence/NN that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP did/VBD anything/NN about/IN his/PRP$ backer/NN James/NNP Riady/NNP 's/POS concerns/NNS over/IN trade/NN with/IN China/NNP and/CC Indonesia/NNP beyond/IN listening/VBG to/TO them/PRP ./.
Nor/CC is/VBZ there/EX likely/JJ to/TO be/VB any/DT evidence/NN :/: Big/NNP foreign-policy/NN decisions/NNS simply/RB are/VBP n't/RB susceptible/JJ to/TO personal/JJ favoritism/NN the/DT way/NN EPA/NNP regulations/NNS are/VBP ./.
Question/NNP 3/CD :/: Did/VBD John/NNP Huang/NNP break/VB new/JJ ground/NN in/IN exploiting/VBG his/PRP$ government/NN office/NN for/IN campaign-fund-raising/JJ purposes/NNS ?/.
Answer/NNP :/: No/UH ./.
The/DT honor/NN here/RB actually/RB goes/VBZ to/TO Robert/NNP Mosbacher/NNP ,/, George/NNP Bush/NNP 's/POS secretary/NN of/IN commerce/NN ./.
As/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN chairman/NN in/IN 1988/CD ,/, Mosbacher/NNP invented/VBD the/DT Team/NNP 100/CD -/: -/: a/DT designation/NN for/IN the/DT 249/CD corporate/JJ contributors/NNS who/WP gave/VBD $/$ 100/CD ,/, 000/CD or/CC more/JJR in/IN soft/JJ money/NN to/TO the/DT RNC/NNP ./.
When/WRB Mosbacher/NNP became/VBD secretary/NN of/IN commerce/NN ,/, members/NNS of/IN the/DT team/NN were/VBD rewarded/VBN in/IN various/JJ ways/NNS ,/, including/VBG being/VBG invited/VBN by/IN Mosbacher/NNP on/IN trade/NN missions/NNS around/IN the/DT world/NN and/CC ,/, often/RB ,/, being/VBG given/VBN ambassadorships/NNS ./.
(/( "/" That/DT 's/VBZ part/NN of/IN what/WP the/DT system/NN has/VBZ been/VBN like/IN for/IN 160/CD years/NNS ,/, "/" Mosbacher/NNP said/VBD when/WRB questioned/VBD about/IN it/PRP at/IN the/DT time--a/JJ judgment/NN the/DT press/NN apparently/RB agreed/VBD with/IN ./.
)/) Mosbacher/NNP 's/POS last/JJ act/NN as/IN commerce/NN secretary/NN was/VBD a/DT tour/NN of/IN 30/CD cities/NNS to/TO meet/VB with/IN business/NN executives/NNS about/IN how/WRB he/PRP could/MD help/VB them/PRP with/IN exports/NNS ./.
When/WRB he/PRP left/VBD the/DT department/NN shortly/RB thereafter/RB to/TO run/VB Bush/NNP 's/POS re-election/NN campaign/NN ,/, he/PRP turned/VBD to/TO the/DT same/JJ executives/NNS for/IN contributions/NNS ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ use/NN of/IN the/DT Commerce/NNP Department/NNP to/TO dun/NN corporations/NNS for/IN campaign/NN funds/NNS ,/, Ron/NNP Brown/NNP was/VBD Mosbacher/NNP 's/POS disciple/NN ,/, though/IN he/PRP proved/VBD to/TO be/VB an/DT even/RB greater/JJR talent/NN than/IN his/PRP$ master/NN ./.
As/IN chairman/NN of/IN the/DT DNC/NNP in/IN the/DT period/NN leading/VBG up/RP to/TO the/DT 1992/CD election/NN ,/, Brown/NNP followed/VBD the/DT path/NN laid/VBN by/IN Tony/NNP Coehlo/NNP ,/, the/DT infamous/JJ chairman/NN of/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP Congressional/NNP Campaign/NNP Committee/NNP ./.
Coehlo/NNP (/( as/IN documented/VBN in/IN Brooks/NNP Jackson/NNP 's/POS Honest/NNP Graft/NNP )/) was/VBD the/DT first/JJ to/TO try/VB to/TO compete/VB with/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS for/IN corporate/JJ soft/JJ money/NN ./.
Brown/NNP devised/VBD for/IN the/DT DNC/NNP a/DT "/" Managing/NNP Director/NNP "/" program/NN to/TO match/VB Mosbacher/NNP 's/POS Republican/NNP "/" Team/NNP 100/CD ./.
When/WRB Brown/NNP became/VBD secretary/NN of/IN commerce/NN in/IN 1993/CD ,/, the/DT managing/VBG directors/NNS were/VBD not/RB forgotten/VBN ./.
Fifteen/CD DNC/NNP staff/NN members/NNS went/VBD with/IN him/PRP to/TO Commerce/NNP ,/, and/CC they/PRP knew/VBD who/WP the/DT new/JJ administration/NN 's/POS friends/NNS were/VBD ./.
One/CD of/IN those/DT who/WP went/VBD with/IN Brown/NNP was/VBD Melissa/NNP Moss/NNP ,/, who/WP took/VBD over/IN the/DT Office/NNP of/IN Business/NNP Liaison/NNP at/IN Commerce/NNP ./.
This/DT was/VBD the/DT office/NN that/WDT selected/VBD participants/NNS for/IN the/DT high-profile/JJ trade/NN missions/NNS to/TO such/JJ places/NNS as/IN China/NNP and/CC Indonesia/NNP ,/, which/WDT became/VBD the/DT focus/NN of/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS career/NN at/IN Commerce/NNP ./.
On/IN these/DT trips/NNS ,/, Brown/NNP functioned/VBD as/IN a/DT personal/JJ trade/NN representative/NN for/IN companies/NNS like/IN Boeing/NNP and/CC AT/NNP &/CC T/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO an/DT article/NN in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP by/IN a/DT reporter/NN who/WP went/VBD along/IN on/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS China/NNP trip/NN ,/, seats/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ plane/NN were/VBD essentially/RB sold/VBN off/IN in/IN exchange/NN for/IN soft-money/JJ contributions/NNS ./.
John/NNP Huang/NNP was/VBD merely/RB a/DT cog/NN in/IN this/DT machine/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP left/VBD the/DT Lippo/NNP Group/NNP in/IN 1994/CD ,/, Huang/NNP became/VBD a/DT deputy/NN assistant/NN secretary/NN in/IN the/DT International/NNP Trade/NNP Administration/NNP ,/, the/DT section/NN of/IN the/DT Commerce/NNP Department/NNP that/WDT handles/VBZ trade/NN issues/NNS ./.
Under/IN oath/NN ,/, Huang/NNP has/VBZ claimed/VBN he/PRP had/VBD only/RB a/DT "/" passive/JJ role/NN "/" in/IN the/DT foreign/JJ trade/NN missions--whatever/JJ that/DT means/NNS ./.
It/PRP all/DT ./.
But/CC that/DT 's/VBZ the/DT Commerce/NNP Department/NNP Mosbacher/NNP created/VBD ,/, and/CC which/WDT Brown/NNP perfected/VBN ./.
To/TO present/VB the/DT Huang/NNP story/NN as/IN something/NN new/JJ ,/, reflecting/VBG the/DT uniquely/RB severe/JJ moral/JJ failings/NNS of/IN William/NNP Jefferson/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, is/VBZ absurd/JJ ./.
So/RB if/IN ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, both/DT parties/NNS are/VBP equally/RB implicated/VBN in/IN all/PDT the/DT categories/NNS of/IN campaign-financing/JJ sleaze/NN raised/VBN by/IN the/DT Lippo/NNP case/NN ,/, why/WRB is/VBZ the/DT Indogate/NNP scandal/NN such/JJ a/DT big/JJ story/NN ?/.
There/EX are/VBP three/CD reasons/NNS :/: reformers/NNS ,/, reporters/NNS ,/, and/CC Republicans/NNPS ./.
Reformers/NNP are/VBP happy/JJ to/TO have/VB any/DT good/JJ example/NN to/TO illustrate/VB the/DT evils/NNS of/IN the/DT system/NN ./.
Reporters/NNP are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO compensate/VB for/IN suggestions/NNS that/IN they/PRP are/VBP biased/VBN in/IN favor/NN of/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS ./.
And/CC Republicans/NNPS ,/, who/WP have/VBP been/VBN the/DT black/JJ hats/NNS of/IN the/DT campaign/NN business/NN since/IN Watergate/NNP ,/, are/VBP seizing/VBG an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO finally/RB turn/VB the/DT tables/NNS ./.
The/DT Republican/JJ outrage/NN may/MD be/VB hypocritical/JJ ,/, but/CC in/IN another/DT sense/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ sincere/JJ ./.
GOP/NNP leaders/NNS are/VBP furious/JJ at/IN losing/VBG an/DT advantage/NN in/IN corporate/JJ fund/NN raising/VBG that/IN dates/NNS back/RB 100/CD years/NNS ,/, to/TO the/DT election/NN of/IN 1896/CD ,/, when/WRB William/NNP McKinley/NNP 's/POS legendary/JJ money/NN man/NN Mark/NNP Hanna/NNP mobilized/VBD American/JJ business/NN to/TO stop/VB the/DT Democratic/JJ populist/JJ William/NNP Jennings/NNP Bryan/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT Republican/JJ advantage/NN in/IN total/JJ donations/NNS was/VBD still/RB as/RB high/JJ as/IN 5/CD -/: 1/CD and/CC never/RB less/JJR than/IN 3/CD -/: 1/CD ./.
In/IN the/DT 1992/CD election/NN cycle/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, Ron/NNP Brown/NNP whittled/VBN it/PRP down/IN to/TO 3/CD -/: 2/CD ,/, thanks/NNS to/TO corporate/JJ contributions/NNS ./.
In/IN 1996/CD ,/, the/DT Democrats/NNPS nearly/RB caught/VBN up/RP in/IN the/DT chief/JJ corporate/JJ category/NN :/: soft/JJ money/NN ./.
With/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN Huang/NNP and/CC others/NNS ,/, they/PRP raised/VBD $/$ 102/CD million/CD this/DT year--almost/JJ as/IN much/JJ as/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS '/POS $/$ 121/CD million/CD ./.
The/DT way/NN they/PRP did/VBD it/PRP was/VBD simple/JJ :/: imitation/NN ./.
Woodchuck/NNP ,/, produced/VBN for/IN Energizer/NNP Batteries/NNP by/IN TBWA/NNP Chiat/NNP &slash;/NN Day/NNP and/CC Epoch/NNP Films/NNP ./.
Political/JJ pollsters/NNS argue/VBP that/IN most/JJS commercials/NNS do/VBP n't/RB really/RB work--that/JJ viewer/NN recall/NN of/IN a/DT product/NN and/CC its/PRP$ claimed/VBD attributes/VBZ is/VBZ actually/RB remarkably/RB low/JJ ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT research/NN "/" proving/VBG "/" the/DT efficacy/NN of/IN the/DT ads/NNS is/VBZ largely/RB controlled/VBN by/IN the/DT ad/NN agencies/NNS that/WDT made/VBD the/DT ads/NNS in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ./.
(/( That/DT 's/VBZ mild/JJ ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, compared/VBN with/IN what/WP the/DT commercial/JJ advertisers/NNS say/VBP about/IN the/DT quality/NN and/CC ethics/NNS of/IN political/JJ ads/NNS ./.
The/DT Energizer/NNP Bunny/NNP is/VBZ an/DT exception/NN to/TO this/DT rule/NN ./.
Batteries/NNP are/VBP practically/RB a/DT commodity/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT long-running/JJ Bunny/NNP campaign/NN has/VBZ implanted/VBN the/DT message/NN of/IN long-lasting/JJ reliability/NN in/IN the/DT public/JJ consciousness/NN ./.
The/DT Bunny/NNP is/VBZ now/RB almost/RB a/DT cultural/JJ artifact/NN ,/, and/CC if/IN the/DT "/" keeps/VBZ going/VBG and/CC going/VBG "/" message/NN is/VBZ to/TO be/VB extended/VBN ,/, it/PRP must/MD be/VB restated/VBN in/IN ways/NNS that/WDT build/VBP on/IN the/DT image/NN without/IN boring/VBG the/DT viewers/NNS ./.
Woodchuck/NNP is/VBZ a/DT case/NN study/NN of/IN the/DT process--and/JJ a/DT case/NN of/IN cultural/JJ updating/VBG ./.
In/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN quick/JJ cuts--narrative/JJ bites/NNS that/WDT put/VBP old/JJ slogans/NNS into/IN younger/JJR voices/NNS and/CC visual/JJ echoes/NNS of/IN popular/JJ entertainment--the/JJ spot/NN extends/VBZ the/DT Energizer/NNP message/NN to/TO a/DT new/JJ generation/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT camera/NN pulls/VBZ back/RB from/IN a/DT television/NN set/VBD showing/VBG the/DT Energizer/NNP Bunny/NNP in/IN action/NN ,/, we/PRP see/VBP a/DT group/NN of/IN twentysomething/VBG guys--in/JJ T-/NNP shirts/NNS ,/, shorts/NNS ,/, chinos/NNS ,/, with/IN an/DT occasional/JJ beard--gathered/JJ around/IN a/DT van/NN or/CC a/DT utility/NN vehicle/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN them/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN how/WRB long/JJ "/" this/DT thing/NN 's/POS been/VBN goin/NN '/" ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT "/" obsession/NN "/" to/TO chase/VB it/PRP ./.
(/( Where/WRB are/VBP the/DT women/NNS :/: Do/VBP n't/RB they/PRP buy/VBP batteries/NNS ?/.
)/) The/DT group/NN piles/NNS in/IN and/CC sets/NNS off/RP down/RP the/DT road/NN while/IN the/DT rotating/VBG radar/NN on/IN top/NN of/IN the/DT van/NN searches/NNS out/RP its/PRP$ target--like/JJ a/DT scene/NN out/IN of/IN Twister/NNP ./.
Like/IN the/DT storm-chasers/JJ ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP told/VBN ,/, this/DT group/NN has/VBZ "/" gone/VBN days/NNS without/IN seeing/VBG anything/NN ./.
"/" Here/RB and/CC later/RB ,/, the/DT borrowed/VBN images/NNS from/IN Twister/NNP are/VBP amplified/VBN by/IN the/DT searchers/NNS talking/VBG not/RB to/TO the/DT viewers/NNS ,/, but/CC to/TO what/WP appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB a/DT third-party/JJ documentary/NN filmmaker/NN ./.
The/DT absence/NN of/IN music/NN adds/VBZ to/TO the/DT documentary/NN feel/VBP ./.
Staring/NNP through/IN binoculars/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT searchers/NNS expresses/VBZ the/DT frustration/NN inherent/JJ in/IN any/DT search/NN for/IN a/DT not-so-/JJ Holy/NNP Grail--whether/NNP it/PRP 's/VBZ Elvis/NNP ,/, a/DT UFO/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT Energizer/NNP Bunny/NNP :/: "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ toying/VBG with/IN us/PRP again/RB ./.
"/" Next/JJ we/PRP encounter/VB an/DT X-F/NNP iles/NNS moment--a/JJ blurry/JJ black-and-white/JJ photo/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ even/RB less/RBR distinct/JJ than/IN the/DT ones/NNS of/IN flying/VBG saucers/NNS that/WDT are/VBP the/DT talismans/NNS of/IN an/DT entire/JJ subculture/NN ./.
The/DT searcher/NN insists/VBZ that/IN the/DT photo/NN is/VBZ real/JJ ,/, that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ proof/NN :/: "/" Right/RB there/EX you/PRP can/MD see/VB its/PRP$ ears/NNS and/CC its/PRP$ drum/VB ./.
"/" Come/VBN on/IN ,/, baby/NN !/.
"/" One/CD of/IN the/DT searchers/NNS is/VBZ in/IN a/DT field/NN ,/, trying/VBG to/TO capture/VB an/DT undeniable/JJ video/NN of/IN the/DT rabbit/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ reminiscent/NN of/IN the/DT storm-chasers/JJ who/WP miss/VBP the/DT twister/NN because/IN they/PRP go/VBP north/RB instead/RB of/IN south/RB ./.
The/DT next/JJ scene/NN is/VBZ a/DT closer/RBR rear/JJ view/NN of/IN the/DT truck/NN ,/, the/DT radar/NN antenna/NN relentlessly/RB turning/VBG ./.
Look/VB closely/RB :/: Is/VBZ that/IN a/DT set/NN of/IN rabbit/NN ears/NNS in/IN the/DT mirrorlike/NN object/VBP mounted/VBN atop/IN the/DT van/NN on/IN our/PRP$ right/NN ?/.
The/DT almost/RB subliminal/JJ image/NN tells/VBZ us/PRP ,/, but/CC not/RB the/DT searchers/NNS ,/, that/IN they/PRP may/MD have/VB missed/VBN the/DT rabbit/NN ./.
Thinking/NNP that/IN they/PRP 've/VBP spotted/VBN the/DT Bunny/NNP ,/, the/DT group/NN clambers/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT vehicle/NN ,/, shouting/VBG and/CC firing/VBG off/RP cameras--but/JJ it/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB a/DT woodchuck/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN reverses/VBZ a/DT fairy/NN tale/NN that/IN these/DT guys/NNS are/VBP n't/RB that/IN many/JJ years/NNS distant/JJ from/IN :/: The/DT hare/NN is/VBZ beating/VBG the/DT four-wheeled/JJ gadget--the/JJ rich/JJ tortoise/NN of/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ./.
Inside/IN ,/, a/DT searcher/NN gives/VBZ the/DT off-camera/JJ interviewer/NN an/DT explanation/NN that/WDT again/RB repeats/VBZ the/DT Energizer/NNP slogan/NN :/: "/" It/PRP just/RB keeps/VBZ going/VBG and/CC going--and/JJ therefore/RB ,/, you/PRP yourself/PRP have/VBP to/TO keep/VB going/VBG and/CC going/VBG ./.
"/" That/DT might/MD also/RB serve/VB as/IN a/DT mantra/NN for/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ generation/NN ,/, seeking/VBG the/DT constantly/RB moving/VBG targets/NNS of/IN meaning/VBG and/CC success/NN ./.
The/DT spot/NN closes/VBZ with/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT product/NN chyroned/JJ across/IN the/DT Bunny-searching/NNP van/NN that/WDT just/RB keeps/VBZ going/VBG ./.
Woodchuck/NNP refrains/NNS from/IN identifying/VBG the/DT product/NN because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ selling/VBG the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT product/NN ,/, not/RB the/DT product/NN itself/PRP ./.
And/CC if/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB the/DT names/NNS of/IN commodity/NN products/NNS matter/VBP much/JJ in/IN the/DT marketplace/NN ,/, then/RB why/WRB do/VBP people/NNS pay/VBP more/JJR for/IN Calvins/NNP than/IN they/PRP do/VBP for/IN Fruit/NNP of/IN the/DT Looms/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: Robert/NNP Shrum/NNP
For/IN most/JJS Americans/NNPS ,/, taxes/NNS are/VBP their/PRP$ most/RBS visible/JJ and/CC least/JJS pleasant/JJ contact/NN with/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN ./.
Naturally/RB ,/, taxes/NNS are/VBP almost/RB always/RB near/IN the/DT top/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ policy/NN agenda/NN ,/, and/CC 1996/CD is/VBZ no/DT exception/NN ./.
This/DT year/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN many/JJ recent/JJ years/NNS ,/, the/DT focus/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO be/VB on/IN what/WP is/VBZ called/VBN the/DT "/" supply-side/JJ "/" aspect/NN of/IN tax/NN policy/NN ./.
Can/MD tax/VB reduction/NN speed/NN up/RP the/DT growth/NN of/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS output/NN and/CC the/DT incomes/NNS of/IN the/DT population/NN by/IN increasing/VBG saving/VBG ,/, investment/NN ,/, work/NN ,/, education/NN ,/, enterprise/NN ,/, research/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ factors/NNS that/WDT determine/VBP our/PRP$ capacity/NN to/TO produce/VB ?/.
When/WRB Bob/NNP Dole/NNP is/VBZ urged/VBN to/TO put/VB economic/JJ growth/NN at/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN his/PRP$ election/NN campaign/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ mainly/RB the/DT promise/NN of/IN tax/NN reduction/NN to/TO achieve/VB such/JJ effects/NNS that/IN people/NNS have/VBP in/IN mind/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, other/JJ considerations/NNS to/TO be/VB weighed/VBN in/IN decisions/NNS about/IN tax/NN policy--fairness/JJ ,/, and/CC costs/NNS of/IN compliance/NN ,/, for/IN example--but/JJ the/DT growth/NN question/NN dominates/VBZ current/JJ discussion/NN ,/, and/CC we/PRP shall/MD mainly/RB concentrate/VB on/IN that/DT in/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS panel/NN ./.
Nothing/NN very/RB significant/JJ can/MD be/VB said/VBN about/IN taxes/NNS in/IN general/JJ ,/, except/IN that/DT hardly/RB anyone/NN likes/VBZ them/PRP ./.
The/DT effects/NNS of/IN tax/NN reduction/NN on/IN economic/JJ growth/NN will/MD depend/VB on/IN whether/IN the/DT reduction/NN is/VBZ an/DT across-the-board/JJ cut/NN of/IN income-tax/NN rates/NNS ,/, a/DT reduction/NN of/IN corporate-tax/JJ rates/NNS ,/, a/DT reduction/NN of/IN the/DT tax/NN on/IN capital/NN gains/NNS ,/, a/DT reduction/NN of/IN the/DT tax/NN on/IN saved/VBN income/NN ,/, or/CC one/CD of/IN a/DT long/JJ list/NN of/IN other/JJ possibilities/NNS ./.
The/DT effects/NNS will/MD depend/VB also/RB on/IN the/DT budgetary/JJ context/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT tax/NN cuts/NNS are/VBP to/TO occur/VB ./.
Would/MD the/DT proposed/VBN cut/NN of/IN some/DT taxes/NNS be/VB accompanied/VBN by/IN increases/NNS of/IN other/JJ taxes/NNS ,/, and/CC if/IN so/RB ,/, which/WDT ?/.
For/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT "/" flat/JJ tax/NN "/" that/IN some/DT people/NNS propose/VBP involves/VBZ both/DT a/DT reduction/NN of/IN rates/NNS and/CC an/DT increase/NN in/IN the/DT income/NN subject/JJ to/TO tax/VB because/IN of/IN the/DT elimination/NN of/IN various/JJ deductions/NNS ./.
Would/MD a/DT proposed/VBN tax/NN cut/NN be/VB accompanied/VBN by/IN expenditure/NN cuts/NNS ,/, and/CC if/IN so/RB ,/, which/WDT ?/.
In/IN our/PRP$ discussion/NN ,/, we/PRP shall/MD try/VB to/TO examine/VB the/DT growth/NN effects/NNS of/IN various/JJ possible/JJ tax/NN programs/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ possible/JJ budgetary/JJ contexts/NNS ./.
Lost/VBD in/IN Space/NNP (/( New/NNP Line/NNP Cinema/NNP )/) ./.
Yet/RB another/DT pan/VB of/IN yet/RB another/DT screen/NN adaptation/NN of/IN an/DT old/JJ TV/NN show/NN ./.
The/DT $/$ 90/CD million/CD remake/VB of/IN the/DT sci-fi/JJ series/NN is/VBZ said/VBD to/TO lack/NN the/DT original/NN 's/POS campy/NN charm/NN ./.
"/" Silliness/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN replaced/VBN by/IN stupidity/NN "/" (/( Joe/NNP Morgenstern/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
One/CD problem/NN :/: a/DT bad/JJ screenplay/NN full/JJ of/IN pop-psychological/JJ clichés/NNS about/IN dysfunctional/NN families/NNS ./.
Another/DT problem/NN :/: more/JJR than/IN 750/CD special/JJ effects/NNS ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, the/DT movie/NN dethrones/NNS Titanic/NNP as/IN the/DT weekend/NN 's/POS top/JJ box/NN office/NN draw/NN ./.
"/" Audiences/NNP must/MD have/VB lost/VBN their/PRP$ will/MD to/TO be/VB entertained/VBN ,/, "/" laments/VBZ the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Time/NNP s/VBZ '/POS Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN David/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ,/, here/RB for/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS official/JJ site/NN ,/, and/CC here/RB to/TO read/VB more/JJR of/IN Ebert/NNP 's/POS complaints/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ Slate/NNP "/" Diary/NNP ./.
"/" )/)
The/DT Butcher/NNP Boy/NNP (/( Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Critics/NNS praise/VBP The/DT Crying/NNP Game/NNP director/NN Neil/NNP Jordan/NNP for/IN his/PRP$ dark/JJ coming/VBG of/IN age/NN tale/NN ./.
They/PRP particularly/RB like/IN his/PRP$ deft/NN black/JJ humor/NN and/CC "/" gift/NN for/IN genuinely/RB shocking/JJ his/PRP$ audience/NN "/" (/( Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Pope-basher/NNP Sinead/NNP O/NNP '/POS Connor/NNP portrays/VBZ the/DT Virgin/NNP Mary/NNP ./.
The/DT story/NN ,/, set/VBN in/IN Ireland/NNP ,/, concerns/VBZ a/DT homicidal/NN 12/CD -/: year-old/JJ ;/: critics/NNS note/VBP the/DT parallels/NNS to/TO the/DT Jonesboro/NNP ,/, Ark/NNP ./.
,/, massacre/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
The/DT Spanish/NNP Prisoner/NNP (/( Sony/NNP Pictures/NNP Classics/NNS )/) ./.
Playwright/NNP David/NNP Mamet/NNP 's/POS fifth/JJ cinematic/JJ directorial/JJ effort--which/JJ ,/, like/IN his/PRP$ House/NNP of/IN Games/NNPS and/CC Homicide/NNP ,/, concerns/VBZ a/DT big/JJ con--is/JJ declared/VBD his/PRP$ best/JJS ./.
The/DT plot/NN is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO be/VB sinuous/JJ and/CC suspenseful/JJ ,/, and/CC Mamet/NNP is/VBZ credited/VBN with/IN eliciting/VBG an/DT uncharacteristically/RB strong/JJ performance/NN from/IN Steve/NNP Martin/NNP ./.
Die-hard/NNP Mamet/NNP haters/NNS complain/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB too/RB abstract/JJ ,/, ca/MD n't/RB write/VB female/JJ characters/NNS ,/, and/CC "/" remains/VBZ a/DT man/NN of/IN the/DT theater/NN "/" who/WP does/VBZ n't/RB get/VB film/NN (/( David/NNP Denby/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Slate/NNP 's/POS Edelstein/NNP reviews/NNS The/DT Spanish/NNP Prisoner/NNP ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ the/DT official/NN site/NN for/IN the/DT film/NN ./.
Left/NNP of/IN the/DT Middle/NNP ,/, by/IN Natalie/NNP Imbruglia/NNP (/( RCA/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT 23/CD -/: year-old/JJ Australian/JJ ex-soap-opera/JJ star/NN is/VBZ crowned/VBN the/DT next/JJ Spice/NNP Girl/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT pop/NN juggernaut/NN in/IN the/DT making/VBG "/" (/( Tracey/NNP Pepper/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Observer/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP Imbruglia/NNP combines/VBZ feminist/JJ power-pop/JJ à/NN la/FW Alanis/NNP Morissette/NNP and/CC devastating/JJ beauty/NN ./.
"/" A/DT young/JJ Audrey/NNP Hepburn/NNP as/IN refashioned/JJ for/IN the/DT post-grunge/JJ crowd/NN "/" (/( Elysa/NNP Gardner/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
Cynics/NNP contend/VBP she/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT "/" producer/NN 's/POS puppet/NN ,/, "/" a/DT pretty/JJ face/NN who/WP ca/MD n't/RB write/VB songs/NNS or/CC sing/VB (/( David/NNP Thigpen/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ./.
Push/VBP (/( ABC/NNP ;/: Monday/NNP ,/, 8/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
EST/NN &slash;/NN PST/NNP )/) ./.
This/DT Melrose/NNP Place-/NNP style/NN soap/NN about/IN aspiring/JJ Olympic/NNP athletes/NNS is/VBZ deemed/VBN the/DT most/JJS uncouth/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ teen/JJ and/CC twentysomething/VBG shows/NNS ./.
"/" Should/MD embarrass/VB ABC/NNP ./.
Push/VBP is/VBZ smarmy/NN on/IN every/DT level/NN "/" (/( Robert/NNP Bianco/NNP ,/, USA/NNP Today/NNP )/) ./.
Some/DT critics/NNS say/VBP the/DT show/NN is/VBZ little/JJ more/JJR than/IN a/DT vehicle/NN for/IN showing/VBG women/NNS romping/VBG around/IN in/IN leotards/NNS and/CC swimsuits/NNS ./.
Others/NNS regret/VBP it/PRP squanders/NNS its/PRP$ potential/JJ for/IN camp/NN ./.
(/( ABC/NNP plugs/NNS the/DT show/NN here/RB ./.
Frontline/NNP :/: From/IN Jesus/NNP to/TO Christ--/NNP The/DT First/CD Christians/NNS (/( PBS/NNP ;/: click/NN here/RB for/IN a/DT schedule/NN )/) ./.
Respectful/NNP praise/NN for/IN PBS/NNP 's/POS two-part/JJ documentary/NN on/IN the/DT "/" real/JJ "/" Jesus/NNP ,/, served/VBD up/RP for/IN Holy/NNP Week/NNP ./.
Critics/NNS are/VBP pleased/VBN with/IN its/PRP$ agnosticism/NN :/: The/DT producers/NNS neither/DT support/NN nor/CC refute/VB claims/NNS of/IN Jesus/NNP '/POS divinity/NN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, they/PRP feature/VBP 12/CD scholars/NNS talking/VBG about/IN his/PRP$ small/JJ ,/, fractious/JJ sect/NN ./.
Dissenting/NNP ,/, the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP 's/POS Robert/NNP Louis/NNP Wilken/NNP criticizes/VBZ its/PRP$ focus/NN on/IN trendy/JJ concerns/NNS (/( power/NN politics/NNS ,/, "/" narrative/NN "/" )/) at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN spiritual/NN content/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Jesus/NNP presented/VBD in/IN this/DT series/NN is/VBZ the/DT one/CD fashionable/JJ in/IN late-twentieth-century/JJ academic/JJ culture/NN ./.
"/" (/( Here/RB is/VBZ the/DT official/NN site/NN ./.
An/DT Instance/NNP of/IN the/DT Fingerpost/NNP ,/, by/IN Iain/NNP Pears/NNP (/( Riverhead/NNP Books/NNPS )/) ./.
British/JJ journalist/NN Iain/NNP Pears/NNP '/POS best-selling/JJS murder/NN mystery/NN ,/, set/VBN in/IN 17/CD th/NN century/NN England/NNP ,/, is/VBZ compared/VBN to/TO Umberto/NNP Eco/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Name/NN of/IN the/DT Rose/NNP ./.
Pears/NNP uses/VBZ the/DT thriller/NN as/IN an/DT occasion/NN to/TO wax/NN philosophical/JJ ,/, meditating/VBG on/IN scientific/JJ method/NN and/CC political/JJ liberalism/NN ./.
Critics/NNS praise/VBP his/PRP$ skill/NN at/IN depicting/VBG famous/JJ historical/JJ figures/NNS (/( philosopher/NN John/NNP Locke/NNP ,/, architect/NN Christopher/NNP Wren/NNP )/) and/CC call/VB his/PRP$ Rashomon/NNP -/: style/NN narrative/NN "/" baroque/JJ and/CC ingenious/JJ "/" (/( Andrew/NNP Miller/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
Cavedweller/NNP ,/, by/IN Dorothy/NNP Allison/NNP (/( Dutton/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT author/NN of/IN Bastard/NNP out/IN of/IN Carolina/NNP ,/, known/VBN as/IN a/DT confessional/NN memoirist/NN par/NN excellence/NN ,/, writes/VBZ about/IN someone/NN other/JJ than/IN herself/PRP ,/, and/CC earns/VBZ mixed/VBN reviews/NNS ./.
Feminists/NNP approve/VB of/IN the/DT novel/NN ,/, about/IN an/DT aging/VBG rock/NN star/NN and/CC her/PRP$ two/CD abandoned/VBN children/NNS ,/, because/IN it/PRP coldly/RB documents/VBZ the/DT woman/NN 's/POS abuse/NN and/CC is/VBZ "/" clear-eyed/JJ about/IN the/DT economic/JJ forces/NNS that/WDT shape/NN women/NNS 's/POS lives/NNS "/" (/( Valerie/NNP Sayers/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
Others/NNS say/VBP Allison/NNP "/" leans/VBZ precariously/RB toward/IN melodrama/NN "/" and/CC tries/VBZ too/RB hard/RB for/IN "/" gut-wrenching/JJ emotion/NN "/" (/( Phyllis/NNP Richardson/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
More/JJR hubbub/NN about/IN Teletubbies/NNP ,/, the/DT PBS/NNP show/NN aimed/VBN at/IN toddlers/NNS :/: "/" In/IN Britain/NNP ,/, young/JJ adults/NNS reportedly/RB watch/VBP Teletubbies/NNP after/IN long/JJ nights/NNS of/IN dancing/NN and/CC ingesting/VBG chemicals/NNS surely/RB banned/VBN from/IN Teletubbyland/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Caryn/NNP James/NNP ./.
Ecstasy/NNP tablets/NNS featuring/VBG the/DT faces/NNS of/IN Teletubbies/NNP have/VBP been/VBN spotted/VBN in/IN London/NNP raves/VBZ ./.
In/IN an/DT essay/NN on/IN the/DT state/NN of/IN realism/NN today/NN ,/, the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP 's/POS Jed/NNP Perl/NNP pans/NNS the/DT Chuck/NNP Close/NNP retrospective/NN at/IN the/DT Museum/NNP of/IN Modern/NNP Art/NNP as/IN "/" the/DT work/NN of/IN an/DT artist/NN who/WP has/VBZ no/DT sensibility/NN and/CC is/VBZ proud/JJ of/IN it/PRP ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
April/NNP 1/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Grease/NN ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Newton/NNP Boys/NNPS ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: From/IN the/DT Earth/NNP to/TO the/DT Moon/NNP (/( HBO/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Teletubbies/NNP (/( PBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Sound/NNP of/IN Music/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT All-/NNP True/NNP Travels/NNP and/CC Adventures/NNP of/IN Lidie/NNP Newton/NNP ,/, by/IN Jane/NNP Smiley/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Consilience/NNP :/: The/DT Unity/NNP of/IN Knowledge/NNP ,/, by/IN E/NNP ./.
O/NNP ./.
Wilson/NNP ;/:
Fashion/NNP -/: -/: Fall/NN Lines/NNPS ./.
March/NNP 25/CD :/:
Event/NN -/: -/: 70/CD th/NN Academy/NNP Awards/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Sitcom/NNP Roundup/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Primary/JJ Colors/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Wild/NNP Things/NNS ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Taste/NN of/IN Cherry/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: Cabaret/NNP ;/:
Opera/NNP -/: -/: Lohengrin/NNP ./.
March/NNP 18/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Man/NN in/IN the/DT Iron/NNP Mask/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Love/NN and/CC Death/NN on/IN Long/NNP Island/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Men/NN With/IN Guns/NNS ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Lateline/NNP (/( NBC/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Significant/JJ Others/NNS (/( ABC/NNP )/) ;/:
Pop/NNP -/: -/: Pilgrim/NNP ,/, by/IN Eric/NNP Clapton/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Spin/NNP Cycle/NNP :/: Inside/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP Propaganda/NN Machine/NN ,/, by/IN Howard/NNP Kurtz/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Children/NNP ,/, by/IN David/NNP Halberstam/NNP ./.
March/NNP 11/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Big/NNP Lebowski/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Primary/JJ Colors/NNP hype/NN ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Twilight/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Marshals/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Beauty/NNP Queen/NNP of/IN Leenane/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: One/CD Nation/NNP ,/, After/IN All/DT ,/, by/IN Alan/NNP Wolfe/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: A/DT History/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ People/NNPS ,/, by/IN Paul/NNP Johnson/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP
500/CD marchers/NNS in/IN a/DT CP-style/NNP demo/NN ?/.
Are/VBP you/PRP sure/JJ you/PRP were/VBD n't/RB wearing/VBG two/CD pairs/NNS of/IN glasses/NNS ?/.
Saturday/NNP my/PRP$ study/NN group/NN (/( go/VB ahead/RB ,/, laugh/NN )/) met/VBD to/TO discuss/VB Doug/NNP Henwood/NNP 's/POS new/JJ book/NN Wall/NNP Street/NNP (/( I/NN missed/VBD this/DT session/NN because/IN I/PRP had/VBD n't/RB read/VB the/DT book/NN )/) and/CC at/IN lunchtime/NN they/PRP went/VBD to/TO a/DT demonstration/NN in/IN Union/NNP Square/NNP ,/, that/WDT was/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB of/IN Latino/NNP sweatshop/NN workers/NNS ,/, and/CC came/VBD away/RB reeling/VBG :/: maybe/RB fifteen/NN people/NNS ,/, mostly/RB ancient/JJ sectarians/NNS and/CC a/DT few/JJ young/JJ ones/NNS ,/, all/DT full/JJ of/IN the/DT old/JJ rhetoric/NN (/( a/DT moment/NN of/IN silence/NN followed/VBN by/IN a/DT "/" moment/NN of/IN rage/NN "/" with/IN raised/VBD fists/NNS but/CC some/DT people/NNS did/VBD n't/RB know/VB how/WRB to/TO do/VB it/PRP ,/, memories/NNS of/IN the/DT black/JJ athletes/NNS '/POS stand/NN at/IN the/DT Mexico/NNP City/NNP Olympics/NNPS having/VBG faded/VBN )/) ./.
The/DT last/JJ demo/NN I/PRP went/VBD to/TO (/( with/IN this/DT same/JJ study/NN group/NN ,/, so/RB clearly/RB we/PRP are/VBP picking/VBG up/RP the/DT wrong/JJ leaflets/NNS )/) was/VBD the/DT same/JJ :/: tiny/JJ ,/, futile/JJ gatherings/NNS of/IN people/NNS who/WP ,/, whatever/WDT their/PRP$ ages/NNS ,/, are/VBP living/VBG in/IN l/NN 933/CD ./.
There/EX are/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN weirdos/NNS on/IN the/DT sectarian/JJ left/VBD ,/, as/IN on/IN the/DT right--and/JJ as/IN the/DT left/NN collapses/VBZ ,/, those/DT weirdos/NNS get/VBP even/RB weirder/NN ./.
I/PRP certainly/RB have/VBP never/RB heard/VBN anyone/NN say/VBP the/DT Ukrainians/NNP killed/VBN themselves/PRP (/( in/IN the/DT collectivizations/NNS of/IN the/DT 20/CD s/VBZ and/CC 30/CD s/VBZ ,/, I/PRP assume/VBP you/PRP mean/VB )/) ./.
The/DT view/NN I/PRP have/VBP heard/VBN ,/, not/RB exactly/RB a/DT political/JJ program/NN ,/, more/RBR like/IN an/DT ethnic/JJ slur/NN ,/, is/VBZ that/IN (/( fill/VB in/IN the/DT blank/JJ )/) Eastern/JJ European/JJ ethnic/JJ group/NN deserved/VBD whatever/WDT the/DT Soviets/NNPS dished/JJ out/IN because/IN they/PRP were/VBD anti-/NN Semitic/NNP Hitler-friendly/NNP thugs/NNS ./.
But/CC you/PRP know/VBP ,/, Andrew/NNP ,/, there/EX is/VBZ an/DT anti-/NN Leninist/NNP left/VBD ,/, that/WDT believes/VBZ in/IN workers/NNS '/POS councils/NNS and/CC other/JJ localized/JJ forms/NNS of/IN ownership/NN ,/, that/WDT opposes/VBZ vanguard/NN parties/NNS and/CC state/NN power/NN left/VBD and/CC right/JJ ./.
There/EX are/VBP more/JJR than/IN two/CD perspectives/NNS here/RB ./.
Cheers/NNP ,/, Katha/NNP
Corruption/NNP and/CC cigarettes/NNS dominate/VBP today/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ even/RB corruption/NN involving/VBG cigarettes/NNS ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT call/NN by/IN Teamsters/NNPS union/NN presidential/JJ candidate/NN James/NNP P/NN ./.
Hoffa/NNP for/IN a/DT special/JJ prosecutor/NN to/TO look/VB into/IN allegations/NNS that/WDT union/NN president/NN Ron/NNP Carey/NNP and/CC the/DT Democratic/JJ party/NN may/MD have/VB been/VBN illegally/RB funding/VBG each/DT other/JJ in/IN 1996/CD ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN rampant/JJ abuses/NNS of/IN the/DT D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
employment/NN disability/NN system/NN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP front-page/JJ "/" World/NNP Wide/NNP "/" news/NN box/NN refers/VBZ to/TO an/DT AP/NNP story/NN about/IN the/DT head/NN of/IN the/DT World/NNP Health/NNP Organization/NNP saying/VBG that/IN cigarette/NN makers/NNS now/RB under/IN increasing/VBG restrictions/NNS in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
should/MD not/RB be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO expand/VB into/IN other/JJ countries/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN a/DT lengthy/JJ expose/VB charging/VBG that/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS largest/JJS tobacco/NN companies/NNS are/VBP selling/VBG billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS '/POS worth/NN of/IN cigarettes/NNS each/DT year/NN to/TO traders/NNS and/CC dealers/NNS who/WP funnel/VB them/PRP into/IN the/DT black/JJ market/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB is/VBZ that/IN according/VBG to/TO Census/NNP Bureau/NNP projections/NNS ,/, a/DT steady/JJ rise/NN in/IN births/NNS and/CC a/DT continuing/VBG stream/NN of/IN immigrants/NNS will/MD add/VB nearly/RB 18/CD million/CD people/NNS to/TO California/NNP 's/POS population/NN by/IN 2025/CD ./.
Although/IN the/DT tobacco/NN companies/NNS deny/VBP doing/VBG anything/NN to/TO abet/NN the/DT smuggling/NN of/IN their/PRP$ product/NN ,/, the/DT Times/NNP piece/NN surveys/NNS recent/JJ criminal/JJ cases/NNS in/IN Spain/NNP ,/, Italy/NNP ,/, and/CC China/NNP that/DT show/NN otherwise/RB ./.
The/DT reason/NN this/DT is/VBZ an/DT important/JJ story/NN is/VBZ directly/RB connected/VBN to/TO the/DT WHO/WP director/NN 's/POS remarks/NNS ./.
If/IN governments/NNS ca/MD n't/RB regulate/VB the/DT illegal/JJ inflow/NN of/IN cigarettes/NNS into/IN their/PRP$ countries/NNS ,/, they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB generate/VB effective/JJ health/NN programs/NNS for/IN discouraging/VBG smoking/NN ,/, especially/RB ,/, notes/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, because/IN smuggled/JJ smokes/VBZ tend/VBP to/TO be/VB cheaper/JJR ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ teenagers/NNS can/MD buy/VB more/JJR of/IN them/PRP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP front/JJ page/NN has/VBZ a/DT story/NN sure/JJ to/TO further/VB turn/NN up/RP the/DT temperature/NN about/IN the/DT ease/NN with/IN which/WDT potential/JJ donors/NNS of/IN dubious/JJ backgrounds/NNS have/VBP gained/VBN access/NN to/TO this/DT president/NN ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN the/DT organizers/NNS of/IN a/DT Ponzi/NNP scheme/NN based/VBN on/IN jewelry/NN sales/NNS were/VBD ,/, through/IN a/DT third-party/JJ political/JJ donation/NN to/TO the/DT DNC/NNP ,/, able/JJ to/TO wangle/NN a/DT photo/NN op/NN with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, and/CC then/RB used/VBD the/DT resulting/VBG photo/NN in/IN their/PRP$ promotional/JJ literature/NN to/TO snare/VB more/JJR investors/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP is/VBZ using/VBG the/DT occasion/NN of/IN the/DT recent/JJ takeover/NN of/IN many/JJ departments/NNS of/IN the/DT Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
government/NN by/IN a/DT new/JJ governing/NN board/NN as/IN an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO look/VB carefully/RB at/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT city/NN messes/NNS that/WDT need/VBP cleaning/VBG up/RP ./.
Today/NN 's/POS lead/NN details/NNS how/WRB since/IN 1990/CD ,/, the/DT District/NNP has/VBZ spent/VBN more/JJR than/IN $/$ 170/CD million/CD on/IN salaries/NNS and/CC long-term/JJ medical/JJ expenses/NNS on/IN city/NN workers/NNS who/WP file/VBP disability/NN claims/NNS ./.
The/DT article/NN reveals/VBZ that/IN the/DT government/NN allows/VBZ people/NNS to/TO file/VB false/JJ claims/NNS with/IN virtual/JJ impunity/NN ,/, because/IN of/IN generous/JJ rules/NNS and/CC a/DT lack/NN of/IN investigators/NNS ./.
Often/RB workers/NNS never/RB have/VBP to/TO go/VB any/DT further/JJ to/TO get/VB the/DT money/NN rolling/VBG in/IN than/IN getting/VBG a/DT note/NN from/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ doctor/NN ./.
A/DT letter/NN to/TO the/DT editor/NN in/IN the/DT Post/NNP provides/VBZ a/DT picturesque/NN example/NN of/IN the/DT mentality/NN that/WDT drives/NNS many/JJ such/JJ a/DT problem/NN inside/IN the/DT Marion/NNP Barry/NNP empire/NN ./.
The/DT writer/NN happened/VBD to/TO be/VB in/IN a/DT city/NN water/NN department/NN office/NN to/TO discuss/VB a/DT water/NN bill/NN when/WRB she/PRP noticed/VBD what/WP the/DT employees/NNS were/VBD drinking/VBG from/IN a/DT large/JJ commercial/JJ tank/NN supplied/VBN for/IN the/DT staff/NN 's/POS use--imported/JJ bottled/JJ water/NN ./.
Suddenly/RB ,/, adultery/NN is/VBZ big/JJ news/NN ./.
But/CC what/WP exactly/RB is/VBZ adultery/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ it/PRP illegal/JJ ?/.
In/IN case/NN you/PRP have/VBP lost/VBN track/NN of/IN all/PDT the/DT adultery/NN stories/NNS in/IN the/DT news/NN ,/, here/RB is/VBZ the/DT list/NN :/:
Former/JJ football/NN star/NN Frank/NNP Gifford/NNP was/VBD photographed/VBN cuddling/VBG with/IN a/DT woman/NN who/WP was/VBD not/RB his/PRP$ wife/NN (/( talk-show/NN host/NN Kathy/NNP Lee/NNP Gifford/NNP )/) ./.
He/PRP later/RB admitted/VBD to/TO having/VBG an/DT affair/NN with/IN the/DT woman/NN ./.
Special/JJ angle/NN :/: A/DT tabloid/JJ paid/VBN her/PRP to/TO seduce/VB him/PRP ./.
Michael/NNP Kennedy/NNP ,/, son/NN of/IN Robert/NNP ,/, admitted/VBN to/TO having/VBG an/DT affair/NN with/IN his/PRP$ daughter/NN 's/POS 14/CD -/: year-old/JJ baby/NN sitter/NN ./.
Georgia/NNP gubernatorial/JJ candidate/NN Mike/NNP Bowers/NNP admitted/VBD to/TO a/DT 10/CD -/: year/NN extramarital/JJ affair/NN ./.
Special/JJ angle/NN :/: When/WRB Bowers/NNP was/VBD attorney/NN general/NN ,/, he/PRP prosecuted/VBD a/DT gay/JJ man/NN in/IN what/WP became/VBD a/DT famous/JJ Supreme/NNP Court/NNP case/NN (/( Bowers/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Hardwick/NNP )/) upholding/VBG anti-sodomy/JJ laws/NNS ./.
Police/NNP found/VBD comedian/NN Eddie/NNP Murphy/NNP ,/, a/DT married/VBN man/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT transvestite/NN prostitute/NN in/IN his/PRP$ car/NN ./.
The/DT newly/RB appointed/VBN president/NN of/IN ABC/NNP News/NNP ,/, David/NNP Westin/NNP ,/, acknowledged/VBD his/PRP$ affair/NN with/IN ABC/NNP public-relations/NNS executive/NN Sherrie/NNP Rollins/NNP ,/, wife/NN of/IN political/JJ consultant/NN Ed/NNP Rollins/NNP ./.
A/DT child-support/JJ suit/NN was/VBD filed/VBN against/IN Roger/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, the/DT president/NN 's/POS brother/NN ,/, because/IN he/PRP conceived/VBD a/DT child/NN with/IN a/DT married/VBN woman/NN in/IN 1990/CD ./.
The/DT Air/NNP Force/NNP discharged/VBN pilot/NN Kelly/NNP Flinn/NNP because/IN she/PRP disobeyed/JJ orders/NNS to/TO end/VB her/PRP$ relationship/NN with/IN a/DT married/VBN soccer/NN coach/NN ./.
Sgt/NNP ./.
Maj/NNP ./.
Gene/NNP McKinney/NNP ,/, the/DT Army/NNP 's/POS top/NN enlisted/VBD soldier/NN ,/, was/VBD charged/VBN with/IN adultery/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN with/IN sexually/RB harassing/VBG four/CD servicewomen/NN ./.
Air/NNP Force/NNP Gen/NNP ./.
Joseph/NNP Ralston/NNP 's/POS candidacy/NN for/IN the/DT chairmanship/NN of/IN the/DT Joint/NNP Chiefs/NNPS of/IN Staff/NNP was/VBD derailed/VBN because/IN he/PRP had/VBD had/VBD a/DT relationship/NN with/IN another/DT woman/NN while/IN separated/VBN from/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
Army/NNP Maj/NNP ./.
Gen/NNP ./.
John/NNP Longhouser/NNP ,/, head/NN of/IN the/DT Aberdeen/NNP Proving/NNP Ground/NNP ,/, retired/VBD after/IN an/DT affair/NN he/PRP had/VBD had/VBN five/CD years/NNS ago/RB became/VBD public/JJ knowledge/NN ./.
Most/JJS societies/NNS prohibit/VBP adultery--sex/JJ between/IN a/DT married/VBN person/NN and/CC someone/NN other/JJ than/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ spouse--at/JJ least/JJS ,/, formally/RB ./.
A/DT handful--the/JJ most/RBS researched/VBN is/VBZ a/DT tribe/NN of/IN Alaskan/JJ Inuit--have/NNP condoned/VBD affairs/NNS ./.
Tolerance/NNP of/IN the/DT practice/NN varies/VBZ ./.
In/IN France/NNP ,/, Prime/NNP Minister/NNP François/NNP Mitterrand/NNP 's/POS mistress/NN stood/VBD next/JJ to/TO his/PRP$ wife/NN at/IN his/PRP$ funeral/JJ ./.
In/IN some/DT Muslim/NNP societies/NNS ,/, adulterers/NNS are/VBP still/RB stoned/VBN to/TO death/NN ./.
The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS falls/VBZ somewhere/RB between/IN these/DT extremes/NNS ./.
Three/CD theories/NNS explain/VBP the/DT prohibition/NN 's/POS genesis/NN ./.
One/CD is/VBZ evolutionary/JJ :/: Men/NN must/MD determine/VB which/WDT children/NNS they/PRP sire/NN ,/, something/NN only/RB strict/JJ monogamy/NN can/MD ensure/VB ./.
Another/DT is/VBZ economic/JJ :/: Prohibiting/NNP adultery/NN preserves/VBZ monogamous/JJ relationships/NNS and/CC thence/NN families/NNS ,/, whose/WP$ labor/NN was/VBD needed/VBN for/IN agriculture/NN ./.
Finally/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ said/VBN that/IN Jews/NNPS enshrined/JJ the/DT adultery/NN prohibition/NN in/IN the/DT Ten/CD Commandments--of/NNP which/WDT it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT seventh--to/JJ make/NN their/PRP$ group/NN more/RBR cohesive/JJ and/CC to/TO distinguish/VB themselves/PRP from/IN surrounding/VBG polygamous/JJ tribes/NNS ./.
The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS inherited/VBD English/NNP common/JJ law/NN ,/, which/WDT made/VBD adultery/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN fornication/NN (/( sex/NN between/IN unmarried/JJ people/NNS )/) and/CC sodomy/NN (/( oral/JJ and/CC anal/NN sex/NN )/) ,/, punishable/JJ crimes/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT mid/JJ and/CC late/JJ 19/CD th/NN centuries/NNS ,/, when/WRB states/NNS wrote/VBD their/PRP$ criminal/JJ codes/NNS ,/, they/PRP incorporated/VBD these/DT sex/NN laws/NNS ./.
Twenty-six/NNP states/NNS continue/VBP to/TO have/VB anti-adultery/JJ laws/NNS on/IN the/DT books/NNS ./.
These/DT laws/NNS vary/VBP considerably/RB ./.
Some/DT define/VB adultery/NN as/IN any/DT intercourse/NN outside/JJ marriage/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO others/NNS ,/, it/PRP occurs/VBZ when/WRB a/DT married/VBN person/NN lives/NNS with/IN someone/NN other/JJ than/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ spouse/NN ./.
In/IN West/NNP Virginia/NNP and/CC North/NNP Carolina/NNP ,/, simply/RB "/" to/TO lewdly/RB and/CC lasciviously/RB associate/JJ "/" with/IN anyone/NN other/JJ than/IN one/CD 's/POS spouse/NN is/VBZ to/TO be/VB adulterous/JJ ./.
Is/VBZ a/DT single/JJ person/NN in/IN an/DT adulterous/JJ relationship/NN guilty/JJ of/IN adultery/NN ?/.
All/DT but/CC seven/CD states/NNS punish/VB both/DT people/NNS involved/VBN ./.
Colorado/NNP ,/, Georgia/NNP ,/, Nebraska/NNP ,/, North/NNP Dakota/NNP ,/, and/CC Utah/NNP only/RB punish/VB the/DT married/VBN person/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT District/NNP of/IN Columbia/NNP and/CC in/IN Michigan/NNP ,/, when/WRB a/DT married/VBN man/NN sleeps/VBZ with/IN an/DT unmarried/JJ woman/NN ,/, only/RB the/DT man/NN is/VBZ guilty/JJ ,/, but/CC when/WRB a/DT married/VBN woman/NN sleeps/VBZ with/IN an/DT unmarried/JJ man/NN ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP both/DT guilty/JJ ./.
Most/JJS laws/NNS make/VBP no/DT exceptions/NNS for/IN couples/NNS who/WP are/VBP separated/JJ or/CC in/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN obtaining/VBG a/DT divorce/NN ./.
Punishments/NNP also/RB vary/VBP ./.
Adultery/NNP is/VBZ a/DT felony/NN in/IN Massachusetts/NNP ,/, Michigan/NNP ,/, Oklahoma/NNP ,/, and/CC Idaho/NNP ,/, and/CC a/DT misdemeanor/NN everywhere/RB else/RB ./.
In/IN practice/NN ,/, adultery/NN laws/NNS matter/VBP little/JJ :/: Only/RB one/CD case--against/JJ an/DT Alabama/NNP man--has/JJ been/VBN prosecuted/VBN in/IN the/DT last/JJ five/CD years/NNS ./.
Most/JJS states/NNS have/VBP not/RB enforced/VBN their/PRP$ adultery/NN laws/NNS since/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ./.
Before/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, when/WRB every/DT state/NN passed/VBD a/DT "/" no/DT fault/NN divorce/NN "/" law/NN ,/, adultery/NN was/VBD usually/RB the/DT only/JJ reason/NN courts/NNS would/MD grant/VB divorces/NNS ./.
(/( Under/IN no-fault/JJ divorce/NN ,/, no/DT specific/JJ reason/NN is/VBZ required/VBN ./.
)/) Charges/NNS of/IN adultery/NN also/RB can/MD be/VB used/VBN to/TO get/VB a/DT more/RBR favorable/JJ divorce/NN settlement/NN ./.
Adultery/NNP also/RB matters/VBZ in/IN the/DT military/NN ./.
The/DT Uniform/NNP Code/NNP of/IN Military/NNP Justice/NNP ,/, the/DT military/JJ criminal/JJ code/NN ,/, bars/NNS married/VBD servicemen/NN from/IN having/VBG extramarital/JJ sex/NN and/CC unmarried/JJ servicemen/NN from/IN sleeping/VBG with/IN married/VBN people/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, the/DT rules/NNS come/VBP with/IN qualifications/NNS ./.
They/PRP say/VBP that/IN the/DT military/JJ will/MD only/RB prosecute/VB when/WRB a/DT case/NN harms/VBZ "/" good/JJ order/NN and/CC discipline/NN "/" and/CC when/WRB the/DT adultery/NN is/VBZ "/" of/IN a/DT nature/NN to/TO bring/VB discredit/VB upon/IN the/DT armed/VBN forces/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT ambiguity/NN is/VBZ intentional/JJ :/: Visits/NNP to/TO prostitutes/NNS are/VBP not/RB reasons/VBZ for/IN a/DT court-martial/JJ ,/, but/CC long-term/JJ affairs/NNS and/CC affairs/NNS between/IN soldiers/NNS are/VBP considered/VBN dangerous/JJ and/CC deserving/JJ of/IN punishment/NN ./.
Unlike/IN civilian/JJ anti-adultery/JJ laws/NNS ,/, the/DT military/JJ rules/NNS are/VBP sometimes/RB enforced/VBN ./.
Last/JJ year/NN the/DT Air/NNP Force/NNP alone/RB prosecuted/VBD 67/CD soldiers/NNS for/IN adultery/NN ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP that/IN the/DT military/JJ applies/VBZ these/DT laws/NNS hypocritically/RB ,/, allowing/VBG high-ranking/JJ male/JJ officers/NNS to/TO get/VB away/RB with/IN affairs/NNS but/CC not/RB women/NNS or/CC rank-and-file/JJ soldiers/NNS ./.
Secretary/NNP of/IN Defense/NNP William/NNP Cohen/NNP has/VBZ ordered/VBN a/DT Pentagon/NNP commission/NN to/TO clarify/VB the/DT guidelines/NNS in/IN an/DT effort/NN to/TO eliminate/VB perceived/VBN inconsistencies/NNS ./.
Adultery/NNP still/RB plays/VBZ a/DT role/NN in/IN Catholic/NNP annulments/NNS ./.
The/DT Catholic/NNP Church/NNP still/RB does/VBZ not/RB consider/VB divorces/NNS legitimate/JJ :/: Marriage/NNP ,/, it/PRP says/VBZ ,/, is/VBZ a/DT sacrament/NN and/CC insoluble/JJ ./.
A/DT church/NN considers/VBZ a/DT divorced/VBN person/NN who/WP remarries/NNS to/TO be/VB living/VBG in/IN a/DT state/NN of/IN sin--i/JJ ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, committing/VBG adultery--unless/JJ a/DT church/NN tribunal/NN annuls/NNS the/DT previous/JJ marriage/NN (/( s/VBZ )/) ./.
An/DT annulment/NN is/VBZ a/DT declaration/NN that/IN a/DT marriage/NN was/VBD not/RB legitimate/JJ to/TO begin/VB with/IN ./.
Adultery/NNP is/VBZ grounds/NNS for/IN annulment/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT theory/NN that/IN if/IN a/DT person/NN knew/VBD that/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ spouse/NN had/VBD a/DT predilection/NN toward/IN infidelity/NN ,/, the/DT marriage/NN would/MD not/RB have/VB occurred/VBN in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ./.
Until/IN recently/RB the/DT church/NN was/VBD stingy/JJ with/IN annulments/NNS ./.
But/CC last/JJ year/NN it/PRP granted/VBD more/JJR than/IN 60/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, nine/CD out/IN of/IN 10/CD of/IN them/PRP in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
Sheila/NNP Rauch/NNP Kennedy/NNP ,/, ex-wife/NN of/IN Rep/NNP ./.
Joseph/NNP Kennedy/NNP II/NNP ,/, has/VBZ garnered/VBN much/JJ attention/NN for/IN her/PRP$ recent/JJ book/NN ,/, Shattered/NNP Faith/NNP ,/, which/WDT criticizes/VBZ the/DT church/NN 's/POS annulment/NN policies/NNS ./.
She/PRP claims/VBZ that/IN the/DT church/NN hurts/VBZ children/NNS of/IN annulled/JJ marriages/NNS when/WRB it/PRP claims/VBZ that/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS were/VBD never/RB legitimately/RB wed/VBN ./.
How/WRB widespread/JJ is/VBZ adultery/NN ?/.
Alfred/NNP Kinsey/NNP 's/POS famous/JJ 1948/CD survey/NN of/IN American/JJ sexual/JJ behavior/NN found/VBD that/IN seven/CD out/IN of/IN 10/CD men/NNS had/VBD cheated/VBD on/IN their/PRP$ wives/NNS ./.
More/RBR accurate/JJ ,/, more/RBR recent/JJ research/NN shows/VBZ that/IN the/DT prevalence/NN of/IN adultery/NN is/VBZ not/RB as/IN high/NN ./.
A/DT survey/NN taken/VBN two/CD years/NNS ago/RB by/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Chicago/NNP 's/POS National/NNP Opinion/NNP Research/NNP Center/NNP shows/VBZ that/IN slightly/RB more/JJR than/IN 11/CD percent/NN of/IN women/NNS and/CC 21/CD percent/NN of/IN men/NNS admitted/VBN to/TO having/VBG an/DT adulterous/JJ affair/NN during/IN their/PRP$ lives/NNS ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN on/IN its/PRP$ editorial/NN page/NN this/DT morning/NN ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP editorial/NN board/NN editorializes/NNS about/IN an/DT important/JJ editorial/NN issue/NN ;/: according/VBG to/TO Salon/NNP magazine/NN ,/, for/IN about/IN the/DT last/JJ two/CD years/NNS television/NN networks/NNS have/VBP been/VBN secretly/RB submitting/VBG scripts/NNS to/TO the/DT White/NNP House/NNP 's/POS drug/NN czar/NN ,/, who/WP awarded/VBD credit/NN for/IN anti-drug/JJ messages/NNS in/IN the/DT shows/NNS ./.
Each/DT dollar/NN a/DT network/NN receives/VBZ in/IN credit/NN means/VBZ one/CD more/JJR dollar/NN 's/POS worth/NN of/IN public-service/JJ time/NN it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB to/TO give/VB to/TO the/DT government/NN for/IN free/JJ and/CC can/MD instead/RB sell/VB to/TO advertisers/NNS ./.
Salon/NNP gave/VBD examples/NNS of/IN several/JJ shows/NNS that/WDT added/VBN anti-drug/JJ themes/NNS in/IN exchange/NN for/IN credit/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, is/VBZ critical/JJ of/IN the/DT policy/NN ,/, noting/VBG that/IN it/PRP could/MD eventually/RB lead/VB to/TO government/NN censorship/NN and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC "/" state/NN sponsored/VBD propaganda/NN ./.
Well/RB ,/, I/PRP 've/VBP spent/VBN the/DT morning/NN doing/VBG some/DT research/NN and/CC have/VBP uncovered/VBN thousands/NNS of/IN pages/NNS of/IN evidence/NN that/WDT reveal/VBP that/IN the/DT Times/NNP '/POS worst/JJS fears/NNS have/VBP already/RB come/VB true/JJ ,/, with/IN the/DT government/NN 's/POS propaganda/NN campaign/NN in/IN effect/NN for/IN at/IN least/JJS three/CD decades/NNS ,/, and/CC with/IN a/DT far/RB greater/JJR reach/NN than/IN Salon/NNP originally/RB reported/VBD ./.
To/TO wit/NN :/:
1965/CD :/: One/CD of/IN my/PRP$ favorite/JJ episodes/NNS of/IN Gilligan/NNP 's/POS Island/NNP is/VBZ the/DT one/CD where/WRB the/DT castaways/NNS get/VBP superpowers/NNS after/IN consuming/NN irradiated/JJ vegetables/NNS ./.
You/PRP know/VBP what/WP those/DT vegetables/NNS were/VBD in/IN the/DT original/JJ ,/, pre-censored/JJ draft/NN of/IN the/DT script/NN ?/.
Methamphetamines/NNP ./.
1984/CD :/: Everyone/NN remembers/VBZ the/DT famous/JJ episode/NN of/IN Diff/NNP '/POS rent/NN Strokes/NNS where/WRB Nancy/NNP Reagan/NNP teaches/VBZ Arnold/NNP to/TO "/" Just/RB Say/VB No/UH ./.
"/" But/CC few/JJ know/VB that/IN government/NN censors/NNS insisted/VBD on/IN the/DT removal/NN of/IN two/CD lines/NNS of/IN dialogue/NN that/IN they/PRP found/VBD to/TO be/VB not/RB only/RB pro-drug/JJ but/CC a/DT potential/JJ embarrassment/NN to/TO the/DT administration--/JJ
WILLIS/NNP :/: "/" C'mon/VB ,/, Arnold/NNP ,/, let/VB 's/POS go/VB snort/NN a/DT couple/NN of/IN lines/NNS of/IN blow/NN ,/, just/RB like/IN Vice/NNP President/NNP Bush/NNP 's/POS son/NN !/.
ARNOLD/NNP :/: "/" Whatchoo/NNP talkin/NN '/" '/POS bout/NN ,/, Willis/NNP ?/.
1992/CD :/: The/DT producers/NNS of/IN Full/NNP House/NNP agree/VBP to/TO change/VB an/DT episode/NN in/IN which/WDT little/JJ Michelle/NNP (/( portrayed/VBN by/IN various/JJ Olsen/NNP twins/NNS )/) discovers/VBZ and/CC uses/VBZ older/JJR sister/NN D/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
's/POS bong/NN into/IN a/DT more/RBR benign/JJ story/NN in/IN which/WDT Michelle/NNP discovers/VBZ and/CC reads/VBZ D/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
's/POS diary/NN ./.
1999/CD :/: UPN/NNP 's/POS potential/JJ breakout/NN hit/VBD ,/, Shasta/NNP McCrackhead/NNP ,/, is/VBZ tamed/JJ into/IN the/DT disastrously/RB dull/JJ Shasta/NNP McNasty/NNP ./.
Look/VB where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ in/IN the/DT ratings/NNS now/RB ./.
And/CC that/DT 's/VBZ just/RB what/WP I/PRP was/VBD able/JJ to/TO uncover/VB since/IN 7/CD :/: 30/CD this/DT morning/NN ./.
You/PRP may/MD want/VB to/TO put/VB your/PRP$ investigative/JJ reporter/NN skills/NNS to/TO work/VB on/IN this/DT one/CD ,/, Tim/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Colleagues/NNS :/:
Let/VB me/PRP open/JJ with/IN a/DT flashback/NN to/TO the/DT '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ when/WRB I/PRP started/VBD writing/VBG movie/NN reviews/NNS and/CC when/WRB it/PRP seemed/VBD as/IN if/IN all/DT my/PRP$ wrap-ups/JJ began/VBD with/IN a/DT variation/NN on/IN "/" This/DT has/VBZ been/VBN the/DT suckiest/NN year/NN for/IN movies/NNS in/IN history/NN ./.
"/" We/PRP were/VBD on/IN a/DT downward/JJ spiral/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN Jaws/NNP and/CC Star/NNP Wars/NNPS ,/, studios/NNS had/VBD been/VBN infected/VBN with/IN blockbuster/NN fever/NN ./.
Yes/UH ,/, they/PRP 'd/MD always/RB been/VBN profit-oriented/JJ ,/, but/CC now/RB they/PRP were/VBD run/VBN by/IN publicly/RB held/VBN corporations/NNS instead/RB of/IN whimsical/JJ moguls/NNS ,/, and/CC development/NN offices/NNS had/VBD only/RB recently/RB become/VB umbilically/RB attached/VBN to/TO marketing/NN departments/NNS ./.
We/PRP were/VBD suddenly/RB drowning/VBG in/IN teenpix/NN ,/, Simpson-/NNP Bruckheimer-style/NNP Go/NNP For/IN It/PRP movies/NNS ,/, and/CC mismatched-buddy/JJ cop/NN flicks/NNS ./.
The/DT MTV/NNP aesthetic/NN had/VBD n't/RB enlarged/JJ the/DT vocabulary/JJ of/IN storytelling--it/JJ had/VBD dumbed/JJ it/PRP down/RB ./.
The/DT "/" indie/NN "/" movement/NN was/VBD but/CC a/DT trickle/NN ./.
Spike/NNP Lee/NNP had/VBD n't/RB emerged/VBN and/CC ,/, if/IN you/PRP believed/VBD the/DT conventional/JJ wisdom/NN ,/, never/RB would/MD ./.
Movies/NNP that/IN many/JJ in/IN my/PRP$ generation/NN regard/NN as/IN touchstones/NNS were/VBD freaks/NNS ./.
Blue/NNP Velvet/NNP came/VBD about/IN because/IN a/DT nutty/JJ guy/NN named/VBD Dino/NNP wanted/VBD David/NNP Lynch/NNP to/TO make/VB another/DT Star/NNP Wars/NNS :/: Dune/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ Beautiful/NNP Laundrette/NNP was/VBD financed/VBN by/IN and/CC for/IN British/JJ TV/NN ./.
Really/RB interesting/JJ "/" mainstream/NN "/" pictures--/JJ Something/NN Wild/NNP ,/, say--were/JJ seen/VBN by/IN almost/RB no/DT one/CD ./.
I/PRP flash/VBP back/RB to/TO those/DT dark/JJ times/NNS because/IN I/PRP think/VBP of/IN this/DT past/JJ year--the/JJ last/JJ year/NN of/IN cinema/NN 's/POS first/JJ whole/JJ century--as/JJ the/DT most/RBS hopeful/JJ since/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB that/IN there/EX have/VBP been/VBN so/RB many/JJ masterpieces/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ that/IN movies/NNS have/VBP become/VBN expansive/JJ again/RB ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ an/DT anything-goes/JJ quality/NN to/TO even/RB studio/NN pictures/NNS that/WDT suggests/VBZ an/DT impatience/NN with/IN old/JJ ways/NNS of/IN telling/VBG stories--a/JJ desire/NN to/TO create/VB a/DT new/JJ syntax/NN to/TO capture/VB a/DT new/JJ kind/NN of/IN flickering/VBG consciousness/NN ./.
Narration/NNP has/VBZ returned/VBN ,/, along/IN with/IN novelistic/JJ ,/, free-associational/JJ leaps/NNS in/IN imagery/NN ./.
In/IN part/NN ,/, this/DT is/VBZ the/DT upshot/NN of/IN digital/JJ editing/NN technologies/NNS ,/, which/WDT permit/VBP noodling/VBG around/IN as/RB never/RB before/IN ;/: and/CC in/IN part/NN it/PRP 's/VBZ an/DT indication/NN that/IN the/DT aforementioned/JJ "/" MTV/NNP aesthetic/JJ "/" is/VBZ beginning/VBG to/TO come/VB of/IN age/NN ./.
Thank/VB God--and/NNP Godard/NNP ./.
In/IN mainstream/NN film/NN ,/, you/PRP have/VBP to/TO go/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT silents/NNS to/TO find/VB imagery/NN this/DT unfettered/JJ ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB talking/VBG about/IN the/DT undiscriminating/VBG ,/, amphetamine-soaked/JJ pyrotechnics/NNS of/IN Oliver/NNP Stone/NNP (/( or/CC even/RB the/DT discriminating/VBG amphetamine-soaked/JJ pyrotechnics/NNS of/IN Martin/NNP Scorsese/NNP )/) ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ David/NNP O/NNP ./.
Russell/NNP making/VBG a/DT big-budget/JJ war/NN movie/NN (/( Three/CD Kings/NNPS )/) that/IN revels/NNS in/IN both/DT physical/JJ and/CC moral/JJ confusion/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ Being/VBG John/NNP Malkovich/NNP ,/, in/IN which/WDT the/DT fluid/JJ craziness/NNS turns/VBZ audiences/NNS on--they/JJ love/NN not/RB knowing/VBG where/WRB they/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG ./.
Steven/NNP Soderbergh/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Limey/NNP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN my/PRP$ favorites/NNS this/DT year/NN not/RB because/IN I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ such/JJ a/DT great/JJ film/NN (/( or/CC even/RB as/IN much/JJ fun/NN as/IN Out/IN of/IN Sight/NNP )/) but/CC because/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP so/RB exhilarated/JJ by/IN its/PRP$ doubling/VBG and/CC tripling/VBG and/CC quadrupling/VBG back/RB ./.
Soderbergh/NNP messes/NNS up/RP its/PRP$ surface/NN the/DT way/NN an/DT artist/NN hacks/NNS at/IN a/DT canvas/NN with/IN an/DT X-/NNP acto/NN blade/NN ,/, reshuffling/VBG footage/NN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/IN ,/, ultimately/RB ,/, dovetails/VBZ with/IN both/DT the/DT solution/NN to/TO the/DT movie/NN 's/POS mystery/NN and/CC to/TO its/PRP$ larger/JJR themes/NNS ./.
(/( I/NN 'm/VBP aware/JJ of/IN the/DT counterexample/NN :/: the/DT dread/NN Harmony/NNP Korinne/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ hacking/VBG at/IN his/PRP$ canvas/NN is/VBZ an/DT attempt/NN to/TO disguise/VB his/PRP$ limitations/NNS as/IN bold/JJ artistic/JJ choices/NNS ./.
Our/PRP$ colleague/NN Jonathan/NNP Rosenbaum/NNP ,/, who/WP shared/VBD this/DT space/NN last/JJ year/NN ,/, will/MD doubtless/RB make/VB fun/NN of/IN my/PRP$ sanguinity/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ argued/VBN in/IN the/DT Chicago/NNP Reader/NNP that/IN the/DT most/JJS challenging/VBG foreign/JJ and/CC independent/JJ films/NNS are/VBP not/RB being/VBG bought/VBN by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
distributors/NNS (/( or/CC worse/JJR ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP being/VBG bought/VBN by/IN Miramax/NNP and/CC left/VBD unreleased/JJ in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS )/) ./.
He/PRP might/MD be/VB right--/JJ I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB say/VB ./.
But/CC from/IN where/WRB I/PRP sit/VBP ,/, the/DT medium/NN looks/VBZ damn/RB healthy/JJ ./.
Maybe/RB former/JJ "/" indie/NN "/" titan/NN Miramax/NNP is/VBZ busy/JJ churning/VBG out/RP Brit-inflected/NNP Oscar/NNP vehicles/NNS ,/, but/CC Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
and/CC Paramount/NNP are/VBP putting/VBG their/PRP$ stamp/NN on/IN such/JJ gutsy/JJ fare/NN as/IN Three/CD Kings/NNPS ,/, Election/NNP ,/, and/CC South/NNP Park/NNP :/: Bigger/JJR ,/, Longer/JJR &/CC Uncut/NNP ./.
Tomorrow/NN I/PRP plan/VBP to/TO talk/VB about/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT amazing/JJ performances/NNS in/IN this/DT year/NN 's/POS movies--as/JJ well/RB as/IN responding/VBG to/TO your/PRP$ comments/NNS and/CC to/TO those/DT of/IN our/PRP$ readers/NNS ./.
But/CC first/JJ ,/, my/PRP$ choices/NNS for/IN the/DT best/JJS movies/NNS of/IN 1999/CD ./.
1/LS ./.
South/NNP Park/NNP :/: Bigger/JJR ,/, Longer/JJR &/CC Uncut/NNP ./.
This/DT breathlessly/RB vulgar/NN ,/, hyperbolic/JJ ,/, Swiftian/NNP satire/NN of/IN the/DT notion/NN that/IN movies/NNS "/" warp/NN our/PRP$ fragile/JJ little/JJ minds/NNS "/" is/VBZ our/PRP$ generation/NN 's/POS Duck/NNP Soup/NNP -/: -/: not/RB to/TO mention/VB the/DT most/RBS inventive/JJ movie/NN musical/JJ in/IN decades/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ only/RB question/NN :/: Why/WRB does/VBZ the/DT TV/NN show/NN blow/NN chunks/NNS this/DT year/NN ?/.
2/LS ./.
Three/CD Kings/NNPS ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS audacious/JJ war/NN movies/NNS ever/RB made/VBN ,/, with/IN an/DT original/JJ ,/, off-kilter/JJ sensibility/NN that/IN captures/NNS the/DT madness/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP (/( and/CC the/DT betrayal/NN of/IN the/DT Kurds/NNPS by/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS )/) in/IN the/DT days/NNS following/VBG the/DT Gulf/NNP War/NNP ./.
It/PRP might/MD have/VB been/VBN even/RB better/RB if/IN it/PRP had/VBD been/VBN less/RBR bound/JJ by/IN formula/NN ;/: the/DT writer-director/JJ ,/, David/NNP O/NNP ./.
Russell/NNP ,/, is/VBZ working/VBG at/IN such/JJ a/DT high/JJ level/NN of/IN inspiration--and/JJ outrage--that/JJ the/DT structure/NN he/PRP has/VBZ employed/VBN ca/MD n't/RB fully/RB contain/VB the/DT emotions/NNS he/PRP kicks/VBZ up/RB ./.
3/LS ./.
Being/VBG John/NNP Malkovich/NNP ./.
Close/NNP to/TO pure/JJ farce/NN yet/RB grounded/VBN in/IN loneliness/NNS ,/, impotence/NN ,/, self-loathing/JJ ,/, envy/NN ./.
The/DT action/NN is/VBZ surreal/JJ ,/, the/DT emotions/NNS are/VBP violently/RB real/JJ ./.
The/DT screenwriter/NN ,/, Charlie/NNP Kaufman/NNP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT genius/NN at/IN finding/VBG slapstick/NN correlatives/NNS for/IN people/NNS 's/POS nebulous/JJ sense--or/JJ non-sense--of/JJ themselves/PRP ./.
4/LS ./.
Election/NNP ./.
See/NNP the/DT entry/NN above/IN ./.
Alexander/NNP Payne/NNP 's/POS caustic/JJ comedy/NN tells/VBZ the/DT story/NN of/IN a/DT high-school/NN election/NN from/IN four/CD different/JJ perspectives--none/JJ of/IN them/PRP remotely/RB rational/JJ ./.
5/LS ./.
The/DT Iron/NNP Giant/NNP ./.
Brad/NNP Bird/NNP 's/POS cartoon/NN evocation/NN of/IN "/" leftist/JJ "/" '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ sci-fi/JJ is/VBZ uncannily/RB lyrical/JJ :/: It/PRP sums/VBZ up/RP an/DT entire/JJ era/NN of/IN ideological/JJ genre/NN moviemaking--and/JJ transcends/NNS it/PRP ./.
6/CD ./.
Boys/NNPS Do/VBP n't/RB Cry/NNP ./.
Starkly/NNP beautiful/JJ ,/, Kimberly/NNP Peirce/NNP 's/POS debut/NN film/NN has/VBZ at/IN its/PRP$ core/NN a/DT tragicomic/JJ irony/NN :/: That/DT the/DT cross-dressing/JJ Brandon/NNP Teena/NNP ,/, a/DT k/NN a/DT Teena/NNP Brandon/NNP (/( the/DT rapturous/JJ Hillary/NNP Swank/NNP )/) feels/VBZ most/JJS at/IN home/NN among/IN the/DT sort/NN of/IN roughnecks/NNS who/WP would/MD kill/VB her/PRP if/IN they/PRP knew/VBD her/PRP$ true/JJ gender/NN ./.
7/CD ./.
The/DT Buena/NNP Vista/NNP Social/NNP Club/NNP ./.
A/DT triumphant/NN concert/NN that/IN ,/, in/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN director/NN Wim/NNP Wenders/NNP ,/, is/VBZ also/RB a/DT triumphant/NN act/NN of/IN reanimation--of/JJ a/DT culture/NN ,/, a/DT city/NN ,/, a/DT way/NN of/IN life/NN ./.
8/CD ./.
The/DT Limey/NNP ./.
See/NNP above/IN ./.
9/CD ./.
The/DT Straight/NNP Story/NNP ./.
David/NNP Lynch/NNP 's/POS implacably/RB untwisty/NN road/NN movie--call/JJ it/PRP Found/NNP Highway/NNP -/: -/: with/IN a/DT performance/NN by/IN Richard/NNP Farnsworth/NNP of/IN unbounded/JJ soul/NN ./.
10/CD ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP leaving/VBG number/NN ten/CD symbolically/RB blank/JJ ,/, because/IN I/PRP could/MD n't/RB decide/VB among/IN so/RB many/JJ terrific/JJ films/NNS ./.
Any/DT other/JJ year/NN it/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN Dogma/NNP ,/, Sweet/NNP and/CC Lowdown/NNP ,/, Topsy-/NNP Turvy/NNP ,/, All/DT About/IN My/PRP$ Mother/NNP ,/, Rosetta/NNP ,/, or/CC even/RB (/( laugh/NN all/DT you/PRP want/VBP ,/, you/PRP ungrateful/JJ swine/NNS )/) Magnolia/NNP ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN A/DT Map/NNP of/IN the/DT World/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS painful/JJ movies/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB had/VBN to/TO sit/VB through/IN (/( I/NN could/MD n't/RB finish/VB the/DT novel/NN ,/, either/CC )/) ,/, but/CC one/CD that/WDT ultimately/RB pays/VBZ off/RP ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN A/DT Walk/VBP on/IN the/DT Moon/NNP ,/, My/PRP$ Son/NNP the/DT Fanatic/NNP ,/, The/DT End/NN of/IN the/DT Affair/NNP ,/, Dick/NNP ,/, Sleepy/NNP Hollow/NNP ,/, Run/NNP Lola/NNP Run/NNP ,/, Toy/NNP Story/NNP 2/CD ,/, Princess/NNP Mononoke/NNP ,/, Cookie/NNP 's/POS Fortune/NNP ,/, American/NNP Movie/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT barely-noticed/JJ black/JJ comedy/NN Six/CD Ways/NNP to/TO Sunday/NNP ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been--whatever/JJ their/PRP$ problems--/JJ The/DT Sixth/NNP Sense/NN ,/, American/JJ Beauty/NNP ,/, The/DT Blair/NNP Witch/NNP Project/NNP (/( backlash/NN schmacklash/NN ,/, it/PRP scared/VBD me/PRP )/) ,/, October/NNP Sky/NNP ,/, or/CC The/DT Matrix/NNP ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT poignantly/RB silly/JJ comic-book/JJ movie/NN that/IN I/PRP seem/VBP to/TO be/VB alone/RB in/IN loving/JJ :/: Mystery/NNP Men/NNP ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN Joel/NNP and/CC Ethan/NNP Coen/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Big/NNP Lebowski/NNP ,/, which/WDT I/PRP inexplicably/RB missed/VBD last/JJ year/NN but/CC has/VBZ given/VBN me--and/JJ ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP ,/, many/JJ others--more/JJ pleasure/NN in/IN repeated/VBN cable/NN viewings/NNS than/IN all/DT but/CC two/CD or/CC three/CD of/IN the/DT movies/NNS above/IN ./.
It/PRP will/MD survive/VB its/PRP$ box-office/NN flop/NN and/CC become/VB a/DT classic/NN ./.
It/PRP could/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT movie/NN I/PRP have/VBP n't/RB yet/RB seen/VBN :/: Tim/NNP Roth/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT War/NNP Zone/NNP ,/, Hurricane/NNP ,/, Any/DT Given/VBN Sunday/NNP ,/, Errol/NNP Morris/NNP 's/POS Mr/NNP ./.
Death/NN ./.
It/PRP could/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN anything/NN on/IN my/PRP$ Worst/JJS list/NN :/:
20/CD Dates/NNP ,/, which/WDT gives/VBZ obnoxious/JJ heterosexual/NN Jewish/JJ males/NNS a/DT worse/JJR name/NN than/IN we/PRP deserve/VBP ./.
Life/NNP is/VBZ Beautiful/NNP -/: -/: the/DT English/NNP version/NN ./.
(/( Okay/UH ,/, I/PRP admit/VBP it/PRP ,/, I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB actually/RB see/VB the/DT English/NNP version/NN ./.
I/PRP just/RB think/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ cool/NN that/IN I/PRP can/MD put/VB this/DT movie/NN on/IN my/PRP$ worst/JJS list/NN two/CD years/NNS in/IN a/DT row/NN ./.
Maybe/RB I/PRP should/MD make/VB it/PRP a/DT permanent/JJ fixture/NN ./.
Julien/NNP Donkey-/NNP Boy/NNP ./.
See/NNP above/IN ./.
See/VB anything/NN but/CC Julien/NNP Donkey-/NNP Boy/NNP ./.
The/DT Haunting/NNP ./.
The/DT antithesis/NNS of/IN The/DT Blair/NNP Witch/NNP Project/NNP -/: -/: and/CC everything/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN overexplicit/NN big-budget/JJ horror/NN ./.
Star/JJ Wars/NNS :/: The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP ./.
Jar/NNP Jar/NNP Binks/NNP ./.
Enough/JJ said/VBD ./.
Body/NNP Shots/NNP ./.
A/DT great/JJ case/NN for/IN date/NN rape/NN ./.
Happy/NNP Texas/NNP ./.
How/WRB many/JJ lame/JJ homo/NN jokes/NNS can/MD fit/VB into/IN a/DT single/JJ movie/NN ?/.
Playing/VBG by/IN Heart/NNP ./.
Just/RB mediocre/JJ until/IN a/DT mother/NN reads/VBZ Goodnight/NNP Moon/NNP to/TO a/DT son/NN on/IN the/DT verge/NN of/IN expiring/VBG from/IN AIDS/NNP ./.
Then/RB ,/, monstrous/JJ ./.
The/DT current/JJ effort/NN to/TO sexually/RB integrate/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
military/NN is/VBZ not/RB without/IN precedent/NN ./.
Consider/VB the/DT natives/NNS of/IN New/NNP Caledonia/NNP in/IN the/DT South/NNP Pacific/NNP ,/, who/WP earned/VBD their/PRP$ place/NN in/IN military/JJ annals/NN by/IN subduing/VBG and/CC then/RB eating/VBG the/DT crew/NN of/IN a/DT French/JJ survey/NN ship/NN in/IN 1850/CD ./.
The/DT men/NNS and/CC women/NNS typically/RB headed/VBN off/IN for/IN war/NN in/IN unison/NN ,/, although/IN their/PRP$ roles/NNS did/VBD differ/VB once/RB the/DT fighting/VBG began/VBD ./.
The/DT women/NNS would/MD fall/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT rear/JJ ;/: then/RB ,/, as/IN one/CD 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN observer/NN put/VBD it/PRP ,/, "/" whenever/WRB they/PRP see/VBP one/CD of/IN the/DT enemy/NN fall/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ their/PRP$ business/NN to/TO rush/VB forward/RB ,/, pull/VBP the/DT body/NN behind/IN ,/, and/CC dress/VB it/PRP for/IN the/DT oven/NN ./.
OK/JJ ,/, so/IN these/DT women/NNS are/VBP n't/RB quite/RB the/DT role/NN models/NNS that/IN proponents/NNS of/IN sexual/JJ integration/NN would/MD order/VB up/RB from/IN central/JJ casting/NN ./.
But/CC history/NN has/VBZ provided/VBN few/JJ candidates/NNS for/IN that/DT job/NN ./.
As/IN Maurice/NNP Davie/NNP noted/VBD in/IN 1929/CD in/IN his/PRP$ cross-cultural/JJ survey/NN ,/, The/DT Evolution/NNP of/IN War/NNP ,/, "/" war/NN is/VBZ the/DT business/NN of/IN half/PDT the/DT human/JJ race/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT rule/NN ,/, the/DT fact/NN that/IN women/NNS have/VBP not/RB traditionally/RB performed/VBN a/DT given/VBN role/NN has/VBZ no/DT bearing/NN on/IN their/PRP$ competence/NN to/TO perform/VB it/PRP now/RB ./.
Centuries/NNP of/IN female/JJ exclusion/NN from/IN academia/NN or/CC civil/JJ engineering/NN have/VBP n't/RB rendered/VBN modern/JJ women/NNS unfit/JJ for/IN those/DT professions/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, male/JJ dominance/NN of/IN the/DT killing/VBG business/NN seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB been/VBN going/VBG on/IN for/IN a/DT lot/NN longer/RBR than/IN a/DT few/JJ centuries--maybe/JJ long/RB enough/RB to/TO have/VB influenced/VBN human/JJ evolution/NN ,/, shaping/VBG the/DT biological/JJ foundation/NN of/IN human/JJ psychology/NN ./.
If/IN so/RB ,/, does/VBZ that/WDT mean/VBP male/JJ and/CC female/JJ psychology/NN are/VBP so/RB different/JJ that/IN the/DT sexual/JJ integration/NN of/IN the/DT military/NN is/VBZ misguided/VBN ?/.
The/DT question/NN breaks/NNS down/RB into/IN three/CD subquestions/NNS ./.
1/LS Are/VBP men/NNS designed/VBN by/IN natural/JJ selection/NN for/IN warfare/NN ?/.
As/IN regular/JJ "/" Earthling/NNP "/" readers/NNS may/MD recall/VB ,/, the/DT premise/NN of/IN evolutionary/JJ psychology/NN is/VBZ simple/JJ :/: Those/DT genetically/RB based/VBN mental/JJ traits/NNS that/IN ,/, during/IN evolution/NN ,/, consistently/RB helped/VBD their/PRP$ possessors/NNS get/VBP genes/NNS into/IN the/DT next/JJ generation/NN became/VBD part/NN of/IN human/JJ nature/NN ./.
Careful/NNP thought/VBD experiments/NNS have/VBP shown/VBN that/IN ,/, in/IN a/DT context/NN of/IN regular/JJ violence/NN ,/, mental/JJ traits/NNS conducive/JJ to/TO killing/VBG would/MD do/VB more/JJR for/IN your/PRP$ genes/NNS than/IN mental/JJ traits/NNS conducive/JJ to/TO getting/VBG killed/VBN would/MD ./.
So/RB if/IN during/IN human/JJ evolution/NN men/NNS often/RB fought/VBD in/IN wars/NNS and/CC women/NNS did/VBD n't/RB ,/, then/RB indeed/RB men/NNS might/MD be/VB naturally/RB better/JJR warriors/NNS than/IN women/NNS ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT frequency/NN of/IN war/NN in/IN prehistory/NN is/VBZ not/RB well/RB recorded/VBN ./.
(/( Hence/RB the/DT term/NN "/" prehistory/NN ./.
"/" )/) But/CC various/JJ hunter-gatherer/JJ societies--the/JJ nearest/JJS real-life/JJ models/NNS of/IN the/DT social/JJ environment/NN of/IN human/JJ evolution/NN ,/, and/CC thus/RB the/DT purest/NN observable/JJ expression/NN of/IN human/JJ nature--have/JJ been/VBN known/VBN to/TO engage/VB in/IN intervillage/NN raids/NNS ./.
Australian/NNP Aborigines/NNP of/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO one/CD chronicler/NN ,/, made/VBN it/PRP a/DT point/NN "/" to/TO massacre/NN all/DT strangers/NNS who/WP fall/VBP into/IN their/PRP$ power/NN ./.
"/" In/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT societies/NNS ,/, more/JJR than/IN a/DT fourth/JJ of/IN the/DT males/NNS die/VBP violently/RB ./.
And/CC whether/IN or/CC not/RB our/PRP$ distant/JJ male/JJ ancestors/NNS often/RB participated/VBD in/IN actual/JJ "/" war/NN ,/, "/" they/PRP probably/RB fought/VBD other/JJ males/NNS and/CC sometimes/RB killed/VBN them/PRP ./.
The/DT warless/JJ !/.
Kung/NNP San/NNP hunter-gatherers/NNS of/IN the/DT Kalahari/NNP Desert/NNP ,/, once/RB romanticized/VBN as/IN The/DT Harmless/NNP People/NNPS ,/, were/VBD found/VBN a/DT few/JJ decades/NNS ago/RB to/TO have/VB homicide/NN rates/NNS between/IN 20/CD and/CC 80/CD times/NNS as/RB high/JJ as/IN industrialized/VBN nations/NNS ./.
(/( And/CC some/DT of/IN this/DT killing/VBG is/VBZ coalitional--two/JJ brothers/NNS and/CC a/DT friend/NN gang/NN up/RB on/IN an/DT enemy/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) So/RB ,/, ethnographic/JJ evidence/NN alone/RB suggests/VBZ that/IN men/NNS could/MD well/RB be/VB designed/VBN by/IN natural/JJ selection/NN to/TO fight/VB ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB to/TO do/VB so/RB in/IN groups/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ more/JJR evidence/NN ,/, which/WDT we/PRP 'll/MD get/VB to/TO shortly/RB ./.
However/RB ,/, the/DT policy/NN implications/NNS of/IN any/DT male/JJ propensity/NN to/TO fight/VB would/MD depend/VB on/IN other/JJ questions/NNS ./.
For/IN example/NN :/:
2/LS Are/VBP women/NNS by/IN nature/NN shrinking/VBG violets/NNS ,/, innately/RB repulsed/JJ by/IN war/NN ,/, incapable/JJ of/IN violence/NN ?/.
Hardly/RB ./.
Feuding/NNP Australian/NNP Aborigine/NNP women/NNS would/MD sometimes/RB square/VB off/RP and/CC whack/VB each/DT other/JJ with/IN yam/NN sticks/VBZ until/IN somebody/NN intervened/VBD ./.
Among/IN the/DT Ainu/NNP ,/, the/DT indigenous/JJ hunter-gatherer/JJ people/NNS of/IN Japan/NNP ,/, women/NNS would/MD go/VB to/TO war/VB and/CC actually/RB fight/VB ,/, though/IN only/RB against/IN other/JJ women/NNS ./.
Even/RB when/WRB women/NNS are/VBP n't/RB combatants/NNS ,/, they/PRP hardly/RB shy/VBP away/RB from/IN the/DT thought/NN of/IN war/NN ,/, or/CC from/IN its/PRP$ gore/VB ./.
Among/IN the/DT Dayak/NNP of/IN 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN Borneo/NNP ,/, women/NNS would/MD surround/VBP a/DT returning/VBG warrior/NN ,/, singing/VBG songs/NNS of/IN praise/NN ,/, while/IN the/DT head/NN of/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ victims/NNS sat/VBD nearby/JJ on/IN a/DT decorative/JJ brass/NN tray/NN ./.
Among/IN the/DT Yanomamo/NNP of/IN South/NNP America/NNP ,/, women/NNS watch/VBP the/DT one-on-one/JJ "/" club/NN fights/NNS "/" that/IN sometimes/RB escalate/VB into/IN intervillage/NN conflicts/NNS ,/, screaming/VBG insults/NNS and/CC egging/VBG their/PRP$ men/NNS on/IN ./.
Among/IN the/DT Ba-/NNP Huana/NNP of/IN the/DT Congo/NNP ,/, one/CD 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN ethnographer/NN reported/VBN ,/, "/" the/DT chief/NN instigators/NNS of/IN war/NN are/VBP the/DT women/NNS ./.
"/" If/IN their/PRP$ men/NNS are/VBP insulted/JJ by/IN other/JJ men/NNS and/CC do/VBP n't/RB retaliate/NN ,/, "/" the/DT women/NNS make/VBP fun/NN of/IN them/PRP :/: '/POS You/PRP are/VBP afraid/JJ ,/, you/PRP are/VBP not/RB men/NNS ,/, we/PRP will/MD have/VB no/DT more/JJR intercourse/NN with/IN you/PRP !/.
Woma/NNP ,/, woma/NN [/( afraid/JJ ]/) !/.
Hu/NNP !/.
Hu/NNP !/.
Hu/NNP !/.
'/POS Then/RB out/IN go/NN the/DT men/NNS and/CC fight/NN ./.
All/DT told/VBD ,/, though/IN women/NNS as/IN a/DT group/NN are/NN less/RBR combative/JJ than/IN men/NNS ,/, they/PRP are/VBP not/RB wholly/RB averse/NN to/TO combat/VB ./.
And/CC plainly/RB ,/, some/DT women/NNS are/VBP more/RBR eager/JJ and/CC capable/JJ fighters/NNS than/IN some/DT men/NNS ./.
(/( I/NN 'm/VBP male/JJ ,/, but/CC no/DT one/CD has/VBZ ever/RB confused/VBN me/PRP with/IN Charles/NNP Bronson/NNP ./.
)/) So/RB why/WRB deny/VB high-testosterone/JJ women/NNS an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO join/VB in/IN the/DT fun/NN ?/.
If/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT good/JJ reason/NN ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ to/TO do/VB with/IN our/PRP$ final/JJ question/NN ./.
3/LS Why/WRB do/VBP men/NNS fight/VBP so/RB much/JJ ?/.
Here/RB we/PRP come/VBP to/TO a/DT problem/NN that/WDT will/MD prove/VB stubborn/JJ if/IN the/DT military/JJ tries/VBZ to/TO sexually/RB integrate/VB ground/NN combat/NN forces/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT infantry/NN ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ n't/RB so/RB much/JJ that/IN men/NNS are/VBP designed/VBN by/IN natural/JJ selection/NN to/TO fight/VB as/IN what/WP they/PRP 're/VBP designed/VBN to/TO fight/VB over/IN :/: women/NNS ./.
Even/RB today/NN ,/, Yanomamo/NNP men/NNS raid/NN villages/NNS ,/, kill/VB men/NNS ,/, and/CC abduct/NN women/NNS for/IN procreative/JJ purposes/NNS ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, tough/JJ ,/, mean/VB men/NNS enjoy/VB high/JJ social/JJ status/NN ,/, which/WDT attracts/VBZ women/NNS and/CC helps/VBZ the/DT men/NNS get/VBP genes/NNS into/IN the/DT next/JJ generation/NN ./.
The/DT anthropologist/NN Napoleon/NNP Chagnon/NNP has/VBZ shown/VBN that/IN Yanomamo/NNP men/NNS who/WP have/VBP killed/VBN other/JJ men/NNS have/VBP more/JJR wives/NNS and/CC more/JJR offspring/NN than/IN average/JJ guys/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB just/RB a/DT question/NN of/IN men/NNS disinclined/VBN to/TO violence/NN getting/VBG killed/VBN off/RP ./.
Two/CD men/NNS might/MD fight/VB over/IN a/DT woman/NN until/IN one/CD man/NN submits/VBZ and/CC the/DT winner/NN gets/VBZ the/DT woman/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, men/NNS might/MD fight/VB for/IN seemingly/RB nonsexual/NN reasons/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT winner/NN still/RB enjoys/VBZ the/DT high/JJ social/JJ status/NN that/WDT wows/VBZ the/DT ladies/NNS ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ possible/JJ that/IN non-lethal/JJ violence/NN has/VBZ done/VBN more/JJR to/TO shape/VB the/DT male/JJ propensity/NN for/IN violence/NN than/IN simple/JJ killing/NN has/VBZ ./.
Male/NN combat/NN is/VBZ common/JJ among/IN primates/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT reason/NN that/IN ,/, in/IN many/JJ primate/NN species/NNS ,/, males/NNS are/VBP so/RB much/RB bigger/JJR and/CC stronger/JJR than/IN females/NNS ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT more/RBR polygynous/JJ the/DT species--that/JJ is/VBZ ,/, the/DT more/JJR females/NNS a/DT dominant/JJ male/JJ can/MD sexually/RB monopolize--the/JJ larger/JJR the/DT size/NN difference/NN between/IN the/DT sexes/NNS ./.
The/DT toughest/JJS male/JJ gorillas/NNS get/VBP a/DT whole/JJ harem/NN of/IN females/NNS to/TO themselves/PRP ,/, and/CC the/DT wimpiest/NN get/VB zilch/NN|JJ ./.
Eons/NNP of/IN combat/NN over/IN such/JJ high/JJ genetic/JJ stakes/NNS have/VBP led/VBN to/TO males/NNS that/WDT are/VBP about/IN twice/RB the/DT size/NN of/IN females/NNS ./.
In/IN our/PRP$ species/NNS ,/, the/DT more/RBR modest/JJ but/CC still/RB marked/VBD difference/NN in/IN size/NN and/CC strength/NN between/IN men/NNS and/CC women/NNS is/VBZ hard/JJ evidence/NN that/DT violence/NN ,/, whether/IN lethal/JJ or/CC non-lethal/JJ ,/, has/VBZ paid/VBN off/IN for/IN men/NNS in/IN Darwinian/JJ terms/NNS ./.
Among/IN the/DT other/JJ evidence/NN is/VBZ the/DT fact/NN that/DT testosterone/NN makes/VBZ people/NNS aggressive/JJ ./.
The/DT problem/NN with/IN fielding/VBG a/DT sexually/RB integrated/VBN army/NN of/IN gorillas/NNS would/MD n't/RB be/VB that/IN the/DT females/NNS ca/MD n't/RB fight/VB ./.
Try/VB stealing/VBG a/DT female/JJ gorilla/NN 's/POS baby/NN and/CC see/VB how/WRB you/PRP fare/VBP ./.
The/DT biggest/JJS problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN if/IN you/PRP put/VBP three/CD male/JJ gorillas/NNS together/RB with/IN one/CD unattached/JJ female/NN ,/, esprit/FW de/IN corps/NN will/MD not/RB ensue/VB ./.
Yes/UH ,/, of/IN course/NN human/JJ males/NNS are/VBP better/JJR at/IN controlling/VBG their/PRP$ hatreds/NNS and/CC rivalries/NNS than/IN gorilla/NN males/NNS are/VBP ./.
But/CC are/VBP humans/NNS so/RB good/JJ that/IN it/PRP makes/VBZ sense/NN to/TO sprinkle/VBP a/DT few/JJ women/NNS into/IN a/DT group/NN of/IN infantrymen/NN and/CC send/VB them/PRP all/DT off/IN to/TO war/VB ,/, where/WRB everyone/NN 's/POS prospects/NNS for/IN survival/NN will/MD depend/VB on/IN their/PRP$ solidarity/NN ?/.
Hoping/VBG (/( even/RB subconsciously/RB )/) that/IN one/CD of/IN your/PRP$ comrades/NNS will/MD die/VB seems/VBZ a/DT poor/JJ frame/NN of/IN mind/NN to/TO carry/VB into/IN battle/NN ./.
Does/VBZ the/DT same/JJ argument/NN apply/VB to/TO nonmilitary/JJ workplaces/NNS ?/.
Does/VBZ n't/RB sexual/JJ integration/NN sow/VBP dissension/NN there/RB as/RB well/RB ?/.
I/PRP 'd/MD say/VB that/IN any/DT downside/NN to/TO sexually/RB integrating/VBG nonmilitary/JJ workplaces/NNS is/VBZ not/RB severe/JJ enough/RB to/TO restrict/VB the/DT rights/NNS of/IN women/NNS (/( or/CC men/NNS )/) ./.
And--in/NNP many/JJ workplaces--there/JJ may/MD be/VB a/DT big/JJ upside/RB to/TO sexual/JJ integration/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT military/NN is/VBZ special/JJ ./.
The/DT cost/NN of/IN dissension/NN is/VBZ death/NN ,/, not/RB lower/JJR earnings/NNS ./.
(/( And/CC during/IN big/JJ wars/NNS ,/, when/WRB the/DT draft/NN is/VBZ on/IN ,/, many/JJ of/IN the/DT victims/NNS are/VBP people/NNS who/WP did/VBD n't/RB volunteer/VB for/IN the/DT job/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ one/CD big/JJ difference/NN between/IN this/DT issue/NN and/CC the/DT issue/NN of/IN sexually/RB integrating/VBG police/NN forces/NNS ./.
This/DT logic/NN has/VBZ no/DT direct/JJ bearing/NN on/IN the/DT currently/RB topical/JJ issue/NN of/IN sexually/RB integrated/VBN basic/JJ training/NN ./.
The/DT troops/NNS that/WDT take/VBP basic/JJ together/RB do/VBP n't/RB go/VB off/IN to/TO war/VB together/RB ,/, so/RB their/PRP$ bonding/NN is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT matter/NN of/IN life/NN and/CC death/NN ./.
Still/RB ,/, basic/JJ training/NN is/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO model/VB some/DT of/IN the/DT rigors/NNS of/IN war/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP turns/VBZ out/IN to/TO be/VB a/DT useful/JJ model/NN indeed/RB :/: The/DT complaints/NNS of/IN sexual/JJ harassment/NN that/WDT deluged/VBD the/DT Army/NNP after/IN the/DT Aberdeen/NNP scandal/NN (/( which/WDT itself/PRP did/VBD n't/RB involve/VB basic/JJ training/NN )/) show/NN how/WRB male/JJ and/CC female/JJ psychology/NN can/MD complicate/VB life/NN for/IN a/DT sexually/RB integrated/VBN army/NN ./.
Obviously/RB ,/, the/DT more/RBR conspicuous/JJ problems--men/JJ propositioning/VBG women/NNS ,/, for/IN example--can/JJ be/VB minimized/VBN with/IN sufficiently/RB harsh/JJ punishment/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT underlying/VBG psychological/JJ forces/NNS will/MD still/RB be/VB there/RB ,/, taking/VBG their/PRP$ toll/NN ./.
And/CC remember/VB :/: When/WRB soldiers/NNS go/VBP from/IN training/NN camps/NNS to/TO actual/JJ war/NN ,/, things/NNS get/VBP more/RBR primitive/JJ ,/, not/RB less/JJR ./.
One/PRP can/MD imagine/VB combat/NN roles/NNS for/IN women/NNS that/WDT would/MD n't/RB fly/VB in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN human/JJ nature/NN ./.
(/( Why/WRB not/RB try/VB ?/.
)/) But/CC reflecting/VBG on/IN human/JJ nature/NN does/VBZ n't/RB seem/VB to/TO be/VB a/DT common/JJ pastime/NN at/IN the/DT Pentagon/NNP ./.
Sexually/NNP integrating/VBG ground/NN combat/NN forces/NNS is/VBZ now/RB favored/VBN by/IN one/CD assistant/NN secretary/NN of/IN the/DT Army/NNP ./.
The/DT secretary/NN himself/PRP ,/, Togo/NNP West/NNP ,/, has/VBZ said/VBN he/PRP is/VBZ open/JJ to/TO the/DT idea/NN ./.
And/CC already/RB combat/VB forces/NNS are/VBP somewhat/RB integrated/VBN in/IN the/DT Air/NNP Force/NNP (/( squadrons/NNS of/IN pilots/NNS )/) and/CC Navy/NNP (/( ship/NN crews/NNS )/) ./.
(/( These/DT things/NNS ,/, though/RB ,/, as/IN integrating/VBG the/DT infantry/NN would/MD be/VB ./.
)/) Given/VBN the/DT stakes/NNS ,/, should/MD n't/RB such/JJ decisions/NNS be/VB informed/VBN by/IN some/DT knowledge/NN of/IN sexual/JJ psychology/NN ?/.
Or/CC ,/, instead/RB ,/, we/PRP could/MD just/RB wait/VB for/IN a/DT war/NN and/CC use/NN 20/CD -/: year-olds/JJ as/IN guinea/NN pigs/NNS in/IN a/DT poorly/RB researched/VBN social/JJ experiment/NN ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, the/DT Republican/JJ Leadership/NNP Council/NNP began/VBD running/VBG an/DT ad/NN that/WDT accused/VBD Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP of/IN "/" tearing/VBG down/RP his/PRP$ opponents/NNS ./.
"/" Wednesday/NNP ,/, Forbes/NNP fired/VBD back/RB at/IN the/DT RLC/NNP with/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ ad/NN :/: "/" George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP says/VBZ he/PRP wants/VBZ a/DT positive/JJ campaign/NN ./.
Then/RB why/WRB are/VBP Bush/NNP 's/POS liberal/JJ supporters/NNS running/VBG this/DT negative/JJ ad/NN attacking/VBG Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP ?/.
"/" A/DT Forbes/NNP press/NN release/NN added/VBD ,/, "/" Forbes/NNP Calls/NNS on/IN Bush/NNP To/TO Cease/NNP '/POS Politics/NNS of/IN Personal/NNP Destruction/NNP '/POS Against/IN Senator/NNP John/NNP McCain/NNP ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, in/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ race/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP and/CC Al/NNP Gore/NNP denounced/VBD each/DT other/JJ 's/POS "/" personal/JJ attacks/NNS "/" and/CC "/" scare/VB tactics/NNS ./.
"/" Everyone/NN is/VBZ accusing/VBG everyone/NN else/RB of/IN negative/JJ campaigning/NN ,/, but/CC nobody/NN 's/POS answering/VBG the/DT question/NN that/WDT ought/MD to/TO come/VB first/JJ :/: What/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN negative/JJ campaigning/NN ?/.
Politicians/NNS and/CC journalists/NNS pretend/VB to/TO explain/VB this/DT through/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN platitudes/NNS ,/, none/NN of/IN which/WDT are/VBP convincing/JJ ./.
1/LS ./.
Be/VB nice/JJ ./.
The/DT RLC/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO keep/VB the/DT GOP/NNP "/" civil/JJ "/" by/IN pressuring/VBG Forbes/NNP to/TO maintain/VB a/DT high/JJ "/" tenor/NN ./.
"/" Its/PRP$ ad/NN says/VBZ Forbes/NNP needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB taught/VBN "/" If/IN he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB anything/NN nice/JJ to/TO say/VB ,/, do/VBP n't/RB say/VB anything/NN at/IN all/DT ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP gets/VBZ a/DT similar/JJ lecture/NN from/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, which/WDT accuses/VBZ him/PRP of/IN forsaking/VBG his/PRP$ "/" pledge/NN of/IN chivalry/NN "/" by/IN criticizing/VBG Gore/NNP 's/POS modest/JJ proposals/NNS for/IN health/NN care/NN and/CC gun/NN control/NN ./.
But/CC what/WP 's/VBZ so/RB great/JJ about/IN being/VBG nice/JJ or/CC chivalrous/JJ ?/.
Bradley/NNP thinks/VBZ Gore/NNP is/VBZ running/VBG on/IN a/DT timid/JJ platform/NN designed/VBN to/TO avoid/VB political/JJ heat/NN rather/RB than/IN to/TO solve/VB problems/NNS ./.
Forbes/NNP thinks/VBZ the/DT same/JJ of/IN Bush/NNP ./.
If/IN they/PRP 're/VBP right/NN ,/, the/DT worst/JJS thing/NN they/PRP can/MD do/VB for/IN the/DT country/NN is/VBZ to/TO refrain/VB from/IN pointing/VBG out/RP these/DT failings/NNS ./.
(/( McCain/NNP is/VBZ accused/VBN of/IN getting/VBG "/" angry/JJ ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP is/VBZ much/RB nicer/JJR ./.
When/WRB Gore/NNP claimed/VBD that/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS health-care/NN plan/NN would/MD bust/NN the/DT budget/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP 's/POS spokeswoman/NN answered/VBD ,/, "/" Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP reserves/VBZ his/PRP$ anger/NN for/IN the/DT Americans/NNPS without/IN health/NN insurance/NN ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP might/MD have/VB served/VBN those/DT Americans/NNPS better/JJR by/IN directing/VBG his/PRP$ anger/NN at/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS misrepresentations/NNS ./.
But/CC that/DT would/MD have/VB been/VBN impolite/NN ./.
2/LS ./.
Stay/NNP clean/VB ./.
The/DT Post/NNP asks/VBZ whether/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS criticisms/NNS of/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS policies/NNS belie/VBP Bradley/NNP 's/POS professed/JJ "/" rectitude/NN ,/, "/" his/PRP$ "/" desire/NN to/TO be/VB super-clean/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC "/" his/PRP$ image/NN as/IN an/DT above-the-fray/JJ politician/NN ./.
"/" But/CC where/WRB 's/VBZ the/DT virtue/NN in/IN such/JJ aloofness/NNS ?/.
Why/WRB should/MD Bush/NNP get/VB credit/NN for/IN keeping/VBG his/PRP$ hands/NNS clean/VB and/CC preserving/VBG his/PRP$ above-the-fray/JJ image/NN if/IN ,/, as/IN Forbes/NNP alleges/VBZ ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ achieved/VBN this/DT by/IN letting/VBG the/DT RLC/NNP do/VBP his/PRP$ dirty/JJ work/NN ?/.
And/CC should/MD n't/RB Bradley/NNP get/VB credit/NN ,/, by/IN comparison/NN ,/, for/IN striding/VBG into/IN the/DT fray/NN and/CC leveling/VBG his/PRP$ charges/NNS squarely/RB at/IN Gore/NNP ?/.
3/LS ./.
Be/VB positive/JJ ./.
Bradley/NNP accuses/VBZ Gore/NNP of/IN offering/NN "/" attacks/NNS "/" instead/RB of/IN a/DT "/" positive/JJ vision/NN ,/, "/" based/VBN on/IN the/DT calculation/NN that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" easier/JJR to/TO campaign/VB against/IN your/PRP$ opponent/NN than/IN for/IN yourself/PRP ./.
"/" Last/JJ week/NN ,/, former/JJ Labor/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Reich/NNP illustrated/VBD Bradley/NNP 's/POS more/JJR "/" positive/JJ "/" style/NN ./.
While/IN endorsing/VBG Bradley/NNP ,/, Reich/NNP insisted/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP wo/MD n't/RB say/VB anything/NN negative/JJ about/IN the/DT vice/NN president/NN ./.
"/" What/WP nonsense/NN ./.
Anyone/NN who/WP endorses/VBZ Bradley/NNP is/VBZ saying/VBG something/NN negative/JJ about/IN Gore/NNP ./.
Since/IN elections/NNS are/VBP comparative/JJ ,/, the/DT difference/NN between/IN campaigning/NN "/" against/IN your/PRP$ opponent/NN "/" and/CC campaigning/NN "/" for/IN yourself/PRP "/" is/VBZ semantic/JJ ./.
When/WRB Bradley/NNP says/VBZ he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT candidate/NN of/IN big/JJ ideas/NNS and/CC poll-free/JJ principles/NNS ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ being/VBG just/RB as/RB negative/JJ as/IN Gore/NNP ./.
4/LS ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB hurt/VBN others/NNS ./.
Journalists/NNS and/CC wounded/VBN politicians/NNS love/VBP to/TO equate/VB criticism/NN with/IN assault/NN ./.
Bradley/NNP says/VBZ Gore/NNP 's/POS strategy/NN is/VBZ "/" attack/NN ,/, attack/NN ,/, attack/NN ,/, attack/NN ./.
"/" Forbes/NNP and/CC the/DT RLC/NNP decry/NN each/DT other/JJ 's/POS "/" attack/NN ads/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP says/VBZ Forbes/NNP "/" became/VBD known/VBN as/IN a/DT slash-and-burn/JJ politician/NN for/IN his/PRP$ commercials/NNS that/IN lacerated/JJ Bob/NNP Dole/NNP "/" in/IN 1996/CD ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, mimicking/VBG Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, calls/VBZ questions/NNS about/IN whether/IN he/PRP used/VBD cocaine/NN "/" the/DT politics/NNS of/IN personal/JJ destruction/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP accuses/VBZ Bush/NNP 's/POS rivals/NNS of/IN "/" Bush/NNP bashing/VBG "/" at/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS GOP/NNP debate/NN in/IN Arizona/NNP ./.
A/DT McCain/NNP adviser/NN fears/NNS Bush/NNP will/MD "/" get/VB out/RP the/DT blowtorch/NN and/CC go/VB after/IN McCain/NNP ./.
"/" All/PDT this/DT sounds/VBZ awful/JJ ,/, until/IN you/PRP remember/VBP that/DT nobody/NN has/VBZ been/VBN attacked/VBN ,/, bashed/JJ ,/, slashed/VBD ,/, burned/VBN ,/, blowtorched/JJ ,/, lacerated/JJ ,/, or/CC destroyed/VBD ./.
Forbes/NNP leveled/VBD charges/NNS about/IN Dole/NNP 's/POS record/NN that/WDT could/MD be--and/JJ were--rebutted/JJ ./.
The/DT "/" bashing/VBG "/" Bush/NNP endured/VBD in/IN the/DT Arizona/NNP debate/NN consisted/VBD largely/RB of/IN the/DT observation/NN that/IN he/PRP had/VBD failed/VBN to/TO show/VB up/RP ./.
Clinton/NNP turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB guilty/JJ of/IN the/DT central/JJ allegation/NN in/IN the/DT Lewinsky/NNP scandal/NN ,/, and/CC Bush/NNP still/RB has/VBZ n't/RB answered/VBN the/DT cocaine/NN questions/NNS ./.
The/DT truth/NN often/RB hurts/VBZ ./.
It/PRP ought/MD to/TO be/VB told/VBN anyway/RB ./.
5/LS ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB get/VB personal/JJ ./.
Bradley/NNP has/VBZ alluded/VBD several/JJ times/NNS to/TO the/DT 1996/CD Clinton-/NNP Gore/NNP fund-raising/JJ scandal/NN ./.
Monday/NNP ,/, he/PRP cited/VBD published/VBN reports/NNS that/IN "/" Clinton/NNP administration/NN Cabinet/NNP officers/NNS are/VBP being/VBG asked/VBN to/TO arrange/VB their/PRP$ travel/NN schedules/NNS and/CC public/JJ announcements/NNS so/IN the/DT vice/NN president/NN can/MD finance/VB his/PRP$ political/JJ campaign/NN with/IN taxpayer/NN dollars/NNS when/WRB his/PRP$ funds/NNS run/VBP out/RP ./.
"/" Rather/RB than/IN rebut/VB Bradley/NNP 's/POS allegation/NN ,/, Gore/NNP huffed/JJ ,/, "/" Personal/JJ attacks/NNS have/VBP no/DT place/NN in/IN a/DT campaign/NN ./.
"/" But/CC is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT campaign/NN exactly/RB the/DT place/NN where/WRB Gore/NNP should/MD be/VB confronted/VBN if/IN he/PRP has/VBZ indeed/RB abused/VBN his/PRP$ position/NN and/CC violated/VBD the/DT spirit/NN of/IN the/DT campaign/NN finance/NN laws/NNS ?/.
How/WRB can/MD one/CD person/NN point/NN out/RP another/DT 's/VBZ misdeeds/NNS without/IN getting/VBG personal/JJ ?/.
6/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB throw/VB the/DT first/JJ punch/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP thinks/VBZ Bradley/NNP crossed/VBN a/DT moral/JJ line/NN this/DT week/NN when/WRB he/PRP began/VBD to/TO criticize/VB Gore/NNP on/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ initiative/NN rather/RB than/IN "/" in/IN response/NN to/TO attacks/NNS by/IN Gore/NNP ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP agrees/VBZ that/IN a/DT candidate/NN who/WP has/VBZ been/VBN criticized/VBN is/VBZ uniquely/RB entitled/VBN to/TO respond/VB in/IN kind/NN ./.
Running/VBG a/DT positive/JJ campaign/NN ,/, he/PRP argues/VBZ ,/, "/" does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO stand/VB like/IN this/DT forever/RB and/CC let/VB someone/NN slap/NN my/PRP$ face/NN ./.
"/" But/CC why/WRB does/VBZ it/PRP matter/VBP whether/IN Gore/NNP criticized/VBD Bradley/NNP first/NN ?/.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT debate/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT fistfight/NN ./.
If/IN Bradley/NNP can/MD explain/VB why/WRB Gore/NNP would/MD be/VB an/DT inferior/JJ president/NN ,/, why/WRB should/MD he/PRP have/VB to/TO wait/VB to/TO say/VB so/RB ?/.
7/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB be/VB insensitive/JJ ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, Bradley/NNP began/VBD airing/VBG an/DT ad/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT woman/NN says/VBZ :/: "/" When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD pregnant/JJ with/IN my/PRP$ second/JJ child/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP proposed/VBD a/DT law/NN that/IN women/NNS be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO stay/VB in/IN the/DT hospital/NN for/IN 48/CD hours/NNS ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO Sen/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ daughter/NN is/VBZ alive/JJ today/NN ./.
"/" When/WRB critics/NNS pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS bill/NN had/VBD n't/RB passed/VBN until/IN after/IN the/DT woman/NN 's/POS daughter/NN was/VBD born/VBN ,/, Bradley/NNP accused/VBD the/DT Gore/NNP campaign/NN of/IN displaying/VBG "/" a/DT real/JJ insensitivity/NN "/" by/IN challenging/VBG the/DT ad/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP am/VBP appalled/VBN that/IN people/NNS would/MD attack/VB a/DT woman/NN who/WP obviously/RB lived/VBD through/IN tremendous/JJ trauma/NN ,/, has/VBZ her/PRP$ views/NNS ,/, and/CC expressed/VBD them/PRP ,/, "/" said/VBD Bradley/NNP ./.
Never/RB mind/NN whether/IN the/DT ad/NN is/VBZ true/JJ ./.
To/TO raise/VB that/DT question/NN is/VBZ to/TO "/" attack/NN a/DT woman/NN ./.
8/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB scare/VB people/NNS ./.
Gore/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN telling/VBG blacks/NNS and/CC Hispanics/NNPS that/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS health-care/NN plan/NN would/MD kill/VB Medicaid/NNP and/CC provide/VB no/DT sufficient/JJ alternative/NN ./.
Bradley/NNP calls/VBZ this/DT a/DT "/" scare/NN tactic/NN "/" and/CC says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" wrong/JJ "/" that/IN Gore/NNP is/VBZ "/" using/VBG race/NN or/CC ethnicity/NN to/TO try/VB to/TO scare/VB people/NNS ./.
"/" But/CC if/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS assertion/NN is/VBZ true/JJ ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN conveying/VBG it/PRP to/TO the/DT ethnic/JJ groups/NNS most/RBS broadly/RB affected/VBN ?/.
Gore/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB calling/VBG Bradley/NNP a/DT racist/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ making/VBG an/DT economic/JJ argument/NN ,/, which/WDT Bradley/NNP can/MD rebut/VB and/CC has/VBZ rebutted/VBN ./.
The/DT "/" scare/NN tactic/NN "/" charge/NN ,/, which/WDT implies/VBZ that/IN Gore/NNP is/VBZ using/VBG fear/NN and/CC rhetoric/NN to/TO bypass/VB rational/JJ scrutiny/NN ,/, is/VBZ itself/PRP a/DT scare/NN tactic/NN ./.
9/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB be/VB divisive/JJ ./.
Bradley/NNP accuses/VBZ Gore/NNP of/IN "/" poisoning/NN the/DT atmosphere/NN "/" with/IN "/" divisiveness/NN ./.
"/" "/" I/PRP believe/VBP the/DT public/JJ wants/VBZ solutions/NNS that/WDT work/NN ,/, not/RB attacks/VBZ that/WDT divide/VBP ,/, "/" says/VBZ Bradley/NNP ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, Bush/NNP boasts/VBZ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ "/" a/DT uniter/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT divider/NN ,/, "/" while/IN the/DT RLC/NNP complains/VBZ that/IN Forbes/NNP ,/, by/IN criticizing/VBG Dole/NNP in/IN 1996/CD ,/, caused/VBN "/" fighting/VBG within/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP that/WDT was/VBD divisive/JJ and/CC not/RB inclusive/JJ ./.
"/" Imagine/VB that--fighting/JJ and/CC divisiveness/NN in/IN an/DT election/NN ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN informing/VBG certain/JJ segments/NNS of/IN the/DT electorate/NN that/IN your/PRP$ opponent/NN is/VBZ using/VBG the/DT feel-good/JJ rhetoric/NN of/IN "/" solutions/NNS "/" to/TO pull/VB a/DT fast/RB one/CD at/IN their/PRP$ expense/NN ?/.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP lying/VBG ,/, shame/NN on/IN you/PRP ./.
But/CC if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP telling/VBG the/DT truth/NN ,/, why/WRB does/VBZ it/PRP matter/VBP that/IN your/PRP$ message/NN is/VBZ divisive/JJ ?/.
10/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB hurt/VBN your/PRP$ party/NN ./.
The/DT RLC/NNP ad/NN says/VBZ Forbes/NNP "/" hurt/VBD the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP "/" in/IN 1996/CD and/CC will/MD "/" help/VB the/DT Democrats/NNPS "/" in/IN 2000/CD by/IN criticizing/VBG his/PRP$ GOP/NNP rivals/NNS ./.
Republican/NNP National/NNP Committee/NNP Chairman/NNP Jim/NNP Nicholson/NNP vows/VBZ to/TO "/" blow/NN the/DT whistle/VBP on/IN candidates/NNS "/" who/WP "/" tear/VB down/RB other/JJ Republicans/NNPS ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, Bradley/NNP is/VBZ taking/VBG heat/NN for/IN questioning/VBG Gore/NNP 's/POS campaign-finance/JJ practices/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT good/JJ old/JJ days/NNS ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, Bradley/NNP "/" was/VBD more/RBR restrained/JJ ,/, "/" declining/VBG "/" to/TO comment/VB on/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN 's/POS fund-raising/JJ behavior/NN ./.
"/" But/CC why/WRB should/MD Bradley/NNP shut/VB up/RB about/IN the/DT Clinton-/NNP Gore/NNP fund-raising/JJ scandal/NN ?/.
And/CC why/WRB should/MD Forbes/NNP shut/VB up/RB about/IN what/WP he/PRP regards/VBZ as/IN a/DT Republican/JJ betrayal/NN of/IN conservatism/NN ?/.
Does/VBZ loyalty/NN to/TO party/NN supersede/VB loyalty/NN to/TO country/NN ?/.
11/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB alienate/VB voters/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP frets/VBZ that/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS attacks/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ health-care/NN plan/NN will/MD "/" alienate/VB the/DT public/JJ "/" and/CC foster/JJ skepticism/NN toward/IN big/JJ programs/NNS ./.
NOW/RB President/NNP Patricia/NNP Ireland/NNP warns/VBZ the/DT candidates/NNS that/IN "/" negative/JJ campaigning/NN depresses/VBZ the/DT women/NNS 's/POS vote/NN ./.
"/" On/IN the/DT bright/JJ side/NN ,/, Forbes/NNP '/POS campaign/NN manager/NN says/VBZ this/DT year/NN Forbes/NNP is/VBZ "/" much/RB less/RBR likely/JJ "/" to/TO "/" run/VB the/DT same/JJ kind/NN of/IN negative/JJ spots/NNS that/IN he/PRP did/VBD against/IN Dole/NNP ,/, "/" because/IN "/" four/CD years/NNS ago/RB he/PRP was/VBD a/DT message/NN candidate/NN ./.
Now/RB he/PRP believes/VBZ he/PRP can/MD be/VB president/NN ./.
"/" But/CC what/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN "/" alienating/VBG "/" voters/NNS from/IN bad/JJ programs/NNS and/CC bad/JJ candidates/NNS ?/.
And/CC is/VBZ n't/RB it/PRP nobler/NN to/TO deliver/VB a/DT depressingly/RB true/JJ "/" message/NN "/" than/IN to/TO shade/NN the/DT truth/NN so/IN you/PRP can/MD get/VB elected/VBN ?/.
12/CD ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB practice/VB politics/NNS as/IN usual/JJ ./.
Just/RB as/IN Forbes/NNP accused/VBD Dole/NNP of/IN playing/VBG sneaky/JJ "/" Washington/NNP politics/NNS "/" in/IN 1996/CD ,/, Bradley/NNP now/RB castigates/NNS Gore/NNP for/IN resorting/VBG to/TO the/DT typical/JJ "/" Washington/NNP politics/NNS "/" of/IN slash/NN and/CC burn/VB ./.
Gore/NNP is/VBZ delighted/VBN to/TO reciprocate/NN ./.
"/" There/EX goes/VBZ Sen/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP again/RB ,/, acting/VBG like/IN a/DT typical/JJ politician/NN ,/, launching/VBG negative/JJ attacks/NNS on/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT Gore/NNP spokesman/NN crowed/VBN last/JJ week/NN ./.
How/WRB does/VBZ the/DT fact/NN that/IN such/JJ attacks/NNS are/VBP "/" typical/JJ "/" clarify/VB whether/IN Gore/NNP is/VBZ right/NN about/IN Bradley/NNP or/CC vice/NN versa/RB ?/.
Never/RB mind/NN ./.
All/DT you/PRP need/VBP to/TO know/VB is/VBZ that/IN negative/JJ campaigning/NN is/VBZ the/DT oldest/JJS trick/NN in/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT next/JJ oldest/JJS trick/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB answer/VB the/DT charge/NN ,/, is/VBZ to/TO whine/NN about/IN negative/JJ campaigning/NN ./.
We/PRP 're/VBP a/DT month/NN into/IN the/DT 1998/CD baseball/NN season/NN ,/, and/CC Rupert/NNP Murdoch/NNP has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO rename/VB his/PRP$ newest/JJS acquisition/NN the/DT Melrose/NNP Place/NNP Dodgers/NNP ./.
Had/VBD he/PRP done/VBN so/RB ,/, it/PRP would/MD probably/RB not/RB have/VB surprised/VBN the/DT commentators/NNS who/WP saw/VBD the/DT $/$ 311/CD million/CD purchase/NN of/IN the/DT franchise/NN by/IN Murdoch/NNP 's/POS News/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
as/IN final/JJ evidence/NN of/IN the/DT sacrifice/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ pastime/NN to/TO the/DT greed/NN and/CC disloyalty/NN of/IN players/NNS and/CC owners/NNS ./.
One/CD writer/NN went/VBD so/RB far/RB as/IN to/TO suggest/VB that/IN before/IN the/DT Dodgers/NNP were/VBD sold/VBN ,/, "/" there/EX was/VBD hope/VBP baseball/NN could/MD pull/VB itself/PRP back/RB from/IN the/DT brink/NN ./.
But/CC now/RB even/RB those/DT hopes/NNS are/VBP being/VBG dashed/VBN ./.
In/IN the/DT particular/JJ case/NN of/IN the/DT Dodgers/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, these/DT lamentations/NNS were/VBD particularly/RB inapposite/NN ,/, since/IN the/DT team/NN is/VBZ only/RB in/IN Los/NNP Angeles/NNP because/IN Walter/NNP O/NNP '/POS Malley/NNP made/VBD a/DT coldblooded/JJ business/NN decision/NN in/IN 1957/CD to/TO abandon/VB Brooklyn/NNP in/IN favor/NN of/IN the/DT sunnier/NN clime/NN of/IN Chavez/NNP Ravine/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT larger/JJR indictment/NN of/IN the/DT changing/VBG nature/NN of/IN team/NN ownership/NN is/VBZ similarly/RB misdirected/JJ ./.
If/IN anything/NN ,/, baseball/NN needs/VBZ more/RBR corporate/JJ owners/NNS ,/, particularly/RB those/DT ,/, such/JJ as/IN News/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, that/WDT have/VBP major/JJ investments/NNS in/IN the/DT game/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN rather/RB than/IN a/DT stake/NN in/IN a/DT single/JJ franchise/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, the/DT more/RBR corporate/JJ owners/NNS ,/, the/DT less/RBR likely/JJ that/DT baseball/NN 's/POS current/JJ approach/NN of/IN limiting/VBG expansion/NN and/CC migration/NN will/MD endure/VB ./.
Defending/VBG either/CC the/DT expansion/NN of/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN baseball/NN teams/NNS beyond/IN the/DT current/JJ 30/CD or/CC the/DT movement/NN of/IN franchises/NNS to/TO new/JJ cities/NNS is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, enough/RB to/TO get/VB you/PRP branded/JJ as/IN an/DT uncouth/NN money-grubber/JJ ./.
Defending/VBG both/DT is/VBZ enough/RB to/TO get/VB you/PRP shot/VBD ./.
Expansion/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ argued/VBD ,/, debases/NNS an/DT already/RB thin/JJ talent/NN pool/NN ,/, lowering/VBG the/DT overall/JJ quality/NN of/IN play/NN ./.
The/DT migration/NN of/IN franchises/NNS ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, breaks/VBZ the/DT hearts/NNS of/IN old/JJ fans/NNS and/CC rips/NNS the/DT hearts/NNS out/IN of/IN cities--generally/JJ northern/JJ industrial/JJ cities--that/JJ ca/MD n't/RB afford/VB to/TO compete/VB against/IN the/DT new/JJ metropolises/NNS of/IN the/DT Sunbelt/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ no/DT coincidence/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT main/JJ defenders/NNS of/IN the/DT status/NN quo/NN are/VBP always/RB in/IN cities/NNS that/WDT already/RB have/VBP baseball/NN teams/NNS ./.
The/DT unstated/JJ premise/NN is/VBZ that/IN people/NNS in/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, Minneapolis/NNP deserve/VBP the/DT chance/NN to/TO attend/VB a/DT major/JJ league/NN game/NN more/JJR than/IN people/NNS in/IN Charlotte/NNP do/VBP ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT Twins/NNP are/VBP only/RB in/IN Minneapolis/NNP because/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Senators/NNPS moved/VBD there/EX decades/NNS ago/RB ./.
But/CC you/PRP have/VBP to/TO draw/VB the/DT line/NN somewhere/RB ./.
A/DT less/RBR parochial/JJ view/NN shows/VBZ that/DT change/NN would/MD be/VB good/JJ both/DT for/IN the/DT sport/NN and/CC for/IN cherished/VBN local/JJ teams/NNS ./.
Expansion/NN would/MD obviously/RB expand--duh/JJ !/.
-/: -/: the/DT sport/NN 's/POS fan/NN base/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP ,/, like/IN migration/NN ,/, would/MD help/VB eradicate/VB baseball/NN 's/POS most/RBS persistent/JJ problem--the/JJ division/NN between/IN small-/NN and/CC large-market/JJ teams/NNS ./.
In/IN essence/NN ,/, baseball/NN teams/NNS are/VBP able/JJ to/TO reap/VB what/WP are/VBP called/VBN monopoly/NN rents/NNS because/IN they/PRP face/VBP little/JJ or/CC no/DT competition/NN for/IN the/DT local/JJ fan/NN 's/POS dollar/NN ./.
Other/JJ things/NNS being/VBG equal/JJ (/( and/CC new/JJ stadiums/NNS with/IN high-profit/JJ luxury/NN boxes/NNS can/MD make/VB a/DT sizable/JJ difference/NN )/) ,/, teams/NNS in/IN big/JJ markets/NNS are/VBP able/JJ to/TO reap/VB much/RB larger/JJR rents/NNS because/IN the/DT pool/NN of/IN fans/NNS from/IN which/WDT they/PRP draw/VBP attendance/NN and/CC TV/NN viewership/NN is/VBZ much/RB larger/JJR ./.
Even/RB with/IN two/CD teams/NNS in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, the/DT Yankees/NNPS are/VBP far/RB more/RBR profitable/JJ than/IN the/DT Pittsburgh/NNP Pirates/NNP because/IN there/EX are/VBP so/RB many/JJ more/JJR buyers/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ product--an/JJ advantage/NN the/DT Pirates/NNP ,/, unlike/IN a/DT regular/JJ corporation/NN ,/, ca/MD n't/RB overcome/VBN by/IN marketing/VBG their/PRP$ goods/NNS in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ./.
The/DT reason/NN this/DT is/VBZ a/DT problem/NN ,/, obviously/RB ,/, is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Yankees/NNPS are/VBP much/RB richer/JJR than/IN the/DT Pirates/NNP and/CC can/MD therefore/RB afford/VB to/TO pay/VB more/JJR for/IN players/NNS ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ they/PRP 'll/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO lure/VB the/DT best/JJS players/NNS to/TO New/NNP York/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT revenues/NNS of/IN baseball/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN will/MD be/VB hurt/VBN if/IN just/RB a/DT few/JJ teams/NNS dominate/VBP play/VB ,/, so/IN the/DT greater/JJR wealth/NN of/IN the/DT Yankees/NNPS leads/VBZ to/TO the/DT long-term/JJ decline/NN of/IN the/DT game/NN ./.
This/DT dilemma/NN has/VBZ occasioned/JJ anguished/JJ breast-beating/JJ ever/RB since/IN the/DT introduction/NN of/IN free/JJ agency/NN into/IN the/DT player/NN market/NN 22/CD years/NNS ago/RB ./.
But/CC even/RB when/WRB players/NNS could/MD not/RB freely/RB sell/VB their/PRP$ services/NNS on/IN the/DT open/JJ market/NN ,/, the/DT richest/JJS teams/NNS still/RB got/VBD the/DT best/JJS players/NNS ./.
They/PRP just/RB did/VBD so/RB by/IN buying/VBG them/PRP from/IN the/DT poorer/JJR teams/NNS ./.
The/DT Kansas/NNP City/NNP Athletics/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, were/VBD essentially/RB a/DT farm/NN team/NN for/IN the/DT Yankees/NNPS during/IN the/DT 1950/CD s/VBZ and/CC early/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ ,/, and/CC not/RB coincidentally/RB the/DT Yankees/NNPS won/VBD pennant/NN after/IN pennant/NN ./.
What/WP free/JJ agency/NN has/VBZ done/VBN is/VBZ transfer/VB those/DT payments/NNS that/WDT would/MD have/VB gone/VBN to/TO small-market/JJ teams/NNS to/TO the/DT players/NNS themselves/PRP ./.
But/CC the/DT answer/NN to/TO this/DT dilemma/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT return/NN to/TO the/DT old/JJ system/NN nor/CC is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT salary/NN cap/NN ./.
The/DT real/JJ answer/NN would/MD require/VB allowing/VBG teams/NNS to/TO move/VB where/WRB there/EX 's/VBZ unsatisfied/JJ demand/NN for/IN the/DT game/NN ,/, whether/IN that/DT be/VB in/IN New/NNP York/NNP itself/PRP or/CC in/IN some/DT region/NN that/WDT has/VBZ no/DT team/NN ./.
This/DT might/MD mean/VB ,/, in/IN the/DT short/JJ term/NN ,/, that/WDT cities/NNS such/JJ as/IN Pittsburgh/NNP or/CC Montreal/NNP would/MD lose/VB franchises/NNS ./.
But/CC if/IN there/EX were/VBD three/CD or/CC four/CD teams/NNS in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, the/DT monopoly/NN rents/NNS exacted/JJ by/IN the/DT Yankees/NNPS would/MD decline/VB ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ they/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO pay/VB so/RB much/JJ for/IN players/NNS ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ it/PRP would/MD be/VB easier/JJR to/TO run/VB a/DT team/NN successfully/RB in/IN a/DT small/JJ market/NN ./.
The/DT problem/NN ,/, in/IN that/DT sense/NN ,/, is/VBZ not/RB that/IN there/EX are/VBP big/JJ and/CC small/JJ markets/NNS but/CC that/IN there/EX are/VBP too/RB few/JJ teams/NNS in/IN the/DT big/JJ markets/NNS ./.
Supply/NNP is/VBZ not/RB being/VBG allowed/VBN to/TO match/VB demand/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, existing/VBG owners/NNS do/VBP n't/RB want/VB new/JJ teams/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ markets/NNS ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB new/JJ teams/NNS in/IN general/JJ ,/, because/IN an/DT important/JJ chunk/NN of/IN their/PRP$ current/JJ revenue/NN comes/VBZ from/IN national/JJ television/NN and/CC licensing/NN contracts/NNS that/WDT are/VBP divided/VBN among/IN the/DT teams/NNS ./.
More/JJR teams/NNS ,/, fewer/JJR dollars/NNS per/IN team/NN (/( though/IN that/DT 's/VBZ actually/RB more/RBR complicated/JJ than/IN it/PRP may/MD look/VB ,/, since/IN expansion/NN might/MD open/VB up/RB TV/NN markets--like/JJ the/DT South--where/NNP ratings/NNS have/VBP been/VBN traditionally/RB low/JJ )/) ./.
Until/IN baseball/NN 's/POS antitrust/JJ exemption/NN is/VBZ removed/VBN ,/, owners/NNS do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO worry/VB about/IN intruders/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ current/JJ markets/NNS ./.
But/CC a/DT mechanism/NN already/RB exists/VBZ for/IN making/VBG expansion/NN mutually/RB beneficial/JJ :/: revenue/NN sharing/NN of/IN all/DT local/JJ TV/NN contracts/NNS and/CC gate/NN receipts/NNS ./.
Revenue/NN sharing/VBG alone/RB would/MD solve/VB many/JJ of/IN the/DT competitive-balance/JJ problems/NNS between/IN small/JJ and/CC large/JJ markets/NNS ./.
Green/NNP Bay/NNP has/VBZ built/VBN a/DT Super/NNP Bowl/NNP team/NN despite/IN playing/VBG in/IN the/DT smallest/JJS market/NN in/IN the/DT NFL/NNP ,/, in/IN no/DT small/JJ part/NN because/IN NFL/NNP teams/NNS share/VBP 70/CD percent/NN of/IN their/PRP$ total/JJ revenue/NN ./.
The/DT point/NN is/VBZ that/IN for/IN all/DT their/PRP$ rhetoric/NN about/IN looking/VBG out/IN for/IN the/DT best/JJS interests/NNS of/IN the/DT game/NN ,/, baseball/NN owners/NNS have/VBP been/VBN interested/JJ only/RB in/IN looking/VBG out/IN for/IN themselves/PRP ./.
In/IN an/DT ordinary/JJ business/NN ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ fine/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN a/DT business/NN like/IN baseball/NN ,/, where/WRB the/DT long-term/JJ health/NN of/IN any/DT one/CD franchise/NN depends/VBZ on/IN the/DT long-term/JJ popularity/NN of/IN the/DT game/NN ,/, the/DT pursuit/NN of/IN short-term/JJ self-interest--in/JJ the/DT form/NN of/IN the/DT protection/NN of/IN the/DT benefits/NNS of/IN local/JJ monopolies--brings/JJ about/IN collective/JJ harm/NN ./.
The/DT exemption/NN of/IN baseball/NN from/IN antitrust/JJ law/NN is/VBZ predicated/VBN on/IN the/DT idea/NN that/IN Major/NNP League/NNP Baseball/NNP is/VBZ one/CD company/NN rather/RB than/IN an/DT industry/NN such/JJ as/IN semiconductors/NNS or/CC computers/NNS ./.
But/CC owners/NNS do/VBP n't/RB act/VB like/IN competing/VBG vice/NN presidents/NNS ./.
They/PRP act/VBP like/IN competing/VBG CEOs/NNS ,/, each/DT seeking/VBG to/TO maximize/VB their/PRP$ local/JJ profits/NNS ./.
In/IN that/DT sense/NN ,/, News/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
or/CC Disney--which/NNP owns/VBZ the/DT Angels--could/NNP hardly/RB be/VBP more/RBR venal/JJ or/CC short-term/JJ in/IN focus/NN than/IN the/DT current/JJ crop/NN of/IN owners/NNS ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, it/PRP may/MD well/RB be/VB that/IN News/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, which/WDT is/VBZ building/VBG a/DT national/JJ competitor/NN to/TO ESPN/NNP by/IN stringing/VBG together/RB a/DT series/NN of/IN local/JJ sports/NNS networks/NNS ,/, is/VBZ more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO work/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS interests/NNS of/IN the/DT game/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ precisely/RB because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ a/DT stake/NN ,/, through/IN its/PRP$ TV/NN channels/NNS ,/, in/IN baseball/NN rather/RB than/IN just/RB in/IN the/DT Dodgers/NNP ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT realities/NNS of/IN corporations/NNS ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP 're/VBP somewhat/RB isolated/VBN from/IN local/JJ concerns/NNS ./.
Traditionally/RB ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ been/VBN seen/VBN as/IN a/DT vice/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN baseball/NN ,/, the/DT addition/NN of/IN a/DT global--or/JJ at/IN least/JJS national--perspective/JJ should/MD be/VB seen/VBN as/IN a/DT virtue/NN ./.
Please/VB send/VB your/PRP$ questions/NNS for/IN publication/NN to/TO prudence/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
Over/IN the/DT past/JJ several/JJ years/NNS it/PRP has/VBZ evidently/RB become/VBN fashionable/JJ for/IN restaurants/NNS to/TO have/VB all/DT their/PRP$ servers/NNS march/VBP out/IN singing/VBG birthday/NN greetings/NNS to/TO customers/NNS ./.
Am/NNP I/PRP the/DT only/JJ person/NN who/WP finds/VBZ this/DT intolerable/JJ ?/.
I/PRP 've/VBP stopped/VBN going/VBG to/TO restaurants/NNS that/WDT follow/VBP this/DT custom/NN if/IN I/PRP can/MD avoid/VB them/PRP ./.
(/( My/PRP$ wife/NN likes/VBZ the/DT food/NN at/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT places/NNS ,/, so/IN compromises/VBZ must/MD be/VB made/VBN ./.
)/) The/DT noise/NN makes/VBZ conversation/NN impossible/JJ ,/, and/CC I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB help/VB but/CC wonder/VBP if/IN that/DT 's/VBZ my/PRP$ meal/NN being/VBG ignored/VBN in/IN the/DT kitchen/NN during/IN the/DT song/NN ./.
Am/NNP I/PRP being/VBG petty/JJ ?/.
Should/MD n't/RB servers/NNS be/VB respectful/JJ of/IN all/DT customers/NNS ?/.
What/WP can/MD be/VB done/VBN ?/.
-/: -/: BH/NNP
Honey/NNP ,/, get/VBP a/DT grip/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP just/RB sang/VBD "/" Happy/NNP Birthday/NNP "/" to/TO herself/PRP :/: It/PRP takes/VBZ 11/CD seconds/NNS ./.
If/IN it/PRP is/VBZ your/PRP$ meal/NN being/VBG ignored/VBN for/IN roughly/RB one/CD fifth/NN of/IN a/DT minute/NN ,/, Prudie/NNP does/VBZ not/RB think/VB the/DT delay/NN will/MD harm/VB the/DT flavor/NN ./.
Let/VB Prudie/NNP hasten/VB to/TO add/VB that/IN she/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, finds/VBZ the/DT wait/NN staff/NN singing/VBG the/DT birthday/NN song/NN rather/RB hokey/NN and/CC believes/VBZ that/IN the/DT only/JJ people/NNS who/WP dislike/VBP it/PRP more/JJR than/IN you/PRP and/CC I/PRP are/VBP the/DT "/" honorees/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ always/RB embarrassing/JJ ,/, but/CC certainly/RB not/RB worth/JJ the/DT boycott/NN of/IN a/DT good/JJ restaurant/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP thinks/VBZ you/PRP need/VBP to/TO hook/VB up/RP your/PRP$ sense/NN of/IN humor/NN to/TO your/PRP$ tolerance/NN mechanism/NN and/CC find/VB something/NN really/RB objectionable/JJ to/TO dislike/VB ./.
such/JJ as/RB the/DT "/" suggested/VBD "/" tip/NN printed/VBN on/IN the/DT bill/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, proportionately/RB
A/DT Note/NN From/IN Prudie/NNP :/: What/WP kids/NNS call/VBP grown-ups/JJ is/VBZ still/RB riling/VBG some/DT readers/NNS ,/, so/RB here/RB is/VBZ a/DT knock/NN for/IN Prudie/NNP that/WDT was/VBD at/IN least/JJS civil/JJ ./.
Dear/RB Prudie/NNP ,/,
You/PRP stated/VBD ,/, "/" It/PRP sounds/VBZ to/TO Prudie/NNP as/IN though/IN you/PRP and/CC your/PRP$ spouse/NN are/VBP a/DT little/JJ more/RBR formal/JJ than/IN the/DT times/NNS ,/, "/" when/WRB that/IN he/PRP felt/VBD children/NNS should/MD address/VB adults/NNS in/IN a/DT more/RBR formal/JJ manner/NN than/IN using/VBG their/PRP$ first/JJ names/NNS ./.
You/PRP may/MD be/VB correct/JJ that/IN they/PRP may/MD be/VB out/IN of/IN touch/NN with/IN current/JJ (/( rude/JJ )/) customs/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ society/NN ./.
In/IN my/PRP$ day/NN ,/, children/NNS were/VBD taught/VBN respect/NN for/IN their/PRP$ elders/NNS ,/, and/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT methods/NNS used/VBN was/VBD form/NN of/IN address/NN ./.
Today/NN ,/, the/DT television/NN and/CC the/DT mall/NN do/VBP the/DT job/NN that/IN once/RB was/VBD the/DT purview/NN of/IN parents/NNS ./.
Back/RB then/RB we/PRP had/VBD no/DT guns/NNS in/IN high/JJ schools/NNS ,/, no/DT drive-by/JJ shootings/NNS ,/, no/DT graffiti/NN on/IN the/DT walls/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
I/PRP ,/, for/IN one/CD ,/, am/VBP glad/JJ that/IN I/PRP was/VBD raised/VBN by/IN parents/NNS who/WP had/VBD a/DT value/NN system/NN ./.
I/PRP still/RB get/VBP up/RP when/WRB a/DT woman/NN enters/VBZ the/DT room/NN ,/, open/VB a/DT door/NN for/IN her/PRP$ ,/, and/CC offer/VB my/PRP$ seat/NN on/IN a/DT bus/NN ./.
Somehow/RB I/PRP am/VBP happy/JJ to/TO be/VB too/RB formal/JJ for/IN "/" your/PRP$ "/" society/NN ./.
-/: -/: Norm/NNP
Dear/RB Norm/NNP ,/,
Prudie/NNP applauds/VBZ your/PRP$ standing/NN for/IN women/NNS and/CC holding/VBG doors/NNS ,/, but/CC must/MD point/VB out/IN that/IN calling/VBG adults/NNS by/IN a/DT first/JJ name/NN ,/, if/IN they/PRP wish/VBP it/PRP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT different/JJ issue/NN ./.
Please/VB be/VB assured/VBN that/IN knives/NNS in/IN the/DT schools/NNS are/VBP not/RB caused/VBN by/IN calling/VBG Mrs/NNP ./.
Allen/NNP "/" Jodie/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, realistically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
While/IN watching/VBG the/DT impeachment/NN trial/NN ,/, my/PRP$ husband/NN of/IN 15/CD years/NNS revealed/VBD to/TO me/PRP that/IN he/PRP had/VBD an/DT affair/NN with/IN a/DT friend/NN of/IN ours/PRP some/DT 12/CD years/NNS ago/RB ./.
It/PRP went/VBD on/IN for/IN the/DT eight/CD months/NNS that/IN we/PRP were/VBD in/IN a/DT commuting/VBG marriage/NN ,/, living/VBG in/IN different/JJ states/NNS ./.
Ten/CD years/NNS ago/RB she/PRP came/VBD out/IN on/IN a/DT vacation/NN to/TO visit/VB us/PRP for/IN two/CD weeks/NNS ,/, and/CC has/VBZ continued/VBN to/TO correspond/VB during/IN the/DT holidays/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ husband/NN says/VBZ he/PRP was/VBD ashamed/JJ of/IN his/PRP$ lie/NN and/CC that/IN they/PRP had/VBD promised/VBN never/RB to/TO tell/VB me/PRP ./.
Over/IN the/DT past/JJ years/NNS ,/, I/PRP have/VBP asked/VBN him/PRP if/IN there/EX was/VBD anyone/NN else/RB ,/, and/CC he/PRP always/RB lied/VBD ./.
He/PRP said/VBD the/DT reason/NN for/IN the/DT continued/VBN correspondence/NN was/VBD that/IN if/IN he/PRP stopped/VBD writing/VBG I/PRP might/MD get/VB suspicious/JJ ./.
So/RB ,/, I/PRP wrote/VBD her/PRP$ and/CC her/PRP$ husband/NN and/CC told/VBD her/PRP to/TO stop/VB writing--plus/JJ what/WP I/PRP thought/VBD of/IN her/PRP$ morals/NNS ./.
After/IN four/CD months/NNS ,/, I/PRP cannot/NN get/VBP this/DT out/IN of/IN my/PRP$ mind/NN ./.
I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP love/VBP him/PRP and/CC want/VBP the/DT marriage/NN to/TO go/VB on/RB ,/, but/CC other/JJ days/NNS I/PRP feel/VBP so/RB used/VBN that/IN I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB believe/VB I/PRP am/VBP still/RB with/IN him/PRP ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP spoken/VBN to/TO a/DT counselor/NN twice/RB and/CC that/DT helped/VBD for/IN a/DT day/NN or/CC so/RB ./.
My/PRP$ husband/NN is/VBZ 61/CD ,/, and/CC I/PRP am/VBP 46/CD ./.
What/WP should/MD I/PRP do/VB ?/.
Am/NNP I/PRP dumb/JJ to/TO try/VB to/TO make/VB this/DT work/NN ?/.
I/PRP also/RB suspect/VBP him/PRP of/IN other/JJ lies/NNS ,/, but/CC my/PRP$ views/NNS of/IN reality/NN are/VBP definitely/RB skewed/VBN ./.
-/: -/: ep/NN
Dear/RB e/SYM ./.
Where/WRB to/TO begin/VB ?/.
Prudie/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO tell/VB you/PRP so/RB many/JJ things/NNS ./.
First/LS is/VBZ that/IN you/PRP must/MD find/VB the/DT way/NN that/WDT is/VBZ right/NN for/IN you/PRP to/TO feel/VB good/JJ again/RB ./.
That/DT old/JJ canard/NN that/IN "/" confession/NN is/VBZ good/JJ for/IN the/DT soul/NN "/" usually/RB only/RB seems/VBZ to/TO work/VB for/IN the/DT person/NN confessing/VBG ./.
Lover/NNP Boy/NNP 's/POS disclosure/NN has/VBZ clearly/RB put/VBN your/PRP$ life/NN at/IN sixes/NNS and/CC sevens/NNS ./.
Of/IN course/NN your/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS behavior/NN was/VBD lower/JJR than/IN a/DT snake/NN 's/POS tail/NN in/IN a/DT wagon/NN rut/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ not/RB only/RB lied/VBD to/TO you/PRP but/CC also/RB to/TO the/DT woman/NN he/PRP cheated/VBD with/IN ./.
You/PRP ,/, however/RB ,/, evened/VBN the/DT score/NN somewhat/RB by/IN writing/VBG to/TO the/DT woman/NN and/CC her/PRP$ husband/NN ./.
God/NNP only/RB knows/VBZ what/WP 's/VBZ going/VBG on/IN in/IN their/PRP$ household/NN ./.
Therapy/NNP that/WDT improves/VBZ things/NNS for/IN only/RB "/" a/DT day/NN or/CC so/RB "/" is/VBZ not/RB Prudie/NNP 's/POS idea/NN of/IN effective/JJ help/NN ./.
You/PRP might/MD want/VB to/TO try/VB someone/NN else/RB ./.
Since/IN you/PRP suspect/VBP other/JJ lies/NNS ,/, you/PRP might/MD want/VB to/TO have/VB a/DT trial/NN separation/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT plus/CC side/NN ,/, you/PRP say/VBP you/PRP love/VBP this/DT man/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT affair/NN you/PRP know/VBP about/IN ended/VBD more/JJR than/IN a/DT decade/NN ago/RB ./.
On/IN the/DT minus/CC side/NN ,/, feeling/NN you/PRP 're/VBP never/RB getting/VBG a/DT straight/JJ story/NN is/VBZ a/DT major/JJ impediment/NN to/TO the/DT comfort/NN one/CD feels/VBZ when/WRB there/EX is/VBZ trust/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP hopes/VBZ you/PRP find/VBP your/PRP$ way/NN to/TO peace/NN and/CC resolution/NN ,/, and/CC your/PRP$ guide/NN will/MD most/RBS likely/JJ be/VB a/DT competent/JJ therapist/NN ,/, perhaps/RB of/IN the/DT marriage/NN counselor/NN variety/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, empathetically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
You/PRP recently/RB ran/VBD a/DT letter/NN from/IN about/IN unwanted/JJ sympathy/NN for/IN what/WP was/VBD a/DT great/JJ example/NN of/IN how/WRB to/TO live/VB a/DT life/NN ./.
I/PRP also/RB have/VBP some/DT areas/NNS where/WRB I/PRP get/VBP very/RB uncomfortable/JJ with/IN sympathy/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP the/DT father/NN of/IN three/CD sons/NNS ./.
Two/CD of/IN them/PRP died/VBD while/IN they/PRP were/VBD teen-agers/NNS ,/, one/CD from/IN an/DT auto/NN accident/NN and/CC the/DT other/JJ from/IN cancer/NN ./.
Yes/UH ,/, I/PRP loved/VBD them/PRP deeply/RB and/CC still/RB have/VBP a/DT hole/NN in/IN my/PRP$ heart/NN for/IN them/PRP ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ when/WRB ,/, in/IN conversation/NN ,/, someone/NN asks/VBZ general/JJ questions/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/RB ,/, "/" How/WRB many/JJ children/NNS do/VBP you/PRP have/VBP ?/.
"/" People/NNS are/VBP devastated/VBN if/IN I/PRP tell/VBP them/PRP three/CD ,/, but/CC I/PRP lost/VBD two/CD ./.
If/IN I/PRP say/VBP one/CD ,/, I/PRP am/VBP bypassing/VBG an/DT important/JJ part/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN ./.
If/IN I/PRP just/RB say/VBP three/CD ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB giving/VBG a/DT very/RB truthful/JJ answer/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP adjusted/VBN well/RB to/TO these/DT tragedies/NNS ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN hard/JJ ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO put/VB people/NNS in/IN an/DT uncomfortable/JJ position/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ also/RB a/DT part/NN of/IN me/PRP that/WDT hurts/VBZ ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB want/VB to/TO expose/VB that/IN to/TO a/DT stranger/NN ./.
-/: -/: Albany/NNP Father/NNP
Dear/RB Alb/NNP ,/,
Prudie/NNP bows/NNS low/JJ to/TO a/DT man/NN such/JJ as/IN yourself/PRP who/WP ,/, having/VBG lived/VBN through/IN what/WP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO be/VB life/NN 's/POS cruelest/NN event/NN ,/, is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO do/VB the/DT honest/JJ ,/, philosophically/RB correct/JJ ,/, and/CC thoughtful/JJ thing/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP suggests/VBZ that/IN you/PRP tailor/NN your/PRP$ answer/NN to/TO the/DT situation/NN ./.
If/IN it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT passing/VBG social/JJ encounter/NN ,/, with/IN what/WP you/PRP would/MD call/VB "/" a/DT stranger/NN ,/, "/" say/VBP one/CD child/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP encounter/VB someone/NN with/IN whom/WP you/PRP feel/VBP rapport/NN ,/, you/PRP might/MD say/VB three/CD ,/, with/IN a/DT brief/JJ explanation/NN ,/, and/CC allow/VB that/DT person/NN to/TO express/VB sympathy/NN ./.
Let/VB your/PRP$ instinct/NN guide/NN you/PRP ./.
Prudie/NNP wishes/VBZ to/TO suggest/VB that/IN you/PRP are/VBP not/RB playing/VBG your/PRP$ history/NN false/JJ by/IN not/RB informing/VBG people/NNS of/IN the/DT two/CD children/NNS you/PRP lost/VBD ./.
Let/VB the/DT decision/NN about/IN what/WP to/TO say/VB ,/, and/CC to/TO whom/WP ,/, come/VB from/IN your/PRP$ heart/NN ,/, the/DT place/NN where/WRB two/CD of/IN your/PRP$ sons/NNS now/RB live/VBP ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, respectfully/RB
Drawing/VBG upon/IN her/PRP$ rich/JJ experience/NN of/IN life/NN ,/, Prudence/NNP (/( Prudie/NNP to/TO her/PRP$ friends/NNS )/) responds/VBZ to/TO questions/NNS about/IN manners/NNS ,/, personal/JJ relations/NNS ,/, politics/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ subjects/NNS ./.
Please/VB send/VB your/PRP$ questions/NNS for/IN publication/NN to/TO prudence/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Queries/NNP should/MD not/RB exceed/VB 200/CD words/NNS in/IN length/NN ./.
Please/VB indicate/VBP how/WRB you/PRP wish/VBP your/PRP$ letter/NN to/TO be/VB signed/VBN ,/, preferably/RB including/VBG your/PRP$ location/NN ./.
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
Tipping/NNP waiters/NNS is/VBZ easy/JJ enough--/JJ 15/CD percent/NN for/IN adequate/JJ service/NN ,/, 20/CD percent/NN if/IN they/PRP give/VBP me/PRP the/DT post-dinner/JJ coffee/NN free/JJ ./.
But/CC what/WP of/IN those/DT other/JJ services/NNS that/WDT require/VBP tipping/VBG ?/.
A/DT day/NN in/IN the/DT life/NN presents/VBZ this/DT newly/RB minted/VBN Manhattanite/NNP with/IN any/DT number/NN of/IN palms/NNS to/TO grease--hands/JJ extending/VBG from/IN disparately/RB different/JJ uniforms/NNS and/CC expecting/VBG some/DT coinage/NN commensurate/JJ with/IN the/DT services/NNS their/PRP$ owners/NNS provide/VBP ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP cabbies/NNS ,/, coffee/NN shop/NN waiters/NNS ,/, and/CC even/RB official/NN looking/VBG guys/NNS in/IN old-timey/JJ police/NN hats/NNS turning/VBG the/DT revolving/JJ doors/NNS for/IN me/PRP ./.
Recently/RB my/PRP$ girlfriend/NN began/VBD forcing/VBG me/PRP to/TO forego/NN my/PRP$ usual/JJ visit/NN to/TO the/DT $/$ 12/CD -/: a-cut/JJ barber/NN in/IN favor/NN of/IN her/PRP$ "/" hair/NN artiste/NN "/" friend/NN ,/, Raoul/NNP ,/, who/WP wants/VBZ not/RB only/RB the/DT customary/JJ $/$ 50/CD for/IN the/DT half/JJ inch/NN he/PRP shears/NNS with/IN such/JJ aesthetic/JJ sensibility/NN from/IN my/PRP$ scalp/NN but/CC also/RB a/DT tip/NN ./.
And/CC bartenders/NNS have/VBP their/PRP$ own/JJ ideas/NNS about/IN what/WP it/PRP 's/VBZ worth/JJ to/TO me/PRP to/TO have/VB them/PRP put/VBP a/DT lime/NN sliver/NN and/CC a/DT tiny/JJ straw/NN in/IN my/PRP$ martini/NN ./.
The/DT question/NN ,/, Prudie/NNP ,/, as/IN you/PRP may/MD have/VB guessed/VBD ,/, is/VBZ :/: How/WRB much/JJ dough/NN should/MD I/PRP be/VB shelling/VBG out/RP ?/.
If/IN I/PRP make/VBP the/DT bartender/NN mad/JJ ,/, the/DT vodka/NN tonics/NNS start/VBP tasting/NN less/RBR like/IN vodka/NN and/CC more/RBR like/IN tonic/NN ./.
And/CC if/IN Raoul/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB get/VB his/PRP$ just/RB deserts/NNS ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP stuck/VBN with/IN a/DT $/$ 50/CD bowl-cut/JJ ./.
Lately/RB I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN purposely/RB overtipping/VBG ,/, just/RB to/TO be/VB safe/JJ ./.
At/IN least/JJS ,/, I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP 'm/VBP overtipping/VBG ./.
Is/VBZ five/CD bucks/NNS extra/JJ enough/RB for/IN an/DT eight/CD block/NN cab/NN ride/NN ?/.
The/DT American/JJ economy/NN ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP reminded/VBN frequently/RB these/DT days/NNS ,/, is/VBZ becoming/VBG increasingly/RB service-oriented/JJ ./.
And/CC we/PRP know/VBP what/WP that/DT means/NNS ./.
More/JJR tips/NNS ./.
Please/VB help/VB ./.
-/: -/: Tip/NNP o/NN '/" the/DT Hat/NNP ,/, the/DT sober/JJ guy/NN at/IN the/DT bar/NN with/IN the/DT bad/JJ hair/NN
Dear/RB Tip/NNP ,/,
Your/PRP$ letter/NN was/VBD so/RB charming/JJ that/IN Prudie/NNP almost/RB forgot/VBD it/PRP was/VBD about/IN a/DT problem/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD also/RB a/DT reminder/NN that/IN whereas/IN the/DT Hands/NNP Out/IN Brigade/NNP used/VBD to/TO be/VB an/DT issue/NN mostly/RB when/WRB traveling/VBG ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ now/RB a/DT fixture/NN of/IN everyday/JJ life/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP ,/, for/IN starters/NNS ,/, thinks/VBZ a/DT $/$ 5/CD tip/NN too/RB extravagant/JJ for/IN an/DT eight/CD block/NN ride--unless/JJ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT driver/NN provided/VBD wonderful/JJ therapeutic/JJ advice/NN ./.
Most/JJS people/NNS Prudie/NNP has/VBZ observed/VBN tipping/VBG taxi/NN drivers/NNS tack/NN on/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN bucks/NNS ,/, no/DT matter/NN what/WP the/DT meter/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN people/NNS you/PRP deal/VBP with/IN regularly/RB (/( like/IN doormen/NNS ,/, since/IN you/PRP 're/VBP a/DT Manhattanite/NNP )/) ,/, grease/NN their/PRP$ palms/NNS once/RB every/DT several/JJ encounters/NNS ,/, or/CC else/RB you/PRP 'll/MD go/VB crazy/JJ and/CC broke/VBD ./.
With/IN people/NNS like/IN the/DT artiste/NN Raoul/NNP ,/, remain/VB generous--as/JJ with/IN the/DT bartender--because/JJ some/DT consequences/NNS of/IN withholding/NN tips/NNS are/VBP more/RBR noticeable/JJ than/IN others/NNS ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, pick/VB your/PRP$ spots/NNS ,/, while/IN at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN remembering/VBG that/IN many/JJ service/NN people/NNS rely/VBP on/IN tips/NNS to/TO get/VB by/IN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, balancingly/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
In/IN your/PRP$ advice/NN column/NN you/PRP recently/RB offered/VBD this/DT particular/JJ bit/NN of/IN "/" advice/NN "/" :/: "/" Prudie/NNP finds/VBZ the/DT appellation/NN '/" Ms/NNP ./.
'/POS ridiculous/JJ and/CC crosses/VBZ it/PRP out/IN whenever/WRB possible/JJ ,/, believing/VBG that/IN single/JJ women/NNS are/VBP '/POS Miss/NNP '/POS and/CC married/VBN ones/NNS are/VBP '/POS Mrs/NNP ./.
'/POS (/( The/DT nice/JJ thing/NN about/IN divorce/NN is/VBZ that/IN then/RB you/PRP get/VBP to/TO choose/VB between/IN the/DT two/CD forms/NNS of/IN address/NN ./.
)/) "/"
What/WP sort/NN of/IN ancient/JJ sexist/JJ claptrap/NN is/VBZ this/DT ?/.
I/PRP ,/, my/PRP$ mother/NN ,/, my/PRP$ grandmothers/NNS ,/, and/CC my/PRP$ great-grandmothers/JJ have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN fighting/VBG for/IN equality/NN for/IN the/DT past/JJ 150/CD years/NNS just/RB to/TO have/VB this/DT dubious/JJ woman/NN sweep/NN our/PRP$ work/NN under/IN the/DT rug/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP support/VB a/DT woman/NN who/WP likes/VBZ to/TO take/VB her/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS name/NN and/CC who/WP likes/VBZ hearing/VBG a/DT solid/JJ "/" Mrs/NNP ./.
"/" in/IN front/NN of/IN her/PRP$ name/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN return/NN I/PRP expect/VBP her/PRP$ support/NN in/IN keeping/VBG the/DT stoic/JJ ,/, inscrutable/JJ "/" Ms/NNP ./.
"/" in/IN front/NN of/IN mine/NN ./.
-/: -/: Aries/NNP Keck/NNP ,/, charter/NN subscriber/NN
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
to/TO the/DT editors/NNS :/: Do/VBP yourselves/PRP a/DT favor--lose/JJ Prudence/NNP ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ both/DT insulting/JJ and/CC inane/NN ./.
Dear/RB Ms/NNP ./.
Aries/NNP Keck/NNP ,/, charter/NN subscriber/NN ,/,
Prudie/NNP is/VBZ pained/JJ by/IN your/PRP$ opinion/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN by/IN your/PRP$ wish/VBP to/TO have/VB her/PRP$ sacked/VBD ./.
As/IN for/IN a/DT "/" dubious/JJ "/" woman/NN ,/, that/WDT may/MD not/RB be/VB the/DT word/NN you/PRP intended/VBD ./.
Prudie/NNP does/VBZ think/VB ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN "/" insulting/JJ "/" and/CC "/" inane/NN "/" were/VBD what/WP you/PRP meant/VBD to/TO say/VB ./.
Please/VB know/VB that/IN I/PRP meant/VBD no/DT assault/NN on/IN you/PRP ,/, your/PRP$ mother/NN ,/, your/PRP$ grandmothers/NNS ,/, and/CC your/PRP$ great-grandmothers/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, pacifically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
I/PRP am/VBP a/DT member/NN of/IN the/DT Knights/NNP of/IN the/DT White/NNP Kamellia/NNP of/IN the/DT Ku/NNP Klux/NNP Klan/NNP ./.
I/PRP am/VBP planning/VBG a/DT wedding/NN for/IN my/PRP$ sister/NN ,/, Laura/NNP ,/, in/IN Chicago/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO invite/VB some/DT of/IN my/PRP$ fellow/NN members/NNS to/TO the/DT wedding/NN ./.
What/WP should/MD we/PRP wear/VB ?/.
-/: -/: Cynthia/NNP Comeau/NNP in/IN Toledo/NNP
Dear/RB Cyn/NNP ,/,
Well/RB ,/, certainly/RB not/RB sheets/NNS ./.
Had/VBD your/PRP$ name/NN and/CC entire/JJ address/NN not/RB been/VBN included/VBN ,/, Prudie/NNP would/MD certainly/RB have/VB thought/VBN your/PRP$ letter/NN a/DT prank/NN ./.
Since/IN no/DT rational/JJ person/NN would/MD wish/VB to/TO have/VB her/PRP$ name/NN attached/VBN to/TO admitted/VBN membership/NN in/IN such/JJ a/DT shameful/JJ group/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, I/PRP will/MD answer/VB the/DT question/NN you/PRP pose/VBP in/IN the/DT spirit/NN in/IN which/WDT it/PRP is/VBZ asked/VBN ./.
People/NNS should/MD wear/VB whatever/WDT attire/NN is/VBZ appropriate/JJ for/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT wedding/NN ./.
Whether/IN or/CC not/RB it/PRP is/VBZ black/JJ tie/NN is/VBZ indicated/VBN on/IN the/DT invitation/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, disapprovingly/RB
Prudie/NNP ./.
well/RB ,/, floundered/VBN ./.
Fortunately/RB ,/, her/PRP$ readers/NNS leapt/VBD in/IN to/TO educate/VB her/PRP ./.
The/DT error/NN that/IN elicited/JJ more/JJR letters/NNS than/IN Prudie/NNP cares/VBZ to/TO reveal--though/JJ all/DT were/VBD polite--had/JJ to/TO do/VB with/IN a/DT quotation/NN from/IN Thoreau/NNP ./.
Prudie/NNP will/MD let/VB "/" Fussbudget/NNP From/IN Parma/NNP Heights/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT k/NN a/DT Neil/NNP Swartz/NNP ,/, speak/VB for/IN all/DT who/WP wrote/VBD to/TO set/VB Prudie/NNP straight/JJ ./.
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
In/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS Sept/NNP ./.
11/CD edition/NN ,/, in/IN your/PRP$ answer/NN to/TO "/" Hope/NNP ,/, "/" you/PRP discuss/VBP the/DT meaning/NN of/IN the/DT relationship/NN between/IN "/" trout/NNS in/IN the/DT milk/NN "/" and/CC circumstantial/JJ evidence/NN ./.
You/PRP explain/VBP the/DT relationship/NN by/IN saying/VBG that/IN if/IN you/PRP find/VBP a/DT trout/NNS in/IN your/PRP$ milk/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ evidence/NN that/IN it/PRP was/VBD put/VBN there/RB deliberately/RB ./.
Either/CC I/PRP am/VBP dense/JJ and/CC missing/VBG some/DT subtlety/NN ,/, or/CC you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB understand/VB the/DT origin/NN of/IN the/DT quip/NN ./.
Some/DT unscrupulous/JJ farmers/NNS (/( or/CC merchants/NNS )/) back/RB then/RB made/VBD a/DT practice/NN of/IN diluting/VBG the/DT milk/NN they/PRP sold/VBD with/IN water/NN ,/, thus/RB being/VBG able/JJ to/TO sell/VB water/NN at/IN the/DT price/NN of/IN milk/NN ./.
"/" Finding/VBG a/DT trout/NNS in/IN the/DT milk/NN ,/, "/" thus/RB ,/, refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT inference/NN that/IN this/DT is/VBZ good/JJ circumstantial/JJ evidence/NN that/DT water/NN was/VBD added/VBN to/TO the/DT milk/NN ,/, since/IN the/DT water/NN presumably/RB came/VBD from/IN a/DT stream/NN ,/, not/RB that/DT someone/NN deliberately/RB put/VB a/DT fish/NN in/IN the/DT milk/NN ./.
-/: -/: Fussbudget/NNP From/IN Parma/NNP Heights/NNP
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN 's/POS stern/JJ words/NNS to/TO Iraq/NNP ./.
Both/DT the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP go/VB with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS last-ditch/JJ attempt/NN to/TO generate/VB support/NN for/IN the/DT fast-track/JJ trade/NN authority/NN bill/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS '/POS attempt/NN to/TO salvage/VB the/DT nomination/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Lann/NNP Lee/NNP for/IN Justice/NNP 's/POS top/JJ civil/JJ rights/NNS enforcement/NN job/NN ./.
USAT/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT administration/NN warned/VBD Iraq/NNP on/IN Thursday/NNP that/IN it/PRP could/MD face/VB military/JJ action/NN or/CC economic/JJ sanctions/NNS if/IN it/PRP continues/VBZ to/TO keep/VB U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
inspection/NN teams/NNS out/IN of/IN its/PRP$ facilities/NNS ./.
Secretary/NNP of/IN Defense/NNP William/NNP Cohen/NNP is/VBZ quoted/VBN as/RB saying/VBG "/" sufficient/JJ warnings/NNS have/VBP been/VBN given/VBN ./.
"/" And/CC the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS that/IN an/DT American/JJ aircraft/NN carrier/NN canceled/VBD a/DT port/NN call/NN so/RB as/IN to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO stay/VB within/IN striking/JJ range/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP describes/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS Thursday/NNP night/NN television/NN appeal/NN for/IN support/NN of/IN the/DT trade/NN bill/NN as/IN "/" extraordinary/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN reports/NNS that/IN the/DT vote/NN count/NN was/VBD looking/VBG so/RB unfavorable/JJ that/IN the/DT president/NN cut/NN short/JJ his/PRP$ trip/NN to/TO the/DT opening/NN of/IN the/DT Bush/NNP presidential/JJ library/NN in/IN Texas--where/NNP he/PRP got/VBD a/DT ringing/VBG endorsement/NN for/IN the/DT bill/NN from/IN George/NNP Bush--so/NNP he/PRP could/MD return/VB to/TO work/VB the/DT phones/NNS to/TO lobby/VB members/NNS of/IN Congress/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT bill/NN is/VBZ hanging/VBG "/" by/IN a/DT thread/NN "/" on/IN the/DT eve/NN of/IN the/DT House/NNP vote/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT WP/NNP ,/, the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN is/VBZ also/RB staring/VBG at/IN defeat/NN with/IN the/DT Lee/NNP nomination/NN ./.
Lee/NNP has/VBZ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, faced/VBD no/DT serious/JJ questions/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ credentials/NNS ,/, but/CC in/IN the/DT past/JJ week/NN has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT lightening/VBG rod/NN for/IN congressional/JJ Republicans/NNPS and/CC conservative/JJ activists/NNS ,/, who/WP have/VBP taken/VBN to/TO portraying/VBG him/PRP as/IN an/DT unabashed/JJ advocate/NN for/IN race/NN preferences/NNS
The/DT WP/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT front-page/JJ zinger/NN detailing/VBG all/PDT the/DT free/JJ travel/NN congress/NN members/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ spouses/NNS have/VBP been/VBN copping/VBG lately/RB ./.
These/DT pieces/NNS have/VBP long/RB been/VBN a/DT newspaper/NN staple/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT news/NN is/VBZ that/IN ,/, in/IN the/DT Post/NNP 's/POS words/NNS ,/, "/" In/IN an/DT era/NN when/WRB congressional/JJ gift/NN rules/NNS have/VBP all/DT but/CC eliminated/VBN the/DT free/JJ lunch/NN ,/, the/DT free/JJ round/NN of/IN golf/NN and/CC the/DT free/JJ night/NN on/IN the/DT town/NN ,/, congressional/JJ travel/NN is/VBZ the/DT last/JJ great/JJ perk/JJ ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ there/EX 's/VBZ blowback/NN from/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS NYT/NNP story/NN stating/VBG that/IN most/JJS direct-mail/JJ retailers/NNS were/VBD about/IN to/TO collect/VB sales/NNS tax/NN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/WDT resistance/NN to/TO the/DT idea/NN on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN some/DT vendors/NNS is/VBZ so/RB strong/JJ that/IN any/DT such/JJ agreement/NN will/MD be/VB put/VBN off/RP at/IN least/JJS until/IN December/NNP ,/, not/RB announced/VBD today/NN as/IN the/DT Times/NNP had/VBD reported/VBN ./.
Today/NN 's/POS NYT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT deal/NN fell/VBD apart/RB because/IN of/IN widespread/JJ customer/NN complaints/NNS prompted/VBN by/IN its/PRP$ story/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN L/NNP ./.
L/NNP ./.
Bean/NNP is/VBZ among/IN the/DT defectors/NNS ./.
That/DT Bush/NNP library/NN opening/NN was/VBD the/DT occasion/NN for/IN four/CD presidents/NNS ,/, six/CD first/JJ ladies/NNS ,/, and/CC Wayne/NNP Newton/NNP to/TO get/VB together/RB ./.
The/DT photo/NN op/NN gave/VBD the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, the/DT WP/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP good/JJ shots/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ fronts/NNS ./.
The/DT weirdest/NN of/IN these/DT being/VBG the/DT NYT/NNP picture/NN ,/, which/WDT takes/VBZ the/DT warm/JJ fraternal/NN fuzzies/NNS now/RB felt/VBN by/IN Clinton/NNP and/CC Bush/NNP to/TO a/DT new/JJ level/NN of/IN intimacy/NN by/IN depicting/VBG them/PRP as/IN power-suited/JJ Siamese/NNP twins/NNS ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP piece/NN on/IN the/DT day/NN keeps/VBZ it/PRP light/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT WP/NNP story/NN keeps/VBZ hitting/VBG current/JJ geopolitics/NNS ,/, mentioning/VBG that/IN as/IN the/DT ceremonies/NNS were/VBD unfolding/VBG ,/, "/" Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP was/VBD again/RB thumbing/VBG his/PRP$ nose/NN at/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, "/" and/CC quoting/VBG Clinton/NNP 's/POS reference/NN from/IN the/DT podium/NN to/TO "/" the/DT vigilance/NN President/NNP Bush/NNP displayed/VBD in/IN dealing/VBG with/IN Iraq/NNP ,/, [/( which/WDT ]/) as/IN we/PRP all/DT know/VBP ,/, is/VBZ required/VBN again/RB today/NN ./.
"/" The/DT piece/NN also/RB mentions/VBZ that/IN Bush/NNP has/VBZ endorsed/VBN Clinton/NNP 's/POS stance/NN on/IN the/DT current/JJ Iraq/NNP imbroglio/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP mentions/VBZ a/DT letter/NN of/IN Lincolnesque/NNP proportions/NNS displayed/VBN at/IN the/DT library/NN that/IN Bush/NNP wrote/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ children/NNS during/IN the/DT run-up/NN to/TO Desert/NNP Storm/NN ./.
"/" When/WRB the/DT question/NN is/VBZ asked/VBN ,/, `/`` How/WRB many/JJ lives/NNS are/VBP you/PRP willing/JJ to/TO sacrifice/VB '/POS -/: -/: it/PRP tears/NNS my/PRP$ heart/NN ,/, "/" Bush/NNP wrote/VBD ./.
"/" The/DT answer/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, is/VBZ none--none/JJ at/IN all/DT ./.
"/" He/PRP added/VBD ,/, "/" Every/DT human/JJ life/NN is/VBZ precious/JJ ,/, the/DT little/RB Iraqi/JJ kids/NNS '/POS too/RB ./.
"/" If/IN Bush/NNP had/VBD been/VBN able/JJ to/TO put/VB himself/PRP across/IN like/IN that/DT in/IN public/JJ ,/, Clinton/NNP might/MD never/RB have/VB become/VBN president/NN ./.
Very/RB few/JJ journalists/NNS these/DT days/NNS have/VBP been/VBN in/IN the/DT military/NN ,/, so/IN they/PRP have/VBP a/DT consistent/JJ tendency/NN to/TO boot/NN matters/NNS martial/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP story/NN on/IN the/DT library/NN opening/NN provides/VBZ an/DT example/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT exhibit/NN of/IN "/" a/DT World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP Avenger/NNP fighter/NN plane/NN "/" like/IN the/DT one/CD Bush/NNP was/VBD shot/VBN down/RB in/IN ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT fighter/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT torpedo/VB bomber/NN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN our/PRP$ ambassador/NN to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
giving/VBG a/DT speech/NN there/EX Monday/NNP saying/VBG that/IN if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB reduce/VB America/NNP 's/POS dues/NNS ,/, there/EX will/MD be/VB serious/JJ damage/NN done/VBN to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
relationship/NN with/IN the/DT world/NN body/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP each/DT lead/NN with/IN the/DT announcement/NN by/IN Janet/NNP Reno/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ top/JJ anti-trust/JJ aide/NN that/IN the/DT Department/NNP of/IN Justice/NNP filed/VBD a/DT federal/JJ lawsuit/NN against/IN Microsoft/NNP alleging/VBG that/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS current/JJ marketing/NN practices/NNS are/VBP in/IN violation/NN of/IN a/DT 1995/CD consent/NN decree/NN it/PRP signed/VBN with/IN the/DT government/NN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP flags/NNS the/DT suit/NN in/IN its/PRP$ business/NN and/CC finance/NN news/NN box/NN ,/, and/CC USAT/NNP dedicates/NNS its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN "/" cover/VB story/NN "/" to/TO it/PRP ./.
When/WRB a/DT story/NN dominates/VBZ a/DT day/NN like/IN this/DT one/CD does/VBZ ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT differences/NNS that/WDT stand/VBP out/RP ./.
Everybody/NN makes/VBZ it/PRP clear/JJ that/IN the/DT central/JJ bone/NN of/IN contention/NN is/VBZ Microsoft/NNP 's/POS practice/NN of/IN requiring/VBG PC/NN makers/NNS to/TO include/VB its/PRP$ Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP browsing/VBG software/NN on/IN each/DT computer/NN sold/VBN with/IN MS/NNP 's/POS Windows/NNP operating/VBG system/NN ./.
But/CC some/DT accounts/NNS of/IN what/WP could/MD be/VB legally/RB suspect/VB about/IN that/DT are/VBP more/RBR successful/JJ than/IN others/NNS ./.
The/DT most/JJS concise/NN is/VBZ in/IN USAT/NNP ,/, which/WDT says/VBZ that/IN a/DT section/NN of/IN the/DT 1995/CD consent/NN decree/NN "/" bans/NNS Microsoft/NNP from/IN signing/VBG licensing/NN agreements/NNS that/WDT force/NN PC/NN makers/NNS to/TO also/RB license/VB other/JJ Microsoft/NNP products/NNS ./.
In/IN parentheses/NNS ,/, the/DT section/NN adds/VBZ :/: '/POS provided/VBN ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN this/DT provision/NN in/IN and/CC of/IN itself/PRP shall/MD not/RB be/VB construed/VBN to/TO prohibit/VB Microsoft/NNP from/IN developing/VBG integrated/VBN products/NNS ./.
'/POS "/" The/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP argues/VBZ that/DT Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP constitutes/VBZ a/DT separate/JJ product/NN ./.
Microsoft/NNP 's/POS position/NN ,/, says/VBZ USAT/NNP ,/, is/VBZ that/IN the/DT browser/NN is/VBZ simply/RB an/DT "/" extension/NN "/" of/IN Windows/NNP ./.
And/CC the/DT WP/NNP has/VBZ the/DT detail/NN that/IN the/DT DOJ/NNP says/VBZ at/IN least/JJS three/CD unnamed/JJ computer/NN manufacturers/NNS were/VBD turned/VBN down/RB when/WRB they/PRP asked/VBD Microsoft/NNP for/IN permission/NN either/DT to/TO remove/VB the/DT Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP browser/NN entirely/RB or/CC just/RB the/DT desktop/NN icon/NN for/IN it/PRP ./.
Justice/NNP says/VBZ ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Post/NNP ,/, that/IN in/IN 1996/CD ,/, Microsoft/NNP threatened/VBD to/TO withhold/VB Windows/NNP 95/CD from/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS largest/JJS computer/NN makers/NNS if/IN it/PRP did/VBD n't/RB include/VB Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP ./.
The/DT DOJ/NNP is/VBZ asking/VBG for/IN the/DT imposition/NN of/IN a/DT daily/JJ $/$ 1/CD million/CD fine/NN until/IN Microsoft/NNP complies/NNS ,/, and/CC also/RB asked/VBD the/DT court/NN to/TO force/VB the/DT company/NN to/TO revise/VB the/DT non-disclosure/JJ provisions/NNS of/IN the/DT contracts/NNS it/PRP has/VBZ product/NN licensees/NNS sign/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS that/IN such/JJ provisions/NNS have/VBP a/DT chilling/JJ effect/NN on/IN those/DT wishing/VBG to/TO complain/VB ./.
Question/NNP :/: Is/VBZ it/PRP sloppy/JJ writing/NN or/CC just/RB paranoia/NN that/WDT leads/VBZ the/DT WSJ/NNP to/TO state/VB that/IN "/" for/IN years/NNS ,/, "/" Microsoft/NNP has/VBZ required/VBN personal/JJ computer/NN makers/NNS that/WDT license/NN Windows/NNP 95/CD to/TO also/RB install/VB Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP ?/.
A/DT front-page/JJ LAT/NNP piece/NN details/NNS a/DT little/RB noticed/JJ post-/NN Cold/NNP War/NNP military/JJ development/NN :/: a/DT submarine/NN arms/NNS race/NN among/IN Third/NNP World/NNP countries/NNS ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT least/JJS stable/JJ ,/, most/RBS hostile/JJ countries/NNS on/IN the/DT planet--such/JJ as/IN China/NNP ,/, Iran/NNP ,/, and/CC North/NNP Korea--are/NNP ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, "/" buying/VBG ,/, building/NN and/CC arming/NN submarines/NNS seemingly/RB as/RB fast/RB as/IN their/PRP$ treasuries/NNS will/MD allow/VB ./.
"/" Most/JJS of/IN the/DT subs/NNS come/VBP from/IN former/JJ Soviet/JJ shipyards/NNS ./.
The/DT headline/NN writers/NNS at/IN the/DT WP/NNP distinguish/VB themselves/PRP with/IN their/PRP$ effort/NN over/IN a/DT story/NN about/IN a/DT woman/NN suing/VBG a/DT man/NN she/PRP says/VBZ promised/VBN marriage/NN to/TO her/PRP$ only/RB as/IN a/DT way/NN to/TO cultivate/NN her/PRP$ brother/NN as/IN an/DT organ/NN donor/NN for/IN him/PRP :/: "/" Woman/NNP Alleges/NNP Fiance/NNP Stole/NNP Her/PRP$ Heart/NNP ,/, Brother/NNP 's/POS Kidney/NNP ./.
The/DT political/JJ crisis/NN in/IN Israel/NNP ,/, caused/VBN by/IN Foreign/NNP Minister/NNP David/NNP Levy/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO stop/VB crying/VBG wolf/NN and/CC finally/RB resign/VB from/IN the/DT government/NN ,/, unleashed/VBD fresh/JJ press/NN attacks/NNS on/IN Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP Monday/NNP ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN titled/VBN "/" No/DT Choice/NN But/CC New/NNP Elections/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT respected/VBN daily/JJ Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN said/VBD Levy/NNP was/VBD right/NN to/TO have/VB resigned/VBN over/IN the/DT budget/NN 's/POS stinginess/NNS on/IN welfare/NN ,/, because/IN "/" much/JJ funding/NN has/VBZ been/VBN diverted/VBN to/TO settlements/NNS in/IN the/DT territories/NNS ,/, to/TO the/DT ultra-/NN Orthodox/NNP sector/NN and/CC to/TO various/JJ political/JJ pressure/NN groups/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ likely/JJ that/IN the/DT majority/NN in/IN the/DT cabinet/NN will/MD seek/VB to/TO exploit/VB Levy/NNP 's/POS resignation/NN to/TO delay/VB the/DT implementation/NN of/IN the/DT next/JJ withdrawal/NN in/IN the/DT West/NNP Bank/NNP ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB even/RB to/TO cancel/VB the/DT prime/JJ minister/NN 's/POS forthcoming/JJ visit/NN to/TO Washington/NNP on/IN Jan/NNP ./.
20/CD ,/, "/" Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" With/IN Levy/NNP 's/POS resignation/NN the/DT government/NN has/VBZ reached/VBN a/DT political/JJ impasse/NN and/CC a/DT nadir/NN in/IN its/PRP$ performance/NN ./.
Gesher/NNP 's/POS [/( Levy/NNP 's/POS political/JJ party/NN 's/POS ]/) pulling/VBG out/IN of/IN the/DT coalition/NN removes/VBZ a/DT cornerstone/NN from/IN the/DT Netanyahu/NNP government/NN ./.
A/DT general/JJ election/NN is/VBZ a/DT must/MD ./.
The/DT Jerusalem/NNP Post/NNP said/VBD ,/, in/IN an/DT aquatic/JJ metaphor/NN ,/, that/IN Netanyahu/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO "/" have/VBP a/DT penchant/NN for/IN steering/VBG for/IN the/DT worst/JJS part/NN of/IN each/DT rapid/JJ ,/, and/CC that/IN escaping/VBG each/DT does/VBZ not/RB mean/VB that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ survived/VBN unscathed/JJ ./.
The/DT damage/NN is/VBZ cumulative/JJ ,/, and/CC eventually/RB the/DT boat/NN takes/VBZ on/IN so/RB much/JJ water/NN it/PRP is/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO steer/VB ./.
"/" The/DT only/JJ way/NN to/TO stabilize/VB the/DT government/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN concluded/VBD ,/, is/VBZ "/" by/IN marking/VBG out/RP a/DT clear/JJ stance/NN on/IN the/DT peace/NN process/NN that/IN either/DT works/VBZ or/CC results/VBZ in/IN new/JJ elections/NNS ./.
Move/VB forward/RB ,/, or/CC go/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT people/NNS ;/: wobbling/VBG in/IN place/NN is/VBZ not/RB an/DT option/NN ./.
The/DT massacre/NN of/IN more/JJR than/IN 400/CD civilians/NNS in/IN Algeria/NNP by/IN Islamic/NNP extremists/NNS was/VBD described/VBN in/IN Le/NNP Monde/NNP of/IN Paris/NNP as/IN the/DT worst/JJS such/JJ carnage/NN ever/RB carried/VBD out/IN during/IN the/DT holy/JJ month/NN of/IN Ramadan/NNP ./.
Libération/NNP ,/, the/DT left-leaning/JJ Paris/NNP daily/NN ,/, said/VBD that/IN the/DT Islamic/NNP terrorists/NNS 1/LS )/) were/VBD much/RB more/RBR numerous/JJ and/CC resilient/JJ than/IN the/DT Algerian/NNP government/NN would/MD admit/VB and/CC 2/LS )/) had/VBD "/" inexhaustible/JJ reserves/NNS bred/VBN by/IN hatred/NN ,/, poverty/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT desire/NN for/IN vengeance/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP ,/, in/IN an/DT editorial/NN ,/, called/VBN on/IN the/DT Algerian/NNP government/NN to/TO stop/VB censoring/VBG the/DT truth/NN about/IN the/DT massacres/NNS :/: The/DT Algerian/NNP Armed/NNP Islamic/NNP Group/NNP "/" is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS murderous/JJ fanatical/JJ force/NN the/DT world/NN has/VBZ seen/VBN since/IN Pol/NNP Pot/NNP 's/POS Khmer/NNP Rouge/NNP ;/: it/PRP must/MD be/VB destroyed/VBN ./.
"/" But/CC for/IN this/DT to/TO be/VB achieved/VBN ,/, the/DT government/NN must/MD stop/VB trying/VBG to/TO minimize/VB the/DT horror/NN ./.
Telling/NNP the/DT truth/NN ,/, said/VBD the/DT Times/NNP ,/, is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS potent/JJ of/IN counterterrorist/NN techniques/NNS ./.
La/NNP Repubblica/NNP of/IN Rome/NNP described/VBD Germany/NNP 's/POS call/NN on/IN Sunday/NNP for/IN an/DT immediate/JJ pan-/NN European/JJ initiative/NN against/IN the/DT Algerian/NNP terrorists/NNS as/IN a/DT conscious/JJ decision/NN to/TO override/VB the/DT feelings/NNS of/IN its/PRP$ great/JJ ally/NN ,/, France/NNP ,/, out/IN of/IN "/" fear/NN of/IN seeing/VBG the/DT triumph/NN only/RB a/DT few/JJ hours/NNS '/POS flight/NN from/IN Frankfurt/NNP ,/, Paris/NNP and/CC Milan/NNP of/IN intransigent/NN and/CC violent/JJ Islamic/NNP fundamentalists/NNS on/IN a/DT par/NN with/IN those/DT of/IN Afghanistan/NNP or/CC of/IN Iran/NNP before/IN [/( President/NNP Mohammed/NNP ]/) Khatami/NNP ./.
Reporting/NNP President/NNP Daniel/NNP arap/NN Moi/NNP 's/POS election/NN to/TO a/DT fifth/JJ five-year/JJ term/NN in/IN chaotic/JJ and/CC controversial/JJ polling/NN in/IN Kenya/NNP ,/, the/DT Kenyan/NNP daily/JJ the/DT Nation/NNP emphasized/VBD the/DT problems/NNS he/PRP was/VBD now/RB facing/VBG ,/, especially/RB "/" severe/JJ criticism/NN by/IN the/DT World/NNP Bank/NNP and/CC the/DT International/NNP Monetary/NNP Fund/NNP ,/, "/" which/WDT were/VBD withholding/VBG aid/NN payments/NNS "/" citing/VBG tardiness/NNS in/IN effecting/VBG reforms/NNS in/IN the/DT energy/NN and/CC telecommunications/NNS sectors/NNS and/CC in/IN tackling/VBG corruption/NN generally/RB ./.
"/" The/DT Nation/NNP also/RB reported/VBD that/IN "/" a/DT thorough/JJ cleaning/NN "/" of/IN the/DT venue/NN for/IN Monday/NNP 's/POS presidential/JJ swearing-in/NN ceremony/NN had/VBD been/VBN carried/VBN out/RP the/DT day/NN before/IN by/IN "/" hundreds/NNS of/IN prisoners/NNS under/IN tight/JJ security/NN ./.
"/" In/IN a/DT separate/JJ article/NN ,/, the/DT Nation/NNP reported/VBD on/IN the/DT desperate/JJ plight/NN of/IN Kenya/NNP 's/POS tourism/NN industry/NN ,/, which/WDT had/VBD seen/VBN a/DT 50/CD -/: percent/NN drop/NN in/IN hotel-room/JJ occupancy/NN ,/, and/CC 150/CD ,/, 000/CD jobs/NNS lost/VBD because/IN of/IN pre-election/JJ violence/NN ./.
The/DT death/NN of/IN Michael/NNP Kennedy/NNP in/IN a/DT skiing/NN accident/NN was/VBD the/DT subject/NN of/IN an/DT exceptionally/RB heartless/JJ editorial/NN in/IN India/NNP 's/VBZ the/DT Pioneer/NNP ,/, which/WDT said/VBD :/: "/" A/DT generation/NN of/IN Kennedys/NNP has/VBZ slipped/VBN into/IN a/DT tedium/NN of/IN tabloid/JJ headlines/NNS involving/VBG an/DT overdose/NN of/IN the/DT usual/JJ ingredients/NNS of/IN sex/NN ,/, drink/NN ,/, and/CC drugs/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT process/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN Camelot/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN reduced/VBN to/TO a/DT bad/JJ ,/, smutty/NN ,/, phonemic/JJ [/( wow/UH !/.
]/NN pun/NN in/IN the/DT past/JJ tense/JJ ./.
In/IN a/DT column/NN in/IN the/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP ,/, William/NNP Rees-/NNP Mogg/NNP ,/, the/DT newspaper/NN 's/POS conservative/JJ former/JJ editor/NN ,/, claimed/VBD a/DT special/JJ understanding/NN of/IN the/DT Kennedy/NNP clan/NN because/IN ,/, "/" on/IN my/PRP$ mother/NN 's/POS side/NN I/PRP come/VBP from/IN a/DT somewhat/RB similar/JJ Irish-/NNP American/JJ family/NN ./.
"/" "/" In/IN their/PRP$ ideal/JJ form/NN ,/, the/DT Irish-/NNP Americans/NNPS ./.
are/VBP risk-hungry/JJ risk-takers/JJ [/( who/WP ]/) see/VBP every/DT risk/NN as/IN a/DT challenge/NN ,/, and/CC believe/VBP that/DT failure/NN to/TO meet/VB any/DT challenge/NN is/VBZ cowardice/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP wrote/VBD ./.
"/" Cowardice/NNP is/VBZ unforgivable/JJ ./.
This/DT imposes/VBZ on/IN them/PRP a/DT heroic/JJ view/NN of/IN life/NN ,/, though/IN continuous/JJ heroism/NN has/VBZ the/DT odds/NNS stacked/VBN against/IN them/PRP ./.
"/" Saying/VBG that/IN this/DT generation/NN of/IN Kennedys/NNP "/" does/VBZ not/RB seem/VB to/TO have/VB inherited/VBN the/DT exceptional/JJ ability/NN of/IN the/DT family/NN "/" and/CC pointing/VBG out/RP that/IN "/" [/( r/LS ]/) isk-taking/JJ without/IN high/JJ intelligence/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT good/JJ way/NN of/IN life/NN ,/, "/" Rees-/NNP Mogg/NNP concluded/VBD :/: "/" The/DT family/NN has/VBZ been/VBN doomed/VBN by/IN its/PRP$ best/JJS as/RB well/RB as/IN by/IN its/PRP$ worst/JJS qualities/NNS ;/: most/JJS of/IN all/DT ,/, perhaps/RB ,/, by/IN the/DT rashness/NNS of/IN its/PRP$ courage/NN ./.
As/IN each/DT new/JJ blow/NN falls/VBZ ,/, we/PRP react/VBP with/IN pity/NN ,/, astonishment/NN ,/, horror/NN and/CC compassion/NN ./.
Hillary/NNP 's/POS Choice/NN ,/, Gail/NNP Sheehy/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS study/NN of/IN political/JJ character/NN ,/, confirms/VBZ her/PRP$ status/NN as/IN America/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG village/NN explainer--which/JJ ,/, as/IN Gertrude/NNP Stein/NNP once/RB pointed/VBD out/IN ,/, "/" is/VBZ fine/NN if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP a/DT village/NN ./.
If/IN not/RB ,/, not/RB ./.
"/" Sheehy/NNP is/VBZ the/DT journalist/NN turned/VBD self-appointed/JJ psychologist/NN who/WP transformed/VBD the/DT scary-sounding/JJ "/" crises/NNS "/" of/IN academic/JJ adult-development/JJ theory/NN (/( such/JJ as/IN the/DT mid-life/JJ crisis/NN )/) into/IN the/DT user-friendly/JJ Passages/NNP ,/, the/DT name/NN of/IN her/PRP$ 1976/CD megabestseller/NN ./.
Sheehy/NNP 's/POS diagnosis/NN of/IN the/DT first/JJ lady-slash-senatorial/JJ candidate/NN has/VBZ the/DT compelling/JJ obviousness/NNS of/IN good/JJ local/JJ gossip/NN ,/, though/IN with/IN the/DT upbeat/JJ ending/NN you/PRP 'd/MD expect/VB from/IN an/DT author/NN whose/WP$ message/NN has/VBZ consistently/RB been/VBN ,/, The/DT more/RBR intense/JJ the/DT suffering/NN ,/, the/DT better/VB the/DT chance/NN to/TO grow/VB ./.
Hillary/NNP ,/, according/VBG to/TO Sheehy/NNP ,/, became/VBD the/DT brilliant/JJ and/CC driven/VBN woman/NN she/PRP is/VBZ today/NN out/IN of/IN a/DT desire/NN to/TO avoid/VB becoming/VBG her/PRP$ mother/NN ,/, a/DT withdrawn/VBN and/CC frustrated/VBN housewife/NN ./.
But/CC Hillary/NNP 's/POS emotional/JJ life/NN was/VBD stunted/VBN by/IN an/DT unloving/VBG ,/, unavailable/JJ father/NN who/WP did/VBD n't/RB even/RB attend/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ daughter/NN 's/POS college/NN graduation/NN ./.
His/PRP$ lack/NN of/IN supportiveness/NNS left/VBD her/PRP$ susceptible/JJ to/TO the/DT needy/JJ ,/, seductive/JJ Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, which/WDT led/VBD her/PRP to/TO abandon/VB her/PRP$ political/JJ dreams/NNS and/CC take/VB up/RP his/PRP$ ,/, which/WDT made/VBD her/PRP$ resentful/JJ ,/, which/WDT caused/VBD her/PRP to/TO push/VB him/PRP even/RB harder/RBR than/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ considerable/JJ ambitions/NNS were/VBD already/RB doing/VBG ,/, whereupon/NN he/PRP self-destructed/VBD ,/, which/WDT left/VBD them/PRP both/DT in/IN a/DT horrible/JJ mess/NN ,/, from/IN which/WDT she/PRP has/VBZ emerged/VBN in/IN her/PRP$ early/JJ 50/CD s/VBZ a/DT new/JJ woman/NN ,/, ready/JJ to/TO break/VB out/IN of/IN her/PRP$ chrysalis/NNS and/CC fly/VB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT very/RB American/JJ story/NN ,/, much/RB more/RBR so/RB than/IN that/DT of/IN Daisy/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, to/TO whom/WP Hillary/NNP has/VBZ also/RB been/VBN compared/VBN ./.
Sheehy/NNP 's/POS faith/NN in/IN change/NN and/CC redemption/NN reflects/VBZ an/DT Oprah-esque/NNP optimism/NN about/IN human/JJ malleability/NN ,/, whereas/IN F/NN ./.
Scott/NNP Fitzgerald/NNP 's/POS portrait/NN of/IN an/DT egotist/NN whose/WP$ selfishness/NNS wrecks/NNS her/PRP$ life/NN and/CC the/DT lives/NNS of/IN everyone/NN around/IN her/PRP$ reeks/NNS of/IN dourness/NNS ./.
That/DT the/DT newly/RB hatched/VBN butterfly/NN that/WDT is/VBZ Hillary/NNP 's/POS psyche/NN seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB fluttering/VBG straight/JJ into/IN the/DT flames/NNS of/IN New/NNP York/NNP State/NNP politics/NNS and/CC Rudolph/NNP Giuliani/NNP 's/POS popularity/NN does/VBZ not/RB conform/VB to/TO Sheehy/NNP 's/POS triumphalist/NN narrative/NN ,/, so/RB although/IN she/PRP discusses/NNS what/WP Hillary/NNP 's/POS candidacy/NN means/VBZ to/TO Hillary/NNP ,/, Sheehy/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB give/VB us/PRP a/DT single/NN outside/JJ perspective/NN on/IN it/PRP ./.
Sheehy/NNP is/VBZ a/DT therapist/NN to/TO the/DT stars/NNS ,/, not/RB a/DT political/JJ reporter/NN ./.
She/PRP tells/VBZ us/PRP how/WRB our/PRP$ leaders/NNS feel/VBP ,/, not/RB what/WP they/PRP stand/VBP for/IN or/CC what/WP might/MD become/VB of/IN them/PRP or/CC even/RB what/WP we/PRP should/MD think/VB about/IN the/DT things/NNS they/PRP do/VBP ./.
The/DT way/NN we/PRP talk/VBP about/IN the/DT character/NN of/IN leaders/NNS has/VBZ come/VBN a/DT long/JJ way/NN since/IN Leo/NNP Tolstoy/NNP railed/JJ against/IN Carlyle/NNP 's/POS great-man/JJ theory/NN of/IN history/NN 130/CD years/NNS ago/RB in/IN War/NNP and/CC Peace/NN :/: "/" To/TO study/VB the/DT laws/NNS of/IN history/NN ,/, we/PRP must/MD entirely/RB change/VB the/DT subject/NN of/IN our/PRP$ observation/NN ,/, must/MD leave/VB aside/RB kings/NNS ,/, ministers/NNS ,/, and/CC generals/NNS ,/, and/CC study/VB the/DT common/NN ,/, infinitesimally/RB small/JJ elements/NNS that/WDT influence/NN the/DT masses/NNS ./.
"/" Since/IN then/RB ,/, history/NN has/VBZ been/VBN through/IN a/DT host/NN of/IN determinisms--economic/JJ ,/, demographic/JJ ,/, biological/JJ ,/, geographic/JJ ,/, even/RB meteorological--each/JJ meant/VBN to/TO relegate/NN the/DT individual/JJ psychology/NN of/IN great/JJ men/NNS to/TO the/DT realm/NN of/IN the/DT contingent/NN ./.
Sheehy/NNP 's/POS innovation/NN is/VBZ to/TO boldly/RB cast/VB all/DT of/IN that/DT aside/RB and/CC bring/VB us/PRP back/RB to/TO the/DT pre-/NN Tolstoy/NNP era/NN ./.
For/IN her/PRP$ ,/, the/DT national/JJ stage/NN exists/VBZ as/IN nothing/NN more/JJR nor/CC less/JJR than/IN a/DT setting/VBG for/IN grand/JJ personalities/NNS ./.
Actually/RB ,/, Sheehy/NNP outdoes/NNS Carlyle/NNP ,/, because/IN the/DT only/JJ thing/NN that/IN matters/NNS to/TO her/PRP$ is/VBZ personality/NN ;/: she/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB give/VB a/DT damn/RB about/IN the/DT national/JJ stage/NN ./.
Reading/VBG Sheehy/NNP is/VBZ like/IN listening/VBG to/TO a/DT botany/NN professor/NN describe/VBP the/DT inner/JJ life/NN of/IN plants/NNS ./.
What/WP she/PRP extracts/NNS from/IN the/DT public/JJ figures/NNS in/IN whose/WP$ private/JJ selves/NNS she/PRP traffics/NNS is/VBZ how/WRB well/RB they/PRP adhere/VB to/TO the/DT rules/NNS of/IN growth--preferably/JJ the/DT ones/NNS she/PRP has/VBZ sketched/JJ out/RP ./.
(/( Sheehy/NNP 's/POS key/JJ works/NNS in/IN this/DT regard/NN are/VBP Passages/NNP ,/, which/WDT deals/VBZ with/IN life/NN up/RB until/IN one/CD 's/POS 50/CD s/VBZ ;/: The/DT Silent/NNP Passage/NNP (/( 1991/CD )/) ,/, about/IN menopause/NN ;/: New/NNP Passages/NNP (/( 1995/CD )/) ,/, about/IN the/DT second/JJ adulthood/NN that/WDT begins/VBZ in/IN one/CD 's/POS 50/CD s/VBZ ;/: and/CC Understanding/NNP Men/NNP 's/POS Passages/NNP (/( 1998/CD )/) ,/, about/IN male/JJ menopause/NN ./.
)/) When/WRB she/PRP writes/VBZ in/IN Character/NN ,/, her/PRP$ 1988/CD study/NN of/IN the/DT political/JJ temperament/NN ,/, that/IN Michael/NNP Dukakis/NNP learned/VBD from/IN his/PRP$ defeat/NN for/IN re-election/NN as/IN governor/NN of/IN Massachussetts/NNP to/TO demonstrate/VB some/DT warmth/NN ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ good/NN ./.
Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP has/VBZ never/RB transcended/JJ the/DT patterns/NNS of/IN denial/NN common/JJ to/TO the/DT children/NNS of/IN alcoholics/NNS ,/, and/CC that/IN ,/, she/PRP pronounces/VBZ ,/, is/VBZ bad/JJ ./.
Never/RB mind/NN how/WRB Dukakis/NNP 's/POS and/CC Reagan/NNP 's/POS psychological/JJ idiosyncracies/NNS may/MD have/VB changed/VBN the/DT nature/NN of/IN presidential/JJ campaigning/NN ,/, the/DT presidency/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT country/NN ./.
To/TO Sheehy/NNP ,/, Dukakis/NNP and/CC Reagan/NNP and/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP are/VBP case/NN studies/NNS ,/, just/RB like/IN the/DT ones/NNS laid/VBN out/IN in/IN Passages/NNP :/: Rosalyn/NNP ,/, the/DT Jewish-/NNP American/JJ princess/NN and/CC wife/NN who/WP had/VBD to/TO flee/VB to/TO Marin/NNP County/NNP to/TO find/VB herself/PRP ;/: Mia/NNP ,/, who/WP enslaved/JJ herself/PRP to/TO a/DT saintly/JJ philosopher/NN and/CC had/VBD to/TO divorce/NN him/PRP to/TO find/VB herself/PRP ;/: Donald/NNP Babcock/NNP ,/, the/DT Hotchkiss/NNP and/CC Yale/NNP graduate/NN who/WP unconsciously/RB emulated/VBN his/PRP$ father/NN in/IN everything/NN he/PRP did/VBD ,/, and/CC who/WP ,/, Sheehy/NNP implied/VBD ,/, had/VBD damn/RB well/RB better/JJR go/NN through/IN a/DT crisis/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO find/VB himself/PRP ,/, and/CC soon/RB ./.
Each/DT story/NN she/PRP tells/VBZ is/VBZ a/DT cautionary/JJ tale/NN with/IN the/DT exact/JJ same/JJ moral/JJ :/: You/PRP have/VBP to/TO pass/VB through/IN the/DT stages/NNS of/IN adult/NN development/NN or/CC wither/VBP and/CC die/VB ./.
What/WP are/VBP these/DT stages/NNS to/TO which/WDT Sheehy/NNP claims/VBZ we/PRP are/VBP all/DT subject/NN ,/, regardless/RB of/IN class/NN ,/, race/NN ,/, or/CC creed/NN ?/.
Each/DT has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ clever/JJ nickname--the/JJ Trying/VBG Twenties/NNP ,/, the/DT Catch/NNP Thirties/NNS ,/, the/DT Forlorn/NNP Forties--and/NNP archetypal/NN member/NN :/: the/DT Transient/NNP ,/, the/DT Wunderkind/NNP ,/, the/DT Caregiver/NNP ,/, the/DT Nurturer/NNP Who/WP Defers/NNP Caregiving/NNP ,/, the/DT Caregiver/NNP Who/WP Defers/NNP Nurturing/NNP ./.
The/DT important/JJ thing/NN ,/, says/VBZ Sheehy/NNP ,/, is/VBZ not/RB to/TO skip/VB a/DT step/NN :/: "/" One/CD cannot/NN jump/NN from/IN A/DT to/TO C/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT only/JJ path/NN to/TO D/NNP is/VBZ through/IN engaging/VBG the/DT tasks/NNS of/IN C/NNP ;/: there/EX are/VBP no/DT alternative/JJ routes/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB as/IN if/IN these/DT steps/NNS are/VBP unusual/JJ or/CC bizarre/JJ ;/: on/IN the/DT contrary/NN ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP soothingly/RB familiar/JJ ./.
At/IN one/CD point/NN ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP supposed/VBN to/TO break/VB away/RB from/IN your/PRP$ parents/NNS and/CC find/VB your/PRP$ own/JJ way/NN ./.
At/IN another/DT ,/, you/PRP have/VBP to/TO commit/VB to/TO a/DT "/" lifework/NN "/" or/CC risk/NN drifting/VBG into/IN stasis/NNS ./.
All/PDT this/DT is/VBZ so/RB anodyne/NN as/IN to/TO be/VB completely/RB unobjectionable/JJ ./.
If/IN you/PRP believe/VBP that/IN personality/NN trumps/NNS everything/NN else/RB ,/, you/PRP might/MD as/RB well/RB have/VB an/DT idea/NN about/IN how/WRB it/PRP works/VBZ ,/, no/DT matter/NN how/WRB banal/JJ ./.
The/DT disturbing/JJ part/NN is/VBZ that/IN Sheehy/NNP uses/VBZ her/PRP$ theories/NNS not/RB just/RB to/TO explain/VB decisions/NNS that/WDT have/VBP proved/VBN historically/RB momentous/JJ ,/, but/CC to/TO explain/VB them/PRP away/RB ./.
In/IN Passages/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, Black/NNP Panther/NNP co-founder/NN Eldridge/NNP Cleaver/NNP 's/POS role/NN in/IN the/DT black/JJ nationalist/JJ movement/NN is/VBZ perceived/VBN as/IN nothing/NN more/JJR than/IN an/DT example/NN of/IN one/CD man/NN 's/POS difficulty/NN making/VBG a/DT necessary/JJ passage/NN :/: "/" Taken/VBN to/TO the/DT extreme/NN ,/, "/" she/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" the/DT unwillingness/NN to/TO commit/VB leaves/VBZ no/DT quarter/NN for/IN expression/NN of/IN the/DT merger/NN self/NN ./.
If/IN no/DT school/NN ,/, organization/NN ,/, or/CC love/NN match/NN can/MD be/VB trusted/VBN (/( or/CC if/IN ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN Eldridge/NNP Cleaver/NNP ,/, the/DT only/JJ way/NN the/DT individual/JJ sees/VBZ fit/VB to/TO redress/VB the/DT wrongs/NNS of/IN society/NN is/VBZ to/TO smash/VB it/PRP or/CC choose/VB exile/NN from/IN it/PRP )/) ,/, the/DT path/NN leads/VBZ to/TO isolation/NN ./.
Banished/NNP in/IN those/DT two/CD sentences/NNS is/VBZ the/DT entire/JJ world/NN outside/IN Cleaver/NNP 's/POS pushing/VBG ,/, expanding/VBG ,/, developing/VBG self--any/JJ racism/NN and/CC poverty/NN he/PRP may/MD have/VB endured/VBN ,/, the/DT ideas/NNS that/IN inflamed/JJ him/PRP ,/, the/DT time/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP lived/VBD ./.
Sheehy/NNP claims/VBZ he/PRP became/VBD a/DT revolutionary/NN because/IN he/PRP failed/VBD to/TO grow/VB properly/RB ,/, like/IN a/DT vine/NN that/WDT has/VBZ unhealthily/RB abandoned/VBN its/PRP$ stick/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT strangest/NN thing/NN about/IN Sheehy/NNP 's/POS model/NN of/IN development/NN :/: The/DT self/NN comes/VBZ off/RP as/IN organic/JJ ,/, context-less/JJ ,/, and/CC amoral/NN ,/, judged/VBN only/RB in/IN reference/NN to/TO the/DT imperative/NN to/TO grow/VB ./.
Is/VBZ Hillary/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO run/VB for/IN the/DT Senate/NNP while/IN still/RB first/JJ lady/NN good/JJ for/IN anyone/NN but/CC her/PRP ?/.
Is/VBZ it/PRP an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO expand/VB the/DT oppressive/JJ limits/NNS of/IN political/JJ wifery/NN ,/, or/CC is/VBZ it/PRP an/DT abuse/NN of/IN her/PRP$ power/NN ?/.
Should/MD New/NNP York/NNP be/VB glad/JJ or/CC sad/JJ that/IN she/PRP might/MD become/VB its/PRP$ next/JJ senator/NN ?/.
About/IN all/PDT this/DT Sheehy/NNP has/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO say/VB ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ tempting/JJ to/TO get/VB up/RP on/IN one/CD 's/POS high/JJ horse/NN and/CC declare/VB this/DT a/DT wrongheaded/JJ way/NN to/TO approach/VB politicians/NNS ,/, whose/WP$ actions/NNS have/VBP an/DT impact/NN on/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN us/PRP too/RB ./.
But/CC that/DT would/MD be/VB like/IN denouncing/VBG the/DT weather/NN ,/, because/IN Sheehy/NNP 's/POS view/NN is/VBZ now/RB the/DT journalistic/JJ norm/NN ./.
(/( These/DT days/NNS ,/, any/DT effort/NN to/TO arrive/VB at/IN a/DT deeper/JJR understanding/NN of/IN a/DT candidate/NN is/VBZ referred/VBN to/TO as/IN "/" the/DT Sheehy/NNP treatment/NN ./.
"/" )/) The/DT question/NN of/IN whether/IN and/CC how/WRB a/DT politician/NN has/VBZ grown/VBN in/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ adult/NN years/NNS has/VBZ become/VBN the/DT master/NN narrative/NN of/IN American/JJ politics/NNS ./.
Consider/VB George/NNP Bush/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ more/JJR or/CC less/JJR running/VBG on/IN a/DT record/NN of/IN turning/VBG his/PRP$ life/NN around/IN after/IN having/VBG done/VBN nothing/NN until/IN he/PRP was/VBD 40/CD ./.
Or/CC Al/NNP Gore/NNP ,/, who/WP never/RB stops/VBZ rediscovering/VBG yet/RB another/DT inner/JJ child/NN ./.
Has/VBZ Bush/NNP changed/VBN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ him/PRP better/RBR suited/VBN to/TO govern/VB ?/.
Do/VBP we/PRP really/RB like/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS reincarnation/NN ?/.
Who/WP knows/VBZ ?/.
Who/WP cares/VBZ ?/.
Sheehy/NNP 's/POS Hillary/NNP longs/NNS to/TO be/VB given/VBN the/DT same/JJ free/JJ pass--to/JJ have/VBP hers/PRP be/VB yet/RB another/DT uplifting/VBG tale/NN of/IN growth/NN in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN personal/JJ suffering/NN ./.
Will/MD New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS buy/VBP it/PRP ?/.
Culturebox/NNP sure/JJ hopes/VBZ not/RB ./.
Photograph/NNP of/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP on/IN the/DT Slate/NNP Table/NNP of/IN Contents/NNP by/IN Peter/NNP Morgan/NNP &slash;/NN Reuters/NNP ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT rejection/NN of/IN a/DT proposed/VBN merger/NN of/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS two/CD main/JJ teachers/NNS '/POS unions/NNS by/IN the/DT membership/NN of/IN one/CD of/IN them/PRP ,/, the/DT National/NNP Education/NNP Association/NNP (/( and/CC this/DT is/VBZ the/DT off-lead/JJ at/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC is/VBZ above/IN the/DT fold/VB at/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT retreat/NN of/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS biggest/JJS HMOs/NNP from/IN managed/VBN care/NN programs/NNS for/IN the/DT poor/JJ and/CC the/DT elderly/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT launch/NN in/IN Yugoslavia/NNP 's/POS troubled/JJ Kosovo/NNP province/NN of/IN patrols/NNS jointly/RB conducted/VBN by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
,/, British/JJ ,/, and/CC Russian/JJ diplomatic/JJ observers/NNS ./.
The/DT patrols/NNS ,/, explains/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, were/VBD first/RB proposed/VBN by/IN the/DT Russians/NNPS but/CC have/VBP since/IN been/VBN embraced/VBN by/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
envoy/NN Richard/NNP Holbrooke/NNP ,/, who/WP stresses/VBZ that/IN the/DT two/CD countries/NNS are/VBP now/RB working/VBG together/RB to/TO defuse/VB the/DT Kosovo/NNP crisis/NN ./.
Both/DT USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP explain/VB that/WDT had/VBD the/DT NEA/NNP merged/VBD with/IN the/DT American/NNP Federation/NNP of/IN Teachers/NNPS ,/, this/DT would/MD have/VB created/VBN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
'/POS largest/JJS labor/NN union/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP says/VBZ that/IN the/DT no/DT vote/NN came/VBD even/RB though/IN the/DT leaders/NNS of/IN both/DT unions/NNS favored/VBD the/DT move/NN ./.
The/DT merger/NN idea/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, had/VBD gained/VBN strength/NN recently/RB in/IN response/NN to/TO increased/VB attempts/NNS to/TO limit/VB teacher/NN rights/NNS and/CC to/TO give/VB students/NNS publicly/RB funded/VBN vouchers/NNS to/TO attend/VB private/JJ schools/NNS ./.
But/CC ,/, both/DT papers/NNS say/VBP ,/, the/DT stumbling/VBG block/NN appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB a/DT fear/NN among/IN NEA/NNP members/NNS of/IN becoming/VBG affiliated/VBN with/IN the/DT AFL-CIO/NNP ,/, of/IN which/WDT the/DT AFT/NNP is/VBZ a/DT member/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP mentions/VBZ an/DT NEA/NNP fear/NN of/IN being/VBG aligned/VBN too/RB closely/RB with/IN the/DT causes/NNS and/CC politics/NNS of/IN the/DT AFL-CIO/NNP without/IN specifying/VBG what/WP these/DT are/VBP ./.
The/DT paper/NN does/VBZ explain/VB that/IN the/DT NEA/NNP tends/VBZ to/TO view/VB itself/PRP as/IN more/RBR non-partisan/JJ and/CC more/RBR like/IN a/DT professional/JJ organization/NN (/( like/IN the/DT AMA/NNP )/) than/IN a/DT trade/NN union/NN ./.
USAT/NNP says/VBZ that/IN according/VBG to/TO the/DT NEA/NNP ,/, the/DT rivalry/NN between/IN the/DT unions/NNS cost/VBP $/$ 100/CD million/CD between/IN 1973/CD and/CC 1992/CD ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, general/JJ operating/NN losses/NNS and/CC cuts/NNS in/IN government/NN payments/NNS have/VBP prompted/VBN the/DT country/NN 's/POS biggest/JJS HMOs--such/NNP names/NNS as/IN Pacificare/NNP ,/, Kaiser/NNP Permanente/NNP and/CC Blue/NNP Cross/NNP and/CC Blue/NNP Shield--to/NNP quit/VBD Medicare/NNP and/CC Medicaid/NNP coverage/NN in/IN many/JJ different/JJ markets/NNS ./.
The/DT retreat/NN from/IN Medicaid--government-subsidized/NNP care/NN for/IN the/DT poor/JJ and/CC disabled--is/JJ the/DT more/RBR pronounced/JJ of/IN the/DT two/CD ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT Medicaid/NNP withdrawals/NNS ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, have/VBP come/VBN in/IN the/DT most/RBS populous/JJ states/NNS with/IN large/JJ pockets/NNS of/IN urban/JJ poverty/NN ./.
With/IN Medicare/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ tended/VBD to/TO be/VB rural/JJ communities/NNS with/IN few/JJ patients/NNS ,/, clinics/NNS ,/, or/CC doctors/NNS ./.
The/DT HMO/NNP flight/NN portends/VBZ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, a/DT return/NN to/TO skimping/VBG care/NN for/IN the/DT poor/JJ and/CC elderly/JJ ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT semiconductor/NN business--seriously/JJ affected/VBN by/IN the/DT Asian/JJ crisis/NN ,/, a/DT production/NN glut/NN and/CC the/DT advent/NN of/IN the/DT $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD PC--is/NNP in/IN a/DT global/JJ slump/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN American/JJ manufacturers/NNS are/VBP certainly/RB taking/VBG their/PRP$ share/NN of/IN the/DT hits/NNS ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
chip/NN companies/NNS that/WDT have/VBP laid/VBN off/RP workers/NNS or/CC tipped/VBD upcoming/JJ bad/JJ earnings/NNS include/VBP ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, National/NNP Semiconductor/NNP ,/, Atmel/NNP ,/, Cypress/NNP Semiconductor/NNP and/CC Seeq/NNP Technology/NNP ./.
Even/RB Intel/NNP has/VBZ projected/VBN a/DT flat/JJ second/JJ quarter/NN and/CC lower/JJR profit/NN margins/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP passes/VBZ along/IN word/NN from/IN a/DT weekend/NN chat/VB show/NN that/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP has/VBZ decided/VBN he/PRP will/MD not/RB submit/VB an/DT interim/JJ report/NN on/IN his/PRP$ investigation/NN of/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP before/IN Congress/NNP recesses/NNS for/IN the/DT fall/NN election/NN campaigns/NNS ./.
He/PRP will/MD ,/, said/VBD an/DT aide/NN ,/, submit/VBP a/DT report/NN only/RB if/IN he/PRP determines/VBZ there/EX is/VBZ substantial/JJ information/NN that/IN crimes/NNS have/VBP been/VBN committed/VBN ./.
The/DT aide/NN also/RB opined/JJ ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, that/IN subpoenaing/VBG a/DT sitting/VBG president/NN is/VBZ legally/RB unproblematic/JJ ,/, as/IN is/VBZ indicting/VBG one/CD ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ editorial/NN advocating/VBG that/IN the/DT DOJ/NNP and/CC FBI/NNP abandon/VBP their/PRP$ current/JJ policy/NN against/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN computer/NN encryption/NN technology/NN the/DT feds/NNS are/VBP not/RB at/IN least/JJS indirectly/RB privy/JJ to/TO ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP explains/VBZ President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS failure/NN to/TO oppose/VB this/DT law/NN enforcement/NN stance/NN thusly/RB :/: "/" [/( S/NNP ]/) ince/NN Attorney/NNP General/NNP Janet/NNP Reno/NNP has/VBZ protected/VBN Mr/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP from/IN an/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN on/IN campaign/NN finance/NN ,/, the/DT White/NNP House/NNP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO be/VB loath/JJ to/TO oppose/VB either/CC her/PRP$ or/CC Louis/NNP Freeh/NNP ,/, the/DT F/NN ./.
B/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Director/NNP ,/, on/IN this/DT issue/NN ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT reader/NN is/VBZ n't/RB told/VBN who/WP says/VBZ this/DT ./.
A/DT recurring/VBG theme/NN of/IN the/DT many/JJ media/NNS post-mortems/JJ on/IN the/DT Time/NNP &slash;/NN CNN/NNP &slash;/NN nerve/NN gas/NN and/CC Stephen/NNP Glass/NNP debacles--including/JJ of/IN those/DT issued/VBN by/IN the/DT NYT/NNP -/: -/: has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT fervent/JJ tsk-tsking/JJ directed/VBN at/IN unnamed/JJ sources/NNS ./.
So/RB should/MD n't/RB this/DT apply/VB to/TO the/DT editorial/NN pages/NNS too/RB ?/.
Today/NN 's/POS leads/VBZ splay/NN in/IN all/DT directions/NNS ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT rampage/NN of/IN Hurricane/NNP Georges/NNP through/IN the/DT Caribbean/NNP ./.
Nearly/RB 200/CD people/NNS are/VBP dead/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT powerful/JJ storm/NN is/VBZ now/RB headed/VBN for/IN the/DT Florida/NNP Keys/NNP ./.
A/DT four-column/JJ Washington/NNP Post/NNP lead/VB reports/NNS that/IN lawyers/NNS for/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC Paula/NNP Jones/NNP are/VBP negotiating/VBG for/IN a/DT financial/JJ settlement/NN of/IN Jones/NNP '/POS sexual/JJ harassment/NN suit/NN which/WDT is/VBZ now/RB on/IN appeal/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN favorable/JJ new/JJ polls/NNS for/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP camp/NN :/: A/DT NYT/NNP &slash;/NN CBS/NNP poll/NN shows/VBZ that/IN the/DT President/NNP 's/POS approval/NN ratings/NNS have/VBP risen/VBN since/IN the/DT release/NN of/IN his/PRP$ videotaped/JJ grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN ./.
A/DT backlash/NN may/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT works/NNS against/IN Republicans/NNPS who/WP favored/VBD releasing/VBG the/DT tape/NN ./.
(/( A/DT different/JJ poll/NN analyzed/VBD on/IN USAT/NNP 's/POS front/NN reaches/VBZ similar/JJ conclusions/NNS :/: Just/RB 29/CD %/NN of/IN voters/NNS now/RB would/MD opt/VB for/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS removal/NN ,/, down/RB from/IN 35/CD %/NN last/JJ Sunday/NNP ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT bill/NN passed/VBD Thursday/NNP by/IN the/DT House/NNP that/WDT would/MD grant/VB temporary/JJ visas/NNS to/TO up/IN to/TO 142/CD ,/, 500/CD additional/JJ foreign/JJ workers/NNS with/IN high-tech/JJ skills/NNS ./.
This/DT bill/NN ,/, which/WDT would/MD be/VB effective/JJ during/IN the/DT next/JJ three/CD years/NNS ,/, has/VBZ particular/JJ relevance/NN for/IN Silicon/NNP Valley/NNP and/CC technology/NN firms/NNS based/VBN in/IN the/DT west/NN ./.
The/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ,/, citing/VBG the/DT need/NN to/TO protect/VB domestic/JJ labor/NN ,/, worked/VBD several/JJ compromises/NNS into/IN the/DT bill/NN ,/, including/VBG a/DT provision/NN which/WDT diverts/NNS a/DT portion/NN of/IN the/DT visa/NN revenues/NNS to/TO funds/NNS to/TO aid/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
workers/NNS ./.
The/DT measure/NN is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO be/VB passed/VBN by/IN the/DT Senate/NNP and/CC signed/VBN into/IN law/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS lead/NN cites/VBZ "/" sources/NNS familiar/JJ with/IN the/DT situation/NN "/" on/IN the/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP lawsuit/NN as/IN saying/VBG that/IN Clinton/NNP and/CC Jones/NNP lawyers/NNS have/VBP discussed/VBN a/DT settlement/NN "/" in/IN the/DT range/NN that/IN the/DT two/CD sides/NNS contemplated/VBN during/IN past/JJ negotiations/NNS "/" -/: -/: i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
between/IN $/$ 700/CD ,/, 000/CD and/CC $/$ 900/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP ,/, which/WDT also/RB fronts/NNS the/DT story/NN ,/, gets/VBZ much/RB more/RBR specific/JJ ./.
Citing/VBG the/DT lawyers/NNS themselves/PRP as/IN sources/NNS ,/, the/DT Times/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Jones/NNP '/POS lawyers/NNS initiated/VBD the/DT discussion/NN last/JJ week/NN and/CC proposed/VBD a/DT $/$ 1/CD million/CD settlement/NN ./.
Robert/NNP Bennett/NNP ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS private/JJ lawyer/NN ,/, counter-offered/JJ $/$ 500/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, and/CC negotiations/NNS are/VBP proceeding/VBG apace/NN ./.
The/DT impetus/NN to/TO settle/VB comes/VBZ because/IN Paula/NNP Jones/NNP '/POS appeal/NN will/MD be/VB heard/VBN in/IN mid-/NN October/NNP ;/: Jones/NNP views/VBZ the/DT Lewinsky/NNP revelations/NNS as/IN a/DT possible/JJ asset/NN to/TO her/PRP$ suit/NN ./.
In/IN other/JJ Lewinsky/NNP developments/NNS ,/, the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP set/VBD a/DT tentative/JJ schedule/NN for/IN impeachment/NN hearings/NNS ./.
The/DT Committee/NNP will/MD vote/VB on/IN October/NNP 5/CD or/CC 6/CD about/IN whether/IN to/TO launch/VB an/DT impeachment/NN inquiry/NN ;/: if/IN yes/UH ,/, then/RB the/DT House/NNP will/MD vote/VB on/IN the/DT measure/NN very/RB shortly/RB thereafter/RB ./.
Amidst/NNP the/DT developments/NNS ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP detects/NNS mayhem/NN among/IN the/DT House/NNP Republicans/NNPS ./.
House/NNP Speaker/NNP Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP and/CC House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP chair/NN Henry/NNP Hyde/NNP are/VBP tripping/VBG over/IN one/CD another/DT 's/VBZ leadership/NN initiatives--/JJ "/" a/DT classic/JJ case/NN of/IN too/RB many/JJ chiefs/NNS ,/, "/" commented/VBD another/DT Republican/NNP Representative/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC LAT/NNP both/DT report/NN in/IN front-page/JJ stories/NNS that/IN India/NNP 's/POS Prime/NNP Minister/NNP announced/VBD Thursday/NNP at/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
that/IN India/NNP will/MD sign/VB an/DT international/JJ treaty/NN banning/VBG nuclear/JJ testing/NN within/IN one/CD year/NN ./.
India/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN follows/VBZ a/DT similar/JJ pledge/NN Wednesday/NNP by/IN Pakistan/NNP ./.
Everybody/NN but/CC the/DT LAT/NNP fronts/NNS the/DT new/JJ padding/NN for/IN American/JJ pocketbooks/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO a/DT Census/NNP Bureau/NNP report/NN released/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, income/NN for/IN the/DT average/JJ household/NN has/VBZ risen/VBN since/IN 1996/CD (/( outstripping/VBG inflation/NN by/IN a/DT rate/NN of/IN nearly/RB 2/CD :/: 1/LS )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT poverty/NN rate/NN has/VBZ declined/VBN ./.
Significantly/RB ,/, the/DT number/NN of/IN black/JJ and/CC Hispanic/JJ households/NNS below/IN the/DT poverty/NN line/NN decreased/VBD ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, the/DT papers/NNS note/NN ,/, this/DT does/VBZ not/RB mitigate/VB the/DT long-term/JJ trend/NN toward/IN inequality/NN :/: the/DT top/JJ 20/CD %/NN of/IN households/NNS still/RB control/VBP 50/CD %/NN of/IN the/DT wealth/NN ./.
Speaking/NN of/IN money/NN ,/, the/DT WP/NNP pays/VBZ tribute/NN inside/IN to/TO the/DT new/JJ $/$ 20/CD bills/NNS ./.
The/DT Treasury/NNP Department/NNP launched/VBD the/DT first/JJ of/IN $/$ 40/CD billion/CD worth/NN of/IN redesigned/VBN $/$ 20/CD greenbacks/NNS yesterday/NN ./.
The/DT objective/NN ?/.
To/TO foil/VB counterfeiters/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT old/JJ $/$ 20/CD s/VBZ trailed/VBN only/RB the/DT $/$ 1/CD bills/NNS as/IN a/DT counterfeit/NN cinch/VB ./.
)/) But/CC the/DT new/JJ $/$ 20/CD s/VBZ might/MD not/RB bring/VB Coke/NNP cans/NNS and/CC subway/NN tokens/NNS tumbling/VBG out/IN of/IN vending/VBG machines/NNS just/RB yet/RB :/: The/DT machines/NNS must/MD be/VB reconfigured/JJ to/TO accept/VB the/DT new/JJ bills/NNS ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP tries/VBZ to/TO decipher/NN the/DT baffling/JJ marketing/NN phenomenon/NN of/IN Beanie/NNP Babies/NNS ./.
These/DT "/" little/RB stuffed/VBN critters/NNS ,/, "/" worth/JJ $/$ 5/CD ./.
95/CD ,/, have/VBP been/VBN flagged/JJ among/IN disciples/NNS as/IN rare/JJ and/CC valuable/JJ collector/NN 's/POS items/NNS ./.
As/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, some/DT manic/JJ Beanie/NNP speculators/NNS value/VBP their/PRP$ collections/NNS at/IN upward/RB of/IN $/$ 100/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ growing/VBG fear/NN that/IN the/DT Beanie/NNP phenomenon/NN may/MD be/VB on/IN the/DT verge/NN of/IN collapse/NN either/DT as/IN new/JJ rival/JJ toys/NNS flood/NN the/DT market/NN or/CC ,/, more/RBR likely/JJ ,/, when/WRB collectors/NNS click/NN their/PRP$ heels/NNS three/CD times/NNS and/CC realize/VB that/IN their/PRP$ closets/NNS are/VBP cluttered/VBN with/IN stuffed/VBN toys/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS of/IN Marion/NNP Barry--and/NNP who/WP 's/VBZ not/RB one--have/JJ been/VBN saying/VBG for/IN years/NNS that/IN his/PRP$ Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, is/VBZ like/IN a/DT Third/NNP World/NNP capital--squalid/JJ ,/, dangerous/JJ ,/, and/CC corrupt/JJ ./.
The/DT District/NNP has/VBZ never/RB seemed/VBN more/RBR like/IN a/DT banana/NN republic/NN than/IN in/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS ./.
Barry/NNP ,/, America/NNP 's/POS mini-/NN Suharto/NNP ,/, has/VBZ dragged/VBN it/PRP into/IN an/DT embarrassing/JJ ,/, protracted/JJ drama/NN :/: It/PRP is/VBZ in/IN rack/NN and/CC ruin/VB ,/, he/PRP had/VBD overstayed/JJ his/PRP$ welcome/JJ ,/, everyone/NN wanted/VBD him/PRP to/TO leave/VB ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD n't/RB sure/JJ he/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO oblige/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN April/NNP until/IN this/DT week/NN ,/, the/DT mayor/NN toyed/JJ with/IN his/PRP$ city/NN about/IN whether/IN to/TO seek/VB re-election/NN to/TO a/DT fifth/JJ term/NN this/DT fall/NN ./.
Largely/RB ignored/VBN during/IN his/PRP$ current/JJ term/NN ,/, Barry/NNP was/VBD at/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN attention/NN again/RB ./.
His/PRP$ Hamlet/NNP act/NN had/VBD the/DT city/NN on/IN edge/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP loved/VBD it/PRP ./.
His/PRP$ press/NN conferences/NNS were/VBD packed/VBN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP launched/VBD a/DT daily/JJ "/" Barry/NNP Watch/NNP "/" column/NN ./.
National/JJ media/NNS were/VBD calling/VBG ./.
His/PRP$ every/DT hint--and/JJ he/PRP dropped/VBD lots/NNS of/IN them--was/JJ parsed/JJ for/IN significance/NN ./.
Each/DT week/NN was/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB the/DT week/NN he/PRP announced/VBD his/PRP$ decision/NN but/CC ,/, having/VBG the/DT time/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ,/, Barry/NNP kept/VBD putting/VBG it/PRP off/RP ./.
Now/RB ,/, with/IN his/PRP$ usual/JJ excruciating/VBG &slash;/NN exquisite/JJ sense/NN of/IN timing/NN ,/, Barry/NNP has/VBZ followed/VBN Indonesian/JJ President/NNP Suharto/NNP 's/POS retirement/NN announcement/NN with/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
The/DT inevitable/JJ comparisons/NNS to/TO that/DT dictator/NN aside/RB ,/, Barry/NNP probably/RB picked/VBD the/DT right/JJ moment/NN to/TO bow/VB out/IN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ on/IN top/JJ again--briefly/JJ ./.
A/DT Tuesday/NNP Washington/NNP Post/NNP poll/NN found/VBD that/IN Barry/NNP is/VBZ the/DT front-runner/NN for/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ primary/NN ,/, attracting/VBG 29/CD percent/NN of/IN voters/NNS ,/, nearly/RB twice/RB as/RB many/JJ as/IN his/PRP$ closest/JJS competitor/NN ./.
For/IN those/DT who/WP still/RB ca/MD n't/RB believe/VB the/DT ex-crackhead/JJ was/VBD re-elected/VBN once/RB ,/, this/DT survey/NN was/VBD unfathomable/JJ ./.
How/WRB could/MD he/PRP be/VB ahead/RB ?/.
(/( I/NN wo/MD n't/RB begin/VB to/TO justify/VB all/DT the/DT bad/JJ reasons/NNS for/IN Barry/NNP 's/POS popularity--race/JJ resentment/NN ,/, patronage/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
-/: -/: but/CC will/MD try/VB to/TO explain/VB one/CD good/JJ one/CD ./.
)/) Even/RB for/IN Washingtonians/NNP who/WP had/VBD forgiven/VBN Barry/NNP his/PRP$ crimes/NNS ,/, the/DT prospect/NN of/IN another/DT campaign/NN appalled/VBN ./.
The/DT post-comeback/JJ Barry/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB much/RB changed/VBN his/PRP$ ways/NNS :/: He/PRP still/RB favors/VBZ racial/JJ rhetoric/NN and/CC Congress-bashing/NNP ./.
(/( And/CC he/PRP may/MD not/RB have/VB shaken/VBN his/PRP$ worst/JJS old/JJ habits/NNS :/: The/DT Last/JJ of/IN the/DT Black/NNP Emperors/NNP :/: The/DT Hollow/NNP Comeback/NNP of/IN Marion/NNP Barry/NNP in/IN a/DT New/NNP Age/NNP of/IN Black/NNP Leaders/NNP ,/, a/DT new/JJ biography/NN by/IN longtime/JJ D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
journalist/NN Jonetta/NNP Rose/NNP Barras/NNP ,/, alleges/VBZ Barry/NNP may/MD have/VB bought/VBN drugs/NNS during/IN his/PRP$ current/JJ term/NN ./.
It/PRP also/RB alleges/VBZ he/PRP made/VBD sexual/JJ advances/NNS toward/IN male/JJ staffers/NNS ./.
Barry/NNP has/VBZ called/VBN the/DT book/NN "/" garbage/NN ./.
"/" )/) The/DT same/JJ Post/NNP poll/NN that/WDT found/VBD Barry/NNP would/MD win/VB the/DT 1998/CD Democratic/JJ primary/JJ also/RB found/VBD that/IN the/DT vast/JJ majority/NN of/IN Washingtonians--two-thirds--preferred/NNP he/PRP not/RB run/VBP ./.
But/CC Barry/NNP is/VBZ a/DT political/JJ creature/NN :/: Why/WRB would/MD he/PRP skip/VB a/DT race/NN he/PRP thought/VBD he/PRP could/MD win/VB ?/.
The/DT answer/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Mayor/NNP Barry/NNP of/IN 1998/CD is/VBZ not/RB the/DT Mayor/NNP Barry/NNP of/IN 1985/CD ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT good/JJ professional/JJ reason/NN for/IN him/PRP to/TO hold/VB office/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ scarcely/RB mayor/NN of/IN anything/NN ./.
Since/IN Barry/NNP returned/VBD to/TO the/DT office/NN in/IN January/NNP 1995/CD ,/, the/DT District/NNP power/NN structure/NN has/VBZ devoted/VBN itself/PRP to/TO emasculating/VBG him/PRP ./.
Within/IN a/DT few/JJ months/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ inauguration/NN ,/, the/DT Barry-loathing/NNP Republican/NNP Congress/NNP installed/VBD a/DT Control/NNP Board/NNP to/TO oversee/VB the/DT city/NN 's/POS shaky/JJ finances/NNS ./.
Congress/NNP and/CC the/DT Control/NNP Board/NNP soon/RB stripped/VBD the/DT mayor/NN of/IN authority/NN to/TO issue/VB contracts/NNS or/CC manage/VB budgets/NNS ./.
Last/JJ year/NN ,/, they/PRP usurped/JJ his/PRP$ control/NN of/IN the/DT city/NN bureaucracy/NN ,/, removing/VBG departments/NNS of/IN public/JJ safety/NN ,/, welfare/NN ,/, health/NN care/NN ,/, public/JJ works/NNS ,/, and/CC basically/RB everything/NN else/RB that/IN matters/NNS from/IN his/PRP$ supervision/NN ./.
Barry/NNP was/VBD left/VBN with/IN the/DT dregs/NNS :/: recreation/NN ,/, libraries/NNS ,/, the/DT Office/NNP of/IN Aging/NNP ./.
(/( The/DT transfer/NN of/IN power/NN has/VBZ been/VBN good/JJ news/NN for/IN the/DT city/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ erased/VBN a/DT huge/JJ deficit/NN and/CC begun/VBN to/TO stem/VB the/DT exodus/NN of/IN middle-class/NN residents/NNS ./.
Barry/NNP does/VBZ still/RB get/VB to/TO revel/VBP in/IN the/DT trappings/NNS of/IN mayorhood/NN ./.
He/PRP continues/VBZ to/TO flounce/NN around/IN Washington/NNP like/IN the/DT emperor/NN he/PRP once/RB was/VBD ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ a/DT limo/NN at/IN his/PRP$ beck/NN and/CC call/NN ./.
His/PRP$ personal/JJ security/NN force/NN included/VBD an/DT incredible/JJ 30/CD officers/NNS until/IN Congress/NNP forced/VBD him/PRP to/TO halve/VB it/PRP last/JJ year/NN ./.
A/DT crowd/NN of/IN flunkies/NNS and/CC yes-women/JJ surrounds/NNS him/PRP ./.
Barry/NNP still/RB issues/VBZ self-aggrandizing/JJ statements/NNS in/IN which/WDT he/PRP takes/VBZ credit/NN for/IN things/NNS he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB do/VB and/CC announces/VBZ "/" initiatives/NNS "/" that/WDT will/MD never/RB be/VB initiated/VBN ./.
And/CC he/PRP still/RB takes/VBZ grand/JJ foreign/JJ tours/NNS on/IN which/WDT he/PRP behaves/VBZ as/IN if/IN he/PRP is/VBZ visiting/VBG royalty/NN ./.
(/( This/DT week/NN :/: Taiwan/NNP ./.
"/" Losing/NNP the/DT actual/JJ power/NN bothers/NNS him/PRP ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ as/IN big/JJ a/DT deal/NN as/IN the/DT aura/NN of/IN power/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ a/DT longtime/JJ friend/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB just/RB the/DT limo/NN ,/, because/IN anyone/NN can/MD have/VB a/DT limo/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ the/DT Mayor/NNP ./.
He/PRP really/RB enjoys/VBZ being/VBG The/DT Man/NN ./.
But/CC Barry/NNP recognized/VBD that/IN the/DT trappings/NNS of/IN power/NN were/VBD tenuous/JJ ,/, too/RB ./.
If/IN he/PRP had/VBD been/VBN re-elected/VBN ,/, Congress/NNP would/MD have/VB probably/RB punished/VBN him/PRP by/IN cutting/VBG his/PRP$ salary/NN ;/: eliminating/VBG the/DT security/NN guards/NNS who/WP remain/VBP ;/: and/CC stripping/VBG him/PRP of/IN the/DT few/JJ ,/, pathetic/JJ agencies/NNS he/PRP does/VBZ control/NN ./.
Not/RB having/VBG lost/VBN his/PRP$ sharpness/NN ,/, Barry/NNP understood/VBD the/DT emptiness/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ position/NN ./.
If/IN re-elected/VBN ,/, he/PRP would/MD be/VB a/DT nonentity/NN ,/, and/CC Marion/NNP Barry/NNP cannot/NN stand/NN to/TO be/VB a/DT nonentity/NN ./.
So/RB why/WRB not/RB hand/VB the/DT job/NN off/RP ?/.
Congress/NNP will/MD be/VB more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO return/VB home/NN rule/NN and/CC rearm/VB the/DT mayor/NN if/IN Barry/NNP is/VBZ gone/VBN ./.
Besides/IN ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ nothing/NN left/VBN to/TO prove/VB ./.
He/PRP already/RB has/VBZ made/VBN the/DT greatest/JJS political/JJ comeback/NN in/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
history/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP poll/NN predicting/VBG a/DT Barry/NNP primary/JJ win/NN allows/VBZ him/PRP to/TO quit/VB with/IN a/DT bang/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT whimper/NN :/: "/" He/PRP can/MD go/VB out/IN saying/VBG ,/, '/" See/VB ,/, they/PRP still/RB love/VBP me/PRP ./.
I/PRP told/VBD you/PRP I/PRP would/MD win/VB ./.
Bye/NNP ,/, y/NN '/" all/DT ,/, '/" "/" says/VBZ Barras/NNP ./.
Barry/NNP 's/POS friends/NNS and/CC local/JJ business/NN leaders/NNS have/VBP been/VBN trying/VBG for/IN months/NNS to/TO find/VB a/DT way/NN to/TO let/VB him/PRP exit/NN with/IN honor--to/JJ give/VB him/PRP a/DT gracious/JJ payoff/NN in/IN exchange/NN for/IN his/PRP$ decision/NN to/TO step/VB down/RB ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT good/JJ idea/NN ./.
Barry/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT public/JJ servant--of/JJ a/DT sort--and/JJ America/NNP traditionally/RB finds/VBZ respectable/JJ retirements/NNS for/IN its/PRP$ former/JJ leaders/NNS ./.
Pols/NNP spend/VB their/PRP$ dotage/NN as/IN think/VBP tank/NN "/" scholars/NNS "/" or/CC consultants/NNS or/CC part-time/JJ lobbyists/NNS (/( see/VB :/: Bob/NNP Dole/NNP )/) and/CC are/VBP trotted/VBN out/IN periodically/RB for/IN sage/NN commentary/NN ./.
Even/RB if/IN Barry/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB quite/RB deserve/VB the/DT same/JJ ,/, Washington/NNP deserves/VBZ not/RB to/TO have/VB its/PRP$ ex-mayor/JJ disgraced/JJ ./.
Barry/NNP 's/POS retirement/NN team/NN has/VBZ talked/VBN to/TO local/JJ universities/NNS and/CC historically/RB black/JJ colleges/NNS about/IN a/DT position/NN for/IN him/PRP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ also/RB planning/VBG lecture/NN tours/NNS and/CC shopping/VBG a/DT memoir/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX is/VBZ even/RB talk/NN that/IN Barry/NNP will/MD be/VB hired/VBN as/IN a/DT top/JJ executive/NN by/IN a/DT local/JJ business/NN ./.
Given/VBN his/PRP$ track/NN record/NN as/IN the/DT District/NNP 's/POS mayor/NN ,/, you/PRP might/MD want/VB to/TO sell/VB your/PRP$ stock/NN in/IN that/DT company/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD the/DT sidebar/NN about/IN the/DT one/CD good/JJ reason/NN to/TO support/VB Barry/NNP ,/, click/NN ./.
New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS wo/MD n't/RB wait/VB for/IN much/JJ ,/, but/CC they/PRP apparently/RB will/MD wait/VB for/IN Geraldine/NNP Ferraro/NNP ./.
For/IN the/DT last/JJ 12/CD months/NNS ,/, the/DT ex-vice-presidential/JJ candidate/NN has/VBZ been/VBN mulling/VBG over/IN the/DT idea/NN of/IN quitting/VBG her/PRP$ Crossfire/NNP job/NN to/TO run/VB for/IN office/NN ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN to/TO make/VB her/PRP$ decision/NN :/: Ferraro/NNP will/MD announce/VB in/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD weeks/NNS whether/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ entering/VBG New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS 1998/CD Democratic/JJ senatorial/JJ primary--also/JJ known/VBN as/IN the/DT race/NN to/TO decide/VB who/WP gets/VBZ to/TO mud/NN wrestle/VB Sen/NNP ./.
Alfonse/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
Ferraro/NNP 's/POS Godot/NNP act/NN has/VBZ overshadowed/VBN the/DT campaigns/NNS of/IN the/DT two/CD declared/VBD primary/JJ contenders/NNS ,/, Rep/NNP ./.
Charles/NNP Schumer/NNP and/CC New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP Public/NNP Advocate/NNP Mark/NNP Green/NNP ./.
New/NNP York/NNP political/JJ bosses/NNS and/CC big/JJ donors/NNS are/VBP biding/VBG their/PRP$ time/NN waiting/VBG for/IN her/PRP$ announcement/NN ./.
The/DT fund-raising/JJ group/NN EMILY/NNP 's/POS List/NN ,/, which/WDT could/MD steer/VB $/$ 1/CD million/CD to/TO its/PRP$ chosen/VBN candidate/NN ,/, has/VBZ encouraged/VBN members/NNS to/TO withhold/VB contributions/NNS till/IN Ferraro/NNP makes/VBZ her/PRP$ decision/NN ./.
The/DT latest/JJS Quinnipiac/NNP College/NNP Poll/NNP ,/, a/DT respected/VBN independent/JJ survey/NN ,/, shows/VBZ Ferraro/NNP massacring/VBG Schumer/NNP and/CC Green/NNP in/IN the/DT primary/JJ and/CC routing/VBG D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP by/IN 14/CD points/NNS in/IN the/DT general/JJ election/NN ./.
This/DT enthusiasm/NN is/VBZ a/DT little/JJ mystifying/VBG ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT 62/CD -/: year-old/JJ has/VBZ served/VBN a/DT grand/JJ total/NN of/IN six/CD years/NNS in/IN public/JJ office/NN (/( all/DT in/IN the/DT House/NNP of/IN Representatives/NNPS )/) ,/, has/VBZ not/RB won/VBN an/DT election/NN since/IN 1982/CD ,/, was/VBD brutalized/JJ in/IN her/PRP$ last/JJ two/CD campaigns/NNS (/( 1984/CD vice-presidential/JJ and/CC 1992/CD senatorial/JJ )/) ,/, and/CC has/VBZ been/VBN tangled/VBN in/IN more/JJR ethics/NNS scandals/NNS than/IN any/DT politician/NN except/IN ,/, well/RB ,/, Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
A/DT little/RB ethnic/JJ arithmetic/NN explains/VBZ some/DT of/IN the/DT Ferraro/NNP excitement/NN ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ Italian/JJ ;/: Schumer/NNP and/CC Green/NNP are/VBP Jewish/JJ ./.
"/" D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP beats/VBZ any/DT Jew/NNP ,/, and/CC he/PRP loses/VBZ to/TO any/DT Italian/JJ ,/, "/" says/VBZ a/DT longtime/JJ New/NNP York/NNP political/JJ operative/NN ./.
But/CC Ferraro/NNP owes/VBZ her/PRP$ popularity/NN to/TO something/NN else/RB :/: the/DT Ferraro/NNP Aura/NNP (/( try/VB saying/VBG that/IN three/CD times/NNS quickly/RB )/) ./.
To/TO this/DT day/NN ,/, Ferraro/NNP is/VBZ defined/VBN by/IN 1984/CD ,/, by/IN the/DT four/CD months/NNS 13/CD years/NNS ago/RB when/WRB she/PRP was/VBD the/DT most/RBS famous/JJ woman/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
Democrats/NNPS ,/, especially/RB middle-aged/JJ women/NNS ,/, remember/VB her/PRP at/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP National/NNP Convention/NNP ,/, remember/VB her/PRP$ white/JJ dress/NN ,/, remember/VB her/PRP$ introduction/NN ,/, which/WDT brought/VBD the/DT house/NN down/RB ,/, "/" My/PRP$ name/NN is/VBZ Geraldine/NNP Ferraro/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT Mondale-/NNP Ferraro/NNP campaign/NN degenerated/VBD into/IN a/DT wretched/JJ ,/, embarrassing/JJ spectacle/NN ,/, but/CC Ferraro/NNP proved/VBD that/IN a/DT woman/NN could/MD be/VB just/RB as/IN good--and/JJ just/RB as/IN bad--a/JJ vice-presidential/JJ candidate/NN as/IN any/DT man/NN ./.
Ferraro/NNP ,/, Maureen/NNP Dowd/NNP wrote/VBD ,/, came/VBD to/TO embody/VBP "/" the/DT Cinderella/NNP myth/NN ,/, the/DT American/JJ dream/NN and/CC the/DT feminine/JJ mystique/NN "/" rolled/VBN into/IN one/CD ./.
Her/PRP$ admirers/NNS stopped/VBD seeing/VBG her/PRP as/IN a/DT politician/NN ./.
She/PRP became/VBD an/DT icon/NN ,/, an/DT unreal/NN ,/, idealized/JJ symbol/NN of/IN women/NNS 's/POS achievement/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT image/NN distorts/VBZ Ferraro/NNP ./.
As/IN an/DT individual/NN ,/, rather/RB than/IN a/DT symbol/NN ,/, she/PRP 's/VBZ wonderfully/RB engaging--charming/JJ ,/, tough/JJ ,/, smart/JJ ,/, funny/JJ ,/, thoughtful/JJ ./.
But/CC she/PRP is/VBZ also/RB very/RB much/RB a/DT politician/NN :/: self-aggrandizing/JJ ,/, ambitious/JJ ,/, and/CC acutely/RB sensitive/JJ to/TO political/JJ wind/NN shifts/NNS ./.
Few/JJ New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS ,/, let/VB alone/RB few/JJ Americans/NNPS ,/, remember/VB her/PRP$ six/CD years/NNS in/IN Congress/NNP ,/, and/CC with/IN good/JJ reason/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD a/DT pork-barreler/JJ and/CC a/DT more-or-less/JJ willing/JJ cog/NN in/IN the/DT Queens/NNP Democratic/JJ machine/NN ./.
(/( Her/PRP$ path/NN to/TO Washington/NNP was/VBD cleared/VBN by/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN her/PRP$ cousin/NN Nicholas/NNP Ferraro/NNP was/VBD the/DT Queens/NNP district/NN attorney/NN and/CC a/DT political/JJ player/NN ./.
)/) Ferraro/NNP had/VBD enough/JJ principles/NNS to/TO stand/VB on/RB ,/, not/RB enough/RB to/TO get/VB in/IN her/PRP$ way/NN ./.
Despite/IN her/PRP$ lionization/NN by/IN feminists/NNS ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, Ferraro/NNP was/VBD not/RB terribly/RB progressive/JJ on/IN women/NNS 's/POS issues/NNS ./.
She/PRP was/VBD pro-choice/JJ ,/, but/CC not/RB emphatically/RB so/RB ./.
She/PRP supported/VBD the/DT Equal/NNP Rights/NNP Amendment/NNP ,/, but/CC then/RB maneuvered/VBD to/TO keep/VB it/PRP out/IN of/IN the/DT 1984/CD Democratic/JJ platform/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ skills/NNS as/IN an/DT operator/NN served/VBD her/PRP$ own/JJ career/NN :/: When/WRB she/PRP arrived/VBD in/IN Congress/NNP in/IN 1979/CD ,/, she/PRP quickly/RB inserted/VBD herself/PRP under/IN the/DT wing/NN of/IN House/NNP Speaker/NNP Tip/NNP O/NNP '/POS Neill/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ sponsorship/NN was/VBD critical/JJ to/TO her/PRP$ vice-presidential/JJ nomination/NN ./.
Ferraro/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO favor/VB retail/JJ politics/NNS over/IN ideology/NN (/( like/IN D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP )/) ./.
She/PRP has/VBZ never/RB attached/VBN herself/PRP to/TO any/DT particular/RB set/NN of/IN ideas/NNS ,/, never/RB had/VBD any/DT consuming/NN passion/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ notable/JJ that/DT none/NN of/IN the/DT seven/CD New/NNP York/NNP Democratic/JJ operatives/NNS I/PRP talked/VBD to/TO could/MD describe/VB her/PRP$ ideology/NN or/CC name/VB her/PRP$ pet/NN causes/NNS ./.
(/( "/" She/PRP 's/VBZ sort/NN of/IN moderate/JJ ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, "/" said/VBD one/CD ./.
)/) When/WRB I/PRP asked/VBD Ferraro/NNP about/IN her/PRP$ key/JJ issues/NNS ,/, her/PRP$ answer/NN was/VBD boilerplate/NN :/: "/" Education/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT struggling/VBG economy/NN of/IN upstate/JJ New/NNP York/NNP ,/, D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP 's/POS "/" horrendous/JJ "/" record/NN ./.
Even/RB her/PRP$ responses/NNS to/TO ethics/NNS charges/NNS reflect/VBP her/PRP$ political/JJ instincts/NNS ./.
Confronted/VBN with/IN allegations/NNS about/IN campaign-finance/JJ irregularities/NNS or/CC with/IN questions/NNS about/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS business/NN dealings/NNS ,/, Ferraro/NNP has/VBZ bobbed/JJ and/CC weaved/JJ with/IN Clintonian/NNP deftness/NNS :/: Hand/NNP out/RP a/DT few/JJ documents/NNS ,/, hedge/VB ,/, cavil/NN ,/, deny/VB ,/, admit/VB with/IN explanation/NN ./.
All/DT of/IN which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO say/VB :/: Of/IN course/NN she/PRP 'll/MD run/VB ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT natural-born/JJ politician/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stay/VB away/RB from/IN the/DT race/NN ./.
She/PRP sounds/VBZ thrilled/VBN when/WRB she/PRP considers/VBZ the/DT prospect/NN ./.
"/" If/IN you/PRP look/VBP at/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN that/WDT was/VBD the/DT happiest/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD the/DT time/NN as/IN a/DT prosecutor/NN and/CC member/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ,/, "/" she/PRP says/VBZ ./.
"/" I/PRP am/VBP 30/CD points/NNS ahead/RB in/IN the/DT primary/NN ./.
And/CC I/PRP am/VBP the/DT only/RB one/CD who/WP beats/VBZ Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
"/" Ferraro/NNP has/VBZ always/RB wanted/VBN to/TO take/VB on/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Pothole/NNP ./.
She/PRP reluctantly/RB skipped/VBD the/DT 1986/CD campaign/NN because/IN of/IN ethics/NNS problems/NNS ./.
Scandal/NN dogged/VBD her/PRP$ again/RB in/IN 1992/CD ,/, when/WRB she/PRP lost/VBD a/DT vicious/JJ four-way/JJ primary/NN ./.
This/DT year/NN is/VBZ her/PRP$ last/JJ chance/NN at/IN Al/NNP :/: "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ either/CC do/VBP it/PRP now/RB ,/, or/CC do/VBP n't/RB do/VB it/PRP at/IN all/DT ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB likely/JJ to/TO be/VB an/DT easy/JJ primary/NN ./.
Schumer/NNP has/VBZ raised/VBN $/$ 8/CD million/CD and/CC is/VBZ a/DT relentless/JJ campaigner/NN ./.
Green/NNP has/VBZ a/DT loyal/JJ following/NN among/IN the/DT liberals/NNS who/WP vote/VBP in/IN Democratic/JJ primaries/NNS ./.
Ferraro/NNP says/VBZ she/PRP needs/VBZ to/TO raise/VB $/$ 5/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD to/TO win/VB the/DT primary/NN ./.
It/PRP will/MD be/VB a/DT fratricidal/NN ,/, exhausting/JJ race/NN ./.
And/CC if/IN she/PRP wins/VBZ ,/, D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP will/MD be/VB no/DT pushover/NN ./.
The/DT bars/NNS of/IN New/NNP York/NNP are/VBP filled/VBN with/IN politicians/NNS who/WP led/VBD D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP in/IN the/DT polls/VBZ a/DT year/NN before/IN Election/NNP Day/NNP ./.
He/PRP always/RB polls/VBZ low/JJ ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ $/$ 15/CD million/CD to/TO spend/VB in/IN the/DT general/JJ election/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP solidified/VBD his/PRP$ base/NN with/IN lots/NNS of/IN ./.
And/CC D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP will/MD not/RB underestimate/NN Ferraro/NNP ,/, whom/WP he/PRP fears/VBZ most/JJS of/IN all/DT his/PRP$ potential/JJ opponents/NNS ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ already/RB fired/VBN a/DT shot/NN across/IN her/PRP$ bow/NN ./.
In/IN October/NNP ,/, he/PRP ran/VBD TV/NN ads--between/JJ segments/NNS of/IN Crossfire/NNP ,/, no/DT less--slamming/JJ Ferraro/NNP as/IN a/DT pro-tax-and-welfare/JJ liberal/NN ./.
The/DT ads/NNS mimicked/JJ Crossfire/NNP 's/POS format/NN :/: "/" On/IN the/DT left/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Geraldine/NNP Ferraro/NNP ./.
And/CC on/IN our/PRP$ side/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Al/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ./.
"/" An/DT icon/NN would/MD have/VB ignored/VBN the/DT attack/NN ,/, but/CC Ferraro/NNP harpooned/JJ right/RB back/RB ,/, calling/VBG the/DT ad/NN a/DT "/" sign/NN of/IN panic/NN ./.
"/" When/WRB Republicans/NNPS asked/VBD CNN/NNP to/TO drop/VB Ferraro/NNP from/IN Crossfire/NNP ,/, complaining/VBG that/IN she/PRP was/VBD using/VBG the/DT program/NN to/TO advance/VB her/PRP$ candidacy/NN ,/, Ferraro/NNP countered/VBD that/IN "/" [/( i/NNP ]/) t/NN 's/POS almost/RB unbecoming/VBG to/TO see/VB grown/VBN men/NNS whine/NN ./.
If/IN New/NNP Yorkers/NNPS are/VBP lucky/JJ ,/, this/DT sniping/NN is/VBZ a/DT preview/NN of/IN a/DT delightful/JJ fall/NN campaign/NN :/: two/CD leather-skinned/JJ ,/, fast-talking/JJ ,/, old-time/JJ pols/NNS whaling/VBG the/DT bejesus/JJ out/IN of/IN each/DT other/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT kind/NN of/IN politics/NNS everyone/NN enjoys/VBZ ,/, not/RB least/JJS Geraldine/NNP Ferraro/NNP ./.
You/PRP can/MD talk/VB about/IN globalization/NN ,/, the/DT sexual/JJ revolution/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT civil/JJ rights/NNS movement/NN ./.
But/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT greatest/JJS upheavals/NNS of/IN the/DT century/NN is/VBZ the/DT liberation/NN of/IN the/DT nerd/NN ./.
Many/JJ have/VBP noted/VBN the/DT rise/NN of/IN the/DT Silicon/NNP Valley/NNP programmer/NN and/CC the/DT iconification/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP ./.
Few/JJ have/VBP placed/VBN these/DT developments/NNS in/IN context/NN ./.
Nerds/NNS ,/, once/RB defined/VBN as/IN squares/NNS and/CC losers/NNS ,/, now/RB also/RB lord/NN over/IN Washington/NNP (/( Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP ,/, Al/NNP Gore/NNP )/) and/CC Hollywood/NNP (/( Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP ,/, Quentin/NNP Tarantino/NNP )/) ./.
Just/RB as/IN the/DT women/NNS 's/POS rights/NNS movement/NN revolutionized/VBD male-female/JJ relations/NNS ,/, so/RB also/RB has/VBZ this/DT movement/NN created/VBD its/PRP$ own/JJ turmoil/NN ./.
With/IN the/DT advent/NN of/IN the/DT power/NN nerd/NN ,/, we/PRP can/MD no/RB longer/RB say/VB for/IN certain/JJ what/WP makes/VBZ a/DT nerd/NN a/DT nerd/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, to/TO put/VB it/PRP another/DT way/NN ,/, what/WP now/RB separates/NNS the/DT nerds/NNS from/IN the/DT nebbishes/NNS ?/.
The/DT time/NN has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO reassess/VB and/CC redefine/VB the/DT loser/NN ./.
Nobody--not/NNP William/NNP Safire/NNP ,/, not/RB the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Dictionary/NNP -/: -/: has/VBZ concretely/RB pinned/VBN down/RP the/DT origin/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN nerd/NN ./.
One/CD theory/NN traces/NNS it/PRP to/TO a/DT throwaway/JJ passage/NN in/IN Dr/NNP ./.
Seuss/NNP '/POS lesser-known/JJ 1950/CD children/NNS 's/POS book/NN If/IN I/PRP Ran/NNP the/DT Zoo/NNP ./.
Another/DT considers/VBZ it/PRP a/DT variation/NN of/IN the/DT 1940/CD s/VBZ put-down/JJ nerts/NNS to/TO you/PRP ,/, as/RB in/IN "/" nuts/NNS to/TO you/PRP ./.
"/" A/DT third/JJ derives/VBZ it/PRP from/IN turd/NN ./.
Whatever/WDT its/PRP$ origins/NNS ,/, the/DT appellation/NN rose/VBD to/TO prominence/NN in/IN the/DT 1950/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT High/NNP Age/NNP of/IN Conformity/NNP ,/, when/WRB boomers/NNS employed/VBN it/PRP to/TO condemn/VB the/DT most/JJS conformist/NN of/IN the/DT conformists/NNS ,/, the/DT squarest/NN of/IN the/DT squares/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT phrase/NN conjured/JJ up/RP a/DT specific/JJ image/NN :/: the/DT greasy/NN ,/, pocket-protected/JJ teen/NN in/IN thick/JJ ,/, horn-rimmed/JJ glasses/NNS ./.
Clearly/RB ,/, the/DT unstylish/JJ ,/, klutzy/NN bookworm/NN has/VBZ existed/VBN throughout/IN history/NN ./.
(/( Einstein/NNP is/VBZ an/DT obvious/JJ example/NN of/IN a/DT nerd/NN who/WP predated/JJ the/DT term/NN ./.
)/) But/CC nerdiness/NNS became/VBD well/RB defined/VBN only/RB after/IN the/DT birth/NN of/IN its/PRP$ opposite--coolness--during/JJ the/DT prosperous/JJ postwar/JJ era/NN ,/, as/IN the/DT middle/JJ class/NN expanded/VBN to/TO include/VB vast/JJ new/JJ segments/NNS of/IN the/DT population/NN ./.
These/DT new/JJ constituencies/NNS adopted/VBD bourgeois/NNS values/NNS ,/, among/IN them/PRP a/DT fixation/NN with/IN fashion--what/JJ 's/POS cool/NN and/CC what/WP 's/VBZ not/RB ./.
Nerdy/NNP was/VBD not/RB ./.
But/CC the/DT popular/JJ understanding/NN of/IN nerdiness--that/JJ a/DT nerd/NN is/VBZ an/DT uncool/NN person--does/JJ n't/RB stand/VB the/DT test/NN of/IN time/NN ./.
In/IN particular/JJ ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB survive/VB the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, an/DT era/NN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP deemed/VBD was/VBD characterized/VBN by/IN "/" nerd/NN chic/JJ ./.
"/" By/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN the/DT go-go/JJ decade/NN ,/, fashion/NN magazines/NNS touted/VBD the/DT popularity/NN of/IN nerd/NN couture--plaid/JJ plants/NNS ,/, horn/NN rims/NNS ,/, and/CC oxford/NN shirts/NNS buttoned/JJ all/PDT the/DT way/NN to/TO the/DT top/NN ./.
Further/RB ,/, witness/NN the/DT proliferation/NN of/IN '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ teen/JJ movies/NNS valorizing/VBG nerds/NNS :/: Revenge/NN of/IN the/DT Nerds/NNS ,/, Weird/NNP Science/NNP ,/, and/CC Real/JJ Genius/NN ,/, to/TO name/VB a/DT few/JJ ./.
Underlying/VBG this/DT transformation/NN of/IN the/DT nerd/NN 's/POS image/NN was/VBD a/DT transformation/NN of/IN the/DT nerd/NN 's/POS economic/JJ status/NN ./.
With/IN their/PRP$ entry/NN into/IN new/JJ high-tech/JJ industries/NNS ,/, many/JJ nerds/NNS suddenly/RB became/VBD millionerds/NNS ./.
Let/VB me/PRP posit/NN a/DT more/RBR durable/JJ definition/NN than/IN the/DT nerd-cool/JJ opposition/NN :/: Nerdiness/NNP is/VBZ connoisseurship/NN gone/VBN awry/RB ./.
The/DT essential/JJ characteristic/NN of/IN nerds/NNS is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP lack/VBP a/DT normal/JJ understanding/NN of/IN style/NN and/CC social/JJ graces/NNS ./.
The/DT essential/JJ reason/NN they/PRP get/VBP this/DT way/NN is/VBZ that/IN as/IN youths/NNS they/PRP channel/VBP their/PRP$ mental/JJ energies/NNS into/IN a/DT particular/JJ area--film/JJ ,/, computers/NNS ,/, politics--at/JJ the/DT expense/NN of/IN learning/VBG social/JJ conventions/NNS ./.
Nerds/NNS may/MD or/CC may/MD not/RB carry/VB their/PRP$ adolescent/JJ obsession/NN into/IN adulthood/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT scars/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ obsession/NN remain/VB palpable/JJ ./.
(/( Note/VB :/: Rare/JJ is/VBZ the/DT person/NN who/WP becomes/VBZ a/DT nerd/NN later/RB in/IN life/NN ./.
Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, may/MD have/VB developed/VBN an/DT unusual/JJ passion/NN for/IN policy/NN in/IN his/PRP$ 20/CD s/VBZ ,/, but/CC it/PRP never/RB interfered/VBD with/IN his/PRP$ social/JJ being/NN ./.
The/DT popular/JJ parlance/NN conflates/NNS nerd/NN with/IN nebbish/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT overlap/VB between/IN the/DT two/CD concepts/NNS is/VBZ not/RB large/JJ ,/, more/RBR on/IN the/DT order/NN of/IN this/DT :/:
While/IN one/PRP could/MD build/VB a/DT Nerd/NNP Hall/NNP of/IN Fame/NNP ,/, nebbishes/NNS are/VBP almost/RB always/RB anonymous/JJ ./.
By/IN definition/NN ,/, nebbishes/NNS are/VBP whiners/NNS ,/, lacking/VBG self-confidence/NN ,/, generally/RB inept/JJ ,/, and/CC on/IN the/DT losing/VBG end/NN of/IN social/JJ transactions--all/JJ characteristics/NNS that/WDT work/NN against/IN their/PRP$ ever/RB achieving/VBG fame/NN ./.
The/DT only/RB famous/JJ nebbishes/NNS are/VBP fictional/JJ characters/NNS :/: George/NNP Costanza/NNP ,/, Isaac/NNP Bashevis/NNP Singer/NNP 's/POS Gimple/NNP the/DT Fool/NNP ,/, George/NNP McFly/NNP in/IN Back/RB to/TO the/DT Future/NNP ,/, and/CC virtually/RB anyone/NN played/VBN by/IN Woody/NNP Allen/NNP or/CC Rick/NNP Moranis/NNP ./.
Other/JJ attributes/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) Nebbishes/NNP are/VBP necessarily/RB schlumpy/NN ,/, never/RB handsome/JJ or/CC physically/RB robust/JJ ./.
2/LS )/) The/DT term/NN is/VBZ usually/RB applied/VBN to/TO men--often/JJ implying/VBG effeminacy/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP would/MD not/RB be/VB inaccurate/JJ to/TO describe/VB a/DT woman/NN as/IN a/DT nebbish/NN or/CC as/IN nebbishy/NN ./.
3/LS )/) Few/JJ nebbishes/NNS are/VBP actually/RB nerds/NNS or/CC intellectuals--some/JJ Woody/NNP Allen/NNP characters/NNS excepted/JJ ./.
They/PRP lack/VBP the/DT nerd/NN 's/POS enterprise/NN and/CC obsessivesness/NNS ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, many/JJ nerds/NNS can/MD be/VB handsome/JJ (/( Gore/NNP )/) or/CC self-confident/JJ to/TO the/DT point/NN of/IN arrogance/NN (/( Gates/NNP ,/, Gingrich/NNP )/) ./.
At/IN the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT nerd-nebbish/JJ divide/VBP is/VBZ pity/NN ./.
Nebbishes/NNP are/VBP too/RB pathetic/JJ to/TO warrant/VB actual/JJ disdain/NN ./.
They/PRP are/VBP too/RB easy/JJ a/DT target/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, nerds/NNS evoke/VBP envy/NN ./.
We/PRP hate/VBP them/PRP because/IN they/PRP are/VBP smarter/RBR ,/, or/CC more/RBR studious/JJ ,/, or/CC more/RBR focused/JJ than/IN we/PRP are/VBP ./.
Nerds/NNS are/VBP genuinely/RB threatening/VBG ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ no/DT accident/NN that/IN the/DT word/NN nebbish/NN originated/VBN in/IN Yiddish/JJ ,/, a/DT language/NN without/IN a/DT nation/NN that/WDT is/VBZ spoken/VBN by/IN a/DT people/NNS repeatedly/RB beaten/VBN down/RB by/IN pogroms/NNS and/CC thus/RB in/IN a/DT good/JJ position/NN to/TO empathize/VB with/IN nebbishes/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, to/TO pose/VB the/DT obvious/JJ question/NN :/: Is/VBZ there/EX something/NN inherently/RB Jewish/JJ about/IN the/DT nebbish/NN ?/.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT great/JJ Yiddish/JJ linguist/NN Max/NNP Weinreich/NNP ,/, Jews/NNPS appropriated/VBD the/DT word/NN nebbich/NN from/IN their/PRP$ Slavic/NNP neighbors/NNS in/IN the/DT 11/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, other/JJ European/JJ nations/NNS with/IN similar/JJ histories/NNS of/IN subjugation/NN maintain/VB similar/JJ words/NNS ./.
In/IN Ukrainian/JJ ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN bidni/NN refers/VBZ to/TO an/DT unfortunate/JJ ,/, pitiable/JJ soul/NN ./.
Italian/JJ has/VBZ poverino/NN ./.
The/DT fact/NN that/DT nebbish/NN made/VBD it/PRP into/IN English/NNP owes/VBZ much/RB to/TO Jewish/NNP Borscht/NNP Belt/NNP comedians/NNS becoming/VBG '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ TV/NN stars/NNS ./.
Nebbishes/NNP will/MD never/RB ascend/NN to/TO the/DT heights/NNS of/IN nerds/NNS ./.
There/EX will/MD be/VB no/DT Revenge/NN of/IN the/DT Nebbishes/NNP ,/, no/DT nebbish/NN liberation/NN ./.
A/DT nebbish/NN could/MD never/RB gain/VB real/JJ power/NN ./.
More/RBR easily/RB ,/, one/PRP can/MD imagine/VB nebbishes/NNS banding/VBG together/RB to/TO promote/VB a/DT nebbish/NN agenda/NN ,/, kvetching/VBG that/IN they/PRP are/VBP systematically/RB discriminated/JJ against/IN ,/, demanding/VBG Nebbish/NNP Studies/NNPS at/IN universities/NNS ,/, and/CC complaining/VBG that/IN history/NN textbooks/NNS treat/VBP them/PRP as/IN losers/NNS ./.
But/CC only/RB a/DT schmegegge/NN would/MD ever/RB bet/VB on/IN a/DT nebbish/NN ./.
(/( Thanks/NNS to/TO Charles/NNP Paul/NNP Freund/NNP for/IN lending/VBG his/PRP$ erudition/NN ./.
So/IN we/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO have/VB a/DT contest/NN after/IN all/DT ./.
Not/RB for/IN president--no/JJ pundit/NN honestly/RB thinks/VBZ a/DT surprise/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ there/RB ./.
The/DT horse/NN race/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ been/VBN declared/VBN is/VBZ for/IN control/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ./.
Nearly/RB all/PDT the/DT prognosticators/NNS failed/VBD to/TO predict/VB the/DT Republican/JJ triumph/NN in/IN 1994/CD ./.
Now/RB they/PRP are/VBP saying/VBG Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS coattails/NNS might/MD just/RB be/VB long/RB enough/RB for/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS to/TO ride/VB back/RB into/IN power/NN ./.
The/DT Democratic/NNP National/NNP Committee/NNP is/VBZ raising/VBG millions/NNS per/IN week/NN on/IN the/DT promise/NN to/TO liberate/NN the/DT nation/NN from/IN the/DT reign/NN of/IN Gingrich/NNP ./.
Republicans/NNS ,/, more/RBR creatively/RB ,/, are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO frighten/VB small/JJ children/NNS with/IN the/DT supposedly/RB terrifying/JJ specter/NN of/IN "/" Speaker/NNP Gephardt/NNP ./.
Well/RB ,/, it/PRP could/MD happen/VB ./.
But/CC there/EX 's/VBZ good/JJ reason/NN to/TO hope/VB it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB ,/, whether/IN you/PRP are/VBP a/DT Democrat/NNP ,/, a/DT progressive/JJ ,/, or/CC even/RB president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
The/DT reasons/NNS to/TO be/VB alarmed/VBN about/IN the/DT return/NN of/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS are/VBP n't/RB those/DT put/NN forward/RB by/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP and/CC Republican/NNP National/NNP Chairman/NNP Haley/NNP Barbour/NNP ,/, who/WP have/VBP been/VBN warning/VBG of/IN a/DT return/NN to/TO the/DT liberal/JJ Dark/NNP Ages/NNPS ,/, circa/NN George/NNP McGovern/NNP ./.
A/DT Restoration/NNP Democratic/NNP Congress/NNP almost/RB certainly/RB would/MD not/RB try/VB to/TO pass/VB comprehensive/JJ health-care/NN reform/NN ,/, cut/VBP the/DT defense/NN budget/NN in/IN half/NN ,/, or/CC raise/VB taxes/NNS ./.
As/IN Barbour/NNP might/MD say/VB ,/, even/RB a/DT dog/NN learns/VBZ not/RB to/TO stick/VB its/PRP$ nose/NN in/IN the/DT campfire/NN a/DT second/JJ time/NN ./.
The/DT real/JJ reason/NN to/TO worry/VB about/IN Democrats/NNPS retaking/VBG Congress/NNP is/VBZ that/IN after/IN two/CD years/NNS out/IN of/IN power/NN ,/, they/PRP have/VBP begun/VBN to/TO reconsider/VB their/PRP$ approach/NN to/TO government--but/JJ they/PRP 've/VBP only/RB just/RB begun/VBN ./.
The/DT danger/NN is/VBZ that/IN instead/RB of/IN returning/VBG to/TO power/VB as/IN spirited/JJ reform/NN liberals/NNS ,/, the/DT Democrats/NNPS would/MD govern/VB as/IN a/DT devious/JJ ,/, dispirited/JJ version/NN of/IN their/PRP$ old/JJ selves/NNS ./.
And/CC paradoxically/RB ,/, they/PRP will/MD have/VB a/DT more/RBR productive/JJ two/CD years/NNS if/IN they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB win/VB than/IN if/IN they/PRP do/VBP ./.
Assuming/VBG that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP is/VBZ re-elected/VBN ,/, a/DT divided/VBN government/NN would/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO accomplish/VB more/JJR of/IN what/WP Democrats/NNPS want/VBP than/IN if/IN they/PRP controlled/VBD both/DT elected/VBN branches/NNS ./.
The/DT political/JJ model/NN for/IN a/DT Restoration/NNP Democratic/NNP Congress/NNP would/MD n't/RB be/VB Ted/NNP Kennedy/NNP ,/, the/DT corpulent/NN Massachusetts/NNP senator/NN ./.
It/PRP would/MD be/VB Henry/NNP Waxman/NNP ,/, the/DT tiny/JJ congressman/NN from/IN Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ./.
The/DT Kennedy/NNP model/NN was/VBD New/NNP Deal/NNP liberalism/NN :/: Raise/VB money/NN through/IN taxation/NN to/TO pay/VB for/IN ambitious/JJ federal/JJ programs/NNS ./.
The/DT Waxman/NNP model/NN ,/, deployed/VBN when/WRB he/PRP chaired/VBD the/DT health/NN subcommittee/NN of/IN Energy/NNP and/CC Commerce/NNP ,/, is/VBZ administrative/JJ liberalism/NN :/: Try/VB to/TO accomplish/VB the/DT same/JJ social/JJ goals/NNS covertly/RB through/IN regulation/NN and/CC mandates/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, while/IN Kennedy/NNP was/VBD still/RB arguing/VBG for/IN nationalized/VBN health/NN care/NN ,/, paid/VBN for/IN by/IN a/DT payroll/NN tax/NN ,/, Waxman/NNP was/VBD trying/VBG to/TO create/VB universal/JJ coverage/NN through/IN the/DT back/NN door/NN ,/, by/IN expanding/VBG Medicaid/NNP eligibility/NN and/CC requiring/VBG states/NNS to/TO provide/VB ever/RB more/RBR extensive/JJ benefits/NNS ./.
The/DT mandates/VBZ Waxman/NNP buried/VBN in/IN various/JJ appropriation/NN bills/NNS produced/VBD a/DT malfunctioning/VBG system/NN that/WDT was/VBD resented/VBD by/IN governors/NNS of/IN both/DT parties/NNS as/IN its/PRP$ costs/NNS escalated/VBN and/CC the/DT number/NN of/IN uninsured/JJ Americans/NNPS continued/VBD to/TO rise/VB ./.
Kennedy/NNP 's/POS was/VBD a/DT legitimate/JJ alternative/NN ,/, democratically/RB rejected/VBD ;/: Waxman/NNP 's/POS approach/NN (/( which/WDT has/VBZ finally/RB become/VBN Kennedy/NNP 's/POS as/RB well/RB )/) was/VBD to/TO quietly/RB foist/NN more/JJR government/NN on/IN an/DT uncomprehending/VBG electorate/NN ./.
Blocked/VBN by/IN the/DT present/JJ political/JJ mood/NN from/IN acting/VBG in/IN a/DT direct/JJ ,/, sensible/JJ way/NN to/TO create/VB government/NN programs/NNS where/WRB they/PRP are/VBP needed/VBN ,/, Democrats/NNPS would/MD be/VB tempted/VBN to/TO operate/VB Waxman-style/NNP ,/, in/IN an/DT inefficient/JJ ,/, subterranean/JJ way/NN ./.
Take/VB welfare/NN reform/NN ./.
The/DT bill/NN Clinton/NNP signed/VBD this/DT summer/NN is/VBZ deficient/NN principally/RB because/IN it/PRP would/MD cut/VB poor/JJ people/NNS off/RP even/RB if/IN they/PRP could/MD n't/RB find/VB jobs/NNS ./.
It/PRP could/MD ,/, however/RB ,/, be/VB made/VBN into/IN a/DT reasonable/JJ scheme/NN by/IN adding/VBG a/DT public-sector/JJ jobs/NNS program/NN that/WDT would/MD offer/VB employment/NN in/IN the/DT last/JJ resort/NN for/IN those/DT who/WP are/VBP willing/JJ to/TO work/VB but/CC are/VBP (/( frankly/RB )/) unemployable/JJ in/IN the/DT private/JJ sector/NN ./.
But--afraid/NNP of/IN spending/NN for/IN the/DT underclass--a/JJ Democratic/NNP Congress/NNP might/MD find/VB it/PRP easier/JJR to/TO tinker/VB with/IN regulations/NNS to/TO prevent/VB states/NNS from/IN cutting/VBG welfare/NN recipients/NNS off/RP at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN their/PRP$ supposed/VBN time/NN limits/NNS ./.
This/DT would/MD undermine/VB reform/NN rather/RB than/IN fixing/VBG it/PRP ./.
With/IN a/DT nominally/RB Republican/NNP Congress/NNP ,/, though/RB ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP might/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO drum/VB up/RP bipartisan/JJ support/NN to/TO pass/VB a/DT humane/NN modification/NN in/IN the/DT form/NN of/IN a/DT jobs/NNS program/NN ./.
Why/WRB should/MD that/DT be/VB ?/.
We/PRP saw/VBD how/WRB it/PRP worked/VBD during/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS first/JJ term/NN ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ first/JJ two/CD years/NNS ,/, when/WRB Clinton/NNP had/VBD a/DT Democratic/JJ congressional/JJ majority/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS were/VBD truculent/NN and/CC obstructionist/NN ./.
It/PRP soon/RB dawned/JJ on/IN them/PRP that/IN any/DT accomplishments/NNS benefited/VBD the/DT party/NN in/IN power/NN ./.
As/IN GOP/NNP strategist/NN William/NNP Kristol/NNP argued/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ famous/JJ health-care/NN memo/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS were/VBD politically/RB better/JJR off/IN blocking/VBG everything/NN than/IN compromising/VBG ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT last/JJ two/CD years/NNS ,/, with/IN a/DT Republican/NNP Congress/NNP ,/, the/DT incentives/NNS have/VBP been/VBN reversed/VBN ./.
Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP tried/VBD ruling/VBG by/IN non-negotiable/JJ demand/NN and/CC ended/VBD up/RB with/IN Republican/NNP congressional/JJ candidates/NNS denying/VBG any/DT knowledge/NN of/IN his/PRP$ existence/NN ./.
He/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ party/NN learned/VBD the/DT hard/JJ way/NN that/IN they/PRP were/VBD better/JJR off/RP cooperating/VBG with/IN Democrats/NNPS on/IN things/NNS the/DT country/NN wants/VBZ ,/, and/CC trying/VBG to/TO share/VB the/DT credit--hence/JJ the/DT recent/JJ flurry/NN of/IN legislation/NN passed/VBN with/IN bipartisan/JJ support/NN :/: welfare/NN reform/NN ,/, health-care/NN portability/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT minimum-wage/NN increase/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, a/DT Democratic/NNP Congress/NNP would/MD probably/RB mean/VB less/JJR opportunity/NN for/IN Clinton/NNP to/TO pass/VB legislation/NN of/IN any/DT kind/NN ./.
If/IN Republicans/NNPS retain/VBP a/DT majority/NN ,/, both/DT parties/NNS will/MD be/VB denied/VBN their/PRP$ grander/JJR schemes/NNS ./.
But/CC President/NNP Clinton/NNP might/MD win/VB a/DT few/JJ more/JJR increments/NNS of/IN health-care/NN reform/NN ,/, improvements/NNS in/IN the/DT welfare/NN bill/NN ,/, the/DT kind/NN of/IN tax/NN cut/NN he/PRP wants/VBZ ,/, and/CC maybe/RB even/RB some/DT sort/NN of/IN entitlement/NN reform/NN ./.
The/DT balanced/JJ budget/NN will/MD continue/VB to/TO get/VB closer/JJR ./.
If/IN Democrats/NNPS recover/VBP a/DT majority/NN ,/, Republicans/NNPS will/MD have/VB every/DT incentive/NN to/TO block/VB everything/NN once/RB again/RB ./.
And/CC with/IN a/DT superslim/NN majority/NN ,/, instead/RB of/IN a/DT 30/CD -/: seat/NN one/CD ,/, Democrats/NNPS will/MD be/VB even/RB weaker/JJR ./.
There/EX wo/MD n't/RB be/VB any/DT one-vote/JJ budget/NN victories/NNS ./.
Conservatives/NNS would/MD jeer/NN from/IN the/DT sidelines/NNS ,/, demanding/VBG big/JJ tax/NN cuts/NNS and/CC no/RB longer/RB spelling/VBG out--as/JJ they/PRP admirably/RB did/VBD last/JJ year--how/JJ such/JJ cuts/NNS would/MD be/VB paid/VBN for/IN ./.
Cheap/JJ Republican/JJ partisanship/NN would/MD bring/VB out/RP the/DT worst/JJS in/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS ,/, encouraging/VBG more/RBR symbolic/JJ "/" therapeutic/JJ legislation/NN "/" (/( see/VB my/PRP$ colleague/NN Jack/NNP Shafer/NNP 's/POS "/" Flame/NNP Posies/NNP "/" column/NN )/) and/CC demagoguery/NN intended/VBN to/TO keep/VB old/JJ people/NNS in/IN a/DT Republican-hating/NNP frenzy/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ said/VBN that/IN suffering/VBG is/VBZ good/JJ for/IN the/DT soul/NN ,/, and/CC so/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN for/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS ./.
When/WRB I/PRP went/VBD to/TO see/VB Dick/NNP Gephardt/NNP a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, he/PRP was/VBD saying/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ things/NNS about/IN how/WRB his/PRP$ party/NN had/VBD been/VBN lazy/JJ and/CC undisciplined/JJ ,/, throwing/VBG programs/NNS at/IN problems/NNS without/IN worrying/VBG about/IN results/NNS ./.
He/PRP was/VBD touting/VBG his/PRP$ "/" Families/NNS First/CD "/" agenda/NN ,/, a/DT kind/NN of/IN Democratic/JJ Contract/NN With/IN America/NNP ,/, which/WDT he/PRP developed/VBD with/IN the/DT Senate/NNP Minority/NNP Leader/NNP Tom/NNP Daschle/NNP ./.
It/PRP includes/VBZ sensible/JJ ,/, small-scale/JJ proposals/NNS such/JJ as/IN requiring/VBG health-insurance/JJ companies/NNS to/TO offer/VB kids-only/JJ policies/NNS ./.
These/DT are/VBP modest/JJ steps/NNS ,/, but/CC not/RB falsely/RB modest/JJ ones/NNS ,/, like/IN some/DT of/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ Dick/NNP Morris-inspired/NNP micro-ideas/JJ (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, school/NN uniforms/NNS )/) ./.
Those/DT are/VBP n't/RB incremental/JJ government--they/JJ 're/VBP infinitesimal/NN government/NN ./.
But/CC Gephardt/NNP 's/POS admirable/JJ evolution/NN may/MD be/VB interrupted/VBN if/IN he/PRP runs/VBZ for/IN president/NN in/IN 2000/CD ./.
The/DT prospect/NN of/IN a/DT party/NN primary/NN will/MD drag/VB him/PRP back/RB to/TO the/DT left/NN ./.
And/CC Gephardt/NNP has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO bring/VB around/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT old/JJ Democratic/JJ barons/NNS :/: the/DT Obeys/NNP ,/, the/DT Boniors/NNP ,/, the/DT Dingells/NNP ./.
These/DT guys/NNS still/RB are/VBP n't/RB into/IN small/JJ stuff/NN ./.
They/PRP 've/VBP made/VBN clear/JJ that/IN the/DT balanced/JJ budget/NN will/MD be/VB the/DT first/JJ thing/NN out/RP the/DT window/NN if/IN they/PRP get/VBP their/PRP$ old/JJ chairs/NNS back/RB ./.
The/DT next/JJ thing/NN to/TO go/VB would/MD be/VB the/DT rules/NNS restraining/VBG the/DT power/NN of/IN committee/NN chairs/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB the/DT only/RB truly/RB good/JJ deed/JJ of/IN the/DT Gingrich/NNP Congress/NNP ./.
For/IN the/DT old/JJ bulls/NNS ,/, a/DT November/NNP victory/NN would/MD prove/VB that/IN 1994/CD was/VBD a/DT meaningless/JJ blip/NN ,/, that/IN there/EX was/VBD nothing/NN wrong/JJ with/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS after/IN all/DT ./.
They/PRP may/MD have/VB suffered/VBN ,/, but/CC they/PRP have/VBP n't/RB suffered/VBN enough/RB ./.
At/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP the/DT lead/NN is/VBZ Janet/NNP Reno/NNP and/CC Louis/NNP Freeh/NNP 's/POS joint/JJ appearance/NN before/IN a/DT congressional/JJ committee/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT news/NN that/IN California/NNP air/NN quality/NN officials/NNS are/VBP considering/VBG imposing/VBG stricter/JJR smog/NN rules/NNS on/IN pick-up/JJ trucks/NNS and/CC minivans/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT South/JJ Korean/JJ government/NN 's/POS call/NN for/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC Japan/NNP to/TO quickly/RB pony/NN up/RP some/DT cash/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN promised/VBN in/IN the/DT recently/RB concluded/VBN bailout/NN only/RB as/IN a/DT last/JJ resort/NN (/( yet/RB another/DT case/NN of/IN the/DT Times/NNP leading/VBG with/IN a/DT financial/JJ story/NN nobody/NN else/RB even/RB puts/VBZ on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN )/) ./.
Within/IN hours/NNS ,/, Clinton/NNP administration/NN officials/NNS rejected/VBD any/DT early/JJ injection/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
funds/NNS ./.
There/EX was/VBD no/DT immediate/JJ reaction/NN from/IN Japan/NNP ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ politics/NNS on/IN both/DT sides/NNS of/IN the/DT matter/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP :/: Korean/JJ politicians/NNS want/VBP up-front/JJ money/NN to/TO soften/VB what/WP are/VBP widely/RB viewed/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ country/NN as/IN the/DT bailout/NN 's/POS regulatory/JJ intrusions/NNS ,/, while/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN has/VBZ tried/VBN to/TO make/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
contribution/NN to/TO the/DT deal--estimated/JJ to/TO be/VB potentially/RB $/$ 5/CD billion--more/JJ palatable/JJ by/IN suggesting/VBG there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT chance/NN it/PRP would/MD never/RB actually/RB be/VB needed/VBN ./.
USAT/NNP stresses/VBZ the/DT "/" unified/JJ front/NN "/" put/VB on/IN by/IN Reno/NNP and/CC Freeh/NNP on/IN the/DT Hill/NNP (/( as/IN does/VBZ the/DT LAT/NNP in/IN its/PRP$ front/JJ pager/NN )/) ,/, while/IN the/DT WP/NNP emphasizes/VBZ Freeh/NNP 's/POS testimony/NN that/IN he/PRP continues/VBZ to/TO support/VB an/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN taking/VBG over/IN Justice/NNP 's/POS ongoing/JJ investigation/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP campaign/NN fund-raising/JJ ./.
The/DT Post/NNP notes/NNS that/IN while/IN Reno/NNP has/VBZ spent/VBN a/DT lot/NN of/IN time/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN congressional/JJ mikes/NNS ,/, yesterday/NN 's/POS appearance/NN marked/VBD Freeh/NNP 's/POS first/JJ extensive/JJ public/JJ comments/NNS concerning/VBG the/DT investigation/NN and/CC his/PRP$ disagreement/NN with/IN Reno/NNP about/IN how/WRB to/TO pursue/VB it/PRP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ quoted/VBN describing/VBG that/DT disagreement/NN as/IN "/" the/DT biggest/JJS open/JJ secret/NN in/IN Washington/NNP "/" because/IN of/IN leaks/NNS to/TO news/NN organizations/NNS ./.
Probably/RB so/RB ,/, but/CC Freeh/NNP had/VBD as/IN much/RB motive/NN as/IN anyone/NN to/TO do/VB the/DT leaking/VBG :/: publicizing/VBG the/DT dispute/NN served/VBD to/TO demonstrate/VB his/PRP$ political/JJ independence/NN from/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, something/NN Reno/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN pilloried/VBN repeatedly/RB for/IN not/RB demonstrating/VBG (/( see/VB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, today/NN 's/POS Maureen/NNP Dowd/NNP column/NN )/) ./.
The/DT context/NN for/IN the/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT boom/NN in/IN light/JJ trucks/NNS and/CC sport/NN utility/NN vehicles/NNS has/VBZ accelerated/VBN pollution/NN because/IN they/PRP are/VBP n't/RB subject/JJ to/TO the/DT same/JJ emission/NN and/CC fuel/NN economy/NN controls/NNS as/IN passenger/NN cars/NNS ./.
An/DT editorial/NN in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP points/NNS out/RP that/IN even/RB though/IN these/DT heavier/JJR vehicles/NNS are/VBP only/RB half/NN as/RB numerous/JJ as/IN cars/NNS ,/, they/PRP already/RB produce/VBP as/IN much/JJ carbon/NN dioxide/NN ,/, and/CC by/IN 2010/CD if/IN the/DT rules/NNS are/VBP n't/RB changed/VBN ,/, they/PRP may/MD produce/VB up/IN to/TO 75/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT smog/NN coming/VBG from/IN personal/JJ vehicles/NNS ./.
Although/IN even/RB the/DT United/NNP Farm/NNP Workers/NNPS considers/VBZ the/DT strike/NN against/IN table/NN grapes/NNS to/TO be/VB "/" dormant/JJ ,/, "/" until/IN last/JJ Thursday/NNP it/PRP was/VBD still/RB going/VBG strong/JJ ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, at/IN Harvard/NNP ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ when/WRB the/DT results/NNS of/IN a/DT campus-wide/JJ referendum/NN were/VBD announced/VBN :/: 54/CD %/NN percent/NN pro-grape/JJ ,/, 46/CD %/NN anti/NN ./.
There/EX will/MD be/VB grapes/NNS on/IN campus/NN tables/NNS for/IN brunch/NN this/DT Sunday/NNP ./.
Some/DT anti-grape/JJ students/NNS are/VBP planning/VBG a/DT no-grape/JJ eating/NN table/NN ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS "/" Tax/NNP Report/NNP "/" brings/VBZ word/NN that/IN some/DT rock/NN stars/NNS have/VBP been/VBN tangling/VBG with/IN the/DT IRS/NNP over/IN the/DT deductibility/NN of/IN clothes/NNS worn/VBN on/IN stage/NN during/IN performances/NNS ./.
Apparently/RB ,/, Stevie/NNP Nicks/NNP of/IN Fleetwood/NNP Mac/NNP told/VBD the/DT government/NN that/IN her/PRP$ flowing/VBG on-stage/JJ get-ups/JJ are/VBP not/RB suitable/JJ for/IN ordinary/JJ wear/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN much/JJ of/IN it/PRP is/VBZ discarded/VBN after/IN shows/VBZ because/IN it/PRP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB re-used/JJ ./.
The/DT column/NN reports/NNS that/IN a/DT tentative/JJ settlement/NN between/IN Nicks/NNP and/CC the/DT feds/NNS is/VBZ in/IN the/DT works/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP front/JJ page/NN reports/NNS that/IN Latrell/NNP Sprewell/NNP held/VBD a/DT press/NN conference/NN yesterday/NN ./.
He/PRP apologized/VBD ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ main/JJ goal/NN was/VBD image/NN repair/NN :/: he/PRP was/VBD accompanied/VBN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, by/IN his/PRP$ agent/NN ,/, his/PRP$ accountant/NN ,/, his/PRP$ tax/NN man/NN ,/, his/PRP$ teammates/NNS ,/, the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT players/NNS '/POS union/NN ,/, several/JJ other/JJ advisors/NNS ,/, and/CC ./.
Johnnie/NNP Cochran/NNP ./.
Sprewell/NNP took/VBD no/DT questions/NNS from/IN the/DT assembled/VBN press/NN and/CC did/VBD not/RB address/VB any/DT specifics/NNS of/IN the/DT two/CD incidents/NNS in/IN which/WDT he/PRP punched/VBD and/CC choked/VBD his/PRP$ coach/NN ./.
"/" We/PRP 're/VBP not/RB here/RB today/NN to/TO discuss/VB the/DT facts/NNS ,/, "/" Cochran/NNP explained/VBD ./.
No/DT word/NN yet/RB on/IN the/DT search/NN for/IN the/DT real/JJ chokers/NNS ./.
Lisa/NNP ,/, produced/VBN by/IN Trippi/NNP ,/, McMahon/NNP ,/, and/CC Squier/NNP
Of/IN course/NN ,/, they/PRP are/VBP n't/RB brothers/NNS ,/, but/CC two/CD Warners--/NNP John/NNP and/CC Mark/NNP ,/, Republican/NNP and/CC Democrat--are/NNP running/VBG against/IN each/DT other/JJ in/IN Virginia/NNP for/IN John/NNP 's/POS Senate/NNP seat/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT surface/NN ,/, this/DT 60/CD -/: second/JJ ad/NN for/IN Mark/NNP is/VBZ what/WP political/JJ consultants/NNS call/VBP a/DT "/" bio/NN spot/NN ./.
"/" Underneath/IN ,/, however/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ an/DT implicit/JJ "/" comparative/JJ "/" in/IN which/WDT every/DT favorable/JJ item/NN about/IN Mark/NNP is/VBZ an/DT unspoken/NN (/( for/IN the/DT moment/NN )/) push/VB off/RP against/IN John/NNP ./.
The/DT spot/NN attempts/NNS to/TO define/VB the/DT race/NN ;/: it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT road/NN map/NN to/TO where/WRB Mark/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN intends/VBZ to/TO go/VB ./.
John/NNP is/VBZ older/JJR (/( 69/CD )/) and/CC a/DT career/NN politician/NN (/( 31/CD years/NNS in/IN public/JJ office/NN ,/, 18/CD of/IN them/PRP in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP )/) ;/: Mark/NNP is/VBZ 41/CD and/CC a/DT high-tech/JJ entrepreneur/NN ./.
The/DT spot/NN begins/VBZ with/IN Mark/NNP today/NN ,/, emphasizing/VBG that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ created/VBD a/DT multimillion/JJ dollar/NN business/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ trying/VBG ,/, in/IN effect/NN ,/, to/TO give/VB John/NNP a/DT gold/NN watch/NN ,/, to/TO cast/VB him/PRP as/IN a/DT senator/NN for/IN the/DT past--a/JJ strategy/NN often/RB discussed/VBD in/IN politics/NNS but/CC seldom/RB fully/RB executed/VBN ,/, as/IN challengers/NNS usually/RB turn/RB to/TO harder-edged/JJ negatives/NNS ./.
Here/RB Mark/NNP is/VBZ graphically/RB portrayed/VBN as/IN the/DT future/JJ ;/: the/DT spot/NN tells/VBZ us/PRP this/DT visually/RB ,/, not/RB only/RB with/IN his/PRP$ looks/NNS but/CC with/IN its/PRP$ look/NN ,/, right/RB down/IN to/TO the/DT cyberesque/NN chyrons--the/JJ writing/NN on/IN screen--and/JJ the/DT moving/VBG cursor/NN ./.
Both/DT John/NNP and/CC Mark/NNP are/VBP wealthy/JJ ./.
John/NNP is/VBZ Virginia/NNP hunt/NN country/NN and/CC the/DT former/JJ husband/NN of/IN both/DT a/DT Mellon/NNP heiress/NNS and/CC Elizabeth/NNP Taylor/NNP ./.
Mark/NNP ,/, the/DT spot/NN tells/VBZ us/PRP ,/, is/VBZ different/JJ :/: first/JJ in/IN his/PRP$ family/NN to/TO college/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD paid/VBN for/IN with/IN loans/NNS and/CC part-time/JJ jobs/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ wife/NN Lisa/NNP vouches/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ effort/NN to/TO keep/VB that/IN old/JJ car/NN running/NN and/CC pay/VB off/IN the/DT student/NN loans/NNS (/( polls/NNS show/VBP that/IN if/IN you/PRP had/VBD them/PRP ,/, you/PRP better/JJR have/VBP paid/VBN them/PRP )/) ./.
This/DT "/" common/JJ man/NN "/" theme/NN is/VBZ also/RB a/DT pre-emptive/JJ defense/NN ./.
Mark/NNP will/MD spend/VB millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ money/NN against/IN John/NNP ,/, the/DT odds-on/JJ favorite/JJ who/WP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT clear/JJ fund-raising/JJ advantage/NN ./.
But/CC Mark/NNP wants/VBZ voters/NNS to/TO know/VB that/IN he/PRP earned/VBD every/DT penny/NN himself/PRP ./.
A/DT skeptical/JJ electorate/NN tends/VBZ to/TO resist/VB claims/NNS made/VBN in/IN political/JJ ads/NNS ./.
So/RB as/IN this/DT spot/NN returns/NNS to/TO the/DT present/NN ,/, it/PRP relies/VBZ on/IN an/DT increasingly/RB standard/JJ technique/NN :/: It/PRP invokes/VBZ third-party/JJ verifiers--independent/JJ journalistic/JJ sources--to/JJ tell/VB voters/NNS that/IN Mark/NNP deserves/VBZ credit/NN for/IN "/" building/VBG the/DT information/NN highway/NN ./.
"/" A/DT second/JJ source/NN is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO prop/VB up/RP this/DT improbable/JJ claim/NN ,/, while/IN a/DT short-sleeved/JJ Mark/NNP casually/RB reaches/VBZ over/IN a/DT workstation/NN in/IN a/DT postmodern/NN office/NN ./.
Now/RB the/DT spot/NN moves/NNS from/IN Mark/NNP the/DT private-sector/JJ innovator/NN to/TO Mark/NNP the/DT public-policy/NN innovator/NN in/IN health/NN care/NN ./.
The/DT images/NNS convey/VBP a/DT sense/NN of/IN compassion/NN and/CC inclusion/NN :/: The/DT young/JJ guy/NN cares/VBZ about/IN the/DT elderly/JJ and/CC minorities/NNS ./.
And/CC again/RB ,/, the/DT implicit/JJ comparison/NN with/IN John/NNP :/: Mark/NNP has/VBZ new/JJ ideas--and/JJ even/RB better/JJR for/IN a/DT Democrat/NNP ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP not/RB about/IN big/JJ government/NN ,/, but/CC about/IN a/DT "/" public-private/JJ partnership/NN ./.
Finally/RB ,/, the/DT spot/NN weaves/VBZ together/RB the/DT "/" common/JJ man/NN "/" theme/NN (/( Mark/NNP himself/PRP replays/NNS it/PRP to/TO camera/NN )/) ,/, the/DT "/" future/JJ "/" theme/NN (/( watch/VB the/DT blinking/RB cursor/NN )/) ,/, and/CC a/DT visual/JJ and/CC verbal/JJ appeal/NN to/TO "/" family/NN "/" values/NNS ./.
With/IN this/DT ,/, Mark/NNP is/VBZ fishing/VBG for/IN stray/VB conservative/JJ voters/NNS increasingly/RB alienated/VBN from/IN the/DT twice-divorced/JJ ,/, now/RB unmarried/JJ John/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ pro-choice/JJ on/IN abortion/NN ,/, voted/VBD against/IN Clarence/NNP Thomas/NNP for/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ,/, and/CC adamantly/RB opposed/VBN Oliver/NNP North/NNP 's/POS 1994/CD Senate/NNP bid/NN ./.
Is/VBZ that/IN the/DT subliminal/JJ message/NN of/IN the/DT slogan/NN :/: "/" The/DT Right/RB Warner/NNP for/IN Virginia/NNP 's/POS Future/NNP "/" ?/.
Just/RB kidding--the/JJ operative/JJ word/NN here/RB is/VBZ "/" Future/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Robert/NNP Shrum/NNP
News/NN reports/NNS about/IN the/DT crashes/NNS of/IN EgyptAir/NNP Flight/NNP 990/CD and/CC the/DT private/JJ plane/NN carrying/VBG golfer/NN Payne/NNP Stewart/NNP have/VBP focused/VBN on/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT airplanes/NNS '/POS autopilots/NNS ./.
What/WP exactly/RB do/VBP autopilots/NNS do/VBP ?/.
The/DT autopilot/NN is/VBZ an/DT electronic/JJ system/NN that/WDT manipulates/VBZ the/DT three/CD "/" control/NN surfaces/VBZ "/" that/WDT determine/VBP an/DT airplane/NN 's/POS course/NN :/: the/DT movable/JJ panels/NNS ,/, called/VBN ailerons/NNS ,/, on/IN the/DT back/NN of/IN each/DT wing/NN that/WDT allow/VBP the/DT plane/NN to/TO bank/VB right/NN or/CC left/VBD ;/: the/DT tail/NN rudder/NN ,/, which/WDT turns/VBZ the/DT aircraft/NN 's/POS nose/NN ;/: and/CC the/DT elevators/NNS ,/, which/WDT point/VBP the/DT plane/NN up/RB or/CC down/RB ./.
The/DT autothrottle/NN ,/, which/WDT determines/VBZ the/DT airplane/NN 's/POS speed/NN ,/, is/VBZ controlled/VBN by/IN a/DT separate/JJ system/NN ./.
On/IN commercial/JJ aircraft/NN ,/, the/DT autopilot/NN and/CC autothrottle/NN are/VBP controlled/VBN by/IN an/DT advanced/VBN onboard/NN navigational/NN computer/NN called/VBD the/DT flight/NN management/NN system/NN (/( FMS/NNP )/) ./.
Typically/RB ,/, a/DT pilot/NN programs/NNS the/DT FMS/NNP before/IN takeoff/NN ,/, entering/VBG landmarks/NNS ,/, altitude/NN ,/, and/CC desired/VBD speed/NN ;/: during/IN flight/NN ,/, the/DT FMS/NNP uses/VBZ instrument/NN readings/NNS and/CC radio/NN signals/NNS from/IN fixed/VBN points/NNS on/IN the/DT ground/NN to/TO figure/VB out/IN what/WP adjustments/NNS are/VBP needed/VBN to/TO meet/VB the/DT flight/NN plan/NN ./.
If/IN a/DT human/NN is/VBZ in/IN command/NN ,/, he/PRP or/CC she/PRP must/MD make/VB the/DT changes/NNS by/IN hand/NN ;/: with/IN the/DT autopilot/NN engaged/VBD ,/, these/DT adjustments/NNS are/VBP made/VBN automatically/RB ./.
Autopilots/NNP have/VBP several/JJ advantages/NNS ./.
Primarily/RB ,/, they/PRP help/VBP keep/VB the/DT crew/NN from/IN getting/VBG tired/JJ ,/, leaving/VBG them/PRP free/JJ to/TO alter/VB the/DT flight/NN plan/NN ,/, scout/NN for/IN traffic/NN ,/, and/CC monitor/VB the/DT plane/NN 's/POS other/JJ systems/NNS (/( like/IN hydraulics/NNS and/CC air/NN pressurization/NN )/) ./.
Autopilots/NNP also/RB improve/VBP fuel/NN efficiency/NN and/CC passenger/NN comfort/NN ,/, since/IN the/DT adjustments/NNS made/VBN by/IN an/DT autopilot/NN are/VBP more/RBR subtle/JJ and/CC accurate/JJ than/IN those/DT made/VBN by/IN hand/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ why/WRB autopilots/NNS are/VBP typically/RB engaged/VBN on/IN commercial/JJ aircraft/NN throughout/IN nearly/RB the/DT entire/JJ flight/NN ./.
When/WRB human/JJ pilots/NNS take/VBP control--usually/JJ during/IN takeoff/NN and/CC landing/NN ,/, and/CC occasionally/RB in/IN mid/JJ flight--it/JJ 's/POS largely/RB because/IN they/PRP need/VBP to/TO stay/VB in/IN practice/NN ,/, not/RB because/IN the/DT autopilot/NN would/MD be/VB unable/JJ to/TO fly/VB safely/RB ./.
(/( In/IN fact/NN ,/, in/IN bad/JJ weather/NN ,/, the/DT FAA/NNP may/MD require/VB that/IN pilots/NNS allow/VBP the/DT autopilot/NN and/CC FMS/NNP ,/, which/WDT do/VBP n't/RB rely/VB on/IN visual/JJ cues/NNS ,/, to/TO land/VB the/DT plane/NN ./.
)/) Pilots/NNS also/RB take/VBP command/NN in/IN turbulence/NN since/IN an/DT autopilot/NN would/MD waste/VB fuel/NN and/CC possibly/RB exacerbate/VB the/DT bumps/NNS by/IN making/VBG many/JJ adjustments/NNS to/TO keep/VB the/DT plane/NN on/IN a/DT steady/JJ course/NN ./.
If/IN a/DT pilot/NN does/VBZ n't/RB disengage/VB the/DT autopilot/NN before/IN taking/VBG control/NN ,/, the/DT FMS/NNP interprets/VBZ his/PRP$ movements/NNS as/IN outside/JJ forces/NNS and/CC instructs/VBZ the/DT autopilot/NN to/TO work/VB against/IN them/PRP ./.
Next/JJ question/NN ?/.
Explainer/NNP thanks/NNS the/DT Air/NNP Transport/NNP Association/NNP and/CC the/DT Aircraft/NNP Owners/NNS and/CC Pilots/NNP Association/NNP ./.
Teen-agers/NNP are/VBP notorious/JJ for/IN taking/VBG things/NNS very/RB personally/RB ,/, for/IN blowing/VBG them/PRP way/NN out/IN of/IN proportion/NN ./.
But/CC they/PRP could/MD be/VB forgiven/VBN for/IN feeling/NN that/IN they/PRP were/VBD given/VBN an/DT unusually/RB tough/JJ time/NN of/IN it/PRP during/IN this/DT presidential/JJ race/NN ./.
Curfews/NNP ,/, V-/NNP chips/NNS ,/, harsher/JJR penalties/NNS for/IN juvenile/JJ crime/NN ,/, school/NN uniforms/NNS ,/, drug/NN tests/NNS to/TO get/VB a/DT driver/NN 's/POS license/NN :/: Both/DT candidates/NNS were/VBD ,/, like/IN ,/, really/RB on/IN their/PRP$ case/NN ./.
The/DT get-tough-on-teens/JJ strategy/NN was/VBD only/RB picking/VBG up/RP on/IN the/DT mood/NN of/IN the/DT hour/NN ./.
When/WRB the/DT Mall/NNP of/IN America/NNP in/IN Bloomington/NNP ,/, Minn/NNP ./.
,/, the/DT largest/JJS "/" retail/NN and/CC entertainment/NN complex/JJ "/" in/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, announced/VBD a/DT curfew/NN and/CC chaperone/NN policy/NN for/IN adolescents/NNS in/IN September/NNP ,/, teen-agers/NNS seemed/VBD well/RB on/IN their/PRP$ way/NN to/TO becoming/VBG national/JJ pariahs/NNS ./.
Every/DT Friday/NNP and/CC Saturday/NNP night/NN ,/, from/IN 6/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
on/IN ,/, no/DT teen-ager/NN under/IN 16/CD may/MD enter/VB the/DT mall/NN unless/IN accompanied/VBN by/IN a/DT parent/NN or/CC adult/NN over/IN 21/CD -/: -/: this/DT at/IN a/DT place/NN where/WRB kids/NNS are/VBP n't/RB watching/VBG TV/NN ,/, are/VBP n't/RB driving/VBG recklessly/RB ,/, are/VBP n't/RB having/VBG sex/NN or/CC committing/VBG prosecutable/JJ crimes/NNS ./.
(/( Sure/RB ,/, they/PRP sometimes/RB fight/VBP ,/, but/CC "/" let/VB 's/POS be/VB clear/JJ ,/, "/" a/DT police/NN chief/NN said/VBD ,/, "/" we/PRP 're/VBP talking/VBG about/IN noncriminal/JJ conduct/NN by/IN a/DT bunch/NN of/IN snotty-nosed/JJ kids/NNS ./.
"/" )/) What/WP they/PRP are/VBP doing/VBG is/VBZ hanging/VBG out/IN and/CC engaging/VBG in/IN that/DT national/JJ pastime/NN ,/, spending/NN money/NN on/IN junk/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT 20/CD th/NN -/: century/NN American/JJ habit/NN to/TO portray/VB adolescents/NNS as/IN incipient/NN juvenile/JJ delinquents/NNS ,/, when/WRB not/RB idealizing/VBG them/PRP as/IN "/" the/DT future/NN of/IN our/PRP$ society/NN ./.
"/" But/CC it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB take/VB a/DT pollster/NN to/TO see/VB why/WRB alarm/NN has/VBZ suddenly/RB intensified/VBN ,/, as/IN it/PRP did/VBD in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1950/CD s/VBZ when/WRB another/DT bulge/NN of/IN kids/NNS began/VBD to/TO hit/VB puberty/NN ./.
(/( Publicity/NN about/IN urban/JJ gang/NN violence/NN aroused/VBD a/DT sense/NN of/IN panic/NN then/RB ./.
)/) Baby/NNP boomers/NNS ,/, a/DT generation/NN whose/WP$ self-conscious/JJ identity/NN was/VBD forged/VBN in/IN the/DT crucible/NN of/IN adolescence/NN ,/, now/RB have/VBP adolescents/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ not/RB an/DT easy/JJ stage/NN to/TO live/VB through/RB ,/, even/RB in/IN the/DT most/RBS orderly/JJ family/NN or/CC era/NN ./.
You/PRP have/VBP to/TO show/VB a/DT big/JJ kid--one/JJ who/WP may/MD be/VB bigger/JJR than/IN you--who/JJ is/VBZ still/RB boss/NN ./.
And/CC baby-boomer/JJ parents/NNS are/VBP bound/VBN to/TO find/VB this/DT phase/NN especially/RB daunting/JJ ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, as/IN adolescents/NNS 25/CD or/CC 35/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, they/PRP gave/VBD the/DT boss/NN a/DT very/RB hard/JJ time/NN and/CC had/VBD a/DT pretty/RB wild/JJ time/NN themselves/PRP ./.
Should/MD n't/RB parents/NNS just/RB relax/VBP ,/, on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS that/IN they/PRP lived/VBD to/TO tell/VB (/( or/CC not/RB tell/VB )/) the/DT tale/NN ?/.
They/PRP faced/VBD far/RB fewer/JJR restraints/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ teen-age/JJ days/NNS than/IN teens/NNS do/VBP now/RB ./.
You/PRP could/MD get/VB a/DT nicotine/NN fix/NN by/IN just/RB opening/VBG the/DT door/NN of/IN any/DT decent/JJ student/NN lounge/NN in/IN high/JJ school/NN ./.
Between/IN 1970/CD and/CC 1975/CD ,/, 29/CD states/NNS lowered/VBD the/DT legal/JJ age/NN for/IN buying/VBG alcoholic/JJ beverages/NNS ./.
Dress/NNP codes/NNS were/VBD dumped/VBN ./.
Drug/NN panic/NN and/CC AIDS/NNP fears/NNS did/VBD n't/RB crimp/VB youthful/JJ fun--and/JJ peer/VBP pressure/NN could/MD n't/RB have/VB been/VBN stronger/JJR to/TO go/VB ahead/RB and/CC do/VBP more/JJR than/IN experiment/NN ./.
But/CC panic/NN over/IN youth/NN is/VBZ a/DT natural/JJ reflex/JJ of/IN middle/JJ age/NN ,/, when/WRB the/DT oat-sowing/JJ past/JJ comes/VBZ back/RB to/TO haunt/VB one/CD ./.
As/IN a/DT newly/RB affluent/JJ "/" youth/NN market/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP was/VBD baby/NN boomers/NNS who/WP helped/VBD usher/NN in/IN a/DT commercialized/JJ popular/JJ culture/NN that/WDT has/VBZ become/VBN more/RBR powerful/JJ and/CC awful/JJ than/IN they/PRP could/MD have/VB imagined/VBN ./.
You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO be/VB Bob/NNP Dole/NNP or/CC Dan/NNP Quayle/NNP to/TO believe/VB that/WDT virtues/NNS such/JJ as/IN self-restraint/JJ and/CC discipline/NN are/VBP getting/VBG harder/RBR to/TO sell/VB ,/, and/CC ever/RB more/RBR socially/RB desirable/JJ ./.
Adolescent/NNP drift/VB and/CC empty/JJ hedonism/NN ca/MD n't/RB be/VB brushed/VBN off/RP merely/RB as/IN a/DT phase/NN ,/, readily/RB outgrown/VBN ./.
For/IN some/DT vulnerable/JJ teen-agers/NNS ,/, these/DT traits/NNS ca/MD n't/RB be/VB outgrown/VBN ./.
Think/VBP of/IN all/PDT the/DT inner-city/JJ girls/NNS who/WP have/VBP babies/NNS ,/, and/CC all/PDT the/DT inner-city/JJ boys/NNS who/WP are/VBP dead/JJ ./.
What/WP is/VBZ frustrating/VBG about/IN the/DT current/JJ crusade/NN to/TO rein/VB in/IN teen-agers/NNS ,/, though/RB ,/, is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP seems/VBZ so/RB ,/, well/RB ,/, adolescent/JJ ./.
The/DT high-decibel/JJ concern/NN about/IN wayward/JJ youth/NN is/VBZ full/JJ of/IN defensive/JJ bluster/NN and/CC muddle-headed/JJ ambivalence/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ strikingly/RB lacking/VBG in/IN realism/NN ./.
A/DT couple/NN of/IN well-timed/JJ new/JJ books/NNS about/IN teen-agers/NNS usefully/RB criticize/VBP the/DT distortions/NNS of/IN today/NN 's/POS anti-teen/JJ rhetoric/NN ,/, though/IN they/PRP also/RB succumb/NN to/TO distortions/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
Mike/NNP Males/NNPS ,/, the/DT author/NN of/IN The/DT Scapegoat/NNP Generation/NNP :/: America/NNP 's/POS War/NNP on/IN Adolescents/NNP ,/, tends/VBZ to/TO be/VB overzealous/JJ when/WRB he/PRP argues/VBZ that/IN adults/NNS attack/VBP kids/NNS as/IN a/DT way/NN of/IN coping/VBG with/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ problems/NNS ,/, but/CC he/PRP has/VBZ a/DT point/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT recent/JJ Washington/NNP Post/NNP op-ed/JJ piece/NN surveying/VBG the/DT grim/JJ drug/NN and/CC crime/NN statistics/NNS for/IN youth/NN ,/, he/PRP made/VBD a/DT persuasive/JJ case/NN that/WDT could/MD be/VB summed/VBD up/RB as/RB ,/, "/" So/RB 's/POS your/PRP$ mother/NN ./.
"/" Yes/UH ,/, the/DT violent/JJ crime/NN arrest/NN rate/NN among/IN adolescents/NNS has/VBZ increased/VBN by/IN 65/CD percent/NN since/IN 1980/CD ,/, but/CC it/PRP has/VBZ risen/VBN by/IN 66/CD percent/NN among/IN adults/NNS between/IN 30/CD and/CC 50/CD ./.
Yes/UH ,/, reports/NNS suggest/VBP that/IN teen-age/JJ marijuana/NN use/NN has/VBZ risen/VBN five/CD percentage/NN points/NNS since/IN 1992/CD ,/, but/CC the/DT big/JJ news/NN of/IN the/DT 1995/CD National/NNP Household/NNP Survey/NNP on/IN Drug/NNP Abuse/NNP is/VBZ that/IN people/NNS over/IN 35/CD have/VBP the/DT most/RBS severe/JJ drug/NN problems/NNS ./.
Anecdotal/NNP support/NN of/IN Males/NNPS '/POS view/NN is/VBZ easy/JJ to/TO find/VB in/IN Sydney/NNP Lewis/NNP '/POS A/DT Totally/RB Alien/NNP Life-/NNP Form/NNP :/: Teenagers/NNP ,/, an/DT oral/JJ history/NN of/IN contemporary/JJ American/JJ adolescence/NN ./.
Almost/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT messed-up/JJ kids/NNS she/PRP interviews/NNS have/VBP messed-up/JJ parents/NNS ./.
Jason/NNP Hudgins/NNP ,/, a/DT chronic/JJ runaway/JJ who/WP has/VBZ done/VBN every/DT drug/NN imaginable/JJ ,/, been/VBN molested/JJ ,/, and/CC assaulted/JJ members/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ family/NN ,/, grew/VBD up/RB with/IN two/CD alcoholic/JJ parents/NNS who/WP violently/RB beat/VBP him/PRP and/CC a/DT mother/NN who/WP was/VBD herself/PRP battered/VBD and/CC raped/VBN ./.
Even/RB the/DT kids/NNS who/WP report/VBP to/TO Lewis/NNP that/IN they/PRP 're/VBP doing/VBG OK/JJ speak/VB of/IN parents/NNS who/WP 've/VBP been/VBN in/IN real/JJ ,/, often/RB long-term/JJ trouble/NN :/: with/IN drugs/NNS ,/, alcohol/NN ,/, abusive/JJ relationships/NNS ,/, crimes/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT life/NN stories/NNS the/DT teen-agers/NNS so/RB eagerly/RB share/VB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ hardly/RB rare/JJ for/IN fathers--or/JJ even/RB mothers--to/JJ run/NN away/RB ./.
Both/DT Lewis/NNP and/CC Males/NNPS go/VBP overboard/RB ,/, he/PRP by/IN playing/VBG loose/JJ with/IN statistics/NNS that/WDT demonize/NN parents/NNS ,/, she/PRP by/IN romanticizing/VBG teen-agers/NNS ./.
Males/NNPS invokes/VBZ Department/NNP of/IN Justice/NNP findings/NNS that/WDT show/NN "/" parents/NNS and/CC caretakers/NNS inflicted/VBD a/DT half-million/JJ serious/JJ injuries/NNS on/IN children/NNS and/CC youths/NNS in/IN 1993/CD ,/, quadruple/NN the/DT number/NN reported/VBD in/IN 1986/CD ./.
"/" Surely/RB that/WDT reflects/VBZ altered/VBN reporting/VBG standards/NNS ,/, not/RB a/DT seven-year/JJ surge/NN in/IN sadistic/JJ adults/NNS (/( just/RB as/IN the/DT implausible/JJ Justice/NNP Department/NNP discovery/NN that/IN teen-age/JJ drug/NN use/NN doubled/VBD in/IN one/CD year/NN reflected/VBD a/DT radical/JJ rewriting/VBG of/IN the/DT survey/NN that/DT year/NN ,/, as/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP pointed/VBD out/IN )/) ./.
And/CC where/WRB Males/NNPS reduces/VBZ teen-agers/NNS to/TO mere/JJ victims/NNS of/IN adults/NNS ,/, Lewis/NNP is/VBZ inclined/VBN to/TO make/VB them/PRP all/DT struggling/VBG victors/NNS in/IN spite/NN of/IN adults/NNS ./.
Her/PRP$ interviews/NNS routinely/RB end/VBP with/IN hope/VBP running/VBG high/JJ ./.
Even/RB Jason/NNP Hudgins/NNP gets/VBZ to/TO soar/VB ./.
"/" I/PRP look/VBP in/IN the/DT mirror/NN and/CC I/PRP think/VBP to/TO myself/PRP :/: '/POS Look/NN at/IN the/DT person/NN that/IN you/PRP 're/VBP coming/VBG to/TO be/VB ./.
'/" "/"
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT little/RB hard/JJ to/TO believe/VB that/IN the/DT Jasons/NNP of/IN the/DT world/NN end/NN up/RB "/" straightening/VBG out/IN ,/, "/" as/IN Lewis/NNP titles/NNS the/DT section/NN about/IN the/DT worst-off/JJ cases/NNS ,/, just/RB as/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO buy/VB the/DT extreme/JJ view/NN that/IN parents/NNS are/VBP hopeless/JJ screw-ups/JJ ./.
What/WP the/DT current/JJ fixation/NN on/IN teen-agers/NNS really/RB shows/VBZ is/VBZ that/IN adults/NNS are/VBP just/RB as/IN confused/VBN and/CC ambivalent/JJ about/IN their/PRP$ rights/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ responsibilities/NNS as/IN their/PRP$ kids/NNS tend/VBP to/TO be/VB ./.
They/PRP want/VBP laws/NNS that/WDT require/VBP of/IN teens/NNS that/IN they/PRP behave/VB like/IN obedient/JJ children/NNS ./.
They/PRP want/VBP laws/NNS that/WDT punish/VB them/PRP as/IN full-fledged/JJ adults/NNS ./.
They/PRP want/VBP laws/NNS that/WDT demand/NN of/IN parents/NNS that/IN they/PRP act/VBP like/IN authority/NN figures/NNS ./.
They/PRP want/VBP laws/NNS that/WDT punish/VB them/PRP as/IN delinquent/JJ babysitters/NNS ./.
On/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, many/JJ of/IN the/DT curfews/NNS cracking/VBG down/RB on/IN teens/NNS also/RB entail/VB a/DT fine/NN on/IN the/DT parents/NNS of/IN youthful/JJ curfew-breakers/JJ ./.
A/DT spate/NN of/IN explicit/JJ "/" parental/JJ responsibility/NN "/" laws/NNS passed/VBN by/IN states/NNS and/CC communities/NNS over/IN the/DT last/JJ couple/NN of/IN years/NNS give/VBP judges/NNS the/DT power/NN to/TO make/VB parents/NNS pay/VB for/IN juvenile/JJ detention/NN or/CC undergo/VBP counseling/NN with/IN their/PRP$ kids/NNS ./.
Parents/NNS can/MD even/RB be/VB threatened/VBN with/IN imprisonment/NN themselves/PRP if/IN their/PRP$ teen-agers/NNS run/VBP amok/RB ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, some/DT states/NNS have/VBP passed/VBN new/JJ laws/NNS that/WDT treat/VBP juvenile/JJ criminals/NNS as/IN responsible/JJ adults/NNS ./.
Of/IN the/DT People/NNS ,/, a/DT conservative/JJ lobbying/NN group/NN ,/, has/VBZ launched/VBN a/DT nationwide/JJ campaign/NN to/TO add/VB a/DT "/" parental/JJ rights/NNS amendment/NN "/" to/TO state/VB constitutions/NNS declaring/VBG it/PRP "/" the/DT inalienable/JJ right/NN "/" of/IN parents/NNS to/TO "/" direct/JJ and/CC control/VB the/DT upbringing/VBG ,/, education/NN ,/, values/NNS and/CC discipline/NN of/IN their/PRP$ children/NNS ./.
"/" An/DT initiative/NN to/TO introduce/VB it/PRP is/VBZ on/IN the/DT ballot/NN in/IN Colorado/NNP ./.
The/DT obvious/JJ targets/NNS of/IN the/DT sweepingly/RB vague/JJ amendment/NN are/VBP clinics/NNS offering/VBG confidential/JJ medical/JJ services/NNS ,/, and/CC schools/NNS providing/VBG sex-ed/JJ classes/NNS and/CC suspicious/JJ curricula/NN and/CC books/NNS ./.
But/CC presumably/RB the/DT amendment/NN could/MD also/RB be/VB used/VBN against/IN judges/NNS who/WP come/VBP down/RB hard/RB on/IN lax/JJ parents/NNS ./.
The/DT contradictions/NNS are/VBP blithely/RB overlooked/VBN ,/, as/IN is/VBZ any/DT spirit/NN of/IN practicality/NN ./.
Who/WP actually/RB thinks/VBZ that/IN having/VBG teen-agers/NNS line/VBP up/IN to/TO pee/NN after/IN they/PRP 've/VBP demonstrated/VBN their/PRP$ parallel/JJ parking/NN skills/NNS is/VBZ a/DT reasonable/JJ way/NN "/" to/TO demand/VB responsible/JJ behavior/NN by/IN young/JJ people/NNS when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO drugs/NNS ,/, "/" as/IN Clinton/NNP proclaimed/VBD ?/.
Sixteen-year-olds/NNP can/MD drive/VB perfectly/RB on/IN the/DT momentous/JJ day/NN they/PRP present/VBP themselves/PRP at/IN the/DT Motor/NNP Vehicles/NNPS Bureau/NNP ,/, and/CC then/RB speed/VB recklessly/RB the/DT day/NN after/IN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP also/RB savvy/JJ enough/RB to/TO show/VB up/RP for/IN the/DT road/NN test/NN clean/VB (/( or/CC with/IN a/DT $/$ 19/CD ./.
95/CD package/NN of/IN drug-free/JJ urine/NN in/IN their/PRP$ pockets/NNS )/) ./.
Clinton/NNP 's/POS vote-getting/JJ gimmick/NN is/VBZ cynical/JJ posturing--not/JJ what/WP the/DT experts/NNS call/VBP good/JJ role-modeling/JJ behavior/NN ./.
Erik/NNP Erikson/NNP once/RB observed/VBD that/IN "/" we/PRP who/WP know/VBP so/RB much/JJ about/IN the/DT child/NN in/IN the/DT adult/NN know/VB so/RB much/RB less/JJR about/IN the/DT fate/NN of/IN the/DT adolescent/NN in/IN him/PRP ,/, whether/IN as/IN a/DT continued/VBN source/NN of/IN renewal/NN or/CC as/IN a/DT split-off/JJ younger/JJR self/NN alternately/RB idealized/JJ and/CC repudiated/JJ ,/, revived/VBN and/CC '/POS murdered/VBN '/POS -/: -/: and/CC ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, reprojected/JJ on/IN the/DT young/JJ ./.
"/" Caught/NNP up/RB in/IN the/DT backlash/NN against/IN teens/NNS ,/, adults/NNS might/MD look/VB in/IN the/DT mirror/NN and/CC think/VBP to/TO themselves/PRP ,/, "/" Look/VB at/IN the/DT person/NN that/IN you/PRP 're/VBP coming/VBG to/TO be/VB ./.
"/" The/DT sight/NN of/IN the/DT inner/JJ teen-ager/NN acting/VBG out/IN ought/MD to/TO be/VB fairly/RB sobering/JJ ./.
(/( Dick/NNP Morris/NNP ,/, the/DT man/NN who/WP came/VBD up/RB with/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS get-tough/JJ agenda--now/JJ there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT hormone-driven/JJ delinquent/JJ for/IN you/PRP !/.
)/) Parents/NNS need/VBP to/TO deal/VB with/IN teen-agers/NNS '/POS troubles/NNS personally--which/JJ means/NNS ,/, paradoxically/RB ,/, taking/VBG them/PRP less/RBR personally/RB ;/: this/DT is/VBZ n't/RB about/IN the/DT collective/JJ guilt/NN of/IN grown-ups/JJ ,/, but/CC about/IN the/DT prospects/NNS of/IN individual/JJ kids/NNS ./.
Politicians/NNS should/MD also/RB take/VB teen-agers/NNS '/POS troubles/NNS seriously/RB ./.
Above/IN all/DT ,/, that/WDT means/VBZ improving/VBG education/NN ,/, and/CC providing/VBG lots/NNS of/IN extracurricular/JJ activities/NNS for/IN the/DT adolescents/NNS in/IN direst/NN shape/NN ./.
It/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB blowing/VBG the/DT problems/NNS out/IN of/IN all/DT proportion/NN ./.
Dear/RB David/NNP ,/,
Thank/VB you/PRP for/IN the/DT sensational/JJ news/NN :/: It/PRP is/VBZ really/RB bouleversant/NN ./.
I/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, found/VBD our/PRP$ exchanges/NNS affected/VBN by/IN daily/JJ events/NNS ,/, in/IN this/DT case/NN Dan/NNP Seligman/NNP 's/POS review/NN of/IN The/DT Big/NNP Test/NNP in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ./.
On/IN substance/NN ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ about/IN where/WRB we/PRP are/VBP ,/, except/IN that/IN he/PRP raises/VBZ the/DT dread/NN question/NN of/IN heredity/NN ,/, about/IN which/WDT I/PRP will/MD say/VB a/DT few/JJ words/NNS later/RB ./.
But/CC he/PRP reminds/VBZ me/PRP about/IN one/CD point/NN of/IN form/NN in/IN The/DT Big/NNP Test/NNP I/PRP was/VBD planning/VBG to/TO raise/VB ,/, and/CC that/IN I/PRP think/VBP of/IN as/IN a/DT kind/NN of/IN New/NNP Yorker/NNP phenomenon/NN :/: the/DT remarkable/JJ detail/NN Lemann/NNP has/VBZ on/IN individuals/NNS ./.
