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5 years ago
##### PATTERN | VECTOR | PORTER STEMMER ############################################################
# Copyright (c) 2010 University of Antwerp, Belgium
# Author: Tom De Smedt <>
# License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt for details).
# The Porter2 stemming algorithm (or "Porter stemmer") is a process for removing the commoner
# morphological and inflexional endings from words in English.
# Its main use is as part of a term normalisation process that is usually done
# when setting up Information Retrieval systems.
# Reference:
# C.J. van Rijsbergen, S.E. Robertson and M.F. Porter, 1980.
# "New models in probabilistic information retrieval."
# London: British Library. (British Library Research and Development Report, no. 5587).
# Comments throughout the source code were taken from:
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
import re
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int
from builtins import object, range
# Note: this module is optimized for performance.
# There is little gain in using more regular expressions.
VOWELS = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y"]
DOUBLE = ["bb", "dd", "ff", "gg", "mm", "nn", "pp", "rr", "tt"]
VALID_LI = ["b", "c", "d", "e", "g", "h", "k", "m", "n", "r", "t"]
def is_vowel(s):
return s in VOWELS
def is_consonant(s):
return s not in VOWELS
def is_double_consonant(s):
return s in DOUBLE
def is_short_syllable(w, before=None):
""" A short syllable in a word is either:
- a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y and preceded by a non-vowel
- a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel.
Checks the three characters before the given index in the word (or entire word if None).
if before is not None:
i = before < 0 and len(w) + before or before
return is_short_syllable(w[max(0, i - 3):i])
if len(w) == 3 and is_consonant(w[0]) and is_vowel(w[1]) and is_consonant(w[2]) and w[2] not in "wxY":
return True
if len(w) == 2 and is_vowel(w[0]) and is_consonant(w[1]):
return True
return False
def is_short(w):
""" A word is called short if it consists of a short syllable preceded by zero or more consonants.
return is_short_syllable(w[-3:]) and len([ch for ch in w[:-3] if ch in VOWELS]) == 0
# A point made at least twice in the literature is that words beginning with gener-
# are overstemmed by the Porter stemmer:
# generate => gener, generically => gener
# Moving the region one vowel-consonant pair to the right fixes this:
# generate => generat, generically => generic
overstemmed = ("gener", "commun", "arsen")
RE_R1 = re.compile(r"[aeiouy][^aeiouy]")
def R1(w):
""" R1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel,
or the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
m =
if m:
return w[m.end():]
return ""
def R2(w):
""" R2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in R1,
or the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
if w.startswith(tuple(overstemmed)):
return R1(R1(R1(w)))
return R1(R1(w))
def find_vowel(w):
""" Returns the index of the first vowel in the word.
When no vowel is found, returns len(word).
for i, ch in enumerate(w):
if ch in VOWELS:
return i
return len(w)
def has_vowel(w):
""" Returns True if there is a vowel in the given string.
for ch in w:
if ch in VOWELS:
return True
return False
def vowel_consonant_pairs(w, max=None):
""" Returns the number of consecutive vowel-consonant pairs in the word.
m = 0
for i, ch in enumerate(w):
if is_vowel(ch) and i < len(w) - 1 and is_consonant(w[i + 1]):
m += 1
# An optimisation to stop searching once we reach the amount of <vc> pairs we need.
if m == max:
return m
#--- REPLACEMENT RULES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def step_1a(w):
""" Step 1a handles -s suffixes.
if w.endswith("s"):
if w.endswith("sses"):
return w[:-2]
if w.endswith("ies"):
# Replace by -ie if preceded by just one letter,
# otherwise by -i (so ties => tie, cries => cri).
return len(w) == 4 and w[:-1] or w[:-2]
if w.endswith(("us", "ss")):
return w
if find_vowel(w) < len(w) - 2:
# Delete -s if the preceding part contains a vowel not immediately before the -s
# (so gas and this retain the -s, gaps and kiwis lose it).
return w[:-1]
return w
def step_1b(w):
""" Step 1b handles -ed and -ing suffixes (or -edly and -ingly).
Removes double consonants at the end of the stem and adds -e to some words.
if w.endswith("y") and w.endswith(("edly", "ingly")):
w = w[:-2] # Strip -ly for next step.
if w.endswith(("ed", "ing")):
if w.endswith("ied"):
# See -ies in step 1a.
return len(w) == 4 and w[:-1] or w[:-2]
if w.endswith("eed"):
# Replace by -ee if preceded by at least one vowel-consonant pair.
return R1(w).endswith("eed") and w[:-1] or w
for suffix in ("ed", "ing"):
# Delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel.
# - If the word ends -at, -bl or -iz add -e (luxuriat => luxuriate).
# - If the word ends with a double remove the last letter (hopp => hop).
# - If the word is short, add e (hop => hope).
if w.endswith(suffix) and has_vowel(w[:-len(suffix)]):
w = w[:-len(suffix)]
if w.endswith(("at", "bl", "iz")):
return w + "e"
if is_double_consonant(w[-2:]):
return w[:-1]
if is_short(w):
return w + "e"
return w
def step_1c(w):
""" Step 1c replaces suffix -y or -Y by -i if preceded by a non-vowel
which is not the first letter of the word (cry => cri, by => by, say => say).
if len(w) > 2 and w.endswith(("y", "Y")) and is_consonant(w[-2]):
return w[:-1] + "i"
return w
suffixes2 = [
("al", (("ational", "ate"), ("tional", "tion"))),
("ci", (("enci", "ence"), ("anci", "ance"))),
("er", (("izer", "ize"),)),
("li", (("bli", "ble"), ("alli", "al"), ("entli", "ent"), ("eli", "e"), ("ousli", "ous"))),
("on", (("ization", "ize"), ("isation", "ize"), ("ation", "ate"))),
("or", (("ator", "ate"),)),
("ss", (("iveness", "ive"), ("fulness", "ful"), ("ousness", "ous"))),
("sm", (("alism", "al"),)),
("ti", (("aliti", "al"), ("iviti", "ive"), ("biliti", "ble"))),
("gi", (("logi", "log"),))
def step_2(w):
""" Step 2 replaces double suffixes (singularization => singularize).
