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00001740 02 r 01 a_cappella 0 000 | without musical accompaniment; "they performed a cappella"
00001837 02 r 03 AD 0 A.D. 0 anno_Domini 0 000 | in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born; "in AD 200"
00001981 02 r 03 CE 0 C.E. 0 Common_Era 0 000 | of the period coinciding with the Christian era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians; "in 200 CE"
00002142 02 r 03 BC 0 B.C. 0 before_Christ 0 000 | before the Christian era; used following dates before the supposed year Christ was born; "in 200 BC"
00002296 02 r 02 BCE 0 B.C.E. 0 000 | of the period before the Common Era; preferred by some writers who are not Christians; "in 200 BCE"
00002436 02 r 03 horseback 0 ahorse 0 ahorseback 0 000 | on the back of a horse; "he rode horseback to town"; "managed to escape ahorse"; "policeman patrolled the streets ahorseback"
00002621 02 r 05 barely 0 hardly 0 just 4 scarcely 0 scarce 0 000 | only a very short time before; "they could barely hear the speaker"; "we hardly knew them"; "just missed being hit"; "had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open"; "would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave"- W.B.Yeats
00002950 02 r 01 just 6 000 | exactly at this moment or the moment described; "we've just finished painting the walls, so don't touch them";
00003093 02 r 02 hardly 2 scarcely 2 001 \ 00016756 a 0201 | almost not; "he hardly ever goes fishing"; "he was hardly more than sixteen years old"; "they scarcely ever used the emergency generator"
00003294 02 r 01 anisotropically 0 001 \ 01361107 a 0101 | in an anisotropic manner
00003380 02 r 01 annoyingly 0 001 \ 00089550 a 0101 | in an annoying manner or to an annoying degree
00003483 02 r 03 basically 0 fundamentally 0 essentially 1 002 \ 00900616 a 0301 \ 01856419 a 0201 | in essence; at bottom or by one's (or its) very nature; "He is basically dishonest"; "the argument was essentially a technical one"; "for all his bluster he is in essence a shy person"
00003771 02 r 01 blessedly 0 001 \ 00670741 a 0101 | in a blessed manner
00003846 02 r 01 boiling 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | extremely; "boiling mad"
00003925 02 r 01 enviably 0 001 \ 00733541 a 0101 | in an enviable manner; "she was enviably fluent in French"
00004038 02 r 01 pointedly 0 001 \ 00765862 a 0101 | in such a manner as to make something clearly evident; "he pointedly ignored the question"
00004184 02 r 01 negatively 0 001 \ 01818234 a 0101 | in a negative way; "he was negatively inclined"
00004288 02 r 01 negatively 1 001 \ 01128508 a 0101 | in a harmful manner; "he was negatively affected"
00004394 02 r 01 kindly 0 002 \ 01372049 a 0101 ! 00004567 r 0101 | in a kind manner or out of kindness; "He spoke kindly to the boy"; "she kindly overlooked the mistake"
00004567 02 r 01 unkindly 0 002 ! 00004394 r 0101 \ 01373728 a 0101 | in an unkind manner or with unkindness; "The teacher treats the children unkindly"
00004722 02 r 05 merely 0 simply 0 just 0 only 2 but 1 002 \ 01792573 a 0203 \ 01792573 a 0102 | and nothing more; "I was merely asking"; "it is simply a matter of time"; "just a scratch"; "he was only a child"; "hopes that last but a moment"
00004967 02 r 01 simply 2 000 | absolutely; altogether; really; "we are simply broke"
00005055 02 r 02 plainly 1 simply 1 000 | in a simple manner; without extravagance or embellishment; "she was dressed plainly"; "they lived very simply"
00005210 02 r 01 anciently 0 001 \ 01728614 a 0101 | in ancient times; long ago; "a concern with what may have happened anciently"
00005343 02 r 01 arguably 0 001 \ 00602117 a 0101 | as can be shown by argument; "she is arguably the best"
00005453 02 r 01 unabashedly 0 001 \ 00155886 a 0101 | in an unabashed manner; "unabashedly, he asked for more"
00005567 02 r 01 automatically 0 001 \ 02522669 a 0101 | in a reflex manner; "he answered automatically"
00005674 02 r 01 alarmingly 0 001 \ 00193015 a 0101 | in an alarming manner; "It grew alarmingly fast"
00005779 02 r 02 vastly 0 immensely 1 002 \ 01387319 a 0202 \ 01387319 a 0103 | to an exceedingly great extent or degree; "He had vastly overestimated his resources"; "was immensely more important to the project as a scientist than as an administrator"
00006034 02 r 01 grossly 0 001 \ 00580039 a 0105 | in a gross manner
00006105 02 r 03 largely 0 mostly 0 for_the_most_part 0 001 \ 01555732 a 0201 | in large part; mainly or chiefly; "These accounts are largely inactive"
00006259 02 r 01 significantly 3 002 ! 00006423 r 0101 \ 02161432 a 0101 | in a significant manner; "our budget will be significantly affected by these new cuts"
00006423 02 r 01 insignificantly 0 002 ! 00006259 r 0101 \ 01288298 a 0101 | not to a significant degree or amount; "Our budget will only be insignificantly affected by these new cuts"
00006610 02 r 01 appreciably 1 001 \ 00624416 a 0101 | to a noticeable degree; "they weather was appreciably colder"
00006729 02 r 01 ultrasonically 0 001 \ 00175300 a 0102 | by ultrasonic means; "the kidney stones were removed ultrasonically"
00006858 02 r 03 smartly 0 modishly 0 sprucely 0 003 \ 00971933 a 0309 \ 00971506 a 0205 \ 00975487 a 0102 | in a stylish manner; "He was smartly dressed"
00007015 02 r 09 approximately 0 about 0 close_to 0 just_about 0 some 0 roughly 0 more_or_less 0 around 3 or_so 0 000 | (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"
00007488 02 r 01 absolutely 1 001 \ 00005205 a 0101 | totally and definitely; without question; "we are absolutely opposed to the idea"; "he forced himself to lie absolutely still"; "iron is absolutely necessary"
00007703 02 r 03 partially 0 partly 0 part 0 002 \ 00524693 a 0101 ! 00008007 r 0201 | in part; in some degree; not wholly; "I felt partly to blame"; "He was partially paralyzed"
00007884 02 r 01 half 0 001 \ 00517554 a 0101 | partially or to the extent of a half; "he was half hidden by the bushes"
00008007 02 r 07 wholly 0 entirely 0 completely 4 totally 0 all 0 altogether 4 whole 0 006 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00515380 a 0403 \ 00520214 a 0301 \ 00515380 a 0201 \ 00514884 a 0101 ! 00007703 r 0102 | to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly'); "he was wholly convinced"; "entirely satisfied with the meal"; "it was completely different from what we expected"; "was completely at fault"; "a totally new situation"; "the directions were all wrong"; "it was not altogether her fault"; "an altogether new approach"; "a whole new idea"
00008600 02 r 05 entirely 2 exclusively 0 solely 0 alone 0 only 1 002 \ 02152985 a 0302 \ 02152985 a 0201 | without any others being included or involved; "was entirely to blame"; "a school devoted entirely to the needs of problem children"; "he works for Mr. Smith exclusively"; "did it solely for money"; "the burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone"; "a privilege granted only to him"
00008997 02 r 04 absolutely 0 perfectly 0 utterly 0 dead 0 003 \ 01520091 a 030d \ 01520091 a 0207 \ 00520892 a 0101 | completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers; "an absolutely magnificent painting"; "a perfectly idiotic idea"; "you're perfectly right"; "utterly miserable"; "you can be dead sure of my innocence"; "was dead tired"; "dead right"
00009373 02 r 03 clean 4 plumb 4 plum 4 001 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | completely; used as intensifiers; "clean forgot the appointment"; "I'm plumb (or plum) tuckered out"
00009541 02 r 02 plumb 2 plum 2 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | exactly; "fell plumb in the middle of the puddle"
00009650 02 r 01 perfectly 1 002 ! 00010047 r 0101 \ 01749320 a 0101 | in a perfect or faultless way; "She performed perfectly on the balance beam"; "spoke English perfectly"; "solved the problem perfectly"
00009859 02 r 01 pat 0 000 | completely or perfectly; "he has the lesson pat"; "had the system down pat"
00009966 02 r 01 please 0 000 | used in polite request; "please pay attention"
00010047 02 r 02 imperfectly 0 amiss 3 002 ! 00009650 r 0101 \ 01752167 a 0101 | in an imperfect or faulty way; "The lobe was imperfectly developed"; "Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more"- Jane Austen
00010276 02 r 01 amiss 1 000 | in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner; "if you think him guilty you judge amiss"; "he spoke amiss"; "no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly"
00010466 02 r 03 fully 2 to_the_full 0 full 1 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 \ 00522885 a 0101 | to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown"; "he didn't fully understand"; "knew full well"; "full-grown"; "full-fledged"
00010759 02 r 01 only 0 000 | with nevertheless the final result; "He arrived only to find his wife dead"; "We won only to lose again in the next round"
00010914 02 r 01 only 4 000 | in the final outcome; "These news will only make you more upset"
00011011 02 r 01 only 5 000 | as recently as; "I spoke to him only an hour ago"
00011093 02 r 02 well 0 good 0 002 ;u 06307152 n 0000 ! 00011516 r 0101 | (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish"; "a well-planned party"; "the baby can walk pretty good"
00011516 02 r 03 ill 0 badly 0 poorly 0 003 ;u 06307152 n 0000 \ 01050890 a 0308 ! 00011093 r 0101 | (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well; "he was ill prepared"; "it ill befits a man to betray old friends"; "the car runs badly"; "he performed badly on the exam"; "the team played poorly"; "ill-fitting clothes"; "an ill-conceived plan"
00011916 02 r 01 ill 1 000 | with difficulty or inconvenience; scarcely or hardly; "we can ill afford to buy a new car just now"
00012047 02 r 01 isotropically 0 001 \ 01360804 a 0101 | in an isotropic manner
00012129 02 r 01 well 1 001 ! 00012286 r 0101 | without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor; "took the joke well"; "took the tragic news well"
00012286 02 r 01 badly 8 001 ! 00012129 r 0101 | with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display; "they took their defeat badly"; "took her father's death badly"; "conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake"
00012531 02 r 02 well 3 easily 5 000 | indicating high probability; in all likelihood; "I might well do it"; "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"; "you may well need your umbrella"; "he could equally well be trying to deceive us"
00012779 02 r 01 well 5 000 | thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form; "The problem is well understood"; "she was well informed"; "shake well before using"; "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"; "well-done beef", "well-satisfied customers"; "well-educated"
00013092 02 r 01 well 7 001 ! 00013236 r 0101 | favorably; with approval; "their neighbors spoke well of them"; "he thought well of the book"
00013236 02 r 02 ill 2 badly 7 002 \ 01129644 a 0201 ! 00013092 r 0101 | unfavorably or with disapproval; "tried not to speak ill of the dead"; "thought badly of him for his lack of concern"
00013429 02 r 01 well 8 000 | to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree; "the project was well underway"; "the fetus has well developed organs"; "his father was well pleased with his grades"
00013626 02 r 02 well 9 comfortably 1 001 \ 02022556 a 0201 | in financial comfort; "They live well"; "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"
00013793 02 r 02 well a advantageously 0 003 ! 00014014 r 0202 \ 00064479 a 0201 ! 00014014 r 0101 | in a manner affording benefit or advantage; "she married well"; "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"
00014014 02 r 02 badly a disadvantageously 0 003 ! 00013793 r 0202 \ 00065488 a 0201 ! 00013793 r 0101 | in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage; "the venture turned out badly for the investors"; "angry that the case was settled disadvantageously for them"
00014285 02 r 03 well b considerably 1 substantially 1 002 \ 00625055 a 0302 \ 00624026 a 0201 | to a great extent or degree; "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"; "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"; "the house has fallen considerably in value"; "the price went up substantially"
00014616 02 r 01 well c 001 ! 00014738 r 0101 | with skill or in a pleasing manner; "she dances well"; "he writes well"
00014738 02 r 01 badly c 001 ! 00014616 r 0101 | without skill or in a displeasing manner; "she writes badly"; "I think he paints very badly"
00014882 02 r 01 well d 000 | with prudence or propriety; "You would do well to say nothing more"; "could not well refuse"
00015007 02 r 02 well e intimately 1 001 \ 00453308 a 0201 | with great or especially intimate knowledge; "we knew them well"
00015135 02 r 01 well f 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully; "a book well worth reading"; "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"; "suspected only too well what might be going on"
00015368 02 r 01 satisfactorily 0 002 \ 02080577 a 0101 ! 00015706 r 0101 | in a satisfactory manner
00015471 02 r 04 okay 0 O.K. 0 all_right 2 alright 2 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | in a satisfactory or adequate manner; "she'll do okay on her own"; "held up all right under pressure"; (`alright' is a nonstandard variant of `all right')
00015706 02 r 01 unsatisfactorily 0 002 ! 00015368 r 0101 \ 02082218 a 0101 | in an unsatisfactory manner; "He performed unsatisfactorily as a manager"
00015860 02 r 01 prosperously 1 001 \ 02022556 a 0103 | in the manner of prosperous people
00015953 02 r 04 badly 2 severely 1 gravely 1 seriously 1 003 \ 00651039 a 0404 \ 00651039 a 0302 \ 01513050 a 0201 | to a severe or serious degree; "fingers so badly frozen they had to be amputated"; "badly injured"; "a severely impaired heart"; "is gravely ill"; "was seriously ill"
00016240 02 r 02 badly 3 bad 3 000 | very much; strongly; "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it"; "the cables had sagged badly"; "they were badly in need of help"; "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"
00016458 02 r 02 badly 4 bad 4 001 \ 01510444 a 0101 | with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly'); "the injury hurt badly"; "the buildings were badly shaken"; "it hurts bad"; "we need water bad"
00016678 02 r 03 badly 5 mischievously 0 naughtily 0 001 \ 01128406 a 0301 | in a disobedient or naughty way; "he behaved badly in school"; "he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister"; "behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room"
00016950 02 r 01 badly 6 001 \ 01131803 a 0101 | evilly or wickedly; "treated his parents badly"; "to steal is to act badly"
00017077 02 r 01 worse 0 001 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparative of `ill') in a less effective or successful or desirable manner; "he did worse on the second exam"
00017241 02 r 01 worst 0 000 | to the highest degree of inferiority or badness; "She suffered worst of all"; "schools were the worst hit by government spending cuts"; "the worst dressed person present"
00017445 02 r 01 even 0 000 | used as an intensive especially to indicate something unexpected; "even an idiot knows that"; "declined even to consider the idea"; "I don't have even a dollar!"
00017639 02 r 03 even 1 yet 3 still 0 000 | to a greater degree or extent; used with comparisons; "looked sick and felt even worse"; "an even (or still) more interesting problem"; "still another problem must be solved"; "a yet sadder tale"
00017881 02 r 02 even_as 1 just_as 2 000 | at the same time as; "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"; "the building collapsed just as he arrived"
00018043 02 r 01 even 3 000 | in spite of; notwithstanding; "even when he is sick, he works"; "even with his head start she caught up with him"
00018189 02 r 01 even 4 000 | to the full extent; "loyal even unto death"
00018265 02 r 01 e'en 0 000 | even
00018302 02 r 04 rather 4 kind_of 0 kinda 0 sort_of 0 000 | to some (great or small) extent; "it was rather cold"; "the party was rather nice"; "the knife is rather dull"; "I rather regret that I cannot attend"; "He's rather good at playing the cello"; "he is kind of shy"
00018577 02 r 01 quite 1 000 | to the greatest extent; completely; "you're quite right"; "she was quite alone"; "was quite mistaken"; "quite the opposite"; "not quite finished"; "did not quite make it"
00018781 02 r 02 quite 2 rather 0 000 | to a degree (not used with a negative); "quite tasty"; "quite soon"; "quite ill"; "quite rich"
00018918 02 r 03 quite 3 quite_a 0 quite_an 0 000 | of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "she's quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "we've had quite an afternoon"
00019181 02 r 01 quite 4 000 | actually or truly or to an extreme; "was quite a sudden change"; "it's quite the thing to do"; "quite the rage"; "Quite so!"
00019339 02 r 03 always 0 ever 0 e'er 0 001 ! 00020759 r 0201 | at all times; all the time and on every occasion; "I will always be there to help you"; "always arrives on time"; "there is always some pollution in the air"; "ever hoping to strike it rich"; "ever busy"
00019609 02 r 01 always 1 000 | forever; throughout all time; "we will always be friends"; "I shall treasure it always"; "I will always love you"
00019757 02 r 01 always 2 000 | at any time or in any event; "you can always resign if you don't like it"; "you could always take a day off"
00019900 02 r 01 con_brio 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 02279523 a 0101 | with liveliness or spirit; "allegro con brio"
00020019 02 r 01 conjecturally 0 001 \ 00861216 a 0101 | in a manner involving or inclined to conjecture and supposition
00020142 02 r 01 consecutively 0 001 \ 00596511 a 0102 | in a consecutive manner; "he was consecutively ill, then well, then ill again"
00020280 02 r 05 constantly 1 always 3 forever 3 perpetually 0 incessantly 0 003 \ 00595299 a 0503 \ 00595299 a 0405 \ 00595299 a 0102 | without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"
00020476 02 r 03 constantly 3 invariably 0 always 4 002 \ 02505716 a 0201 \ 02506029 a 0102 | without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"
00020676 02 r 01 coterminously 0 001 \ 00481463 a 0102 | in a coterminous manner
00020759 02 r 02 never 0 ne'er 0 001 ! 00019339 r 0102 | not ever; at no time in the past or future; "I have never been to China"; "I shall never forget this day"; "had never seen a circus"; "never on Sunday"; "I will never marry you!"
00020997 02 r 01 never 1 000 | not at all; certainly not; not in any circumstances; "never fear"; "bringing up children is never easy"; "that will never do"; "what is morally wrong can never be politically right"
00021212 02 r 07 occasionally 0 on_occasion 0 once_in_a_while 0 now_and_then 0 now_and_again 0 at_times 0 from_time_to_time 0 001 \ 01067415 a 0101 | now and then or here and there; "he was arrogant and occasionally callous"; "open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees"; "they visit New York on occasion"; "now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us"; "as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention"
00021702 02 r 01 sometime 0 000 | at some indefinite or unstated time; "let's get together sometime"; "everything has to end sometime"; "It was to be printed sometime later"
00021878 02 r 01 sometimes 1 000 | on certain occasions or in certain cases but not always; "sometimes she wished she were back in England"; "sometimes her photography is breathtaking"; "sometimes they come for a month; at other times for six months"
00022131 02 r 03 equally 1 as 0 every_bit 0 001 \ 00889831 a 0101 | to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is"
00022401 02 r 03 long_ago 0 long_since 1 lang_syne 0 000 | of the distant or comparatively distant past; "We met once long ago"; "they long ago forsook their nomadic life"; "left for work long ago"; "he has long since given up mountain climbing"; "This name has long since been forgotten"; "lang syne" is Scottish
00022717 02 r 01 pretty_much 0 000 | to some degree; "we were pretty much lost when we met the forest ranger"
00022829 02 r 02 much 1 practically 2 000 | (degree adverb used before a noun phrase) for all practical purposes but not completely; "much the same thing happened every time"; "practically everything in Hinduism is the manifestation of a god"
00023074 02 r 01 that_much 0 000 | to a certain degree; "we will be that much ahead of them"
00023169 02 r 01 palmately 0 001 \ 02173125 a 0101 | in a palmate manner; "palmately cleft"
00023263 02 r 01 paradoxically 0 001 \ 00939895 a 0101 | in a paradoxical manner; "paradoxically, ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter"
00023412 02 r 01 parasitically 0 001 \ 00726723 a 0101 | in a parasitic manner
00023493 02 r 01 conformably 0 001 \ 01612878 a 0101 | in a conformable manner
00023574 02 r 01 conventionally 0 002 ! 00023721 r 0101 \ 00605516 a 0101 | in a conventional manner; "he usually behaves rather conventionally"
00023721 02 r 01 unconventionally 0 002 ! 00023574 r 0101 \ 00606602 a 0101 | in an unconventional manner; "she always behaves rather unconventionally"
00023875 02 r 01 pathogenically 0 001 \ 01168434 a 0103 | in a pathogenic manner
00023958 02 r 01 pictorially 0 001 \ 02861617 a 0101 | in a pictorial manner; "depth is established pictorially"
00024073 02 r 02 not 0 non 0 000 | negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all"
00024257 02 r 01 nothing 0 000 | in no respect; to no degree; "he looks nothing like his father"
00024356 02 r 01 no 0 000 | used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement; "no, you are wrong"
00024509 02 r 01 any 0 000 | to any degree or extent; "it isn't any better"
00024587 02 r 01 no 1 000 | not in any degree or manner; not at all; "he is no better today"
00024682 02 r 01 none 0 000 | not at all or in no way; "seemed none too pleased with his dinner"; "shirt looked none the worse for having been slept in"; "none too prosperous"; "the passage is none too clear"
00024893 02 r 01 either 0 000 | after a negative statement used as an intensive meaning something like `likewise' or `also'; "he isn't stupid, but he isn't exactly a genius either"; "I don't know either"; "if you don't order dessert I won't either"
00025144 02 r 03 bloody 0 damn 0 all-fired 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | extremely; "you are bloody right"; "Why are you so all-fired aggressive?"
00025290 02 r 02 anywhere 0 anyplace 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | at or in or to any place; "you can find this food anywhere"; (`anyplace' is used informally for `anywhere')
00025464 02 r 01 nowhere 0 000 | not anywhere; in or at or to no place; "I am going nowhere"
00025559 02 r 02 somewhere 0 someplace 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | in or at or to some place; "she must be somewhere"; (`someplace' is used informally for `somewhere')
00025728 02 r 03 everywhere 0 everyplace 0 all_over 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | to or in any or all places; "You find fast food stores everywhere"; "people everywhere are becoming aware of the problem"; "he carried a gun everywhere he went"; "looked all over for a suitable gift"; (`everyplace' is used informally for `everywhere')
00026061 02 r 01 high_and_low 0 000 | everywhere; "searched high and low"
00026137 02 r 05 somehow 0 someway 0 someways 0 in_some_way 0 in_some_manner 0 000 | in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means; "they managed somehow"; "he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him"; "he tried to make is someway acceptable"
00026416 02 r 01 somehow 1 000 | for some unspecified reason; "It doesn't seem fair somehow"; "he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it";
00026571 02 r 06 anyhow 0 anyway 0 anyways 0 in_any_case 0 at_any_rate 0 in_any_event 0 000 | used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement; "Anyhow, he is dead now"; "I think they're asleep; anyhow, they're quiet"; "I don't know what happened to it; anyway, it's gone"; "anyway, there is another factor to consider"; "I don't know how it started; in any case, there was a brief scuffle"; "in any event, the government faced a serious protest"; "but at any rate he got a knighthood for it"
00027093 02 r 01 as_it_is 0 000 | in the actual state of affairs and often contrary to expectations; "he might have been killed; as it is he was severely injured"
00027258 02 r 02 anyhow 1 anyway 1 000 | in any way whatsoever; "they came anyhow they could"; "get it done anyway you can"
00027384 02 r 09 however 0 nevertheless 0 withal 1 still 4 yet 6 all_the_same 0 even_so 0 nonetheless 0 notwithstanding 0 000 | despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go"
00027795 02 r 01 yet 2 000 | up to the present time; "I have yet to see the results"; "details are yet to be worked out"
00027918 02 r 09 so_far 0 thus_far 0 up_to_now 0 hitherto 0 heretofore 0 as_yet 0 yet 4 til_now 0 until_now 0 000 | used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"
00028198 02 r 02 so_far 1 yet 5 000 | used after a superlative; "this is the best so far"; "the largest drug bust yet"
00028319 02 r 01 only 6 000 | except that; "It was the same story; only this time she came out better"
00028424 02 r 01 however 1 000 | in whatever way or manner; "Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet"; "however he did it, it was very clever"
00028578 02 r 01 however 2 000 | to whatever degree or extent; "The results, however general, are important"; "they have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition's concerns"
00028797 02 r 01 however 4 000 | by contrast; on the other hand; "the first part was easy; the second, however, took hours"
00028923 02 r 01 lightly 4 001 \ 01190316 a 0101 | with indifference or without dejection; "he took it lightly"
00029037 02 r 02 besides 1 in_any_case 2 000 | making an additional point; anyway; "I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it"; "she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her"
00029278 02 r 01 fugally 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 03011126 a 0101 | in a fugal style
00029367 02 r 03 furthermore 0 moreover 0 what_is_more 0 000 | in addition; "computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time; furthermore, their quality is improving"; "the cellar was dark; moreover, mice nested there"; "what is more, there's no sign of a change"
00029639 02 r 02 farther 0 further 0 000 | to or at a greater distance in time or space (`farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense); "farther north"; "moved farther away"; "farther down the corridor"; "the practice may go back still farther to the Druids"; "went only three miles further"; "further in the future"
00029985 02 r 02 further 2 farther 2 000 | to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage (`further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense); "further complicated by uncertainty about the future"; "let's not discuss it further"; "nothing could be further from the truth"; "they are further along in their research than we expected"; "the application of the law was extended farther"; "he is going no farther in his studies"
00030443 02 r 01 further 3 000 | in addition or furthermore; "if we further suppose"; "stated further that he would not cooperate with them"; "they are definitely coming; further, they should be here already"
00030654 02 r 02 farthest 0 furthest 0 000 | to the greatest distance in space or time (`farthest' is used more often than `furthest' in this physical sense); "see who could jump the farthest"; "chose the farthest seat from the door"; "he swam the furthest"
00030914 02 r 02 furthest 1 farthest 1 000 | to the greatest degree or extent or most advanced stage (`furthest' is used more often than `farthest' in this abstract sense); "went the furthest of all the children in her education"; "furthest removed from reality"; "she goes farthest in helping us"
00031214 02 r 01 futilely 0 001 \ 01866812 a 0103 | in a futile and unproductive manner
00031304 02 r 01 still 1 001 ! 00031515 r 0101 | with reference to action or condition; without change, interruption, or cessation; "it's still warm outside"; "will you still love me when we're old and grey?"