I/PRP know/VBP some/DT of/IN them--/JJ Jerry/NNP Karabel/NNP was/VBD a/DT graduate/NN student/NN of/IN mine/NN at/IN Harvard/NNP ,/, and/CC he/PRP appears/VBZ in/IN the/DT book/NN as/IN a/DT professor/NN of/IN sociology/NN at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN California/NNP Berkeley/NNP who/WP tried/VBD desperately/RB to/TO get/VB the/DT Democrats/NNPS to/TO go/VB for/IN a/DT counter-proposition/JJ to/TO the/DT California/NNP CCRI/NNP rather/RB than/IN fight/NN it/PRP head/VBP on/IN and/CC lose/VB ./.
On/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP irritated/JJ at/IN having/VBG to/TO spend/VB all/PDT this/DT time/NN on/IN personal/JJ background/NN when/WRB I/PRP am/VBP trying/VBG to/TO get/VB at/IN the/DT issues/NNS ;/: on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP fascinated/VBN to/TO discover/VB ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, that/IN Molly/NNP Munger/NNP 's/POS father/NN is/VBZ a/DT partner/NN of/IN Warren/NNP Buffet/NNP ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ as/IN if/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN decided/VBN ,/, both/DT by/IN writers/NNS and/CC publishers/NNS ,/, that/IN you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB get/VB people/NNS to/TO concentrate/VB on/IN the/DT issues/NNS if/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB build/VB up/RP the/DT personalities/NNS involved/VBN ./.
You/PRP raise/VBP some/DT interesting/JJ questions/NNS about/IN changes/NNS over/IN the/DT decades/NNS ./.
I/PRP was/VBD involved/VBN in/IN the/DT genesis/NN and/CC publishing/NN of/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT books/NNS you/PRP mention/VBP ,/, and/CC why/WRB styles/NNS and/CC tastes/NNS change/VBP over/IN the/DT years/NNS is/VBZ a/DT question/NN it/PRP is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO answer/VB ./.
I/PRP think/VBP one/CD answer/NN is/VBZ the/DT rise/NN of/IN academia/NN ,/, which/WDT leads/VBZ to/TO more/RBR specialized/JJ books/NNS ,/, narrower/JJR books/NNS ,/, reaching/VBG small/JJ specialized/JJ audiences/NNS ./.
Almost/RB none/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS you/PRP mention/VBP as/IN writing/VBG those/DT important/JJ books/NNS of/IN the/DT past/RB were/VBD professors--/JJ I/PRP think/VBP of/IN Jane/NNP Jacobs/NNP ,/, Edmund/NNP Wilson/NNP ,/, W/NNP ./.
H/NNP ./.
Whyte--or/NNP if/IN they/PRP were/VBD ,/, they/PRP became/VBD professors/NNS late/RB in/IN life/NN ,/, after/IN having/VBG been/VBN editors/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT like/JJ ,/, for/IN example/NN Dan/NNP Bell/NNP ,/, and/CC me/PRP too/RB ./.
As/IN an/DT editor/NN I/PRP dealt/VBD with/IN some/DT of/IN those/DT books/NNS ./.
Yes/UH ,/, the/DT story/NN in/IN Lemann/NNP is/VBZ well/RB researched/VBN ,/, indeed/RB impressively/RB so/RB ,/, but/CC the/DT issues/NNS are/VBP left/VBN hanging/VBG without/IN sustained/VBN analysis/NN ,/, which/WDT would/MD have/VB been/VBN possible/JJ ./.
A/DT final/JJ point/NN ,/, heredity/NN ./.
One/CD cannot/NN be/VB conclusive/JJ on/IN this/DT but/CC I/PRP am/VBP impressed/VBN at/IN the/DT degree/NN to/TO which/WDT serious/JJ people--among/JJ them/PRP for/IN example/NN Christopher/NNP Jencks/NNP ,/, but/CC also/RB others--were/JJ convinced/VBD this/DT is/VBZ an/DT important/JJ factor/NN ./.
When/WRB we/PRP say/VBP that/IN social/JJ background/NN determines/VBZ in/IN large/JJ measure/NN one/CD 's/POS scores/NNS and/CC indeed/RB ,/, I/PRP would/MD say/VB ,/, one/CD 's/POS tested/VBN intelligence/NN ,/, how/WRB do/VBP we/PRP separate/JJ out/RP the/DT effect/NN of/IN hereditary/JJ factors/NNS from/IN income/NN ,/, education/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
I/PRP think/VBP one/PRP ca/MD n't/RB ./.
And/CC yet/RB if/IN these/DT factors/NNS play/VBP some/DT role/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ they/PRP do/VBP ,/, whatever/WDT means/VBZ we/PRP try/VBP to/TO get/VB to/TO equal/VB opportunity--and/JJ we/PRP should/MD use/VB all/DT of/IN them/PRP ,/, in/IN principle--wo/JJ n't/RB ensure/VB it/PRP ./.
Now/RB that/IN we/PRP are/VBP reviewing/VBG reviews/NNS of/IN The/DT Big/NNP Test/NNP ,/, I/PRP wonder/VBP how/WRB much/RB more/JJR there/EX is/VBZ left/VBN to/TO say/VB ?/.
Any/DT last/JJ words/NNS ?/.
Nat/NNP Glazer/NNP
Soon/RB after/IN taking/VBG over/IN Columbia/NNP Pictures/NNP in/IN 1989/CD ,/, Peter/NNP Guber/NNP and/CC Jon/NNP Peters/NNP got/VBD down/RB to/TO the/DT business/NN of/IN establishing/VBG their/PRP$ importance/NN in/IN Hollywood/NNP :/: They/PRP redecorated/JJ ./.
The/DT producers/NNS particularly/RB wanted/VBD to/TO impress/VB the/DT studio/NN 's/POS new/JJ owner/NN ,/, the/DT Sony/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
in/IN Tokyo/NNP ,/, so/IN they/PRP redid/NN their/PRP$ suite/NN in/IN a/DT Japanese/JJ motif/NN ,/, importing/VBG Japanese/JJ workers/NNS to/TO put/VB up/RP cedar/NN paneling/NN over/IN a/DT special/JJ kind/NN of/IN mud/NN used/VBN in/IN Japanese/JJ wall/NN construction/NN ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, Hollywood/NNP humidity/NN melted/JJ the/DT mud/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT floors/NNS buckled/JJ ./.
Guber/NNP and/CC Peters/NNP fled/VBD to/TO new/JJ offices/NNS shortly/RB thereafter/RB ./.
The/DT marriage/NN of/IN Japan/NNP and/CC Hollywood/NNP worked/VBD out/IN about/IN the/DT same/JJ way/NN ./.
Sony/NNP ,/, the/DT electronics/NNS giant/NN famous/JJ for/IN inventing/VBG and/CC marketing/VBG products/NNS that/IN consumers/NNS never/RB knew/VBD they/PRP wanted/VBD ,/, shelled/VBD out/IN what/WP Variety/NNP reported/VBD to/TO be/VB $/$ 6/CD billion/CD for/IN Columbia/NNP ,/, a/DT figure/NN that/WDT included/VBD the/DT cost/NN of/IN severing/VBG Guber/NNP and/CC Peters/NNP '/POS existing/VBG contract/NN with/IN Warner/NNP ./.
Everyone/NN else/RB in/IN Hollywood/NNP was/VBD flabbergasted/VBN and/CC jealous/JJ ,/, while/IN the/DT media/NNS dwelled/JJ on/IN fears/NNS that/IN a/DT cultural/JJ treasure/NN was/VBD being/VBG gobbled/VBN up/RP ./.
In/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, it/PRP was/VBD the/DT Japanese/JJ who/WP were/VBD swallowed/VBN whole/JJ ./.
Five/CD years/NNS after/IN the/DT purchase/NN ,/, Sony/NNP had/VBD to/TO write/VB off/RP $/$ 3/CD ./.
2/LS billion/CD on/IN its/PRP$ investment/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS losses/NNS in/IN industry/NN history/NN ./.
In/IN their/PRP$ book/NN ,/, Hit/VBP and/CC Run/NNP :/: How/WRB Jon/NNP Peters/NNP and/CC Peter/NNP Guber/NNP Took/NNP Sony/NNP for/IN a/DT Ride/NNP in/IN Hollywood/NNP ,/, Nancy/NNP Griffin/NNP and/CC Kim/NNP Masters/NNP outline/VB the/DT colossal/NN arrogance/NN ,/, excess/JJ ,/, and/CC self-delusion/JJ that/WDT led/VBD to/TO the/DT debacle/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ steady/JJ stream/NN of/IN malicious/JJ ,/, if/IN clumsily/RB written/VBN ,/, anecdotes/NNS is/VBZ nothing/NN if/IN not/RB entertaining/JJ ./.
Jon/NNP Peters/NNP ,/, everyone/NN knows/VBZ ,/, began/VBD as/IN Barbra/NNP Streisand/NNP 's/POS hairdresser/NN ./.
Here/RB we/PRP learn/VBP that/IN he/PRP also/RB played/VBD a/DT critical/JJ role/NN in/IN her/PRP$ sexual/JJ awakening--that/JJ their/PRP$ marathon/NN fights/NNS ,/, followed/VBN by/IN sex/NN ,/, freed/VBD the/DT diva/NN to/TO experience/VB a/DT new/JJ "/" assertiveness/NNS "/" in/IN bed/NN ./.
At/IN Columbia/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, he/PRP was/VBD a/DT hot-tempered/JJ bully/NN ,/, threatening/VBG at/IN one/CD point/NN to/TO break/VB a/DT colleague/NN 's/POS jaw/NN ./.
On/IN another/DT occasion/NN ,/, after/IN Streisand/NNP confessed/VBD that/IN she/PRP had/VBD never/RB seen/VBN an/DT uncircumcised/JJ penis/NNS ,/, Peters/NNP ordered/VBD the/DT couple/NN 's/POS driver/NN to/TO come/VB over/RB and/CC drop/VB his/PRP$ pants/NNS ./.
Peters/NNP also/RB sent/VBD the/DT corporate/JJ jet/NN ,/, laden/JJ with/IN flowers/NNS ,/, to/TO a/DT model/NN he/PRP was/VBD courting/VBG ,/, and/CC ordered/VBD his/PRP$ driver/NN to/TO call/VB ahead/RB to/TO the/DT studio/NN so/IN someone/NN could/MD be/VB poised/VBN to/TO open/VB his/PRP$ car/NN door/NN when/WRB he/PRP arrived/VBD ./.
Guber--a/NNP ponytailed/JJ lawyer/NN and/CC technology/NN buff/NN who/WP rose/VBD through/IN the/DT ranks/NNS at/IN Columbia--refused/NNP to/TO be/VB interviewed/VBN for/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB as/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, he/PRP comes/VBZ across/IN even/RB worse/JJR than/IN Peters/NNP ./.
Most/JJS damaging/JJ for/IN his/PRP$ future/JJ job/NN prospects/NNS is/VBZ the/DT implicit/JJ suggestion/NN that/IN he/PRP cynically/RB exploited/VBN Sony/NNP to/TO advance/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ movies/NNS and/CC sybaritic/JJ lifestyle/NN ,/, never/RB caring/VBG much/JJ about/IN the/DT parent/NN company/NN 's/POS long-term/JJ interests/NNS ./.
With/IN a/DT habit/NN of/IN disappearing/VBG during/IN moments/NNS of/IN crisis/NN at/IN the/DT studio/NN ,/, Guber/NNP came/VBD across/IN to/TO friends/NNS as/IN ambivalent/JJ ,/, at/IN best/JJS ,/, about/IN working/VBG for/IN the/DT Japanese/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP have/VBP n't/RB bought/VBN me/PRP ,/, "/" he/PRP told/VBD a/DT fellow/NN studio/NN executive/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP 're/VBP only/RB renting/VBG me/PRP for/IN five/CD years/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT reader/NN may/MD be/VB most/RBS amused/VBN by/IN lesser/JJR players/NNS like/IN Mark/NNP Canton/NNP ,/, the/DT credit-hungry/JJ head/NN of/IN production/NN at/IN Columbia/NNP ,/, who/WP pathetically/RB asked/VBD the/DT producers/NNS of/IN A/DT Few/JJ Good/JJ Men/NN to/TO thank/VB him/PRP publicly/RB at/IN the/DT premiere/NN (/( they/PRP did/VBD )/) and/CC implored/JJ Nick/NNP Nolte/NNP to/TO thank/VB him/PRP if/IN he/PRP got/VBD a/DT Golden/NNP Globe/NNP award/NN for/IN Prince/NNP of/IN Tides/NNP (/( Nolte/NNP won/VBD ,/, but/CC did/VBD n't/RB )/) ./.
There/EX are/VBP plenty/RB of/IN problems/NNS with/IN the/DT way/NN Hit/VBP and/CC Run/NNP is/VBZ told/VBN ./.
It/PRP relies/VBZ too/RB heavily/RB on/IN anonymous/JJ sources/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT trade/NN press/NN has/VBZ begun/VBN complaining/VBG that/IN some/DT of/IN its/PRP$ stories/NNS are/VBP bogus/JJ ./.
The/DT editor/NN of/IN Variety/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, has/VBZ indignantly/RB denied/VBN the/DT authors/NNS '/POS assertion/NN that/IN he/PRP suppressed/VBD publication/NN of/IN financial/JJ documents/NNS embarrassing/JJ to/TO Columbia/NNP Pictures/NNP ./.
The/DT book/NN 's/POS tone/NN also/RB is/VBZ relentlessly/RB caustic/JJ ./.
Can/MD there/EX ever/RB have/VB been/VBN a/DT more/RBR loathsome/JJ collection/NN of/IN charlatans/NNS ,/, sycophants/NNS ,/, and/CC back-stabbers/JJ ?/.
Come/VBN to/TO think/VB of/IN it/PRP ,/, maybe/RB not/RB ./.
But/CC the/DT book/NN 's/POS value/NN lies/VBZ less/JJR in/IN the/DT anecdotes/NNS than/IN in/IN what/WP it/PRP has/VBZ to/TO tell/VB us/PRP about/IN how/WRB one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS entertainment/NN deals/NNS went/VBD awry/RB at/IN a/DT time/NN when/WRB the/DT industry/NN was/VBD consolidating/VBG everywhere/RB ,/, heading/VBG toward/IN domination/NN by/IN a/DT mere/JJ six/CD or/CC eight/CD multinational/JJ companies--all/JJ of/IN which/WDT face/VBP the/DT headache/NN of/IN competing/VBG fiefdoms/NNS ./.
The/DT Sony-/NNP Columbia/NNP deal/NN is/VBZ a/DT cautionary/JJ tale/NN ,/, even/RB though/IN larger/JJR lessons/NNS are/VBP not/RB Griffin/NNP and/CC Masters/NNP '/POS forte/NN ./.
One/CD does/VBZ wish/VB that/IN they/PRP had/VBD more/JJR to/TO say/VB about/IN Sony/NNP and/CC Columbia/NNP Pictures/NNP '/POS misplaced/VBN faith/NN in/IN "/" synergy/NN ,/, "/" since/IN the/DT search/NN for/IN that/DT elusive/JJ ideal/NN has/VBZ run/VBN so/RB spectacularly/RB aground/NN in/IN other/JJ media/NNS deals/NNS ./.
It/PRP was/VBD especially/RB disastrous/JJ in/IN the/DT acquisition/NN of/IN MCA/NNP Inc/NNP ./.
by/IN Sony/NNP 's/POS electronics/NNS rival/JJ ,/, Matsushita/NNP ,/, which/WDT took/VBD place/NN about/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ./.
(/( Matsushita/NNP later/RB sold/VBD the/DT majority/NN interest/NN of/IN MCA/NNP to/TO Seagram/NNP for/IN $/$ 5/CD ./.
7/CD billion/CD ./.
)/) The/DT MCA/NNP sale/NN did/VBD not/RB involve/VB the/DT same/JJ level/NN of/IN plunder/NN ./.
In/IN both/DT takeovers/NNS ,/, though/RB ,/, the/DT Hollywood/NNP side/NN thought/VBD that/IN by/IN selling/VBG ,/, it/PRP could/MD tap/VB into/IN a/DT bottomless/JJ well/RB of/IN capital/NN with/IN which/WDT to/TO buy/VB television/NN networks/NNS ,/, record/NN companies/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT like/JJ ./.
The/DT Japanese/NNPS ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, were/VBD hoping/VBG for/IN a/DT new/JJ source/NN of/IN "/" software/NN "/" (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, movies/NNS and/CC television/NN shows/VBZ )/) for/IN their/PRP$ digital/JJ televisions/NNS ,/, compact/JJ discs/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ new/JJ products/NNS ./.
They/PRP counted/VBD on/IN the/DT studios/NNS to/TO produce/VB it/PRP in/IN a/DT reliable/JJ way/NN ./.
Like/IN Guber/NNP ,/, Sony/NNP refused/VBD to/TO cooperate/VB with/IN the/DT authors/NNS of/IN Hit/VBP and/CC Run/NNP ,/, so/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB get/VB much/JJ insight/NN into/IN the/DT thought/NN processes/NNS of/IN the/DT Japanese/NN ./.
Did/VBD they/PRP have/VBP a/DT "/" mole/NN "/" in/IN the/DT studio/NN or/CC not/RB ?/.
How/WRB much/RB did/VBD they/PRP know/VBP about/IN what/WP they/PRP were/VBD getting/VBG into/IN ?/.
We/PRP never/RB find/VBP out/RP ./.
But/CC we/PRP do/VBP get/VB snapshots/NNS of/IN the/DT mindset/NN that/WDT allowed/VBD them/PRP to/TO get/VB sucked/JJ into/IN the/DT vortex/NN of/IN financial/JJ losses/NNS ./.
At/IN one/CD point/NN ,/, Norio/NNP Ohga/NNP ,/, the/DT president/NN of/IN Sony/NNP ,/, joined/VBD a/DT group/NN of/IN executives/NNS from/IN Tokyo/NNP to/TO tour/VB the/DT set/NN of/IN Who/WP 's/VBZ the/DT Boss/NNP ?/.
one/CD of/IN the/DT studio/NN 's/POS more/RBR successful/JJ television/NN shows/NNS ./.
All/DT they/PRP did/VBD was/VBD look/VB at/IN the/DT cameras/NNS and/CC ask/VB who/WP made/VBD the/DT video/NN tape/NN and/CC what/WP kind/NN of/IN lead/NN density/NN it/PRP had/VBD ./.
The/DT Japanese/JJ may/MD have/VB been/VBN confused/VBN ,/, but/CC the/DT Americans/NNPS who/WP supposedly/RB represented/VBD their/PRP$ interests/NNS seem/VBP frankly/RB guilty/JJ of/IN misleading/JJ them/PRP ./.
If/IN anything/NN ,/, Griffin/NNP and/CC Masters/NNP let/VBP these/DT characters/NNS off/RP too/RB easily/RB ./.
Both/DT Peter/NNP G/NNP ./.
Peterson/NNP ,/, the/DT prominent/JJ New/NNP York/NNP investment/NN banker/NN ,/, and/CC Michael/NNP Ovitz/NNP ,/, then-head/JJ of/IN Creative/NNP Artists/NNP Agency/NNP ,/, would/MD seem/VB to/TO have/VB been/VBN more/RBR interested/JJ in/IN making/VBG money/NN out/IN of/IN the/DT Columbia/NNP deal/NN than/IN in/IN warning/VBG their/PRP$ client/NN ,/, Sony/NNP ,/, about/IN the/DT risks/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT authors/NNS are/VBP too/RB polite/JJ to/TO come/VB right/NN out/IN and/CC say/VB so/RB ./.
Also/RB treated/VBN kindly/RB is/VBZ Michael/NNP Schulhof/NNP ,/, the/DT miscast/NN head/NN of/IN Sony/NNP 's/POS American/JJ operations/NNS (/( he/PRP had/VBD no/DT background/NN in/IN the/DT movie/NN business/NN )/) ./.
After/IN backing/VBG Guber/NNP through/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN disasters/NNS ,/, Schulhof/NNP eventually/RB admitted/VBD that/IN he/PRP was/VBD unable/JJ to/TO get/VB the/DT producer/NN to/TO change/VB his/PRP$ management/NN style/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT authors/NNS do/VBP not/RB hold/VB Schulhof/NNP accountable/JJ ./.
They/PRP do/VBP not/RB ask/VB what/WP changes/NNS he/PRP had/VBD in/IN mind/NN ,/, other/JJ than/IN getting/VBG Guber/NNP to/TO try/VB harder/RBR to/TO make/VB better/JJR movies/NNS at/IN lower/JJR cost/NN ./.
Hit/VBP and/CC Run/NNP is/VBZ further/JJ undercut/VBN by/IN parochialism/NN ,/, especially/RB evident/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ constant/JJ use/NN of/IN Hollywood/NNP jargon/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT book/NN in/IN which/WDT executives/NNS never/RB approve/VBP a/DT movie/NN ;/: they/PRP "/" greenlight/NN "/" it/PRP ./.
Even/RB beyond/IN the/DT klunky/NN language/NN ,/, the/DT authors/NNS fail/VBP to/TO transcend/NN their/PRP$ narrow/JJ context/NN and/CC explore/VB what/WP management/NN success/NN in/IN the/DT movie/NN business/NN might/MD have/VB entailed/VBN ./.
The/DT only/RB clear/JJ measure/NN of/IN Guber/NNP and/CC Peters/NNP '/POS misjudgment/NN is/VBZ their/PRP$ overspending/VBG for/IN antique/JJ furniture/NN ,/, yachts/NNS ,/, slumber/NN parties/NNS at/IN Aspen/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT like/JJ ,/, and/CC a/DT numbing/JJ succession/NN of/IN box-office/NN bombs/NNS ./.
(/( Actually/RB ,/, some/DT of/IN the/DT bombs/NNS were/VBD pretty/RB good/JJ movies/NNS ,/, like/IN Wolf/NNP and/CC Remains/NNS of/IN the/DT Day/NNP ,/, while/IN others/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT much-maligned/JJ Last/JJ Action/NNP Hero/NNP with/IN Arnold/NNP Schwarzenegger/NNP ,/, were/VBD failures/NNS in/IN an/DT interesting/JJ way/NN ./.
With/IN their/PRP$ backgrounds--/JJ Griffin/NNP is/VBZ deputy/NN editor/NN of/IN Premiere/NNP and/CC Masters/NNP ,/, a/DT contributing/VBG editor/NN for/IN Time/NNP and/CC Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP -/: -/: the/DT authors/NNS should/MD have/VB been/VBN able/JJ to/TO tell/VB us/PRP a/DT little/JJ more/JJR about/IN why/WRB Hollywood/NNP movies/NNS are/VBP so/RB bad/JJ ./.
Instead/RB ,/, they/PRP have/VBP written/VBN the/DT story/NN of/IN a/DT failure/NN ,/, albeit/IN one/CD with/IN important/JJ consequences/NNS for/IN the/DT industry/NN today/NN ./.
Hopefully/RB ,/, people/NNS who/WP read/VBP the/DT story/NN of/IN Sony/NNP 's/POS less-than-excellent/JJ adventure/NN in/IN Hollywood/NNP will/MD look/VB a/DT little/JJ more/RBR skeptically/RB at/IN the/DT vaporous/JJ claims/NNS surrounding/VBG other/JJ megamergers/NNS in/IN the/DT communications/NNS business/NN ./.
They/PRP will/MD have/VB less/JJR patience/NN for/IN optimistic/JJ talk/NN about/IN synergy/NN and/CC the/DT marriage/NN of/IN content/NN with/IN distribution/NN ./.
As/IN William/NNP Goldman/NNP put/VBD it/PRP ,/, when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO what/WP works/VBZ or/CC does/VBZ n't/RB in/IN Hollywood/NNP ,/, "/" nobody/NN knows/VBZ anything/NN ./.
Economist/NNP ,/, May/NNP 9/CD
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 9/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN praises/VBZ the/DT Daimler-/NNP Chrysler/NNP merger/NN for/IN ushering/VBG in/IN an/DT era/NN of/IN cross-border/JJ car/NN manufacturing/NN ./.
Jingoistic/NNP pride/NN thwarted/VBD past/RB proposed/VBN international/JJ mergers/NNS ,/, and/CC led/VBD to/TO quotas/NNS ,/, tariffs/NNS and/CC overcapacity/NN at/IN many/JJ auto/NN plants/NNS worldwide/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN says/VBZ scientists/NNS may/MD have/VB found/VBN the/DT reason/NN for/IN cystic/JJ fibrosis/NNS ./.
Inheriting/NNP a/DT faulty/JJ gene/NN from/IN both/DT parents/NNS means/VBZ getting/VBG this/DT fatal/JJ disease/NN ./.
Inheriting/NNP the/DT faulty/JJ gene/NN from/IN only/RB one/CD parent/NN means/VBZ no/DT cystic/JJ fibrosis/NNS and/CC also/RB means/VBZ immunity/NN to/TO typhoid/NN ./.
Once/RB ,/, this/DT may/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT wise/JJ genetic/JJ trade-off/NN ,/, but/CC typhoid/NN has/VBZ now/RB disappeared/VBN ./.
The/DT obituary/JJ mourns/NNS Samuel/NNP Cummings/NNP ,/, "/" probably/RB the/DT world/NN 's/POS biggest/JJS private/JJ dealer/NN in/IN small/JJ arms/NNS ./.
"/" An/DT utterly/RB amoral/NN yet/RB entirely/RB licit/NN businessman/NN ,/, Cummings/NNP sold/VBD weapons/NNS to/TO Castro/NNP ,/, Haiti/NNP 's/POS Duvaliers/NNP ,/, and/CC countless/JJ guerillas/NNS in/IN Africa/NNP ,/, Asia/NNP ,/, and/CC Latin/NNP America/NNP ./.
Business/NNP suffered/VBD when/WRB ,/, post-/NN Cold/NNP War/NNP ,/, millions/NNS of/IN Soviet/JJ guns/NNS hit/VBD the/DT open/JJ market/NN ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, May/NNP 25/CD
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 8/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
A/DT story/NN deplores/VBZ efforts/NNS by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
corporations/NNS to/TO prevent/VB economic/JJ sanctions/NNS against/IN rogue/NN nations/NNS ./.
A/DT corporate/JJ umbrella/NN group/NN named/VBD USA/NNP */NN Engage/NNP is/VBZ lobbying/VBG fiercely/RB and/CC successfully/RB against/IN sanctions/NNS :/: In/IN 1996/CD ,/, "/" 23/CD sanctions/NNS were/VBD put/VBN in/IN place/NN ;/: in/IN 1997/CD ,/, only/RB two/CD countries/NNS ./.
were/VBD sanctioned/VBN ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ troubling/JJ ,/, because/IN sanctions/NNS are/VBP more/RBR effective/JJ at/IN undermining/VBG evil/JJ regimes/NNS than/IN trading/NN is/VBZ at/IN democratizing/VBG them/PRP ./.
A/DT piece/NN welcomes/VBZ the/DT proposed/VBN merger/NN of/IN the/DT American/NNP Federation/NNP of/IN Teachers/NNPS and/CC the/DT National/NNP Education/NNP Association/NNP ,/, saying/VBG it/PRP would/MD create/VB a/DT unified/JJ voice/NN on/IN education/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT NEA/NNP may/MD be/VB too/RB defensive/JJ and/CC too/RB politically/RB correct/JJ to/TO ally/VB with/IN the/DT bold/JJ ,/, reform-minded/JJ AFT/NNP ./.
Early/RB indications/NNS suggest/VBP members/NNS will/MD vote/VB down/RP the/DT merger/NN ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, May/NNP 10/CD
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 7/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
A/DT couple/NN of/IN months/NNS ago/RB John/NNP Travolta/NNP and/CC Primary/JJ Colors/NNP made/VBD the/DT rounds/NNS of/IN magazine/NN covers/NNS ./.
The/DT political/JJ movie/NN puffery/NN continues/VBZ with/IN Warren/NNP Beatty/NNP and/CC Bulworth/NNP ./.
The/DT cover/NN story/NN on/IN Beatty/NNP ,/, a/DT longtime/JJ Democratic/JJ activist/NN ,/, says/VBZ his/PRP$ new/JJ movie/NN is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS radical/JJ political/JJ statement/NN of/IN his/PRP$ career/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT film/NN a/DT senator/NN discards/NNS politics/NNS as/IN usual/JJ and/CC starts/VBZ talking/VBG straight/JJ ,/, especially/RB about/IN race/NN ./.
He/PRP speaks/VBZ in/IN rhyme/NN :/: Beatty/NNP says/VBZ he/PRP met/VBD with/IN many/JJ rappers/NNS before/IN writing/VBG the/DT senator/NN 's/POS dialogue/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN says/VBZ biologists/NNS are/VBP breeding/VBG better/JJR bees/NNS ./.
Farmers/NNP rely/VB heavily/RB on/IN honeybees/NNS to/TO pollinate/VB crops/NNS ,/, but/CC new/JJ ,/, specialized/JJ bees/NNS are/VBP quicker/JJR ,/, more/RBR effective/JJ fertilizers/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, honeybees/NNS have/VBP adapted/VBN to/TO steal/VB alfalfa/NN nectar/NN without/IN taking/VBG pollen--not/JJ so/RB leafcutter/NN bees/NNS ,/, which/WDT pollinate/VBP alfalfa/NN like/IN champs/NNS ./.
National/NNP Review/NNP ,/, May/NNP 18/CD
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 7/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN article/NN urges/VBZ the/DT GOP/NNP and/CC the/DT Christian/NNP right/NN to/TO compromise/VB ./.
Religious/NNP conservatives/NNS complain/VBP that/IN the/DT GOP/NNP has/VBZ ignored/VBN their/PRP$ causes/NNS ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, the/DT Christian/NNP right/NN is/VBZ politically/RB naive/JJ ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ intractability/NN dooms/NNS its/PRP$ own/JJ goals/NNS ./.
An/DT accompanying/VBG piece/NN says/VBZ Republicans/NNPS no/DT longer/RB own/VB a/DT monopoly/NN on/IN pro-lifers/JJ ./.
Several/JJ pro-life/JJ Dems/NNP are/VBP mounting/VBG serious/JJ campaigns/NNS at/IN the/DT state/NN level/NN ,/, often/RB against/IN pro-choice/JJ Republicans/NNPS ./.
People/NNS ,/, May/NNP 11/CD
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 7/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
People/NNS presents/VBZ the/DT "/" 50/CD Most/JJS Beautiful/NNP People/NNPS in/IN the/DT World/NNP ,/, "/" 1998/CD version/NN ./.
Obvious/NNP inclusions/NNS :/: Leonardo/NNP DiCaprio/NNP ,/, Gwyneth/NNP Paltrow/NNP ,/, Prince/NNP William/NNP ,/, and/CC Cameron/NNP Diaz/NNP ./.
Surprising/NNP inclusions/NNS :/: Tony/NNP Blair/NNP ,/, Titanic/NNP 's/POS Gloria/NNP Stuart/NNP ./.
Highbrow/NNP cheesecake/NN :/: Arundhati/NNP Roy/NNP ./.
Shocking/NNP omissions/NNS :/: JFK/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
(/( Was/VBD n't/RB he/PRP their/PRP$ "/" Sexiest/NNP Man/NNP Alive/NNP "/" for/IN 12/CD years/NNS running/VBG ?/.
What/WP changed/VBD ?/.
)/) and/CC the/DT Family/NNP Research/NNP Council/NNP 's/POS Gary/NNP Bauer/NNP ./.
An/DT accompanying/VBG piece/NN introduces/VBZ us/PRP to/TO "/" Real-/NNP Life/NNP ER/NNP Beauties/NNP "/" :/: Julianna/NNP Margulies/NNP and/CC George/NNP Clooney/NNP have/VBP nothing/NN on/IN these/DT hot/JJ docs/NNS ,/, contends/VBZ the/DT article/NN ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, May/NNP 11/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS cover/NN story/NN :/: how/WRB to/TO raise/VB male/JJ children/NNS ./.
Boys/NNS are/VBP more/RBR enthusiastic/JJ and/CC just/RB as/RB emotional/JJ as/IN girls/NNS but/CC less/RBR able/JJ to/TO express/VB themselves/PRP ./.
Give/VB them/PRP lots/NNS of/IN affection/NN :/: They/PRP need/VBP it/PRP even/RB though/IN they/PRP pretend/VB to/TO hate/VB it/PRP ./.
Time/NNP 's/POS peculiar/JJ cover/NN story/NN follows/VBZ the/DT sad/JJ case/NN of/IN a/DT banker/NN whose/WP$ ex-wife/NN abducted/NN their/PRP$ children/NNS and/CC is/VBZ now/RB in/IN hiding/VBG ./.
Grass-roots/NNP networks/NNS designed/VBN to/TO protect/VB women/NNS in/IN abusive/JJ marriages/NNS can/MD sometimes/RB keep/VB innocent/JJ fathers/NNS from/IN their/PRP$ kids/NNS ./.
Newsweek/NNP wonders/VBZ how/WRB health/NN insurance/NN will/MD cover/VB Viagra/NNP ./.
Most/JJS health/NN insurance/NN covers/VBZ "/" quality/NN of/IN life/NN "/" afflictions/NNS such/JJ as/IN arthritis/NN ,/, but/CC how/WRB much/JJ sex/NN is/VBZ required/VBN for/IN a/DT decent/JJ quality/NN of/IN life/NN ?/.
(/( We/PRP refrain/VB from/IN making/VBG a/DT joke/NN about/IN this/DT ,/, the/DT only/JJ publication/NN in/IN America/NNP to/TO do/VB so/RB ./.
)/) ./.
Following/VBG the/DT lead/NN of/IN many/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, Newsweek/NNP excerpts/NNS the/DT Unabomber/NNP 's/POS diary/NN ./.
Standard/NNP grim/JJ quote/NN :/: Ted/NNP Kaczynski/NNP writes/VBZ of/IN a/DT fatal/JJ bomb/NN ,/, "/" Excellent/NNP ./.
Humane/NNP way/NN to/TO eliminate/VB somebody/NN ./.
A/DT week/NN after/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP ,/, Time/NNP examines/VBZ the/DT growing/VBG influence/NN of/IN Christian/NNP conservative/JJ James/NNP Dobson/NNP ./.
The/DT Christian/NNP right/NN 's/POS latest/JJS coup/NN :/: blocking/VBG the/DT nomination/NN of/IN an/DT openly/RB gay/JJ man/NN to/TO be/VB ambassador/NN of/IN Luxembourg/NNP ./.
A/DT story/NN says/VBZ the/DT Chinese/JJ government/NN is/VBZ surprisingly/RB tolerant/NN of/IN the/DT Internet/NN 's/POS expansion/NN in/IN China/NNP ./.
While/IN the/DT government/NN blocks/VBZ many/JJ sites/NNS (/( notably/RB cnn/NN ./.
com/NN )/) ,/, most/JJS citizens/NNS find/VBP ways/NNS around/IN barriers/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT government/NN encourages/VBZ the/DT Net/NN as/IN a/DT means/NN of/IN increasing/VBG commerce/NN ./.
Both/DT magazines/NNS preview/NN the/DT big/JJ summer/NN movies/NNS ./.
Much/RB hyped/VBD :/: Godzilla/NNP ,/, The/DT Truman/NNP Show/NNP ,/, Armageddon/NN ,/, Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, May/NNP 11/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN on/IN the/DT "/" next/JJ pope/NN "/" profiles/NNS leading/VBG candidates/NNS ./.
Insiders/NNS bet/VBP the/DT new/JJ pope/NN will/MD share/VB John/NNP Paul/NNP II/NNP 's/POS conservative/JJ traditionalism/NN and/CC be/VB "/" a/DT noncontroversial/NN figure/NN ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ mid-/NN 60/CD s/VBZ ,/, who/WP is/VBZ multilingual/NN ,/, has/VBZ curial/NN experience/NN ,/, and/CC is/VBZ archbishop/NN in/IN a/DT nation/NN that/WDT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT major/JJ power/NN ./.
"/" ./.
"/" News/NNP You/PRP Can/MD Use/VB "/" finds/VBZ the/DT safest/JJS airplane/NN seat/NN ./.
Not/RB in/IN the/DT back--turbulence/JJ is/VBZ worse/JJR there/EX ;/: not/RB in/IN the/DT front--in/JJ a/DT nosedive/NN ,/, you/PRP go/VBP first/JJ ;/: not/RB by/IN a/DT window--you/JJ 'll/MD have/VB to/TO climb/VB over/IN neighbors/NNS in/IN a/DT crash/NN ;/: and/CC not/RB on/IN the/DT aisle--heavy/JJ luggage/NN can/MD fall/VB from/IN overhead/NN bins/NNS and/CC injure/VB you/PRP ./.
Oh/UH ,/, and/CC definitely/RB buckle/VB your/PRP$ seat/NN belt/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, May/NNP 11/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
"/" The/DT Shadow/NNP Epidemic/NNP "/" charts/VBZ the/DT alarming/JJ rise/NN of/IN hepatitis-/NN C/NNP ,/, a/DT disease/NN that/IN infects/NNS four/CD times/NNS as/IN many/JJ Americans/NNPS as/IN HIV/NNP ,/, kills/VBZ 10/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT year/NN ,/, and/CC is/VBZ largely/RB untreatable/JJ ./.
There/EX are/VBP no/DT early/JJ symptoms/NNS ,/, and/CC many/JJ hepatitis-/NN C/NNP victims/NNS are/VBP n't/RB aware/JJ they/PRP have/VBP the/DT disease/NN until/IN their/PRP$ liver/NN is/VBZ nearly/RB destroyed/VBN ./.
Sex/NN and/CC shared/VBN needles/NNS easily/RB transmit/VB the/DT disease/NN ,/, and/CC anyone/NN who/WP received/VBD a/DT blood/NN transfusion/NN before/IN 1992/CD is/VBZ at/IN serious/JJ risk/NN ./.
A/DT piece/NN says/VBZ the/DT United/NNP Nations/NNPS knew/VBD that/IN Rwandan/NNP Hutus/NNP were/VBD preparing/VBG to/TO slaughter/NN Tutsis/NNP three/CD months/NNS before/IN the/DT 1994/CD massacre/NN ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
force/NN in/IN Rwanda/NNP could/MD have/VB taken/VBN simple/JJ steps/NNS to/TO prevent/VB killing/VBG ,/, but/CC U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
higher-ups/JJ declined/VBD to/TO act/VB ./.
Secretary-/NNP General/NNP Kofi/NNP Annan/NNP ,/, then/RB head/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
peacekeeping/VBG ,/, probably/RB was/VBD one/CD of/IN those/DT higher-ups/JJ ./.
A/DT profile/NN of/IN Hollywood/NNP mogul/NN Edgar/NNP Bronfman/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
says/VBZ he/PRP is/VBZ being/VBG fleeced/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ entertainment-industry/JJ business/NN partners/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ studio/NN ,/, Universal/NNP ,/, is/VBZ struggling/VBG largely/RB because/IN Bronfman/NNP has/VBZ cut/VBN foolish/JJ deals/NNS with/IN Barry/NNP Diller/NNP ,/, DreamWorks/NNP ,/, and/CC lots/NNS of/IN producers/NNS ./.
The/DT genial/JJ Bronfman/NNP has/VBZ also/RB hired/VBN too/RB many/JJ nice/JJ guys/NNS to/TO work/VB for/IN him/PRP ./.
(/( See/VB Slate/NNP 's/POS "/" Assessment/NNP "/" of/IN Bronfman/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ father/NN ./.
The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, May/NNP 18/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN profiles/NNS Minnesota/NNP Sen/NNP ./.
Paul/NNP Wellstone/NNP ,/, a/DT possible/JJ contender/NN for/IN the/DT 2000/CD Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ nomination/NN ./.
Wellstone/NNP boasts/VBZ old-time/JJ liberal/JJ populist/JJ values/NNS but/CC lacks/VBZ the/DT ego/NN and/CC charisma/NN to/TO win/VB votes/NNS ./.
Possible/JJ mission/NN :/: Win/NNP a/DT big/JJ enough/JJ coalition/NN to/TO drive/VB the/DT party/NN to/TO the/DT left/NN ./.
A/DT story/NN slams/NNS Proposition/NN 226/CD ,/, a/DT California/NNP initiative/NN that/WDT would/MD "/" compel/VB unions/NNS to/TO obtain/VB the/DT permission/NN of/IN members/NNS annually/RB before/IN using/VBG their/PRP$ dues/NNS for/IN political/JJ activity/NN ./.
"/" The/DT bill/NN would/MD crush/VB unions/NNS '/POS political/JJ strength/NN ,/, since/IN thorny/NN logistics/NNS make/VBP it/PRP costly/JJ and/CC difficult/JJ to/TO get/VB permission/NN on/IN a/DT yearly/JJ basis/NN ./.
Backers/NNP of/IN the/DT bill/NN :/: Richard/NNP Mellon/NNP Scaife/NNP ,/, Grover/NNP Norquist/NNP ,/, and/CC anti-union/JJ companies/NNS ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, May/NNP 11/CD
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN essay/NN defends/VBZ Israel/NNP as/IN the/DT last/JJ hope/NN for/IN Judaism/NNP (/( and/CC a/DT fragile/JJ hope/NN at/IN that/DT )/) ./.
Outside/IN Israel/NNP ,/, intermarriage/NN and/CC assimilation/NN are/VBP quickly/RB eroding/VBG Jewish/JJ communities/NNS ./.
Inside/IN Israel/NNP ,/, Jews/NNPS are/VBP alarmingly/RB vulnerable/JJ to/TO violent/JJ attacks/NNS from/IN neighbors/NNS ./.
Israel/NNP 's/POS fall/NN would/MD relegate/NN Jews/NNPS to/TO curious/JJ obscurity--somewhat/JJ like/IN the/DT Amish/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Seth/NNP Stevenson/NNP
Good/JJ morning/NN Jodi/NNP ,/,
I/PRP love/VBP evergreen/NN headlines/NNS ,/, those/DT perpetually/RB blooming/VBG stories/NNS that/WDT could/MD run/VB in/IN any/DT newspaper/NN ,/, any/DT year/NN (/( an/DT example/NN :/: "/" New/NNP Jersey/NNP Official/NNP Indicted/NNP ,/, Mob/NN Ties/NNPS Alleged/NNP "/" )/) ./.
Well/RB ,/, the/DT front/JJ page/NN of/IN today/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP provides/VBZ an/DT all-time/JJ classic/NN of/IN the/DT genre/NN :/: "/" Pediatricians/NNP Urge/NNP Limiting/VBG TV/NN Watching/VBG ./.
"/" Stop/NNP the/DT presses/NNS !/.
No/DT ,/, on/IN second/RB thought/NN ,/, did/VBD n't/RB I/PRP read/VBP that/IN same/JJ story/NN in/IN the/DT Times/NNP in/IN 1979/CD ?/.
Or/CC was/VBD it/PRP 1959/CD ?/.
Back/RB in/IN the/DT old/JJ days/NNS ,/, like/IN 1979/CD or/CC 1959/CD ,/, the/DT Times/NNP editorial/NN page/NN was/VBD the/DT repository/NN of/IN the/DT conventional/JJ wisdom/NN written/VBN in/IN a/DT uniquely/RB ponderous/JJ style/NN that/WDT combined/VBD voice-of-/JJ God/NNP self-confidence/NN and/CC the/DT bromides/NNS of/IN a/DT foundation-backed/JJ task-force/NN report/NN ./.
All/DT that/WDT has/VBZ mercifully/RB changed/VBN as/IN the/DT edit/VB page/NN has/VBZ been/VBN transformed/VBN under/IN the/DT editorship/NN of/IN Howell/NNP Raines/NNP ./.
But/CC every/DT so/RB often/RB ,/, the/DT Times/NNP goes/VBZ completely/RB retro/NN with/IN a/DT return/NN to/TO yes-but-on-the-other-hand/JJ prose/NN ./.
Today/NN ,/, the/DT edit/VB page/NN finally/RB weighed/VBD in/IN on/IN Hillary/NNP 's/POS Talk/NN interview/NN ,/, devoting/VBG infinitely/RB more/JJR space/NN to/TO the/DT "/" Intimate/NNP Hillary/NNP "/" than/IN was/VBD deemed/VBN appropriate/JJ by/IN the/DT news/NN section/NN ./.
(/( I/NN have/VBP long/RB thought/NN that/IN the/DT Times/NNP should/MD handle/VB hot-potato/JJ stories/NNS like/IN this/DT with/IN a/DT special/JJ daily/JJ page/NN called/VBN :/: "/" News/NNP We/PRP Disapprove/NNP Of/IN ./.
"/" )/) But/CC the/DT Times/NNP editorial/NN concluded/VBD with/IN a/DT sentence/NN so/RB pompous/JJ and/CC so/RB non-committal/JJ that/IN it/PRP should/MD be/VB immediately/RB be/VB added/VBN to/TO the/DT syllabus/JJ in/IN journalism/NN schools/NNS ./.
Jodi/NNP ,/, parse/NN this/DT one/CD if/IN you/PRP dare/VBP :/: "/" In/IN a/DT contest/NN involving/VBG two/CD personalities/NNS as/RB distinctive/JJ as/IN Mrs/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP and/CC Mayor/NNP Rudolph/NNP Guiliani/NNP ,/, the/DT potential/JJ Republican/JJ nominee/NN ,/, every/DT citizen/NN will/MD have/VB to/TO reach/VB a/DT decision/NN that/IN balances/NNS all/DT aspects/NNS of/IN a/DT candidate/NN 's/POS abilities/NNS ,/, issue/NN positions/NNS and/CC personal/JJ qualities/NNS ./.
This/DT morning/NN I/PRP was/VBD overjoyed/JJ to/TO snag/NN the/DT last/JJ copy/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP at/IN my/PRP$ little/JJ Washington/NNP newsstand/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ where/WRB I/PRP learned/VBD of/IN the/DT latest/JJS circulation-boosting/JJ gambit/NN by/IN Modern/NNP Maturity/NNP ,/, that/IN up-with-aging/JJ monthly/RB published/VBN by/IN the/DT AARP/NNP ./.
The/DT big/JJ story/NN this/DT month/NN on/IN the/DT senior/JJ circuit/NN is/VBZ an/DT exclusive/JJ listing/NN of/IN the/DT 50/CD "/" sexiest/NN "/" celebrities/NNS who/WP are/VBP over/IN 50/CD years/NNS old/JJ ./.
The/DT winners/NNS include/VBP Richard/NNP Gere/NNP and/CC Susan/NNP Sarandon/NNP (/( "/" steam/NN heat/NN "/" )/) ,/, Julie/NNP Christie/NNP and/CC Tom/NNP Selleck/NNP (/( "/" anytime/RB sexy/JJ "/" )/) ,/, Donna/NNP Karan/NNP and/CC Louis/NNP Rukeyser/NNP (/( "/" sexy/JJ in/IN suits/NNS "/" )/) and/CC Lauren/NNP Bacall/NNP and/CC Paul/NNP Newman/NNP (/( "/" vintage/NN sexy/JJ "/" )/) ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP 52/CD years/NNS old/JJ ,/, balding/VBG ,/, well-rounded/JJ ,/, and/CC doomed/VBD to/TO always/RB misplace/NN my/PRP$ reading/NN glasses/NNS ./.
But/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP also/RB old/JJ enough/RB to/TO know/VB that/IN sexual/JJ allure/NN does/VBZ not/RB necessarily/RB dim/NN with/IN age/NN ./.
(/( At/IN last/JJ year/NN 's/POS Time/NNP magazine/NN anniversary/NN gala/NN ,/, I/PRP found/VBD myself/PRP positively/RB tongue-tied/JJ ,/, embarrassingly/RB adolescent/JJ in/IN my/PRP$ awkwardness/NNS ,/, on/IN being/VBG introduced/VBN to/TO Lauren/NNP Bacall/NNP ./.
)/) So/RB why/WRB does/VBZ the/DT "/" Modern/NNP Maturity/NNP "/" spread/NN leave/NN me/PRP so/RB uncomfortable/JJ ?/.
Would/MD I/PRP feel/VB different/JJ if/IN this/DT sexy/JJ plus-/NN 50/CD cavalcade/NN appeared/VBD in/IN People/NNS magazine/NN ?/.
My/PRP$ guess--and/JJ let/VB 's/POS not/RB delve/NN too/RB deeply/RB into/IN my/PRP$ psyche--is/JJ that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP offended/JJ by/IN the/DT AARP/NNP 's/POS role/NN in/IN sponsoring/VBG this/DT silliness/NNS ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ something/NN about/IN this/DT middle-aged/JJ spread/NN (/( the/DT magazine/NN 's/POS ,/, not/RB mine/NN )/) that/WDT suggests/VBZ a/DT desperate/JJ need/NN to/TO join/VB the/DT self-esteem/NN movement/NN ./.
It/PRP all/DT seems/VBZ ,/, well/RB ,/, Viagra-esque/NNP ./.
Jodi/NNP ,/, any/DT reaction/NN from/IN a/DT younger/JJR and/CC fitter/NN generation/NN ?/.
What/WP the/DT agony/NN of/IN Jesus/NNP on/IN the/DT cross/NN is/VBZ to/TO Christians/NNS ,/, the/DT Holocaust/NNP is/VBZ to/TO Jews/NNPS ./.
Except/IN that/IN the/DT massacre/NN of/IN millions/NNS whose/WP$ only/RB crime/NN was/VBD to/TO be/VB born/VBN Jewish/JJ has/VBZ no/DT transcendent/NN meaning/VBG ,/, no/DT sacred/JJ closure/NN ./.
To/TO theologize/NN the/DT Holocaust/NNP is/VBZ meaningless/JJ even/RB to/TO the/DT super-/NN Orthodox/NNP who/WP accept/VBP everything/NN as/IN God/NNP 's/POS will/MD ./.
To/TO secular/NN skeptical/JJ Jews/NNPS ,/, the/DT horror/NN is/VBZ still/RB just/RB another/DT episode/NN ,/, though/IN the/DT worst/JJS ,/, in/IN the/DT unending/JJ suspicion/NN and/CC hatred/NN of/IN the/DT Jews/NNPS ./.
What/WP some/DT piously/RB accept/VB and/CC others/NNS try/VBP to/TO explain/VB is/VBZ to/TO Aharon/NNP Appelfeld/NNP "/" a/DT central/JJ event/NN in/IN many/JJ people/NNS 's/POS lives/NNS that/WDT has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT metaphor/NN for/IN our/PRP$ century/NN ./.
There/EX cannot/NN be/VBP an/DT end/NN to/TO speaking/VBG and/CC writing/VBG about/IN it/PRP ./.
"/" Appelfeld/NNP ,/, a/DT survivor/NN from/IN Czernowitz/NNP in/IN Austrian/NNP Galicia/NNP whose/WP$ first/JJ language/NN was/VBD German/JJ ,/, now/RB lives/VBZ in/IN Jerusalem/NNP and/CC writes/VBZ in/IN Hebrew/NNP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ the/DT most/JJS telling/VBG novelist/NN of/IN the/DT Holocaust/NNP ,/, for/IN he/PRP has/VBZ no/DT need/VBP to/TO describe/VB it/PRP directly/RB ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ put/VBN his/PRP$ own/JJ suffering--as/JJ a/DT boy/NN he/PRP saw/VBD a/DT Nazi/JJ kill/NN his/PRP$ mother--into/JJ short/JJ narratives/NNS of/IN self-absorbed/JJ Jewish/JJ life/NN before/IN the/DT war/NN that/WDT are/VBP so/RB ominously/RB toneless/JJ ,/, artfully/RB simple/JJ and/CC repetitious/JJ ,/, deceptively/RB compressed/VBN in/IN feeling/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT reader/NN ,/, aware/JJ of/IN the/DT horror/NN about/IN to/TO descend/NN on/IN these/DT people/NNS ,/, feels/VBZ like/IN screaming/VBG but/CC knows/VBZ he/PRP will/MD not/RB be/VB heard/VBN ./.
The/DT best-known/JJS of/IN these/DT narratives/NNS are/VBP Badenheim/NNP 1939/CD (/( 1980/CD )/) and/CC To/TO the/DT Land/NNP of/IN the/DT Cattails/NNP (/( 1986/CD )/) ./.
In/IN The/DT Iron/NNP Tracks/NNP Appelfeld/NNP has/VBZ reversed/VBN his/PRP$ usual/JJ strategy/NN ./.
The/DT war/NN ended/VBD long/RB ago/RB ,/, but/CC for/IN Erwin/NNP Siegelbaum/NNP ,/, who/WP at/IN 15/CD saw/VBD the/DT Nazi/JJ officer/NN Nachtigel/NNP murder/NN his/PRP$ parents/NNS ,/, the/DT war/NN has/VBZ never/RB ended/VBN ./.
For/IN 40/CD years/NNS he/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN living/VBG on/IN trains/NNS that/WDT remind/VBP him/PRP of/IN the/DT train/NN on/IN which/WDT he/PRP was/VBD once/RB deported/VBD ./.
His/PRP$ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO find/VB Nachtigel/NNP and/CC kill/VB him/PRP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ mad/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP signifies/NNS the/DT depth/NN at/IN which/WDT the/DT Holocaust/NNP can/MD enter/VB a/DT Jew/NNP 's/POS soul/NN ./.
Since/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT war/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN on/IN this/DT line/NN ,/, as/IN they/PRP say/VBP :/: a/DT long/JJ ,/, twisted/JJ line/NN stretching/VBG from/IN Naples/NNP to/TO the/DT cold/NN north/RB ,/, a/DT line/NN of/IN locals/NNS ,/, trams/NNS ,/, taxis/NNS ,/, and/CC carriages/NNS ./.
The/DT seasons/NNS shift/VBP before/IN my/PRP$ eyes/NNS like/IN an/DT illusion/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP learned/VBN this/DT route/NN with/IN my/PRP$ body/NN ./.
Now/RB I/PRP know/VBP every/DT hostel/NN and/CC every/DT inn/NN ,/, every/DT restaurant/NN and/CC buffet/NN ,/, the/DT vehicles/NNS that/WDT bring/VBP you/PRP to/TO the/DT remotest/NN corners/NNS ./.
Boarding/NNP still/RB another/DT train/NN ,/, he/PRP gets/VBZ "/" a/DT sort/NN of/IN constant/JJ renewal/NN ./.
"/" One/PRP can/MD live/VB on/IN trains/NNS ./.
The/DT officials/NNS now/RB know/VBP him/PRP so/RB well/RB that/IN they/PRP drop/VBP the/DT loud/JJ ,/, jangling/VBG popular/JJ music/NN he/PRP detests/VBZ on/IN the/DT loudspeaker/NN and/CC put/VBD on/IN chamber/NN music/NN ./.
Shaving/VBG on/IN a/DT train/NN gives/VBZ him/PRP a/DT new/JJ start/NN in/IN life/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ one/CD station/NN where/WRB he/PRP is/VBZ met/VBN by/IN a/DT regular/JJ driver/NN ,/, now/RB a/DT sort/NN of/IN friend/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP two/CD stations/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ route/NN for/IN which/WDT he/PRP has/VBZ "/" love/NN ,/, "/" stations/NNS he/PRP can/MD return/VB to/TO knowing/VBG he/PRP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO refresh/NN himself/PRP with/IN a/DT solid/JJ meal/NN and/CC a/DT cup/NN of/IN really/RB good/JJ coffee/NN ./.
But/CC for/IN the/DT most/JJS part/NN "/" I/PRP live/VBP by/IN signs/NNS ,/, by/IN codes/NNS whose/WP$ meaning/VBG I/PRP alone/RB know/VBP ./.
"/" There/EX was/VBD even/RB a/DT terrible/JJ moment/NN when/WRB he/PRP spent/VBD two/CD weeks/NNS in/IN bed/NN "/" because/IN it/PRP seemed/VBD to/TO me/PRP that/IN a/DT new/JJ war/NN had/VBD started/VBN ./.
"/" I/PRP confess/NNS ,/, I/PRP have/VBP no/DT faith/NN in/IN anyone/NN outside/IN the/DT train/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP is/VBZ so/RB frozen/VBN inside/IN that/IN he/PRP remains/VBZ completely/RB detached/VBN from/IN the/DT occasional/JJ woman/NN on/IN board/NN who/WP attracts/VBZ him/PRP :/:
There/EX is/VBZ nothing/NN like/IN love/NN on/IN a/DT train/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB it/PRP lasts/VBZ only/RB a/DT station/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
The/DT main/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ that/IN you/PRP 'll/MD never/RB see/VB the/DT woman/NN again/RB ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, sometimes/RB you/PRP get/VBP entangled/JJ ,/, and/CC you/PRP suddenly/RB have/VBP ,/, aside/RB from/IN your/PRP$ valise/NN ,/, a/DT sluggish/JJ creature/NN who/WP keeps/VBZ demanding/VBG coffee/NN and/CC cigarettes/NNS ./.
Thus/RB I/PRP repeat/NN to/TO myself/PRP :/: love/NN for/IN two/CD stations/NNS ,/, and/CC no/DT more/JJR ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ apathy/NN he/PRP remembers/VBZ the/DT farce/NN lived/VBN by/IN Jewish/JJ orators/NNS and/CC organizers/NNS such/JJ as/IN his/PRP$ Communist/NNP parents/NNS ./.
They/PRP were/VBD always/RB moving/VBG about/IN ,/, depriving/VBG him/PRP of/IN a/DT proper/JJ home--and/JJ always/RB resolute/NN ./.
They/PRP could/MD not/RB take/VB in/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN their/PRP$ comrades/NNS disliked/JJ them/PRP for/IN being/VBG Jews/NNPS ./.
My/PRP$ memory/NN is/VBZ my/PRP$ downfall/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT sealed/VBN well/RB that/WDT does/VBZ n't/RB lose/VB a/DT drop/NN ,/, to/TO use/VB an/DT old/JJ expression/NN ./.
Nothing/NN can/MD deplete/VB it/PRP ./.
My/PRP$ memory/NN is/VBZ a/DT powerful/JJ machine/NN that/IN stores/NNS and/CC constantly/RB discharges/NNS lost/VBD years/NNS and/CC faces/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT past/JJ I/PRP believed/VBD that/DT travel/NN would/MD blunt/VB my/PRP$ memory/NN ;/: I/PRP was/VBD wrong/JJ ./.
Over/IN the/DT years/NNS ,/, I/PRP must/MD admit/VB ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ only/RB grown/VBN stronger/JJR ./.
Were/VBD it/PRP not/RB for/IN my/PRP$ memory/NN ,/, my/PRP$ life/NN would/MD be/VB different--better/JJ ,/, I/PRP assume/VBP ./.
My/PRP$ memory/NN fills/VBZ me/PRP up/RP until/IN I/PRP choke/VB on/IN a/DT stream/NN of/IN daydreams/NNS ./.
But/CC in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS I/PRP have/VBP learned/VBN to/TO overcome/VB this/DT ./.
A/DT glass/NN of/IN cognac/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, separates/NNS me/PRP from/IN my/PRP$ memory/NN for/IN a/DT while/NN ./.
Where/WRB does/VBZ he/PRP find/VBP the/DT funds/NNS for/IN this/DT endless/JJ life/NN on/IN trains/NNS ?/.
This/DT is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT subtlest/NN issues/NNS in/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
He/PRP lives/VBZ by/IN buying/VBG up/RP old/JJ ceremonial/JJ objects/NNS retrieved/VBD from/IN synagogues/NNS nearly/RB destroyed/VBN by/IN the/DT Nazis/NNPS ./.
And/CC in/IN this/DT merchandising/NN of/IN the/DT once-sacred/JJ there/EX is/VBZ no/DT relief/NN for/IN him/PRP ,/, no/DT peace/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ competitors/NNS also/RB searching/VBG for/IN these/DT objects/NNS ,/, and/CC what/WP is/VBZ more/JJR ,/, they/PRP too/RB are/VBP looking/VBG for/IN Nachtigel/NNP in/IN order/NN to/TO avenge/VB themselves/PRP ./.
The/DT peasants/NNS and/CC army/NN veterans/NNS Siegelbaum/NNP encounters/NNS think/VBP favorably/RB of/IN the/DT war/NN ./.
An/DT innkeeper/NN who/WP lost/VBD his/PRP$ hearing/NN at/IN Stalingrad/NNP and/CC communicates/NNS by/IN writing/VBG answers/VBZ Siegelbaum/NNP 's/POS saying/NN ,/, "/" Hitler/NNP deceived/VBD the/DT world/NN "/" :/:
"/" Not/RB true/JJ ,/, "/" he/PRP replied/VBD without/IN hesitation/NN ./.
"/" Why/WRB ?/.
"/" Hitler/NNP wanted/VBD to/TO destroy/VB the/DT Jews/NNPS ,/, and/CC indeed/RB he/PRP destroyed/VBD them/PRP ,/, "/" he/PRP explained/VBD ./.
When/WRB I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB answer/VB ,/, he/PRP added/VBD in/IN big/JJ letters/NNS :/: "/" It/PRP was/VBD a/DT great/JJ mission/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP succeeded/VBD ./.
"/" But/CC they/PRP still/RB exist/VBP ,/, "/" I/PRP could/MD n't/RB refrain/VB from/IN writing/VBG to/TO him/PRP ./.
"/" A/DT mistake/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB hesitate/VB to/TO reply/VB ./.
Siegelbaum/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO kill/VB the/DT man/NN for/IN revealing/VBG his/PRP$ hidden/VBN desire/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP ought/MD to/TO have/VB killed/VBD him/PRP ./.
There/EX is/VBZ nothing/NN simpler/JJR than/IN killing/VBG a/DT man/NN ,/, and/CC yet/RB for/IN some/DT reason/NN ,/, I/PRP cannot/NN do/VBP it/PRP ./.
"/" Eventually/RB he/PRP does/VBZ locate/VB Nachtigel/NNP and/CC ,/, after/IN some/DT false/JJ pleasantries/NNS ,/, he/PRP shoots/VBZ him/PRP ./.
The/DT event/NN leaves/VBZ him/PRP pretty/RB much/JJ as/IN he/PRP was/VBD before/RB ./.
The/DT Jewish/JJ need/VBP to/TO find/VB an/DT answer/NN to/TO the/DT Holocaust/NNP is/VBZ not/RB forthcoming/JJ ./.
It/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB as/IN monumental/JJ and/CC world-shattering/JJ as/IN the/DT terror/NN itself/PRP ./.
In/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN prosperous/JJ postwar/JJ Germany/NNP ,/, retribution/NN is/VBZ a/DT joke/NN ./.
When/WRB Siegelbaum/NNP finally/RB cries/VBZ out/IN ,/, "/" Why/WRB ca/MD n't/RB I/PRP pray/NN ?/.
"/" he/PRP cannot/NN find/VBP an/DT answer/NN within/IN himself/PRP ./.
His/PRP$ "/" melancholy/JJ "/" is/VBZ a/DT well-known/JJ Jewish/JJ disease/NN ./.
The/DT Communist/NNP leaders/NNS he/PRP knew/VBD even/RB spoke/VBD grandly/RB of/IN a/DT "/" war/NN against/IN melancholy/JJ ./.
Its/PRP$ real/JJ name/NN is/VBZ despair/NN ,/, that/IN central/JJ human/JJ emotion/NN in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN overwhelming/JJ odds/NNS of/IN which/WDT tragedy/NN is/VBZ made/VBN ./.
There/EX are/VBP no/DT accommodating/VBG solutions/NNS after/IN the/DT fact/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT forgiveness/NN for/IN so/RB much/JJ pain/NN ,/, and/CC no/DT one/CD to/TO reconcile/VB with/IN ./.
But/CC a/DT story/NN as/RB piercing/VBG as/IN this/DT goes/VBZ to/TO the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT matter/NN ,/, for/IN it/PRP embodies/VBZ the/DT terrible/JJ event/NN in/IN such/JJ a/DT way/NN that/IN it/PRP steals/VBZ up/RB on/IN us/PRP and/CC will/MD haunt/VB us/PRP in/IN our/PRP$ sleep/NN ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN ordered/VBD Charlotte/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, to/TO stop/VB busing/VBG students/NNS to/TO integrate/VB schools/NNS ./.
Newspapers/NNS noted/VBD the/DT perfect/JJ symmetry--busing/JJ had/VBD begun/VBN with/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP 's/POS 1971/CD Swann/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Charlotte-/NNP Mecklenburg/NNP Board/NNP of/IN Education/NNP decision--and/JJ the/DT neoconservative-dominated/JJ commentariat/NN cheered/VBD the/DT demise/NN of/IN what/WP it/PRP deemed/VBD a/DT failed/VBN experiment/NN ./.
But/CC while/IN busing/VBG did/VBD great/JJ damage/NN in/IN many/JJ cities/NNS ,/, in/IN Charlotte/NNP it/PRP was/VBD widely/RB considered/VBN an/DT against-the-odds/JJ success/NN ./.
That/DT fact/NN makes/VBZ last/JJ week/NN 's/POS news/NN all/PDT the/DT sadder/JJR ./.
The/DT landmark/JJ Swann/NNP suit/NN had/VBD its/PRP$ origins/NNS in/IN the/DT 1955/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP decision/NN known/VBN as/IN Brown/NNP II/NNP ./.
Brown/NNP II/NNP gummed/JJ up/RP the/DT initial/JJ 1954/CD Brown/NNP ruling--which/JJ had/VBD decreed/VBN segregated/VBD schools/NNS unconstitutional--by/JJ saying/NN ,/, in/IN a/DT now-infamous/JJ oxymoron/NN ,/, that/DT desegregation/NN should/MD proceed/VB "/" with/IN all/DT deliberate/JJ speed/NN ./.
"/" By/IN 1965/CD ,/, Charlotte/NNP had/VBD seen/VBN more/JJR deliberation/NN than/IN speed/NN ./.
Only/RB 2/CD percent/NN of/IN black/JJ schoolchildren/NN attended/VBD integrated/VBN schools/NNS ./.
To/TO maintain/VB this/DT racial/JJ separation/NN ,/, 60/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT students/NNS were/VBD actually/RB bused/JJ to/TO schools/NNS far/RB from/IN their/PRP$ homes/NNS ,/, a/DT form/NN of/IN busing/VBG that/WDT raised/VBD no/DT outcry/NN from/IN the/DT white/JJ community/NN ./.
With/IN the/DT injustice/NN self-evident/JJ ,/, the/DT NAACP/NNP and/CC other/JJ civil/JJ rights/NNS groups/NNS trolled/JJ for/IN parents/NNS to/TO challenge/VB the/DT system/NN ,/, finding/VBG Vera/NNP and/CC Darius/NNP Swann/NNP ./.
The/DT Swanns/NNP wanted/VBD their/PRP$ 6/CD -/: year-old/JJ son/NN ,/, James/NNP ,/, to/TO attend/VB Seversville/NNP Elementary/NNP School/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT few/JJ integrated/VBN schools/NNS in/IN the/DT city/NN ./.
Seversville/NNP Elementary/NNP happened/VBD to/TO be/VB closest/JJS to/TO their/PRP$ home/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT school/NN board/NN refused/VBD to/TO admit/VB James/NNP ./.
The/DT Swanns/NNP filed/VBD suit/NN but/CC lost/VBD ./.
They/PRP continued/VBD to/TO appeal/VB until/IN their/PRP$ case/NN reached/VBD the/DT desk/NN of/IN Federal/NNP District/NNP Court/NNP Judge/NNP James/NNP McMillan/NNP in/IN 1969/CD ./.
The/DT grandson/NN of/IN two/CD confederate/NN soldiers/NNS ,/, McMillan/NNP was/VBD on/IN record/NN deriding/VBG "/" the/DT folly/NN ./.
of/IN requiring/VBG that/IN pupils/NNS be/VB transported/VBN far/RB away/RB from/IN their/PRP$ natural/JJ habitat/NN so/IN that/IN some/DT artificial/NN ./.
racial/JJ balance/NN be/VB maintained/VBN ./.
"/" But/CC when/WRB he/PRP examined/VBD the/DT Swann/NNP case/NN he/PRP realized/VBD that/IN Charlotte/NNP 's/POS school/NN board/NN was/VBD plainly/RB in/IN violation/NN of/IN the/DT law/NN and/CC that/IN it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB going/VBG to/TO desegregate/NN unless/IN forced/VBN by/IN the/DT courts/NNS ./.
The/DT precedent/NN had/VBD been/VBN set/VBN with/IN the/DT 1968/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP decision/NN Green/NNP vs/NNS ./.
County/NNP School/NNP Board/NNP of/IN New/NNP Kent/NNP County/NNP ,/, Va/NNP ./.
,/, in/IN which/WDT the/DT court/NN ruled/VBD school/NN boards/NNS had/VBD an/DT "/" affirmative/JJ duty/NN "/" to/TO ensure/VB "/" racial/JJ discrimination/NN would/MD be/VB eliminated/VBN root/NN and/CC branch/NN ./.
"/" McMillan/NNP ordered/VBD the/DT Charlotte/NNP board/NN to/TO draw/VB up/RP a/DT plan/NN to/TO take/VB steps--not/JJ necessarily/RB busing--to/JJ do/VBP so/RB ./.
At/IN first/JJ ,/, school/NN board/NN officials/NNS refused/VBD to/TO implement/VB desegregation/NN plans/NNS and/CC then/RB submitted/VBN plans/NNS that/WDT failed/VBD to/TO address/VB the/DT problem/NN ./.
All/DT McMillan/NNP could/MD do/VB was/VBD reject/VB them/PRP ./.
After/IN a/DT year/NN of/IN school/NN board/NN stalling/VBG ,/, McMillan/NNP appointed/VBD an/DT outside/JJ referee/NN to/TO devise/VB a/DT desegregation/NN strategy/NN ,/, which/WDT entailed/VBN the/DT busing/VBG of/IN black/JJ kids/NNS to/TO previously/RB white/JJ schools/NNS ,/, and/CC vice/NN versa/RB ./.
The/DT buses/NNS began/VBD rolling/VBG on/IN Sept/NNP ./.
9/CD ,/, 1970/CD ./.
Enraged/NNP ,/, many/JJ whites/NNS protested/VBD ,/, sometimes/RB violently/RB ./.
McMillan/NNP received/VBD death/NN threats/NNS and/CC was/VBD hanged/VBN in/IN effigy/NN ./.
The/DT office/NN of/IN the/DT Swanns/NNP '/POS attorney/NN was/VBD fire/NN bombed/VBN ./.
Black/JJ students/NNS were/VBD beat/VB up/RB at/IN school/NN ./.
Some/DT white/JJ parents/NNS withdrew/VBD and/CC sent/VBD their/PRP$ children/NNS to/TO private/JJ schools/NNS ,/, while/IN others/NNS formed/VBD citizens/NNS '/POS groups/NNS to/TO agitate/NN against/IN busing/VBG ./.
In/IN 1971/CD ,/, the/DT high/JJ court/NN unanimously/RB upheld/VBD McMillan/NNP 's/POS decision/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT school/NN board/NN ,/, split/NN between/IN busing/VBG supporters/NNS and/CC foes/NNS ,/, continued/VBD to/TO produce/VB half-hearted/JJ integration/NN plans/NNS that/IN McMillan/NNP had/VBD to/TO dismiss/VB as/RB not/RB "/" in/IN good/JJ faith/NN ,/, "/" and/CC busing/VBG continued/VBN according/VBG to/TO the/DT court/NN 's/POS prescription/NN ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, a/DT previously/RB apolitical/JJ 33/CD -/: year-old/JJ housewife/NN named/VBD Maggie/NNP Ray/NNP began/VBD convening/VBG local/JJ activists/NNS ,/, black/NN and/CC white/JJ ,/, pro-/JJ and/CC anti-busing/JJ ,/, to/TO work/VB out/RP an/DT alternative/NN solution--and/JJ also/RB endeared/JJ herself/PRP to/TO the/DT judge/NN at/IN a/DT backyard/NN barbecue/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ informal/JJ committee/NN ,/, called/VBD the/DT Citizens/NNPS Advisory/NNP Group/NNP ,/, finagled/VBN an/DT end-run/JJ around/IN the/DT school/NN board/NN and/CC persuaded/VBD McMillan/NNP to/TO put/VB it/PRP in/IN charge/NN of/IN the/DT busing/VBG plan/NN ./.
In/IN 1974/CD ,/, the/DT board/NN compromised/VBN with/IN the/DT committee/NN on/IN an/DT arrangement/NN that/WDT won/VBD McMillan/NNP 's/POS approval/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT year/NN later/RB he/PRP withdrew/VBD the/DT court/NN from/IN supervision/NN of/IN Charlotte/NNP 's/POS desegregation/NN plans/NNS ,/, trusting/VBG the/DT citizens/NNS to/TO do/VB it/PRP fairly/RB ./.
After/IN the/DT initial/JJ round/NN of/IN white/JJ flight/NN ,/, Charlotte/NNP maintained/VBD for/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD decades/NNS a/DT mix/NN of/IN roughly/RB 60/CD percent/NN white/JJ and/CC 40/CD percent/NN black/JJ students/NNS ./.
The/DT presence/NN of/IN whites/NNS ,/, especially/RB affluent/JJ ones/NNS ,/, in/IN once/RB all-black/JJ schools/NNS lifted/VBD those/DT schools/NNS '/POS quality/NN ,/, since/IN white/JJ parents/NNS '/POS complaints/NNS about/IN outdated/JJ textbooks/NNS ,/, sub/NN par/NN teachers/NNS ,/, and/CC dilapidated/JJ facilities/NNS were/VBD heeded/VBN by/IN school/NN officials/NNS ./.
Blacks/NNS '/POS test/NN scores/NNS rose/VBD too/RB ,/, after/IN a/DT special/JJ effort/NN led/VBN by/IN a/DT pro-busing/JJ superintendent/NN ./.
Students/NNS ,/, parents/NNS ,/, and/CC local/JJ officials/NNS found/VBD new/JJ pride/NN in/IN their/PRP$ integrated/VBN schools/NNS ,/, generating/VBG more/JJR goodwill/NN ./.
Political/JJ reform/NN followed/VBN too/RB ,/, creating/VBG a/DT city/NN government/NN that/IN better/JJR represented/VBD both/DT blacks/NNS and/CC poor/JJ whites/NNS ./.
Finally/RB ,/, a/DT solid/JJ educational/JJ system/NN provided/VBD a/DT foundation/NN for/IN the/DT economic/JJ growth/NN the/DT region/NN has/VBZ recently/RB enjoyed/VBN ./.
Charlotte/NNP 's/POS busing/VBG success/NN hinged/JJ on/IN several/JJ things/NNS ./.
Unlike/IN the/DT earlier/JJR schemes/NNS ,/, Ray/NNP 's/POS plan/NN did/VBD n't/RB exempt/VB the/DT wealthy/JJ whites/NNS in/IN southeast/NN Charlotte/NNP ./.
As/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, some/DT lower-class/JJ whites/NNS no/RB longer/RB felt/VBD singled/VBN out/IN to/TO carry/VB the/DT burden/NN of/IN integration/NN ./.
Acknowledging/NNP the/DT situation/NN 's/POS class/NN dimensions/NNS blunted/VBD the/DT racial/JJ animosity--and/JJ created/VBD a/DT coalition/NN of/IN blacks/NNS and/CC less/RBR affluent/JJ whites/NNS ./.
Also/RB ,/, the/DT white/JJ flight/NN that/WDT doomed/VBD busing/VBG in/IN Boston/NNP and/CC elsewhere/RB was/VBD not/RB really/RB an/DT option/NN ./.
Charlotte/NNP 's/POS whites/NNS could/MD flee/VB to/TO private/JJ schools/NNS (/( and/CC some/DT did/VBD )/) ,/, but/CC because/IN the/DT county/NN had/VBD consolidated/JJ its/PRP$ school/NN system/NN in/IN 1960/CD the/DT outlying/JJ areas/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NNS were/VBD embraced/VBN in/IN the/DT busing/VBG blueprint/NN ./.
(/( A/DT 1974/CD Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ruling/NN exempted/VBN suburban/JJ school/NN districts/NNS from/IN busing/VBG ,/, meaning/VBG few/JJ metropolises/NNS experienced/VBD wholesale/JJ integration/NN Charlotte-style/NNP ./.
Equally/RB important--and/JJ I/PRP admit/VBP this/DT sounds/VBZ kind/NN of/IN cornball--success/JJ required/VBD the/DT civic/JJ spiritedness/NNS of/IN pro-/JJ and/CC anti-busing/JJ parents/NNS alike/RB ,/, who/WP saw/VBD their/PRP$ way/NN clear/JJ to/TO hammering/VBG out/RP compromises/NNS ./.
This/DT meant/VBN shelving/VBG the/DT belief/NN that/IN a/DT single/NN ,/, foolproof/NN plan/NN could/MD be/VB implemented/VBN once/RB and/CC for/IN all/DT ./.
Citizens/NNS got/VBD involved/VBN with/IN adjusting/VBG the/DT busing/VBG plan/NN (/( and/CC refighting/VBG painful/JJ battles/NNS )/) year/NN after/IN year/NN after/IN year--a/JJ demanding/VBG but/CC inescapable/JJ burden/NN ./.
The/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ even/RB saw/VBD a/DT major/JJ overhaul/NN ,/, when/WRB Charlotte/NNP introduced/VBD magnet/NN schools/NNS devoted/VBN to/TO excellence/NN in/IN a/DT single/JJ area/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN math/NN ,/, and/CC open/JJ to/TO students/NNS from/IN all/DT neighborhoods--to/JJ give/VB whites/NNS extra/JJ incentive/NN to/TO travel/VB long/JJ distances/NNS to/TO school/VB ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, the/DT magnet/NN schools/NNS began/VBD the/DT undoing/NN of/IN desegregation/NN in/IN Charlotte/NNP ./.
To/TO remain/VB a/DT tool/NN for/IN continued/JJ desegregation/NN and/CC not/RB just/RB for/IN excellence/NN ,/, the/DT magnet/NN schools/NNS had/VBD to/TO maintain/VB set-asides/JJ for/IN black/JJ students/NNS ./.
A/DT newcomer/NN to/TO Charlotte--/NNP Bill/NNP Capacchione/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD not/RB witnessed/VBN the/DT city/NN 's/POS efforts/NNS in/IN the/NNP '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ to/TO surmount/NN mutual/JJ distrust--sued/JJ to/TO enroll/VB his/PRP$ daughter/NN into/IN a/DT magnet/NN that/IN officials/NNS did/VBD n't/RB want/VB to/TO "/" tip/NN "/" all/DT white/NN ./.
This/DT year/NN ,/, the/DT case/NN came/VBD before/IN Judge/NNP Robert/NNP Potter--a/NNP former/JJ Jesse/NNP Helms/NNP aide/NN ,/, a/DT Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP appointee/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT sworn/VBN enemy/NN of/IN busing/VBG since/IN he/PRP fought/VBD against/IN it/PRP on/IN the/DT front/JJ lines/NNS in/IN 1969/CD ./.
Calling/VBG bused/JJ students/NNS "/" cogs/NNS in/IN an/DT experimental/JJ machine/NN ,/, "/" Potter/NNP declared/VBD that/IN all/DT vestiges/NNS of/IN harm/NN wrought/VBD by/IN the/DT Jim/NNP Crow-era/NNP dual/JJ school/NN system/NN have/VBP evaporated/VBN ./.
This/DT despite/IN a/DT recent/JJ Charlotte/NNP Observer/NNP study/NN that/WDT found/VBD that/IN without/IN busing/VBG ,/, segregation/NN would/MD return/VB for/IN more/JJR than/IN half/NN of/IN the/DT district/NN 's/POS students/NNS ./.
Charlotte/NNP and/CC the/DT nation/NN have/VBP come/VBN far/RB ,/, and/CC we/PRP can/MD hope/VB that/DT integration/NN may/MD someday/RB endure/VB without/IN a/DT conscious/JJ effort/NN to/TO preserve/VB it/PRP ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ dishonest/JJ or/CC naive/JJ to/TO claim/VB that/IN that/DT moment/NN has/VBZ arrived/VBN ./.
Thirty/NNP years/NNS may/MD seem/VB like/IN a/DT long/JJ time/NN to/TO someone/NN nursing/VBG a/DT grievance/NN since/IN the/DT pitched/VBN battles/NNS of/IN the/DT late/JJ '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ ,/, but/CC in/IN the/DT sweep/NN of/IN history--on/JJ the/DT heels/NNS of/IN 90/CD years/NNS of/IN Jim/NNP Crow/NNP and/CC 200/CD of/IN race/NN slavery--it/JJ 's/POS nothing/NN ./.
Ironically/RB ,/, busing/VBG will/MD become/VB unnecessary/JJ only/RB when/WRB no/DT one/CD seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB a/DT problem/NN with/IN it/PRP anymore/RB ./.
Now/RB Charlotte/NNP 's/POS civic/JJ leaders/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ proponents/NNS of/IN continued/JJ desegregation/NN efforts/NNS ,/, have/VBP to/TO reckon/VB with/IN Potter/NNP 's/POS ruling/NN ./.
While/IN not/RB carrying/VBG the/DT weight/NN of/IN a/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP decision/NN ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ point/NN the/DT way/NN for/IN other/JJ judges/NNS ,/, if/IN they/PRP want/VBP to/TO follow/VB ./.
As/IN the/DT city/NN decides/VBZ in/IN the/DT next/JJ weeks/NNS whether/IN to/TO appeal/VB ,/, it/PRP also/RB has/VBZ to/TO scramble/NN to/TO make/VB sure/JJ its/PRP$ denser/NN (/( largely/RB black/JJ )/) areas/NNS will/MD have/VB enough/JJ schools/NNS to/TO house/VB the/DT kids/NNS who/WP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB bused/JJ across/IN town/NN anymore/RB to/TO less/RBR crowded/JJ institutions/NNS ./.
The/DT most/RBS distressing/JJ part/NN of/IN Potter/NNP 's/POS decision/NN was/VBD his/PRP$ swipe/NN at/IN social/JJ experimentation/NN ./.
As/IN all/DT great/JJ social/JJ reformers/NNS have/VBP known/VBN ,/, fixed/VBN formulas/NNS ,/, one-size-fits-all/JJ policies/NNS ,/, and/CC judicial/JJ fiats/NNS rarely/RB solve/VB intractable/JJ problems/NNS ./.
The/DT only/JJ thing/NN that/WDT does/VBZ is/VBZ what/WP FDR/NNP called/VBD "/" bold/JJ ,/, persistent/JJ experimentation/NN ,/, "/" as/IN the/DT example/NN of/IN Charlotte/NNP nobly/RB attests/VBZ ./.
"/" Oh/UH ,/, I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stand/VB that/DT ./.
You/PRP could/MD get/VB diabetes/NN reading/NN them/PRP ,/, could/MD n't/RB you/PRP ?/.
"/" Who/WP said/VBD this/DT about/IN what/WP ?/.
(/( Question/NNP courtesy/NN of/IN Adam/NNP Bonin/NNP ./.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN noon/NN ET/NNP Tuesday/NNP to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Wednesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
360/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Our/PRP$ Epic/NNP "/" :/:
The/NNP '/POS 50/CD s/VBZ begot/VBD Happy/NNP Days/NNS ;/: the/NNP '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ ,/, The/DT Wonder/NN Years/NNS ;/: the/NNP '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ ,/, That/DT '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ Show/NNP ;/: and/CC the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, Freaks/NNP and/CC Geeks/NNPS ./.
In/IN 20/CD years/NNS ,/, the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ will/MD be/VB distilled/VBN into/IN a/DT set/NN of/IN reductive/JJ clichés/NNS and/CC processed/VBN into/IN a/DT TV/NN sitcom/NN ./.
Give/VB the/DT one-sentence/JJ pitch/NN for/IN that/DT show/NN ./.
(/( Question/NNP courtesy/NN of/IN Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP ./.
"/" World/NNP Television/NNP presents/VBZ :/: DECADENT/NNP BROKER/NNP !/.
Which/WDT indulged/JJ largely/RB ,/, but/CC did/VBD not/RB know/VB New/NNP Revolution/NNP was/VBD soon/RB occurring/VBG ./.
(/( So/RB sorry/JJ for/IN it/PRP was/VBD more/JJR than/IN one/CD sentence/NN ./.
)/) "/" -/: -/: Daniel/NNP Kahn/NNP
"/" Two/CD young/JJ Internet/NN geniuses/NNS ,/, who/WP happen/VBP to/TO be/VB married/VBN ,/, one/CD a/DT male/JJ WASP/NNP from/IN Harvard/NNP ,/, the/DT other/JJ an/DT Asian/JJ gal/NN from/IN MIT/NNP ,/, rich/JJ beyond/IN belief/NN from/IN cashing/VBG out/IN of/IN an/DT IPO/NN ,/, start/VBP a/DT company/NN delivering/VBG frozen/VBN embryos--and/JJ hire/NN an/DT Indian/JJ guy/NN in/IN a/DT turban/NN as/IN receptionist/NN ./.
The/DT mix-ups/JJ ,/, the/DT lawsuits/NNS ,/, the/DT laughs/NNS never/RB stop/VB !/.
"/" -/: -/: Barbara/NNP Lippert/NNP (/( Jon/NNP Delfin/NNP had/VBD a/DT similar/JJ answer/NN ./.
"/" Then/RB Came/NNP Klebold/NNP :/: A/DT teen-ager/NN travels/VBZ from/IN town/NN to/TO town/NN ,/, registers/NNS in/IN the/DT local/JJ school/NN ,/, gets/VBZ involved/VBN in/IN the/DT lives/NNS of/IN the/DT students/NNS ,/, then/RB shoots/VBZ them/PRP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jon/NNP Delfin/NNP
"/" Jerks/NNP and/CC Smirks/NNP ./.
Politics/NNS in/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ./.
"/" -/: -/: Steven/NNP Davis/NNP
"/" TV/NN ?/.
In/IN 20/CD years/NNS we/PRP wo/MD n't/RB need/VB any/DT stinkin/NN '/" TV/NN ./.
Cybercitizens/NNP will/MD be/VB hard-wired/JJ ,/, and/CC entertainment/NN as/IN we/PRP know/VBP it/PRP will/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT form/NN of/IN IPOs/NNS ./.
"/" -/: -/: Carrie/NNP Rickey/NNP (/( similarly/RB ,/, Matt/NNP Sullivan/NNP )/)
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
Before/IN plunging/VBG into/IN TV/NN 2000/CD ,/, let/VBP 's/POS take/VB a/DT moment/NN to/TO look/VB back/RB at/IN TV/NN 1999/CD ,/, Friday/NNP night/NN ,/, around/IN midnight/NN ./.
When/WRB the/DT ball/NN fell/VBD ,/, a/DT huge/JJ sign/NN was/VBD illuminated/JJ and/CC transmitted/VBD on/IN every/DT network/NN :/: 2000/CD Discover/NNP Card/NNP ./.
The/DT new/JJ New/NNP York/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ new/JJ Times/NNP Square/NNP thus/RB achieved/VBD a/DT complete/JJ capitulation/NN of/IN the/DT civic/JJ to/TO the/DT corporate/JJ ,/, and/CC was/VBD proud/JJ of/IN it/PRP ./.
Giddy/NNP with/IN delight/NN over/IN his/PRP$ imposition/NN of/IN midtown/JJ martial/JJ law/NN ,/, Mayor/NNP Rudolph/NNP Giuliani/NNP showed/VBD up/RB on/IN every/DT channel/NN ./.
Manhole/NNP covers/VBZ welded/VBN closed/VBN ;/: trash/NN cans/NNS removed/VBN ;/: mailboxes/NNS locked/VBN ;/: 8/CD ,/, 000/CD cops/NNS ;/: five/CD police/NN helicopters--it/JJ was/VBD like/IN Christmas/NNP in/IN Tel/NNP Aviv/NNP ,/, except/IN for/IN the/DT part/NN about/IN any/DT known/VBN threat/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP must/MD be/VB admitted/VBN ,/, the/DT festivities/NNS were/VBD unmarred/JJ by/IN terrorist/JJ bombings/NNS or/CC elephant/NN stampedes/NNS ./.
The/DT usually/RB fatuous/JJ Tom/NNP Brokaw/NNP outdid/VBD himself/PRP when/WRB he/PRP rated/VBD the/DT century--it/JJ was/VBD a/DT tough/JJ one/CD ,/, he/PRP blathered/JJ ,/, with/IN two/CD world/NN wars/NNS ,/, the/DT atomic/JJ bomb/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Holocaust/NNP ,/, but/CC there/EX was/VBD also/RB the/DT triumph/NN of/IN the/DT space/NN program/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP sure/JJ 6/CD million/CD murdered/VBN Jews/NNPS and/CC 30/CD million/CD dead/JJ Soviets/NNPS would/MD agree/VB that/IN the/DT space/NN shuttle/NN more/JJR than/IN made/VBN up/RP for/IN mass/NN death/NN ./.
Putin/NNP on/IN Airs/NNP Extra/NNP
Analysts/NNS list/VBP several/JJ priorities/NNS of/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS acting/NN president/NN ,/, Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP ./.
Which/WDT of/IN the/DT following/VBG are/VBP actually/RB on/IN his/PRP$ to-do/JJ list/NN ?/.
1/LS ./.
Create/VB a/DT streamlined/JJ and/CC corruption-free/JJ bureaucracy/NN ./.
2/LS ./.
Put/VB a/DT Russian/JJ astronaut/NN on/IN moon/NN by/IN 1970/CD with/IN cool/NN time/NN machine/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
Install/NNP a/DT merit/NN system/NN for/IN hiring/VBG and/CC rewarding/JJ government/NN workers/NNS ./.
4/LS ./.
Ensure/NNP smooth/JJ transition/NN by/IN cultivating/VBG image/NN as/IN lovable/JJ womanizing/VBG drunk/JJ ./.
5/LS ./.
Increase/VB investment/NN and/CC improve/VB productivity/NN in/IN Russian/JJ economy/NN ./.
6/CD ./.
Construct/NNP theme/NN parks/NNS exciting/JJ enough/RB to/TO attract/VB Cuban/JJ raft/NN boys/NNS ./.
7/CD ./.
Build/NNP a/DT more/RBR powerful/JJ judiciary/NN ./.
8/CD ./.
Work/NN for/IN closer/JJR ties/NNS between/IN Moscow/NNP and/CC the/DT country/NN 's/POS regions/NNS ./.
9/CD ./.
Make/VB Moscow/NNP 's/POS homeless/JJ simply/RB disappear/VB ,/, New/NNP York-style/NNP ./.
10/CD ./.
Develop/VB new/JJ political/JJ parties/NNS open/JJ to/TO professional/JJ wrestlers/NNS ,/, anti-/NN Semites/NNP ,/, and/CC fat-faced/JJ ,/, billionaire/NN ,/, egomaniac/NN know-nothings/JJ ./.
1/LS ,/, 3/CD ,/, 5/CD ,/, 7/CD ,/, and/CC 8/CD are/VBP authentic/JJ Putin/NNP plans/VBZ ./.
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
E-/NNP greed/NN ,/, guns/NNS ,/, and/CC presidential/JJ infidelity/NN ./.
Every/DT impeachment/NN junkie/NN has/VBZ by/IN now/RB heard/VBD the/DT tale/NN of/IN the/DT valiant/JJ Edmund/NNP Ross/NNP ,/, the/DT Republican/JJ senator/NN who/WP in/IN 1868/CD broke/VBD party/NN ranks/NNS to/TO acquit/VB the/DT impeached/VBN President/NNP Andrew/NNP Johnson/NNP ./.
Last/JJ Sunday/NNP 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ran/VBD a/DT long/JJ paean/NN to/TO Ross/NNP ,/, and/CC pundits/NNS left/VBD and/CC right/NN sing/VB his/PRP$ praises/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Anthony/NNP Lewis/NNP ,/, an/DT anti-impeachment/JJ stalwart/NN ,/, endorses/VBZ the/DT expert/NN judgment/NN of/IN John/NNP F/NNP ./.
Kennedy/NNP ,/, who/WP wrote/VBD in/IN Profiles/NNP in/IN Courage/NNP (/( 1956/CD )/) that/IN Ross/NNP '/POS "/" heroic/JJ "/" vote/NN "/" may/MD well/RB have/VB preserved/VBN ./.
constitutional/JJ government/NN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, George/NNP Washington/NNP University/NNP 's/POS Jonathan/NNP Turley/NNP ,/, a/DT devout/JJ Clinton/NNP foe/NN ,/, recalled/VBD wistfully/RB in/IN a/DT recent/JJ Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP column/NN that/IN for/IN his/PRP$ "/" selfless/JJ act/NN ,/, "/" Ross/NNP was/VBD "/" shunned/VBD ,/, physically/RB assaulted/JJ and/CC ruined/VBN both/DT politically/RB and/CC financially/RB ./.
"/" Turley/NNP proposes/VBZ erecting/VBG a/DT statue/NN in/IN the/DT Capitol/NNP of/IN the/DT otherwise/RB obscure/JJ Kansan/NNP ./.
Most/JJS historians/NNS agree/VBP that/IN in/IN voting/NN to/TO acquit/VB Johnson/NNP ,/, Ross/NNP did/VBD the/DT right/NN thing--but/JJ ,/, they/PRP would/MD add/VB ,/, for/IN the/DT wrong/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN a/DT little/JJ more/RBR on/IN Johnson/NNP 's/POS record/NN ./.
)/) Those/DT who/WP have/VBP researched/VBN the/DT issue/NN conclude/VB that/RB ,/, contrary/JJ to/TO legend/NN ,/, Ross/NNP acted/VBD for/IN motives/NNS anything/NN but/CC high-minded/JJ ./.
That/DT popular/JJ wisdom/NN holds/VBZ otherwise/RB testifies/VBZ not/RB to/TO Ross/NNP '/POS integrity/NN but/CC to/TO his/PRP$ talent/NN for/IN self-promotion/JJ ./.
Edmund/NNP Ross/NNP was/VBD a/DT little-known/JJ newspaperman/NN with/IN no/DT political/JJ experience/NN when/WRB the/DT governor/NN of/IN Kansas/NNP named/VBD him/PRP to/TO fill/VB a/DT vacant/JJ Senate/NNP seat/NN in/IN July/NNP 1866/CD ./.
(/( The/DT incumbent/JJ had/VBD committed/VBN suicide/NN ./.
)/) Six/CD months/NNS later/RB ,/, Ross/NNP won/VBD re-election/NN with/IN the/DT financial/JJ help--some/JJ believe/VBP bribes--of/JJ a/DT businessman/NN named/VBD Perry/NNP Fuller/NNP ./.
Once/RB in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, the/DT newcomer/NN copied/VBD many/JJ of/IN his/PRP$ peers/NNS and/CC took/VBD up/RP the/DT cause/NN of/IN controlling/VBG his/PRP$ state/NN 's/POS patronage--then/JJ the/DT coin/NN of/IN politics/NNS ./.
With/IN a/DT federal/JJ government/NN that/WDT was/VBD tiny/JJ compared/VBN with/IN today/NN 's/POS ,/, a/DT senator/NN 's/POS power/NN lay/VB largely/RB in/IN deciding/VBG who/WP would/MD receive/VB plum/NN jobs/NNS with/IN the/DT postal/JJ service/NN or/CC ,/, in/IN the/DT West/NNP ,/, the/DT Indian/JJ affairs/NNS bureau/NN ./.
Hungry/NNP for/IN power/NN ,/, Ross/NNP tangled/VBN with/IN Kansas/NNP '/POS senior/JJ senator/NN ,/, Samuel/NNP Pomeroy/NNP ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ congressman/NN ,/, Sidney/NNP Clarke/NNP ,/, eschewing/VBG the/DT era/NN 's/POS weightier/NN battles/NNS over/IN rights/NNS for/IN freed/VBN slaves/NNS and/CC reconstructing/VBG the/DT Union/NNP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, the/DT Radical/NNP Republicans/NNPS were/VBD impeaching/VBG President/NNP Johnson/NNP ,/, a/DT stubborn/JJ Democrat/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD consistently/RB defying/VBG their/PRP$ will/MD on/IN various/JJ Reconstruction-related/NNP measures/NNS ./.
(/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN the/DT issues/NNS surrounding/VBG the/DT impeachment/NN ,/, see/VB September/NNP 1998/CD 's/POS "/" ./.
"/" )/) Observers/NNS naturally/RB assumed/VBD Ross/NNP would/MD vote/VB with/IN his/PRP$ party/NN ,/, but/CC when/WRB it/PRP became/VBD clear/JJ in/IN February/NNP 1868/CD that/IN the/DT Radicals/NNP wanted/VBD to/TO replace/VB Johnson/NNP with/IN Benjamin/NNP Wade/NNP of/IN Ohio/NNP ,/, the/DT president/NN pro/FW tem/NN of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, Ross/NNP began/VBD to/TO think/VB twice/RB ./.
Wade/NNP was/VBD likely/JJ to/TO grant/VB Pomeroy/NNP the/DT control/NN over/IN Kansas/NNP appointments/NNS that/WDT had/VBD been/VBN Ross/NNP '/" ./.
Wanting/NNP neither/DT to/TO alienate/VB his/PRP$ party-mates/JJ nor/CC lose/VB his/PRP$ meal/NN ticket/NN in/IN Johnson/NNP ,/, Ross/NNP tried/VBD to/TO avert/VB a/DT vote/NN altogether/RB ./.
He/PRP pressed/VBD Johnson/NNP for/IN concessions/NNS on/IN certain/JJ Reconstruction/NNP issues/NNS in/IN exchange/NN for/IN his/PRP$ vote/NN and/CC those/DT of/IN other/JJ fence/NN sitters/NNS ./.
When/WRB judgment/NN day/NN came/VBD on/IN May/NNP 16/CD ,/, Johnson/NNP survived/VBN by/IN a/DT vote/NN of/IN 35/CD -/: 19/CD ,/, one/CD shy/JJ of/IN the/DT two-thirds/NNS needed/VBN to/TO convict/VB ./.
Since/IN the/DT other/JJ six/CD pro-/JJ Johnson/NNP Republicans/NNPS had/VBD declared/VBN their/PRP$ intentions/NNS before/IN voting/VBG ,/, the/DT ensuing/VBG attention/NN focused/VBN on/IN the/DT apostasy/NN of/IN Ross/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ vote/NN came/VBD as/IN the/DT biggest/JJS surprise/NN ./.
But/CC Ross/NNP '/POS vote/NN was/VBD n't/RB the/DT lone/JJ act/NN of/IN bravery/NN it/PRP was/VBD later/RB made/VBN out/IN to/TO be/VB ./.
At/IN least/JJS four/CD other/JJ senators/NNS were/VBD prepared/VBN to/TO oppose/VB conviction/NN had/VBN their/PRP$ votes/NNS been/VBN needed--a/JJ fact/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN forgotten/VBN ,/, maybe/RB ,/, because/IN it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB square/VB with/IN the/DT High/NNP Noon/NNP portrait/NN of/IN Ross/NNP as/IN the/DT man/NN of/IN principle/NN facing/VBG down/RP the/DT mob/NN ./.
Ross/NNP wasted/VBD no/DT time/NN exploiting/VBG Johnson/NNP 's/POS debt/NN to/TO him/PRP ./.
On/IN June/NNP 6/CD ,/, he/PRP wrote/VBD to/TO Johnson/NNP to/TO have/VB him/PRP install/VBP one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ cronies/NNS as/IN Southern/NNP superintendent/NN of/IN Indian/JJ affairs/NNS ,/, and/CC Johnson/NNP agreed/VBD to/TO oust/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ friend/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO comply/VB ./.
Sensing/NNP opportunity/NN ,/, Ross/NNP kept/VBD upping/VBG the/DT ante/NN ,/, like/IN a/DT Mafia/NNP henchman/NN running/VBG a/DT protection/NN racket/NN ./.
(/( "/" Nice/NNP little/JJ presidency/NN ya/PRP got/VBD here--hate/JJ to/TO see/VB anything/NN happen/VB to/TO it/PRP ./.
"/" )/) On/IN June/NNP 23/CD ,/, he/PRP wrote/VBD to/TO Johnson/NNP to/TO secure/VB a/DT position/NN for/IN Perry/NNP Fuller/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ 1867/CD election/NN sponsor/NN ./.
On/IN July/NNP 1/CD ,/, he/PRP asked/VBD Johnson/NNP to/TO make/VB his/PRP$ brother/NN a/DT federal/JJ mail/NN agent/NN ./.
On/IN July/NNP 10/CD ,/, he/PRP pressed/VBD the/DT president/NN for/IN jobs/NNS for/IN three/CD more/JJR friends/NNS ,/, invoking/VBG his/PRP$ impeachment/NN vote/NN ,/, just/RB in/IN case/NN Johnson/NNP had/VBD forgotten/VBN ./.
The/DT legend/NN about/IN Ross/NNP is/VBZ correct/JJ in/IN that/DT his/PRP$ stand/NN earned/VBD him/PRP enemies/NNS ./.
Newspapers/NNS compared/VBD him/PRP to/TO Benedict/NNP Arnold/NNP ,/, Jefferson/NNP Davis/NNP ,/, and/CC Judas/NNP ./.
And/CC he/PRP did/VBD lose/VB his/PRP$ re-election/NN bid/NN ,/, as/IN did/VBD the/DT other/JJ pro-acquittal/JJ Republicans/NNPS ./.
But/CC so/RB did/VBD many/JJ anti/NN -/: Johnson/NNP Republicans/NNPS from/IN the/DT same/JJ states/NNS ,/, and/CC there/EX 's/VBZ little/JJ evidence/NN to/TO suggest/VB the/DT impeachment/NN votes/NNS turned/VBD the/DT elections/NNS in/IN any/DT of/IN these/DT cases/NNS ./.
All/DT "/" seven/CD martyrs/NNS ,/, "/" as/IN they/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN lionized/JJ ,/, stayed/VBD Republicans/NNPS and/CC campaigned/VBN for/IN Ulysses/NNP S/NNP ./.
Grant/NNP in/IN 1868/CD ./.
Their/PRP$ troubled/JJ fortunes/NNS in/IN the/DT years/NNS that/WDT followed/VBD are/VBP most/RBS plausibly/RB chalked/VBN up/RP to/TO the/DT turbulent/JJ climate/NN of/IN the/DT 1870/CD s/VBZ ,/, when/WRB the/DT makeup/NN of/IN both/DT parties--and/JJ of/IN the/DT country/NN itself--was/JJ in/IN constant/JJ flux/NN ./.
Ross/NNP did/VBD n't/RB see/VB it/PRP that/DT way/NN ./.
Stung/VBN by/IN charges/NNS that/IN his/PRP$ vote/NN was/VBD bought/VBN ,/, he/PRP turned/VBD the/DT tables/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ accusers/NNS and/CC charged/VBD them/PRP with/IN orchestrating/VBG the/DT whole/JJ impeachment/NN campaign/NN so/RB as/IN to/TO get/VB their/PRP$ hands/NNS on/IN the/DT controls/NNS of/IN patronage/NN ./.
He/PRP got/VBD the/DT House/NNP to/TO investigate/VB charges/NNS of/IN bribery/NN involving/VBG his/PRP$ rivals/NNS Pomeroy/NNP and/CC Clarke--which/NNP in/IN fact/NN turned/VBD up/RP some/DT damning/VBG evidence/NN against/IN them/PRP ./.
Till/IN his/PRP$ dying/VBG day/NN ,/, Ross/NNP continued/VBD to/TO paint/VB himself/PRP as/IN a/DT martyr/NN ./.
He/PRP wrote/VBD numerous/JJ articles/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN a/DT book/NN etching/VBG his/PRP$ self-serving/JJ version/NN of/IN events/NNS into/IN the/DT historical/JJ record/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT passage/NN later/RB quoted/VBN by/IN Kennedy/NNP ,/, Ross/NNP wrote/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ 1896/CD memoir/NN :/: "/" I/PRP almost/RB literally/RB looked/VBD down/RB into/IN my/PRP$ open/JJ grave/NN ./.
Friendships/NNP ,/, position/NN ,/, fortune/NN ,/, everything/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ life/NN desirable/JJ to/TO an/DT ambitious/JJ man/NN were/VBD about/IN to/TO be/VB swept/VBN away/RB by/IN the/DT breath/NN of/IN my/PRP$ mouth/NN ,/, perhaps/RB forever/RB ./.
"/" This/DT grandiose/JJ account/NN was/VBD adopted/VBN almost/RB uncritically/RB by/IN his/PRP$ biographer/NN ,/, Edward/NNP Bumgardner/NNP ,/, and/CC then/RB by/IN Kennedy/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ Pulitzer/NNP Prize-winning/JJ sampler/NN of/IN hagiographies/NNS cemented/VBN it/PRP in/IN the/DT public/JJ mind/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN more/RBR on/IN Kennedy/NNP 's/POS warped/JJ portrayal/NN of/IN Ross/NNP and/CC the/DT impeachment/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB in/IN an/DT unconscious/JJ act/NN of/IN denial--an/JJ inability/NN to/TO face/VB up/IN to/TO his/PRP$ complicated/VBN but/CC altogether/RB human/JJ motives/NNS for/IN voting/NN as/IN he/PRP did--the/JJ week/NN after/IN his/PRP$ vote/NN ,/, Ross/NNP wrote/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ wife/NN :/: "/" This/DT storm/NN of/IN passion/NN will/MD soon/RB pass/VB away/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT people/NNS ,/, the/DT whole/JJ people/NNS ,/, will/MD thank/VB and/CC bless/VB me/PRP for/IN having/VBG saved/VBD the/DT country/NN by/IN my/PRP$ single/JJ vote/NN from/IN the/DT greatest/JJS peril/NN through/IN which/WDT it/PRP has/VBZ ever/RB passed/VBN ,/, though/IN none/NN but/CC God/NNP can/MD ever/RB know/VB the/DT struggle/NN it/PRP has/VBZ cost/VBN me/PRP ./.
"/" Of/IN course/NN ,/, in/IN a/DT funny/JJ way/NN ,/, he/PRP turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB right/JJ ./.
If/IN you/PRP skipped/VBD the/DT links/NNS while/IN reading/VBG the/DT article/NN ,/, click/NN for/IN a/DT fast/RB read/NN on/IN Andrew/NNP Johnson/NNP 's/POS presidency/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN a/DT summary/NN of/IN JFK/NNP 's/POS hagiography/NN of/IN Edmund/NNP Ross/NNP ./.
In/IN February/NNP ,/, Daniel/NNP Baldwin--the/NNP second-oldest/JJ and/CC least/JJS well-known/NN of/IN the/DT four/CD Baldwin/NNP brothers--overdosed/JJ on/IN crack/NN and/CC was/VBD arrested/VBN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Plaza/NNP Hotel/NNP ./.
Before/IN getting/VBG hauled/VBD off/IN by/IN police/NN ,/, he/PRP ran/VBD naked/JJ through/IN the/DT hotel/NN 's/POS halls/NNS screaming/VBG ,/, "/" Baldwin/NNP !/.
"/" A/DT month/NN ago/RB ,/, Kim/NNP Basinger/NNP ,/, wife/NN of/IN eldest/JJS Baldwin/NNP brother/NN Alec/NNP ,/, won/VBD the/DT Best/JJS Supporting/VBG Actress/NNP Oscar/NNP for/IN her/PRP$ role/NN in/IN L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Confidential/NNP ./.
Last/JJ week/NN Alec/NNP 's/POS new/JJ action/NN movie/NN ,/, Mercury/NNP Rising/VBG ,/, opened/VBD to/TO tepid/JJ reviews/NNS ./.
Which/WDT Baldwin/NNP is/VBZ which/WDT ?/.
How/WRB did/VBD all/DT four/CD brothers/NNS become/VBP actors/NNS ?/.
How/WRB are/VBP they/PRP alike/RB ?/.
How/WRB are/VBP they/PRP distinguishable/JJ ?/.
First/LS ,/, a/DT quick/JJ review/NN of/IN the/DT Baldwin/NNP oeuvre/NN ./.
Alec/NNP (/( age/NN 40/CD )/) claims/VBZ the/DT greatest/JJS screen/NN success/NN ./.
His/PRP$ critical/JJ hits/NNS include/VBP a/DT lead/JJ performance/NN ,/, opposite/JJ Sean/NNP Connery/NNP ,/, in/IN The/DT Hunt/NNP for/IN Red/NNP October/NNP (/( 1990/CD )/) ./.
Last/JJ year/NN ,/, he/PRP starred/JJ with/IN Anthony/NNP Hopkins/NNP in/IN David/NNP Mamet/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Edge/NNP ./.
Daniel/NNP (/( 37/CD )/) is/VBZ derisively/RB referred/VBN to/TO as/RB the/DT "/" TV/NNP Baldwin/NNP ./.
"/" Aside/RB from/IN bit/NN parts/NNS in/IN B/NNP movies/NNS ,/, his/PRP$ only/RB major/JJ role/NN was/VBD as/IN Detective/NNP Beau/NNP Felton/NNP in/IN NBC/NNP 's/POS acclaimed/JJ Homicide/NNP :/: Life/NNP on/IN the/DT Street/NNP ./.
Hollywood/NNP always/RB touts/VBZ 35/CD -/: year-old/JJ William/NNP (/( or/CC Billy/NNP ,/, as/IN he/PRP abhors/NNS being/VBG called/VBN in/IN the/DT press/NN )/) as/IN the/DT Baldwin/NNP most/RBS likely/JJ to/TO break/VB through/IN to/TO major/JJ stardom/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP has/VBZ done/VBN little/JJ since/IN his/PRP$ box/NN office/NN hits/NNS Backdraft/NNP (/( 1991/CD )/) and/CC Sliver/NNP (/( 1993/CD )/) ./.
Stephen/NNP (/( 31/CD )/) remains/VBZ consigned/VBN mainly/RB to/TO teen/JJ flicks/NNS (/( though/IN he/PRP won/VBD acclaim/NN for/IN his/PRP$ supporting/VBG role/NN in/IN The/DT Usual/NNP Suspects/NNP )/) ./.
Textbook/NNP example/NN :/: the/DT 1996/CD comedy/NN Bio-/NNP Dome/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP plays/VBZ opposite/JJ ex-/NN MTV/NNP star/NN Pauly/NNP Shore/NNP ./.
(/( There/EX are/VBP two/CD Baldwin/NNP sisters/NNS :/: Jane/NNP [/( 32/CD ]/) ,/, a/DT physical/JJ therapist/NN in/IN Syracuse/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, and/CC Beth/NNP [/( 42/CD ]/) ,/, a/DT Long/NNP Island/NNP housewife/NN ./.
Both/DT say/VBP they/PRP will/MD never/RB take/VB up/RP acting/VBG ./.
Profiles/NNP chalk/NN up/RP the/DT brothers/NNS '/POS success/NN to/TO 1/LS )/) good/JJ looks/VBZ and/CC 2/LS )/) on-screen/JJ intensity/NN ./.
The/DT Baldwins/NNP say/VBP they/PRP inherited/VBD both/DT from/IN their/PRP$ handsome/JJ ,/, demanding/VBG father/NN ,/, Alexander/NNP ,/, a/DT devoutly/RB Catholic/NNP social/JJ studies/NNS teacher/NN from/IN Massapequa/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
(/( Alexander/NNP died/VBD in/IN 1983/CD ,/, and/CC the/DT brothers/NNS claim/VBP still/RB to/TO be/VB driven/VBN by/IN their/PRP$ devotion/NN to/TO him/PRP ./.
)/) Because/IN they/PRP are/VBP Irish-/NNP Catholic/NNP ,/, tightknit/NN ,/, and/CC play/VB touch/NN football/NN ,/, the/DT Baldwins/NNP constantly/RB compare/VBP themselves/PRP to/TO the/DT Kennedys/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT Baldwin/NNP commonplace/JJ to/TO say/VB that/IN either/DT Alec/NNP or/CC Billy/NNP will/MD become/VB president/NN ./.
The/DT Baldwin/NNP matriarch/NN ,/, Carol/NNP ,/, sometimes/RB refers/VBZ to/TO herself/PRP in/IN interviews/NNS as/IN Rose/NNP ./.
Had/VBD the/DT Baldwin/NNP patriarch/NN lived/VBD longer/RBR ,/, many/JJ speculate/VB ,/, the/DT brothers/NNS would/MD n't/RB have/VB taken/VBN up/RP acting/VBG ./.
According/VBG to/TO this/DT theory/NN ,/, Alexander/NNP was/VBD adamant/JJ that/IN they/PRP become/VBP lawyers/NNS ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ objections/NNS would/MD have/VB stymied/VBN their/PRP$ careers/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, Hollywood/NNP proved/VBD irresistible/JJ ./.
While/IN a/DT student/NN at/IN New/NNP York/NNP University/NNP ,/, Alec/NNP was/VBD spotted/VBN by/IN a/DT talent/NN scout/NN and/CC offered/VBD a/DT spot/NN on/IN the/DT soap/NN opera/NN The/DT Doctors/NNS ./.
Stephen/NNP claims/VBZ he/PRP has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN a/DT thespian/JJ ,/, performing/VBG in/IN regional/JJ theater/NN and/CC singing/VBG with/IN the/DT Long/NNP Island/NNP Philharmonic/NNP ./.
But/CC his/PRP$ acting/VBG career/NN took/VBD off/RP only/RB when/WRB an/DT agent/NN spotted/VBD him/PRP working/VBG in/IN a/DT Manhattan/NNP pizza/NN parlor/NN ./.
Billy/NNP and/CC Daniel/NNP say/VBP they/PRP both/DT got/VBD into/IN acting/VBG after/IN they/PRP saw/VBD how/WRB easy/JJ it/PRP was/VBD for/IN their/PRP$ brothers/NNS to/TO make/VB it/PRP ./.
Is/VBZ there/EX a/DT Baldwinian/NNP essence/NN ?/.
If/IN so/RB ,/, what/WP are/VBP its/PRP$ dimensions/NNS ?/.
1/LS The/DT Baldwin/NNP Look/NN ./.
Many/JJ note/NN similarities/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ sinuous/JJ ,/, full/JJ lips/NNS ;/: dimpled/JJ chins/NNS ;/: and/CC "/" intense/JJ eyes/NNS ./.
"/" Profiles/NNP also/RB dwell/NN on/IN the/DT Baldwin/NNP mane/NN ./.
All/DT but/CC Stephen/NNP ,/, who/WP wears/VBZ a/DT bowl/NN cut/NN ,/, are/VBP known/VBN to/TO slick/JJ back/RP their/PRP$ hair/NN with/IN vast/JJ amounts/NNS of/IN gel/NN and/CC mousse/NN ./.
(/( Famous/NNP story/NN :/: It/PRP once/RB took/VBD two/CD days/NNS to/TO shoot/VB a/DT 30/CD second/JJ scene/NN of/IN Billy/NNP driving/VBG a/DT convertible/NN ./.
Afraid/NNP his/PRP$ hair/NN would/MD get/VB out/IN of/IN place/NN ,/, he/PRP stopped/VBD every/DT few/JJ yards/NNS to/TO get/VB regelled/JJ ./.
)/) But/CC there/EX are/VBP differences/NNS too--for/JJ example/NN ,/, body/NN hair/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP noted/VBD that/IN Alec/NNP has/VBZ chest/NN hair/NN "/" like/IN a/DT gorilla/NN ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, Billy/NNP has/VBZ a/DT decorative/JJ tuft/NN on/IN his/PRP$ chest/NN ,/, Stephen/NNP is/VBZ baby-smooth/JJ ,/, and/CC Daniel/NNP has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO take/VB off/RP his/PRP$ clothes/NNS on-screen/JJ ./.
2/LS The/DT Stanislavskian/NNP Baldwin/NNP ./.
All/DT the/DT Baldwins/NNP claim/NN to/TO have/VB been/VBN schooled/JJ in/IN Method/NNP acting/VBG ,/, studying/VBG under/IN teachers/NNS with/IN Russian-sounding/NNP names/NNS ./.
Alec/NNP especially/RB worships/NNS Marlon/NNP Brando/NNP ,/, quoting/VBG incessantly/RB from/IN On/IN the/DT Waterfront/NNP and/CC playing/VBG Stanley/NNP Kowalski/NNP in/IN the/DT Broadway/NNP revival/NN of/IN A/DT Streetcar/NNP Named/VBN Desire/NN ./.
Film/NNP critics/NNS like/IN to/TO gripe/NN that/DT none/NN of/IN the/DT Baldwins/NNP has/VBZ any/DT range/NN :/: They/PRP 're/VBP character/NN actors/NNS with/IN leading-man/JJ bodies/NNS ./.
(/( Each/DT has/VBZ a/DT niche/NN :/: Alec/NNP is/VBZ the/DT ideal/JJ psychopathic/JJ villain/NN ,/, Daniel/NNP the/DT hard-drinking/JJ cop/NN ,/, Billy/NNP the/DT slimy/JJ pretty/RB boy/NN ,/, Stephen/NNP the/DT screwball/NN comedian/NN ./.
)/) Several/JJ studio/NN executives/NNS have/VBP jokingly/RB responded/VBN that/IN if/IN their/PRP$ talents/NNS were/VBD combined/VBN in/IN a/DT single/JJ actor/NN ,/, he/PRP would/MD be/VB the/DT next/JJ Cary/NNP Grant/NNP ./.
3/LS The/DT Baldwin/NNP as/IN Crusader/NNP ./.
Alec/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN the/DT most/RBS outspoken/JJ politically/RB ./.
Touted/NNP as/IN a/DT potential/JJ Democratic/JJ senatorial/JJ candidate/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, he/PRP was/VBD the/DT main/JJ attraction/NN of/IN a/DT bus/NN tour/NN in/IN the/DT Northeast/NNP ,/, promoting/VBG campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ also/RB lobbied/VBN for/IN funding/NN for/IN the/DT arts/NNS ./.
Alec/NNP makes/VBZ news/NN with/IN his/PRP$ caustic/JJ condemnations/NNS :/: He/PRP called/VBD Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP "/" evil/JJ "/" and/CC Alfonse/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP "/" the/DT bozo/NN pool/NN attendant/NN from/IN Island/NNP Park/NNP ./.
"/" After/IN graduating/VBG from/IN the/DT State/NNP University/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP at/IN Binghamton/NNP ,/, Billy/NNP interned/JJ for/IN Congressman/NNP Tom/NNP Downey/NNP ./.
Both/DT Billy/NNP and/CC Alec/NNP have/VBP headed/VBN the/DT liberal/JJ actors/NNS '/POS advocacy/NN group/NN the/DT Creative/NNP Coalition/NNP ./.
Stephen/NNP and/CC Daniel/NNP are/VBP apolitical/JJ ./.
4/LS The/DT Baldwin/NNP Bad/NNP Boy/NNP ./.
With/IN Daniel/NNP 's/POS arrest/NN ,/, tabloids/NNS have/VBP dredged/JJ up/RP the/DT long/JJ history/NN of/IN Baldwins/NNP run/VBD amok/RB ./.
Only/RB Billy/NNP has/VBZ a/DT reputation/NN as/IN a/DT straight/JJ arrow/NN ./.
Most/JJS famously/RB ,/, Alec/NNP was/VBD arrested--and/JJ later/RB acquitted--for/JJ allegedly/RB punching/VBG a/DT paparazzo/NN and/CC spraying/VBG shaving/NN cream/NN on/IN the/DT photographer/NN 's/POS car/NN windows/NNS ./.
On/IN the/DT set/VBN ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ known/VBN for/IN his/PRP$ temper/NN ,/, smashing/VBG cell/NN phones/NNS and/CC lobbing/VBG insults/NNS at/IN colleagues/NNS ./.
He/PRP once/RB called/VBD studio/NN executive/NN Jeffrey/NNP Katzenberg/NNP "/" the/DT eighth/JJ dwarf/NN :/: Greedy/NNP ./.
"/" Post-college/NNP ,/, Daniel/NNP worked/VBD as/IN runner/NN for/IN a/DT big-time/JJ bookie/NN ./.
(/( When/WRB his/PRP$ father/NN died/VBD ,/, Daniel/NNP was/VBD in/IN jail/NN for/IN driving/VBG a/DT car/NN with/IN stolen/VBN tags/NNS ./.
)/) Stephen/NNP has/VBZ abused/VBN drugs/NNS ./.
5/LS Baldwin/NNP Babes/NNP ./.
By/IN reputation/NN ,/, Baldwins/NNP play/VB the/DT field/NN ,/, sleeping/VBG around/IN Hollywood/NNP ,/, then/RB settling/VBG down/RB with/IN a/DT beautiful/JJ woman/NN ./.
Before/IN marrying/VBG Basinger/NNP ,/, Alec/NNP was/VBD known/VBN as/IN a/DT playboy/NN and/CC heartbreaker/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ most/RBS famous/JJ for/IN dumping/VBG Northern/NNP Exposure/NNP star/NN Janine/NNP Turner/NNP weeks/NNS before/IN their/PRP$ wedding/NN ./.
Billy/NNP married/VBD Chynna/NNP Phillips/NNP of/IN the/DT pop/NN group/NN Wilson/NNP Phillips/NNP ,/, after/IN flings/NNS with/IN Madonna/NNP and/CC Jennifer/NNP Grey/NNP ./.
Daniel/NNP 's/POS second/JJ wife/NN is/VBZ his/PRP$ Homicide/NNP co-star/JJ Isabella/NNP Hofman/NNP ./.
Stephen/NNP is/VBZ married/VBN to/TO a/DT Brazilian/JJ artist/NN named/VBD Kennya/NNP Deodato/NNP ./.
6/CD Baldwin/NNP Exhibitionism/NNP ./.
Physical/JJ modesty/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT Baldwin/NNP trait/NN ./.
Alec/NNP and/CC Kim/NNP Basinger/NNP actually/RB did/VBD the/DT deed/JJ in/IN their/PRP$ sex/NN scenes/NNS in/IN The/DT Getaway/NNP (/( 1994/CD )/) -/: -/: unheard/JJ of/IN in/IN Hollywood/NNP ./.
All/DT but/CC one/CD of/IN Billy/NNP 's/POS major/JJ movies/NNS include/VBP shots/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ rear/JJ ,/, and/CC frontal/JJ nudity/NN scenes/NNS from/IN his/PRP$ movie/NN Sliver/NNP were/VBD trimmed/VBN at/IN the/DT last/JJ minute/NN ./.
In/IN Threesome/NNP (/( 1994/CD )/) ,/, Stephen/NNP participates/VBZ in/IN a/DT ménage/NN à/NN trois/NNS ./.
(/( A/DT very/RB Baldwin/NNP coincidence/NN :/: Both/DT Stephen/NNP 's/POS Threesome/NNP and/CC Billy/NNP 's/POS Three/CD of/IN Hearts/NNPS [/( 1993/CD ]/) are/VBP about/IN bisexual/NN love/NN triangles/NNS ./.
7/CD Baldwin/NNP Birth/NNP Order/NNP ./.
No/DT profile/NN makes/VBZ the/DT obvious/JJ application/NN of/IN Frank/NNP Sulloway/NNP 's/POS controversial/JJ birth-order/JJ theory/NN ./.
Sulloway/NNP contends/VBZ that/IN firstborn/NN children/NNS are/VBP moralistic/JJ ,/, eager/JJ to/TO please/VB their/PRP$ parents/NNS ,/, and/CC easily/RB angered/VBD ./.
(/( All/DT of/IN which/WDT apply/VBP to/TO Alec/NNP ./.
)/) Middle/JJ children/NNS are/VBP compromisers/NNS ./.
(/( Billy/NNP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO be/VB the/DT family/NN peacemaker/NN ./.
)/) And/CC later-born/JJ offspring/NN are/VBP rebellious/JJ (/( the/DT case/NN with/IN Stephen/NNP )/) ./.
In/IN Sulloway/NNP 's/POS theory/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN life/NN ,/, Daniel/NNP is/VBZ the/DT category-defying/JJ ,/, black/JJ sheep/NN Baldwin/NNP ./.
Bill/NNP Weld/NNP ,/, the/DT former/JJ Republican/JJ governor/NN of/IN Massachusetts/NNP ,/, wants/VBZ the/DT Senate/NNP to/TO consider/VB his/PRP$ nomination/NN to/TO be/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
ambassador/NN to/TO Mexico/NNP ./.
Jesse/NNP Helms/NNP ,/, the/DT Republican/JJ chairman/NN of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP Foreign/NNP Relations/NNPS Committee/NNP ,/, wants/VBZ to/TO stop/VB him/PRP ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, Weld/NNP quit/VBD his/PRP$ job/NN to/TO go/VB to/TO Washington/NNP to/TO lobby/VB for/IN his/PRP$ cause/NN ./.
Through/IN surrogates/NNS ,/, interviews/NNS ,/, and/CC press/NN conferences/NNS ,/, the/DT two/CD men/NNS are/VBP waging/VBG a/DT war/NN of/IN words/NNS ./.
This/DT war/NN is/VBZ n't/RB bound/VBN by/IN strict/JJ rules/NNS of/IN logic/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ more/RBR intellectual/JJ than/IN an/DT arm-twisting/JJ match/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT contest/NN of/IN conceptualization/NN and/CC persuasion/NN ./.
Whichever/NNP player/NN successfully/RB frames/NNS the/DT questions/NNS at/IN stake/NN will/MD capture/VB public/JJ opinion/NN and/CC political/JJ support/NN ,/, and/CC thereby/RB win/VB ./.
So/RB far/RB ,/, the/DT war/NN has/VBZ been/VBN waged/VBD on/IN four/CD fronts/NNS :/:
1/LS ./.
Drugs/NNS vs/NNS ./.
"/" social/JJ policy/NN ./.
"/" Helms/NNP has/VBZ stuck/VBN doggedly/RB to/TO a/DT single/JJ issue/NN :/: drugs/NNS ./.
He/PRP points/VBZ out/RP that/IN Weld/NNP favors/VBZ legalizing/VBG marijuana/NN for/IN "/" medical/JJ purposes/NNS "/" (/( which/WDT conservatives/NNS place/VBP on/IN the/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN toward/IN complete/JJ legalization/NN )/) ,/, favors/VBZ providing/VBG addicts/NNS with/IN clean/VB needles/NNS (/( to/TO prevent/VB the/DT spread/NN of/IN AIDS/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC that/IN he/PRP prosecuted/VBD few/JJ drug/NN cases/NNS as/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
attorney/NN ./.
In/IN short/JJ ,/, says/VBZ Helms/NNP ,/, Weld/NNP is/VBZ soft/JJ on/IN drugs--the/JJ last/JJ thing/NN we/PRP need/NN in/IN an/DT ambassador/NN to/TO Mexico/NNP ./.
Weld/NNP could/MD reply/VB that/IN he/PRP had/VBD opposed/VBN California/NNP 's/POS medical-marijuana/JJ initiative/NN because/IN it/PRP was/VBD too/RB lax/JJ ,/, or/CC that/IN Helms/NNP is/VBZ a/DT pusher/NN for/IN tobacco/NN ,/, or/CC that/IN it/PRP might/MD be/VB a/DT good/JJ idea/NN to/TO stop/VB treating/VBG Mexico/NNP 's/POS drug/NN problem/NN as/RB a/DT "/" war/NN ./.
"/" But/CC Weld/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB touched/VBN the/DT drug/NN question/NN ./.
How/WRB come/VB ?/.
One/CD rule/NN of/IN the/DT frame/NN game/NN is/VBZ to/TO avoid/VB issues/NNS on/IN which/WDT you/PRP 're/VBP guaranteed/VBN to/TO lose/VB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ n't/RB an/DT Ivy/NNP League/NNP debating/VBG society/NN ,/, where/WRB you/PRP can/MD win/VB by/IN ingeniously/RB defending/VBG a/DT difficult/JJ position/NN ./.
In/IN politics/NNS ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP in/IN deep/JJ trouble/NN as/RB soon/RB as/IN you/PRP question/VBP the/DT war/NN on/IN drugs/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ particularly/RB true/JJ if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP fighting/VBG for/IN a/DT job/NN in/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ,/, where/WRB insecurity/NN over/IN the/DT drug/NN war/NN runs/VBZ high/JJ ./.
Just/RB ask/VB Joycelyn/NNP Elders/NNP ./.
Rather/RB than/IN answer/NN Helms/NNP '/POS charge/NN ,/, Weld/NNP shifted/VBD and/CC broadened/VBN the/DT conflict/NN ./.
On/IN July/NNP 15/CD ,/, he/PRP called/VBD a/DT press/NN conference/NN to/TO declare/VB :/: "/" Sen/NNP ./.
Helms/NNP '/POS opposition/NN has/VBZ nothing/NN whatsoever/RB to/TO do/VB with/IN drug/NN policy/NN ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ everything/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT future/NN of/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP ./.
In/IN plain/JJ language/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB Sen/NNP ./.
Helms/NNP '/POS kind/NN of/IN Republican/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP not/RB pass/VB his/PRP$ litmus/NN test/NN on/IN social/JJ policy/NN ./.
Nor/CC do/VBP I/PRP want/VBP to/TO ./.
"/" Overnight/NNP ,/, the/DT Weld-/NNP Helms/NNP standoff/NN became/VBD a/DT media/NNS sensation/NN ./.
This/DT was/VBD n't/RB just/RB about/IN drugs/NNS ,/, reporters/NNS concluded/VBD ./.
It/PRP was/VBD about/IN Helms/NNP '/POS distaste/NN for/IN Weld/NNP 's/POS "/" moderate/JJ "/" views/NNS on/IN social/JJ issues/NNS such/JJ as/IN abortion/NN ./.
With/IN that/DT ,/, the/DT advantage/NN swung/VBD to/TO Weld/NNP ./.
While/IN Helms/NNP has/VBZ the/DT more/RBR popular/JJ position/NN on/IN drugs/NNS ,/, Weld/NNP has/VBZ the/DT more/RBR popular/JJ position/NN on/IN abortion/NN ./.
Helms/NNP spokesman/NN Marc/NNP Thiessen/NNP resisted/VBD this/DT maneuver/NN ./.
He/PRP insisted/VBD Helms/NNP '/POS concern/NN was/VBD drugs/NNS ,/, not/RB ideology/NN ./.
The/DT evidence/NN backs/VBZ Thiessen/NNP up/RB :/: Helms/NNP supported/VBD pro-choice/JJ Republican/NNP Bill/NNP Cohen/NNP of/IN Maine/NNP for/IN secretary/NN of/IN defense/NN ,/, and/CC has/VBZ offered/VBN to/TO confirm/VB Weld/NNP as/IN ambassador/NN to/TO a/DT country/NN without/IN a/DT major/JJ marijuana/NN problem/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN India/NNP ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT frame/NN game/NN ,/, such/JJ petty/JJ facts/NNS are/VBP easily/RB overwhelmed/VBN by/IN larger/JJR themes/NNS ./.
Weld/NNP 's/POS spin/NN prevails/VBZ ,/, for/IN several/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
To/TO begin/VB with/IN ,/, Weld/NNP 's/POS argument/NN fits/VBZ nicely/RB into/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN recent/JJ Republican/JJ infighting/NN ./.
Having/VBG come/VB apart/RB over/IN foreign/JJ policy/NN (/( trade/NN with/IN China/NNP )/) and/CC fiscal/JJ policy/NN (/( the/DT House/NNP leadership/NN coup/NN )/) ,/, the/DT Republicans/NNPS seem/VBP ripe/JJ for/IN a/DT civil/JJ war/NN over/IN social/JJ policy/NN ./.
Furthermore/RB ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP press/NN corps/NN never/RB tires/VBZ of/IN writing/VBG about/IN Republican/JJ troubles/NNS on/IN abortion/NN and/CC gay/JJ rights--though/JJ Helms/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB mentioned/VBN either/CC issue/NN in/IN connection/NN with/IN Weld/NNP since/IN the/DT confirmation/NN fight/NN began/VBD ./.
Above/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT press/NN loves/VBZ to/TO personalize/VB debates/NNS ./.
Drug/NN policy/NN is/VBZ boring/JJ ,/, but/CC a/DT fight/NN between/IN a/DT saucy/JJ blue/JJ blood/NN and/CC a/DT surly/RB redneck/NN is/VBZ fun/NN ./.
Helms/NNP was/VBD n't/RB even/RB the/DT first/JJ member/NN of/IN Congress/NNP to/TO oppose/VB Weld/NNP 's/POS nomination/NN ./.
Others/NNS who/WP oppose/VBP Weld/NNP have/VBP pleaded/VBN that/IN Helms/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT point/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT futile/JJ argument/NN ./.
Helms/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ famous/JJ wedge/NN issues/NNS are/VBP just/RB too/RB colorful/JJ ./.
2/LS Ideology/NNP vs/NNS ./.
competence/NN ./.
Congressional/NNP Republicans/NNPS who/WP support/VBP Weld/NNP 's/POS nomination/NN do/VBP n't/RB want/VB their/PRP$ party/NN torn/VBN asunder/RB in/IN the/DT process/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ solution/NN is/VBZ to/TO separate/VB the/DT question/NN of/IN Weld/NNP 's/POS ideology/NN from/IN his/PRP$ competence/NN ./.
They/PRP point/VBP out/IN that/IN he/PRP speaks/VBZ Spanish/JJ ,/, knows/VBZ Mexico/NNP ,/, and/CC is/VBZ smart/JJ and/CC accomplished/VBN ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ not/RB about/IN the/DT heart/NN and/CC soul/NN of/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP ,/, "/" argued/VBD Rep/NNP ./.
Chris/NNP Shays/NNP ,/, R-C/NNP onn/NN ./.
,/, in/IN a/DT TV/NN debate/NN July/NNP 28/CD ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN whether/IN this/DT nominee/NN is/VBZ competent/JJ to/TO serve/VB in/IN Mexico/NNP ./.
Helms/NNP '/POS supporters/NNS accept/VBP this/DT distinction/NN ,/, because/IN it/PRP subverts/VBZ Weld/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN to/TO broaden/VB the/DT ideological/JJ confrontation/NN ./.
They/PRP argue/VBP that/IN Weld/NNP 's/POS indifference/NN toward/IN the/DT war/NN on/IN drugs/NNS has/VBZ affected/VBN his/PRP$ competence/NN as/IN a/DT law/NN enforcer/NN and/CC will/MD do/VB so/RB again/RB if/IN he/PRP becomes/VBZ ambassador/NN to/TO Mexico/NNP ./.
Weld/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, maintains/VBZ the/DT fight/NN is/VBZ about/IN the/DT party/NN 's/POS soul/NN ,/, even/RB as/IN Republican/JJ moderates/NNS protest/NN it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB ./.
The/DT Helms/NNP &slash;/NN Shays/NNP argument/NN (/( for/IN a/DT distinction/NN between/IN ideology/NN and/CC competence/NN )/) is/VBZ analytically/RB more/RBR sophisticated/JJ but/CC viscerally/RB less/RBR compelling/JJ ./.
Which/WDT means/VBZ it/PRP will/MD probably/RB prevail/VB in/IN a/DT confirmation/NN hearing/NN but/CC lose/VB in/IN the/DT court/NN of/IN public/JJ opinion/NN ,/, vanquished/JJ by/IN Weld/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN for/IN libertarian/NN martyrdom/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT frame/NN game/NN ,/, nuance/NN is/VBZ almost/RB always/RB a/DT loser/NN ./.
Remember/VB ,/, the/DT last/JJ guy/NN to/TO argue/VB for/IN a/DT distinction/NN between/IN ideology/NN and/CC competence/NN was/VBD Michael/NNP Dukakis/NNP ./.
Perversely/NNP ,/, Weld/NNP lost/VBD the/DT ideology/NN &slash;/NN competence/NN battle/NN by/IN winning/VBG the/DT drugs/NNS &slash;/NN morality/NN battle/NN ./.
Not/RB only/RB did/VBD he/PRP attack/VBP Helms/NNP July/NNP 15/CD ,/, but/CC he/PRP deliberately/RB embarrassed/VBD the/DT White/NNP House--which/NNP had/VBD refrained/VBN from/IN quarreling/VBG with/IN Helms--by/NNP calling/VBG on/IN Clinton/NNP to/TO speak/VB up/RP for/IN his/PRP$ confirmation/NN ./.
Weld/NNP 's/POS caustic/JJ apostasy/NN handed/VBD his/PRP$ enemies/NNS a/DT persuasive/JJ argument/NN against/IN his/PRP$ fitness/NN for/IN the/DT job--that/JJ he/PRP 's/VBZ "/" undiplomatic/JJ ./.
3/LS Who/WP started/VBD the/DT fight/NN ?/.
Every/DT kid/NN knows/VBZ that/IN when/WRB a/DT parent/NN catches/VBZ you/PRP fighting/VBG with/IN another/DT kid/NN ,/, the/DT first/JJ thing/NN to/TO do/VB is/VBZ accuse/VBP the/DT other/JJ kid/NN of/IN starting/VBG it/PRP ./.
Weld/NNP should/MD have/VB been/VBN able/JJ to/TO play/VB the/DT victim/NN ,/, since/IN Helms/NNP arguably/RB started/VBD the/DT fight/NN by/IN announcing/VBG in/IN June/NNP that/IN he/PRP would/MD deny/VB Weld/NNP a/DT hearing/NN ./.
But/CC Weld/NNP blew/VBD this/DT moral/JJ advantage/NN by/IN attacking/VBG Helms/NNP July/NNP 15/CD ./.
It/PRP was/VBD n't/RB the/DT first/JJ punch/NN thrown/VBN ,/, but/CC it/PRP was/VBD the/DT first/JJ one/CD most/JJS people/NNS saw/VBD ./.
This/DT allowed/VBN Helms/NNP '/POS spokesman/NN to/TO cast/VB his/PRP$ boss/NN as/IN the/DT victim/NN ./.
Senate/NNP Majority/NNP Leader/NNP Trent/NNP Lott/NNP ,/, R-M/NNP iss/NNS ./.
,/, latched/VBN on/IN to/TO this/DT as/IN an/DT excuse/NN to/TO side/VB with/IN Helms/NNP ./.
Weld/NNP "/" hurt/VBN himself/PRP by/IN attacking/VBG the/DT chairman/NN unfairly/RB and/CC with/IN political/JJ rhetoric/NN that/WDT was/VBD just/RB uncalled/JJ for/IN ,/, "/" Lott/NNP complained/VBD ./.
Belatedly/RB ,/, Weld/NNP is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO regain/VB the/DT moral/JJ high/JJ ground/NN ./.
On/IN July/NNP 29/CD ,/, he/PRP pleaded/VBD :/: "/" Before/IN I/PRP had/VBD ever/RB met/VBN [/( Helms/NNP ]/) ,/, before/IN the/DT man/NN really/RB knew/VBD anything/NN about/IN me/PRP ,/, he/PRP said/VBD I/PRP was/VBD unfit/JJ to/TO be/VB ambassador/NN ,/, had/VBD loose/JJ lips/NNS ,/, and/CC was/VBD soft/JJ on/IN drugs/NNS ./.
And/CC I/PRP said/VBD ,/, '/" Where/WRB does/VBZ Jesse/NNP Helms/NNP get/VB off/RP saying/VBG all/PDT these/DT mean/NN things/NNS about/IN me/PRP ?/.
'/POS And/CC people/NNS in/IN Washington/NNP threw/VBD up/RP their/PRP$ hands/NNS in/IN alarm/NN and/CC said/VBD ,/, '/" My/PRP$ goodness/NN ,/, he/PRP attacked/VBD the/DT chairman/NN ./.
'/POS "/" Weld/NNP also/RB has/VBZ claimed/VBN to/TO be/VB a/DT victim/NN of/IN Helms/NNP '/POS "/" ideological/JJ extortion/NN ./.
The/DT "/" ideological/JJ extortion/NN "/" argument/NN is/VBZ particularly/RB ingenious/JJ ./.
Typically/RB ,/, extortion/NN means/VBZ that/IN you/PRP 're/VBP threatening/VBG someone/NN with/IN harm/NN or/CC embarrassment/NN to/TO extract/VB a/DT concession/NN ./.
Helms/NNP has/VBZ no/DT illusions/NNS that/IN he/PRP can/MD make/VB Weld/NNP concede/VB anything/NN ./.
His/PRP$ vow/NN to/TO kill/VB Weld/NNP 's/POS nomination/NN is/VBZ a/DT promise/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT threat/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ Weld/NNP who/WP 's/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO scare/VB Republicans/NNPS into/IN supporting/VBG him/PRP ,/, by/IN threatening/VBG to/TO turn/VB his/PRP$ fight/NN with/IN Helms/NNP into/IN an/DT ideological/JJ civil/JJ war/NN ./.
His/PRP$ charge/NN of/IN "/" ideological/JJ extortion/NN "/" is/VBZ part/NN of/IN his/PRP$ ideological/JJ extortion/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ succeeding/VBG ./.
On/IN Aug/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, Sen/NNP ./.
Dick/NNP Lugar/NNP ,/, R-I/NNP nd/NN ./.
,/, rescued/VBD Weld/NNP by/IN demanding/VBG that/IN he/PRP get/VBP a/DT hearing/NN ,/, lest/IN his/PRP$ jihad/NN against/IN Helms/NNP ignite/VB "/" civil/JJ war/NN in/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP ./.
4/LS Substance/NNP vs/NNS ./.
process/NN ./.
Having/VBG lost/VBN the/DT advantage/NN on/IN fronts/NNS 2/CD and/CC 3/CD ,/, Weld/NNP has/VBZ opened/VBN a/DT fourth/JJ ,/, more/RBR promising/JJ front/NN recently/RB ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ stopped/VBN debating/VBG the/DT substance/NN of/IN his/PRP$ quarrel/VB with/IN Helms/NNP ,/, and/CC has/VBZ focused/VBN instead/RB on/IN his/PRP$ right/NN to/TO a/DT hearing/NN ./.
At/IN a/DT July/NNP 28/CD press/NN conference/NN ,/, Weld/NNP repeated/VBD his/PRP$ favorite/JJ question/NN six/CD times/NNS :/: "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO be/VB asking/VBG that/IN one/CD insistent/JJ question/NN :/: Why/WRB should/MD there/EX not/RB be/VB a/DT hearing/NN ?/.
Why/WRB should/MD one/CD man/VB ,/, in/IN a/DT democracy/NN ,/, block/VBP the/DT conduct/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS 's/POS business/NN ?/.
This/DT new/JJ message/NN helps/VBZ Weld/NNP in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, because/IN it/PRP allows/VBZ Republicans/NNPS to/TO defend/VB him/PRP without/IN exacerbating/VBG the/DT party/NN 's/POS internal/JJ conflicts/NNS ./.
It/PRP certainly/RB emboldened/VBN Lugar/NNP ./.
"/" A/DT Senate/NNP chairman/NN cannot/NN be/VB dictatorial/JJ ,/, ultimately/RB ,/, when/WRB a/DT majority/NN of/IN the/DT committee/NN ,/, a/DT majority/NN of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, a/DT majority/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS ,/, want/VBP action/NN ,/, "/" Lugar/NNP said/VBD of/IN Helms/NNP Aug/NNP ./.
3/CD ./.
Likewise/RB ,/, the/DT procedural/JJ argument/NN allows/VBZ the/DT White/NNP House/NNP to/TO challenge/VB Helms/NNP '/POS obstinacy/NN without/IN appearing/VBG to/TO foment/NN the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS identity/NN crisis/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP spokesman/NN Mike/NNP McCurry/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD refused/VBN July/NNP 21/CD to/TO comment/VB on/IN "/" matters/NNS in/IN the/DT other/JJ party/NN ,/, "/" was/VBD so/RB moved/VBN by/IN Weld/NNP 's/POS new/JJ plea/NN for/IN a/DT "/" fair/JJ hearing/NN "/" that/IN he/PRP repeated/VBD that/DT phrase/NN six/CD times/NNS at/IN his/PRP$ July/NNP 31/CD press/NN briefing/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT true/JJ beauty/NN of/IN the/DT "/" give/VB him/PRP a/DT hearing/NN "/" argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP capitalizes/NNS on/IN anti-/NN Washington/NNP populism/NN ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ July/NNP 28/CD press/NN conference/NN ,/, Weld/NNP decried/VBD the/DT "/" Washington/NNP rules/NNS "/" that/WDT allow/VBP a/DT single/JJ senator/NN to/TO thwart/VB the/DT people/NNS 's/POS will/MD by/IN refusing/VBG to/TO schedule/VB a/DT hearing/NN ./.
Framed/NNP this/DT way/NN ,/, Weld/NNP 's/POS apostasy/NN becomes/VBZ a/DT virtue/NN instead/RB of/IN a/DT vice/NN ,/, suggesting/VBG candor/NN instead/RB of/IN a/DT lack/NN of/IN diplomacy/NN ./.
Which/WDT player/NN will/MD win/VB the/DT game/NN ?/.
Helms/NNP '/POS allies/NNS say/VBP the/DT nomination/NN is/VBZ doomed/VBN ./.
They/PRP think/VBP Weld/NNP overlooked/VBN the/DT game/NN 's/POS cardinal/NN rule/NN :/: that/IN Congress/NNP has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ rules/NNS ,/, including/VBG the/DT absolute/JJ power/NN of/IN committee/NN chairmen/NNS over/IN supplicants/NNS such/JJ as/IN Weld/NNP ./.
Why/WRB ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB even/RB a/DT governor/NN anymore/RB ,/, they/PRP scoff/VBP ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB a/DT lowly/JJ citizen/NN ./.
But/CC maybe/RB they/PRP 're/VBP the/DT ones/NNS who/WP have/VBP misjudged/VBD the/DT game/NN ./.
Maybe/RB the/DT era/NN of/IN Ross/NNP Perot/NNP ,/, satellite/NN feeds/VBZ ,/, and/CC blast-faxes/JJ has/VBZ ended/VBN the/DT invisibility/NN and/CC the/DT certainty/NN of/IN the/DT congressional/JJ back-room/JJ kill/NN ./.
Maybe/RB every/DT political/JJ fight/NN is/VBZ a/DT frame/NN game/NN now/RB ./.
Even/RB if/IN Citizen/NNP Weld/NNP ca/MD n't/RB reach/VB Mexico/NNP ,/, he/PRP can/MD still/RB reach/VB America/NNP ./.
And/CC maybe/RB that/DT 's/VBZ been/VBN his/PRP$ game/NN all/DT along/IN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP each/DT lead/NN with/IN a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN 's/POS rejection/NN of/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP 's/POS claim/NN that/IN she/PRP had/VBD an/DT immunity/NN deal/NN with/IN Ken/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT results/NNS of/IN the/DT first/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
study/NN of/IN the/DT French/JJ abortion/NN pill/NN RU-/NNP 486/CD :/: highly/RB effective/JJ and/CC safe/JJ for/IN terminating/VBG early/JJ pregnancies/NNS ,/, a/DT story/NN that/WDT does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB the/DT other/JJ front/JJ pages/NNS (/( the/DT NYT/NNP national/JJ edition/NN carries/VBZ it/PRP on/IN p/NN ./.
20/CD )/) ./.
Lewinsky/NNP 's/POS lawyers/NNS had/VBD been/VBN arguing/VBG that/IN a/DT letter/NN from/IN Starr/NNP granted/VBD her/PRP$ immunity/NN ./.
The/DT judge/NN 's/POS dismissal/NN of/IN that/DT contention/NN ,/, writes/VBZ USAT/NNP ,/, may/MD set/VB the/DT stage/NN for/IN Starr/NNP to/TO force/VB Lewinsky/NNP to/TO "/" appear/VB "/" before/IN a/DT federal/JJ grand/JJ jury/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT little/RB confusing/JJ since/IN actually/RB ,/, Starr/NNP would/MD have/VB had/VBN more/JJR leverage/NN to/TO force/VB Lewinsky/NNP to/TO testify/VB (/( rather/RB than/IN just/RB show/NN up/RP )/) if/IN she/PRP had/VBD immunity/NN from/IN prosecution/NN ./.
(/( The/DT WP/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP get/VBP this/DT point/NN right/JJ ./.
)/) But/CC in/IN any/DT case/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN Lewinsky/NNP 's/POS lawyers/NNS ,/, William/NNP Ginsburg/NNP ,/, is/VBZ quoted/VBN by/IN USAT/NNP as/IN saying/VBG his/PRP$ client/NN "/" will/MD never/RB testify/VB before/IN a/DT grand/JJ jury/NN without/IN immunity/NN ./.
"/" And/CC the/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN her/PRP$ other/JJ lawyer/NN ,/, Nathaniel/NNP Speights/NNP ,/, "/" ridiculed/VBN "/" the/DT idea/NN that/IN Starr/NNP would/MD indict/VB his/PRP$ client/NN ./.
"/" No/DT one/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP is/VBZ quoted/VBN as/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO stand/VB for/IN somebody/NN being/VBG indicted/VBN for/IN having/VBG a/DT sexual/JJ relationship/NN with/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
"/" (/( Today/NN 's/POS reports/NNS in/IN the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP to/TO the/DT effect/NN that/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP used/VBD the/DT marital/JJ confidentiality/NN privilege/NN to/TO avoid/VB answering/VBG some/DT Starr/NNP questions/NNS means/VBZ that/IN she/PRP may/MD be/VB somebody/NN who/WP is/VBZ not/RB being/VBG indicted/VBN because/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ having/VBG a/DT sexual/JJ relationship/NN with/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
The/DT judge/NN 's/POS ruling/NN is/VBZ still/RB under/IN seal/NN ./.
USAT/NNP credits/VBZ the/DT story/NN to/TO an/DT unnamed/JJ "/" person/NN with/IN knowledge/NN of/IN the/DT decision/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Post/NNP cites/VBZ "/" individuals/NNS familiar/JJ with/IN the/DT case/NN ./.
"/" The/DT LAT/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO "/" sources/NNS close/RB to/TO either/CC side/NN of/IN the/DT investigation/NN ./.
"/" Wonder/NN why/WRB the/DT NYT/NNP semi-outed/JJ its/PRP$ own/JJ sources/NNS ,/, saying/VBG they/PRP are/VBP "/" lawyers/NNS ,/, "/" which/WDT leaves/VBZ them/PRP quite/RB vulnerable/JJ to/TO punishment/NN by/IN the/DT judge/NN ,/, who/WP warned/VBD the/DT lawyers/NNS in/IN the/DT case/NN against/IN disclosing/VBG her/PRP$ sealed/VBN rulings/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP front/NN and/CC the/DT insides/NNS of/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP report/NN that/IN a/DT consortium/NN of/IN Blue/NNP Cross/NNP health/NN plans/NNS in/IN 38/CD states/NNS (/( why/WRB does/VBZ the/DT WSJ/NNP in/IN its/PRP$ story/NN use/NN the/DT odd/JJ locution/NN "/" more/JJR than/IN 35/CD states/NNS "/" ?/.
)/) filed/VBN lawsuits/NNS against/IN the/DT tobacco/NN industry/NN ,/, seeking/VBG billions/NNS in/IN damages/NNS to/TO compensate/VB for/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN treating/VBG smoking-related/JJ illnesses/NNS ./.
The/DT lawsuits/NNS ,/, modeled/VBD on/IN those/DT successfully/RB brought/VBN by/IN several/JJ state/NN governments/NNS in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS ,/, constitute/VB ,/, in/IN the/DT words/NNS of/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, a/DT "/" major/JJ new/JJ assault/NN "/" in/IN what/WP is/VBZ already/RB history/NN 's/POS costliest/JJS collection/NN of/IN cases/NNS ./.
A/DT similar/JJ ratcheting/VBG up/RP is/VBZ afoot/RB in/IN the/DT Microsoft/NNP wars/NNS ,/, with/IN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP front/JJ reports/NNS ,/, thirteen/NN states/NNS planning/VBG a/DT joint/JJ antitrust/JJ action/NN ,/, separate/JJ from/IN the/DT pending/VBG federal/JJ case/NN against/IN the/DT company/NN ,/, to/TO block/VB the/DT release/NN of/IN Windows/NNP 98/CD ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP has/VBZ a/DT front-page/JJ exclusive/JJ detailing/VBG a/DT first/JJ in/IN the/DT annals/NN of/IN crime/NN :/: a/DT cyber/NN murder/NN confession/NN ./.
On/IN March/NNP 22/CD ,/, a/DT man/NN screen-named/JJ "/" Larry/NNP "/" made/VBD a/DT posting/VBG to/TO an/DT on-line/JJ alcoholics/NNS support/VBP group/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP described/VBD how/WRB three/CD years/NNS ago/RB he/PRP murdered/VBN his/PRP$ five-year-old/JJ daughter/NN ./.
The/DT on-line/JJ chat/VB that/WDT followed/VBD included/VBD postings/NNS comforting/VBG the/DT man/NN by/IN telling/VBG him/PRP that/IN the/DT crime/NN was/VBD long/JJ past/NN ,/, but/CC three/CD of/IN the/DT people/NNS participating/VBG went/VBD to/TO authorities/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT few/JJ days/NNS later/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT phone/NN call/NN to/TO police/NNS in/IN North/NNP Dakota/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT crime/NN occurred/VBD ,/, Larry/NNP Froistad/NNP confessed/VBD again/RB ./.
As/IN William/NNP Safire/NNP did/VBD earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT week/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP lead/NN editorial/NN has/VBZ harsh/JJ words/NNS for/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP 's/POS investigation/NN into/IN the/DT 1996/CD Clinton/NNP re-election/NN effort/NN 's/POS possible/JJ illegal/JJ use/NN of/IN campaign/NN funds/NNS ./.
The/DT editorial/NN ,/, titled/VBN "/" Janet/NNP Reno/NNP 's/POS Latest/JJS Trick/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT departure/NN of/IN the/DT lead/JJ prosecutor/NN after/IN only/RB seven/CD months/NNS makes/VBZ it/PRP "/" plain/JJ that/IN his/PRP$ appointment/NN was/VBD a/DT public-relations/NNS masquerade/NN ./.
"/" Reno/NNP had/VBD to/TO approve/VB his/PRP$ transfer/NN to/TO a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Attorney/NNP 's/POS job/NN in/IN San/NNP Diego/NNP and/CC so/RB has/VBZ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, once/RB again/RB "/" snookered/JJ ./.
citizens/NNS who/WP wanted/VBD a/DT full/JJ investigation/NN of/IN the/DT most/RBS corrupt/JJ campaign/NN fund-raising/JJ operation/NN since/IN Watergate/NNP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS T/NN ./.
R/NN ./.
Reid/NNP tells/VBZ of/IN the/DT latest/JJS O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
outrages/NNS ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ that/IN when/WRB a/DT BBC/NNP reporter/NN knocked/VBD on/IN his/PRP$ door/NN recently/RB ,/, he/PRP came/VBD out/IN pretending/VBG to/TO stab/NN her/PRP$ several/JJ times/NNS with/IN a/DT banana/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT subsequent/JJ interview/NN with/IN her/PRP$ ,/, Simpson/NNP said/VBD that/IN gorgeous/JJ women/NNS are/VBP constantly/RB throwing/VBG themselves/PRP at/IN him/PRP ./.
When/WRB Simpson/NNP spotted/VBD an/DT L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
District/NNP Attorney/NNP on/IN the/DT street/NN while/IN riding/VBG around/IN in/IN a/DT BBC/NNP van/NN ,/, he/PRP responded/VBD the/DT same/JJ way/NN any/DT other/JJ innocent/JJ citizen/NN would/MD :/: he/PRP leaned/VBD out/IN of/IN the/DT window/NN and/CC shouted/VBD "/" an/DT anatomical/JJ obscenity/NN "/" at/IN her/PRP ./.
(/( By/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, why/WRB the/DT code/NN phrase/NN ?/.
If/IN the/DT Post/NNP can--unlike/JJ the/DT NYT/NNP -/: -/: let/VB its/PRP$ readers/NNS know/VBP when/WRB a/DT congressman/NN thinks/VBZ the/DT president/NN is/VBZ a/DT "/" scumbag/NN ,/, "/" then/RB surely/RB it/PRP can/MD come/VB dirty/JJ on/IN this/DT little/JJ bit/NN of/IN verbiage/NN ./.
Please/VB send/VB your/PRP$ questions/NNS for/IN publication/NN to/TO prudence/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Dear/RB Prudie/NNP ,/,
Here/RB 's/VBZ the/DT scoop/NN ./.
Our/PRP$ female/JJ boss/NN (/( she/PRP 's/VBZ in/IN her/PRP$ 40/CD s/VBZ like/IN the/DT 15/CD guys/NNS and/CC gals/NNS who/WP work/VBP for/IN her/PRP$ )/) is/VBZ installing/VBG a/DT new/JJ ,/, rather/RB large/JJ hot/JJ tub/NN at/IN her/PRP$ and/CC her/PRP$ husband/NN 's/POS secluded/JJ home/NN ./.
All/DT 15/CD of/IN us/PRP have/VBP been/VBN invited/VBN to/TO a/DT picnic/NN &slash;/NN hot/JJ tub/NN grand/JJ opening/VBG party/NN ,/, to/TO use/VB her/PRP$ words/NNS ./.
She/PRP said/VBD ,/, "/" Of/IN course/NN ,/, nobody/NN will/MD be/VB wearing/VBG suits/NNS ,/, so/RB do/VBP n't/RB bother/VB bringing/VBG them/PRP ./.
"/" We/PRP feel/VBP pressured/VBN to/TO attend/VB and/CC partake/VB in/IN the/DT nude/JJ socializing/VBG in/IN and/CC outside/IN the/DT tub/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN us/PRP are/VBP completely/RB comfortable/JJ ,/, others/NNS are/VBP less/RBR sure/JJ ./.
Your/PRP$ thoughts/NNS ?/.
-/: -/: Wondering/NNP
Dear/RB Won/NNP ,/,
Do/VBP not/RB naked/JJ into/IN that/DT hot/JJ tub/NN go/NN ./.
Your/PRP$ boss/NN must/MD have/VB oatmeal/NN cookies/NNS for/IN brains/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN a/DT complete/JJ lack/NN of/IN judgment/NN ./.
It/PRP sounds/VBZ to/TO Prudie/NNP as/IN though/IN you/PRP are/VBP not/RB the/DT only/RB one/CD feeling/NN uncomfortable/JJ with/IN the/DT birthday-suit/JJ event/NN ./.
Luckily/NNP ,/, you/PRP have/VBP options/NNS ./.
You/PRP and/CC the/DT crew/NN from/IN the/DT office/NN can/MD all/DT agree/VB to/TO bring/VB suits--and/JJ so/RB inform/VB Nature/NNP Girl/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP not/RB all/DT in/IN agreement/NN ,/, which/WDT may/MD be/VB the/DT case/NN because/IN you/PRP say/VBP ,/, "/" Some/DT of/IN us/PRP are/VBP completely/RB comfortable/JJ ,/, "/" then/RB you/PRP can/MD decline/VB ./.
either/CC with/IN an/DT explanation/NN or/CC without/IN one/CD ./.
If/IN you/PRP totally/RB chicken/NN out/IN about/IN stating/VBG your/PRP$ reservations/NNS ,/, there/EX is/VBZ always/RB the/DT 24/CD -/: hour/NN flu/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP assures/VBZ you/PRP there/EX is/VBZ no/DT need/VBP to/TO feel/VB "/" pressured/JJ ./.
"/" There/EX can/MD be/VB no/DT retaliation/NN for/IN employees/NNS who/WP choose/VBP not/RB to/TO socialize/VB in/IN the/DT altogether/RB with/IN their/PRP$ co-workers/NNS ./.
As/IN Prudie/NNP 's/POS aunt/NN used/VBD to/TO say/VB ,/, "/" The/DT very/JJ idea/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, resolutely/RB
Dear/RB Prudie/NNP ,/,
My/PRP$ girlfriend/NN is/VBZ perfect/JJ ,/, but/CC ./.
Ah/UH ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ always/RB the/DT big/JJ but/RB ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ my/PRP$ big/JJ but/RB ?/.
Fun/NNP ,/, smart/JJ ,/, beautiful/JJ ,/, but/CC my/PRP$ girlfriend/NN just/RB wo/MD n't/RB give/VB me/PRP any/DT space/NN ./.
If/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB spend/VB seven/CD evenings/NNS a/DT week/NN together/RB ,/, if/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB talk/VB on/IN the/DT phone/NN each/DT day/NN during/IN work/NN ,/, if/IN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO spend/VB any/DT time/NN alone/RB ,/, my/PRP$ girlfriend/NN pouts/NNS and/CC gets/VBZ angry/JJ ,/, or/CC cries/VBZ ./.
We/PRP have/VBP talked/VBN about/IN this/DT over/RB and/CC over/IN again/RB (/( and/CC almost/RB broke/VBD up/RP over/IN it/PRP several/JJ times/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC she/PRP is/VBZ getting/VBG better/JJR ,/, but/CC ./.
I/PRP put/VBP my/PRP$ foot/NN down/RB and/CC insisted/VBD that/IN there/EX are/VBP just/RB times/NNS I/PRP need/VBP to/TO be/VB by/IN myself/PRP ,/, and/CC while/IN she/PRP accepts/VBZ that/IN in/IN principle/NN ,/, I/PRP often/RB feel/VBP on/IN my/PRP$ guard/NN ,/, as/IN she/PRP often/RB gets/VBZ extremely/RB upset/VBN with/IN little/JJ provocation/NN if/IN I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB give/VB her/PRP$ enough/JJ attention/NN ./.
Can/MD this/DT hostile/JJ dependency/NN be/VB cured/VBN ?/.
Can/MD I/PRP ,/, should/MD I/PRP ,/, even/RB ,/, expect/VBP her/PRP to/TO change/VB ?/.
I/PRP hate/VBP the/DT idea/NN that/IN I/PRP love/VBP her/PRP$ "/" except/IN for/IN this/DT one/CD thing/NN I/PRP want/VBP to/TO change/VB ,/, "/" but/CC really/RB ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ absolutely/RB wonderful/JJ ./.
Except/IN that/DT too/RB much/JJ of/IN a/DT good/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ still/RB too/RB much/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Sated/NNP and/CC Then/RB Stuffed/NNP
Dear/RB Sate/NNP ,/,
It/PRP is/VBZ interesting/JJ that/IN you/PRP write/VBP Prudie/NNP that/IN your/PRP$ inamorata/NN is/VBZ demanding/VBG and/CC wants/VBZ to/TO spend/VB every/DT minute/NN together--which/JJ is/VBZ not/RB what/WP you/PRP want--but/JJ that/IN she/PRP is/VBZ "/" absolutely/RB wonderful/JJ ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ like/IN saying/VBG the/DT soufflé/NN is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS delicious/JJ one/CD ever/RB ,/, save/VB for/IN the/DT ground/NN glass/NN mixed/JJ in/IN ./.
Lovers/NNP are/VBP not/RB reform/VB schools/NNS and/CC you/PRP will/MD not/RB get/VB your/PRP$ "/" perfect/JJ ./.
but/CC "/" girlfriend/NN to/TO change/VB this/DT aspect/NN of/IN her/PRP$ personality/NN ./.
This/DT leaves/VBZ you/PRP two/CD choices/NNS ./.
You/PRP can/MD accept/VB her/PRP$ possessiveness/NNS and/CC kiss/NNS time/NN to/TO yourself/PRP goodby/NN ,/, or/CC ring/NN off/IN now/RB and/CC preserve/VB some/DT autonomy/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP choose/VBP the/DT first/JJ option/NN ,/, Prudie/NNP predicts/VBZ your/PRP$ hostility/NN will/MD build/VB until/IN you/PRP wind/VBP up/RP choosing/VBG the/DT latter/NN ./.
This/DT woman/NN 's/POS demands/NNS suggest/VBP an/DT underlying/VBG jealousy/NN and/CC immaturity/NN that/DT time/NN will/MD most/RBS likely/JJ aggravate/VB ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ your/PRP$ call/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, honestly/RB
Dear/RB Prudie/NNP ,/,
I/PRP have/VBP a/DT very/RB close/JJ friend/NN (/( we/PRP were/VBD in/IN junior/JJ high/JJ together/RB in/IN 1984/CD )/) who/WP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB just/RB dropped/VBN out/IN of/IN society/NN ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB look/VB for/IN work/NN ,/, having/VBG been/VBN let/VBN go/VB from/IN his/PRP$ last/JJ job/NN ./.
He/PRP rarely/RB washes/NNS ,/, smokes/VBZ and/CC drinks/NNS too/RB much/JJ (/( amongst/IN other/JJ similar/JJ vices/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC spends/VBZ the/DT time/NN he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB watching/VBG infomercials/NNS until/IN 4/CD a/DT ./.
m/NN ./.
,/, pining/VBG over/IN a/DT girl/NN who/WP broke/VBD up/RB with/IN him/PRP long/RB ago/RB ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ living/VBG off/IN unemployment/NN ,/, and/CC that/DT 's/VBZ going/VBG to/TO run/VB out/IN soon/RB ./.
Oh/UH ,/, did/VBD I/PRP mention/VBP ?/.
He/PRP 's/VBZ living/VBG on/IN my/PRP$ couch/NN ./.
To/TO his/PRP$ credit/NN ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB hard/JJ to/TO live/VB with/IN ./.
He/PRP cleans/VBZ up/RB after/IN himself/PRP ,/, gives/VBZ me/PRP my/PRP$ space/NN ,/, and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB eat/VB too/RB much/JJ of/IN my/PRP$ food/NN ,/, and/CC when/WRB he/PRP does/VBZ he/PRP eventually/RB replaces/VBZ it/PRP ./.
Plus/NNP ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ great/JJ company/NN ./.
We/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN very/RB similar/JJ sense/NN of/IN humor/NN and/CC we/PRP have/VBP great/JJ conversations/NNS ./.
I/PRP guess/VBP what/WP kills/VBZ me/PRP is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT talented/JJ ,/, smart/JJ ,/, able/JJ guy/NN and/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB tossing/VBG it/PRP away/RB without/IN a/DT care/NN ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB hit/VBN me/PRP up/RP for/IN money/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT little/RB worried/VBN with/IN the/DT government/NN funds/NNS ending/VBG in/IN a/DT month/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP tried/VBN hints/NNS from/IN subtle/JJ to/TO overt/JJ that/IN I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB approve/VB of/IN what/WP he/PRP 's/VBZ doing/VBG ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO kick/VB him/PRP out/RP ./.
Any/DT advice/NN ?/.
-/: -/: Friend/NNP in/IN Need/MD
Dear/RB Fren/NNP ,/,
And/CC you/PRP are/VBP a/DT friend/NN ,/, indeed/RB ./.
You/PRP are/VBP also/RB clearly/RB conflicted/VBN ./.
Your/PRP$ roommate/NN is/VBZ an/DT unemployed/JJ ,/, unmotivated/JJ ,/, slovenly/RB vidiot/NN who/WP smokes/VBZ and/CC drinks/NNS while/IN being/VBG fixated/JJ on/IN a/DT long/RB gone/VBN girlfriend/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ also/RB depressed/VBN ./.
You/PRP find/VBP him/PRP ,/, however/RB ,/, a/DT good-humored/JJ chap/NN who/WP 's/VBZ a/DT great/JJ conversationalist/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN someone/NN who/WP replenishes/NNS the/DT groceries/NNS ./.
When/WRB you/PRP say/VBP he/PRP is/VBZ "/" tossing/VBG it/PRP away/RB without/IN a/DT care/NN ,/, "/" you/PRP are/VBP telling/VBG Prudie/NNP you/PRP would/MD give/VB anything/NN to/TO redo/VB this/DT guy/NN 's/POS thinking/VBG ./.
But/CC alas/UH ,/, you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB ./.
We/PRP each/DT get/VB a/DT life/NN to/TO make/NN of/IN it/PRP what/WP we/PRP will/MD ./.
and/CC this/DT is/VBZ what/WP he/PRP 's/VBZ doing/VBG with/IN his/PRP$ ./.
You/PRP say/VBP you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO kick/VB him/PRP out/IN and/CC also/RB mention/VB that/IN his/PRP$ unemployment/NN benefits/NNS are/VBP soon/RB to/TO end/VB ./.
Be/VB prepared/VBN for/IN this/DT sad/JJ fellow/NN to/TO become/VB your/PRP$ ward/NN if/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB insist/VB he/PRP get/VBP some/DT mental/JJ health/NN help/NN and/CC leave/VB your/PRP$ nest/NN to/TO make/VB a/DT life/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, realistically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
I/PRP 'm/VBP an/DT 18/CD -/: year-old/JJ student/NN majoring/VBG in/IN psychology/NN ./.
I/PRP like/VBP psych/NN but/CC do/VBP n't/RB love/VB it/PRP ./.
What/WP I/PRP really/RB want/VBP to/TO be/VB is/VBZ a/DT singer/NN ,/, but/CC my/PRP$ parents/NNS are/VBP against/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP know/VBP I/PRP 'll/MD never/RB be/VB as/RB happy/JJ as/IN a/DT psychologist/NN as/IN I/PRP would/MD be/VB as/IN a/DT singer/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP the/DT talent/NN but/CC not/RB the/DT moral/JJ support/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN tempted/VBN many/JJ times/NNS to/TO run/VB away/RB from/IN home/NN because/IN my/PRP$ parents/NNS are/VBP unsupportive/JJ of/IN my/PRP$ ambition/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP embarrassed/JJ because/IN I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stand/VB up/RP for/IN myself/PRP ./.
-/: -/: Carpe/NNP Diem/NNP
Dear/RB Carp/NNP ,/,
Prudie/NNP ,/, too/RB ,/, is/VBZ for/IN seizing/VBG the/DT diem/NN ,/, so/RB give/VB your/PRP$ dream/NN a/DT try/NN and/CC go/VB for/IN it/PRP ./.
You/PRP are/VBP only/RB 18/CD ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, which/WDT gives/VBZ you/PRP a/DT few/JJ years/NNS to/TO play/VB with/IN ./.
Prudie/NNP is/VBZ taking/VBG you/PRP at/IN your/PRP$ word/NN that/IN you/PRP have/VBP talent/NN -/: -/: though/IN sometimes/RB even/RB that/WDT is/VBZ n't/RB enough/RB to/TO achieve/VB your/PRP$ goal/NN ./.
But/CC forget/VB your/PRP$ parents/NNS '/POS opposition/NN and/CC trust/VB your/PRP$ instinct/NN ./.
Whether/IN you/PRP make/VBP it/PRP or/CC not/RB as/IN a/DT singer/NN ,/, you/PRP will/MD not/RB have/VB to/TO look/VB back/RB and/CC regret/NN that/IN you/PRP never/RB tried/VBD ./.
And/CC P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB considered/VBN "/" running/VBG away/RB from/IN home/NN "/" when/WRB one/CD is/VBZ 18/CD ./.
That/DT is/VBZ the/DT age/NN ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, when/WRB people/NNS go/VBP to/TO college/NN or/CC into/IN the/DT military/NN ./.
If/IN good/JJ fortune/NN strikes/NNS ,/, send/VB Prudie/NNP a/DT CD/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, melodically/RB
Dear/RB Prudie/NNP ,/,
I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP hate/VBP my/PRP$ job/NN ./.
I/PRP must/MD hate/VB my/PRP$ job/NN because/IN I/PRP dread/NN getting/VBG up/RP every/DT weekday/NN morning/NN ./.
I/PRP have/VBP used/VBN all/DT my/PRP$ personal/JJ days/NNS and/CC my/PRP$ sick/JJ days/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ making/VBG me/PRP feel/VBP trapped/VBN and/CC frantic/JJ ./.
What/WP should/MD I/PRP do/VB ?/.
-/: -/: Freaked/NNP
Dear/RB Freak/NNP ,/,
You/PRP 've/VBP used/VBN up/RP all/DT your/PRP$ sick/JJ days/NNS ?/.
Well/RB ,/, you/PRP could/MD always/RB call/VB in/IN Dead/NNP ./.
Then/RB you/PRP should/MD quit/VB ./.
Prudie/NNP can/MD imagine/VB nothing/NN more/RBR sad-making/JJ than/IN to/TO loathe/NN one/CD 's/POS job/NN ./.
Use/NN an/DT employment/NN agency/NN ,/, the/DT want/NN ads/NNS ,/, friends/NNS ,/, anything/NN ,/, but/CC find/VB a/DT more/JJR satisfying/VBG way/NN to/TO keep/VB body/NN and/CC soul/NN together/RB ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, gainfully/RB
Ralph/NNP Waldo/NNP Emerson/NNP 's/POS journal/NN contains/VBZ this/DT intriguing/JJ entry/NN for/IN March/NNP 29/CD ,/, 1832/CD :/: "/" I/PRP visited/VBD Ellen/NNP 's/POS tomb/NN and/CC opened/VBD the/DT coffin/NN ./.
Emerson/NNP was/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ late/JJ 20/CD s/VBZ at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, a/DT Boston/NNP minister/NN still/RB reeling/VBG from/IN the/DT loss/NN of/IN his/PRP$ young/JJ wife/NN ,/, who/WP had/VBD died/VBN of/IN tuberculosis/NNS 14/CD months/NNS earlier/RBR ./.
Biographer/NNP Robert/NNP D/NNP ./.
Richardson/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
contends/VBZ that/IN by/IN literally/RB confronting/VBG death/NN (/( ghoulish/NN as/IN it/PRP seems/VBZ )/) ,/, Emerson/NNP was/VBD able/JJ to/TO pull/VB out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ funk/NN and/CC get/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT business/NN of/IN becoming/VBG a/DT great/JJ American/JJ philosopher/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ inherently/RB unfair/JJ to/TO pass/VB judgment/NN on/IN another/DT 's/VBZ grief/NN ./.
Yet/CC I/PRP must/MD confess/NNS that/IN ,/, just/RB as/IN Emerson/NNP 's/POS behavior/NN raised/VBD my/PRP$ eyebrows/NNS ,/, so/RB ,/, too/RB ,/, of/IN late/JJ has/VBZ Fred/NNP Goldman/NNP 's/POS ./.
Where/WRB once/RB I/PRP saw/VBD a/DT man/NN struggling/VBG rather/RB nobly/RB with/IN tragedy/NN ,/, I/PRP now/RB see/VBP someone/NN trapped/VBN on/IN the/DT merry-go-round/JJ of/IN notoriety/NN ./.
Three/CD years/NNS after/IN the/DT double/JJ murder/NN of/IN the/DT century/NN ,/, a/DT part/NN of/IN me/PRP is/VBZ weary/JJ of/IN the/DT Ron/NNP Goldman/NNP lapel/NN button/NN ,/, of/IN the/DT habitual/NN references/NNS to/TO "/" the/DT killer/NN ,/, "/" of/IN the/DT righteous/JJ indignation/NN ./.
More/JJR to/TO the/DT point/NN ,/, a/DT part/NN of/IN me/PRP is/VBZ wary/JJ of/IN Fred/NNP Goldman--a/NNP client/NN of/IN a/DT large/JJ Los/NNP Angeles/NNP public-relations/NNS firm/NN and/CC a/DT paid/VBN (/( $/$ 100/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT year/NN )/) spokesman/NN for/IN the/DT Safe/NNP Streets/NNPS Coalition/NNP ,/, a/DT victims/NNS '/POS rights/NNS group--turning/JJ a/DT private/JJ ordeal/NN into/IN public/JJ policy/NN ./.
Goldman/NNP now/RB promotes/VBZ the/DT abolition/NN of/IN unanimous-jury/JJ verdicts/NNS ,/, the/DT adoption/NN of/IN "/" judicial/JJ report/NN cards/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC an/DT end/NN to/TO the/DT lifetime/NN appointment/NN of/IN federal/JJ judges/NNS ./.
"/" Being/VBG active/JJ is/VBZ a/DT way/NN to/TO focus/VB some/DT of/IN that/DT frustration/NN ,/, anger/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, into/IN something/NN positive/JJ ,/, "/" says/VBZ Goldman/NNP ./.
Last/JJ February/NNP ,/, Fred/NNP Goldman/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ second/JJ wife/NN ,/, Patti/NNP ,/, were/VBD in/IN Washington/NNP for/IN their/PRP$ 10/CD th/NN wedding/NN anniversary/NN ./.
They/PRP spent/VBD the/DT day/NN first/RB promoting/VBG the/DT family/NN 's/POS book/NN ,/, His/PRP$ Name/NN Is/VBZ Ron/NNP ,/, in/IN an/DT appearance/NN at/IN the/DT National/NNP Press/NNP Club/NNP ,/, and/CC then/RB touring/VBG the/DT Holocaust/NNP Museum/NNP ./.
"/" There/EX 's/VBZ something/NN like/IN an/DT Old/NNP Testament/NNP prophet/NN quality/NN about/IN [/( Fred/NNP ]/) ,/, "/" says/VBZ a/DT court/NN reporter/NN who/WP covered/VBD both/DT Simpson/NNP trials/NNS ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT Goldmans/NNP '/POS rabbi/NN told/VBD the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP that/IN Fred/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT "/" moral/JJ force/NN "/" for/IN justice/NN ./.
"/" God/NNP is/VBZ working/VBG through/IN him/PRP right/RB now/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ Rabbi/NNP Gary/NNP E/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP ./.
God/NNP sometimes/RB works/VBZ in/IN mysterious/JJ ways/NNS ./.
So/RB do/VBP the/DT media/NNS ./.
Thus/RB the/DT Goldmans/NNP and/CC daughter/NN Kim/NNP were/VBD back/RB in/IN Washington/NNP in/IN April/NNP for/IN the/DT annual/JJ White/NNP House/NNP Correspondents/NNP '/POS Dinner/NNP ,/, a/DT black-tie/JJ schmoozathon/NN for/IN journalists/NNS ,/, politicians/NNS ,/, and/CC Hollywood/NNP stars/NNS ./.
Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP writer/NN Christopher/NNP Hitchens/NNP notes/NNS that/IN "/" it/PRP seemed/VBD rather/RB creepy/NN "/" to/TO see/VB Fred/NNP Goldman/NNP in/IN the/DT Hilton/NNP hotel/NN ballroom/NN along/IN with/IN such/JJ mainstream/NN trophy/NN guests/NNS as/IN Tom/NNP Selleck/NNP and/CC Ellen/NNP DeGeneres/NNP ./.
How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP make/VBP small/JJ talk/NN about/IN bloody/JJ gloves/NNS and/CC size/NN 12/CD Bruno/NNP Magli/NNP shoes/NNS ?/.
The/DT Goldmans/NNP were/VBD invited/VBN by/IN People/NNS magazine/NN ,/, whose/WP$ editors/NNS graciously/RB passed/VBN along/IN to/TO White/NNP House/NNP aides/NNS the/DT family/NN 's/POS desire/NN to/TO meet/VB President/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
During/IN dinner/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, Fred/NNP decided/VBD to/TO take/VB matters/NNS into/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ hands/NNS ,/, and/CC marched/VBD up/IN to/TO the/DT head/NN table/NN ./.
The/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP intercepted/VBN him/PRP ,/, but/CC a/DT backstage/RB meeting/NN was/VBD arranged/VBN ./.
The/DT Goldmans/NNP later/RB complained/VBD about/IN getting/VBG only/RB five/CD minutes/NNS alone/RB with/IN the/DT Clintons/NNP ./.
The/DT Goldmans/NNP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB tickets/NNS to/TO Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP 's/POS heavily/RB guarded/VBN post-dinner/JJ VIP/NNP party/NN ,/, but/CC they/PRP gate-crashed/JJ without/IN a/DT problem/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP assumed/VBD they/PRP 'd/MD get/VB in/IN based/VBN on/IN this/DT macabre/NN celebrity/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ a/DT journalist/NN who/WP was/VBD there/RB ./.
"/" And/CC they/PRP were/VBD right/JJ ./.
Considering/VBG all/PDT the/DT misery/NN the/DT Goldmans/NNP have/VBP been/VBN through/IN ,/, one/PRP ca/MD n't/RB begrudge/NN them/PRP a/DT night/NN on/IN the/DT town/NN and/CC a/DT little/JJ stargazing/VBG ./.
What/WP is/VBZ cause/VB for/IN some/DT concern/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, is/VBZ the/DT peculiar/JJ public/JJ pedestal/NN upon/IN which/WDT they/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN placed/VBN ,/, especially/RB since/IN Fred/NNP now/RB is/VBZ venturing/VBG into/IN the/DT arena/NN of/IN criminal-justice/NN reform/NN ./.
Goldman/NNP 's/POS voice/NN is/VBZ part/NN of/IN a/DT rising/VBG chorus/NN of/IN high-profile/JJ victims/NNS '/POS rights/NNS advocates/NNS ./.
The/DT assemblage/NN includes/VBZ Marc/NNP Klaas/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ daughter/NN Polly/NNP was/VBD kidnapped/VBN and/CC murdered/VBN ;/: John/NNP Walsh/NNP ,/, of/IN America/NNP 's/POS Most/RBS Wanted/VBN fame/NN ,/, the/DT father/NN of/IN another/DT kidnap/VB victim/NN ;/: and/CC New/NNP York/NNP Rep/NNP ./.
Carolyn/NNP McCarthy/NNP ,/, who/WP launched/VBD a/DT political/JJ career/NN after/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN was/VBD killed/VBN by/IN a/DT crazed/JJ gunman/NN on/IN a/DT Long/NNP Island/NNP commuter/NN train/NN ./.
Those/DT voices/NNS deserve/VBP to/TO be/VB heard/VBN ,/, but/CC the/DT risk/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT national/JJ crime/NN debate/NN will/MD be/VB shrouded/VBD in/IN the/DT emotional/JJ fog/NN they/PRP produce/VB ./.
If/IN there/EX is/VBZ life/NN after/IN death/NN ,/, Fred/NNP Goldman/NNP will/MD probably/RB chase/VB O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Simpson/NNP through/IN the/DT tunnels/NNS of/IN time/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB rightfully/RB so/RB ./.
"/" Forgiving/NNP the/DT person/NN who/WP murdered/VBN my/PRP$ son/NN is/VBZ not/RB something/NN I/PRP 'm/VBP able/JJ to/TO do/VB ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD shortly/RB before/IN the/DT civil/JJ trial/NN commenced/VBD ./.
"/" I/PRP think/VBP there/EX 's/VBZ something/NN between/IN vengeance/NN and/CC forgiveness/NN ./.
There/RB is/VBZ ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ called/VBN peace/NN of/IN mind/NN ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP Fred/NNP Goldman/NNP finds/VBZ it/PRP ./.
But/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ looking/VBG in/IN the/DT wrong/JJ places/NNS ./.
Earlier/RBR this/DT week/NN ,/, members/NNS of/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Film/NNP Critics/NNS Association/NNP condemned/VBD the/DT Motion/NNP Picture/NNP Academy/NNP of/IN America/NNP for/IN refusing/VBG to/TO grant/VB Stanley/NNP Kubrick/NNP 's/POS Eyes/NNS Wide/NNP Shut/NNP an/DT R/NN rating/NN without/IN a/DT bunch/NN of/IN ludicrous/JJ digital/JJ alterations/NNS during/IN a/DT ritualized/JJ orgy/NN ./.
Yippee/NNP :/: another/DT occasion/NN for/IN bashing/VBG the/DT ratings/NNS board/NN ./.
I/PRP saw/VBD the/DT picture/NN before/IN the/DT fig/NN leaves/NNS were/VBD applied/VBN and/CC the/DT sequence/NN in/IN question/NN was/VBD no/DT more/RBR erotic/JJ than/IN dental/JJ surgery--but/JJ that/DT 's/VBZ neither/DT here/RB nor/CC there/RB ./.
My/PRP$ point/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT film/NN critics/NNS are/VBP blaming/VBG the/DT wrong/JJ party/NN ./.
The/DT villains/NNS in/IN this/DT scenario/NN are/VBP not/RB the/DT anonymous/JJ fuddy-duddies/JJ who/WP sit/VBP on/IN the/DT ratings/NNS board/NN but/CC the/DT sanctimonious/JJ hypocrites/NNS who/WP preside/NN over/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS largest/JJS video/NN and/CC media/NNS chains/NNS ./.
These/DT are/VBP the/DT people/NNS who/WP treat/VBP any/DT film/NN rated/VBD NC-/NNP 17/CD as/IN leprous/JJ ./.
NC-/NNP 17/CD was/VBD originally/RB meant/VBN to/TO eliminate/VB the/DT porn-related/JJ stigma/NN that/WDT came/VBD with/IN the/DT earlier/JJR X/NNP rating/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT very/RB same/JJ chains/NNS that/WDT refused/VBD to/TO carry/VB ads/NNS for/IN X/NNP films/NNS refuse/VBP to/TO carry/VB ads/NNS for/IN NC-/NNP 17/CD films/NNS ./.
With/IN a/DT film/NN held/VBD hostage/NN by/IN Blockbuster/NNP et/CC al/NN ./.
,/, any/DT studio/NN with/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, $/$ 50/CD million/CD to/TO $/$ 100/CD million/CD on/IN the/DT line/NN feels/VBZ compelled/VBN to/TO hack/VB at/IN their/PRP$ movie/NN and/CC play/VB footsie/NN with/IN the/DT MPAA/NNP until/IN they/PRP get/VBP their/PRP$ R/NN ./.
Take/VB Blockbuster/NNP ,/, which/WDT prides/NNS itself/PRP on/IN being/VBG a/DT "/" family/NN video/NN store/NN ./.
"/" A/DT stroll/VB through/IN the/DT aisles/NNS will/MD take/VB you/PRP past/JJ displays/NNS of/IN such/JJ wholesome/JJ fare/NN as/IN Meat/NNP Cleaver/NNP Massacre/NNP ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN innumerable/JJ soft-core/JJ made-for-video/JJ serial-killer-stalking-models-in-lingerie/JJ flicks/NNS ./.
You/PRP have/VBP to/TO wonder/VB whose/WP$ family/NN the/DT store/NN caters/VBZ to--the/JJ Mansons/NNP ?/.
But/CC Blockbuster/NNP and/CC other/JJ such/JJ outfits/NN have/VBP ,/, with/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN the/DT MPAA/NNP ,/, given/VBN themselves/PRP a/DT veneer/NN of/IN righteousness/NNS while/IN trafficking/NN in/IN the/DT same/JJ kind/NN of/IN sleaze/NN as/IN every/DT other/JJ entertainment/NN conglomerate/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ capitalism/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT column/NN for/IN Daily/NNP Variety/NNP ,/, Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN a/DT new/JJ rating/NN ,/, A--/NNP something/NN between/IN R/NN and/CC NC-/NNP 17/CD -/: -/: would/MD allow/VB audiences/NNS to/TO see/VB the/DT original/JJ cuts/NNS of/IN movies/NNS such/JJ as/IN Eyes/NNS Wide/NNP Shut/NNP and/CC would/MD "/" provide/VB a/DT category/NN for/IN adult/NN films/NNS that/WDT would/MD be/VB acceptable/JJ to/TO theater/NN owners/NNS and/CC advertising/NN outlets/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP goes/VBZ on/IN :/: "/" Theaters/NNP would/MD not/RB shun/VB them/PRP ./.
Everybody/NN understands/VBZ the/DT concept/NN of/IN an/DT adults-only/JJ category/NN ./.
And/CC because/IN NC-/NNP 17/CD would/MD remain/VB in/IN business/NN ,/, newspapers/NNS ,/, TV/NN stations/NNS ,/, and/CC theaters/NNS would/MD remain/VB free/JJ to/TO discriminate/JJ against/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP wish/VBP I/PRP could/MD support/VB Ebert/NNP 's/POS suggestion/NN but/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB so/RB sure/JJ that/IN A/DT would/MD work/VB ./.
Was/VBD n't/RB that/IN the/DT purpose/NN of/IN NC-/NNP 17/CD to/TO begin/VB with/RP ?/.
And/CC does/VBZ Ebert/NNP really/RB trust/NN the/DT MPAA/NNP to/TO distinguish/VB between/IN films/NNS that/WDT have/VBP artistic/JJ merit/NN and/CC those/DT that/WDT do/VBP n't/RB ?/.
Eyes/NNS Wide/NNP Shut/NNP might/MD be/VB a/DT no-brainer/NN because/IN of/IN the/DT Kubrick/NNP imprimatur/NN ,/, but/CC what/WP about/IN South/NNP Park/NNP :/: Bigger/JJR ,/, Longer/JJR &/CC Uncut/NNP (/( a/DT title/NN whose/WP$ second/JJ meaning/NN allegedly/RB passed/VBN straight/JJ over/IN the/DT MPAA/NNP 's/POS heads/VBZ )/) ?/.
Before/IN cuts/NNS for/IN its/PRP$ R/NN ,/, there/EX were/VBD allegedly/RB lines/NNS about/IN sex/NN with/IN the/DT Almighty/NNP ./.
A/DT or/CC NC-/NNP 17/CD ?/.
How/WRB long/RB before/IN Blockbuster/NNP and/CC those/DT big/JJ newspaper/NN chains/NNS announce/VBP that/IN they/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB carrying/VBG ads/NNS for/IN A/DT films/NNS ?/.
The/DT larger/JJR issue/NN is/VBZ what/WP the/DT MPAA/NNP 's/POS distinctions/NNS say/VBP about/IN our/PRP$ culture/NN ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ press/NN release/NN ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angles/NNP Critics/NNS Association/NNP notes/VBZ the/DT disturbing/JJ "/" double/JJ standard/JJ the/DT MPAA/NNP continues/VBZ to/TO maintain/VB when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO sexual/JJ and/CC violent/JJ movie/NN content/NN ./.
The/DT PG-/NNP 13/CD rated/VBN movie/NN ,/, Wild/NNP Wild/NNP West/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, opens/VBZ with/IN a/NNP '/POS humorous/JJ '/POS decapitation/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT PG/NNP rated/VBD movie/NN ,/, Star/NNP Wars/NNS :/: Episode/NNP 1/CD -/: -/: The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP ,/, contains/VBZ numerous/JJ violent/JJ deaths/NNS ./.
"/" I/PRP 'm/VBP fond/JJ of/IN citing/VBG Albert/NNP Brooks/NNP '/POS experience/NN in/IN 1985/CD with/IN Lost/VBD in/IN America/NNP because/IN it/PRP so/RB gorgeously/RB encapsulates/NNS the/DT issue/NN ./.
The/DT MPAA/NNP gave/VBD the/DT film/NN an/DT R/NN rating/NN because/IN of/IN a/DT scene/NN in/IN which/WDT Brooks/NNP '/POS protagonist/NN babbles/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ wife/NN (/( Julie/NNP Hagerty/NNP )/) that/IN he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO "/" fuck/NN "/" her/PRP over/IN her/PRP$ office/NN desk/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ unacceptable/JJ ,/, said/VBD the/DT ratings/NNS board/NN ,/, because/IN "/" fuck/NN "/" is/VBZ used/VBN in/IN a/DT "/" sexual/JJ context/NN ./.
"/" Brooks/NNP pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN if/IN the/DT character/NN ,/, instead/RB of/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" I/PRP want/VBP to/TO fuck/NN you/PRP over/IN this/DT desk/NN "/" had/VBD said/VBN ,/, "/" I/PRP want/VBP to/TO fuck/NN you/PRP over/IN with/IN this/DT desk/NN ,/, "/" the/DT film/NN could/MD have/VB gone/VBN out/IN with/IN a/DT PG-/NNP 13/CD ./.
But/CC if/IN the/DT MPAA/NNP is/VBZ puritanically/RB intolerant/NN of/IN sex/NN ,/, it/PRP also/RB has/VBZ peculiar/JJ notions/NNS of/IN "/" acceptable/JJ "/" violence/NN ./.
A/DT director/NN who/WP frequently/RB tangled/VBN with/IN the/DT ratings/NNS board/NN told/VBD me/PRP an/DT instructive/JJ story/NN ./.
He/PRP did/VBD some/DT research/NN on/IN fistfights/NNS and/CC discovered/VBN that/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN them/PRP last/JJ one/CD punch/NN :/: In/IN real/JJ life/NN ,/, one/CD person/NN 's/POS nose/NN gets/VBZ broken/VBN and/CC the/DT other/JJ person/NN 's/POS hand/NN gets/VBZ broken/VBN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN blood/NN ./.
I/PRP once/RB watched/VBD a/DT friend/NN get/VB his/PRP$ nose/NN broken/VBN in/IN a/DT (/( brief/JJ )/) fistfight/NN and/CC it/PRP remains/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS ghastly/JJ things/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB seen/VBN ./.
Now/RB ,/, let/VB 's/POS pretend/VB I/PRP want/VBP to/TO film/NN such/JJ a/DT fight/NN for/IN the/DT purposes/NNS of/IN making/VBG violence/NN realistically/RB horrible--so/JJ that/DT anyone/NN who/WP sees/VBZ it/PRP will/MD think/VB twice/RB about/IN getting/VBG into/IN a/DT fight/NN ./.
I/PRP put/VBP in/IN the/DT sound/NN of/IN cartilage/NN being/VBG crunched/VBD and/CC show/VB the/DT bright/JJ red/JJ blood/NN pouring/VBG out/IN of/IN someone/NN 's/POS nose/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP give/VBP you/PRP a/DT close/NN up/RB of/IN the/DT other/JJ person/NN 's/POS broken/VBN fingers/NNS beginning/VBG to/TO swell/VB ./.
Agony/NNP ,/, right/NN ?/.
And/CC very/RB likely--if/JJ I/PRP do/VBP my/PRP$ job/NN correctly--an/JJ NC-/NNP 17/CD ./.
Too/RB explicit/JJ for/IN children/NNS ./.
Now/RB let/VB 's/POS pretend/VB I/PRP decide/VB to/TO restage/NN that/DT fight/NN and/CC make/VB it/PRP painless--ten/JJ punches/NNS back/RB and/CC forth/RB ,/, Popeye-style/NNP ,/, with/IN no/DT blood/NN and/CC both/DT guys/NNS walking/VBG away/RB unblemished/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT G/NNP ,/, folks/NNS ./.
The/DT lesson/NN for/IN kids/NNS is/VBZ that/DT violence/NN is/VBZ funny/JJ and/CC bloodless/JJ and/CC without/IN real/JJ consequences/NNS ./.
It/PRP really/RB wo/MD n't/RB matter/VB if/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ PG-/NNP 13/CD ,/, R/NN ,/, NC-/NNP 17/CD ,/, or/CC even/RB A/DT until/IN we/PRP figure/VBP out/IN just/RB what/WP it/PRP is/VBZ that/IN we/PRP wish/VBP to/TO protect/VB children/NNS from/IN ./.
The/DT next/JJ step/NN is/VBZ to/TO ask/VB ourselves/PRP what/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ with/IN a/DT cinema/NN exclusively/RB for/IN adults--and/JJ why/WRB we/PRP ca/MD n't/RB seem/VB to/TO keep/VB from/IN stigmatizing/VBG it/PRP ./.
Something/NN has/VBZ happened/VBN to/TO the/DT argument/NN over/IN Flytrap/NNP in/IN Washington/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ become/VB tedious/JJ ./.
Initially/RB the/DT issues/NNS were/VBD legion/NN ,/, the/DT ramifications/NNS seemingly/RB kaleidoscopic/JJ ,/, the/DT players/NNS unsure/JJ of/IN their/PRP$ positions/NNS ./.
There/EX were/VBD traitors/NNS and/CC apostates/NNS ,/, Clintonite/NNP Clinton/NNP critics/NNS and/CC conservative/JJ presidency-defenders/JJ ,/, and/CC many/JJ who/WP were/VBD simply/RB confused/VBN and/CC bemused/JJ ./.
Now/RB things/NNS have/VBP settled/VBN out/IN ,/, along/IN binary/JJ lines/NNS that/WDT are/VBP all/DT too/RB familiar/JJ ./.
"/" Everyone/NN lies/VBZ about/IN sex/NN ./.
"/" "/" But/CC it/PRP was/VBD under/IN oath/NN ./.
"/" "/" So/RB what/WP ./.
"/" "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT crime/NN ./.
"/" No/DT it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB ./.
Yes/UH it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
'/POS Tis/NNP not/RB ./.
Etc/NNP ./.
Everyone/NN 's/POS had/VBD this/DT argument/NN ;/: everyone/NN 's/POS been/VBN annoyed/VBN by/IN not/RB winning/VBG this/DT argument/NN ;/: nobody/NN wants/VBZ to/TO have/VB this/DT argument/NN again/RB ./.
Were/VBD somebody/NN to/TO start/VB it/PRP at/IN a/DT Washington/NNP cocktail/NN party/NN ,/, the/DT guests/NNS would/MD scurry/VB into/IN the/DT other/JJ room/NN as/RB surely/RB as/IN if/IN that/DT someone/NN had/VBD said/VBN "/" Let/VB 's/POS build/VB the/DT bridge/NN to/TO the/DT 21/CD st/NN century/NN "/" or/CC attempted/VBD to/TO redebate/NN the/DT Vietnam/NNP War/NNP ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, Washingtonians/NNP may/MD have/VB chosen/VBN up/IN sides/NNS in/IN this/DT fashion/NN in/IN part/NN because/IN so/RB many/JJ people/NNS in/IN the/DT capital/NN need/VBP to/TO choose/VB up/RP sides/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO do/VB their/PRP$ jobs/NNS ,/, in/IN part/NN because/IN the/DT only/JJ thing/NN more/RBR boring/JJ than/IN having/VBG an/DT opinion/NN on/IN Flytrap/NNP is/VBZ not/RB having/VBG one/CD (/( "/" Well/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP only/RB time/NN will/MD tell/VB ./.
"/" "/" Gee/NNP ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP so/RB glad/JJ I/PRP invited/VBD you/PRP ./.
"/" )/) ./.
Outside/IN of/IN Washington/NNP ,/, where/WRB people/NNS never/RB cared/VBD that/IN much/RB about/IN Flytrap/NNP in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, opinions/NNS may/MD be/VB much/RB less/JJR dug/VBD in/IN ,/, more/RBR vaguely-formed/JJ and/CC fluid/JJ ./.
The/DT catch/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Washington/NNP commentariat/NN is/VBZ tempted/VBN to/TO conclude/VB that/IN Flytrap/NNP is/VBZ over/IN because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ bored/VBN with/IN the/DT scandal/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN America/NNP ,/, the/DT scandal/NN may/MD simply/RB have/VB yet/RB to/TO catch/VB on/IN ./.
Only/RB time/NN will/MD tell/VB !/.
Mulholland/NNP Dive/NNP :/: The/DT Washington/NNP Times/NNP reports/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ April/NNP 11/CD edition/NN that/IN a/DT Democratic/JJ party/NN official/NN from/IN California/NNP ,/, Bob/NNP Mulholland/NNP ,/, is/VBZ gathering/VBG marital/JJ dirt/NN on/IN Republicans/NNPS who/WP might/MD vote/VB on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS impeachment/NN ./.
Mulholland/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB duck/VB the/DT charge/NN :/: "/" Many/JJ of/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP members/NNS are/VBP divorced/VBN ,/, and/CC their/PRP$ divorce/NN papers/NNS contain/VBP a/DT lot/NN of/IN interesting/JJ information/NN ,/, and/CC we/PRP 'll/MD be/VB sharing/VBG that/IN with/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS ,/, "/" he/PRP tells/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ./.
Fair/NNP enough/RB ./.
Honest/NNP blackmail/VB !/.
Well/RB ,/, not/RB completely/RB honest/JJ ,/, since/IN the/DT main/JJ charge/NN against/IN Clinton/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB marital/JJ infidelity/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ perjury/NN and/CC obstruction/NN of/IN justice/NN ./.
Mulholland/NNP is/VBZ good/JJ at/IN his/PRP$ job/NN ./.
If/IN I/PRP were/VBD a/DT Republican/NNP I/PRP 'd/MD worry/VB more/JJR about/IN him/PRP and/CC less/JJR about/IN Sidney/NNP Blumenthal/NNP ./.
Even/RB Chatterbox/NNP once/RB did/VBD a/DT bit/NN of/IN business/NN with/IN Mulholland/NNP ./.
What/WP kind/NN of/IN business/NN ?/.
Let/VB 's/PRP just/RB say/VBP that/IN a/DT Reagan-/NNP Republican/NNP Senate/NNP candidate/NN in/IN California/NNP was/VBD known/VBN to/TO somewhat/RB hypocritically/RB visit/VB a/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP newsstand/NN that/WDT featured/VBD an/DT extensive/JJ selection/NN of/IN adult/NN magazines/NNS ./.
Chatterbox/NNP heard/VBD about/IN this/DT from/IN a/DT friend/NN ,/, told/VBD someone/NN else/RB ,/, and/CC eventually/RB got/VBD a/DT call/NN from/IN Mulholland/NNP ,/, who/WP asked/VBD for/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT newsstand/NN ,/, which/WDT Chatterbox/NNP provided/VBD ./.
Four/CD days/NNS before/IN the/DT election/NN ,/, with/IN one/CD poll/NN showing/VBG the/DT candidates/NNS in/IN a/DT virtual/JJ tie/NN ,/, Mulholland/NNP got/VBD the/DT story/NN out/IN by/IN shouting/VBG questions/NNS at/IN the/DT Republican/NNP during/IN a/DT campaign/NN stop--accusing/JJ him/PRP of/IN also/RB patronizing/VBG a/DT Sunset/NNP Boulevard/NNP strip/NN club/NN ./.
He/PRP admitted/VBD going/VBG to/TO the/DT club/NN ,/, which/WDT he/PRP called/VBD "/" a/DT cocktail/NN place/NN ./.
"/" Witnesses/NNS confirmed/VBD his/PRP$ newsstand/NN habits/NNS ./.
He/PRP did/VBD not/RB win/VB ./.
Democrat/NNP Barbara/NNP Boxer/NNP ,/, who/WP did/VBD ,/, owes/VBZ Chatterbox/NNP a/DT medium-sized/JJ chit/NN ./.
Given/VBN this/DT incident/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, Mulholland/NNP would/MD probably/RB be/VB the/DT wrong/JJ spokesman/NN to/TO righteously/RB attack/VB Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP for/IN trying/VBG to/TO learn/VB about/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP 's/POS semi-pornographic/JJ bookstore/NN purchases/NNS ./.
Note/VB to/TO starving/VBG freelance/NN writers/NNS :/: If/IN you/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN recruited/VBN to/TO write/VB op-ed/JJ opinion/NN pieces/NNS praising/VBG Microsoft/NNP ,/, as/IN part/NN of/IN the/DT phony/JJ Microsoft/NNP "/" grass/NN roots/NNS "/" PR/NNP campaign/NN revealed/VBD in/IN Friday/NNP 's/POS Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, do/VBP n't/RB consider/VB the/DT rent/NN paid/VBN just/RB yet/RB !/.
Specifically/RB ,/, have/VBP you/PRP ever/RB tried/VBD actually/RB getting/VBG a/DT freelance/NN writing/VBG check/NN out/IN of/IN Microsoft/NNP 's/POS notorious/JJ Accounts/NNPS Payable/NNP department/NN ?/.
Expect/VB roughly/RB the/DT same/JJ effort/NN it/PRP might/MD take/VB to/TO obtain/VB payment/NN from/IN the/DT Defense/NNP Department/NNP for/IN a/DT small/JJ anti-ballistic/JJ missile/NN system/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB it/PRP ?/.
You/PRP might/MD want/VB to/TO look/VB up/RP Daniel/NNP Seligman/NNP 's/POS article/NN in/IN the/DT October/NNP 6/CD ,/, 1997/CD Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP on/IN "/" How/WRB Microsoft/NNP Pays/NNP Its/PRP$ Bills/NNS "/" ./.
Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS theory/NN :/: in/IN the/DT exciting/JJ new/JJ world/NN of/IN personal/JJ computing/NN ,/, you/PRP can/MD create/VB unlimited/JJ amounts/NNS of/IN paperwork/NN without/IN even/RB the/DT constraint/NN of/IN having/VBG to/TO buy/VB the/DT paper/NN !/.
Recommendation/NNP :/: Demand/NN cash/NN up/RB front/NN ,/, before/IN you/PRP write/VBP a/DT word/NN !/.
It/PRP works/VBZ for/IN Chatterbox/NNP !/.
Straight/NNP to/TO Video/NNP :/: Chatterbox/NNP (/( having/VBG been/VBN paid/VBN )/) was/VBD about/IN to/TO write/VB an/DT exciting/JJ item/NN about/IN the/DT Fall/NN of/IN the/DT Pundettes--/NNP Laura/NNP Ingraham/NNP out/RB at/IN CBS/NNP !/.
Ann/NNP Coulter/NNP out/RB at/IN MSNBC/NNP !/.
We/PRP 're/VBP bored/VBN with/IN blonde/JJ right-wing/JJ babes/NNS !/.
Etc/NNP ./.
But/CC now/RB Chatterbox/NNP has/VBZ learned/VBN that/IN a/DT )/) Ingraham/NNP will/MD announce/VB a/DT big/JJ deal/NN with/IN NBC/NNP tomorrow/NN ;/: and/CC b/SYM )/) practically/RB all/DT of/IN MSNBC/NNP 's/POS "/" contributors/NNS ,/, "/" not/RB just/RB Coulter/NNP ,/, are/VBP kaput/NN ./.
Never/RB mind/NN ./.
Why/WRB Fannie/NNP May/NNP Fear/NN the/DT Post/NNP :/: Thursday/NNP 's/POS fair/JJ and/CC balanced/JJ assessment/NN of/IN Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP 's/POS James/NNP Johnson/NNP mentioned/VBD that/IN the/DT Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP Foundation/NNP and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP cosponsor/NN a/DT series/NN of/IN free/JJ concerts/NNS at/IN the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP (/( which/WDT Johnson/NNP also/RB heads/VBZ )/) ./.
The/DT concerts/NNS ,/, which/WDT began/VBD in/IN 1997/CD ,/, are/VBP one/CD way/NN for/IN Johnson/NNP to/TO get/VB friendly/JJ with/IN a/DT major/JJ journalistic/JJ institution/NN that/WDT might/MD write/VB nasty/JJ things/NNS about/IN Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP ./.
But/CC Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS boss/NN rightly/RB points/VBZ out/RP that/IN the/DT Post/NNP has/VBZ ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, written/VBN nasty/JJ things/NNS about/IN Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP ./.
In/IN January/NNP ,/, 1995/CD ,/, before/IN the/DT Post/NNP -/: Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP cultural/JJ freebies/NNS began/VBD ,/, the/DT Post/NNP gave/VBD prominent/JJ play/NN to/TO a/DT tough/JJ two-part/JJ series/NN by/IN David/NNP Vise/NNP ,/, entitled/VBN "/" The/DT Money/NNP Machine/NNP :/: How/WRB Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP Wields/NNP Power/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT highlight/NN :/: To/TO prevent/VB the/DT financially-stricken/JJ D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
government/NN from/IN trying/VBG to/TO collect/VB some/DT $/$ 300/CD million/CD in/IN local/JJ taxes/NNS ,/, Fannie/NNP Mae/NNP threatens/VBZ to/TO drop/VB its/PRP$ $/$ 3/CD million/CD in/IN support/NN for/IN D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
charities/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT threat/NN works/VBZ !/.
Deeply/RB Disturbing/NNP Ginsburg/NNP Quote/NNP of/IN the/DT Week/NNP :/:
"/" Mr/NNP ./.
Starr/NNP ,/, have/VBP you/PRP no/DT shame/NN ?/.
Facts/NNP and/CC law/NN are/VBP always/RB subordinated/VBN to/TO the/DT will/MD of/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS ./.
-/: -/: William/NNP Ginsburg/NNP ,/, attorney/NN for/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP
The/DT Age/NNP of/IN Melbourne/NNP led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Monday/NNP with/IN an/DT "/" exclusive/JJ "/" report/NN that/IN Indonesian/JJ military/JJ officials/NNS are/VBP systematically/RB covering/VBG up/RP their/PRP$ East/NNP Timor/NNP atrocities/NNS by/IN liquidating/VBG pro-/JJ Jakarta/NNP militiamen/NN involved/VBN in/IN the/DT crimes/NNS ./.
Quoting/VBG Australian/JJ defense/NN and/CC diplomatic/JJ sources/NNS ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD Australia/NNP has/VBZ received/VBN "/" detailed/JJ signals/NNS intelligence/NN "/" about/IN the/DT Indonesian/JJ military/NN 's/POS plans/NNS to/TO cover/VB its/PRP$ tracks/NNS before/IN a/DT proposed/VBN U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
human/JJ rights/NNS investigation/NN ./.
"/" The/DT intelligence/NN is/VBZ believed/VBN to/TO detail/NN conversations/NNS between/IN senior/JJ Indonesian/JJ Army/NNP (/( TNI/NNP )/) figures/NNS in/IN Bali/NNP ,/, West/NNP Timor/NNP and/CC possibly/RB Jakarta/NNP about/IN silencing/VBG senior/JJ and/CC middle-ranking/JJ militiamen/NN who/WP may/MD be/VB persuaded/VBN to/TO assist/VB the/DT UN/NNP with/IN inquiries/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
The/DT intelligence/NN shows/VBZ that/IN "/" they/PRP will/MD go/VB to/TO great/JJ lengths--any/JJ length--to/JJ cover/NN their/PRP$ tracks/NNS ahead/RB of/IN such/JJ inquiries/NNS ,/, "/" a/DT source/NN told/VBD the/DT Age/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT information/NN is/VBZ on/IN the/DT lines/NNS that/IN if/IN any/DT militia/NN guys/NNS show/VBP signs/NNS of/IN splitting/NN from/IN the/DT TNI/NNP program/NN ./.
or/CC show/NN signs/NNS of/IN talking/VBG to/TO UN/NNP investigators/NNS ,/, then/RB the/DT militia/NN members/NNS will/MD be/VB taken/VBN out/IN ,/, liquidated/VBN ./.
There/EX are/VBP suggestions/NNS that/IN deaths/NNS have/VBP already/RB occurred/VBN there/RB [/( in/IN West/NNP Timor/NNP ]/) ./.
The/DT Sydney/NNP Morning/NNP Herald/NNP led/VBD Monday/NNP with/IN a/DT report/NN of/IN "/" a/DT huge/JJ build-up/NN of/IN troops/NNS "/" along/IN the/DT West/NNP Timor/NNP border/NN ,/, establishing/VBG a/DT front/JJ line/NN against/IN militia/NN incursions/NNS ./.
It/PRP said/VBD the/DT troops/NNS included/VBD most/JJS of/IN Australia/NNP 's/POS 4/CD ,/, 500/CD soldiers/NNS in/IN East/NNP Timor/NNP ./.
"/" A/DT pattern/NN has/VBZ emerged/VBN of/IN militia/NN launching/VBG small/JJ raids/NNS into/IN East/NNP Timor/NNP to/TO confront/VB the/DT Interfet/NNP forces/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
In/IN Singapore/NNP ,/, the/DT Sunday/NNP Straits/NNP Times/NNP reported/VBD from/IN West/NNP Timor/NNP that/IN pro-/JJ Jakarta/NNP militias/NNS are/VBP being/VBG trained/VBN by/IN Indonesian/JJ army/NN defectors/NNS to/TO kill/VB Australian/JJ soldiers/NNS ./.
Capt/NNP ./.
Domingos/NNP Pereira/NNP ,/, a/DT company/NN commander/NN of/IN the/DT notorious/JJ Aitarak/NNP militia/NN ,/, told/VBD the/DT paper/NN that/IN they/PRP hoped/VBD to/TO step/VB up/RP cross-border/JJ attacks/NNS on/IN Australians/NNPS in/IN a/DT month/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
"/" We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB a/DT chance/NN in/IN a/DT conventional/JJ war/NN ,/, "/" Pereira/NNP said/VBD at/IN one/CD of/IN four/CD border/NN training/NN camps/NNS visited/VBN by/IN the/DT paper/NN 's/POS reporters/NNS ./.
"/" But/CC we/PRP can/MD make/VB it/PRP very/RB painful/JJ for/IN them/PRP in/IN a/DT guerilla/NN war/NN ./.
The/DT Australians/NNPS must/MD die/VB for/IN what/WP they/PRP have/VBP done/VBN to/TO my/PRP$ men/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ families/NNS ./.
In/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP ,/, the/DT South/NNP China/NNP Morning/NNP Post/NNP reported/VBD from/IN Jakarta/NNP that/IN the/DT Indonesian/JJ media/NNS are/VBP conducting/VBG a/DT campaign/NN of/IN hatred/NN and/CC misinformation/NN against/IN the/DT Australian/JJ peacekeeping/VBG force/NN in/IN East/NNP Timor/NNP ./.
Two/CD pro-/JJ Jakarta/NNP militiamen/NN killed/VBN by/IN Australian/JJ soldiers/NNS in/IN the/DT territory/NN last/JJ Thursday/NNP were/VBD described/VBN in/IN Indonesia/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG daily/JJ ,/, Kompas/NNP ,/, as/IN "/" two/CD Timorese/NNP residents/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT evening/NN newspaper/NN Terbit/NNP ran/VBD a/DT photograph/NN of/IN charred/VBN bodies/NNS in/IN a/DT burnt-out/JJ truck/NN in/IN Dili/NNP with/IN a/DT caption/NN saying/VBG they/PRP had/VBD been/VBN set/VBN alight/NN by/IN Australian/JJ troops/NNS ,/, whereas/IN the/DT foreign/JJ media/NNS all/DT reported/VBD that/IN they/PRP were/VBD victims/NNS of/IN militia/NN terror/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN in/IN its/PRP$ Tuesday/NNP edition/NN ,/, the/DT Jakarta/NNP Post/NNP called/VBD on/IN the/DT ruling/JJ Golkar/NNP Party/NNP to/TO dump/VB President/NN B/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Habibie/NNP as/IN its/PRP$ candidate/NN in/IN the/DT imminent/JJ presidential/JJ election/NN ./.
Habibie/NNP not/RB only/RB bears/VBZ the/DT "/" stigma/NN "/" of/IN the/DT discredited/VBN regime/NN of/IN former/JJ President/NNP Suharto/NNP ,/, but/CC he/PRP has/VBZ also/RB performed/VBN very/RB badly/RB during/IN his/PRP$ time/NN in/IN office/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" During/IN that/DT time/NN ,/, from/IN May/NNP last/JJ year/NN up/IN to/TO the/DT present/NN ,/, Indonesia/NNP has/VBZ seen/VBN its/PRP$ fortunes/NNS and/CC its/PRP$ international/JJ reputation/NN sink/NN lower/JJR and/CC lower/JJR into/IN the/DT depths/NNS of/IN ignominy/NN ./.
The/DT Straits/NNP Times/NNP ran/VBD an/DT editorial/JJ Monday/NNP condemning/VBG the/DT Republicans/NNPS in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Senate/NNP for/IN opposing/VBG ratification/NN of/IN the/DT global/JJ nuclear/JJ test/NN ban/NN treaty/NN ./.
The/DT Republicans/NNPS "/" know/VB they/PRP risk/VBP nuclear/JJ proliferation/NN if/IN they/PRP scuttle/VB it/PRP "/" but/CC will/MD do/VB so/RB because/IN they/PRP "/" want/VBP to/TO deny/VB President/NNP Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP his/PRP$ top/JJ foreign/JJ policy/NN goal/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" If/IN he/PRP fails/VBZ ,/, he/PRP cannot/NN be/VB faulted/VBN for/IN trying/VBG ./.
History/NN will/MD note/VB that/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT recalcitrant/JJ Republican/NNP Senate/NNP that/WDT killed/VBD the/DT treaty/NN because/IN of/IN political/JJ infighting/NN ./.
In/IN Japan/NNP ,/, Asahi/NNP Shimbun/NNP reported/VBD that/IN there/EX were/VBD 32/CD ,/, 863/CD suicides/NNS in/IN Japan/NNP in/IN 1998/CD -/: -/: the/DT highest/JJS number/NN on/IN record/NN ./.
This/DT year/NN could/MD turn/VB out/RP almost/RB as/IN bad/JJ ,/, with/IN 10/CD ,/, 056/CD suicides/NNS reported/VBD during/IN the/DT first/JJ four/CD months/NNS ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ especially/RB severe/JJ among/IN men/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ 50/CD s/VBZ ,/, of/IN whom/WP 6/CD ,/, 103/CD killed/VBN themselves/PRP in/IN 1998/CD ,/, an/DT increase/NN of/IN 45/CD ./.
7/CD per/IN cent/NN over/IN 1997/CD ./.
"/" The/DT slumping/VBG economy/NN ,/, which/WDT forced/VBD many/JJ companies/NNS to/TO cut/VB jobs/NNS ,/, was/VBD singled/VBN out/IN as/IN a/DT prime/JJ reason/NN for/IN the/DT shocking/JJ phenomenon/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
The/DT China/NNP Daily/NNP reported/VBD Monday/NNP that/IN China/NNP has/VBZ ordered/VBN complete/JJ safety/NN inspections/NNS of/IN all/DT its/PRP$ nuclear/JJ plants/NNS following/VBG Japan/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ uranium/NN plant/NN accident/NN ./.
The/DT China/NNP National/NNP Nuclear/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
said/VBD the/DT Japanese/JJ disaster/NN was/VBD due/JJ entirely/RB to/TO "/" poor/JJ management/NN and/CC human/JJ error/NN "/" and/CC had/VBD nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN nuclear/JJ technology/NN ./.
Of/IN the/DT three/CD plant/NN workers/NNS involved/VBN in/IN the/DT accident/NN ,/, two/CD were/VBD rookies/NNS and/CC the/DT third/JJ had/VBD very/RB little/RB operational/JJ experience/NN ,/, it/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" Such/JJ practices/NNS are/VBP totally/RB forbidden/VBN in/IN China/NNP ./.
All/DT nuclear/JJ power/NN operators/NNS in/IN China/NNP are/VBP required/VBN to/TO have/VB licenses/NNS and/CC be/VB well-trained/JJ ./.
The/DT German/JJ newspapers/NNS led/VBD Monday/NNP with/IN Chancellor/NNP Gerhard/NNP Schröder/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS electoral/JJ humiliation/NN in/IN Berlin/NNP ./.
The/DT International/NNP Herald/NNP Tribune/NNP noted/VBD that/IN this/DT was/VBD the/DT sixth/JJ election/NN defeat/NN this/DT year/NN for/IN his/PRP$ Social/NNP Democrat/NNP Party/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT state/NN losses/NNS have/VBP come/VBN at/IN such/JJ frequent/JJ intervals/NNS this/DT autumn/NN that/IN each/DT is/VBZ known/VBN as/IN a/NNP '/POS Black/NNP Sunday/NNP ,/, '/" "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
In/IN Israel/NNP ,/, the/DT Jerusalem/NNP Post/NNP ran/VBD an/DT editorial/JJ Monday/NNP about/IN the/DT surge/NN of/IN the/DT extreme/JJ right/NN in/IN the/DT recent/JJ Austrian/JJ general/JJ election/NN ./.
It/PRP warned/VBD that/IN the/DT rise/NN of/IN Jörg/NNP Haider/NNP ,/, leader/NN of/IN the/DT Freedom/NNP Party/NNP ,/, is/VBZ no/DT less/RBR alarming/JJ because/IN he/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB a/DT neo-/NN Nazi/JJ ./.
"/" As/IN a/DT clever/JJ xenophobe/NN ,/, Haider/NNP has/VBZ taken/VBN care/NN to/TO make/VB just/RB enough/RB extreme/JJ statements/NNS to/TO justify/VB his/PRP$ '/POS credentials/NNS '/POS with/IN outright/JJ racists/NNS and/CC neo-/NN Nazis/NNPS ,/, while/IN mainly/RB sticking/VBG to/TO more/RBR acceptable/JJ forms/NNS of/IN extremism/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
Noting/VBG that/IN he/PRP blames/VBZ whole/JJ classes/NNS of/IN people/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ country/NN 's/POS ills/NNS ,/, it/PRP commented/VBD :/: "/" Singling/NNP out/RP groups/NNS because/IN of/IN nationality/NN is/VBZ no/DT less/RBR racist/JJ than/IN doing/VBG so/RB because/IN of/IN skin/NN color/NN or/CC religion/NN ./.
Though/IN it/PRP is/VBZ often/RB treated/VBN as/IN a/DT milder/JJR form/NN of/IN racism/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ no/DT firewall/NN of/IN principle/NN separating/VBG one/CD form/NN of/IN racism/NN from/IN another/DT ./.
Haider/NNP is/VBZ now/RB the/DT most/RBS successful/JJ xenophobe/NN politician/NN in/IN Europe/NNP ./.
If/IN his/PRP$ hate/VBP politics/NNS are/VBP not/RB universally/RB ostracized/JJ ,/, his/PRP$ power/NN could/MD well/RB grow/VB ,/, with/IN ramifications/NNS that/WDT go/VBP far/RB beyond/IN Austria/NNP itself/PRP ./.
In/IN Rome/NNP ,/, La/NNP Repubblica/NNP reported/VBD Sunday/NNP that/IN Pope/NNP John/NNP Paul/NNP II/NNP has/VBZ decided/VBN to/TO shelve/NN plans/NNS for/IN the/DT beatification/NN of/IN Pope/NNP Pius/NNP XII/NNP next/JJ year/NN because/IN of/IN the/DT new/JJ allegations/NNS that/IN Pius/NNP XII/NNP did/VBD n't/RB do/VB enough/RB to/TO help/VB the/DT Jews/NNPS of/IN Europe/NNP during/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ./.
The/DT paper/NN said/VBD the/DT pope/NN "/" did/VBD not/RB want/VB to/TO bring/VB to/TO its/PRP$ conclusion/NN "/" a/DT beatification/NN "/" which/WDT divided/VBD instead/RB of/IN unifying/JJ "/" different/JJ religions/NNS and/CC cultures/NNS ./.
In/IN Paris/NNP ,/, Le/NNP Monde/NNP led/VBD Sunday/NNP with/IN a/DT British/JJ court/NN 's/POS decision/NN to/TO allow/VB the/DT extradition/NN of/IN Gen/NNP ./.
Augusto/NNP Pinochet/NNP to/TO Spain/NNP to/TO stand/VB trial/NN ./.
Welcoming/NNP the/DT decision/NN in/IN an/DT editorial/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD it/PRP "/" creates/VBZ a/DT precedent/NN :/: No/DT dictator/NN or/CC tyrant/NN may/MD cite/VB national/JJ sovereignty/NN to/TO claim/VB impunity/NN from/IN justice/NN ./.
The/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP fronted/JJ the/DT news/NN that/IN the/DT Heinz/NNP Co/NNP ./.
is/VBZ considering/VBG halting/VBG production/NN of/IN its/PRP$ "/" salad/NN cream/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT it/PRP created/VBD for/IN the/DT British/JJ market/NN in/IN 1914/CD and/CC promoted/VBN with/IN the/DT slogan/NN ,/, "/" There/EX 's/VBZ a/DT tang/NN to/TO living/VBG when/WRB there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT tang/NN to/TO what/WP you/PRP eat/VBP ./.
"/" Sales/NNS have/VBP fallen/VBN dramatically/RB as/IN consumers/NNS have/VBP turned/VBN instead/RB to/TO vinaigrettes/NNS ,/, salsas/NNS ,/, and/CC mayonnaise/NN ./.
Labor/NNP Member/NNP of/IN Parliament/NNP Dennis/NNP Turner/NNP ,/, the/DT chairman/NN of/IN the/DT House/NNP of/IN Commons/NNP catering/NN committee/NN ,/, said/VBD the/DT loss/NN would/MD be/VB a/DT disaster/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ British/JJ foods/NNS like/IN roast/NN beef/NN and/CC pork/NN crackling/VBG ,/, "/" he/PRP explained/VBD ./.
Seconds/NNS after/IN the/DT Senate/NNP voted/VBD last/JJ Friday/NNP not/RB to/TO remove/VB President/NNP Clinton/NNP from/IN office/NN ,/, network/NN producers/NNS stamped/JJ the/DT words/NNS "/" ACQUITTED/NNP "/" and/CC "/" NOT/NNP GUILTY/NNP "/" across/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS television/NN screens/NNS ./.
"/" This/DT is/VBZ a/DT real/JJ slap/NN at/IN the/DT House/NNP prosecutors/NNS ,/, "/" declared/VBD CBS/NNP correspondent/NN Bob/NNP Schieffer/NNP ,/, echoing/VBG colleagues/NNS on/IN other/JJ networks/NNS ./.
"/" CLINTON/NNP ACQUITTED/NNP DECISIVELY/NNP ,/, "/" announced/VBD the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ./.
Sunday/NNP 's/POS talk/NN show/NN pundits/NNS scavenged/JJ the/DT battlefield/NN ,/, pronouncing/VBG Republicans/NNPS the/DT losers/NNS ./.
Not/RB so/RB fast/RB ./.
Though/IN the/DT Senate/NNP has/VBZ cast/VBN its/PRP$ votes/NNS ,/, history/NN 's/POS verdict/NN remains/VBZ in/IN doubt/NN ./.
The/DT spin/NN war/NN over/IN who/WP was/VBD right/NN or/CC wrong/JJ does/VBZ n't/RB end/VB with/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS acquittal/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT early/JJ conventional/JJ wisdom--that/JJ the/DT GOP/NNP has/VBZ lost/VBN the/DT fight--rests/JJ on/IN three/CD erroneous/JJ assumptions/NNS ./.
The/DT first/JJ fallacy/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT debate/NN over/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS guilt/NN is/VBZ an/DT up-or-down/JJ question/NN ./.
Actually/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT spectrum/NN ./.
Pundits/NNP ,/, crippled/VBN by/IN short/JJ memories/NNS ,/, focus/VB on/IN the/DT public/NN 's/POS opposition/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP 's/POS impeachment/NN and/CC removal/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT was/VBD only/RB the/DT last/JJ stage/NN of/IN a/DT gradually/RB escalating/VBG scandal/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ question/NN ,/, unresolved/JJ until/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS Aug/NNP ./.
17/CD confession/NN ,/, was/VBD whether/IN he/PRP had/VBD done/VBN something/NN immoral/JJ ./.
The/DT second/JJ question/NN ,/, debated/VBN throughout/IN the/DT Starr/NNP investigation/NN and/CC the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP 's/POS inquiry/NN ,/, was/VBD whether/IN Clinton/NNP had/VBD done/VBN something/NN illegal/JJ ./.
The/DT third/JJ question--whether/JJ he/PRP had/VBD done/VBN something/NN impeachable--did/JJ n't/RB come/VB to/TO the/DT fore/NN until/IN the/DT House/NNP impeachment/NN debate/NN and/CC the/DT Senate/NNP trial/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ true/JJ that/IN by/IN the/DT time/NN the/DT Republicans/NNPS got/VBD to/TO the/DT third/JJ stage/NN ,/, they/PRP had/VBD lost/VBN the/DT public/NN ./.
But/CC on/IN the/DT first/JJ question/NN ,/, the/DT polls/NNS remain/VBP squarely/RB on/IN their/PRP$ side/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT post-acquittal/JJ Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP survey/NN ,/, only/RB 24/CD percent/NN of/IN respondents/NNS say/VBP Clinton/NNP shares/VBZ their/PRP$ moral/JJ values/NNS ./.
Likewise/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT CNN/NNP poll/NN ,/, 57/CD percent/NN express/VBP a/DT negative/JJ opinion/NN of/IN him/PRP as/IN a/DT person/NN (/( only/RB 35/CD percent/NN express/VBP a/DT positive/JJ opinion/NN )/) ,/, 59/CD percent/NN say/VBP he/PRP has/VBZ diminished/VBN the/DT presidency/NN 's/POS stature/NN ,/, and/CC 54/CD percent/NN say/VBP he/PRP would/MD "/" commit/VB adultery/NN if/IN he/PRP knew/VBD he/PRP could/MD get/VB away/RB with/IN it/PRP ./.
"/" Only/RB 39/CD percent/NN say/VBP the/DT Senate/NNP 's/POS verdict/NN vindicates/NNS Clinton/NNP ,/, 53/CD percent/NN say/VBP it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB ./.
These/DT numbers/NNS show/VBP how/WRB Republicans/NNPS can/MD rewrite/VB the/DT scandal/NN :/: by/IN sliding/VBG the/DT debate/NN back/RB across/IN the/DT spectrum/NN to/TO the/DT moral/JJ question/NN and/CC portraying/VBG every/DT vote/NN to/TO acquit/VB Clinton/NNP as/IN a/DT vote/NN to/TO exonerate/NN him/PRP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ why/WRB Democrats/NNPS have/VBP scrambled/VBN to/TO avoid/VB a/DT fight/NN over/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS morals/NNS and/CC to/TO assure/VB the/DT public/NN that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN sufficiently/RB castigated/VBN ./.
They/PRP denounce/VBP his/PRP$ conduct/NN at/IN every/DT opportunity/NN ./.
Having/VBG failed/VBN to/TO pass/VB a/DT censure/NN resolution/NN Friday/NNP ,/, they/PRP signed/VBD it/PRP anyway/RB and/CC put/VBD it/PRP in/IN the/DT Congressional/NNP Record/NNP ./.
They/PRP denied/VBD that/IN in/IN acquitting/VBG Clinton/NNP they/PRP had/VBD voted/VBN to/TO exonerate/NN him/PRP morally/RB ./.
They/PRP even/RB touted/VBD the/DT 45/CD to/TO 50/CD Republican/JJ votes/NNS to/TO convict/VB Clinton--which/NNP they/PRP had/VBD unanimously/RB opposed--as/JJ suitable/JJ punishment/NN ./.
The/DT votes/NNS for/IN conviction/NN "/" confirmed/VBD the/DT humiliation/NN of/IN the/DT president/NN ,/, "/" Sen/NNP ./.
Frank/NNP Lautenberg/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
,/, observed/VBD approvingly/RB ./.
Senate/NNP Minority/NNP Leader/NNP Tom/NNP Daschle/NNP ,/, D-S/NNP ./.
D/NNP ./.
,/, called/VBD the/DT verdict/NN "/" a/DT rebuke/NN "/" of/IN Clinton/NNP and/CC asserted/VBD that/IN "/" this/DT whole/JJ process/NN ./.
has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT level/NN of/IN punishment/NN that/WDT was/VBD commensurate/JJ with/IN the/DT failures/NNS of/IN the/DT president/NN to/TO act/VB appropriately/RB ./.
Several/JJ Democratic/JJ senators/NNS ,/, assisted/VBN by/IN the/DT media/NNS ,/, depicted/VBN the/DT House/NNP prosecutors/NNS '/POS failure/NN to/TO win/VB a/DT majority/NN vote/NN in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP as/IN a/DT disgraceful/JJ setback/NN for/IN the/DT GOP/NNP ./.
This/DT argument/NN reflects/VBZ a/DT second/JJ fallacy/NN :/: that/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS are/VBP out/IN to/TO get/VB Clinton/NNP and/CC that/IN their/PRP$ vindication/NN depends/VBZ on/IN his/PRP$ repudiation/NN by/IN Congress/NNP ./.
In/IN post-acquittal/JJ comments/NNS ,/, some/DT Republican/JJ senators/NNS did/VBD try/VB to/TO portray/VB the/DT Senate/NNP as/IN united/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ denunciation/NN of/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
"/" We/PRP 're/VBP going/VBG to/TO end/VB up/RP with/IN two-thirds/NNS of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP either/CC having/VBG voted/VBN to/TO convict/VB or/CC to/TO censure/NN ,/, "/" Sen/NNP ./.
Robert/NNP Bennett/NNP ,/, R-U/NNP tah/NN ,/, told/VBD ABC/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC that/IN ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, sends/VBZ a/DT very/RB strong/JJ ,/, historic/JJ message/NN to/TO our/PRP$ children/NNS ./.
"/" ABC/NNP commentator/NN George/NNP Stephanopoulos/NNP seized/VBD on/IN Bennett/NNP 's/POS remark/NN ,/, "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT first/JJ Republican/NNP talking/NN point/NN you/PRP see/VBP :/: that/IN two-thirds/NNS have/VBP voted/VBN either/CC to/TO convict/VB or/CC censure/NN ./.
But/CC Stephanopoulos/NNP is/VBZ missing/VBG half/PDT the/DT story/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP two/CD Republican/JJ camps/NNS ./.
The/DT pedagogical/JJ camp/NN ,/, led/VBN by/IN Bennett/NNP and/CC Sen/NNP ./.
Orrin/NNP Hatch/NNP ,/, R-U/NNP tah/NN ,/, wants/VBZ to/TO unite/VB the/DT country/NN in/IN condemnation/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS behavior/NN ,/, thereby/RB resolving/VBG the/DT impeachment/NN issue/NN ./.
The/DT political/JJ camp/NN ,/, led/VBN by/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Phil/NNP Gramm/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP exas/NNS ,/, and/CC House/NNP Majority/NNP Whip/NNP Tom/NNP DeLay/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP exas/NNS ,/, wants/VBZ to/TO divide/VB the/DT country/NN and/CC keep/VB the/DT issue/NN alive/JJ for/IN the/DT next/JJ election/NN ./.
The/DT pedagogical/JJ Republicans/NNPS want/VBP Clinton/NNP punished/VBN and/CC repentant/NN ./.
The/DT political/JJ Republicans/NNPS want/VBP him/PRP un/NN punished/VBN and/CC un/NN repentant/NN ,/, so/IN the/DT public/NN will/MD stay/VB angry/JJ at/IN him/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ party/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP not/RB interested/JJ in/IN using/VBG congressional/JJ Democrats/NNPS to/TO hurt/VB Clinton/NNP ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP interested/JJ in/IN using/VBG Clinton/NNP to/TO hurt/VB congressional/JJ Democrats/NNPS ./.
The/DT political/JJ Republicans/NNPS '/POS first/JJ objective/NN was/VBD to/TO kill/VB the/DT censure/NN resolution/NN ./.
They/PRP argued/VBD ,/, correctly/RB ,/, that/IN Democrats/NNPS were/VBD using/VBG it/PRP for/IN "/" political/JJ cover/NN ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO kill/VB it/PRP for/IN the/DT same/JJ reason/NN was/VBD no/DT less/RBR political/JJ ./.
First/LS DeLay/NNP blocked/VBD it/PRP in/IN the/DT House/NNP ,/, then/RB Gramm/NNP killed/VBD it/PRP in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ,/, insisting/VBG that/IN senators/NNS render/VB an/DT all-or-nothing/JJ verdict/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, Gramm/NNP had/VBD warned/VBN his/PRP$ Republican/JJ colleagues/NNS that/WDT censure/NN would/MD muddle/NN the/DT partisan/JJ rift/NN over/IN impeachment/NN ,/, making/VBG the/DT issue/NN less/RBR potent/JJ in/IN 2000/CD ./.
Friday/NNP evening/NN ,/, he/PRP got/VBD what/WP he/PRP wanted/VBD ./.
In/IN a/DT tone/NN of/IN disbelief/NN ,/, Schieffer/NNP told/VBD CBS/NNP viewers/NNS ,/, "/" The/DT trial/NN ended/VBD without/IN even/RB a/DT verbal/JJ reprimand/NN from/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
Gramm/NNP 's/POS allies/NNS proclaimed/VBD far/RB and/CC wide/JJ that/IN Clinton/NNP had/VBD escaped/VBN untouched/JJ ./.
"/" [/( It/PRP ]/) looks/VBZ as/IN though/IN ,/, as/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS put/VBP it/PRP ,/, a/DT reckless/JJ ,/, reprehensible/JJ ,/, and/CC irresponsible/JJ man/NN will/MD remain/VB our/PRP$ president/NN for/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD years/NNS ,/, "/" said/VBD DeLay/NNP ./.
"/" He/PRP won/VBD ./.
He/PRP always/RB wins/VBZ ,/, "/" agreed/VBD Sen/NNP ./.
Bob/NNP Smith/NNP ,/, R-N/NNP ./.
H/NNP ./.
"/" Children/NNP now/RB have/VBP the/DT lesson/NN that/IN lying/VBG ,/, cheating/NN ,/, and/CC breaking/VBG the/DT law/NN are/VBP permissible/JJ ,/, "/" moaned/JJ Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP leader/NN Randy/NNP Tate/NNP ./.
On/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ,/, Republican/JJ strategist/NN Mary/NNP Matalin/NNP accused/VBD the/DT White/NNP House/NNP of/IN "/" gloating/VBG ./.
"/" On/IN This/DT Week/NNP ,/, the/DT chief/JJ House/NNP prosecutor/NN ,/, Henry/NNP Hyde/NNP ,/, R-I/NNP ll/NN ./.
,/, called/VBD Clinton/NNP 's/POS acquittal/NN another/DT "/" skirmish/NN in/IN the/DT ongoing/JJ culture/NN war/NN ./.
"/" Former/NNP Vice/NNP President/NNP Dan/NNP Quayle/NNP signaled/VBD his/PRP$ intention/NN to/TO pound/VB Vice/NNP President/NNP Al/NNP Gore/NNP in/IN the/DT 2000/CD presidential/JJ campaign/NN for/IN having/VBG defended/VBN Clinton/NNP 's/POS character/NN ./.
Democrats/NNPS think/VBP they/PRP 're/VBP immune/JJ to/TO this/DT attack/NN because/IN they/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN both/DT ends/NNS of/IN the/DT spectrum/NN covered/VBN :/: On/IN the/DT removal/NN question/NN ,/, the/DT polls/NNS are/VBP on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS side/NN ,/, and/CC on/IN the/DT moral/JJ question/NN ,/, on/IN which/WDT the/DT polls/NNS are/VBP against/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, Democrats/NNPS have/VBP acknowledged/VBN and/CC condemned/VBD his/PRP$ misconduct/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT third/JJ fallacy/NN :/: Democrats/NNPS have/VBP overlooked/VBN the/DT legal/JJ question/NN in/IN the/DT middle/NN ./.
On/IN that/DT question/NN ,/, they/PRP have/VBP failed/VBN to/TO reconcile/VB themselves/PRP to/TO the/DT polls/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT Gallup/NNP survey/NN shortly/RB before/IN the/DT Senate/NNP verdict/NN ,/, 73/CD percent/NN of/IN respondents/NNS said/VBD Clinton/NNP was/VBD guilty/JJ of/IN perjury/NN ./.
A/DT post-acquittal/JJ CBS/NNP poll/NN finds/VBZ that/IN 78/CD percent/NN think/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ guilty/JJ ,/, though/IN only/RB 32/CD percent/NN think/VBP his/PRP$ crimes/NNS merited/JJ expulsion/NN from/IN office/NN ./.
And/CC in/IN a/DT post-acquittal/JJ Washington/NNP Post/NNP survey/NN ,/, 48/CD percent/NN still/RB say/VBP Clinton/NNP should/MD "/" face/VB criminal/JJ charges/NNS at/IN some/DT point/NN ./.
Yet/RB every/DT Democratic/JJ senator/NN voted/VBD "/" not/RB guilty/JJ "/" last/JJ Friday/NNP ./.
A/DT few/JJ have/VBP conceded/VBN Clinton/NNP 's/POS guilt/NN on/IN the/DT perjury/NN charge/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT rest/NN have/VBP either/CC denied/VBN that/IN the/DT case/NN was/VBD proved/VBN or/CC have/VBP dodged/VBD the/DT question/NN by/IN arguing/VBG that/IN either/DT way/NN ,/, the/DT alleged/VBN crimes/NNS would/MD n't/RB merit/VB the/DT president/NN 's/POS removal/NN ./.
And/CC while/IN their/PRP$ censure/NN resolution/NN may/MD immunize/NN them/PRP against/IN the/DT charge/NN of/IN moral/JJ indifference/NN ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB protect/VB them/PRP from/IN the/DT charge/NN of/IN indifference/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP 's/POS apparent/JJ lawbreaking/VBG ./.
Its/PRP$ language/NN pointedly/RB avoids/VBZ accusing/VBG him/PRP of/IN perjury/NN or/CC obstruction/NN of/IN justice/NN ./.
Republicans/NNS smell/NN their/PRP$ opportunity/NN ./.
At/IN their/PRP$ press/NN conference/NN after/IN the/DT Senate/NNP verdict/NN ,/, several/JJ House/NNP prosecutors/NNS interrupted/VBN their/PRP$ sermons/NNS against/IN "/" the/DT polls/NNS "/" to/TO point/VB out/IN where/WRB the/DT public/RB agreed/VBD with/IN them/PRP ./.
"/" We/PRP take/VBP great/JJ satisfaction/NN ./.
that/DT [/( one/CD poll/NN ]/) showed/VBD that/IN 75/CD or/CC 80/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS ./.
recognized/VBN that/IN the/DT president/NN had/VBD committed/VBN falsehoods/NNS under/IN oath/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Rep/NNP ./.
George/NNP Gekas/NNP ,/, R-P/NNP a/DT ./.
Rep/NNP ./.
Jim/NNP Rogan/NNP ,/, R-C/NNP alif/NN ./.
,/, cited/VBD the/DT same/JJ figure/NN ./.
The/DT public/NN ,/, "/" by/IN 80/CD percent/NN or/CC more/JJR ,/, believes/VBZ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ committed/VBN perjury/NN ,/, "/" chimed/JJ in/IN Rep/NNP ./.
Chris/NNP Cannon/NNP ,/, R-U/NNP tah/NN ./.
"/" The/DT political/JJ cleansing/NN that/WDT did/VBD not/RB happen/VB through/IN the/DT impeachment/NN process/NN "/" leaves/VBZ Clinton/NNP "/" with/IN a/DT great/JJ and/CC serious/JJ burden/NN ./.
Republican/JJ strategists/NNS will/MD make/VB Democrats/NNPS carry/VBP that/DT burden/NN into/IN the/DT elections/NNS ./.
On/IN Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP ,/, when/WRB Democratic/NNP Party/NNP chairman/NN Roy/NNP Romer/NNP ritually/RB expressed/VBD his/PRP$ "/" disappointment/NN in/IN [/( Clinton/NNP 's/POS ]/) personal/JJ behavior/NN ,/, "/" GOP/NNP chairman/NN Jim/NNP Nicholson/NNP shot/NN back/RB ,/, "/" I/PRP find/VBP it/PRP interesting/JJ that/IN Roy/NNP Romer/NNP would/MD say/VB [/( Democrats/NNPS ]/) are/VBP on/IN the/DT high/JJ ground/NN ,/, when/WRB 73/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS say/VBP his/PRP$ president/NN lied/VBD to/TO them/PRP ,/, and/CC over/IN half/NN of/IN them/PRP say/VBP he/PRP obstructed/VBN justice/NN ./.
"/" On/IN Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP ,/, political/JJ consultant/NN Ralph/NNP Reed/NNP went/VBD further/RBR ,/, calling/VBG the/DT scandal/NN Al/NNP Gore/NNP 's/POS "/" albatross/NNS "/" because/IN "/" he/PRP acted/VBD as/IN an/DT advocate/NN for/IN a/DT president/NN who/WP 73/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS believe/VBP committed/VBN perjury/NN and/CC only/RB 24/CD percent/NN think/VBP is/VBZ honest/JJ and/CC trustworthy/NN ./.
Pundits/NNP often/RB say/VBP history/NN is/VBZ written/VBN by/IN the/DT winners/NNS ./.
They/PRP think/VBP this/DT maxim/NN shows/VBZ how/WRB clever/JJ and/CC cynical/JJ they/PRP are/VBP ./.
Actually/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ half/NN of/IN a/DT circular/JJ argument/NN ,/, and/CC their/PRP$ failure/NN to/TO grasp/VB this/DT irony/NN exposes/NNS their/PRP$ naiveté/NN ./.
Thirty-five/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Barry/NNP Goldwater/NNP was/VBD a/DT landslide/NN loser/NN ./.
Today/NN he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT father/NN of/IN the/DT conservative/JJ movement/NN ./.
Winners/NNS ,/, it/PRP turns/VBZ out/IN ,/, are/VBP written/VBN by/IN the/DT historians/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT contest/NN to/TO write/VB the/DT history/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS impeachment/NN is/VBZ just/RB beginning/VBG ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, William/NNP F/NNP ./.
Buckley/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
read/VB a/DT Slate/NNP "/" Book/NNP Club/NNP "/" about/IN his/PRP$ latest/JJS novel/NN ,/, The/DT Redhunter/NNP :/: A/DT Novel/NNP Based/VBN on/IN the/DT Life/NNP and/CC Times/NNP of/IN Senator/NNP Joe/NNP McCarthy/NNP ,/, and/CC decided/VBD enough/RB was/VBD enough/RB ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT Clubbers/NNP ,/, Eric/NNP Alterman/NNP ,/, had/VBD called/VBN Buckley/NNP 's/POS book/NN "/" a/DT lumbering/VBG ,/, themeless/JJ pudding/NN of/IN a/DT novel/NN that/IN forces/VBZ one/CD 's/POS eyelids/NNS shut/VBD like/IN an/DT invisible/JJ vise/NN ./.
"/" The/DT other/JJ ,/, Ronald/NNP Radosh/NNP ,/, had/VBD described/VBN it/PRP as/IN "/" heavy/JJ and/CC plodding/VBG ,/, without/IN any/DT real/JJ juice/NN to/TO it/PRP ./.
"/" Buckley/NNP weighed/VBD in/IN ,/, defending/VBG his/PRP$ work/NN against/IN all/DT charges/NNS aesthetic/JJ ,/, historical/JJ ,/, and/CC ideological/JJ ,/, and/CC quoting/VBG a/DT critic/NN writing/VBG in/IN Buckley/NNP 's/POS own/JJ National/NNP Review/NNP who/WP deemed/VBD the/DT book/NN "/" wonderfully/RB readable/JJ ./.
a/DT witty/JJ ,/, fast-moving/JJ yarn/NN ./.
"/" Now/RB Buckley/NNP has/VBZ asked/VBN Slate/NNP to/TO run/VB the/DT following/VBG excerpt/NN from/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN readers/NNS can/MD judge/VB for/IN themselves/PRP ./.
We/PRP are/VBP delighted/VBN to/TO oblige/NN ./.
Chapter/NN 45/CD
Acheson/NNP Collects/NNP McCarthyana/NNP
Dean/NNP Acheson/NNP was/VBD cutting/VBG up/RP newspapers/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ law/NN office/NN at/IN Covington/NNP and/CC Burling/NNP ./.
However/RB fastidiously/RB he/PRP discharged/VBN his/PRP$ duties/NNS as/IN a/DT practicing/VBG lawyer/NN ,/, his/PRP$ mind/NN was/VBD on/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, not/RB least/JJS his/PRP$ reputation/NN as/IN Secretary/NNP of/IN State/NNP during/IN the/DT last/JJ four/CD years/NNS of/IN Harry/NNP Truman/NNP 's/POS presidency/NN ./.
His/PRP$ daily/JJ stimulant--/JJ "/" If/IN you/PRP can/MD call/VB it/PRP that/IN ,/, "/" he/PRP remarked/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ partner/NN and/CC close/JJ friend/NN ,/, Harold/NNP Epison/NNP ,/, "/" -/: -/: the/DT daily/JJ ingestion/NN of/IN poison/NN I/PRP inflict/VB on/IN myself/PRP "/" -/: -/: was/VBD what/WP he/PRP referred/VBD to/TO with/IN some/DT scorn/NN as/IN "/" the/DT McCarthy/NNP page/NN "/" in/IN the/DT morning/NN 's/POS newspaper/NN ./.
He/PRP had/VBD been/VBN reluctant/JJ to/TO evidence/NN a/DT formal/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT unspeakable/JJ senator/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN fact/NN he/PRP read/VBP all/DT references/NNS to/TO him/PRP and/CC ,/, though/IN only/RB out/IN of/IN sight/NN ,/, collected/VBD voraciously/RB choice/NN items/NNS ./.
He/PRP had/VBD taken/VBN to/TO scissoring/VBG out/RP clippings/NNS from/IN newspapers/NNS (/( when/WRB his/PRP$ secretary/NN was/VBD n't/RB in/IN the/DT room/NN )/) ,/, and/CC tossing/VBG them/PRP into/IN his/PRP$ briefcase/NN ./.
But/CC after/IN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS he/PRP decided/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB better/JJR to/TO undertake/VB his/PRP$ project/NN in/IN a/DT more/RBR orderly/JJ way/NN ./.
That/DT was/VBD when/WRB he/PRP told/VBD his/PRP$ secretary/NN ,/, "/" Miss/NNP Gibson/NNP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ possible/JJ that/IN when/WRB I/PRP do/VBP my/PRP$ memoirs/NNS I/PRP shall/MD have/VB in/IN them/PRP a/DT chapter/NN on/IN the/DT ./.
grotesqueries/NNS of/IN Senator/NNP McCarthy/NNP ./.
For/IN that/DT reason/NN ,/, I/PRP shall/MD ask/VB you/PRP to/TO clip/VB out/IN of/IN the/DT papers/NNS those/DT articles/NNS or/CC editorials/NNS I/PRP designate/JJ with/IN the/DT initial/JJ '/POS M/NNP ./.
'/POS These/DT are/VBP to/TO be/VB clipped/VBN and/CC put/VBD in/IN a/DT manila/NN folder/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT bottom/JJ drawer/NN "/" -/: -/: he/PRP pointed/VBD down/RB from/IN where/WRB he/PRP sat--/JJ "/" over/IN there/RB ./.
Day/NNP after/IN day/NN ,/, week/NN after/IN week/NN ,/, month/NN after/IN month/NN ,/, the/DT folder/NN grew/VBD in/IN size/NN ./.
The/DT methodical/JJ Mr/NNP ./.
Acheson/NNP took/VBD to/TO classifying/VBG the/DT entries/NNS according/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ estimate/NN of/IN their/PRP$ ranking/JJ ./.
"/" M-O-/NNP 3/CD "/" parsed/JJ as/IN "/" McCarthy-Outrageous-At/NNP 3/CD rd/NN level/NN ./.
"/" "/" M-P-/NNP 1/CD "/" parsed/JJ as/IN "/" McCarthy-Preposterous-/NNP 1/CD st/NN level/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP had/VBD other/JJ categories/NNS ,/, including/VBG T/NN (/( for/IN Treasonable/NNP )/) and/CC L/NNP (/( for/IN Laughable/NNP )/) ./.
He/PRP also/RB reserved/VBD a/DT classification/NN for/IN criticisms/NNS of/IN McCarthy/NNP that/IN he/PRP especially/RB savored/VBD ./.
His/PRP$ very/RB favorites/NNS earned/VBD ,/, as/IN one/PRP would/MD expect/VB ,/, a/DT "/" 1/CD ,/, "/" whence/NN "/" M-C-/NNP 1/CD ./.
"/" Such/JJ a/DT discovery/NN in/IN a/DT morning/NN paper/NN would/MD put/VB him/PRP in/IN a/DT very/RB good/JJ mood/NN and/CC sometimes/RB he/PRP would/MD even/RB drop/VB a/DT quick/JJ note/NN of/IN commendation/NN to/TO the/DT author/NN ./.
When/WRB Senator/NNP Benton/NNP said/VBD of/IN McCarthy/NNP that/IN he/PRP was/VBD a/DT "/" hit-and-run/JJ propagandist/NN of/IN the/DT Kremlin/NNP model/NN ,/, "/" Mr/NNP ./.
Acheson/NNP had/VBD filed/VBN the/DT remark/NN as/IN an/DT M-C-/NNP 2/CD ,/, and/CC dropped/VBD a/DT note/NN to/TO Benton/NNP ,/, "/" Bill/NNP ,/, nice/JJ score/NN today/NN on/IN McMenace/NNP ./.
Well/RB done/VBN ./.
This/DT morning/NN 's/POS reference/NN to/TO McCarthy/NNP by/IN Drew/NNP Pearson/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ column/NN had/VBD caused/VBD him/PRP to/TO glow/NN ./.
"/" What/WP he/PRP is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO do/VB is/VBZ not/RB new/JJ ./.
It/PRP worked/VBD well/RB in/IN Germany/NNP and/CC in/IN Russia/NNP ;/: all/DT voices/NNS except/IN those/DT officially/RB approved/VBN were/VBD silenced/VBN in/IN those/DT lands/NNS by/IN intimidation/NN ./.
"/" But/CC he/PRP decided/VBD against/IN dropping/VBG a/DT note/NN to/TO Pearson/NNP ./.
He/PRP would/MD not/RB wish/VB to/TO run/VB the/DT risk/NN of/IN Pearson/NNP 's/POS quoting/VBG him/PRP ./.
He/PRP could/MD hardly/RB countenance/VB any/DT public/JJ appearance/NN of/IN an/DT ongoing/JJ contention/NN between/IN Dean/NNP Gooderham/NNP Acheson/NNP &slash;/NN Yale/NNP &slash;/NN Secretary/NNP of/IN State/NNP &slash;/NN and/CC Joe/NNP McCarthy/NNP &slash;/NN Chicken/NNP Farmer/NNP &slash;/NN Marquette/NNP -/: -/: wherever/WRB Marquette/NNP was--/JJ &slash;/NN Junior/NNP Senator/NNP from/IN -/: -/: a/DT state/NN that/WDT had/VBD lost/VBN its/PRP$ senses/NNS ./.
He/PRP had/VBD dined/VBN the/DT week/NN before/IN with/IN defeated/VBN Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ candidate/NN Adlai/NNP Stevenson/NNP ./.
Dean/NNP Acheson/NNP enjoyed/VBD the/DT company/NN of/IN Stevenson/NNP but/CC thought/VBD him/PRP indecisive/JJ ./.
Acheson/NNP relished/VBD the/DT story/NN Adlai/NNP had/VBD told/VBN him/PRP ,/, over/IN drinks/NNS at/IN the/DT Metropolitan/NNP Club/NNP ,/, about/IN the/DT dinner/NN with/IN President/NNP Truman/NNP ./.
The/DT President/NNP was/VBD then/RB living/VBG across/IN the/DT street/NN at/IN Blair/NNP House/NNP ,/, while/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP was/VBD being/VBG rebuilt/VBN ./.
Truman/NNP had/VBD summoned/VBD him/PRP when/WRB Stevenson/NNP was/VBD still/RB governor/NN of/IN Illinois/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP walked/VBD in/IN the/DT door/NN and/CC the/DT President/NNP said/VBD ,/, I/PRP mean/VBP just/RB after/IN barely/RB saying/VBG '/POS Hello/UH ,/, '/" he/PRP said/VBD ,/, '/" Adlai/NNP ,/, I/PRP want/VBP you/PRP to/TO run/VB for/IN President/NNP ./.
You/PRP should/MD announce/VB the/DT third/JJ week/NN in/IN April/NNP '/POS -/: -/: this/DT dinner/NN was/VBD in/IN January/NNP ,/, 1952/CD ,/, Dean--/NNP '/POS and/CC say/VB that/IN you/PRP will/MD seek/VB a/DT leave/NN of/IN absence/NN as/IN governor/NN of/IN Illinois/NNP ./.
'/" "/"
"/" I/PRP told/VBD him/PRP I/PRP was/VBD very/RB flattered/JJ by/IN the/DT suggestion/NN but/CC that/IN I/PRP was/VBD committed/VBN to/TO run/VB for/IN re-election/NN as/IN governor/NN of/IN Illinois--/NNP "/"
"/" What/WP did/VBD he/PRP say/VB ?/.
"/" He/PRP did/VBD n't/RB even/RB acknowledge/VB what/WP I/PRP had/VBD said/VBN ./.
He/PRP went/VBD on/IN and/CC talked/VBD about/IN this/DT and/CC that/IN but/CC at/IN dinner/NN repeated/VBN exactly/RB the/DT same/JJ instructions--/JJ I/PRP was/VBD to/TO run/VB for/IN President/NNP ,/, announce/VBP the/DT third/JJ week/NN in/IN April/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
I/PRP gave/VBD him/PRP the/DT same/JJ answer/NN ./.
After/IN dinner/NN he/PRP walked/VBD me/PRP to/TO the/DT door/NN and/CC ,/, you/PRP guessed/VBD it/PRP ,/, said/VBD the/DT identical/JJ thing/NN one/CD more/JJR time/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP gave/VBD back/RP the/DT identical/JJ answer/NN ./.
Then/RB you/PRP know/VBP what/WP he/PRP said/VBD ,/, Dean/NNP ?/.
'/POS The/DT trouble/NN with/IN you/PRP ,/, Adlai/NNP ,/, is/VBZ you/PRP 're/VBP so/RB indecisive/JJ !/.
'/" "/"
They/PRP both/DT laughed/VBD ./.
Then/RB Acheson/NNP had/VBD looked/VBN up/RB ./.
"/" You/PRP know/VBP ,/, Adlai/NNP ,/, the/DT President/NNP was/VBD quite/RB correct/JJ ,/, you/PRP are/VBP indecisive/JJ ./.
But/CC at/IN least/JJS Adlai/NNP was/VBD n't/RB equivocal/NN about/IN McCarthy/NNP ./.
Acheson/NNP had/VBD given/VBN an/DT M-C-/NNP 1/CD to/TO Adlai/NNP 's/POS designation/NN of/IN McCarthyism/NNP before/IN the/DT press/NN club/NN as/RB a/DT "/" hysterical/JJ form/NN of/IN putrid/NN slander/NN "/" and/CC as/IN "/" one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS unwholesome/JJ manifestations/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ current/JJ disorder/NN ./.
When/WRB Harold/NNP Epison/NNP came/VBD in/IN to/TO the/DT office/NN of/IN his/PRP$ senior/JJ colleague/NN ,/, just/RB after/IN five/CD ,/, it/PRP was/VBD in/IN order/NN to/TO spend/VB an/DT hour/NN on/IN the/DT appeal/NN he/PRP was/VBD shepherding/VBG to/TO the/DT Appellate/NNP Division/NNP on/IN behalf/NN of/IN their/PRP$ client/NN ,/, the/DT Kingdom/NNP of/IN Iran/NNP ./.
But/CC he/PRP began/VBD by/IN asking/VBG Dean/NNP whether/IN he/PRP had/VBD seen/VBN the/DT reference/NN to/TO McCarthy--/NNP "/" I/PRP caught/VBD it/PRP in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP ,/, which/WDT I/PRP sometimes/RB see/VBP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD n't/RB in/IN any/DT of/IN the/DT Washington/NNP papers/NNS "/" -/: -/: by/IN Owen/NNP Lattimore/NNP ?/.
No/DT ,/, Acheson/NNP had/VBD n't/RB seen/VBN it/PRP ./.
"/" Somebody/NN apparently/RB asked/VBD Lattimore/NNP after/IN a/DT speech/NN what/WP he/PRP thought/VBD of/IN McCarthy/NNP ./.
He/PRP said--/JJ I/PRP have/VBP this/DT in/IN memory/NN ,/, Dean/NNP !/.
-/: -/: McCarthy/NNP is/VBZ '/POS a/DT base/NN and/CC miserable/JJ creature/NN ./.
'/" "/"
"/" That/DT is/VBZ a/DT thoughtful/JJ summary/NN ,/, "/" Acheson/NNP said/VBD ./.
He/PRP then/RB paused/VBD ./.
"/" Rather/RB a/DT pity/NN it/PRP was/VBD done/VBN by/IN Owen/NNP Lattimore/NNP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ not/RB exactly/RB a/DT disinterested/JJ party/NN on/IN the/DT McCarthy/NNP question/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT matter/NN of/IN fact/NN ,/, Harold--obviously/NNP to/TO go/VB no/DT further--it/JJ hurts/VBZ me/PRP to/TO say/VB this--/JJ I/PRP think/VBP that/IN miserable/JJ creature/NN was/VBD substantially/RB right/NN on/IN Lattimore/NNP ./.
But/CC that/IN hardly/RB vitiates/NNS the/DT soundness/NN of/IN Lattimore/NNP 's/POS summary/NN on/IN McCarthy/NNP ./.
"/" He/PRP made/VBD a/DT mental/JJ note/NN to/TO write/VB down/RB Lattimore/NNP 's/POS characterization/NN and/CC slip/VB it/PRP into/IN his/PRP$ folder/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP may/MD be/VB interested/VBN to/TO know/VB ,/, Harold/NNP ,/, that/IN a/DT few/JJ Republicans/NNPS ,/, who/WP are/VBP well/RB situated/VBN ,/, think/VBP McCarthy/NNP has/VBZ gone/VBN far/RB enough/RB ./.
"/" Surely/RB the/DT question/NN is/VBZ ,/, What/WP does/VBZ Ike/NNP think/VB ?/.
Acheson/NNP turned/VBD his/PRP$ heard/VBN slowly/RB ,/, as/IN if/IN to/TO say/VB that/IN the/DT words/NNS he/PRP would/MD now/RB say/VB were/VBD sacredly/RB confidential/JJ ./.
"/" He/PRP is/VBZ ,/, I/PRP am/VBP I/PRP think/VBP reliably/RB informed/VBN ,/, prepared/VBN to/TO move/VB ./.
That/DT is/VBZ enough/RB on/IN that/DT subject/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP agree/VBP ,/, Dean/NNP ./.
How/WRB 're/VBP you/PRP getting/VBG on/IN with/IN your/PRP$ book/NN ?/.
"/" I/PRP write/VBP every/DT night/NN ,/, five/CD times/NNS a/DT week/NN ,/, I/PRP try/VBP to/TO do/VB five/CD hundred/CD words/NNS a/DT day/NN ./.
"/" Have/VBP you/PRP got/VBD a/DT title/NN for/IN it/PRP yet/RB ?/.
"/" Yes/UH ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO call/VB it/PRP ,/, A/DT Democrat/NNP Looks/NNP at/IN His/PRP$ Party/NNP ./.
We/PRP 've/VBP lost/VBN a/DT lot/NN of/IN spirit/NN in/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT two/CD years/NNS since/IN Ike/NNP came/VBD in/IN ./.
Of/IN course/NN there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN disequilibrium/NN in/IN the/DT country/NN ./.
You/PRP will/MD find/VB ,/, Harold/NNP ,/, that/IN this/DT is/VBZ always/RB so/RB after/IN a/DT society/NN completes/VBZ a/DT major/JJ effort--in/JJ this/DT case/NN ,/, winning/VBG a/DT world/NN war/NN ./.
Churchill/NNP 's/POS defeat/NN was/VBD a/DT symptom/NN of/IN that/DT kind/NN of--letting/JJ your/PRP$ breath/NN out/RP ./.
The/DT surprise/NN here/RB was/VBD that/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Truman/NNP defeated/VBD Dewey/NNP ./.
But/CC that/IN also/RB meant/VBN that/IN the/DT opposition/NN never/RB got/VBD a/DT chance/NN to/TO exercise/VB its/PRP$ muscles/NNS ./.
Not/RB until/IN Ike/NNP 's/POS victory/NN in/IN 1952/CD ./.
"/" So/RB your/PRP$ book/NN is/VBZ intended/VBN to/TO do/VB what/WP ?/.
"/" To/TO put/VB the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP back/RB on/IN its/PRP$ feet/NNS ,/, as/IN the/DT civilized/JJ party/NN ,/, the/DT intelligent/JJ party/NN ./.
A/DT worthwhile/JJ project/NN ,/, would/MD n't/RB you/PRP agree/VB ?/.
"/" Of/IN course/NN ./.
But/CC you/PRP know/VBP ,/, Dean/NNP ,/, I/PRP hope/VBP you/PRP will/MD confront/VB head-on/JJ the/DT foreign-policy/NN problem/NN ./.
I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN everything/NN you/PRP say/VBP about/IN Senator/NNP McCarthy/NNP ./.
You/PRP know/VBP that/DT ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT fact/NN that/IN we/PRP had/VBD to/TO fight/VB a/DT war/NN in/IN Korea/NNP that/IN President/NNP Eisenhower/NNP ended--/JJ "/"
"/" Yes/UH ./.
The/DT war/NN ended/VBD officially/RB five/CD months/NNS after/IN Eisenhower/NNP was/VBD elected--and/JJ three/CD months/NNS after/IN Stalin/NNP died/VBD ./.
"/" Dean/NNP ,/, you/PRP are/VBP being/VBG the/DT advocate/NN now/RB ./.
We/PRP Democrats/NNPS did/VBD get/VB into/IN that/DT war/NN ,/, we/PRP did--/JJ I/PRP know/VBP hate/VBP that/DT word/NN ,/, '/" lose/VB '/POS China--/NNP "/"
"/" You/PRP are/VBP correct/JJ that/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO focus/VB very/RB carefully/RB on/IN what/WP is/VBZ happening/VBG in/IN the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB what/WP the/DT triumvirate/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ in/IN power/NN now/RB ,/, Khrushchev/NNP ,/, Bulganin--/NNP I/PRP continue/VBP to/TO refer/VB to/TO it/PRP as/IN a/DT triumvirate/NN though/IN they/PRP executed/VBD Beria/NNP a/DT week/NN ago/RB ,/, good/JJ riddance/NN ./.
What/WP the/DT successors/NNS to/TO Stalin/NNP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO do/VB we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB ,/, but/CC there/EX are/VBP no/DT signs/NNS they/PRP are/VBP giving/VBG up/RP their/PRP$ commitment/NN to/TO rule/VB the/DT world/NN ./.
But/CC yes/UH ,/, I/PRP am/VBP ready/JJ to/TO say/VB this/DT ,/, with/IN great/JJ care/NN :/: I/PRP will/MD show/VB you/PRP the/DT draft/NN of/IN that/DT chapter/NN ./.
I/PRP will/MD say/VB that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ correct/JJ that/IN the/DT Communists/NNPS ca/MD n't/RB be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO go/VB any/DT further/RB ./.
Well/RB ,/, did/VBD n't/RB Mr/NNP ./.
Truman/NNP say/VBP that/DT ?/.
By/IN engaging/VBG them/PRP in/IN Korea/NNP ?/.
"/" But/CC the/DT challenge/NN will/MD be/VB to/TO distinguish/VB between/IN the/DT right/JJ kind/NN of/IN anti-/NN Communism/NNP and/CC McCarthy/NNP 's/POS anti-/NN Communism/NNP ./.
A/DT big/JJ difference/NN ./.
Harold/NNP ,/, did/VBD you/PRP see/VBP what/WP Henry/NNP Reuss/NNP said/VBD about/IN McCarthy/NNP the/DT other/JJ day/NN ?/.
Reuss/NNP was/VBD a/DT Democratic/JJ contender/NN against/IN McCarthy/NNP in/IN 1952/CD ./.
I/PRP think/VBP I/PRP may/MD just/RB have/VB a/DT copy/NN of/IN the/DT clipping/VBG ./.
Acheson/NNP leaned/VBD over/RB and/CC pulled/VBD out/RP the/DT bottom/NN left/VBD drawer/NN on/IN his/PRP$ desk/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP said/VBD ,/, '/" Senator/NNP McCarthy/NNP is/VBZ a/DT tax-dodging/JJ ,/, character-assassinating/JJ ,/, racetrack-gambling/JJ ,/, complete/JJ and/CC contemptible/JJ liar/NN ./.
'/" "/"
Acheson/NNP 's/POS face/NN brightened/VBD ./.
He/PRP gave/VBD the/DT closest/JJS he/PRP ever/RB gave/VBD to/TO a/DT giggle/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP wish/VBP I/PRP had/VBD said/VBN that/IN ,/, Harold/NNP ./.
By/IN Randy/NNP Cohen/NNP
I/PRP give/VBP the/DT headline/NN ,/, you/PRP give/VBP the/DT story/NN ./.
From/IN Thursday/NNP 's/POS London/NNP Evening/NNP Standard/NNP :/: "/" Blow/NNP to/TO Singer/NNP With/IN No/DT Sideways/NNP "/"
by/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP Sunday/NNP to/TO e-mail/JJ your/PRP$ answer/NN to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Responses/NNS to/TO Wednesday/NNP 's/POS question/NN (/( No/UH ./.
144/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Best/JJS Dais/NNP of/IN Your/PRP$ Life/NNP "/" :/:
A/DT major/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
corporation/NN will/MD spend/VB three/CD years/NNS and/CC $/$ 200/CD million/CD to/TO install/VB customer-friendly/JJ equipment/NN ,/, including/VBG small/JJ ,/, mobile/JJ ,/, battery-powered/JJ podiums/NNS ./.
What/WP are/VBP the/DT podiums/NNS for/RP ?/.
"/" Amazon/NNP ./.
com/NN will/MD deliver/VB author/NN readings/NNS directly/RB to/TO your/PRP$ home/NN ,/, rendering/VBG bookstores/NNS yet/RB more/RBR obsolete/JJ ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT $/$ 200/CD million/CD is/VBZ being/VBG spent/VBN not/RB on/IN the/DT podiums/NNS themselves/PRP but/CC rather/RB on/IN the/DT small/JJ ,/, mobile/JJ ,/, battery-powered/JJ Frank/NNP and/CC Malachy/NNP McCourts/NNP who/WP will/MD stand/VB behind/IN them/PRP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Daniel/NNP Radosh/NNP
"/" Disney/NNP World/NNP 's/POS new/JJ '/POS presidential/JJ debates/NNS '/POS bumper/NN cars/NNS ./.
"/" -/: -/: Matthew/NNP Singer/NNP (/( James/NNP Urbaniak/NNP had/VBD a/DT similar/JJ answer/NN referencing/VBG poetry/NN at/IN Barnes/NNP &/CC Noble/NNP ./.
"/" Who/WP cares/VBZ ?/.
It/PRP 's/VBZ an/DT Internet/NN company/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Doug/NNP Ingram/NNP (/( similarly/RB ,/, Ellen/NNP Scordato/NNP )/)
"/" If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP saying/VBG they/PRP 're/VBP not/RB urinals/NNS ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP really/RB embarrassed/JJ ./.
"/" -/: -/: Steven/NNP Miller/NNP
"/" Mice/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT cutest/NN darn/NN thing/NN you/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB seen/VBN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP (/( similarly/RB ,/, with/IN a/DT Ross/NNP Perot/NNP chaser/NN ,/, Carl/NNP Spratt/NNP and/CC Russ/NNP Evansen/NNP )/)
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR responses/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
Small/JJ ,/, mobile/JJ ,/, battery-powered--is/JJ there/EX anything/NN more/RBR modern/JJ than/IN that/DT ?/.
Is/VBZ there/EX anything/NN cuter/NN than/IN that/DT ?/.
Is/VBZ there/EX anything/NN more/JJR redolent/NN of/IN vulgar/NN erotic/JJ possibilities/NNS ?/.
If/IN "/" News/NNP Quiz/NNP "/" were/VBD not/RB a/DT quiz/NN but/CC rather/RB a/DT pornographic/JJ Japanese/JJ comic/JJ book/NN ,/, dense/JJ with/IN misogyny/NN and/CC conveniently/RB available/JJ in/IN omnipresent/JJ vending/VBG machines/NNS on/IN the/DT platforms/NNS of/IN swift/JJ ,/, efficient/JJ commuter/NN railways/NNS ,/, those/DT would/MD be/VB the/DT attributes/NNS of/IN the/DT sexed-up/JJ superhero/NN whose/WP$ adventures/NNS we/PRP chronicled/JJ ,/, even/RB if/IN it/PRP made/VBD many/JJ of/IN our/PRP$ fellow/NN passengers/NNS really/RB uncomfortable/JJ ./.
But/CC here/RB in/IN America/NNP ,/, to/TO be/VB creeped/JJ out/IN by/IN unwanted/JJ mass/NN transit/NN eroticism/NN shoved/VBD at/IN you/PRP from/IN every/DT direction/NN ,/, you/PRP must/MD make/VB do/VB with/IN loudmouthed/JJ cell/NN phone/NN sex/NN on/IN the/DT Long/NNP Island/NNP Railroad/NNP ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP no/DT economist/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP believe/VBP this/DT is/VBZ the/DT point/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP intends/VBZ to/TO make/VB in/IN Tokyo/NNP tomorrow/NN ./.
On-/NNP Time/NNP Answer/NNP
As/IN Alfa-/NNP Betty/NNP Olsen/NNP and/CC Marshall/NNP Efron/NNP know/VB (/( click/NN )/) ,/, United/NNP Airlines/NNPS will/MD be/VB rolling/VBG out/IN porta-podia/JJ when/WRB there/EX are/VBP long/JJ lines/NNS at/IN check-in/JJ counters/NNS ./.
This/DT space/NN age/NN table/NN with/IN a/DT radio/NN link/NN to/TO the/DT airline/NN 's/POS database/NN is/VBZ currently/RB being/VBG field-tested/JJ in/IN San/NNP Francisco/NNP and/CC will/MD soon/RB be/VB deployed/VBN at/IN LAX/NNP ,/, O/NNP '/POS Hare/NNP ,/, and/CC La/NNP Guardia/NNP airports/NNS ./.
Dick/NNP Armey/NNP 's/POS Metaphor/NNP Madness/NNP Extra/NNP
Read/NNP this/DT allegorical/JJ passage/NN by/IN the/DT newly/RB re-elected/VBN House/NNP majority/NN leader/NN ,/, then/RB answer/NN the/DT questions/NNS below/IN ./.
"/" Think/VBP about/IN the/DT poor/JJ bass/NN ;/: put/VB yourself/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ place/NN ./.
You/PRP go/VBP into/IN Denny/NNP 's/POS and/CC you/PRP sit/VBP down/RB and/CC somebody/NN puts/VBZ your/PRP$ hamburger/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN you/PRP ,/, and/CC you/PRP pick/VBP it/PRP up/RP and/CC take/VB a/DT bite/NN ./.
All/DT of/IN a/DT sudden/JJ ,/, somebody/NN grabs/NNS you/PRP by/IN the/DT mouth/NN ,/, drags/VBZ you/PRP around/IN the/DT store/NN ,/, drags/VBZ you/PRP outside/IN ,/, pulls/VBZ the/DT hook/NN out/IN of/IN your/PRP$ mouth/NN ,/, and/CC throws/VBZ you/PRP back/RB into/IN Denny/NNP 's/POS ./.
That/DT is/VBZ what/WP the/DT poor/JJ fish/NN goes/VBZ through/IN ./.
1/LS ./.
What/WP does/VBZ Denny/NNP 's/POS symbolize/NN ?/.
2/LS ./.
What/WP does/VBZ the/DT fish/NN symbolize/NN ?/.
3/LS ./.
Where/WRB is/VBZ "/" out/IN back/RB "/" ?/.
4/LS ./.
What/WP is/VBZ the/DT hamburger/NN ?/.
5/LS ./.
What/WP is/VBZ the/DT hook/NN ?/.
6/CD ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ the/DT fish/NN doing/VBG at/IN Denny/NNP 's/POS ?/.
7/CD ./.
Suppose/VB the/DT fish/NN were/VBD really/RB rich/JJ ,/, should/MD it/PRP pay/VB the/DT same/JJ income/NN tax/NN as/IN a/DT poor/JJ fish/NN ,/, maybe/RB like/IN a/DT shad/NN who/WP works/VBZ at/IN Denny/NNP 's/POS ?/.
8/CD ./.
A/DT champion/NN of/IN family/NN values/NNS ,/, how/WRB many/JJ children/NNS does/VBZ the/DT fish/NN have/VBP from/IN previous/JJ marriages/NNS ?/.
9/CD ./.
How/WRB does/VBZ the/DT fish/NN know/VB when/WRB something/NN is/VBZ wrong/JJ ?/.
10/CD ./.
What/WP do/VBP some/DT other/JJ fish/NN think/VBP of/IN this/DT fish/NN ?/.
1/LS ./.
A/DT lake/NN ,/, and/CC also/RB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
House/NNP of/IN Representatives/NNPS ./.
2/LS ./.
An/DT incumbent/JJ majority/NN leader/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
A/DT riverbank/NN where/WRB it/PRP looks/VBZ like/IN you/PRP wo/MD n't/RB get/VB re-elected/VBN ?/.
4/LS ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT little/JJ hazy/NN here/RB ./.
Opposition/NN to/TO gun/NN control/NN ,/, maybe/RB ?/.
5/LS ./.
Look/VB ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB ./.
Quit/NNP badgering/VBG me/PRP ./.
6/CD ./.
Having/VBG lunch/NN ,/, I/PRP guess/VBP ,/, but/CC maybe/RB they/PRP were/VBD all/DT out/IN of/IN worms/NNS or/CC something/NN ?/.
Do/VBP they/PRP eat/VBP worms/NNS ?/.
7/CD ./.
Yes/UH ./.
Both/DT should/MD pay/VB 17/CD percent/NN ./.
8/CD ./.
Five/CD ./.
9/CD ./.
"/" When/WRB the/DT Ten/CD Commandments/NNP ca/MD n't/RB be/VB placed/VBN in/IN courtrooms/NNS (/( even/RB though/IN a/DT relief/NN of/IN Moses/NNP adorns/NNS the/DT House/NNP chamber/NN )/) ,/, and/CC schoolchildren/NN are/VBP harassed/VBD by/IN school/NN officials/NNS for/IN privately/RB practicing/VBG their/PRP$ faith/NN ,/, something/NN is/VBZ wrong/JJ ./.
10/CD ./.
"/" It/PRP was/VBD time/NN to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN him/PRP ,/, "/" said/VBD a/DT fish/NN who/WP did/VBD not/RB want/VB to/TO be/VB identified/VBN ,/, "/" but/CC in/IN the/DT end/NN the/DT moderates/NNS just/RB could/MD n't/RB go/VB with/IN Largent/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD more/RBR like/IN going/VBG with/IN the/DT old/JJ devil/NN we/PRP know/VBP ./.
Funniness/NNP Enhancer/NNP
Reread/NNP the/DT passage/NN ,/, only/RB this/DT time/NN pronounce/NN "/" bass/NN "/" with/IN a/DT long/JJ a/DT ,/, and/CC picture/NN opera/NN great/JJ Samuel/NNP Ramey/NNP ./.
Read/NNP More/JJR About/IN It/PRP
At/IN the/DT speaker/NN 's/POS Web/NNP site/NN ,/, http/NN :/: &slash;/NN &slash;/NN freedom/NN ./.
house/NN ./.
gov/NN ./.
And/CC if/IN you/PRP check/VBP ,/, you/PRP 'll/MD probably/RB find/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN bass/NN fishing/NN sites/NNS ./.
Disclaimer/NNP :/: All/DT submissions/NNS will/MD become/VB the/DT property/NN of/IN Slate/NNP and/CC will/MD be/VB published/VBN at/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS discretion/NN ./.
Slate/NNP may/MD publish/VB your/PRP$ name/NN on/IN its/PRP$ site/NN in/IN connection/NN with/IN your/PRP$ submission/NN ./.
Exactly/RB how/WRB spontaneous/JJ was/VBD the/DT spontaneous/JJ shrine/NN erected/VBD last/JJ week/NN on/IN John/NNP F/NNP ./.
Kennedy/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
's/POS doorstep/NN ?/.
Last/JJ Sunday/NNP afternoon/NN ,/, Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD walking/VBG through/IN TriBeCa/NNP and/CC decided/VBD to/TO pass/VB by/IN the/DT impromptu/JJ memorial/NN that/IN she/PRP had/VBD been/VBN hearing/VBG so/RB much/JJ about/IN on/IN television/NN ./.
There/EX was/VBD n't/RB much/RB to/TO see/VB :/: a/DT gaggle/NN of/IN onlookers/NNS milled/JJ around/IN the/DT block/NN and/CC a/DT few/JJ dozen/NN floral/JJ bouquets/NNS rested/VBD on/IN the/DT stoop/NN ./.
Above/IN them/PRP ,/, four/CD or/CC five/CD hand-lettered/JJ signs/NNS had/VBD been/VBN pasted/VBN to/TO the/DT side/NN of/IN the/DT building/NN ./.
What/WP was/VBD most/RBS unusual/JJ about/IN the/DT scene/NN was/VBD the/DT phalanx/NN of/IN reporters/NNS aiming/VBG microphones/NNS and/CC cameras/NNS at/IN the/DT onlookers/NNS ./.
When/WRB Chatterbox/NNP arrived/VBD home/NN ,/, the/DT news/NN shows/NNS were/VBD still/RB broadcasting/NN from/IN the/DT scene/NN ./.
Reporters/NNP described/VBD the/DT "/" outpouring/VBG "/" of/IN emotion/NN at/IN the/DT makeshift/JJ shrine/NN ,/, mentioning/VBG the/DT address/NN over/RB and/CC over/IN again/RB :/: 20/CD N/NNP ./.
Moore/NNP St/NNP ./.
,/, 20/CD N/NNP ./.
Moore/NNP St/NNP ./.
The/DT accompanying/VBG videotape/NN used/VBD close-up/NN shots/NNS and/CC slow/JJ pans/NNS of/IN the/DT not-entirely/JJ cluttered/VBN stoop/NN ;/: the/DT camera/NN lingered/JJ over/IN the/DT flickering/VBG flames/NNS of/IN memorial/NN candles/NNS and/CC the/DT droplets/NNS of/IN water/NN clinging/VBG to/TO the/DT flower/NN petals/NNS ./.
What/WP had/VBD appeared/VBN in/IN person/NN to/TO be/VB a/DT loose/JJ gathering/NN now/RB looked/VBD like/IN the/DT altar/NN of/IN a/DT Mexican/JJ church/NN on/IN All/DT Saints/NNP '/POS Day/NNP ./.
It/PRP also/RB looked/VBD suspiciously/RB like/IN the/DT memorials/NNS that/WDT had/VBD sprung/VBN up/RP in/IN Tel/NNP Aviv/NNP after/IN Yitzhak/NNP Rabin/NNP 's/POS death/NN and/CC in/IN London/NNP after/IN Princess/NNP Diana/NNP 's/POS death/NN ./.
By/IN late/JJ last/JJ week/NN ,/, the/DT scene/NN at/IN 20/CD N/NNP ./.
Moore/NNP St/NNP ./.
matched/VBN its/PRP$ televised/VBN accounts/NNS ./.
Neighborhood/NNP delis/NNS ran/VBD out/IN of/IN flowers/NNS ,/, and/CC NYPD/NNP officers/NNS were/VBD telling/VBG onlookers/NNS to/TO "/" say/VBP a/DT prayer/NN and/CC move/VB it/PRP along/IN ,/, please/VB ./.
"/" The/DT hill/NN of/IN bouquets/NNS had/VBD become/VBN so/RB mountainous/JJ that/IN it/PRP had/VBD to/TO be/VB carted/VBD off/RP to/TO a/DT local/JJ children/NNS 's/POS hospital/NN and/CC the/DT candles/NNS so/RB many/JJ that/IN they/PRP started/VBD a/DT small/JJ fire/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP and/CC Washington/NNP Post/NNP the/DT lead/JJ story/NN is/VBZ the/DT investigation/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS fund/NN raising/NN ./.
At/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ IRS/NNP abuses/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN a/DT new/JJ national/JJ database/NN designed/VBN to/TO catch/VB deadbeat/NN parents/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN describes/VBZ how/WRB Republican/JJ leaders/NNS are/VBP intensifying/VBG their/PRP$ drive/NN to/TO get/VB Janet/NNP Reno/NNP to/TO appoint/VB an/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN to/TO investigate/VB Clinton/NNP 's/POS alleged/JJ campaign-fund/JJ soliciting/VBG ./.
(/( USAT/NNP also/RB has/VBZ a/DT front-page/JJ story/NN on/IN this/DT upwelling/VBG of/IN Republican/JJ pressure/NN ./.
)/) The/DT LAT/NNP has/VBZ Sen/NNP ./.
Orrin/NNP Hatch/NNP saying/VBG that/IN Reno/NNP should/MD have/VB commenced/VBD a/DT review/NN "/" seven/CD months/NNS ago/RB ,/, "/" and/CC that/IN ,/, "/" It/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP there/EX 's/VBZ politics/NNS being/VBG played/VBN all/PDT the/DT way/NN around/IN ./.
But/CC the/DT WP/NNP lead/NN reports/VBZ a/DT nonpolitical/JJ if/IN not/RB exactly/RB confidence-inspiring/JJ cause/NN of/IN the/DT delay/NN :/: The/DT records/NNS of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS White/NNP House/NNP fund-raising/JJ calls/NNS ,/, although/IN turned/VBD over/IN to/TO a/DT Department/NNP of/IN Justice/NNP task/NN force/NN months/NNS ago/RB ,/, were/VBD not/RB examined/VBN by/IN the/DT relevant/JJ DOJ/NNP attorneys/NNS until/IN a/DT few/JJ days/NNS ago/RB ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP goes/VBZ front/JJ page/NN with/IN the/DT results/NNS of/IN a/DT survey/NN it/PRP did/VBD of/IN corporate/JJ political/JJ giving/NN ./.
Of/IN the/DT 544/CD biggest/JJS U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
corporations/NNS ,/, the/DT paper/NN reports/NNS ,/, 26/CD percent/NN made/VBD no/DT political/JJ contributions/NNS and/CC did/VBD n't/RB operate/VB PACs/NNPS during/IN the/DT 1995/CD -/: 1996/CD election/NN cycle/NN ./.
Included/VBN in/IN this/DT number/NN are/VBP IBM/NNP ,/, Campbell/NNP Soup/NNP ,/, and/CC Gillette/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP lead/NN tells/VBZ of/IN the/DT inauguration/NN on/IN Oct/NNP ./.
1/CD of/IN a/DT federally/RB administered/VBN "/" vast/JJ database/NN "/" of/IN all/DT new/JJ hires/NNS in/IN jobs/NNS nationwide/JJ that/WDT is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO yield/VB a/DT considerable/JJ increase--possibly/JJ billions--in/JJ the/DT payment/NN of/IN child/NN support/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ because/IN states/NNS will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO use/VB the/DT directory/NN to/TO locate/VB deadbeat/NN parents/NNS and/CC dun/NN them/PRP ,/, typically/RB by/IN getting/VBG court/NN orders/NNS that/WDT force/NN their/PRP$ employers/NNS to/TO deduct/VB the/DT owed/VBN child/NN support/NN from/IN paychecks/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP does/VBZ however/RB quote/NN a/DT privacy/NN expert/NN who/WP expressed/VBD concern/NN that/IN "/" private/JJ detectives/NNS will/MD find/VB a/DT friend/NN in/IN the/DT police/NN department/NN or/CC a/DT child/NN welfare/NN office/NN to/TO give/VB them/PRP access/NN to/TO information/NN "/" from/IN the/DT new/JJ database/NN ./.
USAT/NNP reports/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ lead/NN that/IN the/DT battle/NN over/IN the/DT IRS/NNP 's/POS tactics/NNS and/CC powers/NNS is/VBZ due/JJ to/TO intensify/VB Tuesday/NNP when/WRB the/DT Senate/NNP Finance/NNP committee/NN opens/VBZ hearings/NNS on/IN the/DT agency/NN ./.
The/DT inquiry/NN will/MD look/VB into/IN whether/IN the/DT agency/NN is/VBZ overzealous/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ use/NN of/IN liens/NNS and/CC levies/NNS ,/, and/CC tends/VBZ to/TO pick/VB on/IN small/JJ "/" mom/NN and/CC pop/NN "/" returns/NNS that/WDT are/VBP less/RBR likely/JJ to/TO mean/VB a/DT challenge/NN to/TO the/DT IRS/NNP in/IN court--rather/JJ than/IN major/JJ corporations/NNS ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP and/CC USAT/NNP run/VBP front-page/JJ items/NNS about/IN a/DT new/JJ breakthrough/NN in/IN computer/NN chip/NN technology/NN to/TO be/VB announced/VBN today/NN by/IN IBM--using/NNP copper/NN instead/RB of/IN aluminum/NN in/IN semiconductors/NNS ,/, which/WDT will/MD mean/VB smaller/JJR ,/, faster/RBR ,/, and/CC more/RBR powerful/JJ computer/NN chips/NNS ./.
This/DT development/NN ,/, the/DT papers/NNS observe/VBP ,/, could/MD be/VB a/DT boon/NN not/RB just/RB to/TO IBM/NNP 's/POS computer/NN line/NN ,/, but/CC also/RB to/TO its/PRP$ chip/NN manufacturing/NN division/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ already/RB grown/VBN quite/RB a/DT bit/NN in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT WP/NNP buries/NNS this/DT story/NN eight/CD pages/NNS in/IN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP recounts/VBZ on/IN its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN how/WRB employers/NNS are/VBP cracking/VBG down/RB on/IN their/PRP$ employees/NNS '/POS office/NN use/NN of/IN computers/NNS for/IN nonwork-related/JJ activities/NNS ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT new/JJ management/NN measures/NNS include/VBP software/NN programs/NNS that/WDT allow/VBP managers/NNS to/TO track/VB which/WDT Web/NNP sites/NNS employees/NNS are/VBP visiting/VBG during/IN work/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT provision/NN of/IN stripped-down/JJ computers/NNS that/WDT do/VBP n't/RB take/VB games/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT software/NN package/NN called/VBN "/" Antigame/NNP ,/, "/" that/WDT scans/VBZ office/NN PC/NN networks/NNS for/IN games/NNS and/CC zaps/NNS them/PRP ./.
The/DT fight/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, has/VBZ hit/VBN Congress/NNP too/RB ./.
Sen/NNP ./.
Lauch/NNP Faircloth/NNP became/VBD so/RB incensed/JJ earlier/RBR this/DT year/NN when/WRB he/PRP caught/VBD members/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ staff/NN playing/VBG PC/NN games/NNS in/IN the/DT office/NN that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ introduced/VBN an/DT amendment/NN to/TO a/DT pending/VBG bill/NN that/WDT would/MD require/VB federal/JJ agencies/NNS to/TO remove/VB any/DT games/NNS installed/VBN on/IN their/PRP$ computers/NNS and/CC prohibit/VB the/DT purchase/NN of/IN new/JJ computers/NNS that/WDT have/VBP games/NNS pre-installed/JJ ./.
The/DT Senate/NNP has/VBZ unanimously/RB approved/VBN the/DT amendment/NN ,/, which/WDT now/RB awaits/VBZ House/NNP action/NN ./.
Fool/NNP 's/POS Paradise/NNP
In/IN the/DT business/NN world/NN there/EX used/VBN to/TO be/VB deals/NNS or/CC ,/, sometimes/RB ,/, partnerships/NNS ./.
These/DT days/NNS ,/, there/EX are/VBP strategic/JJ alliances/NNS ./.
The/DT term/NN "/" strategic/JJ alliance/NN "/" is/VBZ intended/VBN to/TO 1/LS )/) sound/NN glamorous/JJ and/CC forward-thinking/JJ ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) obscure/VB the/DT actual/JJ nature/NN of/IN the/DT relationship/NN ./.
It/PRP can/MD cover/VB anything/NN from/IN an/DT actual/JJ merger/NN to/TO an/DT occasional/JJ lunch/NN ./.
(/( It/PRP is/VBZ an/DT entertaining/JJ parlor/NN game/NN to/TO read/VB about/IN some/DT new/JJ strategic/JJ alliance/NN ,/, especially/RB in/IN the/DT high-tech/JJ world/NN ,/, and/CC try/VB to/TO guess/VB who--if/JJ anyone--is/JJ paying/VBG whom/WP ./.
The/DT answer/NN is/VBZ often/RB far/RB from/IN obvious/JJ ./.
Slate/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, wishes/VBZ to/TO be/VB glamorous/JJ and/CC forward-thinking/JJ ./.
So/IN we/PRP are/VBP pleased/VBN to/TO begin/VB this/DT week/NN a/DT strategic/JJ alliance/NN with/IN the/DT Motley/NNP Fool/NNP ./.
The/DT Fool/NNP ,/, as/IN many/JJ readers/NNS are/VBP aware/JJ ,/, is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS entertaining/JJ ,/, illuminating/JJ ,/, and/CC successful/JJ online/NN financial/JJ sites/NNS ,/, with/IN outlets/NNS on/IN both/DT America/NNP Online/NNP and/CC the/DT Web/NNP ./.
The/DT Slate/NNP &slash;/NN Fool/NNP strategic/JJ alliance/NN will/MD consist/VB of/IN lavish/JJ expressions/NNS of/IN mutual/JJ admiration/NN ,/, cross-links/JJ between/IN our/PRP$ sites/NNS at/IN even/RB the/DT least/JJS plausible/JJ opportunity/NN ,/, and/CC exchanges/NNS of/IN T-/NNP shirts/NNS ,/, baseball/NN caps/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ logo/NN paraphernalia/NNS ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, the/DT Fool/NNP will/MD be/VB providing/VBG ,/, exclusively/RB for/IN Slate/NNP ,/, a/DT weekly/JJ business/NN column/NN ./.
The/DT column/NN is/VBZ not/RB about/IN stock/NN tips/NNS or/CC breaking/VBG news/NN ,/, but/CC rather/RB is/VBZ intended/VBN to/TO be/VB a/DT discerning/JJ backgrounder/NN on/IN business/NN issues/NNS ,/, somewhat/RB in/IN the/DT style/NN of/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS "/" The/DT Gist/NNP ./.
"/" (/( And/CC who/WP 's/VBZ paying/VBG whom/WP ?/.
Guess/NNP ./.
)/) Slate/NNP 's/POS first/JJ "/" Fool/NNP "/" is/VBZ about/IN the/DT corporate/JJ fashion/NN for/IN changing/VBG names/NNS ./.
Next/JJ week/NN ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, we/PRP will/MD continue/VB to/TO ramp/VB up/RP our/PRP$ business/NN coverage/NN with/IN "/" Maximum/NNP Wage/NN ,/, "/" a/DT monthly/JJ column/NN by/IN Graef/NNP (/( Bud/NNP )/) Crystal/NNP ,/, America/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG authority/NN on/IN CEO/NNP compensation/NN ./.
(/( His/PRP$ article/NN on/IN Mike/NNP Ovitz/NNP 's/POS notorious/JJ $/$ 90/CD million/CD severance/NN package/NN from/IN Disney/NNP appeared/VBD in/IN Slate/NNP a/DT few/JJ months/NNS back/RB ./.
)/) Each/DT column/NN will/MD analyze/VB the/DT pay/NN of/IN one/CD or/CC more/RBR top/JJ executives/NNS who/WP are/VBP of/IN interest/NN for/IN being/VBG paid/VBN too/RB much/JJ or/CC (/( occasionally/RB )/) too/RB little/JJ ./.
Graef/NNP 's/POS first/JJ column/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB posted/VBN next/JJ week/NN ,/, will/MD focus/VB on/IN one/CD from/IN each/DT category--both/JJ women/NNS ./.
A/DT Doctor/NNP in/IN the/DT House/NNP
A/DT common/JJ complaint/NN about/IN Slate--and/NNP ,/, indeed/RB ,/, about/IN Webzines/NNP in/IN general--is/JJ that/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB write/VB enough/RB about/IN castration/NN ./.
Like/IN hang/VB gliding/VBG and/CC Albanian/NNP cuisine/NN ,/, this/DT is/VBZ a/DT subject/JJ most/JJS people/NNS would/MD rather/RB read/VB about/IN than/IN try/VB for/IN themselves/PRP ./.
We/PRP are/VBP delighted/JJ ,/, therefore/RB ,/, that/IN our/PRP$ new/JJ "/" Medical/NNP Examiner/NNP "/" columnist/NN has/VBZ chosen/VBN castration/NN as/IN the/DT subject/NN of/IN his/PRP$ first/JJ column/NN ./.
Medical/NNP Examiner/NNP will/MD appear/VB every/DT other/JJ week/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
We/PRP cannot/NN promise/NN that/IN every/DT column/NN will/MD be/VB about/IN castration/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, we/PRP can/MD pretty/RB much/JJ promise/NN that/IN no/DT more/JJR columns/NNS will/MD be/VB about/IN castration/NN ./.
But/CC they/PRP all/DT will/MD deal/VB with/IN the/DT general/JJ subject/NN of/IN health/NN ,/, science/NN ,/, and/CC society/NN ./.
The/DT author/NN is/VBZ Atul/NNP Gawande/NNP ,/, M/NNP ./.
D/NNP ./.
,/, who/WP wrote/VBD a/DT fascinating/JJ Slate/NNP "/" Diary/NNP "/" a/DT couple/NN of/IN weeks/NNS ago/RB about/IN his/PRP$ life/NN as/IN a/DT surgical/JJ resident/NN in/IN Boston/NNP ./.
Atul/NNP also/RB worked/VBD on/IN health-care/NN reform/NN as/IN a/DT White/NNP House/NNP aide/NN during/IN the/DT first/JJ Clinton/NNP term--an/JJ experience/NN about/IN which/WDT he/PRP has/VBZ mixed/VBN feelings/NNS ./.
Playing/VBG Post/NNP Office/NNP
We/PRP 've/VBP had/VBN some/DT complaints/NNS from/IN readers/NNS who/WP say/VBP they/PRP 've/VBP signed/VBN up/RP for/IN (/( free/JJ )/) e-mail/JJ delivery/NN of/IN Slate/NNP on/IN Paper/NNP ,/, our/PRP$ weekly/JJ text-only/JJ print-out/JJ edition/NN ,/, but/CC have/VBP n't/RB started/VBN receiving/VBG it/PRP ./.
We/PRP think/VBP we/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN the/DT situation/NN under/IN control/NN ,/, but/CC we/PRP would/MD really/RB appreciate/VB hearing/NN from/IN anyone/NN who/WP 's/VBZ had/VBD this/DT problem/NN ./.
Please/VB click/NN here/RB ,/, or/CC e-mail/JJ us/PRP at/IN help/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
And/CC if/IN you/PRP 'd/MD like/VB to/TO get/VB e-mail/JJ delivery/NN of/IN Slate/NNP ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
(/( If/IN you/PRP 'd/MD rather/RB just/RB get/VB a/DT weekly/JJ announcement/NN of/IN what/WP 's/VBZ in/IN the/DT new/JJ issue/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
By/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, for/IN those/DT who/WP have/VBP been/VBN enjoying/VBG our/PRP$ new/JJ daily/JJ feature/NN ,/, "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" -/: -/: which/WDT summarizes/NNS and/CC analyzes/NNS the/DT front/JJ pages/NNS of/IN five/CD major/JJ newspapers--you/JJ 'll/MD soon/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO get/VB overnight/JJ e-mail/JJ delivery/NN of/IN that/DT column/NN ./.
Or/CC at/IN least/JJS you/PRP 'll/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO sign/VB up/RP for/IN it/PRP ./.
-/: -/: Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP
Many/JJ Slate/NNP readers/NNS have/VBP expressed/VBN regret/NN that/IN Prudence/NNP has/VBZ abandoned/VBN her/PRP$ advice/NN column/NN in/IN favor/NN of/IN her/PRP$ needlework/NN ./.
Sensitive/NNP to/TO the/DT continuing/VBG need/NN for/IN guidance/NN among/IN Slate/NNP readers/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, Prudence/NNP has/VBZ prevailed/VBN upon/IN her/PRP$ niece/NN and/CC namesake/NN ,/, Prudence/NNP ,/, to/TO assume/VB the/DT responsibility/NN ./.
In/IN coming/VBG weeks/NNS ,/, Prudie/NNP (/( as/IN she/PRP is/VBZ known/VBN to/TO friends/NNS )/) will/MD begin/VB to/TO respond/VB to/TO some/DT of/IN the/DT unanswered/JJ e-mails/JJ that/WDT have/VBP piled/VBN up/RB in/IN her/PRP$ aunt/NN 's/POS queue/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN to/TO new/JJ inquiries/NNS that/IN readers/NNS may/MD submit/VB ./.
Like/IN her/PRP$ aunt/NN ,/, Prudie/NNP will/MD be/VB drawing/VBG upon/IN her/PRP$ rich/JJ experience/NN of/IN life/NN in/IN responding/VBG to/TO questions/NNS about/IN manners/NNS ,/, personal/JJ relations/NNS ,/, politics/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ subjects/NNS ./.
Unlike/IN her/PRP$ aunt/NN ,/, she/PRP does/VBZ not/RB do/VB macroeconomics--though/JJ ,/, in/IN the/DT family/NN tradition/NN ,/, she/PRP does/VBZ do/VB needlepoint/NN ./.
As/IN before/RB ,/, you/PRP should/MD send/VB your/PRP$ questions/NNS for/IN publication/NN to/TO Prudence/NNP @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Queries/NNP should/MD not/RB exceed/VB 200/CD words/NNS ./.
Please/VB indicate/VBP how/WRB you/PRP wish/VBP your/PRP$ letter/NN to/TO be/VB signed/VBN ,/, preferably/RB including/VBG your/PRP$ location/NN ./.
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
One/CD of/IN my/PRP$ favorite/JJ aunts/NNS proposed/VBN to/TO visit/VB the/DT White/NNP House/NNP along/IN with/IN two/CD young/JJ nieces/NNS when/WRB they/PRP vacation/NN in/IN Washington/NNP this/DT spring/NN ./.
Ordinarily/RB ,/, I/PRP would/MD n't/RB give/VB this/DT matter/NN further/RBR thought/NN ,/, but/CC since/IN I/PRP 've/VBP read/VBN so/RB much/RB about/IN scandalous/JJ behavior/NN in/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP ,/, I/PRP think/VBP maybe/RB they/PRP should/MD skip/VB the/DT White/NNP House/NNP and/CC spend/VB more/JJR time/NN in/IN the/DT Capitol/NNP instead/RB ./.
Mostly/RB I/PRP am/VBP concerned/VBN that/IN my/PRP$ nieces/NNS '/POS reputations/NNS will/MD suffer/VB when/WRB they/PRP return/VBP home/NN to/TO the/DT inevitable/JJ questions/NNS from/IN curious/JJ friends/NNS ./.
Please/VB help/VB me/PRP :/: White/NNP House/NNP or/CC no/DT White/NNP House/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: Uncle/NNP Cautious/JJ
Dear/RB Unc/NNP ,/,
Oh/UH ,/, by/IN all/DT means/VBZ ,/, White/NNP House/NNP ./.
Prudie/NNP feels/VBZ certain/JJ that/IN young/JJ tourists/NNS are/VBP safe/JJ from/IN the/DT alleged/JJ scandalous/JJ behavior/NN ./.
You/PRP do/VBP not/RB say/VB how/WRB old/JJ your/PRP$ nieces/NNS are/VBP ,/, so/RB just/RB a/DT small/JJ caveat/NN :/: If/IN they/PRP are/VBP in/IN the/DT intern/NN age/NN bracket/NN ,/, simply/RB advise/VB them/PRP that/IN the/DT room/NN off/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP is/VBZ not/RB on/IN the/DT tour/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, prophylactically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
I/PRP could/MD n't/RB wait/VB to/TO get/VB e-mail/JJ at/IN my/PRP$ office/NN ,/, because/IN I/PRP hate/VBP returning/VBG phone/NN calls/NNS ./.
Now/RB I/PRP find/VBP I/PRP hate/VBP returning/VBG e-mails/JJ ./.
What/WP do/VBP I/PRP do/VBP ?/.
And/CC what/WP 's/VBZ the/DT proper/JJ etiquette/NN for/IN an/DT e-mail/JJ kiss-off/JJ ?/.
How/WRB long/JJ can/MD I/PRP keep/VB saying/VBG ,/, "/" Oh/UH ,/, I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB get/VB it/PRP ./.
Can/MD you/PRP resend/NN ?/.
Sincerely/NNP ,/, -/: -/: Anxious/JJ in/IN Austin/NNP
Dear/RB Anxious/JJ ,/,
You/PRP have/VBP definitely/RB identified/VBN a/DT problem/NN for/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB an/DT etiquette/NN has/VBZ yet/RB been/VBN formulated/VBN for/IN this/DT problem/NN ,/, so/RB here/RB are/VBP two/CD jerry-built/JJ options/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) Ignore/VB things/NNS you/PRP wish/VBP to/TO ignore/VB ,/, or/CC 2/LS )/) fluff/NN off/RP troublesome/JJ e/SYM 's/POS with/IN a/DT brief/JJ reply/NN ./.
Something/NN like/IN "/" in/IN haste/NN "/" or/CC "/" gotta/NN run/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP got/VBD your/PRP$ message/NN ./.
And/CC ,/, dare/VB Prudie/NNP say/VBP this/DT in/IN an/DT online/NN magazine/NN ?/.
You/PRP can/MD always/RB say/VB that/IN your/PRP$ server/NN screwed/VBD up/RB ./.
sort/NN of/IN the/DT electronic/JJ version/NN of/IN "/" the/DT dog/NN ate/VBD my/PRP$ homework/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, briskly/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
With/IN winter/NN comes/VBZ a/DT most/RBS embarrassing/JJ problem--incredible/JJ static/JJ cling/VB ./.
Static/NNP electricity/NN ,/, which/WDT not/RB only/RB turns/VBZ A-/NNP line/NN skirts/VBZ into/IN minis/NNS ,/, but/CC also/RB affects/VBZ hair/NN and/CC body/NN ,/, resulting/VBG in/IN hair/NN that/WDT stands/VBZ out/IN unattractively/RB ,/, and/CC makes/VBZ sparks/VBZ fly/VB whenever/WRB my/PRP$ body/NN touches/NNS another/DT ./.
What/WP can/MD one/CD do/VB ?/.
-/: -/: Clung/NNP to/TO in/IN California/NNP
Dear/RB Clung/NNP ,/,
Write/NNP to/TO Heloise/NNP ./.
Prudie/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB the/DT faintest/JJS idea/NN how/WRB to/TO solve/VB this/DT dilemma/NN ./.
However/RB I/PRP do/VBP remember/VB that/IN a/DT few/JJ nights/NNS ago/RB at/IN a/DT party/NN ,/, a/DT woman/NN confided/VBD that/IN her/PRP$ dress/NN was/VBD clingy/JJ and/CC electric/JJ ,/, so/IN she/PRP wore/VBD a/DT light/JJ flannel/NN nightgown/NN underneath/IN ./.
She/PRP went/VBD on/IN to/TO say/VB that/IN this/DT approach/NN had/VBD the/DT added/VBN benefit/NN that/IN should/MD someone/NN ask/VB her/PRP to/TO spend/VB the/DT night/NN ,/, she/PRP would/MD be/VB prepared/VBN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, statically/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
My/PRP$ boyfriend/NN wears/VBZ totally/RB unsexy/NN underwear--plain/JJ white/JJ briefs/NNS that/WDT are/VBP too/RB big/JJ for/IN him/PRP and/CC bag/NN in/IN the/DT back/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP tried/VBN giving/VBG him/PRP subtle/JJ hints/NNS like/IN "/" I/PRP think/VBP boxers/NNS are/VBP sexy/JJ "/" and/CC "/" boxers/NNS really/RB turn/VBP me/PRP on/IN ,/, "/" but/CC they/PRP just/RB seem/VBP to/TO go/VB over/IN his/PRP$ head/NN ./.
I/PRP even/RB bought/VBD him/PRP a/DT pair/NN of/IN boxers/NNS ,/, but/CC he/PRP just/RB wears/VBZ them/PRP to/TO sleep/VB in--with/JJ his/PRP$ yucky/NN briefs/NNS underneath/IN ./.
What/WP can/MD I/PRP do/VB ?/.
-/: -/: Turned/VBN off/RP in/IN Kansas/NNP
Dear/RB Turned/VBN ,/,
He/PRP wears/VBZ the/DT baggy/NN briefs/NNS underneath/IN ?/.
I/PRP offer/VBP you/PRP two/CD suggestions/NNS ./.
Since/IN things/NNS are/VBP going/VBG over/IN his/PRP$ head/NN ,/, try/VB under/IN his/PRP$ nose/NN ./.
Write/NNP him/PRP a/DT short/JJ love/NN note/NN saying/VBG it/PRP would/MD mean/VB a/DT lot/NN to/TO you/PRP if/IN he--forgive/JJ the/DT pun--bagged/JJ his/PRP$ lucky/JJ underpants/NNS and/CC only/RB wore/VBD boxers/NNS ./.
Alas/NNP ,/, the/DT alternative/NN is/VBZ to/TO forget/VB it/PRP ./.
Would/MD you/PRP think/VB Prudie/NNP salacious/JJ if/IN she/PRP were/VBD to/TO suggest/VB that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ what/WP 's/VBZ inside/IN the/DT briefs/NNS or/CC boxers/NNS that/DT counts/NNS ?/.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, briefly/NN
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
In/IN the/DT initial/JJ stages/NNS of/IN dating/VBG ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ usual/JJ to/TO assume/VB that/IN both/DT parties/NNS are/VBP probably/RB dating/VBG others/NNS ./.
I/PRP prefer/VBP to/TO describe/VB my/PRP$ other/JJ dates/NNS as/IN "/" having/VBG plans/NNS ./.
"/" I/PRP also/RB take/VBP pains/NNS so/IN that/IN the/DT people/NNS I/PRP date/VBP remain/VB clueless/JJ about/IN others/NNS I/PRP may/MD be/VB dating/VBG ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT men/NNS I/PRP am/VBP currently/RB seeing/VBG has/VBZ asked/VBN me/PRP to/TO dinner/NN at/IN a/DT particular/JJ restaurant/NN that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN eager/JJ to/TO try/VB ./.
I/PRP accepted/VBD ,/, but/CC when/WRB I/PRP looked/VBD up/RP the/DT address/NN ,/, I/PRP found/VBD it/PRP was/VBD located/VBN in/IN the/DT same/JJ (/( very/RB small/JJ )/) building/NN as/IN the/DT office/NN of/IN another/DT man/NN I/PRP am/VBP seeing/VBG ./.
I/PRP am/VBP on/IN the/DT verge/NN of/IN suggesting/VBG another/DT restaurant/NN ,/, lest/IN I/PRP "/" collide/NN "/" with/IN the/DT other/JJ man/NN ./.
Should/MD I/PRP change/VBP the/DT venue/NN ?/.
-/: -/: Dating/NNP in/IN D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Date/NN ,/,
Prudie/NNP thinks/VBZ it/PRP would/MD be/VB wonderful/JJ to/TO be/VB seen/VBN by/IN another/DT swain/NN and/CC cannot/NN imagine/VB why/WRB you/PRP would/MD want/VB to/TO pretend/VB to/TO be/VB otherwise/RB dateless/JJ in/IN what/WP you/PRP describe/VBP as/IN "/" the/DT initial/JJ stages/NNS of/IN dating/VBG "/" this/DT new/JJ person/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, strategically/RB
A/DT Postscript/NNP From/IN Prudie/NNP
Dear/RB Readers/NNS ,/,
I/PRP am/VBP honored/VBN that/IN my/PRP$ dear/RB Aunt/NNP Prudence/NNP has/VBZ entrusted/VBN me/PRP to/TO continue/VB her/PRP$ service/NN to/TO the/DT lorn/NN of/IN all/DT stripes/NNS ./.
I/PRP feel/VBP as/IN though/IN I/PRP am/VBP stepping/VBG into/IN the/DT family/NN business/NN ,/, as/IN it/PRP were/VBD ./.
Happily/RB ,/, I/PRP have/VBP no/DT feeling/NN that/IN I/PRP am/VBP trying/VBG to/TO fill/VB her/PRP$ shoes/NNS ./.
(/( Truth/NNP to/TO tell/VB ,/, Auntie/NNP wears/VBZ a/DT rather/RB large/JJ size/NN ./.
)/) Being/VBG of/IN a/DT younger/JJR generation/NN ,/, I/PRP may/MD be/VB a/DT little/JJ less/RBR delicate/JJ in/IN my/PRP$ approach/NN but/CC I/PRP hope/VBP of/IN no/DT less/JJR use/NN to/TO you/PRP ./.
Yours/NNP ,/, -/: -/: Prudie/NNP
Chatterbox/NNP feels/VBZ that/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN 's/POS coverage/NN of/IN Juanita/NNP Broaddrick/NNP 's/POS rape/NN charges/NNS against/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP (/( see/VB "/" Proving/NNP Rape/NNP ,/, "/" "/" More/JJR Proving/NNP Rape/NNP ,/, "/" as/RB well/RB as/IN Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP 's/POS "/" Readme/NNP "/" column/NN in/IN the/DT current/JJ issue/NN )/) cries/VBZ out/IN for/IN the/DT introduction/NN of/IN the/DT Scientific/NNP Method/NNP into/IN the/DT usually/RB mushy/JJ business/NN of/IN assessing/VBG press/NN responsibility/NN ./.
With/IN that/DT in/IN mind/NN ,/, Chatterbox/NNP hereby/NN inaugurates/NNS the/DT Intellectual/NNP Dishonesty/NN (/( henceforth/NN to/TO be/VB known/VBN as/IN the/DT Indis/NNP )/) Index/NN ./.
Here/RB 's/POS how/WRB it/PRP works/VBZ :/: Publications/NNP that/WDT refuse/VBP to/TO acknowledge/VB (/( even/RB if/IN to/TO refute/VB the/DT importance/NN of/IN )/) highly/RB significant/JJ but/CC inconvenient/JJ facts/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ news/NN or/CC opinion/NN coverage/NN of/IN controversial/JJ events/NNS will/MD score/NN one/CD point/NN for/IN the/DT initial/JJ offense/NN ./.
They/PRP will/MD then/RB score/NN one/CD point/NN for/IN every/DT subsequent/JJ issue/NN or/CC broadcast/NN or/CC Internet/NN posting/VBG after/IN the/DT first/JJ offense/NN is/VBZ noted/VBN by/IN Chatterbox/NNP if/IN they/PRP continue/VBP not/RB to/TO report/NN said/VBD inconvenient/JJ fact--and/JJ an/DT additional/JJ two/CD points/NNS on/IN days/NNS when/WRB the/DT news/NN organization/NN runs/VBZ a/DT follow-up/JJ without/IN making/VBG note/NN of/IN said/VBD inconvenient/JJ fact/NN ./.
Publications/NNP receiving/VBG a/DT score/NN of/IN 10/CD will/MD be/VB inducted/JJ into/IN the/DT Indis/NNP Hall/NNP of/IN Fame/NNP ./.
Publications/NNP that/WDT get/VBP all/PDT the/DT way/NN up/IN to/TO 20/CD will/MD be/VB faxed/VBD a/DT likeness/NN of/IN Joseph/NNP Stalin/NNP ./.
(/( Chatterbox/NNP would/MD prefer/VB not/RB to/TO invoke/VB the/DT phrase/NN "/" intellectual/JJ dishonesty/NN ,/, "/" because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ pompous/JJ and/CC falsely/RB suggests/VBZ that/IN only/JJ intellectuals/NNS can/MD be/VB intellectually/RB dishonest/JJ ./.
But/CC Chatterbox/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB know/VB any/DT other/JJ easily/RB understandable/JJ phrase/NN that/WDT describes/VBZ this/DT particular/JJ kind/NN of/IN offense/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT purposes/NNS of/IN this/DT survey/NN ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP will/MD be/VB counted/VBN as/IN a/DT separate/JJ and/CC distinct/JJ publication/NN from/IN the/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN page/NN ,/, because/RB ,/, in/IN essence/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN continues/VBZ not/RB to/TO acknowledge/VB that/IN Norma/NNP Kelsey/NNP ,/, the/DT friend/NN and/CC employee/NN to/TO Juanita/NNP Broaddrick/NNP who/WP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN two/CD people/NNS partially/RB corroborating/VBG Broaddrick/NNP 's/POS rape/NN accusation/NN ,/, is/VBZ the/DT daughter/NN of/IN a/DT man/NN whose/WP$ murderer/NN was/VBD pardoned/VBD by/IN Gov/NNP ./.
Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
(/( A/DT responsible/JJ account/NN of/IN the/DT whole/JJ controversy/NN in/IN today/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Kelsey/NNP says/VBZ the/DT pardon/NN had/VBD nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN her/PRP$ corroboration/NN ./.
)/) The/DT Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN gets/VBZ one/CD point/NN for/IN failing/VBG to/TO note/VB the/DT pardon/NN in/IN its/PRP$ initial/JJ Op-/NNP Ed/NNP by/IN Dorothy/NNP Rabinowitz/NNP on/IN Feb/NNP ./.
19/CD ./.
Because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ published/VBN three/CD times/NNS since/IN the/DT initial/JJ omission/NN ,/, it/PRP scores/NNS an/DT additional/JJ three/CD points/NNS ./.
And/CC because/IN it/PRP published/VBD an/DT editorial/JJ Feb/NNP ./.
22/CD taunting/NN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT press/NN for/IN not/RB following/VBG it/PRP on/IN the/DT story--and/JJ still/RB did/VBD n't/RB mention/VB the/DT pardon--it/JJ scores/NNS an/DT extra/JJ two/CD points/NNS ./.
That/DT comes/VBZ to/TO a/DT total/NN of/IN six/CD ./.
Chatterbox/NNP feels/VBZ certain/JJ that/IN the/DT Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN will/MD provide/VB some/DT follow-up/JJ tomorrow/NN to/TO tonight/NN 's/POS NBC/NNP broadcast/NN of/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ Broaddrick/NNP interview/NN ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ that/IN if/IN the/DT Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN continues/VBZ to/TO take/VB no/DT action/NN it/PRP will/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT Indis/NNP Hall/NNP of/IN Fame/NNP by/IN Monday/NNP at/IN the/DT latest/JJS !/.
Chatterbox/NNP considered/VBD but/CC rejected/VBN the/DT idea/NN of/IN awarding/VBG Rabinowitz/NNP bonus/NN points/NNS for/IN having/VBG "/" eventually/RB convinced/VBN "/" Broaddrick/NNP to/TO grant/VB an/DT interview/NN to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP (/( as/IN the/DT Times/NNP reports/NNS in/IN today/NN 's/POS story/NN )/) ./.
But/CC the/DT Scientific/NNP Method/NNP does/VBZ not/RB permit/VB any/DT tinkering/NN with/IN the/DT Indis/NNP Index/NNP 's/POS scoring/VBG procedures/NNS ./.
And/CC besides/IN ,/, Rabinowitz/NNP 's/POS efforts/NNS on/IN the/DT Times/NNP '/POS behalf/NN were/VBD n't/RB really/RB unethical/JJ ,/, just/RB puzzling/JJ ,/, given/VBN the/DT two/CD newspapers/NNS '/POS intense/JJ rivalry/NN ./.
When/WRB Chatterbox/NNP asked/VBD the/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS DC/NNP bureau/NN chief/NN ,/, Alan/NNP Murray/NNP ,/, who/WP exercised/VBD good/JJ judgment/NN in/IN not/RB breaking/VBG the/DT Broaddrick/NNP story/NN (/( and--full/JJ disclosure--/JJ is/VBZ Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS former/JJ boss/NN )/) ,/, to/TO comment/VB about/IN a/DT Journal/NNP employee/NN 's/POS feeding/NN sources/NNS to/TO the/DT Times/NNP ,/, he/PRP replied/VBD :/: "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB have/VB any/DT comment/NN on/IN what/WP the/DT edit/VB page/NN did/VBD ./.
They/PRP do/VBP their/PRP$ thing/NN ,/, we/PRP do/VBP ours/PRP ./.
"/" Which/WDT is/VBZ what/WP Journal/NNP news/NN employees/NNS are/VBP instructed/VBN to/TO say/VB whenever/WRB the/DT editorial/NN page/NN causes/NNS them/PRP cringing/VBG embarrassment/NN ./.
For/IN her/PRP$ part/NN ,/, Rabinowitz/NNP explains/VBZ to/TO Chatterbox/NNP that/IN her/PRP$ efforts/NNS on/IN behalf/NN of/IN the/DT Times/NNP were/VBD more/RBR indifferent/JJ than/IN the/DT Times/NNP made/VBD them/PRP sound/VBP ./.
"/" Ms/NNP ./.
Broaddrick/NNP told/VBD me/PRP Sunday/NNP that/IN a/DT Times/NNP reporter/NN had/VBD appeared/VBN at/IN the/DT house/NN in/IN the/DT a/DT ./.
m/NN ./.
,/, and/CC that/IN she/PRP had/VBD refused/VBN an/DT interview/NN ,/, "/" Rabinowitz/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN an/DT e-mail/JJ message/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP asked/VBD her/PRP$ why/WRB she/PRP had/VBD decided/VBN to/TO talk/VB to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS Steve/NNP Dunleavy/NNP ,/, and/CC refused/VBD a/DT Times/NNP reporter/NN ./.
She/PRP said/VBD Dunleavy/NNP caught/VBD her/PRP by/IN surprise/NN ./.
She/PRP asked/VBD if/IN I/PRP thought/VBD it/PRP would/MD be/VB all/DT right/NN to/TO talk/VB to/TO the/DT Times/NNP reporter/NN ./.
I/PRP told/VBD her/PRP$ it/PRP would/MD be--certainly/JJ as/IN all/DT right/NN as/IN talking/VBG to/TO Dunleavy/NNP ./.
She/PRP said/VBD ,/, '/" Well/RB ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP sorry/JJ I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB ./.
'/POS She/PRP said/VBD she/PRP would/MD if/IN he/PRP called/VBD again/RB ./.
I/PRP passed/VBD this/DT on/IN to/TO [/( Times/NNP reporter/NN ]/) Felicity/NNP Barringer/NNP during/IN our/PRP$ second/JJ day/NN 's/POS interview/NN chat/VB ./.
So--that/NNP 's/POS how/WRB it/PRP happens/VBZ that/IN in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP piece/NN today/NN I/PRP 'm/VBP described--solemnly--as/JJ having/VBG '/POS eventually/RB convinced/VBN '/POS her/PRP to/TO repeat/VB the/DT story/NN to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Timothy/NNP Noah/NNP
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT heightening/VBG of/IN security/NN measures/NNS in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS arrest/NN of/IN a/DT man/NN trying/VBG to/TO enter/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
with/IN the/DT makings/NNS of/IN several/JJ large/JJ bombs/NNS ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP off-leads/JJ anti-terrorism/JJ and/CC goes/VBZ instead/RB with/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS tech-led/JJ stock/NN surge--apparently/JJ off/IN the/DT Fed/NNP 's/POS decision/NN not/RB to/TO raise/VB interest/NN rates/NNS for/IN now/RB ,/, a/DT development/NN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP puts/VBZ at/IN the/DT top/NN of/IN its/PRP$ front-page/JJ business/NN and/CC finance/NN news/NN box/NN ./.
USAT/NNP 's/POS headline/NN states/VBZ a/DT stunner/NN :/: "/" NASDAQ/NNP UP/IN 77/CD PERCENT/NNP FOR/IN YEAR/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP stuffs/NNS the/DT one-day/JJ financials/NNS but/CC leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT likelihood/NN that/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Communications/NNP Commission/NNP will/MD allow/VB Bell/NNP Atlantic/NNP to/TO become/VB the/DT first/JJ Baby/NNP Bell/NNP to/TO enter/VB the/DT long-distance/JJ market/NN ./.
This/DT would/MD mean/VB ,/, explains/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, that/IN for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN since/IN the/DT AT/NNP &/CC T/NN break-up/NN ,/, phone/NN customers/NNS in/IN New/NNP York/NNP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO get/VB local/JJ and/CC long-distance/JJ phone/NN service/NN from/IN the/DT same/JJ company/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN views/NNS this/DT as/IN auguring/VBG the/DT FCC/NNP 's/POS approval/NN of/IN long-distance/JJ provision/NN by/IN the/DT other/JJ Baby/NNP Bells/NNP as/RB well/RB ./.
Upshot/NNP :/: The/DT L-D/NNP giants/NNS like/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN and/CC Sprint/NNP will/MD have/VB powerful/JJ new/JJ competitors/NNS who/WP already/RB have/VBP service/NN relationships/NNS with/IN tens/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN customers/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN emphasizes/VBZ the/DT anti-terror/JJ moves/NNS being/VBG made/VBN by/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Aviation/NNP Administration/NNP at/IN airports/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN limns/NNS the/DT intensifying/VBG concern/NN occurring/VBG across/IN the/DT full/JJ spectrum/NN of/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN ,/, reporting/VBG ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, on/IN an/DT anti-terrorism/JJ meeting/NN Monday/NNP attended/VBN by/IN Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP ,/, the/DT CIA/NNP director/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT chairman/NN of/IN the/DT Joint/NNP Chiefs/NNPS ./.
Both/DT stories/NNS note/VBP that/IN Customs/NNP has/VBZ just/RB reassigned/VBN some/DT 300/CD extra/JJ agents/NNS to/TO remote/JJ spots/NNS along/IN the/DT Canadian/JJ and/CC Mexican/JJ borders/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN also/RB promotes/VBZ the/DT significance/NN of/IN a/DT second/JJ border/NN arrest/NN ,/, on/IN Dec/NNP ./.
19/CD ,/, of/IN an/DT Algerian/NNP man/NN and/CC a/DT Canadian/JJ woman/NN trying/VBG to/TO enter/VB Vermont/NNP from/IN Quebec/NNP ./.
The/DT man/NN did/VBD not/RB have/VB adequate/JJ identification/NN ,/, and/CC later/RB a/DT false/JJ French/JJ passport/NN was/VBD found/VBN in/IN his/PRP$ jacket/NN ./.
And/CC ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, when/WRB two/CD bomb-sniffing/JJ dogs/NNS were/VBD called/VBN in/IN to/TO go/VB over/IN the/DT car--one/JJ for/IN detecting/VBG plastic/NN explosives/NNS ,/, the/DT other/JJ black/JJ powder--they/JJ each/DT alerted/VBD to/TO the/DT same/JJ portion/NN of/IN the/DT car/NN ,/, suggesting/VBG the/DT residue/NN of/IN explosives/NNS there/RB ./.
The/DT paper/NN gives/VBZ over/IN half/PDT its/PRP$ lead/NN to/TO this/DT arrest/NN ,/, and/CC headlines/NNS it/PRP "/" 2/CD ND/NNP ALGERIAN/NNP ARRESTED/NNP ON/NNP U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT LAT/NNP lead/NN saves/VBZ the/DT Vermont/NNP arrest/NN until/IN the/DT last/JJ few/JJ paragraphs/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT NYT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT story/NN about/IN it/PRP inside/IN ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP top-fronter/JJ reports/NNS that/IN Democratic/NNP Party/NNP officials/NNS have/VBP established/VBN committees/NNS that/WDT channel/NN large/JJ contributions/NNS to/TO several/JJ Senate/NNP campaigns/NNS in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT circumvents/VBZ limits/NNS on/IN contributions/NNS to/TO individual/JJ candidates/NNS ./.
The/DT so-called/JJ victory/NN funds/NNS are/VBP ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, being/VBG used/VBN for/IN Senate/NNP races/NNS in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, California/NNP ,/, Florida/NNP ,/, Louisiana/NNP ,/, Massachusetts/NNP ,/, Michigan/NNP ,/, and/CC Missouri/NNP ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ experts/NNS say/VBP the/DT funds/NNS are/VBP "/" probably/RB legal/JJ "/" because/IN ,/, despite/IN being/VBG incorporated/VBN and/CC administered/VBN by/IN national/JJ party/NN organizations/NNS ,/, they/PRP create/VBP only/RB an/DT informal/JJ tie/NN between/IN the/DT donor/NN or/CC the/DT national/JJ party/NN on/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN and/CC the/DT individual/JJ candidate/NN on/IN the/DT other/JJ (/( whereas/IN a/DT formal/JJ tie/NN would/MD be/VB illegal/JJ ,/, given/VBN the/DT amounts/NNS involved/VBN )/) ./.
And/CC yes/UH ,/, the/DT paper/NN explains/VBZ ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP operation/NN benefits/VBZ Hillary/NNP Clinton--to/NNP the/DT tune/NN of/IN "/" several/JJ hundred/CD thousand/CD dollars/NNS ./.
"/" Gripe/NNP :/: Although/IN the/DT story/NN makes/VBZ it/PRP clear/JJ that/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS have/VBP established/VBN victory/NN funds/NNS as/IN well/RB ,/, the/DT headline/NN only/RB mentions/VBZ Democrats/NNPS ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ WP/NNP story/NN cites/VBZ unnamed/JJ sources/NNS to/TO sketch/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS post-presidential/JJ plans/NNS :/: living/VBG half-time/NN in/IN Arkansas/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP will/MD oversee/VB a/DT new/JJ graduate/NN program/NN at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Arkansas/NNP ,/, a/DT public/JJ policy/NN center/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT public-sector/JJ fellowship/NN program/NN for/IN young/JJ executives/NNS ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT story/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP intends/VBZ to/TO earn/VB large/JJ sums/NNS of/IN money/NN making/VBG speeches/NNS at/IN up/IN to/TO $/$ 125/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT pop/NN ./.
Both/DT the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP front/NN Housing/NNP and/CC Urban/NNP Development/NNP Secretary/NNP Andrew/NNP Cuomo/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN yesterday/NN that/IN his/PRP$ agency/NN will/MD take/VB direct/JJ control/NN of/IN the/DT $/$ 60/CD million/CD earmarked/VBN for/IN services/NNS for/IN the/DT homeless/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP ,/, because/IN the/DT Giuliani/NNP administration/NN cannot/NN be/VB trusted/VBN to/TO distribute/VB them/PRP fairly/RB ./.
Mayor/NNP Giuliani/NNP responded/VBD ,/, say/VBP the/DT papers/NNS ,/, by/IN accusing/VBG Cuomo/NNP of/IN playing/VBG politics/NNS with/IN the/DT homeless/JJ programs/NNS and/CC ,/, says/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, by/IN noting/VBG political/JJ ties/NNS between/IN Cuomo/NNP and/CC Hizzonner/NNP 's/POS likely/JJ Senate/NNP race/NN opponent/NN ,/, Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP fronts/NNS and/CC USAT/NNP 's/POS money/NN front/JJ report/NN that/IN a/DT well-known/JJ Wall/NNP St/NNP ./.
investment/NN banker/NN was/VBD indicted/VBN Tuesday/NNP on/IN charges/NNS that/IN he/PRP provided/VBD illegal/JJ tips/NNS about/IN pending/VBG bank/NN mergers/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ still-at-large/JJ mistress/NN ,/, described/VBD variously/RB as/IN a/DT stripper/NN ,/, an/DT adult-film/JJ star/NN ,/, and/CC an/DT escort/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN also/RB makes/VBZ the/DT WSJ/NNP 's/POS front-page/JJ business/NN and/CC financial/JJ news/NN box/NN ,/, although/IN in/IN the/DT summary/NN there/RB ,/, the/DT reader/NN is/VBZ spared/VBN any/DT reference/NN to/TO the/DT woman/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP reports/NNS that/WDT newly/RB declassified/JJ Senate/NNP testimony/NN shows/VBZ that/IN Janet/NNP Reno/NNP said/VBD last/JJ June/NNP that/IN she/PRP thought/VBD federal/JJ investigators/NNS into/IN the/DT possible/JJ theft/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
nuclear/JJ technology/NN by/IN China/NNP had/VBD focused/VBN prematurely/RB on/IN former/JJ Los/NNP Alamos/NNP scientist/NN Wen/NNP Ho/NNP Lee/NNP ./.
The/DT paper/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ run/VBN many/JJ front-page/JJ stories/NNS in/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN suggesting/VBG that/IN China/NNP did/VBD indeed/RB steal/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
nuclear/JJ secrets/NNS ,/, often/RB detailing/VBG suspicious/JJ behavior/NN of/IN Lee/NNP ,/, puts/VBZ this/DT one/CD inside/IN ./.
Incidentally/NNP ,/, LAT/NNP columnist/NN Robert/NNP Scheer/NNP noted/VBD yesterday/NN that/IN the/DT NYT/NNP has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO write/VB about/IN a/DT Stanford/NNP University/NNP research/NN team/NN 's/POS critique/NN of/IN the/DT principal/JJ government/NN document/NN making/VBG the/DT case/NN against/IN Lee/NNP and/CC China/NNP ./.
A/DT front-page/JJ WSJ/NNP story/NN documents/NNS something/NN pretty/RB interesting/JJ about/IN schools/NNS on/IN military/JJ bases/NNS :/: Although/IN their/PRP$ student/NN bodies/NNS are/VBP more/RBR racially/RB diverse/JJ and/CC poorer/JJR than/IN those/DT in/IN general/JJ society/NN ,/, their/PRP$ test/NN scores/NNS are/VBP very/RB good/JJ ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, in/IN 1998/CD ,/, base/NN schools/NNS '/POS scores/NNS in/IN the/DT national/JJ eighth-grade/JJ writing/NN exam/NN were/VBD No/UH ./.
2/LS in/IN the/DT country/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT rate/NN of/IN matriculation/NN is/VBZ 80/CD percent/NN ,/, compared/VBN to/TO the/DT national/JJ rate/NN of/IN 67/CD percent/NN ./.
One/CD hidden/VBN variable/JJ the/DT story/NN suggests/VBZ is/VBZ partially/RB responsible/JJ :/: The/DT military/JJ commands/NNS tend/VBP to/TO support/VB the/DT teachers/NNS in/IN disciplinary/JJ wrangles/NNS with/IN students/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ parents/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP makes/VBZ you/PRP wonder/VBP about/IN the/DT quality/NN of/IN thought/VBD behind/IN many/JJ of/IN those/DT anti-/NN Microsoft/NNP lawsuits/NNS that/WDT came/VBD tumbling/VBG forth/RB right/NN after/IN the/DT antitrust/JJ trial/NN judge/NN 's/POS finding/NN of/IN facts/NNS ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ that/IN one/CD hastily/RB filed/VBN suit/NN says/VBZ that/IN Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ a/DT generic/JJ drug/NN maker/NN and/CC another/DT says/VBZ the/DT company/NN 's/POS principal/JJ location/NN is/VBZ Texas/NNP ./.
The/DT following/VBG are/VBP fields/NNS in/IN which/WDT Jewish/JJ men/NNS are/VBP believed/VBN to/TO excel/VB :/: gastroenterology/NN ,/, the/DT violin/NN ,/, political/JJ consulting/NN ,/, the/DT domination/NN of/IN world/NN financial/JJ markets/NNS ,/, and/CC particle/NN physics/NN ./.
One/CD field/NN in/IN which/WDT it/PRP is/VBZ believed/VBN we/PRP do/VBP poorly/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, is/VBZ beating/VBG people/NNS up/RB ./.
We/PRP are/VBP ,/, the/DT stereotype/NN has/VBZ it/PRP ,/, lousy/JJ fighters/NNS ,/, and/CC this/DT rankles/NNS ./.
Some/DT of/IN us/PRP respond/VBP to/TO this/DT slander/NN by/IN embracing/VBG ,/, in/IN the/DT words/NNS of/IN the/DT cultural/JJ critic/NN Daniel/NNP Boyarin/NNP ,/, our/PRP$ "/" sissy/NN heritage/NN "/" and/CC taking/VBG up/RP ,/, among/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, the/DT study/NN of/IN Yiddish/JJ (/( not/RB for/IN nothing/NN is/VBZ it/PRP known/VBN as/IN "/" mama-loshen/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT mother/NN tongue/NN )/) ./.
Others/NNS move/VBP in/IN the/DT opposite/JJ direction/NN and/CC join/VB the/DT Israeli/JJ army/NN ,/, where/WRB Yiddish/JJ ,/, the/DT language/NN of/IN our/PRP$ sissy/NN exile/NN ,/, is/VBZ most/RBS definitely/RB not/RB spoken/VBN ./.
Still/RB others/NNS take/VBP up/RB ice/NN hockey/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX are/VBP those/DT who/WP steel/NN themselves/PRP with/IN memories/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ gangster/NN past/JJ ./.
Men/NN with/IN names/NNS such/JJ as/IN Kid/NNP Twist/NN and/CC Gyp/NNP the/DT Blood/NNP and/CC Pittsburgh/NNP Phil/NNP once/RB roamed/VBD the/DT Jewish/JJ ghettos/NNS ./.
These/DT gangsters/NNS were/VBD as/RB tough/JJ as/IN the/DT Irish/JJ and/CC as/RB powerful/JJ as/IN the/DT Italian/JJ mob/NN ,/, and/CC when/WRB I/PRP discovered/VBD this/DT fact/NN at/IN age/NN 12/CD or/CC so/RB ,/, it/PRP thrilled/VBN me/PRP ./.
This/DT reaction/NN is/VBZ easy/JJ to/TO understand/VB :/: I/PRP was/VBD ,/, at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, facing/VBG the/DT oppression/NN of/IN anti-/NN Semitic/NNP schoolyard/NN thugs/NNS ,/, and/CC in/IN my/PRP$ revenge-fantasies/JJ ,/, Bugsy/NNP Siegel/NNP and/CC Gurrah/NNP Shapiro/NNP were/VBD lining/VBG up/RB on/IN my/PRP$ side/NN ,/, blackjacks/NNS in/IN hand/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, all/PDT this/DT was/VBD happening/VBG when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD 12/CD ./.
By/IN the/DT time/NN I/PRP hit/VBD 16/CD ,/, my/PRP$ understanding/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS had/VBD become/VBN substantially/RB more/RBR nuanced/JJ ./.
Great/JJ nicknames/NNS and/CC fists/NNS aside/RB ,/, I/PRP began/VBD to/TO recognize/VB these/DT Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS as/IN fools/NNS and/CC thugs/NNS who/WP preyed/JJ on/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ communities/NNS ,/, robbed/VBN the/DT Jewish/JJ poor/NN ,/, and/CC murdered/VBN their/PRP$ own/JJ people/NNS ./.
Rich/NNP Cohen/NNP ,/, author/NN of/IN a/DT new/JJ book/NN titled/VBD Tough/JJ Jews/NNPS :/: Fathers/NNS ,/, Sons/NNP ,/, and/CC Gangster/NNP Dreams/NNS ,/, does/VBZ n't/RB get/VB this/DT fact/NN ./.
For/IN Cohen/NNP ,/, a/DT writer/NN for/IN Rolling/NNP Stone/NNP magazine/NN ,/, the/DT Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS are/VBP the/DT purest/NN expression/NN of/IN the/DT Jewish/JJ spirit/NN and/CC the/DT means/NNS through/IN which/WDT he/PRP defines/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ Jewishness/NNP ./.
There/EX are/VBP two/CD books/NNS here/RB ./.