This only happens if there is at least one vowel-consonant pair before the suffix.
for suffix, rules in suffixes2:
if w.endswith(suffix):
for A, B in rules:
if w.endswith(A):
return R1(w).endswith(A) and w[:-len(A)] + B or w
if w.endswith("li") and R1(w)[-3:-2] in VALID_LI:
# Delete -li if preceded by a valid li-ending.
return w[:-2]
return w
suffixes3 = [
("e", (("icate", "ic"), ("ative", ""), ("alize", "al"))),
("i", (("iciti", "ic"),)),
("l", (("ical", "ic"), ("ful", ""))),
("s", (("ness", ""),))
def step_3(w):
""" Step 3 replaces -ic, -ful, -ness etc. suffixes.
This only happens if there is at least one vowel-consonant pair before the suffix.
for suffix, rules in suffixes3:
if w.endswith(suffix):
for A, B in rules:
if w.endswith(A):
return R1(w).endswith(A) and w[:-len(A)] + B or w
return w
suffixes4 = [
("al", ("al",)),
("ce", ("ance", "ence")),
("er", ("er",)),
("ic", ("ic",)),
("le", ("able", "ible")),
("nt", ("ant", "ement", "ment", "ent")),
("e", ("ate", "ive", "ize")),
(("m", "i", "s"), ("ism", "iti", "ous"))
def step_4(w):
""" Step 4 strips -ant, -ent etc. suffixes.
This only happens if there is more than one vowel-consonant pair before the suffix.
for suffix, rules in suffixes4:
if w.endswith(suffix):
for A in rules:
if w.endswith(A):
return R2(w).endswith(A) and w[:-len(A)] or w
if R2(w).endswith("ion") and w[:-3].endswith(("s", "t")):
# Delete -ion if preceded by s or t.
return w[:-3]
return w
def step_5a(w):
""" Step 5a strips suffix -e if preceded by multiple vowel-consonant pairs,
or one vowel-consonant pair that is not a short syllable.
if w.endswith("e"):
if R2(w).endswith("e") or R1(w).endswith("e") and not is_short_syllable(w, before=-1):
return w[:-1]
return w
def step_5b(w):
""" Step 5b strips suffix -l if preceded by l and multiple vowel-consonant pairs,
bell => bell, rebell => rebel.
if w.endswith("ll") and R2(w).endswith("l"):
return w[:-1]
return w
#--- EXCEPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Exceptions:
# - in, out and can stems could be seen as stop words later on.
# - Special -ly cases.
exceptions = {
"skis": "ski",
"skies": "sky",
"dying": "die",
"lying": "lie",
"tying": "tie",
"innings": "inning",
"outings": "outing",
"cannings": "canning",
"idly": "idl",
"gently": "gentl",
"ugly": "ugli",
"early": "earli",
"only": "onli",
"singly": "singl"
# Words that are never stemmed:
uninflected = dict.fromkeys([
"inning", "outing", "canning",
"proceed", "exceed", "succeed",
"atlas", "cosmos", "bias", "andes" # not plural forms
], True)
#--- STEMMER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def case_sensitive(stem, word):
""" Applies the letter case of the word to the stem:
Ponies => Poni
ch = []
for i in range(len(stem)):
if word[i] == word[i].upper():
return "".join(ch)
def upper_consonant_y(w):
""" Sets the initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y.
Of course, y is interpreted as a vowel and Y as a consonant.
a = []
p = None
for ch in w:
if ch == "y" and (p is None or p in VOWELS):
p = ch
return "".join(a)
# If we stemmed a word once, we can cache the result and reuse it.
# By default, keep a history of a 10000 entries (<500KB).
cache = {}
def stem(word, cached=True, history=10000, **kwargs):
""" Returns the stem of the given word: ponies => poni.
Note: it is often taken to be a crude error
that a stemming algorithm does not leave a real word after removing the stem.
But the purpose of stemming is to bring variant forms of a word together,
not to map a word onto its "paradigm" form.
stem = word.lower()
if cached and stem in cache:
return case_sensitive(cache[stem], word)
if cached and len(cache) > history: # Empty cache every now and then.
if len(stem) <= 2:
# If the word has two letters or less, leave it as it is.
return case_sensitive(stem, word)
if stem in exceptions:
return case_sensitive(exceptions[stem], word)
if stem in uninflected:
return case_sensitive(stem, word)
# Mark y treated as a consonant as Y.
stem = upper_consonant_y(stem)
for f in (step_1a, step_1b, step_1c, step_2, step_3, step_4, step_5a, step_5b):
stem = f(stem)
# Turn any remaining Y letters in the stem back into lower case.
# Apply the case of the original word to the stem.
stem = stem.lower()
stem = case_sensitive(stem, word)
if cached:
cache[word.lower()] = stem.lower()
return stem