00031515 02 r 02 no_longer 0 no_more 1 001 ! 00031304 r 0101 | not now; "she is no more"
00031606 02 r 02 anymore 1 any_longer 1 000 | at the present or from now on; usually used with a negative; "Alice doesn't live here anymore"; "the children promised not to quarrel any more"
00031798 02 r 01 already 0 000 | prior to a specified or implied time; "she has already graduated"
00031899 02 r 04 very 0 really 0 real 1 rattling 0 000 | used as intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is informal; "she was very gifted"; "he played very well"; "a really enjoyable evening"; "I'm real sorry about it"; "a rattling good yarn"
00032180 02 r 03 fabulously 0 fantastically 0 incredibly 2 000 | exceedingly; extremely; "she plays fabulously well"
00032299 02 r 04 mighty 0 mightily 0 powerful 0 right 6 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (Southern regional intensive) very; to a great degree; "the baby is mighty cute"; "he's mighty tired"; "it is powerful humid"; "that boy is powerful big now"; "they have a right nice place"; "they rejoiced mightily"
00032598 02 r 01 good_and 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | completely or thoroughly; "when I'm good and ready"
00032705 02 r 01 fucking 0 000 | intensifier, very colloquial; "what took you so fucking long?"
00032803 02 r 01 much 3 000 | very; "he was much annoyed"
00032863 02 r 02 henceforth 0 henceforward 0 000 | from this time forth; from now on; "henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith"
00032996 02 r 01 hereafter 1 000 | following this in time or order or place; after this; "hereafter you will no longer receive an allowance"
00033139 02 r 01 hereafter 3 000 | in a future life or state; "hope to win salvation hereafter"
00033237 02 r 01 hereunder 1 000 | under the terms of this agreement
00033308 02 r 02 just 1 just_now 0 000 | only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
00033421 02 r 04 instantaneously 0 outright 2 instantly 2 in_a_flash 0 001 \ 00979031 a 0101 | without any delay; "he was killed outright"
00033562 02 r 01 mildly 0 001 \ 01508719 a 0101 | to a moderate degree; "he was mildly interested"
00033663 02 r 03 a_bit 0 a_little 0 a_trifle 0 000 | to a small degree; somewhat; "it's a bit warm"; "felt a little better"; "a trifle smaller"
00033809 02 r 01 anon 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | (old-fashioned or informal) in a little while; "see you anon"
00033922 02 r 04 soon 0 shortly 0 presently 1 before_long 0 000 | in the near future; "the doctor will soon be here"; "the book will appear shortly"; "she will arrive presently"; "we should have news before long"
00034137 02 r 01 ASAP 0 000 | as soon as possible
00034189 02 r 01 shortly 1 000 | for a short time; "he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive"
00034308 02 r 01 shortly 3 000 | at a short distance; "the hem fell shortly below her knees"
00034403 02 r 02 momentarily 0 momently 0 000 | at any moment; "she will be with you momently"
00034500 02 r 01 shoulder-to-shoulder 0 001 \ 00446921 a 0101 | side by side and close together; "the troops marched shoulder-to-shoulder"
00034641 02 r 02 soonest 0 earliest 0 000 | with the least delay; "the soonest I can arrive is 3 P.M."
00034746 02 r 01 spiritedly 0 001 \ 02278939 a 0101 | in a spirited or lively manner; with animation and vivacity
00034862 02 r 01 sportively 0 001 \ 02122132 a 0101 | in a merry sportive manner
00034945 02 r 03 stormily 0 turbulently 1 passionately 1 001 \ 01742912 a 0101 | in a stormy or violent manner
00035058 02 r 05 frequently 0 often 0 oftentimes 0 oft 0 ofttimes 0 003 ! 00035385 r 0201 ! 00374520 r 0101 \ 01066542 a 0101 | many times at short intervals; "we often met over a cup of coffee"
00035255 02 r 01 oftener 0 000 | more often or more frequently
00035320 02 r 01 anon 1 000 | at another time; "ever and anon"
00035385 02 r 02 rarely 0 seldom 0 002 ! 00035058 r 0102 \ 01067538 a 0101 | not often; "we rarely met"
00035491 02 r 03 curiously 1 oddly 0 peculiarly 0 003 \ 00968010 a 0304 \ 00968010 a 0203 \ 00968010 a 0101 | in a manner differing from the usual or expected; "had a curiously husky voice"; "he's behaving rather peculiarly"
00035718 02 r 08 reasonably 0 moderately 0 pretty 0 jolly 0 somewhat 0 fairly 2 middling 0 passably 0 004 \ 01531375 a 0201 ! 00036068 r 0202 \ 01532261 a 0103 ! 00036068 r 0101 | to a moderately sufficient extent or degree; "pretty big"; "pretty bad"; "jolly decent of him"; "the shoes are priced reasonably"; "he is fairly clever with computers"
00036068 02 r 02 unreasonably 0 immoderately 2 004 ! 00035718 r 0202 \ 01533120 a 0201 ! 00035718 r 0101 \ 01533974 a 0104 | to a degree that exceeds the bounds or reason or moderation; "his prices are unreasonably high"
00036291 02 r 03 slightly 1 somewhat 1 more_or_less 1 000 | to a small degree or extent; "his arguments were somewhat self-contradictory"; "the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other"
00036515 02 r 01 movingly 0 001 \ 01560513 a 0101 | in a moving manner; "she sang movingly"
00036609 02 r 01 extensively 0 001 \ 01386234 a 0101 | in a widespread way; "oxidation ponds are extensively used for sewage treatment in the Midwest"
00036762 02 r 04 intrinsically 0 per_se 0 as_such 0 in_and_of_itself 0 001 \ 01348258 a 0101 | with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
00036935 02 r 06 decidedly 0 unquestionably 1 emphatically 0 definitely 0 in_spades 0 by_all_odds 0 003 \ 00156575 a 0301 \ 01918184 a 0201 \ 00701299 a 0102 | without question and beyond doubt; "it was decidedly too expensive"; "she told him off in spades"; "by all odds they should win"
00037226 02 r 03 truly 0 genuinely 0 really 3 003 \ 02460964 a 0304 \ 02460964 a 0202 \ 02460502 a 0101 | in accordance with truth or fact or reality; "she was now truly American"; "a genuinely open society"; "they don't really listen to us"
00037470 02 r 01 indeed 2 001 ;u 07106246 n 0000 | (used as an interjection) an expression of surprise or skepticism or irony etc.; "Wants to marry the butler? Indeed!"
00037641 02 r 02 indeed 3 so 0 000 | in truth (often tends to intensify); "they said the car would break down and indeed it did"; "it is very cold indeed"; "was indeed grateful"; "indeed, the rain may still come"; "he did so do it!"
00037876 02 r 01 in_the_lurch 0 001 ;u 07154330 n 0000 | in a difficult or vulnerable position; "he resigned and left me in the lurch"
00038013 02 r 03 in_truth 1 really 2 truly 4 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers); "in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire"; "really, you shouldn't have done it"; "a truly awful book"
00038264 02 r 01 forsooth 0 000 | an archaic word originally meaning `in truth' but now usually used to express disbelief
00038388 02 r 01 in_utero 0 000 | in the uterus; "the child was infected in utero from the mother"
00038489 02 r 01 in_vacuo 0 000 | in a vacuum
00038537 02 r 01 in_vacuo 1 000 | in isolation and without reference to anything else
00038625 02 r 03 naturally 0 of_course 0 course 0 001 ! 00038767 r 0101 | as might be expected; "naturally, the lawyer sent us a huge bill"
00038767 02 r 01 unnaturally 3 002 \ 01570470 a 0101 ! 00038625 r 0101 | in a manner at variance with what is natural or normal; "The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness"
00039058 02 r 01 clearly 0 001 \ 00428404 a 0101 | without doubt or question; "they were clearly lost"; "history has clearly shown the folly of that policy"
00039217 02 r 01 unclearly 0 002 \ 00430191 a 0101 \ 01405523 a 0102 | in a manner that is unclear
00039318 02 r 07 obviously 0 evidently 0 manifestly 0 patently 0 apparently 1 plainly 0 plain 0 007 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 01618376 a 0605 \ 01618376 a 0501 \ 01618376 a 0404 \ 01618376 a 0303 \ 01618376 a 0202 \ 01618053 a 0101 | unmistakably (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly'); "the answer is obviously wrong"; "she was in bed and evidently in great pain"; "he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list"; "it is all patently nonsense"; "she has apparently been living here for some time"; "I thought he owned the property, but apparently not"; "You are plainly wrong"; "he is plain stubborn"
00039941 02 r 04 apparently 0 seemingly 0 ostensibly 0 on_the_face_of_it 0 003 \ 01117942 a 0301 \ 01873985 a 0203 \ 01873985 a 0101 | from appearances alone; "irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert land"; "the child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned"; "had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it"-Thomas Hardy; "on the face of it the problem seems minor"
00040365 02 r 04 again 0 once_again 0 once_more 0 over_again 0 000 | anew; "she tried again"; "they rehearsed the scene again"
00040494 02 r 01 withal 0 000 | together with this
00040547 02 r 04 by_chance 0 accidentally 0 circumstantially 1 unexpectedly 0 002 \ 00930290 a 0401 ! 00062330 r 0202 | without advance planning; "they met accidentally"
00040719 02 r 02 unexpectedly 1 out_of_the_blue 0 001 \ 00930290 a 0101 | in a way that was not expected; "her brother showed up at the wedding out of the blue"
00040882 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 0 000 | so as not to obstruct or hinder; "put that box out of the way so that no one trips on it"
00041014 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 1 000 | dealt with; disposed of; "I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the way"
00041133 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 2 000 | murdered; "the mob boss wanted his rival out of the way"
00041232 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 3 000 | in a remote location or at a distance from the usual route; "the restaurant is top-notch, but a little out of the way"
00041393 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 4 000 | improper; amiss;
00041452 02 r 01 out_of_the_way 5 000 | extraordinary; unusual; "such erratic behavior was out of the way for him"
00041570 02 r 02 in_the_way 0 in_someone's_way 0 000 | forming a hindrance, impediment, or obstruction; "she might have succeeded in her ambition, had not circumstances been in her way"
00041758 02 r 01 specifically 0 002 ! 00041954 r 0101 \ 01103021 a 0101 | in distinction from others; "a program specifically for teenagers"; "he is interested specifically in poisonous snakes"
00041954 02 r 03 generally 1 in_general 0 in_the_main 0 002 ! 00041758 r 0101 \ 01101391 a 0101 | without distinction of one from others; "he is interested in snakes in general"
00042134 02 r 01 nonspecifically 0 001 \ 01105620 a 0101 | without specificity; "nonspecifically staining substances"
00042254 02 r 04 fortunately 0 fortuitously 0 luckily 0 as_luck_would_have_it 0 005 ! 00042769 r 0302 \ 01468097 a 0301 \ 01048587 a 0201 ! 00042769 r 0101 \ 01047874 a 0101 | by good fortune; "fortunately the weather was good"
00042484 02 r 01 happily 0 002 ! 00042614 r 0101 \ 01048406 a 0102 | in an unexpectedly lucky way; "happily he was not injured"
00042614 02 r 02 sadly 0 unhappily 1 002 ! 00042484 r 0101 \ 01361863 a 0101 | in an unfortunate way; "sadly he died before he could see his grandchild"
00042769 02 r 04 unfortunately 0 unluckily 0 regrettably 0 alas 0 005 \ 01052038 a 0301 ! 00042254 r 0203 \ 01051410 a 0205 ! 00042254 r 0101 \ 01049462 a 0101 | by bad luck; "unfortunately it rained all day"; "alas, I cannot stay"
00043003 02 r 05 therefore 0 hence 0 thence 0 thus 0 so a 000 | (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result; "therefore X must be true"; "the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory"; "we were young and thence optimistic"; "it is late and thus we must go"; "the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted"
00043347 02 r 01 ergo 0 000 | (used as a sentence connector) therefore or consequently
00043436 02 r 01 hence 1 000 | from this time; "a year hence it will be forgotten"
00043521 02 r 01 hence 2 001 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | from this place; "get thee hence!"
00043608 02 r 02 thence 1 therefrom 1 000 | from that place or from there; "proceeded thence directly to college"; "flew to Helsinki and thence to Moscow"; "roads that lead therefrom"
00043794 02 r 03 thence 2 therefrom 2 thereof 2 000 | from that circumstance or source; "atomic formulas and all compounds thence constructible"- W.V.Quine; "a natural conclusion follows thence"; "public interest and a policy deriving therefrom"; "typhus fever results therefrom"
00044076 02 r 01 therefor 0 001 ;c 08441203 n 0000 | (in formal usage, especially legal usage) for that or for it; "ordering goods and enclosing payment therefor"; "a refund therefor"
00044262 02 r 01 vocationally 0 001 \ 02840478 a 0101 | affecting the pursuit of a vocation or occupation; "vocationally trained"
00044394 02 r 01 face_to_face 0 000 | involving close contact; confronting each other; "the boy and the policeman suddenly came face-to-face at the corner"; "they spoke face to face"
00044579 02 r 02 one-on-one 0 person-to-person 0 000 | (of two persons) in direct encounter; "preferred to settle the matter one-on-one"; "interviewed her person-to-person"
00044754 02 r 01 face-to-face 2 000 | within each other's presence; "she met the president face-to-face"
00044861 02 r 02 face-to-face 5 opposite 0 000 | directly facing each other; "the two photographs lay face-to-face on the table"; "lived all their lives in houses face-to-face across the street"; "they sat opposite at the table"
00045092 02 r 01 vis-a-vis 0 000 | face-to-face with; literally `face to face'; "they sat vis-a-vis at the table"; "I found myself vis-a-vis a burly policeman"
00045254 02 r 01 tete_a_tete 0 000 | without the intrusion of a third person; in intimate privacy; "we talked tete-a-tete"
00045379 02 r 01 if_not 0 000 | perhaps; indicating possibility of being more remarkable (greater or better or sooner) than; "will yield 10% if not more"; "pretty if not actually beautiful"; "let's meet tonight if not sooner"
00045607 02 r 01 beyond 0 000 | in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond"
00045704 02 r 01 beyond 1 000 | farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
00045897 02 r 01 beyond 2 000 | on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond"
00046002 02 r 01 otherwise 1 000 | in other respects or ways; "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation"
00046167 02 r 02 additionally 0 to_boot 0 000 | in addition, by way of addition; furthermore; "he serves additionally as the CEO"
00046299 02 r 04 extremely 0 exceedingly 0 super 0 passing 0 001 \ 01511520 a 0101 | to an extreme degree; "extremely cold"; "extremely unpleasant"
00046449 02 r 01 drop-dead 0 001 ;u 07157273 n 0000 | extremely; "she was drop-dead gorgeous"
00046545 02 r 01 beyond_measure 0 000 | in excess or without limit; "amazed beyond measure"
00046639 02 r 05 madly 0 insanely 2 deadly 0 deucedly 0 devilishly 2 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (used as intensives) extremely; "she was madly in love"; "deadly dull"; "deadly earnest"; "deucedly clever"; "insanely jealous"
00046863 02 r 02 inordinately 0 extraordinarily 0 002 \ 01534648 a 0201 \ 01533974 a 0102 | extremely; "she was inordinately smart"; "it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate"
00047056 02 r 03 by_far 0 far_and_away 0 out_and_away 0 000 | by a considerable margin; "she was by far the smartest student"; "it was far and away the best meal he had ever eaten"
00047239 02 r 01 head_and_shoulders_above 0 000 | outstandingly superior to; "in intelligence he was head and shoulders above the others in his class"
00047392 02 r 04 excessively 0 overly 0 to_a_fault 0 too 0 001 \ 01533974 a 0101 | to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big"
00047534 02 r 05 besides 3 too 1 also 0 likewise 1 as_well 1 000 | in addition; "he has a Mercedes, too"
00047641 02 r 02 yet 0 in_time 0 000 | within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time; "he longed for the flowers that were yet to show themselves"; "sooner or later you will have to face the facts"; "in time they came to accept the harsh reality"
00047903 02 r 05 ultimately 1 finally 0 in_the_end 0 at_last 0 at_long_last 0 002 \ 01579128 a 0201 \ 01013961 a 0101 | as the end result of a succession or process; "ultimately he had to give in"; "at long last the winter was over"
00048138 02 r 02 finally 2 eventually 0 001 \ 01578856 a 0201 | after an unspecified period of time or an especially long delay
00048268 02 r 02 presently 0 currently 0 002 \ 00666058 a 0201 \ 01731351 a 0101 | at this time or period; now; "he is presently our ambassador to the United Nations"; "currently they live in Connecticut"
00048475 02 r 03 nowadays 0 now 0 today 1 000 | in these times; "it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished"- Nancy Mitford; "we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets"; "today almost every home has television"
00048739 02 r 0a immediately 0 instantly 0 straightaway 0 straight_off 0 directly 7 now 1 right_away 0 at_once 0 forthwith 0 like_a_shot 0 001 \ 00770316 a 0101 | without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening; "he answered immediately"; "found an answer straightaway"; "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith"; "Come here now!"
00049102 02 r 01 now 2 000 | used to preface a command or reproof or request; "now hear this!"; "now pay attention"
00049220 02 r 02 now 4 at_present 0 000 | at the present moment; "goods now on sale"; "the now-aging dictator"; "they are now abroad"; "he is busy at present writing a new novel"; "it could happen any time now"
00049433 02 r 01 now 5 000 | in the historical present; at this point in the narration of a series of past events; "President Kennedy now calls in the National Guard"; "Washington now decides to cross the Delaware"; "the ship is now listing to port"
00049685 02 r 01 now 6 000 | in the immediate past; "told me just now"
00049758 02 r 01 now 7 000 | (prefatory or transitional) indicates a change of subject or activity; "Now the next problem is..."