One/CD is/VBZ a/DT very/RB bad/JJ book/NN of/IN social/JJ history/NN ,/, defined/VBN by/IN Cohen/NNP 's/POS tendency/NN to/TO make/VB up/RP facts--/JJ "/" imagine/VB "/" is/VBZ his/PRP$ word--when/JJ he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB know/VB something/NN :/: "/" I/PRP do/VBP not/RB know/VB what/WP [/( Yasha/NNP Katzenberg/NNP ]/) looked/VBD like/IN ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" but/CC I/PRP have/VBP tried/VBN to/TO imagine/VB him/PRP ./.
I/PRP see/VBP his/PRP$ eyes/NNS as/IN mirrors/VBZ ,/, reflecting/VBG not/RB what/WP he/PRP is/VBZ looking/VBG at/IN ,/, but/CC what/WP he/PRP will/MD see/VB :/: mountains/NNS ,/, rivers/NNS ,/, wars/NNS ./.
I/PRP imagine/VBP him/PRP tall/JJ and/CC slender/JJ ,/, wearing/VBG a/DT hood/NN ,/, taking/VBG his/PRP$ time--something/JJ long/JJ prophesied/JJ ,/, a/DT nomad/NN who/WP has/VBZ crossed/VBN wastes/NNS to/TO get/VB here/RB ./.
The/DT second/JJ book/NN is/VBZ his/PRP$ attempt/NN to/TO portray/VB himself/PRP as/IN a/DT spiritual/NN heir/NN to/TO the/DT Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ this/DT by/IN striking/VBG a/DT tough/JJ guy/NN pose/VB throughout/IN ,/, a/DT pose/VB that/WDT fails/VBZ to/TO hide/VB his/PRP$ sense/NN of/IN physical/JJ inadequacy/NN ,/, which/WDT he/PRP blames/VBZ on/IN his/PRP$ Jewishness/NNP :/:
When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD growing/VBG up/RP ,/, any/DT mention/NN of/IN Jews/NNPS as/IN Jews/NNPS would/MD make/VB me/PRP cringe/NN ./.
Other/JJ than/IN my/PRP$ parents/NNS ,/, I/PRP really/RB knew/VBD of/IN only/RB one/CD type/NN of/IN Jew/NNP :/: cerebral/JJ bourgeois/NNS kids-to-college/JJ suburbanites/NNS ./.
Do/VBP Jews/NNPS get/VBP drunk/JJ ?/.
Do/VBP Jews/NNPS trash/NN hotel/NN rooms/NNS ?/.
Do/VBP Jews/NNPS defend/VBP themselves/PRP ?/.
Questions/NNS I/PRP never/RB thought/VBD to/TO ask/VB ./.
His/PRP$ father/NN is/VBZ different/JJ ,/, he/PRP maintains/VBZ ,/, by/IN dint/NN of/IN his/PRP$ Brooklyn/NNP roots/NNS ./.
Cohen/NNP writes/VBZ affectionately/RB and/CC ad/NN nauseam/NN about/IN his/PRP$ father/NN and/CC his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS aging/VBG ,/, Brooklyn-born/NNP schemer-friends/JJ ,/, who/WP sit/VBP in/IN delis/NNS blowing/VBG hard/RB about/IN the/DT glories/NNS of/IN tough/JJ Jews/NNPS ./.
One/CD of/IN his/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS best/JJS friends/NNS is/VBZ Larry/NNP King/NNP ,/, and/CC these/DT passages/NNS are/VBP charming/JJ only/RB if/IN you/PRP believe/VBP that/IN being/VBG in/IN a/DT room/NN with/IN four/CD people/NNS just/RB like/IN King/NNP would/MD be/VB charming/JJ ./.
Cohen/NNP believes/VBZ his/PRP$ book/NN is/VBZ revolutionary/JJ ,/, a/DT violation/NN of/IN a/DT taboo/NN against/IN speaking/VBG about/IN Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS ./.
Jews/NNS ,/, he/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" have/VBP pushed/VBN aside/RB the/DT image/NN of/IN the/DT gangster/NN :/: Forget/VB ./.
Forget/VB when/WRB you/PRP were/VBD bullies/VBZ ./.
When/WRB I/PRP tell/VBP old/JJ Jews/NNPS about/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, ./.
the/DT blood/NN drains/VBZ from/IN their/PRP$ faces/NNS ./.
"/" Cohen/NNP is/VBZ infuriated/VBD by/IN this/DT purported/JJ tendency/NN to/TO suppress/VB the/DT gangster/NN past/JJ and/CC is/VBZ even/RB more/JJR angered/VBN by/IN attempts/NNS to/TO make/VB light/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
"/" I/PRP once/RB heard/VBD a/DT comedian/NN refer/VBP jokingly/RB to/TO the/DT Jewish/NNP Mafia/NNP ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ./.
"/" The/DT mere/JJ mention/NN of/IN a/DT Jewish/JJ gang/NN broke/VBD up/RP the/DT audience/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB ,/, when/WRB I/PRP see/VBP this/DT comedian/NN 's/POS bit/NN rerun/NN on/IN cable/NN ,/, I/PRP imagine/VBP Pep/NNP Strauss/NNP "/" -/: -/: a/DT hit/VBN man/NN in/IN the/DT hit-man/JJ organization/NN called/VBD Murder/NN Inc/NNP ./.
-/: -/: "/" entering/VBG stage/NN left/VBD and/CC cutting/VBG him/PRP belly/NN to/TO chin/NN ./.
I/PRP will/MD put/VB aside/RB Cohen/NNP 's/POS bizarre/JJ dreams/NNS of/IN violence/NN for/IN a/DT moment/NN to/TO address/VB the/DT idea/NN that/IN the/DT memory/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS has/VBZ been/VBN suppressed/VBN ,/, which/WDT ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, is/VBZ not/RB the/DT case/NN ./.
Just/RB because/IN Cohen/NNP did/VBD n't/RB know/VB about/IN Siegel/NNP and/CC Dutch/NNP Schultz/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB everyone/NN else/RB did/VBD n't/RB ./.
The/DT subject/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ gangsterism/NN has/VBZ been/VBN well/RB mined/JJ in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS by/IN both/DT historians/NNS and/CC Hollywood/NNP :/: Albert/NNP Fried/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Rise/NN and/CC Fall/NN of/IN the/DT Jewish/NNP Gangster/NNP in/IN America/NNP and/CC Jenna/NNP Weissman/NNP Joselit/NNP 's/POS Our/PRP$ Gang/NN :/: Jewish/JJ Crime/NN and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Jewish/NNP Community--/NNP 1900/CD -/: 1940/CD are/VBP two/CD recent/JJ additions/NNS to/TO the/DT nonfiction/NN literature/NN ,/, and/CC films/NNS such/JJ as/IN Once/RB Upon/IN a/DT Time/NNP in/IN America/NNP and/CC Bugsy/NNP feature/NN Jewish/JJ criminality/NN ./.
When/WRB Cohen/NNP is/VBZ not/RB "/" imagining/VBG "/" history/NN ,/, he/PRP rewrites/NNS other/JJ people/NNS 's/POS research/NN ,/, sometimes/RB mangling/VBG quotes/NNS during/IN his/PRP$ copying/NN ,/, as/IN he/PRP did/VBD when/WRB he/PRP took/VBD a/DT quote/NN from/IN a/DT 1951/CD book/NN ,/, Murder/NN ,/, Inc/NNP ./.
:/: The/DT Story/NNP of/IN "/" the/DT Syndicate/NNP ,/, "/" by/IN ,/, also/RB about/IN Jewish/JJ gangsters/NNS ./.
Even/RB the/DT title/NN of/IN Cohen/NNP 's/POS book/NN and/CC its/PRP$ cover/NN art--a/JJ brass-knuckled/JJ fist--are/JJ lifted/VBN directly/RB from/IN a/DT book/NN published/VBD eight/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Paul/NNP Breines/NNP '/POS Tough/JJ Jews/NNPS :/: Political/NNP Fantasies/NNP and/CC the/DT Moral/NNP Dilemma/NNP of/IN American/NNP Jewry/NNP ,/, which/WDT analyzes/NNS the/DT psychological/JJ underpinnings/NNS of/IN the/DT cult/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ toughness/NN born/VBN after/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS victory/NN in/IN the/DT 1967/CD Six/CD Day/NNP War/NNP ./.
Cohen/NNP hits/NNS bottom/NN when/WRB he/PRP compares/VBZ the/DT gangster/NN Louis/NNP Lepke/NNP 's/POS flight/NN from/IN justice/NN to/TO the/DT plight/NN of/IN Anne/NNP Frank/NNP ,/, and/CC when/WRB he/PRP compares/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ grandfather/NN to/TO a/DT drug/NN dealer/NN ./.
"/" When/WRB I/PRP think/VBP of/IN someone/NN like/IN Tolly/NNP Greenberg/NNP ,/, I/PRP think/VBP of/IN my/PRP$ grandpa/NN Ben/NNP ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ./.
"/" The/DT same/JJ restless/JJ energy/NN drove/VBD both/DT men/NNS toward/IN invention/NN ./.
Ben/NNP worked/VBD in/IN a/DT diner/NN and/CC was/VBD tired/JJ of/IN clunky/JJ sugar/NN dispensers/NNS and/CC so/RB converted/VBD an/DT existing/VBG piece/NN of/IN machinery/NN ,/, a/DT tea/NN bagger/NN ,/, creating/VBG the/DT first/JJ sugar/NN packet/NN ./.
Tolly/NNP worked/VBD in/IN narcotics/NNS and/CC knew/VBD there/EX was/VBD a/DT Southern/NNP market/NN for/IN drugs/NNS and/CC so/RB converted/VBD an/DT existing/VBG piece/NN of/IN machinery/NN ,/, creating/VBG the/DT first/JJ morphine/NN pill/NN ./.
I/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO say/VB Tolly/NNP was/VBD working/VBG for/IN evil/JJ ,/, my/PRP$ grandfather/NN for/IN good/JJ ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB if/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ that/IN simple/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ stuff/NN that/WDT defies/VBZ analysis/NN ./.
Cohen/NNP has/VBZ written/VBN a/DT book/NN that/IN he/PRP undoubtedly/RB believes/VBZ extols/NNS heroes/NNS and/CC explains/VBZ a/DT suppressed/VBN bit/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ history/NN ,/, but/CC what/WP he/PRP has/VBZ done/VBN is/VBZ expose/VB the/DT architecture/NN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ pathology/NN ./.
He/PRP wants/VBZ desperately/RB to/TO be/VB a/DT thug/NN ,/, because/IN that/DT is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ way/NN he/PRP knows/VBZ to/TO be/VB Jewish/JJ ./.
Instead/RB of/IN writing/VBG this/DT book--and/JJ book-writing/JJ is/VBZ surely/RB a/DT job/NN for/IN sissies--he/JJ should/MD have/VB gone/VBN out/IN and/CC beat/VB someone/NN up/RB or/CC sold/VBD drugs/NNS ./.
Then/RB his/PRP$ pathetic/JJ self-loathing/JJ might/MD have/VB been/VBN exorcised/JJ ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB opposed/VBN to/TO Jewish/JJ toughness/NN ./.
Breines/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT original/JJ Tough/JJ Jews/NNPS ,/, argues/VBZ that/IN the/DT Holocaust/NNP disfigured/JJ the/DT Jewish/JJ soul/NN ,/, turning/VBG the/DT victims/NNS of/IN fascist/JJ persecution/NN into/IN the/DT fascist/JJ persecutors/NNS of/IN another/DT people/NNS ,/, the/DT Palestinians/NNPS ./.
But/CC Breines/NNP is/VBZ avowedly/RB anti-/NN Israel/NNP ,/, and/CC he/PRP sees/VBZ any/DT expression/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ self-defense/JJ as/IN a/DT sign/NN of/IN nationalism/NN gone/VBN awry/RB ./.
To/TO my/PRP$ mind/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, Jewish/JJ toughness/NN of/IN the/DT sort/NN that/WDT was/VBD in/IN evidence/NN in/IN Entebbe/NNP ,/, Uganda/NNP ,/, 22/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, when/WRB armed/VBN Jews/NNPS flew/VBD thousands/NNS of/IN miles/NNS to/TO rescue/VB Jewish/JJ innocents/NNS from/IN death/NN ,/, was/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ moments/NNS in/IN post-/NN Holocaust/NNP Jewish/JJ history--a/JJ statement/NN to/TO the/DT world/NN that/IN Jews/NNPS will/MD no/RB longer/RB sit/VB idly/RB by/IN and/CC watch/VB themselves/PRP being/VBG oppressed/JJ ./.
Jewish/JJ toughness/NN was/VBD seen/VBN in/IN the/DT Warsaw/NNP Ghetto/NNP uprising/NN against/IN the/DT Nazis/NNPS and/CC in/IN the/DT sacrifices/NNS of/IN Michael/NNP Schwerner/NNP and/CC Andrew/NNP Goodman/NNP in/IN Mississippi/NNP in/IN 1964/CD ./.
Also/RB ,/, Lou/NNP Reed/NNP is/VBZ tough/JJ ./.
The/DT presence/NN of/IN Bugsy/NNP Siegel/NNP and/CC Kid/NNP Twist/NN in/IN our/PRP$ recent/JJ history/NN does/VBZ not/RB mean/VB we/PRP are/VBP a/DT tough/JJ people/NNS ./.
At/IN most/JJS ,/, it/PRP means/VBZ we/PRP are/VBP simply/RB a/DT people/NNS like/IN any/DT other/JJ ./.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD our/PRP$ link/NN to/TO a/DT comparison/NN of/IN two/CD versions/NNS of/IN Jewish/JJ mob/NN history--/JJ Cohen/NNP 's/POS and/CC Turkus/NNP and/CC Feder/NNP '/POS s--click/JJ ./.
Whatever/WDT the/DT Internet/NN will/MD become/VB ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT things/NNS it/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN in/IN the/DT last/JJ couple/NN of/IN years/NNS is/VBZ a/DT consumer/NN 's/POS paradise/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS from/IN a/DT price/NN perspective/NN ./.
In/IN their/PRP$ hunger/NN to/TO acquire/VB new/JJ customers/NNS ,/, Net/JJ retailers/NNS have/VBP engaged/VBN in/IN good/JJ old-fashioned/JJ price/NN wars/NNS and/CC have/VBP more/RBR generally/RB made/VBN Net/JJ shoppers/NNS so/RB accustomed/VBN to/TO sizable/JJ discounts/NNS that/IN paying/VBG anything/NN close/RB to/TO retail/VB feels/VBZ like/IN you/PRP 're/VBP being/VBG robbed/VBN ./.
The/DT question/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN whether/IN these/DT retailers/NNS were/VBD actually/RB ever/RB going/VBG to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO make/VB money/NN when/WRB their/PRP$ business/NN often/RB seemed/VBD ,/, as/IN venture/NN capitalist/JJ Bill/NNP Gurley/NNP so/RB smartly/RB put/VB it/PRP ,/, to/TO be/VB the/DT equivalent/NN of/IN giving/VBG consumers/NNS who/WP visited/VBD their/PRP$ sites/NNS a/DT dollar/NN in/IN exchange/NN for/IN 95/CD cents/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP starting/VBG to/TO see/VB signs/NNS that/IN ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, a/DT lot/NN of/IN these/DT Internet/NN retailers/NNS are/VBP not/RB only/RB not/RB going/VBG to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO make/VB money/NN ./.
They/PRP may/MD not/RB even/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO stay/VB in/IN business/NN for/IN much/JJ longer/RBR ./.
The/DT most/JJS telling/VBG such/JJ sign/NN was/VBD the/DT announcement/NN yesterday/NN by/IN Value/NNP America/NNP that/IN it/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO slash/VB its/PRP$ work/NN force/NN by/IN 47/CD percent/NN ,/, slim/JJ down/RP its/PRP$ product/NN offerings/NNS ,/, leave/VB five/CD of/IN the/DT 12/CD buildings/NNS it/PRP now/RB occupies/VBZ ,/, and/CC make/VB meaningful/JJ cuts/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ ad/NN spending/NN ./.
Value/NNP America/NNP also/RB announced/VBD that/IN its/PRP$ revenue/NN for/IN the/DT fourth/JJ quarter/NN will/MD fall/VB 6/CD percent/NN to/TO 9/CD percent/NN short/JJ of/IN analysts/NNS '/POS estimates/NNS and/CC that/IN it/PRP will/MD lose/VB significantly/RB more/JJR than/IN analysts/NNS had/VBD expected/VBN in/IN the/DT quarter/NN ./.
Value/NNP America/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN this/DT one-stop/JJ shopping/NN site/NN ,/, where/WRB you/PRP could/MD buy/VB everything/NN from/IN food/NN to/TO printers/NNS to/TO appliances/NNS to/TO computers/NNS ./.
(/( Computers/NNPS like/IN the/DT one/CD on/IN which/WDT I/PRP 'm/VBP writing/VBG this/DT column/NN ,/, actually/RB ,/, bought/VBD this/DT summer/NN for/IN a/DT very/RB nice/JJ price/NN ./.
)/) It/PRP now/RB plans/VBZ to/TO focus/VB on/IN selling/VBG computers/NNS and/CC consumer/NN electronics/NNS ,/, which/WDT on/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN is/VBZ a/DT natural/JJ strategy/NN for/IN targeting/VBG Web/NNP users/NNS and/CC ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT strategy/NN that/DT everyone/NN else/RB in/IN America/NNP has/VBZ already/RB figured/VBN out/IN and/CC embraced/VBN ./.
So/IN the/DT idea/NN that/IN the/DT new/JJ approach/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO rescue/VB the/DT company/NN seems/VBZ rather/RB dubious/JJ ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ interesting/JJ about/IN the/DT Value/NNP America/NNP story/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP represents/VBZ an/DT unusual/JJ intrusion/NN of/IN the/DT things/NNS we/PRP 've/VBP gotten/VBN used/VBN to/TO about/IN offline/NN business/NN into/IN the/DT online/NN world/NN ./.
Up/IN to/TO this/DT point/NN ,/, with/IN rare/JJ exceptions/NNS ,/, business/NN on/IN the/DT Internet/NN has/VBZ seemed/VBN to/TO exist/VB in/IN this/DT fairy-tale/JJ realm/NN where/WRB no/DT one/CD ever/RB gets/VBZ fired/VBN ,/, where/WRB expenses/NNS are/VBP irrelevant/JJ ,/, and/CC where/WRB all/DT losses/NNS are/VBP tolerated/JJ as/IN simply/RB necessary/JJ investments/NNS in/IN the/DT future/NN ./.
By/IN eliminating/VBG 280/CD jobs/NNS ,/, cutting/VBG the/DT number/NN of/IN suppliers/NNS it/PRP uses/VBZ by/IN 90/CD percent/NN ,/, and/CC admitting/VBG that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ running/VBG through/IN its/PRP$ capital/NN much/JJ faster/RBR than/IN originally/RB planned/VBN ,/, Value/NNP America/NNP is/VBZ essentially/RB demonstrating/VBG what/WP we/PRP all/DT knew/VBD ,/, but/CC just/RB were/VBD n't/RB sure/JJ when/WRB it/PRP would/MD come/VB true/JJ :/: Eventually/RB ,/, you/PRP have/VBP to/TO earn/VB a/DT profit/NN or/CC else/RB you/PRP 'll/MD go/VB under/IN ./.
Now/RB ,/, there/EX are/VBP limits/NNS to/TO the/DT value/NN ,/, so/RB to/TO speak/VB ,/, of/IN Value/NNP America/NNP as/IN a/DT cautionary/JJ tale/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, the/DT site/NN was/VBD never/RB that/IN popular/JJ ,/, and/CC even/RB now/RB is/VBZ only/RB the/DT 90/CD th/NN most/RBS popular/JJ Web/NNP shopping/NN site/NN ./.
More/RBR important/JJ ,/, Value/NNP America/NNP 's/POS everything-including-the-kitchen-sink/JJ strategy/NN was/VBD ill-conceived/JJ ,/, especially/RB for/IN a/DT company/NN that/WDT had/VBD no/DT real/JJ brand/NN name/NN ./.
For/IN Amazon/NNP ./.
com/NN to/TO branch/VB out/IN from/IN books/NNS into/IN CDs/NNS and/CC then/RB videos/NNS and/CC then/RB consumer/NN electronics/NNS means/VBZ one/CD thing/NN ./.
For/IN Value/NNP America/NNP to/TO start/VB by/IN offering/VBG everything/NN is/VBZ another/DT ./.
And/CC ,/, finally/RB ,/, there/EX are/VBP Net/JJ retailers--/JJ Amazon/NNP ,/, most/RBS notably--who/JJ are/VBP not/RB just/RB running/VBG a/DT business/NN on/IN hope/VBP ,/, smoke/NN ,/, and/CC mirrors/VBZ ;/: who/WP have/VBP thought/VBN seriously/RB about/IN their/PRP$ cost/NN structures/NNS ;/: and/CC understand/VB things/NNS like/IN return/NN on/IN invested/VBN capital/NN ./.
That/DT does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB they/PRP will/MD succeed/VB ,/, but/CC it/PRP means/VBZ they/PRP have/VBP a/DT much/RB better/JJR chance/NN than/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT companies/NNS out/IN there/RB ./.
Even/RB so/RB ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ happening/VBG to/TO Value/NNP America/NNP does/VBZ have/VB implications/NNS for/IN the/DT Net/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN ,/, especially/RB when/WRB so/RB many/JJ Net/JJ retailers/NNS dumped/VBD tens/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS into/IN pre-/NN Christmas/NNP advertising/NN with/IN ,/, by/IN all/DT accounts/NNS ,/, very/RB little/JJ payoff/NN (/( relative/JJ to/TO investment/NN )/) ./.
And/CC perhaps/RB the/DT most/RBS important/JJ thing/NN to/TO think/VB about/IN is/VBZ that/IN if/IN Value/NNP America/NNP goes/VBZ under/IN ,/, it/PRP increasingly/RB looks/VBZ like/IN it/PRP will/MD do/VB just/RB that/IN :/: go/VB under/IN and/CC disappear/VB ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, no/DT one/CD is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO come/VB along/IN and/CC acquire/VB it/PRP ,/, because/IN ultimately/RB there/EX 's/VBZ really/RB nothing/NN there/EX to/TO acquire/VB ./.
The/DT conventional/JJ wisdom/NN has/VBZ been/VBN that/IN eventually/RB we/PRP 'd/MD see/VB consolidation/NN in/IN Net/JJ retailing/NN through/IN mergers/NNS and/CC acquisitions/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ starting/VBG to/TO seem/VB more/RBR likely/JJ that/IN we/PRP 'll/MD see/VB consolidation/NN through/IN failure/NN ./.
China/NNP broadcast/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS criticism/NN of/IN the/DT 1989/CD Tiananmen/NNP Square/NNP massacre/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT joint/JJ press/NN conference/NN with/IN Chinese/NNP President/NNP Jiang/NNP Zemin/NNP ,/, Clinton/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP believe/VBP ,/, and/CC the/DT American/JJ people/NNS believe/VBP ,/, that/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN force/NN and/CC the/DT tragic/JJ loss/NN of/IN life/NN was/VBD wrong/JJ ./.
"/" He/PRP also/RB advocated/VBD free/JJ speech/NN ,/, religious/JJ tolerance/NN ,/, and/CC dialogue/NN with/IN the/DT Dalai/NNP Lama/NNP about/IN Tibet/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP continued/VBD his/PRP$ appeal/NN for/IN freedom/NN in/IN a/DT speech/NN at/IN Beijing/NNP University/NNP ./.
Pundits/NNP agreed/VBD that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS remarks/NNS and/CC China/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO air/VB them/PRP were/VBD bold/JJ and/CC made/VBN up/RP for/IN 1/LS )/) Clinton/NNP 's/POS previous/JJ timidity/NN and/CC 2/LS )/) China/NNP 's/POS petty/JJ ,/, repressive/JJ gestures/NNS earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT trip/NN ./.
Optimists/NNP lauded/VBD Clinton/NNP 's/POS message/NN that/IN economic/JJ freedom/NN goes/VBZ hand/NN in/IN hand/NN with/IN political/JJ freedom/NN ./.
Cynics/NNP argued/VBD that/IN Chinese/JJ students/NNS have/VBP given/VBN up/RP the/DT idealism/NN of/IN 1989/CD for/IN the/DT materialism/NN of/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP era/NN ./.
(/( Slate/NNP surfs/NNS through/IN China/NNP ./.
Click/NNP here/RB ./.
)/) (/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 29/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
A/DT friend/NN of/IN the/DT family/NN of/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP says/VBZ she/PRP has/VBZ told/VBN the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN that/IN Lewinsky/NNP told/VBD her/PRP that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP limited/JJ their/PRP$ sexual/JJ relationship/NN to/TO foreplay/NN ./.
The/DT friend/NN 's/POS lawyer/NN says/VBZ that/IN according/VBG to/TO her/PRP$ testimony/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP ruled/VBD out/IN completion/NN of/IN sex/NN so/IN that/IN he/PRP could/MD technically/RB deny/VB they/PRP had/VBD had/VBN sex/NN ./.
Newsweek/NNP broke/VBD the/DT story/NN ./.
Cynics/NNP replied/VBD that/IN 1/LS )/) other/JJ people/NNS have/VBP already/RB said/VBN Lewinsky/NNP told/VBD them/PRP the/DT same/JJ thing/NN ;/: 2/LS )/) it/PRP confirms/VBZ only/RB that/IN there/EX was/VBD sex/NN ,/, not/RB that/IN there/EX was/VBD obstruction/NN of/IN justice/NN ;/: and/CC 3/LS )/) the/DT public/NN has/VBZ already/RB decided/VBN it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB care/VB about/IN the/DT sex/NN ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 29/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
The/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP issued/VBD two/CD rulings/NNS on/IN sexual/JJ harassment/NN ./.
1/LS )/) An/DT employer/NN can/MD be/VB sued/VBN for/IN the/DT sexual/JJ misconduct/NN of/IN its/PRP$ supervisor-level/JJ employees/NNS ,/, even/RB if/IN the/DT employer/NN did/VBD n't/RB know/VB about/IN the/DT misconduct/NN ./.
2/LS )/) Even/RB if/IN an/DT employee/NN does/VBZ not/RB suffer/VB adverse/JJ job/NN consequences/NNS for/IN rejecting/VBG a/DT supervisor/NN 's/POS advances/NNS ,/, the/DT employer/NN can/MD be/VB held/VBN liable/JJ unless/IN a/DT )/) the/DT employer/NN shows/VBZ it/PRP "/" exercised/VBN reasonable/JJ care/NN to/TO prevent/VB and/CC correct/JJ promptly/RB any/DT sexually/RB harassing/VBG behavior/NN "/" and/CC b/SYM )/) the/DT employee/NN "/" unreasonably/RB failed/VBD to/TO take/VB advantage/NN of/IN any/DT preventive/JJ or/CC corrective/JJ opportunities/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP praised/VBD the/DT decisions/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ balance/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lauded/VBD their/PRP$ coherence/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP warned/VBD that/IN they/PRP set/VBD unreasonable/JJ standards/NNS for/IN employers/NNS and/CC might/MD prompt/VB them/PRP to/TO suppress/VB employees/NNS '/POS civil/JJ liberties/NNS ./.
While/IN hyping/VBG the/DT idea/NN that/IN the/DT rulings/NNS might/MD revive/VB the/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP case/NN ,/, the/DT media/NNS reluctantly/RB reported/VBD otherwise/RB ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 29/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
More/JJR from/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT court/NN ruled/VBD that/IN the/DT attorney-client/JJ privilege/NN continues/VBZ after/IN the/DT client/NN is/VBZ dead/VBN ./.
The/DT media/NNS spun/VBD this/DT as/IN a/DT setback/NN to/TO Independent/NNP Counsel/NNP Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP (/( who/WP was/VBD seeking/VBG notes/NNS from/IN Vince/NNP Foster/NNP 's/POS lawyer/NN )/) ,/, giving/VBG short/JJ shrift/NN to/TO the/DT decision/NN 's/POS broader/JJR ramifications/NNS for/IN old/JJ folks/NNS ./.
(/( Slate/NNP 's/POS "/" Explainer/NNP "/" pondered/JJ the/DT question/NN ./.
)/) 2/LS )/) The/DT court/NN ruled/VBD that/IN the/DT Americans/NNPS with/IN Disabilities/NNPS Act/NNP bans/NNS discrimination/NN against/IN people/NNS who/WP carry/VBP the/DT AIDS/NNP virus/NN ./.
The/DT media/NNS spun/VBD this/DT as/IN a/DT triumph/NN of/IN compassion/NN ,/, giving/VBG short/JJ shrift/NN to/TO the/DT broader/JJR implications/NNS of/IN the/DT court/NN 's/POS expansion/NN of/IN "/" disabilities/NNS "/" to/TO include/VB reproductive/JJ troubles/NNS ./.
3/LS )/) The/DT court/NN upheld/VBD a/DT law/NN imposing/VBG decency/NN standards/NNS for/IN federal/JJ arts/NNS grants/NNS ./.
The/DT media/NNS focused/VBN on/IN allegations/NNS that/IN the/DT court/NN was/VBD firing/VBG a/DT shot/NN across/IN the/DT bow/NN of/IN artists--overshadowing/JJ the/DT subtler/NN theory/NN that/IN the/DT court/NN was/VBD actually/RB firing/VBG a/DT shot/NN across/IN the/DT bow/NN of/IN Congress/NNP ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 26/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
Scientists/NNS found/VBD a/DT planet/NN near/IN a/DT star/NN only/RB 15/CD light-years/JJ away/RB ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT closest/JJS planet/NN we/PRP have/VBP found/VBN beyond/IN our/PRP$ solar/JJ system/NN ./.
The/DT superficial/JJ spin/NN :/: It/PRP might/MD be/VB warm/JJ enough/RB to/TO support/VB life/NN ./.
The/DT sophisticated/JJ spin/NN :/: It/PRP probably/RB ca/MD n't/RB support/VB life/NN ,/, but/CC its/PRP$ discovery/NN indicates/VBZ there/EX may/MD be/VB billions/NNS of/IN other/JJ planets/NNS near/IN us/PRP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, other/JJ scientists/NNS say/VBP they/PRP have/VBP found/VBN bacteria/NNS living/VBG in/IN Antarctic/NNP ice/NN ,/, raising/VBG the/DT possibility/NN that/DT life/NN exists/VBZ on/IN planets/NNS previously/RB dismissed/VBD as/RB intolerably/RB cold/JJ ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 26/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
Miscellany/NNP :/: The/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP struck/VBD down/RP the/DT line/NN item/NN veto/NN ./.
White/NNP House/NNP aide/NN Sidney/NNP Blumenthal/NNP told/VBD the/DT press/NN his/PRP$ grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN about/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS private/JJ remarks/NNS concerning/VBG Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP "/" supports/VBZ completely/RB what/WP the/DT president/NN has/VBZ told/VBN the/DT American/JJ people/NNS ,/, and/CC is/VBZ contrary/JJ to/TO any/DT charge/NN that/IN the/DT president/NN has/VBZ done/VBN anything/NN wrong/JJ ./.
"/" ./.
The/DT United/NNP States/NNPS finished/VBD the/DT World/NNP Cup/NNP 0/CD -/: 3/CD ./.
The/DT sun/NN rose/VBD ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 26/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
AT/NNP &/CC T/NN is/VBZ buying/VBG TCI/NNP for/IN $/$ 32/CD billion/CD ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT third/JJ biggest/JJS telecommunications/NNS merger/NN in/IN history/NN ./.
AT/NNP &/CC T/NN will/MD also/RB assume/VB TCI/NNP 's/POS $/$ 16/CD billion/CD debt/NN ./.
This/DT gives/VBZ AT/NNP &/CC T/NN a/DT network/NN through/IN which/WDT it/PRP can/MD sell/VB local/JJ phone/NN and/CC high-speed/JJ Internet/NN service/NN to/TO millions/NNS of/IN homes/NNS ./.
The/DT early/JJ line/NN is/VBZ that/IN regulators/NNS will/MD approve/VB the/DT merger/NN because/IN ,/, unlike/IN other/JJ recent/JJ telecom/NN deals/NNS ,/, it/PRP will/MD finally/RB deliver/VB some/DT of/IN the/DT competition/NN that/WDT was/VBD promised/VBN after/IN the/DT industry/NN was/VBD deregulated/VBN ./.
(/( For/IN a/DT less/RBR sanguine/JJ view/NN of/IN the/DT potential/JJ benefits/NNS of/IN telecommunications/NNS competition/NN ,/, see/VB Jodie/NNP T/NN ./.
Allen/NNP 's/POS "/" Living/VBG in/IN a/DT Second-/NNP Best/JJS World/NNP ./.
"/" )/) (/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 24/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
A/DT federal/JJ appeals/NNS court/NN overturned/VBD a/DT court/NN injunction/NN against/IN Microsoft/NNP ./.
The/DT injunction/NN would/MD have/VB prevented/VBN Microsoft/NNP from/IN requiring/VBG computer/NN makers/NNS to/TO package/VB Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP with/IN Windows/NNP 95/CD ./.
The/DT court/NN ruled/VBD that/IN under/IN its/PRP$ previous/JJ consent/NN decree/NN with/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP ,/, Microsoft/NNP could/MD add/VB features/NNS to/TO Windows/NNP that/WDT provide/VBP "/" advantages/NNS unavailable/JJ if/IN the/DT functionalities/NNS are/VBP bought/VBN separately/RB and/CC combined/VBN by/IN the/DT purchaser/NN ./.
"/" Analysts/NNS agreed/VBD this/DT sharply/RB reduces/VBZ DOJ/NNP 's/POS chances/NNS of/IN winning/VBG its/PRP$ suit/NN against/IN Windows/NNP 98/CD ./.
The/DT spins/VBZ from/IN Microsoft/NNP 's/POS critics/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) Now/RB Microsoft/NNP will/MD resume/VB twisting/VBG the/DT arms/NNS of/IN computer/NN makers/NNS ./.
2/LS )/) Since/IN the/DT ruling/NN only/RB pertains/VBZ to/TO the/DT consent/NN decree/NN ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB hamper/VB the/DT broader/JJR case/NN that/IN Microsoft/NNP has/VBZ violated/VBN basic/JJ antitrust/JJ law/NN ./.
3/LS )/) Who/WP cares/VBZ ?/.
Windows/NNP 98/CD looks/VBZ like/IN a/DT bust/NN ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 24/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
CBS/NNP is/VBZ dumping/VBG Susan/NNP Molinari/NNP as/IN co-anchor/JJ of/IN CBS/NNP Saturday/NNP Morning/NNP after/IN just/RB 10/CD months/NNS ./.
Friends/NNS say/VBP she/PRP found/VBD the/DT job/NN insufficiently/RB substantive/JJ ./.
CBS/NNP executives/NNS say/VBP they/PRP wanted/VBD her/PRP out/IN because/IN she/PRP was/VBD stiff/JJ and/CC amateurish/JJ and/CC was/VBD n't/RB helping/VBG the/DT ratings/NNS ./.
(/( 6/CD &slash;/NN 24/CD &slash;/NN 98/CD )/)
G/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Jane/NNP (/( Hollywood/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
After/IN panning/VBG Demi/NNP Moore/NNP 's/POS performances/NNS in/IN The/DT Scarlet/NNP Letter/NNP and/CC Striptease/NNP as/IN stolid/JJ and/CC humorless/JJ ,/, most/JJS critics/NNS say/VBP that/IN this/DT movie/NN revives/NNS her/PRP$ career/NN ./.
Cast/VBN as/IN an/DT indomitable/JJ woman/NN who/WP endures/NNS hellish/NN training/NN with/IN an/DT all-male/JJ Navy/NNP squadron/NN ,/, Moore/NNP "/" becomes/VBZ perversely/RB spectacular/JJ "/" (/( Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) and/CC transcends/NNS the/DT movie/NN 's/POS "/" banal/JJ premises/NNS and/CC predictable/JJ conclusion/NN "/" (/( Richard/NNP Schickel/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC some/DT critics/NNS find/VBP the/DT fascination/NN of/IN director/NN Ridley/NNP Scott/NNP (/( Alien/NNP ,/, Thelma/NNP &/CC Louise/NNP )/) with/IN Moore/NNP 's/POS suffering/NN hopelessly/RB sadistic/JJ ./.
And/CC others/NNS say/VBP she/PRP is/VBZ as/RB humorless/JJ as/IN ever/RB ./.
(/( See/VB Sarah/NNP Kerr/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP and/CC the/DT G/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Jane/NNP site/NN ./.
Mimic/NNP (/( Dimension/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP are/VBP divided/VBN over/IN whether/IN this/DT unusually/RB dark/JJ horror/NN film--starring/JJ Mira/NNP Sorvino/NNP as/IN a/DT scientist/NN who/WP hatches/NNS killer/NN cockroaches--represents/JJ B-/NNP movie/NN brilliance/NN or/CC garden-variety/NN trash/NN ./.
Some/DT praise/NN director/NN Guillermo/NNP Del/NNP Toro/NNP for/IN manipulating/VBG Gothic/NNP conventions/NNS and/CC sprinkling/VBG the/DT film/NN with/IN Catholic/NNP imagery/NN and/CC allusions/NNS to/TO classic/JJ films/NNS ./.
He/PRP manages/VBZ ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Kenneth/NNP Turan/NNP ,/, to/TO "/" bring/VB a/DT sense/NN of/IN style/NN to/TO the/DT genre/NN 's/POS oldest/JJS tricks/NNS ./.
"/" Others/NNS say/VBP that/IN his/PRP$ efforts/NNS to/TO shock/VB outweigh/VBP his/PRP$ attempts/NNS to/TO build/VB suspense/NN ./.
"/" [/( N/NNP ]/) othing/VBG more/JJR than/IN a/DT standard-issue/JJ big-bug/JJ item/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ Variety/NNP 's/POS Todd/NNP McCarthy/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN the/DT Mimic/NNP site/NN ./.
Already/RB Dead/NNP :/: A/DT California/NNP Gothic/NNP ,/, by/IN Denis/NNP Johnson/NNP (/( HarperCollins/NNP )/) ./.
Praise/NNP ,/, for/IN the/DT most/JJS part/NN ,/, for/IN Denis/NNP Johnson/NNP 's/POS crime/NN novel/NN about/IN a/DT Nietzsche-quoting/NNP vagabond/NN who/WP agrees/VBZ to/TO help/VB a/DT New/NNP Age/NNP marijuana/NN farmer/NN kill/NN his/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ "/" a/DT sort/NN of/IN Stephen/NNP King/NNP novel/NN for/IN highbrows/NNS "/" (/( David/NNP Gates/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) that/WDT combines/VBZ "/" existential/NN bleakness/NNS "/" (/( David/NNP Ulin/NNP ,/, Newsday/NNP )/) and/CC "/" breezy/JJ silliness/NNS "/" (/( Bill/NNP Kent/NNP ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP Book/NNP World/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Michiko/NNP Kakutani/NNP dissents/NNS ,/, calling/VBG Already/RB Dead/NNP "/" simultaneously/RB pretentious/JJ ,/, sentimental/JJ ,/, bubble-headed/JJ and/CC gratuitously/RB violent/JJ ./.
The/DT One/CD Best/JJS Way/NN :/: Frederick/NNP Winslow/NNP Taylor/NNP and/CC the/DT Enigma/NNP of/IN Efficiency/NNP ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Kanigel/NNP (/( Viking/NNP )/) ./.
This/DT biography/NN of/IN the/DT original/JJ apostle/NN of/IN "/" scientific/JJ management/NN "/" and/CC industrial/JJ efficiency/NN is/VBZ dismissed/VBN as/RB fairly/RB conventional/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP does/VBZ spark/VB a/DT debate/NN over/IN Taylor/NNP 's/POS legacy/NN ./.
Left-leaning/NNP critics/NNS such/JJ as/IN historian/NN Jackson/NNP Lears/NNP ,/, writing/VBG in/IN the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, say/VBP that/IN the/DT widespread/JJ adoption/NN of/IN Taylor/NNP 's/POS theories/NNS amounted/VBD to/TO "/" a/DT horror/NN story/NN "/" in/IN which/WDT cold-blooded/JJ management/NN stripped/VBD workers/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ last/JJ shreds/NNS of/IN autonomy/NN ./.
Conservatives/NNS call/VBP Taylor/NNP 's/POS vision/NN benign/JJ ./.
"/" It/PRP certainly/RB came/VBD in/IN handy/JJ when/WRB Hitler/NNP was/VBD rampant/JJ ,/, "/" writes/VBZ George/NNP Will/NNP in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP ./.
The/DT Dance/NN ,/, by/IN Fleetwood/NNP Mac/NNP (/( Reprise/NNP )/) ./.
The/NNP '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ supergroup/NN reunites/NNS for/IN a/DT concert/NN album/NN ,/, ending/VBG 10/CD years/NNS of/IN feuding/VBG ./.
Critics/NNS '/POS doubts/NNS about/IN whether/IN the/DT middle-aged/JJ rockers/NNS have/VBP any/DT staying/VBG power/NN are/VBP overcome/VBN ;/: they/PRP praise/VBP Fleetwood/NNP Mac/NNP 's/POS new/JJ songs/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ sound/NN notwithstanding/IN ./.
"/" For/IN these/DT expert/NN purveyors/NNS of/IN Me-/NNP Generation/NNP romantic/JJ angst/NN ,/, the/DT thrill/NN is/VBZ clearly/RB not/RB gone/VBN ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Elysa/NNP Gardner/NNP ./.
Critics/NNS comb/NN the/DT new/JJ songs/NNS for/IN details/NNS about/IN the/DT group/NN 's/POS squabbles/NNS :/: Fleetwood/NNP Mac/NNP airs/NNS "/" every/DT piece/NN of/IN dirty/JJ laundry/NN they/PRP had/VBD "/" (/( Jim/NNP Farber/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Audio/NNP and/CC video/NN clips/NNS are/VBP available/JJ here/RB ./.
Good/NNP News/NNP (/( UPN/NNP ;/: Mondays/NNS ,/, 9/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
EDT/NNP &slash;/NN PDT/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP UPN/NNP 's/POS new/JJ series/NN about/IN a/DT novice/NN African-/NNP American/JJ preacher/NN may/MD be/VB the/DT network/NN 's/POS first/JJ half-decent/JJ show/NN ./.
It/PRP "/" has/VBZ heart/NN and/CC charm/NN and/CC not/RB just/RB the/DT usual/JJ gag/NN reflex/JJ ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS Tom/NNP Shales/NNP ./.
The/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ UPN/NNP lineup--debuting/JJ a/DT month/NN before/IN other/JJ networks/NNS '/POS fall/NN programs--consists/JJ mostly/RB of/IN sitcoms/NNS that/WDT are/VBP generally/RB condemned/VBN for/IN mindlessness/NNS and/CC tastelessness/NNS ./.
Especially/RB reviled/JJ is/VBZ Hitz/NNP ,/, starring/VBG trash-talking/JJ comedian/NN Andrew/NNP Dice/NNP Clay/NNP ,/, which/WDT suffers/VBZ from/IN too/RB many/JJ penis/NNS jokes/NNS and/CC a/DT "/" gratingly/RB loud/JJ laugh/NN track/NN "/" (/( Caryn/NNP James/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( UPN/NNP plugs/NNS its/PRP$ shows/NNS ./.
Plaudits/NNP follow/VB pans/NNS for/IN the/DT revival/NN of/IN the/DT musical/NN On/IN the/DT Town/NNP ./.
Time/NNP 's/POS Richard/NNP Corliss/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN a/DT vivid/JJ old/JJ New/NNP Yorker/NNP cartoon/NN ,/, animated/VBN by/IN Tex/NNP Avery/NNP ./.
It/PRP works/VBZ terrifically/RB ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Observer/NNP 's/POS John/NNP Heilpern/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP "/" has/VBZ us/PRP ./.
falling/VBG in/IN love/NN with/IN the/DT city/NN all/DT over/IN again/RB ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Aug/NNP ./.
20/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Cop/NNP Land/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Full/NNP Monty/NNP ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Be/VB Here/RB Now/RB ,/, Oasis/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: 1776/CD ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: On/IN the/DT Town/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: George/NNP Wallace/NNP (/( TNT/NNP )/) ;/:
Books/NNS -/: -/: A/DT Fan/NNP 's/POS Notes/NNS ,/, by/IN Frederick/NNP Exley/NNP ,/, and/CC Misfit/NNP :/: The/DT Strange/NNP Life/NNP of/IN Frederick/NNP Exley/NNP ,/, by/IN Jonathan/NNP Yardley/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Apaches/NNP ,/, by/IN Lorenzo/NNP Carcaterra/NNP ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
13/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Conspiracy/NNP Theory/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Love/NNP Serenade/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Vibe/NNP and/CC The/DT Keenen/NNP Ivory/NNP Wayans/NNP Show/NNP ;/:
Event/NN &slash;/NN Television/NNP -/: -/: Garth/NNP Brooks/NNP in/IN Central/NNP Park/NNP &slash;/NN Garth/NNP Brooks/NNP Live/NNP (/( HBO/NNP )/) ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Sculpture/NNP of/IN Angkor/NNP and/CC Ancient/NNP Cambodia/NNP :/: Millennium/NNP of/IN Glory/NNP "/" ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Simenon/NNP :/: A/DT Biography/NNP ,/, by/IN Pierre/NNP Assouline/NNP ,/, translated/VBN by/IN Jon/NNP Rothschild/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Dispatches/NNP From/IN the/DT Freud/NNP Wars/NNS :/: Psychoanalysis/NNP and/CC Its/PRP$ Passions/NNP ,/, by/IN John/NNP Forrester/NNP ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
6/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Career/NNP Girls/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: In/IN the/DT Company/NN of/IN Men/NN ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Spawn/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Our/PRP$ Guys/NNS :/: The/DT Glen/NNP Ridge/NNP Rape/NNP and/CC the/DT Secret/NNP Life/NNP of/IN the/DT Perfect/NNP Suburb/NNP ,/, by/IN Bernard/NNP Lefkowitz/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Faith/NNP or/CC Fear/NN :/: How/WRB Jews/NNPS Can/MD Survive/VB in/IN a/DT Christian/NNP America/NNP ,/, by/IN Elliott/NNP Abrams/NNP ;/:
Death/NN -/: -/: William/NNP S/NNP ./.
Burroughs/NNP ;/:
Opera/NNP -/: -/: Palestrina/NNP ./.
July/NNP 30/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Air/NNP Force/NNP One/CD ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Mrs/NNP ./.
Brown/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Star/NNP Maps/NNP ;/:
Architecture/NNP -/: -/: National/NNP Airport/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Martha/NNP Stewart/NNP ,/, Just/RB Desserts/NNP :/: The/DT Unauthorized/NNP Biography/NNP ,/, by/IN Jerry/NNP Oppenheimer/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: A/DT Book/NNP of/IN Memories/NNP ,/, by/IN Peter/NNP Nadas/NNP ,/, translated/VBN by/IN Ivan/NNP Sanders/NNP with/IN Imre/NNP Goldstein/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Compiled/VBN by/IN Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP and/CC the/DT editors/NNS of/IN Slate/NNP ./.
The/DT Empire/NNP Strikes/NNS Back/RB :/: Special/JJ Edition/NNP (/( Lucasfilm/NNP Ltd/NNP ./.
,/, 20/CD th/NN Century/NNP Fox/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT second/JJ film/NN in/IN the/DT Star/NNP Wars/NNPS trilogy/NN takes/VBZ in/IN $/$ 24/CD million/CD its/PRP$ opening/VBG weekend/NN and/CC receives/VBZ rave/VB reviews/NNS ./.
"/" Empire/NNP Strikes/NNS Back/RB is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS of/IN three/CD Star/NNP Wars/NNPS films/NNS ,/, "/" declares/VBZ the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP ./.
"/" It/PRP managed/VBD to/TO prefigure/NN the/DT power-mad/JJ 80/CD 's/POS ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, comparing/VBG Darth/NNP Vader/NNP to/TO merger-and-acquisitions-mad/JJ corporate/JJ titans/NNS ./.
Luke/NNP Skywalker/NNP and/CC Princess/NNP Leia/NNP are/VBP said/VBN to/TO have/VB matured/VBN into/IN actual/JJ characters/NNS (/( as/IN opposed/VBN to/TO cartoon/NN ones/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT sage/NN Yoda/NNP makes/VBZ his/PRP$ first/JJ appearance/NN ,/, "/" emerg/NN [/( ing/VBG ]/) from/IN murky/JJ nature/NN to/TO become/VB the/DT spiritual/NN center/NN of/IN the/DT whole/JJ Star/NNP Wars/NNPS game/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT San/NNP Francisco/NNP Chronicle/NNP 's/POS Peter/NNP Stack/NNP ./.
(/( Slate/NNP 's/POS Louis/NNP Menand/NNP explains/VBZ Star/NNP Wars/NNPS '/POS appeal/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD also/RB visit/VB the/DT official/JJ Star/NNP Wars/NNPS site/NN ./.
Lost/VBD Highway/NNP (/( October/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS denounce/VBP David/NNP Lynch/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS picture/NN as/IN a/DT soulless/JJ knockoff/NN of/IN other/JJ Lynch/NNP movies/NNS (/( Blue/NNP Velvet/NNP ,/, Wild/NNP at/IN Heart/NNP ,/, Twin/NNP Peaks/NNP :/: Fire/NNP Walk/VBP With/IN Me/PRP )/) ./.
"/" We/PRP 've/VBP visited/VBN this/DT planet/NN before/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ Time/NNP 's/POS Richard/NNP Corliss/NNP ./.
Among/IN the/DT elements/NNS of/IN Lynch/NNP 's/POS self-plagiarism/JJ :/: an/DT eerie/JJ soundtrack/NN ,/, creepy/NN characters/NNS (/( femmes/NNS fatales/NNS ,/, scary/JJ thugs/NNS ,/, ghoulish/NN freak/NN )/) ,/, and/CC lots/NNS of/IN tawdry/JJ sex/NN ./.
Also/RB ,/, a/DT shaggy-dog/JJ plot/NN that/WDT defies/VBZ the/DT laws/NNS of/IN time/NN and/CC space/NN ./.
"/" The/DT cries/VBZ of/IN '/POS Cheat/NNP !/.
'/POS that/WDT attended/VBD the/DT later/JJ episodes/NNS of/IN Twin/NNP Peaks/NNP are/VBP likely/JJ to/TO be/VB heard/VBN again/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ Slate/NNP 's/POS David/NNP Edelstein/NNP ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, the/DT film/NN is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO look/VB great--/JJ "/" magnificent/JJ in/IN the/DT painterly/RB way/NN Mr/NNP ./.
Lynch/NNP pioneered/VBD ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS Joe/NNP Morgenstern/NNP ./.
(/( Lost/VBD Highway/NNP 's/POS official/JJ site/NN serves/VBZ up/RB bizarre/JJ promos/NNS ./.
Rosewood/NNP (/( Warner/NNP Brothers/NNPS )/) ./.
Based/VBN on/IN a/DT hitherto/NN little-known/JJ 1923/CD incident/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT white/JJ mob/NN pillaged/JJ a/DT black/JJ Florida/NNP town/NN ,/, Rosewood/NNP is/VBZ deemed/VBN important/JJ as/IN history/NN but/CC insignificant/JJ as/IN art/NN ./.
Director/NNP John/NNP Singleton/NNP (/( Boyz/NNP N/NNP the/DT Hood/NNP )/) is/VBZ accused/VBN of/IN sentimentalizing/VBG his/PRP$ subject/JJ and/CC resorting/VBG to/TO action-film/JJ banalities--/JJ "/" a/DT sorry/JJ assortment/NN of/IN dramatic/JJ and/CC visual/JJ clichés/NNS that/WDT were/VBD retired/VBN from/IN service/NN ,/, or/CC should/MD have/VB been/VBN ,/, decades/NNS ago/RB ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS Morgenstern/NNP ./.
(/( Rosewood/NNP 's/POS home/NN page/NN has/VBZ video/NN clips/NNS and/CC the/DT like/JJ ./.
Schindler/NNP 's/POS List/NN (/( NBC/NNP ,/, Feb/NNP ./.
23/CD )/) ./.
NBC/NNP earns/VBZ kudos/NNS for/IN its/PRP$ "/" sensitive/JJ "/" presentation/NN of/IN Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP 's/POS 1993/CD Holocaust/NNP epic/NN ,/, which/WDT it/PRP showed/VBD without/IN ads/NNS ,/, under/IN the/DT sponsorship/NN of/IN Ford/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT praise/NN is/VBZ tempered/VBN by/IN the/DT observation/NN that/IN the/DT film/NN came/VBD in/IN a/DT package/NN deal/NN with/IN Jurassic/NNP Park/NNP and/CC was/VBD broadcast/VBN in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN February/NNP sweeps/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS note/VBP two/CD other/JJ ironies/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) Schindler/NNP 's/POS List/NN is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS graphic/JJ program/NN ever/RB shown/VBN on/IN network/NN television/NN ./.
2/LS )/) Ford/NNP has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ unacknowledged/JJ history/NN of/IN anti-/NN Semitism/NNP ./.
(/( Henry/NNP Ford/NNP once/RB gave/VBD his/PRP$ workers/NNS free/JJ copies/NNS of/IN The/DT Protocols/NNP of/IN the/DT Elders/NNP of/IN Zion/NNP ./.
Miss/NNP Evers/NNP '/POS Boys/NNPS (/( HBO/NNP ;/: click/NN here/RB for/IN times/NNS )/) ./.
David/NNP Feldshuh/NNP 's/POS Pulitzer/NNP Prize-winning/JJ play/NN about/IN the/DT notorious/JJ Tuskegee/NNP Experiment/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN adapted/VBN for/IN television/NN to/TO general/JJ acclaim/NN ./.
Alfre/NNP Woodard/NNP displays/NNS "/" sinewy/NN intelligence/NN and/CC grace/NN "/" (/( John/NNP Leonard/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP )/) and/CC "/" unfailing/VBG dignity/NN "/" (/( John/NNP O/NNP '/POS Connor/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) in/IN the/DT role/NN of/IN a/DT black/JJ nurse/NN who/WP recruits/VBZ black/JJ men/NNS for/IN a/DT government/NN research/NN project/NN about/IN syphilis/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT men/NNS go/VBP untreated/JJ ,/, and/CC 28/CD die/VB ./.
)/) Laurence/NNP Fishburne/NNP "/" underplays/NNS [/( one/CD of/IN the/DT patients/NNS ]/) to/TO smoldering/VBG effect/NN "/" (/( Leonard/NNP )/) ./.
(/( HBO/NNP plugs/NNS the/DT movie/NN at/IN its/PRP$ site/NN ./.
Monster/NN :/: Living/VBG Off/IN the/DT Big/NNP Screen/NNP ,/, by/IN John/NNP Gregory/NNP Dunne/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT inside/JJ story/NN of/IN how/WRB Dunne/NNP and/CC wife/NN Joan/NNP Didion/NNP turned/VBD the/DT Jessica/NNP Savitch/NNP saga/NN into/IN the/DT 1996/CD Disney/NNP picture/NN Up/IN Close/NNP and/CC Personal/JJ makes/VBZ the/DT cover/NN of/IN the/DT March/NNP 2/CD New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP ,/, although/IN screenwriter/NN Larry/NNP Gelbart/NNP summarizes/NNS ,/, rather/RB than/IN evaluates/VBZ ,/, the/DT book/NN :/: "/" Monster/NN offers/VBZ a/DT crash/NN course/NN in/IN getting/VBG a/DT script/NN through/IN the/DT hazards/NNS of/IN the/DT present-day/JJ studio/NN system/NN ./.
"/" In/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, producer/NN &slash;/NN writer/NN Michael/NNP Crichton/NNP applauds/VBZ Dunne/NNP 's/POS breezy/JJ ,/, professional/JJ tone/NN :/: "/" Shock/NN and/CC petty/JJ moralizing/VBG are/VBP the/DT mark/NN of/IN an/DT outsider/NN ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Review/NNP of/IN Books/NNPS complains/VBZ that/IN Dunne/NNP is/VBZ too/RB breezy/JJ :/: "/" This/DT is/VBZ what/WP makes/VBZ him/PRP so/RB readable/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB give/VB him/PRP a/DT voice/NN for/IN brooding/VBG ./.
American/NNP Sphinx/NNP :/: The/DT Character/NN of/IN Thomas/NNP Jefferson/NNP ,/, by/IN Joseph/NNP J/NNP ./.
Ellis/NNP (/( Knopf/NNP )/) ./.
Historian/NNP Ellis/NNP earns/VBZ praise/NN for/IN his/PRP$ contribution/NN to/TO Jefferson/NNP scholarship/NN ./.
Ellis/NNP '/POS twist/NN :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT moderate/JJ who/WP neither/DT censures/NNS the/DT author/NN of/IN the/DT Declaration/NNP of/IN Independence/NNP for/IN his/PRP$ conflicted/VBN views/NNS on/IN race/NN nor/CC dismisses/VBZ his/PRP$ political/JJ beliefs/NNS as/IN insincere/NN ./.
"/" Jeffersonism/NNP is/VBZ not/RB Clintonism/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ historian/NN Sean/NNP Wilentz/NNP in/IN the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP ./.
The/DT Chicago/NNP Tribune/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, concludes/VBZ that/IN American/NNP Sphinx/NNP makes/VBZ manifest/JJ so/RB many/JJ inconsistencies/NNS in/IN Jefferson/NNP 's/POS thought/VBD that/IN it/PRP may/MD unwittingly/RB be/VB "/" the/DT most/RBS critical/JJ biography/NN of/IN Jefferson/NNP published/VBD in/IN this/DT century/NN ./.
"/" (/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN the/DT Jefferson/NNP debate/NN ,/, see/VB David/NNP Greenberg/NNP 's/POS "/" High/NNP Concept/NNP ./.
"/" )/)
Whittaker/NNP Chambers/NNP :/: A/DT Biography/NNP ,/, by/IN Sam/NNP Tanenhaus/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
Tanenhaus/NNP elevates/VBZ Chambers/NNP to/TO the/DT pantheon/NN of/IN great/JJ American/JJ postwar/JJ intellectuals/NNS and/CC declares/VBZ Alger/NNP Hiss/NNP a/DT Soviet/JJ spy/NN ,/, and/CC no/DT critics/NNS object/VBP ./.
Even/RB The/DT Nation/NNP ,/, famously/RB defensive/JJ on/IN the/DT question/NN of/IN Hiss/NNP ,/, calls/VBZ the/DT biography/NN "/" an/DT honest/JJ and/CC indispensable/JJ book/NN that/WDT goes/VBZ a/DT long/JJ way/NN toward/IN restoring/VBG to/TO Chambers/NNP an/DT elementary/JJ human/JJ plausibility/NN "/" (/( gosh/NN ,/, thanks/NNS )/) ./.
Tanenhaus/NNP accuses/VBZ Chambers/NNP of/IN having/VBG inadvertently/RB instigated/VBD McCarthyism/NNP ,/, and/CC "/" shows/VBZ us/PRP Chambers/NNP '/POS paranoia/NN ,/, his/PRP$ introversion/NN ,/, his/PRP$ sententiousness/NNS "/" (/( Stephen/NNP Koch/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Also/RB ,/, see/VB Slate/NNP 's/POS mildly/RB critical/JJ review/NN by/IN Ann/NNP Douglas/NNP ./.
Stanley/NNP (/( Circle/NNP in/IN the/DT Square/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ./.
Two/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, art/NN historian/NN Simon/NNP Schama/NNP predicted/VBD in/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP that/IN Pam/NNP Gems/NNP '/POS play/NN about/IN midcentury/NN British/JJ painter/NN Stanley/NNP Spencer/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ lover/NN would/MD be/VB received--unfairly/JJ ,/, claimed/VBD Schama--as/NNP "/" yet/RB another/DT formulaic/JJ contribution/NN to/TO the/DT flourishing/JJ genre/NN of/IN painter-as-prick/JJ ./.
"/" Critics/NNS have/VBP proven/VBN him/PRP right/JJ ./.
The/DT play/NN is/VBZ "/" Spencer/NNP 's/POS life/NN reduced/VBD to/TO Two/CD Weddings/NNP and/CC a/DT Funeral/NNP ,/, a/DT quaint/JJ and/CC titillating/VBG Bloomsbury/NNP parallelogram/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS Donald/NNP Lyons/NNP ./.
All/DT praise/NN is/VBZ reserved/VBN for/IN the/DT production/NN itself/PRP :/: "/" The/DT staging/NN is/VBZ infinitely/RB inventive/JJ ,/, "/" says/VBZ New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS John/NNP Simon/NNP ./.
Actor/NNP Anthony/NNP Sher/NNP ,/, as/IN Stanley/NNP ,/, is/VBZ "/" astonishing/JJ ,/, as/IN though/IN he/PRP were/VBD plugged/VBD into/IN a/DT power/NN source/NN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN had/VBD yet/RB to/TO discover/VB ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Ben/NNP Brantley/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP 's/POS Jed/NNP Perl/NNP trashes/NNS the/DT late/JJ paintings/NNS of/IN Willem/NNP de/IN Kooning/NNP ./.
The/DT Museum/NNP of/IN Modern/NNP Art/NNP exhibition/NN "/" is/VBZ something/NN new--the/JJ first/JJ show/NN dedicated/VBN to/TO Alzheimer/NNP 's/POS chic/JJ ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS :/:
Feb/NNP ./.
19/CD :/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Thomas/NNP Jefferson/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Emma/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Absolute/JJ Power/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Blood/NNP and/CC Wine/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Gladstone/NNP :/: A/DT Biography/NNP ,/, by/IN Roy/NNP Jenkins/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Asylum/NNP ,/, by/IN Patrick/NNP McGrath/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Hungry/NNP Ghosts/NNP :/: Mao/NNP 's/POS Secret/JJ Famine/NN ,/, by/IN Jasper/NNP Becker/NNP ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Henry/NNP Darger/NNP :/: The/DT Unreality/NNP of/IN Being/VBG ./.
Feb/NNP ./.
12/CD :/:
CD/NNP -/: -/: Pat/NNP Boone/NNP in/IN a/DT Metal/NNP Mood/NNP :/: No/DT More/JJR Mr/NNP ./.
Nice/NNP Guy/NNP ,/, by/IN Pat/NNP Boone/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Dante/NNP 's/POS Peak/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: When/WRB We/PRP Were/VBD Kings/NNPS ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Prisoner/NNP of/IN the/DT Mountains/NNPS ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: What/WP Falls/NNP Away/RB :/: A/DT Memoir/NNP ,/, by/IN Mia/NNP Farrow/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Before/IN the/DT Dawn/NNP :/: An/DT Autobiography/NNP ,/, by/IN Gerry/NNP Adams/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: A/DT Supposedly/RB Fun/NNP Thing/NNP I/PRP 'll/MD Never/RB Do/VB Again/RB :/: Essays/NNP and/CC Arguments/NNP ,/, by/IN David/NNP Foster/NNP Wallace/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Chris/NNP Rock/NNP Show/NNP ./.
Feb/NNP ./.
5/CD :/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Personal/JJ History/NN ,/, by/IN Katharine/NNP Graham/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: What/WP It/PRP Means/NNP to/TO Be/VB a/DT Libertarian/NNP :/: A/DT Personal/NNP Interpretation/NNP ,/, by/IN Charles/NNP Murray/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Do/VBP the/DT Windows/NNP Open/NNP ?/.
,/, by/IN Julie/NNP Hecht/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Gridlock/NNP 'd/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Waiting/NNP for/IN Guffman/NNP ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Willem/NNP de/IN Kooning/NNP :/: The/DT Late/JJ Paintings/NNS ,/, the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ "/" ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: Men/NN Are/VBP From/IN Mars/NNP ,/, Women/NNP Are/VBP From/IN Venus/NNP ;/:
Event/NN -/: -/: "/" On/IN Cultural/NNP Power/NNP :/: The/DT Wilson-/NNP Brustein/NNP Discussion/NNP ./.
Jan/NNP ./.
29/CD :/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Giambattista/NNP Tiepolo/NNP ,/, 1696/CD -/: 1770/CD "/" ;/:
Event/NN -/: -/: Halftime/NNP at/IN Super/NNP Bowl/NNP XXXI/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Kolya/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Island/NNP of/IN the/DT Colorblind/NNP ,/, by/IN Oliver/NNP Sacks/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Steward/NNP of/IN Christendom/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Fierce/JJ Creatures/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Le/NNP Divorce/NNP ,/, by/IN Diane/NNP Johnson/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Compiled/VBN by/IN Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP and/CC the/DT editors/NNS of/IN Slate/NNP ./.
For/IN Tuesday/NNP and/CC Saturday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) ,/, "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" (/( Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, and/CC "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" (/( Wednesday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
And/CC if/IN you/PRP missed/VBD the/DT most/RBS recent/JJ installments/NNS of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, here/RB they/PRP are/VBP :/: posted/VBN Tuesday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
29/CD ,/, and/CC Friday/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
25/CD ./.
Flytrap/NNP fatigue/NN has/VBZ been/VBN spreading/VBG like/IN wildfire/NN across/IN Europe/NNP ./.
The/DT German/JJ daily/JJ Hamburger/NNP Morgenpost/NNP lighted/VBN the/DT flame/NN last/JJ week/NN by/IN leaving/VBG two/CD of/IN its/PRP$ pages/NNS blank/JJ under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Clinton/NNP 's/POS Porn/NNP Interrogation/NNP :/: We/PRP Have/VBP Had/VBD Enough/JJ ./.
"/" Since/IN then/RB ,/, 14/CD media/NNS organizations/NNS in/IN Portugal--three/NNP TV/NNP companies/NNS ,/, four/CD radio/NN stations/NNS ,/, six/CD daily/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, and/CC one/CD newsmagazine--have/JJ signed/VBD a/DT statement/NN saying/VBG ,/, "/" It/PRP is/VBZ our/PRP$ profound/JJ conviction/NN that/IN the/DT intimate/JJ life/NN of/IN a/DT human/JJ being/NN ,/, even/RB if/IN he/PRP is/VBZ the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, does/VBZ not/RB justify/VB this/DT obscene/JJ official/JJ inquiry/NN ./.
We/PRP therefore/RB declare/VBP that/IN the/DT media/NNS for/IN which/WDT we/PRP are/VBP responsible/JJ will/MD not/RB ,/, as/IN from/IN today/NN ,/, continue/VB to/TO focus/VB on/IN aspects/NNS of/IN the/DT intimate/JJ life/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP that/WDT are/VBP not/RB of/IN obvious/JJ interest/NN to/TO the/DT public/NN ./.
In/IN Britain/NNP ,/, the/DT press/NN has/VBZ generally/RB failed/VBN to/TO catch/VB up/RP with/IN the/DT idea/NN that/DT impeachment/NN is/VBZ becoming/VBG increasingly/RB unlikely/JJ ./.
The/DT satirical/JJ magazine/NN Private/NNP Eye/NNP ,/, in/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS edition/NN ,/, says/VBZ that/IN "/" President/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, like/IN beauty/NN ,/, is/VBZ in/IN the/DT eye/NN of/IN the/DT beholder/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP takes/VBZ two/CD British/JJ commentators/NNS on/IN Flytrap--the/NNP liberal/JJ Guardian/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP correspondent/NN Martin/NNP Kettle/NNP and/CC the/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP 's/POS "/" resident/NN Bill-baiter/NNP "/" Ambrose/NNP Evans-/NNP Pritchard--and/NNP points/NNS out/RP that/IN "/" what/WP both/DT papers/NNS have/VBP in/IN common/NN is/VBZ that/IN their/PRP$ reporting/VBG simply/RB reflects/VBZ their/PRP$ prejudices--thus/JJ leaving/NN the/DT poor/JJ readers/NNS hopelessly/RB confused/VBN and/CC surprised/VBN by/IN every/DT new/JJ turn/NN of/RP events/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP takes/VBZ quotations/NNS from/IN both/DT journalists/NNS '/POS articles/NNS over/IN several/JJ months/NNS to/TO show/VB ,/, convincingly/RB ,/, the/DT repeated/VBN inaccuracy/NN of/IN their/PRP$ predictions/NNS ./.
After/IN its/PRP$ final/JJ quotation/NN from/IN Evans-/NNP Pritchard/NNP ,/, who/WP wrote/VBD Sept/NNP ./.
22/CD that/IN "/" those/DT who/WP say/VBP that/IN this/DT scandal/NN does/VBZ not/RB rise/VB to/TO the/DT level/NN of/IN Watergate/NNP may/MD have/VB to/TO eat/VB their/PRP$ words/NNS ,/, "/" Private/NNP Eye/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" Perhaps/RB they/PRP could/MD be/VB joined/VBN on/IN this/DT verbal/JJ banquet/NN by/IN Evans-/NNP Pritchard/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC to/TO Kettle/NNP 's/POS warning/NN ,/, issued/VBD the/DT same/JJ day/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP presidency/NN may/MD be/VB seen/VBN by/IN future/JJ historians/NNS "/" as/IN a/DT huge/JJ historic/JJ disappointment/NN consisting/VBG mainly/RB of/IN strategic/JJ retreats/NNS in/IN a/DT right-wing/JJ era/NN and/CC as/IN a/DT catastrophic/JJ personal/JJ let-down/JJ for/IN a/DT generation/NN of/IN American/JJ liberals/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT magazine/NN adds/VBZ ,/, "/" And/CC for/IN a/DT certain/JJ British/JJ liberal/JJ hack/VB ,/, too/RB ?/.
The/DT crisis/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP figures/NNS prominently/RB in/IN most/JJS European/JJ newspapers/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Thursday/NNP with/IN "/" Nato/NNP Ready/JJ for/IN Strikes/NNS on/IN Serbia/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC an/DT editorial/NN seemed/VBD skeptical/JJ about/IN whether/IN NATO/NNP will/MD actually/RB do/VB anything/NN ./.
It/PRP recalled/VBD that/IN six/CD years/NNS ago/RB George/NNP Bush/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ "/" Christmas/NNP warning/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD that/IN if/IN Belgrade/NNP used/VBD force/NN against/IN Kosovo/NNP 's/POS Albanian/NNP majority/NN ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS would/MD intervene/VB :/: "/" Then/RB Mr/NNP ./.
Milosevic/NNP listened/VBD ./.
But/CC now/RB ,/, although/IN he/PRP is/VBZ politically/RB weaker/JJR ,/, neither/DT Nato/NNP nor/CC Washington/NNP has/VBZ given/VBN him/PRP cause/VBP to/TO believe/VB that/IN the/DT West/NNP means/VBZ business/NN ./.
The/DT visit/NN to/TO Paris/NNP Wednesday/NNP by/IN Germany/NNP 's/POS new/JJ Chancellor-elect/NNP Gerhard/NNP Schröder/NNP was/VBD also/RB the/DT subject/NN of/IN much/JJ comment/NN ./.
The/DT Süddeutche/NNP Zeitung/NNP of/IN Munich/NNP ran/VBD an/DT editorial/JJ Thursday/NNP pointing/VBG out/RP that/IN Schröder/NNP presented/VBD the/DT French/JJ with/IN "/" a/DT new/JJ Germany/NNP ,/, "/" one/CD in/IN which/WDT the/DT Roman/NNP Catholic/NNP Rhinelander/NNP Helmut/NNP Kohl/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN replaced/VBN by/IN a/DT northern/JJ Protestant/JJ less/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB sympathetic/JJ to/TO the/DT French/JJ ./.
But/CC President/NNP Jacques/NNP Chirac/NNP was/VBD reported/VBN in/IN the/DT French/JJ press/NN to/TO be/VB reassured/VBN by/IN Schröder/NNP 's/POS assurances/NNS that/IN Germany/NNP will/MD continue/VB to/TO pursue/VB the/DT same/JJ European/JJ policies/NNS while/IN extending/VBG the/DT Franco-/NNP German/JJ relationship/NN to/TO take/VB more/JJR account/NN of/IN Britain/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Todd/NNP ,/,
I/PRP love/VBP the/DT airplane/NN mystery/NN idea/NN ./.
Almost/RB as/RB much/JJ as/IN I/PRP hate/VBP that/DT song/NN about/IN the/DT girls/NNS who/WP wear/VBP Abercrombie/NNP &/CC Fitch/NNP ./.
Those/DT guys/NNS need/VBP to/TO be/VB a/DT great/JJ deal/NN cuter/NN to/TO get/VB away/RB with/IN such/JJ horrible/JJ lyric/NN writing/NN ./.
And/CC a/DT last/JJ comment/NN on/IN Christie/NNP Brinkley/NNP ./.
I/PRP once/RB read/VBP a/DT beauty/NN book/NN by/IN her/PRP in/IN which/WDT she/PRP confessed/VBD that/IN her/PRP$ biggest/JJS beauty/NN secret/NN was/VBD water/NN :/: drink/NN it/PRP ,/, bathe/NN in/IN it/PRP ,/, use/NN it/PRP to/TO moisturize/NN midday/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB that/DT simple/NN ./.
But/CC she/PRP apparently/RB forgot/VBD to/TO add/VB ,/, "/" And/CC get/VB some/DT better-looking/JJ parents/NNS ./.
Boy/NNP oh/UH boy/NN ,/, are/VBP the/DT papers/NNS ever/RB full/JJ of/IN Thanksgiving/NNP space-killer/JJ features/NNS today/NN ./.
They/PRP could/MD certainly/RB print/VB the/DT same/JJ ones/NNS verbatim/JJ every/DT year/NN ,/, but/CC instead/RB they/PRP assign/VBP some/DT poor/JJ beleaguered/JJ writer/NN to/TO dress/VB them/PRP up/RP by/IN adding/VBG a/DT few/JJ expressions/NNS from/IN rap/NN records/NNS ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, my/PRP$ favorite/JJ Thanksgiving/NNP media/NNS tradition/NN is/VBZ the/DT one/CD they/PRP air/VBP on/IN all/PDT the/DT TV/NN newscasts/NNS the/DT day/NN after/IN Thanksgiving/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ called/VBN "/" The/DT Busiest/NNP Shopping/NNP Day/NNP of/IN the/DT Year/NN "/" and/CC is/VBZ the/DT one/CD where/WRB they/PRP send/VBP lifestyle/NN reporters/NNS to/TO the/DT local/JJ malls/NNS to/TO coerce/NN unsuspecting/JJ randomly/RB selected/VBN shoppers/NNS into/IN speaking/VBG the/DT exact/JJ same/JJ seasonal/JJ cliches/NNS that/IN the/DT people/NNS came/VBD up/RB with/IN the/DT last/JJ time/NN they/PRP did/VBD the/DT report/NN ./.
They/PRP could/MD definitely/RB run/VB this/DT same/JJ report/NN verbatim/JJ year/NN after/IN year/NN were/VBD it/PRP not/RB for/IN the/DT slight/JJ difference/NN in/IN haircuts/NNS from/IN decade/NN to/TO decade/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, now/RB with/IN all/PDT the/DT sophisticated/JJ computer/NN graphics/NNS and/CC so/RB forth/RB ,/, maybe/RB they/PRP will/MD finally/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO produce/VB one/CD that/WDT can/MD run/VB in/IN perpetuity/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB sure/JJ why/WRB I/PRP feel/VBP so/RB driven/VBN to/TO read/VB through/IN this/DT multi-part/JJ article/NN the/DT L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Times/NNP is/VBZ running/VBG on/IN string/NN theory/NN ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB just/RB because/IN I/PRP think/VBP physicist/NN Brian/NNP Greene/NNP is/VBZ a/DT babe/NN ./.
OK/JJ ./.
That/DT is/VBZ the/DT reason/NN ./.
But/CC shallow/JJ motives/NNS aside/RB ,/, here/RB is/VBZ what/WP I/PRP picked/VBD up/RB today/NN ./.
As/IN you/PRP may/MD recall/VB from/IN my/PRP$ incisive/JJ analysis/NN yesterday/NN ,/, the/DT string/NN theorists/NNS have/VBP gone/VBN ahead/RB and/CC thrown/VBN out/RP that/IN old/JJ saw/VBD ,/, that/IN antiquated/JJ ,/, horse-and-buggy-era/JJ concept/NN of/IN space/NN and/CC time/NN ./.
But/CC ,/, before/IN you/PRP start/VBP going/VBG all/DT nostalgic/JJ on/IN me/PRP ,/, you/PRP will/MD be/VB happy/JJ to/TO know/VB that/IN they/PRP have/VBP replaced/VBN it/PRP with/IN the/DT infinitely/RB hipper/NN and/CC more/RBR contemporary/JJ 11/CD -/: dimensional/NN strings/NNS ./.
Yes/UH ,/, I/PRP realize/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT little/RB hard/JJ to/TO warm/VB up/RP to/TO at/IN first/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP 're/VBP all/DT going/VBG to/TO get/VB to/TO like/IN it/PRP better/RBR as--oops/JJ ,/, I/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO say/VB as/IN time/NN goes/VBZ by/IN but/CC now/RB that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP eliminated/VBN time--as/JJ we/PRP get/VBP to/TO know/VB the/DT strings/NNS on/IN a/DT more/RBR personal/JJ basis/NN ./.
Which/WDT is/VBZ all/DT well/RB and/CC good/JJ ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ only/RB just/RB so/RB many/JJ times/NNS that/WDT can/MD eat/VB in/IN the/DT same/JJ restaurant/NN ,/, so/RB to/TO speak/VB ./.
Space/NNP and/CC time/NN have/VBP had/VBN more/JJR than/IN their/PRP$ share/NN of/IN the/DT spotlight/NN ./.
Move/VB over/RB and/CC let/VB a/DT new/JJ kid/NN have/VBP a/DT chance/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP wonder/VBP if/IN the/DT scientists/NNS behind/IN this/DT important/JJ philosophical/JJ shift/NN have/VBP really/RB considered/VBN all/PDT the/DT consequences/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ actions/NNS ./.
Because/IN ,/, as/IN the/DT article/NN points/NNS out/IN ,/, if/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT clear/JJ difference/NN between/IN now/RB and/CC the/DT instant/NN after/IN now/RB ,/, then/RB "/" how/WRB can/MD we/PRP say/VB if/IN the/DT gunshot/NN caused/VBD the/DT death/NN or/CC if/IN the/DT death/NN caused/VBD the/DT gunshot/NN ?/.
"/" And/CC you/PRP thought/VBD lawyers/NNS were/VBD incomprehensible/NN morally/RB compromised/VBN bullshit/NN artists/NNS in/IN love/NN with/IN the/DT sound/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ voices/NNS before/RB ./.
Just/RB imagine/VB being/VBG selected/VBN to/TO sit/VB on/IN the/DT jury/NN that/WDT has/VBZ to/TO listen/VB to/TO Johnny/NNP Cochran/NNP appeal/NN the/DT O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
case/NN on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS of/IN factual/JJ inconsistencies/NNS due/JJ to/TO string/VB theory/NN ./.
Oh/UH brother/NN ./.
And/CC speaking/NN of/IN gunshots/NNS ,/, let/VB 's/POS move/NN right/NN on/IN to/TO the/DT rage-filled/JJ portion/NN of/IN today/NN 's/POS letter/NN :/: Apparently/RB they/PRP held/VBD "/" Take/VB a/DT Kid/NNP Pheasant/NNP Hunting/NNP Day/NNP "/" yesterday/NN in/IN Chester/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP has/VBZ a/DT lovely/JJ photo/NN of/IN two/CD sweet/JJ little/RB grad-school-age/JJ boys/NNS smiling/VBG as/IN they/PRP hold/VBP up/RP an/DT assortment/NN of/IN lifeless/JJ corpses/NNS ./.
At/IN last/JJ ,/, a/DT state/NN government/NN steps/NNS in/IN to/TO help/VB provide/VB a/DT much-needed/JJ opportunity/NN for/IN the/DT few/JJ kids/NNS whose/WP$ parents/NNS do/VBP n't/RB have/VB guns/NNS hidden/VBN anywhere/RB in/IN their/PRP$ homes/NNS to/TO make/VB firsthand/RB contact/NN with/IN the/DT pleasures/NNS of/IN gun/NN violence/NN ./.
There/EX really/RB are/VBP n't/RB enough/JJ opportunities/NNS for/IN kids/NNS to/TO come/VB in/IN to/TO contact/VB with/IN guns/NNS or/CC to/TO kill/VB helpless/JJ creatures/NNS nowadays/RB ,/, especially/RB during/IN the/DT all-important/JJ elementary/JJ school/NN years/NNS ./.
So/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ nice/JJ that/IN the/DT New/NNP Jersey/NNP Division/NNP of/IN Fish/NN ,/, Game/NNP and/CC Wildlife/NNP was/VBD willing/JJ to/TO co-sponsor/VB the/DT event/NN with/IN the/DT National/NNP Rifle/NNP Association/NNP ./.
Their/PRP$ goal/NN is/VBZ "/" to/TO shore/VB up/RP hunting/NN 's/POS popularity/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ William/NNP Poole/NNP ,/, the/DT moron/NN in/IN charge/NN (/( who/WP I/PRP would/MD love/VB to/TO make/VB the/DT first/JJ target/NN of/IN my/PRP$ brand-new/JJ still-untested/JJ self-defense/JJ fighting/NN skills--particularly/JJ one/CD I/PRP just/RB learned/VBD that/IN they/PRP call/VBP the/DT Axe/NNP ,/, which/WDT involves/VBZ bringing/VBG the/DT heel/NN of/IN my/PRP$ foot/NN right/RB down/RB between/IN his/PRP$ eyes/NNS several/JJ times/NNS )/) ./.
Poole/NNP is/VBZ also/RB quoted/VBN as/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" The/DT shooting/VBG sports/NNS are/VBP like/IN any/DT other/JJ endeavor/NN ./.
Youth/NNP is/VBZ our/PRP$ future/JJ ./.
"/" Yeah/UH ./.
Like/IN any/DT other/JJ endeavor/NN where/WRB helpless/JJ animals/NNS are/VBP placed/VBN at/IN a/DT disadvantage/NN (/( in/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, they/PRP spin/VB the/DT pheasants/NNS first/JJ to/TO make/VB them/PRP dizzy/NN )/) in/IN order/NN to/TO provide/VB adorable/JJ little/JJ children/NNS with/IN the/DT joy/NN of/IN inflicting/VBG pain/NN and/CC causing/VBG death/NN ./.
There/EX really/RB are/VBP n't/RB enough/RB other/JJ forms/NNS of/IN recreation/NN and/CC entertainment/NN available/JJ to/TO the/DT kids/NNS today/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, I/PRP guess/VBP I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB taking/VBG into/IN account/NN the/DT fact/NN that/IN it/PRP does/VBZ give/VB the/DT kids/NNS a/DT chance/NN to/TO help/VB out/IN with/IN the/DT household/NN expenses/NNS by/IN bringing/VBG home/NN enough/RB of/IN that/DT family/NN dinner/NN favorite/JJ ,/, pheasant/NN ,/, to/TO keep/VB everyone/NN in/IN pheasant/NN sandwiches/NNS for/IN days/NNS ./.
Now/RB I/PRP need/VBP to/TO go/VB check/NN my/PRP$ blood/NN pressure/NN ./.
Talk/NN to/TO you/PRP tomorrow/NN ./.
Love/NN ,/, Merrill/NNP
The/DT Clinton/NNP years/NNS have/VBP n't/RB been/VBN easy/JJ for/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Secret/NNP Service/NNP ./.
First/LS ,/, agents/NNS were/VBD blamed/VBN for/IN spreading/VBG rumors/NNS about/IN marital/JJ spats--involving/JJ household/NN furniture--between/JJ the/DT president/NN and/CC the/DT first/JJ lady/NN ./.
Then/RB they/PRP drew/VBD jeers/NNS for/IN closing/NN part/NN of/IN Pennsylvania/NNP Avenue/NNP after/IN two/CD near-assaults/JJ on/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ./.
Last/JJ fall/NN ,/, muckraker/NN Seymour/NNP Hersh/NNP 's/POS book/NN about/IN John/NNP F/NNP ./.
Kennedy/NNP 's/POS sexual/JJ exploits/NNS relied/VBN on/IN dirt/NN from/IN whistle-blowing/JJ ex-operatives/JJ ./.
Now/RB ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS guards/NNS are/VBP being/VBG forced/VBN to/TO tell/VB all/DT about/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS alleged/VBN affair/NN with/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ an/DT uncomfortable/JJ role/NN for/IN a/DT group/NN that/IN prides/NNS itself/PRP on/IN its/PRP$ low/JJ profile--indeed/JJ ,/, on/IN its/PRP$ secrecy/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT Zapruder/NNP film/NN to/TO the/DT Clint/NNP Eastwood/NNP film/NN ,/, the/DT popular/JJ image/NN of/IN the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP agent--stiff/JJ posture/NN ,/, of/IN dark/JJ suit/NN and/CC shades/NNS ,/, the/DT walkie-talkies/NNS ,/, the/DT microphone/NN in/IN the/DT sleeve--is/JJ one/CD of/IN laconic/JJ ,/, unflappable/JJ ,/, and/CC self-abnegating/JJ cool/NN ./.
Though/IN always/RB at/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN things/NNS ,/, the/DT agent/NN cherishes/VBZ his/PRP$ anonymity/NN ;/: he/PRP 's/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO sacrifice/VB not/RB just/RB life/NN but/CC also/RB ego/NN to/TO protect/VB the/DT president/NN ./.
Who/WP are/VBP these/DT guys/NNS ,/, anyway/RB ?/.
And/CC how/WRB did/VBD they/PRP develop/VBP such/JJ importance/NN and/CC mystique/NN ?/.
From/IN the/DT beginning/NN ,/, Secret/NNP Service/NNP operatives/NNS have/VBP been/VBN thought/VBN to/TO have/VB pretty/RB sexy/JJ jobs/NNS ./.
Abraham/NNP Lincoln/NNP and/CC Gen/NNP ./.
George/NNP B/NNP ./.
McClellan/NNP conceived/VBD of/IN the/DT organization/NN during/IN the/DT Civil/NNP War/NNP as/IN an/DT espionage/NN agency/NN ./.
Under/IN the/DT control/NN of/IN the/DT Department/NNP of/IN War/NNP ,/, its/PRP$ first/JJ head/NN was/VBD the/DT legendary/JJ private/JJ detective/NN Allan/NNP Pinkerton/NNP ,/, a/DT friend/NN of/IN McClellan/NNP 's/POS who/WP had/VBD learned/VBN of--and/JJ helped/VBD avert--an/JJ attempt/NN on/IN Lincoln/NNP 's/POS life/NN in/IN 1861/CD ./.
When/WRB Lincoln/NNP fired/VBD the/DT famously/RB inept/JJ McClellan/NNP ,/, Pinkerton/NNP went/VBD ,/, too/RB ./.
He/PRP was/VBD replaced/VBN eventually/RB by/IN a/DT brigadier/NN general/JJ named/VBN La/NNP Fayette/NNP C/NNP ./.
Baker/NNP ,/, who/WP recorded/VBD his/PRP$ exploits/NNS of/IN derring-do/NN in/IN a/DT memoir/NN called/VBD The/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP in/IN the/DT Late/RB War/NNP (/( 1874/CD )/) -/: -/: the/DT first/JJ in/IN a/DT long/JJ line/NN of/IN agents/NNS '/POS kiss-and-tells/JJ (/( click/NN for/IN a/DT brief/JJ review/NN )/) ./.
Later/RB ,/, Baker/NNP ran/VBD afoul/NN of/IN President/NNP Andrew/NNP Johnson/NNP for/IN having/VBG allegedly/RB set/VBN up/RP his/PRP$ own/JJ espionage/NN network/NN within/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP abolished/VBD the/DT organization/NN ,/, and/CC Baker/NNP wound/VBD up/RP testifying/VBG against/IN the/DT president/NN during/IN his/PRP$ impeachment/NN hearings/NNS ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, another/DT Secret/NNP Service--the/NNP forerunner/NN of/IN today/NN '/" s--was/JJ created/VBN as/IN a/DT division/NN of/IN the/DT Treasury/NNP Department/NNP ./.
On/IN April/NNP 14/CD ,/, 1865/CD ,/, Lincoln/NNP met/VBD with/IN Treasury/NNP Secretary/NNP Hugh/NNP McCullough/NNP about/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO fight/VB rampant/JJ wartime/NN counterfeiting/VBG ./.
During/IN the/DT war/NN ,/, the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
government/NN had/VBD issued/VBN its/PRP$ first/JJ paper/NN money/NN ,/, or/CC "/" greenbacks/NNS "/" (/( previously/RB ,/, only/RB private/JJ banks/NNS had/VBD issued/VBN paper/NN notes/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC one-third/NN to/TO one-half/NN of/IN all/DT paper/NN currency/NN in/IN circulation/NN was/VBD believed/VBN to/TO be/VB "/" queer/NN ./.
"/" McCullough/NNP and/CC Lincoln/NNP discussed/VBD setting/VBG up/RP a/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP to/TO root/VB out/RP counterfeiters/NNS ./.
It/PRP did/VBD n't/RB occur/VB to/TO them/PRP ,/, unfortunately/RB ,/, to/TO have/VB this/DT new/JJ division/NN protect/VBP the/DT president/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN very/RB night/NN Lincoln/NNP was/VBD assassinated/VBN when/WRB the/DT Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, policeman/NN assigned/VBN to/TO guard/VB him/PRP wandered/JJ out/IN of/IN Ford/NNP 's/POS Theater/NNP to/TO a/DT tavern/NN down/RP the/DT street/NN ./.
(/( La/NNP Fayette/NNP Baker/NNP 's/POS men/NNS ,/, coincidentally/RB ,/, helped/VBD bring/VB John/NNP Wilkes/NNP Booth/NNP to/TO justice/NN ./.
)/) The/DT assassination/NN delayed/VBD things/NNS ,/, and/CC July/NNP 5/CD ,/, McCullough/NNP swore/VBD in/IN the/DT new/JJ service/NN 's/POS first/JJ chief/NN ,/, the/DT appropriately/RB named/VBN William/NNP P/NN ./.
Wood/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT absence/NN of/IN other/JJ federal/JJ law/NN enforcement/NN agencies--there/JJ was/VBD no/DT FBI/NNP until/IN 1908/CD -/: -/: the/DT service/NN over/IN time/NN took/VBD on/IN new/JJ jobs/NNS :/: combating/VBG the/DT terrorist/JJ acts/NNS of/IN the/DT Ku/NNP Klux/NNP Klan/NNP ,/, which/WDT had/VBD sprung/VBN up/RP in/IN the/DT Reconstruction/NNP South/NNP ;/: conducting/VBG espionage/NN during/IN the/DT Spanish-/NNP American/NNP War/NNP and/CC World/NNP War/NNP I/PRP ;/: investigating/VBG the/DT Harding/NNP administration/NN 's/POS Teapot/NNP Dome/NNP scandal/NN ;/: and/CC helping/VBG to/TO apprehend/NN the/DT gangster/NN Al/NNP Capone/NNP for/IN tax/NN fraud/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ main/JJ job/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, has/VBZ always/RB remained/VBN fighting/VBG counterfeiting/VBG and/CC other/JJ forms/NNS of/IN fraud/NN :/: check/NN ,/, credit/NN card/NN ,/, postage/NN stamp/NN ,/, food/NN stamp/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT like/JJ ./.
Which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO say/VB ,/, if/IN you/PRP cash/NN your/PRP$ neighbor/NN 's/POS Social/NNP Security/NNP check/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP that/WDT will/MD come/VB after/IN you/PRP ./.
Conspicuously/NNP absent/JJ from/IN the/DT agency/NN 's/POS duties/NNS was/VBD the/DT job/NN of/IN presidential/JJ protection/NN ./.
Until/IN Lincoln/NNP 's/POS murder/NN ,/, no/DT president/NN had/VBD been/VBN assassinated/VBN ./.
When/WRB ,/, in/IN 1835/CD ,/, a/DT would-be/JJ assassin/NN pointed/VBD his/PRP$ pistol/NN at/IN Andrew/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, the/DT pugnacious/JJ president/NN simply/RB charged/VBD at/IN the/DT assailant/NN ,/, brandishing/VBG his/PRP$ cane/NN ./.
To/TO his/PRP$ good/JJ fortune/NN ,/, both/DT the/DT gun/NN and/CC a/DT backup/NN pistol/NN failed/VBD to/TO fire/VB ./.
In/IN 1881/CD ,/, James/NNP Garfield/NNP was/VBD the/DT second/JJ president/NN to/TO be/VB killed/VBN ,/, and/CC during/IN Grover/NNP Cleveland/NNP 's/POS second/JJ term--a/JJ time/NN of/IN fierce/JJ labor/NN unrest--the/JJ president/NN finally/RB began/VBD using/VBG Secret/NNP Service/NNP agents/NNS ,/, informally/RB ,/, for/IN defense/NN ./.
Only/RB when/WRB Theodore/NNP Roosevelt/NNP took/VBD office/NN following/VBG the/DT 1901/CD assassination/NN of/IN William/NNP McKinley/NNP did/VBD the/DT Treasury/NNP Department/NNP authorize/VB full-time/JJ presidential/JJ protection/NN ./.
Five/CD years/NNS later/RB ,/, Congress/NNP passed/VBD the/DT Sundry/NNP Civil/NNP Expenses/NNS Act/NNP ,/, which/WDT made/VBD the/DT service/NN 's/POS protective/JJ duties/NNS official/NN ./.
For/IN 62/CD years/NNS the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP ably/RB sheltered/JJ the/DT president/NN from/IN danger/NN ,/, despite/IN assassination/NN attempts/NNS on/IN Franklin/NNP Roosevelt/NNP (/( as/IN president-elect/NN ,/, in/IN 1933/CD )/) and/CC Harry/NNP Truman/NNP (/( in/IN 1950/CD )/) ./.
John/NNP F/NNP ./.
Kennedy/NNP 's/POS assassination/NN ,/, although/IN the/DT service/NN 's/POS greatest/JJS failure/NN ,/, nonetheless/RB brought/VBN it/PRP renewed/VBD acclaim/NN for/IN its/PRP$ agents/NNS '/POS heroics/NNS ./.
One/CD leapt/VBD onto/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS moving/VBG limousine/NN to/TO shield/VB Jackie/NNP Kennedy/NNP ,/, while/IN another/DT ,/, Rufus/NNP Youngblood/NNP ,/, gained/VBD fame/NN for/IN covering/VBG Vice/NNP President/NNP Lyndon/NNP Johnson/NNP 's/POS body/NN with/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
(/( Likewise/RB ,/, Agent/NNP Timothy/NNP McCarthy/NNP was/VBD celebrated/JJ for/IN taking/VBG a/DT bullet/NN for/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP in/IN 1981/CD ./.
)/) The/DT Kennedy/NNP assassination/NN thus/RB marked/VBD the/DT arrival/NN of/IN the/DT romantic/JJ myth/NN of/IN the/DT self-sacrificing/JJ agent--the/JJ myth/NN that/IN Larry/NNP Cockell/NNP and/CC Clinton/NNP 's/POS other/JJ agents/NNS trade/VBP on/IN when/WRB they/PRP publicize/VB their/PRP$ anguish/NN over/IN having/VBG to/TO betray/NN the/DT president/NN 's/POS trust/NN ./.
In/IN the/NNP '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ and/CC '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT danger/NN of/IN assassination/NN seemed/VBD suddenly/RB to/TO expand--/JJ Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
and/CC Robert/NNP Kennedy/NNP were/VBD murdered/VBN in/IN 1968/CD ,/, George/NNP Wallace/NNP was/VBD crippled/VBN in/IN 1972/CD ,/, and/CC Gerald/NNP Ford/NNP was/VBD targeted/VBN twice/RB within/IN three/CD weeks/NNS in/IN 1975/CD -/: -/: and/CC the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP 's/POS custodial/JJ duties/NNS expanded/VBN accordingly/RB ./.
Protection/NNP had/VBD been/VBN unofficially/RB extended/VBN to/TO presidents-elect/JJ in/IN 1908/CD ./.
Now/RB ,/, others/NNS came/VBD under/IN the/DT shield/NN :/: former/JJ presidents/NNS (/( 1961/CD )/) ,/, vice/NN presidents/NNS and/CC vice/NN presidents-elect/JJ (/( 1962/CD )/) ,/, former/JJ presidents/NNS '/POS spouses/NNS and/CC families/NNS (/( 1965/CD )/) ,/, presidential/JJ and/CC vice/NN presidential/JJ candidates/NNS (/( 1968/CD )/) ,/, visiting/VBG foreign/JJ heads/NNS of/IN state/NN (/( 1971/CD )/) ,/, vice/NN presidents/NNS '/POS families/NNS (/( 1974/CD )/) ,/, foreign/JJ diplomatic/JJ missions/NNS (/( 1975/CD )/) ,/, and/CC spouses/NNS of/IN foreign/JJ heads/NNS of/IN state/NN (/( 1986/CD )/) ./.
Even/RB the/DT Mona/NNP Lisa/NNP got/VBD Secret/NNP Service/NNP guardianship/NN during/IN her/PRP$ visit/NN to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS in/IN 1962/CD ./.
Naturally/RB ,/, the/DT agency/NN 's/POS size/NN and/CC budget/NN exploded/VBD (/( see/VB David/NNP Plotz/NNP 's/POS explanation/NN in/IN "/" Strange/NNP Bedfellow/NNP "/" )/) ./.
In/IN 1963/CD it/PRP had/VBD 520/CD employees/NNS and/CC an/DT annual/JJ budget/NN of/IN $/$ 8/CD million/CD ./.
Today/NN it/PRP has/VBZ approximately/RB 4/CD ,/, 600/CD employees/NNS ,/, a/DT $/$ 590/CD million/CD budget/NN ,/, and/CC field/NN offices/NNS around/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
This/DT massive/JJ growth/NN has/VBZ periodically/RB elicited/JJ cries/VBZ from/IN lean-government/JJ types/NNS ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ more/JJR ,/, in/IN our/PRP$ egalitarian/NN times/NNS people/NNS resent/VBP the/DT privilege/NN that/WDT serves/VBZ to/TO insulate/VB a/DT somewhat/RB random/JJ quasi-aristocracy/JJ from/IN contact/NN with/IN citizens/NNS ./.
This/DT same/JJ egalitarianism/NN fuels/NNS the/DT feeling/NN that/IN the/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP should/MD n't/RB serve/VB ,/, in/IN the/DT mot/NN du/NNP jour/FW ,/, as/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS "/" Praetorian/NNP Guard/NNP "/" -/: -/: that/IN it/PRP should/MD n't/RB take/VB metaphorical/JJ bullets/NNS to/TO protect/VB his/PRP$ dalliances/NNS ./.
Even/RB that/IN unpleasant/JJ task/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, has/VBZ some/DT precedent/NN ./.
In/IN The/DT Dark/NNP Side/NNP of/IN Camelot/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, Hersh/NNP found/VBD four/CD ex-agents/JJ who/WP told/VBD him/PRP about/IN JFK/NNP 's/POS reckless/JJ sexual/JJ escapades/NNS and/CC about/IN how/WRB they/PRP were/VBD pressed/VBN into/IN providing/VBG cover/NN ./.
Less/RBR well/RB known/VBN ,/, if/IN less/RBR salacious/JJ ,/, is/VBZ the/DT fact/NN that/IN in/IN 1915/CD ,/, the/DT Presbyterian/NNP moralist/NN Woodrow/NNP Wilson/NNP ,/, then/RB a/DT recent/JJ widower/NN ,/, used/VBN agents/NNS to/TO run/VB interference/NN for/IN him/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ amorous/JJ pursuits/NNS ./.
Edmund/NNP Starling/NNP ,/, who/WP guarded/VBD Wilson/NNP ,/, wrote/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ memoir/NN :/: "/" Our/PRP$ boss/NN was/VBD in/IN love/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD courting/VBG a/DT handsome/JJ widow/NN ,/, Mrs/NNP ./.
Edith/NNP Bolling/NNP Galt/NNP ./.
it/PRP was/VBD all/DT taking/VBG place/NN at/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, where/WRB Mrs/NNP ./.
Galt/NNP was/VBD brought/VBN by/IN her/PRP$ friends/NNS ./.
"/" Soon/RB ,/, Starling/NNP was/VBD conscripted/JJ into/IN following/VBG the/DT couple/NN on/IN their/PRP$ walks/NNS through/IN Washington/NNP 's/POS Rock/NNP Creek/NNP Park/NNP (/( for/IN more/JJR details/NNS ,/, click/NN )/) and/CC fending/VBG off/RP reporters/NNS ./.
Though/IN Wilson/NNP was/VBD unmarried/JJ ,/, dating/VBG another/DT woman/NN so/RB soon/RB after/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN 's/POS death/NN seemed/VBD vaguely/RB scandalous/JJ in/IN 1915/CD ,/, especially/RB because/RB ,/, as/IN Starling/NNP discreetly/RB put/VBP it/PRP ,/, Wilson/NNP was/VBD afraid/JJ "/" another/DT woman--a/JJ Mrs/NNP ./.
Peck/NNP ,/, whom/WP the/DT President/NNP had/VBD known/VBN years/NNS before--would/JJ make/NN trouble/NN if/IN an/DT engagement/NN were/VBD announced/VBN ./.
"/" Starling/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ colleagues/NNS held/VBD their/PRP$ tongues/NNS ,/, at/IN least/JJS until/IN he/PRP penned/VBN his/PRP$ memoir/NN ./.
History/NN teaches/VBZ few/JJ practical/JJ lessons/NNS ,/, but/CC here/RB it/PRP may/MD have/VB a/DT small/JJ one/CD to/TO offer/VB :/: Larry/NNP Cockell/NNP ,/, call/NN your/PRP$ agent/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD the/DT review/NN of/IN Secret/NNP Service/NNP kiss-and-tell/JJ memoirs/NNS and/CC other/JJ useful/JJ sources/NNS ,/, click/NN ./.
For/IN more/RBR on/IN President/NNP Wilson/NNP 's/POS chaste/JJ pursuit/NN of/IN Mrs/NNP ./.
Galt/NNP ,/, click/NN ./.
"/" Good/JJ morning/NN again/RB ,/, and/CC happy/JJ St/NNP ./.
Crispin/NNP 's/POS Day/NNP and/CC let/VB 's/POS make/VB a/DT little/JJ history/NN ./.
Today/NN I/PRP am/VBP ending/VBG my/PRP$ lifelong/JJ membership/NN in/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP and/CC my/PRP$ campaign/NN for/IN its/PRP$ nomination/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP declaring/VBG my/PRP$ intention/NN to/TO seek/VB the/DT nomination/NN of/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP for/IN the/DT presidency/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS of/IN America/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
And/CC gentlemen/NNS in/IN England/NNP now/RB a-bed/JJ Shall/NNP think/VBP themselves/PRP accursed/JJ they/PRP were/VBD not/RB here/RB ,/, And/CC hold/VB their/PRP$ manhoods/NNS cheap/JJ whiles/NNS any/DT speaks/VBZ That/DT fought/VBN with/IN us/PRP upon/IN Saint/NNP Crispin/NNP 's/POS day/NN ./.
-/: -/: King/NNP Henry/NNP V/NNP
Act/NNP IV/NNP ,/, Scene/NNP iii/NN
The/DT English/NNP Camp/NNP ./.
Enter/VB the/DT King/NNP ./.
:/: If/IN we/PRP are/VBP marked/VBN to/TO die/VB ,/, our/PRP$ pitchfork/NN 'd/MD brigade/NN is/VBZ enow/NN To/TO do/VB our/PRP$ country/NN loss/NN ;/: and/CC if/IN to/TO live/VB ,/, The/DT fewer/JJR ambassadorships/NNS to/TO hand/VB out/RP ./.
God/NNP 's/POS will/MD !/.
I/PRP pray/NN thee/NN ,/, wish/VBP not/RB one/CD man/NN more/RBR ./.
He/PRP which/WDT hath/NN no/DT stomach/NN to/TO this/DT fight/NN ,/, And/CC hideth/NN in/IN the/DT tall/JJ grass/NN ,/, like/IN a/DT damn/JJ girl/NN ,/, Let/VB him/PRP depart/VB ;/: I/PRP 'll/MD get/VB him/PRP a/DT job/NN at/IN CNN/NNP ,/, Where/WRB mine/NN appalling/JJ comments/NNS about/IN the/DT dusky/NN Moor/NNP And/CC olive-skinned/JJ Levantine/NNP (/( and/CC working/VBG maidens/NNS fair/JJ ,/, And--no/NNP one/CD 's/POS really/RB glommed/JJ onto/IN this/DT yet--/JJ My/PRP$ disparagement/NN of/IN those/DT men/NNS of/IN right/NN good/JJ male/JJ fellowship/NN ,/, Who/WP doth/VBZ hoard/NN original-cast/JJ albums/NNS of/IN Broadway/NNP musicals/NNS ,/, If/IN ya/PRP know/VBP what/WP I/PRP mean/VBP )/) serves/VBZ but/CC to/TO raise/VB my/PRP$ fees/NNS on/IN Crossfire/NNP ./.
Forsooth/NNP ,/, '/" tis/NNS a/DT rich/JJ scam/NN !/.
We/PRP would/MD not/RB die/VB in/IN that/DT man/NN 's/POS company/NN Who/WP would/MD not/RB punch/VB out/IN two/CD Georgetown/NNP cops/NNS When/WRB pulled/VBD over/IN for/IN speeding/VBG ./.
This/DT day/NN is/VBZ called/VBN the/DT feast/NN of/IN Crispian/NNP :/: He/PRP that/IN outlives/NNS this/DT day/NN ,/, and/CC doth/VBZ come/VB over/IN the/DT hill/NN ,/, Will/MD buy/VB a/DT round/NN when/WRB the/DT day/NN is/VBZ named/VBN ,/, And/CC rouse/NN him/PRP at/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN Crispian/NNP ./.
He/PRP that/WDT shall/MD live/VB this/DT day/NN ,/, and/CC see/VB old/JJ age/NN ,/, Will/MD bore/VBD his/PRP$ neighbours/NNS unto/IN death/NN ,/, With/IN tales/NNS of/IN when/WRB and/CC how/WRB The/DT Old/NNP Man/NNP (/( that/DT 's/VBZ me/PRP !/.
-/: -/: not/RB Pop/NNP ,/, not/RB Nixon/NNP ,/, not/RB Reagan/NNP !/.
)/) Did/VBD flip/VB the/DT bird/NN to/TO the/DT GOP/NNP !/.
We/PRP few/JJ ,/, we/PRP happy/JJ Jew--/NNP (/( whoops/NNS ;/: Yon/NNP Wall/NNP Street/NNP Shylocks/NNP wo/MD n't/RB soon/RB forget/VB that/WDT slip/VBP )/) ,/, We/PRP band/NN of/IN brothers/NNS ;/: (/( Uh/NNP ,/, no/DT ,/, not/RB you/PRP ,/, Hank/NNP ./.
Put/VB the/DT gun/NN down/RB )/) For/IN he/PRP to-day/JJ that/IN sheds/NNS his/PRP$ blood/NN with/IN me/PRP Shall/NNP be/VB my/PRP$ brother/NN ;/: be/VB he/PRP ne/NN '/" er/UH so/RB vile/NN ;/: And/CC Lord/NNP Ventura/NNP (/( who/WP doth/VBZ speak/VB ill/JJ of/IN Faith/NNP )/) Shall/NNP hold/VB his/PRP$ manhood/NN cheap/JJ That/DT he/PRP did/VBD not/RB mind/VB his/PRP$ tongue/NN And/CC endorse/VB me/PRP ./.
He/PRP could/MD have/VB had/VBN the/DT veep/NN slot/NN ,/, Stupid/NNP putz/NN ./.
Exeunt/NNP ./.
If/IN It/PRP 's/VBZ Tuesday/NNP ,/, This/DT Must/MD Be/VB Slate/NNP
On/IN Tuesday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
4/CD ,/, we/PRP unveil/VB the/DT latest/JJS version/NN of/IN our/PRP$ contents/NNS or/CC home/NN page/NN ./.
(/( Maybe/RB even/RB a/DT day/NN or/CC two/CD sooner/RBR if/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS hearty/JJ software/NN developers/NNS are/VBP willing/JJ to/TO suspend/VB their/PRP$ centuries-old/JJ common-law/NN right/NN to/TO a/DT three-hour/JJ lunch/NN break/NN ,/, double/JJ helpings/NNS of/IN Caesar/NNP salad/NN and/CC salmon/NN hash/NN ,/, and/CC 1/CD ./.
3/CD liters/NNS of/IN a/DT tolerable/JJ sauvignon/NN blanc/NN ,/, followed/VBN by/IN a/DT nap/NN of/IN at/IN least/JJS two/CD hours/NNS '/POS duration/NN ./.
As/IN provided/VBN in/IN the/DT ancient/JJ Codewriters/NNP '/POS Code/NNP ,/, which/WDT dates/VBZ back/RB to/TO ancient/JJ Sumeria--or/NNP is/VBZ it/PRP Sumatra/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: management/NN is/VBZ forbidden/VBN to/TO wake/NN them/PRP but/CC may/MD send/VB them/PRP back/RB to/TO their/PRP$ computers/NNS if/IN they/PRP awaken/NN by/IN natural/JJ means/NNS before/IN closing/VBG time/NN ./.
)/) Where/WRB was/VBD I/PRP ?/.
Oh/UH yes/UH ,/, our/PRP$ new/JJ contents/NNS page/NN ./.
We/PRP hope/VBP you/PRP like/VBP it/PRP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ intended/VBN to/TO be/VB simpler/JJR and/CC clearer/JJR ,/, to/TO require/VB less/JJR scrolling/VBG ,/, and/CC to/TO draw/VB more/JJR attention/NN to/TO our/PRP$ "/" Back/RB of/IN the/DT Book/NNP "/" culture/NN section/NN ./.
This/DT new/JJ page/NN is/VBZ not/RB to/TO be/VB confused/VBN with/IN our/PRP$ (/( also/RB fairly/RB new/JJ )/) Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP 4/CD ./.
0/CD contents/NNS page/NN ,/, designed/VBN to/TO take/VB advantage/NN of/IN the/DT capabilities/NNS of/IN the/DT Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP 4/CD ./.
0/CD browser/NN ./.
Users/NNS of/IN that/DT browser/NN can/MD choose/VB the/DT version/NN they/PRP prefer/VBP ./.
And/CC those/DT of/IN any/DT browser/NN ,/, race/NN ,/, or/CC creed/NN who/WP prefer/VBP our/PRP$ "/" by/IN date/NN "/" contents/NNS page/NN ,/, which/WDT lists/VBZ all/DT current/JJ Slate/NNP articles/NNS and/CC features/NNS in/IN reverse/NN chronological/JJ order--i/JJ ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, today/NN 's/POS new/JJ stuff/NN on/IN top/JJ ,/, then/RB yesterday/NN 's/POS ,/, and/CC so/RB on--can/JJ still/RB get/VB that/IN one/CD ,/, too/RB ./.
Future/JJ offerings/NNS will/MD include/VB tables/NNS of/IN contents/NNS sorted/VBN alphabetically/RB (/( by/IN title/NN ,/, by/IN author/NN ,/, by/IN opening/VBG sentence/NN )/) ,/, by/IN author/NN 's/POS height/NN (/( or/CC religion/NN or/CC preference/NN in/IN beers/NNS )/) ,/, by/IN the/DT editor/NN 's/POS confidential/JJ opinion/NN of/IN the/DT article/NN 's/POS merits/NNS ,/, by/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP '/POS opinion/NN of/IN the/DT article/NN 's/POS merits/NNS ,/, by/IN the/DT amount/NN the/DT author/NN was/VBD paid/VBN ,/, and/CC by/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN appearances/NNS of/IN the/DT phrase/NN "/" irrational/JJ exuberance/NN "/" or/CC "/" distinguishing/VBG characteristic/JJ ./.
"/" (/( No/DT article/NN has/VBZ appeared/VBN in/IN any/DT publication/NN for/IN at/IN least/JJS six/CD months/NNS without/IN either/DT of/IN these/DT phrases/NNS ./.
)/) Have/VBP we/PRP forgotten/VBN your/PRP$ preference/NN ?/.
Just/RB let/VB us/PRP know/VB ./.
We/PRP hope/VBP ultimately/RB to/TO have/VB a/DT unique/JJ table/NN of/IN contents/NNS configured/JJ to/TO the/DT taste/NN of/IN every/DT Slate/NNP reader/NN ./.
Today/NN 's/POS Economic/NNP Puzzler/NNP
Steven/NNP E/NNP ./.
Landsburg/NNP ,/, who/WP writes/VBZ Slate/NNP 's/POS "/" Everyday/NNP Economics/NNP "/" column/NN ,/, has/VBZ a/DT new/JJ book/NN out/IN called/VBN Fair/NNP Play/NNP :/: What/WP Your/PRP$ Child/NNP Can/MD Teach/NNP You/PRP About/IN Economics/NNP ,/, Values/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Meaning/NNP of/IN Life/NNP ./.
Click/NNP here/RB to/TO order/VB it/PRP from/IN the/DT publisher/NN ,/, The/DT Free/NNP Press/NNP ./.
Several/JJ chapters/NNS originated/VBN as/IN columns/NNS in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Steve/NNP specializes/VBZ in/IN delightful/JJ explanations/NNS of/IN apparent/JJ economic/JJ anomalies/NNS ,/, so/IN he/PRP surely/RB can/MD explain/VB why/WRB ordering/VBG this/DT excellent/JJ volume/NN directly/RB from/IN the/DT publisher/NN costs/VBZ the/DT full/JJ price/NN of/IN $/$ 24/CD plus/CC shipping/VBG and/CC handling/VBG ,/, while/IN a/DT bookstore/NN with/IN vast/JJ overheads/NNS of/IN real/JJ estate/NN and/CC espresso/NN machines/NNS will/MD sell/VB it/PRP to/TO you/PRP at/IN a/DT 10/CD -/: percent/NN or/CC 20/CD -/: percent/NN discount/NN ./.
-/: -/: Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP
By/IN Christopher/NNP Benfey/NNP
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, May/NNP 5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
You/PRP 're/VBP greeted/VBN at/IN the/DT door/NN by/IN the/DT page/NN boy/NN from/IN Maxim/NNP 's/POS ,/, his/PRP$ hand/NN extended/VBN for/IN a/DT pourboire/NN (/( Page/NNP Boy/NNP at/IN Maxim/NNP 's/POS ,/, circa/NN 1925/CD )/) ./.
At/IN first/JJ the/DT figure/NN looks/VBZ almost/RB cute/JJ in/IN his/PRP$ fire/NN engine/NN red/JJ suit/NN ,/, but/CC is/VBZ that/IN a/DT roll/NN of/IN bills/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ left/JJ hand/NN or/CC is/VBZ he/PRP making/VBG an/DT obscene/JJ gesture/NN ?/.
And/CC those/DT hollow/JJ black/JJ eyes/NNS ,/, scarred/VBN hands/NNS ,/, and/CC sunken/JJ chest--do/JJ n't/RB they/PRP seem/VB just/RB a/DT bit/NN sepulchral/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ he/PRP welcoming/VBG us/PRP to/TO Maxim/NNP 's/POS or/CC to/TO the/DT underworld/NN ?/.
For/IN the/DT moment/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ guarding/VBG the/DT entrance/NN to/TO the/DT stunning/JJ show/NN at/IN the/DT Jewish/NNP Museum/NNP devoted/VBD to/TO the/DT work/NN of/IN Chaim/NNP Soutine/NNP (/( 1894/CD -/: 1943/CD )/) ,/, the/DT Lithuanian-born/NNP Jewish/JJ painter/NN who/WP worked/VBD in/IN Paris/NNP between/IN the/DT world/NN wars/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ major/JJ exhibition/NN in/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP museum/NN to/TO be/VB devoted/VBN to/TO Soutine/NNP 's/POS work/NN in/IN nearly/RB 50/CD years--since/JJ ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, the/DT epoch-making/JJ retrospective/NN of/IN 1950/CD at/IN the/DT Museum/NNP of/IN Modern/NNP Art/NNP ./.
The/DT timing/NN of/IN that/DT show/NN ,/, mounted/VBD just/RB seven/CD years/NNS after/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS death/NN ,/, was/VBD in/IN one/CD sense/NN perfect/JJ and/CC in/IN another/DT highly/RB problematic/JJ ./.
It/PRP coincided/VBD exactly/RB with/IN the/DT extraordinary/JJ rise/NN of/IN Abstract/NNP Expressionism/NNP and/CC the/DT seismic/JJ shift/NN of/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN the/DT art/NN world/NN from/IN Paris/NNP to/TO New/NNP York/NNP ./.
Artists/NNP and/CC critics/NNS were/VBD eager/JJ to/TO see/VB in/IN Soutine/NNP a/DT Parisian/JJ precursor/NN of/IN Willem/NNP de/IN Kooning--who/NNP claimed/VBD to/TO be/VB "/" crazy/JJ about/IN Soutine/NNP "/" -/: -/: and/CC Jackson/NNP Pollock/NNP ./.
The/DT extraordinary/JJ landscapes/NNS that/IN Soutine/NNP painted/VBD around/IN 1921/CD in/IN the/DT provincial/JJ town/NN of/IN Céret/NNP ,/, with/IN their/PRP$ swirling/VBG wreaths/NNS of/IN thick/JJ paint/NN and/CC decentered/JJ structure/NN ,/, could/MD easily/RB be/VB mistaken/VBN for/IN early/JJ de/IN Koonings/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN an/DT example/NN ./.
)/) "/" Was/VBD Soutine/NNP at/IN this/DT time/NN what/WP might/MD be/VB called/VBN an/DT abstract/JJ expressionist/NN ?/.
"/" the/DT critic/NN and/CC curator/NN Monroe/NNP Wheeler/NNP asked/VBD rhetorically/RB in/IN the/DT MoMA/NNP catalog/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN other/JJ ways/NNS ,/, the/DT timing/NN of/IN the/DT MoMA/NNP show/NN was/VBD awkward/JJ and/CC even/RB potentially/RB embarrassing/JJ ./.
As/IN France/NNP was/VBD welcomed/VBN back/RB to/TO the/DT postwar/JJ community/NN of/IN nations/NNS ,/, no/DT one/CD felt/VBD like/IN asking/VBG tough/JJ questions/NNS about/IN French/JJ acquiescence/NN in/IN the/DT Holocaust/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT 1950/CD catalog/NN ,/, Wheeler/NNP implied/VBD that/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS death/NN in/IN 1943/CD had/VBD little/JJ to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT Occupation/NNP ./.
"/" Soutine/NNP ,/, "/" he/PRP wrote/VBD ,/, "/" suffered/VBD no/DT specific/JJ persecution/NN or/CC violence/NN during/IN the/DT war/NN ./.
In/IN 1940/CD ,/, he/PRP was/VBD offered/VBN an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO come/VB to/TO America/NNP ,/, but/CC he/PRP would/MD not/RB take/VB advantage/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
He/PRP lived/VBD with/IN a/DT friend/NN ./.
in/IN Touraine/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
But/CC ,/, as/IN the/DT art/NN historian/NN Remy/NNP Golan/NNP notes/NNS in/IN a/DT catalog/NN essay/NN for/IN the/DT current/JJ show/NN ,/, "/" after/IN having/VBG provided/VBN hospitality/NN to/TO Soutine/NNP and/CC thousands/NNS of/IN Jewish/JJ immigrants/NNS like/IN him/PRP for/IN three/CD decades/NNS ,/, the/DT French/JJ essentially/RB abandoned/VBN them/PRP to/TO their/PRP$ own/JJ fate/NN during/IN the/DT years/NNS of/IN German/JJ occupation/NN ./.
"/" Soutine/NNP was/VBD n't/RB just/RB "/" living/VBG with/IN a/DT friend/NN "/" in/IN the/DT countryside/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD in/IN flight/NN from/IN the/DT Nazis/NNPS and/CC their/PRP$ French/JJ functionaries/NNS ,/, hiding/VBG and/CC constantly/RB on/IN the/DT move/NN ./.
He/PRP returned/VBD to/TO Paris/NNP only/RB when/WRB a/DT severe/JJ stomach/NN ulcer/NN condition/NN necessitated/VBD a/DT last-minute/JJ operation/NN ./.
It/PRP came/VBD too/RB late/JJ ,/, and/CC he/PRP died/VBD ./.
So/IN the/DT current/JJ show/NN at/IN the/DT Jewish/NNP Museum/NNP offers/VBZ an/DT opportunity/NN both/DT to/TO re-evaluate/VB Soutine/NNP 's/POS connection/NN to/TO de/IN Kooning/NNP and/CC Pollock/NNP and/CC to/TO dig/VB more/RBR deeply/RB into/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS relation/NN to/TO French/JJ culture/NN and/CC to/TO his/PRP$ own/JJ Jewishness/NNP ./.
The/DT show/NN is/VBZ arranged/VBN in/IN a/DT manner/NN to/TO do/VB just/RB that/RB ,/, though/IN with/IN a/DT resulting/VBG wrenching/JJ of/IN chronology/NN and/CC little/JJ attention/NN to/TO Soutine/NNP 's/POS life/NN ./.
The/DT 56/CD paintings/NNS in/IN the/DT show/NN are/VBP hung/VBN in/IN three/CD sections/NNS ,/, each/DT corresponding/JJ to/TO one/CD of/IN the/DT three/CD ways/NNS critics/NNS have/VBP viewed/VBN Soutine/NNP :/: Soutine/NNP as/IN an/DT untutored/JJ "/" primitive/JJ "/" painter/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ how/WRB he/PRP was/VBD seen/VBN in/IN the/DT 1920/CD s/VBZ ;/: Soutine/NNP as/IN a/DT master/NN and/CC the/DT last/JJ great/JJ hope/NN for/IN traditional/JJ painting/NN in/IN France--his/NNP reputation/NN in/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ;/: and/CC Soutine/NNP as/IN a/DT prophet/NN of/IN Abstract/NNP Expressionism/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ what/WP critics/NNS thought/VBD in/IN the/DT 1940/CD s/VBZ ,/, when/WRB they/PRP "/" rediscovered/JJ "/" him/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ this/DT third/JJ phase/NN that/WDT leads/VBZ to/TO the/DT biggest/JJS dislocation/NN in/IN the/DT show/NN ,/, since/IN visitors/NNS see/VBP the/DT "/" abstract/JJ "/" paintings/NNS of/IN the/DT Céret/NNP period/NN last/JJ ,/, though/IN they/PRP were/VBD among/IN the/DT earliest/JJS Soutine/NNP painted/VBD ./.
The/DT first/JJ two/CD phases--from/JJ primitive/JJ to/TO master--happen/JJ to/TO follow/VB pretty/RB much/JJ directly/RB from/IN the/DT circumstances/NNS of/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS life/NN ,/, to/TO the/DT extent/NN that/IN we/PRP know/VBP them/PRP ./.
The/DT youthful/JJ Soutine/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO step/VB right/NN out/IN of/IN an/DT Isaac/NNP Bashevis/NNP Singer/NNP story/NN ./.
Since/IN he/PRP left/VBD almost/RB no/DT paper/NN trail--few/JJ letters/NNS ,/, no/DT drawings/NNS ,/, no/DT artistic/JJ manifestoes--the/JJ same/JJ stories/NNS gleaned/VBN from/IN friends/NNS and/CC dealers/NNS have/VBP been/VBN recycled/VBN over/IN the/DT years/NNS ./.
Soutine/NNP was/VBD born/VBN the/DT 10/CD th/NN of/IN 11/CD children/NNS to/TO an/DT impoverished/VBN tailor/NN (/( or/CC more/RBR precisely/RB a/DT "/" mender/NN "/" )/) and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN in/IN Smilovitchi/NNP ,/, a/DT village/NN near/IN Minsk/NNP ./.
Legends/NNP about/IN his/PRP$ childhood--of/JJ which/WDT he/PRP may/MD have/VB been/VBN the/DT source--include/JJ his/PRP$ theft/NN of/IN some/DT kitchen/NN utensils/NNS to/TO buy/VB his/PRP$ first/JJ colored/VBN pencil/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ early/JJ portrait/NN of/IN a/DT local/JJ rabbi/NN ./.
The/DT rabbi/NN 's/POS son/NN ,/, evidently/RB responding/VBG to/TO the/DT Jewish/JJ injunction/NN against/IN graven/NN images/NNS ,/, beat/VB up/RB Soutine/NNP ,/, then/RB paid/VBD a/DT reparation/NN of/IN 25/CD rubles/NNS toward/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS education/NN ./.
Soutine/NNP trained/VBN first/JJ with/IN artists/NNS in/IN Minsk/NNP and/CC Vilna/NNP ,/, then/RB made/VBD the/DT journey/NN to/TO Paris/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP studied/VBD briefly/NN in/IN a/DT formal/JJ art/NN academy/NN while/IN living/VBG in/IN the/DT most/JJS abject/NN poverty/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN his/PRP$ earliest/JJS still/RB lifes/NNS ,/, dating/VBG from/IN 1916/CD to/TO 1918/CD ,/, look/VBP like/IN little/JJ parables/NNS of/IN deprivation/NN :/: three/CD anorexic/JJ herrings/NNS on/IN a/DT plate/NN with/IN two/CD forks/NNS (/( why/WRB two/CD ?/.
)/) groping/VBG across/IN them/PRP (/( Still/RB Life/NNP With/IN Herrings/NNP ,/, circa/NN 1916/CD )/) ./.
The/DT table/NN is/VBZ tipped/VBD upward/RB ,/, almost/RB meeting/VBG the/DT picture/NN plane/NN ./.
Such/JJ paintings/NNS ,/, along/IN with/IN the/DT swirling/VBG Céret/NNP landscapes/NNS ,/, struck/VBD collectors/NNS of/IN the/DT 1920/CD s/VBZ as/IN "/" naive/JJ ,/, "/" just/RB the/DT sort/NN of/IN unschooled/JJ stuff/NN you/PRP 'd/MD expect/VB from/IN a/DT Slavic/NNP child/NN of/IN the/DT shtetl/NN ./.
The/DT critic/NN Waldemar/NNP George/NNP wrote/VBD in/IN 1928/CD ,/, "/" Is/VBZ this/DT not/RB the/DT art/NN of/IN an/DT exile/NN ,/, or/CC even/RB a/DT savage/NN ?/.
"/" Soutine/NNP 's/POS big/JJ break/NN came/VBD in/IN 1922/CD ,/, when/WRB one/CD of/IN those/DT connoisseurs/NNS of/IN the/DT "/" primitive/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT eccentric/JJ Philadelphia/NNP art/NN educator/NN Dr/NNP ./.
Albert/NNP Barnes/NNP ,/, bought/VBD up/RB 52/CD of/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS paintings/NNS ,/, making/VBG Soutine/NNP an/DT art/NN world/NN celebrity/NN almost/RB overnight/JJ ./.
But/CC almost/RB as/RB soon/RB as/IN he/PRP had/VBD experienced/VBN this/DT Cinderella-like/NNP reversal/NN of/IN fortune/NN ,/, Soutine/NNP developed/VBD second/JJ thoughts/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ work/NN up/IN to/TO that/DT point/NN and/CC tried/VBD to/TO destroy/VB as/IN much/JJ of/IN it/PRP as/IN he/PRP could/MD get/VB his/PRP$ hands/NNS on/IN ./.
No/RB longer/RBR the/DT wild/JJ and/CC visionary/JJ improviser/NN ,/, Soutine/NNP now/RB apprenticed/JJ himself/PRP to/TO the/DT great/JJ painterly/RB painters/NNS of/IN the/DT past/JJ :/: Courbet/NNP ,/, Chardin/NNP ,/, and/CC Rembrandt/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP preferred/VBN his/PRP$ early/JJ landscapes/NNS ,/, it/PRP was/VBD easy/JJ to/TO regard/VB this/DT new/JJ Soutine/NNP as--in/JJ the/DT words/NNS of/IN Clement/NNP Greenberg/NNP ,/, who/WP reviewed/VBD the/DT MoMA/NNP show--/JJ "/" a/DT victim/NN of/IN the/DT museum/NN ./.
"/" But/CC if/IN you/PRP liked/VBD the/DT later/JJ paintings/NNS ,/, as/IN French/JJ critics/NNS of/IN the/NNP '/POS 30/CD s/VBZ tended/VBN to/TO do/VB ,/, they/PRP seemed/VBD like/IN the/DT next/JJ step/NN in/IN the/DT great/JJ French/JJ tradition/NN ./.
Soutine/NNP the/DT Slavic-/NNP Jewish/JJ outsider/NN quickly/RB became/VBD Soutine/NNP the/DT quintessential/JJ insider/NN ,/, a/DT masterly/RB upholder/NN of/IN the/DT standards/NNS of/IN sophisticated/JJ French/JJ art/NN ./.
Never/RB able/JJ to/TO paint/VB anything/NN unless/IN he/PRP had/VBD it/PRP before/IN his/PRP$ eyes/NNS ,/, Soutine/NNP set/VBD about/IN re-enacting/VBG some/DT of/IN the/DT classic/JJ paintings/NNS he/PRP loved/VBD most/JJS ./.
He/PRP persuaded/VBD peasant/NN women/NNS to/TO hike/NN up/RP their/PRP$ skirts/VBZ and/CC stand/VB in/IN cold/JJ streams/NNS ,/, just/RB as/IN Rembrandt/NNP had/VBD demanded/VBN ./.
He/PRP acquired/VBD a/DT skate/NN from/IN the/DT fishmonger/NN and/CC painted/VBD a/DT loose/JJ paraphrase/VBP of/IN a/DT Chardin/NNP still/RB life/NN ./.
In/IN imitation/NN of/IN Rembrandt/NNP 's/POS flayed/JJ ox/NN on/IN display/NN at/IN the/DT Louvre/NNP ,/, Soutine/NNP hung/VBD a/DT carcass/NN of/IN beef/NN in/IN his/PRP$ studio/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT carnivalesque/NN reassigning/VBG of/IN roles/NNS ,/, he/PRP hired/VBD a/DT model/NN to/TO sweep/VB away/RB the/DT flies/NNS from/IN the/DT decaying/VBG meat/NN ./.
To/TO keep/VB the/DT colors/NNS fresh/JJ ,/, he/PRP dabbed/JJ the/DT carcass/NN with/IN blood/NN from/IN a/DT pail/NN ,/, then/RB grabbed/VBD his/PRP$ paintbrushes/NNS to/TO capture/VB those/DT lurid/NN reds/NNS on/IN canvas/NN ./.
This/DT was/VBD the/DT kind/NN of/IN scene/NN that/IN an/DT action/NN painter/NN could/MD relish/VB ./.
De/NNP Kooning/NNP could/MD have/VB been/VBN thinking/NN of/IN his/PRP$ idol/NN Soutine/NNP when/WRB he/PRP observed/VBD ,/, "/" Flesh/NN was/VBD the/DT reason/NN why/WRB oil/NN painting/NN was/VBD invented/VBN ./.
You/PRP 'd/MD think/VB Soutine/NNP ,/, with/IN his/PRP$ obsessive/JJ delight/NN in/IN flesh/NN ,/, would/MD paint/VB nudes/NNS ,/, but/CC no/DT ;/: he/PRP painted/VBD only/RB one/CD in/IN his/PRP$ whole/JJ career/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT minor/JJ painting/NN ./.
But/CC at/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN he/PRP was/VBD painting/VBG his/PRP$ carcasses/NNS of/IN cattle/NNS and/CC fowl/NN ,/, around/IN 1925/CD ,/, Soutine/NNP painted/VBD a/DT series/NN of/IN portraits/NNS of/IN uniformed/JJ workers--bellhops/JJ ,/, pastry/NN cooks/NNS ,/, grooms--of/JJ which/WDT the/DT Maxim/NNP 's/POS page/NN boy/NN is/VBZ probably/RB the/DT best/RBS known/VBN ./.
This/DT parallel/JJ obsession/NN elicited/JJ the/DT interesting/JJ suggestion/NN ,/, from/IN the/DT critic/NN Maurice/NNP Tuchman/NNP ,/, that/IN both/DT animals/NNS (/( especially/RB sacrificed/JJ animals/NNS )/) and/CC uniformed/JJ domestics/NNS were/VBD scapegoats/NNS of/IN sorts/NNS ./.
While/IN Soutine--unlike/NNP Chagall/NNP ,/, to/TO whom/WP he/PRP is/VBZ sometimes/RB compared--did/JJ not/RB paint/VB stereotypically/RB Jewish/JJ subjects/NNS ,/, he/PRP may/MD have/VB been/VBN alluding/VBG ,/, with/IN those/DT dangling/VBG fowl/NN ,/, to/TO a/DT Yom/NNP Kippur/NNP rite/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT slaughtered/VBN chicken/NN was/VBD whirled/JJ around/IN a/DT rabbi/NN 's/POS head/NN in/IN a/DT ritual/NN of/IN absolution/NN ./.
It/PRP may/MD also/RB be/VB worth/JJ noting/VBG that/IN with/IN their/PRP$ red/JJ or/CC white/JJ uniforms/NNS ,/, these/DT servants/NNS allowed/VBD Soutine/NNP to/TO retain/VB his/PRP$ lurid/NN ,/, fleshy/NN palate/NN ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN tempting/JJ to/TO see/VB in/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS flayed/JJ forms/VBZ a/DT premonition/NN of/IN things/NNS to/TO come/VB ./.
The/DT curators/NNS of/IN the/DT Jewish/NNP Museum/NNP show/NN ,/, in/IN a/DT volley/NN of/IN questions/NNS ,/, invite/VB such/PDT a/DT response/NN :/:
Might/NNP n't/RB the/DT eviscerated/JJ cows/NNS and/CC the/DT fowl/NN in/IN the/DT throes/NNS of/IN death/NN be/VB experienced/VBN as/IN modernist/JJ mementi/NN mori/NN ,/, fetishistic/JJ reminders/NNS of/IN the/DT darkest/NN ,/, cruelest/NN ,/, and/CC most/RBS primitive/JJ human/JJ instincts/NNS ?/.
Could/MD n't/RB Soutine/NNP 's/POS eruptive/JJ ,/, vertiginous/JJ landscapes/NNS be/VB construed/VBN as/IN recollections/NNS of/IN a/DT ravaged/VBN Europe/NNP ,/, or/CC even/RB as/IN the/DT foreshadowing/VBG of/IN an/DT apocalyptic/JJ ,/, post-atomic/JJ future/NN ?/.
And/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
The/DT irony/NN is/VBZ that/IN Soutine/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB viewed/VBN the/DT arrival/NN of/IN the/DT Nazis/NNPS ,/, at/IN least/JJS initially/RB ,/, with/IN a/DT certain/JJ equanimity/NN ,/, more/RBR cheerful/JJ than/IN fatalistic/JJ ./.
Perhaps/RB he/PRP had/VBD so/RB thoroughly/RB identified/VBN his/PRP$ art/NN at/IN this/DT point/NN with/IN French/JJ national/JJ traditions--was/JJ he/PRP not/RB the/DT legitimate/JJ heir/NN of/IN Courbet/NNP ?/.
-/: -/: that/IN he/PRP hardly/RB imagined/VBD himself/PRP to/TO be/VB a/DT potential/JJ victim/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN his/PRP$ mistresses/NNS recalled/VBD him/PRP reading/NN with/IN admiration/NN editorials/NNS by/IN the/DT collaborationist/NN idealogue/NN Charles/NNP Maurras/NNP ,/, of/IN Action/NNP Française/NNP ,/, and/CC explaining/VBG that/IN he/PRP approved/VBD of/IN social/JJ inequality/NN "/" because/IN it/PRP presented/VBD magnificent/JJ opportunities/NNS for/IN everyone/NN ./.
"/" One/CD day/NN she/PRP said/VBD to/TO him/PRP ,/, "/" You/PRP have/VBP had/VBN great/JJ unhappiness/NN in/IN your/PRP$ life/NN ,/, have/VBP n't/RB you/PRP ,/, Soutine/NNP ?/.
"/" He/PRP replied/VBD ,/, "/" No/UH !/.
What/WP makes/VBZ you/PRP think/VBP that/DT ?/.
I/PRP have/VBP always/RB been/VBN a/DT happy/JJ man/NN ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, the/DT image/NN from/IN his/PRP$ late/JJ work/NN that/WDT stays/VBZ with/IN you/PRP is/VBZ a/DT little/JJ picture/NN from/IN the/DT Phillips/NNP Collection/NNP called/VBD Return/NN From/IN School/NNP After/IN the/DT Storm/NN (/( circa/NN 1939/CD )/) ./.
Here/RB the/DT paint/NN is/VBZ as/IN swirling/VBG and/CC thick/JJ as/IN in/IN Soutine/NNP 's/POS earliest/JJS landscapes/NNS ./.
The/DT two/CD children/NNS hold/VBP hands/NNS fearfully/RB as/IN storm/NN clouds/NNS hover/NN ominously/RB above/IN them/PRP ./.
The/DT two/CD vulnerable/JJ figures/NNS are/VBP literally/RB molded/VBN of/IN paint/NN ;/: the/DT girl/NN 's/POS left/VBD hand/NN juts/NNS out/RP a/DT quarter-inch/JJ from/IN the/DT canvas/NN in/IN one/CD thick/JJ dab/NN ./.
The/DT title/NN is/VBZ not/RB Soutine/NNP 's/POS ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT school/NN that/IN these/DT children/NNS are/VBP running/VBG from/IN ,/, and/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB the/DT storm/NN is/VBZ behind/IN them/PRP ./.
"/" In/IN a/DT way/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Gates/NNP 's/POS current/JJ troubles/NNS with/IN the/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP grew/VBD out/IN of/IN an/DT economics/NNS seminar/NN that/WDT took/VBD place/NN thirteen/NN years/NNS ago/RB ,/, at/IN Harvard/NNP 's/POS John/NNP F/NNP ./.
Kennedy/NNP School/NNP of/IN Government/NNP ./.
"/" So/RB begins/VBZ an/DT article/NN by/IN John/NNP Cassidy/NNP in/IN the/DT Jan/NNP ./.
12/CD issue/NN of/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, titled/VBN "/" The/DT Force/NNP of/IN an/DT Idea/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT idea/NN that/IN Cassidy/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO is/VBZ that/IN of/IN "/" increasing/VBG returns/NNS "/" -/: -/: which/WDT says/VBZ that/IN goods/NNS become/VBP cheaper/JJR the/DT more/JJR of/IN them/PRP you/PRP produce/VBP (/( and/CC the/DT closely/RB related/VBN idea/NN of/IN "/" network/NN externalities/NNS ,/, "/" which/WDT says/VBZ that/IN some/DT products/NNS ,/, like/IN fax/NN machines/NNS ,/, become/VB more/RBR useful/JJ the/DT more/JJR people/NNS use/VBP them/PRP )/) ./.
Cassidy/NNP 's/POS article/NN tells/VBZ the/DT story/NN of/IN how/WRB Stanford/NNP Professor/NNP Brian/NNP Arthur/NNP came/VBD up/RB with/IN the/DT idea/NN of/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS ,/, held/VBD fast/RB to/TO that/DT idea/NN despite/IN the/DT obstinate/JJ opposition/NN of/IN mainstream/NN economists/NNS and/CC ,/, after/IN many/JJ years/NNS as/IN an/DT academic/JJ pariah/NN ,/, finally/RB managed/VBN to/TO change/VB the/DT way/NN people/NNS think/VBP about/IN the/DT economy/NN ./.
That/DT story/NN has/VBZ been/VBN told/VBN before/RB ,/, most/RBS notably/RB in/IN M/NNP ./.
Mitchell/NNP Waldrop/NNP 's/POS popular/JJ 1992/CD book/NN Complexity/NNP :/: The/DT Emerging/NNP Science/NNP at/IN the/DT Edge/NNP of/IN Order/NNP and/CC Chaos/NNP ,/, and/CC a/DT good/JJ story/NN it/PRP certainly/RB is/VBZ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB pure/JJ fiction/NN ./.
Increasing/VBG returns/NNS was/VBD n't/RB a/DT new/JJ idea/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB obstinately/RB opposed--and/JJ if/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS play/VBP a/DT larger/JJR role/NN in/IN mainstream/NN economic/JJ theory/NN now/RB than/IN they/PRP did/VBD 20/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Arthur/NNP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB much/JJ to/TO do/VB with/IN that/DT change/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT spread/NN of/IN the/DT Arthurian/JJ legend/NN is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR story/NN than/IN the/DT legend/NN itself/PRP :/: an/DT object/VBP lesson/NN in/IN journalistic/JJ gullibility/NN ./.
So/RB what/WP ,/, you/PRP may/MD ask/VB ./.
What/WP could/MD be/VB less/RBR interesting/JJ than/IN squabbling/NN among/IN professors/NNS over/IN who/WP deserves/VBZ the/DT credit/NN for/IN some/DT theory/NN ?/.
Well/RB ,/, I/PRP could/MD say/VB that/IN this/DT bogus/JJ version/NN of/IN intellectual/JJ history/NN has/VBZ metastasized/JJ to/TO the/DT point/NN where/WRB it/PRP may/MD begin/VB to/TO do/VB real/RB harm--to/JJ discredit/VB good/JJ economics/NNS and/CC to/TO promote/VB dubious/JJ policies/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT real/JJ truth/NN is/VBZ that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP just/RB pissed/JJ off/RP ./.
Let/VB 's/PRP start/VB with/IN the/DT legend/NN ./.
Here/RB 's/POS how/WRB it/PRP all/DT began/VBD ,/, according/VBG to/TO Waldrop/NNP ./.
On/IN Nov/NNP ./.
5/CD ,/, 1979/CD ,/, Brian/NNP Arthur/NNP wrote/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ notebook/NN a/DT manifesto/NN describing/VBG his/PRP$ project/NN to/TO develop/VB a/DT New/NNP Economics/NNP based/VBN on/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT park/NN in/IN Vienna/NNP ,/, he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO explain/VB it/PRP to/TO a/DT "/" distinguished/VBD international/JJ trade/NN theorist/NN "/" from/IN Norway/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD baffled/JJ ./.
So/RB were/VBD other/JJ establishment/NN economists/NNS ./.
Thus/RB began/VBD Arthur/NNP 's/POS years/NNS in/IN the/DT wilderness/NN ./.
In/IN 1983/CD ,/, he/PRP completed/VBD his/PRP$ seminal/NN paper/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB until/IN 1989/CD ,/, after/IN 14/CD rewrites/NNS ,/, was/VBD he/PRP able/JJ to/TO publish/VB it/PRP ./.
"/" Gradually/RB ,/, "/" writes/VBZ Cassidy/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT number/NN of/IN economists/NNS "/" -/: -/: such/JJ as/IN Georgetown/NNP University/NNP 's/POS Steve/NNP Salop--/NNP "/" began/VBD to/TO take/VB Arthur/NNP 's/POS conclusions/NNS seriously/RB ./.
Great/JJ story/NN ./.
Now/RB let/VB 's/POS do/VBP a/DT reality/NN check/NN ,/, starting/VBG with/IN that/DT walk/VBP in/IN the/DT park/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ ,/, indeed/RB ,/, truly/RB astonishing/JJ that/IN the/DT Norwegian/JJ ,/, Victor/NNP Norman/NNP ,/, did/VBD not/RB understand/VB what/WP Arthur/NNP was/VBD driving/VBG at/IN ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT long/JJ tradition/NN of/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS in/IN international/JJ trade/NN theory/NN ./.
If/IN nothing/NN else/RB ,/, Norman/NNP should/MD have/VB been/VBN familiar/JJ with/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ co-authored/VBN book/NN ,/, Theory/NNP of/IN International/NNP Trade/NNP ,/, which/WDT was/VBD in/IN galleys/NNS at/IN the/DT time/NN ./.
It/PRP contained/VBD a/DT whole/JJ chapter/NN devoted/VBN to/TO increasing/VBG returns/NNS ,/, based/VBD largely/RB on/IN a/DT paper/NN Norman/NNP himself/PRP had/VBD written/VBN three/CD years/NNS before/RB ./.
Is/VBZ it/PRP possible/JJ that/IN Arthur/NNP misinterpreted/VBN Norman/NNP 's/POS bafflement--that/JJ what/WP Norman/NNP really/RB could/MD n't/RB understand/VB was/VBD why/WRB Arthur/NNP thought/VBD he/PRP was/VBD saying/VBG anything/NN new/JJ ?/.
When/WRB I/PRP first/RB saw/VBD Arthur/NNP 's/POS work/NN ,/, probably/RB sometime/RB in/IN the/DT mid-to-late/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, I/PRP thought/VBD it/PRP did/VBD n't/RB tell/VB me/PRP anything/NN ./.
His/PRP$ mathematical/JJ models/NNS were/VBD basically/RB similar/JJ to/TO those/DT developed/VBN in/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ by/IN the/DT game/NN theorist/NN Thomas/NNP Schelling/NNP ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, Arthur/NNP seemed/VBD unaware/JJ of/IN the/DT conceptual/JJ difficulties/NNS that/WDT had/VBD led/VBN economists/NNS not/RB to/TO ignore/VB but/CC to/TO ./.
His/PRP$ paper/NN simply/RB ignored/VBD them/PRP ./.
During/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ those/DT conceptual/JJ difficulties/NNS were/VBD partly/RB resolved/VBN ,/, leading/VBG to/TO a/DT burst/NN of/IN theorizing/VBG about/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS ./.
But/CC Arthur/NNP 's/POS work/NN played/VBD no/DT role/NN in/IN that/DT resolution/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD n't/RB at/IN that/DT 1984/CD Harvard/NNP seminar/NN that/IN Cassidy/NNP describes/VBZ ./.
I/PRP was/VBD down/RP the/DT road/NN at/IN MIT/NNP ,/, finishing/VBG with/IN a/DT co-author/NN a/DT book/NN titled/VBD Market/NNP Structure/NNP and/CC Foreign/NNP Trade/NNP :/: Increasing/VBG Returns/NNS ,/, Imperfect/NNP Competition/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT International/NNP Economy/NNP ./.
But/CC it/PRP would/MD surprise/VB me/PRP if/IN the/DT Harvard/NNP audience/NN were/VBD unwilling/JJ to/TO accept/VB the/DT notion/NN of/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS ,/, as/IN Cassidy/NNP says/VBZ ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, at/IN the/DT time/NN the/DT Harvard/NNP economics/NNS department/NN included/VBD A/DT ./.
Michael/NNP Spence/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD won/VBN the/DT Clark/NNP Medal/NNP (/( the/DT highest/JJS award/NN of/IN the/DT American/NNP Economic/NNP Association/NNP )/) largely/RB for/IN his/PRP$ work/NN on--you/JJ guessed/VBD it--increasing/JJ returns/NNS ./.
EconLit/NNP ,/, the/DT database/NN of/IN professional/JJ literature/NN since/IN 1970/CD ,/, reveals/VBZ that/IN by/IN 1987/CD -/: -/: the/DT moment/NN Waldrop/NNP 's/POS book/NN claims/NNS that/IN Arthur/NNP 's/POS theories/NNS about/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS began/VBD to/TO be/VB accepted--mainstream/JJ journals/NNS had/VBD published/VBN about/IN 140/CD papers/NNS on/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
Salop/NNP ,/, the/DT Georgetown/NNP professor/NN Cassidy/NNP presents/VBZ as/IN an/DT early/JJ convert/VB to/TO Arthur/NNP 's/POS ideas/NNS ,/, was/VBD early/JJ indeed/RB ./.
He/PRP wrote/VBD one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ best-known/JJS papers/NNS on/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS in/IN 1978/CD -/: -/: a/DT year/NN before/IN Arthur/NNP ,/, by/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ account/NN ,/, even/RB began/VBD to/TO think/VB about/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
Brian/NNP Arthur/NNP is/VBZ a/DT nice/JJ guy/NN ,/, who/WP I/PRP think/VBP sincerely/RB believes/VBZ that/IN it/PRP happened/VBD the/DT way/NN he/PRP tells/VBZ it/PRP ./.
But/CC how/WRB can/MD an/DT experienced/VBN journalist/NN like/IN Cassidy/NNP be/VB so/RB credulous/JJ ?/.
Perhaps/RB a/DT journalist/NN cannot/NN be/VB expected/VBN to/TO be/VB an/DT expert/NN on/IN the/DT ins/NNS and/CC outs/NNS of/IN an/DT academic/JJ discipline--although/JJ Cassidy/NNP is/VBZ The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS economics/NNS correspondent/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB if/IN we/PRP accept/VBP that/IN Cassidy/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB know/VB much/JJ about/IN the/DT discipline/NN he/PRP currently/RB covers/VBZ ,/, what/WP happened/VBD to/TO basic/JJ journalistic/JJ instincts/NNS ?/.
Suppose/VB that/DT someone/NN tells/VBZ you/PRP that/IN ,/, years/NNS ago/RB ,/, he/PRP made/VBD a/DT fundamental/JJ discovery/NN that/IN an/DT entire/JJ profession/NN ,/, out/IN of/IN sheer/JJ narrow-mindedness/JJ ,/, refused/VBD to/TO listen/VB to/TO and/CC prevented/VBD him/PRP from/IN publishing/NN ./.
Would/MD n't/RB you/PRP have/VB at/IN least/JJS a/DT slight/JJ suspicion/NN that/IN this/DT version/NN of/IN events/NNS might/MD be/VB a/DT bit/NN ,/, well/RB ,/, self-serving--a/JJ suspicion/NN strong/JJ enough/RB to/TO send/VB you/PRP to/TO a/DT college/NN library/NN to/TO see/VB whether/IN the/DT facts/NNS check/VBP out/RP ?/.
And/CC what/WP about/IN what/WP we/PRP might/MD call/VB the/DT Rauch-/NNP Reich/NNP test/NN (/( so/RB named/VBN for/IN Jonathan/NNP Rauch/NNP 's/POS Slate/NNP article/NN exposing/VBG fabricated/VBN quotes/NNS in/IN the/DT memoirs/NNS of/IN former/JJ Labor/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Reich/NNP )/) ?/.
Throughout/IN the/DT story/NN of/IN Brian/NNP Arthur/NNP 's/POS travails/NNS ,/, people/NNS make/VBP the/DT kind/NN of/IN dramatic/JJ ,/, pithy/JJ remarks/NNS that/WDT almost/RB never/RB get/VB uttered/VBD in/IN real/JJ life/NN ./.
"/" To/TO admit/VB that/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS exist/VBP would/MD destroy/VB economic/JJ theory/NN ./.
"/" "/" "/" "/" We/PRP know/VBP increasing/VBG returns/NNS ca/MD n't/RB exist/VB ./.
Besides/IN ,/, if/IN they/PRP did/VBD ,/, we/PRP 'd/MD have/VB to/TO outlaw/NN them/PRP ./.
"/" "/" Your/PRP$ theory/NN may/MD be/VB theoretically/RB valid/JJ ,/, but/CC there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN of/IN it/PRP in/IN the/DT real/JJ world/NN ./.
"/" These/DT sound/NN like/IN the/DT kind/NN of/IN thing/NN that/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP might/MD put/VB at/IN the/DT bottom/NN of/IN a/DT page/NN ,/, under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Pronouncements/NNP We/PRP Doubt/NNP Really/RB Got/NNP Pronounced/NNP ./.
"/" And/CC as/IN Jonathan/NNP Rauch/NNP taught/VBD us/PRP ,/, when/WRB someone/NN tells/VBZ us/PRP that/IN his/PRP$ world/NN is/VBZ populated/VBN by/IN remarkably/RB eloquent/JJ people/NNS who/WP always/RB happen/VBP to/TO say/VB exactly/RB what/WP makes/VBZ the/DT storyteller/NN look/NN good/JJ ,/, we/PRP are/VBP well/RB advised/VBN to/TO ask/VB whether/IN that/DT world/NN exists/VBZ only/RB in/IN his/PRP$ ,/, er/UH ,/, perceptions/NNS ./.
What/WP could/MD have/VB caused/VBN Cassidy/NNP to/TO suspend/VB his/PRP$ critical/JJ faculties/NNS ?/.
Perhaps/RB he/PRP has/VBZ an/DT ideological/JJ ax/NN to/TO grind--after/JJ all/DT ,/, a/DT few/JJ months/NNS back/RB he/PRP proclaimed/VBD Marx/NNP the/DT "/" thinker/NN of/IN the/DT future/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP argues/VBZ that/IN the/DT theory/NN of/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS is/VBZ crucial/JJ to/TO the/DT case/NN against/IN Microsoft--which/NNP is/VBZ true/JJ ,/, although/IN even/RB so/IN it/PRP is/VBZ unclear/JJ why/WRB he/PRP could/MD n't/RB just/RB present/VB the/DT theory/NN without/IN the/DT dubious/JJ intellectual/JJ history/NN ./.
Anyway/RB ,/, increasing/VBG returns/NNS are/VBP equally/RB crucial/JJ to/TO the/DT case/NN for/IN Microsoft--as/NNP a/DT reason/NN why/WRB trying/VBG to/TO break/VB it/PRP up/RP would/MD be/VB a/DT bad/JJ thing/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB more/JJR to/TO the/DT point/NN ,/, Cassidy/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN it/PRP clear/JJ in/IN earlier/RBR writing/VBG that/IN he/PRP does/VBZ not/RB like/IN mainstream/NN economists/NNS ,/, and/CC he/PRP may/MD have/VB been/VBN overly/RB eager/JJ to/TO accept/VB a/DT story/NN that/WDT puts/VBZ them/PRP in/IN a/DT bad/JJ light/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT may/MD be/VB looking/VBG too/RB hard/RB for/IN a/DT motive/NN ./.
When/WRB Waldrop/NNP 's/POS book/NN came/VBD out/IN ,/, I/PRP wrote/VBD him/PRP as/RB politely/RB as/IN I/PRP could/MD ,/, asking/VBG exactly/RB how/WRB he/PRP had/VBD managed/VBN to/TO come/VB up/RP with/IN his/PRP$ version/NN of/IN events/NNS ./.
He/PRP did/VBD ,/, to/TO his/PRP$ credit/NN ,/, write/VB back/RB ./.
He/PRP explained/VBD that/IN while/IN he/PRP had/VBD become/VBN aware/JJ of/IN some/DT other/JJ people/NNS working/VBG on/IN increasing/VBG returns/NNS ,/, trying/VBG to/TO put/VB them/PRP in/IN would/MD have/VB pulled/VBN his/PRP$ story/NN line/NN out/IN of/IN shape/NN ./.
My/PRP$ guess/VBP is/VBZ that/IN Cassidy/NNP reached/VBD the/DT same/JJ conclusion/NN ./.
So/RB what/WP we/PRP really/RB learn/VBP from/IN the/DT legend/NN of/IN Arthur/NNP is/VBZ that/IN some/DT journalists/NNS like/IN a/DT good/JJ story/NN too/RB much/JJ to/TO find/VB out/IN whether/IN it/PRP is/VBZ really/RB true/JJ ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT latest/JJS developments/NNS in/IN the/DT federal/JJ budget/NN wrangle/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP headline/NN says/VBZ a/DT final/JJ agreement/NN is/VBZ near/IN ,/, while/IN the/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS says/VBZ the/DT process/NN is/VBZ stalled/VBN over/IN party/NN differences/NNS ./.
(/( Over/IN their/PRP$ front-page/JJ budget/NN stories/NNS ,/, both/DT the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP sport/NN end-in-sight/JJ headlines/NNS ./.
)/) But/CC hey/UH ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Washington--they/NNP 're/VBP both/DT right/JJ ./.
The/DT WP/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT FAA/NNP 's/POS recommendation/NN yesterday/NN that/IN ,/, because/IN of/IN newly/RB discovered/VBN fire/NN hazards/NNS ,/, the/DT insulation/NN be/VB replaced/VBN on/IN almost/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS airliners/NNS ./.
Running/VBG FAA/NNP &slash;/NN insulation/NN as/IN its/PRP$ off-lead/JJ ,/, USAT/NNP goes/VBZ instead/RB with/IN a/DT story/NN tipped/VBD yesterday/NN on/IN the/DT LAT/NNP front--the/JJ feds/NNS charging/VBG fugitive/JJ Eric/NNP Robert/NNP Rudolph/NNP ,/, already/RB wanted/VBD for/IN an/DT Alabama/NNP abortion/NN clinic/NN bombing/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT 1996/CD Atlanta/NNP Olympics/NNPS bombing/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN notes/NNS that/IN federal/JJ authorities/NNS are/VBP concerned/VBN that/IN Rudolph/NNP is/VBZ being/VBG helped/VBN to/TO evade/VB arrest/NN ,/, possibly/RB by/IN anti-abortion/JJ sympathizers/NNS ./.
Taken/VBN together/RB the/DT two/CD Times/NNP summarize/VB the/DT to-the-moment/JJ budget/NN state/NN of/IN play/NN :/: IN/IN :/: the/DT $/$ 1/CD ./.
1/LS billion/CD education/NN initiative/NN ,/, originally/RB proposed/VBN by/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP as/RB exclusively/RB for/IN hiring/VBG new/JJ teachers/NNS ,/, but/CC as/IN per/IN GOP/NNP desires/NNS ,/, local/JJ school/NN districts/NNS will/MD now/RB retain/VB the/DT flexibility/NN to/TO use/VB the/DT new/JJ money/NN not/RB just/RB for/IN hiring/VBG ,/, but/CC also/RB for/IN recruitment/NN ,/, testing/NN ,/, and/CC training/NN of/IN teachers/NNS ;/: a/DT $/$ 6/CD billion/CD disaster/NN assistance/NN measure/NN for/IN farmers/NNS ;/: grants/NNS to/TO help/VB the/DT needy/JJ pay/NN heating/NN bills/NNS ;/: $/$ 950/CD million/CD towards/IN a/DT national/JJ anti-missile/JJ defense/NN system/NN ;/: and/CC $/$ 18/CD billion/CD for/IN the/DT IMF/NNP ./.
OUT/NNP :/: Billions/NNS for/IN fixing/VBG up/RP dilapidated/JJ school/NN buildings/NNS ,/, and/CC national/JJ student/NN testing/NN ./.
STILL/NNP UP/IN IN/IN THE/DT AIR/NNP :/: How/WRB to/TO conduct/VB the/DT 2000/CD Census/NNP ,/, what/WP to/TO do/VB about/IN pornography/NN on/IN the/DT Internet/NN ,/, whether/IN or/CC not/RB to/TO require/VB federal/JJ health/NN insurance/NN to/TO cover/VB the/DT cost/NN of/IN contraceptives/NNS ,/, and/CC whether/IN or/CC not/RB to/TO keep/VB international/JJ family/NN planning/NN organizations/NNS from/IN using/VBG U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
funds/NNS to/TO influence/VB abortion/NN laws/NNS ;/: and/CC whether/IN or/CC not/RB to/TO spend/VB $/$ 10/CD million/CD to/TO promote/VB overseas/JJ tobacco/NN sales/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP usefully/RB reminds/VBZ the/DT reader/NN of/IN a/DT list/NN of/IN items/NNS that/IN long/RB ago/RB fell/VBD off/IN the/DT budget/NN bandwagon/NN :/: a/DT tax/NN cut/NN ,/, new/JJ tobacco/NN regulations/NNS ,/, a/DT bill/NN of/IN rights/NNS for/IN managed/VBN care/NN patients/NNS ,/, and/CC campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP stresses/VBZ the/DT political/JJ angles/NNS available/JJ now/RB for/IN each/DT party/NN :/: the/DT coalescing/VBG budget/NN will/MD allow/VB Republicans/NNPS to/TO argue/VB that/IN they/PRP care/VBP about/IN more/JJR than/IN Monica/NNP ,/, while/IN allowing/VBG the/DT Democrats/NNPS to/TO claim/VB that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP is/VBZ still/RB politically/RB relevant/JJ ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC USAT/NNP stories/NNS about/IN the/DT FAA/NNP move/NN point/NN out/IN that/IN the/DT combustibility/NN of/IN insulation/NN is/VBZ thought/VBN to/TO be/VB a/DT cause/NN of/IN the/DT Swissair/NNP crash/NN off/RP Nova/NNP Scotia/NNP that/WDT killed/VBD 229/CD people/NNS ./.
The/DT stories/NNS note/VBP the/DT switch/NN to/TO safer/JJR insulation/NN can/MD be/VB done/VBN during/IN regular/JJ maintenance/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN it/PRP will/MD cost/VB billions/NNS ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT FAA/NNP will/MD eventually/RB make/VB it/PRP mandatory/JJ ./.
USAT/NNP 's/POS front/JJ section/NN "/" cover/VB story/NN "/" reports/NNS that/IN since/IN adopting/VBG the/DT one-outfit-fits-all/JJ approach/NN through/IN the/DT eighth/JJ grade/NN ,/, the/DT Long/NNP Beach/NNP ,/, California/NNP public/JJ schools/NNS have/VBP seen/VBN a/DT 91/CD percent/NN drop/NN in/IN assaults/NNS ,/, thefts/NNS ,/, vandalism/NN and/CC weapon/NN and/CC drug/NN violations/NNS ./.
Both/DT the/DT WP/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP run/VBP stories/NNS inside/IN reporting/VBG on/IN the/DT latest/JJS statistics/NNS compiled/VBN by/IN the/DT Alan/NNP Guttmacher/NNP Institute/NNP ,/, which/WDT indicate/VBP that/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS teen/JJ pregnancy/NN rate/NN has/VBZ dropped/VBN considerably/RB in/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ./.
The/DT Post/NNP headline/NN says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT lowest/JJS in/IN 23/CD years/NNS ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP header/NN says/VBZ 20/CD years/NNS ./.
Both/DT papers/NNS report/VBP that/IN the/DT stats/NNS indicate/VBP a/DT shift/NN among/IN teenage/JJ women/NNS away/RB from/IN the/DT pill/NN and/CC towards/IN injectable/JJ contraception/NN like/IN Norplant/NNP and/CC Depo-/NNP Provera/NNP ,/, especially/RB among/IN blacks/NNS ./.
Both/DT papers/NNS say/VBP these/DT medications/NNS are/VBP attractive/JJ to/TO those/DT who/WP only/RB have/VBP sporadic/JJ sex/NN and/CC have/VBP trouble/NN with/IN consistent/JJ contraceptive/JJ planning/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT little/RB code-wordy/JJ ./.
Do/VBP the/DT papers/NNS mean/VBP that/IN the/DT girls/NNS in/IN question/NN forget/VB to/TO take/VB their/PRP$ pills/NNS ?/.
Then/RB they/PRP should/MD say/VB so/RB ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP further/JJ mystifies/NNS by/IN citing/VBG as/IN an/DT added/VBN explanation/NN that/IN Depo-/NNP Provera/NNP is/VBZ especially/RB appealing/VBG to/TO some/DT teenagers/NNS "/" because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO detect/VB ./.
"/" How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP detect/VBP an/DT ingested/JJ birth/NN control/NN pill/NN ?/.
Many/JJ readers/NNS responded/VBD to/TO yesterday/NN 's/POS comment/NN here/RB that/IN a/DT USAT/NNP story/NN about/IN the/DT upcoming/JJ congressional/JJ elections/NNS buried/VBN mention/NN of/IN its/PRP$ polling/NN sample/NN of/IN "/" but/CC 1/CD ,/, 004/CD "/" people/NNS ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN pointed/VBN out/IN to/TO Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP that/IN this/DT is/VBZ actually/RB a/DT somewhat/RB larger/JJR sample/NN than/IN occurs/VBZ in/IN many/JJ newspaper/NN polls/NNS ,/, and/CC is/VBZ plenty/NN large/JJ to/TO be/VB accurate/JJ to/TO within/IN a/DT few/JJ percentage/NN points/NNS '/POS margin/NN of/IN error/NN ./.
Further/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT very/RB interesting/JJ letter/NN ,/, USAT/NNP 's/POS director/NN of/IN polling/NN points/NNS out/RP that/IN although/IN his/PRP$ paper/NN usually/RB delays/VBZ mentioning/VBG the/DT sample/NN size/NN until/IN the/DT last/JJ paragraph/NN or/CC so/RB of/IN a/DT story/NN ,/, since/IN USAT/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB use/VB jumps/NNS off/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN ,/, these/DT mentions/VBZ usually/RB occur/VB much/JJ earlier/JJR in/IN stories/NNS than/IN do/VBP similar/JJ references/NNS in/IN papers/NNS like/IN the/DT NYT/NNP that/WDT do/VBP jump/VB ./.
These/DT are/VBP all/DT good/JJ points/NNS ./.
Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP would/MD suggest/VB two/CD things/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) putting/VBG the/DT sample/NN and/CC margin/NN of/IN error/NN information/NN in/IN the/DT subheadline/NN instead/RB ;/: 2/LS )/) Doing/VBG a/DT story/NN some/DT time/NN explaining/VBG how/WRB nationwide/JJ elections/NNS can/MD be/VB reliably/RB predicted/VBN by/IN talking/VBG to/TO fewer/JJR people/NNS than/IN you/PRP see/VBP at/IN the/DT mall/NN ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Viagra/NNP sales/NNS have/VBP er/UH ,/, come/VB down/RB ./.
Reasons/NNS cited/VBD :/: the/DT cooldown/NN of/IN media/NNS hype/NN ,/, fear/NN of/IN side/NN effects/NNS and/CC managed-care/JJ 's/POS crackdown/NN on/IN reimbursement/NN ./.
A/DT men/NNS 's/POS health/NN official/NN is/VBZ quoted/VBN saying/VBG that/IN one/CD factor/NN appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB the/DT Disney/NNP effect/NN :/: men/NNS are/VBP n't/RB interested/JJ in/IN an/DT hour-wait/JJ for/IN a/DT two-minute/JJ ride/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP 's/POS second/JJ interest-rate/NN hike/NN of/IN the/DT summer/NN ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP mentions/VBZ the/DT Fed/NNP 's/POS news/NN on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN ,/, but/CC leads/VBZ instead/RB with/IN a/DT possible/JJ link/NN between/IN the/DT Kremlin/NNP and/CC the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP laundering/NN scandal/NN ./.
All/DT the/DT papers/NNS give/VBP the/DT same/JJ lowdown/NN on/IN the/DT Fed/NNP 's/POS decision/NN ./.
The/DT federal/JJ funds/NNS rate/NN (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, the/DT one/CD banks/NNS charge/VBP each/DT another/DT for/IN overnight/JJ borrowing/NN )/) was/VBD lifted/VBN from/IN 5/CD percent/NN to/TO 5/CD ./.
25/CD percent/NN ,/, reversing/VBG last/JJ year/NN 's/POS cuts/NNS ./.
The/DT Fed/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN was/VBD characteristically/RB opaque/JJ ./.
The/DT stories/NNS follow/VBP the/DT Fed/NNP 's/POS lead/NN ,/, hedging/VBG their/PRP$ bets/NNS as/IN to/TO whether/IN this/DT will/MD be/VB the/DT last/JJ hike/NN of/IN the/DT year/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP run/VBD helpful/JJ explanations/NNS of/IN the/DT hike/NN 's/POS repercussions/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT WP/NNP ,/, banks/NNS already/RB announced/VBD increases/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ prime/JJ lending/NN rates/NNS to/TO 8/CD ./.
25/CD percent/NN from/IN 8/CD percent/NN ./.
Since/IN many/JJ credit-card/NN balances/NNS ,/, home-equity/JJ loans/NNS ,/, small/JJ business/NN bank/NN loans/NNS ,/, and/CC some/DT personal/JJ loans/NNS are/VBP tied/VBN directly/RB to/TO the/DT prime/JJ rate/NN ,/, millions/NNS of/IN consumers/NNS will/MD see/VB their/PRP$ monthy/NN payments/NNS swell/VBP soon/RB ./.
A/DT piece/NN inside/IN the/DT Journal/NNP warns/VBZ the/DT higher/JJR cost/NN of/IN borrowing/NN may/MD keep/VB funds/NNS away/RB from/IN Latin/NNP American/JJ countries/NNS that/WDT need/VBP the/DT cash/NN badly/RB ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, a/DT WP/NNP editorial/NN argues/VBZ that/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN so/RB effective/JJ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ ineffective/JJ ./.
If/IN Greenspan/NNP raises/VBZ rates/NNS ,/, investors/NNS are/VBP assured/VBN by/IN what/WP they/PRP interpret/VBP as/IN a/DT wise/JJ ,/, pre-emptive/JJ strike/NN against/IN inflation/NN ./.
If/IN he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB ,/, they/PRP are/VBP emboldened/VBN by/IN what/WP can/MD only/RB be/VB a/DT sure/JJ sign/NN of/IN economic/JJ health/NN ./.
So/RB even/RB though/IN the/DT rate/NN hike/NN might/MD stave/VB off/IN consumer/NN inflation/NN ,/, Greenspan/NNP is/VBZ inevitably/RB contributing/VBG to/TO stock/VB price/NN inflation/NN ./.
Last/JJ week/NN the/DT Times/NNP reported/VBD that/IN hundreds/NNS of/IN millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS in/IN IMF/NNP loans/NNS to/TO Russia/NNP may/MD have/VB been/VBN illegally/RB diverted/VBN through/IN the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP via/IN the/DT Russian/JJ mafia/NN ./.
Today/NNP USAT/NNP adds/VBZ that/IN Konstantin/NNP Kagalovsky/NNP ,/, Russia/NNP 's/POS representative/NN to/TO the/DT IMF/NNP and/CC a/DT close/JJ crony/NN of/IN Victor/NNP Chernomyrdin/NNP ,/, is/VBZ now/RB under/IN scrutiny/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ married/VBN to/TO a/DT Bank/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP executive/NN who/WP is/VBZ also/RB being/VBG investigated/VBN ./.
The/DT scoop/NN certainly/RB sounds/VBZ like/IN a/DT potentially/RB juicy/JJ one/CD ./.
But/CC it/PRP lists/VBZ no/DT allegations/NNS against/IN the/DT Kagalovskys/NNP ,/, and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB surmise/NN about/IN how/WRB they/PRP might/MD have/VB fit/VBN into/IN the/DT IMF-Mafia-Bank/NNP triangle/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP report/NN that/IN China/NNP will/MD prosecute/VB the/DT most/RBS senior/JJ members/NNS of/IN Falun/NNP Gong--and/NNP only/RB the/DT most/RBS senior/JJ ones/NNS ./.
A/DT government/NN order/NN excused/VBN most/JJS of/IN the/DT sect/NN 's/POS adherents/NNS as/IN victims/NNS who/WP did/VBD n't/RB know/VB they/PRP were/VBD joining/VBG a/DT subversive/JJ political/JJ organization/NN ./.
The/DT group/NN 's/POS leaders/NNS ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, will/MD almost/RB certainly/RB be/VB sent/VBN to/TO prison/NN for/IN life--just/JJ in/IN time/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Times/NNP ,/, for/IN the/DT Chinese/NNP Communist/NNP Party/NNP 's/POS 50/CD th/NN birthday/NN bash/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO a/DT NYT/NNP front-pager/JJ ,/, the/DT San/NNP Francisco/NNP Department/NNP of/IN Health/NNP has/VBZ traced/VBN an/DT outbreak/NN of/IN syphilis/NNS to/TO an/DT America/NNP Online/NNP chat/VB room/NN ./.
At/IN least/JJS six/CD men/NNS have/VBP contracted/VBN syphilis/NNS from/IN sexual/JJ partners/NNS they/PRP met/VBD at/IN San/NNP Francisco/NNP Men/NNP 4/CD Men/NN ,/, a/DT chat/VB room/NN hosted/VBD by/IN AOL/NNP ./.
Citing/VBG privacy/NN concerns/NNS ,/, America/NNP Online/NNP would/MD not/RB divulge/VB the/DT real/JJ names/NNS of/IN the/DT chat/VB room/NN users/NNS to/TO the/DT health/NN authorities/NNS ./.
Instead/RB ,/, the/DT company/NN contacted/VBD Planet/NNP Out/IN ,/, a/DT gay/JJ online/NN service/NN based/VBN in/IN the/DT city/NN ,/, which/WDT pelted/JJ the/DT denizens/NNS of/IN local/JJ gay/JJ chat/VB rooms/NNS with/IN e-mailed/JJ and/CC instant-messengered/JJ warnings/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP front/NN the/DT news/NN that/IN Samuel/NNP Sheinbein/NNP ,/, the/DT teen-ager/NN who/WP set/VBD off/IN an/DT extradition/NN battle/NN when/WRB he/PRP fled/VBD to/TO Israel/NNP after/IN allegedly/RB committing/VBG murder/NN in/IN Maryland/NNP ,/, has/VBZ accepted/VBN a/DT plea/NN bargain/NN in/IN Israel/NNP ./.
The/DT Israeli/NNP Supreme/NNP Court/NNP had/VBD refused/VBN extradition/NN on/IN the/DT controversial/JJ grounds/NNS that/IN Sheinbein/NNP is/VBZ Israeli/JJ (/( his/PRP$ father/NN was/VBD born/VBN in/IN 1944/CD in/IN Palestine/NNP ./.
Israel/NNP was/VBD founded/VBN in/IN 1948/CD )/) ./.
He/PRP will/MD serve/VB 24/CD years--a/JJ heavy/JJ sentence/NN in/IN the/DT Israeli/JJ system/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT light/JJ one/CD by/IN American/JJ standards/NNS ./.
Prosecutors/NNS from/IN both/DT countries/NNS decried/VBD the/DT way/NN he/PRP manipulated/VBN the/DT discrepancies/NNS between/IN the/DT two/CD legal/JJ systems/NNS ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP front-pager/JJ provides/VBZ welcome/JJ perspective/NN on/IN the/DT Kansas/NNP School/NNP Board/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ decision/NN to/TO excise/VB evolution/NN from/IN its/PRP$ official/JJ curriculum/NN ./.
Most/JJS science/NN teachers/NNS will/MD continue/VB to/TO teach/VB evolution/NN ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, "/" there/EX are/VBP 304/CD locally/RB elected/VBN school/NN boards/NNS who/WP have/VBP the/DT option/NN to/TO tell/VB the/DT state/NN board/NN to/TO go/VB jump/NN in/IN the/DT lake/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD an/DT aide/NN to/TO moderate/VB Republican/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Bill/NNP Graves/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT Governor/NNP is/VBZ confident/JJ the/DT overwhelming/JJ number/NN will/MD ./.
The/DT Royals/NNP ,/, by/IN Kitty/NNP Kelley/NNP (/( Warner/NNP Books/NNPS )/) ./.
The/DT celebrity/NN biographer/NN 's/POS Windsor-bashing/NNP book/NN cashes/NNS in/IN on/IN the/DT hoopla/NN surrounding/VBG Diana/NNP 's/POS death/NN ./.
Indignant/NNP critics/NNS accuse/VBP Kelley/NNP of/IN purveying/VBG unsubstantiated/JJ rumors/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT sorts/NNS of/IN secrets/NNS only/RB supermarket/NN tabloids/NNS covet/NN "/" (/( Michiko/NNP Kakutani/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Others/NNS yawn/NN at/IN Kelley/NNP 's/POS gossip/NN ,/, including/VBG speculation/NN that/IN ,/, as/IN a/DT newlywed/JJ ,/, Queen/NNP Elizabeth/NNP was/VBD sex-crazed/JJ ./.
"/" [/( T/NN ]/) hose/NN who/WP hoped/VBD that/IN the/DT book/NN would/MD be/VB like/IN a/DT royal/JJ mistress--flirty/JJ ,/, flighty/NN ,/, zesty/NN ,/, yeasty--will/JJ be/VB disappointed/VBN "/" (/( Julian/NNP Barnes/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
Unwittingly/NNP ,/, some/DT say/VBP ,/, Kelley/NNP 's/POS dirt/NN actually/RB humanizes/NNS the/DT starchy/NN Windsors/NNP ./.
Underworld/NNP ,/, by/IN Don/NNP DeLillo/NNP (/( Scribner/NNP )/) ./.
DeLillo/NNP 's/POS epic/NN of/IN Cold/NNP War/NNP America--which/NNP juxtaposes/NNS Russia/NNP 's/POS atomic/JJ bomb/NN with/IN Bobby/NNP Thompson/NNP 's/POS Shot/NNP Heard/VBN Round/NNP the/DT World/NNP ,/, a/DT Lenny/NNP Bruce/NNP concert/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT lost/VBD Sergei/NNP Eisenstein/NNP film--is/JJ pronounced/VBD a/DT "/" masterwork/NN "/" (/( Tom/NNP LeClair/NNP ,/, the/DT Atlantic/NNP Monthly/JJ )/) ./.
DeLillo/NNP wins/VBZ praise/NN for/IN his/PRP$ witty/JJ prose/NN and/CC inventive/JJ historical/JJ fiction/NN ,/, which/WDT includes/VBZ such/JJ postwar/JJ celebrities/NNS as/IN Frank/NNP Sinatra/NNP and/CC J/NNP ./.
Edgar/NNP Hoover/NNP ./.
"/" There/EX 's/VBZ pleasure/NN on/IN every/DT page/NN of/IN this/DT pitch-perfect/JJ evocation/NN of/IN a/DT sour/JJ ,/, anxious/JJ half/JJ century/NN "/" (/( Malcolm/NNP Jones/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
Slate/NNP 's/POS Walter/NNP Kirn/NNP is/VBZ virtually/RB alone/RB in/IN finding/VBG the/DT book/NN indulgent/NN and/CC vapid/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN an/DT excerpt/NN from/IN Underworld/NNP ./.
Great/NNP Apes/NNP ,/, by/IN Will/MD Self/NN (/( Grove/NNP &slash;/NN Atlantic/NNP )/) ./.
Reviews/NNP of/IN the/DT latest/JJS farce/NN from/IN the/DT British/JJ satirist/NN both/DT wince/NN and/CC smirk/NN at/IN its/PRP$ unrelenting/VBG scatological/JJ humor/NN and/CC unflattering/JJ sendups/NNS of/IN authors/NNS Robert/NNP Hughes/NNP and/CC Oliver/NNP Sacks/NNP ./.
The/DT book/NN 's/POS conceit--an/JJ artist/NN awakens/NNS in/IN a/DT world/NN of/IN monkeys/NNS that/WDT mirrors/VBZ modern/JJ "/" Swinging/NNP London/NNP "/" -/: -/: is/VBZ alternately/RB judged/VBN a/DT "/" slender/JJ idea/NN for/IN satire/NN "/" (/( Kakutani/NNP )/) and/CC a/DT hilarious/JJ metaphor/NN for/IN "/" the/DT modern/JJ urban/JJ savanna/NN "/" (/( Gary/NNP Krist/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN Sarah/NNP Kerr/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP and/CC here/RB for/IN an/DT excerpt/NN from/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
"/" Robert/NNP Rauschenberg/NNP :/: A/DT Retrospective/NNP "/" (/( Guggenheim/NNP Museums/NNPS and/CC Ace/NNP Gallery/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP )/) ./.
Spanning/NNP 400/CD works/VBZ and/CC filling/VBG three/CD venues/NNS ,/, the/DT exhibition/NN of/IN the/DT collage/NN artist/NN 's/POS oeuvre/NN -/: -/: possibly/RB "/" the/DT largest/JJS retrospective/NN of/IN a/DT living/VBG artist/NN ever/RB "/" (/( Michael/NNP Kimmelman/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) -/: -/: draws/VBZ respectful/JJ ,/, if/IN qualified/VBN ,/, reviews/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS excuse/NN failed/VBN experiments/NNS (/( such/JJ as/IN paintings/NNS on/IN aluminum/NN )/) and/CC recent/JJ assembly-line/NN productions/NNS (/( the/DT execution/NN of/IN his/PRP$ ideas/NNS by/IN a/DT dozen/NN assistants/NNS )/) because/IN of/IN the/DT importance/NN of/IN the/DT artist/NN 's/POS conceptual/JJ innovations/NNS ./.
Many/JJ grumble/VBP that/IN the/DT curators/NNS were/VBD n't/RB more/JJR discriminating/VBG ./.
New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Mark/NNP Stevens/NNP imagines/VBZ a/DT young/JJ Rauschenberg/NNP mocking/VBG the/DT exhibition/NN 's/POS "/" pumped-up/JJ size/NN ./.
"/" (/( The/DT Guggenheim/NNP plugs/NNS the/DT show/NN ./.
A/DT Thousand/NNP Acres/NNP (/( Touchstone/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Jane/NNP Smiley/NNP 's/POS Pulitzer/NNP Prize-winning/JJ novel/NN ,/, which/WDT relocates/NNS King/NNP Lear/NNP on/IN an/DT Iowa/NNP farm/NN ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN adapted/VBN into/IN "/" an/DT ungainly/JJ ,/, undigested/JJ assembly/NN of/IN '/POS women/NNS 's/POS issues/NNS '/POS "/" (/( Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP ,/, the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS call/VBP its/PRP$ screenplay/NN soap-operatic/JJ :/: The/DT Lear/NNP figure/NN (/( Jason/NNP Robards/NNP )/) molests/NNS his/PRP$ daughters/NNS (/( Jessica/NNP Lange/NNP ,/, Michelle/NNP Pfeiffer/NNP ,/, and/CC Jennifer/NNP Jason/NNP Leigh/NNP )/) ,/, who/WP babble/JJ in/IN lengthy/JJ pop-psych/JJ disquisitions/NNS ./.
Blame/NNP also/RB goes/VBZ to/TO director/NN Jocelyn/NNP Moorhouse/NNP (/( How/WRB to/TO Make/VB an/DT American/NNP Quilt/NNP )/) ,/, who/WP quit/VBD the/DT film/NN midproduction/NN ./.
Lange/NNP and/CC Pfeiffer/NNP win/VBP compliments/NNS for/IN strong/JJ performances/NNS ,/, "/" emotionally/RB in/IN sync/NN "/" (/( Mike/NNP Clark/NNP ,/, USA/NNP Today/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Stills/NNP and/CC clips/NNS are/VBP available/JJ here/RB ./.
The/DT Ice/NNP Storm/NN (/( Fox/NNP Searchlight/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Ang/NNP Lee/NNP 's/POS drama/NN about/IN suburban/JJ sexual/JJ promiscuities/NNS is/VBZ lauded/VBN as/IN an/DT authentic/JJ depiction/NN of/IN 1970/CD s/VBZ emotional/JJ drift/NN ./.
Lee/NNP "/" captures/NNS ./.
this/DT garish/NN and/CC confused/VBN moment/NN in/IN history/NN ,/, with/IN surgical/JJ precision/NN "/" (/( David/NNP Ansen/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
Performances/NNPS by/IN Kevin/NNP Kline/NNP ,/, Joan/NNP Allen/NNP ,/, and/CC Sigourney/NNP Weaver/NNP are/VBP said/VBN to/TO be/VB so/RB solid/JJ that/IN they/PRP compensate/VB for/IN the/DT unlikability/NN of/IN their/PRP$ characters/NNS ./.
Lee/NNP wins/VBZ praise/NN for/IN his/PRP$ "/" gently/RB ironic/JJ touch/NN "/" in/IN adapting/VBG a/DT novel/NN by/IN Rick/NNP Moody/NNP ,/, and/CC for/IN being/VBG "/" less/RBR interested/JJ in/IN assigning/VBG blame/NN for/IN all/PDT the/DT misery/NN than/IN in/IN simply/RB documenting/VBG it/PRP "/" (/( Daphne/NNP Merkin/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
(/( The/DT movie/NN is/VBZ plugged/VBD here/RB ./.
And/CC check/NN out/RP this/DT week/NN 's/POS Slate/NNP "/" Diary/NNP "/" by/IN The/DT Ice/NNP Storm/NN screenwriter/NN ,/, James/NNP Schamus/NNP ./.
Veronica/NNP 's/POS Closet/NNP (/( NBC/NNP ;/: Thursdays/NNPS ,/, 9/CD :/: 30/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
)/) ./.
Finally/RB ,/, a/DT sitcom/NN aired/VBD between/IN Seinfeld/NNP and/CC ER/NNP that/WDT is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO live/VB up/RP to/TO the/DT demands/NNS of/IN its/PRP$ time/NN slot/NN ./.
Praise/NNP goes/VBZ to/TO Kirstie/NNP Alley/NNP ,/, who/WP plays/VBZ an/DT aging/VBG ex-model/JJ now/RB in/IN the/DT lingerie/NN business/NN :/: "/" Less/RBR frenetic/JJ than/IN Lucy/NNP ,/, more/JJR mature/VBP than/IN Mary/NNP "/" (/( Richard/NNP Corliss/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP 's/POS Tom/NNP Shales/NNP dissents/NNS ,/, calling/VBG Alley/NNP unwatchably/RB neurotic/JJ and/CC "/" in/IN a/DT virtually/RB perpetual/JJ feverish/NN tizzy/NN ./.
"/" (/( NBC/NNP promotes/VBZ the/DT show/NN here/RB ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Sept/NNP ./.
17/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Confidential/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: In/IN &/CC Out/IN ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Nothing/NNP Sacred/NNP (/( ABC/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Brooklyn/NNP South/NNP (/( CBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Michael/NNP Hayes/NNP (/( CBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Candle/NNP in/IN the/DT Wind/NNP 1997/CD ,/, by/IN Elton/NNP John/NNP ;/:
Museum/NNP -/: -/: Museum/NNP of/IN Jewish/NNP Heritage/NNP :/: A/DT Living/VBG Memorial/NNP to/TO the/DT Holocaust/NNP ./.
Sept/NNP ./.
10/CD :/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Sister/NNP Wendy/NNP 's/POS Story/NNP of/IN Painting/NNP (/( PBS/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Ally/NNP McBeal/NNP (/( Fox/NNP )/) ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: She/PRP 's/VBZ So/RB Lovely/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Sunday/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Farewell/NNP Symphony/NNP ,/, by/IN Edmund/NNP White/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: America/NNP in/IN Black/NNP and/CC White/NNP :/: One/CD Nation/NNP ,/, Indivisible/NNP ,/, by/IN Stephan/NNP and/CC Abigail/NNP Thernstrom/NNP ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
27/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: G/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Jane/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Mimic/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Already/RB Dead/NNP :/: A/DT California/NNP Gothic/NNP ,/, by/IN Denis/NNP Johnson/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT One/CD Best/JJS Way/NN :/: Frederick/NNP Winslow/NNP Taylor/NNP and/CC the/DT Enigma/NNP of/IN Efficiency/NNP ,/, by/IN Robert/NNP Kanigel/NNP ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Dance/NN ,/, by/IN Fleetwood/NNP Mac/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Good/NNP News/NNP (/( UPN/NNP )/) ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
20/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Cop/NNP Land/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Full/NNP Monty/NNP ;/:
Music/NNP -/: -/: Be/VB Here/RB Now/RB ,/, by/IN Oasis/NNP ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: 1776/CD ;/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: On/IN the/DT Town/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: George/NNP Wallace/NNP (/( TNT/NNP )/) ;/:
Books/NNS -/: -/: A/DT Fan/NNP 's/POS Notes/NNS ,/, by/IN Frederick/NNP Exley/NNP ,/, and/CC Misfit/NNP :/: The/DT Strange/NNP Life/NNP of/IN Frederick/NNP Exley/NNP ,/, by/IN Jonathan/NNP Yardley/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Apaches/NNP ,/, by/IN Lorenzo/NNP Carcaterra/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Compiled/VBN by/IN Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP and/CC the/DT editors/NNS of/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Dismissed/NNP by/IN the/DT pundits/NNS as/IN a/DT lame/JJ duck/NN just/RB three/CD weeks/NNS ago/RB ,/, President/NNP Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP commanded/VBN their/PRP$ unanimous/JJ respect/NN this/DT week/NN to/TO reign/NN as/IN Issue/NN 1/CD ./.
"/" The/DT president/NN is/VBZ back/RB !/.
"/" cheered/VBD Steve/NNP Roberts/NNP (/( CNN/NNP 's/POS Late/RB Edition/NNP )/) ./.
Clinton/NNP spun/VBD himself/PRP as/IN a/DT loving/JJ husband/NN by/IN getting/VBG "/" caught/VBN "/" on/IN videotape/NN dancing/NN with/IN wife/NN ,/, Hillary/NNP ,/, on/IN a/DT Caribbean/NNP beach/NN ./.
(/( The/DT pundits/NNS were/VBD split/VBN on/IN whether/IN Clinton/NNP deliberately/RB exposed/VBD himself/PRP ,/, Hillary/NNP ,/, and/CC Chelsea/NNP to/TO the/DT photographers/NNS '/POS lenses/NNS ./.
Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP 's/POS Juan/NNP Williams/NNP insisted/VBD that/IN Hillary/NNP did/VBD n't/RB know/VB about/IN the/DT cameras/NNS ,/, because/IN "/" no/DT woman/NN wants/VBZ to/TO be/VB photographed/VBN in/IN a/DT bathing/NN suit/NN ./.
"/" )/) Clinton/NNP also/RB luxuriated/JJ in/IN the/DT good/JJ news/NN of/IN the/DT budget/NN surplus/NN and/CC introduced/VBD his/PRP$ plans/NNS to/TO expand/VB Medicare/NNP and/CC support/NN child/NN care/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB get/VB any/DT better/JJR than/IN this/DT for/IN a/DT president/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Gloria/NNP Borger/NNP (/( PBS/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP )/) ./.
Although/IN the/DT president/NN 's/POS two/CD new/JJ modest/JJ social/JJ programs/NNS were/VBD recognized/VBN as/IN "/" warmed-over/JJ Dick/NNP Morris/NNP "/" (/( Mark/NNP Shields/NNP ,/, PBS/NNP 's/POS NewsHour/NNP With/IN Jim/NNP Lehrer/NNP )/) ,/, all/DT saluted/VBD Clinton/NNP for/IN the/DT "/" terrific/JJ "/" politics/NNS ./.
The/DT president/NN 's/POS "/" cradle/NN to/TO grave/JJ "/" proposals/NNS (/( Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, The/DT McLaughlin/NNP Group/NNP )/) were/VBD likely/JJ to/TO paralyze/NN the/DT Republicans/NNPS ,/, because/IN nobody/NN wants/VBZ to/TO go/VB on/IN record/NN as/IN being/VBG against/IN child/NN care/NN (/( Paul/NNP Gigot/NNP ,/, NewsHour/NNP )/) ./.
Unless/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS slip/VBP out/IN of/IN the/DT sleeper/NN hold/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS two/CD initiatives/NNS will/MD serve/VB as/IN "/" wedge/NN issues/NNS "/" to/TO separate/VB the/DT two/CD parties/NNS in/IN the/DT minds/NNS of/IN voters/NNS for/IN the/DT 1998/CD election/NN (/( Tony/NNP Blankley/NNP ,/, Late/RB Edition/NNP )/) ./.
"/" They/PRP 're/VBP scared/VBN stiff/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, "/" said/VBD Shields/NNP of/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS ./.
One/CD Republican/NNP ,/, Sen/NNP ./.
Phil/NNP Gramm/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP exas/NNS ,/, appeared/VBD more/RBR stupid/JJ than/IN brave/JJ when/WRB he/PRP walked/VBD into/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS '/POS trap/NN on/IN CBS/NNP 's/POS Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP ./.
Gramm/NNP compared/VBD Medicare/NNP to/TO a/DT sinking/VBG Titanic/NNP that/WDT should/MD n't/RB accept/VB any/DT new/JJ people/NNS ,/, to/TO which/WDT Clinton/NNP loyalists/NNS George/NNP Stephanopoulos/NNP (/( ABC/NNP 's/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP )/) and/CC Secretary/NNP of/IN Health/NNP and/CC Human/NNP Services/NNPS Donna/NNP Shalala/NNP (/( Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP )/) responded/VBD with/IN the/DT administration/NN 's/POS line/NN ./.
Medicare/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT Titanic/NNP ,/, they/PRP said/VBD ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT "/" lifeboat/NN "/" for/IN millions/NNS of/IN Americans/NNPS ./.
The/DT budget/NN surplus/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ providing/VBG Clinton/NNP with/IN excellent/JJ cover/NN for/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ social/JJ programs/NNS (/( Gigot/NNP ;/: David/NNP Gergen/NNP ,/, The/DT McLaughlin/NNP Group/NNP )/) ,/, was/VBD declared/VBN illusory/NN and/CC temporary/JJ by/IN This/DT Week/NNP 's/POS two/CD conservatives/NNS ,/, who/WP failed/VBD to/TO note/VB these/DT seemingly/RB obvious/JJ truths/NNS last/JJ week/NN when/WRB the/DT surplus/NN was/VBD Issue/NN 1/CD ./.
George/NNP Will/NNP stated/VBN without/IN dissent/NN that/IN the/DT surplus/NN is/VBZ an/DT accounting/NN trick/NN :/: If/IN the/DT balance/NN sheet/NN were/VBD to/TO include/VB the/DT trust/NN funds/NNS (/( Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) ,/, the/DT real/JJ deficit/NN would/MD stand/VB at/IN about/IN $/$ 140/CD billion/CD ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, Bill/NNP Kristol/NNP predicted/VBD (/( fervently/RB hoped/VBN ?/.
)/) that/IN the/DT Asian/JJ flu/NN would/MD soon/RB strike/VB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, evaporate/VB the/DT surplus/NN ,/, and/CC vanquish/NN the/DT Clinton/NNP juggernaut/NN in/IN the/DT process/NN ./.
Iranian/NNP President/NNP Mohammed/NNP Khatami/NNP 's/POS televised/VBN overture/NN to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS earned/VBD Issue/NN 2/CD honors/NNS ,/, though/IN this/DT unfamiliar/JJ topic/NN strained/VBN the/DT pundits/NNS '/POS omniscience/NN ./.
Tony/NNP Blankley/NNP described/VBD it/PRP as/RB the/DT "/" one/CD glimmer/NN of/IN light/JJ coming/VBG out/IN of/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP for/IN America/NNP ./.
"/" Al/NNP Hunt/NNP (/( CNN/NNP 's/POS Capital/NNP Gang/NN )/) asked/VBD ,/, "/" Is/VBZ Khatami/NNP the/DT Gorbachev/NNP of/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP ?/.
The/DT Indonesian/JJ economic/JJ crisis/NN (/( Issue/NN 3/LS )/) was/VBD a/DT bit/NN of/IN a/DT stumper/NN too/RB ./.
Only/RB Thomas/NNP Friedman/NNP (/( Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP )/) came/VBD to/TO the/DT studio/NN prepared/VBD ,/, cribbing/VBG from/IN his/PRP$ next/JJ day/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP column/NN :/: According/VBG to/TO a/DT popular/JJ one-liner/JJ in/IN Jakarta/NNP ,/, the/DT ruling/JJ Suharto/NNP family/NN ,/, which/WDT owns/VBZ toll/NN roads/NNS ,/, banks/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ businesses/NNS ,/, "/" [/( has/VBZ ]/) everything--but/JJ a/DT sense/NN of/IN shame/NN ./.
"/" Friedman/NNP also/RB previewed/JJ the/DT idea/NN that/IN Southeast/NNP Asia/NNP 's/POS economic/JJ troubles/NNS might/MD cause/VB the/DT indigenous/JJ populations/NNS of/IN Thailand/NNP ,/, Malaysia/NNP ,/, and/CC Indonesia/NNP to/TO attack/VB the/DT ethnic/JJ Chinese/JJ who/WP dominate/VBP commerce/NN in/IN those/DT countries/NNS ./.
How/WRB might/MD China/NNP respond/VBP to/TO such/JJ an/DT ethnic/JJ war/NN ?/.
he/PRP asked/VBD ./.
Hey/NNP ,/, Kids/NNP !/.
The/DT new/JJ official/JJ name/NN of/IN ABC/NNP 's/POS Sunday/NNP show/NN is/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP With/IN Sam/NNP and/CC Cokie/NNP ./.
Reports/NNS that/IN the/DT show/NN will/MD soon/RB change/VB its/PRP$ name/NN to/TO This/DT Week/NNP With/IN Milk/NN and/CC Cookies/NNP ,/, broadcast/NN Bugs/NNP Bunny/NNP cartoons/NNS between/IN magic/JJ tricks/NNS ,/, and/CC host/VB a/DT studio/NN audience/NN of/IN Cub/NNP Scouts/NNP and/CC Brownies/NNP are/VBP unconfirmed/JJ as/IN "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" goes/VBZ to/TO press/VB ./.
Who/WP 's/VBZ Minding/NNP the/DT Show/NNP ?/.
The/DT closing/NN credits/NNS of/IN Friday/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP listed/VBD Elizabeth/NNP Arnold/NNP ,/, Jeffrey/NNP Birnbaum/NNP ,/, David/NNP Broder/NNP ,/, and/CC Ronald/NNP Brownstein/NNP as/IN the/DT guests/NNS ./.
The/DT night/NN 's/POS guests/NNS were/VBD Robin/NNP Wright/NNP ,/, Gloria/NNP Borger/NNP ,/, Thomas/NNP Friedman/NNP ,/, and/CC Alan/NNP Murray/NNP ./.
One/CD of/IN Washington/NNP 's/POS Favorite/NNP Lies/NNP :/: Late/RB Edition/NNP 's/POS Frank/NNP Sesno/NNP cited/VBD his/PRP$ desire/NN to/TO spend/VB more/JJR time/NN with/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN and/CC children/NNS as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT reasons/NNS he/PRP had/VBD decided/VBN to/TO step/VB down/RB as/IN host/NN of/IN the/DT show/NN ./.
Punditus/NNP Interruptus/NNP ,/, Week/NNP 4/CD :/: Al/NNP Hunt/NNP stepped/VBD on/IN Robert/NNP Novak/NNP twice/RB this/DT week/NN while/IN Novak/NNP held/VBD his/PRP$ fire/NN ,/, making/VBG Hunt/NNP the/DT interruption/NN leader/NN ,/, 4/CD -/: 2/CD ./.
-/: -/: Jack/NNP Shafer/NNP
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN promising/JJ new/JJ cancer/NN drugs/NNS soon/RB to/TO be/VB tested/VBN on/IN humans--a/JJ story/NN that/WDT got/VBD prominent/JJ play/NN in/IN Sunday/NNP 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Democrats/NNPS '/POS harsh/JJ criticism/NN of/IN Rep/NNP ./.
Dan/NNP Burton/NNP for/IN his/PRP$ release/NN of/IN the/DT Web/NNP Hubbell/NNP prison/NN tapes/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Washington/NNP state/NN 's/POS anti-affirmative/JJ action/NN ballot/NN initiative/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS rejection/NN of/IN an/DT American/JJ proposal/NN for/IN a/DT transfer/NN of/IN more/JJR West/NNP Bank/NNP land/NN to/TO the/DT Palestinians/NNPS ./.
The/DT two/CD new/JJ cancer/NN drugs/NNS work/NN ,/, explains/VBZ USAT/NNP ,/, by/IN cutting/VBG off/IN the/DT blood/NN supply/NN to/TO tumors/NNS ,/, making/VBG it/PRP impossible/JJ for/IN them/PRP to/TO grow/VB ./.
Used/VBN together/RB ,/, they/PRP have/VBP eradicated/JJ tumors/NNS in/IN mice/NNS ./.
Which/WDT is/VBZ why/WRB they/PRP are/VBP scheduled/VBN for/IN human/JJ trials/NNS ./.
But/CC ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, the/DT leap/NN from/IN mouse/NN to/TO man/VB is/VBZ a/DT huge/JJ one/CD ./.
The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN details/NNS how/WRB Rep/NNP ./.
Burton/NNP was/VBD accused/VBN on/IN Sunday/NNP by/IN congressional/JJ Democrats/NNPS and/CC White/NNP House/NNP staffers/NNS of/IN doctoring/NN transcripts/NNS of/IN Hubbell/NNP 's/POS prison/NN phone/NN conversations/NNS ./.
The/DT material/JJ Burton/NNP released/VBD appears/VBZ to/TO describe/VB Hubbell/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO continue/VB to/TO protect/VB Bill/NNP and/CC Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP out/IN of/IN fears/NNS that/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN would/MD lose/VB her/PRP$ government/NN job/NN ,/, but/CC ,/, notes/VBZ the/DT Post/NNP ,/, does/VBZ not/RB include/VB Hubbell/NNP 's/POS statement/NN that/IN Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP had/VBD "/" no/DT idea/NN "/" of/IN billing/NN irregularities/NNS at/IN their/PRP$ law/NN firm/NN ,/, or/CC his/PRP$ assertion/NN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD not/RB being/VBG paid/VBN hush/JJ money/NN ./.
Another/DT dispute/NN centers/NNS on/IN Hubbell/NNP 's/POS lawyer/NN saying/VBG on/IN the/DT tape/NN ,/, "/" There/EX is/VBZ some/DT chance/NN that/IN the/DT day/NN after/IN Election/NNP Day/NNP they/PRP will/MD make/VB a/DT move/NN that/IN moots/NNS everything/NN ./.
And/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO discourage/VB it/PRP ./.
"/" According/VBG to/TO the/DT Post/NNP ,/, Burton/NNP says/VBZ this/DT was/VBD a/DT reference/NN to/TO a/DT presidential/JJ pardon/NN ,/, but/CC Hubbell/NNP 's/POS lawyer/NN says/VBZ it/PRP was/VBD an/DT immunity/NN deal--eventually/JJ granted--with/JJ Ken/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP hits/VBZ the/DT pardon/NN issue/NN much/RB higher/JJR in/IN its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Hubbell/NNP tape/NN story/NN ,/, not/RB surprising/JJ since/IN it/PRP went/VBD front/JJ page/NN on/IN Saturday/NNP with/IN a/DT story/NN saying/VBG congressional/JJ investigators/NNS took/VBD the/DT "/" Election/NNP Day/NNP "/" comment/VB to/TO signify/VB pardon/NN hopes/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP lead/NN points/NNS out/RP that/IN referenda/NN rather/RB than/IN legislation/NN may/MD increasingly/RB become/VB the/DT main/JJ tool/NN of/IN the/DT anti-affirmative/JJ action/NN movement/NN ,/, because/IN while/IN California/NNP 's/POS Prop/NN ./.
209/CD won/VBD decisively/RB ,/, the/DT bills/NNS introduced/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ wake/NN in/IN 13/CD states/NNS were/VBD all/DT defeated/VBN ./.
The/DT story/NN also/RB scores/NNS how/WRB Washington/NNP state/NN business/NN heavyweights/NNS line/VBP up/RB on/IN the/DT ballot/NN initiative/NN :/: Boeing/NNP and/CC Nordstrom/NNP are/VBP against/IN ,/, and/CC Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO stay/VB neutral/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP front/JJ story/NN on/IN Japan/NNP 's/POS current/JJ economic/JJ woes/NNS runs/VBZ under/IN :/: "/" Tax/NNP Cut/NNP May/NNP Not/RB Spur/NNP Yen/NNP to/TO Spend/VB in/IN Japan/NNP ./.
"/" Do/VBP we/PRP really/RB need/VBP to/TO see/VB this/DT "/" clever/JJ "/" use/NN of/IN "/" yen/NNS "/" in/IN a/DT headline/NN ever/RB ,/, ever/RB again/RB ?/.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ warning/VBG Wall/NNP Street/NNP analysts/NNS that/IN federal/JJ and/CC state/VB legal/JJ anti-trust/JJ suits/NNS against/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS introduction/NN of/IN Windows/NNP 98/CD could/MD have/VB "/" broad/JJ ,/, negative/JJ consequences/NNS "/" for/IN the/DT entire/JJ personal/JJ computer/NN industry/NN if/IN they/PRP cause/VBP that/IN new/JJ software/NN to/TO be/VB delayed/VBN ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS "/" The/DT Outlook/NNP "/" piece/NN takes/VBZ note/NN of/IN recent/JJ claims/NNS that/IN the/DT Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP problem/NN will/MD generate/VB a/DT recession/NN of/IN 1974/CD oil-shock/JJ caliber/NN and/CC says/VBZ that/DT 's/VBZ not/RB likely/JJ :/: After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT twenty-two-day-long/JJ government/NN shut-down/JJ in/IN 1996/CD did/VBD n't/RB do/VB that/DT ,/, nor/CC did/VBD last/JJ summer/NN 's/POS UPS/NNP strike/NN ./.
A/DT WP/NNP editorial/NN calling/VBG on/IN Congress/NNP to/TO close/VB more/RBR military/JJ bases/NNS supports/VBZ the/DT cause/NN with/IN some/DT simple/JJ observations/NNS :/: While/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN Navy/NNP ships/NNS is/VBZ down/RB nearly/RB 46/CD percent/NN ,/, its/PRP$ berthing/VBG space/NN is/VBZ down/RB only/RB 18/CD percent/NN ,/, and/CC while/IN Army/NNP troop/NN strength/NN is/VBZ down/RB 42/CD percent/NN ,/, training/NN facilities/NNS for/IN soldiers/NNS are/VBP down/RB only/RB 7/CD percent/NN ./.
Since/IN ,/, Congress/NNP will/MD probably/RB keep/VB total/JJ military/JJ spending/NN flat/JJ ,/, the/DT paper/NN notes/NNS that/WDT not/RB closing/VBG bases/NNS is/VBZ equivalent/JJ to/TO passing/VBG cuts/NNS on/IN readiness/NN ,/, weapons/NNS procurement/NN and/CC research/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT WSJ/NNP ,/, representatives/NNS of/IN some/DT computer/NN companies/NNS and/CC of/IN Microsoft/NNP are/VBP expected/VBN to/TO stage/VB a/DT pro-/JJ MS/NNP rally/NN Tuesday/NNP ./.
All/DT together/RB now/RB :/: "/" Hey/NNP ,/, Hey/NNP ,/, DOJ/NNP ,/, how/WRB many/JJ browsers/NNS did/VBD you/PRP de-couple/JJ today/NN ?/.
The/DT Bangkok/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN good/JJ news/NN from/IN Thai/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Chuan/NNP Leekpai/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ visit/NN to/TO Washington/NNP ./.
Chuan/NNP 's/POS three-day/JJ official/JJ visit/NN resulted/VBD in/IN a/DT promise/NN from/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP of/IN $/$ 1/CD ./.
7/CD billion/CD in/IN aid/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP also/RB pledged/VBD to/TO "/" support/NN Thai/NNP exports/NNS ,/, provide/VB technical/JJ assistance/NN to/TO some/DT state/NN agencies/NNS and/CC ease/VB the/DT financial/JJ woes/NNS of/IN Thai/NNP students/NNS in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
caused/VBN by/IN the/DT baht/NN depreciation/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Leekpai/NNP "/" won/VBD big/JJ applause/NN "/" from/IN the/DT Thai/NNP public/NN and/CC "/" made/VBN his/PRP$ enemies/NNS envious/JJ ./.
The/DT Toronto/NNP Sun/NNP identifies/VBZ a/DT growing/VBG rift/NN between/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC Canada/NNP ./.
Canadian/JJ companies/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Labatt/NNP 's/POS Brewery/NNP ,/, a/DT major/JJ mining/NN firm/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT major/JJ biotech/JJ company/NN )/) are/VBP investing/VBG heavily/RB in/IN Cuba/NNP ./.
Winners/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) the/DT Canadian/JJ firms/NNS ,/, which/WDT enjoy/VBP inexpensive/JJ labor/NN and/CC warm/JJ relations/NNS with/IN Fidel/NNP Castro/NNP ;/: 2/LS )/) Cuban/JJ workers/NNS in/IN Canadian/JJ employ/VB ,/, who/WP earn/VBP comparatively/RB huge/JJ salaries/NNS and/CC get/VB paid/VBN in/IN much-treasured/JJ American/JJ dollars/NNS ;/: and/CC 3/LS )/) Canadian/JJ tourists/NNS ,/, who/WP take/VBP cheap/JJ vacations/NNS in/IN a/DT newly/RB cordial/NN Cuba/NNP ./.
Losers/NNP :/: American/JJ companies/NNS ,/, handcuffed/VBN by/IN the/DT Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP Act/NNP 's/POS outlawing/VBG of/IN trade/NN with/IN Cuba/NNP ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
government/NN harshly/RB condemns/VBZ Canada/NNP 's/POS Cuban/JJ investments/NNS ,/, and/CC several/JJ large/JJ Canadian/JJ firms/NNS with/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
ties/NNS have/VBP stayed/VBN out/IN of/IN Cuba/NNP for/IN fear/NN of/IN reprisals/NNS from/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
The/DT Buenos/NNP Aires/NNP Herald/NNP reports/NNS on/IN the/DT retirement/NN speech/NN of/IN former/JJ Chilean/JJ dictator/NN Augusto/NNP Pinochet/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD continued/VBN to/TO head/VB Chile/NNP 's/POS army/NN ./.
Under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Do/VBP n't/RB cry/VB for/IN me/PRP ,/, Chile/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT Herald/NNP notes/NNS that/IN Pinochet/NNP shed/VBD tears/NNS during/IN his/PRP$ farewell/NN address/NN ./.
Pinochet/NNP 's/POS speech/NN "/" tried/VBD to/TO justify/VB his/PRP$ decision/NN to/TO seize/VB control/NN of/IN Chile/NNP ./.
"/" Explaining/VBG away/RB the/DT 3/CD ,/, 000/CD deaths/NNS and/CC disappearances/NNS during/IN his/PRP$ 17/CD year/NN reign/NN ,/, the/DT 82/CD -/: year-old/JJ Pinochet/NNP said/VBD :/: "/" The/DT possibility/NN of/IN Chile/NNP 's/POS self-destruction/JJ was/VBD evident/JJ ./.
The/DT Armed/NNP Forces/NNPS had/VBD to/TO act/VB given/VBN these/DT circumstances/NNS ./.
"/" Before/IN he/PRP left/VBD the/DT podium/NN ,/, Pinochet/NNP announced/VBD ,/, "/" Mission/NNP accomplished/VBN ./.
"/" Soon/RB after/IN his/PRP$ speech/NN ,/, a/DT violent/JJ protest/NN broke/VBD out/IN ,/, during/IN which/WDT police/NN arrested/VBD 48/CD people/NNS ./.
Germany/NNP 's/POS Berliner/NNP Morgenpost/NNP reports/NNS on/IN recent/JJ ground-shaking/JJ elections/NNS in/IN Lower/JJR Saxony/NNP ./.
The/DT Social/NNP Democratic/NNP Party/NNP dominated/VBD voting/NN ,/, and/CC candidate/NN Gerhard/NNP Schröder/NNP emerged/VBD as/IN a/DT powerful/JJ contender/NN for/IN the/DT German/JJ chancellorship/NN ./.
Current/NNP Chancellor/NNP Helmut/NNP Kohl/NNP showed/VBD grave/JJ concern/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT Morgenpost/NNP notes/NNS that/IN "/" a/DT lot/NN can/MD happen/VB before/IN Sept/NNP ./.
27/CD ,/, "/" the/DT date/NN of/IN the/DT general/JJ election/NN ./.
The/DT Morgenpost/NNP also/RB runs/VBZ an/DT interview/NN with/IN American/JJ media/NNS mogul/NN &slash;/NN billionaire/NN Michael/NNP Bloomberg/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ launching/VBG a/DT business-/NN TV/NN program/NN in/IN Germany/NNP ./.
When/WRB asked/VBD how/WRB Germany/NNP can/MD solve/VB its/PRP$ current/JJ economic/JJ slump/NN ,/, Bloomberg/NNP tells/VBZ Germans/NNPS ,/, "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB anyone/NN who/WP is/VBZ successful/JJ and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB work/VB at/IN least/JJS 12/CD hours/NNS a/DT day/NN on/IN five/CD or/CC six/CD days/NNS a/DT week/NN ./.
You/PRP have/VBP to/TO be/VB more/RBR competitive--only/JJ then/RB will/MD you/PRP be/VB able/JJ to/TO celebrate/VB with/IN the/DT family/NN ./.
If/IN Germany/NNP still/RB wants/VBZ to/TO be/VB the/DT strong/JJ man/NN in/IN Europe/NNP ,/, then/RB Germans/NNPS will/MD have/VB to/TO work/VB harder/RBR ./.
Astory/NNP in/IN the/DT Johannesburg/NNP Star/NNP proves/VBZ that/IN political/JJ upheaval/NN makes/VBZ for/IN strange/JJ bedfellows/NNS :/: "/" South/NNP Africa/NNP and/CC Russia/NNP ,/, both/DT faced/VBN with/IN rampant/JJ crime/NN after/IN political/JJ transformation/NN ,/, have/VBP pooled/VBN their/PRP$ resources/NNS and/CC knowledge/NN in/IN a/DT bid/NN to/TO enhance/VB their/PRP$ crime-fighting/JJ abilities/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT liaison/NN will/MD involve/VB joint/JJ training/NN sessions/NNS ,/, the/DT sharing/NN of/IN criminal/JJ dossiers/NNS ,/, and/CC cooperative/JJ investigations/NNS centering/VBG on/IN money/NN laundering/NN and/CC the/DT trafficking/NN of/IN firearms/NNS ,/, drugs/NNS ,/, diamonds/NNS ,/, gold/NN ,/, and/CC uranium/NN ./.
Top/JJ stories/NNS in/IN the/DT Prague/NNP Post/NNP cover/VB the/DT Czech/NNP Republic/NNP 's/POS impending/JJ NATO/NNP inclusion/NN ./.
An/DT article/NN credits/VBZ grass-roots/JJ movements/NNS with/IN selling/VBG the/DT Czech/JJ public/NN on/IN NATO/NNP expansion/NN ./.
Approval/NNP had/VBD lingered/JJ between/IN 35/CD percent/NN and/CC 45/CD percent/NN ,/, with/IN little/JJ help/NN from/IN government/NN leaders/NNS ./.
A/DT frustrated/VBN collection/NN of/IN journalists/NNS ,/, activists/NNS ,/, and/CC celebrities/NNS then/RB began/VBD a/DT major/JJ media/NNS campaign/NN explaining/VBG the/DT benefits/NNS of/IN NATO/NNP inclusion/NN ,/, boosting/VBG public/JJ support/NN to/TO about/IN 60/CD percent/NN ./.
An/DT editorial/NN warns/VBZ that/IN NATO/NNP admission/NN is/VBZ "/" not/RB a/DT panacea/NN ./.
"/" NATO/NNP will/MD have/VB a/DT rough/JJ road/NN "/" making/VBG new/JJ friends/NNS out/IN of/IN old/JJ enemies/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC sharing/VBG government/NN information/NN with/IN the/DT Czechs/NNPS ,/, Poles/NNPS ,/, and/CC Hungarians/NNPS will/MD prove/VB "/" a/DT prickly/JJ issue/NN for/IN some/DT time/NN to/TO come/VB ,/, no/DT matter/NN how/WRB trustworthy/NN Prague/NNP ,/, Warsaw/NNP and/CC Budapest/NNP appear/VBP to/TO be/VB ./.
"/" (/( A/DT Slate/NNP "/" Dialogue/NNP "/" on/IN NATO/NNP expansion/NN pits/VBZ Strobe/NNP Talbott/NNP against/IN Jack/NNP Matlock/NNP ./.
Egypt/NNP 's/POS Middle/NNP East/NNP Times/NNP often/RB arrives/VBZ at/IN newsstands/NNS with/IN blank/JJ spaces/NNS where/WRB articles/NNS should/MD be/VB ./.
Why/WRB ?/.
Egypt/NNP 's/POS government/NN censors/NNS have/VBP been/VBN at/IN work/NN ./.
On/IN its/PRP$ Web/NNP site/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, the/DT Times/NNP posts/NNS an/DT archive/NN of/IN censored/VBN articles/NNS ./.
A/DT sidebar/NN explains/VBZ ,/, "/" We/PRP are/VBP generally/RB not/RB allowed/VBN to/TO do/VB the/DT following/JJ things/NNS :/: Report/NNP on/IN human/JJ rights/NNS abuses/NNS ./.
Criticize/NNP the/DT president/NN or/CC his/PRP$ family/NN ./.
Criticize/NNP the/DT military/NN ./.
Point/NNP out/RP the/DT ill-treatment/JJ of/IN Egyptians/NNP in/IN '/POS friendly/JJ '/POS Arab/JJ countries/NNS ,/, especially/RB in/IN Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP ./.
Discuss/NNP modern/JJ ,/, unorthodox/JJ interpretations/NNS of/IN Islam/NNP ./.
Report/NNP on/IN discrimination/NN against/IN Coptic/NNP Christians/NNS ./.
The/DT Antarctic/NNP Sentinal/NNP reports/NNS from/IN the/DT Falkland/NNP Islands/NNP that/IN NASA/NNP will/MD soon/RB be/VB using/VBG Antarctic/NNP outposts/NNS to/TO train/VB potential/JJ Mars/NNP travelers/NNS ,/, because/IN the/DT region/NN offers/VBZ isolated/VBN ,/, freezing/NN ,/, rocky/JJ conditions/NNS ,/, replicating/VBG a/DT possible/JJ Mars/NNP mission/NN ,/, on/IN which/WDT astronauts/NNS could/MD be/VB sequestered/VBN with/IN a/DT small/JJ group/NN for/IN long/JJ periods/NNS in/IN a/DT harsh/JJ environment/NN ./.
Once/RB again/RB the/DT Senate/NNP impeachment/NN trial/NN is/VBZ the/DT consensus/NN news/NN leader/NN ,/, with/IN today/NN 's/POS installment/NN given/VBN over/IN to/TO yesterday/NN 's/POS votes/NNS to/TO press/VB on/IN and/CC to/TO closed-door/JJ depose/NN three/CD witnesses/NNS ./.
The/DT decisions/NNS were/VBD virtually/RB straight/JJ party/NN votes/NNS ,/, with/IN the/DT sole/JJ exception/NN of/IN Wisconsin/NNP Democrat/NNP Russell/NNP Feingold/NNP ,/, who/WP voted/VBD against/IN dismissal/NN and/CC for/IN witnesses/NNS ./.
The/DT headlines/NNS at/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP -/: -/: "/" Senate/NNP Will/NNP Hear/NNP Witnesses/NNS "/" -/: -/: and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP -/: -/: "/" Senate/NNP Votes/NNP to/TO Take/VB Testimony/NN "/" -/: -/: focus/VB on/IN the/DT immediate/JJ event/NN ./.
The/DT big/JJ print/NN at/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP takes/VBZ a/DT longer/JJR view/NN :/: "/" Senate/NNP Refuses/NNP to/TO Dismiss/NNP Case/NNP and/CC Agrees/NNP to/TO Call/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ;/: Daschle/NNP Sees/NNP Clinton/NNP Survival/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN 's/POS smaller/JJR subhead/NN notes/NNS that/IN the/DT vote/NN count/NN shows/VBZ Minority/NNP Leader/NNP Daschle/NNP is/VBZ right/NN ,/, a/DT point/NN that/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP elevates/VBZ to/TO the/DT second/JJ line/NN of/IN its/PRP$ banner/NN headline/NN :/: "/" Senators/NNP Reject/NNP Ending/VBG Trial/NNP &slash;/NN 56/CD -/: 44/CD Vote/NN Shows/VBZ GOP/NNP Lacks/NNP Margin/NN to/TO Convict/NNP ./.
The/DT meaning/NN of/IN the/DT votes/NNS is/VBZ best/JJS summed/VBD up/RB by/IN the/DT WP/NNP ,/, which/WDT states/VBZ that/IN the/DT Senate/NNP has/VBZ told/VBN the/DT House/NNP managers/NNS they/PRP have/VBP the/DT chance/NN to/TO make/VB their/PRP$ case/NN and/CC that/IN in/IN all/DT likelihood/NN doing/VBG so/RB will/MD not/RB matter/VB ./.
One/CD manager/NN ,/, Asa/NNP Hutchinson/NNP ,/, is/VBZ quoted/VBN by/IN the/DT Post/NNP as/IN seeing/VBG the/DT glass/NN half/NN full/JJ :/: "/" It/PRP shows/VBZ the/DT strength/NN of/IN the/DT managers/NNS '/POS case/NN ,/, "/" while/IN another/DT ,/, Henry/NNP Hyde/NNP ,/, opts/NNS for/IN half/NN (/( or/CC more/JJR )/) empty/JJ :/: "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP glad/JJ those/DT people/NNS were/VBD n't/RB at/IN Valley/NNP Forge/NNP or/CC the/DT Alamo/NNP ./.
The/DT papers/NNS turn/VBP from/IN "/" How/WRB will/MD it/PRP end/VBP ?/.
"/" to/TO "/" When/WRB will/MD it/PRP end/VBP ?/.
"/" -/: -/: addressing/VBG the/DT trial/NN schedule/NN from/IN here/RB on/IN out/RP ./.
The/DT Post/NNP says/VBZ that/IN if/IN the/DT three/CD depositions/NNS just/RB approved/VBD do/VBP n't/RB drag/VB out/IN and/CC are/VBP n't/RB sensational/JJ ,/, the/DT White/NNP House/NNP will/MD likely/JJ not/RB conduct/VB the/DT full-blown/JJ discovery/NN it/PRP has/VBZ recently/RB threatened/VBN ./.
(/( But/CC the/DT LAT/NNP notes/VBZ a/DT possible/JJ obstacle/NN :/: the/DT House/NNP managers/NNS are/VBP continuing/VBG to/TO press/VB for/IN live/VB testimony/NN ./.
)/) The/DT NYT/NNP says/VBZ there/EX are/VBP endgame/NN disagreements/NNS inside/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ,/, with/IN Charles/NNP Ruff/NNP on/IN the/DT side/NN of/IN speed/NN ,/, opposing/VBG David/NNP Kendall/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT side/NN of/IN thoroughness/NNS ./.
Two/CD other/JJ tidbits/NNS that/IN only/RB the/DT Times/NNP has/VBZ :/: 1/LS )/) When/WRB President/NNP Clinton/NNP got/VBD the/DT news/NN of/IN the/DT votes/NNS ,/, he/PRP was/VBD on/IN the/DT phone/NN with/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP and/CC several/JJ western/JJ governors/NNS talking/VBG about/IN salmon/NN restoration/NN ;/: and/CC 2/LS )/) Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP will/MD be/VB questioned/VBN by/IN Rep/NNP ./.
Ed/NNP Bryant/NNP ,/, "/" because/IN he/PRP was/VBD the/DT questioner/NN Ms/NNP ./.
Lewinsky/NNP disliked/JJ least/JJS when/WRB she/PRP met/VBD with/IN several/JJ of/IN the/DT managers/NNS last/JJ weekend/NN ./.
USAT/NNP off-leads/JJ word/NN that/IN Ford/NNP will/MD announce/VB today/NN that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ buying/VBG the/DT car/NN unit/NN of/IN Volvo/NNP (/( burying/VBG until/IN deep/JJ in/IN the/DT story/NN the/DT part/NN of/IN the/DT company/NN being/VBG left/VBN behind/IN :/: trucks/NNS )/) ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ Ford/NNP was/VBD motivated/VBN by/IN Volvo/NNP 's/POS strong/JJ brand/NN image/NN based/VBN on/IN safety/NN and/CC because/IN the/DT average/JJ Volvo/NNP sells/VBZ for/IN $/$ 35/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, twice/RB that/IN of/IN the/DT average/JJ Ford/NNP ./.
The/DT story/NN is/VBZ carried/VBN inside/IN at/IN the/DT WP/NNP ,/, LAT/NNP ,/, and/CC NYT/NNP ,/, and/CC is/VBZ flagged/JJ in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP front-page/JJ news/NN box/NN ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP reports/NNS that/IN Fiat/NNP had/VBD offered/VBN more/JJR money/NN than/IN Ford/NNP for/IN the/DT Swedish/JJ automaker/NN ,/, but/CC that/IN Ford/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN viewed/VBN as/RB the/DT "/" acquirer/NN of/IN choice/NN ,/, "/" because/IN of/IN its/PRP$ track/NN record/NN of/IN injecting/VBG capital/NN and/CC expertise/NN into/IN new/JJ purchases/NNS without/IN diluting/VBG a/DT brand/NN 's/POS character/NN ./.
A/DT WP/NNP editorial/NN decries/VBZ the/DT Senate/NNP Armed/NNP Services/NNPS Committee/NNP 's/POS approval/NN of/IN increases/NNS in/IN military/JJ pay/NN and/CC pensions/NNS even/RB more/RBR generous/JJ than/IN those/DT recommended/VBN in/IN the/DT new/JJ Clinton/NNP budget/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN makes/VBZ a/DT good/JJ distinction/NN between/IN rendering/VBG military/JJ pay/NN strictly/RB comparable/JJ to/TO civilian/JJ pay/NN and/CC making/VBG military/JJ pay/NN high/JJ enough/RB to/TO attract/VB and/CC retain/VB sufficiently/RB qualified/VBN troops/NNS in/IN the/DT various/JJ specialties/NNS the/DT services/NNS require/VBP for/IN true/JJ readiness/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT latter/NN that/IN the/DT budget/NN should/MD reflect/VB ,/, not/RB the/DT former/NN ./.
The/DT editorial/NN goes/VBZ on/IN to/TO suggest/VB that/IN the/DT readiness/NN pay/NN standard/NN should/MD be/VB applied/VBN year/NN by/IN year/NN instead/RB of/IN long-term/NN ./.
It/PRP should/MD be/VB added/VBN that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT simple/JJ extension/NN of/IN this/DT idea/NN that/WDT would/MD help/VB retention/NN of/IN the/DT right/JJ kind/NN of/IN personnel/NNS while/IN avoiding/VBG waste/NN :/: target/NN pay/NN raises/VBZ and/CC bonuses/NNS not/RB just/RB to/TO combat/VB specialties/NNS but/CC also/RB to/TO combat-oriented/JJ tours/NNS of/IN duty/NN ./.
An/DT Army/NNP Ranger/NNP is/VBZ no/DT doubt/NN deserving/JJ of/IN an/DT ample/JJ extra/JJ reward/NN when/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ jumping/VBG out/IN of/IN planes/NNS and/CC sleeping/VBG in/IN a/DT foxhole/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB when/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ serving/VBG as/IN a/DT clerical/JJ assistant/NN at/IN the/DT Pentagon/NNP ,/, returning/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ nice/JJ suburban/JJ home/NN every/DT night/NN in/IN time/NN for/IN dinner/NN with/IN his/PRP$ family/NN ./.
Everybody/NN 's/POS been/VBN talking/VBG about/IN the/DT growth/NN of/IN online/NN stock/NN trading/NN ,/, but/CC today/NN at/IN the/DT NYT/NNP front/NN and/CC inside/IN at/IN the/DT WP/NNP ,/, the/DT emphasis/NN is/VBZ on/IN the/DT growth/NN of/IN online/NN stock/NN trading/NN problems/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP says/VBZ investor/NN complaints/NNS about/IN online/NN trades/NNS have/VBP quadrupled/VBN over/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN ./.
The/DT chief/NN of/IN the/DT SEC/NNP ,/, Arthur/NNP Levitt/NNP ,/, is/VBZ quoted/VBN in/IN both/DT saying/VBG that/IN investors/NNS must/MD not/RB let/VB the/DT ease/NN of/IN mouse/NN transactions/NNS goad/NN them/PRP into/IN trading/NN too/RB quickly/RB or/CC too/RB often/RB ./.
In/IN a/DT front-pager/JJ headlined/VBN "/" An/DT Official/NNP 's/POS Vocabulary/NNP Lesson/NN &slash;/NN Some/DT Words/NNPS are/VBP Defined/NNP by/IN More/JJR than/IN the/DT Dictionary/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT WP/NNP tells/VBZ how/WRB on/IN Monday/NNP a/DT white/JJ Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, city/NN government/NN department/NN head/NN resigned/VBD after/IN many/JJ blacks/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ agency/NN complained/VBD bitterly/RB over/IN his/PRP$ use/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN "/" niggardly/RB "/" in/IN a/DT business/NN meeting/NN with/IN two/CD subordinates/NNS ,/, one/CD white/JJ and/CC one/CD black/JJ ./.
The/DT Post/NNP notes/NNS that/IN "/" niggardly/RB "/" is/VBZ etymologically/RB completely/RB unrelated/JJ to/TO "/" nigger/NN "/" (/( it/PRP has/VBZ Middle/NNP English/NNP roots/NNS and/CC means/VBZ stingy/JJ )/) and/CC says/VBZ that/IN if/IN in/IN fact/NN the/DT man/NN used/VBD the/DT word/NN innocently/RB and/CC in/IN its/PRP$ correct/JJ context/NN ,/, then/RB the/DT loss/NN of/IN his/PRP$ job/NN is/VBZ "/" truly/RB remarkable/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN cites/VBZ other/JJ phrases/NNS that/WDT will/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB dropped/VBN if/IN the/DT standard/NN of/IN this/DT case/NN is/VBZ widely/RB adopted/VBN :/: "/" a/DT chink/NN in/IN the/DT armor/NN ,/, "/" and/CC "/" a/DT nip/NN in/IN the/DT air/NN ./.
"/" Even/RB if/IN racism/NN were/VBD to/TO disappear/VB overnight/JJ ,/, this/DT would/MD do/VB nothing/NN to/TO improve/VB black/JJ test/NN scores/NNS ,/, increase/NN black/JJ entrepreneurship/NN ,/, strengthen/VB black/JJ families/NNS ,/, or/CC reduce/VB black-on-black/JJ crime/NN ./.
These/DT problems/NNS have/VBP taken/VBN on/IN a/DT cultural/JJ existence/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ and/CC need/VBP to/TO be/VB confronted/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ terms/NNS ./.
"/" -/: -/: Dinesh/NNP D/NNP '/POS Souza/NNP in/IN the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP
A/DT group/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ intellectuals/NNS is/VBZ mounting/VBG a/DT behind-the-scenes/JJ campaign/NN to/TO persuade/VB Republican/NNP presidential/JJ front-runner/NN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP to/TO speak/VB out/IN on/IN what/WP one/CD sociologist/NN has/VBZ called/VBN "/" the/DT unspoken/NN domestic/JJ crisis/NN of/IN the/DT next/JJ millennium/NN "/" :/: White/NNP criminals/NNS preying/VBG on/IN white/JJ people/NNS ./.
These/DT thinkers/NNS note/VBP that/IN white/JJ sociopaths/NNS most/RBS often/RB prey/NN on/IN people/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ race/NN ,/, citing/VBG the/DT Columbine/NNP High/NNP School/NNP shootings/NNS in/IN Littleton/NNP ,/, Colo/NNP ./.
;/: the/DT Fort/NNP Worth/NNP ,/, Texas/NNP ,/, church/NN massacre/NN ;/: and/CC Donald/NNP Trump/NNP 's/POS presidential/JJ candidacy/NN as/IN examples/NNS ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ white/JJ people/NNS who/WP are/VBP suffering/VBG disproportionately/RB yet/RB no/DT white/JJ politicians/NNS want/VBP to/TO talk/VB about/IN it/PRP ,/, "/" said/VBD Herman/NNP Pepper/NNP ,/, a/DT professor/NN at/IN the/DT Eldridge/NNP Cleaver/NNP School/NNP of/IN Law/NNP in/IN Oakland/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
,/, who/WP has/VBZ written/VBN extensively/RB on/IN the/DT roots/NNS of/IN white/JJ crime/NN ./.
"/" A/DT generation/NN of/IN kids/NNS is/VBZ growing/VBG up/RP in/IN fear/NN and/CC the/DT traditional/JJ white/JJ leadership/NN seems/VBZ out/IN of/IN touch/NN ./.
Pepper/NNP 's/POS arguments/NNS ,/, while/IN controversial/JJ ,/, are/VBP based/VBN on/IN a/DT mixture/NN of/IN sociological/JJ data/NNS and/CC political/JJ calculation/NN that/IN even/RB his/PRP$ critics/NNS do/VBP not/RB entirely/RB dismiss/VB ./.
A/DT 1998/CD Justice/NNP Department/NNP study/NN of/IN crime/NN in/IN 12/CD American/JJ cities/NNS found/VBD that/IN 58/CD percent/NN of/IN white/JJ crime/NN victims/NNS were/VBD victimized/VBN by/IN fellow/NN whites/NNS ./.
And/CC while/IN crime/NN has/VBZ been/VBN decreasing/VBG ,/, Pepper/NNP notes/NNS that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ falling/VBG most/RBS slowly/RB among/IN whites/NNS ./.
The/DT 1998/CD National/NNP Crime/NNP Victimization/NNP Survey/NNP reports/NNS that/IN while/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN violent/JJ crime/NN victimizations/NNS per/IN 1/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS fell/VBD from/IN 49/CD to/TO 42/CD among/IN blacks/NNS ,/, it/PRP only/RB fell/VBD from/IN 38/CD to/TO 36/CD among/IN whites/NNS ./.
Pepper/NNP is/VBZ passionate/JJ that/IN the/DT issue/NN must/MD be/VB addressed/VBN ./.
"/" Fifteen/CD people/NNS died/VBD at/IN the/DT Columbine/NNP High/NNP shootings/NNS ,/, all/DT but/CC one/CD of/IN them/PRP white/JJ ,/, "/" the/DT genial/JJ ,/, bearded/JJ academic/NN said/VBD in/IN a/DT recent/JJ interview/NN ./.
"/" Liberals/NNS want/VBP to/TO blame/VB guns/NNS ./.
Traditional/JJ conservatives/NNS blame/VBP a/DT decline/NN in/IN moral/JJ standards/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ more/RBR on/IN the/DT mark/NN ./.
But/CC guns/NNS and/CC bad/JJ values/NNS do/VBP n't/RB kill/VB white/JJ people/NNS ./.
White/JJ people/NNS kill/VBP white/JJ people/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT compilation/NN of/IN 22/CD prominent/JJ violent/JJ incidents/NNS between/IN 1994/CD and/CC 1999/CD ,/, Frank/NNP Blanco/NNP ,/, a/DT criminal/JJ justice/NN policy/NN analyst/NN at/IN the/DT Institute/NNP for/IN Reactionary/NNP Reform/NNP ,/, a/DT Washington/NNP think/NN tank/NN ,/, noted/VBD that/IN virtually/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT victims/NNS were/VBD white/JJ ./.
"/" From/IN the/DT Oklahoma/NNP City/NNP bombing/NN to/TO the/DT Atlanta/NNP day/NN trader/NN 's/POS rampage/NN ,/, the/DT pattern/NN is/VBZ clear/JJ ,/, "/" Blanco/NNP wrote/VBD in/IN a/DT recent/JJ article/NN for/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN ./.
"/" The/DT new/JJ cohort/NN of/IN amoral/NN middle-class/NN white/JJ male/JJ predators/NNS has/VBZ a/DT cultural/JJ existence/NN of/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
It/PRP must/MD be/VB confronted/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ terms/NNS ./.
But/CC virtually/RB no/DT one/CD in/IN the/DT political/JJ class/NN will/MD admit/VB it/PRP ./.
That/DT vacuum/NN creates/VBZ an/DT opportunity/NN for/IN real/JJ leadership/NN ./.
Pepper/NNP and/CC Blanco/NNP have/VBP conferred/VBD with/IN Bush/NNP campaign/NN officials/NNS in/IN Austin/NNP twice/RB since/IN mid-/NN August/NNP to/TO discuss/VB their/PRP$ ideas/NNS ,/, according/VBG to/TO sources/NNS on/IN the/DT campaign/NN ./.
While/IN a/DT Bush/NNP spokesman/NN declined/VBD to/TO comment/VB ,/, Pepper/NNP said/VBD that/IN he/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ colleague/NN used/VBD the/DT meetings/NNS to/TO advance/VB two/CD ideas/NNS ./.
"/" First/CD ,/, we/PRP said/VBD the/DT message/NN needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB that/IN white/JJ people/NNS have/VBP to/TO pull/VB themselves/PRP up/RP by/IN their/PRP$ bootstraps/NNS ,/, "/" Pepper/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" Government/NNP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT solution/NN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT idea/NN of/IN putting/VBG the/DT Ten/CD Commandments/NNP in/IN every/DT classroom/NN is/VBZ attractive/JJ but/CC ,/, in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, federally/RB funded/VBN stone/NN tablets/NNS will/MD only/RB breed/VB dependency/NN on/IN the/DT nanny/NN state/NN ./.
"/" Second/JJ ,/, we/PRP said/VBD that/DT government/NN does/VBZ have/VB a/DT limited/JJ role/NN in/IN addressing/VBG the/DT problem/NN ./.
Maybe/RB there/EX should/MD be/VB block/VB grants/NNS to/TO the/DT states/NNS that/WDT would/MD enable/VB them/PRP to/TO give/VB a/DT tax/NN break/NN to/TO every/DT white/JJ teen-ager/NN in/IN America/NNP who/WP buys/VBZ a/DT high-quality/JJ handgun/NN ./.
That/DT would/MD really/RB deter/VB the/DT predators/NNS in/IN the/DT school/NN corridors/NNS ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN it/PRP would/MD teach/VB today/NN 's/POS youth/NN about/IN the/DT real-life/JJ value/NN of/IN the/DT Second/NNP Amendment/NNP ./.
Blanco/NNP said/VBD he/PRP emphasized/VBD the/DT political/JJ potential/NN of/IN the/DT white-on-white/JJ crime/NN issue/NN for/IN a/DT Republican/NNP presidential/JJ candidate/NN ./.
"/" Fairly/NNP or/CC unfairly/RB ,/, the/DT Republicans/NNPS have/VBP been/VBN pigeonholed/JJ as/IN being/VBG soft/JJ on/IN white/JJ lawbreakers/NNS ,/, whether/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ Oliver/NNP North/NNP or/CC the/DT Posse/NNP Comitatus/NNP ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD in/IN an/DT interview/NN in/IN his/PRP$ Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP office/NN ./.
"/" Talking/VBG candidly/RB about/IN white/JJ crime/NN is/VBZ a/DT way/NN to/TO break/VB that/DT perception/NN ./.
Blanco/NNP said/VBD that/IN while/IN traditional/JJ interest/NN groups/NNS in/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP might/MD be/VB offended/JJ ,/, the/DT broader/JJR electorate/NN would/MD get/VB the/DT message/NN ./.
"/" The/DT issue/NN is/VBZ really/RB compassion/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT vast/JJ majority/NN of/IN white/JJ people/NNS are/VBP n't/RB deranged/JJ gunmen/NNS ./.
They/PRP are/VBP hard/JJ working/NN and/CC pay/VB their/PRP$ taxes/NNS too/RB ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP the/DT victims/NNS here/RB ./.
Already/RB some/DT Republican/JJ strategists/NNS are/VBP objecting/VBG ./.
The/DT editors/NNS of/IN the/DT conservative/JJ journal/NN Always/RB Right/RB wrote/VBD last/JJ week/NN that/IN Pepper/NNP 's/POS argument/NN amounted/VBD to/TO "/" a/DT blame-the-victim-type/JJ approach/NN that/WDT only/RB serves/VBZ to/TO help/VB those/DT in/IN the/DT African-/NNP American/JJ community/NN who/WP want/VBP to/TO avoid/VB sharing/VBG responsibility/NN for/IN getting/VBG at/IN the/DT root/NN causes/NNS of/IN what/WP is/VBZ really/RB a/DT societywide/NN problem/NN ./.
The/DT larger/JJR issue/NN ,/, says/VBZ Kwame/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, professor/NN emeritus/NN at/IN Morehouse/NNP College/NNP ,/, is/VBZ the/DT culture/NN of/IN communities/NNS such/JJ as/IN Littleton/NNP ,/, Jonesboro/NNP ,/, West/NNP Paducah/NNP ,/, Edenboro/NNP ,/, Springfield/NNP ,/, Pearl/NNP ,/, and/CC Oklahoma/NNP City/NNP where/WRB the/DT white-on-white/JJ crime/NN epidemic/NN is/VBZ the/DT worst/JJS ./.
"/" Let/VB 's/POS face/NN it/PRP ,/, the/DT pathologies/NNS are/VBP severe/JJ in/IN these/DT areas/NNS ,/, "/" Jackson/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" Young/NNP people/NNS grow/VBP up/RP listening/VBG to/TO country/NN music/NN lyrics/NNS that/IN mock/JJ the/DT sanctity/NN of/IN marital/JJ vows/VBZ ./.
The/DT dependency/NN on/IN VA/NNP hospitals/NNS for/IN free/JJ medical/JJ care/NN is/VBZ widespread/JJ ./.
And/CC the/DT intellectual/JJ elites/NNS who/WP once/RB defended/VBD standards/NNS have/VBP proved/VBN all/DT too/RB willing/JJ to/TO go/VB silent/JJ in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN deviant/JJ behavior/NN like/IN Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP 's/POS affair/NN with/IN a/DT staffer/NN ./.
Sophisticates/NNP will/MD sneer/NN but/CC these/DT things/NNS have/VBP an/DT effect/NN ./.
Jackson/NNP ,/, considered/VBD the/DT dean/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ conservative/JJ intellectuals/NNS ,/, introduced/VBD Pepper/NNP and/CC Blanco/NNP to/TO the/DT Bush/NNP campaign/NN staffers/NNS ./.
He/PRP said/VBD he/PRP was/VBD confident/JJ the/DT Republican/JJ front-runner/NN would/MD be/VB receptive/JJ to/TO their/PRP$ thinking/VBG ./.
"/" I/PRP get/VBP the/DT sense/NN of/IN a/DT magnificent/JJ ,/, Ronald/NNP Reagan-like/JJ intellect/NN absorbing/VBG the/DT best/JJS ideas/NNS of/IN a/DT generation/NN while/IN remaining/VBG optimistic/JJ and/CC inclusive/JJ ,/, "/" Jackson/NNP said/VBD ./.
Jackson/NNP sought/VBD to/TO distance/VB his/PRP$ efforts/NNS from/IN the/DT views/NNS of/IN Murray/NNP Charles/NNP ,/, who/WP holds/VBZ the/DT Elijah/NNP Muhammad/NNP Chair/NNP for/IN the/DT Study/NNP of/IN Racial/JJ Realism/NNP at/IN Boston/NNP University/NNP ./.
Charles/NNP '/POS recent/JJ monograph/NN The/DT Caucasian/NNP Coefficient/NNP has/VBZ triggered/VBN a/DT fierce/JJ debate/NN in/IN academic/JJ circles/NNS ./.
Writing/VBG for/IN the/DT American/NNP Statistical/NNP Science/NNP Association/NNP 's/POS Web/NNP site/NN (/( www/NN ./.
ASSAnine/NNP ./.
org/NN )/) last/JJ month/NN ,/, Charles/NNP marshaled/JJ an/DT array/NN of/IN data/NNS to/TO argue/VB that/IN the/DT appropriate/JJ response/NN to/TO the/DT Columbine/NNP tragedy/NN would/MD be/VB for/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN to/TO fund/VB a/DT study/NN of/IN the/DT gene/NN structure/NN of/IN whites/NNS ./.
"/" Is/VBZ there/EX a/DT biologically/RB based/VBN explanation/NN for/IN the/DT tendency/NN of/IN white/JJ males/NNS to/TO slaughter/NN strangers/NNS in/IN public/NN ?/.
"/" Charles/NNP asked/VBD ./.
"/" We/PRP need/VBP to/TO ask/VB the/DT hard/JJ questions/NNS and/CC not/RB shy/JJ away/RB if/IN the/DT answers/NNS are/VBP politically/RB incorrect/JJ ./.
In/IN an/DT accompanying/VBG editorial/NN ,/, the/DT ASSAnine/NNP ./.
org/NN editors/NNS said/VBD the/DT author/NN 's/POS views/NNS ,/, "/" while/IN offensive/JJ to/TO some/DT ,/, deserve/VBP the/DT utmost/NN in/IN thoughtful/JJ discussion/NN "/" and/CC announced/VBD that/IN the/DT next/JJ nine/CD issues/NNS of/IN the/DT publication/NN would/MD be/VB devoted/VBN entirely/RB to/TO debating/VBG Charles/NNP '/POS thesis/NN ./.
"/" Murray/NNP has/VBZ some/DT good/JJ ideas/NNS ,/, "/" Jackson/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" but/CC I/PRP think/VBP he/PRP goes/VBZ too/RB far/RB with/IN the/DT notion/NN that/IN white/JJ people/NNS are/VBP biologically/RB disposed/VBN toward/IN crime/NN and/CC violence/NN ./.
I/PRP mean/VBP ,/, some/DT of/IN my/PRP$ best/JJS friends/NNS are/VBP white/JJ people/NNS ./.
We/PRP need/VBP a/DT more/JJR compassionate/NN approach/NN to/TO white-on-white/JJ crime/NN ./.
Dear/RB Katha/NNP ,/,
No/DT ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB Russia/NNP is/VBZ heading/VBG for/IN elysium/NN ,/, or/CC that/IN the/DT free/JJ market/NN solves/VBZ every/DT problem/NN (/( it/PRP just/RB bypasses/NNS some/DT of/IN the/DT more/RBR avoidable/JJ ones/NNS )/) ./.
But/CC nor/CC do/VBP I/PRP think/VBP some/DT wrenching/JJ social/JJ and/CC economic/JJ difficulties/NNS in/IN a/DT still-nascent/JJ constitutional/JJ democracy/NN are/VBP comparable/JJ to/TO forced/VBN starvations/NNS ,/, reigns/NNS of/IN terror/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Gulag/NNP ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP a/DT necessary/JJ evil/NN ,/, like/IN a/DT de-tox/JJ tremor/NN ,/, not/RB like/IN an/DT arbitrary/JJ jack-boot/JJ in/IN the/DT head/NN ./.
Nor/CC do/VBP I/PRP think/VBP there/EX is/VBZ or/CC was/VBD any/DT faint/JJ comparison/NN between/IN the/DT evils/NNS the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
sponsored/VBN during/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP (/( and/CC the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
undoubtedly/RB sponsored/VBD some/DT )/) and/CC what/WP the/DT Soviets/NNPS did/VBD ./.
Sorry/JJ ,/, but/CC what/WP the/DT West/NNP imposed/VBD on/IN Western/NNP Europe/NNP was/VBD nothing/NN compared/VBN to/TO what/WP the/DT Soviets/NNPS did/VBD in/IN Eastern/NNP Europe/NNP or/CC the/DT entire/JJ Eurasian/NNP continent/NN ./.
I/PRP thought/VBD ,/, given/VBN what/WP we/PRP now/RB know/VBP ,/, that/IN this/DT was/VBD uncontroversial/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP interested/VBN to/TO see/VB you/PRP still/RB do/VBP n't/RB think/VB so/RB ./.
As/IN to/TO my/PRP$ win-win/JJ situation/NN ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB get/VB your/PRP$ point/NN ./.
My/PRP$ view/NN is/VBZ that/IN Thatcherism/NNP largely/RB worked/VBD and/CC was/VBD therefore/RB all/DT but/CC coopted/JJ by/IN New/NNP Labour/NNP ./.
Yes/UH ,/, the/DT Tories/NNPS had/VBD been/VBN in/IN power/NN too/RB long/JJ and/CC got/VBD kicked/VBN out/IN for/IN sleaze/NN and/CC exhaustion/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT difference/NN between/IN what/WP another/DT Major/NNP government/NN would/MD have/VB done/VBN ,/, and/CC what/WP Blair/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN is/VBZ ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, infinitesimal/NN ./.
So/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP disappointed/VBN the/DT Tories/NNPS did/VBD n't/RB go/VB on/IN for/IN ever/RB ,/, but/CC hardly/RB worried/VBN ./.
And/CC so/RB far/RB ,/, Blair/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN terrific/JJ on/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT important/JJ issues/NNS ./.
Maybe/RB I/PRP should/MD apologize/VB for/IN my/PRP$ distemper/NN this/DT morning/NN ./.
I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB mean/VB to/TO re-fight/JJ the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP over/IN coffee/NN ./.
Something/NN just/RB came/VBD over/IN me/PRP ./.
I/PRP certainly/RB think/VBP the/DT Right/RB has/VBZ plenty/NN of/IN post-ideological/JJ problems/NNS of/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ (/( and/CC Safire/NNP is/VBZ as/IN cranky/NN about/IN Russia/NNP as/IN many/JJ on/IN the/DT Left/NNP ./.
)/) But/CC I/PRP think/VBP the/DT Left/NNP has/VBZ some/DT even/RB more/RBR thorough/JJ accounting/NN to/TO perform/VB than/IN the/DT Right/RB ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP that/IN in/IN France/NNP and/CC Britain/NNP ,/, that/DT process/NN is/VBZ underway/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN America/NNP ,/, it/PRP still/RB lags/VBZ ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, nihilist/NN Clintonism/NNP rules/NNS ,/, and/CC populist/JJ Gingrichism/NNP yaps/NNS ./.
Could/MD it/PRP be/VB that/IN the/DT Left/NNP 's/POS refusal/NN to/TO pore/NN over/IN its/PRP$ often/RB shameful/JJ and/CC mistaken/VBN past/NN has/VBZ something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN this/DT political/JJ impasse/NN ?/.
People/NNS with/IN high/JJ IQs/NNP tend/VBP to/TO be/VB nearsighted/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB because/IN they/PRP read/VBP a/DT lot/NN or/CC stare/VBP at/IN computer/NN screens/NNS too/RB much/JJ ./.
That/DT common-sense/JJ hypothesis/NNS has/VBZ been/VBN discredited/VBN by/IN research/NN ./.
Rather/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT matter/NN of/IN genetics/NNS ./.
The/DT same/JJ genes/NNS that/WDT tend/VBP to/TO elevate/NN IQ/NNP also/RB tend/VBP to/TO affect/VB the/DT shape/NN of/IN the/DT eyeball/NN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT leads/VBZ to/TO myopia/NN ./.
This/DT relationship--known/JJ in/IN genetics/NNS as/IN "/" pleiotropy/NN "/" -/: -/: seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB completely/RB accidental/NN ,/, a/DT quirk/NN of/IN evolution/NN ./.
Could/MD there/EX be/VB a/DT similar/JJ pleiotropy/NN between/IN madness/NN and/CC mathematics/NN ?/.
Reading/VBG this/DT absolutely/RB fascinating/JJ biography/NN by/IN Sylvia/NNP Nasar/NNP ,/, an/DT economics/NNS writer/NN for/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, I/PRP began/VBD to/TO wonder/VB ./.
Its/PRP$ subject/JJ ,/, John/NNP Nash/NNP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT mathematical/JJ genius/NN who/WP went/VBD crazy/JJ at/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN 30/CD and/CC then/RB ,/, after/IN several/JJ decades/NNS of/IN flamboyant/JJ lunacy/NN ,/, was/VBD awarded/VBN the/DT Nobel/NNP Prize/NNP in/IN economics/NNS for/IN something/NN he/PRP had/VBD discovered/VBN as/IN a/DT graduate/NN student/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP is/VBZ now/RB about/IN to/TO turn/VB 70/CD ./.
)/) Nash/NNP is/VBZ among/IN the/DT latest/JJS in/IN a/DT long/JJ and/CC distinguished/VBD line/NN of/IN mathematicians--stretching/JJ back/RB to/TO that/DT morbid/NN paranoiac/NN ,/, Isaac/NNP Newton--who/NNP have/VBP been/VBN certifiably/RB insane/JJ during/IN parts/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ lives/NNS ./.
Just/RB in/IN the/DT last/JJ 100/CD years/NNS or/CC so/RB ,/, most/JJS of/IN the/DT heroic/JJ figures/NNS in/IN the/DT foundations/NNS of/IN mathematics/NN have/VBP landed/VBN in/IN mental/JJ asylums/NNS or/CC have/VBP died/VBN by/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ hand/NN ./.
The/DT greatest/JJS of/IN them/PRP ,/, Kurt/NNP Gödel/NNP ,/, starved/VBN himself/PRP to/TO death/NN in/IN the/DT belief/NN that/IN his/PRP$ colleagues/NNS were/VBD putting/VBG poison/NN in/IN his/PRP$ food/NN ./.
Of/IN the/DT two/CD pioneers/NNS of/IN game/NN theory--the/JJ field/NN in/IN which/WDT Nash/NNP garnered/VBD his/PRP$ Nobel--one/NNP ,/, Ernst/NNP Zermelo/NNP ,/, was/VBD hospitalized/VBN for/IN psychosis/NNS ./.
The/DT other/JJ ,/, John/NNP Von/NNP Neumann/NNP ,/, may/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN clinically/RB insane/JJ ,/, but/CC he/PRP did/VBD serve/VB as/IN the/DT real-life/JJ model/NN for/IN the/DT title/NN character/NN in/IN Stanley/NNP Kubrick/NNP 's/POS Dr/NNP ./.
Strangelove/NNP ./.
So/RB maybe/RB there/EX is/VBZ an/DT accidental/NN ,/, pleiotropic/JJ connection/NN between/IN madness/NN and/CC mathematics/NN ./.
Or/CC maybe/RB it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB so/RB accidental/NN ./.
Mathematicians/NNP are/VBP ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, people/NNS who/WP fancy/JJ that/IN they/PRP commune/NN with/IN perfect/JJ Platonic/NNP objects--abstract/JJ spaces/NNS ,/, infinite/NN numbers/NNS ,/, zeta/NN functions--that/JJ are/VBP invisible/JJ to/TO normal/JJ humans/NNS ./.
They/PRP spend/VBP their/PRP$ days/NNS piecing/VBG together/RB complicated/VBN ,/, scrupulously/RB logical/JJ tales/NNS about/IN these/DT hallucinatory/NN entities/NNS ,/, which/WDT they/PRP believe/VBP are/VBP vastly/RB more/RBR important/JJ than/IN anything/NN in/IN the/DT actual/JJ world/NN ./.
Is/VBZ this/DT not/RB a/DT kind/NN of/IN a/DT folie/NN à/NN n/NN (/( where/WRB n/NN equals/VBZ the/DT number/NN of/IN pure/JJ mathematicians/NNS worldwide/NN )/) ?/.
ABeautiful/NNP Mind/VB reveals/VBZ quite/RB a/DT lot/NN about/IN the/DT psychic/JJ continuum/NN leading/VBG from/IN mathematical/JJ genius/NN to/TO madness/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB a/DT very/RB peculiar/JJ redemption/NN story/NN :/: how/WRB three/CD decades/NNS of/IN raging/VBG schizophrenia/NN ,/, capped/VBN by/IN an/DT unexpected/JJ Nobel/NNP Prize/NNP ,/, can/MD transmute/NN a/DT cruel/JJ shit/NN into/IN a/DT frail/JJ but/CC decent/JJ human/JJ being/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT boy/NN growing/VBG up/RP in/IN the/DT hills/NNS of/IN West/NNP Virginia/NNP ,/, Nash/NNP enjoyed/VBD torturing/VBG animals/NNS and/CC building/VBG homemade/NN bombs/NNS with/IN two/CD other/JJ unpopular/JJ youngsters/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN whom/WP was/VBD accidentally/RB killed/VBN by/IN a/DT blast/NN ./.
(/( Given/VBN Nash/NNP 's/POS childhood/NN keenness/NNS for/IN explosives/NNS and/CC his/PRP$ later/RB penchant/NN for/IN sending/VBG odd/JJ packages/NNS to/TO prominent/JJ strangers/NNS through/IN the/DT mail/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT wonder/NN the/DT FBI/NNP never/RB got/VBD on/IN to/TO him/PRP as/IN a/DT Unabomber/NNP suspect/NN ./.
)/) He/PRP made/VBD his/PRP$ way/NN to/TO Carnegie/NNP Tech/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP was/VBD a/DT classmate/NN of/IN Andy/NNP Warhol/NNP 's/POS ,/, and/CC thence/NN to/TO Princeton--the/NNP world/NN capital/NN of/IN mathematics/NN at/IN the/DT time--at/JJ the/DT age/NN of/IN 20/CD ./.
In/IN sheer/JJ appearance/NN ,/, this/DT cold/NN and/CC aloof/NN Southerner/NNP stood/VBD out/IN from/IN his/PRP$ fellow/NN math/NN prodigies/NNS ./.
A/DT "/" beautiful/JJ dark-haired/JJ young/JJ man/NN ,/, "/" "/" handsome/JJ as/IN a/DT god/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP was/VBD 6/CD feet/NNS 1/CD inch/NN tall/JJ ,/, with/IN broad/JJ shoulders/NNS ,/, a/DT heavily/RB muscled/VBD chest/NN (/( which/WDT he/PRP liked/VBD to/TO show/VB off/RP with/IN see-through/JJ Dacron/NNP shirts/NNS )/) ,/, a/DT tapered/JJ waist/NN ,/, and/CC "/" rather/RB limp/JJ and/CC beautiful/JJ hands/NNS "/" accentuated/JJ by/IN long/JJ fingernails/NNS ./.
Within/IN two/CD years/NNS of/IN entering/VBG Princeton/NNP ,/, Nash/NNP had/VBD framed/VBN and/CC proved/VBN the/DT most/RBS important/JJ proposition/NN in/IN the/DT theory/NN of/IN games/NNS ./.
Mathematically/NNP ,/, this/DT was/VBD no/DT big/JJ deal/NN ./.
Game/NN theory/NN was/VBD a/DT somewhat/RB fashionable/JJ pursuit/NN for/IN mathematicians/NNS in/IN those/DT postwar/JJ days/NNS ,/, when/WRB it/PRP looked/VBD as/IN if/IN it/PRP might/MD do/VB for/IN military/JJ science/NN and/CC economics/NNS what/WP Newton/NNP 's/POS calculus/JJ had/VBD done/VBN for/IN physics/NN ./.
But/CC they/PRP were/VBD bored/VBN with/IN it/PRP by/IN the/DT early/JJ 1950/CD s/VBZ ./.
Economists/NNS ,/, after/IN a/DT few/JJ decades/NNS of/IN hesitation/NN ,/, picked/VBD it/PRP up/RP in/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ and/CC made/VBD it/PRP a/DT cornerstone/NN of/IN their/PRP$ discipline/NN ./.
Agame/NNP is/VBZ just/RB a/DT conflict/NN situation/NN with/IN a/DT bunch/NN of/IN participants/NNS ,/, or/CC "/" players/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT players/NNS could/MD be/VB poker/NN pals/NNS ,/, oligopolists/NNS competing/VBG to/TO corner/VB a/DT market/NN ,/, or/CC nuclear/JJ powers/NNS trying/VBG to/TO dominate/VB each/DT other/JJ ./.
Each/DT player/NN has/VBZ several/JJ strategy/NN options/NNS to/TO choose/VB from/IN ./.
What/WP Nash/NNP showed/VBD was/VBD that/IN in/IN every/DT such/JJ game/NN there/EX is/VBZ what/WP has/VBZ become/VBN known/VBN as/RB a/DT "/" Nash/NNP equilibrium/NN "/" :/: a/DT set/NN of/IN strategies/NNS ,/, one/CD for/IN each/DT player/NN ,/, such/JJ that/IN no/DT player/NN can/MD improve/VB his/PRP$ situation/NN by/IN switching/VBG to/TO a/DT different/JJ strategy/NN ./.
His/PRP$ proof/NN was/VBD elegant/JJ but/CC slight/JJ ./.
A/DT game/NN is/VBZ guaranteed/VBN to/TO have/VB a/DT Nash/NNP equilibrium/NN ,/, it/PRP turns/VBZ out/IN ,/, for/IN the/DT same/JJ reason/NN that/IN in/IN a/DT cup/NN of/IN coffee/NN that/WDT is/VBZ being/VBG stirred/VBD ,/, at/IN least/JJS one/CD coffee/NN molecule/NN must/MD remain/VB absolutely/RB still/RB ./.
Both/DT are/VBP direct/JJ consequences/NNS of/IN a/DT "/" fixed-point/JJ theorem/NN "/" in/IN the/DT branch/NN of/IN mathematics/NN known/VBN as/IN topology/NN ./.
This/DT theorem/NN says/VBZ that/IN for/IN any/DT continuous/JJ rearrangement/NN of/IN a/DT domain/NN of/IN things/NNS ,/, there/EX will/MD necessarily/RB exist/VB at/IN least/JJS one/CD thing/NN in/IN that/DT domain/NN that/WDT will/MD remain/VB unchanged--the/JJ "/" fixed/VBN point/NN ./.
"/" Nash/NNP found/VBD a/DT way/NN of/IN applying/VBG this/DT to/TO the/DT domain/NN of/IN all/DT game/NN strategies/NNS so/IN that/IN the/DT guaranteed/VBN fixed/VBN point/NN was/VBD the/DT equilibrium/NN for/IN the/DT game--clever/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT earlier/JJR topological/JJ theorem/NN did/VBD all/PDT the/DT work/NN ./.
Still/RB ,/, for/IN an/DT economics/NNS theorem/NN ,/, that/WDT counts/VBZ as/IN profound/JJ ./.
Economists/NNS have/VBP been/VBN known/VBN to/TO win/VB Nobel/NNP Prizes/NNPS for/IN rediscovering/VBG theorems/NNS in/IN elementary/JJ calculus/JJ ./.
Nash/NNP 's/POS breakthrough/NN in/IN game/NN theory/NN got/VBD him/PRP recruited/VBN by/IN the/DT Rand/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, which/WDT was/VBD then/RB a/DT secretive/JJ military/JJ think/VBP tank/NN in/IN Santa/NNP Monica/NNP (/( its/PRP$ name/NN is/VBZ an/DT acronym/NN for/IN "/" research/NN and/CC development/NN "/" )/) ./.
However/RB ,/, the/DT achievement/NN did/VBD not/RB greatly/RB impress/VB his/PRP$ fellow/NN mathematicians/NNS ./.
To/TO do/VB that/DT ,/, Nash/NNP ,/, on/IN a/DT wager/NN ,/, disposed/VBN of/IN a/DT deep/JJ problem/NN that/WDT had/VBD baffled/JJ the/DT profession/NN since/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN :/: He/PRP showed/VBD that/IN any/DT Riemannian/NNP manifold/NN possessing/VBG a/DT special/JJ kind/NN of/IN "/" smoothness/NNS "/" can/MD be/VB embedded/VBN in/IN Euclidean/NNP space/NN ./.
Manifolds/NNP ,/, one/PRP must/MD understand/VB ,/, are/VBP fairly/RB wild/JJ and/CC exotic/JJ beasts/NNS in/IN mathematics/NN ./.
A/DT famous/JJ example/NN is/VBZ the/DT Klein/NNP bottle/NN ,/, a/DT kind/NN of/IN higher-dimensional/JJ Moebius/NNP strip/NN whose/WP$ inside/IN is/VBZ somehow/RB the/DT same/JJ as/IN its/PRP$ outside/IN ./.
Euclidean/NNP space/NN ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, is/VBZ orderly/JJ and/CC bourgeois/NNS ./.
To/TO demonstrate/VB that/IN "/" impossible/JJ "/" manifolds/NNS could/MD be/VB coaxed/JJ into/IN living/VBG in/IN Euclidean/NNP space/NN is/VBZ counterintuitive/JJ and/CC pretty/RB exciting/JJ ./.
Nash/NNP did/VBD this/DT by/IN constructing/VBG a/DT bizarre/JJ set/NN of/IN inequalities/NNS that/WDT left/VBD his/PRP$ fellow/NN mathematicians/NNS thoroughly/RB befuddled/VBD ./.
That/DT about/IN marked/VBD the/DT end/NN of/IN Nash/NNP 's/POS career/NN as/IN a/DT mathematical/JJ genius/NN ./.
The/DT next/JJ year/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD expelled/VBN from/IN Rand/NNP as/IN a/DT security/NN risk/NN after/IN local/JJ police/NN caught/VBD him/PRP engaging/VBG in/IN a/DT lewd/NN act/NN in/IN a/DT public/JJ men/NNS 's/POS room/NN near/IN Muscle/NNP Beach/NNP ./.
At/IN MIT/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP had/VBD been/VBN given/VBN a/DT teaching/NN job/NN ,/, he/PRP hardly/RB bothered/VBD with/IN undergraduates/NNS and/CC humiliated/JJ graduate/NN students/NNS by/IN solving/VBG their/PRP$ thesis/NN problems/NNS ./.
He/PRP carried/VBD on/IN affairs/NNS with/IN several/JJ men/NNS and/CC a/DT mistress/NN ,/, who/WP bore/VBD him/PRP a/DT son/NN he/PRP refused/VBD to/TO lift/VB a/DT finger/NN to/TO support/VB ./.
His/PRP$ cruel/JJ streak/NN extended/VBN to/TO the/DT woman/NN he/PRP married/VBD ,/, a/DT beautiful/JJ physics/NN student/NN named/VBD Alicia/NNP who/WP was/VBD awed/JJ by/IN this/DT "/" genius/NN with/IN a/DT penis/NNS ./.
"/" Once/RB ,/, at/IN a/DT math/NN department/NN picnic/NN ,/, he/PRP threw/VBD her/PRP to/TO the/DT ground/NN and/CC put/VBD his/PRP$ foot/NN on/IN her/PRP$ throat/NN ./.
All/DT the/DT while/NN ,/, Nash/NNP was/VBD showing/VBG an/DT intense/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT state/NN of/IN Israel--often/NNP a/DT sign/NN of/IN incipient/NN insanity/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS in/IN a/DT non-/NN Jew/NNP ./.
Geniuses/NNP slipping/VBG into/IN madness/NN also/RB tend/VBP to/TO disrobe/NN in/IN public/JJ (/( I/NN learned/VBD this/DT from/IN a/DT volume/NN on/IN chess/NN prodigies/NNS ,/, who/WP have/VBP a/DT proclivity/NN for/IN disrobing/VBG on/IN public/JJ buses/NNS )/) ./.
Nash/NNP showed/VBD up/RP for/IN an/DT MIT/NNP New/NNP Year/NNP 's/POS Eve/NNP party/NN clad/JJ only/RB in/IN a/DT diaper/NN ./.
And/CC then/RB ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, there/EX was/VBD the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, that/IN old/JJ mainstay/NN of/IN psychotic/JJ delusion--/JJ Nash/NNP thought/VBD aliens/NNS were/VBD sending/VBG him/PRP encrypted/JJ messages/NNS through/IN its/PRP$ pages/NNS (/( come/VB to/TO think/VB of/IN it/PRP ,/, that/WDT could/MD explain/VB the/DT Times/NNP '/POS odd/JJ prose/NN )/) ./.
When/WRB the/DT big/JJ breakdown/NN came/VBD ,/, it/PRP was/VBD properly/RB mathematical/JJ ./.
Fearing/NNP his/PRP$ powers/NNS might/MD be/VB waning/VBG as/IN he/PRP approached/VBD 30/CD ,/, Nash/NNP decided/VBD he/PRP would/MD solve/VB the/DT most/RBS important/JJ unresolved/JJ problem/NN in/IN mathematics/NN :/: the/DT Riemann/NNP Zeta/NNP conjecture/NN ./.
This/DT bold/JJ guess/VBP about/IN the/DT solutions/NNS to/TO a/DT certain/JJ complex-valued/JJ infinite/NN series/NN (/( made/VBN by/IN the/DT incomparable/JJ Bernhard/NNP Riemann/NNP in/IN 1859/CD )/) would/MD ,/, if/IN true/JJ ,/, have/VBP far-reaching/JJ implications/NNS for/IN the/DT structure/NN of/IN the/DT most/RBS basic/NN of/IN entities/NNS ,/, the/DT natural/JJ numbers/NNS ./.
Before/IN an/DT eager/JJ audience/NN of/IN hundreds/NNS of/IN mathematicians/NNS at/IN Columbia/NNP University/NNP in/IN 1959/CD ,/, Nash/NNP presented/VBD his/PRP$ results/NNS :/: a/DT farrago/NN of/IN mathematical/JJ lunacy/NN ./.
"/" Nash/NNP 's/POS talk/NN was/VBD n't/RB good/JJ or/CC bad/JJ ,/, "/" said/VBD one/CD mathematician/NN present/JJ ./.
"/" It/PRP was/VBD horrible/JJ ./.
"/" Some/DT weeks/NNS before/RB ,/, Nash/NNP had/VBD declined/VBN a/DT University/NNP of/IN Chicago/NNP offer/NN of/IN an/DT endowed/VBN chair/NN on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS that/IN he/PRP was/VBD scheduled/VBN to/TO become/VB the/DT emperor/NN of/IN Antarctica/NNP ./.
Such/JJ ebullitions/NNS of/IN insanity/NN continued/VBD for/IN three/CD decades/NNS ,/, becoming/VBG more/JJR rococo/NN ./.
Nash/NNP went/VBD to/TO Europe/NNP to/TO form/VB a/DT world/NN government/NN ,/, attempting/VBG repeatedly/RB to/TO renounce/VB his/PRP$ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
citizenship/NN ./.
He/PRP did/VBD stints/NNS in/IN tony/JJ asylums/NNS ,/, hanging/VBG out/IN with/IN Robert/NNP Lowell/NNP ,/, and/CC in/IN dismal/JJ state/NN institutions/NNS ,/, where/WRB he/PRP was/VBD subjected/VBN daily/JJ to/TO insulin-induced/JJ comas/NNS ./.
He/PRP believed/VBD himself/PRP to/TO be/VB a/DT Palestinian/JJ refugee/NN called/VBD C/NNP ./.
O/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
E/NNP ./.
;/: a/DT great/JJ Japanese/JJ shogun/NN ,/, C/NNP 1423/CD ;/: Esau/NNP ;/: the/DT prince/NN of/IN peace/NN ;/: l/NN '/" homme/NN d/SYM '/POS Or/CC ;/: a/DT mouse/NN ./.
As/IN Nasar/NNP observes/VBZ ,/, his/PRP$ delusions/NNS were/VBD weirdly/RB inconsistent/JJ ./.
He/PRP felt/VBD himself/PRP simultaneously/RB to/TO be/VB the/DT epicenter/NN of/IN the/DT universe--/JJ "/" I/PRP am/VBP the/DT left/NN foot/NN of/IN God/NNP on/IN earth/NN "/" -/: -/: and/CC an/DT abject/NN ,/, persecuted/VBN petitioner/NN ./.
He/PRP returned/VBD to/TO the/DT Princeton/NNP area/NN in/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, where/WRB he/PRP was/VBD taken/VBN care/NN of/IN by/IN the/DT long-suffering/JJ Alicia/NNP ,/, now/RB his/PRP$ ex-wife/NN (/( she/PRP supported/VBD him/PRP partly/RB through/IN computer/NN programming/NN ,/, partly/RB on/IN welfare/NN )/) ./.
He/PRP haunted/VBN the/DT campus/NN ,/, where/WRB students/NNS began/VBD to/TO call/VB him/PRP "/" the/DT Phantom/NNP ./.
"/" They/PRP would/MD come/VB to/TO class/NN in/IN the/DT morning/NN to/TO find/VB runic/JJ messages/NNS he/PRP had/VBD written/VBN on/IN the/DT blackboard/NN at/IN night/NN :/: "/" Mao/NNP Tse-/NNP Tung/NNP 's/POS Bar/NNP Mitzvah/NNP was/VBD 13/CD years/NNS ,/, 13/CD months/NNS ,/, and/CC 13/CD days/NNS after/IN Brezhnev/NNP 's/POS circumcision/NN ./.
Then/RB ,/, in/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ,/, inexplicably/RB ,/, the/DT voices/NNS in/IN Nash/NNP 's/POS head/NN began/VBD to/TO quiet/VB down/RB ./.
(/( Nasar/NNP gives/VBZ an/DT interesting/JJ account/NN of/IN just/RB how/WRB rare/JJ such/JJ remissions/NNS are/VBP among/IN those/DT diagnosed/VBN with/IN schizophrenia/NN ./.
)/) At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, the/DT Nobel/NNP committee/NN in/IN Stockholm/NNP was/VBD deciding/VBG it/PRP was/VBD about/IN time/NN to/TO award/VB the/DT prize/NN in/IN economics/NNS for/IN game/NN theory/NN ./.
Dare/NNP they/PRP make/VBP a/DT known/VBN madman/NN into/IN a/DT laureate/NN ?/.
What/WP might/MD he/PRP say/VB to/TO King/NNP Gustav/NNP at/IN the/DT ceremony/NN ?/.
Nasar/NNP shows/VBZ her/PRP$ mettle/NN as/IN a/DT reporter/NN here/RB by/IN penetrating/VBG the/DT veil/NN of/IN secrecy/NN surrounding/VBG the/DT Nobel/NNP and/CC revealing/VBG the/DT back-stage/JJ machinations/NNS for/IN and/CC against/IN Nash/NNP 's/POS candidacy/NN ./.
He/PRP did/VBD fine/NN at/IN the/DT ceremony/NN ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ evolved/VBN into/IN a/DT "/" very/RB fine/NN person/NN ,/, "/" according/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ ex-wife--humbled/JJ by/IN years/NNS of/IN psychotic/JJ helplessness/NNS ,/, buoyed/VBD up/RP by/IN the/DT intellectual/JJ world/NN 's/POS highest/JJS accolade/NN ./.
The/DT Nobel/NNP has/VBZ a/DT terrible/JJ effect/NN on/IN the/DT productivity/NN of/IN many/JJ recipients/NNS ,/, paralyzing/VBG them/PRP with/IN greatness/NN ./.
For/IN Nash/NNP it/PRP was/VBD pure/JJ therapy/NN ./.
Then/RB ,/, too/RB ,/, there/EX is/VBZ the/DT need/NN to/TO take/VB care/NN of/IN his/PRP$ son/NN by/IN Alicia/NNP ,/, who--pleiotropically/JJ ?/.
-/: -/: inherited/VBD both/DT his/PRP$ mathematical/JJ promise/NN and/CC his/PRP$ madness/NN ./.
(/( His/PRP$ older/JJR son/NN ,/, the/DT one/CD born/VBN out/IN of/IN wedlock/NN ,/, got/VBD neither/DT ./.
)/) The/DT Nobel/NNP money/NN bought/VBN a/DT new/JJ boiler/NN for/IN the/DT little/JJ bungalow/NN across/IN from/IN the/DT Princeton/NNP train/NN station/NN inhabited/VBN by/IN this/DT shaky/JJ menage/NN ./.
(/( When/WRB Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP published/VBD an/DT excerpt/NN of/IN A/DT Beautiful/NNP Mind/VB ,/, Nash/NNP probably/RB became/VBD the/DT only/JJ person/NN ever/RB featured/VBD in/IN that/DT magazine/NN to/TO live/VB in/IN a/DT house/NN clad/JJ in/IN "/" insulbrick/NN ./.
"/" )/)
The/DT eeriest/NN thing/NN I/PRP discovered/VBD while/IN reading/VBG this/DT superb/JJ book/NN was/VBD that/IN Nash/NNP and/CC I/PRP came/VBD within/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN years/NNS of/IN crossing/VBG paths/NNS in/IN a/DT Virginia/NNP mental/JJ hospital/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD actually/RB working/VBG there/RB ,/, but/CC psychiatric/JJ aides/NNS pick/VBP up/RB so/RB many/JJ mannerisms/NNS of/IN the/DT patients/NNS that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO tell/VB the/DT difference/NN after/IN a/DT while/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS after/IN that/IN I/PRP found/VBD myself/PRP in/IN a/DT mathematics/NN Ph/NNP ./.
D/NNP ./.
program/NN ./.
You/PRP 'll/MD be/VB glad/JJ to/TO know/VB that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP in/IN remission/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN Senate/NNP politicking/NN over/IN the/DT nuclear/JJ test/NN ban/NN treaty/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT mounting/VBG toll/NN from/IN flooding/NN and/CC landslides/NNS in/IN Mexico/NNP this/DT week/NN ,/, a/DT story/NN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP fronts/NNS and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP reefers/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP leads/VBZ locally/RB ,/, reporting/VBG that/IN charter/NN schools/NNS in/IN D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
are/VBP among/IN the/DT most/RBS popular/JJ in/IN the/DT nation/NN ./.
After/IN three/CD years/NNS in/IN existence/NN ,/, charters/NNS already/RB enroll/VBP nearly/RB ten/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT District/NNP 's/POS public/JJ school/NN students/NNS ./.
Senators/NNS from/IN both/DT parties/NNS agree/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ unlikely/JJ President/NNP Clinton/NNP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO muster/VB the/DT two-thirds/NNS majority/NN needed/VBN to/TO approve/VB the/DT Comprehensive/NNP Test/NNP Ban/NNP Treaty/NNP ./.
The/DT question/NN now/RB is/VBZ whether/IN Majority/NNP Leader/NNP Trent/NNP Lott/NNP ,/, a/DT vocal/JJ opponent/NN of/IN the/DT pact/NN ,/, will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO bring/VB it/PRP to/TO a/DT vote/NN early/RB this/DT week/NN and/CC embarrass/VB Clinton/NNP with/IN a/DT defeat/NN ./.
The/DT president/NN hopes/VBZ to/TO persuade/VB moderate/JJ Republicans/NNPS ,/, who/WP largely/RB dislike/NN the/DT treaty/NN but/CC are/VBP reluctant/JJ to/TO vote/VB it/PRP down/RB because/IN they/PRP fear/VBP that/DT action/NN would/MD make/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
look/VB weak/JJ abroad/RB ,/, to/TO put/VB off/RP considering/VBG the/DT ban/NN for/IN up/IN to/TO a/DT year/NN ./.
A/DT vote/NN to/TO delay/VB needs/VBZ only/RB a/DT simple/JJ majority/NN ,/, so/RB Clinton/NNP and/CC Democratic/JJ senators/NNS are/VBP looking/VBG for/IN six/CD Republican/JJ defectors/NNS ./.
Floods/NNP and/CC mudslides/NNS have/VBP killed/VBN more/JJR than/IN 250/CD in/IN central/JJ Mexico/NNP after/IN five/CD days/NNS of/IN record-breaking/JJ rain/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT LAT/NNP 's/POS lead/NN ./.
President/NNP Ernesto/NNP Zedillo/NNP calls/VBZ it/PRP "/" the/DT tragedy/NN of/IN the/DT decade/NN for/IN Mexico/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT WP/NNP -/: -/: which/WDT puts/VBZ the/DT death/NN toll/NN at/IN 330/CD despite/IN an/DT earlier/JJR deadline/NN than/IN the/DT LAT/NNP '/POS s--reports/JJ from/IN the/DT hard-hit/JJ town/NN of/IN Teziutlan/NNP ,/, where/WRB at/IN least/JJS 72/CD residents/NNS were/VBD killed/VBN Tuesday/NNP afternoon/NN when/WRB a/DT terraced/JJ block/NN of/IN concrete/JJ houses/NNS slid/VBD down/RP a/DT mountainside/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS off-lead/JJ reports/NNS on/IN an/DT upcoming/JJ battle/NN in/IN Congress/NNP on/IN the/DT future/NN of/IN stem-cell/JJ research/NN ,/, a/DT promising/JJ but/CC highly/RB controversial/JJ form/NN of/IN medical/JJ exploration/NN that/WDT draws/VBZ material/NN from/IN human/JJ embryos/NNS and/CC aborted/JJ fetuses/NNS ./.
Scientists/NNS predict/VBP that/WDT stem/VBP cells/NNS may/MD provide/VB the/DT building/NN blocks/NNS for/IN treatments/NNS to/TO ailments/NNS from/IN Parkinson/NNP 's/POS disease/NN to/TO diabetes/NN ./.
In/IN their/PRP$ calls/NNS for/IN more/RBR stem-cell/JJ money/NN ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP backed/VBN by/IN patient/NN groups/NNS but/CC opposed/VBN by/IN right-to-life/JJ advocates/NNS ./.
The/DT House/NNP will/MD take/VB up/RP the/DT question/NN Monday/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP fronts/NNS some/DT good/JJ news/NN for/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN :/: The/DT Federal/NNP Communications/NNPS Commission/NNP voted/VBD Friday/NNP to/TO relax/VB rules/NNS on/IN how/WRB much/JJ of/IN the/DT cable/NN industry/NN a/DT single/JJ company/NN can/MD legally/RB control/VB ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ second/JJ ruling/VBG this/DT week/NN smiling/VBG on/IN corporate/JJ consolidation/NN ,/, the/DT FCC/NNP said/VBD that/IN because/IN companies/NNS have/VBP begun/VBN offering/VBG new/JJ kinds/NNS of/IN service/NN over/IN cable/NN wire--namely/JJ high-speed/JJ Internet/NN access/NN and/CC local/JJ telephone/NN service--competition/JJ will/MD be/VB bolstered/VBN by/IN changing/VBG the/DT ownership/NN laws/NNS ,/, not/RB stifled/JJ ./.
The/DT decision/NN means/VBZ that/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN 's/POS recent/JJ purchase/NN of/IN the/DT Media/NNP One/CD Group/NNP can/MD go/VB forward/RB without/IN the/DT telephone/NN giant/NN having/VBG to/TO sell/VB off/RP other/JJ cable/NN properties/NNS ./.
Also/RB on/IN the/DT NYT/NNP 's/POS front/NN is/VBZ the/DT news/NN that/IN the/DT computer/NN industry/NN may/MD soon/RB have/VB trouble/NN keeping/VBG up/RP with/IN Moore/NNP 's/POS Law/NNP ,/, the/DT oft-cited/JJ rule/NN maintaining/VBG that/DT computing/NN power/NN doubles/VBZ every/DT 18/CD months/NNS ./.
In/IN an/DT article/NN in/IN the/DT journal/NN Science/NNP ,/, an/DT Intel/NNP scientist/NN named/VBD Paul/NNP A/DT ./.
Packan/NNP reports/NNS that/IN as/IN silicon/NN chips/NNS continue/VBP to/TO shrink/VB ,/, their/PRP$ manufacturers/NNS are/VBP running/VBG up/RP against/IN stubborn/JJ physical/JJ limits/NNS for/IN the/DT first/JJ time--already/JJ ,/, the/DT smallest/JJS transistors/NNS have/VBP insulating/VBG layers/NNS only/RB a/DT few/JJ atoms/NNS thick/JJ ./.
An/DT LAT/NNP front-pager/JJ tells/VBZ of/IN growing/VBG cracks/NNS in/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP 's/POS façade/NN ./.
Disunity/NNP and/CC chaos/NN were/VBD the/DT order/NN of/IN the/DT week/NN for/IN the/DT R/NN ./.
P/NN ./.
Minnesota/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Jesse/NNP Ventura/NNP watched/VBD his/PRP$ approval/NN rating/NN plummet/NN 20/CD points--and/JJ heard/VBN calls/VBZ that/IN he/PRP should/MD resign/VB from/IN the/DT party--after/JJ the/DT publication/NN of/IN a/DT Playboy/NNP interview/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP ridiculed/VBN organized/VBN religion/NN and/CC said/VBD he/PRP would/MD n't/RB mind/VB being/VBG reborn/JJ as/IN an/DT extra-large/JJ bra/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT party/NN 's/POS faithful/NN are/VBP now/RB confronted/VBN with/IN the/DT possibility/NN that/IN three/CD very/RB different/JJ candidates/NNS will/MD jockey/NN for/IN the/DT Reform/NNP presidential/JJ nomination/NN :/: Donald/NNP Trump/NNP ,/, Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, and/CC Warren/NNP Beatty/NNP ./.
(/( Two/CD of/IN those/DT might/MD have/VB something/NN to/TO say/VB on/IN the/DT bra/NN issue/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP fronts/NNS a/DT report/NN that/IN early/JJ campaign-trail/JJ promises/NNS by/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP and/CC Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP ,/, if/IN enacted/VBN ,/, would/MD eat/VB up/RB nearly/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT projected/VBN $/$ 1/CD ./.
1/LS trillion/CD government/NN surplus/NN over/IN the/DT next/JJ ten/CD years/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN the/DT costlier/JJR pledges/NNS so/RB far/RB :/: his/PRP$ ambitious/JJ universal/JJ health-care/NN initiative/NN would/MD by/IN itself/PRP use/VBP the/DT entire/JJ surplus/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO some/DT estimates/NNS ./.
Gore/NNP 's/POS spending/NN plans/NNS include/VBP tax/NN cuts/NNS up/IN to/TO $/$ 150/CD billion/CD ,/, universal/JJ preschool/JJ ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ own/JJ more/RBR modest/JJ health-care/NN package/NN ./.
NYT/NNP op-ed/JJ columnist/NN Frank/NNP Rich/NNP ,/, who/WP reported/VBD on/IN his/PRP$ share/NN of/IN culture-war/JJ skirmishes/NNS as/IN the/DT paper/NN 's/POS chief/JJ theater/NN critic/NN in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ and/CC early/JJ '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ,/, weighs/VBZ in/IN on/IN the/DT controversy/NN surrounding/VBG the/DT Brooklyn/NNP Museum/NNP 's/POS week-old/JJ exhibit/NN "/" Sensation/NNP ./.
"/" Rich/NNP casts/VBZ New/NNP York/NNP Mayor/NNP Rudy/NNP Giuliani--who/NNP has/VBZ threatened/VBN to/TO shut/VB down/RP the/DT exhibit/NN of/IN work/NN by/IN a/DT group/NN of/IN young/JJ British/JJ artists/NNS because/IN he/PRP thinks/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ full/JJ of/IN anti-/NN Catholic/NNP ,/, "/" sick/JJ stuff/NN "/" -/: -/: as/IN a/DT schoolyard/NN tough/JJ who/WP likes/VBZ to/TO pick/VB on/IN scrawny/NN opponents/NNS ./.
"/" Could/MD it/PRP be/VB that/IN the/DT Brooklyn/NNP ,/, "/" Rich/NNP asks/VBZ ,/, "/" a/DT struggling/VBG museum/NN in/IN an/DT outer/JJ borough/NN ,/, is/VBZ easier/JJR to/TO bully/NN than/IN a/DT Manhattan/NNP cultural/JJ mecca/NN with/IN a/DT heavy-hitting/JJ board/NN bulging/VBG with/IN Giuliani/NNP fat/JJ cats/NNS ?/.
Is/VBZ it/PRP possible/JJ to/TO forget/VB a/DT memory/NN ?/.
Culturebox/NNP poses/VBZ this/DT paradoxical/JJ question/NN apropos/NNS of/IN the/DT continuing/VBG fallout/NN from/IN CNN/NNP 's/POS controversial/JJ newsmagazine/NN segment/NN on/IN "/" Operation/NN Tailwind/NNP ./.
"/" To/TO refresh/NN your/PRP$ memory/NN ,/, the/DT story/NN 's/POS central/JJ figure/NN ,/, Robert/NNP Van/NNP Buskirk/NNP ,/, claimed/VBD to/TO have/VB watched/VBN as/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
forces/NNS dropped/VBD sarin/NN gas/NN on/IN a/DT Laotian/JJ village/NN ./.
He/PRP also/RB claimed/VBD to/TO have/VB killed/VBN two/CD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
defectors/NNS with/IN a/DT phosphorous/JJ grenade/NN during/IN the/DT mission/NN ./.
It/PRP soon/RB emerged/VBD ,/, though/RB ,/, that/IN Van/NNP Buskirk/NNP had/VBD failed/VBN to/TO note/VB this/DT seemingly/RB noteworthy/JJ recollection/NN in/IN his/PRP$ 1983/CD book/NN on/IN Vietnam/NNP ./.
Why/WRB ?/.
As/IN other/JJ reporters/NNS poked/VBD holes/NNS in/IN the/DT CNN/NNP expose/VB ,/, Van/NNP Buskirk/NNP confessed/VBD that/IN he/PRP had/VBD "/" recovered/VBN the/DT memory/NN ./.
But/CC how/WRB do/VBP we/PRP know/VBP that/IN such/JJ memories/NNS represent/VBP real/JJ ,/, rather/RB than/IN imagined/VBD ,/, events/NNS ?/.
Freud/NNP grappled/VBD with/IN this/DT very/JJ dilemma/NN in/IN turn-of-the-century/JJ Vienna/NNP ./.
In/IN 1895/CD he/PRP came/VBD up/RB with/IN his/PRP$ seduction/NN theory/NN ,/, which/WDT linked/VBD hysteria/NN to/TO repressed/JJ memories/NNS of/IN sexual/JJ molestation/NN during/IN childhood/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS later/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, Freud/NNP decided/VBD that/IN these/DT were/VBD not/RB ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, real/JJ memories/NNS ;/: they/PRP were/VBD fantasies/NNS ./.
Fast-forward/NNP to/TO the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT heyday/NN of/IN pop/NN psychology/NN ./.
A/DT backlash/NN is/VBZ brewing/VBG against/IN therapists/NNS who/WP are/VBP considered/VBN too/RB skeptical/JJ of/IN recovered/VBD memories/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT new/JJ movement/NN is/VBZ born/VBN :/: Repressed/NNP Memory/NN Therapy/NNP ./.
By/IN the/DT mid-/NN 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, bookstores/NNS are/VBP crowded/VBN with/IN self-help/NN guides/NNS on/IN how/WRB to/TO deal/VB with/IN "/" repressed/JJ memory/NN syndrome/NN ./.
"/" The/DT message/NN is/VBZ always/RB the/DT same/JJ :/: If/IN you/PRP 're/VBP feeling/NN alienated/VBN ,/, disaffected/JJ ,/, unmotivated/JJ ,/, trust/NN that/IN inner/JJ voice--you/JJ probably/RB were/VBD the/DT victim/NN of/IN sexual/JJ abuse/NN ./.
Then/RB the/DT inevitable/JJ occurs/VBZ :/: A/DT California/NNP man/NN named/VBD George/NNP Franklin/NNP is/VBZ convicted/VBN of/IN raping/VBG and/CC murdering/VBG a/DT playmate/NN of/IN his/PRP$ daughter/NN 20/CD years/NNS earlier/RBR ./.
The/DT centerpiece/NN of/IN the/DT prosecution/NN 's/POS case/NN is/VBZ a/DT recovered/VBN memory/NN ./.
It/PRP turned/VBD out/IN ,/, though/RB ,/, that/IN the/DT daughter/NN had/VBD been/VBN hypnotized/VBN by/IN her/PRP$ therapist/NN to/TO help/VB remember/VB the/DT details/NNS of/IN the/DT event/NN ./.
The/DT case/NN was/VBD thrown/VBN out/RP a/DT few/JJ years/NNS back/RB ,/, but/CC the/DT question/NN remains/VBZ :/: What/WP if/IN these/DT so-called/JJ repressed/JJ memories/NNS are/VBP simply/RB the/DT product/NN of/IN the/DT power/NN of/IN psychoanalytic/JJ persuasion/NN ?/.
Culturebox/NNP asked/VBD that/IN of/IN Richard/NNP Ofshe/NNP ,/, a/DT social/JJ psychologist/NN at/IN UC-Berkeley/NNP ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ answer/NN was/VBD refreshingly/RB unambiguous/JJ :/: "/" There/EX is/VBZ no/DT mental/JJ mechanism/NN that/WDT could/MD create/VB this/DT ignorance/NN of/IN memory/NN ./.
If/IN anything/NN ,/, things/NNS of/IN a/DT traumatic/JJ character/NN are/VBP more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB remembered/VBN than/IN forgotten/VBN ./.
"/" Recovered/NNP memory/NN therapy/NN ?/.
Ofshe/NNP prefers/VBZ the/DT term/NN "/" psychotherapy/NN malpractice/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN Van/NNP Buskirk/NNP ,/, well/RB ,/, we/PRP may/MD never/RB know/VB exactly/RB what/WP happened/VBD out/IN there/RB ./.
But/CC we/PRP do/VBP have/VBP some/DT clues/NNS ./.
A/DT psychiatrist/NN who/WP treated/VBD World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP veterans/NNS reported/VBD that/IN one/CD man/NN who/WP had/VBD been/VBN in/IN a/DT tank/NN regiment/NN visualized/JJ being/NN trapped/VBN inside/IN a/DT burning/NN tank/NN ,/, though/IN it/PRP never/RB actually/RB happened/VBD ./.
And/CC decades/NNS later/RB ,/, a/DT Vietnam/NNP vet/NN who/WP had/VBD never/RB been/VBN captured/VBN acted/VBN out/RP the/DT experience/NN of/IN having/VBG been/VBN tortured/VBN by/IN the/DT Viet/NNP Cong/NNP ./.
Even/RB more/RBR bizarre/JJ :/: As/IN Mark/NNP Pendergrast/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN Victims/NNP of/IN Memory/NN :/: Incest/NNP Accusations/NNP and/CC Shattered/NNP Lives/NNS ,/, one/CD participant/NN in/IN a/DT support/NN group/NN for/IN Vietnam/NNP veterans/NNS ,/, Ed/NNP ,/, recalled/VBD seeing/VBG a/DT buddy/NN 's/POS head/NN explode/VB during/IN a/DT firefight/NN ./.
When/WRB one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ fellow/NN group/NN members/NNS called/VBD Ed/NNP 's/POS parents/NNS to/TO help/VB put/VB together/RB a/DT surprise/NN party/NN for/IN him/PRP ,/, his/PRP$ mother/NN was/VBD shocked/VBN :/: "/" What/WP ?/.
He/PRP 's/VBZ in/IN a/DT veterans/NNS '/POS recovery/NN group/NN ?/.
But/CC he/PRP was/VBD rated/VBN 4/CD -/: F/NN ./.
He/PRP never/RB was/VBD allowed/VBN to/TO go/VB to/TO Vietnam/NNP !/.
-/: -/: Jonathan/NNP Mahler/NNP
The/DT devil/NN can/MD cite/VB scripture/NN for/IN his/PRP$ purpose/NN ./.
Ralph/NNP Reed/NNP generally/RB prefers/VBZ Ralph/NNP Waldo/NNP Emerson/NNP and/CC Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
,/, our/PRP$ secular/NN saints/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP 's/POS executive/NN director/NN makes/VBZ an/DT exception/NN for/IN one/CD biblical/JJ passage/NN ,/, a/DT verse/NN from/IN Paul/NNP ./.
It/PRP appears/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ book/NN Active/JJ Faith/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ op-eds/JJ ,/, in/IN interviews/NNS :/: "/" I/PRP have/VBP become/VBN all/DT things/NNS to/TO all/DT people/NNS that/IN I/PRP may/MD by/IN all/DT means/VBZ win/NN some/DT ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ an/DT apt/JJ motto/NN for/IN Reed/NNP ,/, a/DT thoroughly/RB political/JJ statement/NN that/WDT defines/VBZ a/DT thoroughly/RB political/JJ man/NN ./.
Critics/NNS on/IN the/DT left/NN blame/NN Reed/NNP for/IN infecting/VBG politics/NNS with/IN religious/JJ fanaticism/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, Reed/NNP 's/POS achievement/NN is/VBZ exactly/RB the/DT opposite/JJ :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ turned/VBD religious/JJ fanaticism/NN into/IN mere/JJ politics/NNS ./.
So/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ fitting/JJ that/IN Reed/NNP is/VBZ embarking/VBG on/IN a/DT career/NN as/IN a/DT political/JJ consultant/NN ,/, a/DT profession/NN where/WRB everything/NN is/VBZ mere/JJ politics/NNS ./.
Last/JJ week/NN Reed/NNP announced/VBD his/PRP$ resignation/NN from/IN Pat/NNP Robertson/NNP 's/POS organization/NN ,/, which/WDT Reed/NNP has/VBZ built/VBN into/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP 's/POS most/RBS powerful/JJ interest/NN group/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP steps/VBZ down/RB Sept/NNP ./.
1/CD ,/, the/DT 35/CD -/: year-old/JJ Reed/NNP will/MD move/VB to/TO Atlanta/NNP and/CC open/JJ Century/NNP Strategies/NNS ,/, which/WDT will/MD advise/VB "/" pro-family/NN ,/, pro-life/JJ ,/, and/CC pro-free-enterprise/JJ candidates/NNS ./.
The/DT liberal/JJ view/NN of/IN Reed/NNP is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT Christian/NNP right/NN 's/POS zealot/NN in/IN chief/JJ ,/, a/DT devil/NN with/IN a/DT cherub/NN 's/POS face/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT misreading/VBG ./.
Reed/NNP 's/POS Christian/NNP faith/NN is/VBZ undoubtedly/RB sincere/JJ ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ real/JJ creed/NN is/VBZ Republican/JJ politics/NNS ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT political/JJ junkie/NN who/WP models/NNS himself/PRP after/IN Lee/NNP Atwater/NNP ./.
As/IN a/DT teen-ager/NN ,/, he/PRP ran/VBD a/DT direct-mail/JJ campaign/NN for/IN student/NN council/NN ./.
As/IN an/DT undergraduate/NN in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, he/PRP became/VBD the/DT College/NNP Republicans/NNPS '/POS master/NN strategist/NN ./.
(/( According/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ pal/NN Grover/NNP Norquist/NNP ,/, the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT anti-tax/JJ Americans/NNPS for/IN Tax/NNP Reform/NNP ,/, Reed/NNP once/RB instructed/VBD young/JJ Republicans/NNPS about/IN the/DT correct/JJ way/NN to/TO burn/VB a/DT Soviet/JJ flag/NN during/IN a/DT pro-/JJ Solidarity/NNP protest/NN ./.
)/) His/PRP$ tactical/JJ ruthlessness/NNS has/VBZ defined/VBN the/DT Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP paint/VBP my/PRP$ face/NN and/CC travel/NN at/IN night/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP once/RB said/VBD of/IN his/PRP$ work/NN at/IN the/DT coalition/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ over/IN until/IN you/PRP 're/VBP in/IN a/DT body/NN bag/NN ./.
You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB until/IN election/NN night/NN ./.
"/" His/PRP$ books/NNS ,/, Active/JJ Faith/NNP and/CC After/IN the/DT Revolution/NNP ,/, read/VB as/IN much/JJ like/IN primers/NNS on/IN power/NN politics/NNS as/IN religious-right/JJ manifestos/NNS ./.
The/DT strategy/NN ,/, not/RB the/DT scripture/NN ,/, thrills/VBZ him/PRP ./.
And/CC his/PRP$ strategy/NN ,/, not/RB his/PRP$ scripture/NN ,/, revived/VBD the/DT religious/JJ right/JJ ./.
In/IN 1989/CD ,/, Robertson/NNP invited/VBD Reed/NNP to/TO start/VB an/DT organization/NN to/TO expand/VB the/DT grassroots/NNS network/NN from/IN Robertson/NNP 's/POS 1988/CD presidential/JJ campaign/NN ./.
Reed/NNP was/VBD an/DT inspired/VBN choice/NN :/: He/PRP had/VBD enough/JJ principles/NNS to/TO win/VB religious/JJ conservatives/NNS '/POS trust/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB enough/RB to/TO scare/VB everyone/NN else/RB ./.
Reed/NNP recognized/VBD that/IN the/DT religious/JJ right/NN had/VBD staggered/JJ in/IN the/DT mid-/NN '/" 80/CD s/VBZ because/IN it/PRP had/VBD 1/LS )/) depended/VBD too/RB much/RB on/IN national/JJ leaders/NNS and/CC 2/LS )/) alienated/VBN America/NNP with/IN its/PRP$ red-hot/JJ rhetoric/NN ./.
To/TO remedy/VB the/DT first/JJ problem/NN ,/, Reed/NNP established/VBD hundreds/NNS of/IN local/JJ chapters/NNS ./.
Slowly/NNP ,/, that/DT network/NN of/IN activists/NNS took/VBD over/IN school/NN boards/NNS ,/, county/NN commissions/NNS ,/, and/CC state/VB political/JJ parties/NNS ./.
Reed/NNP 's/POS more/RBR important/JJ contribution/NN was/VBD to/TO abandon/VB the/DT clear/JJ ,/, if/IN ferocious/JJ ,/, principles/NNS that/WDT defined/VBD the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ Moral/NNP Majority/NNP and/CC replace/VB them/PRP with/IN a/DT comforting/JJ fog/NN of/IN "/" family/NN values/NNS ./.
"/" (/( Reed/NNP hardly/RB ever/RB calls/VBZ the/DT movement/NN "/" religious/JJ ./.
"/" He/PRP labels/VBZ it/PRP "/" pro-family/NN "/" -/: -/: as/IN if/IN anyone/NN is/VBZ "/" anti-family/JJ ./.
"/" )/) He/PRP dumped/VBD the/DT "/" sodomite/NN "/" rhetoric/NN and/CC distanced/JJ himself/PRP from/IN the/DT religious/JJ right/NN 's/POS loonies/NNS (/( including/VBG his/PRP$ own/JJ boss/NN ,/, Robertson/NNP ,/, prone/JJ to/TO anti-/NN Semitic/NNP ravings/NNS and/CC one-world-government/JJ paranoia/NN )/) ./.
He/PRP presented/VBD himself/PRP as/IN the/DT religious/JJ right/NN 's/POS new/JJ face--smiling/JJ ,/, civil/JJ ,/, conciliatory/JJ ./.
He/PRP ripped/VBD off/RP Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP 's/POS manifesto/NN idea/NN ,/, preparing/VBG a/DT "/" Contract/NN With/IN the/DT American/NNP Family/NNP "/" whose/WP$ 10/CD points/NNS were/VBD poll-tested/JJ to/TO draw/VB 60/CD -/: percent-plus/JJ approval/NN ratings/NNS ./.
Reed/NNP continued/VBD to/TO push/VB the/DT old/JJ standbys--defunding/JJ the/DT National/NNP Endowment/NNP for/IN the/DT Arts/NNP and/CC stopping/VBG gay/JJ marriage/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP added/VBD a/DT classic/JJ right-wing/JJ economic/JJ agenda/NN :/: an/DT endorsement/NN of/IN free/JJ enterprise/NN (/( God/NNP 's/POS own/JJ economic/JJ policy/NN ,/, apparently/RB )/) ,/, opposition/NN to/TO President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS 1993/CD stimulus/NN package/NN ,/, and/CC fervent/JJ support/NN for/IN tax/NN cuts/NNS ./.
He/PRP even/RB tried/VBD to/TO quell/VB the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS abortion/NN controversy/NN ,/, seeking/VBG to/TO moderate/VB (/( if/IN only/RB a/DT tiny/JJ bit/NN )/) the/DT language/NN of/IN the/DT 1996/CD GOP/NNP platform/NN ./.
In/IN short/JJ ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ flattened/VBD the/DT evangelical/JJ crusade/NN of/IN the/DT old/JJ religious/JJ right/NN into/IN mainstream/NN conservative/JJ politics/NNS ./.
(/( Reed/NNP has/VBZ also/RB made/VBN overtures/NNS toward/IN black/JJ churches/NNS ,/, home/NN to/TO America/NNP 's/POS most/RBS committed/VBN social/JJ conservatives/NNS ./.
The/DT coalition/NN raised/VBD $/$ 750/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO rebuild/VB burned/VBN black/JJ churches/NNS and/CC is/VBZ hosting/VBG a/DT conference/NN on/IN racial/JJ reconciliation/NN in/IN Baltimore/NNP next/JJ week/NN ./.
Reed/NNP feels/VBZ passionately/RB that/IN white/JJ evangelicals/NNS must/MD atone/NN for/IN their/PRP$ opposition/NN to/TO the/DT civil-rights/NNS movement/NN ./.
Reed/NNP 's/POS political/JJ tactics/NNS occasionally/RB annoy/NN the/DT ideologues/NNS of/IN the/DT religious/JJ right/JJ ./.
The/DT Family/NNP Research/NNP Council/NNP 's/POS Gary/NNP Bauer/NNP and/CC Eagle/NNP Forum/NNP 's/POS Phyllis/NNP Schlafly/NNP criticized/VBD him/PRP when/WRB he/PRP suggested/VBD softening/VBG the/DT GOP/NNP platform/NN ./.
Some/DT evangelicals/NNS view/VBP Reed/NNP as/IN a/DT compromiser/NN who/WP 'll/MD bend/VB a/DT principle/NN for/IN a/DT tactical/JJ victory/NN ./.
Which/WDT ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
Not/RB that/IN Christian/NNP conservatives/NNS have/VBP cause/VB to/TO complain/VB ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO Reed/NNP ,/, the/DT Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP now/RB claims/VBZ 1/CD ./.
9/CD million/CD members/NNS ,/, 2/CD ,/, 000/CD chapters/NNS nationwide/JJ ,/, and/CC a/DT $/$ 27/CD million-a-year/JJ budget/NN ./.
The/DT 33/CD million/CD "/" nonpartisan/JJ "/" voter/NN guides/NNS the/DT coalition/NN distributed/VBN in/IN churches/NNS before/IN Election/NNP Day/NNP in/IN 1994/CD are/VBP credited/VBN with/IN electing/VBG more/JJR than/IN half/NN of/IN the/DT freshman/NN Republicans/NNPS ,/, securing/VBG the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS congressional/JJ majority/NN ./.
The/DT coalition/NN distributed/VBD 45/CD million/CD guides/NNS in/IN 1996/CD ./.
Christian-right/NNP activists/NNS now/RB exercise/VBP significant/JJ control/NN over/IN 31/CD state/NN Republican/JJ parties/NNS ;/: they/PRP are/VBP estimated/VBN to/TO comprise/VB one-fourth/NN to/TO one-third/NN of/IN the/DT GOP/NNP primary/JJ vote/NN and/CC to/TO swing/VB 5/CD -/: 10/CD points/NNS to/TO Republicans/NNPS in/IN general/JJ elections/NNS ./.
Reed/NNP 's/POS departure/NN will/MD diminish/VB the/DT movement/NN 's/POS influence/NN ./.
The/DT Federal/NNP Election/NNP Committee/NNP investigation/NN of/IN allegations/NNS of/IN partisan/JJ campaigning/NN by/IN the/DT coalition/NN endangers/NNS its/PRP$ tax-exempt/JJ status/NN ./.
Robertson/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ kept/VBN in/IN Reed/NNP 's/POS shadow/NN ,/, may/MD emerge/VB to/TO embarrass/VB the/DT coalition/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP 's/VBZ well/RB on/IN his/PRP$ way/NN :/: The/DT Associated/NNP Press/NNP reported/VBD this/DT week/NN that/IN two/CD airplanes/NNS bought/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ "/" Operation/NN Blessing/NNP "/" to/TO fly/VB aid/NN to/TO impoverished/VBN Zairians/NNP were/VBD used/VBN instead/RB to/TO service/VB Robertson/NNP 's/POS Zairian/NNP diamond/NN mines/NNS ./.
)/) The/DT Family/NNP Research/NNP Council/NNP 's/POS Bauer/NNP seems/VBZ most/RBS likely/JJ to/TO replace/VB Reed/NNP as/IN the/DT religious/JJ right/NN 's/POS spokesperson/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ much/RB less/RBR politically/RB savvy/JJ ,/, much/RB less/RBR telegenic/JJ ,/, and/CC much/RB more/RBR ideological--qualities/JJ that/WDT wo/MD n't/RB help/VB the/DT movement/NN 's/POS reputation/NN ./.
Reed/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, will/MD see/VB his/PRP$ credibility/NN increase/NN ./.
He/PRP no/RB longer/RB has/VBZ to/TO answer/VB for/IN the/DT erratic/JJ Robertson/NNP ./.
He/PRP can/MD drop/VB the/DT pretense/NN that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ nonpartisan/JJ ./.
He/PRP stands/VBZ to/TO become/VB the/DT right/NN 's/POS hottest/JJS consultant/NN ,/, the/DT GOP/NNP 's/POS answer/NN to/TO James/NNP Carville/NNP ./.
Republican/JJ consultants/NNS agree/VBP that/IN conservative/JJ candidates/NNS in/IN the/DT South/NNP ,/, Southwest/NNP ,/, Midwest/NNP ,/, and/CC Rocky/NNP Mountains/NNPS will/MD beg/VB for/IN Reed/NNP 's/POS talents/NNS and/CC connections/NNS ./.
Reed/NNP will/MD make/VB a/DT killing/VBG ./.
He/PRP earned/VBD about/IN $/$ 200/CD ,/, 000/CD from/IN the/DT Christian/NNP Coalition/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ future/JJ colleagues/NNS estimate/VBP that/IN as/IN a/DT consultant/NN ,/, he/PRP 'll/MD earn/VB at/IN least/JJS half/PDT a/DT million/CD dollars/NNS a/DT year/NN ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB as/RB much/JJ as/IN $/$ 3/CD million/CD ./.
But/CC consulting/NN is/VBZ a/DT self-effacing/JJ business/NN ,/, and/CC self-effacement/JJ is/VBZ one/CD thing/NN that/IN Ralph/NNP Reed/NNP has/VBZ shown/VBN no/DT aptitude/NN for/IN ./.
(/( He/PRP quotes/VBZ himself/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ books/NNS ,/, the/DT sure/JJ sign/NN of/IN a/DT towering/JJ ego/NN ./.
)/) He/PRP is/VBZ relocating/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ home/NN state/NN of/IN Georgia/NNP ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ got/VBD plenty/NN of/IN name/NN recognition/NN ./.
Democratic/NNP Sen/NNP ./.
Max/NNP Cleland/NNP barely/RB won/VBD his/PRP$ 1996/CD election/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB be/VB surprised/VBN if/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Reed/NNP takes/VBZ his/PRP$ place/NN in/IN 2002/CD ./.
God/NNP knows/VBZ he/PRP 's/VBZ prepared/VBN for/IN it/PRP ./.
Dear/RB Andrew/NNP ,/, Re/NNP marriage/NN gay/JJ and/CC straight/JJ :/: of/IN course/NN I/PRP can/MD have/VB it/PRP both/DT ways/NNS ./.
Since/IN there/EX is/VBZ marriage/NN ,/, do/VBP I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP should/MD be/VB available/JJ to/TO all/DT ?/.
Yes/UH !/.
Do/VBP I/PRP think/VB its/PRP$ social/JJ and/CC economic/JJ benefits/NNS might/MD be/VB better/RBR distributed/VBN in/IN some/DT other/JJ way/NN (/( health/NN insurance/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN )/) ,/, are/VBP often/RB illusory/NN ,/, come/VB with/IN large/JJ helpings/NNS of/IN inequality/NN ,/, sexism/NN ,/, psychological/JJ torment/VB and/CC so/RB on/RP ?/.
Yes/UH !/.
Is/VBZ there/EX an/DT anti-family/JJ values/NNS "/" left/VBD "/" ?/.
Lower/JJR Manhattan/NNP I/PRP give/VBP you/PRP ./.
But/CC I/PRP have/VBP to/TO laugh/VB when/WRB you/PRP talk/VBP about/IN my/PRP$ "/" friends/NNS at/IN The/DT Nation/NNP "/" as/IN anti-family/JJ values/NNS types/NNS ./.
Victor/NNP Navasky/NNP -/: -/: married/VBN forever/RB ,/, three/CD children/NNS ;/: Katrina/NNP van/NN den/NN Heuvel/NNP ,/, married/VBN ,/, one/CD child/NN ;/: Richard/NNP Lingeman/NNP ,/, another/DT supersolid/NN family/NN man/NN ;/: Art/NNP Winslow/NNP ,/, ditto/NN ./.
John/NNP and/CC Sue/NNP Leonard/NNP ,/, not/RB only/RB married/VBN but/CC job-sharers/JJ ,/, together/RB 24/CD -/: 7/CD ./.
Quick/NNP mental/JJ glance/NN at/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT editorial/NN staff--usual/JJ collection/NN of/IN urban/JJ publishing-industry/JJ singles/NNS ./.
Nobody/NN 's/POS even/RB pierced/JJ !/.
Columnists/NNP and/CC writers/NNS ?/.
Christopher/NNP Hitchens/NNP ,/, married/VBN (/( to/TO a/DT stay-at-home/JJ wife/NN no/DT less/JJR )/) with/IN whom/WP he/PRP has/VBZ one/CD child/NN (/( also/RB two/CD children/NNS by/IN a/DT previous/JJ wife/NN )/) ;/: Pat/NNP Williams/NNP ,/, single/JJ mother/NN of/IN adopted/VBN child/NN ./.
Alex/NNP Cockburn/NNP ,/, well/RB okay/JJ ,/, maybe/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT bit/NN of/IN a/DT rogue/NN ,/, I/PRP give/VBP you/PRP him/PRP too/RB ./.
But/CC as/RB far/RB as/IN personal/JJ conduct/NN goes/VBZ ,/, The/DT Nation/NNP is/VBZ probably/RB as/RB conventionally/RB virtuous/JJ as/IN any/DT magazine/NN in/IN the/DT land/NN ./.
Except/IN for/IN Slate/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN ideology/NN ,/, I/PRP stick/VBP to/TO my/PRP$ contention/NN that/IN family/NN values/NNS hold/VBP sway/VB partout/NN ,/, except/IN in/IN tiny/JJ subcultures/NNS ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT people/NNS tagged/VBN by/IN the/DT right/NN as/IN anti-family/JJ values/NNS advocates/NNS are/VBP actually/RB asserting/VBG mainstream/NN ideas/NNS ,/, like/IN ,/, there/EX are/VBP many/JJ different/JJ family/NN forms/NNS in/IN contemporary/JJ America/NNP ,/, working/VBG mothers/NNS are/VBP okay/JJ ,/, and/CC so/RB forth/RB ./.
But/CC perhaps/RB we/PRP should/MD define/VB what/WP we/PRP mean/VBP by/IN family/NN values/NNS ./.
What/WP do/VBP those/DT loaded/VBN words/NNS mean/VBP to/TO you/PRP ?/.
Cheers/NNP ,/, Katha/NNP
PS/NNP ./.
Re/NNP NOW/RB and/CC Paula/NNP Jones/NNP ./.
I/PRP always/RB thought/VBD ,/, and/CC have/VBP written/VBN many/JJ times/NNS ,/, that/IN Paula/NNP Jones/NNP was/VBD telling/VBG some/DT version/NN of/IN the/DT truth/NN ,/, although/IN whether/IN it/PRP is/VBZ legally/RB actionable/JJ ,/, even/RB if/IN she/PRP could/MD prove/VB it/PRP ,/, which/WDT she/PRP ca/MD n't/RB ,/, is/VBZ another/DT story/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, I/PRP seem/VBP to/TO remember/VB ,/, took/VBD a/DT strong/JJ stand/NN that/IN it/PRP was/VBD not/RB actionable/JJ ,/, because/IN there/EX were/VBD no/DT work-related/JJ consequences/NNS ,/, prompting/VBG a/DT hilarious/JJ letter/NN from/IN a/DT reader/NN who/WP opined/JJ that/IN if/IN the/DT magazine/NN really/RB believed/VBD that/IN it/PRP was/VBD okay/JJ for/IN the/DT boss/NN to/TO drop/VB his/PRP$ trousers/NNS and/CC ask/VB an/DT employee/NN for/IN a/DT blowjob/NN ,/, The/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP must/MD be/VB a/DT helluva/NN place/NN to/TO work/VB ./.
But/CC you/PRP know/VBP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB just/RB NOW/RB that/WDT wants/VBZ Paula/NNP Jones/NNP to/TO go/VB away/RB ./.
Just/RB about/IN everybody/NN in/IN the/DT country/NN feels/VBZ that/DT way/NN ./.
Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP ,/, Paula/NNP Jones/NNP ,/, Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP ,/, Lucianne/NNP Goldberg/NNP ,/, Susan/NNP Carpenter-/NNP McMillan/NNP ,/, the/DT Rutherford/NNP Institute/NNP people/NNS -/: -/: they/PRP 're/VBP very/RB unpopular/JJ ,/, even/RB among/IN salt-of-the-earth/JJ citizens/NNS who/WP do/VBP n't/RB at/IN all/DT condone/VB the/DT sorts/NNS of/IN shenanigans/NNS alleged/VBN of/IN Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT anti-/NN Clintonites/NNP did/VBD n't/RB bargain/VB on/IN this/DT ,/, and/CC still/RB do/VBP n't/RB seem/VB to/TO understand/VB it/PRP ./.
Another/DT nice/JJ week/NN in/IN the/DT markets/NNS ,/, especially/RB the/DT bond/NN market/NN ,/, which/WDT rallied/VBD strongly/RB after/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN economic/JJ data/NNS suggesting/VBG that/DT inflation/NN ,/, if/IN not/RB dead/NN ,/, was/VBD at/IN least/JJS still/RB mild/JJ ./.
The/DT stock/NN market/NN was/VBD also/RB helped/VBN by/IN yet/RB another/DT speech/NN by/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP ,/, who/WP talked/VBD about/IN how/WRB rising/VBG house/NN prices/NNS provided/VBD a/DT more/RBR consistent/JJ impetus/NN to/TO consumer/NN spending/NN than/IN rising/VBG stock/NN prices/NNS ./.
The/DT broadcast/NN version/NN of/IN Greenspan/NNP 's/POS speech/NN looked/VBD like/IN it/PRP was/VBD coming/VBG off/IN the/DT Web/NNP ,/, giving/VBG him/PRP the/DT disconcerting/VBG appearance/NN of/IN the/DT leader/NN of/IN a/DT strange/JJ cult/NN sitting/VBG at/IN a/DT small/JJ desk/NN in/IN a/DT crowded/VBN room/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP may/MD have/VB been/VBN the/DT only/RB one/CD who/WP thought/VBD this/DT ./.
In/IN any/DT case/NN ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT powerful/JJ rally/NN for/IN the/DT stock/NN market/NN in/IN the/DT past/JJ week/NN and/CC a/DT half/NN ,/, and/CC all/PDT the/DT talk/NN now/RB is/VBZ of/IN a/DT revived/VBN bull/NN market/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP still/RB all/DT seems/VBZ a/DT bit/NN odd/JJ ,/, since/IN the/DT purported/JJ bear/NN market/NN lasted/VBD only/RB a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, and/CC was/VBD founded/VBN on/IN nothing/NN more/JJR than/IN overwrought/JJ concerns/NNS about/IN inflation/NN and/CC a/DT sudden/JJ advent/NN of/IN panic/NN about/IN Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP blinked/VBD ,/, you/PRP missed/VBD the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN ./.
Which/WDT ,/, from/IN an/DT investing/VBG perspective/NN ,/, means/VBZ you/PRP should/MD blink/VB as/RB often/RB as/IN you/PRP can/MD ./.
And/CC so/RB ,/, on/IN to/TO the/DT Chat/NNP ./.
1/LS ./.
"/" The/DT Justice/NNP Department/NNP recommended/VBD that/IN Bell/NNP Atlantic/NNP 's/POS application/NN to/TO offer/VB long-distance/JJ service/NN to/TO its/PRP$ local/JJ customers/NNS be/VB denied/VBN ,/, saying/VBG the/DT company/NN had/VBD come/VBN close/RB to/TO opening/VBG its/PRP$ local/JJ networks/NNS sufficiently/RB to/TO competitors/NNS ,/, but/CC that/IN its/PRP$ efforts/NNS fell/VBD just/RB short/JJ ./.
An/DT initial/JJ draft/NN of/IN the/DT memo/NN was/VBD reportedly/RB titled/VBN '/POS Only/RB In/IN Horseshoes/NNP and/CC Hand/NNP Grenades/NNP ./.
'/" "/"
2/LS ./.
"/" According/VBG to/TO The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, Republican/NNP presidential/JJ candidate/NN Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP believes/VBZ that/IN commodity/NN prices/NNS have/VBP been/VBN depressed/VBN because/IN '/POS when/WRB the/DT Fed/NNP tightened/VBD up/RP the/DT money/NN supply/NN people/NNS who/WP needed/VBD to/TO raise/VB cash/NN did/VBD so/RB by/IN selling/VBG commodities/NNS ./.
'/POS Ca/MD n't/RB you/PRP just/RB hear/VBP it/PRP ?/.
'/POS Paw/NNP ,/, the/DT fed/VBN funds/NNS rate/NN just/RB jumped/VBD again/RB ./.
Better/NNP go/VB get/VB some/DT more/JJR corn/NN out/IN of/IN the/DT silo/NN to/TO dump/VB on/IN the/DT market/NN ./.
'/" "/"
3/LS ./.
"/" After/IN the/DT Nasdaq/NNP toyed/JJ with/IN the/DT 3/CD ,/, 000/CD level/NN on/IN Tuesday/NNP before/IN closing/VBG just/RB below/IN it/PRP ,/, technical/JJ traders/NNS came/VBD out/IN of/IN the/DT woodwork/NN to/TO say/VB that/IN breaking/VBG through/IN 3/CD ,/, 000/CD was/VBD going/VBG to/TO be/VB tough/JJ ,/, because/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/NNP '/POS resistance/NN level/NN '/" for/IN the/DT index/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, Wednesday/NNP the/DT Nasdaq/NNP raced/VBD past/JJ 3000/CD ,/, and/CC Thursday/NNP it/PRP stayed/VBD comfortably/RB above/IN it/PRP ./.
So/IN I/PRP guess/VBP the/DT traders/NNS would/MD now/RB say/VB 3/CD ,/, 000/CD is/VBZ a/NNP '/POS support/NN level/NN ./.
'/" "/"
4/LS ./.
"/" GE/NNP CEO/NNP Jack/NNP Welch/NNP announced/VBD that/IN he/PRP will/MD retire/VB after/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS annual/JJ meeting/NN in/IN April/NNP 2001/CD ,/, meaning/VBG that/IN all/DT eyes/NNS will/MD be/VB focused/VBN on/IN his/PRP$ succession/NN ./.
Early/RB suggestions/NNS for/IN ways/NNS of/IN whittling/VBG down/RP the/DT list/NN of/IN contenders/NNS include/VBP :/: two/CD weeks/NNS of/IN Navy/NNP SEAL/NNP training/NN (/( if/IN you/PRP ring/VBP the/DT bell/NN ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP out/IN )/) ;/: a/DT bake-off/JJ using/VBG GE/NNP 's/POS cool/NN new/JJ photo-light/JJ oven/NN ;/: and/CC a/DT gala/NN tourney/NN of/IN Win/NNP Ben/NNP Stein/NNP 's/POS Money/NNP ./.
5/LS ./.
"/" For/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN in/IN recent/JJ memory/NN ,/, Disney/NNP is/VBZ following/VBG the/DT release/NN of/IN its/PRP$ fourth-quarter/JJ and/CC fiscal/JJ year/NN results/NNS with/IN a/DT conference/NN call/NN on/IN which/WDT CEO/NNP Michael/NNP Eisner/NNP will/MD speak/VB about/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS performance/NN and/CC answer/NN questions/NNS from/IN analysts/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB a/DT coincidence/NN that/IN this/DT new/JJ openness/NN to/TO the/DT investor/NN community/NN comes/VBZ at/IN a/DT time/NN when/WRB Disney/NNP 's/POS stock/NN has/VBZ treaded/JJ water/NN for/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT year/NN ./.
6/CD ./.
"/" In/IN its/PRP$ opening/VBG weekend/NN ,/, Being/VBG John/NNP Malkovich/NNP averaged/VBD $/$ 25/CD ,/, 495/CD per/IN screen/NN ./.
That/DT means/VBZ if/IN it/PRP had/VBD opened/VBN on/IN 5/CD ,/, 000/CD screens--instead/JJ of/IN only/RB 25/CD -/: -/: it/PRP would/MD have/VB made/VBN $/$ 127/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD ./.
In/IN three/CD days/NNS !/.
I/PRP bet/VBD the/DT studio/NN execs/NNS are/VBP really/RB kicking/VBG themselves/PRP that/IN they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB book/VB those/DT 5/CD ,/, 000/CD theaters/NNS ./.
7/CD ./.
"/" American/NNP Home/NNP Products/NNPS and/CC Warner-/NNP Lambert/NNP announced/VBD a/DT $/$ 70/CD billion/CD merger/NN that/WDT will/MD create/VB the/DT world/NN 's/POS largest/JJS drug/NN company/NN ./.
I/PRP bet/VBD they/PRP 're/VBP hoping/VBG those/DT drug-price/JJ controls/NNS never/RB make/VBP it/PRP out/IN of/IN committee/NN ./.
The/DT Plague/NNP Cheer/NNP
Hey/NNP ,/, wait/VBP a/DT minute/NN ./.
Despite/IN what/WP Jon/NNP Cohen/NNP asserts/VBZ in/IN "/" AIDS/NNP Is/VBZ n't/RB Over/IN ,/, "/" nothing/NN in/IN my/PRP$ New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NN article/NN stated/VBN that/IN AIDS/NNP is/VBZ over/IN ./.
There/EX are/VBP two/CD full/JJ paragraphs/NNS on/IN the/DT unknowables/NNS and/CC imponderables/NNS of/IN the/DT new/JJ drugs/NNS ./.
There/EX is/VBZ an/DT explicit/JJ statement/NN early/RB on/IN that/DT "/" in/IN one/CD sense/NN ,/, obviously/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB [/( over/IN ]/) ,/, "/" by/IN which/WDT I/PRP mean/VBP the/DT fact/NN of/IN many/JJ ,/, many/JJ more/JJR deaths/NNS from/IN HIV/NNP (/( including/VBG ,/, eventually/RB ,/, probably/RB ,/, my/PRP$ own/JJ )/) ;/: and/CC a/DT clear/JJ assertion/NN that/IN "/" nothing/NN I/PRP am/VBP saying/VBG here/RB is/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO deny/VB that/DT fact/NN ,/, or/CC to/TO mitigate/VB its/PRP$ awfulness/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT quote/NN he/PRP keeps/VBZ using/VBG as/IN his/PRP$ smoking/NN gun--/JJ "/" this/DT ordeal/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN may/MD be/VB over/IN "/" -/: -/: is/VBZ wrested/VBN from/IN a/DT fuller/JJR sentence/NN ,/, which/WDT reads/VBZ ,/, "/" Perhaps/RB this/DT is/VBZ why/WRB so/RB many/JJ of/IN us/PRP find/VBP it/PRP hard/JJ to/TO accept/VB that/IN this/DT ordeal/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN may/MD be/VB over/IN ./.
"/" It/PRP follows/VBZ a/DT section/NN devoted/VBN to/TO the/DT description/NN of/IN someone/NN 's/POS gruesome/JJ death/NN ./.
Blithe/NNP optimism/NN ?/.
Give/VB me/PRP a/DT break/NN ./.
The/DT very/JJ title/NN of/IN the/DT piece--/JJ "/" When/WRB Plagues/NNP End/NNP "/" -/: -/: is/VBZ deliberately/RB and/CC carefully/RB conditional/JJ ./.
Cohen/NNP is/VBZ obsessed/VBN with/IN the/DT idea/NN of/IN a/DT vaccine/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ understandable/JJ ,/, since/IN he/PRP has/VBZ devoted/VBN a/DT good/JJ deal/NN of/IN his/PRP$ journalistic/JJ career/NN to/TO the/DT notion/NN that/IN AIDS/NNP will/MD only/RB be/VB cured/VBN by/IN a/DT vaccine/NN ./.
He/PRP may/MD be/VB right/NN (/( although/IN the/DT obstacles/NNS to/TO a/DT successful/JJ HIV/NNP vaccine/NN are/VBP enormous/JJ )/) ,/, but/CC he/PRP should/MD n't/RB let/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ agenda/NN blind/JJ him/PRP to/TO a/DT simple/JJ fact/NN :/: HIV/NNP may/MD not/RB be/VB "/" cured/VBN ,/, "/" but/CC it/PRP may/MD be/VB successfully/RB treated/VBN for/IN decades/NNS ./.
For/IN those/DT of/IN us/PRP with/IN HIV/NNP ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT lot/NN of/IN difference/NN ./.
-/: -/: Andrew/NNP Sullivan/NNP
Jon/NNP Cohen/NNP Replies/NNP :/:
Andrew/NNP Sullivan/NNP steers/VBZ clear/JJ of/IN my/PRP$ main/JJ criticism/NN of/IN his/PRP$ article--that/JJ it/PRP overstates/NNS the/DT hope/NN that/IN now/RB exists--and/JJ instead/RB resorts/VBZ to/TO unfounded/JJ suggestions/NNS that/IN I/PRP 've/VBP ignored/VBN his/PRP$ checked/VBN tone/NN ,/, taken/VBN his/PRP$ writing/VBG out/IN of/IN context/NN ,/, and--most/JJ absurdly--nit-picked/JJ him/PRP because/IN I/PRP am/VBP obsessed/VBN with/IN AIDS/NNP vaccines/NNS and/CC have/VBP an/DT agenda/NN ./.
Sullivan/NNP 's/POS article/NN ,/, as/IN its/PRP$ subhead/NN states/NNS ,/, is/VBZ an/DT exploration/NN of/IN the/DT "/" twilight/NN of/IN an/DT epidemic/NN "/" that/WDT reflects/VBZ repeatedly/RB on/IN why/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ difficult/JJ for/IN HIV-infected/NNP gay/JJ men/NNS ,/, in/IN particular/JJ ,/, to/TO consider/VB the/DT possibility/NN that/IN new/JJ drug/NN regimens/NNS will/MD allow/VB them/PRP to/TO survive/VB this/DT plague/VB ./.
The/DT ideas/NNS he/PRP examines/VBZ ,/, often/RB with/IN insight/NN and/CC delicacy/NN ,/, have/VBP to/TO do/VB with/IN things/NNS like/IN past/JJ vs/NNS ./.
future/JJ ,/, loss/NN of/IN community/NN ,/, and/CC excessive/JJ skepticism/NN ./.
The/DT passage/NN he/PRP accuses/VBZ me/PRP of/IN having/VBG "/" wrested/VBN "/" out/IN of/IN context/NN is/VBZ just/RB such/JJ a/DT musing/VBG ./.
And/CC he/PRP gives/VBZ short/JJ shrift/NN to/TO another/DT ,/, more/RBR pertinent/JJ idea/NN :/: Perhaps/RB many/JJ infected/JJ people/NNS find/VBP it/PRP hard/JJ to/TO accept/VB that/IN this/DT ordeal/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN may/MD be/VB over/IN because/IN they/PRP have/VBP yet/RB to/TO see/VB evidence/NN that/IN these/DT drugs/NNS will/MD extend/VB their/PRP$ lives/NNS beyond/IN a/DT year/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
And/CC the/DT gruesome/JJ death/NN he/PRP recounts/VBZ prior/RB to/TO this/DT musing/VBG is/VBZ not/RB ,/, as/RB far/RB as/IN we/PRP can/MD tell/VB ,/, about/IN someone/NN who/WP responded/VBD well/RB to/TO the/DT new/JJ treatments/NNS only/RB to/TO die/VB too/RB young/JJ and/CC too/RB painfully/RB ./.
Rather/RB ,/, he/PRP describes/VBZ the/DT death/NN to/TO set/VB a/DT marker/NN in/IN time/NN ,/, raising/VBG the/DT possibility/NN that/IN such/JJ horrible/JJ experiences/NNS now/RB may/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT past/NN ./.
When/WRB Sullivan/NNP writes/VBZ here/RB about/IN the/DT caveats/NNS his/PRP$ article/NN contains/VBZ ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ taking/VBG himself/PRP out/IN of/IN context/NN ./.
The/DT "/" one/CD sense/NN "/" he/PRP is/VBZ referring/VBG to/TO about/IN the/DT epidemic/NN not/RB being/VBG over/IN is/VBZ directed/VBN at/IN newly/RB infected/JJ people/NNS and/CC those/DT who/WP ca/MD n't/RB access/VB or/CC afford/VB the/DT drugs/NNS ./.
Although/IN he/PRP does/VBZ describe/VB attending/VBG a/DT meeting/NN where/WRB physicians/NNS detail/NN several/JJ unknowns/NNS for/IN people/NNS taking/VBG the/DT drugs--which/JJ I/PRP state/VBP in/IN my/PRP$ article/NN (/( listing/NN ,/, further/JJ ,/, several/JJ other/JJ unknowns/NNS that/IN he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB mention/VB )/) -/: -/: he/PRP does/VBZ so/RB almost/RB wearily/RB :/: "/" There/EX were/VBD caveats/NNS ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ./.
The/DT dismissive/JJ tone/NN is/VBZ critical/JJ to/TO his/PRP$ entire/JJ argument/NN ,/, because/IN if/IN he/PRP squarely/RB reflected/VBD on/IN the/DT great/JJ uncertainty/NN that/WDT now/RB exists/VBZ about/IN the/DT impact/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ treatments/NNS ,/, he/PRP would/MD undermine/VB the/DT foundation/NN of/IN an/DT exploration/NN of/IN The/DT End/NN ./.
His/PRP$ analysis/NN would/MD seem/VB ,/, in/IN a/DT word/NN ,/, premature/JJ ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ essentially/RB my/PRP$ problem/NN with/IN the/DT article/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN Sullivan/NNP 's/POS claims/NNS about/IN my/PRP$ obsession/NN and/CC agenda/NN ,/, give/VB me/PRP a/DT break/NN ./.
True/JJ ,/, I/PRP have/VBP written/VBN a/DT great/JJ deal/NN about/IN AIDS/NNP vaccines/NNS ,/, and/CC I/PRP have/VBP a/DT particular/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP also/RB written/VBN thousands/NNS of/IN column/NN inches/NNS about/IN most/JJS every/DT other/JJ topic/NN relating/VBG to/TO the/DT disease/NN ./.
And/CC I/PRP have/VBP written/VBN ,/, and/CC continue/VB to/TO write/VB ,/, about/IN many/JJ things/NNS that/WDT have/VBP nothing/NN at/IN all/DT to/TO do/VB with/IN AIDS/NNP ./.
You/PRP could/MD look/VB it/PRP up/RP ./.
Finally/RB ,/, Sullivan/NNP mixes/VBZ up/RB "/" cure/VB "/" and/CC "/" prevention/NN ./.
"/" The/DT AIDS/NNP vaccines/NNS I/PRP 'm/VBP speaking/NN of/IN are/VBP designed/VBN to/TO prevent/VB an/DT infection/NN and/CC thereby/RB stem/VB an/DT epidemic/NN ./.
If/IN drugs/NNS do/VBP extend/VB the/DT lives/NNS of/IN infected/JJ people/NNS for/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, decades--and/JJ I/PRP hope/VBP they/PRP do/VBP and/CC that/IN Sullivan/NNP is/VBZ wrong/JJ about/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ fate--/JJ I/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, would/MD use/VB the/DT word/NN "/" cure/VB ./.
"/" But/CC unfortunately/RB ,/, we/PRP have/VBP to/TO sit/VB and/CC wait/VB for/IN studies/NNS that/WDT are/VBP underway/NN to/TO finish/VB before/IN we/PRP can/MD predict/VB the/DT future/NN with/IN something/NN more/RBR statistically/RB powerful/JJ than/IN hope/VBP ./.
The/DT Lock/NNP Is/VBZ a/DT Crock/NNP
I/PRP just/RB wanted/VBD to/TO add/VB something/NN to/TO Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP 's/POS "/" Republicans/NNPS in/IN Denial/NNP ,/, "/" his/PRP$ amusing/JJ commentary/NN on/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS '/POS unseemly/JJ bout/NN of/IN whining/VBG ,/, blaming/VBG ,/, and/CC rationalizing/VBG following/VBG this/DT year/NN 's/POS elections/NNS ./.
One/CD other--rather/JJ curious--explanation/JJ for/IN the/DT Republican/JJ defeat/NN in/IN the/DT 1996/CD presidential/JJ race/NN was/VBD proffered/VBN by/IN a/DT member/NN of/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP 's/POS polling/NN staff/NN ./.
During/IN an/DT election/NN post-mortem/JJ (/( televised/VBN on/IN C-SPAN/NNP )/) ,/, she/PRP suggested/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN very/RB difficult/JJ for/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP to/TO win/VB the/DT presidency/NN in/IN the/DT Electoral/NNP College/NNP since/IN ,/, according/VBG to/TO her/PRP$ ,/, Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP went/VBD into/IN this/DT election/NN with/IN 300/CD -/: some/DT electoral/JJ votes/NNS already/RB locked/VBN up/RP ,/, based/VBN on/IN the/DT results/NNS of/IN the/DT 1992/CD election/NN ./.
As/IN evidence/NN of/IN this/DT ,/, she/PRP painstakingly/RB detailed/JJ Clinton/NNP 's/POS electoral/JJ assets/NNS state/VBP by/IN state/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT Northeast/NNP ,/, Midwest/NNP ,/, and/CC West/NNP ./.
By/IN the/DT time/NN she/PRP was/VBD finished/VBN ,/, one/PRP could/MD only/RB conclude/VB that/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD predestined/JJ to/TO win/VB re-election/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD quite/RB interesting/JJ to/TO hear/VB this/DT said/VBD ,/, out/IN of/IN the/DT blue/NN ,/, about/IN a/DT Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ candidate/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT mere/JJ five/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, I/PRP recall/VBP ,/, that/IN conservative/JJ commentators/NNS were/VBD crowing/VBG about/IN the/DT supposed/VBN "/" lock/VB "/" that/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP had/VBD on/IN the/DT Electoral/NNP College/NNP ,/, based/VBN on/IN its/PRP$ (/( the/DT party/NN 's/POS )/) strongholds/NNS in/IN the/DT South/NNP and/CC Mountain/NNP West/NNP ./.
This/DT was/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO guarantee/VB Republican/NNP presidential/JJ supremacy/NN forever--or/JJ at/IN least/JJS until/IN the/DT name/NN "/" Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP "/" had/VBD slipped/VBN into/IN the/DT wells/NNS of/IN history/NN ./.
Well/RB ,/, a/DT mere/JJ eight/CD years/NNS after/IN Reagan/NNP uttered/VBD his/PRP$ last/JJ valedictory/NN words/NNS ,/, it/PRP would/MD seem/VB that/IN the/DT Democrats/NNPS did/VBD ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, have/VBP a/DT chance/NN at/IN the/DT presidency/NN once/RB again/RB ./.
-/: -/: John/NNP Treumann/NNP
Fight/VB Night/NNP at/IN Slate/NNP
As/RB much/JJ as/IN I/PRP get/VBP a/DT cheap/JJ thrill/NN from/IN exploring/VBG the/DT world/NN of/IN scholar/NN &slash;/NN expert/NN rivalry/NN in/IN your/PRP$ magazine/NN ,/, the/DT Thanksgiving/NNP issue/NN was/VBD beyond/IN the/DT pale/NN ./.
Krugman/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Wanniski/NNP ,/, Wright/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Gould/NNP ,/, and/CC (/( particularly/RB )/) Krohn/NNP &/CC Plotz/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Hackworth/NNP were/VBD all/DT heavy/NN on/IN the/DT feuding/VBG and/CC light/JJ on/IN the/DT facts/NNS ./.
I/PRP probably/RB agree/VBP with/IN all/DT your/PRP$ writers/NNS '/POS assessments/NNS ;/: it/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB that/IN I/PRP 'd/MD hate/VB to/TO see/VB the/DT magazine/NN turn/NN into/IN a/DT giant/NN venting/VBG extravaganza/NN ./.
-/: -/: Matt/NNP Hellman/NNP
Every/DT time/NN something/NN really/RB bad/JJ happens/VBZ ,/, Americans/NNPS seem/VBP to/TO lose/VB their/PRP$ innocence/NN all/DT over/IN again/RB ./.
So/RB too/RB are/VBP the/DT tabloids/NNS ,/, ever/RB hopeful/JJ about/IN the/DT promise/NN of/IN celebrity/NN love/NN ,/, constantly/RB made/VBN cynical/JJ by/IN its/PRP$ failure/NN ./.
But/CC who/WP would/MD n't/RB be/VB moved/VBN by/IN the/DT stirring/VBG vows/VBZ famous/JJ people/NNS incessantly/RB exchange/VBP ?/.
Take/VB this/DT account/NN in/IN the/DT Globe/NNP of/IN the/DT wedding/NN of/IN Frasier/NNP star/NN Kelsey/NNP Grammer--his/NNP third/NN ./.
"/" Wildman/NNP Kelsey/NNP Grammer/NNP made/VBD a/DT touching/VBG vow/NN of/IN eternal/JJ love/NN to/TO his/PRP$ [/( Playboy/NNP pinup/NN ]/) bride/NN Camille/NNP Donatacci/NNP at/IN a/DT tender/NN wedding/NN filled/VBN with/IN romance/NN and/CC roses--that/JJ cost/NN a/DT whopping/JJ $/$ 450/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
Talk-show/NNP host/NN Larry/NNP King/NNP had/VBD two/CD beautiful/JJ weddings/NNS to/TO infomercial/NN host/NN Shawn/NNP Southwick--one/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ hospital/NN bed/NN ,/, while/IN awaiting/VBG heart/NN surgery/NN ,/, and/CC one/CD post-angioplasty/JJ in/IN Beverly/NNP Hills/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT National/NNP Enquirer/NNP ,/, so/RB sure/JJ is/VBZ King/NNP that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ found/VBN "/" the/DT love/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN "/" with/IN his/PRP$ seventh/JJ wife/NN that/IN he/PRP ignored/VBD the/DT advice/NN of/IN his/PRP$ daughter/NN and/CC his/PRP$ financial/JJ advisers/NNS to/TO get/VB a/DT prenuptial/NN agreement/NN ./.
This/DT week/NN 's/POS Star/NNP takes/VBZ us/PRP inside/IN former/JJ Golden/NNP Girl/NNP Rue/NN McLanahan/NNP 's/POS "/" Fairytale/NNP Wedding/NN to/TO Hubby/NNP #/# 6/CD ./.
"/" She/PRP says/VBZ ,/, "/" We/PRP both/DT feel/VBP that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP met/VBN the/DT soulmates/NNS that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN searching/VBG for/IN ./.
"/" Then/RB there/EX was/VBD Kenny/NNP Rogers/NNP '/POS moving/NN promise/NN to/TO his/PRP$ fifth/JJ bride/NN that/IN a/DT friend/NN of/IN the/DT singer/NN 's/POS reported/VBD to/TO the/DT Enquirer/NNP :/: "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO make/VB this/DT work/NN no/DT matter/NN what/WP !/.
"/" Of/IN Rogers/NNP '/POS waltzing/VBG with/IN his/PRP$ 28/CD -/: years-younger/JJ new/JJ wife/NN one/CD guest/NN told/VBD the/DT publication/NN ,/, "/" It/PRP looked/VBD like/IN a/DT Father-/NNP Daughter/NNP Day/NNP Dance/NNP at/IN a/DT high/JJ school/NN ./.
"/" And/CC former/JJ Charlie/NNP 's/POS Angel/NNP Jaclyn/NNP Smith/NNP shed/VBD tears/NNS of/IN joy/NN at/IN her/PRP$ fourth/JJ wedding/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Enquirer/NNP ,/, promising/VBG all/DT her/PRP$ guests/NNS ,/, "/" This/DT one/CD is/VBZ forever/RB ./.
Though/IN the/DT tabs/NNS are/VBP fools/NNS for/IN love/NN ,/, occasionally/RB even/RB they/PRP find/VBP a/DT wedding/NN not/RB touching/VBG but/CC tawdry/JJ ./.
That/DT is/VBZ how/WRB the/DT marriage/NN between/IN Woody/NNP Allen/NNP and/CC Soon-/NNP Yi/NNP Previn/NNP ,/, daughter/NN of/IN Woody/NNP 's/POS former/JJ lover/NN Mia/NNP Farrow/NNP ,/, was/VBD portrayed/VBN this/DT week/NN ./.
While/IN Allen/NNP calls/VBZ the/DT wedding/NN ,/, which/WDT makes/VBZ him/PRP Farrow/NNP 's/VBZ son-in-law/JJ ,/, a/DT "/" wonderful/JJ thing/NN ,/, "/" Farrow/NNP family/NN spokesman/NN Dr/NNP ./.
Stephen/NNP Herman/NNP ,/, a/DT child/NN psychiatrist/NN ,/, is/VBZ quoted/VBN in/IN the/DT Globe/NNP as/IN denouncing/VBG it/PRP :/: "/" rude/JJ ,/, nasty/JJ and/CC most/JJS of/IN all/DT ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT reflection/NN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ narcissism/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB ,/, the/DT tabs/NNS report/NN ,/, the/DT wedding/NN day/NN leads/VBZ right/NN to/TO the/DT divorce/NN lawyer/NN 's/POS payday/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO an/DT account/NN in/IN the/DT Star/NNP ,/, country/NN singer/NN Tracy/NNP Lawrence/NNP 's/POS marriage/NN to/TO a/DT former/JJ Dallas/NNP Cowboys/NNPS cheerleader/NN "/" began/VBD to/TO deteriorate/VB soon/RB after/IN her/PRP$ fairy-tale/JJ wedding/NN ./.
"/" For/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, Stacie/NNP ,/, it/PRP ended/VBD when/WRB he/PRP beat/VBP her/PRP$ up/RP following/VBG a/DT concert--/JJ Las/NNP Vegas/NNP police/NN charged/VBD him/PRP with/IN battery/NN ./.
It/PRP legally/RB began/VBD to/TO unravel/VB when/WRB he/PRP had/VBD her/PRP$ served/VBN with/IN divorce/NN papers/NNS while/IN she/PRP was/VBD returning/VBG home/NN from/IN a/DT CAT/NNP scan/VB to/TO assess/VB her/PRP$ injuries/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN actress/NN Robin/NNP Givens/NNP ,/, Mike/NNP Tyson/NNP 's/POS ex/FW ,/, her/PRP$ wedding/NN day/NN actually/RB was/VBD the/DT only/JJ day/NN of/IN her/PRP$ marriage/NN to/TO Yugoslavian/NNP tennis/NN player/NN Svetozar/NNP Marinkovic/NNP ,/, according/VBG to/TO last/VB week/NN 's/POS Globe/NNP ./.
At/IN a/DT party/NN after/IN the/DT ceremony/NN she/PRP reportedly/RB announced/VBD ,/, "/" Svetozar/NNP is/VBZ the/DT man/NN of/IN my/PRP$ dreams/NNS and/CC I/PRP plan/VBP to/TO spend/VB the/DT rest/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN with/IN him/PRP ./.
"/" Since/IN Givens/NNP did/VBD not/RB pass/VB away/RB during/IN the/DT night/NN ,/, her/PRP$ prediction/NN was/VBD not/RB to/TO be/VB ./.
The/DT Globe/NNP says/VBZ that/IN in/IN her/PRP$ divorce/NN papers/NNS ,/, she/PRP revealed/VBD the/DT couple/NN separated/JJ the/DT day/NN they/PRP married/VBD ./.
This/DT unwritten/JJ rule/NN also/RB emerges/VBZ from/IN the/DT tabs/NNS :/: The/DT more/JJR elaborate/VB the/DT wedding/NN ,/, the/DT greater/JJR the/DT trouble/NN ahead/RB ./.
Take/VB the/DT saga/NN of/IN actress/NN Geena/NNP Davis/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ third/JJ husband/NN ,/, director/NN Renny/NNP Harlin/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, their/PRP$ wedding/NN was/VBD a/DT $/$ 1/CD million/CD extravaganza/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT wedding/NN present/JJ ,/, Davis/NNP had/VBD the/DT name/NN "/" Renny/NNP "/" and/CC a/DT picture/NN of/IN Cupid/NNP tattooed/JJ on/IN her/PRP$ leg/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, this/DT week/NN 's/POS Enquirer/NNP reveals/VBZ there/EX 's/VBZ only/RB a/DT patch/NN of/IN very/RB white/JJ skin/NN where/WRB Cupid/NNP and/CC "/" Renny/NNP "/" used/VBN to/TO be/VB ./.
As/IN a/DT friend/NN of/IN the/DT couple/NN 's/POS told/VBD the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, "/" Renny/NNP was/VBD Hollywood/NNP 's/POS biggest/JJS playboy/NN while/IN he/PRP was/VBD married/VBN to/TO Geena/NNP ./.
"/" That/DT assessment/NN was/VBD borne/VBN out/IN when/WRB ,/, the/DT Globe/NNP reveals/VBZ ,/, it/PRP turns/VBZ out/RP that/IN Davis/NNP '/POS personal/JJ assistant/NN ,/, Tiffany/NNP Bowne/NNP ,/, returned/VBD to/TO her/PRP$ family/NN in/IN Arizona/NNP not/RB for/IN some/DT R/NN &/CC R/NN but/CC to/TO have/VB Harlin/NNP 's/POS child/NN ./.
This/DT only/RB proves/VBZ another/DT unwritten/JJ rule/NN :/: Never/RB ,/, ever/RB hire/VB a/DT personal/JJ assistant/NN named/VBD Tiffany/NNP ./.
Kelsey/NNP Grammer/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN are/VBP still/RB together/RB after/IN their/PRP$ lavish/JJ wedding/NN (/( the/DT pastry/NN chef/NN was/VBD flown/VBN in/IN from/IN Denmark/NNP ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Star/NNP )/) ,/, but/CC all/PDT the/DT tabloids/NNS have/VBP taken/VBN to/TO chronicling/VBG their/PRP$ bumpy/JJ road/NN to/TO bliss/NNS ./.
While/IN exchanging/VBG vows/VBZ ,/, Grammer/NNP was/VBD so/RB overcome/VB that/IN he/PRP burst/VBD into/IN tears/NNS ./.
"/" Excuse/NNP me/PRP ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP so/RB happy/JJ !/.
"/" he/PRP said/VBD ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ./.
However/RB ,/, the/DT next/JJ morning/NN ,/, the/DT Star/NNP alleges/VBZ ,/, he/PRP was/VBD calling/VBG friends/NNS ,/, asking/VBG ,/, "/" What/WP have/VBP I/PRP done/VBN ?/.
"/" after/IN both/DT he/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN took/VBD turns/VBZ storming/VBG out/IN of/IN their/PRP$ room/NN at/IN the/DT Bel-/NNP Air/NNP Hotel/NNP ./.
They/PRP made/VBD up/RP in/IN time/NN to/TO leave/VB for/IN their/PRP$ Caribbean/NNP honeymoon/NN ,/, the/DT Star/NNP says/VBZ ./.
But/CC there/EX was/VBD another/DT jolt/NN ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT Enquirer/NNP ,/, when/WRB he/PRP opened/VBD her/PRP$ wedding/NN gift/NN to/TO him/PRP :/: a/DT Stairmaster/NNP ./.
"/" You/PRP 're/VBP fat/JJ and/CC I/PRP hate/VBP fat/JJ men/NNS ,/, "/" she/PRP told/VBD him/PRP ./.
Recently/RB ,/, says/VBZ the/DT Enquirer/NNP ,/, Grammer/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN lobbying/VBG Frasier/NNP 's/POS producers/NNS to/TO give/VB his/PRP$ wife/NN a/DT part/NN on/IN the/DT show/NN because/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ so/RB bored/VBN while/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ at/IN work/NN ./.
Let/VB 's/PRP hope/NN she/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB decide/VB to/TO get/VB a/DT tattoo/NN ./.
Then/RB there/EX are/VBP the/DT marriages/NNS that/WDT are/VBP giving/VBG readers/NNS whiplash--most/JJ prominently/RB those/DT of/IN singer/NN Michael/NNP Jackson/NNP and/CC Debbie/NNP Rowe/NNP ,/, his/PRP$ dermatologist/NN 's/POS former/JJ receptionist/NN ;/: and/CC talk-show/NN host/NN Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP Gifford/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ sportscaster/NN husband/NN ,/, Frank/NNP ./.
This/DT week/NN the/DT Enquirer/NNP made/VBD news/NN with/IN the/DT revelation/NN that/IN Lisa/NNP Marie/NNP Presley/NNP ,/, Elvis/NNP '/POS daughter/NN and/CC Jackson/NNP 's/POS former/JJ wife/NN ,/, confided/VBD to/TO her/PRP$ uncle/NN ,/, a/DT minister/NN ,/, that/IN she/PRP had/VBD found/VBN evidence/NN during/IN her/PRP$ marriage--which/JJ was/VBD never/RB consummated/VBN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT story--that/JJ Jackson/NNP was/VBD sexually/RB interested/JJ in/IN boys/NNS ./.
The/DT uncle/NN ,/, the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Rick/NNP Stanley/NNP ,/, went/VBD public/NN because/IN of/IN a/DT recent/JJ report/NN in/IN the/DT tabloids/NNS that/IN Jackson/NNP and/CC Presley/NNP have/VBP traveled/VBN the/DT world/NN together--with/JJ her/PRP$ young/JJ children/NNS by/IN another/DT marriage--even/JJ as/IN Rowe/NNP is/VBZ pregnant/JJ with/IN the/DT singer/NN 's/POS second/JJ child/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Enquirer/NNP ,/, Rowe/NNP said/VBD to/TO a/DT friend/NN ,/, "/" I/PRP told/VBD Michael/NNP that/IN I/PRP would/MD share/VB him/PRP with/IN Lisa/NNP Marie/NNP ./.
"/" She/PRP 'll/MD have/VB to/TO if/IN the/DT Star/NNP is/VBZ accurate/JJ when/WRB it/PRP reports/VBZ that/IN Jackson/NNP has/VBZ talked/VBN about/IN Rowe/NNP serving/VBG as/IN a/DT surrogate/JJ mother/NN for/IN a/DT child/NN artificially/RB conceived/VBD between/IN Jackson/NNP and/CC Presley/NNP ./.
"/" He/PRP 's/VBZ convinced/VBN they/PRP could/MD create/VB the/DT next/JJ Elvis/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ the/DT Star/NNP ./.
On/IN the/DT Gifford/NNP front/NN ,/, the/DT Enquirer/NNP ,/, in/IN what/WP it/PRP calls/VBZ "/" A/DT Tender/NNP Love/NNP Story/NNP ,/, "/" has/VBZ Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP advising/VBG "/" skirtchasing/VBG "/" Kevin/NNP Costner/NNP to/TO reconcile/VB with/IN his/PRP$ ex-wife/NN ./.
The/DT counseling/NN sessions/NNS gave/VBD her/PRP$ new/JJ hope/NN that/IN "/" she/PRP can/MD reignite/VB the/DT flames/NNS of/IN passion/NN with/IN her/PRP$ own/JJ hubby/NN ./.
"/" But/CC according/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP ,/, which/WDT helped/VBD douse/NN the/DT Gifford/NNP marriage/NN when/WRB it/PRP videotaped/JJ the/DT sportscaster/NN 's/POS tryst/NN with/IN an/DT unnaturally/RB well-endowed/JJ former/JJ flight/NN attendant/NN ,/, the/DT flame/NN is/VBZ out/RP ./.
"/" Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP to/TO Divorce/NNP Frank/NNP !/.
"/" predicted/VBD a/DT recent/JJ cover/NN ./.
The/DT Star/NNP ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, is/VBZ hedging/VBG its/PRP$ bets/NNS ./.
It/PRP reported/VBD last/JJ week/NN that/IN Kathie/NNP Lee/NNP is/VBZ planning/VBG to/TO get/VB breast/NN implants/NNS "/" to/TO save/VB her/PRP$ self-esteem--and/JJ maybe/RB her/PRP$ marriage/NN ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT publication/NN also/RB says/VBZ that/IN she/PRP is/VBZ recording/VBG a/DT blues/NNS album/NN ,/, all/PDT the/DT better/JJR to/TO "/" [/( rub/NN ]/) her/PRP$ martyrdom/NN in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN her/PRP$ errant/NN husband/NN ./.
Many/JJ celebrity/NN marriages/NNS could/MD be/VB called/VBN Ponce/NNP de/IN León/NNP unions/NNS ./.
Take/VB the/DT wedding/NN of/IN Anthony/NNP Quinn/NNP ,/, 82/CD ,/, to/TO his/PRP$ former/JJ secretary/NN ,/, Kathy/NNP Benvin/NNP ,/, 35/CD ,/, the/DT mother/NN of/IN his/PRP$ two/CD young/JJ children/NNS ./.
A/DT guest/NN told/VBD the/DT Star/NNP that/IN after/IN the/DT ceremony/NN ,/, Quinn/NNP launched/VBD into/IN his/PRP$ Zorba/NNP the/DT Greek/JJ dance/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP could/MD see/VB him/PRP growing/VBG younger/JJR before/IN your/PRP$ very/RB eyes/NNS ./.
"/" When/WRB William/NNP Shatner/NNP ,/, 66/CD ,/, married/VBD Nerine/NNP Kidd/NNP ,/, 37/CD ,/, he/PRP told/VBD a/DT friend/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP :/: "/" She/PRP is/VBZ my/PRP$ fountain/NN of/IN youth/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ love/NN energizes/NNS me/PRP ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ fortunate/JJ she/PRP is/VBZ not/RB his/PRP$ sole/JJ source/NN of/IN energy--the/JJ Star/NNP reports/NNS she/PRP had/VBD canceled/VBN their/PRP$ wedding/NN plans/VBZ three/CD times/NNS previously/RB ./.
But/CC having/VBG to/TO constantly/RB administer/VB youth/NN serum/NN can/MD send/VB a/DT spouse/NN fleeing/VBG into/IN the/DT arms/NNS of/IN someone/NN who/WP actually/RB is/VBZ young/JJ ./.
Take/VB the/DT case/NN of/IN actor/NN Rod/NNP Steiger/NNP ,/, 72/CD ./.
He/PRP discovered/VBD that/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, 38/CD ,/, was/VBD discussing/VBG more/JJR than/IN drywall/NN with/IN their/PRP$ married/VBN contractor/NN ,/, 40/CD ,/, when/WRB the/DT pair/NN was/VBD photographed/VBN by/IN the/DT Globe/NNP ./.
The/DT publication/NN seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB a/DT sort/NN of/IN social/JJ consciousness/NN about/IN not/RB letting/VBG celebrities/NNS suffer/VBP the/DT delusion/NN that/IN they/PRP are/VBP happily/RB married/VBN ./.
Then/RB again/RB ,/, the/DT tabloids/NNS have/VBP to/TO give/VB credit/NN when/WRB love/NN proves/VBZ the/DT cynics/NNS wrong/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP the/DT Globe/NNP had/VBD to/TO do/VB last/RB week/NN for/IN actress/NN Bo/NNP Derek/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ director/NN husband/NN ,/, John/NNP ./.
When/WRB they/PRP married/VBD 20/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, the/DT Globe/NNP reports/NNS ,/, people/NNS said/VBD it/PRP would/MD n't/RB last/VB ./.
But/CC they/PRP showed/VBD what/WP true/JJ love/NN is/VBZ when/WRB Bo/NNP took/VBD over/IN John/NNP 's/POS medical/JJ care/NN and/CC for/IN seven/CD weeks/NNS forced/VBD him/PRP to/TO drink/VB gallons/NNS of/IN water/NN to/TO flush/VB out/IN stubborn/JJ kidney/NN stones/NNS ./.
Concludes/NNP the/DT Globe/NNP :/: "/" She/PRP 's/VBZ more/JJR than/IN a/DT perfect/JJ 10/CD !/.
There/EX 's/VBZ something/NN almost/RB comical/JJ about/IN the/DT recent/JJ frustration/NN over/IN the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN Japan/NNP 's/POS refusal/NN to/TO take/VB action/NN to/TO lower/VB the/DT value/NN of/IN the/DT yen/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ soared/VBN in/IN the/DT past/JJ month/NN against/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS currencies/NNS ,/, including/VBG most/RBS obviously/RB the/DT dollar/NN ./.
The/DT kind/NN of/IN action/NN the/DT bank/NN would/MD have/VB to/TO take/VB to/TO weaken/VB the/DT yen/NNS ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, is/VBZ precisely/RB the/DT kind/NN of/IN action/NN it/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO take/VB to/TO jump-start/JJ the/DT Japanese/JJ economy/NN ./.
And/CC if/IN it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB going/VBG to/TO take/VB action/NN to/TO do/VB the/DT latter/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO see/VB why/WRB we/PRP should/MD it/PRP expect/VB to/TO act/VB to/TO do/VB the/DT former/NN ./.
The/DT impact/NN on/IN a/DT country/NN 's/POS economy/NN of/IN the/DT value/NN of/IN its/PRP$ currency/NN is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, very/RB complicated/VBN ,/, primarily/RB because/IN any/DT country/NN is/VBZ made/VBN up/RP both/DT of/IN consumers/NNS ,/, who/WP like/IN it/PRP when/WRB the/DT currency/NN is/VBZ strong/JJ ,/, making/VBG imported/VBN goods/NNS cheap/JJ ,/, and/CC producers/NNS ,/, who/WP like/IN it/PRP when/WRB the/DT currency/NN is/VBZ weaker/JJR ,/, making/VBG their/PRP$ exports/NNS more/RBR affordable/JJ ./.
But/CC former/JJ Treasury/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Rubin/NNP always/RB said/VBD simply/RB that/IN a/DT strong/JJ dollar/NN was/VBD in/IN the/DT best/JJS interests/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, so/IN you/PRP 're/VBP probably/RB pretty/RB safe/JJ to/TO leave/VB it/PRP at/IN that/DT ./.
But/CC that/DT does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB too/RB obsessed/VBN with/IN the/DT recent/JJ fall/NN of/IN the/DT dollar/NN against/IN the/DT yen/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, currency/NN markets/NNS are/VBP markets/NNS ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ that/IN they/PRP will/MD occasionally/RB overreact/VB (/( as/IN currency/NN traders/NNS seem/VBP to/TO have/VB done/VBN to/TO the/DT news/NN that/IN the/DT Japanese/JJ economy/NN actually/RB grew/VBD in/IN the/DT last/JJ quarter/NN ,/, albeit/IN at/IN a/DT minuscule/JJ rate/NN )/) ./.
In/IN the/DT second/JJ place/NN ,/, the/DT dollar/NN has/VBZ remained/VBN strong/JJ against/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS other/JJ major/JJ currencies/NNS ./.
So/RB concerns/VBZ that/IN a/DT weak/JJ dollar/NN will/MD spark/VB inflationary/JJ pressures/NNS are/VBP overplayed/JJ ./.
The/DT Japanese/NNPS ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, have/VBP reason/NN to/TO worry/VB about/IN the/DT yen/NN 's/POS becoming/VBG too/RB strong/JJ when/WRB their/PRP$ economy/NN is/VBZ still/RB barely/RB limping/VBG along/RB ./.
Much/JJ of/IN Japan/NNP 's/POS industrial/JJ production/NN remains/VBZ concentrated/VBN in/IN export/NN industries/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT too-strong/JJ yen/NNS will/MD hurt/VB them/PRP ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, it/PRP might/MD be/VB tempting/JJ for/IN Japanese/JJ leaders/NNS to/TO see/VB the/DT value/NN of/IN the/DT yen/NN as/IN a/DT referendum/NN on/IN their/PRP$ economy/NN ./.
If/IN they/PRP do/VBP ,/, that/WDT 'll/MD hold/VB back/RB the/DT kinds/NNS of/IN changes/NNS Japan/NNP needs/VBZ ./.
The/DT best/JJS chance/NN the/DT bank/NN has/VBZ of/IN lowering/VBG the/DT value/NN of/IN the/DT yen--and/JJ it/PRP would/MD be/VB only/RB a/DT chance--would/JJ be/VB to/TO effectively/RB print/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN new/JJ currency/NN ./.
(/( It/PRP ca/MD n't/RB act/VB to/TO manipulate/VB interest/NN rates/NNS ,/, since/IN rates/NNS are/VBP already/RB near/IN zero/CD ./.
)/) This/DT would/MD ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, have/VBP an/DT inflationary/JJ impact/NN ./.
But/CC ,/, as/IN I/PRP 've/VBP said/VBN here/RB before/IN (/( and/CC as/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS Paul/NNP Krugman/NNP has/VBZ said/VBN many/JJ times/NNS before/IN )/) ,/, that/WDT would/MD not/RB be/VB a/DT bad/JJ thing/NN ./.
Japan/NNP remains/VBZ caught/VBN in/IN a/DT liquidity/NN trap/NN ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ that/IN even/RB though/IN money/NN is/VBZ effectively/RB free/JJ ,/, people/NNS are/VBP not/RB using/VBG it/PRP to/TO invest/VB or/CC spend/VB ./.
One/CD way/NN of/IN encouraging/VBG them/PRP to/TO do/VB so/RB is/VBZ to/TO make/VB the/DT cost/NN of/IN not/RB spending/VBG higher/JJR than/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN saving/VBG ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO say/VB making/VBG a/DT commitment/NN to/TO inflation/NN ./.
For/IN all/PDT this/DT ,/, though/RB ,/, we/PRP need/VBP to/TO stop/VB expecting/VBG the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN Japan/NNP to/TO step/VB in/IN :/: It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB interested/JJ in/IN taking/VBG action/NN either/CC to/TO spark/VB growth/NN or/CC drive/NN down/RP the/DT yen/NN ./.
The/DT bank/NN takes/VBZ its/PRP$ devotion/NN to/TO inflation-fighting/NN very/RB seriously/RB ,/, and/CC it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB believe/VB the/DT admittedly/RB heretical/JJ view/NN that/IN sometimes/RB a/DT little/JJ inflation/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT bad/JJ thing/NN ./.
So/RB if/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS is/VBZ counting/VBG on/IN the/DT bank/NN to/TO help/VB save/VB the/DT dollar/NN ,/, it/PRP should/MD stop/VB and/CC look/VB to/TO something/NN else/RB ./.
Maybe/RB we/PRP could/MD worry/VB about/IN the/DT trade/NN deficit/NN ./.
Jacques/NNP Rapoport/NNP led/VBD the/DT search/NN for/IN something/NN "/" that/WDT was/VBD sweet/JJ rather/RB than/IN violent/JJ ,/, that/IN lingered/JJ for/IN two/CD weeks/NNS ,/, and/CC that/DT suggested/VBD a/DT feeling/NN of/IN cleanliness/NN and/CC well-being/NN rather/RB than/IN of/IN filthiness/NNS being/VBG covered/VBN up/RP ./.
"/" What/WP was/VBD Rapoport/NNP looking/VBG for/RP ?/.
by/IN noon/NN ET/NNP Tuesday/NNP to/TO e-mail/JJ your/PRP$ answer/NN to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Thursday/NNP 's/POS question/NN (/( No/UH ./.
160/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Put/VB the/DT Dis/NNP Back/RB in/IN Description/NNP "/" :/:
"/" Smelly/NNP ,/, Lethargic/NNP ,/, Incoherent/NNP ./.
"/" Ads/NNS in/IN many/JJ papers/NNS caution/VBP that/DT someone/NN like/IN this/DT is/VBZ probably/RB ./.
what/WP ?/.
"/" Male/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Evan/NNP Cornog/NNP
"/" Dead/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Paul/NNP Tullis/NNP (/( Ellen/NNP Macleay/NNP had/VBD a/DT similar/JJ answer/NN ,/, with/IN Tic-/NNP Tacs/NNP ./.
"/" Electable/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Brooke/NNP Saucier/NNP (/( similarly/RB ,/, Winter/NNP Miller/NNP )/)
"/" Dying/NNP to/TO meet/VB you/PRP !/.
"/" -/: -/: Ananda/NNP Gupta/NNP
"/" Brian/NNP Dennehy/NNP in/IN Death/NN of/IN a/DT Salesman/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Chris/NNP Kelly/NNP
"/" A/DT newborn/JJ baby/NN ./.
Mine/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT full/JJ week/NN old/JJ ,/, and/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB acting/VBG like/IN a/DT drunk/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Eric/NNP Fredericksen/NNP
"/" Leno/NNP :/: '/POS Ready/JJ for/IN his/PRP$ Viagra/NNP '/POS ;/: Letterman/NNP :/: '/POS The/DT typical/JJ CBS/NNP viewer/NN '/" ;/: Maher/NNP :/: '/POS Next/JJ to/TO Ariana/NNP ,/, on/IN my/PRP$ immediate/JJ left/VBD ./.
'/POS "/" -/: -/: Daniel/NNP Radosh/NNP
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR responses/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
Events/NNS have/VBP unfolded/VBD so/RB rapidly/RB since/IN this/DT question/NN was/VBD posted/VBN last/JJ Thursday/NNP that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ difficult/JJ to/TO distinguish/VB the/DT smelly/JJ from/IN the/DT lethargic/JJ ,/, the/DT lethargic/JJ from/IN the/DT incoherent/JJ ,/, the/DT incoherent/JJ from/IN Henry/NNP Hyde/NNP 's/POS Holocaust/NNP history/NN ./.
As/IN I/PRP understand/VBP it/PRP ,/, Rep/NNP ./.
Bob/NNP Livingston/NNP announced/VBD his/PRP$ resignation/NN ,/, demanded/VBD the/DT president/NN follow/VB suit/NN ,/, and/CC called/VBD for/IN those/DT other/JJ adulterers/NNS ,/, former/JJ Presidents/NNP Kennedy/NNP ,/, Eisenhower/NNP ,/, Roosevelt/NNP ,/, Jackson/NNP ,/, and/CC Jefferson/NNP to/TO return/VB from/IN the/DT dead/JJ and/CC resign/VB retroactively/RB ./.
Livingston/NNP 's/POS rationale/NN seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB that/IN children/NNS take/VBP government/NN officials/NNS as/IN their/PRP$ role/NN models/NNS (/( particularly/RB those/DT in/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Communications/NNP Commission/NNP and/CC the/DT Bureau/NNP of/IN Weights/NNP and/CC Measures--did/NNP I/PRP get/VBP that/DT part/NN right/NN ?/.
)/) ,/, most/JJS of/IN whom/WP now/RB have/VBP the/DT shoe/NN deals/NNS Nike/NNP just/RB canceled/VBD with/IN out/IN of/IN work/NN basketball/NN players/NNS ./.
And/CC of/IN course/NN You/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN Mail/NNP opened/VBD ,/, along/IN with/IN its/PRP$ homosexual/JJ pornographic/JJ knockoff/NN ,/, You/PRP 've/VBP Got/NNP Males/NNPS ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP exhausted/VBN ./.
But/CC I/PRP wo/MD n't/RB resign/VB ./.
Glassy/NNP Eyed/NNP Answer/NNP
Someone/NN like/IN this/DT is/VBZ probably/RB an/DT inhalant-abusing/JJ teenager/NN ./.
"/" Few/JJ realize/VB that/IN just/RB one/CD sniff/VB can/MD cause/VB death/NN ,/, "/" asserts/VBZ the/DT Partnership/NNP for/IN a/DT Drug-/NNP Free/NNP America/NNP ./.
To/TO find/VB out/IN which/WDT ordinary/JJ household/NN products/NNS will/MD get/VB you/PRP high/JJ ,/, ask/VB your/PRP$ kids/NNS ./.
"/" Half/NN of/IN all/DT 14/CD -/: 15/CD year/NN olds/NNS have/VBP been/VBN offered/VBN inhalants/NNS ./.
"/" Sorry/JJ ,/, I/PRP mean/VBP "/" Warn/NNP your/PRP$ kids/NNS before/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ too/RB late/JJ ,/, because/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB recommend/VB the/DT other/JJ means/NNS of/IN detection/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ called/VBD an/DT autopsy/NN ./.
"/" To/TO learn/VB more/JJR about/IN inhalants/NNS ,/, what/WP they/PRP are/VBP ,/, and/CC where/WRB in/IN your/PRP$ home/NN they/PRP can/MD be/VB found/VBN [/( Oh/UH ,/, Lordy/NNP ,/, those/DT bastards/NNS have/VBP been/VBN been/VBN poking/VBG around/IN my/PRP$ home/NN !/.
]/NN ,/, we/PRP urge/VBP you/PRP to/TO call/VB (/( 800/CD )/) 729/CD -/: 6686/CD ./.
To/TO learn/VB more/JJR about/IN what/WP Slate/NNP 's/POS Seth/NNP Stevenson/NNP knows/VBZ about/IN this/DT dubious/JJ organization/NN ,/, we/PRP urge/VBP you/PRP to/TO click/NN ./.
Seasonal/NNP Sequels/NNP Extra/NNP
Below/NNP ,/, actual/JJ holiday/NN movies/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ putative/JJ sequels/NNS ./.
Can/MD you/PRP tell/VB which/WDT of/IN the/DT follow-ups/JJ are/VBP authentic/JJ ?/.
1/LS ./.
Emmet/NNP Otter/NNP 's/POS Jug-/NNP Band/NNP Christmas/NNP
Emmet/NNP Otter/NNP 's/POS Fur/NNP Coat/NNP Christmas/NNP
2/LS ./.
The/DT House/NNP Without/IN a/DT Christmas/NNP Tree/NN
The/DT House/NNP Without/IN Adequate/NNP Wiring/NNP or/CC a/DT Reliable/NNP Smoke/NNP Detector/NNP
3/LS ./.
How/WRB the/DT Grinch/NNP Stole/NNP Christmas/NNP
How/WRB t/NN he/PRP Grinch/NNP Made/VBN Grinchtown/NNP the/DT Home/NNP of/IN the/DT 2002/CD Winter/NNP Olympics/NNPS
4/LS ./.
Santa/NNP Claus/NNP Conquers/NNP the/DT Martians/NNP
Santa/NNP Claus/NNP Subjects/NNP the/DT Martians/NNP to/TO a/DT Sustained/NNP Campaign/NNP of/IN Long/NNP Range/NNP Bombing/NNP but/CC Fails/VBZ to/TO Actually/RB Conquer/NNP Them/NNP
5/LS ./.
Le/NNP Martien/NNP de/IN Noël/NNP (/( a/DT k/NN a/DT The/DT Christmas/NNP Martian/NNP )/)
Le/NNP Pere/NNP Noël/NNP est/NN une/NN Ordure/NNP (/( a/DT k/NN a/DT Father/NNP Christmas/NNP Has/VBZ a/DT Funny/NNP Smell/NNP )/)
6/CD ./.
Nestor/NNP ,/, the/DT Long-/NNP Eared/NNP Christmas/NNP Donkey/NNP
Nestor/NNP ,/, the/DT Christmas/NNP Donkey/NNP with/IN Cute/NNP Little/NNP Ears/NNP and/CC an/DT Impressive/NNP Bust/NNP ,/, Thanks/NNS to/TO Cosmetic/NNP Surgery/NNP
7/CD ./.
Weihnachtsfieber/NNP (/( a/DT k/NN a/DT Christmas/NNP Fever/NN )/)
Weihnachten/NNP mit/NN Willy/NNP Wuff/NNP II--Eine/NNP Mama/NNP für/NN Lieschen/NNP
8/CD ./.
The/DT Online/NNP Adventures/NNP of/IN Ozzie/NNP the/DT Elf/NNP
The/DT Prison/NNP Adventures/NNP of/IN Ozzie/NNP the/DT Elf/NNP ,/, Convicted/NNP Pornographer/NNP
9/CD ./.
Rudolph/NNP and/CC Frosty/NNP 's/POS Christmas/NNP in/IN July/NNP
Rudolph/NNP and/CC Frosty/NNP 's/POS Binge/NNP and/CC Purge/NNP Weekend/NNP With/IN Calista/NNP Flockhart/NNP
10/CD ./.
Santa/NNP vs/NNS ./.
the/DT Snowman/NNP
Jesus/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Santa/NNP (/( a/DT k/NN a/DT The/DT Spirit/NN of/IN Christmas/NNP )/)
None/NN are/VBP sequels/NNS ,/, but/CC 5/CD ,/, 7/CD ,/, and/CC 10/CD are/VBP actual/JJ movies/NNS ,/, although/IN I/PRP may/MD have/VB mistranslated/JJ 5/CD ./.
Disclaimer/NNP :/: All/DT submissions/NNS will/MD become/VB the/DT property/NN of/IN Slate/NNP and/CC will/MD be/VB published/VBN at/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS discretion/NN ./.
Slate/NNP may/MD publish/VB your/PRP$ name/NN on/IN its/PRP$ site/NN in/IN connection/NN with/IN your/PRP$ submission/NN ./.
Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD intrigued/VBN by/IN Bruce/NNP Orwall/NNP 's/POS Oct/NNP ./.
6/CD story/NN in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP about/IN how/WRB the/DT diet-pill/JJ maker/NN Metabolife/NNP International/NNP ,/, Inc/NNP ./.
,/, was/VBD launching/VBG a/DT preemptive/JJ strike/NN against/IN ABC/NNP News/NNP '/POS 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ investigating/VBG the/DT company/NN ./.
As/IN explained/VBD in/IN the/DT Journal/NNP story/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN a/DT full-page/JJ ad/NN Metabolife/NNP took/VBD out/RP the/DT same/JJ day/NN in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, Metabolife/NNP is/VBZ inviting/VBG consumers/NNS to/TO view/VB ,/, unedited/JJ ,/, the/DT 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD interview/NN (/( of/IN which/WDT Metabolife/NNP ,/, following/VBG an/DT increasingly/RB common/JJ practice/NN ,/, made/VBD a/DT videotape/NN of/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ )/) on/IN a/DT special/JJ "/" screw/NN you/PRP ,/, ABC/NNP News/NNP "/" Web/NNP site/NN ./.
The/DT stunt/NN has/VBZ generated/VBN scads/NNS of/IN publicity/NN in/IN the/DT media/NNS ,/, and/CC has/VBZ prompted/VBN ABC/NNP News/NNP to/TO make/VB the/DT blustery/NN threat/NN that/IN from/IN now/RB on/IN interview/NN subjects/NNS will/MD be/VB forced/VBN to/TO sign/VB away/RB their/PRP$ rights/NNS to/TO make/VB public/JJ whatever/WDT it/PRP is/VBZ they/PRP tell/VBP its/PRP$ intrepid/NN reporters/NNS ./.
(/( How/WRB any/DT interviewee/NN who/WP is/VBZ n't/RB also/RB guaranteed/VBN that/IN the/DT story/NN will/MD be/VB a/DT puff/NN piece/NN could/MD possibly/RB be/VB induced/VBN to/TO sign/VB such/JJ an/DT agreement/NN remains/VBZ to/TO be/VB seen/VBN ./.
Perhaps/RB those/DT who/WP do/VBP n't/RB sign/VB will/MD be/VB forbidden/VBN to/TO take/VB their/PRP$ children/NNS to/TO the/DT forthcoming/JJ Toy/NNP Story/NNP sequel/NN ./.
Chatterbox/NNP believes/VBZ that/DT sunlight/NN is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS disinfectant/NN for/IN everybody/NN ,/, including/VBG the/DT press/NN ,/, and/CC looks/VBZ forward/RB to/TO comparing/VBG Metabolife/NNP 's/POS raw/JJ footage/NN to/TO 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD 's/POS segment/NN whenever/WRB it/PRP airs/VBZ ./.
(/( It/PRP has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO be/VB scheduled/VBN ./.
)/) Chatterbox/NNP clicked/VBD on/IN to/TO the/DT Metabolife/NNP Web/NNP site/NN to/TO give/VB his/PRP$ readers/NNS some/DT preview/NN of/IN what/WP the/DT controversy/NN in/IN question/NN is/VBZ all/DT about/IN ./.
Being/VBG only/RB human/JJ ,/, Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD especially/RB intrigued/VBN by/IN the/DT Journal/NNP story/NN 's/POS claim/NN that/IN in/IN the/DT 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD interview/NN ,/, Metabolife/NNP 's/POS chief/JJ executive/NN ,/, Michael/NNP Ellis/NNP ,/, was/VBD asked/VBN
to/TO address/VB some/DT embarrassing/JJ personal/JJ baggage/NN :/: his/PRP$ 1990/CD conviction/NN for/IN using/VBG a/DT telephone/NN to/TO facilitate/VB drug/NN trafficking/NN ,/, after/IN he/PRP was/VBD arrested/VBN in/IN connection/NN with/IN a/DT methamphetamine/NN lab/NN that/WDT was/VBD operated/VBN out/IN of/IN a/DT house/NN he/PRP rented/VBN ./.
Mr/NNP ./.
Ellis/NNP received/VBD five/CD years/NNS '/POS probation/NN in/IN the/DT case/NN ./.
But/CC when/WRB Chatterbox/NNP actually/RB got/VBD to/TO the/DT Metabolife/NNP Web/NNP site/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD confronted/VBN with/IN an/DT unbelievably/RB complex/JJ "/" user/NN agreement/NN "/" requiring/VBG Chatterbox/NNP to/TO promise/VB in/IN advance/NN to/TO eschew/NN any/DT "/" reproduction/NN ,/, broadcast/NN ,/, retransmissions/NNS ,/, or/CC nontransient/NN storage/NN "/" of/IN the/DT matter/NN contained/VBD therein/RB ./.
The/DT Web/NNP site/NN 's/POS contents/NNS "/" are/VBP only/RB for/IN your/PRP$ personal/JJ ,/, noncommercial/JJ use/NN ./.
"/" Hmm/NNP ./.
Is/VBZ Web/NNP journalism/NN "/" commercial/JJ use/NN "/" ?/.
(/( Chatterbox/NNP does/VBZ get/VB paid/VBN to/TO write/VB this/DT column/NN ./.
)/) The/DT user/NN agreement/NN went/VBD on/IN to/TO clarify/VB :/:
[/NN Y/NNP ]/) ou/NN will/MD not/RB access/VB or/CC use/NN ,/, or/CC permit/VB others/NNS to/TO access/VB or/CC use/NN ,/, this/DT website/NN for/IN (/( 1/LS )/) print/NN ,/, video/NN or/CC audio/JJ publication/NN ,/, broadcast/NN ,/, retransmission/NN or/CC any/DT newmedia/NN use/NN [/( italics/NNS Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS ]/) ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ sole/JJ discretion/NN and/CC in/IN addition/NN to/TO any/DT other/JJ rights/NNS or/CC remedies/NNS available/JJ to/TO it/PRP ,/, Metabolife/NNP International/NNP ,/, Inc/NNP ./.
reserves/VBZ the/DT right/NN to/TO determine/VB whether/IN the/DT User/NNP (/( s/VBZ )/) is/VBZ (/( are/VBP )/) engaging/VBG in/IN Improper/NNP Conduct/NNP ,/, [/( and/CC ]/) charge/NN the/DT Registered/NNP User/NNP (/( whose/WP$ facilities/NNS or/CC access/NN rights/NNS have/VBP been/VBN used/VBN for/IN Improper/NNP Conduct/NNP )/) an/DT Improper/NNP Conduct/NNP service/NN fee/NN ./.
You/PRP may/MD not/RB download/NN ,/, display/NN ,/, reproduce/VB ,/, create/VB derivative/JJ works/NNS from/IN ,/, transmit/VB ,/, sell/VB ,/, distribute/VB ,/, or/CC in/IN any/DT way/NN exploit/VBP the/DT Site/NNP or/CC any/DT portion/NN thereof/RB for/IN any/DT public/NN or/CC commercial/JJ use/NN or/CC any/DT news/NN or/CC media/NNS use/VBP without/IN the/DT express/VB advanced/VBD written/VBN permission/NN of/IN [/( Metabolife/NNP ]/) ./.
The/DT threat/NN of/IN litigation/NN tends/VBZ to/TO scare/VB Chatterbox/NNP out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ wits/NNS ,/, and/CC by/IN now/RB Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD n't/RB at/IN all/DT sure/JJ he/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO press/VB ahead/RB ./.
Instead/RB ,/, he/PRP phoned/VBD Metabolife/NNP ,/, which/WDT referred/VBD Chatterbox/NNP to/TO its/PRP$ public/JJ relations/NNS firm/NN ,/, Sitrick/NNP and/CC Co/NNP ./.
,/, where/WRB a/DT senior/JJ associate/JJ named/VBN Julie/NNP Fahn/NNP assured/VBD Chatterbox/NNP that/IN all/PDT the/DT legal/JJ mumbo-jumbo/JJ "/" basically/RB is/VBZ just/RB to/TO make/VB sure/JJ that/DT nobody/NN goes/VBZ off/RP and/CC duplicates/NNS the/DT exact/JJ videotape/NN we/PRP have/VBP because/IN Metabolife/NNP owns/VBZ the/DT copyright/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD quote/VB the/DT transcript/NN ./.
"/" Fahn/NNP then/RB passed/VBD Chatterbox/NNP on/IN to/TO her/PRP$ boss/NN ,/, Mike/NNP Sitrick/NNP ,/, who/WP repeated/VBD these/DT assurances/NNS ./.
"/" We/PRP 're/VBP not/RB trying/VBG to/TO take/VB what/WP ABC/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN here/RB and/CC say/VB ,/, '/" NBC/NNP ,/, you/PRP can/MD use/VB parts/NNS of/IN Arnold/NNP Diaz/NNP 's/POS interview/NN ./.
'/POS "/" Er/UH ,/, why/WRB not/RB ?/.
What/WP 's/VBZ it/PRP to/TO Metabolife/NNP ?/.
Indeed/RB ,/, should/MD n't/RB Metabolife/NNP be/VB thrilled/VBN at/IN the/DT idea/NN that/IN NBC/NNP News/NNP would/MD stick/VB it/PRP to/TO a/DT competitor/NN that/IN Metabolife/NNP believed/VBD was/VBD out/IN to/TO get/VB them/PRP ?/.
(/( Oddly/RB ,/, neither/DT NBC/NNP nor/CC any/DT other/JJ broadcast/NN outlet/NN has/VBZ requested/VBN the/DT videotape/NN so/RB far/RB ;/: though/IN Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP received/VBD special/JJ permission/NN to/TO run/VB photographs/NNS of/IN the/DT Web/NNP page/NN in/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS issues/NNS ./.
)/) Sitrick/NNP responded/VBD diplomatically/RB that/IN "/" we/PRP are/VBP hopeful/JJ that/IN 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD 's/POS newscast/NN will/MD be/VB fair/NN and/CC objective/NN ./.
"/" To/TO summarize/VB :/: Metabolife/NNP wants/VBZ everybody/NN to/TO see/VB the/DT 20/CD &slash;/NN 20/CD interview/NN ./.
But/CC Metabolife/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP will/MD sue/VB any/DT reporter/NN who/WP tries/VBZ to/TO disseminate/VB this/DT information/NN ./.
But/CC Metabolife/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB really/RB going/VBG to/TO sue/VB reporters/NNS who/WP disseminate/VB this/DT information/NN ./.
It/PRP just/RB wants/VBZ to/TO protect/VB ABC/NNP News/NNP from/IN its/PRP$ broadcast/NN competitors/NNS ./.
Or/CC something/NN ./.
USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP lead/NN with/IN the/DT heating-up/JJ Paula/NNP Jones/NNP case/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP national/JJ edition/NN goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT maneuvering/NN between/IN Castro/NNP and/CC the/DT Catholic/NNP Church/NNP on/IN the/DT eve/NN of/IN the/DT Pope/NNP 's/POS visit/NN to/TO Cuba/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT likely/JJ stance/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP will/MD take/VB in/IN separate/JJ White/NNP House/NNP meetings/NNS this/DT week/NN with/IN Netanyahu/NNP and/CC Arafat--gentle/NNP persuasion/NN ,/, not/RB tough/JJ talk/NN ./.
The/DT USAT/NNP lead/NN states/NNS that/IN leaks/NNS indicate/VBP that/IN in/IN his/PRP$ deposition/NN last/JJ Saturday/NNP ,/, Clinton/NNP was/VBD asked/VBN detailed/JJ questions/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ sexual/JJ history/NN with/IN at/IN least/JJS four/CD women/NNS ,/, including/VBG one/CD woman/NN escorted/JJ by/IN a/DT state/NN trooper/NN to/TO a/DT rendezvous/NN just/RB days/NNS before/IN he/PRP became/VBD president/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ Clinton/NNP denied/VBN sexually/RB harassing/VBG Jones/NNP or/CC anyone/NN else/RB ./.
The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN has/VBZ the/DT same/JJ thrust/NN ,/, only/RB a/DT little/JJ more/RBR detailed/JJ ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT story/NN about/IN the/DT woman/NN meeting/NN with/IN Clinton/NNP just/RB days/NNS before/IN his/PRP$ first/JJ Inaugural/NNP ,/, but/CC adds/VBZ the/DT detail/NN that/IN she/PRP says/VBZ all/PDT the/DT encounters/NNS were/VBD innocent/JJ ./.
And/CC the/DT Post/NNP emphasizes/VBZ that/IN how/WRB much/JJ of/IN the/DT collateral/NN sexual/JJ material/NN gets/VBZ into/IN the/DT actual/JJ trial/NN is/VBZ up/IN to/TO the/DT trial/NN judge/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN clearly/RB has/VBZ a/DT Jones/NNP Jones/NNP ,/, also/RB reporting/VBG that/IN she/PRP emerged/VBD from/IN Saturday/NNP 's/POS deposition/NN "/" clearly/RB elated/JJ ,/, "/" dining/NN out/IN ,/, drinking/NN champagne/NN and/CC laughing/VBG ,/, and/CC putting/VBG a/DT second/JJ Paula/NNP piece/NN on/IN the/DT front/NN ,/, about/IN how/WRB the/DT public/NN is/VBZ taking/VBG the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, neither/DT the/DT NYT/NNP nor/CC the/DT LAT/NNP get/VBP to/TO it/PRP until/IN the/DT inside/JJ ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP lead/NN observes/VBZ that/IN despite/IN Castro/NNP 's/POS talk/NN portraying/VBG the/DT Pope/NNP as/IN an/DT ally/NN in/IN the/DT struggle/NN against/IN American/JJ imperialism/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ still/RB plenty/NN of/IN religious/JJ repression/NN in/IN Cuba/NNP ,/, The/DT Times/NNP '/POS Larry/NNP Rohter/NNP gives/VBZ an/DT eyewitness/NN account/NN of/IN Havana/NNP cops/NNS ordering/VBG kids/NNS from/IN a/DT church/NN group/NN to/TO stop/VB putting/VBG up/RP posters/NNS advertising/VBG the/DT pontiff/NN 's/POS visit/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP has/VBZ ,/, on/IN Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP day/NN ,/, two/CD front-page/JJ civil/JJ rights-related/JJ stories/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT NYT/NNP has/VBZ a/DT big/JJ picture/NN on/IN the/DT front/NN of/IN a/DT black/JJ church/NN choir/NN ,/, but/CC puts/VBZ its/PRP$ King/NNP story/NN ,/, about/IN how/WRB Memphis/NNP handles/VBZ his/PRP$ memory/NN ,/, inside/RB ./.
)/) One/CD is/VBZ that/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP will/MD announce/VB today/NN ,/, at/IN King/NNP 's/POS church/NN in/IN Atlanta/NNP ,/, a/DT 17/CD percent/NN DOJ/NNP budget/NN increase/NN that/IN if/IN approved/VBN by/IN Congress/NNP would/MD mean/VB a/DT stepped-up/JJ anti-discrimination/JJ emphasis/NN in/IN such/JJ areas/NNS as/IN fair-housing/JJ laws/NNS and/CC police/NN misconduct/NN investigations/NNS ./.
The/DT other/JJ is/VBZ the/DT bizarre/JJ news/NN that/IN last/JJ week/NN ,/, the/DT family/NN of/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT young/JJ girls/NNS murdered/VBN in/IN that/DT 1963/CD Birmingham/NNP church/NN bombing/NN discovered/VBN that/IN her/PRP$ grave/JJ is/VBZ empty/JJ ./.
Iraq/NNP has/VBZ largely/RB slipped/VBN off/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT USAT/NNP off-lead/JJ describes/VBZ how/WRB both/DT sides/NNS are/VBP talking/VBG tougher/RBR now/RB ./.
Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, called/VBN on/IN TV/NN over/IN the/DT weekend/NN for/IN "/" sustained/VBN air/NN operations/NNS "/" if/IN the/DT crisis/NN is/VBZ n't/RB resolved/VBN ,/, while/IN the/DT Iraqi/JJ VP/NNP urged/VBD 1/CD million/CD Iraqis/NNP to/TO join/VB a/DT new/JJ military/JJ force/NN to/TO stage/VB a/DT holy/JJ war/NN against/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
sanctions/NNS ./.
(/( Suggested/NNP slogan/NN :/: "/" We/PRP do/VBP more/JJR surrendering/VBG before/IN 9/CD o'clock/RB than/IN most/JJS soldiers/NNS do/VBP all/DT day/NN ./.
"/" )/)
The/DT NYT/NNP observes/VBZ that/IN last/JJ year/NN ,/, there/EX were/VBD $/$ 1/CD trillion/CD worth/NN of/IN mergers/NNS involving/VBG U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
companies/NNS ,/, 50/CD percent/NN more/JJR than/IN 1996/CD ,/, which/WDT was/VBD itself/PRP a/DT record/NN year/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN likens/NNS these/DT mega-mergers/NNS to/TO the/DT industrial/JJ upheavals/NNS at/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT twentieth/NN century/NN ,/, when/WRB more/JJR than/IN a/DT dozen/NN auto/NN companies/NNS became/VBD General/NNP Motors/NNPS and/CC dozens/NNS of/IN steel/NN companies/NNS were/VBD forged/VBN by/IN J/NNP ./.
P/NN ./.
Morgan/NNP into/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Steel/NNP ./.
Inside/IN ,/, the/DT Times/NNP reports/NNS that/IN a/DT former/JJ American/JJ ambassador/NN to/TO Britain/NNP has/VBZ ,/, in/IN a/DT new/JJ book/NN excerpted/JJ in/IN the/DT Sunday/NNP Telegraph/NNP ,/, charged/VBN that/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
ambassador/NN to/TO Ireland/NNP ,/, Jean/NNP Kennedy/NNP Smith/NNP ,/, is/VBZ such/JJ an/DT "/" ardent/JJ IRA/NN apologist/NN "/" that/IN the/DT British/JJ began/VBD withholding/VBG sensitive/JJ security/NN information/NN from/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP White/NNP House/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT WP/NNP ,/, China/NNP 's/POS main/JJ English/NNP language/NN paper/NN announced/VBD that/IN Chinese/JJ military/JJ factories/NNS had/VBD $/$ 7/CD billion/CD in/IN export/NN sales/NNS last/JJ year/NN ./.
The/DT "/" official/NN ,/, "/" less-than-full-disclosure/JJ flavor/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN comes/VBZ with/IN the/DT detail/NN that/IN the/DT these/DT sales/NNS are/VBP supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB 80/CD percent/NN civilian/JJ goods/NNS such/JJ as/IN airplane/NN fuselages/NNS ,/, televisions/NNS and/CC hairnets/NNS ,/, but/CC there/EX is/VBZ n't/RB one/CD current/JJ example/NN cited/VBD from/IN that/DT other/JJ 20/CD percent/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP business/NN section/NN runs/VBZ an/DT interview/NN with/IN AOL/NNP 's/POS Steve/NNP Case/NNP ,/, which/WDT reveals/VBZ that/IN the/DT company/NN now/RB handles/VBZ 80/CD million/CD e-mails/JJ a/DT day/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN up/RB until/IN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, Case/NNP was/VBD n't/RB able/JJ to/TO get/VB his/PRP$ parents/NNS to/TO understand/VB what/WP he/PRP did/VBD for/IN a/DT living/VBG ./.
USAT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP lead/NN with/IN the/DT heating-up/JJ Paula/NNP Jones/NNP case/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP national/JJ edition/NN goes/VBZ with/IN the/DT maneuvering/NN between/IN Castro/NNP and/CC the/DT Catholic/NNP Church/NNP on/IN the/DT eve/NN of/IN the/DT Pope/NNP 's/POS visit/NN to/TO Cuba/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT likely/JJ stance/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP will/MD take/VB in/IN separate/JJ White/NNP House/NNP meetings/NNS this/DT week/NN with/IN Netanyahu/NNP and/CC Arafat--gentle/NNP persuasion/NN ,/, not/RB tough/JJ talk/NN ./.
The/DT USAT/NNP lead/NN states/NNS that/IN leaks/NNS indicate/VBP that/IN in/IN his/PRP$ deposition/NN last/JJ Saturday/NNP ,/, Clinton/NNP was/VBD asked/VBN detailed/JJ questions/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ sexual/JJ history/NN with/IN at/IN least/JJS four/CD women/NNS ,/, including/VBG one/CD woman/NN escorted/JJ by/IN a/DT state/NN trooper/NN to/TO a/DT rendezvous/NN just/RB days/NNS before/IN he/PRP became/VBD president/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ Clinton/NNP denied/VBN sexually/RB harassing/VBG Jones/NNP or/CC anyone/NN else/RB ./.
The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN has/VBZ the/DT same/JJ thrust/NN ,/, only/RB a/DT little/JJ more/RBR detailed/JJ ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT story/NN about/IN the/DT woman/NN meeting/NN with/IN Clinton/NNP just/RB days/NNS before/IN his/PRP$ first/JJ Inaugural/NNP ,/, but/CC adds/VBZ the/DT detail/NN that/IN she/PRP says/VBZ all/PDT the/DT encounters/NNS were/VBD innocent/JJ ./.
And/CC the/DT Post/NNP emphasizes/VBZ that/IN how/WRB much/JJ of/IN the/DT collateral/NN sexual/JJ material/NN gets/VBZ into/IN the/DT actual/JJ trial/NN is/VBZ up/IN to/TO the/DT trial/NN judge/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN clearly/RB has/VBZ a/DT Jones/NNP Jones/NNP ,/, also/RB reporting/VBG that/IN she/PRP emerged/VBD from/IN Saturday/NNP 's/POS deposition/NN "/" clearly/RB elated/JJ ,/, "/" dining/NN out/IN ,/, drinking/NN champagne/NN and/CC laughing/VBG ,/, and/CC putting/VBG a/DT second/JJ Paula/NNP piece/NN on/IN the/DT front/NN ,/, about/IN how/WRB the/DT public/NN is/VBZ taking/VBG the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, neither/DT the/DT NYT/NNP nor/CC the/DT LAT/NNP get/VBP to/TO it/PRP until/IN the/DT inside/JJ ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP lead/NN observes/VBZ that/IN despite/IN Castro/NNP 's/POS talk/NN portraying/VBG the/DT Pope/NNP as/IN an/DT ally/NN in/IN the/DT struggle/NN against/IN American/JJ imperialism/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ still/RB plenty/NN of/IN religious/JJ repression/NN in/IN Cuba/NNP ,/, The/DT Times/NNP '/POS Larry/NNP Rohter/NNP gives/VBZ an/DT eyewitness/NN account/NN of/IN Havana/NNP cops/NNS orderi/NN
Dear/RB Gerald/NNP :/:
We/PRP 're/VBP probably/RB more/JJR in/IN accord/NN on/IN Africana/NNP than/IN not/RB ,/, but/CC I/PRP think/VBP you/PRP were/VBD too/RB easy/JJ on/IN Gates/NNP ./.
Years/NNS ago/RB ,/, before/IN blackness/NNS became/VBD really/RB marketable/JJ ,/, it/PRP used/VBD to/TO be/VB said/VBN that/IN the/DT publishing/NN industry/NN would/MD admit/VB only/RB one/CD black/JJ writer/NN at/IN a/DT time/NN ./.
Langston/NNP Hughes/NNP was/VBD succeeded/VBN by/IN Richard/NNP Wright/NNP ,/, who/WP in/IN turn/NN was/VBD succeeded/VBN by/IN James/NNP Baldwin/NNP ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, we/PRP thought/VBD that/DT notion/NN was/VBD disproved/JJ when/WRB Toni/NNP Morrison/NNP ,/, Alice/NNP Walker/NNP ,/, and/CC Terry/NNP McMillan/NNP were/VBD simultaneously/RB on/IN the/DT bestseller/NN list/NN ./.
Then/RB along/IN came/VBD Henry/NNP Louis/NNP "/" Skip/NNP "/" Gates/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT modern-day/JJ impresario/NN of/IN black/JJ culture/NN ,/, the/DT Joyce/NNP Carol/NNP Oates/NNP of/IN black/JJ studies/NNS ,/, producing/VBG with/IN daunting/JJ regularity/NN ./.
James/NNP Brown/NNP used/VBD to/TO be/VB called/VBN the/DT hardest-working/JJ man/NN in/IN show/NN business/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP ai/VBP n't/RB got/VBN nothing/NN on/IN Gates/NNP ./.
Would/MD somebody/NN puh-leeze/JJ stop/VB him/PRP before/IN he/PRP writes/VBZ again/RB ?/.
Unlike/IN you/PRP ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB labor/NN in/IN the/DT fields/NNS of/IN black/JJ culture/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP glad--though/JJ as/IN a/DT fiction/NN writer/NN who/WP keeps/VBZ hearing/NN rumors/NNS that/IN Gates/NNP is/VBZ working/VBG on/IN a/DT novel/NN ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP constantly/RB checking/VBG my/PRP$ rear-view/JJ mirror/VBP for/IN his/PRP$ headlights/NNS ./.
You/PRP guys/NNS are/VBP in/IN an/DT unenviable/JJ place/NN ./.
Gates/NNP must/MD seem/VB like/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ everywhere/RB ./.
Still/RB and/CC all/DT ,/, I/PRP wonder/VBP how/WRB much/JJ of/IN his/PRP$ work/NN will/MD survive/VB ,/, and/CC whether/IN ,/, in/IN a/DT hundred/CD years/NNS ,/, say/VB ,/, anyone/NN will/MD read/VB anything/NN by/IN Gates/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT same/JJ way/NN we/PRP still/RB read/VBP The/DT Souls/NNP of/IN Black/NNP Folk/NNP ./.
Oh/UH ,/, well/RB ./.
At/IN least/JJS Gates/NNP had/VBD the/DT decency/NN not/RB to/TO include/VB himself/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ encyclopedia/NN ./.
Or/CC did/VBD I/PRP miss/VBP that/DT entry/NN ?/.
I/PRP wish/VBP he/PRP 'd/MD left/VBN out/IN bell/NN hooks/VBZ and/CC Cornel/NNP West/NNP ,/, though/RB ,/, two/CD prominent/JJ public/JJ intellectuals/NNS (/( that/DT 's/VBZ what/WP they/PRP call/VBP people/NNS who/WP get/VBP paid/VBN hundreds/NNS of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS to/TO lecture/VB the/DT rest/NN of/IN us/PRP about/IN what/WP we/PRP 're/VBP doing/VBG wrong/JJ )/) ./.
There/EX are/VBP biographies/NNS of/IN both/DT ,/, though/RB ,/, thankfully/RB ,/, we/PRP only/RB have/VBP to/TO read/VB about/IN hooks/VBZ ./.
Not/RB so/RB with/IN West/NNP ./.
He/PRP writes/VBZ a/DT 15/CD -/: page/NN "/" interpretation/NN "/" of/IN W/NNP ./.
E/NN ./.
B/NNP ./.
Du/NNP Bois/NNP ./.
(/( I/NN think/VBP what/WP "/" interpretation/NN "/" really/RB means/VBZ is/VBZ that/IN ,/, like/IN Gates/NNP ,/, West/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO be/VB Du/NNP Bois/NNP when/WRB he/PRP grows/VBZ up/RB ./.
)/) But/CC why/WRB West/NNP and/CC not/RB David/NNP Levering/NNP Lewis/NNP ?/.
Lewis/NNP is/VBZ an/DT award-winning/JJ historian/NN (/( not/RB a/DT preacher/NN manqué/NN )/) ,/, and/CC though/IN only/RB one/CD volume/NN has/VBZ been/VBN published/VBN ,/, his/PRP$ is/VBZ already/RB the/DT standard/JJ biography/NN of/IN Du/NNP Bois/NNP ./.
I/PRP suppose/VBP the/DT explanation/NN is/VBZ that/IN when/WRB you/PRP get/VBP to/TO be/VB HNIC/NNP ,/, as/IN Gates/NNP has/VBZ ,/, you/PRP reward/NN your/PRP$ friends/NNS and/CC ignore/VB everyone/NN else/RB ./.
Which/WDT would/MD explain/VB why/WRB there/EX 's/VBZ nothing/NN here/RB on/IN Ward/NNP Connerly/NNP ,/, Stanley/NNP Crouch/NNP ,/, Glenn/NNP Loury/NNP ,/, or/CC Thomas/NNP Sowell/NNP ./.
I/PRP could/MD n't/RB even/RB find/VB anything/NN on/IN black/JJ conservatism/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, I/PRP 'd/MD rather/RB have/VB Africana/NNP than/IN not/RB ,/, but/CC did/VBD they/PRP have/VB to/TO be/VB so/RB slavishly/RB politically/RB correct/JJ and/CC populist/JJ ?/.
There/RB are/VBP at/IN least/JJS three/CD articles/NNS on/IN homosexuality/NN ,/, including/VBG one/CD titled/VBN "/" Homosexuality/NNP in/IN Africa/NNP :/: An/DT Interpretation/NNP "/" (/( there/RB 's/VBZ that/DT word/NN again/RB !/.
)/) ,/, and/CC the/DT popularization/NN begins/VBZ on/IN the/DT box/NN with/IN a/DT blurb/NN from/IN Michael/NNP Jordan/NNP ./.
(/( And/CC I/PRP thought/VBD he/PRP was/VBD just/RB a/DT basketball/NN player/NN and/CC TV/NN huckster/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ an/DT entry/NN on/IN rap/NN music/NN (/( what/WP an/DT oxymoron/NN !/.
)/) ./.
I/PRP suppose/VBP you/PRP could/MD make/VB an/DT argument/NN that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT significant/JJ enough/JJ phenomenon/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN it/PRP deserves/VBZ to/TO be/VB here/RB ./.
But/CC what/WP 's/VBZ the/DT rationale/NN for/IN separate/JJ biographical/JJ entries/NNS on/IN Queen/NNP Latifah/NNP ,/, Snoop/NNP Doggy/NNP Dog/NNP ,/, Tupac/NNP Shakur/NNP ,/, and/CC a/DT host/NN of/IN other/JJ dubious/JJ thugs/NNS ?/.
And/CC what/WP about/IN Rupaul/NNP ?/.
Why/WRB is/VBZ he/PRP here/RB ?/.
I/PRP thought/VBD he/PRP 'd/MD already/RB used/VBN up/RP his/PRP$ 15/CD minutes/NNS of/IN fame/NN ./.
And/CC what/WP would/MD Du/NNP Bois/NNP have/VB made/VBN of/IN that/DT ?/.
You/PRP think/VBP black/JJ studies/NNS has/VBZ achieved/VBN middlebrow/NN status/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP less/RBR sanguine/JJ that/IN many/JJ whites/NNS feel/VBP bad/JJ when/WRB they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB something/NN about/IN black/JJ history/NN and/CC culture/NN ./.
Years/NNS ago/RB ,/, a/DT white/JJ woman/NN told/VBD me/PRP about/IN how/WRB her/PRP$ son/NN 's/POS teacher/NN let/VBP the/DT class/NN dance/NN to/TO a/DT Michael/NNP Jackson/NNP record/NN for/IN 10/CD minutes/NNS to/TO celebrate/VB Black/NNP History/NN Month/NNP ./.
And/CC I/PRP wonder/VBP whether/IN the/DT choice/NN of/IN reviewers/NNS here--we/JJ 're/VBP both/DT black--does/JJ n't/RB say/VB something/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ me/PRP uncomfortable/JJ and/CC ,/, well/RB ,/, a/DT little/JJ bit/NN angry/JJ ./.
We/PRP 'll/MD be/VB closer/JJR when/WRB we/PRP have/VBP two/CD white/JJ reviewers/NNS ,/, or/CC a/DT Korean/JJ and/CC a/DT Jew/NNP ./.
Black/NNP history--in/JJ America/NNP ,/, at/IN least--is/JJ American/JJ history/NN ./.
There/EX ought/MD to/TO be/VB room/NN in/IN the/DT retelling/VBG of/IN it/PRP for/IN the/DT letters/NNS Mark/NNP Twain/NNP and/CC Frederick/NNP Douglass/NNP exchanged/VBD ,/, for/IN the/DT similarities/NNS between/IN Invisible/NNP Man/NNP and/CC Ben/NNP Franklin/NNP 's/POS Autobiography/NNP ,/, for/IN the/DT presence/NN of/IN Charles/NNP Chesnutt/NNP at/IN the/DT banquet/NN to/TO honor/VB Twain/NNP shortly/RB before/IN the/DT latter/NN 's/POS death/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN the/DT monument/NN in/IN Mississippi/NNP to/TO the/DT slaves/NNS who/WP rode/VBD with/IN a/DT band/NN of/IN Confederate/NNP irregulars/NNS ./.
Sadly/RB ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB find/VB that/IN here/RB ,/, David/NNP
Chatterbox/NNP hears/VBZ that/IN the/DT lawyer/NN for/IN Clinton/NNP secretary/NN Betty/NNP Currie/NNP was/VBD irritated/JJ that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP overplayed/JJ Currie/NNP 's/POS initial/JJ denial/NN of/IN the/DT Feb/NNP ./.
6/CD New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP story/NN regarding/VBG her/PRP$ testimony/NN before/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP 's/POS grand/JJ jury/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP recall/VBP ,/, Lawrence/NNP Wechsler/NNP ,/, Currie/NNP 's/POS attorney/NN ,/, issued/VBD a/DT statement/NN saying/VBG she/PRP was/VBD not/RB "/" aware/JJ "/" of/IN any/DT legal/JJ or/CC ethical/JJ impropriety/NN ./.
Apparently/RB the/DT idea/NN (/( see/VB Chatterbox/NNP for/IN 2/CD &slash;/NN 18/CD )/) was/VBD to/TO leave/VB open/VB the/DT possibility/NN that/IN others/NNS might/MD interpret/VB the/DT facts/NNS ,/, as/IN Currie/NNP told/VBD them/PRP ,/, to/TO involve/VB an/DT impropriety/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP immediately/RB seized/VBD on/IN the/DT statement/NN and/CC declared/VBD to/TO the/DT press/NN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD "/" pleased/JJ that/IN Ms/NNP ./.
Currie/NNP 's/POS lawyers/NNS stated/VBD unambiguously--unambiguously--that/JJ she/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB aware/JJ of/IN any/DT unethical/JJ conduct/NN ./.
"/" ./.
Since/IN Clinton/NNP also/RB used/VBD the/DT "/" aware/JJ "/" fuzzword/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB clear/JJ what/WP Wechsler/NNP found/VBD so/RB irritating/VBG ./.
Perhaps/RB he/PRP was/VBD more/JJR annoyed/VBD at/IN White/NNP House/NNP spinners/NNS ,/, who/WP turned/VBD Currie/NNP 's/POS statements/NNS into/IN a/DT denial/NN that/IN she/PRP '/POS d/SYM been/VBN in/IN any/DT way/NN coached/JJ ./.
But/CC ,/, hey/UH ,/, if/IN Wechsler/NNP is/VBZ irritated/VBN ,/, Chatterbox/NNP is/VBZ irritated/VBN ./.
The/DT big/JJ question/NN in/IN Washington/NNP at/IN this/DT point/NN in/IN time/NN :/: Did/VBD Clinton/NNP use/NN Jesse/NNP Jackson/NNP to/TO "/" get/VB to/TO "/" Currie/NNP and/CC convince/VB her/PRP$ not/RB to/TO contradict/VB the/DT president/NN in/IN her/PRP$ testimony/NN ?/.
Jackson/NNP was/VBD the/DT one/CD who/WP contacted/VBD Currie/NNP when/WRB panicked/VBD White/NNP House/NNP officials/NNS could/MD n't/RB locate/VB her/PRP$ early/JJ in/IN the/DT scandal/NN ./.
(/( She/NN was/VBD n't/RB at/IN work/NN because/IN she/PRP was/VBD testifying/VBG to/TO Starr/NNP !/.
)/) Today/NN 's/POS Washington/NNP Post/NNP says/VBZ Jackson/NNP "/" has/VBZ provided/VBN spiritual/NN counseling/NN to/TO Currie/NNP ./.
in/IN recent/JJ weeks/NNS ./.
"/" Last/JJ Friday/NNP 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP reported/VBD that/IN Jackson/NNP "/" seemed/VBD uncomfortable/JJ when/WRB asked/VBD about/IN his/PRP$ relationship/NN with/IN Mrs/NNP ./.
Currie/NNP "/" ./.
But/CC Jackson/NNP is/VBZ also/RB quoted/VBN in/IN the/DT Post/NNP as/IN doubting/VBG that/IN Currie/NNP would/MD have/VB acted/VBN on/IN her/PRP$ own/JJ volition/NN when/WRB she/PRP asked/VBD Vernon/NNP Jordan/NNP to/TO get/VB Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP a/DT job/NN ./.
That/DT tends/VBZ to/TO undermine/VB Clinton/NNP 's/POS case/NN ./.
Is/VBZ Jackson/NNP actually/RB planning/NN Sister/NNP Souljah/NNP 's/POS revenge/NN ?/.
All/DT the/DT heat/NN on/IN Currie/NNP makes/VBZ Chatterbox/NNP think/VBP :/: Was/VBD the/DT sprawling/VBG ,/, seemingly/RB loony/JJ essay/NN by/IN Henry/NNP Louis/NNP "/" Skip/NNP the/DT Truth/NNP "/" Gates/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
in/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS New/NNP Yorker/NNP (/( see/VB Chatterbox/NNP for/IN 3/CD &slash;/NN 3/LS )/) actually/RB a/DT far/RB more/RBR narrowly-targeted/JJ appeal/NN than/IN Chatterbox/NNP thought--specifically/JJ ,/, an/DT appeal/NN for/IN Currie/NNP to/TO lie/VB for/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, much/JJ as/IN Rose/NNP Mary/NNP Woods/NNP (/( the/DT heroine/NN of/IN Gates/NNP '/POS essay/NN )/) is/VBZ thought/VBN to/TO have/VB lied/VBD for/IN Nixon/NNP ?/.
Sorry/JJ ,/, Skip/NNP !/.
Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS sources/NNS (/( like/IN everybody/NN else/RB 's/POS )/) say/VBP that/DT nobody/NN who/WP knows/VBZ Currie/NNP thinks/VBZ she/PRP 'll/MD lie/VB for/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
Clinton/NNP spinners/NNS have/VBP also/RB portrayed/VBN Currie/NNP as/IN incorruptible/JJ ./.
They/PRP may/MD ,/, to/TO their/PRP$ regret/NN ,/, be/VB right/JJ ./.
Chatterbox/NNP has/VBZ also/RB learned/VBN that/IN Currie/NNP once/RB told/VBD friends/NNS President/NNP Clinton/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN lead/NN such/JJ separated/JJ lives/NNS that/IN the/DT president/NN only/RB learned/VBD Hillary/NNP was/VBD testifying/VBG before/IN Starr/NNP 's/POS grand/JJ jury/NN when/WRB he/PRP saw/VBD it/PRP on/IN TV/NN !/.
Oedipuss/NNP at/IN the/DT Excelsior/NNP !/.
To/TO gain/VB new/JJ insight/NN into/IN the/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP lawsuit/NN ,/, go/VB buy/VB a/DT copy/NN of/IN David/NNP Maraniss/NNP '/POS acclaimed/JJ Clinton/NNP bio/NN First/CD in/IN His/PRP$ Class/NNP ./.
Turn/NN to/TO the/DT second/JJ photograph/NN ,/, a/DT weathered/JJ old/JJ portrait/NN of/IN Paula/NNP Jones/NNP ./.
Wait/VB a/DT minute/NN ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ not/RB Paula/NNP Jones/NNP ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT photo/NN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS mother/NN ,/, Virginia/NNP Kelley/NNP !/.
The/DT similarity/NN is/VBZ giving/VBG Chatterbox/NNP the/DT Freudian/NNP heebie-jeebies/NNS ,/, for/IN the/DT second/JJ time/NN this/DT month/NN ./.
(/( The/DT first/NN was/VBD that/DT business/NN about/IN attorney/NN William/NNP Ginsburg/NNP kissing/VBG the/DT inside/JJ of/IN baby/NN Monica/NNP 's/POS thighs/NNS ./.
)/) ./.
Those/DT who/WP say/VBP Jones/NNP is/VBZ too/RB unattractive/JJ to/TO draw/VB Clinton/NNP '/POS s/VBZ attention--the/JJ Oscar/NNP Wilde/NNP defense--should/JJ be/VB forced/VBN to/TO ponder/VB the/DT implications/NNS of/IN this/DT photo/NN ./.
Least/NNP Plausible/NNP Perjury/NNP Payoff/NNP Dept/NNP ./.
:/: The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP noted/VBD ominously/RB that/IN shortly/RB before/IN Arkansas/NNP ex-judge/JJ Beth/NNP Coulson/NNP gave/VBD a/DT deposition/NN denying/VBG a/DT sexual/JJ relationship/NN with/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, the/DT president/NN "/" named/VBN her/PRP to/TO a/DT committee/NN of/IN Arkansas/NNP friends/NNS to/TO come/VB up/RP with/IN name/NN recommendations/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ dog/NN ./.
"/" ./.
Hey/NNP ,/, honey/NN ,/, there/RB 's/VBZ that/IN and/CC more/JJR in/IN it/PRP for/IN you/PRP if/IN you/PRP keep/VBP quiet/JJ !/.
Personally/RB ,/, Chatterbox/NNP would/MD have/VB held/VBN out/IN for/IN ambassador/NN to/TO Switzerland/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN Daimler-/NNP Benz/NNP AG/NNP 's/POS $/$ 40/CD billion/CD acquisition/NN of/IN Chrysler/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
,/, simply/RB the/DT latest/JJS in/IN what/WP has/VBZ become/VBN an/DT unending/JJ series/NN of/IN massive/JJ mergers/NNS ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ increasingly/RB likely/JJ that/IN this/DT is/VBZ all/PDT the/DT fault/NN of/IN that/DT ad/NN campaign/NN for/IN Godzilla/NNP ./.
Tell/VB people/NNS often/RB enough/RB that/IN size/NN matters/NNS ,/, and/CC look/VB what/WP happens/VBZ ./.
(/( Feel/NNP free/JJ to/TO insert/VB your/PRP$ favorite/JJ Viagra/NNP joke/NN here/RB ./.
)/) At/IN this/DT rate/NN ,/, it/PRP 'll/MD be/VB the/DT Fortune/NNP 15/CD before/IN too/RB long/JJ ./.
But/CC each/DT of/IN those/DT 15/CD companies/NNS will/MD offer/VB a/DT full/JJ range/NN of/IN financial/JJ instruments/NNS ,/, car/NN models/NNS ,/, and/CC computer/NN chips/NNS ./.
It/PRP 'll/MD be/VB just/RB like/IN Korea/NNP ,/, only/RB better/JJR ./.
Actually/RB ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ far/RB too/RB harsh/JJ a/DT verdict/NN on/IN the/DT new/JJ DaimlerChrysler/NNP ,/, particularly/RB since/IN Daimler-/NNP Benz/NNP has/VBZ spent/VBN the/DT last/JJ four/CD years/NNS shedding/VBG noncore/NN businesses/NNS and/CC refocusing/VBG its/PRP$ energies/NNS on/IN automobiles/NNS ,/, which/WDT now/RB account/NN for/IN 70/CD percent/NN of/IN its/PRP$ revenues/NNS ./.
In/IN addition/NN ,/, as/IN I/PRP 've/VBP pointed/VBN out/IN here/RB before/RB ,/, the/DT auto/NN industry/NN is/VBZ facing/VBG severe/JJ problems/NNS with/IN excess/JJ capacity/NN ,/, so/RB reducing/VBG the/DT number/NN of/IN players/NNS in/IN the/DT global/JJ marketplace/NN may/MD decrease/VB the/DT chance/NN of/IN dramatic/JJ overbuilding/NN ./.
Finally/RB ,/, unlike/IN the/DT Citicorp-/NNP Travelers/NNP deal/NN ,/, Daimler/NNP and/CC Chrysler/NNP will/MD not/RB try/VB to/TO merge/VB fundamentally/RB different/JJ product/NN lines/NNS in/IN an/DT elusive/JJ quest/NN for/IN super/JJ market/NN glory/NN ./.
Economies/NNP of/IN scale/NN do/VBP exist/VB in/IN capital-intensive/JJ industries/NNS ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ there/EX are/VBP opportunities/NNS for/IN companies/NNS to/TO be/VB simultaneously/RB bigger/JJR and/CC more/RBR efficient/JJ ./.
Still/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB clear/VB those/DT conditions/NNS will/MD exist/VB in/IN DaimlerChrysler/NNP ./.
At/IN first/JJ glance/NN ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, it/PRP looks/VBZ as/IN if/IN Daimler-/NNP Benz/NNP got/VBD taken/VBN ./.
That/DT may/MD seem/VB an/DT odd/JJ conclusion/NN ,/, when/WRB you/PRP consider/VBP that/IN Chrysler/NNP is/VBZ both/DT more/RBR profitable/JJ than/IN Daimler--earning/NNP $/$ 2/CD ./.
8/CD billion/CD last/JJ year/NN on/IN $/$ 61/CD billion/CD in/IN sales/NNS ,/, where/WRB Daimler/NNP earned/VBD $/$ 1/CD ./.
8/CD billion/CD on/IN $/$ 69/CD billion/CD in/IN sales--and/JJ vastly/RB more/RBR efficient/JJ ./.
If/IN Daimler/NNP is/VBZ adding/VBG all/PDT the/DT resources/NNS of/IN a/DT low/JJ cost/NN ,/, lean/JJ manufacturing/NN powerhouse/NN to/TO its/PRP$ already/RB impressive/JJ collection/NN of/IN assets/NNS ,/, how/WRB can/MD it/PRP be/VB getting/VBG the/DT raw/JJ end/NN of/IN the/DT deal/NN ?/.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, as/RB impressive/JJ as/IN Chrysler/NNP 's/POS comeback/NN from/IN the/DT debacle/NN of/IN the/DT late/JJ 1970/CD s/VBZ and/CC from/IN the/DT disastrous/JJ later/RB years/NNS of/IN Lee/NNP Iacocca/NNP 's/POS reign/NN was/VBD ,/, the/DT company/NN is/VBZ hardly/RB the/DT jewel/NN of/IN American/JJ manufacturing/NN that/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS press/NN accounts/NNS made/VBD it/PRP out/IN to/TO be/VB ./.
Last/JJ year/NN ,/, the/DT company/NN 's/POS earnings/NNS slid/VBN by/IN 20/CD percent/NN ,/, while/IN GM/NNP 's/POS and/CC Ford/NNP 's/VBZ both/DT rose/VBD ;/: and/CC its/PRP$ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
market/NN share/NN is/VBZ just/RB 15/CD percent/NN ./.
And/CC while/IN Chrysler/NNP 's/POS Jeep/NNP and/CC SUV/NNP lines/NNS are/VBP excellent/JJ ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB a/DT single/JJ passenger/NN car/NN of/IN note/NN ,/, aside/RB from/IN the/DT limited-release/JJ Dodge/NNP Viper/NNP and/CC Prowler/NNP ./.
Chrysler/NNP definitely/RB did/VBD a/DT brilliant/JJ job/NN of/IN reinventing/VBG itself/PRP in/IN the/DT early/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, taking/VBG advantage/NN of/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN it/PRP operated/VBD tax-free/JJ until/IN 1985/CD (/( because/IN of/IN carry-over/JJ losses/NNS )/) to/TO streamline/VB its/PRP$ operations/NNS and/CC rework/NN its/PRP$ design/NN and/CC manufacturing/NN processes/NNS ./.
It/PRP also/RB slashed/VBD payrolls/NNS ,/, cutting/VBG the/DT white-collar/JJ work/NN force/NN in/IN half/NN and/CC the/DT blue-collar/JJ work/NN force/NN by/IN almost/RB a/DT quarter/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, it/PRP halved/VBD the/DT number/NN of/IN vehicles/NNS it/PRP had/VBD to/TO sell/VB every/DT year/NN to/TO break/VB even/RB ./.
More/RBR recently/RB ,/, Chrysler/NNP 's/POS tough-love/JJ approach/NN has/VBZ given/VBN its/PRP$ parts/NNS suppliers/NNS a/DT financial/JJ incentive/NN to/TO cut/VB costs--with/JJ resulting/VBG savings/NNS to/TO Chrysler/NNP of/IN $/$ 3/CD ./.
7/CD billion/CD since/IN 1990/CD ./.
But/CC how/WRB all/PDT this/DT is/VBZ really/RB relevant/JJ to/TO Daimler-/NNP Benz/NNP remains/VBZ somewhat/RB unclear/JJ ./.
Daimler/NNP is/VBZ not/RB ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, getting/VBG Chrysler/NNP at/IN no/DT cost/NN ./.
Rather/RB ,/, Daimler/NNP will/MD be/VB paying--depending/JJ upon/IN what/WP its/PRP$ own/JJ stock/NN price/NN does--something/JJ like/IN $/$ 13/CD billion/CD more/JJR for/IN Chrysler/NNP than/IN the/DT stock/NN market/NN had/VBD thought/VBN Chrysler/NNP was/VBD worth/JJ ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT huge/JJ premium/NN and/CC ,/, in/IN exchange/NN for/IN it/PRP ,/, Daimler/NNP must/MD be/VB expecting/VBG to/TO receive/VB more/RBR than/IN just/RB the/DT opportunity/NN to/TO include/VB Chrysler/NNP 's/POS sales/NNS with/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
It/PRP must/MD be/VB expecting/VBG "/" synergy/NN ./.
Certainly/RB "/" synergy/NN "/" is/VBZ the/DT word/NN on/IN the/DT lips/NNS and/CC the/DT word/NN processors/NNS of/IN everyone/NN who/WP has/VBZ commented/VBD on/IN the/DT deal/NN ./.
But/CC not/RB all/PDT these/DT commentators/NNS seem/VBP to/TO understand/VB what/WP synergy/NN means/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ very/RB little/JJ overlap/VB between/IN the/DT product/NN lines/NNS of/IN the/DT two/CD companies/NNS ./.
Chrysler/NNP sells/VBZ SUVs/NNP ,/, minivans/NNS ,/, trucks/NNS ,/, and/CC mass-market/JJ cars/NNS ./.
Mercedes/NNP sells/VBZ luxury/NN sedans/NNS and/CC sports/NNS cars/NNS ./.
This/DT does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB synergy/NN is/VBZ automatic/JJ ./.
All/DT it/PRP means/VBZ is/VBZ that/IN the/DT two/CD companies/NNS are/VBP complementary/JJ ,/, that/IN there/EX are/VBP no/DT redundancies/NNS ./.
And/CC while/IN DaimlerChrysler/NNP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO offer/VB cars/NNS to/TO the/DT full/JJ spectrum/NN of/IN buyers/NNS ,/, the/DT current/JJ lack/NN of/IN overlap/VB also/RB means/VBZ there/EX are/VBP n't/RB any/DT easy/JJ cost/NN savings/NNS to/TO be/VB found/VBN by/IN eliminating/VBG duplication/NN ./.
It/PRP also/RB means/VBZ the/DT deal/NN 's/POS effect/NN on/IN the/DT overcapacity/NN problem/NN will/MD be/VB negligible/JJ ,/, unless/IN you/PRP believe/VBP Daimler/NNP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO cut/VB back/RB on/IN production/NN of/IN its/PRP$ E-/NNP class/NN sedans/NNS because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB making/VBG the/DT Dodge/NNP Neon/NNP ./.
To/TO repeat/VB a/DT point/NN made/VBN here/RB too/RB many/JJ times/NNS before/RB ,/, synergy/NN occurs/VBZ only/RB when/WRB two/CD companies/NNS together/RB can/MD make/VB and/CC market/VB products/NNS more/RBR efficiently/RB than/IN they/PRP were/VBD able/JJ to/TO do/VB apart/RB ./.
Daimler/NNP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO make/VB and/CC sell/VB more/JJR Mercedes/NNP more/RBR cheaply/RB because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ acquired/VBN Chrysler/NNP ,/, and/CC vice/NN versa/RB ,/, for/IN the/DT deal/NN to/TO make/VB sense/NN ./.
And/CC with/IN a/DT $/$ 13/CD billion/CD premium/NN ,/, the/DT deal/NN has/VBZ to/TO make/VB an/DT awful/JJ lot/NN of/IN sense/NN ./.
From/IN Chrysler/NNP 's/POS angle/NN the/DT possible/JJ synergies/NNS are/VBP fairly/RB obvious/JJ ./.
Chrysler/NNP gets/VBZ 93/CD percent/NN of/IN its/PRP$ sales/NNS from/IN North/NNP America/NNP ./.
Daimler/NNP will/MD give/VB it/PRP immediate/JJ entry/NN into/IN the/DT European/JJ market/NN ,/, and/CC presumably/RB some/DT of/IN the/DT Daimler/NNP cachet/NN will/MD rub/VB off/RP on/IN Chrysler/NNP abroad/RB ./.
Daimler/NNP 's/POS cars/NNS feature/VBP safety/NN innovations/NNS that/IN Chrysler/NNP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO incorporate/VB into/IN its/PRP$ vehicles/NNS and/CC ,/, most/RBS intriguingly/RB ,/, Daimler/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT pioneer/NN in/IN fuel-cell/JJ technology/NN ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ that/IN Chrysler/NNP will/MD immediately/RB become/VB the/DT dominant/JJ American/JJ player/NN in/IN developing/VBG noncombustion-engine/JJ cars/NNS ./.
But/CC what/WP will/MD Daimler/NNP get/VB ?/.
Chrysler/NNP 's/POS expertise/NN in/IN front-wheel-drive/JJ engineering/NN will/MD be/VB a/DT nice/JJ addition/NN ,/, although/IN it/PRP hardly/RB seems/VBZ likely/JJ that/IN Mercedes/NNP is/VBZ suddenly/RB going/VBG to/TO abandon/VB rear-wheel/JJ drive/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX is/VBZ the/DT hope/NN that/IN Chrysler/NNP 's/POS lean/JJ manufacturing/NN style/NN will/MD help/VB Daimler/NNP shake/VB up/RP a/DT company/NN that/WDT is/VBZ still/RB heavy/JJ with/IN layers/NNS of/IN middle/JJ management/NN ./.
Chrysler/NNP makes/VBZ four/CD times/NNS as/IN many/JJ cars/NNS as/IN Daimler/NNP with/IN fewer/JJR than/IN half/PDT the/DT workers/NNS ,/, and/CC although/IN there/EX are/VBP good/JJ reasons/NNS for/IN this--luxury/JJ cars/NNS require/VBP more/JJR labor/NN ,/, Daimler/NNP is/VBZ diversified/VBN into/IN other/JJ labor-intensive/JJ businesses--much/JJ of/IN the/DT difference/NN does/VBZ stem/VB from/IN Daimler/NNP 's/POS bureaucratic/JJ approach/NN ./.
The/DT addition/NN of/IN Chrysler/NNP may/MD help/VB change/VB that/DT approach/NN ,/, but/CC how/WRB remains/VBZ to/TO be/VB seen/VBN ./.
Chrysler/NNP 's/POS elaborate/VB system/NN of/IN dealerships/NNS might/MD ,/, in/IN theory/NN ,/, help/VB Mercedes/NNP crack/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
market/NN ,/, where/WRB its/PRP$ share/NN is/VBZ now/RB less/JJR than/IN 1/CD percent/NN ./.
But/CC ,/, as/IN Daimler/NNP recognizes/VBZ ,/, selling/VBG Mercedes/NNP through/IN Chrysler/NNP dealers--with/JJ all/PDT the/DT memories/NNS of/IN the/DT Volare/NNP and/CC K-C/NNP ar--could/JJ damage/NN the/DT car/NN 's/POS treasured/JJ cachet/NN ./.
DaimlerChrysler/NNP will/MD probably/RB be/VB big/JJ enough/RB to/TO run/VB harder/RBR bargains/NNS with/IN suppliers/NNS ,/, although/IN there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT real/JJ evidence/NN that/IN Ford/NNP or/CC GM/NNP has/VBZ enjoyed/VBN huge/JJ cost/NN savings/NNS on/IN parts/NNS because/IN of/IN their/PRP$ size/NN ./.
The/DT new/JJ company/NN may/MD also/RB benefit/VB from/IN merging/VBG warehousing/NN and/CC inventory/NN management/NN ,/, and/CC ideally/RB there/EX will/MD be/VB joint/JJ production/NN of/IN components/NNS that/IN both/DT companies/NNS use/VBP ./.
But/CC size/NN brings/VBZ disadvantages/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN benefits/NNS ,/, and/CC never/RB more/RBR so/RB than/IN when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT result/NN of/IN cross-national/JJ mergers/NNS ./.
If/IN being/VBG the/DT biggest/JJS company/NN was/VBD a/DT guarantee/NN of/IN success/NN ,/, we/PRP 'd/MD all/DT be/VBP using/VBG IBM/NNP computers/NNS and/CC driving/VBG GM/NNP cars/NNS ./.
Daimler-/NNP Benz/NNP and/CC Chrysler/NNP were/VBD great/JJ companies/NNS on/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, productive/JJ and/CC profitable/JJ ,/, making/VBG quality/NN cars/NNS that/IN people/NNS wanted/VBD to/TO buy/VB ./.
Now/RB they/PRP 're/VBP risking/VBG that/IN present/JJ for/IN an/DT Ozymandian/NNP future/NN ,/, at/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS ./.
Size/NN matters/NNS ,/, but/CC sometimes/RB for/IN all/PDT the/DT wrong/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT news/NN that/IN some/DT insurance/NN companies/NNS are/VBP skirting/VBG the/DT new/JJ law/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO guarantee/VB available/JJ health/NN coverage/NN to/TO millions/NNS of/IN Americans/NNPS who/WP change/VBP jobs/NNS or/CC who/WP have/VBP pre-existing/JJ conditions/NNS ./.
At/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Promise/NNP Keepers/NNS and/CC at/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Promise/NNP Keepers/NNS big-time/JJ ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP insurance/NN story/NN is/VBZ dramatic/JJ proof/NN of/IN a/DT gaping/JJ hole/NN in/IN last/JJ year/NN 's/POS Kennedy-/NNP Kassebaum/NNP bill/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD viewed/VBN at/IN the/DT time/NN as/IN taking/VBG the/DT first/JJ important/JJ step/NN towards/IN universal/JJ coverage/NN :/: namely/RB ,/, the/DT bill/NN says/VBZ insurance/NN companies/NNS have/VBP to/TO extend/VB coverage/NN to/TO those/DT they/PRP had/VBD tended/VBN to/TO cut/VB off/RP ,/, but/CC it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB the/DT companies/NNS ca/MD n't/RB gouge/NN them/PRP for/IN it/PRP ./.
(/( This/DT is/VBZ a/DT feature/NN Congress/NNP could/MD have/VB easily/RB added/VBN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP points/NNS out/RP New/NNP York/NNP state/NN has/VBZ had/VBN such/JJ a/DT law/NN since/IN 1992/CD ./.
)/) For/IN example/NN ,/, Design/NNP Benefit/NNP Plans/VBZ charges/NNS 35/CD percent/NN extra/JJ to/TO individuals/NNS purchasing/VBG policies/NNS under/IN the/DT new/JJ law/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT paper/NN quotes/NNS Rep/NNP ./.
Pete/NNP Stark/NNP as/IN saying/VBG that/IN insurers/NNS in/IN many/JJ states/NNS are/VBP charging/VBG $/$ 6/CD ,/, 000/CD to/TO people/NNS with/IN pre-existing/JJ conditions/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP coverage/NN of/IN the/DT Promise/NNP Keepers/NNS rally/VBP is/VBZ all-out--three/JJ pieces/NNS on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN and/CC another/DT six/CD inside/IN ./.
The/DT lead/JJ story/NN credits/NNS name/VBP twenty/CD Post/NNP staffers/NNS ./.
The/DT paper/NN describes/VBZ the/DT event/NN as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT largest/JJS gatherings/NNS ever/RB in/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS capital/NN and/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT biggest/JJS religious/JJ gatherings/NNS in/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS history/NN ,/, and/CC says/VBZ the/DT crowd/NN numbered/VBD "/" perhaps/RB a/DT half-million/JJ people/NNS ./.
"/" Although/IN the/DT official/JJ program/NN was/VBD multi-racial/JJ and/CC multi-ethnic/JJ ,/, the/DT WP/NNP says/VBZ the/DT attendees/NNS were/VBD "/" overwhelmingly/RB white/JJ ,/, reflecting/VBG the/DT composition/NN of/IN the/DT organization/NN ./.
"/" One/CD woman/NN comments/NNS to/TO the/DT paper/NN that/IN she/PRP was/VBD "/" surprised/VBN by/IN how/WRB clean-cut/JJ and/CC how/WRB educated/VBN "/" the/DT Promise/NNP Keepers/NNS were/VBD ./.
"/" I/PRP guess/VBP ,/, "/" she/PRP adds/VBZ ,/, "/" that/WDT makes/VBZ it/PRP even/RB more/RBR scary/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ the/DT crowd/NN appeared/VBD to/TO number/NN "/" well/RB over/IN half/PDT a/DT million/CD people/NNS "/" and/CC that/IN it/PRP "/" contained/VBD large/JJ numbers/NNS of/IN blacks/NNS and/CC other/JJ minorities/NNS ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN wives/NNS and/CC other/JJ women/NNS ./.
The/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN when/WRB four/CD women/NNS belonging/VBG to/TO the/DT Lesbian/NNP Avengers/NNP ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ protested/VBN PK/NNP rallies/NNS across/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, took/VBD off/IN their/PRP$ shirts/NNS and/CC marched/VBD bare-breasted/JJ into/IN the/DT crowd/NN ,/, a/DT Park/NNP Police/NNP cop/NN said/VBD ,/, "/" Bare/NNP breasts/NNS are/VBP okay/JJ in/IN the/DT District/NNP ./.
Lots/NNS of/IN presidential/JJ sidebar/NN stories/NNS today/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP runs/VBZ an/DT AP/NNP dispatch/NN revealing/VBG that/IN a/DT new/JJ biography/NN of/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP states/NNS that/IN within/IN days/NNS of/IN naming/VBG Dan/NNP Quayle/NNP as/IN his/PRP$ running/VBG mate/NN in/IN 1988/CD ,/, Bush/NNP wrote/VBD in/IN his/PRP$ diary/NN :/: "/" It/PRP was/VBD my/PRP$ decision/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP blew/VBD it/PRP ,/, but/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB about/IN to/TO say/VB I/PRP blew/VBD it/PRP ./.
"/" Gerald/NNP Ford/NNP and/CC Jimmy/NNP Carter/NNP co-author/NN a/DT Post/NNP op-ed/JJ calling/NN for/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN soft/JJ money/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP takes/VBZ a/DT long/JJ look/NN at/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP 's/POS Alzheimers/NNP disease/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT piece/NN ,/, "/" the/DT man/NN behind/IN the/DT firm/JJ handshake/NN and/CC barely/RB gray/JJ hair/NN is/VBZ steadily/RB ,/, surely/RB ebbing/VBG away/RB "/" and/CC "/" appears/VBZ to/TO recognize/VB few/JJ people/NNS other/JJ than/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
"/" There/EX 's/VBZ also/RB the/DT detail/NN that/IN one/CD of/IN Reagan/NNP 's/POS former/JJ White/NNP House/NNP physicians/NNS first/RB suspected/VBN trouble/NN when/WRB he/PRP had/VBD an/DT odd/JJ conversation/NN with/IN Reagan/NNP in/IN September/NNP ,/, 1992/CD -/: -/: more/JJR than/IN two/CD years/NNS before/IN his/PRP$ condition/NN was/VBD publicly/RB acknowledged/VBN ./.
And/CC the/DT WP/NNP reports/NNS that/WDT yesterday/NN while/IN attending/VBG a/DT Secret/NNP Service/NNP demonstration/NN at/IN the/DT agency/NN 's/POS training/NN headquarters/NN ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP took/VBD the/DT wheel/NN of/IN a/DT Camaro/NNP and/CC executed/VBD an/DT evasive/JJ 180/CD degree/NN turn/NN ./.
Evasive/NNP ?/.
180/CD ?/.
Bet/NNP he/PRP was/VBD good/JJ at/IN it/PRP ./.
Both/DT the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB today/NN with/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Middle/NNP East/NNP policy/NN moves/NNS ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT police/NN chief-designee/JJ 's/POS first/JJ meet-the-press/JJ ,/, in/IN which/WDT he/PRP said/VBD he/PRP should/MD be/VB judged/VBN by/IN whether/IN or/CC not/RB he/PRP cuts/VBZ crime/NN ./.
And/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT resumption/NN of/IN talks/NNS in/IN the/DT UPS/NNP strike/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Post/NNP stories/NNS report/VBP that/IN in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS Jerusalem/NNP bombing/NN ,/, President/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ abandoned/VBN his/PRP$ low-profile/JJ of/IN recent/JJ months/NNS on/IN Middle/NNP East/NNP matters/NNS and/CC is/VBZ ready/JJ to/TO revive/VB an/DT upgraded/VBN pace/NN of/IN negotiations/NNS between/IN Israel/NNP and/CC the/DT Palestine/NNP Authority/NNP ./.
This/DT will/MD immediately/RB mean/VB a/DT visit/NN to/TO the/DT region/NN by/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
special/JJ envoy/NN and/CC before/IN too/RB long/JJ ,/, one/CD by/IN Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP as/RB well/RB ./.
Another/DT story/NN that/WDT gets/VBZ near-universal/JJ front-page/JJ treatment/NN is/VBZ the/DT president/NN 's/POS news/NN conference/NN yesterday/NN about/IN things/NNS fiscal/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP emphasize/VBP Clinton/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN that/IN the/DT budget/NN deficit/NN for/IN this/DT fiscal/JJ year/NN will/MD be/VB a/DT 23/CD -/: year/NN low/NN of/IN $/$ 37/CD billion/CD ,/, while/IN USAT/NNP chooses/VBZ to/TO stress/VB his/PRP$ comment/NN that/IN he/PRP expects/VBZ to/TO exercise/VB the/DT line-item/JJ veto/NN (/( a/DT presidential/JJ first/JJ )/) on/IN the/DT budget/NN and/CC tax/NN bills/NNS he/PRP just/RB signed/VBD ./.
But/CC from/IN the/DT standpoint/NN of/IN sheer/JJ front-page/JJ copy/NN and/CC photo/NN space/NN ,/, the/DT day/NN 's/POS top/JJ story/NN is/VBZ none/NN of/IN these--it/JJ 's/POS yesterday/NN 's/POS surprise/NN announcement/NN that/IN Microsoft/NNP is/VBZ investing/VBG $/$ 150/CD million/CD in/IN its/PRP$ rival/JJ ,/, Apple/NNP ./.
The/DT stunning/JJ news/NN was/VBD delivered/VBN by/IN Apple/NNP co-founder/NN Steve/NNP Jobs/NNP at/IN an/DT Apple/NNP trade/NN fair/JJ in/IN Boston/NNP ,/, while/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP looked/VBD on/IN and/CC commented/VBD approvingly/RB via/IN a/DT giant/JJ TV/NN screen/NN ./.
USAT/NNP provides/VBZ the/DT most/JJS concise/NN explanation/NN :/: "/" The/DT companies/NNS will/MD share/VB all/DT patent/NN rights/NNS ./.
Microsoft/NNP guarantees/NNS it/PRP will/MD develop/VB software/NN for/IN Apple/NNP 's/POS Macintosh/NNP computers/NNS ./.
Apple/NNP will/MD make/VB Microsoft/NNP 's/POS Internet/NNP Explorer/NNP the/DT main/JJ Web/NNP browser/NN on/IN the/DT Mac/NNP ./.
Both/DT the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC LAT/NNP make/VBP the/DT point/NN that/IN the/DT deal/NN is/VBZ n't/RB about/IN the/DT operating/VBG system/NN competition/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD companies/NNS ,/, which/WDT Microsoft/NNP won/VBD long/RB ago/RB ,/, but/CC is/VBZ about/IN Microsoft/NNP 's/POS need/NN to/TO secure/VB its/PRP$ business/NN as/IN the/DT largest/JJS seller/NN of/IN programs/NNS for/IN Macintosh/NNP computers/NNS (/( the/DT NYT/NNP observes/VBZ )/) and/CC to/TO bolster/VB its/PRP$ position/NN in/IN Internet/NN products/NNS (/( the/DT LAT/NNP and/CC Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP observe/VBP ./.
)/) All/DT the/DT majors/NNS report/VBP that/IN the/DT announcement/NN was/VBD met/VBN by/IN boos/NNS and/CC catcalls/NNS from/IN the/DT audience/NN of/IN Macheads/NNP ,/, as/IN was/VBD the/DT deal-sealing/JJ appearance/NN by/IN Gates/NNP ./.
In/IN a/DT story/NN that/WDT was/VBD no/DT doubt/NN press-released/JJ to/TO death/NN ,/, somehow/RB only/RB the/DT WP/NNP managed/VBD to/TO mention/VB that/IN the/DT deal/NN leaves/VBZ Microsoft/NNP with/IN a/DT 7/CD percent/NN stake/NN in/IN Apple/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT WSJ/NNP gets/VBZ the/DT nod/NN for/IN reporting/VBG the/DT most/RBS intriguing/JJ singularity/NN that/IN otherwise/RB went/VBD unnoticed/JJ :/: that/IN as/IN part/NN of/IN the/DT deal/NN ,/, besides/IN the/DT $/$ 150/CD million/CD investment/NN ,/, Microsoft/NNP will/MD pay/VB Apple/NNP an/DT additional/JJ $/$ 100/CD million/CD ./.
Microsoft/NNP would/MD n't/RB elaborate/VB for/IN the/DT Journal/NNP except/IN to/TO say/VB "/" any/DT payments/NNS would/MD be/VB non-material/JJ ./.
"/" (/( Does/VBZ that/WDT mean/VBP spiritual/NN ?/.
All/DT the/DT majors/NNS that/WDT carry/VBP photos/NNS (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, everybody/NN but/CC the/DT WSJ/NNP )/) accompany/VB the/DT Microsoft/NNP &slash;/NN Apple/NNP story/NN with/IN the/DT same/JJ top-of-the-page/JJ shot/NN :/: a/DT giant/NN televised/VBN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP looming/VBG over/IN a/DT tiny/JJ ,/, merely/RB human/JJ Steve/NNP Jobs/NNP ./.
When/WRB editors/NNS made/VBD this/DT choice/NN ,/, do/VBP you/PRP think/VBP they/PRP were/VBD at/IN all/DT aware/JJ how/WRB much/JJ this/DT looks/VBZ like/IN that/DT famous/JJ Super/NNP Bowl/NNP ad/NN that/IN first/RB introduced/VBD the/DT Macintosh/NNP ?/.
The/DT only/JJ thing/NN missing/VBG is/VBZ the/DT babe/NN running/VBG up/RP the/DT aisle/NN flinging/VBG a/DT hammer/NN at/IN the/DT screen/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT strange/JJ time/NN in/IN the/DT stock/NN market/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, prevailing/JJ wisdom/NN among/IN the/DT chattering/VBG classes/NNS has/VBZ it/PRP that/IN current/JJ stock/NN prices/NNS ,/, especially/RB on/IN the/DT Nasdaq/NNP ,/, represent/VBP a/DT bubble/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT best/JJS we/PRP can/MD hope/VB for/IN is/VBZ for/IN that/DT bubble/NN to/TO lose/VB slow/JJ air/NN slowly/RB ,/, rather/RB than/IN in/IN one/CD giant/JJ burst/NN ./.
I/PRP started/VBD collecting/VBG examples/NNS of/IN journalists/NNS saying/VBG things/NNS like/IN "/" this/DT overvalued/JJ market/NN "/" and/CC "/" Does/VBZ anyone/NN remember/VB Japan/NNP in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ?/.
,/, "/" but/CC I/PRP stopped/VBD because/IN ,/, well/RB ,/, I/PRP got/VBD bored/VBN ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, no/DT one/CD seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB actually/RB selling/VBG their/PRP$ stock/NN ,/, perhaps/RB because/IN everyone/NN 's/POS succumbed/VBD to/TO the/DT siren/NN song/NN of/IN long-term/JJ investing/NN or/CC perhaps/RB because/IN everyone/NN always/RB thinks/VBZ they/PRP 'll/MD be/VB the/DT ones/NNS who/WP can/MD get/VB out/IN just/RB before/IN the/DT crash/NN ./.
Or/CC it/PRP may/MD be/VB that/IN people/NNS are/VBP staying/VBG invested/VBN because/IN for/IN a/DT supposed/VBN bubble/NN in/IN which/WDT prices/NNS are/VBP driven/VBN ever/RB higher/JJR by/IN indiscriminate/NN investors/NNS ,/, this/DT market/NN is/VBZ actually/RB quite/RB discriminating/VBG ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ standards/NNS for/IN corporate/JJ performance/NN remain/VB quite/RB high/JJ ./.
In/IN an/DT earlier/JJR column/NN ,/, I/PRP wrote/VBD about/IN the/DT segmentation/NN of/IN Internet/NN stocks/NNS into/IN winners/NNS and/CC losers/NNS ,/, and/CC in/IN recent/JJ weeks/NNS we/PRP 've/VBP seen/VBN a/DT mediocre/JJ Christmas/NNP further/JJ segment/NN the/DT Net/JJ sector/NN by/IN taking/VBG a/DT real/JJ toll/NN on/IN Internet/NN retailers/NNS ./.
When/WRB Lucent/NNP recently/RB announced/VBD that/IN its/PRP$ quarterly/JJ numbers/NNS would/MD fall/VB well/RB short/JJ of/IN expectations/NNS ,/, the/DT stock/NN dropped/VBD 40/CD percent/NN ./.
And/CC today/NN ,/, Qualcomm/NNP saw/VBD its/PRP$ stock/NN price/NN drop/NN 10/CD percent/NN in/IN a/DT few/JJ minutes/NNS of/IN after-hours/JJ trading/NN despite/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN the/DT company/NN announced/VBD that/IN it/PRP had/VBD grown/VBN profits/NNS by/IN 213/CD percent/NN in/IN the/DT latest/JJS quarter/NN ./.
Now/RB ,/, one/CD way/NN of/IN looking/VBG at/IN these/DT sharp/JJ turns/NNS in/IN market/NN sentiment/NN is/VBZ to/TO dismiss/VB them/PRP by/IN citing/VBG them/PRP as/IN evidence/NN of/IN that/DT much-dreaded/JJ "/" volatility/NN ./.
"/" But/CC a/DT more/RBR accurate/JJ way/NN of/IN looking/VBG at/IN them/PRP is/VBZ to/TO see/VB that/IN investors/NNS are/VBP thinking/VBG hard/RB about/IN what/WP news/NN means/VBZ for/IN a/DT company/NN 's/POS future/JJ earning/NN prospects/NNS and/CC are/VBP not/RB interested/JJ in/IN rewarding/JJ companies/NNS that/WDT fail/VBP to/TO live/VB up/RP to/TO expectations/NNS ./.
(/( For/IN further/JJ evidence/NN of/IN this/DT ,/, look/NN at/IN the/DT market/NN 's/POS reaction/NN to/TO all/DT the/DT recent/JJ merger/NN announcements/NNS ./.
)/) It/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB the/DT case/NN that/IN those/DT expectations/NNS are/VBP very/RB high/JJ ,/, as/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN Qualcomm/NNP suggests/VBZ ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT market/NN 's/POS expectations/NNS should/MD be/VB very/RB high/JJ ,/, what/WP with/IN the/DT prices/NNS investors/NNS are/VBP paying/VBG ./.
Qualcomm/NNP 's/POS profits/NNS grew/VBN by/IN 213/CD percent/NN ,/, but/CC its/PRP$ stock/NN is/VBZ up/RB more/JJR than/IN 1/CD ,/, 400/CD percent/NN in/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP may/MD have/VB a/DT ways/NNS to/TO go/VB (/( down/RB ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ )/) before/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ fairly/RB valued/VBN ./.
And/CC Lucent/NNP 's/POS quarterly/JJ numbers/NNS were/VBD more/RBR worthy/JJ of/IN a/DT slow-growing/JJ consumer-products/NNS company/NN than/IN of/IN a/DT high-priced/JJ tech/NN giant/NN ,/, so/IN the/DT market/NN 's/POS reaction/NN was/VBD hardly/RB surprising/JJ ./.
But/CC what/WP 's/VBZ interesting/JJ is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB just/RB stocks/VBZ trading/VBG at/IN stratospheric/JJ levels/NNS that/WDT are/VBP punished/VBN ,/, nor/CC is/VBZ it/PRP just/RB stocks/VBZ that/WDT fall/NN well/RB short/JJ of/IN expectations/NNS ./.
Take/VB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, SBC/NNP Communications/NNP ,/, the/DT largest/JJS Baby/NNP Bell/NNP ,/, which/WDT announced/VBD earnings/NNS today/NN right/NN in/IN line/NN with/IN analysts/NNS '/POS estimates/NNS ./.
SBC/NNP 's/POS profit/NN and/CC revenue/NN growth/NN were/VBD n't/RB staggering/JJ ,/, but/CC they/PRP were/VBD n't/RB disappointing/JJ ,/, either/RB ./.
The/DT company/NN showed/VBD strong/JJ growth/NN in/IN its/PRP$ wireless/JJ business/NN ,/, which/WDT remains/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT hottest/JJS sectors/NNS around/IN ,/, and/CC it/PRP issued/VBD a/DT bullish/JJ forecast/NN for/IN the/DT coming/VBG year/NN ./.
But/CC Project/NNP Pronto/NNP ,/, SBC/NNP 's/POS $/$ 6/CD billion/CD effort/NN to/TO roll/VB out/RP DSL/NNP Internet/NNP access/NN to/TO its/PRP$ local/JJ customers/NNS ,/, fell/VBD well/RB short/JJ of/IN expectations/NNS ./.
Since/IN high-speed/JJ Internet/NN access/NN will/MD soon/RB be/VB a/DT crucial/JJ ,/, perhaps/RB the/DT crucial/JJ ,/, business/NN for/IN local/JJ phone/NN companies/NNS to/TO dominate/VB ,/, this/DT was/VBD not/RB good/JJ news/NN ./.
On/IN a/DT day/NN when/WRB the/DT market/NN rebounded/VBD sharply/RB in/IN the/DT afternoon/NN ,/, SBC/NNP finished/VBD the/DT day/NN down/RB 10/CD percent/NN ./.
And/CC this/DT was/VBD not/RB after/IN a/DT big/JJ run-up/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT contrary/NN ,/, the/DT stock/NN had/VBD already/RB been/VBN down/RB 28/CD percent/NN over/IN the/DT last/JJ 12/CD months/NNS ./.
The/DT market/NN 's/POS judgment/NN was/VBD ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, the/DT right/NN one/CD ./.
(/( Actually/RB ,/, SBC/NNP 's/POS stock/NN deserves/VBZ to/TO drop/VB just/RB on/IN the/DT basis/NN of/IN naming/VBG the/DT DSL/NNP initiative/NN "/" Project/NNP Pronto/NNP ,/, "/" but/CC that/DT 's/VBZ neither/DT here/RB nor/CC there/RB ./.
)/) But/CC the/DT important/JJ point/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT judgment/NN was/VBD made/VBN ./.
In/IN a/DT pure/JJ speculative/JJ market/NN ,/, like/IN the/DT South/NNP Sea/NNP Bubble/NNP ,/, it/PRP was/VBD enough/RB to/TO exist/VB to/TO coin/NN money/NN ./.
And/CC even/RB in/IN the/DT months/NNS leading/VBG up/RP to/TO the/DT Crash/NNP of/IN 1929/CD ,/, or/CC during/IN the/DT rapid/JJ rise/NN of/IN the/DT Nikkei/NNP in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, corporate/JJ performance/NN seemed/VBD to/TO matter/VB less/JJR and/CC less/JJR ./.
Say/VB what/WP you/PRP will/MD about/IN this/DT market/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP no/DT byes/NNS for/IN the/DT teams/NNS that/WDT are/VBP playing/VBG in/IN it/PRP ./.
Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP is/VBZ a/DT man/NN of/IN ideas/NNS ./.
Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP is/VBZ compassionate/NN ,/, a/DT self-described/JJ "/" bleeding-heart/JJ conservative/NN ./.
"/" Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP is/VBZ optimistic/JJ ./.
These/DT are/VBP the/DT three/CD great/JJ strengths/NNS Kemp/NNP is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO bring/VB to/TO the/DT Republican/JJ ticket/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT downside/NN ?/.
Judging/VBG from/IN the/DT media/NNS coverage/NN ,/, Kemp/NNP 's/POS only/RB problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP may/MD be/VB too/RB good/JJ for/IN the/DT job/NN :/: too/RB reasonable/JJ for/IN his/PRP$ extreme-conservative/JJ party/NN ,/, too/RB idealistic/JJ to/TO get/VB along/IN with/IN the/DT world-weary/JJ Bob/NNP Dole/NNP ,/, too/RB boyishly/RB bumptious/JJ to/TO sit/VB quietly/RB in/IN second/JJ place/NN ./.
Kemp/NNP is/VBZ neither/DT a/DT phony/JJ nor/CC a/DT cynic/JJ ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ sincere/JJ ,/, well-meaning/JJ ,/, and/CC impossible/JJ not/RB to/TO like/IN ./.
But/CC he/PRP has/VBZ gotten/VBN an/DT amazing/JJ free/JJ pass/NN ,/, since/IN Dole/NNP chose/VBD him/PRP last/JJ week/NN ,/, on/IN his/PRP$ three/CD alleged/VBN strengths/NNS ./.
Take/VB his/PRP$ so-called/JJ ideas/NNS ./.
Kemp/NNP does/VBZ ,/, indeed/RB ,/, love/NN ideas/NNS ./.
But/CC he/PRP loves/VBZ them/PRP the/DT way/NN a/DT rare-book/JJ collector/NN loves/VBZ his/PRP$ leather/NN volumes/NNS ./.
He/PRP loves/VBZ to/TO acquire/VB them/PRP ,/, own/JJ them/PRP ,/, fondle/NN them/PRP ,/, display/NN them--everything/JJ but/CC open/JJ them/PRP up/RP and/CC read/VB them/PRP ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, Kemp/NNP adds/VBZ "/" ideas/NNS "/" to/TO his/PRP$ collection--supply-side/JJ economics/NNS ,/, the/DT gold/NN standard/JJ ,/, enterprise/NN zones/NNS ,/, school/NN vouchers--then/JJ immediately/RB puts/VBZ them/PRP behind/IN glass/NN ./.
A/DT real/JJ man/NN of/IN ideas/NNS loves/VBZ to/TO play/VB with/IN ideas/NNS ./.
Kemp/NNP just/RB loves/VBZ to/TO repeat/VB them/PRP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ laughably/RB easy/JJ to/TO get/VB a/DT reputation/NN as/IN a/DT thinker/NN in/IN Washington/NNP ./.
At/IN least/JJS Kemp/NNP ,/, unlike/IN the/DT last/JJ man/NN of/IN ideas/NNS in/IN American/JJ politics/NNS ,/, Gary/NNP Hart/NNP ,/, does/VBZ not/RB posture/NN as/IN the/DT chin-pulling/JJ philosopher/NN ./.
Indeed/RB his/PRP$ self-deprecating/JJ I/PRP '/POS m-just-a-dumb-jock/JJ routine/JJ inoculates/NNS him/PRP against/IN charges/NNS of/IN intellectual/JJ pretension/NN ./.
But/CC Kemp/NNP will/MD ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, ostentatiously/RB throw/VB out/RP the/DT full/JJ name/NN of/IN a/DT 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN French/JJ economist--/JJ "/" Jean/NNP Baptiste/NNP Say/VB "/" -/: -/: as/IN a/DT way/NN of/IN implying/VBG ,/, incorrectly/RB ,/, that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ more/JJR than/IN the/DT vaguest/JJS notion/NN of/IN what/WP Say/VB 's/POS Law/NNP (/( "/" supply/NN creates/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ demand/NN "/" )/) is/VBZ about--other/JJ than/IN knowing/VBG that/IN it/PRP includes/VBZ the/DT magic/JJ word/NN "/" supply/NN ./.
"/" Reporters/NNP are/VBP impressed/VBN ./.
And/CC if/IN they/PRP are/VBP n't/RB completely/RB buffaloed/JJ ,/, they/PRP still/RB give/VBP Kemp/NNP points/NNS for/IN effort/NN and/CC obvious/JJ sincerity/NN ./.
Even/RB an/DT empty/JJ enthusiasm/NN for/IN ideas/NNS is/VBZ appealing/VBG in/IN a/DT party/NN whose/WP$ other/JJ leaders/NNS (/( Dole/NNP ,/, Speaker/NNP Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP ,/, Chairman/NNP Haley/NNP Barbour/NNP )/) claim/NN not/RB to/TO have/VB read/VBN their/PRP$ own/JJ platform/NN ./.
Like/IN the/DT first/JJ names/NNS of/IN dead/JJ economists/NNS ,/, the/DT blizzard/NN of/IN statistics/NNS that/IN blows/NNS through/IN Kemp/NNP 's/POS oeuvre/NN of/IN op-eds/JJ gives/VBZ an/DT impression/NN of/IN learning/VBG ./.
But/CC Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP is/VBZ a/DT propagandist/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT thinker/NN ./.
One/CD small/JJ example/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP last/JJ February/NNP ,/, arguing/VBG (/( surprise/NN ,/, surprise/NN )/) that/IN tax/NN cuts/NNS will/MD increase/VB tax/NN revenues/NNS ,/, Kemp/NNP wrote/VBD :/: "/" In/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, taxes/NNS were/VBD lowered/VBN from/IN a/DT top/JJ marginal/JJ rate/NN of/IN 70/CD percent/NN to/TO 28/CD percent/NN ./.
By/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT decade/NN ,/, America/NNP 's/POS real/JJ gross/JJ domestic/JJ product/NN surged/VBN by/IN 32/CD percent/NN ./.
"/" A/DT little/JJ math/NN reveals/VBZ that/IN this/DT "/" surge/NN "/" implies/VBZ average/JJ annual/JJ GDP/NNP growth/NN of/IN 2/CD ./.
8/CD percent--not/JJ too/RB different/JJ from/IN the/DT 2/CD ./.
5/CD percent/NN growth/NN of/IN recent/JJ years/NNS that/IN Kemp/NNP claims/VBZ is/VBZ woefully/RB inadequate/JJ ./.
(/( And/CC the/DT difference/NN ,/, as/IN Jodie/NNP Allen/NNP pointed/VBD out/IN in/IN Slate/NNP a/DT while/NN back/RB can/MD be/VB fully/RB accounted/VBN for/IN by/IN the/DT ironic/JJ fact/NN that/DT government/NN spending--which/JJ is/VBZ part/NN of/IN GDP--grew/NNP in/IN the/DT Reaganite/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ and/CC is/VBZ shrinking/VBG in/IN the/DT Clintonite/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ./.
)/) Kemp/NNP 's/POS writings/NNS have/VBP no/DT more/JJR inaccuracies/NNS ,/, misleading/JJ statistics/NNS ,/, and/CC fallacious/JJ arguments/NNS than/IN those/DT of/IN most/JJS other/JJ politicians/NNS ./.
But/CC a/DT glaring/JJ internal/JJ contradiction/NN is/VBZ especially/RB telling/VBG for/IN a/DT would-be/JJ man/NN of/IN ideas/NNS :/: It/PRP suggests/VBZ that/IN you/PRP are/VBP not/RB subjecting/VBG your/PRP$ own/JJ "/" ideas/NNS "/" to/TO even/RB the/DT minimal/JJ test/NN of/IN logical/JJ consistency/NN ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ usually/RB missing/VBG from/IN Kemp/NNP 's/POS "/" ideas/NNS "/" is/VBZ the/DT intellectual/JJ discipline/NN of/IN acknowledging/VBG that/IN more/JJR of/IN this/DT means/VBZ less/JJR of/IN that/DT ./.
Regarding/VBG abortion/NN ,/, Kemp/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" My/PRP$ premise/NN is/VBZ that/IN both/DT the/DT mother--the/JJ woman--and/JJ the/DT child--the/JJ unborn--should/JJ have/VBP constitutional/JJ protections/NNS for/IN life/NN and/CC freedom/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP would/MD be/VB lovely/JJ if/IN a/DT woman/NN 's/POS freedom/NN to/TO choose/VB did/VBD n't/RB conflict/NN with/IN a/DT fetus/NN '/" claim/NN on/IN life/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT notion/NN that/IN this/DT can/MD be/VB arranged/VBN is/VBZ a/DT magic/JJ wish/NN ,/, not/RB an/DT idea/NN ./.
The/DT same/JJ defect/NN mars/NNS Kemp/NNP 's/POS "/" compassion/NN ./.
"/" Journalists/NNS seem/VBP to/TO regard/VB "/" bleeding-heart/JJ conservative/JJ "/" as/IN a/DT charming/JJ anomaly/RB ,/, or/CC a/DT welcome/JJ melding/NN of/IN extremes/NNS into/IN moderation/NN ,/, rather/RB than/IN as/IN a/DT mathematical/JJ conundrum/NN ./.
Kemp/NNP is/VBZ in/IN favor/NN of/IN expensive/JJ programs/NNS for/IN the/DT poor/JJ ./.
He/PRP also/RB favors/VBZ giant/JJ tax/NN cuts/NNS for/IN the/DT rich/JJ ./.
And/CC he/PRP opposes/VBZ any/DT cuts/NNS in/IN middle-class/NN entitlements/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT remarkable/JJ coincidence/NN that/DT none/NN of/IN Kemp/NNP 's/POS "/" ideas/NNS "/" for/IN helping/VBG the/DT poor--which/JJ get/VB him/PRP so/RB much/JJ credit/NN for/IN being/VBG "/" compassionate/NN "/" -/: -/: involves/VBZ any/DT effort/NN or/CC sacrifice/VB by/IN the/DT affluent/JJ and/CC the/DT middle/JJ class/NN ./.
Quite/RB the/DT contrary/JJ :/: They/PRP almost/RB invariably/RB involve/VB tax/NN breaks/NNS for/IN these/DT groups/NNS ./.
No/DT doubt/NN Kemp/NNP sincerely/RB believes/VBZ in/IN the/DT supply-side/JJ alchemy/NN ./.
And/CC no/DT doubt/NN his/PRP$ personal/JJ compassion/NN for/IN society/NN 's/POS downtrodden/JJ is/VBZ real/JJ ./.
But/CC as/IN public/JJ policy/NN ,/, cost-free/JJ compassion/NN is/VBZ worth/JJ about/IN what/WP it/PRP costs/VBZ ./.
Which/WDT brings/VBZ us/PRP to/TO "/" optimism/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, would/MD be/VB optimistic/JJ if/IN I/PRP thought/VBD most/JJS of/IN our/PRP$ social/JJ problems/NNS could/MD be/VB solved/VBN by/IN lower/JJR taxes/NNS for/IN everyone/NN ,/, even/RB lower/JJR taxes/NNS for/IN rich/JJ people/NNS ,/, no/DT taxes/NNS at/IN all/DT for/IN residents/NNS of/IN Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
(/( yes/UH ,/, Kemp/NNP has/VBZ proposed/VBN a/DT zero/CD tax/NN rate/NN for/IN K/NNP Street/NNP lawyers/NNS and/CC Georgetown/NNP socialites/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT more/JJR you/PRP cut/VBP people/NNS 's/POS taxes/NNS ,/, the/DT more/JJR money/NN will/MD flood/VB into/IN the/DT federal/JJ treasury/NN ./.
But/CC believing/VBG that/WDT requires/VBZ more/JJR than/IN a/DT leap/NN of/IN faith/NN :/: It/PRP requires/VBZ a/DT leap/NN of/IN reason/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ easy/JJ to/TO be/VB optimistic/JJ if/IN you/PRP believe/VBP in/IN the/DT tooth/NN fairy/NN ./.
Kemp/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO think/VB that/IN those/DT who/WP refuse/VBP to/TO leap/VB with/IN him/PRP actually/RB prefer/VBP pain/NN ,/, sacrifice/VB ,/, and/CC "/" root-canal/NN economics/NNS ./.
"/" And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ probably/RB true/JJ that/IN psychological/JJ predisposition/NN ,/, as/RB much/JJ as/IN reason/NN and/CC intellect/NN ,/, leads/VBZ dour/NN characters/NNS like/IN Paul/NNP Tsongas/NNP (/( and--until/JJ the/DT other/JJ day--/JJ Bob/NNP Dole/NNP )/) to/TO be/VB preachers/NNS of/IN sacrifice/NN ,/, while/IN sunny/JJ characters/NNS like/IN Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP become/VBD apologists/NNS for/IN alchemy/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ silly/JJ to/TO prize/NN optimism/NN for/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ sake/NN in/IN a/DT public/JJ figure/NN ,/, irrespective/RB of/IN whether/IN that/DT optimism/NN is/VBZ justified/JJ ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, unjustified/JJ optimism/NN is/VBZ more/RBR dangerous/JJ than/IN unjustified/JJ pessimism/NN ./.
Unless/IN that/DT is/VBZ just/RB a/DT dour/NN predisposition/NN talking/NN ./.
The/DT main/JJ reason/NN the/DT media/NNS have/VBP greeted/VBN Jack/NNP Kemp/NNP so/RB rapturously/RB is/VBZ n't/RB his/PRP$ ideas/NNS ,/, his/PRP$ optimism/NN ,/, or/CC his/PRP$ compassion/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ simple/JJ ,/, dog-like/JJ gratitude/NN for/IN a/DT reason/NN to/TO declare/VB the/DT presidential/JJ race/NN more/RBR interesting/JJ ./.
And/CC credit/NN for/IN that/DT compassionate/NN ,/, optimistic/JJ idea/NN goes/VBZ to/TO cruel/JJ ,/, brain-dead/JJ sourpuss/NNS Bob/NNP Dole/NNP ./.
So/RB ,/, credit/NN given/VBN ./.
Now/RB ,/, let/VB 's/POS give/VB Kemp/NNP the/DT going-over/JJ he/PRP deserves/VBZ ./.
Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP is/VBZ editor/NN of/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Nora/NNP :/:
Peter/NNP Unger/NNP is/VBZ the/DT philosopher/NN ;/: Peter/NNP Singer/NNP is/VBZ the/DT animal-rights/NN guy/NN who/WP wrote/VBD the/DT piece/NN in/IN the/DT Times/NNP Magazine/NNP based/VBN on/IN Unger/NNP 's/POS ideas/NNS and/CC $/$ 200/CD -/: a-child/JJ calculations/NNS ./.
And/CC no/DT ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB nanny-state/JJ leftism/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO make/VB a/DT big/JJ American/JJ comeback/NN soon/RB ,/, either/CC ,/, at/IN least/JJS not/RB absent/VB a/DT depression/NN ./.
(/( Although/IN if/IN the/DT Dow/NNP market/NN fell/VBD to/TO ,/, say/VB ,/, 6/CD ,/, 000/CD tomorrow/NN ,/, we/PRP 'd/MD suddenly/RB have/VB politics/NNS that/WDT mattered/VBN in/IN this/DT country/NN ./.
)/) But/CC it/PRP does/VBZ seem/VB telling/VBG that/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS '/POS tax-cut/JJ talk/NN is/VBZ getting/VBG no/DT real/JJ traction/NN among/IN the/DT citizenry/NN now/RB ./.
And/CC I/PRP guess/VBP what/WP I/PRP mean/VBP by/IN a/DT revival/NN of/IN liberalism/NN is/VBZ more/JJR the/DT inevitably/RB silly-looking/JJ but/CC ultimately/RB more-good-than-bad/JJ kind/NN of/IN guilty/JJ ,/, upper-middle-class/JJ and/CC rich-person/JJ liberalism/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ excess/JJ impolitic/JJ and/CC unstylish/JJ ,/, the/DT way/NN it/PRP was/VBD before/IN 1982/CD ,/, and/CC increases/VBZ the/DT (/( individual/JJ )/) American/JJ impulse/NN toward/IN philanthropy/NN and/CC generosity/NN ./.
If/IN Arthur/NNP Schlesinger/NNP is/VBZ right/NN about/IN his/PRP$ 30/CD -/: year/NN cycles/NNS ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ time/NN ./.
Regarding/VBG Ron/NNP Perelman/NNP (/( and/CC the/DT Ron/NNP Perelmans/NNP of/IN the/DT world/NN )/) :/: At/IN what/WP level/NN of/IN consciousness/NN do/VBP you/PRP suppose/VBP he/PRP knows/VBZ or/CC cares/VBZ that/IN if/IN he/PRP were/VBD n't/RB rich/JJ he/PRP would/MD n't/RB get/VB to/TO sleep/VB with/IN women/NNS like/IN Patricia/NNP Duff/NNP and/CC Ellen/NNP Barkin/NNP ?/.
And/CC ,/, even/RB more/RBR coarsely/RB ,/, how/WRB tightly/RB do/VBP you/PRP think/VBP the/DT Patricia/NNP Duffs/NNP and/CC Ellen/NNP Barkins/NNP of/IN the/DT world/NN have/VBP to/TO close/VB their/PRP$ eyes/NNS and/CC think/VBP of/IN $/$ $/$ $/$ as/IN they/PRP 're/VBP being/VBG ravished/JJ by/IN unattractive/JJ billionaires/NNS ?/.
To/TO use/VB your/PRP$ phrase/NN :/: just/RB asking/VBG ./.
And/CC finally/RB :/: million-dollar/JJ end/NN tables/NNS ?/.
Million-dollar/JJ end/NN tables/NNS ?/.
Million-dollar/JJ end/NN tables/NNS ?/.
That/DT was/VBD the/DT big/JJ boggler/NN for/IN me/PRP ,/, Duff-and-/NNP Perelman-wise/NNP ./.
Yes/UH (/( speaking/NN of/IN steely/JJ blonde/JJ women/NNS who/WP make/VBP Faustian/NNP marital/JJ bargains/NNS in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN love/NN ,/, or/CC "/" love/NN "/" )/) ,/, I/PRP look/VBP forward/RB to/TO discussing/VBG Hillary/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ campaign/NN against/IN Rudy/NNP Giuliani/NNP (/( King/NNP Kong/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Godzilla/NNP ?/.
)/) tomorrow/NN ./.
Your/PRP$ pal/NN ,/, Kurt/NNP
Hats/NNP arouse/VB fully/RB as/IN much/JJ feeling/NN as/IN hairstyles--or/JJ they/PRP would/MD if/IN enough/RB of/IN them/PRP were/VBD being/VBG worn/JJ ./.
For/IN 30/CD years/NNS we/PRP have/VBP been/VBN living/VBG in/IN the/DT Bareheaded/NNP Age/NNP ,/, worrying/VBG intensely/RB about/IN our/PRP$ hair/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN us/PRP do/VBP n't/RB even/RB remember/VB the/DT time/NN when/WRB people/NNS would/MD no/DT more/JJR go/NN outdoors/RB without/IN a/DT hat/NN than/IN they/PRP would/MD without/IN shoes/NNS ./.
The/DT exact/JJ character/NN of/IN your/PRP$ hat/NN mattered/VBN a/DT lot/NN then/RB ,/, much/JJ as/IN the/DT look/NN of/IN your/PRP$ hair/NN does/VBZ now/RB ./.
Your/PRP$ hat/NN confirmed/VBD your/PRP$ outfit/NN ,/, putting/VBG the/DT final/JJ seal/NN on/IN whatever/WDT else/RB you/PRP wore/VBD ,/, crowning/JJ your/PRP$ image/NN and/CC arming/NN your/PRP$ ego/NN for/IN social/JJ and/CC professional/JJ life--or/JJ just/RB for/IN itself/PRP ./.
During/IN the/DT summer/NN in/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, my/PRP$ grandfather/NN would/MD put/VB on/IN his/PRP$ hat/NN to/TO go/VB down/RB to/TO the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT driveway/NN and/CC get/VB the/DT letters/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT mailbox/NN ./.
I/PRP would/MD laugh/VB at/IN him/PRP ,/, free/JJ of/IN the/DT requirement/NN myself/PRP ;/: but/CC in/IN his/PRP$ youth/NN ,/, even/RB kids/NNS wore/VBD hats/NNS whenever/WRB they/PRP went/VBD outdoors/RB ./.
Hair/NNP rose/VBD up/RB and/CC drove/VBD out/RP hats/NNS in/IN the/DT 1960/CD s--rose/JJ up/RB ,/, spread/NN out/IN ,/, and/CC flowed/VBD down/RB in/IN merciless/JJ torrents/NNS ,/, sweeping/JJ away/RB conventional/JJ hats/NNS as/IN if/IN they/PRP represented/VBD all/DT that/WDT was/VBD loathsome/JJ in/IN civilized/JJ life/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ cute/JJ hats/NNS ,/, most/JJS of/IN them/PRP faintly/RB satirical/JJ ,/, costumey/NN ,/, and/CC historical/JJ ,/, were/VBD worn/VBN by/IN a/DT few/JJ cute/JJ people/NNS for/IN momentary/JJ effect/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT old/JJ hat/NN rule/NN was/VBD swiftly/RB abolished/VBN ./.
Off/IN came/VBD the/DT top/JJ hat/NN at/IN the/DT opera/NN and/CC the/DT elegant/JJ homburg/NN or/CC fedora/NN for/IN street/NN wear/NN ,/, along/IN with/IN the/DT whole/JJ range/NN of/IN casual/JJ hats/NNS and/CC caps/NNS for/IN men/NNS ./.
Swept/NNP away/RB ,/, too/RB ,/, were/VBD all/PDT the/DT charming/JJ ,/, infinitely/RB various/JJ feminine/JJ hats/NNS that/WDT once/RB made/VBN women/NNS feel/VBP charming/JJ and/CC infinitely/RB various/JJ themselves/PRP ./.
Common/JJ usage/NN once/RB allowed/VBD hat/NN makers/NNS to/TO find/VB markets/NNS for/IN many/JJ heterogeneous/JJ styles/NNS ,/, for/IN much/RB discreetly/RB suggestive/JJ fantasy/NN in/IN shape/NN and/CC trim/VB ./.
Absurdity/NNP was/VBD the/DT obvious/JJ risk/NN then/RB ,/, given/VBN the/DT vast/JJ scope/NN of/IN hat/NN design/NN for/IN women/NNS ./.
Danny/NNP Kaye/NNP once/RB sang/VBD of/IN "/" The/DT little/JJ ones/NNS ,/, the/DT big/JJ ones/NNS ,/, the/DT sat-on-by-a-pig/JJ ones/NNS ,/, &slash;/NN The/DT foolish/JJ ones/NNS that/WDT perch/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT ghoulish/NN ones/NNS that/WDT lurch/VBP ./.
"/" But/CC a/DT man/NN might/MD still/RB be/VB seduced/JJ by/IN an/DT irresistible/JJ feminine/JJ brim/NN ,/, curving/VBG and/CC dipping/VBG to/TO offset/VB a/DT meaningful/JJ glance/NN ./.
The/DT desired/VBN effect/NN appeared/VBD in/IN the/DT movies/NNS on/IN the/DT heads/NNS of/IN Greta/NNP Garbo/NNP and/CC Marlene/NNP Dietrich/NNP and/CC their/PRP$ glamorous/JJ colleagues/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN Gene/NNP Tierney/NNP in/IN Laura/NNP in/IN her/PRP$ scene/NN at/IN the/DT Algonquin/NNP with/IN Clifton/NNP Webb/NNP ./.
Along/IN with/IN much/JJ else/RB ,/, women/NNS 's/POS hats/NNS are/VBP no/RB longer/RB a/DT normal/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT mating/NN game/NN ./.
Women/NNP 's/POS hats/NNS are/VBP out/IN there/RB ,/, but/CC they/PRP 're/VBP all/DT optional/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT range/NN has/VBZ shrunk/VBN ./.
They/PRP come/VBP in/IN very/RB few/JJ basic/JJ shapes/VBZ (/( like/IN dresses/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC nobody/NN gets/VBZ any/DT basic/JJ training/NN in/IN hat/NN choice/NN or/CC hat/NN management/NN ,/, since/IN real/JJ allure/NN is/VBZ felt/VBN to/TO reside/VB in/IN hair/NN ,/, not/RB in/IN hats/NNS ./.
Real/JJ absurdity/NN ,/, too/RB ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
But/CC winter/NN is/VBZ coming/VBG ./.
The/DT Hair/NNP Revolution/NNP was/VBD no/DT help/NN in/IN bitter/JJ weather/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN a/DT while/NN everybody/NN but/CC Floridians/NNP and/CC Californians/NNPS simply/RB froze/VBD above/IN the/DT neck/NN ./.
Lately/RB healthy/JJ ,/, utilitarian/JJ hats/NNS have/VBP returned/VBN in/IN force/NN ,/, along/IN with/IN athletic/JJ footgear/NN and/CC down/RB jackets/NNS ,/, and/CC there/EX 's/VBZ even/RB a/DT certain/JJ limited/JJ stylishness/NNS in/IN recent/JJ examples/NNS ./.
Fur/NNP is/VBZ back/RB ,/, too/RB ,/, as/IN are/VBP delicious/JJ pile/NN fabrics/NNS ,/, so/IN that/DT luxury/NN can/MD be/VB combined/VBN with/IN utility/NN ./.
Meanwhile/RB thousands/NNS of/IN watch/NN caps/NNS ,/, ear-flap/JJ caps/NNS ,/, and/CC wool/NN berets/NNS are/VBP available/JJ from/IN street/NN vendors/NNS to/TO provide/VB instant/JJ warmth/NN for/IN passers-by/NNS without/IN much/JJ regard/NN for/IN expressive/JJ charm/NN ./.
In/IN this/DT day/NN of/IN virtual/JJ uniformity/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ curious/JJ that/IN whenever/WRB a/DT woman/NN wears/VBZ any/DT hat/NN at/IN all/DT ,/, somebody/NN is/VBZ bound/VBN to/TO say/VB ,/, "/" I/PRP love/VBP your/PRP$ hat/NN !/.
"/" -/: -/: as/IN if/IN out/IN of/IN subliminal/JJ nostalgia/NN for/IN the/DT truly/RB great/JJ days/NNS ./.
Nobody/NN says/VBZ this/DT to/TO men/NNS about/IN their/PRP$ baseball/NN caps/NNS ,/, the/DT ubiquity/NN of/IN which/WDT has/VBZ reduced/VBN choices/NNS for/IN men/NNS just/RB as/IN general/JJ hatlessness/NNS has/VBZ diminished/VBN the/DT possibilities/NNS for/IN women/NNS ./.
What/WP are/VBP old-fashioned/JJ hat-loving/JJ men/NNS to/TO do/VB ?/.
Classic/JJ hats/NNS appear/VBP pretentious/JJ and/CC dandified/JJ ./.
But/CC such/JJ men/NNS could/MD never/RB wear--can/JJ barely/RB stomach--headgear/JJ with/IN the/DT inelegance/NN ,/, the/DT laddishness/NNS ,/, the/DT rakishness/NNS ,/, the/DT nerve/NN of/IN a/DT baseball/NN cap/NN ,/, especially/RB one/CD worn/JJ backward/RB ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, let/VB us/PRP hope/VBP that/IN the/DT Return/NN of/IN the/DT Hat/NNP is/VBZ at/IN hand/NN ,/, inaugurated/VBN by/IN men/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ baseball/NN caps/NNS ,/, just/RB as/IN the/DT strongest/JJS and/CC longest-lasting/JJ fashion/NN changes/NNS always/RB have/VBP been/VBN inspired/VBN by/IN men/NNS ./.
The/DT hat/NN itself/PRP was/VBD a/DT male/JJ invention/NN and/CC a/DT male/JJ privilege/NN until/IN women/NNS got/VBD tired/JJ of/IN coifs/NNS ,/, veils/NNS ,/, and/CC wimples/NNS in/IN the/DT Renaissance/NNP ./.
Then/RB they/PRP daringly/RB adopted/VBD hats/NNS to/TO profit/VB from/IN the/DT erotic/JJ charge/NN male/JJ elements/NNS always/RB add/VBP to/TO feminine/JJ modes/NNS ./.
Many/JJ women/NNS have/VBP done/VBN this/DT again/RB in/IN the/DT last/JJ decade/NN or/CC so/RB ,/, usually/RB sticking/VBG to/TO masculine/JJ sports/NNS hat/NN shapes/VBZ ,/, baseball/NN caps/NNS among/IN them/PRP ,/, or/CC east/JJ European/JJ rabbinical/JJ effects/NNS to/TO combat/VB the/DT cold/JJ blast/NN ./.
I/PRP bought/VBD a/DT fine/NN example/NN of/IN that/DT kind/NN of/IN winter/NN hat/NN ./.
It/PRP surrounds/NNS my/PRP$ head/NN in/IN a/DT warm/JJ nimbus/JJ of/IN fake/JJ fur/NN ,/, my/PRP$ brow/NN ,/, ears/NNS ,/, and/CC nape/NN encompassed/VBD by/IN golden/JJ foxy/NN fleece/NN ,/, my/PRP$ pate/NN upholstered/JJ with/IN plushy/NN leopard/NN pelt/NN ,/, my/PRP$ beardless/JJ face/NN mitigating/VBG the/DT rabbinical/JJ flavor/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP also/RB acquired/VBN a/DT neat/JJ hat/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ a/DT black/NN ,/, furry/NN sphere/NN out/IN of/IN my/PRP$ whole/JJ skull/NN ,/, leaving/VBG some/DT wisps/NNS of/IN my/PRP$ hair/NN to/TO curl/VB up/RP my/PRP$ cheeks/NNS and/CC down/RP my/PRP$ forehead/NN ,/, Russian/JJ heroine/NN style/NN ./.
More/RBR risky/JJ ,/, since/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB tall/JJ ,/, is/VBZ my/PRP$ cavalier/JJ hat/NN in/IN silvery/JJ ,/, streaked/VBD brown/JJ and/CC black/JJ velvet/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT biggish/NN mobile/JJ brim/NN for/IN folding/VBG up/RP and/CC down/RB at/IN will/MD ,/, fore/NN and/CC aft/JJ or/CC amidships/NNS ./.
Short/JJ ,/, small/JJ women/NNS have/VBP to/TO remember/VB that/IN they/PRP can/MD quickly/RB resemble/VB a/DT mushroom/NN in/IN anything/NN too/RB big/JJ or/CC a/DT child/NN in/IN anything/NN too/RB cute/JJ ./.
Medium-sized/NNP or/CC large/JJ and/CC tall/JJ women/NNS have/VBP no/DT such/JJ problem/NN and/CC tend/VBP to/TO look/VB good/JJ in/IN any/DT kind/NN of/IN hat/NN ./.
They/PRP only/RB have/VBP to/TO remember/VB to/TO let/VB enough/RB of/IN their/PRP$ face/NN show/NN and/CC not/RB to/TO let/VB the/DT hat/NN flatten/VB them/PRP on/IN top/JJ ,/, so/IN that/IN their/PRP$ full-sized/JJ ,/, shapely/RB head/NN and/CC speaking/VBG eyes/NNS will/MD support/VB the/DT hat/NN 's/POS dashing/VBG impact/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT hat/NN itself/PRP wo/MD n't/RB appear/VB to/TO jam/VB a/DT lid/NN on/IN the/DT body/NN 's/POS expressive/JJ means/NNS ./.
Advice/NNP to/TO all/DT :/: Study/NNP the/DT older/JJR royals/NNS for/IN the/DT way/NN they/PRP manage/VBP good/JJ proportions/NNS ,/, especially/RB the/DT British/NNP Queen/NNP Mum/NNP ,/, and/CC do/VBP n't/RB forget/VB to/TO study/VB your/PRP$ own/JJ full-length/JJ hatted/JJ reflection--front/JJ ,/, back/RB ,/, and/CC profile--before/JJ hitting/VBG the/DT street/NN ./.
Absurdity/NNP forever/RB lurks/NNS ./.
Economist/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Saturday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
7/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN editorial/NN marvels/NNS that/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN shown/VBN to/TO be/VB "/" a/DT liar/NN and/CC a/DT philanderer/NN "/" yet/RB "/" still/RB he/PRP comes/VBZ back/RB laughing/VBG ./.
"/" But/CC Republicans/NNPS should/MD pursue/VB impeachment/NN ,/, regardless/RB of/IN the/DT election/NN results/NNS :/: "/" If/IN they/PRP believed/VBD that/IN they/PRP had/VBD grounds/NNS for/IN an/DT inquiry/NN ,/, it/PRP should/MD be/VB a/DT thorough/JJ one/CD ,/, for/IN this/DT election/NN has/VBZ no/DT effect/NN on/IN those/DT grounds/NNS ./.
"/" ./.
An/DT essay/NN says/VBZ our/PRP$ two-party/JJ system/NN is/VBZ dissolving/VBG ,/, especially/RB at/IN the/DT state/NN level/NN ./.
Republicans/NNS and/CC Democrats/NNPS look/VBP more/JJR and/CC more/RBR like/IN each/DT other/JJ ./.
GOP/NNP governors/NNS such/JJ as/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP and/CC Tommy/NNP Thompson/NNP are/VBP the/DT leading/VBG edge/NN of/IN this/DT movement/NN ./.
State/NN voters/NNS do/VBP n't/RB care/VB about/IN parties/NNS :/: They/PRP just/RB want/VBP politicians/NNS who/WP get/VBP the/DT job/NN done/VBN ./.
The/DT Economist/NNP ,/, marking/VBG its/PRP$ "/" Science/NNP and/CC Technology/NNP "/" section/NN 's/POS 20/CD th/NN anniversary/NN ,/, offers/VBZ a/DT challenging/VBG science/NN quiz/NN ./.
Question/NNP No/UH ./.
2/LS :/: "/" What/WP is/VBZ unusual/JJ about/IN the/DT sheep/NN on/IN the/DT Scottish/NNP island/NN of/IN Foula/NNP ?/.
a/DT )/) They/PRP eat/VBP sea/NN birds/NNS ./.
b/SYM )/) They/PRP eat/VBP seaweed/JJ ./.
c/SYM )/) They/PRP eat/VBP each/DT other/JJ ./.
"/" If/IN you/PRP are/VBP going/VBG take/NN the/DT quiz/NN ,/, stop/VB reading/NN now/RB ./.
The/DT answer/NN is/VBZ a/DT )/) ./.
New/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
6/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT lead/JJ article/NN in/IN the/DT election/NN cover/NN package/NN heralds/NNS the/DT onset/NN of/IN "/" liberal/JJ centrism/NN "/" -/: -/: cautious/JJ reform/NN pegged/VBN to/TO New/NNP Deal/NNP themes/NNS ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, the/DT cover/NN editorial/NN attributes/VBZ the/DT election/NN results/NNS to/TO a/DT groundswell/NN of/IN American/JJ moderatism/NN :/: Most/JJS people/NNS are/VBP happy/JJ ,/, so/RB why/WRB vote/NN for/IN radical/JJ changes/NNS ?/.
TNR/NNP criticizes/VBZ pols/NNS on/IN both/DT sides/NNS of/IN the/DT campaign/NN finance/NN debate/NN ./.
One/CD article/NN warns/VBZ Democrats/NNPS (/( notably/RB soft/JJ money/NN spurning/VBG Sen/NNP ./.
Russell/NNP Feingold/NNP ,/, the/DT narrow/JJ victor/NN in/IN Wisconsin/NNP )/) not/RB to/TO obscure/VB "/" real/JJ "/" themes/NNS by/IN overemphasizing/VBG campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
Another/DT piece/NN raps/NNS Republican/NNP National/NNP Senatorial/NNP Committee/NNP Chairman/NNP Mitch/NNP McConnell/NNP for/IN allowing/VBG money/NN to/TO substitute/VB for/IN good/JJ politics/NNS ./.
New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Thursday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
5/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN profiles/NNS George/NNP C/NNP ./.
Wolfe/NNP ,/, the/DT producer/NN at/IN New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Joseph/NNP Papp/NNP Public/NNP Theater/NNP ./.
Wickedly/NNP smart/JJ ,/, acid/JJ tongued/JJ ,/, and/CC black/JJ ,/, Wolfe/NNP deeply/RB intimidates/NNS actors/NNS ,/, choreographers/NNS ,/, and/CC theater/NN honchos/NNS ./.
Last/JJ year/NN Wolfe/NNP battled/VBD kidney/NN failure/NN and/CC won/VBD ./.
This/DT year/NN he/PRP 's/VBZ stubbornly/RB producing/VBG an/DT expensive/JJ and/CC risky/JJ version/NN of/IN On/IN the/DT Town/NNP ,/, despite/IN severe/JJ doubts/NNS in/IN the/DT industry/NN that/IN the/DT musical/JJ could/MD ever/RB be/VB a/DT success/NN ./.
A/DT fascinating/JJ story/NN describes/VBZ and/CC denounces/NNS solitary/JJ confinement/NN ,/, a/DT punishment/NN now/RB inflicted/VBD on/IN 8/CD percent/NN to/TO 10/CD percent/NN of/IN prison/NN inmates/NNS ./.
Out/IN of/IN their/PRP$ cells/NNS for/IN just/RB one/CD hour/NN a/DT day/NN ,/, the/DT inmates/NNS grow/VBP slowly/RB insane/JJ and/CC even/RB more/RBR violent/JJ and/CC unstable/JJ than/IN when/WRB they/PRP entered/VBD prison/NN ./.
Many/JJ psychologists/NNS believe/VBP the/DT treatment/NN is/VBZ inhumane/JJ ./.
Wardens/NNP disagree/VBP ./.
A/DT story/NN profiles/NNS famous/JJ horse/NN race/NN prognosticator/NN Andrew/NNP Beyer/NNP ./.
Beyer/NNP ,/, the/DT racing/VBG columnist/NN for/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, dropped/VBD out/IN of/IN Harvard/NNP to/TO follow/VB horses/NNS and/CC invented/VBD a/DT race/NN analysis/NN system/NN that/WDT revolutionized/VBD horse/NN play/NN ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Newsweek/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
Time/NNP 's/POS cover/NN package/NN attacks/NNS corporate/JJ welfare/NN :/: "/" In/IN some/DT ways/NNS ,/, it/PRP represents/VBZ pork-barrel/JJ legislation/NN of/IN the/DT worst/JJS order/NN ./.
The/DT difference/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, is/VBZ that/IN instead/RB of/IN rewarding/VBG the/DT poor/JJ ,/, it/PRP rewards/VBZ the/DT powerful/JJ ./.
"/" In/IN Philadelphia/NNP ,/, the/DT government/NN subsidized/VBN a/DT shipyard/NN to/TO the/DT tune/NN of/IN $/$ 323/CD ,/, 000/CD per/IN job--the/JJ jobs/NNS themselves/PRP will/MD pay/VB about/IN $/$ 50/CD ,/, 000/CD each/DT ./.
Corporate/JJ welfare/NN lets/VBZ politicians/NNS claim/VBP they/PRP 've/VBP created/VBN new/JJ jobs/NNS while/IN wasting/VBG your/PRP$ tax/NN money/NN ./.
The/DT package/NN is/VBZ by/IN populist/JJ muckrakers/NNS Donald/NNP Barlett/NNP and/CC James/NNP Steele/NNP ,/, who/WP won/VBD fame/NN and/CC notoriety/NN for/IN their/PRP$ 1996/CD Philadelphia/NNP Inquirer/NNP series/NN "/" America/NNP :/: Who/WP Stole/NNP the/DT Dream/NN ?/.
"/" ./.
Newsweek/NNP 's/POS cover/NN package/NN surveys/NNS hot/JJ new/JJ tech/NN towns/NNS ./.
New/NNP Silicon/NNP Valleys/NNP have/VBP sprouted/JJ in/IN places/NNS such/JJ as/IN Boise/NNP ,/, Idaho/NNP ;/: Cambridge/NNP ,/, England/NNP ;/: and/CC Bangalore/NNP ,/, India/NNP ./.
Keys/NNP to/TO tech/NN success/NN :/: nearby/JJ research/NN institutions/NNS ,/, an/DT educated/VBN talent/NN pool/NN ,/, free-flowing/JJ venture/NN capital/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN Valley-style/NNP ,/, go-for-broke/JJ ,/, entrepreneurial/JJ spirit/NN ./.
Time/NN notes/VBZ the/DT rising/VBG popularity/NN of/IN Web/NNP "/" palaces/NNS ./.
"/" Palaces/NNP let/VBD animated/VBN "/" avatars/NNS "/" -/: -/: characters/NNS Netizens/NNP create/VB for/IN themselves--interact/JJ in/IN a/DT graphic/JJ environment/NN ./.
When/WRB you/PRP type/NN words/NNS ,/, they/PRP appear/VBP in/IN a/DT thought/VBN bubble/NN above/IN your/PRP$ avatar/NN 's/POS head/NN ./.
Current/JJ popular/JJ palaces/NNS :/: The/DT South/JJ Park/NNP palace/NN and/CC ,/, you/PRP guessed/VBD it/PRP ,/, porn/NN sites/NNS ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
News/NNP &/CC World/NNP Report/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN reports/NNS on/IN new/JJ DNA/NNP tests/NNS confirming/VBG that/IN Thomas/NNP Jefferson/NNP fathered/JJ at/IN least/JJS one/CD child/NN by/IN his/PRP$ slave/NN Sally/NNP Hemings/NNP ./.
Many/JJ Hemings/NNP descendants/NNS were/VBD unaware/JJ of/IN any/DT African-/NNP American/JJ ancestry/NN (/( Hemings/NNP was/VBD a/DT mulatto/NN )/) and/CC equally/RB unaware/JJ that/IN they/PRP were/VBD related/VBN to/TO a/DT president/NN ./.
An/DT accompanying/VBG article/NN traces/VBZ the/DT evolving/VBG debate/NN among/IN historians/NNS ,/, several/JJ of/IN whom/WP proclaimed/VBD Jefferson/NNP 's/POS purity/NN and/CC must/MD now/RB admit/VB to/TO grave/JJ error/NN ./.
Another/DT piece/NN wonders/VBZ how/WRB the/DT Jefferson/NNP legacy/NN might/MD change/VB :/: "/" While/IN it/PRP will/MD require/VB a/DT rather/RB large/JJ stretch/NN to/TO transform/VB Jefferson/NNP from/IN a/DT thinking/VBG man/NN 's/POS racist/JJ to/TO a/DT multicultural/NN hero/NN ,/, some/DT commentators/NNS are/VBP sure/JJ to/TO make/VB the/DT leap/NN ./.
"/" ./.
A/DT story/NN challenges/VBZ the/DT fairness/NN of/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/NN ,/, noting/VBG the/DT significant/JJ numbers/NNS of/IN death/NN row/NN inmates/NNS who/WP have/VBP been/VBN found/VBN innocent/JJ before/IN they/PRP could/MD be/VB executed/VBN ./.
Illinois/NNP has/VBZ executed/VBN 11/CD men/NNS ,/, but/CC found/VBD nine/CD more/RBR on/IN death/NN row/NN innocent/JJ ./.
Six/CD of/IN those/DT nine/CD were/VBD minorities/NNS accused/VBN of/IN crimes/NNS against/IN white/JJ victims/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
An/DT essay/NN argues/VBZ that/IN True/JJ at/IN First/CD Light/NNP ,/, labeled/VBN as/IN an/DT Ernest/NNP Hemingway/NNP novel/NN ,/, should/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN published/VBN ./.
The/DT book/NN was/VBD winnowed/JJ from/IN more/JJR than/IN 800/CD pages/NNS to/TO about/IN half/NN that/DT length/NN in/IN a/DT ham-handed/JJ editing/NN process/NN that/WDT would/MD have/VB horrified/JJ Hemingway/NNP ,/, who/WP carefully/RB chose/VBD every/DT word/NN he/PRP wrote/VBD ./.
Besides/IN ,/, Papa/NN requested/VBD that/DT none/NN of/IN his/PRP$ unfinished/JJ work/NN be/VB posthumously/RB published/VBN ./.
A/DT cautionary/JJ tale/NN of/IN the/DT Internet/NN boom/NN chronicles/VBZ the/DT failure/NN of/IN a/DT tech/NN startup/NN called/VBD PointCast/NNP ./.
An/DT early/JJ "/" push/VB technology/NN "/" firm/NN ,/, PointCast/NNP was/VBD on/IN the/DT verge/NN of/IN being/VBG bought/VBN out/IN for/IN huge/JJ dough/NN ./.
Suddenly/RB ,/, the/DT bottom/NN dropped/VBD out/IN when/WRB push/VB fell/VBN from/IN favor/NN and/CC "/" portals/NNS "/" became/VBD the/DT next/JJ big/JJ thing/NN ./.
Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
(/( posted/VBD Tuesday/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
3/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
The/DT cover/NN story/NN praises/VBZ Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP for/IN standing/NN firm/NN in/IN negotiations/NNS with/IN the/DT Palestinian/NNP Authority/NNP ./.
Bibi/NNP has/VBZ savvily/RB refused/VBN to/TO concede/VB territory/NN to/TO the/DT Palestinians/NNPS ,/, knowing/VBG that/IN he/PRP will/MD need/VB land/VB as/IN a/DT bargaining/NN chip/NN during/IN final/JJ settlement/NN talks/NNS ./.
(/( Yasser/NNP Arafat/NNP controls/NNS less/JJR than/IN half/PDT the/DT land/NN he/PRP expected/VBD to/TO control/VB by/IN now/RB ./.
)/) The/DT piece/NN warns/VBZ that/IN May/NNP 4/CD ,/, 1999/CD ,/, when/WRB Arafat/NNP has/VBZ vowed/VBN to/TO declare/VB an/DT independent/JJ Palestinian/JJ state/NN ,/, could/MD be/VB the/DT launch/NN date/NN for/IN a/DT brutal/JJ war/NN ./.
-/: -/: Seth/NNP Stevenson/NNP
Speaking/VBG on/IN Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP Thursday/NNP morning/NN ,/, Fed/NNP Chairman/NNP Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP said/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP think/VBP some/DT of/IN them/PRP are/VBP not/RB going/VBG to/TO work/VB ,/, and/CC they/PRP will/MD cause/VB significant/JJ problems/NNS ./.
"/" Referring/VBG to/TO ./.
by/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP Sunday/NNP to/TO e-mail/JJ your/PRP$ answer/NN to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Wednesday/NNP 's/POS question/NN (/( No/UH ./.
189/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Slogan/NNP 's/POS Run/NNP "/" :/:
The/DT slogan/NN "/" Feed/NNP the/DT rush/NN "/" is/VBZ being/VBG replaced/VBN with/IN "/" Life/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT scream/NN ./.
"/" Why/WRB ?/.
"/" Why/WRB indeed/RB ?/.
Did/VBD n't/RB they/PRP just/RB CHANGE/NNP the/DT $/$ 20/CD bill/NN a/DT few/JJ MONTHS/NNP ago/RB ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Jack/NNP Barth/NNP
"/" Jerry/NNP Falwell/NNP found/VBD '/POS Feed/NNP the/DT rush/NN '/" way/NN too/RB gay/JJ ./.
"/" -/: -/: Daniel/NNP Krause/NNP (/( Julie/NNP Anderson/NNP and/CC Peter/NNP Carlin/NNP had/VBD similar/JJ answers/NNS ./.
"/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB have/VB an/DT answer/NN for/IN this/DT ,/, but/CC I/PRP did/VBD want/VB to/TO tell/VB everyone/NN that/IN WHAT/WDT I/PRP '/POS M/NNP READING/NNP RIGHT/NNP NOW/RB is/VBZ the/DT fabulous/JJ new/JJ Elmore/NNP Leonard/NNP book/NN ,/, Be/VB Cool/VB ./.
(/( Delacorte/NNP Press/NNP ,/, available/JJ from/IN Amazon/NNP at/IN a/DT 37/CD percent/NN discount/NN ,/, plus/CC shipping/VBG ,/, which/WDT kind/NN of/IN wipes/NNS out/RP the/DT discount/NN ,/, but/CC what/WP the/DT heck/NN ./.
)/) If/IN you/PRP like/VBP authors/NNS LIKE/NNP ELMORE/NNP LEONARD/NNP or/CC are/VBP IN/IN THE/DT MOOD/NNP FOR/IN MYSTERY/NNP ,/, check/NN this/DT one/CD out/RP ./.
(/( Small/JJ fee/NN paid/VBN for/IN this/DT mention/NN by/IN Delacorte/NNP Press/NNP ,/, but/CC I/PRP would/MD have/VB recommended/VBN the/DT book/NN anyway/RB ./.
Really/RB ./.
)/) "/" -/: -/: Fred/NNP Graver/NNP
"/" The/DT Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP Board/NNP likes/VBZ the/DT roller/NN coaster/NN allusion/NN ./.
Plus/NNP ,/, '/" Hey/NNP ,/, you/PRP never/RB know/VBP '/POS was/VBD already/RB taken/VBN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jennifer/NNP Miller/NNP
"/" Becauseitsafullyloadedcitrusbeverageright/NNP ?/.
Yeah/UH !/.
Right/RB !/.
Mustgorunaroundongolfcourse/NNP untilbeveragewearsoff/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Kate/NNP Wing/NNP
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR responses/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
With/IN its/PRP$ limited/JJ advertising/NN budget--limited/JJ to/TO zero--/JJ News/NNP Quiz/NNP has/VBZ no/DT spokesmodel/NN (/( despite/IN my/PRP$ rambling/VBG ,/, drunken/JJ midnight/NN phone/NN calls/NNS to/TO Ellen/NNP Barkin/NNP )/) ,/, no/DT Happy/NNP Meal/NNP (/( "/" Aw/UH ,/, Mom/NN ,/, I/PRP already/RB have/VBP Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP !/.
Make/VB them/PRP take/VB it/PRP back/RB ./.
"/" )/) ,/, and/CC no/DT slogan/NN ./.
Unable/JJ to/TO afford/VB a/DT professional/JJ slogan/NN ,/, something/NN hip/NN and/CC hot/JJ and/CC happenin/NN '/" (/( Do/VBP the/DT kids/NNS still/RB say/VBP happenin/NN '/" with/IN the/DT apostrophe/NN and/CC all/DT ,/, or/CC is/VBZ there/EX some/DT swingin/NN '/" new/JJ punctuation/NN ?/.
)/) ,/, we/PRP must/MD make/VB do/VB with/IN the/DT public/JJ domain/NN ./.
Under/IN consideration/NN :/:
"/" Human/NNP life/NN is/VBZ everywhere/RB in/IN a/DT state/NN in/IN which/WDT much/JJ is/VBZ to/TO be/VB endured/VBN ,/, and/CC little/JJ to/TO be/VB enjoyed/VBN ./.
"/" The/DT natural/JJ flights/NNS of/IN the/DT human/JJ mind/NN are/VBP not/RB from/IN pleasure/NN to/TO pleasure/NN ,/, but/CC from/IN hope/VBP to/TO hope/VB ./.
"/" You/PRP will/MD see/VB in/IN me/PRP an/DT extraordinary/JJ example/NN of/IN the/DT effects/NNS of/IN a/DT bad/JJ education/NN ./.
"/" The/DT truly/RB comic/NN is/VBZ the/DT blossom/NN of/IN the/DT nettle/NN ./.
All/DT T-/NNP shirts/NNS 100/CD percent/NN cotton/NN ./.
Heavy/NNP Citrus/NNP Answer/NNP
The/DT new/JJ slogan/NN is/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO induce/VB 12/CD -/: to/TO 24/CD -/: year-old/JJ males/NNS to/TO drink/VB Coca-/NNP Cola/NNP 's/POS Surge/NNP instead/RB of/IN Pepsico/NNP 's/POS Mountain/NNP Dew/NNP ,/, the/DT dominant/JJ soda/NN pop/NN in/IN the/DT "/" heavy/JJ citrus/JJ "/" category/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, in/IN the/DT delightfully/RB jargon-laden/JJ prose/NN of/IN Doug/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, senior/JJ brand/NN manager/NN for/IN Surge/NNP ,/, to/TO "/" energize/NN the/DT brand/NN for/IN the/DT next/JJ phase/NN of/IN growth/NN ./.
Jackson/NNP rejects/VBZ their/PRP$ previous/JJ ads/NNS :/: "/" The/DT campaign/NN was/VBD grounded/VBN in/IN the/DT two/CD core/NN teen/JJ values/NNS of/IN action/NN and/CC sociability/NN ,/, but/CC was/VBD initially/RB focused/VBN on/IN the/DT intensity/NN more/JJR than/IN the/DT sociability/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP says/VBZ without/IN a/DT trace/VB of/IN embarrassment/NN ./.
Jackson/NNP notes/NNS that/IN the/DT casts/VBZ of/IN the/DT new/JJ ads/NNS have/VBP "/" a/DT more/RBR urban/JJ feel/VBP ,/, "/" i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, include/VBP African-/NNP Americans/NNPS ./.
"/" And/CC with/IN urban/JJ kids/NNS today/NN ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ more/JJR of/IN a/DT melding/NN of/IN the/DT races/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT new/JJ campaign/NN will/MD begin/VB on/IN Monday/NNP with/IN what/WP he/PRP calls/VBZ "/" a/DT youth-targeted/JJ media/NNS spike/NN "/" i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, with/IN commercials/NNS during/IN Dawson/NNP 's/POS Creek/NNP ./.
Photo/NNP Fun/NNP Extra/NNP
Match/NNP the/DT organization/NN with/IN the/DT photo/NN it/PRP retouched/JJ to/TO remove/VB an/DT offensive/JJ cigarette/NN ./.
1/LS ./.
U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Postal/NNP Service/NNP
2/LS ./.
Tina/NNP Brown/NNP 's/POS Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP
3/LS ./.
A/DT ./.
Guitar-playing/NNP Robert/NNP Johnson/NNP
B/NNP ./.
Paint-splattering/NNP Jackson/NNP Pollock/NNP
C/NNP ./.
Gestating/NNP Courtney/NNP Love/NNP
D/NNP ./.
Parade-watching/NNP Joseph/NNP Stalin/NNP
1/LS ./.
A/DT and/CC B/NNP ./.
The/DT new/JJ Pollock/NNP stamp/NN and/CC an/DT earlier/JJR Johnson/NNP stamp/NN ,/, both/DT based/VBN on/IN photographs/NNS ,/, eliminate/VBP the/DT cigarette/NN from/IN each/DT man/NN 's/POS mouth/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT adulterous/JJ gleam/NN from/IN Pollock/NNP 's/POS eye/NN ./.
2/LS ./.
C/NNP ./.
Brown/NNP said/VBD she/PRP did/VBD n't/RB approve/VB of/IN pregnant/JJ women/NNS smoking/NN so/IN she/PRP had/VBD the/DT cigarette/NN airbrushed/JJ out/RP ./.
Presumably/RB ,/, she/PRP did/VBD approve/VB of/IN the/DT murderers/NNS photographed/VBN in/IN other/JJ issues/NNS ./.
3/LS ./.
D/NNP ./.
On/IN Stalin/NNP 's/POS own/JJ order/NN ,/, they/PRP retouched/JJ a/DT photo/NN of/IN him/PRP on/IN the/DT reviewing/VBG stand/NN in/IN Red/NNP Square/NNP for/IN the/DT 1949/CD May/NNP Day/NNP Parade/NNP ./.
He/PRP felt/VBD the/DT long/JJ rhinestone/NN cigarette/NN holder/NN undercut/JJ his/PRP$ butch/NN image/NN ./.
I/PRP read/VBP that/IN in/IN Commentary/NNP ./.
Or/CC maybe/RB I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB ./.
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Limbaugh--a/NNP fat/JJ man/NN named/VBD Rush/NNP ./.
Slogan/NNP Citations/NNP
The/DT first/JJ and/CC second/JJ are/VBP Dr/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP ,/, the/DT third/NN is/VBZ Boswell/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT fourth/JJ is/VBZ Coleridge/NNP ./.
Disclaimer/NNP :/: All/DT submissions/NNS will/MD become/VB the/DT property/NN of/IN Slate/NNP and/CC will/MD be/VB published/VBN at/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS discretion/NN ./.
Slate/NNP may/MD publish/VB your/PRP$ name/NN on/IN its/PRP$ site/NN in/IN connection/NN with/IN your/PRP$ submission/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN in/IN the/DT eight/CD days/NNS since/IN we/PRP 've/VBP returned/VBN from/IN our/PRP$ lovely/JJ junket/NN to/TO Hong/NNP Kong/NNP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD able/JJ to/TO sleep/VB more/JJR or/CC less/RBR normally/RB last/JJ night/NN ./.
As/IN you/PRP and/CC Otto/NNP (/( the/DT dog/NN )/) know/VB from/IN my/PRP$ frequent/JJ nocturnal/NN mumblings/NNS ,/, trips/NNS to/TO the/DT bathroom/NN ,/, and/CC shufflings/NNS around/IN the/DT bedroom/NN ,/, the/DT jet/NN lag/NN of/IN the/DT past/JJ week/NN has/VBZ been/VBN miserable/JJ ./.
Every/DT night/NN ,/, a/DT roiling/VBG marathon/NN of/IN travel/NN dreams/NNS has/VBZ played/VBN inside/IN my/PRP$ head/NN ./.
You/PRP know/VBP the/DT genre/NN :/: I/PRP 'm/VBP in/IN a/DT Chinese/JJ airport/NN ,/, with/IN too/RB much/JJ luggage/NN ,/, trying/VBG to/TO catch/VB a/DT plane/NN home/NN and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC use/VB a/DT pay/NN phone/NN with/IN improper/JJ currency/NN ./.
But/CC today/NN I/PRP made/VBD it/PRP until/IN dawn/NN before/IN having/VBG a/DT single/JJ ,/, ugly/JJ airport/NN dream/NN ./.
The/DT dream/NN :/: Friends/NNPS (/( the/DT Goldbergs/NNP !/.
)/) convinced/VBN us/PRP to/TO use/VB their/PRP$ tickets/NNS home/NN from/IN Asia/NNP on/IN a/DT different/JJ airline/NN from/IN the/DT one/CD on/IN which/WDT we/PRP already/RB were/VBD booked/VBN ./.
The/DT horrible/JJ part/NN about/IN this/DT was/VBD n't/RB the/DT Anxiety/NN of/IN Uncertainty/NN (/( would/MD the/DT airline/NN honor/VBP the/DT tickets/NNS ?/.
)/) ,/, it/PRP was/VBD how/WRB reality/NN impinged/JJ upon/IN the/DT dream/NN :/: Shortly/RB after/IN our/PRP$ plane/NN took/VBD off/RP ,/, it/PRP began/VBD a/DT slow-motion/JJ plunge/NN into/IN the/DT drink/NN ./.
The/DT icy/NN Atlantic/NNP ./.
Near/IN Nantucket/NNP ,/, where/WRB we/PRP vacation/NN every/DT summer/NN ./.
Yes/UH ,/, somewhere/RB over/IN Long/NNP Island/NNP ,/, doomed/VBD EgyptAir/NNP Flight/NNP 990/CD collided/JJ with/IN my/PRP$ jet-lag/JJ dreams/NNS ,/, and/CC as/IN I/PRP sit/VBP here/RB this/DT morning/NN ,/, the/DT nightmare/NN of/IN air/NN travel/NN permeates/NNS my/PRP$ waking/VBG ./.
This/DT should/MD be/VB no/DT surprise/NN since/IN the/DT EgyptAir/NNP crash/NN permeated/VBD my/PRP$ waking/VBG yesterday/NN ./.
What/WP a/DT bizarre/JJ day/NN ./.
The/DT children/NNS getting/VBG into/IN their/PRP$ ghoulish/NN costumes/NNS to/TO celebrate/VB Halloween/NNP ,/, the/DT neighborhood/NN teeming/VBG with/IN kids/NNS dressed/VBN up/RP as/IN Death/NN ./.
and/CC everywhere/RB around/IN us/PRP the/DT ghoulish/NN news/NN of/IN 217/CD people/NNS perished/VBN at/IN sea/NN ./.
Still/RB ,/, I/PRP am/VBP surprised/VBN at/IN the/DT degree/NN to/TO which/WDT it/PRP 's/VBZ truly/RB unsettling/JJ old/JJ hard-bitten/JJ cynical/JJ me/PRP ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB someone/NN who/WP fears/VBZ flying/VBG (/( that/DT 's/VBZ your/PRP$ department/NN ,/, right/NN ?/.
)/) ,/, but/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP am/VBP definitely/RB starting/VBG to/TO have/VB second/JJ thoughts/NNS ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP always/RB been/VBN something/NN of/IN a/DT sucker/NN for/IN technology/NN and/CC have/VBP typically/RB enjoyed/VBN an/DT unreasonable/JJ trust/NN in/IN all/DT machinery/NN except/IN pay/NN phones/NNS ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, when/WRB TWA/NNP 800/CD crashed/VBD into/IN the/DT ocean/NN not/RB far/RB from/IN where/WRB we/PRP slept/VBD ,/, I/PRP was/VBD sure/JJ it/PRP could/MD n't/RB have/VB been/VBN mechanical/JJ error/NN ./.
I/PRP figured/VBD it/PRP had/VBD to/TO be/VB terrorists/NNS ./.
We/PRP even/RB talked/VBD about/IN cranking/VBG out/RP another/DT lesser/JJR thriller/NN ,/, remember/VB ?/.
Prologue/NNP :/: A/DT case/NN of/IN five/CD Stingers/NNPS disappears/VBZ from/IN the/DT back/NN of/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
military/JJ transport/NN ./.
Chapter/NN 1/CD :/: We/PRP watch/VBP as/IN terrorists/NNS ,/, sitting/VBG on/IN their/PRP$ trawler/NN off/IN the/DT coast/NN of/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, sight/NN in/IN on/IN a/DT jumbo/JJ jet/NN ,/, ready/JJ ,/, aim/NN ,/, and/CC fire/NN one/CD of/IN those/DT Stingers/NNPS ,/, blowing/VBG the/DT silver/NN tube/NN of/IN humans/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT sky/NN ./.
Chapter/NN 2/CD :/: Troubled/JJ ,/, maverick/NN National/NNP Transportation/NNP Safety/NNP Board/NNP Agent/NNP Johnny/NNP Manhattan/NNP 's/POS beeper/NN goes/VBZ off/RP assigning/VBG him/PRP and/CC ,/, later/RB ,/, gorgeous/JJ ,/, straight-arrow/JJ ,/, divorcee/NN FBI/NNP Agent/NNP Delores/NNP Dunray/NNP ,/, to/TO the/DT case/NN ./.
But/CC TWA/NNP 800/CD appears/VBZ to/TO have/VB suffered/VBN from/IN a/DT design/NN flaw/NN ,/, a/DT fatal/JJ crack/NN in/IN its/PRP$ technology/NN ./.
Was/VBD it/PRP a/DT technical/JJ glitch/NN that/WDT caused/VBD the/DT jet/NN crash/NN of/IN Payne/NNP Stewart/NNP and/CC friends/NNS last/JJ week/NN ?/.
Too/RB soon/RB to/TO say/VB ./.
Will/MD it/PRP also/RB be/VB the/DT culprit/NN in/IN the/DT EgyptAir/NNP crash/NN ?/.
I/PRP much/JJ prefer/VBP the/DT terrorists-taking-out-an-airplane/JJ scenario/NN to/TO human/JJ error/NN or/CC Bad/NNP Technology/NNP ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP ?/.
Jamaica/NNP Kincaid/NNP is/VBZ great/JJ at/IN describing/VBG rage/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ fictional/JJ heroines/NNS can/MD name/VB every/DT indignity/NN they/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN subjected/VBN to/TO since/IN birth/NN ,/, and/CC because/IN they/PRP are/VBP usually/RB bright/JJ young/JJ women/NNS from/IN troubled/JJ families/NNS in/IN poor/JJ island/NN backwaters/NNS such/JJ as/IN Antigua/NNP or/CC Dominica/NNP ,/, their/PRP$ list/NN of/IN injuries/NNS is/VBZ long/JJ ./.
They/PRP 've/VBP seen/VBN corrupt/JJ governments/NNS ,/, sadistic/JJ schoolmasters/NNS ,/, domineering/JJ mothers/NNS who/WP spoil/VBP their/PRP$ sons/NNS but/CC train/VB their/PRP$ daughters/NNS to/TO be/VB selfless/JJ clothes-washers/JJ ,/, and/CC feckless/JJ men/NNS whose/WP$ only/RB reason/NN for/IN living/VBG is/VBZ to/TO seduce/VB women/NNS and/CC then/RB disappear/VB ./.
Sometimes/RB ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN the/DT 19/CD -/: year-old/JJ protagonist/NN of/IN Lucy/NNP ,/, a/DT Kincaid/NNP heroine/NN gets/VBZ so/RB fed/VBN up/RP that/IN she/PRP moves/VBZ to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS (/( as/IN Kincaid/NNP did/VBD ,/, at/IN 17/CD )/) -/: -/: but/CC there/EX she/PRP only/RB finds/VBZ more/JJR fuel/NN for/IN her/PRP$ anger/NN in/IN the/DT pitying/VBG stares/NNS of/IN unconsciously/RB racist/JJ white/JJ liberals/NNS ./.
Rage/NN is/VBZ Kincaid/NNP 's/POS strength/NN ./.
One/CD senses/NNS it/PRP above/IN all/DT in/IN her/PRP$ amazing/JJ control/NN over/IN words/NNS ,/, which/WDT ,/, while/IN extremely/RB satisfying/VBG on/IN the/DT level/NN of/IN literary/JJ technique/NN ,/, also/RB comes/VBZ across/IN as/IN a/DT refusal/NN to/TO be/VB vulnerable/JJ and/CC a/DT reply/NN to/TO anyone/NN who/WP would/MD try/VB to/TO keep/VB her/PRP$ down/RB ./.
Still/RB ,/, rage/NN is/VBZ only/RB one/CD shade/NN on/IN the/DT spectrum/NN of/IN human/JJ experience/NN ./.
Kincaid/NNP 's/POS new/JJ memoir/NN is/VBZ more/RBR expansive/JJ than/IN her/PRP$ fiction--and/JJ at/IN times/NNS more/RBR moving--because/JJ in/IN it/PRP ,/, she/PRP begins/VBZ to/TO explore/VB some/DT of/IN the/DT others/NNS ./.
The/DT story/NN she/PRP has/VBZ to/TO tell/VB is/VBZ sadly/RB simple/JJ :/: Her/PRP$ brother/NN Devon/NNP Drew/NNP died/VBD of/IN AIDS/NNP in/IN 1996/CD ,/, at/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN 33/CD ./.
The/DT event/NN was/VBD far/RB from/IN unique/JJ ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
Many/JJ thousands/NNS of/IN young/JJ men/NNS have/VBP died/VBN a/DT similarly/RB frightening/JJ ,/, needless/JJ death/NN ,/, and/CC not/RB a/DT few/JJ memoirs/NNS have/VBP chronicled/JJ their/PRP$ last/JJ days/NNS ./.
And/CC anyway/RB ,/, Kincaid/NNP was/VBD n't/RB even/RB all/DT that/WDT close/JJ to/TO Drew/NNP ./.
He/PRP was/VBD the/DT youngest/JJS of/IN three/CD younger/JJR brothers/NNS ,/, all/DT of/IN whom/WP shared/VBD a/DT father/NN different/JJ from/IN Kincaid/NNP 's/POS ,/, and/CC although/IN he/PRP was/VBD sharp/JJ and/CC curious/JJ as/IN a/DT boy/NN ,/, he/PRP threw/VBD away/RB his/PRP$ talents/NNS and/CC made/VBD a/DT fatal/JJ decision/NN to/TO glide/VB through/IN life/NN on/IN charm/NN alone/RB ./.
After/IN Kincaid/NNP moved/VBD away/RB ,/, he/PRP grew/VBD up/IN to/TO become/VB an/DT irresponsible/JJ pothead/NN Rastafarian/NNP ,/, a/DT boastful/JJ lady-killer/JJ ,/, a/DT gardener/NN who/WP toyed/JJ with/IN becoming/VBG a/DT singer/NN and/CC gave/VBD himself/PRP the/DT stage/NN name/NN "/" Sugar/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC one/CD of/IN the/DT themes/NNS of/IN My/PRP$ Brother/NNP is/VBZ the/DT overpowering/VBG gravitational/JJ pull/NN of/IN families--even/JJ if/IN yours/NNS is/VBZ so/RB sick/JJ and/CC infuriating/VBG and/CC doomed/VBN that/IN you/PRP left/VBD the/DT country/NN to/TO escape/VB it/PRP ./.
When/WRB Kincaid/NNP finds/VBZ out/RP that/IN Drew/NNP is/VBZ ill/JJ (/( the/DT news/NN comes/VBZ from/IN a/DT family/NN friend/NN ,/, since/IN she/PRP and/CC her/PRP$ mother/NN are/VBP in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN a/DT months-long/JJ quarrel/VB and/CC have/VBP stopped/VBN speaking/VBG )/) ,/, she/PRP flies/VBZ to/TO Antigua/NNP to/TO visit/VB him/PRP and/CC to/TO offer/VB help/NN ./.
Critics/NNS often/RB praise/VBP nonfiction/NN by/IN saying/VBG that/IN it/PRP reads/VBZ like/IN fiction/NN ,/, when/WRB all/DT they/PRP really/RB mean/VBP is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ absorbing/VBG and/CC well/RB written/VBN ./.
In/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, the/DT comparison/NN really/RB does/VBZ hold/VB up/RB ./.
My/PRP$ Brother/NNP reads/VBZ a/DT little/JJ like/IN a/DT lyrical/JJ mystery/NN novel/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ clear/JJ from/IN the/DT very/RB first/JJ sentence/NN that/IN Drew/NNP is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO die/VB ,/, and/CC what/WP follows/VBZ is/VBZ Kincaid/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO figure/VB out/IN what/WP led/VBD to/TO such/JJ a/DT waste/NN of/IN a/DT life/NN ./.
She/PRP picks/VBZ through/IN childhood/NN memories/NNS for/IN a/DT foreshadowing/VBG of/IN what/WP was/VBD to/TO come/VB ./.
There/EX was/VBD ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT ghastly/JJ incident/NN shortly/RB after/IN Drew/NNP was/VBD born/VBN ,/, when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD lying/VBG in/IN the/DT arms/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ mother/NN ,/, who/WP was/VBD asleep/RB ,/, and/CC red/JJ ants/NNS crawled/VBD in/IN through/IN the/DT window/NN and/CC nearly/RB ate/VBD him/PRP alive/JJ ./.
And/CC she/PRP adds/VBZ a/DT plot/NN to/TO her/PRP$ unfolding/VBG understanding/NN of/IN what/WP happened/VBD to/TO Drew/NNP the/DT adult/NN ./.
She/PRP plants/NNS clues--chance/JJ encounters/NNS with/IN acquaintances/NNS of/IN Drew/NNP 's/POS whose/WP$ significance/NN she/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB grasp/VB until/IN a/DT hundred/CD pages/NNS later/RB ./.
As/IN with/IN Kincaid/NNP 's/POS novels/NNS ,/, what/WP stands/VBZ out/IN is/VBZ her/PRP$ obsessive/JJ cataloging/VBG of/IN subtly/RB different/JJ emotional/JJ states/NNS in/IN clear/JJ ,/, looping/VBG ,/, musical/JJ prose/NN ./.
On/IN a/DT break/NN from/IN the/DT bedside/NN vigil/NN ,/, she/PRP returns/VBZ to/TO her/PRP$ family/NN in/IN Vermont/NNP and/CC wonders/VBZ how/WRB she/PRP actually/RB feels/VBZ about/IN her/PRP$ brother/NN :/: "/" Love/NN always/RB feels/VBZ much/RB better/JJR than/IN not-love/JJ ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ why/WRB everybody/NN always/RB talks/VBZ about/IN love/NN and/CC that/DT is/VBZ why/WRB everybody/NN always/RB wants/VBZ to/TO have/VB love/NN :/: because/IN it/PRP feels/VBZ much/RB better/JJR ,/, so/RB much/RB better/JJR ./.
"/" With/IN a/DT scary/JJ honesty/NN typical/JJ of/IN one/CD of/IN her/PRP$ heroines/NNS ,/, she/PRP decides/VBZ that/IN her/PRP$ feelings/NNS for/IN him/PRP are/VBP intense/JJ but/CC probably/RB smaller/JJR than/IN love/NN ,/, clouded/VBN by/IN anger/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT remains/VBZ a/DT piece/NN of/IN nonfiction/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT handy/JJ reference/NN point/NN for/IN anyone/NN who/WP wants/VBZ to/TO argue/VB that/IN the/DT recent/JJ ascendance/NN of/IN the/DT memoir/NN has/VBZ n't/RB wiped/VBN out/IN artful/JJ ,/, ambitious/JJ writing/NN ./.
Far/RB from/IN it/PRP ./.
Kincaid/NNP 's/POS favorite/JJ fictional/JJ themes/NNS show/VBP up/RB in/IN My/PRP$ Brother/NNP ,/, and/CC they/PRP gain/VBP from/IN the/DT real-life/JJ urgency/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ the/DT messed-up/JJ sexuality/NN of/IN Antigua/NNP ,/, the/DT way/NN girls/NNS are/VBP taught/VBN to/TO be/VB virgins/NNS while/IN boys/NNS are/VBP encouraged/VBN to/TO be/VB careless/JJ and/CC promiscuous/JJ ;/: Kincaid/NNP 's/POS heroines/NNS have/VBP suffered/VBN from/IN this/DT sick/JJ training/NN ,/, and/CC here/RB we/PRP watch/VBP it/PRP slowly/RB kill/VBP her/PRP$ brother/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX is/VBZ Kincaid/NNP 's/POS mother/NN ./.
The/DT figure/NN of/IN the/DT mother--wronged/JJ by/IN men/NNS but/CC stronger/JJR than/IN Atlas/NNP ,/, selfish/JJ and/CC prejudiced/VBN and/CC quite/RB possibly/RB evil/JJ but/CC once/RB in/IN a/DT while/NN capable/JJ of/IN infinite/NN love--has/JJ dominated/VBN nearly/RB all/DT Kincaid/NNP 's/POS stories/NNS and/CC novels/NNS ./.
In/IN My/PRP$ Brother/NNP we/PRP see/VBP the/DT real/JJ McCoy/NNP and/CC she/PRP is/VBZ ,/, if/IN anything/NN ,/, more/RBR formidable/JJ than/IN her/PRP$ various/JJ imaginary/JJ incarnations/NNS ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN Kincaid/NNP 's/POS recollection/NN of/IN a/DT childhood/NN incident/NN that/WDT remained/VBD buried/VBN in/IN her/PRP$ memory/NN until/IN hanging/VBG around/IN with/IN her/PRP$ mother/NN while/IN Drew/NNP died/VBD suddenly/RB shook/VBD it/PRP loose/JJ ./.
My/PRP$ Brother/NNP is/VBZ a/DT modest/JJ little/JJ book/NN ./.
And/CC yet/RB ,/, although/IN Kincaid/NNP never/RB says/VBZ this/DT so/RB grandly/RB ,/, you/PRP get/VBP the/DT sense/NN that/IN Drew/NNP 's/POS death/NN somehow/RB prompted/VBD her/PRP to/TO look/VB at/IN life/NN differently/RB ,/, from/IN a/DT less/RBR narrow/JJ point/NN of/IN view/NN ,/, perhaps/RB ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT discoveries/NNS this/DT book/NN relates/VBZ might/MD eventually/RB spill/VB over/IN into/IN her/PRP$ fiction/NN ./.
Kincaid/NNP 's/POS stories/NNS so/RB far/RB have/VBP been/VBN about/IN young/JJ women/NNS of/IN color/NN born/VBN into/IN a/DT world/NN that/WDT absolutely/RB fails/VBZ to/TO value/VB them/PRP ./.
Her/PRP$ heroines/NNS have/VBP been/VBN fierce/JJ and/CC admirable/JJ ,/, but/CC their/PRP$ struggle/NN to/TO be/VB acknowledged/VBN has/VBZ necessarily/RB entailed/VBN a/DT degree/NN of/IN self-dramatization--even/JJ ,/, you/PRP might/MD say/VB ,/, of/IN selfishness/NNS ./.
The/DT heroine/NN of/IN Lucy/NNP rejects/VBZ the/DT meek/NN role/NN that/DT life/NN tries/VBZ to/TO assign/VB her/PRP$ ,/, announcing/VBG ,/, "/" I/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO have/VB a/DT powerful/JJ odor/NN and/CC would/MD not/RB care/VB if/IN it/PRP gave/VBD offense/NN ./.
"/" How/WRB much/JJ rounder/NN a/DT note/NN Kincaid/NNP strikes/NNS when/WRB she/PRP writes/VBZ of/IN Drew/NNP :/: "/" And/CC I/PRP began/VBD to/TO wonder/VB what/WP his/PRP$ life/NN must/MD be/VB like/IN for/IN him/PRP ,/, and/CC to/TO wonder/VB what/WP my/PRP$ own/JJ life/NN would/MD have/VB been/VBN like/IN if/IN I/PRP had/VBD not/RB been/VBN so/RB cold/JJ and/CC ruthless/JJ in/IN regard/NN to/TO my/PRP$ own/JJ family/NN ,/, acting/VBG only/RB in/IN favor/NN of/IN myself/PRP when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD a/DT young/JJ woman/NN ./.
"/" After/IN all/PDT these/DT years/NNS ,/, she/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB writing/VBG about/IN survival/NN ./.
But/CC as/IN of/IN this/DT book/NN ,/, it/PRP looks/VBZ like/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ made/VBN it/PRP to/TO the/DT other/JJ side/NN ./.
Fred/NNP Siegel/NNP ,/, a/DT senior/JJ fellow/NN at/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP 's/POS Progressive/NNP Policy/NNP Institute/NNP ,/, has/VBZ written/VBN a/DT scathing/JJ attack/NN on/IN urban/JJ liberalism/NN ./.
Siegel/NNP blames/VBZ liberal/JJ ideology/NN for/IN most/JJS forms/NNS of/IN urban/JJ decline--for/JJ welfare/NN dependency/NN ,/, spiraling/VBG crime/NN rates/NNS ,/, inefficient/JJ services/NNS ,/, and/CC failing/VBG public/JJ schools/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB New/NNP Deal/NNP liberalism/NN that/WDT is/VBZ at/IN fault/NN ,/, either/RB ./.
No/DT ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, "/" [/( t/NN ]/) he/PRP problems/NNS plaguing/VBG cities/NNS are/VBP the/DT product/NN of/IN policy/NN choices/NNS produced/VBN in/IN the/DT 1960/CD s/VBZ ./.
Siegel/NNP supports/VBZ his/PRP$ argument/NN with/IN case/NN studies/NNS of/IN three/CD cities/NNS :/: New/NNP York/NNP ;/: Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
;/: and/CC Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ./.
He/PRP chose/VBD those/DT cities/NNS ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, because/IN they/PRP "/" shaped/VBN not/RB just/RB the/DT urban/JJ but/CC also/RB the/DT national/JJ agenda/NN ./.
Politics/NNS and/CC policy/NN in/IN these/DT cities/NNS represent/VBP liberalism/NN and/CC big/JJ cities/NNS to/TO the/DT rest/NN of/IN America/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT critical/JJ moments/NNS in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN those/DT cities/NNS ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, are/VBP the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP riots/NNS of/IN 1965/CD and/CC 1992/CD ;/: New/NNP York/NNP Mayor/NNP John/NNP Lindsay/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO forge/VB a/DT New/NNP Deal/NNP liberalism/NN by/IN expanding/VBG welfare/NN and/CC creating/VBG multicultural/NN schools/NNS ;/: New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS fiscal/JJ crisis/NN ;/: and/CC the/DT collapse/NN of/IN municipal/JJ service/NN in/IN Washington/NNP under/IN Marion/NNP Barry/NNP ./.
The/DT cities/NNS "/" lived/VBD in/IN the/DT shadow/NN of/IN the/DT riot/NN ideology/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP writes/VBZ ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ in/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN "/" the/DT riot/NN ideology/NN "/" and/CC of/IN righting/VBG the/DT wrongs/NNS of/IN racism/NN that/IN liberals/NNS went/VBD on/IN to/TO justify/VB the/DT violence/NN of/IN the/DT 1960/CD s/VBZ and/CC its/PRP$ criminal/JJ aftermath/NN ./.
The/DT power/NN to/TO disrupt/VB became/VBD a/DT way/NN of/IN "/" extracting/VBG money/NN from/IN the/DT federal/JJ government/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP says/VBZ ./.
Siegel/NNP clearly/RB wrote/VBD this/DT book/NN out/IN of/IN a/DT frustration/NN ,/, which/WDT I/PRP share/VBP ,/, with/IN a/DT general/JJ failure/NN to/TO face/VB up/IN to/TO the/DT shortcomings/NNS of/IN the/DT policies/NNS of/IN the/DT 1960/CD s/VBZ ./.
Yet/RB Siegel/NNP ,/, a/DT professor/NN at/IN Cooper/NNP Union/NNP and/CC the/DT author/NN of/IN several/JJ respected/VBN books/NNS ,/, is/VBZ too/RB good/JJ a/DT historian/NN not/RB to/TO know/VB that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ produced/VBN an/DT incomplete/JJ ,/, one-dimensional/JJ account/NN of/IN the/DT decline/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS cities/NNS ./.
There/EX are/VBP three/CD serious/JJ problems/NNS with/IN his/PRP$ argument--first/JJ ,/, an/DT analysis/NN that/WDT gives/VBZ urban/JJ liberalism/NN an/DT unconvincing/JJ degree/NN of/IN importance/NN in/IN accounting/NN for/IN this/DT decline/NN ;/: second/JJ ,/, a/DT methodology/NN that/WDT picks/VBZ out/IN three/CD cities/NNS that/WDT are/VBP not/RB really/RB representative/NN ;/: and/CC third/JJ ,/, an/DT oddly/RB unbalanced/JJ account/NN of/IN urban/JJ history/NN that/IN places/NNS ideologically/RB motivated/VBN mayors/NNS ,/, liberal/JJ intellectuals/NNS ,/, and/CC radical/JJ black/JJ activists/NNS center/VBP stage/NN ./.
Was/VBD the/DT so-called/JJ liberal/JJ ideology/NN really/RB responsible/JJ for/IN the/DT deterioration/NN of/IN America/NNP 's/POS cities/NNS ?/.
Siegel/NNP barely/RB considers/VBZ other/JJ explanations/NNS ./.
As/IN historian/NN Kenneth/NNP T/NN ./.
Jackson/NNP argues/VBZ in/IN Crabgrass/NNP Frontier/NNP :/: The/DT Suburbanization/NNP of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, central/JJ cities/NNS began/VBD to/TO degenerate/VB ,/, and/CC suburbs/NNS to/TO boom/VB ,/, as/RB early/RB as/IN the/DT 1920/CD s/VBZ ,/, when/WRB many/JJ people/NNS started/VBD buying/VBG cars/NNS ./.
The/DT Federal/NNP Highway/NNP Act/NNP of/IN 1916/CD and/CC the/DT Interstate/NNP Highway/NNP Act/NNP of/IN 1956/CD produced/VBD the/DT roads/NNS that/WDT enabled/VBD this/DT middle-class/NN flight/NN ./.
A/DT series/NN of/IN well-intended/JJ federal/JJ mortgage/NN and/CC loan/NN programs/NNS developed/VBN during/IN the/DT New/NNP Deal/NNP led/VBD to/TO policies/NNS of/IN "/" redlining/VBG "/" :/: the/DT wholesale/JJ branding/VBG of/IN certain--often/JJ ,/, black--neighborhoods/JJ as/IN greater/JJR credit/NN risks/NNS ./.
The/DT Federal/NNP Housing/NNP Administration/NNP and/CC the/DT GI/NNP bill/NN of/IN 1944/CD ensured/JJ long-term/JJ mortgages/NNS for/IN home/NN construction/NN and/CC sale/NN ,/, which/WDT made/VBD it/PRP cheaper/JJR for/IN the/DT white/JJ middle/JJ class/NN to/TO buy/VB new/JJ homes/NNS in/IN the/DT suburbs/NNS than/IN to/TO rent/VB (/( or/CC even/RB modernize/VB )/) older/JJR homes/NNS ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, many/JJ areas/NNS in/IN the/DT aging/VBG central/JJ cities/NNS were/VBD declared/VBN ineligible/JJ for/IN loan/NN guarantees/NNS ./.
Add/VB to/TO these/DT disastrous/JJ policies/NNS a/DT segregated/VBD public-housing/NN program/NN that/WDT concentrated/VBD affordable/JJ housing/NN for/IN the/DT poor/JJ in/IN central/JJ cities/NNS ,/, and/CC you/PRP see/VBP why/WRB ,/, by/IN 1950/CD ,/, the/DT suburbs/NNS were/VBD growing/VBG 10/CD times/NNS faster/RBR than/IN the/DT central/JJ cities/NNS ;/: and/CC why/WRB ,/, in/IN 1960/CD ,/, not/RB a/DT single/JJ one/CD of/IN the/DT 82/CD ,/, 000/CD residents/NNS of/IN Levittown/NNP was/VBD black/JJ ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, the/DT manufacturing/NN base/NN of/IN the/DT inner/JJ cities/NNS eroded/VBN ./.
Between/IN 1958/CD and/CC 1987/CD ,/, most/JJS of/IN the/DT older/JJR central/JJ cities/NNS lost/VBD half/NN of/IN their/PRP$ manufacturing/NN jobs/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Department/NNP of/IN Housing/NNP and/CC Urban/NNP Development/NNP ,/, by/IN 1970/CD ,/, suburbs/NNS were/VBD the/DT principal/JJ sources/NNS of/IN employment/NN in/IN the/DT 15/CD largest/JJS metro/NN areas/NNS ./.
Clearly/RB ,/, these/DT long-term/JJ trends/NNS and/CC federal/JJ policies/NNS left/VBD cities/NNS besieged/VBN and/CC impoverished/VBN ./.
But/CC Siegel/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB just/RB undervalue/NN these/DT trends/NNS ;/: he/PRP also/RB gets/VBZ his/PRP$ chronology--and/JJ therefore/RB his/PRP$ causality--wrong/JJ ./.
The/DT wrenching/JJ loss/NN of/IN manufacturing/NN jobs/NNS (/( the/DT source/NN of/IN low-skill/JJ jobs/NNS at/IN decent/JJ wages/NNS )/) and/CC the/DT flight/NN of/IN the/DT white/JJ middle/JJ class/NN to/TO the/DT suburbs/NNS began/VBD before/IN the/DT riots/NNS ./.
While/IN the/DT so-called/JJ riot/NN ideology/NN might/MD have/VB exacerbated/VBN these/DT trends/NNS ,/, it/PRP certainly/RB could/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN held/VBN responsible/JJ for/IN them/PRP ./.
The/DT decline/NN in/IN urban/JJ economies/NNS occurred/VBD in/IN almost/RB every/DT American/JJ city/NN ,/, even/RB in/IN those/DT without/IN the/DT legacy/NN of/IN 1960/CD s/VBZ riots--like/JJ the/DT Sun/NNP Belt/NNP cities/NNS of/IN Houston/NNP ,/, Phoenix/NNP ,/, and/CC San/NNP Diego/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ economies/NNS actually/RB grew/VBD in/IN the/DT 1960/CD s/VBZ and/CC 1970/CD s/VBZ before/IN falling/VBG off/RP in/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ./.
Siegel/NNP also/RB fails/VBZ to/TO grasp/VB certain/JJ key/JJ political/JJ facts/NNS of/IN urban/JJ life/NN ./.
Simply/RB put/VB ,/, mayors/NNS ca/MD n't/RB afford/VB to/TO be/VB raving/VBG ideologues/NNS ./.
They/PRP are/VBP practically/RB the/DT lowest/JJS living/VBG things/NNS in/IN America/NNP 's/POS political/JJ food/NN chain/NN ./.
Both/DT state/NN and/CC federal/JJ governments/NNS can/MD mandate/VB programmatic/JJ spending/NN without/IN providing/VBG the/DT funds/NNS ./.
States/NNS limit/VBP the/DT city/NN 's/POS legal/JJ authority/NN to/TO raise/VB revenue/NN through/IN taxes/NNS and/CC debt/NN ,/, while/IN the/DT federal/JJ system/NN forces/VBZ cities/NNS to/TO compete/VB with/IN one/CD another/DT for/IN tax/NN revenue/NN ./.
Siegel/NNP fails/VBZ to/TO address/VB the/DT basic/JJ problem/NN of/IN a/DT federal/JJ system/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ local/JJ governments/NNS dependent/JJ on/IN their/PRP$ local/JJ tax/NN base/NN to/TO fund/VB basic/JJ services/NNS ,/, infrastructure/NN ,/, and/CC education/NN ./.
Wealthier/NNP jurisdictions/NNS will/MD always/RB do/VB better/JJR than/IN cities/NNS with/IN high/JJ concentrations/NNS of/IN poverty/NN ./.
Siegel/NNP 's/POS choice/NN of/IN cities/NNS to/TO study/VB also/RB presents/VBZ a/DT methodological/JJ problem/NN ./.
In/IN social/JJ scientific/JJ terms/NNS ,/, Siegel/NNP selects/VBZ cases/NNS that/WDT do/VBP n't/RB offer/VB the/DT opportunity/NN to/TO "/" test/NN the/DT null/NN hypothesis/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP stacks/NNS the/DT deck/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ really/RB a/DT book/NN about/IN New/NNP York/NNP ;/: Los/NNP Angeles/NNP and/CC the/DT District/NNP of/IN Columbia/NNP are/VBP invoked/VBN only/RB insofar/RB as/IN they/PRP can/MD support/VB his/PRP$ claims/NNS about/IN riot/NN ideology/NN ./.
But/CC if/IN Siegel/NNP 's/POS theory/NN is/VBZ correct/JJ ,/, then/RB cities/NNS where/WRB "/" riot/NN ideology/NN "/" did/VBD not/RB inform/VB local/JJ policies/NNS should/MD have/VB had/VBN different/JJ outcomes/NNS in/IN terms/NNS of/IN fiscal/JJ policy/NN ,/, the/DT quality/NN of/IN the/DT public/JJ schools/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT condition/NN of/IN the/DT local/JJ economies/NNS ./.
But/CC this/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT case/NN ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, Washington/NNP is/VBZ never/RB used/VBN in/IN the/DT urban/JJ literature/NN as/IN representative/NN of/IN anything/NN other/JJ than/IN itself--its/JJ history/NN ,/, governance/NN ,/, and/CC economy/NN are/VBP understood/VBN to/TO be/VB unique/JJ ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT recurring/VBG themes/NNS in/IN Siegel/NNP 's/POS book/NN is/VBZ that/IN urban/JJ liberals/NNS were/VBD mau-maued/JJ by/IN black/JJ militants/NNS ./.
Siegel/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN funds/NNS from/IN the/DT federal/JJ Community/NNP Action/NNP Program/NNP ,/, a/DT neighborhood-based/JJ anti-poverty/JJ program/NN ,/, were/VBD used/VBN to/TO buy/VB peace/NN from/IN the/DT black/JJ militants/NNS ,/, allowing/VBG them/PRP to/TO develop/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ neighborhood-based/JJ patronage/NN networks/NNS ./.
This/DT was/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO have/VB been/VBN particularly/RB true/JJ in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, where/WRB white/JJ liberals/NNS like/IN Lindsay/NNP were/VBD easily/RB guilt-tripped/JJ ./.
Here/RB 's/POS where/WRB a/DT broader/JJR selection/NN of/IN cities/NNS would/MD have/VB made/VBN a/DT big/JJ difference/NN ./.
In/IN 1973/CD ,/, political/JJ scientists/NNS David/NNP Greenstone/NNP and/CC Paul/NNP Peterson/NNP examined/VBD the/DT Community/NNP Action/NNP Program/NNP in/IN five/CD cities--/JJ New/NNP York/NNP ,/, Detroit/NNP ,/, Los/NNP Angeles/NNP ,/, Chicago/NNP ,/, and/CC Philadelphia--and/NNP found/VBD that/IN it/PRP worked/VBD differently/RB in/IN each/DT place/NN ./.
In/IN Chicago/NNP ,/, Mayor/NNP Richard/NNP Daley/NNP retained/VBD complete/JJ control/NN over/IN the/DT federal/JJ funds/NNS and/CC distributed/VBD them/PRP to/TO black/JJ neighborhoods/NNS through/IN his/PRP$ Democratic/JJ machine/NN ./.
In/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, Lindsay/NNP used/VBD them/PRP to/TO augment/VB a/DT scheme/NN for/IN political/JJ decentralization/NN that/WDT began/VBD in/IN the/DT 1950/CD s/VBZ ,/, under/IN Robert/NNP Wagner/NNP ./.
More/RBR importantly/RB ,/, all/PDT these/DT mayors/NNS went/VBD to/TO Washington/NNP for/IN funds/NNS ,/, and/CC of/IN them/PRP only/RB Lindsay/NNP would/MD be/VB considered/VBN a/DT liberal/JJ reformer/NN ./.
No/DT doubt/NN ,/, the/DT mayors/NNS who/WP took/VBD these/DT funds/NNS did/VBD try/VB to/TO use/VB them/PRP to/TO consolidate/VB their/PRP$ political/JJ bases/NNS ./.
They/PRP were/VBD operating/VBG in/IN the/DT great-urban-machine/JJ tradition/NN of/IN buying/VBG support/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT last/JJ few/JJ lines/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ book/NN ,/, Siegel/NNP waxes/NNS strangely/RB optimistic/JJ :/:
[/NN E/NNP ]/) ven/NN after/IN being/VBG taken/VBN down/RP a/DT notch/NN or/CC two/CD ,/, [/( cities/NNS ]/) will/MD remain/VB ,/, by/IN virtue/NN of/IN their/PRP$ concentrations/NNS of/IN energy/NN and/CC intellect/NN ,/, at/IN the/DT center/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ political/JJ imagination/NN ./.
These/DT great/JJ cities/NNS will/MD continue/VB to/TO shape/VB our/PRP$ future/JJ ./.
But/CC if/IN ideologically/RB driven/VBN mayors/NNS and/CC radical/JJ black/JJ activists/NNS have/VBP taken/VBN over/IN ,/, then/RB the/DT future/NN of/IN American/JJ cities/NNS should/MD be/VB bleak/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
Across/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, immigrant/JJ groups/NNS ,/, faith-based/JJ institutions/NNS ,/, and/CC bootstrap/NN mayors/NNS are/VBP reinvigorating/VBG cities/NNS ./.
In/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, where/WRB more/JJR than/IN half/PDT the/DT city/NN 's/POS current/JJ population/NN is/VBZ foreign-born/JJ ,/, immigrants/NNS have/VBP helped/VBN renew/VB neighborhoods/NNS :/: Koreans/NNPS and/CC Chinese/NNPS have/VBP revitalized/JJ Flushing/NNP ,/, Queens/NNP ;/: as/IN have/VBP Russian/NNP Jews/NNPS Brighton/NNP Beach/NNP ;/: Caribbeans/NNP Flatbush/NNP ;/: and/CC Dominicans/NNP and/CC Irish/NNP Washington/NNP Heights/NNP ./.
Each/DT of/IN these/DT stories/NNS is/VBZ more/RBR important/JJ to/TO New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP 's/POS future/NN than/IN those/DT that/IN Siegel/NNP chose/VBD to/TO tell/VB ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ more/JJR ,/, New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS current/JJ renaissance/NN is/VBZ happening/VBG because/IN there/EX is/VBZ something/NN to/TO come/VB back/RB to/TO ./.
The/DT "/" overspending/VBG "/" that/IN the/DT city/NN engaged/VBN in/IN during/IN the/DT Depression/NNP ,/, which/WDT Siegel/NNP decries/VBZ ,/, may/MD be/VB contributing/VBG to/TO the/DT current/JJ rebirth/NN of/IN the/DT city/NN 's/POS economy/NN ,/, which/WDT centers/VBZ on/IN tourism/NN ,/, culture/NN ,/, financial/JJ services/NNS ,/, and/CC information/NN technology/NN ./.
In/IN New/NNP York/NNP there/EX is/VBZ ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, an/DT infrastructure/NN to/TO rebuild/VB ,/, cultural/JJ institutions/NNS that/WDT draw/VBP tourists/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT wealth/NN of/IN human/JJ capital/NN with/IN technical/JJ and/CC creative/JJ energy/NN ./.
Were/VBD it/PRP not/RB for/IN LaGuardia/NNP 's/POS grand/JJ vision/NN of/IN public/JJ hospitals/NNS ,/, colleges/NNS ,/, parks/NNS ,/, public/JJ transportation/NN ,/, and/CC affordable/JJ housing/NN ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP might/MD have/VB just/RB been/VBN another/DT Newark/NNP ./.
In/IN a/DT recent/JJ Gallup/NNP poll/NN ,/, New/NNP York/NNP was/VBD identified/VBN as/IN the/DT city/NN that/IN Americans/NNPS would/MD most/JJS like/IN to/TO live/VB in/IN ./.
Nothing/NN in/IN Siegel/NNP 's/POS work/NN could/MD explain/VB this/DT perception/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO tell/VB if/IN this/DT is/VBZ still/RB the/DT Era/NNP of/IN Stock/NNP Market/NNP Good/JJ Feeling/VBG or/CC if/IN a/DT combination/NN of/IN Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP concerns/NNS ,/, rising/VBG interest/NN rates/NNS ,/, misreadings/NNS of/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP ,/, and/CC conventional/JJ "/" October/NNP is/VBZ a/DT bad/JJ month/NN for/IN stocks/NNS "/" has/VBZ brought/VBN it/PRP to/TO a/DT sudden/JJ end/NN ./.
What/WP we/PRP seem/VBP to/TO be/VB living/VBG through/IN right/RB now/RB is/VBZ a/DT strange/JJ time/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT market/NN is/VBZ simultaneously/RB being/VBG excoriated/VBN as/IN overvalued/VBN and/CC hysterical/JJ and/CC being/VBG described/VBN as/IN being/VBG in/IN a/DT slump/NN that/WDT forebodes/NNS bad/JJ things/NNS ahead/RB ./.
Ca/MD n't/RB win/VB for/IN losing/VBG ./.
As/IN evidence/NN of/IN investor/NN hysteria/NN ,/, the/DT financial/JJ media/NNS often/RB point/VBP to/TO things/NNS like/IN the/DT $/$ 40/CD billion/CD market-cap/JJ hit/NN that/IN IBM/NNP took/VBD at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN last/JJ week/NN ,/, after/IN it/PRP announced/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD have/VB two/CD ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB three/CD ,/, disappointing/JJ quarters/NNS in/IN a/DT row/NN because/IN its/PRP$ customers/NNS were/VBD cutting/VBG back/RB on/IN spending/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO take/VB care/NN of/IN potential/JJ Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP problems/NNS ./.
Momentum/NNP investors/NNS pile/VBP into/IN a/DT stock/NN ,/, the/DT narrative/NN goes/VBZ ,/, and/CC then/RB pile/VB out/IN of/IN it/PRP without/IN paying/VBG any/DT attention/NN to/TO the/DT fundamentals/NNS ,/, so/IN that/IN good/JJ buy-and-hold/JJ investors/NNS get/VBP whipsawed/VBN for/IN no/DT good/JJ reason/NN ./.
But/CC what/WP happened/VBD to/TO IBM/NNP on/IN Thursday/NNP ,/, far/RB from/IN being/VBG evidence/NN of/IN a/DT flighty/NN stock/NN market/NN ,/, was/VBD instead/RB a/DT sign/NN of/IN just/RB how/WRB discriminating/VBG investors/NNS have/VBP become/VBN ./.
If/IN stock/NN prices/NNS really/RB were/VBD being/VBG driven/VBN solely/RB by/IN inflated/VBN margin/NN balances/NNS and/CC the/DT overconfidence/NN bred/VBN by/IN years/NNS of/IN 20/CD percent/NN plus/CC returns/NNS ,/, you/PRP 'd/MD expect/VB investors/NNS to/TO be/VB forgiving/VBG ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, they/PRP are/VBP more/RBR punitive/JJ then/RB ever/RB ./.
Investors/NNS are/VBP willing/JJ to/TO pay/VB high/JJ prices/NNS for/IN companies/NNS that/WDT deliver/VBP consistent/JJ above-average/JJ cash-flow/JJ growth/NN ./.
But/CC if/IN there/EX are/VBP signs/NNS that/IN a/DT company/NN 's/POS ability/NN to/TO deliver/VB that/DT kind/NN of/IN growth/NN may/MD be/VB faltering--and/JJ IBM/NNP 's/POS announcement/NN was/VBD a/DT Vegas-style/NNP neon/NN sign/NN to/TO that/DT effect--then/JJ the/DT market/NN will/MD pummel/VB a/DT stock/NN quickly/RB ./.
The/DT speed/NN with/IN which/WDT a/DT negative/JJ earnings/NNS report/NN can/MD vaporize/NN a/DT company/NN 's/POS market/NN cap/NN is/VBZ also/RB sometimes/RB held/VBN up/RP as/IN problematic/JJ ./.
But/CC here/RB again/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ no/DT surprise/NN that/IN in/IN a/DT world/NN in/IN which/WDT trading/NN costs/NNS are/VBP minuscule/JJ ,/, the/DT diffusion/NN of/IN information/NN nearly/RB instantaneous/JJ ,/, and/CC trading/NN volume/NN immense/JJ ,/, prices/NNS will/MD change/VB very/RB fast/RB in/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN significant/JJ news/NN ./.
This/DT just/RB means/VBZ that/IN markets/NNS are/VBP more/RBR efficient/JJ ,/, not/RB less/JJR ,/, in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN they/PRP establish/VB a/DT new/JJ equilibrium/NN price--or/JJ as/IN close/JJ to/TO it/PRP as/IN they/PRP can/MD ever/RB get--in/JJ the/DT space/NN of/IN a/DT day/NN ,/, and/CC not/RB a/DT week/NN ./.
IBM/NNP 's/POS stock/NN price/NN bumped/VBN up/RP a/DT little/JJ bit/NN on/IN Friday/NNP ,/, but/CC stayed/VBD steady/JJ today/NN ,/, which/WDT suggests/VBZ that/IN Thursday/NNP 's/POS sell-off/NN was/VBD not/RB some/DT massive/JJ overreaction/NN ./.
The/DT most/RBS important/JJ thing/NN about/IN the/DT IBM/NNP sell-off/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, was/VBD what/WP it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB ,/, namely/RB an/DT impetus/NN for/IN a/DT more/RBR general/JJ sell-off/NN in/IN technology/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT past/JJ (/( and/CC even/RB the/DT recent/JJ past/JJ )/) ,/, we/PRP 've/VBP seen/VBN announcements/NNS like/IN the/DT one/CD that/IN Big/NNP Blue/NNP made/VBD have/VBP a/DT ripple/NN effect/NN on/IN tech/NN stocks/NNS across/IN the/DT board/NN ,/, as/IN momentum/NN and/CC program/NN traders/NNS bailed/VBD out/IN of/IN anything/NN that/WDT might/MD suffer/VB from/IN association/NN with/IN a/DT big/JJ name/NN 's/POS blowup/NN ./.
But/CC last/JJ week/NN ,/, investors/NNS rather/RB quickly/RB recognized/VBN that/IN IBM/NNP 's/POS problems/NNS seemed/VBD company-specific/JJ ,/, and/CC that/IN companies/NNS that/WDT had/VBD reported/VBN excellent/JJ earnings/NNS during/IN the/DT week--like/JJ AOL--should/NNP be/VB bought/VBN ,/, not/RB sold/VBN ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, investors/NNS rewarded/VBN the/DT companies/NNS that/WDT should/MD have/VB been/VBN rewarded/VBN and/CC punished/VBN those/DT that/WDT should/MD have/VB been/VBN punished/VBN ./.
Capital/NNP was/VBD allocated/VBN sensibly/RB ,/, rather/RB than/IN hysterically/RB ./.
There/EX are/VBP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, always/RB going/VBG to/TO be/VB under-/NN and/CC overreactions/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT one/CD that/WDT victimized/VBN Tyco/NNP or/CC the/DT one/CD that/WDT sent/VBD the/DT stock/NN of/IN Cisco/NNP (/( which/WDT I/PRP own/JJ shares/NNS of/IN )/) plummeting/VBG on/IN Friday/NNP after/IN an/DT unsubstantiated/JJ rumor/NN that/IN the/DT company/NN would/MD miss/VB estimates/NNS hit/VBD the/DT Street/NNP ./.
But/CC what/WP last/JJ week/NN 's/POS action/NN suggested/VBD is/VBZ that/IN five/CD (/( or/CC 10/CD ,/, or/CC 17/CD ,/, depending/VBG on/IN how/WRB you/PRP 're/VBP counting/VBG )/) years/NNS of/IN a/DT bull/NN market/NN have/VBP not/RB made/VBN investors/NNS careless/JJ or/CC blinded/JJ by/IN success/NN ./.
Eternal/NNP vigilance/NN ./.
Well/RB ,/, something/NN like/IN that/DT ./.
Schadenfreude/NNP being/VBG the/DT house/NN religion/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP magazine/NN world/NN ,/, this/DT has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT particularly/RB satisfying/VBG week/NN for/IN glossy/JJ mag/NN writers/NNS and/CC editors/NNS ./.
New/NNP Yorker/NNP Editor/NNP Tina/NNP Brown--who/NNP essentially/RB invented/VBD magazine/NN "/" buzz/NN ,/, "/" perfected/VBN buzz/NN ,/, made/VBN buzz/NN high/JJ art/NN (/( and/CC made/VBN high/JJ art/NN buzz/NN )/) -/: -/: is/VBZ becoming/VBG buzz/NN 's/POS victim/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT moment/NN that/IN loyalists/NNS to/TO the/DT Old/NNP New/NNP Yorker/NNP have/VBP been/VBN eagerly/RB anticipating/VBG for/IN six/CD years/NNS ./.
Every/DT day/NN brings/VBZ new/JJ evidence/NN that/IN Brown/NNP is/VBZ no/DT longer--to/JJ use/NN a/DT Tinaism--hot/NNP ./.
Condé/NNP Nast/NNP Publisher/NNP Steve/NNP Florio/NNP just/RB removed/VBD his/PRP$ brother/NN Tom/NNP from/IN his/PRP$ position/NN as/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS publisher/NN ,/, then/RB appointed/VBD a/DT replacement/NN without/IN consulting/NN Brown/NNP ./.
Steve/NNP Florio/NNP and/CC New/NNP Yorker/NNP owner/NN S/NNP ./.
I/PRP ./.
Newhouse/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
also/RB declined/VBD to/TO name/VB Brown/NNP as/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS president/NN ,/, a/DT job/NN she/PRP reportedly/RB coveted/JJ ./.
Recent/JJ articles/NNS have/VBP exposed/VBN the/DT magazine/NN 's/POS sorry/JJ financial/JJ shape/NN :/: The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, which/WDT Brown/NNP promised/VBD in/IN 1992/CD to/TO make/VB profitable/JJ by/IN 1997/CD ,/, lost/VBD $/$ 11/CD million/CD last/JJ year/NN ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ ad/NN sales/NNS are/VBP stagnating/VBG during/IN an/DT economic/JJ boom/NN ./.
In/IN November/NNP ,/, Newhouse/NNP dropped/VBD Brown/NNP 's/POS husband/NN ,/, Harry/NNP Evans/NNP ,/, the/DT other/JJ half/NN of/IN New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS most/RBS formidable/JJ media/NNS couple/NN ,/, as/IN head/NN of/IN Random/NNP House/NNP ,/, raising/VBG speculation/NN that/IN Brown/NNP and/CC Evans/NNP are/VBP out/IN of/IN favor/NN with/IN King/NNP Si/NNP ./.
Now/RB New/NNP York/NNP media/NNS are/VBP speculating/VBG (/( without/IN evidence/NN )/) that/IN Newhouse/NNP may/MD not/RB renew/VB Brown/NNP 's/POS contract/NN when/WRB it/PRP expires/VBZ July/NNP 1/CD ./.
(/( Even/RB non-/NN Tina/NNP news/NN is/VBZ being/VBG turned/VBN against/IN Brown/NNP ./.
The/DT publication/NN of/IN two/CD new/JJ books/NNS about/IN former/JJ editor/NN William/NNP Shawn/NNP has/VBZ inspired/VBN another/DT round/NN of/IN pompous/JJ elegies/NNS for/IN the/DT grand/JJ old/JJ New/NNP Yorker/NNP ./.
Who/WP would/MD have/VB thought/VBN it--the/JJ queen/NN of/IN spin/NN is/VBZ losing/VBG a/DT spin/NN war/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP live/VBP by/IN buzz/NN ,/, you/PRP die/VBP by/IN buzz/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ an/DT ex-/NN New/NNP Yorker/NNP editor/NN ,/, with/IN malicious/JJ glee/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB that/DT anything/NN has/VBZ actually/RB changed/VBN at/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP in/IN recent/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, but/CC there/EX is/VBZ a/DT perception/NN that/IN Brown/NNP and/CC the/DT magazine/NN are/VBP stumbling/VBG ./.
And/CC as/IN Brown/NNP knows/VBZ as/RB well/RB as/IN anyone/NN ,/, perception/NN matters/NNS ./.
Brown/NNP ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, is/VBZ print/NN media/NNS 's/POS greatest/JJS showman/NN ./.
The/DT daughter/NN of/IN a/DT film/NN producer/NN and/CC a/DT publicist/NN ,/, she/PRP packages/VBZ her/PRP$ magazines/NNS like/IN movies/NNS and/CC promotes/VBZ them/PRP like/VBP a/DT flack/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ formula/NN :/: She/PRP overpays/NNS star/NN writers/NNS ,/, gives/VBZ them/PRP top/JJ billing/NN ,/, and/CC relies/VBZ on/IN striking/JJ covers/VBZ to/TO attract/VB readers/NNS ./.
As/IN the/DT 25/CD -/: year-old/JJ editor/NN of/IN the/DT Tatler/NNP ,/, Brown/NNP transformed/VBD a/DT stodgy/JJ British/JJ society/NN magazine/NN into/IN a/DT sassy/JJ ,/, nasty/JJ ,/, attention-getting/JJ one/CD ./.
Brown/NNP 's/POS critics/NNS say/VBP she/PRP revived/VBD Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP simply/RB by/IN publishing/VBG slobbering/VBG celebrity/NN stories/NNS ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ not/RB fair/JJ to/TO her/PRP$ :/: Everyone/NN published/VBD slobbering/VBG celebrity/NN stories/NNS in/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ :/: Brown/NNP 's/POS genius/NN was/VBD to/TO combine/VB them/PRP with/IN superb/JJ investigative/JJ ,/, political/JJ ,/, and/CC feature/NN writing/NN ,/, then/RB wrap/NN it/PRP all/DT in/IN a/DT salacious/JJ cover/NN that/IN you/PRP just/RB had/VBD to/TO open/VB ./.
She/PRP brought/VBD that/DT gift/NN for/IN spectacle/NN to/TO The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP in/IN 1992/CD ./.
Her/PRP$ re-creation/NN of/IN the/DT magazine/NN is/VBZ a/DT familiar/JJ tale/NN :/: She/PRP inherited/VBD from/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Shawn--by/NNP way/NN of/IN Robert/NNP Gottlieb--a/NNP tired/JJ ,/, unread/JJ weekly/NN ./.
(/( Requisite/NNP example/NN of/IN dreariness/NNS :/: the/DT multipart/JJ series/NN on/IN grains/NNS ./.
)/) In/IN no/DT time/NN flat/JJ ,/, she/PRP turned/VBD it/PRP into/IN the/DT most/JJS talked/VBN about/IN magazine/NN in/IN America/NNP ./.
She/PRP supplemented/JJ the/DT already/RB prodigiously/RB talented/JJ staff/NN with/IN her/PRP$ own/JJ snazzy/JJ hires/NNS ./.
Her/PRP$ magazine/NN pandered/JJ to/TO celebrities/NNS and/CC petted/JJ moguls/NNS ,/, but/CC it/PRP also/RB ran/VBD the/DT best-written/JJ ,/, best-edited/JJ features/NNS in/IN the/DT industry/NN ./.
Topicality/NNP reigned/VBD :/: In/IN the/DT old/JJ days/NNS ,/, you/PRP could/MD n't/RB tell/VB what/WP year/NN an/DT issue/NN of/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP was/VBD published/VBN ;/: now/RB you/PRP could/MD tell/VB what/WP day/NN it/PRP was/VBD published/VBN ./.
The/DT magazine/NN ,/, which/WDT had/VBD been/VBN self-effacing/JJ to/TO the/DT point/NN of/IN reclusiveness/NNS ,/, suddenly/RB was/VBD brilliantly/RB packaged/VBN and/CC promoted/VBN ./.
The/DT chattering/VBG classes/NNS began/VBD chattering/VBG about/IN it/PRP and/CC have/VBP n't/RB stopped/VBN since/IN ./.
What/WP is/VBZ the/DT price/NN of/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS methods/NNS ?/.
A/DT civil/JJ ,/, slow-moving/JJ magazine/NN became/VBD a/DT chaotic/JJ ,/, ill-tempered/JJ one/CD ./.
Brown/NNP is/VBZ capricious/JJ ./.
She/PRP charms/NNS the/DT editors/NNS ,/, writers/NNS ,/, and/CC advertisers/NNS she/PRP needs/VBZ but/CC frosts/NNS underlings/NNS ./.
Her/PRP$ buzz/NN production/NN is/VBZ endless/JJ ./.
There/EX are/VBP three/CD full-time/JJ PR/NNP staffers/NNS at/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN several/JJ full-time/JJ event/NN planners/NNS ./.
The/DT magazine/NN relies/VBZ on/IN parties/NNS ,/, conferences/NNS ,/, and/CC stunts--/JJ Roseanne/NNP as/IN guest/NN editor--to/JJ generate/VB heat/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB that/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS uninterested/JJ in/IN beautiful/JJ or/CC ambitious/JJ writing--she/JJ publishes/VBZ plenty/NN of/IN it--but/JJ she/PRP cares/VBZ most/JJS about/IN attention-getting/JJ ./.
The/DT old/JJ New/NNP Yorker/NNP was/VBD whimsical/JJ ,/, often/RB fatally/RB so/RB :/: Writers/NNPS were/VBD expected/VBN to/TO indulge/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ peculiar/JJ interest/NN and/CC damn/RB public/JJ opinion/NN ./.
Brown/NNP 's/POS New/NNP Yorker/NNP seems/VBZ poll-tested/JJ ./.
If/IN you/PRP are/VBP writing/VBG about/IN what/WP 's/VBZ hot/JJ ,/, then/RB you/PRP are/VBP writing/VBG about/IN what/WP everyone/NN is/VBZ writing/VBG about/IN ./.
Brown/NNP 's/POS magazine/NN is/VBZ predictable/JJ and/CC getting/VBG more/RBR so/IN the/DT longer/RBR she/PRP is/VBZ there/RB :/: Of/IN course/NN it/PRP devoted/VBD "/" Talk/NN of/IN the/DT Town/NNP "/" to/TO Sinatra/NNP when/WRB he/PRP died/VBD ./.
Of/IN course/NN it/PRP wrote/VBD a/DT suck-up/JJ about/IN Michael/NNP Jordan/NNP during/IN the/DT NBA/NNP playoffs/NNS ,/, a/DT suck-up/JJ about/IN Robert/NNP Redford/NNP for/IN the/DT release/NN of/IN The/DT Horse/NNP Whisperer/NNP ,/, a/DT suck-up/JJ about/IN Warren/NNP Beatty/NNP for/IN Bulworth/NNP ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN another/DT reason/NN Brown/NNP favors/VBZ celebrity/NN ./.
)/) A/DT magazine/NN that/WDT was/VBD once/RB entirely/RB ,/, and/CC bizarrely/RB ,/, different/JJ from/IN other/JJ magazines--often/JJ to/TO its/PRP$ detriment--is/JJ now/RB much/RB the/DT same/JJ as/IN them/PRP ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN another/DT important/JJ way/NN in/IN which/WDT sameness/NNS has/VBZ affected/VBN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ./.
Despite/IN her/PRP$ current/JJ woes/NNS ,/, no/DT one/CD really/RB expects/VBZ Brown/NNP to/TO leave/VB The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ./.
Newhouse/NNP ca/MD n't/RB afford/VB not/RB to/TO renew/VB her/PRP$ contract/NN ./.
To/TO dump/VB Brown/NNP now/RB ,/, amid/IN all/PDT the/DT bad/JJ financial/JJ news/NN ,/, would/MD be/VB an/DT acknowledgment/NN that/IN he/PRP picked/VBD wrong/JJ in/IN 1992/CD ./.
Nor/CC is/VBZ Brown/NNP likely/JJ to/TO quit/VB ./.
She/PRP was/VBD reportedly/RB offered/VBN a/DT job/NN producing/VBG a/DT weeknight/NN version/NN of/IN 60/CD Minutes/NNPS ,/, but/CC there/EX are/VBP no/DT signs/NNS that/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ interested/JJ ./.
She/PRP has/VBZ too/RB much/JJ pride/NN to/TO surrender/VB in/IN the/DT middle/NN of/IN the/DT battle/NN ./.
As/IN an/DT old/JJ friend/NN of/IN hers/PRP puts/VBZ it/PRP ,/, "/" She/PRP would/MD only/RB quit/VB if/IN she/PRP could/MD quit/VB in/IN triumph/NN ,/, with/IN everyone/NN acknowledging/VBG that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS magazine/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN and/CC that/IN she/PRP is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS editor/NN and/CC with/IN the/DT magazine/NN in/IN the/DT black/NN ./.
"/" In/IN the/DT black/JJ "/" -/: -/: that/DT is/VBZ the/DT real/JJ key/NN to/TO understanding/NN what/WP 's/VBZ going/VBG on/IN at/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS magazine/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP that/IN Newhouse/NNP bought/VBD in/IN 1985/CD was/VBD profitable/JJ ./.
But/CC having/VBG shelled/VBD out/IN $/$ 168/CD million/CD for/IN the/DT magazine/NN ,/, Newhouse/NNP was/VBD not/RB satisfied/VBN with/IN the/DT measly/RB $/$ 5/CD million/CD a/DT year/NN it/PRP was/VBD earning/VBG ./.
He/PRP set/VBD out/IN to/TO impose/VB the/DT Condé/NNP Nast/NNP model/NN on/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP :/: expand/VB circulation/NN and/CC raise/VB ad/NN rates/NNS ./.
The/DT move/NN to/TO Condé/NNP Nastify/NNP the/DT magazine/NN worked/VBD ,/, sort/NN of/IN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP began/VBD offering/VBG ./.
Brown/NNP did/VBD her/PRP$ job/NN :/: producing/VBG buzz/NN to/TO fuel/VB circulation/NN ./.
The/DT number/NN of/IN subscribers/NNS soared/VBD from/IN about/IN 450/CD ,/, 000/CD in/IN the/DT mid-/NN '/" 80/CD s/VBZ to/TO around/IN 800/CD ,/, 000/CD ./.
The/DT magazine/NN hiked/VBN ad/NN rates/NNS accordingly/RB ,/, pricing/VBG quirky/JJ advertisers/NNS out/IN of/IN the/DT magazine/NN in/IN favor/NN of/IN big/JJ national/JJ ones/NNS ./.
Ad/NN revenue/NN increased/VBD but/CC not/RB enough/RB to/TO cover/VB enormous/JJ new/JJ costs/NNS :/: Recruiting/NNP new/JJ subscribers/NNS by/IN direct/JJ mail/NN ,/, printing/VBG more/JJR magazines/NNS ,/, and/CC mailing/VBG more/JJR magazines/NNS are/VBP tremendously/RB expensive/JJ operations/NNS ./.
Brown/NNP and/CC Newhouse/NNP 's/POS New/NNP Yorker/NNP is/VBZ squeezed/VBN between/IN newsweeklies/NNS and/CC glossy/JJ monthlies/NNS ./.
The/DT market/NN for/IN general-interest/JJ weekly/JJ magazines/NNS has/VBZ long/RB since/IN dried/VBD up/RB :/: Look/VB and/CC the/DT Saturday/NNP Evening/NNP Post/NNP are/VBP dead/JJ ./.
Brown/NNP has/VBZ tried/VBN to/TO remake/VB The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP as/IN an/DT upscale/NN newsweekly/RB ,/, but/CC its/PRP$ 800/CD ,/, 000/CD paying/VBG readers/NNS ca/MD n't/RB match/VB the/DT 4/CD million/CD that/IN Time/NNP offers/VBZ its/PRP$ advertisers/NNS ./.
The/DT magazine/NN ca/MD n't/RB compete/VB with/IN monthlies/NNS either/RB ./.
Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ advertisements/NNS have/VBP a/DT full/JJ 30/CD days/NNS to/TO be/VB seen/VBN by/IN readers/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP has/VBZ a/DT seven/CD day/NN window/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP has/VBZ fought/VBN back/RB with/IN special/JJ issues--massive/JJ tomes/NNS about/IN race/NN or/CC Hollywood/NNP or/CC the/DT future/NN ./.
In/IN 1997/CD ,/, its/PRP$ six/CD double/JJ issues/NNS and/CC three/CD other/JJ special/JJ issues/NNS accounted/VBD for/IN 35/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT magazine/NN 's/POS advertising/NN pages/NNS ,/, according/VBG to/TO Advertising/NNP Age/NNP ./.
The/DT double/JJ issues/NNS save/VBP The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP postage/NN and/CC printing/NN costs/NNS ,/, and/CC their/PRP$ advertisements/NNS have/VBP 14/CD days/NNS to/TO reach/VB readers/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT magazine/NN is/VBZ still/RB losing/VBG money/NN ,/, and/CC Brown/NNP seems/VBZ trapped/VBN ./.
She/PRP has/VBZ staked/VBN her/PRP$ career/NN on/IN profitability/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP could/MD probably/RB make/VB money/NN as/IN a/DT bimonthly/JJ or/CC monthly/JJ (/( ideas/NNS that/WDT have/VBP reportedly/RB been/VBN floated/VBN within/IN Condé/NNP Nast/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC Brown/NNP and/CC Newhouse/NNP probably/RB would/MD not/RB accept/VB that/WDT tarnish/VB on/IN their/PRP$ reputations/NNS :/: They/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO be/VB the/DT cretins/NNS who/WP killed/VBD America/NNP 's/POS last/JJ great/JJ weekly/NN ./.
The/DT magazine/NN could/MD also/RB break/VB even/RB by/IN raising/VBG subscription/NN prices/NNS and/CC shrinking/VBG the/DT number/NN of/IN subscribers/NNS ./.
That/DT too/RB would/MD look/VB terrible/JJ on/IN Brown/NNP 's/POS CV/NNP ./.
Brown/NNP has/VBZ always/RB had/VBN an/DT outsized/JJ ambition/NN ,/, and/CC now/RB she/PRP is/VBZ imprisoned/VBN by/IN it/PRP ./.
She/PRP and/CC Newhouse/NNP have/VBP traded/VBN a/DT small/JJ ,/, weird/JJ ,/, profitable/JJ magazine/NN for/IN a/DT big/JJ ,/, flashy/JJ ,/, unprofitable/JJ one/CD ./.
And/CC now/RB they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB seem/VB to/TO know/VB what/WP to/TO do/VB with/IN it/PRP ./.
Click/NNP to/TO read/VB why/WRB Brown/NNP likes/VBZ celebrity/NN stories/NNS ./.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD the/DT sidebar/NN about/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS moral/JJ authority/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
And/CC is/VBZ an/DT anecdote/NN about/IN the/DT magazine/NN 's/POS cheap/JJ subscriptions/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT report/NN picked/VBD up/RB by/IN Canada/NNP 's/POS National/NNP Post/NNP to/TO lead/VB its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Monday/NNP ,/, the/DT Observer/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD Sunday/NNP that/IN hundreds/NNS of/IN documents/NNS discovered/VBN after/IN the/DT Yugoslav/NNP retreat/NN from/IN Kosovo/NNP prove/VB that/IN the/DT ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN there/EX had/VBD been/VBN "/" meticulously/RB planned/VBN and/CC ordered/VBN from/IN Belgrade/NNP ./.
"/" "/" The/DT papers/NNS provide/VBP crucial/JJ evidence/NN linking/VBG massacres/NNS that/WDT claimed/VBD an/DT estimated/VBN 14/CD ,/, 000/CD lives/NNS to/TO Serb/NNP army/NN generals/NNS and/CC police/NN commanders/NNS all/PDT the/DT way/NN up/IN to/TO President/NNP Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT Observer/NNP reported/VBD from/IN Pristina/NNP ./.
It/PRP said/VBD most/JJS of/IN the/DT documents/NNS are/VBP now/RB in/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN the/DT intelligence/NN service/NN of/IN the/DT Kosovo/NNP Liberation/NNP Army/NNP ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ claimed/VBN that/IN "/" nothing/NN happened/VBD in/IN Kosovo/NNP without/IN it/PRP being/VBG planned/VBN and/CC organised/JJ in/IN Belgrade/NNP ./.
Several/JJ British/JJ papers/NNS led/VBN with/IN pictures/NNS of/IN the/DT eccentric/JJ young/JJ British/JJ violinist/NN Nigel/NNP Kennedy/NNP performing/VBG a/DT "/" concert/NN for/IN peace/NN "/" at/IN the/DT Sava/NNP Concert/NNP Hall/NNP in/IN Belgrade/NNP Monday/NNP ./.
The/DT Guardian/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD several/JJ members/NNS of/IN the/DT government/NN ,/, including/VBG Serbian/NNP president/NN Milan/NNP Milutinovic/NNP ,/, attended/VBD the/DT concert/NN Sunday--the/NNP first/JJ in/IN Yugoslavia/NNP by/IN a/DT leading/VBG Western/JJ musician/NN since/IN the/DT war--but/JJ were/VBD barred/VBN from/IN visiting/VBG the/DT musician/NN backstage/RB by/IN his/PRP$ staff/NN "/" who/WP wanted/VBD to/TO avoid/VB an/DT embarrassing/JJ photo-opportunity/JJ ./.
"/" But/CC Kennedy/NNP told/VBD his/PRP$ ecstatic/JJ audience/NN that/IN the/DT Serbs/NNP were/VBD "/" a/DT warm/JJ ,/, friendly/JJ people/NNS who/WP did/VBD not/RB deserve/VB to/TO be/VB bombed/VBN ./.
"/" "/" I/PRP came/VBD to/TO Belgrade/NNP to/TO see/VB if/IN you/PRP were/VBD all/DT right/NN and/CC succeeded/VBN in/IN staying/VBG alive/JJ ,/, "/" he/PRP added/VBD ./.
With/IN regard/NN to/TO the/DT India-/NNP Pakistan/NNP conflict/NN in/IN Kashmir/NNP ,/, the/DT Times/NNP of/IN India/NNP reported/VBD Monday/NNP from/IN Srinagar/NNP that/IN nearly/RB 500/CD "/" personal/JJ bodyguards/NNS "/" of/IN America/NNP 's/POS most/JJS wanted/VBN terrorist/JJ ,/, the/DT Saudi/JJ billionaire/NN Osama/NNP Bin/NNP Laden/NNP ,/, were/VBD fighting/VBG in/IN Kashmir/NNP on/IN the/DT Pakistani/JJ side/NN ./.
They/PRP had/VBD fled/VBN to/TO Kashmir/NNP from/IN Afghanistan/NNP as/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS began/VBD to/TO close/VB in/IN on/IN their/PRP$ boss/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
The/DT whereabouts/NN of/IN Bin/NNP Laden/NNP himself/PRP is/VBZ not/RB known/VBN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN India/NNP said/VBD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
agencies/NNS believed/VBD he/PRP could/MD be/VB in/IN the/DT Kargil/NNP area/NN of/IN Kashmir/NNP but/CC added/VBD there/EX was/VBD not/RB any/DT concrete/JJ evidence/NN of/IN this/DT ./.
The/DT Hindu/NNP ,/, another/DT Indian/JJ daily/NN ,/, reported/VBD India/NNP 's/POS concern/NN about/IN its/PRP$ future/JJ relations/NNS with/IN China/NNP after/IN the/DT state-owned/JJ China/NNP Daily/NNP called/VBD Saturday/NNP for/IN an/DT "/" immediate/JJ ceasefire/NN "/" in/IN Kashmir/NNP ./.
The/DT Hindu/NNP said/VBD this/DT was/VBD clearly/RB a/DT pro-/JJ Pakistani/JJ comment/NN and/CC a/DT departure/NN from/IN China/NNP 's/POS neutrality/NN in/IN the/DT dispute/NN ./.
It/PRP suggested/VBD that/IN Beijing/NNP might/MD be/VB changing/VBG its/PRP$ tune/NN because/IN of/IN growing/VBG fears/NNS of/IN United/NNP States/NNPS '/POS meddling/VBG in/IN the/DT region/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT paper/NN added/VBD :/: "/" If/IN China/NNP is/VBZ really/RB worried/VBN about/IN possible/JJ American/JJ gains/NNS from/IN the/DT Kargil/NNP crisis/NN ,/, it/PRP should/MD hardly/RB be/VB advocating/VBG a/DT ceasefire/NN ./.
Instead/RB it/PRP should/MD be/VB demanding/VBG that/IN Pakistan/NNP withdraw/VB the/DT armed/VBN aggression/NN and/CC remove/VB any/DT excuse/NN for/IN Western/JJ intervention/NN ./.
The/DT crisis/NN in/IN Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP led/VBD the/DT front/JJ pages/NNS Monday/NNP of/IN several/JJ European/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, including/VBG Germany/NNP 's/POS Frankfurter/NNP Allgemeine/NNP Zeitung/NNP ./.
With/IN British/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Tony/NNP Blair/NNP having/VBG set/VBN midnight/NN on/IN Wednesday/NNP ,/, June/NNP 30/CD ,/, as/RB the/DT "/" absolute/JJ "/" deadline/NN for/IN agreement/NN on/IN implementing/VBG the/DT Ulster/NNP peace/NN deal/NN ,/, British/JJ papers/NNS were/VBD pessimistic/JJ ./.
The/DT problem/NN has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT refusal/NN by/IN the/DT loyalist/NN Protestant/JJ leadership/NN to/TO allow/VB the/DT republican/NN Catholic/NNP Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP party/NN a/DT role/NN in/IN the/DT newly/RB developed/VBN government/NN of/IN the/DT province/NN unless/IN its/PRP$ military/JJ wing/NN ,/, the/DT Irish/NNP Republican/NNP Army/NNP ,/, starts/VBZ handing/VBG in/IN its/PRP$ weapons/NNS ./.
The/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD Monday/NNP in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN the/DT decommissioning/VBG of/IN arms/NNS has/VBZ not/RB begun/VBN because/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP "/" knows/VBZ that/IN its/PRP$ power/NN derives/VBZ from/IN violence/NN and/CC the/DT threat/NN of/IN violence/NN ,/, and/CC so/IN it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB want/VB to/TO sacrifice/VB that/DT power/NN ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN strongly/RB supported/VBD the/DT loyalist/NN refusal/NN to/TO share/VB power/NN with/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP under/IN these/DT circumstances/NNS ./.
"/" If/IN Sinn/NNP Fein/NNP come/VBD into/IN the/DT executive/NN this/DT week/NN ,/, something/NN new/JJ in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN our/PRP$ parliamentary/JJ democracy/NN will/MD have/VB taken/VBN place/NN ,/, "/" the/DT Telegraph/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" An/DT armed/VBN group/NN will/MD be/VB taking/VBG part/NN in/IN government/NN ./.
The/DT power/NN of/IN a/DT private/JJ army/NN will/MD ,/, for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN ,/, be/VB exercised/VBN through/IN out/RP institutions/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN reported/VBN ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, that/DT republican/NN and/CC loyalist/NN terrorist/JJ groups/NNS are/VBP both/DT preparing/VBG for/IN new/JJ violence/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP took/VBD the/DT same/JJ view/NN ,/, saying/VBG that/IN a/DT power-sharing/JJ executive/NN without/IN an/DT IRA/NN commitment/NN to/TO disarmament/NN "/" would/MD be/VB less/JJR a/DT democratic/JJ political/JJ body/NN than/IN bureaucratic/JJ cover/NN for/IN a/DT protection/NN racket/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Independent/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, criticized/VBD Blair/NNP for/IN setting/VBG an/DT unreal/NN deadline/NN for/IN the/DT peace/NN talks/NNS ./.
The/DT situation/NN was/VBD not/RB like/IN Yugoslavia/NNP ,/, where/WRB a/DT compromise/NN between/IN NATO/NNP and/CC Milosevic/NNP would/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT disaster/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
If/IN the/DT republican/NN and/CC loyalist/NN leaders/NNS have/VBP n't/RB reached/VBN agreement/NN by/IN midnight/NN Wednesday/NNP ,/, "/" [/( t/NN ]/) he/PRP sky/NN stays/VBZ where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" They/PRP simply/RB have/VBP to/TO keep/VB trying/VBG ,/, and/CC Mr/NNP ./.
Blair/NNP will/MD have/VB lost/VBN an/DT important/JJ modicum/NN of/IN credibility/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/JJ Monday/NNP ,/, the/DT Guardian/NNP urged/VBD Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP to/TO stand/VB by/IN Hillary/NNP during/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP Senate/NNP campaign/NN that/WDT would/MD see/VB "/" the/DT dirty/JJ laundry/NN of/IN the/DT past/JJ eight/CD years/NNS recycled/VBN ,/, "/" new/JJ tensions/NNS in/IN the/DT Democratic/JJ camp/NN ,/, and/CC "/" a/DT hot/JJ reception/NN ,/, no/DT punches/NNS pulled/VBD "/" from/IN New/NNP York/NNP Mayor/NNP Rudolph/NNP Giuliani/NNP ./.
Feeling/VBG betrayed/VBN and/CC humiliated/JJ by/IN the/DT Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP business/NN ,/, Hillary/NNP had/VBD considered/VBN a/DT separation/NN ,/, but/CC "/" in/IN the/DT end/NN she/PRP stayed/VBD and/CC supported/VBD her/PRP$ husband/NN when/WRB he/PRP needed/VBD her/PRP$ most/JJS ./.
"/" "/" Message/NNP to/TO Bill/NNP :/: as/IN Hillary/NNP heads/VBZ for/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ payback/NN time/NN ,/, "/" concluded/VBD the/DT Guardian/NNP ./.
Blade/NNP (/( New/NNP Line/NNP Cinema/NNP )/) ./.
This/DT hip/NN urban/JJ vampire/NN tale/NN is/VBZ either/CC admirably/RB true/JJ to/TO its/PRP$ Marvel/NNP Comics/NNPS origins/NNS or/CC boring/JJ and/CC brooding/VBG ,/, depending/VBG on/IN who/WP reviews/VBZ it/PRP ./.
Naysayers/NNP :/: "/" [/( S/NNP ]/) trictly/RB Batman/NNP revisited/VBN "/" (/( Dave/NNP Kehr/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP )/) ./.
Advocates/NNS :/: "/" [/( P/NN ]/) ure/NN visceral/NN imagery/NN "/" (/( Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP ,/, the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT eponymous/JJ hero/NN is/VBZ a/DT tortured/JJ half-vampire/JJ (/( Wesley/NNP Snipes/NNP )/) on/IN a/DT classic/JJ comic/JJ book/NN mission/NN to/TO rid/VBD the/DT world/NN of/IN his/PRP$ more/RBR murderous/JJ brethren/NNS ./.
The/DT film/NN is/VBZ filled/VBN with/IN Hong/NNP Kong-style/NNP fighting/VBG ,/, blood/NN ,/, and/CC special/JJ effects/NNS and/CC is/VBZ said/VBD to/TO radiate/NN a/DT grim/JJ beauty/NN ./.
But/CC neither/DT script/NN nor/CC plot/NN measures/NNS up/RB :/: "/" The/DT noir/NN atmosphere/NN does/VBZ n't/RB quite/RB smother/VB the/DT dialogue/NN 's/POS cheesy/JJ smell/NN "/" (/( Gene/NNP Seymour/NNP ,/, Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Visit/NNP the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Why/WRB Do/VBP Fools/NNP Fall/NN in/IN Love/NN (/( Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Critics/NNS call/VBP Gregory/NNP (/( Selena/NNP )/) Nava/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS pop-star/JJ biopic/JJ of/IN doo-wopster/JJ Frankie/NNP Lymon/NNP a/DT sort/NN of/IN "/" comic/JJ Rashomon/NNP of/IN rock-and-roll/JJ "/" (/( Lawrence/NNP Van/NNP Gelder/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Lymon/NNP ,/, who/WP became/VBD a/DT star/NN at/IN 13/CD and/CC died/VBD of/IN a/DT drug/NN overdose/NN at/IN 25/CD ,/, married/VBD three/CD women/NNS without/IN divorcing/VBG any/DT of/IN them/PRP ;/: only/RB after/IN his/PRP$ death/NN did/VBD the/DT three/CD find/VB out/IN about/IN one/CD another/DT ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP the/DT film/NN never/RB really/RB explains/VBZ Lymon/NNP 's/POS motives/NNS ./.
Despite/IN some/DT nice/JJ performances/NNS from/IN the/DT wives/NNS (/( Halle/NNP Berry/NNP ,/, Vivica/NNP A/DT ./.
Fox/NNP ,/, and/CC Lela/NNP Rochon/NNP )/) ,/, he/PRP remains/VBZ "/" a/DT cipher/NN ./.
"/" (/( Check/VB out/RP Lymon/NNP 's/POS headstone/NN ./.
54/CD (/( Miramax/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT second/JJ Studio/NN 54/CD &slash;/NN disco/NN movie/NN of/IN the/DT summer/NN is/VBZ pronounced/VBN "/" tacky/JJ ,/, tiny/JJ and/CC about/IN as/RB seductively/RB nostalgic/JJ as/IN those/DT videotapes/NNS of/IN your/PRP$ cousin/NN 's/POS wedding/NN "/" (/( Kehr/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT film/NN 's/POS weaknesses/NNS :/: 1/LS )/) a/DT moralizing/VBG story/NN line--/JJ "/" a/DT cleaned-up/JJ version/NN of/IN The/DT Rake/NN 's/POS Progress/NNP "/" (/( Jay/NNP Carr/NNP ,/, the/DT Boston/NNP Globe/NNP )/) ;/: 2/LS )/) poor/JJ acting/NN from/IN leads/VBZ Ryan/NNP Phillippe/NNP and/CC Neve/NNP Campbell/NNP ;/: 3/LS )/) cramped/JJ sets/NNS that/WDT fail/VBP to/TO convey/VB Studio/NN 54/CD 's/POS extravagance/NN and/CC debauchery/NN ./.
The/DT highlight/NN of/IN the/DT film/NN :/: Mike/NNP Myers/NNP '/POS performance/NN as/IN creepy/NN club/NN owner/NN Steve/NNP Rubell/NNP ./.
Otherwise/RB ,/, "/" [/( d/SYM ]/) ecadence/NN has/VBZ rarely/RB looked/VBN so/RB pathetic/JJ ,/, lethargic/JJ and/CC dispiriting/VBG "/" (/( Kenneth/NNP Turan/NNP ,/, Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Watch/NNP the/DT trailer/NN ./.
The/DT Farming/NNP of/IN Bones/NNP ,/, by/IN Edwidge/NNP Danticat/NNP (/( Soho/NNP Press/NNP )/) ./.
At/IN 29/CD ,/, Danticat/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN named/VBN one/CD of/IN Granta/NNP 's/POS 20/CD best/JJS young/JJ novelists/NNS ,/, had/VBD a/DT short/JJ story/NN collection/NN (/( Krik/NNP ?/.
Krak/NNP !/.
)/) nominated/VBN for/IN the/DT National/NNP Book/NNP Award/NNP ,/, and/CC had/VBD her/PRP$ first/JJ novel/NN (/( Breath/NNP ,/, Eyes/NNS ,/, Memory/NN )/) picked/VBD for/IN Oprah/NNP 's/POS book/NN club/NN ./.
Early/RB reviews/VBZ of/IN Danticat/NNP 's/POS latest/JJS novel/NN suggest/VBP that/IN ,/, miraculously/RB ,/, she/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB disappoint/VB ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT testament/NN to/TO her/PRP$ talent/NN that/IN the/DT novel/NN ,/, while/IN almost/RB unbearably/RB sad/JJ ,/, is/VBZ still/RB a/DT joy/NN to/TO read/VB "/" (/( Sarah/NNP Van/NNP Boven/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT "/" powerful/JJ ,/, haunting/VBG "/" tale/NN (/( Christopher/NNP John/NNP Farley/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) recounts/VBZ the/DT life/NN of/IN a/DT young/JJ Haitian/JJ woman/NN ,/, Amabelle/NNP Désir/NNP ,/, who/WP lives/VBZ through/IN a/DT 1937/CD massacre/NN of/IN Haitians/NNP living/VBG in/IN the/DT Dominican/NNP Republic/NNP ./.
(/( Buy/VB this/DT book/NN on/IN Amazon/NNP ./.
The/DT Miseducation/NNP of/IN Lauryn/NNP Hill/NNP ,/, by/IN Lauryn/NNP Hill/NNP (/( Ruffhouse/NNP &slash;/NN Columbia/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT former/JJ member/NN of/IN the/DT Grammy-winning/NNP hip-hop/JJ trio/NN the/DT Fugees/NNP draws/VBZ raves/VBZ for/IN her/PRP$ first/JJ solo/NN album/NN ./.
Popular/NNP points/NNS of/IN comparison/NN :/: Aretha/NNP Franklin/NNP ,/, Stevie/NNP Wonder/NNP ,/, and/CC Bob/NNP Marley/NNP ./.
Three/CD things/NNS Hill/NNP earns/VBZ praise/NN for/IN :/: 1/LS )/) eschewing/VBG the/DT heavy/JJ production/NN and/CC packaging/NN common/JJ in/IN R/NN &/CC B/NNP and/CC hip-hop/JJ ;/: 2/LS )/) writing/VBG and/CC producing/VBG the/DT album/NN herself/PRP ;/: 3/LS )/) a/DT high/JJ quotient/NN of/IN live/VB instrumentation/NN and/CC improvisation/NN ./.
The/DT album/NN is/VBZ "/" shockingly/RB raw/JJ for/IN mainstream/NN pop/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT first-take/JJ immediacy/NN of/IN much/JJ great/JJ reggae/NN "/" (/( Eric/NNP Weisbard/NNP ,/, Spin/NNP )/) ./.
Rolling/NNP Stone/NNP and/CC USA/NNP Today/NNP each/DT give/VB it/PRP four/CD stars/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Ann/NNP Powers/NNP calls/VBZ it/PRP "/" music/NN that/IN touches/NNS the/DT essence/NN of/IN soul/NN ./.
"/" (/( Listen/VB to/TO a/DT sample/NN of/IN the/DT album/NN ./.
A/DT Saving/NNP Private/NNP Ryan/NNP backlash/NN begins/VBZ ./.
In/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Review/NNP of/IN Books/NNPS ,/, Louis/NNP Menand/NNP declares/VBZ that/IN "/" [/( t/NN ]/) here/RB is/VBZ nothing/NN unconventional/JJ about/IN this/DT story/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ possibly/RB the/DT most/JJS tried/VBN and/CC true/JJ dramatic/JJ plot/NN known/VBN to/TO man/VB ./.
"/" The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Vincent/NNP Canby/NNP says/VBZ Spielberg/NNP has/VBZ "/" revived/VBN a/DT type/NN of/IN patriotic/JJ war/NN movie/NN you/PRP might/MD think/VB went/VBD out/IN of/IN fashion/NN "/" after/IN the/DT glut/NN of/IN Vietnam/NNP War-horror/NNP flicks/NNS of/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ./.
In/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP ,/, Daphne/NNP Merkin/NNP calls/VBZ Allegra/NNP Goodman/NNP 's/POS Kaaterskill/NNP Falls/NNP "/" a/DT throwback/NN to/TO a/DT time/NN before/IN fiction/NN turned/VBD graphic/JJ and/CC interior/JJ and/CC hot/JJ to/TO the/DT touch/NN ./.
"/" Merkin/NNP also/RB marvels/NNS at/IN Goodman/NNP 's/POS "/" almost/RB 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN ability/NN to/TO create/VB a/DT sense/NN of/IN linkage/NN ,/, of/IN one/CD existence/NN impinging/VBG on/IN the/DT next/JJ ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Aug/NNP ./.
26/CD :/:
Movie--/NNP Dance/NNP With/IN Me/PRP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Your/PRP$ Friends/NNPS &/CC Neighbors/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Unmade/NNP Beds/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Rat/NNP Pack/NNP (/( HBO/NNP )/) ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT First/CD Eagle/NNP ,/, by/IN Tony/NNP Hillerman/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Summer/NNPS of/IN Deliverance/NNP :/: A/DT Memoir/NNP of/IN Father/NNP and/CC Son/NNP ,/, by/IN Christopher/NNP Dickey/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Kaaterskill/NNP Falls/NNP ,/, by/IN Allegra/NNP Goodman/NNP ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
19/CD :/:
Movie--/NNP The/DT Avengers/NNP ;/:
Movie--/NNP Return/NN to/TO Paradise/NNP ;/:
Movie--/NNP The/DT Slums/NNP of/IN Beverly/NNP Hills/NNP ;/:
Music--/NNP Whitechocolatespaceegg/NNP ,/, by/IN Liz/NNP Phair/NNP ;/:
Book--/NNP The/DT Father/NNP of/IN Spin/NNP :/: Edward/NNP L/NNP ./.
Bernays/NNP and/CC the/DT Birth/NNP of/IN Public/NNP Relations/NNPS ,/, by/IN Larry/NNP Tye/NNP ;/:
Book--/NNP Philistines/NNP at/IN the/DT Hedgerow/NNP :/: Passion/NNP and/CC Property/NNP in/IN the/DT Hamptons/NNP ,/, by/IN Steven/NNP S/NNP ./.
Gaines/NNP ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
12/CD :/:
Movie--/NNP Snake/NNP Eyes/NNS ;/:
Movie--/NNP Halloween/NNP :/: H/NNP 20/CD ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: How/WRB Stella/NNP Got/NNP Her/PRP$ Groove/NNP Back/RB ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Rainbow/NNP Six/CD ,/, by/IN Tom/NNP Clancy/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: J/NNP erry/NN Seinfeld/NNP :/: I/PRP 'm/VBP Telling/NNP You/PRP for/IN the/DT Last/JJ Time--/NNP Live/NNP on/IN Broadway/NNP (/( HBO/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Upright/NNP Citizens/NNPS Brigade/NNP (/( Comedy/NNP Central/NNP )/) ./.
Aug/NNP ./.
5/CD :/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" The/DT Art/NNP of/IN the/DT Motorcycle/NNP "/" ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Lolita/NNP (/( Showtime/NNP )/) ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Maximum/NNP Bob/NNP (/( ABC/NNP )/) ;/:
Movies/NNP -/: -/: Ever/RB After/IN :/: A/DT Cinderella/NNP Story/NNP ;/:
Movies/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Negotiator/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Burn/NNP Rate/NNP ,/, by/IN Michael/NNP Wolff/NNP ;/:
Death/NN -/: -/: Jerome/NNP Robins/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Eliza/NNP Truitt/NNP
The/DT struggle/NN among/IN Patrick/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, Donald/NNP Trump/NNP ,/, Jesse/NNP Ventura/NNP ,/, and/CC Ross/NNP Perot/NNP 's/POS lieutenants/NNS for/IN control/NN of/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP only/RB looks/VBZ like/IN the/DT clash/NN of/IN celebrity/NN egos/NNS ./.
Actually/RB ,/, the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP is/VBZ splitting/NN along/IN the/DT fault/NN line/NN between/IN American/JJ progressivism/NN and/CC American/JJ populism--rival/JJ traditions/NNS represented/VBD most/RBS recently/RB by/IN presidential/JJ candidates/NNS John/NNP Anderson/NNP (/( 1980/CD )/) and/CC George/NNP Wallace/NNP (/( 1968/CD )/) ./.
Natural/JJ allies/NNS and/CC natural/JJ enemies/NNS ,/, progressives/NNS and/CC populists/NNS simultaneously/RB attract/VBP and/CC repulse/NN each/DT other/JJ ./.
In/IN 1992/CD ,/, and/CC to/TO a/DT lesser/JJR extent/NN in/IN 1996/CD ,/, Perot/NNP managed/VBD to/TO unite/VB both/DT Anderson/NNP progressives/NNS and/CC Wallace/NNP populists/NNS ,/, but/CC if/IN history/NN is/VBZ any/DT guide/NN ,/, nobody/NN will/MD pull/VB off/IN that/DT miracle/NN in/IN this/DT election/NN ./.
John/NNP Anderson/NNP 's/POS progressive/JJ Republicanism/NNP belonged/VBD to/TO the/DT distinctive/JJ political/JJ tradition/NN of/IN Greater/NNP New/NNP England--a/NNP territory/NN that/IN arcs/NNS from/IN Maine/NNP to/TO the/DT Pacific/NNP Northwest/NNP and/CC was/VBD settled/VBN by/IN 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN Yankee/NNP Protestant/JJ settlers/NNS ./.
The/DT Yankee/NNP 's/POS secularized/JJ Puritanism/NNP combines/VBZ an/DT enthusiasm/NN for/IN social/JJ reform--such/JJ as/IN abolitionism/NN ,/, Prohibition/NNP ,/, women/NNS 's/POS suffrage/NN ,/, civil/JJ rights/NNS ,/, eugenics/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT anti-smoking/JJ crusade--with/JJ an/DT often-priggish/JJ moralism/NN and/CC an/DT apocalyptic/JJ horror/NN of/IN "/" corruption/NN ./.
"/" Most/JJS third-party/JJ movements/NNS have/VBP originated/VBN in/IN Greater/NNP New/NNP England/NNP ./.
The/DT name/NN of/IN one/CD movement/NN launched/VBN during/IN World/NNP War/NNP I/PRP tells/VBZ the/DT whole/JJ story/NN :/: The/DT Nonpartisan/NNP League/NNP ./.
The/DT Germans/NNPS and/CC Scandinavians/NNP who/WP settled/VBD in/IN western/JJ Greater/NNP New/NNP England/NNP reinforced/VBD the/DT secular/NN puritan/NN ethos/NN ,/, although/IN they/PRP were/VBD more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB socialists/NNS than/IN the/DT Yankees/NNPS ,/, whose/WP$ fear/NN of/IN corruption/NN has/VBZ often/RB made/VBN them/PRP enemies/NNS of/IN big/JJ government/NN ./.
And/CC Prohibition/NNP divided/VBD liquor-hating/JJ Northern/NNP Protestants/NNPS from/IN beer-loving/JJ Germans/NNPS ./.
Even/RB so/RB ,/, the/DT Protestant/JJ pietism/NN of/IN many/JJ Germanic/NNP Americans/NNPS meshed/JJ neatly/RB with/IN the/DT Puritan/NNP religious/JJ culture/NN of/IN New/NNP Englanders/NNP and/CC their/PRP$ western/JJ cousins/NNS ,/, while/IN socialist/JJ enthusiasms/NNS were/VBD easily/RB merged/VBN with/IN Social/NNP Gospel/NNP Protestantism/NNP in/IN the/DT northern-tier/JJ states/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ no/DT coincidence/NN that/IN Anderson/NNP ,/, the/DT standard-bearer/NN for/IN the/DT Yankee-/NNP Germanic/NNP tradition/NN in/IN 1980/CD ,/, is/VBZ of/IN Swedish/JJ descent--nor/JJ is/VBZ it/PRP a/DT coincidence/NN that/IN in/IN 1984/CD ,/, Anderson/NNP ,/, formerly/RB a/DT Republican/NNP ,/, voted/VBD for/IN Walter/NNP Mondale/NNP ,/, a/DT fellow/JJ Swedish-/NNP American/NNP ./.
Southern/JJ populism/NN ,/, which/WDT earlier/RBR had/VBD produced/VBN Huey/NNP P/NN ./.
Long/NNP ,/, Georgia/NNP 's/POS Tom/NNP Watson/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Southern/NNP supporters/NNS of/IN William/NNP Jennings/NNP Bryan/NNP ,/, spawned/VBD George/NNP Wallace/NNP ./.
Populism/NNP has/VBZ more/RBR often/RB found/VBD a/DT home/NN in/IN the/DT Highland/NNP South/NNP than/IN in/IN the/DT coastal/JJ "/" black/JJ belt/NN ,/, "/" which/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN dominated/VBN since/IN colonial/NN times/NNS by/IN the/DT elitist/NN conservatism/NN of/IN ruling-class/JJ Bourbon/NN families/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ allies/NNS ./.
Drawing/VBG on/IN the/DT traditions/NNS of/IN the/DT Scots-/NNP Irish/JJ settlers/NNS of/IN Appalachia/NNP and/CC the/DT Ozarks/NNPS ,/, Highland/NNP Southern/NNP populism/NN encourages/VBZ a/DT tribal/NN approach/NN to/TO politics/NNS and/CC rewards/NNS leaders/NNS who/WP are/VBP flamboyant/JJ and/CC bellicose/NN ./.
Andrew/NNP Jackson/NNP was/VBD an/DT early/JJ example/NN of/IN this/DT type/NN ;/: Patrick/NNP J/NNP ./.
Buchanan/NNP is/VBZ its/PRP$ latest/JJS incarnation/NN ./.
Perot/NNP united/VBN Anderson/NNP progressives/NNS and/CC Wallace/NNP populists/NNS ,/, but/CC in/IN an/DT unstable/JJ pairing/VBG ./.
Wallace/NNP 's/POS supporters/NNS were/VBD social/JJ conservatives/NNS who/WP favored/VBD activist/NN government/NN ,/, as/RB long/RB as/IN it/PRP benefited/VBD them/PRP and/CC their/PRP$ families/NNS ,/, while/IN Anderson/NNP 's/POS voters/NNS were/VBD social/JJ liberals/NNS more/RBR concerned/JJ with/IN good/JJ government/NN than/IN with/IN expensive/JJ government/NN ./.
The/DT Wallace/NNP voters/NNS tended/VBD to/TO be/VB white/JJ working-class/JJ Democrats/NNPS on/IN their/PRP$ way/NN into/IN the/DT Republican/NNP Party/NNP ;/: the/DT Anderson/NNP voters/NNS by/IN contrast/NN were/VBD often/RB former/JJ liberal/JJ Republicans/NNPS in/IN transit/NN to/TO a/DT new/JJ home/NN in/IN the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT federal/JJ deficit/NN ,/, Perot/NNP found/VBD an/DT issue/NN that/WDT resonated/VBD with/IN both/DT progressives/NNS and/CC populists/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT minds/NNS of/IN the/DT skinflint/NN progressives/NNS ,/, spending/NN money/NN one/CD does/VBZ not/RB have/VB is/VBZ a/DT form/NN of/IN moral/JJ depravity/NN ./.
The/DT deficit/NN issue/NN mobilized/VBD Jacksonian/NNP populists/NNS because/IN it/PRP spoke/VBD to/TO their/PRP$ fears/NNS about/IN a/DT remote/JJ government/NN dominated/VBN by/IN the/DT rich/JJ and/CC powerful/JJ ./.
Unlike/IN deficit/NN reduction/NN ,/, the/DT trade/NN issue/NN divided/VBD populist/JJ protectionists/NNS from/IN progressives/NNS ,/, many/DT of/IN whom/WP favor/NN free/JJ trade/NN ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ deficit-reduction/NN coalition/NN ,/, Perot/NNP won/VBD more/JJR votes/NNS in/IN 1992/CD than/IN any/DT third-party/JJ presidential/JJ candidate/NN since/IN "/" Bull/NNP Moose/NNP "/" Progressive/NNP Theodore/NNP Roosevelt/NNP in/IN 1912/CD ./.
Perot/NNP 's/POS 19/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT total/JJ bettered/JJ Wallace/NNP 's/POS 13/CD ./.
5/LS percent/NN in/IN 1968/CD and/CC Anderson/NNP 's/POS 7/CD percent/NN in/IN 1980/CD ./.
The/DT core/NN of/IN Perot/NNP 's/POS support/NN that/DT year/NN was/VBD New/NNP England/NNP and/CC Greater/NNP New/NNP England/NNP ,/, with/IN his/PRP$ best/JJS state--no/JJ surprise--/JJ Yankee/NNP Maine/NNP ./.
While/IN his/PRP$ rhetoric/NN was/VBD populist/JJ ,/, his/PRP$ positions/NNS were/VBD progressive/JJ ./.
The/DT progressives/NNS preferred/VBN government/NN by/IN experts/NNS to/TO mob/NN rule/NN ;/: Perot/NNP claimed/VBD that/IN "/" smart/JJ people/NNS "/" in/IN Washington/NNP already/RB had/VBD the/DT plans/NNS ,/, all/DT that/WDT was/VBD lacking/VBG was/VBD the/DT will/MD to/TO implement/VB them/PRP ./.
Progressive/JJ reforms/NNS such/JJ as/IN initiatives/NNS and/CC referendums/NNS ,/, like/IN Perot/NNP 's/POS vague/JJ notions/NNS of/IN direct/JJ democracy/NN ,/, tended/VBD to/TO bypass/VB legislatures/NNS and/CC to/TO concentrate/VB plebiscitary/JJ power/NN in/IN allegedly/RB nonpartisan/JJ executives--the/JJ president/NN ,/, governors/NNS ,/, city/NN managers/NNS ./.
Ignorant/NNP Perot/NNP critics/NNS called/VBD his/PRP$ technocratic/JJ approach/NN "/" fascism/NN ,/, "/" when/WRB it/PRP was/VBD old-fashioned/JJ American/JJ progressivism/NN ./.
The/DT progressives/NNS ,/, like/IN their/PRP$ predecessors/NNS among/IN the/DT Mugwumps--the/NNP independent-minded/JJ Republicans/NNPS who/WP spurned/VBD their/PRP$ party/NN 's/POS presidential/JJ candidate/NN in/IN 1884/CD -/: -/: and/CC Liberal/NNP Republicans/NNPS and/CC Whigs/NNP and/CC Federalists/NNP ,/, have/VBP long/RB favored/VBN fiscal/JJ conservatism/NN ./.
Perot/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ Concord/NNP Coalition/NNP allies/NNS ,/, the/DT New/NNP Englanders/NNP Paul/NNP Tsongas/NNP and/CC Warren/NNP Rudman/NNP ,/, were/VBD as/IN horrified/JJ by/IN the/DT federal/JJ deficit/NN as/IN the/DT Mugwumps/NNP had/VBD been/VBN appalled/VBN by/IN the/DT support/NN of/IN Bryanite/NNP populists/NNS for/IN bimetallism/NN and/CC as/IN the/DT Liberal/NNP Republicans/NNPS ,/, a/DT generation/NN earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT Gilded/NNP Age/NNP ,/, had/VBD been/VBN frightened/VBN by/IN paper/NN money/NN ./.
Perot/NNP ,/, then/RB ,/, has/VBZ the/DT mind/NN of/IN a/DT Greater/NNP New/NNP England/NNP progressive/JJ but/CC the/DT heart/NN of/IN a/DT Highland/NNP Southern/NNP populist/JJ (/( his/PRP$ native/JJ Texarkana/NNP belongs/VBZ to/TO the/DT western/JJ fringe/NN of/IN the/DT Highland/NNP South/NNP )/) ./.
If/IN Perot/NNP 's/POS message/NN appealed/VBD to/TO Yankee/NNP and/CC Nordic/NNP progressives/NNS in/IN the/DT northern/JJ tier/NN ,/, his/PRP$ anti-establishment/JJ populism/NN ,/, and/CC no/DT doubt/NN his/PRP$ flamboyant/JJ persona/NN ,/, appealed/VBD to/TO the/DT kind/NN of/IN voters/NNS whose/WP$ ancestors/NNS had/VBD cheered/VBN on/IN Huey/NNP P/NN ./.
Long/NNP and/CC "/" Sockless/NNP Jerry/NNP "/" Simpson/NNP ./.
Perot/NNP did/VBD very/RB poorly/RB in/IN the/DT conservative/JJ South--but/NNP his/PRP$ showing/VBG was/VBD best/JJS in/IN parts/NNS of/IN the/DT South/NNP that/WDT had/VBD voted/VBN for/IN George/NNP Wallace/NNP ./.
With/IN the/DT federal/JJ deficit/NN removed/VBN as/IN an/DT issue/NN by/IN 1996/CD ,/, Perot/NNP 's/POS coalition/NN of/IN Snow/NNP Belt/NNP good-government/JJ reformism/NN and/CC give-/NN '/" em-hell/JJ hillbilly/RB populism/NN dissolved/VBN ./.
The/DT puritan/NN crusaders/NNS of/IN the/DT North/NNP and/CC the/DT alienated/VBN populists/NNS of/IN the/DT South/JJ may/MD share/VB common/JJ political/JJ enemies/NNS ,/, but/CC little/JJ else/RB ./.
A/DT century/NN ago/RB ,/, Northern/NNP progressives/NNS such/JJ as/IN The/DT Nation/NNP 's/POS E/NNP ./.
L/NNP ./.
Godkin/NNP viewed/VBD populists/NNS such/JJ as/IN William/NNP Jennings/NNP Bryan/NNP as/IN barbarians/NNS ,/, and/CC they/PRP returned/VBD the/DT favor/NN by/IN viewing/VBG Mugwumps/NNP as/IN enemies/NNS rather/RB than/IN as/IN potential/JJ allies/NNS ./.
Then/RB ,/, as/IN now/RB ,/, economic/JJ policy/NN divided/VBN rather/RB than/IN united/VBN the/DT opponents/NNS of/IN the/DT two-party/JJ system/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT 1890/CD s/VBZ ,/, Mugwumps/NNP such/JJ as/IN Godkin/NNP crusaded/JJ for/IN free/JJ trade/NN and/CC against/IN tariff/NN protection/NN for/IN corrupt/JJ manufacturers/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ ,/, northern/JJ fiscal/JJ conservatives/NNS such/JJ as/IN Anderson/NNP ,/, Tsongas/NNP ,/, and/CC Rudman/NNP have/VBP backed/VBN free-trade/JJ agreements/NNS such/JJ as/IN NAFTA/NNP ./.
For/IN their/PRP$ part/NN ,/, Highland/NNP Southern/NNP populists/NNS tend/VBP to/TO rally/VB around/IN harebrained/JJ economic/JJ programs/NNS ,/, elevating/VBG them/PRP from/IN an/DT instrument/NN of/IN policy/NN into/IN a/DT symbol/NN of/IN a/DT crusade/NN against/IN their/PRP$ enemies/NNS ./.
For/IN the/DT followers/NNS of/IN Andrew/NNP Jackson/NNP ,/, the/DT destruction/NN of/IN the/DT Second/NNP Bank/NNP of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS was/VBD the/DT panacea/NN ;/: for/IN the/DT disciples/NNS of/IN William/NNP Jennings/NNP Bryan/NNP ,/, the/DT panacea/NN was/VBD silver/NN coinage/NN ;/: for/IN the/DT followers/NNS of/IN Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP ,/, supply-side/JJ economics/NNS was/VBD the/DT crackpot/NN quick/JJ fix/NN ./.
For/IN Buchanan/NNP ,/, the/DT symbolic/JJ economic/JJ issue/NN is/VBZ a/DT revival/NN of/IN high/JJ tariffs/NNS on/IN manufactured/VBN imports/NNS ./.
The/DT factional/NN war/NN within/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP ,/, then/RB ,/, represents/VBZ the/DT decomposition/NN of/IN the/DT movement/NN into/IN its/PRP$ Northern/NNP progressive/JJ and/CC Southern/NNP populist/JJ wings/NNS ./.
Buchanan/NNP can/MD be/VB described/VBN as/IN a/DT Southern/NNP populist/NN ,/, as/IN can/MD Pat/NNP Choate/NNP and/CC Ross/NNP Perot/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ populist/JJ sentiments/NNS appear/VBP to/TO have/VB triumphed/VBD over/IN their/PRP$ progressive/JJ principles/NNS ./.
Former/NNP Colorado/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Richard/NNP Lamm/NNP ,/, who/WP attempted/VBD to/TO wrest/VB leadership/NN of/IN the/DT party/NN away/RB from/IN Perot/NNP ,/, is/VBZ a/DT classic/JJ Greater/NNP New/NNP England/NNP progressive/JJ ,/, as/IN is/VBZ former/JJ Connecticut/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Lowell/NNP Weicker/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ name/NN was/VBD circulated/VBN as/IN a/DT possible/JJ Reform/NNP Party/NNP nominee/NN ./.
Jesse/NNP Ventura/NNP is/VBZ the/DT product/NN of/IN Minnesota/NNP political/JJ culture/NN ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ mix/NN of/IN Yankee/NNP and/CC Germanic/NNP reformism/NN and/CC its/PRP$ long/JJ history/NN of/IN influential/JJ regional/JJ third-party/JJ movements/NNS such/JJ as/IN the/DT Nonpartisan/NNP League/NNP and/CC the/DT Farmer-/NNP Labor/NNP party/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB stretching/VBG to/TO assign/VB Donald/NNP Trump/NNP to/TO the/DT Northern/NNP progressive/JJ camp/NN ./.
If/IN Perot/NNP backs/VBZ Buchanan/NNP ,/, then/RB the/DT capture/NN of/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP by/IN right-wing/JJ Southern/NNP populists/NNS is/VBZ likely/JJ ./.
At/IN that/DT point/NN ,/, the/DT progressives/NNS will/MD do/VB what/WP they/PRP have/VBP always/RB done/VBN best/JJS :/: They/PRP 're/VBP never/RB happier/JJR than/IN when/WRB they/PRP are/VBP demonstrating/VBG their/PRP$ moral/JJ ,/, political/JJ ,/, and/CC religious/JJ purity/NN by/IN heading/VBG for/IN the/DT exit/NN and/CC starting/VBG their/PRP$ own/JJ small/JJ but/CC pure/JJ church/NN or/CC party/NN ./.
New/NNP Englanders/NNP ,/, fearing/VBG British/JJ corruption/NN and/CC tyranny/NN ,/, provoked/VBD the/DT American/NNP Revolution/NNP ./.
A/DT generation/NN later/RB ,/, during/IN the/DT War/NNP of/IN 1812/CD ,/, many/JJ New/NNP Englanders/NNP considered/VBD seceding/VBG from/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, whose/WP$ federal/JJ government/NN was/VBD then/RB dominated/VBN by/IN Southern/NNP politicians/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT antebellum/JJ era/NN ,/, New/NNP England-based/NNP Conscience/NNP Whigs/NNP denounced/VBD the/DT North/NNP 's/POS pro-/JJ South/NNP Cotton/NNP Whigs/NNP as/IN corrupt/JJ ./.
After/IN the/DT Civil/NNP War/NNP ,/, high-minded/JJ liberal/JJ Republicans/NNPS walked/VBD out/IN on/IN their/PRP$ partners/NNS ,/, the/DT sleazy/JJ Stalwarts/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT early/JJ 20/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, the/DT Progressive/NNP Republicans/NNPS ,/, led/VBN by/IN Robert/NNP La/NNP Follette/NNP and/CC Theodore/NNP Roosevelt/NNP ,/, stormed/VBD out/IN of/IN the/DT GOP/NNP to/TO form/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ Progressive/NNP Party/NNP ./.
So/RB look/VB for/IN the/DT Reform/NNP Party/NNP 's/POS displaced/VBN progressives/NNS to/TO declare/VB the/DT purity/NN of/IN their/PRP$ principles/NNS ,/, denounce/VBP the/DT corruption/NN of/IN the/DT populists/NNS who/WP have/VBP taken/VBN over/IN the/DT party/NN machine/NN ,/, and/CC march/VB out--to/JJ found/VBD a/DT new/JJ party/NN ,/, perhaps/RB ,/, from/IN which/WDT ,/, in/IN time/NN ,/, they/PRP can/MD secede/VB ./.
On/IN a/DT gray/JJ Beijing/NNP afternoon/NN in/IN May/NNP ,/, I/PRP found/VBD myself/PRP back/RB at/IN Nantang/NNP Church/NNP ,/, an/DT otherwise/RB nondescript/JJ building/NN that/WDT rests/VBZ on/IN ground/NN given/VBN to/TO a/DT Jesuit/NNP missionary/JJ by/IN the/DT emperor/NN four/CD centuries/NNS back/RB ./.
In/IN the/DT courtyard/NN outside/IN I/PRP bumped/VBD into/IN several/JJ parishioners/NNS ,/, all/DT politely/RB curious/JJ about/IN where/WRB I/PRP was/VBD from/IN and/CC what/WP I/PRP thought/VBD of/IN China/NNP ./.
Ordinary/JJ stuff/NN ,/, in/IN most/JJS places/NNS ./.
Yet/RB ,/, for/IN most/JJS Chinese/JJ ,/, "/" ordinary/JJ "/" is/VBZ a/DT huge/JJ step/NN forward/RB ./.
At/IN the/DT first/JJ Mass/NNP I/PRP attended/VBD in/IN this/DT very/JJ church/NN almost/RB a/DT decade/NN ago/RB ,/, the/DT Chinese/NNPS ,/, who/WP made/VBD up/RP most/JJS of/IN the/DT congregation/NN ,/, kept/VBD their/PRP$ distance/NN from/IN foreign/JJ Catholics/NNPS such/JJ as/IN myself/PRP ./.
This/DT time/NN was/VBD quite/RB different/JJ ,/, and/CC American/NNP Christian/NNP leaders/NNS calling/VBG for/IN restrictions/NNS on/IN trade/NN with/IN China/NNP would/MD do/VB well/RB to/TO keep/VB in/IN mind/NN that/IN the/DT greater/JJR freedom--or/JJ ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, the/DT lower/JJR levels/NNS of/IN apprehension--with/JJ which/WDT many/JJ Chinese/JJ Christians/NNS now/RB practice/NN their/PRP$ faith/NN owes/VBZ itself/PRP in/IN large/JJ measure/NN to/TO China/NNP 's/POS economic/JJ opening/NN to/TO the/DT world/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB to/TO say/VB that/IN Beijing/NNP now/RB respects/VBZ freedom/NN of/IN religion/NN ./.
But/CC when/WRB American/JJ critics/NNS declare/VBP that/IN things/NNS are/VBP getting/VBG worse/JJR ,/, it/PRP prompts/VBZ the/DT great/JJ unasked/JJ question/NN :/: Compared/VBN with/IN what/WP ?/.
With/IN what/WP China/NNP was/VBD 10/CD ,/, 20/CD ,/, or/CC 30/CD years/NNS ago/RB ?/.
With/IN what/WP we/PRP are/VBP likely/JJ to/TO get/VB even/RB in/IN the/DT best/JJS of/IN circumstances/NNS today/NN ?/.
Or/CC with/IN some/DT romantic/JJ abstraction/NN about/IN what/WP we/PRP would/MD like/VB China/NNP to/TO be/VB ?/.
(/( Also/RB see/VB "/" Christians/NNS as/IN Victims/NNP ?/.
Part/NN 1/CD ,/, "/" Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP 's/POS "/" Cross-/NNP Purposes/NNP :/: The/DT spurious/JJ campaign/NN against/IN the/DT persecution/NN of/IN Christians/NNS ./.
"/" )/)
Viewed/NNP from/IN Asia/NNP ,/, much/JJ criticism/NN now/RB leveled/VBN by/IN American/NNP Christian/NNP activists/NNS seems/VBZ less/JJR a/DT snapshot/NN of/IN China/NNP in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1990/CD s/VBZ than/IN a/DT caricature/VB drawn/VBN from/IN the/DT high/JJ days/NNS of/IN Maoism/NNP a/DT generation/NN ago/RB ./.
Perhaps/RB that/DT 's/VBZ because/IN few/JJ of/IN these/DT critics/NNS have/VBP taken/VBN the/DT trouble/NN to/TO spend/VB much--or/JJ even/RB any--time/JJ there/RB ,/, or/CC to/TO consult/VB with/IN their/PRP$ fellow/NN Christians/NNS in/IN Taiwan/NNP and/CC Hong/NNP Kong/NNP who/WP are/VBP actively/RB exploiting/VBG opportunities/NNS in/IN China/NNP ./.
One/CD notable/JJ exception/NN is/VBZ Nina/NNP Shea/NNP of/IN the/DT Puebla/NNP Institute/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ wider/JJR experience/NN may/MD explain/VB why/WRB her/PRP$ recent/JJ article/NN in/IN Crisis/NNP magazine/NN at/IN least/JJS acknowledges/VBZ that/IN many/JJ "/" friends/NNS in/IN Taiwan/NNP and/CC Hong/NNP Kong/NNP and/CC many/JJ Chinese/JJ dissident/JJ intellectuals/NNS argue/VBP against/IN "/" tying/VBG Chinese/JJ trade/NN to/TO human/JJ rights/NNS ./.
At/IN the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT problem/NN there/EX exists/VBZ a/DT simple/JJ impatience/NN for/IN the/DT long-term/JJ give-and-take/JJ any/DT real/JJ China/NNP policy/NN demands/NNS ./.
The/DT immoderate/NN language/NN employed/VBN ,/, moreover/RB ,/, is/VBZ often/RB both/DT intolerant/NN of/IN those/DT who/WP would/MD achieve/VB human/JJ rights/NNS by/IN other/JJ means/VBZ and/CC out/IN of/IN touch/NN with/IN current/JJ realities/NNS ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, an/DT open/JJ letter/NN to/TO Vice/NNP President/NNP Al/NNP Gore/NNP on/IN the/DT eve/NN of/IN his/PRP$ 1996/CD visit/NN to/TO China--signed/NNP by/IN former/JJ Pennsylvania/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Robert/NNP Casey/NNP ,/, Christian/NNP right/JJ activist/NN Ralph/NNP Reed/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Richard/NNP John/NNP Neuhaus--claimed/NNP that/IN the/DT "/" campaign/NN against/IN men/NNS and/CC women/NNS of/IN faith/NN has/VBZ been/VBN intensifying/VBG rather/RB than/IN diminishing/VBG ./.
"/" The/DT Family/NNP Research/NNP Council/NNP 's/POS Gary/NNP Bauer/NNP ,/, another/DT signatory/NN ,/, claimed/VBD in/IN the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP that/IN human/JJ rights/NNS are/VBP being/VBG sold/VBN out/IN "/" in/IN order/NN to/TO sell/VB a/DT few/JJ more/JJR Big/NNP Macs/NNP ./.
For/IN those/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP have/VBP seen/VBN firsthand/RB the/DT dramatic/JJ improvement/NN in/IN the/DT lives/NNS of/IN ordinary/JJ Chinese/NN that/DT opening/VBG the/DT market/NN has/VBZ brought/VBN ,/, this/DT agitation/NN against/IN Americans/NNPS doing/VBG business/NN in/IN China/NNP is/VBZ baffling/JJ ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, for/IN unregenerate/NN anti-/NN Communists/NNPS such/JJ as/IN me/PRP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT height/NN of/IN irony/NN to/TO now/RB find/VB ourselves/PRP attacked/VBD as/RB being/VBG "/" pro-/JJ China/NNP ./.
"/" Nor/CC do/VBP I/PRP speak/VBP as/IN a/DT Rockefeller/NNP Republican/NNP ./.
My/PRP$ family/NN has/VBZ helped/VBN build/VBN two/CD churches/NNS in/IN China/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ daughter/NN is/VBZ from/IN Yangzhou/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP doubt/VBP that/DT anyone/NN has/VBZ devoted/VBN more/JJR editorial/NN space/NN to/TO China/NNP 's/POS repellent/JJ one-child/JJ policy/NN ./.
Undeniably/NNP ,/, China/NNP remains/VBZ a/DT nasty/JJ place/NN for/IN many/JJ Christians/NNS ,/, who/WP ,/, in/IN many/JJ parts/NNS of/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, risk/NN harassment/NN and/CC detention/NN simply/RB for/IN practicing/VBG their/PRP$ faith/NN ./.
And/CC their/PRP$ co-religionists/JJ abroad/RB should/MD be/VB encouraged/VBN to/TO continue/VB to/TO document/VB and/CC publicize/VB these/DT abuses/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN the/DT ransacking/VBG of/IN the/DT home/NN of/IN Bishop/NNP Joseph/NNP Fan/NNP Zhongliang/NNP of/IN Shanghai/NNP just/RB before/IN Easter/NNP ./.
But/CC ,/, as/IN one/CD missionary/JJ who/WP has/VBZ been/VBN building/VBG churches/NNS in/IN China/NNP for/IN two/CD decades/NNS put/VBP it/PRP to/TO me/PRP ,/, "/" Almost/RB everything/NN that/WDT is/VBZ said/VBN about/IN the/DT church/NN in/IN China/NNP is/VBZ true/JJ for/IN some/DT part/NN of/IN China/NNP ./.
But/CC it/PRP no/RB longer/RB comes/VBZ from/IN the/DT center/NN [/( Beijing/NNP ]/) ./.
Friends/NNS in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO whom/WP I/PRP mention/VBP this/DT have/VBP little/JJ patience/NN for/IN such/JJ fine/NN distinctions/NNS ./.
But/CC in/IN China/NNP they/PRP can/MD make/VB a/DT world/NN of/IN difference/NN ./.
Just/RB last/JJ month/NN ,/, Seth/NNP Faison/NNP reported/VBD in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP how/WRB economic/JJ growth/NN is/VBZ fast/RB eroding/VBG the/DT government/NN 's/POS control/NN over/IN people/NNS 's/POS daily/JJ lives/NNS ,/, in/IN this/DT case/NN with/IN respect/NN to/TO the/DT one-child/JJ program/NN ./.
The/DT new/JJ mobility/NN of/IN labor/NN means/VBZ the/DT government/NN simply/RB cannot/NN exert/VB the/DT control/NN it/PRP could/MD when/WRB everyone/NN stayed/VBD put/VBN and/CC depended/VBD on/IN the/DT work/NN unit/NN for/IN everything/NN ./.
At/IN an/DT even/RB more/RBR basic/JJ level/NN ,/, as/IN Faison/NNP pointed/VBD out/IN ,/, more/JJR and/CC more/RBR Chinese/JJ women/NNS are/VBP now/RB able/JJ to/TO escape/VB once-mandatory/JJ abortions/NNS by/IN simply/RB paying/VBG a/DT fine/NN ./.
As/IN anyone/NN involved/VBN in/IN China/NNP will/MD tell/VB you/PRP ,/, you/PRP can/MD do/VB a/DT lot/NN more/JJR than/IN the/DT rules/NNS suggest/VBP as/RB long/RB as/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB rub/VB the/DT authorities/NNS '/POS noses/NNS in/IN it/PRP ./.
How/WRB many/JJ Catholics/NNPS who/WP signed/VBD the/DT letter/NN to/TO Gore/NNP know/VB ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, that/IN some/DT two-thirds/NNS of/IN the/DT government-appointed/JJ Catholic/NNP bishops/NNS have/VBP been/VBN reconciled/JJ with/IN Rome/NNP ?/.
This/DT kind/NN of/IN progress/NN is/VBZ messy/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP is/VBZ real/JJ and/CC palpable/JJ ./.
Surely/RB it/PRP is/VBZ no/DT coincidence/NN that/IN the/DT countries/NNS most/JJS cut/VB off/RP from/IN trade/NN and/CC business/NN (/( and/CC embargoed/VBD by/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS )/) have/VBP been/VBN among/IN the/DT most/RBS miserable/JJ for/IN Christians/NNS and/CC human/JJ rights/NNS :/: Cuba/NNP ,/, North/NNP Korea/NNP ,/, Vietnam/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT slow/JJ process/NN ,/, but/CC daily/JJ China/NNP looks/VBZ more/JJR and/CC more/RBR like/IN Taiwan/NNP or/CC South/NNP Korea/NNP in/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ ./.
Ask/VB Chinese/JJ Christians/NNS what/WP they/PRP want/VBP from/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, and/CC they/PRP will/MD not/RB talk/VB about/IN linking/VBG trade/NN with/IN human/JJ rights/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ more/RBR likely/JJ they/PRP will/MD talk/VB about/IN help/VB in/IN building/NN churches/NNS and/CC developing/VBG stronger/JJR links/NNS with/IN their/PRP$ co-religionists/JJ overseas/RB ./.
What/WP matters/NNS most/JJS for/IN China/NNP 's/POS struggling/VBG Christians/NNS is/VBZ not/RB where/WRB religious/JJ freedom/NN ranks/NNS on/IN some/DT abstract/JJ scale/NN of/IN good/JJ and/CC bad/JJ ./.
What/WP matters/NNS is/VBZ how/WRB to/TO make/VB a/DT bad/JJ situation/NN better/JJR ,/, how/WRB to/TO widen/VB the/DT cracks/NNS in/IN the/DT Communist/NNP concrete/NN ./.
Instead/RB of/IN walking/VBG away/RB from/IN China/NNP ,/, American/JJ Christians/NNS should/MD be/VB rushing/VBG in/IN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB the/DT killers/NNS of/IN Matthew/NNP Shepard/NNP had/VBD the/DT brains/NNS to/TO even/RB perceive/VBP of/IN teaching/NN anyone/NN a/DT lesson/NN ./.
I/PRP still/RB disagree/VBP with/IN you/PRP about/IN TV/NN 's/POS coverage/NN of/IN Columbine/NNP ./.
Yes/UH ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ the/DT massive/JJ hypocrisy/NN of/IN the/DT American/JJ public/JJ when/WRB they/PRP say/VBP in/IN polls/NNS that/IN the/DT media/NNS is/VBZ scum/NN :/: They/PRP love/VBP all/PDT the/DT coverage/NN ,/, love/NN the/DT Lady/NNP Di/NNP and/CC Royal/NNP Family/NNP hagiography/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
And/CC of/IN course/NN a/DT large/JJ mass/NN murder/NN at/IN a/DT high/JJ school/NN ,/, especially/RB with/IN the/DT Nazi/JJ and/CC goth/NN and/CC geek/NN overtones/NNS ,/, resonates/VBZ with/IN the/DT public/NN ,/, and/CC media/NNS ,/, more/JJR than/IN day/NN traders/NNS in/IN Atlanta/NNP ,/, but/CC the/DT coverage/NN was/VBD mind-numbing/JJ ./.
It/PRP was/VBD telling/VBG to/TO me/PRP that/IN CNN/NNP spent/VBD four/CD hours/NNS of/IN airtime/NN on/IN the/DT funeral/NN of/IN the/DT black/JJ boy/NN who/WP was/VBD killed/VBN ./.
That/DT smacks/VBZ of/IN patronization/NN to/TO me/PRP ./.
And/CC you/PRP have/VBP to/TO admit/VB that/IN the/DT coverage/NN of/IN JFK/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
's/POS death/NN was/VBD over/IN the/DT top/JJ :/: Newsweek/NNP and/CC Time/NNP milked/VBN it/PRP for/IN two/CD top-selling/JJ issues/NNS ./.
Walter/NNP Isaacson/NNP 's/POS personal/JJ remarks/NNS about/IN Kennedy/NNP were/VBD embarrassing/JJ ./.
Douglas/NNP Brinkley/NNP has/VBZ ruined/VBN his/PRP$ career/NN as/IN a/DT historian/NN by/IN rushing/VBG to/TO every/DT TV/NN studio/NN to/TO talk/VB about/IN his/PRP$ good/JJ friend/NN John/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ case/NN reminded/VBD me/PRP of/IN when/WRB Eric/NNP Burdon/NNP suddenly/RB became/VBD Jimi/NNP Hendrix/NNP 's/POS best/JJS friend/NN after/IN he/PRP O/NNP ./.
D/NNP ./.
'd/MD in/IN '/POS 70/CD ./.
Well/RB ,/, we/PRP 've/VBP both/DT been/VBN admonished/JJ from/IN the/DT Slate/NNP chieftains/NNS for/IN straying/VBG from/IN the/DT news/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN ./.
My/PRP$ heart/NN says/VBZ :/: Fuck/NNP them/PRP ,/, let/VB 's/POS talk/NN about/IN what/WP we/PRP want/VBP ./.
However/RB ,/, since/IN they/PRP were/VBD kind/NN enough/RB to/TO invite/VB us/PRP to/TO the/DT table/NN ,/, I/PRP do/VBP have/VBP a/DT few/JJ things/NNS to/TO say/VB about/IN today/NN 's/POS "/" news/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP know/VBP you/PRP 're/VBP not/RB as/IN fascinated/VBN by/IN electoral/JJ politics/NNS as/IN I/PRP am/VBP ,/, dismissing/VBG it/PRP all/DT in/IN a/DT Ralph/NNP Nader/NNP sort/NN of/IN way/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP cannot/NN for/IN the/DT life/NN of/IN me/PRP understand/VBP the/DT Beltway/NNP media/NNS 's/POS continuing/VBG love/NN affair/NN with/IN Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP ./.
McCain/NNP is/VBZ sleazy/JJ :/: Talk/NN to/TO any/DT reporter/NN in/IN Arizona/NNP (/( which/WDT no/DT Washington/NNP pundit/NN does/VBZ )/) and/CC you/PRP wo/MD n't/RB hear/VB about/IN what/WP a/DT "/" maverick/NN "/" he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
Instead/RB ,/, they/PRP 'll/MD draw/VB a/DT picture/NN of/IN a/DT sour/JJ ,/, press-hating/JJ scumbag/NN who/WP 's/VBZ not/RB very/RB nice/JJ to/TO women/NNS and/CC has/VBZ shady/JJ business/NN dealings/NNS to/TO boot/NN ./.
People/NNS forget/VBP he/PRP was/VBD part/NN of/IN the/DT Keating/NNP Five/CD ./.
In/IN today/NN 's/POS Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, Gerald/NNP Seib/NNP writes/VBZ the/DT same/JJ story/NN about/IN McCain/NNP that/IN we/PRP 've/VBP seen/VBN for/IN months/NNS :/: He/PRP 's/VBZ unpredictable/JJ ,/, angers/NNS Republicans/NNPS with/IN his/PRP$ campaign/NN finance/NN and/CC tobacco/NN stands/VBZ (/( making/VBG him/PRP an/DT honorary/JJ Democrat/NNP with/IN that/DT sort/NN of/IN lunacy/NN )/) ,/, but/CC is/VBZ fiercely/RB pro-life/JJ ./.
And/CC of/IN course/NN his/PRP$ POW/NNP résumé/NN ./.
I/PRP wish/VBP boomer/NN pundits/NNS would/MD get/VB over/IN the/DT guilt/NN of/IN not/RB serving/VBG in/IN Vietnam/NNP :/: They/PRP were/VBD right/JJ ./.
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT stupid/JJ war/NN and/CC not/RB worth/JJ fighting/NN and/CC dying/VBG for/IN ./.
Get/VB over/IN not/RB having/VBG that/IN "/" experience/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP ,/, and/CC other/JJ papers/NNS ,/, reports/NNS today/NN that/IN Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB quite/RB as/IN "/" liquid/JJ "/" as/IN everyone/NN thought/VBD and/CC is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO have/VB to/TO sell/VB some/DT assets/NNS to/TO compete/VB with/IN Bush/NNP ./.
I/PRP wonder/NN how/WRB his/PRP$ family/NN feels/VBZ about/IN his/PRP$ quixotic/JJ ,/, and/CC ultimately/RB selfish/JJ ,/, presidential/JJ campaign/NN ?/.
If/IN I/PRP were/VBD one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ five/CD daughters/NNS ,/, I/PRP 'd/MD be/VB sort/NN of/IN pissed/JJ ./.
But/CC Forbes/NNP has/VBZ caught/VBN the/DT presidential/JJ aphrodisiac/NN ./.
Instead/RB of/IN dealing/VBG with/IN Bush/NNP ,/, and/CC getting/VBG a/DT plum/NN position/NN in/IN his/PRP$ administration/NN ,/, or/CC running/VBG for/IN senator/NN from/IN New/NNP Jersey/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP 'd/MD stand/VB a/DT better/JJR chance/NN than/IN Christie/NNP Whitman/NNP ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ enriching/VBG the/DT television/NN stations/NNS in/IN various/JJ states/NNS to/TO get/VB out/RP his/PRP$ message/NN ./.
I/PRP like/VBP his/PRP$ message/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP read/VBP it/PRP every/DT day/NN on/IN the/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN page/NN ./.
I/PRP 'll/MD get/VB to/TO the/DT Voice/NNP 's/POS redesign/NN next/JJ time/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ handsome/JJ ,/, but/CC I/PRP 'll/MD close/VB with/IN a/DT tidbit/NN in/IN today/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Observer/NNP by/IN Carl/NNP Swanson/NNP ,/, the/DT under-/NN 30/CD media/NNS critic/NN who/WP writes/VBZ like/IN George/NNP Will/NNP ./.
The/DT Voice/NNP has/VBZ added/VBN a/DT new/JJ biweekly/RB column/NN called/VBN "/" Pucker/NNP Up/IN ,/, "/" about/IN anal/NN sex/NN ./.
Swanson/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN his/PRP$ sniffy/NN Observer/NNP way/NN :/: "/" Nobody/NN ever/RB said/VBD the/DT Voice/NNP was/VBD all/DT about/IN the/DT high/JJ road/NN "/" and/CC objects/NNS to/TO the/DT headline/NN of/IN the/DT column/NN "/" I/PRP Am/NNP Butt/NNP Girl/NNP ,/, Hear/NNP My/PRP$ Ass/NNP Roar/NNP !/.
"/" He/PRP then/RB asks/VBZ editor/NN Don/NNP Forst/NNP if/IN that/DT is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT bit/NN too/RB much/JJ ./.
Jesus/NNP ,/, what/WP prudes/NNS we/PRP have/VBP in/IN the/DT media/NNS !/.
Anal/NNP sex/NN in/IN the/DT Voice/NNP ,/, or/CC NYPress/NNP ,/, is/VBZ the/DT norm/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP sure/JJ readers/NNS wo/MD n't/RB raise/VB an/DT eyebrow/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT mood-swing/JJ week/NN on/IN Wall/NNP Street/NNP ,/, though/IN I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB there/EX 's/VBZ anyone/NN left/VBN out/IN there/EX who/WP feels/VBZ confident/JJ enough/RB to/TO tell/VB you/PRP what/WP the/DT market/NN 's/POS going/VBG to/TO do/VB next/RB ./.
(/( Well/RB ,/, it/PRP will/MD fluctuate/VB ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
)/) Beaten/NNP down/RB by/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS producer/NN price/NN index/NN number/NN and/CC the/DT myriad/JJ misreadings/NNS of/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP 's/POS comments/NNS ,/, stocks/NNS came/VBD roaring/VBG back/RP this/DT week/NN after/IN the/DT consumer/NN price/NN index/NN for/IN September/NNP was/VBD reasonable/JJ and/CC Microsoft/NNP reported/VBD blowout/NN numbers--no/JJ doubt/NN all/DT due/NN to/TO Slate/NNP ,/, in/IN some/DT complicated/VBN way/NN that/IN not/RB even/RB we/PRP can/MD fully/RB comprehend/NN ./.
But/CC then/RB IBM/NNP came/VBD in/IN on/IN Wednesday/NNP night/NN with/IN a/DT melancholy/JJ forecast/NN for/IN the/DT next/JJ six/CD months/NNS ,/, which/WDT sent/VBD stocks/NNS tumbling/VBG for/IN much/JJ of/IN Thursday/NNP until/IN they/PRP just/RB stopped/VBD ./.
It/PRP was/VBD actually/RB an/DT impressive/JJ feat/NN of/IN discriminating/VBG between/IN good/JJ and/CC bad/JJ stocks/NNS on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN the/DT market/NN ,/, instead/RB of/IN the/DT perhaps/RB more/RBR common/JJ "/" Kill/VB 'em/PRP all/DT and/CC let/VB God/NNP sort/NN 'em/PRP out/IN "/" approach/NN ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP nothing/NN else/RB important/JJ happens/VBZ between/IN the/DT time/NN I/PRP write/VBP this/DT and/CC you/PRP read/VBP it/PRP ,/, but/CC if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ ,/, just/RB ask/VB the/DT closest/JJS 7/CD -/: year-old/JJ about/IN it/PRP ./.
He/PRP 'll/MD probably/RB give/VB you/PRP a/DT version/NN much/JJ like/IN the/DT one/CD in/IN the/DT previous/JJ paragraph/NN ./.
And/CC so/RB ,/, on/IN to/TO the/DT Cocktail/NNP Chat/NNP !/.
1/LS ./.
"/" AOL/NNP announced/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB investing/VBG $/$ 800/CD million/CD in/IN PC/NN maker/NN Gateway/NNP ,/, and/CC that/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB entering/VBG a/DT partnership/NN with/IN Gateway/NNP that/WDT should/MD give/VB AOL/NNP easier/JJR access/NN to/TO people/NNS who/WP buy/VBP Gateway/NNP PCs/NNS ,/, and/CC Gateway/NNP easier/JJR access/NN to/TO AOL/NNP customers/NNS ./.
Since/IN Gateway/NNP 's/POS company/NN mascot/NN is/VBZ a/DT cow/NN ,/, speculation/NN has/VBZ immediately/RB arisen/VBN that/IN its/PRP$ version/NN of/IN the/DT online/NN service/NN will/MD be/VB called/VBN America/NNP MOOnline/NNP ./.
1/LS a/DT ./.
"/" Think/VBP of/IN that/DT as/IN a/DT Henny/NNP Youngman/NNP joke/NN for/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP Economy/NNP ./.
2/LS ./.
"/" IBM/NNP met/VBD Wall/NNP Street/NNP estimates/NNS but/CC saw/VBD its/PRP$ market/NN capitalization/NN drop/NN by/IN a/DT staggering/JJ $/$ 40/CD billion/CD after/IN it/PRP warned/VBD that/IN its/PRP$ sales/NNS in/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD quarters/NNS ,/, well/RB into/IN next/JJ year/NN ,/, would/MD be/VB sharply/RB lower/JJR because/IN customers/NNS are/VBP so/RB worried/VBN about/IN the/DT Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP problem/NN ./.
Curiously/RB ,/, other/JJ tech/NN giants/NNS ,/, like/IN Sun/NNP Microsystems/NNPS ,/, Microsoft/NNP ,/, and/CC EMC/NNP have/VBP said/VBN that/IN Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP concerns/NNS are/VBP having/VBG little/JJ or/CC no/DT effect/NN on/IN their/PRP$ business/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT does/VBZ raise/NN an/DT interesting/JJ question/NN :/: What/WP will/MD be/VB the/DT latest/JJS date/NN that/IN a/DT company/NN mentions/VBZ Y/NNP 2/CD K/NNP as/IN a/DT reason/NN for/IN poor/JJ performance/NN ?/.
I/PRP 'm/VBP guessing/VBG July/NNP 2002/CD ./.
3/LS ./.
"/" Tobacco/NNP companies/NNS '/POS stock/NN prices/NNS dropped/VBD yet/RB again/RB ,/, with/IN Philip/NNP Morris/NNP plummeting/VBG 24/CD percent/NN in/IN two/CD days/NNS and/CC R/NN ./.
J/NNP ./.
Reynolds/NNP falling/VBG 15/CD percent/NN ./.
Director/NNP Michael/NNP Mann/NNP must/MD be/VB astonished/JJ at/IN the/DT powerful/JJ effect/NN the/DT early/JJ screenings/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ anti-tobacco-company/JJ movie/NN The/DT Insider/NNP have/VBP had/VBN ./.
Though/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ possible/JJ that/IN a/DT Florida/NNP jury/NN handing/VBG down/RP a/DT verdict/NN in/IN a/DT class-action/JJ suit/NN that/WDT could/MD mean/VB the/DT companies/NNS will/MD be/VB shelling/VBG out/IN even/RB more/RBR multibillion-dollar/JJ payments/NNS might/MD have/VB something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT downturn/NN ./.
4/LS ./.
"/" Gillette/NNP ,/, which/WDT in/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN has/VBZ made/VBN a/DT habit/NN of/IN letting/VBG Wall/NNP Street/NNP down/RB ,/, did/VBD so/RB again/RB Thursday/NNP when/WRB it/PRP announced/VBD that/IN sales/NNS in/IN the/DT next/JJ quarter/NN would/MD be/VB lower/JJR because/IN it/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO trim/VB its/PRP$ inventory/NN of/IN razor/NN blades/NNS ./.
Gillette/NNP also/RB said/VBD it/PRP was/VBD contemplating/VBG selling/VBG off/RP some/DT of/IN its/PRP$ poorly/RB performing/VBG divisions/NNS ./.
Reuters/NNP reported/VBD that/IN Gillette/NNP 's/POS shares/VBZ were/VBD '/POS bludgeoned/VBN '/POS in/IN after-hours/JJ trading/NN ./.
Presumably/RB with/IN a/NNP '/POS blunt/VB ,/, heavy/JJ object/VBP '/POS ?/.
5/LS ./.
"/" A/DT bus-stop/JJ ad/NN for/IN a/DT personal-injury/JJ lawyer/NN here/RB in/IN Brooklyn/NNP tells/VBZ potential/JJ clients/NNS to/TO call/VB this/DT number/NN :/: '/POS 1/CD -/: 877/CD -/: I-CAN-SUE/NNP ./.
'/POS Does/VBZ n't/RB Matlock/NNP have/VB that/IN on/IN his/PRP$ business/NN card/NN ,/, too/RB ?/.
6/CD ./.
"/" Martha/NNP Stewart/NNP Omnimedia/NNP went/VBD public/JJ Tuesday/NNP and/CC nearly/RB doubled/VBD in/IN its/PRP$ first/JJ day/NN of/IN trading/NN ,/, after/IN some/DT dubious/JJ trading/NN shenanigans/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ first/JJ hour/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, '/" The/DT offering/NN was/VBD hot/JJ in/IN large/JJ part/NN because/IN the/DT founder/NN of/IN the/DT company/NN is/VBZ so/RB well/RB known/VBN ./.
'/POS Ah/UH ,/, yes/UH ./.
I/PRP 'd/MD almost/RB forgotten/VBN that/IN legendary/JJ chapter/NN in/IN Graham/NNP and/CC Dodd/NNP 's/POS Security/NNP Analysis/NNP :/: '/POS On/IN the/DT Importance/NNP of/IN Fame/NNP in/IN Valuing/NNP Stocks/NNS ./.
'/" "/"
7/CD ./.
"/" Drug/NNP maker/NN Eli/NNP Lilly/NNP saw/VBD its/PRP$ profits/NNS rise/VBP 15/CD percent/NN in/IN the/DT most/RBS recent/JJ quarter/NN ,/, meeting/NN estimates/NNS ,/, but/CC its/PRP$ shares/NNS fell/VBD nonetheless/RB when/WRB it/PRP announced/VBD that/IN Prozac/NNP sales/NNS were/VBD down/RB significantly/RB ./.
Count/VBP depression/NN as/IN yet/RB another/DT casualty/NN of/IN the/DT booming/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
economy/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP Northwest/NNP 's/POS distinguishing/VBG feature/NN is/VBZ n't/RB rain/VB or/CC money/NN or/CC coffee/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ Chihuly/NNP ./.
Not/RB "/" Dale/NNP Chihuly/NNP ./.
"/" Not/RB "/" glass/NN art/NN by/IN Dale/NNP Chihuly/NNP ./.
"/" Chihuly/NNP is/VBZ all/DT you/PRP need/VBP to/TO say/VB ,/, whether/IN you/PRP 're/VBP talking/VBG about/IN a/DT particular/JJ glass/NN piece/NN (/( "/" a/DT Chihuly/NNP "/" )/) or/CC evoking/VBG the/DT movement/NN ,/, the/DT institution/NN ,/, the/DT aesthetic/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT regional/JJ identity/NN epitomized/JJ by/IN the/DT Northwest/NNP 's/POS (/( and/CC the/DT glass/NN world/NN 's/POS )/) most/RBS famous/JJ artist/NN ./.
Not/RB since/IN Bernini/NNP decked/VBN Rome/NNP with/IN fountains/NNS ,/, or/CC at/IN least/JJS not/RB since/IN the/DT Wyeths/NNP became/VBD Maine/NNP 's/POS official/JJ art/NN family/NN ,/, has/VBZ an/DT artist/NN so/RB exemplified/VBN the/DT spirit/NN of/IN a/DT city/NN or/CC region--and/JJ it/PRP took/VBD three/CD generations/NNS of/IN Wyeths/NNP ./.
Chihuly/NNP 's/POS work/NN does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB anything/NN outright/JJ about/IN us/PRP ,/, but/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT best/JJS mirror/VBP we/PRP 've/VBP got/VBN for/IN divining/VBG what/WP we/PRP 've/VBP come/VBN to/TO today/NN ./.
A/DT little/JJ background/NN ,/, with/IN apologies/NNS to/TO anyone/NN who/WP lives/VBZ here/RB and/CC already/RB knows/VBZ it/PRP all/DT ./.
Dale/NNP Chihuly/NNP is/VBZ the/DT artist/NN &slash;/NN celebrity/NN who/WP gets/VBZ most/JJS of/IN the/DT credit/NN for/IN elevating/VBG glass/NN blowing/VBG from/IN one/CD more/JJR craft/NN to/TO a/DT bona/JJ fide--and/JJ wildly/RB popular/JJ and/CC lucrative--art/JJ form/NN ./.
He/PRP grew/VBD up/RB in/IN Tacoma/NNP ,/, Seattle/NNP 's/POS soporific/JJ little-sister/JJ city/NN ,/, and/CC headed/VBD first/JJ back/RB East/NNP ,/, and/CC then/RB to/TO Venice/NNP ,/, to/TO study/VB in/IN the/DT emerging/VBG studio/NN glass/NN movement/NN ./.
In/IN 1972/CD ,/, on/IN a/DT tree/NN farm/NN north/RB of/IN Seattle/NNP ,/, he/PRP founded/VBD the/DT Pilchuck/NNP Glass/NNP School/NNP ,/, which/WDT made/VBD that/DT movement/NN an/DT institution/NN even/RB as/IN he/PRP turned/VBD it/PRP into/IN an/DT industry/NN ./.
Try/VB as/IN we/PRP may/MD ,/, we/PRP ca/MD n't/RB escape/VB the/DT glass/NN Chihuly/NNP makes/VBZ (/( or/CC rather/RB ,/, has/VBZ others/NNS make/VBP )/) :/: the/DT lurid/NN "/" Venetians/NNP ,/, "/" writhing/VBG "/" sea/NN forms/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC extravagant/JJ ,/, candleless/JJ "/" chandeliers/NNS "/" resembling/VBG giant/NN wasps/NNS '/POS nests/NNS or/CC clusters/NNS of/IN water-filled/JJ condoms/NNS ./.
The/DT loftiest/NN galleries/NNS and/CC living/VBG rooms/NNS out/IN here/RB have/VBP their/PRP$ Chihuly/NNP bowls/VBZ ;/: the/DT crasser/NN tourist/NN galleries/NNS stock/NN copycats/NNS ./.
To/TO gain/VB "/" Seattle/NNP credibility/NN ,/, "/" the/DT apartment/NN set/VBN in/IN the/DT sitcom/NN Frasier/NNP sprouted/JJ one/CD ./.
No/DT new/JJ cultural/JJ palace/NN or/CC festival/NN shopping/NN experience/NN is/VBZ complete/JJ without/IN a/DT Chihuly/NNP (/( click/NN if/IN you/PRP think/VBP I/PRP 'm/VBP exaggerating/VBG )/) ./.
Seattle/NNP 's/POS new/JJ symphony/NN hall/NN boasts/VBZ two/CD Chihuly/NNP chandeliers/NNS ./.
Chihuly/NNP himself/PRP is/VBZ just/RB as/IN much/JJ a/DT fixture/NN as/IN his/PRP$ Chihulys/NNP ,/, especially/RB in/IN of/IN the/DT Seattle/NNP Times/NNP '/POS gossip/NN column/NN ./.
(/( Sample/NNP :/: "/" While/IN a/DT tour/NN of/IN the/DT [/( Chihuly/NNP ]/) studio/NN is/VBZ standard/JJ for/IN celebrities/NNS ,/, Bono/NNP did/VBD it/PRP one/CD better/JJR ./.
He/PRP tried/VBD his/PRP$ hand/NN ./.
at/IN glass/NN blowing/VBG ./.
"/" )/) The/DT Seattle/NNP Opera/NNP commissioned/VBD a/DT set/VBN (/( in/IN Mylar/NNP )/) from/IN Chihuly/NNP ./.
Only/RB Leonardo/NNP da/NNP Vinci/NNP and/CC King/NNP Tut/NNP have/VBP topped/VBN the/DT attendance/NN record/NN set/VBN by/IN Chihuly/NNP at/IN the/DT Seattle/NNP Art/NNP Museum/NNP ./.
The/DT first/JJ project/NN Paul/NNP Allen/NNP picked/VBD for/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ film/NN company/NN was/VBD a/DT study/NN of/IN artists/NNS '/POS inspirations/NNS ,/, including/VBG ./.
you/PRP guessed/VBD it/PRP ./.
But/CC the/DT ultimate/JJ confirmation/NN of/IN Chihuly/NNP 's/POS stature/NN is/VBZ the/DT lottery/NN hometown/NN artists/NNS stage/VBP to/TO mock/JJ Seattle/NNP 's/POS star-struck/JJ provincialism/NN and/CC celebrity/NN fawning/VBG :/: The/DT winner/NN gets/VBZ to/TO "/" smash/NN a/DT Chihuly/NNP ./.
But/CC Seattle/NNP still/RB lags/VBZ behind/IN its/PRP$ erstwhile/NN rival/JJ Tacoma/NNP in/IN Chihuly-mania/NNP ./.
For/IN Tacoma/NNP ,/, glass/NN is/VBZ a/DT last/JJ chance/NN at/IN world/NN stature/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ grandest/NN landmark/NN ,/, the/DT Neo-/NNP Baroque/NNP Union/NNP Station/NNP ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN renovated/VBN and/CC reopened/VBN as/IN a/DT Chihuly/NNP showcase/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT mother/NN of/IN all/DT chandeliers/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ atrium/NN and/CC more/RBR big/JJ pieces/NNS scattered/VBN around/IN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ just/RB the/DT warm-up/NN to/TO the/DT International/NNP Glass/NNP Museum/NNP (/( originally/RB the/DT "/" Chihuly/NNP Glass/NNP Center/NNP "/" )/) being/VBG built/VBN on/IN Tacoma/NNP 's/POS waterfront/NN ,/, reached/VBN by/IN a/DT 474/CD -/: foot/NN "/" Chihuly/NNP Bridge/NNP of/IN Glass/NNP ./.
"/" Tacoma/NNP 's/POS captains/NNS of/IN industry/NN and/CC finance/VB all/DT ponied/VBD up/RP for/IN it/PRP ./.
As/IN one/CD of/IN them/PRP told/VBD the/DT Times/NNP ,/, "/" Every/DT downtown/NN needs/VBZ a/DT niche/NN ./.
Chihuly/NNP is/VBZ the/DT natural/JJ choice/NN for/IN Tacoma/NNP and/CC not/RB just/RB because/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT native/JJ son/NN ./.
His/PRP$ is/VBZ the/DT perfect/JJ art/NN for/IN boosters/NNS ,/, wannabes/NNS ,/, new/JJ money/NN ,/, and/CC self-conscious/JJ arrivistes/NNS ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, perfect/JJ for/IN the/DT precociously/RB wealthy/JJ ,/, culturally/RB callow/NN New/NNP Northwest/NNP ./.
Glass/NNP has/VBZ the/DT museum/NN seal/NN of/IN approval/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ supremely/RB and/CC (/( as/IN practiced/VBN by/IN Chihuly/NNP )/) almost/RB purely/RB decorative--blissfully/JJ unburdened/JJ with/IN threatening/VBG ,/, ambiguous/JJ ,/, or/CC other/JJ meanings/NNS ./.
"/" You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO be/VB smart/JJ or/CC art-historically/JJ sophisticated/JJ to/TO understand/VB these/DT ,/, "/" a/DT Chihuly/NNP 's/POS assistant/NN explains/VBZ in/IN one/CD of/IN several/JJ documentaries/NNS on/IN him/PRP by/IN Seattle/NNP 's/POS public/JJ TV/NN station/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP 're/VBP merely/RB beautiful/JJ ./.
"/" Forget/VB Sister/NNP Wendy/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ gloomy/JJ paintings/NNS ;/: glass/NN ,/, shimmering/JJ and/CC vacant/JJ ,/, is/VBZ the/DT ideal/JJ TV/NN art/NN ,/, a/DT match/NN for/IN Riverdance/NNP and/CC the/DT tenors/NNS ./.
Glass/NNP also/RB suits/VBZ a/DT money-drunk/JJ ,/, technology-intoxicated/JJ place/NN like/IN the/DT Northwest/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ showy/NN and/CC luxurious/JJ ,/, as/RB glittery/NN as/IN jewelry/NN and/CC a/DT hundred/CD times/NNS bigger/JJR ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ ,/, slick/JJ and/CC ,/, literally/RB ,/, edgy/JJ ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, Chihuly/NNP taps/NNS an/DT earlier/JJR ,/, earthier/NN ecotopic/JJ sensibility/NN ./.
His/PRP$ forms/NNS evoke/VBP not/RB only/RB phalli/NN and/CC vaginas/NNS but/CC sea/NN squirts/NNS and/CC anemones--the/JJ marine/JJ biosphere/NN that/WDT sustained/VBD the/DT first/JJ Northwesterners/NNP ,/, which/WDT we/PRP still/RB delude/NN ourselves/PRP into/IN thinking/VBG we/PRP 're/VBP sustaining/VBG ./.
His/PRP$ "/" baskets/NNS "/" mimic/VB Native/NNP American/JJ basketry/NN outright/JJ ./.
The/DT implicit/JJ ,/, if/IN wishful/JJ ,/, message/NN :/: We/PRP can/MD have/VB our/PRP$ machines/NNS and/CC money/NN and/CC preserve/VB the/DT wild/JJ ,/, unspoiled/JJ Northwest/NNP ./.
But/CC beautiful/JJ Chihulys/NNP are/VBP just/RB part/NN of/IN the/DT Chihuly/NNP phenomenon/NN ./.
Chihuly/NNP himself/PRP is/VBZ the/DT main/JJ show/NN ./.
With/IN his/PRP$ rampant/JJ curls/NNS ,/, bluff/NN growl/NN ,/, black/JJ eye/NN patch/NN ,/, and/CC bright-colored/JJ pirate/NN shirts/NNS and/CC scarves/NN ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT perfect/JJ foil/NN to/TO geek/NN chic/JJ ,/, a/DT year-round/JJ version/NN of/IN the/DT "/" Seafair/NNP Pirates/NNP "/" who/WP frolic/VB at/IN our/PRP$ big/JJ summer/NN parade--the/JJ artist/NN for/IN the/DT new/JJ buccaneer/NN capitalism/NN ,/, the/DT jester/NN who/WP amuses/NNS (/( but/CC never/RB challenges/VBZ )/) the/DT geeks/NNS ./.
He/PRP reprises/NNS the/DT Renaissance/NNP role/NN of/IN artist/NN as/IN courtier/NN ,/, standing/NN like/IN a/DT third/JJ senator/NN onstage/RB when/WRB President/NNP Clinton/NNP visits/NNS ,/, partying/VBG on/IN Paul/NNP Allen/NNP 's/POS yacht/NN with/IN Robin/NNP Williams/NNP ,/, Candice/NNP Bergen/NNP and/CC ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, Bill/NNP and/CC Melinda/NNP Gates/NNP ./.
This/DT year/NN ,/, when/WRB Gates/NNP hosted/VBD his/PRP$ annual/JJ CEO/NNP Summit/NNP ,/, the/DT world/NN 's/POS most/RBS celebrated/JJ gathering/NN of/IN tycoons/NNS ,/, who/WP provided/VBD the/DT entertainment/NN ?/.
The/DT Vienna/NNP Philharmonic/NNP and/CC ,/, with/IN "/" an/DT exhibition/NN of/IN glass-blowing/JJ art/NN ,/, "/" Dale/NNP Chihuly/NNP ./.
Not/RB that/IN he/PRP blows/NNS glass/NN himself/PRP ,/, though/IN he/PRP still/RB says/VBZ things/NNS like/IN this/DT ,/, from/IN the/DT 1994/CD book/NN Chihuly/NNP Baskets/NNS :/: "/" Glass/NNP blowing/VBG is/VBZ a/DT very/RB spontaneous/JJ medium/NN ,/, and/CC its/PRP$ suits/NNS me/PRP ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN at/IN it/PRP for/IN thirty/CD years/NNS and/CC am/VBP as/RB infatuated/JJ as/IN when/WRB I/PRP blew/VBD my/PRP$ first/JJ bubble/NN ./.
"/" Chihuly/NNP has/VBZ n't/RB actually/RB blown/VBN since/IN 1976/CD ,/, when/WRB an/DT auto/NN accident/NN cost/NN him/PRP an/DT eye/NN and/CC his/PRP$ depth/NN perception--and/JJ made/VBN his/PRP$ career/NN ./.
He/PRP acquired/VBD the/DT trademark/NN dashing/VBG eye/NN patch/NN ,/, without/IN which/WDT he/PRP 'd/MD be/VB just/RB another/DT chubby/NN little/JJ guy/NN with/IN frizzy/NN hair/NN ./.
And/CC he/PRP hired/VBD other/JJ people/NNS ,/, including/VBG top/JJ Italian/JJ masters/NNS ,/, to/TO blow/VB more/JJR glass/NN than/IN he/PRP could/MD alone--enough/JJ to/TO make/VB him/PRP the/DT Christo/NNP of/IN glass/NN ,/, decking/VBG Northwest/NNP streams/NNS and/CC (/( you/PRP 've/VBP gotta/NN admire/NN the/DT chutzpah/NN )/) Venetian/JJ canals/NNS with/IN bright/JJ globes/NNS and/CC tubes/NNS ./.
The/DT Eye-/NNP Patched/NNP One/CD has/VBZ gone/VBN far/RB ,/, and/CC so/RB has/VBZ this/DT town/NN ./.
How/WRB far/RB ?/.
Consider/VB the/DT other/JJ time/NN ,/, 50/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, that/IN Seattle/NNP had/VBD a/DT distinctive/JJ ,/, defining/VBG artistic/JJ tradition--and/JJ not/RB one/CD but/CC two/CD celebrity/NN artists/NNS ./.
Morris/NNP Graves/NNP ,/, Mark/NNP Tobey/NNP ,/, and/CC others/NNS in/IN the/DT generation/NN later/RB dubbed/VBD "/" Northwest/NNP visionaries/NNS "/" drank/NN deep/JJ of/IN both/DT the/DT drizzly/RB ,/, mossy/NN natural/JJ scene/NN and/CC of/IN Asian/JJ art/NN and/CC philosophy/NN ./.
Tobey/NNP sketched/JJ spinach/NN hawkers/NNS and/CC bums/NNS at/IN the/DT downtown/JJ Pike/NNP Place/NNP Public/NNP Market/NNP and/CC was/VBD sometimes/RB mistaken/VBN for/IN one/CD ./.
Graves/NNP hid/VBD out/IN in/IN the/DT deep/JJ woods/NNS ./.
Tobey/NNP painted/VBD calligraphic/JJ "/" white/JJ paintings/NNS "/" and/CC Graves/NNP bodhisattva/NN birds/NNS ,/, in/IN delicate/JJ gouache/NN and/CC pastel--media/JJ notably/RB unsuited/JJ to/TO large/JJ atriums/NNS ./.
Today/NN these/DT seem/VBP as/RB quaint/JJ as/IN hand-bound/JJ books/NNS or/CC handwritten/JJ letters/NNS ./.
Chihuly/NNP succeeds/VBZ because/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT maker/NN of/IN art/NN in/IN the/DT usual/JJ sense/NN ;/: he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT coach/NN ,/, ringmaster/NN ,/, and/CC impresario--and/JJ ,/, above/IN all/DT ,/, an/DT entrepreneur/NN ./.
No/DT one/NN expects/VBZ entrepreneurs/NNS to/TO do/VB the/DT production/NN work/NN ./.
No/DT one/NN argues/VBZ anymore/RB over/IN whether/IN Gates/NNP is/VBZ really/RB a/DT techie/NN or/CC worries/NNS about/IN Jeff/NNP Bezos/NNP '/POS literary/JJ taste/NN ./.
And/CC no/DT one/CD cares/VBZ whether/IN Chihuly/NNP blows/NNS glass/NN ./.
Like/IN Seattle/NNP 's/POS software/NN ,/, bookselling/VBG ,/, and/CC coffee/NN tycoons/NNS ,/, Chihuly/NNP has/VBZ triumphed/VBD by/IN marketing/VBG and/CC branding/VBG the/DT hell/NN out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ product/NN ,/, elevating/VBG it/PRP to/TO something/NN at/IN once/RB precious/JJ and/CC ubiquitous/JJ ./.
The/DT Northwest/NNP trick/NN is/VBZ not/RB so/RB much/JJ to/TO create/VB something/NN out/IN of/IN nothing/NN as/IN making/VBG something/NN very/RB large/JJ out/IN of/IN something/NN small/JJ ,/, and/CC then/RB repeating/VBG the/DT process/NN ./.
A/DT hundred/CD million/CD PCs/NNS ,/, a/DT billion/CD "/" personalized/VBN "/" book/NN and/CC CD/NNP sales/NNS ,/, a/DT zillion/NN|CD cups/NNS of/IN coffee/NN ./.
or/CC hundreds/NNS of/IN chandeliers/NNS made/VBN of/IN brittle/JJ blades/NNS of/IN glass/NN ./.
Which/WDT is/VBZ ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, just/RB melted/JJ silicon/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ been/VBN a/DT lot/NN of/IN talk/NN about/IN black/JJ intellectuals/NNS recently/RB ,/, in/IN such/JJ places/NNS as/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, the/DT Atlantic/NNP Monthly/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT Village/NNP Voice/NNP ./.
Much/JJ of/IN it/PRP has/VBZ picked/VBN up/RB on/IN the/DT even/RB more/RBR considerable/JJ chat/VB about/IN intellectuals/NNS in/IN general/JJ and/CC the/DT "/" public/JJ intellectual/JJ "/" in/IN particular/NN ./.
Many/JJ of/IN us/PRP got/VBD our/PRP$ first/JJ sense/NN of/IN that/DT term/NN reading/NN about/IN the/DT Left/NNP Bank--/NNP Sartre/NNP and/CC de/IN Beauvoir/NNP and/CC Camus/NNP in/IN dark/JJ sweaters/NNS and/CC a/DT haze/NN of/IN Gaulloises/NNP ,/, quaffing/VBG rough/JJ red/JJ wine/NN and/CC arguing/VBG about/IN Algeria/NNP and/CC the/DT Absolute--or/NNP the/DT slightly/RB less/JJR outre/NN Partisan/NNP Review/NNP crowd/NN of/IN the/DT 1940/CD s/VBZ and/CC 1950/CD s/VBZ in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
Given/VBN the/DT whiteness/NNS of/IN those/DT images/NNS and/CC the/DT long/JJ history/NN of/IN denying/VBG intellectual/JJ aptitude/NN to/TO African-/NNP Americans/NNPS ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ surely/RB good/JJ news/NN that/IN in/IN America/NNP today/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN "/" intellectual/JJ "/" is/VBZ as/IN likely/JJ to/TO evoke/VBP Cornel/NNP West/NNP as/IN Susan/NNP Sontag/NNP ./.