00049889 02 r 01 now_now 0 000 | interjection of rebuke
00049947 02 r 02 aggressively 0 sharply 0 001 \ 00082241 a 0101 | in an aggressive manner; "she was being sharply questioned"
00050075 02 r 02 shrilly 0 piercingly 1 001 \ 01214430 a 0101 | in a shrill voice; "she sang rather shrilly"
00050186 02 r 01 steadily 1 001 \ 02301560 a 0101 | at a steady rate or pace; "his interest eroded steadily"
00050297 02 r 06 happily 1 merrily 0 mirthfully 0 gayly 0 blithely 0 jubilantly 0 007 \ 01367211 a 0604 \ 00363291 a 0501 \ 01367651 a 0401 \ 01367651 a 0306 \ 01367431 a 0204 ! 00050556 r 0101 \ 01148283 a 0101 | in a joyous manner; "they shouted happily"
00050556 02 r 01 unhappily 0 002 ! 00050297 r 0101 \ 01805064 a 0101 | in an unpleasant way; "they were unhappily married"
00050681 02 r 02 no 2 no_more 5 000 | referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "he was no heavier than a child"
00050817 02 r 04 firm 0 firmly 2 steadfastly 0 unwaveringly 0 003 \ 01990653 a 0408 \ 01990653 a 0302 \ 01990653 a 0201 | with resolute determination; "we firmly believed it"; "you must stand firm"
00051017 02 r 03 squarely 0 foursquare 0 straightforwardly 1 001 \ 00766102 a 0302 | with firmness and conviction; without compromise; "he stood foursquare for religious liberty and toleration"- C.G.Bowers; "dealt straightforwardly with all issues"
00051268 02 r 02 squarely 1 square 1 000 | firmly and solidly; "hit the ball squarely"; "the bat met the ball squarely"; "planted his great bulk square before his enemy"
00051440 02 r 02 squarely 2 square 2 001 \ 02043217 a 0101 | in a square shape; "a squarely cut piece of paper"; "folded the sheet of paper square"
00051590 02 r 03 squarely 3 forthrightly 0 forthright 0 001 \ 00766102 a 0101 | directly and without evasion; not roundabout; "to face a problem squarely"; "the responsibility lies squarely with them"; "spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point"
00051848 02 r 03 directly 0 straight 5 direct 0 002 \ 02310895 a 0201 \ 00760916 a 0101 | without deviation; "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"
00052026 02 r 02 squarely 5 square 0 000 | in a straight direct way; "looked him squarely in the eye"; "ran square into me"
00052152 02 r 01 due 0 000 | directly or exactly; straight; "went due North"
00052231 02 r 03 variously 0 diversely 0 multifariously 0 003 \ 02506922 a 0304 \ 02067491 a 0201 \ 02067491 a 0102 | in diverse ways; "the alternatives that are variously represented by the participants"; "the speakers treated the subject most diversely"
00052489 02 r 03 indefatigably 0 tirelessly 0 inexhaustibly 0 002 \ 00874920 a 0202 \ 00874920 a 0101 | with indefatigable energy; "she watched the show indefatigably"
00052659 02 r 01 biradially 0 001 \ 02372303 a 0101 | in a biradial manner; "biradially symmetrical"
00052762 02 r 01 bitterly 0 001 \ 00116744 a 0102 | with bitterness, in a resentful manner; "she complained bitterly"
00052882 02 r 01 bitterly 1 001 \ 02435901 a 0101 | indicating something hard to accept; "he was bitterly disappointed"
00053004 02 r 05 very_well 1 fine 0 alright 0 all_right 0 OK 0 000 | an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence
00053152 02 r 02 all_right 1 alright 1 000 | without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion); "it's expensive all right"
00053274 02 r 02 swiftly 0 fleetly 0 002 \ 00978199 a 0201 \ 00978199 a 0102 | in a swift manner; "she moved swiftly"
00053394 02 r 01 openly 0 001 \ 01652902 a 0101 | in an open way; "he openly flaunted his affection for his sister"
00053512 02 r 01 practically 1 001 \ 01834304 a 0101 | in a practical manner; "practically orientated institutions such as business schools"; "a brilliant man but so practically inept that he needed help to cross the road safely"
00053744 02 r 01 practically 0 000 | almost; nearly; "practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train"; "he was practically the only guest at the party"; "there was practically no garden at all"
00053952 02 r 02 presumably 0 presumptively 0 001 \ 02418412 a 0101 | by reasonable assumption; "presumably, he missed the train"
00054084 02 r 01 pyramidically 0 001 \ 01810998 a 0103 | in a pyramidal manner or shape; "the bush was trimmed pyramidically"
00054212 02 r 01 next 0 000 | at the time or occasion immediately following; "next the doctor examined his back"
00054327 02 r 02 for_the_moment 0 for_the_time_being 2 000 | temporarily; "we'll stop for the time being"
00054435 02 r 01 easily 6 000 | without question; "easily the best book she's written"
00054524 02 r 01 by_hand 1 001 ! 00054636 r 0101 | without the use of a machine; "this dress is sewn by hand"
00054636 02 r 01 by_machine 0 001 ! 00054524 r 0101 | with the use of a machine; "the shirt is sewn by machine"
00054750 02 r 01 hand_to_hand 0 000 | at close quarters; "fought hand to hand"
00054831 02 r 01 hand_to_mouth 0 000 | with barely enough money for immediate needs; "they lived form hand to mouth"
00054950 02 r 04 terribly 0 awfully 0 awful 0 frightfully 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | used as intensifiers; "terribly interesting"; "I'm awful sorry"
00055101 02 r 06 terribly 1 atrociously 0 awfully 2 abominably 0 abysmally 0 rottenly 0 004 \ 01127782 a 0604 \ 01126291 a 0303 \ 01126291 a 0201 \ 01126291 a 0106 | in a terrible manner; "she sings terribly"
00055312 02 r 03 acceptably 0 tolerably 1 so-so 0 004 ! 00055518 r 0202 \ 02435026 a 0201 ! 00055518 r 0101 \ 00017782 a 0101 | in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner; "she plays tennis tolerably"
00055518 02 r 02 unacceptably 0 intolerably 0 004 ! 00055312 r 0202 \ 02435026 a 0201 ! 00055312 r 0101 \ 00017782 a 0101 | to an unacceptable degree; "The percentage of lead in our drinking water is unacceptably high"
00055739 02 r 01 abusively 0 001 \ 01160584 a 0101 | in an abusive manner; "he behaved abusively toward his children"
00055859 02 r 01 admiringly 0 000 | with admiration; "he looked at his wife admiringly"
00055949 02 r 01 adoringly 0 001 \ 01464433 a 0101 | with adoration; "he looked at his wife adoringly"
00056054 02 r 01 adroitly 0 002 ! 00056200 r 0101 \ 00061262 a 0101 | with adroitness; in an adroit manner; "he handled the situation adroitly"
00056200 02 r 01 maladroitly 0 002 ! 00056054 r 0101 \ 00063277 a 0101 | in a maladroit manner; "he dealt with the situation maladroitly"
00056340 02 r 03 dreadfully 0 awfully 1 horribly 0 003 \ 00193480 a 0304 \ 00193799 a 0201 \ 01803247 a 0101 | of a dreadful kind; "there was a dreadfully bloody accident on the road this morning"
00056539 02 r 01 greatly 0 001 \ 01677433 a 0101 | to an extraordinary extent or degree; "he improved greatly"
00056652 02 r 01 drastically 2 001 \ 00841934 a 0101 | in a drastic manner
00056729 02 r 03 at_all 0 in_the_least 0 the_least_bit 0 000 | in the slightest degree or in any respect; "Are you at all interested? No, not at all"; "was not in the least unfriendly"
00056916 02 r 01 by_all_means 0 002 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ! 00057042 r 0101 | definitely or certainly; "Visit us by all means"
00057042 02 r 03 by_no_means 0 not_by_a_long_sight 0 not_by_a_blame_sight 0 002 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ! 00056916 r 0101 | definitely not; "the prize is by no means certain"; "and that isn't all, not by a long sight"
00057257 02 r 02 thoroughly 0 exhaustively 0 001 \ 00311505 a 0101 | in an exhaustive manner; "we searched the files thoroughly"
00057388 02 r 03 thoroughly 1 soundly 0 good 1 003 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00523786 a 0201 \ 00522463 a 0102 | completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly'); "he was soundly defeated"; "we beat him good"
00057626 02 r 02 through 5 through_and_through 0 000 | throughout the entire extent; "got soaked through in the rain"; "I'm frozen through"; "a letter shot through with the writer's personality"; "knew him through and through"; "boards rotten through and through"
00057892 02 r 01 soundly 1 001 \ 00693020 a 0103 | deeply or completely; "slept soundly through the storm"; "the baby is sleeping soundly"
00058033 02 r 02 right 9 flop 1 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | exactly; "he fell flop on his face"
00058128 02 r 03 directly 1 flat 0 straight 4 002 ! 00058359 r 0101 \ 00763901 a 0101 | in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
00058359 02 r 01 indirectly 0 002 ! 00058128 r 0101 \ 00766457 a 0101 | not in a forthright manner; "he answered very indirectly"
00058491 02 r 01 indigenously 0 001 \ 01036383 a 0105 | in an indigenous manner
00058573 02 r 01 individualistically 0 001 \ 00494027 a 0102 | in an individualistic manner
00058667 02 r 01 intractably 0 001 \ 02451951 a 0101 | in an intractable manner
00058749 02 r 01 man-to-man 0 000 | directly; "we must talk man-to-man"
00058823 02 r 01 secondhand 0 001 \ 01854702 a 0101 | by indirect means; "I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand"; "he prefers to buy secondhand"
00058978 02 r 01 thirdhand 0 001 \ 01855204 a 0101 | by doubly indirect means; "I got the news thirdhand"
00059086 02 r 01 much 0 000 | to a great degree or extent; "she's much better now"
00059171 02 r 06 a_lot 0 lots 0 a_good_deal 0 a_great_deal 0 much 4 very_much 1 000 | to a very great degree or extent; "I feel a lot better"; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal"
00059413 02 r 03 much 6 a_great_deal 3 often 1 000 | frequently or in great quantities; "I don't drink much"; "I don't travel much"
00059547 02 r 01 often 2 000 | in many cases or instances
00059607 02 r 01 better 0 000 | comparative of `well'; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc.; "She had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the job"
00059854 02 r 03 increasingly 0 progressively 1 more_and_more 0 002 \ 02536518 a 0201 \ 02534877 a 0101 | advancing in amount or intensity; "she became increasingly depressed"
00060032 02 r 02 effectively 0 in_effect 0 001 \ 00044132 a 0101 | in actuality or reality or fact; "she is effectively his wife"; "in effect, they had no choice"
00060197 02 r 01 de_facto 0 000 | in reality or fact; "the result was, de facto, a one-party system"
00060300 02 r 03 for_all_practical_purposes 0 to_all_intents_and_purposes 1 for_all_intents_and_purposes 0 000 | in every practical sense; "to all intents and purposes the case is closed"; "the rest are for all practical purposes useless"
00060541 02 r 01 reproducibly 0 001 \ 01867996 a 0101 | in a manner that is reproducible
00060632 02 r 02 previously 0 antecedently 0 002 \ 00121865 a 0201 \ 00127137 a 0101 | at an earlier time or formerly; "she had previously lived in Chicago"; "he was previously president of a bank"; "better than anything previously proposed"; "a previously unquestioned attitude"; "antecedently arranged"
00060939 02 r 02 earlier 0 before 3 000 | earlier in time; previously; "I had known her before"; "as I said before"; "he called me the day before but your call had come even earlier"; "her parents had died four years earlier"; "I mentioned that problem earlier"
00061203 02 r 06 subsequently 0 later 1 afterwards 0 afterward 0 after 1 later_on 0 002 \ 00123485 a 0201 \ 00122626 a 0101 | happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"; "it didn't happen until afterward"; "two hours after that"
00061528 02 r 04 abruptly 0 suddenly 0 short 4 dead 1 002 \ 01143279 a 0201 \ 01143585 a 0101 | quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"
00061677 02 r 03 suddenly 2 all_of_a_sudden 1 of_a_sudden 0 000 | happening unexpectedly; "suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side"
00061814 02 r 01 presto 1 000 | suddenly; "Presto! begone! 'tis here again"- Swift
00061899 02 r 01 presto 2 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | at a very fast tempo (faster than allegro)
00061995 02 r 01 inscriptively 0 001 \ 02749600 a 0101 | by means of an inscription
00062081 02 r 01 inscrutably 0 001 \ 00939444 a 0104 | in an inscrutable manner
00062163 02 r 01 insecticidally 0 001 \ 02749690 a 0101 | by means of an insecticide
00062250 02 r 01 insensately 0 001 \ 00117754 a 0102 | in an insensate manner
00062330 02 r 08 intentionally 0 deliberately 0 designedly 0 on_purpose 0 purposely 0 advisedly 0 by_choice 0 by_design 0 005 ! 00040547 r 0202 \ 01337939 a 0201 ! 00062650 r 0101 \ 01338116 a 0101 ! 00062650 r 0202 | with intention; in an intentional manner; "he used that word intentionally"; "I did this by choice"
00062650 02 r 02 unintentionally 0 accidentally 2 004 ! 00062330 r 0202 \ 01338909 a 0201 ! 00062330 r 0101 \ 01339492 a 0101 | without intention; in an unintentional manner; "she hit him unintentionally"
00062857 02 r 02 consequently 0 accordingly 0 001 \ 00122844 a 0102 | (sentence connectors) because of the reason given; "consequently, he didn't do it"; "continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor"
00063089 02 r 01 accordingly 1 000 | in accordance with; "she acted accordingly"
00063172 02 r 03 alternatively 0 instead 0 or_else 1 001 \ 00564667 a 0101 | in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "alternatively we could buy a used car"
00063369 02 r 02 let_alone 0 not_to_mention 0 000 | much less; "she can't boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal"
00063483 02 r 01 a_fortiori 0 000 | with greater reason; for a still stronger, more certain reason; "if you are wrong then, a fortiori, so am I"
00063630 02 r 03 altogether 0 all_told 0 in_all 0 000 | with everything included or counted; "altogether he earns close to a million dollars"
00063774 02 r 01 all_together 1 000 | used of a group whose members acted or were acted upon collectively and when `all' and `together' can be separated by other words; "they were herded all together"; "they were all herded together"; "the books lay all together in a heap"; "the books all lay together..."
00064083 02 r 01 anatomically 0 001 \ 02897524 a 0102 | with respect to anatomy; "anatomically correct"
00064189 02 r 01 blindly 1 001 \ 01926654 a 0101 | without preparation or reflection; without a rational basis; "they bought the car blindly"; "he picked a wife blindly"
00064361 02 r 01 chromatically 0 001 \ 00366691 a 0101 | with respect to color; "chromatically pure"
00064464 02 r 01 chronologically 0 001 \ 02956880 a 0101 | with respect to chronology; "he is chronologically older"
00064583 02 r 01 clinically 0 001 \ 02885529 a 0101 | in a clinical manner; "she is clinically qualified"
00064691 02 r 02 punctually 0 duly 0 002 \ 00929916 a 0201 \ 01900349 a 0101 | at the proper time; "she was duly apprised of the raise"
00064829 02 r 01 mathematically 0 001 \ 02937876 a 0101 | with respect to mathematics; "mathematically impossible"
00064946 02 r 03 meanwhile 0 meantime 0 in_the_meantime 0 000 | during the intervening time; "meanwhile I will not think about the problem"; "meantime he was attentive to his other interests"; "in the meantime the police were notified"
00065184 02 r 01 meanwhile 1 000 | at the same time but in another place; "meanwhile, back at the ranch..."
00065294 02 r 01 twice 0 000 | two times; "I called her twice"
00065359 02 r 01 largely 1 000 | on a large scale; "the sketch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the back row"
00065486 02 r 01 largo 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 00983196 a 0101 | slowly and broadly
00065575 02 r 02 lengthily 0 at_length 0 001 \ 01439155 a 0103 | in a lengthy or prolix manner; "the argument went on lengthily"; "she talked at length about the problem"
00065748 02 r 01 last 0 000 | most_recently; "I saw him last in London"
00065822 02 r 04 last 1 lastly 0 in_conclusion 0 finally 3 001 \ 01013279 a 0101 | the item at the end; "last, I'll discuss family values"
00065963 02 r 02 last_but_not_least 0 last_not_least 0 000 | in addition to all the foregoing; "last not least he plays the saxophone"
00066100 02 r 01 lastingly 0 001 \ 01754421 a 0101 | in an enduring or permanent manner
00066190 02 r 04 absently 0 abstractedly 0 inattentively 0 absentmindedly 0 004 \ 00165171 a 0402 \ 00164863 a 0301 \ 00165171 a 0203 \ 00165171 a 0101 | in an absentminded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently"
00066418 02 r 01 accusingly 0 001 \ 00924257 a 0103 | in an accusing manner; "he looked at her accusingly"
00066527 02 r 01 affectedly 0 001 \ 00073048 a 0101 | in an affected manner
00066605 02 r 03 affectingly 0 poignantly 0 touchingly 0 003 \ 01560821 a 0303 \ 01560821 a 0202 \ 01560821 a 0101 | in a poignant or touching manner; "she spoke poignantly"
00066781 02 r 03 ahead 0 in_front 0 before 1 000 | at or in the front; "I see the lights of a town ahead"; "the road ahead is foggy"; "staring straight ahead"; "we couldn't see over the heads of the people in front"; "with the cross of Jesus marching on before"
00067045 02 r 03 ahead 1 in_advance 0 beforehand 0 000 | ahead of time; in anticipation; "when you pay ahead (or in advance) you receive a discount"; "We like to plan ahead"; "should have made reservations beforehand"
00067265 02 r 06 ahead 2 onward 1 onwards 0 forward 1 forwards 0 forrader 0 000 | in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
00067513 02 r 03 ahead 3 out_front 0 in_the_lead 0 000 | leading or ahead in a competition; "the horse was three lengths ahead going into the home stretch"; "ahead by two pawns"; "our candidate is in the lead in the polls"; "way out front in the race"; "the advertising campaign put them out front in sales"
00067823 02 r 01 ahead 4 000 | to a different or a more advanced time (meaning advanced either toward the present or toward the future); "moved the appointment ahead from Tuesday to Monday"; "pushed the deadline ahead from Tuesday to Wednesday"
00068070 02 r 01 ahead 5 000 | to a more advanced or advantageous position; "a young man sure to get ahead"; "pushing talented students ahead"
00068215 02 r 02 all_along 0 right_along 0 000 | all the time or over a period of time; "She had known all along"; "the hope had been there all along"
00068368 02 r 02 along 1 on 0 000 | with a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on"
00068577 02 r 01 along 0 000 | in accompaniment or as a companion; "his little sister came along to the movies"; "I brought my camera along"; "working along with his father"
00068753 02 r 01 along 2 000 | in addition (usually followed by `with'); "we sent them food and some clothing went along in the package"; "along with the package came a bill"; "consider the advantages along with the disadvantages"
00068986 02 r 01 along 3 000 | to a more advanced state; "the work is moving along"; "well along in their research"; "hurrying their education along"; "getting along in years"
00069164 02 r 01 along 4 000 | in line with a length or direction (often followed by `by' or `beside'); "pass the word along"; "ran along beside me"; "cottages along by the river"
00069346 02 r 01 on 1 000 | indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?"
00069472 02 r 01 on 2 000 | in a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"; "get a load on"
00069603 02 r 01 alike 1 000 | in a like manner; "they walk alike"
00069672 02 r 02 alike 0 likewise 8 000 | equally; "parents and teachers alike demanded reforms"
00069771 02 r 02 aloud 0 out_loud 0 000 | using the voice; not silently; "please read the passage aloud"; "he laughed out loud"
00069901 02 r 03 loudly 0 loud 0 aloud 1 002 \ 01452593 a 0101 ! 00070166 r 0101 | with relatively high volume; "the band played loudly"; "she spoke loudly and angrily"; "he spoke loud enough for those at the back of the room to hear him"; "cried aloud for help"
00070166 02 r 02 softly 0 quietly 0 002 \ 01454636 a 0101 ! 00069901 r 0101 | with low volume; "speak softly but carry a big stick"; "she spoke quietly to the child"; "the radio was playing softly"
00070366 02 r 01 faintly 0 001 \ 01747364 a 0101 | to a faint degree or weakly perceived; "between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly"; "stars shining faintly through the overcast"; "could hear his distant shouts only faintly"; "the rumors weren't even faintly true"
00070650 02 r 01 analogously 0 001 \ 02071973 a 0101 | in an analogous manner; "analogously, we have a variable"
00070765 02 r 07 randomly 0 indiscriminately 0 haphazardly 0 willy-nilly 0 arbitrarily 0 at_random 0 every_which_way 1 003 \ 01924803 a 0301 \ 00773759 a 0201 \ 01924316 a 0101 | in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random"
00071050 02 r 01 around 0 000 | in circumference; "the trunk is ten feet around"; "the pond is two miles around"
00071165 02 r 02 about 1 around 1 000 | in the area or vicinity; "a few spectators standing about"; "hanging around"; "waited around for the next flight"
00071321 02 r 01 nearby 0 000 | not far away in relative terms; "she works nearby"; "the planets orbiting nearby are Venus and Mars"
00071456 02 r 02 round 0 around 2 000 | from beginning to end; throughout; "It rains all year round on Skye"; "frigid weather the year around"
00071601 02 r 01 around 5 000 | by a circular or circuitous route; "He came all the way around the base"; "the road goes around the pond"
00071741 02 r 01 around 6 000 | in a circle or circular motion; "The wheels are spinning around"
00071840 02 r 02 about 6 around 7 000 | all around or on all sides; "dirty clothes lying around (or about)"; "let's look about for help"; "There were trees growing all around"; "she looked around her"
00072043 02 r 01 around 8 000 | to a particular destination either specified or understood; "she came around to see me"; "I invited them around for supper"
00072201 02 r 02 about 2 around 9 000 | in or to a reversed position or direction; "about face"; "suddenly she turned around"
00072329 02 r 02 about 4 around 4 000 | used of movement to or among many different places or in no particular direction; "wandering about with no place to go"; "people were rushing about"; "news gets around (or about)"; "traveled around in Asia"; "he needs advice from someone who's been around"; "she sleeps around"
00072649 02 r 01 here_and_there 0 000 | in or to various places; first this place and then that; "he worked here and there but never for long in one town"; "we drove here and there in the darkness"
00072849 02 r 02 urgently 0 desperately 0 002 \ 00713351 a 0201 \ 00713558 a 0102 | with great urgency; "health care reform is needed urgently"; "the soil desperately needed potash"
00073033 02 r 08 about 5 almost 0 most 2 nearly 0 near 3 nigh 1 virtually 2 well-nigh 0 000 | (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but; "the job is (just) about done"; "the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded"; "we're almost finished"; "the car all but ran her down"; "he nearly fainted"; "talked for nigh onto 2 hours"; "the recording is well-nigh perfect"; "virtually all the parties signed the contract"; "I was near exhausted by the run"; "most everyone agrees"
00073546 02 r 01 asexually 0 001 \ 02135913 a 0101 | in an asexual manner; "plants that reproduce asexually"
00073657 02 r 01 asymptotically 0 001 \ 02929071 a 0101 | toward an asymptote; "it grew asymptotically"
00073763 02 r 02 scantily 0 barely 1 002 \ 00106821 a 0201 \ 00106821 a 0102 | in a sparse or scanty way; "a barely furnished room"
00073897 02 r 05 chiefly 0 principally 0 primarily 1 mainly 0 in_the_main 1 003 \ 01852174 a 0301 \ 01277426 a 0204 \ 01277426 a 0101 | for the most part; "he is mainly interested in butterflies"
00074095 02 r 01 ago 0 000 | in the past; "long ago"; "sixty years ago my grandfather came to the U.S."