The/DT reason/NN for/IN this/DT is/VBZ obvious/JJ ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ a/DT longer/JJR list/NN now/RB than/IN ever/RB before/IN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ scholars/NNS and/CC writers/NNS ,/, ensconced/VBN in/IN the/DT old/JJ centers/NNS of/IN prestige/NN ,/, producing/VBG scholarly/JJ works/NNS ,/, and/CC discussing/VBG with/IN a/DT popular/JJ audience/NN questions/NNS about/IN race/NN in/IN American/JJ life/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT past/NN ,/, the/DT disciplinary/JJ heart/NN of/IN this/DT activity/NN lay/VB in/IN the/DT social/JJ sciences/NNS ./.
Now/RB ,/, the/DT rise/NN of/IN black/JJ studies/NNS has/VBZ produced/VBN a/DT new/JJ wave/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ scholars/NNS in/IN the/DT humanities/NNS ,/, many/DT of/IN whom/WP share/NN the/DT engagement/NN with/IN the/DT work/NN of/IN contemporary/JJ artists/NNS that/WDT characterized/VBD the/DT Left/NNP Bank/NNP milieu/NN ./.
Some/DT ,/, like/IN Adrian/NNP Piper/NNP at/IN Wellesley/NNP (/( a/DT philosophy/NN professor/NN and/CC conceptual/JJ artist/NN )/) or/CC Toni/NNP Morrison/NNP at/IN Princeton/NNP ,/, are/VBP both/DT serious/JJ scholars/NNS and/CC substantial/JJ artists/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, it/PRP might/MD seem/VB that/IN the/DT time/NN has/VBZ come/VBN for/IN Black/NNP Intellectuals/NNP by/IN William/NNP M/NNP ./.
Banks/NNS (/( a/DT professor/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ studies/NNS at/IN Berkeley/NNP )/) ,/, a/DT book/NN that/IN claims/NNS to/TO be/VB the/DT first/JJ historical/JJ survey/NN of/IN its/PRP$ subject/JJ ,/, from/IN the/DT colonial/NN period/NN to/TO the/DT present/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT people/NNS Banks/NNS discusses--bell/JJ hooks/VBZ ,/, or/CC my/PRP$ colleagues/NNS Henry/NNP Louis/NNP Gates/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
and/CC West/NNP ,/, for/IN example--are/JJ intellectuals/NNS in/IN the/DT stricter/JJR sense/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN ./.
Like/IN the/DT Left/NNP Bankers/NNPS ,/, they/PRP had/VBD elite/NN educations/NNS ;/: like/IN them/PRP ,/, they/PRP address/VBP questions/NNS about/IN our/PRP$ public/JJ life/NN ./.
And/CC they/PRP write/VBP hard/JJ books--post-structuralist/JJ literary/JJ criticism/NN ,/, feminist/JJ theory/NN ,/, post-analytic/JJ philosophy--as/JJ well/RB as/IN memoirs/NNS and/CC essays/NNS for/IN an/DT audience/NN outside/IN the/DT academy/NN ./.
But/CC Banks/NNS chooses/VBZ to/TO begin/VB with/IN the/DT medicine/NN men/NNS and/CC priests/NNS in/IN Africa/NNP ,/, who/WP are/VBP ,/, he/PRP asserts/VBZ ,/, the/DT ancestors/NNS of/IN contemporary/JJ African-/NNP American/JJ intellectuals/NNS ./.
I/PRP am/VBP leery/JJ of/IN this/DT desire/NN to/TO extend/VB the/DT category/NN of/IN "/" intellectual/JJ "/" in/IN all/DT sorts/NNS of/IN directions/NNS away/RB from/IN those/DT with/IN a/DT vocation/NN to/TO scholarship/NN or/CC writing/VBG ./.
Banks/NNS '/POS choice/NN of/IN a/DT starting/NN point/NN seems/VBZ to/TO invoke/VB an/DT expansive/JJ notion/NN of/IN the/DT intellectual/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ some/DT (/( but/CC not/RB all/DT )/) academics/NNS ,/, novelists/NNS ,/, journalists/NNS ,/, composers/NNS ,/, artists/NNS ,/, programmers/NNS ,/, pundits/NNS ,/, and/CC poets--an/JJ idea/NN I/PRP think/VBP muddies/NNS more/JJR than/IN it/PRP clarifies/VBZ ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN at/IN conferences/NNS where/WRB gangsta/NN rappers/NNS have/VBP been/VBN characterized/VBN as/IN intellectuals/NNS ,/, apparently/RB on/IN the/DT theory/NN that/IN the/DT term/NN is/VBZ apt/JJ when/WRB celebrating/VBG anyone/NN who/WP ever/RB had/VBD and/CC expressed/VBN an/DT idea/NN some/DT other/JJ intellectuals/NNS liked/VBD ./.
The/DT problem/NN here/RB is/VBZ n't/RB that/IN rappers/NNS do/VBP n't/RB think--although/JJ sometimes/RB that/WDT is/VBZ a/DT problem--but/JJ that/IN only/RB an/DT academic/JJ would/MD suppose/VB that/IN calling/VBG people/NNS "/" intellectuals/NNS "/" is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS way/NN to/TO take/VB them/PRP seriously/RB ./.
Some/DT scholars/NNS nowadays/RB use/VBP the/DT term/NN "/" intellectual/JJ "/" as/IN an/DT honorific/JJ ,/, and/CC often/RB as/IN little/JJ more/JJR ./.
More/RBR important/JJ ,/, all/PDT the/DT different/JJ ways/NNS of/IN using/VBG your/PRP$ intellect/NN in/IN different/JJ institutions/NNS ,/, for/IN different/JJ audiences/NNS ,/, in/IN different/JJ social/JJ circles/NNS ,/, with/IN differing/VBG degrees/NNS of/IN self-consciousness/JJ ,/, do/VBP not/RB ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP ,/, produce/VBP the/DT kind/NN of/IN person/NN you/PRP can/MD shoehorn/NN into/IN a/DT single/JJ group/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP societies/NNS ,/, like/IN Poland/NNP ,/, where/WRB such/JJ people/NNS constitute/VBP a/DT self-conscious/JJ class/NN with/IN a/DT shared/VBN social/JJ life--what/JJ is/VBZ called/VBN an/DT "/" intelligentsia/NN ./.
"/" There/EX are/VBP societies/NNS ,/, like/IN France/NNP ,/, where/WRB writers/NNS ,/, artists/NNS ,/, and/CC some/DT scholars/NNS speak/VBP to/TO the/DT nation/NN ,/, as/IN Émile/NN Zola/NNP did/VBD in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT Dreyfus/NNP affair/NN (/( which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT context/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT word/NN "/" intellectual/JJ "/" was/VBD first/RB used/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ modern/JJ sense/NN )/) ./.
But/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS is/VBZ not/RB ,/, in/IN these/DT ways/NNS ,/, like/IN Poland/NNP or/CC France/NNP ./.
The/DT current/JJ fashion/NN for/IN talk/NN about/IN intellectuals/NNS will/MD leave/VB some/DT readers/NNS to/TO expect/VB a/DT few/JJ clear/JJ definitions/NNS from/IN Banks/NNS ./.
But/CC this/DT is/VBZ something/NN Banks/NNS avoids--wisely/JJ ,/, in/IN my/PRP$ view/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, Banks/NNS '/POS concession/NN to/TO this/DT academic/JJ vogue/NN is/VBZ almost/RB entirely/RB limited/VBN to/TO the/DT medicine/NN men/NNS and/CC priests/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ first/JJ chapter/NN ./.
The/DT decision/NN is/VBZ a/DT reflection/NN ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, not/RB of/IN his/PRP$ catering/NN to/TO fashion/VB ,/, but/CC of/IN the/DT problem/NN facing/VBG anyone/NN whose/WP$ aim/NN is/VBZ to/TO write/VB the/DT first/JJ full/JJ history/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ intellectuals/NNS :/: namely/RB ,/, that/IN since/IN the/DT first/JJ African-/NNP Americans/NNPS were/VBD slaves/NNS introduced/VBN largely/RB for/IN manual/JJ labor/NN ,/, intellectual/JJ activity/NN is/VBZ naturally/RB not/RB a/DT large/JJ part/NN of/IN their/PRP$ record/NN ./.
Other/JJ societies/NNS had/VBD used/VBN slaves/NNS as/IN teachers/NNS (/( Greece/NNP and/CC Rome/NNP )/) and/CC bureaucrats/NNS (/( the/DT Ottoman/NNP Empire/NNP )/) ,/, but/CC African/JJ slaves/NNS were/VBD brought/VBN to/TO the/DT New/NNP World/NNP to/TO use/VB their/PRP$ muscles/NNS ,/, not/RB their/PRP$ minds/NNS ./.
Still/RB ,/, many/JJ of/IN the/DT slaves/NNS transplanted/VBN to/TO North/NNP America/NNP came/VBD from/IN Muslim/NNP societies/NNS ,/, and/CC could/MD read/VB and/CC write/VB Arabic/NNP ./.
Their/PRP$ narratives/NNS ,/, now/RB translated/VBN ,/, offer/NN ,/, along/IN with/IN the/DT medicine/NN men/NNS and/CC priests/NNS ,/, examples/NNS of/IN African/JJ slaves/NNS who/WP cared/VBD about/IN the/DT cultivation/NN of/IN knowledge/NN ./.
Does/VBZ it/PRP matter/VBP that/IN Banks/NNS omits/VBZ them/PRP from/IN his/PRP$ story/NN ?/.
That/DT depends/VBZ on/IN whether/IN your/PRP$ interest/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT past/JJ or/CC in/IN the/DT present/NN ./.
The/DT intellectual/JJ traditions/NNS encoded/JJ in/IN African/JJ religion/NN and/CC Arabic/NNP literacy/NN played/VBD little/JJ role/NN in/IN shaping/VBG the/DT later/RB intellectual/JJ life/NN of/IN Americans/NNPS ,/, black/NN or/CC white/JJ ;/: the/DT great/JJ contribution/NN of/IN the/DT African/JJ inheritance/NN to/TO black/JJ ,/, and/CC American/NNP ,/, religion/NN came/VBD from/IN elsewhere/RB ./.
(/( Attempts/NNS to/TO connect/VB African-/NNP American/NNP Christianity/NNP with/IN African/JJ traditions/NNS stem/VBP from/IN the/DT more/RBR recent/JJ ideas/NNS of/IN black/JJ power/NN ./.
)/) Banks/NNS '/POS heart/NN ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP ,/, is/VBZ in/IN the/DT present/JJ :/: He/PRP is/VBZ tracing/VBG the/DT ancestry/NN of/IN contemporary/JJ black/JJ intellectuals/NNS to/TO claim/VB for/IN them/PRP the/DT title/NN to/TO a/DT substantial/JJ tradition/NN ./.
The/DT Muslim/NNP slaves/NNS would/MD be/VB a/DT distraction/NN ./.
In/IN discussing/VBG a/DT time/NN when/WRB black/JJ men/NNS and/CC women/NNS with/IN an/DT intellectual/JJ vocation/NN were/VBD deprived/VBN of/IN the/DT chance/NN to/TO make/VB a/DT living/VBG through/IN the/DT pen/NN ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT case/NN for/IN looking/VBG in/IN American/JJ black/JJ life/NN for/IN the/DT places/NNS to/TO which/WDT those/DT thwarted/VBN thinkers/NNS diverted/VBN their/PRP$ energies/NNS ./.
But/CC as/IN black/JJ colleges/NNS developed/VBN after/IN the/DT Civil/NNP War/NNP ,/, and/CC increasingly/RB since/IN the/DT desegregation/NN of/IN elite/NN universities/NNS ,/, intellectual/JJ life/NN for/IN blacks--as/JJ for/IN everyone--has/JJ come/VB to/TO be/VB centered/VBN ,/, for/IN better/JJR and/CC for/IN worse/JJR ,/, in/IN universities/NNS ./.
Many/JJ of/IN America/NNP 's/POS most/RBS important/JJ novelists/NNS ,/, from/IN Morrison/NNP to/TO Saul/NNP Bellow/NNP ,/, are/VBP now/RB professors/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB surprising/JJ ,/, then/RB ,/, that/IN as/IN Black/NNP Intellectuals/NNP reaches/VBZ into/IN the/DT 20/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ increasingly/RB about/IN academics/NNS ./.
Banks/NNS does/VBZ not/RB ,/, in/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, succumb/NN to/TO the/DT desire/NN to/TO include/VB everyone/NN who/WP ever/RB had/VBD an/DT idea/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, Banks/NNS has/VBZ written/VBN a/DT useful/JJ survey/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ scholars/NNS and/CC writers/NNS and/CC the/DT ways/NNS in/IN which/WDT they/PRP have/VBP worked/VBN throughout/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT republic/NN ./.
His/PRP$ central/JJ themes/NNS are/VBP debates/NNS over/IN the/DT meaning/NN of/IN race/NN and/CC how/WRB black/JJ intellectuals/NNS (/( whoever/WP they/PRP may/MD be/VB )/) have/VB negotiated/VBN their/PRP$ relationship/NN with/IN "/" ordinary/JJ "/" black/JJ people/NNS ./.
As/IN the/DT book/NN discusses/NNS the/DT fate/NN of/IN the/DT black/JJ college/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT Harlem/NNP Renaissance/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT participation/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/JJ intellectuals/NNS in/IN government/NN during/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ,/, it/PRP draws/VBZ a/DT sharp/JJ picture/NN of/IN the/DT fate/NN of/IN blacks/NNS with/IN brains/NNS ,/, forced/VBN ,/, whatever/WDT their/PRP$ real/JJ interests/NNS ,/, to/TO deal/VB with/IN the/DT question/NN of/IN race/NN ./.
His/PRP$ later/RB chapters/NNS ask/VBP whether/IN ,/, in/IN a/DT new/JJ world/NN where/WRB blacks/NNS are/VBP present/JJ (/( if/IN still/RB in/IN small/JJ numbers/NNS )/) in/IN our/PRP$ society/NN 's/POS most/RBS powerful/JJ intellectual/JJ institutions/NNS ,/, black/JJ thinkers/NNS might/MD be/VB free/JJ to/TO spend/VB less/JJR time/NN thinking/VBG about/IN what/WP it/PRP means/VBZ to/TO be/VB black/JJ ./.
The/DT book/NN ends/VBZ with/IN a/DT reflection/NN on/IN the/DT argument/NN between/IN "/" those/DT intellectuals/NNS who/WP advocate/VBP an/DT organic/JJ relationship/NN with/IN the/DT black/JJ community/NN and/CC those/DT who/WP aspire/VBP to/TO transcend/NN ethnic/JJ considerations/NNS ,/, "/" suggesting/VBG ,/, affably/RB ,/, that/IN the/DT choice/NN must/MD be/VB left/VBN ,/, in/IN our/PRP$ individualist/NN culture/NN ,/, for/IN each/DT of/IN us/PRP to/TO make/VB for/IN ourselves/PRP ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT little/JJ too/RB simple/JJ ./.
These/DT are/VBP not/RB ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT only/JJ options/NNS :/: Some/DT of/IN us/PRP who/WP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO be/VB the/DT organic/JJ intellectuals/NNS of/IN the/DT inner/JJ city/NN (/( or/CC of/IN anywhere/RB else/RB )/) are/VBP not/RB disposed/VBN simply/RB to/TO "/" transcend/NN "/" our/PRP$ racial/JJ identities/NNS either/RB ./.
And/CC ,/, even/RB if/IN the/DT choice/NN were/VBD up/IN to/TO each/DT of/IN us/PRP ,/, it/PRP would/MD be/VB a/DT choice/NN we/PRP make/VBP in/IN a/DT community/NN that/IN still/JJ places/VBZ strong/JJ constraints/NNS on/IN what/WP a/DT black/JJ thinker/NN can/MD do/VB ./.
The/DT individualist/NN ideal/JJ in/IN America/NNP lives/NNS side/VBP by/IN side/NN with/IN powerful/JJ notions/NNS of/IN racial/JJ obligation/NN ./.
A/DT survey/NN of/IN this/DT sort/NN allows/VBZ little/JJ time/NN for/IN mining/VBG the/DT substantial/JJ debates/NNS among/IN black/JJ intellectuals/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT main/JJ ones/NNS get/VBP at/IN least/JJS a/DT mention/NN ./.
Only/RB one/CD general/JJ issue/NN is/VBZ curiously/RB absent/JJ :/: Afrocentrism/NNP ./.
If/IN ,/, as/IN Banks/NNS normally/RB assumes/VBZ ,/, any/DT African-/NNP American/JJ academic/JJ who/WP has/VBZ an/DT engagement/NN with/IN the/DT fate/NN of/IN the/DT race/NN is/VBZ part/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN ,/, I/PRP am/VBP not/RB sure/JJ why/WRB he/PRP thinks/VBZ Professor/NNP Molefi/NNP K/NNP ./.
Asante/NNP ,/, who/WP can/MD make/VB a/DT reasonable/JJ claim/NN to/TO having/VBG invented/VBN Afrocentrism/NNP as/IN an/DT academic/JJ subject/NN ,/, does/VBZ n't/RB merit/VB discussion/NN ./.
I/PRP suspect/VBP Banks/NNS '/POS choice/NN reflects/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ commitment/NN to/TO a/DT sensibly/RB conventional/JJ vision/NN of/IN the/DT intellectual/JJ life/NN ,/, one/CD that/WDT casts/VBZ more/RBR light--and/JJ less/RBR heat--than/JJ much/JJ of/IN the/DT heady/JJ verbiage/NN in/IN the/DT current/JJ debates/NNS about/IN the/DT Black/NNP Intellectual/NNP ./.
For/IN Tuesday/NNP and/CC Friday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) ,/, "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" (/( Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, and/CC "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" (/( Wednesday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
"/" The/DT euro/NN is/VBZ born/VBN ./.
Long/NNP live/VB the/DT euro/NN !/.
"/" declared/VBD Le/NNP Monde/NNP Tuesday/NNP ,/, celebrating/VBG the/DT birth/NN in/IN Brussels/NNP over/IN the/DT weekend/NN of/IN the/DT single/JJ European/JJ currency/NN ./.
The/DT Paris/NNP newspaper/NN led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN with/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Euro/NNP :/: outrage/NN in/IN Germany/NNP ,/, "/" referring/VBG to/TO the/DT "/" violent/JJ attacks/NNS "/" in/IN the/DT German/JJ press/NN against/IN the/DT compromise/NN agreed/VBD between/IN Germany/NNP and/CC France/NNP over/IN the/DT presidency/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ European/NNP Central/NNP Bank/NNP ,/, which/WDT will/MD manage/VB the/DT euro/NN ./.
Dutch/JJ central/JJ banker/NN Wim/NNP Duisenberg/NNP ,/, the/DT candidate/NN supported/VBN by/IN all/DT European/NNP Union/NNP members/NNS except/IN France/NNP ,/, will/MD "/" voluntarily/RB "/" serve/VB only/RB half/NN of/IN his/PRP$ statutory/JJ eight/CD year/NN term/NN and/CC will/MD then/RB be/VB replaced/VBN by/IN the/DT governor/NN of/IN the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN France/NNP ,/, Jean-/NNP Claude/NNP Trichet/NNP ./.
This/DT compromise/NN ,/, held/VBN by/IN many/JJ critics/NNS to/TO be/VB in/IN contravention/NN of/IN the/DT terms/NNS in/IN the/DT Maastricht/NNP Treaty/NNP for/IN establishing/VBG the/DT single/JJ currency/NN ,/, was/VBD described/VBN in/IN the/DT Frankfurter/NNP Allgemeine/NNP Zeitung/NNP as/IN "/" a/DT shadow/NN over/IN monetary/JJ union/NN "/" and/CC in/IN the/DT German/JJ business/NN newspaper/NN Handelsblatt/NNP as/IN horse-trading/JJ that/WDT would/MD encourage/VB the/DT Euroskeptics/NNP in/IN Germany/NNP ./.
The/DT popular/JJ Bild/NNP Zeitung/NNP called/VBD the/DT birth/NN of/IN the/DT euro/NN in/IN these/DT circumstances/NNS "/" a/DT forceps/NNS delivery/NN ./.
But/CC like/IN the/DT German/JJ newspaper/NN Die/VBP Welt/NNP ,/, which/WDT titled/VBD its/PRP$ editorial/NN "/" An/DT Historic/NNP Day/NNP ,/, "/" Le/NNP Monde/NNP said/VBD the/DT compromise/NN should/MD n't/RB overshadow/NN history/NN ./.
"/" Never/RB mind/NN that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ humiliated/JJ the/DT man/NN without/IN whom/WP the/DT euro/NN would/MD n't/RB have/VB seen/VBN the/DT light/NN of/IN day/NN ,/, Chancellor/NNP Helmut/NNP Kohl/NNP ./.
"/" "/" Never/RB mind/NN that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ shaken/VBN one/CD of/IN the/DT last/JJ great/JJ European/JJ leaders/NNS ./.
that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ given/VBN arguments/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ social/JJ democrat/NN opponents/NNS only/RB a/DT few/JJ months/NNS from/IN the/DT September/NNP elections/NNS ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ everyday/JJ Europe/NNP ./.
The/DT most/RBS important/JJ ,/, the/DT essential/JJ ,/, the/DT historic/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ the/DT creation/NN of/IN the/DT euro/NN ./.
The/DT Italian/JJ press/NN was/VBD seized/VBN with/IN euro/NN excitement/NN ./.
La/NNP Repubblica/NNP of/IN Rome/NNP led/VBD Tuesday/NNP with/IN news/NN of/IN a/DT stock-exchange/NN boom/NN across/IN Europe/NNP ,/, under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" Euphoria/NNP in/IN the/DT markets/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC reported/VBD from/IN London/NNP that/IN the/DT new/JJ currency/NN had/VBD already/RB been/VBN given/VBN a/DT market/NN value/NN of/IN $/$ 1/CD ./.
124/CD ./.
It/PRP also/RB carried/VBD an/DT article/NN from/IN Brussels/NNP predicting--despite/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Treasury/NNP Secretary/NNP Robert/NNP Rubin/NNP 's/POS statements/NNS to/TO the/DT contrary--that/JJ the/DT euro/NN would/MD threaten/VB the/DT primacy/NN of/IN "/" the/DT king/NN dollar/NN ./.
"/" Reporting/NNP lack/NN of/IN enthusiasm/NN from/IN the/DT Vatican/NNP ,/, La/NNP Repubblica/NNP said/VBD church/NN officials/NNS feared/VBD it/PRP would/MD necessitate/NN modifications/NNS to/TO the/DT concordat/NN governing/VBG relations/NNS between/IN Italy/NNP and/CC the/DT Holy/NNP See/NNP ./.
Italy/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG newspaper/NN ,/, Corriere/NNP della/NN Sera/NNP of/IN Milan/NNP ,/, pointed/VBD out/IN in/IN a/DT front-page/JJ comment/NN that/IN Rome/NNP was/VBD the/DT only/JJ city/NN in/IN Europe/NNP to/TO organize/VB a/DT municipal/JJ party/NN to/TO celebrate/VB the/DT birth/NN of/IN the/DT euro/NN ./.
In/IN Britain/NNP ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ excluded/VBN itself/PRP from/IN the/DT single/JJ European/JJ currency/NN for/IN the/DT time/NN being/VBG ,/, the/DT main/JJ headlines/NNS Tuesday/NNP were/VBD about/IN the/DT unsuccessful/JJ Middle/NNP East/NNP peace/NN talks/NNS in/IN London/NNP ,/, though/IN the/DT liberal/JJ Guardian/NNP 's/POS main/JJ editorial/NN was/VBD an/DT attack/NN on/IN France/NNP for/IN its/PRP$ insistence/NN that/IN a/DT Frenchman/NNP should/MD run/VB the/DT new/JJ European/NNP Central/NNP Bank/NNP ./.
"/" No/DT one/NN comes/VBZ out/IN of/IN it/PRP well/RB ,/, least/JJS of/IN all/DT Jacques/NNP Chirac/NNP ,/, President/NNP of/IN France/NNP who/WP ,/, like/IN a/DT bullyboy/NN in/IN the/DT playground/NN ,/, picked/VBD up/RP the/DT ball/NN and/CC refused/VBD to/TO play/VB on/IN until/IN everyone/NN agreed/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ terms/NNS ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD ./.
The/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN the/DT pressure/NN was/VBD not/RB on/IN Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP to/TO reach/VB an/DT accommodation/NN but/CC on/IN Yasser/NNP Arafat/NNP to/TO convince/VB Netanyahu/NNP that/IN "/" he/PRP would/MD be/VB a/DT dependable/JJ neighbour/NN "/" and/CC guarantee/NN Israel/NNP 's/POS safety/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT talks/NNS move/VBP to/TO Washington/NNP next/JJ week/NN ,/, the/DT Telegraph/NNP said/VBD only/RB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS was/VBD in/IN a/DT position/NN to/TO mediate/VB a/DT final/JJ deal/NN ./.
"/" [/( I/PRP ]/) ts/NNS subsidies/NNS throughout/IN the/DT region/NN give/VB it/PRP a/DT clout/NN that/IN Europe/NNP lacks/VBZ and/CC ,/, unlike/IN the/DT EU/NNP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ regarded/VBN as/IN tough/JJ on/IN terrorism/NN ,/, the/DT issue/NN on/IN which/WDT the/DT process/NN will/MD ultimately/RB stand/VB or/CC fall/VB ,/, "/" the/DT editorial/NN concluded/VBD ./.
Nice/NNP work/NN with/IN the/DT Rodman-/NNP Jordan/NNP analogy/NN :/: Thanks/NNS ./.
I/PRP think/VBP you/PRP 're/VBP right/NN that/IN the/DT central/JJ problem/NN with/IN The/DT New/NNP New/NNP Thing/NNP is/VBZ the/DT exaggerated/JJ claims/NNS it/PRP makes/VBZ for/IN Jim/NNP Clark/NNP as/IN The/DT Man/NN Who/WP Single-handedly/NNP Changed/NNP Silicon/NNP Valley--and/NNP therefore/RB modern/JJ economic/JJ life/NN ./.
Clearly/RB ,/, as/IN we/PRP 've/VBP both/DT been/VBN saying/VBG ,/, Clark/NNP played/VBD an/DT astonishing/JJ and/CC fascinating/JJ (/( and/CC probably/RB not-yet-finished/JJ )/) role/NN in/IN what/WP has/VBZ happened/VBN ./.
But/CC my/PRP$ guess/VBP ,/, too/RB ,/, would/MD be/VB that/IN the/DT cyber-revolution/JJ would/MD have/VB happened/VBN sooner/RBR or/CC later/RB anyway/RB ,/, maybe/RB in/IN somewhat/RB different/JJ form/NN ,/, with/IN other/JJ players/NNS ./.
Your/PRP$ suggestion/NN that/IN the/DT venture/NN capitalist/JJ John/NNP Doerr/NNP may/MD have/VB done/VBN even/RB more/JJR to/TO change/VB the/DT Valley/NNP than/IN Clark/NNP would/MD probably/RB enrage/NN the/DT latter/NN ,/, since/IN he/PRP seems--at/JJ least/JJS as/IN Lewis/NNP tells/VBZ it--to/JJ regard/NN the/DT money/NN guys/NNS as/IN lower/JJR forms/NNS of/IN life/NN (/( "/" the/DT sucker/NN fish/NN of/IN economic/JJ growth/NN "/" )/) ./.
To/TO make/VB his/PRP$ case/NN ,/, Lewis/NNP offers/VBZ up/RP some/DT big/JJ pronouncements/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, summarizing/VBG the/DT New/NNP Growth/NNP Theory/NNP devised/VBN by/IN Paul/NNP Romer/NNP in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, Lewis/NNP says/VBZ that/IN now/RB "/" wealth/NN came/VBD from/IN the/DT human/JJ imagination/NN ,/, "/" and/CC concludes/VBZ that/IN "/" the/DT new/JJ theory/NN conferred/VBD a/DT stunning/JJ new/JJ status/NN upon/IN innovation/NN ./.
"/" Am/NNP I/PRP missing/VBG something/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ this/DT news/NN ?/.
What/WP about/IN the/DT old-fangled/JJ Eli/NNP Whitney/NNP ,/, Thomas/NNP Edison/NNP ,/, Alexander/NNP Graham/NNP Bell/NNP ,/, and/CC Andrew/NNP Carnegie/NNP ?/.
Lewis/NNP goes/VBZ on/IN :/:
The/DT Prime/NNP Mover/NNP of/IN Wealth/NNP was/VBD no/RB longer/RB a/DT great/JJ industrialist/NN who/WP rode/VBD herd/NN on/IN thousands/NNS of/IN corporate/JJ slaves/NNS ,/, or/CC the/DT great/JJ politician/NN who/WP rode/VBD herd/NN on/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS finances/NNS ,/, or/CC the/DT great/JJ Wall/NNP Street/NNP tycoon/NN who/WP bankrolled/JJ a/DT new/JJ enterprise/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD the/DT geek/NN holed/VBN up/RP in/IN his/PRP$ basement/NN all/DT weekend/NN discovering/VBG new/JJ things/NNS to/TO do/VB with/IN his/PRP$ computer/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD Jim/NNP Clark/NNP ./.
There/RB is/VBZ of/IN course/NN a/DT huge/JJ difference/NN between/IN a/DT physical/JJ light/JJ bulb/NN and/CC an/DT abstract/JJ computer/NN idea/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT revolution/NN in/IN information/NN technology/NN really/RB has/VBZ ,/, as/IN Alan/NNP Greenspan/NNP puts/VBZ it/PRP ,/, "/" altered/VBD the/DT structure/NN of/IN the/DT way/NN the/DT American/JJ economy/NN works/VBZ ./.
"/" Clark/NNP ,/, representing/VBG the/DT technogeeks/NNS ,/, is/VBZ now/RB able/JJ to/TO dictate/VB terms/NNS to/TO venture/VB capitalists/NNS ,/, but/CC as/IN you/PRP pointed/VBD out/RP this/DT morning/NN ,/, the/DT biggest/JJS change/NN in/IN the/DT way/NN Silicon/NNP Valley/NNP works/VBZ seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB come/VBN with/IN the/DT Netscape/NNP IPO/NN ,/, which/WDT proved/VBD that/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO earn/VB profits/NNS before/IN taking/VBG take/NN a/DT company/NN public/JJ ./.
Later/RB ,/, regarding/VBG the/DT Healtheon/NNP IPO/NN ,/, Lewis/NNP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" In/IN this/DT new/JJ world/NN skepticism/NN was/VBD not/RB a/DT sign/NN of/IN intelligence/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT sin/NN ./.
"/" Actually/RB ,/, it/PRP probably/RB just/RB meant/VBN missing/VBG out/IN on/IN all/PDT the/DT money/NN ./.
I/PRP think/VBP there/EX 's/VBZ another/DT big/JJ problem/NN here/RB as/IN well/RB ,/, connected/VBN to/TO the/DT question/NN you/PRP asked/VBD about/IN the/DT motive/NN Lewis/NNP ascribes/NNS to/TO Clark/NNP for/IN the/DT Netscape/NNP IPO--that/NNP Clark/NNP did/VBD it/PRP only/RB because/IN he/PRP wanted/VBD money/NN for/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ boat/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB buy/VB that/DT either/RB ./.
Lewis/NNP says/VBZ about/IN Clark/NNP at/IN the/DT outset/NN that/IN "/" you/PRP did/VBD n't/RB interact/NN with/IN him/PRP so/RB much/JJ as/IN hitch/NN a/DT ride/NN on/IN the/DT back/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN "/" -/: -/: and/CC that/IN "/" the/DT only/JJ way/NN to/TO spend/VB time/NN with/IN Jim/NNP Clark/NNP was/VBD to/TO leap/VB onto/IN one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ machines/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP gets/VBZ a/DT great/JJ ride/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB do/VBP we/PRP ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ impossible/JJ not/RB to/TO want/VB to/TO know/VB more/JJR about/IN what/WP is/VBZ going/VBG on/IN under/IN the/DT surface--about/JJ why/WRB some/DT of/IN these/DT things/NNS happen--and/JJ on/IN the/DT subject/NN of/IN "/" character/NN ,/, "/" this/DT book/NN is/VBZ odd/JJ ./.
Lewis/NNP says/VBZ that/IN the/DT only/JJ creatures/NNS Clark/NNP really/RB trusts/VBZ are/VBP machines/NNS ./.
It/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN interesting/JJ to/TO hear/VB from/IN or/CC about/IN his/PRP$ three/CD wives/NNS (/( one/CD of/IN them/PRP current/JJ :/: Her/PRP$ name/NN comes/VBZ up/RB just/RB a/DT couple/NN of/IN times/NNS ,/, and/CC she/PRP never/RB enters/VBZ the/DT story/NN )/) ./.
Maybe/RB wives/NNS were/VBD declared/VBN off/RP limits/NNS ;/: if/IN so/RB ,/, that/WDT would/MD have/VB been/VBN useful/JJ to/TO know/VB ./.
After/IN the/DT second/JJ wife/NN left/VBD him/PRP ,/, Clark/NNP went/VBD through/IN a/DT severe-sounding/JJ depression/NN ./.
Trying/VBG to/TO explain/VB how/WRB he/PRP made/VBD the/DT leap/NN from/IN (/( in/IN Lewis/NNP '/POS words/NNS )/) "/" thirty-eight-year-old/JJ unsuccessful/JJ college/NN professor/NN with/IN a/DT warning/NN label/NN on/IN his/PRP$ forehead/NN to/TO a/DT founder/NN of/IN a/DT multibillion-dollar/JJ corporation/NN ,/, "/" Clark/NNP says/VBZ he/PRP developed/VBD "/" this/DT maniacal/NN passion/NN for/IN wanting/VBG to/TO achieve/VB something/NN ./.
I/PRP guess/VBP it/PRP was/VBD a/DT little/JJ bit/NN of/IN self-imposed/JJ psychology/NN ./.
"/" That/DT ,/, like/IN the/DT "/" reason/NN "/" for/IN the/DT Netscape/NNP IPO/NN ,/, is/VBZ it/PRP ./.
Still/RB ,/, to/TO revert/NN to/TO our/PRP$ basketball/NN analogy/NN ,/, it/PRP would/MD be/VB hard/JJ to/TO get/VB inside/IN Dennis/NNP Rodman/NNP 's/POS head/NN ./.
Three/CD times/NNS Lewis/NNP tries/VBZ to/TO tell/VB us/PRP something/NN quite/RB surprising/JJ about/IN Clark/NNP ,/, but/CC we/PRP never/RB actually/RB see/VB it/PRP :/: Faced/VBN with/IN a/DT new/JJ situation/NN ,/, Clark/NNP "/" wanted/VBD badly/RB to/TO do/VB what/WP was/VBD expected/VBN of/IN him/PRP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD only/RB after/IN he/PRP determined/VBD that/IN this/DT was/VBD somehow/RB impossible/JJ that/IN he/PRP went/VBD ahead/RB and/CC did/VBD whatever/WDT he/PRP wanted/VBD ./.
"/" "/" Very/RB deep/JJ inside/IN him/PRP Clark/NNP harbored/JJ the/DT desire/NN to/TO be/VB a/DT good/JJ boy/NN ./.
"/" "/" He/PRP really/RB did/VBD feel/VB some/DT strong/JJ impulse/NN to/TO meet/VB other/JJ people/NNS 's/POS expectations/NNS of/IN him/PRP ./.
"/" I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB sure/JJ what/WP we/PRP 're/VBP supposed/VBN to/TO make/NN of/IN this/DT ./.
Near/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, having/VBG brought/VBN out/IN in/IN a/DT scene/NN you/PRP 've/VBP described/VBN that/IN no/DT amount/NN of/IN money/NN will/MD ever/RB be/VB enough/RB for/IN Clark/NNP ,/, Lewis/NNP concludes/VBZ with/IN a/DT poignant/JJ but/CC still/RB opaque/JJ image/NN that/IN "/" the/DT best/JJS and/CC most/RBS lasting/JJ motive/NN for/IN wanting/VBG to/TO change/VB the/DT way/NN things/NNS are/VBP is/VBZ to/TO be/VB unhappy/JJ with/IN the/DT way/NN things/NNS are/VBP ./.
No/DT matter/NN how/WRB well/RB Jim/NNP Clark/NNP did/VBD for/IN himself/PRP ,/, it/PRP was/VBD always/RB two/CD in/IN the/DT morning/NN in/IN his/PRP$ heart/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD lying/VBG awake/JJ ./.
Maybe/RB more/JJR tomorrow/NN on/IN the/DT good/JJ guys/NNS and/CC the/DT bad/JJ guys/NNS in/IN this/DT story/NN ?/.
Recently/RB ,/, the/DT rulers/NNS of/IN two/CD of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS most/RBS populous/JJ countries/NNS were/VBD compelled/VBN to/TO relinquish/VB their/PRP$ hold/NN on/IN power/NN :/: Indonesia/NNP 's/POS Suharto/NNP left/VBD office/NN amid/IN mounting/VBG violence/NN ,/, and/CC Nigeria/NNP 's/POS Gen/NNP ./.
Sani/NNP Abacha/NNP fell/VBD afoul/NN of/IN a/DT fatal/JJ heart/NN attack--one/JJ key/JJ element/NN ,/, apparently/RB ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ nation/NN 's/POS constitutional/JJ system/NN of/IN checks/NNS and/CC balances/NNS ./.
Both/DT Suharto/NNP and/CC Abacha/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, were/VBD despicable/JJ tyrants/NNS ,/, with/IN records/NNS of/IN venality/NN and/CC bloody/JJ oppression/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ successors--/JJ B/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Habibie/NNP in/IN Indonesia/NNP and/CC Gen/NNP ./.
Abdulsalam/NNP Abubakar/NNP in/IN Nigeria--did/NNP not/RB quite/RB concede/VB as/IN much/JJ in/IN the/DT first/JJ public/JJ statements/NNS they/PRP made/VBD ,/, but/CC they/PRP did/VBD use/NN language/NN that/WDT seemed/VBD to/TO indicate/VB an/DT awareness/NN of/IN the/DT value/NN of/IN human/JJ rights/NNS and/CC democratic/JJ procedures/NNS ./.
Habibie/NNP committed/VBD himself/PRP to/TO running/VBG "/" a/DT clean/JJ government/NN ,/, free/JJ from/IN corruption/NN ,/, collusion/NN ,/, and/CC nepotism/NN ./.
"/" Abubakar/NNP declared/VBD himself/PRP "/" fully/RB committed/VBN "/" to/TO a/DT "/" social-political/JJ transition/NN program/NN "/" leading/VBG to/TO an/DT elected/VBN civilian/JJ government/NN ./.
Afterward/RB ,/, observers/NNS quoted/VBN on/IN BBC/NNP radio/NN described/VBD the/DT two/CD new/JJ leaders/NNS as/IN "/" making/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ./.
Making/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS :/: The/DT phrase/NN has/VBZ proliferated/VBN over/IN a/DT period/NN of/IN little/JJ more/JJR than/IN two/CD decades--perhaps/JJ in/IN part/NN because/IN it/PRP itself/PRP makes/VBZ all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ./.
It/PRP signals/VBZ that/IN the/DT noisemaker/NN under/IN discussion/NN may/MD be/VB no/RB more/JJR than/IN a/DT golden-tongued/JJ hypocrite/NN ,/, even/RB as/IN it/PRP suggests/VBZ that/IN a/DT reporter/NN ,/, having/VBG seen/VBN it/PRP all/DT ,/, could/MD not/RB possibly/RB be/VB taken/VBN in/IN by/IN the/DT noisemaker/NN 's/POS blandishments/NNS ./.
It/PRP also/RB leaves/VBZ open/VB the/DT unlikely/JJ possibility/NN that/IN the/DT actions/NNS will/MD indeed/RB live/VB up/RP to/TO the/DT noises/NNS ./.
Making/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ,/, carrying/VBG the/DT connotation/NN just/RB described/VBD ,/, seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB surfaced/VBN mainly/RB in/IN British/JJ publications/NNS in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1970/CD s/VBZ and/CC early/JJ 1980/CD s/VBZ ./.
It/PRP surely/RB evolved/VBD from/IN earlier/JJR use/NN in/IN more/JJR literal/JJ ,/, straightforward/JJ contexts/NNS (/( for/IN instance/NN ,/, to/TO describe/VB the/DT sound/NN of/IN an/DT automobile/NN engine/NN or/CC a/DT musical/JJ performance/NN )/) and/CC ultimately/RB from/IN the/DT long-established/JJ and/CC nonjudgmental/NN phrase/NN to/TO make/VB noises/NNS (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, to/TO express/VB oneself/PRP about/IN something/NN )/) ,/, a/DT construction/NN that/IN happily/RB accommodates/NNS all/DT manner/NN of/IN adjectival/NN prefixes/NNS ./.
All/DT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ stance/NN of/IN jaded/JJ cynicism/NN ,/, quickly/RB spread/NN from/IN British/JJ organs/NNS (/( the/DT Economist/NNP ,/, the/DT Guardian/NNP ,/, the/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP )/) into/IN most/JJS parts/NNS of/IN the/DT far-flung/JJ Anglophone/NNP circulatory/NN system/NN ./.
Today/NN it/PRP is/VBZ applied/VBN in/IN a/DT wide/JJ range/NN of/IN circumstances/NNS ,/, especially/RB when/WRB the/DT noises/NNS being/VBG talked/VBN of/IN invite/VB a/DT presumption/NN of/IN hollowness/NNS ,/, sanctimony/NN ,/, or/CC hypocrisy/NN ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Newsday/NNP earlier/RBR this/DT year/NN ,/, analyzing/VBG the/DT economic/JJ situation/NN in/IN South/NNP Korea/NNP :/: "/" Kim/NNP Jong/NNP Pil/NNP ,/, in/IN line/NN to/TO become/VB Kim/NNP Dae/NNP Jung/NNP 's/POS prime/JJ minister/NN ,/, may/MD make/VB all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS about/IN economic/JJ reform/NN ,/, but/CC his/PRP$ own/JJ ties/NNS to/TO the/DT chaebol/NN [/( industrial/JJ conglomerates/NNS ]/) may/MD be/VB too/RB tight/JJ to/TO break/VB ./.
"/" The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP ,/, writing/VBG about/IN the/DT British/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN :/: "/" Tony/NNP Blair/NNP must/MD do/VB something/NN ./.
And/CC a/DT making-all-the-right-noises/JJ kind/NN of/IN Valentine/NNP message/NN is/VBZ not/RB enough/RB ./.
"/" The/DT Boston/NNP Herald/NNP ,/, assigning/VBG blame/NN for/IN the/DT failure/NN of/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN :/: "/" In/IN his/PRP$ presidency/NN so/RB far/RB ,/, Clinton/NNP has/VBZ made/VBN all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ,/, but/CC has/VBZ done/VBN nothing/NN while/IN playing/VBG the/DT same/JJ old/JJ games/NNS to/TO raise/VB vast/JJ sums/NNS ./.
Given/VBN some/DT of/IN the/DT tendencies/NNS of/IN Scripture/NNP translation/NN in/IN recent/JJ decades/NNS ,/, it/PRP would/MD hardly/RB be/VB surprising/JJ to/TO see/VB Matthew/NNP 26/CD :/: 33/CD -/: 35/CD -/: -/: the/DT passage/NN in/IN which/WDT Peter/NNP promises/VBZ to/TO remain/VB a/DT loyal/JJ disciple/NN scant/JJ hours/NNS before/IN turning/VBG disloyal--rewritten/JJ and/CC embellished/JJ to/TO render/VB the/DT response/NN from/IN Jesus/NNP as/IN follows/VBZ :/: "/" Truly/NNP you/PRP make/VBP all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ./.
But/CC this/DT night/NN you/PRP will/MD deny/VB me/PRP three/CD times/NNS ./.
Among/IN the/DT reasons/NNS why/WRB an/DT expression/NN such/JJ as/IN making/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS achieves/VBZ wide/JJ usage/NN quickly/RB is/VBZ this/DT simple/JJ one/CD :/: The/DT phenomenon/NN of/IN empty/JJ talk/NN is/VBZ so/RB prevalent/JJ that/IN new/JJ ways/NNS of/IN describing/VBG it--especially/JJ ones/NNS that/WDT possess/VBP a/DT modest/JJ elegance/NN and/CC formality--are/JJ always/RB welcome/JJ ./.
As/IN it/PRP happens/VBZ ,/, many/JJ wonderful/JJ terms/NNS for/IN empty/JJ or/CC hypocritical/JJ talk/NN are/VBP by/IN now/RB quaint/JJ and/CC archaic/JJ (/( humbuggery/NN ,/, Pharisaism/NNP ,/, Tartuffery/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC some/DT of/IN the/DT most/RBS common/JJ terms/NNS are/VBP simply/RB vulgar/NN (/( bullshit/NN )/) ./.
Lip/NNP service/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT phrase/NN to/TO pay/VB lip/NN service/NN -/: -/: from/IN the/DT act/NN of/IN raising/VBG one/CD 's/POS voice/NN publicly/RB in/IN prayer/NN or/CC song/NN while/IN inwardly/RB harboring/VBG contrary/JJ convictions--is/JJ probably/RB the/DT most/RBS widespread/JJ and/CC durable/JJ formulation/NN ./.
(/( Thus/RB ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Democrats/NNPS currently/RB vying/VBG for/IN the/DT nomination/NN to/TO run/VB for/IN the/DT Senate/NNP this/DT fall/NN recently/RB accused/VBD the/DT Republican/NNP incumbent/JJ ,/, Alfonse/NNP D/NNP '/POS Amato/NNP ,/, of/IN "/" paying/VBG lip/NN service/NN to/TO gay/JJ issues/NNS ./.
"/" )/) Similarly/RB ,/, lip/NN salve/VB is/VBZ insincere/NN flattery/NN ,/, though/IN it/PRP may/MD be/VB enjoyed/VBN by/IN the/DT recipient/NN nonetheless/RB as/IN a/DT form/NN of/IN ear/NN candy/NN ./.
Lip/NNP ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ satisfying/VBG mouthfeel/NN (/( to/TO use/VB the/DT jargon/NN of/IN the/DT food-service/NN industry/NN )/) and/CC its/PRP$ still-obvious/JJ link/NN to/TO an/DT elemental/NN root/NN (/( the/DT Indo-/NNP European/JJ leb/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT connotation/NN "/" "/" )/) ,/, has/VBZ formed/VBN numerous/JJ slang/NN combinations/NNS whose/WP$ meanings/NNS touch/VBP all/PDT the/DT compass/NNS points/NNS of/IN verbal/JJ intention/NN ./.
To/TO shoot/VB from/IN the/DT lip/NN is/VBZ to/TO speak/VB rashly/RB ./.
To/TO zip/VB your/PRP$ lip/NN is/VBZ to/TO shut/VB up/RP ./.
To/TO invite/VB someone/NN to/TO read/VB your/PRP$ lips/NNS is/VBZ to/TO emphasize/VB your/PRP$ sincerity/NN ./.
To/TO lip-sync/JJ is/VBZ to/TO move/VB one/CD 's/POS lips/NNS in/IN synchronization/NN with/IN a/DT prerecorded/JJ sound--and/JJ ,/, metaphorically/RB ,/, to/TO mouth/NN someone/NN else/RB 's/POS sentiments/NNS ./.
Like/IN paying/VBG lip/NN service/NN ,/, making/VBG all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS possesses/VBZ just/RB enough/JJ color/VB to/TO be/VB memorable/JJ and/CC yet/RB not/RB so/RB much/JJ color/NN as/IN to/TO cloy/NN ./.
It/PRP may/MD be/VB in/IN for/IN a/DT long/JJ run/NN ./.
In/IN contrast/NN ,/, one/CD has/VBZ to/TO wonder/VB about/IN the/DT longevity/NN of/IN its/PRP$ main/JJ rival/NN in/IN the/DT linguistic/JJ marketplace/NN right/RB now/RB :/: talking/VBG the/DT talk/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB walking/VBG the/DT walk/NN -/: -/: a/DT vivid/JJ expression/NN from/IN black/JJ English/NNP that/WDT seems/VBZ lately/RB to/TO have/VB become/VBN a/DT mandatory/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT repertoire/NN of/IN white/JJ politicians/NNS ,/, corporate/JJ executives/NNS ,/, consultants/NNS ,/, motivational/NN speakers/NNS ,/, newscasters/NNS ,/, and/CC sportswriters/NNS ./.
A/DT person/NN who/WP talks/VBZ the/DT talk/NN and/CC walks/VBZ the/DT walk/NN is/VBZ one/CD who/WP acts/VBZ naturally/RB and/CC stylishly/RB ,/, whose/WP$ words/NNS and/CC behavior/NN are/VBP of/IN a/DT piece/NN ;/: a/DT person/NN who/WP talks/VBZ the/DT talk/NN without/IN walking/VBG the/DT walk/NN ,/, therefore/RB ,/, is/VBZ one/CD who/WP is/VBZ dissembling/VBG ,/, ineffectual/JJ ,/, or/CC insincere/NN ./.
The/DT incorporation/NN of/IN walk/NN the/DT walk/NN and/CC talk/VB the/DT talk/NN into/IN white-bread/JJ English/NNP ,/, often/RB by/IN people/NNS whose/WP$ jus/JJ '/POS folks/NNS colloquialism/NN is/VBZ a/DT pose/VB ,/, may/MD not/RB bode/VB well/RB ./.
One/CD need/MD only/RB remember/VB how/WRB the/DT appropriation/NN of/IN the/DT verbs/NNS dig/NN ,/, rap/NN ,/, and/CC groove/NN by/IN grown-ups/JJ during/IN the/DT late/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ and/CC early/JJ 1970/CD s/VBZ proved/VBN to/TO be/VB a/DT kiss/NNS of/IN death/NN ./.
The/DT extent/NN to/TO which/WDT the/DT expression/NN has/VBZ found/VBN favor/NN was/VBD brought/VBN home/NN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB when/WRB Archbishop/NNP Harry/NNP Flynn/NNP of/IN St/NNP ./.
Paul/NNP and/CC Minneapolis/NNP traveled/VBD to/TO Rome/NNP to/TO ordain/NN a/DT Minnesota-bound/NNP candidate/NN for/IN the/DT priesthood/NN ./.
There/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT chapel/NN at/IN the/DT North/JJ American/NNP College/NNP on/IN the/DT slopes/NNS of/IN the/DT Janiculum/NNP Hill/NNP ,/, during/IN a/DT service/NN otherwise/RB conducted/VBD entirely/RB in/IN Latin/NNP ,/, Flynn/NNP delivered/VBD a/DT sermon/NN that/WDT included/VBD this/DT injunction/NN to/TO the/DT young/JJ man/NN :/: "/" When/WRB you/PRP teach/VBP ,/, be/VB sure/JJ you/PRP receive/VBP the/DT word/NN into/IN your/PRP$ heart/NN before/IN the/DT word/NN forms/NNS on/IN your/PRP$ lips/NNS ./.
Walk/VBP the/DT walk/NN and/CC talk/VB the/DT talk/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB preach/VB one/CD thing/NN and/CC turn/VB around/RP and/CC do/VBP something/NN else/RB ./.
One/PRP can/MD assume/VB that/IN the/DT new/JJ priest/NN ,/, in/IN response/NN ,/, made/VBD all/PDT the/DT right/JJ noises/NNS ./.
The/DT last/JJ time/NN a/DT new/JJ medium/NN transformed/VBD American/JJ politics/NNS was/VBD 1960/CD ./.
The/DT medium/NN was/VBD ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, television/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT signal/NN event/NN was/VBD the/DT Kennedy-/NNP Nixon/NNP presidential/JJ debate/NN ,/, the/DT first/JJ to/TO be/VB broadcast/VBN live/RB to/TO a/DT national/JJ audience/NN ./.
Radio/NN listeners/NNS polled/VBN afterward/RB gave/VBD the/DT victory/NN to/TO Nixon/NNP ./.
But/CC Kennedy/NNP won/VBD the/DT debate--and/JJ arguably/RB the/DT election--because/JJ he/PRP came/VBD off/RP better/RBR on/IN television/NN ./.
Kennedy/NNP looked/VBD cooler/JJR ,/, more/RBR confident/JJ ,/, and/CC more/RBR handsome/JJ ./.
He/PRP also/RB knew/VBD something/NN Nixon/NNP didn/NN '/" t--how/JJ to/TO project/VB himself/PRP through/IN the/DT new/JJ technology/NN ./.
In/IN office/NN ,/, JFK/NNP took/VBD further/JJ advantage/NN of/IN the/DT medium/NN ,/, using/VBG television/NN to/TO shape/VB the/DT public/JJ perception/NN of/IN his/PRP$ administration/NN ./.
After/IN press/NN conferences/NNS ,/, he/PRP would/MD replay/NN his/PRP$ films/NNS in/IN private/JJ ,/, critiquing/VBG the/DT lighting/NN and/CC camera/NN angles/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ already/RB a/DT cliché/NN that/IN the/DT 2000/CD election/NN signals/VBZ the/DT advent/NN of/IN another/DT new/JJ medium/NN ,/, the/DT Internet/NN ./.
As/IN is/VBZ often/RB the/DT case/NN with/IN the/DT Web/NNP ,/, predictions/NNS of/IN dominance/NN come/VB in/IN two/CD flavors/NNS :/: utopian/JJ and/CC apocalyptic/JJ ./.
Utopians/NNP think/VBP the/DT Net/NN has/VBZ the/DT power/NN to/TO undo/VB the/DT damage/NN wrought/VBD upon/IN American/JJ politics/NNS by/IN television/NN ./.
In/IN their/PRP$ view/NN ,/, it/PRP stands/VBZ to/TO increase/VB the/DT power/NN of/IN ideas/NNS and/CC diminish/VB the/DT importance/NN of/IN 30/CD -/: second/JJ attack/NN ads/NNS ./.
It/PRP will/MD disenfranchise/NN unelected/JJ elites/NNS and/CC give/VB democratic/JJ power/NN back/RB to/TO individuals/NNS ./.
It/PRP will/MD reduce/VB the/DT power/NN of/IN money/NN ./.
Gloom-and-doomsters/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, assert/VB that/IN the/DT Net/JJ will/MD do/VB just/RB the/DT opposite/NN ,/, reducing/VBG genuine/JJ participation/NN ,/, threatening/VBG personal/JJ privacy/NN ,/, and/CC lending/NN itself/PRP to/TO new/JJ forms/NNS of/IN manipulation/NN by/IN amoral/NN operatives/NNS and/CC moneyed/JJ interests/NNS ./.
My/PRP$ prediction/NN :/: This/DT election/NN will/MD be/VB more/RBR important/JJ to/TO the/DT Net/NN than/IN the/DT Net/NN will/MD be/VB to/TO the/DT election/NN ./.
Just/RB as/IN 1960/CD conferred/VBD legitimacy/NN on/IN TV/NN journalism/NN ,/, Campaign/NNP 2000/CD promises/VBZ to/TO put/VB the/DT Net/NN on/IN the/DT political/JJ map/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ less/JJR of/IN a/DT given/VBN ,/, though/RB ,/, that/IN the/DT Net/JJ will/MD actually/RB affect/VB the/DT campaign/NN ./.
In/IN terms/NNS of/IN the/DT TV/NN analogy/NN ,/, 2000/CD may/MD be/VB 1956/CD or/CC 1948/CD rather/RB than/IN 1960/CD ./.
Television/NNP existed/VBD in/IN those/DT elections/NNS and/CC was/VBD spreading/VBG rapidly/RB into/IN millions/NNS of/IN homes/NNS ./.
But/CC for/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN reasons/NNS ,/, it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB yet/RB a/DT decisive/JJ or/CC central/JJ factor/NN ./.
So/RB ,/, how/WRB can/MD we/PRP know/VB how/WRB important/JJ the/DT Web/NNP is/VBZ this/DT time/NN around/RP ?/.
Only/RB by/IN casting/VBG a/DT skeptical/JJ eye/NN on/IN the/DT ambitious/JJ claims/NNS being/VBG made/VBN on/IN its/PRP$ behalf/NN and/CC evaluating/VBG them/PRP against/IN reality/NN ./.
Slate/NNP and/CC the/DT Industry/NNP Standard/NNP have/VBP joined/VBN forces/NNS for/IN a/DT continuing/VBG real-time/JJ examination/NN of/IN the/DT 2000/CD campaign/NN as/IN it/PRP happens/VBZ on/IN the/DT Web/NNP ./.
In/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, we/PRP 'll/MD follow/VB the/DT topic/NN where/WRB it/PRP takes/VBZ us/PRP ./.
But/CC to/TO start/VB out/RB ,/, here/RB are/VBP some/DT of/IN the/DT subjects/NNS "/" Net/NNP Election/NNP "/" is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO consider/VB and/CC reconsider/VB over/IN the/DT next/JJ 14/CD months/NNS ./.
Net/JJ Fund/NNP Raising/NNP
One/CD way/NN those/DT goofy/NN can/MD quickly/RB establish/VB their/PRP$ value/NN is/VBZ by/IN raising/VBG gobs/NNS of/IN money/NN ./.
So/RB far/RB ,/, they/PRP 've/VBP helped/VBN a/DT bit/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO its/PRP$ most/RBS recent/JJ filing/NN with/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Election/NNP Commission/NNP ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN so/RB far/RB has/VBZ received/VBN $/$ 330/CD ,/, 000/CD from/IN its/PRP$ Web/NNP site/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ only/RB about/IN 3/CD percent/NN of/IN what/WP Bradley/NNP has/VBZ collected/VBN overall/JJ ./.
But/CC there/EX are/VBP reasons/NNS for/IN Bradley/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ rivals/NNS to/TO like/IN Web/NNP money/NN more/JJR than/IN other/JJ kinds/NNS ./.
One/CD is/VBZ that/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN raising/VBG money/NN on/IN the/DT Net/NN is/VBZ very/RB low/JJ compared/VBN with/IN sending/VBG out/IN direct/JJ mail/NN or/CC throwing/VBG a/DT gala/NN ./.
A/DT Web/NNP site/NN is/VBZ basically/RB an/DT electronic/JJ collection/NN plate/NN ,/, which/WDT consumes/NNS few/JJ of/IN a/DT candidate/NN 's/POS resources/NNS ./.
For/IN this/DT reason/NN ,/, Net-based/NNP political/JJ fund/NN raising/VBG is/VBZ destined/VBN to/TO grow--and/JJ probably/RB just/RB as/RB quickly/RB as/IN other/JJ forms/NNS of/IN e-commerce/JJ ./.
Web/NNP fund/NN raising/VBG may/MD also/RB point/VB the/DT way/NN toward/IN campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP initiated/VBD a/DT practice/NN that/WDT will/MD surely/RB become/VB the/DT norm/NN :/: declaring/VBG contributions/NNS immediately/RB online/NN ,/, instead/RB of/IN waiting/VBG for/IN quarterly/JJ FEC/NNP deadlines/NNS ./.
You/PRP could/MD do/VB worse/JJR than/IN the/DT system/NN of/IN campaign/NN finance/NN that/WDT is/VBZ evolving/VBG on/IN the/DT Web/NNP ,/, where/WRB contributions/NNS limited/VBN to/TO the/DT less-than-influential/JJ amount/NN of/IN $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD -/: -/: approximately/RB one-/NN 50/CD ,/, 000/CD th/NN of/IN what/WP Bush/NNP has/VBZ raised/VBN so/RB far--are/JJ immediately/RB disclosed/VBN ./.
To/TO be/VB sure/JJ ,/, there/EX remains/VBZ the/DT problem/NN of/IN many/JJ times/NNS larger/JJR soft/JJ money/NN donations/NNS ./.
But/CC thanks/NNS to/TO the/DT Web/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ at/IN least/JJS easy/JJ to/TO discover/VB which/WDT special/JJ interests/NNS are/VBP supporting/VBG which/WDT candidates/NNS ./.
The/DT best/JJS disclosure/NN site/NN ,/, FECInfo/NNP ,/, puts/VBZ at/IN everyone/NN 's/POS fingertips/NNS information/NN that/WDT used/VBD to/TO require/VB trips/NNS to/TO the/DT FEC/NNP office/NN in/IN Washington/NNP and/CC hours/NNS of/IN poring/VBG over/IN dim/NN microfiches/NNS ./.
Net/JJ Organizing/NNP
Another/DT advantage/NN of/IN Web/NNP contributions/NNS is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP often/RB come/VBP with/IN a/DT promise/NN of/IN volunteer/NN time/NN ./.
The/DT grass/NN roots/NNS group/NN MoveOn/NNP ./.
org/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD formed/VBN to/TO oppose/VB impeaching/VBG President/NNP Clinton/NNP last/JJ year/NN ,/, quickly/RB gathered/VBD pledges/NNS of/IN $/$ 13/CD million/CD and/CC 500/CD ,/, 000/CD signatures/NNS on/IN a/DT petition/NN ,/, just/RB by/IN pinging/VBG e-mail/JJ back/RB and/CC forth/RB ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ more/JJR ,/, 30/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS pledged/VBD 750/CD ,/, 000/CD hours/NNS of/IN volunteer/NN time/NN to/TO defeat/VB pro-impeachment/JJ legislators/NNS in/IN the/DT 2000/CD election/NN ./.
You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB trust/VB politician-haters/JJ ,/, but/CC if/IN the/DT volunteers/NNS live/VBP up/IN to/TO their/PRP$ promises/NNS ,/, they/PRP stand/VBP to/TO become/VB a/DT significant/JJ factor/NN in/IN the/DT contest/NN for/IN control/NN of/IN the/DT House/NNP ./.
Republicans/NNS targeted/VBD for/IN defeat/NN may/MD harness/NN the/DT same/JJ techniques/NNS in/IN self-defense/JJ ./.
Rudy/NNP Giuliani/NNP 's/POS Senate/NNP campaign/NN reports/NNS that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ already/RB signed/VBN up/RP 11/CD ,/, 000/CD volunteers/NNS on/IN the/DT twin/JJ Web/NNP sites/NNS RudyYes/NNP ./.
com/NN and/CC HillaryNo/NNP ./.
com/NN ./.
Those/DT with/IN little/JJ inclination/NN to/TO hand/VB out/RP leaflets/NNS at/IN rainy/NN commuter/NN stations/NNS at/IN rush/NN hour/NN can/MD become/VB "/" e-volunteers/JJ ./.
"/" By/IN using/VBG the/DT Web/NNP in/IN this/DT way/NN ,/, a/DT campaign/NN can/MD convert/VB mass/NN support/NN into/IN grass/NN roots/NNS support/VBP ./.
Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP '/POS Internet/NN guru/NN Rick/NNP Segal/NNP tried/VBD to/TO work/VB the/DT Iowa/NNP straw/NN poll/NN this/DT way/NN ./.
He/PRP set/VBD up/RP a/DT national/JJ e-mail/JJ tree/NN designed/VBN to/TO get/VB people/NNS to/TO send/VB their/PRP$ friends/NNS in/IN Iowa/NNP to/TO Ames/NNP as/IN Forbes/NNP supporters/NNS ./.
How/WRB great/JJ an/DT effect/NN it/PRP had/VBD is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO say/VB ./.
Net/JJ Advertising/NNP
Like/IN Net/JJ fund/NN raising/NN ,/, Net/JJ advertising/NN is/VBZ n't/RB destined/VBN to/TO replace/VB the/DT older/JJR method/NN (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, television/NN )/) overnight--or/JJ ever/RB ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ certain/JJ to/TO grow/VB as/IN a/DT share/NN of/IN the/DT total/NN ./.
TV/NN ads/NNS are/VBP dumb/JJ ,/, both/DT in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN they/PRP tend/VBP to/TO be/VB crudely/RB demagogic/JJ appeals/NNS ,/, and/CC because/IN they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB target/VB segments/NNS of/IN the/DT electorate/NN with/IN any/DT degree/NN of/IN accuracy/NN ./.
Web/NNP advertising/NN is/VBZ smart/JJ ,/, in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN it/PRP can/MD be/VB far/RB more/RBR detailed/JJ and/CC specific/JJ and/CC because/IN it/PRP can/MD reach/VB a/DT target/NN with/IN surgical/JJ precision/NN ./.
Already/RB ,/, Al/NNP Gore/NNP has/VBZ plans/NNS to/TO focus/VB on/IN women-oriented/JJ sites/NNS ./.
Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP intends/VBZ to/TO advertise/VB on/IN day/NN trading/NN and/CC investment/NN sites/NNS ,/, where/WRB people/NNS who/WP might/MD vote/VB for/IN him/PRP are/VBP likely/JJ to/TO be/VB found/VBN ./.
One/CD possibility/NN is/VBZ that/IN these/DT ads/NNS will/MD develop/VB into/IN a/DT new/JJ form/NN of/IN micro-pandering/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT process/NN will/MD be/VB interesting/JJ no/DT matter/NN where/WRB it/PRP leads/VBZ ./.
Techniques/NNP and/CC conventions/NNS that/WDT will/MD come/VB to/TO seem/VB eternal/JJ and/CC inevitable/JJ will/MD actually/RB be/VB invented/VBN in/IN the/DT coming/VBG months/NNS ./.
Net/JJ Issues/NNS
In/IN 1998/CD ,/, several/JJ congressional/JJ candidates/NNS campaigned/VBN against/IN Internet/NN pornography--an/JJ issue/NN of/IN greater/JJR interest/NN to/TO people/NNS off-line/JJ than/IN to/TO those/DT online/NN ./.
This/DT time/NN ,/, you/PRP 're/VBP more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO hear/VB candidates/NNS vowing/VBG to/TO protect/VB electronic/JJ privacy/NN or/CC block/VB taxes/NNS on/IN e-commerce/JJ ./.
One/CD way/NN to/TO gauge/VB how/WRB important/JJ the/DT Web/NNP is/VBZ in/IN 2000/CD is/VBZ by/IN watching/VBG how/WRB seriously/RB candidates/NNS take/VBP the/DT Net/NN 's/POS own/JJ special/JJ interest/NN issues/NNS ./.
What/WP we/PRP have/VBP yet/RB to/TO see/VB ,/, but/CC can/MD expect/VB fairly/RB soon/RB ,/, are/VBP politicians/NNS who/WP fit/VBP the/DT computer/NN industry/NN 's/POS political/JJ profile/NN ./.
Internet/NN politics/NNS are/VBP basically/RB soft/JJ libertarian--liberal/JJ on/IN social/JJ issues/NNS ,/, anti-tax/JJ ,/, and/CC anti-regulation/JJ (/( but/CC pro-environment/NN and/CC pro-gun/JJ control/NN )/) ./.
The/DT tech/NN industry/NN 's/POS dream/NN candidate/NN would/MD combine/VB Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP 's/POS views/NNS on/IN abortion/NN ,/, gay/JJ rights/NNS ,/, and/CC guns/NNS with/IN Steve/NNP Forbes/NNP '/POS dedication/NN to/TO lower/JJR capital/NN gains/VBZ taxes/NNS ./.
That/DT person/NN does/VBZ n't/RB seem/VB to/TO be/VB running/VBG in/IN this/DT campaign/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP or/CC she/PRP may/MD emerge/VB in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN it/PRP (/( possibly/RB occupying/VBG the/DT body/NN of/IN a/DT current/JJ candidate/NN expressing/VBG somewhat/RB different/JJ views/NNS )/) ./.
Net/JJ Coverage/NNP
The/DT campaign/NN news/NN cycle/NN has/VBZ grown/VBN shorter/JJR with/IN each/DT successive/JJ election/NN ./.
Thanks/NNS to/TO the/DT Web/NNP ,/, it/PRP may/MD be/VB entirely/RB repealed/VBN in/IN 2000/CD ./.
These/DT days/NNS ,/, everyone/NN has/VBZ a/DT Web/NNP site/NN and/CC a/DT big/JJ established/VBN news/NN organization/NN can/MD drop/VB an/DT election-transforming/JJ scoop/NN into/IN the/DT mix/NN at/IN any/DT hour/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN or/CC night/NN ,/, just/RB as/IN Matt/NNP Drudge/NNP can/MD ./.
And/CC candidates/NNS wo/MD n't/RB have/VB much/JJ luck/NN with/IN a/DT traditional/JJ stratagem/NN such/JJ as/IN semi-suppressing/JJ a/DT story/NN by/IN not/RB responding/VBG until/IN after/IN the/DT evening/NN news/NN deadlines/NNS ./.
Rapid/JJ response/NN will/MD become/VB more/RBR rapid/JJ than/IN ever/RB ,/, with/IN several/JJ volleys/NNS being/VBG fired/VBN in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN what/WP used/VBD to/TO be/VB a/DT campaign/NN day/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ lots/NNS more/JJR that/IN we/PRP intend/VBP to/TO chew/VB over/IN here/RB :/: Web/NNP voting/NN ,/, Net/JJ gossip/NN ,/, and/CC cybersquatting/VBG ./.
Perhaps/RB the/DT most/RBS interesting/JJ question/NN will/MD be/VB the/DT extent/NN to/TO which/WDT the/DT 2000/CD campaign/NN will/MD happen/VB in/IN cyberspace/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN in/IN meat/NN space/NN ./.
One/CD role/NN model/NN may/MD be/VB Minnesota/NNP Gov/NNP ./.
Jesse/NNP Ventura/NNP ,/, who/WP integrated/VBN the/DT real/JJ and/CC the/DT virtual/JJ to/TO an/DT impressive/JJ degree/NN in/IN his/PRP$ Web-savvy/NNP 1998/CD campaign/NN ./.
Ventura/NNP organized/VBD his/PRP$ original/JJ effort/NN by/IN e-mail/JJ ,/, tracked/VBD his/PRP$ bus/NN tour/NN with/IN digital/JJ pictures/NNS ,/, and/CC encouraged/VBD a/DT lively/JJ bulletin/NN board/NN discussion/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
To/TO a/DT considerable/JJ degree/NN ,/, his/PRP$ Web/NNP site/NN was/VBD where/WRB his/PRP$ campaign/NN actually/RB happened/VBD ./.
As/IN bandwidth/NN increases/NNS ,/, more/JJR candidates/NNS will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO bypass/VB the/DT press/NN by/IN producing/VBG C-SPAN-/NNP style/NN coverage/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ races/NNS ./.
Whether/IN anyone/NN will/MD be/VB watching/NN is/VBZ yet/RB another/DT question/NN ./.
Click/NNP here/RB to/TO visit/VB the/DT Industry/NNP Standard/NNP ./.
The/DT top/JJ international/JJ story/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Kosovo/NNP peace/NN talks/NNS ended/VBN Tuesday/NNP without/IN a/DT signed/VBN agreement/NN ./.
Talks/NNS will/MD reconvene/NN in/IN mid-/NN March/NNP ,/, and/CC NATO/NNP has/VBZ apparently/RB agreed/VBN not/RB to/TO bomb/VB Serbia/NNP in/IN the/DT interim/NN ./.
No/DT agreement/NN was/VBD reached/VBN because/IN Serbian/NNP delegates/NNS refused/VBD to/TO accept/VB any/DT plan/NN enforced/VBN by/IN NATO/NNP troops/NNS ./.
Albanian/NNP delegates/NNS ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, pledged/VBD at/IN the/DT last/JJ minute/NN to/TO sign/VB the/DT proposed/VBN peace/NN agreement--they/JJ will/MD finalize/NN their/PRP$ decision/NN after/IN consulting/VBG with/IN advisers/NNS back/RB home/NN ./.
Most/JJS international/JJ newspapers/NNS focus/VBP on/IN the/DT Serbs/NNP '/POS intransigence/NN and/CC call/VB the/DT peace/NN talks/VBZ a/DT failure/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ in/IN contrast/NN to/TO ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, which/WDT focuses/VBZ on/IN the/DT Albanian/NNP delegates/NNS '/POS pledge/NN to/TO sign/VB the/DT agreement/NN and/CC concludes/VBZ that/IN the/DT talks/NNS were/VBD a/DT "/" limited/JJ success/NN ./.
The/DT Irish/NNP Times/NNP calls/VBZ Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP "/" the/DT undisputed/JJ winner/NN "/" of/IN the/DT Rambouillet/NNP summit/NN and/CC NATO/NNP 's/POS credibility/NN "/" its/PRP$ first/JJ casualty/NN ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN 's/POS main/JJ complaint/NN is/VBZ that/IN Milosevic/NNP faces/VBZ no/DT serious/JJ consequences/NNS for/IN his/PRP$ unwillingness/NN to/TO compromise/VB ./.
If/IN anything/NN ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ learned/VBD that/IN NATO/NNP lacks/VBZ the/DT political/JJ will/MD to/TO punish/VB him/PRP ./.
The/DT paper/NN predicts/VBZ that/IN "/" killing/VBG in/IN Kosovo/NNP is/VBZ not/RB likely/JJ to/TO stop/VB ./.
"/" Britain/NNP 's/POS Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP agrees/VBZ ,/, saying/VBG :/: "/" No/DT one/NN has/VBZ gained/VBN from/IN the/DT chaotic/JJ '/POS peace/NN conference/NN ./.
'/POS ./.
No/DT one/NN except/IN Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ been/VBN given/VBN a/DT few/JJ more/JJR weeks/NNS to/TO kill/VB Kosovo/NNP Albanians/NNS before/IN there/EX will/MD be/VB any/DT more/JJR talk/NN of/IN unleashing/VBG Nato/NNP on/IN him/PRP ./.
"/" The/DT same/JJ editorial/NN also/RB says/VBZ that/IN Albright/NNP 's/POS "/" humiliating/JJ climb-down/JJ "/" will/MD hurt/VB her/PRP$ credibility/NN in/IN future/JJ international/JJ crises/NNS ./.
London/NNP 's/POS Independent/NNP listlessly/RB concludes/VBZ that/IN "/" triumph/NN was/VBD not/RB on/IN the/DT agenda/NN at/IN Rambouillet/NNP yesterday/NN ,/, only/RB weariness/NN and/CC relief/NN that/IN the/DT show/NN had/VBD been/VBN kept/VBN on/IN the/DT road/NN after/IN 17/CD days/NNS of/IN discussions/NNS at/IN which/WDT the/DT two/CD antagonists/NNS did/VBD not/RB once/RB negotiate/VB with/IN each/DT other/JJ directly/RB ./.
Many/JJ European/JJ papers/NNS give/VBP prominent/JJ coverage/NN to/TO news/NN that/IN another/DT avalanche/NN roared/JJ through/IN a/DT village/NN in/IN the/DT Austrian/NNP Alps/NNP Tuesday/NNP ./.
Sixteen/NNP people/NNS were/VBD killed/VBN ,/, and/CC more/JJR than/IN 20/CD are/VBP missing/VBG ./.
Recent/JJ avalanches/NNS in/IN France/NNP ,/, Austria/NNP ,/, Italy/NNP ,/, and/CC Switzerland/NNP have/VBP killed/VBN dozens/NNS of/IN people/NNS ./.
An/DT estimated/VBN 20/CD ,/, 000/CD tourists/NNS are/VBP currently/RB stranded/VBN in/IN snowed-in/JJ resort/NN towns/NNS throughout/IN the/DT Alps/NNP ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP reports/NNS that/IN three/CD Britons/NNP are/VBP being/VBG tried/VBN in/IN a/DT French/JJ court/NN for/IN recklessly/RB endangering/VBG rescuers/NNS '/POS lives/NNS by/IN going/VBG "/" off/IN piste/NN "/" (/( off/RP the/DT marked/VBN trail/NN )/) at/IN a/DT ski/NN resort/NN near/IN Albertville/NNP ./.
The/DT lost/VBD Londoners/NNP contacted/VBD the/DT authorities/NNS on/IN a/DT cell/NN phone/NN and/CC were/VBD brought/VBN to/TO safety/NN without/IN injuries/NNS to/TO skiers/NNS or/CC rescuers/NNS ./.
The/DT trial/NN is/VBZ attracting/VBG attention/NN in/IN English/NNP papers/NNS because/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT Alpine/NNP avalanches/NNS this/DT winter/NN have/VBP been/VBN attributed/VBN to/TO irresponsible/JJ off/IN piste/NN skiers/NNS ./.
(/( Astonishingly/NNP ,/, the/DT brief/JJ Times/NNP story/NN finds/VBZ room/NN to/TO list/VB each/DT defendant/NN 's/POS income/NN ,/, as/RB in/IN "/" Mr/NNP Fairley/NNP ,/, a/DT father/NN of/IN two/CD ,/, earns/VBZ about/IN £/NN 46/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT year/NN as/IN European/JJ sales/NNS manager/NN for/IN a/DT medical/JJ equipment/NN firm/NN ./.
"/" )/)
A/DT Ugandan/NNP paper/NN ,/, the/DT New/NNP Vision/NNP ,/, has/VBZ scored/VBN the/DT first/JJ interview/NN with/IN deposed/VBN dictator/NN Idi/NNP Amin/NNP in/IN over/IN a/DT decade/NN (/( "/" An/DT Audience/NNP With/IN Big/NNP Daddy/NNP Idi/NNP ,/, "/" reprinted/VBN in/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP 's/POS Daily/NNP Mail/NNP &/CC Guardian/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT profile/NN sketches/NNS "/" Big/NNP Daddy/NNP "/" as/IN a/DT playful/JJ old/JJ duffer--e/JJ ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, "/" to/TO punish/VB the/DT Ugandan/NNP media/NNS for/IN running/VBG false/JJ stories/NNS that/IN he/PRP eats/VBZ dozens/NNS of/IN oranges/NNS a/DT day/NN ,/, [/( Amin/NNP ]/) refuses/VBZ to/TO have/VB his/PRP$ picture/NN taken/VBN ./.
"/" The/DT interviewer/NN notably/RB refrains/NNS from/IN asking/VBG any/DT hard/JJ questions/NNS about/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, the/DT 200/CD ,/, 000/CD Ugandans/NNP thought/VBD to/TO have/VB died/VBN under/IN Amin/NNP 's/POS rule/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB this/DT is/VBZ because/IN before/IN the/DT interview/NN Amin/NNP told/VBD the/DT reporter/NN that/IN "/" his/PRP$ people/NNS "/" in/IN Uganda/NNP "/" say/VBP they/PRP know/VBP you/PRP ,/, the/DT place/NN you/PRP stay/VBP and/CC when/WRB you/PRP get/VBP home/NN ./.
"/" Amin/NNP lives/NNS in/IN Jeddah/NNP ,/, Saudi/NNP Arabia/NNP ,/, on/IN a/DT Saudi/JJ pension/NN ;/: he/PRP has/VBZ five/CD satellite/NN dishes/NNS ,/, drives/VBZ a/DT white/JJ Cadillac/NNP ,/, and/CC enjoys/VBZ fishing/NN in/IN the/DT Red/NNP Sea/NNP ./.
"/" We/PRP 've/VBP just/RB been/VBN sent/VBN a/DT memo/NN telling/VBG us/PRP we/PRP 're/VBP not/RB supposed/VBN to/TO talk/VB to/TO the/DT media/NNS ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT young/JJ male/JJ clerk/NN at/IN Barnes/NNP &/CC Noble/NNP when/WRB I/PRP asked/VBD if/IN he/PRP was/VBD selling/VBG a/DT lot/NN of/IN copies/NNS of/IN The/DT Rules/NNPS :/: Time/NNP Tested/NNP Secrets/NNP for/IN Capturing/NNP the/DT Heart/NNP of/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Right/RB ,/, the/DT slender/JJ ,/, much-publicized/JJ manual/JJ of/IN retro/NN dating/VBG strategy/NN for/IN women/NNS ./.
"/" But/CC yes/UH "/" -/: -/: eyeball/NN roll/NN ,/, sigh/NN ,/, grimace--/JJ "/" it/PRP 's/VBZ flying/VBG out/IN of/IN here/RB ./.
"/" There/EX went/VBD my/PRP$ theory/NN that/IN the/DT book/NN 's/POS sales/NNS (/( advertised/VBN as/IN 800/CD ,/, 000/CD )/) reflected/VBD warehouse-size/JJ orders/NNS from/IN the/DT same/JJ cabal/NN that/WDT inflated/VBD the/DT numbers/NNS for/IN Ancient/NNP Evenings/NNP ,/, The/DT Closing/NN of/IN the/DT American/NNP Mind/VB ,/, A/DT Brief/NNP History/NN of/IN Time/NNP ,/, and/CC many/JJ other/JJ supposed/VBN huge/JJ sellers/NNS that/IN you/PRP 've/VBP never/RB actually/RB seen/VBN outside/IN a/DT bookstore/NN ./.
Choosing/NNP my/PRP$ copy/NN from/IN a/DT miniwall/NN of/IN identical/JJ pink/JJ paperbacks/NNS ,/, I/PRP figured/VBD I/PRP should/MD probably/RB abandon/VB my/PRP$ fallback/NN theory/NN too/RB ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ that/IN the/DT only/JJ people/NNS who/WP take/VBP the/DT Rules/NNPS seriously/RB are/VBP journalists/NNS assigned/VBN to/TO write/VB about/IN them/PRP ./.
Certainly/RB the/DT B/NNP &/CC N/NNP clerk/NN ,/, a/DT dating/VBG man/NN if/IN I/PRP ever/RB saw/VBD one/CD ,/, took/VBD them/PRP seriously/RB ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ all/DT about/JJ mind/NN games/NNS ,/, "/" he/PRP volunteered/VBD scornfully/RB ./.
"/" I/PRP hate/VBP that/DT book/NN ./.
"/" Mind/VB games/NNS "/" is/VBZ right/JJ ./.
The/DT thesis/NN of/IN Ellen/NNP Fein/NNP and/CC Sherrie/NNP Schneider/NNP 's/POS book/NN is/VBZ that/IN for/IN women/NNS who/WP want/VBP to/TO marry/VB ,/, lunacy/NN is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS policy/NN ./.
Women/NNP who/WP take/VBP the/DT initiative--a/JJ broad/JJ category/NN of/IN behavior/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ most/JJS signs/NNS of/IN life/NN ,/, not/RB to/TO mention/VB common/JJ politeness--/JJ "/" destroy/VB male/JJ ambition/NN and/CC animal/NN drive/NN ./.
Men/NN are/VBP born/VBN to/TO respond/VB to/TO challenge/VB ./.
Take/VB away/RB challenge/NN and/CC their/PRP$ interest/NN wanes/VBZ ./.
"/" So/RB ,/, become/VBP a/DT Rules/NNPS Girl/NNP ./.
Having/VBG first/RB transformed/VBN yourself/PRP (/( Rule/NN 1/LS )/) into/IN "/" a/DT creature/NN unlike/IN any/DT other/JJ "/" -/: -/: radiant/JJ ,/, confident/JJ ,/, fashionable/JJ ,/, mysterious/JJ ,/, elusive/JJ ,/, quiet/JJ ,/, and/CC ,/, if/IN necessary/JJ ,/, nose-jobbed--do/JJ n't/RB talk/VB to/TO a/DT man/NN first/RB (/( 2/LS )/) or/CC too/RB much/JJ (/( 3/LS )/) ,/, do/VBP n't/RB go/VB Dutch/JJ (/( 4/LS )/) or/CC sleep/VB with/IN him/PRP on/IN the/DT first/JJ date/NN (/( 14/CD )/) ,/, do/VBP n't/RB call/VB him/PRP and/CC rarely/RB return/VB his/PRP$ calls/NNS (/( 5/LS )/) ,/, always/RB end/NN phone/NN calls/NNS (/( 6/CD )/) and/CC dates/NNS (/( 11/CD )/) first/JJ ,/, and/CC never/RB accept/VB a/DT Saturday/NNP night/NN date/NN after/IN Wednesday/NNP (/( 7/CD )/) ./.
As/IN you/PRP might/MD expect/VB from/IN a/DT book/NN that/IN mingles/NNS pop/VBP Darwinism/NNP with/IN the/DT Weltanschauung/NNP of/IN Cosmopolitan/NNP ,/, the/DT Rules/NNPS can/MD be/VB a/DT bit/NN mysterious/JJ and/CC elusive/JJ themselves--you/JJ ca/MD n't/RB introduce/VB yourself/PRP to/TO your/PRP$ neighbor/NN ,/, but/CC taking/VBG out/RP a/DT personal/JJ ad/NN is/VBZ OK/JJ ,/, and/CC how/WRB 's/VBZ a/DT girl/NN to/TO square/VB the/DT whole/JJ project/NN of/IN "/" conditioning/NN "/" the/DT marriage-averse/JJ man/NN with/IN Rules/NNPS 17/CD (/( Let/VB Him/PRP Take/VB the/DT Lead/JJ )/) and/CC 18/CD (/( Do/VBP n't/RB Expect/VB a/DT Man/NN to/TO Change/NNP or/CC Try/VB to/TO Change/NNP Him/PRP )/) ?/.
You/PRP could/MD see/VB The/DT Rules/NNPS as/IN a/DT weird/JJ fantasia/NN on/IN the/DT theme/NN of/IN ,/, "/" Why/WRB buy/VB the/DT cow/NN if/IN you/PRP can/MD get/VB the/DT milk/NN for/IN free/JJ ?/.
"/" But/CC what/WP sets/NNS it/PRP apart/RB from/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, "/" Dear/RB Abby/NNP ,/, "/" is/VBZ the/DT demented/JJ ,/, quasi-military/JJ precision/NN of/IN the/DT Rules/NNPS ./.
Buy/VB a/DT timer/NN and/CC set/VBD it/PRP for/IN 10/CD minutes/NNS when/WRB he/PRP calls/VBZ ./.
Practice/NNP the/DT rules/NNS on/IN the/DT doorman/NN and/CC the/DT butcher--let/JJ them/PRP say/VBP "/" hello/UH "/" first/JJ to/TO you/PRP ./.
If/IN your/PRP$ beau/NN fails/VBZ to/TO come/VB across/IN with/IN a/DT "/" romantic/JJ gift/NN "/" for/IN your/PRP$ birthday/NN and/CC Valentine/NNP 's/POS Day/NNP ,/, he/PRP obviously/RB does/VBZ n't/RB love/VB you/PRP ;/: so/RB show/NN him/PRP the/DT door/NN !/.
Do/VBP n't/RB just/RB read/VB the/DT Rules--memorize/NNP them/PRP ./.
By/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, when/WRB you/PRP 're/VBP being/VBG advised/VBN to/TO join/VB a/DT support/NN group/NN to/TO help/VB you/PRP resist/VB the/DT urge/NN to/TO have/VB a/DT normal/JJ conversation/NN with/IN your/PRP$ boyfriend/NN ,/, the/DT whole/JJ enterprise/NN has/VBZ a/DT distinctly/RB cultish/NN flavor/NN ./.
(/( Rule/NN 31/CD :/: Do/VBP n't/RB Discuss/NNP The/DT Rules/NNPS with/IN Your/PRP$ Therapist/NNP ./.
The/DT Rules/NNPS is/VBZ n't/RB just/RB about/IN manipulating/VBG men/NNS ;/: it/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN manipulating/VBG the/DT reader/NN too/RB ./.
The/DT eerie/JJ assurance/NN with/IN which/WDT the/DT authors/NNS insist/VBP that/IN the/DT Rules/NNPS always/RB work/NN and/CC that/IN any/DT deviation/NN brings/VBZ disaster/NN is/VBZ strangely/RB nervous-making/JJ ,/, like/IN one/CD of/IN those/DT chain/NN letters/NNS that/IN alludes/NNS darkly/RB to/TO people/NNS who/WP dropped/VBD dead/JJ after/IN failing/VBG to/TO pass/VB it/PRP on/IN ./.
Could/MD it/PRP possibly/RB be/VB that/IN my/PRP$ 13/CD -/: year-long/JJ marriage/NN was/VBD jinxed/VBN from/IN Day/NNP One/CD because/IN I/PRP called/VBD my/PRP$ future/JJ husband/NN first/RB and/CC suggested/VBD coffee--in/JJ his/PRP$ neighborhood/NN ,/, yet/RB ,/, instead/RB of/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ ?/.
Actually/RB ,/, no/UH ./.
Life/NNP 's/POS much/RB more/RBR complicated/JJ ./.
Sure/RB ,/, men/NNS like/IN a/DT challenge--but/JJ so/RB do/VBP women/NNS ./.
And/CC nobody/NN likes/VBZ to/TO be/VB challenged/VBN all/DT the/DT time/NN ./.
I/PRP know/VBP plenty/NN of/IN long-standing/JJ happy/JJ couples/NNS who/WP slept/VBD together/RB right/RB away/RB ,/, spent/VBD hours/NNS yakking/VBG on/IN the/DT phone/NN ,/, split/NN checks/NNS down/RP the/DT middle/NN ,/, and/CC lived/VBD together/RB for/IN years/NNS before/IN the/DT wedding/NN ./.
The/DT notion/NN that/IN female/JJ initiative/NN is/VBZ useless/JJ because/IN men/NNS know/VBP what/WP they/PRP want/VBP is/VBZ particularly/RB odd--most/JJ people/NNS do/VBP n't/RB even/RB know/VB what/WP they/PRP want/VBP for/IN dinner/NN ./.
Even/RB odder/NN is/VBZ the/DT notion/NN that/IN what/WP men/NNS want/VBP is/VBZ a/DT woman/NN who/WP 's/VBZ always/RB on/IN her/PRP$ way/NN out/RP the/DT door/NN ./.
Since/IN The/DT Rules/NNPS do/VBP not/RB reflect/VB reality/NN ,/, what/WP is/VBZ their/PRP$ appeal--and/JJ to/TO whom/WP ?/.
Undoubtedly/NNP ,/, the/DT book/NN owes/VBZ much/JJ of/IN its/PRP$ visibility/NN to/TO the/DT general/JJ mood/NN of/IN anti-feminism/JJ and/CC family-values/JJ conservatism/NN ./.
But/CC to/TO see/VB its/PRP$ popularity/NN as/IN evidence/NN of/IN rejection/NN of/IN feminism/NN by/IN "/" women/NNS "/" is/VBZ much/RB too/RB vague/JJ ./.
In/IN the/DT pages/NNS of/IN The/DT Rules/NNPS ,/, men/NNS are/VBP a/DT barely/RB individualized/JJ collection/NN of/IN amiable/JJ dolts/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT Rules/NNPS Girl/NNP is/VBZ a/DT particular/JJ social/JJ type--and/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT choosy/NN free/JJ spirit/NN lectured/VBD in/IN such/JJ anti-feminist/JJ self-help/NN books/NNS as/IN Smart/NNP Women/NNP ,/, Foolish/NNP Choices/NNS ./.
The/DT woman/NN depicted/VBN as/IN in/IN need/NN of/IN the/DT Rules/NNPS is/VBZ a/DT voracious/JJ doormat/NN ,/, the/DT sort/NN of/IN woman/NN who/WP sends/VBZ men/NNS Hallmark/NNP greeting/VBG cards/NNS or/CC long/JJ letters/NNS after/IN a/DT single/JJ date/NN ,/, who/WP rummages/NNS in/IN men/NNS 's/POS drawers/NNS and/CC pockets/NNS ,/, suggests/VBZ couples/NNS therapy/NN when/WRB brief/JJ relationships/NNS start/VBP to/TO crumble/VB ,/, throws/VBZ away/RB a/DT new/JJ boyfriend/NN 's/POS old/JJ clothes/NNS ,/, cleans/VBZ (/( and/CC redecorates/NNS )/) his/PRP$ apartment/NN without/IN asking/VBG ,/, and/CC refuses/VBZ to/TO see/VB the/DT most/RBS obvious/JJ signs/NNS of/IN disengagement/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ problem/NN is/VBZ n't/RB too/RB much/JJ liberation/NN ;/: it/PRP 's/VBZ incredibly/RB low/JJ self-esteem/NN ./.
For/IN women/NNS like/IN this/DT ,/, The/DT Rules/NNPS might/MD seem/VB like/IN a/DT way/NN of/IN setting/VBG boundaries/NNS on/IN a/DT personality/NN that/WDT has/VBZ none/NN ,/, of/IN giving/VBG a/DT sense/NN of/IN purpose/NN and/CC structure/NN to/TO a/DT life/NN that/WDT seems/VBZ "/" empty/JJ "/" (/( a/DT recurrent/JJ word/NN )/) ,/, of/IN offering/NN women/NNS who/WP fear/VBP they/PRP are/VBP worthless/JJ a/DT way/NN of/IN acting/VBG as/IN if/IN they/PRP were/VBD precious--/JJ "/" a/DT creature/NN unlike/IN any/DT other/JJ "/" -/: -/: in/IN the/DT hope/NN that/IN the/DT pose/VB may/MD become/VB reality/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, this/DT is/VBZ unlikely--a/JJ motormouth/NN cannot/NN be/VB "/" quiet/JJ and/CC mysterious/JJ "/" forever/RB ,/, timer/NN or/CC no/DT timer/NN ,/, and/CC The/DT Rules/NNPS '/POS blithe/NN assurance/NN that/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Right/RB ,/, reeled/VBD in/IN by/IN your/PRP$ "/" friendly/JJ ,/, light/JJ ,/, and/CC breezy/JJ "/" persona/NN ,/, will/MD accept/VB your/PRP$ edgy/JJ ,/, insecure/JJ ,/, and/CC engulfing/VBG true/JJ self/NN is/VBZ ,/, perhaps/RB ,/, the/DT cruelest/NN fantasy/NN in/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
Although/IN the/DT Rules/NNPS Girl/NNP is/VBZ anything/NN but/CC Everywoman/NNP ,/, the/DT world/NN depicted/VBN in/IN the/DT book/NN is/VBZ unfortunately/RB the/DT one/CD in/IN which/WDT millions/NNS of/IN single/JJ men/NNS and/CC women/NNS live/VBP :/: a/DT corporatized/JJ and/CC highly/RB competitive/JJ world/NN of/IN office/NN jobs/NNS and/CC aerobics/NN classes/NNS ,/, personal/JJ ads/NNS ,/, nose/NN jobs/NNS and/CC diets/NNS ,/, singles/NNS dances/NNS ,/, self-help/NN seminars/NNS ,/, and/CC spiritual/NN fads/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB a/DT very/RB warm/JJ or/CC kind/NN world/NN ,/, or/CC one/CD with/IN much/JJ room/NN for/IN originality/NN or/CC playfulness/NN or/CC waywardness/NNS or/CC even/RB what/WP I/PRP would/MD call/VB "/" romance/NN ./.
"/" Friends/NNS matter/NN because/IN you/PRP need/VBP someone/NN to/TO rent/VB a/DT beach/NN house/NN or/CC go/VB to/TO a/DT singles/NNS dance/NN with/IN ./.
Politics/NNS and/CC volunteer/NN work/NN and/CC books/NNS are/VBP just/RB ways/NNS to/TO keep/VB busy/JJ between/IN dates/NNS ./.
The/DT Darwinian/JJ theme/NN prominent/JJ in/IN much/JJ of/IN the/DT discussion/NN about/IN dating/VBG just/RB now/RB reflects/VBZ this/DT world/NN well/RB :/: men/NNS and/CC women/NNS ,/, different/JJ by/IN nature/NN and/CC with/IN innately/RB opposed/VBN interests/NNS ,/, each/DT trying/VBG to/TO exploit/VB the/DT other/JJ first/NN ./.
You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB have/VB to/TO like/IN the/DT other/JJ sex--you/JJ do/VBP n't/RB even/RB have/VB to/TO like/IN your/PRP$ lover/NN ./.
You/PRP just/RB have/VBP to/TO need/VB him/PRP or/CC her--for/JJ sex/NN ,/, babies/NNS ,/, "/" romantic/JJ gifts/NNS ,/, "/" attention/NN ,/, money/NN ,/, acceptability/NN in/IN a/DT society/NN organized/VBN around/IN the/DT couple/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT subtext/NN of/IN The/DT Rules/NNPS is/VBZ resentment/NN toward/IN men/NNS :/: As/IN the/DT authors/NNS put/VBP it/PRP in/IN their/PRP$ inimitable/JJ fashion/NN ,/, "/" [/( T/NN ]/) he/PRP man/NN is/VBZ the/DT adversary/NN (/( if/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ someone/NN you/PRP really/RB like/IN )/) ./.
"/" Why/WRB ?/.
"/" He/PRP has/VBZ the/DT power/NN to/TO hurt/VB you/PRP ./.
he/PRP runs/VBZ the/DT show/NN ./.
When/WRB feminists/NNS suggest/VBP that/IN men/NNS run/VBP the/DT show--any/JJ show--they/JJ get/VB labeled/VBN man-haters/JJ and/CC whiners/NNS ./.
But/CC then/RB ,/, feminists/NNS want/VBP to/TO change/VB the/DT rules/NNS ,/, not/RB memorize/VBP them/PRP ./.
The/DT Man/NN Who/WP Should/MD Be/VB King/NNP
It/PRP is/VBZ this/DT arm/NN ,/, this/DT right/JJ arm/NN ,/, that/IN North/NNP Vietnamese/JJ torturers/NNS worked/VBD over/IN for/IN days/NNS in/IN a/DT hellhole/NN called/VBD the/DT Plantation/NNP ,/, till/IN it/PRP was/VBD broken/VBN and/CC bruised/VBN and/CC lacerated/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ this/DT arm/NN ,/, this/DT right/JJ arm/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ still/RB stiff/JJ ,/, still/RB scarred/VBN ,/, still/RB bent/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP is/VBZ this/DT arm/NN ,/, this/DT right/JJ arm/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT avaricious/JJ barons/NNS of/IN tobacco/NN ,/, who/WP sell/VBP death/NN and/CC call/VB it/PRP commerce/NN ,/, think/VBP they/PRP can/MD twist/NN ,/, think/VB they/PRP can/MD break/VB ,/, think/VB they/PRP can/MD make/VB reach/VB out/IN to/TO them/PRP ,/, open-palmed/JJ ./.
But/CC ,/, you/PRP see/VBP ,/, they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB understand/VB that/IN this/DT arm/NN has/VBZ a/DT man/NN attached/VBN to/TO it/PRP ./.
And/CC they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB understand/VB that/IN the/DT man/NN is/VBZ Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ allergic/JJ to/TO their/PRP$ blandishments/NNS and/CC threats/NNS ,/, just/RB as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ allergic/JJ to/TO the/DT cozy/JJ ,/, sleazy/JJ compromises/NNS of/IN this/DT dark/JJ city/NN ,/, just/RB as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ allergic/JJ to/TO the/DT mendacious/JJ hypocrisies/NNS of/IN politics/NNS as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ practiced/VBN in/IN late-/NN 20/CD th/NN century/NN America/NNP ./.
For/IN Sen/NNP ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP is/VBZ the/DT last/JJ _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN _/NN (/( man/NN of/IN honor/NN ,/, hero/NN ,/, honest/JJ man/NN ,/, saint/NN ./.
)/) in/IN American/JJ politics/NNS ./.
And/CC perhaps/RB ,/, if/IN we/PRP are/VBP very/RB lucky/JJ ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ our/PRP$ next/JJ president/NN ./.
Political/JJ journalism/NN ,/, like/IN all/DT professions/NNS ,/, depends/VBZ on/IN the/DT formula--the/JJ ritual/NN "/" Newt/NNP is/VBZ doomed/VBN "/" or/CC "/" Clinton/NNP will/MD survive/VB anything/NN "/" stories/NNS ./.
During/IN the/DT past/JJ year/NN ,/, there/EX has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT significant/JJ addition/NN to/TO the/DT Washington/NNP media/NNS formulary/JJ :/: the/DT John/NNP McCain/NNP profile/NN ./.
It/PRP can/MD be/VB boiled/VBD down/RB to/TO this/DT :/: He/PRP was/VBD our/PRP$ bravest/JJS Vietnam/NNP prisoner/NN of/IN war/NN ./.
Now/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT only/JJ senator/NN courageous/JJ enough/RB to/TO tell/VB the/DT truth/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ battling/VBG evil/JJ cigarette/NN lobbyists/NNS and/CC Senate/NNP money-grubbers/JJ ./.
He/PRP may/MD lose/VB ,/, but/CC he/PRP wo/MD n't/RB quit/VB ./.
In/IN 2000/CD ,/, he/PRP 'll/MD run/VB for/IN president/NN ./.
We/PRP do/VBP n't/RB deserve/VB someone/NN this/DT honorable/JJ ./.
Vote/NN for/IN him/PRP ./.
Esquire/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP ,/, Time/NNP ,/, and/CC countless/JJ newspapers/NNS have/VBP sanctified/JJ the/DT Arizona/NNP Republican/NNP in/IN this/DT way/NN ./.
Mike/NNP Wallace/NNP has/VBZ said/VBN he/PRP would/MD consider/VB quitting/VBG 60/CD Minutes/NNPS to/TO aid/VB a/DT McCain/NNP 2000/CD campaign/NN ./.
As/RB far/RB as/IN the/DT national/JJ media/NNS are/VBP concerned/VBN ,/, McCain/NNP can/MD do/VB no/DT wrong/NN ./.
When/WRB his/PRP$ tobacco/NN bill/NN was/VBD shot/VBN down/RB ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP declared/VBD the/DT defeat/NN would/MD only/RB burnish/NN his/PRP$ reputation/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP got/VBD caught/VBN telling/VBG a/DT dumb/JJ ,/, nasty/JJ about/IN Chelsea/NNP Clinton--the/NNP kind/NN of/IN crack/NN that/WDT might/MD cripple/NN the/DT career/NN of/IN someone/NN else/RB in/IN Congress--he/NNP apologized/VBD immediately/RB ,/, was/VBD forgiven/VBN by/IN the/DT president/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT love-in/JJ continued/VBD ./.
(/( Click/NNP for/IN a/DT brief/JJ sidebar/NN on/IN how/WRB McCain/NNP uses/VBZ apology/NN as/IN a/DT career/NN strategy/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ easy/JJ to/TO understand/VB why/WRB McCain/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN anointed/JJ the/DT media/NNS 's/POS favorite/JJ presidential/JJ hopeful/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ irresistible/JJ ./.
In/IN a/DT Senate/NNP populated/VBN by/IN grasping/VBG automatons/NNS ,/, he/PRP behaves/VBZ like/IN an/DT actual/JJ human/JJ being/NN ./.
Probably/RB because/IN of/IN his/PRP$ five/CD and/CC a/DT half/JJ year/NN imprisonment/NN ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ impatient/JJ with/IN the/DT euphemisms/NNS and/CC lies/NNS of/IN politics/NNS ./.
(/( Bob/NNP Dole/NNP once/RB said/VBD of/IN him/PRP ,/, "/" You/PRP spend/VBP five/CD years/NNS in/IN a/DT box/NN and/CC you/PRP 're/VBP entitled/VBN to/TO speak/VB your/PRP$ mind/NN ./.
"/" )/) McCain/NNP cracks/NNS jokes/NNS ,/, dishes/NNS dirt/NN ,/, and/CC generally/RB mocks/NNS the/DT hypocrisies/NNS and/CC failings/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ colleagues/NNS (/( and/CC himself/PRP )/) ./.
The/DT more/JJR his/PRP$ colleagues/NNS spin/VB and/CC position/VB themselves/PRP ,/, the/DT better/JJR he/PRP looks/VBZ ./.
McCain/NNP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT appeal/NN of/IN the/DT maverick/NN ./.
The/DT press/NN loves/VBZ Republican/JJ traitors/NNS ,/, and/CC McCain/NNP 's/POS willingness/NN to/TO buck/VB his/PRP$ party/NN bosses/NNS on/IN campaign/NN finance/NN and/CC tobacco/NN makes/VBZ great/JJ copy/NN ./.
(/( If/IN he/PRP were/VBD a/DT Democrat/NNP leading/VBG the/DT fight/NN against/IN tobacco/NN and/CC campaign/NN corruption/NN ,/, no/DT one/PRP would/MD care/VB ./.
)/) There/EX is/VBZ something/NN heroic/JJ about/IN a/DT politician/NN who/WP seems/VBZ to/TO act/VB against/IN his/PRP$ immediate/JJ self-interest/NN ./.
McCain/NNP benefits/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, from/IN the/DT general/JJ swoon/NN about/IN his/PRP$ history/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ an/DT awesome/JJ man/NN ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB need/VB to/TO talk/VB about/IN the/DT war/NN :/: Reporters/NNP ,/, most/JJS of/IN whom/WP never/RB served/VBD in/IN the/DT military/NN ,/, are/VBP paralyzed/VBN by/IN him/PRP ./.
His/PRP$ indisputable/JJ bravery/NN and/CC honor/VB inoculate/NN him/PRP against/IN charges/NNS of/IN base/NN motives/NNS ./.
And/CC he/PRP makes/VBZ himself/PRP phenomenally/RB accessible/JJ ./.
According/VBG to/TO Arizona/NNP reporters/NNS ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ ill-tempered/JJ and/CC vindictive/JJ toward/IN the/DT local/JJ press/NN ;/: but/CC he/PRP charms/NNS the/DT socks/NNS off/RP national/JJ reporters/NNS ./.
He/PRP interrupts/NNS family/NN vacations/NNS to/TO appear/VB on/IN cable/NN news/NN and/CC rises/VBZ at/IN ungodly/RB hours/NNS on/IN foreign/JJ trips/NNS to/TO do/VB TV/NN interviews/NNS ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ a/DT knack/NN for/IN flattering/JJ reporters/NNS ./.
Other/JJ politicians/NNS obviously/RB stage-manage/JJ media/NNS encounters/NNS ./.
McCain/NNP ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, is/VBZ transparent/JJ ./.
He/PRP confides/VBZ in/IN reporters/NNS ./.
He/PRP holds/VBZ conversations/NNS with/IN his/PRP$ children/NNS in/IN front/NN of/IN them/PRP ./.
He/PRP asks/VBZ them/PRP for/IN advice/NN ./.
(/( Tip/NNP to/TO pols/NNS :/: No/DT ./.
1/LS way/NN to/TO ensure/VB a/DT favorable/JJ article/NN is/VBZ to/TO ask/VB the/DT reporter/NN for/IN advice/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT McCain/NNP hagiography/NN is/VBZ not/RB harmless/JJ ./.
It/PRP misleads/NNS the/DT American/JJ people/NNS ,/, and/CC it/PRP will/MD disserve/NN him/PRP if/IN he/PRP does/VBZ run/VB for/IN president/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB just/RB an/DT honorable/JJ ,/, truth-seeking/JJ hero/NN ,/, a/DT selfless/JJ iconoclast/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT schemer/NN ,/, a/DT politician/NN ,/, a/DT calculating/VBG populist/JJ who/WP has/VBZ built/VBN his/PRP$ career/NN on/IN sexy/JJ ,/, attention-getting/JJ issues/NNS ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ opportunistic/JJ ./.
He/PRP arrived/VBD at/IN a/DT convenient/JJ time/NN in/IN the/DT tobacco/NN fight/NN :/: He/PRP had/VBD no/DT strong/JJ feelings/NNS about/IN the/DT evil/JJ weed/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP became/VBD the/DT tobacco/NN scourge/NN only/RB when/WRB Republican/JJ leaders/NNS asked/VBD him/PRP to/TO shepherd/NN the/DT bill/NN through/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
He/PRP adopted/VBD campaign/NN finance/NN reform/NN only/RB after/IN he/PRP was/VBD tarred/VBD in/IN the/DT Keating/NNP Five/CD scandal/NN several/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ./.
Others/NNS who/WP 've/VBP devoted/VBN years/NNS to/TO campaign/VB finance/NN and/CC tobacco/NN have/VBP watched/VBN McCain/NNP get/VB credit/NN as/IN the/DT heroic/JJ martyr/NN ,/, the/DT patron/NN saint/NN of/IN lost/VBN causes/NNS ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ more/RBR pernicious/JJ about/IN the/DT coverage/NN is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP confuses/VBZ the/DT qualities/NNS of/IN a/DT crusader/NN with/IN those/DT of/IN a/DT president/NN ./.
McCain/NNP is/VBZ often/RB praised/VBN as/IN an/DT independent/JJ legislator/NN ,/, but/CC no/DT one/CD ever/RB points/VBZ out/RP that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT rather/RB ineffective/JJ one/CD ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ unpopular/JJ in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
Some/DT of/IN his/PRP$ Republican/JJ colleagues/NNS dislike/VBP him/PRP for/IN selfish/JJ reasons--they/JJ envy/NN his/PRP$ popularity/NN and/CC resent/VBP his/PRP$ outsider/NN stances/NNS ./.
(/( "/" His/PRP$ colleagues/NNS feel/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT showboat/NN and/CC a/DT camera/NN hog/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ University/NNP of/IN Virginia/NNP political/JJ scientist/NN Larry/NNP Sabato/NNP ./.
)/) But/CC they/PRP also/RB dislike/VBP him/PRP for/IN good/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
McCain/NNP resists/VBZ the/DT political/JJ horse/NN trading/NN that/IN underlies/NNS legislating/NN :/: He/PRP has/VBZ said/VBN he/PRP has/VBZ no/DT plans/NNS to/TO modify/VB the/DT tobacco/NN bill/NN to/TO get/VB it/PRP passed/VBD ./.
(/( Well/RB ,/, why/WRB not/RB ?/.
)/) Similarly/RB ,/, he/PRP infuriates/NNS senators/NNS with/IN grandstanding/VBG attacks/NNS on/IN pork/NN ,/, being/VBG a/DT master/NN at/IN publicizing/VBG and/CC eliminating/VBG other/JJ senators/NNS '/POS sweetheart/NN projects/NNS ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ not/RB recognize/VB quid/NN pro/FW quo/NN politics/NNS ./.
This/DT naked/JJ ,/, righteous/JJ populism/NN makes/VBZ McCain/NNP a/DT superb/JJ advocate/NN on/IN campaign/NN finance/NN and/CC tobacco/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX is/VBZ certainly/RB something/NN romantic/JJ in/IN the/DT notion/NN that/IN America/NNP needs/VBZ an/DT honorable/JJ ,/, truth-telling/JJ president/NN like/IN him/PRP ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ also/RB something/NN foolish/JJ in/IN it/PRP ./.
McCain/NNP is/VBZ a/DT contrarian/JJ ,/, someone/NN whose/WP$ life/NN is/VBZ defined/VBN by/IN lonely/JJ opposition/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD a/DT pilot/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT platoon/NN leader/NN ./.
He/PRP resisted/VBD his/PRP$ captors/NNS alone/RB and/CC endured/VBD years/NNS in/IN solitary/JJ confinement/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT Naval/NNP Academy/NNP ,/, McCain/NNP was/VBD nicknamed/VBN "/" Punk/NNP ,/, "/" and/CC that/DT 's/VBZ what/WP he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
He/PRP suspects/VBZ authority/NN and/CC challenges/NNS orthodoxy/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ why/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT great/JJ story/NN and/CC a/DT great/JJ troublemaker/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB why/WRB he/PRP would/MD make/VB a/DT lousy/JJ president/NN ./.
Being/VBG president/NN is/VBZ not/RB about/IN bucking/VBG authority/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN being/VBG authority/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB about/IN resisting/VBG coercion/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ about/IN coercing/VBG ,/, and/CC bargaining/NN ,/, and/CC sucking/VBG up/RP ,/, and/CC twisting/VBG arms/NNS ,/, and/CC telling/VBG little/JJ lies/NNS ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP thinks/VBZ that/DT 's/VBZ beneath/IN him/PRP ./.
So/IN he/PRP should/MD stay/VB in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP and/CC continue/VB to/TO make/VB trouble/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD McCain/NNP 's/POS awful/JJ joke/NN ,/, ./.
This/DT describes/VBZ McCain/NNP 's/POS penchant/NN for/IN apologies/NNS ./.
Today/NN 's/POS Nasdaq/NNP sell-off/NN was/VBD relatively/RB steep/JJ (/( although/IN you/PRP have/VBP to/TO remember/VB that/IN with/IN the/DT Nasdaq/NNP near/IN 3/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, 71/CD points/NNS is/VBZ just/RB not/RB panic-inducing/JJ )/) ./.
And/CC while/IN picking/VBG proximate/NN causes/NNS for/IN market/NN movements/NNS is/VBZ a/DT fool/NN 's/POS game/NN ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD be/VB a/DT fool/NN and/CC point/NN to/TO two/CD important/JJ reasons/NNS :/: bond/NN prices/NNS and/CC Intel/NNP ./.
With/IN the/DT yield/NN on/IN the/DT 30/CD -/: year/NN bond/NN now/RB at/IN a/DT two-year/JJ high/NN ,/, at/IN 6/CD ./.
3/CD percent/NN ,/, bonds/NNS are/VBP looking/VBG like/IN a/DT tastier/JJR investment/NN ,/, and/CC there/EX 's/VBZ still/RB a/DT lot/NN of/IN concern/NN that/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Reserve/NNP will/MD raise/VB interest/NN rates/NNS at/IN its/PRP$ Nov/NNP ./.
16/CD meeting/NN ./.
Neither/DT of/IN those/DT things/NNS are/VBP good/JJ for/IN stocks/NNS ./.
As/IN for/IN Intel/NNP ,/, it/PRP came/VBD in/IN with/IN quarterly/JJ numbers/NNS that/WDT were/VBD a/DT couple/NN of/IN cents/NNS shy/JJ of/IN analysts/NNS '/POS expectations/NNS and/CC got/VBD crushed/VBN as/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, with/IN much/JJ of/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT tech/NN sector/NN falling/VBG in/IN sympathy/NN (/( or/CC empathy/NN ,/, or/CC whatever/WDT you/PRP want/VBP to/TO call/VB it/PRP )/) ./.
Intel/NNP is/VBZ a/DT true/JJ tech/NN bellwether/NN ,/, since/IN its/PRP$ chips/NNS go/VBP into/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT PCs/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN ,/, meaning/VBG that/IN if/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ having/VBG trouble/NN ,/, a/DT lot/NN of/IN other/JJ companies/NNS probably/RB are/VBP ,/, too/RB ./.
And/CC given/VBN that/IN in/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ months/NNS expectations/NNS for/IN the/DT semiconductor/NN industry/NN have/VBP risen/VBN sharply/RB ,/, Intel/NNP 's/POS failure/NN to/TO blow/VB away/RB estimates--something/JJ it/PRP has/VBZ n't/RB done/VBN ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, for/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN years--came/JJ as/IN a/DT shock/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX are/VBP good/JJ reasons/NNS to/TO think/VB that/DT today/NN 's/POS sell-off/NN was/VBD overdone/VBN and/CC that/IN whatever/WDT trouble/NN Intel/NNP is/VBZ having/VBG has/VBZ less/JJR to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT "/" tech/NN sector/NN "/" (/( whatever/WDT that/IN mythical/JJ beast/NN is/VBZ )/) in/IN general/JJ and/CC more/JJR to/TO do/VB with/IN Intel/NNP in/IN particular/NN ./.
The/DT company/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, took/VBD great/JJ pains/NNS to/TO point/VB out/IN that/IN demand/NN for/IN its/PRP$ chips/NNS was/VBD not/RB the/DT problem/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, in/IN a/DT curiously/RB un-/NN Intel-like/NNP performance/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD manufacturing/VBG the/DT chips/NNS ,/, especially/RB its/PRP$ newest/JJS chips/NNS ,/, that/WDT tripped/VBN the/DT company/NN up/RB ./.
Intel/NNP delayed/VBD the/DT release/NN of/IN its/PRP$ highest-powered/JJ Pentium/NNP processor/NN ,/, Coppermine/NNP ,/, and/CC a/DT new/JJ chipset/NN for/IN memory/NN chips/NNS because/IN it/PRP could/MD n't/RB hit/VB the/DT production/NN schedules/NNS its/PRP$ customers/NNS needed/VBN ./.
Had/VBD they/PRP shipped/VBD as/IN planned/VBN ,/, Intel/NNP would/MD have/VB had/VBN no/DT trouble/NN meeting/NN estimates/NNS ./.
Traditionally/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ Intel/NNP 's/POS competition/NN ,/, most/RBS notably/RB Advanced/NNP Micro/NNP Devices/NNPS ,/, that/WDT finds/VBZ deadlines/NNS bothersome/JJ ./.
But/CC apparently/RB even/RB masters/NNS of/IN manufacturing/NN can/MD trip/NN up/RB ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ a/DT bigger/JJR point/NN than/IN just/RB manufacturing/VBG mishaps/NNS at/IN stake/NN in/IN the/DT Intel/NNP sell-off/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, and/CC that/DT 's/VBZ what/WP you/PRP might/MD call/VB the/DT "/" fetishization/NN of/IN margins/NNS "/" problem/NN ,/, which/WDT I/PRP touched/VBD on/IN in/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS discussion/NN of/IN Amazon/NNP ./.
com/NN 's/POS zShops/NNS initiative/NN ./.
Nearly/RB all/PDT the/DT analysts/NNS who/WP marked/VBD down/RB Intel/NNP today/NN emphasized/VBD that/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS gross/JJ margins--which/JJ equals/VBZ revenue/NN from/IN products/NNS minus/CC the/DT cost/NN of/IN sales/NNS for/IN those/DT products--fell/JJ in/IN the/DT most/RBS recent/JJ quarter/NN ./.
Now/RB ,/, they/PRP fell/VBD 0/CD ./.
2/CD percent/NN ,/, from/IN 58/CD ./.
9/CD percent/NN to/TO 58/CD ./.
7/CD percent/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ statistically/RB insignificant/JJ ./.
But/CC the/DT important/JJ point/NN ,/, for/IN the/DT analysts/NNS ,/, was/VBD that/IN they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB rise/VB ./.
What/WP this/DT demonstrates/VBZ ,/, supposedly/RB ,/, is/VBZ the/DT impact/NN on/IN Intel/NNP of/IN having/VBG to/TO sell/VB so/RB many/JJ more/JJR of/IN its/PRP$ cheap/JJ chip--the/JJ Celeron--rather/NNP than/IN its/PRP$ higher-priced/JJ Pentiums/NNP ./.
As/IN consumers/NNS have/VBP got/VBN used/VBN to/TO the/DT sub-/NN $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD PC/NN ,/, Intel/NNP has/VBZ had/VBN to/TO make/VB chips/NNS that/WDT cater/VBP to/TO that/DT market/NN ,/, and/CC naturally/RB they/PRP earn/VBP less/JJR profit/NN on/IN the/DT $/$ 80/CD Celeron/NNP than/IN on/IN the/DT $/$ 250/CD Pentium/NNP III/NNP ./.
Analysts/NNS see/VBP this/DT as/IN a/DT slippery/JJ slope/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN pretty/RB soon/RB Intel/NNP will/MD watch/VB its/PRP$ margins/NNS driven/VBN down/RB to/TO a/DT sliver/NN ./.
Well/RB ,/, maybe/RB ./.
But/CC somehow/RB I/PRP doubt/VBP it/PRP ./.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, Intel/NNP 's/POS margins/NNS are/VBP still/RB remarkably/RB high/JJ for/IN a/DT manufacturing/NN company/NN (/( and/CC would/MD have/VB been/VBN much/RB higher/JJR had/VBD they/PRP shipped/VBD Coppermine/NNP )/) ./.
More/JJR to/TO the/DT point/NN ,/, falling/VBG margins/NNS are/VBP not/RB ,/, in/IN and/CC of/IN themselves/PRP ,/, evidence/NN that/IN things/NNS are/VBP falling/VBG apart/RB ./.
If/IN you/PRP do/VBP things/NNS right/NN ,/, turning/VBG inventory/NN more/RBR rapidly/RB ,/, you/PRP can/MD make/VB it/PRP up/RP on/IN volume/NN ./.
The/DT value/NN of/IN a/DT business/NN depends/VBZ not/RB on/IN how/WRB hefty/JJ its/PRP$ profit/NN margins/NNS are/VBP but/CC on/IN how/WRB efficiently/RB it/PRP uses/VBZ capital/NN ,/, and/CC you/PRP can/MD use/VB capital/NN efficiently/RB by/IN setting/VBG up/RP a/DT revolving/JJ door/NN of/IN low-margin/JJ products/NNS (/( Wal-/NNP Mart/NNP )/) ,/, a/DT steady/JJ stream/NN of/IN high-margin/JJ products/NNS (/( most/JJS banks/NNS )/) ,/, or/CC a/DT mix/NN of/IN the/DT two/CD (/( which/WDT is/VBZ where/WRB Intel/NNP is/VBZ going/VBG )/) ./.
So/RB let/VB 's/POS wait/VB a/DT little/JJ while/IN before/IN deciding/VBG that/IN Intel/NNP is/VBZ really/RB on/IN the/DT road/NN to/TO destruction/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT House/NNP 's/POS passage/NN of/IN an/DT $/$ 80/CD billion/CD tax/NN cut/NN package/NN which/WDT is/VBZ unlikely/JJ to/TO pass/VB the/DT Senate/NNP or/CC be/VB approved/VBN by/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP runs/VBZ the/DT tax-cut/JJ story/NN below/IN the/DT fold/VB and/CC leads/VBZ instead/RB with/IN an/DT extraordinary/JJ first-person/NN epic/NN that/WDT recounts/VBZ a/DT harrowing/JJ 500/CD -/: mile/NN trek/NN through/IN Taliban/NNP country/NN ./.
The/DT tax-cut/JJ measure/NN ,/, approved/VBN by/IN a/DT 229/CD -/: 195/CD vote/NN ,/, is/VBZ opposed/VBN by/IN most/JJS Democrats/NNPS ,/, who/WP are/VBP concerned/VBN that/IN it/PRP would/MD cut/VB into/IN the/DT surplus/NN set/VBN aside/RB for/IN social/JJ security/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP insist/VBP that/IN we/PRP reserve/VBP the/DT entire/JJ surplus/NN until/IN we/PRP have/VBP seized/VBN this/DT historic/JJ opportunity/NN to/TO save/VB social/JJ security/NN ,/, "/" President/NNP Clinton/NNP commented/VBD from/IN California/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC LAT/NNP ,/, picking/VBG up/RP on/IN Republicans/NNPS '/POS arguments/NNS ,/, detect/VB possible/JJ hypocrisy/NN in/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS position/NN :/: the/DT President/NNP has/VBZ previously/RB sought/VBN to/TO dip/VB into/IN the/DT budget/NN surplus/NN to/TO fund/VB ,/, among/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, the/DT peacekeeping/VBG mission/NN in/IN Bosnia/NNP ,/, increased/VBN embassy/NN security/NN ,/, and/CC farm/NN relief/NN ./.
House/NNP Speaker/NNP Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP used/VBD the/DT Saturday/NNP session/NN to/TO point/VB out/IN that/IN Congress/NNP is/VBZ working/VBG on/IN real/JJ issues/NNS ./.
"/" We/PRP are/VBP not/RB in/IN California/NNP on/IN a/DT fund-raiser/NN ,/, "/" Gingrich/NNP pointedly/RB remarked/VBD ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS lead/NN leaves/VBZ the/DT impression/NN that/IN the/DT Afghan/JJ people/NNS resent/VBP many/JJ of/IN the/DT Taliban/NNP 's/POS practices/NNS ,/, particularly/RB the/DT mandatory/JJ veils/NNS for/IN women/NNS and/CC the/DT ban/NN on/IN music/NN ./.
Girls/NNP ,/, officially/RB forbidden/VBN to/TO attend/VB school/NN ,/, are/VBP often/RB covertly/RB educated/VBN at/IN home/NN by/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS ./.
The/DT article/NN also/RB showcases/NNS Afghanistan/NNP 's/POS devastation/NN :/: Roads/NNS are/VBP still/RB pockmarked/VBN with/IN "/" jagged/JJ craters/NNS gouged/JJ by/IN Russian/JJ bombs/NNS and/CC anti-tank/JJ mines/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC refugees/NNS from/IN the/DT Taliban/NNP 's/POS sweep/NN struggle/NN to/TO survive/VB in/IN malaria-infested/JJ camps/NNS ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP front/JJ page/NN carries/VBZ a/DT long/JJ historical/JJ narrative/NN about/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
's/POS deliberations/NNS ,/, in/IN the/DT early-/NN to/TO mid-/NN 1960/CD s/VBZ ,/, over/IN whether/IN to/TO bomb/VB China/NNP to/TO derail/VB its/PRP$ development/NN of/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS ./.
The/DT article/NN 's/POS main/JJ source/NN is/VBZ newly/RB released/VBN State/NNP Department/NNP documents/NNS about/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
policy/NN toward/IN China/NNP under/IN President/NNP Lyndon/NNP Johnson/NNP ./.
Among/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, the/DT piece/NN says/VBZ that/IN President/NNP Johnson/NNP (/( and/CC President/NNP Kennedy/NNP before/IN him/PRP )/) sounded/VBD out/RP the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP on/IN heading/VBG off/RP China/NNP 's/POS nuclear/JJ capabilities/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP flatly/RB ignored/VBD the/DT overtures/NNS ./.
China/NNP tested/VBD its/PRP$ first/JJ nuclear/JJ bomb/NN in/IN 1964/CD ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP off-lead/JJ gives/VBZ a/DT gripping/JJ play-by-play/JJ drama/NN of/IN John/NNP Meriwether/NNP 's/POS fateful/JJ last/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS and/CC months/NNS ./.
Meriwether/NNP is/VBZ at/IN the/DT helm/NN of/IN the/DT hedge/JJ fund/NN Long-/NNP Term/NNP Capital/NNP Management/NNP LP/NNP ,/, which/WDT was/VBD recently/RB bailed/VBD out/IN by/IN a/DT coterie/NN of/IN bankers/NNS and/CC brokerage/NN firms/NNS ./.
Among/IN other/JJ details/NNS the/DT Times/NNP describes/VBZ the/DT tense/JJ atmosphere/NN at/IN the/DT rescue/NN board/NN meeting/NN in/IN the/DT Fed/NNP conference/NN room/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT rival/JJ firms/NNS were/VBD persuaded/VBN to/TO take/VB highly/RB unusual/JJ collective/JJ bailout/NN action/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP reports/NNS inside/IN that/DT seven/CD southeastern/JJ Europe/NNP nations/NNS ,/, including/VBG Italy/NNP ,/, Greece/NNP ,/, and/CC Turkey/NNP ,/, agreed/VBD Saturday/NNP to/TO establish/VB a/DT multinational/JJ southeastern/JJ Europe/NNP defense/NN force/NN ./.
This/DT force/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, may/MD be/VB more/RBR symbolic/JJ of/IN military/JJ partnership/NN than/IN effective/JJ in/IN providing/VBG real/JJ military/JJ assistance/NN to/TO troubled/VBN areas/NNS such/JJ as/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
The/DT op-ed/JJ columns/NNS do/VBP battle/VB over/IN the/DT Third/NNP Way/NNP ./.
"/" Hardly/RB a/DT week/NN passes/VBZ without/IN a/DT public/JJ figure/NN in/IN Britain/NNP ,/, Germany/NNP ,/, or/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS hailing/VBG the/DT coming/VBG of/IN the/DT Third/NNP Way/NNP ,/, "/" laments/VBZ Tony/NNP Judt/NNP in/IN an/DT NYT/NNP piece/NN ./.
Bingo/NNP ,/, Tony/NNP !/.
The/DT op-ed/JJ page/NN in/IN today/NN 's/POS WP/NNP "/" Outlook/NNP "/" features/VBZ a/DT piece/NN by/IN none/NN other/JJ than/IN British/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Tony/NNP Blair/NNP ,/, entitled/VBN "/" Third/NNP Way/NNP ,/, Better/NNP Way/NNP ./.
"/" Quick/NNP primer/NN on/IN the/DT Third/NNP Way/NNP :/: Blair/NNP says/VBZ it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT union/NN of/IN democratic/JJ socialism/NN and/CC liberalism/NN (/( "/" Our/PRP$ approach/NN is/VBZ neither/DT laissez-faire/FW nor/CC one/CD of/IN state/NN interference/NN "/" )/) ./.
Judt/NNP uncharitably/RB likens/NNS it/PRP to/TO vague/JJ triangulating/VBG ,/, falling/VBG somewhere/RB "/" between/IN Communism/NNP and/CC capitalism/NN ./.
TP/NNP leaves/VBZ it/PRP to/TO the/DT reader/NN to/TO judge/VB the/DT victor/NN ./.
Entrapment/NNP (/( 20/CD th/NN Century/NNP Fox/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT few/JJ critics/NNS like/IN this/DT old-fashioned/JJ heist/NN flick/NN starring/VBG Sean/NNP Connery/NNP and/CC Catherine/NNP Zeta-/NNP Jones/NNP despite/IN its/PRP$ unoriginality/NN :/: "/" It/PRP works/VBZ because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ made/VBN stylishly/RB ,/, because/IN Connery/NNP and/CC Zeta-/NNP Jones/NNP are/VBP enormously/RB attractive/JJ actors/NNS ,/, and/CC because/IN of/IN the/DT romantic/JJ tension/NN between/IN them/PRP "/" (/( Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP ,/, the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT slew/NN of/IN critics/NNS finds/VBZ the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN a/DT bit/NN off/RP :/: Connery/NNP has/VBZ 40/CD years/NNS on/IN Zeta-/NNP Jones/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT highlight/NN of/IN the/DT film/NN is/VBZ Zeta-/NNP Jones/NNP '/POS spandex-clad/JJ "/" demi-soft-core/JJ tai/NN chi/NN "/" (/( Joe/NNP Morgenstern/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) as/IN she/PRP attempts/VBZ to/TO evade/VB an/DT optical/JJ security/NN system/NN in/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN ripping/VBG off/RP a/DT priceless/JJ gold/NN mask/NN ./.
Slate/NNP 's/POS David/NNP Edelstein/NNP says/VBZ "/" Entrapment/NNP is/VBZ an/DT A-/NNP list/NN production/NN ,/, but/CC despite/IN ./.
a/DT bevy/NN of/IN state-of-the-art/JJ sensors/NNS ,/, cybergizmos/NNS ,/, and/CC digital/JJ readouts/NNS ,/, it/PRP ca/MD n't/RB manage/VB to/TO brush/VB off/RP its/PRP$ B-/NNP movie/NN cobwebs/NNS ./.
"/" (/( Read/NNP the/DT rest/NN of/IN Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN ./.
The/DT Winslow/NNP Boy/NNP (/( Sony/NNP Pictures/NNP Classics/NNS )/) ./.
David/NNP Mamet/NNP directs/VBZ a/DT G-/NNP rated/VBD family/NN drama/NN ,/, based/VBN on/IN Terrence/NNP Rattigan/NNP 's/POS 1946/CD play/NN about/IN a/DT schoolboy/NN accused/VBN of/IN petty/JJ theft/NN and/CC the/DT legal/JJ battle/NN that/IN blossoms/NNS in/IN the/DT accusation/NN 's/POS wake/NN ./.
Critics/NNS praise/VBP Mamet/NNP 's/POS departure/NN from/IN his/PRP$ trademark/NN profane/NN and/CC sharp-edged/JJ films/NNS ,/, but/CC the/DT reviews/NNS have/VBP a/DT dutiful/JJ air/NN about/IN them/PRP :/: "/" a/DT pointed/VBN examination/NN of/IN the/DT price/NN of/IN seeking/VBG justice/NN "/" (/( Kenneth/NNP Turan/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
a/DT "/" handsome/JJ ,/, stately/JJ adaptation/NN "/" (/( Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP to/TO read/VB the/DT consensus/NN view/NN by/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS David/NNP Edelstein/NNP :/: "/" Beat/NN by/IN beat/NN ,/, Mamet/NNP turns/VBZ out/RP an/DT immaculately/RB staged/VBN ,/, crisply/RB paced/VBN ,/, and/CC elegantly/RB acted/VBD movie/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB a/DT tad/NN bloodless/JJ ,/, but/CC you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB have/VB everything/NN ./.
"/" )/)
The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP (/( 20/CD th/NN Century/NNP Fox/NNP )/) ./.
Though/IN the/DT premiere/NN is/VBZ still/RB two/CD weeks/NNS away/RB ,/, hype/NN for/IN the/DT Star/NNP Wars/NNPS prequel/NN is/VBZ at/IN full/JJ throttle/NN ./.
The/DT soundtrack/NN has/VBZ been/VBN released/VBN ,/, tie-in/NN toys/NNS have/VBP gone/VBN on/IN sale/NN (/( 1/CD ,/, 500/CD shoppers/NNS showed/VBD up/RB at/IN FAO/NNP Schwarz/NNP 's/POS Manhattan/NNP store/NN on/IN Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, thousands/NNS of/IN Web/NNP sites/NNS have/VBP cropped/VBN up/RP ,/, and/CC lines/NNS have/VBP formed/VBN at/IN theaters/NNS ./.
The/DT backlash/NN has/VBZ also/RB arrived/VBN :/: Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP complains/VBZ in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP :/: "/" When/WRB a/DT film/NN becomes/VBZ the/DT nexus/NN of/IN such/JJ a/DT complex/JJ marketing/NN juggernaut/NN ,/, inevitable/JJ consequences/NNS include/VBP weariness/NN and/CC even/RB déjà/NN vu/NN ./.
Nobody/NN on/IN this/DT planet/NN will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO approach/VB the/DT Star/NNP Wars/NNPS prequel/NN ,/, The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP ,/, with/IN a/DT sense/NN of/IN discovery/NN ./.
So/RB much/JJ commerce/NN rides/NNS on/IN this/DT product/NN ,/, so/RB much/JJ advance/NN flogging/VBG has/VBZ been/VBN necessary/JJ ,/, that/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS own/JJ innate/JJ appeal/NN is/VBZ compromised/VBN ./.
"/" (/( Two/CD well-maintained/JJ fan/NN sites/NNS ,/, The/DT Force/NNP ./.
net/JJ and/CC Countdown/NNP to/TO Star/NNP Wars/NNPS ,/, present/JJ detailed/JJ information/NN on/IN the/DT film/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN photos/NNS and/CC news/NN on/IN upcoming/JJ commercials/NNS ./.
The/DT film/NN 's/POS official/JJ site/NN offers/VBZ several/JJ trailers/NNS and/CC an/DT online/NN store/NN ./.
Keep/VB It/PRP Like/IN a/DT Secret/JJ ,/, by/IN Built/VBN to/TO Spill/NN (/( Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Excellent/NNP reviews/NNS for/IN the/DT latest/JJS album/NN from/IN the/DT Idaho-based/JJ indie/NN rock/NN band/NN ./.
Reviewers/NNP praise/NN singer/NN and/CC lead/VB guitarist/NN Doug/NNP Martsch/NNP as/IN the/DT locus/JJ of/IN the/DT band/NN 's/POS appeal/NN :/: His/PRP$ "/" particular/JJ genius/NN ./.
is/VBZ the/DT vivid/JJ tension/NN he/PRP generates/VBZ between/IN earnest/NN romanticism/NN and/CC howling/VBG discord/NN "/" (/( David/NNP Fricke/NNP ,/, Rolling/NNP Stone/NNP )/) ./.
Reviews/NNP compare/VB the/DT band/NN 's/POS sound/NN with/IN predecessors/NNS as/RB diverse/JJ as/IN Wire/NNP ,/, Hüsker/NNP Dü/NNP ,/, and/CC Lou/NNP Reed/NNP ,/, and/CC several/JJ mark/NN the/DT similarity/NN of/IN Martsch/NNP 's/POS voice/NN to/TO Neil/NNP Young/NNP 's/POS ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS Jim/NNP Fusilli/NNP writes/VBZ that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" the/DT kind/NN of/IN disk/NN you/PRP replay/NN when/WRB it/PRP rolls/VBZ to/TO a/DT close/NN ,/, just/RB to/TO delight/VB in/IN all/DT that/IN cleverness/NNS once/RB again/RB ./.
"/" (/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN the/DT band/NN ,/, check/NN out/RP this/DT site/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ photographs/NNS ,/, lyrics/NNS ,/, and/CC a/DT list/NN of/IN tour/NN dates/NNS ./.
The/DT Lexus/NNP and/CC the/DT Olive/NNP Tree/NN ,/, by/IN Thomas/NNP L/NNP ./.
Friedman/NNP (/( Farrar/NNP ,/, Straus/NNP &/CC Giroux/NNP )/) ./.
Early/RB reviews/VBZ lavished/VBN praise/NN on/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP "/" Foreign/NNP Affairs/NNP "/" columnist/NN 's/POS study/NN of/IN globalization/NN :/: "/" The/DT author/NN uses/VBZ his/PRP$ skills/NNS as/IN a/DT reporter/NN and/CC analyst/NN to/TO conduct/VB a/DT breathtaking/JJ tour/NN ,/, one/CD that/WDT possesses/VBZ the/DT exhilarating/JJ qualities/NNS of/IN flight/NN and/CC the/DT stomach-hollowing/JJ ones/NNS of/IN free/JJ fall/NN "/" (/( Richard/NNP Eder/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Recent/JJ reviews/NNS have/VBP been/VBN considerably/RB cooler/JJR ./.
Gripes/NNP :/: 1/LS )/) Friedman/NNP 's/POS belief/NN in/IN global/JJ economics/NNS and/CC American-style/JJ capitalism/NN 's/POS ability/NN to/TO solve/VB the/DT world/NN 's/POS ills/NNS reads/VBZ more/RBR like/IN cheerleading/NN than/IN analysis/NN :/: "/" [/( O/NNP ]/) nly/RB a/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP foreign/JJ affairs/NNS columnist/NN could/MD write/VB a/DT book/NN so/RB relentlessly/RB upbeat/JJ about/IN the/DT USA/NNP 's/POS prospects/NNS in/IN an/DT ever/RB more/RBR tightly/RB integrated/VBN world/NN without/IN being/VBG accused/VBN of/IN unsophisticated/JJ boosterism/NN "/" (/( David/NNP J/NNP ./.
Lynch/NNP ,/, USA/NNP Today/NNP )/) ./.
2/LS )/) Some/DT of/IN his/PRP$ theories/NNS have/VBP already/RB been/VBN disproved/JJ :/: His/PRP$ "/" Golden/NNP Arches/NNP "/" theory/NN of/IN international/JJ relations/NNS held/VBN that/IN no/DT two/CD countries/NNS that/IN both/DT had/VBD a/DT McDonald/NNP 's/POS have/VBP ever/RB gone/VBN to/TO war/VB ./.
This/DT "/" was/VBD proved/VBN false/JJ even/RB before/IN his/PRP$ book/NN 's/POS publication/NN date/NN by/IN the/DT war/NN between/IN NATO/NNP and/CC Serbia/NNP (/( where/WRB the/DT Belgrade/NNP McDonald/NNP 's/POS franchises/NNS were/VBD promptly/RB vandalized/VBD )/) ./.
"/" (/( Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP )/) ./.
3/LS )/) Friedman/NNP is/VBZ blind/JJ to/TO the/DT negative/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN a/DT world/NN dominated/VBN by/IN business/NN instead/RB of/IN government/NN :/: "/" The/DT lack/NN of/IN skepticism/NN toward/IN business--the/JJ tendency/NN to/TO adopt/VB its/PRP$ view/NN of/IN the/DT world--has/JJ had/VBD a/DT deeper/JJR effect/NN on/IN Friedman/NNP than/IN just/RB causing/VBG him/PRP on/IN occasion/NN to/TO strike/VB a/DT tonally/RB false/JJ note/NN ,/, "/" writes/VBZ Nicholas/NNP Lemann/NNP in/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, because/IN "/" in/IN the/DT era/NN of/IN globalization/NN business/NN can/MD constrict/NN freedom/NN and/CC innovation/NN just/RB as/IN governments/NNS did/VBD during/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP to/TO read/VB Weisberg/NNP 's/POS review/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
Snap/NNP Judgment/NNP
Idle/JJ Hands/NNP (/( Columbia/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Another/DT campy/NN teen/JJ horror/NN flick/NN ./.
Shocker/NNP :/: Critics/NNS say/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ trite/NN and/CC unoriginal/NN (/( it/PRP follows/VBZ a/DT boy/NN with/IN a/DT demonically/RB possessed/VBN hand/NN )/) ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB "/" undeniably/RB kinetic/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC director/NN Rodman/NNP Flender/NNP (/( yet/RB another/DT WB/NNP alum/NN )/) manages/VBZ to/TO generate/VB "/" watchable/JJ levels/NNS of/IN splatter-happy/JJ delirium/NN "/" (/( Owen/NNP Gleiberman/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
Bechet/NNP Dumaine/NNP Allen/NNP ./.
Woody/NNP Allen/NNP and/CC Soon-/NNP Yi/NNP Previn/NNP are/VBP in/IN possession/NN of/IN a/DT child/NN ,/, "/" Bechet/NNP Dumaine/NNP Allen/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT critics/NNS are/VBP dying/VBG to/TO know/VB :/: Is/VBZ the/DT 5/CD -/: month/NN old/JJ girl/NN adopted/VBN or/CC not/RB ?/.
Previn/NNP "/" did/VBD n't/RB appear/VB pregnant/JJ in/IN recent/JJ photos/NNS "/" (/( Shauna/NNP Snow/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT name/NN comes/VBZ from/IN legendary/JJ soprano/NN saxophonist/NN Sidney/NNP Bechet/NNP ./.
Once/RB upon/IN a/DT time/NN ,/, as/IN they/PRP say/VBP in/IN all/PDT the/DT best/JJS fairy/NN tales/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS unlikely/JJ treaties/NNS ever/RB envisaged/VBD was/VBD forged/VBN between/IN two/CD countries/NNS who/WP were/VBD poles/NNS apart/RB in/IN almost/RB everything/NN except/IN their/PRP$ mutual/JJ dislike/NN of/IN the/DT nation/NN that/IN separated/JJ them/PRP geographically/RB ./.
The/DT Auld/NNP Alliance/NNP ,/, a/DT treaty/NN of/IN accord/NN between/IN France/NNP and/CC Scotland/NNP ,/, was/VBD born/VBN ./.
Today/NN ,/, nearly/RB seven/CD hundred/CD years/NNS later/RB ,/, it/PRP remains/VBZ intact/JJ despite/IN the/DT vicissitudes/NNS of/IN time/NN and/CC a/DT language/NN barrier/NN that/IN only/RB the/DT French/NNPS have/VBP ever/RB made/VBN much/JJ effort/NN to/TO surmount/NN ./.
In/IN The/DT Luck/NNP of/IN the/DT Bodkins/NNP ,/, P/NN ./.
G/NNP ./.
Wodehouse/NNP remarked/VBD on/IN the/DT ./.
look/NN of/IN furtive/JJ shame/NN ,/, the/DT shifty/NN ,/, hangdog/NN look/NN which/WDT announces/VBZ that/IN an/DT Englishman/NNP is/VBZ about/IN to/TO talk/VB French/JJ ./.
The/DT inimitable/JJ Mr/NNP ./.
Wodehouse/NNP was/VBD ,/, as/IN usual/JJ ,/, spot-on/JJ with/IN his/PRP$ characterization/NN ./.
We/PRP insatiable/JJ travelers/NNS have/VBP seen/VBN similar/JJ scenes/NNS enacted/VBD many/JJ times/NNS around/IN the/DT watering/NN holes/NNS of/IN the/DT world/NN ,/, from/IN Calais/NNP to/TO the/DT fleshpots/NNS of/IN Douala/NNP ,/, from/IN Quebec/NNP to/TO the/DT silver/NN strands/NNS of/IN the/DT Côte/NNP d/SYM '/POS Ivoire/NNP ./.
The/DT average/JJ Brit/NNP is/VBZ seldom/RB at/IN his/PRP$ most/RBS confident/JJ when/WRB forced/VBN by/IN circumstance/NN to/TO attempt/VB the/DT language/NN of/IN another/DT ./.
Not/RB all/DT citizens/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP Kingdom/NNP suffer/VB from/IN this/DT malaise/NN when/WRB finding/VBG themselves/PRP on/IN foreign/JJ shores/NNS ./.
Mr/NNP ./.
Average/NNP Scot/NNP does/VBZ not/RB ,/, for/IN one/CD ./.
The/DT intricacies/NNS of/IN the/DT Gallic/NNP subjunctive/JJ do/VBP not/RB worry/VB him/PRP at/IN all/DT ,/, and/CC for/IN the/DT best/JJS reason/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN :/: he/PRP does/VBZ not/RB even/RB bother/VB to/TO try/VB ./.
There/EX are/VBP those/DT who/WP will/MD sneer/NN that/IN a/DT race/NN which/WDT owes/VBZ its/PRP$ very/RB existence/NN to/TO the/DT ingurgitation/NN of/IN massive/JJ quantities/NNS of/IN porridge/NN during/IN its/PRP$ formative/JJ years/NNS is/VBZ capable/JJ of/IN speaking/VBG in/IN no/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
But/CC Scots/NNP have/VBP long/RB been/VBN inured/JJ to/TO such/JJ slurs/NNS ./.
As/IN a/DT proud/JJ Scot/NNP myself/PRP ,/, I/PRP feel/VBP that/IN a/DT much/RB more/RBR probable/JJ reason/NN for/IN this/DT apparent/JJ lack/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ ambition/NN is/VBZ to/TO be/VB found/VBN in/IN the/DT regional/JJ dialect/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP parts/NNS of/IN Britain/NNP in/IN which/WDT regional/JJ dialects/NNS can/MD be/VB as/RB incomprehensible/NN as/IN Tocharian/NNP to/TO the/DT innocent/JJ abroad/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT farther/RBR north/RB one/CD ventures/NNS through/IN England/NNP the/DT more/JJR incomprehensible/NN they/PRP seem/VBP to/TO become/VB ./.
It/PRP gets/VBZ worse/JJR in/IN Scotland/NNP ./.
Strangers/NNP listening/VBG to/TO any/DT of/IN the/DT Scottish/NNP dialects/NNS will/MD soon/RB realize/VB that/IN they/PRP are/VBP as/IN replete/JJ with/IN gutturals/NNS as/IN any/DT Teutonic/NNP dialect/NN ./.
Tongues/NNP created/VBN by/IN God/NNP for/IN the/DT pronunciation/NN of/IN names/NNS like/IN Auchtermuchty/NNP are/VBP quite/RB unsuited/JJ to/TO the/DT more/RBR delicate/JJ nasal/NN nuances/NNS of/IN the/DT French/JJ language/NN ./.
Each/DT dialect/NN is/VBZ distinct/JJ and/CC distinctive/JJ ./.
Aberdonians/NNP have/VBP the/DT Doric/NNP ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ quines/NNS girls/NNS and/CC loons/NNS boys/NNS ,/, Glaswegians/NNP bombard/NN you/PRP with/IN The/DT Patter/NNP ,/, famous/JJ for/IN its/PRP$ infamous/JJ glottal/NN stop/NN and/CC raw/JJ ,/, street/NN humor/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT moors/NNS of/IN Carrick/NNP and/CC Galloway/NNP ,/, the/DT natives/NNS converse/NN in/IN Lallans/NNP ./.
Lallans/NNP is/VBZ the/DT language/NN of/IN Burns/NNP ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT language/NN in/IN which/WDT he/PRP wrote/VBD most/RBS beautifully/RB ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, not/RB a/DT separate/JJ language/NN at/IN all/DT ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ just/RB one/CD more/JJR dialect/NN of/IN English/NNP ,/, but/CC one/PRP would/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB listening/VBG pretty/RB carefully/RB to/TO figure/VB that/IN out/IN on/IN first/JJ exposure/NN to/TO it/PRP ./.
For/IN reasons/NNS that/WDT need/VBP not/RB detain/NN us/PRP here/RB ,/, some/DT years/NNS ago/RB I/PRP happened/VBD to/TO be/VB visiting/VBG the/DT translation/NN section/NN of/IN a/DT large/JJ publishing/NN company/NN in/IN darkest/NN Hertfordshire/NNP ,/, England/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP became/VBD involved/VBN in/IN conversation/NN with/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT employees/NNS ,/, a/DT charming/JJ young/JJ French/JJ translator/NN ./.
The/DT subject/NN of/IN regional/JJ dialects/NNS in/IN our/PRP$ respective/JJ countries/NNS came/VBD up/RB ./.
Being/VBG very/RB new/JJ to/TO this/DT country/NN and/CC having/VBG ,/, so/RB far/RB ,/, only/RB encountered/VBD school/NN English/NNP ,/, she/PRP found/VBD it/PRP difficult/JJ to/TO believe/VB that/DT dialectal/NN variation/NN could/MD be/VB so/RB great/JJ in/IN such/JJ a/DT tight/JJ little/JJ island/NN as/IN ours/PRP ,/, and/CC that/IN so/RB much/JJ of/IN it/PRP could/MD be/VB unintelligible/JJ to/TO the/DT uninitiated/JJ ./.
We/PRP were/VBD interrupted/VBN by/IN the/DT arrival/NN of/IN a/DT worker/NN clad/JJ in/IN a/DT boiler/NN suit/NN of/IN some/DT antiquity/NN ./.
I/PRP could/MD not/RB recall/VB having/VBG seen/VBN him/PRP before/RB ,/, but/CC I/PRP would/MD have/VB recognized/VBN his/PRP$ type/NN anywhere/RB ./.
He/PRP was/VBD a/DT raw-boned/JJ ,/, sallow/NN little/JJ chap/NN with/IN sunken/JJ eyes/NNS and/CC lived-in/JJ features/NNS ,/, the/DT sort/NN to/TO be/VB found/VBN aplenty/JJ in/IN bygone/JJ days/NNS walking/VBG out/IN mean-look-ing/JJ whippets/NNS in/IN the/DT thin/JJ gray/JJ mists/NNS of/IN gloaming/VBG around/IN any/DT Ayrshire/NNP mining/NN community/NN ./.
At/IN that/DT moment/NN I/PRP would/MD have/VB bet/VBN my/PRP$ very/RB soul/NN that/IN he/PRP hailed/VBD from/IN The/DT Land/NNP Of/IN Rabbie/NNP Burns/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT first/JJ words/NNS he/PRP uttered/VBD showed/VBN the/DT intuition/NN inherited/VBN from/IN my/PRP$ mystic/JJ forebears/NNS to/TO be/VB firing/NN on/IN all/DT cylinders/NNS ./.
Huv/NNP ye/NN seen/VBN ma/NN gaffer/NN ,/, Jim/NNP ?/.
he/PRP queried/VBN ./.
I/PRP sneaked/VBD a/DT sidelong/NN look/NN at/IN my/PRP$ companion/NN and/CC a/DT glow/NN of/IN the/DT purest/NN contentment/NN spread/VBD slowly/RB through/IN me/PRP ./.
She/PRP was/VBD about/IN to/TO get/VB her/PRP$ first/JJ lesson/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP could/MD feel/VB in/IN my/PRP$ bones/NNS that/IN it/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO be/VB a/DT good/JJ one/CD ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB I/PRP know/VBP your/PRP$ boss/NN ,/, I/PRP hedged/JJ craftily/RB ./.
What/WP does/VBZ he/PRP look/VBP like/IN ?/.
The/DT little/JJ man/NN took/VBD off/IN his/PRP$ cap/NN ./.
He/PRP removed/VBD a/DT squashed/JJ cigarette/NN from/IN somewhere/RB inside/IN it/PRP and/CC lit/VBD it/PRP carefully/RB with/IN the/DT minute/NN ,/, barely/RB smouldering/VBG stump/NN of/IN the/DT old/JJ one/CD ./.
He/PRP drew/VBD with/IN deep/JJ satisfation/NN on/IN his/PRP$ reefer/NN and/CC exhaled/VBD an/DT acrid/NN cloud/NN of/IN blue/JJ smoke/NN around/IN us/PRP ./.
He/PRP glanced/VBD at/IN her/PRP$ ,/, the/DT world-weary/JJ eyes/NNS of/IN Old/NNP Scotia/NNP and/CC the/DT prelapsarian/NN ingenuousness/NNS of/IN Young/NNP Picardie/NNP 's/POS meeting/NN in/IN a/DT fleeting/JJ look/NN that/WDT spanned/VBD the/DT ages/NNS ./.
He/PRP coughed/VBD harshly/RB and/CC spat/NN copiously/RB on/IN the/DT ground/NN ./.
Then/RB he/PRP let/VBP her/PRP$ have/VBP it/PRP with/IN both/DT barrels/NNS ./.
Och/NNP ,/, he/PRP intoned/JJ with/IN Bren-gun/NNP rapidity/NN ,/, He/PRP 's/VBZ jeest/NN a/DT nyatterin/NN '/" wee/NN nyaff/NN wi/NN '/" a/DT skelly/RB cacke/NN '/" e/SYM an/DT '/POS a/DT manky/NN ,/, broony-kinna/JJ gansey/NN ./.
When/WRB he/PRP had/VBD gone/VBN ,/, my/PRP$ young/JJ French/JJ friend/NN asked/VBD me/PRP in/IN understandable/JJ bewilderment/NN ,/, What/WP sort/NN of/IN language/NN was/VBD that/DT ?/.
English/NNP ,/, I/PRP replied/VBD innocently/RB ./.
English/NNP ?/.
Well/RB ,/, yes/UH ,/, sort/NN of/IN ./.
Oh/UH my/PRP$ God/NNP !/.
she/PRP exclaimed/JJ ,/, appalled/VBN ./.
And/CC I/PRP am/VBP supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB a/DT translator/NN !/.
What/WP on/IN earth/NN was/VBD he/PRP saying/VBG ?/.
I/PRP thought/VBD carefully/RB for/IN a/DT moment/NN or/CC two/CD before/IN committing/VBG myself/PRP :/:
He/PRP intimated/JJ that/IN ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ humble/JJ opinion/NN ,/, his/PRP$ overseer/NN is/VBZ a/DT loquacious/JJ and/CC diminutive/JJ fellow/NN of/IN a/DT somewhat/RB devious/JJ and/CC unpleasant/JJ bent/NN ,/, that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ afflicted/VBN with/IN a/DT strabismus/JJ of/IN the/DT sinistral/NN optical/JJ member/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ currently/RB attired/JJ in/IN a/DT rather/RB noisome/NN woolen/NN torsal/NN garment/NN of/IN an/DT indeterminate/JJ off-chocolate/JJ hue/NN ./.
She/PRP stood/VBD before/IN me/PRP like/VBP a/DT stricken/VBN stirk/NN ,/, her/PRP$ eyes/NNS glazed/JJ and/CC her/PRP$ mouth/NN agape/NN ./.
Then/RB her/PRP$ teeth/NNS clicked/VBD shut/VBN and/CC she/PRP lanced/JJ me/PRP with/IN a/DT look/NN of/IN frosted/JJ French/JJ steel/NN ./.
I/PRP theenk/NN you/PRP are/VBP taking/VBG the/DT meeckey/NN out/IN of/IN me/PRP ,/, she/PRP ground/VBD out/IN savagely/RB ./.
And/CC off/RP she/PRP flounced/JJ ./.
The/DT Auld/NNP Alliance/NNP must/MD have/VB been/VBN strong/JJ indeed/RB to/TO put/VB up/RP with/IN seven/CD centuries/NNS of/IN this/DT sort/NN of/IN stuff/NN ./.
Balloonist/NNP lands/NNS in/IN hot/JJ water/NN with/IN ex-minister/JJ 's/POS wife/NN ./.
[/NN Headline/NNP in/IN The/DT Times/NNP ,/, n/NN ./.
d/SYM ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
It/PRP would/MD also/RB ban/VB public/JJ consumption/NN of/IN alcohol/NN and/CC wild/JJ dogs/NNS in/IN these/DT areas/NNS ./.
[/NN From/IN an/DT article/NN by/IN Andrew/NNP Jack/NNP about/IN La/NNP Rochelle/NNP ,/, France/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
I/PRP cannot/NN really/RB lay/VB claim/NN to/TO being/VBG a/DT native/NN of/IN England/NNP 's/POS North/NNP Country/NNP as/IN most/JJS of/IN my/PRP$ ancestors/NNS left/VBD the/DT Borders/NNP during/IN the/DT Industrial/NNP Revolution/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP was/VBD born/VBN farther/RBR south/RB ,/, in/IN Yorkshire/NNP ./.
However/RB ,/, I/PRP did/VBD live/VB a/DT large/JJ part/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN in/IN Seahouses/NNP ,/, a/DT small/JJ fishing/NN village/NN on/IN the/DT north/NN Northumbrian/NNP Coast/NNP ./.
Even/RB though/IN I/PRP consider/VBP Northumberland/NNP and/CC the/DT Scottish/NNP Borders/NNP to/TO be/VB home/NN ,/, technically/RB I/PRP am/VBP still/RB a/DT Yorkshireman/NNP ,/, and/CC ,/, having/VBG been/VBN raised/VBN in/IN that/DT county/NN of/IN virtually/RB unshakable/JJ local/JJ accents/NNS ,/, it/PRP was/VBD natural/JJ that/IN my/PRP$ tongue/NN would/MD give/VB me/PRP away/RB and/CC that/IN I/PRP would/MD be/VB called/VBN a/DT Yorkie/NNP when/WRB living/VBG in/IN Northumberland/NNP ./.
But/CC on/IN return/NN trips/NNS to/TO my/PRP$ birth/NN place/NN ,/, the/DT Northumbrian/NNP influence/NN would/MD show/VB and/CC I/PRP would/MD be/VB baited/JJ as/IN a/DT Geordie/NNP ./.
(/( I/NN have/VBP since/IN gone/VBN international/JJ :/: I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT Pommie/NNP in/IN Australia/NNP and/CC an/DT Aussie/NNP when/WRB back/RB in/IN England/NNP !/.
While/IN in/IN Northumberland/NNP I/PRP did/VBD serve/VB my/PRP$ time/NN on/IN a/DT coble/JJ ,/, a/DT traditional/JJ fishing/NN boat/NN working/VBG out/IN of/IN that/DT tiny/JJ harbor/NN not/RB far/RB from/IN the/DT Scottish/NNP border/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP was/VBD during/IN those/DT years/NNS at/IN sea/NN that/IN I/PRP learned/VBD some/DT of/IN the/DT more/RBR subtle/JJ intricacies/NNS of/IN Northumbrian/NNP ,/, in/IN particular/JJ that/IN most/JJS flexible/JJ of/IN all/DT words--/JJ Aye/NNP ./.
I/PRP remember/VBP walking/VBG down/RB to/TO the/DT harbor/NN ,/, early/JJ one/CD very/RB misty/NN morning/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT friend/NN from/IN Yorkshire/NNP who/WP was/VBD coming/VBG out/IN on/IN the/DT boat/NN to/TO watch/VB us/PRP haul/NN the/DT creaves/NNS (/( lobster/NN pots/NNS )/) ./.
As/IN we/PRP neared/VBD the/DT village/NN we/PRP met/VBD an/DT older/JJR fisherman/NN heading/VBG in/IN the/DT opposite/JJ direction/NN ./.
He/PRP glanced/VBD up/RB as/IN we/PRP passed/VBD ,/, shook/VBD his/PRP$ head/NN and/CC uttered/VBD a/DT terse/JJ greeting/NN ./.
Thick/NNP ,/, eh/NN ?/.
Aye/NNP ,/, I/PRP replied/VBD ./.
That/DT was/VBD the/DT sum/NN total/NN of/IN the/DT conversation/NN ./.
After/IN a/DT few/JJ minutes/NNS of/IN deep/JJ reflection/NN ,/, my/PRP$ Yorkshire/NNP friend/NN could/MD contain/VB himself/PRP no/RB longer/RB ./.
What/WP was/VBD that/IN all/DT about/RP ?/.
he/PRP asked/VBD ./.
He/PRP said/VBD that/IN it/PRP was/VBD very/RB foggy/JJ today/NN and/CC he/PRP thought/VBD that/IN the/DT boats/NNS would/MD probably/RB not/RB be/VB going/VBG out--he/JJ asked/VBD me/PRP if/IN I/PRP was/VBD of/IN the/DT same/JJ opinion/NN ./.
I/PRP said/VBD that/IN I/PRP agreed/VBD with/IN him/PRP ./.
My/PRP$ friend/NN lapsed/VBN back/RB into/IN thought/VBD ,/, stunned/VBN by/IN the/DT hidden/VBN complexity/NN of/IN such/JJ a/DT brief/JJ exchange/NN ./.
Unknown/JJ to/TO him/PRP ,/, the/DT conversation/NN down/RB at/IN the/DT harbor/NN would/MD be/VB even/RB more/RBR perplexing/JJ ./.
The/DT smaller/JJR boats/NNS had/VBD no/DT radio/NN or/CC radar/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP was/VBD customary/JJ ,/, during/IN adverse/JJ weather/NN conditions/NNS ,/, for/IN the/DT fishermen/NNS to/TO congregate/NN around/IN whatever/WDT spot/NN at/IN the/DT harbor/NN offered/VBD the/DT maximum/NN shelter/NN from/IN the/DT weather/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN ./.
After/IN an/DT appropriate/JJ period/NN of/IN time/NN ,/, some/DT sort/NN of/IN taciturn/NN group/NN decision/NN would/MD be/VB made/VBN on/IN whether/IN or/CC not/RB the/DT boats/NNS would/MD go/VB out/RP that/DT morning/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB the/DT men/NNS would/MD stand/VB for/IN several/JJ hours/NNS ,/, all/DT attention/NN turned/VBD to/TO the/DT prevailing/VBG conditions--and/JJ anything/NN else/RB that/WDT might/MD happen/VB by/IN ./.
As/IN we/PRP joined/VBD the/DT inevitable/JJ group/NN gathered/VBD at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT old/JJ lime/NN kilns/NNS ,/, one/CD man/NN looked/VBD up/RB ./.
The/DT conversation/NN went/VBD something/NN like/IN this/DT :/:
Aye/NNP ?/.
(/( In/IN a/DT short/JJ rising/NN tone/NN as/IN if/IN to/TO say/VB ,/, Who/WP 's/VBZ this/DT stranger/NN with/IN you/PRP ?/.
Another/DT fisherman/NN turned/VBD his/PRP$ head/NN ./.
Aye/NNP ,/, aye/NN ./.
(/( These/DT were/VBD two/CD level-sounding/JJ words/NNS meaning/VBG So/RB your/PRP$ mate/NN 's/POS going/VBG out/IN with/IN you/PRP ,/, is/VBZ he/PRP ?/.
It/PRP was/VBD more/JJR of/IN a/DT statement/NN than/IN a/DT question/NN ./.
Another/DT voice/NN added/VBD :/:
H/NNP '/POS aye/NN ./.
(/( With/IN an/DT expulsion/NN of/IN breath/NN ,/, and/CC going/VBG down/RB at/IN the/DT end/NN :/: He/PRP 'll/MD be/VB lucky/JJ to/TO go/VB anywhere/RB today/NN ,/, with/IN all/PDT this/DT fog/NN ./.
it/PRP 's/VBZ far/RB too/RB thick/JJ ./.
And/CC another/DT ./.
Aye/NNP '/POS he/PRP ./.
(/( This/DT had/VBD a/DT long/JJ dip/NN in/IN the/DT middle/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT short/JJ ending/NN :/: That/DT 's/VBZ right/NN ,/, very/RB lucky/JJ to/TO get/VB out/RP ./.
He/PRP 'll/MD be/VB lucky/JJ to/TO climb/VB down/RB onto/IN the/DT boat/NN ./.
)/) Silence/NNP for/IN a/DT while/NN ./.
Then/RB a/DT more/JJR resigned/VBD sound/NN came/VBD from/IN within/IN the/DT group/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD almost/RB a/DT sigh/NN :/:
Aye/NNP ./.
(/( I/NN think/VBP everything/NN that/IN you/PRP all/DT just/RB said/VBN is/VBZ correct/JJ ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB that/IN the/DT mist/NN will/MD clear/VB ,/, not/RB this/DT morning/NN ./.
Aye/NNP ./.
(/( A/DT short/JJ ,/, sharp/JJ ,/, high/JJ note/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT hint/NN of/IN contradiction/NN :/: You/PRP never/RB know/VBP ,/, it/PRP could/MD ;/: we/PRP 'll/MD see/VB who/WP 's/VBZ right/JJ ./.
Silence/NNP again/RB ./.
An/DT old/JJ bomb/NN of/IN a/DT car/NN bounced/VBD past/JJ with/IN several/JJ rough-looking/JJ youths/NNS inside/IN ./.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( Quite/RB strong/JJ ,/, starting/VBG low/JJ ,/, rising/VBG to/TO the/DT end/NN ,/, as/IN if/IN to/TO say/VB ,/, Going/VBG far/RB too/RB fast/RB !/.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( More/JJR of/IN a/DT growl/NN :/: Yes/UH ,/, a/DT ridiculous/JJ speed/NN to/TO be/VB traveling/VBG ;/: and/CC what/WP are/VBP they/PRP doing/VBG ,/, driving/VBG about/IN at/IN this/DT time/NN of/IN day/NN anyway/RB ?/.
Up/IN to/TO no/DT good/NN if/IN you/PRP ask/VBP me/PRP ./.
Silence/NNP ./.
A/DT big/JJ lift/NN (/( sea/NN ,/, wave/NN )/) came/VBD in/IN the/DT harbor/NN and/CC all/PDT the/DT boats/NNS made/VBD a/DT run/NN on/IN their/PRP$ rope/NN ends/NNS ./.
It/PRP was/VBD studied/VBN thoughtfully/RB ,/, the/DT implications/NNS for/IN the/DT prospects/NNS of/IN the/DT day/NN mulled/JJ over/IN ./.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( Long/NNP and/CC strong/JJ ,/, quite/RB a/DT dip/NN in/IN the/DT middle/JJ :/: Not/RB only/RB is/VBZ it/PRP misty/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT sea/NN is/VBZ making/VBG too/RB !/.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( Short/JJ ,/, resigned/VBD ,/, exhaled/VBD as/IN a/DT sigh/NN :/: I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB see/VB that/IN we/PRP 'll/MD be/VB out/IN today/NN ,/, just/RB you/PRP mark/VBP my/PRP$ words/NNS ./.
Aye/NNP ./.
(/( Fairly/NNP level/NN ,/, slight/JJ dip/NN ,/, then/RB rise/NN toward/IN the/DT end/NN :/: That/DT 's/VBZ right/NN ,/, we/PRP 'd/MD have/VB been/VBN far/RB better/RB off/RP staying/VBG in/IN bed/NN ./.
More/JJR silence/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT fishermen/NNS lazily/RB drew/VBD his/PRP$ knife/NN out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ trouser/NN pocket/NN ;/: he/PRP laboriously/RB opened/VBD it/PRP and/CC began/VBD to/TO sharpen/VB the/DT blade/NN on/IN the/DT corner/NN of/IN the/DT sandstone/NN wall/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP providence-tempting/JJ implications/NNS to/TO be/VB considered/VBN in/IN an/DT act/NN like/IN this/DT ./.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( Throaty/NNP ,/, short/JJ ,/, rise/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, hint/NN of/IN disgust/NN :/: I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB what/WP you/PRP 're/VBP sharpening/VBG that/DT thing/NN for/IN ./.
H/NNP '/POS aye/NN !/.
(/( Strong/JJ ,/, definite/JJ but/CC falling/VBG :/: Put/VB your/PRP$ knife/NN away/RB ,/, man/NN ,/, you/PRP 'll/MD only/RB make/VB things/NNS worse/JJR ./.
One/CD man/NN looked/VBD up/RB at/IN the/DT mist/NN ./.
His/PRP$ face/NN scanned/JJ the/DT bland/JJ emptiness/NNS of/IN the/DT full/JJ sky/NN ./.
Aye/NNP ./.
(/( Descending/NNP ,/, exhaled/VBD ,/, slightly/RB wavy/NN ,/, almost/RB a/DT touch/NN of/IN ridicule/NN :/: Well/RB ,/, you/PRP lot/NN can/MD do/VB what/WP you/PRP like/VBP ,/, I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN here/RB long/RB enough/RB ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP off/IN back/RB home/NN ./.
Aye/NNP !/.
(/( Short/JJ ,/, sharp/JJ ,/, level/NN :/: Me/PRP too/RB !/.
This/DT was/VBD followed/VBN by/IN other/JJ Ayes/NNP of/IN agreement/NN ,/, but/CC all/DT different/JJ ./.
Aye/NNP ,/, aye/NN ./.
(/( First/CD one/CD level/NN ,/, second/JJ one/CD descending/VBG :/: We/PRP 'll/MD not/RB do/VB any/DT good/NN down/RB here/RB ./.
I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP 've/VBP made/VBN our/PRP$ decision/NN ./.
The/DT men/NNS started/VBD to/TO move/VB off/RP ,/, each/DT going/VBG his/PRP$ own/JJ way/NN ./.
My/PRP$ skipper/NN turned/VBD to/TO me/PRP ./.
Aye/NNP ./.
(/( Short/JJ ,/, to/TO the/DT point/NN :/: That/DT 's/VBZ it/PRP my/PRP$ bonnie/NN lad/NN ./.
My/PRP$ Yorkshire/NNP friend/NN looked/VBD inquiringly/RB into/IN my/PRP$ face/NN ./.
Does/VBZ this/DT mean/NN we/PRP 're/VBP not/RB going/VBG out/IN to/TO sea/NN ?/.
What/WP could/MD I/PRP say/VB ?/.
Aye/NNP ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ many/VB a/DT glitch/NN '/" twixt/NN script/NN and/CC speech/NN ./.
For/IN a/DT start/NN ,/, the/DT script/NN might/MD be/VB mis-typed/JJ or/CC semi-legible/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT speaker/NN ignorant/NN ./.
On/IN a/DT state/NN occasion/NN during/IN the/DT Queen/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ visit/NN to/TO Namibia/NNP ,/, the/DT master/NN of/IN ceremonies/NNS introduced/VBD Her/PRP$ Majesty/NNP as/IN Queen/NNP Elizabeth/NNP the/DT eleventh/NN ./.
And/CC on/IN an/DT Irish/JJ radio/NN requests/NNS program/NN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, the/DT presenter/NN launched/VBN into/IN a/DT dedication/NN to/TO this/DT effect/NN :/: And/CC now/RB ,/, a/DT special/JJ message/NN for/IN John/NNP Donachy/NNP of/IN Ballycloran/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ a/DT hundred-and-eleven/JJ !/.
no/DT he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ ill/JJ ./.
And/CC of/IN course/NN ,/, even/RB the/DT clearest/NN of/IN scripts/NNS and/CC brightest/JJS of/IN speakers/NNS will/MD produce/VB occasional/JJ misfires/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN :/:
faulty/JJ accessing/VBG :/: a/DT funfair/NN of/IN trumpets/VBZ ;/: a/DT prawn/NN in/IN the/DT game/NN ;/: I/PRP know/VBP you/PRP like/VBP the/DT back/NN of/IN my/PRP$ head/NN ./.
mispronunciations/NNS :/: deteriate/NN ;/: cow-orkers/JJ ;/: Grenada/NNP as/IN if/IN written/VBN Granada/NNP ./.
botched/VBN tongue-twisters/JJ :/: shallow/JJ and/CC slipshod/JJ shatire/NN ;/: that/IN disquieting/JJ condition/NN called/VBD Kwok/NNP 's/POS Quease/NNP ;/: the/DT fire/NN at/IN the/DT Tirestone/NNP fire/NN tactory/NN ./.
spoonerisms/NNS and/CC similar/JJ transpositions/NNS :/: submersive/JJ elephants/NNS within/IN the/DT party/NN ;/: a/DT cross-fannel/JJ cherry/NN ;/: Tonight/NNP 's/POS orchestral/JJ concert/NN comes/VBZ to/TO you/PRP from/IN the/DT Bath/NNP Room/NNP at/IN Pump/NNP ./.
As/IN long/RB ago/RB as/IN the/DT mid/JJ 1960/CD s/VBZ ,/, the/DT phenomenon/NN was/VBD conspicuous/JJ enough/RB to/TO inspire/VB the/DT title/NN of/IN a/DT comedy/NN series/NN on/IN BBC/NNP radio/NN ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP Sorry/JJ I/PRP 'll/MD Read/NNP That/DT Again/RB (/( whence/NN the/DT title/NN of/IN the/DT current/JJ I/PRP 'm/VBP Sorry/JJ I/PRP Have/VBP n't/RB a/DT Clue/NNP )/) -/: -/: the/DT catchphrase/NN adopted/VBN by/IN radio/NN presenters/NNS as/IN part/NN of/IN their/PRP$ retrieval/NN strategy/NN ./.
For/IN all/DT their/PRP$ humor/NN and/CC popularity/NN ,/, such/JJ types/NNS of/IN deviation/NN are/VBP in/IN reality/NN neither/DT very/RB common/JJ nor/CC particularly/RB revealing/VBG ./.
The/DT interesting/JJ types/NNS of/IN deviation/NN are/VBP the/DT more/RBR common/JJ ,/, yet/RB less/RBR recognized/VBN types/NNS (/( widely/RB unrecognized/JJ ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ ,/, perhaps/RB because/IN seldom/RB funny/JJ )/) ./.
They/PRP are/VBP mistakes/NNS at/IN sentence/NN level/NN rather/RB than/IN word/NN level/NN ;/: prosodic/JJ rather/RB than/IN lexical/JJ mistakes/NNS ;/: mistakes/NNS of/IN stress/NN ,/, intonation/NN ,/, and/CC syntactic/JJ segmenting/VBG :/: in/IN effect/NN ,/, accentuating/VBG the/DT wrong/JJ word/NN or/CC syllable/NN ,/, modulating/VBG the/DT pitch/NN incorrectly/RB (/( a/DT rising/VBG rather/RB than/IN falling/VBG tone/NN ,/, say/VB ,/, or/CC a/DT questioning/VBG rather/RB than/IN affirming/VBG tone/NN )/) ,/, and/CC pausing/VBG in/IN the/DT wrong/JJ place/NN ./.
A/DT well-known/JJ literary/JJ example/NN is/VBZ Quince/NNP 's/POS mis-structuring/JJ of/IN his/PRP$ prologue/NN within/IN A/DT Midsummer/NNP Night/NNP 's/POS Dream/NN :/:
Consider/VB then/RB we/PRP come/VBP but/CC in/IN despite/IN ./.
We/PRP do/VBP not/RB come/VB as/IN minding/VBG to/TO content/VB you/PRP [/( etc/FW ]/) ./.
And/CC ponder/VB these/DT old/JJ parlor-game/JJ jokes/NNS :/:
What/WP is/VBZ THIS/NNP thing/NN called/VBD ,/, Love/NN ?/.
(/( inquisitively/RB )/)
Pick/VB your/PRP$ OWN/NNP strawberries/NNS !/.
(/( indignantly/RB )/)
There/EX are/VBP 23/CD full-time/JJ professors/NNS and/CC ten/CD ¦/NN odd/JJ teaching/NN assistants/NNS ./.
(/( tiny/JJ pause/NN after/IN ten/CD rather/RB than/IN after/IN odd/JJ )/)
It/PRP 's/VBZ now/RB ten/CD o'clock/RB Greenwich/NNP ./.
Meantime/RB ,/, here/RB is/VBZ the/DT news/NN ./.
Greenpeace/NNP divers/NNS yesterday/NN blew/VBD ¦/NN up/RP an/DT effluent/JJ pipeline/NN in/IN the/DT Irish/NNP Sea/NNP ./.
(/( tiny/JJ pause/NN after/IN blew/VBD rather/RB than/IN after/IN up/RB )/)
Underlying/VBG such/JJ jokes/NNS is/VBZ a/DT crucial/JJ linguistic/JJ law/NN :/: a/DT written/VBN sentence/NN carries/VBZ a/DT higher/JJR risk/NN of/IN ambiguity/NN than/IN a/DT spoken/VBN sentence/NN ./.
The/DT stage/NN directions/NNS within/IN a/DT written/VBN &slash;/NN printed/VBD sentence/NN are/VBP rudimentary--being/JJ almost/RB always/RB of/IN just/RB the/DT following/VBG four/CD kinds/NNS (/( in/IN descending/VBG order/NN of/IN explicitness/NNS )/) :/:
typeface/NN (/( italics/NNS or/CC boldface/NN ,/, say/VB ,/, to/TO encourage/VB the/DT reader/NN to/TO accentuate/NN the/DT word/NN )/) ;/:
punctuation/NN (/( a/DT sentence/NN ending/VBG with/IN an/DT exclamation/NN point/NN ,/, say/VB ,/, prompts/VBZ a/DT quite/RB different/JJ reading/NN from/IN one/CD ending/VBG with/IN ellipsis/NNS dots/NNS )/) ;/:
word/NN order/NN (/( position/NN an/DT element/NN later/RB in/IN a/DT sentence--in/JJ English/NNP ,/, at/IN any/DT rate--and/JJ its/PRP$ chances/NNS of/IN taking/VBG the/DT main/JJ stress/NN are/VBP usually/RB increased/VBN )/) ;/:
Since/IN these/DT cues/NNS are/VBP so/RB rudimentary/JJ ,/, ambiguity/NN pervades/NNS written/VBN sentences--sentences/JJ in/IN isolation/NN ,/, that/IN is--and/JJ the/DT transition/NN to/TO a/DT spoken/VBN version/NN can/MD therefore/RB be/VB a/DT hazardous/JJ procedure/NN ./.
Can/MD you/PRP read/VB out/IN loud/JJ the/DT following/VBG sentences/NNS ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, without/IN feeling/NN torn/VBN between/IN rival/JJ renderings/NNS ?/.
Do/VBP you/PRP understand/VBP ?/.
(/( inquiringly/RB ,/, or/CC menacingly/RB )/)
I/PRP spoke/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ secretary/NN yesterday/NN ./.
(/( accentuating/VBG secretary/NN ,/, or/CC yesterday/NN )/)
She/PRP has/VBZ n't/RB scooped/VBD me/PRP ,/, has/VBZ she/PRP ?/.
(/( confidently/RB ,/, or/CC anxiously/RB )/)
When/WRB can/MD I/PRP meet/VB your/PRP$ French/JJ mistress/NN ?/.
She/PRP tried/VBD shooting/VBG herself/PRP ./.
Build/NNP thee/NN more/RBR stately/JJ mansions/NNS ./.
Do/VBP you/PRP think/VB we/PRP should/MD postpone/VB or/CC cancel/VB the/DT meeting/NN ?/.
Where/WRB the/DT genuinely/RB informative/JJ stage/NN directions/NNS reside/VB is/VBZ not/RB within/IN the/DT written/VBN sentence/NN itself/PRP ,/, but/CC in/IN the/DT sweep/NN of/IN the/DT preceding/VBG sentences--in/JJ the/DT context/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ context/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ smoothly/RB intelligible/JJ reading/NN possible/JJ ./.
Context/NNP ,/, the/DT Great/NNP Disambiguator/NNP ./.
Written/VBN sentences/NNS that/IN in/IN isolation/NN appear/VBP ambiguous/JJ will/MD snap/NN into/IN focus/VB when/WRB enmeshed/JJ in/IN a/DT larger/JJR discourse/NN ;/: moreover/RB ,/, written/VBN language/NN has/VBZ the/DT advantage/NN over/IN spoken/VBN language/NN in/IN that/IN it/PRP allows/VBZ rereading/VBG (/( and/CC reading/NN ahead/RB )/) in/IN order/NN to/TO ensure/VB an/DT accurate/JJ interpretation/NN of/IN a/DT given/VBN sentence/NN ./.
Consider/VB how/WRB indeterminate/JJ the/DT following/VBG sentence/NN is/VBZ ,/, out/IN of/IN context/NN :/: on/IN which/WDT word/NN should/MD the/DT main/JJ emphasis/NN fall/NN ?/.
The/DT UN/NNP team/NN has/VBZ also/RB criticized/VBN the/DT Bosnian/NNP Serbs/NNP for/IN various/JJ violations/NNS of/IN the/DT ceasefire/NN ./.
But/CC put/VBD the/DT sentence/NN in/IN context/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP suddenly/RB becomes/VBZ quite/RB clear/JJ where/WRB the/DT emphasis/NN lies/NNS :/:
UN/NNP observers/NNS have/VBP criticized/VBN Bosnian/NNP Muslims/NNPS for/IN moving/VBG men/NNS and/CC heavy/JJ guns/NNS into/IN a/DT demilitarized/JJ zone/NN south/RB of/IN Sarajevo/NNP ./.
The/DT UN/NNP team/NN has/VBZ also/RB criticized/VBN the/DT Bosnian/NNP Serbs/NNP for/IN various/JJ violations/NNS of/IN the/DT ceasefire/NN ./.
[/NN approximate/JJ transcript/NN of/IN a/DT news/NN report/NN on/IN the/DT BBC/NNP World/NNP Service/NNP ,/, 11/CD May/NNP 1994/CD ]/NN
Obviously/RB it/PRP is/VBZ on/IN the/DT word/NN Serbs/NNP that/IN the/DT main/JJ stress/NN should/MD fall/VB (/( to/TO point/VB up/RP the/DT contrast/NN ,/, established/VBN in/IN the/DT preceding/VBG sentence/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT word/NN Muslims/NNPS )/) ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, the/DT newsreader/NN failed/VBD to/TO render/VB it/PRP that/DT way/NN ./.
He/PRP placed/VBD the/DT main/JJ stress/NN on/IN also/RB ,/, overlooking/VBG the/DT parallelism/NN of/IN the/DT sentences/NNS and/CC the/DT contrast/NN that/IN it/PRP was/VBD intended/VBN to/TO foster/VB ./.
In/IN doing/VBG so/RB ,/, he/PRP made/VBD nonsense/NN of/IN the/DT report/NN ./.
What/WP accounts/NNS for/IN this/DT tendency/NN of/IN theirs/PRP to/TO misread/NN ?/.
Sometimes/RB it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT clear-cut/JJ matter/NN of/IN fatigue/NN or/CC inattention/NN ,/, speaking/VBG trippingly/RB ,/, without/IN attending/VBG to/TO meaning/VBG ./.
(/( In/IN fairness/NN ,/, it/PRP does/VBZ sometimes/RB happen/VB that/IN they/PRP have/VBP little/JJ or/CC no/DT time/NN to/TO acquaint/NN themselves/PRP with/IN the/DT script/NN before/IN reading/VBG it/PRP on/IN air/NN :/: stop-press/JJ reports/NNS flash/VBP up/RB on/IN the/DT Autocue/NNP ;/: urgent/JJ traffic/NN bulletins/NNS or/CC revised/VBN continuity/NN announcements/NNS have/VBP to/TO be/VB read/VBN unpreviewed/JJ from/IN a/DT last-/JJ printout/NN ./.
)/) And/CC they/PRP neglect/NN ,/, through/IN ignorance/NN or/CC overconfidence/NN ,/, to/TO take/VB the/DT elementary/JJ precautions/NNS that/WDT would/MD guard/VB against/IN such/JJ lapses/NNS :/: above/IN all/DT ,/, to/TO mark/VB up/RP their/PRP$ scripts/NNS ,/, the/DT way/NN actors/NNS do--inserting/JJ a/DT vertical/JJ pause/NN here/RB ,/, or/CC a/DT curving/VBG tonemarker/NN there/RB ,/, or/CC an/DT underlining/VBG to/TO cue/NN emphasis/NN ,/, or/CC three/CD dots/NNS to/TO indicate/VB a/DT dying/VBG fall/NN ./.
Even/RB pre-recorded/JJ broadcasts/NNS yield/VBP a/DT good/JJ crop/NN of/IN clangers/NNS ./.
(/( Of/IN the/DT six/CD examples/NNS quoted/VBN below/IN ,/, four/CD fall/NN into/IN that/DT category/NN ./.
)/) Perhaps/RB cost-cutting/JJ (/( which/WDT the/DT BBC/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, seems/VBZ to/TO regard/VB as/IN one/CD of/IN its/PRP$ main/JJ functions/NNS these/DT days/NNS )/) has/VBZ led/VBN to/TO cornercutting--before/JJ ,/, during/IN ,/, and/CC after/IN the/DT recording/NN session/NN :/: less/RBR run-through/JJ time/NN ,/, less/JJR editorial/NN monitoring/NN ,/, less/JJR post-production/NN checking/NN and/CC polishing/VBG|NN ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ a/DT brief/JJ selection/NN of/IN examples/NNS (/( limited/VBN to/TO BBC/NNP programs/NNS )/) from/IN the/DT dozens/NNS I/PRP collected/VBD during/IN the/DT summer/NN of/IN 1994/CD ./.
They/PRP are/VBP broadly/RB of/IN two/CD kinds/NNS :/: those/DT in/IN which/WDT the/DT wrong/JJ word/NN is/VBZ accentuated/JJ and/CC those/DT in/IN which/WDT the/DT pause/NN is/VBZ wrongly/RB positioned/VBN (/( or/CC perhaps/RB ,/, in/IN technical/JJ parlance/NN ,/, examples/NNS of/IN faulty/JJ tonicity/NN and/CC faulty/JJ tonality/NN ,/, respectively/RB )/) ./.
Continuity/NNP announcer/NN ,/, on/IN BBC/NNP 2/CD TV/NN :/:
Cataclysmic/NNP events/NNS in/IN the/DT cosmos/NNS are/VBP taking/VBG place/NN tonight/NN ./.
At/IN this/DT moment/NN ,/, Jupiter/NNP should/MD be/VB on/IN the/DT receiving/VBG end/NN of/IN the/DT first/JJ gigantic/JJ comet/NN MASS/NNP ./.
(/( The/DT main/NN stress/NN should/MD be/VB on/IN first/JJ or/CC gigantic/JJ or/CC comet/NN rather/RB than/IN on/IN mass/NN ./.
Barry/NNP Norman/NNP ,/, on/IN BBC/NNP 1/CD TV/NN :/:
Ladybird/NNP Ladybird/NNP is/VBZ not/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, a/DT polemic/JJ ./.
Nor/CC is/VBZ it/PRP an/DT attack/NN on/IN the/DT social/JJ WORKERS/NNS ,/, although/IN they/PRP do/VBP sometimes/RB appear/VB overzealous/JJ ./.
(/( Shift/NNP the/DT stress/NN from/IN workers/NNS to/TO social/JJ ./.
Prof/NNP ./.
Robert/NNP Wistrich/NNP ,/, in/IN a/DT lecture/NN given/VBN on/IN BBC/NNP Radio/NNP 3/CD :/:
Dreyfus/NNP was/VBD pardoned/VBD in/IN time/NN ¦/NN for/IN the/DT Universal/NNP Exhibition/NNP in/IN Paris/NNP in/IN 1900/CD ./.
and/CC his/PRP$ innocence/NN solemnly/RB proclaimed/VBD six/CD years/NNS later/RB ./.
(/( The/DT unwanted/JJ pause/NN after/IN time/NN reveals/VBZ a/DT misreading/VBG of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ sentence/NN ./.
Chris/NNP Serle/NNP ,/, on/IN BBC/NNP Radio/NNP 4/CD :/:
As/IN he/PRP talked/VBD about/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ¦/NN and/CC played/VBD his/PRP$ catholic/JJ selection/NN of/IN Desert/NNP Island/NNP discs/NNS ,/, ¦/NN ¦/NN it/PRP became/VBD clear/JJ that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT DOER/NNP ¦/NN and/CC not/RB a/DT PONDERER/NNP ¦/NN on/IN life/NN 's/POS inequities/NNS ./.
(/( Get/VB rid/JJ of/IN that/DT last/JJ pause/NN ,/, and/CC place/VB the/DT second/NN of/IN the/DT emphases/NNS more/RBR on/IN inequities/NNS than/IN on/IN ponderer/NN ;/: the/DT current/JJ rhythmic/JJ and/CC intonational/NN pattern/NN thoroughly/RB misconstrues/NNS the/DT construction/NN ./.
Continuity/NNP announcer/NN on/IN BBC/NNP 1/CD TV/NN :/:
It/PRP 's/VBZ downhill/RB all/PDT the/DT way/NN ,/, ¦/NN in/IN the/DT SECOND/NNP of/IN tonight/NN 's/POS films/NNS ¦/NN starring/VBG ROBERT/NNP REDFORD/NNP ./.
(/( Considering/VBG that/IN the/DT previous/JJ film/NN had/VBD been/VBN The/DT Sting/NNP ,/, the/DT announcer/NN is/VBZ missing/VBG the/DT point/NN when/WRB he/PRP allows/VBZ a/DT pause/NN after/IN films/NNS and/CC then/RB accentuates/NNS Robert/NNP Redford/NNP :/: surely/RB the/DT last/JJ three/CD words/NNS really/RB constitute/VBP a/DT restrictive/JJ rather/RB than/IN a/DT nonrestrictive/JJ phrase/NN ./.
Dr/NNP ./.
Roy/NNP Porter/NNP ,/, on/IN BBC/NNP Radio/NNP 4/CD :/:
How/WRB then/RB did/VBD it/PRP happen/VBP ¦/NN that/IN a/DT successful/JJ and/CC wealthy/JJ country/NN ¦/NN declined/VBD to/TO become/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT poorest/JJS in/IN the/DT world/NN ?/.
(/( Shift/NNP the/DT second/JJ pause/NN so/IN that/IN it/PRP follows/VBZ rather/RB than/IN precedes/VBZ declined/VBN ,/, and/CC the/DT sentence/NN is/VBZ changed--utterly--from/JJ its/PRP$ intended/VBN sense/NN ./.
Wo/NNP n't/RB someone/NN tell/VBP the/DT big/JJ broadcasting/NN companies/NNS that/IN accurate/JJ script-reading/JJ involves/VBZ more/JJR than/IN accurate/JJ pronunciation/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ n't/RB it/PRP time/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT News/NNP and/CC Current/NNP Affairs/NNP producers/NNS at/IN the/DT BBC/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Talks/NNS producers/NNS as/IN well/RB ,/, began/VBD taking/VBG advice/NN not/RB just/RB from/IN the/DT BBC/NNP 's/POS excellent/JJ Pronunciation/NNP Unit/NNP but/CC from/IN its/PRP$ wonderful/JJ Drama/NNP Department/NNP ?/.
Insectarium/NNP buzzes/VBZ in/IN heart/NN of/IN city/NN of/IN buggerly/RB love/NN ./.
[/NN Headline/NNP in/IN The/DT (/( Durham/NNP ,/, North/NNP Carolina/NNP )/) Herald-/NNP Sun/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
He/PRP could/MD not/RB shake/VB the/DT dread/NN feeling/NN that/IN he/PRP and/CC all/PDT the/DT others/NNS who/WP had/VBD been/VBN involved/VBN in/IN those/DT projects/NNS were/VBD sitting/VBG on/IN a/DT bomb/NN that/IN ,/, sooner/RBR or/CC later/RB ,/, would/MD explode/VB in/IN their/PRP$ faces/NNS ./.
[/NN From/IN The/DT Acting/NNP President/NNP ,/, by/IN Bob/NNP Schieffer/NNP and/CC Gary/NNP Paul/NNP Gates/NNP ,/, E/NNP ./.
P/NN ./.
Dutton/NNP ,/, p/NN ./.
273/CD ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
[/NN I/PRP ]/) n/NN our/PRP$ attempt/NN to/TO provide/VB direction/NN on/IN how/WRB to/TO control/VB and/CC mitigate/VB damages/NNS ,/, it/PRP appears/VBZ we/PRP neglected/VBD to/TO empathize/VB with/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN orchestrating/VBG such/JJ efforts/NNS may/MD have/VB been/VBN difficult/JJ for/IN you/PRP ./.
[/NN Letter/NNP from/IN William/NNP C/NNP ./.
Turnbull/NNP ,/, Jr/NNP ./.
,/, of/IN Chubb/NNP Group/NNP of/IN Insurance/NNP Companies/NNPS ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
This/DT brief/JJ article/NN describes/VBZ and/CC illustrates/VBZ the/DT struggle/NN of/IN Hieronymus/NNP Stoat/NNP (/( 1947/CD -/: )/) to/TO produce/VB a/DT completely/RB new/JJ literature/NN ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ words/NNS :/:
The/DT concept/NN of/IN things/NNS happening/NN is/VBZ inherently/RB bourgeois/NNS and/CC ultimately/RB capitalist-imperialist/JJ ./.
We/PRP must/MD ,/, I/PRP believe/VB ,/, strive/VBP to/TO rout/NN out/RP these/DT corrupting/JJ influences/NNS on/IN literary/JJ art/NN ;/: to/TO debourgeoisify/NN writing/NN ./.
[/NN letter/NN to/TO the/DT author/NN ,/, 1981/CD ]/NN
This/DT achievement/NN could/MD only/RB be/VB brought/VBN about/IN by/IN a/DT completely/RB new/JJ style/NN of/IN writing/VBG in/IN which/WDT nothing/NN happened/VBD ./.
Stoat/NNP 's/POS first/JJ attempt/NN ,/, a/DT novella/NN (/( untitled/JJ ,/, like/IN all/DT his/PRP$ work/NN )/) opened/VBD thus/RB :/:
The/DT haddock/NN looked/VBD at/IN the/DT wall/NN for/IN sixty-two/JJ years/NNS ./.
The/DT light/NN was/VBD on/IN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD dissatisfied/VBN with/IN this/DT even/RB before/IN the/DT ink/NN was/VBD dry/JJ ./.
Although/IN little/RB appeared/VBD to/TO happen/VB ,/, a/DT number/NN of/IN events/NNS were/VBD implicit/JJ ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT moment/NN sixty-two/JJ years/NNS were/VBD up/RB ,/, the/DT haddock/NN presumably/RB stopped/VBD looking/VBG at/IN the/DT wall--a/JJ momentous/JJ event/NN in/IN the/DT context/NN ./.
And/CC ,/, more/RBR subtly/RB ,/, the/DT light/NN 's/POS being/VBG on/IN contains/VBZ the/DT event/NN of/IN its/PRP$ having/VBG been/VBN turned/VBN on/IN ./.
But/CC ,/, most/RBS tellingly/RB ,/, it/PRP was/VBD argued/VBN by/IN critics/NNS that/IN the/DT haddock/NN looking/VBG at/IN the/DT wall/NN constituted/VBD a/DT happening/NN ,/, even/RB if/IN it/PRP were/VBD rather/RB drawn/VBN out/IN and/CC somewhat/RB uninteresting/VBG ./.
Absorbing/NNP these/DT criticisms/NNS ,/, Stoat/NNP came/VBD to/TO the/DT realization/NN that/IN the/DT problem/NN lay/VB in/IN verbs/NNS ./.
Wherever/NNP you/PRP have/VBP a/DT verb/NN ,/, things/NNS happen/VBP ./.
By/IN definition/NN ./.
He/PRP thus/RB tried/VBD to/TO write/VB in/IN a/DT completely/RB verbless/JJ way/NN ./.
His/PRP$ revision/NN of/IN his/PRP$ untitled/JJ novella/NN now/RB began/VBD :/:
Pale/NNP haddock/NN ./.
Endlessly/NNP white/JJ wall/NN ./.
Ambient/NNP lucency/NN ./.
This/DT was/VBD better/JJR ./.
To/TO make/VB up/RP for/IN the/DT missing/VBG verbs/NNS he/PRP attempted/VBD to/TO add/VB interest/NN by/IN scattering/VBG adjectives/NNS and/CC adverbs/NNS everywhere/RB ./.
But/CC after/IN a/DT time/NN ,/, he/PRP had/VBD to/TO recognize/VB that/IN even/RB though/IN the/DT text/NN did/VBD not/RB actually/RB describe/VB anything/NN happening/NN ,/, the/DT mind/NN had/VBD an/DT extraordinary/JJ facility/NN to/TO make/VB things/NNS happen/VB ,/, unbidden/NN ,/, to/TO the/DT haddock/NN and/CC wall/NN in/IN the/DT light/NN ./.
And/CC the/DT adjectives/NNS actually/RB helped/VBD ./.
Quite/RB interesting/JJ things/NNS could/MD happen/VB ,/, with/IN a/DT vivid/JJ imagination/NN ./.
Now/RB this/DT was/VBD as/RB bad/JJ as/IN describing/VBG happenings/NNS ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, the/DT text/NN had/VBD no/DT meaning/VBG outside/IN the/DT reader/NN 's/POS mind/NN ;/: so/RB if/IN that/DT mind/NN became/VBD full/JJ of/IN imagined/VBD events/NNS as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN reading/VBG the/DT text/NN ,/, then/RB it/PRP had/VBD failed/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ quest/NN for/IN happeninglessness/NNS ./.
Slowly/NNP ,/, Stoat/NNP came/VBD to/TO the/DT realization/NN that/IN substantives/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, were/VBD the/DT problem/NN ./.
Write/NNP a/DT noun/NN and/CC the/DT reader/NN will/MD conjure/VBP up/RP an/DT image/NN ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, the/DT image/NN will/MD be/VB doing/VBG something--an/JJ event/NN will/MD be/VB happening/VBG ./.
What/WP if/IN they/PRP too/RB were/VBD expunged/VBN ,/, then/RB ?/.
He/PRP tried/VBD it/PRP and/CC came/VBD up/RB with/IN :/:
Pale/NNP ./.
Endlessly/NNP white/NN ./.
Ambient/NNP ./.
With/IN horror/NN ,/, Stoat/NNP realized/VBD that/IN this/DT was/VBD worse/JJR !/.
The/DT text/NN provided/VBD a/DT backcloth/NN for/IN all/DT sorts/NNS of/IN imaginings/NNS ./.
Amazing/JJ events/NNS were/VBD enacted/VBN in/IN the/DT minds/NNS of/IN readers/NNS ,/, conjured/JJ by/IN these/DT suggestive/JJ qualifiers/NNS :/: virgins/NNS dreamt/VBD of/IN knights-at-arms/JJ on/IN white/JJ chargers/NNS ;/: dirty/JJ old/JJ men/NNS elaborated/JJ prurient/NN extravagances/NNS ./.
Reluctantly/NNP he/PRP was/VBD forced/VBN to/TO discard/VB nearly/RB all/DT of/IN these/DT signifiers/NNS ./.
Even/RB prepositions/NNS could/MD convey/VB the/DT impression/NN of/IN happenings/NNS ./.
The/DT single/JJ word/NN up/RB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, was/VBD so/RB loaded/VBN with/IN connotation/NN that/IN it/PRP too/RB had/VBD to/TO be/VB avoided/VBN ./.
Stoat/NNP flirted/VBD briefly/NN with/IN a/DT form/NN of/IN writing/VBG that/WDT used/VBD only/RB the/DT definite/JJ and/CC indefinite/JJ articles/NNS ,/, but/CC soon/RB became/VBD disenchanted/VBN with/IN such/JJ lifeless/JJ passages/NNS as/IN :/:
A/DT the/DT the/DT a/DT the/DT a/DT a/DT the/DT ./.
He/PRP ruefully/RB concluded/VBD that/IN even/RB this/DT could/MD stimulate/VB an/DT over-heated/JJ imagination/NN ./.
Meaning/NNP :/: that/WDT was/VBD the/DT problem/NN ./.
Where/WRB words/NNS had/VBD meaning/VBG ,/, they/PRP would/MD engender/NN images/NNS in/IN the/DT readers/NNS '/POS imaginations/NNS ./.
These/DT images/NNS would/MD start/VB to/TO move/VB and/CC things/NNS would/MD start/VB to/TO happen/VB ./.
What/WP was/VBD needed/VBN was/VBD a/DT meaningless/JJ language/NN ./.
How/WRB about/IN Latin/NNP ?/.
Granted/NNP some/DT people/NNS still/RB understood/VBN it/PRP ,/, but/CC not/RB the/DT great/JJ generality/NN of/IN his/PRP$ readers/NNS ./.
He/PRP tried/VBD it/PRP ./.
Video/NNP meliora/NN proboque/NN ;/: deteriora/NN sequor/NN ./.
A/DT whole/JJ new/JJ set/NN of/IN problems/NNS emerged/VBD ./.
With/IN a/DT little/JJ more/JJR imagination/NN ,/, readers/NNS could/MD see/VB all/DT sorts/NNS of/IN English/NNP words/NNS hidden/VBN in/IN the/DT text/NN ./.
With/IN mounting/VBG despondency/NN ,/, Stoat/NNP was/VBD forced/VBN to/TO conclude/VB that/IN the/DT problem/NN was/VBD words/NNS ./.
Any/DT words/NNS ,/, any/DT words/NNS would/MD defeat/VB his/PRP$ purpose/NN ./.
To/TO substitute/VB pictures/NNS would/MD be/VB to/TO enter/VB the/DT world/NN of/IN graphic/JJ art/NN and/CC to/TO desert/VB literature/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT dream/NN ,/, the/DT answer/NN came/VBD to/TO him/PRP :/: punctuation/NN !/.
How/WRB about/IN a/DT literature/NN that/WDT was/VBD simply/RB punctuation/NN marks/NNS ?/.
He/PRP tried/VBD it/PRP ,/, tentatively/RB at/IN first/JJ :/:
,/, ./.
;/: ;/: ./.
,/, ,/, !/.
,/, :/:
Then/RB with/IN more/JJR authority/NN :/:
;/: ,/, ,/, ,/, ./.
;/: ;/: :/: !/.
;/: ;/: ,/, ./.
;/: :/: ./.
\/NN ?/.
\/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN ./.
,/, ,/,
Too/RB many/JJ semicolons/NNS ,/, said/VBD the/DT purists/NNS ,/, while/IN the/DT more/RBR pragmatic/JJ marveled/VBD at/IN the/DT piquancy/NN of/IN the/DT single/JJ (/( unopened/JJ or/CC unclosed/JJ ?/.
)/) quotation/NN marks/NNS ./.
We/PRP shall/MD reserve/VB judgment/NN until/IN we/PRP see/VBP his/PRP$ first/JJ work/NN of/IN major/JJ length/NN ./.
But/CC each/DT dish/NN is/VBZ more/JJR elaborate/VB than/IN the/DT next/JJ ./.
[/NN From/IN a/DT restaurant/NN review/NN by/IN S/NNP ./.
Irene/NNP Virbila/NNP in/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP Magazine/NNP ,/, ,/, p/NN ./.
26/CD ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
There/EX 'll/MD be/VB plenty/NN to/TO eat/VB :/: hot/JJ dogs/NNS ,/, hamburgers/NNS ,/, children/NNS under/IN twelve/CD ,/, only/RB a/DT dollar/NN ./.
[/NN From/IN Hillbilly/NNP ,/, WHRB/NNP (/( Harvard/NNP University/NNP 's/POS radio/NN station/NN )/) ,/, Cambridge/NNP ,/, Massachusetts/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
English/NNS in/IN Quebec/NNP shows/VBZ much/JJ evidence/NN of/IN creolization/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ speakers/NNS live/VBP in/IN a/DT linguistically/RB complex/JJ society/NN ,/, a/DT mosaic/JJ of/IN languages/NNS from/IN around/IN the/DT world/NN in/IN Montreal/NNP ,/, dominated/VBD everywhere/RB by/IN speakers/NNS of/IN standard/JJ French/JJ and/CC of/IN Joual/NNP (/( from/IN cheval/NN )/) ,/, the/DT 17/CD th-century/JJ Norman/NNP and/CC Poitou/NNP dialect/NN that/WDT is/VBZ the/DT folk/NN speech/NN of/IN the/DT province/NN ./.
My/PRP$ student/NN Brigitte/NNP Harris/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ from/IN Ontario/NNP ,/, immediately/RB observed/VBD many/JJ peculiarities/NNS of/IN usage/NN when/WRB she/PRP arrived/VBD in/IN Montreal/NNP to/TO earn/VB an/DT M/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
degree/NN in/IN applied/VBN linguistics/NNS at/IN Concordia/NNP University/NNP ./.
Our/PRP$ plan/NN for/IN her/PRP$ thesis/NN was/VBD to/TO count/VB the/DT Gallicisms/NNP in/IN the/DT annual/JJ reports/NNS of/IN the/DT Protestant/JJ Schoolboard/NNP of/IN Greater/NNP Montreal/NNP for/IN 1970/CD and/CC 1980/CD and/CC to/TO compare/VB them/PRP ./.
We/PRP carefully/RB considered/VBD spelling/VBG ,/, punctuation/NN ,/, and/CC vocabulary/JJ ,/, reasoning/NN that/IN such/JJ texts/NNS must/MD have/VB been/VBN prepared/VBN by/IN several/JJ people/NNS and/CC vetted/JJ many/JJ times/NNS ,/, so/IN the/DT texts/NNS must/MD have/VB seemed/VBN unexceptional/NN to/TO their/PRP$ writers/NNS and/CC editors/NNS ./.
We/PRP found/VBD twice/RB as/IN many/JJ Gallicisms/NNP in/IN the/DT 1980/CD text/NN as/IN in/IN that/DT for/IN 1970/CD ./.
Textual/NNP rules/NNS of/IN French/NNPS seem/VBP normal/JJ to/TO native/JJ speakers/NNS of/IN Quebec/NNP English/NNP ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT spelling/NN of/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT Benedictine/NNP monastery/NN St-/NNP Benoît/NNP du/NNP Lac/NNP contains/VBZ a/DT hyphen/NN instead/RB of/IN a/DT period/NN ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN a/DT circumflex/NN accent/NN ./.
French/JJ names/NNS for/IN foods/NNS are/VBP common/JJ :/: poulet/NN frit/NN fried/JJ chicken/NN Kentucky/NNP ;/: moules/NNS mussels/NNS ;/: frites/NNS French/JJ fries/NNS ;/: poutine/NN French/JJ fries/NNS with/IN curd/NN cheese/NN and/CC gravy/NN (/( named/VBN after/IN a/DT Colonel/NNP Poutine/NNP who/WP was/VBD in/IN charge/NN of/IN provisions/NNS at/IN the/DT Siege/NNP of/IN Quebec/NNP in/IN 1749/CD ;/: at/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, the/DT only/JJ stores/VBZ remaining/VBG were/VBD potatoes/NNS ,/, cheese/NN ,/, and/CC chicken/NN stock/NN ;/: local/JJ folk/NN etymology/NN has/VBZ it/PRP from/IN putain/NN ,/, putanesca/NN )/) ;/: aubergine/NN eggplant/NN (/( the/DT usual/JJ word/NN in/IN Britain/NNP )/) ;/: jarret/NN de/IN boeuf/NN shin/NN of/IN beef/NN ;/: caribou/NN a/DT fortified/VBN sweet/JJ wine/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
Some/DT examples/NNS of/IN peculiar/JJ usage/NN :/: we/PRP pay/VBP at/IN the/DT cash/NN cashier/NN 's/POS station/NN in/IN the/DT wicket/NN grated/JJ window/NN ;/: we/PRP lose/VBP waste/NN time/NN ;/: we/PRP open/JJ turn/NN on/RP and/CC close/VB turn/VB off/RP the/DT light/JJ ;/: and/CC we/PRP say/VBP il/NN y/NN a/DT rien/NN là/NN there/EX 's/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO it/PRP ,/, literally/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ nothing/NN there/RB ./.
We/PRP watch/VBP out/IN for/IN the/DT S/NNP ./.
Q/NNP ./.
Sureté/NNP du/NNP Québec/NNP (/( police/NN )/) on/IN the/DT autoroute/NN interstate/JJ ;/: if/IN you/PRP are/VBP going/VBG to/TO the/DT dépanneur/NN handy/JJ store/NN (/( a/DT mom-and-pop/JJ store/NN )/) ,/, stop/VB at/IN the/DT S/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Q/NNP ./.
Société/NNP des/NNP Alcools/NNP du/NNP Québec/NNP (/( liquor/NN store/NN )/) ./.
We/PRP receive/VBP subventions/NNS subsidies/NNS ;/: we/PRP give/VBP conferences/NNS lectures/VBZ and/CC lectures/VBZ readings/NNS ;/: we/PRP have/VBP several/JJ years/NNS of/IN scholarity/NN schooling/NN ;/: belong/VB to/TO syndicates/NNS unions/NNS ;/: have/VBP fond/JJ souvenirs/NNS memories/NNS ;/: attend/VB colloques/NNS colloquia/NN ;/: serve/VB as/IN animators/NNS leaders/NNS ;/: ride/NN on/IN the/DT metro/NN subway/NN ;/: and/CC we/PRP eat/VBP hot/JJ dogs/NNS steamé/NN all/DT dress/NN steamed/VBD hot/JJ dogs/NNS with/IN the/DT works/NNS ./.
Typical/JJ Canadian/JJ pronunciation/NN is/VBZ found/VBN in/IN Quebec/NNP English/NNP ,/, such/JJ as/IN raising--actually/JJ incomplete/JJ shifting--of/JJ the/DT &slash;/NN au/NN &slash;/NN phoneme/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Briticisms/NNP been/VBN &slash;/NN bin/NN &slash;/NN ,/, tourniquet/NN &slash;/NN `/`` t/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN rnike/NN &slash;/NN ,/, and/CC again/RB &slash;/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN gen/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ increasingly/RB a/DT syntactic/JJ change/NN in/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT present/JJ perfect/JJ for/IN the/DT simple/JJ past/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN I/PRP have/VBP noticed/VBN that/IN last/JJ year/NN ./.
The/DT present/JJ perfect/JJ in/IN English/NNP has/VBZ the/DT same/JJ structure/NN as/IN the/DT French/JJ passé/NN composé/NN ,/, but/CC traditionally/RB it/PRP has/VBZ had/VBD a/DT different/JJ meaning/NN ;/: this/DT usage/NN may/MD not/RB be/VB peculiar/JJ to/TO Quebec/NNP :/: perhaps/RB it/PRP is/VBZ spreading/VBG in/IN North/NNP America/NNP ./.
Recently/RB ,/, a/DT Francophone/NNP taking/VBG calls/VBZ on/IN CBC/NNP (/( English/NNP )/) Radio/NN in/IN Montreal/NNP said/VBD ,/, May/NNP I/PRP make/VBP a/DT precision/NN [/( clarify/VB something/NN ]/) for/IN your/PRP$ auditors/NNS [/( listeners/NNS ]/) ?/.
Those/DT who/WP speak/VBP neither/DT the/DT dialect/NN nor/CC French/JJ would/MD be/VB unable/JJ to/TO understand/VB that/DT question/NN ./.
The/DT fates/NNS of/IN two/CD massive/JJ proposals/NNS to/TO ease/VB conjection/NN in/IN the/DT city/NN centre/NN ./.
are/VBP still/RB undecided/JJ ./.
[/NN From/IN New/NNP Statesman/NNP &/CC Society/NNP ,/, ,/, p/NN ./.
16/CD ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Zoning/NNP Enforcement/NNP Officer/NNP Ron/NNP Discher/NNP reported/VBD that/IN the/DT farm/NN has/VBZ stopped/VBN work/NN on/IN the/DT paddock/NN ,/, an/DT enclosed/VBN area/NN where/WRB horses/NNS can/MD graze/VBP and/CC be/VB mounted/VBN ./.
[/NN From/IN the/DT Redding/NNP Pilot/NN ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Robertson/NNP Cochrane/NNP 's/POS enjoyable/JJ article/NN ,/, Me/PRP and/CC Empathy/NNP [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, says/VBZ ,/, Why/WRB is/VBZ it/PRP ./.
that/IN people/NNS will/MD not/RB hesitate/VB to/TO proffer/NN publicly/RB their/PRP$ guess-work/JJ on/IN word/NN origins/NNS and/CC other/JJ language/NN matters/NNS ,/, when/WRB they/PRP would/MD not/RB similarly/RB dare/VB to/TO explain/VB the/DT ordinary/JJ facts/NNS of/IN botany/NN and/CC chemistry/NN ?/.
But/CC that/DT is/VBZ not/RB so/RB ;/: for/IN Bernard/NNP Shaw/NNP ,/, for/IN one/CD ,/, was/VBD interested/JJ in/IN language/NN and/CC in/IN evolution/NN (/( the/DT life/NN force/NN in/IN Back/RB to/TO Methuselah/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC the/DT vitalists/NNS ,/, like/IN Shaw/NNP and/CC Bergson/NNP ,/, were/VBD n't/RB alone/RB in/IN trying/VBG to/TO explain/VB evolution/NN ;/: there/EX were/VBD also/RB the/DT Lamarckians/NNP (/( and/CC later/RB in/IN the/DT then-/NN Soviet/NNP Union/NNP ,/, Lysenkoism/NNP )/) ;/: the/DT orthogenesis/NNS true-believers/JJ ;/: and/CC ,/, finally/RB ,/, the/DT neoDarwinists/NNS ,/, whose/WP$ view/NN of/IN random/JJ mutations/NNS is/VBZ the/DT currently/RB accepted/VBN explanation/NN ./.
But/CC even/RB today/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT Ebola/NNP virus/NN ,/, are/VBP there/RB explanations/NNS that/WDT are/VBP not/RB guesses/NNS ?/.
And/CC in/IN cosmology/NN ,/, what/WP is/VBZ the/DT Big/NNP Bang/NNP theory/NN if/IN not/RB a/DT guess/NN ?/.
Guess-work/NNP on/IN word/NN origins/NNS is/VBZ not/RB and/CC probably/RB cannot/NN be/VB science/NN ,/, since/IN the/DT matter/NN is/VBZ not/RB involved/VBN with/IN well-established/JJ general/JJ theories/NNS ./.
But/CC hunches/NNS and/CC logic/NN and/CC experience/NN surely/RB play/VB a/DT crucial/JJ role/NN (/( at/IN least/JJS )/) ./.
Take/VB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT slang/NN word/NN kiester/NN buttocks/NNS ./.
Bill/NNP Bryce/NNP ,/, I/PRP have/VBP read/VBN ,/, writes/VBZ that/IN it/PRP comes/VBZ from/IN the/DT Yiddish/JJ ./.
In/IN your/PRP$ review/NN of/IN Death/NNP Dictionary/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 18/CD ]/) ,/, you/PRP appear/VBP to/TO believe/VB a/DT correspondent/NN who/WP asserted/VBD that/IN most/JJS of/IN all/PDT the/DT people/NNS who/WP ever/RB lived/VBD are/VBP alive/JJ today/NN ./.
[/NN In/IN an/DT earlier/JJR discussion/NN of/IN join/VB the/DT majority/NN ./.
]/NN That/DT has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN true/JJ even/RB for/IN the/DT past/JJ two/CD centuries/NNS ./.
Today/NN ,/, there/RB are/VBP about/IN 5/CD ./.
6/CD billion/CD living/VBG people/NNS ./.
If/IN you/PRP add/VBP the/DT estimated/VBN populations/NNS from/IN the/DT almanacs/NNS for/IN 1800/CD ,/, 1850/CD ,/, 1900/CD ,/, and/CC 1950/CD ,/, you/PRP get/VBP 6/CD ./.
0/CD the/DT real/JJ figure/NN for/IN the/DT period/NN was/VBD certainly/RB much/RB higher/JJR ./.
A/DT similar/JJ result/NN is/VBZ arrived/VBN at/IN by/IN calculating/VBG in/IN a/DT different/JJ way/NN :/: the/DT almanac/NN estimates/VBZ a/DT world/NN population/NN of/IN 200/CD million/CD in/IN AD/NNP 1/CD ;/: if/IN they/PRP had/VBD quietly/RB reproduced/VBD themselves/PRP every/DT twenty-five/JJ years/NNS ,/, with/IN no/DT increase/NN in/IN the/DT rate/NN of/IN population/NN growth/NN ,/, almost/RB 16/CD billion/CD people/NNS would/MD have/VB lived/VBN and/CC died/VBD since/IN then/RB ./.
I/PRP suspect/VBP that/IN your/PRP$ correspondent/NN was/VBD misled/VBN by/IN the/DT word/NN exponential/NN in/IN most/JJS statements/NNS of/IN Malthusian/NNP theory/NN ./.
The/DT statement/NN would/MD be/VB true/JJ for/IN a/DT pure/JJ exponential/NN series/NN (/( for/IN example/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT series/NN 1/CD ,/, 2/CD ,/, 4/CD ,/, 8/CD ,/, 16/CD ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ clear/VB the/DT 16/CD >/NN 1/CD +/NN 2/CD +/NN 4/CD +/NN 8/CD )/) ,/, but/CC humankind/NN does/VBZ not/RB increase/VB by/IN such/JJ a/DT series/NN ./.
I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN Ashok/NNP Mohapatra/NNP 's/POS basic/JJ thesis/NN in/IN Politicking/NNP with/IN Words/NNPS [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 1/CD ]/) ,/, but/CC I/PRP think/VBP his/PRP$ search/NN for/IN elegant/JJ formulations/NNS obscured/VBD his/PRP$ judgment/NN in/IN the/DT selection/NN of/IN examples/NNS he/PRP cites/VBZ to/TO make/VB his/PRP$ point/NN regarding/VBG the/DT new/JJ German/JJ dictionary/JJ ./.
(/( p/NN ./.
2/LS )/) Stating/NNP that/IN ./.
many/JJ words/NNS and/CC usages/NNS exiled/VBD from/IN East/NNP Germany/NNP now/RB found/VBD a/DT place/NN as/IN free/JJ citizens/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ glasnost/FW ./.
,/, he/PRP cites/VBZ only/RB one/CD ,/, Republikflucht/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT true/JJ East/JJ German/JJ neologism/NN ,/, i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, a/DT new/JJ crime--leaving/JJ the/DT country--/JJ which/WDT did/VBD n't/RB exist/VB before/IN and/CC has/VBZ since/IN been/VBN eliminated/VBN from/IN the/DT penal/NN code/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ downright/RB silly/JJ to/TO claim/VB that/IN Meinungsfreiheit/NNP (/( it/PRP should/MD be/VB one/CD word/NN and/CC capitalized/VBN ,/, as/IN all/DT German/JJ nouns/NNS are/VBP )/) ,/, Weltreise/NNP (/( obviously/RB not/RB Wettreise/NNP ,/, which/WDT would/MD mean/VB a/DT trip/NN to/TO make/VB a/DT Phileas/NNP Fogg/NNP combined/VBD the/DT two/CD )/) ,/, and/CC Freizeit/NNP have/VBP now/RB found/VBN a/DT place/NN in/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ glasnost/FW ./.
Pomposity/NNP of/IN expression/NN is/VBZ no/DT substitute/NN for/IN clarity/NN of/IN meaning/VBG ./.
Mr/NNP ./.
Mohapatra/NNP is/VBZ on/IN solid/JJ ground/NN in/IN buttressing/VBG his/PRP$ argument/NN with/IN the/DT two/CD widely/RB diverging/VBG definitions/NNS of/IN capitalism/NN ./.
But/CC I/PRP am/VBP astonished/JJ that/IN in/IN his/PRP$ diligent/NN search/NN he/PRP did/VBD not/RB come/VB up/RP with/IN the/DT most/RBS glaringly/RB telling/VBG example/NN of/IN all/DT juxtaposing/VBG definitions/NNS :/: those/DT for/IN Democracy/NNP ./.
It/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN interesting/JJ and/CC enlightening/VBG to/TO learn/VB how/WRB the/DT communist/NN state/NN ,/, which/WDT called/VBD itself/PRP a/DT Democratic/NNP Republic/NNP ,/, defined/VBD the/DT form/NN of/IN government/NN which/WDT its/PRP$ every/DT action/NN perverted/JJ and/CC defiled/JJ ./.
Intrigued/NNP by/IN Milton/NNP Horowitz/NNP 's/VBZ A/DT Discouraging/NNP Word/NNP [/( OBITER/NNP DICTA/NNP ,/, XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 13/CD ]/) ,/, I/PRP set/VBD about/IN tracking/VBG the/DT word/NN balagan/NN along/IN its/PRP$ etymological/JJ course/NN back/RB from/IN the/DT modern/JJ Hebrew/NNP into/IN which/WDT ,/, according/VBG to/TO Milton/NNP Horowitz/NNP quoting/VBG Herman/NNP Wouk/NNP ,/, the/DT word/NN was/VBD borrowed/VBN from/IN Russian/JJ ./.
The/DT entry/NN for/IN the/DT Russian/JJ word/NN in/IN the/DT Tolkovyi/NNP Slovar/NNP '/POS Russkogo/NNP Yazyka/NNP (/( Moscow/NNP ,/, 1935/CD )/) ,/, reads/VBZ as/IN follows/VBZ ,/, as/IN transliterated/JJ and/CC translated/VBN :/:
Balagan/NNP [/( Pers/NNP ./.
balahana/NN balcony/NN ]/) ./.
1/LS ./.
A/DT light/JJ wooden/JJ structure/NN for/IN shows/VBZ at/IN fairs/NNS ./.
2/LS ./.
An/DT amateur/JJ theatrical/JJ production/NN with/IN primitive/JJ scenery/NN ;/: a/DT theatrical/JJ style/NN based/VBN on/IN imitation/NN of/IN this/DT primitive/JJ stage-craft/JJ (/( theatrical/JJ term/NN )/) ./.
Balagan/NNP art/NN ./.
Balagan/NNP concepts/NNS in/IN Meyerhold/NNP 's/POS productions/NNS ./.
II/NNP By/IN extension/NN :/: A/DT balagan-like/JJ show/NN ,/, i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
a/DT crude/NN ,/, artistically/RB tasteless/JJ ,/, disordered/JJ ,/, frivolous/JJ one/CD (/( derogatory/JJ )/) ./.
The/DT actors/NNS '/POS clowning/VBG turned/VBN the/DT comedy/NN into/IN a/DT balagan/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ no/DT session/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT kind/NN of/IN balagan/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
A/DT temporary/JJ wooden/JJ vendors/NNS '/POS booth/NN at/IN a/DT fair/NN ./.
The/DT Russko-/NNP Angliiskii/NNP Slovar/NNP '/POS ,/, compiled/VBN under/IN the/DT general/JJ direction/NN of/IN Professor/NNP A/DT ./.
I/PRP ./.
Smirnitsky/NNP (/( Sixth/NNP Edition/NNP ;/: E/NNP ./.
P/NN ./.
Dutton/NNP &/CC Co/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP ,/, 1959/CD )/) ,/, defines/VBZ the/DT Russian/JJ word/NN in/IN English/NNP as/IN follows/VBZ :/:
Balagan/NNP ,/, 1/CD ./.
(/( wooden/JJ structure/NN )/) booth/NN ;/: (/( for/IN presentations/NNS )/) show-booth/JJ ;/: 2/CD ./.
show/NN ;/: (/( extended/VBN meaning/VBG )/) farce/NN ,/, tomfoolery/NN ,/, preposterous/JJ piece/NN of/IN buffoonery/NN ./.
Does/VBZ not/RB one/CD come/VB away/RB from/IN these/DT definitions/NNS of/IN the/DT Russian/JJ word/NN with/IN the/DT impression/NN that/IN whoever/WP infected/JJ Milton/NNP Horowitz/NNP 's/POS software/NN may/MD have/VB taken/VBN the/DT discouraging/VBG word/NN directly/RB from/IN Russian/JJ rather/RB than/IN from/IN Hebrew/NNP ?/.
According/VBG to/TO Wouk/NNP 's/POS footnote/NN ,/, as/IN quoted/VBN by/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Horowitz/NNP ,/, in/IN modern/JJ Hebrew/NNP balagan/NN has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO mean/VB mess/NN ,/, foul-up/NN ,/, snafu/NN ,/, fiasco/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT Russian/JJ meaning/NN of/IN a/DT booth/NN for/IN crude/NN ,/, vulgar/NN buffoonery/NN seems/VBZ to/TO fit/VB better/VB the/DT trick/NN title/NN that/WDT appeared/VBD on/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Horowitz/NNP 's/POS computer/NN screen/NN ./.
Also/RB interesting/JJ is/VBZ the/DT indication/NN in/IN the/DT Tolkovyi/NNP Slovar/NNP '/POS that/IN the/DT word/NN is/VBZ of/IN Persian/NNP origin/NN and/CC that/IN in/IN Persian/NNP it/PRP means/VBZ balcony/NN ./.
Balahana/NNP looks/VBZ a/DT lot/NN like/IN our/PRP$ English/NNP word/NN balcony/NN ;/: so/IN I/PRP looked/VBD up/RB balcony/NN in/IN The/DT Random/NNP House/NNP Dictionary/NNP of/IN the/DT English/NNP Language/NNP (/( 1966/CD )/) ,/, where/WRB I/PRP found/VBD the/DT etymology/NN given/VBN as/IN :/:
balconye/NN </NN It/PRP balcone/NN </NN balc/NN (/( o/NN )/) scaffold/NN (/( </NN OHG/NNP balcho/NN beam/NN )/)
Webster/NNP 's/POS Third/NNP New/NNP International/NNP Dictionary/NNP gives/VBZ a/DT similar/JJ etymology/NN ,/, stating/VBG that/DT balcony/NN is/VBZ ultimately/RB of/IN Gmc/NNP origin/NN ./.
The/DT Tolkovyi/NNP Slovar/NNP '/POS states/NNS that/IN the/DT Russian/JJ word/NN for/IN balcony/NN (/( balkon/NN )/) is/VBZ borrowed/VBN from/IN Italian/JJ ,/, which/WDT took/VBD it/PRP from/IN Persian/NNP ,/, not/RB the/DT Germanic/NNP languages/NNS ./.
So/RB which/WDT authorities/NNS are/VBP right/RB ,/, the/DT American/JJ dictionaries/NNS or/CC the/DT Tolkovyi/NNP Slovar/NNP '/" ?/.
Did/VBD the/DT Italians/NNPS take/VBP their/PRP$ word/NN balcone/NN from/IN some/DT Germanic/NNP tongue/NN and/CC pass/VB it/PRP on/IN into/IN English/NNP ,/, Russian/JJ ,/, and/CC other/JJ languages/NNS ;/: or/CC did/VBD Italian/JJ take/NN the/DT word/NN from/IN the/DT Persian/NNP balahana/NN ,/, as/IN Russian/JJ did/VBD balagan/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS according/VBG to/TO the/DT Tolkovyi/NNP Slovar/NNP '/" ?/.
Etymologies/NNP in/IN the/DT OED/NNP ,/, The/DT Random/NNP House/NNP Unabridged/NNP ,/, and/CC Kluge/NNP 's/POS Etymologisches/NNP Wörterbuch/NNP der/NNP deutschen/NN Sprache/NNP have/VBP cognates/NNS of/IN balagan/NN &slash;/NN balcony/NN popping/VBG up/RP in/IN Slovene/NNP (/( blazina/NN )/) ,/, Greek/JJ ,/, and/CC most/RBS significantly/RB in/IN Lithuanian/NNP (/( balǽienas/NNS )/) ,/, purportedly/RB the/DT most/RBS conservative/NN of/IN the/DT Indo-/NNP European/JJ languages/NNS ./.
I/PRP suggest/VBP that/IN these/DT scattered/VBN avatars/NNS of/IN balagan/NN &slash;/NN balcony/NN evidence/NN descent/NN from/IN a/DT single/JJ Proto-/NNP Indo-/NNP European/JJ root/NN ,/, most/RBS prolifically/RB in/IN Italian/JJ and/CC Persian/NNP ./.
In/IN response/NN to/TO the/DT letter/NN from/IN Mrs/NNP ./.
Maughan/NNP S/NNP ./.
Mason/NNP [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 4/CD ,/, 17/CD ]/) regarding/VBG the/DT odor/NN emanating/VBG from/IN Pozzuoli/NNP (/( Naples/NNP )/) ,/, I/PRP did/VBD not/RB know/VB there/EX was/VBD a/DT refinery/NN there/RB ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP know/VB that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT sulfur/NN area/NN (/( probably/RB a/DT bath/NN in/IN ancient/JJ times/NNS )/) ,/, and/CC it/PRP does/VBZ smell/NN to/TO high/JJ heaven/NN ./.
I/PRP know/VBP :/: during/IN WW/NNP I/PRP was/VBD stationed/VBN in/IN Naples/NNP and/CC we/PRP would/MD go/VB to/TO Pozzuoli/NNP ./.
In/IN Charles/NNP Stough/NNP 's/POS delightful/JJ article/NN ,/, Insulting/NNP Nicknames/NNP Give/VB Journalists/NNS Something/NN to/TO Be/VB Proud/NNP of/IN [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, he/PRP gives/VBZ The/DT Grope/NNP and/CC Flail/NNP for/IN Canada/NNP 's/POS national/JJ newspaper/NN of/IN record/NN ,/, The/DT (/( Toronto/NNP )/) Globe/NNP and/CC Mail/NNP ./.
Another/DT common/JJ nickname/NN ,/, bestowed/VBN by/IN a/DT satirical/JJ paper/NN called/VBN Frank/NNP ,/, is/VBZ The/DT Glock/NNP und/NN Spiel/NNP ,/, probably/RB a/DT sly/JJ dig/NN at/IN the/DT Globe/NNP 's/POS conservative/JJ leanings/NNS ./.
I/PRP have/VBP heard/VBN Sydney/NNP 's/POS counterpart/NN to/TO the/DT Globe/NNP referred/VBD to/TO as/IN the/DT Australian/JJ ,/, and/CC ,/, earlier/RBR this/DT year/NN ,/, on/IN International/NNP Women/NNP 's/POS Day/NNP ,/, Edinburgh/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Scotsman/NNP changed/VBD its/PRP$ masthead/NN to/TO The/DT Scotswoman/NNP for/IN the/DT day/NN ./.
In/IN England/NNP ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT well-known/JJ summary/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS best-known/JJS papers/NNS ./.
Here/RB is/VBZ as/RB much/JJ as/IN I/PRP can/MD remember/VB (/( possibly/RB inaccurately/RB as/RB well/RB as/RB incompletely/RB )/) ;/: perhaps/RB another/DT reader/NN can/MD supply/VB the/DT full/JJ version/NN :/:
The/DT Telegraph/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP think/VBP they/PRP run/VBP the/DT country/NN ;/:
The/DT Times/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP actually/RB run/VBP the/DT country/NN ;/:
The/DT Independent/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP think/VBP they/PRP should/MD run/VB the/DT country/NN ;/:
The/DT Mail/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP think/VBP whoever/WP runs/VBZ the/DT country/NN 's/VBZ a/DT bunch/NN of/IN bastards/NNS ;/:
The/DT Express/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP think/VBP aliens/NNS run/VBP the/DT country/NN ;/:
And/CC the/DT Sun/NNP is/VBZ read/VBN by/IN those/DT who/WP do/VBP n't/RB care/VB who/WP runs/VBZ the/DT country/NN as/RB long/RB as/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ got/VBD great/JJ tits/NNS ./.
In/IN A/DT Billingsgate/NNP in/IN Kerala/NNP ,/, by/IN O/NNP ./.
Abooty/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, we/PRP read/VBP ,/, ./.
Magnesia/NNP (/( a/DT metal-bearing/JJ region/NN in/IN Greece/NNP )/) ./.
There/EX were/VBD two/CD cities/NNS in/IN Asia/NNP Minor/NNP called/VBD Magnesia/NNP :/: one/CD was/VBD in/IN the/DT Kingdom/NNP of/IN Lydia/NNP on/IN the/DT river/NN Hermos/NNP below/IN Mt/NNP ./.
Sipylon/NNP ;/: the/DT other/JJ ,/, usually/RB called/VBN Magnesia/NNP on/IN the/DT Maiander/NNP [/( Meander/NNP river/NN ]/) ,/, was/VBD in/IN the/DT region/NN called/VBD Ionia/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ probably/RB the/DT Lydian/NNP city/NN whose/WP$ name/NN provided/VBD the/DT word/NN magnesium/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN related/VBN words/NNS ,/, like/IN magnet/NN ./.
Lydian/NNP Magnesia/NNP survives/VBZ as/IN the/DT city/NN of/IN Manisa/NNP ,/, in/IN what/WP is/VBZ now/RB Turkey/NNP ./.
To/TO expand/VB on/IN Robert/NNP J/NNP ./.
Powers/NNP 's/POS EPISTOLA/NNP [/( ibid/NN ./.
]/NN shrimp/NN is/VBZ not/RB the/DT only/JJ shr/NN -/: word/NN pronounced/VBD sr-/NN in/IN the/DT South/NNP :/: shrink/VB and/CC shrapnel/NN may/MD be/VB added/VBN to/TO the/DT list/NN ./.
Other/JJ southern/JJ pronunciations/NNS that/WDT strike/NN the/DT northern/JJ ear/NN as/IN different/JJ are/VBP :/:
[/NN oil/NN ]/) all/DT [/( fΙθ/NN ]/) fifth/JJ
kst/NN ]/) asked/VBD [/( har/NN ]/) hair/NN
[/NN `/`` bΙdnιs/NNS ]/) business/NN [/( `/`` pou/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN l/NN ]/) Paul/NNP
[/NN `/`` biy/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN n/NN ]/) billion/CD [/( `/`` w/NN \/NN ?/.
\/NN d/SYM \/NN ?/.
\/NN nt/RB ]/) was/VBD n't/RB
Re/NNP :/: No/DT Boys/NNPS Named/VBN Sue/NNP ,/, But/CC ./.
,/, by/IN Hilary/NNP M/NNP ./.
Howard/NNP [/( XXII/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 7/CD ]/) ./.
1/LS ./.
John/NNP Wayne/NNP 's/POS real/JJ name/NN was/VBD Marion/NNP Morrison/NNP ./.
2/LS ./.
The/DT author/NN 's/POS name/NN was/VBD Joyce/NNP Cary/NNP ,/, not/RB Carey/NNP ./.
3/LS ./.
The/DT author/NN notes/NNS that/IN Shirley/NNP had/VBD mainly/RB masculine/JJ associations/NNS for/IN centuries/NNS ./.
A/DT major/JJ American/JJ sportswriter/NN for/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP was/VBD (/( the/DT male/NN )/) Shirley/NNP Povish/NNP ,/, most/JJS noted/VBN for/IN his/PRP$ article/NN on/IN Don/NNP Larson/NNP 's/POS 1956/CD perfect/JJ game/NN in/IN the/DT World/NNP Series/NNP ./.
It/PRP began/VBD ,/, Hell/NNP froze/VBD over/IN ./.
There/EX has/VBZ recently/RB been/VBN some/DT opinion/NN in/IN VERBATIM/NNP [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 21/CD ]/) concerning/VBG the/DT acronym/NN AWOL/NNP ./.
I/PRP suppose/VBP it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB matter/VB all/DT that/IN much/JJ whether/IN someone/NN is/VBZ absent/JJ without/IN leave/NN or/CC absent/JJ without/IN official/NN leave--in/JJ either/CC case/NN ,/, he/PRP or/CC she/PRP is/VBZ probably/RB in/IN for/IN a/DT heapa/NN trouble/NN ./.
But/CC ,/, for/IN my/PRP$ two/CD cents/NNS '/POS worth/JJ ,/, when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Army/NNP ,/, early/JJ 1950/CD s/VBZ (/( Korea/NNP ,/, Land/NNP of/IN the/DT Morning/NNP Calm/NNP ,/, sometimes/RB referred/VBD to/TO as/IN Frozen/NNP Chosen/NNP )/) ,/, I/PRP was/VBD in/IN a/DT battalion/NN personnel/NNS unit/NN and/CC handled/VBN daily/JJ Morning/NNP Reports/NNPS from/IN each/DT battery/NN ./.
This/DT included/VBN manpower/NN accounting/NN ./.
We/PRP always/RB saw/VBD the/DT term/NN and/CC heard/VBD it/PRP and/CC used/VBD it/PRP as/IN absent/JJ without/IN leave/NN ./.
While/IN we/PRP had/VBD few/JJ or/CC no/DT real/JJ instances/NNS of/IN AWOL/NNP ,/, it/PRP was/VBD reported/VBN daily/RB ./.
The/DT use/NN of/IN WO/NNP for/IN without/IN meant--to/JJ us/PRP ,/, anyway--that/JJ a/DT person/NN who/WP was/VBD gone/VBN ,/, missing/VBG ,/, could/MD n't/RB be/VB found/VBN ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, was/VBD absent/JJ and/CC had/VBD been/VBN granted/VBD no/DT leave--/JJ official/NN ,/, unofficial/JJ ,/, or/CC what/WP have/VBP you/PRP ./.
This/DT was/VBD AWOL/NNP ./.
There/EX could/MD be/VB leaves/NNS of/IN unofficial/JJ nature/NN (/( often/RB called/VBN hip-pocket/JJ leave/NN )/) ,/, but/CC those/DT were/VBD not/RB reported/VBN as/IN any/DT kind/NN of/IN leave/NN :/: they/PRP compensated/VBN a/DT person/NN some/DT time/NN off/RP for/IN a/DT job/NN well/RB done/VBN or/CC for/IN a/DT long/JJ period/NN in/IN action/NN and/CC were/VBD not/RB charged/VBN against/IN ordinary/JJ leave/NN allowances/NNS ./.
But/CC being/VBG AWOL/NNP was/VBD a/DT no-no/NN ,/, whether/IN official/NN or/CC unofficial/JJ ./.
The/DT Editor/NNP 's/POS comments/NNS on/IN ./.
prejudice/NN against/IN Negroes/NNP in/IN many/JJ Western/JJ societies/NNS ./.
[/NN XXI/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 9/CD ]/) were/VBD apt/JJ but/CC somewhat/RB incomplete/JJ ./.
I/PRP saw/VBD equally/RB severe/JJ prejudice/NN against/IN people/NNS of/IN darker/JJR skin/NN ,/, often/RB including/VBG Negroes/NNP ,/, by/IN non-/NN Whites/NNP in/IN two/CD major/JJ Asian/JJ countries/NNS in/IN which/WDT I/PRP worked/VBD (/( 1968/CD -/: 70/CD ,/, 1978/CD -/: 83/CD )/) and/CC in/IN fourteen/CD sub-/NN Saharan/NNP African/JJ countries/NNS in/IN which/WDT I/PRP worked/VBD (/( 1972/CD -/: 74/CD )/) ./.
Bigotry/NNP against/IN Blacks/NNPS ,/, sadly/RB ,/, is/VBZ not/RB confined/VBN to/TO Western/JJ societies/NNS ./.
E/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Livingston/NNP 's/POS communication/NN [/( XXI/NNP ,/, 3/CD ]/) certainly/RB struck/VBD a/DT responsive/JJ chord/NN in/IN me/PRP ./.
I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN troubled/VBN by/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN African-/NNP American/NNP and/CC AfroAmerican/NNP to/TO describe/VB the/DT people/NNS in/IN question/NN ,/, especially/RB since/IN a/DT dear/RB friend/NN of/IN mine/NN ,/, who/WP is/VBZ solid/JJ Caucasian/NNP ,/, emigrated/VBD from/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP and/CC is/VBZ now/RB a/DT citizen/NN and/CC thus/RB is/VBZ aptly/RB described/VBN as/IN an/DT African-/NNP American/NNP !/.
Since/IN I/PRP recently/RB had/VBD the/DT privilege/NN of/IN seeing/VBG the/DT revival/NN of/IN Showboat/NNP on/IN Broadway/NNP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD particularly/RB interested/JJ in/IN the/DT lyrics/NNS of/IN Old/NNP Man/NNP River/NNP ./.
When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD a/DT child/NN in/IN the/DT early/JJ 1930/CD 's/POS ,/, the/DT song/NN was/VBD sung/VBN with/IN the/DT words/NNS :/: Darkies/NNP all/DT work/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
When/WRB Frank/NNP Sinatra/NNP recorded/VBD it/PRP ,/, he/PRP said/VBD Here/RB we/PRP all/DT work/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, fitting/JJ the/DT meter/NN but/CC supposedly/RB more/RBR correct/JJ politically/RB ./.
I/PRP never/RB had/VBD any/DT reason/NN to/TO suspect/VB that/IN the/DT original/NN was/VBD other/JJ then/RB Darkies/NNP until/IN I/PRP recently/RB acquired/VBD a/DT CD/NNP of/IN songs/NNS from/IN American/JJ musical/JJ shows/VBZ which/WDT were/VBD recorded/VBN in/IN England/NNP as/IN performed/VBN there/RB ./.
Please/VB look/VB at/IN the/DT lyrics/NNS of/IN the/DT song/NN in/IN the/DT enclosed/VBN copy/NN of/IN the/DT notes/NNS which/WDT accompanied/VBD the/DT CD/NNP ./.
I/PRP suspect/VBP strongly/RB that/IN this/DT is/VBZ the/DT way/NN it/PRP was/VBD performed/VBN in/IN London/NNP ./.
What/WP I/PRP now/RB wonder/VBP is/VBZ whether/IN anyone/NN can/MD authenticate/NN these/DT words/NNS as/IN being/VBG the/DT actual/JJ words/NNS when/WRB the/DT show/NN was/VBD first/RB performed/VBN in/IN this/DT country/NN in/IN 1927/CD ./.
(/( Incidentally/NNP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD happy/JJ to/TO see/VB the/DT corrigendum/NN of/IN the/DT misattribution/NN of/IN authorship/NN of/IN Poplollies/NNP and/CC bellibones/NNS ,/, since/IN I/PRP was/VBD the/DT one/CD who/WP called/VBD it/PRP to/TO Susan/NNP 's/POS attention/NN !/.
Let/VB me/PRP just/RB add/VBP how/WRB much/JJ I/PRP have/VBP enjoyed/VBN and/CC continue/VB to/TO enjoy/VB your/PRP$ magazine/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP probably/RB one/CD of/IN your/PRP$ longest-standing/JJ subscribers/NNS (/( a/DT very/RB awkward/JJ locution/NN but/CC I/PRP am/VBP probably/RB not/RB one/CD of/IN your/PRP$ oldest/JJS )/) ./.
The/DT relevant/JJ verses/NNS are/VBP :/:
Niggers/NNP all/DT work/NN on/IN de/IN Mississippi/NNP ,/,
Niggers/NNP all/DT work/NN while/IN de/IN white/JJ folk/NN play/NN ,/,
Pullin/NNP '/POS dem/NN boats/NNS from/IN de/IN dawn/NN till/IN sunset/NN ,/,
Gittin/NNP '/POS no/DT rest/NN till/IN de/IN Judgement/NNP Day/NNP ./.
(/( ©/NN 1927/CD T/NN ./.
B/NNP ./.
Harms/NNP Company/NNP ./.
Copyright/NNP renewed/VBD ./.
In/IN Act/NNP III/NNP ,/, Scene/NNP 3/CD ,/, of/IN Much/JJ Ado/NNP About/IN Nothing/NN ,/, Constable/NNP Dogberry/NNP exclaims/VBZ ,/, Hah/NNP ,/, ah/NN ha/NN !/.
Well/RB ,/, masters/NNS ,/, goodnight/NN ./.
In/IN Act/NNP II/NNP ,/, Scene/NNP 1/CD ,/, of/IN The/DT Tempest/NNP ,/, Sebastian/NNP blurts/NNS out/IN ,/, Ha/NNP ,/, ha/NN ,/, ha/NN !/.
And/CC Act/NNP IV/NNP ,/, Scene/NNP 2/CD ,/, of/IN Troilus/NNP and/CC Cressida/NNP contains/VBZ one/CD Ah/UH ah/NN !/.
and/CC two/CD Ha/NNP ha/NN !/.
s/VBZ ./.
Which/WDT goes/VBZ to/TO show/VB ,/, perhaps/RB among/IN other/JJ things/NNS ,/, that/IN the/DT Bard/NNP was/VBD no/DT surer/NN on/IN his/PRP$ feet/NNS when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO the/DT peripatetic/JJ letter/NN h/NN than/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN us/PRP ./.
Its/PRP$ now-you-see-it-now-you-do/JJ n't/RB habits/NNS have/VB haunted/VBN English/NNP speakers/NNS of/IN virtually/RB every/DT generation/NN since/IN The/DT Venerable/NNP Bede/NNP was/VBD an/DT altar/NN boy/NN ./.
Although/IN dropping/VBG or/CC adding/VBG an/DT un-/NN Standard/NNP h/NN became/VBD a/DT social/JJ stigma/NN only/RB in/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, the/DT habit/NN itself/PRP is/VBZ ancient/JJ ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ preface/NN to/TO the/DT Lay/NNP of/IN Havelok/NNP the/DT Dane/NNP (/( c/SYM ./.
1300/CD )/) ,/, Walter/NNP Skeat/NNP cited/VBD several/JJ h/NN -/: bombs/NNS ,/, including/VBG holde/NN for/IN old/JJ ,/, hevere/NN for/IN ever/RB ,/, and/CC Henglishe/NNP for/IN English/NNP ./.
In/IN addition/NN he/PRP found/VBD a/DT handful/NN of/IN instances/NNS where/WRB the/DT title/NN character/NN was/VBD rendered/VBN as/IN Avelok/NNP ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT earlier/JJR Anglo-/NNP Saxons/NNP had/VBD little/JJ more/JJR luck/NN with/IN the/DT voodoo/NN h/NN ;/: in/IN a/DT brief/JJ article/NN in/IN an/DT 1888/CD issue/NN of/IN Notes/NNS and/CC Queries/NNP ,/, Prof/NNP ./.
Skeat/NNP wrote/VBD :/: Only/RB last/JJ week/NN ,/, I/PRP found/VBD ors/NNS for/IN hors/NNS horse/NN in/IN an/DT unedited/JJ A-S/NNP manuscript/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, Old/NNP English/NNP provided/VBD more/JJR opportunities/NNS for/IN error/NN ./.
The/DT time/NN of/IN Bede/NNP and/CC Beowulf/NNP were/VBD the/DT hey-days--or/JJ ha/NN !/.
-/: days--for/JJ the/DT letter/NN h/NN ./.
Besides/IN providing/VBG early/JJ aspiration/NN for/IN many/JJ words/NNS ,/, h/NN did/VBD yeoman/NN service/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN the/DT consonants/NNS l/NN ,/, n/NN ,/, r/LS ,/, and/CC w/NN ./.
A/DT predecessor/NN of/IN our/PRP$ verb/NN load/NN for/IN take/NN on/IN water/NN was/VBD haladan/NN ,/, which/WDT logically/RB led/VBN to/TO the/DT words/NNS hlædel/NN ladle/NN and/CC hlæden/NN pail/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ possible/JJ to/TO see/VB today/NN 's/POS louse/NN egg/NN ,/, or/CC nit/NN in/IN OE/NNP hnitu/NN ,/, but/CC better/RBR by/IN far/RB to/TO illustrate/VB the/DT hn/NN start/NN with/IN the/DT felicitous/JJ verb/NN hnappian/NN doze/NN or/CC nap/NN ./.
Hrog/NNP ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO this/DT perhaps/RB perverted/JJ mind/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR word/NN than/IN ours/PRP for/IN mucus/JJ of/IN the/DT nose/NN ,/, or/CC snot/NN ./.
But/CC then/RB ,/, half/PDT a/DT loaf/NN to/TO the/DT Anglo-/NNP Saxons/NNP was/VBD only/RB half/NN ,/, while/IN a/DT whole/JJ one/CD was/VBD a/DT half/NN ./.
The/DT hw/NN beginning/VBG accounted/VBN for/IN a/DT slew/NN of/IN words/NNS ,/, many/JJ of/IN which/WDT (/( such/JJ as/IN which/WDT )/) have/VBP survived/VBN ,/, but/CC with/IN the/DT two/CD initial/JJ letters/NNS transposed/JJ ./.
Here/RB too/RB ,/, the/DT migrant/NN ,/, mystic/JJ h/NN has/VBZ served/VBN as/IN a/DT social/JJ shibboleth/NN ./.
But/CC those/DT who/WP make/VBP a/DT big/JJ thing/NN of/IN correctly/RB pronouncing/VBG their/PRP$ wh/NN words/NNS should/MD know/VB that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ impossible/JJ ./.
What/WP the/DT modern/JJ purists/NNS are/VBP doing/VBG is/VBZ fully/RB sounding/VBG the/DT old/JJ hw/NN in/IN that/DT order/NN ./.
And/CC my/PRP$ guess/VBP is/VBZ that/IN even/RB the/DT most/RBS fastidious/JJ speaker/NN drops/VBZ the/DT h/NN from/IN the/DT third-person/JJ pronoun/NN in/IN the/DT question/NN ,/, What/WP did/VBD he/PRP say/VB ?/.
Mind/VB you/PRP ,/, the/DT letter/NN h/NN was/VBD playing/VBG hide/VB and/CC seek/VB even/RB before/IN Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP times/NNS ./.
Its/PRP$ use/NN in/IN Classical/NNP Latin/NNP was/VBD more/JJR or/CC less/JJR the/DT same/JJ as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ today--as/JJ a/DT weak/JJ aspiration/NN ,/, the/DT Romans/NNP being/VBG no/DT more/RBR desirous/JJ of/IN exerting/VBG themselves/PRP than/IN we/PRP are/VBP ./.
Spelling/NNP and/CC use/NN were/VBD already/RB erratic/JJ ./.
Arena/NNP was/VBD used/VBN as/RB often/RB as/IN the/DT more/RBR correct/JJ harena/NN sand/NN ,/, and/CC we/PRP seem/VBP to/TO have/VB preferred/VBN it/PRP as/IN well/RB ,/, because/IN that/DT is/VBZ the/DT word/NN we/PRP adopted/VBD for/IN the/DT sandy/JJ site/NN of/IN gladiatorial/NN combat/NN ,/, sand/NN being/VBG unbeatable/JJ at/IN absorbing/VBG blood/NN and/CC gore/VB ./.
As/IN another/DT example/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN umidus/JJ has/VBZ no/DT historical/JJ right/NN to/TO its/PRP$ initial/JJ h/NN but/CC sports/NNS it/PRP anyway/RB ./.
In/IN the/DT Romance/NNP languages/NNS spawned/VBN by/IN Latin/NNP ,/, h/NN has/VBZ all/DT but/CC disappeared/VBD as/IN a/DT symbol/NN of/IN sound/NN value/NN ./.
It/PRP frequently/RB persists/VBZ ,/, however/RB ,/, as/IN an/DT etymological/JJ relic/JJ (/( French/JJ homme/NN from/IN Latin/NNP homo/NN )/) or/CC with/IN an/DT imagined/VBN etymological/JJ value/NN (/( French/JJ haut/NN ,/, actually/RB from/IN Latin/NNP altus/JJ ,/, but/CC influenced/VBN by/IN Old/NNP High/JJ German/JJ hoh/NN high/JJ )/) ./.
Following/VBG the/DT Latin/NNP lead/NN ,/, the/DT Italians/NNPS were/VBD the/DT earliest/JJS to/TO scrap/VB h/NN entirely/RB ./.
The/DT result/NN is/VBZ such/JJ Cockney-looking/NNP constructions/NNS as/IN orribile/NN and/CC istorico/NN ./.
They/PRP were/VBD digging/VBG the/DT grave/NN in/IN Old/NNP French/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT burial/NN service/NN was/VBD rudely/RB interrupted/VBN by/IN the/DT Renaissance/NNP ./.
The/DT English/NNP ,/, who/WP were/VBD importing/VBG French/JJ words/NNS prodigiously/RB ,/, now/RB have/VBP many/JJ examples/NNS from/IN both/DT sides/NNS of/IN the/DT letter-shed--/JJ ability/NN and/CC the/DT suffix/NN -/: able/JJ ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN such/JJ words/NNS as/IN arbo/NN (/( u/NN )/) r/LS ,/, from/IN the/DT cut/JJ stage/NN ./.
We/PRP have/VBP others/NNS where/WRB the/DT h/NN has/VBZ been/VBN reinstated/VBN but/CC is/VBZ not/RB pronounced/VBN (/( hour/NN ,/, honest/JJ ,/, heir/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN )/) ,/, and/CC still/RB others/NNS where/WRB the/DT h/NN has/VBZ been/VBN replaced/VBN ,/, but/CC on/IN whose/WP$ pronunciation/NN we/PRP have/VBP not/RB yet/RB made/VBN up/RP our/PRP$ minds/NNS (/( humo/NN (/( u/NN )/) r/LS ,/, humble/JJ ,/, herb/NN )/) ./.
When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD young/JJ ,/, we/PRP took/VBD family/NN vacations/NNS near/IN Lake/NNP Huron/NNP ,/, where/WRB pronunciation/NN was/VBD subject/JJ to/TO the/DT same/JJ lack/NN of/IN certainty/NN ,/, providing/VBG the/DT potential/NN for/IN some/DT proverbial/JJ southwestern/JJ Ontario/NNP jocularity/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB the/DT most/RBS notorious/JJ example/NN of/IN English/NNP dithering/VBG in/IN this/DT matter/NN is/VBZ the/DT word/NN for/IN which/WDT a/DT Himalayan/NNP snow/NN monster/NN is/VBZ named/VBN ./.
Though/IN no/DT one/CD has/VBZ met/VBN the/DT snow/NN monster/NN ,/, and/CC therefore/RB no/DT one/CD is/VBZ in/IN a/DT position/NN to/TO pass/VB judgment/NN on/IN the/DT creature/NN 's/POS disposition/NN ,/, we/PRP seem/VBP to/TO feel/VB that/IN abominable/JJ is/VBZ an/DT apt/JJ descriptor/NN ./.
But/CC from/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN John/NNP Wycliffe/NNP until/IN the/DT mid/JJ 1600/CD s/VBZ ,/, we/PRP spelled/VBN it/PRP abhominable/JJ in/IN the/DT belief/NN that/IN it/PRP sprang/VBD from/IN the/DT Latin/NNP elements/NNS ab/NN away/RB from/IN and/CC homo/NN man/NN ./.
We/PRP changed/VBD back/RB again/RB when/WRB the/DT abominable/JJ truth/NN was/VBD discovered/VBN that/IN the/DT word/NN had/VBD its/PRP$ own/JJ legitimate/JJ Latin/NNP ancestor/NN ,/, abominosus/JJ meaning/NN away/RB from/IN the/DT omens/NNS ,/, or/CC hateful/JJ and/CC odious/JJ ./.
Something/NN similar/JJ happened/VBD for/IN a/DT while/NN to/TO preheminent/NN ,/, the/DT suspicion/NN being/VBG that/IN the/DT h/NN was/VBD inserted/VBN to/TO avoid/VB what/WP the/DT linguists/NNS call/VBP hiatus/NN ./.
Some/DT people/NNS solve/VB this/DT problem/NN by/IN illogically/RB placing/VBG a/DT dieresis/NNS over/IN the/DT second/JJ e/SYM ./.
But/CC h/NN in/IN the/DT initial/JJ position/NN has/VBZ long/RB been/VBN the/DT more/RBR nagging/JJ nuisance/NN ./.
Abundance/NNP existed/VBD as/IN an/DT excrescent/NN habundance/NN for/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT 14/CD th/NN century/NN and/CC for/IN a/DT good/NN while/IN after/IN that/DT ,/, in/IN the/DT belief/NN that/IN the/DT word/NN derived/VBN from/IN Latin/NNP habere/NN to/TO have/VB ./.
And/CC neither/DT hermit/NN nor/CC hostage/NN began/VBD life/NN with/IN an/DT initial/JJ h/NN ./.
The/DT letter/NN 's/POS name/NN ,/, aitch/NN ,/, goes/VBZ back/RB to/TO Old/NNP French/JJ ache/NN ,/, from/IN a/DT late/JJ Latin/NNP accha/NN ,/, ahha/NN ,/, or/CC aha/NN -/: -/: all/DT or/CC any/DT of/IN them/PRP descendants/NNS of/IN an/DT earlier/JJR Latin/NNP ha/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ we/PRP will/MD all/DT be/VBP happy/JJ to/TO know/VB that/IN we/PRP are/VBP in/IN roughly/RB the/DT same/JJ league/NN as/IN the/DT Romans/NNP and/CC William/NNP Shakespeare/NNP when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO knowing/VBG our/PRP$ ahs/UH from/IN a/NNP '/POS ole/NN the/DT ground/NN ./.
The/DT prize/NN for/IN the/DT first--in/JJ the/DT sense/NN of/IN earliest/RBS recorded/VBN and/CC significant--/JJ Australianism/NNP is/VBZ generally/RB awarded/VBN to/TO kangaroo/NN ,/, despite/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN another/DT ,/, much/RB less/RBR striking/JJ animal/NN ,/, the/DT quoll/NN ,/, is/VBZ noticed/VBN in/IN the/DT same/JJ glossary/JJ of/IN an/DT Australian/JJ language/NN ,/, that/WDT compiled/VBN by/IN James/NNP Cook/NNP ,/, navigator/NN and/CC explorer/NN ,/, in/IN 1770/CD ./.
Some/DT years/NNS elapsed/VBN before/IN the/DT British/JJ decided/VBD to/TO establish/VB a/DT penal/NN settlement/NN in/IN the/DT land/NN which/WDT Cook/NNP ,/, when/WRB he/PRP took/VBD possession/NN of/IN it/PRP in/IN 1770/CD ,/, primarily/RB to/TO forestall/NN the/DT French/NNPS ,/, named/VBD New/NNP South/NNP Wales/NNP ./.
But/CC ,/, in/IN 1788/CD ,/, Captain/NNP Arthur/NNP Phillip/NNP landed/VBD at/IN Botany/NNP Bay/NNP (/( near/IN the/DT present/JJ Sydney/NNP )/) with/IN a/DT mixed/JJ party/NN of/IN convicts/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ military/JJ custodians/NNS and/CC sought/VBD to/TO use/VB what/WP little/JJ knowledge/NN had/VBD been/VBN passed/VBN on/IN to/TO him/PRP of/IN the/DT indigenous/JJ inhabitants/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ language/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT new/JJ land/NN 's/POS flora/NNS and/CC fauna/NNS ./.
Somewhat/NNP to/TO his/PRP$ surprise/NN and/CC that/IN of/IN others/NNS in/IN the/DT party/NN ,/, the/DT Aborigines/NNP of/IN Port/NNP Jackson/NNP (/( as/IN Sydney/NNP Harbour/NNP was/VBD named/VBN )/) did/VBD not/RB recognize/VB the/DT word/NN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, they/PRP appeared/VBD to/TO think/VB it/PRP was/VBD an/DT English/NNP word/NN and/CC borrowed/VBD it/PRP (/( as/IN they/PRP did/VBD other/JJ words/NNS ,/, like/IN gammon/NN and/CC fellow/NN )/) with/IN glee/NN ,/, using/VBG it/PRP of/IN the/DT cattle/NNS which/WDT the/DT invaders/NNS had/VBD brought/VBN with/IN them/PRP and/CC apparently/RB thinking/VBG it/PRP meant/VBD edible/JJ animal/NN ./.
This/DT was/VBD to/TO give/VB Phillip/NNP and/CC others/NNS their/PRP$ first/JJ intimation/NN that/IN there/EX was/VBD more/JJR than/IN one/CD Aboriginal/NNP language/NN ;/: but/CC ,/, so/RB distinctive/JJ and/CC so/RB immediately/RB made/VBD a/DT symbol/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN was/VBD the/DT animal/NN itself/PRP ,/, and/CC the/DT word/NN rapidly/RB took/VBD on/IN in/IN English/NNP and/CC ,/, indeed/RB ,/, in/IN French/JJ ./.
And/CC when/WRB ,/, in/IN 1820/CD ,/, Phillip/NNP King/NNP landed/VBD at/IN the/DT Endeavour/NNP River/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT north/NN of/IN what/WP is/VBZ now/RB Queensland/NNP ,/, where/WRB Cook/NNP 's/POS glossary/JJ was/VBD obtained/VBN ,/, he/PRP found/VBD that/IN the/DT local/JJ Aborigines/NNP did/VBD not/RB recognize/VB the/DT word/NN ,/, using/VBG a/DT name/NN something/NN like/IN menuah/NN instead/RB ./.
It/PRP was/VBD to/TO be/VB more/JJR than/IN a/DT century/NN before/IN the/DT explanation/NN became/VBD clear/JJ ,/, and/CC ,/, in/IN the/DT meantime/NN ,/, several/JJ other/JJ possibilities/NNS were/VBD floated/VBN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD at/IN first/RB thought/NN that/IN Cook/NNP and/CC the/DT naturalist/NN Joseph/NNP Banks/NNPS ,/, who/WP was/VBD at/IN his/PRP$ side/NN ,/, had/VBD erred/VBN ,/, either/CC in/IN their/PRP$ understanding/NN or/CC in/IN their/PRP$ documentation/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP was/VBD later/RB suggested/VBN that/IN an/DT Aboriginal/NNP informant/NN had/VBD misunderstood/VBN the/DT question/NN and/CC replied/VBD I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB or/CC something/NN a/DT little/JJ less/RBR polite/JJ ./.
It/PRP was/VBD 1972/CD before/IN the/DT linguist/NN John/NNP Haviland/NNP identified/VBD the/DT word/NN in/IN the/DT Queensland/NNP language/NN Guugu/NNP Yimidhirr/NNP ,/, where/WRB it/PRP denoted/JJ a/DT particular/JJ species/NNS of/IN kangaroo/NN and/CC evidenced/VBN the/DT fineness/NNS of/IN distinction/NN that/WDT characterizes/VBZ Aboriginal/NNP languages/NNS ./.
By/IN this/DT time/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT number/NN and/CC complexity/NN of/IN Aboriginal/NNP languages/NNS was/VBD well/RB known/VBN ,/, and/CC the/DT Port/NNP Jackson/NNP language/NN ,/, or/CC Dharuk/NNP as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ now/RB known/VBN ,/, was/VBD long/JJ extinct/JJ ./.
As/IN a/DT footnote/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN illustration/NN of/IN the/DT sense/NN of/IN Aboriginal/NNP humor/NN which/WDT might/MD have/VB misled/VBN Cook/NNP ,/, consider/VBP the/DT Victorian/JJ Aboriginal/NNP word/NN moomba/NN ,/, used/VBN since/IN 1955/CD as/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN a/DT Melbourne/NNP carnival/NN and/CC freely/RB translated/VBN let/VB 's/POS get/VB together/RB and/CC have/VBP fun/NN ./.
Later/RB scholarship/NN suggests/VBZ that/IN the/DT city/NN fathers/NNS were/VBD taken/VBN for/IN a/DT ride/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN apparently/RB being/VBG widespread/JJ in/IN Victorian/JJ languages/NNS and/CC meaning/VBG buttocks/NNS ./.
Aboriginal/NNP etymologies/NNS are/VBP now/RB mostly/RB settled/VBN ,/, the/DT historical/JJ and/CC geographical/JJ evidence/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN 's/POS early/JJ use/NN being/VBG brought/VBN collectively/RB to/TO bear/VB as/IN in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN kangaroo/NN ./.
But/CC where/WRB there/EX is/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN of/IN borrowing/NN and/CC no/DT feasible/JJ source/NN language/NN ,/, some/DT other/JJ explanation/NN has/VBZ to/TO be/VB sought/VBN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT case/NN with/IN a/DT favorite/JJ Australian/JJ term/NN for/IN an/DT Englishman/NNP ,/, pom/NN or/CC pommy/NN ./.
At/IN first/JJ sight/NN this/DT might/MD appear/VB to/TO be/VB a/DT British/JJ regional/JJ dialect/NN word/NN ,/, but/CC there/EX is/VBZ no/DT possible/JJ etymon/NN even/RB remotely/RB like/IN it/PRP recorded/VBD in/IN Wright/NNP or/CC the/DT OED/NNP ./.
So/RB ,/, whereas/IN for/IN dinkum/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, a/DT sense/NN history/NN can/MD be/VB established/VBN that/WDT fits/VBZ chronologically/RB with/IN a/DT verifiable/JJ regional/JJ antecedent/NN ,/, for/IN pommy/NN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT such/JJ answer/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ task/NN then/RB is/VBZ to/TO track/VB the/DT word/NN back/RB to/TO its/PRP$ earliest/RBS recorded/VBN occurrence/NN in/IN Australian/NNP English/NNP to/TO see/VB if/IN the/DT context/NN yields/NNS any/DT clues/NNS as/IN to/TO origin/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP does/VBZ ./.
Both/DT forms/NNS are/VBP first/RB found/VBN in/IN popular/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, notably/RB the/DT Bulletin/NNP ,/, an/DT aggressively/RB Australian/JJ weekly/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN the/DT Sydney/NNP Truth/NNP ,/, also/RB a/DT weekly/JJ and/CC no/DT less/RBR Australian/JJ ,/, but/CC more/RBR scurrilous/JJ because/IN more/RBR urban/JJ in/IN outlook/NN ./.
In/IN both/DT papers/NNS the/DT chase/NN goes/VBZ back/RB to/TO 1912/CD ,/, when/WRB there/EX was/VBD a/DT sudden/JJ increase/NN in/IN assisted/VBN immigration/NN and/CC in/IN the/DT consequent/JJ expression/NN of/IN attitudes/NNS to/TO this/DT immigration/NN ./.
Both/DT papers/NNS displayed/VBD an/DT editorial/NN indulgence/NN in/IN word/NN play/NN ./.
Both/DT evidence/NN a/DT third/JJ form/NN ,/, pomegranate/NN ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ tell-tale/NN variant/NN spelling/VBG pommy/NN grant/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT explanation/NN ,/, first/RB advanced/VBD and/CC documented/VBN by/IN the/DT Australian/NNP National/NNP Dictionary/NNP ,/, has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO win/VB full/JJ acceptance/NN ,/, there/EX still/RB being/VBG those/DT who/WP prefer/VBP the/DT unsubstantiated/JJ acronym/NN POME/NNP Prisoner/NNP Of/IN Mother/NNP England/NNP or/CC the/DT French/JJ pomme/NN de/IN terre/NN as/IN a/DT source/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP even/RB those/DT who/WP find/VBP the/DT comparison/NN of/IN the/DT brightly/RB colored/VBN fruit/NN with/IN the/DT ruddy/NN cheeks/NNS of/IN the/DT newly/RB arrived/VBN English/NNP immigrant/JJ sufficient/JJ explanation/NN in/IN itself/PRP ./.
Folk/NN etymologies/NNS often/RB have/VBP a/DT life/NN of/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
That/DT statement/NN ,/, we/PRP were/VBD once/RB asked/VBN to/TO believe/VB by/IN John/NNP Cleese/NNP ,/, was/VBD an/DT example/NN of/IN the/DT irrelevancy/NN of/IN Victorian/JJ English/NNP phrase/NN books/NNS ,/, along/IN with/IN the/DT well-known/NN ,/, My/PRP$ postillion/NN has/VBZ been/VBN struck/VBN by/IN lightning/NN ./.
But/CC each/DT age/NN and/CC each/DT culture/NN has/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ phraseology/NN ./.
Already/RB after/IN 30/CD years/NNS LPs/NNP ,/, gramophones/NNS ,/, and/CC wirelesses/NNS belong/VBP to/TO history/NN and/CC a/DT never-ending/JJ tide/NN of/IN new/JJ transatlantic/NN terminology/NN swamps/NNS these/DT shores/NNS with/IN the/DT everyday/JJ expressions/NNS of/IN Chicago/NNP and/CC Silicon/NNP Valley/NNP ./.
Perhaps/RB we/PRP need/VBP an/DT English/NNP Academy/NNP to/TO keep/VB our/PRP$ language/NN pure/JJ ./.
But/CC ,/, whether/IN through/IN technological/JJ or/CC social/JJ change/NN ,/, language/NN moves/NNS on/IN ./.
Two/CD recent/JJ phrase/NN books/NNS of/IN African/JJ languages/NNS illustrate/VBP how/WRB one/CD man/NN 's/POS bread/NN is/VBZ another/DT man/NN 's/POS mealie-meal/JJ ./.
Fanagalo/NNP ,/, though/IN hardly/RB heard/VBN of/IN in/IN Europe/NNP ,/, is/VBZ used/VBN daily/JJ by/IN thousands/NNS of/IN people/NNS in/IN southern/JJ Africa/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT made-up/JJ language/NN like/IN Pidgin/NNP and/CC ,/, unlike/IN Esperanto/NNP or/CC Volapük/NNP ,/, is/VBZ based/VBN on/IN a/DT real/JJ tongue/NN ,/, Nguni/NNP ,/, related/VBN to/TO Zulu/NNP and/CC Xhosa/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD created/VBN to/TO meet/VB an/DT urgent/JJ need/NN for/IN a/DT common/JJ language/NN between/IN those/DT using/VBG the/DT European-derived/NNP Afrikaans/NNP ,/, English/NNP ,/, German/JJ ,/, or/CC Portuguese/NNP on/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN and/CC ,/, on/IN the/DT other/JJ ,/, the/DT speakers/NNS of/IN the/DT numerous/JJ African/JJ tongues/NNS from/IN the/DT Angoni/NNP in/IN Malawi/NNP to/TO the/DT Zulus/NNP in/IN Natal/NNP ,/, all/DT of/IN whom/WP worked/VBD together/RB in/IN the/DT diamond/NN diggings/NNS ,/, gold/JJ mines/NNS ,/, and/CC farms/NNS of/IN the/DT whole/NN of/IN southern/JJ Africa/NNP ,/, including/VBG Mozambique/NNP and/CC what/WP are/VBP now/RB Namibia/NNP ,/, Botswana/NNP ,/, and/CC Zimbabwe/NNP ./.
Its/PRP$ vocabulary/JJ may/MD look/VB strange/JJ but/CC sounds/VBZ familiar/JJ ./.
Counting/VBG ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, begins/VBZ :/: wan/NN ,/, tu/NN ,/, tri/NN ,/, fo/NN ,/, fayif/NN ,/, sikis/NNS ./.
;/: while/IN around/IN the/DT home/NN you/PRP find/VBP stui/NN stew/NN ,/, grevi/NN gravy/NN ,/, pitsh/NN peach/NN ,/, and/CC flauwa/NN flour/NN ./.
All/DT these/DT are/VBP based/VBN on/IN English/NNP words/NNS as/IN are/VBP the/DT expressions/NNS used/VBN in/IN mines/NNS and/CC factories/NNS :/: aseyi/NN hofisi/NN assay/NN office/NN ,/, mayin/NN kapten/NN mine/NN captain/NN ,/, blas-fonis/JJ blast/NN furnace/NN ,/, and/CC kaplin/NN huk/NN coupling/NN hook/NN ./.
The/DT grammar/NN and/CC construction/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, are/VBP Nguni/NNP and/CC distinctly/RB unfamiliar/JJ ./.
The/DT phrases/NNS employed/VBN to/TO teach/VB us/PRP Fanagalo/NNP are/VBP indicative/JJ of/IN its/PRP$ origin/NN :/: Who/WP has/VBZ stolen/VBN the/DT venison/NN ?/.
,/, The/DT medicine/NN will/MD kill/VB your/PRP$ intestinal/NN worms/NNS ,/, I/PRP told/VBD this/DT boy/NN he/PRP must/MD not/RB go/VB underground/JJ ,/, as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ drunk/JJ ,/, Open/NNP the/DT compressed/VBN air/NN immediately/RB ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
Swahili/NNP is/VBZ the/DT lingua/NN franca/NN of/IN East/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, but/CC it/PRP has/VBZ a/DT lot/NN in/IN common/JJ with/IN Fanagalo/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT two/CD include/VBP many/JJ similar/JJ words/NNS ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ probably/RB the/DT attitudes/NNS revealed/VBD that/IN already/RB place/NN these/DT books/NNS in/IN a/DT bygone/JJ age/NN :/: Arrival/NNP at/IN the/DT coast/NN gives/VBZ us/PRP I/PRP want/VBP to/TO go/VB ashore/RB ;/: carry/VB my/PRP$ loads/NNS ;/: on/IN safari/NN there/EX is/VBZ Pitch/NNP all/PDT the/DT white/JJ men/NNS 's/POS tents/NNS in/IN line/NN ;/: and/CC Fanagalo/NNP phrases/NNS for/IN golf/NN include/VBP Move/VB your/PRP$ shadow/NN ,/, Do/VBP n't/RB rattle/VB the/DT bag/NN ,/, and/CC Have/VBP you/PRP caddied/JJ before/RP ?/.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB a/DT useless/JJ boy/NN ./.
I/PRP wonder/NN if/IN Ernie/NNP Els/NNP knows/VBZ those/DT ?/.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
Attendance/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN very/RB erotic/JJ ./.
[/NN From/IN a/DT report/NN of/IN a/DT Master/NNP Gardener/NNP Meeting/VBG in/IN Master/NNP Gardener/NNP Almanac/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ./.
This/DT book/NN is/VBZ really/RB a/DT comprehensive/JJ study/NN of/IN word/NN formation/NN in/IN English/NNP ,/, dealing/VBG with/IN roots/NNS ,/, prefixes/NNS ,/, and/CC suffixes/NNS ./.
To/TO make/VB it/PRP palatable/JJ for/IN a/DT popular/JJ audience/NN ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN published/VBN in/IN the/DT guise/NN of/IN a/DT vocabulary/JJ builder/NN ,/, which/WDT ,/, I/PRP suppose/VBP ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ ,/, though/IN anyone/NN without/IN both/DT the/DT vocabulary/JJ to/TO begin/VB with/IN and/CC an/DT inordinately/RB strong/JJ will/MD is/VBZ very/RB unlikely/JJ to/TO find/VB the/DT book/NN easy/JJ to/TO understand/VB ./.
One/PRP might/MD regard/VB it/PRP as/IN a/DT popular/JJ combination/NN of/IN Carl/NNP Darling/NNP Buck/NNP 's/VBZ A/DT Dictionary/NNP of/IN Selected/JJ Synonyms/NNP in/IN the/DT Principal/NN Indo-/NNP European/NNP Languages/NNP (/( 1949/CD and/CC 1988/CD )/) and/CC A/DT Comparative/NNP Grammar/NNP of/IN Greek/JJ and/CC Latin/NNP (/( 1933/CD )/) ,/, both/DT University/NNP of/IN Chicago/NNP Press/NNP ,/, with/IN something/NN of/IN Edward/NNP Pinkerton/NNP 's/POS Word/NNP for/IN Word/NNP ,/, Verbatim/JJ Books/NNPS (/( 1982/CD )/) ,/, and/CC my/PRP$ Suffixes/NNP and/CC Word-/NNP Final/JJ Elements/NNS of/IN English/NNP (/( 1982/CD )/) and/CC Prefixes/NNP and/CC Word-/NNP Initial/JJ Elements/NNS of/IN English/NNP (/( 1984/CD )/) ,/, both/DT Gale/NNP Research/NNP ,/, thrown/VBN in/IN ./.
None/NN of/IN these/DT appears/VBZ in/IN the/DT Bibliography/NNP ,/, however/RB ,/, which/WDT seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB given/VBN over/IN to/TO books/NNS and/CC articles/NNS dealing/VBG with/IN the/DT teaching/NN and/CC learning/NN of/IN vocabulary/JJ ./.
As/IN it/PRP seems/VBZ likely/JJ that/IN readers/NNS of/IN VERBATIM/NNP are/VBP not/RB among/IN the/DT prospective/JJ customers/NNS for/IN this/DT book/NN as/IN a/DT vocabulary/JJ builder/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ worth/JJ reviewing/VBG as/IN a/DT source/NN book/NN for/IN the/DT meaty/NN information/NN about/IN word/NN formation/NN and/CC to/TO ignore/VB the/DT sizzle/VB about/IN vocabulary/JJ building/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT market/NN as/IN perceived/VBN by/IN Schleifer/NNP consists/VBZ largely/RB of/IN educated/VBN adults/NNS and/CC browsers/NNS of/IN difficult/JJ words/NNS and/CC word/NN lovers/NNS of/IN all/DT sorts/NNS :/: relatively/RB short/JJ shrift/NN is/VBZ given/VBN to/TO high/JJ school/NN and/CC college/NN students/NNS ,/, and/CC ,/, mercifully/RB ,/, no/DT mention/NN at/IN all/DT is/VBZ made/VBN of/IN those/DT who/WP might/MD have/VB been/VBN sold/VBN on/IN the/DT promise/NN of/IN a/DT better/RBR life--or/JJ a/DT better/RBR after-life/JJ ,/, or/CC perhaps/RB a/DT better/RBR half-life--through/JJ the/DT acquisition/NN of/IN an/DT expanded/VBN vocabulary/JJ ./.
The/DT best/JJS description/NN of/IN the/DT content/NN is/VBZ Schleifer/NNP 's/POS own/JJ ,/, which/WDT ,/, to/TO save/VB time/NN and/CC effort/NN ,/, is/VBZ reproduced/VBD here/RB ,/, slightly/RB edited/JJ :/:
provide/VB [/( s/VBZ ]/) in-depth/JJ coverage/NN of/IN 36/CD common/JJ roots/NNS and/CC described/VBD ,/, in/IN detail/NN ,/, the/DT dissection/NN ,/, analysis/NN ,/, reconstruction/NN ,/, definition/NN ,/, and/CC commentary/NN processes/VBZ ,/, followed/VBN by/IN 24/CD exercise/NN entries/NNS for/IN each/DT root/NN or/CC related/VBN roots/NNS ./.
Part/NNP II/NNP :/: HELPFUL/NNP HINTS/NNP is/VBZ a/DT partial/JJ answer/NN key/JJ for/IN the/DT exercises/NNS in/IN the/DT COMMON/NNP ROOTS/NNP and/CC provides/VBZ the/DT meaning/VBG and/CC etymology/NN of/IN one/CD root/NN per/IN exercise/NN word/NN ./.
Part/NNP III/NNP :/: SUBJECTS/NNP consists/VBZ of/IN three/CD categories/NNS of/IN specialized/JJ words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP further/RBR divided/VBN into/IN 36/CD subjects/NNS ,/, each/DT of/IN which/WDT ,/, through/IN an/DT illustrative/JJ example/NN and/CC a/DT wide/JJ selection/NN of/IN exercises/NNS entries/NNS ,/, provides/VBZ additional/JJ practice/NN in/IN dissecting/VBG ,/, analyzing/VBG ,/, reconstructing/VBG ,/, defining/VBG ,/, and/CC providing/VBG commentaries/NNS for/IN English/NNP words/NNS ./.
Part/NNP V/NNP :/: A/DT CROSS-REFERENCE/NNP DICTIONARY/NNP is/VBZ a/DT combination/NN dictionary-index/JJ ,/, which/WDT provides/VBZ follow-up/JJ coverage/NN and/CC page/NN references/NNS for/IN thousands/NNS of/IN words/NNS and/CC roots/NNS discussed/VBN in/IN this/DT book/NN ./.
[/NN W/NNP ]/) hen/NN used/VBN in/IN conjunction/NN with/IN Part/NN I/PRP ./.
,/, [/( it/PRP ]/) becomes/VBZ a/DT self-teaching/JJ primer/NN for/IN the/DT study/NN and/CC application/NN of/IN English/NNP etymology/NN ./.
Unbelievably/NNP ,/, Part/NNP V/NNP ,/, which/WDT contains/VBZ 58/CD pages/NNS of/IN small/JJ print/NN and/CC is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS useful/JJ and/CC informative/JJ sections/NNS of/IN the/DT book/NN ,/, has/VBZ not/RB even/RB been/VBN accorded/VBN pagination/NN ,/, something/NN for/IN which/WDT Random/NNP House/NNP ought/MD to/TO be/VB carpeted/VBD for/IN before/IN the/DT International/NNP Bibliographical/NNP Court/NNP ./.
For/IN some/DT people/NNS ,/, a/DT comprehensive/JJ description/NN of/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN words/NNS in/IN English/NNP is/VBZ more/JJR information/NN than/IN they/PRP wish/VBP to/TO assimilate/VB ,/, and/CC they/PRP will/MD be/VB relieved/VBN to/TO learn/VB that/IN Schleifer/NNP covers/VBZ the/DT territory/NN in/IN about/IN ten/CD pages/NNS ./.
For/IN those/DT who/WP wish/VBP to/TO know/VB more/JJR ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT neatly/RB put/NN together/RB section/NN on/IN Latin/NNP (/( pp/NN ./.
175/CD -/: 228/CD )/) and/CC one/CD on/IN Greek/JJ (/( pp/NN ./.
228/CD -/: 64/CD )/) ./.
Grow/NNP Your/PRP$ Vocabulary/NNP offers/VBZ an/DT excellent/JJ overview/NN of/IN how/WRB words/NNS are/VBP created/VBN and/CC compounded/VBN in/IN English/NNP and/CC belongs/VBZ in/IN the/DT library/NN of/IN every/DT word-lover/JJ ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
There/EX must/MD exist/VB some/DT standard/NN ,/, somewhere/RB ,/, for/IN what/WP passes/VBZ as/IN witty/JJ ,/, funny/JJ ,/, hilarious/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP probably/RB changes/VBZ hourly/JJ and/CC depends/VBZ on/IN the/DT age/NN ,/, religion/NN ,/, race/NN ,/, financial/JJ condition/NN ,/, location/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ characteristics/NNS of/IN the/DT observer/NN ./.
We/PRP often/RB laugh/NN appreciatively/RB at/IN what/WP is/VBZ clever/JJ ,/, though/IN it/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB funny/JJ ,/, humorous/JJ ,/, or/CC even/RB mildly/RB amusing/JJ ./.
Take/VB ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT three/CD quotations/NNS from/IN Clarence/NNP Darrow/NNP given/VBN for/IN April/NNP 18/CD in/IN Witty/NNP Words/NNPS (/( in/IN which/WDT ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ easy/JJ to/TO see/VB from/IN the/DT subtitle/NN ,/, quotations/NNS are/VBP arranged/VBN for/IN each/DT day/NN of/IN the/DT year/NN )/) :/:
The/DT first/JJ half/NN of/IN our/PRP$ lives/NNS is/VBZ ruined/VBN by/IN our/PRP$ parents/NNS and/CC the/DT second/JJ half/NN by/IN our/PRP$ children/NNS ./.
When/WRB I/PRP was/VBD a/DT boy/NN I/PRP was/VBD told/VBN that/DT anybody/NN could/MD become/VB President/NNP ;/: I/PRP 'm/VBP beginning/VBG to/TO believe/VB it/PRP ./.
I/PRP have/VBP never/RB killed/VBN a/DT man/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP have/VBP read/VBN many/JJ obituaries/NNS with/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN pleasure/NN ./.
These/DT are/VBP ,/, as/IN the/DT book/NN title/NN suggest/VBP ,/, witty/JJ ;/: one/PRP could/MD certainly/RB agree/VB that/IN they/PRP are/VBP facetious/JJ ;/: but/CC they/PRP are/VBP not/RB funny/JJ ,/, and/CC certainly/RB not/RB hilarious/JJ ./.
Sometimes/RB ,/, the/DT shock/NN of/IN recognition/NN when/WRB one/CD encounters/VBZ a/DT well-phrased/JJ truism/NN is/VBZ enough/RB to/TO trigger/VB a/DT welcoming/VBG response/NN ,/, which/WDT might/MD manifest/JJ itself/PRP in/IN a/DT smile/NN to/TO indicate/VB the/DT pleasure/NN of/IN the/DT experience/NN ./.
But/CC a/DT smile/NN is/VBZ not/RB a/DT response/NN to/TO something/NN hilarious/JJ ./.
I/PRP rather/RB suspect/VBP that/IN Eileen/NNP Mason/NNP was/VBD satisfied/VBN with/IN the/DT title/NN of/IN her/PRP$ book/NN ;/: then/RB the/DT publisher/NN came/VBD along/IN and/CC stuck/VBN in/IN hilarious/JJ for/IN advertising/NN purposes/NNS ./.
One/PRP could/MD not/RB disagree/VB with/IN outrageous/JJ ./.
Not/RB all/PDT the/DT quotations/NNS are/VBP witty/JJ ;/: an/DT inept/JJ one/CD is/VBZ credited/VBN to/TO Adolph/NNP Deutsch/NNP :/:
A/DT film/NN musician/NN is/VBZ like/IN a/DT mortician--he/JJ ca/MD n't/RB bring/VB the/DT body/NN back/RB to/TO life/NN ,/, but/CC he/PRP is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO make/VB it/PRP look/VB better/JJR ./.
[/NN October/NNP 20/CD ]/NN
Another/DT for/IN the/DT same/JJ day/NN :/:
The/DT greatest/JJS thrill/NN known/VBN to/TO man/VB is/VBZ n't/RB flying--it/JJ 's/POS landing/NN ./.
One/PRP might/MD comment/VB that/IN safely/RB would/MD not/RB have/VB disturbed/VBN the/DT meter/NN of/IN that/DT poetic/JJ thought/NN ./.
If/IN one/CD likes/VBZ this/DT sort/NN of/IN thing/NN ,/, this/DT is/VBZ a/DT good/JJ collection/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ arranged/VBN in/IN calendar/NN order/NN and/CC has/VBZ three/CD indexes/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN people/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN holidays/NNS ,/, and/CC one/CD of/IN subjects/NNS ./.
Humor/NNP ,/, as/IN we/PRP are/VBP told/VBN endlessly/RB by/IN those/DT in/IN the/DT entertainment/NN profession/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT serious/JJ business/NN ;/: Norrick/NNP demonstrates/VBZ that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ serious/JJ for/IN linguists/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, which/WDT we/PRP might/MD have/VB suspected/VBN once/RB Freud/NNP got/VBD his/PRP$ hands/NNS on/IN it/PRP ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
Although/IN this/DT book/NN was/VBD not/RB reviewed/VBN in/IN VERBATIM/NNP ,/, encomiastic/JJ reviews/NNS of/IN it/PRP have/VBP appeared/VBN internationally/RB ,/, and/CC this/DT is/VBZ merely/RB a/DT notice/NN to/TO let/VB readers/NNS know/VB that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ available/JJ in/IN paperback/NN (/( albeit/IN at/IN a/DT formidable/JJ price/NN )/) ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
Puzzle/NNP solvers/NNS seem/VBP to/TO fall/VB into/IN two/CD categories/NNS ,/, those/DT who/WP use/VBP reference/NN books/NNS to/TO help/VB them/PRP find/VB the/DT right/JJ answers/NNS and/CC those/DT who/WP eschew/NN any/DT aids/NNS whatsoever/RB ./.
I/PRP have/VBP always/RB fallen/VBN into/IN the/DT latter/JJ category/NN ./.
If/IN I/PRP could/MD not/RB identify/VB a/DT missing/VBG word/NN in/IN a/DT quotation/NN ,/, I/PRP marked/VBD that/IN down/RB to/TO my/PRP$ own/JJ failing/VBG ,/, one/CD that/WDT was/VBD not/RB likely/JJ to/TO be/VB remedied/VBN by/IN looking/VBG it/PRP up/RP in/IN Bartlett/NNP ,/, after/IN which/WDT it/PRP would/MD be/VB promptly/RB forgotten/VBN ;/: mercifully/RB ,/, not/RB all/DT clues/NNS in/IN puzzles/NNS are/VBP quotations/NNS ,/, so/IN some/DT of/IN them/PRP worked/VBD out/IN ;/: besides/IN ,/, the/DT word/NN that/WDT had/VBD to/TO be/VB supplied/VBN was/VBD usually/RB a/DT very/RB common/JJ one/CD and/CC its/PRP$ only/RB connection/NN with/IN the/DT quotation/NN was/VBD that/IN it/PRP happended/JJ to/TO appear/VB in/IN it/PRP ,/, like/IN be/VB in/IN To/TO be/VB or/CC not/RB to/TO be/VB ./.
For/IN many/JJ years/NNS ,/, the/DT crossword/NN puzzles/NNS published/VBN in/IN Britain/NNP ,/, like/IN those/DT published/VBN in/IN VERBATIM/NNP )/) have/VBP been/VBN of/IN the/DT cryptic/JJ kind/NN ,/, differing/VBG from/IN the/DT typical/JJ American/JJ variety/NN by/IN a/DT diagram/NN that/WDT does/VBZ not/RB cross-key/JJ every/DT letter/NN of/IN every/DT word/NN and/CC by/IN clues/NNS that/WDT are/VBP not/RB simply/RB straightforward/JJ matter/NN ,/, like/IN the/DT solution/NN ers/NNS for/IN bitter/JJ vetch/NN and/CC other/JJ otherwise/RB useless/JJ bits/NNS of/IN information/NN ;/: for/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, many/JJ of/IN the/DT clues/NNS are/VBP anagrams/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ where/WRB Puzlpack/NNP comes/VBZ in/IN ./.
To/TO save/VB space/NN ,/, here/RB is/VBZ what/WP Puzlpack/NNP can/MD do/VB (/( from/IN the/DT blurb/NN )/) :/:
•/NN Find/VBP all/DT single-word/JJ anagrams/NNS :/: EIPRST/NNP yields/NNS ESPRIT/NNP ,/, PRIEST/NNP ,/, RIPEST/NNP ,/, SPRITE/NNP ,/, STRIPE/NNP ,/, TRIPES/NNP ./.
•/NN Unscramble/NNP jumbled/JJ words/NNS ./.
•/NN Find/VBP all/DT blank/JJ tile/NN substitutions/NNS ./.
•/NN Find/VBP the/DT unknown/JJ letters/NNS in/IN crosswords/NNS :/: W/NNP ?/.
R/NN ?/.
•/NN Display/NNP all/DT words/NNS with/IN any/DT range/NN of/IN lengths/NNS in/IN a/DT set/NN of/IN letters/NNS ./.
•/NN Verify/NNP the/DT validity/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN play/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB entirely/RB sure/JJ that/IN I/PRP understand/VBP what/WP each/DT of/IN those/DT means/VBZ (/( especially/RB worses/NNS and/CC worths/NNS )/) ,/, but/CC experienced/VBD puzzlers/NNS might/MD ./.
The/DT program/NN is/VBZ simple/JJ to/TO load/VB and/CC ,/, once/RB in/IN place/NN ,/, easy/JJ to/TO use/VB ;/: it/PRP is/VBZ also/RB extremely/RB fast/RB ./.
The/DT OED/NNP on/IN Compact/NNP Disc/NNP has/VBZ a/DT facility/NN for/IN finding/VBG blank/JJ tile/NN substitutions/NNS ,/, but/CC it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB include/VB all/DT possible/JJ inflected/JJ forms/NNS ./.
If/IN everyone/NN had/VBD this/DT software/NN ,/, there/EX would/MD be/VB no/DT point/NN in/IN using/VBG anagrams/NNS in/IN clues/NNS ,/, I/PRP suppose/VBP ;/: on/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, not/RB everyone/NN does/VBZ ,/, and/CC the/DT use/NN of/IN such/JJ aids/NNS is/VBZ probably/RB ruled/VBN out/IN in/IN competitions/NNS where/WRB the/DT entrants/NNS are/VBP controlled--that/JJ is/VBZ ,/, not/RB working/VBG at/IN home/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB useful/JJ for/IN puzzlemakers/NNS ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
In/IN view/NN of/IN the/DT abundance/NN of/IN the/DT worldwide/NN population/NN of/IN the/DT domestic/JJ cat/NN it/PRP comes/VBZ as/IN something/NN of/IN a/DT surprise/NN to/TO learn/VB that/IN no/DT authority/NN can/MD categorically/RB state/VB where/WRB the/DT name/NN for/IN this/DT group/NN of/IN small/JJ ,/, soft-furred/JJ carnivorous/JJ animals/NNS started/VBD or/CC when/WRB ./.
We/PRP know/VBP the/DT cat/NN was/VBD domesticated/JJ both/DT in/IN the/DT East/NNP and/CC West/NNP in/IN the/DT early/JJ historical/JJ period/NN ,/, the/DT ancient/JJ Egyptians/NNP being/VBG credited/VBN with/IN having/VBG been/VBN the/DT first/JJ people/NNS to/TO have/VB done/VBN so/RB and/CC at/IN one/CD period/NN in/IN their/PRP$ history/NN to/TO have/VB worshiped/JJ it/PRP as/IN sacred/JJ ./.
The/DT name/NN is/VBZ found/VBN in/IN Latin/NNP and/CC Greek/JJ in/IN the/DT first/JJ to/TO fourth/JJ centuries/NNS and/CC in/IN the/DT modern/JJ languages/NNS as/RB far/RB back/RB as/IN their/PRP$ records/NNS go/VBP ./.
Almost/RB certainly/RB a/DT loanword/NN ,/, in/IN Old/NNP English/NNP it/PRP is/VBZ catt/NN ;/: Welsh/NNP and/CC Cornish/NNP cath/NN ;/: Gaelic/JJ cat/NN ;/: Old/NNP Irish/JJ cat/NN ;/: Dutch/JJ and/CC Danish/JJ kat/NN ;/: Middle/NNP Dutch/JJ katte/NN ;/: Swedish/JJ katt/NN ,/, katta/NN ;/: Old/NNP Norse/NNP kött-r/JJ ;/: Old/NNP High/JJ German/JJ chazza/NN ,/, chataro/NN ;/: Middle/NNP High/JJ German/JJ katero/NN ,/, kater/NN ;/: Modern/NNP German/NNP Katze/NNP ,/, but/CC Modern/NNP German/JJ and/CC Dutch/JJ also/RB have/VBP kater/NN tomcat/NN (/( tom/NN denoting/VBG the/DT male/NN of/IN certain/JJ species/NNS of/IN animal/NN ,/, notably/RB the/DT cat/NN )/) ;/: French/JJ chat/VB ;/: Spanish/JJ and/CC Portuguese/NNP gato/NN ;/: Italian/JJ gatto/NN ;/: Old/NNP North/NNP French/JJ cat/NN ;/: West/JJ German/JJ katta/NN ;/: Breton/NNP kaz/NN ;/: Old/NNP Slavonic/NNP kotŭka/NN ,/, kotka/NN ;/: Slavonic/NNP kot/NN ;/: Bulgarian/JJ kotka/NN ;/: Russian/JJ ,/, male/JJ kot/NN ,/, female/JJ kotchka/NN ,/, koshka/NN ;/: Bohemian/NNP ,/, male/JJ kot/NN ,/, female/JJ kotka/NN ;/: Lithuaniane/NNP kate/NN ;/: Finnish/JJ katti/NN ;/: Polish/JJ kot/NN ,/, male/JJ cat/NN or/CC tomcat/NN koczur/NN ,/, kocur/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT above/JJ indicates/VBZ everyone/NN had/VBN or/CC has/VBZ some/DT sort/NN of/IN word/NN for/IN the/DT cat/NN ./.
What/WP is/VBZ also/RB a/DT mystery/NN is/VBZ why/WRB the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN cat/NN was/VBD so/RB often/RB attached/VBN as/IN a/DT prefix/NN to/TO other/JJ words/NNS ./.
In/IN some/DT examples/NNS I/PRP feel/VBP the/DT word/NN also/RB suffered/VBD catachresis/NNS ,/, a/DT misapplication/NN of/IN cat/NN due/JJ to/TO etymology/NN ./.
Catgut/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, has/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN that/DT animal/NN as/IN it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT tough/JJ ,/, elastic/JJ cord/NN made/VBN from/IN the/DT twisted/JJ intestines/NNS of/IN sheep/NN ,/, used/VBN for/IN the/DT strings/NNS of/IN musical/JJ instruments/NNS ./.
The/DT first/JJ element/NN might/MD have/VB come/VBN from/IN kit/NN small/JJ fiddle/NN ./.
When/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ played/VBN badly/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, some/DT listeners/NNS agree/VBP that/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT feline/JJ similarity/NN to/TO caterwauling/VBG ,/, from/IN the/DT Middle/NNP English/NNP caterwawen/NN ,/, an/DT uttering/VBG of/IN a/DT discordant/JJ shrieking/VBG ,/, as/IN from/IN a/DT cat/NN ./.
A/DT person/NN who/WP is/VBZ catlike/NN is/VBZ lithe/NN and/CC active/JJ ,/, moves/NNS stealthily/RB and/CC noiselessly/RB ,/, perhaps/RB like/IN a/DT cat/NN burglar/NN seeking/VBG to/TO commit/VB a/DT crime/NN by/IN using/VBG a/DT cat-walk/JJ ,/, a/DT narrow/JJ ledge/NN ,/, footway/NN ,/, or/CC platform/NN ./.
Possibly/RB mannequins/NNS (/( fashion/NN models/NNS )/) can/MD be/VB considered/VBN cat-like/JJ when/WRB they/PRP promenade/NN ,/, cat-footed/JJ ,/, confident/JJ in/IN moving/VBG down/RP the/DT catwalk/NN at/IN a/DT fashion/NN show/NN evoking/VBG no/DT catcalls/NNS from/IN the/DT audience/NN (/( unless/IN the/DT designs/NNS fail/VBP to/TO be/VB to/TO the/DT viewers/NNS '/POS liking/VBG )/) ,/, eliciting/VBG catty/NN remarks/NNS ,/, turning/VBG the/DT show/NN into/IN a/DT catastrophe/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ unlikely/JJ they/PRP would/MD have/VB wanted/VBN to/TO see/VB examples/NNS of/IN cat/NN suits/NNS ,/, the/DT all-in-/JJ ,/, neck-to-foot/JJ legged/JJ garment/NN ,/, worn/VBN by/IN women/NNS and/CC men/NNS during/IN WW/NNP ./.
Winston/NNP Churchill/NNP ,/, often/RB depicted/VBN as/IN a/DT bulldog/NN ,/, frequently/RB wore/VBD one/CD to/TO work/VB ,/, though/IN he/PRP preferred/VBN to/TO call/VB it/PRP a/DT boiler/NN suit/NN ./.
Winnie/NNP possibly/RB thought/VBD his/PRP$ cat/NN suit/NN was/VBD the/DT cat/NN 's/POS whiskers/NNS ,/, i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, good/JJ ,/, satisfactory/JJ ,/, perfect/JJ ,/, ideal/JJ for/IN the/DT task/NN ./.
The/DT cat/NN 's/POS whiskers/NNS is/VBZ a/DT term/NN possibly/RB first/RB used/VBN in/IN 1927/CD ,/, by/IN Dorothy/NNP L/NNP ./.
Sayers/NNP in/IN her/PRP$ novel/NN Unnatural/NNP Death/NNP ./.
Maybe/RB the/DT early/JJ uses/NNS of/IN the/DT cat/NN whisker/NN or/CC cat/NN 's/POS whisker/NN ,/, a/DT thin/JJ wire/NN for/IN establishing/VBG contact/NN on/IN a/DT crystal/NN (/( wireless/JJ )/) set/VBN was/VBD thought/VBN to/TO be/VB the/DT same/JJ when/WRB the/DT listener/NN was/VBD successful/JJ ./.
Similar/JJ to/TO the/DT cat/NN 's/POS whiskers/NNS is/VBZ the/DT cat/NN 's/POS pyjamas/NNS meaning/VBG anything/NN that/WDT is/VBZ very/RB good/JJ ,/, attractive/JJ ;/: American/NNP in/IN origin/NN from/IN around/IN 1920/CD ,/, it/PRP had/VBD become/VBN Briticized/NNP by/IN 1923/CD ./.
However/RB ,/, according/VBG to/TO Eric/NNP Partridge/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ Dictionary/NNP of/IN Slang/NNP and/CC Unconventional/NNP English/NNP ,/, the/DT word/NN was/VBD obsolete/JJ in/IN the/DT UK/NNP by/IN 1934/CD ;/: but/CC it/PRP was/VBD far/RB from/IN dead/JJ in/IN Australia/NNP as/RB late/RB as/IN 1965/CD ./.
In/IN the/DT same/JJ war/NN those/DT night/NN fighter/NN pilots/NNS who/WP ,/, because/IN they/PRP could/MD see/VB well/RB in/IN near-darkness/JJ ,/, shot/NN down/RB numerous/JJ enemy/NN aircraft/NN were/VBD said/VBN to/TO be/VB cat-eyed/JJ ./.
A/DT famous/JJ ace/NN pilot/NN was/VBD known/VBN as/IN Cat/NNP '/POS s-eyes/JJ Cunningham/NNP ./.
Cat-eyed/NNP women/NNS though/IN are/VBP those/DT with/IN greenish/JJ ,/, slinky/JJ ,/, Oriental-type/NNP eyes/NNS ./.
Cat/NNP '/POS s-eye/JJ is/VBZ a/DT semi-precious/JJ ,/, yellowish-brown/JJ stone/NN ,/, a/DT variety/NN of/IN chalcedonic/JJ quartz/NN or/CC chrysoberyl/NN ,/, which/WDT ,/, cut/VB in/IN a/DT certain/JJ way/NN ,/, reflects/VBZ light/JJ and/CC has/VBZ a/DT luster/NN like/IN the/DT contracted/VBN pupil/NN of/IN a/DT cat/NN 's/POS eye/NN ./.
Catoptrics/NNP is/VBZ the/DT study/NN of/IN the/DT reflection/NN of/IN light/NN ./.
Cat/NNP silver/NN ,/, German/NNP Katzensilber/NNP ,/, similarly/RB ,/, is/VBZ silver/NN that/IN still/JJ shines/NNS in/IN declining/VBG light/JJ ./.
A/DT cathouse/NN is/VBZ a/DT brothel/NN ,/, cat/NN being/VBG a/DT former/JJ word/NN for/IN prostitute/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB some/DT of/IN the/DT latter/JJ drank/NN cat/NN 's/POS water/NN ,/, a/DT 19/CD th-century/JJ term/NN for/IN gin/NN ./.
Catting/NNP was/VBD a/DT word/NN for/IN chasing/VBG after/IN the/DT female/JJ sex/NN ,/, i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, a/DT man/NN out/IN on/IN the/DT a/DT tomcat/NN ?/.
Cattery/NNP is/VBZ the/DT name/NN for/IN the/DT place/NN where/WRB numbers/NNS of/IN animal/NN cats/NNS are/VBP housed/VBN ./.
A/DT cat-hole/JJ or/CC cat-flap/JJ is/VBZ the/DT entry/NN and/CC exit/NN site/NN in/IN a/DT door/NN for/IN a/DT household/NN 's/POS cat/NN ,/, the/DT difference/NN being/VBG that/IN a/DT cat-hole/JJ is/VBZ merely/RB a/DT hole/NN in/IN the/DT door/NN ,/, whereas/IN a/DT cat-flap/JJ is/VBZ hinged/JJ to/TO swing/VB to/TO and/CC fro/RB and/CC close/VB the/DT opening/NN automatically/RB ./.
A/DT cat-lap/JJ is/VBZ not/RB the/DT owner/NN 's/POS lap/NN on/IN which/WDT the/DT cat/NN can/MD sit/VB or/CC lie/VB and/CC sleep/VB ,/, but/CC a/DT cup/NN of/IN tea/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD so/RB referred/VBN to/TO as/RB far/RB back/RB as/IN 1785/CD when/WRB Grose/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ Dictionary/NNP of/IN the/DT Vulgar/NNP Tongue/NNP ,/, stated/VBN ,/, cat-lap/JJ :/: tea/NN ,/, called/VBD the/DT scandal/NN broth/NN ./.
Gossip/NNP over/IN the/DT tea/NN cups/NNS perhaps/RB ?/.
Other/JJ authorities/NNS hold/VBP that/DT cat/NN lap/NN was/VBD slops/NNS ;/: the/DT stuff/NN a/DT cat/NN will/MD lap/NN ./.
A/DT catnap/NN is/VBZ a/DT short/JJ sleep/NN ,/, sometimes/RB after/IN a/DT meal/NN ,/, as/IN a/DT cat/NN is/VBZ wont/NN to/TO have/VB ./.
Catnip/NNP is/VBZ the/DT American/JJ name/NN for/IN a/DT plant/NN known/VBN elsewhere/RB as/IN catmint/NN ./.
Cat/NNP ice/NN is/VBZ a/DT thin/JJ layer/NN of/IN ice/NN on/IN a/DT puddle/NN from/IN under/IN which/WDT water/NN has/VBZ receded/JJ ,/, so/RB named/VBN because/IN it/PRP will/MD bear/VB only/RB the/DT weight/NN of/IN a/DT cat/NN ,/, or/CC a/DT catling/VBG ,/, a/DT kitten/NN walking/VBG over/IN it/PRP cat-footed/JJ to/TO avoid/VB breaking/VBG it/PRP ./.
Cat/NNP dirt/NN is/VBZ not/RB what/WP might/MD be/VB thought/VBN ,/, but/CC a/DT type/NN of/IN clay/NN ./.
Catbrain/NNP is/VBZ a/DT soil/NN containing/VBG clay/NN mixed/VBN with/IN stones/NNS ./.
Cat/NNP and/CC clay/NN is/VBZ straw/NN and/CC clay/NN mixed/JJ together/RB to/TO make/VB rolls/NNS of/IN material/NN which/WDT are/VBP laid/VBN between/IN the/DT wood/NN posts/NNS in/IN constructing/VBG mud/NN walls/NNS of/IN dwellings/NNS ./.
Ironically/RB ,/, although/IN cats/NNS are/VBP reputed/VBN to/TO dislike/VB water/NN and/CC getting/VBG wet/JJ ,/, there/EX are/VBP numerous/JJ words/NNS using/VBG cat/NN for/IN nautical/JJ and/CC maritime/NN items/NNS ./.
Cat/NNP is/VBZ abbreviated/JJ from/IN catamaran/NN ,/, used/VBN in/IN trade/NN names/NNS like/IN Hobie/NNP Cat/NNP ./.
A/DT catamaran/NN is/VBZ a/DT raft/NN of/IN logs/NNS lashed/VBD together/RB or/CC a/DT boat/NN formed/VBN of/IN two/CD hulls/NNS held/VBN together/RB by/IN a/DT bridgelike/NN framework/NN ./.
The/DT word/NN catamaran/NN comes/VBZ from/IN the/DT Tamil/NNP kattu/NN binding/JJ ,/, katta/NN to/TO tie/VB ,/, and/CC maram/NN wood/NN ,/, meaning/VBG logs/NNS ./.
Another/DT use/NN of/IN catamaran/NN ,/, quite/RB different/JJ ,/, is/VBZ a/DT cross-grained/JJ ,/, cantankerous/JJ woman/NN ./.
The/DT cathead/NN is/VBZ a/DT heavy/JJ piece/NN of/IN timber/NN projecting/VBG from/IN the/DT bows/NNS of/IN a/DT vessel/NN for/IN hauling/VBG anchors/NNS fitted/JJ with/IN a/DT stock/NN into/IN position/NN clear/JJ of/IN the/DT ship/NN 's/POS side/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD so/RB called/VBN because/IN in/IN the/DT days/NNS when/WRB there/EX was/VBD much/JJ carving/VBG on/IN wooden-hulled/JJ ships/NNS ,/, a/DT cat/NN 's/POS head/NN or/CC sometimes/RB a/DT lion/NN 's/POS head/NN was/VBD almost/RB always/RB carved/VBN on/IN it/PRP ./.
This/DT procedure/NN ,/, before/IN the/DT days/NNS of/IN the/DT stockless/JJ anchor/NN ,/, was/VBD known/VBN as/IN catting/VBG the/DT anchor/NN ./.
A/DT cat/NN purchase/NN is/VBZ a/DT rope/NN tackle/VB used/VBN for/IN hauling/VBG an/DT anchor/NN ,/, especially/RB on/IN a/DT cat/NN davit/NN ,/, a/DT light/JJ crane/NN used/VBN on/IN small/JJ vessels/NNS to/TO hoist/NN an/DT anchor/NN so/IN it/PRP can/MD then/RB be/VB swung/VBN round/NN to/TO lower/VB the/DT anchor/NN on/IN to/TO the/DT deck/NN or/CC overboard/RB ./.
A/DT cat/NN pennant/NN is/VBZ the/DT small/JJ pennant/NN used/VBN either/CC as/IN a/DT marker/NN for/IN an/DT anchor/NN buoy/VB or/CC as/IN a/DT signal/NN that/IN a/DT vessel/NN is/VBZ at/IN anchor/NN ./.
A/DT catenary/JJ is/VBZ the/DT curve/NN of/IN the/DT anchor/NN cable/NN between/IN the/DT anchor/NN on/IN the/DT sea/NN bed/NN and/CC the/DT vessel/NN ./.
Cat/NNP '/POS s-paw/JJ has/VBZ several/JJ meanings/NNS ./.
One/CD is/VBZ the/DT slight/JJ ripple/NN on/IN the/DT surface/NN of/IN an/DT otherwise/RB flat/JJ sea/NN ,/, interpreted/VBN by/IN sailors/NNS as/IN portending/VBG a/DT breeze/NN ./.
A/DT variation/NN is/VBZ a/DT light/JJ breeze/NN ,/, just/RB strong/JJ enough/RB to/TO ruffle/NN the/DT water/NN surface/NN ./.
Second/JJ ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT twisting/VBG hitch/NN ,/, made/VBN in/IN the/DT bight/NN of/IN a/DT rope/NN to/TO form/VB two/CD eyes/NNS through/IN which/WDT the/DT hook/NN of/IN a/DT tackle/VB is/VBZ passed/VBN for/IN hoisting/NN ./.
A/DT catshank/NN is/VBZ a/DT knot/NN similar/JJ to/TO a/DT sheepshank/NN but/CC with/IN an/DT extra/JJ turn/NN through/RP the/DT loops/NNS to/TO prevent/VB their/PRP$ slipping/VBG through/IN ./.
Third/NNP ,/, cat/NN '/" s-paw/JJ dates/NNS from/IN the/DT late/JJ 18/CD th/NN century/NN as/IN a/DT dupe/NN ,/, a/DT person/NN used/VBN by/IN another/DT as/IN an/DT unsuspecting/JJ agent/NN ,/, or/CC tool/NN ,/, especially/RB in/IN nefarious/JJ transactions/NNS ./.
This/DT version/NN came/VBD from/IN the/DT fable/NN of/IN the/DT monkey/NN which/WDT used/VBD a/DT cat/NN 's/POS paw/NN to/TO draw/VB hot/JJ chestnuts/NNS from/IN a/DT fire/NN ./.
A/DT century/NN later/RB the/DT term/NN cat/NN '/" s-foot/JJ was/VBD used/VBN for/IN a/DT dupe/NN ./.
As/IN for/IN cat/NN holes/NNS ,/, they/PRP were/VBD two/CD small/JJ holes/NNS cut/NN into/IN the/DT stern/JJ above/IN the/DT gun/NN ports/NNS on/IN a/DT sailing/NN man/NN o/NN '/" war/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT same/JJ level/NN as/IN the/DT capstan/NN ,/, and/CC used/VBD for/IN leading/VBG a/DT stern/JJ hawser/NN to/TO the/DT capstan/NN when/WRB required/VBN to/TO secure/VB the/DT ship/NN astern/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP many/JJ uses/NNS of/IN cat/NN in/IN the/DT naming/NN of/IN wild/JJ species/NNS ,/, some/DT having/VBG tenuous/JJ associations/NNS ./.
A/DT cater-pillar/JJ is/VBZ the/DT larva/NN of/IN a/DT butterfly/NN or/CC moth/NN ,/, coming/VBG from/IN the/DT Old/NNP French/JJ chate/NN pelouse/NN ,/, hairy/JJ cat/NN ./.
This/DT dates/NNS back/RB to/TO 1440/CD and/CC the/DT word/NN catyrpel/NN ,/, worm/NN among/IN the/DT fruit/NN ./.
Cat/NNP '/POS s-head/JJ is/VBZ a/DT very/RB large/JJ apple/NN variety/NN ,/, possibly/RB a/DT cider/NN apple/NN ,/, the/DT name/NN ,/, dating/VBG back/RB to/TO 1617/CD ,/, supposedly/RB given/VBN owing/VBG to/TO the/DT similarity/NN of/IN the/DT fruit/NN to/TO a/DT cat/NN 's/POS head/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN totally/RB different/JJ was/VBD cat/NN '/" s-head/JJ ,/, it/PRP being/VBG a/DT non-nautical/JJ term/NN for/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN shoulder/NN of/IN mutton/NN ./.
A/DT cat-bird/JJ is/VBZ an/DT American/JJ thrush/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT call/NN like/IN that/DT of/IN a/DT cat/NN ./.
A/DT catfish/NN has/VBZ barbels/NNS on/IN its/PRP$ head/NN ,/, around/IN the/DT mouth/NN ,/, that/IN slightly/RB resemble/VB a/DT cat/NN 's/POS whiskers/NNS ./.
Cat/NNP '/POS s-foot/JJ is/VBZ another/DT name/NN for/IN the/DT British/JJ wild/JJ plant/NN ground/NN ivy/NN ,/, so/RB called/VBN from/IN the/DT resemblance/NN of/IN the/DT shape/NN of/IN the/DT leaves/NNS to/TO the/DT print/NN of/IN a/DT cat/NN 's/POS paws/NNS ./.
Cat/NNP '/POS s-tail/JJ ,/, also/RB timothy/NN grass/NN ,/, was/VBD a/DT name/NN formerly/RB given/VBN because/IN the/DT shape/NN of/IN the/DT grass/NN flowerhead/NN resembles/VBZ that/DT caudal/NN appendage/NN ./.
Male/NN readers/NNS will/MD know/VB what/WP cat/NN 's/POS hair/NN is/VBZ (/( or/CC was--older/JJ men/NNS remembering/VBG it/PRP from/IN long/RB ago/RB )/) down/RB on/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN youths/NNS before/IN the/DT beard/NN grows/VBZ ./.
We/PRP apologize/VB for/IN having/VBG confused/VBD the/DT order/NN of/IN the/DT paragraphs/NNS in/IN Politicking/NNP with/IN Words/NNPS :/: On/IN Ideology/NNP and/CC Dictionary/NNP Meaning/NNP ,/, by/IN Ashok/NNP K/NNP ./.
Mohapatra/NNP [/( XXII/NNP 1/CD ,/, 1/CD ]/) :/: their/PRP$ proper/JJ order/NN is/VBZ easily/RB determined/VBN in/IN the/DT reading/NN ,/, so/IN we/PRP shall/MD not/RB bother/VB to/TO clarify/VB it/PRP here/RB ./.
We/PRP thought/VBD we/PRP could/MD ignore/VB the/DT error/NN and/CC it/PRP would/MD go/VB away/RB ,/, but/CC readers/NNS keep/VBP reminding/VBG us/PRP of/IN what/WP might/MD be/VB called/VBN ,/, because/IN of/IN its/PRP$ prominence/NN ,/, a/DT typogiraffical/JJ error/NN :/: in/IN Murdering/NNP the/DT Language/NNP [/( OBITER/NNP DICTA/NNP ,/, XX/NNP ,/, 4/CD ,/, 5/CD ]/) ,/, the/DT grammatically/RB proper/JJ form/NN would/MD have/VB been/VBN Omar/NNP m/NN '/" a/DT tuée/NN ,/, (/( reflecting/VBG the/DT feminine/JJ gender/NN of/IN the/DT preceding/VBG m/NN '/" )/) and/CC not/RB ,/, as/IN printed/VBN ,/, tué/NN ./.
To/TO those/DT that/WDT live/VBP in/IN Florida/NNP it/PRP is/VBZ almost/RB invaluable/JJ ,/, as/IN we/PRP cannot/NN get/VB eggs/NNS that/WDT are/VBP fresh/JJ and/CC good/JJ in/IN any/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
Mrs/NNP ./.
Wm/NNP ./.
Henry/NNP Montague/NNP ,/, St/NNP ./.
Augustine/NNP ,/, Florida/NNP ./.
[/NN From/IN an/DT advertisement/NN for/IN Condensed/NNP Eggs/NNP ]/NN
The/DT above/JJ advertisement/NN appeared/VBD in/IN the/DT Chicago/NNP Tribune/NNP Pronouncing/NNP Dictionary/NNP ,/, Clark/NNP and/CC Longley/NNP ,/, 1886/CD ./.
Another/DT advertisement/NN ,/, for/IN the/DT McIntosh/NNP Family/NNP Faradic/NNP Battery/NNP (/( Price/NNP $/$ 10/CD ./.
00/CD )/) ,/, claims/VBZ that/IN it/PRP treats/VBZ the/DT following/JJ diseases/NNS :/:
Abscesses/NNP ./.
Debility/NNP ./.
Kidney/NNP ./.
Rheumatism/NNP ./.
Acne/NNP ./.
Diarrhea/NNP ./.
Disease/NNP ./.
Ringworm/NNP ./.
Ague/NNP ./.
Dropsy/NNP ./.
King/NNP 's/POS Evil/NNP ./.
Salt/NNP Rheum/NNP ./.
Asthma/NNP ./.
Dyspepsia/NNP ./.
Lameness/NNP ./.
Scalds/NNP ./.
Baldness/NNP ./.
Epilepsy/NNP ./.
Leucorrhea/NNP ./.
Scrofula/NNP ./.
Biliousness/NNP ./.
Felons/NNP ./.
Lumbago/NNP ./.
Spasms/NNP ./.
Boils/NNP ./.
Fits/NNP ./.
Bunions/NNP ./.
Goitre/NNP ./.
Catarrh/NNP ./.
Headache/NNP ./.
flow/NN ./.
Sprains/NNP ./.
Chilblains/NNP ./.
Hiccough/NNP ./.
Colic/NNP ./.
Hysteria/NNP ./.
Exhaustion/NNP ./.
Dance/NN ./.
Constipation/NNP ./.
Impotence/NNP ./.
Nervousness/NN ./.
Toothache/NNP ./.
Convalescence/NNP ./.
Convulsions/NNP ./.
of/IN Urine/NNP ./.
Numb/NNP Palsy/NNP ./.
Cramps/NNP ./.
Jaundice/NNP ./.
Paralysis/NNP ./.
Veins/NNP ./.
Deafness/NNP ./.
Affections/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ worthwhile/JJ pointing/VBG out/RP that/IN this/DT editor/NN has/VBZ suffered/VBN from/IN some/DT of/IN these/DT affictions/NNS (/( especially/RB Convalescence/NNP )/) at/IN one/CD time/NN or/CC another/DT (/( and/CC the/DT attacks/NNS seem/VBP to/TO return/VB with/IN increasing/VBG frequency/NN as/IN the/DT years/NNS dwindle/NN down/RB )/) ./.
Still/RB ,/, most/JJS have/VBP happily/RB been/VBN kept/VBN at/IN bay/NN :/: we/PRP still/RB have/VBP not/RB suffered/VBN from/IN ,/, among/IN others/NNS ,/, the/DT King/NNP 's/POS Evil/NNP ,/, insufficient/JJ flow/NN of/IN milk/NN ,/, St/NNP ./.
Vitus/NNP [/( sic/JJ ]/) dance/NN ,/, deafness/NNS ,/, or/CC salt/NN rheum/NN ;/: the/DT others/NNS ,/, including/VBG felons/NNS ,/, come/VB and/CC go/VB and/CC must/MD be/VB regarded/VBN as/IN natural/JJ reflections/NNS of/IN everyday/JJ life/NN ./.
Etymologically/NNP ,/, males/NNS cannot/NN suffer/VB from/IN hysteria/NN ,/, and/CC most/JJS older/JJR people/NNS are/VBP unlikely/JJ to/TO get/VB colic/JJ ./.
Such/JJ amusements/NNS aside/RB ,/, one/PRP might/MD think/VB that/IN a/DT careful/JJ review/NN of/IN an/DT older/JJR dictionary/JJ might/MD reveal/VB something/NN about/IN the/DT state/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN publication/NN ;/: but/CC that/DT is/VBZ not/RB necessarily/RB true/JJ for/IN old/JJ dictionaries/NNS any/DT more/JJR than/IN it/PRP is/VBZ for/IN new/JJ ones/NNS ./.
To/TO be/VB sure/JJ ,/, there/EX are/VBP oddments/NNS and/CC peculiarities/NNS that/WDT can/MD be/VB spotted/VBN :/: in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN the/DT subject/JJ work/NN ,/, one/CD cannot/NN help/NN finding/VBG the/DT definition/NN of/IN electricity/NN a/DT source/NN of/IN entertainment/NN :/:
the/DT operations/NNS of/IN a/DT very/JJ subtile/NN fluid/JJ ./.
Readers/NNS may/MD be/VB surprised/VBN to/TO learn/VB that/IN there/EX is/VBZ ,/, effectively/RB ,/, no/DT definition/NN in/IN the/DT Random/NNP House/NNP Unabridged/NNP for/IN electricity/NN :/: where/WRB one/PRP would/MD expect/VB to/TO find/VB the/DT main/JJ definition/NN appear/VBP cross/NN references/NNS to/TO electric/JJ charge/NN and/CC electric/JJ current/NN ,/, neither/DT of/IN which/WDT offers/VBZ a/DT definition/NN akin/JJ to/TO the/DT one/CD we/PRP all/DT know/VBP to/TO the/DT one/CD sought/VBN ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, that/IN while/IN our/PRP$ understanding/NN of/IN the/DT behavior/NN of/IN electricity/NN has/VBZ improved/VBN in/IN the/DT last/JJ century/NN or/CC so/RB ,/, we/PRP know/VBP little/JJ more/JJR about/IN its/PRP$ basic/JJ nature/NN than/IN we/PRP did/VBD before/RB ./.
Like/IN modern/JJ dictionaries/NNS ,/, dictionaries/NNS prepared/VBN in/IN the/DT past/JJ contain/VB entries/NNS considered/VBN important/JJ by/IN their/PRP$ editors/NNS ,/, either/CC for/IN personal/JJ reasons--and/JJ there/EX is/VBZ nothing/NN much/JJ criticizable/JJ in/IN following/VBG a/DT personal/JJ opinion/NN if/IN it/PRP is/VBZ that/IN of/IN a/DT qualified/VBN observer--or/JJ because/IN a/DT given/VBN word/NN had/VBD become/VBN traditional/JJ in/IN the/DT contemporary/JJ cultural/JJ context/NN ./.
Thus/RB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, we/PRP can/MD readily/RB understand/VB retaining/VBG a/DT definition/NN for/IN awful/JJ striking/JJ awe/NN ,/, but/CC few/JJ would/MD agree/VB that/IN that/DT was/VBD either/DT the/DT dominant/JJ sense/NN (/( or/CC even/RB a/DT common/JJ sense/NN )/) in/IN the/DT 1880/CD s/VBZ in/IN America/NNP ;/: yet/RB no/DT other/JJ definition/NN is/VBZ provided/VBN ./.
It/PRP must/MD be/VB remembered/VBN that/IN the/DT dictionary/JJ in/IN hand/NN contains/VBZ only/RB 32/CD ,/, 000/CD words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ half/PDT the/DT size/NN of/IN the/DT average/JJ mass-market/JJ paperback/NN dictionaries/NNS sold/VBD today/NN ./.
It/PRP therefore/RB carries/VBZ a/DT surprising/JJ number/NN of/IN obsolete/JJ and/CC archaic/JJ words/NNS ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ difficult/JJ to/TO tell/VB whether/IN they/PRP are/VBP in/IN because/IN they/PRP were/VBD common/JJ in/IN American/NNP English/NNP ,/, in/IN American/NNP English/NNP spoken/VBN in/IN the/DT Midwest/NNP ,/, or/CC simply/RB carelessly/RB retained/VBD from/IN an/DT earlier/JJR dictionary/JJ which/WDT was/VBD not/RB properly/RB edited/JJ ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, certain/JJ British/JJ spellings/NNS are/VBP retained/VBN ,/, but/CC those/DT might/MD have/VB been/VBN left/VBN over/IN from/IN pre-/NN Webster/NNP spelling/VBG reform/NN :/: endeavour/NN ,/, moulding/VBG ,/, humour/NN ;/: enamelling/VBG ;/: fulfil/NN ./.
But/CC esophagus/JJ not/RB oesophagus/JJ ,/, etc/FW ./.
A/DT large/JJ number/NN of/IN words/NNS that/WDT do/VBP not/RB occur/VB in/IN common/JJ speech/NN and/CC writing/VBG today/NN are/VBP listed/VBN ;/: some/DT have/VBP been/VBN selected/VBN here/RB (/( omitting/VBG pronunciation/NN and/CC part/NN of/IN speech/NN )/) with/IN comments/NNS based/VBN on/IN checking/NN in/IN the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Dictionary/NNP ,/, which/WDT ,/, it/PRP must/MD be/VB noted/VBN ,/, classed/VBN the/DT words/NNS at/IN about/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN publication/NN of/IN the/DT Chicago/NNP Tribune/NNP Pronouncing/NNP Dictionary/NNP :/:
acritude/NN ,/, an/DT acrid/NN taste/NN ./.
embassy/NN ,/, message/NN to/TO a/DT foreign/JJ
[/NN obsolete/JJ ]/) nation/NN ./.
[/NN Secondary/JJ sense/NN in/IN
acronical/JJ ,/, rising/NN of/IN a/DT star/NN at/IN OED/NNP (/( which/WDT has/VBZ main/JJ entry/NN
sunset/NN ,/, or/CC setting/VBG at/IN sunrise/NN ./.
under/IN ambassy/NN )/) ./.
[/NN The/DT second/JJ part/NN is/VBZ wrong/JJ ./.
]/NN embolus/JJ ,/, a/DT pistion/NN ,/, or/CC driver/NN ./.
aduncity/NN ,/, bending/VBG in/IN the/DT form/NN [/( obsolete/JJ ]/NN
adustion/NN ,/, the/DT act/NN of/IN burning/NN [/( obsolete/JJ ,/, rare/JJ ]/NN
after-wit/JJ ,/, wisdom/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ [/( ./.
engaged/VBN in/IN by/IN
too/RB late/RB ./.
[/NN We/PRP should/MD have/VB correspondents/NNS to/TO
revived/VBN this/DT word/NN instead/RB of/IN VERBATIM/NNP ./.
borrowing/NN esprit/FW d/SYM '/POS escalier/NN estuary/JJ ,/, an/DT arm/NN of/IN the/DT sea/NN ;/: a/DT
only/RB to/TO translate/VB it/PRP into/IN the/DT vapour/NN bath/NN ./.
[/NN Second/JJ sense/NN
awkward/JJ staircase/NN wit/NN ./.
]/NN is/VBZ obsolete/JJ ./.
aggrievance/NN ,/, injury/NN ;/: wrong/JJ ./.
estuation/NN ,/, a/DT boiling/VBG ;/: agitation/NN
[/NN Sense/NN not/RB in/IN OED/NNP ./.
]/NN of/IN water/NN ./.
[/NN obsolete/JJ ]/NN
agonism/NN ,/, contention/NN for/IN a/DT exustion/NN ,/, act/NN of/IN burning/NN up/RB ./.
prize/NN ./.
[/NN Sense/NN not/RB in/IN OED/NNP ./.
]/NN [/( obsolete/JJ ]/NN
allision/NN ,/, act/NN of/IN striking/JJ against/IN ./.
eye-servant/JJ ,/, a/DT servant/NN that/DT
anteact/NN ,/, a/DT preceding/VBG act/NN ./.
eye-service/JJ ,/, service/NN done/VBN
[/NN obsolete/JJ ]/) under/IN the/DT employer/NN 's/POS eye/NN ./.
aphthong/NN ,/, a/DT letter/NN having/VBG no/DT [/( archaic/JJ ]/NN
elusion/NN ,/, escape/VB ;/: evasion/NN ./.
[/NN rare/JJ ]/) [/( obsolete/JJ ]/NN
There/EX are/VBP other/JJ curiosities/NNS in/IN this/DT book/NN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT entry/NN
affusion/NN ,/, act/NN of/IN pouring/VBG upon/IN ./.
By/IN contrast/NN ,/, here/RB is/VBZ the/DT pertinent/JJ definition/NN from/IN the/DT OED/NNP :/:
2/LS ./.
Med/NNP ./.
A/DT remedy/NN in/IN fevers/NNS ,/, consisting/VBG in/IN pouring/VBG on/IN the/DT patient/NN a/DT quantity/NN of/IN water/NN ,/, varying/VBG in/IN temperature/NN according/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ state/NN ,/, but/CC usually/RB from/IN 50/CD °/NN to/TO 60/CD °/NN or/CC 70/CD °/NN Fahr/NNP ./.
Also/RB fig/NN ./.
1803/CD W/NNP ./.
Rev/NNP ./.
1/LS ./.
273/CD From/IN the/DT eruptive/JJ fever/NN of/IN democratic/JJ effervescence/NN ,/, countries/NNS recover/VBP by/IN slight/JJ and/CC temperate/NN affusions/NNS of/IN concession/NN ./.
1844/CD T/NN ./.
Med/NNP ./.
752/CD In/IN very/RB acute/JJ attacks/NNS of/IN yellow/JJ fever/NN ./.
we/PRP resort/VBP to/TO the/DT use/NN of/IN purgatives/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT cold/JJ affusion/NN ./.
At/IN alcahest/NN ,/, the/DT definition/NN reads/VBZ ,/, the/DT universal/JJ solvent/JJ ;/: at/IN alkahest/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ merely/RB a/DT spelling/VBG variant/NN ,/, the/DT definition/NN is/VBZ ,/, a/DT pretended/JJ universal/JJ solvent/JJ ,/, from/IN which/WDT one/PRP might/MD conclude/VB that/IN the/DT first/JJ is/VBZ the/DT real/JJ thing/NN ./.
On/IN pronunciation/NN ,/, [/( ak-ses/JJ '/POS ]/) is/VBZ given/VBN as/IN the/DT preferred/JJ form/NN ,/, while/IN it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT secondary/JJ form/NN in/IN other/JJ dictionaries/NNS of/IN the/DT period/NN ./.
Huge/JJ is/VBZ shown/VBN as/IN [/( hūj/NN ]/) but/CC humour/NN is/VBZ pronounced/VBN [/( ū/NN '/" mur/NN ]/) ;/: adagio/NN is/VBZ shown/VBN as/IN [/( adā/NN '/" jē-ō/JJ ]/) ,/, and/CC accompany/VB and/CC similarly/RB spelled/VBN words/NNS are/VBP shown/VBN with/IN geminate/NN consonants/NNS ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, [/( akkum/NN '/" pa-ne/JJ ]/) ./.
The/DT conclusion/NN is/VBZ that/IN such/JJ books/NNS seldom/RB have/VBP anything/NN to/TO teach/VB us/PRP except/IN in/IN the/DT most/RBS general/JJ way/NN about/IN the/DT way/NN the/DT language/NN was/VBD used/VBN in/IN another/DT time/NN ,/, partly/RB owing/VBG to/TO the/DT lack/NN of/IN sophistication/NN of/IN their/PRP$ compilers/NNS ,/, partly/RB to/TO their/PRP$ conservatism/NN ,/, which/WDT tempts/VBZ them/PRP to/TO include/VB terms/NNS and/CC definitions/NNS that/WDT are/VBP no/DT longer/RB current/JJ ./.
Such/JJ entries/NNS must/MD be/VB retained/VBN for/IN they/PRP are/VBP encountered/VBN in/IN reading/NN ./.
Some/DT conservative/JJ dictionaries/NNS published/VBN earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT 20/CD th/NN century/NN listed/VBD a/DT huge/JJ number/NN of/IN Scotticisms/NNP on/IN the/DT (/( justifiable/JJ )/) grounds/NNS that/IN they/PRP would/MD be/VB useful/JJ in/IN reading/NN Burns/NNP ;/: but/CC most/JJS school/NN editions/NNS containing/VBG Burns/NNP 's/POS poetry/NN later/RB on/IN supplied/VBN glosses/NNS ,/, so/IN an/DT ancillary/JJ reference/NN proved/VBD unnecessary/JJ ./.
With/IN all/PDT the/DT dialects/NNS and/CC long-lived/JJ speakers/NNS of/IN English/NNP today/NN ,/, the/DT lexicographer/NN risks/NNS inaccuracy/NN in/IN labeling/VBG a/DT word/NN ,/, phrase/NN ,/, or/CC sense/VB obsolete/JJ or/CC archaic/JJ :/: there/EX is/VBZ sure/JJ to/TO be/VB someone/NN who/WP speaks/VBZ a/DT form/NN of/IN English/NNP in/IN which/WDT the/DT expression/NN is/VBZ extant/NN ./.
For/IN another/DT thing/NN ,/, we/PRP must/MD pay/VB close/JJ attention/NN to/TO historical/JJ information--not/JJ about/IN the/DT language/NN ,/, but/CC about/IN the/DT culture/NN ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, just/RB because/IN we/PRP now/RB know/VBP that/IN the/DT alkahest/NN (/( or/CC alcahest/NN )/) ,/, phlogiston/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT philosopher/NN 's/POS stone/NN do/VBP not/RB exist/VB ,/, they/PRP must/MD still/RB be/VB listed/VBN in/IN dictionaries/NNS ,/, just/RB as/IN the/DT words/NNS for/IN abstract/JJ notions/NNS like/IN honesty/NN ,/, integrity/NN ,/, beauty/NN ,/, truth/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB forth/RB have/VBP a/DT place/NN ./.
Under/IN the/DT headline/NN ,/, Plaintiff/NNP faints/NNS at/IN mention/NN of/IN sex/NN ,/, Ben/NNP Maclntyre/NNP ,/, The/DT Times/NNP correspondent/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ,/, reported/VBD [/( 11/CD March/NNP 1994/CD ]/) about/IN a/DT Cincinnati/NNP woman/NN who/WP suffers/VBZ from/IN conversion/NN hysteria/NN ,/, a/DT fortunately/RB rare/JJ affliction/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT individual/JJ collapses/VBZ unconscious/JJ at/IN the/DT mention/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN or/CC group/NN of/IN words/NNS ./.
Shades/NNP of/IN The/DT Manchurian/NNP Candidate/NNP !/.
She/PRP was/VBD sitting/VBG in/IN a/DT chair/NN and/CC immediately/RB fell/VBD out/IN when/WRB sex/NN was/VBD mentioned/VBN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT woman/NN 's/POS defense/NN attorney/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT subject/NN for/IN flippancy/NN ,/, one/PRP must/MD concede/VB ,/, especially/RB in/IN the/DT circumstances/NNS surrounding/VBG the/DT case/NN ./.
Evidently/RB ,/, a/DT neighbor/NN learned/VBD of/IN the/DT woman/NN 's/POS condition/NN ,/, whispered/VBN the/DT word/NN sex/NN to/TO her/PRP as/IN she/PRP was/VBD passing/VBG through/IN the/DT lobby/NN of/IN the/DT apartment/NN house/NN where/WRB they/PRP live/VBP ,/, whereupon/NN she/PRP dropped/VBD ,/, unconscious/JJ ,/, to/TO the/DT floor/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP sexually/RB molested/JJ her--presumably/JJ after/IN moving/VBG her/PRP to/TO a/DT more/RBR private/JJ venue/NN ./.
The/DT trial/NN of/IN the/DT molester/NN is/VBZ becoming/VBG difficult/JJ to/TO prosecute/VB ,/, for/IN every/DT time/NN the/DT molestee/NN is/VBZ called/VBN to/TO testify/VB ,/, she/PRP faints/NNS ,/, even/RB if/IN the/DT prosecutor/NN so/RB much/JJ as/IN spells/VBZ the/DT word/NN s-e-x/JJ ./.
How/WRB the/DT event/NN was/VBD reported/VBN in/IN the/DT first/JJ instance/NN is/VBZ not/RB revealed/VBN ./.
It/PRP might/MD be/VB suggested/VBN that/IN Ameslan/NNP be/VB employed/VBN or/CC that/IN the/DT woman/NN be/VB asked/VBN to/TO demonstrate/VB what/WP took/VBD place/NN using/VBG dolls/NNS ,/, as/IN they/PRP do/VBP when/WRB asking/VBG children/NNS to/TO testify/VB ./.
Readers/NNS may/MD draw/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ conclusions/NNS and/CC opinions/NNS on/IN the/DT subject/JJ ;/: it/PRP would/MD n't/RB do/VB for/IN us/PRP to/TO comment/VB ./.
Have/VBP a/DT nice/JJ day/NN
Even/RB the/DT less/RBR sensitive/JJ of/IN us/PRP become/VBP irritated/VBN with/IN clichés/NNS after/IN a/DT while/NN ,/, and/CC one/CD often/RB wishes/VBZ that/WDT Have/VBP a/DT nice/JJ day/NN had/VBD gone/VBN the/DT way/NN of/IN Hi/NNP !/.
My/PRP$ name/NN is/VBZ Bruce/NNP and/CC I/PRP 'll/MD be/VB your/PRP$ waiter/NN today/NN and/CC the/DT Bunny/NNP Dip/VB ./.
But/CC it/PRP seems/VBZ here/RB to/TO stay/VB ,/, and/CC ,/, on/IN reflection/NN ,/, merits/NNS comment/VB ./.
It/PRP ill/JJ behooves/NNS us/PRP to/TO criticize/VB its/PRP$ emptiness/NNS ,/, for/IN we/PRP all/DT utter/JJ Good/JJ morning/NN ,/, Good/JJ afternoon/NN ,/, Goodby/NNP ,/, How/WRB are/VBP you/PRP ?/.
,/, Hello/UH ,/, and/CC numerous/JJ other/JJ salutational/NN and/CC valedictory/NN remarks/NNS in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ likely/JJ that/IN Good/JJ day/NN had/VBD its/PRP$ origins/NNS in/IN Have/VBP a/DT good/JJ day/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ not/RB very/RB different/JJ from/IN Have/VBP a/DT nice/JJ day/NN ,/, either/CC in/IN meaning/VBG or/CC in/IN spirit/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB we/PRP may/MD soon/RB be/VB hearing/NN Nice/NNP day/NN (/( meaning/VBG Have/VBP a/DT nice/JJ day/NN ,/, not/RB ,/, as/IN it/PRP already/RB does/VBZ ,/, It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT nice/JJ day/NN ,/, to/TO the/DT latter/NN of/IN which/WDT our/PRP$ curmudgeonly/RB response/NN is/VBZ usually/RB ,/, Yes/UH ,/, if/IN you/PRP like/VBP warm/JJ ,/, sunny/JJ ,/, breezy/JJ spring/NN days/NNS )/) ./.
Good/JJ day/NN has/VBZ taken/VBN on/IN other/JJ connotations/NNS ,/, depending/VBG on/IN its/PRP$ prosodic/JJ features/NNS (/( stress/NN pattern/NN )/) ./.