00074201 02 r 02 back 1 backward 2 002 ! 00075442 r 0202 ! 00075442 r 0101 | in or to or toward a past time; "set the clocks back an hour"; "never look back"; "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"
00074407 02 r 05 back 0 backward 3 backwards 3 rearward 0 rearwards 0 001 ! 00074641 r 0201 | at or to or toward the back or rear; "he moved back"; "tripped when he stepped backward"; "she looked rearward out the window of the car"
00074641 02 r 06 forward 0 forwards 1 frontward 0 frontwards 0 forrad 0 forrard 0 002 ;u 07155661 n 0000 ! 00074407 r 0102 | at or to or toward the front; "he faced forward"; "step forward"; "she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine"; (`forrad' and `forrard' are dialectal variations)
00074964 02 r 01 back 3 000 | in repayment or retaliation; "we paid back everything we had borrowed"; "he hit me and I hit him back"; "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"
00075161 02 r 01 back 4 000 | in or to or toward a former location; "she went back to her parents' house"
00075269 02 r 01 back 5 000 | in or to or toward an original condition; "he went back to sleep"
00075367 02 r 01 back 6 000 | in reply; "he wrote back three days later"
00075442 02 r 02 ahead 6 forward 2 002 ! 00074201 r 0202 ! 00074201 r 0101 | toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"
00075656 02 r 01 aback 0 000 | by surprise; "taken aback by the caustic remarks"
00075739 02 r 01 aback 1 000 | having the wind against the forward side of the sails; "the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback"
00075881 02 r 01 abeam 0 000 | at right angles to the length of a ship or airplane
00075966 02 r 02 backward 1 backwards 1 000 | in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal; "it's easy to get the `i' and the `e' backward in words like `seize' and `siege'"; "the child put her jersey on backward"
00076193 02 r 03 back_and_forth 0 backward_and_forward 0 to_and_fro 0 000 | moving from one place to another and back again; "he traveled back and forth between Los Angeles and New York"; "the treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner"; "the old man just sat on the porch and rocked back and forth all day"
00076512 02 r 01 up_and_down 1 000 | moving backward and forward along a given course; "he walked up and down the locker room"; "all up and down the Eastern seaboard"
00076681 02 r 01 aurally 0 001 \ 02648698 a 0101 | with regard to sound or the ear; "the new musical was visually and aurally appealing"
00076820 02 r 01 axially 0 001 \ 02654894 a 0101 | with respect to an axis; "the jet was directed axially toward the cathode"
00076948 02 r 01 brazenly 0 001 \ 00155144 a 0106 | in a brazen manner; "he spoke brazenly"
00077042 02 r 01 brilliantly 0 001 \ 01335156 a 0102 | in an extremely intelligent way; "he solved the problem brilliantly"
00077168 02 r 03 brilliantly 1 brightly 0 bright 0 002 \ 00278551 a 0201 \ 00281173 a 0101 | with brightness; "the stars shone brilliantly"; "the windows glowed jewel bright"
00077345 02 r 01 catalytically 0 001 \ 03054409 a 0101 | by catalytic action; in a catalytic manner; "catalytically stabilized combustion of propane"
00077497 02 r 01 commercially 0 001 \ 00483146 a 0101 | in a commercial manner; "the product is commercially available"
00077619 02 r 02 dearly 0 dear 0 001 \ 00933599 a 0102 | at a great cost; "he paid dearly for the food"; "this cost him dear"
00077747 02 r 03 dearly 1 affectionately 0 dear 1 002 \ 01464700 a 0201 \ 01462324 a 0103 | with affection; "she loved him dearly"; "he treats her affectionately"
00077912 02 r 02 dearly 2 in_a_heartfelt_way 0 001 \ 02179968 a 0101 | in a sincere and heartfelt manner; "I would dearly love to know"
00078050 02 r 01 conversely 0 001 \ 02382762 a 0101 | with the terms of the relation reversed; "conversely, not all women are mothers"
00078187 02 r 01 cosmetically 0 001 \ 00070111 a 0101 | for cosmetic purposes to improve appearance; "it is used cosmetically by many women"
00078330 02 r 01 decoratively 0 001 \ 01091234 a 0102 | in a decorative manner; "used decoratively at Christmas"
00078445 02 r 01 covertly 0 002 ! 00078558 r 0101 \ 01705655 a 0101 | in a covert manner; "he did it covertly"
00078558 02 r 01 overtly 0 002 ! 00078445 r 0101 \ 01704761 a 0101 | in an overt manner; "he did it overtly"
00078669 02 r 01 microscopically 0 001 \ 02918844 a 0102 | by using a microscope; so as to be visible only with a microscope; as seen with a microscope; "the blood was examined microscopically"; "the seeds were microscopically small"
00078905 02 r 01 microscopically 1 001 \ 01838772 a 0101 | as if by using a microscope; with extreme precision and attention to detail; in minute detail; "every manuscript was edited microscopically"
00079107 02 r 03 undoubtedly 0 doubtless 0 doubtlessly 0 000 | without doubt; certainly; "it's undoubtedly very beautiful"
00079232 02 r 01 statistically 0 001 \ 02911627 a 0101 | with respect to statistics; "this is statistically impossible"
00079354 02 r 01 thermodynamically 0 001 \ 02908041 a 0101 | with respect to thermodynamics; "this phenomenon is thermodynamically impossible"
00079499 02 r 03 tonight 0 this_evening 0 this_night 0 000 | during the night of the present day; "drop by tonight"
00079617 02 r 01 actively 0 002 ! 00079748 r 0101 \ 00038750 a 0101 | in an active manner; "he participated actively in the war"
00079748 02 r 01 passively 0 002 ! 00079617 r 0101 \ 00039592 a 0101 | in a passive manner; "he listened passively"
00079866 02 r 01 below 0 001 ! 00079947 r 0101 | at a later place; "see below"
00079947 02 r 02 above 0 supra 0 001 ! 00079866 r 0101 | at an earlier place; "see above"
00080039 02 r 04 below 1 at_a_lower_place 0 to_a_lower_place 1 beneath 0 001 ! 00080169 r 0101 | in or to a place that is lower
00080169 02 r 04 above 1 higher_up 0 in_a_higher_place 0 to_a_higher_place 0 001 ! 00080039 r 0101 | in or to a place that is higher
00080304 02 r 02 in_the_bargain 0 into_the_bargain 0 000 | in addition; over and above what is expected; "He lost his wife in the bargain"
00080445 02 r 01 contemptibly 0 001 \ 00904548 a 0101 | in a manner deserving contempt
00080534 02 r 04 contemptuously 0 disdainfully 0 scornfully 0 contumeliously 0 004 \ 01995500 a 0401 \ 01995288 a 0304 \ 01995288 a 0202 \ 01995288 a 0101 | without respect; in a disdainful manner; "she spoke of him contemptuously"
00080768 02 r 01 contractually 0 001 \ 02702656 a 0101 | by virtue of a contract; "they were contractually responsible"
00080890 02 r 04 insanely 1 crazily 0 dementedly 0 madly 1 005 \ 02075321 a 0405 \ 02075321 a 0303 \ 02075321 a 0202 ! 00081194 r 0101 \ 02074092 a 0101 | in an insane manner; "she behaved insanely"; "he behaves crazily when he is off his medication"; "the witch cackled madly"; "screaming dementedly"
00081194 02 r 01 sanely 1 002 ! 00080890 r 0101 \ 02073443 a 0101 | in a sane or lucid manner; "she is behaving rather sanely these days even though we know she is schizophrenic"
00081375 02 r 01 comically 0 001 \ 01265308 a 0103 | in a comical manner; "the tone was comically desperate"
00081486 02 r 01 daily 0 001 \ 01968165 a 0101 | every day; without missing a day; "he stops by daily"
00081591 02 r 04 hebdomadally 0 weekly 0 every_week 0 each_week 0 001 \ 01968503 a 0102 | without missing a week; "she visited her aunt weekly"
00081737 02 r 04 annually 0 yearly 0 every_year 0 each_year 0 001 \ 01969150 a 0101 | without missing a year; "they travel to China annually"
00081881 02 r 03 curiously 0 inquisitively 0 interrogatively 0 002 \ 00664879 a 0201 \ 00664449 a 0101 | with curiosity; "the baby looked around curiously"
00082039 02 r 01 dazzlingly 0 001 \ 01283787 a 0101 | in a manner or to a degree that dazzles the beholder
00082148 02 r 03 deceptively 0 deceivingly 0 misleadingly 0 002 \ 01224253 a 0302 \ 01938975 a 0101 | in a misleading way; "the exam looked deceptively easy"
00082308 02 r 02 yonder 0 yon 0 000 | at or in an indicated (usually distant) place (`yon' is archaic and dialectal); "the house yonder"; "scattered here and yon"- Calder Willingham
00082492 02 r 01 deprecatively 0 001 \ 00648238 a 0101 | in a deprecative manner
00082575 02 r 01 depressingly 0 001 \ 00364479 a 0101 | in a depressing manner or to a depressing degree
00082682 02 r 01 dichotomously 0 001 \ 02480861 a 0101 | in a dichotomous manner
00082765 02 r 01 digitately 0 001 \ 00946281 a 0101 | in a digitate manner
00082842 02 r 01 disruptively 0 001 \ 01923720 a 0101 | in a disruptive manner
00082923 02 r 03 dizzily 0 giddily 0 light-headedly 0 002 \ 02544048 a 0202 \ 02544048 a 0101 | in a giddy light-headed manner; "he walked around dizzily"
00083080 02 r 01 dorsally 0 001 \ 00132127 a 0101 | in a dorsal location or direction
00083168 02 r 01 dorsoventrally 0 001 \ 00132754 a 0101 | in a dorsoventral direction; "the ray has a dorsoventrally flattened body"
00083303 02 r 01 ventrally 0 001 \ 00132385 a 0101 | in a ventral location or direction
00083393 02 r 03 doubly 0 double 0 twice 1 001 \ 02217241 a 0101 | to double the degree; "she was doubly rewarded"; "his eyes were double bright"
00083541 02 r 01 singly 0 002 \ 00493460 a 0102 ! 00083666 r 0101 | one by one; one at a time; "they were arranged singly"
00083666 02 r 01 multiply 0 002 ! 00083541 r 0101 \ 02215977 a 0101 | in several ways; in a multiple manner; "they were multiply checked for errors"
00083817 02 r 01 multiplicatively 0 001 \ 02536123 a 0101 | in a multiplicative manner; "the errors increased multiplicatively"
00083947 02 r 02 doubly 1 in_two_ways 0 000 | in a twofold manner; "he was doubly wrong"
00084038 02 r 03 empirically 0 through_empirical_observation 0 by_trial_and_error 0 002 \ 00858917 a 0101 ! 00170188 r 0101 | in an empirical manner; "this can be empirically tested"
00084223 02 r 04 particularly 0 peculiarly 2 especially 0 specially 0 004 \ 00488187 a 0404 \ 00488187 a 0301 \ 00491089 a 0201 \ 00488187 a 0103 | to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common; "he was particularly fussy about spelling"; "a particularly gruesome attack"; "under peculiarly tragic circumstances"; "an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger"
00084612 02 r 01 ex_cathedra 0 000 | with the full authority of the office; "the pope must speak ex cathedra for an encyclical to be infallible"
00084759 02 r 01 extra 1 000 | unusually or exceptionally; "an extra fast car"
00084840 02 r 03 elaborately 0 intricately 0 in_an_elaborate_way 0 002 \ 02178500 a 0201 \ 01795933 a 0101 | with elaboration; "it was elaborately spelled out"
00085002 02 r 01 elsewhere 0 000 | in or to another place; "he went elsewhere"; "look elsewhere for the answer"
00085116 02 r 01 eschatologically 0 001 \ 02722630 a 0101 | in relation to eschatology; "even atheists can be eschatologically minded"
00085253 02 r 01 exasperatingly 0 001 \ 01809245 a 0101 | in an exasperating manner
00085339 02 r 03 experimentally 0 by_experimentation 0 through_an_experiment 0 001 \ 00859949 a 0101 | in an experimental fashion; "this can be experimentally determined"
00085512 02 r 01 expressly 0 001 \ 00941148 a 0101 | with specific intentions; for the express purpose; "she needs the money expressly for her patients"
00085667 02 r 03 facetiously 0 jokingly 1 tongue-in-cheek 0 002 \ 01267076 a 0204 \ 01264913 a 0102 | not seriously; "I meant it facetiously"
00085811 02 r 05 quickly 0 rapidly 0 speedily 0 chop-chop 0 apace 0 004 \ 00979366 a 0302 \ 00979697 a 0201 ! 00161630 r 0101 \ 00979366 a 0101 | with rapid movements; "he works quickly"
00086000 02 r 01 fast 1 000 | quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form); "how fast can he get here?"; "ran as fast as he could"; "needs medical help fast"; "fast-running rivers"; "fast-breaking news"; "fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters"
00086255 02 r 02 flat_out 1 like_blue_murder 0 000 | at top speed; "he ran flat out to catch the bus"; "he was off down the road like blue murder"
00086404 02 r 02 fast 2 tight 0 000 | firmly or closely; "held fast to the rope"; "her foot was stuck fast"; "held tight"
00086528 02 r 02 quicker 0 faster 1 002 \ 00979366 a 0201 \ 00979366 a 0101 | more quickly
00086621 02 r 01 slower 0 001 \ 00980527 a 0101 | more slowly
00086685 02 r 02 quickest 0 fastest 0 002 \ 00979366 a 0201 \ 00979366 a 0101 | most quickly
00086780 02 r 01 slowest 0 001 \ 00980527 a 0101 | most slowly
00086845 02 r 01 permissively 0 001 \ 01762839 a 0101 | in a permissive manner
00086926 02 r 02 permissibly 0 allowably 0 002 ! 00087037 r 0101 \ 01760944 a 0101 | in a permissible manner
00087037 02 r 01 impermissibly 0 002 ! 00086926 r 0101 \ 01761186 a 0101 | not permissibly; "the radon level in the basement was impermissibly high"
00087188 02 r 03 flatly 0 categorically 0 unconditionally 0 003 \ 00556709 a 0301 \ 01913931 a 0202 \ 01913931 a 0103 | in an unqualified manner; "he flatly denied the charges"
00087367 02 r 01 flush 0 000 | squarely or solidly; "hit him flush in the face"
00087449 02 r 01 flush 1 000 | in the same plane; "set it flush with the top of the table"
00087542 02 r 04 everlastingly 0 eternally 0 forever 0 evermore 0 002 \ 01755024 a 0204 \ 01755024 a 0105 | for a limitless time; "no one can live forever"; "brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore"- P.P.Bliss
00087777 02 r 01 ad_infinitum 1 001 \ 01007354 a 0101 | to infinity; without or seemingly without limit; "talked on and on ad infinitum"
00087916 02 r 02 permanently 0 for_good 0 002 \ 01754421 a 0101 ! 00088303 r 0101 | for a long time without essential change; "he is permanently disabled"
00088073 02 r 01 in_perpetuity 1 000 | for an indefinitely long time; "bequeathed to the nation in perpetuity"
00088186 02 r 01 in_perpetuity 2 000 | for life; "desire happiness in perpetuity"; "an annuity paid in perpetuity"
00088303 02 r 01 temporarily 0 002 \ 01755627 a 0102 ! 00087916 r 0101 | for a limited time only; not permanently; "he will work here temporarily"; "he was brought out of retirement temporarily"; "a power failure temporarily darkened the town"
00088549 02 r 01 ad_interim 0 000 | for an intervening time; temporarily; "elected to serve ad interim"
00088655 02 r 04 ad_lib 0 ad_libitum 0 spontaneously 1 impromptu 0 000 | without advance preparation; "he spoke ad lib"
00088777 02 r 01 provisionally 0 001 \ 00556318 a 0102 | temporarily and conditionally; "they have agreed provisionally"; "was appointed provisionally"
00088931 02 r 01 continually 1 001 \ 00592222 a 0101 | seemingly without interruption; "complained continually that there wasn't enough money"
00089076 02 r 02 forever 2 forever_and_a_day 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | for a very long or seemingly endless time; "she took forever to write the paper"; "we had to wait forever and a day"
00089267 02 r 01 highly 0 001 \ 02339120 a 0102 | in a high position or level or rank; "details known by only a few highly placed persons"
00089408 02 r 02 highly 1 extremely 2 001 \ 01210854 a 0101 | to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much respect; "highly successful"; "He spoke highly of her"; "does not think highly of his writing"; "extremely interesting"
00089643 02 r 01 highly 5 000 | at a high rate or wage; "highly paid workers"
00089723 02 r 01 histologically 0 001 \ 03072365 a 0101 | involving the use of histology or histological techniques; "histologically identifiable structures"
00089883 02 r 01 magnetically 0 001 \ 00167077 a 0102 | as if by magnetism; "he was magnetically attracted to her"
00090000 02 r 01 marginally 0 001 \ 01496311 a 0102 | in a marginal manner; "marginally interesting"
00090103 02 r 01 geometrically 0 002 ! 00129532 r 0101 \ 02735208 a 0101 | in a geometric fashion; "it grew geometrically"
00090228 02 r 03 perilously 0 hazardously 0 dangerously 0 003 \ 02058794 a 0301 \ 02059811 a 0201 \ 02060496 a 0102 | in a dangerous manner; "he came dangerously close to falling off the ledge"
00090424 02 r 02 tiredly 0 wearily 0 002 \ 02432428 a 0202 \ 02431728 a 0101 | in a weary manner; "he walked around tiredly"
00090551 02 r 01 vitally 0 001 \ 00902347 a 0101 | to a vital degree; "this is vitally important"
00090651 02 r 01 energetically 1 001 \ 00873603 a 0101 | in an energetic manner
00090733 02 r 01 strenuously 1 001 \ 00875235 a 0101 | in a strenuous manner; strongly or vigorously; "he objected strenuously to the stand his party was taking"
00090897 02 r 01 intently 0 001 \ 00163948 a 0105 | with strained or eager attention; "listened intently"; "stood watching intently"
00091032 02 r 01 dingdong 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | heartily or earnestly; "They fell to work dingdong"
00091139 02 r 01 mightily 1 000 | powerfully or vigorously; "he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life"
00091259 02 r 01 reluctantly 0 001 \ 02566453 a 0103 | with reluctance
00091332 02 r 01 hard 0 001 \ 00836544 a 0105 | with effort or force or vigor; "the team played hard"; "worked hard all day"; "pressed hard on the lever"; "hit the ball hard"; "slammed the door hard"
00091534 02 r 01 hard 1 000 | to the full extent possible; all the way; "hard alee"; "the ship went hard astern"; "swung the wheel hard left"
00091678 02 r 01 hard 3 001 \ 00744916 a 0102 | slowly and with difficulty; "prejudices die hard"
00091778 02 r 02 hard 4 severely 3 001 \ 01129185 a 0201 | causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the bank's failure"
00091964 02 r 02 hard 5 firmly 1 000 | with firmness; "held hard to the railing"
00092047 02 r 01 hard 7 000 | earnestly or intently; "thought hard about it"; "stared hard at the accused"
00092156 02 r 01 hard 8 000 | with pain or distress or bitterness; "he took the rejection very hard"
00092259 02 r 01 hard 9 000 | very near or close in space or time; "it stands hard by the railroad tracks"; "they were hard on his heels"; "a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening"
00092450 02 r 01 hard a 001 \ 01152091 a 0101 | into a solid condition; "concrete that sets hard within a few hours"
00092569 02 r 01 tightly 1 001 \ 02095670 a 0101 | securely fixed or fastened; "the window was tightly sealed"
00092682 02 r 01 briefly 0 001 \ 01442826 a 0101 | for a short time; "she visited him briefly"; "was briefly associated with IBM"
00092814 02 r 02 momentarily 2 momently 2 000 | for an instant or moment; "we paused momentarily before proceeding"; "a cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch"
00092985 02 r 02 conclusively 0 once_and_for_all 0 002 ! 00093139 r 0101 \ 00550282 a 0101 | in a conclusive way; "we settled the problem conclusively"
00093139 02 r 01 inconclusively 0 002 ! 00092985 r 0101 \ 00550777 a 0101 | not conclusively; "the meeting ended inconclusively"
00093270 02 r 04 deplorably 0 lamentably 0 sadly 1 woefully 0 003 \ 01366525 a 0402 \ 01126841 a 0305 \ 01126841 a 0101 | in an unfortunate or deplorable manner; "he was sadly neglected"; "it was woefully inadequate"
00093489 02 r 01 denominationally 0 001 \ 02710825 a 0101 | with respect to denomination; "denominationally diverse audiences"
00093618 02 r 01 cortically 0 001 \ 02974979 a 0101 | with respect to the cortex; "cortically induced arousal"
00093731 02 r 01 focally 0 001 \ 00330904 a 0101 | in a focal manner; "the submucosa was focally infiltrated"
00093843 02 r 01 hypothalamically 0 001 \ 02982729 a 0101 | with respect to the hypothalamus; "hypothalamically controlled secretions"
00093980 02 r 01 intradermally 0 001 \ 02877503 a 0101 | into the skin
00094053 02 r 01 intramuscularly 0 001 \ 02882838 a 0101 | in an intramuscular way; "administer the drug intramuscularly"
00094177 02 r 02 amusingly 0 divertingly 0 002 \ 01344485 a 0203 \ 01344485 a 0101 | in an entertaining and amusing manner; "Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days"
00094396 02 r 04 downstairs 0 down_the_stairs 0 on_a_lower_floor 0 below 6 001 ! 00094545 r 0101 | on a floor below; "the tenants live downstairs"
00094545 02 r 03 upstairs 0 up_the_stairs 0 on_a_higher_floor 0 001 ! 00094396 r 0101 | on a floor above; "they lived upstairs"
00094675 02 r 01 upstairs 1 000 | with respect to the mind; "she's a bit weak upstairs"
00094765 02 r 01 downwind 0 001 ! 00094893 r 0101 | with the wind; in the direction the wind is blowing; "they flew downwind"
00094893 02 r 03 upwind 0 against_the_wind 0 into_the_wind 0 001 ! 00094765 r 0101 | in the direction opposite to the direction the wind is blowing; "they flew upwind"
00095063 02 r 02 windward 0 downwind 1 002 ! 00095195 r 0202 ! 00095195 r 0101 | away from the wind; "they were sailing windward"
00095195 02 r 02 leeward 0 upwind 1 002 ! 00095063 r 0202 ! 00095063 r 0101 | toward the wind; "they were sailing leeward"
00095320 02 r 04 down 0 downwards 0 downward 0 downwardly 0 004 ! 00096333 r 0404 ! 00096333 r 0303 ! 00096333 r 0202 ! 00096333 r 0101 | spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "don't fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward"
00095612 02 r 01 down 2 001 ! 00096760 r 0101 | away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
00095841 02 r 01 down 3 000 | paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace"
00095946 02 r 01 down 4 000 | in an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"
00096089 02 r 01 down 5 001 ! 00097011 r 0101 | to a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"
00096232 02 r 01 down 6 000 | from an earlier time; "the story was passed down from father to son"
00096333 02 r 04 up 0 upwards 0 upward 0 upwardly 0 004 ! 00095320 r 0404 ! 00095320 r 0303 ! 00095320 r 0202 ! 00095320 r 0101 | spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position; "look up!"; "the music surged up"; "the fragments flew upwards"; "prices soared upwards"; "upwardly mobile"
00096636 02 r 03 up 1 upwards 1 upward 1 000 | to a later time; "they moved the meeting date up"; "from childhood upward"
00096760 02 r 01 up 2 001 ! 00095612 r 0101 | to a more central or a more northerly place; "was transferred up to headquarters"; "up to Canada for a vacation"
00096921 02 r 01 up 3 000 | nearer to the speaker; "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"
00097011 02 r 01 up 5 001 ! 00096089 r 0101 | to a higher intensity; "he turned up the volume"
00097108 02 r 02 upriver 0 upstream 0 002 ! 00097231 r 0202 ! 00097231 r 0101 | toward the source or against the current
00097231 02 r 02 downriver 0 downstream 0 002 ! 00097108 r 0202 ! 00097108 r 0101 | away from the source or with the current
00097358 02 r 01 downfield 0 001 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | toward or in the defending team's end of the playing field; "he caught the ball and ran downfield 15 yards"
00097522 02 r 01 downright 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | thoroughgoing; "he is outright dishonest"
00097620 02 r 01 outright 0 000 | without reservation or concealment; "she asked him outright for a divorce"
00097731 02 r 01 outright 1 000 | without restrictions or stipulations or further payments; "buy outright"
00097840 02 r 01 home 1 000 | at or to or in the direction of one's home or family; "He stays home on weekends"; "after the game the children brought friends home for supper"; "I'll be home tomorrow"; "came riding home in style"; "I hope you will come home for Christmas"; "I'll take her home"; "don't forget to write home"
00098166 02 r 01 at_home 0 000 | at, to, or toward the place where you reside; "he worked at home"
00098267 02 r 01 at_home 1 001 ;c 00523513 n 0000 | on the home team's field; "they played at home last night"
00098380 02 r 01 home 3 000 | to the fullest extent; to the heart; "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home"
00098520 02 r 01 home 4 000 | on or to the point aimed at; "the arrow struck home"
00098605 02 r 02 homeward 0 homewards 0 000 | toward home; "fought his way homeward through the deep snow"
00098714 02 r 02 rather 2 instead 1 000 | on the contrary; "rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left"; "he didn't call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter"; "used English terms instead of Latin ones"
00098959 02 r 05 insofar 0 in_so_far 0 so_far 2 to_that_extent 0 to_that_degree 0 000 | to the degree or extent that; "insofar as it can be ascertained, the horse lung is comparable to that of man"; "so far as it is reasonably practical he should practice restraint"
00099228 02 r 01 mordaciously 0 001 \ 02079313 a 0105 | in a mordacious manner; "she taunted him mordaciously"
00099341 02 r 02 more 0 to_a_greater_extent 1 001 ! 00099527 r 0101 | used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "more interesting"; "more beautiful"; "more quickly"
00099527 02 r 02 less 0 to_a_lesser_extent 0 001 ! 00099341 r 0101 | used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs; "less interesting"; "less expensive"; "less quickly"
00099712 02 r 01 more 1 001 ! 00099868 r 0101 | comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent; "he works more now"; "they eat more than they should"
00099868 02 r 01 less 1 001 ! 00099712 r 0101 | comparative of little; "she walks less than she should"; "he works less these days"
00100002 02 r 01 little 0 000 | not much; "he talked little about his family"
00100082 02 r 03 early 0 ahead_of_time 0 too_soon 0 001 ! 00100267 r 0101 | before the usual time or the time expected; "she graduated early"; "the house was completed ahead of time"
00100267 02 r 03 late 0 belatedly 0 tardily 1 003 \ 01901186 a 0303 \ 01901186 a 0201 ! 00100082 r 0101 | later than usual or than expected; "the train arrived late"; "we awoke late"; "the children came late to school"; "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline"; "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"
00100592 02 r 02 early 2 betimes 0 000 | in good time; "he awoke betimes that morning"
00100681 02 r 02 early_on 0 early 1 000 | during an early stage; "early on in her career"
00100773 02 r 01 for_that_matter 0 000 | as far as that is concerned; "for that matter I don't care either"
00100883 02 r 01 afar 0 000 | (old-fashioned) at or from or to a great distance; far; "we traveled afar"; "we could see the ship afar off"; "the Magi came from afar"
00101051 02 r 01 far 0 000 | at or to or from a great distance in space; "he traveled far"; "strayed far from home"; "sat far away from each other"
00101201 02 r 01 far 1 000 | remote in time; "if we could see far into the future"; "all that happened far in the past"
00101323 02 r 01 far 2 000 | to a considerable degree; very much; "a far far better thing that I do"; "felt far worse than yesterday"; "eyes far too close together"
00101490 02 r 01 far 4 000 | at or to a certain point or degree; "I can only go so far before I have to give up"; "how far can we get with this kind of argument?"
00101655 02 r 01 far 5 000 | to an advanced stage or point; "a young man who will go very far"
00101752 02 r 02 way 0 right_smart 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | to a great degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart' is regional in the United States); "way over budget"; "way off base"; "the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on"
00102029 02 r 02 far_and_wide 0 far_and_near 0 000 | over great areas or distances; everywhere; "he traveled far and wide"; "the news spread far and wide"; "people came from far and near"; "searched for the child far and near"
00102258 02 r 01 fictitiously 0 001 \ 01935935 a 0104 | in a fictional manner (created by the imagination)
00102367 02 r 01 fictitiously 1 001 \ 01116857 a 0103 | in a false manner intended to mislead
00102463 02 r 04 finely 0 fine 2 delicately 0 exquisitely 0 002 \ 00706311 a 0402 \ 00705891 a 0301 | in a delicate manner; "finely shaped features"; "her fine drawn body"
00102637 02 r 01 finely 1 001 \ 00850183 a 0101 | in an elegant manner; "finely costumed actors"
00102736 02 r 05 first 0 firstly 0 foremost 1 first_of_all 0 first_off 0 000 | before anything else; "first we must consider the garter snake"
00102881 02 r 02 second 0 secondly 0 000 | in the second place; "second, we must consider the economy"
00102986 02 r 02 third 0 thirdly 0 000 | in the third place; "third we must consider unemployment"
00103087 02 r 02 throughout 0 end-to-end 0 000 | from first to last; "the play was excellent end-to-end"
00103194 02 r 02 initially 0 ab_initio 0 001 \ 01011973 a 0101 | at the beginning; "at first he didn't notice anything strange"
00103324 02 r 02 at_first_sight 0 at_first_glance 0 000 | immediately; "it was love at first sight"
00103426 02 r 02 at_first_blush 0 when_first_seen 0 000 | as a first impression; "at first blush the offer seemed attractive"
00103554 02 r 02 first 2 for_the_first_time 0 000 | the initial time; "when Felix first saw a garter snake"
00103664 02 r 04 and_so_forth 0 and_so_on 0 etcetera 0 etc. 0 000 | continuing in the same way
00103761 02 r 01 forth 2 000 | out into view; "came forth from the crowd"; "put my ideas forth"
00103859 02 r 03 forth 1 forward 3 onward 0 000 | forward in time or order or degree; "from that time forth"; "from the sixth century onward"
00104003 02 r 01 abroad 0 000 | to or in a foreign country; "they had never travelled abroad"
00104099 02 r 05 at_heart 0 at_bottom 0 deep_down 0 inside 2 in_spite_of_appearance 0 000 | in reality; "she is very kind at heart"
00104233 02 r 02 at_large 0 in_a_broad_way 0 000 | in a general fashion; "he talked at large about his plans"
00104345 02 r 02 at_least 0 at_the_least 0 002 ! 00104528 r 0202 ! 00104528 r 0101 | not less than; "at least two hours studying the manual"; "a tumor at least as big as an orange"
00104528 02 r 02 at_most 0 at_the_most 0 002 ! 00104345 r 0202 ! 00104345 r 0101 | not more than; "spend at most $20 on the lunch"
00104661 02 r 04 at_least 1 leastways 0 leastwise 0 at_any_rate 1 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | if nothing else (`leastwise' is informal and `leastways' is colloquial); "at least he survived"; "they felt--at any rate Jim felt--relieved though still wary"; "the influence of economists--or at any rate of economics--is far-reaching"
00104990 02 r 02 at_leisure 0 leisurely 0 001 \ 01272176 a 0203 | in an unhurried way or at one's convenience; "read the manual at your leisure"; "he traveled leisurely"
00105162 02 r 01 right 8 000 | immediately; "she called right after dinner"
00105240 02 r 01 just_then 0 000 | at a particular time in the past; "just then the bugle sounded"
00105341 02 r 03 promptly 0 readily 1 pronto 0 001 \ 01900630 a 0101 | in a punctual manner; "he did his homework promptly"
00105467 02 r 02 promptly 1 right_away 3 000 | at once (usually modifies an undesirable occurrence); "he promptly forgot the address"
00105603 02 r 03 promptly 2 quickly 2 quick 0 002 \ 00979366 a 0201 \ 01931676 a 0101 | with little or no delay; "the rescue squad arrived promptly"; "come here, quick!"