A/DT straightforward/JJ Good/JJ day/NN '/" ,/, with/IN little/JJ stress/NN on/IN good/JJ ,/, is/VBZ the/DT neutral/JJ greeting/NN ;/: Good/JJ '/POS day/NN '/" ,/, with/IN equal/JJ stress/NN and/CC even/RB a/DT slight/JJ pause/NN between/IN the/DT words/NNS ,/, uttered/VBD emphatically/RB ,/, is/VBZ tantamount/JJ to/TO dismissal/NN ;/: the/DT Australian/NNP G/NNP '/POS dye/NN is/VBZ again/RB the/DT neutral/JJ expression/NN on/IN meeting/NN or/CC parting/NN ./.
Till/IN something/NN else/RB comes/VBZ along/IN or/CC we/PRP all/DT agree/VBP to/TO go/VB back/RB to/TO better/RBR established/JJ clichés/NNS ,/, we/PRP might/MD as/RB well/RB get/VB used/VBN to/TO Have/VB a/DT nice/JJ day/NN and/CC its/PRP$ variant/NN ,/, (/( You/PRP )/) have/VBP a/DT good/JJ one/CD ,/, now/RB :/: the/DT alternative/NN is/VBZ to/TO stay/VB at/IN home/NN ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdange/NNP
Paul/NNP Blackford/NNP 's/POS article/NN [/( Some/DT English/NNP Loanwords/NNP in/IN Thai/NNP ,/, XXI/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 5/CD ]/) brought/VBN to/TO my/PRP$ mind/NN my/PRP$ favourite/NN chunk/NN of/IN Thai/NNP vocabulary/JJ and/CC ,/, incidentally/RB ,/, another/DT loanword/NN from/IN English/NNP (/( from/IN Thai/NNP for/IN Travellers/NNP ,/, DK/NNP Arts/NNP ,/, Bangkok/NNP )/) :/:
Krapaow/NNP thue/NN puying/VBG bags/NNS ,/, ladies/NNS '/POS
Krapaow/NNP thasanachorn/NN bags/NNS ,/, travelling/VBG
Krapaow/NNP ekka-sarn/JJ bags/NNS ,/, brief/JJ
Krapaow/NNP James/NNP Bond/NNP attaché/NN case/NN
Krapaow/NNP rot-mai/JJ bus/NN conductor/NN
I/PRP never/RB did/VBD figure/NN out/IN that/IN last/JJ one/CD ./.
The/DT NATO/NNP bombing/NN campaign/NN against/IN Yugoslavia/NNP was/VBD declared/VBN "/" a/DT disaster/NN "/" Wednesday/NNP in/IN Toronto/NNP 's/POS Globe/NNP and/CC Mail/NNP ,/, which/WDT could/MD not/RB have/VB condemned/VBN it/PRP more/RBR severely/RB ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN "/" an/DT unrelieved/JJ disaster/NN not/RB just/RB for/IN the/DT North/NNP Atlantic/NNP Treaty/NNP Organization/NNP ,/, but/CC for/IN the/DT very/JJ people/NNS the/DT bombing/NN was/VBD meant/VBN to/TO protect/VB ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD ./.
The/DT NATO/NNP attacks/NNS have/VBP brought/VBN about/IN a/DT wave/NN of/IN righteous/JJ nationalism/NN as/IN Yugoslavs/NNP rallied/VBD behind/IN the/DT man/NN that/IN many/JJ of/IN them/PRP loathed/VBD ./.
"/" Safe/NNP in/IN their/PRP$ high-tech/JJ jets/NNS and/CC distant/JJ command/NN posts/NNS ,/, NATO/NNP forces/NNS have/VBP so/RB far/RB escaped/VBD without/IN a/DT single/JJ casualty/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ the/DT Albanians--and/NNP of/IN course/NN the/DT Serbs/NNP of/IN Yugoslavia/NNP too--who/JJ are/VBP paying/VBG the/DT price/NN for/IN the/DT bombing/NN ./.
And/CC what/WP does/VBZ NATO/NNP plan/NN to/TO do/VB about/IN it/PRP ?/.
Why/WRB ,/, bomb/NN some/DT more/JJR ,/, of/IN course/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Globe/NNP and/CC Mail/NNP said/VBD that/IN NATO/NNP 's/POS motives/NNS had/VBD been/VBN good--/JJ "/" it/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO stop/VB Mr/NNP ./.
Milosevic/NNP ,/, protect/VBP the/DT Albanians/NNS and/CC save/VB its/PRP$ own/JJ reputation/NN in/IN the/DT bargain/NN ./.
Too/RB many/JJ times/NNS ,/, the/DT West/NNP has/VBZ threatened/VBN dire/JJ consequences/NNS and/CC then/RB done/VBN nothing/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ right/NN to/TO feel/VB guilty/JJ about/IN acting/VBG too/RB late/RB in/IN Bosnia/NNP ,/, and/CC not/RB at/IN all/DT in/IN Rwanda/NNP ./.
But/CC true/JJ atonement/NN requires/VBZ sacrifice/VB ./.
In/IN expiating/VBG its/PRP$ guilt/NN over/IN past/JJ failures/NNS ,/, the/DT West/NNP has/VBZ instead/RB sacrificed/JJ the/DT lives/NNS of/IN the/DT helpless/JJ civilians/NNS of/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
That/DT is/VBZ unforgivable/JJ ./.
In/IN interviews/NNS published/VBN in/IN various/JJ European/JJ newspapers/NNS Wednesday/NNP ,/, NATO/NNP Secretary-/NNP General/NNP Javier/NNP Solana/NNP denied/VBD that/IN the/DT NATO/NNP attacks/NNS had/VBD increased/VBN the/DT violence/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
"/" No/DT ,/, no/DT ,/, "/" he/PRP told/VBD Corriere/NNP della/NN Sera/NNP of/IN Milan/NNP ,/, Italy/NNP ./.
"/" NATO/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN began/VBD specifically/RB to/TO stop/VB the/DT violence/NN ./.
And/CC we/PRP are/VBP doing/VBG everything/NN we/PRP can/MD to/TO stop/VB it/PRP ./.
"/" Corriere/NNP also/RB carried/VBD an/DT interview/NN Wednesday/NNP with/IN President/NNP Kiro/NNP Gilgorov/NNP of/IN Macedonia/NNP ,/, who/WP took/VBD the/DT same/JJ line/NN ./.
Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP had/VBD been/VBN planning/VBG the/DT "/" ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN "/" for/IN months/NNS ,/, he/PRP said/VBD ./.
Gilgorov/NNP called/VBD for/IN NATO/NNP humanitarian/JJ aid/NN for/IN the/DT Kosovar/NNP refugees/NNS pouring/VBG into/IN his/PRP$ country/NN and/CC said/VBD the/DT Russians/NNPS were/VBD the/DT only/JJ people/NNS in/IN a/DT position/NN to/TO influence/VB Milosevic/NNP ./.
The/DT only/JJ outcome/NN he/PRP ruled/VBD out/IN was/VBD a/DT world/NN war/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB exist/VB anymore/RB ,/, so/IN whom/WP would/MD a/DT world/NN war/NN be/VB between/IN ?/.
"/" he/PRP asked/VBD ./.
"/" If/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT risk/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ that/IN the/DT conflict/NN will/MD destabilize/VB other/JJ countries/NNS ./.
In/IN the/DT British/JJ liberal/JJ press/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN strongly/RB supportive/JJ of/IN the/DT bombing/NN campaign/NN ,/, the/DT focus/NN shifted/VBN Wednesday/NNP to/TO humanitarian/JJ aid/NN ./.
The/DT Guardian/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/DT aid/NN was/VBD now/RB the/DT priority/NN ./.
"/" The/DT same/JJ concentration/NN of/IN effort/NN and/CC the/DT same/JJ plethora/NN of/IN assets/NNS lavished/VBN on/IN the/DT aerial/JJ war/NN against/IN Serbia/NNP must/MD now/RB be/VB applied/VBN to/TO the/DT task/NN of/IN housing/NN and/CC caring/VBG for/IN the/DT refugees/NNS reeling/VBG out/IN of/IN Kosovo/NNP ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" That/DT no/DT preparations/NNS of/IN this/DT kind/NN were/VBD made/VBN by/IN the/DT governments/NNS dealing/VBG with/IN Milosevic/NNP or/CC by/IN the/DT alliance/NN military/JJ staffs/NNS as/IN they/PRP laid/VBD their/PRP$ plans/NNS ,/, is/VBZ worse/JJR than/IN a/DT pity/NN ./.
It/PRP shows/VBZ how/WRB feckless/JJ Europe/NNP and/CC America/NNP have/VBP been/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ approach/NN to/TO this/DT crisis/NN ,/, and/CC should/MD at/IN a/DT later/JJ time/NN be/VBP the/DT subject/NN of/IN a/DT serious/JJ inquiry/NN ./.
The/DT Independent/NNP of/IN London/NNP exposed/VBD its/PRP$ bleeding/VBG heart/NN by/IN filling/VBG its/PRP$ entire/JJ front/JJ page/NN with/IN a/DT picture/NN of/IN two/CD families/NNS of/IN refugees/NNS under/IN the/DT headline/NN :/: "/" This/DT is/VBZ the/DT reality/NN of/IN the/DT war/NN ./.
Two/CD mothers/NNS ,/, five/CD children/NNS ,/, seven/CD days/NNS of/IN bombing/NN ,/, 250/CD ,/, 000/CD refugees/NNS ./.
And/CC no/DT hope/VBP ./.
"/" In/IN an/DT editorial/NN ,/, the/DT Independent/NNP called/VBD attention/NN to/TO "/" the/DT other/JJ casualty/NN of/IN the/DT bombs/NNS "/" -/: -/: "/" the/DT co-operation/JJ on/IN foreign/JJ policy/NN and/CC military/JJ matters/NNS which/WDT the/DT West/NNP and/CC the/DT Russians/NNPS have/VBP developed/VBN since/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ./.
"/" It/PRP said/VBD the/DT West/NNP would/MD have/VB to/TO struggle/VB to/TO reintegrate/NN Russia/NNP into/IN international/JJ institutions/NNS and/CC that/IN the/DT International/NNP Monetary/NNP Fund/NNP should/MD begin/VB this/DT process/NN by/IN providing/VBG Russia/NNP with/IN a/DT generous/JJ loan/NN ./.
Among/IN the/DT conservative/JJ British/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, still/RB regarding/VBG the/DT use/NN of/IN ground/NN troops/NNS as/IN both/DT desirable/JJ and/CC a/DT distinct/JJ possibility/NN ,/, the/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN Milosevic/NNP 's/POS "/" peace/NN "/" offer/NN to/TO Russian/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Yevgeny/NNP Primakov/NNP had/VBD been/VBN just/RB "/" a/DT feint/NN to/TO split/VB the/DT Alliance/NNP "/" and/CC urged/VBD the/DT continuation/NN of/IN the/DT war/NN until/IN Milosevic/NNP capitulated/VBD ./.
But/CC Russian/JJ newspapers/NNS ,/, published/VBD Tuesday/NNP before/IN the/DT offer/NN was/VBD made/VBN and/CC rejected/VBN ,/, were/VBD enthusiastic/JJ about/IN Primakov/NNP 's/POS attempt/NN at/IN mediation/NN ./.
Nezavisimaya/NNP Gazeta/NNP said/VBD the/DT conflict/NN had/VBD given/VBN Russia/NNP an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO be/VB a/DT key/JJ player/NN again/RB on/IN the/DT international/JJ stage/NN ,/, while/IN Moskovsky/NNP Komsomolets/NNP said/VBD that/IN Primakov/NNP could/MD not/RB lose/VB out/IN in/IN any/DT event/NN ./.
"/" If/IN his/PRP$ mission/NN fails/VBZ ,/, he/PRP will/MD have/VB the/DT full/JJ moral/JJ right/NN to/TO say/VB ,/, '/" I/PRP did/VBD all/DT I/PRP could/MD '/POS ;/: and/CC if/IN he/PRP succeeds/VBZ ,/, the/DT rewards/NNS would/MD be/VB tremendous/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN went/VBD on/IN ,/, "/" He/PRP would/MD not/RB only/RB greatly/RB increase/VB his/PRP$ international/JJ standing/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT achievement/NN of/IN any/DT peace/NN ,/, however/RB fragile/JJ ,/, in/IN the/DT Balkans/NNP would/MD slow/VB the/DT deterioration/NN of/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS political/JJ situation/NN at/IN home/NN ./.
Albanian/NNP papers/NNS highlighted/VBD President/NNP Rexhep/NNP Meidani/NNP 's/POS appeal/NN for/IN international/JJ help/NN in/IN dealing/VBG with/IN the/DT vast/JJ influx/NN of/IN refugees/NNS and/CC the/DT establishment/NN of/IN a/DT judicial/JJ task/NN force/NN in/IN Albania/NNP to/TO investigate/VB Serb/NNP atrocities/NNS against/IN the/DT Kosovars/NNP ./.
The/DT papers/NNS were/VBD full/JJ of/IN patriotic/JJ breast-beating/JJ ./.
Under/IN the/DT headline/NN "/" We/PRP Must/MD Go/VB to/TO Pristina/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT Democratic/NNP Party/NNP daily/JJ iRilindja/NN Demokratikei/NNP called/VBD on/IN Albanians/NNS to/TO liberate/NN the/DT Kosovar/NNP capital/NN from/IN the/DT "/" wounded/VBN beast/NN "/" Milosevic/NNP ./.
The/DT refugees/NNS must/MD return/VB to/TO Pristina/NNP ,/, it/PRP added/VBD :/: "/" We/PRP will/MD go/VB to/TO Pristina/NNP ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP ,/, Iraqi/JJ writer/NN Abdelamir/NNP al-/NN Rakabi/NNP warned/VBD in/IN the/DT Pan-/NNP Arab/JJ al-/NN Quds/NNP al-/NN Arabi/NNP that/IN if/IN NATO/NNP 's/POS airstrikes/NNS lead/VBP to/TO the/DT capitulation/NN of/IN Milosevic/NNP ,/, Iraq/NNP should/MD prepare/VB for/IN an/DT all-out/JJ Anglo-/NNP American/JJ drive/NN to/TO topple/VB Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT Jordanian/NNP daily/JJ al-/NN Ra/NNP '/POS i/NNP ,/, Saleh/NNP Qallab/NNP argued/VBD that/IN this/DT fear/NN is/VBZ misplaced/VBN and/CC should/MD not/RB be/VB used/VBN as/IN an/DT excuse/NN for/IN Arabs/NNPS to/TO oppose/VB the/DT NATO/NNP action/NN in/IN the/DT Balkans/NNP ./.
Even/RB if/IN NATO/NNP has/VBZ reasons/NNS for/IN attacking/VBG Yugoslavia/NNP ,/, the/DT fact/NN that/IN one/CD of/IN them/PRP is/VBZ to/TO end/VB the/DT slaughter/NN of/IN Kosovar/NNP Muslims/NNPS is/VBZ a/DT good/NN enough/JJ reason/NN for/IN Arabs/NNPS to/TO support/VB it/PRP ./.
"/" There/EX is/VBZ no/DT justification/NN whatsoever/RB for/IN constantly/RB invoking/VBG the/DT idea/NN that/IN my/PRP$ enemy/NN 's/POS enemy/NN is/VBZ my/PRP$ friend/NN ,/, "/" Qallab/NNP wrote/VBD ./.
In/IN Israel/NNP Wednesday/NNP ,/, Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN condemned/VBD the/DT Israeli/JJ government/NN for/IN refusing/VBG to/TO take/VB sides/NNS in/IN the/DT Balkan/NNP conflict/NN ./.
It/PRP said/VBD Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP and/CC Foreign/NNP Minister/NNP Ariel/NNP Sharon/NNP had/VBD made/VBN only/RB "/" vague/JJ declarations/NNS condemning/VBG genocide/NN wherever/WRB it/PRP may/MD be/VB "/" and/CC that/IN Sharon/NNP had/VBD refrained/VBN from/IN mentioning/VBG the/DT Serbs/NNP ,/, "/" as/IN though/IN both/DT sides/NNS were/VBD massacring/VBG each/DT other/JJ ./.
"/" Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN said/VBD it/PRP understood/VBD why/WRB some/DT Israelis/NNPS felt/VBD they/PRP owed/VBD the/DT Serbs/NNP a/DT debt/NN of/IN gratitude/NN for/IN their/PRP$ tenacious/JJ opposition/NN to/TO the/DT Nazis/NNPS during/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ,/, but/CC added/VBD :/: "/" A/DT much-persecuted/JJ nation/NN ,/, well/RB versed/JJ in/IN pogroms/NNS ,/, cannot/NN stand/NN on/IN the/DT side/NN ,/, watching/VBG an/DT institutionalized/JJ process/NN of/IN exterminating/VBG civilians/NNS based/VBN on/IN religion/NN and/CC ethnicity/NN ./.
The/DT Jewish/JJ debt/NN to/TO the/DT Serbs/NNP from/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT Holocaust/NNP does/VBZ not/RB justify/VB Jewish/JJ apathy/NN to/TO the/DT horrors/NNS the/DT Serbs/NNP are/VBP perpetrating/VBG on/IN the/DT Albanians/NNS ./.
For/IN more/JJR Kosovo/NNP coverage/NN ,/, click/NN ./.
Dear/RB Chris/NNP ,/,
Thanks/NNS for/IN your/PRP$ excellent/JJ recap/NN of/IN Eleanor/NNP ,/, Volume/NN 2/CD ./.
I/PRP 'd/MD probably/RB quarrel/VB with/IN some/DT of/IN your/PRP$ emphases--and/JJ certainly/RB with/IN the/DT strength/NN of/IN that/DT adjective/NN ,/, "/" irresponsible/JJ ./.
"/" I/PRP did/VBD think/VB you/PRP unfair/JJ in/IN characterizing/VBG it/PRP as/IN "/" Whig/NNP History/NN for/IN the/DT PC/NN era/NN ,/, full/JJ of/IN paeans/NNS to/TO same-sex/JJ love/NN ,/, "/" and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
You/PRP especially/RB underrate/NN Cook/NNP 's/POS careful/JJ narrative/NN of/IN ER/NNP 's/POS emotional/JJ life/NN ,/, in/IN suggesting/VBG that/IN her/PRP$ bio/NN is/VBZ given/VBN to/TO "/" sweeping/JJ generalizations/NNS about/IN emotional/JJ needs/VBZ ./.
But/CC you/PRP touched/VBD unerringly/RB on/IN all/PDT the/DT elements/NNS of/IN ER/NNP 's/POS life/NN that/WDT give/VBP Cook/NNP 's/POS work/NN its/PRP$ fascination/NN ./.
I/PRP found/VBD her/PRP$ portrait/NN of/IN the/DT Roosevelt/NNP marriage/NN in/IN most/JJS ways/NNS rich/JJ ,/, in/IN other/JJ ways/NNS frustrating/JJ ./.
She/PRP 's/VBZ definitely/RB broken/VBN new/JJ ground/NN in/IN establishing/VBG how/WRB thoroughly/RB bifurcated/JJ their/PRP$ extended/VBN family/NN was--/JJ Franklin/NNP 's/POS circle/NN &slash;/NN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS circle/NN ,/, Franklin/NNP 's/POS place/NN (/( Warm/JJ Springs/NNP )/) &slash;/NN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS places/NNS (/( Val-/NNP Kill/VB and/CC Campobello/NNP )/) ,/, Franklin/NNP 's/POS surrogate/JJ spouses/NNS (/( Lucy/NNP Mercer/NNP and/CC Missy/NNP LeHand/NNP )/) &slash;/NN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS surrogate/JJ spouses/NNS (/( one-time/JJ state/NN trooper/NN and/CC bodyguard/NN Earl/NNP Miller/NNP and/CC Lorena/NNP Hickok/NNP )/) ./.
That/DT the/DT Roosevelts/NNP managed/VBD to/TO keep/VB all/DT these/DT plates/NNS in/IN the/DT air/NN ,/, while/IN also/RB raising/VBG five/CD children/NNS and/CC sharing/VBG the/DT presidency/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, is/VBZ just/RB another/DT big/JJ reminder/NN that/IN any/DT one/CD marriage/NN is/VBZ a/DT stranger/NN and/CC more/RBR mysterious/JJ land/NN than/IN an/DT outsider/NN can/MD possibly/RB know/VB ./.
That/DT it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB easy/JJ is/VBZ suggested/VBN by/IN the/DT jealousies/NNS that/WDT bordered/VBN their/PRP$ arrangements/NNS :/: Woe/NNP betide/NN anyone/NN (/( with/IN the/DT possible/JJ exception/NN of/IN Louis/NNP Howe/NNP )/) who/WP tried/VBD to/TO befriend/NN Eleanor/NNP and/CC Franklin/NNP equally/RB ./.
Eleanor/NNP 's/POS friends--even/JJ the/DT lesbian/NN ones--occasionally/JJ made/VBD the/DT mistake/NN of/IN falling/VBG for/IN Franklin/NNP 's/POS easy/JJ charms/NNS ./.
In/IN Volume/NN 1/CD ,/, Cook/NNP wonderfully/RB described/VBD two/CD of/IN them/PRP ,/, Marion/NNP Dickerman/NNP and/CC Nancy/NNP Cook/NNP ,/, as/IN beginning/VBG a/DT "/" slow/JJ slide/NN toward/IN that/DT dangerous/JJ abyss/NNS they/PRP considered/VBD neutrality/NN ./.
"/" But/CC this/DT leads/VBZ me/PRP to/TO what/WP I/PRP found/VBD a/DT bit/NN frustrating/JJ ./.
Cook/NNP by/IN no/DT means/VBZ ignores/VBZ what/WP was/VBD difficult/JJ about/IN the/DT Roosevelt/NNP marriage/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP think/VBP she/PRP minimizes/NNS it/PRP ,/, or/CC rather/RB that/IN her/PRP$ awareness/NN of/IN it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO come/VB and/CC go/VB ./.
On/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, she/PRP writes/VBZ that/DT
in/IN relation/NN to/TO Franklin/NNP ,/, ER/NNP still/RB occupied/VBD a/DT lonely/JJ sphere/NN which/WDT echoed/VBD the/DT isolation/NN of/IN her/PRP$ childhood/NN ./.
Beyond/IN the/DT First/CD Family/NNP 's/POS jolly/RB facade/NN ,/, ER/NNP endured/VBD a/DT lifelong/JJ sense/NN of/IN exclusion/NN that/WDT represented/VBD for/IN her/PRP$ an/DT ongoing/JJ humiliation/NN regarding/VBG FDR/NNP 's/POS domain/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN between/IN such/JJ acknowledgments/NNS that/IN ER/NNP 's/POS independent/JJ life/NN began/VBD as/IN an/DT accommodation/NN to/TO the/DT deep/JJ pain/NN FDR/NNP 's/POS philandering/VBG caused/VBN her/PRP$ ,/, Cook/NNP tends/VBZ to/TO present/VB their/PRP$ domestic/JJ life/NN as/IN a/DT settled/VBN ,/, deeply/RB fond/JJ ,/, mutually/RB beneficial/JJ arrangement/NN ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP sure/JJ that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ realism/NN in/IN this/DT portrait--a/JJ long/JJ marriage/NN is/VBZ never/RB all/DT amity/NN or/CC all/DT its/PRP$ opposite/JJ ./.
But/CC somehow/RB I/PRP thought/VBD that/IN Cook/NNP did/VBD n't/RB manage/VB to/TO keep/VB the/DT mixedness/NNS of/IN it/PRP in/IN focus/NN as/RB well/RB in/IN this/DT volume/NN as/IN she/PRP did/VBD in/IN the/DT last/JJ one/CD ./.
Is/VBZ this/DT because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ so/RB hard/JJ to/TO admit/VB that/IN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS strengths/NNS came/VBD in/IN part/NN from/IN being/VBG married/VBN to/TO an/DT impossible/JJ (/( in/IN the/DT marital/JJ sense/NN )/) man/NN ?/.
Cook/NNP did/VBD a/DT great/JJ job/NN in/IN Volume/NN 1/CD of/IN demonstrating/VBG how/WRB flawed/VBN Franklin/NNP was/VBD as/IN a/DT husband/NN ;/: how/WRB he/PRP relinquished/VBD all/DT control/NN to/TO his/PRP$ mother/NN and/CC absented/JJ himself/PRP from/IN the/DT brutal/JJ conflicts/NNS that/WDT resulted/VBD between/IN ER/NNP and/CC her/PRP$ mother-in-law/NN ./.
Grrrrrr/NNP ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB very/RB satisfying/VBG to/TO say/VB that/IN Eleanor/NNP Roosevelt/NNP became/VBD a/DT great/JJ woman/NN mostly/RB by/IN making/VBG the/DT best/JJS of/IN a/DT bad/JJ business/NN ,/, is/VBZ it/PRP ?/.
I/PRP 'm/VBP entirely/RB fascinated/VBN by/IN the/DT Hickok/NNP material/NN in/IN this/DT volume/NN ./.
You/PRP 're/VBP right/NN that/IN "/" Hick/NNP "/" is/VBZ a/DT sympathetic/JJ character--and/JJ in/IN many/JJ ways/NNS a/DT sad/JJ one/CD ./.
Cook/NNP is/VBZ entirely/RB hip/NN to/TO the/DT irony/NN of/IN their/PRP$ relationship/NN :/: Just/RB as/IN Eleanor/NNP was/VBD coming/VBG to/TO the/DT full/JJ command/NN of/IN her/PRP$ own/JJ powers/NNS ,/, poor/NNP Hick/NNP (/( who/WP quit/VBD the/DT AP/NNP over/IN the/DT conflict/NN of/IN interest/NN posed/VBN by/IN her/PRP$ personal/JJ ties/NNS to/TO ER/NNP )/) was/VBD pining/VBG away/RB over/IN having/VBG given/VBN up/RP the/DT career/NN that/WDT had/VBD lifted/VBN her/PRP out/IN of/IN poverty/NN and/CC brought/VBD her/PRP$ every/DT good/JJ thing/NN in/IN her/PRP$ life/NN up/IN to/TO the/DT time/NN she/PRP met/VBD ER/NNP ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ ugly/JJ to/TO watch/VB ER/NNP 's/POS rather/RB man-like/JJ collusion/NN in/IN this/DT process/NN ;/: with/IN her/PRP$ advantages/NNS of/IN class/NN and/CC marriage/NN ,/, she/PRP could/MD n't/RB begin/VB to/TO imagine/VB what/WP Hick/NNP had/VBD sacrificed/JJ for/IN her/PRP ./.
I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB find/VB it/PRP paradoxical/JJ that/IN Cook/NNP insists/VBZ on/IN the/DT centrality/NN of/IN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS lesbianism/NN ./.
And/CC actually/RB ,/, "/" insists/VBZ "/" is/VBZ not/RB the/DT right/JJ word/NN ./.
What/WP she/PRP does/VBZ is/VBZ assume/VB the/DT centrality/NN of/IN it/PRP ,/, for/IN the/DT most/JJS part/NN ,/, and/CC leave/VB the/DT reader/NN to/TO puzzle/VB out/IN what/WP it/PRP means/VBZ ./.
I/PRP think/VBP Cook/NNP made/VBN quite/RB a/DT canny--and/JJ possibly/RB political--decision/JJ to/TO be/VB so/RB matter-of-fact/JJ about/IN the/DT lesbianism/NN of/IN Eleanor/NNP 's/POS circle/NN ./.
It/PRP leaves/VBZ us/PRP readers/NNS to/TO grapple/VB with/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ reactions/NNS ./.
(/( You/PRP mean/VBP the/DT first/JJ lady/NN was/VBD tooling/NN around/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
on/IN vacation/NN in/IN an/DT open/JJ convertible/NN with/IN her/PRP$ lesbian/NN lover/NN ?/.
And/CC she/PRP got/VBD away/RB with/IN it/PRP ?/.
Is/VBZ n't/RB that/DT kind/NN of/IN ./.
wild/JJ ?/.
Some/DT other/JJ things/NNS I/PRP 'd/MD like/VB to/TO touch/VB on/IN this/DT week/NN :/: Did/VBD the/DT bifurcated/JJ Roosevelt/NNP White/NNP House/NNP do/VBP a/DT disservice/NN in/IN providing/VBG a/DT model/NN for/IN later/JJ administrations/NNS ,/, in/IN which/WDT poor/JJ folks/NNS and/CC children/NNS and/CC the/DT lame/JJ and/CC the/DT halt/NN were/VBD insidiously/RB sentimentalized/JJ as/IN women/NNS 's/POS work/NN ?/.
(/( See/VB Barbara/NNP Bush/NNP ./.
)/) And/CC of/IN course/NN ,/, the/DT Clinton/NNP parallel/NN ./.
but/CC we/PRP 'll/MD need/NN at/IN least/JJS a/DT whole/JJ day/NN just/RB for/IN that/DT ./.
If/IN Eleanor/NNP Roosevelt/NNP was/VBD a/DT force/NN for/IN good/JJ ,/, as/IN I/PRP definitely/RB believe/VBP ,/, then/RB why/WRB does/VBZ Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP drive/NN me/PRP mad/JJ ?/.
Best/JJS ,/,
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: A/DT personal/NN aside/RB :/: Your/PRP$ allusion/NN to/TO Earl/NNP Browder/NNP fell/VBD wide/JJ of/IN the/DT polemical/JJ mark/NN with/IN me/PRP ,/, because/IN I/PRP actually/RB lived/VBD next/JJ door/NN to/TO Earl/NNP Browder/NNP as/IN a/DT child/NN ./.
His/PRP$ son/NN Bill/NNP was/VBD a/DT professor/NN in/IN the/DT Princeton/NNP math/NN department/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ granddaughter/NN Julie/NNP was/VBD my/PRP$ best/JJS friend/NN ./.
So/IN I/PRP knew/VBD Browder/NNP as/IN a/DT somewhat/RB gloomy/JJ but/CC kind/NN old/JJ gent/NN who/WP took/VBD a/DT daily/JJ constitutional/JJ up/RP the/DT block/NN to/TO Nassau/NNP street/NN ,/, where/WRB he/PRP would/MD buy/VB me/PRP and/CC Julie/NNP a/DT package/NN of/IN Hostess/NNP cupcakes--the/JJ orange-flavored/JJ ones/NNS ,/, with/IN icing/VBG squiggles/NNS on/IN top/NN ./.
Issue/NN 1/CD is/VBZ the/DT Democratic/JJ presidential/JJ debates--both/JJ Friday/NNP night/NN 's/POS face-off/JJ on/IN ABC/NNP 's/POS Nightline/NNP and/CC Sunday/NNP morning/NN 's/POS joint/JJ appearance/NN on/IN NBC/NNP 's/POS Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ./.
Issue/NN 2/CD is/VBZ the/DT GOP/NNP race--including/JJ George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP 's/POS remark/NN in/IN a/DT debate/NN last/JJ week/NN that/IN Christ/NNP "/" changed/VBN [/( his/PRP$ ]/) heart/NN "/" and/CC a/DT new/JJ poll/NN friendly/JJ to/TO John/NNP McCain/NNP ./.
Sitting/VBG inches/NNS apart/RB on/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP and/CC Al/NNP Gore/NNP carry/VB on/IN the/DT most/RBS spirited/JJ back-and-forth/JJ of/IN the/DT presidential/JJ campaign/NN ./.
Unlike/IN most/JJS debates/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, this/DT one/CD has/VBZ a/DT hands-on-moderator/JJ in/IN Tim/NNP Russert/NNP ,/, who/WP peppers/NNS the/DT candidates/NNS with/IN his/PRP$ special/JJ brand/NN of/IN heavy-hitting/JJ ,/, pinpoint-accurate/JJ questions/NNS ./.
Russert/NNP is/VBZ especially/RB tough/JJ on/IN the/DT entitlement/NN issue/NN :/: He/PRP shows/VBZ both/DT candidates/NNS a/DT government/NN report/NN ,/, signed/VBN by/IN three/CD Clinton/NNP Cabinet/NNP secretaries/NNS ,/, which/WDT concludes/VBZ that/IN by/IN 2035/CD politicians/NNS will/MD either/CC have/VB to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS or/CC cut/VB Social/NNP Security/NNP and/CC Medicare/NNP benefits/NNS ./.
But/CC neither/DT candidate/NN will/MD commit/VB to/TO doing/VBG either/CC ,/, despite/IN Russert/NNP 's/POS insistence/NN that/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/DT free/JJ lunch/NN ./.
(/( Gore--wearing/NNP a/DT dark/JJ blue/JJ blazer/NN rather/RB than/IN his/PRP$ trademark/NN "/" earth/NN tones/NNS "/" -/: -/: calls/VBZ Russert/NNP 's/POS notion/NN "/" elite/NN opinion/NN "/" and/CC then/RB reasserts/VBZ his/PRP$ commitment/NN to/TO the/DT working/VBG man/NN ./.
Jumping/VBG on/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS boat/NN ,/, Gore/NNP promises/VBZ that/IN he/PRP too/RB will/MD forgo/VB soft/JJ money/NN in/IN the/DT general/JJ election/NN if/IN John/NNP McCain/NNP is/VBZ the/DT Republican/JJ nominee/NN ./.
(/( Read/NNP about/IN Bradley/NNP and/CC McCain/NNP 's/POS campaign-finance/JJ pledge/NN in/IN Slate/NNP 's/POS "/" The/DT Week/NNP &slash;/NN The/DT Spin/NNP "/" and/CC "/" Ballot/NN Box/NNP ./.
"/" )/) Gore/NNP also/RB pledges/VBZ to/TO renounce/VB all/DT TV/NN and/CC radio/NN advertising/NN in/IN the/DT primary/JJ campaign/NN if/IN Bradley/NNP will/MD go/VB along/IN and/CC challenges/NNS the/DT former/JJ senator/NN to/TO two/CD debates/NNS per/IN week/NN as/IN a/DT substitute/NN for/IN the/DT forgone/NN ads/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP dismisses/VBZ both/DT proposals/NNS as/IN "/" ridiculous/JJ ./.
Late/RB in/IN the/DT program/NN Russert/NNP catches/VBZ Gore/NNP flatfooted/JJ ./.
Asked/VBN if/IN he/PRP would/MD "/" admit/VB that/IN in/IN 1996/CD the/DT Clinton-/NNP Gore/NNP fund-raising/JJ apparatus/NN was/VBD overly/RB aggressive/JJ ,/, perhaps/RB unethical/JJ ,/, "/" Gore/NNP says/VBZ :/:
I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB going/VBG to/TO use/VB those/DT words/NNS ./.
I/PRP think/VBP ,/, obviously/RB ,/, if/IN we/PRP had/VBD to/TO do/VB it/PRP over/IN again/RB ,/, the/DT point/NN is/VBZ do/VBP you/PRP learn/VBP from/IN your/PRP$ mistakes/NNS ,/, and/CC I/PRP certainly/RB have/VBP ./.
I/PRP strongly/RB support--/JJ
RUSSERT/NNP :/: What/WP was/VBD the/DT big/JJ mistake/NN that/WDT was/VBD made/VBN ,/, if/IN you/PRP learned/VBD from/IN it/PRP ?/.
GORE/NNP :/: Oh/UH ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, um/NN ,/, pushing/VBG the/DT limits/NNS ,/, um/NN ,/, all/PDT this/DT was/VBD reviewed/VBN and/CC ,/, um/NN ,/, charges/NNS were/VBD brought/VBN ./.
But/CC I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP was/VBD a/DT mistake/NN nonetheless/RB ./.
On/IN CNN/NNP 's/POS Late/RB Edition/NNP (/( the/DT only/JJ pundit/NN show/NN taped/VBN after/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP )/) ,/, Susan/NNP Page/NNP opines/NNS that/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS campaign-finance/JJ ploy/NN worked/VBD and/CC Tucker/NNP Carlson/NNP says/VBZ that/IN Bradley/NNP looked/VBD haughty/JJ ,/, but/CC Steve/NNP Roberts/NNP thinks/VBZ that/IN Gore/NNP came/VBD across/IN as/IN he/PRP always/RB does--like/JJ a/DT nervous/JJ Nellie/NNP ./.
On/IN ABC/NNP 's/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP ,/, Bill/NNP Kristol/NNP notes/NNS that/IN in/IN Friday/NNP 's/POS Nightline/NNP debate/NN ,/, neither/DT Democratic/JJ candidate/NN mentioned/VBD the/DT name/NN of/IN their/PRP$ party/NN 's/POS popular/JJ incumbent/JJ president/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
Many/JJ pundits/NNS agree/VBP that/IN there/EX are/VBP still/RB few/JJ substantive/JJ differences/NNS between/IN Bradley/NNP and/CC Gore/NNP ./.
Mike/NNP McCurry/NNP (/( This/DT Week/NNP )/) calls/VBZ the/DT two/CD candidates/NNS Diet/NNP Coke/NNP and/CC Diet/NNP Pepsi/NNP ,/, while/IN Margaret/NNP Carlson/NNP (/( CNN/NNP 's/POS Capital/NNP Gang/NN )/) says/VBZ deciding/VBG which/WDT candidate/NN to/TO vote/VB for/IN is/VBZ like/IN "/" trying/VBG to/TO choose/VB between/IN 1/CD percent/NN or/CC 2/CD percent/NN milk/NN ./.
"/" (/( To/TO read/VB "/" Ballot/NN Box/NNP "/" on/IN both/DT Democratic/JJ debates/NNS ,/, click/NN here/RB ;/: to/TO read/VB Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS dissent/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
The/DT pundits/NNS ruminate/NN on/IN the/DT appropriateness/NN of/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
's/POS remark/NN in/IN his/PRP$ third/JJ presidential/JJ debate/NN that/IN his/PRP$ favorite/JJ political/JJ philosopher/NN is/VBZ "/" Christ/NNP ,/, because/IN he/PRP changed/VBD my/PRP$ heart/NN ./.
"/" Gloria/NNP Borger/NNP (/( PBS/NNP 's/POS Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP )/) ,/, Margaret/NNP Carlson/NNP ,/, and/CC Al/NNP Hunt/NNP (/( Capital/NNP Gang/NN )/) think/VBP it/PRP unseemly/JJ to/TO wear/VB one/CD 's/POS religion/NN on/IN one/CD 's/POS sleeve/NN ,/, and/CC Bill/NNP Kristol/NNP sees/VBZ baby-boomer/JJ selfishness/NNS in/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS transformation/NN of/IN a/DT political/JJ question/NN into/IN a/DT personal/JJ one/CD ./.
But/CC George/NNP F/NNP ./.
Will/MD (/( This/DT Week/NNP )/) and/CC William/NNP F/NNP ./.
Buckley/NNP (/( Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP )/) see/VB little/RB wrong/NN with/IN a/DT simple/JJ declaration/NN of/IN faith/NN ./.
On/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ,/, Wolf/NNP Blitzer/NNP trots/NNS out/RP Friday/NNP 's/POS CNN/NNP &slash;/NN Gallup/NNP &slash;/NN USA/NNP Today/NNP poll/NN indicating/VBG that/IN if/IN John/NNP McCain/NNP and/CC Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP win/VB some/DT early/JJ primaries/NNS ,/, Bush/NNP voters/NNS may/MD switch/VB to/TO McCain/NNP ,/, but/CC Gore/NNP voters/NNS likely/RB will/MD not/RB switch/VB to/TO Bradley/NNP ./.
The/DT poll/NN also/RB shows/VBZ that/IN campaign-finance/JJ reform/NN is/VBZ low/JJ on/IN voters/NNS '/POS lists/NNS of/IN election/NN concerns/NNS ;/: asked/VBD about/IN this/DT on/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ,/, McCain/NNP blames/VBZ the/DT wording/NN of/IN the/DT questions/NNS ./.
Paul/NNP Gigot/NNP and/CC Mark/NNP Shields/NNP (/( both/DT of/IN PBS/NNP 's/POS NewsHour/NNP With/IN Jim/NNP Lehrer/NNP )/) say/VBP that/IN the/DT poll/NN does/VBZ n't/RB matter/VB :/: The/DT campaign-finance/JJ issue/NN is/VBZ merely/RB a/DT prop/VB for/IN McCain/NNP 's/POS better/JJR selling/VBG points--his/JJ biography/NN and/CC his/PRP$ character/NN ./.
Et/NNP Cetera/NNP :/: In/IN an/DT interview/NN on/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ,/, Ken/NNP Starr/NNP says/VBZ that/IN if/IN he/PRP could/MD do/VB it/PRP over/IN again/RB ,/, he/PRP would/MD have/VB used/VBN the/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN 's/POS office/NN as/IN a/DT bully/NN pulpit/NN ,/, appearing/VBG on/IN television/NN to/TO counter/VB the/DT White/NNP House/NNP 's/POS spin/NN doctors/NNS ./.
Being/VBG ,/, Nothingness/NNP ,/, and/CC Peanuts/NNP
[/NN Peanuts/NNP ]/) is/VBZ also/RB a/DT commentary/NN on/IN the/DT culture/NN ./.
The/DT recurring/VBG theme/NN is/VBZ too/RB much/JJ and/CC too/RB little/JJ self-esteem/NN ./.
Lucy/NNP has/VBZ too/RB much/JJ ,/, and/CC Charlie/NNP Brown/NNP has/VBZ too/RB little/JJ ./.
There/EX is/VBZ a/DT kind/NN of/IN mild/JJ metaphysic/JJ involved/VBN ./.
In/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT strips/NNS ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT characters/NNS is/VBZ jumping/VBG rope/NN and/CC says/VBZ ,/, "/" Suddenly/RB it/PRP struck/VBD me/PRP that/IN it/PRP all/DT seemed/VBD futile/JJ ./.
"/" Well/RB ,/, what/WP does/VBZ n't/RB ?/.
-/: -/: George/NNP F/NNP ./.
Will/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT legacy/NN of/IN Charles/NNP Schulz/NNP 's/POS cartoon/NN strip/NN (/( This/DT Week/NNP )/)
Last/JJ Word/NNP
It/PRP immediately/RB communicated/VBD a/DT certain/JJ reverence/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO be/VB welcomed/VBN ./.
But/CC Christ/NNP was/VBD not/RB a/DT political/JJ philosopher/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD the/DT source/NN of/IN philosophy/NN ,/, the/DT source/NN of/IN goodness/NN ,/, the/DT source/NN of/IN contemplation/NN ./.
So/RB there/EX is/VBZ a/DT formal/JJ objection/NN to/TO his/PRP$ being/VBG named/VBN as/IN such/JJ ./.
-/: -/: William/NNP F/NNP ./.
Buckley/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
,/, on/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP 's/POS remark/NN that/IN Christ/NNP had/VBD "/" changed/JJ [/( his/PRP$ ]/) heart/NN "/" (/( Fox/NNP News/NNP Sunday/NNP )/)
Now/RB ,/, if/IN Jesus/NNP is/VBZ a/DT political/JJ thinker/NN ,/, I/PRP assume/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ for/IN the/DT Comprehensive/NNP Test-/NNP Ban/NNP Treaty/NNP ,/, blessed/VBN are/VBP the/DT peacemakers/NNS ./.
And/CC I/PRP assume/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ pro-/JJ Earned/NNP Income/NNP Tax/NNP Credit/NNP ,/, blessed/VBN are/VBP the/DT poor/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Al/NNP Hunt/NNP ,/, on/IN the/DT same/JJ topic/NN (/( Capital/NNP Gang/NN )/)
"/" Accept/NNP my/PRP$ confessions/NNS ,/, O/NNP Lord/NNP ./.
They/PRP are/VBP a/DT sacrifice/NN offered/VBN by/IN my/PRP$ tongue/NN ,/, for/IN Yours/NNP was/VBD the/DT hand/NN that/WDT formed/VBD it/PRP and/CC Yours/NNP was/VBD the/DT spirit/NN that/WDT stirred/VBD it/PRP to/TO confess/NNS to/TO Your/PRP$ Name/NN ./.
Heal/NNP all/DT my/PRP$ bones/NNS ;/: let/VB them/PRP say/VBP ,/, '/" Lord/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ like/IN you/PRP ?/.
'/" "/"
-/: -/: St/NNP ./.
Augustine/NNP 's/POS Confessions/NNP ,/, Book/NNP 5/CD ,/, Chapter/NN 1/CD
Dear/RB Esquire/NNP readers/NNS ,/,
No/DT doubt/NN you/PRP 're/VBP still/RB reeling/VBG from/IN my/PRP$ searing/JJ confessional/NN in/IN the/DT April/NNP issue/NN of/IN Esquire/NNP ,/, in/IN which/WDT I/PRP ,/, David/NNP Brock/NNP ,/, apologized/VBD for/IN having/VBG lighted/VBN the/DT mighty/JJ blaze/VBP now/RB consuming/NN the/DT Clinton/NNP presidency/NN ./.
It/PRP told/VBD the/DT riveting/JJ story/NN of/IN how/WRB I--/NNP "/" perhaps/RB the/DT only/RB self-proclaimed/JJ conservative/JJ journalist/NN devoted/VBN to/TO digging/NN up/RP stories/NNS rather/RB than/IN writing/VBG editorials/NNS ,/, "/" author/NN of/IN a/DT best-selling/JJS attack/NN on/IN Anita/NNP Hill/NNP ,/, and/CC "/" the/DT star/NN reporter/NN at/IN the/DT [/( American/JJ ]/) Spectator/NNP "/" -/: -/: came/VBD to/TO break/VB the/DT Troopergate/NNP story/NN ,/, and/CC how/WRB Troopergate/NNP begat/NN Paula/NNP Jones/NNP ,/, and/CC how/WRB Paula/NNP Jones/NNP begat/NN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ./.
Actually/RB ,/, this/DT is/VBZ the/DT second/JJ time/NN I/PRP 've/VBP apologized/VBD for/IN having/VBG broken/VBN the/DT Troopergate/NNP story/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ time/NN was/VBD last/JJ July/NNP ,/, in/IN my/PRP$ soul-and-nipple-baring/JJ Esquire/NNP piece/NN "/" Confessions/NNP of/IN a/DT Right-/NNP Wing/NNP Hit/VBP Man/NN ./.
"/" But/CC I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB question/VB the/DT veracity/NN of/IN my/PRP$ reporting/VBG until/IN my/PRP$ most/RBS recent/JJ confession/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT I/PRP write/VBP on/IN my/PRP$ "/" pangs/NNS of/IN doubt/NN :/: Is/VBZ it/PRP possible/JJ [/( the/DT troopers/NNS ]/) took/VBD me/PRP for/IN a/DT ride/NN ,/, embellishing/VBG their/PRP$ account/NN for/IN fame/NN and/CC fortune/NN ?/.
Now/RB I/PRP realize/VBP my/PRP$ newest/JJS confession/NN (/( on/IN newsstands/NNS now/RB !/.
)/) is/VBZ n't/RB sufficient/JJ ./.
I/PRP must/MD apologize/VB for/IN my/PRP$ apology/NN ./.
The/DT White/NNP House/NNP issued/VBD a/DT statement/NN this/DT week/NN saying/VBG the/DT president/NN "/" appreciates/VBZ and/CC accepts/VBZ Mr/NNP ./.
Brock/NNP 's/POS apology/NN ./.
"/" Will/MD this/DT embolden/NN him/PRP to/TO embark/VB on/IN sexual/JJ adventures/NNS ?/.
I/PRP must/MD also/RB apologize/VB for/IN all/DT that/IN nasty/JJ stuff/NN I/PRP wrote/VBD in/IN my/PRP$ most/RBS recent/JJ Esquire/NNP piece/NN about/IN R/NN ./.
Emmett/NNP Tyrrell/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
,/, editor/NN of/IN the/DT American/NNP Spectator/NNP ,/, and/CC Michael/NNP Isikoff/NNP ,/, who/WP ,/, as/IN a/DT reporter/NN at/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP and/CC then/RB Newsweek/NNP ,/, pursued/VBD the/DT Clinton/NNP sex/NN scandals/NNS so/RB aggressively/RB ./.
I/PRP portrayed/VBD Tyrrell/NNP as/IN a/DT venal/JJ checkbook/NN journalist/NN who/WP was/VBD ready/JJ to/TO pay/VB the/DT Arkansas/NNP troopers/NNS for/IN their/PRP$ story/NN ./.
"/" How/WRB much/JJ do/VBP they/PRP want/VBP ?/.
"/" I/PRP quoted/VBD him/PRP as/IN saying/VBG ./.
This/DT was/VBD the/DT same/JJ man/NN whom/WP I/PRP had/VBD described/VBN in/IN my/PRP$ July/NNP Esquire/NNP piece/NN as/IN "/" one/CD bright/JJ spot/NN in/IN an/DT otherwise/RB bleak/JJ conservative/JJ landscape/NN ./.
"/" That/DT was/VBD while/IN I/PRP was/VBD still/RB on/IN his/PRP$ payroll/NN ./.
Now/RB that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP off/RP it/PRP ,/, I/PRP rat/NN him/PRP out/RP ./.
Sorry/JJ ./.
And/CC then/RB there/EX 's/VBZ Isikoff/NNP ./.
Over/IN drinks/NNS at/IN the/DT Four/CD Seasons/NNPS Hotel/NNP several/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO help/VB me/PRP by/IN passing/VBG along/RB some/DT sex/NN allegations/NNS that/IN the/DT Post/NNP would/MD n't/RB print/VB ./.
He/PRP had/VBD every/DT reason/NN to/TO believe/VB that/IN our/PRP$ conversation/NN was/VBD off/JJ the/DT record/NN ./.
Now/RB I/PRP 've/VBP ratted/JJ him/PRP out/IN ,/, too/RB ./.
And/CC I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB even/RB pick/VB up/RP the/DT check/NN !/.
Sorry/JJ about/IN that/DT ./.
To/TO Adam/NNP Bellow/NNP ,/, once/RB my/PRP$ editor/NN at/IN The/DT Free/NNP Press/NNP but/CC now/RB gone/VBN :/: I/PRP am/VBP soooo/NN sorry/JJ I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB deliver/VB the/DT sort/NN of/IN nasty/JJ goods/NNS on/IN the/DT first/JJ lady/NN that/IN I/PRP served/VBD up/RB in/IN The/DT Real/NNP Anita/NNP Hill/NNP ,/, and/CC that/IN The/DT Seduction/NNP of/IN Hillary/NNP Rodham/NNP flopped/VBD ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP that/IN the/DT poor/JJ sales/NNS of/IN The/DT Seduction/NNP played/VBD no/DT role/NN in/IN your/PRP$ departure/NN from/IN The/DT Free/NNP Press/NNP ./.
And/CC to/TO the/DT first/JJ lady/NN ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP sorry/JJ I/PRP wrote/VBD that/IN at/IN Yale/NNP Law/NNP School/NNP you/PRP wore/VBD the/DT "/" loose-fitting/JJ ,/, flowing/VBG pants/NNS favored/VBN by/IN the/DT Viet/NNP Cong/NNP "/" and/CC hung/VBD out/IN with/IN com-symps/JJ ./.
And/CC I/PRP 'm/VBP also/RB sorry/JJ I/PRP wrote/VBD in/IN the/DT American/NNP Spectator/NNP that/IN Vince/NNP Foster/NNP fondled/JJ you/PRP in/IN public/NN ./.
Whoops/NNP ,/, I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB write/VB that/DT ./.
Daniel/NNP Wattenberg/NNP did/VBD ./.
Please/VB forgive/VB him/PRP ./.
I/PRP apologize/VB for/IN having/VBG been/VBN ,/, until/IN recently/RB ,/, a/DT staff/NN writer/NN for/IN the/DT American/NNP Spectator/NNP ./.
I/PRP was/VBD the/DT first/JJ conservative/NN in/IN human/JJ history/NN to/TO perform/VB investigative/JJ journalism/NN ,/, yet/RB I/PRP did/VBD not/RB share/VB the/DT wealth/NN with/IN other/JJ conservative/JJ publications/NNS like/IN the/DT National/NNP Review/NNP and/CC the/DT Weekly/NNP Standard/NNP ./.
From/IN Bill/NNP Buckley/NNP and/CC Bill/NNP Kristol/NNP ,/, I/PRP beg/VB forgiveness/NN ./.
Before/IN I/PRP came/VBD to/TO the/DT Spectator/NNP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD an/DT editor/NN and/CC writer/NN at/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Times/NNP ,/, the/DT conservative/JJ paper/NN controlled/VBN by/IN the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Sun/NNP Myung/NNP Moon/NNP ,/, who/WP has/VBZ cruelly/RB deceived/VBN people/NNS into/IN thinking/VBG he/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT messiah/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP vexed/VBN by/IN this/DT connection/NN now/RB that/IN I/PRP know/VBP the/DT real/JJ messiah/NN is/VBZ ./.
well/RB ,/, never/RB mind/NN ./.
All/DT will/MD be/VB revealed/VBN in/IN time/NN ./.
Before/IN I/PRP came/VBD to/TO Washington/NNP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD editor/NN of/IN the/DT Daily/NNP Californian/NN ,/, the/DT student/NN newspaper/NN at/IN Berkeley/NNP ,/, where/WRB I/PRP was/VBD reviled/JJ for/IN endorsing/VBG the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
invasion/NN of/IN Grenada/NNP ./.
But/CC what/WP about/IN the/DT other/JJ editors/NNS of/IN the/DT Daily/NNP Cal/NNP who/WP could/MD n't/RB say/VB they/PRP 'd/MD been/VBN martyred/JJ at/IN a/DT campus/NN once/RB renowned/VBN for/IN its/PRP$ leftism/NN ?/.
They/PRP were/VBD denied/VBN my/PRP$ entree/FW into/IN the/DT world/NN of/IN conservative/JJ journalism/NN ./.
And/CC what/WP of/IN the/DT kid/NN who/WP did/VBD n't/RB get/VB into/IN Berkeley/NNP because/IN I/PRP got/VBD his/PRP$ place/NN ?/.
Did/VBD he/PRP have/VBP to/TO settle/VB for/IN UCLA/NNP ,/, Santa/NNP Cruz/NNP or/CC ,/, God/NNP forbid/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT Cal/NNP State/NNP campuses/NNS ?/.
Iam/NNP gay/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB fair/JJ to/TO womankind/NN ./.
My/PRP$ unborn/JJ children/NNS will/MD never/RB appear/VB on/IN the/DT Today/NN show/NN ./.
After/IN much/JJ painful/JJ introspection/NN ,/, I/PRP realize/VBP that/IN all/DT of/IN creation/NN would/MD have/VB been/VBN better/JJR off/RP if/IN I/PRP had/VBD never/RB been/VBN born/VBN ./.
The/DT classic/JJ Frank/NNP Capra/NNP film/NN ,/, It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT Wonderful/JJ Life/NNP ,/, tells/VBZ us/PRP that/IN the/DT lives/NNS of/IN ordinary/JJ people/NNS benefit/VBP those/DT of/IN countless/JJ others/NNS in/IN ways/NNS of/IN which/WDT they/PRP are/VBP hardly/RB aware/JJ ./.
But/CC what/WP of/IN the/DT lives/NNS of/IN Nietzschean/NNP supermen/NN like/IN me/PRP ?/.
I/PRP am/VBP well/RB aware/JJ of/IN my/PRP$ deplorable/JJ lack/NN of/IN humility/NN ,/, generally/RB considered/VBD a/DT crucial/JJ component/NN of/IN any/DT sincere/JJ apologia/NN ./.
I/PRP apologize/VB for/IN my/PRP$ sin/NN of/IN pride/NN ./.
I/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO apologize/VB to/TO the/DT sperm/NN that/WDT were/VBD unfairly/RB defeated/VBN in/IN the/DT race/NN to/TO penetrate/VB my/PRP$ mother/NN 's/POS ovum/NN ./.
Sorry/JJ ,/, fellas/NNS ./.
Regretfully/NNP ,/,
David/NNP Brock/NNP
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: Oh/UH ,/, Anita/NNP ,/, sorry/JJ about/IN that/DT book/NN ./.
Let/VB 's/PRP have/VBP lunch/NN ./.
Eight/CD feet/NNS ,/, pondered/JJ Justice/NNP Stephen/NNP Breyer/NNP ./.
What/WP about/IN 3/CD feet/NNS ?/.
asked/VBD Chief/NNP Justice/NNP William/NNP Rehnquist/NNP ./.
Two/CD inches/NNS ,/, or/CC even/RB an/DT eighth/NN of/IN an/DT inch/NN ,/, considered/VBD Justice/NNP Antonin/NNP Scalia/NNP ./.
At/IN Wednesday/NNP 's/POS Supreme/NNP Court/NNP session/NN ,/, the/DT justices/NNS were/VBD quite/RB concerned/VBN with/IN the/DT size/NN of/IN something/NN ./.
What/WP ?/.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP Sunday/NNP to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Wednesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
370/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Hot/NNP Spot/NNP "/" :/:
Using/VBG a/DT helicopter/NN equipped/VBN with/IN a/DT heat-seeking/JJ device/NN ,/, Suffolk/NNP County/NNP cops/NNS located/VBN two/CD cinderblock/NN warehouses/NNS in/IN Holbrook/NNP ,/, Long/NNP Island/NNP ,/, and/CC arrested/VBD two/CD men/NNS for/IN theft/NN of/IN electricity/NN ./.
What/WP was/VBD going/VBG on/IN in/IN the/DT warehouses/NNS ?/.
"/" Industrial/NNP Light/NNP &/CC Magic/NNP wizards/NNS trying/VBG to/TO make/VB Kevin/NNP Costner/NNP hot/JJ again/RB ./.
"/" -/: Jon/NNP Hotchkiss/NNP
"/" Ricky/NNP Martin/NNP was/VBD filming/VBG his/PRP$ triumphant/NN return/NN to/TO the/DT gay/JJ porn/NN industry/NN ./.
Boy/NNP ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ how/WRB rumors/NNS get/VBP started/VBD ,/, is/VBZ n't/RB it/PRP ?/.
"/" -/: Michael/NNP J/NNP ./.
"/" Oh/UH ,/, some/DT sort/NN of/IN shelter/NN for/IN the/DT poor/JJ ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB worry/VB ,/, though/IN ;/: they/PRP put/VBP a/DT stop/NN to/TO it/PRP ./.
"/" -/: Tim/NNP Carvell/NNP
"/" Since/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT men/NNS had/VBD bolts/NNS sticking/VBG out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ neck/NN ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG to/TO assume/VB that/DT someone/NN was/VBD playing/VBG God/NNP ./.
"/" -/: Matthew/NNP Singer/NNP (/( Steven/NNP Davis/NNP had/VBD a/DT similar/JJ answer/NN ./.
"/" Florida/NNP outsourced/JJ its/PRP$ executions/NNS to/TO the/DT lowest/JJS bidder/NN ,/, not/RB knowing/VBG how/WRB the/DT contractor/NN planned/VBN to/TO keep/VB the/DT price/NN so/RB low/JJ ./.
"/" -/: Maia/NNP Cowan/NNP (/( similarly/RB ,/, Katha/NNP Pollitt/NNP and/CC Mark/NNP Wegener/NNP )/)
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
It/PRP is/VBZ difficult/JJ to/TO give/VB a/DT precise/JJ definition/NN of/IN electricity/NN (/( particularly/RB if/IN you/PRP spent/VBD much/RB of/IN seventh-grade/JJ science/NN class/NN mooning/VBG over/IN your/PRP$ lab/NN partner/NN ,/, Sally/NNP Gilbert/NNP )/) ,/, but/CC it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT movement/NN of/IN electrons/NNS from/IN one/CD part/NN of/IN Long/NNP Island/NNP to/TO another/DT ./.
Electricity/NNP enters/VBZ our/PRP$ homes/NNS and/CC offices/NNS and/CC cinderblock/NN warehouses/NNS on/IN copper/NN wires/NNS ,/, much/JJ as/IN does/VBZ HBO/NNP ,/, but/CC electricity/NN generally/RB keeps/VBZ its/PRP$ blouse/NN on/IN even/RB after/IN 11/CD o'clock/RB at/IN night/NN (/( as/IN did/VBD Sally/NNP Gilbert/NNP ,/, at/IN least/JJS to/TO my/PRP$ adolescent/JJ knowledge/NN )/) ./.
Apparently/RB electricity/NN has/VBZ something/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN lightning/NN ,/, as/IN Benjamin/NNP Franklin/NNP demonstrated/VBD in/IN 1752/CD in/IN a/DT famous/JJ experiment/NN that/IN no/DT doubt/NN proved/VBD something/NN or/CC other/JJ ./.
This/DT did/VBD n't/RB make/VB him/PRP any/DT less/RBR popular/JJ in/IN Paris/NNP where/WRB he/PRP was/VBD catnip/NN to/TO the/DT ladies/NNS ./.
In/IN 1768/CD ,/, Luigi/NNP Galvani/NNP ran/VBD electric/JJ current/NN through/IN the/DT legs/NNS of/IN a/DT freshly/RB killed/VBN frog/NN making/VBG them/PRP twitch/VB and/CC no/DT doubt/NN contributing/VBG to/TO the/DT bad/JJ feelings/NNS most/JJS frogs/NNS have/VBP about/IN their/PRP$ place/NN in/IN the/DT sciences/NNS ./.
Not/RB that/IN they/PRP were/VBD so/RB happy/JJ about/IN their/PRP$ place/NN in/IN Paris/NNP ./.
And/CC so/RB perhaps/RB the/DT two/CD things/NNS we/PRP can/MD say/VB with/IN confidence/NN about/IN electricity/NN are/VBP that/IN 1/LS )/) it/PRP 's/VBZ tough/JJ to/TO be/VB a/DT frog/NN 2/LS )/) unless/IN you/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN kissed/JJ by/IN Sally/NNP Gilbert/NNP ./.
Highly/NNP Potent/NNP Answer/NNP
Somebody/NN was/VBD growing/VBG hydroponic/JJ pot/NN ./.
Police/NNP charged/VBD Francisco/NNP Dandraia/NNP and/CC Frank/NNP Salinas/NNP with/IN criminal/JJ possession/NN of/IN marijuana/NN and/CC stealing/VBG electricity/NN ./.
The/DT pair/NN is/VBZ accused/VBN of/IN tapping/VBG into/IN Long/NNP Island/NNP Power/NNP Authority/NNP electric/JJ lines/NNS for/IN the/DT current/NN to/TO run/VB 1/CD ,/, 000/CD -/: watt/NN high-intensity/JJ halide/NN lamps/NNS and/CC carbon/NN dioxide/NN generators/NNS to/TO stimulate/VB the/DT growth/NN of/IN pot/NN plants/NNS in/IN high-tech/JJ hydroponic/JJ tanks/NNS ./.
This/DT system/NN produces/VBZ mature/VBP plants/NNS in/IN four/CD to/TO six/CD weeks/NNS instead/RB of/IN the/DT several/JJ months/NNS required/VBN under/IN ordinary/JJ growing/VBG conditions/NNS ./.
The/DT excellent/JJ "/" connoisseur/NN 's/POS cannabis/NNS "/" sold/VBN for/IN $/$ 5/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT pound/NN ./.
The/DT men/NNS spliced/JJ into/IN the/DT LIPA/NNP power/NN lines/NNS not/RB to/TO avoid/VB paying/VBG for/IN electricity/NN but/CC to/TO avoid/VB the/DT huge/JJ electric/JJ bills/NNS ,/, about/IN $/$ 50/CD ,/, 000/CD over/IN 13/CD months/NNS ,/, that/WDT would/MD have/VB called/VBN attention/NN to/TO their/PRP$ operation/NN ./.
But/CC heat/NN dispersal/NN was/VBD their/PRP$ undoing/NN ./.
Cold/NNP Comfort/NNP Extra/NNP
Participants/NNS were/VBD invited/VBN to/TO devise/VB a/DT photo/NN caption/NN cliché/NN of/IN the/DT "/" Winter/NNP Turns/VBZ Cold/NNP ;/: People/NNP Don/NNP Hats/NNP ,/, Gloves/NNP "/" variety/NN for/IN any/DT news/NN outlet/NN ./.
Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP -/: style/NN :/: "/" After/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS freak/NN snowstorm/NN ,/, two/CD Angelenos/NNP in/IN parkas/NNS walk/VBP past/JJ the/DT Staples/NNP Center/NNP (/( TM/NNP )/) ,/, the/DT city/NN 's/POS dynamic/JJ new/JJ sports/NNS ,/, entertainment/NN and/CC convention/NN palace/NN ,/, which/WDT can/MD be/VB arranged/VBN in/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN configurations/NNS for/IN concerts/NNS (/( continued/VBD on/IN Page/NNP B/NNP 2/LS )/) ./.
"/" -/: Chris/NNP Hammett/NNP
"/" It/PRP fits/VBZ !/.
Homeless/JJ man/NN beams/VBZ as/IN he/PRP tries/VBZ on/IN mitten/NN found/VBD in/IN trash/NN can/MD ./.
"/" -/: Katha/NNP Pollitt/NNP
"/" Juice/NN in/IN the/DT Frozen/NNP Apple/NNP :/: O/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Simpson/NNP (/( above/IN )/) ,/, caught/VBN leaving/VBG Le/NNP Bernardin/NNP ,/, looks/VBZ bundled/VBN against/IN the/DT frigid/NN NYC/NNP weather--but/JJ denies/VBZ it/PRP ./.
'/POS I/PRP 'm/VBP not/RB cold/JJ ,/, '/" the/DT former/JJ NFL/NNP star/NN said/VBD ./.
'/POS Some/DT other/JJ guy/NN is/VBZ ./.
'/POS "/" (/( New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP News/NNP )/) -/: Ellis/NNP Weiner/NNP
"/" Mark/NNP Greenberg/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN six/CD News/NNP Quiz/NNP readers/NNS not/RB to/TO live/VB in/IN New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP ,/, considers/VBZ his/PRP$ latest/JJS response/NN while/IN enjoying/VBG a/DT fish/NN taco/NN at/IN the/DT Ocean/NNP Beach/NNP Pier/NNP Cafe/NNP ./.
Yesterday/NN 's/POS high/RB was/VBD 71/CD with/IN warm/JJ weather/NN expected/VBN to/TO continue/VB through/IN the/DT weekend/NN (/( story/NN B/NNP 3/LS )/) ./.
"/" (/( San/NNP Diego/NNP Union-/NNP Tribune/NNP )/) -/: Mark/NNP Greenberg/NNP
"/" President/NNP Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP bundles/NNS up/RB against/IN the/DT frigid/NN chill/NN as/IN first/JJ lady/NN announces/VBZ she/PRP will/MD stay/VB with/IN him/PRP '/POS for/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN his/PRP$ pathetic/JJ ,/, godforsaken/NN days/NNS ./.
'/POS "/" -/: John/NNP Yanosko/NNP
"/" Frosty/NNP the/DT Frozen/NNP Pool/NNP of/IN Ice/NNP wishes/VBZ winter/NN would/MD just/RB let/VB him/PRP die/VB instead/RB of/IN stringing/VBG him/PRP along/IN with/IN this/DT damn/RB melting/VBG and/CC refreezing/VBG over/RB and/CC over/IN again/RB ./.
"/" -/: Francis/NNP Heaney/NNP
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Galvanizing/NNP dull/JJ candidates/NNS ./.
Dear/RB Ted/NNP :/:
Thinking/NNP about/IN all/PDT the/DT cult-of-celebrity/JJ stories/NNS people/NNS are/VBP writing/VBG now/RB and/CC how/WRB frightened/JJ folks/NNS are/VBP at/IN the/DT prospect/NN of/IN wrestlers/NNS ,/, developers/NNS ,/, and/CC movie/NN stars/NNS entering/VBG politics/NNS ./.
I/PRP remember/VBP all/PDT the/DT George/NNP Murphy/NNP and/CC early/JJ Reagan/NNP jokes/NNS (/( Jack/NNP Warner/NNP :/: "/" No/DT ,/, not/RB Reagan/NNP for/IN president/NN ./.
Jimmy/NNP Stewart/NNP for/IN president/NN and/CC Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP as/IN his/PRP$ best/JJS friend/NN "/" )/) ./.
When/WRB you/PRP think/VBP about/IN it/PRP ,/, none/NN of/IN the/DT three/CD current/JJ "/" serious/JJ "/" boys/NNS arrived/VBD at/IN fame/NN through/IN public-policy/NN acumen/NN ./.
Gore/NNP and/CC Bush/NNP had/VBD famous/JJ (/( eponymous/JJ )/) daddies/NNS ./.
And/CC Bradley/NNP was/VBD a/DT hoop/NN wizard/NN ./.
Once/RB in/IN the/DT public/JJ eye/NN ,/, these/DT fellows/NNS parlayed/JJ their/PRP$ chips/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN all/DT of/IN American/JJ society/NN ,/, really/RB ./.
Privilege/NNP has/VBZ its/PRP$ advantages/NNS ,/, as/IN they/PRP say/VBP ./.
Famous/NNP sons/NNS of/IN famous/JJ men/NNS are/VBP remarkable/JJ when/WRB they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB take/VB their/PRP$ place/NN at/IN the/DT top/NN of/IN things/NNS ./.
was/VBD remarkable/JJ for/IN not/RB being/VBG remarkable/JJ ./.
Folks/NNS could/MD n't/RB get/VB over/IN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD n't/RB in/IN office/NN or/CC ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, in/IN the/DT movies/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ death/NN reminded/VBD people/NNS that/IN the/DT later/JJ chapters/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN were/VBD not/RB going/VBG to/TO play/VB out/IN as/IN they/PRP had/VBD dreamed/VBN them/PRP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB we/PRP ever/RB completely/RB got/VBD over/IN the/DT allure/NN of/IN royalty/NN ./.
Our/PRP$ favorite/JJ soap/NN operas/NNS seem/VBP to/TO be/VB about/IN dynasties/NNS ;/: generations/NNS handing/VBG down/RB traditions/NNS of/IN abuse/NN and/CC debauchery/NN of/IN various/JJ kinds/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP Georgie/NNP excites/NNS us/PRP with/IN the/DT notion/NN of/IN the/DT whole/JJ teeming/VBG Bush/NNP clan/NN moving/VBG back/RB into/IN the/DT limelight/NN ./.
It/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB the/DT stale/JJ Bush/NNP administration/NN we/PRP knew/VBD ./.
We/PRP now/RB have/VBP a/DT panoply/RB of/IN archetypes/NNS we/PRP know/VBP and/CC are/VBP ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, already/RB responding/VBG to/TO ./.
The/DT young/JJ slacker/NN Bush/NNP ,/, called/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ country/NN ,/, avenging/VBG his/PRP$ father/NN against/IN the/DT sinful/JJ pretender/NN ./.
The/DT ardent/JJ ,/, pious/JJ wife/NN ,/, taming/VBG the/DT young/JJ prince/NN ,/, guiding/VBG him/PRP to/TO his/PRP$ glorious/JJ destiny/NN ./.
The/DT chuckle-headed/JJ old/JJ king/NN ,/, jumping/VBG from/IN planes/NNS ,/, bouncing/VBG grandchildren/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ knee/NN ./.
The/DT powerful/JJ and/CC benevolent/JJ queen/NN mum/JJ ./.
The/DT equally/RB ambitious/JJ younger/JJR brother/NN who/WP will/MD not/RB take/VB a/DT cabinet/NN post/NN (/( will/MD there/EX be/VB family/NN rivalry/NN ?/.
)/) ./.
And/CC finally/RB ,/, the/DT two/CD beautiful/JJ twin/JJ daughters/NNS ./.
Who/WP will/MD date/VB and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC bed/NN them/PRP and/CC move/NN in/IN to/TO the/DT circle/NN ?/.
Ah/UH ,/, we/PRP breathlessly/RB await/VBP the/DT next/JJ exciting/JJ episode/NN ./.
How/WRB could/MD Warren/NNP Beatty/NNP ,/, let/VB alone/RB any/DT of/IN the/DT others/NNS compete/VBP ,/, with/IN that/DT ?/.
You/PRP say/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ policy/NN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO discuss/VB ?/.
Campaign-finance/NNP reform/NN ?/.
Welfare/NNP ?/.
What/WP channel/NN are/VBP you/PRP watching/VBG ?/.
Do/VBP n't/RB wake/NN me/PRP ,/, Steve/NNP
Shrum/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT Bum/NNP
What/WP 's/VBZ the/DT deal/NN with/IN the/DT post-election/JJ editions/NNS of/IN "/" Varnish/NNP Remover/NNP "/" ?/.
"/" Varnish/NNP "/" has/VBZ quickly/RB become/VBN one/CD of/IN the/DT least/JJS interesting/JJ columns/NNS in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP always/RB admired/VBN Bob/NNP Shrum/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ multiple/JJ incarnations/NNS as/IN political/JJ handler/NN ,/, pundit/NN ,/, writer/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
I/PRP loved/VBD his/PRP$ deconstruction/NN of/IN the/DT political/JJ ads/NNS ;/: and/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ good--as/JJ far/RB as/IN these/DT things/NNS can/MD go--in/JJ taking/NN apart/RB "/" commercial/JJ "/" commercials/NNS ./.
But/CC maybe/RB you/PRP 're/VBP not/RB putting/VBG the/DT guy/NN 's/POS talents/NNS to/TO the/DT best/JJS use/NN ./.
We/PRP may/MD live/VB in/IN a/DT consumer/NN society/NN ,/, and/CC our/PRP$ politics/NNS may/MD be/VB thoroughly/RB commodified--but/JJ I/PRP just/RB do/VBP n't/RB care/VB about/IN taking/VBG apart/RP these/DT ads/NNS ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP pretty/RB transparent/JJ to/TO start/VB with/IN !/.
I/PRP hope/VBP you/PRP keep/VBP Shrum/NNP on/IN as/IN a/DT contributor/NN to/TO Slate/NNP ./.
But/CC maybe/RB "/" Varnish/NNP Remover/NNP "/" should/MD be/VB removed/VBN altogether--at/JJ least/JJS until/IN the/DT fall/NN of/IN 1998/CD ./.
-/: -/: Joshua/NNP Micah/NNP Marshall/NNP
A/DT Plague/NNP on/IN All/DT Your/PRP$ Houses/NNP
The/DT recent/JJ dialogue/NN in/IN Slate/NNP between/IN Jon/NNP Cohen/NNP and/CC Dr/NNP ./.
Jerome/NNP Groopman/NNP ,/, "/" Is/VBZ the/DT AIDS/NNP Epidemic/NNP Over/IN ?/.
"/" begged/VBN the/DT more/RBR important/JJ question/NN of/IN whether/IN government/NN scientists/NNS are/VBP concealing/VBG the/DT true/JJ nature/NN of/IN the/DT AIDS/NNP epidemic--particularly/JJ as/IN the/DT Gulf/NNP War/NNP Syndrome/NNP debacle/NN unravels/NNS ./.
The/DT conclusion/NN to/TO be/VB drawn/VBN from/IN my/PRP$ nine/CD years/NNS of/IN reporting/VBG on/IN the/DT AIDS/NNP epidemic/NN for/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Native/NNP is/VBZ a/DT somber/JJ one/CD :/: Patients/NNPS ,/, activists/NNS ,/, and/CC uncritical/JJ journalists/NNS have/VBP been/VBN led/VBN down/RP a/DT tragic/JJ primrose/NN path/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT last/JJ few/JJ years/NNS ,/, compelling/JJ research/NN has/VBZ been/VBN published/VBN about/IN a/DT new/JJ ,/, AIDS-related/NNP virus/NN named/VBD Human/NNP Herpes/NNP Virus/NNP 6/CD that/WDT suggests/VBZ this/DT virus/NN may/MD be/VB more/RBR important/JJ in/IN causing/VBG immune/JJ collapse/NN in/IN AIDS/NNP than/IN HIV/NNP is/VBZ ./.
Would/MD n't/RB it/PRP be/VB ironic/JJ if/IN Cohen/NNP were/VBD "/" obsessed/VBN "/" with/IN finding/VBG a/DT vaccine/NN to/TO protect/VB against/IN the/DT wrong/JJ virus/NN ,/, and/CC if/IN Sullivan/NNP is/VBZ turning/VBG himself/PRP into/IN a/DT protease-inhibitor/JJ toxic/JJ waste/NN dump/NN site/NN with/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN well-meaning/JJ clinicians/NNS such/JJ as/IN Groopman/NNP because/IN Cohen/NNP failed/VBD to/TO get/VB the/DT AIDS/NNP story/NN right/NN ?/.
I/PRP suspect/VBP that/IN not/RB only/RB will/MD Human/NNP Herpes/NNP Virus/NNP 6/CD soon/RB emerge/VB as/IN an/DT extremely/RB important/JJ pathogen/NN ,/, but/CC there/EX will/MD be/VB other/JJ surprises/NNS related/VBN to/TO the/DT AIDS/NNP epidemic/NN yet/RB to/TO come/VB for/IN Sullivan/NNP ,/, Cohen/NNP ,/, and/CC Groopman/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Neenyah/NNP Ostrommanaging/NNP editor/NN New/NNP York/NNP Native/NNP
From/IN Shell/NNP Game/NNP to/TO Pie/NNP
I/PRP am/VBP generally/RB a/DT fan/NN of/IN Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP 's/POS ,/, but/CC I/PRP must/MD take/VB issue/NN with/IN his/PRP$ recent/JJ article/NN ,/, "/" Social/NNP Security/NNP :/: From/IN Ponzi/NNP Scheme/NNP to/TO Shell/NNP Game/NNP ./.
"/" Kinsley/NNP fails/VBZ to/TO address/VB the/DT main/JJ point/NN of/IN the/DT privatization/NN argument/NN :/: Social/NNP Security/NNP changes/VBZ people/NNS 's/POS behavior/NN ./.
Most/JJS importantly/RB ,/, it/PRP reduces/VBZ the/DT incentive/NN to/TO save/VB for/IN retirement/NN ./.
If/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP were/VBD changed/VBN to/TO a/DT funded/VBN scheme/NN ,/, where/WRB the/DT payments/NNS would/MD be/VB used/VBN for/IN real/JJ investment/NN instead/RB of/IN being/VBG transferred/VBN for/IN current/JJ consumption/NN ,/, the/DT national/JJ savings/NNS rate/NN would/MD rise/VB ./.
(/( That/DT is/VBZ ,/, Social/NNP Security/NNP taxes/NNS would/MD be/VB real/JJ savings/NNS instead/RB of/IN merely/RB transfers/VBZ ./.
It/PRP would/MD be/VB equivalent/JJ to/TO everyone/NN saving/VBG for/IN themselves/PRP ./.
)/) The/DT higher/JJR savings/NNS rate/NN would/MD raise/VB the/DT growth/NN rate/NN ./.
The/DT resulting/VBG larger/JJR pie/NN could/MD be/VB split/VBN up/RB so/IN that/DT everyone/NN ,/, both/DT during/IN and/CC after/IN the/DT transition/NN ,/, is/VBZ better/JJR off/IN ./.
(/( For/IN a/DT good/JJ exposition/NN of/IN this/DT argument/NN ,/, see/VB Martin/NNP Feldstein/NNP 's/POS address/NN to/TO the/DT American/NNP Economic/NNP Association/NNP in/IN the/DT May/NNP 1996/CD issue/NN of/IN the/DT American/NNP Economic/NNP Review/NNP ./.
Social/NNP Security/NNP is/VBZ an/DT unfunded/JJ "/" pay-as-you-go/JJ "/" system--most/JJ of/IN the/DT payments/NNS into/IN the/DT system/NN are/VBP transferred/VBN to/TO current/JJ retirees/NNS for/IN current/JJ consumption/NN ,/, not/RB "/" saved/VBN "/" as/IN government/NN bonds/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, the/DT argument/NN that/IN we/PRP would/MD simply/RB have/VB to/TO find/VB new/JJ buyers/NNS for/IN government/NN bonds/NNS is/VBZ beside/IN the/DT point/NN in/IN the/DT short/JJ run--and/JJ irrelevant/JJ in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, when/WRB Social/NNP Security/NNP will/MD stop/VB running/VBG surpluses/NNS ./.
You/PRP can/MD attack/VB the/DT privatization/NN argument/NN on/IN two/CD main/JJ fronts/NNS ./.
Maybe/RB the/DT existence/NN of/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB really/RB lower/JJR people/NNS 's/POS retirement/NN savings/NNS ./.
Or/CC ,/, maybe/RB higher/JJR savings/NNS would/MD n't/RB really/RB increase/VB growth/NN ./.
But/CC you/PRP cannot/NN attack/NN the/DT argument/NN for/IN being/VBG a/DT shell/NN game/NN ./.
The/DT point/NN is/VBZ that/IN you/PRP are/VBP not/RB merely/RB slicing/VBG up/RP the/DT same/JJ pie--you/JJ are/VBP increasing/VBG the/DT size/NN of/IN the/DT pie/NN ./.
-/: -/: Ed/NNP Johnson/NNP
None/NN of/IN Ya/NNP Biz-/NNP Wax/NNP
With/IN regard/NN to/TO Michael/NNP Johnson/NNP 's/POS "/" E-M/NNP ail/NN to/TO the/DT Editors/NNP ,/, "/" I/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO suggest/VB an/DT addition/NN to/TO the/DT "/" Slate/NNP 60/CD "/" list/NN :/: a/DT new/JJ sublist/NN ,/, which/WDT could/MD be/VB titled/VBN "/" Top/JJ 10/CD Persons/NNP Donating/VBG Money/NNP Not/RB Their/PRP$ Own/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC which/WDT would/MD ,/, for/IN now/RB ,/, be/VB led/VBN by/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP himself/PRP ,/, who/WP would/MD like/VB to/TO spend/VB $/$ 2/CD billion/CD of/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP '/POS money/NN ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, in/IN a/DT position/NN to/TO decide/VB whether/IN the/DT odd/JJ $/$ 5/CD bill/NN given/VBN by/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP out/IN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ pocket/NN should/MD be/VB lumped/VBN with/IN that/DT money/NN belonging/VBG to/TO other/JJ people/NNS that/IN he/PRP would/MD spend--or/JJ whether/IN it/PRP would/MD entitle/VB him/PRP to/TO compete/VB against/IN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP '/POS $/$ 27/CD million/CD in/IN the/DT Slate/NNP 60/CD rankings/NNS ./.
Mr/NNP ./.
Johnson/NNP did/VBD get/VB one/CD thing/NN right/NN ,/, though/IN :/: How/WRB other/JJ people/NNS spend/VBP their/PRP$ wealth/NN is/VBZ none/NN of/IN his/PRP$ business/NN ./.
My/PRP$ heartfelt/JJ thanks/NNS for/IN Slate/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Felix/NNP Kasza/NNP
A/DT Russian/JJ diplomat/NN was/VBD accused/VBN of/IN spying/VBG on/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
The/DT low-level/JJ embassy/NN official/NN was/VBD allegedly/RB caught/VBN monitoring/VBG a/DT listening/NN device/NN planted/VBN inside/IN the/DT State/NNP Department/NNP ./.
Though/IN diplomatic/JJ immunity/NN prevents/VBZ him/PRP from/IN being/VBG prosecuted/VBN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD ordered/VBN to/TO leave/VB the/DT country/NN within/IN 10/CD days/NNS ./.
One/CD week/NN ago/RB ,/, Russian/JJ authorities/NNS expelled/VBD an/DT American/JJ diplomat/NN for/IN spying/VBG ./.
The/DT Kremlin/NNP deemed/VBD it/PRP "/" an/DT eye/NN for/IN an/DT eye/NN "/" approach/NN reminiscent/NN of/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
said/VBD the/DT timing/NN was/VBD coincidental/JJ and/CC that/IN the/DT diplomat/NN 's/POS actions/NNS posed/VBD a/DT serious/JJ threat/NN to/TO national/JJ security/NN ./.
A/DT jury/NN determined/VBN that/IN there/EX was/VBD a/DT conspiracy/NN to/TO kill/VB Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
The/DT King/NNP family/NN had/VBD filed/VBN a/DT wrongful-death/JJ suit/NN against/IN Memphis/NNP cafe/NN owner/NN Loyd/NNP Jowers/NNP ,/, who/WP said/VBD six/CD years/NNS ago/RB that/IN he/PRP hired/VBD King/NNP 's/POS assassin/NN on/IN behalf/NN of/IN many/JJ others/NNS ./.
The/DT King/NNP family/NN 's/POS attorneys/NNS argued/VBD that/IN the/DT FBI/NNP ,/, CIA/NNP ,/, mafia/NN ,/, and/CC media/NNS conspired/VBD to/TO kill/VB King/NNP because/IN of/IN his/PRP$ political/JJ views/NNS ./.
Observers/NNS debated/VBN whether/IN the/DT decision/NN vindicated/VBN James/NNP Earl/NNP Ray/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD convicted/VBN of/IN the/DT assassination/NN ,/, or/CC implicated/VBN him/PRP in/IN a/DT larger/JJR plot/NN ./.
The/DT King/NNP family/NN 's/POS spin/NN :/: This/DT is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ step/NN toward/IN correcting/VBG the/DT history/NN books/NNS ./.
Law/NN enforcement/NN 's/POS spin/NN :/: The/DT theory/NN 's/POS so/RB ludicrous/JJ no/DT one/CD else/RB will/MD buy/VB it/PRP ./.
NASA/NNP failed/VBD to/TO communicate/VB with/IN the/DT Mars/NNP Polar/NNP Lander/NNP ./.
The/DT $/$ 165/CD million/CD craft/NN and/CC its/PRP$ two/CD $/$ 29/CD million/CD probes/NNS have/VBP not/RB been/VBN heard/VBN from/IN since/IN they/PRP descended/VBD to/TO the/DT planet/NN 's/POS south/RB pole/NN Friday/NNP ./.
Scientists/NNS said/VBD the/DT prospects/NNS for/IN the/DT mission--which/JJ had/VBD aimed/VBN to/TO gather/VB information/NN on/IN the/DT Martian/NNP climate/NN and/CC determine/VB whether/IN it/PRP ever/RB sustained/VBD life--were/JJ dim/NN ./.
In/IN September/NNP ,/, NASA/NNP lost/VBD the/DT $/$ 125/CD million/CD Mars/NNP Climate/NN Orbiter/NNP ./.
Observers/NNS said/VBD the/DT latest/JJS loss/NN would/MD yield/VB a/DT "/" t/NN otal/NN reassessment/NN "/" of/IN NASA/NNP 's/POS programs/NNS and/CC delay/VB future/JJ missions/NNS ./.
Congressional/JJ critics/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: If/IN they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB do/VB it/PRP right/NN ,/, let/VB 's/POS cut/VB the/DT agency/NN 's/POS budget/NN ./.
NASA/NNP 's/POS spin/NN :/: Inadequate/NNP funding/NN is/VBZ what/WP caused/VBD this/DT in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ./.
The/DT White/NNP House/NNP is/VBZ threatening/VBG more/JJR lawsuits/NNS against/IN gun-makers/JJ ./.
The/DT class-action/JJ suits/NNS ,/, which/WDT would/MD be/VB brought/VBN by/IN local/JJ public-housing/NN authorities/NNS and/CC coordinated/VBN by/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ,/, would/MD demand/VB reimbursement/NN for/IN security/NN and/CC other/JJ costs/NNS of/IN handgun/NN violence/NN ./.
The/DT White/NNP House/NNP said/VBD it/PRP would/MD drop/VB the/DT lawsuits/NNS if/IN gun-makers/JJ accepted/JJ safety/NN provisions/NNS demanded/VBN by/IN 29/CD cities/NNS currently/RB suing/VBG the/DT industry/NN ./.
Gun/NNP controllers/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: Since/IN Congress/NNP would/MD n't/RB act/VB ,/, a/DT lawsuit/NN is/VBZ the/DT next/JJ best/JJS thing/NN ./.
The/DT gun/NN lobby/NN 's/POS spin/NN :/: The/DT lawsuits/NNS are/VBP baseless/JJ and/CC wo/MD n't/RB hold/VB up/RP in/IN court/NN ./.
Newspapers/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: They/PRP 'll/MD never/RB get/VB that/IN far/RB ,/, since/IN gun-makers/JJ ca/MD n't/RB withstand/VB the/DT federal/JJ onslaught/NN ./.
Cuba/NNP is/VBZ demanding/VBG the/DT return/NN of/IN a/DT 6/CD -/: year-old/JJ boy/NN ./.
Elián/NNP González/NNP was/VBD one/CD of/IN three/CD people/NNS who/WP survived/VBD the/DT sinking/NN of/IN a/DT 17/CD -/: foot/NN aluminum/NN boat/NN carrying/VBG Cuban/JJ refugees/NNS to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
His/PRP$ mother/NN perished/VBN in/IN the/DT shipwreck/NN ./.
Thousands/NNS of/IN Cubans/NNPS have/VBP demonstrated/VBN ,/, and/CC Fidel/NNP Castro/NNP has/VBZ threatened/VBN retribution/NN if/IN González/NNP is/VBZ not/RB returned/VBN to/TO his/PRP$ father/NN in/IN Cuba/NNP ./.
After/IN insisting/VBG that/IN Gonzalez/NNP 's/POS fate/NN would/MD be/VB decided/VBN in/IN Florida/NNP courts/NNS ,/, the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN now/RB says/VBZ it/PRP will/MD follow/VB the/DT wishes/NNS of/IN the/DT father/NN ./.
Cuban-/NNP Americans/NNPS '/POS spin/NN :/: Clinton/NNP is/VBZ capitulating/VBG to/TO Castro/NNP ./.
The/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN 's/POS spin/NN :/: No/DT ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP putting/VBG the/DT child/NN 's/POS and/CC father/NN 's/POS needs/VBZ first/JJ ./.
Cuban-/NNP Americans/NNPS '/POS counterspin/NN :/: How/WRB do/VBP we/PRP know/VBP what/WP the/DT father/NN wants/VBZ when/WRB Castro/NNP is/VBZ speaking/VBG for/IN him/PRP ?/.
The/DT consensus/NN :/: The/DT sooner/RBR González/NNP is/VBZ out/IN of/IN the/DT spotlight/NN ,/, the/DT better/JJR ./.
Republican/NNP presidential/JJ candidates/NNS held/VBD their/PRP$ second/JJ debate/NN in/IN a/DT week/NN ./.
The/DT Arizona/NNP date/NN was/VBD hastily/RB scheduled/VBN in/IN response/NN to/TO a/DT request/NN from/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ,/, who/WP missed/VBD the/DT first/JJ three/CD debates/NNS ./.
Pundits/NNP deemed/VBD it/PRP a/DT "/" courteous/JJ "/" and/CC "/" chummy/NN "/" affair/NN ,/, with/IN "/" policy/NN agreements/NNS …/NN much/RB more/RBR conspicuous/JJ than/IN disputes/NNS ./.
"/" Analysts/NNS differed/VBD as/IN to/TO whether/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS subdued/VBN performance/NN was/VBD or/CC tepid/JJ and/CC formulaic/JJ ;/: but/CC they/PRP agreed/VBD that/IN this/DT cautious/JJ approach/NN would/MD keep/VB him/PRP ahead/RB ./.
Some/DT pundits/NNS said/VBD John/NNP McCain/NNP needs/VBZ to/TO be/VB more/RBR aggressive/JJ in/IN differentiating/VBG himself/PRP from/IN Bush/NNP ;/: others/NNS said/VBD McCain/NNP needs/VBZ to/TO remain/VB subtle/JJ to/TO avoid/VB drawing/VBG fire/NN for/IN his/PRP$ temper/NN ./.
(/( Slate/NNP 's/POS Jacob/NNP Weisberg/NNP the/DT candidate/NN 's/POS performances/NNS in/IN Arizona/NNP ,/, and/CC "/" "/" rounds/NNS up/RP the/DT opinions/NNS on/IN last/JJ week/NN 's/POS debate/NN ./.
A/DT maintenance/NN company/NN was/VBD convicted/VBN of/IN mishandling/VBG hazardous/JJ material/NN linked/VBN to/TO the/DT ValuJet/NNP crash/NN ./.
SabreTech/NNP ,/, a/DT Florida/NNP contractor/NN ,/, was/VBD found/VBN guilty/JJ on/IN nine/CD of/IN 24/CD counts/VBZ related/VBN to/TO the/DT 1996/CD accident/NN that/WDT killed/VBD 110/CD people/NNS ./.
Two/CD employees/NNS were/VBD acquitted/VBN of/IN lying/VBG on/IN repair/NN records/NNS ./.
The/DT company/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ out/IN of/IN business/NN but/CC not/RB bankrupt/JJ ,/, could/MD be/VB fined/VBN $/$ 2/CD ./.
25/CD million/CD ./.
SabreTech/NNP called/VBD the/DT acquittals/NNS a/DT vindication/NN of/IN its/PRP$ view/NN that/IN the/DT crash/NN "/" was/VBD a/DT tragedy/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD n't/RB a/DT crime/NN ./.
"/" Victims/NNP '/POS families/NNS debated/VBN whether/IN the/DT convictions/NNS showed/VBD that/IN 1/LS )/) "/" corporations/NNS cannot/NN put/VBD the/DT almighty/NN dollar/NN before/IN safety/NN "/" ;/: or/CC 2/LS )/) they/PRP can/MD do/VB just/RB that/DT ./.
The/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization/NNP 's/POS Seattle/NNP meeting/NN ended/VBD with/IN no/DT new/JJ accord/NN ./.
Previous/JJ WTO/NNP rules/NNS will/MD remain/VB in/IN effect/NN since/IN negotiators/NNS failed/VBD to/TO agree/VB on/IN how/WRB to/TO reduce/VB trade/NN barriers/NNS further/RB ./.
The/DT meetings/NNS were/VBD disrupted/VBN by/IN protests/NNS ,/, which/WDT resulted/VBD in/IN more/JJR than/IN 500/CD arrests/NNS and/CC sometimes/RB violent/JJ clashes/NNS with/IN police/NN ./.
Seattle/NNP 's/POS police/NN chief/NN announced/VBD that/IN he/PRP would/MD resign/VB and/CC "/" takes/VBZ full/JJ responsibility/NN for/IN the/DT riots/NNS ./.
"/" Clinton/NNP critics/NNS called/VBD the/DT talks/NNS "/" an/DT embarrassment/NN "/" and/CC accused/VBD the/DT administration/NN of/IN failing/VBG to/TO make/VB a/DT clear/JJ case/NN for/IN free/JJ trade/NN ./.
Protesters/NNP hailed/VBD it/PRP as/IN a/DT victory/NN for/IN their/PRP$ movement/NN ,/, which/WDT they/PRP claimed/VBD had/VBN turned/VBN public/JJ opinion/NN against/IN the/DT WTO/NNP ./.
But/CC delegates/NNS chalked/VBN up/RP the/DT collapse/NN to/TO "/" the/DT complexity/NN and/CC novelty/NN of/IN the/DT issues/NNS ,/, [/( which/WDT ]/) strained/VBN the/DT capacity/NN of/IN delegations/NNS to/TO make/VB decisions/NNS ./.
"/" (/( In/IN "/" ,/, "/" William/NNP Saletan/NNP dissects/NNS the/DT debate/NN between/IN the/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS critics/NNS and/CC defenders/NNS ,/, and/CC in/IN "/" ,/, "/" Paul/NNP Krugman/NNP argues/VBZ that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS opponents/NNS have/VBP it/PRP all/DT wrong/NN ./.
"/" "/" sums/NNS up/RP analysts/NNS '/POS reactions/NNS to/TO the/DT hubbub/NN ./.
Florida/NNP State/NNP will/MD play/VB Virginia/NNP Tech/NNP for/IN the/DT national/JJ collegiate/JJ football/NN championship/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT second/JJ year/NN ,/, a/DT computer/NN ranking/JJ system/NN ,/, instead/RB of/IN coaches/NNS '/POS and/CC sportswriters/NNS '/POS polls/NNS ,/, determined/VBD the/DT matchup/NN ./.
Both/DT teams/NNS are/VBP undefeated/JJ ./.
Florida/NNP State/NNP is/VBZ seeded/VBN 1/CD st/NN ,/, and/CC Virginia/NNP Tech/NNP is/VBZ 2/CD nd/NN ,/, in/IN all/DT major/JJ rankings/NNS ./.
The/DT rosy/JJ spin/NN :/: The/DT computer/NN method/NN is/VBZ working/VBG ./.
The/DT gloomy/JJ spin/NN :/: Playoffs/NNP would/MD be/VB better/JJR ./.
Four/CD students/NNS were/VBD shot/VBN at/IN an/DT Oklahoma/NNP middle/JJ school/NN ./.
A/DT 7/CD th/NN -/: grade/NN male/JJ student/NN apparently/RB used/VBD a/DT gun/NN purchased/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ father/NN to/TO open/VB fire/NN on/IN students/NNS outside/IN Fort/NNP Gibson/NNP School/NNP just/RB before/IN the/DT start/NN of/IN classes/NNS ./.
All/DT four/CD victims/NNS are/VBP expected/VBN to/TO survive/VB ./.
The/DT suspected/VBN shooter/NN was/VBD described/VBN as/IN a/DT well-liked/JJ honor/NN student/NN with/IN no/DT disciplinary/JJ record/NN ./.
When/WRB asked/VBD why/WRB he/PRP did/VBD it/PRP ,/, he/PRP reportedly/RB said/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP 'm/VBP crazy/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT police/NN spin/NN :/: The/DT crime/NN was/VBD random/JJ ,/, not/RB "/" a/DT hate/NN thing/NN ./.
"/" Parents/NNS '/POS spin/NN :/: That/DT 's/VBZ all/PDT the/DT more/RBR frightening/JJ ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP Monday/NNP was/VBD much/RB impressed/VBN by/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS "/" dash/NN and/CC daring/JJ "/" in/IN sneakily/RB moving/VBG into/IN Kosovo/NNP before/IN NATO/NNP 's/POS troops/NNS ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN titled/VBN "/" Who/WP Dares/NNP Wins/NNP "/" (/( the/DT motto/NN of/IN the/DT British/NNP SAS/NNP commandos/NNS )/) ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD that/IN the/DT Russians/NNPS have/VBP won/VBN "/" not/RB only/RB Pristina/NNP and/CC the/DT initiative/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT secret/JJ admiration/NN of/IN scores/NNS of/IN NATO/NNP officers/NNS frustrated/VBN by/IN an/DT enforced/VBN wait/NN on/IN the/DT Kosovo/NNP borders/NNS ./.
"/" Their/PRP$ "/" coup/NN de/IN théâtre/NN "/" has/VBZ served/VBN as/IN a/DT reminder/NN "/" that/IN dithering/VBG loses/VBZ to/TO derring-do/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD :/: "/" This/DT may/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT media-dominated/JJ war/NN ;/: but/CC to/TO halt/VB and/CC advance/NN to/TO allow/VB the/DT cameras/NNS to/TO catch/VB up/RP is/VBZ a/DT grotesque/JJ irresponsibility/NN ./.
But/CC this/DT was/VBD a/DT minority/NN view/NN in/IN the/DT British/JJ press/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT Left/NNP ,/, the/DT Guardian/NNP said/VBD the/DT Russian/JJ military/JJ "/" seems/VBZ ever/RB closer/JJR to/TO being/VBG out/IN of/IN control/NN "/" and/CC that/IN its/PRP$ behavior/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP is/VBZ "/" proof/NN that/IN there/EX is/VBZ no/RB longer/JJR one/CD government/NN in/IN that/DT vast/JJ country/NN ,/, but/CC rather/RB several/JJ ,/, held/VBN in/IN loose/JJ ,/, often/RB hostile/JJ connection/NN to/TO each/DT other/JJ ./.
"/" NATO/NNP should/MD continue/VB to/TO deny/VB Russia/NNP its/PRP$ own/JJ sector/NN in/IN Kosovo/NNP ,/, but/CC should/MD also/RB soothe/VB its/PRP$ wounded/VBN pride/NN by/IN "/" admitting/VBG that/IN the/DT West/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN cavalier/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ treatment/NN of/IN the/DT former/JJ superpower/NN and/CC that/IN it/PRP now/RB has/VBZ to/TO be/VB given/VBN a/DT seat/NN at/IN the/DT commanding/JJ table/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT Right/RB ,/, the/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP criticized/VBD the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS for/IN being/VBG too/RB accommodating/VBG to/TO Russia/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ hardly/RB surprising/VBG that/IN a/DT cardinal/NN aim/NN of/IN Russian/JJ policy/NN is/VBZ to/TO counter/VB NATO/NNP 's/POS influence/NN in/IN central/JJ Europe/NNP ,/, "/" and/CC the/DT role/NN of/IN honest/JJ broker/NN between/IN the/DT West/NNP and/CC Belgrade/NNP gave/VBD them/PRP an/DT ideal/JJ opportunity/NN to/TO do/VB so/RB ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" Trusting/NNP them/PRP with/IN that/DT task/NN prolonged/JJ the/DT air/NN campaign/NN and/CC has/VBZ now/RB seriously/RB queered/JJ KFOR/NNP 's/POS pitch/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP added/VBD ./.
"/" NATO/NNP cannot/NN blame/VBP the/DT Russians/NNPS for/IN making/VBG difficulties/NNS ./.
The/DT fault/NN lies/VBZ in/IN giving/VBG them/PRP such/JJ an/DT opportunity/NN ./.
In/IN Paris/NNP Sunday/NNP ,/, Le/NNP Monde/NNP ran/VBD an/DT editorial/NN saying/VBG that/IN the/DT message/NN of/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS race/NN to/TO Pristina/NNP was/VBD a/DT "/" brutal/JJ "/" one/CD :/: that/IN the/DT Russians/NNPS are/VBP not/RB willing/JJ to/TO submit/VB to/TO NATO/NNP 's/POS authority/NN and/CC that/IN they/PRP want/VBP control/NN of/IN the/DT northern/JJ sector/NN of/IN the/DT province/NN to/TO carry/VB out/RP a/DT de/IN facto/FW partition/NN of/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
While/IN the/DT West/NNP had/VBD good/JJ reasons/NNS to/TO be/VB considerate/NN toward/IN Russia/NNP (/( by/IN delaying/VBG preparations/NNS for/IN a/DT land/NN invasion/NN and/CC seeking/VBG a/DT solution/NN to/TO the/DT crisis/NN within/IN the/DT unusual/JJ context/NN of/IN the/DT G-/NNP 8/CD ,/, only/RB because/IN Russia/NNP was/VBD a/DT part/NN of/IN it/PRP )/) ,/, it/PRP also/RB has/VBZ the/DT right/NN to/TO expect/VB Russia/NNP "/" to/TO play/VB the/DT game/NN ,/, "/" Le/NNP Monde/NNP said/VBD ./.
The/DT West/NNP was/VBD right/NN to/TO involve/VB Russia/NNP ,/, it/PRP concluded/VBD ,/, "/" but/CC not/RB at/IN any/DT price/NN ,/, and/CC especially/RB not/RB at/IN that/DT of/IN a/DT partition/NN of/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
Another/DT Paris/NNP daily/NN ,/, Libération/NNP ,/, said/VBD Monday/NNP that/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS dash/NN into/IN Kosovo/NNP should/MD n't/RB be/VB treated/VBN lightly/RB because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ unclear/JJ "/" who/WP pilots/NNS the/DT Russian/JJ plane/NN today/NN ./.
"/" Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP might/MD well/RB ask/VB this/DT question/NN of/IN Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP when/WRB they/PRP meet/VBP in/IN Cologne/NNP ,/, Germany/NNP ,/, on/IN Saturday/NNP ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ,/, but/CC "/" it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB certain/JJ that/IN his/PRP$ answer/NN will/MD be/VB very/RB convincing/JJ ./.
"/" In/IN Germany/NNP Monday/NNP ,/, the/DT Frankfurter/NNP Allgemeine/NNP Zeitung/NNP called/VBD the/DT move/NN "/" Yeltsin/NNP 's/POS coup/NN "/" but/CC added/VBD in/IN a/DT front-page/JJ comment/NN that/IN the/DT next/JJ few/JJ days/NNS would/MD show/VB whether/IN Yeltsin/NNP has/VBZ only/RB been/VBN acting/VBG on/IN whim/NN or/CC whether/IN there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT strategy/NN behind/IN it/PRP ./.
Europe/NNP 's/POS Monday/NNP papers/NNS were/VBD generally/RB dominated/VBN ,/, however/RB ,/, by/IN the/DT results/NNS of/IN the/DT weekend/NN 's/POS elections/NNS for/IN the/DT European/NNP Parliament/NNP in/IN Strasbourg/NNP that/IN ,/, on/IN very/RB low/JJ voter/NN turnouts/NNS throughout/IN Western/NNP Europe/NNP ,/, delivered/VBD heavy/JJ rebuffs/NNS to/TO both/DT Chancellor/NNP Gerhard/NNP Schröder/NNP of/IN Germany/NNP and/CC Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Tony/NNP Blair/NNP of/IN Britain/NNP ./.
Conservatives/NNS trounced/JJ the/DT Left/NNP in/IN Italy/NNP as/IN well/RB ,/, where/WRB the/DT party/NN of/IN TV/NN magnate/NN Silvio/NNP Berlusconi/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN ,/, came/VBD in/IN first/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN France/NNP ,/, the/DT Socialists/NNPS triumphed/VBD ./.
Le/NNP Figaro/NNP of/IN Paris/NNP said/VBD ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN the/DT real/JJ winners/NNS of/IN the/DT elections/NNS were/VBD the/DT absentionists/NNS ./.
In/IN France/NNP ,/, fewer/JJR than/IN one/CD elector/NN in/IN two/CD voted/VBD ;/: in/IN Britain/NNP ,/, fewer/JJR than/IN one/CD in/IN four/CD did/VBD ./.
The/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD the/DT low/JJ turnouts/NNS threatened/VBN to/TO undermine/VB the/DT effectiveness/NN of/IN the/DT European/NNP Parliament/NNP ,/, and/CC most/RBS British/JJ papers/NNS said/VBD the/DT results/NNS might/MD set/VB back/RB Blair/NNP 's/POS plans/NNS to/TO bring/VB Britain/NNP under/IN the/DT European/JJ single/JJ currency/NN ,/, the/DT euro/NN ./.
David/NNP Remnick/NNP ,/, editor/NN of/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, told/VBD the/DT Milan/NNP daily/JJ Corriere/NNP della/NN Sera/NNP Monday/NNP that/IN his/PRP$ objective/NN for/IN the/DT magazine/NN was/VBD that/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB said/VBN that/IN "/" of/IN the/DT 100/CD best/JJS articles/NNS of/IN the/DT century/NN ,/, 25/CD were/VBD published/VBN in/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP -/: -/: ideally/RB ,/, half/NN of/IN those/DT under/IN my/PRP$ editorship/NN ./.
"/" Confessing/NNP to/TO interviewer/NN Alessandra/NNP Farkas/NNP that/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP was/VBD still/RB in/IN the/DT red/NN ,/, Remnick/NNP said/VBD he/PRP is/VBZ pleased/VBN that/IN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN rechristened/JJ "/" the/DT most/RBS authoritative/JJ and/CC prestigious/JJ weekly/NN on/IN the/DT planet/NN "/" because/IN "/" when/WRB you/PRP 're/VBP the/DT best/JJS in/IN your/PRP$ field/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ inevitable/JJ that/IN sooner/RBR or/CC later/RB you/PRP become/VBP profitable/JJ ./.
He/PRP rejected/VBD a/DT suggestion/NN that/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP was/VBD "/" elitist/NN ,/, "/" saying/VBG that/IN the/DT word/NN applied/VBN better/JJR to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Review/NNP of/IN Books/NNPS -/: -/: "/" a/DT purely/RB celebral/NN ,/, if/IN brilliant/JJ ,/, undertaking/VBG ./.
"/" Asked/VBN if/IN he/PRP agreed/VBD that/IN the/DT quality/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS press/NN is/VBZ in/IN decline/NN ,/, Remnick/NNP replied/VBD :/: "/" We/PRP are/VBP the/DT living/VBG proof/NN of/IN the/DT opposite/JJ :/: Investing/VBG in/IN quality/NN has/VBZ and/CC always/RB will/MD have/VB a/DT place/NN in/IN the/DT market/NN ./.
Despite/IN our/PRP$ deficit/NN ,/, nobody/NN tells/VBZ me/PRP what/WP to/TO publish/VB and/CC what/WP not/RB to/TO publish/VB ./.
And/CC do/VBP you/PRP know/VBP why/WRB ?/.
In/IN a/DT world/NN of/IN fast/RB food/NN ,/, there/EX will/MD always/RB be/VB room/NN for/IN a/DT five-star/JJ restaurant/NN ./.
Since/IN plans/NNS for/IN Britain/NNP 's/POS Millennium/NNP Dome/NNP began/VBD to/TO take/VB shape/NN last/JJ year/NN ,/, condemnation/NN has/VBZ poured/VBN in/IN from/IN all/DT sides/NNS ./.
Left-wing/NNP critics/NNS are/VBP appalled/VBN at/IN the/DT waste/NN of/IN $/$ 1/CD ./.
3/LS billion/CD that/WDT could/MD have/VB gone/VBN toward/IN housing/NN and/CC the/DT National/NNP Health/NNP Service/NNP ./.
Conservatives/NNS object/VBP to/TO the/DT Blair/NNP government/NN 's/POS attempt/NN to/TO present/VB England/NNP as/IN a/DT modern/NN ,/, multicultural/NN nation/NN instead/RB of/IN a/DT tradition-bound/JJ ,/, Christian/NNP one/CD ./.
With/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN constant/JJ attacks/NNS from/IN all/DT sides/NNS ,/, the/DT dome/NN 's/POS approval/NN rating/NN fell/VBD to/TO 8/CD percent/NN in/IN one/CD recent/JJ poll--lower/JJ than/IN Monica/NNP 's/POS ,/, Ken/NNP 's/POS ,/, or/CC even/RB Linda/NNP 's/POS ./.
The/DT only/JJ people/NNS in/IN London/NNP who/WP do/VBP n't/RB heap/NN scorn/NN on/IN it/PRP are/VBP those/DT who/WP complain/VBP they/PRP 're/VBP too/RB tired/JJ of/IN the/DT topic/NN to/TO talk/VB about/IN it/PRP ./.
On/IN the/DT chance/NN that/DT something/NN so/IN despised/VBN might/MD deserve/VB defending/VBG ,/, I/PRP put/VBP on/IN a/DT hard/JJ hat/NN and/CC rubber/NN boots/NNS and/CC went/VBD to/TO look/VB at/IN the/DT construction/NN site/NN in/IN Greenwich/NNP ,/, just/RB outside/IN London/NNP ,/, this/DT week/NN ./.
(/( Because/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS clocks/NNS are/VBP fixed/VBN to/TO Greenwich/NNP Mean/VB Time/NNP ,/, this/DT is/VBZ the/DT spot/NN where/WRB the/DT millennium/NN can/MD be/VB argued/VBN to/TO officially/RB debut/VB ./.
)/) As/IN I/PRP half/NN suspected/VBD ,/, the/DT dome/NN is/VBZ better/JJR than/IN advertised/VBN ./.
As/IN a/DT building/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ stunning/JJ ./.
As/IN the/DT site/NN of/IN the/DT main/JJ international/JJ event/NN of/IN the/DT Year/NN 2000/CD ,/, it/PRP may/MD or/CC may/MD not/RB succeed/VB ./.
But/CC the/DT dome/NN has/VBZ at/IN least/JJS a/DT chance/NN to/TO follow/VB in/IN the/DT path/NN of/IN its/PRP$ illustrious/JJ English/NNP ancestors/NNS ,/, the/DT Crystal/NNP Palace/NNP exhibition/NN of/IN 1851/CD and/CC the/DT Festival/NNP of/IN Britain/NNP of/IN 1951/CD ./.
Those/DT events/NNS ,/, too/RB ,/, were/VBD derided/VBN in/IN advance/NN as/IN wasteful/JJ and/CC stupid/JJ ./.
But/CC they/PRP are/VBP remembered/VBN now/RB as/IN monumental/JJ expressions/NNS of/IN British/JJ identity/NN and/CC historical/JJ moment/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT feat/NN of/IN architecture/NN ,/, engineering/NN ,/, and/CC urban/JJ renewal/NN ,/, the/DT dome/NN is/VBZ already/RB close/RB to/TO being/VBG a/DT success/NN ./.
John/NNP Major/NNP 's/POS Tory/NNP government/NN first/RB conceived/VBD of/IN the/DT project/NN ,/, and/CC Labor/NNP was/VBD officially/RB opposed/VBN before/IN it/PRP took/VBD power/NN ,/, so/RB until/IN 1997/CD ,/, no/DT one/CD knew/VBD what/WP would/MD happen/VB ./.
Once/RB Tony/NNP Blair/NNP decided/VBD to/TO make/VB the/DT dome/NN a/DT kind/NN of/IN signature/NN for/IN "/" New/NNP Labor/NNP ,/, "/" there/EX were/VBD just/RB three/CD years/NNS to/TO plan/VB and/CC build/VB one/CD of/IN the/DT largest/JJS structures/NNS on/IN earth--on/JJ a/DT contaminated/JJ gasworks/NNS site/NN ./.
Before/IN construction/NN could/MD begin/VB ,/, the/DT ground/NN below/IN literally/RB had/VBD to/TO be/VB washed/VBN to/TO remove/VB cyanide/NN and/CC arsenic/NN ./.
Engineers/NNS then/RB went/VBD about/IN raising/VBG a/DT room/NN of/IN nearly/RB a/DT million/CD square/JJ feet/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT structure/NN so/RB huge/JJ that/IN ,/, according/VBG to/TO Anthony/NNP Day/NNP ,/, the/DT retired/VBN architect/NN who/WP gave/VBD me/PRP a/DT tour/NN ,/, weather/NN systems/NNS would/MD form/VB inside/IN if/IN not/RB for/IN the/DT high-tech/JJ fiberglass/NNS and/CC Teflon/NNP double/JJ skin/NN ./.
Day/NNP suggests/VBZ that/IN winter/NN visitors/NNS will/MD want/VB to/TO bring/VB overcoats/NNS and/CC brandy/NN flasks/NNS ,/, because/IN the/DT building/NN is/VBZ simply/RB too/RB big/JJ to/TO heat/VB (/( though/IN I/PRP suspect/VBP the/DT Brits/NNP like/IN it/PRP that/DT way/NN )/) ./.
Even/RB if/IN the/DT exhibition/NN fails/VBZ to/TO draw/VB the/DT hoped-for/JJ 15/CD million/CD visitors/NNS ,/, it/PRP will/MD be/VB responsible/JJ for/IN turning/VBG hundreds/NNS of/IN acres/NNS of/IN industrial/JJ wasteland/NN into/IN a/DT lovely/JJ spot/NN on/IN the/DT Thames/NNP linked/VBD to/TO the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT metropolis/NNS by/IN the/DT Underground/NNP ./.
This/DT follows/VBZ the/DT urban/JJ planning/NN ideas/NNS of/IN Britain/NNP 's/POS most/RBS famous/JJ architect/NN ,/, Richard/NNP Rogers/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ responsible/JJ for/IN the/DT dome/NN ./.
Rogers/NNP believes/VBZ that/IN London/NNP ,/, like/IN many/JJ of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS great/JJ cities/NNS ,/, is/VBZ being/VBG undone/VBN by/IN traffic/NN and/CC unplanned/JJ sprawl/NN ./.
He/PRP argues/VBZ in/IN a/DT recent/JJ book/NN ,/, Cities/NNPS for/IN a/DT Small/NNP Planet/NNP ,/, that/IN the/DT way/NN to/TO rescue/VB London/NNP is/VBZ to/TO reduce/VB car/NN traffic/NN ;/: develop/VB new/JJ neighborhoods/NNS for/IN mixed/JJ use/NN ;/: and/CC convert/VB the/DT city/NN 's/POS greatest/JJS natural/JJ asset/NN ,/, the/DT Thames/NNP riverbank/NN ,/, into/IN public/JJ space/NN ./.
If/IN successful/JJ ,/, the/DT dome/NN will/MD make/VB the/DT case/NN for/IN pursuing/VBG Rogers/NNP '/POS grander/JJR vision--turning/JJ the/DT Thames/NNP Embankment/NNP ,/, now/RB a/DT highway/NN along/IN the/DT river/NN ,/, into/IN a/DT grand/JJ park/NN ./.
Like/IN Rogers/NNP '/POS best-known/JJS building/NN ,/, the/DT Pompidou/NNP Center/NNP in/IN Paris/NNP ,/, the/DT dome/NN is/VBZ drawn/VBN in/IN brilliant/JJ color/NN ,/, which/WDT jumps/VBZ out/IN against/IN the/DT London/NNP drab/JJ like/IN a/DT brightly/RB frosted/JJ cake/NN ./.
The/DT Italian-born/NNP architect/NN 's/POS other/JJ hallmark/NN ,/, of/IN which/WDT the/DT Lloyd/NNP 's/POS of/IN London/NNP headquarters/NN is/VBZ the/DT leading/VBG example/NN ,/, is/VBZ for/IN a/DT building/NN to/TO show/VB how/WRB it/PRP works/VBZ ,/, exposing/VBG its/PRP$ elevators/NNS ,/, ventilation/NN pipes/NNS ,/, and/CC structural/JJ girders/NNS ./.
You/PRP can/MD see/VB ,/, at/IN a/DT glance/NN from/IN the/DT outside/JJ ,/, how/WRB the/DT dome/NN stands/VBZ up/RB ./.
Its/PRP$ huge/JJ tent/NN is/VBZ sustained/VBN by/IN brilliant/JJ yellow/JJ tent/NN poles/NNS ,/, nearly/RB 300/CD feet/NNS high/JJ and/CC stitched/VBN together/RB with/IN steel/NN cables/NNS ./.
From/IN the/DT overlooking/VBG hill/NN of/IN the/DT Greenwich/NNP Royal/NNP Observatory/NNP ,/, the/DT structure/NN looks/VBZ like/IN a/DT whimsical/JJ sea/NN monster/NN that/WDT crawled/VBD out/IN of/IN the/DT Thames/NNP ./.
The/DT chief/JJ fault/NN of/IN Rogers/NNP '/POS other/JJ buildings/NNS is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB age/NN well--many/JJ of/IN the/DT better/RBR known/JJ ones/NNS have/VBP an/DT early/JJ '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, "/" new/JJ wave/NN "/" look/VB ./.
But/CC the/DT dome/NN has/VBZ the/DT advantage/NN of/IN being/VBG temporary/JJ ./.
The/DT millennium/NN exhibition/NN will/MD last/VB a/DT year/NN ,/, and/CC though/IN the/DT structure/NN may/MD be/VB converted/VBN to/TO another/DT use/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ only/RB supposed/VBN to/TO last/VB 25/CD years/NNS ./.
The/DT tent/NN is/VBZ beautiful/JJ empty--/JJ David/NNP Hockney/NNP ,/, the/DT painter/NN ,/, was/VBD recently/RB quoted/VBN proposing/VBG that/IN it/PRP be/VB left/VBN that/DT way/NN ./.
And/CC members/NNS of/IN the/DT planning/NN committee/NN may/MD privately/RB share/VB that/DT wish/VBP ./.
Almost/RB every/DT decision/NN about/IN how/WRB to/TO fill/VB the/DT space/NN has/VBZ aroused/VBN controversy/NN ./.
The/DT most/RBS ridiculed/VBN proposal/NN is/VBZ "/" Body/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT gargantuan/JJ naked/JJ human/JJ people/NNS can/MD walk/VB through/RB ,/, observing/VBG the/DT operation/NN of/IN the/DT internal/JJ organs/NNS as/IN in/IN a/DT Rogers/NNP building/NN ./.
Leaving/VBG Dome/NNP Person/NNP unsexed/JJ on/IN the/DT exterior/NN seems/VBZ overly/RB prudish/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT alternative/NN of/IN Brobdingnagian/NNP genitalia/NN and/CC python-size/JJ pubic/JJ hairs/NNS could/MD be/VB hard/JJ to/TO stomach/VB ,/, even/RB after/IN the/DT Starr/NNP report/NN ./.
The/DT greatest/JJS challenge/NN may/MD be/VB the/DT least/JJS futuristic/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT exhibition--the/JJ "/" National/NNP Identity/NNP "/" section/NN ,/, for/IN which/WDT the/DT committee/NN has/VBZ yet/RB to/TO announce/VB any/DT kind/NN of/IN plan/NN ./.
In/IN deciding/VBG what/WP to/TO put/VB here/RB ,/, Britain/NNP will/MD be/VB describing/VBG itself/PRP to/TO the/DT world/NN ./.
In/IN previous/JJ great/JJ exhibitions/NNS ,/, this/DT was/VBD a/DT less/RBR complicated/JJ issue/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT dawn/NN of/IN the/DT Industrial/NNP Revolution/NNP in/IN 1851/CD ,/, Britain/NNP was/VBD an/DT imperial/JJ power/NN with/IN a/DT unitary/JJ culture/NN ./.
A/DT great/JJ exhibition/NN was/VBD a/DT chance/NN to/TO dazzle/NN with/IN what/WP it/PRP could/MD make/VB and/CC build/VB ,/, beginning/VBG with/IN the/DT glass/NN and/CC iron/NN Crystal/NNP Palace/NNP itself/PRP ,/, a/DT marvel/VB of/IN early/JJ Victorian/JJ engineering/NN ./.
The/DT 1951/CD Festival/NNP of/IN Britain/NNP (/( organized/VBN by/IN the/DT grandfather/NN of/IN the/DT Labor/NNP minister/NN now/RB in/IN charge/NN of/IN the/DT Millennium/NNP Dome/NNP )/) still/RB represented/VBD a/DT culturally/RB homogenous/JJ ,/, industrial/JJ country/NN ./.
It/PRP displayed/VBD thousands/NNS of/IN British-made/NNP things/NNS ,/, heralding/VBG the/DT emergence/NN from/IN wartime/NN rationing/VBG into/IN postwar/JJ consumerism/NN ./.
But/CC today/NN ,/, Britain/NNP is/VBZ increasingly/RB an/DT immigrant/JJ nation/NN with/IN an/DT emerging/VBG postindustrial/NN economy/NN ./.
It/PRP depends/VBZ far/RB more/RBR on/IN the/DT export/NN of/IN services/NNS and/CC its/PRP$ culture/NN than/IN it/PRP does/VBZ on/IN its/PRP$ goods/NNS ./.
The/DT Blair/NNP government/NN has/VBZ invested/VBN its/PRP$ prestige/NN in/IN the/DT dome/NN because/IN it/PRP sees/VBZ it/PRP as/IN an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO convey/VB this/DT new/JJ social/JJ and/CC economic/JJ reality/NN ./.
Peter/NNP Mandelson/NNP ,/, the/DT Cabinet/NNP member/NN in/IN charge/NN of/IN the/DT millennium/NN project/NN ,/, was/VBD lampooned/JJ for/IN traveling/VBG to/TO Disney/NNP World/NNP in/IN search/NN of/IN ideas/NNS ./.
But/CC an/DT excess/NN of/IN popular/JJ appeal/NN is/VBZ less/RBR likely/JJ than/IN an/DT overinfusion/NN of/IN centrist/JJ political/JJ ideology/NN ./.
Blair/NNP loves/VBZ to/TO say/VB that/IN he/PRP sees/VBZ Britain/NNP as/IN a/DT dynamic/JJ ,/, forward-looking/JJ ,/, and/CC multicultural/NN society/NN ./.
Laborites/NNP talk/NN unblushingly/RB about/IN "/" re-branding/JJ "/" the/DT country/NN ./.
To/TO New/NNP Labor/NNP ,/, the/DT dome/NN is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ marketing/NN opportunity/NN ./.
Which/WDT makes/VBZ it/PRP ,/, in/IN a/DT way/NN ,/, an/DT authentic/JJ expression/NN of/IN the/DT spirit/NN of/IN the/DT age/NN ./.
The/DT IRS/NNP firestorm/NN leads/VBZ at/IN USA/NNP Today/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ./.
At/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, the/DT lead/JJ national/JJ story/NN is/VBZ President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS appearance/NN at/IN ceremonies/NNS commemorating/VBG the/DT 40/CD th/NN anniversary/NN of/IN the/DT forced/VBN integration/NN of/IN Central/NNP High/NNP in/IN Little/NNP Rock/NNP ./.
President/NNP Clinton/NNP used/VBD the/DT occasion/NN to/TO issue/VB a/DT warning/NN about/IN the/DT trend/NN toward/IN the/DT re-separation/JJ of/IN the/DT races/NNS ,/, a/DT trend/NN both/DT the/DT WP/NNP and/CC NYT/NNP had/VBD no/DT trouble/NN observing/VBG at/IN Central/NNP High/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT dining/NN areas/NNS and/CC academic/JJ tracks/NNS are/VBP largely/RB de/IN facto/FW segregated/VBD ./.
And/CC both/DT papers/NNS noted/VBD that/IN the/DT local/JJ chapter/NN of/IN the/DT NAACP/NNP voted/VBD not/RB to/TO support/VB or/CC participate/VB in/IN the/DT ceremonies/NNS ./.
More/JJR heartening/VBG was/VBD the/DT revelation/NN in/IN both/DT papers/NNS that/IN a/DT white/JJ woman/NN famously/RB captured/VBD in/IN a/DT 1957/CD photograph/NN cursing/NN the/DT entering/VBG black/JJ students/NNS was/VBD present/JJ to/TO publicly/RB apologize/VB for/IN her/PRP$ long-ago/JJ actions/NNS ./.
(/( Just/RB wondering/VBG :/: Could/MD n't/RB they/PRP also/RB have/VBP found/VBN one/CD of/IN the/DT paratroopers/NNS who/WP escorted/JJ the/DT students/NNS ?/.
The/DT NYT/NNP Little/NNP Rock/NNP coverage/NN includes/VBZ a/DT nice/JJ little/JJ survey/NN of/IN the/DT nine/CD original/JJ black/JJ students/NNS and/CC what/WP they/PRP 're/VBP doing/VBG today/NN ./.
The/DT list/NN includes/VBZ an/DT investment/NN banker/NN ,/, a/DT writer/NN ,/, a/DT lawyer/NN ,/, a/DT college/NN professor/NN ,/, and/CC an/DT unemployed/JJ woman/NN ./.
Two/CD of/IN the/DT nine/CD live/VB overseas/RB ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP has/VBZ a/DT nice/JJ photo/NN on/IN its/PRP$ front/NN top/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP with/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT nine/CD ,/, but/CC runs/VBZ the/DT story/NN inside/IN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP and/CC USAT/NNP continue/VBP pressing/VBG on/IN the/DT IRS/NNP story/NN ,/, with/IN leads/VBZ describing/VBG yesterday/NN 's/POS testimony/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT a/DT number/NN of/IN current/JJ agents/NNS ,/, speaking/VBG from/IN behind/IN a/DT screen/NN ,/, their/PRP$ voices/NNS electronically/RB altered/VBN ,/, blew/VBD the/DT whistle/VBP on/IN the/DT agency/NN 's/POS shady/JJ practices/NNS ;/: and/CC in/IN which/WDT the/DT acting/VBG commissioner/NN ,/, Michael/NNP Dolan/NNP ,/, continued/VBD to/TO apologize/VB and/CC pledge/NN reform/NN ./.
After/IN ignoring/VBG the/DT IRS/NNP story/NN yesterday/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP plays/VBZ catch-up/NN today/NN ./.
Surprisingly/RB ,/, the/DT WP/NNP sticks/VBZ the/DT story/NN way/NN inside/IN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP breaks/VBZ the/DT story/NN that/IN former/JJ senior/JJ White/NNP House/NNP aide/NN Harold/NNP Ickes/NNP has/VBZ this/DT week/NN told/VBD federal/JJ investigators/NNS that/IN he/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT same/JJ room/NN at/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP when/WRB Clinton/NNP made/VBD telephone/NN fund/NN pitches/NNS to/TO several/JJ Democratic/JJ contributors/NNS during/IN the/DT run-up/NN to/TO the/DT 1994/CD elections/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ corroboration/NN of/IN the/DT claim/NN that/IN Clinton/NNP personally/RB solicited/VBD money/NN from/IN inside/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP front/JJ page/NN states/NNS that/IN Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP has/VBZ ruled/VBN out/RP any/DT chance/NN the/DT House/NNP will/MD pass/VB the/DT major/JJ campaign-reform/JJ bill/NN banning/VBG all/DT soft/JJ money/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN advancing/VBG in/IN the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
Gingrich/NNP favors/VBZ instead/RB lifting/VBG all/DT limits/NNS on/IN political/JJ contributions/NNS ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP 's/POS "/" Washington/NNP Wire/NNP "/" reports/NNS that/IN the/DT probe/NN into/IN the/DT fund-raising/NN behind/IN the/DT election/NN of/IN Ron/NNP Carey/NNP as/IN president/NN of/IN the/DT Teamsters/NNPS could/MD ,/, because/IN some/DT DNC/NNP officials/NNS allegedly/RB are/VBP involved/VBN ,/, result/NN in/IN the/DT appointment/NN of/IN yet/RB another/DT independent/JJ counsel/NN ./.
At/IN first/JJ ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP did/VBD n't/RB even/RB mention/VB the/DT Marv/NNP Albert/NNP trial/NN ,/, then/RB dealt/VBN with/IN it/PRP deep/JJ inside/IN and/CC at/IN arm/NN 's/POS length/NN ./.
(/( Yesterday/NN 's/POS Times/NNP edit/VB of/IN the/DT AP/NNP story/NN about/IN the/DT second/JJ woman/NN 's/POS testimony/NN did/VBD n't/RB mention/VB ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, that/IN she/PRP said/VBD Albert/NNP was/VBD wearing/VBG women/NNS 's/POS clothes/NNS ./.
)/) But/CC today/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT resolution/NN of/IN the/DT case/NN ,/, the/DT Gray/NNP Lady/NNP hikes/NNS her/PRP$ skirts/VBZ ,/, putting/VBG the/DT story/NN on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN and/CC deigning/VBG to/TO mention/VB all/DT the/DT tawdry/JJ details/NNS ./.
The/DT story/NN is/VBZ also/RB on/IN the/DT front/NN of/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, alongside/IN a/DT picture/NN of/IN Albert/NNP that/WDT makes/VBZ him/PRP look/VBP downright/RB scary/JJ ,/, and/CC is/VBZ the/DT second/JJ lead/NN at/IN USAT/NNP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP ,/, which/WDT was/VBD much/RB more/RBR aggressive/JJ from/IN the/DT git-go/JJ ,/, simply/RB raises/VBZ the/DT ante/NN today/NN ,/, with/IN not/RB just/RB a/DT long/JJ front-page/JJ piece/NN but/CC also/RB not/RB one/CD ,/, but/CC two/CD additional/JJ Albert/NNP pieces/NNS elsewhere/RB in/IN the/DT paper/NN ,/, one/CD a/DT ramble/JJ wondering/VBG if/IN Albert/NNP can/MD rebound/VB professionally/RB ,/, the/DT other/JJ a/DT thumb-sucker/JJ about/IN women/NNS who/WP stand/VBP by/IN their/PRP$ man/NN when/WRB he/PRP 's/VBZ in/IN trouble/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT Post/NNP 's/POS main/JJ Albert/NNP piece/NN ,/, the/DT accuser/NN is/VBZ never/RB mentioned/VBN by/IN name/NN ,/, a/DT practice/NN the/DT paper/NN explains/VBZ thus/RB :/: "/" The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP does/VBZ not/RB identify/VB victims/NNS of/IN alleged/JJ sexual/JJ attacks/NNS ./.
"/" But/CC it/PRP turns/VBZ out/RP that/IN the/DT paper/NN is/VBZ n't/RB able/JJ to/TO stick/VB to/TO that/DT policy/NN for/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT few/JJ paragraphs/NNS ./.
A/DT little/RB further/JJ down/RB ,/, the/DT paper/NN identifies/VBZ by/IN name/NN the/DT second/JJ woman/NN who/WP testified/VBD that/IN she/PRP ,/, too/RB ,/, was/VBD bitten/VBN and/CC sexually/RB assaulted/JJ by/IN Albert/NNP ./.
So/RB what/WP 's/VBZ the/DT actual/JJ policy/NN ,/, Post/NNP ?/.
For/IN Tuesday/NNP and/CC Friday/NNP morning/NN delivery/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, plus/CC "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" (/( daily/JJ )/) and/CC "/" Pundit/NNP Central/NNP "/" (/( Monday/NNP morning/NN )/) ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
George/NNP Mitchell/NNP and/CC George/NNP Michael/NNP vied/JJ for/IN stardom/NN in/IN the/DT British/JJ press/NN Thursday/NNP ./.
On/IN what/WP is/VBZ a/DT make-or-break/JJ day/NN for/IN the/DT Ulster/NNP peace/NN talks/NNS ,/, all/PDT the/DT British/JJ broadsheets/NNS led/VBN with/IN stories/NNS of/IN British/JJ government/NN optimism/NN for/IN a/DT last/JJ minute/NN settlement/NN ,/, despite/IN the/DT Ulster/NNP Unionists/NNP '/POS firm/JJ rejection/NN of/IN the/DT draft/NN agreement/NN submitted/VBN by/IN Mitchell/NNP ,/, the/DT former/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
senator/NN who/WP is/VBZ mediating/VBG the/DT talks/NNS ./.
The/DT British/JJ tabloids/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, gave/VBD top/JJ priority/NN to/TO the/DT arrest/NN of/IN pop/NN singer/NN George/NNP Michael/NNP for/IN "/" engaging/VBG in/IN a/DT lewd/NN act/NN "/" in/IN a/DT public/JJ restroom/NN in/IN the/DT Will/MD Rogers/NNP Memorial/NNP Park/NNP in/IN Beverly/NNP Hills/NNP ./.
Rupert/NNP Murdoch/NNP 's/POS Sun/NNP ,/, Britain/NNP 's/POS best-selling/JJS newspaper/NN ,/, dedicated/VBD its/PRP$ first/JJ seven/CD pages/NNS to/TO Michael/NNP 's/POS misfortune/NN ,/, with/IN a/DT front/JJ page/NN headline/NN that/WDT read/VBP ,/, "/" Zip/NNP Me/PRP Up/IN Before/IN You/PRP Go/VB Go/VB ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ main/JJ editorial/NN ,/, the/DT Sun/NNP (/( which/WDT ,/, on/IN Murdoch/NNP 's/POS instructions/NNS ,/, supports/VBZ Tony/NNP Blair/NNP )/) praised/VBD the/DT British/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN 's/POS peace/NN efforts/NNS but/CC condemned/VBN Mitchell/NNP 's/POS draft/NN as/IN "/" an/DT appeasement/NN of/IN IRA/NN terrorism/NN "/" that/WDT would/MD "/" sign/VB away/RB the/DT sovereignty/NN of/IN a/DT part/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP Kingdom/NNP to/TO Dublin/NNP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ like/IN letting/VBG Argentina/NNP help/VB run/VB the/DT Falklands/NNP ,/, or/CC Spain/NNP share/NN control/NN of/IN Gibraltar/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT Sun/NNP was/VBD at/IN odds/NNS with/IN most/JJS newspapers/NNS on/IN both/DT sides/NNS of/IN the/DT Irish/JJ sea/NN ./.
Although/IN Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP 's/POS Protestant/JJ Belfast/NNP Telegraph/NNP declared/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN the/DT creation/NN of/IN cross-border/JJ ,/, north-south/JJ bodies/NNS was/VBD "/" asking/VBG too/RB much/JJ "/" of/IN the/DT Ulster/NNP Unionists/NNP ,/, the/DT Republican/NNP Irish/NNP News/NNP in/IN Belfast/NNP urged/VBD the/DT Unionists/NNP to/TO accept/VB them/PRP as/IN "/" a/DT logical/JJ development/NN ./.
"/" Its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN headline/NN on/IN the/DT talks/NNS was/VBD "/" So/RB Near/IN and/CC Yet/RB So/RB Far/NNP ./.
Dublin/NNP 's/POS Irish/NNP Independent/NNP ,/, reporting/VBG optimism/NN in/IN Dublin/NNP as/RB well/RB as/IN London/NNP ,/, said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN "/" the/DT prize/NN is/VBZ within/IN the/DT negotiators/NNS '/POS grasp/NN "/" :/: "/" If/IN they/PRP fail/VBP to/TO seize/VB it/PRP ,/, they/PRP will/MD surrender/VB to/TO the/DT sinister/JJ men/NNS lurking/VBG in/IN the/DT wings/NNS ./.
At/IN the/DT moment/NN of/IN truth/NN ,/, they/PRP must/MD not/RB flinch/VB ./.
"/" The/DT Irish/NNP Times/NNP carried/VBD no/DT editorial/NN on/IN the/DT talks/NNS Thursday/NNP ,/, but/CC its/PRP$ columnist/NN Mary/NNP Holland/NNP wrote/VBD on/IN the/DT op-ed/JJ page/NN that/IN Blair/NNP had/VBD "/" failed/VBN ,/, dramatically/RB ,/, to/TO convince/VB the/DT unionist/NN leader/NN [/( David/NNP Trimble/NNP ]/) of/IN the/DT need/NN for/IN radical/JJ change/NN ./.
"/" She/PRP added/VBD ,/, "/" Perhaps/RB ,/, even/RB at/IN this/DT 11/CD th/NN hour/NN ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Blair/NNP will/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO convince/VB the/DT unionists/NNS that/IN embracing/VBG change/NN is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS way/NN to/TO safeguard/VB the/DT Union/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT damage/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN done/VBN in/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ days/NNS is/VBZ enormous/JJ ./.
An/DT op-ed/JJ comment/NN by/IN Simon/NNP Beck/NNP in/IN Hong/NNP Kong/NNP 's/POS South/NNP China/NNP Morning/NNP Post/NNP Thursday/NNP expressed/VBD alarm/NN that/IN recent/JJ World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization/NNP rulings/NNS against/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS could/MD encourage/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
protectionism/NN and/CC lead/VB to/TO a/DT loss/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
confidence/NN in/IN the/DT organization/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT rulings/NNS mentioned/VBN condemned/VBD a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
ban/NN on/IN imports/NNS of/IN shrimp/NN caught/VBN in/IN Asian/JJ nets/NNS that/WDT could/MD also/RB kill/VB rare/JJ turtles/NNS ;/: another/DT rejected/VBD a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
complaint/NN that/IN Japan/NNP was/VBD obstructing/VBG imports/NNS of/IN American/NNP Kodak/NNP film/NN ./.
"/" A/DT few/JJ more/JJR headlines/NNS proclaiming/VBG that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ letting/VBG innocent/JJ turtles/NNS die/VBP at/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN ruthless/JJ Asian/JJ fishermen/NNS ,/, or/CC allowing/VBG Japan/NNP to/TO cheat/VB U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
workers/NNS out/IN of/IN jobs/NNS ,/, will/MD not/RB create/VB the/DT climate/NN for/IN a/DT clear-headed/JJ debate/NN on/IN the/DT future/NN of/IN world/NN trade/NN ,/, "/" the/DT article/NN concluded/VBD ./.
China/NNP 's/POS accession/NN to/TO the/DT WTO/NNP was/VBD one/CD of/IN the/DT issues/NNS on/IN which/WDT Chinese/NNP President/NNP Jiang/NNP Zemin/NNP hopes/VBZ to/TO make/VB "/" substantial/JJ progress/NN "/" when/WRB President/NNP Clinton/NNP visits/NNS Beijing/NNP in/IN June/NNP ,/, the/DT SCMP/NNP reported/VBN ,/, quoting/VBG diplomatic/JJ sources/NNS ./.
Others/NNS were/VBD Taiwan/NNP and/CC the/DT resumption/NN of/IN high-tech/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
exports/NNS to/TO China/NNP ./.
Chinese/JJ presidential/JJ aides/NNS had/VBD indicated/VBN they/PRP hope/VBP Clinton/NNP will/MD promise/VB to/TO put/VB pressure/NN on/IN Taipei/NNP to/TO enter/VB negotiations/NNS with/IN China/NNP ./.
The/DT Chinese/JJ president/NN also/RB hopes/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS visit/NN will/MD bolster/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ prestige/NN as/IN a/DT statesman/NN ,/, "/" upstaged/JJ "/" by/IN new/JJ Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Zhu/NNP Rongji/NNP 's/POS successful/JJ European/JJ tour/NN ./.
The/DT father/NN of/IN Dodi/NNP Fayed/NNP ,/, who/WP died/VBD with/IN Princess/NNP Diana/NNP in/IN a/DT car/NN crash/NN in/IN Paris/NNP last/JJ summer/NN ,/, told/VBD London/NNP 's/POS Daily/NNP Mail/NNP that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ sick/JJ of/IN the/DT British/JJ royal/JJ family/NN ./.
Mohammed/NNP al/NN Fayed/NNP ,/, who/WP owns/VBZ the/DT former/JJ Duke/NNP and/CC Duchess/NNP of/IN Windsor/NNP 's/POS house/NN in/IN Paris/NNP (/( which/WDT he/PRP had/VBD hoped/VBN to/TO make/VB Dodi/NNP and/CC Diana/NNP 's/POS home/NN )/) ,/, recently/RB sold/VBN its/PRP$ contents/NNS at/IN an/DT auction/NN in/IN New/NNP York/NNP ./.
Now/RB he/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP plans/VBZ to/TO redecorate/NN it/PRP ./.
"/" I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB rid/JJ of/IN all/PDT the/DT royal/JJ spirits/NNS ,/, "/" he/PRP told/VBD the/DT Daily/NNP Mail/NNP ./.
"/" They/PRP have/VBP n't/RB done/VBN me/PRP any/DT good/NN ./.
To/TO hell/NN with/IN the/DT Windsors/NNP and/CC the/DT royal/JJ family/NN ./.
The/DT house/NN does/VBZ not/RB deserve/VB to/TO be/VB preserved/VBN historically/RB ./.
"/" Meanwhile/RB ,/, the/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP reported/VBD fury/NN among/IN British/NNP POWs/NNP once/RB held/VBN by/IN the/DT Japanese/NN that/IN the/DT queen/NN is/VBZ to/TO invest/VB the/DT emperor/NN of/IN Japan/NNP with/IN the/DT Order/NNP of/IN the/DT Garter/NNP ,/, Britain/NNP 's/POS highest/JJS order/NN of/IN chivalry/NN ,/, when/WRB he/PRP visits/VBZ London/NNP next/JJ month/NN ./.
Tammy/NNP Wynette/NNP ,/, the/DT subject/NN of/IN many/JJ large/JJ obituaries/NNS in/IN the/DT European/JJ press/NN ,/, was/VBD remembered/VBN on/IN Le/NNP Monde/NNP 's/POS op-ed/JJ page/NN Thursday/NNP for/IN her/PRP$ advice/NN to/TO "/" rester/NN près/NNS de/IN son/NN homme/NN ,/, quoiqu/NN '/" il/NN arrive/VB ,/, car/NN ,/, après/NNS tout/VB ,/, ce/NN n/NN '/" est/NN qu/NN '/" un/NN homme/NN ./.
"/" And/CC George/NNP Mitchell/NNP ,/, profiled/VBN in/IN Milan/NNP 's/POS Corriere/NNP della/NN Sera/NNP ,/, was/VBD described/VBN as/IN "/" a/DT great/JJ listener/NN ,/, "/" who/WP ,/, "/" first/JJ as/IN a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN ,/, and/CC then/RB as/IN a/DT senator/NN ,/, has/VBZ spent/VBN his/PRP$ career/NN trying/VBG to/TO understand/VB the/DT point/NN of/IN view/NN of/IN his/PRP$ adversaries/NNS ./.
The/DT Matrix/NNP (/( Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Keanu/NNP Reeves/NNP stars/NNS in/IN this/DT complex/JJ ,/, dystopic/JJ sci-fi/JJ thriller/NN ./.
Critics/NNS give/VBP high/JJ marks/NNS to/TO the/DT computer-enhanced/JJ special/JJ effects/NNS but/CC are/VBP divided/VBN on/IN the/DT merits/NNS of/IN the/DT ambitious/JJ plot/NN and/CC the/DT everything-but-the-kichen-sink/JJ filmic/JJ provenance/NN ,/, from/IN Soylent/NNP Green/NNP to/TO Terminator/NNP 2/CD to/TO Hong/NNP Kong/NNP actioners/NNS ./.
For/IN some/DT the/DT effects/NNS are/VBP enough/RB :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ "/" one/CD big/JJ ,/, fat/JJ ,/, honking/VBG comic/JJ book/NN of/IN a/DT sci-fi-martial-arts/JJ adventure/NN flick/NN ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ stu-freakin/JJ '/POS -/: pendous/JJ special/JJ effects/NNS ,/, hipster/NN sang-froid/JJ out/RP the/DT wazoo/NN and/CC a/DT story/NN line/NN that/WDT makes/VBZ only/RB as/IN much/JJ sense/NN as/IN it/PRP has/VBZ to/TO "/" (/( Michael/NNP O/NNP '/POS Sullivan/NNP ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT grudgingly/RB appreciative/JJ Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP says/VBZ that/IN at/IN its/PRP$ best/JJS the/DT movie/NN brings/VBZ "/" Hong/NNP Kong/NNP action/NN style/NN home/NN to/TO audiences/NNS in/IN a/DT mainstream/JJ American/JJ adventure/NN with/IN big/JJ prospects/NNS as/IN a/DT cult/NN classic/JJ and/CC with/IN the/DT future/NN very/RB much/RB in/IN mind/NN "/" (/( the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
Others/NNS criticize/VBP the/DT convoluted/JJ story/NN line/NN and/CC call/VB it/PRP strictly/RB genre/NN and/CC strictly/RB for/IN "/" guys/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ teens/NNS and/CC 20/CD s/VBZ ,/, for/IN whom/WP the/DT script/NN 's/POS pretentious/JJ mumbo-jumbo/JJ of/IN undergraduate/NN mythology/NN ,/, religious/JJ mysticism/NN and/CC technobabble/JJ could/MD even/RB be/VB a/DT plus/NN rather/RB than/IN a/DT dramatic/JJ liability/NN "/" (/( Todd/NNP McCarthy/NNP ,/, Daily/NNP Variety/NNP )/) ./.
(/( To/TO see/VB the/DT trailer/NN and/CC some/DT fine/JJ Keanu/NNP pics/NNS ,/, visit/NN this/DT fan/NN site/NN ;/: check/NN out/RP David/NNP Edelstein/NNP 's/POS in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
10/CD Things/NNS I/PRP Hate/NNP About/IN You/PRP (/( Buena/NNP Vista/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS ,/, many/DT of/IN whom/WP admitted/VBD they/PRP had/VBD been/VBN gearing/VBG up/RP for/IN "/" 10/CD things/NNS I/PRP hate/VBP about/IN this/DT movie/NN "/" reviews/NNS ,/, are/VBP charmed/JJ ,/, if/IN not/RB in/IN love/NN with/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS Shakespeare/NNP offering/NN ./.
(/( The/DT source/NN is/VBZ The/DT Taming/VBG of/IN the/DT Shrew/NNP ./.
)/) Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP 's/POS Owen/NNP Gleiberman/NNP writes/VBZ it/PRP "/" may/MD be/VB the/DT cheekiest/NN '/" literary/JJ '/POS update/NN yet--a/JJ post-riot/JJ grrrl/NN gloss/VBP "/" of/IN the/DT play/NN ./.
Many/JJ gush/VBP over/IN the/DT foxy/NN young/JJ star/NN ,/, Julia/NNP Stiles/NNP ./.
Complaints/NNS are/VBP mainly/RB a/DT result/NN of/IN critics/NNS '/POS upscale-high-school-caper-film/JJ fatigue/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ find/VB the/DT film/NN irritating/VBG :/: Daily/NNP Variety/NNP 's/POS Dennis/NNP Harvey/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" it/PRP lurches/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT map/NN ,/, encompassing/VBG dialogue/NN both/DT inspired/VBN and/CC juvenile/JJ ./.
"/" (/( Visit/NNP the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Cookie/NNP 's/POS Fortune/NNP (/( October/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
Critical/JJ response/NN to/TO Robert/NNP Altman/NNP 's/POS warm/JJ 'n'/CC fuzzy/JJ Southern/NNP Gothic/NNP tale/NN covers/VBZ the/DT spectrum/NN ./.
Most/JJS are/VBP tickled/JJ pink/NN :/: "/" a/DT small/JJ miracle/NN "/" with/IN "/" an/DT irresistibly/RB companionable/JJ spirit/NN "/" (/( David/NNP Denby/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT classic/JJ Altman/NNP deep/JJ bench/NN (/( including/VBG Patricia/NNP Neal/NNP ,/, Glenn/NNP Close/NNP ,/, Julianne/NNP Moore/NNP ,/, Chris/NNP O/NNP '/POS Donnell/NNP ,/, and/CC Liv/NNP Tyler/NNP )/) does/VBZ not/RB disappoint/VB ,/, and/CC most/JJS play/VB twinklingly/RB kooky/NN oddballs/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, several/JJ critics/NNS are/VBP not/RB so/RB keen/JJ ./.
More/JJR than/IN one/CD call/NN it/PRP "/" Altman/NNP lite/NN "/" (/( Jack/NNP Mathews/NNP ,/, the/DT Daily/NNP News/NNP )/) and/CC say/VB "/" [/( t/NN ]/) he/PRP fabled/JJ Altman/NNP atmosphere/NN fails/VBZ to/TO jell/NN "/" (/( Gleiberman/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT small/JJ cadre/NN is/VBZ seriously/RB disappointed/VBN :/: "/" another/DT footnote/NN to/TO an/DT Altman/NNP career/NN that/WDT is/VBZ fast/RB becoming/VBG all/DT footnotes/NNS "/" (/( Richard/NNP Corliss/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) or/CC ,/, more/RBR simply/RB ,/, "/" [/( h/NN ]/) e/SYM falters/VBZ again/RB "/" (/( Stanley/NNP Kauffmann/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP Republic/NNP )/) ./.
(/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN director/NN Robert/NNP Altman/NNP ,/, visit/NN this/DT site/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ links/NNS to/TO interviews/NNS and/CC essays/NNS about/IN him/PRP ,/, and/CC read/VB Edelstein/NNP 's/POS review/NN Friday/NNP in/IN Slate/NNP ./.
A/DT Walk/VBP on/IN the/DT Moon/NNP (/( Miramax/NNP Films/NNP )/) ./.
Mixed/VBN reviews/NNS ,/, tending/VBG toward/IN the/DT negative/NN ,/, for/IN this/DT tale/NN of/IN sexual/JJ liberation/NN set/VBN in/IN 1969/CD ./.
A/DT 32/CD -/: year-old/JJ Jewish/JJ housewife/NN who/WP married/VBD too/RB young/JJ is/VBZ on/IN vacation/NN in/IN the/DT Catskills/NNP with/IN her/PRP$ two/CD kids/NNS and/CC mother-in-law/NN when/WRB she/PRP meets/VBZ a/DT sexy/JJ ,/, young/JJ blouse/NN peddler/NN ./.
The/DT rest/NN ?/.
As/IN the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP '/POS Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP says/VBZ ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" one/CD small/JJ step/NN for/IN the/DT Blouse/NNP Man/NNP ,/, a/DT giant/JJ leap/NN for/IN Pearl/NNP Kantrowitz/NNP ./.
"/" Time/NNP 's/POS Corliss/NNP writes/VBZ that/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS nice/JJ ,/, if/IN "/" you/PRP look/VBP past/JJ the/DT gaffes/NNS and/CC clichés/NNS ./.
"/" On/IN the/DT positive/JJ side/NN ,/, most/JJS say/VBP the/DT acting/VBG is/VBZ great/JJ ,/, and/CC though/IN the/DT film/NN "/" does/VBZ n't/RB take/VB enormous/JJ chances/NNS ,/, "/" it/PRP is/VBZ nevertheless/RB "/" extremely/RB satisfying/VBG "/" (/( Denby/NNP ,/, The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP )/) ./.
Slate/NNP 's/POS Edelstein/NNP is/VBZ more/RBR positive/JJ than/IN most/JJS ,/, praising/VBG the/DT "/" deliciously/RB resonant/JJ dual/JJ setting/NN :/: a/DT Catskills/NNP summer/NN community/NN to/TO which/WDT middle-class/NN Jews/NNPS from/IN the/DT city/NN migrate/VB to/TO swim/VBP and/CC eat/VB and/CC play/VB mah-jongg/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT gathering/NN hippies/NNS at/IN nearby/JJ Woodstock/NNP ./.
"/" (/( the/DT rest/NN of/IN his/PRP$ review/NN ./.
The/DT Out-of-/NNP Towners/NNP (/( Paramount/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Goldie/NNP Hawn/NNP and/CC Steve/NNP Martin/NNP star/NN in/IN a/DT remake/VB of/IN Neil/NNP Simon/NNP 's/POS 1970/CD film/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ "/" so/RB feeble/JJ and/CC unfocussed/VBN as/IN to/TO make/VB the/DT Farrelly/NNP brothers/NNS of/IN There/EX 's/VBZ Something/NN About/IN Mary/NNP appear/VBP to/TO have/VB suckled/JJ at/IN the/DT bosom/NN of/IN Aristophanes/NNP "/" (/( Lawrence/NNP Van/NNP Gelder/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
All/DT critics/NNS agree/VBP ;/: few/JJ put/NN it/PRP so/RB well/RB ./.
The/DT plot/NN :/: A/DT nice/JJ Midwestern/JJ couple/NN goes/VBZ through/IN the/DT wringer/NN in/IN Manhattan/NNP (/( lost/VBD luggage/NN ,/, muggings/NNS ,/, etc/FW )/) ./.
The/DT film/NN 's/POS only/RB breath/NN of/IN fresh/JJ air/NN is/VBZ John/NNP Cleese/NNP ,/, who/WP plays/VBZ a/DT snobby/NN hotel/NN manager/NN ,/, recycling/NN Basil/NNP Fawlty/NNP to/TO good/JJ effect/NN ./.
(/( For/IN more/RBR on/IN Martin/NNP ,/, check/NN out/RP this/DT site/NN ./.
Morgan/NNP :/: American/NNP Financier/NNP ,/, by/IN Jean/NNP Strouse/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
Excellent/NNP reviews/NNS for/IN this/DT doorstop-sized/JJ biography/NN on/IN the/DT legendary/JJ financier/NN :/: "/" a/DT magnificent/JJ ,/, insightful/JJ study/NN "/" (/( Maury/NNP Klein/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP are/VBP impressed/VBN by/IN Strouse/NNP 's/POS extensive/JJ research/NN ,/, which/WDT turned/VBD up/RP a/DT truckload/NN of/IN new/JJ details/NNS on/IN Morgan/NNP 's/POS life/NN and/CC ,/, more/RBR importantly/RB ,/, by/IN the/DT balanced/JJ portrait/NN that/IN she/PRP provides/VBZ of/IN a/DT man/NN whose/WP$ biographies/NNS have/VBP to/TO date/NN been/VBN colored/VBN by/IN vindictive/JJ accounts/NNS from/IN contemporaries/NNS with/IN axes/NNS to/TO grind/VB ./.
The/DT strongest/JJS negative/JJ comment/NN comes/VBZ from/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP ,/, which/WDT warns/VBZ that/IN "/" readers/NNS without/IN an/DT interest/NN in/IN business/NN and/CC financial/JJ history/NN may/MD find/VB some/DT of/IN this/DT material/NN wearisome/NN "/" (/( Richard/NNP Lingeman/NNP )/) ./.
(/( To/TO buy/VB the/DT book/NN click/NN here/RB ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN My/PRP$ Life/NNP and/CC My/PRP$ Life/NNP With/IN the/DT Times/NNP ,/, by/IN Max/NNP Frankel/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
Decent/JJ reviews/NNS for/IN former/JJ New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP executive/NN editor/NN Max/NNP Frankel/NNP 's/POS memoirs/NNS :/: Ward/NNP Just/RB calls/VBZ it/PRP a/DT "/" a/DT smart/JJ ,/, tough/JJ ,/, scrupulous/JJ book/NN "/" in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP ;/: in/IN that/DT fair/JJ journal/NN 's/POS traditional/JJ negative-comment/JJ spot/NN (/( the/DT penultimate/NN paragraph/NN )/) all/DT Just/RB can/MD come/VB up/RB with/IN is/VBZ that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ "/" a/DT whiff/NN of/IN the/DT puritan/NN about/IN Max/NNP Frankel/NNP ,/, and/CC perhaps/RB also/RB the/DT rustle/NN of/IN score-settling/JJ ./.
"/" Some/DT reviewers/NNS note/VBP that/IN his/PRP$ personal/JJ life--if/JJ you/PRP can/MD even/RB say/VB he/PRP had/VBD one--gets/JJ short/JJ shrift/NN ,/, and/CC most/JJS say/VBP Frankel/NNP 's/POS time/NN at/IN the/DT helm/NN is/VBZ not/RB half/NN as/RB interesting/JJ as/IN his/PRP$ flight/NN from/IN Germany/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ childhood/NN and/CC his/PRP$ days/NNS as/IN a/DT young/JJ correspondent/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB the/DT best/JJS backhanded/JJ compliment/NN is/VBZ provided/VBN by/IN another/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP review/NN ,/, this/DT one/CD from/IN the/DT daily/JJ paper/NN :/: Richard/NNP Kluger/NNP writes/VBZ that/IN the/DT book/NN has/VBZ "/" only/RB occasional/JJ spasms/NNS of/IN the/DT immodesty/NN that/IN almost/RB by/IN definition/NN infects/NNS all/DT who/WP venture/NN into/IN autobiography/NN ./.
"/" (/( To/TO buy/VB the/DT book/NN click/NN here/RB ./.
Find/VBP a/DT movie/NN playing/VBG near/IN you/PRP on/IN Sidewalk/NNP ./.
com/NN ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Gore/NNP 's/POS signing/NN bonuses/NNS :/: Al/NNP Gore/NNP proposes/VBZ to/TO meet/VB the/DT rising/VBG demand/NN for/IN new/JJ teachers/NNS by/IN creating/VBG what/WP he/PRP calls/VBZ a/DT "/" 21/CD st/NN Century/NNP National/NNP Teachers/NNPS Corps/NNP ./.
"/" Of/IN the/DT 75/CD ,/, 000/CD talented/JJ people/NNS he/PRP hopes/VBZ to/TO attract/VB to/TO teaching/VBG each/DT year/NN ,/, he/PRP thinks/VBZ 60/CD ,/, 000/CD should/MD be/VB new/JJ college/NN graduates/NNS and/CC 15/CD ,/, 000/CD should/MD be/VB "/" mid-career/JJ professionals/NNS "/" who/WP want/VBP to/TO change/VB jobs/NNS ./.
Gore/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO attract/VB bright/JJ and/CC talented/JJ people/NNS in/IN both/DT categories/NNS by/IN giving/VBG them/PRP hefty/JJ signing/NN bonuses/NNS ./.
In/IN last/JJ Friday/NNP 's/POS Nightline/NNP debate/NN ,/, he/PRP indicated/VBD that/IN he/PRP would/MD set/VB the/DT bounty/NN at/IN $/$ 10/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT head/NN ./.
What/WP a/DT poor/JJ use/NN of/IN $/$ 750/CD million/CD a/DT year/NN that/WDT would/MD be/VB ./.
There/EX are/VBP tens/NNS of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN capable/JJ college/NN graduates/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN mid-career/JJ professionals/NNS who/WP would/MD love/VB nothing/NN more/JJR than/IN to/TO become/VB public-school/JJ teachers/NNS either/CC for/IN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS or/CC longer/RBR ./.
But/CC they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB become/VB public-school/JJ teachers/NNS ./.
What/WP prevents/VBZ them/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB the/DT insufficient/JJ pay/NN ,/, the/DT low/JJ social/JJ status/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT emotionally/RB taxing/VBG work/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT teachers/NNS '/POS unions/NNS ,/, which/WDT maintain/VBP powerful/JJ barriers/NNS to/TO entry/NN in/IN the/DT form/NN of/IN certification/NN requirements/NNS ./.
This/DT means/VBZ that/IN if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP a/DT smart/JJ young/JJ college/NN graduate/NN or/CC a/DT bored/VBN lawyer/NN or/CC a/DT retired-at-/JJ 42/CD Army/NNP colonel/NN who/WP wants/VBZ to/TO teach/VB in/IN a/DT public/JJ school/NN ,/, you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB do/VB so/RB without/IN obtaining/VBG credits/NNS in/IN education/NN ./.
And/CC because/IN education/NN courses/NNS are/VBP a/DT colossal/NN waste/NN of/IN time/NN ,/, many/JJ people/NNS who/WP would/MD make/VB wonderful/JJ teachers/NNS never/RB get/VBP the/DT opportunity/NN ./.
The/DT idea/NN of/IN a/DT Peace/NNP Corps-type/NNP program/NN fueled/VBN by/IN big/JJ signing/NN bonuses/NNS seems/VBZ odd/JJ in/IN any/DT case/NN ./.
If/IN Gore/NNP really/RB wants/VBZ to/TO attract/VB more/RBR talented/JJ people/NNS to/TO careers/NNS in/IN teaching/NN ,/, he/PRP needs/VBZ to/TO do/VB two/CD things/NNS he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB doing/VBG ./.
He/PRP needs/VBZ to/TO appeal/VB to/TO the/DT idealism/NN of/IN those/DT he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO recruit/VB by/IN telling/VBG them/PRP that/IN they/PRP can/MD make/VB more/JJR money/NN elsewhere/RB but/CC that/IN they/PRP can/MD do/VB more/JJR for/IN society/NN by/IN becoming/VBG teachers/NNS ./.
And/CC he/PRP needs/VBZ to/TO prevent/VB his/PRP$ allies/NNS in/IN the/DT teachers/NNS '/POS unions/NNS from/IN continuing/VBG to/TO serve/VB as/IN gatekeepers/NNS to/TO the/DT profession/NN ./.
McCain/NNP 's/POS tax/NN breaks/NNS :/: McCain/NNP always/RB gets/VBZ a/DT chuckle/NN for/IN his/PRP$ line/NN that/IN a/DT good/JJ teacher/NN should/MD n't/RB be/VB paid/VBN less/JJR than/IN a/DT bad/JJ senator/NN ./.
But/CC his/PRP$ plan/NN for/IN rewarding/JJ good/JJ teachers/NNS is/VBZ wackier/NN than/IN Gore/NNP 's/POS and/CC much/RB more/RBR foolish/JJ ./.
According/VBG to/TO an/DT AP/NNP story/NN ,/, McCain/NNP plans/VBZ to/TO spend/VB $/$ 1/CD billion/CD on/IN income-tax/NN cuts/NNS for/IN the/DT nation/NN 's/POS best/JJS teachers/NNS ./.
A/DT teacher/NN rated/VBN "/" excellent/JJ "/" might/MD get/VB a/DT 25/CD percent/NN income/NN tax/NN credit/NN ./.
McCain/NNP apparently/RB thinks/VBZ this/DT will/MD produce/VB a/DT helpful/JJ kind/NN of/IN competition/NN in/IN the/DT public/JJ schools/NNS ./.
Merit/NNP pay/VB ,/, like/IN alternate/JJ certification/NN ,/, is/VBZ a/DT sound/NN idea/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN blocked/VBN by/IN the/DT teachers/NNS '/POS unions/NNS ,/, which/WDT instead/RB want/VBP more/JJR pay/NN for/IN everybody/NN ./.
But/CC McCain/NNP has/VBZ come/VBN up/RB with/IN an/DT ass-backward/JJ method/NN of/IN inflicting/VBG merit/NN pay--an/JJ idea/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ awful/JJ for/IN so/RB many/JJ reasons/NNS one/CD almost/RB does/VBZ n't/RB know/VB where/WRB to/TO begin/VB criticizing/VBG it/PRP ./.
The/DT biggest/JJS problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN once/RB you/PRP start/VBP trying/VBG to/TO shape/VB people/NNS 's/POS career/NN choices/NNS through/IN the/DT tax/NN code--awarding/JJ tax-favored/JJ status/NN to/TO some/DT professions/NNS and/CC not/RB others--you/JJ 're/VBP on/IN an/DT express/JJ train/NN to/TO hell/NN ./.
Why/WRB teachers/NNS but/CC not/RB social/JJ workers/NNS ?/.
Why/WRB social/JJ workers/NNS but/CC not/RB nurses/NNS ?/.
Why/WRB nurses/NNS and/CC not/RB police/VB ?/.
And/CC indeed/RB ,/, why/WRB teachers/NNS at/IN public/JJ schools/NNS and/CC not/RB teachers/NNS at/IN private/JJ and/CC parochial/JJ schools--where/JJ McCain/NNP wants/VBZ students/NNS to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO go/VB with/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN federally/RB funded/VBN vouchers/NNS ./.
With/IN this/DT idea/NN ,/, McCain/NNP ,/, who/WP casts/VBZ himself/PRP as/IN the/DT arch-foe/JJ of/IN the/DT special/JJ interests/NNS in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, has/VBZ devised/VBN an/DT entirely/RB new/JJ form/NN of/IN favoritism/NN for/IN special/JJ interests/NNS to/TO pursue/VB ./.
President/NNP Clinton/NNP has/VBZ left/VBN for/IN vacation/NN and/CC the/DT American/JJ people/NNS may/MD or/CC may/MD not/RB be/VB "/" moving/VBG on/IN ,/, "/" but/CC Flytrap/NNP surely/RB remains/NNS ./.
The/DT Speech/NNP may/MD have/VB guaranteed/VBN Clinton/NNP 's/POS survival/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP wo/MD n't/RB prevent/VB more/JJR testimony/NN by/IN Monica/NNP and/CC Linda/NNP ,/, a/DT possible/JJ presidential/JJ subpoena/NN ,/, a/DT tough/JJ report/NN by/IN Starr/NNP ,/, and/CC congressional/JJ impeachment/NN hearings/NNS ./.
So/RB ,/, before/IN Slate/NNP heads/VBZ off/RP on/IN a/DT short/JJ vacation/NN of/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, I/PRP propose/VBP a/DT Flytrap/NNP midterm/NN :/: 20/CD questions/NNS to/TO help/VB keep/VB you/PRP busy/JJ during/IN the/DT August/NNP scandal/NN doldrums/NNS ./.
Plenty/NNP of/IN mysteries/NNS about/IN Flytrap/NNP remain/VB ./.
Here/RB 's/POS your/PRP$ chance/NN to/TO guess/VB their/PRP$ solutions/NNS ./.
(/( In/IN this/DT test/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT SAT/NNP ,/, you/PRP wo/MD n't/RB know/VB the/DT results/NNS for/IN months/NNS ./.
1/LS What/WP did/VBD Hillary/NNP really/RB know/VBP ,/, and/CC when/WRB did/VBD she/PRP know/VBP it/PRP ?/.
a/DT )/) Nothing/NN until/IN he/PRP told/VBD her/PRP$ this/DT weekend/NN ./.
She/PRP truly/RB believed/VBD him/PRP ./.
b/SYM )/) Suspicions/NNP all/DT along/IN but/CC no/DT certainty/NN till/IN this/DT weekend/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) Everything/NN as/RB soon/RB as/IN the/DT scandal/NN broke/VBD in/IN January/NNP ./.
d/SYM )/) Everything/NN even/RB before/IN the/DT scandal/NN broke/VBD ./.
2/LS ./.
Starr/NNP watchers/NNS insist/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ building/VBG a/DT much/RB stronger/JJR case/NN against/IN Clinton/NNP than/IN a/DT simple/JJ sex/NN &slash;/NN perjury/NN allegation/NN ./.
So/RB what/WP is/VBZ Starr/NNP hiding/VBG up/RP his/PRP$ sleeve/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Evidence/NN of/IN obstruction/NN of/IN justice/NN involving/VBG the/DT Lewinsky/NNP gifts/NNS and/CC job/NN offers/NNS ./.
b/SYM )/) Evidence/NN of/IN suborning/VBG perjury/NN involving/VBG the/DT "/" Talking/VBG Points/NNPS ./.
"/" (/( See/VB Question/NNP 5/CD ./.
c/SYM )/) Evidence/NN of/IN suborning/VBG perjury/NN in/IN the/DT Kathleen/NNP Willey/NNP matter/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) Lots/NNS more/RBR nasty/JJ details/NNS about/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS sex/NN life/NN ./.
e/SYM )/) Some/DT or/CC all/DT of/IN the/DT above/JJ ./.
f/SYM )/) Something/NN else/RB altogether/RB ./.
3/LS Clinton/NNP may/MD have/VB denied/VBN that/IN he/PRP committed/VBD perjury/NN in/IN the/DT Jones/NNP deposition/NN ,/, because/IN he/PRP believes/VBZ what/WP he/PRP did/VBD with/IN Lewinsky/NNP did/VBD not/RB technically/RB violate/VB the/DT definition/NN of/IN "/" sexual/JJ relations/NNS ./.
Well/RB ,/, what/WP did/VBD Clinton/NNP and/CC Lewinsky/NNP actually/RB do/VBP ?/.
a/DT )/) Oral/NNP sex/NN for/IN him/PRP ,/, nothing/NN for/IN her/PRP$ ;/: perhaps/RB skirting/VBG the/DT Jones/NNP definition/NN ./.
b/SYM )/) Mutual/NNP masturbation/NN ,/, skirting/VBG the/DT Jones/NNP definition/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) Oral/NNP sex/NN for/IN both/DT ,/, clearly/RB violating/VBG the/DT Jones/NNP definition/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) Any/DT other/JJ alternative/NN ,/, undoubtedly/RB too/RB icky/NN to/TO be/VB discussed/VBN here/RB but/CC clearly/RB violating/VBG the/DT Jones/NNP definition/NN ./.
4/LS ./.
What/WP was/VBD one/CD ,/, just/RB one/CD ,/, of/IN the/DT questions/NNS that/IN Clinton/NNP refused/VBD to/TO answer/VB ?/.
Insert/NNP your/PRP$ extremely/RB graphic/JJ question/NN here/RB ./.
5/LS ./.
Who/WP really/RB wrote/VBD the/DT Talking/VBG Points/NNPS ?/.
a/DT )/) Monica/NNP ./.
We/PRP mean/VBP it/PRP ./.
b/SYM )/) Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, dictated/VBN to/TO Monica/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) Bruce/NNP Lindsey/NNP ,/, dictated/VBN to/TO Monica/NNP ./.
d/SYM )/) Linda/NNP Tripp/NNP ./.
e/SYM )/) A/DT handsome/JJ ,/, mysterious/JJ stranger/NN ./.
6/CD Why/WRB was/VBD n't/RB Clinton/NNP more/JJR contrite/NN and/CC less/RBR aggressive/JJ during/IN The/DT Speech/NNP ?/.
a/DT )/) Hillary/NNP urged/VBD him/PRP to/TO fight/VB back/RB ,/, not/RB roll/VB over/IN ./.
b/SYM )/) He/PRP knew/VBD Starr/NNP would/MD n't/RB care/VB how/WRB apologetic/JJ he/PRP was/VBD ,/, so/IN he/PRP decided/VBD to/TO take/VB the/DT offensive/JJ and/CC win/VB the/DT PR/NNP war/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) He/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB sorry/JJ and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB think/VB he/PRP lied/VBD ./.
d/SYM )/) All/DT of/IN the/DT above/JJ ./.
7/CD ./.
Who/WP made/VBD the/DT first/JJ move/NN ,/, Monica/NNP or/CC Bill/NNP ?/.
a/DT )/) Monica/NNP ./.
b/SYM )/) Bill/NNP ./.
8/CD ./.
Will/MD Hillary/NNP stick/VB with/IN Bill/NNP or/CC ditch/NN him/PRP like/VBP a/DT hot/JJ potato/NN as/RB soon/RB as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ out/IN of/IN office/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Stick/NNP ./.
b/SYM )/) Ditch/NNP ./.
9/CD How/WRB low/JJ must/MD Clinton/NNP 's/POS approval/NN ratings/NNS sink/VBP before/IN Republicans/NNPS pursue/VBP impeachment/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) 70/CD percent/NN ./.
b/SYM )/) 60/CD percent/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) 50/CD percent/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) 40/CD percent/NN ./.
e/SYM )/) How/WRB can/MD you/PRP be/VB so/RB cynical/JJ ?/.
His/PRP$ poll/NN numbers/NNS are/VBP irrelevant/JJ ./.
They/PRP will/MD impeach/NN him/PRP if/IN he/PRP has/VBZ committed/VBN impeachable/JJ offenses/NNS ,/, no/DT matter/NN how/WRB popular/JJ he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
10/CD ./.
Will/MD the/DT Lewinsky/NNP tapes/NNS ever/RB be/VB released/VBN ?/.
If/IN so/IN ,/, will/MD they/PRP destroy/VB Clinton/NNP 's/POS reputation/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Yes/UH ,/, yes/UH (/( because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP so/RB much/RB worse/JJR than/IN we/PRP imagine/VBP )/) ./.
b/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, no/DT (/( because/IN we/PRP have/VBP already/RB imagined/VBN the/DT worst/JJS )/) ./.
c/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, no/DT (/( because/IN Monica/NNP will/MD sound/VB too/RB flaky/JJ to/TO take/VB seriously/RB )/) ./.
d/SYM )/) No/DT ,/, no/UH ./.
11/CD Did/VBD Clinton/NNP 's/POS aides/NNS really/RB believe/VBP his/PRP$ denials/NNS ?/.
If/IN yes/UH ,/, why/WRB ?/.
If/IN no/DT ,/, why/WRB did/VBD n't/RB they/PRP quit/VBN ?/.
a/DT )/) No/DT ,/, they/PRP really/RB did/VBD n't/RB think/VB it/PRP mattered/VBN ./.
b/SYM )/) No/DT ,/, they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB want/VB to/TO embarrass/VB the/DT administration/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, they/PRP trusted/VBD him/PRP absolutely/RB ./.
d/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, they/PRP never/RB asked/VBD ./.
e/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, they/PRP were/VBD willfully/RB delusional/NN ./.
12/CD ./.
With/IN whom/WP did/VBD Clinton/NNP plot/NN cover/NN stories/NNS to/TO cover/VB up/RP the/DT Lewinsky/NNP affair/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) With/IN Betty/NNP Currie/NNP about/IN the/DT gifts/NNS and/CC Monica/NNP 's/POS visits/NNS ./.
b/SYM )/) With/IN Monica/NNP about/IN everything/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) With/IN Bruce/NNP Lindsey/NNP about/IN everything/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) With/IN Vernon/NNP Jordan/NNP about/IN getting/VBG her/PRP$ a/DT job/NN ./.
e/SYM )/) Any/DT combination/NN of/IN the/DT above/JJ ./.
13/CD What/WP is/VBZ Bruce/NNP Lindsey/NNP 's/POS role/NN in/IN all/PDT this/DT ?/.
a/DT )/) Knew/NNP about/IN affair/NN ,/, did/VBD nothing/NN to/TO help/VB or/CC hinder/VB it/PRP ./.
b/SYM )/) Knew/NNP about/IN affair/NN ,/, helped/VBD hide/VB it/PRP from/IN Hillary/NNP and/CC outsiders/NNS in/IN harmless/JJ ways/NNS ./.
c/SYM )/) Knew/NNP about/IN affair/NN ,/, helped/VBD clean/VB it/PRP up/RP in/IN questionable/JJ ways/NNS (/( Talking/VBG Points/NNPS ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) ./.
d/SYM )/) Innocent/JJ bystander/NN ./.
14/CD ./.
Will/MD Starr/NNP subpoena/VB the/DT president/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) No/DT ,/, Starr/NNP got/VBD enough/RB on/IN Monday/NNP to/TO nail/VB him/PRP ./.
b/SYM )/) No/DT ,/, Starr/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB want/VB to/TO risk/VB constitutional/JJ crisis/NN ./.
c/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, Clinton/NNP ducked/JJ too/RB many/JJ important/JJ questions/NNS ./.
d/SYM )/) Yes/UH ,/, just/RB to/TO annoy/NN Clinton/NNP ./.
15/CD Starr/NNP is/VBZ probably/RB constitutionally/RB barred/VBN from/IN indicting/VBG the/DT president/NN ./.
Whom/NNP will/MD he/PRP indict/VB in/IN the/DT Lewinsky/NNP matter/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Bruce/NNP Lindsey/NNP ./.
b/SYM )/) Vernon/NNP Jordan/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) Betty/NNP Currie/NNP ./.
d/SYM )/) Bill/NNP Richardson/NNP ./.
e/SYM )/) William/NNP Ginsburg/NNP ,/, just/RB for/IN the/DT hell/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
f/SYM )/) None/NN of/IN the/DT above/JJ ./.
16/CD ./.
Clinton/NNP knew/VBD that/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP and/CC Kathleen/NNP Willey/NNP were/VBD out/IN there/RB ./.
So/RB why/WRB did/VBD n't/RB he/PRP settle/VBP the/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP lawsuit/NN rather/RB than/IN risk/NN exposure/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Paula/NNP Jones/NNP was/VBD actually/RB lying/VBG ,/, and/CC Clinton/NNP refused/VBD to/TO cave/NN to/TO her/PRP$ blackmail/VB ./.
b/SYM )/) Clinton/NNP assumed/VBD they/PRP would/MD never/RB find/VB Willey/NNP and/CC Lewinsky/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) Clinton/NNP assumed/VBD they/PRP would/MD find/VB Willey/NNP and/CC Lewinsky/NNP but/CC also/RB assumed/VBD Willey/NNP and/CC Lewinsky/NNP would/MD stay/VB silent/JJ ,/, because/IN his/PRP$ women/NNS usually/RB do/VBP ./.
d/SYM )/) Clinton/NNP is/VBZ a/DT fool/NN ./.
17/CD The/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP permitted/VBD the/DT Jones/NNP suit/NN in/IN part/NN because/IN it/PRP would/MD not/RB distract/VB the/DT president/NN from/IN his/PRP$ job/NN ./.
Would/MD the/DT justices/NNS have/VB let/VBN the/DT Jones/NNP suit/NN proceed/VB if/IN they/PRP had/VBD known/VBN it/PRP would/MD produce/VB the/DT Flytrap/NNP circus/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Yes/UH ./.
b/SYM )/) No/UH ./.
18/CD ./.
Does/VBZ Clinton/NNP really/RB believe/VBP oral/JJ sex/NN is/VBZ not/RB adultery/NN ?/.
a/DT )/) Yes/UH ./.
b/SYM )/) No/UH ./.
c/SYM )/) "/" Well/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ complicated/VBN ./.
19/CD According/VBG to/TO some/DT reports/NNS ,/, only/RB 40/CD percent/NN of/IN Tripp/NNP 's/POS testimony/NN was/VBD about/IN Flytrap/NNP ./.
So/RB what/WP was/VBD the/DT rest/NN about/RP ?/.
a/DT )/) Vince/NNP Foster/NNP 's/POS death/NN ./.
b/SYM )/) Kathleen/NNP Willey/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) Threats/NNP by/IN White/NNP House/NNP staffers/NNS against/IN Tripp/NNP ./.
d/SYM )/) Her/PRP$ secret/JJ tapes/NNS of/IN other/JJ "/" friends/NNS "/" talking/VBG about/IN their/PRP$ sex/NN lives/NNS ./.
20/CD ./.
What/WP gifts/NNS did/VBD Monica/NNP give/VB Clinton/NNP ?/.
a/DT )/) The/DT gold-and-navy/JJ tie/NN on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN of/IN today/NN 's/POS New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ./.
b/SYM )/) The/DT blue/JJ tie/NN he/PRP wore/VBD during/IN The/DT Speech/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) A/DT jack-o/JJ '/POS -/: lantern/NN pin/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) A/DT copy/NN of/IN Vox/NNP ./.
e/SYM )/) Sexually/NNP suggestive/JJ tapes/NNS ./.
f/SYM )/) All/DT of/IN the/DT above/JJ ./.
And/CC ,/, for/IN extra/JJ credit/NN :/:
21/CD ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ on/IN that/DT dress/NN ,/, anyway/RB ?/.
a/DT )/) Semen/NNP ./.
b/SYM )/) Toothpaste/NNP ./.
c/SYM )/) Laundry/NNP detergent/NN ./.
d/SYM )/) Lemon-swirl/NNP yogurt/NN ./.
e/SYM )/) Nothing/NN ./.
My/PRP$ guesses/NNS ,/, for/IN the/DT record/NN ,/, are/VBP :/:
1/LS :/: b/SYM ;/: 2/CD :/: e/SYM ;/: 3/CD :/: c/SYM ;/: 4/CD :/: anything/NN about/IN the/DT dress/NN ;/: 5/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 6/CD :/: d/SYM ;/: 7/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 8/CD :/: a/SYM ;/: 9/CD :/: c/SYM ;/: 10/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 11/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 12/CD :/: e/SYM ;/: 13/CD :/: c/SYM ;/: 14/CD :/: a/SYM ;/: 15/CD :/: a/SYM ;/: 16/CD :/: c/SYM ;/: 17/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 18/CD :/: c/SYM ;/: 19/CD :/: b/SYM ;/: 20/CD :/: f/SYM ;/: 21/CD :/: a/DT ./.
"/" Flytrap/NNP Today/NNP "/" :/: The/DT complete/JJ chronicles/VBZ ./.
Slate/NNP 's/POS Complete/JJ Flytrap/NNP Coverage/NNP
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
A/DT Utilitarian/NNP Burial/NNP
In/IN your/PRP$ "/" Egghead/NNP "/" column/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ stated/VBN that/IN Jeremy/NNP Bentham/NNP 's/POS corpse/NN was/VBD preserved/VBN according/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ wishes/NNS ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, as/RB so/RB often/RB happens/VBZ ,/, his/PRP$ last/JJ wishes/NNS were/VBD not/RB fulfilled/VBN in/IN accordance/NN with/IN his/PRP$ will/MD ./.
His/PRP$ wish/VBP was/VBD to/TO have/VB his/PRP$ clothed/VBN skeleton/NN displayed/VBD ,/, not/RB a/DT dressed/VBN ,/, mummified/JJ corpse/NN ./.
I/PRP attach/VBP herewith/NN the/DT ./.
-/: -/: Robert/NNP Bjorkland/NNP Toronto/NNP
True/NNP Grits/NNP
In/IN his/PRP$ "/" Dialogue/NNP "/" on/IN population/NN ,/, Ben/NNP Wattenberg/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO something/NN slicing/VBG through/IN something/NN else/RB "/" like/IN a/DT laser/NN through/IN grits/NNS ./.
The/DT metaphor/NN is/VBZ initially/RB appealing/VBG ,/, but/CC on/IN further/RBR examination/NN it/PRP demands/VBZ clarification/NN from/IN Engineer/NNP Wattenberg/NNP ./.
A/DT laser/NN strikes/NNS one/CD as/IN a/DT particularly/RB infelicitous/JJ tool/NN for/IN grits-slicing/JJ ./.
Awkwardness/NNP aside/RB (/( we/PRP 're/VBP not/RB talking/VBG laser/NN pen-pointers/JJ here/RB ;/: do/VBP we/PRP take/VBP the/DT laser/NN to/TO the/DT breakfast/NN table/NN or/CC the/DT grits/NNS to/TO the/DT laser/NN ?/.
)/) ,/, at/IN least/JJS two/CD practical/JJ difficulties/NNS arise/VBP :/: As/IN the/DT slicing/VBG begins/VBZ ,/, some/DT considerable/JJ quantity/NN of/IN steam/NN should/MD be/VB produced/VBN ,/, shielding/VBG the/DT subject/JJ grits/NNS from/IN our/PRP$ slicing/VBG instrument/NN ./.
Moreover/RB ,/, sliced/JJ grits/NNS show/VBP a/DT disconcerting/VBG tendency/NN toward/IN self-healing/JJ ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP reminded/VBN of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN Egyptian/JJ extras/NNS following/VBG Charlton/NNP Heston/NNP into/IN the/DT (/( temporarily/RB )/) parted/VBD Red/NNP Sea/NNP ./.
Will/MD the/DT grits/NNS stay/VBP sliced/JJ ?/.
I/PRP think/VBP not/RB ./.
-/: -/: Jonathan/NNP Lundell/NNP Half/NN Moon/NNP Bay/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
Why/WRB Could/MD n't/RB He/PRP Be/VB Kam/NNP Ho/NNP ?/.
Or/CC Chin/NNP Fong/NNP ?/.
From/IN "/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" on/IN Jan/NNP ./.
23/CD :/: "/" Amidst/NNP all/PDT this/DT ,/, Jack/NNP Lord/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ hair/NN died/VBD ./.
The/DT obits/NNS fail/VBP to/TO clear/VB up/RP an/DT abiding/VBG mystery/NN :/: Why/WRB did/VBD Kam/NNP Fong/NNP play/VB '/POS Chin/NNP Ho/NNP '/" ?/.
Why/WRB could/MD n't/RB he/PRP just/RB be/VB '/POS Kam/NNP Fong/NNP '/POS ?/.
Sorry/JJ ,/, but/CC this/DT is/VBZ pretty/RB offensive/JJ ./.
Would/MD Shuger/NNP ever/RB have/VB said/VBN :/: "/" Why/WRB did/VBD Irving/NNP Goldberg/NNP play/VB '/POS Sol/NNP Bernstein/NNP '/" ?/.
Why/WRB could/MD n't/RB he/PRP just/RB be/VB '/POS Irving/NNP Goldberg/NNP '/POS ?/.
"/" or/CC "/" Why/WRB did/VBD Luigi/NNP Santini/NNP play/VB '/POS Giuseppi/NNP Romano/NNP '/" ?/.
Why/WRB could/MD n't/RB he/PRP just/RB be/VB '/POS Luigi/NNP Santini/NNP '/POS ?/.
"/" That/DT boy/NN needs/VBZ an/DT editor/NN ./.
Ca/MD n't/RB you/PRP pay/VB somebody/NN else/RB to/TO stay/VB up/RP all/DT night/NN to/TO keep/VB a/DT lid/NN on/IN his/PRP$ ,/, er/UH ,/, excesses/NNS ?/.
-/: -/: Gary/NNP Krist/NNP
Greed/NNP Goeth/NNP Before/IN a/DT Fall/NN
Nancy/NNP Griffin/NNP writes/VBZ in/IN "/" Hollywood/NNP Strikes/NNS Back/RB "/" that/IN Michael/NNP Eisner/NNP extended/VBD an/DT olive/NN branch/NN to/TO former/JJ friend/NN Mike/NNP Ovitz/NNP ,/, but/CC Ovitz/NNP declined/VBD to/TO accept/VB it/PRP ./.
She/PRP then/RB notes/VBZ that/IN Ovitz/NNP might/MD be/VB someone/NN whose/WP$ pride/NN exceeds/VBZ his/PRP$ greed/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ an/DT absurd/JJ statement/NN ./.
Ovitz/NNP did/VBD n't/RB engineer/VB a/DT $/$ 90/CD -/: million/CD severance/NN package/NN because/IN he/PRP was/VBD proud/JJ of/IN leaving/VBG Disney/NNP or/CC his/PRP$ brainchild/NN ,/, Creative/NNP Artists/NNP Agency/NNP ./.
And/CC now/RB that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ more/JJR money/NN than/IN God/NNP (/( or/CC ,/, at/IN least/JJS ,/, Oral/NNP Roberts/NNP )/) ,/, he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB need/VB Eisner/NNP 's/POS friendship/NN ./.
He/PRP can/MD open/VB a/DT studio/NN on/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ and/CC thumb/VB his/PRP$ nose/NN at/IN everyone/NN else/RB ./.
-/: -/: Brian/NNP Hamburg/NNP West/NNP Hills/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
The/DT Troubles/NNP
In/IN "/" The/DT Luck/NNP of/IN the/DT Irish/JJ ,/, "/" James/NNP Surowiecki/NNP makes/VBZ statements/NNS that/WDT are/VBP flat-out/JJ false/JJ ,/, and/CC omits/VBZ many/JJ issues/NNS that/WDT are/VBP at/IN the/DT real/JJ root/NN of/IN the/DT problems/NNS ./.
The/DT Irish/NNP Republican/NNP Army/NNP always/RB notifies/VBZ ahead/RB of/IN time/NN when/WRB a/DT bomb/NN will/MD be/VB set/VBN off/RP in/IN a/DT civilian/JJ area/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ an/DT established/VBN code/NN just/RB for/IN that/DT ./.
He/PRP omitted/VBD this/DT fact/NN ./.
When/WRB Surowiecki/NNP calls/VBZ the/DT Irish/NNP Catholics/NNPS a/DT minority/NN he/PRP should/MD point/VB out/IN that/IN they/PRP make/VBP up/RB 45/CD percent/NN of/IN Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP ./.
But/CC only/RB 5/CD percent/NN of/IN Irish/NNP Catholics/NNPS have/VBP been/VBN accepted/VBN into/IN the/DT police/NN force/NN ./.
Further/RB ,/, there/EX was/VBD no/DT mention/NN of/IN the/DT release/NN of/IN Robert/NNP "/" Basher/NNP "/" Bates/NNP ./.
Bates/NNP ,/, who/WP took/VBD part/NN in/IN dozens/NNS of/IN murders/NNS of/IN Catholics/NNPS ,/, has/VBZ spent/VBN less/JJR time/NN in/IN prison/NN than/IN Joe/NNP Doherty/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD convicted/VBN of/IN one/CD killing/VBG ./.
(/( Bates/NNP '/POS method/NN was/VBD to/TO beat/VB the/DT victims/NNS with/IN hammers/NNS and/CC then/RB dismember/VB them/PRP with/IN butcher/NN knives/NNS ./.
Finally/RB ,/, the/DT founding/NN fathers/NNS of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS promised/VBD to/TO help/VB free/JJ Ireland/NNP ./.
On/IN Oct/NNP ./.
4/CD ,/, 1778/CD ,/, Ben/NNP Franklin/NNP assured/VBD the/DT Irish/JJ ,/, who/WP made/VBD up/RP half/NN of/IN Washington/NNP 's/POS army/NN ,/, that/IN he/PRP was/VBD "/" charged/VBN to/TO assure/VB you/PRP that/WDT means/VBZ will/MD be/VB found/VBN by/IN the/DT Continental/NNP Congress/NNP to/TO establish/VB your/PRP$ freedom/NN ./.
"/" On/IN June/NNP 17/CD ,/, 1781/CD ,/, Franklin/NNP said/VBD of/IN Ireland/NNP ,/, "/" Now/RB is/VBZ the/DT time/NN for/IN France/NNP and/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO help/VB secure/VB her/PRP$ independence/NN ./.
Had/VBD America/NNP kept/VBD its/PRP$ word/NN ,/, Surowiecki/NNP would/MD n't/RB have/VB anything/NN to/TO lie/VB about/IN ./.
-/: -/: M/NNP ./.
G/NNP ./.
McCormick/NNP Glen/NNP Oaks/NNP ,/, N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
Sunday/NNP afternoon/NN ,/, 20/CD of/IN history/NN 's/POS greatest/JJS basketball/NN players/NNS headlined/VBD a/DT Madison/NNP Square/NNP Garden/NNP fund-raiser/NN for/IN Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS former/JJ New/NNP York/NNP Knicks/NNP teammates/NNS Dick/NNP Barnett/NNP ,/, Dave/NNP DeBusschere/NNP ,/, Walt/NNP Frazier/NNP ,/, Jerry/NNP Lucas/NNP ,/, Earl/NNP Monroe/NNP ,/, and/CC Willis/NNP Reed/NNP sang/VBD Bradley/NNP 's/POS praises/VBZ ,/, as/IN did/VBD Kareem/NNP Abdul-/NNP Jabbar/NNP ,/, Bob/NNP Cousy/NNP ,/, Julius/NNP Erving/NNP ,/, John/NNP Havlicek/NNP ,/, Moses/NNP Malone/NNP ,/, Oscar/NNP Robertson/NNP ,/, Bill/NNP Russell/NNP ,/, and/CC Bill/NNP Walton/NNP ./.
The/DT event/NN ,/, complete/JJ with/IN cheerleaders/NNS ,/, movie/NN stars/NNS ,/, and/CC lights/NNS and/CC music/NN reminiscent/NN of/IN an/DT NBA/NNP game/NN ,/, enthralled/JJ the/DT press/NN ./.
"/" Bradley/NNP Throws/NNP Garden/NNP Party/NNP ,/, Scores/NNS ,/, "/" whooped/JJ the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP has/VBZ pitched/VBN himself/PRP as/IN a/DT man/NN of/IN substance/NN in/IN a/DT world/NN corrupted/JJ by/IN glitz/NN ./.
As/IN Russell/NNP put/VBD it/PRP at/IN the/DT gala/NN ,/, "/" In/IN these/DT days/NNS of/IN spin/NN control/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS honest/JJ people/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB met/VBN ./.
"/" So/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ worth/JJ asking/NN whether/IN the/DT jocks/NNS '/POS media/NNS blitz/NN for/IN Bradley/NNP ,/, punctuated/JJ by/IN their/PRP$ full-court/JJ press/NN on/IN Sunday/NNP 's/POS political/JJ talk/NN shows/NNS ,/, conveyed/VBD anything/NN of/IN substance/NN ./.
The/DT question/NN posed/VBN by/IN NBC/NNP 's/POS Tim/NNP Russert--/NNP "/" Why/WRB do/VBP former/JJ opponents/NNS and/CC teammates/NNS support/VBP Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP for/IN president/NN ?/.
"/" -/: -/: raises/VBZ a/DT prior/JJ question/NN :/: Why/WRB should/MD we/PRP care/VBP ?/.
On/IN the/DT talk/NN shows/NNS ,/, the/DT players/NNS testified/VBD that/IN Bradley/NNP is/VBZ "/" intelligent/JJ ,/, "/" "/" knowledgeable/JJ ,/, "/" "/" well-rounded/JJ ,/, "/" "/" compassionate/NN ,/, "/" "/" concerned/VBN ,/, "/" "/" wonderful/JJ ,/, "/" "/" a/DT great/JJ leader/NN ,/, "/" "/" a/DT great/JJ listener/NN ,/, "/" and/CC "/" a/DT good/JJ person/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP applauded/VBD his/PRP$ "/" honesty/NN ,/, "/" "/" integrity/NN ,/, "/" "/" respect/NN ,/, "/" and/CC "/" quiet/JJ strength/NN ./.
"/" They/PRP recalled/VBD that/IN he/PRP "/" played/VBD very/RB hard/JJ ,/, "/" "/" played/VBN by/IN the/DT rules/NNS ,/, "/" and/CC "/" was/VBD always/RB interested/JJ in/IN the/DT needs/NNS of/IN people/NNS ./.
"/" They/PRP asserted/VBD that/IN he/PRP "/" loves/VBZ his/PRP$ country/NN "/" and/CC seeks/VBZ "/" the/DT good/NN of/IN as/IN many/JJ people/NNS as/IN possible/JJ ./.
These/DT platitudes/NNS are/VBP probably/RB true/JJ ./.
But/CC why/WRB did/VBD they/PRP dominate/VBP the/DT three/CD major/JJ networks/NNS Sunday/NNP morning/NN ?/.
What/WP light/JJ do/VBP they/PRP shed/VBP on/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS presidential/JJ competence/NN or/CC agenda/NN ?/.
On/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ,/, DeBusschere/NNP argued/VBD that/IN the/DT ex-athletes/JJ "/" know/VB [/( Bradley/NNP ]/) as/IN a/DT man/NN "/" and/CC that/IN voters/NNS should/MD "/" listen/VB to/TO what/WP celebrities/NNS have/VBP to/TO say/VB about/IN a/DT man/NN that/IN they/PRP all/DT respect/NN and/CC have/VBP known/VBN very/RB well/RB ./.
"/" That/DT explanation/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, turns/VBZ out/IN not/RB to/TO be/VB true/JJ of/IN many/JJ of/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS jocks/NNS ./.
On/IN Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP ,/, Erving/NNP conceded/VBD that/IN he/PRP had/VBD never/RB played/VBN against/IN Bradley/NNP and/CC knew/VBD little/JJ about/IN him/PRP until/IN this/DT year/NN ./.
Cousy/NNP told/VBD the/DT same/JJ story/NN :/: "/" My/PRP$ wife/NN and/CC I/PRP jumped/VBD on/IN board/NN the/DT minute/NN the/DT senator/NN called/VBN ./.
…/NN I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB have/VB a/DT personal/JJ relationship/NN ./.
The/DT jocks/NNS who/WP knew/VBD Bradley/NNP as/IN an/DT athlete/NN failed/VBD to/TO name/VB anything/NN he/PRP had/VBD accomplished/VBN in/IN politics/NNS ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, they/PRP praised/VBD his/PRP$ political/JJ career/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP 's/VBZ had/VBD good/JJ leadership/NN qualities/NNS as/IN a/DT senator/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Lucas/NNP ./.
DeBusschere/NNP agreed/VBD :/: "/" He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT leader/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD when/WRB he/PRP first/RB came/VBD into/IN the/DT political/JJ scene/NN ./.
…/NN He/PRP was/VBD going/VBG to/TO study/VB and/CC learn/VB …/NN and/CC I/PRP think/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ done/VBN that/DT ./.
"/" Russell/NNP added/VBD ,/, "/" He/PRP 's/VBZ had/VBD some/DT experience/NN in/IN national/JJ politics/NNS ./.
And/CC then/RB he/PRP got/VBD away/RB for/IN a/DT while/NN …/NN which/WDT is/VBZ sometimes/RB very/RB helpful/JJ ./.
"/" Again/RB ,/, how/WRB do/VBP the/DT assertions/NNS of/IN former/JJ basketball/NN players/NNS clarify/VB this/DT question/NN ?/.
Unable/JJ to/TO produce/VB evidence/NN ,/, they/PRP extrapolated/VBN from/IN sports/NNS to/TO politics/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP believed/VBD in/IN "/" passing/VBG and/CC getting/VBG other/JJ people/NNS involved/VBN in/IN the/DT game/NN ,/, "/" Reed/NNP argued/VBD on/IN This/DT Week/NNP ./.
"/" That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP Bill/NNP 's/POS about/IN ,/, and/CC what/WP he/PRP 'd/MD do/VB in/IN his/PRP$ politics/NNS :/: getting/VBG everybody/NN involved/VBN in/IN the/DT game/NN ./.
The/DT jocks/NNS were/VBD plainly/RB ignorant/NN of/IN the/DT issues/NNS ./.
"/" Old/NNP jocks/NNS do/VBP n't/RB know/VB a/DT lot/NN about/IN the/DT Balkans/NNP and/CC the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP solutions/NNS or/CC campaign-finance/JJ reform/NN and/CC all/DT ,/, "/" confessed/VBD Cousy/NNP ./.
On/IN Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP ,/, Bob/NNP Schieffer/NNP told/VBD Erving/NNP ,/, "/" Well/RB ,/, Dr/NNP ./.
J/NNP ,/, since/IN you/PRP 're/VBP the/DT doctor/NN here/RB ,/, I/PRP guess/VBP I/PRP ought/MD to/TO ask/VB you/PRP about/IN health/NN care/NN ./.
"/" The/DT question/NN sounded/VBD like/IN a/DT joke/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB ,/, and/CC Erving/NNP answered/VBD it/PRP ./.
"/" I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT proponent/NN of/IN Bill/NNP 's/POS position/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP replied/VBD ,/, citing/VBG "/" Bill/NNP 's/POS health/NN care/NN plan/NN ,/, which/WDT I/PRP got/VBD a/DT chance/NN to/TO read/VB last/JJ night/NN ./.
Bradley/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN has/VBZ been/VBN long/RB on/IN sentiment/NN and/CC short/JJ on/IN solutions/NNS ./.
The/DT athletes/NNS '/POS testimonials/NNS did/VBD nothing/NN to/TO remedy/VB that/DT deficit/NN ./.
DeBusschere/NNP praised/VBD him/PRP for/IN "/" caring/VBG and/CC going/VBG out/IN and/CC saying/VBG things/NNS and/CC doing/VBG things/NNS about/IN "/" race/NN relations/NNS ./.
Reed/NNP called/VBD for/IN racial/JJ "/" enlightenment/NN "/" and/CC predicted/VBD ,/, "/" Bill/NNP will/MD try/VB to/TO make/VB that/WDT happen/VBP ./.
"/" Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Lakers/NNP coach/NN Phil/NNP Jackson/NNP observed/VBD ,/, "/" Skin/NNP color/NN is/VBZ an/DT immediate/JJ reaction/NN to/TO people/NNS ,/, and/CC this/DT is/VBZ something/NN that/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO overcome/VB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ something/NN Bill/NNP sees/VBZ ./.
"/" Cousy/NNP boasted/VBD that/IN Bradley/NNP "/" makes/VBZ human/JJ rights/NNS a/DT cornerstone/NN ,/, really/RB ,/, in/IN terms/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ priorities/NNS …/NN All/DT those/DT problems/NNS stem/VBP ,/, obviously/RB ,/, from/IN man/NN 's/POS inhumanity/NN to/TO man/VB ./.
…/NN So/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP happy/JJ to/TO see/VB Bill/NNP focusing/VBG on/IN ,/, you/PRP know/VBP ,/, just/RB getting/VBG people/NNS to/TO get/VB along/IN together/RB on/IN a/DT domestic/JJ and/CC a/DT worldwide/NN level/NN ./.
Cousy/NNP argued/VBD that/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS jock/NN advocates/NNS should/MD be/VB taken/VBN seriously/RB because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP "/" concerned/VBN about/IN issues/NNS "/" and/CC unencumbered/JJ by/IN the/DT "/" baggage/NN "/" of/IN immorality/NN that/WDT disqualifies/NNS many/JJ celebrity/NN athletes/NNS ./.
Bradley/NNP "/" has/VBZ been/VBN very/RB selective/JJ in/IN terms/NNS of/IN the/DT celebrities/NNS that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ asked/VBN to/TO jump/VB on/IN board/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD Cousy/NNP ./.
"/" If/IN we/PRP 're/VBP all/DT pretty/RB good/JJ guys/NNS and/CC we/PRP 've/VBP lived/VBN our/PRP$ lives/NNS properly/RB ,/, then/RB ,/, hey/UH ,/, why/WRB do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP listen/VBP to/TO us/PRP in/IN this/DT case/NN and/CC vote/NN for/IN Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP ?/.
"/" No/DT doubt/NN Cousy/NNP has/VBZ lived/VBN his/PRP$ life/NN properly/RB ./.
So/RB have/VBP my/PRP$ neighbors/NNS ./.
And/CC they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB get/VB on/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ./.
Stripped/NNP of/IN their/PRP$ rationalizations/NNS ,/, Bradley/NNP 's/POS jocks/NNS fall/VBP back/RB on/IN the/DT argument/NN that/IN their/PRP$ opinions/NNS are/VBP important/JJ simply/RB because/IN they/PRP 're/VBP celebrities/NNS ./.
"/" Look/VB at/IN America/NNP and/CC what/WP America/NNP is/VBZ all/DT about/IN ,/, "/" Robertson/NNP argued/VBD ./.
"/" Basketball/NNP is/VBZ America/NNP 's/POS game/NN ./.
…/NN People/NNS come/VBP to/TO games/NNS to/TO see/VB these/DT stars/NNS play/VBP ./.
Stars/NNP have/VBP such/JJ influence/NN on/IN Americans/NNPS today/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB apropos/NNS for/IN me/PRP to/TO be/VB here/RB to/TO say/VB that/IN Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT person/NN who/WP can/MD generalize/VB all/PDT these/DT people/NNS together/RB ./.
"/" On/IN Late/RB Edition/NNP ,/, Bradley/NNP said/VBD of/IN his/PRP$ basketball/NN pals/NNS ,/, "/" Why/WRB would/MD n't/RB you/PRP reach/VB out/IN to/TO your/PRP$ friends/NNS ?/.
…/NN I/PRP 'd/MD be/VB stupid/JJ if/IN I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB do/VB that/DT ./.
If/IN the/DT jocks/NNS do/VBP n't/RB know/VB why/WRB Bradley/NNP should/MD be/VB president/NN ,/, why/WRB are/VBP they/PRP endorsing/VBG him/PRP ?/.
Because/IN they/PRP think/VBP their/PRP$ association/NN with/IN him/PRP helps/VBZ their/PRP$ image/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN his/PRP$ ./.
"/" Not/RB too/RB many/JJ jocks/NNS are/VBP Rhodes/NNP Scholars/NNP ,/, "/" observed/VBD Cousy/NNP ,/, arguing/VBG that/IN Bradley/NNP "/" personifies/NNS "/" the/DT virtues/NNS of/IN team/NN sports/NNS ./.
"/" Thirty/NNP years/NNS ago/RB ,/, everybody/NN was/VBD a/DT dumb/JJ jock/NN who/WP played/VBD sports/NNS ,/, "/" sniffed/VBD DeBusschere/NNP ./.
"/" Bill/NNP ,/, I/PRP think/VBP ,/, has/VBZ proven/VBN …/NN that/IN a/DT basketball/NN player/NN ,/, baseball/NN player/NN ,/, football/NN player/NN are/VBP very/RB intelligent/JJ people/NNS and/CC that/DT type/NN of/IN stigma/NN attached/VBN to/TO you/PRP is/VBZ not/RB worthy/JJ ./.
But/CC are/VBP the/DT jocks/NNS serving/VBG Bradley/NNP well/RB ?/.
At/IN best/JJS ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP helping/VBG him/PRP exploit/VBP the/DT superficial/JJ ,/, elitist/NN politics/NNS he/PRP claims/VBZ to/TO be/VB campaigning/NN against/IN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP happened/VBD on/IN Meet/NNP the/DT Press/NNP ,/, where/WRB Russert/NNP ,/, after/IN hosting/VBG Bradley/NNP 's/POS jocks/NNS for/IN much/JJ of/IN the/DT show/NN ,/, explained/VBD the/DT absence/NN of/IN a/DT Gore/NNP representative/NN by/IN reporting/VBG ,/, "/" We/PRP asked/VBD the/DT Al/NNP Gore/NNP campaign/NN to/TO provide/VB celebrities/NNS who/WP would/MD support/VB him/PRP ./.
They/PRP declined/VBD ./.
At/IN worst/JJS ,/, the/DT jocks/NNS are/VBP hurting/VBG Bradley/NNP by/IN failing/VBG to/TO comprehend/NN and/CC refute/VB misrepresentations/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ agenda/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP happened/VBD on/IN Face/NNP the/DT Nation/NNP ,/, where/WRB Gore/NNP campaign/NN manager/NN Donna/NNP Brazile/NNP accused/VBD Bradley/NNP of/IN endangering/VBG "/" African-/NNP Americans/NNPS and/CC all/DT other/JJ minorities/NNS and/CC Hispanics/NNPS "/" by/IN trying/VBG to/TO "/" eliminate/VB Medicaid/NNP ./.
"/" What/WP Bradley/NNP needed/VBD was/VBD a/DT policy/NN expert/NN who/WP could/MD block/VB Brazile/NNP 's/POS cheap/JJ shot/NN ./.
Instead/RB ,/, the/DT task/NN of/IN defending/VBG Bradley/NNP fell/VBD to/TO Erving/NNP ,/, who/WP shrugged/VBD that/IN "/" it/PRP 's/VBZ probably/RB a/DT debatable/JJ issue/NN ,/, but/CC knowing/VBG Sen/NNP ./.
Bradley/NNP ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ ,/, you/PRP know/VBP ,/, the/DT type/NN of/IN individual/JJ who/WP has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN fair/JJ ./.
"/" With/IN that/DT response/NN ,/, Erving/NNP negated/VBN his/PRP$ layup/NN for/IN Bradley/NNP by/IN yielding/VBG a/DT three-pointer/JJ to/TO Brazile/NNP ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT problem/NN with/IN basketball/NN stars/NNS ./.
They/PRP can/MD score/NN ,/, but/CC they/PRP ca/MD n't/RB play/VB D/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Jim--/NNP
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT pleasure/NN to/TO get/VB your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ about/IN Daniel/NNP Bell/NNP 's/POS book/NN The/DT Coming/VBG of/IN Post-/NNP Industrial/NNP Society/NNP ./.
Like/IN you/PRP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD put/VBN off/RP by/IN Bell/NNP 's/POS prose/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ n't/RB aged/VBN well/RB ./.
But/CC I/PRP 'll/MD avoid/VB dwelling/NN on/IN that/DT for/IN now/RB ,/, and/CC skip/VB right/NN to/TO your/PRP$ request--an/JJ explanation/NN of/IN what/WP Daniel/NNP Bell/NNP means/VBZ by/IN the/DT post-industrial/JJ society/NN ./.
Then/RB we/PRP can/MD get/VB into/IN what/WP relevance/NN this/DT book/NN may/MD have/VB in/IN 1999/CD ./.
According/VBG to/TO Bell/NNP ,/, the/DT post-industrial/JJ society/NN has/VBZ several/JJ distinct/JJ characteristics/NNS ./.
Since/IN we/PRP live/VBP in/IN an/DT Age/NNP of/IN Information/NNP ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD "/" bullet/NN point/NN "/" them/PRP for/IN easier/JJR retrieval/NN :/:
That/DT about/IN sums/NNS it/PRP up/RP ./.
So/RB why/WRB read/VB this/DT book/NN now/RB ?/.
Well/RB ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP reading/NN it/PRP because/IN Judith/NNP Shulevitz/NNP ,/, my/PRP$ editor/NN at/IN Slate/NNP ,/, asked/VBD me/PRP to/TO ./.
My/PRP$ reasons/NNS aside/RB ,/, why/WRB should/MD anyone/NN else/RB read/VB this/DT book/NN ?/.
I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB say/VB I/PRP recommend/VBP it/PRP ./.
Heading/VBG to/TO the/DT beach/NN with/IN Bell/NNP may/MD lead/VB to/TO sudden/JJ extended/VBN bouts/NNS of/IN deep/JJ sleep/NN that/RB ,/, if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP not/RB wearing/VBG SPF/NNP 30/CD ,/, can/MD cause/VB second-degree/JJ burns/NNS on/IN exposed/VBN skin/NN ./.
This/DT book/NN should/MD be/VB kept/VBN indoors/RB ,/, and/CC used/VBD primarily/RB as/IN a/DT sleep/NN aid/NN ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ most/RBS interesting/JJ about/IN Bell/NNP 's/POS book/NN in/IN 1999/CD is/VBZ its/PRP$ time-capsule/JJ quality--extended/JJ sections/NNS on/IN Marxism/NNP ,/, the/DT use/NN of/IN science/NN to/TO develop/VB atomic/JJ bombs/NNS ,/, and/CC multiple/JJ pages/NNS on/IN the/DT arrival/NN of/IN affirmative/JJ action/NN in/IN American/JJ society--and/JJ how/WRB totally/RB dated/VBN these/DT arguments/NNS now/RB seem/VBP ./.
Bell/NNP 's/POS world/NN ,/, circa/NN 1973/CD ,/, was/VBD one/CD where/WRB Marxism/NNP seemed/VBD important/JJ ,/, the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
appeared/VBD powerful/JJ ,/, and/CC "/" group/NN "/" politics/NNS was/VBD poised/VBN to/TO tear/VB American/JJ democracy/NN apart/RB with/IN tribalism/NN (/( women/NNS 's/POS rights/NNS ,/, black/JJ power/NN ,/, hippies/NNS ,/, labor/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) ./.
His/PRP$ vision/NN of/IN a/DT post-industrial/JJ society/NN is/VBZ one/CD where/WRB science/NN and/CC scientists--because/JJ they/PRP 're/VBP the/DT ultimate/JJ knowledge/NN workers--rise/JJ to/TO prominence/NN :/:
The/DT rated/VBN power/NN of/IN a/DT country/NN no/RB longer/RB rests/VBZ on/IN its/PRP$ steel/NN capacity/NN but/CC on/IN the/DT quality/NN of/IN its/PRP$ science/NN and/CC application/NN ,/, through/IN research/NN and/CC development/NN ,/, to/TO new/JJ technology/NN ./.
For/IN these/DT obvious/JJ reasons/VBZ the/DT new/JJ relation/NN of/IN science/NN to/TO government/NN ./.
completely/RB affects/VBZ the/DT structure/NN of/IN science/NN as/IN "/" charismatic/JJ community/NN "/" and/CC as/IN "/" occupational/NN society/NN ./.
"/" What/WP becomes/VBZ central/JJ ,/, therefore/RB ,/, is/VBZ the/DT question/NN ,/, Who/WP speaks/VBZ for/IN science/NN and/CC for/IN what/WP ends/NNS ?/.
That/DT 's/VBZ a/DT telling/VBG section/NN ,/, both/DT stylistically/RB (/( pretty/RB dense/JJ )/) and/CC theoretically--/JJ Bell/NNP believes/VBZ in/IN the/DT "/" helmsman/NN "/" model/NN of/IN directing/VBG society/NN ./.
For/IN Bell/NNP ,/, the/DT post-industrial/JJ society/NN is/VBZ one/CD where/WRB science/NN ,/, scientists/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT scientific/JJ method/NN become/VBP the/DT dominant/JJ model/NN ./.
Science/NNP and/CC scientists/NNS through/IN their/PRP$ work/NN have/VBP the/DT capacity/NN to/TO steer/VB society/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ similar/JJ to/TO Norbert/NNP Weiner/NNP 's/POS thinking/NN (/( the/DT originator/NN of/IN the/DT term/NN "/" cybernetics/NNS "/" from/IN the/DT Greek/JJ word/NN for/IN "/" helmsman/NN "/" )/) ,/, which/WDT postulated/JJ that/DT society/NN would/MD be/VB increasingly/RB governed/VBN by/IN "/" feedback/NN ,/, "/" allowing/VBG elites/NNS to/TO steer/VB better/JJR ./.
Bell/NNP 's/POS post-industrial/JJ society/NN is/VBZ one/CD where/WRB Big/NNP Government/NNP ,/, Big/NNP Corporations/NNS ,/, and/CC Big/NNP Thinkers/NNP ,/, do/VBP Big/NNP Things/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ Top/JJ Down/IN ./.
And/CC looking/VBG back/RB at/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ and/CC 1990/CD s/VBZ ,/, we/PRP see/VBP how/WRB very/RB off/RP that/IN thinking/VBG became/VBD ./.
This/DT ,/, after/IN all/DT ,/, is/VBZ the/DT era/NN of/IN 27/CD -/: year-old/JJ billionaires/NNS ,/, of/IN "/" bottom/NN up/RB ,/, "/" "/" chaos/NN theory/NN ,/, "/" "/" complexity/NN theory/NN ,/, "/" the/DT Internet/NN ,/, Nasdaq/NNP ,/, "/" viral/JJ marketing/NN ,/, "/" "/" tribal/NN marketing/NN ,/, "/" niches/NNS ,/, fragmentation/NN ,/, heterogeneous/JJ globalization/NN ,/, the/DT "/" hive/JJ mind/NN ,/, "/" the/DT "/" noosphere/NN ,/, "/" and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
What/WP was/VBD that/DT ?/.
The/DT "/" atom/NN bomb/NN "/" ?/.
-/: -/: by/IN that/IN I/PRP take/VBP it/PRP you/PRP mean/VBP those/DT crusty/JJ ICBMs/NNP somewhere/RB in/IN Nebraska--what/NNP about/IN smallpox/NN ,/, Biohazard/NNP 4/CD ,/, subway/NN sarin/NN ,/, and/CC anthrax/NN ?/.
The/DT consumer-centric/JJ "/" long/JJ boom/NN "/" of/IN the/DT 1990/CD s/VBZ seems/VBZ utterly/RB distant/JJ from/IN the/DT dry/JJ post-industrial/JJ world/NN Bell/NNP describes/VBZ ,/, full/JJ of/IN references/NNS to/TO Weber/NNP ,/, Rousseau/NNP ,/, Locke/NNP ,/, and/CC Lenin/NNP ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB fault/NN someone/NN for/IN failing/VBG to/TO predict/VB or/CC describe/VB the/DT future/NN ,/, but/CC you/PRP can/MD compare/VB Bell/NNP to/TO authors/NNS who/WP had/VBD a/DT far/RB better/JJR sense/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
Most/JJS important/JJ ,/, circa/NN 1970/CD s/VBZ ,/, would/MD be/VB Alvin/NNP Toffler/NNP (/( The/DT Third/NNP Wave/NNP )/) and/CC Stewart/NNP Brand/NNP (/( who/WP wrote/VBD a/DT crucial/JJ article/NN for/IN Rolling/NNP Stone/NNP in/IN 1970/CD about/IN how/WRB the/DT real/JJ legacy/NN of/IN the/DT hippie/NN cultural/JJ revolution/NN was/VBD the/DT computer/NN hacker/NN )/) ./.
Authors/NNP like/IN Brand/NN and/CC Toffler/NNP understood/VBD the/DT rise/NN of/IN what/WP today/NN we/PRP call/VBP "/" libertarianism/NN ,/, "/" with/IN its/PRP$ cross-pollination/NN between/IN cultural/JJ trends/NNS (/( "/" do-it-yourself/JJ "/" rock/NN and/CC roll/NN ,/, homebuilding/VBG ,/, computer/NN building/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, symbolized/VBN by/IN the/DT Whole/JJ Earth/NNP Catalog/NN ,/, the/DT Sex/NN Pistols/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Apple/NNP II/NNP )/) and/CC economic/JJ trends/NNS (/( the/DT rise/NN of/IN the/DT entrepreneur/NN as/IN hero/NN ,/, the/DT "/" brand/NN of/IN me/PRP ,/, "/" and/CC ever-lowering/JJ barriers/NNS to/TO the/DT flow/NN of/IN capital/NN from/IN market/NN to/TO market/NN )/) ./.
Go/VB back/RB and/CC read/VB their/PRP$ work/NN ,/, from/IN around/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN as/IN Bell/NNP 's/POS ,/, and/CC you/PRP have/VBP a/DT totally/RB different/JJ response/NN :/: At/IN least/JJS these/DT authors/NNS '/POS arguments/NNS fall/VBP somewhere/RB on/IN the/DT map/NN of/IN 1999/CD (/( and/CC neither/DT of/IN them/PRP seem/VBP to/TO pay/VB much/JJ heed/NN to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
R/NN ./.
)/) ./.
Bell/NNP 's/POS inability/NN to/TO see/VB a/DT world/NN beyond/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN military/JJ and/CC economic/JJ Big/NNP Stuff/NNP is/VBZ what/WP dates/NNS this/DT book/NN most/JJS of/IN all/DT ./.
Big/NNP ,/, centralized/VBN models/NNS are/VBP out/RP ./.
Network/NN externalities/NNS are/VBP in/IN ./.
Which/WDT leaves/VBZ the/DT question--what/JJ part/NN of/IN Bell/NNP 's/POS post-industrial/JJ society/NN has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO pass/VB ?/.
Any/DT Big/NNP Thoughts/NNP on/IN this/DT ,/, Jim/NNP ?/.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP asking/VBG Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP to/TO stay/VB with/IN the/DT GOP/NNP ./.
Though/IN disturbed/VBN by/IN Pat/NNP 's/POS views/NNS on/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ,/, Bush/NNP ,/, positioning/NN himself/PRP as/IN the/DT clear/JJ Republican/JJ front-runner/NN ,/, claims/VBZ he/PRP needs/VBZ a/DT unified/JJ party/NN to/TO win/VB ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN a/DT federal/JJ appeals/NNS court/NN 's/POS rejection/NN of/IN late-term/JJ abortion/NN bans/NNS passed/VBN in/IN Arkansas/NNP ,/, Iowa/NNP ,/, and/CC Nebraska/NNP ./.
Judges/NNS dismissed/VBD all/DT three/CD bans/NNS because/IN they/PRP could/MD unconstitutionally/RB restrict/VB first-/NN and/CC second-trimester/JJ abortions/NNS (/( the/DT story/NN is/VBZ stuffed/VBN by/IN the/DT NYT/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP goes/VBZ local/JJ ,/, describing/VBG a/DT battery/NN of/IN reforms/NNS to/TO California/NNP 's/POS ailing/VBG child/NN support/NN program/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, Bush/NNP 's/POS desire/NN to/TO keep/VB Pat/NNP in/IN the/DT party/NN ,/, expressed/VBD in/IN an/DT Associated/NNP Press/NNP interview/NN ,/, puts/VBZ him/PRP at/IN odds/NNS with/IN Republicans/NNPS such/JJ as/IN John/NNP McCain/NNP and/CC William/NNP Kristol/NNP ,/, who/WP feel/VBP that/IN Buchanan/NNP would/MD do/VB the/DT GOP/NNP a/DT favor/NN by/IN leaving/VBG ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP also/RB notes/VBZ that/IN on/IN Wednesday/NNP ,/, in/IN an/DT address/NN to/TO Texas/NNP Jewish/JJ groups/NNS ,/, Bush/NNP announced/VBD that/IN he/PRP would/MD n't/RB fuel/VB the/DT debate/NN by/IN entering/VBG it/PRP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP explicates/NNS Buchanan/NNP 's/POS theory/NN :/: the/DT same/JJ "/" liberal/JJ interventionism/NN "/" that/WDT spurred/VBD Hitler/NNP 's/POS aggression/NN now/RB threatens/VBZ to/TO drive/VB Russia/NNP "/" straight/JJ into/IN the/DT arms/NNS of/IN a/DT Chinese/NNP Communist/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP and/CC the/DT WP/NNP agree/VBP that/IN the/DT abortion/NN bans/NNS were/VBD deemed/VBN unconstitutional/JJ because/IN their/PRP$ wording/NN could/MD also/RB prohibit/VB procedures/NNS used/VBN in/IN first-/NN and/CC second-trimester/JJ abortions/NNS ./.
The/DT ruling/NN will/MD likely/RB endanger/VB the/DT ban/NN passed/VBD last/JJ week/NN in/IN Missouri/NNP ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN a/DT similarly/RB worded/VBN bill/NN pending/VBG in/IN Congress/NNP ./.
The/DT papers/NNS disagree/VBP about/IN how/WRB many/JJ states/NNS have/VBP passed/VBN such/JJ bans/NNS (/( WP/NNP ,/, 30/CD ;/: NYT/NNP ,/, 28/CD )/) ,/, and/CC how/WRB many/JJ of/IN these/DT bans/NNS have/VBP been/VBN temporarily/RB or/CC permanently/RB blocked/VBN by/IN appeals/NNS courts/NNS (/( WP/NNP ,/, 18/CD ;/: NYT/NNP ,/, 19/CD )/) ./.
Further/RB appeals/NNS are/VBP guaranteed/VBN :/: "/" U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Supreme/NNP Court/NNP ,/, here/RB we/PRP come/VBP ,/, "/" one/CD activist/NN told/VBD the/DT WP/NNP ./.
All/DT California/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO agree/VB that/IN the/DT state/NN 's/POS child/NN support/NN programs/NNS needed/VBD today/NN 's/POS legislative/JJ fix/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT LAT/NNP waits/VBZ until/IN after/IN the/DT jump/NN to/TO describe/VB what/WP 's/VBZ wrong/JJ ,/, and/CC how/WRB the/DT reforms/NNS will/MD fix/VB it/PRP ./.
Previously/RB ,/, cases/NNS were/VBD handled/VBN by/IN California/NNP 's/POS district/NN attorneys/NNS ,/, with/IN little/RB statewide/JJ supervision/NN ./.
This/DT fragmented/JJ system/NN proved/VBD ineffective/JJ :/: In/IN L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
,/, only/RB one/CD of/IN 10/CD cases/NNS filed/VBN led/VBN to/TO collection/NN ,/, thousands/NNS of/IN men/NNS were/VBD wrongly/RB billed/VBN ,/, and/CC attempts/NNS to/TO create/VB a/DT statewide/JJ child/NN support/NN computer/NN system/NN failed/VBD ,/, resulting/VBG in/IN large/JJ federal/JJ fines/NNS ./.
The/DT new/JJ laws/NNS transfer/VB the/DT attorneys/NNS '/POS duties/NNS to/TO new/JJ county/NN offices/NNS ,/, which/WDT will/MD be/VB overseen/VBN by/IN a/DT new/JJ statewide/JJ Department/NNP of/IN Child/NNP Support/NN ./.
An/DT NYT/NNP front-pager/JJ reports/NNS that/IN ,/, in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN violent/JJ protests/NNS ,/, Indonesia/NNP 's/POS president/NN delayed/VBD signing/VBG a/DT law/NN concerning/VBG the/DT military/NN 's/POS emergency/NN powers/NNS ./.
The/DT bill/NN was/VBD rushed/VBN through/IN the/DT parliament/NN Thursday/NNP and/CC engendered/JJ protest/NN from/IN students/NNS who/WP feared/VBD that/IN the/DT law/NN could/MD lead/VB to/TO a/DT military/JJ coup/NN ./.
Officials/NNS claim/VBP that/IN the/DT act/NN would/MD actually/RB decrease/VB military/JJ power/NN ./.
Three/CD protesters/NNS and/CC a/DT police/NN officer/NN were/VBD killed/VBN during/IN the/DT protests/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP stuffs/NNS the/DT story/NN ,/, but/CC mentions/VBZ early/RB on/IN that/DT one/CD of/IN the/DT protesters/NNS was/VBD apparently/RB killed/VBN by/IN a/DT sniper/NN using/VBG live/VB ammunition/NN ,/, though/IN the/DT government/NN claims/NNS only/RB rubber/NN bullets/NNS were/VBD used/VBN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP says/VBZ why/WRB this/DT is/VBZ important/JJ :/: A/DT similar/JJ discrepancy/NN in/IN May/NNP 1998/CD helped/VBD fuel/NN protests/NNS that/WDT toppled/VBD the/DT Suharto/NNP regime/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP front/NN tells/VBZ of/IN Bob/NNP Dole/NNP 's/POS growing/VBG fund-raising/JJ role/NN in/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN 's/POS campaign/NN ./.
Dole/NNP is/VBZ targeting/VBG his/PRP$ past/JJ supporters/NNS ,/, many/JJ of/IN them/PRP generous/JJ Bush/NNP donors/NNS ,/, claiming/VBG that/IN no/DT matter/NN who/WP wins/VBZ ,/, Libby/NNP 's/POS campaign/NN is/VBZ good/JJ for/IN the/DT GOP/NNP ./.
One/CD source/NN claims/NNS that/IN Dole/NNP actually/RB combed/VBN through/IN Bush/NNP 's/POS list/NN of/IN donors/NNS for/IN contact/NN names/NNS (/( a/DT violation/NN of/IN FEC/NNP regulations/NNS )/) ./.
Some/DT sources/NNS suggest/VBP that/IN Dole/NNP 's/POS redoubled/JJ efforts/NNS are/VBP "/" penance/NN "/" for/IN disparaging/VBG comments/NNS he/PRP had/VBD made/VBN about/IN the/DT campaign/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP fronts/NNS a/DT scrutiny/NN of/IN online/NN chat/VB room/NN stings/NNS ./.
Though/IN the/DT growing/VBG number/NN of/IN stings/NNS are/VBP leading/VBG to/TO a/DT lot/NN of/IN arrests/NNS ,/, they/PRP may/MD draw/VB attention/NN away/RB from/IN what/WP is/VBZ overwhelmingly/RB an/DT offline/NN problem/NN ./.
Child/NN advocacy/NN experts/NNS say/VBP that/IN offenders/NNS make/VBP first/JJ contact/NN with/IN their/PRP$ victims/NNS online/NN in/IN only/RB a/DT tiny/JJ fraction/NN of/IN the/DT cases/NNS they/PRP handle/VBP ./.
And/CC in/IN such/JJ cases/NNS ,/, contact/NN is/VBZ usually/RB initiated/VBN in/IN mainstream/NN chat/VB areas/NNS ./.
The/DT more/RBR hard-core/JJ rooms/NNS ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ ,/, are/VBP now/RB frequented/JJ largely/RB by/IN undercover/JJ agents/NNS ./.
Liberté/NNP ,/, égalité/NN ,/, T/NN &/CC A/DT :/: Marianne/NNP ,/, France/NNP 's/POS buxom/NN equivalent/NN of/IN Uncle/NNP Sam/NNP ,/, is/VBZ best/RBS known/VBN as/IN the/DT topless/JJ revolutionary/NN in/IN Delacroix/NNP 's/POS Liberty/NNP Leading/NNP the/DT People/NNS ./.
But/CC in/IN the/DT past/JJ two/CD centuries/NNS ,/, she/PRP has/VBZ appeared/VBN in/IN many/JJ guises/NNS ,/, modeled/VBD after/IN many/JJ different/JJ women/NNS ./.
A/DT front/JJ page/NN NYT/NNP story/NN reports/NNS that/WDT controversy/NN has/VBZ erupted/VBN over/IN who/WP will/MD be/VB the/DT model/NN for/IN Marianne/NNP 2000/CD ./.
The/DT finalists/NNS are/VBP a/DT model/NN ,/, a/DT singer/NN ,/, a/DT journalist/NN ,/, a/DT game/NN show/NN host/NN &slash;/NN windsurfer/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT model/NN &slash;/NN actress/NN ,/, but/CC protesters/NNS want/VBP a/DT Marianne/NNP who/WP represents/VBZ the/DT achievements/NNS of/IN French/JJ women/NNS beyond/IN the/DT runway/NN ./.
Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP thinks/VBZ they/PRP 've/VBP already/RB got/VBN her/PRP$ :/: past/JJ Marianne/NNP models/NNS include/VBP Bridgitte/NNP Bardot/NNP and/CC Catherine/NNP Deneuve/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ supple/NN republican/NN fervor/NN and/CC firm/NN ,/, curvaceous/JJ civic/JJ virtues/NNS are/VBP an/DT inspiration/NN to/TO patriots/NNS everywhere/RB ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT decision/NN by/IN Ted/NNP Kaczynski/NNP 's/POS lawyers/NNS to/TO abandon/VB a/DT mental/JJ defect/NN defense/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT decision/NN by/IN international/JJ bankers/NNS to/TO allow/VB South/NNP Korea/NNP to/TO delay/VB debt/NN repayments/NNS ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN a/DT guilty/JJ plea/NN by/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS largest/JJS poultry/NN company/NN ,/, Tyson/NNP Foods/NNP ,/, in/IN a/DT political/JJ corruption/NN case/NN ./.
The/DT USAT/NNP lead/NN also/RB reports/NNS on/IN revelations/NNS that/IN the/DT Department/NNP of/IN Justice/NNP turned/VBD down/RB Kaczynski/NNP 's/POS offer/NN to/TO plead/VB guilty/JJ in/IN return/NN for/IN a/DT sentence/NN of/IN life/NN in/IN prison/NN ,/, referring/VBG only/RB to/TO "/" published/VBN accounts/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT paper/NN should/MD have/VB given/VBN credit/NN to/TO the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, which/WDT broke/VBD the/DT story/NN yesterday/NN ./.
The/DT WP/NNP does/VBZ give/VB that/DT credit/NN in/IN its/PRP$ Kaczynski/NNP story/NN ,/, carried/VBD inside/IN today/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB until/IN the/DT sixth/JJ paragraph/NN ./.
C'mon/VB people/NNS !/.
Admit/NNP it/PRP up/RP front/NN :/: Sometimes/RB other/JJ papers/NNS get/VBP there/RB first/JJ ./.
The/DT Post/NNP story/NN quotes/VBZ a/DT Kaczynski/NNP family/NN lawyer/NN asking/VBG what/WP purpose/NN going/VBG for/IN the/DT death/NN penalty/NN serves/VBZ "/" except/IN to/TO punish/VB [/( brother/NN ]/) David/NNP for/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ./.
"/" The/DT WP/NNP also/RB runs/VBZ an/DT editorial/NN questioning/VBG the/DT DOJ/NNP stance/NN ,/, as/IN does/VBZ the/DT NYT/NNP ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, today/NN 's/POS Richard/NNP Cohen/NNP column/NN in/IN the/DT Post/NNP quotes/NNS badly/RB injured/VBN Unabomber/NNP victim/NN David/NNP Gerlernter/NNP saying/VBG ,/, "/" I/PRP would/MD sentence/NN him/PRP to/TO death/NN ./.
If/IN someone/NN handed/VBD me/PRP a/DT gun/NN or/CC showed/VBD me/PRP the/DT switch/NN on/IN the/DT chair/NN ,/, ./.
I/PRP would/MD kill/VB him/PRP myself/PRP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS Tyson/NNP story/NN reports/NNS that/IN the/DT company/NN pleaded/VBD guilty/JJ to/TO giving/VBG former/JJ agriculture/NN secretary/NN Mike/NNP Espy/NNP $/$ 12/CD ,/, 000/CD in/IN illegal/JJ gratuities/NNS and/CC consented/VBD to/TO pay/VB $/$ 6/CD million/CD in/IN fines/NNS and/CC costs/NNS ./.
The/DT gifts/NNS were/VBD given/VBN to/TO Espy/NNP while/IN his/PRP$ department/NN was/VBD considering/VBG poultry-related/JJ actions/NNS that/IN portended/JJ millions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS in/IN extra/JJ costs/NNS to/TO the/DT company/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP runs/VBZ an/DT AP/NNP account/NN of/IN the/DT matter/NN on/IN p/NN ./.
11/CD ./.
The/DT Post/NNP reports/NNS that/IN as/IN part/NN of/IN the/DT deal/NN ,/, company/NN chairman/NN Don/NNP Tyson/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ son/NN John/NNP were/VBD granted/VBN immunity/NN from/IN prosecution/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB make/VB the/DT point/NN ,/, but/CC this/DT is/VBZ all/DT too/RB typical/JJ :/: Something/NN abstract/JJ called/VBD the/DT "/" corporation/NN "/" is/VBZ fined/VBN while/IN the/DT actual/JJ executives/NNS (/( think/VBP what/WP that/DT word/NN means/VBZ :/: people/NNS who/WP get/VBP things/NNS done/VBN )/) go/VB merrily/RB along/IN ./.
"/" Today/NN 's/POS Papers/NNP "/" received/VBD a/DT number/NN of/IN sage/NN emails/NNS from/IN readers/NNS pointing/VBG out/RP an/DT oops/NNS in/IN yesterday/NN 's/POS column/NN :/: California/NNP 's/POS gun/NN control/NN climate/NN was/VBD n't/RB affected/VBN by/IN the/DT Brady/NNP bill/NN because/IN it/PRP already/RB had/VBD in/IN place/NN a/DT much/RB stricter/JJR waiting-and-checking/JJ statute/NN covering/VBG handgun/NN purchases/NNS ./.
Still/RB ,/, that/IN waiting/VBG period/NN was/VBD increased/VBN in/IN recent/JJ years/NNS to/TO its/PRP$ current/JJ 15/CD days/NNS and/CC it/PRP would/MD be/VB worthwhile/JJ for/IN papers/NNS like/IN the/DT LAT/NNP to/TO study/VB and/CC report/NN on/IN its/PRP$ relationship/NN to/TO the/DT homicide/NN decrease/NN in/IN L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
In/IN anticipation/NN of/IN congressional/JJ debate/NN on/IN the/DT topic/NN early/JJ next/JJ year/NN ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP serves/VBZ up/RP a/DT primer/NN on/IN the/DT marriage/NN tax/NN penalty--when/JJ married/VBN people/NNS end/VBP up/RP paying/VBG more/JJR in/IN taxes/NNS than/IN they/PRP would/MD if/IN they/PRP each/DT were/VBD single/JJ ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP explains/VBZ that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ actually/RB a/DT fairly/RB nuanced/JJ topic/NN ./.
For/IN one/CD thing/NN ,/, more/RBR married/JJ couples/NNS enjoy/VBP a/DT marriage/NN bonus/NN than/IN suffer/VB a/DT marriage/NN penalty/NN (/( 51/CD percent/NN to/TO 42/CD percent/NN )/) ./.
For/IN another/DT ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO make/VB any/DT changes/NNS that/WDT do/VBP n't/RB create/VB a/DT huge/JJ drop/NN in/IN revenues/NNS and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC even/RB worse/JJR inequities/NNS :/: for/IN instance/NN ,/, eliminating/VBG the/DT marriage/NN penalty/NN straight-out/JJ would/MD simply/RB lower/VB the/DT tax/NN rates/NNS on/IN most/JJS wealthier/JJR households/NNS ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP quotes/NNS an/DT academic/JJ who/WP says/VBZ that/IN while/IN not/RB a/DT primary/JJ factor/NN in/IN deciding/VBG to/TO get/VB married/VBN ,/, "/" A/DT $/$ 500/CD increase/NN in/IN taxes/NNS decreases/VBZ the/DT probability/NN of/IN marriage/NN by/IN 1/CD %/NN or/CC 2/CD %/NN ,/, "/" and/CC quotes/NNS one/CD woman/NN who/WP says/VBZ she/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB living/VBG with/IN her/PRP$ boyfriend/NN despite/IN their/PRP$ desire/NN to/TO marry/VB because/IN she/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB want/VB to/TO give/VB the/DT IRS/NNP an/DT additional/JJ $/$ 3/CD ,/, 700/CD ./.
On/IN the/DT one/CD hand/NN ,/, folks/NNS like/IN this/DT are/VBP thinking/VBG too/RB much--is/JJ n't/RB marriage/NN to/TO the/DT right/JJ person/NN worth/JJ $/$ 3/CD ,/, 700/CD ?/.
-/: -/: and/CC on/IN the/DT other/JJ ,/, they/PRP 're/VBP not/RB thinking/VBG enough/RB ./.
The/DT odds/NNS are/VBP very/RB good/JJ that/IN if/IN that/DT woman/NN and/CC her/PRP$ beau/NN got/VBD married/VBN ,/, they/PRP would/MD buy/VB a/DT house/NN together/RB and/CC have/VBP at/IN least/JJS one/CD kid/NN ,/, thereby/RB putting/VBG a/DT huge/JJ dent/NN in/IN their/PRP$ tax/NN bill/NN ./.
Dear/RB Sarah/NNP ,/,
When/WRB I/PRP read/VBP a/DT sentence/NN about/IN Tom/NNP Hanks/NNP like/IN "/" Wherever/NNP he/PRP goes/VBZ ,/, a/DT treacly/RB ,/, white-guy/JJ triumphalism/NN seems/VBZ to/TO follow/VB ,/, "/" I/PRP wonder/VBP what/WP impulse/NN causes/NNS you/PRP to/TO add/VB the/DT words/NNS "/" white/JJ guy/NN "/" to/TO the/DT sentence/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ the/DT one/CD part/NN he/PRP ca/MD n't/RB help/VB ./.
Would/MD you/PRP write/VB this/DT sentence/NN substituting/VBG "/" Jewish/JJ "/" or/CC "/" black/JJ "/" or/CC "/" Native/NNP American/NNP "/" ?/.
Tom/NNP Hanks/NNP embodies/VBZ all/DT he/PRP embodies/VBZ ./.
You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB like/VB it/PRP ,/, find/VBP another/DT actor/NN ./.
To/TO some/DT degree/NN every/DT actor/NN simply/RB is/VBZ what/WP he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
Does/VBZ Denzel/NNP Washington/NNP ever/RB put/VBP you/PRP in/IN mind/NN of/IN treacly/RB black-guy/JJ triumphalism/NN ?/.
In/IN The/DT Bone/NNP Collector/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ?/.
Or/CC are/VBP both/DT Hanks/NNP and/CC Washington/NNP in/IN scripts/NNS you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB like/VB because/IN as/IN scripts/NNS they/PRP embody/VBP treacly/RB triumphalism/NN ?/.
But/CC of/IN course/NN America/NNP loves/VBZ Tom/NNP Hanks/NNP ./.
Quite/RB often/RB I/PRP do/VBP ,/, too/RB ./.
I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ important/JJ that/IN as/IN film/NN critics/NNS we/PRP stay/VBP in/IN touch/NN with/IN ordinary/JJ audiences--not/JJ to/TO reflect/VB their/PRP$ values/NNS ,/, because/IN we/PRP must/MD have/VB our/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, but/CC to/TO understand/VB them/PRP ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT ideological/JJ criticisms/NNS of/IN The/DT Green/NNP Mile/NNP are/VBP by/IN and/CC for/IN sophisticated/JJ and/CC subtle/JJ observers/NNS ,/, writing/VBG for/IN one/CD another/DT ./.
The/DT average/JJ moviegoer/NN with/IN $/$ 8/CD and/CC a/DT seat/NN in/IN an/DT Abilene/NNP multiplex/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO find/VB himself/PRP or/CC herself/PRP subtly/RB more/RBR complex/JJ ,/, humane/NN ,/, and/CC liberal/JJ after/IN seeing/VBG that/DT film/NN than/IN before/RB ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ reductive/JJ and/CC stereotyped/JJ to/TO a/DT media/NNS cineaste/NN ,/, but/CC perhaps/RB the/DT best/JJS and/CC most/JJS evolved/VBN movie/NN that/IN many/JJ of/IN its/PRP$ viewers/NNS will/MD see/VB all/DT year/NN ./.
I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN you/PRP ,/, by/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, in/IN feeling/NN fed/VBN up/RP to/TO here/RB with/IN movies/NNS about/IN men/NNS being/VBG on/IN the/DT ropes/NNS ./.
The/DT most/RBS offensive/JJ example/NN of/IN that/DT trend/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, was/VBD Fight/VB Club/NNP ,/, which/WDT I/PRP notice/VBP is/VBZ very/RB absent/JJ from/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT year-end/NN best-film/JJ lists/NNS ./.
Having/VBG recently/RB returned/VBD from/IN Calcutta/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT extent/NN of/IN the/DT poverty/NN was/VBD almost/RB inconceivable/JJ to/TO me/PRP ,/, I/PRP now/RB have/VBP even/RB less/JJR sympathy/NN for/IN pathetic/JJ preppies/NNS who/WP have/VBP to/TO beat/VB up/RP each/DT other/JJ to/TO feel/VB authentic/JJ ./.
I/PRP am/VBP thinking/VBG now/RB of/IN an/DT e-mail/JJ from/IN a/DT twentysomething/VBG whiner/NN who/WP said/VBD that/IN his/PRP$ generation/NN needed/VBN Fight/VB Club/NNP because/IN they/PRP have/VBP been/VBN denied/VBN a/DT war/NN like/IN Vietnam/NNP to/TO test/VB themselves/PRP in/IN ./.
Best/JJS ,/, Roger/NNP
Ehud/NNP Barak/NNP ,/, who/WP took/VBD office/NN Tuesday/NNP as/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS new/JJ prime/JJ minister/NN ,/, was/VBD heralded/VBN Wednesday/NNP in/IN the/DT Jerusalem/NNP Post/NNP as/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS most/RBS powerful/JJ leader/NN since/IN the/DT old/JJ days/NNS of/IN Labor/NNP Party/NNP dominance/NN ,/, which/WDT ended/VBD two/CD decades/NNS ago/RB ./.
Barak/NNP has/VBZ "/" artfully/RB protected/VBN his/PRP$ freedom/NN of/IN movement/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP has/VBZ built/VBN a/DT government/NN that/DT cannot/NN be/VB brought/VBN down/RB by/IN any/DT single/JJ party/NN ,/, surrounded/VBN himself/PRP with/IN a/DT deliberately/RB weak/JJ cabinet/NN ,/, and/CC left/VBN outside/IN his/PRP$ government/NN a/DT demoralized/JJ and/CC confused/VBN opposition/NN of/IN less/JJR than/IN a/DT third/JJ of/IN the/DT Knesset/NNP ./.
In/IN short/JJ ,/, the/DT newly/RB launched/VBN Barak/NNP era/NN has/VBZ the/DT makings/NNS of/IN the/DT democratic/JJ version/NN of/IN a/DT benevolent/JJ dictatorship/NN ./.
"/" Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN ,/, which/WDT led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Wednesday/NNP with/IN a/DT report/NN that/IN Barak/NNP is/VBZ planning/VBG to/TO seek/VB détente/NN with/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS "/" enemy/NN number/NN one/CD ,/, "/" Iran/NNP ,/, against/IN strong/JJ objections/NNS by/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ military/JJ intelligence/NN ,/, also/RB pointed/VBD out/IN in/IN its/PRP$ Wednesday/NNP editorial/NN that/IN Barak/NNP has/VBZ "/" achieved/VBN his/PRP$ fundamental/JJ goal--a/JJ government/NN unthreatened/JJ by/IN a/DT sword/NN of/IN Damocles/NNP over/IN its/PRP$ head/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP said/VBD that/IN the/DT hopes/NNS and/CC expectations/NNS of/IN "/" the/DT entire/JJ public/JJ "/" are/VBP with/IN him/PRP ./.
Abroad/RB ,/, the/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD Barak/NNP 's/POS overtures/NNS toward/IN Israel/NNP 's/POS neighbors/NNS will/MD be/VB "/" widely/RB welcomed/VBD "/" but/CC warned/VBD that/IN he/PRP needs/VBZ to/TO get/VB a/DT move/NN on/IN ./.
Although/IN he/PRP now/RB enjoys/VBZ "/" a/DT formidable/JJ amount/NN of/IN individual/JJ political/JJ authority/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP is/VBZ unlikely/JJ that/IN he/PRP will/MD "/" be/VB able/JJ to/TO retain/VB such/JJ power/NN on/IN a/DT permanent/JJ basis/NN ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD in/IN an/DT editorial/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP will/MD not/RB be/VB long/RB before/IN the/DT Labour/NNP Party/NNP starts/VBZ to/TO resent/VB its/PRP$ semi-detached/JJ leader/NN ,/, before/IN secular/NN and/CC religious/JJ parties/NNS find/VBP cause/VB to/TO conspire/VBP against/IN each/DT other/JJ within/IN the/DT Cabinet/NNP ,/, and/CC before/IN the/DT voters/NNS demand/VBP immediate/JJ action/NN on/IN other/JJ domestic/JJ issues/NNS ./.
"/" A/DT comment/NN piece/NN in/IN the/DT Independent/NNP of/IN London/NNP Wednesday/NNP said/VBD that/IN Barak/NNP has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO power/VB "/" with/IN the/DT immense/JJ advantage/NN of/IN succeeding/VBG Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP ,/, who/WP ,/, in/IN three/CD years/NNS ,/, became/VBD the/DT most/RBS widely/RB detested/JJ Israeli/JJ leader/NN at/IN home/NN and/CC abroad/RB since/IN the/DT formation/NN of/IN the/DT state/NN ./.
Mr/NNP Netanyahu/NNP is/VBZ now/RB expected/VBN to/TO disappear/VB ,/, unlamented/JJ in/IN Israel/NNP ,/, on/IN to/TO the/DT American/JJ lecture/NN tour/NN circuit/NN ,/, though/IN there/EX are/VBP no/DT signs/NNS of/IN anybody/NN offering/VBG the/DT $/$ 60/CD ,/, 000/CD he/PRP is/VBZ asking/VBG for/IN a/DT single/JJ speech/NN ./.
In/IN Paris/NNP ,/, Le/NNP Figaro/NNP ,/, which/WDT led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN with/IN Barak/NNP 's/POS advocacy/NN of/IN a/DT "/" peace/NN of/IN the/DT brave/JJ "/" between/IN Israel/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ Arab/JJ neighbors/NNS ,/, published/VBD an/DT interview/NN Wednesday/NNP with/IN Egyptian/NNP President/NNP Hosni/NNP Mubarak/NNP ,/, who/WP described/VBD Barak/NNP as/RB a/DT "/" promising/JJ "/" prime/JJ minister/NN who/WP will/MD "/" probably/RB adopt/VB the/DT same/JJ line/NN as/IN [/( assassinated/VBD Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Yitzhak/NNP ]/) Rabin/NNP ./.
"/" Mubarak/NNP also/RB said/VBD he/PRP hopes/VBZ to/TO arrange/VB an/DT Arab/JJ summit/NN meeting--the/JJ first/NN since/IN 1996/CD -/: -/: in/IN the/DT autumn/NN ,/, with/IN the/DT inclusion/NN of/IN Iraq/NNP "/" at/IN a/DT level/NN of/IN participation/NN still/RB to/TO be/VB determined/VBN ./.
"/" Asked/VBN why/WRB Yugoslav/NNP President/NNP Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP caved/VBD in/IN to/TO American/JJ military/JJ pressure/NN while/IN President/NNP Saddam/NNP Hussein/NNP of/IN Iraq/NNP has/VBZ not/RB ,/, Mubarak/NNP replied/VBD ,/, "/" One/CD lives/NNS in/IN Europe/NNP ,/, the/DT other/JJ in/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP ./.
"/" In/IN Italy/NNP ,/, Corriere/NNP della/NN Sera/NNP of/IN Milan/NNP published/VBD an/DT interview/NN with/IN Rabin/NNP 's/POS widow/NN ,/, Leah/NNP ,/, who/WP warmly/RB praised/VBD Barak/NNP as/IN a/DT brilliant/JJ man/NN who/WP will/MD push/VB the/DT peace/NN process/NN forward/RB and/CC finish/VB the/DT work/NN her/PRP$ husband/NN did/VBD until/IN his/PRP$ murder/NN in/IN November/NNP 1995/CD ./.
Barak/NNP will/MD create/VB a/DT completely/RB different/JJ climate/NN from/IN that/DT of/IN the/DT past/JJ three/CD years/NNS ,/, during/IN which/WDT Netanyahu/NNP "/" continually/RB went/VBD back/RB on/IN his/PRP$ word/NN with/IN the/DT Arabs/NNPS and/CC nurtured/VBD the/DT culture/NN of/IN distrust/NN ,/, "/" she/PRP said/VBD ./.
In/IN Russia/NNP Tuesday/NNP ,/, Izvestiya/NNP published/VBD a/DT rare/JJ interview/NN with/IN President/NNP Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP in/IN which/WDT he/PRP said/VBD he/PRP will/MD retire/VB next/JJ year/NN when/WRB his/PRP$ current/JJ term/NN of/IN office/NN ends/VBZ and/CC hand/NN over/IN power/NN to/TO a/DT successor/NN elected/VBN by/IN the/DT people/NNS ./.
While/IN this/DT disclosure/NN failed/VBD to/TO excite/VB those/DT observers/NNS who/WP think/VBP that/IN the/DT main/JJ issue/NN is/VBZ whether/IN Yeltsin/NNP will/MD live/RB to/TO see/VB out/RP his/PRP$ term/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD described/VBN in/IN the/DT Moscow/NNP Times/NNP as/IN "/" noteworthy/JJ "/" in/IN view/NN of/IN the/DT speculation/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN going/VBG on/IN in/IN the/DT Russian/JJ media/NNS for/IN years/NNS that/IN he/PRP will/MD never/RB voluntarily/RB give/VB up/RP power/NN ./.
The/DT president/NN told/VBD Izvestiya/NNP that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ a/DT successor/NN in/IN mind/NN but/CC will/MD not/RB identify/VB him/PRP because/IN "/" as/RB soon/RB as/IN I/PRP name/VBP him/PRP ,/, he/PRP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB let/VBN live/VB calmly/RB ,/, he/PRP will/MD be/VB henpecked/JJ ./.
"/" But/CC he/PRP warned/VBD against/IN this/DT person/NN being/VBG regarded/VBN as/IN "/" a/DT successor/NN to/TO the/DT throne/NN ,/, "/" since/IN the/DT next/JJ head/NN of/IN state/NN will/MD be/VB chosen/VBN not/RB by/IN Yeltsin/NNP ,/, but/CC by/IN the/DT Russian/JJ people/NNS ./.
Yeltsin/NNP also/RB confirmed/VBD that/IN the/DT body/NN of/IN Lenin/NNP will/MD eventually/RB be/VB removed/VBN from/IN the/DT mausoleum/NN in/IN Red/NNP Square/NNP and/CC buried/VBN in/IN an/DT ordinary/JJ grave/JJ (/( a/DT story/NN taken/VBN up/RP Wednesday/NNP on/IN the/DT front/JJ page/NN of/IN Germany/NNP 's/POS Die/VBP Welt/NNP )/) ./.
"/" The/DT question/NN is/VBZ when/WRB ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ a/DT serious/JJ one/CD ./.
Lenin/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ mausoleum/NN is/VBZ an/DT historical/JJ symbol/NN of/IN our/PRP$ past/JJ ,/, but/CC I/PRP agree/VBP with/IN Alexiy/NNP II/NNP ,/, patriarch/NN of/IN all/DT Russia/NNP ,/, when/WRB he/PRP says/VBZ that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB Christian-like/NNP behavior/NN to/TO keep/VB the/DT body/NN of/IN a/DT long-dead/JJ person/NN on/IN public/JJ display/NN ./.
The/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Wednesday/NNP with/IN the/DT jailing/VBG in/IN Serbia/NNP of/IN a/DT TV/NN technician/NN who/WP sparked/VBD the/DT biggest/JJS anti-/NN Milosevic/NNP demonstration/NN since/IN the/DT Kosovo/NNP war/NN by/IN breaking/VBG into/IN a/DT broadcast/NN of/IN a/DT basketball/NN championship/NN match/NN to/TO urge/VB viewers/NNS to/TO take/VB to/TO the/DT streets/NNS ./.
The/DT demonstration/NN by/IN around/IN 30/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS in/IN the/DT town/NN of/IN Leskovac/NNP was/VBD one/CD of/IN several/JJ across/IN Serbia/NNP Monday/NNP ./.
The/DT tabloid/JJ Daily/NNP Express/NNP reported/VBD Tuesday/NNP that/IN attempts/NNS to/TO secure/VB asylum/NN for/IN Milosevic/NNP in/IN Libya/NNP ,/, South/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, Russia/NNP ,/, or/CC China/NNP have/VBP all/DT come/VBP to/TO nothing/NN ./.
Most/JJS British/JJ papers/NNS also/RB reported/VBD a/DT speech/NN in/IN the/DT House/NNP of/IN Lords/NNPS Tuesday/NNP in/IN which/WDT former/JJ Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Margaret/NNP Thatcher/NNP said/VBD that/IN Britain/NNP 's/POS treatment/NN of/IN the/DT former/JJ Chilean/JJ dictator/NN Gen/NNP ./.
Augusto/NNP Pinochet/NNP has/VBZ left/VBN her/PRP$ country/NN 's/POS "/" reputation/NN for/IN loyalty/NN and/CC fair/NN dealing/NN in/IN tatters/NNS ./.
"/" She/PRP said/VBD that/IN his/PRP$ arrest/NN while/IN under/IN sedation/NN in/IN a/DT London/NNP hospital/NN was/VBD "/" inhumane/JJ "/" and/CC "/" unlawful/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC that/IN while/IN Chileans/NNP have/VBP so/RB far/RB responded/VBD to/TO it/PRP "/" with/IN great/JJ restraint/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP should/MD not/RB be/VB assumed/VBN that/IN they/PRP will/MD continue/VB to/TO do/VB so/RB ,/, "/" particularly/RB if/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Pinochet/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ not/RB in/IN the/DT best/JJS of/IN health/NN ,/, were/VBD to/TO die/VB in/IN Britain/NNP ./.
"/" In/IN an/DT editorial/NN ,/, the/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP agreed/VBD with/IN Thatcher/NNP that/IN Tony/NNP Blair/NNP 's/POS government/NN was/VBD doing/VBG Britain/NNP unnecessary/JJ harm/NN "/" merely/RB to/TO enable/VB the/DT vengeful/JJ pack/NN in/IN pursuit/NN of/IN Pinochet/NNP to/TO settle/VB their/PRP$ scores/NNS ./.
While/IN Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD n't/RB paying/VBG attention/NN ,/, the/DT Old/NNP Executive/NNP Office/NNP Building/NNP ,/, a/DT grand/JJ Second/NNP Empire/NNP pile/NN that/WDT stands/VBZ beside/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP and/CC houses/VBZ White/NNP House/NNP aides/NNS who/WP are/VBP n't/RB quite/RB important/JJ enough/RB to/TO get/VB offices/NNS in/IN the/DT executive/NN mansion/NN ,/, was/VBD renamed/VBN the/DT Dwight/NNP D/NNP ./.
Eisenhower/NNP Executive/NNP Office/NNP Building/NNP ./.
This/DT was/VBD apparently/RB in/IN tribute/NN not/RB to/TO Eisenhower/NNP but/CC to/TO John/NNP Chafee/NNP ,/, an/DT Eisenhowerish/NNP Republican/JJ senator/NN from/IN Rhode/NNP Island/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD sponsored/VBN the/DT bill/NN to/TO rename/VB the/DT OEOB/NNP ,/, as/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ known/VBN ,/, shortly/RB before/IN he/PRP died/VBD on/IN Oct/NNP ./.
26/CD ./.
(/( To/TO read/VB the/DT AP/NNP story/NN about/IN all/PDT this/DT ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
Chatterbox/NNP has/VBZ no/DT problem/NN naming/VBG something/NN else/RB in/IN Washington/NNP after/IN Eisenhower/NNP ,/, a/DT great/JJ general/JJ and/CC a/DT pretty/RB good/JJ president--there/JJ 's/POS already/RB a/DT theater/NN named/VBN after/IN him/PRP in/IN the/DT Kennedy/NNP Center/NNP for/IN the/DT Performing/VBG Arts--but/NNP what/WP about/IN his/PRP$ erstwhile/NN boss/NN ,/, Franklin/NNP Roosevelt/NNP ?/.
Time/NNP is/VBZ reportedly/RB getting/VBG ready/JJ to/TO name/VB him/PRP Man/NN of/IN the/DT Century/NNP ,/, and/CC there/EX seems/VBZ to/TO be/VB general/JJ agreement/NN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD the/DT best/JJS president/NN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS produced/VBD during/IN the/DT last/JJ 100/CD years/NNS ./.
But--apart/NNP from/IN the/DT FDR/NNP Memorial/NNP ,/, built/VBD only/RB a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago--no/JJ other/JJ public/JJ structure/NN in/IN Washington/NNP that/IN Chatterbox/NNP can/MD think/VB of/IN is/NNS named/VBN after/IN him/PRP ./.
(/( The/DT Roosevelt/NNP Bridge/NNP is/VBZ named/VBN after/IN Teddy/NNP ./.
)/) Considering/VBG that/IN FDR/NNP built/VBD much/JJ of/IN Washington/NNP ,/, this/DT seems/VBZ very/RB unfair/JJ ./.
FDR/NNP buffs/NNS who/WP want/VBP to/TO set/VB things/NNS right/NN are/VBP invited/VBN to/TO get/VB in/IN touch/NN with/IN one/CD another/DT in/IN the/DT Fray/NNP ./.
Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS only/RB request/NN is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP not/RB choose/VBP the/DT New/NNP Executive/NNP Office/NNP Building/NNP ,/, just/RB up/RP the/DT street/NN from/IN the/DT OEOB/NNP ,/, because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ really/RB ugly/JJ ./.
This/DT week/NN President/NNP Clinton/NNP went/VBD to/TO New/NNP York/NNP to/TO raise/VB campaign/NN money/NN for/IN Rep/NNP ./.
Charles/NNP Schumer/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
Y/NNP ./.
,/, who/WP is/VBZ running/VBG for/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Senate/NNP ./.
Schumer/NNP ,/, who/WP sits/VBZ on/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP ,/, voted/VBD last/JJ week/NN not/RB to/TO launch/VB a/DT broad/JJ impeachment/NN inquiry/NN against/IN Clinton/NNP ./.
Now/RB that/IN the/DT inquiry/NN has/VBZ begun/VBN ,/, Schumer/NNP eventually/RB will/MD have/VB to/TO vote/VB on/IN whether/IN to/TO recommend/VB that/IN Clinton/NNP be/VB impeached/VBN ./.
Republicans/NNS are/VBP challenging/VBG the/DT ethics/NNS of/IN this/DT transaction/NN ./.
House/NNP Majority/NNP Whip/NNP Tom/NNP DeLay/NNP ,/, R-T/NNP exas/NNS ,/, says/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" quite/RB unseemly/JJ for/IN the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, whose/WP$ fate/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN the/DT Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP ./.
to/TO raise/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN money/NN for/IN a/DT member/NN who/WP sits/VBZ on/IN that/DT committee/NN ./.
"/" DeLay/NNP says/VBZ that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS "/" war/NN room/NN is/VBZ totally/RB engaged/VBN in/IN jury/NN tampering/VBG "/" and/CC that/IN "/" Schumer/NNP ought/MD to/TO recuse/NN himself/PRP ./.
The/DT "/" jury/NN tampering/VBG "/" metaphor/NN has/VBZ been/VBN circulating/VBG ever/RB since/IN Independent/NNP Counsel/NNP Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP submitted/VBD his/PRP$ impeachment/NN referral/NN to/TO Congress/NNP ./.
The/DT metaphor/NN supposes/NNS that/IN members/NNS of/IN Congress/NNP are/VBP Clinton/NNP 's/POS jurors/NNS and/CC must/MD be/VB protected/VBN accordingly/RB ./.
Six/CD days/NNS after/IN receiving/VBG Starr/NNP 's/POS report/NN ,/, DeLay/NNP and/CC other/JJ Republican/JJ leaders/NNS in/IN Congress/NNP sent/VBD FBI/NNP Director/NNP Louis/NNP Freeh/NNP a/DT letter/NN protesting/VBG the/DT dissemination/NN of/IN "/" prurient/NN allegations/NNS "/" about/IN the/DT "/" personal/JJ lives/NNS "/" of/IN members/NNS of/IN Congress/NNP ./.
The/DT GOP/NNP leaders/NNS suggested/VBD that/IN "/" the/DT White/NNP House/NNP or/CC its/PRP$ allies/NNS "/" were/VBD engaged/VBN in/IN "/" an/DT organized/VBN campaign/NN of/IN slander/NN and/CC intimidation/NN "/" that/WDT was/VBD "/" no/RB different/JJ than/IN threatening/VBG jurors/NNS to/TO change/VB their/PRP$ verdicts/NNS in/IN organized/VBN crime/NN trials/NNS ./.
"/" House/NNP Speaker/NNP Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP raised/VBD the/DT "/" jury/NN tampering/VBG "/" issue/NN in/IN public/JJ appearances/NNS ./.
Some/DT Democrats/NNPS similarly/RB bristled/VBD at/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS lobbying/NN against/IN the/DT impeachment/NN inquiry/NN ./.
"/" Do/VBP n't/RB tamper/VB with/IN this/DT jury/NN ,/, "/" Sen/NNP ./.
Robert/NNP Byrd/NNP ,/, D-W/NNP ./.
V/NNP ./.
,/, admonished/JJ the/DT White/NNP House/NNP ./.
The/DT Clinton/NNP camp/NN dismisses/VBZ the/DT jury/NN metaphor/NN as/IN absurd/JJ ./.
"/" There/EX are/VBP probably/RB members/NNS of/IN the/DT Republican/JJ leadership/NN campaigning/NN for/IN Republican/JJ members/NNS of/IN the/DT House/NNP Judiciary/NNP Committee/NNP ,/, "/" Clinton/NNP spokesman/NN Joe/NNP Lockhart/NNP observed/VBD in/IN response/NN to/TO DeLay/NNP 's/POS objection/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT legitimate/JJ issue/NN ./.
But/CC why/WRB not/RB embrace/VB the/DT metaphor/NN and/CC its/PRP$ implications/NNS instead/RB ?/.
Rule/NN 24/CD of/IN the/DT Federal/NNP Rules/NNPS of/IN Criminal/NNP Procedure/NNP details/NNS various/JJ grounds/NNS on/IN which/WDT jurors/NNS may/MD be/VB deemed/VBN "/" unable/JJ or/CC unqualified/JJ to/TO perform/VB their/PRP$ duties/NNS ./.
"/" These/DT include/VBP "/" acquaintance/NN or/CC relationship/NN with/IN attorneys/NNS or/CC witnesses/NNS "/" (/( in/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, chiefly/RB Clinton/NNP and/CC Starr/NNP )/) and/CC biases/NNS regarding/VBG "/" credibility/NN of/IN witnesses/NNS "/" (/( in/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, whether/IN Starr/NNP 's/POS witnesses/NNS would/MD automatically/RB be/VB regarded/VBN more/RBR favorably/RB )/) ./.
The/DT rule/NN cites/VBZ precedents/NNS under/IN which/WDT the/DT "/" defendants/NNS '/POS right/NN to/TO be/VB tried/VBN by/IN impartial/JJ jury/NN included/VBD [/( the/DT ]/) right/NN to/TO examination/NN designed/VBN to/TO ascertain/VB possible/JJ prejudices/NNS of/IN prospective/JJ jurors/NNS ./.
"/" Furthermore/RB ,/, the/DT "/" trial/NN judge/NN "/" is/VBZ authorized/VBN to/TO "/" remove/VB "/" any/DT juror/NN during/IN the/DT trial/NN ,/, "/" whenever/WRB facts/NNS are/VBP presented/VBN which/WDT convince/VBP [/( the/DT ]/) trial/NN judge/NN that/DT [/( the/DT ]/) juror/NN 's/POS ability/NN to/TO perform/VB his/PRP$ duty/NN as/IN juror/NN is/VBZ impaired/VBN ./.
If/IN ,/, as/IN DeLay/NNP imagines/VBZ ,/, members/NNS of/IN Congress/NNP were/VBD to/TO be/VB treated/VBN like/IN jurors/NNS ,/, the/DT presiding/VBG officer/NN would/MD never/RB get/VB around/IN to/TO the/DT question/NN of/IN "/" tampering/VBG ./.
"/" He/PRP 'd/MD dismiss/VB the/DT whole/JJ panel/NN for/IN cause/NN ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Frame/NNP Games/NNPS "/"
"/" Reverse/VBP Triangulation/NNP "/" :/: How/WRB Clinton/NNP 's/POS immoderation/NN helps/VBZ the/DT Democrats/NNPS look/VBP moderate/JJ ./.
(/( posted/VBD Wednesday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
7/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
"/" The/DT Nixon/NNP Analogy/NNP "/" :/: Why/WRB the/DT Flytrap-/NNP Watergate/NNP comparison/NN will/MD backfire/VB ./.
(/( posted/VBD Friday/NNP ,/, Oct/NNP ./.
2/CD ,/, 1998/CD )/)
Slate/NNP 's/POS Complete/JJ Flytrap/NNP Coverage/NNP
On/IN Wednesday/NNP ,/, the/DT Future/NNP Homemakers/NNP of/IN America/NNP made/VBD a/DT startling/JJ announcement/NN ./.
What/WP ?/.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN noon/NN ET/NNP Thursday/NNP to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Tuesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
270/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" Crisis/NNP Management/NNP "/" :/:
"/" I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB even/RB want/VB to/TO talk/VB about/IN chocolate-chip/JJ cookies/NNS ,/, really/RB ./.
I/PRP shaved/VBD my/PRP$ beard/NN and/CC stopped/VBD wearing/VBG hats/NNS ./.
"/" Who/WP said/VBD this/DT about/IN what/WP ?/.
"/" Famous/NNP Amos/NNP ,/, after/IN being/VBG profiled/VBN and/CC strip-searched/JJ one/CD too/RB many/JJ times/NNS on/IN the/DT New/NNP Jersey/NNP Turnpike/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Dan/NNP Ricci/NNP
"/" Donna/NNP Shalala/NNP ,/, in/IN reference/NN to/TO some/DT new/JJ Health/NNP and/CC Human/NNP Services/NNPS crap/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jon/NNP Hotchkiss/NNP
"/" George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB what/WP he/PRP was/VBD talking/VBG about/IN ,/, and/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB really/RB care/VB ./.
What/WP matters/NNS is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP can/MD win/VB this/DT ,/, and/CC we/PRP 're/VBP backing/VBG him/PRP all/PDT the/DT way/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Daniel/NNP Radosh/NNP
"/" This/DT was/VBD the/DT disillusioned/JJ Jesus/NNP speaking/VBG days/NNS after/IN performing/VBG the/DT miracle/NN of/IN the/DT loaves/NNS and/CC fishes/NNS ./.
Knowing/VBG he/PRP had/VBD lost/VBN his/PRP$ grip/NN on/IN the/DT crowd/NN when/WRB they/PRP inquired/VBD what/WP was/VBD for/IN dessert/NN ,/, he/PRP decided/VBD to/TO make/VB a/DT radical/JJ change/NN in/IN his/PRP$ life/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Ellen/NNP Macleay/NNP
"/" Queen/NNP Elizabeth/NNP ,/, complaining/VBG about/IN just/RB everything/NN ,/, describes/VBZ the/DT disguise/VB that/WDT enabled/VBD her/PRP to/TO sneak/VBP out/IN of/IN Edinburgh/NNP a/DT day/NN early/JJ ./.
"/" -/: -/: Steve/NNP Bodow/NNP (/( Sean/NNP Fitzpatrick/NNP and/CC Matthew/NNP Cole/NNP had/VBD similar/JJ answers/NNS ./.
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
By/IN far/RB the/DT most/RBS frequent/JJ response/NN involved/VBD Hillary/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, the/DT once/RB and/CC future/JJ baker/NN ,/, or/CC nonbaker/NN ,/, who/WP today/NN begins/VBZ her/PRP$ four-day/JJ "/" listening/VBG tour/NN "/" at/IN the/DT Moynihan/NNP Farm/NNP ./.
(/( Fun/NNP With/IN Juxtaposition/NNP :/: Which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT more/RBR ludicrous/JJ expression/NN ,/, "/" listening/VBG tour/NN "/" or/CC "/" Moynihan/NNP Farm/NNP "/" ?/.
)/) Unimpressed/NNP with/IN her/PRP$ upstate/JJ forays/NNS ,/, Rudolph/NNP Giuliani/NNP ,/, her/PRP$ likely/JJ Senate/NNP rival/NN ,/, boasts/VBZ :/: "/" Every/DT time/NN I/PRP have/VBP gone/VBN up/RP there/RB ,/, I/PRP have/VBP gotten/VBN the/DT sense/NN that/IN they/PRP like/VBP me/PRP ./.
I/PRP think/VBP they/PRP like/VBP what/WP I/PRP did/VBD with/IN New/NNP York/NNP ./.
"/" (/( Fun/NNP With/IN Prepositions/NNP :/: Instead/RB of/IN "/" with/IN "/" New/NNP York/NNP ,/, substitute/NN "/" to/TO ./.
"/" )/) Like/IN him/PRP they/PRP may/MD ,/, but/CC have/VB any/DT of/IN them/PRP written/VBN a/DT tribute/NN as/RB passionate/JJ as/IN Ann/NNP Powers/NNP '/POS love/NN letter/NN to/TO Hillary/NNP in/IN this/DT morning/NN 's/POS Times/NNP ?/.
(/( Some/DT sentences/NNS omitted/VBN ./.
"/" [/( S/NNP ]/) he/PRP waits/VBZ ,/, like/IN the/DT sentinel/NN of/IN an/DT enchanted/JJ world/NN ,/, and/CC judges/NNS when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ safe/JJ to/TO open/VB up/RP a/DT trade/NN route/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ judgment/NN has/VBZ not/RB always/RB proven/VBN correct/JJ ,/, but/CC right/RB now/RB it/PRP is/VBZ impeccable/JJ ./.
[/NN W/NNP ]/) hen/NN you/PRP 're/VBP a/DT star/NN of/IN her/PRP$ magnitude/NN ,/, fashion/NN will/MD always/RB return/VB to/TO you/PRP ,/, hanging/VBG its/PRP$ head/NN ./.
[/NN S/NNP ]/) he/PRP established/VBD herself/PRP as/IN a/DT mythical/JJ heroine/NN ,/, questing/VBG but/CC always/RB true/JJ to/TO herself/PRP ./.
Even/RB at/IN her/PRP$ most/RBS spectacularly/RB styled/VBN ,/, she/PRP keeps/VBZ a/DT rough-and-tumble/JJ vaudevillian/NN edge/NN ./.
By/IN maintaining/VBG an/DT old-fashioned/JJ ethic/JJ of/IN showmanship/NN ,/, she/PRP seems/VBZ exceptionally/RB real/JJ ./.
"/" (/( Fun/NNP With/IN Objects/NNP :/: Was/VBD this/DT flatulent/JJ blather/NN actually/RB about/IN Hillary/NNP or/CC was/VBD it/PRP perhaps/RB about/IN Cher/NNP ?/.
Either/CC way/NN ,/, just/RB nuts/NNS ,/, right/NN ?/.
There/EX Are/VBP Second/NNP Acts/NNP in/IN American/NNP Baking/NNP Answer/NNP
Wally/NNP "/" Famous/NNP "/" Amos/NNP reveals/VBZ his/PRP$ feelings/NNS about/IN the/DT dark/JJ days/NNS when/WRB his/PRP$ cookie/NN empire/NN collapsed/VBD ./.
Amos/NNP started/VBD the/DT company/NN in/IN 1975/CD with/IN $/$ 25/CD ,/, 000/CD borrowed/VBN from/IN Marvin/NNP Gaye/NNP and/CC Helen/NNP Reddy/NNP ,/, pals/NNS from/IN his/PRP$ days/NNS as/IN a/DT talent/NN agent/NN ./.
In/IN 1982/CD ,/, revenue/NN reached/VBD $/$ 12/CD million/CD ./.
But/CC like/IN many/JJ entrepreneurs/NNS ,/, he/PRP was/VBD not/RB prepared/VBN to/TO manage/VB such/PDT a/DT large/JJ enterprise/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN 1988/CD ,/, after/IN attempts/NNS at/IN restructuring/NN ,/, the/DT company/NN lost/VBD $/$ 2/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD and/CC was/VBD sold/VBN ./.
Under/IN the/DT terms/NNS of/IN the/DT deal/NN ,/, Amos/NNP was/VBD not/RB even/RB permitted/VBN to/TO use/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ name/NN for/IN business/NN ventures/NNS ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ when/WRB he/PRP hit/VBD rock/NN bottom/NN ./.
Much/JJ has/VBZ improved/VBN ./.
Keebler/NNP ,/, the/DT new/JJ owner/NN of/IN Famous/NNP Amos/NNP ,/, just/RB offered/VBD him/PRP a/DT two-year/JJ contract/NN to/TO promote/VB his/PRP$ old/JJ brand/NN ,/, and/CC they/PRP are/VBP allowing/VBG him/PRP to/TO use/VB his/PRP$ name/NN for/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ new/JJ businesses/NNS ./.
Jewish/NNP Environmentalism/NNP Extra/NNP
Yesterday/NN 's/POS Extra/NNP squeezed/VBD a/DT few/JJ cheap/JJ laughs/NNS out/IN of/IN a/DT pamphlet/NN for/IN the/DT Society/NNP for/IN the/DT Advancement/NNP of/IN Judaism/NNP ,/, including/VBG their/PRP$ use/NN of/IN the/DT phrase/NN "/" Jewish/NNP Environmentalism/NNP ,/, "/" for/IN which/WDT you/PRP were/VBD invited/VBN to/TO provide/VB even/RB cheaper/JJR definitions/NNS ./.
Such/JJ as/IN these/DT :/:
"/" What/WP has/VBZ the/DT ozone/NN ever/RB done/VBN for/IN our/PRP$ people/NNS ?/.
"/" -/: -/: Beth/NNP Sherman/NNP
"/" Not/RB peeing/VBG in/IN the/DT (/( indoor/JJ )/) pool/NN at/IN Grossingers/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Eliot/NNP Cohen/NNP
"/" No/DT ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ all/DT right/NN ,/, I/PRP 'll/MD sit/VB in/IN the/DT dark/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Jon/NNP "/" Have/VBP You/PRP Ever/RB Known/VBN Any/DT Jewish/NNP Jons/NNP With/IN an/DT '/POS h/NN '/" in/IN the/DT Name/NN ?/.
"/" Zerolnick/NNP
"/" You/PRP call/VBP THIS/NNP an/DT environment/NN ?/.
Feh/NNP !/.
I/PRP 'll/MD show/VB you/PRP an/DT environment/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Matthew/NNP Singer/NNP
"/" Suffering/VBG in/IN Silence/NNP "/" -/: -/: Alison/NNP "/" The/DT WASP-y/NNP Name/NN Is/VBZ Not/RB My/PRP$ Fault/NNP "/" Rogers/NNP
"/" A/DT tree/NN has/VBZ been/VBN planted/VBN in/IN your/PRP$ name/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Beth/NNP Sherman/NNP
"/" Look/VB ,/, where/WRB once/RB dead/JJ deserts/NNS lay/VBP ,/, now/RB flowering/VBG cities/NNS arise/VBP !/.
Zionism/NNP IS/VBZ environmentalism/NN ./.
Oh/UH ,/, and/CC no/DT Arabs/NNPS allowed/VBD ./.
"/" -/: -/: Matthew/NNP Singer/NNP
Good/NNP News/NNP Extra/NNP
"/" Missing/NNP Man/NNP is/VBZ Found/NNP Alive/NNP and/CC Stuck/NNP in/IN Mud/NNP "/" -/: -/: headline/NN ,/, New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP
Jon/NNP Zerolnick/NNP 's/POS Headline/NNP Haiku/NNP
'/POS You/PRP 've/VBP Got/NNP Mail/NNP '/POS does/VBZ n't/RB inspire/VB Americans/NNPS to/TO buy/VB two/CD guns/NNS of/IN Academe/NNP
-/: -/: Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, July/NNP 6/CD ,/, 1999/CD (/( first/JJ section/NN )/)
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Mrs/NNP ./.
Clinton/NNP ,/, Mrs/NNP ./.
Fields/NNP ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Claus/NNP ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Elf/NNP ./.
"/" I/PRP wonder/VBP if/IN she/PRP understands/VBZ how/WRB much/JJ her/PRP$ life/NN has/VBZ changed/VBN this/DT day/NN ./.
Mr/NNP ./.
Itchy/NNP Pants/NNP has/VBZ the/DT potential/NN to/TO make/VB her/PRP$ a/DT millionaire/NN ./.
"/" Who/WP said/VBD this/DT about/IN what/WP ?/.
Send/VB your/PRP$ answer/NN by/IN 5/CD p/NN ./.
m/NN ./.
ET/NNP Sunday/NNP to/TO newsquiz/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Wednesday/NNP 's/POS Question/NNP (/( No/UH ./.
350/CD )/) -/: -/: "/" USP/NNP Si/NNP !/.
"/" :/:
On/IN Tuesday/NNP the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Postal/NNP Service/NNP announced/VBD that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ done/VBN something/NN for/IN the/DT fifth/JJ consecutive/JJ year/NN ./.
What/WP ?/.
"/" Airbrushed/NNP Mary/NNP 's/POS cigarette/NN from/IN its/PRP$ annual/JJ Madonna/NNP and/CC child/NN Christmas/NNP stamp/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Katha/NNP Pollitt/NNP
"/" Secretly/NNP euthanized/JJ Donner/NNP ,/, Prancer/NNP ,/, and/CC Blitzen/NNP ,/, so/IN that/IN some/DT lucky/JJ mailman/NN can/MD look/VB like/IN a/DT hero/NN when/WRB he/PRP offers/VBZ to/TO '/POS help/NN Santa/NNP deliver/VB those/DT packages/NNS ./.
'/POS "/" -/: -/: Ann/NNP Gavaghan/NNP
"/" Captured/NNP a/DT NASA/NNP vehicle/NN before/IN it/PRP got/VBD to/TO Mars/NNP ./.
"/" -/: -/: Ray/NNP Hastings/NNP
"/" Sponsored/NNP a/DT kick-ass/JJ bicycling/NN team/NN ./.
So/RB stop/VB your/PRP$ bellyaching/VBG about/IN the/DT long/JJ lines/NNS and/CC homicidal/NN postal/JJ workers/NNS ,/, already/RB ./.
"/" -/: -/: Greg/NNP Narver/NNP
"/" For/IN the/DT fifth/JJ consecutive/JJ year/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ going/VBG to/TO let/VB pretty/RB girls/NNS ship/VBP everything/NN book/NN rate/NN ./.
"/" -/: -/: Laura/NNP Miller/NNP
Click/NNP for/IN more/JJR answers/NNS ./.
Randy/NNP 's/POS Wrap-/NNP Up/IN
For/IN 33/CD cents--/JJ 33/CD cents/NNS !/.
Less/RBR than/IN the/DT cost/NN of/IN a/DT small/JJ caliber/NN bullet/NN !/.
-/: -/: the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Postal/NNP Service/NNP will/MD pick/VB up/RP a/DT letter/NN from/IN anywhere/RB in/IN America/NNP and/CC deliver/VB it/PRP to/TO any/DT place/NN else/RB in/IN the/DT nation--any/JJ place/NN !/.
even/RB some/DT stupid/JJ place/NN way/NN the/DT hell/NN out/IN in/IN the/DT stupid/JJ country/NN ,/, thousands/NNS of/IN miles/NNS away/RB ,/, like/IN Alabama/NNP !/.
-/: -/: in/IN about/IN three/CD days/NNS !/.
Three/CD days/NNS !/.
Why/WRB is/VBZ n't/RB that/DT great/JJ ?/.
A/DT bargain/NN !/.
A/DT marvel/VB !/.
Why/WRB all/PDT the/DT damn/NN whining/VBG ?/.
Could/MD NASA/NNP ?/.
Could/MD (/( as/IN many/JJ of/IN you/PRP noted/VBD )/) Shining/VBG Path/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP 's/POS fiercely/RB Maoist/NNP yet/RB unreliable/JJ Internet/NN service/NN ?/.
Not/RB likely/JJ !/.
And/CC now--licking/JJ optional/JJ !/.
If/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO lick/NN ,/, lick/NN ./.
If/IN not/RB ,/, not/RB ./.
No/DT way/NN you/PRP 'll/MD get/VB that/DT kind/NN of/IN freedom/NN of/IN choice/NN from/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, those/DT bastards/NNS at/IN Mobil/NNP Exxon/NNP !/.
There/EX 's/VBZ your/PRP$ precious/JJ private/JJ industry/NN ./.
I/PRP 'd/MD say/VB some/DT News/NNP Quiz/NNP participants/NNS owe/VBP some/DT quasi-autonomous/JJ but/CC government-regulated/JJ agency/NN a/DT letter/NN of/IN apology/NN ./.
Oh/UH yes/UH ,/, my/PRP$ friends/NNS ,/, a/DT letter/NN ./.
Next-/NNP Day/NNP Delivery/NN Answer/NNP
Once/RB again/RB ,/, the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Postal/NNP Service/NNP is/VBZ in/IN the/DT black/NN ./.
Its/PRP$ $/$ 363/CD million/CD profit/NN for/IN Fiscal/JJ 1999/CD ,/, $/$ 163/CD more/JJR than/IN expected/VBN ,/, means/VBZ that/IN rates/NNS will/MD remain/VB unchanged/JJ until/IN 2001/CD ./.
John/NNP McCain/NNP 's/POS Threat/NNP List/NN Extra/NNP
Speaking/VBG aboard/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Intrepid/NNP Tuesday/NNP night/NN ,/, the/DT presidential/JJ candidate/NN named/VBN "/" potential/JJ threats/NNS "/" facing/VBG our/PRP$ nation/NN ./.
Which/WDT of/IN the/DT following/VBG are/VBP from/IN his/PRP$ list/NN and/CC which/WDT are/VBP mere/JJ fabrications/NNS likely/JJ to/TO make/VB him/PRP go/VB nuts/NNS and/CC start/VB screaming/VBG at/IN people/NNS ,/, what/WP with/IN that/DT terrible/JJ temper/NN of/IN his/PRP$ ?/.
1/LS ./.
Political/JJ and/CC economic/JJ chaos/NN in/IN Russia/NNP ./.
2/LS ./.
China/NNP 's/POS growing/VBG economic/JJ and/CC military/JJ threat/NN ./.
3/LS ./.
Evil/NNP monkeys/NNS that/WDT might/MD crawl/VB up/RP our/PRP$ trouser/NN legs/NNS and/CC bite/VB us/PRP on/IN the/DT ass/NNS ./.
4/LS ./.
Violent/NNP expressions/NNS of/IN nationalist/JJ and/CC ethnic/JJ rivalry/NN ./.
5/LS ./.
Cats/NNP that/WDT read/VBP our/PRP$ minds/NNS ./.
6/CD ./.
The/DT proliferation/NN of/IN weapons/NNS of/IN mass/NN destruction/NN to/TO rogue/NN states/NNS and/CC potential/JJ adversaries/NNS ./.
7/CD ./.
The/DT control/NN of/IN weapons/NNS of/IN mass/NN destruction/NN by/IN a/DT really/RB dumb/JJ guy/NN ./.
You/PRP know--/JJ Orgejay/NNP Ushbay/NNP ?/.
8/CD ./.
Information/NNP warfare/NN such/JJ as/IN an/DT attack/NN on/IN our/PRP$ private/JJ sector/NN 's/POS computer/NN grids/NNS ./.
9/CD ./.
Crips/NNP and/CC Bloods/NNP merging/VBG into/IN supergang/NN ,/, Blips/NNP ./.
Or/CC Cruds/NNP ./.
Either/CC way/NN ,/, bad/JJ news/NN !/.
Even/RB worse/JJR than/IN the/DT cats/NNS and/CC monkeys/NNS !/.
10/CD ./.
Terrorism/NNP ./.
1/LS ,/, 2/CD ,/, 4/CD ,/, 6/CD ,/, 8/CD ,/, and/CC 10/CD made/VBD the/DT list/NN ;/: 3/CD ,/, 5/CD ,/, 7/CD ,/, and/CC 9/CD did/VBD not/RB ./.
Least-/NNP Believable/NNP Assertions/NNP Ongoing/NNP Extra/NNP
President/NNP Clinton/NNP :/: We/PRP 'll/MD be/VB together/RB as/RB much/JJ as/IN we/PRP can/MD ./.
(/( At/IN Wednesday/NNP 's/POS press/NN conference/NN he/PRP claimed/VBD that/IN ,/, although/IN the/DT first/JJ lady/NN would/MD be/VB campaigning/VBG in/IN New/NNP York/NNP and/CC the/DT first/JJ man/NN would/MD be/VB stuck/VBN in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, what/WP they/PRP really/RB wanted/VBD was/VBD to/TO be/VB together/RB ./.
Participants/NNS are/VBP invited/VBN to/TO submit/VB similar/JJ credulity-straining/JJ claims--fact/JJ or/CC fiction/NN ,/, actual/JJ or/CC invented/VBD ,/, drunk/JJ or/CC disorderly/JJ ./.
Replies/NNP to/TO run/VB Monday/NNP ./.
Common/NNP Denominator/NNP
Disgruntled/NNP employees/NNS ,/, natch/NN ./.
To/TO hear/VB Patricia/NNP Clark/NNP read/VBD "/" Male/NN &slash;/NN Female/NNP ,/, "/" click/NN ./.
He/PRP would/MD cut/VB into/IN the/DT belly/NN of/IN one/CD ,/, at/IN the/DT kitchen/NN sink/NN ,/, Mother/NNP squabbling/NN in/IN the/DT background/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP 'd/MD be/VB up/IN to/TO his/PRP$ elbows/NNS in/IN silver/NN ,/, blood/NN shining/VBG from/IN the/DT knife/NN ,/, the/DT room/NN smelling/VBG of/IN sweat/NN ,/, boots/NNS ,/, coffee/NN ,/, smoke/NN ,/, and/CC though/IN I/PRP 'd/MD been/VBN at/IN home/NN ,/, in/IN bed/NN the/DT whole/JJ time/NN ,/, I/PRP could/MD see/VB the/DT Puyallup/NNP River/NNP ,/, the/DT herons/NNS rising/VBG ,/, cattails/NNS and/CC redwing/VBG blackbirds/NNS with/IN their/PRP$ bottlebrush/NN shapes/VBZ and/CC streaks/NNS of/IN color/NN ,/, from/IN shore/NN to/TO shore/VB a/DT thick/JJ fog/NN ,/, but/CC rolling/VBG up/RP and/CC off/IN like/IN smoke/NN ,/, a/DT reel/NN singing/VBG as/IN the/DT steelhead/NN ran/VBD with/IN the/DT line/NN ,/, the/DT hurry/NN ,/, the/DT thrash/VB and/CC splashing/VBG ,/, feet/NNS stumbling/VBG along/RB the/DT shore/NN to/TO keep/VB up/RP ,/, to/TO keep/VB the/DT line/NN from/IN getting/VBG cut/NN ./.
Surely/RB this/DT was/VBD a/DT victory/NN for/IN them/PRP ,/, Father/NNP saying/VBG it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT female/NN ,/, then/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ pulled/VBD out/RP the/DT whole/JJ orange/NN clump/NN to/TO show/VB my/PRP$ brothers/NNS ./.
Yes/UH ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ saying/VBG ,/, we/PRP 'll/MD use/VB the/DT roe/NN as/IN our/PRP$ next/JJ bait/NN ,/, and/CC How/WRB about/IN Saturday/NNP ,/, early/JJ ?/.
He/PRP holds/VBZ them/PRP up/RP in/IN front/NN of/IN the/DT window/NN ,/, though/IN I/PRP was/VBD never/RB actually/RB there/EX to/TO see/VB it/PRP ,/, scales/NNS smeared/JJ on/IN the/DT faucet/NN ,/, on/IN the/DT hump/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD sinks/NNS ,/, his/PRP$ forearms/NNS all/DT silver/NN and/CC orange/NN on/IN fire/NN ./.
The/DT guts/NNS and/CC severed/VBN head/NN lay/VB in/IN a/DT mass/NN on/IN papertowels/NNS ./.
Light/NNP glinted/JJ thick/JJ through/IN the/DT raised/VBN orange/NN globes/NNS ./.
Yes/UH ,/, good/JJ thing/NN this/DT was/VBD a/DT female/NN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB with/IN new/JJ terror/NN in/IN Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP :/: a/DT car/NN bomb/NN exploded/VBD Saturday/NNP in/IN a/DT crowded/VBN shopping/NN area/NN in/IN Omagh/NNP ,/, a/DT town/NN west/NN of/IN Belfast/NNP ,/, killing/VBG at/IN least/JJS 28/CD people/NNS and/CC injuring/VBG hundreds/NNS more/JJR ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP ,/, which/WDT runs/VBZ the/DT story/NN at/IN the/DT fold/VB ,/, calls/VBZ it/PRP "/" the/DT single/JJ worst/JJS terrorist/JJ incident/NN in/IN the/DT 30/CD -/: year/NN history/NN of/IN sectarian/JJ warfare/NN "/" in/IN the/DT province/NN ./.
For/IN its/PRP$ lead/NN the/DT Post/NNP turns/VBZ to/TO a/DT three-story/JJ spread/NN on/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS upcoming/JJ grand/JJ jury/NN testimony/NN ./.
The/DT banner/NN lead/NN reports/NNS that/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS lawyers/NNS think/VBP he/PRP will/MD revise/VB his/PRP$ story/NN for/IN Monday/NNP 's/POS testimony--i/JJ ./.
e/SYM ./.
he/PRP will/MD admit/VB to/TO sexual/JJ relations/NNS with/IN Monica/NNP Lewinsky/NNP ,/, but/CC will/MD not/RB admit/VB to/TO perjury/NN ./.
The/DT terrible/JJ toll/NN in/IN the/DT Northern/NNP Ireland/NNP bombing/NN was/VBD partly/RB due/JJ to/TO a/DT misleading/JJ warning/NN about/IN the/DT bomb/NN 's/POS location/NN ./.
A/DT caller/NN warned/VBD of/IN a/DT bomb/NN near/IN the/DT Omagh/NNP courthouse/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT bomb/NN actually/RB exploded/VBD in/IN an/DT area/NN where/WRB the/DT crowds/NNS had/VBD retreated/VBN to/TO get/VB away/RB from/IN the/DT courthouse/NN ./.
Prominent/NNP among/IN the/DT early/JJ suspects/VBZ is/VBZ a/DT radical/JJ Irish/NNP Republican/NNP Army/NNP "/" splinter/NN group/NN "/" which/WDT opposes/VBZ the/DT peace/NN agreement/NN between/IN Catholics/NNPS and/CC Protestants/NNPS that/WDT was/VBD ratified/VBN last/JJ May/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP state/NN early/RB on/IN that/IN the/DT explosion/NN may/MD jeopardize/VB the/DT peace/NN agreement/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT WP/NNP notes/NNS in/IN its/PRP$ second/JJ paragraph/NN that/IN "/" local/JJ Protestant/JJ and/CC Catholic/NNP leaders/NNS insisted/VBD that/IN the/DT tragedy/NN ./.
would/MD not/RB block/VB implementation/NN "/" of/IN the/DT agreement/NN ./.
Back/RB in/IN Scandalworld/NNP :/: The/DT WP/NNP lead/NN ,/, while/IN suggesting/VBG that/IN Clinton/NNP may/MD testify/VB to/TO a/DT sexual/JJ relationship/NN ,/, also/RB notes/VBZ that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ prone/JJ to/TO last-minute/JJ changes/NNS of/IN mind/NN and/CC could/MD go/VB against/IN his/PRP$ advisors/NNS '/POS recommendations/NNS ./.
Another/DT piece/NN in/IN the/DT WP/NNP front-page/JJ package/NN describes/VBZ the/DT intense/JJ legal/JJ preparation/NN on/IN both/DT sides/NNS ./.
Strategizing/NNP aside/RB ,/, though/RB ,/, Clinton/NNP 's/POS testimony/NN hinges/NNS on/IN his/PRP$ "/" own/JJ lonely/JJ struggle/NN over/IN whether/IN to/TO admit/VB a/DT relationship/NN with/IN Lewinsky/NNP despite/IN his/PRP$ past/JJ denials/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT third/JJ WP/NNP piece/NN chronicles/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS ability/NN to/TO cope/VB with/IN adversity/NN ./.
In/IN related/VBN news/NN ,/, the/DT NYT/NNP off-lead/JJ explains/VBZ how/WRB the/DT scandal/NN could/MD shift/VB election-year/JJ politics/NNS :/: if/IN Americans/NNPS '/POS disgust/NN translates/NNS into/IN low/JJ voter/NN turnout/NN ,/, the/DT Democrats/NNPS will/MD probably/RB suffer/VB ./.
A/DT LAT/NNP front-pager/JJ recaps/NNS the/DT long/JJ list/NN of/IN legal/JJ precedents/NNS set/VBN in/IN the/DT case/NN ./.
Trouble/NN in/IN Congo/NNP gets/VBZ front-page/JJ play/NN at/IN the/DT LAT/NNP ,/, and/CC runs/VBZ inside/IN elsewhere/RB ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
embassy/NN there/EX was/VBD closed/VBN yesterday/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT last/JJ American/JJ diplomats/NNS were/VBD evacuated/VBN as/IN the/DT teetering/VBG Congoese/NNP government/NN prepares/VBZ to/TO counter/VB advances/NNS from/IN Rwanda-backed/NNP rebels/NNS ./.
The/DT WP/NNP adds/VBZ this/DT to/TO the/DT story/NN :/: Western/JJ troops/NNS (/( including/VBG some/DT 1/CD ,/, 200/CD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Marines/NNPS )/) are/VBP taking/VBG up/RP positions/NNS near/IN Congo/NNP 's/POS coast/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO rescue/VB foreigners/NNS if/IN necessary/JJ ./.
The/DT Congoese/NNP take/NN an/DT understandably/RB dim/NN view/NN of/IN this/DT move--very/JJ few/JJ foreigners/NNS remain/VBP in/IN Congo/NNP ./.
Front/NNP page/NN pieces/NNS at/IN the/DT NYT/NNP and/CC WP/NNP report/NN new/JJ developments/NNS in/IN the/DT search/NN for/IN suspects/VBZ in/IN the/DT African/JJ bombings/NNS ./.
An/DT NYT/NNP front-page/JJ article/NN ,/, citing/VBG federal/JJ law-enforcement/NN officials/NNS ,/, says/VBZ that/IN an/DT associate/NN of/IN wealthy/JJ Saudi/JJ exile/NN and/CC terrorist/JJ financier/NN Osama/NNP Bin/NNP Laden/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN "/" tentatively/RB linked/VBN "/" to/TO the/DT bombings/NNS in/IN Kenya/NNP and/CC Tanzania/NNP ./.
The/DT WP/NNP 's/POS front-page/JJ story/NN pursues/VBZ another/DT angle/NN :/: A/DT bombing/NN suspect/VBP was/VBD arrested/VBN on/IN the/DT Pakistan-/NNP Afghanistan/NNP border/NN while/IN travelling/VBG under/IN a/DT false/JJ passport/NN ,/, and/CC is/VBZ being/VBG flown/VBN to/TO Kenya/NNP for/IN questioning/VBG ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP "/" Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP "/" article/NN urges/VBZ the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
to/TO develop/VB a/DT consistent/JJ ,/, long-term/JJ policy/NN to/TO combat/VB terrorism/NN ./.
The/DT writer/NN ,/, a/DT long-time/JJ intelligence/NN officer/NN ,/, observes/VBZ that/IN ,/, "/" Most/JJS of/IN our/PRP$ counter-terrorism/JJ successes/NNS are/VBP against/IN loners/NNS ./.
"/" He/PRP decries/VBZ quick/JJ fixes/NNS such/JJ as/IN assassination/NN because/IN they/PRP either/DT backfire/VB by/IN perpetuating/VBG the/DT cycle/NN of/IN violence/NN or/CC are/VBP n't/RB comprehensive/JJ enough/RB ./.
A/DT better/JJR strategy/NN ,/, he/PRP argues/VBZ ,/, would/MD involve/VB gradually/RB undermining/VBG and/CC weakening/VBG terrorists/NNS '/POS bases/NNS ./.
According/VBG to/TO a/DT below-the-fold/JJ NYT/NNP front-page/JJ article/NN ,/, some/DT heavyweight/JJ web/NN sites/NNS like/IN Geocities/NNP ,/, Lycos-/NNP Tripod/NNP ,/, and/CC Ticketmaster/NNP have/VBP agreed/VBN to/TO feed/VB subscriber/NN information/NN to/TO a/DT tracking/VBG system/NN ./.
This/DT information/NN will/MD then/RB be/VB sold/VBN to/TO advertisers/NNS ,/, who/WP can/MD tailor/NN their/PRP$ marketing/NN strategies/NNS accordingly/RB ./.
While/IN this/DT does/VBZ not/RB violate/VB individual/JJ anonymity/NN per/IN se/FW ,/, the/DT prospect/NN irks/VBZ privacy-rights/JJ activists/NNS ./.
Their/PRP$ battle/NN may/MD be/VB tough/JJ ,/, however/RB ,/, since/IN privacy/NN regulations/NNS on/IN the/DT Internet/NN remain/VB notoriously/RB nebulous/JJ ./.
Integrity/NNP can/MD be/VB a/DT drag/NN in/IN an/DT actor/NN ,/, as/IN Jennifer/NNP Jason/NNP Leigh--who/NNP plays/VBZ Catherine/NNP Sloper/NNP ,/, the/DT heroine/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ adaptation/NN of/IN Henry/NNP James/NNP '/POS Washington/NNP Square/NNP -/: -/: has/VBZ so/RB often/RB and/CC so/RB vividly/RB demonstrated/VBN ./.
When/WRB Leigh/NNP plays/VBZ unpleasant/JJ characters/NNS ,/, as/IN in/IN Georgia/NNP (/( 1995/CD )/) and/CC Kansas/NNP City/NNP (/( 1996/CD )/) ,/, she/PRP is/VBZ as/RB unpleasant/JJ as/IN all/DT get-out/JJ ./.
When/WRB she/PRP played/VBD Dorothy/NNP Parker/NNP in/IN Mrs/NNP ./.
Parker/NNP and/CC the/DT Vicious/NNP Circle/NNP (/( 1994/CD )/) ,/, she/PRP faithfully/RB reproduced/VBD the/DT writer/NN 's/POS vocal/JJ cadences/NNS at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN such/JJ trifles/NNS as/IN variety/NN and/CC intelligibility/NN ./.
Her/PRP$ work/NN can/MD be/VB unleavened/JJ by/IN imagination/NN ./.
Compare/VB her/PRP$ turn/NN as/IN a/DT government/NN agent/NN in/IN Rush/NNP (/( 1991/CD )/) to/TO Jodie/NNP Foster/NNP 's/VBZ the/DT same/JJ year/NN in/IN The/DT Silence/NNP of/IN the/DT Lambs/NNP ./.
Foster/NNP revealed/VBD her/PRP$ character/NN 's/POS vulnerability/NN by/IN indirection--by/JJ how/WRB hard/JJ the/DT young/JJ woman/NN labored/JJ to/TO project/VB strength/NN ./.
Leigh/NNP chose/VBD to/TO telegraph/VBP the/DT vulnerability/NN :/: She/PRP was/VBD such/JJ a/DT radiant/JJ mess/NN that/IN no/DT superior/JJ in/IN his/PRP$ right/JJ mind/NN would/MD have/VB sent/VBN her/PRP$ undercover/JJ ./.
I/PRP interviewed/VBD Leigh/NNP for/IN Vogue/NNP eight/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, before/IN her/PRP$ acting/VBG went/VBD to/TO hell/NN ./.
I/PRP liked/VBD her/PRP as/IN a/DT person/NN and/CC admired/VBD her/PRP$ gutsiness--her/JJ willingness/NN to/TO work/VB without/IN a/DT net/NN ,/, to/TO throw/VB herself/PRP headlong/RB into/IN a/DT part/NN even/RB if/IN it/PRP meant/VBD falling/VBG a/DT great/JJ distance/NN onto/IN her/PRP$ face/NN ./.
But/CC a/DT weird/JJ ,/, masochistic/JJ streak/NN has/VBZ emerged/VBN in/IN her/PRP$ performances/NNS ./.
She/PRP now/RB makes/VBZ a/DT fetish/NN of/IN falling/VBG on/IN her/PRP$ face/NN ./.
She/PRP might/MD even/RB want/VB to/TO be/VB loved/VBN for/IN falling/VBG on/IN her/PRP$ face/NN ./.
As/IN Catherine/NNP ,/, James/NNP '/POS plain/JJ ,/, artless/JJ heiress/NNS to/TO whom/WP life/NN has/VBZ simultaneously/RB dealt/VBN a/DT very/RB good/JJ and/CC a/DT very/RB bad/JJ hand/NN ,/, Leigh/NNP is/VBZ so/RB busy/JJ projecting/VBG her/PRP$ plainness/NNS and/CC artlessness/NNS that/IN she/PRP neglects/NNS ,/, for/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT film/NN ,/, to/TO pull/VB the/DT audience/NN in/IN ./.
Her/PRP$ Catherine/NNP has/VBZ no/DT center/NN of/IN gravity/NN :/: She/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB walk/VB when/WRB she/PRP can/MD lurch/VBP ,/, weave/NN ,/, or/CC collide/NN with/IN objects/NNS ,/, her/PRP$ balance/NN shifting/VBG precariously/RB ./.
Her/PRP$ responses/NNS ,/, meanwhile/RB ,/, are/VBP queerly/RB private/JJ ,/, as/IN if/IN she/PRP were/VBD unsure/JJ of/IN how/WRB to/TO act/VB out/RP her/PRP$ own/JJ emotions/NNS ./.
All/PDT this/DT is/VBZ by/IN design/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN an/DT era/NN when/WRB "/" You/PRP like/VBP me/PRP !/.
You/PRP really/RB like/IN me/PRP !/.
"/" is/VBZ the/DT mantra/NN of/IN most/JJS actors/NNS ,/, that/DT design/NN can/MD seem/VB brave/JJ and/CC original/JJ ./.
What/WP is/VBZ n't/RB by/IN design/NN is/VBZ the/DT mass/NN of/IN neurotic/JJ actressy/NN mannerisms/NNS ,/, which/WDT function/VBP like/IN layer/NN upon/IN layer/NN of/IN wax/NN buildup/NN ./.
You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB see/VB into/IN Catherine/NNP 's/POS soul--like/JJ water/NN on/IN wax/NN ,/, your/PRP$ gaze/VBP beads/NNS ./.
In/IN part/NN this/DT is/VBZ the/DT fault/NN of/IN the/DT director/NN ,/, Agnieszka/NNP Holland/NNP ./.
Like/IN her/PRP$ star/NN ,/, Holland/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN everything/NN right/NN ,/, on/IN paper/NN ./.
In/IN Washington/NNP Square/NNP ,/, the/DT early/JJ 19/CD th/NN -/: century/NN American/JJ trappings/NNS never/RB smack/RB of/IN the/DT sound/NN stage/NN ,/, and/CC each/DT scene/NN is/VBZ judiciously/RB weighted/JJ ./.
Holland/NNP has/VBZ expunged/VBN much/JJ of/IN the/DT melodrama/NN that/WDT marked/VBD the/DT war-horse/JJ dramatization/NN The/DT Heiress/NNP (/( made/VBN into/IN a/DT 1949/CD film/NN with/IN Olivia/NNP de/IN Havilland/NNP ,/, directed/VBN by/IN William/NNP Wyler/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC has/VBZ even/RB corrected/VBN a/DT problem/NN that/WDT irked/VBD James/NNP ,/, years/NNS after/IN publication/NN ,/, when/WRB he/PRP reread/NN his/PRP$ early/JJ novel/NN and/CC declined/VBD to/TO revise/VB it/PRP for/IN reprinting/VBG :/: that/IN Morris/NNP Townsend/NNP ,/, Catherine/NNP 's/POS fortune-hunting/JJ suitor/NN ,/, was/VBD too/RB much/RB of/IN a/DT one-dimensional/JJ lout/NN ./.
But/CC The/DT Heiress/NNP ,/, for/IN all/DT its/PRP$ un-/NN Jamesian/NNP blood/NN and/CC thunder/NN ,/, remains/VBZ the/DT truer/NN adaptation/NN ./.
Holland/NNP 's/POS tone/NN is/VBZ detached/VBN to/TO the/DT point/NN of/IN having/VBG no/DT discernible/JJ point/NN of/IN view/NN ./.
She/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB confused/VBN James/NNP '/POS irony/NN with/IN distance--when/JJ ,/, in/IN truth/NN ,/, few/JJ authors/NNS in/IN history/NN have/VBP achieved/VBN such/JJ pitiless/JJ and/CC devastating/JJ intimacy/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT first/JJ two-thirds/NNS of/IN the/DT film/NN ,/, Holland/NNP barely/RB even/RB lingers/VBZ on/IN her/PRP$ heroine/NN 's/POS features/NNS ./.
This/DT remote/JJ ,/, objective/NN Washington/NNP Square/NNP carries/VBZ little/JJ wattage/NN ./.
Under/IN the/DT novel/NN 's/POS sometimes/RB placid/JJ surface/NN is/VBZ a/DT tug/NN of/IN war/NN ,/, which/WDT Wyler/NNP made/VBD palpable/JJ but/CC which/WDT Holland/NNP must/MD think/VB will/MD dramatize/NN itself/PRP ./.
One/CD of/IN James/NNP '/POS trademark/NN innocents/NNS ,/, Catherine/NNP is/VBZ acted/VBN upon/IN by/IN three/CD titanic/JJ forces/NNS :/: her/PRP$ father/NN ,/, Dr/NNP ./.
Sloper/NNP (/( Albert/NNP Finney/NNP )/) ,/, whose/WP$ express/VB desire/NN to/TO protect/VB a/DT daughter/NN he/PRP considers/VBZ ugly/JJ and/CC witless/JJ takes/VBZ the/DT form/NN of/IN ruthless/JJ repression/NN ;/: her/PRP$ aunt/NN ,/, (/( Maggie/NNP Smith/NNP )/) ,/, who/WP wishes/VBZ to/TO weave/NN out/IN of/IN her/PRP$ niece/NN 's/POS life/NN a/DT breathlessly/RB melodramatic/JJ romance/NN ;/: and/CC Morris/NNP Townsend/NNP (/( Ben/NNP Chaplin/NNP )/) ,/, the/DT playboy/NN who/WP has/VBZ squandered/VBN a/DT modest/JJ inheritance/NN and/CC now/RB seeks/VBZ salvation/NN in/IN the/DT form/NN of/IN this/DT unloved/JJ ,/, unlovely/JJ ,/, and/CC affluent/JJ young/JJ woman/NN ./.
Each/DT of/IN these/DT characters/NNS comes/VBZ with/IN the/DT trappings/NNS of/IN civilization/NN and/CC high/JJ society/NN ,/, but/CC it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT natural/JJ ,/, untutored/JJ Catherine/NNP who/WP proves/VBZ the/DT superior--if/JJ ,/, ultimately/RB ,/, woebegone--force/JJ ./.
Holland/NNP 's/POS one/CD innovation/NN is/VBZ in/IN her/PRP$ handling/NN of/IN Townsend/NNP ./.
The/DT scene/NN in/IN which/WDT Dr/NNP ./.
Sloper/NNP pays/VBZ a/DT visit/NN to/TO the/DT young/JJ suitor/NN 's/POS sister--to/JJ pry/NN from/IN her/PRP$ a/DT confirmation/NN of/IN his/PRP$ suspicions/NNS about/IN her/PRP$ brother/NN 's/POS character--no/JJ longer/JJR climaxes/NNS with/IN the/DT woman/NN 's/POS expulsive/JJ warning/NN to/TO keep/VB Catherine/NNP from/IN marrying/VBG him/PRP ./.
There/EX are/VBP still/RB plenty/NN of/IN reasons/NNS to/TO think/VB Townsend/NNP would/MD be/VB a/DT less-than-exemplary/JJ husband/NN ,/, but/CC fewer/JJR to/TO think/VB he/PRP 'd/MD be/VB a/DT monstrous/JJ one/CD ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, Chaplin/NNP never/RB signals/VBZ the/DT man/NN 's/POS duplicity/NN ,/, and/CC one/CD wonders/VBZ if/IN his/PRP$ Townsend/NNP has/VBZ even/RB fully/RB admitted/VBN to/TO himself/PRP that/IN his/PRP$ motives/NNS are/VBP impure/NN ./.
He/PRP might/MD love/VB Catherine/NNP for/IN her/PRP$ money/NN ,/, but/CC at/IN least/JJS he/PRP could/MD love/VB her/PRP$ ,/, whereas/IN her/PRP$ father/NN ,/, clearly/RB ,/, could/MD not/RB ./.
The/DT performance/NN is/VBZ complex/JJ ,/, shaded/JJ ,/, irreducible--/JJ Jamesian/NNP ./.
And/CC Chaplin/NNP makes/VBZ a/DT marvelous/JJ partner/NN for/IN Smith/NNP 's/POS vivaciously/RB silly/JJ Mrs/NNP ./.
Penniman/NNP ,/, all/DT shiny-eyed/JJ with/IN vicarious/JJ pleasure/NN and/CC perfumed/JJ by/IN her/PRP$ own/JJ cheap/JJ romanticism/NN ./.
(/( "/" You/PRP 'll/MD have/VB to/TO excuse/VB me/PRP ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Townsend/NNP ,/, "/" she/PRP tells/VBZ the/DT lovers/NNS she/PRP 's/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB chaperoning/VBG ,/, as/IN she/PRP flits/NNS to/TO the/DT door/NN ./.
"/" I/PRP have/VBP the/DT most/RBS fortuitous/JJ headache/NN ./.
"/" )/)
Finney/NNP plays/VBZ Dr/NNP ./.
Sloper/NNP as/IN a/DT sour/JJ and/CC grave/JJ man/NN in/IN whom/WP all/DT feeling/NN has/VBZ been/VBN deadened/JJ since/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN died/VBD giving/VBG birth/NN to/TO Catherine/NNP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ clearly/RB the/DT villain/NN of/IN the/DT piece/NN ,/, a/DT man/NN who/WP deprives/VBZ his/PRP$ daughter/NN of/IN happiness/NN not/RB simply/RB because/IN he/PRP believes/VBZ Townsend/NNP intends/VBZ to/TO ,/, but/CC because/IN he/PRP feels/VBZ that/DT unhappiness/NN is/VBZ her/PRP$ due/JJ ./.
It/PRP might/MD be/VB ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN his/PRP$ contempt/NN is/VBZ too/RB much/JJ on/IN the/DT surface/NN ,/, so/IN that/IN his/PRP$ bitterly/RB conclusive/JJ outburst/NN to/TO his/PRP$ daughter/NN on/IN a/DT mountaintop/NN in/IN Switzerland/NNP feels/VBZ less/JJR than/IN earthshaking/JJ ./.
There/EX is/VBZ so/RB little/JJ intimacy/NN between/IN father/NN and/CC daughter/NN that/IN Catherine/NNP 's/POS life-changing/JJ realization/NN that/IN Sloper/NNP despises/NNS her/PRP$ is/VBZ old/JJ news/NN ./.
Leigh/NNP does/VBZ keep/VB something/NN up/RP her/PRP$ sleeve/NN ,/, however/RB ./.
Upon/IN hearing/VBG the/DT contents/NNS of/IN her/PRP$ father/NN 's/POS sadistic/JJ will/MD ,/, she/PRP lets/VBZ out/RP a/DT musical/JJ laugh/NN that/WDT is/VBZ probably/RB the/DT purest/NN note/NN she/PRP has/VBZ sounded/VBN on-screen/JJ ./.
It/PRP was/VBD reported/VBN that/IN Leigh/NNP 's/POS own/JJ father/NN ,/, Vic/NNP Morrow/NNP ,/, inexplicably/RB slighted/JJ her/PRP in/IN his/PRP$ will/MD ,/, and/CC you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB hear/VB that/DT sound/NN in/IN Washington/NNP Square/NNP without/IN knowing/VBG in/IN your/PRP$ bones/NNS where/WRB it/PRP came/VBD from/IN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT sound/NN of/IN genuine/JJ catharsis/NN ,/, of/IN poison/NN being/VBG expelled/VBN into/IN the/DT air/NN ,/, of/IN bottomless/JJ anguish/NN and/CC joyous/JJ liberation/NN ./.
If/IN Washington/NNP Square/NNP is/VBZ underripe/NN ,/, U-T/NNP urn/NN and/CC Devil/NNP 's/POS Advocate/NNP are/VBP rotting/VBG ./.
The/DT former/NN is/VBZ noir/NN camp/NN ,/, another/DT acid-/NN and/CC amphetamine-soaked/JJ foray/NN into/IN Oliver/NNP Stone/NNP 's/POS America/NNP ,/, full/JJ of/IN pixilated/JJ brutality/NN and/CC meaningless/JJ montage/NN (/( fractured/JJ zooms/NNS ,/, black-and-white/JJ scudding/VBG clouds/NNS ,/, close-ups/JJ of/IN carrion/NN and/CC stuffed/VBN mountain/NN lions/NNS )/) ./.
Like/IN Nicolas/NNP Cage/NNP in/IN the/DT more/RBR sedate/JJ Red/NNP Rock/NNP West/NNP ,/, Sean/NNP Penn/NNP stumbles/NNS into/IN a/DT town/NN of/IN desert/NN predators/NNS ,/, where/WRB women/NNS lull/NN men/NNS leggily/RB into/IN the/DT fires/NNS of/IN hell/NN ,/, not/RB so/RB much/JJ out/IN of/IN guile/NN as/IN instinct/NN ./.
Stone/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB a/DT political/JJ ax/NN to/TO grind/VB this/DT time/NN out/IN ,/, and/CC he/PRP lets/VBZ the/DT actors/NNS make/VBP whoopie/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB whom/WP I/PRP adored/JJ more/JJR :/: Billy/NNP Bob/NNP Thornton/NNP as/IN a/DT greasy/NN hick/NN with/IN a/DT whiff/NN of/IN Tales/NNS From/IN the/DT Crypt/NNP -/: style/NN demonism/NN ;/: Nick/NNP Nolte/NNP ,/, as/IN a/DT skeletal/NN ,/, gravel-voiced/JJ albino/NN who/WP could/MD be/VB John/NNP Huston/NNP after/IN a/DT decade/NN of/IN being/VBG eaten/VBN by/IN worms/NNS ;/: or/CC Jon/NNP Voight/NNP ,/, as/IN a/DT blind/JJ half-/NN Indian/JJ whose/WP$ portentous/JJ utterances/NNS are/VBP both/DT full/JJ of/IN crap/NN and/CC eerily/RB abstruse/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP know/VB that/IN I/PRP could/MD see/VB every/DT plot/NN turn/NN dragging/VBG its/PRP$ limp/JJ ,/, maggoty/NN carcass/NN across/IN the/DT desert/NN from/IN miles/NNS away/RB ./.
The/DT only/JJ surprise/NN about/IN U-T/NNP urn/NN is/VBZ the/DT good/JJ reviews/NNS it/PRP got/VBD from/IN people/NNS who/WP should/MD know/VB better/JJR ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT surprise/NN ,/, either/CC ,/, that/IN Al/NNP Pacino/NNP chews/NNS the/DT scenery/NN in/IN Devil/NNP 's/POS Advocate/NNP ./.
And/CC the/DT idea/NN that/IN if/IN the/DT devil/NN showed/VBD up/RB on/IN Earth/NNP he/PRP 'd/MD be/VB running/VBG a/DT New/NNP York/NNP corporate-law/JJ firm/NN is/VBZ also/RB ,/, to/TO say/VB the/DT least/JJS ,/, pre-chewed/JJ ./.
But/CC there/EX are/VBP scenery/NN chewers/NNS and/CC there/EX are/VBP Michelin-gourmet/NNP scenery/NN chewers/NNS ,/, and/CC Pacino/NNP has/VBZ a/DT three-star/JJ feast/NN ./.
Waxy/NNP ,/, lean/JJ ,/, and/CC lupine/NN in/IN his/PRP$ black/JJ Zegna/NNP suits/NNS ,/, he/PRP sports/VBZ what/WP appear/VB to/TO be/VB false/JJ front/JJ choppers/NNS ,/, and/CC masticates/NNS his/PRP$ dumb/JJ ,/, satanic/JJ monologues/NNS with/IN Shavian/NNP relish/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP seems/VBZ you/PRP 've/VBP already/RB departed/VBD ./.
"/" Dr/NNP ./.
Sloper/NNP (/( Finney/NNP )/) and/CC Catherine/NNP Sloper/NNP (/( Leigh/NNP )/) in/IN Washington/NNP Square/NNP (/( 63/CD seconds/NNS )/) :/:
"/" Are/VBP you/PRP insulting/JJ me/PRP ?/.
"/" Darrell/NNP (/( Thornton/NNP )/) and/CC Bobby/NNP Cooper/NNP (/( Penn/NNP )/) in/IN U-T/NNP urn/NN (/( 75/CD seconds/NNS )/) :/:
If/IN you/PRP stick/VBP around/IN Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP long/RB enough/RB ,/, anything/NN can/MD happen/VB ./.
And/CC during/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, it/PRP did/VBD ./.
Sens/NNP ./.
Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP and/CC Jesse/NNP Helms--the/NNP villainous/JJ ,/, superannuated/JJ Carolinians--became/NNP Statesmen/NNP ./.
Last/JJ month/NN ,/, the/DT 94/CD -/: year-old/JJ Thurmond/NNP was/VBD feted/JJ for/IN breaking/VBG the/DT Senate/NNP longevity/NN record/NN (/( 41/CD years/NNS and/CC 10/CD months/NNS ,/, if/IN you/PRP 're/VBP counting/VBG )/) ./.
There/EX was/VBD an/DT outpouring/VBG of/IN bipartisan/JJ piffle/NN ,/, the/DT gist/NN of/IN which/WDT was/VBD that/IN Thurmond/NNP is/VBZ an/DT American/JJ miracle/NN ,/, a/DT South/JJ Carolinian/NNP hero/NN ,/, a/DT model/NN for/IN politicians/NNS everywhere/RB ./.
His/PRP$ career/NN was/VBD much/RB applauded/VBD ./.
He/PRP won/VBD an/DT election/NN 18/CD years/NNS before/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP was/VBD born/VBN !/.
He/PRP challenged/VBD Truman/NNP for/IN the/DT presidency/NN !/.
Why/WRB ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ old/JJ enough/RB to/TO be/VB Bob/NNP Dole/NNP 's/POS father/NN !/.
Jesse/NNP Helms/NNP ,/, too/RB ,/, is/VBZ now/RB flirting/VBG with/IN respectability/NN ./.
As/IN chairman/NN of/IN the/DT Senate/NNP Foreign/NNP Relations/NNPS Committee/NNP ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ become/VB the/DT object/NN of/IN much/JJ veneration/NN ./.
Secretary/NNP of/IN State/NNP Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP ,/, who/WP dutifully/RB traveled/VBD to/TO North/NNP Carolina/NNP to/TO kiss/NNS his/PRP$ ring/NN ,/, waxes/NNS fondly/RB about/IN her/PRP$ new/JJ friend/NN Jesse/NNP ./.
Republicans/NNS and/CC Democrats/NNPS commend/VB Helms/NNP for/IN his/PRP$ good/JJ sense/NN ,/, flexibility/NN ,/, and/CC bipartisanship/NN (/( ?/.
)/) ./.
When/WRB he/PRP struck/VBD a/DT deal/NN last/JJ week/NN to/TO repay/VB some/DT but/CC not/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS '/POS U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
debts/NNS ,/, senators/NNS on/IN both/DT sides/NNS hailed/VBD his/PRP$ compromise/NN ./.
Even/RB his/PRP$ latest/JJS act/NN of/IN spite/NN ,/, the/DT attempt/NN to/TO derail/VB William/NNP Weld/NNP 's/POS nomination/NN as/IN ambassador/NN to/TO Mexico/NNP ,/, is/VBZ being/VBG interpreted/VBN charitably/RB by/IN conservative/JJ pundits/NNS as/IN a/DT sign/NN of/IN Helms/NNP '/POS commitment/NN to/TO a/DT tough/JJ anti-drug/JJ policy/NN ./.
The/DT rehabilitation/NN of/IN Strom/NNP and/CC Jesse/NNP is/VBZ Washington/NNP politesse/NN of/IN the/DT worst/JJS sort/NN ,/, a/DT twisted/JJ Inside-the-/NNP Beltway/NNP version/NN of/IN ancestor/NN worship/NN ./.
Call/VB it/PRP the/DT Grand/NNP Old/NNP Man/NNP Theory/NNP :/: Anyone/NN who/WP 's/VBZ served/VBD as/RB long/RB as/IN Strom/NNP or/CC Jesse/NNP has/VBZ ca/MD n't/RB be/VB all/DT bad/JJ ./.
Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT reminder/NN :/: Thurmond/NNP and/CC Helms/NNP are/VBP all/DT bad/JJ ./.
They/PRP have/VBP done/VBN as/IN much/JJ to/TO despoil/NN American/JJ politics/NNS as/IN any/DT two/CD men/NNS living/VBG ,/, and/CC they/PRP 're/VBP an/DT embarrassment/NN to/TO the/DT Senate/NNP ./.
In/IN 50/CD years/NNS of/IN public/JJ office/NN ,/, Thurmond/NNP has/VBZ compiled/VBN a/DT perfect/JJ record/NN :/: He/PRP has/VBZ done/VBN nothing/NN that/WDT can/MD be/VB called/VBN an/DT achievement/NN ./.
His/PRP$ career/NN is/VBZ an/DT unblemished/JJ half/JJ century/NN of/IN efforts/NNS to/TO impede/VB progress/NN ,/, inflame/VB race/NN relations/NNS ,/, and/CC squelch/VBP good/JJ government/NN ./.
So/RB what/WP has/VBZ he/PRP done/VBN ?/.
Thurmond/NNP ran/VBD for/IN president/NN in/IN 1948/CD on/IN what/WP is/VBZ politely/RB called/VBN a/DT "/" states/NNS '/POS rights/NNS "/" platform/NN or/CC accurately/RB called/VBD a/DT "/" segregationist/NN "/" platform/NN ./.
He/PRP conducted/VBD the/DT longest/JJS filibuster/NN in/IN Senate/NNP history/NN in/IN a/DT vain/JJ attempt/NN to/TO stop/VB a/DT civil-rights/NNS bill/VBP (/( one/CD of/IN many/JJ civil-rights/NNS laws/NNS he/PRP opposed/VBD )/) ./.
He/PRP concocted/VBN Richard/NNP Nixon/NNP 's/POS 1968/CD "/" Southern/NNP Strategy/NNP "/" -/: -/: the/DT tacit/JJ appeal/NN to/TO white/JJ racism/NN that/WDT became/VBD the/DT blueprint/NN for/IN future/JJ Republican/NNP presidential/JJ candidates/NNS ./.
(/( Thurmond/NNP ,/, incidentally/RB ,/, was/VBD mentor/NN to/TO Lee/NNP Atwater/NNP ,/, the/DT nastiest/JJS political/JJ strategist/NN in/IN recent/JJ memory/NN ./.
Atwater/NNP had/VBD to/TO die/VB to/TO get/VB rehabilitated/VBN ./.
Thurmond/NNP just/RB had/VBD to/TO get/VB very/RB old/JJ ./.
Thurmond/NNP 's/POS apologists/NNS insist/VBP that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ mellowed/VBN ./.
And/CC he/PRP has/VBZ ,/, sort/NN of/IN ./.
He/PRP abandoned/VBD segregationism/NN when/WRB South/NNP Carolina/NNP 's/POS blacks/NNS became/VBD a/DT powerful/JJ voting/NN bloc/NN ,/, throwing/VBG his/PRP$ support/NN behind/IN the/DT Martin/NNP Luther/NNP King/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
holiday/NN ,/, hiring/VBG black/JJ staffers/NNS ,/, and/CC recommending/VBG a/DT black/JJ man/NN for/IN appointment/NN as/IN a/DT federal/JJ judge/NN ./.
But/CC his/PRP$ racial/JJ politics/NNS can/MD scarcely/RB be/VB described/VBN as/IN up-to-date/JJ ./.
A/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, I/PRP interviewed/VBD him/PRP about/IN a/DT black/JJ ex-staffer/JJ who/WP had/VBD won/VBN fame/NN as/IN a/DT talk-show/NN host/NN ./.
Thurmond/NNP told/VBD me/PRP that/IN the/DT staffer/NN 's/POS success/NN showed/VBD what/WP "/" those/DT people/NNS "/" could/MD do/VB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ considered/VBN great/JJ progress--when/JJ a/DT politician/NN advances/NNS from/IN Neanderthal/JJ man/NN to/TO the/DT Stone/NNP Age/NNP ./.
As/IN a/DT legislator/NN ,/, Thurmond/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT zero/CD ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB a/DT significant/JJ bill/NN to/TO his/PRP$ name/NN ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ ,/, however/RB ,/, have/VBP other/JJ things/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ name/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN the/DT Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP High/NNP School/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Student/NNP Center/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Federal/NNP Building/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Auditorium/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Educational/NNP Center/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Dam/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Lake/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Highway/NNP ,/, Strom/NNP Thurmond/NNP Soldier/NNP Service/NNP Center/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
In/IN short/JJ ,/, Thurmond/NNP spent/VBD the/DT first/JJ three-quarters/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ political/JJ life/NN as/IN an/DT ardent/JJ segregationist/NN and/CC pork-barreler/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT last/JJ quarter/NN merely/RB as/IN a/DT pork-barreler/JJ ./.
Is/VBZ that/IN a/DT record/NN to/TO honor/VB ?/.
There/EX 's/VBZ even/RB less/JJR to/TO admire/NN about/IN Helms/NNP ./.
As/IN a/DT campaigner/NN ,/, Helms/NNP has/VBZ contributed/VBN as/RB much/RB as/IN any/DT senator/NN to/TO the/DT corruption/NN of/IN the/DT election/NN process/NN ./.
He/PRP pioneered/VBD the/DT (/( ab/NN )/) use/NN of/IN direct/JJ mail/NN ,/, sending/VBG inflammatory/JJ fund-raising/JJ letters/NNS to/TO millions/NNS of/IN conservatives/NNS ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ notorious/JJ for/IN massive/JJ campaign/NN spending/NN :/: He/PRP set/VBD a/DT record/NN in/IN 1984/CD by/IN spending/VBG $/$ 17/CD million/CD to/TO win/VB re-election/NN ./.
Helms/NNP has/VBZ perfected/VBN the/DT stealth/NN campaign/NN :/: He/PRP relies/VBZ almost/RB exclusively/RB on/IN television/NN ads/NNS ,/, eschewing/VBG rallies/NNS ,/, public/JJ appearances/NNS ,/, press/NN conferences/NNS ,/, debates/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT other/JJ niceties/NNS of/IN traditional/JJ politics/NNS ./.
(/( In/IN his/PRP$ 1990/CD campaign/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, he/PRP would/MD respond/VB only/RB to/TO faxed/VBD questions/NNS ./.
)/) He/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN equally/RB destructive/JJ as/IN a/DT legislator/NN :/: A/DT fervent/JJ anti-/NN Communist/NNP ,/, he/PRP championed/VBD right-wing/JJ despots/NNS across/IN Latin/NNP America/NNP (/( including/VBG death-squad/JJ leaders/NNS )/) ./.
He/PRP was/VBD also/RB the/DT chief/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
defender/NN of/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP 's/POS apartheid/NN regime/NN ./.
And/CC his/PRP$ anti-gay/JJ ,/, anti-abortion/JJ ,/, anti-/NN NEA/NNP rhetoric/NN has/VBZ lowered/VBN standards/NNS for/IN political/JJ civility/NN ./.
These/DT days/NNS ,/, Helms/NNP '/POS allies/NNS are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO present/VB him/PRP as/IN a/DT moderate/JJ ,/, accommodating/VBG figure/NN ,/, but/CC that/DT image/NN wo/MD n't/RB stick/VB ./.
Helms/NNP is/VBZ an/DT absolutist/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB stop/VB till/IN he/PRP gets/VBZ his/PRP$ way/NN ./.
He/PRP only/RB knows/VBZ the/DT politics/NNS of/IN the/DT truncheon/NN ,/, a/DT quality/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ tolerable/JJ in/IN a/DT backbencher/NN but/CC terrifying/JJ in/IN a/DT leader/NN ./.
Helms/NNP can/MD barely/RB stomach/VB the/DT democratic/JJ process/NN ./.
Last/JJ year/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, he/PRP held/VBD up/RP 30/CD ambassadorial/NN nominations/NNS to/TO force/VB the/DT administration/NN to/TO consider/VB his/PRP$ State/NNP Department/NNP reform/NN package/NN ./.
This/DT spring/NN ,/, he/PRP attempted/VBD to/TO prevent/VB the/DT Senate/NNP from/IN voting/NN on/IN the/DT Chemical/NNP Weapons/NNP Convention/NNP ./.
And/CC rather/RB than/IN persuade/VB colleagues/NNS that/IN Weld/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB deserve/VB to/TO be/VB ambassador/NN ,/, Helms/NNP is/VBZ trying/VBG to/TO spike/NN the/DT nomination/NN by/IN not/RB scheduling/VBG a/DT confirmation/NN hearing/NN ./.
So/RB why/WRB are/VBP Helms/NNP and/CC Thurmond/NNP getting/VBG a/DT free/JJ pass/NN ?/.
Thurmond/NNP is/VBZ so/RB old/JJ that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ considered/VBN bad/JJ form/NN to/TO criticize/VB his/PRP$ sorry/JJ record/NN or/CC dredge/NN up/RP his/PRP$ racist/JJ past/NN ./.
(/( Or/CC to/TO comment/VB on/IN his/PRP$ current/JJ incompetence--it/JJ 's/VBZ an/DT open/JJ secret/NN on/IN the/DT Hill/NNP that/IN Thurmond/NNP has/VBZ lost/VBN it/PRP ./.
His/PRP$ staff/NN shepherds/NNS him/PRP from/IN meeting/NN to/TO meeting/NN ,/, writes/VBZ his/PRP$ public/JJ statements/NNS ,/, and/CC cleans/VBZ up/RB after/IN his/PRP$ many/JJ gaffes/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN his/PRP$ attempted/JJ pass/VB at/IN Sen/NNP ./.
Patty/NNP Murray/NNP ./.
)/) Helms/NNP benefits/NNS from/IN a/DT more/RBR curious/JJ phenomenon/NN :/: the/DT vagary/JJ of/IN the/DT news/NN cycle/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN mean-spirited/JJ and/CC vicious/JJ for/IN so/RB long/RB that/IN editors/NNS and/CC reporters/NNS are/VBP tired/JJ of/IN hearing/NN about/IN it/PRP ./.
They/PRP need/VBP a/DT new/JJ story/NN about/IN him/PRP ./.
So/RB ,/, voilà/NN !/.
-/: -/: Jesse/NNP Helms/NNP has/VBZ matured/VBN into/IN a/DT diplomat/NN ./.
Thurmond/NNP and/CC Helms/NNP each/DT won/VBN re-election/NN in/IN 1996/CD ,/, but/CC this/DT is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO be/VB the/DT last/JJ term/NN for/IN both/DT ./.
Thurmond/NNP announced/VBD a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS ago/RB that/IN he/PRP wo/MD n't/RB run/VB again/RB ./.
Helms/NNP ,/, who/WP will/MD be/VB 81/CD when/WRB his/PRP$ fifth/JJ term/NN ends/VBZ ,/, is/VBZ increasingly/RB frail/JJ ./.
He/PRP too/RB may/MD retire/VB ./.
January/NNP 2003/CD -/: -/: that/DT 's/VBZ when/WRB we/PRP should/MD celebrate/VB Thurmond/NNP and/CC Helms/NNP ,/, because/IN that/DT 's/VBZ when/WRB the/DT Senate/NNP will/MD finally/RB be/VB rid/JJ of/IN both/DT of/IN them/PRP ./.
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
Last/JJ week/NN in/IN Slate/NNP ,/, Jonathan/NNP Rauch/NNP documented/VBN former/JJ Secretary/NNP of/IN Labor/NN Robert/NNP B/NNP ./.
Reich/NNP 's/POS fabrications/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ much-touted/JJ memoir/NN ,/, Locked/NNP in/IN the/DT Cabinet/NNP ./.
Reich/NNP to/TO Rauch/NNP 's/POS accusations/NNS ./.
And/CC Rauch/NNP Reich/NNP 's/POS response/NN ./.
This/DT week/NN the/DT controversy/NN continues/VBZ :/:
Third/NNP Reich/NNP
The/DT Jonathan/NNP Rauch/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Robert/NNP Reich/NNP controversy/NN captures/NNS the/DT meaning/NN of/IN communication/NN in/IN the/DT new/JJ world/NN of/IN Webzines/NNP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB particularly/RB care/VB about/IN either/DT party/NN ,/, nor/CC do/VBP I/PRP find/VBP the/DT substance/NN of/IN the/DT controversy/NN particularly/RB gripping/VBG :/: a/DT reporter/NN and/CC an/DT ex-politician/JJ going/NN after/IN each/DT other/JJ like/IN a/DT couple/NN of/IN school/NN kids/NNS in/IN the/DT playground--big/JJ deal/NN ./.
What/WP did/VBD matter/NN to/TO me/PRP was/VBD being/VBG able/JJ to/TO access/VB the/DT gestalt/NN of/IN the/DT experience/NN ./.
Sounds/VBZ like/IN psychobabble/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP means/VBZ I/PRP liked/VBD Rauch/NNP 's/POS original/JJ piece/NN ,/, felt/VBD and/CC understood/VBN Reich/NNP 's/POS arguments/NNS in/IN reply/NN to/TO Rauch/NNP ,/, and/CC was/VBD able/JJ to/TO incorporate/VB Rauch/NNP 's/POS counter-arguments/JJ ,/, all/DT in/IN what/WP seemed/VBD like/IN a/DT comprehensive/JJ whole/JJ occurring/VBG at/IN one/CD moment/NN in/IN time/NN ./.
Sort/NN of/IN like/IN playing/VBG a/DT good/JJ point/NN in/IN tennis--lots/JJ of/IN interchange/NN and/CC then/RB a/DT precise/JJ conclusion/NN ,/, quick/JJ and/CC satisfying/VBG ./.
It/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB happen/VB the/DT same/JJ way/NN in/IN print/NN journalism/NN ./.
-/: -/: Gary/NNP Walters/NNP Toronto/NNP
Rauch/NNP to/TO Judgment/NNP
Thank/VB you/PRP for/IN the/DT Rauch/NNP &slash;/NN Reich/NNP &slash;/NN Rauch/NNP dialogue/NN ./.
I/PRP found/VBD the/DT Rauch/NNP counter/NN particularly/RB compelling/JJ since/IN it/PRP mirrored/VBD exactly/RB my/PRP$ reaction/NN to/TO the/DT Reich/NNP reply/NN ./.
What/WP struck/VBD me/PRP most/JJS ,/, however/RB ,/, was/VBD how/WRB this/DT little/JJ folk/NN tale/NN of/IN inaccurate/JJ reporting/NN of/IN events/NNS illustrates/VBZ a/DT dilemma/NN of/IN modern/JJ life/NN ./.
From/IN my/PRP$ occasional/JJ role/NN in/IN affairs/NNS reported/VBD in/IN the/DT media/NNS I/PRP have/VBP drawn/VBN the/DT general/JJ conclusion/NN that/IN very/RB little/JJ reporting/NN is/VBZ 100/CD percent/NN accurate/JJ ./.
Whether/IN the/DT inaccuracies/NNS are/VBP intentional/JJ ,/, mere/JJ failures/NNS to/TO understand/VB ,/, or/CC just/RB oversimplifications/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO dumb/JJ down/RP the/DT message/NN or/CC meet/VB space/NN or/CC time/NN limitations/NNS matters/NNS not/RB ./.
My/PRP$ rule/NN of/IN thumb/NN is/VBZ that/IN 80/CD percent/NN "/" right/NN "/" is/VBZ way/NN above/IN average/NN ./.
How/WRB ,/, therefore/RB ,/, am/VBP I/PRP ever/RB to/TO recognize/VB the/DT (/( minimum/JJ )/) 20/CD percent/NN "/" wrong/JJ "/" in/IN most/JJS articles/NNS ?/.
It/PRP is/VBZ this/DT question/NN which/WDT ,/, for/IN me/PRP ,/, limits/NNS media/NNS credibility/NN more/JJR than/IN any/DT other/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Frank/NNP Ruswick/NNP
Tales/NNS From/IN the/DT Trans-/NNP Crypt/NNP
This/DT from/IN a/DT former/JJ chief/JJ clerk/NN for/IN a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Senate/NNP Committee/NNP :/:
Both/DT Reich/NNP and/CC Rauch/NNP wrote/VBD wrong/JJ ./.
Recording/NNP companies/NNS never/RB challenge/VBP chairmen/NNS 's/POS changes/NNS ./.
Obsequious/NNP staff/NN often/RB offer/NN trimmed/VBD and/CC tabulated/JJ transcripts/NNS ,/, the/DT better/JJR to/TO butter/NN their/PRP$ bosses/NNS ./.
In/IN contrast/NN to/TO a/DT courthouse/NN ,/, I/PRP can/MD tell/VB you/PRP that/IN the/DT official/JJ record/NN of/IN any/DT Senate/NNP or/CC House/NNP proceeding/VBG is/VBZ what/WP the/DT chairman/NN says/VBZ it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
Hired/VBN recording/NN companies/NNS make/VBP typed/VBN transcripts/NNS of/IN what/WP their/PRP$ stenographer/NN thinks/VBZ the/DT tape/NN recorder/NN ,/, supplemented/JJ by/IN written/VBN notes/NNS ,/, captured/VBN ./.
This/DT "/" draft/NN transcript/NN "/" goes/VBZ back/RB to/TO whomever/NN the/DT senator/NN or/CC congressman/NN designates/VBZ for/IN corrections/NNS ./.
Tradition/NN mandates/VBZ that/IN changes/NNS are/VBP assumed/VBN to/TO be/VB technical/JJ corrections--to/JJ set/VBD the/DT record/NN straight/JJ ,/, to/TO translate/VB garbled/JJ portions/NNS ,/, or/CC to/TO sort/VB who/WP said/VBD what/WP when/WRB more/JJR than/IN one/CD person/NN speaks/VBZ at/IN once/RB ./.
Corrections/NNP can/MD be/VB complete/JJ rewrites/NNS ,/, however/RB ./.
Sometimes/RB the/DT corrections/NNS are/VBP accurate/JJ ,/, sometimes/RB awful/JJ ./.
Angry/NNP ,/, sarcastic/JJ ,/, or/CC tongue-in-cheek/JJ responses/NNS are/VBP most/RBS likely/JJ to/TO be/VB struck/VBN from/IN the/DT record/NN ./.
Poor/JJ grammar/NN ,/, misspoken/NN words/NNS ,/, and/CC confrontational/JJ moments/NNS between/IN important/JJ men/NNS and/CC women/NNS also/RB regularly/RB hit/VBD the/DT cutting-room/JJ floor/NN ./.
Even/RB the/DT most/RBS ethical/JJ staff/NN member/NN gets/VBZ to/TO the/DT typed/VBN transcript/NN draft/NN days/NNS or/CC weeks/NNS after/IN the/DT event/NN and/CC is/VBZ dependent/JJ upon/IN his/PRP$ or/CC her/PRP$ own/JJ memory/NN to/TO edit/VB the/DT record/NN ./.
The/DT connection/NN to/TO the/DT stenographer/NN 's/POS wire/NN has/VBZ been/VBN known/VBN to/TO fail/VB suddenly/RB at/IN sensational/JJ senatorial/JJ clashes/NNS ./.
Finally/RB ,/, members/NNS of/IN the/DT press/NN have/VBP also/RB erroneously/RB visualized/JJ goings-on/NNS ,/, especially/RB when/WRB writing/VBG hours/NNS later/RB ./.
-/: -/: R/NN ./.
L/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Kropf/NNP Tahoe/NNP City/NNP ,/, Calif/NNP ./.
Jonathan/NNP Rauch/NNP replies/VBZ :/: Committee/NNP chairmen/NNS (/( and/CC privileged/JJ witnesses/NNS )/) do/VBP sometimes/RB modify/VB hearing/NN transcripts/NNS ,/, but/CC not/RB in/IN this/DT case/NN :/: I/PRP checked/VBD the/DT hearing/NN transcript/NN against/IN a/DT videotape/NN ./.
The/DT Village/NNP People/NNPS
A/DT coffee/NN bar/NN full/JJ of/IN Gotham/NNP 's/POS hippest/NN logicians/NNS could/MD n't/RB construct/VB a/DT better/JJR example/NN of/IN the/DT begging-the-question/JJ fallacy/NN than/IN Anne/NNP Hollander/NNP 's/POS lead/NN to/TO "/" Black/NNP Was/VBD Beautiful/NNP ./.
"/" To/TO wit/NN :/: The/DT East/NNP Village/NNP is/VBZ no/DT more/JJR the/DT "/" center/NN of/IN bohemia/NN "/" than/IN Colonial/NNP Williamsburg/NNP is/VBZ a/DT 17/CD th/NN century/NN farming/NN community/NN ./.
Whom/NNP did/VBD Hollander/NNP see/VB decked/VBN out/IN in/IN pastels/NNS ?/.
Well/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT large/JJ young/JJ professional/JJ demographic/JJ in/IN the/DT East/NNP Village/NNP (/( you/PRP 'd/MD be/VB surprised/VBN how/WRB few/JJ genuine/JJ bohemians/NNS can/MD come/VB up/RB with/IN $/$ 1/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT month/NN for/IN a/DT 150/CD -/: square-foot/JJ studio/NN )/) ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT sizable/JJ Puerto/NNP Rican/JJ population/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB surprised/VBN if/IN more/JJR than/IN a/DT few/JJ of/IN Hollander/NNP 's/POS "/" bohemians/NNS "/" were/VBD toting/VBG cameras/NNS and/CC wearing/VBG bulging/VBG nylon/NN fanny/NN packs/NNS ./.
Still/RB and/CC all/DT ,/, there/EX is/VBZ plenty/NN of/IN black/JJ being/NN worn/JJ in/IN the/DT East/NNP Village/NNP ./.
Hollander/NNP simply/RB picked/VBD an/DT odd/JJ time/NN for/IN her/PRP$ fact-finding/JJ stroll/VB ./.
The/DT throngs/NNS of/IN black-clad/JJ teen-agers/NNS who/WP flock/NN to/TO the/DT East/NNP Village/NNP in/IN the/DT summertime/NN to/TO use/VB drugs/NNS ,/, panhandle/NN ,/, sleep/VB in/IN abandoned/VBN buildings/NNS ,/, and/CC drink/NN malt/NN liquor/NN in/IN Tompkins/NNP Square/NNP Park--it/NNP 's/POS sort/NN of/IN like/IN camp--have/JJ yet/RB to/TO arrive/VB ./.
However/RB ,/, many/JJ of/IN the/DT East/NNP Villagers/NNP most/RBS likely/JJ to/TO go/VB about/IN in/IN black--the/JJ students/NNS at/IN NYU/NNP ,/, Parsons/NNP ,/, and/CC Pratt--are/NNP gone/VBN for/IN the/DT summer/NN ,/, squatting/VBG with/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ too/RB bad/JJ for/IN Hollander/NNP that/IN the/DT summer/NN people/NNS are/VBP late/RB ./.
She/PRP might/MD have/VB gotten/VBN a/DT kick/NN out/IN of/IN them/PRP without/IN having/VBG to/TO significantly/RB revise/VB her/PRP$ argument/NN ./.
They/PRP are/VBP almost/RB all/DT white/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT rule/NN they/PRP stick/VBP to/TO a/DT punk-rock/JJ look/NN :/: studded/VBN black/JJ leather/NN jackets/NNS over/IN plaid/NN flannels/NNS and/CC old/JJ Bad/NNP Brains/NNP T-/NNP shirts/NNS ,/, black/JJ jeans/NNS (/( torn/VBN black/JJ tights/NNS or/CC fishnets/NNS for/IN the/DT ladies/NNS )/) ,/, safety/NN pins/NNS through/IN the/DT ears/NNS and/CC nostrils/NNS ,/, and/CC heavy/JJ eyeliner/NN ./.
They/PRP lurk/NN outside/JJ bars/NNS and/CC restaurants/NNS begging/VBG change/NN from/IN passers-by/NNS ,/, flashing/VBG curled/VBD lips/NNS and/CC hangdog/NN stares/NNS ,/, as/IN precious/JJ in/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ way/NN as/IN any/DT amateur/JJ anthropologist/NN taking/VBG her/PRP$ first/JJ cautious/JJ steps/NNS east/JJ of/IN First/CD Avenue/NNP in/IN breathless/JJ anticipation/NN of/IN a/DT walk/NN on/IN the/DT wild/JJ side/NN ./.
-/: -/: Adam/NNP Mazmanian/NNP New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP
Double/RB Vision/NNP
I/PRP thoroughly/RB enjoyed/VBD Luc/NNP Sante/NNP 's/POS "/" Master/NNP of/IN All/DT He/PRP Surveys/NNS "/" review/NN of/IN Robert/NNP Hughes/NNP '/POS American/NNP Visions/NNP program/NN ./.
I/PRP did/VBD want/VB to/TO point/VB out/IN ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN Time/NNP 's/POS site/NN is/VBZ not/RB the/DT only/JJ place/NN on/IN the/DT Web/NNP where/WRB users/NNS can/MD read/VB Hughes/NNP '/POS words/NNS on/IN the/DT subject/NN ./.
The/DT PBS/NNP &slash;/NN WNET/NNP American/NNP Visions/NNP piece/NN also/RB includes/VBZ a/DT major/JJ exhibition/NN of/IN over/IN 300/CD pieces/NNS of/IN artwork/NN ,/, accompanied/VBN by/IN Hughes/NNP '/POS detailed/JJ commentary/NN (/( drawn/VBN from/IN the/DT transcript/NN of/IN the/DT program/NN )/) ./.
We/PRP include/VBP links/NNS to/TO other/JJ articles/NNS by/IN Hughes/NNP ,/, and/CC will/MD be/VB posting/VBG the/DT transcript/NN of/IN a/DT live/VB chat/VB conducted/VBN June/NNP 3/CD ,/, 1997/CD ./.
All/DT in/IN all/DT ,/, a/DT great/JJ stop/NN for/IN the/DT Hughesophile/NNP and/CC the/DT devotee/NN of/IN American/JJ art/NN and/CC culture/NN ./.
-/: -/: Ellen/NNP Mendlow/NNP associate/JJ producer/NN ,/, American/NNP Visions/NNP Web/NNP PieceNew/NNP York/NNP City/NNP
Bullish/JJ on/IN Pippen/NNP in/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ
Having/VBG just/RB read/VB "/" Boycott/NNP Nike/NNP and/CC Reebok/NNP ,/, "/" Robert/NNP Wright/NNP 's/POS treatise/NN on/IN the/DT evils/NNS of/IN shoe/NN companies/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ athlete/NN "/" pitchmen/NNS ,/, "/" it/PRP becomes/VBZ clear/JJ that/IN Wright/NNP has/VBZ failed/VBN to/TO do/VB his/PRP$ homework/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS with/IN regard/NN to/TO the/DT Chicago/NNP Bulls/NNPS '/POS Scottie/NNP Pippen/NNP ./.
Wright/NNP calls/VBZ Pippen/NNP "/" reprehensible/JJ "/" for/IN his/PRP$ failure/NN to/TO enter/VB a/DT playoff/NN game/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT final/JJ shot/NN was/VBD not/RB designed/VBN for/IN him/PRP ./.
Firstly--not/NNP that/IN this/DT makes/VBZ Pippen/NNP 's/POS decision/NN any/DT better--/JJ Pippen/NNP felt/VBD that/IN he/PRP ,/, ostensibly/RB the/DT Bulls/NNPS '/POS best/JJS player/NN at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, should/MD be/VB on/IN the/DT floor/NN as/IN an/DT option/NN for/IN the/DT last/JJ shot/NN ,/, not/RB inbounding/VBG the/DT ball/NN ./.
He/PRP would/MD most/RBS likely/JJ draw/VB a/DT double/JJ team/NN ,/, freeing/VBG a/DT teammate/NN for/IN the/DT final/JJ shot/NN ,/, thereby/RB giving/VBG his/PRP$ team/NN a/DT better/JJR chance/NN to/TO win/VB ./.
His/PRP$ behavior/NN was/VBD indeed/RB immature/NN and/CC boorish/JJ ./.
Is/VBZ it/PRP not/RB enough/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN he/PRP publicly/RB apologized/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ coach/NN ,/, his/PRP$ teammates/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT fans/NNS of/IN Chicago/NNP ?/.
Unlike/IN many/JJ self-centered/JJ and/CC pampered/JJ athletes/NNS of/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ,/, Scottie/NNP Pippen/NNP is/VBZ recognized/VBN by/IN his/PRP$ peers/NNS and/CC in/IN the/DT league/NN as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT more/JJR giving/VBG players/NNS to/TO disadvantaged/JJ youth/NN ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, Pippen/NNP does/VBZ not/RB call/VB the/DT media/NNS to/TO follow/VB him/PRP around/IN with/IN camera/NN crews/NNS every/DT time/NN he/PRP finds/VBZ an/DT opportunity/NN to/TO give/VB back/RB to/TO the/DT community/NN ./.
Is/VBZ Wright/NNP aware/JJ that/IN on/IN Christmas/NNP Eve/NNP a/DT couple/NN of/IN years/NNS ago/RB Pippen/NNP delivered/VBD over/IN 500/CD winter/NN jackets/NNS to/TO inner-city/JJ kids/NNS in/IN Chicago/NNP 's/POS notorious/JJ Cabrini/NNP Greens/NNP ,/, or/CC that/IN he/PRP was/VBD very/RB upset/VBN when/WRB USA/NNP Today/NN wrote/VBD a/DT story/NN about/IN it/PRP ?/.
Is/VBZ he/PRP aware/JJ that/IN the/DT Pippen/NNP Foundation/NNP supports/VBZ reading/NN programs/NNS for/IN disadvantaged/JJ youth/NN in/IN Chicago/NNP ?/.
Does/VBZ he/PRP know/VBP of/IN all/PDT the/DT "/" Pippen/NNP Parks/NNP "/" underwritten/VBN by/IN Pippen/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ home/NN state/NN of/IN Arkansas/NNP to/TO provide/VB safe/JJ play/NN environments/NNS for/IN kids/NNS ?/.
On/IN more/JJR than/IN one/CD occasion/NN it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN suggested/VBN to/TO Pippen/NNP that/IN he/PRP issue/VBP press/NN releases/NNS to/TO help/VB the/DT Robert/NNP Wrights/NNP of/IN the/DT world/NN understand/VB who/WP he/PRP really/RB is/VBZ and/CC the/DT values/NNS for/IN which/WDT he/PRP stands/VBZ ./.
His/PRP$ response/NN has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN that/IN it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB matter/VB what/WP people/NNS think/VBP ;/: that/IN he/PRP knows/VBZ ,/, and/CC the/DT children/NNS know/VBP ,/, and/CC that/DT 's/VBZ what/WP matters/NNS ./.
Scottie/NNP Pippen/NNP 's/POS problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ a/DT very/RB private/JJ person--one/JJ who/WP has/VBZ learned/VBN and/CC grown/VBN as/IN a/DT person/NN ./.
To/TO suggest/VB that/IN he/PRP made/VBD a/DT mistake/NN by/IN not/RB entering/VBG a/DT game/NN several/JJ years/NNS ago/RB is/VBZ fair/JJ ./.
To/TO suggest/VB that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ "/" reprehensible/JJ "/" is/VBZ absurd/JJ ./.
-/: -/: Peter/NNP Flack/NNP
Address/NNP your/PRP$ e-mail/JJ to/TO the/DT editors/NNS to/TO letters/NNS @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Please/VB include/VBP your/PRP$ address/NN and/CC daytime/JJ phone/NN number/NN (/( for/IN confirmation/NN only/RB )/) ./.
George/NNP Will/NNP has/VBZ a/DT book/NN coming/VBG out/RP this/DT week/NN ./.
This/DT normally/RB would/MD not/RB qualify/VB as/IN news/NN ,/, since/IN George/NNP Will/NNP always/RB has/VBZ a/DT book/NN coming/VBG out/IN and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ usually/RB disappearing/VBG quietly/RB into/IN the/DT back/NN catalog/NN of/IN the/DT Conservative/NNP Book/NNP of/IN the/DT Month/NNP Club/NNP (/( The/DT Woven/NNP Figure/NNP :/: Conservatism/NNP and/CC America/NNP 's/POS Fabric/NN ,/, 1994/CD -/: 1997/CD ;/: The/DT Leveling/NNP Wind/NNP :/: Politics/NNS ,/, the/DT Culture/NNP ,/, and/CC Other/NNP News/NNP ,/, 1990/CD -/: 1994/CD ;/: Restoration/NNP :/: Congress/NNP ,/, Term/NNP Limits/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Recovery/NNP of/IN Deliberative/NNP Democracy/NNP [/( 1992/CD ]/) ./.
)/) ./.
But/CC this/DT week/NN 's/POS book/NN is/VBZ news/NN ,/, because/IN this/DT week/NN 's/POS book/NN is/VBZ about/IN baseball/NN ./.
When/WRB Will/MD writes/VBZ about/IN baseball/NN ,/, America/NNP pays/VBZ attention/NN ./.
Men/NN at/IN Work/NN :/: The/DT Craft/NNP of/IN Baseball/NN (/( 1990/CD )/) ,/, his/PRP$ first/JJ baseball/NN book/NN ,/, outsold/VBD his/PRP$ 10/CD other/JJ books/NNS combined/VBN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB the/DT best-selling/JJS baseball/NN book/NN ever/RB ./.
Will/MD 's/POS new/JJ volume/NN ,/, Bunts/NNP :/: Curt/NNP Flood/NNP ,/, Camden/NNP Yards/NNP ,/, Pete/NNP Rose/NNP ,/, and/CC Other/NNP Reflections/NNP on/IN Baseball/NN ,/, collects/VBZ 20/CD years/NNS of/IN his/PRP$ columns/NNS and/CC essays/NNS on/IN the/DT sport/NN ./.
Will/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD supposed/VBN to/TO be/VB the/DT Walter/NNP Lippmann/NNP of/IN this/DT conservative/JJ era/NN ,/, finds/VBZ himself/PRP in/IN a/DT curious/JJ position/NN ./.
He/PRP writes/VBZ a/DT twice-weekly/JJ column/NN that/WDT appears/VBZ in/IN nearly/RB 500/CD newspapers/NNS and/CC a/DT biweekly/RB column/NN for/IN Newsweek/NNP ./.
He/PRP also/RB appears/VBZ every/DT Sunday/NNP morning/NN on/IN ABC/NNP 's/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ pinched/VBN ,/, professorial/NN face/NN may/MD be/VB the/DT most/RBS recognizable/JJ mug/NN in/IN journalism/NN ./.
His/PRP$ starchy/NN tenor/NN is/VBZ certainly/RB among/IN its/PRP$ most/RBS recognizable/JJ voices/NNS ./.
Yet/RB Will/MD 's/POS views/NNS are/VBP n't/RB news/NN anymore/RB ./.
His/PRP$ columns/NNS do/VBP n't/RB shape/VB national/JJ policy/NN and/CC are/VBP n't/RB heeded/VBN by/IN Washington/NNP 's/POS power/NN brokers/NNS ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ no/DT big/JJ deal/NN ./.
Will/MD titled/VBN his/PRP$ latest/JJS book/NN Bunts/NNP because/IN "/" bunts/NNS are/VBP modest/JJ and/CC often/RB useful/JJ things/NNS ./.
"/" Will/MD himself/PRP has/VBZ become/VB a/DT bunt/NN ./.
Why/WRB this/DT has/VBZ happened/VBN has/VBZ less/JJR to/TO do/VB with/IN Will/MD than/IN it/PRP does/VBZ with/IN the/DT state/NN of/IN the/DT newspaper/NN column/NN ./.
The/DT middle/JJ 50/CD years/NNS of/IN this/DT century/NN were/VBD a/DT golden/JJ age/NN for/IN newspaper/NN columnists/NNS ./.
When/WRB Lippmann/NNP launched/VBD his/PRP$ column/NN in/IN 1931/CD ,/, he/PRP had/VBD no/DT competitors/NNS ./.
Journalism/NNP was/VBD smaller/JJR ,/, politics/NNS was/VBD smaller/JJR ,/, and/CC the/DT power/NN elite/NN could/MD be/VB reached/VBN easily/RB through/IN a/DT few/JJ newspaper/NN op-ed/JJ pages/NNS ./.
Lippmann/NNP and/CC a/DT few/JJ colleagues/NNS (/( Joe/NNP Alsop/NNP ,/, especially/RB )/) were/VBD more/RBR than/IN just/JJ columnists/NNS ;/: they/PRP were/VBD national/JJ actors/NNS ,/, both/DT shaping/VBG and/CC reflecting/VBG popular/JJ opinion/NN ./.
When/WRB they/PRP spoke/VBD ,/, Washington/NNP listened/VBD ./.
In/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, Will/MD seemed/VBD poised/VBN to/TO assume/VB the/DT Lippmann/NNP mantle/NN ./.
Born/VBN in/IN 1941/CD ,/, he/PRP had/VBD jumped/VBN from/IN Kennedy/NNP Democrat/NNP to/TO Goldwater/NNP Republican/NNP while/IN a/DT student/NN at/IN Oxford/NNP in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ ./.
After/IN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS teaching/NN political/JJ science/NN ,/, Will/MD entered/VBD journalism/NN in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ as/IN Washington/NNP editor/NN for/IN the/DT National/NNP Review/NNP ,/, making/VBG his/PRP$ name/NN as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT first/JJ conservatives/NNS to/TO call/VB for/IN Nixon/NNP 's/POS impeachment/NN ./.
In/IN 1974/CD ,/, the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP gave/VBD him/PRP an/DT op-ed/JJ column/NN ./.
A/DT TV/NN gig/NN ,/, Newsweek/NNP column/NN ,/, and/CC Pulitzer/NNP Prize/NNP soon/RB followed/VBD ./.
William/NNP F/NNP ./.
Buckley/NNP Jr/NNP ./.
had/VBD preached/JJ the/DT conservative/JJ gospel/NN to/TO a/DT relatively/RB small/JJ following/NN ./.
Will/NNP ,/, syndicated/VBN in/IN hundreds/NNS of/IN papers/NNS ,/, was/VBD the/DT first/JJ conservative/JJ columnist/NN to/TO reach/VB a/DT mainstream/NN national/JJ audience/NN ./.
Will/MD became/VBD opinion/NN journalism/NN 's/POS enfant/NN terrible/JJ ,/, slashing/VBG the/DT dearest/NN liberal/JJ icons/NNS and/CC pushing/VBG a/DT hard-right/JJ foreign/JJ policy/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP was/VBD more/RBR terrible/JJ than/IN enfant/NN :/: Will/MD never/RB had/VBD anything/NN youthful/JJ about/IN him/PRP ./.
Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP 's/POS election/NN propelled/VBD Will/MD to/TO national/JJ fame/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD pegged/VBN as/IN the/DT journalist/NN who/WP would/MD popularize/VB the/DT new/JJ conservative/JJ age/NN ./.
Nancy/NNP Reagan/NNP lunched/JJ with/IN him/PRP ;/: Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP called/VBD him/PRP to/TO chat/VB ./.
(/( His/PRP$ closeness/NN to/TO Reagan/NNP got/VBD Will/MD ./.
)/) His/PRP$ column/NN was/VBD perceived/VBN as/IN Washington/NNP 's/POS official/JJ opinion/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD fluent/JJ in/IN all/DT media/NNS :/: His/PRP$ columns/NNS were/VBD stylish/JJ and/CC eloquent--they/JJ were/VBD greased/JJ up/RB with/IN quotes/NNS from/IN dead/JJ Englishmen--and/NNP they/PRP made/VBD readers/NNS feel/VBP smarter/RBR ./.
His/PRP$ orotund/NN style/NN translated/VBN surprisingly/RB well/RB to/TO television/NN ,/, where--even/JJ as/IN a/DT 40/CD -/: year-old--/JJ Will/MD managed/VBN to/TO exude/VBP an/DT aura/NN of/IN ancient/JJ wisdom/NN (/( the/DT bow/NN tie/NN and/CC priggish/NN manner/NN helped/VBD )/) ./.
The/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP labeled/VBD him/PRP "/" the/DT most/RBS powerful/JJ journalist/NN in/IN America/NNP ./.
But/CC Will/MD was/VBD not/RB destined/VBN for/IN Lippmannian/NNP omnipotence/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ limit/NN on/IN his/PRP$ influence/NN was/VBD that/IN he/PRP was/VBD not/RB quite/RB as/IN much/JJ of/IN a/DT Reagan/NNP courtier/NN as/IN he/PRP was/VBD made/VBN out/IN to/TO be/VB ./.
often/RB clashed/VBN with/IN Reagan/NNP policy/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD a/DT savage/NN George/NNP Bush/NNP critic/NN ./.
(/( He/PRP tagged/VBN Bush/NNP a/DT "/" lap/NN dog/NN ./.
"/" )/) More/RBR importantly/RB ,/, journalism/NN would/MD n't/RB permit/VB another/DT Lippmann/NNP ./.
When/WRB Lippmann/NNP wrote/VBD ,/, columnists/NNS were/VBD new/JJ and/CC few/JJ ./.
By/IN the/NNP '/POS 80/CD s/VBZ ,/, America/NNP was/VBD inundated/VBN by/IN opinion/NN ./.
The/DT TV/NN talk/NN shows/VBZ diluted/VBN the/DT influence/NN of/IN columnists/NNS ./.
So/RB did/VBD other/JJ columnists/NNS ./.
Will/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD the/DT mainstream/NN conservative/JJ columnist/NN in/IN the/NNP '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ ,/, found/VBN himself/PRP outflanked/JJ on/IN the/DT right/NN by/IN William/NNP Safire/NNP ,/, Pat/NNP Buchanan/NNP ,/, Robert/NNP Novak/NNP ,/, and/CC Charles/NNP Krauthammer/NNP ./.
He/PRP was/VBD just/RB one/CD smart/JJ voice/NN among/IN dozens/NNS ./.
Like/IN everyone/NN else/RB on/IN op-ed/JJ pages/NNS ,/, Will/MD became/VBD just/RB a/DT columnist/NN ,/, a/DT twice-weekly/JJ habit/NN ./.
Now/RB ,/, after/IN 24/CD years/NNS of/IN punditry/NN ,/, he/PRP has/VBZ settled/VBN into/IN the/DT role/NN of/IN the/DT institutionalized/JJ wise/JJ man/NN of/IN journalism/NN ,/, mining/NN quotes/NNS for/IN our/PRP$ edification/NN ./.
(/( In/IN just/RB two/CD minutes/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ conversation/NN he/PRP squeezed/VBD in/IN Pascal/NNP ,/, Aristotle/NNP ,/, and/CC John/NNP Stuart/NNP Mill/NNP ./.
)/) On/IN television/NN ,/, he/PRP can/MD be/VB relied/VBN on/IN consistently/RB to/TO connect/VB the/DT Topic/NNP of/IN the/DT Day/NNP to/TO first/JJ principles/NNS ,/, to/TO forsake/NN the/DT cheap/JJ quip/NN for/IN a/DT larger/JJR point/NN ./.
And/CC despite/IN having/VBG written/VBN 2/CD ,/, 500/CD newspaper/NN columns/NNS ,/, he/PRP (/( usually/RB )/) avoids/VBZ the/DT dull/JJ mediocrity/NN that/IN mires/NNS so/RB many/JJ regular/JJ op-ed/JJ writers/NNS (/( Anthony/NNP Lewis/NNP ,/, Ellen/NNP Goodman/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Will/MD is/VBZ not/RB totally/RB predictable/JJ ./.
During/IN the/DT past/JJ four/CD months/NNS ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ written/VBN about/IN subjects/NNS ranging/VBG from/IN Puerto/NNP Rican/JJ statehood/NN to/TO the/DT Unabomber/NNP to/TO the/DT rape/NN of/IN Nanking/NNP ,/, and/CC only/RB sparingly/RB about/IN Flytrap/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ newspaper/NN prose/NN may/MD not/RB be/VB deathless/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB as/RB lifeless/JJ as/IN the/DT piled-up/JJ clichés/NNS that/WDT pass/VBP for/IN the/DT average/JJ column/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ ,/, in/IN short/JJ ,/, still/RB above/IN average/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ :/: He/PRP is/VBZ mostly/RB ,/, rather/RB than/IN entirely/RB ,/, forgettable/JJ ./.
(/( All/DT columnists/NNS wish/VBP we/PRP could/MD be/VB so/RB lucky/JJ ./.
Will/MD says/VBZ he/PRP is/VBZ comfortable/JJ with/IN his/PRP$ place/NN on/IN the/DT margins/NNS ./.
He/PRP thinks/VBZ Lippmann/NNP 's/POS influence/NN has/VBZ been/VBN "/" wildly/RB exaggerated/JJ ./.
"/" He/PRP never/RB aspired/VBD to/TO be/VB a/DT Lippmann/NNP and/CC rejects/VBZ the/DT idea/NN of/IN Government/NNP by/IN Columnist/NNP :/: "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB want/VB to/TO live/VB in/IN a/DT country/NN blown/VBN about/IN by/IN gusts/NNS of/IN wind/NN raised/VBN by/IN journalists/NNS ./.
National/JJ policy/NN should/MD not/RB be/VB directed/VBN by/IN Jovian/JJ thunderbolts/NNS from/IN Washington/NNP journalists/NNS ./.
That/DT is/VBZ not/RB the/DT way/NN a/DT great/JJ continental/JJ nation/NN should/MD live/VB ./.
"/" (/( "/" A/DT great/JJ continental/JJ nation/NN "/" -/: -/: I/PRP love/VBP that/DT phrase/NN ,/, but/CC what/WP the/DT hell/NN does/VBZ it/PRP mean/VBP ?/.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ one/CD place/NN where/WRB Will/MD 's/POS journalism/NN does/VBZ seem/VB to/TO matter/VB ,/, where/WRB he/PRP does/VBZ toss/VB thunderbolts/NNS :/: baseball/NN ./.
Men/NN at/IN Work/NN and/CC the/DT columns/NNS in/IN Bunts/NNP are/VBP fresher/NN ,/, less/JJR rococo/NN ,/, less/RBR pretentious/JJ ,/, than/IN his/PRP$ political/JJ columns/NNS ./.
In/IN Men/NN at/IN Work/NN ,/, Will/MD found/VBD a/DT smart/JJ new/JJ way/NN for/IN an/DT average/JJ fan/NN to/TO think/VB about/IN the/DT game/NN ./.
Instead/RB of/IN indulging/VBG in/IN the/DT usual/JJ teary/JJ nostalgia/NN about/IN baseball/NN (/( that/WDT means/VBZ you/PRP ,/, Ken/NNP Burns/NNP )/) ,/, Will/MD considered/VBN it/PRP as/IN a/DT craft/NN ,/, explaining/VBG exactly/RB why/WRB a/DT manager/NN calls/VBZ a/DT hit-and-run/JJ now/RB and/CC not/RB on/IN the/DT next/JJ pitch/NN ,/, how/WRB a/DT pitcher/NN sets/NNS up/RP his/PRP$ fastball/NN ,/, why/WRB a/DT shortstop/NN moves/NNS in/IN a/DT step/NN for/IN one/CD kind/NN of/IN double/JJ play/NN and/CC out/RP a/DT step/NN for/IN another/DT ./.
Not/RB terribly/RB analytical/JJ about/IN his/PRP$ politics/NNS ,/, Will/MD is/VBZ a/DT trenchant/NN rationalist/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO hardball/NN ./.
Will/MD 's/POS baseball/NN writing/NN is/VBZ so/RB good/JJ ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ even/RB being/VBG mentioned/VBN as/IN a/DT candidate/NN for/IN baseball/NN commissioner/NN ./.
His/PRP$ name/NN has/VBZ been/VBN floated/VBN in/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS ,/, as/IN it/PRP was/VBD in/IN 1989/CD and/CC 1994/CD ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ a/DT long/JJ shot/NN :/: He/PRP lacks/VBZ business/NN experience/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP alienated/VBN owners/NNS with/IN his/PRP$ pro-player/JJ stance/NN during/IN the/DT strike/NN ./.
Will/MD demurred/JJ when/WRB Larry/NNP King/NNP asked/VBD him/PRP about/IN the/DT commissioner/NN 's/POS job/NN last/JJ week/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP gave/VBD me/PRP spin/VB when/WRB I/PRP asked/VBD :/: He/PRP still/RB likes/VBZ writing/VBG his/PRP$ column/NN ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, and/CC "/" it/PRP 's/VBZ presumptuous/JJ to/TO talk/VB about/IN accepting/VBG something/NN that/WDT has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN offered/VBN ./.
"/" Which/WDT is/VBZ not/RB exactly/RB a/DT "/" No/UH ./.
"/" Commissioner/NNP Will--it/NNP 's/VBZ an/DT appealing/VBG idea/NN :/: He/PRP negotiates/VBZ contracts/NNS ,/, he/PRP stifles/VBZ owners/NNS ,/, he/PRP builds/VBZ ballparks/NNS ,/, he/PRP quotes/VBZ Walter/NNP Bagehot/NNP ./.
And/CC given/VBN that/IN his/PRP$ columns/NNS are/VBP ephemera/NN ,/, why/WRB should/MD n't/RB Will/MD give/VB them/PRP up/RP for/IN his/PRP$ true/JJ love/NN ?/.
He/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN opining/VBG for/IN 25/CD years/NNS ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ n't/RB much/RB changed/VBN America/NNP ./.
Maybe/RB he/PRP should/MD step/VB aside/RB and/CC let/VB someone/NN else/RB take/VB over/IN the/DT routine/NN ./.
No/DT one/NN would/MD care/VB that/DT much/JJ ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB a/DT newspaper/NN columnist/NN ./.
Just/RB how/WRB cozy/JJ were/VBD Will/MD and/CC Reagan/NNP ?/.
If/IN you/PRP missed/VBD our/PRP$ previous/JJ links/NNS ,/, click/NN to/TO read/VB about/IN 1/LS )/) how/WRB Will/MD 's/POS relationship/NN with/IN the/DT Gipper/NNP and/CC 2/LS )/) the/DT between/IN Will/MD 's/POS views/NNS and/CC Reagan/NNP 's/POS policies/NNS ./.
Sleepy/NNP Hollow/NNP (/( Paramount/NNP Pictures/NNP )/) ./.
Strong/JJ reviews/NNS tempered/VBN by/IN warnings/NNS of/IN excessive/JJ gore/VB for/IN director/NN Tim/NNP Burton/NNP 's/POS adaptation/NN of/IN Washington/NNP Irving/NNP 's/POS classic/JJ headless-horseman/JJ tale/NN ./.
The/DT art/NN direction/NN ,/, costume/JJ design/NN ,/, and/CC photography/NN are/VBP top-notch/JJ :/: "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT most/RBS gorgeous/JJ ,/, sumptuous/JJ ,/, painterly/RB movie/NN ever/RB made/VBD about/IN multiple/JJ decapitations/NNS "/" (/( Jeff/NNP Giles/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
Johnny/NNP Depp/NNP ,/, playing/VBG Ichabod/NNP Crane/NNP as/IN an/DT effete/JJ Manhattan/NNP detective/NN sent/VBD to/TO get/VB to/TO the/DT bottom/NN of/IN a/DT rash/NN of/IN beheadings/NNS ,/, shines/NNS (/( or/CC more/RBR accurately/RB ,/, is/VBZ appropriately/RB pallid/NN )/) ./.
As/IN his/PRP$ love/NN interest/NN ,/, Christina/NNP Ricci/NNP is/VBZ not/RB so/RB well/RB received/VBD ;/: she/PRP seems/VBZ less/RBR adept/JJ at/IN blending/VBG into/IN the/DT 18/CD th/NN century/NN than/IN Depp/NNP is/VBZ ./.
(/( To/TO catch/VB a/DT glimpse/NN of/IN the/DT tremendously/RB creepy/NN sets/NNS ,/, visit/NN the/DT film/NN 's/POS official/JJ site/NN ./.
The/DT World/NNP Is/VBZ Not/RB Enough/JJ (/( United/NNP Artists/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT usual/JJ fun/NN Bond/NNP fluff/NN ,/, with/IN Pierce/NNP Brosnan/NNP doing/VBG his/PRP$ best/JJS turn/VB as/IN 007/CD yet--though/JJ he/PRP 's/VBZ still/RB nowhere/RB near/IN the/DT caliber/NN of/IN Sean/NNP Connery/NNP ./.
Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP calls/VBZ it/PRP a/DT "/" splendid/JJ comic/JJ thriller/NN "/" (/( the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT chases/NNS are/VBP inventive/JJ (/( skis/NNS ,/, powerboats/NNS )/) ,/, the/DT double-entendres/JJ apt/JJ (/( secretary/NN asks/VBZ Bond/NNP if/IN he/PRP 'd/MD like/VB to/TO "/" check/NN her/PRP$ figures/NNS "/" )/) ,/, the/DT women/NNS beautiful/JJ (/( Denise/NNP Richards/NNP and/CC Sophie/NNP Marceau/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT plot/NN irrelevant/JJ (/( something/NN about/IN oil/NN pipelines/NNS )/) ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP that/IN this/DT one--/JJ No/UH ./.
19/CD in/IN the/DT series--comes/JJ in/IN above/IN average/JJ but/CC is/VBZ n't/RB a/DT classic/NN ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO find/VB out/IN everything/NN you/PRP ever/RB wanted/VBD to/TO know/VB about/IN Bond/NNP ./.
Liberty/NNP Heights/NNP (/( Warner/NNP Bros/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
Director/NNP Barry/NNP Levinson/NNP 's/POS fourth/JJ Baltimore/NNP picture/NN (/( after/IN Diner/NNP ,/, Tin/NNP Men/NNP ,/, and/CC Avalon/NNP )/) gets/VBZ wildly/RB inconsistent/JJ reviews/NNS ./.
The/DT film/NN follows/VBZ a/DT collection/NN of/IN teen-agers/NNS from/IN different/JJ ethnic/JJ and/CC economic/JJ backgrounds/NNS (/( ranging/VBG from/IN WASPy/NNP country-clubbers/JJ to/TO middle-class/NN Jews/NNPS to/TO blacks/NNS who/WP have/VBP recently/RB been/VBN integrated/VBN via/IN forced/VBN busing/VBG )/) as/IN they/PRP mix/NN in/IN 1954/CD Baltimore/NNP ./.
Joe/NNP Morgenstern/NNP of/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP calls/VBZ the/DT plot/NN "/" schematic/JJ "/" and/CC "/" synthetic/JJ "/" and/CC says/VBZ the/DT film/NN "/" loses/VBZ its/PRP$ way/NN ./.
"/" But/CC at/IN the/DT other/JJ end/NN of/IN the/DT spectrum/NN ,/, Todd/NNP McCarthy/NNP raves/VBZ in/IN Variety/NNP that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ "/" a/DT grand/JJ slam/VBP "/" and/CC proclaims/VBZ it/PRP Levinson/NNP 's/VBZ best/JJS film/NN yet/RB ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB to/TO find/VB out/IN more/JJR about/IN the/DT director/NN ./.
All/DT About/IN My/PRP$ Mother/NNP (/( 20/CD th/NN Century/NNP Fox/NNP Film/NNP Corp/NNP ./.
)/) ./.
After/IN winning/VBG Best/JJS Director/NNP at/IN Cannes/NNP and/CC making/VBG a/DT splash/NN at/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Film/NNP Festival/NNP ,/, Pedro/NNP Almodóvar/NNP 's/POS ode/NN to/TO women/NNS opens/VBZ to/TO gushing/VBG praise/NN :/: "/" the/DT most/JJS moving/VBG film/NN of/IN his/PRP$ career/NN "/" (/( David/NNP Ansen/NNP ,/, Newsweek/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT single/JJ mother/NN whose/WP$ teen-age/JJ son/NN is/VBZ suddenly/RB killed/VBN makes/VBZ a/DT pilgrimage/NN to/TO track/VB down/RP the/DT boy/NN 's/POS father/NN and/CC in/IN the/DT process/NN encounters/VBZ women/NNS from/IN all/DT walks/NNS of/IN life--transsexuals/JJ ,/, pregnant/JJ nuns/NNS ,/, divas/NNS ,/, and/CC more/JJR ./.
Spain/NNP 's/POS most/RBS famous/JJ filmmaker--/JJ Almodóvar/NNP directed/VBD Women/NNP on/IN the/DT Verge/NNP of/IN a/DT Nervous/JJ Breakdown/NNP and/CC Tie/NNP Me/PRP Up/IN !/.
Tie/NNP Me/PRP Down/IN !/.
,/, among/IN others--demonstrates/JJ what/WP Janet/NNP Maslin/NNP calls/VBZ "/" a/DT newly/RB sophisticated/JJ style/NN that/WDT is/VBZ far/RB more/RBR passionate/JJ ,/, wise/JJ ,/, and/CC deeply/RB felt/VBD "/" than/IN his/PRP$ previous/JJ work/NN (/( New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( This/DT page/NN has/VBZ biographical/JJ information/NN and/CC a/DT filmography/NN for/IN Almodóvar/NNP ./.
Timeline/NNP ,/, by/IN Michael/NNP Crichton/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
Crichton/NNP (/( Jurassic/NNP Park/NNP )/) follows/VBZ his/PRP$ usual/JJ MO/NNP :/: Turn/NN a/DT scientific/JJ concept/NN into/IN a/DT hi-tech/JJ thriller/NN with/IN loads/NNS of/IN action/NN and/CC bare-bones/JJ characters/NNS ./.
This/DT time/NN a/DT sort/NN of/IN quantum/NN 3/CD -/: D/NNP fax/NN machine/NN with/IN the/DT ability/NN to/TO digitize/NN people/NNS and/CC send/VB them/PRP back/RB in/IN time/NN is/VBZ at/IN the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT story/NN ./.
"/" Crichton/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB nearly/RB as/IN interested/JJ in/IN people/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ inner/JJ workings/NNS as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ in/IN things/NNS and/CC their/PRP$ inner/JJ workings/NNS ,/, "/" but/CC that/DT does/VBZ n't/RB stop/VB the/DT book/NN from/IN being/VBG fun/NN to/TO read/VB :/: "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT geeky/NN stuff/NN ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, that/WDT makes/VBZ Crichton/NNP 's/POS books/NNS so/RB hugely/RB entertaining/JJ "/" (/( Daniel/NNP Mendelsohn/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP Book/NNP Review/NNP )/) ./.
A/DT few/JJ critics/NNS ca/MD n't/RB work/VB up/RP any/DT excitement/NN ,/, labeling/VBG it/PRP just/RB another/DT "/" dull/JJ time-travel/JJ tale/NN "/" (/( James/NNP Poniewozik/NNP ,/, Time/NNP )/) that/WDT is/VBZ bound/VBN for/IN the/DT movies/NNS ./.
"/" His/PRP$ characters/NNS are/VBP only/RB insubstantial/JJ shadows/NNS on/IN a/DT screen/NN and/CC Timeline/NNP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT novel/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT shooting/VBG script/NN "/" (/( Richard/NNP Dyer/NNP ,/, the/DT Boston/NNP Globe/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Crichton/NNP 's/POS official/JJ site/NN includes/VBZ an/DT excerpt/NN from/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
Double/RB Down/IN :/: Reflections/NNP on/IN Gambling/NNP and/CC Loss/NN ,/, by/IN Frederick/NNP Barthelme/NNP and/CC Steven/NNP Barthelme/NNP (/( Houghton/NNP Mifflin/NNP )/) ./.
Uniformly/NNP first-rate/JJ reviews/NNS for/IN this/DT memoir/NN of/IN two/CD brothers/NNS ,/, both/DT professors/NNS of/IN English/NNP ,/, who/WP become/VBP obsessed/VBN with/IN gambling/NN after/IN their/PRP$ parents/NNS '/POS deaths/NNS :/: "/" superb/JJ and/CC horrifying/JJ "/" (/( Tom/NNP De/NNP Haven/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ;/: "/" an/DT exquisitely/RB crafted/VBN memoir/NN of/IN their/PRP$ three/CD years/NNS in/IN the/DT grips/NNS of/IN Mississippi/NNP casinos/NNS "/" (/( Lisa/NNP Gubernick/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
Not/RB only/RB is/VBZ their/PRP$ story/NN surprising/JJ ,/, but/CC the/DT ending/VBG is/VBZ a/DT real/JJ doozy/NN :/: They/PRP are/VBP charged/VBN with/IN conspiring/VBG to/TO cheat/VB at/IN blackjack/NN ,/, even/RB though/IN they/PRP have/VBP managed/VBN to/TO lose/VB their/PRP$ entire/JJ $/$ 250/CD ,/, 000/CD inheritance/NN in/IN just/RB three/CD years/NNS ./.
(/( The/DT charges/NNS have/VBP since/IN been/VBN dropped/VBN ./.
)/) "/" What/WP Double/RB Down/IN teaches/VBZ that/IN other/JJ memoirs/NNS don/VB '/POS t--preoccupied/JJ as/IN they/PRP tend/VBP to/TO be/VB with/IN the/DT triumph/NN of/IN the/DT individual--is/JJ that/IN while/IN we/PRP 're/VBP busy/JJ playing/NN with/IN life/NN ,/, life/NN is/VBZ playing/VBG with/IN us/PRP as/RB well/RB "/" (/( Walter/NNP Kirn/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Chat/NNP with/IN the/DT authors/NNS on/IN Dec/NNP ./.
7/CD ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ n't/RB quite/RB as/IN much/JJ fun/NN as/IN it/PRP used/VBD to/TO be/VB now/RB that/IN tobacco/NN lobbyists/NNS are/VBP admitting/VBG that/DT nicotine/NN is/VBZ addictive/JJ and/CC smoking/NN is/VBZ harmful/JJ ./.
But/CC the/DT flacks/NNS at/IN the/DT American/NNP Beverage/NNP Institute/NNP are/VBP doing/VBG their/PRP$ best/JJS to/TO take/VB up/RP the/DT slack/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP fighting/VBG to/TO stop/VB federal/JJ legislation/NN that/WDT would/MD crack/VB down/IN harder/RBR on/IN people/NNS who/WP drive/VBP after/IN drinking/VBG ./.
The/DT measure--backed/JJ by/IN Mothers/NNS Against/IN Drunk/NNP Driving/NNP and/CC up/RP for/IN a/DT vote/NN as/IN an/DT amendment/NN to/TO the/DT highway/NN bill/NN next/JJ month--would/JJ make/NN all/DT states/NNS change/VBP their/PRP$ definition/NN of/IN who/WP is/VBZ drunk/JJ from/IN a/DT person/NN with/IN a/DT minimum/JJ blood-alcohol/JJ level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
10/CD to/TO someone/NN with/IN a/DT level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
08/CD percent/NN ./.
The/DT ABI/NNP 's/POS case/NN against/IN the/DT proposal/NN is/VBZ surprisingly/RB persuasive/JJ ./.
Well/RB ,/, almost/RB ./.
Currently/RB ,/, everywhere/RB in/IN the/DT country/NN it/PRP is/VBZ illegal/JJ to/TO drive/VB with/IN a/DT blood-alcohol/JJ concentration/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
10/CD percent/NN or/CC higher/JJR ./.
But/CC with/IN alcohol-related/JJ crashes/NNS claiming/VBG over/IN 17/CD ,/, 000/CD lives/NNS a/DT year--accounting/JJ for/IN 41/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT traffic/NN fatalities--/JJ 16/CD states/NNS have/VBP dropped/VBN that/DT level/NN to/TO 0/CD ./.
08/CD percent/NN ./.
Now/RB ,/, Sen/NNP ./.
Frank/NNP Lautenberg/NNP ,/, D-N/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
,/, is/VBZ leading/VBG a/DT push/NN to/TO make/VB the/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD level/NN a/DT national/JJ standard/NN ./.
The/DT ABI/NNP says/VBZ the/DT whole/JJ effort/NN is/VBZ nuts/NNS ./.
A/DT trade/NN association/NN for/IN restaurants/NNS that/WDT serve/VBP alcohol/NN ,/, it/PRP offers/VBZ two/CD arguments/NNS ./.
First/LS ,/, its/PRP$ lobbyists/NNS say/VBP ,/, hardly/RB any/DT drinking/NN at/IN all/DT can/MD put/VB you/PRP over/IN the/DT limit/NN ./.
As/IN ABI/NNP spokesman/NN John/NNP Doyle/NNP says/VBZ ,/, "/" All/DT it/PRP takes/VBZ for/IN a/DT 120/CD -/: pound/NN woman/NN are/VBP two/CD glasses/NNS of/IN wine/NN at/IN a/DT restaurant/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP 's/VBZ going/VBG to/TO jail/NN ./.
just/RB the/DT same/JJ as/IN if/IN she/PRP downed/VBD a/DT fifth/NN of/IN gin/NN ./.
"/" The/DT lower/JJR standard/NN will/MD capture/VB perfectly/RB responsible/JJ social/JJ drinkers/NNS and/CC dramatically/RB increase/VB the/DT number/NN of/IN drivers/NNS who/WP would/MD be/VB subject/JJ to/TO arrest/VB ./.
Second/JJ ,/, they/PRP say/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT roaring/NN drunks/NNS who/WP are/VBP out/IN there/EX killing/VBG people/NNS ./.
"/" Suppose/VB we/PRP had/VBD people/NNS dying/VBG at/IN 110/CD miles/NNS an/DT hour/NN ,/, "/" Doyle/NNP observes/VBZ ,/, "/" and/CC I/PRP said/VBD let/VBN 's/POS lower/VB the/DT speed/NN limit/NN to/TO 45/CD ./.
Would/MD n't/RB somebody/NN say/VB that/DT 's/VBZ ludicrous/JJ ?/.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ not/RB unreasonable/JJ ./.
When/WRB I/PRP 'm/VBP on/IN duty/NN in/IN the/DT emergency/NN room/NN ,/, I/PRP see/VBP all/PDT the/DT victims/NNS of/IN serious/JJ car/NN crashes/NNS that/WDT come/VBP through/IN ./.
The/DT paramedics/NNS wheel/NN them/PRP in/IN and/CC start/VB rattling/VBG off/IN information/NN while/IN I/PRP check/VBP their/PRP$ breathing/VBG and/CC injuries/NNS :/: "/" This/DT is/VBZ an/DT unidentified/JJ ,/, white-male/JJ unrestrained/JJ driver/NN in/IN a/DT high-speed/JJ rollover/NN ,/, unresponsive/JJ at/IN the/DT scene/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP do/VBP n't/RB even/RB have/VB to/TO wait/VB for/IN the/DT results/NNS ./.
You/PRP know/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ wasted/VBN on/IN alcohol/NN and/CC possibly/RB drugs/NNS ,/, too/RB ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP never/RB seen/VBN a/DT positive/JJ alcohol/NN level/NN less/JJR than/IN about/IN 0/CD ./.
20/CD percent/NN in/IN these/DT cases/NNS ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ like/IN drivers/NNS in/IN crashes/NNS are/VBP either/CC completely/RB blotto/NN or/CC stone-cold/JJ sober/JJ ./.
The/DT damnedest/NN thing/NN is/VBZ ,/, after/IN we/PRP save/VBP them/PRP ,/, they/PRP hardly/RB ever/RB get/VB arrested/VBN for/IN driving/VBG while/IN intoxicated/JJ ./.
An/DT injured/VBN drunken/JJ driver/NN is/VBZ far/RB less/RBR likely/JJ to/TO be/VB charged/VBN than/IN an/DT uninjured/JJ one/CD ./.
Studies/NNS show/NN that/IN 50/CD percent/NN to/TO 80/CD percent/NN of/IN drunken/JJ drivers/NNS escape/VB prosecution/NN ./.
There/EX are/VBP many/JJ reasons/NNS ./.
Police/NNP have/VBP to/TO put/VB the/DT driver/NN 's/POS safety/NN first/RB and/CC ship/VB them/PRP off/RP to/TO a/DT hospital/NN ;/: following/VBG after/IN the/DT driver/NN is/VBZ a/DT major/JJ hassle/NN ,/, and/CC things/NNS happen/VBP so/RB fast/RB ,/, the/DT police/NN sometimes/RB do/VBP n't/RB even/RB realize/VB alcohol/NN is/VBZ involved/VBN ./.
But/CC we/PRP know/VBP ./.
National/NNP Highway/NNP Traffic/NNP Safety/NNP Administration/NNP data/NNS suggest/VBP my/PRP$ experience/NN is/VBZ a/DT bit/NN one-sided/JJ ,/, however/RB ./.
About/IN 60/CD percent/NN of/IN alcohol-related/JJ fatal/JJ crashes/NNS do/VBP involve/VB drivers/NNS with/IN an/DT alcohol/NN level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
15/CD percent/NN or/CC higher/JJR ./.
But/CC 7/CD percent/NN involve/VB drivers/NNS with/IN a/DT level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
08/CD percent/NN or/CC 0/CD ./.
09/CD percent--killing/JJ an/DT estimated/VBN 1/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS per/IN year/NN ./.
The/DT ABI/NNP claims/VBZ that/IN there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN that/IN a/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD level/NN is/VBZ any/DT more/RBR dangerous/JJ than/IN a/DT 0/CD ./.
02/CD level/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, a/DT 1991/CD study/NN in/IN the/DT Journal/NNP of/IN Studies/NNPS on/IN Alcohol/NNP from/IN the/DT Insurance/NNP Institute/NNP for/IN Highway/NNP Safety/NNP showed/VBD otherwise/RB ./.
It/PRP found/VBD that/IN the/DT risk/NN of/IN a/DT single-vehicle/JJ crash/NN for/IN a/DT driver/NN with/IN a/DT blood-alcohol/JJ level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
05/CD percent/NN to/TO 0/CD ./.
09/CD percent/NN is/VBZ 11/CD times/NNS that/IN of/IN someone/NN at/IN 0/CD ./.
02/CD percent/NN to/TO 0/CD ./.
04/CD percent/NN ./.
Higher/JJR is/VBZ certainly/RB worse/JJR ./.
Drivers/NNP with/IN a/DT level/NN of/IN 0/CD ./.
10/CD percent/NN to/TO 0/CD ./.
14/CD percent/NN are/VBP 48/CD times/NNS more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO crash/VB ,/, and/CC those/DT at/IN 0/CD ./.
15/CD percent/NN or/CC more/JJR are/VBP 385/CD times/NNS more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO crash/VB ./.
But/CC getting/VBG behind/IN the/DT wheel/NN with/IN a/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD alcohol/NN level/NN is/VBZ risky--more/JJ risky/JJ than/IN any/DT other/JJ known/VBN factor/NN ,/, including/VBG young/JJ age/NN and/CC driving/VBG at/IN night/NN ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, ABI/NNP 's/POS specter/NN of/IN people/NNS ending/VBG up/RP in/IN jail/NN for/IN driving/VBG after/IN as/RB little/JJ as/IN two/CD drinks/NNS is/VBZ giving/VBG some/DT policy-makers/NNS pause/VBP ./.
But/CC the/DT ABI/NNP is/VBZ using/VBG loaded/VBN dice/NNS to/TO play/VB on/IN our/PRP$ ignorance/NN of/IN alcohol/NN levels/NNS ./.
By/IN choosing/VBG a/DT skinnier/NN than/IN average/JJ woman/NN and/CC defining/VBG each/DT "/" drink/NN "/" as/IN 6/CD ounces/NNS of/IN high-alcohol/JJ wine/NN ,/, they/PRP make/VBP it/PRP sound/VBP easy/JJ to/TO hit/VB 0/CD ./.
08/CD ./.
But/CC two/CD of/IN these/DT "/" drinks/NNS "/" are/VBP equal/JJ to/TO about/IN half/PDT a/DT bottle/NN of/IN wine/NN ./.
How/WRB many/JJ drinks/NNS does/VBZ it/PRP really/RB take/VBP for/IN your/PRP$ blood/NN to/TO reach/VB 0/CD ./.
08/CD percent/NN alcohol/NN ?/.
To/TO make/VB it/PRP simple/JJ ,/, let/VB 's/POS talk/NN in/IN terms/NNS of/IN 12/CD -/: ounce/NN cans/NNS of/IN Budweiser/NNP (/( about/IN 5/CD percent/NN alcohol/NN )/) ./.
It/PRP would/MD take/VB 3/CD ./.
5/CD cans/NNS in/IN an/DT hour/NN on/IN an/DT empty/JJ stomach/NN to/TO put/VB the/DT average/JJ 137/CD -/: pound/NN woman/NN over/IN that/DT limit/NN ,/, 4/CD ./.
5/CD cans/NNS for/IN a/DT 170/CD -/: pound/NN man/NN ./.
Or/CC about/IN a/DT six-pack/JJ in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN an/DT evening/NN ./.
(/( Estimate/NNP your/PRP$ own/JJ capacity/NN by/IN clicking/VBG here/RB ./.
)/) These/DT are/VBP peak/NN levels/NNS ./.
After/IN you/PRP stop/VBP drinking/NN ,/, your/PRP$ alcohol/NN level/NN drops/NNS about/IN 0/CD ./.
02/CD percent/NN an/DT hour/NN ./.
Also/RB ,/, keep/VB in/IN mind/NN ,/, light/JJ beer/NN has/VBZ 20/CD percent/NN less/JJR alcohol/NN than/IN regular/JJ beer/NN ./.
Wine/NNP has/VBZ anywhere/RB from/IN two/CD to/TO four/CD times/NNS as/IN much/JJ alcohol/NN ,/, but/CC 6/CD ounces/NNS of/IN a/DT typical/JJ table/NN wine/NN would/MD be/VB about/IN the/DT same/JJ as/IN a/DT can/MD of/IN Bud/NNP ./.
A/DT single/JJ martini/NN would/MD have/VB about/IN twice/RB as/IN much/JJ alcohol/NN as/IN that/DT ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ silly/JJ that/IN this/DT is/VBZ all/DT such/JJ a/DT guessing/VBG game/NN ./.
In/IN countries/NNS such/JJ as/IN Australia/NNP ,/, breathalyzer/NN machines/NNS for/IN checking/VBG your/PRP$ own/JJ alcohol/NN level/NN apparently/RB are/VBP ubiquitous/JJ at/IN bars/NNS and/CC stadiums/NNS ./.
Still/RB ,/, most/JJS people/NNS know/VBP by/IN now/RB that/IN after/IN a/DT few/JJ beers/NNS at/IN dinner/NN ,/, they/PRP 've/VBP had/VBN too/RB much/RB to/TO get/VB up/RP and/CC drive/NN ./.
A/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD alcohol/NN limit/NN is/VBZ not/RB going/VBG to/TO catch/VB as/IN many/JJ people/NNS unawares/RB as/IN the/DT ABI/NNP claims/VBZ ./.
And/CC drinking/VBG even/RB less/JJR than/IN what/WP it/PRP takes/VBZ to/TO put/VB you/PRP over/IN the/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD standard/NN is/VBZ still/RB not/RB entirely/RB safe/JJ ./.
Is/VBZ lowering/VBG the/DT legal/JJ alcohol/NN level/NN worth/JJ it/PRP ?/.
The/DT ABI/NNP lobbyists/NNS are/VBP right/RB that/IN drivers/NNS with/IN a/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD -/: percent/NN alcohol/NN level/NN are/VBP not/RB the/DT core/NN of/IN the/DT drunken-driving/JJ problem/NN ./.
If/IN police/NN get/VB even/RB a/DT large/JJ fraction/NN of/IN drunken/JJ drivers/NNS off/IN the/DT road/NN ,/, at/IN most/JJS they/PRP might/MD save/VB a/DT few/JJ hundred/CD lives/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ a/DT drop/NN in/IN the/DT bucket/NN ./.
Prosecuting/NNP the/DT drunken/JJ drivers/NNS who/WP turn/VBP up/RB in/IN emergency/NN rooms/NNS or/CC offering/VBG breathalyzer/NN checks/NNS in/IN bars/NNS and/CC stadiums/NNS would/MD probably/RB save/VB many/JJ more/JJR ./.
Yet/RB there/EX is/VBZ no/DT good/JJ reason/NN not/RB to/TO go/VB with/IN the/DT 0/CD ./.
08/CD standard/JJ ./.
I/PRP am/VBP not/RB one/CD of/IN those/DT public-health/NN types/NNS who/WP thinks/VBZ every/DT hazard/NN should/MD be/VB eliminated/VBN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD glad/JJ to/TO see/VB highway/NN speed/NN limits/NNS increased/VBN to/TO 65/CD miles/NNS per/IN hour/NN ,/, even/RB knowing/VBG the/DT greater/JJR dangers/NNS of/IN crashing/VBG ./.
But/CC the/DT freedom/NN to/TO get/VB behind/IN the/DT wheel/NN after/IN half/PDT a/DT bottle/NN of/IN wine/NN at/IN dinner/NN or/CC an/DT evening/NN downing/VBG a/DT six-pack--or/JJ whatever/WDT it/PRP takes/VBZ to/TO get/VB your/PRP$ blood/NN level/NN to/TO 0/CD ./.
08/CD percent/NN alcohol--has/JJ little/JJ value/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB worth/JJ an/DT elevenfold/NN risk/NN of/IN crashing/VBG ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ certainly/RB not/RB worth/JJ hundreds/NNS of/IN lives/NNS ./.
Soul-searching/NNP is/VBZ always/RB a/DT great/JJ story/NN (/( as/RB long/RB as/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ someone/NN else/RB 's/POS soul/NN )/) ./.
So/IN those/DT in/IN the/DT media/NNS who/WP assume/VBP he/PRP did/VBD it--that/JJ is/VBZ ,/, all/DT of/IN us--agree/JJ that/IN between/IN now/RB and/CC Aug/NNP ./.
17/CD ,/, Clinton/NNP had/VBD better/JJR do/VBP some/DT ./.
He/PRP must/MD ,/, as/IN the/DT phrase/NN goes/VBZ ,/, test/NN his/PRP$ own/JJ character/NN :/: Am/NNP I/PRP going/VBG to/TO be/VB a/DT sleazy/JJ liar/NN forever/RB ?/.
Or/CC will/MD I/PRP finally/RB tell/VBP the/DT truth/NN even/RB if/IN it/PRP hurts/VBZ ?/.
But/CC I/PRP am/VBP beginning/VBG to/TO think/VB the/DT real/JJ character/NN test/NN in/IN the/DT next/JJ few/JJ weeks/NNS is/VBZ not/RB for/IN Clinton/NNP but/CC for/IN Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP :/: What/WP kind/NN of/IN prosecutor/NN am/VBP I/PRP ?/.
This/DT question/NN can/MD be/VB asked/VBN in/IN a/DT more/RBR direct/JJ ,/, more/RBR pragmatic/JJ way/NN :/: Will/MD Starr/NNP tell/VB Clinton/NNP the/DT results/NNS of/IN the/DT DNA/NNP tests/NNS before/IN he/PRP testifies/VBZ ?/.
You/PRP can/MD get/VB a/DT headache/NN trying/VBG to/TO game/NN all/DT Starr/NNP 's/POS possible/JJ DNA-test/NNP tactics/NNS ./.
Consider/VB a/DT few/JJ :/:
Initial/JJ test/NN shows/VBZ DNA/NNP ,/, Starr/NNP asks/VBZ Clinton/NNP for/IN blood/NN sample/NN ,/, does/VBZ n't/RB reveal/VB results/NNS ./.
Initial/JJ test/NN shows/VBZ DNA/NNP ,/, Starr/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB ask/VB for/IN blood/NN sample/NN ,/, hopes/VBZ to/TO trick/VB Clinton/NNP into/IN thinking/VBG he/PRP 's/VBZ in/IN the/DT clear/JJ ./.
Initial/JJ test/NN shows/VBZ no/DT DNA/NNP ,/, Starr/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB anything/NN ,/, hopes/VBZ Clinton/NNP will/MD assume/VB he/PRP 's/VBZ pursuing/VBG Option/NNP B/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
But/CC for/IN the/DT sake/NN of/IN argument/NN ,/, let/VB 's/POS assume/VB FBI/NNP tests/NNS show/VBP there/EX is/VBZ DNA/NNP on/IN the/DT dress/NN :/: Should/MD Starr/NNP tell/VB the/DT president/NN this/DT before/IN Aug/NNP ./.
17/CD ?/.
Prosecutorial/NNP wisdom/NN shouts/VBZ :/: Of/IN course/NN not/RB !/.
Starr/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN working/VBG this/DT case/NN for/IN years/NNS ,/, and/CC he/PRP has/VBZ the/DT chance/NN to/TO hook/VB the/DT biggest/JJS fish/NN in/IN the/DT biggest/JJS pond/NN ./.
Why/WRB on/IN earth/NN would/MD he/PRP give/VB away/RB precious/JJ information/NN that/WDT might/MD help/VB Clinton/NNP wriggle/NN free/JJ ?/.
Starr/NNP ,/, needless/JJ to/TO say/VB ,/, has/VBZ no/DT obligation/NN to/TO show/VB the/DT evidence/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP ./.
Prosecutors/NNS may/MD reveal/VB sensitive/JJ evidence/NN to/TO a/DT witness/NN they/PRP are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO protect/VB (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, if/IN a/DT witness/NN who/WP is/VBZ helping/VBG you/PRP might/MD perjure/NN himself/PRP in/IN front/NN of/IN a/DT grand/JJ jury/NN ,/, you/PRP tell/VBP him/PRP information/NN so/IN he/PRP wo/MD n't/RB lie/VB )/) ./.
Prosecutors/NNS do/VBP not/RB reveal/VB sensitive/JJ evidence/NN to/TO those/DT they/PRP are/VBP trying/VBG to/TO prosecute/VB ./.
Why/WRB treat/VB Clinton/NNP differently/RB ?/.
(/( The/DT president/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, is/VBZ not/RB a/DT regular/JJ target/NN of/IN investigation/NN ,/, because/IN a/DT regular/JJ target/NN would/MD never/RB testify/VB in/IN front/NN of/IN a/DT grand/JJ jury/NN if/IN he/PRP had/VBD something/NN to/TO hide/VB ./.
The/DT president/NN ,/, because/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ politically/RB impossible/JJ ,/, ca/MD n't/RB take/VB the/DT Fifth/NNP ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ unfair/JJ to/TO trap/NN him/PRP in/IN a/DT lie/NN that/IN he/PRP would/MD never/RB have/VB had/VBN to/TO tell/VB if/IN he/PRP were/VBD a/DT regular/JJ citizen/NN ./.
Starr/NNP 's/POS setup/NN may/MD be/VB a/DT perjury/NN trap/NN ,/, but/CC that/DT does/VBZ not/RB necessarily/RB mean/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ unfair/JJ ./.
Imagine/VB Starr/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB tell/VB Clinton/NNP about/IN a/DT positive/JJ test/NN result/NN ./.
The/DT president/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, ought/MD to/TO tell/VB the/DT truth/NN ,/, but/CC Clinton/NNP being/VBG Clinton/NNP ,/, he/PRP might/MD not/RB ./.
(/( The/DT White/NNP House/NNP so/RB far/RB is/VBZ adamant/JJ that/IN Clinton/NNP is/VBZ sticking/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ denial/NN ./.
)/) He/PRP might/MD brazen/VB it/PRP out/IN by/IN lying/VBG to/TO the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN ./.
The/DT dress/NN and/CC Monica/NNP 's/POS story/NN would/MD nail/VB him/PRP ,/, an/DT open-and-shut/JJ perjury/NN case/NN ./.
By/IN the/DT prosecutor/NN 's/POS code/NN ,/, Clinton/NNP has/VBZ hanged/VBN himself/PRP ./.
But/CC what/WP Starr/NNP can/MD do/VB as/IN a/DT prosecutor/NN and/CC what/WP he/PRP ought/MD to/TO do/VB as/IN a/DT public/JJ servant/NN differ/VB ./.
What/WP will/MD happen/VB if/IN Starr/NNP reveals/VBZ a/DT positive/JJ result/NN to/TO Clinton/NNP ?/.
He/PRP probably/RB destroys/VBZ his/PRP$ own/JJ case/NN ./.
No/DT matter/NN how/WRB much/JJ Clinton/NNP might/MD want/VB to/TO brazen/VB it/PRP out/IN ,/, advance/NN warning/NN from/IN Starr/NNP would/MD compel/VB the/DT president/NN to/TO admit/VB and/CC apologize/VB ./.
So/RB Clinton/NNP would/MD n't/RB perjure/NN himself/PRP and/CC ,/, as/IN I/PRP argued/VBD Sunday/NNP ,/, an/DT apology/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO kill/VB the/DT appetite/NN for/IN any/DT impeachment/NN hearings/NNS (/( over/IN obstruction/NN ,/, Whitewater/NNP ,/, Filegate/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
)/) ./.
Starr/NNP 's/POS criminal/JJ case/NN goes/VBZ up/RB in/IN smoke/NN ./.
Whether/IN Starr/NNP gives/VBZ it/PRP away/RB depends/VBZ on/IN what/WP kind/NN of/IN prosecutor/NN he/PRP is/VBZ ./.
If/IN he/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO expose/VB criminal/JJ behavior/NN by/IN the/DT president/NN and/CC punish/VB it/PRP no/DT matter/NN what--if/JJ ,/, in/IN short/JJ ,/, he/PRP is/VBZ the/DT vindictive/JJ avenger/NN Clinton/NNP 's/POS defenders/NNS say/VBP he/PRP is--/JJ Starr/NNP will/MD sacrifice/VB no/DT advantage/NN ./.
He/PRP will/MD blindside/NN the/DT president/NN with/IN test/NN results/NNS if/IN that/DT will/MD build/VB a/DT stronger/JJR case/NN ./.
But/CC if/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT prosecutor/NN who/WP wants/VBZ to/TO turn/VB up/RP the/DT truth/NN as/RB much/JJ as/IN to/TO get/VB his/PRP$ target/NN ,/, then/RB Starr/NNP will/MD give/VB it/PRP away/RB ./.
"/" The/DT decent/JJ and/CC sensitive/JJ thing/NN to/TO do/VB is/VBZ tell/VB the/DT president/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT advantage/NN whatsoever/RB to/TO getting/VBG the/DT president/NN to/TO lie/VB before/IN the/DT grand/JJ jury/NN ,/, "/" says/VBZ former/JJ Deputy/NNP Attorney/NNP General/NNP Philip/NNP Heymann/NNP ./.
"/" [/( Starr/NNP should/MD ]/) not/RB put/VB himself/PRP in/IN the/DT position/NN of/IN having/VBG called/VBD the/DT president/NN and/CC inviting/VBG him/PRP to/TO lie/VB unnecessarily/RB ./.
Or/CC ,/, as/IN Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, criminal/JJ lawyer/NN Robert/NNP Luskin/NNP puts/VBZ it/PRP ,/, "/" You/PRP just/RB do/VBP n't/RB play/VB a/DT game/NN of/IN chicken/NN like/IN that/DT with/IN the/DT president/NN of/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
There/EX are/VBP strong/JJ public/JJ policy/NN reasons/NNS for/IN Starr/NNP to/TO give/VB the/DT results/NNS away/RB ./.
Do/VBP we/PRP really/RB want/VBP the/DT president/NN 's/POS career/NN to/TO rise/VB or/CC fall/NN based/VBN on/IN prosecutorial/JJ cleverness/NNS in/IN a/DT secret/JJ grand/JJ jury/NN proceeding/NN ?/.
Telling/NNP Clinton/NNP the/DT results/NNS makes/VBZ it/PRP more/RBR likely/JJ he/PRP 'll/MD go/VB public/JJ ,/, and/CC that/DT makes/VBZ it/PRP more/RBR likely/JJ Flytrap/NNP will/MD be/VB played/VBN out/IN in/IN the/DT open/NN rather/RB than/IN in/IN private/JJ legal/JJ proceedings/NNS ./.
And/CC the/DT public/JJ political/JJ realm/NN is/VBZ where/WRB Flytrap/NNP belongs/VBZ ./.
One/CD of/IN Starr/NNP 's/POS obligations/NNS as/IN a/DT prosecutor/NN is/VBZ to/TO protect/VB the/DT honorable/JJ institutions/NNS of/IN government/NN ,/, and/CC one/CD of/IN those/DT institutions/NNS is/VBZ (/( believe/VBP it/PRP or/CC not/RB )/) the/DT dignity/NN of/IN the/DT presidency/NN ./.
That/DT dignity/NN has/VBZ been/VBN much/RB squandered/VBN by/IN Clinton/NNP ,/, but/CC this/DT is/VBZ a/DT chance/NN for/IN Starr/NNP to/TO protect/VB what/WP remains/NNS ./.
Starr/NNP protects/VBZ the/DT presidency/NN by/IN exposing/VBG criminal/JJ behavior/NN by/IN the/DT president/NN ./.
But/CC he/PRP can/MD also/RB protect/VB the/DT presidency/NN by/IN preventing/VBG more/RBR criminal/JJ behavior/NN ./.
Not/RB telling/VBG the/DT president/NN of/IN a/DT positive/JJ DNA/NNP result/NN may/MD induce/VB Clinton--admittedly/NNP because/IN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ hubris--to/JJ lie/NN ,/, to/TO trap/NN himself/PRP ,/, to/TO damage/VB the/DT office/NN of/IN the/DT presidency/NN even/RB more/JJR ./.
Telling/NNP the/DT president/NN lets/VBZ Clinton/NNP avoid/VB committing/VBG a/DT new/JJ crime/NN ./.
The/DT person/NN who/WP would/MD benefit/VB most/JJS of/IN all/DT by/IN telling/VBG is/VBZ Starr/NNP himself/PRP ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN demonized/VBN as/IN the/DT prosecutor/NN who/WP is/VBZ destroying/VBG the/DT president/NN over/IN sex/NN ./.
He/PRP can/MD become/VB the/DT prosecutor/NN who/WP let/VBP the/DT president/NN save/VB himself/PRP ./.
The/DT first/JJ question/NN that/WDT has/VBZ to/TO be/VB asked/VBN about/IN the/DT German/JJ resistance/NN is/VBZ :/: Did/VBD it/PRP exist/VBP ?/.
A/DT good/JJ case/NN can/MD be/VB made/VBN that/IN it/PRP did/VBD not/RB ./.
To/TO frame/VB the/DT question/NN less/RBR contentiously/RB :/: Did/VBD the/DT scattered/VBN theologians/NNS ,/, bureaucrats/NNS ,/, army/NN officers/NNS ,/, and/CC (/( in/IN one/CD case/NN )/) ordinary/JJ housewives/NNS who/WP defied/VBD Hitler/NNP act/NN more/JJR as/IN isolated/VBN individuals/NNS than/IN as/IN a/DT concerted/JJ movement/NN ?/.
On/IN the/DT large/JJ stage/NN of/IN history/NN ,/, do/VBP these/DT brave/JJ individuals/NNS shrink/VB to/TO statistical/JJ insignificance/NN ?/.
And/CC is/VBZ the/DT so-called/JJ resistance/NN movement/NN therefore/RB a/DT kind/NN of/IN optical/JJ illusion/NN ,/, generated/VBN by/IN a/DT need/NN to/TO find/VB some/DT shred/NN of/IN goodness/NN or/CC worth/JJ in/IN Germany/NNP under/IN the/DT Nazis/NNPS ?/.
It/PRP has/VBZ to/TO be/VB said/VBN that/IN books/NNS about/IN the/DT resistance/NN seem/VBP to/TO greatly/RB outnumber/NN the/DT resisters/NNS themselves/PRP ./.
The/DT stack/VB before/IN me/PRP now/RB includes/VBZ Theodore/NNP S/NNP ./.
Hamerow/NNP 's/POS On/IN the/DT Road/NNP to/TO the/DT Wolf/NNP 's/POS Lair/NNP :/: German/NNP Resistance/NNP to/TO Hitler/NNP (/( 1997/CD )/) ;/: Joachim/NNP Fest/NNP 's/POS Plotting/NNP Hitler/NNP 's/POS Death/NN (/( 1996/CD )/) ;/: Nathan/NNP Stoltzfus/NNP '/POS Resistance/NNP of/IN the/DT Heart/NNP :/: Intermarriage/NNP and/CC the/DT Rosenstrasse/NNP Protest/NNP in/IN Nazi/NNP Germany/NNP (/( 1996/CD )/) ;/: and/CC Peter/NNP Hoffmann/NNP 's/POS Stauffenberg/NNP :/: A/DT Family/NNP History/NN ,/, 1905/CD -/: 1944/CD (/( 1995/CD )/) ./.
Certainly/RB ,/, these/DT books/NNS are/VBP not/RB mythographies/NNS ./.
They/PRP are/VBP sober/JJ ,/, sometimes/RB skeptical/JJ historical/JJ accounts/NNS ./.
Fest/NNP surveys/NNS resistance/NN to/TO Hitler/NNP from/IN 1933/CD to/TO 1945/CD ,/, paying/VBG particular/JJ attention/NN to/TO the/DT military/JJ plot/NN ,/, whose/WP$ deficiencies/NNS he/PRP chronicles/VBZ mercilessly/RB ./.
Hamerow/NNP examines/VBZ the/DT motives/NNS of/IN the/DT resisters/NNS ,/, both/DT civilian/JJ and/CC military/JJ ;/: he/PRP shows/VBZ them/PRP weaving/VBG sinuously/RB between/IN self-interest/NN and/CC idealism/NN ./.
Stoltzfus/NNP ,/, writing/NN of/IN the/DT 2/CD ,/, 000/CD Berlin/NNP women/NNS who/WP marched/VBD down/RB Rosenstrasse/NNP in/IN 1943/CD to/TO protest/VB the/DT incarceration/NN of/IN their/PRP$ Jewish/JJ husbands/NNS ,/, sees/VBZ that/IN his/PRP$ case/NN is/VBZ something/NN less/JJR than/IN a/DT study/NN in/IN pure/JJ virtue/NN :/: Germans/NNPS cared/VBD nothing/NN for/IN Jews/NNPS unless/IN self-interest/NN intervened/VBD ./.
And/CC yet--with/JJ one/CD exception--/JJ I/PRP came/VBD away/RB feeling/VBG these/DT authors/NNS had/VBD exaggerated/JJ the/DT significance/NN of/IN their/PRP$ subject/JJ ./.
The/DT exception/NN is/VBZ Hoffmann/NNP 's/POS book/NN on/IN Claus/NNP von/NNP Stauffenberg/NNP ,/, who/WP nearly/RB killed/VBN Hitler/NNP with/IN a/DT bomb/NN on/IN July/NNP 20/CD ,/, 1944/CD ./.
Stauffenberg/NNP was/VBD a/DT very/RB strange/JJ man/NN who/WP has/VBZ to/TO be/VB considered/VBN as/IN a/DT phenomenon/NN unto/RP himself/PRP (/( and/CC will/MD be/VB ,/, next/JJ week/NN in/IN Slate/NNP )/) ./.
Fest/NNP ,/, the/DT author/NN of/IN perhaps/RB the/DT best/JJS Hitler/NNP biography/NN ,/, begins/VBZ his/PRP$ book/NN with/IN a/DT chapter/NN titled/VBN "/" The/DT Resistance/NNP That/DT Never/RB Was/VBD ,/, "/" which/WDT covers/VBZ the/DT 1933/CD -/: 37/CD period/NN ./.
His/PRP$ stage-setting/JJ narrative/NN is/VBZ a/DT conventional/JJ one/CD :/: Hitler/NNP cements/NNS his/PRP$ hold/NN on/IN Germany/NNP through/IN a/DT combination/NN of/IN rhetoric/NN ,/, political/JJ stratagems/NNS ,/, and/CC force/NN ./.
Fest/NNP states/NNS that/IN the/DT army/NN was/VBD the/DT only/JJ organization/NN able/JJ to/TO keep/VB its/PRP$ structure/NN intact/JJ ,/, and/CC therefore/RB the/DT only/RB one/CD in/IN a/DT position/NN to/TO mount/VB a/DT concerted/JJ resistance/NN ./.
He/PRP omits/VBZ ,/, however/RB ,/, certain/JJ successful--and/JJ un-military--protests/JJ in/IN those/DT years/NNS against/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS policies/NNS ./.
The/DT nation/NN more/JJR or/CC less/RBR collectively/RB decried/VBD Hitler/NNP 's/POS plan/NN to/TO kill/VB off/RP the/DT mentally/RB and/CC physically/RB disabled/JJ ./.
There/EX were/VBD also/RB protests/VBZ against/IN domestic/JJ austerities/NNS during/IN the/DT armaments/NNS buildup/NN of/IN 1935/CD -/: 36/CD ./.
As/IN the/DT historian/NN Ian/NNP Kershaw/NNP has/VBZ demonstrated/VBN ,/, this/DT kind/NN of/IN pinpoint/VB ,/, smaller-scale/JJ resistance/NN was/VBD common/JJ in/IN Nazi/NNP Germany/NNP ./.
No/DT general/JJ resistance/NN emerged/VBD because/IN very/RB few/JJ Germans/NNPS were/VBD generally/RB unhappy/JJ with/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS regime/NN ./.
As/IN Fest/NNP describes/VBZ it/PRP ,/, the/DT military/NN 's/POS first/JJ plot/NN against/IN Hitler/NNP came/VBD in/IN the/DT tense/JJ weeks/NNS before/IN the/DT conclusion/NN of/IN the/DT 1938/CD Munich/NNP agreement/NN ./.
Hitler/NNP seemed/VBD determined/VBN to/TO lead/VB Germany/NNP into/IN a/DT war/NN for/IN which/WDT military/JJ leaders/NNS felt/VBD neither/DT ready/JJ nor/CC eager/JJ ./.
Had/VBD he/PRP marched/VBD toward/IN Prague/NNP at/IN that/DT time/NN ,/, they/PRP would/MD have/VB arrested/VBN him--or/JJ assassinated/VBD him/PRP outright/JJ ./.
The/DT broader/JJR circle/NN of/IN conspirators--centering/JJ on/IN Gen/NNP ./.
Ludwig/NNP Beck/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD resigned/VBN as/IN army/NN chief/NN of/IN staff/NN in/IN protest/NN of/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS war/NN plans--agreed/JJ to/TO the/DT idea/NN of/IN seizing/VBG and/CC imprisoning/VBG Hitler/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD even/RB proposed/VBN that/IN he/PRP be/VB declared/VBN insane/JJ by/IN a/DT panel/NN of/IN psychiatrists/NNS ./.
An/DT "/" inner/JJ "/" circle/NN believed/VBN that/IN Hitler/NNP should/MD be/VB summarily/RB shot/VBN ./.
This/DT interesting/JJ debate/NN became/VBD moot/JJ once/RB Hitler/NNP abruptly/RB changed/VBD his/PRP$ mind/NN and/CC accepted/VBD Chamberlain/NNP 's/POS peace/NN offer/NN at/IN Munich/NNP ./.
The/DT conspiracy/NN fell/VBD apart/RB because/IN it/PRP depended/VBD too/RB much/RB on/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS own/JJ plans/NNS ./.
After/IN a/DT long/JJ period/NN of/IN disillusionment--uncomfortably/JJ mixed/VBN with/IN exhilaration/NN at/IN the/DT success/NN of/IN the/DT blitzkrieg--and/JJ as/IN soon/RB as/IN Hitler/NNP decreed/VBN the/DT invasion/NN of/IN the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP ,/, the/DT officers/NNS began/VBD to/TO plot/VB again/RB ./.
In/IN March/NNP of/IN 1943/CD ,/, Henning/NNP von/NNP Tresckow/NNP concealed/VBN a/DT bomb/NN in/IN two/CD bottles/NNS of/IN Cointreau/NNP and/CC had/VBD them/PRP carried/VBD onto/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS plane/NN ./.
The/DT bottles/NNS mysteriously/RB failed/VBD to/TO explode/VB ./.
Later/RB that/DT month/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN Tresckow/NNP 's/POS associates/NNS had/VBD a/DT bomb/NN wired/VBN to/TO his/PRP$ body/NN ,/, and/CC followed/VBD Hitler/NNP through/IN an/DT exhibition/NN of/IN military/JJ trophies/NNS ;/: Hitler/NNP mysteriously/RB exited/VBD through/IN a/DT side/NN door/NN ./.
Another/DT attempt/NN fell/VBD through/IN when/WRB a/DT scheduled/VBN presentation/NN of/IN military/JJ uniforms/NNS never/RB took/VBD place/NN ./.
In/IN March/NNP of/IN 1944/CD ,/, Eberhard/NNP von/NNP Breitenbuch/NNP announced/VBD that/IN he/PRP would/MD shoot/VB Hitler/NNP in/IN the/DT mouth/NN at/IN a/DT briefing/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD pulled/VBN away/RB from/IN the/DT Führer/NNP at/IN the/DT last/JJ minute/NN because/IN of/IN a/DT change/NN in/IN agenda/NN ./.
The/DT last/JJ and/CC most/RBS nearly/RB effective/NN of/IN the/DT plots/NNS was/VBD Stauffenberg/NNP 's/POS ,/, which/WDT hinged/JJ not/RB only/RB on/IN the/DT bomb/NN he/PRP brought/VBD into/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS "/" Wolf/NNP 's/POS Lair/NNP "/" headquarters/NN in/IN East/NNP Prussia/NNP ,/, but/CC also/RB on/IN coordinated/VBN strikes/NNS against/IN the/DT Nazi/JJ power/NN structure/NN in/IN Berlin/NNP and/CC all/DT across/IN Europe/NNP ./.
The/DT military/JJ conspirators/NNS tended/VBD to/TO defeat/VB themselves/PRP at/IN every/DT turn/NN ./.
To/TO begin/VB with/IN ,/, there/EX was/VBD a/DT high/JJ ratio/NN of/IN memorandum-writing/JJ to/TO action/NN ./.
Much/RB thought/NN was/VBD given/VBN to/TO a/DT new/JJ constitution/NN ,/, Germany/NNP 's/POS proper/JJ postwar/JJ borders/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ untimely/RB meditations/NNS ./.
(/( Reading/VBG Fest/NNP 's/POS book/NN ,/, I/PRP was/VBD often/RB reminded/VBN of/IN the/DT scene/NN in/IN Monty/NNP Python/NNP 's/POS Life/NNP of/IN Brian/NNP in/IN which/WDT anti-/NN Roman/NNP conspirators/NNS of/IN the/DT People/NNS 's/POS Front/NNP of/IN Judaea/NNP respond/VBP to/TO a/DT new/JJ crisis/NN by/IN shouting/VBG out/IN ,/, "/" Right/RB !/.
This/DT calls/VBZ for/IN immediate/JJ discussion/NN !/.
"/" )/) As/IN Fest/NNP notes/NNS ,/, the/DT plans/NNS were/VBD always/RB contingent/JJ ;/: they/PRP were/VBD also/RB needlessly/RB intricate/JJ ./.
One/CD bomb/NN plot/NN fell/VBD apart/RB when/WRB a/DT newfangled/JJ detonating/VBG mechanism/NN proved/VBD too/RB complicated/VBN for/IN anyone/NN in/IN the/DT high/JJ command/NN to/TO understand/VB ./.
Should/MD the/DT plotters/NNS receive/VBP credit/NN for/IN their/PRP$ intentions/NNS ,/, rather/RB than/IN their/PRP$ actions/NNS ?/.
Hamerow/NNP takes/VBZ up/RP this/DT question/NN ./.
He/PRP asks/VBZ whether/IN the/DT resisters/NNS were/VBD driven/VBN by/IN genuine/JJ dislike/NN of/IN Hitler/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ ideas/NNS ,/, or/CC whether/IN they/PRP decided/VBD that/IN Hitler/NNP was/VBD superfluous/JJ only/RB after/IN his/PRP$ string/NN of/IN victories/NNS turned/VBD into/IN a/DT string/NN of/IN defeats/NNS ./.
Hamerow/NNP comes/VBZ up/RB with/IN a/DT mass/NN of/IN contradictory/JJ evidence/NN ./.
Some/DT conspirators/NNS ,/, certainly/RB ,/, were/VBD cold-blooded/JJ pragmatists/NNS ;/: others/NNS were/VBD disaffected/JJ front-line/JJ officers/NNS who/WP had/VBD suffered/VBN on/IN the/DT Eastern/NNP front/NN ./.
More/JJR than/IN a/DT few/JJ were/VBD Christian/NNP and/CC monarchist/NN conservatives/NNS who/WP deplored/JJ Hitler/NNP 's/POS tendency/NN toward/IN self-deification/JJ ./.
Almost/RB all/DT were/VBD devoted/VBN to/TO the/DT traditions/NNS of/IN the/DT German/JJ military/JJ and/CC infuriated/VBD by/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS peremptory/JJ directives/NNS from/IN on/IN high/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB ,/, there/EX was/VBD also/RB a/DT moral/JJ strain/NN to/TO their/PRP$ deliberations/NNS ./.
Several/JJ of/IN these/DT men/NNS seemed/VBD to/TO sense/VB the/DT full/JJ dimensions/NNS of/IN the/DT Holocaust/NNP ./.
Axel/NNP von/NNP dem/NN Bussche/NNP reeled/VBD in/IN shock/NN from/IN a/DT mass/NN execution/NN of/IN Jews/NNPS in/IN the/DT Ukraine/NNP ;/: Peter/NNP Yorck/NNP von/NNP Wartenburg/NNP stated/VBD at/IN his/PRP$ treason/NN trial/NN in/IN 1944/CD that/IN the/DT escalation/NN of/IN anti-/NN Semitism/NNP into/IN genocide/NN was/VBD the/DT single/JJ cause/NN of/IN his/PRP$ "/" inner/JJ break/NN "/" with/IN Nazism/NNP (/( a/DT claim/NN that/WDT gained/VBD him/PRP nothing/NN before/IN a/DT Nazi/JJ court/NN )/) ;/: and/CC Tresckow/NNP understood/VBD the/DT genocidal/NN implications/NNS of/IN the/DT orders/NNS accompanying/VBG plans/NNS for/IN the/DT Russian/JJ invasion/NN ./.
Hamerow/NNP quotes/VBZ a/DT moving/VBG statement/NN by/IN Tresckow/NNP :/: "/" If/IN God/NNP once/RB promised/VBD Abraham/NNP that/IN he/PRP would/MD destroy/VB Sodom/NNP if/IN only/RB 10/CD righteous/JJ men/NNS lived/VBD there/RB ,/, then/RB I/PRP hope/VBP that/IN because/IN of/IN us/PRP God/NNP will/MD also/RB not/RB destroy/VB Germany/NNP ./.
"/" Departing/VBG dramatically/RB from/IN the/DT cautious/JJ analysis/NN that/IN guides/NNS the/DT main/JJ body/NN of/IN his/PRP$ book/NN ,/, Hamerow/NNP names/NNS Yorck/NNP and/CC Tresckow/NNP in/IN just/RB such/JJ a/DT circle/NN of/IN the/DT righteous/JJ ,/, "/" for/IN whose/WP$ sake/NN God/NNP would/MD spare/VB Germany/NNP ./.
Hamerow/NNP is/VBZ in/IN dubious/JJ pursuit/NN of/IN a/DT select/JJ circle/NN of/IN absolutely/RB "/" good/JJ Germans/NNPS ,/, "/" and/CC his/PRP$ emphasis/NN on/IN intentions/NNS over/IN outcomes/NNS leads/VBZ to/TO strange/JJ choices/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ pantheon/NN also/RB includes/VBZ Helmut/NNP von/NNP Moltke/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT leaders/NNS of/IN the/DT Kreisau/NNP Circle/NNP ,/, a/DT religious-philosophical/JJ group/NN that/WDT spent/VBD most/JJS of/IN its/PRP$ time/NN imagining/VBG an/DT ideal/JJ future/JJ German/JJ society/NN ./.
But/CC Moltke/NNP was/VBD firmly/RB opposed/VBN to/TO the/DT use/NN of/IN force/NN ;/: when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD put/VBN on/IN trial/NN with/IN the/DT other/JJ conspirators/NNS after/IN the/DT 1944/CD plot/NN ,/, he/PRP was/VBD impressed--almost/JJ heartened--that/JJ the/DT judge/NN gave/VBD him/PRP a/DT death/NN sentence/NN simply/RB for/IN thinking/VBG about/IN Germany/NNP without/IN Hitler/NNP ./.
(/( It/PRP testified/VBD ,/, he/PRP thought/VBD ,/, to/TO the/DT power/NN of/IN the/DT mind/NN !/.
)/) Meanwhile/RB ,/, Hamerow/NNP "/" demotes/NNS "/" Stauffenberg/NNP on/IN the/DT grounds/NNS that/IN his/PRP$ brother/NN Berthold/NNP failed/VBD to/TO dissociate/VB himself/PRP completely/RB from/IN anti-/NN Semitic/NNP thinking/VBG at/IN his/PRP$ trial/NN ./.
To/TO consider/VB Moltke/NNP more/JJR "/" righteous/JJ "/" than/IN Stauffenberg--the/NNP one/CD who/WP actually/RB did/VBD something--borders/JJ on/IN the/DT perverse/JJ ./.
History/NN sometimes/RB tells/VBZ simple/JJ stories/NNS ./.
The/DT fact/NN that/DT none/NN of/IN the/DT various/JJ attempts/NNS ,/, plans/NNS ,/, and/CC general/JJ conspiratorial/NN notions/NNS to/TO assassinate/VB Hitler/NNP succeeded--and/JJ that/IN all/DT but/CC Stauffenberg/NNP 's/POS never/RB seemed/VBD plausible--speaks/JJ for/IN itself/PRP ./.
Hitler/NNP was/VBD an/DT easy/JJ target/NN ;/: he/PRP liked/VBD to/TO show/VB himself/PRP in/IN public/NN and/CC did/VBD not/RB always/RB travel/VB in/IN conditions/NNS of/IN airtight/NN security/NN ./.
The/DT resistance/NN literature/NN often/RB comments/VBZ on/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS "/" amazing/JJ luck/NN ,/, "/" or/CC his/PRP$ "/" uncanny/JJ "/" ability/NN to/TO sense/VB danger/NN ;/: but/CC the/DT failures/NNS of/IN the/DT resistance/NN might/MD be/VB better/RBR ascribed/VBN to/TO the/DT calculated/VBN unluck/NN of/IN the/DT resisters/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ own/JJ ability/NN to/TO sense/VB danger/NN and/CC step/NN away/RB from/IN it/PRP ,/, and/CC their/PRP$ overall/JJ minuscule/JJ number/NN ./.
Hitler/NNP 's/POS death/NN by/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ hand/NN cannot/NN be/VB counted/VBN as/IN one/CD of/IN history/NN 's/POS accidents/NNS ./.
Germany/NNP could/MD not/RB imagine/VB any/DT other/JJ death/NN for/IN him/PRP ./.
(/( Next/JJ week/NN :/: The/DT mysterious/JJ motives/NNS of/IN Hitler/NNP 's/POS would-be/JJ assassin/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP walk/VBP into/IN the/DT cafeteria/NN at/IN my/PRP$ hospital--or/JJ ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP ,/, at/IN any/DT other/JJ academic/JJ medical/JJ center--you/JJ 'll/MD find/VB a/DT medical/JJ Bosnia/NNP ./.
We/PRP surgical/JJ residents/NNS sit/VBP at/IN one/CD end/NN of/IN the/DT cafeteria/NN ,/, the/DT medical/JJ residents--or/JJ "/" meddies/NNS ,/, "/" as/IN we/PRP call/VBP them--at/JJ the/DT other/JJ ./.
God/NNP knows/VBZ where/WRB the/DT psychiatrists/NNS sit/VBP ./.
In/IN the/DT hundreds/NNS of/IN meals/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP eaten/VBN there/RB over/IN the/DT last/JJ three/CD years/NNS ,/, I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB I/PRP 've/VBP sat/VBN down/RB with/IN the/DT meddies/NNS more/JJR than/IN half/PDT a/DT dozen/NN times/NNS ./.
I/PRP remember/VBP one/CD such/JJ time/NN ,/, when/WRB the/DT surgery/NN table/NN was/VBD full/JJ ./.
"/" Mind/VB if/IN I/PRP sit/VBP here/RB ?/.
"/" I/PRP asked/VBD ./.
The/DT pack/NN of/IN meddies/NNS eyed/VBD me/PRP in/IN my/PRP$ green/JJ scrubs/NNS suspiciously/RB ./.
Someone/NN grunted/JJ ,/, "/" OK/JJ ,/, "/" and/CC cleared/VBD a/DT corner/NN of/IN the/DT table/NN for/IN me/PRP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD my/PRP$ own/JJ little/JJ Bantustan/NNP ./.
The/DT pack/NN ignored/VBD me/PRP and/CC resumed/VBD a/DT boring/JJ conversation/NN comparing/VBG how/WRB many/JJ "/" hits/NNS "/" -/: -/: patient/NN admissions--each/JJ had/VBD and/CC how/WRB little/JJ sleep/NN each/DT was/VBD functioning/VBG on/IN ./.
Among/IN surgeons/NNS ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT point/NN of/IN pride/NN verging/VBG on/IN arrogance/NN that/IN we/PRP work/VBP harder/RBR than/IN anybody/NN else/RB ./.
So/IN I/PRP ate/VBD my/PRP$ meal/NN silently/RB ,/, looking/VBG faintly/RB bemused/JJ at/IN their/PRP$ complaints/NNS ./.
Who/WP wanted/VBD to/TO talk/VB with/IN those/DT do-nothing/JJ ,/, pill-pushing/JJ ,/, pointy/NN heads/VBZ anyway/RB ?/.
Later/RB I/PRP took/VBD my/PRP$ share/NN of/IN ribbing/VBG from/IN fellow/NN residents/NNS for/IN "/" going/VBG meddie/NN "/" at/IN dinner/NN ./.
Next/JJ thing/NN you/PRP know/VBP ,/, someone/NN said/VBD ,/, you/PRP 'll/MD be/VB wearing/VBG a/DT dog/NN collar/NN ./.
Meddies/NNP ,/, you/PRP see/VBP ,/, wear/VB their/PRP$ stethoscopes/NNS around/IN their/PRP$ necks/NNS ./.
Surgeons/NNP ,/, should/MD we/PRP need/VB anything/NN besides/IN our/PRP$ bare/JJ hands/NNS ,/, keep/VB our/PRP$ stethoscopes/NNS coiled/JJ up/RB in/IN a/DT pocket/NN of/IN our/PRP$ white/JJ coats/NNS like/IN forgotten/VBN but/CC occasionally/RB necessary/JJ detritus/JJ ./.
Like/IN admitting/VBG you/PRP 're/VBP tired/JJ ,/, being/VBG caught/VBN wearing/VBG a/DT dog/NN collar/NN is/VBZ embarrassing/JJ ./.
It/PRP diminishes/VBZ you/PRP ./.
This/DT all/DT seems/VBZ childish/JJ ,/, I/PRP know/VBP ./.
Why/WRB all/PDT this/DT sniping/NN along/IN the/DT medical/JJ front/NN ?/.
These/DT are/VBP educated/VBN ,/, professional/JJ people/NNS ,/, right/NN ?/.
If/IN you/PRP pushed/VBD surgeons/NNS to/TO explain/VB ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP the/DT response/NN would/MD be/VB that/IN the/DT animosity/NN is/VBZ functional/JJ ,/, that/IN patients/NNS would/MD not/RB want/VB surgeons/NNS accepting/VBG other/JJ specialties/NNS '/POS softer/JJR values/NNS ./.
Surgery/NNP is/VBZ not/RB like/IN other/JJ fields/NNS in/IN medicine/NN where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ commonly/RB accepted/VBN that/DT nature/NN may/MD defeat/VB doctors/NNS '/POS efforts/NNS ./.
Because/IN surgery/NN is/VBZ so/RB violent/JJ ,/, surgeons/NNS generally/RB do/VBP not/RB undertake/VB it/PRP unless/IN they/PRP expect/VBP to/TO succeed/VB ./.
So/RB surgical/JJ training/NN inculcates/NNS the/DT view/NN that/DT nothing/NN must/MD be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO go/VB wrong/JJ ./.
One/CD learns/VBZ to/TO take/VB responsibility/NN for/IN almost/RB any/DT unwanted/JJ "/" surprise/NN "/" -/: -/: not/RB just/RB death/NN but/CC an/DT unexpected/JJ infection/NN ,/, a/DT dressing/VBG applied/VBN carelessly/RB ,/, anything/NN ./.
Once/RB ,/, I/PRP had/VBD a/DT patient/NN who/WP refused/VBD to/TO get/VB out/IN of/IN bed/NN after/IN surgery/NN and/CC soon/RB developed/VBD a/DT clot/NN in/IN his/PRP$ leg/NN ./.
Medical/JJ residents/NNS might/MD have/VB thrown/VBN up/RP their/PRP$ hands/NNS and/CC said/VBD ,/, "/" What/WP could/MD we/PRP do/VB ?/.
"/" But/CC the/DT chief/JJ resident/NN gave/VBD me/PRP hell/NN for/IN it/PRP ./.
It/PRP did/VBD n't/RB matter/VB that/IN the/DT patient/NN would/MD n't/RB cooperate/VB ./.
Why/WRB ,/, she/PRP asked/VBD ,/, did/VBD n't/RB I/PRP figure/VBP out/RP a/DT way/NN to/TO make/VB the/DT patient/NN cooperate/VB ?/.
As/IN the/DT argument/NN goes/VBZ ,/, surgical/JJ residents/NNS quite/RB naturally/RB disparage/VB specialties/NNS with/IN less/RBR rigid--dare/JJ I/PRP say/VBP less/RBR virtuous--priorities/JJ ,/, because/IN our/PRP$ values/NNS are/VBP central/JJ to/TO what/WP we/PRP do/VBP ./.
So/IN we/PRP seldom/RB gripe/NN about/IN cardiologists/NNS ,/, because/IN they/PRP share/VBP our/PRP$ ethic/JJ of/IN personal/JJ responsibility/NN and/CC keep/VB our/PRP$ long/JJ hours/NNS ./.
But/CC pimple/NN poppers/NNS (/( dermatologists/NNS )/) ?/.
Forget/VB it/PRP ./.
Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT joke/NN we/PRP tell/VBP :/: How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP keep/VBP a/DT dollar/NN bill/NN from/IN a/DT radiologist/NN ?/.
Pin/NNP it/PRP to/TO a/DT patient/NN ./.
This/DT theory/NN of/IN discrimination/NN 's/POS functionality/NN does/VBZ n't/RB quite/RB add/VB up/RP ,/, though/RB ./.
Why/WRB not/RB simply/RB accept/VB that/IN our/PRP$ group/NN has/VBZ a/DT certain/JJ set/NN of/IN skills/NNS and/CC values/NNS that/WDT fit/VBP our/PRP$ needs/NNS ,/, while/IN others/NNS have/VBP theirs/PRP ?/.
If/IN we/PRP were/VBD sensible/JJ about/IN it/PRP ,/, we/PRP should/MD n't/RB need/VB to/TO beat/VB the/DT meddies/NNS down/RB ./.
It/PRP turns/VBZ out/IN ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN to/TO social/JJ psychologists/NNS there/RB is/VBZ nothing/NN at/IN all/DT surprising/VBG about/IN this/DT antagonism/NN ./.
In/IN numerous/JJ studies/NNS ,/, they/PRP have/VBP documented/VBN a/DT deep/JJ paradox/NN about/IN human/JJ relations--persons/JJ get/VB along/RB ,/, but/CC people/NNS do/VBP n't/RB ./.
Encounters/NNP among/IN individuals/NNS are/VBP generally/RB positive/JJ ,/, supportive/JJ ,/, and/CC rewarding/JJ ,/, but/CC those/DT among/IN groups/NNS are/VBP ordinarily/RB unpleasant/JJ and/CC confrontational/JJ ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ more/JJR ,/, they/PRP observe/VBP something/NN called/VBN "/" the/DT minimal/JJ group/NN effect/NN ./.
"/" Even/RB if/IN people/NNS are/VBP randomly/RB divided/VBN into/IN groups/NNS ,/, the/DT groups/NNS will/MD automatically/RB discriminate/JJ against/IN each/DT other/JJ ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ we/PRP ca/MD n't/RB help/VB ourselves/PRP ./.
Afriend/NNP recently/RB put/VBP me/PRP on/IN to/TO a/DT classic/JJ demonstration/NN of/IN the/DT phenomenon--the/JJ Robbers/NNS Cave/NNP study/NN ./.
In/IN 1954/CD ,/, some/DT experimental/JJ psychologists/NNS randomly/RB divided/VBN 24/CD sixth-grade/JJ boys/NNS into/IN two/CD groups/NNS and/CC took/VBD them/PRP to/TO Robbers/NNS Cave/NNP State/NNP Park/NNP ,/, Okla/NNP ./.
,/, for/IN summer/NN camp/NN ./.
Initially/RB ,/, the/DT two/CD groups/NNS were/VBD kept/VBN apart/RB and/CC unaware/JJ of/IN each/DT other/JJ ./.
Almost/RB instantly/RB ,/, kids/NNS in/IN each/DT group/NN formed/VBD bonds/NNS of/IN loyalty/NN and/CC group/NN identification/NN ./.
Then/RB ,/, when/WRB the/DT groups/NNS learned/VBD of/IN one/CD another/DT 's/VBZ existence/NN ,/, the/DT boys/NNS immediately/RB drew/VBD lines/NNS in/IN the/DT sand/NN ./.
They/PRP spoke/VBD of/IN "/" our/PRP$ guys/NNS "/" and/CC "/" those/DT guys/NNS ./.
"/" Each/DT group/NN named/VBD itself--one/JJ the/DT Eagles/NNPS and/CC the/DT other/JJ the/DT Rattlers/NNP ./.
Name-calling/NNP began/VBD at/IN their/PRP$ first/JJ interaction/NN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT Eagles/NNPS called/VBD the/DT Rattlers/NNP the/DT "/" nigger/NN campers/NNS ,/, "/" even/RB though/IN all/PDT the/DT boys/NNS were/VBD white/JJ ./.
At/IN common/JJ meals/NNS they/PRP glowered/JJ from/IN separate/JJ tables/NNS ./.
Cabin/NNP raids/NNS and/CC fistfights/NNS ensued/VBD ./.
People/NNS discriminate/JJ even/RB when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ against/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ self-interest/NN ./.
In/IN a/DT 1970/CD study/NN ,/, teen-age/JJ boys/NNS were/VBD asked/VBN their/PRP$ preferences/NNS among/IN paintings/NNS by/IN two/CD "/" foreign/JJ painters/NNS ./.
"/" Afterward/RB ,/, the/DT boys/NNS were/VBD told/VBN that/IN their/PRP$ choices/NNS divided/VBD them/PRP into/IN a/DT "/" Klee/NNP group/NN "/" and/CC a/DT "/" Kandinsky/NNP group/NN ./.
"/" In/IN fact/NN ,/, they/PRP were/VBD assigned/VBN to/TO these/DT groups/NNS at/IN random/JJ ./.
Then/RB ,/, each/DT boy/NN was/VBD taken/VBN aside/RB and/CC asked/VBD how/WRB he/PRP would/MD divide/VB up/RP rewards/NNS among/IN individual/JJ boys/NNS from/IN "/" your/PRP$ group/NN "/" and/CC "/" the/DT other/JJ group/NN ./.
The/DT results/NNS were/VBD depressingly/RB consistent/JJ ./.
The/DT boys/NNS gave/VBD more/JJR money/NN to/TO those/DT in/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ group/NN ./.
Furthermore/RB ,/, when/WRB the/DT options/NNS were/VBD fixed/VBN so/IN that/IN a/DT boy/NN could/MD not/RB give/VB his/PRP$ group/NN more/JJR without/IN sacrificing/VBG profits/NNS for/IN both/DT groups/NNS ,/, the/DT boys/NNS still/RB chose/VBD to/TO maximize/VB the/DT difference/NN in/IN rewards/NNS between/IN groups/NNS ./.
Although/IN they/PRP knew/VBD each/DT other/JJ from/IN school/NN ;/: although/IN their/PRP$ groups/NNS were/VBD defined/VBN by/IN flimsy/JJ ,/, irrelevant/JJ criteria/NNS ;/: and/CC although/IN self-interest/NN was/VBD not/RB served/VBN ;/: they/PRP discriminated/JJ faithfully/RB ./.
In/IN an/DT influential/JJ 1995/CD paper/NN ,/, the/DT social/JJ psychologists/NNS Roy/NNP Baumeister/NNP and/CC Mark/NNP Leary/NNP reviewed/VBD all/DT such/JJ studies/NNS and/CC concluded/VBD that/IN we/PRP have/VBP an/DT instinctive/JJ "/" need/VBP to/TO belong/VB ./.
"/" Given/VBN the/DT advantages/NNS that/WDT would/MD have/VB come/VBN to/TO our/PRP$ ancestors/NNS from/IN banding/VBG together/RB in/IN groups/NNS ,/, this/DT is/VBZ plausible/JJ ./.
Might/NNP prejudice--the/JJ hatred/NN between/IN the/DT Rattlers/NNP and/CC the/DT Eagles/NNPS ,/, the/DT Klees/NNP depriving/VBG the/DT Kandinskys/NNP ,/, the/DT surgical/JJ residents/NNS '/POS disdain/NN for/IN meddies--be/JJ instinctive/JJ too/RB ?/.
I/PRP spoke/VBD with/IN Leary/NNP ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD n't/RB ready/JJ to/TO go/VB that/DT far/RB ./.
Given/VBN the/DT pessimistic/JJ findings/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, we/PRP might/MD ask/VB why/WRB groups/NNS are/VBP n't/RB always/RB at/IN war/NN with/IN one/CD another/DT ./.
Fortunately/RB ,/, it/PRP turns/VBZ out/RP that/IN despite/IN how/WRB easily/RB group/NN hostility/NN forms/NNS ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB that/IN hard/JJ to/TO damp/VB it/PRP down/RB ./.
Sociologists/NNP have/VBP documented/VBN many/JJ methods--for/JJ example/NN ,/, fomenting/VBG competition/NN within/IN a/DT group/NN ,/, even/RB moral/JJ suasion/NN ./.
At/IN Robbers/NNS Cave/NNP ,/, animosity/NN rapidly/RB disappeared/VBD when/WRB the/DT "/" counselors/NNS "/" created/VBN common/JJ tasks/NNS ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, fixing/VBG a/DT broken/VBN water/NN tank/NN ./.
Also/RB ,/, these/DT experiments--like/JJ residency--artificially/JJ isolate/VB individuals/NNS from/IN families/NNS ,/, outside/JJ friends/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ social/JJ ties/NNS that/WDT produce/VBP bonds/NNS outside/JJ group/NN lines/NNS ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN the/DT difficulties/NNS I/PRP have/VBP keeping/VBG up/RP my/PRP$ aversion/NN to/TO meddies/NNS is/VBZ that/IN I/PRP 'm/VBP friends/NNS with/IN a/DT few/JJ from/IN my/PRP$ medical/JJ school/NN class/NN ./.
(/( Why/WRB ca/MD n't/RB other/JJ meddies/NNS be/VB like/IN you/PRP ?/.
I/PRP ask/VBP them/PRP ./.
)/) It/PRP seems/VBZ that/WDT given/VBN the/DT chance/NN ,/, we/PRP are/VBP legions/NNS ready/JJ to/TO mass/NN against/IN one/CD another/DT ./.
Fortunately/RB ,/, we/PRP keep/VBP getting/VBG distracted/VBN ./.
Everyone/NN agrees/VBZ :/: The/DT Republicans/NNPS were/VBD beaten/VBN by/IN a/DT lack/NN of/IN message/NN ./.
Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP pointed/VBD it/PRP out/IN right/NN after/IN the/DT election/NN ./.
He/PRP told/VBD his/PRP$ staff/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, that/IN "/" the/DT election/NN 's/POS message/NN was/VBD that/IN people/NNS wanted/VBD elected/VBN officials/NNS to/TO address/VB pocketbook/NN issues/NNS like/IN Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, health/NN care/NN ,/, education/NN and/CC the/DT minimum/JJ wage/NN ./.
"/" Newt/NNP Gingrich/NNP could/MD n't/RB have/VB agreed/VBN more/JJR ./.
"/" I/PRP think/VBP we/PRP probably/RB underestimated/VBD the/DT need/NN to/TO really/RB aggressively/RB push/VB a/DT much/RB stronger/JJR message/NN about/IN cutting/VBG taxes/NNS and/CC saving/VBG Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, winning/VBG the/DT war/NN on/IN drugs/NNS ,/, reforming/VBG education/NN and/CC national/JJ defense/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT speaker/NN the/DT day/NN before/IN he/PRP realized/VBD that/IN that/DT underestimate/NN would/MD cost/VB him/PRP his/PRP$ job/NN ./.
By/IN the/DT weekend/NN ,/, liberal/JJ pundits/NNS and/CC conservative/JJ pols/NNS were/VBD joined/VBN in/IN messageful/JJ chorus/NN ./.
"/" Republicans/NNPS misread/NN the/DT meaning/NN of/IN their/PRP$ 1994/CD victory/NN ./.
Voters/NNS want/VBP government/NN to/TO solve/VB problems/NNS in/IN education/NN ,/, the/DT environment/NN ,/, child/NN care/NN and/CC health/NN care/NN ,/, "/" counseled/VBN liberal/JJ columnist/NN E/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Dionne/NNP ./.
"/" What/WP we/PRP need/VBP to/TO do/VB under/IN my/PRP$ speakership/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD speaker/NN apparent/JJ Bob/NNP Livingston/NNP ,/, "/" is/VBZ not/RB only/RB articulate/VB the/DT message/NN but/CC to/TO provide/VB the/DT legislative/JJ machinery/NN that/IN it/PRP takes/VBZ to/TO back/VB it/PRP up/RP ./.
"/" Aspiring/NNP House/NNP Majority/NNP Leader/NNP Steve/NNP Largent/NNP ,/, chimed/JJ in/IN ,/, "/" I/PRP think/VBP the/DT first/JJ thing/NN that/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO do/VB is/VBZ develop/VB an/DT agenda/NN that/WDT can/MD unify/VB our/PRP$ party/NN ./.
We/PRP have/VBP to/TO have/VB Republican/JJ solutions/NNS in/IN education/NN ,/, HMO/NNP reform/NN ,/, Social/NNP Security/NNP ,/, get/VB back/RB to/TO limited/JJ government/NN ,/, lower/JJR taxes/NNS and/CC strong/JJ defense/NN ./.
Oh/UH really/RB ?/.
Where/WRB ,/, may/MD I/PRP ask/VB ,/, is/VBZ the/DT evidence/NN that/IN the/DT public/NN is/VBZ hot/JJ for/IN a/DT party/NN that/WDT promises/VBZ activist/NN solutions/NNS to/TO problems/NNS that/WDT confront/VBP it/PRP and/CC its/PRP$ progeny/NN ?/.
Surely/RB not/RB from/IN Election/NNP Day/NNP exit/NN polls/NNS ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, queried/VBN voters/NNS about/IN the/DT one/CD issue/NN that/IN "/" mattered/VBN most/JJS "/" in/IN deciding/VBG which/WDT House/NNP candidate/NN to/TO vote/VB for/IN ./.
"/" Education/NNP ,/, "/" said/VBD an/DT underwhelming/VBG 25/CD percent/NN of/IN voters/NNS ./.
And/CC even/RB at/IN that/DT ,/, how/WRB many/JJ of/IN those/DT voters/NNS really/RB had/VBD education/NN foremost/RB in/IN their/PRP$ frontal/JJ lobes/NNS ?/.
Remember/VB that/RB ,/, in/IN key/JJ elections/NNS ,/, "/" education/NN "/" was/VBD the/DT trade/NN name/NN for/IN a/DT firm/NN of/IN less/JJR reputable/JJ pursuit/NN ./.
Democratic/JJ candidates/NNS in/IN the/DT South/NNP who/WP actively/RB supported/VBN legalized/JJ gambling/NN measures/NNS (/( with/IN the/DT state/NN 's/POS share/NN of/IN the/DT take/NN earmarked/VBN for/IN education/NN )/) scored/VBD unexpected/JJ victories/NNS over/IN anti-gambling/JJ GOP/NNP opponents/NNS ./.
Voters/NNS who/WP opposed/VBD the/DT lottery/NN and/CC video/NN poker/NN interests/NNS told/VBD pollsters/NNS forthrightly/RB that/IN they/PRP were/VBD "/" against/IN gambling/NN ./.
"/" Voters/NNS who/WP favored/VBD legalizing/VBG gambling/NN said/VBD they/PRP were/VBD "/" for/IN education/NN ./.
Trailing/NNP behind/IN education/NN in/IN the/DT exit/NN polls/NNS were/VBD issues/NNS such/JJ as/IN "/" morals/NNS and/CC ethics/NNS "/" (/( 19/CD percent/NN )/) ,/, "/" the/DT economy/NN and/CC jobs/NNS "/" (/( 14/CD percent/NN )/) ,/, Social/NNP Security/NNP (/( 11/CD percent/NN )/) ,/, and/CC taxes/NNS (/( 8/CD percent/NN )/) ./.
As/IN for/IN "/" health/NN care/NN ,/, "/" the/DT occasion/NN of/IN much/JJ bipartisan/JJ huffing/VBG and/CC puffing/VBG about/IN the/DT need/NN to/TO save/VB citizens/NNS from/IN the/DT ravages/NNS of/IN HMOs/NNP ,/, it/PRP commanded/VBN the/DT top/JJ interest/NN of/IN a/DT mere/JJ 7/CD percent/NN of/IN voters/NNS ./.
That/DT was/VBD scarcely/RB more/JJR than/IN the/DT 5/CD percent/NN who/WP dared/VBD the/DT pollsters/NNS '/POS scorn/NN by/IN admitting/VBG outright/JJ that/IN "/" the/DT Clinton-/NNP Lewinsky/NNP matter/NN "/" concerned/VBN them/PRP most/JJS ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP add/VBP the/DT coded/VBN "/" morals/NNS and/CC ethics/NNS "/" vote/NN to/TO the/DT Clinton-/NNP Lewinsky/NNP category/NN ,/, it/PRP virtually/RB ties/VBZ for/IN first/JJ place/NN among/IN concerns/NNS ./.
What/WP the/DT GOP/NNP would/MD do/VB well/RB to/TO keep/VB in/IN mind/NN is/VBZ that/IN ,/, at/IN least/JJS in/IN times/NNS of/IN peace/NN and/CC prosperity/NN ,/, most/JJS times/NNS the/DT American/JJ public/JJ does/VBZ n't/RB want/VB the/DT federal/JJ government/NN to/TO bother/VB it/PRP ./.
People/NNS expect/VBP the/DT government/NN to/TO keep/VB the/DT Social/NNP Security/NNP checks/NNS and/CC highway/NN money/NN coming/VBG and/CC run/VB the/DT courts/NNS and/CC stuff/NN like/IN that/DT ./.
But/CC sweeping/JJ reforms--even/JJ when/WRB they/PRP really/RB would/MD be/VB prudent/JJ for/IN the/DT future--make/JJ the/DT electorate/NN uncomfortable/JJ ./.
Take/VB "/" saving/VBG Medicare/NNP ,/, "/" for/IN example/NN ,/, a/DT goal/NN that/IN pols/NNS from/IN both/DT parties/NNS like/IN to/TO pop/VB into/IN the/DT same/JJ sentence/NN with/IN "/" curbing/VBG HMOs/NNP ./.
"/" There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT way/NN to/TO make/VB Medicare/NNP solvent/JJ for/IN the/DT long/JJ term/NN except/IN by/IN raising/VBG taxes/NNS to/TO pay/VB for/IN it/PRP or/CC by/IN letting/VBG HMOs/NNP and/CC their/PRP$ ilk/NN limit/NN some/DT people/NNS 's/POS access/NN to/TO some/DT kinds/NNS of/IN care/NN ./.
Pick/VB your/PRP$ poison/NN or/CC ,/, more/RBR wisely/RB ,/, shut/VBD your/PRP$ mouth/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN that/WDT does/VBZ n't/RB mean/VB that/IN Republicans/NNPS should/MD go/VB back/RB to/TO talking/VBG about/IN Monica/NNP or/CC even/RB about/IN that/DT "/" social/JJ agenda/NN "/" that/WDT makes/VBZ so/RB many/JJ voters/NNS uneasy/JJ ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, American/JJ voters/NNS do/VBP like/IN their/PRP$ politicians/NNS to/TO flatter/NN them/PRP by/IN pretending/VBG that/IN they/PRP are/VBP truly/RB concerned/VBN about/IN important/JJ things/NNS like/IN making/VBG kids/NNS smarter/RBR and/CC safer/JJR and/CC healthier/JJR ./.
The/DT GOP/NNP should/MD take/VB a/DT page/NN out/IN of/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS playbook/NN and/CC promise/VB the/DT public/JJ 100/CD ,/, 000/CD new/JJ teachers/NNS or/CC cops/NNS or/CC drug/NN enforcement/NN agents/NNS or/CC whatever/WDT ./.
Never/RB mind/NN that/IN the/DT money/NN will/MD only/RB pay/VB for/IN a/DT fraction/NN of/IN that/DT (/( and/CC that/IN by/IN the/DT time/NN it/PRP 's/VBZ spread/NN by/IN formula/NN to/TO every/DT school/NN or/CC precinct/NN ,/, it/PRP might/MD not/RB fully/RB support/VB a/DT single/JJ hire/NN )/) ./.
Or/CC call/NN for/IN another/DT tax/NN break/NN to/TO subsidize/VB the/DT cost/NN of/IN schools/NNS or/CC day-care/NN centers/NNS or/CC hiring/VBG the/DT disadvantaged/JJ or/CC whatever/WDT ./.
Sure/RB ,/, most/JJS of/IN the/DT subsidy/NN will/MD end/VB up/RP paying/VBG for/IN things/NNS that/WDT would/MD happen/VB anyway/RB ,/, but/CC people/NNS like/IN the/DT idea/NN of/IN tax/NN breaks/NNS and/CC nobody/NN ever/RB bothers/NNS to/TO check/VB on/IN who/WP got/VBD to/TO pocket/VB the/DT lost/VBN revenue/NN ./.
Next/JJ time/NN ,/, GOP/NNP ,/, recruit/VB some/DT more/RBR attractive/JJ candidates/NNS who/WP do/VBP n't/RB scare/VB the/DT voters/NNS with/IN their/PRP$ moralistic/JJ fervor/NN ./.
But/CC meanwhile/RB ,/, do/VBP n't/RB weigh/VB yourself/PRP down/RB with/IN some/DT heavy-breathing/JJ message/NN that/WDT ends/VBZ up/RP forcing/VBG a/DT debate/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT lot/NN of/IN painful/JJ choices/NNS will/MD inevitably/RB be/VB laid/VBN bare/JJ ./.
That/DT was/VBD your/PRP$ strategy/NN last/JJ January/NNP ,/, when/WRB you/PRP deliberately/RB scheduled/VBD only/RB 89/CD days/NNS for/IN voting/NN business/NN this/DT year/NN with/IN precisely/RB that/DT sort/NN of/IN inaction/NN in/IN mind/NN ./.
And/CC according/VBG to/TO the/DT polls/NNS ,/, Congress/NNP has/VBZ never/RB been/VBN more/RBR popular/JJ than/IN it/PRP was/VBD just/RB a/DT few/JJ months/NNS ago/RB when/WRB what/WP it/PRP was/VBD doing/VBG was/VBD nothing/NN much/RB ./.
Last/JJ week/NN ,/, a/DT 70/CD -/: year-old/JJ Palestinian/JJ real-estate/NN dealer/NN was/VBD murdered/VBN after/IN he/PRP violated/VBD a/DT new/JJ edict/NN by/IN the/DT Palestinian/NNP Authority/NNP making/VBG the/DT sale/NN of/IN Arab-owned/NNP land/NN to/TO Jews/NNPS a/DT capital/NN crime/NN ./.
The/DT issue/NN of/IN land/NN sales/NNS has/VBZ a/DT long/JJ history/NN as/IN a/DT subtheme/NN of/IN the/DT Jewish-/NNP Arab/JJ struggle/NN ./.
The/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN Jewish/JJ intellectuals/NNS who/WP conceived/VBD of/IN Zionism/NNP -/: -/: the/DT idea/NN that/IN Jewish/JJ survival/NN depends/VBZ on/IN the/DT establishment/NN of/IN a/DT Jewish/JJ state/NN in/IN the/DT biblical/JJ land/NN of/IN Israel--never/NNP worked/VBD out/RP their/PRP$ ideology/NN 's/POS logistics/NNS ./.
Jewish/JJ settlement/NN in/IN Palestine/NNP ,/, then/RB part/NN of/IN the/DT decaying/VBG Ottoman/NNP Empire/NNP ,/, only/RB proceeded/VBD piecemeal/RB ./.
In/IN the/DT 1880/CD s/VBZ and/CC 1890/CD s/VBZ ,/, about/IN 25/CD ,/, 000/CD Jews/NNPS immigrated/VBD to/TO Palestine/NNP ./.
Most/RBS integrated/VBN into/IN multiethnic/JJ communities/NNS in/IN the/DT cities/NNS of/IN Jaffa/NNP ,/, Tiberias/NNP ,/, and/CC Jerusalem/NNP ./.
A/DT second/JJ wave/NN of/IN 30/CD ,/, 000/CD immigrants/NNS came/VBD between/IN 1905/CD and/CC 1914/CD ,/, many/DT of/IN whom/WP were/VBD Labor/NNP Zionists/NNP who/WP wanted/VBD the/DT Jewish/JJ state/NN to/TO be/VB socialist/JJ ./.
Extolling/NNP the/DT virtues/NNS of/IN manual/JJ labor/NN ,/, they/PRP acquired/VBD huge/JJ tracts/NNS of/IN farmland/NN from/IN absentee/NN Syrian/JJ and/CC Lebanese/JJ landlords/NNS ./.
The/DT "/" New/NNP Palestinian/JJ Jew/NNP ,/, "/" they/PRP said/VBD ,/, needed/VBN to/TO be/VB physically/RB tougher/JJR than/IN the/DT brainy/NN shopkeepers/NNS who/WP had/VBD been/VBN trampled/VBN in/IN Europe/NNP ./.
The/DT Jewish/NNP National/NNP Fund/NNP was/VBD founded/VBN in/IN 1904/CD for/IN the/DT purpose/NN of/IN buying/VBG up/RP land/NN from/IN Arabs/NNPS ./.
After/IN the/DT Ottoman/NNP Empire/NNP 's/POS defeat/NN in/IN World/NNP War/NNP I/PRP ,/, Britain/NNP acquired/VBD Palestine/NNP and/CC promised/VBD (/( in/IN the/DT Balfour/NNP Declaration/NNP )/) the/DT creation/NN of/IN a/DT Jewish/JJ state/NN ./.
In/IN anticipation/NN ,/, Jews/NNPS in/IN Palestine/NNP began/VBD laying/VBG the/DT groundwork/NN for/IN a/DT greater/JJR sense/NN of/IN national/JJ identity/NN ./.
The/DT Jewish/NNP National/NNP Fund/NNP 's/POS charter/NN was/VBD amended/VBN to/TO mandate/VB that/IN Jewish/JJ land/NN could/MD never/RB be/VB resold/VBN to/TO Arabs/NNPS or/CC opened/VBD to/TO non-/NN Jewish/JJ employees/NNS ./.
Following/VBG Jewish/NNP National/NNP Fund/NNP guidelines/NNS ,/, farmers/NNS evicted/JJ Palestinian/JJ peasants/NNS living/VBG on/IN the/DT newly/RB acquired/VBN plots/NNS ./.
The/DT total/JJ number/NN displaced/VBN was/VBD small/JJ ./.
By/IN 1946/CD ,/, Jews/NNPS owned/VBD only/RB 7/CD percent/NN of/IN Palestine/NNP ,/, but/CC the/DT perceived/VBN threat/NN of/IN displacement/NN was/VBD widespread/JJ among/IN Arabs/NNPS ./.
Starting/VBG around/IN 1910/CD ,/, Arab/JJ newspapers/NNS railed/JJ against/IN Jewish/JJ land/NN acquisition/NN ./.
Among/IN the/DT peasantry/NN ,/, rumors/NNS spread/VBP alleging/VBG an/DT Anglo-/NNP Jewish/JJ conspiracy/NN to/TO remove/VB Muslims/NNPS from/IN Palestine/NNP ./.
Anxious/JJ to/TO avoid/VB being/VBG blamed/VBN for/IN Palestinian/JJ landlessness/NNS ,/, British/JJ officials/NNS began/VBD imposing/VBG token/JJ restrictions/NNS on/IN Jewish/JJ land/NN purchase/NN in/IN 1940/CD ./.
They/PRP publicly/RB supported/VBD Arab/NNP complaints/NNS that/IN Jews/NNPS were/VBD driving/VBG Arabs/NNPS off/IN the/DT land/NN ./.
Palestinians/NNPS say/VBP evictions/NNS destroyed/VBD their/PRP$ way/NN of/IN life/NN ,/, forcing/VBG them/PRP to/TO move/VB from/IN rural/JJ Palestine/NNP to/TO crowded/VBN cities/NNS in/IN search/NN of/IN work/NN ./.
They/PRP also/RB say/VBP that/IN the/DT better-educated/JJ Jewish/JJ buyers/NNS had/VBD duped/JJ illiterate/JJ peasants/NNS into/IN selling/VBG property/NN ./.
The/DT Arab/NNP National/NNP Fund/NNP ,/, created/VBN in/IN 1931/CD by/IN wealthy/JJ Arab/JJ families/NNS to/TO purchase/VB land/NN for/IN displaced/VBN peasants/NNS ,/, was/VBD ineffective/JJ ./.
During/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ,/, Palestinian/JJ responses/NNS turned/VBD violent/JJ ./.
In/IN 1934/CD Jerusalem/NNP 's/POS mufti/NN ,/, the/DT spiritual/NN leader/NN of/IN the/DT city/NN 's/POS Muslims/NNPS ,/, decreed/VBN that/IN believers/NNS were/VBD duty/NN bound/VBN to/TO murder/NN other/JJ Muslims/NNPS who/WP sold/VBD land/NN to/TO Jews/NNPS ./.
Arabs/NNS ,/, who/WP outnumbered/VBD Jews/NNPS by/IN more/JJR than/IN 2/CD -/: to-/NN 1/CD ,/, revolted/JJ against/IN Jewish/JJ land/NN acquisition/NN and/CC British/JJ promises/NNS of/IN Jewish/JJ nationhood/NN ./.
About/IN 5/CD ,/, 000/CD Arabs/NNPS and/CC several/JJ hundred/CD Jews/NNPS were/VBD killed/VBN in/IN riots/NNS and/CC guerrilla/NN attacks/NNS between/IN 1936/CD and/CC 1939/CD ./.
Zionists/NNP argued/VBD that/IN the/DT land/NN purchases/NNS benefited/VBD all/PDT the/DT territory/NN 's/POS residents/NNS ./.
Jewish/JJ immigrants/NNS introduced/VBD modern/JJ agricultural/JJ technology/NN ,/, which/WDT increased/VBD productivity/NN and/CC helped/VBD fill/VB the/DT markets/NNS with/IN food/NN to/TO feed/VB the/DT growing/VBG Arab/JJ population/NN ./.
Zionists/NNP also/RB maintain/VBP that/IN Jews/NNPS became/VBD a/DT lucrative/JJ market/NN for/IN Arab-manufactured/NNP goods/NNS ./.
Some/DT historians/NNS trace/VB Palestinian/JJ landlessness/NNS to/TO Palestine/NNP 's/POS entry/NN into/IN the/DT world/NN economy/NN in/IN the/DT 1880/CD s/VBZ ./.
Urban/NNP commerce/NN drew/VBD some/DT peasants/NNS from/IN their/PRP$ family/NN farms/NNS ./.
Other/JJ subsistence/NN farmers/NNS found/VBD themselves/PRP competing/VBG with/IN cash-crop/JJ entrepreneurs/NNS (/( Jews/NNPS and/CC Arabs/NNPS )/) whose/WP$ successes/NNS changed/VBD the/DT face/NN of/IN Palestinian/JJ agriculture/NN ./.
Jewish/JJ land/NN purchases/NNS were/VBD not/RB the/DT primary/JJ factor/NN ,/, these/DT historians/NNS say/VBP ./.
Very/RB little/JJ of/IN the/DT land/NN owned/VBD today/NN by/IN individual/JJ Jews/NNPS and/CC the/DT Israeli/JJ government/NN was/VBD acquired/VBN by/IN purchase/NN ./.
Jewish/JJ sovereignty/NN and/CC ownership/NN were/VBD established/VBN the/DT way/NN these/DT things/NNS usually/RB are/VBP :/: by/IN war/NN ./.
Israel/NNP confiscated/VBD all/DT land/NN owned/VBN by/IN the/DT British/JJ government/NN ,/, mostly/RB desert/NN and/CC mountains/NNS ,/, after/IN the/DT 1948/CD War/NNP of/IN Independence/NNP ./.
Property/NNP owned/VBN by/IN Arab/JJ refugees/NNS ,/, who/WP either/CC fled/VBD war/NN zones/NNS or/CC were/VBD forced/VBN from/IN their/PRP$ homes/NNS by/IN the/DT Israeli/JJ army/NN (/( another/DT long-standing/JJ controversy/NN )/) ,/, was/VBD also/RB taken/VBN over/IN by/IN individual/JJ Jews/NNPS or/CC confiscated/VBN by/IN the/DT government/NN ./.
Many/JJ Palestinians/NNPS ,/, however/RB ,/, stayed/VBD put/VBN ,/, retained/VBD their/PRP$ land/NN ,/, and/CC became/VBD Israeli/JJ citizens/NNS ./.
A/DT new/JJ school/NN of/IN Jewish/JJ historians/NNS is/VBZ more/RBR critical/JJ of/IN the/DT dislocations/NNS caused/VBN by/IN Jewish/JJ land/NN acquisition/NN ,/, and/CC concludes/VBZ that/IN it/PRP was/VBD not/RB always/RB fair/JJ ./.
One/CD popular/JJ theory/NN compares/VBZ Zionism/NNP 's/POS imperative/JJ to/TO acquire/VB land/NN to/TO the/DT American/JJ idea/NN of/IN Manifest/NNP Destiny/NNP (/( that/IN it/PRP was/VBD the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS '/POS God-given/NNP right/NN to/TO rule/VB from/IN coast/NN to/TO coast/NN )/) ./.
Others/NNS argue/VBP that/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT mistake/NN for/IN the/DT Jewish/NNP National/NNP Fund/NNP to/TO prohibit/VB non-/NN Jewish/JJ laborers/NNS from/IN the/DT newly/RB purchased/VBN lands/NNS ./.
However/RB ,/, even/RB these/DT revisionists/NNS agree/VBP that/IN the/DT Jews/NNPS had/VBD not/RB intended/VBN to/TO evict/NN Muslims/NNPS from/IN Palestine/NNP ./.
Israeli/JJ security/NN officials/NNS believed/VBN that/IN the/DT murdered/VBN real-estate/NN dealer/NN was/VBD executed/VBN by/IN plainclothes/NNS Palestinian/NNP Authority/NNP police/NN ./.
The/DT Palestinian/NNP Authority/NNP 's/POS decision/NN to/TO make/VB the/DT sale/NN of/IN land/NN to/TO Jews/NNPS a/DT capital/NN crime/NN reflects/VBZ Palestinian/JJ frustration/NN with/IN Israeli/JJ land/NN use/NN ,/, specifically/RB the/DT creation/NN of/IN a/DT new/JJ Jewish/JJ neighborhood/NN now/RB under/IN construction/NN in/IN East/NNP Jerusalem/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT past/NN ,/, death/NN threats/NNS have/VBP done/VBN little/JJ to/TO deter/VB sales/NNS of/IN land/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO British/JJ land/NN records/NNS ,/, the/DT Jerusalem/NNP mufti/NN 's/POS 1934/CD decree/NN failed/VBD to/TO prevent/VB sales/NNS ./.
But/CC that/DT decree/NN did/VBD not/RB have/VB the/DT power/NN of/IN civil/JJ law/NN behind/IN it/PRP ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, the/DT incentives/NNS to/TO sell/VB at/IN the/DT market/NN price/NN are/VBP substantial/JJ ,/, and/CC if/IN the/DT threats/NNS create/VBP new/JJ scarcities/NNS ,/, higher/JJR prices/NNS will/MD probably/RB encourage/VB sellers/NNS to/TO unload/VB their/PRP$ land/NN ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT more/RBR remarked-upon/JJ trends/NNS in/IN modern/JJ (/( actually/RB ,/, postmodern/NN ,/, I/PRP guess/VBP )/) advertising/NN is/VBZ the/DT reliance/NN upon/IN anti-ads/JJ ,/, those/DT commercials/NNS that/WDT acknowledge/VBP the/DT basic/JJ insincerity/NN of/IN the/DT adman/NN 's/POS project/NN and/CC which/WDT presumably/RB please/VB viewers/NNS by/IN nudge-nudge/JJ ,/, wink-winking/JJ them/PRP in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT recognizes/VBZ how/WRB phenomenally/RB aware/JJ we/PRP are/VBP of/IN advertising/VBG 's/POS attempts/NNS to/TO ensnare/NN us/PRP ./.
Sprite/NNP 's/POS "/" Thirst/NNP Is/VBZ Everything/NN "/" campaign/NN ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ faux/JJ pop/NN songs/NNS touting/VBG the/DT drink/NN 's/POS magical/JJ powers/NNS ,/, is/VBZ the/DT most/RBS obvious/JJ example/NN ,/, and/CC some/DT days/NNS it/PRP feels/VBZ as/IN if/IN we/PRP 're/VBP all/DT living/VBG in/IN the/DT world/NN The/DT Monkees/NNP made/VBD ./.
The/DT past/JJ few/JJ months/NNS ,/, though/RB ,/, have/VBP given/VBN us/PRP an/DT entirely/RB new--and/JJ relatively/RB unremarked-upon--advertising/JJ trend/NN ,/, which/WDT might/MD be/VB called/VBN the/DT "/" consumers/NNS are/VBP dumb/JJ as/IN a/DT post/NN "/" phenomenon/NN ./.
The/DT campaign/NN for/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN 's/POS "/" Single/NNP One/CD Rate/NNP "/" plan/NN thus/RB features/VBZ Paul/NNP Reiser/NNP going/VBG around/IN talking/VBG to/TO people/NNS about/IN how/WRB now/RB every/DT long-distance/JJ call/NN they/PRP make/VBP with/IN AT/NNP &/CC T/NN will/MD cost/VB just/RB 7/CD cents/NNS a/DT minute/NN ,/, while/IN those/DT he/PRP talks/VBZ to/TO react/VB with/IN a/DT mix/NN of/IN befuddlement/NN and/CC incredulity/NN ,/, peppering/VBG him/PRP with/IN questions/NNS that/WDT show/NN that/IN they/PRP just/RB do/VBP n't/RB get/VB what/WP 7/CD -/: cents-a-minute/JJ really/RB means/NNS ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, Burger/NNP King/NNP 's/POS new/JJ radio/NN campaign/NN for/IN its/PRP$ Cini-/NNP Minis/NNP centers/NNS on/IN an/DT announcer/NN trying/VBG to/TO explain/VB that/IN Cini-/NNP Minis/NNP cost/NN just/RB 99/CD cents/NNS to/TO a/DT group/NN of/IN people/NNS who/WP ask/VBP questions/NNS like/IN ,/, "/" If/IN I/PRP had/VBD 17/CD cents/NNS ,/, could/MD I/PRP get/VB a/DT Cini-/NNP Mini/NNP ?/.
"/" And/CC Merrill/NNP Lynch/NNP 's/POS utterly/RB bizarre/JJ television/NN ads/NNS for/IN its/PRP$ new/JJ pricing/NN structure/NN &slash;/NN Internet/NN strategy/NN all/DT feature/NN Merrill/NNP customers/NNS who/WP just/RB ca/MD n't/RB quite/RB understand/VB what/WP this/DT whole/JJ newfangled/JJ approach/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO mean/VB ,/, like/IN the/DT guy/NN who/WP tells/VBZ his/PRP$ broker/NN how/WRB much/JJ he/PRP 'll/MD miss/VB her/PRP$ ,/, even/RB as/IN she/PRP assures/VBZ him/PRP that/IN she/PRP 'll/MD still/RB be/VB around/IN ./.
The/DT Merrill/NNP campaign/NN is/VBZ by/IN far/RB the/DT strangest/NN exemplar/NN of/IN the/DT trend/NN ,/, since/IN what/WP the/DT ads--which/JJ include/VBP one/CD in/IN which/WDT confused/VBD customers/NNS quiz/NN a/DT panel/NN of/IN Merrill/NNP execs/NNS at/IN a/DT kind/NN of/IN town/NN meeting--actually/JJ point/NN out/IN is/VBZ both/DT how/WRB dubious/JJ the/DT whole/JJ brokerage/NN business/NN was/VBD to/TO begin/VB with/IN and/CC how/WRB potentially/RB damaging/VBG the/DT new/JJ pricing/NN structure/NN (/( which/WDT includes/VBZ much/RB lower/JJR commissions/NNS )/) will/MD be/VB to/TO Merrill/NNP 's/POS bottom/JJ line/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT principle/NN in/IN all/PDT these/DT campaigns/NNS is/VBZ the/DT same/JJ :/: The/DT company/NN is/VBZ offering/VBG something/NN incredibly/RB simple/JJ and/CC straightforward/JJ ,/, but/CC consumers/NNS just/RB ca/MD n't/RB see/VB it/PRP ./.
I/PRP think/VBP it/PRP makes/VBZ sense/NN to/TO ask/VB whether/IN people/NNS really/RB like/IN being/VBG told/VBN how/WRB obtuse/NN they/PRP are/VBP ,/, because/IN even/RB if/IN the/DT ads/NNS work/VBP on/IN some/DT level/NN to/TO inculcate/NN a/DT sense/NN of/IN superiority/NN in/IN the/DT viewer--as/JJ in/IN "/" These/DT idiots/NNS do/VBP n't/RB know/VB what/WP 7/CD -/: cents-a-minute-every-day/JJ means/NNS ,/, but/CC I/PRP sure/JJ do/VBP !/.
Ha/NNP ,/, ha/NN ,/, ha/NN !/.
"/" -/: -/: on/IN a/DT deeper/JJR level/NN we/PRP are/VBP the/DT people/NNS Reiser/NNP and/CC those/DT Merrill/NNP guys/NNS are/VBP talking/VBG to/TO ,/, and/CC think/VBP of/IN how/WRB troubling/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ to/TO be/VB told/VBN that/IN Paul/NNP Reiser/NNP understands/VBZ something/NN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB ./.
So/IN this/DT aspect/NN of/IN the/DT ads/NNS is/VBZ genuinely/RB perplexing/JJ ./.
Usually/RB ,/, aspirational/NN advertising/NN does/VBZ n't/RB include/VB not/RB being/VBG stupid/JJ as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT aspirations/NNS it/PRP 's/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO inspire/VB ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ something/NN else/RB going/VBG on/IN in/IN these/DT ads/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP 're/VBP essentially/RB a/DT kind/NN of/IN reaction/NN against/IN data/NNS smog/NN ./.
The/DT people/NNS in/IN these/DT ads/NNS have/VBP been/VBN confused/VBN by/IN complicated/VBN pricing/NN plans/NNS and/CC service/NN agreements/NNS with/IN strange/JJ restrictions/NNS ./.
They/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN trained/VBN to/TO think/VB that/DT everything/NN will/MD be/VB difficult/JJ and/CC tricky/JJ ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP unable/JJ to/TO see/VB the/DT purity/NN of/IN "/" 7/CD cents/NNS a/DT minute/NN "/" even/RB when/WRB it/PRP 's/VBZ right/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN them/PRP ./.
And/CC in/IN some/DT way/NN the/DT ads/NNS are/VBP saying/VBG that/DT simplicity/NN is/VBZ disorienting/VBG because/IN we/PRP 're/VBP too/RB comfortable/JJ with/IN complexity/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN "/" Morning/NNP in/IN America/NNP "/" all/DT over/IN again/RB ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN this/DT message/NN is/VBZ so/RB simple/JJ that/IN you/PRP can/MD only/RB hear/VB it/PRP a/DT couple/NN of/IN times/NNS before/IN it/PRP becomes/VBZ intolerable/JJ ./.
I/PRP 'm/VBP happy/JJ to/TO watch/VB ads/NNS that/WDT remind/VBP me/PRP of/IN my/PRP$ knowingness/NNS ,/, if/IN they/PRP 're/VBP clever/JJ ./.
But/CC there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT way/NN to/TO do/VB the/DT "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ so/RB simple/JJ it/PRP 's/VBZ baffling/JJ "/" ads/NNS cleverly/RB ,/, because/IN the/DT whole/JJ point/NN of/IN the/DT ads/NNS is/VBZ that/IN cleverness/NNS itself/PRP is/VBZ bad/JJ ./.
(/( This/DT is/VBZ partly/RB why/WRB the/DT Merrill/NNP ads/NNS ,/, which/WDT seem/VBP to/TO want/VB to/TO be/VB clever/JJ ,/, end/NN up/RB seeming/JJ weirdly/RB self-defeating/JJ ./.
)/) And/CC that/DT would/MD seem/VB to/TO mean/VB that/IN this/DT trend/NN will/MD be/VB short-lived/JJ ./.
Then/RB again/RB ,/, Touched/NNP by/IN an/DT Angel/NNP is/VBZ a/DT Top-/NNP 10/CD show/NN ./.
So/RB who/WP knows/VBZ ?/.
On/IN March/NNP 15/CD ,/, John/NNP Stokes/NNP piloted/JJ his/PRP$ tractor-trailer/NN in/IN front/NN of/IN an/DT Amtrak/NNP train/NN at/IN a/DT rail/NN crossing/VBG in/IN Bourbonnais/NNP ,/, Ill/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT ensuing/VBG collision/NN ,/, 11/CD people/NNS were/VBD killed/VBN ./.
His/PRP$ commercial/JJ license/NN was/VBD suspended/VBN for/IN all/DT of/IN two/CD months/NNS ./.
His/PRP$ right/NN to/TO drive/VB his/PRP$ car/NN for/IN noncommercial/JJ purposes/NNS was/VBD unaffected/JJ ./.
Even/RB this/DT wrist/NN slap/NN only/RB happened/VBD after/IN it/PRP came/VBD out/RP that/IN Stokes/NNP had/VBD had/VBN at/IN least/JJS nine/CD moving/VBG violations/NNS since/IN 1991/CD -/: -/: three/CD of/IN them/PRP last/JJ year/NN ./.
So/RB why/WRB is/VBZ he/PRP allowed/VBD on/IN the/DT road/NN at/IN all/DT ?/.
Answer/NNP :/: because/IN he/PRP broke/VBD the/DT law/NN while/IN stone/NN cold/JJ sober/JJ ./.
Had/VBD Stokes/NNP been/VBN cited/VBN even/RB once/RB for/IN driving/VBG drunk--even/JJ without/IN an/DT accident/NN ,/, even/RB without/IN violating/VBG any/DT traffic/NN rule--he/JJ automatically/RB would/MD have/VB lost/VBN his/PRP$ right/NN to/TO drive/VB for/IN six/CD months/NNS ./.
A/DT second/JJ offense/NN would/MD have/VB cost/VBN him/PRP a/DT year/NN 's/POS driving/VBG ,/, and/CC a/DT third/JJ would/MD have/VB sent/VBN him/PRP to/TO jail/NN ./.
Why/WRB the/DT difference/NN ?/.
Alcohol/NNP is/VBZ the/DT leading/VBG cause/NN of/IN traffic/NN fatalities/NNS ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT National/NNP Highway/NNP Traffic/NNP Safety/NNP Administration/NNP ,/, contributing/VBG to/TO more/JJR than/IN 16/CD ,/, 000/CD deaths/NNS each/DT year/NN ,/, making/VBG up/RP 30/CD percent/NN of/IN all/DT fatalities/NNS on/IN the/DT road/NN ./.
But/CC speed/NN comes/VBZ in/IN a/DT very/RB respectable/JJ second/NN ,/, killing/VBG 13/CD ,/, 000/CD Americans/NNPS annually/RB ./.
Today/NN ,/, drunken/JJ drivers/NNS rank/VBP as/IN one/CD notch/NN above/IN child/NN molesters/NNS in/IN the/DT popular/JJ mind/NN ./.
But/CC attitudes/NNS about/IN driving/VBG while/IN intoxicated/JJ were/VBD not/RB always/RB so/RB negative/JJ ./.
Twenty/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, it/PRP was/VBD still/RB widely/RB accepted/VBD as/IN harmless/JJ high/JJ jinks/NNS ./.
Only/RB in/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, thanks/NNS to/TO campaigns/NNS by/IN Mothers/NNS Against/IN Drunk/NNP Driving/NNP ,/, did/VBD Americans/NNPS come/VBP to/TO recognize/VB the/DT vast/JJ toll/NN of/IN drunks/NNS on/IN the/DT road/NN ./.
As/IN a/DT result/NN ,/, we/PRP 've/VBP stiffened/JJ penalties/NNS ,/, raised/VBD the/DT drinking/NN age/NN from/IN 18/CD to/TO 21/CD ,/, mandated/VBN license/NN revocation/NN for/IN minors/NNS caught/VBD driving/VBG after/IN drinking/VBG any/DT amount/NN of/IN alcohol/NN and/CC ,/, in/IN 16/CD states/NNS ,/, tightened/VBD the/DT blood-alcohol/JJ standard/NN for/IN drunkenness/NN ./.
Deaths/NNP in/IN alcohol-related/JJ crashes/NNS fell/VBD 32/CD percent/NN between/IN 1982/CD and/CC 1997/CD ./.
When/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO speed/VB ,/, though/RB ,/, the/DT attitude/NN is/VBZ :/: Party/NNP on/IN !/.
In/IN 1995/CD ,/, Congress/NNP dropped/VBD all/DT federal/JJ restrictions/NNS on/IN highway/NN speed/NN limits/NNS (/( first/RB imposed/VBN during/IN the/DT 1970/CD s/VBZ energy/NN crisis/NN )/) ,/, letting/VBG states/NNS set/VBD the/DT maximum/NN wherever/WRB they/PRP pleased/JJ ./.
Radar/NNP detectors/NNS ,/, whose/WP$ sole/JJ purpose/NN is/VBZ to/TO help/VB motorists/NNS break/VB the/DT law/NN with/IN impunity/NN ,/, are/VBP legal/JJ for/IN cars/NNS in/IN 49/CD states/NNS ./.
(/( Virginia/NNP is/VBZ the/DT exception/NN ./.
)/) How/WRB long/JJ would/MD legislators/NNS tolerate/VB the/DT sale/NN of/IN a/DT device/NN to/TO foil/VB a/DT Breathalyzer/NNP ?/.
The/DT Insurance/NNP Institute/NNP for/IN Highway/NNP Safety/NNP reports/NNS that/IN after/IN the/DT repeal/NN of/IN 55/CD -/: mph/NN speed/NN limits/NNS ,/, fatalities/NNS rose/VBD by/IN 17/CD percent/NN on/IN interstate/JJ highways/NNS where/WRB the/DT limit/NN was/VBD raised/VBN ./.
More/JJR people/NNS driving/VBG faster/RBR means/VBZ more/JJR slaughter/NN on/IN the/DT roads/NNS ./.
But/CC the/DT bloodshed/JJ by/IN speeders/NNS does/VBZ n't/RB evoke/VBP the/DT same/JJ emotional/JJ revulsion/NN as/IN the/DT bloodshed/JJ by/IN drunks/NNS ./.
Why/WRB not/RB ?/.
One/CD explanation/NN is/VBZ that/IN most/JJS people/NNS do/VBP n't/RB ever/RB drive/VB while/IN intoxicated/JJ ,/, while/IN most/JJS do/VBP exceed/VB the/DT speed/NN limit/NN from/IN time/NN to/TO time/NN ./.
Any/DT movement/NN for/IN social/JJ reform/NN is/VBZ more/RBR effective/JJ if/IN it/PRP pillories/NNS a/DT small/JJ minority/NN and/CC leaves/VBZ the/DT majority/NN unaccused/JJ and/CC unaffected/JJ ./.
People/NNS do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB that/IN excessive/JJ speed/NN is/VBZ as/RB risky/JJ as/IN excessive/JJ drink/NN ./.
They/PRP think/VBP it/PRP is/VBZ possible/JJ for/IN an/DT experienced/VBN and/CC competent/JJ driver/NN (/( such/JJ as/IN themselves/PRP )/) to/TO go/VB fast/RB without/IN hurting/VBG anyone/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, possible/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB possible/JJ to/TO drive/VB drunk/JJ without/IN causing/VBG an/DT accident/NN ./.
Every/DT night/NN the/DT vast/JJ majority/NN of/IN drunken/JJ drivers/NNS get/VBP home/NN safely/RB ./.
But/CC we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB accept/VB that/IN as/IN a/DT defense/NN ./.
We/PRP understand/VBP that/IN however/RB able/JJ the/DT driver/NN ,/, the/DT risk/NN of/IN this/DT type/NN of/IN behavior/NN is/VBZ serious/JJ and/CC intolerable/JJ ./.
We/PRP treat/VBP the/DT culprits/NNS as/IN potential/JJ killers/NNS who/WP need/VBP to/TO be/VB restrained/JJ from/IN endangering/VBG the/DT innocent/JJ ./.
Our/PRP$ attitudes/NNS about/IN serious/JJ speeding/NN have/VBP yet/RB to/TO come/VB to/TO grips/NNS with/IN simple/JJ reality/NN ./.
Car/NN magazines/NNS and/CC auto/NN commercials/NNS continue/VBP to/TO not/RB merely/RB excuse/VB but/CC celebrate/VB behavior/NN that/WDT kills/VBZ almost/RB as/IN many/JJ Americans/NNPS annually/RB as/IN died/VBN in/IN the/DT Vietnam/NNP War/NNP during/IN its/PRP$ bloodiest/NN year/NN ,/, while/IN maiming/VBG and/CC injuring/VBG thousands/NNS more/JJR ./.
If/IN we/PRP were/VBD to/TO crack/VB down/RB on/IN speeding/VBG as/RB vigorously/RB as/IN we/PRP did/VBD on/IN drunken/JJ driving--by/JJ mandating/VBG license/NN suspensions/NNS for/IN repeat/NN offenders/NNS ,/, imposing/VBG jail/NN time/NN on/IN incorrigibles/NNS ,/, and/CC outlawing/VBG radar/NN detectors--we/JJ could/MD make/VB the/DT roads/NNS far/RB safer/JJR ./.
The/DT drunken/JJ driving/NN crusade/NN reduced/VBD alcohol-related/JJ deaths/NNS by/IN a/DT third/JJ ./.
A/DT comparable/JJ commitment/NN on/IN speed/NN could/MD save/VB more/JJR than/IN 4/CD ,/, 000/CD lives/NNS every/DT year/NN ./.
We/PRP all/DT know/VBP why/WRB trade/NN with/IN China/NNP is/VBZ vital/JJ :/: It/PRP exposes/NNS that/WDT country/NN 's/POS executives/NNS and/CC entrepreneurs/NNS to/TO the/DT democratic/JJ civilizations/NNS of/IN the/DT industrial/JJ West/NNP ./.
It/PRP also/RB instructs/VBZ them/PRP about/IN how/WRB things/NNS can/MD be/VB different/JJ from/IN what/WP they/PRP are/VBP in/IN today/NN 's/POS China--where/NNP all/DT power/NN resides/VBZ in/IN the/DT bloody/JJ hands/NNS of/IN a/DT narrow/JJ oligarchy/NN and/CC a/DT broader/JJR party/NN of/IN bootlickers/NNS ./.
The/DT best/JJS way/NN to/TO change/VB China/NNP 's/POS abysmal/NN human-rights/JJ record/NN is/VBZ to/TO "/" engage/VB "/" China/NNP so/IN that/IN its/PRP$ government/NN has/VBZ a/DT stake/NN in/IN the/DT good/JJ opinion/NN of/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
And/CC we/PRP all/DT know/VBP why/WRB no/DT trade/NN with/IN Cuba/NNP is/VBZ vital/JJ :/: It/PRP would/MD give/VB Fidel/NNP Castro/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ lieutenants/NNS a/DT powerful/JJ boost/NN ./.
Prosperity/NNP from/IN trade/NN would/MD strengthen/VB the/DT regime/NN and/CC delay/NN democratization/NN ./.
The/DT best/JJS way/NN to/TO nurture/VB civil/JJ society/NN and/CC dissent/NN in/IN Cuba/NNP is/VBZ by/IN embargo/NN ./.
Only/RB by/IN making/VBG the/DT economic/JJ failure/NN of/IN the/DT Cuban/JJ regime/NN crystal/NN clear/JJ can/MD the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS "/" help/VB "/" Cuba/NNP ./.
This/DT Washington/NNP hypocrisy/NN is/VBZ bipartisan/JJ :/: Congress/NNP is/VBZ eager/JJ to/TO vote/VB for/IN sanctions/NNS on/IN Cuba/NNP and/CC reluctant/JJ to/TO vote/VB for/IN sanctions/NNS on/IN China/NNP ./.
The/DT president/NN is/VBZ eager/JJ for/IN "/" engagement/NN "/" with/IN China/NNP and/CC happy/JJ to/TO sign/VB the/DT Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP act/NN punishing/VBG Cuba/NNP ./.
But/CC today/NN 's/POS inconsistency/NN is/VBZ no/RB worse/JJR than/IN the/DT inconsistencies/NNS under/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP ,/, Ronald/NNP Reagan/NNP ,/, and/CC other/JJ prior/RB administrations/NNS ./.
The/DT legacy/NN of/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ,/, the/DT hatred/NN of/IN Castro/NNP among/IN Cuban/JJ emigrants/NNS ,/, provocations/NNS like/IN the/DT shoot-down/JJ of/IN "/" Brothers/NNPS to/TO the/DT Rescue/NN "/" planes/NNS over/IN international/JJ waters/NNS (/( along/IN with/IN Castro/NNP 's/POS belief/NN that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ strengthened/VBN by/IN confrontation/NN with/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS )/) have/VBP brought/VBN us/PRP to/TO this/DT point/NN ,/, where/WRB American/JJ politicians/NNS are/VBP comfortable/JJ with/IN one/CD set/NN of/IN principles/NNS for/IN the/DT Caribbean/NNP and/CC another/DT for/IN the/DT Pacific/NNP ./.
The/DT embargo/NN has/VBZ been/VBN tough/JJ luck/NN for/IN 12/CD million/CD Cubans/NNPS who/WP cannot/NN buy/NN or/CC sell/VB in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, but/CC it/PRP has/VBZ made/VBN little/JJ difference/NN otherwise/RB ./.
But/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS '/POS different/JJ principles/NNS for/IN trade/NN with/IN Cuba/NNP are/VBP about/IN to/TO cause/VB it/PRP trouble/NN ,/, thanks/NNS to/TO the/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization--the/NNP newly/RB established/VBD referee/NN to/TO police/VB international/JJ trade/NN disputes/NNS that/IN Clinton/NNP was/VBD so/RB proud/JJ to/TO establish/VB (/( and/CC Congress/NNP to/TO vote/VB for/IN )/) at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN 1994/CD ./.
The/DT WTO/NNP is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO ensure/VB that/IN countries/NNS stick/VBP to/TO the/DT spirit/NN and/CC letter/NN of/IN the/DT trade-liberalization/JJ agreements/NNS they/PRP have/VBP signed/VBN ,/, and/CC to/TO authorize/VB sanctions/NNS against/IN countries/NNS that/WDT break/VBP the/DT trade/NN rules/NNS they/PRP had/VBD agreed/VBN on/IN ./.
It/PRP keeps/VBZ other/JJ countries/NNS from/IN breaking/VBG trade/NN commitments/NNS that/WDT benefit/NN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS in/IN exchange/NN for/IN keeping/VBG the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS from/IN breaking/VBG trade/NN commitments/NNS that/WDT benefit/NN those/DT countries/NNS ,/, and/CC it/PRP keeps/VBZ all/DT of/IN us/PRP from/IN indulging/VBG in/IN the/DT everyone-loses/JJ pattern/NN of/IN trade/NN sanction/NN and/CC retaliation/NN ./.
If/IN we/PRP in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS are/VBP the/DT good/JJ guys/NNS more/JJR than/IN half/NN (/( or/CC even/RB half/NN )/) the/DT time/NN ,/, a/DT strong/JJ WTO/NNP is/VBZ in/IN our/PRP$ interest/NN ./.
Yet/RB now/RB the/DT White/NNP House--noticing/NNP the/DT WTO/NNP for/IN the/DT very/RB first/JJ time/NN since/IN the/DT signing/VBG ceremony--is/JJ trying/VBG to/TO make/VB sure/JJ it/PRP gets/VBZ off/RP to/TO a/DT bad/JJ start/NN ./.
Last/JJ year/NN 's/POS Cuba-punishing/NNP Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP act/NN denies/VBZ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
visas/NNS to/TO executives/NNS of/IN companies/NNS that/WDT use/NN buildings/NNS or/CC equipment/NN seized/VBN by/IN Fidel/NNP Castro/NNP ,/, and/CC threatens/VBZ the/DT companies/NNS themselves/PRP with/IN financial/JJ judgments/NNS by/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
courts/NNS ./.
Because/IN of/IN Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS is/VBZ threatening/VBG to/TO fine/VB Wal-/NNP Mart/NNP if/IN its/PRP$ Canadian/JJ subsidiary/NN sells/VBZ Cuban-made/NNP pajamas/NNS ,/, and/CC is/VBZ denying/VBG Italian/JJ executives/NNS visas/NNS to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
Europeans/NNS and/CC Canadians/NNPS point/NN out/IN that/IN Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP infringes/VBZ upon/IN their/PRP$ nations/NNS '/POS sovereignty/NN and/CC violates/VBZ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
commitments/NNS under/IN the/DT WTO/NNP ./.
They/PRP are/VBP right/JJ ./.
In/IN retaliation/NN ,/, Canada/NNP promises/VBZ to/TO fine/VB the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
-/: based/VBN Wal-/NNP Mart/NNP 's/POS Canadian/JJ subsidiary/NN if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB sell/VB Cuban/JJ pajamas/NNS ./.
The/DT Europeans/NNPS ask/VBP that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP hear/VB the/DT case/NN and/CC authorize/VB sanctions/NNS against/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ exactly/RB the/DT kind/NN of/IN messy/NN dispute/NN that/WDT calls/VBZ out/IN for/IN a/DT referee--like/JJ the/DT WTO/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS counters/NNS that/IN 12/CD million/CD Cubans/NNPS threaten/VBP the/DT "/" national/JJ security/NN "/" of/IN 260/CD million/CD Americans/NNPS ,/, and/CC that/IN the/DT WTO/NNP has/VBZ no/DT jurisdiction/NN over/IN such/JJ national-security/NN matters/NNS ./.
The/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN declares/VBZ it/PRP will/MD boycott/VB any/DT hearing/VBG the/DT WTO/NNP schedules/NNS ./.
Now/RB this/DT is/VBZ a/DT strange/JJ position/NN for/IN the/DT president/NN to/TO take/VB ./.
The/DT Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP clash/NN is/VBZ shaping/VBG up/RP to/TO be/VB the/DT WTO/NNP 's/POS first/JJ big/JJ case/NN ./.
A/DT strong/JJ WTO/NNP will/MD block/VB a/DT lot/NN of/IN measures/NNS that/WDT hurt/VBD the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
economy/NN in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, if/IN it/PRP is/VBZ allowed/VBN to/TO gain/VB strength/NN and/CC authority/NN ./.
If/IN the/DT WTO/NNP proves/VBZ powerless/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ first/JJ big/JJ case/NN ,/, all/DT will/MD observe/VB that/IN its/PRP$ rules/NNS are/VBP only/RB binding/VBG when/WRB the/DT strong/JJ wish/VBP them/PRP to/TO be/VB ./.
The/DT point/NN of/IN having/VBG the/DT WTO/NNP as/IN a/DT referee/NN would/MD be/VB lost/VBN ./.
And/CC a/DT chance/NN to/TO remove/VB trade/NN disputes/NNS from/IN the/DT cycle/NN of/IN unilateral/JJ sanction/NN and/CC subsequent/JJ retaliation/NN would/MD be/VB lost/VBN as/RB well/RB ./.
If/IN the/DT administration/NN "/" wins/VBZ "/" the/DT dispute/NN over/IN the/DT jurisdiction/NN of/IN the/DT WTO/NNP ,/, then/RB in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
economy/NN loses/NNS ./.
Trade/NN liberalization/NN has/VBZ been/VBN the/DT principal/JJ (/( and/CC by/IN some/DT counts/VBZ ,/, the/DT only/RB )/) achievement/NN of/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP administration/NN ./.
The/DT creation/NN of/IN the/DT WTO/NNP was/VBD the/DT capstone/NN of/IN trade/NN liberalization/NN ./.
The/DT WTO/NNP had/VBD ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, been/VBN first/RB proposed/VBN by/IN Franklin/NNP D/NNP ./.
Roosevelt/NNP and/CC Harry/NNP S/NNP ./.
Truman/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD one/CD of/IN three/CD sister/NN organizations/NNS (/( the/DT other/JJ two/CD being/VBG the/DT International/NNP Monetary/NNP Fund/NNP and/CC the/DT World/NNP Bank/NNP )/) they/PRP had/VBD sought/VBN to/TO establish/VB ./.
They/PRP had/VBD wanted/VBN to/TO make/VB the/DT post-/NN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP international/JJ economy/NN a/DT free-trade/JJ ,/, free-investment/JJ economy/NN oriented/VBN toward/IN growth--in/JJ sharp/JJ contrast/NN to/TO the/DT pre-/NN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP economy/NN riddled/JJ with/IN high/JJ tariffs/NNS and/CC import/NN controls/NNS and/CC oriented/VBN toward/IN stagnation/NN ./.
But/CC tariff-loving/JJ senators/NNS killed/VBD the/DT WTO/NNP in/IN the/DT late/JJ 1940/CD s/VBZ ./.
Thus/RB ,/, the/DT putting-in-place/JJ of/IN the/DT final/JJ piece/NN of/IN Roosevelt/NNP 's/POS and/CC Truman/NNP 's/POS grand/JJ design/NN for/IN a/DT free/JJ world--a/JJ piece/NN that/IN they/PRP had/VBD tried/VBN and/CC failed/VBD to/TO put/VB in/IN place/NN in/IN their/PRP$ day--would/JJ be/VB an/DT accomplishment/NN to/TO be/VB proud/JJ of/IN ./.
So/RB why/WRB Clinton/NNP 's/POS aggressive/JJ defense/NN of/IN Helms-/NNP Burton/NNP ?/.
Why/WRB the/DT willingness/NN to/TO weaken/VB his/PRP$ major/JJ substantive/JJ achievement/NN ?/.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ changed/VBN his/PRP$ mind/NN and/CC is/VBZ now/RB pursuing/VBG a/DT general/JJ policy/NN of/IN "/" linkage/NN "/" between/IN trade/NN and/CC democratization/NN that/WDT applies/VBZ to/TO Cuba/NNP ./.
Consider/VB China/NNP again/RB :/: It/PRP exports/VBZ 24/CD percent/NN of/IN its/PRP$ GDP/NNP ,/, up/RB from/IN 4/CD percent/NN in/IN 1978/CD ./.
Today/NNP China/NNP 's/POS economy/NN is/VBZ more/RBR vulnerable/JJ to/TO coordinated/VBN sanctions/NNS that/WDT would/MD cut/VB off/RP its/PRP$ exports/NNS to/TO industrial/JJ countries/NNS than/IN ever/RB before/RB ,/, yet/RB it/PRP seems/VBZ less/RBR open/JJ to/TO democracy/NN than/IN ever/RB before/RB ./.
China/NNP 's/POS leaders/NNS have/VBP drawn/VBN conclusions/NNS from/IN the/DT collapse/NN of/IN the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP :/: that/IN if/IN they/PRP allow/VBP dissent/NN or/CC take/VB steps/NNS toward/IN democracy/NN ,/, they/PRP will/MD be/VB dead/JJ or/CC jailed/VBN in/IN a/DT decade/NN ;/: and/CC that/IN no/DT amount/NN of/IN economic/JJ benefit/NN is/VBZ worth/JJ the/DT destruction/NN of/IN their/PRP$ regime/NN ./.
If/IN increasing/VBG democratization/NN is/VBZ the/DT test/NN for/IN access/NN to/TO the/DT international-trading/JJ system/NN ,/, China/NNP has/VBZ flunked/JJ ./.
Yet/RB ,/, sanctions/NNS against/IN China/NNP are/VBP not/RB in/IN the/DT cards/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ as/IN if/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP thinks/VBZ that/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN every/DT story/NN is/VBZ a/DT signing/VBG ceremony/NN on/IN the/DT White/NNP House/NNP lawn/NN :/: that/IN the/DT sole/JJ point/NN is/VBZ to/TO sign/VB documents/NNS and/CC then/RB distribute/VB the/DT pens/NNS as/IN party/NN favors/NNS ./.
But/CC useful/JJ ,/, functioning/VBG institutions/NNS are/VBP not/RB created/VBN by/IN a/DT single/JJ stroke/NN of/IN the/DT pen/NN ./.
We/PRP remember/VBP the/DT Marshall/NNP Plan/NNP today/NN not/RB because/IN Secretary/NNP of/IN State/NNP George/NNP Marshall/NNP gave/VBD a/DT great/JJ speech/NN (/( he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB )/) or/CC because/IN President/NNP Truman/NNP maneuvered/VBD the/DT bill/NN creating/VBG the/DT staff/NN and/CC bureaucracy/NN of/IN the/DT European/NNP Recovery/NNP Administration/NNP through/IN Congress/NNP ./.
We/PRP remember/VBP the/DT Marshall/NNP Plan/NNP because/IN Truman/NNP had/VBD follow-through/JJ :/: He/PRP knew/VBD that/IN stories/NNS did/VBD not/RB end/VB with/IN a/DT White/NNP House-lawn/NNP signing/VBG ceremony/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP fought/VBD for/IN half/PDT a/DT decade/NN to/TO breathe/VB life/NN (/( and/CC money/NN )/) into/IN the/DT Marshall/NNP Plan/NNP so/IN that/IN it/PRP would/MD make/VB a/DT difference/NN ./.
Will/MD anyone/NN remember/VBP the/DT World/NNP Trade/NNP Organization/NNP in/IN half/PDT a/DT century/NN ?/.
As/IN all/DT Europe/NNP heaved/VBD a/DT sigh/NN of/IN relief/NN over/IN the/DT Kosovo/NNP peace/NN deal/NN ,/, a/DT feast/NN of/IN humble/JJ pie/NN was/VBD consumed/VBN in/IN Fleet/NNP Street/NNP Friday/NNP as/IN British/JJ newspapers/NNS grudgingly/RB admitted/VBN that/DT air/NN power/NN alone/RB seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB done/VBN the/DT trick/NN ./.
The/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP ,/, the/DT Times/NNP ,/, the/DT Guardian/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Independent/NNP ,/, which/WDT all/DT spent/VBD the/DT war/NN urging/VBG a/DT land/NN invasion/NN of/IN Kosovo/NNP ,/, were/VBD disconcerted/JJ by/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN a/DT peace/NN settlement/NN has/VBZ apparently/RB been/VBN achieved/VBN without/IN one/CD ./.
"/" We/PRP take/VBP no/DT comfort/NN in/IN saying/VBG that/IN NATO/NNP 's/POS bombing/NN ,/, in/IN crude/NN terms/NNS ,/, '/" worked/VBD ,/, '/" "/" said/VBD the/DT liberal/JJ Guardian/NNP in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN honorably/RB recalled/VBD its/PRP$ previous/JJ insistence/NN that/IN Slobodan/NNP Milosevic/NNP could/MD not/RB be/VB "/" bombed/VBN to/TO the/DT negotiating/VBG table/NN ./.
"/" The/DT settlement/NN was/VBD "/" a/DT victory/NN for/IN NATO/NNP and/CC a/DT vindication/NN of/IN its/PRP$ belief/NN in/IN modern/JJ air/NN power/NN ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT conservative/JJ Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP -/: -/: but/CC the/DT paper/NN qualified/VBD this/DT with/IN a/DT claim/NN that/IN Milosevic/NNP only/RB capitulated/VBD because/IN of/IN "/" the/DT growing/VBG willingness/NN of/IN the/DT Alliance/NNP to/TO consider/VB the/DT deployment/NN of/IN ground/NN troops/NNS ./.
The/DT Independent/NNP said/VBD that/IN "/" victory/NN for/IN NATO/NNP should/MD also/RB put/VB an/DT end/NN to/TO the/DT thoughtless/JJ assertion/NN that/WDT '/POS wars/NNS cannot/NN be/VB won/VBN from/IN the/DT air/NN ./.
'/POS "/" Thoughtless/NNP assertion/NN or/CC not/RB ,/, this/DT is/VBZ what/WP the/DT Independent/NNP had/VBD been/VBN saying/VBG all/DT along/IN ./.
Or/CC had/VBD it/PRP ?/.
"/" This/DT newspaper/NN consistently/RB called/VBD for/IN the/DT deployment/NN of/IN ground/NN troops/NNS to/TO be/VB threatened--and/JJ to/TO make/VB the/DT threat/NN credible/JJ ,/, NATO/NNP would/MD have/VB had/VBN to/TO be/VB prepared/VBN to/TO go/VB through/IN with/IN it/PRP ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD Friday/NNP ./.
So/IN it/PRP never/RB really/RB wanted/VBD a/DT ground/NN invasion--just/JJ a/DT credible/JJ threat/NN of/IN one/CD !/.
The/DT Times/NNP ,/, which/WDT had/VBD been/VBN just/RB as/RB eager/JJ as/IN the/DT other/JJ broadsheets/NNS to/TO send/VB in/IN the/DT troops/NNS ,/, sought/VBN to/TO preserve/VB its/PRP$ dignity/NN by/IN avoiding/VBG the/DT issue/NN altogether/RB ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN urging/VBG the/DT allies/NNS to/TO remain/VB wary/JJ ,/, it/PRP said/VBD NATO/NNP should/MD not/RB suspend/VB its/PRP$ air/NN campaign/NN until/IN Serbia/NNP "/" is/VBZ in/IN compliance/NN with/IN all/DT its/PRP$ commitments/NNS "/" and/CC warned/VBD that/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS involvement/NN in/IN the/DT international/JJ peacekeeping/VBG force/NN was/VBD "/" a/DT potential/JJ bear/NN trap/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP said/VBD ,/, "/" A/NNP '/POS unified/JJ control/NN and/CC command/NN '/" should/MD not/RB become/VB cover/VB for/IN a/DT semi-detached/JJ Russian/JJ military/JJ presence/NN that/WDT could/MD permit/VB the/DT creeping/VBG partition/NN of/IN Kosovo/NNP ./.
The/DT tabloid/JJ Sun/NNP ,/, the/DT Times/NNP '/POS down-market/JJ stablemate/NN in/IN the/DT Rupert/NNP Murdoch/NNP empire/NN ,/, has/VBZ the/DT advantage/NN of/IN having/VBG always/RB campaigned/VBN against/IN the/DT commitment/NN of/IN ground/NN troops/NNS to/TO Kosovo/NNP ,/, and/CC so/RB headlined/VBN its/PRP$ editorial/NN Friday/NNP "/" Air/NNP might/MD WAS/VBD right/NN "/" as/IN vindication/NN of/IN its/PRP$ stance/NN ./.
The/DT Sun/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ Britain/NNP 's/POS biggest-circulation/JJ paper/NN ,/, may/MD have/VB been/VBN heading/VBG for/IN a/DT confrontation/NN with/IN British/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Tony/NNP Blair/NNP on/IN this/DT issue/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT peace/NN agreement/NN ended/VBD any/DT danger/NN of/IN that/DT ./.
Instead/RB ,/, the/DT paper/NN presented/VBD the/DT deal/NN as/IN a/DT personal/JJ triumph/NN for/IN Blair/NNP ,/, who/WP ,/, it/PRP said/VBD ,/, stiffened/JJ the/DT backbones/NNS of/IN "/" wobbling/VBG alliance/NN partners/NNS "/" such/JJ as/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP ./.
"/" One/CD man/NN 's/POS evil/JJ ambitions/NNS caused/VBD the/DT Kosovo/NNP crisis/NN ,/, "/" it/PRP went/VBD on/IN ./.
"/" One/CD man/NN 's/POS resolve/NN has/VBZ played/VBN the/DT lion/NN 's/POS share/NN of/IN ensuring/VBG he/PRP has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN allowed/VBN to/TO succeed/VB ./.
In/IN a/DT report/NN from/IN its/PRP$ Washington/NNP correspondent/NN Friday/NNP ,/, the/DT Independent/NNP said/VBD that/IN the/DT Belgrade/NNP agreement/NN ,/, if/IN it/PRP sticks/VBZ ,/, will/MD be/VB a/DT victory/NN for/IN Clinton/NNP over/IN his/PRP$ generals/NNS ./.
"/" Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS war/NN ,/, dismissed/VBD as/IN a/NNP '/POS coward/NN 's/POS war/NN '/" and/CC ridiculed/VBN as/IN '/POS immaculate/NN coercion/NN ,/, '/" will/MD be/VB vindicated/VBN ,/, "/" Mary/NNP Dejevsky/NNP wrote/VBD ./.
"/" His/PRP$ insistence/NN that/IN the/DT conflict/NN be/VB conducted/VBN from/IN the/DT air/NN and/CC only/RB from/IN the/DT air/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN an/DT air/NN war/NN was/VBD winnable/JJ ,/, was/VBD denounced/VBN in/IN military/JJ circles/NNS ,/, ever/RB more/RBR openly/RB ,/, as/IN the/DT irresponsible/JJ reverie/NN of/IN a/DT non-military/JJ man/NN ./.
The/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP reported/VBD Friday/NNP that/IN an/DT international/JJ banking/NN deal/NN between/IN the/DT Bank/NNP of/IN Scotland/NNP and/CC the/DT Rev/NNP ./.
Pat/NNP Robertson/NNP is/VBZ "/" almost/RB certain/JJ to/TO unravel/VB "/" following/VBG an/DT attack/NN by/IN the/DT televangelist/NN on/IN Scottish/NNP homosexuality/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN said/VBD Bank/NNP of/IN Scotland/NNP Chief/NNP Executive/NNP Peter/NNP Burt/NNP flew/VBD to/TO the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO confront/VB Robertson/NNP for/IN saying/VBG on/IN his/PRP$ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
TV/NN program/NN The/DT 700/CD Club/NNP that/IN "/" in/IN Scotland/NNP you/PRP ca/MD n't/RB believe/VB how/WRB strong/JJ the/DT homosexuals/NNS are/VBP ./.
[/NN Scotland/NNP ]/) could/MD go/VB right/RB back/RB to/TO the/DT darkness/NNS very/RB easily/RB ./.
"/" Robertson/NNP ,/, who/WP claims/VBZ his/PRP$ family/NN emigrated/VBD from/IN Scotland/NNP in/IN 1695/CD (/( the/DT same/JJ year/NN the/DT bank/NN was/VBD founded/VBN )/) ,/, made/VBD a/DT deal/NN with/IN it/PRP last/JJ March/NNP to/TO start/VB a/DT telephone/NN banking/NN service/NN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
The/DT announcement/NN sparked/VBD a/DT storm/NN of/IN controversy/NN over/IN his/PRP$ reputed/JJ bigotry/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, and/CC scores/NNS of/IN the/DT bank/NN 's/POS customers/NNS ,/, including/VBG charities/NNS and/CC trade/NN unions/NNS ,/, threatened/VBN to/TO take/VB their/PRP$ business/NN elsewhere/RB ./.
In/IN a/DT "/" right/NN of/IN reply/NN "/" column/NN in/IN the/DT Independent/NNP of/IN London/NNP last/JJ week/NN ,/, Robertson/NNP wrote/VBD :/: "/" I/PRP abhor/NN bigots/NNS and/CC bigotry/NN ./.
I/PRP denounce/VBP racists/NNS and/CC racism/NN ./.
Discrimination/NNP in/IN whatever/WDT form/VBP or/CC guise/NN has/VBZ no/DT part/NN in/IN my/PRP$ beliefs/NNS or/CC my/PRP$ life/NN ./.
The/DT FT/NNP also/RB reported/VBD Friday/NNP that/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN European/JJ Internet/NN users/NNS almost/RB doubled/VBD last/JJ year/NN and/CC is/VBZ expected/VBN to/TO achieve/VB overall/JJ household/NN penetration/NN of/IN 17/CD percent/NN by/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN this/DT year/NN ./.
A/DT forecast/NN due/JJ to/TO be/VB published/VBN next/JJ week/NN by/IN Dataquest/NNP ,/, a/DT market/NN research/NN company/NN ,/, suggests/VBZ that/IN Europe/NNP is/VBZ beginning/VBG to/TO close/VB the/DT "/" technology/NN gap/NN "/" with/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
The/DT chief/JJ coach/NN of/IN the/DT English/NNP national/JJ soccer/NN team/NN was/VBD fired/VBN Tuesday/NNP amid/IN huge/JJ controversy/NN over/IN his/PRP$ eccentric/JJ religious/JJ beliefs/NNS ./.
Glenn/NNP Hoddle/NNP ,/, the/DT man/NN who/WP steered/VBD the/DT English/NNP team/NN to/TO failure/NN in/IN last/JJ year/NN 's/POS World/NNP Cup/NNP in/IN France/NNP ,/, told/VBD the/DT Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP in/IN an/DT interview/NN that/IN disabled/JJ people/NNS were/VBD disabled/JJ because/IN of/IN things/NNS they/PRP had/VBD done/VBN wrong/JJ in/IN previous/JJ lives/NNS ./.
This/DT created/VBN political/JJ uproar/NN and/CC sharply/RB divided/VBD the/DT British/JJ press/NN about/IN whether/IN or/CC not/RB he/PRP should/MD be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO keep/VB his/PRP$ job/NN ./.
The/DT Football/NNP Association/NNP ,/, soccer/NN 's/POS ruling/NN body/NN ,/, fired/VBD him/PRP after/IN he/PRP refused/VBD to/TO sever/VB connections/NNS with/IN Eileen/NNP Drewery/NNP ,/, a/DT faith/NN healer/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/JJ Wednesday/NNP ,/, the/DT Times/NNP said/VBD Hoddle/NNP had/VBD to/TO go/VB because/IN "/" he/PRP had/VBD failed/VBN to/TO separate/VB his/PRP$ rights/NNS of/IN free/JJ speech/NN from/IN his/PRP$ duties/NNS as/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT most/RBS influential/JJ men/NNS in/IN a/DT game/NN with/IN vast/JJ influence/NN over/IN the/DT life/NN of/IN Britain/NNP ./.
"/" But/CC the/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP criticized/VBD his/PRP$ dismissal/NN ,/, saying/VBG Hoddle/NNP 's/POS views/NNS on/IN the/DT disabled/JJ were/VBD shared/VBN by/IN millions/NNS of/IN Hindus/NNP and/CC Buddhists/NNP around/IN the/DT world/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN was/VBD big/JJ across/IN Europe/NNP ,/, especially/RB in/IN the/DT Italian/JJ papers/NNS ,/, which/WDT ran/VBD it/PRP on/IN their/PRP$ front/JJ pages/NNS ./.
"/" Fired/NNP for/IN Karma/NNP "/" was/VBD the/DT headline/NN in/IN La/NNP Repubblica/NNP of/IN Rome/NNP ,/, which/WDT said/VBD he/PRP was/VBD perhaps/RB the/DT first/JJ person/NN in/IN Europe/NNP 's/POS 2000/CD th/NN year/NN to/TO lose/VB his/PRP$ job/NN for/IN his/PRP$ religious/JJ convictions/NNS ./.
The/DT Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP reported/VBD on/IN its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Wednesday/NNP that/IN MI/NNP 6/CD ,/, the/DT British/JJ external/JJ espionage/NN service/NN ,/, was/VBD having/VBG to/TO consider/VB withdrawing/VBG its/PRP$ man/NN in/IN Prague/NNP after/IN Czech/JJ newspapers/NNS identified/VBD him/PRP as/IN a/DT homosexual/JJ living/NN in/IN the/DT city/NN with/IN another/DT man/NN ./.
Christopher/NNP Hurran/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ cover/VB had/VBD been/VBN acting/VBG as/IN a/DT counselor/NN at/IN the/DT British/NNP Embassy/NNP ,/, was/VBD exposed/VBN by/IN the/DT Czech/JJ security/NN service/NN ,/, BIS/NNP ,/, after/IN he/PRP made/VBD a/DT written/VBN complaint/NN about/IN the/DT head/NN of/IN the/DT BIS/NNP ,/, Karel/NNP Vulterin/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD fired/VBN by/IN the/DT Czech/JJ government/NN as/IN a/DT result/NN ./.
"/" The/DT letter/NN that/WDT led/VBD to/TO Mr/NNP ./.
Vulterin/NNP 's/POS dismissal/NN is/VBZ believed/VBN to/TO have/VB followed/VBN leaks/NNS from/IN within/IN the/DT BIS/NNP revealing/VBG a/DT successful/JJ MI/NNP 6/CD operation/NN in/IN which/WDT Iraq/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG spymaster/NN in/IN the/DT region/NN defected/VBD to/TO the/DT West/NNP ,/, "/" the/DT newspaper/NN said/VBD ./.
This/DT was/VBD Jabir/NNP Salim/NNP ,/, head/NN of/IN Mukhabarrat/NNP operations/NNS in/IN Eastern/NNP Europe/NNP ,/, who/WP disappeared/VBD before/IN Christmas/NNP ,/, telling/VBG colleagues/NNS at/IN the/DT Iraqi/JJ embassy/NN in/IN Prague/NNP that/IN his/PRP$ daughter/NN needed/VBD urgent/JJ medical/JJ treatment/NN in/IN neighboring/VBG Austria/NNP ./.
An/DT interesting/JJ revelation/NN in/IN the/DT report/NN was/VBD that/IN the/DT British/JJ intelligence/NN services/NNS ,/, which/WDT previously/RB excluded/VBN homosexuals/NNS for/IN security/NN reasons/NNS ,/, no/RB longer/RB see/VB them/PRP as/IN a/DT risk/NN if/IN they/PRP are/VBP open/VBP about/IN their/PRP$ sexuality/NN ./.
There/EX was/VBD anger/NN in/IN Jordan/NNP Tuesday/NNP over/IN suggestions/NNS in/IN Israel/NNP that/IN Jordan/NNP might/MD now/RB need/VB Israeli/JJ "/" protection/NN "/" against/IN Syria/NNP or/CC other/JJ Arab/JJ neighbors/NNS ,/, who/WP might/MD seek/VB to/TO exploit/VB King/NNP Hussein/NNP 's/POS illness/NN to/TO destabilize/VB the/DT country/NN ./.
A/DT Jordanian/NNP official/NN was/VBD quoted/VBN in/IN the/DT pan-/NN Arab/NNP Al/NNP Hayat/NNP as/IN saying/VBG ,/, "/" Jordan/NNP does/VBZ not/RB sense/VB any/DT danger/NN threatening/VBG its/PRP$ security/NN or/CC stability/NN from/IN Syria/NNP or/CC any/DT other/JJ Arab/JJ party/NN ./.
"/" The/DT kingdom/NN "/" has/VBZ always/RB been/VBN and/CC continues/VBZ to/TO be/VB capable/JJ of/IN defending/VBG itself/PRP against/IN any/DT threat/NN regardless/RB of/IN its/PRP$ source/NN or/CC objective/NN ./.
In/IN Japan/NNP ,/, Asahi/NNP Shimbun/NNP quoted/VBD sources/NNS as/IN saying/VBG that/IN "/" the/DT government/NN and/CC the/DT ruling/VBG coalition/NN parties/NNS decided/VBD Tuesday/NNP there/EX is/VBZ no/DT constitutional/JJ prohibition/NN against/IN private/JJ companies/NNS transporting/VBG U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
weapons/NNS ,/, munitions/NNS and/CC military/JJ personnel/NNS in/IN emergency/NN situations/NNS around/IN Japan/NNP ./.
"/" This/DT cleared/VBD a/DT major/JJ hurdle/NN in/IN the/DT revision/NN by/IN the/DT Japanese/JJ parliament/NN of/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
-/: Japan/NNP defense/NN cooperation/NN agreement/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
In/IN Russia/NNP ,/, Izvestia/NNP reported/VBD Wednesday/NNP on/IN a/DT ruling/NN by/IN the/DT Constitutional/NNP Court/NNP that/DT nobody/NN should/MD be/VB sentenced/VBN to/TO death/NN again/RB until/IN all/DT citizens/NNS are/VBP guaranteed/VBN the/DT right/NN to/TO trial/NN by/IN jury/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT paper/NN commented/VBD that/IN legislators/NNS might/MD decide/VB that/RB ,/, in/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS current/JJ economic/JJ circumstances/NNS ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ too/RB expensive/JJ to/TO provide/VB juries/NNS to/TO all/DT the/DT country/NN 's/POS courts/NNS and/CC that/IN therefore/RB capital/NN punishment/NN should/MD be/VB banned/VBN altogether/RB ./.
(/( Note/VB :/: "/" Life/NNP and/CC Art/NNP "/" is/VBZ an/DT occasional/JJ column/NN that/WDT compares/VBZ fiction/NN ,/, in/IN various/JJ media/NNS ,/, with/IN the/DT real-life/JJ facts/NNS it/PRP is/VBZ ostensibly/RB based/VBN on/IN ./.
Larger-than-life/NNP figures/NNS from/IN the/DT annals/NN of/IN organized/VBN crime--/JJ Bugsy/NNP Siegel/NNP ,/, Al/NNP Capone--are/NNP often/RB drafted/VBD into/IN service/NN when/WRB Hollywood/NNP decides/VBZ to/TO make/VB one/CD of/IN its/PRP$ perennial/JJ gangster/NN flicks/NNS ./.
Whether/IN the/DT characters/NNS on-screen/JJ end/NN up/RB bearing/NN much/JJ relation/NN to/TO their/PRP$ models/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, varies/VBZ from/IN film/NN to/TO film/NN ./.
Hoodlum/NNP ,/, directed/VBN by/IN Bill/NNP Duke/NNP ,/, tells/VBZ the/DT story/NN of/IN Ellsworth/NNP "/" Bumpy/NNP "/" Johnson/NNP ,/, a/DT black/JJ gangster/NN who/WP did/VBD battle/NN with/IN mobster/NN Dutch/NNP Schultz/NNP in/IN the/DT 1930/CD s/VBZ ./.
Though/IN rooted/VBN in/IN history/NN ,/, its/PRP$ portrayal/NN of/IN Johnson/NNP fits/VBZ into/IN the/DT great/JJ Hollywood/NNP tradition/NN of/IN dramatic/JJ enhancement/NN ./.
The/DT film/NN 's/POS central/JJ story/NN concerns/VBZ a/DT battle/NN over/IN the/DT Harlem/NNP numbers/NNS racket/NN ./.
The/DT numbers/NNS game/NN was/VBD an/DT illegal/JJ daily/JJ lottery--particularly/JJ popular/JJ in/IN Harlem--in/NNP which/WDT ,/, typically/RB ,/, players/NNS chose/VBD a/DT number/NN from/IN zero/CD to/TO 999/CD and/CC placed/VBN bets/NNS through/IN "/" policy/NN banks/NNS ./.
"/" A/DT player/NN won/VBD if/IN his/PRP$ number/NN matched/VBD an/DT agreed-upon/JJ daily/JJ variable/JJ made/VBN known/VBN through/IN some/DT public/JJ channel--for/JJ example/NN ,/, the/DT last/JJ three/CD digits/NNS of/IN the/DT total/JJ amount/NN wagered/JJ at/IN a/DT given/VBN racetrack/NN ,/, which/WDT anyone/NN could/MD learn/VB through/IN the/DT sports/NNS pages/NNS ./.
Since/IN the/DT game/NN never/RB favored/VBD the/DT players/NNS ,/, the/DT "/" bankers/NNS "/" naturally/RB amassed/VBN large/JJ profits/NNS ./.
Besides/IN ,/, the/DT outcome/NN was/VBD often/RB fixed/VBN ./.
Schultz/NNP was/VBD one/CD of/IN Harlem/NNP 's/POS most/RBS notorious/JJ fixers/NNS ./.
When/WRB the/DT film/NN begins/VBZ ,/, in/IN the/DT early/JJ '/POS 30/CD s/VBZ ,/, he/PRP (/( played/VBN by/IN Tim/NNP Roth/NNP )/) is/VBZ a/DT white/JJ Prohibition/NNP beer/NN baron/NN who/WP has/VBZ muscled/VBD his/PRP$ way/NN into/IN the/DT neighborhood/NN numbers/NNS racket/NN ,/, shutting/VBG down/RB competitors/NNS or/CC forcing/VBG them/PRP to/TO join/VB his/PRP$ operation/NN ./.
Johnson/NNP (/( Laurence/NNP Fishburne/NNP )/) ,/, who/WP had/VBD made/VBN his/PRP$ criminal/JJ reputation/NN in/IN 1920/CD s/VBZ Harlem/NNP ,/, returns/VBZ from/IN jail/NN upset/VBN by/IN the/DT white/JJ incursion/NN into/IN the/DT trade/NN ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, powerful/JJ mobster/NN Lucky/NNP Luciano/NNP (/( Andy/NNP Garcia/NNP )/) worries/NNS that/IN Schultz/NNP 's/POS numbers-racket/JJ war/NN may/MD be/VB bringing/VBG too/RB much/JJ attention/NN to/TO bear/VB on/IN organized/VBN crime/NN ;/: even/RB as/IN he/PRP continues/VBZ to/TO do/VB business/NN with/IN Schultz/NNP ,/, he/PRP schemes/NNS to/TO take/VB over/IN the/DT latter/NN 's/POS operation/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT end/NN ,/, Johnson/NNP and/CC Luciano/NNP form/NN an/DT alliance/NN ,/, and/CC Schultz/NNP is/VBZ bumped/VBN off/RP ./.
This/DT plot/NN line/NN ,/, though/IN embellished/JJ ,/, is/VBZ mostly/RB based/VBN on/IN reality/NN ./.
Dutch/NNP Schultz/NNP and/CC Lucky/NNP Luciano/NNP are/VBP renowned/JJ figures/NNS ,/, staples/NNS of/IN crime/NN books/NNS and/CC studies/NNS ./.
But/CC who/WP was/VBD Bumpy/NNP Johnson/NNP ?/.
And/CC what/WP are/VBP the/DT major/JJ discrepancies/NNS between/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS portrayal/NN of/IN him/PRP and/CC the/DT record/NN ?/.
Though/IN he/PRP may/MD have/VB been/VBN overlooked/VBN in/IN white/JJ newspapers/NNS of/IN the/DT time/NN and/CC in/IN subsequent/JJ histories/NNS of/IN the/DT era/NN ,/, Johnson/NNP was/VBD certainly/RB notorious/JJ ./.
When/WRB he/PRP died/VBD in/IN 1968/CD ,/, New/NNP York/NNP 's/POS Amsterdam/NNP News/NNP called/VBD him/PRP "/" Harlem/NNP 's/POS most/RBS famous/JJ underworld/NN figure/NN ./.
"/" The/DT film/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, exaggerates/NNS his/PRP$ role/NN in/IN several/JJ instances/NNS and/CC gives/VBZ no/DT hint/NN as/IN to/TO what/WP happened/VBD to/TO him/PRP after/IN the/DT numbers/NNS battle/NN was/VBD over/IN ./.
For/IN starters/NNS ,/, Hoodlum/NNP elevates/VBZ Johnson/NNP 's/POS importance/NN at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN Stephanie/NNP St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP ,/, a/DT k/NN a/DT Madame/NNP Queen/NNP (/( Cicely/NNP Tyson/NNP )/) ,/, an/DT immigrant/JJ from/IN Martinique/NNP who/WP became/VBD a/DT numbers/NNS millionaire/NN ,/, and/CC for/IN whom/WP Johnson/NNP went/VBD to/TO work/VB after/IN his/PRP$ release/NN from/IN jail/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT film/NN ,/, Madame/NNP Queen/NNP effectively/RB drops/VBZ out/IN of/IN the/DT picture/NN when/WRB she/PRP is/VBZ sent/VBN to/TO jail/NN in/IN 1934/CD ./.
But/CC Karen/NNP E/NNP ./.
Quiñones/NNP Miller/NNP ,/, a/DT staff/NN writer/NN at/IN the/DT Philadelphia/NNP Inquirer/NNP who/WP is/VBZ writing/VBG a/DT book/NN on/IN Johnson/NNP ,/, says/VBZ that/IN while/IN St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP was/VBD in/IN fact/NN imprisoned/VBN for/IN eight/CD months/NNS ,/, it/PRP was/VBD during/IN 1929/CD ,/, before/IN the/DT fight/NN started/VBD for/IN control/NN of/IN the/DT Harlem/NNP racket/NN ./.
On-screen/NNP ,/, St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP is/VBZ depicted/VBN as/IN being/VBG scared/VBN of/IN Schultz/NNP ,/, and/CC Johnson/NNP has/VBZ to/TO fight/VB in/IN her/PRP$ place/NN ./.
In/IN life/NN ,/, she/PRP was/VBD less/RBR passive/JJ ./.
Paul/NNP Sann/NNP ,/, former/JJ executive/JJ editor/NN of/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP ,/, writes/VBZ in/IN Kill/VB the/DT Dutchman/NNP !/.
:/: The/DT Story/NNP of/IN Dutch/NNP Schultz/NNP (/( 1971/CD )/) that/IN St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP herself/PRP stood/VBD up/IN to/TO Schultz/NNP ,/, even/RB asking/VBG city/NN officials/NNS to/TO crack/VB down/RB on/IN his/PRP$ racket/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ Schultz/NNP 's/POS life/NN or/CC mine/NN ,/, "/" St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP reportedly/RB said/VBD ./.
"/" Dutch/JJ 's/POS men/NNS know/VBP I/PRP am/VBP the/DT only/RB one/CD in/IN Harlem/NNP who/WP can/MD take/VB back/RB from/IN their/PRP$ boss/NN the/DT racket/NN he/PRP stole/VBD from/IN my/PRP$ colored/VBN friends/NNS and/CC they/PRP know/VBP I/PRP 'm/VBP going/VBG into/IN action/NN ./.
"/" And/CC in/IN 1935/CD ,/, when/WRB Schultz/NNP was/VBD dying/VBG in/IN a/DT Newark/NNP hospital/NN ,/, having/VBG been/VBN gunned/VBN down/RB in/IN a/DT mob/NN hit/VBD ,/, St/NNP ./.
Clair/NNP sent/VBD a/DT Western/NNP Union/NNP message/NN :/: "/" As/IN ye/NN sow/VBP ,/, so/RB shall/MD ye/NN reap/VB ./.
"/" That/DT telegram/NN is/VBZ omitted/VBN from/IN the/DT script/NN ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ Schultz/NNP dying/VBG immediately/RB after/IN being/VBG shot/NN ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ only/RB one/CD of/IN several/JJ inaccuracies/NNS in/IN the/DT film/NN 's/POS portrayal/NN of/IN Schultz/NNP 's/POS murder/NN ./.
Viewers/NNS are/VBP left/VBN with/IN the/DT impression/NN that/IN Johnson/NNP orchestrated/VBD the/DT killing/VBG ./.
Fishburne/NNP 's/POS Johnson/NNP plays/VBZ Roth/NNP 's/POS Schultz/NNP off/RP against/IN Garcia/NNP 's/POS Luciano/NNP ,/, effectively/RB duping/VBG Luciano/NNP into/IN slaying/NN Schultz/NNP ./.
In/IN life/NN ,/, Schultz/NNP 's/POS murder/NN was/VBD ordered/VBN by/IN the/DT national/JJ criminal/JJ syndicate/NN formed/VBN by/IN Luciano/NNP and/CC the/DT famed/JJ mobster/NN Meyer/NNP Lansky/NNP ./.
agree/VBP that/IN the/DT main/JJ reason/NN Schultz/NNP was/VBD killed/VBN was/VBD because/IN he/PRP 'd/MD recklessly/RB threatened/VBN to/TO rub/VB out/IN special/JJ prosecutor/NN Thomas/NNP Dewey/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD after/IN him/PRP for/IN tax/NN evasion/NN and/CC racketeering/NN ./.
He/PRP 'd/MD even/RB proposed/VBD the/DT hit/NN to/TO the/DT syndicate/NN ,/, which/WDT rejected/VBD it/PRP :/: The/DT mob/NN could/MD n't/RB afford/VB the/DT attention/NN such/JJ a/DT murder/NN would/MD bring/VB ./.
Hoodlum/NNP 's/POS Dewey/NNP (/( William/NNP Atherton/NNP )/) bears/VBZ little/JJ resemblance/NN to/TO the/DT real/JJ prosecutor/NN ,/, district/NN attorney/NN ,/, governor/NN ,/, and/CC failed/VBD presidential/JJ candidate/NN ./.
Most/JJS glaringly/RB ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ shown/VBN taking/VBG cash/NN from/IN Luciano/NNP ,/, some/DT of/IN which/WDT is/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO prevent/VB him/PRP from/IN going/VBG after/IN Schultz/NNP ./.
This/DT never/RB happened/VBN ,/, and/CC there/EX 's/VBZ no/DT evidence/NN that/IN Dewey/NNP was/VBD corrupt/JJ ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, it/PRP was/VBD Dewey/NNP who/WP later/RB successfully/RB prosecuted/VBN Luciano/NNP on/IN prostitution-related/JJ charges/NNS ./.
Since/IN the/DT film/NN ends/VBZ with/IN Schultz/NNP 's/POS death/NN ,/, it/PRP leaves/VBZ little/JJ indication/NN as/IN to/TO what/WP became/VBD of/IN Johnson/NNP ./.
And/CC it/PRP implies/VBZ that/IN the/DT Harlem/NNP racket/NN reverted/VBN to/TO local/JJ control/NN ./.
The/DT Encyclopedia/NNP of/IN New/NNP York/NNP states/NNS that/IN ,/, after/IN 1935/CD ,/, Luciano/NNP and/CC Lansky/NNP took/VBD over/IN the/DT Harlem/NNP racket/NN ./.
Johnson/NNP 's/POS role/NN remained/VBD an/DT important/JJ one/CD ,/, but/CC he/PRP was/VBD definitely/RB not/RB his/PRP$ own/JJ boss/NN ./.
In/IN Black/NNP Mafia/NNP :/: Ethnic/NNP Succession/NNP in/IN Organized/NNP Crime/NNP (/( 1974/CD )/) ,/, Francis/NNP A/DT ./.
J/NNP ./.
Ianni/NNP writes/VBZ ,/, "/" Johnson/NNP essentially/RB worked/VBD as/IN a/DT middleman/NN for/IN the/DT Italian/JJ syndicate/NN ./.
When/WRB a/DT black/NN wanted/VBD to/TO buy/VB a/DT franchise/NN to/TO establish/VB a/DT numbers/NNS bank/NN ,/, he/PRP went/VBD to/TO Bumpy/NNP ./.
As/IN for/IN Johnson/NNP 's/POS character/NN ,/, the/DT movie/NN depicts/VBZ him/PRP as/IN a/DT gangster/NN with/IN a/DT heart/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT gangster/NN nonetheless/RB ./.
At/IN one/CD point/NN ,/, he/PRP throws/VBZ cash/NN to/TO people/NNS in/IN a/DT local/JJ soup/NN line/NN ./.
At/IN another/DT ,/, the/DT mother/NN of/IN a/DT teen-ager/NN murdered/VBN while/IN in/IN Johnson/NNP 's/POS employ/VB sobs/NNS ,/, "/" People/NNS call/VBP you/PRP a/DT hero/NN ./.
you/PRP 're/VBP just/RB a/DT common/JJ thief/NN ,/, "/" reminding/VBG us/PRP of/IN the/DT violence/NN he/PRP brought/VBD to/TO his/PRP$ neighborhood/NN ./.
Quiñones/NNP Miller/NNP says/VBZ that/IN ,/, though/IN Johnson/NNP 's/POS reputation/NN in/IN Harlem/NNP was/VBD mixed/JJ ,/, he/PRP was/VBD known/VBN for/IN taking/VBG care/NN of/IN the/DT community/NN :/: "/" Bumpy/NNP made/VBD the/DT Italians/NNPS give/VBP money/NN to/TO neighborhood/NN charitable/JJ organizations/NNS ./.
"/" When/WRB Johnson/NNP died/VBD in/IN 1968/CD ,/, of/IN natural/JJ causes/NNS ,/, Jimmy/NNP Breslin/NNP wrote/VBD a/DT column/NN ,/, calling/VBG him/PRP a/DT Robin/NNP Hood/NNP of/IN Harlem/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO Helen/NNP Lawrenson/NNP ,/, a/DT former/JJ Vanity/NNP Fair/NNP editor/NN and/CC Johnson/NNP 's/POS self-proclaimed/JJ ex-lover/JJ ,/, this/DT is/VBZ a/DT romantic/JJ view/NN of/IN him/PRP ./.
In/IN her/PRP$ memoir/NN ,/, Stranger/NNP at/IN the/DT Party/NNP (/( 1975/CD )/) ,/, she/PRP quotes/VBZ the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Daily/NNP Mirror/NNP on/IN the/DT news/NN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD sentenced/VBN to/TO six-to-/JJ 10/CD in/IN Sing/NNP Sing/NNP :/: "/" Harlem/NNP is/VBZ in/IN a/DT state/NN of/IN rejoicing/VBG that/IN his/PRP$ reign/NN of/IN terror/NN is/VBZ over/IN ./.
"/" But/CC she/PRP also/RB quotes/VBZ the/DT Amsterdam/NNP News/NNP ,/, which/WDT says/VBZ that/IN Johnson/NNP was/VBD "/" welcomed/VBD like/IN a/DT conqueror/NN "/" when/WRB he/PRP came/VBD back/RB to/TO Harlem/NNP in/IN 1963/CD after/IN doing/VBG time/NN in/IN Alcatraz/NNP and/CC other/JJ prisons/NNS ./.
The/DT film/NN ends/VBZ with/IN the/DT camera/NN zooming/VBG toward/IN Johnson/NNP 's/POS eye/NN until/IN the/DT screen/NN becomes/VBZ more/JJR and/CC more/JJR grainy/NN and/CC ultimately/RB black/JJ ,/, as/IN if/IN to/TO suggest/VB that/IN settling/VBG the/DT big/JJ questions/NNS of/IN who/WP Bumpy/NNP Johnson/NNP really/RB was/VBD and/CC what/WP he/PRP meant/VBD to/TO Harlem/NNP may/MD be/VB beyond/IN its/PRP$ range/NN ./.
After/IN all/DT ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ only/RB a/DT movie/NN ./.
As/IN often/RB happens/VBZ on/IN a/DT Sunday/NNP ,/, the/DT papers/NNS are/VBP dominated/VBN by/IN non-breaking/JJ stories/NNS ,/, which/WDT could/MD have/VB run/VBN today/NN or/CC a/DT month/NN from/IN today/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP the/DT lead/NN is/VBZ word/NN that/IN GOP/NNP leaders/NNS are/VBP talking/VBG about/IN radically/RB overhauling/VBG the/DT tax/NN code/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS comment/NN that/IN the/DT Republicans/NNPS are/VBP hurting/VBG the/DT federal/JJ judiciary/NN by/IN systematically/RB blocking/VBG his/PRP$ appointments/NNS to/TO the/DT bench/NN ./.
The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN details/NNS of/IN a/DT 1993/CD abduction/NN of/IN a/DT Libyan/JJ dissident/NN from/IN Cairo/NNP ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT NYT/NNP ,/, the/DT Republicans/NNPS in/IN Congress/NNP have/VBP begun/VBN an/DT intense/JJ debate/NN about/IN how/WRB to/TO follow/VB up/RP the/DT balanced-budget/JJ amendment/NN ,/, reflecting/VBG the/DT fact/NN that/IN polls/NNS show/VBP voters/NNS are/VBP becoming/VBG less/RBR responsive/JJ to/TO mere/JJ tax/NN cuts/NNS ./.
To/TO lay/VB the/DT groundwork/NN ,/, reports/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, Rep/NNP ./.
Dick/NNP Armey/NNP of/IN Texas/NNP ,/, the/DT majority/NN leader/NN ,/, and/CC Rep/NNP ./.
W/NNP ./.
J/NNP ./.
Tauzin/NNP of/IN Louisiana/NNP announced/VBD last/JJ week/NN that/IN they/PRP were/VBD embarking/VBG on/IN a/DT three-city/JJ "/" Scrap/NN the/DT Code/NNP "/" tax/NN tour/NN in/IN October/NNP to/TO debate/VB the/DT merits/NNS of/IN Armey/NNP 's/POS flat/JJ tax/NN vs/NNS ./.
Tauzin/NNP 's/POS national/JJ retail/JJ sales/NNS tax/NN ./.
"/" Last/JJ Thursday/NNP ,/, the/DT two/CD kicked/VBD off/RP this/DT philosophical/JJ quest/NN by/IN throwing/VBG copies/NNS of/IN the/DT federal/JJ tax/NN code/NN into/IN a/DT large/JJ garbage/NN can/MD ./.
The/DT Post/NNP lead/NN asserts/VBZ that/IN the/DT CIA/NNP now/RB has/VBZ convincing/JJ evidence/NN that/IN a/DT leading/VBG Libyan/JJ dissident/JJ who/WP was/VBD a/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
resident/NN just/RB months/NNS away/RB from/IN citizenship/NN was/VBD abducted/NN from/IN a/DT Cairo/NNP human/JJ rights/NNS conference/NN with/IN the/DT help/NN of/IN Egyptian/JJ agents/NNS and/CC spirited/JJ off/RP to/TO Libya/NNP where/WRB he/PRP was/VBD murdered/VBN ./.
This/DT finding/VBG is/VBZ said/VBN to/TO have/VB upset/VBN relations/NNS between/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC Egypt/NNP ./.
The/DT paper/NN says/VBZ that/IN throughout/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
officials/NNS '/POS investigation/NN of/IN the/DT incident/NN ,/, their/PRP$ requests/NNS for/IN help/NN from/IN Egypt/NNP have/VBP produced/VBN only/RB limited/JJ cooperation/NN ,/, and/CC that/IN this/DT month/NN Al/NNP Gore/NNP privately/RB demanded/VBD that/IN Egypt/NNP 's/POS Hosni/NNP Mubarak/NNP order/NN a/DT full/JJ investigation/NN ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP today/NN begins/VBZ the/DT first/JJ of/IN two/CD pieces/NNS on/IN educational/JJ testing/NN with/IN a/DT piece/NN on/IN the/DT failure/NN of/IN the/DT field/NN 's/POS largest/JJS company/NN ,/, the/DT Educational/NNP Testing/NNP Service/NNP (/( a/DT nonprofit/JJ with/IN an/DT annual/JJ revenue/NN $/$ 400/CD million/CD )/) ,/, to/TO get/VB cheating/NN under/IN control/NN or/CC to/TO disclose/VB security/NN problems/NNS to/TO the/DT test-taking/JJ public/NN ./.
The/DT company/NN ,/, says/VBZ the/DT paper/NN ,/, prefers/VBZ to/TO sweep/VB its/PRP$ dirt/NN under/IN the/DT rug/NN to/TO protect/VB its/PRP$ dominant/JJ share/NN of/IN the/DT testing/NN business/NN instead/RB of/IN spending/VBG the/DT money/NN to/TO tighten/VB security/NN ./.
The/DT story/NN details/NNS widespread/JJ cheating/NN on/IN the/DT company/NN 's/POS Louisiana/NNP state/NN school/NN principals/NNS '/POS test/NN and/CC the/DT English/NNP proficiency/NN exams/NNS it/PRP administers/VBZ as/IN part/NN of/IN the/DT citizenship/NN process/NN ./.
And/CC as/IN first/RB reported/VBD in/IN the/DT Times/NNP recently/RB ,/, federal/JJ prosecutors/NNS in/IN Manhattan/NNP have/VBP busted/VBD a/DT nationwide/JJ cheating/NN operation/NN on/IN graduate/NN school/NN and/CC ESL/NNP exams/NNS ./.
Bob/NNP Dylan/NNP is/VBZ very/RB much/RB blowin/NN '/" in/IN the/DT wind/NN ,/, with/IN an/DT omnibus/NN review/NN of/IN his/PRP$ oeuvre/NN on/IN the/DT front/NN of/IN the/DT NYT/NNP "/" Arts/NNP and/CC Leisure/NN "/" section/NN and/CC a/DT picture/NN on/IN the/DT top/JJ front/NN of/IN the/DT LAT/NNP of/IN him/PRP performing/VBG yesterday/NN for/IN the/DT Pope/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT wake/NN of/IN its/PRP$ handling/NN of/IN the/DT Marv/NNP Albert/NNP story/NN ,/, Friday/NNP 's/POS column/NN asked/VBD the/DT WP/NNP to/TO clarify/VB its/PRP$ policy/NN on/IN naming/VBG names/NNS ./.
Almost/RB as/IN if/IN to/TO oblige/NN ,/, today/NN 's/POS Post/NNP "/" Ombudsman/NNP "/" column/NN examines/VBZ that/DT policy/NN ,/, primarily/RB by/IN surveying/VBG the/DT spectrum/NN of/IN views/NNS held/VBN by/IN various/JJ senior/JJ editors/NNS ./.
But/CC a/DT lot/NN is/VBZ left/VBN unclear/JJ ./.
The/DT paper/NN 's/POS policy/NN as/IN stated/VBN in/IN Friday/NNP 's/POS Albert/NNP story/NN was/VBD "/" The/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP does/VBZ not/RB identify/VB victims/NNS of/IN alleged/JJ sexual/JJ assaults/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT "/" Ombudsman/NNP "/" column/NN says/VBZ the/DT policy/NN is/VBZ to/TO not/RB name/VB "/" a/DT person/NN accusing/VBG another/DT of/IN a/DT sex/NN crime/NN ./.
"/" (/( These/DT are/VBP not/RB the/DT same/JJ thing/NN :/: a/DT person/NN accusing/VBG another/DT of/IN a/DT sex/NN crime/NN against/IN a/DT third/JJ party/NN would/MD be/VB covered/VBN by/IN the/DT Sunday/NNP policy/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB by/IN the/DT Friday/NNP one/CD ./.
)/) The/DT original/JJ problem/NN ,/, previously/RB pointed/VBD out/IN ,/, was/VBD that/IN ,/, in/IN the/DT Albert/NNP story/NN ,/, the/DT Post/NNP violated/VBD the/DT policy/NN stated/VBN in/IN that/DT story/NN within/IN mere/JJ column/NN inches/NNS ,/, by/IN identifying/VBG the/DT second/JJ woman/NN who/WP testified/VBD in/IN the/DT case/NN ./.
It/PRP can/MD be/VB pointed/VBN out/IN now/RB that/IN the/DT revised/VBN policy/NN has/VBZ the/DT same/JJ problem/NN ./.
And/CC even/RB the/DT latter/JJ does/VBZ n't/RB seem/VB like/IN the/DT paper/NN 's/POS de/IN facto/FW policy/NN ./.
Can/MD we/PRP really/RB believe/VB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, that/IN John/NNP Bobbitt/NNP 's/POS name/NN was/VBD never/RB used/VBN during/IN the/DT Post/NNP 's/POS coverage/NN of/IN his/PRP$ wife/NN 's/POS trial/NN for/IN sexually/RB maiming/VBG him/PRP ?/.
So/RB ./.
the/DT next/JJ time/NN you/PRP hear/VBP someone/NN railing/NN about/IN how/WRB stupid/JJ the/DT star/NN system/NN in/IN Hollywood/NNP is/VBZ ,/, and/CC how/WRB no/DT A-/NNP list/NN actor/NN is/VBZ worth/JJ the/DT bank/NN he/PRP or/CC she/PRP is/VBZ paid/VBN ,/, show/NN them/PRP the/DT opening/VBG weekend/NN figures/NNS (/( $/$ 31/CD ./.
6/CD mil/NN )/) for/IN The/DT Truman/NNP Show/NNP and/CC ask/VB them/PRP how/WRB much/JJ they/PRP think/VBP the/DT movie/NN would/MD have/VB made/VBN if/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, Jeff/NNP Bridges/NNPS had/VBD been/VBN its/PRP$ star/NN ./.
Remind/NNP them/PRP ,/, while/IN you/PRP 're/VBP at/IN it/PRP ,/, that/IN even/RB if/IN they/PRP make/VBP the/DT dubious/JJ claim/NN that/IN Jeff/NNP Bridges/NNPS is/VBZ a/DT better/JJR actor/NN than/IN Jim/NNP Carrey/NNP ,/, The/DT Truman/NNP Show/NNP is/VBZ a/DT more/RBR effective/JJ movie/NN with/IN Carrey/NNP in/IN it/PRP ,/, because/IN the/DT audience/NN walks/VBZ into/IN the/DT theatre/FW caring/VBG more/JJR about/IN Carrey/NNP than/IN about/IN Bridges/NNPS ./.
And/CC therefore/RB ,/, walks/VBZ into/IN the/DT theatre/FW ,/, period/NN ./.
More/JJR people/NNS seem/VBP to/TO have/VB checked/VBN out/RP Friday/NNP 's/POS performances/NNS of/IN The/DT Truman/NNP Show/NNP than/IN attended/VBD the/DT entire/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
theatrical/JJ run/NN of/IN Peter/NNP Weir/NNP 's/POS last/JJ movie/NN ,/, Fearless/NNP ,/, which/WDT starred/JJ ./.
Jeff/NNP Bridges/NNPS ./.
So/RB ./.
the/DT summer/NN 's/POS second/JJ big/JJ question/NN is/VBZ answered/VBN "/" Yes/UH ./.
"/" (/( The/DT summer/NN 's/POS first/JJ big/JJ question/NN involved/VBD Godzilla/NNP and/CC the/DT answer/NN was/VBD "/" No/UH ./.
"/" )/) Next/JJ weekend/NN ,/, with/IN Six/CD Days/NNS ,/, Seven/CD Nights/NNPS another/DT question/NN gets/VBZ answered/VBN ./.
The/DT question/NN -/: -/: ah/NN ,/, you/PRP think/VBP it/PRP 's/VBZ going/VBG to/TO be/VB "/" Will/MD Americans/NNPS accept/VBP a/DT openly/RB gay/JJ woman/NN (/( Anne/NNP Heche/NNP )/) in/IN a/DT big-screen/JJ hetero/NN romance/NN ,/, "/" do/VBP n't/RB you/PRP ?/.
Well/RB ,/, guess/VBP what/WP :/: Americans/NNPS have/VBP n't/RB accepted/VBN Harrison/NNP Ford/NNP in/IN a/DT big-screen/JJ hetero/NN romance/NN since/IN Peter/NNP Weir/NNP served/VBD up/RB Kelly/NNP McGillis/NNP as/IN an/DT Amish/NNP hottie/NN in/IN Witness/VB ./.
Run/NNP down/RP a/DT list/NN of/IN Ford/NNP 's/POS leading/VBG ladies/NNS over/IN the/DT past/JJ few/JJ years/NNS -/: -/: Greta/NNP Scacchi/NNP ./.
Julia/NNP Ormond/NNP ./.
Alison/NNP Doody/NNP ./.
Annette/NNP Bening/NNP ,/, each/DT of/IN them/PRP about/IN 20/CD years/NNS younger/JJR than/IN he/PRP -/: -/: and/CC see/VB if/IN you/PRP can/MD recall/VB any/DT onscreen/NN sparks/VBZ flying/VBG ./.
Not/RB hard/JJ to/TO understand/VB why/WRB that/IN big/JJ studio/NN blanched/JJ at/IN the/DT prospect/NN of/IN coughing/VBG up/RP 70/CD million/CD bones/NNS for/IN Ford/NNP and/CC Kristin/NNP Scott-/NNP Thomas/NNP to/TO star/VB in/IN a/DT ,/, um/NN ,/, "/" Bosnian/NNP romance/NN "/" ./.
a/DT concept/NN almost/RB as/RB cinematically/RB unlikely/JJ as/IN "/" Amish/NNP hottie/NN ./.
No/DT ,/, instead/RB ,/, Culturebox/NNP asks/VBZ ,/, "/" Can/MD Six/CD Days/NNS director/NN Ivan/NNP Reitman/NNP reinvent/VB his/PRP$ career/NN one/CD more/JJR time/NN ?/.
"/" Reitman/NNP 's/POS career/NN is/VBZ a/DT lesson/NN in/IN big-screen/JJ comedy/NN over/IN the/DT past/JJ two/CD decades/NNS ./.
It/PRP was/VBD Reitman/NNP who/WP first/RB found/VBD a/DT way/NN to/TO marshal/NN the/DT talents/NNS of/IN Bill/NNP Murray/NNP and/CC Harold/NNP Ramis/NNP for/IN the/DT big/JJ screen/NN -/: -/: culminating/VBG in/IN the/DT phenomenal/JJ success/NN of/IN Ghostbusters/NNP ./.
Ramis/NNP once/RB said/VBD about/IN Reitman/NNP ,/, not/RB unkindly/RB ,/, "/" If/IN Ivan/NNP had/VBD directed/VBN The/DT Last/JJ Emperor/NNP ,/, it/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN 102/CD minutes/NNS long/JJ and/CC had/VBD a/DT big/JJ chase/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN ./.
But/CC by/IN the/DT time/NN Ghostbusters/NNP 2/CD came/VBD and/CC went/VBD ,/, Ramis/NNP and/CC Murray/NNP were/VBD directing/VBG their/PRP$ own/JJ movies/NNS ./.
So/RB Reitman/NNP moved/VBD on/IN to/TO Arnold/NNP Schwarzenegger/NNP ./.
Ivan/NNP played/VBD Pygmalion/NNP to/TO Arnold/NNP 's/POS Galatea/NNP in/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN high-concept/JJ comedies/NNS :/: Twins/NNP ,/, Kindergarden/NNP Cop/NNP ,/, and/CC Junior/NN ./.
For/IN a/DT post-coital/JJ shot/NN in/IN Twins/NNP ,/, Schwarzenegger/NNP let/VBD Reitman/NNP set/VBD his/PRP$ every/DT facial/JJ muscle/NN for/IN maximum/NN comedic/JJ effect/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ collaboration/NN was/VBD wildly/RB successful/JJ ,/, but/CC would/MD prove/VB to/TO be/VB the/DT last/JJ stand/NN for/IN the/DT director-driven/JJ ,/, high-concept/JJ comedy/NN ./.
Because/IN waiting/VBG in/IN the/DT wings/NNS was/VBD ./.
Jim/NNP Carrey/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ uninhibited/JJ roar/NN through/IN Ace/NNP Ventura/NNP :/: Pet/NNP Detective/NNP reshaped/VBD the/DT movie-comedy/JJ landscape/NN overnight/JJ ./.
Directors/NNS ?/.
He/PRP do/VBP n't/RB need/VB no/DT stinkin/NN '/" directors/NNS !/.
All/DT of/IN sudden/JJ ,/, over-the-top/JJ ,/, decidedly/RB un-directed/JJ performance/NN were/VBD the/DT rage/NN (/( especially/RB since/IN sitcoms/NNS ,/, once/RB the/DT province/NN of/IN such/JJ physically/RB gifted/JJ performers/NNS as/IN Lucy/NNP or/CC even/RB Tony/NNP Randall/NNP on/IN The/DT Odd/NNP Couple/NN ,/, had/VBD become/VBN writers/NNS '/POS shows/NNS in/IN the/DT Seinfeld/NNP mode/NN ./.
)/) As/IN Carrey/NNP racked/VBD up/IN hits/NNS ,/, other/JJ comic/JJ actors/NNS followed/VBD suit/NN ./.
Eddie/NNP Murphy/NNP had/VBD been/VBN trapped/VBN in/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN stultifying/VBG high-concept/JJ comedies/NNS ./.
now/RB there/EX he/PRP was/VBD ,/, farting/VBG his/PRP$ way/NN through/IN the/DT hugely/RB successful/JJ Nutty/NNP Professor/NNP ./.
To/TO Hollywood/NNP ,/, the/DT comedy/NN director/NN seemed/VBD as/RB disposable/JJ as/IN the/DT aging/VBG ingenue/NN ./.
So/RB ./.
time/NN for/IN another/DT Ivan/NNP Reitman/NNP incarnation/NN ./.
And/CC here/RB it/PRP is/VBZ :/: director/NN of/IN an/DT action/NN &slash;/NN romance/NN with/IN America/NNP 's/POS favorite/JJ hero/NN ./.
Can/MD Ford/NNP carry/VB a/DT love/NN story/NN ?/.
Can/MD you/PRP have/VB an/DT adventure/NN film/NN with/IN only/RB one/CD big/JJ stunt/NN ?/.
Will/MD it/PRP be/VB a/DT Romancing/NNP the/DT Stone/NNP for/IN the/NNP '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ ?/.
One/CD thing/NN 's/POS for/IN sure/JJ about/IN Six/CD Days/NNS ,/, Seven/CD Nights/NNPS :/: It/PRP 'll/MD last/VB about/IN 102/CD minutes/NNS ,/, and/CC have/VBP a/DT big/JJ chase/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN ./.
-/: -/: Chris/NNP Connelly/NNP
It/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB the/DT greatest/JJS comeback/NN in/IN business/NN history/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT re-ascendance/JJ of/IN OPEC/NNP is/VBZ certainly/RB one/CD of/IN the/DT more/RBR surprising/JJ turnarounds/NNS in/IN recent/JJ memory/NN ./.
Back/RB in/IN March/NNP ,/, the/DT benchmark/NN price/NN of/IN West/NNP Texas/NNP Intermediate/NNP crude/JJ oil/NN was/VBD $/$ 13/CD a/DT barrel/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP seemed/VBD to/TO be/VB a/DT foregone/JJ conclusion/NN that/IN the/DT ability/NN of/IN the/DT world/NN 's/POS key/JJ oil-producing/JJ nations/NNS to/TO keep/VB prices/NNS high/RB had/VBD forever/RB vanished/VBN ./.
In/IN an/DT earlier/JJR incarnation/NN of/IN this/DT column/NN ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, I/PRP argued/VBD that/IN the/DT combination/NN of/IN new/JJ oil-discovery/JJ and/CC oil-recovery/JJ technology/NN with/IN the/DT advent/NN of/IN the/DT spot/NN futures/NNS market/NN in/IN oil/NN meant/VBN that/IN the/DT OPEC/NNP 's/POS glory/NN days/NNS were/VBD long/RB gone/VBN ./.
So/RB why/WRB are/VBP oil/NN prices/NNS now/RB at/IN $/$ 27/CD a/DT barrel/NN ,/, with/IN consumption/NN actually/RB outpacing/VBG production/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT OPEC/NNP nations/NNS holding/VBG firm/NN ?/.
The/DT simplest/JJS answer--and/JJ the/DT simplest/JJS excuse/NN for/IN that/DT earlier/RBR column--is/JJ that/IN no/DT one/CD ever/RB suggested/VBD that/IN transformations/NNS in/IN the/DT oil/NN industry/NN were/VBD going/VBG to/TO have/VB the/DT effect/NN of/IN repealing/VBG the/DT laws/NNS of/IN supply/NN and/CC demand/NN ./.
Oil/NN prices/NNS have/VBP doubled/VBN because/IN the/DT global/JJ economy/NN has/VBZ made/VBN a/DT powerful/JJ recovery/NN in/IN the/DT past/JJ 12/CD months/NNS ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
economy/NN has/VBZ grown/VBN faster/RBR than/IN it/PRP did/VBD in/IN 1998/CD ,/, Europe/NNP is/VBZ now/RB humming/VBG along/RB nicely/RB ,/, Japan/NNP has/VBZ crawled/VBD out/IN of/IN recession/NN (/( at/IN least/JJS for/IN the/DT moment/NN )/) ,/, and/CC much/JJ of/IN Asia/NNP is/VBZ now/RB moving/VBG again/RB ./.
(/( Some/DT predictions/NNS call/VBP for/IN Korea/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, to/TO grow/VB at/IN 12/CD percent/NN next/JJ year/NN ./.
)/) Since/IN oil/NN prices/NNS are/VBP prospective/JJ ,/, the/DT markets/NNS do/VBP not/RB anticipate/VB a/DT global/JJ slowdown/NN any/DT time/NN soon/RB ./.
And/CC the/DT more/JJR oil/NN consumers/NNS want/VBP ,/, the/DT more/RBR expensive/JJ it/PRP will/MD become/VB ./.
Until/IN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, more/JJR oil/NN becomes/VBZ available/JJ ,/, either/CC through/IN expanded/VBN production/NN by/IN the/DT leading/VBG oil-producing/JJ nations/NNS or/CC expanded/VBN exploitation/NN of/IN existing/VBG reserves/NNS by/IN the/DT giant/JJ oil/NN multinationals/NNS ./.
And/CC here/RB 's/POS where/WRB the/DT "/" foregone/JJ conclusion/NN "/" looks/VBZ a/DT little/JJ less/RBR foregone/JJ ,/, primarily/RB because/IN both/DT OPEC/NNP and/CC non-member/NN countries/NNS ,/, such/JJ as/IN Mexico/NNP and/CC Norway/NNP ,/, have/VBP shown/VBN restraint/NN in/IN the/DT face/NN of/IN rising/VBG prices/NNS ./.
The/DT history/NN of/IN OPEC/NNP ,/, at/IN least/JJS since/IN the/DT mid-/NN 1980/CD s/VBZ ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN one/CD of/IN massive/JJ cheating/NN on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN its/PRP$ members/NNS ,/, who/WP have/VBP regularly/RB violated/VBN their/PRP$ production/NN quotas/NNS in/IN order/NN to/TO reap/VB as/IN much/JJ profit/NN as/IN possible/JJ ./.
That/DT ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, has/VBZ sent/VBN prices/NNS tumbling/VBG ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ time/NN ,/, OPEC/NNP has/VBZ had/VBN an/DT impossible/JJ time/NN dealing/VBG with/IN its/PRP$ non-member/NN competitors/NNS ,/, who/WP were/VBD prone/JJ to/TO flood/VB the/DT market/NN at/IN any/DT time/NN ./.
Prices/NNS have/VBP also/RB stayed/VBN high/JJ because/IN the/DT major/JJ oil/NN companies/NNS ,/, having/VBG been/VBN burned/VBN in/IN the/DT past/NN ,/, have/VBP been/VBN temperate/NN in/IN expanding/VBG their/PRP$ exploration/NN and/CC production/NN budgets/NNS ./.
Although/IN most/JJS of/IN the/DT majors/NNS will/MD do/VB more/JJR capital/NN spending/NN in/IN 2000/CD and/CC 2001/CD than/IN they/PRP did/VBD last/VBP year/NN ,/, their/PRP$ annual/JJ budgets/NNS for/IN the/DT next/JJ couple/NN of/IN years/NNS will/MD probably/RB not/RB equal/JJ what/WP they/PRP were/VBD as/RB recently/RB as/IN 1996/CD ./.
That/DT 's/VBZ what/WP a/DT few/JJ of/IN years/NNS of/IN $/$ 13/CD -/: a-barrel/JJ prices/NNS will/MD do/VB for/IN you/PRP ./.
Still/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ another/DT way/NN to/TO look/VB at/IN the/DT relatively/RB tempered/VBN way/NN the/DT oil/NN giants/NNS are/VBP expanding/VBG those/DT budgets/NNS ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP do/VBP not/RB see/VB prices/NNS going/VBG ,/, as/IN some/DT have/VBP suggested/VBN ,/, to/TO $/$ 35/CD a/DT barrel/NN ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, the/DT oil/NN companies/NNS appear/VBP to/TO be/VB planning/NN on/IN prices/NNS between/IN $/$ 20/CD and/CC $/$ 25/CD a/DT barrel/NN ,/, which/WDT would/MD mean/VB that/IN while/IN filling/VBG up/RP your/PRP$ tank/NN is/VBZ going/VBG to/TO be/VB more/RBR expensive/JJ than/IN it/PRP was/VBD nine/CD months/NNS ago/RB ,/, any/DT inflationary/JJ impact/NN from/IN oil/NN prices/NNS will/MD be/VB seriously/RB muted/VBN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT guarantee/NN that/IN the/DT oil/NN companies/NNS are/VBP right/JJ ./.
But/CC there/EX 's/VBZ an/DT excellent/JJ chance/NN that/IN they/PRP are/VBP ,/, because/IN the/DT structural/JJ transformations/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN oil/NN market/NN are/VBP real/JJ ,/, and/CC so/RB too/RB is/VBZ the/DT fact/NN that/IN running/VBG a/DT cartel/NN has/VBZ not/RB gotten/VBN any/DT easier/JJR in/IN the/DT past/JJ couple/NN of/IN years/NNS ./.
Price-fixing/NNP cartels/NNS can/MD work/VB quite/RB well/RB in/IN the/DT short/JJ term/NN ./.
But/CC over/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN the/DT incentive/NN to/TO cheat/VB is/VBZ simply/RB too/RB high/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT measures/NNS of/IN coercion/NN and/CC punishment/NN simply/RB too/RB weak/JJ ,/, to/TO keep/VB everyone/NN in/IN line/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT moment/NN ,/, the/DT memories/NNS of/IN what/WP low/JJ oil/NN prices/NNS were/VBD like/IN are/VBP probably/RB strong/JJ enough/RB to/TO keep/VB Venezuela/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, from/IN pumping/VBG oil/NN as/RB fast/RB as/IN it/PRP can/MD ./.
But/CC memories/NNS fade/VB ,/, and/CC cash/NN in/IN the/DT bank/NN can/MD sometimes/RB look/VB like/IN forever/RB ./.
Greetings/NNP ,/, Fred/NNP ;/: greetings/NNS to/TO the/DT Book/NNP Club/NNP community/NN ./.
This/DT book/NN was/VBD a/DT huge/JJ surprise/NN for/IN me/PRP ./.
But/CC first/JJ ,/, let/VB 's/POS have/VBP a/DT little/JJ talk/NN about/IN the/DT unspoken/NN psychology/NN of/IN book/NN reviewing/VBG ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO me/PRP that/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT basic/JJ question/NN about/IN a/DT book/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ often/RB the/DT real/JJ question/NN in/IN a/DT reviewer/NN 's/POS mind/NN but/CC that/WDT rarely/RB gets/VBZ laid/VBN out/IN directly/RB in/IN a/DT review/NN :/: Do/VBP you/PRP hope/VB other/JJ people/NNS actually/RB read/VBP the/DT book/NN ?/.
We/PRP can/MD all/DT think/VB of/IN books/NNS that/IN we/PRP read/VBP as/IN reviewers/NNS (/( because/IN we/PRP have/VBP to/TO )/) ,/, and/CC whose/WP$ achievement/NN and/CC message/NN we/PRP applaud/VBP but/CC that/IN we/PRP 'd/MD never/RB urge/VB our/PRP$ friends/NNS to/TO take/VB the/DT time/NN to/TO read/VB themselves/PRP ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, other/JJ books/NNS may/MD have/VB big/JJ logical/JJ holes/NNS ,/, or/CC messages/NNS we/PRP find/VBP unconvincing/JJ ,/, but/CC are/VBP nonetheless/RB a/DT ton/NN of/IN fun/NN to/TO read/VB ./.
So/RB let/VB me/PRP start/VB by/IN saying/VBG :/: People/NNS should/MD read/VB Michael/NNP Lind/NNP 's/POS new/JJ book/NN ./.
You/PRP and/CC I/PRP ,/, Fred/NNP ,/, will/MD no/DT doubt/VB find/VB things/NNS we/PRP disagree/VBP about/IN in/IN the/DT book/NN 's/POS message/NN ./.
I/PRP will/MD try/VB to/TO explain/VB in/IN the/DT next/JJ few/JJ days/NNS why/WRB I/PRP am/VBP unconvinced/JJ by/IN the/DT most/RBS fundamental/JJ point/NN the/DT book/NN tries/VBZ to/TO make/VB ./.
But/CC I/PRP will/MD be/VB satisfied/VBN if/IN people/NNS take/VBP from/IN the/DT Book/NNP Club/NNP one/CD point/NN only/RB ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ that/IN they/PRP should/MD get/VB hold/NN of/IN this/DT book/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ much/RB more/JJR richness/NN and/CC subtlety/NN to/TO its/PRP$ content/NN and/CC argument/NN than/IN we/PRP can/MD cover/VB here/RB ./.
I/PRP know/VBP and/CC respect/VB Michael/NNP Lind/NNP ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ productive/JJ ,/, versatile/NN ,/, and/CC above/IN all/DT ,/, utterly/RB fearless/JJ ./.
He/PRP writes/VBZ with/IN a/DT kamikaze/NN spirit/NN (/( in/IN the/DT admirable/JJ sense/NN )/) -/: -/: taking/VBG his/PRP$ argument/NN as/RB far/RB as/IN he/PRP can/MD and/CC not/RB seeming/JJ to/TO care/VB about/IN who/WP might/MD be/VB mad/JJ at/IN him/PRP as/IN a/DT result/NN ./.
Many/JJ people/NNS who/WP write/VBP as/RB fearlessly/RB as/IN Lind/NNP does/VBZ are/VBP often/RB tempted/VBN to/TO be/VB contrarian/JJ just/RB for/IN the/DT hell/NN of/IN it/PRP ./.
Think/VBP of/IN Christopher/NNP Hitchens/NNP '/POS debunking/VBG of/IN ./.
Mother/NNP Theresa/NNP ./.
And/CC I/PRP was/VBD afraid/JJ that/IN this/DT would/MD be/VB my/PRP$ main/JJ reaction/NN to/TO Lind/NNP 's/POS new/JJ book/NN ./.
He/PRP would/MD start/VB by/IN finding/VBG the/DT event/NN that/IN most/JJS people/NNS consider/VBP to/TO have/VB been/VBN a/DT disaster/NN ,/, and/CC by/IN sheer/JJ virtuosity/NN try/NN to/TO show/VB that/IN actually/RB it/PRP was/VBD a/DT good/JJ idea/NN and/CC a/DT big/JJ success/NN ./.
But/CC the/DT tone/NN I/PRP feared/VBD ,/, of/IN being/VBG contrarian/JJ for/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ sake/NN ,/, turns/VBZ up/RB only/RB a/DT little/JJ bit/NN ,/, as/IN we/PRP 'll/MD discuss/VB later/RB on/RB ,/, in/IN sections/NNS arguing/VBG that/IN more/JJR or/CC less/JJR everyone/NN was/VBD wrong/JJ in/IN assessments/NNS of/IN Vietnam/NNP at/IN the/DT time/NN ,/, and/CC in/IN Lind/NNP 's/POS proposal/NN of/IN a/DT new/JJ regional-psychology/JJ explanation/NN of/IN why/WRB the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS goes/VBZ to/TO war/VB ./.
But/CC the/DT book/NN as/IN a/DT whole/NN is/VBZ a/DT calm/NN ,/, well-researched/JJ ,/, carefully/RB reasoned/VBD ,/, gracefully/RB written/VBN development/NN of/IN an/DT argument/NN that/IN I/PRP finally/RB disagree/VBP with/IN but/CC that/DT cannot/NN at/IN all/DT be/VBP laughed/VBN off/RP ./.
By/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN our/PRP$ installments/NNS here/RB ,/, I/PRP will/MD have/VB tried/VBN to/TO convince/VB Book/NNP Club/NNP members/NNS that/IN this/DT book/NN has/VBZ the/DT wrong/JJ title/NN ./.
It/PRP should/MD have/VB been/VBN called/VBN Vietnam/NNP :/: The/DT Understandable/NNP War/NNP ./.
Lind/NNP does/VBZ a/DT very/RB impressive/JJ job/NN of/IN showing/VBG why/WRB people/NNS who/WP were/VBD n't/RB idiots/NNS and/CC were/VBD n't/RB war/VB criminals/NNS made/VBD decisions/NNS that/WDT turned/VBD out/IN so/RB badly/RB through/IN the/DT 1960/CD s/VBZ ./.
He/PRP does/VBZ not/RB convince/VB me/PRP that/IN it/PRP was/VBD "/" Necessary/NNP ,/, "/" in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN policy/NN makers/NNS at/IN the/DT time/NN had/VBD no/DT better/JJR options/NNS ./.
But/CC that/DT 's/VBZ for/IN later/JJ installments/NNS ./.
Let/VB me/PRP wrap/NN up/RP this/DT one/CD ,/, and/CC suggest/VBP some/DT areas/NNS for/IN discussion/NN and/CC disagreement/NN ,/, in/IN three/CD ways/NNS ./.
1/LS )/) What/WP the/DT book/NN basically/RB says/VBZ ./.
The/DT heart/NN of/IN Lind/NNP 's/POS argument/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP was/VBD a/DT real/JJ war/NN ,/, "/" the/DT third/JJ world/NN war/NN of/IN the/DT twentieth/NN century/NN ./.
"/" The/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP and/CC its/PRP$ pawns/NNS and/CC allies/NNS really/RB wanted/VBD to/TO expand/VB their/PRP$ ideological/JJ ,/, military/JJ ,/, and/CC territorial/NN influence/NN ,/, and/CC they/PRP really/RB were/VBD engaged/VBN in/IN a/DT winner-take-all/JJ contest/NN with/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC its/PRP$ allies/NNS for/IN supremacy/NN ./.
Because/IN of/IN nuclear/JJ weapons/NNS ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS and/CC the/DT Soviet/NNP Union/NNP could/MD not/RB afford/VB to/TO do/VB what/WP great/JJ rival/JJ empires/NNS would/MD previously/RB have/VB done/VBN :/: go/VB to/TO war/VB over/IN the/DT places/NNS that/WDT really/RB mattered/VBN to/TO them/PRP ,/, in/IN this/DT case/NN Europe/NNP and/CC China-/NNP Taiwan-/NNP Japan/NNP ./.
Instead/RB they/PRP tested/VBD each/DT other/JJ constantly/RB in/IN proxy/NN wars/NNS ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, and/CC over/IN Taiwan/NNP ./.
These/DT proxy/NN fights/NNS mattered/VBN because/IN real/JJ fights/NNS were/VBD too/RB dangerous/JJ ./.
In/IN all/DT of/IN these/DT other/JJ cases/NNS ,/, Lind/NNP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS understood/VBD the/DT importance/NN of/IN winning/VBG or/CC at/IN least/JJS contesting/VBG the/DT proxy/NN fight/NN :/: mounting/VBG an/DT airlift/NN to/TO Berlin/NNP ,/, arming/NN Taiwan/NNP ,/, fighting/VBG in/IN Korea/NNP ,/, making/VBG clear/JJ that/IN it/PRP would/MD resist/VB any/DT further/JJ push/NN on/IN these/DT frontiers/NNS ./.
If/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS had/VBD not/RB done/VBN so/RB ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, then/RB its/PRP$ world/NN position/NN would/MD have/VB fundamentally/RB changed/VBN ,/, with/IN serious/JJ consequences/NNS for/IN it/PRP and/CC the/DT world/NN ./.
No/DT one/NN would/MD have/VB believed/VBN in/IN its/PRP$ will/MD to/TO fight/VB ./.
There/EX would/MD have/VB been/VBN a/DT "/" bandwagon/NN "/" effect/NN against/IN it/PRP ./.
Vietnam/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ view/NN ,/, was/VBD not/RB an/DT exception/NN to/TO this/DT pattern/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT logical--/JJ "/" necessary/JJ ,/, "/" as/IN he/PRP puts/VBZ it--continuation/JJ ./.
2/LS )/) What/WP 's/VBZ interesting/JJ about/IN his/PRP$ argument/NN ./.
Lind/NNP means/VBZ to/TO debunk/VB "/" minimal/JJ realism/NN ,/, "/" the/DT argument/NN that/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS should/MD do/VB only/RB those/DT things/NNS in/IN the/DT world/NN that/IN it/PRP really/RB has/VBZ to/TO do/VB ,/, because/IN the/DT great/JJ evils/NNS it/PRP must/MD avoid/VB are/VBP overextension/NN and/CC overcommitment/NN ./.
As/IN applied/VBN to/TO Vietnam/NNP ,/, this/DT would/MD mean/VB staying/VBG out/IN of/IN a/DT fight/NN that/WDT was/VBD likely/JJ to/TO go/VB bad/JJ ./.
But/CC Lind/NNP comes/VBZ up/RB with/IN a/DT memo/NN claiming/VBG that/IN in/IN 1950/CD ,/, George/NNP Kennan/NNP had/VBD made/VBN the/DT same/JJ argument--about/JJ Korea/NNP !/.
There/EX was/VBD really/RB no/DT way/NN to/TO preserve/VB it/PRP from/IN the/DT Communists/NNPS in/IN the/DT long/JJ run/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB better/JJR to/TO look/VB the/DT other/JJ way/NN if/IN the/DT Russians/NNPS or/CC Chinese/NN tried/VBD to/TO take/VB over/IN ./.
(/( "/" A/DT period/NN of/IN Russian/JJ domination/NN ,/, while/IN undesirable/JJ ,/, is/VBZ preferable/JJ to/TO continued/VBD [/( American/JJ ]/) involvement/NN in/IN that/DT unhappy/JJ area/NN ./.
"/" )/) Assuming/VBG that/IN the/DT memo/NN is/VBZ presented/VBN in/IN context/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ interesting/JJ ,/, to/TO say/VB the/DT least/JJS ./.
There/EX are/VBP dozens/NNS of/IN similar/JJ discoveries/NNS ./.
3/LS )/) Where/WRB I/PRP think/VBP he/PRP has/VBZ not/RB made/VBN the/DT sale/NN ./.
Lind/NNP recognizes/VBZ that/IN a/DT "/" necessary/JJ "/" defense/NN of/IN South/NNP Vietnam/NNP would/MD have/VB cost/VBN many/JJ American/JJ lives--because/JJ the/DT North/NNP Vietnamese/JJ ,/, the/DT Chinese/NNPS ,/, and/CC the/DT Soviets/NNPS had/VBD so/RB much/RB at/IN stake/NN in/IN the/DT conflict/NN ./.
Because/IN of/IN the/DT casualties/NNS ,/, Lind/NNP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS would/MD eventually/RB have/VB had/VBN to/TO leave/VB Vietnam/NNP anyway/RB ./.
The/DT (/( quite/RB understandable/JJ )/) nature/NN of/IN American/JJ politics/NNS is/VBZ that/DT support/NN for/IN a/DT war/NN falls/VBZ when/WRB casualties/NNS rise/VBP ./.
Nonetheless/RB ,/, Lind/NNP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT strategy/NN of/IN "/" maximal/NN realism/NN "/" means/VBZ it/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN better/JJR to/TO have/VB started/VBN the/DT defense/NN ,/, and/CC continued/VBD it/PRP until/IN the/DT casualties/NNS became/VBD too/RB high/JJ for/IN domestic/JJ politics/NNS to/TO bear/VB ,/, than/IN to/TO have/VB taken/VBN the/DT "/" minimal/JJ realism/NN "/" course/NN of/IN not/RB starting/VBG the/DT fight/NN ./.
This/DT really/RB is/VBZ the/DT crux/NN of/IN the/DT "/" necessary/JJ "/" argument/NN :/: better/JJR to/TO have/VB fought/VBN and/CC withdrawn/VBN than/IN never/RB to/TO have/VB fought/VBN at/IN all/DT ./.
This/DT is/VBZ where/WRB I/PRP disagree/VBP with/IN Michael/NNP Lind--and/NNP with/IN you/PRP ,/, Fred/NNP ,/, I/PRP 'm/VBP guessing/VBG ./.
Reading/VBG this/DT book/NN helped/VBD me/PRP see/VBP that/IN I/PRP am/VBP a/DT "/" minimal/JJ realist/NN ./.
"/" Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT place/NN we/PRP might/MD start/VB ./.
Do/VBP you/PRP agree/VB with/IN this/DT characterization/NN of/IN Lind/NNP 's/POS argument/NN ?/.
And/CC do/VBP you/PRP agree/VBP with/IN him/PRP that/IN it/PRP was/VBD worth/JJ having/VBG made/VBD the/DT start/NN ,/, even/RB if/IN the/DT end/NN was/VBD likely/JJ to/TO be/VB bad/JJ ?/.
Appearing/NNP on/IN ABC/NNP 's/VBZ This/DT Week/NNP last/JJ Sunday/NNP ,/, controversial/JJ Gore/NNP consultant/NN Naomi/NNP Wolf/NNP argued/VBD against/IN holding/VBG candidates/NNS responsible/JJ for/IN the/DT views/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ advisers/NNS ,/, adding/VBG :/:
I/PRP was/VBD interested/VBN to/TO see/VB on/IN Crossfire/NNP a/DT few/JJ nights/NNS ago/RB ,/, Mr/NNP ./.
Press/NNP pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP 's/POS advisers/NNS have/VBP views/NNS that/WDT were/VBD much/RB more/JJR ,/, I/PRP would/MD say/VB ,/, disturbing/JJ ,/, than/IN mine/NN ,/, that/WDT were/VBD in/IN fact/NN ,/, I/PRP would/MD say/VB ,/, racist/JJ ./.
Who/WP are/VBP these/DT racist/JJ advisers/NNS ?/.
A/DT quick/JJ look/NN at/IN the/DT Crossfire/NNP transcript/NN reveals/VBZ only/RB one/CD allegation/NN that/WDT comes/VBZ close/RB to/TO fitting/JJ Wolf/NNP 's/POS description/NN ,/, an/DT example/NN offered/VBN by/IN "/" from-the-left/JJ "/" co-host/VB Bill/NNP Press/NNP :/:
PRESS/NNP :/: I/PRP just/RB want/VBP to/TO follow/VB up/RP again/RB ./.
Because/IN there/EX 's/VBZ another/DT adviser/NN to/TO George/NNP Bush/NNP by/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN Myron/NNP Magnet/NNP ,/, who/WP says/VBZ there/EX are/VBP lots/NNS of/IN jobs/NNS out/IN there/RB for/IN blacks/NNS ,/, but/CC blacks/NNS just/RB do/VBP n't/RB go/VB after/IN them/PRP ./.
It/PRP reminds/VBZ me/PRP of/IN Ed/NNP Meese/NNP saying/VBG that/IN the/DT homeless/JJ are/VBP homeless/JJ by/IN choice/NN ./.
Now/RB is/VBZ that/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP 's/POS position/NN ?/.
[/NN RNC/NNP Co-/NNP Chair/NNP Pat/NNP ]/) HARRISON/NNP :/: I/PRP have/VBP no/DT idea/NN who/WP Myron/NNP is/VBZ ./.
Whatever/WDT he/PRP said/VBD in/IN that/DT sense/NN is/VBZ ridiculous/JJ ./.
George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP does/VBZ not/RB believe/VB that/DT ./.
I/PRP called/VBD Magnet/NNP on/IN Tuesday/NNP ./.
He/PRP had/VBD n't/RB heard/VBN he/PRP 'd/MD been/VBN denounced/VBN as/IN a/DT racist/NN on/IN national/JJ television/NN ./.
(/( This/DT was/VBD a/DT Naomi/NNP Wolf/NNP angle/NN so/RB obscure/JJ only/RB kausfiles/NNS was/VBD on/IN the/DT case/NN !/.
)/) Like/IN every/DT other/JJ conservative/JJ intellectual/NN in/IN America/NNP ,/, Magnet/NNP confessed/VBD that/IN he/PRP was/VBD ,/, indeed/RB ,/, a/DT Bush/NNP adviser/NN ./.
He/PRP 'd/MD gotten/VBN the/DT call/NN from/IN Austin/NNP a/DT couple/NN of/IN years/NNS ago/RB ,/, and/CC Bush/NNP had/VBD told/VBN him/PRP that/IN his/PRP$ 1993/CD book/NN The/DT Dream/NN and/CC the/DT Nightmare/NNP had/VBD been/VBN a/DT major/JJ influence/NN ./.
In/IN Dream/NN ,/, Magnet/NNP is/VBZ talking/VBG about/IN the/DT black/JJ "/" underclass/NNS "/" -/: -/: not/RB ,/, as/IN Press/NNP implied/VBD ,/, black/JJ society/NN in/IN general/NN ./.
(/( Magnet/NNP says/VBZ "/" only/RB a/DT minority/NN of/IN black/JJ Americans--perhaps/NNP one/CD in/IN nine/CD or/CC ten--belongs/JJ to/TO the/DT underclass/NNS ./.
"/" )/) One/CD dysfunctional/NN feature/NN of/IN underclass/NNS society/NN ,/, Magnet/NNP argues/VBZ ,/, is/VBZ a/DT failure/NN to/TO take/VB available/JJ jobs/NNS ./.
"/" Of/IN course/NN there/EX are/VBP jobs/NNS out/IN there/RB ,/, "/" Magnet/NNP told/VBD me/PRP ,/, sticking/VBG to/TO his/PRP$ guns/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT success/NN of/IN welfare/NN reform/NN makes/VBZ that/IN abundantly/RB clear/JJ ./.
Folks/NNS did/VBD n't/RB have/VB trouble/NN going/VBG out/IN and/CC finding/VBG jobs/NNS ./.
Magnet/NNP 's/POS view/NN is/VBZ probably/RB impolitic/JJ (/( though/IN maybe/RB less/RBR so/RB than/IN Wolf/NNP and/CC Press/NNP think/VBP )/) ./.
In/IN important/JJ ways/NNS it/PRP may/MD not/RB be/VB right/JJ ./.
(/( If/IN every/DT able-bodied/JJ ,/, unemployed/JJ man/NN and/CC woman/NN in/IN the/DT black/JJ underclass/NNS tried/VBD to/TO get/VB a/DT job/NN back/RB in/IN 1993/CD when/WRB Magnet/NNP 's/POS book/NN came/VBD out/IN ,/, could/MD the/DT labor/NN market/NN have/VBP readily/RB absorbed/VBN them/PRP all/DT ?/.
I/PRP doubt/VBP it/PRP ./.
)/) But/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB "/" racist/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ ,/, rather/RB ,/, a/DT simplified/VBN ,/, blame-the-/JJ '/POS 60/CD s/VBZ version/NN of/IN the/DT standard/JJ "/" culture/NN of/IN poverty/NN "/" argument--one/JJ good/JJ working/NN definition/NN of/IN a/DT "/" culture/NN of/IN poverty/NN "/" being/VBG a/DT culture/NN whose/WP$ members/NNS do/VBP not/RB take/VB advantage/NN of/IN economic/JJ opportunities/NNS when/WRB they/PRP present/VBP themselves/PRP ./.
The/DT argument/NN is/VBZ actually/RB anti-/NN racist/JJ in/IN the/DT sense/NN that/IN Magnet/NNP thinks/VBZ the/DT black-white/JJ economic/JJ gap/NN is/VBZ purely/RB a/DT "/" cultural/JJ matter/NN ,/, "/" the/DT result/NN of/IN "/" bad/JJ messages/NNS coming/VBG from/IN the/DT larger/JJR culture/NN [/( read/NN :/: those/DT privileged/JJ ,/, white/JJ hippies/NNS !/.
]/NN that/WDT have/VBP encouraged/VBN a/DT weak/JJ family/NN structure/NN ./.
"/" At/IN the/DT Manhattan/NNP Institute/NNP ,/, where/WRB he/PRP edits/NNS City/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, Magnet/NNP is/VBZ known/VBN as/IN an/DT opponent/NN of/IN the/DT Charles/NNP Murray-/NNP Richard/NNP Herrnstein/NNP argument/NN that/IN genetics/NNS ,/, not/RB culture/NN ,/, is/VBZ at/IN the/DT bottom/NN of/IN the/DT black-white/JJ divide/VBP ./.
Naomi/NNP Wolf/NNP did/VBD n't/RB return/VB my/PRP$ phone/NN calls/NNS ./.
*/NN Readers/NNS should/MD know/VB that/IN I/PRP used/VBD to/TO work/VB and/CC play/VB basketball/NN with/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN ,/, David/NNP Shipley/NNP ,/, an/DT editor/NN at/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ guy/NN ./.
(/( How/WRB close/VB a/DT friend/NN is/VBZ he/PRP ?/.
Check/VB back/RB with/IN me/PRP tomorrow/NN on/IN that/DT !/.
But/CC regard/NN for/IN Shipley/NNP ,/, I/PRP suspect/VBP ,/, is/VBZ giving/VBG Wolf/NNP a/DT lot/NN of/IN protection/NN when/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO press/VB coverage/NN ,/, though/IN it/PRP might/MD not/RB look/VB that/DT way/NN ./.
)/) If/IN I/PRP were/VBD Al/NNP Gore/NNP ,/, I/PRP 'd/MD want/VB someone/NN like/IN Naomi/NNP Wolf/NNP around/IN ,/, even/RB if/IN some/DT of/IN her/PRP$ ideas/NNS are/VBP quirky/JJ or/CC wacky/JJ ./.
But/CC the/DT "/" racism/NN "/" charge/NN is/VBZ n't/RB quirky/JJ or/CC wacky--it/JJ 's/POS demagogy/NN ./.
It/PRP coarsens/NNS and/CC inflames/NNS dialogue/NN in/IN a/DT way/NN that/WDT tends/VBZ to/TO prevent/VB exposure/NN of/IN which/WDT ideas/NNS are/VBP right/RB and/CC which/WDT are/VBP wrong/JJ ./.
(/( "/" It/PRP 's/VBZ just/RB bullshit/NN ,/, "/" Magnet/NNP says/VBZ ./.
"/" It/PRP means/VBZ '/POS we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB even/RB want/VB to/TO have/VB an/DT argument/NN with/IN you/PRP ./.
'/POS "/" )/) Maybe/RB Wolf/NNP was/VBD led/VBN astray/RB by/IN Press/NNP '/POS tendentious/JJ summary/NN of/IN Magnet/NNP 's/POS views/NNS ./.
But/CC Press/NNP did/VBD n't/RB call/VB anyone/NN a/DT racist/NN ./.
Wolf/NNP did/VBD ./.
She/PRP should/MD apologize/VB ./.
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: Another/DT distinction/NN between/IN Wolf/NNP and/CC Magnet/NNP is/VBZ that/IN Bush/NNP did/VBD n't/RB pay/VB Magnet/NNP anything/NN for/IN his/PRP$ advice/NN ,/, while/IN Gore/NNP valued/VBD Wolf/NNP 's/POS at/IN $/$ 15/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT month/NN ./.
P/NN ./.
P/NN ./.
S/NNP ./.
:/: Kausfiles/NNP is/VBZ having/VBG lunch/NN with/IN Magnet/NNP tomorrow/NN ./.
If/IN he/PRP blurts/NNS out/IN anything/NN racist/JJ ,/, you/PRP 'll/MD be/VB notified/VBN immediately/RB !/.
*/NN Wolf/NNP did/VBD call/NN after/IN this/DT item/NN was/VBD posted/VBN ,/, but/CC our/PRP$ conversation/NN was/VBD off-the-record/JJ ./.
Clarence/NNP Page/NNP 's/POS hack/VB fact/NN :/:
"/" The/DT downside/NN of/IN the/DT changing/VBG statistics/NNS ,/, and/CC indeed/RB a/DT new/JJ figure/NN came/VBD out/RP this/DT week/NN showing/VBG unemployment/NN down/RB to--what/JJ ?/.
-/: -/: around--around/JJ 4/CD percent/NN ,/, the/DT lowest/JJS it/PRP 's/VBZ been/VBN since/IN 1970/CD ,/, is/VBZ that/IN the/DT poverty/NN rate/NN has/VBZ n't/RB changed/VBN ./.
-/: -/: Clarence/NNP Page/NNP ,/, on/IN Washington/NNP Week/NNP in/IN Review/NNP ,/, Nov/NNP ./.
5/CD ,/, 1999/CD
"/" Continued/VBN economic/JJ growth/NN led/VBN to/TO a/DT significant/JJ reduction/NN in/IN poverty/NN in/IN 1998/CD ,/, as/IN the/DT poverty/NN rate/NN declined/VBD to/TO 12/CD ./.
7/CD percent/NN ./.
-/: -/: press/NN release/NN of/IN the/DT liberal/JJ Center/NNP on/IN Budget/NNP and/CC Policy/NNP Priorities/NNP ,/, Sept/NNP ./.
30/CD ,/, 1999/CD ./.
(/( The/DT poverty/NN rate/NN has/VBZ fallen/VBN from/IN 15/CD ./.
1/LS percent/NN in/IN 1993/CD ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Census/NNP Bureau/NNP ./.
Pull-quote/NNP of/IN the/DT month/NN :/:
"/" Sting/NNP really/RB likes/VBZ squash/NN soup/NN ./.
He/PRP really/RB enjoys/VBZ soups/NNS that/WDT have/VBP been/VBN smoothed/VBN out/IN with/IN no/DT bits/NNS or/CC pieces/NNS ./.
-/: -/: Joseph/NNP Sponzo/NNP ,/, family/NN chef/NN for/IN the/DT musician/NN Sting/NNP and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN ,/, Trudie/NNP Styler/NNP ,/, quoted/VBN in/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP ./.
It/PRP should/MD n't/RB have/VB been/VBN a/DT complete/JJ surprise/NN when/WRB I/PRP walked/VBD into/IN the/DT elevator/NN in/IN my/PRP$ Washington/NNP office/NN building/NN and/CC came/VBD upon/IN Dick/NNP Morris/NNP clutching/VBG a/DT book/NN by/IN the/DT late/JJ Cardinal/NNP Bernardin/NNP ./.
If/IN you/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN revealed/VBN as/IN a/DT moral/JJ degenerate/VB ,/, the/DT natural/JJ course/NN in/IN American/JJ political/JJ life/NN as/IN it/PRP has/VBZ evolved/VBN in/IN our/PRP$ times/NNS is/VBZ to/TO come/VB back/RB as/IN a/DT newly/RB enlightened/JJ spiritual/NN spokesman--/JJ St/NNP ./.
Augustine/NNP for/IN the/DT klieg/NN light/JJ age/NN ./.
Last/JJ fall/NN ,/, Morris/NNP gave/VBD an/DT interview/NN to/TO the/DT Door/NNP ,/, the/DT world/NN 's/POS funniest/NN evangelical/JJ humor/NN magazine/NN ,/, in/IN which/WDT he/PRP traced/VBD the/DT arc/NN of/IN this/DT sort/NN of/IN spiritual/NN &slash;/NN professional/JJ recovery/NN ./.
"/" In/IN the/DT last/JJ year/NN ,/, the/DT whole/JJ focus/NN on/IN career/NN ,/, work/NN ,/, and/CC money/NN making/VBG has/VBZ declined/VBN significantly/RB as/IN part/NN of/IN my/PRP$ life/NN ./.
They/PRP 're/VBP not/RB the/DT things/NNS that/IN I/PRP think/VBP about/IN constantly/RB ,/, "/" Morris/NNP said/VBD with/IN beguiling/VBG innocence/NN ./.
"/" At/IN some/DT point/NN I/PRP would/MD very/RB much/RB like/IN to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO have/VB a/DT national/JJ talk/NN radio/NN show/NN and/CC a/DT national/JJ television/NN show/NN and/CC a/DT national/JJ column/NN to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO bring/VB my/PRP$ views/NNS to/TO those/DT Americans/NNPS who/WP would/MD care/VB to/TO hear/VB them/PRP ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB believe/VB that/IN I/PRP should/MD really/RB do/VB this/DT until/IN I/PRP am/VBP further/RB along/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ personal/JJ growth/NN and/CC evolution/NN ./.
America/NNP ,/, the/DT wait/NN is/VBZ over/IN ./.
Over/IN the/DT past/JJ three/CD months/NNS ,/, Morris/NNP has/VBZ emerged/VBN from/IN his/PRP$ long/JJ weeks/NNS in/IN the/DT wilderness/NN and/CC come/VB to/TO the/DT point/NN at/IN which/WDT he/PRP can/MD stop/VB thinking/VBG about/IN his/PRP$ career/NN and/CC start/VB thinking/VBG about/IN getting/VBG a/DT national/JJ radio/NN show/NN ,/, TV/NN show/NN ,/, and/CC column/NN ./.
Rising/VBG above/IN his/PRP$ careerist/NN mentality/NN ,/, Morris/NNP now/RB spends/VBZ more/JJR time/NN in/IN the/DT studios/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ second-tier/JJ TV/NN networks/NNS than/IN William/NNP Ginsburg/NNP ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ working/VBG ./.
On/IN April/NNP 13/CD ,/, Howard/NNP Kurtz/NNP of/IN the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP reported/VBD Morris/NNP is/VBZ close/JJ to/TO signing/VBG a/DT deal/NN with/IN Fox/NNP ./.
And/CC he/PRP is/VBZ writing/VBG a/DT provocative/JJ column/NN for/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP and/CC the/DT Hill/NNP ,/, a/DT Capitol/NNP Hill/NNP newspaper/NN ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ succeeding/VBG as/IN a/DT political/JJ pundit/NN in/IN part/NN because/IN of/IN his/PRP$ interesting/JJ vantage/NN point--he/JJ hates/VBZ Hillary/NNP but/CC loves/VBZ Bill--and/NNP in/IN part/NN because/IN he/PRP is/VBZ the/DT Michael/NNP Milken/NNP of/IN the/DT attention/NN economy/NN ./.
Everything/NN he/PRP says--/JJ Hillary/NNP 's/VBZ a/DT lesbian/NN ,/, there/EX are/VBP seven/CD stages/NNS to/TO the/DT television/NN age/NN and/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ got/VBD them/PRP all/DT figured/VBD out/IN ,/, the/DT Republicans/NNPS are/VBP going/VBG to/TO sweep/VB the/DT November/NNP elections--is/JJ clever/JJ and/CC provocative/JJ ./.
Not/RB all/PDT these/DT positions/NNS have/VBP great/JJ substantive/JJ thought/NN behind/IN them/PRP ,/, but/CC nobody/NN gets/VBZ punished/VBN in/IN the/DT pundit/NN games/NNS for/IN being/VBG too/RB ephemeral/NN ./.
The/DT great/JJ sorrow/NN of/IN Morris/NNP '/POS second/JJ life/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT corrupt/JJ world/NN wants/VBZ to/TO drag/VB him/PRP back/RB into/IN the/DT arena/NN of/IN politics/NNS ./.
Morris/NNP '/POS real/JJ focus/NN ,/, as/IN he/PRP lets/VBZ you/PRP know/VBP before/IN you/PRP have/VBP a/DT chance/NN to/TO ask/VB ,/, is/VBZ the/DT Higher/JJR Realms/NNP ./.
Morris/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN doing/VBG some/DT polling/NN on/IN spiritual/NN issues/NNS ,/, and/CC he/PRP has/VBZ discovered/VBN that/DT morality/NN is/VBZ big/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, a/DT few/JJ months/NNS ago/RB ,/, he/PRP had/VBD his/PRP$ pollsters/NNS read/VBP the/DT following/VBG statement/NN to/TO a/DT survey/NN group/NN :/:
Look/VB into/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ bodies/NNS ,/, with/IN billions/NNS of/IN cells/NNS which/WDT must/MD work/VB together/RB or/CC we/PRP die/VBP ./.
When/WRB a/DT cell/NN does/VBZ its/PRP$ own/JJ thing/NN ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ called/VBN cancer/NN ./.
So/IN it/PRP is/VBZ with/IN people/NNS of/IN the/DT earth/NN ./.
Unless/IN we/PRP work/VBP for/IN our/PRP$ planet/NN ,/, we/PRP will/MD die/NN of/IN the/DT global/JJ cancer/NN of/IN pollution/NN ,/, war/NN and/CC disease/NN ./.
He/PRP found/VBD 66/CD percent/NN of/IN the/DT people/NNS supported/VBN that/DT statement/NN ,/, and/CC only/RB 28/CD percent/NN opposed/VBD it/PRP (/( who/WP the/DT hell/NN are/VBP they/PRP ?/.
)/) ./.
He/PRP concluded/VBD in/IN a/DT Hill/NNP column/NN ,/, "/" Idealism/NNP is/VBZ ,/, I/PRP believe/VBP ,/, the/DT new/JJ force/NN in/IN our/PRP$ politics/NNS ./.
Cynicism/NNP is/VBZ on/IN its/PRP$ way/NN out/RP ./.
The/DT odd/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ that/IN Morris/NNP himself/PRP is/VBZ not/RB cynical/JJ ,/, at/IN least/JJS not/RB self-consciously/JJ so/RB ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ genuinely/RB excited/VBN about/IN this/DT new/JJ spiritual/NN stuff/NN he/PRP has/VBZ discovered/VBN ,/, and/CC sincere--painfully/JJ sincere--when/JJ he/PRP gives/VBZ you/PRP his/PRP$ ideas/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ plan/NN to/TO renew/VB American/JJ morality/NN ./.
His/PRP$ tone/NN at/IN these/DT times/NNS is/VBZ a/DT mixture/NN of/IN consultant-omniscience/JJ and/CC saintly/JJ humility--as/JJ if/IN Gandhi/NNP had/VBD become/VBN one/CD of/IN those/DT guys/NNS you/PRP hear/VBP on/IN the/DT management/NN channels/NNS of/IN the/DT airplane/NN audio/JJ system/NN ./.
When/WRB Morris/NNP talks/NNS about/IN his/PRP$ spiritual/NN platform/NN ,/, his/PRP$ eyes/NNS lower/JJR ./.
He/PRP reiterates/VBZ he/PRP is/VBZ not/RB qualified/VBN to/TO speak/VB on/IN these/DT issues/NNS ./.
He/PRP is/VBZ to/TO humility/NN what/WP Louis/NNP XIV/NNP was/VBD to/TO gilt-edged/JJ furniture/NN ./.
He/PRP has/VBZ built/VBN a/DT palace/NN to/TO house/VB his/PRP$ own/JJ unworthiness/NNS ,/, and/CC if/IN you/PRP talk/VBP to/TO him/PRP ,/, he/PRP takes/VBZ you/PRP on/IN an/DT extended/VBN tour/NN to/TO show/VB off/RP all/DT his/PRP$ rooms/NNS ./.
But/CC he/PRP ca/MD n't/RB not/RB talk/VB about/IN these/DT things/NNS ,/, he/PRP implies/VBZ ,/, because/IN he/PRP has/VBZ come/VBN up/RB with/IN a/DT unique/JJ message/NN that/IN simply/RB must/MD be/VB heard/VBN ./.
Morris/NNP calls/VBZ his/PRP$ spiritual/NN platform/NN "/" Transactionalism/NNP ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB based/VBN on/IN a/DT specific/JJ organized/VBN religion/NN ./.
"/" Those/DT who/WP fear/VBP hell/NN are/VBP religious/JJ ;/: those/DT who/WP 've/VBP been/VBN there/EX are/VBP spiritual/NN ,/, "/" Morris/NNP told/VBD the/DT Door/NNP ,/, echoing/VBG a/DT sentiment/NN he/PRP learned/VBD from/IN the/DT addiction/NN movement/NN (/( he/PRP is/VBZ a/DT recovering/VBG sex/NN addict/NN )/) ./.
Transactionalism/NNP is/VBZ instead/RB a/DT series/NN of/IN policy/NN ideas/NNS that/WDT would/MD improve/VB America/NNP 's/POS spiritual/NN indicators/NNS ./.
As/IN he/PRP talks/VBZ about/IN them/PRP ,/, you/PRP realize/VBP that/IN if/IN America/NNP followed/VBD his/PRP$ advice/NN ,/, God/NNP 's/POS favorable/JJ &slash;/NN unfavorable/JJ ratings/NNS would/MD go/VB through/IN the/DT roof/NN ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT ideas/NNS are/VBP a/DT little/RB mushy/JJ ,/, though/IN not/RB entirely/RB unworthy/NN ./.
Morris/NNP wants/VBZ to/TO set/VB up/RP a/DT series/NN of/IN redemption/NN centers/NNS where/WRB ex-cons/JJ could/MD get/VB a/DT certificate/NN proving/VBG they/PRP are/VBP redeemed/VBN and/CC therefore/RB employable/JJ ./.
He/PRP would/MD like/VB to/TO see/VB a/DT private/JJ association/NN create/VBP a/DT certification/NN symbol/NN that/IN clothing/NN manufacturers/NNS could/MD put/VB on/IN their/PRP$ labels/NNS to/TO show/VB the/DT products/NNS were/VBD made/VBN by/IN well/RB treated/VBN workers/NNS ./.
He/PRP says/VBZ he/PRP has/VBZ dozens/NNS of/IN ideas/NNS like/IN these/DT ./.
If/IN the/DT Almighty/NNP had/VBD properly/RB focus-grouped/JJ the/DT Old/NNP Testament/NNP ,/, it/PRP would/MD be/VB chock-full/JJ of/IN this/DT stuff/NN ./.
There/EX 's/VBZ lots/NNS of/IN noble/JJ praise/NN for/IN the/DT civil/JJ society/NN movement/NN wrapped/VBD around/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN small/JJ ,/, feel-good/JJ ideas/NNS that/WDT elicit/NN warm/JJ and/CC pleasant-feeling/JJ grunts/NNS of/IN approval/NN ./.
If/IN you/PRP remember/VBP the/DT issues/NNS floated/VBN by/IN the/DT Clinton/NNP re-election/NN campaign--gun/JJ control/NN for/IN deadbeat/NN dads/NNS ,/, for/IN example--the/JJ tone/NN will/MD be/VB familiar/JJ ./.
What/WP is/VBZ striking/JJ about/IN Transactionalism/NNP ,/, and/CC about/IN Morris/NNP '/POS whole/JJ approach/NN to/TO spirituality/NN ,/, is/VBZ how/WRB much/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT continuation/NN of/IN his/PRP$ political/JJ style/NN ./.
Morris/NNP is/VBZ still/RB manipulating/VBG images/NNS and/CC spinning/JJ ,/, but/CC now/RB he/PRP is/VBZ spinning/JJ for/IN souls/NNS ,/, not/RB votes/VBZ ./.
He/PRP seems/VBZ genuinely/RB repentant/NN of/IN his/PRP$ personal/JJ sins/NNS ./.
But/CC he/PRP evidently/RB sees/VBZ no/DT contradiction/NN between/IN the/DT amoral/NN spinmeistering/VBG of/IN the/DT political/JJ consultant/NN and/CC his/PRP$ new/JJ vocation/NN ./.
He/PRP recently/RB recalled/VBD a/DT problem/NN he/PRP faced/VBD a/DT few/JJ years/NNS ago/RB ,/, when/WRB a/DT congressional/JJ candidate/NN he/PRP was/VBD working/VBG for/IN was/VBD caught/VBN with/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN transsexual/NN prostitutes/NNS ./.
Morris/NNP proudly/RB noted/VBD that/IN he/PRP solved/VBD the/DT problem/NN and/CC got/VBD the/DT guy/NN elected/VBN ./.
When/WRB asked/VBD if/IN the/DT guy/NN was/VBD guilty/JJ ,/, Morris/NNP seemed/VBD taken/VBN aback/RB by/IN the/DT question/NN ./.
He/PRP said/VBD he/PRP guessed/VBD the/DT guy/NN was/VBD guilty/JJ ,/, since/IN a/DT few/JJ years/NNS later/RB he/PRP was/VBD caught/VBN again/RB and/CC had/VBD to/TO resign/VB in/IN disgrace/NN ./.
America/NNP has/VBZ always/RB had/VBD a/DT spiritual/NN self-help/NN literature/NN that/WDT reconciles/VBZ redemption/NN with/IN résumé-building/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, Bruce/NNP Barton/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Man/NN Nobody/NN Knows/NNP ,/, a/DT best/JJS seller/NN in/IN 1925/CD -/: 26/CD ,/, portrays/VBZ Jesus/NNP as/IN the/DT ultimate/JJ businessman/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP picked/VBD 12/CD men/NNS from/IN the/DT bottom/NN ranks/NNS of/IN the/DT business/NN and/CC forged/VBN them/PRP into/IN an/DT organization/NN that/IN conquered/JJ the/DT world/NN ,/, "/" reads/VBZ a/DT typical/JJ Barton/NNP sentence/NN ./.
But/CC in/IN truth/NN ,/, the/DT yuppie/NN spiritualism/NN of/IN the/DT moment/NN is/VBZ the/DT perfect/JJ breeding/NN ground/NN for/IN Morris/NNP '/POS style/NN of/IN rebirth/NN ./.
It/PRP takes/VBZ religion/NN ,/, removes/VBZ all/PDT the/DT dark/JJ images/NNS that/WDT drive/NN up/RP its/PRP$ negatives--like/JJ judgment/NN ,/, obligation/NN ,/, or/CC anything/NN that/WDT might/MD not/RB be/VB career/NN enhancing--and/JJ replaces/VBZ them/PRP with/IN self-esteem/NN and/CC moral/JJ medals/NNS of/IN honor/NN ./.
No/DT wonder/NN so/RB many/JJ find/VB this/DT market-tested/JJ spiritualism/NN so/RB cool/VB ./.
Morris/NNP '/POS book/NN ,/, Behind/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP ,/, ends/VBZ with/IN a/DT conversation/NN between/IN him/PRP and/CC Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP on/IN why/WRB the/DT forgiving/VBG St/NNP ./.
Patrick/NNP is/VBZ better/JJR than/IN the/DT stern/JJ St/NNP ./.
Paul/NNP ./.
I/PRP had/VBD another/DT glimpse/NN of/IN Morris/NNP '/POS oddly/RB naive/JJ spiritual/NN self-enhancement/JJ while/IN working/VBG on/IN this/DT article/NN ./.
After/IN a/DT meeting/NN with/IN Morris/NNP ,/, I/PRP mentioned/VBD his/PRP$ new/JJ vocation/NN to/TO a/DT Slate/NNP editor/NN ,/, who/WP suggested/VBD I/PRP do/VBP a/DT piece/NN ./.
I/PRP called/VBD Morris/NNP to/TO set/VB up/RP an/DT interview/NN about/IN his/PRP$ ideas/NNS and/CC left/VBD a/DT message/NN ./.
Then/RB I/PRP ran/VBD into/IN him/PRP at/IN a/DT party/NN ./.
I/PRP had/VBD a/DT pleasant/JJ conversation/NN with/IN him/PRP and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
Morris/NNP was/VBD excited/VBN to/TO talk/VB about/IN Transactionalism/NNP and/CC promised/VBD to/TO call/VB ./.
He/PRP did/VBD ,/, and/CC we/PRP set/VBD up/RP a/DT time/NN to/TO talk/VB more/RBR ./.
But/CC then/RB he/PRP called/VBD back/RB and/CC said/VBD that/IN since/IN he/PRP was/VBD now/RB a/DT pundit/NN ,/, he/PRP should/MD write/VB the/DT piece/NN about/IN his/PRP$ ideas/NNS ,/, rather/RB than/IN have/VBP me/PRP write/VBP about/IN him/PRP ./.
Morris/NNP '/POS ambitions/NNS are/VBP all/DT on/IN the/DT surface/NN ,/, and/CC you/PRP could/MD see/VB that/IN he/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO crack/VB into/IN Slate/NNP and/CC control/VB the/DT piece/NN ./.
I/PRP confess/NNS I/PRP 've/VBP never/RB had/VBN the/DT subject/NN of/IN a/DT piece/NN try/NN to/TO replace/VB me/PRP as/IN author/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP figured/VBD it/PRP was/VBD up/IN to/TO the/DT editors/NNS ;/: so/IN I/PRP gave/VBD Morris/NNP my/PRP$ editor/NN 's/POS number/NN ./.
But/CC 30/CD minutes/NNS later/RB ,/, Morris/NNP called/VBD on/IN his/PRP$ way/NN to/TO church/NN (/( it/PRP was/VBD Good/NNP Friday/NNP )/) ,/, sounding/VBG contrite/NN and/CC saying/VBG that/IN he/PRP would/MD "/" back/RB off/RP "/" and/CC would/MD call/VB at/IN 2/CD :/: 30/CD to/TO talk/VB ./.
He/PRP never/RB called/VBD ,/, and/CC now/RB he/PRP has/VBZ stopped/VBN returning/VBG my/PRP$ messages/NNS ./.
I/PRP figure/VBP he/PRP made/VBD three/CD or/CC four/CD false/JJ promises/VBZ to/TO me/PRP during/IN our/PRP$ preliminary/JJ conversations/NNS as/IN he/PRP tried/VBD to/TO figure/VB out/IN how/WRB to/TO play/VB this/DT to/TO his/PRP$ advantage/NN ./.
None/NN was/VBD serious/JJ ,/, obviously/RB ,/, and/CC one/CD suspects/VBZ the/DT new/JJ Morris/NNP would/MD n't/RB lie/VB about/IN a/DT big/JJ thing/NN ./.
But/CC it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT web/NN of/IN easy/JJ evasions/NNS that/WDT is/VBZ the/DT essence/NN of/IN Morrisism/NNP ,/, both/DT in/IN his/PRP$ politico/NN past/JJ and/CC in/IN his/PRP$ Augustinian/NNP present/NN ./.
Dostoyevsky/NNP wrote/VBD a/DT book/NN called/VBD The/DT Idiot/NNP about/IN a/DT guy/NN who/WP is/VBZ unprepossessing/VBG and/CC naturally/RB holy/JJ ./.
Morris/NNP is/VBZ more/JJR of/IN an/DT idiot/NN savant/NN ./.
He/PRP seems/VBZ sincerely/RB interested/JJ in/IN understanding/NN holiness/NNS ./.
But/CC he/PRP ca/MD n't/RB stop/VB spinning/JJ ideas/NNS ,/, images/NNS ,/, and/CC sound/NN bites/VBZ ,/, ca/MD n't/RB stop/VB playing/VBG everything/NN to/TO his/PRP$ advantage/NN ./.
Watching/VBG him/PRP ,/, you/PRP can/MD see/VB why/WRB some/DT of/IN those/DT monks/NNS felt/VBD it/PRP necessary/JJ to/TO take/VB vows/VBZ of/IN silence/NN ./.
Martin/NNP Amis/NNP has/VBZ long/RB evinced/VBN his/PRP$ fascination/NN with/IN American/JJ culture/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP should/MD come/VB as/IN no/DT surprise/NN that/IN he/PRP has/VBZ brought/VBN out/RP an/DT American/JJ novel/NN ./.
Or/CC ,/, anyway/RB ,/, a/DT simulacrum/NN of/IN an/DT American/JJ novel/NN ./.
The/DT work/NN is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, an/DT hommage/NN to/TO the/DT police-procedural/JJ genre/NN for/IN which/WDT Americans/NNPS are/VBP principally/RB known/VBN overseas/RB ./.
This/DT is/VBZ true/JJ of/IN most/JJS entries/NNS in/IN the/DT fiction/NN wing/NN of/IN the/DT body/NN of/IN American-culture/NNP simulacra/NN produced/VBN by/IN aliens/NNS ./.
Like/IN most/JJS items/NNS in/IN the/DT music/NN department/NN of/IN the/DT same/JJ phenomenon/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT riff/NN ./.
Some/DT might/MD glance/NN at/IN the/DT book/NN and/CC decide/VB that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ meant/VBN to/TO be/VB Amis/NNP '/POS Elmore/NNP Leonard/NNP moment/NN ,/, recalling/VBG his/PRP$ praise/NN for/IN that/DT master/NN of/IN fibrous/JJ plots/NNS and/CC low-key/JJ sociology/NN ./.
But/CC Night/NNP Train/NNP is/VBZ light/JJ on/IN plot/NN and/CC nearly/RB Martian/NNP in/IN its/PRP$ sociology/NN ,/, so/IN it/PRP might/MD better/JJR be/VB seen/VBN as/IN Amis/NNP '/POS Mark/NNP Knopfler/NNP moment/NN ./.
Like/IN the/DT lead/JJ guitarist/NN of/IN the/DT erstwhile/NN Dire/JJ Straits/NNP ,/, Amis/NNP is/VBZ a/DT stolid/JJ ,/, middle-class/NN New/NNP Briton/NN blessed/VBN with/IN considerable/JJ chops/NNS ,/, torn/VBN between/IN worldly/RB cynicism/NN and/CC a/DT certain/JJ nostalgie/NN de/IN la/FW boue/NN ,/, whose/WP$ wish/VBP to/TO get/VB down/RB and/CC dirty/JJ is/VBZ undertaken/VBN professionally/RB but/CC stops/VBZ a/DT bit/NN short/JJ of/IN conviction/NN ./.
They/PRP are/VBP both/DT smart/JJ enough/RB to/TO notice/VB you/PRP noticing/VBG this/DT ,/, and/CC their/PRP$ answers/NNS are/VBP identical/JJ :/: more/JJR sixteenth/NN notes/NNS !/.
In/IN Amis/NNP '/POS case/NN ,/, what/WP this/DT entails/VBZ is/VBZ cascades/NNS and/CC arabesques/NNS of/IN language/NN ./.
Night/NNP Train/NNP is/VBZ a/DT monologue/NN ,/, delivered/VBN by/IN one/CD Detective/NNP Mike/NNP Hoolihan/NNP ,/, a/DT physically/RB intimidating/VBG ,/, seen-it-all/JJ ,/, tough-but-tender/JJ veteran/NN of/IN every/DT rotten/JJ assignment/NN in/IN the/DT police/NN precincts/NNS of/IN Anytown/NNP ,/, USA/NNP ./.
Hoolihan/NNP is/VBZ also/RB a/DT woman/NN ,/, as/IN she/PRP reminds/VBZ the/DT reader/NN no/RB more/RBR than/IN once/RB per/IN paragraph/NN ./.
Police/NN salaries/NNS being/VBG what/WP they/PRP are/VBP ,/, she/PRP lives/VBZ in/IN a/DT comically/RB tilted/JJ slum/NN flat/JJ down/RB by/IN the/DT railroad/NN tracks/VBZ ,/, where/WRB deep/JJ in/IN the/DT night/NN the/DT titular/NN conveyance/NN roars/VBZ by/IN and/CC sets/VBZ the/DT coffee/NN cups/NNS a-rattling/JJ ./.
She/PRP shares/VBZ the/DT dump/NN with/IN her/PRP$ latest/JJS in/IN a/DT series/NN of/IN hulking/VBG morons/NNS ,/, or/CC so/IN she/PRP alleges/VBZ ./.
She/PRP only/RB alludes/NNS to/TO Tobe/NNP ,/, failing/VBG to/TO introduce/VB him/PRP to/TO the/DT reader/NN ,/, who/WP is/VBZ tempted/VBN to/TO conclude/VB that/IN Tobe/NNP belongs/VBZ to/TO the/DT race/NN of/IN 6/CD -/: foot-tall/JJ rabbits/NNS ./.
On/IN this/DT day/NN ,/, Mike/NNP has/VBZ got/VBN her/PRP$ worst/JJS job/NN yet/RB ./.
She/PRP has/VBZ to/TO notify/VB next/JJ of/IN kin/NN in/IN a/DT suicide/NN ,/, and/CC not/RB just/RB any/DT suicide/NN ./.
The/DT corpus/NN delicti/NN was/VBD once/RB Jennifer/NNP Rockwell/NNP ,/, who/WP was/VBD both/DT bodacious/JJ gorgeousness/NNS personified/JJ and/CC the/DT essence/NN of/IN braininess/NNS ,/, an/DT astrophysicist/NN ,/, in/IN her/PRP$ day/NN job/NN ./.
Mike/NNP has/VBZ known/VBN Jennifer/NNP since/IN the/DT latter/NN was/VBD a/DT tyke/NN ./.
Jennifer/NNP was/VBD a/DT sprout/VB of/IN the/DT local/JJ cop/NN dynasty/NN ,/, the/DT only/RB one/CD not/RB to/TO wear/VB the/DT blue/JJ herself/PRP ./.
All/DT her/PRP$ brothers/NNS are/VBP cops/NNS ,/, and/CC her/PRP$ dad/NN is/VBZ such/JJ an/DT overwhelming/JJ cop/NN of/IN a/DT cop/NN they/PRP made/VBD him/PRP a/DT colonel/NN ./.
"/" Colonel/NNP Tom/NNP ,/, "/" as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ called/VBN throughout/IN ,/, has/VBZ taken/VBN Mike/NNP under/IN his/PRP$ capacious/JJ wing/NN and/CC seen/VBN her/PRP through/IN detox/NN and/CC depression/NN and/CC all/PDT the/DT rest/NN of/IN it/PRP ,/, as/IN if/IN she/PRP were/VBD another/DT daughter/NN of/IN his/PRP$ ./.
So/RB Mike/NNP 's/POS heart/NN is/VBZ heavy/JJ ,/, but/CC she/PRP is/VBZ still/RB a/DT police/NN ,/, as/IN she/PRP likes/VBZ to/TO put/VB it/PRP ./.
She/PRP takes/VBZ a/DT quick/JJ look/NN at/IN the/DT situation/NN and/CC her/PRP$ analytical/JJ mind/NN snaps/VBZ to/TO ./.
In/IN addition/NN to/TO beauty/NN and/CC brains/NNS ,/, the/DT deceased/JJ had/VBD charm/NN ,/, wealth/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT fulfilling/VBG love-machine/JJ relationship/NN with/IN a/DT fellow/NN double/JJ dome/NN ,/, Professor/NNP Trader/NNP Faulkner/NNP ,/, a/DT roguish/NN but/CC loyal/JJ wearer/NN of/IN tweed/NN jackets/NNS with/IN leather/NN patches/NNS on/IN the/DT elbows/NNS ./.
Does/VBZ that/DT sound/NN like/IN a/DT recipe/NN for/IN self-offing/JJ ?/.
Not/RB to/TO our/PRP$ Mike/NNP ,/, who/WP starts/VBZ investigating/VBG pronto/NN ,/, although/IN the/DT field/NN of/IN potential/JJ murderers/NNS is/VBZ as/RB thin/JJ as/IN the/DT motive/NN directory/NN ./.
At/IN length/NN her/PRP$ researches/VBZ lead/VB her/PRP into/IN terrain/NN that/WDT is/VBZ nearly/RB spiritual/NN or/CC something/NN ./.
Could/MD Jennifer--who/NNP apparently/RB managed/VBD to/TO put/VB three/CD bullets/NNS into/IN her/PRP$ lovely/JJ brain--have/JJ killed/VBN herself/PRP because/IN of/IN the/DT absurdity/NN of/IN the/DT simultaneously/RB expanding/VBG and/CC contracting/VBG universe/NN ?/.
Do/VBP n't/RB count/VB on/IN finding/VBG out/RP ./.
Amis/NNP '/POS game/NN is/VBZ sixteenth/NN notes/NNS or/CC ,/, in/IN this/DT case/NN ,/, a/DT run/NN through/IN the/DT candy/NN store/NN of/IN American/JJ slang/NN ./.
Like/IN the/DT blues/NNS as/IN played/VBN by/IN suburban/JJ virtuosos/NNS ,/, the/DT story/NN itself/PRP is/VBZ little/JJ more/JJR than/IN a/DT structural/JJ excuse/NN for/IN a/DT show/NN of/IN wizard/NN dexterousness/NNS ./.
Mike/NNP is/VBZ the/DT only/JJ character/NN ./.
Background/NNP noise/NN is/VBZ supplied/VBN by/IN other/JJ members/NNS of/IN her/PRP$ department/NN ,/, but/CC they/PRP are/VBP cut/VBN and/CC pasted/VBN from/IN a/DT vague/JJ memory/NN of/IN Barney/NNP Miller/NNP ./.
After/IN Faulkner/NNP 's/POS cameo/NN ,/, he/PRP presumably/RB returned/VBD to/TO the/DT Folgers/NNP Crystals/NNP commercial/JJ from/IN which/WDT he/PRP was/VBD borrowed/VBN ./.
Most/JJS others/NNS ,/, like/IN Tobe/NNP and/CC Col/NNP ./.
Tom/NNP ,/, are/VBP flickering/VBG wraiths/NNS ./.
The/DT MacGuffin/NNP ,/, Jennifer/NNP Rockwell/NNP ,/, might/MD occupy/VB center/NN stage/NN as/IN a/DT corpse/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT reader/NN does/VBZ n't/RB believe/VB in/IN her/PRP$ previous/JJ existence/NN for/IN a/DT minute/NN ./.
She/PRP joins/VBZ the/DT parade/NN of/IN other/JJ scarily/RB perfect/JJ ,/, not/RB remotely/RB credible/JJ woman-objects/JJ in/IN Amis/NNP '/POS fiction/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN Nicola/NNP Six/CD ,/, who/WP plots/NNS her/PRP$ own/JJ murder/NN in/IN London/NNP Fields/NNP ./.
Is/VBZ Night/NNP Train/NNP intended/VBD to/TO be/VB the/DT record/NN of/IN Mike/NNP Hoolihan/NNP 's/POS dt-induced/JJ hallucinations/NNS ?/.
You/PRP tell/VBP me/PRP ./.
What/WP is/VBZ certain/JJ is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP represents/VBZ Amis/NNP '/POS tabulation/NN of/IN his/PRP$ own/JJ verbal/JJ pink/JJ elephants/NNS ./.
He/PRP would/MD experience/VB them/PRP in/IN this/DT form/NN anyway/RB ,/, since/IN here/RB ,/, as/RB elsewhere/RB in/IN his/PRP$ oeuvre/NN ,/, he/PRP appears/VBZ curiously/RB absent/JJ of/IN any/DT visual/JJ sense/NN ./.
He/PRP wallows/NNS in/IN Americaness/NNP ,/, especially/RB cop/NN talk/NN ./.
He/PRP likes/VBZ the/DT idea/NN of/IN hollow/JJ cant/NN being/VBG delivered/VBN in/IN clipped/VBD cadences/NNS by/IN a/DT broad/JJ ,/, especially/RB one/CD under/IN emotional/JJ strain/NN ./.
Sometimes/RB you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB know/VB whether/IN he/PRP did/VBD his/PRP$ research/NN by/IN letting/VBG himself/PRP be/VB washed/VBN by/IN television/NN for/IN endless/JJ stretches/NNS ,/, or/CC whether/IN he/PRP went/VBD so/RB deep/JJ he/PRP knows/VBZ expressions/NNS you/PRP 've/VBP never/RB heard/VBN (/( or/CC have/VBP n't/RB heard/VBN since/IN fifth/JJ grade/NN :/: Do/VBP cops/NNS ever/RB refer/VBP to/TO a/DT perp/NN as/RB a/DT "/" hoody/NN "/" ?/.
)/) ./.
He/PRP savors/NNS verbal/JJ dandruff/NN (/( "/" state-of-the-art/JJ ,/, "/" "/" parameters/NNS "/" )/) and/CC jargon/NN (/( the/DT verbs/NNS "/" to/TO badge/NN "/" and/CC "/" to/TO be/VB rigored/JJ "/" )/) ,/, but/CC mostly/RB he/PRP likes/VBZ the/DT rhythm/NN ,/, the/DT tattoo/NN ,/, of/IN fuck/NN s/VBZ and/CC shit/NN s/VBZ and/CC excuse/VB me/PRP s/VBZ ./.
This/DT does/VBZ n't/RB prevent/VB him/PRP from/IN dishing/VBG out/RP the/DT fine/NN writing/VBG ,/, though/IN ;/: he/PRP has/VBZ Mike/NNP get/VB pretty/RB fancy/JJ ,/, to/TO the/DT point/NN of/IN spouting/VBG Latin/NNP ./.
Anyway/RB ,/, the/DT language/NN business/NN is/VBZ the/DT only/RB conceivable/JJ motive/NN for/IN this/DT book/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB foreigners/NNS will/MD thrill/VB to/TO the/DT exotica/NN ,/, as/IN a/DT sort/NN of/IN high-lit/JJ gloss/VBP on/IN Jerry/NNP Springer/NNP territory/NN ./.
Otherwise/RB ,/, it/PRP goes/VBZ nowhere/RB ,/, for/IN no/DT reason/NN ,/, has/VBZ no/DT friction/NN and/CC no/DT ending/VBG ./.
A/DT pint/NN of/IN the/DT "/" fortified/VBN wine/NN "/" that/IN shares/VBZ the/DT book/NN 's/POS name/NN would/MD make/VB a/DT better/JJR investment/NN ./.
In/IN his/PRP$ new/JJ book/NN rehashing/VBG the/DT Lewinsky/NNP scandal/NN ,/, Jeffrey/NNP Toobin/NNP is/VBZ disgusted/VBN by/IN the/DT "/" fixation/NN on/IN the/DT personal/JJ "/" that/WDT leads/VBZ journalists/NNS and/CC others/NNS to/TO investigate/VB "/" the/DT private/JJ lives/NNS of/IN public/JJ people/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT press/NN ,/, he/PRP says/VBZ ,/, "/" could/MD define/VB tawdry/JJ voyeurism/NN as/IN the/DT study/NN of/IN '/POS character/NN ,/, '/" but/CC the/DT labeling/VBG could/MD n't/RB obscure/VB the/DT true/JJ nature/NN of/IN this/DT new/JJ kind/NN of/IN reporting/VBG ./.
"/" It/PRP amounted/VBD ,/, Toobin/NNP argues/VBZ ,/, to/TO a/DT "/" high-minded/JJ rationale/NN for/IN covering/VBG the/DT sex/NN lives/NNS of/IN famous/JJ people/NNS "/" that/WDT satisfied/VBD a/DT "/" hunger/NN for/IN sleaze/NN "/" in/IN a/DT "/" competitive/JJ market/NN for/IN journalists/NNS and/CC journalism/NN ./.
"/" The/DT dust/NN jacket/NN for/IN Toobin/NNP 's/POS book/NN ,/, A/DT Vast/NNP Conspiracy/NNP ,/, says/VBZ it/PRP "/" analyzes/NNS the/DT facts/NNS ./.
with/IN a/DT measure/NN of/IN dignity/NN [/( that/DT ]/) this/DT story/NN has/VBZ not/RB yet/RB received/VBD ./.
So/RB what/WP does/VBZ Toobin/NNP do/VB to/TO publicize/VB his/PRP$ book/NN ?/.
Dump/NNP Clinton/NNP sex/NN documents/NNS on/IN the/DT Internet/NN !/.
Specifically/RB ,/, on/IN Tuesday/NNP ,/, the/DT Web/NNP site/NN for/IN Toobin/NNP 's/POS book/NN promises/VBZ "/" the/DT complete/JJ and/CC unexpurgated/JJ depositions/NNS of/IN Paula/NNP Jones/NNP and/CC Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP ,/, "/" a/DT "/" secretly/RB recorded/VBN interview/NN with/IN Juanita/NNP Broaddrick/NNP "/" [/( who/WP claims/VBZ Clinton/NNP sexually/RB assaulted/JJ her/PRP$ ]/) ,/, and--most/JJ dignified/JJ of/IN all--/JJ "/" the/DT complete/JJ text/NN of/IN the/DT affidavit/NN in/IN which/WDT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP identifies/VBZ purported/JJ '/POS distinguishing/VBG characteristics/NNS '/POS of/IN the/DT President/NNP ./.
I/PRP called/VBD Toobin/NNP and/CC asked/VBD him/PRP why/WRB this/DT was/VBD n't/RB hypocritical/JJ ,/, and/CC he/PRP offered/VBD various/JJ semi-contradictory/JJ answers/NNS ./.
First/LS ,/, he/PRP said/VBD that/IN "/" only/RB one/CD of/IN the/DT documents/NNS "/" is/VBZ "/" what/WP you/PRP would/MD call/VB a/DT sex/NN document/NN ./.
"/" The/DT "/" rest/NN are/VBP highly/RB political/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT one/CD sex/NN document/NN ,/, in/IN Toobin/NNP 's/POS view/NN ,/, is/VBZ the/NNP '/POS distinguishing/VBG characteristic/JJ '/POS affidavit/NN (/( in/IN which/WDT ,/, as/IN was/VBD reported/VBN over/IN a/DT year/NN ago/RB ,/, Jones/NNP says/VBZ Clinton/NNP 's/POS penis/NNS was/VBD crooked/JJ )/) ./.
But/CC Toobin/NNP 's/POS classification/NN system/NN is/VBZ suspect/VBP ./.
The/DT Paula/NNP Jones/NNP deposition/NN ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, has/VBZ already/RB been/VBN partially/RB made/VBN public/JJ ./.
The/DT parts/NNS that/WDT have/VBP n't/RB ,/, but/CC that/IN Toobin/NNP will/MD now/RB post/VB ,/, seem/VBP to/TO consist/VB largely/RB of/IN defense/NN lawyers/NNS grilling/VBG Jones/NNP on/IN the/DT details/NNS of/IN her/PRP$ private/JJ sex/NN life/NN ./.
That/DT makes/VBZ at/IN least/JJS two/CD sex/NN documents--and/JJ gee/NN ,/, they/PRP just/RB happen/VBP to/TO be/VB the/DT ones/NNS highlighted/VBN on/IN the/DT Toobin/NNP Web/NNP site/NN !/.
Toobin/NNP then/RB told/VBD me/PRP he/PRP was/VBD justified/JJ in/IN releasing/VBG the/DT documents/NNS because/IN they/PRP were/VBD "/" part/NN of/IN history/NN now/RB ./.
"/" He/PRP then/RB switched/VBD course/NN ,/, saying/VBG ,/, "/" There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT point/NN arguing/VBG people/NNS are/VBP n't/RB interested/JJ in/IN it/PRP ./.
I/PRP like/VBP gossip/NN as/RB much/JJ as/IN the/DT next/JJ guy/NN ./.
The/DT difference/NN between/IN me/PRP and/CC the/DT character/NN police/NN is/VBZ that/IN I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB try/VB to/TO dress/VB gossip/NN up/RB as/IN more/JJR than/IN it/PRP is/VBZ ./.
"/" As/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, "/" part/NN of/IN history/NN "/" ?/.
But/CC wait/VB a/DT minute/NN !/.
Would/MD it/PRP have/VB been/VBN OK/JJ to/TO report/VB on/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS sex/NN life/NN in/IN all/DT its/PRP$ moist/NN detail/NN if/IN the/DT press/NN had/VBD only/RB admitted/VBN the/DT purpose/NN was/VBD pure/JJ gossip/NN ?/.
That/DT ca/MD n't/RB be/VB Toobin/NNP 's/POS position/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO read/VB his/PRP$ book/NN ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ righteous/JJ denunciations/NNS of/IN "/" tawdry/JJ voyeurism/NN ,/, "/" and/CC think/VBP his/PRP$ main/JJ complaint/NN with/IN the/DT coverage/NN of/IN Clinton/NNP 's/POS sex/NN life/NN is/VBZ that/IN it/PRP was/VBD n't/RB forthright/JJ enough/RB about/IN the/DT pleasures/NNS of/IN disclosing/VBG the/DT "/" private/JJ lives/NNS of/IN public/JJ people/NNS ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB Toobin/NNP can/MD escape/VB the/DT charge/NN of/IN massive/JJ hypocrisy/NN ./.
He/PRP 's/VBZ written/VBN a/DT book/NN denouncing/VBG people/NNS who/WP sell/VBP books/NNS by/IN revealing/VBG salacious/JJ private/JJ sexual/JJ details--and/JJ he/PRP 's/VBZ selling/VBG his/PRP$ book/NN by/IN revealing/VBG salacious/JJ private/JJ sexual/JJ details/NNS ,/, or/CC at/IN least/JJS hinting/VBG he/PRP 'll/MD reveal/VB them/PRP ./.
(/( It/PRP 's/VBZ even/RB less/RBR excusable/JJ ,/, in/IN a/DT way/NN ,/, to/TO reveal/VB those/DT details/NNS now/RB that/IN the/DT Jones/NNP case/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT Clinton/NNP impeachment/NN ,/, have/VBP been/VBN settled/VBN ./.
If/IN something/NN was/VBD too/RB private/JJ to/TO reveal/VB then/RB ,/, why/WRB not/RB let/VB it/PRP rest/VBP for/IN now/RB ?/.
)/) ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, even/RB Toobin/NNP 's/POS hypocrisy/NN may/MD not/RB be/VB enough/RB to/TO turn/VB his/PRP$ book/NN into/IN a/DT commercial/JJ success/NN ./.
Are/VBP you/PRP itching/VBG to/TO read/VB another/DT breathless/JJ account/NN of/IN what/WP Paula/NNP Jones/NNP said/VBD to/TO Danny/NNP Traylor/NNP ?/.
I/PRP did/VBD n't/RB think/VB so/RB ./.
Please/VB send/VB your/PRP$ questions/NNS for/IN publication/NN to/TO prudence/NN @/IN slate/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
I/PRP was/VBD adopted/VBN and/CC grew/VBN up/RB in/IN a/DT very/RB abusive/JJ home/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB seem/VB to/TO be/VB able/JJ to/TO get/VB past/JJ the/DT bitterness/NN and/CC resentment/NN I/PRP feel/VBP for/IN my/PRP$ parents/NNS ./.
For/IN years/NNS I/PRP have/VBP wanted/VBN to/TO confront/VB them/PRP about/IN the/DT beatings/NNS I/PRP took/VBD ,/, my/PRP$ mother/NN 's/POS drinking/NN ,/, and/CC my/PRP$ dad/NN 's/POS complete/JJ indifference/NN ./.
At/IN 30/CD years/NNS old/JJ ,/, I/PRP am/VBP sober/JJ and/CC reasonably/RB successful/JJ ,/, despite/IN having/VBG not/RB completed/VBN my/PRP$ bachelor/NN 's/POS degree/NN in/IN accounting/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP had/VBN my/PRP$ own/JJ struggle/NN with/IN alcoholism/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP have/VBP difficulty/NN concentrating/VBG on/IN much/JJ else/RB besides/IN how/WRB I/PRP grew/VBD up--though/JJ I/PRP 'm/VBP trying/VBG to/TO get/VB past/JJ it/PRP ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, probably/RB to/TO assuage/VB their/PRP$ guilt/NN ,/, my/PRP$ folks/NNS constantly/RB ask/VBP me/PRP questions/NNS such/JJ as/RB ,/, "/" Did/VBD we/PRP raise/VBP you/PRP right/NN ?/.
"/" It/PRP is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO bite/VB my/PRP$ tongue/NN and/CC lie/VB to/TO them/PRP ,/, telling/VBG them/PRP they/PRP spent/VBD plenty/NN of/IN quality/NN time/NN with/IN me/PRP ,/, etc/FW ./.
My/PRP$ fiancee/NN has/VBZ been/VBN very/RB supportive/JJ and/CC has/VBZ suggested/VBN that/IN when/WRB my/PRP$ folks/NNS open/VB the/DT door/NN with/IN their/PRP$ questions/NNS that/IN I/PRP should/MD take/VB advantage/NN of/IN it/PRP and/CC unload/VB ./.
What/WP 's/VBZ your/PRP$ take/NN ?/.
-/: -/: Closed/JJ door/NN in/IN D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
Dear/RB Closed/JJ ,/,
It/PRP certainly/RB sounds/VBZ as/IN though/IN your/PRP$ parents/NNS have/VBP accumulated/VBN many/JJ debits/NNS in/IN your/PRP$ emotional/JJ ledger/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP salutes/NNS you/PRP for/IN pulling/VBG yourself/PRP together/RB considering/VBG some/DT overwhelming/JJ obstacles/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ clear/JJ that/IN you/PRP need/VBP to/TO unburden/NN yourself/PRP ,/, either/CC to/TO a/DT counselor/NN or/CC to/TO your/PRP$ folks/NNS ./.
Until/IN all/PDT the/DT resentment/NN gets/VBZ out/IN ,/, it/PRP will/MD eat/VB away/RB at/IN the/DT vessel/NN it/PRP is/VBZ stored/VBN in/IN :/: you/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ interesting/JJ ,/, and/CC Prudie/NNP thinks/VBZ meaningful/JJ ,/, that/IN your/PRP$ parents/NNS continually/RB pose/VBP these/DT questions/NNS ./.
At/IN some/DT level/NN of/IN consciousness/NN ,/, they/PRP know/VBP the/DT answers/NNS ./.
This/DT might/MD be/VB their/PRP$ way/NN of/IN asking/VBG you/PRP to/TO give/VB voice/NN to/TO your/PRP$ feelings/NNS and/CC to/TO confront/VB them/PRP ./.
You/PRP certainly/RB have/VBP nothing/NN to/TO lose/VB ./.
Next/JJ time/NN such/JJ a/DT question/NN is/VBZ posed/VBN ,/, ask/VB them/PRP if/IN they/PRP really/RB want/VBP the/DT answer/NN ./.
If/IN they/PRP say/VBP yes/UH ,/, then/RB try/VB to/TO hold/VB yourself/PRP together/RB and/CC ,/, as/RB calmly/RB as/IN you/PRP can/MD ,/, give/VBP a/DT truthful/JJ response/NN ./.
Tears/NNP are/VBP OK/JJ ;/: hollering/VBG is/VBZ not/RB ./.
This/DT may/MD be/VB what/WP they/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN waiting/VBG for/IN so/IN that/IN they/PRP can/MD talk/VB about/IN the/DT past/JJ and/CC apologize/VB ./.
They/PRP ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN you/PRP ,/, might/MD need/VB to/TO give/VB the/DT disastrous/JJ past/JJ an/DT airing/VBG ./.
A/DT repair/NN is/VBZ possible/JJ ,/, but/CC if/IN it/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB happen/VB ,/, you/PRP 've/VBP unburdened/JJ yourself/PRP ,/, let/VB in/IN some/DT sunlight/NN ,/, and/CC lost/VBD nothing/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP is/VBZ for/IN realism/NN and/CC honesty/NN ,/, and/CC hopes/VBZ the/DT balance/NN sheet/NN comes/VBZ out/IN with/IN an/DT improved/VBN bottom/JJ line/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, encouragingly/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
After/IN 20/CD years/NNS of/IN marriage/NN and/CC raising/VBG our/PRP$ children/NNS ,/, my/PRP$ husband/NN and/CC I/PRP have/VBP decided/VBN to/TO stop/VB torturing/VBG each/DT other/JJ ./.
We/PRP broke/VBD the/DT news/NN of/IN the/DT divorce/NN gently/RB to/TO friends/NNS and/CC relatives/NNS ,/, and/CC now/RB are/VBP in/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN dividing/VBG 20/CD years/NNS of/IN assets/NNS ./.
Because/IN we/PRP see/VBP no/DT sense/NN in/IN causing/VBG more/RBR financial/JJ distress/NN than/IN necessary/JJ ,/, we/PRP are/VBP still/RB under/IN the/DT same/JJ roof/NN while/IN we/PRP work/VBP out/RP the/DT details/NNS ./.
The/DT problem/NN is/VBZ :/: We/PRP are/VBP not/RB enemies/NNS ./.
It/PRP seems/VBZ no/DT one/PRP can/MD stand/VB this/DT ,/, and/CC whenever/WRB we/PRP encounter/VB friends/NNS or/CC relatives/NNS ,/, they/PRP invariably/RB ask/VBP personal/JJ questions/NNS to/TO try/VB to/TO get/VB each/DT of/IN us/PRP to/TO speak/VB ill/JJ of/IN the/DT other/JJ ./.
As/IN we/PRP do/VBP n't/RB do/VB this/DT ,/, the/DT next/JJ comment/NN is/VBZ always/RB something/NN like/IN ,/, "/" Well/RB ,/, then/RB ,/, why/WRB are/VBP you/PRP getting/VBG divorced/VBN ?/.
"/" The/DT worst/JJS one/CD was/VBD ,/, "/" I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB you/PRP really/RB want/VBP a/DT divorce/NN ,/, or/CC you/PRP would/MD have/VB gotten/VBN one/CD by/IN now/RB ./.
"/" Please/VB ,/, do/VBP you/PRP have/VBP an/DT answer/NN for/IN these/DT "/" well-wishers/NNS "/" that/WDT would/MD not/RB require/VB giving/VBG them/PRP private/JJ and/CC personal/JJ information/NN ?/.
-/: -/: shan/NN
Dear/RB sha/NN ,/,
Who/WP are/VBP your/PRP$ friends--a/JJ bunch/NN of/IN divorce/NN lawyers/NNS ?/.
Prudie/NNP thinks/VBZ it/PRP 's/VBZ marvelous/JJ that/IN you/PRP and/CC your/PRP$ spouse/NN of/IN two/CD decades/NNS are/VBP able/JJ to/TO unhitch/NN in/IN a/DT civilized/JJ ,/, amiable/JJ manner/NN ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, it/PRP has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT commonplace/NN for/IN about-to-be/JJ exes/NNS to/TO badmouth/NN each/DT other/JJ to/TO whomever/NN will/MD listen/VB ./.
Friendly/NNP divorces/NNS are/VBP somewhat/RB unusual/JJ ,/, but/CC possible/JJ ./.
(/( Prudie/NNP has/VBZ even/RB had/VBN one/CD ./.
The/DT next/JJ time/NN one/CD of/IN these/DT yentas/NNS tries/VBZ to/TO goad/NN you/PRP into/IN dishing/VBG your/PRP$ soon-to-be-former/JJ mate/NN ,/, just/RB smile/NN and/CC say/VB ,/, "/" Oh/UH ,/, I/PRP am/VBP saving/VBG our/PRP$ life/NN together/RB for/IN my/PRP$ memoirs/NNS ./.
"/" That/DT kind/NN of/IN non-answer/JJ always/RB conveys/VBZ the/DT subtext/NN :/: nothing/NN forthcoming/JJ here/RB ;/: on/IN to/TO the/DT next/JJ subject/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, admiringly/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
For/IN my/PRP$ roommate/NN 's/POS birthday/NN last/JJ year/NN ,/, I/PRP took/VBD her/PRP out/IN to/TO a/DT very/RB expensive/JJ restaurant/NN and/CC bought/VBD her/PRP$ a/DT nice/JJ gift/NN ./.
One/CD month/NN later/RB ,/, for/IN my/PRP$ birthday/NN ,/, she/PRP took/VBD me/PRP to/TO a/DT relatively/RB cheap/JJ Mexican/JJ restaurant/NN and/CC gave/VBD me/PRP a/DT Beanie/NNP Baby/NNP ./.
(/( I/NN hate/VBP stuffed/VBN animals/NNS ,/, and/CC she/PRP knows/VBZ that/DT ./.
)/) We/PRP are/VBP both/DT in/IN similar/JJ financial/JJ situations/NNS ,/, and/CC I/PRP felt/VBD cheated/VBD ./.
Her/PRP$ birthday/NN is/VBZ coming/VBG up/RP soon/RB ./.
Should/MD I/PRP take/VB her/PRP out/IN again/RB ,/, or/CC just/RB give/VB her/PRP$ a/DT small/JJ gift/NN and/CC forget/VB our/PRP$ tradition/NN of/IN the/DT birthday/NN dinner/NN ?/.
-/: -/: Living/VBG With/IN Selfish/NNP
Dear/RB Liv/NNP ,/,
If/IN you/PRP are/VBP sure/JJ that/IN the/DT two/CD of/IN you/PRP are/VBP in/IN financially/RB similar/JJ circumstances/NNS and/CC also/RB that/IN she/PRP knows/VBZ of/IN your/PRP$ dislike/NN for/IN stuffed/VBN animals/NNS ,/, Prudie/NNP suggests/VBZ you/PRP send/VBP out/IN for/IN Chinese/JJ food/NN for/IN her/PRP$ birthday/NN dinner/NN and/CC give/VB her/PRP$ back/RP the/DT Beanie/NNP Baby/NNP with/IN a/DT funny/JJ card/NN ./.
Prudie/NNP says/VBZ this/DT because/IN the/DT roomie/NN is/VBZ obviously/RB cheap--and/JJ maybe/RB even/RB hostile/JJ ./.
If/IN she/PRP remarks/VBZ on/IN the/DT "/" tradition/NN "/" being/VBG different/JJ for/IN her/PRP$ birthday/NN this/DT year/NN than/IN last/JJ ,/, simply/RB tell/VB her/PRP that/IN you/PRP are/VBP following/VBG her/PRP$ lead/NN about/IN what/WP level/NN of/IN celebration/NN is/VBZ appropriate/JJ ./.
This/DT may/MD totally/RB louse/NN up/RP the/DT living/VBG situation/NN ,/, so/RB be/VB prepared/VBN ./.
Because/IN you/PRP refer/VBP to/TO her/PRP as/IN "/" selfish/JJ ,/, "/" however/RB ,/, you/PRP may/MD not/RB wish/VB to/TO keep/VB this/DT arrangement/NN going/VBG forever/RB ./.
Maybe/RB stick/VB a/DT birthday/NN candle/NN into/IN the/DT fortune/NN cookie/NN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, reciprocally/RB
Dear/RB Prudence/NNP ,/,
During/IN college/NN ,/, my/PRP$ best/JJS friend/NN was/VBD a/DT fellow/NN named/VBD Jay/NNP ./.
We/PRP operated/VBD a/DT small/JJ business/NN together/RB and/CC continued/VBD daily/JJ contact/NN for/IN over/IN 10/CD years/NNS ./.
Things/NNS have/VBP gone/VBN smoothly/RB for/IN for/IN Jay/NNP :/: He/PRP moved/VBD to/TO Washington/NNP ,/, D/NNP ./.
C/NNP ./.
,/, and/CC has/VBZ worked/VBN as/IN a/DT high-ranking/JJ government/NN official/NN ./.
Since/IN his/PRP$ move/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, our/PRP$ friendship/NN has/VBZ hit/VBN some/DT snags/NNS ./.
(/( He/PRP hangs/VBZ out/IN with/IN pompous/JJ members/NNS of/IN the/DT political/JJ establishment/NN ,/, has/VBZ grown/VBN arrogant/JJ ,/, and/CC does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB time/NN to/TO return/VB my/PRP$ calls/NNS ./.
)/) Late/RB last/JJ week/NN I/PRP heard/VBD that/IN Jay/NNP is/VBZ getting/VBG married/VBN (/( to/TO the/DT youngest/JJS daughter/NN of/IN a/DT political/JJ crony/NN )/) and/CC has/VBZ failed/VBN to/TO invite/VB me/PRP ./.
Here/RB 's/POS where/WRB I/PRP 'm/VBP stuck/VBN ./.
Even/RB though/IN my/PRP$ feelings/NNS are/VBP hurt/VBN ,/, should/MD I/PRP send/VB Jay/NNP a/DT polite/JJ note/NN of/IN congratulations/NNS ?/.
Shall/NNP I/PRP assume/VBP our/PRP$ friendship/NN is/VBZ over/IN because/IN he/PRP did/VBD n't/RB invite/VB me/PRP ?/.
I/PRP welcome/JJ your/PRP$ insightful/JJ advice/NN ./.
-/: -/: Joey/NNP
Dear/RB Jo/NNP ,/,
The/DT fact/NN that/IN Jay/NNP did/VBD n't/RB invite/VB you/PRP ,/, by/IN itself/PRP ,/, would/MD not/RB signal/VB the/DT friendship/NN 's/POS end/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT too-busy-to-return-phone-calls/JJ does/VBZ ./.
You/PRP two/CD have/VBP obviously/RB grown/VBN apart/RB ./.
Time/NNP and/CC Life/NNP (/( not/RB the/DT magazines/NNS )/) often/RB cool/VB formerly/RB warm/JJ relationships/NNS ./.
Prudie/NNP thinks/VBZ it/PRP would/MD be/VB fine/NN ,/, as/IN a/DT tip/NN of/IN the/DT hat/NN to/TO what/WP used/VBD to/TO be/VB ,/, to/TO write/VB him/PRP a/DT congratulatory/JJ note/NN ,/, if/IN that/DT is/VBZ your/PRP$ inclination/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB do/VB it/PRP ,/, however/RB ,/, if/IN its/PRP$ purpose/NN would/MD be/VB 1/LS )/) to/TO get/VB an/DT invitation/NN or/CC 2/LS )/) to/TO give/VB him/PRP the/DT needle/NN ./.
Just/RB by/IN the/DT by/IN ,/, it/PRP sounds/VBZ as/IN if/IN you/PRP disapprove/VBP of/IN this/DT man/NN 's/POS "/" pompous/JJ friends/NNS "/" and/CC growing/VBG arrogance/NN ,/, so/RB give/VB the/DT friendship/NN a/DT decent/JJ burial/NN ,/, emotionally/RB ,/, remember/VBP the/DT good/JJ times/NNS ,/, and/CC move/NN on/IN ./.
-/: -/: Prudie/NNP ,/, realistically/RB
This/DT just/RB in/IN (/( via/IN e-mail/JJ )/) regarding/VBG George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP 's/POS smirk/NN from/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN North/NNP Carolina/NNP 's/POS John/NNP Shelton/NNP Reed/NNP ,/, who/WP co-edits/VBZ Southern/NNP Cultures/NNP magazine/NN :/:
The/DT phenomenon/NN has/VBZ an/DT easy/JJ explanation/NN ./.
Young/NNP Bush/NNP is/VBZ a/DT Texan/NNP ./.
Texans/NNPS are/VBP Southerners/NNPS ./.
Southerners/NNPS smile/NN more/JJR than/IN other/JJ Americans/NNPS ./.
Ray/NNP L/NNP ./.
Birdwhistell/NNP has/VBZ studied/VBN this/DT ,/, and/CC discussed/VBD the/DT misunderstandings/NNS that/WDT result/NN ./.
You/PRP 're/VBP probably/RB too/RB young/JJ to/TO recall/VB that/IN Jimmy/NNP Carter/NNP smiled/VBD all/PDT the/DT time/NN ,/, too/RB ./.
[/NN Au/FW contraire/NN :/: Chatterbox/NNP cast/NN his/PRP$ first-ever/JJ ballot/NN for/IN Jimmy/NNP Carter/NNP in/IN the/DT 1976/CD California/NNP primary/NN ./.
]/NN This/DT spooked/VBN Yankees/NNPS ,/, who/WP feared/VBD that/IN he/PRP knew/VBD something/NN they/PRP did/VBD n't/RB ./.
The/DT fact/NN that/IN Al/NNP Gore/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB grin/NN much/RB is/VBZ eloquent/JJ testimony/NN to/TO the/DT fact/NN that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT St/NNP Alban/NNP 's/POS graduate/NN and/CC (/( at/IN best/JJS )/) what/WP Doug/NNP Marlette/NNP calls/VBZ a/DT faux/JJ Bubba/NNP ./.
And/CC my/PRP$ theory/NN is/VBZ that/IN Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP bites/VBZ his/PRP$ lip/NN to/TO keep/VB from/IN smiling/VBG ./.
Chatterbox/NNP ,/, who/WP during/IN his/PRP$ one-day/JJ immersion/NN in/IN the/DT science/NN of/IN nonverbal/NN communication/NN never/RB came/VBD across/IN the/DT name/NN Birdwhistell/NNP ,/, asked/VBD Reed/NNP for/IN more/JJR information/NN about/IN Birdwhistell/NNP 's/POS work/NN ./.
Reed/NNP replied/VBD :/:
Ray/NNP Birdwhistell/NNP was/VBD an/DT anthropologist/NN ,/, late/RB of/IN the/DT Annenberg/NNP School/NNP at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Pennsylvania/NNP ,/, who/WP pioneered/VBD what/WP he/PRP called/VBD "/" kinesics/NNS ,/, "/" the/DT study/NN of/IN non-verbal/JJ communication/NN ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, he/PRP died/VBD about/IN five/CD years/NNS ago/RB and/CC I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB remember/VB where/WRB I/PRP saw/VBD the/DT article/NN about/IN smiling/VBG ,/, but/CC I/PRP wrote/VBD it/PRP up/RP for/IN a/DT book/NN my/PRP$ wife/NN and/CC I/PRP did/VBD called/VBN 1001/CD Things/NNS Everyone/NN Should/MD Know/VBP About/IN the/DT South/NNP ./.
(/( It/PRP 's/VBZ No/UH ./.
163/CD ./.
Here/RB 's/POS my/PRP$ summary/NN :/: Smiling/VBG appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB a/DT Southern/NNP custom/NN ./.
Ray/NNP L/NNP ./.
Birdwhistell/NNP found/VBD smiling/VBG among/IN middle-class/NN folk/NN on/IN the/DT street/NN most/RBS common/JJ in/IN Atlanta/NNP ,/, Louisville/NNP ,/, Memphis/NNP ,/, and/CC Nashville/NNP ,/, followed/VBN by/IN cities/NNS in/IN the/DT Midwest/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP England/NNP ,/, and/CC ,/, last/JJ ,/, western/JJ New/NNP York/NNP ./.
Such/JJ differences/NNS can/MD be/VB misunderstood/VBN :/: "/" In/IN one/CD part/NN of/IN the/DT country/NN an/DT unsmiling/VBG individual/NN might/MD be/VB queried/VBN as/IN to/TO whether/IN he/PRP was/VBD '/POS angry/JJ about/IN something/NN ,/, '/" while/IN in/IN another/DT ,/, the/DT smiling/VBG individual/NN might/MD be/VB asked/VBN ,/, '/" What/WP 's/VBZ funny/JJ ?/.
'/" "/"
Chatterbox/NNP was/VBD unable/JJ to/TO get/VB his/PRP$ hands/NNS quickly/RB on/IN a/DT copy/NN of/IN Birdwhistell/NNP 's/POS magnum/NN opus/JJ ,/, Kinesics/NNP and/CC Context/NNP :/: Essays/NNP on/IN Body/NNP Motion/NNP Communication/NNP ,/, but/CC he/PRP had/VBD no/DT difficulty/NN believing/VBG Birdwhistell/NNP 's/POS thesis/NN ,/, as/IN summarized/VBD by/IN Reed/NNP ./.
If/IN Bush/NNP had/VBD the/DT kind/NN of/IN unctuous/JJ smile/NN associated/VBN with/IN many/JJ southern/JJ politicians/NNS ,/, Chatterbox/NNP would/MD say/VB :/: Case/NNP closed/VBD ./.
*/NN But/CC ,/, as/IN has/VBZ been/VBN widely/RB noted/VBN ,/, Bush/NNP 's/POS smile/NN is/VBZ a/DT kind/NN of/IN half-grimace/JJ ./.
This/DT leaves/VBZ two/CD possibilities/NNS :/:
If/IN the/DT first/JJ possibility/NN were/VBD correct/JJ ,/, that/WDT would/MD be/VB good/JJ news/NN for/IN the/DT southern/JJ credentials/NNS of/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP Sr/NNP ./.
,/, since/IN (/( as/IN C-S/NNP pan/VB 's/POS Brian/NNP Lamb/NNP observed/VBD in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NN piece/NN quoted/VBN in/IN Chatterbox/NNP 's/POS earlier/JJR item/NN )/) the/DT smirk/NN was/VBD clearly/RB passed/VBN from/IN father/NN to/TO son/NN (/( acquiring/VBG some/DT exaggeration/NN in/IN the/DT process/NN )/) ./.
It/PRP will/MD be/VB remembered/VBN that/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP Sr/NNP ./.
was/VBD never/RB taken/VBN seriously/RB by/IN some/DT people/NNS as/IN a/DT Texan/NNP ;/: he/PRP was/VBD criticized/VBN as/RB being/VBG "/" all/DT hat/NN and/CC no/DT cattle/NNS "/" -/: -/: a/DT transplanted/VBN Connecticut/NNP preppie/NN who/WP tried/VBD too/RB hard/JJ ./.
But/CC if/IN the/DT Birdwhistell/NNP theory/NN explains/VBZ (/( even/RB in/IN part/NN )/) George/NNP W/NNP ./.
's/POS smirk/NN ,/, it/PRP must/MD perforce/NN also/RB explain/VB (/( in/IN part/NN )/) the/DT milder/JJR version/NN worn/VBN by/IN George/NNP Bush/NNP Sr/NNP ./.
However/RB ,/, if/IN the/DT second/JJ possibility/NN were/VBD correct/JJ ,/, then/RB both/DT George/NNP Bush/NNP Sr/NNP ./.
's/POS and/CC George/NNP W/NNP ./.
'/POS southern/JJ identities/NNS would/MD have/VB to/TO be/VB called/VBN into/IN question/NN ./.
Chatterbox/NNP leans/VBZ toward/IN this/DT latter/JJ interpretation/NN ,/, because/IN he/PRP ca/MD n't/RB recall/VB ever/RB seeing/VBG any/DT true/JJ southerner/NN smirk/NN ,/, not/RB even/RB Molly/NNP Ivins/NNP ;/: hers/PRP is/VBZ a/DT different/JJ kind/NN of/IN smile/NN altogether/RB ./.
If/IN Birdwhistell/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ travels/NNS ,/, had/VBD been/VBN looking/VBG not/RB for/IN smiles/VBZ but/CC for/IN smirks/NNS ,/, Chatterbox/NNP strongly/RB suspects/VBZ he/PRP would/MD have/VB found/VBN lots/NNS of/IN them/PRP on/IN the/DT smile-barren/JJ East/NNP Coast/NNP ,/, especially/RB in/IN the/DT vicinity/NN of/IN its/PRP$ prep/NN schools/NNS and/CC Ivy/NNP League/NNP universities/NNS ./.
Here/RB 's/VBZ a/DT thought/VBN experiment/NN :/: Summon/NNP up/RP a/DT mental/JJ image/NN of/IN Ali/NNP McGraw/NNP ,/, the/DT smirkiest/NN performer/NN in/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN the/DT movies/NNS ./.
(/( If/IN you/PRP need/VBP a/DT little/JJ help/NN ,/, click/NN here/RB ./.
)/) Now/RB try/VB to/TO imagine/VB her/PRP$ speaking/VBG with/IN a/DT southern/JJ accent/NN ./.
Ca/MD n't/RB be/VB done/VBN ,/, can/MD it/PRP ?/.
*/NN Chatterbox/NNP is/VBZ well/RB aware/JJ that/IN many/JJ Texans/NNPS resist/VBP attempts/NNS to/TO classify/VB their/PRP$ breed/NN as/IN southern/JJ ,/, or/CC western/JJ ,/, or/CC anything/NN other/JJ than/IN Lone/NNP Star/NNP ./.
For/IN the/DT purposes/NNS of/IN this/DT discussion/NN ,/, though/RB ,/, Chatterbox/NNP will/MD accept/VB Reed/NNP 's/POS premise/NN that/IN Texans/NNPS are/VBP southerners/NNS ./.
Nil/NNP by/IN Mouth/NNP (/( Sony/NNP Pictures/NNP Classics/NNS )/) ./.
Actor/NNP Gary/NNP Oldman/NNP 's/POS directorial/JJ debut/NN about/IN a/DT dysfunctional/NN South/JJ London/NNP family/NN is/VBZ praised/VBN for/IN avoiding/VBG the/DT moralizing/VBG mawkishness/NNS of/IN the/DT typical/JJ British/JJ working-class/JJ drama/NN ./.
"/" Mike/NNP Leigh/NNP sans/NNS cuteness/NNS "/" (/( J/NNP ./.
Hoberman/NNP ,/, the/DT Village/NNP Voice/NNP )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP praise/NN the/DT movie/NN 's/POS frighteningly/RB realistic/JJ violence/NN ,/, especially/RB a/DT scene/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT husband/NN beats/VBZ his/PRP$ pregnant/JJ wife/NN ,/, causing/VBG her/PRP to/TO miscarry/NN ./.
Watching/VBG the/DT film/NN ,/, says/VBZ The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP 's/POS Anthony/NNP Lane/NNP ,/, is/VBZ like/IN "/" getting/VBG whacked/VBN over/IN the/DT head/NN with/IN a/DT shovel/NN ./.
"/" (/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN the/DT official/JJ site/NN ./.
Blues/NNP Brothers/NNPS 2000/CD (/( Universal/NNP )/) ./.
Would/MD this/DT sequel/NN to/TO the/DT 1980/CD comedy/NN based/VBN on/IN Dan/NNP Aykroyd/NNP and/CC John/NNP Belushi/NNP 's/POS Saturday/NNP Night/NNP Live/NNP characters/NNS have/VBP made/VBN a/DT "/" better/JJR concert/NN film/NN ,/, "/" as/IN Roger/NNP Ebert/NNP of/IN the/DT Chicago/NNP Sun-/NNP Times/NNP says/VBZ ?/.
Maybe/RB ./.
Colorful/NNP performances/NNS by/IN B/NN ./.
B/NNP ./.
King/NNP ,/, James/NNP Brown/NNP ,/, Aretha/NNP Franklin/NNP ,/, and/CC other/JJ R/NN &/CC B/NNP legends/NNS ca/MD n't/RB keep/VB reviewers/NNS from/IN complaining/VBG that/IN the/DT movie/NN feels/VBZ like/IN a/DT retread/NN of/IN the/DT original/JJ Blues/NNP Brothers/NNPS flick--a/JJ blues/NNS band/NN traveling/VBG cross-country/JJ ,/, chased/VBD both/DT by/IN police/NN and/CC bad/JJ guys/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP the/DT tuneless/JJ John/NNP Goodman/NNP ca/MD n't/RB measure/VB up/RP to/TO the/DT late/JJ Belushi/NNP ,/, whose/WP$ absence/NN "/" is/VBZ fatal/JJ in/IN itself/PRP "/" (/( Jack/NNP Mathews/NNP ,/, the/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Clips/NNP are/VBP available/JJ here/RB ./.
Oscar/NNP nominations/NNS ,/, early/JJ reviews/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS deem/VBP the/DT roster/NN free/JJ of/IN surprises/NNS ./.
Titanic/NNP ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ 14/CD nominations/NNS (/( more/JJR than/IN any/DT movie/NN since/IN All/DT About/IN Eve/NNP )/) ,/, is/VBZ pegged/VBN as/IN the/DT likely/JJ best-picture/JJ winner/NN ./.
The/DT No/UH ./.
2/LS contender/NN is/VBZ L/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
Confidential/NNP ,/, which/WDT has/VBZ swept/VBN the/DT film/NN critics/NNS '/POS awards/NNS ./.
Critics/NNS failed/VBD to/TO expect/VB only/RB one/CD inclusion/NN and/CC omission/NN :/: The/DT indie/NN feel-good/JJ movie/NN The/DT Full/NNP Monty/NNP got/VBD a/DT best-picture/JJ bid/NN ,/, while/IN Steven/NNP Spielberg/NNP 's/POS Amistad/NNP did/VBD n't/RB ./.
Among/IN the/DT performer/NN nominations/NNS ,/, the/DT critics/NNS '/POS sentimental/JJ favorites/NNS are/VBP aging/VBG actors/NNS staging/NN comebacks--/JJ Peter/NNP Fonda/NNP (/( Ulee/NNP 's/POS Gold/NNP )/) ,/, Burt/NNP Reynolds/NNP (/( Boogie/NNP Nights/NNPS )/) ,/, Robert/NNP Duvall/NNP (/( The/DT Apostle/NNP )/) ./.
(/( MSNBC/NNP lists/NNS all/PDT the/DT nominees/NNS ./.
Shopping/NNP and/CC Fucking/NNP (/( New/NNP York/NNP Theatre/NNP Workshop/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ./.
New/NNP York/NNP critics/NNS respond/VBP to/TO the/DT hit/NN London/NNP play/VB with/IN either/DT fulsome/NN praise/NN or/CC revulsion/NN ./.
Donald/NNP Lyons/NNP of/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP hails/VBZ British/JJ playwright/NN Mark/NNP Ravenhill/NNP as/IN "/" Tarantino/NNP laced/VBN with/IN Céline/NNP and/CC William/NNP Burroughs/NNP ./.
"/" Others/NNS find/VBP the/DT characters/NNS '/POS nihilistic/JJ rants/NNS merely/RB trite/NN and/CC their/PRP$ sexcapades--a/JJ 14/CD -/: year-old/JJ begs/VBZ to/TO be/VB sodomized/JJ with/IN knives--disgusting/JJ ./.
Jack/NNP Maggs/NNP :/: A/DT Novel/NNP ,/, by/IN Peter/NNP Carey/NNP (/( Knopf/NNP )/) ./.
Unanimous/NNP acclaim/NN for/IN the/DT Australian/NNP Booker/NNP Prize-winner/NNP 's/POS update/NN of/IN Charles/NNP Dickens/NNP '/POS Great/NNP Expectations/NNS ./.
"/" An/DT audacious/JJ and/CC wholly/RB successful/JJ act/NN of/IN writerly/RB reinvention/NN "/" (/( Marc/NNP Carnegie/NNP ,/, the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP )/) ./.
Reviewers/NNP praise/NN the/DT way/NN Carey/NNP re-examines/JJ the/DT oppressive/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN Victorian/JJ England/NNP and/CC Victorian/JJ literature/NN ,/, even/RB as/IN he/PRP spins/VBZ a/DT crack/NN adventure/NN story/NN ./.
"/" If/IN you/PRP 've/VBP read/VBN [/( Dickens/NNP ]/) ,/, you/PRP get/VBP your/PRP$ insider/NN 's/POS chuckle/NN ./.