00105775 02 r 02 at_best 0 at_the_best 0 001 ! 00105908 r 0101 | under the best of conditions; "at best we'll lose only the money"
00105908 02 r 02 at_worst 0 at_the_worst 0 001 ! 00105775 r 0101 | under the worst of conditions; "at worst we'll go to jail"
00106036 02 r 02 demoniacally 0 frenetically 0 001 \ 00086341 a 0202 | in a very agitated manner; as if possessed by an evil spirit
00106170 02 r 02 furtively 0 on_the_sly 1 001 \ 02088974 a 0101 | in a furtive manner; "the soldiers were furtively crawling through the night"
00106316 02 r 03 unanimously 0 nem_con 0 nemine_contradicente 0 001 \ 00553732 a 0103 | of one mind; without dissent; "the Senate unanimously approved the bill"; "we voted unanimously"
00106503 02 r 01 responsibly 0 002 \ 01996377 a 0101 ! 00106629 r 0101 | in a responsible manner; "we must act responsibly"
00106629 02 r 01 irresponsibly 0 002 \ 01997910 a 0101 ! 00106503 r 0101 | in an irresponsible manner; "he acted irresponsibly"
00106759 02 r 03 fairly 0 fair 0 evenhandedly 0 001 \ 00956131 a 0101 | without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner; "deal fairly with one another"
00106921 02 r 05 normally 0 usually 0 unremarkably 0 commonly 0 ordinarily 0 005 \ 01672607 a 0501 \ 00485711 a 0401 ! 00107230 r 0302 \ 01674242 a 0305 \ 00489108 a 0201 | under normal conditions; "usually she was late"
00107144 02 r 01 as_usual 0 000 | in the usual manner; "as usual, she arrived late"
00107230 02 r 04 unusually 0 remarkably 0 outstandingly 1 unco 0 003 ! 00106921 r 0203 \ 01678417 a 0201 \ 00490035 a 0101 | to a remarkable degree or extent; "she was unusually tall"
00107416 02 r 05 recently 0 late 3 lately 0 of_late 0 latterly 0 001 \ 01730444 a 0102 | in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also"
00107722 02 r 02 erratically 0 unpredictably 0 002 \ 01842001 a 0201 \ 00345189 a 0101 | in an erratic unpredictable manner; "economic changes are proceeding erratically"
00107895 02 r 01 girlishly 0 001 \ 01648698 a 0101 | like a girl; "she was girlishly shy"
00107987 02 r 03 gradually 0 bit_by_bit 0 step_by_step 0 001 \ 01142804 a 0101 | in a gradual manner; "the snake moved gradually toward its victim"
00108137 02 r 01 grimly 0 001 \ 01785341 a 0101 | in a grim implacable manner; "he was grimly satisfied"
00108244 02 r 01 hell-for-leather 0 001 \ 02059280 a 0101 | at breakneck speed; "they were travelling hell-for-leather"
00108366 02 r 02 hereabout 0 hereabouts 0 000 | in this general vicinity; "the people are friendly hereabouts"
00108479 02 r 01 here 0 001 ! 00109151 r 0101 | in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is; "I work here"; "turn here"; "radio waves received here on Earth"
00108647 02 r 02 here 1 hither 0 001 ! 00109328 r 0101 | to this place (especially toward the speaker); "come here, please"
00108773 02 r 01 here 2 000 | in this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail; "what do we have here?"; "here I must disagree"
00108913 02 r 01 herein 0 000 | in this place or thing or document; "I shall discuss the question herein"
00109021 02 r 01 here 4 000 | at this time; now; "we'll adjourn here for lunch and discuss the remaining issues this afternoon"
00109151 02 r 03 there 0 at_that_place 0 in_that_location 0 001 ! 00108479 r 0101 | in or at that place; "they have lived there for years"; "it's not there"; "that man there"
00109328 02 r 02 there 1 thither 0 001 ! 00108647 r 0101 | to or toward that place; away from the speaker; "go there around noon!"
00109461 02 r 03 there 2 in_that_respect 0 on_that_point 0 000 | in that matter; "I agree with you there"
00109569 02 r 01 historically 0 001 \ 01730060 a 0101 | with respect to history; "this is historically interesting"
00109687 02 r 01 historically 1 001 \ 01730060 a 0102 | throughout history; "historically they have never coexisted peacefully"
00109817 02 r 01 peacefully 0 001 \ 01740892 a 0101 | in a peaceful manner; "the hen settled herself on the nest most peacefully"
00109949 02 r 01 scientifically 0 001 \ 02793273 a 0101 | with respect to science; in a scientific way; "this is scientifically interesting"
00110092 02 r 01 unscientifically 0 001 \ 02085132 a 0101 | in an unscientific way; not according to the principles of science; "they proceeded unscientifically when they dissected the mummy"
00110286 02 r 02 humbly 0 meekly 0 002 \ 01893510 a 0201 \ 01892953 a 0101 | in a humble manner; "he humbly lowered his head"
00110414 02 r 01 meekly 2 001 \ 00789494 a 0101 | in a submissive or spiritless manner; "meekly bowed to his wishes"
00110533 02 r 02 inside 0 indoors 0 002 ! 00110659 r 0202 ! 00110659 r 0101 | within a building; "in winter we play inside"
00110659 02 r 04 outside 0 outdoors 0 out_of_doors 0 alfresco 0 002 ! 00110533 r 0202 ! 00110533 r 0101 | outside a building; "in summer we play outside"
00110815 02 r 02 inside 1 within 0 001 ! 00110919 r 0101 | on the inside; "inside, the car is a mess"
00110919 02 r 01 outside 1 001 ! 00110815 r 0101 | on the outside; "outside, the box is black"
00111016 02 r 01 militarily 0 001 \ 02764251 a 0101 | with respect to the military; "on a militarily significant scale"
00111138 02 r 01 macroscopically 0 001 \ 01388809 a 0102 | without using a microscope; "The tubes were examined macroscopically"
00111269 02 r 01 literally 1 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (intensifier before a figurative expression) without exaggeration; "our eyes were literally pinned to TV during the Gulf War"
00111451 02 r 01 virtually 1 001 \ 00902157 a 0101 | in essence or effect but not in fact; "the strike virtually paralyzed the city"; "I'm virtually broke"
00111609 02 r 02 most 0 to_the_highest_degree 0 001 ! 00111758 r 0101 | used to form the superlative; "the king cobra is the most dangerous snake"
00111758 02 r 02 least 0 to_the_lowest_degree 0 001 ! 00111609 r 0101 | used to form the superlative; "The garter snake is the least dangerous snake"
00111910 02 r 01 least_of_all 0 000 | especially not; "nobody, least of all Joe, agreed with me"
00112009 02 r 01 most 1 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | very; "a most welcome relief"
00112090 02 r 04 mutely 0 wordlessly 0 silently 0 taciturnly 0 004 \ 02383380 a 0401 \ 00501820 a 0302 \ 00152285 a 0204 \ 00152285 a 0101 | without speaking; "he sat mutely next to her"
00112279 02 r 01 internationally 0 001 \ 01568375 a 0101 | throughout the world; "She is internationally known"
00112393 02 r 04 inevitably 0 necessarily 3 of_necessity 0 needs 0 002 \ 00343552 a 0201 \ 00343015 a 0101 | in such a manner as could not be otherwise; "it is necessarily so"; "we must needs by objective"
00112601 02 r 04 newly 0 freshly 0 fresh 0 new 0 000 | very recently; "they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes"
00112843 02 r 02 afresh 0 anew 0 000 | again but in a new or different way; "start afresh"; "wanted to write the story anew"; "starting life anew in a fresh place"
00113009 02 r 01 de_novo 0 001 ;c 06962600 n 0000 | from the beginning
00113082 02 r 03 differently 0 otherwise 3 other_than 0 001 \ 02070030 a 0101 | in another and different manner; "very soon you will know differently"; "she thought otherwise"; "there is no way out other than the fire escape";
00113311 02 r 01 organically 0 002 ! 00113441 r 0101 \ 01679055 a 0101 | involving carbon compounds; "organically bound iodine"
00113441 02 r 01 inorganically 2 002 ! 00113311 r 0101 \ 01679244 a 0101 | not involving carbon compounds; "inorganically bound molecules"
00113582 02 r 01 organically 1 001 \ 00901345 a 0104 | as an important constituent; "the drapery served organically to cover the Madonna"
00113722 02 r 01 organically 2 001 \ 01679459 a 0101 | in an organic manner; "this food is grown organically"
00113834 02 r 01 unfailingly 0 001 \ 00965176 a 0102 | without fail
00113904 02 r 01 mechanically 0 001 \ 01499686 a 0101 | in a machinelike manner; without feeling; "he smiled mechanically"
00114029 02 r 02 mechanically 1 automatically 1 002 \ 01499999 a 0201 \ 02890983 a 0101 | in a mechanical manner; by a mechanism; "this door opens mechanically"
00114192 02 r 01 metabolically 0 001 \ 02975096 a 0101 | involving metabolism; "metabolically important substances"
00114310 02 r 01 officially 0 002 \ 01959918 a 0101 ! 00114461 r 0101 | in an official role; "officially, he is in charge"; "officially responsible"
00114461 02 r 01 unofficially 0 002 \ 01633591 a 0101 ! 00114310 r 0101 | not in an official capacity; "unofficially, he serves as the treasurer"
00114609 02 r 02 painfully 0 distressingly 0 002 \ 01126841 a 0202 \ 01126291 a 0105 | unpleasantly; "his ignorance was painfully obvious"
00114750 02 r 01 centrally 0 002 \ 00329831 a 0101 ! 00114932 r 0101 | in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function; "The theater is centrally located"
00114932 02 r 01 peripherally 0 003 \ 01857743 a 0101 \ 00331446 a 0101 ! 00114750 r 0101 | in or at or near a periphery or according to a peripheral role or function or relationship
00115117 02 r 01 phylogenetically 0 001 \ 02942958 a 0101 | with regard to phylogeny; "a phylogenetically primitive part of the brain"
00115254 02 r 01 physically 0 001 \ 02779774 a 0101 | in accord with physical laws; "it is physically impossible"
00115370 02 r 01 physiologically 0 001 \ 01779558 a 0102 | of or relating to physiological processes; with respect to physiology; "physiologically ready"; "physiologically addicted"
00115554 02 r 03 preferably 0 sooner 1 rather 1 000 | more readily or willingly; "clean it well, preferably with warm water"; "I'd rather be in Philadelphia"; "I'd sooner die than give up"
00115745 02 r 01 politically 1 001 \ 01814385 a 0101 | with regard to government; "politically organized units"
00115859 02 r 01 politically 0 001 \ 02857407 a 0101 | with regard to social relationships involving authority; "politically correct clothing"
00116004 02 r 01 pornographically 0 001 \ 02134397 a 0101 | in a pornographic manner
00116091 02 r 01 self-indulgently 0 001 \ 01299687 a 0101 | in a self-indulgent manner
00116180 02 r 01 symbiotically 0 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 \ 00727268 a 0101 | in a symbiotic manner
00116280 02 r 01 symbolically 0 001 \ 01982186 a 0103 | in a symbolic manner; "symbolically accepted goals"
00116390 02 r 01 toe-to-toe 0 000 | in close combat or at close quarters; "they fought toe-to-toe for the nomination"
00116510 02 r 01 together 0 000 | at the same time; "we graduated together"
00116588 02 r 02 together 1 unitedly 0 000 | with cooperation and interchange; "we worked together on the project"
00116705 02 r 02 in_concert 0 together 5 000 | with a common plan; "act in concert"
00116791 02 r 01 together 2 000 | in contact with each other or in proximity; "the leaves stuck together"
00116899 02 r 01 in_on 0 000 | participating in or knowledgeable out; "was in on the scheme"
00116994 02 r 01 together 3 000 | assembled in one place; "we were gathered together"
00117082 02 r 04 jointly 0 collectively 0 conjointly 0 together_with 0 003 \ 02112455 a 0302 \ 00466808 a 0201 \ 02111684 a 0101 | in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
00117372 02 r 02 outrageously 0 atrociously 1 001 \ 01534282 a 0103 | to an extravagant or immoderate degree; "atrociously expensive"
00117508 02 r 01 outrageously 1 001 \ 01626562 a 0104 | in a very offensive manner; "he behaved outrageously"
00117620 02 r 04 then 0 so 9 and_so 0 and_then 0 000 | subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors); "then he left"; "go left first, then right"; "first came lightning, then thunder"; "we watched the late movie and then went to bed"; "and so home and to bed"
00117903 02 r 01 then 1 000 | at that time; "I was young then"; "prices were lower back then"; "science as it was then taught"
00118032 02 r 01 then 2 000 | in that case or as a consequence; "if he didn't take it, then who did?"; "keep it then if you want to"; "the case, then, is closed"; "you've made up your mind then?"; "then you'll be rich"
00118253 02 r 01 volumetrically 0 001 \ 02985474 a 0101 | with respect to volume; "analyzed volumetrically"
00118363 02 r 01 so 6 000 | in a manner that facilitates; "he observed the snakes so he could describe their behavior"; "he stooped down so he could pick up his hat"
00118531 02 r 05 regardless 0 irrespective 0 disregardless 0 no_matter 0 disregarding 0 000 | in spite of everything; without regard to drawbacks; "he carried on regardless of the difficulties"
00118727 02 r 01 irregardless 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | regardless; a combination of irrespective and regardless sometimes used humorously
00118869 02 r 03 once 0 one_time 0 in_one_case 0 000 | on one occasion; "once I ran into her"
00118965 02 r 05 once 1 formerly 0 at_one_time 1 erstwhile 0 erst 0 000 | at a previous time; "at one time he loved her"; "her erstwhile writing"; "she was a dancer once";
00119139 02 r 01 though 1 000 | (postpositive) however; "it might be unpleasant, though"
00119230 02 r 02 as_far_as_possible 1 as_much_as_possible 0 000 | to a feasible extent; "she helped him as much as possible"
00119357 02 r 02 on_the_coattails 0 one_one's_coattails 0 000 | immediately following or undeservedly benefiting from; "the CEO resigned on the coattails of the scandal"; "he was elected on his predecessor's coattails"
00119578 02 r 03 on_the_other_hand 0 then_again 0 but_then 0 001 ! 00119798 r 0101 | (contrastive) from another point of view; "on the other hand, she is too ambitious for her own good"; "then again, she might not go"
00119798 02 r 02 on_the_one_hand 0 on_one_hand 0 001 ! 00119578 r 0101 | from one point of view; "on the one hand, she is a gifted chemist"
00119940 02 r 01 successfully 0 002 \ 02331262 a 0101 ! 00168075 r 0101 | with success; in a successful manner; "she performed the surgery successfully"
00120095 02 r 02 simultaneously 0 at_the_same_time 3 001 \ 02378496 a 0107 | at the same instant; "they spoke simultaneously"
00120223 02 r 02 concurrently 0 at_the_same_time 5 001 \ 02378496 a 0104 | overlapping in duration; "concurrently with the conference an exhibition of things associated with Rutherford was held"; "going to school and holding a job at the same time"
00120474 02 r 02 systematically 0 consistently 0 004 \ 00576680 a 0201 ! 00120678 r 0101 \ 02382934 a 0101 ! 00120841 r 0201 | in a systematic or consistent manner; "they systematically excluded women"
00120678 02 r 01 unsystematically 0 002 ! 00120474 r 0101 \ 02383151 a 0101 | in an unsystematic manner; "his books were lined up unsystematically on the shelf"
00120841 02 r 01 inconsistently 0 002 ! 00120474 r 0102 \ 00577920 a 0101 | without showing consistency; "he acted inconsistently when he bought these stocks"
00121002 02 r 01 thereby 0 000 | by that means or because of that; "He knocked over the red wine, thereby ruining the table cloth"
00121135 02 r 03 thus 1 thusly 0 so 4 000 | in the way indicated; "hold the brush so"; "set up the pieces thus"; (`thusly' is a nonstandard variant)
00121286 02 r 01 academically 0 001 \ 02599939 a 0101 | in regard to academic matters; "academically, this is a good school"
00121413 02 r 02 appositively 0 in_apposition 0 001 \ 02635941 a 0102 | in an appositive manner; "this adjective is used appositively"
00121550 02 r 01 astronomically 0 001 \ 01383582 a 0101 | enormously; "the bill was astronomically high"
00121657 02 r 01 axiomatically 0 001 \ 02653385 a 0101 | on the basis of axioms; "this is axiomatically given"
00121770 02 r 01 photoelectrically 0 001 \ 02827790 a 0101 | by photoelectric means; "they measured it photoelectrically"
00121894 02 r 01 photographically 0 001 \ 02838592 a 0101 | by photographic means; "photographically recorded scenes"
00122014 02 r 01 photometrically 0 001 \ 02777548 a 0101 | by photometric means; "photometrically measured"
00122124 02 r 01 constitutionally 0 002 ! 00122273 r 0101 \ 00179925 a 0101 | according to the constitution; "this was constitutionally ruled out"
00122273 02 r 01 unconstitutionally 0 002 ! 00122124 r 0101 \ 00180211 a 0101 | in an unconstitutional manner; "the president acted unconstitutionally"
00122427 02 r 01 democratically 0 002 ! 00122630 r 0101 \ 00715140 a 0101 | in a democratic manner; based on democratic principles; "it was decided democratically"; "democratically elected government"
00122630 02 r 01 undemocratically 0 002 ! 00122427 r 0101 \ 00717417 a 0101 | in an undemocratic manner; "undemocratically, he made all the important decisions without his colleagues"
00122816 02 r 01 aloof 0 001 \ 01987646 a 0101 | in an aloof manner; "the local gentry and professional classes had held aloof for the school had accepted their sons readily enough"
00123000 02 r 01 digitally 0 001 \ 02713232 a 0101 | in terms of integers; "the time was digitally displayed"
00123112 02 r 01 digitally 1 001 \ 02713096 a 0101 | by means of the fingers; "the exam was carried out digitally"
00123229 02 r 01 economically 0 001 \ 02716605 a 0101 | with respect to economic science; "economically this proposal makes no sense"
00123365 02 r 01 economically 1 001 \ 02716739 a 0101 | with respect to the economic system; "economically the country is worse off"
00123500 02 r 01 economically 2 001 \ 00840212 a 0101 | in an economical manner
00123582 02 r 01 electronically 0 001 \ 02718497 a 0101 | by electronic means; "the door opens electronically"
00123695 02 r 01 ethnically 0 001 \ 02248693 a 0102 | with respect to ethnicity; "the neighborhood is ethnically diverse"
00123819 02 r 01 federally 0 001 \ 02725829 a 0101 | by federal government; "it's federally regulated"
00123924 02 r 01 genetically 0 001 \ 02734192 a 0101 | by genetic mechanisms; "genetically passed down talents"
00124038 02 r 01 graphically 0 001 \ 02736808 a 0101 | in a graphic way; "he described the event graphically"
00124150 02 r 01 ideographically 0 001 \ 02745453 a 0101 | in an idiographic manner; "it's written ideographically"
00124268 02 r 01 idyllically 0 001 \ 01801446 a 0101 | in an idyllic manner
00124346 02 r 01 industrially 0 001 \ 02748635 a 0101 | by industrial means; "industrially produced"
00124449 02 r 01 injuriously 0 001 \ 01161059 a 0103 | in an injurious manner
00124529 02 r 01 irrevocably 0 001 \ 01760670 a 0101 | in an irrevocable manner
00124611 02 r 01 legally 3 001 \ 01400562 a 0101 | in a legal manner; "he acted legally"
00124702 02 r 01 manually 0 001 \ 02759190 a 0101 | by hand; "this car shifts manually"
00124792 02 r 01 medically 0 001 \ 02760116 a 0101 | involving medical practice; "medically trained nurses"; "medically correct treatment"
00124933 02 r 01 medicinally 0 001 \ 01166656 a 0102 | in a medicinal manner
00125012 02 r 01 nominally 0 001 \ 02769128 a 0101 | in name only; "nominally he is the boss"
00125108 02 r 01 predicatively 0 001 \ 00172993 a 0101 | occurring within the predicate phrase; "predicatively used adjectives"
00125238 02 r 01 professorially 0 001 \ 02784873 a 0101 | in a professorial manner; "she behaved very professorially"
00125358 02 r 01 provincially 0 001 \ 02785874 a 0101 | by the province; through the province; "provincially controlled"
00125481 02 r 01 realistically 0 001 \ 01979985 a 0102 | in a realistic manner; "the figure was realistically painted"
00125602 02 r 01 red-handed 0 000 | doing something reprehensible or showing clear evidence of having done something reprehensible; "he was caught red-handed"
00125763 02 r 01 reversibly 0 003 ;c 06084469 n 0000 ;c 06090869 n 0000 \ 00346626 a 0101 | in a reversible manner; "reversibly convertible"
00125906 02 r 01 rewardingly 0 001 \ 02015571 a 0101 | in a rewarding manner
00125985 02 r 03 royally 0 like_kings 0 like_royalty 0 001 \ 02789579 a 0101 | in a royal manner; "they were royally treated"
00126113 02 r 01 sacrilegiously 0 001 \ 02012748 a 0103 | in a sacrilegious manner
00126198 02 r 01 scenically 0 001 \ 02792789 a 0101 | with respect to stage scenery; "scenically stunning"
00126307 02 r 01 scholastically 0 001 \ 02792903 a 0101 | with respect to scholastic activities; "scholastically apt"
00126427 02 r 01 serially 0 001 \ 02797257 a 0101 | in a serial manner; "serially composed music"
00126527 02 r 01 socially 0 001 \ 02798370 a 0101 | by or with respect to society; "socially accepted norms"
00126638 02 r 01 socially 1 001 \ 02248349 a 0101 | in a social manner; "socially unpopular"
00126733 02 r 01 symbolically 1 001 \ 02806907 a 0101 | by means of symbols; "symbolically expressed"
00126837 02 r 01 technically 0 000 | with regard to technical skill and the technology available; "a technically brilliant solution"
00126972 02 r 01 technically 1 001 \ 02809220 a 0101 | with regard to technique; "technically lagging behind the Japanese"; "a technically brilliant boxer"
00127130 02 r 01 technically 2 000 | according to the exact meaning; according to the facts; "technically, a bank's reserves belong to the stockholders"; "technically, the term is no longer used by experts"
00127339 02 r 01 temporally 0 001 \ 02810882 a 0101 | with regard to temporal order; "temporally processed"
00127449 02 r 01 terminally 0 001 \ 02812147 a 0101 | at the end; "terminally ill"
00127534 02 r 01 terrestrially 0 001 \ 00124918 a 0101 | to a land environment; "terrestrially adapted"
00127640 02 r 01 territorially 0 001 \ 02812482 a 0101 | with respect to territory; "territorially important"
00127752 02 r 01 thematically 0 001 \ 02813680 a 0101 | with regard to thematic content; "thematically related"
00127866 02 r 01 therapeutically 0 001 \ 01165943 a 0106 | for therapeutic purposes
00127952 02 r 01 geothermally 0 001 \ 02735669 a 0101 | by means of heat from the interior of the earth
00128058 02 r 01 thermally 0 001 \ 02814453 a 0101 | by means of heat or with respect to thermal properties
00128168 02 r 01 typically 0 002 ! 00128290 r 0101 \ 02468635 a 0101 | in a typical manner; "Tom was typically hostile"
00128290 02 r 02 atypically 0 untypically 0 003 \ 02469928 a 0202 ! 00128168 r 0101 \ 02469928 a 0101 | in a manner that is not typical; "she was atypically quiet"
00128456 02 r 01 verbally 1 001 \ 00500310 a 0101 | by means of language; "verbally expressive"
00128554 02 r 01 verbally 0 001 \ 02823724 a 0101 | as a verb; "he had a habit of using nouns verbally"
00128660 02 r 01 vocally 0 001 \ 00499530 a 0102 | in a vocal manner; "she defended herself vocally"
00128763 02 r 02 nonverbally 0 non-verbally 0 001 \ 00497964 a 0102 | without words; "they communicated nonverbally"
00128882 02 r 01 globally 0 001 \ 01568684 a 0101 | throughout the world; "this is globally significant"
00128989 02 r 01 electrically 0 001 \ 02826877 a 0101 | by electricity; "electrically controlled"
00129089 02 r 01 chemically 0 001 \ 02692624 a 0101 | with respect to chemistry; "chemically different substances"; "chemically related"
00129228 02 r 01 chemically 1 001 \ 02692966 a 0101 | with chemicals;"chemically fertilized"
00129324 02 r 01 legislatively 0 001 \ 02829565 a 0101 | by legislation; "legislatively determined"
00129426 02 r 01 bilingually 0 001 \ 01545777 a 0101 | in a bilingual manner; "she grew up bilingually"
00129532 02 r 01 linearly 0 002 \ 01417451 a 0101 ! 00090103 r 0101 | in a linear manner; "linearly polarized radiation"; "it grew linearly"
00129675 02 r 01 longitudinally 0 001 \ 02830345 a 0101 | with respect to longitude; "longitudinally measured"
00129788 02 r 02 magically 0 as_if_by_magic 0 001 \ 01576071 a 0103 | in a magical manner; "it disappeared magically"
00129908 02 r 01 bacterially 0 001 \ 02833544 a 0101 | by bacteria; "spreads bacterially"
00130000 02 r 01 relativistically 0 001 \ 02835887 a 0101 | by the theory of relativity; "this is relativistically impossible"
00130129 02 r 01 racially 0 001 \ 03141609 a 0101 | with respect to race; "racially integrated"
00130227 02 r 01 municipally 0 001 \ 02697452 a 0101 | by municipality; "municipally funded"
00130322 02 r 01 governmentally 0 001 \ 01814711 a 0101 | by government; "governmentally determined policy"
00130432 02 r 01 professionally 0 001 \ 02839505 a 0101 | in a professional manner; "professionally trained staff"
00130549 02 r 01 spatially 0 001 \ 02841066 a 0102 | with regard to space; "spatially limited"
00130646 02 r 01 semantically 0 001 \ 02842042 a 0101 | with regard to meaning; "semantically empty messages"
00130758 02 r 01 limitedly 0 001 \ 01532586 a 0101 | in a limited manner
00130833 02 r 02 linguistically 0 lingually 0 002 \ 02842445 a 0202 \ 02842445 a 0101 | with respect to language; "linguistically impaired children"; "a lingually diverse population"
00131018 02 r 01 sociolinguistically 0 001 \ 02842981 a 0101 | with respect to sociolinguistics; "sociolinguistically fascinating"
00131151 02 r 01 linguistically 1 001 \ 02843218 a 0101 | with respect to the science of linguistics; "linguistically interesting data"
00131289 02 r 01 cross-linguistically 0 001 \ 02843095 a 0101 | by comparing languages; "she studied the phenomenon cross-linguistically"
00131429 02 r 02 fiscally 0 in_fiscal_matters 0 001 \ 02847894 a 0101 | in financial matters; "fiscally irresponsible"
00131550 02 r 01 algebraically 0 001 \ 02854350 a 0101 | in an algebraic manner; "algebraically determined"
00131660 02 r 01 polyphonically 0 001 \ 02855757 a 0101 | in a polyphonic manner; "polyphonically composed"
00131770 02 r 01 poetically 0 001 \ 02857099 a 0101 | in a poetic manner; "poetically expressed"
00131869 02 r 01 phonetically 0 001 \ 02857726 a 0101 | by phonetics; "phonetically realized"
00131965 02 r 01 phonemic 0 001 \ 02858086 a 0101 | by phonemics; "phonemically transcribed"
00132060 02 r 01 personally 0 001 \ 02858816 a 0101 | as a person; "he is personally repulsive"
00132158 02 r 02 personally 4 in_person 1 001 \ 01767329 a 0101 | in the flesh; without involving anyone else; "I went there personally"; "he appeared in person"
00132322 02 r 01 personally 2 000 | concerning the speaker; "personally, I find him stupid"
00132416 02 r 01 philosophically 0 001 \ 00858053 a 0101 | in a philosophic manner; "she took it philosophically"
00132532 02 r 02 infernally 0 hellishly 0 002 ;u 06321054 n 0000 \ 02974812 a 0101 | extremely; "infernally clever"; "hellishly dangerous"
00132673 02 r 01 pathologically 0 001 \ 02861206 a 0101 | with respect to pathology; "pathologically interesting results"
00132797 02 r 01 graphically 2 001 \ 02736983 a 0101 | with respect to graphic aspects; "graphically interesting designs"
00132921 02 r 01 catastrophically 0 001 \ 01161635 a 0101 | with unfortunate consequences; "catastrophically complex"
00133041 02 r 01 optically 0 001 \ 02861859 a 0101 | in an optical manner; "optically distorted"
00133140 02 r 01 visually 0 000 | with respect to vision; "visually distorted"
00133221 02 r 01 viscerally 0 001 \ 02862964 a 0101 | in the viscera; "he is bleeding viscerally"
00133321 02 r 01 cerebrally 0 001 \ 02688974 a 0101 | in the brain; "bleeding cerebrally"
00133413 02 r 01 cerebrally 1 001 \ 01927455 a 0101 | in an intellectual manner; "cerebrally active"
00133516 02 r 01 mystically 0 001 \ 02863247 a 0102 | in a mystical manner; "chant mystically"
00133613 02 r 01 biologically 0 001 \ 02665803 a 0101 | with respect to biology; "biologically related"
00133719 02 r 01 sociobiologically 0 001 \ 02666132 a 0102 | with respect to sociobiology; "explain the behavior sociobiologically"
00133853 02 r 01 neurobiological 0 001 \ 02666294 a 0101 | with respect to neurobiology; "explain the phenomenon neurobiologically"
00133987 02 r 01 biochemically 0 001 \ 02664932 a 0101 | with respect to biochemistry; "biochemically interesting phenomenon"
00134115 02 r 01 musicologically 0 001 \ 02867945 a 0101 | with respect to musicology
00134203 02 r 01 morally 1 000 | with respect to moral principles; "morally unjustified"
00134294 02 r 01 meteorologically 0 001 \ 02865479 a 0101 | with respect to the weather; "meteorologically bad conditions"
00134419 02 r 01 metaphysically 0 001 \ 02865814 a 0101 | in a metaphysical manner; "he thinks metaphysically"
00134532 02 r 01 metonymically 0 001 \ 01419999 a 0101 | in a metonymic manner
00134613 02 r 01 melodically 0 001 \ 02864068 a 0101 | with respect to melody; "melodically interesting themes"
00134727 02 r 01 harmonically 0 001 \ 02737772 a 0101 | with respect to harmony; "harmonically interesting piece"
00134843 02 r 01 acoustically 0 001 \ 02868489 a 0101 | with respect to acoustics; "acoustically ill-equipped studios"
00134964 02 r 01 adulterously 0 001 \ 00961195 a 0101 | in an adulterous manner; "he behaved adulterously"
00135073 02 r 01 metaphorically 0 001 \ 01419784 a 0101 | in a metaphorical manner; "she expressed herself metaphorically"
00135198 02 r 01 allegorically 0 001 \ 01981916 a 0101 | in an allegorical manner; "the play ended allegorically"
00135314 02 r 01 locally 0 001 \ 01106405 a 0101 | by a particular locality; "it was locally decided"
00135418 02 r 02 locally 1 topically 0 002 \ 01425895 a 0201 \ 01425529 a 0101 | to a restricted area of the body; "apply this medicine topically"
00135567 02 r 01 regionally 0 001 \ 02871858 a 0101 | in a regional manner; "regionally governed"
00135667 02 r 01 nationally 2 001 \ 01567862 a 0101 | with regard to a nation taken as a whole; "a nationally uniform culture"
00135796 02 r 01 culturally 0 001 \ 02872501 a 0101 | with regard to a culture; "culturally integrated"
00135902 02 r 01 interracially 0 001 \ 01928019 a 0101 | by race; "interracially restrictive"
00135998 02 r 01 chorally 0 001 \ 02874282 a 0101 | by a chorus; "chorally accompanied"
00136088 02 r 01 subcutaneously 0 001 \ 02876936 a 0102 | below the skin; "inject subcutaneously"
00136188 02 r 01 facially 0 001 \ 02877704 a 0101 | with respect to the face
00136267 02 r 01 syntactically 0 001 \ 02880557 a 0101 | with respect to syntax; "syntactically ill-formed"
00136377 02 r 01 spinally 0 001 \ 02884456 a 0101 | in the spine; "spinally administered"
00136469 02 r 01 sexually 0 001 \ 02135389 a 0101 | by sexual means; "reproduce sexually"
00136561 02 r 01 sexually 1 001 \ 02887578 a 0101 | with respect to sexuality; "sexually ambiguous"
00136663 02 r 01 lexically 0 001 \ 02886869 a 0101 | by means of words; "lexically represented"
00136761 02 r 01 nonlexically 0 001 \ 02886767 a 0101 | without the use of words; "expressed nonlexically"
00136870 02 r 01 materially 0 001 \ 01779193 a 0101 | with respect to material aspects; "psychologically similar but materially different"
00137011 02 r 01 materially 1 001 \ 01487627 a 0101 | to a significant degree; "it aided him materially in winning the argument"
00137142 02 r 01 surgically 0 001 \ 02888968 a 0101 | in a surgical manner; by means of surgery; "surgically removed"
00137262 02 r 01 operatively 0 001 \ 02164050 a 0101 | in a manner to produce an effect
00137352 02 r 01 postoperatively 0 001 \ 01169660 a 0101 | after the operation; "remove postoperatively"
00137459 02 r 01 chromatographically 0 001 \ 02987910 a 0101 | by means of a chromatographic process
00137562 02 r 01 alternately 0 001 \ 00675928 a 0101 | in an alternating sequence or position; "They were deglycerolized by alternately centrifuging and mixing"; "he planted fir and pine trees alternately"
00137770 02 r 02 transversely 0 transversally 0 002 \ 01445917 a 0203 \ 01445917 a 0102 | in a transverse manner; "they were cut transversely"
00137915 02 r 02 respectively 0 severally 3 001 \ 00494409 a 0101 | in the order given; "the brothers were called Felix and Max, respectively"
00138060 02 r 02 similarly 0 likewise 0 001 \ 02071420 a 0101 | in like or similar manner; "He was similarly affected"; "some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil"- Samuel Johnson
00138291 02 r 01 secondarily 0 002 ! 00138410 r 0101 \ 01853461 a 0101 | of secondary import; "secondarily affected"
00138410 02 r 02 primarily 0 in_the_first_place 0 002 ! 00138291 r 0101 \ 01852174 a 0101 | of primary import; "this is primarily a question of economics"; "it was in the first place a local matter"
00138611 02 r 05 probably 0 likely 0 in_all_likelihood 0 in_all_probability 0 belike 0 001 \ 01413247 a 0101 | with considerable certainty; without much doubt; "He is probably out of the country"; "in all likelihood we are headed for war"
00138852 02 r 01 bannerlike 0 000 | like a banner; "She waved her scarf at him bannerlike"
00138945 02 r 01 dramatically 0 002 ! 00139071 r 0101 \ 00794825 a 0101 | in a dramatic manner; "he confessed dramatically"
00139071 02 r 01 undramatically 0 002 ! 00138945 r 0101 \ 00795495 a 0101 | in an undramatic manner
00139173 02 r 01 ashore 0 000 | towards the shore from the water; "we invited them ashore"
00139266 02 r 01 notably 0 000 | especially; in particular; "notably in the social sciences, the professors teach too much"
00139392 02 r 01 intensively 0 001 \ 01509527 a 0101 | in an intensive manner; "he studied the snake intensively"
00139508 02 r 05 appropriately 0 suitably 0 fittingly 0 befittingly 0 fitly 0 006 \ 01020393 a 0501 \ 00135092 a 0401 ! 00139759 r 0202 \ 01020885 a 0201 ! 00139759 r 0101 \ 00134701 a 0101 | in an appropriate manner; "he was appropriately dressed"
00139759 02 r 02 inappropriately 0 unsuitably 0 003 ! 00139508 r 0101 \ 00135718 a 0101 ! 00139508 r 0202 | in an inappropriate manner; "he was inappropriately dressed"
00139930 02 r 01 inalienably 0 001 \ 00093810 a 0101 | in an inalienable manner; "this property is held inalienably"
00140049 02 r 01 offshore 0 001 ! 00140168 r 0101 | away from shore; away from land; "cruising three miles offshore"
00140168 02 r 01 onshore 0 001 ! 00140049 r 0101 | on or toward the land; "they were living onshore"
00140271 02 r 02 thousand-fold 0 thousand_times 0 000 | by three orders of magnitude; "this poison is a thousand-fold more toxic"
00140403 02 r 01 naturally 1 002 ! 00140566 r 0101 \ 01570892 a 0101 | according to nature; by natural means; without artificial help; "naturally grown flowers"
00140566 02 r 03 artificially 0 unnaturally 0 by_artificial_means 0 002 ! 00140403 r 0101 \ 01571363 a 0101 | not according to nature; not by natural means; "artificially induced conditions"
00140759 02 r 01 acutely 0 002 ! 00140884 r 0101 \ 00044760 a 0101 | having a rapid onset; "an acutely debilitating virus"
00140884 02 r 01 chronically 0 002 ! 00140759 r 0101 \ 00045123 a 0101 | in a slowly developing and long lasting manner; "chronically ill persons"
00141033 02 r 02 chronically 1 inveterate 0 000 | in a habitual and longstanding manner; "smoking chronically"
00141146 02 r 01 contradictorily 0 001 \ 02356579 a 0102 | in a contradictory manner; "he argued contradictorily"
00141262 02 r 01 electrostatically 0 001 \ 02719009 a 0101 | in an electrostatic manner; "the dust adhered electrostatically to the surface"
00141405 02 r 01 episodically 0 001 \ 01842468 a 0101 | in an episodic manner
00141485 02 r 01 feverishly 0 001 \ 00086210 a 0101 | in a feverish manner; "she worked feverishly"
00141587 02 r 01 feudally 0 001 \ 02726546 a 0101 | in a feudal manner; "a feudally organized society"
00141692 02 r 01 frontally 0 001 \ 00198757 a 0101 | in, at, or toward the front
00141775 02 r 01 geometrically 3 001 \ 02735208 a 0101 | with respect to geometry; "this shape is geometrically interesting"
00141902 02 r 01 glacially 0 001 \ 02736015 a 0101 | by a glacier; "glacially deposited material"
00142002 02 r 01 glaringly 0 001 \ 00580039 a 0104 | in a glaring manner; "it was glaringly obvious"
00142105 02 r 01 gravitationally 0 001 \ 02737183 a 0101 | with respect to gravitation; "gravitationally strong forces"
00142227 02 r 01 gutturally 0 001 \ 02737461 a 0101 | in a guttural manner; "gutturally articulated"
00142330 02 r 01 hieroglyphically 0 001 \ 02742206 a 0101 | by means of hieroglyphs; "hieroglyphically written"
00142444 02 r 01 homeostatically 0 001 \ 02741032 a 0101 | in a homeostatic manner; "blood pressure is homeostatically regulated"
00142576 02 r 01 horticulturally 0 001 \ 02927048 a 0101 | by means of horticulture
00142662 02 r 01 humanly 0 001 \ 02743261 a 0101 | in the manner of human beings; "humanly possible"
00142765 02 r 01 imperially 0 001 \ 02746897 a 0101 | in an imperial manner; "imperially decreed"
00142865 02 r 01 incestuously 0 001 \ 02748216 a 0101 | by incest; "incestuously conceived"
00142959 02 r 01 inconceivably 0 001 \ 02418692 a 0102 | to an inconceivable degree; "inconceivably small"
00143068 02 r 01 insistently 0 001 \ 00712877 a 0104 | in an insistent manner
00143148 02 r 01 institutionally 0 001 \ 02749778 a 0101 | by an institution; "institutionally controlled"
00143257 02 r 01 judicially 0 001 \ 02752987 a 0101 | in a judicial manner; "judicially controlled process"
00143367 02 r 01 nasally 0 001 \ 02978781 a 0102 | in a nasal manner; "inhaled nasally"
00143457 02 r 01 nocturnally 0 001 \ 02931826 a 0101 | at night; "nocturnally active bird"
00143550 02 r 01 rurally 0 001 \ 02790726 a 0101 | in a rural manner
00143621 02 r 01 spherically 0 001 \ 02800689 a 0101 | in a spherical manner; "spherically shaped"
00143722 02 r 01 superficially 0 001 \ 01873406 a 0101 | in a superficial manner; "he was superficially interested"
00143840 02 r 01 syllabically 0 001 \ 02806721 a 0101 | in or with syllables; "syllabically pronounced"
00143946 02 r 01 monosyllabically 0 001 \ 02289018 a 0101 | in a monosyllabic manner
00144033 02 r 01 polysyllabically 0 001 \ 02289405 a 0101 | in a polysyllabic manner
00144120 02 r 01 symptomatically 0 001 \ 02807249 a 0101 | by symptoms
00144193 02 r 01 tangentially 0 001 \ 01976360 a 0102 | in passing; "touched on it tangentially"
00144292 02 r 01 volcanically 0 001 \ 02826169 a 0101 | by or like volcanoes; "volcanically created landscape"
00144405 02 r 02 awhile 0 for_a_while 1 000 | for a short time; "sit down and stay awhile"; "they settled awhile in Virginia before moving West"; "the baby was quiet for a while"
00144586 02 r 02 wickedly 0 evilly 0 002 \ 01131043 a 0201 \ 02513740 a 0101 | in a wicked evil manner; "act wickedly"; "grin evilly"
00144722 02 r 07 surely 0 certainly 0 sure 0 for_sure 0 for_certain 0 sure_enough 2 sure_as_shooting 0 003 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00335421 a 0201 \ 00336831 a 0102 | definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely'); "the results are surely encouraging"; "she certainly is a hard worker"; "it's going to be a good day for sure"; "they are coming, for certain"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he'll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he'll come"
00145228 02 r 01 surprisingly 0 001 \ 02359464 a 0101 | in a surprising manner; "he was surprisingly friendly"
00145341 02 r 01 technologically 0 001 \ 02809692 a 0102 | by means of technology; "technologically impossible"
00145455 02 r 01 temperamentally 0 001 \ 02810552 a 0101 | by temperament; "temperamentally suited to each other"
00145571 02 r 01 sufficiently 0 002 ! 00145854 r 0101 \ 02335828 a 0101 | to a sufficient degree; "she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin"
00145713 02 r 02 enough 0 plenty 0 000 | as much as necessary; "Have I eaten enough?"; (`plenty' is nonstandard) "I've had plenty, thanks"
00145854 02 r 01 insufficiently 0 002 ! 00145571 r 0101 \ 02336449 a 0101 | to an insufficient degree; "he was insufficiently prepared"
00145992 02 r 01 unhesitatingly 0 002 ! 00146120 r 0101 \ 00685924 a 0101 | without hesitation; "she said yes unhesitatingly"
00146120 02 r 02 hesitantly 0 hesitatingly 0 002 ! 00145992 r 0101 \ 00686573 a 0101 | with hesitation; in a hesitant manner; "he finally accepted hesitantly"
00146281 02 r 02 thereafter 0 thenceforth 1 000 | from that time on; "thereafter he never called again"
00146387 02 r 02 ever 4 of_all_time 0 000 | at any time; "did you ever smoke?"; "the best con man of all time"
00146500 02 r 01 sic 0 000 | intentionally so written (used after a printed word or phrase)
00146594 02 r 01 so 2 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | to a very great extent or degree; "the idea is so obvious"; "never been so happy"; "I love you so"; "my head aches so!"
00146763 02 r 01 so 3 000 | (usually followed by `that') to an extent or degree as expressed; "he was so tired he could hardly stand"; "so dirty that it smells"
00146926 02 r 01 so 5 000 | in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied; "They're happy and I hope they will remain so"; "so live your life that old age will bring no regrets"
00147126 02 r 01 so 7 000 | to a certain unspecified extent or degree; "I can only go so far with this student"; "can do only so much in a day"
00147272 02 r 01 so 8 000 | in the same way; also; "I was offended and so was he"; "worked hard and so did she"
00147386 02 r 01 such 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | to so extreme a degree; "he is such a baby"; "Such rich people!"
00147502 02 r 01 hand_and_foot 0 000 | in all ways possible; "they served him hand and foot"
00147597 02 r 01 hand_in_hand 1 000 | clasping each other's hands; "they walked hand in hand"
00147693 02 r 01 hand_over_fist 0 000 | at a tremendous rate; "made money hand over fist"
00147785 02 r 02 handily 0 hands_down 0 000 | with no difficulty; "she beat him handily"
00147876 02 r 02 easily 1 easy 1 002 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00749230 a 0101 | with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily'); "she was easily excited"; "was easily confused"; "he won easily"; "this china breaks very easily"; "success came too easy"
00148139 02 r 02 easy 0 soft 0 003 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00750054 a 0202 \ 00749230 a 0101 | in a relaxed manner; or without hardship; "just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard)
00148329 02 r 01 in_hand 0 001 ! 00148422 r 0101 | under control; "the riots were in hand"
00148422 02 r 02 out_of_hand 0 beyond_control 0 001 ! 00148329 r 0101 | out of control; "the riots got out of hand"
00148540 02 r 01 in_a_way 0 000 | from some points of view; "she was right in a way"
00148627 02 r 01 factually 0 001 \ 01933731 a 0102 | as a fact or based on fact; "they learn much, factually, about the problems of retirement and provision for old age, and, psychologically, in the sharing of their thoughts on retirement"
00148869 02 r 03 in_fact 0 in_point_of_fact 0 as_a_matter_of_fact 0 000 | in reality or actuality; "in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived"; "painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated"; "as a matter of fact, he is several inches taller than his father"
00149138 02 r 02 actually 0 in_reality 0 000 | used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly; "you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out"; "she actually spoke Latin"; "they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets"; "people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous"
00149510 02 r 02 actually 1 really 4 002 \ 01932973 a 0201 \ 01933731 a 0101 | in actual fact; "to be nominally but not actually independent"; "no one actually saw the shark"; "large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt"
00149744 02 r 01 actually 2 000 | as a sentence modifier to add slight emphasis; "actually, we all help clear up after a meal"; "actually, I haven't seen the film"; "I'm not all that surprised actually"; "she hasn't proved to be too satisfactory, actually"
00150003 02 r 01 actually 3 000 | at the present moment; "the transmission screen shows the picture that is actually on the air"
00150134 02 r 03 to_be_sure 0 without_doubt 2 no_doubt 0 000 | admittedly; "to be sure, he is no Einstein"
00150243 02 r 01 sure_enough 0 000 | as supposed or expected; "sure enough, he asked her for money again"
00150351 02 r 02 right 0 right_on 1 000 | an interjection expressing agreement
00150432 02 r 01 in_toto 0 000 | in entirety; "they bought the business in toto"; "in recommendations were adopted in toto"
00150558 02 r 02 in_the_least 1 even_a_little 0 000 | to any extent at all; "are you in the least interested?"