If/IN not/RB ,/, you/PRP still/RB get/VBP a/DT good/JJ yarn/NN "/" (/( Lakshmi/NNP Gopalkrishnan/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP )/) ./.
(/( Click/NNP here/RB for/IN an/DT excerpt/NN ./.
Black/NNP and/CC Blue/NNP ,/, by/IN Anna/NNP Quindlen/NNP (/( Random/NNP House/NNP )/) ./.
Anna/NNP Quindlen/NNP 's/POS third/JJ novel--a/JJ thriller/NN about/IN domestic/JJ violence--is/JJ seen/VBN as/IN yet/RB another/DT way/NN to/TO repackage/VB her/PRP$ old/JJ New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP columns/NNS ./.
Issue/NN advocacy/NN comes/VBZ at/IN the/DT expense/NN of/IN realistic/JJ characters/NNS and/CC a/DT coherent/JJ plot/NN ./.
And/CC why/WRB is/VBZ it/PRP ,/, the/DT critics/NNS ask/VBP ,/, that/IN Quindlen/NNP 's/POS protagonist/NN ,/, the/DT abused/VBN wife/NN of/IN a/DT Brooklyn/NNP cop/NN ,/, sounds/VBZ so/RB much/JJ like/IN a/DT sophisticated/JJ Manhattan/NNP journalist/NN ?/.
Dissenters/NNP congratulate/VB Quindlen/NNP for/IN having/VBG moved/VBN beyond/IN veiled/VBN autobiography/NN ./.
Yield/NNP ,/, by/IN Pearl/NNP Jam/NNP (/( Epic/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT Seattle/NNP grunge/NN band/NN has/VBZ grown/VBN up/RP ./.
It/PRP has/VBZ overcome/VBN its/PRP$ penchant/NN for/IN "/" overblown/JJ ,/, chest-beating/JJ angst/NN ,/, "/" according/VBG to/TO Rob/NNP Sheffield/NNP of/IN Rolling/NNP Stone/NNP ,/, with/IN its/PRP$ most/JJS mature/VBP album/NN to/TO date/NN ,/, which/WDT features/VBZ clever/JJ ,/, self-mocking/JJ lyrics/NNS and/CC bears/VBZ the/DT influence/NN of/IN '/POS 70/CD s/VBZ supergroup/NN Led/VBN Zeppelin/NNP ./.
Pearl/NNP Jam/NNP detractors/NNS still/RB ca/MD n't/RB stand/VB singer/NN Eddie/NNP Vedder/NNP :/: They/PRP say/VBP he/PRP 's/VBZ unbearably/RB self-important/JJ and/CC limits/VBZ the/DT group/NN 's/POS appeal/NN by/IN refusing/VBG to/TO "/" sell/VB out/IN "/" and/CC make/VB videos/NNS ./.
General/JJ consensus/NN :/: "/" The/DT fabled/JJ '/POS 90/CD s/VBZ alt-rock/JJ revolution/NN is/VBZ over/IN "/" (/( Tom/NNP Sinclair/NNP ,/, Entertainment/NNP Weekly/NNP )/) ./.
"/" China/NNP :/: 5/CD ,/, 000/CD Years/NNS "/" (/( Guggenheim/NNP ,/, New/NNP York/NNP City/NNP )/) ./.
Critics/NNS marvel/VB at/IN this/DT exhibit/NN of/IN sculptures/NNS ,/, ceramics/NNS ,/, and/CC paintings/NNS ,/, most/JJS of/IN them/PRP never/RB seen/VBN before/IN outside/IN China/NNP ./.
But/CC they/PRP knock/VB the/DT Guggenheim/NNP 's/POS presentation/NN ./.
Gripes/NNP :/: 1/LS )/) The/DT exhibit/NN aims/VBZ to/TO sum/VB up/RP 5/CD ,/, 000/CD years/NNS in/IN the/DT same/JJ amount/NN of/IN space/NN recently/RB devoted/VBD to/TO a/DT single/JJ Western/JJ artist/NN ,/, Robert/NNP Rauschenberg/NNP ./.
2/LS )/) Afraid/NNP of/IN alienating/VBG the/DT Chinese/JJ government/NN ,/, which/WDT lent/VBD the/DT works/NNS ,/, the/DT Guggenheim/NNP includes/VBZ no/DT artists/NNS critical/JJ of/IN communism/NN ./.
3/LS )/) Curators/NNP provide/VB too/RB little/JJ context/NN and/CC explication/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ "/" a/DT triumph/NN of/IN institutional/JJ chutzpah/NN ./.
an/DT esthetic/JJ showcase/NN of/IN immense/JJ ambition/NN in/IN search/NN of/IN a/DT solid/JJ reason/NN for/IN happening/VBG "/" (/( Holland/NNP Cotter/NNP ,/, the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP )/) ./.
(/( The/DT Guggenheim/NNP plugs/NNS the/DT show/NN here/RB ./.
In/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Review/NNP of/IN Books/NNPS ,/, James/NNP Fenton/NNP defends/VBZ Ted/NNP Hughes/NNP ./.
"/" '/POS Plath/NNP lovers/NNS '/POS will/MD never/RB forgive/VB Hughes/NNP for/IN having/VBG been/VBN Plath/NNP 's/POS lover--a/JJ role/NN which/WDT in/IN their/PRP$ fantasies/NNS they/PRP would/MD much/RB better/JJR fill/NN ./.
"/" A/DT rising/VBG consensus/NN deems/VBZ Hughes/NNP '/POS Birthday/NN Letters/NNS mediocre/JJ poetry/NN :/: "/" slack/NN and/CC secondhand/NN "/" (/( Christopher/NNP Benfey/NNP ,/, Slate/NNP )/) ./.
After/IN initial/JJ jeers/NNS ,/, critics/NNS extend/VBP a/DT warmer/JJR welcome/JJ to/TO Martin/NNP Amis/NNP '/POS detective/NN novel/NN ,/, Night/NNP Train/NNP ./.
"/" The/DT novel/NN draws/VBZ its/PRP$ energies/NNS from/IN the/DT linguistic/JJ pyrotechnics/NNS of/IN Nabokov/NNP and/CC the/DT human/JJ immensities/NNS of/IN Bellow/NNP ,/, "/" says/VBZ John/NNP Lanchester/NNP in/IN The/DT New/NNP Yorker/NNP ,/, where/WRB Amis/NNP is/VBZ regularly/RB published/VBN ./.
Recent/JJ "/" Summary/NNP Judgment/NNP "/" columns/NNS
Feb/NNP ./.
4/CD :/:
Theater/NNP -/: -/: The/DT Capeman/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Clinton-/NNP Sex-/NNP Scandal/NN Coverage/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: Dawson/NNP 's/POS Creek/NNP (/( The/DT WB/NNP )/) ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Great/NNP Expectations/NNS ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Desperate/JJ Measures/NNS ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Cuba/NNP Libre/NNP ,/, by/IN Elmore/NNP Leonard/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT House/NNP Gun/NNP ,/, by/IN Nadine/NNP Gordimer/NNP ./.
Jan/NNP ./.
28/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Wag/NNP the/DT Dog/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Gingerbread/NNP Man/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Spice/NNP World/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Birthday/NN Letters/NNS ,/, by/IN Ted/NNP Hughes/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Night/NNP Train/NNP ,/, by/IN Martin/NNP Amis/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Enduring/NNP Love/NNP ,/, by/IN Ian/NNP McEwan/NNP ;/:
Event/NN -/: -/: Super/NNP Bowl/NNP XXXII/NNP ;/:
Dance/NN -/: -/: "/" Mikhail/NNP Baryshnikov/NNP :/: An/DT Evening/NNP of/IN Music/NNP and/CC Dance/NN With/IN the/DT White/NNP Oak/NNP Chamber/NNP Ensemble/NNP ./.
Jan/NNP ./.
21/CD :/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Fallen/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Sundance/NNP Film/NNP Festival/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Live/NNP Flesh/NN ;/:
Musical/JJ -/: -/: Ragtime/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Pillar/NNP of/IN Fire/NNP :/: America/NNP in/IN the/DT King/NNP Years/NNPS ,/, 1963/CD -/: 65/CD ,/, by/IN Taylor/NNP Branch/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Shadows/NNP on/IN the/DT Hudson/NNP ,/, by/IN Isaac/NNP Bashevis/NNP Singer/NNP ;/:
Television/NNP -/: -/: South/NNP Park/NNP (/( Comedy/NNP Central/NNP )/) ;/:
Art/NNP -/: -/: "/" Arthur/NNP Dove/NN :/: A/DT Retrospective/NNP "/" (/( Whitney/NNP Museum/NNP )/) ./.
Jan/NNP ./.
14/CD :/:
Death/NN -/: -/: Sonny/NNP Bono/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: A/DT Prayer/NN for/IN the/DT City/NNP ,/, by/IN Buzz/NNP Bissinger/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: Cold/NNP Mountain/NNP ,/, by/IN Charles/NNP Frazier/NNP ;/:
Book/NNP -/: -/: The/DT World/NNP According/VBG to/TO Peter/NNP Drucker/NNP ,/, by/IN Jack/NNP Beatty/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Afterglow/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Arguing/VBG the/DT World/NNP ;/:
Movie/NNP -/: -/: Ma/NNP Vie/NNP en/IN Rose/NNP ./.
-/: -/: Franklin/NNP Foer/NNP
I/PRP was/VBD lucky/JJ in/IN Godzilla/NNP ,/, all/DT my/PRP$ scenes/NNS were/VBD with/IN people--no/JJ blue/JJ screen/NN required/VBN ./.
Oh/UH ,/, there/EX was/VBD one/CD scene/NN where/WRB Nancy/NNP Cartwright/NNP saw/VBD the/DT thing/NN over/IN my/PRP$ shoulder/NN ,/, but/CC I/PRP was/VBD blissfully/RB unaware/JJ ./.
Just/RB saw/VBD on/IN CNN/NNP that/IN the/DT Presidential/NNP Debate/NN Commission/NNP is/VBZ requiring/VBG that/IN any/DT third-party/JJ candidate/NN get/VB at/IN least/JJS 15/CD percent/NN in/IN the/DT polls/NNS to/TO be/VB eligible/JJ for/IN the/DT debates/NNS in/IN the/DT fall/NN ./.
Given/VBN the/DT now/RB widely/RB known/VBN fact/NN that/IN response/NN rates/NNS to/TO pollsters/NNS has/VBZ fallen/VBN in/IN some/DT cases/NNS to/TO as/RB low/JJ as/IN 20/CD percent/NN (/( thanks/NNS in/IN part/NN to/TO telemarketers/NNS driving/VBG people/NNS crazy/JJ at/IN dinnertime/NN )/) ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ a/DT little/RB wacky/JJ to/TO let/VB something/NN important/JJ ride/NN on/IN the/DT results/NNS of/IN a/DT poll/NN ./.
Television/NN schedules/NNS ,/, OK/JJ ,/, who/WP cares/VBZ ,/, but/CC presidential/JJ debates/NNS should/MD be/VB treated/VBN a/DT little/JJ more/RBR seriously/RB than/IN the/DT fate/NN of/IN It/PRP 's/VBZ Like/IN ./.
You/PRP Know/VBP ./.
By/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, how/WRB do/VBP you/PRP stand/VBP on/IN the/DT really/RB important/JJ nomination/NN contest--/JJ Buchanan/NNP vs/NNS ./.
Trump/NNP ?/.
Pat/NNP ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, may/MD not/RB be/VB an/DT anti-/NN Semite/NNP ,/, but/CC he/PRP plays/VBZ one/CD on/IN TV/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, Trump/NNP could/MD at/IN least/JJS give/VB us/PRP a/DT first/JJ lady/NN who/WP 's/VBZ a/DT supermodel/NN ./.
Dan/NNP Rather/RB has/VBZ been/VBN in/IN third/JJ place/NN for/IN so/RB long/RB now/RB he/PRP has/VBZ to/TO be/VB praying/VBG Fox/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB start/VB a/DT national/JJ newscast/NN ./.
I/PRP agree/VBP about/IN Tom/NNP and/CC Peter/NNP (/( I/NN have/VBP a/DT wonderful/JJ videotape/NN of/IN Jennings/NNP trying/VBG to/TO figure/VB out/IN how/WRB to/TO ad-lib/JJ a/DT story/NN about/IN the/DT House/NNP voting/NN down/RP the/DT flag-burning/NN amendment/NN ;/: apparently/RB ,/, they/PRP do/VBP n't/RB teach/VB the/DT American/JJ constitutional/JJ amendment/NN process/NN in/IN Canadian/JJ schools/NNS )/) ,/, but/CC I/PRP do/VBP think/VBP Dan/NNP should/MD pick/VB a/DT hair/NN color/NN and/CC stick/VB to/TO it/PRP ./.
He/PRP keeps/VBZ daring/JJ us/PRP not/RB to/TO notice/VB that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ changing/VBG ./.
If/IN they/PRP had/VBD a/DT 15/CD percent/NN criterion/NN for/IN the/DT primary/JJ debates/NNS ,/, Alan/NNP Keyes/NNP would/MD have/VB long/RB since/IN been/VBN reduced/VBN to/TO yelling/VBG "/" racism/NN "/" from/IN the/DT sidelines/NNS ./.
Later/RB ,/, Harry/NNP
In/IN horse/NN country/NN ,/, everyone/NN will/MD always/RB remember/VB precisely/RB where/WRB they/PRP were/VBD and/CC what/WP they/PRP were/VBD doing/VBG when/WRB they/PRP first/RB heard/VBD the/DT news/NN that/IN Cigar/NNP was/VBD shooting/VBG blanks/NNS ./.
Tragedy/NNP is/VBZ part/NN of/IN horse/NN racing/NN ,/, but/CC this/DT cut/NN to/TO the/DT heart/NN of/IN the/DT business/NN ,/, the/DT ancient/JJ and/CC profitable/JJ enterprise/NN of/IN breeding/VBG ./.
Every/DT thoroughbred/NN in/IN America/NNP is/VBZ the/DT descendant/NN of/IN one/CD of/IN three/CD stallions--the/JJ Darley/NNP Arabian/NNP ,/, the/DT Godolphin/NNP Barb/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Byerly/NNP Turk--brought/NNP to/TO England/NNP from/IN the/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP three/CD centuries/NNS ago/RB ./.
Cigar/NNP had/VBD brought/VBN honor/VB to/TO the/DT bloodline/NN ./.
He/PRP had/VBD won/VBN 16/CD consecutive/JJ races/NNS and/CC been/VBN named/VBN Horse/NNP of/IN the/DT Year/NN twice/RB in/IN a/DT row/NN ./.
He/PRP was/VBD the/DT most/RBS celebrated/JJ thoroughbred/NN since/IN Secretariat/NNP ./.
Surely/RB he/PRP would/MD make/VB a/DT monster/NN stud/NN ./.
At/IN the/DT Breeder/NNP 's/POS Cup/NNP last/NN fall/NN ,/, says/VBZ Claire/NNP Khuen/NNP ,/, a/DT Pennsylvania/NNP thoroughbred/JJ owner/NN ,/, "/" People/NNS were/VBD talking/VBG about/IN wanting/VBG to/TO have/VB little/JJ Cigarettes/NNP ./.
Cigar/NNP retired/VBD after/IN the/DT Breeder/NNP 's/POS and/CC went/VBD to/TO Ashford/NNP Stud/NNP in/IN Kentucky/NNP for/IN what/WP should/MD have/VB been/VBN the/DT most/RBS important/JJ and/CC satisfying/VBG work/NN of/IN his/PRP$ career/NN ./.
His/PRP$ stud/NN fee/NN fetched/VBD the/DT farm/NN $/$ 75/CD ,/, 000/CD a/DT pop/NN ./.
Cigar/NNP had/VBD mares/NNS lining/NN up/RB around/IN the/DT paddock/NN ./.
Everyone/NN wanted/VBD a/DT piece/NN of/IN that/DT code/NN ./.
A/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS passed/VBN ./.
The/DT mares/NNS did/VBD not/RB come/VB into/IN foal/NN ./.
"/" Some/DT horses/NNS that/WDT come/VBP off/IN the/DT racetrack/NN are/VBP slow/JJ to/TO start/VB ,/, "/" said/VBD the/DT farm/NN 's/POS manager/NN ,/, hopefully/RB ./.
But/CC then/RB the/DT veterinarians/NNS looked/VBD at/IN Cigar/NNP 's/POS sperm/NN under/IN the/DT microscope/NN and/CC discovered/VBD the/DT horse/NN 's/POS appalling/JJ little/RB secret/NN ./.
His/PRP$ sperm/NN were/VBD slackers/NNS ./.
They/PRP had/VBD no/DT motility/NN whatsoever/RB ./.
Many/RB were/VBD shaped/VBN abnormally/RB ./.
This/DT incredibly/RB fast/RB and/CC strong/JJ and/CC durable/JJ thoroughbred/JJ ,/, heroic/JJ of/IN stature/NN and/CC stout/NN of/IN heart/NN ,/, was/VBD a/DT genetic/JJ dead/JJ end/NN ./.
The/DT news/NN broke/VBD simultaneously/RB with/IN the/DT story/NN that/IN Scottish/NNP scientists/NNS had/VBD cloned/VBN an/DT adult/NN sheep/NN ./.
An/DT enterprising/JJ reporter/NN for/IN the/DT New/NNP York/NNP Post/NNP called/VBD Cigar/NNP 's/POS owner/NN ,/, Allen/NNP Paulson/NNP ,/, and/CC managed/VBD to/TO get/VB a/DT quote/NN to/TO the/DT effect/NN that/IN perhaps/RB Cigar/NNP could/MD be/VB cloned/VBN ./.
The/DT thoroughbred/JJ community/NN quickly/RB protested/VBD ./.
It/PRP turns/VBZ out/RP that/IN cloning/VBG would/MD violate/VB Rule/NN 1/CD (/( D/NNP )/) of/IN the/DT American/NNP Stud/NNP Book/NNP ,/, which/WDT reads/VBZ :/:
To/TO be/VB eligible/JJ for/IN registration/NN ,/, a/DT foal/NN must/MD be/VB the/DT result/NN of/IN a/DT stallion/NN 's/POS natural/JJ service/NN with/IN a/DT broodmare/NN (/( which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT physical/JJ mounting/VBG of/IN a/DT broodmare/NN by/IN a/DT stallion/NN )/) ,/, and/CC a/DT natural/JJ gestation/NN must/MD take/VB place/NN in/IN ,/, and/CC delivery/NN must/MD be/VB from/IN ,/, the/DT body/NN of/IN the/DT same/JJ broodmare/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT foal/NN was/VBD conceived/VBN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT shocking/JJ provision/NN ./.
Everything/NN else/RB in/IN today/NN 's/POS society/NN has/VBZ been/VBN converted/VBN to/TO mass/NN production/NN ./.
One/PRP would/MD think/VB that/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT more/RBR modern/JJ way/NN to/TO breed/VB a/DT horse/NN ,/, something/NN involving/VBG hydraulic/JJ machinery/NN ,/, vacuum/NN tubes/NNS ,/, pumps/NNS ,/, stainless-steel/JJ vats/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB even/RB cross-country/JJ pipelines/NNS ./.
Cigar/NNP was/VBD foaled/JJ at/IN Country/NNP Life/NNP Farm/NNP ,/, just/RB north/RB of/IN Baltimore/NNP ,/, and/CC I/PRP drove/VBD up/IN to/TO check/VB out/RP some/DT horse/NN breeding/VBG up/RP close/VB ./.
Country/NNP Life/NNP Farm/NNP is/VBZ as/RB pastoral/NN as/IN it/PRP sounds/VBZ ,/, smelling/VBG of/IN grass/NN and/CC hay/NN and/CC horses/NNS ./.
Adolphe/NNP Pons/NNP bought/VBD it/PRP in/IN 1933/CD and/CC passed/VBD it/PRP on/IN to/TO his/PRP$ son/NN Joe/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ an/DT amiable/JJ old/JJ gentleman/NN now/RB ,/, padding/NN around/IN in/IN a/DT "/" Cigar/NNP Ran/NNP Here/RB First/CD "/" cap/NN and/CC looking/VBG like/IN you/PRP could/MD not/RB pay/VB him/PRP a/DT million/CD dollars/NNS to/TO get/VB worked/VBD up/RB over/IN anything/NN ./.
He/PRP passed/VBD the/DT reins/NNS to/TO his/PRP$ kids/NNS ,/, notably/RB Josh/NNP Pons/NNP ,/, who/WP is/VBZ 42/CD and/CC seems/VBZ to/TO run/VB the/DT place/NN ,/, although/IN there/EX are/VBP Ponses/NNP everywhere/RB ./.
The/DT place/NN is/VBZ dense/JJ with/IN humans/NNS and/CC horses/NNS ,/, as/IN though/IN fecundity/NN is/VBZ contagious/JJ ./.
Josh/NNP Pons/NNP is/VBZ a/DT serious/JJ businessman/NN ./.
I/PRP remarked/VBD that/IN the/DT rules/NNS for/IN breeding/VBG seem/VBP rather/RB "/" low-tech/JJ "/" for/IN this/DT day/NN and/CC age/NN ./.
He/PRP looked/VBD as/IN though/IN he/PRP was/VBD n't/RB sure/JJ if/IN he/PRP liked/VBD the/DT sound/NN of/IN that/DT term/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ difficult/JJ work/NN ,/, he/PRP said/VBD ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ also/RB risky/JJ ./.
It/PRP takes/VBZ four/CD or/CC five/CD men/NNS to/TO handle/VB the/DT horses/NNS as/IN they/PRP breed/VBP ./.
His/PRP$ top/JJ stallion/NN is/VBZ worth/JJ $/$ 1/CD ./.
5/LS million/CD ,/, and/CC could/MD be/VB disabled/VBN by/IN a/DT swift/JJ kick/NN from/IN a/DT mare/NN ./.
"/" If/IN she/PRP were/VBD to/TO hit/VB the/DT stallion/NN in/IN the/DT penis/NNS ,/, we/PRP 'd/MD be/VB out/IN of/IN business/NN ,/, "/" Pons/NNP said/VBD ./.
As/IN it/PRP happened/VBD ,/, a/DT jumpy/JJ mare/NN named/VBD Canada/NNP Miss/NNP had/VBD come/VBN onto/IN the/DT farm/NN to/TO breed/VB this/DT very/JJ morning/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD 9/CD years/NNS old/JJ and/CC a/DT maiden/NN ./.
She/PRP 'd/MD never/RB had/VBD a/DT horse/NN on/IN her/PRP$ back/RB ./.
Her/PRP$ owner/NN ,/, Barbara/NNP Gardi/NNP ,/, stood/VBN by/IN nervously/RB ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN my/PRP$ baby/NN ./.
My/PRP$ big/JJ baby/NN ,/, "/" Gardi/NNP said/VBD ./.
A/DT farm/NN employee/NN warned/VBD her/PRP to/TO be/VB prepared/VBN for/IN what/WP was/VBD coming/VBG up/RP :/: "/" It/PRP is/VBZ a/DT little/JJ ./.
"/" -/: -/: the/DT employee/NN paused--/JJ "/" violent/JJ ./.
Everyone/NN at/IN the/DT farm/NN was/VBD wary/JJ of/IN Canada/NNP Miss/NNP ./.
She/PRP 'd/MD come/VB there/EX the/DT day/NN before/RB ,/, for/IN schooling/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP had/VBD been/VBN balky/NN ./.
A/DT veterinarian/NN had/VBD reached/VBN inside/IN and/CC confirmed/VBD she/PRP was/VBD in/IN heat/NN ,/, but/CC after/IN nine/CD years/NNS of/IN racing/VBG ,/, she/PRP might/MD not/RB grasp/VB the/DT concept/NN of/IN being/VBG "/" covered/VBN ,/, "/" as/IN they/PRP say/VBP ,/, by/IN a/DT 1/CD ,/, 300/CD -/: pound/NN stallion/NN ./.
First/LS ,/, the/DT horsemen/NN brought/VBN out/RP a/DT teaser/NN horse/NN ./.
A/DT teaser/NN horse/NN is/VBZ the/DT warm-up/NN act/NN ,/, an/DT important/JJ but/CC ultimately/RB expendable/JJ creature/NN ./.
This/DT one/CD 's/POS name/NN was/VBD Popeye/NNP ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD a/DT gelding/VBG ./.
Popeye/NNP nuzzled/JJ and/CC licked/JJ the/DT maiden/NN on/IN her/PRP$ left/JJ flank/NN ./.
She/PRP urinated/JJ ,/, a/DT sign/NN that/IN she/PRP was/VBD ready/JJ ./.
A/DT horseman/NN held/VBD a/DT "/" twitch/VB "/" that/WDT covered/VBD her/PRP$ mouth/NN ,/, while/IN another/DT man/NN held/VBD her/PRP$ left/JJ front/JJ leg/NN with/IN a/DT strap/NN ./.
Two/CD more/JJR men/NNS stood/VBD at/IN her/PRP$ flanks/NNS ./.
Popeye/NNP reared/VBN up/RP and/CC plopped/JJ on/IN her/PRP$ back/RB and/CC there/EX was/VBD a/DT sudden/JJ grunting/VBG and/CC whinnying/VBG and/CC with/IN both/DT hind/NN legs/NNS Canada/NNP Miss/NNP bucked/VBD and/CC threw/VBD Popeye/NNP off/RP her/PRP$ back/RB ./.
"/" Poor/NNP little/JJ girl/NN ./.
This/DT is/VBZ all/DT new/JJ for/IN her/PRP$ ,/, "/" said/VBD her/PRP$ owner/NN ./.
Josh/NNP Pons/NNP did/VBD not/RB like/IN this/DT ./.
He/PRP was/VBD n't/RB going/VBG to/TO let/VB his/PRP$ prize/NN stallion/NN get/VB near/IN this/DT creature/NN until/IN she/PRP got/VBD tranked/JJ ./.
The/DT tranquilizer/NN took/VBD a/DT few/JJ minutes/NNS to/TO take/VB effect/NN ./.
Canada/NNP Miss/NNP started/VBD to/TO look/VB a/DT little/RB sloppy/JJ ./.
Another/DT teaser/NN came/VBD out/IN of/IN the/DT stud/NN barn/NN ,/, this/DT one/CD named/VBN Dew/NNP ./.
Dew/NNP was/VBD no/DT gelding--he/JJ had/VBD all/PDT the/DT equipment/NN ./.
Dew/NNP tried/VBD to/TO mount/VB her/PRP$ ,/, but/CC she/PRP bucked/VBD away/RB ./.
"/" He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT little/RB scared/VBN right/RB now/RB ./.
The/DT mare/NN does/VBZ n't/RB look/VB like/IN she/PRP 's/VBZ ready/JJ and/CC he/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB standing/NN there/RB with/IN a/DT giant/NN hard-on/JJ ready/JJ to/TO knock/VB her/PRP$ down/RB ,/, "/" said/VBD Pons/NNP ./.
One/CD notices/NNS that/IN Pons/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB mince/VB words/NNS ./.
No/DT one/NN around/IN here/RB is/VBZ guilty/JJ of/IN being/VBG pretentious/JJ ./.
Obviously/RB ,/, the/DT traditional/JJ breeding/NN method/NN is/VBZ a/DT lot/NN harder/RBR than/IN just/RB letting/VBG a/DT couple/NN of/IN horses/NNS loose/JJ in/IN a/DT pasture/NN and/CC waiting/VBG for/IN nature/NN to/TO take/VB its/PRP$ course/NN ./.
And/CC it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT far/JJ sight/NN harder/RBR than/IN artificial/JJ insemination/NN ./.
Pons/NNP said/VBD that/IN if/IN AI/NNP were/VBD allowed--as/JJ it/PRP is/VBZ with/IN standard-bred/JJ horses--breeding/JJ would/MD be/VB a/DT one-pony/JJ trick/NN ./.
"/" Instead/RB of/IN a/DT teasing/VBG chute/NN we/PRP 'd/MD have/VB some/DT sort/NN of/IN a/DT riding/VBG bronco/NN bull/NN ,/, a/DT leather/NN mare/NN ./.
The/DT stallion/NN would/MD mount/VB it/PRP ,/, and/CC a/DT veterinarian/NN would/MD collect/VB the/DT ejaculant/NN in/IN an/DT artificial/JJ vagina/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ./.
The/DT prohibition/NN is/VBZ more/RBR than/IN just/RB tradition/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ good/JJ business/NN ./.
Artificial/NNP insemination/NN would/MD create/VB a/DT rush/NN on/IN sperm/NN from/IN a/DT select/JJ few/JJ champion/NN stallions/NNS ./.
Midlevel/NNP stallions/NNS would/MD see/VB their/PRP$ stud/NN fees/NNS plummet/VBP ./.
Dew/NNP ,/, the/DT teaser/NN ,/, finally/RB mounted/VBD Canada/NNP Miss/NNP ./.
The/DT process/NN is/VBZ not/RB gentle/JJ ./.
Two/CD horses/NNS mating/NN is/VBZ a/DT lot/NN of/IN meat/NN in/IN motion/NN ./.
Four/CD men/NNS had/VBD to/TO control/VB the/DT horses/NNS ,/, and/CC one/CD of/IN these/DT men/NNS ,/, Eduardo/NNP ,/, had/VBD the/DT most/RBS critical/JJ job/NN of/IN all/DT ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ to/TO reach/VB with/IN his/PRP$ right/JJ hand/NN and/CC grab/VB Dew/NNP 's/POS erect/VB penis/NNS ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ thick/JJ as/IN a/DT baseball/NN bat/NN and/CC almost/RB as/IN long/JJ ,/, and/CC pull/VB it/PRP to/TO one/CD side/NN to/TO prevent/VB penetration/NN ./.
When/WRB it/PRP comes/VBZ to/TO consummating/VBG the/DT act/NN ,/, Dew/NNP do/VBP n't/RB ./.
Pons/NNP noted/VBD that/IN poor/NNP Popeye/NNP ,/, the/DT gelding/VBG ,/, has/VBZ been/VBN tugged/VBD to/TO the/DT side/NN like/IN this/DT so/RB many/JJ times/NNS that/IN he/PRP 's/VBZ developed/VBD a/DT pronounced/VBN curvature/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP 's/VBZ got/VBD a/DT bent/NN dick/NN ,/, "/" Pons/NNP said/VBD ./.
Finally/RB it/PRP was/VBD time/NN to/TO bring/VB out/RP the/DT breeding/VBG stallion/NN ,/, Allen/NNP 's/POS Prospect/NNP ./.
His/PRP$ stud/NN fee/NN is/VBZ $/$ 10/CD ,/, 000/CD and/CC he/PRP averages/VBZ 1/CD ./.
7/CD covers/VBZ before/IN the/DT mare/NN is/VBZ in/IN foal--an/JJ excellent/JJ batting/NN average/NN in/IN the/DT horse/NN business/NN ./.
He/PRP emerged/VBD from/IN the/DT barn/NN whinnying/VBG and/CC stamping/VBG his/PRP$ feet/NNS ./.
Eduardo/NNP was/VBD now/RB wearing/VBG a/DT helmet/NN ,/, a/DT defense/NN against/IN biting/VBG ./.
The/DT horsemen/NN washed/VBD the/DT stallion/NN 's/POS genitals/NNS in/IN soap/NN and/CC water/NN and/CC led/VBD him/PRP to/TO the/DT mare/NN ./.
By/IN now/RB the/DT old/JJ man/NN ,/, Joe/NNP ,/, had/VBD wandered/JJ up/RB ,/, and/CC he/PRP was/VBD the/DT only/RB one/CD who/WP looked/VBD at/IN peace/NN ./.
"/" He/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT good/JJ breeding/NN horse/NN ./.
He/PRP wo/MD n't/RB mess/VB around/IN ./.
"/" The/DT four/CD horsemen/NN held/VBD the/DT mare/NN ./.
Allen/NNP 's/POS Prospect/NNP mounted/VBD her/PRP$ ,/, and/CC the/DT horsemen/NN on/IN either/DT side/NN guided/VBD his/PRP$ penis/NNS into/IN the/DT mare/NN and/CC held/VBN onto/IN it/PRP while/IN the/DT horses/NNS brayed/JJ and/CC whinnied/JJ and/CC huffed--more/JJ than/IN a/DT ton/NN of/IN towering/JJ bucking/VBG horseflesh--and/JJ ,/, after/IN about/IN 30/CD seconds/NNS ,/, the/DT stallion/NN ejaculated/JJ and/CC instantly/RB slipped/VBD out/IN of/IN her/PRP$ and/CC headed/VBN back/RB to/TO the/DT barn/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP 's/VBZ very/RB draining/VBG physically/RB and/CC emotionally/RB ,/, "/" said/VBD Josh/NNP Pons/NNP as/IN he/PRP drove/VBD around/IN the/DT farm/NN in/IN a/DT golf/NN cart/NN a/DT few/JJ minutes/NNS later/RB ./.
He/PRP said/VBD studs/NNS get/VBP hurt/VBN ,/, top/JJ broodmares/NNS get/VBP sick/JJ and/CC die/VB ,/, foals/NNS are/VBP born/VBN dead/JJ ./.
Nothing/NN is/VBZ easy/JJ ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT nature/NN of/IN thoroughbreds/NNS :/: They/PRP 're/VBP not/RB bred/VBN for/IN their/PRP$ reproductive/JJ ability--they/JJ 're/VBP bred/VBN for/IN speed/NN ./.
Critics/NNS say/VBP even/RB this/DT is/VBZ n't/RB really/RB working/VBG ,/, that/IN racing/VBG times/NNS have/VBP reached/VBN a/DT plateau/NN and/CC the/DT thoroughbreds/NNS may/MD have/VB even/RB regressed/JJ in/IN quality/NN ,/, watered/VBD down/RB by/IN excessive/JJ breeding/NN in/IN the/DT boom/NN years/NNS of/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ and/CC the/DT use/NN of/IN medication/NN that/WDT masks/NNS physical/JJ frailties/NNS ./.
While/IN the/DT horses/NNS run/VBP in/IN place/NN genetically/RB ,/, the/DT racetracks/NNS themselves/PRP are/VBP falling/VBG behind/IN the/DT rest/NN of/IN the/DT gaming/NN world/NN ./.
Racetracks/NNP are/VBP getting/VBG clocked/VBN by/IN casinos/NNS ,/, lotteries/NNS ,/, riverboat/NN gambling/NN ,/, and/CC slot/NN machines/NNS ./.
Pons/NNP is/VBZ not/RB sure/JJ if/IN Country/NNP Life/NNP Farm/NNP will/MD pass/VB to/TO yet/RB another/DT generation/NN of/IN Ponses/NNP ./.
"/" If/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT dinosaur/NN game/NN and/CC everyone/NN 's/POS betting/VBG at/IN the/DT casinos/NNS instead/RB of/IN the/DT racetrack/NN ,/, we/PRP 're/VBP out/IN of/IN business/NN ./.
From/IN the/DT farm/NN I/PRP drove/VBD to/TO the/DT racetrack/NN ,/, Laurel/NNP Park/NNP ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN to/TO Gulfstream/NNP and/CC Hialeah/NNP and/CC Santa/NNP Anita/NNP and/CC Hollywood/NNP Park/NNP ,/, and/CC they/PRP all/DT maintain/VBP some/DT resonance/NN of/IN their/PRP$ grand/JJ past/NN ./.
At/IN Gulfstream/NNP ,/, you/PRP enter/VBP in/IN a/DT broad/JJ boulevard/NN between/IN rows/NNS of/IN royal/JJ palms/NNS ./.
At/IN Hialeah/NNP ,/, there/EX are/VBP old/JJ fountains/NNS and/CC broad/JJ porches/NNS and/CC perfectly/RB landscaped/JJ gardens/NNS ./.
Laurel/NNP Park/NNP has/VBZ none/NN of/IN that/DT magic/NN ./.
The/DT entrance/NN road/NN is/VBZ bumpy/JJ and/CC crude/NN ./.
The/DT facility/NN has/VBZ been/VBN rebuilt/VBN various/JJ times/NNS over/IN the/DT last/JJ 81/CD years/NNS ,/, but/CC now/RB just/RB looks/VBZ cobbled/VBN together/RB in/IN addition/NN to/TO being/VBG old/JJ ./.
On/IN this/DT particular/JJ Saturday/NNP ,/, only/RB a/DT few/JJ thousand/CD people/NNS were/VBD scattered/VBN in/IN the/DT stands/NNS ./.
Many/RB were/VBD watching/VBG TV/NN monitors/VBZ showing/VBG simulcasts/NNS of/IN races/NNS at/IN some/DT other/JJ track/NN ./.
They/PRP were/VBD n't/RB completely/RB here/RB ,/, mentally/RB ./.
A/DT woman/NN smoking/VBG a/DT cigarette/NN outside/IN the/DT office/NN turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB Lois/NNP Ryan/NNP ,/, the/DT track/NN 's/POS director/NN of/IN public/JJ relations/NNS ./.
She/PRP said/VBD Laurel/NNP 's/POS big/JJ problem/NN is/VBZ that/IN the/DT governor/NN wo/MD n't/RB allow/VB slots/NNS ./.
Tracks/NNP in/IN Delaware/NNP have/VBP slot/NN machines/NNS now/RB ,/, and/CC they/PRP 're/VBP pulling/VBG in/IN billions/NNS of/IN dollars/NNS in/IN revenue/NN ,/, jacking/VBG up/RP the/DT purses/NNS for/IN the/DT races/NNS and/CC siphoning/VBG away/RB both/DT the/DT fans/NNS and/CC top/JJ racehorses/NNS ./.
Philadelphia/NNP Park/NNP is/VBZ getting/VBG video-lottery/JJ terminals/NNS ,/, as/IN will/MD tracks/VBZ in/IN West/NNP Virginia/NNP ./.
Plus/NNP the/DT racetrack/NN ,/, as/RB broadly/RB imagined/VBN by/IN the/DT public/NN ,/, suffers/VBZ a/DT reputation/NN of/IN seediness/NNS ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB true/JJ ,/, she/PRP said/VBD ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ clean/VB and/CC lively/JJ ,/, she/PRP insisted/VBD ./.
Soon/RB they/PRP will/MD bring/VB in/IN costumed/VBN characters/NNS ,/, so/IN kids/NNS will/MD have/VB something/NN to/TO do/VB ./.
Up/IN in/IN the/DT press/NN box/NN ,/, the/DT handicapper/NN ,/, Clem/NNP Florio/NNP ,/, 67/CD ,/, looked/VBD down/RB from/IN his/PRP$ lofty/JJ perch/NN as/IN the/DT horses/NNS meandered/VBD toward/IN the/DT starting/VBG gate/NN for/IN the/DT sixth/JJ race/NN ./.
"/" It/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB the/DT glamour/NN that/IN it/PRP did/VBD ,/, "/" Florio/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" It/PRP had/VBD glamour/NN !/.
You/PRP 'd/MD see/VB people/NNS go/VB from/IN nothin/NN '/" to/TO the/DT big/JJ time/NN !/.
"/" He/PRP grew/VBD up/RB in/IN Queens/NNP ,/, right/JJ next/JJ door/NN to/TO Aqueduct/NNP ./.
Routinely/NNP there/EX 'd/MD be/VB 30/CD ,/, 000/CD or/CC 40/CD ,/, 000/CD people/NNS at/IN the/DT track/NN on/IN a/DT Saturday/NNP ./.
"/" We/PRP had/VBD a/DT tradition/NN along/IN the/DT Eastern/NNP Seaboard/NNP of/IN horse/NN players/NNS ./.
Every/DT corner/NN had/VBD a/DT bookie/NN ,/, "/" Florio/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" It/PRP was/VBD the/DT only/JJ game/NN in/IN town/NN ./.
Tradition/NN alone/RB ca/MD n't/RB compete/VB in/IN the/DT churning/VBG marketplace/NN of/IN American/JJ gaming/NN ./.
Maybe/RB racing/VBG could/MD use/VB a/DT few/JJ cloned/VBN Cigars/NNP ./.
Something/NN ./.
Anything/NN ./.
For/IN the/DT seventh/JJ race/NN at/IN Laurel/NNP ,/, there/EX were/VBD only/RB seven/CD horses/NNS in/IN the/DT field/NN ./.
The/DT next/JJ race/NN would/MD have/VB nine/CD horses/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT one/CD after/IN that/DT only/RB six/CD ./.
Six/CD horses/NNS is/VBZ not/RB much/JJ of/IN a/DT field/NN ./.
You/PRP know/VBP a/DT racetrack/NN is/VBZ on/IN hard/JJ times/NNS when/WRB it/PRP ca/MD n't/RB even/RB get/VB horses/NNS to/TO show/VB up/RP ./.
I/PRP stand/VBP corrected/VBN ,/, and/CC hope/VBP that/DT Ms/NNP ./.
Bullock/NNP can/MD find/VB it/PRP in/IN her/PRP$ heart/NN to/TO forgive/VB me/PRP ./.
Or/CC acknowledge/VBP me/PRP ,/, for/IN that/DT matter/NN ./.
Still/RB ,/, I/PRP think/VBP the/DT larger/JJR point/NN holds/VBZ :/: Something/NN bad/JJ has/VBZ happened/VBN to/TO her/PRP$ career/NN ./.
It/PRP 's/VBZ like/IN it/PRP had/VBD some/DT tainted/VBN soup/NN or/CC something/NN ./.
Did/VBD you/PRP see/VBP Practical/NNP Magic/NNP ?/.
And/CC have/VBP you/PRP seen/VBN the/DT trailers/NNS for/IN her/PRP$ next/JJ movie/NN ,/, with/IN Liam/NNP Neeson/NNP and/CC Oliver/NNP Platt/NNP ?/.
It/PRP 's/VBZ rare/JJ to/TO see/VB three/CD such/JJ likeable/JJ actors/NNS in/IN such/JJ a/DT shoddy-looking/JJ film/NN ./.
(/( Disclaimer/NNP :/: I/PRP have/VBP n't/RB seen/VBN the/DT movie/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP only/RB seen/VBN the/DT trailer/NN ./.
The/DT movie/NN could/MD be/VB a/DT work/NN of/IN staggering/JJ genius/NN ./.
But/CC somehow/RB ,/, I/PRP doubt/VBP it/PRP ./.
How/WRB often/RB is/VBZ the/DT movie/NN better/JJR than/IN the/DT trailer/NN ?/.
Along/IN similar/JJ lines/NNS ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ happened/VBD to/TO Liam/NNP Neeson/NNP ?/.
Since/IN The/DT Phantom/NNP Menace/NNP ,/, he/PRP 's/VBZ looked/VBD increasingly/RB grim--he/JJ seemed/VBD to/TO spend/VB most/JJS of/IN the/DT running/VBG time/NN of/IN The/DT Haunting/NNP trying/VBG to/TO visualize/VB himself/PRP in/IN another/DT ,/, better/JJR movie/NN ./.
And/CC now/RB ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ this/DT Sandra/NNP Bullock/NNP movie/NN ./.
And/CC now/RB that/IN I/PRP come/VBP to/TO think/VB of/IN it/PRP ,/, Oliver/NNP Platt/NNP ,/, a/DT favorite/JJ actor/NN of/IN mine/NN ,/, has/VBZ gone/VBN from/IN a/DT terrific/JJ performance/NN in/IN Bulworth/NNP to/TO Lake/NNP Placid/NNP ,/, Three/CD to/TO Tango/NNP ,/, and/CC now/RB ,/, this/DT Sandra/NNP Bullock-/NNP Liam/NNP Neeson/NNP movie/NN ./.
I/PRP smell/VBP a/DT conspiracy/NN here/RB ./.
In/IN other/JJ news/NN ,/, any/DT thoughts/NNS on/IN who/WP might/MD win/VB big/JJ at/IN the/DT Golden/NNP Globe/NNP awards/NNS ?/.
Apart/RB from/IN the/DT Hollywood/NNP Foreign/NNP Press/NNP Association/NNP ,/, which/WDT gets/VBZ to/TO pretend/VB it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT serious/JJ organization/NN ,/, if/IN only/RB for/IN a/DT night/NN ?/.
There/EX 's/VBZ a/DT part/NN of/IN me/PRP that/DT 's/VBZ sort/NN of/IN amazed/VBN and/CC outraged/JJ that/IN a/DT small/JJ handful/NN of/IN mostly/RB unqualified/JJ individuals/NNS throws/VBZ an/DT awards/NNS ceremony--a/JJ ceremony/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT voters/NNS are/VBP notoriously/RB susceptible/JJ to/TO the/DT influence/NN of/IN personal/JJ meetings/NNS with/IN stars/NNS ,/, lavish/JJ luncheons/NNS ,/, and/CC other/JJ perks--and/JJ everyone/NN pretends/NNS that/IN the/DT whole/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ legit/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX 's/VBZ another/DT ,/, larger/JJR part/NN of/IN me/PRP that/DT 's/VBZ convinced/VBN that/IN such/JJ a/DT ceremony/NN is/VBZ really/RB the/DT only/RB appropriate/JJ way/NN to/TO honor/VB achievement/NN in/IN the/DT movie/NN business/NN ./.
The/DT folks/NNS at/IN the/DT Academy/NNP Awards/NNP like/IN to/TO look/VB down/RB on/IN the/DT Golden/NNP Globes/NNP as/IN representing/VBG a/DT triumph/NN of/IN publicist-mongering/JJ ,/, backstage/RB maneuvering/NN ,/, and/CC star-worship/JJ over/IN quality/NN and/CC substance/NN ./.
And/CC I/PRP ,/, for/IN one/CD ,/, would/MD n't/RB have/VB it/PRP any/DT other/JJ way/NN ./.
Any/DT awards/NNS ceremony/NN in/IN which/WDT a/DT trophy/NN ca/MD n't/RB be/VB bought/VBN for/IN Pia/NNP Zadora/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB being/VBG true/JJ to/TO its/PRP$ industry/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP and/CC the/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP lead/VB with/IN the/DT arrests/NNS of/IN nearly/RB 60/CD airport/NN workers/NNS in/IN Miami/NNP on/IN charges/NNS related/VBN to/TO drug/NN and/CC weapons/NNS trafficking/NN (/( the/DT other/JJ papers/NNS all/DT front/NN this/DT story/NN )/) ./.
USA/NNP Today/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN a/DT widening/NN investigation/NN of/IN money/NN laundering/NN in/IN Russia/NNP ./.
The/DT amounts/NNS involved/VBN may/MD top/VB $/$ 15/CD billion/CD ,/, and/CC political/JJ insiders/NNS including/VBG Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP 's/POS daughter/NN could/MD be/VB implicated/VBN ./.
The/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN the/DT FBI/NNP 's/POS backing/NN down/RB from/IN their/PRP$ six-year/JJ denial/NN that/IN incendiary/JJ devices/NNS were/VBD used/VBN during/IN the/DT siege/NN of/IN the/DT Branch/NNP Davidian/NNP compound/NN ,/, a/DT story/NN that/WDT 's/VBZ fronted/JJ by/IN the/DT WP/NNP ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP ,/, WP/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP front/NN the/DT capture/NN of/IN a/DT high-ranking/JJ Bosnian/NNP Serb/NNP military/JJ official/NN by/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
N/NNP ./.
war/NN crimes/NNS tribunal/NN ./.
A/DT two-year/JJ sting/NN operation/NN nabbed/JJ dozens/NNS of/IN American/NNP Airlines/NNPS ramp/NN workers/NNS ,/, employees/NNS of/IN Sky/NNP Chef/NNP (/( a/DT food/NN catering/NN service/NN used/VBN by/IN American/NNP )/) ,/, and/CC a/DT handful/NN of/IN INS/NNP and/CC customs/NNS officials/NNS ./.
The/DT workers/NNS used/VBD their/PRP$ security/NN clearance/NN and/CC free/JJ flight/NN privileges/NNS to/TO smuggle/VB fake/JJ cocaine/NN and/CC hand/NN grenades/NNS for/IN undercover/JJ federal/JJ agents/NNS in/IN 37/CD different/JJ incidents/NNS ./.
The/DT arrests/NNS may/MD be/VB related/VBN to/TO last/VB weekend/NN 's/POS arrests/NNS of/IN 10/CD Colombians/NNPS in/IN Cali/NNP who/WP were/VBD also/RB using/VBG American/NNP Airlines/NNPS planes/NNS to/TO smuggle/VB drugs/NNS ./.
The/DT papers/NNS suggest/VBP that/IN American/NNP has/VBZ proven/VBN particularly/RB prone/JJ to/TO smuggling/NN problems/NNS because/IN it/PRP has/VBZ the/DT most/JJS service/NN to/TO drug-exporting/JJ countries/NNS such/JJ as/IN Colombia/NNP ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP plays/VBZ up/RP an/DT interesting/JJ safety/NN angle/NN :/: Not/RB only/RB is/VBZ smuggling/NN laughably/RB easy/JJ ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ potentially/RB very/RB dangerous/JJ ./.
Smugglers/NNP often/RB stashed/VBD contraband/NN close/RB to/TO sensitive/JJ equipment/NN ,/, or/CC among/IN the/DT in-flight/JJ food/NN ./.
Authorities/NNS were/VBD tipped/VBD off/RP to/TO the/DT smuggling/NN ring/NN when/WRB a/DT pilot/NN complained/VBD of/IN weak/JJ in-flight/JJ coffee--it/JJ had/VBD been/VBN accidentally/RB laced/VBN with/IN heroin/NN ./.
Various/JJ organized/VBN crime/NN bosses/NNS and/CC politicos/NNS are/VBP being/VBG scrutinized/VBN by/IN the/DT FBI/NNP ,/, the/DT Treasury/NNP Department/NNP ,/, and/CC other/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
and/CC British/JJ agencies/NNS ./.
At/IN least/JJS $/$ 15/CD million/CD was/VBD filtered/VBN through/IN two/CD New/NNP York-based/JJ banks/NNS to/TO a/DT company/NN owned/VBN by/IN Semion/NNP Mogilevich/NNP ,/, an/DT alleged/VBN leader/NN of/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS largest/JJS crime/NN syndicate/NN ./.
Along/IN with/IN Tatyana/NNP Dyachenko/NNP ,/, Yeltsin/NNP 's/POS daughter/NN and/CC adviser/NN ,/, Yeltsin/NNP 's/POS former/JJ finance/NN ministers/NNS and/CC a/DT former/JJ deputy/NN prime/JJ minister/NN are/VBP under/IN investigation/NN ./.
Interestingly/RB ,/, not/RB all/DT of/IN the/DT money/NN laundered/VBN was/VBD ill-gotten/JJ ,/, as/IN is/VBZ usually/RB the/DT case/NN ./.
In/IN addition/NN to/TO revenues/NNS from/IN prostitution/NN and/CC contract/NN killings/NNS ,/, as/RB much/JJ as/IN $/$ 10/CD billion/CD of/IN the/DT money/NN in/IN question/NN may/MD have/VB come/VBN from/IN IMF/NNP loans/NNS ./.
A/DT former/JJ senior/JJ FBI/NNP official/NN told/VBD reporters/NNS this/DT week/NN that/WDT tear/VB gas/NN canisters/NNS used/VBN on/IN the/DT Branch/NNP Davidians/NNP could/MD have/VB started/VBN the/DT fire/NN that/WDT destroyed/VBD the/DT group/NN 's/POS compound/NN ./.
Until/IN now/RB ,/, the/DT FBI/NNP has/VBZ insisted/VBN that/IN the/DT tear/VB gas/NN fired/VBN at/IN the/DT compound/NN had/VBD no/DT incendiary/JJ potential/NN ./.
Though/IN the/DT FBI/NNP director/NN and/CC Attorney/NNP General/NNP Janet/NNP Reno/NNP have/VBP ordered/VBN a/DT renewed/VBN inquiry/NN into/IN the/DT events/NNS ,/, they/PRP still/RB deny/VBP that/IN the/DT tear/VB gas/NN canisters/NNS could/MD have/VB caused/VBN the/DT blaze--they/JJ were/VBD fired/VBN ,/, apparently/RB to/TO no/DT effect/NN ,/, hours/NNS before/IN the/DT fire/NN began/VBD ./.
The/DT WP/NNP explains/VBZ why/WRB all/PDT this/DT is/VBZ coming/VBG to/TO light/VB now/RB :/: further/JJ investigation/NN by/IN a/DT documentary/NN filmmaker/NN and/CC attorneys/NNS for/IN siege/NN victims/NNS ./.
The/DT filmmaker/NN also/RB claims/VBZ to/TO have/VB footage/NN demonstrating/VBG that/IN an/DT FBI/NNP helicopter/NN fired/VBN on/IN the/DT compound/NN ,/, another/DT action/NN that/WDT has/VBZ been/VBN repeatedly/RB denied/VBN ./.
General/NNP Momir/NNP Talic/NNP ,/, the/DT Bosnian/NNP Serb/NNP army/NN 's/POS chief/NN of/IN staff/NN ,/, is/VBZ the/DT highest/JJS ranking/JJ official/NN to/TO be/VB seized/VBN by/IN the/DT war/NN crimes/NNS tribunal/NN ./.
During/IN Bosnia/NNP 's/POS civil/JJ war/NN ,/, Talic/NNP was/VBD part/NN of/IN a/DT Bosnian/NNP Serb/NNP "/" crisis/NN staff/NN "/" formed/VBN to/TO carry/VB out/IN ethnic/JJ cleansing/NN in/IN northwestern/NN Bosnia/NNP ./.
Mass/NNP graves/NNS containing/VBG over/IN 1500/CD Muslim/NNP and/CC Croat/NNP corpses/NNS have/VBP been/VBN uncovered/VBN in/IN the/DT territories/NNS he/PRP controlled/VBD during/IN the/DT conflict/NN ./.
Thus/RB far/RB ,/, 34/CD of/IN the/DT tribunal/NN 's/POS 67/CD war/NN criminals/NNS have/VBP been/VBN apprehended/JJ ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP points/NNS out/RP this/DT irony/NN :/: Talic/NNP was/VBD in/IN Vienna/NNP to/TO attend/VB a/DT conference/NN on/IN cooperation/NN between/IN Bosnian/NNP Serbs/NNP and/CC Bosnia/NNP 's/POS Muslim-/NNP Croat/NNP federation/NN when/WRB he/PRP was/VBD arrested/VBN ./.
According/VBG to/TO a/DT front/JJ page/NN NYT/NNP story/NN ,/, the/DT army/NN 's/POS investigation/NN of/IN an/DT openly/RB gay/JJ Republican/JJ state/NN legislator/NN who/WP was/VBD also/RB in/IN the/DT Army/NNP Reserves/NNPS has/VBZ re-ignited/JJ debate/NN over/IN the/DT armed/VBN forces/NNS '/POS "/" do/VBP n't/RB ask/VB ,/, do/VBP n't/RB tell/VB "/" policy/NN ./.
Steve/NNP May/NNP was/VBD "/" outed/JJ "/" in/IN his/PRP$ 1996/CD campaign/NN for/IN the/DT Arizona/NNP State/NNP Senate/NNP ,/, but/CC the/DT Army/NNP investigation/NN began/VBD only/RB after/IN he/PRP spoke/VBD out/IN against/IN antigay/NN cuts/NNS in/IN health/NN care/NN benefits/NNS ./.
The/DT story/NN notes/NNS an/DT interesting/JJ fact/NN :/: Since/IN its/PRP$ 1994/CD inception/NN ,/, the/DT number/NN of/IN armed/VBN forces/NNS personnel/NNS discharged/VBN for/IN homosexuality/NN has/VBZ actually/RB increased/VBN steadily/RB ./.
The/DT 1998/CD yearly/JJ tally/NN (/( 1/CD ,/, 145/CD discharged/VBN )/) is/VBZ nearly/RB double/VB the/DT 1994/CD count/NN ./.
The/DT Pentagon/NNP announced/VBD earlier/RBR this/DT month/NN that/IN it/PRP will/MD revise/VB its/PRP$ guidelines/NNS for/IN carrying/VBG out/RP the/DT policy/NN ./.
Hope/NNP for/IN the/DT Best/JJS
"/" At/IN this/DT juncture/NN ,/, we/PRP all/DT should/MD hope/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS ./.
So/RB concludes/VBZ an/DT especially/RB muddled/VBN editorial/NN Feb/NNP ./.
25/CD in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ./.
The/DT muddle/NN was/VBD understandable/JJ ,/, given/VBN that/IN the/DT topic/NN was/VBD on-again/JJ ,/, off-again/JJ ,/, on-again/JJ Whitewater/NNP Independent/NNP Counsel/NNP Kenneth/NNP Starr/NNP ./.
The/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN page/NN spent/VBD the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ vilifying/VBG the/DT whole/JJ idea/NN of/IN independent/JJ counsels/VBZ as/IN a/DT scandalous/JJ waste/NN of/IN money/NN and/CC an/DT unconstitutional/JJ infringement/NN upon/IN executive/NN power/NN ./.
But/CC that/DT was/VBD when/WRB Lawrence/NNP Walsh/NNP was/VBD investigating/VBG President/NNP Reagan/NNP ./.
Now/RB that/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ a/DT Democratic/JJ president/NN under/IN investigation/NN ,/, the/DT Journal/NNP is/VBZ naturally/RB conflicted/VBN ./.
Its/PRP$ former/JJ thundering/VBG constitutional/JJ anathemas/NNS are/VBP now/RB repositioned/JJ as/RB genteel/JJ "/" doubts/NNS "/" about/IN the/DT "/" extra-legal/JJ character/NN "/" of/IN "/" an/DT institution/NN still/RB evolving/VBG ./.
Still/RB ,/, "/" At/IN this/DT juncture/NN ,/, we/PRP all/DT should/MD hope/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS "/" is/VBZ remarkably/RB unhelpful/JJ advice/NN ./.
Is/VBZ there/EX any/DT editorial/NN ever/RB written/VBN to/TO which/WDT this/DT last/JJ sentence/NN could/MD not/RB be/VB attached/VBN ?/.
(/( "/" Yes/UH ,/, Virginia/NNP ,/, there/EX is/VBZ a/DT Santa/NNP Claus/NNP ./.
At/IN this/DT juncture/NN ,/, we/PRP all/DT should/MD hope/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS ./.
"/" )/) Have/VBP we/PRP missed/VBD some/DT other/JJ juncture/NN ,/, in/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN human/JJ events/NNS ,/, at/IN which/WDT the/DT Journal/NNP would/MD not/RB have/VB recommended/VBN that/IN we/PRP all/DT hope/VBP for/IN the/DT best/JJS ?/.
Will/MD the/DT Journal/NNP inform/VB its/PRP$ loyal/JJ readers/NNS when/WRB we/PRP may/MD abandon/VB the/DT strain/NN of/IN hoping/VBG for/IN the/DT best/JJS and/CC return/NN to/TO the/DT less/RBR exhausting/JJ task/NN of/IN fearing/VBG the/DT worst/JJS ?/.
Do/VBP we/PRP really/RB need/VBP the/DT distinguished/VBN Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP editorial/NN page/NN to/TO tell/VB us/PRP to/TO hope/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS ?/.
One/PRP might/MD as/RB well/RB turn/RB to/TO the/DT Journal/NNP 's/POS news/NN pages/NNS to/TO be/VB told/VBN to/TO "/" buy/VB low/JJ ,/, sell/VB high/JJ ./.
When/WRB contemplating/VBG a/DT high-risk/JJ course/NN of/IN action/NN ,/, such/JJ as/IN hoping/VBG for/IN the/DT best/JJS ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ always/RB advisable/JJ to/TO get/VB a/DT second/JJ opinion/NN ./.
At/IN this/DT juncture/NN ,/, we/PRP consulted/VBN Bill/NNP Gates/NNP ./.
Would/MD he/PRP recommend/VB hoping/VBG for/IN the/DT best/JJS ?/.
At/IN this/DT particular/JJ juncture/NN ?/.
"/" My/PRP$ dear/RB fellow/NN ,/, "/" he/PRP said/VBD ,/, "/" Do/VBP n't/RB hope/VB for/IN the/DT best/JJS ./.
Demand/NN the/DT best/JJS ./.
"/" And/CC he/PRP added/VBD ,/, "/" Buy/VB low/JJ ,/, sell/VB high/JJ ./.
A/DT decade/NN ago/RB ,/, the/DT editor/NN of/IN this/DT publication/NN staged/VBD a/DT contest/NN in/IN another/DT publication/NN to/TO name/VB the/DT then-burgeoning/JJ Iran-/NNP Contra/NNP scandal/NN ./.
The/DT premise/NN was/VBD that/DT scandal/NN handles/VBZ ending/VBG in/IN "/" -/: gate/NN "/" had/VBD become/VBN too/RB tiresome/JJ ,/, and/CC that/IN "/" Iran-/NNP Contra/NNP "/" was/VBD too/RB clumsy/JJ ./.
This/DT turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB wrong/JJ on/IN both/DT counts/VBZ ,/, as/IN that/DT scandal/NN came/VBD to/TO be/VB called/VBN "/" Irangate/NNP "/" by/IN some/DT and/CC "/" Iran-/NNP Contra/NNP "/" by/IN most/JJS ./.
The/DT winning/VBG name/NN in/IN that/DT contest--/JJ "/" Iranamok/NNP "/" -/: -/: was/VBD delightful/JJ ,/, witty/JJ ,/, and/CC euphonious/JJ ,/, but/CC never/RB took/VBD off/RP ./.
Undaunted/JJ ,/, let/VB 's/POS try/VB again/RB ./.
Anybody/NN got/VBD a/DT good/JJ name/NN for/IN the/DT now-burgeoning/JJ Democratic-/NNP Asian-/NNP Connection-/NNP Lincoln-/NNP Bedroom-/NNP Fund-/NNP Raising/NNP Scandal/NN ?/.
Nothing/NN racist/JJ ,/, please/VB ,/, and/CC nothing/NN (/( once/RB again/RB )/) ending/VBG in/IN "/" -/: gate/NN "/" (/( unless/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ really/RB good/JJ )/) ./.
Post/NNP your/PRP$ suggestions/NNS to/TO "/" The/DT Fray/NNP ,/, "/" our/PRP$ reader-discussion/JJ forum/NN ,/, or/CC send/VB e-mail/JJ to/TO slate/NN @/IN msn/NN ./.
com/NN ./.
First/LS prize/NN will/MD be/VB a/DT free/JJ year/NN 's/POS subscription/NN to/TO Slate/NNP online/NN (/( a/DT $/$ 19/CD ./.
95/CD value/NN )/) ./.
Oh/UH ,/, and/CC maybe/RB we/PRP 'll/MD throw/VB in/IN a/DT Slate/NNP baseball/NN cap/NN ./.
Reels/NNP on/IN Wheels/NNP
Slate/NNP readers/NNS who/WP recall/VBP John/NNP Cassidy/NNP 's/POS article/NN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS back/RB about/IN a/DT lavish/JJ "/" Hollywood/NNP Party/NNP "/" he/PRP attended/VBD at/IN the/DT home/NN of/IN Hollywood/NNP mogul/NN Mike/NNP Medavoy/NNP might/MD have/VB enjoyed/VBN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP feature/NN about/IN Medavoy/NNP Feb/NNP ./.
25/CD ./.
The/DT party/NN described/VBD in/IN the/DT Slate/NNP piece/NN was/VBD intended/VBN to/TO signify/VB Medavoy/NNP 's/POS triumph/NN over/IN adversity/NN :/: new/JJ wife/NN ,/, new/JJ job/NN ,/, and/CC so/RB on/IN ./.
In/IN the/DT Times/NNP piece/NN ,/, Medavoy/NNP touchingly/RB describes/VBZ the/DT kindness/NN and/CC generosity/NN he/PRP discovered/VBD during/IN his/PRP$ adversity/NN period/NN :/: "/" Even/RB the/DT courier/NN who/WP used/VBD to/TO bring/VB films/NNS to/TO me/PRP at/IN home/NN said/VBD he/PRP 'd/MD be/VB happy/JJ to/TO bring/VB them/PRP to/TO me/PRP for/IN nothing/NN ./.
"/" What/WP a/DT heartwarming/VBG story/NN !/.
Calling/VBG Frank/NNP Capra/NNP !/.
Imagine/VB :/: a/DT fallen/VBN mogul/NN almost/RB reduced/VBD to/TO seeing/VBG movies/NNS in/IN a/DT movie/NN theater/NN ,/, saved/VBN from/IN this/DT humiliation/NN by/IN a/DT big-hearted/JJ courier/NN ./.
If/IN more/JJR couriers/NNS took/VBD a/DT moment/NN to/TO show/VB a/DT bit/NN of/IN human/JJ compassion/NN for/IN the/DT film/NN producers/NNS in/IN their/PRP$ midst/NN ,/, this/DT old/JJ world/NN would/MD be/VB a/DT heckuva/NN better/JJR place/NN ./.
-/: -/: Michael/NNP Kinsley/NNP
Despite/IN their/PRP$ reputation/NN for/IN distrusting/VBG polyglots/NNS ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ by/IN no/DT means/VBZ unusual/JJ for/IN Englishmen/NNP to/TO be/VB bilingual/JJ ./.
Schoolchildren/NNP all/DT over/IN the/DT British/NNP Isles/NNP speak/VB the/DT local/JJ dialect/NN at/IN home/NN and/CC in/IN the/DT playground/NN but/CC switch/VB to/TO Received/NNP language/NN of/IN BBC/NNP announcers/NNS ,/, Whitehall/NNP ,/, the/DT great/JJ universities/NNS and/CC the/DT public/JJ school--once/JJ the/DT school/NN bell/NN has/VBZ sounded/VBN ./.
Some/DT time/NN ago/RB ,/, Peter/NNP Trudgill/NNP ,/, a/DT lecturer/NN in/IN linguistics/NNS at/IN Reading/VBG University/NNP ,/, deplored/JJ the/DT fact/NN that/IN many/JJ kids/NNS get/VBP the/DT idea/NN that/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ language/NN is/VBZ incorrect/JJ and/CC even/RB inferior/JJ ,/, and/CC as/IN a/DT result/NN become/VB alienated/VBN from/IN at/IN least/JJS two/CD of/IN the/DT Three/CD Rs/NNP ./.
Though/IN snobs/NNS and/CC the/DT stuffier/NN sorts/NNS of/IN pedagogues/NNS are/VBP toffee-nosed/JJ about/IN regional/JJ dialects/NNS ,/, poets/NNS such/JJ as/IN Ted/NNP Hughes/NNP have/VBP acclaimed/JJ the/DT organic/JJ way/NN they/PRP have/VBP of/IN fitting/JJ the/DT syllables/NNS &slash;/NN To/TO the/DT long/JJ swell/NN of/IN the/DT land/NN ./.
The/DT critics/NNS of/IN dialect/NN often/RB single/JJ it/PRP out/IN as/IN lazy/JJ speech/NN ,/, citing/VBG for/IN example/NN the/DT Lancashire/NNP 'em/PRP for/IN them/PRP ./.
Yet/CC 'em/PRP is/VBZ a/DT far/RB older/JJR English/NNP word--derived/JJ from/IN old/JJ them/PRP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ a/DT Scandinavian/JJ import/NN ./.
In/IN Northamptonshire/NNP ,/, Jeremy/NNP Seabrook/NNP reported/VBD in/IN The/DT Unprivileged/NNP that/IN his/PRP$ mother/NN would/MD use/VB terms/NNS that/WDT appear/VBP in/IN Chaucer/NNP but/CC have/VBP long/RB vanished/VBN from/IN Received/NNP English/NNP ./.
Deploring/NNP his/PRP$ lack/NN of/IN appetite/NN ,/, she/PRP would/MD tell/VB him/PRP ,/, It/PRP 's/VBZ no/DT wonder/VBP ,/, with/IN all/DT them/PRP mullocks/NNS you/PRP 've/VBP been/VBN eating/VBG ,/, unselfconciously/RB employing/VBG a/DT word/NN you/PRP can/MD find/VB in/IN A/DT Canon/NNP Yeoman/NNP 's/POS Talé/NNP ./.
Americans/NNPS will/MD appreciate/VB the/DT irony/NN of/IN the/DT scornful/JJ British/JJ rejection/NN of/IN I/PRP guess/VBP ,/, a/DT term/NN that/WDT was/VBD good/JJ enough/RB for/IN the/DT author/NN of/IN The/DT Canterbury/NNP Tales/NNS ./.
The/DT difficulty/NN of/IN communicating/VBG across/IN these/DT regional/JJ and/CC class/NN barriers/NNS is/VBZ considerable/JJ ./.
Received/NNP English/NNP is/VBZ an/DT essential/JJ part/NN of/IN the/DT cultural/JJ baggage/NN of/IN the/DT Cornishman/NNP or/CC the/DT Highlander/NNP who/WP refuses/VBZ to/TO be/VB confined/VBN to/TO some/DT sort/NN of/IN parochialism/NN for/IN life/NN ./.
Oddly/RB enough/RB ,/, the/DT more/RBR unworldly/RB sorts/NNS of/IN academics/NNS run/VBP the/DT risk/NN of/IN this/DT self-imposed/JJ isolation/NN because/IN their/PRP$ particular/JJ dialect/NN renders/NNS them/PRP incapable/JJ of/IN being/VBG understood/VBN outside/IN a/DT very/RB restricted/VBN circle/NN ./.
Professor/NNP Edgworth/NNP of/IN All/DT Souls/NNP ,/, according/VBG to/TO Robert/NNP Graves/NNP ,/, tended/VBD towards/IN this/DT kind/NN of/IN sesquipedalian/NN speech/NN ./.
Loitering/NNP by/IN the/DT college/NN gates/NNS ,/, he/PRP once/RB greeted/VBD T/NN ./.
E/NNP ./.
Lawrence/NNP ,/, who/WP had/VBD just/RB returned/VBN to/TO Oxford/NNP after/IN a/DT visit/NN to/TO London/NNP ./.
Was/VBD it/PRP very/RB caliginous/JJ in/IN the/DT Metropolis/NNP ?/.
he/PRP asked/VBD ./.
Somewhat/NNP caliginous/JJ ,/, Lawerence/NNP replied/VBD gravely/RB ,/, but/CC not/RB altogether/RB inspissated/JJ ./.
Toward/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT Seventies/NNP ,/, it/PRP gradually/RB became/VBD apparent/JJ that/IN Britian/NNP 's/POS National/NNP Health/NNP Service/NNP was/VBD suffering/VBG from/IN a/DT breakdown/NN in/IN communications/NNS ./.
More/JJR than/IN half/PDT the/DT hospitals/NNS '/POS staffs/NNS were/VBD immigrants/NNS ,/, mainly/RB from/IN India/NNP ,/, Pakistan/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT West/NNP Indies/NNP ,/, who/WP were/VBD experiencing/VBG difficulties/NNS in/IN understanding/VBG the/DT natives/NNS ./.
The/DT problem/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, was/VBD not/RB what/WP one/PRP might/MD have/VB expected/VBN :/: the/DT misunderstandings/NNS did/VBD not/RB occur/VB because/IN the/DT immigrant/JJ 's/POS English/NNP was/VBD poor/JJ ./.
On/IN the/DT contrary/NN ./.
They/PRP were/VBD quite/RB capable/JJ of/IN telling/VBG a/DT British/JJ colleagues/NNS ,/, We/PRP 've/VBP carried/VBN out/RP a/DT bronchoscopy/NN ,/, inserted/VBD an/DT endotrachial/NN tube/NN ,/, provided/VBN assisted/VBN ventilation/NN ,/, and/CC positioned/VBD a/DT catheter/NN in/IN his/PRP$ bladder/NN to/TO monitor/VB his/PRP$ urinary/JJ output/NN ./.
What/WP they/PRP could/MD not/RB fathom/NN was/VBD the/DT British/JJ version/NN of/IN the/DT same/JJ procedures/NNS :/: We/PRP 've/VBP bronched/JJ him/PRP ,/, tubed/JJ him/PRP ,/, bagged/JJ him/PRP ,/, and/CC cathed/JJ him/PRP ./.
The/DT confusion/NN was/VBD even/RB greater/JJR when/WRB immigrant/JJ physicians/NNS failed/VBD to/TO understand/VB the/DT patients/NNS who/WP attended/VBD their/PRP$ surgeries/NNS ./.
Most/JJS of/IN the/DT candidates/NNS boned/VBN up/RP on/IN the/DT subject/NN with/IN the/DT aid/NN of/IN Joy/NNP E/NNP ./.
Parkinson/NNP 's/POS Manual/NNP of/IN English/NNP for/IN the/DT Overseas/NNP Doctor/NNP ,/, a/DT book/NN that/WDT enjoyed/VBD a/DT brisk/JJ sale/NN at/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT 1980/CD s/VBZ ./.
The/DT manual/JJ explained/VBD that/IN to/TO understand/VB your/PRP$ patients/NNS you/PRP must/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO understand/VB the/DT colloquial/NN and/CC idiomatic/JJ expressions/NNS they/PRP use/VBP and/CC you/PRP must/MD be/VB able/JJ to/TO speak/VB to/TO them/PRP in/IN a/DT simple/JJ way/NN so/IN that/IN they/PRP 'll/MD understand/VB you/PRP ./.
The/DT almost/RB universal/JJ ignorance/NN of/IN medical/JJ nomenclature/NN among/IN English/NNP laymen/NN and/CC their/PRP$ dependence/NN on/IN euphemism/NN is/VBZ even/RB the/DT basis/NN of/IN corny/NN old/JJ jokes/NNS ,/, like/IN the/DT one/CD about/IN the/DT two/CD old/JJ biddies/NNS who/WP spotted/VBD a/DT haulage/NN contractor/NN 's/POS truck/NN bearing/VBG the/DT slogan/NN We/PRP Guarantee/NN To/TO Move/VB You/PRP ,/, Anytime/NNP ,/, Anywhere/NNP ./.
I/PRP 'll/MD give/VB it/PRP a/DT try/NN ,/, Gertie/NNP ,/, one/CD told/VBD her/PRP$ friend/NN ./.
That/DT Ex-/NNP Lax/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB do/VB me/PRP any/DT good/NN at/IN all/DT ./.
A/DT few/JJ common/JJ examples/NNS of/IN the/DT sort/NN of/IN misunderstandings/NNS that/WDT cropped/VBD up/RP repeatedly/RB in/IN the/DT examination/NN room/NN show/NN how/WRB wide/JJ the/DT gulf/NN could/MD be/VB between/IN the/DT patient/NN and/CC the/DT general/JJ practitioner/NN :/:
It/PRP 's/VBZ me/PRP waterworks/NN ,/, doctor/NN ,/, a/DT patient/NN suffering/VBG from/IN some/DT disorder/NN of/IN the/DT urinary/JJ tract/NN would/MD complain/VB to/TO an/DT uncomprehending/VBG physician/NN who/WP thought/VBD he/PRP had/VBD been/VBN mistaken/VBN for/IN a/DT plumber/NN ./.
I/PRP 've/VBP always/RB had/VBN trouble/NN with/IN me/PRP tubes/NNS could/MD be/VB especially/RB misleading/VBG in/IN the/DT case/NN of/IN a/DT female/JJ patient/NN ,/, for/IN she/PRP would/MD almost/RB certainly/RB be/VB referring/VBG to/TO a/DT history/NN of/IN chronic/JJ lung/NN disease/NN and/CC not/RB tubes/NNS of/IN the/DT Fallopian/NNP variety/NN ./.
One/PRP would/MD also/RB have/VB to/TO forgive/VB the/DT Indian/JJ subcontinent/NN 's/POS most/RBS highly/RB trained/VBN cardiologist/NN for/IN failing/VBG to/TO recognize/VB that/IN It/PRP 's/VBZ me/PRP dickey/NN ticker/NN ,/, sounds/NNS as/IN if/IN the/DT patient/NN requires/VBZ the/DT services/NNS of/IN a/DT watch-repairer--is/JJ an/DT allusion/NN to/TO longstanding/JJ heart/NN disease/NN ./.
One/CD begins/VBZ to/TO get/VB some/DT idea/NN of/IN the/DT extent/NN of/IN the/DT problem/NN reading/NN Parkinson/NNP 's/POS list/NN of/IN just/RB a/DT few/JJ of/IN the/DT colloquial/NN expressions/NNS for/IN pregnancy/NN :/: Away/RB the/DT trip/NN (/( Scottish/NNP working/VBG class/NN )/) ,/, to/TO be/VB caught/VBN ,/, to/TO be/VB expecting/VBG ,/, to/TO be/VB having/VBG a/DT baby/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN a/DT delicate/JJ condition/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN an/DT interesting/JJ condition/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN pig/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN pod/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN the/DT family/NN way/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB in/IN the/DT pudding/NN club/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB preggers/NNS ,/, to/TO be/VB so/RB ,/, to/TO be/VB up/RP the/DT pole/NN ,/, to/TO be/VB up/RP the/DT stick/NN ,/, to/TO catch/VB on/RB ,/, to/TO catch/VB the/DT virus/NN ,/, to/TO fall/VB for/IN a/DT baby/NN ,/, to/TO have/VB a/DT bun/NN in/IN the/DT oven/NN ,/, to/TO have/VB a/DT touch/NN of/IN the/DT sun/NN ./.
Medical/JJ practitioners/NNS born/VBN and/CC bred/VBN in/IN the/DT United/NNP Kingdom/NNP are/VBP just/RB as/RB guilty/JJ as/IN their/PRP$ patients/NNS of/IN spreading/VBG these/DT opaque/JJ synonyms/NNS ,/, abetted/VBN in/IN their/PRP$ case/NN by/IN a/DT fondness/NN for/IN a/DT special/JJ kind/NN of/IN baby-talk/JJ that/WDT is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO reassure/VB the/DT patient/NN :/: We/PRP 're/VBP just/RB going/VBG to/TO pop/VB you/PRP into/IN the/DT operating/VBG theatre/FW and/CC have/VBP a/DT little/JJ peep/NN in/IN your/PRP$ tummy/NN ./.
One/CD particularly/RB outrageous/JJ example/NN of/IN a/DT coy/JJ euphemism/NN crops/NNS up/RB in/IN Diane/NNP Johnson/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT State/NNP of/IN the/DT Language/NNP ./.
A/DT London/NNP gynecologist/NN was/VBD explaining/VBG her/PRP$ impending/JJ hysterectomy/NN to/TO an/DT understandably/RB concerned/VBN patient/NN ./.
We/PRP 're/VBP taking/VBG out/RP the/DT cradle/NN ,/, he/PRP told/VBD her/PRP$ ,/, but/CC we/PRP 're/VBP leaving/VBG in/IN the/DT playpen/NN ./.
Old/NNP Sussex/NNP dialect/NN is/VBZ sadly/RB dying/VBG out/IN ,/, save/VB in/IN the/DT remoter/NN villages/NNS ,/, where/WRB the/DT oldest/JJS inhabitants/NNS still/RB speak/VBP it/PRP naturally/RB ./.
That/DT is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ pity/NN ,/, as/IN Sussex/NNP rustice/NN were/VBD once/RB famous/JJ for/IN their/PRP$ amusing/JJ knack/NN of/IN adapting/VBG words/NNS to/TO suit/VB their/PRP$ own/JJ requirements/NNS ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, a/DT touch/NN of/IN the/DT old/JJ brown/JJ crisis/NN would/MD mean/VB an/DT attack/NN of/IN bronchitis/NNS and/CC I/PRP mises/NNS would/MD be/VB Sussex/NNP shorthand/NN for/IN I/PRP surmise/NN or/CC guess/VBP ./.
Typical/JJ of/IN the/DT county/NN is/VBZ still/RB the/DT arbitrary/JJ pronounciation/NN of/IN the/DT letters/NNS ee/NN :/: sheep/NN is/VBZ often/RB pronounced/VBN as/IN ship/NN and/CC week/NN as/IN wick/NN ./.
The/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT double/JJ plural/NN is/VBZ another/DT old/JJ Sussex/NNP feature/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT verse/NN ,/,
I/PRP saw/VBD two/CD ghostesses/NNS
Sitting/VBG on/IN postesses/NNS
Eating/NNP their/PRP$ toastesses/NNS
And/CC greasing/VBG their/PRP$ fistesses/NNS
Were/VBD n't/RB they/PRP beastesses/NNS ?/.
Back/RB in/IN 1904/CD ,/, E/NNP ./.
V/NNP ./.
Lucas/NNP in/IN his/PRP$ Highways/NNS and/CC Byeways/NNP in/IN Sussex/NNP ,/, noted/VBD that/IN the/DT Sussex/NNP dialect/NN changed/VBN markedly/RB from/IN east/JJ to/TO west/NN and/CC that/IN the/DT demarcation/NN line/NN between/IN the/DT two/CD was/VBD the/DT lovely/JJ Adur/NNP even/RB the/DT breeds/NNS of/IN sheep/NN changed/VBN !/.
If/IN one/CD hears/VBZ the/DT old/JJ Sussex/NNP dialect/NN at/IN all/DT now/RB it/PRP is/VBZ usually/RB found/VBN in/IN the/DT rural/JJ hinterland/NN of/IN the/DT county/NN between/IN Battle/NNP (/( of/IN 1066/CD fame/NN )/) and/CC Health-field/NNP ,/, or/CC that/DT fine/NN open/JJ stretch/NN of/IN country/NN twixt/NN Chichester/NNP and/CC Midhurst/NNP ./.
The/DT old/JJ West/NNP Sussex/NNP tendency/NN is/VBZ to/TO add/VB an/DT extra/JJ syllable/NN to/TO monosyllabic/JJ words/NNS ,/, so/RB cow/NN becomes/VBZ cayoo/NN ,/, or/CC fowl/NN is/VBZ pronounced/VBN fewoll/NN ./.
In/IN East/NNP Sussex/NNP respectively/RB these/DT would/MD be/VB kew/NN and/CC fewl/NN ./.
The/DT true/JJ Sussexer/NNP has/VBZ problems/NNS with/IN the/DT letter/NN h/NN ,/, so/RB one/CD old/JJ traditional/JJ dish/NN is/VBZ the/DT Plum/NNP '/POS eavy/NN ,/, the/DT highway/NN is/VBZ naturally/RB the/DT ighway/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
In/IN East/NNP Sussex/NNP th/NN is/VBZ often/RB pronounced/VBN as/IN d/SYM ,/, so/IN that/IN the/DT ,/, them/PRP ,/, and/CC that/WDT become/VBP de/IN ,/, dem/NN ,/, and/CC dat/NN ./.
Due/JJ to/TO the/DT old/JJ Sussex/NNP dialect/NN the/DT village/NN folk/NN could/MD quickly/RB divide/VB all/PDT those/DT they/PRP met/VBD into/IN the/DT sheep/NN and/CC goats/NNS :/: the/DT homelings/NNS were/VBD the/DT natives/NNS and/CC the/DT comelings/NNS those/DT who/WP had/VBD come/VBN into/IN Sussex/NNP from/IN another/DT county/NN ./.
Frequently/RB heard/VBN old/JJ expressions/NNS include/VBP Shennagoo/NNP for/IN shall/MD not/RB go/VB ,/, and/CC Drackly/NNP for/IN straight/JJ away/RB ,/, directly/RB ./.
High/JJ praise/NN is/VBZ tidy/JJ middling/JJ and/CC middling/JJ is/VBZ very/RB fair/JJ !/.
Purdnye/NNP means/VBZ almost/RB ./.
Darngurt/NNP is/VBZ Sussex/NNP speak/VB for/IN anything/NN very/RB large/JJ ,/, as/IN this/DT county/NN is/VBZ naturally/RB given/VBN to/TO emphatic/JJ statements/NNS ./.
An/DT overdressed/JJ woman/NN may/MD be/VB summed/VBD up/RB as/IN looks/VBZ like/IN a/DT sow/VBP saddled/VBN and/CC any/DT impossible/JJ task/NN calls/VBZ forth/RB the/DT comment/NN I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB suck/NN flour/NN and/CC whistle/VBP !/.
Leaves/NNP back/RB '/POS ards/NNS up/RB '/POS ards/NNS ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ going/VBG to/TO rain/NN was/VBD a/DT favorite/JJ saying/NN of/IN the/DT ancient/JJ Sussex/NNP shepherds/NNS ./.
The/DT cowman/NN driving/VBG his/PRP$ cows/NNS up/RB Steyning/NNP High/NNP Street/NNP would/MD call/VB Coup/NNP ,/, Coup/NNP ,/, Coup/NNP ,/, coom/NN along/IN ,/, as/IN did/VBD generations/NNS before/IN him/PRP ./.
A/DT scolding/VBG woman/NN was/VBD said/VBN to/TO give/VB her/PRP$ husband/NN a/DT dish/NN of/IN tongues/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT old/JJ Sussex/NNP bachelor/NN often/RB gave/VBD crisp/JJ reasons/NNS for/IN staying/VBG single/JJ :/: one/CD went/VBD on/IN record/NN as/IN saying/VBG Mesel/NNP ,/, I/PRP ai/VBP n't/RB no/DT marryin/NN '/" man/NN ,/, fer/NN I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB see/VB naun/NN in/IN givin/NN '/" '/POS arf/NN yer/NN grub/NN away/RB ter/NN get/VB t/NN '/" other/JJ '/POS arf/NN cooked/VBN ./.
I/PRP does/VBZ me/PRP own/VB ./.
Counting/VBG words/NNS in/IN Sussex/NNP were/VBD often/RB used/VBN by/IN agricultural/JJ workers/NNS ./.
Many/JJ writers/NNS have/VBP collected/VBN gems/NNS of/IN Sussex/NNP dialect/NN down/RP the/DT years/NNS ,/, like/IN Rev/NNP ./.
William/NNP Parish/NNP and/CC another/DT cleric/JJ ,/, Rev/NNP ./.
Edward/NNP Boys/NNPS Ellman/NNP ,/, both/DT before/IN World/NNP War/NNP I/PRP ./.
Parish/NNP discovered/VBD some/DT amusing/JJ differences/NNS ,/, as/IN when/WRB a/DT Sussex/NNP girl/NN cries/VBZ ,/, Oh/UH !/.
do/VBP adone/NN she/PRP means/VBZ Go/VB on/IN but/CC if/IN she/PRP says/VBZ ,/, Adone/NNP do/VBP ,/, she/PRP means/VBZ Stop/NNP at/IN once/RB !/.
The/DT ladybird/NN was/VBD called/VBN Bishop/NNP Barnaby/NNP by/IN Sussex/NNP children/NNS ,/, as/IN in/IN the/DT old/JJ rhyme/NN
Bishop/NNP ,/, Bishop/NNP Barnaby/NNP
Tell/VB me/PRP when/WRB my/PRP$ wedding/NN will/MD be/VB ,/,
If/IN it/PRP be/VB tomorrow/NN day/NN ,/,
Open/NNP your/PRP$ wings/NNS and/CC fly/VB away/RB ./.
Broom/NNP dasher/NN was/VBD the/DT traditional/JJ Sussex/NNP description/NN of/IN a/DT roughly/RB dressed/VBN or/CC roughly/RB behaved/VBD person/NN ,/, and/CC someone/NN of/IN low/JJ intelligence/NN was/VBD described/VBN as/IN chuckle-headed/JJ ,/, a/DT term/NN not/RB unfamiliar/JJ to/TO Americans/NNPS ./.
To/TO be/VB fair/JJ clemmed/JJ meant/VBN to/TO be/VB very/RB hungry/JJ ,/, cold/JJ ,/, or/CC miserable/JJ ./.
A/DT typical/JJ county/NN boast/NN still/RB often/RB expressed/VBD is/VBZ Sussex/NNP wo/MD n't/RB be/VB druv/NN and/CC anyone/NN contrairy/NN is/VBZ reckoned/VBN to/TO be/VB obstinate/JJ ./.
Darn/NNP ma/NN wig/NN is/VBZ a/DT humorous/JJ expression/NN of/IN surprise/NN ./.
Frouden/NNP means/VBZ to/TO be/VB afraid/JJ or/CC to/TO be/VB frit/NN ,/, whilst/NN feeling/NN ill/RB was/VBD once/RB expressed/VBN as/IN I/PRP be/VB gellish/NN ornary/JJ today/NN ./.
Goistering/NNP was/VBD a/DT curious/JJ term/NN for/IN loud/JJ feminine/JJ laughter/NN ;/: a/DT bad/JJ worker/NN was/VBD called/VBN latchety/NN :/: his/PRP$ excuse/NN might/MD well/RB be/VB ,/, Old/NNP Laurence/NNP has/VBZ got/VBN hold/NN of/IN me/PRP today/NN !/.
Time/NNP and/CC time/NN again/RB the/DT dry/JJ Sussex/NNP sense/NN of/IN humor/NN breaks/NNS through/IN ./.
The/DT sadly/RB defunct/JJ Horsham/NNP to/TO Steyning/NNP railway/NN line/NN was/VBD called/VBN the/DT linger/VB and/CC die/VB ./.
My/PRP$ obedience/NN was/VBD a/DT mother/NN 's/POS reference/NN to/TO her/PRP$ first-born/JJ child/NN ,/, and/CC a/DT ditherer/NN was/VBD called/VBN a/DT mess-pot/JJ ./.
Nineways/NNP for/IN Sunday/NNP meant/VBD a/DT bewildered/VBN expression/NN and/CC is/VBZ a/DT good/JJ example/NN of/IN the/DT originality/NN of/IN thought/VBD behind/IN many/JJ of/IN the/DT county/NN sayings/NNS ./.
The/DT folklore/NN of/IN the/DT county/NN is/VBZ particularly/RB rich/JJ and/CC this/DT too/RB gives/VBZ colorful/JJ phrases/NNS ./.
The/DT Miller/NNP 's/POS glory/NN refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT sweeps/NNS of/IN the/DT windmill/NN set/VBN in/IN the/DT sign/NN of/IN a/DT cross/NN ,/, said/VBD to/TO bring/VB luck/NN to/TO anyone/NN in/IN the/DT village/NN getting/VBG married/VBN ./.
A/DT shim/NN means/VBZ a/DT ghost/NN or/CC just/RB a/DT glimpse/NN of/IN someone/NN ./.
Pharisees/NNP fairies/NNS are/VBP also/RB deep/JJ in/IN Sussex/NNP folklore/NN ,/, while/IN something/NN too/RB complex/JJ to/TO understand/VB is/VBZ called/VBN wigwams/NNS for/IN goose/NN 's/POS bridles/NNS ./.
Long/NNP Rope/NNP Day/NNP refers/VBZ to/TO the/DT old/JJ Brighton/NNP or/CC Hastings/NNP custom/NN of/IN skipping/VBG for/IN luck/NN on/IN Good/NNP Friday/NNP ./.
January/NNP butter/NN is/VBZ the/DT name/NN for/IN the/DT mud/NN it/PRP was/VBD thought/VBN lucky/JJ to/TO bring/VB into/IN the/DT house/NN on/IN one/CD 's/POS feet/NNS on/IN January/NNP 1/CD st/NN ./.
Of/IN all/PDT the/DT English/NNP county/NN dialects/NNS I/PRP suspect/VBP that/IN Sussex/NNP is/VBZ the/DT richest/JJS in/IN its/PRP$ allusions/NNS ,/, but/CC I/PRP may/MD well/RB be/VB prejudiced/VBN in/IN favor/NN of/IN my/PRP$ beloved/JJ South/NNP Downs/NNP ./.
To/TO conclude/VB ,/, here/RB is/VBZ a/DT snippet/NN of/IN the/DT conversation/NN of/IN an/DT old/JJ West/NNP Wittering/NNP woman/NN ,/, who/WP lived/VBD near/IN a/DT scientist/NN :/:
such/JJ a/DT nice/JJ ,/, still/RB man/NN ,/, only/RB he/PRP 's/VBZ always/RB losing/VBG his/PRP$ recollects/NNS ./.
He/PRP disremembers/NNS everything/NN ./.
Why/WRB the/DT other/JJ day/NN he/PRP was/VBD in/IN a/DT tarrible/JJ stodge/NN cause/NN he/PRP mus/JJ catch/NN the/DT London/NNP train/NN ,/, an/DT '/POS prensly/RB there/EX he/PRP was/VBD back/RB again/RB ./.
He/PRP most-in-ginral/JJ goos/NNS along/IN reading/VBG an/DT '/POS a/DT whiffle/NN of/IN wind/NN blew/VBD his/PRP$ book/NN an/DT he/PRP disremembered/JJ what/WP he/PRP 'd/MD gone/VBN for/IN !/.
On/IN February/NNP 15/CD th/NN ,/, 1971/CD ,/, Britain/NNP introduced/VBD decimal/JJ currency/NN ./.
The/DT familiar/JJ pennies/NNS ,/, halfpennies/NNS ,/, sixpences/NNS ,/, half-crowns/JJ ,/, florins/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, in/IN circulation/NN were/VBD replaced/VBN by/IN New/NNP Pence/NNP ./.
Into/IN our/PRP$ language/NN came/VBD a/DT new/JJ description/NN ,/, a/DT pee/NN two/CD pees/NNS ,/, and/CC so/RB on/RB ,/, according/VBG to/TO the/DT price/NN charged/VBD ,/, for/IN decimal/JJ currency/NN ,/, but/CC out/IN of/IN use/NN went/VBD the/DT nicknames/NNS and/CC slang/NN terms/NNS used/VBN in/IN Britain/NNP for/IN the/DT previous/JJ currency/NN ./.
This/DT had/VBD previously/RB happened/VBN in/IN Australia/NNP ,/, which/WDT went/VBD over/IN to/TO decimal/JJ currency/NN in/IN 1966/CD ./.
The/DT Australian/NNP Jockey/NNP Club/NNP even/RB advised/VBD bookmakers/NNS and/CC gamblers/NNS to/TO avoid/VB using/VBG money/NN slang/NN :/: quid/NN ,/, spin/VB ,/, brick/NN ,/, and/CC pony/NN for/IN ¥/NN 1/CD ,/, ¥/NN 5/CD ,/, ¥/NN 10/CD ,/, and/CC ¥/NN 25/CD ,/, on/IN Australian/JJ racecourses/NNS ./.
In/IN Britain/NNP tenner/NN ,/, tanner/NN ,/, bob/NN ,/, oncer/NN ,/, guinea/NN ,/, quid/NN ,/, and/CC other/JJ terms/NNS were/VBD in/IN common/JJ use/NN in/IN conversation/NN when/WRB purchasing/VBG an/DT item/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ interesting/JJ how/WRB some/DT of/IN these/DT names/NNS and/CC slang/NN money/NN names/NNS arose/VBD ./.
The/DT name/NN tanner/NN for/IN a/DT sixpence/NN coin/NN was/VBD first/RB used/VBN at/IN the/DT beginning/NN of/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
The/DT reason/NN is/VBZ obscure/JJ but/CC may/MD come/VB from/IN the/DT gypsy/NN word/NN tano/NN or/CC tawno/NN meaning/VBG little/JJ ,/, as/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT small/JJ coin/NN compared/VBN with/IN others/NNS then/RB in/IN circulation/NN ./.
It/PRP may/MD also/RB be/VB so/RB called/VBN for/IN the/DT same/JJ reason/NN it/PRP was/VBD called/VBN a/DT Simon/NNP ./.
A/DT legandary/JJ joke/NN concerns/NNS St/NNP ./.
Peter/NNP 's/POS banking/NN transaction/NN when/WRB he/PRP lodged/VBD with/IN one/CD Simon/NNP ,/, a/DT tanner/NN ./.
Another/DT name/NN for/IN the/DT sixpence/NN was/VBD sprat/NN ,/, which/WDT probably/RB came/VBD from/IN a/DT cross/NN between/IN this/DT word/NN and/CC sprazianna/NN ,/, the/DT Cockney/NNP rhyming/VBG slang/NN for/IN a/DT sixpence/NN (/( tanner/NN )/) ./.
A/DT shilling/VBG coin/NN was/VBD called/VBN a/DT bob/NN ./.
Again/RB no/DT certain/JJ meaning/NN is/VBZ recorded/VBN though/IN it/PRP is/VBZ believed/VBN to/TO have/VB been/VBN first/RB used/VBN when/WRB Sir/NNP Robert/NNP Walpole/NNP was/VBD Prime/NNP Minister/NNP of/IN England/NNP in/IN the/DT 18/CD th/NN century/NN ./.
The/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT small/JJ silver/NN threepenny/NN coin/NN ,/, known/VBN as/IN the/DT threepenny/NN joey/NN or/CC just/RB joey/NN ,/, had/VBD the/DT origin/NN in/IN another/DT small/JJ coin/NN ,/, a/DT fourpenny/NN piece/NN or/CC groat/NN ./.
The/DT latter/NN was/VBD issued/VBN in/IN 1836/CD on/IN the/DT advice/NN of/IN Joseph/NNP Hume/NNP ,/, a/DT Member/NNP of/IN Parliament/NNP ./.
Hume/NNP 's/POS idea/NN was/VBD for/IN a/DT convenient/JJ coin/NN to/TO pay/VB for/IN short/JJ cab/NN journeys/NNS ./.
The/DT dissatisfied/JJ London/NNP cabmen/NN did/VBD not/RB like/IN it/PRP ./.
Until/IN then/RB they/PRP were/VBD usually/RB given/VBN a/DT sixpence/NN ,/, the/DT nearest/JJS single/JJ coin/NN to/TO the/DT amount/NN of/IN the/DT fare/NN and/CC few/JJ people/NNS hiring/VBG the/DT cab/NN bothered/VBN to/TO ask/VB for/IN the/DT change/NN ./.
When/WRB the/DT fourpenny/NN groat/NN was/VBD introduced/VBN passengers/NNS handed/VBN that/IN over/RB and/CC the/DT cabbies/NNS were/VBD down/RB twopence/NN on/IN each/DT journey/NN ,/, so/IN they/PRP nicknamed/VBN it/PRP Joey/NNP and/CC frequently/RB spat/NN on/IN it/PRP in/IN disgust/NN before/IN pocketing/VBG it/PRP whenever/WRB one/CD was/VBD given/VBN to/TO them/PRP in/IN payment/NN ./.
It/PRP was/VBD last/RB struck/VBD for/IN currency/NN use/NN in/IN 1855/CD ./.
But/CC in/IN 1845/CD a/DT silver/NN threepence/NN had/VBD been/VBN reintroduced/VBN and/CC after/IN the/DT disappearance/NN of/IN the/DT fourpenny/NN joey/NN ,/, the/DT nickname/NN was/VBD transferred/VBN to/TO the/DT threepenny/NN joey/NN ./.
The/DT two-shilling/JJ coin/NN was/VBD known/VBN as/IN a/DT florin/NN ,/, named/VBN after/IN a/DT medieval/NN gold/NN coin/NN from/IN Florence/NNP ,/, Italy/NNP ./.
This/DT was/VBD called/VBN a/DT florin/NN (/( from/IN the/DT Italian/JJ fiorino/NN little/JJ flower/NN )/) because/IN it/PRP bore/VBD a/DT flower/NN ,/, a/DT lily/NN ,/, the/DT badge/NN of/IN the/DT city/NN ./.
Cockney/NNP slang/NN for/IN a/DT half-crown/JJ coin/NN was/VBD tusheroon/NN ,/, tossaroon/NN ,/, or/CC tosheroon/NN ,/, a/DT corruption/NN of/IN another/DT slang/NN term/NN for/IN this/DT coin/NN ,/, madza/NN caroon/NN ,/, a/DT corruption/NN of/IN the/DT Italian/JJ mezzo/NN half/JJ corona/NN crown/NN ./.
The/DT term/NN guinea/NN ,/, which/WDT had/VBD a/DT value/NN of/IN twenty-one/JJ shillings/NNS ,/, arose/VBD because/IN the/DT first/JJ guinea/NN coins/NNS were/VBD minted/VBN in/IN 1663/CD from/IN gold/NN brought/VBN from/IN the/DT Guinea/NNP region/NN of/IN West/NNP Africa/NNP ./.
But/CC the/DT guinea/NN was/VBD not/RB always/RB valued/VBN at/IN twenty-one/JJ shillings/NNS :/: from/IN 1663/CD it/PRP varied/VBD from/IN twenty/CD shillings/NNS to/TO thirty/CD shillings/NNS ;/: its/PRP$ value/NN was/VBD not/RB fixed/VBN at/IN 21/CD shillings/NNS till/IN 1717/CD ./.
Guineas/NNP ceased/VBD to/TO be/VB minted/VBN in/IN Britain/NNP in/IN 1813/CD ,/, but/CC continued/VBD until/IN decimal/JJ introduction/NN ,/, as/IN a/DT term/NN used/VBN in/IN pricing/NN goods/NNS and/CC services/NNS ./.
Quid/NNP ,/, dating/VBG from/IN the/DT 17/CD th/NN century/NN and/CC shown/VBN as/IN of/IN obsure/NN origin/NN in/IN the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Dictionary/NNP ,/, means/VBZ a/DT pound/NN ,/, originally/RB a/DT note/NN ,/, now/RB a/DT coin/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, it/PRP was/VBD first/RB used/VBN by/IN criminals/NNS as/IN a/DT slang/NN term/NN for/IN a/DT guinea/NN as/IN long/RB ago/RB as/IN 1688/CD ./.
In/IN racing/VBG slang/NN a/DT pony/NN is/VBZ ¥/NN 25/CD ,/, a/DT monkey/NN ¥/NN 500/CD ,/, a/DT cow/NN ¥/NN 1000/CD ,/, plum/NN ¥/NN 100/CD ,/, 000/CD ,/, and/CC a/DT marigold/NN ¥/NN 1/CD million/CD ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ probable/JJ that/DT pony/NN was/VBD used/VBN because/IN it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT small/JJ horse/NN ,/, and/CC racing/VBG gamblers/NNS thought/VBD ¥/NN 25/CD was/VBD a/DT small/JJ sum/NN with/IN which/WDT to/TO bet/VB ./.
It/PRP should/MD also/RB not/RB be/VB forgotten/VBN that/IN in/IN the/DT rural/JJ languages/NNS there/RB are/VBP also/RB words/NNS referring/VBG to/TO coins/NNS ,/, money/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
In/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ county/NN ,/, Kent/NNP ,/, Borrow/NNP Pence/NNP is/VBZ an/DT old/JJ word/NN for/IN ancient/JJ coins/NNS ,/, probably/RB those/DT found/VBD in/IN barrows/NNS or/CC tumuli/NN ,/, another/DT being/VBG Hegs/NNP Pence/NNP ,/, a/DT third/JJ being/NN Dwarf/NNP 's/POS Money/NNP ,/, though/IN the/DT last/RB was/VBD more/RBR frequently/RB used/VBN in/IN the/DT coastal/JJ ares/NNS ./.
Scimminger/NNP was/VBD the/DT name/NN for/IN a/DT counterfeit/NN coin/NN ,/, while/IN Bargain/NN Pence/NNP was/VBD earnest/NN money/NN ,/, a/DT low-value/JJ coin/NN given/VBN on/IN striking/VBG a/DT bargain/NN ,/, making/VBG a/DT deal/NN at/IN a/DT market/NN ,/, or/CC in/IN similar/JJ circumstances/NNS ./.
Bald/NNP Pates/NNP is/VBZ almost/RB self-explanatory/JJ ,/, being/VBG a/DT name/NN used/VBN in/IN Kent/NNP rural/JJ areas/NNS for/IN silver/NN Roman/NNP coinage/NN ploughed/JJ up/RB ,/, found/VBD in/IN barrows/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
,/, and/CC possibly/RB referring/VBG to/TO the/DT poor/JJ design/NN or/CC baldness/NNS of/IN the/DT effigy/NN on/IN some/DT of/IN the/DT coins/NNS ./.
Proverbs/NNS ,/, those/DT self-contained/JJ nuggets/NNS of/IN folk/NN wisdom/NN ,/, can/MD be/VB addictive/JJ ./.
I/PRP know/VBP :/: I/PRP once/RB had/VBD an/DT aunt/NN who/WP had/VBD a/DT saying/VBG for/IN every/DT occasion/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD a/DT short/JJ ,/, plump/NN woman/NN with/IN iron-gray/JJ hair/NN in/IN a/DT bun/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP liked/VBD nothing/NN better/JJR than/IN putting/VBG in/IN her/PRP$ two/CD cents/NNS '/POS worth/NN ./.
She/PRP was/VBD a/DT dilatory/NN walker/NN ,/, with/IN always/RB the/DT same/JJ quip/NN :/: Slow/NNP and/CC steady/JJ wins/VBZ the/DT race/NN ./.
Reading/VBG that/IN the/DT government/NN was/VBD going/VBG to/TO raise/VB taxes/NNS ,/, she/PRP thumped/JJ the/DT newspaper/NN and/CC intoned/JJ ,/, You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB squeeze/VB blood/NN from/IN a/DT turnip/NN ./.
If/IN ever/RB asked/VBD to/TO explain/VB one/CD of/IN her/PRP$ rare/JJ periods/NNS of/IN quiet/JJ ,/, she/PRP would/MD reply/VB ,/, Still/RB waters/NNS run/VBP deep/JJ ./.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN 's/POS visits/NNS were/VBD infrequent/JJ during/IN my/PRP$ childhood/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP was/VBD only/RB after/IN her/PRP$ husband/NN died/VBD and/CC I/PRP was/VBD in/IN high/JJ school/NN that/IN she/PRP began/VBD seeing/VBG my/PRP$ parents/NNS on/IN a/DT regular/JJ basis/NN ./.
I/PRP tolerated/JJ my/PRP$ aunt/NN and/CC her/PRP$ proverbial/JJ wisdom/NN until/IN she/PRP began/VBD applying/VBG it/PRP to/TO her/PRP$ nephew/NN ./.
Hearing/VBG that/IN I/PRP regularly/RB went/VBD to/TO sleep/VB after/IN midnight/NN ,/, she/PRP lectured/VBD me/PRP :/: Early/RB to/TO bed/NN and/CC early/JJ to/TO rise/VB makes/VBZ a/DT man/NN healthy/JJ ,/, wealthy/JJ ,/, and/CC wise/JJ ./.
When/WRB I/PRP took/VBD a/DT trip/NN to/TO Atlantic/NNP City/NNP and/CC gambled/JJ away/RB the/DT amount/NN I/PRP had/VBD intended/VBN ,/, she/PRP warned/VBD ,/, A/DT fool/NN and/CC his/PRP$ money/NN are/VBP soon/RB parted/VBD ./.
She/PRP even/RB found/VBD fault/NN with/IN my/PRP$ studious/JJ habits/NNS :/: All/DT work/NN and/CC no/DT play/NN makes/VBZ Jack/NNP a/DT dull/JJ boy/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ hard/JJ to/TO counter/VB a/DT proverb/NN :/: they/PRP have/VBP all/PDT the/DT plodding/VBG force/NN of/IN a/DT mule-driving/JJ peasant/NN ,/, earthy/JJ and/CC inevitable/JJ ./.
So/RB when/WRB my/PRP$ aunt/NN related/VBD gospel/NN like/IN Blood/NNP is/VBZ thicker/JJR than/IN water/NN ,/, I/PRP could/MD think/VB of/IN no/DT answer/NN but/CC a/DT sullen/NN nod/NN ./.
That/DT is/VBZ ,/, until/IN one/CD day/NN when/WRB I/PRP was/VBD helping/VBG my/PRP$ mother/NN fix/NN dinner/NN for/IN a/DT family/NN occasion/NN and/CC my/PRP$ aunt/NN came/VBD into/IN the/DT kitchen/NN ./.
She/PRP asked/VBD how/WRB she/PRP could/MD help/VB ,/, and/CC when/WRB I/PRP protested/VBD that/IN we/PRP had/VBD everything/NN under/IN control/NN ,/, she/PRP placed/VBD her/PRP$ hands/NNS on/IN her/PRP$ hips/NNS and/CC told/VBD me/PRP ,/, Many/JJ hands/NNS make/VBP light/JJ work/NN ./.
Too/RB many/JJ cooks/NNS spoil/VBP the/DT broth/NN ,/, I/PRP murmured/JJ ./.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN opened/VBD her/PRP$ mouth/NN to/TO reply/VB ,/, but/CC nothing/NN came/VBD out/RP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD a/DT momentous/JJ occasion/NN ./.
Several/JJ weeks/NNS later/RB ,/, I/PRP was/VBD complaining/VBG about/IN having/VBG to/TO buy/VB a/DT new/JJ suit/NN ,/, and/CC my/PRP$ aunt/NN happened/VBD to/TO be/VB within/IN earshot/NN ./.
Clothes/NNPS make/VBP the/DT man/NN ,/, she/PRP informed/VBD me/PRP ./.
I/PRP considered/VBD her/PRP$ point/NN ./.
You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB judge/VB a/DT book/NN by/IN its/PRP$ cover/NN ,/, I/PRP replied/VBD ./.
So/RB much/JJ for/IN the/DT wisdom/NN of/IN the/DT ages/NNS ./.
After/IN that/DT ,/, my/PRP$ aunt/NN was/VBD a/DT lot/NN more/RBR careful/JJ what/WP she/PRP said/VBD around/IN me/PRP ,/, like/IN a/DT burnt/JJ child/NN that/IN shuns/NNS the/DT fire/NN ./.
But/CC eventually/RB she/PRP reverted/VBN to/TO her/PRP$ old/JJ proverbial/JJ ways/NNS ./.
On/IN one/CD occasion/NN ,/, I/PRP had/VBD spent/VBN half/PDT my/PRP$ allowance/NN on/IN an/DT expensive/JJ pair/NN of/IN sneakers/NNS ,/, and/CC when/WRB she/PRP told/VBD me/PRP I/PRP should/MD have/VB bought/VBN a/DT cheaper/JJR brand/NN ,/, I/PRP simply/RB betmoaned/JJ my/PRP$ small/JJ stipend/NN and/CC wondered/VBD if/IN I/PRP would/MD ever/RB amass/VB any/DT significant/JJ sum/NN of/IN money/NN ./.
That/DT was/VBD her/PRP$ cue/NN ./.
She/PRP wagged/JJ her/PRP$ finger/NN at/IN me/PRP ./.
Let/VB me/PRP tell/VB you/PRP something/NN ,/, young/JJ man/NN ./.
Take/VB care/NN of/IN the/DT pence/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT pounds/NNS will/MD take/VB care/NN of/IN themselves/PRP ./.
Oh/UH ?/.
I/PRP admit/VBP I/PRP was/VBD semi-prepared/JJ for/IN this/DT ./.
I/PRP had/VBD checked/VBN out/RP a/DT collection/NN of/IN proverbs/NNS from/IN the/DT library/NN and/CC was/VBD becoming/VBG rather/RB well-versed/JJ in/IN them/PRP ./.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN thought/VBD about/IN this/DT for/IN a/DT moment/NN ./.
I/PRP think/VBP ,/, she/PRP said/VBD finally/RB ,/, you/PRP are/VBP being/VBG deliberately/RB provoking/VBG ./.
I/PRP weighed/VBD the/DT justice/NN of/IN this/DT remark/NN ,/, but/CC could/MD not/RB be/VB bothered/VBN to/TO adjust/VB the/DT scales/NNS ./.
If/IN my/PRP$ proverbial/JJ aunt/NN was/VBD going/VBG to/TO advise/VB me/PRP ,/, I/PRP was/VBD bound/VBN to/TO devise/VB some/DT counter-stratagem/JJ ./.
Luckily/NNP ,/, the/DT world/NN of/IN proverbs/NNS ,/, sayings/NNS ,/, adages/NNS ,/, maxims/NNS ,/, and/CC plain/JJ old/JJ saws/NNS is/VBZ various/JJ enough/RB to/TO say/VB anything/NN you/PRP want/VBP ./.
Since/IN they/PRP are/VBP meant/VBN to/TO cover/VB all/DT of/IN life/NN 's/POS vicissitudes/NNS from/IN cradle/NN to/TO grave/JJ ,/, they/PRP are/VBP bound/VBN to/TO collide/NN at/IN times/NNS ,/, sometimes/RB obliquely/RB ,/, sometimes/RB head-on/JJ ./.
I/PRP pressed/VBD this/DT knowledge/NN to/TO my/PRP$ advantage/NN ./.
My/PRP$ next/JJ opportunity/NN came/VBD soon/RB enough/RB ./.
I/PRP was/VBD complaining/VBG that/IN I/PRP could/MD not/RB find/VB a/DT girlfriend/NN ./.
(/( I/NN complained/VBD a/DT lot/NN in/IN those/DT days/NNS ,/, a/DT habit/NN many/JJ proverbs/NNS warn/VBP against/IN ./.
)/) Apparently/RB ,/, I/PRP protested/VBD loudly/RB enough/RB for/IN my/PRP$ aunt/NN to/TO take/VB note/NN because/IN she/PRP tried/VBD to/TO console/VB and/CC scold/VB me/PRP in/IN that/DT double/JJ tone/NN that/IN proverbs/NNS have/VBP ./.
She/PRP put/VBP her/PRP$ hand/NN on/IN my/PRP$ shoulder/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB fret/VB so/RB much/JJ ,/, she/PRP said/VBD ./.
A/DT boy/NN 's/POS best/JJS friend/NN is/VBZ his/PRP$ mother/NN ./.
A/DT boy/NN 's/POS best/JJS friend/NN is/VBZ his/PRP$ dog/NN ,/, I/PRP retorted/JJ ,/, but/CC I/PRP ca/MD n't/RB see/VB myself/PRP asking/VBG Jessie/NNP out/IN on/IN a/DT date/NN ,/, can/MD you/PRP ?/.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN just/RB shook/VBD her/PRP$ head/NN and/CC sighed/VBD ./.
A/DT year/NN later/RB ,/, after/IN I/PRP actually/RB had/VBD a/DT girlfriend/NN and/CC was/VBD worried/VBN about/IN summer/NN vacation/NN when/WRB she/PRP would/MD be/VB away/RB ,/, my/PRP$ aunt/NN passed/VBN on/IN this/DT pearl/NN of/IN wisdom/NN :/: Absence/NNP makes/VBZ the/DT heart/NN grow/VB fonder/NN ./.
I/PRP was/VBD growing/VBG more/RBR educated/VBN and/CC this/DT time/NN quoted/VBD Shakespeare/NNP back/RB ./.
Out/IN of/IN sight/NN ,/, out/IN of/IN mind/NN ./.
(/( Unfortunately/RB for/IN my/PRP$ love-life/JJ ,/, my/PRP$ proverb/NN turned/VBD out/IN to/TO be/VB the/DT right/NN one/CD ./.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN gave/VBD an/DT annoyed/VBN tsk/NN ./.
I/PRP give/VBP up/RB on/IN you/PRP ,/, she/PRP said/VBD ,/, and/CC left/VBD the/DT room/NN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, she/PRP never/RB quite/RB conceded/VBD defeat/NN :/: hope/VBP springs/VBZ eternal/JJ in/IN the/DT human/JJ breast/NN ./.
She/PRP continued/VBD to/TO quote/VB at/IN me/PRP ,/, and/CC I/PRP requoted/JJ back/RB ./.
But/CC as/IN she/PRP got/VBD older/JJR ,/, her/PRP$ steel-trap/JJ memory/NN turned/VBD into/IN a/DT steel/NN sieve/NN ,/, and/CC she/PRP became/VBD almost/RB touchingly/RB uncertain/JJ of/IN her/PRP$ words/NNS ./.
I/PRP recall/VBP to/TO my/PRP$ credit/NN that/IN ,/, when/WRB she/PRP was/VBD despairing/JJ of/IN ever/RB doing/VBG anything/NN more/JJR with/IN her/PRP$ life/NN and/CC muttered/JJ ,/, You/PRP ca/MD n't/RB teach/VB an/DT old/JJ dog/NN new/JJ tricks/NNS ,/, I/PRP cheered/VBD her/PRP$ up/RB by/IN flatly/RB opposing/VBG her/PRP$ :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ never/RB too/RB late/JJ to/TO learn/VB ./.
She/PRP died/VBD in/IN her/PRP$ eighty-third/JJ year/NN ,/, and/CC though/IN only/RB her/PRP$ name/NN and/CC dates/NNS adorn/VB her/PRP$ headstone/NN ,/, I/PRP often/RB think/VBP of/IN inscribing/VBG an/DT addendum/NN :/: A/DT little/JJ advice/NN goes/VBZ a/DT long/JJ way/NN ./.
My/PRP$ aunt/NN did/VBD not/RB leave/VB behind/IN much/JJ in/IN the/DT way/NN of/IN possessions/NNS ./.
What/WP I/PRP am/VBP left/VBN with/IN is/VBZ a/DT list/NN of/IN proverbs/NNS for/IN all/DT occasions/NNS ,/, which/WDT I/PRP hereby/NN bequeath/NN to/TO the/DT reader/NN along/IN with/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ contradictions/NNS :/:
Strike/NN while/IN the/DT iron/NN is/VBZ The/DT more/JJR haste/NN ,/, the/DT less/JJR
hot/JJ ./.
speed/NN ./.
The/DT best/JJS things/NNS in/IN life/NN There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT such/JJ thing/NN as/IN a/DT
are/VBP free/JJ ./.
free/JJ lunch/NN ./.
Repent/NNP before/IN it/PRP 's/VBZ too/RB It/PRP 's/VBZ never/RB too/RB late/JJ to/TO mend/VB ./.
late/RB ./.
Look/VB before/IN you/PRP leap/VBP ./.
He/PRP who/WP hesitates/NNS is/VBZ lost/VBN ./.
Never/RB back/RB down/RB on/IN Cut/VB your/PRP$ coat/NN according/VBG to/TO
what/WP you/PRP believe/VBP in/IN ./.
your/PRP$ cloth/NN ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB rock/VB the/DT boat/NN ./.
The/DT squeaky/RB wheel/NN gets/VBZ all/PDT
the/DT grease/NN ./.
Seek/VBP and/CC ye/NN shall/MD find/VB ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB go/VB looking/VBG for/IN
The/DT more/JJR haste/NN ,/, the/DT Strike/NN while/IN the/DT iron/NN is/VBZ hot/JJ ./.
less/JJR speed/NN ./.
Every/DT cloud/NN has/VBZ a/DT silver/NN It/PRP never/RB rains/NNS but/CC it/PRP pours/VBZ ./.
lining/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ shall/MD be/VB last/JJ ./.
To/TO the/DT victor/NN belong/VBP the/DT
spoils/NNS ./.
Two/CD heads/NNS are/VBP better/JJR If/IN you/PRP want/VBP something/NN done/VBN
than/IN one/CD ./.
right/NN ,/, do/VBP it/PRP yourself/PRP ./.
Always/RB plan/NN ahead/RB ./.
Do/VBP n't/RB count/VB your/PRP$ chickens/NNS
before/IN they/PRP 're/VBP hatched/VBN ./.
Money/NN is/VBZ the/DT root/NN of/IN all/DT Money/NN makes/VBZ the/DT world/NN go/NN
evil/JJ ./.
round/NN ./.
Opposites/NNP attract/VB ./.
Like/IN breeds/NNS like/IN ./.
Never/RB bet/NN on/IN a/DT sure/JJ A/DT bird/NN in/IN the/DT hand/NN is/VBZ worth/JJ
thing/NN ./.
two/CD in/IN the/DT bush/NN ./.
Actions/NNP speak/VB louder/RBR It/PRP 's/VBZ the/DT thought/NN that/DT counts/NNS ./.
than/IN words/NNS ./.
Use/NN a/DT carrot/NN instead/RB of/IN Spare/NNP the/DT rod/NN and/CC spoil/VBP the/DT
a/DT stick/NN ./.
child/NN ./.
The/DT meek/NN shall/MD inherit/VBP Where/WRB there/EX 's/VBZ a/DT will/MD ,/, there/EX 's/VBZ
the/DT earth/NN ./.
a/DT way/NN ./.
Do/VBP unto/RP others/NNS as/IN they/PRP Do/VBP unto/RP others/NNS as/IN you/PRP would/MD
do/VBP unto/RP you/PRP ./.
have/VBP them/PRP do/VBP unto/RP you/PRP ./.
Monkey/NNP see/VB ,/, monkey/NN Imitation/NNP is/VBZ the/DT sincerest/NN
do/VBP ./.
form/NN of/IN flattery/NN ./.
One/CD cannot/NN step/NN into/IN Those/DT who/WP cannot/NN
the/DT same/JJ river/NN twice/RB ./.
remember/VB the/DT past/JJ are/VBP
condemned/VBN to/TO repeat/VB it/PRP ./.
Beauty/NN is/VBZ only/RB skin-deep/JJ A/DT thing/NN of/IN beauty/NN is/VBZ a/DT joy/NN
forever/RB ./.
Wisdom/NNP comes/VBZ with/IN There/EX 's/VBZ no/DT fool/NN like/IN an/DT old/JJ
age/NN ./.
fool/NN ./.
Make/VB hay/NN while/IN the/DT sun/NN Take/VB time/NN to/TO smell/NN the/DT roses/NNS ./.
shines/NNS ./.
Honesty/NNP is/VBZ the/DT best/JJS Do/VBP n't/RB wash/VB dirty/JJ linen/NN in/IN
policy/NN ./.
public/JJ ./.
Uneasy/NNP lies/VBZ the/DT head/NN Absolute/JJ power/NN corrupts/NNS
that/WDT wears/VBZ the/DT crown/NN ./.
absolutely/RB ./.
Seeing/VBG is/VBZ believing/VBG ./.
All/DT that/IN glitters/NNS is/VBZ not/RB gold/NN ./.
As/IN you/PRP sow/VBP ,/, so/RB shall/MD Virtue/NNP often/RB goes/VBZ
you/PRP reap/VB ./.
unrewarded/JJ ./.
People/NNS are/VBP the/DT same/JJ To/TO each/DT his/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
the/DT world/NN over/IN ./.
Of/IN course/NN ,/, just/RB because/IN these/DT sayings/NNS cross/VBP each/DT other/JJ up/RB does/VBZ not/RB mean/VB they/PRP are/VBP incorrect/JJ ;/: they/PRP simply/RB suit/NN different/JJ occasions/NNS ./.
Literature/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ now/RB my/PRP$ profession/NN ,/, teacher/NN the/DT importance/NN of/IN context/NN ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, Polonius/NNP '/POS spate/NN of/IN proverbial/JJ advice/NN that/WDT ends/VBZ To/TO thine/NN own/JJ self/NN be/VB true/JJ is/VBZ not/RB all/DT bad/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ just/RB that/RB ,/, to/TO employ/VB a/DT proverbial/JJ expression/NN ,/, he/PRP does/VBZ not/RB practise/NN what/WP he/PRP preaches/NNS ./.
And/CC Hamlet/NNP 's/POS turns/NNS of/IN phrase/NN are/VBP more/RBR intriguing/JJ ./.
Or/CC at/IN least/JJS I/PRP thought/VBD so/RB years/NNS ago/RB when/WRB I/PRP identified/VBD with/IN youth/NN ./.
Nowadays/NNP ,/, I/PRP feel/VBP an/DT odd/JJ kinship/NN with/IN Polonius/NNP ./.
In/IN fact/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP felt/VBN lately/RB as/IN if/IN I/PRP were/VBD employing/VBG more/JJR proverbs/NNS in/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ speech/NN ,/, maybe/RB turning/VBG into/IN my/PRP$ aunt--like/JJ aunt/NN ,/, like/IN nephew/NN ./.
This/DT would/MD be/VB a/DT fine/NN turnaround/NN for/IN someone/NN whose/WP$ first/JJ interest/NN in/IN language/NN was/VBD as/IN a/DT proverb-basher/JJ ./.
Somewhere/RB in/IN the/DT background/NN I/PRP can/MD hear/VB my/PRP$ aunt/NN 's/POS reaction/NN to/TO this/DT confession/NN ./.
Or/CC as/IN she/PRP might/MD put/VB it/PRP :/: She/PRP who/WP laughs/VBZ last/JJ laughs/VBZ best/JJS ./.
We/PRP ca/MD n't/RB make/VB good/JJ grammar/NN great/JJ ./.
But/CC we/PRP want/VBP to/TO make/VB flawed/VBN writing/VBG acceptable/JJ ./.
[/NN Lance/NNP A/DT ./.
Miller/NNP ,/, in/IN the/DT Wall/NNP Street/NNP Journal/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ]/NN
In/IN semantic/JJ terms/NNS ,/, the/DT words/NNS in/IN the/DT above/JJ title/NN belong/VB to/TO a/DT specific/JJ domain/NN in/IN the/DT English/NNP vocabulary/JJ with/IN which/WDT every/DT member/NN of/IN the/DT human/JJ race/NN achieves/VBZ intimate/JJ familiarity/NN ./.
The/DT naked/JJ terms/NNS for/IN such/JJ a/DT traditionally/RB taboo/NN subject/JJ as/IN the/DT toilet/NN have/VBP always/RB proved/VBN too/RB much/RB to/TO bear/VB for/IN polite/JJ society/NN ,/, which/WDT hastily/RB covered/VBD the/DT bare-cheeked/JJ shame/NN of/IN them/PRP with/IN a/DT blanket/NN of/IN euphemism/NN ./.
The/DT domain/NN is/VBZ a/DT prolific/JJ nursery/NN of/IN such/JJ linguistic/JJ fig-leaves/JJ ,/, and/CC as/IN a/DT result/NN (/( contrary/JJ thing/NN that/IN human/JJ nature/NN is/VBZ )/) has/VBZ also/RB fostered/VBN many/JJ ribald/NN versions/NNS ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB surprising/JJ ,/, therefore/RB ,/, that/IN there/EX is/VBZ an/DT almost/RB inexhaustible/JJ supply/NN of/IN paraphrases/NNS and/CC synonymous/JJ terms/NNS in/IN this/DT field/NN ,/, ranging/VBG from/IN the/DT most/RBS tasteful/JJ euphemism/NN to/TO the/DT most/RBS flagrant/JJ vulgarity/NN ./.
While/IN most/JJS of/IN these/DT bear/NN testament/NN to/TO the/DT wonderful/JJ versatility/NN of/IN the/DT English/NNP language/NN and/CC the/DT rich/JJ vein/NN of/IN humor/NN that/WDT runs/VBZ through/IN our/PRP$ culture/NN ,/, some/DT necessitate/NN etymological/JJ investigation/NN in/IN order/NN to/TO uncover/VB their/PRP$ roots/NNS and/CC ,/, in/IN some/DT cases/NNS ,/, to/TO explore/VB changes/NNS in/IN meaning/VBG ./.
Most/JJS ,/, indeed/RB ,/, defy/VBP precision/NN in/IN the/DT attempt/NN altogether/RB ./.
Six/CD hundred/CD years/NNS ago/RB ,/, toilet/NN designs/NNS ,/, though/IN crude/NN ,/, were/VBD what/WP we/PRP might/MD term/VB today/NN latrines/NNS (/( the/DT Middle/NNP English/NNP word/NN was/VBD laterin/NN from/IN Latin/NNP latrina/NN )/) :/: planks/NNS of/IN wood/NN with/IN circles/NNS cut/NN into/IN them/PRP ,/, placed/VBN over/IN a/DT ditch/NN ./.
Conveniences/NNP for/IN the/DT wealthier/JJR sections/NNS of/IN the/DT community/NN (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, those/DT who/WP could/MD afford/VB high-rise/JJ property/NN )/) consisted/VBD of/IN straight-drop/JJ or/CC long-drop/JJ privies/NNS ./.
The/DT word/NN privy/JJ is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT earliest/JJS euphemisms/NNS used/VBN in/IN England/NNP ;/: an/DT anonymous/JJ writer/NN at/IN the/DT turn/NN of/RP the/DT fifteenth/NN century/NN advised/VBD whanne/NN he/PRP sitteth/NN at/IN privy/JJ he/PRP schal/NN not/RB streyne/NN him-silf/JJ to/TO harde/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ derived/VBN from/IN the/DT French/JJ word/NN privé/NN and/CC the/DT Latin/NNP privatus/JJ ,/, both/DT meaning/VBG private/JJ ,/, and/CC this/DT is/VBZ the/DT specific/JJ sense/NN in/IN which/WDT the/DT word/NN entered/VBD the/DT English/NNP language/NN ./.
The/DT earliest/JJS euphemisms/NNS documented/VBN use/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN in/IN this/DT original/JJ sense/NN of/IN intimacy/NN or/CC familiarity/NN between/IN people/NNS dates/NNS from/IN 1225/CD ,/, and/CC privy/JJ council/NN (/( a/DT small/JJ group/NN of/IN advisers/NNS to/TO the/DT monarch/NN )/) from/IN 1300/CD ,/, when/WRB Edward/NNP I/PRP established/VBD it/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ not/RB surprising/JJ ,/, semantically/RB speaking/VBG ,/, that/IN the/DT word/NN widened/VBD its/PRP$ meaning/VBG so/RB quickly/RB since/IN it/PRP naturally/RB lent/VBD itself/PRP (/( as/IN did/VBD closet/NN )/) to/TO the/DT description/NN of/IN a/DT solitary/JJ place/NN ,/, one/CD where/WRB people/NNS performed/VBD lavatorial/NN functions/NNS ./.
Privy/NNP and/CC closet/NN are/VBP examples/NNS of/IN euphemism/NN by/IN metonymy/NN ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ the/DT substitution/NN of/IN the/DT name/NN of/IN an/DT attribute/VBP of/IN a/DT thing/NN for/IN the/DT thing/NN itself/PRP :/: a/DT toilet/NN is/VBZ a/DT private/JJ place/NN ,/, therefore/RB a/DT privy/JJ ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, Bombay/NNP furniture/NN (/( a/DT style/NN combining/VBG European/JJ forms/NNS with/IN Indian/JJ ornamentation/NN )/) provided/VBD the/DT metonymic/JJ euphemism/NN The/DT Bombay/NNP ;/: the/DT Oxford/NNP English/NNP Dictionary/NNP tells/VBZ us/PRP that/IN the/DT name/NN is/VBZ possibly/RB attributable/JJ to/TO the/DT Bombay/NNP chair/NN ,/, wherein/WRB chamberpots/NNS were/VBD placed/VBN ,/, as/IN it/PRP was/VBD common/JJ in/IN the/DT past/NN to/TO have/VB one/CD 's/POS chamberpot/NN concealed/VBN in/IN a/DT piece/NN of/IN furniture/NN ,/, which/WDT could/MD then/RB be/VB proudly/RB displayed/VBN ./.
The/DT name/NN close-stool/JJ ,/, which/WDT makes/VBZ an/DT appearance/NN in/IN Shakespeare/NNP 's/VBZ All/NNP 's/VBZ Well/RB That/DT Ends/NNS Well/RB of/IN 1606/CD and/CC John/NNP Florio/NNP 's/POS Montaigne/NNP of/IN 1603/CD ,/, was/VBD also/RB inspired/VBN by/IN the/DT furniture/NN in/IN which/WDT it/PRP was/VBD cased/JJ ,/, as/IN was/VBD commode/NN ./.
If/IN one/CD is/VBZ to/TO go/VB by/IN Florio/NNP 's/POS use/NN of/IN close-stool/JJ ,/, it/PRP seems/VBZ interchangeable/JJ with/IN another/DT ,/, less/RBR notorious/JJ ,/, term/NN for/IN a/DT privy/JJ ,/, the/DT ajax/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT sixteenth/NN century/NN ,/, an/DT Elizabethan/NNP courtier/NN ,/, Sir/NNP John/NNP Harrington/NNP ,/, invented/VBD a/DT water-closet/JJ with/IN a/DT flushing/VBG system/NN and/CC wrote/VBD a/DT book/NN on/IN the/DT subject/JJ entitled/VBD A/DT Metamorphosis/NN of/IN Ajax/NNP ,/, published/VBN in/IN 1596/CD ./.
The/DT word/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB existed/VBN before/IN that/DT ,/, as/IN Shakespeare/NNP uses/VBZ it/PRP ,/, also/RB in/IN close/JJ conjunction/NN with/IN close-stool/JJ ,/, in/IN Love/NN 's/POS Labour/NNP 's/POS Lost/VBD ,/, c/SYM ./.
1593/CD ,/, and/CC it/PRP achieved/VBD an/DT entry/NN in/IN Cotgrave/NNP 's/POS Dictionarie/NNP of/IN the/DT French/JJ and/CC English/NNP Tongues/NNP of/IN 1611/CD ./.
Its/PRP$ exact/JJ origin/NN is/VBZ unascertained/JJ ,/, but/CC it/PRP is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO have/VB been/VBN a/DT variant/NN of/IN jakes/NNS (/( with/IN the/DT indefinite/JJ article/NN preceding/VBG it/PRP )/) ./.
Jakes/NNP is/VBZ also/RB of/IN unknown/JJ origin/NN ;/: the/DT most/RBS common/JJ suggestion/NN for/IN its/PRP$ roots/NNS is/VBZ in/IN the/DT proper/JJ name/NN Jacques/NNP or/CC Jack/NNP ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ not/RB unbelievable/JJ when/WRB we/PRP consider/VBP other/JJ examples/NNS such/JJ as/IN jerry/NN and/CC john/NN ./.
Shakespeare/NNP uses/VBZ jakes/NNS confidently/RB in/IN King/NNP Lear/NNP (/( c/SYM ./.
1605/CD )/) :/:
My/PRP$ lord/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP will/MD give/VB me/PRP leave/VB ,/, I/PRP will/MD tread/VB this/DT unbolted/JJ villain/NN into/IN mortar/NN ,/, and/CC daub/NN the/DT wall/NN of/IN a/DT jakes/NNS with/IN him/PRP ./.
Eric/NNP Partridge/NNP ,/, in/IN A/DT Dictionary/NNP of/IN Slang/NNP and/CC Unconventional/NNP English/NNP ,/, suggested/VBD that/IN the/DT word/NN dates/NNS from/IN 1530/CD and/CC was/VBD standard/JJ English/NNP until/IN about/IN 1750/CD ,/, when/WRB it/PRP became/VBD a/DT colloquial/NN term/NN ./.
The/DT word/NN was/VBD also/RB very/RB much/RB alive/JJ in/IN the/DT late/JJ nineteenth/NN and/CC early/JJ twentieth/NN centuries/NNS in/IN the/DT dialect/NN of/IN southwestern/JJ England/NNP ,/, where/WRB it/PRP had/VBD come/VBN to/TO mean/VB any/DT type/NN of/IN filth/NN or/CC litter/NN ,/, according/VBG to/TO Elworthy/NNP 's/VBZ A/DT West/NNP Somerset/NNP Word-/NNP Book/NNP ./.
Patridge/NNP also/RB says/VBZ that/IN the/DT term/NN is/VBZ now/RB obsolete/JJ ,/, but/CC to/TO this/DT day/NN the/DT blocks/NNS of/IN toilets/NNS at/IN my/PRP$ old/JJ school/NN ,/, St/NNP ./.
Edmund/NNP 's/POS College/NNP in/IN Hertfordshire/NNP ,/, are/VBP affectionately/RB known/VBN as/IN Jakes/NNP Tower/NNP ./.
The/DT origin/NN of/IN jerry/NN ,/, like/IN so/RB many/JJ of/IN these/DT terms/NNS ,/, can/MD only/RB be/VB guessed/VBD at/IN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ slang/NN for/IN chamberpot/NN and/CC ,/, like/IN jakes/NNS ,/, could/MD be/VB the/DT familiar/JJ variant/NN of/IN a/DT proper/JJ name/NN (/( Jeremiah/NNP or/CC Jeremy/NNP )/) ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ supposed/VBN ,/, however/RB ,/, that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ an/DT abbreviation/NN for/IN jeroboam/NN ,/, which/WDT started/VBD off/IN life/NN as/IN a/DT large/JJ bowl/NN for/IN holding/VBG wine/NN [/( I/PRP Kings/NNPS xi/NN ./.
28/CD &slash;/NN xiv/NN ./.
16/CD ]/) ;/: the/DT addition/NN of/IN the/DT suffixes/NNS -/: y/NN ,/, -/: ie/NN ,/, and/CC -/: ey/NN to/TO the/DT main/JJ stem/NN of/IN a/DT word/NN have/VBP always/RB been/VBN popular/JJ ways/NNS of/IN forming/VBG diminutives/NNS ./.
Jerry/NNP first/RB appeared/VBD in/IN Hotten/NNP 's/POS Dictionary/NNP of/IN Slang/NNP in/IN 1859/CD ,/, defined/VBN as/IN a/DT chamber/NN utensil/NN ./.
In/IN An/DT Etymological/NNP Dictionary/NNP of/IN Modern/NNP English/NNP ,/, Ernest/NNP Weekly/NNP suggested/VBD an/DT even/RB earlier/JJR association/NN with/IN the/DT word/NN jordan/NN ,/, a/DT medieval/NN alchemist/NN 's/POS vessel/NN and/CC ,/, later/RB ,/, a/DT chamberpot/NN ./.
All/DT these/DT are/VBP feasible/JJ surmises/NNS by/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN metonymy/NN ./.
Perhaps/RB it/PRP hails/VBZ from/IN a/DT shortening/NN of/IN jerry-shop/JJ (/( c/SYM ./.
1851/CD )/) ,/, a/DT term/NN used/VBN to/TO describe/VB a/DT low/JJ beer-house/JJ ./.
As/IN the/DT chamberpot/NN is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ friend/NN to/TO those/DT with/IN bibulous/JJ tendencies/NNS ,/, jerry/NN might/MD have/VB become/VBN a/DT pet-name/JJ for/IN it/PRP ./.
The/DT etymology/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN loo/NN is/VBZ perhaps/RB the/DT greatest/JJS mystery/NN of/IN all/DT in/IN this/DT field/NN of/IN vocabulary/JJ ./.
The/DT word/NN first/RB gained/VBD general/JJ usage/NN in/IN Britain/NNP during/IN World/NNP War/NNP II/NNP ,/, and/CC possibly/RB came/VBD about/IN as/IN a/DT result/NN of/IN fraternizing/VBG with/IN French/JJ troops/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB as/IN a/DT corruption/NN of/IN l/NN '/" eau/NN (/( water/NN )/) or/CC lieux/NN d/SYM '/POS aisance/NN (/( Water-closet/NNP )/) ,/, or/CC even/RB as/IN a/DT derivation/NN of/IN the/DT cry/NN (/( Garde/NNP á/NN l/NN '/" eau/NN !/.
,/, given/VBN to/TO warn/VB passerby/NN that/DT someone/NN above/IN was/VBD about/IN to/TO slop/NN out/IN (/( the/DT anglicised/JJ form/NN ,/, gardyloo/NN !/.
,/, occurs/VBZ in/IN this/DT context/NN in/IN a/DT novel/NN by/IN Tobias/NNP Smollett/NNP as/RB early/RB as/IN 1771/CD )/) ./.
Also/RB at/IN that/DT time/NN ,/, rustic/JJ laborers/NNS in/IN Italy/NNP used/VBD to/TO have/VB the/DT number/NN 100/CD painted/VBN on/IN their/PRP$ privy-doors/JJ ;/: to/TO go/VB al/NN numero/NN cento/NN was/VBD an/DT accepted/VBN idiom/NN of/IN the/DT day/NN :/: indeed/RB ,/, children/NNS used/VBN to/TO have/VB fun/NN replacing/VBG the/DT last/JJ zero/CD with/IN a/DT one/CD after/IN the/DT privy/JJ had/VBD been/VBN used/VBN ./.
The/DT number/NN 100/CD is/VBZ not/RB dissimilar/JJ in/IN appearance/NN to/TO the/DT word/NN loo/NN ,/, and/CC there/EX were/VBD plenty/NN of/IN servicemen/NN from/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
A/DT ./.
and/CC England/NNP in/IN Italy/NNP from/IN 1943/CD onwards/NNS ./.
Among/IN the/DT more/RBR incredible/JJ explanations/NNS (/( as/IN recorded/VBN by/IN Adrian/NNP Room/NNP ,/, A/DT Dictionary/NNP of/IN True/NNP Etymologies/NNP )/) are/VBP a/DT derivation/NN from/IN ablution/NN or/CC luliana/NN [/( Daily/NNP Telegraph/NNP ,/, 13/CD September/NNP 1968/CD ]/) and/CC even/RB from/IN hallelujah/NN ,/, as/IN prompted/VBN by/IN a/DT caption/NN to/TO a/DT cartoon/NN by/IN Du/NNP Maurier/NNP in/IN Punch/NNP [/( 22/CD June/NNP 1895/CD ]/) ,/, which/WDT read/VBP Now/RB we/PRP 'll/MD begin/VB again/RB at/IN the/DT Hallelujah/NNP ,/, and/CC please/VB linger/VB longer/RBR on/IN the/DT lu/NN !/.
A/DT more/RBR promising/JJ story/NN to/TO note/VB is/VBZ that/IN of/IN a/DT corruption/NN of/IN the/DT word/NN lee/NN :/: for/IN those/DT working/VBG in/IN the/DT country/NN ,/, a/DT place/NN for/IN relieving/VBG oneself/PRP was/VBD always/RB chosen/VBN out/IN of/IN the/DT bite/NN of/IN the/DT wind/NN ,/, that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, in/IN the/DT lee/NN ./.
Terms/NNS such/JJ as/IN toilet/NN and/CC lavatory/NN have/VBP ,/, like/IN privy/JJ ,/, undergone/VBN pejoration/NN over/IN the/DT years/NNS (/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, their/PRP$ meanings/NNS have/VBP acquired/VBN depreciatory/NN connotations/NNS )/) ./.
The/DT original/JJ meaning/NN of/IN lavatory/NN was/VBD simply/RB a/DT vessel/NN for/IN washing/VBG :/: in/IN his/PRP$ 1382/CD translation/NN of/IN the/DT Bible/NNP ,/, John/NNP Wycliffe/NNP talks/NNS of/IN washing/VBG feet/NNS in/IN a/DT brasun/NN lavatorie/NN [/( Exodus/NNP xxx/NN ./.
18/CD ]/) ./.
Similarly/RB ,/, to/TO perform/VB one/CD 's/POS toilet/NN in/IN 1681/CD was/VBD the/DT action/NN or/CC process/NN of/IN dressing/VBG or/CC of/IN washing/VBG and/CC grooming/VBG [/( OED/NNP ]/) ./.
An/DT unclear/JJ sense-development/JJ of/IN this/DT word/NN is/VBZ mapped/VBN out/IN in/IN the/DT OED/NNP ,/, but/CC it/PRP seems/VBZ to/TO concede/VB that/IN the/DT modern/JJ sense/NN of/IN lavatory/NN originated/VBN at/IN the/DT start/NN of/IN this/DT century/NN :/: the/DT (/( British/JJ )/) Army/NNP and/CC Navy/NNP Stores/NNP catalogue/NN of/IN 1926/CD lists/NNS a/DT lavatory/NN paper-holder/JJ as/IN one/CD of/IN its/PRP$ items/NNS ,/, but/CC it/PRP was/VBD probably/RB earlier/RBR :/: The/DT Illustrated/NNP London/NNP News/NNP reported/VBD in/IN 1860/CD that/IN each/DT ward/NN of/IN the/DT new/JJ Florence/NNP Nightingale/NNP School/NNP of/IN Nursing/NNP had/VBD its/PRP$ own/JJ bathroom/NN ,/, lavatories/NNS and/CC closet/NN ./.
While/IN toilet/NN and/CC lavatory/NN have/VBP discarded/VBN their/PRP$ original/JJ meanings/NNS ,/, terms/NNS such/JJ as/IN bog/VB retained/VBD their/PRP$ original/JJ meanings/NNS (/( a/DT marshy/NN place/NN )/) as/RB well/RB as/IN being/VBG understood/VBN in/IN Britain/NNP as/IN a/DT slang/NN synonym/NN for/IN a/DT toilet/NN ;/: it/PRP achieved/VBD an/DT entry/NN in/IN Hotten/NNP 's/POS dictionary/JJ as/IN early/RB as/IN 1864/CD as/IN a/DT privy/JJ as/IN distinguished/VBN from/IN a/DT water-closet/JJ ./.
Terms/NNS which/WDT border/NN on/IN the/DT vulgar/NN tend/VBP to/TO be/VB onomatopoeic/JJ :/: examples/NNS include/VBP chuggie/NN ,/, duffs/NNS ,/, dubs/VBZ ,/, biffy/NN ,/, honk/NN ,/, and/CC thunderbox/NN ./.
The/DT last/JJ example/NN (/( Eric/NNP Partridge/NNP tells/VBZ us/PRP )/) is/VBZ a/DT nickname/NN for/IN a/DT chamberpot/NN originating/VBG in/IN India/NNP c/SYM ./.
1870/CD ,/, and/CC is/VBZ derived/VBN from/IN the/DT noise/NN therein/RB caused/VBD ]/) ./.
By/IN far/RB the/DT most/RBS numerous/JJ group/NN of/IN terms/NNS is/VBZ that/IN which/WDT contains/VBZ words/NNS only/RB with/IN a/DT localized/JJ meaning/NN ./.
It/PRP would/MD be/VB impossible/JJ to/TO compile/VB a/DT definitive/JJ glossary/JJ for/IN this/DT group/NN ,/, but/CC a/DT few/JJ examples/NNS follow/VBP :/: the/DT heads/NNS (/( naval/JJ colloquialism/NN ,/, dating/VBG from/IN the/DT late/JJ nineteenth/NN century/NN ,/, said/VBD to/TO be/VB from/IN the/DT location/NN of/IN the/DT latrines/NNS on/IN a/DT ship/NN )/) ;/: the/DT longs/NNS (/( pet-name/JJ for/IN latrines/NNS at/IN Brasenose/NNP College/NNP ,/, Oxford/NNP ,/, from/IN c/SYM ./.
1870/CD ,/, so-called/JJ because/IN they/PRP were/VBD built/VBN from/IN funds/NNS donated/VBN by/IN a/DT certain/JJ Lady/NNP Long/NNP )/) ;/: and/CC greenhouses/NNS (/( Ulysses/NNP ,/, Book/NNP VIII/NNP )/) ,/, James/NNP Joyce/NNP 's/POS personal/JJ slang/NN for/IN the/DT public/JJ toilets/NNS after/IN the/DT color/NN of/IN their/PRP$ paint/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ this/DT group/NN that/WDT ensures/VBZ steady/JJ growth/NN in/IN this/DT most/RBS malleable/JJ domain/NN of/IN the/DT English/NNP vocabulary/JJ ,/, for/IN the/DT resources/NNS of/IN the/DT human/JJ imagination/NN are/VBP limitless/JJ ./.
For/IN the/DT best/JJS part/NN of/IN half/PDT a/DT century/NN I/PRP have/VBP lived/VBN on/IN and/CC off/RP in/IN a/DT Windward/NNP Island/NNP of/IN the/DT now/RB largely/RB ex-/NN British/NNP Caribbean/NNP ./.
The/DT semantic/JJ of/IN these/DT former/JJ Crown/NNP Colonies/NNP is/VBZ individual/JJ and/CC anarchic/JJ ,/, bearing/NN in/IN mind/NN that/IN academically/RB ,/, if/IN no/RB longer/RB psychologically/RB ,/, they/PRP remain/VBP anglophone/NN ./.
Schoolchildren/NNP are/VBP guided/VBN into/IN ,/, first/JJ ,/, O/NNP and/CC ,/, then/RB ,/, A/DT Levels/NNP ,/, corresponding/JJ to/TO the/DT School/NNP and/CC Higher/JJR Certificates/NNP of/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ English/NNP youth/NN ;/: these/DT are/VBP set/VBN from/IN Cambridge/NNP and/CC incline/NN ,/, to/TO my/PRP$ mind/NN ,/, to/TO an/DT all/DT too/RB often/RB condescending/VBG leaning/VBG to/TO local/JJ idiom-worship/JJ ,/, from/IN which/WDT most/JJS BeeWees/NNP want/VBP to/TO free/VB themselves/PRP ./.
Northwards/NNP ,/, the/DT Leeward/NNP Island/NNP moving/VBG up/RP through/IN Antigua/NNP to/TO Jamaica/NNP are/VBP today/RB locked/VBN into/IN American/JJ television/NN ,/, while/IN southwards/NNS the/DT Mona/NNP ,/, Trinidad/NNP ,/, campus/NN of/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN the/DT West/NNP Indies/NNP duplicates/NNS any/DT run-of-the-mill/JJ American/JJ municipal/JJ college/NN ,/, at/IN least/JJS in/IN its/PRP$ language/NN aspects/NNS ,/, being/VBG blessedly/RB innocent/JJ of/IN any/DT courses/NNS in/IN Anglo-/NNP Saxon/NNP or/CC Middle/NNP English/NNP ./.
The/DT small/JJ pocket/NN of/IN Windward/NNP Island/NNP semantic/JJ ,/, if/IN such/JJ it/PRP can/MD be/VB called/VBN ,/, has/VBZ nothing/NN to/TO do/VB with/IN the/DT patois/NNS of/IN adjacent/JJ French/JJ islands/NNS ./.
Obviously/RB the/DT short-lived/JJ French/JJ conquests/NNS in/IN the/DT region/NN left/VBN behind/IN words/NNS and/CC names/NNS ;/: here/RB a/DT crazy/JJ man/NN is/VBZ foo/NN [/( for/IN Fr/NNP fou/NN ]/) or/CC ,/, if/IN you/PRP want/VBP to/TO insult/VB him/PRP ,/, a/DT crapaud/NN toad/NN ,/, while/IN on/IN our/PRP$ little/JJ island/NN resolutely/RB British/JJ placenames/NNS (/( Grenville/NNP ,/, Victoria/NNP )/) nestle/NN beside/IN villages/NNS like/IN Perd-mon-/NNP Temps/NNP ,/, La/NNP Tante/NNP ,/, Crochu/NNP ./.
The/DT fact/NN remains/VBZ that/IN no/DT bush/NN local/JJ understands/VBZ French/JJ or/CC wants/VBZ to/TO ./.
I/PRP am/VBP roughly/RB familiar/JJ with/IN researches/VBZ into/IN this/DT semantic/JJ by/IN old/JJ friends/NNS ,/, like/IN John/NNP Groome/NNP of/IN Grenada/NNP or/CC Frank/NNP Collymore/NNP of/IN Barbados/NNP ,/, but/CC find/VB use/NN of/IN the/DT living/VBG language/NN hereabouts/RB best/RBS shown/VBN in/IN the/DT work/NN of/IN the/DT late/JJ and/CC much/RB lamented/VBD Shiva/NNP Naipaul/NNP ,/, younger/JJR brother/NN of/IN V/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
(/( who/WP declines/VBZ to/TO use/VB his/PRP$ knighthood/NN )/) ./.
Set/NNP in/IN the/DT fictional/JJ Cuyama/NNP (/( clearly/RB Guyana/NNP )/) ,/, Shiva/NNP 's/VBZ A/DT Hot/NNP Country/NNP is/VBZ a/DT West/NNP Indian/JJ masterpiece/NN ,/, even/RB though/IN islands/NNS characterize/VBP the/DT community/NN and/CC Guyana/NNP (/( formerly/RB BG/NNP ,/, or/CC British/NNP Guyana/NNP )/) is/VBZ mainland/NN ./.
Far/RB from/IN inclining/VBG to/TO French/JJ ,/, these/DT natives/NNS cleave/NN to/TO British/JJ schoolboy/NN slang/NN ,/, a/DT hard-dying/JJ lingo/NN ./.
Take/VB nicknames/NNS ./.
Nearly/RB everyone/NN I/PRP know/VBP has/VBZ (/( =/SYM does/VBZ have/VB )/) a/DT nickname/NN in/IN the/DT Windwards/NNP ,/, where/WRB the/DT Prime/NNP Minister/NNP of/IN St/NNP ./.
Vincent/NNP is/VBZ Son/NNP Mitchell/NNP (/( evidently/RB the/DT first-born/JJ of/IN an/DT inside/JJ marriage/NN )/) ,/, while/IN my/PRP$ builder/NN is/VBZ Sonny/NNP ,/, not/RB an/DT easy/JJ name/NN for/IN a/DT New/NNP York/NNP liberal/JJ to/TO summon/VB him/PRP by/IN ./.
Still/RB more/RBR difficult/JJ to/TO use/VB with/IN the/DT confidence/NN of/IN a/DT local/NN is/VBZ my/PRP$ gardener/NN 's/POS sobriquet--/JJ Black/NNP Man/NNP ./.
A/DT career/NN in/IN an/DT ultra-liberal/JJ New/NNP York/NNP city/NN college/NN inhibits/NNS my/PRP$ calling/VBG out/IN ,/, even/RB in/IN the/DT friendliest/NN manner/NN ,/, Come/VBN ,/, Black/NNP Man/NNP ./.
(/( Too/RB ,/, our/PRP$ locals/NNS refer/VBP unashamedly/RB to/TO nigger/NN hair/NN which/WDT ,/, to/TO date/NN ,/, I/PRP cannot/NN ./.
)/) So/RB most/JJS nicknames/NNS are/VBP the/DT inheritance/NN of/IN boyhood/NN features/NNS or/CC facial/JJ characteristics/NNS ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Chubby/NNP ,/, Porgie/NNP ,/, Moon/NNP ,/, Snail/NNP ,/, Speedy/NNP (/( apparently/RB his/PRP$ opposite/JJ )/) ,/, Peg-/NNP Leg/NNP ,/, and/CC the/DT like/JJ ,/, all/DT delineating/VBG good/JJ friends/NNS of/IN mine/NN ./.
Rastas/NNP have/VBP their/PRP$ own/JJ system/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ little/RB linguistic/JJ ruling/NN available/JJ here/RB ,/, however/RB attractive/JJ BeeWee/NNP speech/NN rhythms/NNS may/MD sound/VB to/TO the/DT casual/JJ tourist/NN ./.
There/EX is/VBZ no/DT authentic/JJ dialect/NN in/IN the/DT ex-/NN British/NNP Caribbean/NNP ,/, not/RB even/RB in/IN the/DT sense/NN of/IN a/DT pejorative/JJ corruption/NN of/IN a/DT parent/NN tongue/NN (/( as/IN in/IN Pennsylvania/NNP Dutch/JJ ,/, for/IN instance/NN )/) ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ simply/RB sentimental/JJ to/TO propose/VB the/DT contrary/NN ,/, as/IN do/VBP the/DT sophisticated/JJ proponents/NNS of/IN multiculturalism/NN ,/, like/IN George/NNP Lamming/NNP in/IN Barbados/NNP ./.
What/WP mostly/RB characterizes/VBZ Windward/NNP Island/NNP speech/NN could/MD be/VB called/VBN a/DT kind/NN of/IN linguistic/JJ laziness/NNS ,/, and/CC this/DT has/VBZ considerable/JJ charm/NN ,/, as/IN a/DT lot/NN of/IN laziness/NNS can/MD ./.
A/DT typical/JJ morsel/NN of/IN such/JJ speech/NN plucked/VBN from/IN Shiva/NNP Naipaul/NNP 's/VBZ The/DT Chip-/NNP Chip/NNP Gatherers/NNP :/: I/PRP tired/JJ hear/VB you/PRP say/VBP that/DT ./.
The/DT meaning/NN is/VBZ perfectly/RB clear/JJ ./.
The/DT speaker/NN is/VBZ simply/RB abbreviating/VBG from/IN I/PRP am/VBP tired/JJ of/IN hearing/NN you/PRP say/VBP that/IN ,/, and/CC expressing/VBG character/NN (/( and/CC class/NN )/) by/IN doing/VBG so/RB ./.
Take/VB the/DT idiosyncrasy/NN in/IN the/DT use/NN of/IN personal/JJ pronouns/NNS ,/, that/IN of/IN the/DT lack/NN of/IN ,/, or/CC reluctance/NN to/TO use/VB ,/, accusative/JJ and/CC dative/JJ cases/NNS or/CC even/RB the/DT possessive/JJ ./.
Why/WRB bother/VB ?/.
One/CD form/NN can/MD do/VB the/DT job/NN ./.
We/PRP will/MD do/VB just/RB as/RB well/RB for/IN us/PRP or/CC ours/PRP ./.
Thus/RB a/DT Windward/NNP Island/NNP might/MD say/VB ,/, They/PRP take/VBP we/PRP jobs/NNS from/IN we/PRP ./.
In/IN Grenada/NNP of/IN the/DT revolutionary/JJ 1979/CD -/: 83/CD interregnum/NN ,/, Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Maurice/NNP Bishop/NNP was/VBD We/PRP Leader/NNP ./.
Or/CC ,/, from/IN Shiva/NNP again/RB :/: The/DT moment/NN we/PRP get/VBP we/PRP children/NNS off/RP we/PRP hands/VBZ we/PRP leavin/NN '/" here/RB ./.
They/PRP does/VBZ bramble/JJ we/PRP ./.
None/NN of/IN these/DT rather/RB charming/JJ locutions/NNS is/VBZ represented/VBN orthographically/RB (/( in/IN government/NN documents/NNS and/CC the/DT like/JJ )/) ,/, yet/RB one/CD prevalent/JJ curiosity/NN has/VBZ always/RB struck/VBN me/PRP ,/, namely/RB the/DT dropping/VBG of/IN the/DT final/JJ g/SYM from/IN participles/NNS ./.
Sitting/VBG brimmin/NN '/" up/RP a/DT smile/NN of/IN white/JJ (/( perhaps/RB even/RB a/DT grin/NN of/IN such/JJ rum/NN )/) over/IN a/DT seascape/NN of/IN beauty/NN ,/, a/DT Windward/NNP Islander/NNP told/VBD me/PRP ,/, I/PRP viewin/NN '/" ./.
This/DT duplicates/NNS precisely/RB the/DT U/NNP huntin/NN '/" -/: shootin/NN '/" -/: fishin/NN '/" locution/NN of/IN my/PRP$ British/JJ youth/NN ,/, and/CC could/MD be/VB another/DT reason/NN for/IN calling/VBG West/NNP Indians/NNPS the/DT last/JJ Englishmen/NNP left/VBN around/IN ./.
Nevertheless/RB ,/, some/DT elements/NNS of/IN Windward/NNP speech/NN can/MD be/VB regularized/JJ into/IN a/DT sort/NN of/IN grammar/NN ,/, particularly/RB in/IN verb/NN tenses/NNS ./.
The/DT constantly/RB surprising/JJ ubiquity/NN ,/, in/IN stores/NNS ,/, dockyards/NNS ,/, garages/NNS ,/, banks/NNS ,/, of/IN the/DT King/NNP James/NNP version/NN of/IN the/DT Bible/NNP may/MD account/VB for/IN what/WP seem/VBP to/TO visitors/NNS to/TO be/VB odd/JJ usages/NNS ,/, variations/NNS often/RB coming/VBG over/IN at/IN first/JJ as/IN error/NN ;/: the/DT universal/JJ use/NN of/IN the/DT conditional/JJ would/MD for/IN the/DT future/JJ will/MD can/MD lead/VB to/TO serious/JJ confusion/NN ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, in/IN legal/JJ documents/NNS ./.
A/DT comparison/NN of/IN the/DT present/JJ tenses/NNS of/IN the/DT verb/NN to/TO have/VB and/CC to/TO be/VB yields/NNS the/DT following/JJ reversals/NNS :/:
I/PRP have/VBP I/PRP has/VBZ
he/PRP &slash;/NN she/PRP has/VBZ he/PRP &slash;/NN she/PRP have/VBP
we/PRP have/VBP we/PRP has/VBZ
you/PRP have/VBP you/PRP has/VBZ
they/PRP have/VBP they/PRP has/VBZ
he/PRP &slash;/NN she/PRP is/VBZ he/PRP &slash;/NN she/PRP are/VBP &slash;/NN am/VBP
we/PRP are/VBP we/PRP is/VBZ
you/PRP are/VBP you/PRP is/VBZ
they/PRP are/VBP they/PRP is/VBZ
Of/IN course/NN ,/, these/DT variants/NNS are/VBP regarded/VBN as/IN errors/NNS by/IN the/DT Cambridge/NNP examiners/NNS ,/, but/CC it/PRP will/MD be/VB a/DT sad/JJ day/NN when/WRB they/PRP are/VBP expunged/VBN from/IN the/DT West/NNP Indian/JJ scene/NN ,/, since/IN they/PRP make/VBP a/DT response/NN to/TO shades/NNS of/IN reality/NN unavailable/JJ in/IN middle-/NN Atlantic/NNP BBC/NNP ./.
So/RB do/VBP ,/, surely/RB ,/, BeeWee/NNP intensifications/NNS ,/, doubling/VBG the/DT epithet/NN ;/: a/DT Windward/NNP Islander/NNP may/MD call/VB a/DT fruit/NN sweet-sweet/JJ ,/, one/CD adjective/NN not/RB sufficing/VBG to/TO express/VB feelings/NNS about/IN it/PRP enough/RB ./.
Sweet-sweet/NNP is/VBZ much/RB more/JJR sweeter/NN than/IN very/RB sweet/JJ ,/, is/VBZ it/PRP not/RB ?/.
Television/NNP has/VBZ recently/RB begun/VBN to/TO inundate/NN these/DT incompetent/JJ but/CC lovable/JJ little/JJ islands/NNS ,/, embarrassing/JJ colonial/NN deposits/NNS now/RB handed/VBN over/IN to/TO sink/VB or/CC swim/VBP in/IN independence/NN ./.
CNN/NNP and/CC the/DT BBC/NNP are/VBP already/RB busy/JJ ironing/VBG out/IN indigenous/JJ language/NN rhythms/NNS in/IN the/DT interests/NNS of/IN the/DT global/JJ village/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT article/NN (/( The/DT Use/NN of/IN Lallans/NNP for/IN Prose/NNP ,/, The/DT Journal/NNP of/IN English/NNP and/CC Germanic/NNP Philology/NNP ,/, LI/NNP ,/, No/UH ./.
2/CD ,/, April/NNP ,/, 1952/CD ,/, pp/NN ./.
212/CD -/: 225/CD )/) ,/, I/PRP tried/VBD to/TO show/VB ,/, elsewhere/RB ,/, this/DT happening/VBG to/TO Braid/NNP Scots/NNP ,/, the/DT Doric/NNP ,/, or/CC Lallans/NNP in/IN Scotland/NNP ./.
But/CC in/IN that/DT case/NN a/DT linguistic/JJ amalgam/NN cohered/JJ early/JJ and/CC was/VBD only/RB pushed/VBN back/RB northwards/NNS after/IN having/VBG established/VBD a/DT local/JJ literature/NN (/( Dunbar/NNP ,/, Henryson/NNP )/) ./.
Nor/CC did/VBD it/PRP have/VB to/TO fight/VB television/NN ./.
Alas/NNP ,/, Windward/NNP Island/NNP English/NNP is/VBZ far/RB more/RBR vulnerable/JJ to/TO standardization/NN ./.
Maybe/RB I/PRP 'm/VBP a/DT dullard/NN ,/, but/CC ./.
the/DT letter-to-the-editor/JJ writer/NN began/VBD ,/, then/RB with/IN nimble/JJ argument/NN demonstrated/VBN that/IN he/PRP was/VBD anything/NN but/RB ./.
I/PRP was/VBD induced/VBN to/TO read/VB his/PRP$ piece/NN ,/, however/RB ,/, not/RB so/RB much/JJ by/IN the/DT trusty/NN rhetorical/JJ device/NN of/IN self-deprecation/JJ as/IN by/IN that/DT fusty/NN word/NN dullard/NN ./.
It/PRP seemed/VBD to/TO wear/VB a/DT thin/JJ ,/, fuzzy/JJ coat/NN of/IN mildew/NN ,/, as/IN if/IN summoned/VBN for/IN this/DT rare/JJ duty/NN from/IN a/DT cobwebbed/JJ trunk/NN in/IN the/DT attic/NN of/IN obsolescence/NN ./.
It/PRP got/VBD me/PRP thinking/VBG about/IN other/JJ words/NNS that/WDT end/NN in/IN -/: ard/NN ,/, a/DT process/NN that/IN inevitably/RB involved/VBN hours/NNS of/IN dictionary/JJ delving/NN ./.
Unaided/NNP ,/, I/PRP could/MD conjure/VBP up/RB only/RB ten/CD ,/, not/RB counting/VBG backguard/NN and/CC blow-hard/JJ which/WDT ,/, while/IN conforming/VBG to/TO the/DT pejorative/JJ pattern/NN of/IN the/DT -/: ard/NN words/NNS ,/, were/VBD not/RB formed/VBN as/IN the/DT others/NNS by/IN the/DT simple/JJ suffix/NN addition/NN ./.
My/PRP$ list/NN ,/, after/IN dullard/NN ,/, counted/VBN dotard/NN ,/, bastard/NN ,/, buzzard/NN ,/, coward/NN ,/, dastard/NN ,/, drunkard/NN ,/, laggard/JJ ,/, lollard/NN ,/, niggard/NN and/CC wizard/NN ./.
Of/IN those/DT ,/, only/RB the/DT last/NN would/MD be/VB taken/VBN today/NN with/IN equanimity/NN ,/, although/IN wizard/NN was/VBD not/RB always/RB complimentary/JJ ./.
The/DT delightful/JJ and/CC certainly/RB disparaging/VBG canard/NN also/RB occurred/VBD to/TO me/PRP ,/, but/CC I/PRP had/VBD already/RB decided/VBN to/TO limit/VB my/PRP$ quest/NN to/TO personal/JJ epithets/NNS ./.
And/CC what/WP a/DT rich/JJ lode/NN of/IN dormant/JJ invective/NN I/PRP tapped/VBD !/.
The/DT OED/NNP 2/CD e/SYM lists/NNS about/IN five/CD dozen/NN -/: ard/NN words/NNS to/TO describe/VB people/NNS of/IN unsavory/JJ character/NN or/CC underdeveloped/JJ intellect/NN ,/, and/CC all/DT but/CC the/DT handful/NN above/IN now/RB languish/VB in/IN dusty/JJ disuse/NN ./.
Virtually/RB all/DT of/IN them/PRP are/VBP derogatory/JJ ,/, and/CC some/DT of/IN them/PRP are/VBP so/RB mordantly/RB mean/VB that/IN I/PRP can/MD only/RB lament/NN their/PRP$ loss--perhaps/JJ to/TO a/DT precursor/NN wave/NN of/IN today/NN 's/POS political/JJ correctitude/NN ?/.
The/DT next/JJ question/NN was/VBD this/DT :/: What/WP was/VBD it/PRP about/IN the/DT -/: ard/NN ending/VBG that/WDT appealed/VBD to/TO our/PRP$ badmouthing/VBG forebears/NNS ?/.
Before/IN long/JJ ,/, there/EX were/VBD many/JJ ,/, both/DT imported/VBN and/CC home-grown/JJ ./.
They/PRP fell/VBD into/IN three/CD main/JJ categories/NNS :/: words/NNS for/IN fools/NNS ,/, idlers/NNS ,/, and/CC wastrels/NNS ;/: for/IN people/NNS with/IN other/JJ undesirable/JJ or/CC downright/RB anti-social/JJ attributes/VBZ ;/: and/CC for/IN those/DT with/IN some/DT physical/JJ disability/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT first/JJ category/NN were/VBD babelard/NN or/CC babillard/NN for/IN babbler/NN ;/: lubbard/NN for/IN big/JJ ,/, stupid/JJ lout/NN (/( from/IN which/WDT came/VBD landlubber/NN )/) ;/: caynard/NN lazy/JJ dog/NN (/( ultimately/RB from/IN the/DT Italian/JJ cagna/NN bitch/NN )/) ;/: losard/NN rake/NN or/CC profligate/JJ (/( from/IN Old/NNP English/NNP losel/NN one/CD who/WP is/VBZ lost/VBN to/TO perdition/NN )/) ;/: and/CC the/DT mellifluous/JJ but/CC contumelious/JJ musard/NN ,/, whose/WP$ sin/NN was/VBD day-dreaming/JJ ./.
Even/RB more/JJR to/TO be/VB censured/VBD were/VBD the/DT peevish/NN and/CC fretful/JJ fretchards/NNS ,/, the/DT penny-pinching/JJ misards/NNS and/CC muglards/NNS ,/, the/DT parasitic/JJ ,/, hypocritical/JJ sycophants/NNS known/VBN as/IN papelards/NNS (/( after/IN Italian/JJ pappalardo/NN one/CD who/WP eats/VBZ bacon/NN fat/JJ )/) ,/, the/DT pilfering/VBG pillards/NNS ,/, the/DT pusillanimous/JJ snivelards/NNS ,/, the/DT deceitful/JJ trichards/NNS ,/, and/CC the/DT loathsome/JJ loners/NNS called/VBD unkards/NNS ./.
More/RBR persecuted/VBN than/IN censured/VBD were/VBD citizens/NNS who/WP fell/VBD short/JJ of/IN contemporary/JJ standards/NNS of/IN physical/JJ perfection/NN ./.
They/PRP included/VBD the/DT sparsely/RB coifed/JJ ballard/NN ,/, the/DT squinting/VBG ,/, weak-eyed/JJ blincard/NN (/( who/WP could/MD also/RB be/VB one/CD who/WP deliberately/RB ignored/VBN reality/NN )/) ,/, the/DT hobbling/VBG mendicant/NN limpard/NN or/CC clochard/NN (/( from/IN French/JJ clocher/NN to/TO limp/JJ )/) ,/, the/DT stammering/VBG mafflard/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT scallards/NNS and/CC scabbards/NNS who/WP suffered/VBD from/IN some/DT skin/NN disease/NN ./.
A/DT sub-species/JJ of/IN -/: ard/NN word/NN ,/, if/IN not/RB of/IN humans/NNS ,/, might/MD be/VB labeled/VBN political/JJ ./.
In/IN this/DT charming/JJ group/NN we/PRP find/VBP Dynamitard/NNP ,/, an/DT explosive/JJ 19/CD th-century/JJ ./.
French/JJ radical/JJ leftist/JJ ;/: Dreyfusard/NNP ,/, erstwhile/NN bleeding-heart/JJ supporter/NN of/IN Capt/NNP ./.
Alfred/NNP Dreyfus/NNP ,/, wrongly/RB convicted/VBN of/IN treason/NN in/IN 1894/CD and/CC exonerated/VBD in/IN 1906/CD ;/: Cagoulard/NNP (/( from/IN French/JJ wearer/NN of/IN a/DT monk/NN 's/POS cowl/NN )/) ,/, a/DT member/NN of/IN a/DT sort/NN of/IN 1930/CD s/VBZ French/NNP Ku/NNP Klux/NNP Klan/NNP ;/: and/CC Communard/NNP ,/, an/DT adherent/NN of/IN the/DT Commune/NNP of/IN Paris/NNP ,/, a/DT group/NN that/WDT took/VBD over/IN the/DT municipal/JJ government/NN of/IN the/DT French/JJ capital/NN and/CC played/VBD a/DT leading/VBG role/NN in/IN the/DT post-revolutionary/JJ Reign/NNP of/IN Terror/NN ./.
Members/NNS of/IN a/DT rebellious/JJ 16/CD th-century/JJ French/JJ faction/NN were/VBD called/VBN Guisards/NNP because/IN of/IN their/PRP$ extravagant/JJ get-ups/JJ ;/: the/DT word/NN has/VBZ become/VBN a/DT common/NN ,/, if/IN rarely/RB used/VBN ,/, noun/NN for/IN a/DT masquerader/NN or/CC mummer/NN ./.
This/DT by/IN no/DT means/VBZ exhausts/NNS the/DT store/NN of/IN sleeping/VBG slurs/NNS that/WDT once/RB formed/VBD an/DT '/POS ard/NN core/NN of/IN popular/JJ insult/NN ./.
I/PRP could/MD go/VB on/RB ,/, but/CC given/VBN the/DT space/NN constrictions/NNS ,/, that/WDT would/MD be/VB foolardy/NN ./.
The/DT horse/NN in/IN Brewer/NNP 's/POS Twentieth/NNP Century/NNP Phrase/NNP and/CC Fable/NNP [/( XVIII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) can/MD only/RB be/VB referred/VBN to/TO as/IN white/JJ if/IN it/PRP is/VBZ a/DT Lippizaner/NNP ./.
Otherwise/RB ,/, snowiness/NNS notwithstanding/IN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ grey/JJ ./.
The/DT discussion/NN of/IN Spoonerisms/NNP [/( EPISTOLAE/NNP ,/, XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 17/CD ]/) should/MD ,/, I/PRP feel/VB ,/, not/RB be/VB closed/VBN without/IN mentioning/VBG at/IN least/JJS a/DT few/JJ more/JJR of/IN the/DT classic/JJ examples/NNS of/IN the/DT genre/NN ./.
Thus/RB Spooner/NNP himself/PRP is/VBZ supposed/VBN to/TO have/VB referred/VBN to/TO Cambridge/NNP as/IN a/DT muddy/NN bleak/JJ place/NN ./.
When/WRB the/DT first/JJ motorized/VBN vehicles/NNS appeared/VBD on/IN the/DT roads/NNS he/PRP opined/JJ that/IN Automobiles/NNS are/VBP all/DT very/RB well/RB ,/, but/CC for/IN pure/JJ pleasure/NN give/VB me/PRP a/DT well-boiled/JJ icicle/NN ./.
In/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ family/NN Spoonerisms/NNP flourished/VBD luxuriantly/RB for/IN many/JJ years/NNS ,/, and/CC we/PRP hardly/RB spoke/VBD of/IN the/DT weather/NN ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, without/IN invoking/VBG their/PRP$ oblique/JJ charm/NN :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ rotting/VBG with/IN Spain/NNP ,/, or/CC perhaps/RB more/RBR frequently/RB (/( it/PRP was/VBD in/IN the/DT English/NNP Midlands/NNP ,/, which/WDT as/IN Hilaire/NNP Belloc/NNP said/VBD are/VBP sodden/NN and/CC unkind/NN )/) :/: It/PRP 's/VBZ roaring/NN with/IN pain/NN ./.
I/PRP learned/VBD in/IN Botswana/NNP that/DT plonk/NN means/VBZ purple/JJ liquid/NN ,/, origin/NN not/RB known/VBN ./.
STP/NNP is/VBZ a/DT step/NN lower/JJR :/: screw-top/JJ plonk/NN ./.
These/DT definitions/NNS might/MD have/VB emerged/VBN from/IN extensive/JJ trials/NNS ./.
The/DT appearance/NN of/IN a/DT fourth/JJ edition/NN of/IN this/DT dictionary/JJ [/( DOSAE/NNP ]/) within/IN thirteen/NN years/NNS of/IN the/DT first/JJ is/VBZ an/DT indication/NN of/IN its/PRP$ popularity/NN as/RB well/RB as/IN of/IN its/PRP$ scholarly/JJ significance/NN ./.
The/DT current/JJ edition/NN was/VBD partly/RB motivated/VBN by/IN the/DT recent/JJ political/JJ changes/NNS in/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, which/WDT resulted/VBD in/IN the/DT unbanning/NN of/IN organizations/NNS ,/, individuals/NNS ,/, and/CC books/NNS ./.
For/IN the/DT lexicographer/NN this/DT opened/VBD up/RP the/DT possibility/NN of/IN new/JJ words/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, the/DT last/JJ apartheid/NN ruler/NN ,/, P/NN ./.
W/NNP ./.
Botha/NNP had/VBD officially/RB outlawed/VBN the/DT regime/NN and/CC white/JJ minority/NN rule/NN )/) and/CC ,/, more/RBR important/JJ ,/, of/IN new/JJ citations/NNS ./.
Of/IN all/PDT the/DT countries/NNS in/IN which/WDT English/NNP is/VBZ a/DT significant/JJ first/JJ language/NN ,/, South/NNP Africa/NNP is/VBZ perhaps/RB the/DT most/RBS complex/JJ socially/RB and/CC linguistically/RB ./.
While/IN English/NNP is/VBZ currently/RB the/DT most/RBS important/JJ language/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT first/JJ language/NN of/IN only/RB a/DT small/JJ proportion/NN of/IN speakers/NNS :/: according/VBG to/TO official/NN estimates/NNS for/IN 1989/CD -/: 90/CD ,/, English/NNP ,/, with/IN two/CD million/CD first-language/JJ speakers/NNS ,/, is/VBZ well/RB behind/IN Zulu/NNP ,/, Xhosa/NNP ,/, Afrikaans/NNP ,/, Tswana/NNP ,/, and/CC North/NNP Sotho/NNP ./.
Furthermore/RB ,/, English/NNP is/VBZ not/RB the/DT only/JJ colonial/NN language/NN of/IN the/DT territory/NN ,/, for/IN since/IN 1948/CD the/DT ruling/VBG Afrikaner/JJ nationalists/NNS have/VBP promoted/VBN Afrikaans/NNP as/IN an/DT essential/JJ language/NN for/IN advancement/NN in/IN the/DT public/JJ service/NN ./.
Finally/RB ,/, segregational/NN laws/NNS in/IN the/DT country/NN have/VBP tended/VBN to/TO polarize/NN the/DT dialects/NNS of/IN English/NNP along/IN partially/RB ethnic/JJ lines/NNS ./.
Lexically/NNP speaking/VBG ,/, this/DT has/VBZ tended/VBN to/TO produce/VB fragments/NNS of/IN South/NNP African/NNP English/NNP ,/, rather/RB than/IN a/DT general/NN ,/, roughly/RB homogeneous/JJ variety/NN ./.
Such/JJ a/DT multilingual/NN environment--and/JJ the/DT picture/NN is/VBZ made/VBN still/RB more/RBR complex/JJ by/IN other/JJ immigrant/JJ languages/NNS like/IN Malay/NNP (/( no/RB longer/RB spoken/VBN )/) ,/, Indian/JJ languages/NNS (/( e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, Hindi/NNP and/CC Tamil/NNP )/) ,/, as/RB well/RB as/IN indigenous/JJ languages/NNS of/IN the/DT Khoi/NNP and/CC San/NNP families/NNS now/RB extinct/JJ in/IN South/NNP the/DT lexicographer/NN 's/POS task/NN at/IN once/RB difficult/JJ and/CC stimulating/VBG ./.
The/DT DOSAE/NNP is/VBZ in/IN some/DT respects/VBZ a/DT reflection/NN of/IN the/DT contact/NN history/NN of/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, played/VBD out/IN in/IN terms/NNS of/IN the/DT English/NNP lexicon/NN ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ pages/NNS can/MD be/VB found/VBN linguistic/JJ traces/NNS of/IN the/DT former/JJ rivalry/NN between/IN Boer/NNP and/CC Briton/NN ,/, the/DT naming/VBG practices/NNS of/IN the/DT Khoi/NNP and/CC San/NNP (/( Hottentot/NNP and/CC Bushman/NNP in/IN former/JJ terms/NNS )/) ,/, racial/JJ conflict/NN (/( derogatory/JJ terms/NNS like/IN Boer/NNP ,/, Kaffir/NNP ,/, and/CC Hottentot/NNP each/DT have/VBP more/JJR than/IN a/DT page/NN devoted/VBN to/TO them/PRP )/) ,/, the/DT political/JJ discourse/NN of/IN the/DT apartheid/NN regime/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT counter-discourse/JJ of/IN the/DT resistance/NN movements/NNS ./.
The/DT more/RBR positive/JJ side/NN of/IN language/NN and/CC culture/NN contact/NN does/VBZ show/NN up/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, in/IN the/DT numerous/JJ terms/NNS for/IN food/NN and/CC drink/NN ,/, entertainment/NN ,/, the/DT landscape/NN ,/, terms/NNS of/IN endearment/NN ,/, forms/NNS of/IN address/NN ,/, and/CC words/NNS of/IN approval/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB through/IN this/DT and/CC earlier/JJR editions/NNS of/IN the/DT DOSAE/NNP that/IN one/CD learned/VBD ,/, to/TO one/CD 's/POS surprise/NN ,/, of/IN the/DT South/JJ African/JJ provenance/NN of/IN words/NNS like/IN off-load/JJ unload/VB ,/, bottle/NN store/NN liquor/NN store/NN ,/, butchery/NN butcher/NN 's/POS shop/NN ,/, and/CC bond/NN mortagage/NN bond/NN ./.
According/VBG to/TO the/DT Branfords/NNP '/POS own/JJ calculations/NNS (/( made/VBN in/IN 1988/CD )/) the/DT source/NN languages/NNS for/IN items/NNS in/IN the/DT DOSAE/NNP were/VBD 48/CD per/IN cent/NN Dutch/JJ &slash;/NN Afrikaans/NNP ;/: 29/CD per/IN cent/NN English/NNP (/( i/NNP ./.
e/SYM ./.
,/, neologisms/NNS )/) ;/: 11/CD per/IN cent/NN Bantu/NNP languages/NNS ,/, and/CC 12/CD per/IN cent/NN other/JJ ./.
The/DT high/JJ proportion/NN of/IN Afrikaans/NNP words/NNS has/VBZ frequently/RB been/VBN singled/VBN out/IN for/IN comment/NN by/IN critics/NNS ./.
Some/DT of/IN the/DT items/NNS in/IN this/DT category/NN are/VBP words/NNS of/IN long/JJ standing/NN (/( since/IN the/DT introduction/NN of/IN English/NNP in/IN the/DT Cape/NNP in/IN the/DT late/JJ eighteenth/NN century/NN )/) that/WDT have/VBP often/RB passed/VBN into/IN international/JJ English/NNP :/: trek/NN ,/, veld/NN ,/, laager/NN etc/FW ./.
Other/JJ uncontroversial/NN Afrikaans/NNP items/NNS include/VBP political/JJ and/CC culinary/JJ terms/NNS widely/RB used/VBN in/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP ,/, e/SYM ./.
g/SYM ./.
,/, apartheid/NN and/CC biltong/NN strips/NNS of/IN sun-dried/JJ lean/JJ meat/NN ./.
The/DT majority/NN of/IN Afrikaans/NNP items/NNS ,/, however/RB ,/, are/VBP those/DT which/WDT appear/VBP in/IN written/VBN English/NNP sources/NNS ,/, but/CC rarely/RB in/IN colloquial/NN South/NNP African/NNP English/NNP (/( even/RB as/IN spoken/VBN by/IN Afrikaners/NNPS )/) ./.
The/DT authors/NNS themselves/PRP mention/VBP that/IN some/DT Afrikaans/NNP critics/NNS of/IN earlier/JJR editions/NNS of/IN this/DT text/NN felt/VBD that/IN many/JJ entries/NNS were/VBD not/RB really/RB South/NNP African/NNP English/NNP ./.
(/( They/PRP responded/VBD by/IN reducing/VBG the/DT number/NN of/IN such/JJ entries/NNS and/CC by/IN marking/VBG others/NNS as/IN borderline/NN cases/NNS )/) ./.
There/EX is/VBZ certainly/RB a/DT need/NN for/IN words/NNS of/IN Afrikaans/NNP origin/NN that/DT recur/NN in/IN English/NNP texts/NNS (/( often/RB for/IN local/JJ color/NN effect/NN )/) to/TO be/VB glossed/JJ somewhere/RB :/: a/DT reference/NN work/NN like/IN the/DT DOSAE/NNP might/MD be/VB more/RBR convenient/JJ for/IN readers/NNS than/IN an/DT Afrikaans/NNP or/CC Xhosa/NNP or/CC some/DT other/JJ dictionary/JJ ./.
Likewise/RB ,/, it/PRP might/MD be/VB necessary/JJ for/IN novices/NNS to/TO gloss/VB non-/NN English/NNP words/NNS that/WDT recur/NN in/IN bilingual/JJ road/NN signs/NNS and/CC other/JJ public/JJ notices/NNS :/: apteek/NN chemist/NN ,/, links/NNS left/VBD ,/, and/CC the/DT now/RB obsolete/JJ blankes/NNS whites/NNS (/( only/RB )/) might/MD be/VB truly/RB informative/JJ for/IN the/DT overseas/JJ visitor/NN ./.
(/( To/TO be/VB consistent/JJ ,/, the/DT DOSAE/NNP would/MD have/VB to/TO indicate/VB the/DT word/NN for/IN left/VBN in/IN all/DT languages/NNS that/WDT appear/VBP in/IN road/NN signs/NNS in/IN different/JJ parts/NNS of/IN the/DT country--/JJ Zulu/NNP ,/, Xhosa/NNP ,/, Sotho/NNP and/CC Tswana/NNP )/) ./.
In/IN their/PRP$ entry/NN for/IN slegs/NNS only/RB the/DT authors/NNS quote/VBP an/DT amusing/JJ anecdote/NN in/IN this/DT regard/NN :/:
Slegs/NNP Only/RB A/DT visitor/NN 's/POS guide/NN to/TO S/NNP ./.
African/NNP English/NNP ./.
What/WP are/VBP slegs/NNS ?/.
a/DT puzzled/VBN visitor/NN from/IN overseas/RB asked/VBD me/PRP ./.
He/PRP had/VBD been/VBN driving/VBG along/RB in/IN a/DT hired/VBN car/NN and/CC had/VBD suddenly/RB found/VBN himself/PRP entering/VBG a/DT lane/NN marked/VBD SLEGS/NNP ONLY/NNP ./.
But/CC how/WRB is/VBZ a/DT visitor/NN expected/VBN to/TO know/VB that/IN ?/.
he/PRP demanded/VBD after/IN I/PRP had/VBD explained/VBN its/PRP$ meaning/VBG [/( that/IN it/PRP was/VBD a/DT bilingual/JJ sign/NN ]/) ./.
With/IN the/DT population/NN divided/VBN into/IN Whites/NNP ,/, Coloureds/NNP and/CC Blacks/NNPS ,/, how/WRB am/VBP I/PRP to/TO know/VB that/IN Slegs/NNP is/VBZ n't/RB another/DT race/NN group/NN ?/.
Slegs/NNP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT relatively/RB few/JJ items/NNS marked/VBD in/IN the/DT DOSAE/NNP as/IN Afrikaans/NNP ,/, rather/RB than/IN English/NNP ./.
I/PRP would/MD argue/VB that/IN this/DT particular/JJ signpost/NN does/VBZ not/RB occur/VB frequently/RB enough/RB in/IN the/DT book/NN ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, as/IN this/DT marking/VBG is/VBZ absent/JJ in/IN the/DT entry/NN ,/, tweetalig/NN bilingual/JJ ,/, we/PRP must/MD infer/NN that/IN the/DT authors/NNS now/RB consider/VBP this/DT to/TO be/VB an/DT English/NNP item/NN ./.
Yet/RB ,/, the/DT citations/NNS they/PRP give/VBP afford/VB a/DT clue/NN to/TO the/DT real/JJ status/NN of/IN this/DT and/CC numerous/JJ other/JJ items/NNS in/IN DOSAE/NNP :/: This/DT wall/NN chart/NN ,/, attractive/JJ ./.
and/CC tweetalig/NN nogal/NN [/( bilingual/JJ ,/, what/WP 's/VBZ more/JJR ]/) ,/, is/VBZ to/TO be/VB distributed/VBN to/TO all/DT hospitals/NNS ./.
and/CC Four/CD years/NNS in/IN the/DT charge/NN office/NN as/IN a/DT fraud/NN detective/NN ./.
That/DT was/VBD where/WRB I/PRP learned/VBD to/TO speak/VB Afrikaans/NNP She/PRP is/VBZ heel-temal/JJ tweetalig/NN [/( totally/RB bilingual/JJ ]/) and/CC ./.
studied/VBN art/NN in/IN Scotland/NNP ./.
Surely/RB we/PRP are/VBP dealing/VBG with/IN code-switching/JJ here/RB -/: -/: the/DT use/NN of/IN words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS from/IN two/CD languages/NNS within/IN the/DT same/JJ speech/NN event/NN for/IN stylistic/JJ effect/NN ,/, with/IN an/DT audience/NN that/WDT is/VBZ capable/JJ of/IN appreciating/VBG the/DT play/NN on/IN words/NNS ./.
Many/JJ of/IN the/DT Afrikaans/NNP words/NNS in/IN DOSAE/NNP are/VBP similarly/RB illustrated/VBN from/IN examples/NNS involving/VBG bilingual/JJ word/NN play/NN by/IN creative/JJ writers/NNS ./.
The/DT problem/NN for/IN the/DT lexicographer/NN is/VBZ that/IN code-switching/JJ is/VBZ open-ended/JJ :/: almost/RB any/DT word/NN or/CC phrase/NN from/IN the/DT one/CD language/NN can/MD be/VB interpolated/JJ into/IN discourse/NN from/IN the/DT other/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ also/RB in/IN practice/NN difficult/JJ to/TO decide/VB between/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN borrowing/NN (/( which/WDT dictionaries/NNS must/MD concern/VB themselves/PRP with/IN )/) and/CC code-switching/JJ ./.
This/DT is/VBZ not/RB a/DT problem/NN peculiar/JJ to/TO DOSAE/NNP ;/: rather/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ one/CD of/IN the/DT strongest/JJS challenges/NNS facing/VBG lexicographers/NNS of/IN a/DT vast/JJ number/NN of/IN languages/NNS in/IN the/DT twenty-first/JJ century/NN ,/, as/IN English/NNP continues/VBZ to/TO spread/VB ,/, influence/NN ,/, and/CC be/VB influenced/VBN by/IN languages/NNS all/DT over/IN the/DT world/NN in/IN situations/NNS of/IN intimate/JJ language/NN contact/NN ./.
On/IN the/DT whole/NN ,/, I/PRP recommend/VBP DOSAE/NNP highly/RB for/IN anyone/NN wishing/VBG to/TO get/VB to/TO grips/NNS with/IN English/NNP in/IN South/NNP Africa/NNP ./.
Visitors/NNS as/RB well/RB as/IN locals/NNS who/WP are/VBP faced/VBN with/IN a/DT barrage/NN of/IN acronyms/NNS in/IN everyday/JJ usage/NN will/MD find/VB many/JJ of/IN them/PRP glossed/JJ in/IN these/DT pages/NNS ./.
DOSAE/NNP shows/VBZ attention/NN to/TO detail/NN ,/, provides/VBZ extensive/JJ definitions/NNS with/IN detailed/JJ cross/NN references/NNS ,/, has/VBZ broad/JJ phonetic/JJ transcriptions/NNS and/CC ,/, above/IN all/DT ,/, provides/VBZ delightful/JJ illustrative/JJ sentences/NNS from/IN historical/JJ and/CC contemporary/JJ sources/NNS ./.
Rajend/NNP Mesthrie/NNP
University/NNP of/IN Cape/NNP Town/NNP
Every/DT literate/NN person/NN has/VBZ had/VBN experience/NN with/IN indexes/NNS and/CC knows/VBZ that/IN there/EX are/VBP good/JJ ones/NNS and/CC bad/JJ ones/NNS ./.
It/PRP often/RB astonishes/NNS me/PRP that/IN publishers--at/JJ whose/WP$ door/NN such/JJ shortcomings/NNS must/MD be/VB laid--can/JJ put/VBN out/RP books/NNS that/WDT contain/VBP a/DT huge/JJ amount/NN of/IN valuable/JJ information/NN ,/, then/RB effectively/RB deny/VB access/NN to/TO it/PRP by/IN providing/VBG ,/, in/IN the/DT worst/JJS case/NN ,/, no/DT index/NN at/IN all/DT and/CC ,/, in/IN many/JJ instances/NNS ,/, an/DT improverished/JJ index/NN ./.
As/IN one/CD who/WP has/VBZ prepared/VBN indexes/NNS of/IN great/JJ variety/NN ,/, I/PRP recognize/VBP the/DT many/JJ problems/NNS that/IN one/PRP can/MD encounter/VB ;/: still/RB ,/, these/DT are/VBP not/RB insurmountable/JJ ,/, and/CC there/EX is/VBZ no/DT excuse/NN for/IN producing/VBG a/DT work/NN of/IN some/DT complexity/NN without/IN accompanying/VBG it/PRP by/IN a/DT thorough/JJ index/NN ./.
The/DT important/JJ thing/NN is/VBZ the/DT notion/NN of/IN thoroughness/NNS :/: the/DT indexer/NN must/MD try/VB to/TO anticipate/VB and/CC provide/VB for/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN users/NNS '/POS needs/NNS in/IN an/DT index/NN ;/: users/NNS do/VBP not/RB seek/VB the/DT same/JJ sort/NN of/IN information/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT effort/NN must/MD be/VB made/VBN to/TO imagine/VB the/DT uses/NNS to/TO which/WDT a/DT particular/JJ work/NN will/MD be/VB put/VBN ,/, then/RB to/TO provide/VB the/DT users/NNS with/IN as/IN many/JJ access/NN points/NNS to/TO the/DT information/NN as/IN can/MD reasonably/RB be/VB expected/VBN ./.
On/IN more/JJR than/IN one/CD occasion/NN in/IN these/DT pages/NNS have/VBP I/PRP lamented/VBD the/DT absence/NN of/IN an/DT index/NN (/( or/CC of/IN a/DT useful/JJ ,/, usable/JJ one/CD )/) in/IN a/DT book/NN that/WDT contains/VBZ much/JJ valuable/JJ information/NN ./.
Probably/RB the/DT greatest/JJS offenders/NNS were/VBD those/DT who/WP produced/VBD the/DT earlier/JJR manuals/NNS accompanying/VBG computers/NNS and/CC software/NN :/: many/JJ of/IN us/PRP had/VBD the/DT experience/NN of/IN reading/NN through/IN a/DT manual/JJ the/DT first/JJ time/NN only/RB to/TO find/VB ,/, later/RB ,/, on/IN seeking/VBG the/DT format/NN of/IN a/DT certain/JJ command/NN ,/, that/IN there/EX was/VBD no/DT index/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT index/NN had/VBD not/RB been/VBN updated/VBN to/TO conform/VB to/TO the/DT latest/JJS (/( looseleaf/NN )/) version/NN of/IN the/DT text/NN ,/, or/CC that/IN the/DT item/NN sought/VBN was/VBD not/RB listed/VBN ;/: the/DT only/JJ solution/NN was/VBD to/TO go/VB through/IN the/DT entire/JJ text/NN ,/, laboriously/RB turning/VBG each/DT page/NN to/TO find/VB the/DT lost/VBN information/NN ./.
Today/NN 's/POS manuals/NNS are/VBP much/RB improved/VBN ,/, but/CC they/PRP still/RB rely/VBP on/IN the/DT users/NNS '/POS knowledge/NN of/IN the/DT jargon/NN of/IN the/DT computer/NN trade/NN ,/, and/CC much/JJ frustrating/JJ time/NN is/VBZ still/RB spent/VBN trying/VBG to/TO find/VB a/DT given/VBN bit/NN of/IN information/NN (/( while/IN trying/VBG to/TO imagine/VB what/WP a/DT computer/NN programmer/NN would/MD be/VB likely/JJ to/TO have/VB called/VBN it/PRP because/IN he/PRP was/VBD unfamiliar/JJ with/IN the/DT jargon/NN of/IN writing/VBG ,/, editing/NN ,/, styling/NN ,/, composition/NN ,/, or/CC the/DT other/JJ arts/NNS and/CC crafts/NNS associated/VBN with/IN publishing/NN )/) ./.
I/PRP have/VBP had/VBN considerable/JJ experience/NN in/IN preparing/VBG indexes--some/JJ simple/JJ and/CC straightforward/JJ ,/, some/DT highly/RB detailed/JJ and/CC sophisticated--for/JJ a/DT wide/JJ variety/NN of/IN books/NNS ./.
As/IN I/PRP have/VBP dealt/VBN mainly/RB with/IN texts/NNS that/WDT were/VBD in/IN machine-readable/JJ form/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP been/VBN able/JJ to/TO develop/VB techniques/NNS for/IN extracting/VBG an/DT index/NN from/IN a/DT text/NN ,/, especially/RB if/IN the/DT text/NN is/VBZ consistently/RB styled/VBN typographically/RB ./.
In/IN other/JJ words/NNS ,/, if/IN information/NN type/NN A/DT is/VBZ consistently/RB set/VBN in/IN italics/NNS ,/, type/NN B/NNP in/IN bold-face/JJ italics/NNS ,/, type/NN C/NNP in/IN small/JJ capitals/NNS ,/, and/CC type/NN D/NNP in/IN boldface/NN roman/NN ,/, if/IN type/NN E/NNP always/RB appears/VBZ in/IN single/JJ quotation/NN marks/NNS ,/, and/CC so/RB forth/RB ,/, one/PRP can/MD use/VB this/DT information/NN to/TO extract/VB discrete/JJ categories/NNS of/IN data/NNS for/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN purposes/NNS ./.
Not/RB all/DT text/NN is/VBZ so/RB highly/RB stylized/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT present/JJ work/NN deals/NNS with/IN biographies/NNS ,/, autobiographies/NNS ,/, and/CC fiction/NN ,/, which/WDT offer/VBP little/JJ opportunity/NN for/IN automatic/JJ extraction/NN because/IN the/DT subjects/NNS suitable/JJ for/IN indexing/NN are/VBP often/RB paraphrases/NNS of/IN the/DT words/NNS used/VBN in/IN the/DT text/NN ./.
Mrs/NNP ./.
Bell/NNP cites/VBZ this/DT example/NN from/IN Elizabeth/NNP Longford/NNP 's/POS biography/NN ,/, Byron/NNP (/( Hutchinson/NNP &slash;/NN Weidenfeld/NNP &/CC Nicholson/NNP ,/, 1976/CD )/) :/:
Byron/NNP ,/, George/NNP Gordon/NNP ,/, 6/CD th/NN Lord/NNP :/: ./.
his/PRP$ courtship/NN and/CC marriage/NN ,/, 60/CD -/: 79/CD
Byron/NNP ,/, Annabella/NNP ,/, née/NN Millbanke/NNP ,/, wife/NN of/IN B/NNP ./.
vicissitudes/NNS of/IN her/PRP$ marriage/NN ,/, 71/CD -/: 7/CD
Mrs/NNP ./.
Bell/NNP comments/NNS that/IN the/DT term/NN vicissitudes/NNS does/VBZ not/RB occur/VB in/IN the/DT text/NN (/( and/CC ,/, I/PRP daresay/NN ,/, courtship/NN and/CC marriage/NN do/VBP not/RB occur/VB as/IN chapter/NN headings/NNS ,/, either/CC )/) ./.
This/DT booklet/NN contains/VBZ many/JJ fascinating/JJ insights/NNS into/IN the/DT art/NN of/IN indexing/NN ,/, including/VBG ,/, for/IN example/NN ,/, the/DT observation/NN ,/,
while/IN authors/NNS can/MD be/VB subtle/JJ and/CC discreet/JJ in/IN their/PRP$ writing/VBG ,/, indexers/NNS have/VBP to/TO condense/NN their/PRP$ implications/NNS to/TO a/DT blunt/JJ label--/JJ HOMOSEXUAL/NNP TENDENCIES/NNP ,/, for/IN instance/NN ;/: we/PRP cannot/NN hint/NN in/IN indexes/NNS ./.
[/NN p/NN ./.
19/CD ]/NN
As/IN this/DT is/VBZ a/DT rather/RB specialized/JJ work/NN ,/, we/PRP cannot/NN devote/VBP the/DT space/NN to/TO the/DT full/JJ description/NN that/IN it/PRP merits/NNS among/IN those/DT who/WP pursue/VBP its/PRP$ concerns/NNS ./.
Those/DT who/WP are/VBP involved/VBN in/IN indexing/NN and/CC are/VBP unaware/JJ of/IN the/DT existence/NN of/IN the/DT Society/NNP of/IN Indexers/NNP would/MD be/VB well/RB served/VBN to/TO join/VB ./.
Information/NNP regarding/VBG membership/NN (/( which/WDT includes/VBZ a/DT subscription/NN to/TO The/DT Indexer/NNP ,/, published/VBD semiannually/RB )/) can/MD be/VB obtained/VBN by/IN writing/VBG to/TO the/DT Society/NNP of/IN Indexers/NNP ,/, 139/CD The/DT Ryde/NNP ,/, Hatfield/NNP ,/, Herts/NNP ./.
AL/NNP 9/CD 5/CD DP/NNP ,/, England/NNP ./.
The/DT Indexer/NNP is/VBZ also/RB the/DT official/JJ journal/NN of/IN the/DT following/VBG affiliated/VBN societies/NNS ;/: information/NN about/IN membership/NN can/MD be/VB sought/VBN at/IN their/PRP$ respective/JJ addresses/NNS :/: American/NNP Society/NNP of/IN Indexers/NNP ,/, P/NN ./.
O/NNP ./.
Box/NNP 386/CD ,/, Port/NNP Aransas/NNP ,/, TX/NNP 78373/CD ,/, USA/NNP ;/: Australian/NNP Society/NNP of/IN Indexers/NNP ,/, GPO/NNP Box/NNP 1251/CD L/NNP ,/, Melbourne/NNP ,/, Victoria/NNP 3001/CD ,/, Australia/NNP ;/: IASC/NNP (/( Indexing/NN and/CC Abstracting/NNP Society/NNP of/IN Canada/NNP ,/, P/NN ./.
O/NNP ./.
Box/NNP 744/CD ,/, Station/NNP F/NNP ,/, Toronto/NNP ,/, Ontario/NNP ,/, Canada/NNP M/NNP 4/CD Y/NNP 2/CD N/NNP 6/CD ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
Too/RB often/RB ,/, the/DT best/JJS books/NNS of/IN the/DT past/JJ are/VBP cast/VBN aside/RB to/TO be/VB replaced/VBN by/IN nothing/NN more/JJR than/IN a/DT rehash/NN of/IN them/PRP ,/, frequently/RB rifling/VBG earlier/JJR material/NN on/IN the/DT legalistic/JJ grounds/NNS that/IN it/PRP is/VBZ out/IN of/IN copyright/NN ./.
To/TO those/DT wont/NN to/TO steep/JJ themselves/PRP in/IN the/DT writings/NNS of/IN the/DT 19/CD th/NN century/NN ,/, a/DT period/NN marked/VBN by/IN an/DT emergence/NN of/IN scholarship/NN and/CC of/IN the/DT broad/JJ dissemination/NN of/IN knowledge/NN ,/, plumbing/NN the/DT delights/VBZ of/IN those/DT writings/NNS not/RB only/RB for/IN their/PRP$ content/NN but/CC for/IN their/PRP$ controlled/VBN and/CC mannered/JJ style/NN yields/NNS great/JJ satisfaction/NN ./.
One/PRP must/MD be/VB especially/RB grateful/JJ to/TO those/DT who/WP ,/, rather/RB than/IN cast/NN it/PRP aside/RB as/IN old-fashioned/JJ or/CC outdated/JJ ,/, undertake/VB to/TO modernize/VB a/DT classic/NN ,/, a/DT policy/NN that/IN too/RB few/JJ publishers/NNS pursue/VBP ./.
For/IN me/PRP and/CC scores/NNS of/IN thousands/NNS of/IN other/JJ students/NNS of/IN language/NN and/CC literature/NN ,/, A/DT ./.
C/NNP ./.
Baugh/NNP 's/POS book/NN was/VBD the/DT primer/NN ,/, the/DT basic/JJ grammar/NN on/IN the/DT history/NN of/IN English/NNP ./.
Long/RB before/IN the/DT invention/NN of/IN the/DT cliché/NN user-friendly/JJ ,/, that/WDT was/VBD an/DT apt/JJ description/NN of/IN the/DT Baugh/NNP ,/, a/DT work/NN to/TO be/VB relied/VBN upon/IN for/IN substance/NN ,/, accuracy/NN ,/, readability/NN ./.
Later/RB ,/, it/PRP became/VBD a/DT useful/JJ reference/NN ,/, always/RB handy/JJ on/IN a/DT nearby/JJ shelf/NN ,/, to/TO which/WDT one/PRP could/MD turn/VB in/RP those/DT irritating/VBG lapses/NNS of/IN memory/NN of/IN the/DT niggling/VBG detail/NN ./.
The/DT first/JJ edition/NN of/IN Baugh/NNP 's/POS History/NN was/VBD published/VBN in/IN 1935/CD ;/: because/IN so/RB much/JJ has/VBZ happened/VBN to/TO English/NNP since/IN then/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ fitting/JJ that/IN its/PRP$ history/NN be/VB updated/VBN ,/, not/RB only/RB to/TO reflect/VB more/RBR recent/JJ developments/NNS in/IN dialect/NN ,/, lexicon/NN ,/, grammatical/JJ theory/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT universal/JJ adoption/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN as/IN a/DT lingua/NN franca/NN ,/, but/CC also/RB to/TO revise/VB scholarship/NN in/IN the/DT light/NN of/IN later/RB research/NN that/IN either/DT elaborates/NNS or/CC confutes/NNS information/NN that/WDT is/VBZ now/RB more/JJR than/IN half/PDT a/DT century/NN old/JJ ./.
Although/IN I/PRP was/VBD surprised/VBN to/TO note/VB (/( on/IN the/DT title/NN page/NN )/) that/IN this/DT is/VBZ the/DT fourth/JJ edition/NN of/IN the/DT work/NN ,/, ignorance/NN of/IN the/DT second/JJ and/CC third/JJ editions/NNS must/MD be/VB put/VBN down/RB to/TO my/PRP$ own/JJ failing/VBG ./.
The/DT present/JJ editor/NN ,/, Professor/NNP of/IN English/NNP at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Texas/NNP at/IN Austin/NNP ,/, has/VBZ exercised/VBN restraint/NN in/IN meddling/VBG with/IN Baugh/NNP 's/POS original/JJ text/NN ,/, having/VBG focused/VBN mainly/RB on/IN those/DT areas--dialect/JJ ,/, modern/JJ grammatical/JJ theory/NN ,/, and/CC ,/, generally/RB ,/, the/DT work/NN of/IN later/RB scholars--that/JJ could/MD not/RB have/VB been/VBN treated/VBN in/IN 1935/CD ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ suggested/VBN that/IN the/DT next/JJ edition/NN include/VBP a/DT more/RBR comprehensive/JJ section/NN on/IN dictionaries/NNS ,/, perhaps/RB of/IN lesser/JJR importance/NN in/IN earlier/JJR times/NNS but/CC increasingly/RB the/DT chief/JJ source/NN of/IN information/NN about/IN language/NN for/IN most/JJS people/NNS ,/, reflected/VBD in/IN a/DT recent/JJ report/NN that/IN more/JJR people/NNS own/VB a/DT dictionary/JJ than/IN a/DT Bible/NNP ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
This/DT book/NN ,/, already/RB reviewed/VBN in/IN VERBATIM/NNP [/( XVIII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ]/) ,/, is/VBZ now/RB available/JJ in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS ./.
Now/RB that/DT everyone/NN has/VBZ had/VBN the/DT chance/NN to/TO listen/VB to/TO the/DT Beatles/NNP '/POS I/PRP Saw/NNP Her/PRP$ Standing/VBG There/RB ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ time/NN to/TO take/VB a/DT deeper/JJR look/NN at/IN the/DT meaning/NN of/IN the/DT lyrics/NNS ./.
Sometimes/RB a/DT more/RBR critical/JJ and/CC profound/JJ analysis/NN can/MD be/VB unexpectedly/RB rewarding/JJ ./.
Let/VB us/PRP look/VB at/IN the/DT first/JJ line/NN :/:
Well/RB ,/, she/PRP was/VBD just/RB seventeen/NN
A/DT girl/NN has/VBZ recently/RB had/VBD a/DT birthday/NN ;/: there/EX may/MD be--though/JJ we/PRP cannot/NN be/VB sure--a/JJ veiled/VBN reference/NN to/TO her/PRP$ now/RB being/VBG old/JJ enough/RB to/TO drive/VB a/DT motorcar/NN ./.
The/DT second/JJ line/NN :/:
You/PRP know/VBP what/WP I/PRP mean/VBP
is/VBZ pure/JJ emphasis/NN ./.
The/DT writer/NN is/VBZ in/IN some/DT doubt/NN as/IN to/TO whether/IN the/DT listener/NN has/VBZ paid/VBN sufficient/JJ attention/NN to/TO the/DT first/JJ line/NN ./.
Concentrate/NNP ,/, he/PRP appears/VBZ to/TO be/VB saying/VBG ,/, every/DT word/NN counts/NNS ./.
The/DT third/JJ line/NN :/:
And/CC the/DT way/NN she/PRP looked/VBD was/VBD beyond/IN compare/VB implies/VBZ that/IN the/DT girl/NN 's/POS appearance/NN was/VBD unique/JJ ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ impossible/JJ to/TO say/VB what/WP she/PRP is/VBZ like/IN ,/, because/IN she/PRP is/VBZ like/IN nothing/NN else/RB ./.
In/IN line/NN four/CD ,/,
How/WRB could/MD I/PRP dance/VB with/IN another/DT ?/.
we/PRP are/VBP introduced/VBN to/TO the/DT dilemma/NN caused/VBN by/IN the/DT girl/NN 's/POS singular/NN looks/NNS ./.
Other/JJ girls/NNS cannot/NN be/VB contemplated/VBN as/IN partners/NNS :/: this/DT is/VBZ a/DT poignant/JJ predicament/NN ./.
But/CC there/EX is/VBZ hope/VBP in/IN lines/NNS five/CD and/CC six/CD :/:
Oh/UH ,/, when/WRB I/PRP saw/VBD her/PRP$ standing/NN there/RB ,/,
Well/RB she/PRP looked/VBD at/IN me/PRP
Is/VBZ there/EX a/DT chance/NN that/IN the/DT girl/NN reciprocates/NNS the/DT boy/NN 's/POS admiration/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ this/DT looking/VBG the/DT means/NNS by/IN which/WDT the/DT boy/NN may/MD be/VB induced/VBN to/TO request/VB the/DT girl/NN 's/POS company/NN on/IN the/DT dance/NN floor/NN ?/.
Is/VBZ she/PRP perhaps/RB as/IN enamored/JJ of/IN him/PRP as/IN he/PRP is/VBZ of/IN her/PRP ?/.
And/CC if/IN they/PRP do/VBP meet--and/JJ we/PRP sense/VBP they/PRP will--can/JJ their/PRP$ relationship/NN endure/VB ?/.
The/DT answer/NN is/VBZ in/IN verse/NN two/CD ,/, which/WDT we/PRP shall/MD be/VB looking/VBG at/IN tomorrow/NN ./.
Please/VB stand/VB for/IN the/DT hymn/NN ./.
Not/RB long/RB ago/RB in/IN an/DT article/NN on/IN word-processing/NN I/PRP came/VBD across/IN the/DT word/NN doable/JJ ./.
I/PRP could/MD not/RB remember/VB having/VBG seen/VBN it/PRP before--but/JJ ,/, then/RB ,/, my/PRP$ memory/NN for/IN words/NNS frequently/RB lets/VBZ me/PRP down/RP these/DT days/NNS ./.
I/PRP wondered/VBD how/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ pronounced/VBN ./.
And/CC what/WP does/VBZ it/PRP mean/VBP ?/.
So/RB to/TO the/DT dictionaries/NNS ./.
First/LS ,/, to/TO my/PRP$ trusty/NN Gage/NNP Canadian/NN ,/, which/WDT defines/VBZ it/PRP as/IN that/DT can/MD be/VB done/VBN and/CC gives/VBZ the/DT pronunciation/NN as/IN [/( doo-uhb/JJ '/POS l/NN ]/) ./.
The/DT same/JJ definition/NN and/CC pronunciation/NN are/VBP given/VBN in/IN Webster/NNP 's/POS New/NNP World/NNP and/CC in/IN the/DT recent/JJ edition/NN of/IN the/DT Concise/NNP Oxford/NNP ./.
I/PRP then/RB went/VBD to/TO my/PRP$ 3/CD rd/NN edition/NN of/IN the/DT Concise/NNP Oxford/NNP (/( 1934/CD )/) :/: it/PRP does/VBZ not/RB give/VB the/DT word/NN ,/, which/WDT caused/VBD me/PRP to/TO think/VB that/IN it/PRP probably/RB is/VBZ a/DT recently/RB fabricated/VBN one/CD and/CC that/IN I/PRP should/MD not/RB worry/VB about/IN it/PRP ./.
Surely/RB ,/, I/PRP thought/VBD ,/, the/DT OED/NNP Supplement/NNP will/MD have/VB something/NN on/IN it/PRP ./.
Nothing/NN ./.
So/RB to/TO my/PRP$ magnifying-glass/JJ edition/NN of/IN the/DT unsupplemented/JJ one/CD ./.
It/PRP had/VBD doable/JJ ,/, with/IN the/DT same/JJ definition/NN and/CC pronunciation/NN given/VBN in/IN those/DT other/JJ dictionaries/NNS ,/, with/IN this/DT additional/JJ definition/NN ,/, practicable/JJ ./.
It/PRP also/RB gives/VBZ a/DT second/JJ definition/NN :/: Capable/NNP of/IN being/VBG done/VBN or/CC victimized/VBN ./.
The/DT earliest/JJS instance/NN of/IN its/PRP$ use/NN given/VBN is/VBZ A/DT law/NN ./.
which/WDT is/VBZ 1449/CD ./.
All/PDT this/DT sent/VBD me/PRP into/IN intense/JJ research/NN into/IN the/DT word/NN do/VBP ./.
Dr/NNP ./.
Basil/NNP Cottle/NNP ,/, a/DT scholar/NN at/IN the/DT University/NNP of/IN Bristol/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ useful/JJ little/JJ book/NN ,/, The/DT Plight/NNP of/IN English/NNP ,/, devotes/VBZ nearly/RB four/CD pages/NNS to/TO it/PRP ,/, describing/VBG it/PRP at/IN the/DT beginning/NN as/IN a/DT deplorable/JJ little/JJ syllable/NN ./.
The/DT emphatic/JJ use/NN of/IN do/VBP has/VBZ long/RB been/VBN used/VBN in/IN our/PRP$ language/NN ./.
Samuel/NNP Johnson/NNP deplored/JJ the/DT superfluous/JJ ,/, emphatic/JJ use/NN of/IN do/VBP ,/, as/IN in/IN I/PRP do/VBP love/VB :/: he/PRP considered/VBD it/PRP vitious/JJ ./.
We/PRP all/DT use/NN the/DT emphatic/JJ do/VBP ,/, and/CC that/DT is/VBZ not/RB always/RB undesirable/JJ :/: I/PRP do/VBP believe/VBP ./.
;/: I/PRP do/VBP so/RB want/VBP to/TO see/VB her/PRP$ ;/: Do/VBP have/VBP a/DT drink/NN ./.
The/DT Gage/NNP Canadian/JJ gives/VBZ 15/CD distinct/JJ definitions/NNS for/IN do/VBP ,/, along/IN with/IN 10/CD common/JJ idiomatic/JJ phrases/NNS using/VBG it/PRP ./.
The/DT abridged/JJ edition/NN of/IN Eric/NNP Partridge/NNP 's/VBZ A/DT Dictionary/NNP of/IN Historical/NNP Slang/NNP gives/VBZ more/JJR than/IN five/CD columns/NNS to/TO idioms/NNS beginning/VBG with/IN do/VBP ,/, from/IN do/VBP a/DT beer/NN to/TO do/VB you/PRP see/VBP the/DT green/NN in/IN my/PRP$ eye/NN ?/.
Then/RB there/EX is/VBZ How/WRB do/VBP you/PRP do/VBP ?/.
-/: -/: which/WDT actually/RB is/VBZ not/RB a/DT question/NN but/CC a/DT genteel/JJ response/NN between/IN persons/NNS who/WP have/VBP just/RB been/VBN introduced/VBN to/TO one/CD another/DT ./.
Quite/RB different/JJ from/IN it/PRP is/VBZ How/WRB are/VBP you/PRP doing/VBG ?/.
,/, although/IN the/DT grammatical/JJ difference/NN seems/VBZ slight/JJ ./.
Do/VBP is/VBZ a/DT remarkably/RB versatile/NN verb/NN ./.
You/PRP can/MD do/VB your/PRP$ washing/VBG ./.
Or/CC the/DT Rocky/NNP Mountains/NNPS ./.
Or/CC your/PRP$ income/NN tax/NN ./.
Or/CC your/PRP$ thing/NN ./.
And/CC there/EX is/VBZ the/DT simple/JJ interrogatory/NN do/VBP :/: Do/VBP you/PRP see/VBP what/WP I/PRP mean/VBP ?/.
Do/VBP you/PRP have/VB the/DT time/NN ?/.
(/( That/DT apparently/RB is/VBZ North/JJ American/NNP ;/: the/DT Brits/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN them/PRP told/VBD me/PRP ,/, say/VBP Have/VBP you/PRP the/DT time/NN ?/.
A/DT recent/JJ news/NN item/NN in/IN The/DT Times/NNP [/( November/NNP 1992/CD ]/) published/VBN in/IN the/DT international/JJ press/NN presumably/RB to/TO call/VB delighted/JJ attention/NN to/TO the/DT obtuseness/NNS of/IN the/DT chief/NN of/IN police/NNS of/IN Dearborn/NNP ,/, Michigan/NNP ,/, concerned/VBD an/DT officer/NN who/WP was/VBD suspended/VBN for/IN three/CD days/NNS to/TO seek/VB psychiatric/JJ help/NN in/IN disabusing/VBG himself/PRP of/IN his/PRP$ obsession/NN for/IN writing/VBG the/DT figure/NN 7/CD with/IN a/DT bar/NN through/IN it/PRP to/TO distinguish/VB it/PRP from/IN the/DT figure/NN 1/CD ,/, a/DT disambiguating/VBG practice/NN long/RB followed/VBN in/IN Europe/NNP where/WRB it/PRP is/VBZ the/DT practice/NN to/TO write/VB 1/CD to/TO look/VB like/IN the/DT left/NN half/NN of/IN an/DT upward-pointing/JJ arrow/NN ./.
The/DT incident/NN reminds/VBZ me/PRP that/IN for/IN some/DT time/NN I/PRP have/VBP intended/VBN to/TO comment/VB on/IN the/DT way/NN numerals/NNS are/VBP said/VBN in/IN the/DT UK/NNP and/CC in/IN the/DT US/NNP ,/, though/IN I/PRP am/VBP not/RB entirely/RB sure/JJ whether/IN the/DT subject/NN is/VBZ properly/RB linguistic/JJ ,/, cultural/JJ ,/, or/CC categorizable/JJ into/IN some/DT other/JJ area/NN of/IN behavior/NN ./.
In/IN any/DT event/NN ,/, I/PRP cannot/NN recall/NN ever/RB having/VBG seen/VBN any/DT comment/NN on/IN it/PRP (/( but/CC then/RB I/PRP do/VBP not/RB read/VB books/NNS on/IN the/DT teaching/NN of/IN English/NNP as/IN a/DT second/JJ language/NN )/) ./.
In/IN Britain/NNP ,/, when/WRB a/DT numeral/NN is/VBZ repeated/VBN in/IN ,/, say/VB ,/, a/DT telephone/NN ,/, credit-card/NN ,/, house/NN ,/, or/CC other/JJ number/NN ,/, the/DT word/NN double/JJ is/VBZ used/VBN to/TO describe/VB it/PRP :/: thus/RB ,/, for/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT VERBATIM/NNP telephone/NN in/IN Aylesbury/NNP ,/, 395880/CD ,/, would/MD be/VB uttered/VBD as/IN ,/, three/CD ,/, nine/CD ,/, five/CD ,/, double-/JJ ,/, oh/UH (/( or/CC zero/CD ,/, but/CC oh/UH is/VBZ more/RBR common/JJ )/) ./.
If/IN there/EX are/VBP three/CD identical/JJ numerals/NNS in/IN a/DT row/NN ,/, as/IN in/IN 267444/CD ,/, they/PRP would/MD be/VB read/VBN as/RB ,/, two/CD ,/, six/CD ,/, seven/CD ,/, four/CD ,/, double-/JJ ;/: four/CD sevens/NNS in/IN a/DT row/NN would/MD be/VB ,/, double-/JJ ,/, double-/JJ ./.
Occasionally/RB ,/, I/PRP have/VBP heard/VBN a/DT string/NN like/IN 666666/CD expressed/VBD as/IN ,/, treble-/JJ ,/, treble-/JJ ,/, but/CC double-/JJ ,/, double-/JJ ,/, double-/JJ is/VBZ probably/RB more/RBR frequent/JJ ,/, and/CC six/CD ,/, double-/JJ ,/, six/CD ,/, double-/JJ can/MD be/VB heard/VBN ./.
A/DT recent/JJ radio/NN advertisement/NN contained/VBD the/DT number/NN 888777/CD ,/, read/VBP as/IN eight/CD ,/, double-/JJ ,/, seven/CD ,/, double-/JJ ./.
The/DT exception/NN that/IN I/PRP have/VBP noted/VBN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT naming/NN of/IN 0800/CD (/( free/JJ )/) numbers/NNS ,/, where/WRB the/DT practice/NN in/IN Britain/NNP follows/VBZ that/IN in/IN America/NNP :/: oh/UH ,/, eight/CD hundred/CD ./.
This/DT style/NN takes/VBZ a/DT little/RB getting-used-to/JJ ;/: I/PRP find/VBP that/IN when/WRB I/PRP say/VBP ,/, out/IN of/IN habit/NN ,/, three/CD ,/, nine/CD ,/, five/CD ,/, double-/JJ ,/, oh/UH ,/, to/TO Americans/NNPS ,/, they/PRP hesitate/VBP ever/RB so/RB slightly/RB before/IN fully/RB understanding/VBG ./.
Readers/NNS outside/IN North/NNP America/NNP may/MD not/RB be/VB aware/JJ that/IN American/JJ telephone/NN dials/NNS (/( now/RB pads/NNS )/) still/RB retain/VB alphabetical/JJ sequences/NNS from/IN the/DT days/NNS when/WRB local/JJ telephone/NN numbers/NNS contained/VBD names/NNS ,/, like/IN PEnnsylvania/NNP Six/CD ,/, Five/CD Thousand/NNP and/CC BUtterfield/NNP 8/CD (/( usually/RB so/RB written/VBN )/) :/: everyone/NN knew/VBD that/IN the/DT first/JJ two/CD letters/NNS of/IN the/DT name/NN were/VBD to/TO be/VB dialed--/JJ PE/NNP 6/CD -/: 5000/CD ,/, BU/NNP 8/CD -/: ./.
In/IN its/PRP$ infinite/NN wisdom/NN ,/, the/DT telephone/NN companies/NNS long/RB ago/RB abandoned/VBN words/NNS for/IN numbers/NNS ,/, having/VBG perceived/VBN that/IN there/EX were/VBD some/DT number/NN combinations/NNS (/( like/IN 95/CD )/) could/MD not/RB be/VB readily/RB yielded/VBN by/IN familiar/JJ names/NNS ./.
The/DT letters/NNS were/VBD ,/, however/RB ,/, retained/VBD on/IN the/DT instruments/NNS ,/, and/CC North/JJ American/JJ telephones/NNS group/NN them/PRP this/DT way/NN (/( wisely/RB ,/, there/EX is/VBZ no/DT Q/NNP )/) :/: )/)
Also/RB ,/, in/IN those/DT days/NNS ,/, the/DT zero/CD could/MD not/RB occur/VB among/IN the/DT first/JJ three/CD digits/NNS ,/, and/CC today/NN ,/, in/IN North/NNP America/NNP ,/, it/PRP cannot/NN be/VBP the/DT first/JJ digit/NN (/( in/IN contrast/NN to/TO Britain/NNP ,/, where/WRB all/DT dialling/VBG codes/NNS (/( US/NNP :/: area/NN codes/NNS )/) begin/VB with/IN a/DT zero/CD ,/, as/RB ,/, I/PRP believe/VBP ,/, do/VBP all/DT international/JJ codes/NNS ,/, universally/RB ./.
In/IN my/PRP$ memory/NN ,/, European/JJ telephones/NNS have/VBP never/RB had/VBN letters/NNS ,/, but/CC I/PRP am/VBP sure/JJ that/IN I/PRP will/MD be/VB quickly/RB corrected/VBN by/IN readers/NNS if/IN I/PRP am/VBP wrong/JJ ./.
There/EX must/MD have/VB been/VBN confusion--perhaps/JJ it/PRP persists--about/JJ the/DT alphabetic/JJ O/NNP [/( oh/UH ]/) and/CC the/DT numerical/JJ 0/CD [/( zero/CD ]/) ,/, for/IN the/DT telephone/NN companies/NNS often/RB made/VBD a/DT special/JJ point/NN of/IN emphasizing/VBG which/WDT was/VBD meant/VBN :/: I/PRP assume/VBP that/IN they/PRP have/VBP statistics/NNS on/IN the/DT number/NN of/IN wrong/JJ numbers/NNS dialed/JJ when/WRB one/CD was/VBD substituted/VBN for/IN the/DT other/JJ ./.
But/CC in/IN these/DT days/NNS of/IN all-digit/JJ telephone/NN numbers/NNS ,/, the/DT tendency/NN ,/, particularly/RB among/IN younger/JJR people/NNS ,/, who/WP seem/VBP to/TO get/VB confused/VBN about/IN such/JJ things/NNS ,/, is/VBZ to/TO make/VB certain/JJ that/IN the/DT word/NN zero/CD is/VBZ used/VBN ,/, rather/RB than/IN oh/UH ./.
I/PRP admit/VBP that/IN zero/CD does/VBZ remove/VB any/DT ambiguity/NN in/IN North/NNP America/NNP ;/: but/CC ,/, without/IN letters/NNS on/IN telephones/NNS ,/, how/WRB could/MD it/PRP arise/VB in/IN Europe/NNP ?/.
Ever/RB resourceful/JJ ,/, Americans/NNPS quickly/RB recognized/VBN that/IN they/PRP could/MD use/VB part/NN or/CC all/DT of/IN their/PRP$ telephone/NN letters/NNS as/IN a/DT mnemonic/JJ ./.
For/IN example/NN ,/, a/DT dealer/NN in/IN stolen/VBN automobiles/NNS with/IN the/DT telephone/NN number/NN 468/CD -/: 2277/CD could/MD tell/VB customers/NNS to/TO dial/VB HOT/NNP CARS/NNP ;/: a/DT psychiatric/JJ clinic/NN with/IN the/DT number/NN 578/CD -/: 6887/CD could/MD tell/VB patients/NNS to/TO phone/NN 5/CD ,/, R/NNP U/NNP NUTS/NNP (/( or/CC U/NNP R/NNP NUTS/NNP )/) ;/: dial/NN PLUMBER/NNP (/( 758/CD -/: 6237/CD )/) if/IN you/PRP have/VBP a/DT leak/NN ,/, COLLEGE/NNP (/( 265/CD -/: 5343/CD )/) to/TO register/VB for/IN extention/NN courses/NNS ./.
PASSION/NNP (/( 727/NNP -/: 7466/CD )/) to/TO satisfy/VB cravings/NNS ,/, KWIKFIT/NNP (/( 594/CD -/: 5348/CD )/) (/( but/CC not/RB ZIPPER/NNP ,/, because/IN a/DT number/NN cannot/NN start/NN with/IN a/DT Z/NNP or/CC zero/CD )/) for/IN emergency/NN tailoring/VBG services/NNS ,/, etc/FW ./.
The/DT literal-minded/JJ among/IN us/PRP have/VBP fastened/VBN on/IN the/DT inaccuracy/NN of/IN the/DT retained/VBN word/NN dial/NN for/IN what/WP many/JJ now/RB have/VBP on/IN telephones/NNS ./.
The/DT noun/NN presents/VBZ no/DT real/JJ problem/NN ,/, for/IN the/DT term/NN (/( number/NN )/) pad/NN already/RB exists/VBZ to/TO describe/VB the/DT calculatorlike/NN array/NN ./.
But/CC pad/NN proves/VBZ unsatisfactory/NN as/IN a/DT verb/NN ./.
Press/NNP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB been/VBN pressed/VBN into/IN service/NN :/: but/CC I/PRP put/VBP a/DT quarter/NN [/( or/CC ten-pence/JJ (/( or/CC ten/CD pee/NN )/) ]/) in/IN the/DT telephone/NN to/TO press/VB my/PRP$ baby/NN 's/POS number/NN just/RB does/VBZ not/RB seem/VB to/TO have/VB the/DT old/JJ ring/NN ./.
Laurence/NNP Urdang/NNP
[/NN A/DT ]/) s/VBZ Judges/NNPS shelter/NN their/PRP$ knavery/NN by/IN precedents/NNS ,/, so/RB do/VBP scholars/NNS their/PRP$ ignorance/NN by/IN authority/NN :/: and/CC when/WRB they/PRP cannot/NN reason/NN ,/, it/PRP is/VBZ safer/JJR and/CC less/RBR disgraceful/JJ to/TO repeat/VB that/DT nonsense/NN at/IN second/JJ hand/NN ,/, which/WDT they/PRP would/MD be/VB ashamed/JJ to/TO give/VB originally/RB as/IN their/PRP$ own/JJ ./.
John/NNP Horne/NNP Tooke/NNP ,/, Epea/NNP Ptepoenta/NNP ,/, or/CC The/DT Diversions/NNP of/IN Purley/NNP ,/, Part/NN I/PRP ,/,
Second/NNP Edition/NNP ,/, London/NNP ,/, 1798/CD ,/, p/NN ./.
120/CD ./.
In/IN response/NN to/TO a/DT reader/NN 's/POS complaint/NN that/IN his/PRP$ restaurant/NN reviews/NNS were/VBD becoming/VBG increasingly/RB pretentious/JJ ,/, with/IN descriptions/NNS of/IN the/DT ./.
food/NN ./.
sublimated/JJ to/TO [/( his/PRP$ ]/) profound/JJ architectural/JJ knowledge/NN and/CC appreciation/NN of/IN interior/JJ design/NN ,/, Jonathan/NNP Meades/NNP ,/, the/DT subject/JJ reviewer/NN of/IN The/DT Sunday/NNP Times/NNP suited/VBN the/DT word/NN to/TO the/DT action/NN :/:
I/PRP admit/VBP to/TO an/DT interest/NN in/IN architecture/NN and/CC interior/JJ design/NN ./.
But/CC then/RB so/RB do/VBP many/RB restaurateurs/NNS ./.
I/PRP do/VBP not/RB ,/, however/RB ,/, allow/VBP the/DT sublimity/NN or/CC bathos/NNS of/IN a/DT setting/VBG to/TO blind/JJ me/PRP to/TO the/DT attributes/NNS of/IN its/PRP$ kitchen/NN ./.
Points/NNPS are/VBP awarded/VBN for/IN cooking--/JJ although/IN the/DT cooking/NN ,/, bad/JJ or/CC good/JJ ,/, is/VBZ often/RB not/RB so/RB fascinating/JJ as/IN the/DT tectonic/JJ or/CC social/JJ aspects/NNS of/IN a/DT particular/JJ place/NN ./.
Making/VBG an/DT inventory/NN of/IN a/DT menu/NN is/VBZ a/DT task/NN for/IN guidebooks/NNS ./.
Me/PRP ,/, I/PRP write/VBP only/RB about/IN what/WP I/PRP 've/VBP tasted/JJ ./.
The/DT average/JJ reader/NN ,/, who/WP might/MD require/VB a/DT dictionary/JJ ,/, and/CC the/DT normal/JJ customer/NN ,/, with/IN an/DT antipathy/NN to/TO pig/NN 's/POS head/NN and/CC sweetbreads/NNS ,/, strike/NN me/PRP as/IN being/VBG the/DT putative/JJ gastro-brothers/JJ of/IN Toniben/NNP 's/POS ordinary/JJ working/NN man/NN or/CC the/DT man/NN on/IN the/DT Clapham/NNP omnibus/NN ./.
These/DT epithets/NNS grow/VBP ever/RB more/RBR presumptuous/JJ ,/, ever/RB more/JJR patronising/VBG in/IN the/DT context/NN of/IN an/DT ever/RB more/JJR factional/NN ,/, furcated/JJ society/NN ./.
Whose/NNP palate/NN and/CC attitudes/NNS other/JJ than/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ could/MD I/PRP possibly/RB use/VBP ?/.
As/IN some/DT readers/NNS are/VBP aware/JJ ,/, the/DT teaching/NN of/IN English/NNP to/TO schoolchildren/NN in/IN England/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN undergoing/VBG great/JJ upheaval/NN of/IN late/JJ :/: the/DT National/NNP Union/NNP of/IN Teachers/NNPS ,/, the/DT largest/JJS in/IN the/DT UK/NNP ,/, recently/RB voted/VBD overwhelmingly/RB (/( nine/CD out/IN of/IN ten/CD )/) to/TO boycott/VB a/DT compulsory/JJ English/NNP test/NN for/IN 14/CD -/: year-olds/JJ by/IN refusing/VBG to/TO mark/VB ,/, administer/VB ,/, or/CC invigilate/NN [/( proctor/NN ]/) them/PRP ./.
John/NNP Patten/NNP ,/, the/DT Education/NNP Secretary/NNP ,/, is/VBZ ,/, according/VBG to/TO The/DT Times/NNP [/( 4/CD February/NNP 1993/CD ]/) ,/, said/VBD to/TO be/VB anxious/JJ for/IN standard/JJ English/NNP to/TO be/VB introduced/VBN without/IN endangering/VBG regional/JJ variations/NNS ./.
Ian/NNP Small/JJ ,/, headmaster/NN of/IN Bootham/NNP School/NNP in/IN York/NNP ,/, a/DT specialist/NN on/IN English/NNP in/IN the/DT leading/VBG independent/JJ schools/NNS ,/, is/VBZ quoted/VBN as/IN saying/VBG ,/, Thousands/NNS of/IN English/NNP teachers/NNS have/VBP been/VBN working/VBG their/PRP$ socks/NNS off/RP to/TO encourage/VB youngsters/NNS to/TO write/VB well/RB and/CC effectively/RB ,/, and/CC if/IN all/DT that/DT work/NN was/VBD in/IN vain/JJ ,/, it/PRP will/MD be/VB a/DT great/JJ pity/NN ,/, a/DT footling/VBG remark/NN in/IN the/DT circumstances/NNS ./.
The/DT Times/NNP reports/NNS that/IN the/DT new/JJ curriculum/NN will/MD include/VB a/DT reading/NN list/NN of/IN classic/JJ works/NNS ,/, and/CC children/NNS will/MD be/VB expected/VBN to/TO use/VB capital/NN letters/NNS and/CC full/JJ stops/VBZ [/( periods/NNS ]/) correctly/RB by/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN seven/CD ,/, commas/NNS by/IN 11/CD ,/, apostrophes/NNS and/CC speech/NN marks/NNS by/IN 13/CD ,/, and/CC colons/NNS and/CC semi-colons/JJ by/IN 16/CD ./.
for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN a/DT prime/JJ minister/NN had/VBD used/VBN the/DT word/NN innocent/JJ rather/RB than/IN not/RB guilty/JJ when/WRB referring/VBG to/TO the/DT victims/NNS [/( killed/VBN in/IN 1972/CD in/IN Londonderry/NNP in/IN the/DT Bloody/NNP Sunday/NNP massacre/NN ]/) ./.
-/: -/: The/DT Times/NNP ,/, 22/CD January/NNP 1993/CD ,/, p/NN ./.
5/CD ./.
Perhaps/RB one/CD of/IN our/PRP$ readers/NNS steeped/JJ in/IN legal/JJ lore/NN would/MD care/VB to/TO comment/VB on/IN whether/IN there/EX is/VBZ a/DT legal/JJ distinction/NN between/IN these/DT terms/NNS or/CC whether/IN the/DT distinction/NN resides/VBZ solely/RB in/IN the/DT minds/NNS of/IN lay/VB speakers/NNS ./.
In/IN a/DT letter/NN to/TO The/DT Sunday/NNP Times/NNP [/( 21/CD February/NNP 1993/CD ]/) ,/, a/DT reader/NN in/IN Leicester/NNP called/VBD attention/NN to/TO a/DT bit/NN of/IN a/DT cockup/NN in/IN which/WDT an/DT article/NN on/IN the/DT delights/VBZ of/IN Sardinia/NNP recommended/VBD a/DT certain/JJ dish/NN ./.
He/PRP wrote/VBD about/IN pene/NN frattau/NN ,/, which/WDT means/VBZ penis/NNS with/IN sheep/NN 's/POS cheese/NN ,/, tomato/NN ,/, and/CC eggs/NNS ./.
I/PRP hope/VBP he/PRP meant/VBD pane/NN frattau/NN ./.
[/NN From/IN the/DT Letters/NNS section/NN of/IN The/DT Times/NNP ./.
During/IN the/DT recent/JJ Commons/NNP debate/NN on/IN the/DT second/JJ reading/NN of/IN the/DT National/NNP Lottery/NNP Bill/NNP ,/, ./.
playing/VBG fields/NNS in/IN general/JJ ,/, and/CC level/NN playing/VBG fields/NNS in/IN particular/NN ,/, were/VBD referred/VBN to/TO no/DT fewer/JJR than/IN 100/CD times/NNS ./.
As/IN chairman/NN of/IN the/DT national/JJ association/NN dedicated/VBN to/TO the/DT protection/NN (/( and/CC improvement/NN )/) of/IN playing/VBG fields/NNS ,/, I/PRP am/VBP delighted/JJ they/PRP feature/VBP so/RB prominently/RB in/IN the/DT rhetoric/NN of/IN politicians/NNS ,/, but/CC concerned/VBD that/IN our/PRP$ charity/NN derives/VBZ no/DT direct/JJ benefit/NN from/IN the/DT extensive/JJ use/NN of/IN what/WP seems/VBZ to/TO have/VB become/VBN the/DT most/RBS popular/JJ cliché/NN of/IN our/PRP$ times/NNS ./.
Yours/NNP faithfully/RB ,/,
Gyles/NNP Brandreth/NNP
(/( Chairman/NNP )/) ,/,
National/NNP Playing/VBG Fields/NNP Association/NNP ,/,
25/CD Ovington/NNP Square/NNP ,/, SW/NNP 3/CD
February/NNP 2/CD [/( 1993/CD ]/) ./.
For/IN many/JJ years/NNS I/PRP was/VBD under/IN the/DT impression/NN that/IN John/NNP Dryden/NNP had/VBD inveighed/JJ against/IN the/DT ending/NN of/IN a/DT sentence/NN with/IN a/DT preposition/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP have/VBP included/VBN mention/NN of/IN it/PRP now/RB and/CC then/RB in/IN my/PRP$ writing/VBG ./.
The/DT interdiction/NN is/VBZ meaningless/JJ for/IN English/NNP grammar/NN (/( or/CC style/NN )/) ,/, having/VBG been/VBN carried/VBN over/IN from/IN Latin/NNP ,/, where/WRB a/DT preposition/NN must/MD accompany/VB the/DT word/NN it/PRP is/VBZ connected/VBN with/IN syntactically/RB and/CC semantically/RB ;/: like/IN the/DT caveat/NN concerning/VBG split/NN infinitives/NNS ,/, which/WDT cannot/NN be/VB split/VBN in/IN Latin/NNP because/IN ,/, as/IN in/IN most/JJS other/JJ Indo-/NNP European/JJ languages/NNS ,/, they/PRP are/VBP single/VBP words/NNS ,/, unsplittable/JJ nuclei/NN ,/, unlike/IN the/DT atom/NN ,/,
A/DT few/JJ months/NNS ago/RB ,/, a/DT colleague/NN wrote/VBD saying/VBG that/IN he/PRP had/VBD encountered/VBN my/PRP$ mention/NN of/IN it/PRP but/CC had/VBD been/VBN unable/JJ to/TO find/VB any/DT reference/NN in/IN Dryden/NNP 's/POS writings/NNS ./.
At/IN the/DT time/NN I/PRP did/VBD not/RB reply/VB ,/, because/IN I/PRP did/VBD not/RB have/VB the/DT time/NN to/TO search/VB for/IN it/PRP ./.
Now/RB that/IN I/PRP have/VBP found/VBN it/PRP ,/, I/PRP cannot/NN remember/VB who/WP queried/VBN me/PRP about/IN it/PRP ,/, but/CC I/PRP might/MD as/RB well/RB present/VB the/DT information/NN once/RB and/CC for/IN all/DT in/IN these/DT pages/NNS in/IN case/NN anyone/NN else/RB wishes/VBZ to/TO know/VB ./.
The/DT source/NN is/VBZ The/DT Defence/NNP of/IN the/DT Epilogue/NNP ,/, or/CC ,/, An/DT Essay/NNP on/IN the/DT Dramatic/NNP Poetry/NNP of/IN the/DT Last/JJ Age/NNP ,/, published/VBN in/IN 1672/CD with/IN Almanzor/NNP and/CC Almahide/NNP ,/, or/CC ,/, The/DT Conquest/NNP of/IN Granada/NNP by/IN the/DT Spaniards/NNP ,/, which/WDT had/VBD been/VBN roundly/RB criticized/VBN ,/, especially/RB for/IN its/PRP$ language/NN ./.
A/DT synchysis/NNS ,/, or/CC ill-placing/JJ of/IN words/NNS ,/, of/IN which/WDT Tully/NNP so/RB much/JJ complains/VBZ in/IN oratory/NN ./.
The/DT waves/NNS and/CC dens/NNS of/IN beasts/NNS could/MD not/RB receive/VB
The/DT bodies/NNS that/IN those/DT souls/NNS were/VBD frightened/JJ from/IN ./.
The/DT preposition/NN in/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT sentence/NN ;/: a/DT common/JJ fault/NN with/IN him/PRP ,/, and/CC which/WDT I/PRP have/VBP but/CC lately/RB observed/VBD in/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ writings/NNS ./.
What/WP all/PDT the/DT several/JJ ills/NNS ,/, that/DT visit/NN earth/NN ,/, Plague/NNP ,/, famine/NN ,/, fire/NN ,/, could/MD not/RB reach/VB unto/RP ,/, The/DT sword/NN ,/, nor/CC surfeits/NNS ,/, let/VB thy/NN fury/NN do/VBP ./.
Dramatic/NNP Poesy/NNP &/CC Other/NNP Essays/NNP ,/, John/NNP Dryden/NNP ,/, Everyman/NNP 's/POS Library/NNP ,/, J/NNP ./.
M/NNP ./.
Dent/NNP ,/, 1912/CD ,/, 1950/CD ,/, p/NN ./.
100/CD ./.
The/DT quotations/NNS are/VBP from/IN Catiline/NNP ,/, by/IN Ben/NNP Johnson/NNP ,/, whom/WP Dryden/NNP held/VBD in/IN very/RB high/JJ regard/NN ,/, a/DT most/RBS judicious/JJ writer/NN ./.
Dryden/NNP ,/, if/IN not/RB a/DT purist/NN ,/, was/VBD certainly/RB a/DT traditionalist/NN and/CC a/DT precisian/NN in/IN language/NN :/:
To/TO begin/VB with/IN Language/NNP ./.
That/DT an/DT alteration/NN is/VBZ lately/RB made/VBN in/IN ours/PRP ,/, or/CC since/IN the/DT writers/NNS of/IN the/DT last/JJ age/NN (/( in/IN which/WDT I/PRP comprehend/NN Shakespeare/NNP ,/, Fletcher/NNP ,/, and/CC Jonson/NNP )/) ,/, is/VBZ manifest/JJ ./.
Any/DT man/NN who/WP reads/VBZ those/DT excellent/JJ poets/NNS and/CC compares/VBZ their/PRP$ language/NN with/IN what/WP is/VBZ now/RB written/VBN ,/, will/MD see/VB it/PRP in/IN almost/RB every/DT line/NN ;/: but/CC that/IN this/DT is/VBZ an/DT improvement/NN of/IN the/DT language/NN ,/, or/CC an/DT alteration/NN for/IN the/DT better/JJR ,/, will/MD not/RB so/RB easily/RB be/VB granted/VBN ./.
For/IN many/JJ are/VBP of/IN a/DT countrary/JJ opinion/NN ,/, that/IN the/DT English/NNP tongue/NN was/VBD then/RB in/IN the/DT height/NN of/IN its/PRP$ perfection/NN ;/: that/IN from/IN Jonson/NNP 's/POS time/NN to/TO ours/PRP it/PRP has/VBZ been/VBN in/IN a/DT continual/JJ declination/NN ,/, like/IN that/DT of/IN the/DT Romans/NNP from/IN the/DT age/NN of/IN Virgil/NNP to/TO Statius/NNP ,/, but/CC Quintilian/NNP himself/PRP so/RB much/JJ complains/VBZ ,/, under/IN the/DT person/NN of/IN Secundus/NNP ,/, in/IN his/PRP$ famous/JJ dialogue/NN de/IN Causis/NNP corruptae/NN Eloquentiae/NNP ./.
But/CC ,/, to/TO show/VB that/IN our/PRP$ language/NN is/VBZ improved/VBN ,/, and/CC that/IN those/DT people/NNS have/VBP not/RB a/DT just/JJ value/NN for/IN the/DT age/NN in/IN which/WDT they/PRP live/VBP ,/, let/VB us/PRP consider/VB in/IN what/WP the/DT refinement/NN of/IN a/DT language/NN principally/RB consists/VBZ :/: that/DT is/VBZ ,/, either/CC in/IN rejecting/VBG such/JJ old/JJ words/NNS ,/, or/CC phrases/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP ill/JJ sounding/VBG ,/, or/CC improper/JJ ;/: or/CC in/IN admitting/VBG new/JJ ,/, which/WDT are/VBP more/RBR proper/JJ ,/, more/JJR sounding/VBG ,/, and/CC more/RBR significant/JJ ./.
The/DT reader/NN will/MD easily/RB take/VB notice/NN ,/, that/IN when/WRB I/PRP speak/VBP of/IN rejecting/VBG improper/JJ words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS ,/, I/PRP mention/VBP not/RB such/JJ as/IN are/VBP antiquated/JJ by/IN custom/NN only/RB ,/, and/CC ,/, as/IN I/PRP may/MD say/VB ,/, without/IN any/DT fault/NN of/IN theirs/PRP ./.
For/IN in/IN this/DT case/NN the/DT refinement/NN can/MD be/VB but/CC accidental/NN ;/: that/DT is/VBZ ,/, when/WRB the/DT words/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS which/WDT are/VBP rejected/VBN happen/VB to/TO be/VB improper/JJ ./.
Neither/DT would/MD I/PRP be/VB understood/VBN ,/, when/WRB I/PRP speak/VBP of/IN impropriety/NN of/IN language/NN ,/, either/CC wholly/RB to/TO accuse/VB the/DT last/JJ age/NN ,/, or/CC to/TO excuse/VB the/DT present/NN ,/, and/CC least/JJS of/IN all/DT myself/PRP ./.
Ibid/NNP ./.
,/, p/NN ./.
97/CD ./.
[/NN Italics/NNP not/RB mine/NN ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ interesting/JJ to/TO observe/VB that/IN Dryden/NNP ,/, born/VBN only/RB fifteen/NN years/NNS after/IN the/DT death/NN of/IN Shakespeare/NNP ,/, should/MD a/DT mere/JJ forty/NN years/NNS later/RB regard/VBP him/PRP as/IN being/NN of/IN another/DT age/NN :/: clearly/RB ,/, three/CD centuries/NNS ago/RB people/NNS had/VBD quite/RB a/DT perception/NN of/IN time/NN different/JJ from/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ ,/, largely/RB ,/, I/PRP believe/VBP ,/, brought/VBN about/IN by/IN our/PRP$ more/RBR thorough/JJ documentation/NN of/IN the/DT past/JJ hundred/CD years/NNS in/IN books/NNS ,/, newspapers/NNS and/CC other/JJ periodicals/NNS ,/, photographs/NNS ,/, films/NNS ,/, and/CC ,/, more/RBR recently/RB ,/, videos/NNS ./.
He/PRP comments/VBZ on/IN the/DT errors/NNS in/IN the/DT writings/NNS of/IN the/DT great/JJ masters/NNS that/WDT are/VBP cited/VBN today/NN either/CC in/IN a/DT derisory/NN tone/NN or/CC as/IN an/DT excuse/NN for/IN our/PRP$ own/JJ shortcomings/NNS :/:
Ibid/NNP ./.
,/, p/NN ./.
98/CD ./.
Lest/NNP the/DT reader/NN think/VBP of/IN Dryden/NNP as/IN a/DT stuffy/JJ purist/NN ,/, here/RB he/PRP is/VBZ on/IN neologisms/NNS :/:
As/IN for/IN the/DT other/JJ part/NN of/IN refining/NN ,/, which/WDT consists/VBZ in/IN receiving/VBG new/JJ words/NNS and/CC pharases/NNS ,/, I/PRP shall/MD not/RB insist/VB much/JJ on/IN it/PRP ./.
It/PRP is/VBZ obvious/JJ that/IN we/PRP have/VBP admitted/VBN many/JJ ,/, some/DT of/IN which/WDT we/PRP wanted/VBD ,/, and/CC therefore/RB our/PRP$ language/NN is/VBZ the/DT richer/JJR for/IN them/PRP ,/, as/IN it/PRP would/MD be/VB by/IN importation/NN of/IN bullion/NN :/: other/JJ are/VBP rather/RB ornamental/JJ than/IN necessary/JJ ;/: yet/RB by/IN their/PRP$ admission/NN ,/, the/DT language/NN is/VBZ become/VB more/RBR courtly/RB ,/, and/CC our/PRP$ thoughts/NNS are/VBP better/RBR dressed/VBN ./.
These/DT are/VBP to/TO be/VB found/VBN scattered/VBN in/IN the/DT writers/NNS of/IN our/PRP$ age/NN ,/, and/CC it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB my/PRP$ business/NN to/TO collect/VB them/PRP ./.
They/PRP ,/, who/WP have/VBP lately/RB written/VBN with/IN most/JJS care/NN ,/, have/VB ,/, I/PRP believe/VBP ,/, taken/VBN the/DT rule/NN of/IN Horace/NNP for/IN their/PRP$ guide/NN ;/: that/DT is/VBZ ,/, not/RB to/TO be/VB too/RB hasty/JJ in/IN receiving/NN of/IN words/NNS ,/, but/CC rather/RB to/TO stay/VB till/IN custom/NN has/VBZ made/VBN them/PRP familiar/JJ to/TO us/PRP :/:
Multa/NNP renascentur/NN quae/NN nunc/NN cecidere/NN ,/, cadentque/NN ;/:
Quae/NNP nunc/NN sunt/NN honore/NN in/IN vocabula/NN ,/, si/NN volet/NN usus/JJ ,/,
Quam/NNP penes/NNS ,/, arbitrium/NN est/NN ,/, et/CC jus/JJ ,/, et/CC norma/NN loquendi/NN ./.
Ars/NNP Poetica/NNP ,/, 70/CD -/: 2/CD ./.
[/NN Many/JJ words/NNS which/WDT have/VBP now/RB fallen/VBN out/IN of/IN use/NN will/MD be/VB reborn/JJ ,/, and/CC many/JJ now/RB prominent/JJ will/MD disappear/VB ,/, if/IN usage/NN ,/, which/WDT owns/VBZ the/DT right/NN to/TO decide/VB ,/, and/CC the/DT law/NN ,/, and/CC the/DT canons/NNS of/IN speech/NN ,/, so/RB choose/VB ./.
For/IN I/PRP cannot/NN approve/VB of/IN their/PRP$ way/NN of/IN refining/NN ,/, who/WP corrupt/JJ our/PRP$ English/NNP idiom/NN by/IN mixing/VBG it/PRP too/RB much/RB with/IN French/JJ :/: that/DT is/VBZ a/DT sophistication/NN of/IN language/NN ,/, not/RB an/DT improvement/NN of/IN it/PRP ;/: a/DT turning/VBG English/NNP into/IN French/JJ ,/, rather/RB than/IN a/DT refining/NN of/IN English/NNP by/IN French/JJ ./.
Ibid/NNP ./.
p/NN ./.
101/CD f/SYM ./.
(/( The/DT 17/CD th-century/JJ sense/NN of/IN sophistication/NN was/VBD closer/JJR to/TO smacking/VBG of/IN sophistry/NN ./.
As/IN we/PRP have/VBP observed/VBN in/IN these/DT pages/NNS on/IN numerous/JJ occasions/NNS ,/, the/DT professional/JJ linguist/NN 's/POS avowed/JJ position/NN with/IN regard/NN to/TO usage/NN is/VBZ similar/JJ to/TO that/DT of/IN a/DT medical/JJ doctor/NN 's/POS in/IN relation/NN to/TO a/DT patient/NN :/: both/DT are/VBP charged/VBN with/IN the/DT responsibility/NN of/IN observing/VBG the/DT phenomena/NNS they/PRP encounter/VB without/IN expressing/VBG qualitative/JJ opinions/NNS about/IN them/PRP ./.
That/DT is/VBZ ,/, the/DT doctor/NN is/VBZ not/RB supposed/VBN to/TO express/VB his/PRP$ loathing/VBG or/CC disgust/NN at/IN the/DT manifestations/NNS of/IN some/DT horrible/JJ affliction/NN ,/, nor/CC is/VBZ it/PRP deemed/VBD proper/JJ for/IN him/PRP to/TO assume/VB an/DT accusatory/JJ posture/NN reflected/VBD in/IN expressions/NNS like/IN ,/, What/WP a/DT fool/NN you/PRP are/VBP for/IN having/VBG exposed/VBN yourself/PRP to/TO the/DT Malay/NNP waste-away/JJ !/.
The/DT analogy/NN is/VBZ not/RB entirely/RB apt/JJ ,/, however/RB ,/, for/IN the/DT patient/NN cannot/NN always/RB be/VB held/VBN responsible/JJ for/IN catching/VBG the/DT disease/NN and/CC might/MD not/RB be/VB able/JJ to/TO do/VB anything/NN about/IN its/PRP$ cure/NN ,/, while/IN the/DT person/NN who/WP misspells/NNS a/DT word/NN ,/, utters/NNS grammatical/JJ solecisms/NNS ,/, or/CC uses/VBZ infer/NN for/IN imply/VBP has/VBZ resourse/NN to/TO remedial/NN measures/NNS ./.
In/IN many/JJ cases/NNS ,/, it/PRP must/MD be/VB acknowledged/VBN ,/, the/DT speaker/NN or/CC writer/NN has/VBZ not/RB been/VBN exposed/VBN to/TO the/DT opportunities/NNS that/WDT would/MD enable/VB him/PRP to/TO distinguish/VB between/IN what/WP is/VBZ regarded/VBN as/IN standard/JJ usage/NN versus/CC nonstandard/NN ,/, hence/RB ,/, it/PRP might/MD be/VB said/VBN that/IN he/PRP is/VBZ not/RB responsible/JJ for/IN using/VBG nonstandard/NN English/NNP ./.
But/CC ,/, surely/RB ,/, someone/NN must/MD accept/VB the/DT blame/NN ,/, and/CC that/DT someone/NN ought/MD to/TO be/VB the/DT person/NN who/WP employed/VBN what/WP we/PRP have/VBP learned/VBN from/IN innumerable/JJ cop/NN shows/VBZ on/IN television/NN to/TO call/VB the/DT perp/NN ./.
The/DT cable/NN television/NN service/NN in/IN the/DT Old/NNP Lyme/NNP ,/, Connecticut/NNP ,/, area/NN is/VBZ (/( apparently/RB )/) forbidden/VBN to/TO transmit/VB certain/JJ programs/NNS because/IN the/DT transmission/NN rights/NNS have/VBP been/VBN preempted/JJ by/IN another/DT station/NN ./.
In/IN such/JJ circumstances/NNS ,/, a/DT message/NN appears/VBZ on/IN the/DT screen/NN that/WDT explains/VBZ ,/, in/IN quasi-legalistic/JJ terms/NNS ,/, why/WRB the/DT viewer/NN is/VBZ looking/VBG at/IN the/DT message/NN instead/RB of/IN the/DT program/NN ./.
Among/IN the/DT words/NNS used/VBN is/VBZ pursuant/JJ ,/, which/WDT is/VBZ spelled/VBN persuant/NN ./.
This/DT message/NN has/VBZ been/VBN appearing/VBG on/IN the/DT screen/NN with/IN that/DT misspelling/VBG for/IN the/DT past/JJ two/CD years/NNS (/( or/CC more/JJR )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT cable/NN company/NN maintains/VBZ that/IN the/DT card/NN bearing/VBG the/DT message/NN is/VBZ provided/VBN to/TO them/PRP with/IN the/DT proviso/NN that/IN it/PRP be/VB transmitted/VBN as/IN is/VBZ ./.
Because/IN the/DT notice/NN appears/VBZ almost/RB every/DT evening/NN on/IN at/IN least/JJS one/CD channel/NN and/CC remains/VBZ on/IN the/DT screen/NN for/IN at/IN least/JJS thrity/NN minutes/NNS on/IN end/NN ,/, its/PRP$ exposure/NN is/VBZ far/RB greater/JJR than/IN that/DT of/IN a/DT fleeting/JJ utterance/NN by/IN a/DT newscaster/NN or/CC a/DT similar/JJ written/VBN message/NN that/WDT appears/VBZ only/RB fleetingly/RB ./.
One/CD cannot/NN help/NN thinking/VBG that/IN an/DT entire/JJ generation/NN of/IN viewers--assuming/JJ they/PRP are/VBP able/JJ to/TO read/VB at/IN all--is/JJ growing/VBG up/RP learning/VBG how/WRB to/TO misspell/NN pursuant/JJ ./.
Pursuant/NNP is/VBZ a/DT legal/JJ term/NN ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, not/RB one/CD that/IN drops/NNS readily/RB from/IN the/DT lips/NNS of/IN the/DT housewife/NN or/CC casual/JJ observer/NN of/IN the/DT rock/NN 'n'/CC roll/NN scene/NN on/IN MTV/NNP ./.
Thus/RB ,/, with/IN some/DT justification/NN ,/, one/PRP might/MD well/RB ask/VB ,/, Who/WP cares/VBZ ?/.
And/CC there/EX are/VBP always/RB those/DT who/WP will/MD accuse/VB me/PRP of/IN being/VBG a/DT purist/NN ,/, which/WDT I/PRP do/VBP not/RB think/VB I/PRP am/VBP ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, I/PRP try/VBP not/RB to/TO be/VB a/DT linguistic/JJ slob/NN ,/, either/RB ./.
If/IN one/CD asks/VBZ a/DT professional/JJ linguist/NN why/WRB he/PRP does/VBZ n't/RB say/VB things/NNS like/IN He/PRP do/VBP n't/RB or/CC spell/VB pursuant/JJ persuant/NN ,/, the/DT reply/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ to/TO be/VB ,/, He/PRP do/VBP n't/RB is/VBZ not/RB part/VB of/IN my/PRP$ speech/NN pattern/NN ,/, and/CC I/PRP simply/RB do/VBP not/RB spell/VB pursuant/JJ that/DT way/NN ./.
One/PRP may/MD accept/VB that/DT sort/NN of/IN statement/NN at/IN face/NN value/NN ;/: in/IN my/PRP$ view/NN ,/, it/PRP would/MD have/VB been/VBN more/RBR accurate/JJ (/( and/CC honest/JJ )/) to/TO say/VB ,/, I/PRP would/MD n't/RB be/VB caught/VBN dead/JJ saying/NN He/PRP do/VBP n't/RB ,/, etc/FW ./.
Last/JJ evening/NN (/( 26/CD November/NNP )/) I/PRP was/VBD watching/VBG Biography/NNP on/IN the/DT Arts/NNP &/CC Entertainment/NNP network/NN ./.
In/IN the/DT course/NN of/IN the/DT program/NN ,/, which/WDT was/VBD about/IN the/DT British/JJ royal/JJ family/NN ,/, there/RB appeared/VBD on/IN the/DT screen/NN a/DT number/NN of/IN titles/NNS identifying/VBG the/DT person/NN or/CC place/NN pictured/VBN ./.
In/IN one/CD such/JJ title/NN ,/, Prince/NNP Andrew/NNP 's/POS father-in-law/NN was/VBD identified/VBN as/IN Furguson/NNP ;/: in/IN another/DT ,/, the/DT site/NN of/IN Prince/NNP Charles/NNP 's/POS wedding/NN was/VBD identified/VBN as/IN St/NNP ./.
Pauls/NNP [/( sic/JJ ]/) Carhederal/NNP [/( sic/JJ ]/) ./.
Aside/RB from/IN the/DT fact/NN that/IN the/DT program/NN was/VBD rather/RB poorly/RB done/VBN ,/, how/WRB are/VBP we/PRP to/TO react/VB to/TO this/DT sort/NN of/IN thing/NN ?/.
Should/MD we/PRP throw/VB up/RP our/PRP$ hands/NNS ,/, saying/VBG ,/, Anyone/NN can/MD make/VB a/DT mistake/NN or/CC What/WP difference/NN does/VBZ it/PRP make/VBP ?/.
or/CC You/PRP are/VBP the/DT one/CD to/TO talk/VB :/: look/VB at/IN all/PDT the/DT mistakes/NNS in/IN VERBATIM/NNP ?/.
As/IN for/IN the/DT last/NN ,/, I/PRP would/MD protest/VB that/IN the/DT A/DT &/CC E/NNP network/NN has/VBZ resources/NNS far/RB beyond/IN those/DT available/JJ for/IN the/DT proofreading/VBG of/IN VERBATIM/NNP ./.
The/DT first/JJ is/VBZ merely/RB a/DT vapid/NN truism/NN ./.
But/CC what/WP about/IN the/DT second/NN ?/.
I/PRP am/VBP moved/VBN to/TO offer/VB some/DT armchair/NN psychological/JJ analysis/NN ./.
For/IN many/JJ people/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ ability/NN to/TO relate/VB to/TO reality/NN is/VBZ inexorably/RB tied/VBN to/TO their/PRP$ control/NN of/IN language/NN ,/, the/DT greatest/JJS common/JJ denominator/NN of/IN our/PRP$ understanding/NN of/IN the/DT real/JJ world/NN ./.
(/( Berkeleian/NNP philosophers/NNS need/VBP not/RB waste/VB their/PRP$ time/NN writing/VBG me/PRP on/IN this/DT subject/NN ./.
)/) For/IN such/JJ people/NNS ,/, we/PRP might/MD say/VB that/IN their/PRP$ very/RB grip/NN on/IN reality/NN depends/VBZ on/IN their/PRP$ control/NN of/IN language/NN :/: it/PRP is/VBZ their/PRP$ security/NN blanket/NN ,/, the/DT corners/NNS of/IN which/WDT they/PRP chew/VBP with/IN everlasting/JJ self-satisfaction/JJ and/CC in/IN which/WDT they/PRP wind/VBP themselves/PRP for/IN protection/NN against/IN the/DT hostile/JJ forces/NNS that/WDT would/MD shake/VB the/DT foundations/NNS of/IN their/PRP$ traditionalism/NN ./.
If/IN their/PRP$ language/NN is/VBZ threatened/VBN ,/, they/PRP are/VBP threatened/VBN ./.
Put/VB another/DT way/NN ,/, the/DT acceptance/NN of/IN nonstandard/NN language/NN to/TO replace/VB the/DT comfortable/JJ protection/NN offered/VBN by/IN linguistic/JJ purism/NN amounts/NNS to/TO moving/VBG the/DT goalposts/NNS in/IN a/DT game/NN that/IN they/PRP have/VBP been/VBN playing/VBG for/IN their/PRP$ entire/JJ lives/NNS according/VBG to/TO a/DT different/JJ set/NN of/IN rules/NNS ./.
As/IN readers/NNS of/IN these/DT occasional/JJ notes/NNS on/IN English/NNP are/VBP well/RB aware/JJ ,/, British/JJ standard/JJ usage/NN now/RB condones/NNS the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT indicative/JJ where/WRB the/DT subjunctive/JJ formerly/RB reigned/VBD and/CC ,/, to/TO mention/VB just/RB one/CD other/JJ obvious/JJ phenomenon/NN ,/, the/DT use/NN of/IN the/DT plural/NN pronouns/NNS of/IN reference/NN for/IN what/WP have/VBP traditionally/RB been/VBN regarded/VBN as/IN singular/NN referents/NNS (/( as/IN in/IN Everyone/NN should/MD bring/VB their/PRP$ book/NN to/TO class/NN tomorrow/NN )/) ./.
The/DT two/CD changes/NNS are/VBP different/JJ ,/, of/IN course/NN :/: the/DT former/JJ marks/VBZ a/DT final/JJ succumbing/VBG to/TO the/DT relentless/JJ forces/NNS of/IN the/DT indicative/JJ :/: the/DT weakening/NN of/IN the/DT subjunctive/JJ might/MD be/VB regarded/VBN as/IN a/DT rejection/NN of/IN the/DT tolerance/NN of/IN uncertainty/NN on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN the/DT speaker/NN ,/, perhaps/RB a/DT product/NN of/IN the/DT late-/NN 20/CD th-century/JJ obsession/NN with/IN the/DT facts/NNS ,/, resulting/VBG in/IN insecurity/NN when/WRB faced/VBN with/IN doubt/NN ,/, with/IN low/JJ probability/NN ,/, or/CC with/IN contrary-to-fact/JJ situations/NNS ./.
The/DT issue/NN of/IN pronoun/NN agreement/NN might/MD be/VB laid/VBN at/IN the/DT door/NN of/IN the/DT feminists/NNS '/POS misguided/VBN interference/NN with/IN the/DT forces/NNS of/IN language/NN ,/, resulting/VBG in/IN a/DT nervous/JJ rejection/NN of/IN the/DT masculine/JJ pronoun/NN as/IN the/DT neutral/JJ one/CD ;/: but/CC ,/, in/IN truth/NN ,/, the/DT sustenance/NN of/IN the/DT singular/NN nature/NN of/IN words/NNS like/IN each/DT ,/, everybody/NN ,/, everyone/NN ,/, etc/FW ./.
is/VBZ probably/RB pedantry/NN ,/, for/IN sense/NN and/CC logic/NN are/VBP not/RB sacrificed/JJ by/IN changing/VBG them/PRP to/TO plurals/NNS ,/, with/IN the/DT added/VBN benefit/NN of/IN avoiding/VBG the/DT dreaded/VBN he/PRP &slash;/NN his/PRP$ &slash;/NN him/PRP ,/, regarded/VBN by/IN feminists/NNS as/IN the/DT bearer/NN of/IN the/DT stigma/NN of/IN male/JJ machismo/NN ./.
In/IN many/JJ cases/NNS ,/, the/DT paraphrase/VBP ,/, All/DT students/NNS should/MD bring/VB their/PRP$ books/NNS to/TO class/NN tomorrow/NN ,/, and/CC similar/JJ pluralizations/NNS will/MD conveniently/RB turn/VB the/DT trick/NN without/IN distorting/VBG the/DT meaning/NN ./.
One/CD is/VBZ led/VBN to/TO considering/VBG the/DT establishment/NN of/IN a/DT hierarchy/NN of/IN the/DT heinousness/NNS ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP a/DT very/RB low/JJ tolerance/NN for/IN spelling/VBG errors/NNS and/CC grammatical/JJ solecisms/NNS in/IN letters/NNS of/IN application/NN from/IN those/DT soliciting/VBG work/NN :/: job/NN applicants/NNS who/WP are/VBP too/RB careless/JJ to/TO correct/VB the/DT capitalization/NN of/IN california/NN and/CC the/DT spelling/VBG Britian/NNP get/VB short/JJ shrift/NN ,/, though/IN I/PRP am/VBP more/JJR tolerant/NN of/IN those/DT using/VBG presently/RB for/IN now/RB ./.
A/DT great/JJ deal/NN can/MD be/VB determined/VBN from/IN a/DT personal/JJ interview--somewhat/JJ more/RBR complicated/JJ with/IN an/DT applicant/NN a/DT thousand/CD miles/NNS away--but/JJ dialect/NN differences/NNS must/MD be/VB accounted/VBN for/IN ,/, too/RB ./.
For/IN instance/NN ,/, the/DT British/JJ use/NN the/DT word/NN machismo/NN (/( but/CC pronounce/NN it/PRP ,/, almost/RB invariably/RB ,/, as/IN if/IN it/PRP were/VBD a/DT loanword/NN from/IN Italian/JJ ,/, with/IN a/SYM -/: k/NN -/: where/WRB the/DT Spanish/JJ has/VBZ a/SYM -/: tch/NN -/: )/) ./.
Yet/RB macho/NN is/VBZ uttered/VBD with/IN a/SYM -/: tch/NN -/: ,/, possibly/RB to/TO distinguish/VB it/PRP from/IN one/CD of/IN the/DT pronunciations/NNS of/IN the/DT word/NN for/IN a/DT variety/NN of/IN shark/NN ./.
The/DT OED/NNP 2/CD e/SYM is/VBZ not/RB tuned/VBN in/IN to/TO this/DT pronunciation/NN of/IN machismo/NN ,/, showing/VBG only/RB the/DT -/: tch/NN -/: pronunciation/NN ;/: the/DT Longman/NNP and/CC the/DT newer/JJR Oxford/NNP Concise/NNP show/NN both/DT ,/, but/CC with/IN -/: tch/NN -/: first/JJ ;/: only/RB the/DT Collins/NNP ,/, of/IN those/DT British/JJ dictionaries/NNS I/PRP checked/VBD ,/, shows/VBZ the/DT -/: k/NN -/: pronunciation/NN as/IN prevalent/JJ ./.
One/CD professional/JJ British/JJ lexicographer/NN told/VBD me/PRP ,/, categorically/RB ,/, that/IN no/DT one/CD uses/VBZ the/DT -/: tch/NN -/: pronunciation/NN in/IN Britain/NNP ,/, where/WRB it/PRP would/MD be/VB regarded/VBN as/IN wrong/JJ or/CC pedantic/JJ ./.
If/IN he/PRP is/VBZ right/NN ,/, then/RB those/DT who/WP show/VBP it/PRP at/IN all/DT are/VBP merely/RB genuflecting/VBG in/IN the/DT direction/NN of/IN the/DT purists/NNS ./.
Proceeds/NNS from/IN sales/NNS of/IN carved/VBN ducks/NNS go/VBP to/TO handicap/VB children/NNS ./.
[/NN A/DT sign/NN in/IN a/DT Greek/JJ pizeria/NN in/IN Peabody/NNP ,/, Massachusetts/NNP ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ]/NN
Hot/NNP Cod/NNP Pieces/NNS are/VBP Perfect/NNP for/IN Little/NNP Soldiers/NNS ./.
[/NN Headline/NNP in/IN The/DT Australian/JJ ,/, ./.
Submited/NNP by/IN ]/NN
Responding/VBG to/TO Douglas/NNP S/NNP ./.
Dodge/NNP 's/POS article/NN on/IN binomial/NN nomenclature/NN ,/, Why/WRB All/DT Living/VBG Things/NNS Have/VBP Latin/NNP Names/NNPS [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 44/CD ]/) ,/, it/PRP would/MD be/VB appropriate/JJ to/TO point/VB out/IN that/IN bacteria/NNS also/RB have/VBP genus/JJ and/CC species/NNS names/NNS ,/, adjudicated/JJ by/IN a/DT separate/JJ International/NNP Code/NNP of/IN Bacterial/NNP Nomenclature/NNP ./.
Some/DT years/NNS ago/RB a/DT Congressman/NNP introduced/VBD a/DT bill/NN to/TO change/VB the/DT genus/JJ name/NN of/IN the/DT bacterium/NN Salmonella/NNP ,/, which/WDT includes/VBZ the/DT species/NNS causing/VBG typhoid/NN fever/NN and/CC other/JJ diseasecausing/VBG species/NNS ./.
He/PRP thought/VBD it/PRP gave/VBD offense/NN to/TO the/DT salmon/NN industry/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP proposed/VBD to/TO right/NN this/DT dreadful/JJ wrong/NN ./.
Microbiologists/NNP laughed/VBD and/CC laughed/VBD :/: in/IN the/DT first/JJ place/NN ,/, nobody/NN but/CC the/DT official/JJ committee/NN on/IN nomenclature/NN is/VBZ authorized/VBN to/TO change/VB a/DT bacterial/JJ name/NN ;/: second/JJ ,/, Salmonella/NNP is/VBZ recognized/VBN internationally/RB ,/, not/RB just/RB in/IN the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
;/: and/CC third/JJ ,/, the/DT bacterium/NN was/VBD named/VBN not/RB after/IN the/DT fish/NN but/CC after/IN an/DT American/JJ bacteriologist/NN ,/, Daniel/NNP E/NNP ./.
Salmon/NNP (/( 1850/CD -/: 1914/CD )/) ./.
Ornithorhynchus/NNP (/( not/RB ,/, as/IN printed/VBN ,/, Ornithorhyncus/NNP )/) anatinas/NNS is/VBZ a/DT hybrid/NN of/IN two/CD binomials/NNS :/: the/DT first/JJ is/VBZ the/DT accepted/VBN Ornithorhynchus/NNP paradoxus/JJ ,/, the/DT second/NN ,/, the/DT earlier/JJR (/( by/IN one/CD year/NN )/) Platypus/NNP anatinas/NNS ,/, which/WDT was/VBD discarded/VBN because/IN it/PRP had/VBD already/RB been/VBN used/VBN for/IN a/DT genus/JJ of/IN Coleoptera/NNP (/( beetles/NNS )/) ./.
Perhaps/RB the/DT final/JJ word/NN on/IN this/DT should/MD be/VB Oliver/NNP Herford/NNP 's/POS poem/NN (/( from/IN This/DT Giddy/NNP Globe/NNP ,/, George/NNP H/NNP ./.
Doran/NNP ,/, 1919/CD )/) :/:
My/PRP$ child/NN ,/, the/DT duck-billed/JJ platypus/JJ A/DT sad/JJ example/NN sets/NNS for/IN us/PRP ./.
From/IN him/PRP we/PRP learn/VBP how/WRB indecision/NN Of/IN character/NN provokes/NNS derision/NN ./.
This/DT vacillating/VBG beast/NN ,/, you/PRP see/VBP ,/, Could/MD not/RB decide/VB which/WDT he/PRP would/MD be--/JJ Fish/NN ,/, flesh/NN ,/, or/CC fowl--and/JJ chose/VBD all/DT three/CD ./.
The/DT scientists/NNS were/VBD sorely/RB vexed/JJ ,/, To/TO classify/VB him/PRP so/RB perplexed/JJ Their/PRP$ brains/NNS that/IN they/PRP with/IN rags/NNS at/IN bay/NN Called/VBD him/PRP a/DT horrid/NN name/NN one/CD day/NN ,/, A/DT name/NN that/IN baffles/NNS ,/, frights/NNS ,/, and/CC shocks/NNS us/PRP ,/, Ornithorhynchus/NNP paradoxus/JJ ./.
Further/RB to/TO the/DT letter/NN of/IN Douglas/NNP S/NNP ./.
Dodge/NNP [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 18/CD ]/) regarding/VBG tripes/NNS á/NN la/FW mode/NN de/IN Caen/NNP ,/, please/VB note/NN that/IN the/DT Caen/NNP referred/VBD to/TO is/VBZ not/RB the/DT French/JJ place/NN name/NN but/CC the/DT name/NN of/IN the/DT San/NNP Franciscan/JJ writer/NN and/CC journalist/NN ,/, Herb/NNP Caen/NNP ./.
The/DT dish/NN in/IN question/NN in/IN his/PRP$ invention/NN ,/, first/RB prepared/VBN at/IN Trader/NNP Vic/NNP 's/POS restaurant/NN ./.
John/NNP Kahn/NNP 's/POS article/NN ,/, Lexicographic/NNP Quirks/NNP and/CC Whimsy/NNP [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 10/CD ]/) ,/, which/WDT touched/VBD on/IN the/DT definitions/NNS of/IN animals/NNS in/IN early/JJ dictionaries/NNS ,/, reminded/VBD me/PRP of/IN one/CD of/IN my/PRP$ favorites/NNS ,/, from/IN Edward/NNP Phillips/NNP 's/POS New/NNP World/NNP of/IN Words/NNPS (/( 1720/CD )/) :/:
APOSTA/NNP ,/, a/DT creature/NN in/IN the/DT island/NN of/IN Tobago/NNP ,/, in/IN America/NNP ,/, so/RB much/JJ in/IN love/NN with/IN men/NNS ,/, that/IN it/PRP often/RB follows/VBZ them/PRP and/CC delights/VBZ to/TO gaze/VBP on/IN them/PRP ./.
Nathan/NNP Bailey/NNP modified/VBN it/PRP to/TO :/:
APOSTA/NNP ,/, a/DT creature/NN in/IN America/NNP ,/, so/RB great/JJ a/DT lover/NN of/IN men/NNS ,/, that/IN it/PRP follows/VBZ them/PRP and/CC delights/VBZ to/TO gaze/VBP on/IN them/PRP ./.
REST-HOME/NNP ,/, I/PRP spent/VBD my/PRP$ vacation/NN at/IN a/DT rest-home/JJ ./.
Your/PRP$ breezy/JJ note/NN on/IN street/NN names/NNS [/( OBITER/NNP DICTA/NNP ,/, Name/NN Withheld/NNP ,/, XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 20/CD ]/) ,/, suggested/VBD certain/JJ categories/NNS that/WDT might/MD lend/VB more/JJR pizzazz/NN to/TO the/DT scene/NN ./.
As/IN the/DT result/NN of/IN observation/NN over/IN a/DT period/NN of/IN many/JJ years/NNS of/IN driving/VBG through/IN or/CC past/JJ suburban/JJ residential/JJ developments/NNS within/IN a/DT half/JJ hour/NN of/IN my/PRP$ home/NN ,/, I/PRP have/VBP induced/VBN principles/NNS of/IN street/NN taxonomy/NN ,/, by/IN sheer/JJ inference/NN ,/, that/WDT demonstrate/VBP that/IN streets/NNS in/IN such/JJ places/NNS are/VBP designated/VBN by/IN :/:
(/( 1/LS )/) Surnames/NNP of/IN friends/NNS or/CC business/NN associates/NNS of/IN the/DT developer/NN which/WDT ,/, for/IN some/DT reason/NN tend/VBP to/TO be/VB less/JJR than/IN euphonious--at/JJ least/JJS in/IN my/PRP$ universe/NN :/: Unruh/NNP ,/, Hoffnagle/NNP ,/, Gilham/NNP ,/, Solly/NNP ,/, Alburger/NNP ,/, Napfle/NNP ,/, Knorr/NNP ,/, Borbeck/NNP ./.
(/( 2/LS )/) Given/VBN names/NNS of/IN family/NN members/NNS of/IN the/DT developer/NN or/CC his/PRP$ friends/NNS ,/, primarily/RB to/TO celebrate/VB wives/NNS and/CC children/NNS :/: Christopher/NNP Drive/NNP ,/, Lee/NNP Lynn/NNP Lane/NNP ,/, Arthur/NNP ,/, Marvin/NNP ,/, Jane/NNP ,/, and/CC Elizabeth/NNP Road/NNP ,/, Delia/NNP and/CC Alexis/NNP Lane/NNP ,/, Andrew/NNP [/( and/CC ]/) Shelly/NNP [/( Street/NNP ]/) ./.
Of/IN course/NN these/DT principles/NNS do/VBP not/RB account/VB for/IN all/PDT the/DT streets/NNS in/IN a/DT particular/JJ development/NN and/CC do/VBP not/RB necessarily/RB apply/VB in/IN all/DT developments/NNS ,/, but/CC I/PRP cannot/NN be/VB responsible/JJ for/IN a/DT developer/NN 's/POS ignorance/NN of/IN my/PRP$ findings/NNS or/CC for/IN his/PRP$ aberrant/NN conduct/NN in/IN disregarding/VBG them/PRP ./.
The/DT comment/NN about/IN street/NN names/NNS reminded/VBD me/PRP of/IN a/DT punning/VBG name/NN in/IN Ohio/NNP for/IN which/WDT credit/VBP must/MD probably/RB go/VB to/TO the/DT Ford/NNP Motor/NNP Company/NNP ./.
Several/JJ years/NNS ago/RB they/PRP built/VBD a/DT transmission/NN plant/NN near/IN Cincinnati/NNP and/CC had/VBD to/TO make/VB a/DT new/JJ access/NN road/NN ,/, for/IN which/WDT some/DT genius/NN chose/VBD the/DT name/NN ,/, Front/NNP Wheel/NNP Drive/NNP ./.
I/PRP was/VBD intrigued/VBN by/IN Leslie/NNP Brunetta/NNP 's/POS description/NN of/IN Italian/JJ surnames/NNS ,/, Frailty/NNP ,/, Thy/NNP Name/NN is/VBZ Bevilacqua/NNP [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 1/CD ]/) ,/, in/IN particular/NN of/IN Bevilacqua/NNP and/CC Bévivino/NNP ./.
It/PRP recalled/VBD a/DT meeting/NN ,/, some/DT years/NNS ago/RB ,/, of/IN the/DT Journal/NNP and/CC Publicity/NN Committee/NNP of/IN the/DT Professional/NNP Institute/NNP of/IN the/DT Public/NNP Service/NNP of/IN Canada/NNP ./.
It/PRP was/VBD revealed/VBN that/IN the/DT editor/NN ,/, Bill/NNP Drinkwater/NNP ,/, had/VBD been/VBN hired/VBN by/IN Dr/NNP ./.
Boivin/NNP ,/, of/IN the/DT Board/NNP of/IN Directors/NNS ./.
At/IN that/DT point/NN ,/, someone/NN remarked/VBD that/IN The/DT fact/NN that/IN Dr/NNP ./.
Boivin/NNP hired/VBD Mr/NNP ./.
Drinkwater/NNP surely/RB must/MD tell/VB us/PRP something/NN about/IN the/DT two/CD predominant/NN linguistic/JJ groups/NNS in/IN this/DT country/NN ./.
Boileau/NNP is/VBZ also/RB a/DT common/JJ French/JJ name/NN ./.
Yet/RB ,/, despite/IN the/DT existence/NN of/IN English/NNP names/NNS like/IN Winthrop/NNP ,/, Windsor/NNP ,/, Winston/NNP ,/, Winchester/NNP ,/, etc/FW ./.
The/DT comments/NNS on/IN street/NN names/NNS [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 2/CD ,/, 20/CD ]/) recalls/VBZ that/IN I/PRP live/VBP on/IN Nepean/NNP Street/NNP ,/, but/CC the/DT mailing/NN label/NN of/IN my/PRP$ New/NNP Yorker/NNP subscription/NN persists/VBZ in/IN showing/VBG it/PRP as/IN NE/NNP PEAN/NNP (/( suggesting/VBG Northeast/NNP Pean/NNP ?/.
)/) ,/, despite/IN attempts/NNS to/TO have/VB it/PRP corrected/VBD ./.
On/IN the/DT other/JJ hand/NN ,/, that/DT error/NN comes/VBZ in/IN handy/JJ when/WRB I/PRP receive/VBP junk/NN mail/NN ,/, for/IN I/PRP now/RB know/VBP who/WP is/VBZ selling/VBG my/PRP$ name/NN to/TO the/DT distributors/NNS of/IN such/JJ mail/NN ./.
A/DT correction/NN to/TO the/DT statement/NN in/IN Leslie/NNP Brunetta/NNP 's/POS article/NN ,/, Italian/NNP Amerigo/NNP is/VBZ simply/RB Henry/NNP in/IN English/NNP ./.
Amerigo/NNP is/VBZ from/IN Old/JJ German/NNP Amalricus/NNP (/( Latinized/NNP form/NN )/) ,/, from/IN amal/NN work/NN +/NN ricja/NN rule/NN ;/: it/PRP was/VBD introduced/VBN into/IN England/NNP at/IN the/DT time/NN of/IN the/DT Norman/NNP Conquest/NNP ./.
In/IN the/DT Domesday/NNP Book/NNP (/( 1086/CD )/) it/PRP is/VBZ Amalricus/NNP ,/, and/CC such/JJ forms/NNS as/IN Amauri/NNP ,/, Amery/NNP ,/, Emery/NNP developed/VBD later/RB ./.
Henry/NNP is/VBZ from/IN Old/JJ German/NNP Haimirich/NNP ,/, Latinized/NNP as/IN Henricus/NNP ,/, from/IN haimi/NN home/NN +/NN ricja/NN rule/NN ./.
On/IN phonological/JJ grounds/NNS alone/RB the/DT first/JJ elements/NNS indicate/VBP different/JJ roots/NNS ./.
The/DT foregoing/VBG is/VBZ chiefly/RB from/IN the/DT Oxford/NNP Dictionary/NNP of/IN English/NNP Christian/NNP Names/NNPS ,/, E/NNP ./.
G/NNP ./.
Withycombe/NNP ,/, Oxford/NNP University/NNP Press/NNP ,/, 1947/CD ./.
I/PRP missed/VBD two/CD classic/JJ spoonerisms/NNS in/IN XVIII/NNP ,/, 4/CD :/: the/DT one/CD that/WDT spells/VBZ the/DT difference/NN between/IN a/DT game/NN cock/NN and/CC a/DT shysters/NNS lawyer/NN (/( a/DT game/NN cock/NN clucks/NNS defiance/NN )/) ,/, and/CC the/DT difference/NN between/IN a/DT lady/NN in/IN the/DT bath/NN and/CC a/DT lady/NN in/IN the/DT church/NN (/( the/DT latter/NN has/VBZ a/DT hope/NN in/IN her/PRP$ soul/NN )/) ./.
I/PRP am/VBP writing/VBG to/TO add/VB to/TO Mr/NNP ./.
Douglas/NNP S/NNP ./.
Dodge/NNP 's/POS contrepèteries/NNS ,/, as/IN he/PRP requested/VBD [/( EPISTOLAE/NNP ,/, XIX/NNP ,/, 217/CD ]/) :/: after/IN smoking/VBG France/NNP 's/POS favorite/JJ cigarette/NN for/IN the/DT first/JJ time/NN :/: Qu/NNP '/POS est-ce/JJ que/NN c/SYM '/POS est/NN une/NN Blauloise/NNP Gueue/NNP ?/.
Ça/NN sert/NN de/IN mèche/NN ./.
If/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Dodge/NNP managed/VBD to/TO twist/NN the/DT subject/NN from/IN spoonerism/NN to/TO contrepèteries/NNS ,/, allow/VB me/PRP to/TO expand/VB the/DT game/NN to/TO a/DT third/JJ language/NN and/CC bring/VB on/IN Schüttelreime/NNP ,/, the/DT delightful/JJ German/JJ equivalent/NN ./.
Weil/NNP die/VB beiden/NN Moppel/NNP dort/NN Gar/NNP so/RB grässlich/NN zwiegesungen/NN ,/, Hat/NNP zu/NN einem/NN Doppelmord/NNP Der/NNP Besitzer/NNP sie/NN gezwungen/NN ./.
or/CC the/DT one/CD that/WDT takes/VBZ place/NN in/IN the/DT town/NN of/IN Gossensass/NNP after/IN a/DT heavy/JJ rain/NN :/:
Ein/NNP Auto/NNP fuhr/NN durch/NN Gossensass/NNP ,/, Und/NNP zwar/NN durch/NN eine/NN Sossengass/NNP '/POS Sodass/NNP die/NN ganze/NN Gassensoss/NNP '/POS Sich/NNP auf/NN die/NN Insassen/NNP goss/NNS ./.
and/CC finally/RB the/DT righteously/RB indigiant/NN one/CD about/IN an/DT ill-mannered/JJ youngster/NN at/IN the/DT Spanish/JJ court/NN :/:
Unerhörte/NNP Finten/NNP ,/, das/NNS !/.
Schüttet/NNP er/UH ein/NN Tintenfass/NNP Über/NN alter/VB Tanten/NNP Füss/NNP !/.
Schikt/NNP such/JJ für/NN Infanten/NNP dies/VBZ ?/.
I/PRP trust/VBP that/IN Mr/NNP ./.
Ford/NNP ,/, who/WP started/VBD it/PRP all/DT by/IN Spiking/NNP Lunars/NNP [/( XVIII/NNP ,/, 4/CD ,/, 6/CD ]/) is/VBZ not/RB going/VBG to/TO take/VB umbrage/NN at/IN the/DT turn/NN of/RP this/DT multilingual/NN coda/NN ./.
Do/VBP you/PRP have/VB a/DT Department/NNP for/IN or/CC an/DT Anthology/NNP of/IN Bilingual/NNP Puns/NNP ?/.
Here/RB is/VBZ one/CD of/IN my/PRP$ own/JJ spontaneous/JJ creations/NNS ,/, uttered/VBD while/IN dining/NN at/IN a/DT French/JJ restaurant/NN :/: the/DT menu/NN item/NN oeuf/NN russe/NN was/VBD described/VBN by/IN the/DT waiter/NN as/IN a/DT hard-boiled/JJ egg/NN having/VBG its/PRP$ yolk/NN chopped/VBN ,/, seasoned/JJ and/CC restored/VBN into/IN the/DT cooked/VBN white/JJ ./.
I/PRP ordered/VBD it/PRP and/CC it/PRP was/VBD served/VBN as/IN a/DT half/NN white/JJ ,/, duly/RB stuffed/VBN ,/, prompting/VBG me/PRP to/TO exclaim/NN ,/, A/DT half/PDT an/DT egg/NN is/VBZ not/RB an/DT oeuf/NN ./.
[/NN In/IN my/PRP$ (/( vast/JJ )/) culinary/JJ experience/NN ,/, the/DT term/NN is/VBZ oeuf/NN à/NN la/FW Russe/NNP ,/, and/CC it/PRP consists/VBZ merely/RB of/IN a/DT hard-boiled/JJ egg/NN ,/, cut/VB in/IN half/JJ lengthwise/NN ,/, served/VBD with/IN a/DT mustardy/NN mayonnaise/NN sauce/NN and/CC ,/, if/IN one/CD is/VBZ lucky/JJ ,/, a/DT caper/NN or/CC two/CD ./.
The/DT stuffed/VBN egg/NN dish/NN is/VBZ described/VBN ,/, within/IN the/DT cordon/NN culinaire/NN that/IN I/PRP frequent/JJ ,/, as/IN deviled/JJ egg/NN and/CC is/VBZ usually/RB associated/VBN with/IN canapés/NNS served/VBD bugget/NN style/NN at/IN picnics/NNS ,/, and/CC similar/JJ al/NN fresco/NN affairs/NNS ./.
-/: -/: Editor/NNP ]/NN
In/IN Mr/NNP ./.
William/NNP Brashear/NNP 's/POS Hocus/NNP Pocus/NNP [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 1/CD ,/, 1/CD ]/) ,/, the/DT nonsensical/JJ magical/JJ words/NNS from/IN Goethe/NNP 's/POS Reineke/NNP Fuchs/NNP ,/, nekrast/NN negibaul/NN geid/NN sum/NN manteflih/NN dnudna/NN mein/NN tedachs/NNS make/VBP sense/NN when/WRB the/DT words/NNS are/VBP read/VBN backwards/JJ (/( with/IN some/DT anagrammatical/JJ liberties/NNS )/) :/:
Schadet/NNP niemand/NN und/NN hilfet/NN ,/, Man/NN mus/JJ (/( s/VBZ )/) die/VB Gläubigen/NNP stärken/NN ,/, which/WDT freely/RB translates/NNS into/IN Harm/NNP nobody/NN and/CC help/VB ,/, one/PRP must/MD strengthen/VB the/DT believers/NNS ./.
I/PRP enjoyed/VBD David/NNP Galef/NNP 's/POS What/WP a/DT Cliché/NNP !/.
[/NN XIX/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 1/CD ]/) and/CC offer/NN for/IN the/DT archives/NNS Jacqueline/NNP Adams/NNP 's/POS They/PRP 're/VBP both/DT tarnished/VBN with/IN the/DT same/JJ brush/NN ,/, uttered/VBD on/IN a/DT recent/JJ CBS/NNP Nightly/NNP News/NNP (/( February/NNP 1993/CD )/) ./.
Additions/NNP to/TO the/DT list/NN of/IN What/WP a/DT Cliché/NNP !/.
separate/VB the/DT wheat/NN from/IN the/DT shaft/NN and/CC green/JJ behind/IN the/DT ears/NNS ./.
What/WP a/DT Cliché/NNP !/.
recalls/VBZ the/DT mixed/JJ metaphors/NNS quoted/VBN in/IN The/DT News/NNP [/( Boca/NNP Raton/NNP ,/, June/NNP 8/CD ,/, 1992/CD ]/) ,/, attributed/VBD to/TO a/DT University/NNP of/IN Florida/NNP professor/NN of/IN political/JJ science/NN ,/, Walter/NNP Rosenbaum/NNP :/:
Because/IN Florida/NNP is/VBZ on/IN the/DT leading/VBG edge/NN of/IN the/DT graying/NN of/IN America/NNP ,/, this/DT study/NN raises/VBZ new/JJ concerns/NNS about/IN a/DT growing/VBG gulf/NN between/IN young/JJ and/CC old/JJ and/CC the/DT possibility/NN of/IN a/DT national/JJ backlash/NN against/IN the/DT aging/VBG ./.
Karen/NNP Marcus/NNP ,/, Chairwoman/NNP of/IN the/DT Palm/NNP Beach/NNP County/NNP Board/NNP of/IN County/NNP Commissioners/NNP ,/, issued/VBD a/DT directive/NN at/IN a/DT meeting/NN in/IN June/NNP 1992/CD (/( evidently/RB a/DT good/JJ vintage/NN year/NN for/IN mixed/JJ metaphors/NNS )/) in/IN which/WDT she/PRP said/VBD ,/,
so/IN that/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB need/VB to/TO spin/VB your/PRP$ wheels/NNS until/IN you/PRP have/VBP something/NN to/TO sink/VB your/PRP$ teeth/NNS into/IN ./.
At/IN the/DT same/JJ meeting/NN ,/, the/DT lone/JJ male/JJ commissioner/NN noted/VBD that/DT something/NN would/MD open/VB up/RP a/DT whole/JJ ball/NN of/IN wax/NN ./.
Alex/NNP Berlyne/NNP ,/, in/IN Front/NNP Back-axle/NNP [/( XIX/NNP ,/, 3/CD ,/, 29/CD ]/) ,/, finds/VBZ it/PRP beyond/IN understanding/NN how/WRB the/DT Hebrew/NNP word/NN pony/NN (/( which/WDT he/PRP believes/VBZ to/TO be/VB borrowed/VBN from/IN ponytail/NN )/) has/VBZ come/VBN to/TO stand/VB for/IN fringe/NN or/CC bangs/VBZ in/IN the/DT sense/NN of/IN hair/NN combed/VBN forward/RB over/IN the/DT forehead/NN ./.
However/RB ,/, in/IN German/JJ ,/, French/JJ ,/, and/CC Dutch/JJ ,/, pony/NN (/( or/CC pony/NN hair/NN )/) has/VBZ always/RB signified/VBD that/DT hairstyle/NN ,/, even/RB long/RB before/IN the/DT ponytail/NN came/VBD into/IN fashion/NN ./.
Pony/NNP is/VBZ not/RB a/DT shortening/NN of/IN ponytail/NN but/CC an/DT immigrant/JJ in/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ right/NN ,/, and/CC undoubtedly/RB the/DT older/JJR of/IN the/DT two/CD ./.
Sarasate/NNP had/VBD the/DT fastest/JJS fingers/NNS ever/RB to/TO set/VB foot/NN on/IN stage/NN ./.
[/NN From/IN St/NNP ./.
Paul/NNP Sunday/NNP morning/NN ,/, MPBN/NNP ,/, ./.
Submitted/NNP by/IN ]/NN
Movie/NNP :/: Of/IN Human/NNP Bandage/NNP ./.
[/NN From/IN TV/NNP Supplement/NNP to/TO the/DT St/NNP ./.
Petersburg/NNP Times/NNP ./.
Born/VBN in/IN Minden/NNP ,/, Neb/NNP ./.
,/, in/IN 1886/CD ,/, she/PRP was/VBD one/CD of/IN five/CD children/NNS of/IN a/DT Congregational/NNP minister/NN ,/, who/WP also/RB ran/VBD a/DT grain/NN elevator/NN ,/, and/CC his/PRP$ wife/NN ./.
The/DT Los/NNP Angeles/NNP Times/NNP leads/VBZ with/IN news/NN that/IN global/JJ stock/NN markets/NNS strongly/RB rebounded/VBD on/IN Friday/NNP from/IN a/DT dramatic/JJ dip/NN earlier/RBR in/IN the/DT week/NN ,/, sending/VBG the/DT Dow/NNP Jones/NNP industrial/JJ average/NN to/TO an/DT all-time/JJ high/NN :/: 11/CD ,/, 522/CD ./.
56/CD ./.
A/DT New/NNP York/NNP Times/NNP lead/VB ,/, poorly/RB written/VBN and/CC edited/JJ ,/, says/VBZ Vice/NNP President/NNP Al/NNP Gore/NNP retreated/VBD from/IN a/DT declaration/NN made/VBN during/IN his/PRP$ Wednesday/NNP debate/NN with/IN Bill/NNP Bradley/NNP that/IN he/PRP would/MD require/VB any/DT person/NN he/PRP nominated/VBD to/TO a/DT chief/NN of/IN staff/NN position/NN to/TO "/" agree/VBP in/IN advance/NN [/( that/WDT is/VBZ ,/, before/IN getting/VBG the/DT nomination/NN ,/, ]/) to/TO let/VB gays/NNS serve/VB openly/RB in/IN the/DT military/NN ./.
"/" A/DT Washington/NNP Post/NNP story/NN ,/, reefered/JJ on/IN the/DT front/NN in/IN an/DT early/JJ edition/NN and/CC fronted/JJ in/IN a/DT later/RB one/CD ,/, explains/VBZ the/DT story/NN more/RBR clearly/RB ./.
Gore/NNP 's/POS position/NN ,/, now/RB the/DT same/JJ as/IN Bradley/NNP 's/POS ,/, is/VBZ that/IN gays/NNS should/MD be/VB allowed/VBN to/TO serve/VB openly/RB in/IN the/DT military/NN ,/, and/CC he/PRP would/MD require/VB his/PRP$ Joint/NNP Chiefs/NNPS of/IN Staff/NNP to/TO carry/VB out/IN such/JJ a/DT policy/NN ,/, but/CC not/RB require/VB them/PRP to/TO support/VB it/PRP before/IN appointment/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP stuffs/NNS the/DT news/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP goes/VBZ with/IN President/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS impending/JJ announcement/NN of/IN an/DT aid/NN package/NN promising/JJ Colombia/NNP more/JJR than/IN $/$ 1/CD billion/CD over/IN the/DT next/JJ two/CD years/NNS ./.
He/PRP developed/VBD the/DT proposal/NN after/IN congressional/JJ Republicans/NNPS proposed/VBD their/PRP$ own/JJ $/$ 1/CD ./.
6/CD -/: billion-over-three-years/JJ plan/NN ;/: and/CC after/IN Colombian/JJ President/NNP Andres/NNP Pastrana/NNP asked/VBD the/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
to/TO help/VB pay/VB for/IN a/DT comprehensive/JJ Colombian/JJ improvement/NN plan/NN he/PRP developed/VBD ./.
The/DT big/JJ difference/NN in/IN the/DT two/CD packages/NNS is/VBZ that/IN the/DT GOP/NNP wants/VBZ most/JJS of/IN the/DT money/NN to/TO go/VB to/TO police/VB and/CC drug/NN trafficking/NN while/IN Clinton/NNP wants/VBZ it/PRP "/" more/RBR evenly/RB divided/VBN between/IN those/DT efforts/NNS and/CC government/NN infrastructure/NN and/CC economic/JJ assistance/NN ,/, "/" like/IN Pastrana/NNP wants/VBZ ./.
The/DT issue/NN of/IN giving/VBG military/JJ aid/NN to/TO Colombia/NNP is/VBZ complicated/VBN by/IN the/DT rebel/NN forces/NNS that/WDT control/NN "/" most/JJS of/IN the/DT country/NN 's/POS drug-producing/JJ regions/NNS "/" and/CC by/IN Colombia/NNP 's/POS "/" unsavory/JJ human/JJ rights/NNS record/NN ./.
"/" The/DT NYT/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB seem/VB to/TO carry/VB the/DT story/NN at/IN all/DT ;/: the/DT LAT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT wire/NN piece/NN about/IN it/PRP ./.
Speaking/NN of/IN unsavory/JJ human/JJ rights/NNS records/NNS ./.
a/DT NYT/NNP front/JJ piece/NN announces/VBZ "/" Florida/NNP Passes/NNP Bill/NNP to/TO Quicken/NNP Execution/NNP Pace/NNP ./.
"/" Gov/NNP ./.
Jeb/NNP Bush/NNP proposed/VBD and/CC pushed/VBN through/IN the/DT bill/NN ,/, modeled/VBD on/IN a/DT 1995/CD Texas/NNP law/NN his/PRP$ brother/NN ,/, Texas/NNP governor/NN and/CC presidential/JJ hopeful/JJ George/NNP W/NNP ./.
,/, proposed/VBN and/CC pushed/VBN through/IN ./.
GWB/NNP has/VBZ overseen/VBN the/DT executions/NNS of/IN 111/CD men/NNS and/CC one/CD woman/NN ./.
(/( By/IN the/DT way/NN ,/, the/DT ACLU/NNP claims/VBZ that/IN there/EX have/VBP been/VBN 581/CD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
executions/NNS since/IN the/DT Supreme/NNP Court/NNP reinstated/VBD the/DT death/NN penalty/NN in/IN 1976/CD ./.
So/RB GWB/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN responsible/JJ for/IN almost/RB one-fifth/NN of/IN the/DT total/NN ./.
)/) The/DT Florida/NNP law/NN will/MD "/" shorten/VB the/DT length/NN between/IN sentencing/NN and/CC execution/NN to/TO 5/CD years/NNS "/" from/IN the/DT current/JJ average/NN of/IN 14/CD ./.
The/DT U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
Supreme/NNP Court/NNP plans/VBZ to/TO "/" review/NN Florida/NNP 's/POS use/NN of/IN the/DT electric/JJ chair/NN "/" because/IN the/DT state/NN has/VBZ botched/VBN a/DT number/NN of/IN executions/NNS ./.
Unfortunately/RB ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ not/RB until/IN almost/RB the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT piece/NN that/IN we/PRP learn/VBP "/" 87/CD people/NNS on/IN death/NN row/NN in/IN the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS have/VBP been/VBN found/VBN to/TO be/VB wrongly/RB convicted/VBN ,/, and/CC released/VBD [/( since/IN 1973/CD ]/) ./.
The/DT average/JJ time/NN those/DT inmates/NNS spent/VBD on/IN death/NN row/NN was/VBD seven/CD and/CC a/DT half/NN years/NNS ./.
"/" Not/RB five/CD ./.
The/DT piece/NN does/VBZ not/RB say/VB ,/, though/IN it/PRP should/MD ,/, how/WRB much/JJ it/PRP costs/VBZ to/TO execute/VB ,/, or/CC to/TO house/VB per/IN year/NN ,/, someone/NN on/IN death/NN row/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP does/VBZ n't/RB have/VB this/DT important/JJ story/NN ;/: the/DT Post/NNP only/RB has/VBZ a/DT graph/NN on/IN it/PRP halfway/RB through/IN its/PRP$ "/" Nation/NNP In/IN Brief/NNP "/" section/NN ./.
The/DT Post/NNP ,/, NYT/NNP ,/, and/CC LAT/NNP front/JJ stories/NNS about/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS suspension/NN of/IN airstrikes/NNS against/IN Grozny/NNP ,/, the/DT Chechen/NNP capital/NN ./.
Rebel/NN resistance/NN helped/VBD cause/VB the/DT moratorium/NN ./.
The/DT Russians/NNPS claimed/VBD the/DT pause/NN "/" was/VBD intended/VBN to/TO allow/VB the/DT thousands/NNS of/IN civilians/NNS still/RB trapped/VBN in/IN Grozny/NNP to/TO escape/VB from/IN the/DT fighting/VBG "/" (/( NYT/NNP )/) ./.
But/CC ,/, since/IN two/CD of/IN three/CD senior/JJ field/NN generals/NNS were/VBD replaced/VBN concurrently/RB ,/, the/DT "/" reason/NN behind/IN the/DT [/( suspension/NN ]/) ./.
was/VBD not/RB entirely/RB clear/JJ "/" (/( Post/NNP )/) ./.
The/DT WP/NNP piece/NN focuses/VBZ on/IN the/DT dismissals/NNS ./.
The/DT NYT/NNP reminds/VBZ that/IN Russian/JJ generals/NNS claimed/VBD last/JJ week/NN they/PRP would/MD quicfkly/RB crush/VB the/DT rebels/NNS ./.
Both/DT Times/NNP point/NN out/IN that/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS new/JJ acting/NN president/NN ,/, Vladimir/NNP Putin/NNP ,/, needs/VBZ Russia/NNP to/TO continue/VB to/TO appear/VB successful/JJ in/IN the/DT war/NN to/TO retain/VB popular/JJ support/NN ./.
The/DT LAT/NNP is/VBZ alone/RB in/IN quoting/VBG a/DT Moscow/NNP military/JJ analyst/NN who/WP thinks/VBZ "/" the/DT initiative/NN is/VBZ slipping/VBG from/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN the/DT worn-out/JJ military/JJ and/CC into/IN the/DT hands/NNS of/IN the/DT Chechen/NNP rebels/NNS "/" ;/: and/CC in/IN citing/VBG another/DT analyst/NN who/WP thought/VBD it/PRP suspicious/JJ that/IN Putin/NNP removed/VBD two/CD of/IN his/PRP$ most/RBS ardent/JJ supporters/NNS ,/, also/RB two/CD of/IN Russia/NNP 's/POS most/RBS popular/JJ generals/NNS ./.
The/DT Post/NNP reefers/NNS a/DT story/NN the/DT LAT/NNP off-leads/JJ and/CC the/DT NYT/NNP runs/VBZ a/DT wire/NN piece/NN about/IN :/: A/DT 14/CD -/: year-old/JJ Tibetan/NNP lama/NN ,/, one/CD of/IN Tibetan/NNP Buddhism/NNP 's/POS most/RBS honored/VBN leaders/NNS ,/, secretly/RB fled/VBD from/IN China/NNP to/TO India/NNP ,/, joining/VBG the/DT exile/NN movement/NN led/VBN by/IN the/DT Dalai/NNP Lama/NNP ./.
Scholars/NNP agree/VBP the/DT defection/NN is/VBZ likely/JJ embarrassing/VBG to/TO the/DT Chinese/JJ government/NN ,/, but/CC the/DT Chinese/JJ government/NN 's/POS spin/NN is/VBZ that/IN "/" it/PRP was/VBD due/JJ to/TO a/DT split/NN in/IN his/PRP$ movement/NN rather/RB than/IN disillusionment/NN with/IN life/NN in/IN China/NNP ./.
"/" As/IN the/DT LAT/NNP says/VBZ ,/, the/DT escape/NN "/" appeared/VBD to/TO dash/VB whatever/WDT hopes/VBZ remained/VBN for/IN a/DT compromise/NN between/IN Beijing/NNP "/" and/CC the/DT Tibetan/NNP Buddhist/NNP leadership/NN ./.
A/DT NYT/NNP correction/NN addressed/VBD an/DT inconsistency/NN TP/NNP noted/VBD yesterday/NN :/: "/" After/IN Gov/NNP ./.
George/NNP W/NNP ./.
Bush/NNP of/IN Texas/NNP said/VBD ,/, '/" I/PRP would/MD take/VB an/DT expression/NN into/IN the/DT Oval/NNP Office/NNP of/IN "/" Dear/RB God--help/NNP me/PRP !/.
"/" '/POS it/PRP was/VBD Gary/NNP L/NNP ./.
Bauer/NNP ,/, not/RB Alan/NNP Keyes/NNP ,/, who/WP replied/VBD ,/, '/" So/RB would/MD we/PRP ,/, governor/NN ./.
'/" "/"
The/DT mass/NN resignation/NN early/JJ Tuesday/NNP morning/NN of/IN all/DT 20/CD members/NNS of/IN the/DT European/NNP Commission--universally/NNP characterized/VBD as/IN the/DT most/RBS serious/JJ institutional/JJ crisis/NN in/IN the/DT 42/CD -/: year/NN history/NN of/IN the/DT European/JJ community--dominated/JJ European/JJ papers/NNS Wednesday/NNP ./.
The/DT Brussels-based/NNP commission/NN is/VBZ responsible/JJ for/IN the/DT day-to-day/JJ affairs/NNS of/IN the/DT 15/CD -/: member/NN European/NNP Union/NNP and/CC enforces/VBZ EU/NNP law/NN ./.
An/DT investigation/NN into/IN charges/NNS of/IN fraud/NN ,/, corruption/NN ,/, and/CC cronyism/NN found/VBD evidence/NN of/IN incompetence/NN ,/, mismanagement/NN ,/, and/CC loss/NN of/IN political/JJ control/NN ./.
Although/IN one/CD commissioner/NN ,/, former/JJ French/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Edith/NNP Cresson/NNP ,/, was/VBD singled/VBN out/IN for/IN particularly/RB strong/JJ criticism/NN ,/, commission/NN President/NNP Jacques/NNP Santer/NNP said/VBD the/DT body/NN chose/VBD "/" by/IN unanimity/NN to/TO resign/VB collectively/RB ./.
Le/NNP Soir/NNP of/IN Belgium/NNP supported/VBD the/DT dramatic/JJ gesture/NN of/IN unity/NN since/IN "/" it/PRP is/VBZ too/RB late/RB for/IN half-measures/JJ or/CC for/IN soft/JJ ,/, evasive/JJ answers/NNS "/" and/CC claimed/VBD the/DT resignations/NNS were/VBD needed/VBN because/IN the/DT commission/NN "/" suffers/VBZ from/IN a/DT democracy/NN deficit/NN and/CC therefore/RB a/DT lack/NN of/IN legitimacy/NN ./.
To/TO counterbalance/NN this/DT [/( it/PRP ]/) has/VBZ to/TO be/VB perfect/JJ ,/, spotless/JJ ./.
"/" In/IN contrast/NN ,/, the/DT Euro-skeptic/NNP Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP speculated/VBD that/IN the/DT collective/JJ action/NN might/MD ,/, in/IN fact/NN ,/, represent/VBP a/DT further/JJ avoidance/NN of/IN individual/JJ responsibility/NN ,/, and/CC worried/VBD about/IN the/DT possible/JJ "/" renomination/NN "/" of/IN the/DT entire/JJ commission/NN (/( an/DT idea/NN floated/VBN by/IN Santer/NNP Tuesday/NNP )/) :/: "/" This/DT supposedly/RB cathartic/JJ drama/NN could/MD end/VB up/RB as/IN a/NNP '/POS Japanese/JJ '/POS purge/VB ,/, in/IN which/WDT heads/VBZ roll/NN only/RB to/TO ensure/VB that/IN things/NNS continue/VBP much/JJ as/IN before/RB ,/, with/IN much/RB the/DT same/JJ discredited/VBN cast/NN ./.
That/DT would/MD be/VB an/DT outrage/NN ./.
France/NNP 's/POS Le/NNP Monde/NNP saw/VBD a/DT silver/NN lining/NN in/IN the/DT crisis/NN and/CC said/VBD the/DT institution/NN had/VBD to/TO seize/VB this/DT opportunity/NN to/TO "/" clean/VB up/IN its/PRP$ administrative/JJ and/CC financial/JJ habits/NNS ,/, improve/VB its/PRP$ decision-making/NN process/NN and/CC ,/, most/JJS of/IN all/DT ,/, rediscover/VB the/DT inspiration/NN and/CC drive/VB it/PRP has/VBZ lost/VBN ./.
This/DT might/MD even/RB mean/VB increasing/VBG its/PRP$ funding/NN and/CC staffing/NN levels/NNS ./.
"/" The/DT Guardian/NNP of/IN London/NNP pointed/VBD out/RP that/IN the/DT commission/NN 's/POS problems/NNS were/VBD partly/RB caused/VBN by/IN the/DT expansion/NN of/IN its/PRP$ responsibilities/NNS as/RB it/PRP "/" found/VBD itself/PRP taking/VBG on/IN ever/RB more/RBR grandiose/JJ tasks/NNS ,/, largely/RB on/IN the/DT demand/NN of/IN member/NN states/NNS ,/, with/IN progressively/RB more/RBR limited/JJ resources/NNS ./.
Yesterday/NN 's/POS report/NN shows/VBZ they/PRP did/VBD not/RB know/VB how/WRB to/TO cope/VB ./.
Meanwhile/RB ,/, there/EX is/VBZ no/DT resolution/NN in/IN sight/NN ./.
Germany/NNP and/CC Britain/NNP want/VBP to/TO replace/VB Santer/NNP as/RB soon/RB as/IN possible/JJ ,/, while/IN seven/CD other/JJ countries/NNS would/MD prefer/VB him/PRP to/TO remain/VB as/RB a/DT "/" caretaker/NN "/" until/IN Dec/NNP ./.
31/CD ,/, 1999/CD -/: -/: the/DT end/NN of/IN his/PRP$ term/NN ./.
Britain/NNP 's/POS Independent/NNP made/VBD its/PRP$ position/NN clear/JJ in/IN an/DT editorial/JJ Wednesday/NNP :/: "/" It/PRP is/VBZ time/NN to/TO clear/VB out/RP the/DT Eurotrash/NNP ./.
In/IN Ecuador/NNP ,/, Monday/NNP 's/POS reopening/VBG of/IN the/DT banks/NNS ,/, after/IN a/DT week/NN of/IN government-ordered/JJ closure/NN ,/, put/VBP the/DT population/NN in/IN the/DT streets/NNS ,/, as/IN depositors/NNS queued/JJ to/TO withdraw/VB their/PRP$ funds/NNS and/CC striking/JJ taxi/NN drivers/NNS and/CC bus/NN operators/NNS blocked/VBD roads/NNS to/TO protest/VB a/DT 165/CD percent/NN increase/NN in/IN the/DT price/NN of/IN gasoline/NN ./.
As/IN Quito/NNP faced/VBD its/PRP$ third/JJ day/NN of/IN roadblocks/NNS Wednesday/NNP ,/, Diario/NNP Hoy/NNP reported/VBD that/IN the/DT capital/NN was/VBD in/IN a/DT state/NN of/IN paralysis/NN with/IN schools/NNS closed/VBD and/CC provisions/NNS in/IN short/JJ supply/NN ./.
El/NNP Telégrafo/NNP of/IN Guayaquil/NNP blamed/VBD the/DT uncertainty/NN gripping/VBG the/DT populace/NN on/IN politicians/NNS '/POS failure/NN to/TO discuss/VB possible/JJ solutions/NNS to/TO the/DT crisis/NN ./.
"/" There/EX has/VBZ to/TO be/VB an/DT opening/NN and/CC communication/NN on/IN the/DT part/NN of/IN government/NN ./.
If/IN it/PRP wants/VBZ to/TO achieve/VB a/DT national/JJ accord/NN ,/, it/PRP 's/VBZ logical/JJ that/IN it/PRP must/MD display/VB an/DT openness/NN to/TO reconciliation/NN ./.
In/IN Beijing/NNP ,/, the/DT state-run/JJ China/NNP Daily/NNP pooh-poohed/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
media/NNS reports/NNS about/IN Chinese/JJ nuclear/JJ espionage/NN at/IN the/DT Los/NNP Alamos/NNP laboratories/NNS ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/JJ Wednesday/NNP ,/, the/DT paper/NN claimed/VBD ,/, "/" The/NNP '/POS lab-theft/JJ '/POS story/NN is/VBZ bound/VBN to/TO follow/VB in/IN the/DT footsteps/NNS of/IN the/NNP '/POS political/JJ donations/NNS '/POS and/CC '/POS satellite/NN secret/JJ leakage/NN '/" reports--to/JJ be/VB forgotten/VBN within/IN a/DT few/JJ weeks/NNS after/IN the/DT claims/NNS cannot/NN be/VB substantiated/JJ ./.
A/DT story/NN in/IN Asahi/NNP Shimbun/NNP of/IN Japan/NNP revealed/VBD that/IN Aum/NNP Shinrikyo/NNP ,/, the/DT cult/NN that/WDT attacked/VBD the/DT Tokyo/NNP subway/NN with/IN Sarin/NNP nerve/NN gas/NN in/IN 1995/CD ,/, is/VBZ enjoying/VBG a/DT resurgence/NN based/VBN in/IN part/NN on/IN the/DT financial/JJ security/NN provided/VBN by/IN a/DT chain/NN of/IN successful/JJ computer/NN stores/NNS affiliated/VBN with/IN the/DT group/NN ./.
The/DT paper/NN claims/NNS that/IN the/DT stores/NNS '/POS prosperity/NN stems/VBZ from/IN their/PRP$ cheap/JJ prices/NNS ,/, which/WDT are/VBP possible/JJ because/IN believers/NNS work/VBP for/IN next/JJ to/TO nothing/NN ./.
A/DT former/JJ member/NN of/IN the/DT group/NN told/VBD Asahi/NNP Shimbun/NNP that/IN "/" Aum/NNP followers/NNS work/VBP there/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT job/NN is/VBZ considered/VBN part/NN of/IN religious/JJ training/NN ./.
Their/PRP$ salaries/NNS are/VBP therefore/RB zero/CD ./.
"/" A/DT "/" public/JJ security/NN investigator/NN "/" quoted/VBN by/IN the/DT paper/NN speculated/VBD that/IN Aum/NNP will/MD "/" grow/VB into/IN a/DT stronger/JJR and/CC bigger/JJR organization/NN with/IN ironclad/JJ solidarity/NN "/" when/WRB Fumihiro/NNP Joyu/NNP ,/, a/DT senior/JJ cult/NN member/NN ,/, is/VBZ released/VBN from/IN prison/NN in/IN November/NNP ./.
The/DT Guardian/NNP of/IN London/NNP claimed/VBD Monday/NNP that/IN an/DT ecological/JJ catastrophe/NN "/" far/RB worse/JJR "/" than/IN the/DT Exxon/NNP Valdez/NNP accident/NN 10/CD years/NNS ago/RB could/MD happen/VB in/IN Alaska/NNP "/" at/IN any/DT moment/NN ./.
"/" Six/CD "/" senior/JJ employees/NNS "/" of/IN the/DT Trans-/NNP Alaska/NNP Pipeline/NNP System/NNP wrote/VBD to/TO Sir/NNP John/NNP Browne/NNP ,/, the/DT chief/JJ executive/NN of/IN BP/NNP Amoco/NNP ,/, and/CC to/TO three/CD U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
congressmen/NNS ,/, warning/NN of/IN an/DT imminent/JJ threat/NN to/TO human/JJ life/NN and/CC the/DT Alaskan/JJ environment/NN from/IN irresponsible/JJ oil/NN operations/NNS there/RB ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD in/IN its/PRP$ main/JJ front-page/JJ story/NN ./.
BP/NNP Amoco/NNP owns/VBZ 50/CD percent/NN of/IN Alyeska/NNP ,/, the/DT company/NN that/WDT operates/VBZ both/DT the/DT pipeline/NN and/CC the/DT Valdez/NNP oil/NN terminal/NN near/IN where/WRB the/DT huge/JJ tanker/NN Exxon/NNP Valdez/NNP crashed/VBD on/IN a/DT reef/NN in/IN 1989/CD ,/, spewing/VBG millions/NNS of/IN gallons/NNS of/IN heavy/JJ crude/NN into/IN Prince/NNP William/NNP Sound/NNP ./.
(/( Alyeska/NNP 's/POS other/JJ biggest/JJS shareholders/NNS are/VBP Exxon/NNP and/CC Arco/NNP ./.
)/) The/DT unnamed/JJ whistle-blowers/JJ included/JJ evidence/NN in/IN their/PRP$ letter/NN of/IN compliance/NN failures/NNS ,/, falsified/VBN safety/NN and/CC inspection/NN records/NNS ,/, intimidation/NN of/IN workers/NNS ,/, and/CC persistent/JJ violations/NNS of/IN procedures/NNS and/CC government/NN regulations/NNS ,/, the/DT Guardian/NNP reported/VBD ./.
Top/NNP Alyeska/NNP executives/NNS allegedly/RB instructed/VBN middle/JJ managers/NNS to/TO "/" disregard/NN and/CC &slash;/NN or/CC circumvent/VB "/" compliance/NN manuals/NNS and/CC codes/NNS of/IN conduct/NN and/CC to/TO "/" tone/NN down/RB ,/, alter/VB or/CC delete/VB negative/JJ reports/NNS ,/, including/VBG internal/JJ audits/NN and/CC surveillance/NN reports/NNS ./.
While/IN Indian/JJ newspapers/NNS reported/VBD Monday/NNP that/IN Pakistani-backed/NNP Muslim/NNP guerrillas/NNS have/VBP started/VBN pulling/VBG out/IN of/IN the/DT disputed/VBN Himalayan/NNP region/NN of/IN Kashmir--a/NNP development/NN described/VBN by/IN the/DT Hindu/NNP as/IN "/" a/DT dramatic/JJ victory/NN "/" for/IN India/NNP and/CC a/DT "/" total/JJ military/JJ rout/NN "/" for/IN Pakistan--the/NNP Pakistani/JJ daily/JJ Dawn/NNP led/VBD Monday/NNP on/IN planned/VBN protests/NNS by/IN Islamic/NNP militants/NNS against/IN the/DT withdrawal/NN ./.
As/IN Pakistani/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Nawaz/NNP Sharif/NNP prepared/VBD to/TO defend/VB the/DT withdrawl/NN in/IN a/DT national/JJ broadcast/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD several/JJ mujahideen/NN groups/NNS and/CC the/DT opposition/NN Jamaat-i-/NNP Islami/NNP Party/NNP announced/VBD that/IN anti-government/JJ demonstrations/NNS would/MD be/VB held/VBN in/IN the/DT Punjabi/NNP capital/NN Lahore/NNP and/CC in/IN the/DT port/NN city/NN of/IN Karachi/NNP ./.
Sharif/NNP is/VBZ planning/VBG to/TO argue/VB that/IN the/DT withdrawal/NN is/VBZ justified/JJ by/IN his/PRP$ winning/VBG unprecedented/JJ U/NNP ./.
S/NNP ./.
backing/VBG for/IN new/JJ Indo-/NNP Pakistani/JJ talks/NNS to/TO end/VB the/DT 52/CD -/: year-old/JJ deadlock/NN over/IN Kashmir/NNP ./.
But/CC Dawn/NNP said/VBD that/IN "/" persistent/JJ Indian/JJ rejection/NN of/IN anything/NN it/PRP sees/VBZ as/IN third-party/JJ mediation/NN might/MD undermine/VB his/PRP$ assertion/NN that/IN President/NNP Bill/NNP Clinton/NNP 's/POS pledge/NN to/TO take/VB a/DT personal/JJ interest/NN in/IN the/DT row/NN might/MD yield/VB progress/NN ./.
Indeed/RB ,/, the/DT Hindu/NNP reiterated/VBD Monday/NNP in/IN an/DT editorial/NN that/IN India/NNP must/MD resist/VB third-party/JJ intervention/NN ./.
"/" The/DT country/NN must/MD move/VB to/TO put/VB bilateral/JJ relations/NNS back/RB on/IN the/DT rails--and/JJ obviate/VB the/DT need/NN for/IN third/JJ parties/NNS ,/, "/" it/PRP said/VBD ./.
"/" There/EX is/VBZ no/DT alternative/NN but/CC to/TO seriously/RB engage/VB in/IN bilateral/JJ discussions/NNS with/IN Islamabad/NNP ./.
"/" In/IN another/DT Indian/JJ editorial/NN ,/, the/DT Times/NNP of/IN India/NNP said/VBD that/IN while/IN "/" Pakistan/NNP 's/POS fifth/JJ attempt/NN at/IN aggression/NN against/IN India/NNP "/" has/VBZ ended/VBN ,/, like/IN all/DT previous/JJ ones/NNS ,/, "/" in/IN ignominious/JJ defeat/NN ,/, "/" its/PRP$ leaders/NNS are/VBP "/" in/IN the/DT process/NN of/IN trying/VBG to/TO proclaim/VB victory/NN once/RB again/RB ./.
"/" To/TO counter/VB this/DT ,/, India/NNP should/MD compile/VB a/DT detailed/VBN list/NN of/IN the/DT Pakistani/JJ soldiers/NNS killed/VBN in/IN the/DT fighting/VBG and/CC publish/VB it/PRP in/IN the/DT media/NNS and/CC on/IN the/DT Internet/NN ./.
The/DT people/NNS of/IN Pakistan/NNP must/MD realize/VB the/DT extent/NN of/IN Pakistani/JJ casualties/NNS in/IN the/DT conflict/NN ,/, it/PRP said/VBD ./.
To/TO sustain/VB the/DT myth/NN that/IN only/RB unsupported/JJ mujahideen/NN guerrillas/NNS were/VBD involved/VBN ,/, "/" Pakistani/JJ officers/NNS and/CC soldiers/NNS killed/VBN in/IN combat/NN have/VBP been/VBN disowned/JJ by/IN their/PRP$ generals/NNS ,/, their/PRP$ services/NNS unacknowledged/JJ ;/: even/RB a/DT decent/JJ burial/NN has/VBZ been/VBN denied/VBN them/PRP ,/, "/" the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" A/DT nation/NN which/WDT repudiates/NNS its/PRP$ war/NN dead/JJ will/MD have/VB little/JJ credibility/NN among/IN its/PRP$ own/JJ people/NNS ./.
Dawn/NNP 's/POS editorial/NN Monday/NNP was/VBD devoted/VBN not/RB to/TO the/DT Kashmir/NNP crisis/NN but/CC to/TO the/DT safer/JJR subject/NN of/IN the/DT Arab-/NNP Israeli/JJ peace/NN process/NN ./.
It/PRP expressed/VBD misgivings/NNS about/IN a/DT statement/NN in/IN Cairo/NNP by/IN new/JJ Israeli/NNP Prime/NNP Minister/NNP Ehud/NNP Barak/NNP that/IN he/PRP wanted/VBD to/TO modify/VB parts/NNS of/IN the/DT Wye/NNP agreement/NN ./.
His/PRP$ predecessor/NN Benjamin/NNP Netanyahu/NNP has/VBZ done/VBN "/" incalculable/JJ damage/NN to/TO the/DT peace/NN process/NN "/" by/IN throwing/VBG Israel/NNP 's/POS commitment/NN to/TO international/JJ treaties/NNS into/IN doubt/NN ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD ./.
"/" Now/RB it/PRP is/VBZ Mr/NNP Barak/NNP 's/POS duty/NN to/TO correct/VB that/DT image/NN and/CC prove/VB to/TO the/DT world/NN that/IN agreements/NNS signed/VBN by/IN a/DT previous/JJ Israeli/JJ government/NN are/VBP not/RB considered/VBN mere/JJ scraps/NNS of/IN paper/NN by/IN a/DT succeeding/VBG Israeli/JJ administration/NN and/CC that/IN every/DT Israeli/JJ government/NN has/VBZ the/DT duty/NN and/CC international/JJ obligation/NN to/TO honor/VB treaties/NNS signed/VBN by/IN its/PRP$ predecessors/NNS ./.
The/DT Israeli/JJ press/NN ,/, by/IN contrast/NN ,/, was/VBD generally/RB upbeat/JJ about/IN peace/NN prospects/NNS following/VBG Sunday/NNP 's/POS meeting/NN between/IN Barak/NNP and/CC Palestinian/JJ leader/NN Yasser/NNP Arafat/NNP ,/, who/WP referred/VBD to/TO him/PRP afterward/RB as/RB his/PRP$ "/" friend/NN and/CC partner/NN ./.
"/" Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN reported/VBD that/IN discussions/NNS on/IN the/DT Wye/NNP agreement/NN would/MD begin/VB in/IN about/IN 10/CD days/NNS '/POS time/NN ,/, after/IN Barak/NNP has/VBZ visited/VBN President/NNP Clinton/NNP in/IN Washington/NNP ./.
Quoting/VBG diplomatic/JJ sources/NNS ,/, the/DT paper/NN said/VBD Barak/NNP would/MD present/VB Clinton/NNP with/IN a/DT detailed/VBN negotiating/NN plan/NN that/WDT includes/VBZ a/DT Middle/NNP East/NNP tour/NN by/IN Madeleine/NNP Albright/NNP during/IN the/DT first/JJ week/NN in/IN August/NNP ./.
The/DT plan/NN would/MD culminate/NN at/IN the/DT end/NN of/IN the/DT year/NN in/IN a/DT Barak-/NNP Clinton-/NNP Arafat/NNP summit/NN to/TO declare/VB an/DT "/" agreed/VBD framework/NN for/IN the/DT permanent/JJ settlement/NN "/" or/CC ,/, failing/VBG that/IN ,/, a/DT declaration/NN of/IN principles/NNS outlining/VBG the/DT steps/NNS toward/IN a/DT settlement/NN ./.
In/IN an/DT editorial/NN ,/, Ha/NNP '/POS aretz/NN urged/VBD Barak/NNP to/TO help/VB to/TO create/VB a/DT new/JJ atmosphere/NN of/IN trust/NN by/IN unilaterally/RB dismantling/VBG the/DT outposts/NNS illegally/RB established/VBN by/IN Israelis/NNPS on/IN hilltops/NNS outside/IN existing/VBG West/NNP Bank/NNP settlements/NNS in/IN "/" a/DT wild/JJ ,/, catch-as-catch-can/JJ land/NN grab/NN "/" during/IN the/DT run-up/NN to/TO the/DT Wye/NNP agreement/NN ./.
In/IN Germany/NNP ,/, the/DT Frankfurter/NNP Allgemeine/NNP Zeitung/NNP led/VBD its/PRP$ front/JJ page/NN Monday/NNP with/IN the/DT wave/NN of/IN student/NN demonstrations/NNS in/IN Tehran/NNP ,/, Iran/NNP ,/, which/WDT were/VBD also/RB prominently/RB reported/VBD in/IN many/JJ other/JJ leading/VBG European/JJ newspapers/NNS ./.
An/DT analysis/NN in/IN the/DT Financial/NNP Times/NNP of/IN London/NNP said/VBD that/IN the/DT protests/NNS reflect/VBP mounting/JJ frustration/NN among/IN Iran/NNP 's/POS students/NNS and/CC many/JJ ordinary/JJ citizens/NNS at/IN the/DT lack/NN of/IN progress/NN in/IN implementing/VBG President/NNP Mohammed/NNP Khatami/NNP 's/POS reforms/NNS because/IN of/IN opposition/NN by/IN the/DT conservative/JJ clerical/JJ authorities/NNS ./.
It/PRP noted/VBD the/DT disproportionate/JJ influence/NN of/IN Iran/NNP 's/POS 1/CD million/CD university/NN students/NNS in/IN a/DT country/NN of/IN some/DT 62/CD million/CD where/WRB more/JJR than/IN 60/CD percent/NN are/VBP under/IN 25/CD years/NNS old/JJ ./.
The/DT paper/NN claimed/VBD that/IN while/IN popular/JJ indignation/NN with/IN the/DT conservative/JJ clerical/JJ authorities/NNS was/VBD running/VBG high/JJ ,/, support/NN for/IN Khatami/NNP remained/VBD solid/JJ ./.
Both/DT the/DT Straits/NNP Times/NNP of/IN Sinapore/NNP and/CC the/DT Guardian/NNP of/IN London/NNP ran/VBD editorials/NNS Monday/NNP urging/VBG the/DT United/NNP States/NNPS to/TO be/VB more/RBR sensitive/JJ toward/IN Russia/NNP or/CC risk/VB another/DT Cold/NNP War/NNP ./.
"/" Russia/NNP means/VBZ to/TO be/VB taken/VBN seriously/RB ,/, and/CC the/DT US/NNP owes/VBZ it/PRP that/DT respect/NN ,/, "/" the/DT Straits/NNP Times/NNP said/VBD ./.
"/" American/JJ cockiness/NN over/IN its/PRP$ display/NN of/IN military/JJ technology/NN in/IN the/DT Gulf/NNP and/CC Yugoslavia/NNP ,/, and/CC smugness/NNS over/IN its/PRP$ longest/JJS post-war/JJ prosperity/NN streak/NN ,/, can/MD blind/JJ it/PRP to/TO a/DT need/NN to/TO cultivate/NN its/PRP$ relations/NNS with/IN Russia/NNP beyond/IN promoting/VBG democratisation/NN ./.
Russians/NNPS cannot/NN eat/VB democracy/NN ./.
The/DT US/NNP should/MD snap/NN out/IN of/IN its/PRP$ hubris/NNS over/IN Kosovo--or/NNP the/DT world/NN could/MD become/VB very/RB dark/JJ indeed/RB if/IN Russian/JJ hurt/VBN turns/VBZ to/TO mischief-making/JJ ./.
"/" The/DT Guardian/NNP said/VBD that/IN "/" Russia/NNP 's/POS anger/NN over/IN NATO/NNP 's/POS recent/JJ actions/NNS in/IN the/DT Balkans/NNP is/VBZ in/IN many/JJ ways/NNS justified/JJ and/CC since/IN it/PRP is/VBZ not/RB understood/VBN ,/, is/VBZ the/DT more/RBR likely/JJ to/TO have/VB broad/JJ ,/, negative/JJ consequences/NNS for/IN the/DT West/NNP 's/POS dealings/NNS with/IN Boris/NNP Yeltsin/NNP and/CC ,/, more/RBR particularly/RB ,/, his/PRP$ successors/NNS ./.
One/CD of/IN the/DT great/JJ contributions/NNS of/IN the/DT late/JJ Joseph/NNP Heller/NNP was/VBD his/PRP$ understanding/NN of/IN how/WRB ideas/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS get/VBP repeated/VBN with/IN mindless/JJ reverence/NN in/IN bureaucratic/JJ cultures/NNS ./.
This/DT is/VBZ especially/RB true/JJ in/IN Washington/NNP ,/, which/WDT Heller/NNP lampooned/JJ in/IN Good/JJ As/IN Gold/NNP ,/, one/CD of/IN his/PRP$ minor/JJ novels/NNS (/( let/VB 's/POS face/NN it/PRP ,/, aside/RB from/IN Catch-/NNP 22/CD ,/, they/PRP were/VBD all/DT minor/JJ )/) ./.
Repetition/NNP of/IN meaningful/JJ phrases/NNS (/( like/IN Heller/NNP 's/POS own/JJ coinage/NN ,/, "/" catch-/NN 22/CD "/" )/) tends/VBZ to/TO drain/VB them/PRP of/IN meaning/VBG ./.
But/CC it/PRP was/VBD Heller/NNP 's/POS special/JJ insight/NN that/IN the/DT ideas/NNS and/CC phrases/NNS that/WDT make/VBP the/DT most/RBS attractive/JJ candidates/NNS for/IN Washingtonspeak/NNP start/VB out/IN by/IN containing/VBG almost/RB no/DT meaning/VBG at/IN all/DT ./.
From/IN Good/JJ as/IN Gold/NNP ,/, here/RB is/VBZ Bruce/NNP Gold/NNP ,/, a/DT middle-aged/JJ English/NNP professor/NN living/VBG in/IN Manhattan/NNP ,/, being/VBG recruited/VBN by/IN phone/NN for/IN a/DT Washington/NNP job/NN by/IN his/PRP$ friend/NN Ralph/NNP Newsome/NNP ,/, a/DT chipper/NN White/NNP House/NNP aide/NN :/:
"/" Ralph/NNP ,/, wait/VB ,/, for/IN Chrissakes/NNP !/.
"/" It/PRP was/VBD in/IN self-defense/JJ that/IN Gold/NNP protested/VBD ./.
"/" You/PRP 're/VBP boggling/VBG my/PRP$ mind/NN ./.
"/" What/WP was/VBD that/DT ?/.
"/" Ralph/NNP asked/VBD in/IN surprise/NN ./.
"/" You/PRP 're/VBP boggling/VBG my/PRP$ mind/NN ./.
"/" Bruce/NNP ,/, that/DT 's/VBZ a/DT good/JJ phrase/NN ,/, "/" Ralph/NNP cried/JJ crisply/RB ./.
"/" Damned/NNP good/NN ./.
I/PRP do/VBP n't/RB think/VB I/PRP 've/VBP ever/RB heard/VBN boggle/NN used/VBN with/IN an/DT animate/NN subject/JJ before/RB ./.
I/PRP 'll/MD bet/VB all/DT of/IN us/PRP down/RB here/RB can/MD start/VB getting/VBG mileage/NN out/IN of/IN that/DT one/CD right/RB away/RB ./.
That/DT is/VBZ ,/, of/IN course/NN ,/, if/IN you/PRP do/VBP n't/RB mind/VB letting/VBG us/PRP have/VBP it/PRP ./.
"/" Ralph--/NNP "/"
"/" Excuse/NNP me/PRP a/DT minute/NN ,/, Bruce/NNP ./.
I/PRP want/VBP to/TO get/VB it/PRP down/RB exactly/RB the/DT way/NN you/PRP said/VBD it/PRP ./.
How/WRB did/VBD it/PRP go/VBP ?/.
Since/IN 1979/CD ,/, when/WRB Good/JJ as/IN Gold/NNP was/VBD published/VBN ,/, Washington/NNP has/VBZ become/VBN more/JJR of/IN a/DT rhetorical/JJ echo/NN chamber/NN than/IN ever/RB ./.
Remember/VB how/WRB Ross/NNP Perot/NNP loosed/JJ "/" the/DT devil/NN is/VBZ in/IN the/DT details/NNS "/" on/IN political/JJ discourse/NN ?/.
A/DT Washington/NNP cliché/NN even/RB emerged/VBD to/TO praise/VB mindless/JJ conformity/NN :/: "/" singing/VBG from/IN the/DT same/JJ songsheet/NN ./.