00150671 02 r 03 above_all 0 most_importantly 1 most_especially 0 000 | above and beyond all other consideration; "above all, you must be independent"
00150824 02 r 01 in_absentia 0 000 | while absent; although absent; "he was sentenced in absentia"
00150925 02 r 01 across_the_board 0 001 \ 00526062 a 0101 | including all; "we got a pay raise across the board"
00151040 02 r 01 after_a_fashion 0 000 | to some extent; not very well; "he speaks French after a fashion"
00151149 02 r 01 after_all 0 000 | emphasizes something to be considered; "after all, she is your boss, so invite her"; "he is, after all, our president"
00151305 02 r 01 after_all 1 000 | in spite of expectations; "came to the party after all"; "it didn't rain after all"
00151426 02 r 01 after_hours 0 000 | not during regular hours; "he often worked after hours"
00151521 02 r 02 against_the_clock 0 against_time 0 000 | as fast as possible; before a deadline; "it was a race against the clock"
00151655 02 r 01 ahead_of_the_game 0 000 | in an advantageous position; "she's ahead of the game"
00151755 02 r 04 all_in_all 0 on_the_whole 0 altogether 3 tout_ensemble 0 000 | with everything considered (and neglecting details); "altogether, I'm sorry it happened"; "all in all, it's not so bad"
00151957 02 r 02 all_of_a_sudden 0 all_at_once 0 000 | without warning; "all at once, he started shouting"
00152066 02 r 02 all_the_way 9 the_whole_way 0 000 | to the goal; "she climbed the mountain all the way"
00152173 02 r 01 all_the_way 4 000 | not stopping short of sexual intercourse; "she went all the way with him"
00152286 02 r 01 from_start_to_finish 0 000 | completely
00152345 02 r 03 and_how 0 you_bet 0 you_said_it 0 000 | an expression of emphatic agreement
00152440 02 r 01 and_then_some 0 000 | and considerably more in addition; "it cost me a week's salary and then some"
00152559 02 r 03 around_the_clock 0 for_24_hours 0 round_the_clock 0 000 | without stopping; "she worked around the clock"
00152684 02 r 01 as_follows 0 000 | what is listed next; "her complaints went as follows"
00152776 02 r 02 as_it_were 0 so_to_speak 0 000 | as if it were really so; "she lives here, as it were"
00152882 02 r 02 as_we_say 0 so_to_speak 1 000 | in a manner of speaking; "the feeling is, as we say, quite dead"
00152998 02 r 01 as_the_crow_flies 0 000 | by the shortest and most direct route; "it's 10 miles as the crow flies"
00153116 02 r 03 at_all_costs 0 at_any_cost 0 at_any_expense 0 000 | regardless of the cost involved; "he wanted to save her life at all cost"
00153261 02 r 03 at_a_time 0 at_once 3 at_one_time 0 000 | simultaneously; "he took three cookies at a time"
00153372 02 r 01 at_will 0 000 | as one chooses or pleases; "he can roam the neighborhood at will"
00153473 02 r 01 loosely 1 001 \ 02232112 a 0101 | knitted in a loose manner; "loosely knit"
00153568 02 r 01 carefully 0 001 \ 00309021 a 0101 | taking care or paying attention; "they watched carefully"
00153681 02 r 03 mindfully 0 heedfully 0 advertently 0 005 ! 00237833 r 0302 \ 00164308 a 0301 \ 01977488 a 0202 ! 00153865 r 0101 \ 01977155 a 0101 | in a careful deliberate manner
00153865 02 r 01 unmindfully 0 002 ! 00153681 r 0101 \ 01978003 a 0101 | in a careless and thoughtless manner
00153977 02 r 01 excitedly 0 001 \ 00919542 a 0101 | with excitement; in an excited manner; "she shook his hand excitedly"
00154102 02 r 01 vociferously 0 001 \ 01920367 a 0105 | in a vociferous manner; "he complained vociferously"
00154213 02 r 01 safely 0 000 | with safety; in a safe manner; "we are safely out of there"
00154307 02 r 01 allegedly 0 001 \ 00687614 a 0101 | according to what has been alleged; "he was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife"
00154449 02 r 02 purportedly 1 supposedly 0 000 | believed or reputed to be the case
00154536 02 r 03 illegally 0 illicitly 1 lawlessly 0 004 ! 00363218 r 0302 \ 01395617 a 0301 \ 01403760 a 0202 \ 01401854 a 0101 | in an illegal manner; "they dumped the waste illegally"
00154725 02 r 01 originally 0 001 \ 01686439 a 0101 | in an original manner
00154803 02 r 01 unoriginally 0 001 \ 01688271 a 0101 | in an unoriginal manner
00154885 02 r 01 comfortably 0 001 \ 00479330 a 0101 | in mental comfort; without stress; "he works comfortably on three continents"
00155020 02 r 01 comfortably 2 002 ! 00155187 r 0101 \ 00476819 a 0101 | in physical comfort; "she could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief"
00155187 02 r 01 uncomfortably 0 002 ! 00155020 r 0101 \ 00478015 a 0101 | in physical discomfort; "she lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted"
00155343 02 r 01 by_a_long_shot 0 000 | by a great deal; "he is the best by a long shot"; "his labors haven't ended there--not by a long shot"
00155488 02 r 02 by_and_by 0 later 2 000 | at some eventual time in the future; "By and by he'll understand"; "I'll see you later"
00155621 02 r 04 by_and_large 0 generally 2 more_often_than_not 0 mostly 3 000 | usually; as a rule; "by and large it doesn't rain much here"
00155765 02 r 02 by_hook_or_by_crook 0 by_any_means 0 000 | in any way necessary; "I'll pass this course by hook or by crook"
00155893 02 r 02 by_heart 0 by_memory 0 000 | by committing to memory; "she knew the poem by heart"
00155995 02 r 03 by_inches 0 little_by_little 1 by_small_degrees 0 000 | by a short distance; "they moved it by inches"
00156117 02 r 01 by_fits_and_starts 0 000 | intermittently; "he worked on his book by fits and starts"
00156222 02 r 04 by_the_way 0 by_the_bye 0 incidentally 0 apropos 1 000 | introducing a different topic; in point of fact; "incidentally, I won't go to the party"
00156387 02 r 02 by_the_piece 0 one_by_one 0 000 | one piece at a time; "she sold the plates by the piece"
00156496 02 r 02 orally 0 by_word_of_mouth 0 001 \ 02284169 a 0101 | by spoken rather than written means; "these stories were transmitted by word of mouth"
00156654 02 r 01 orally 1 002 ;c 03247620 n 0000 \ 02771485 a 0101 | (of drugs) through the mouth rather than through injection; by_mouth; "he was administered the drug orally"
00156833 02 r 03 come_hell_or_high_water 0 no_matter_what_happens 0 whatever_may_come 0 000 | in spite of all obstacles; "we'll go to Tibet come hell or high water"
00157000 02 r 02 day_in_and_day_out 0 all_the_time 1 000 | without respite; "he plays chess day in and day out"
00157114 02 r 01 dead_ahead 0 000 | exactly ahead or in front; "the laboratory is dead ahead"
00157210 02 r 01 deadpan 0 000 | without betraying any feeling; "she told the joke deadpan"
00157304 02 r 03 en_masse 0 en_bloc 0 as_a_group 0 000 | all together; "the students turned out en masse"
00157412 02 r 02 every_so_often 0 every_now_and_then 0 000 | occasionally; "every so often she visits her father"
00157528 02 r 01 every_inch 0 000 | in every way; completely; "he was every inch a statesman"
00157624 02 r 01 completely 3 001 \ 00520214 a 0101 | so as to be complete; with everything necessary; "he had filled out the form completely"; "the apartment was completely furnished"
00157811 02 r 01 incompletely 0 001 \ 00523978 a 0101 | not to a full degree or extent; "words incompletely understood"; "a form filled out incompletely"
00157967 02 r 03 alone 1 solo 0 unaccompanied 0 002 \ 02251057 a 0301 \ 02251212 a 0101 | without anybody else or anything else; "the child stayed home alone"; "the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing"; "he flew solo"
00158190 02 r 02 first_and_last 0 above_all 1 000 | taking everything together; "she was first and last a scientist"
00158309 02 r 03 precisely 0 exactly 1 just 5 002 \ 00914421 a 0201 \ 01837744 a 0101 | indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
00158575 02 r 03 for_a_song 0 for_a_bargain_price 0 at_a_low_price 0 000 | for a relatively small amount of money; "we bought the house for a song"
00158725 02 r 01 for_dear_life 0 000 | as though your life was at stake; "he was running for dear life"
00158831 02 r 01 at_stake 0 000 | to be won or lost; at risk; "perhaps a million dollars are at stake"
00158936 02 r 01 at_stake 1 000 | in question or at issue; "there is more at stake than your modesty"
00159040 02 r 03 for_example 0 for_instance 0 e.g. 0 000 | as an example; "take ribbon snakes, for example"
00159150 02 r 01 for_good_measure 0 000 | in addition (as to close a deal); "the car salesman threw in the radio, for good measure"
00159284 02 r 01 for_keeps 0 000 | for the winner to keep all; "they played for keeps"
00159373 02 r 04 for_love_or_money 0 for_anything 0 for_any_price 0 for_all_the_world 0 000 | under any circumstances; "she wouldn't give up her pets for love or money"
00159544 02 r 01 for_one 0 000 | as a particular one of several possibilities; "I for one feel very grateful"; "her mother for one was worried"
00159690 02 r 01 for_short 0 000 | as an abbreviation; "call me Bob for short"
00159771 02 r 02 for_the_asking 0 on_request 0 000 | on the occasion of a request; "advice was free for the asking"
00159889 02 r 01 from_scratch 0 000 | from the beginning, especially without relying on resources or other advantages; "he baked the torte from scratch"; "she built her business up from scratch"
00160086 02 r 02 sincerely 3 sincerely_yours 0 000 | written formula for ending a letter
00160177 02 r 02 from_way_back 0 since_a_long_time_ago 0 000 | since long ago; "she knows him from way back"
00160288 02 r 01 close_to_the_wind 0 001 ;c 00314469 n 0000 | nearly opposite to the direction from which wind is coming; "sailing close to the wind"
00160440 02 r 01 closely 0 001 \ 00446921 a 0101 | in a close relation or position in time or space; "the onsets were closely timed"; "houses set closely together"; "was closely involved in monitoring daily progress"
00160659 02 r 03 closely 1 intimately 0 nearly 2 001 \ 00451510 a 0101 | in a close manner; "the two phenomena are intimately connected"; "the person most nearly concerned"
00160834 02 r 02 relatively 0 comparatively 0 002 \ 00006032 a 0202 \ 00006032 a 0101 | in a relative manner; by comparison to something else; "the situation is relatively calm now"
00161018 02 r 02 predominantly 0 preponderantly 0 002 \ 00792202 a 0205 \ 01066787 a 0103 | much greater in number or influence; "the patients are predominantly indigenous"
00161193 02 r 01 readily 0 000 | without much difficulty; "these snakes can be identified readily"
00161294 02 r 01 markedly 0 001 \ 01287808 a 0101 | in a clearly noticeable manner; "sales of luxury cars dropped markedly"
00161420 02 r 01 palpably 0 001 \ 01717117 a 0101 | so as to be palpable; "she was palpably nervous"
00161523 02 r 01 crudely 0 001 \ 01953467 a 0103 | in a crude or unrefined manner; "he was crudely bold"
00161630 02 r 04 slowly 2 slow 0 easy 2 tardily 0 003 ;u 07075172 n 0000 ! 00085811 r 0101 \ 00980527 a 0101 | without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights"
00161932 02 r 03 publicly 0 publically 0 in_public 0 002 ! 00162137 r 0101 \ 01861205 a 0101 | in a manner accessible to or observable by the public; openly; "she admitted publicly to being a communist"
00162137 02 r 03 privately 0 in_private 0 in_camera 0 002 ! 00161932 r 0101 \ 01858094 a 0101 | kept private or confined to those intimately concerned; "it was discussed privately between the two men"; "privately, she thought differently"; "some member of his own party hoped privately for his defeat"; "he was questioned in private"
00162473 02 r 01 secretly 2 001 \ 00952181 a 0101 | not openly; inwardly; "they were secretly delighted at his embarrassment"; "hoped secretly she would change her mind"
00162645 02 r 01 privately 1 001 ! 00162765 r 0101 | by a private person or interest; "a privately financed campaign"
00162765 02 r 01 publicly 1 002 ! 00162645 r 0101 \ 00493297 a 0101 | by the public or the people generally; "publicly provided medical care"; "publicly financed schools"
00162938 02 r 01 communally 0 001 \ 00493012 a 0101 | by a group of people rather than an individual; "the mills were owned communally"
00163076 02 r 02 reprovingly 0 reproachfully 0 002 \ 00996864 a 0203 \ 00996864 a 0104 | in a reproving or reproachful manner; "she spoke to him reprovingly"
00163236 02 r 01 gaily 0 001 \ 01367431 a 0101 | in a gay manner; "the scandals were gaily diverting"
00163340 02 r 03 hand_in_glove 0 hand_and_glove 0 cooperatively 0 001 \ 00619972 a 0301 | in close cooperation; "they work hand in glove"
00163480 02 r 01 cheek_by_jowl 0 000 | in close proximity; "the houses were jumbled together cheek by jowl"
00163590 02 r 02 helter-skelter 0 every_which_way 0 000 | haphazardly; "the books were piled up helter-skelter"
00163704 02 r 05 head_over_heels 0 heels_over_head 0 topsy-turvy 0 topsy-turvily 0 in_great_confusion 0 000 | in disorderly haste; "we ran head over heels toward the shelter"
00163881 02 r 01 fecklessly 1 001 \ 01998730 a 0101 | in a feckless manner; irresponsibly and incompetently
00163991 02 r 02 harum-scarum 0 pell-mell 0 000 | in a wild or reckless manner; "dashing harum-scarum all over the place"; "running pell-mell up the stairs"
00164150 02 r 02 carelessly 2 heedlessly 0 002 \ 01193714 a 0201 \ 00311663 a 0101 | without care or concern; "carelessly raised the children's hopes without thinking of their possible disappointment"
00164353 02 r 02 heart_and_soul 0 body_and_soul 0 000 | with complete faith; "she was with him heart and soul"
00164466 02 r 01 hook_line_and_sinker 0 000 | in every detail; "he believed her story hook, line, and sinker"
00164578 02 r 01 in_circles 0 000 | without making progress; "the candidates talked in circles"
00164676 02 r 01 in_a_pig's_eye 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very unlikely
00164751 02 r 02 in_case 0 just_in_case 0 000 | if there happens to be need; "in case of trouble call 911"; "I have money, just in case"
00164890 02 r 02 coldly 0 in_cold_blood 1 001 \ 01257612 a 0101 | in a cold unemotional manner; "he killed her in cold blood"
00165018 02 r 03 seriously 0 earnestly 2 in_earnest 0 002 \ 02118840 a 0201 \ 02118379 a 0101 | in a serious manner; "talking earnestly with his son"; "she started studying snakes in earnest"; "a play dealing seriously with the question of divorce"
00165269 02 r 05 in_due_course 0 in_due_season 0 in_good_time 0 in_due_time 0 when_the_time_comes 0 000 | at the appropriate time; "we'll get to this question in due course"
00165445 02 r 02 in_full_swing 0 in_full_action 0 000 | proceeding with full vigor; "the party was in full swing"
00165561 02 r 02 in_kind 0 in_a_similar_way 2 000 | with something of the same kind; "she pays him back in kind"
00165676 02 r 01 in_line 0 000 | one behind another in a line or queue; "they waited in line for the tickets"
00165788 02 r 02 in_name 0 in_name_only 0 000 | by title or repute though not in fact; "he's a doctor in name only"
00165906 02 r 02 in_no_time 0 very_fast 0 000 | in a relatively short time; "she finished the assignment in no time"
00166025 02 r 01 long 0 000 | for an extended time or at a distant time; "a promotion long overdue"; "something long hoped for"; "his name has long been forgotten"; "talked all night long"; "how long will you be gone?"; "arrived long before he was expected"; "it is long after your bedtime"
00166318 02 r 01 long 3 000 | for an extended distance
00166375 02 r 02 in_passing 0 en_passant 0 000 | incidentally; in the course of doing something else; "he made this remark in passing"
00166512 02 r 01 in_practice 0 000 | in practical applications; "will this work in practice?"
00166608 02 r 04 secretly 0 in_secret 0 on_the_Q.T. 0 on_the_QT 0 000 | in secrecy; not openly; "met secretly to discuss the invasion plans"; "the children secretly went to the movies when they were supposed to be at the library"; "they arranged to meet in secret"
00166875 02 r 01 in_short_order 0 000 | without delay; "John got ready in short order"
00166964 02 r 01 inside_out 0 000 | with the inside facing outward; "she turned the shirt inside out"
00167068 02 r 01 inside_out 1 000 | thoroughly; from every perspective; "she knows this town inside out"
00167175 02 r 02 in_the_air 0 in_everyone's_thoughts 0 000 | on everybody's mind; "Christmas was in the air"
00167286 02 r 05 in_the_first_place 1 earlier 4 in_the_beginning 1 to_begin_with 0 originally 2 000 | before now; "why didn't you tell me in the first place?"
00167447 02 r 02 in_the_long_run 0 in_the_end 2 000 | after a very lengthy period of time; "she will succeed in the long run"
00167575 02 r 02 in_the_nick_of_time 0 just_in_time 0 000 | at the last possible moment; "she was saved in the nick of time"
00167702 02 r 01 in_the_same_breath 0 000 | simultaneously; "she praised and criticized him in the same breath"
00167816 02 r 02 in_time 1 soon_enough 0 000 | without being tardy; "we made it to the party in time"
00167920 02 r 02 vainly 0 in_vain 0 001 \ 01866812 a 0105 | to no avail; "he looked for her in vain"; "the city fathers tried vainly to find a solution"
00168075 02 r 01 unsuccessfully 0 002 ! 00119940 r 0101 \ 02333453 a 0101 | without success; "she tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car"
00168230 02 r 01 just_so 0 000 | in a careful manner; "you must treat this plant just so"
00168322 02 r 02 lickety_split 0 lickety_cut 0 000 | without delay; "she tackled the job lickety-split"
00168428 02 r 01 like_clockwork 0 001 ;u 07154330 n 0000 | with regularity and precision; "the rocket launch went off like clockwork"
00168564 02 r 06 like_hell 0 like_mad 0 like_crazy 0 like_sin 0 like_thunder 0 like_the_devil 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | with great speed or effort or intensity; "drove like crazy"; "worked like hell to get the job done"; "ran like sin for the storm cellar"; "work like thunder"; "fought like the devil"
00168870 02 r 01 like_hell 1 000 | used ironically to indicate the opposite of what is stated; "says he'll help me? Like hell he will!"
00169008 02 r 01 no_end 0 000 | on and on for a long time; "the child cried no end"
00169094 02 r 02 off_and_on 0 on_and_off 0 000 | not regularly; "they phone each other off and on"
00169195 02 r 01 off_the_cuff 0 000 | without preparation; "the presidential candidate made a remark off the cuff"
00169312 02 r 01 confidentially 1 001 \ 01859571 a 0101 | in a confidential manner; "spoke to him intimately and confidentially"
00169443 02 r 01 off_the_record 0 000 | not for quotation; "he spoke to the reporter off the record"
00169546 02 r 01 on_all_fours 0 000 | on hands and knees; "he got down on all fours to play with his grandson"
00169659 02 r 02 on_the_average 0 on_average 0 000 | typically; "on average he watches three movies a week"
00169769 02 r 01 on_approval 0 000 | for examination (with an option to buy); "they took the VCR on approval"
00169881 02 r 01 on_faith 0 000 | with trust and confidence; "we accepted him on faith"
00169971 02 r 01 hypothetically 0 001 \ 00861216 a 0103 | by hypothesis
00170045 02 r 01 theoretically 0 001 \ 00860611 a 0101 | in theory; according to the assumed facts; "on paper the candidate seems promising"
00170188 02 r 01 theoretically 1 002 \ 00860611 a 0101 ! 00084038 r 0101 | in a theoretical manner; "he worked the problem out theoretically"
00170332 02 r 01 oppositely 0 001 \ 02070887 a 0101 | in an opposite position
00170412 02 r 04 contrarily 0 to_the_contrary 0 contrariwise 0 on_the_contrary 2 001 \ 02065958 a 0101 | contrary to expectations; "he didn't stay home; on the contrary, he went out with his friends"
00170614 02 r 01 on_the_fly 0 000 | on the run or in a hurry; "she wrote those letters on the fly"
00170715 02 r 01 on_the_spot 0 000 | without delay or immediately; "we hired her on the spot"; "thought they were going to shoot us down on the spot"
00170867 02 r 01 on_the_spot 1 000 | at the place in question; there; "they were on the spot when it happened"; "it had to be decided by the man on the spot"
00171027 02 r 01 on_the_spot 2 000 | in a difficult situation; "that question really put him on the spot"
00171135 02 r 02 on_the_spur_of_the_moment 0 suddenly 4 000 | on impulse; without premeditation; "he decided to go to Chicago on the spur of the moment"; "he made up his mind suddenly"
00171322 02 r 02 on_the_way 0 en_route 0 000 | on a route to some place; "help is on the way"; "we saw him on the way to California"
00171457 02 r 01 on_time 0 000 | at the expected time; "she always arrives on time"
00171543 02 r 03 out_of_thin_air 0 out_of_nothing 0 from_nowhere 0 000 | without warning; "your cousin arrived out of thin air"
00171673 02 r 02 out_of_wedlock 1 outside_marriage 0 000 | of unwed parents; "he was born out of wedlock"
00171781 02 r 01 to_advantage 0 000 | in a manner that uses the most flattering or best aspects of; "the dress brought out her figure to advantage"
00171931 02 r 01 to_a_man 0 000 | without exception; "voted for unionization to a man"
00172020 02 r 04 to_a_T 0 to_the_letter 0 just_right 0 to_perfection 0 000 | in every detail; "the new house suited them to a T"
00172151 02 r 02 up_to_now 1 to_date 0 000 | prior to the present time; "no suspect has been found to date"
00172261 02 r 01 to_order 0 000 | to specification; "he had the shoes made to order"
00172348 02 r 01 tooth_and_nail 0 000 | with force and ferocity; "she fought tooth and nail"
00172443 02 r 01 to_that_effect 0 000 | with that general meaning; "she said something to that effect"
00172548 02 r 02 to_the_hilt 0 to_the_limit 0 000 | in full; "you are in this to the hilt"
00172641 02 r 01 under_the_circumstances 0 000 | because of prevailing conditions; "under the circumstances I cannot buy the house"
00172775 02 r 01 orad 0 002 ! 00172875 r 0101 \ 01665184 a 0101 | toward the mouth or oral region
00172875 02 r 01 aborad 0 002 ! 00172775 r 0101 \ 01665674 a 0101 | away from the mouth or oral region
00172980 02 r 02 bravely 0 courageously 0 002 \ 00262792 a 0202 \ 00262792 a 0101 | in a courageous manner; "bravely he went into the burning house"
00173131 02 r 01 overboard 0 000 | from on board a vessel into the water; "they dropped their garbage overboard"
00173246 02 r 01 upstate 0 000 | in or toward the northern parts of a state; "he lives upstate New York"
00173353 02 r 02 profoundly 0 deeply 0 002 \ 00692762 a 0201 \ 00693237 a 0101 | to a great depth psychologically; "They felt the loss deeply"
00173498 02 r 01 impatiently 0 002 ! 00173644 r 0101 \ 01737241 a 0101 | with impatience; in an impatient manner; "he answered her impatiently"
00173644 02 r 01 patiently 0 002 ! 00173498 r 0101 \ 01735736 a 0101 | with patience; in a patient manner; "he patiently played with the child"
00173790 02 r 01 tensely 0 001 \ 02405326 a 0101 | in a tense manner; "he sat down tensely"
00173884 02 r 01 methodically 0 001 \ 01668567 a 0101 | in a methodical manner; "she worked methodically"
00173992 02 r 01 blindly 0 001 \ 02158826 a 0101 | without seeing or looking; "he felt around his desk blindly"
00174106 02 r 01 apologetically 0 001 \ 01631830 a 0101 | in an apologetic manner; "he spoke apologetically about his past"
00174232 02 r 03 unsteadily 0 falteringly 0 uncertainly 1 004 \ 00337404 a 0301 \ 02304035 a 0201 ! 00174491 r 0101 \ 02303077 a 0101 | in an unsteady manner; "he walked unsteadily toward the exit"; "The wounded soldier was swinging unsteadily on his legs"
00174491 02 r 02 steadily 0 steady 0 002 ! 00174232 r 0101 \ 02301560 a 0101 | in a steady manner; "he could still walk steadily"
00174623 02 r 01 haughtily 0 001 \ 01891109 a 0102 | in a haughty manner; "he peered haughtily down his nose"
00174735 02 r 01 wildly 0 001 \ 02390335 a 0101 | to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree; "the storyline is wildly unrealistic"
00174870 02 r 01 wild 1 001 \ 02389220 a 0101 | in a wild or undomesticated manner; "growing wild"; "roaming wild"
00174987 02 r 01 wildly 1 001 \ 01727303 a 0101 | with violent and uncontrollable passion; "attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over"
00175135 02 r 01 wildly 2 001 \ 01727303 a 0101 | in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner; "He gesticulated wildly"
00175255 02 r 01 bleakly 0 001 \ 01229561 a 0102 | without hope; "he wondered bleakly"
00175344 02 r 02 stupidly 0 doltishly 0 002 \ 00440489 a 0202 \ 00439588 a 0101 | in a stupid manner; "he had stupidly bought a one way ticket"
00175490 02 r 02 uniquely 0 unambiguously 0 001 \ 02215087 a 0102 | so as to be unique; "he could determine uniquely the properties of the compound"
00175641 02 r 01 symmetrically 0 002 ! 00175778 r 0101 \ 02371718 a 0101 | in a symmetrical manner; "they were symmetrically arranged"
00175778 02 r 02 asymmetrically 0 unsymmetrically 0 001 ! 00175641 r 0101 | in an asymmetrical manner; "they were asymmetrically arranged"
00175919 02 r 02 inversely 0 reciprocally 0 002 \ 01945550 a 0201 \ 00769761 a 0101 | in an inverse or contrary manner; "inversely related"; "wavelength and frequency are, of course, related reciprocally"- F.A.Geldard
00176139 02 r 01 creatively 0 001 \ 00643250 a 0101 | in a creative manner; "she solved the problem creatively"
00176253 02 r 01 distally 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 00778363 a 0101 | far from the center; "the bronchus is situated distally"
00176383 02 r 02 heavily 0 to_a_great_extent 0 001 \ 01190683 a 0101 | to a considerable degree; "he relied heavily on others' data"
00176518 02 r 03 heavily 1 intemperately 0 hard 6 002 \ 02402268 a 0201 ! 00176750 r 0101 | indulging excessively; "he drank heavily"
00176654 02 r 01 heavily 6 001 \ 01184932 a 0101 | in a labored manner; "he breathed heavily"
00176750 02 r 01 lightly 1 002 ! 00176518 r 0101 \ 02401863 a 0102 | indulging with temperance; "we eat lightly in the morning"
00176880 02 r 01 repeatedly 0 001 \ 00592880 a 0103 | several time; "it must be washed repeatedly"
00176981 02 r 05 over_and_over 0 again_and_again 0 over_and_over_again 0 time_and_again 0 time_and_time_again 0 000 | repeatedly; "the unknown word turned up over and over again in the text"
00177174 02 r 01 adamantly 0 001 \ 01024812 a 0101 | inflexibly; unshakably; "adamantly opposed to the marriage"
00177289 02 r 01 strongly 0 002 ! 00177483 r 0101 \ 02321009 a 0101 | with strength or in a strong manner; "argues very strongly for his proposal"; "he was strongly opposed to the government"
00177483 02 r 01 weakly 1 002 ! 00177289 r 0101 \ 02324397 a 0101 | in a weak or feeble manner or to a minor degree; "weakly agreed to a compromise"; "wheezed weakly"; "he was weakly attracted to her"
00177686 02 r 03 vice_versa 0 the_other_way_around 0 contrariwise 1 000 | with the order reversed; "she hates him and vice versa"
00177818 02 r 02 day_by_day 0 daily 1 000 | gradually and progressively; "his health weakened day by day"
00177926 02 r 02 day_in_day_out 0 day_after_day 0 000 | for an indefinite number of successive days
00178028 02 r 01 week_after_week 0 000 | for an indefinite number of successive weeks
00178116 02 r 01 week_by_week 0 000 | weekly; "week by week, the betrayal gnawed at his heart"
00178213 02 r 01 month_by_month 0 000 | for an indefinite number of months; "month by month, the betrayal gnawed at his heart"
00178342 02 r 01 radically 0 001 \ 01642657 a 0102 | in a radical manner; "she took a radically different approach"
00178460 02 r 02 religiously 0 sacredly 0 002 \ 02055062 a 0201 \ 02056265 a 0101 | by religion; "religiously inspired art"
00178586 02 r 03 scrupulously 0 conscientiously 0 religiously 1 003 \ 02085740 a 0301 \ 00310138 a 0201 \ 00310138 a 0103 | with extreme conscientiousness; "he came religiously every morning at 8 o'clock"
00178793 02 r 01 exceptionally 0 001 \ 01676026 a 0102 | to an exceptional degree; "it worked exceptionally well"
00178909 02 r 02 amply 1 fully 4 002 \ 00105746 a 0101 ! 00396699 r 0101 | sufficiently; more than adequately; "the evidence amply (or fully) confirms our suspicions"; "they were fully (or amply) fed"
00179112 02 r 02 strictly 0 purely 0 000 | restricted to something; "we talked strictly business"
00179212 02 r 01 tentatively 0 001 \ 00556318 a 0104 | in a tentative manner; "we agreed tentatively on a dinner date"
00179333 02 r 02 in_other_words 0 put_differently 0 000 | otherwise stated; "in other words, we are broke"
00179442 02 r 02 loosely 0 slackly 0 002 \ 02404421 a 0202 \ 02404421 a 0101 | in a relaxed manner; not rigid; "his hands lay loosely"
00179579 02 r 01 fussily 0 001 \ 01136248 a 0104 | in a fussy manner; "he spoke to her fussily"
00179677 02 r 01 unnecessarily 1 001 \ 01581115 a 0101 | without any necessity; "this marathon would exhaust him unnecessarily"
00179807 02 r 01 gracefully 0 002 ! 00179928 r 0101 \ 01139352 a 0101 | in a graceful manner; "she swooped gracefully"
00179928 02 r 01 gracelessly 0 002 ! 00179807 r 0101 \ 01142666 a 0101 | in a graceless manner; "she moves rather gracelessly"
00180057 02 r 01 neatly 0 001 \ 02423432 a 0101 | with neatness; "she put the slippers under the bed neatly"
00180168 02 r 01 lightly 5 001 \ 01190993 a 0101 | to a slight degree; "her speech is only lightly accented"
00180279 02 r 03 lightly 0 softly 2 gently 3 001 \ 01192035 a 0302 | with little weight or force; "she kissed him lightly on the forehead"
00180420 02 r 02 successively 0 in_turn 0 001 \ 01667729 a 0105 | in proper order or sequence; "talked to each child in turn"; "the stable became in turn a chapel and then a movie theater"
00180611 02 r 01 independently 0 001 \ 00727564 a 0101 | on your own; without outside help; "the children worked on the project independently"
00180756 02 r 02 apart 1 aside 4 000 | not taken into account or excluded from consideration; "these problems apart, the country is doing well"; "all joking aside, I think you're crazy"
00180944 02 r 02 apart 2 asunder 0 000 | into parts or pieces; "he took his father's watch apart"; "split apart"; "torn asunder"
00181075 02 r 01 apart 3 000 | separated or at a distance in place or position or time; "These towns are many miles apart"; "stood with his legs apart"; "born two years apart"
00181253 02 r 01 apart 4 000 | one from the other; "people can't tell the twins apart"
00181342 02 r 01 once 2 000 | as soon as; "once we are home, we can rest"
00181418 02 r 04 as_needed 0 as_required 0 pro_re_nata 0 PRN 0 000 | according to need (physicians use PRN in writing prescriptions); "add water as needed"
00181576 02 r 01 gently 0 001 \ 01144571 a 0102 | in a gradual manner; "a gently sloping terrain"
00181676 02 r 02 overseas 1 abroad 1 000 | in a place across an ocean
00181748 02 r 02 vigorously 0 smartly 1 002 \ 00875422 a 0201 \ 00875422 a 0101 | with vigor; in a vigorous manner; "he defended his ideas vigorously"
00181901 02 r 02 distinctly 0 clearly 2 001 \ 00779374 a 0101 | clear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment; "it's distinctly possible"; "I could clearly see myself in his situation"
00182094 02 r 01 in_vivo 0 001 \ 01359424 a 0101 | in the living organism; "studies conducted in vivo"
00182199 02 r 01 positively 0 002 ;u 06321054 n 0000 \ 00337172 a 0102 | extremely; "it was positively monumental"
00182316 02 r 04 excellently 0 magnificently 0 splendidly 0 famously 1 003 \ 02343110 a 0304 \ 01285376 a 0203 \ 02343110 a 0101 | extremely well; "he did splendidly in the exam"; "we got along famously"
00182522 02 r 01 healthily 0 001 \ 01944088 a 0101 | in a levelheaded manner; "the answers were healthily individual"
00182642 02 r 02 hilariously 0 uproariously 0 002 \ 01266841 a 0203 \ 01266841 a 0101 | in a hilarious manner; "hilariously funny"
00182775 02 r 01 considerately 0 002 ! 00182907 r 0101 \ 00638981 a 0101 | in a considerate manner; "they considerately withdrew"
00182907 02 r 01 inconsiderately 0 002 ! 00182775 r 0101 \ 00639356 a 0101 | without consideration; in an inconsiderate manner; "inconsiderately, he asked to be invited for dinner"
00183090 02 r 08 wonderfully 0 wondrous 0 wondrously 0 superbly 0 toppingly 0 marvellously 0 terrifically 0 marvelously 0 007 ;u 06321054 n 0000 \ 01676517 a 0707 \ 01676517 a 0604 \ 02344672 a 0503 \ 02342608 a 0402 \ 01676517 a 030a \ 01676517 a 0109 | (used as an intensifier) extremely well; "her voice is superbly disciplined"; "the colors changed wondrously slowly"
00183464 02 r 02 gratifyingly 0 satisfyingly 0 001 \ 01801029 a 0102 | in a gratifying manner; "the performance was at a gratifyingly high level"
00183612 02 r 01 impeccably 0 001 \ 01750847 a 0103 | flawlessly; "the film was impeccably authentic"
00183716 02 r 01 blandly 0 001 \ 02307563 a 0101 | in a bland manner; "his blandly incompetent attempts"
00183823 02 r 03 gravely 0 soberly 0 staidly 0 003 \ 00689336 a 0302 \ 02119213 a 0203 \ 02119213 a 0101 | in a grave and sober manner; "he walked soberly toward the altar"
00183998 02 r 01 helpfully 0 002 ! 00184131 r 0101 \ 01195536 a 0101 | in a helpful manner; "the subtitles are helpfully conveyed"
00184131 02 r 01 unhelpfully 0 002 ! 00183998 r 0101 \ 01198019 a 0101 | in an unhelpful manner; "he stood by unhelpfully while the house burned down"
00184284 02 r 04 true 0 admittedly 0 avowedly 1 confessedly 0 000 | as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class"
00184412 02 r 01 preferentially 0 001 \ 00065184 a 0102 | in a preferential manner; "he was treated preferentially"
00184530 02 r 01 rationally 0 002 \ 01925372 a 0101 ! 00184651 r 0101 | in a rational manner; "we must act rationally"
00184651 02 r 01 irrationally 0 002 ! 00184530 r 0101 \ 01926376 a 0101 | in an irrational manner; "they acted irrationally"
00184778 02 r 01 critically 0 002 ! 00184909 r 0101 \ 00649586 a 0101 | in a critical manner; "this must be examined critically"
00184909 02 r 01 uncritically 0 002 ! 00184778 r 0101 \ 00648816 a 0101 | in an uncritical manner; "he accepted her decisions uncritically"
00185051 02 r 01 boldly 0 001 \ 00249721 a 0101 | with boldness, in a bold manner; "we must tackle these tasks boldly"
00185172 02 r 04 competently 0 aptly 0 ably 0 capably 0 005 \ 00306314 a 0401 \ 00510348 a 0301 \ 01334958 a 0201 ! 00185400 r 0101 \ 00510050 a 0101 | with competence; in a competent capable manner; "they worked competently"
00185400 02 r 02 incompetently 0 displaying_incompetence 0 002 ! 00185172 r 0101 \ 00511214 a 0101 | in an incompetent manner; "he did the job rather incompetently"
00185567 02 r 01 emotionally 0 001 \ 02983577 a 0101 | with regard to emotions; "emotionally secure"
00185670 02 r 01 emotionally 1 002 ! 00185807 r 0101 \ 00853776 a 0101 | in an emotional manner; "at the funeral he spoke emotionally"
00185807 02 r 01 unemotionally 0 002 ! 00185670 r 0101 \ 00856860 a 0101 | in an unemotional manner; "the defendant stared unemotionally at the victim's family"
00185970 02 r 03 anxiously 0 uneasily 0 apprehensively 0 003 \ 00079069 a 0301 \ 00822449 a 0201 \ 02456157 a 0101 | with anxiety or apprehension; "we watched anxiously"
00186142 02 r 02 stiffly 0 stiff 0 001 \ 01525659 a 0101 | in a stiff manner; "his hands lay stiffly"
00186246 02 r 01 informally 0 002 ! 00186366 r 0101 \ 01044240 a 0101 | without formality; "he visited us informally"
00186366 02 r 01 formally 0 002 ! 00186246 r 0101 \ 01041916 a 0101 | in a formal manner; "he was dressed rather formally"
00186491 02 r 02 formally 1 officially 1 002 \ 01632537 a 0201 \ 01633153 a 0101 | with official authorization; "the club will be formally recognized"
00186644 02 r 01 irritably 0 001 \ 01136541 a 0103 | in an irritable manner; "she had become irritably exact"
00186756 02 r 01 calmly 0 001 \ 00529657 a 0101 | with self-possession (especially in times of stress); "he spoke calmly to the rioting students"
00186904 02 r 01 tranquilly 1 001 \ 00529657 a 0104 | without emotional agitation; "tranquilly she went on with her work"
00187028 02 r 01 nicely 0 001 \ 01586342 a 0101 | in a nice way; "a nicely painted house"
00187120 02 r 02 cozily 0 cosily 0 001 \ 00477284 a 0101 | in a cozy manner; "nestled cozily by the fire"
00187228 02 r 01 correspondingly 0 000 | in a corresponding manner; "the temperature decreases correspondingly"
00187342 02 r 01 studiously 0 001 \ 00311354 a 0101 | in a studious manner; "she examined the data studiously"
00187455 02 r 02 cleverly 0 smartly 2 002 \ 00439252 a 0204 \ 00439252 a 0104 | in a clever manner; "they were cleverly arranged"; "a smartly managed business"
00187617 02 r 03 lavishly 1 richly 0 extravagantly 1 002 \ 02021905 a 0201 \ 02025274 a 0101 | in a rich and lavish manner; "lavishly decorated"
00187764 02 r 01 uptown 0 001 ! 00187852 r 0101 | toward or in the upper part of town
00187852 02 r 01 downtown 0 001 ! 00187764 r 0101 | toward or in the lower or central part of town
00187953 02 r 01 best_of_all 0 000 | especially fortunate; "best of all, we don't have any homework!"
00188057 02 r 01 best 0 000 | it would be sensible; "you'd best stay at home"
00188137 02 r 01 best 1 000 | in a most excellent way or manner; "he played best after a couple of martinis"
00188248 02 r 01 theatrically 1 001 \ 00796047 a 0101 | in a theatrical manner; "theatrically dressed"
00188353 02 r 01 dramatically 1 001 \ 02714800 a 0101 | with respect to dramatic value; "the play was dramatically interesting, but the direction was bad"
00188510 02 r 05 namely 0 viz. 0 that_is_to_say 0 to_wit 0 videlicet 0 000 | as follows
00188600 02 r 02 much_as 0 very_much_like 0 000 | in a similar way
00188669 02 r 01 popularly 0 001 \ 00716370 a 0101 | among the people; "this topic was popularly discussed"
00188779 02 r 01 enthusiastically 0 002 ! 00188950 r 0101 \ 00885695 a 0101 | with enthusiasm; in an enthusiastic manner; "they discussed the question enthusiastically"
00188950 02 r 01 unenthusiastically 0 002 ! 00188779 r 0101 \ 00887062 a 0101 | without enthusiasm; showing no enthusiasm; "the children opened the presents unenthusiastically"
00189129 02 r 01 intellectually 0 001 \ 01332386 a 0101 | in an intellectual manner; "intellectually gifted children"; "intellectually influenced"
00189278 02 r 01 professedly 0 001 \ 00688296 a 0101 | with pretense or intention to deceive; "is only professedly poor"
00189401 02 r 01 someday 0 000 | some unspecified time in the future; "someday you will understand my actions"
00189514 02 r 02 hyperbolically 0 exaggeratedly 0 001 \ 00881030 a 0101 | in an exaggerated manner
00189615 02 r 02 agilely 0 nimbly 0 002 \ 00032733 a 0202 \ 00032733 a 0101 | in a nimble or agile manner; with quickness and lightness and ease; "nimbly scaling an iron gate"- Charles Dickens; "leaped agilely from roof to roof"
00189846 02 r 01 proudly 0 001 \ 01889256 a 0101 | with pride; in a proud manner; "he walked proudly into town"
00189960 02 r 01 solemnly 0 001 \ 02119213 a 0104 | in a grave and sedate manner; "the judge sat there solemnly"
00190075 02 r 01 divinely 0 001 \ 01179547 a 0101 | by divine means; "the divinely appointed means of rescue from temporal existence"
00190211 02 r 01 God_knows_how 0 000 | by some means not understood by the speaker; "God knows how he did it, but he did climbed that steep wall"
00190359 02 r 01 clumsily 0 001 \ 01140896 a 0102 | in a clumsy manner; "he snatched the bills clumsily"
00190466 02 r 01 diffusely 0 001 \ 00540487 a 0101 | in a diffuse manner; "the arteries were diffusely narrowed"
00190581 02 r 01 irregularly 2 001 \ 01960656 a 0101 | in an irregular manner; "the stomach mucosa was irregularly blackened"
00190709 02 r 01 coarsely 0 002 ! 00190837 r 0101 \ 02230990 a 0101 | in coarse pieces; "the surfaces were coarsely granular"
00190837 02 r 01 finely 2 002 ! 00190709 r 0101 \ 02232251 a 0101 | in tiny pieces; "the surfaces were finely granular"
00190959 02 r 01 intensely 0 001 \ 01509527 a 0101 | in an intense manner; "he worked intensely"
00191058 02 r 03 et_al. 1 et_al 1 et_alibi 0 000 | and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text)
00191178 02 r 05 et_al. 0 et_al 0 et_alii 0 et_aliae 0 et_alia 0 000 | and others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people); "the data reported by Smith et al."
00191467 02 r 02 cf. 0 cf 0 000 | compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text)
00191579 02 r 03 i.e. 0 ie 0 id_est 0 000 | that is to say; in other words
00191656 02 r 01 continuously 0 001 \ 00597424 a 0101 | at every point; "The function is continuously differentiable"
00191776 02 r 01 reflexly 0 001 \ 02522669 a 0102 | in a reflex manner; "such effects can be induced reflexly"
00191889 02 r 01 spontaneously 0 001 \ 02282376 a 0101 | in a spontaneous manner; "this shift occurs spontaneously"
00192007 02 r 01 sympathetically 0 001 \ 03008013 a 0101 | with respect to the sympathetic nervous system; "the stimulus acted sympathetically"
00192153 02 r 02 sympathetically 1 empathetically 0 003 \ 02375639 a 0202 ! 00192330 r 0101 \ 02374914 a 0101 | in a sympathetic manner; "she listened to him sympathetically"
00192330 02 r 01 unsympathetically 0 002 ! 00192153 r 0101 \ 02375828 a 0101 | without sympathy; in an unsympathetic manner; "the judge listened to the accused unsympathetically"
00192511 02 r 01 convincingly 0 002 ! 00192636 r 0101 \ 00614990 a 0101 | in a convincing manner; "he argued convincingly"
00192636 02 r 01 unconvincingly 0 002 ! 00192511 r 0101 \ 00615457 a 0101 | in an unconvincing manner; "he argued unconvincingly"
00192768 02 r 01 weirdly 0 001 \ 00970081 a 0101 | in a weird manner; "she was dressed weirdly"
00192866 02 r 01 mercifully 1 001 \ 01507134 a 0101 | in a compassionate manner; "he dealt with the thief mercifully"
00192986 02 r 01 stealthily 0 001 \ 02088974 a 0104 | in a stealthy manner; "stealthily they advanced upstream"
00193100 02 r 01 thievishly 0 001 \ 01225294 a 0102 | in a manner characteristic of a thief
00193194 02 r 01 off 4 000 | no longer on or in contact or attached; "clean off the dirt"; "he shaved off his mustache"
00193316 02 r 01 snugly 0 001 \ 01447937 a 0102 | fitting closely; "the vest fit snugly"
00193407 02 r 01 snugly 1 001 \ 01885991 a 0101 | safely protected; "concealed snugly in his hideout"
00193511 02 r 01 snugly 2 001 \ 00477284 a 0103 | warmly and comfortably sheltered; "sitting snugly by the fireside while the storm raged"
00193652 02 r 01 visibly 1 001 \ 02515341 a 0101 | so as to be visible; "the sign was visibly displayed"
00193759 02 r 01 conceivably 0 001 \ 02418249 a 0101 | within the realm of possibility; "the weather may conceivably change"
00193886 02 r 01 strikingly 0 001 \ 01284212 a 0103 | in a striking manner; "this was strikingly demonstrated"; "the evidence was strikingly absent"
00194037 02 r 01 meticulously 0 001 \ 01838529 a 0101 | in a meticulous manner; "the set was meticulously authentic"
00194156 02 r 02 graciously 0 gracefully 1 004 ! 00194362 r 0202 \ 01142069 a 0202 ! 00194362 r 0101 \ 01141743 a 0101 | in a gracious or graceful manner; "he did not have a chance to grow up graciously"
00194362 02 r 04 ungraciously 0 ungracefully 1 gracelessly 1 woodenly 0 005 \ 01141595 a 0401 \ 00851329 a 0302 ! 00194156 r 0202 \ 01141242 a 0202 ! 00194156 r 0101 | without grace; rigidly; "they moved woodenly"
00194578 02 r 03 rigidly 0 stiffly 1 bolt 1 002 \ 01023706 a 0202 \ 01023706 a 0101 | in a rigid manner; "the body was rigidly erect"; "he sat bolt upright"
00194737 02 r 01 awkwardly 0 001 \ 01140514 a 0101 | in an awkward manner; "he bent awkwardly"
00194834 02 r 01 bewilderedly 0 001 \ 01766133 a 0104 | in a bewildered manner
00194915 02 r 01 triumphantly 0 001 \ 00704898 a 0107 | in a triumphant manner; "she shouted triumphantly"
00195024 02 r 02 regularly 0 on_a_regular_basis 0 002 ! 00195185 r 0101 \ 01959294 a 0101 | in a regular manner; "letters arrived regularly from his children"
00195185 02 r 02 irregularly 0 on_an_irregular_basis 0 002 ! 00195024 r 0101 \ 01960656 a 0101 | in an irregular manner; "her letters arrived irregularly"
00195342 02 r 01 universally 0 000 | everywhere; "people universally agree on this"
00195428 02 r 01 ideally 0 001 \ 01751201 a 0101 | in an ideal manner; "ideally, this will remove all problems"
00195542 02 r 02 mistakenly 0 erroneously 0 002 \ 00632949 a 0201 \ 00633235 a 0102 | in a mistaken manner; "he mistakenly believed it"
00195680 02 r 01 childishly 0 001 \ 01493016 a 0101 | in a childlike manner; "he acted very childishly"
00195786 02 r 01 needlessly 0 001 \ 01582049 a 0102 | without need; "it would needlessly bring badness into the world"
00195907 02 r 02 tantalizingly 0 invitingly 0 002 \ 01358363 a 0201 \ 01358846 a 0101 | in a tantalizing manner; "she smiled at him tantalizingly"
00196056 02 r 01 improperly 0 002 \ 01880531 a 0101 ! 00196203 r 0101 | in an improper way; "he checked whether the wound had healed improperly"
00196203 02 r 06 properly 0 decently 2 decent 0 in_good_order 0 right 1 the_right_way 0 002 ! 00196056 r 0101 \ 01878466 a 0101 | in the right manner; "please do your job properly!"; "can't you carry me decent?"
00196417 02 r 01 attentively 0 001 \ 00163592 a 0101 | with attention; in an attentive manner; "he listened attentively"
00196540 02 r 04 enormously 0 tremendously 0 hugely 0 staggeringly 0 002 \ 01676517 a 0208 \ 01385255 a 0101 | extremely; "he was enormously popular"
00196692 02 r 03 liberally 1 munificently 0 generously 0 003 \ 01111016 a 0301 \ 01111965 a 0202 \ 01111418 a 0108 | in a generous manner; "he gave liberally to several charities"
00196874 02 r 01 liberally 0 001 \ 00916199 a 0103 | freely in a nonliteral manner; "he embellished his stories liberally"
00196999 02 r 01 effortlessly 0 001 \ 00749749 a 0102 | without effort or apparent effort; "she danced gracefully and effortlessly"; "swallows gliding effortlessly through the air"
00197182 02 r 01 o'clock 0 000 | according to the clock; "it's three o'clock in Tokyo now"
00197275 02 r 01 in_detail 0 000 | thoroughly (including all important particulars); "he studied the snake in detail"
00197395 02 r 02 handily 1 conveniently 0 003 ! 00197561 r 0201 \ 00604617 a 0201 \ 00604897 a 0101 | in a convenient manner; "the switch was conveniently located"
00197561 02 r 01 inconveniently 0 002 ! 00197395 r 0102 \ 00605128 a 0101 | in an inconvenient manner; "he arrived at an inconveniently late hour"
00197710 02 r 01 jointly 2 000 | in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"
00197811 02 r 01 concretely 0 002 ! 00197947 r 0101 \ 00013160 a 0101 | in concrete terms; "concretely, this meant that he was broke"
00197947 02 r 01 abstractly 0 002 ! 00197811 r 0101 \ 00011757 a 0101 | in abstract terms
00198039 02 r 02 all_over 1 over 5 000 | over the entire area; "the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers"; "she ached all over"; "everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot"
00198232 02 r 02 kinesthetically 0 kinaesthetically 0 001 \ 02870453 a 0101 | in a kinesthetic manner; by means of kinesthesia; "he can perceive shapes kinesthetically"
00198403 02 r 02 tactually 0 haptically 0 002 \ 02869097 a 0201 \ 02869097 a 0103 | by touch; "he perceives shapes tactually"
00198531 02 r 01 convulsively 0 001 \ 02303754 a 0101 | with convulsions, in a convulsive way; "her leg twitched convulsively"
00198661 02 r 03 rebelliously 0 contumaciously 0 defiantly 0 003 \ 00695523 a 0301 \ 02330574 a 0201 \ 02331088 a 0101 | in a rebellious manner; "he rejected her words rebelliously"
00198845 02 r 06 stubbornly 0 pig-headedly 0 obdurately 0 mulishly 0 obstinately 0 cussedly 0 006 \ 01957712 a 0601 \ 01957712 a 0503 \ 02328297 a 0402 \ 01957712 a 0302 \ 02327428 a 0203 \ 02326695 a 0101 | in a stubborn unregenerate manner; "she remained stubbornly in the same position"
00199137 02 r 01 wrongheadedly 0 001 \ 00633937 a 0101 | in a wrongheaded manner
00199220 02 r 01 drunkenly 0 001 \ 00798491 a 0103 | showing effects of much strong drink; "He sang drunkenly"
00199333 02 r 01 raucously 0 001 \ 00300359 a 0101 | with a raucous sound; "his voice rang raucously"
00199437 02 r 01 victoriously 0 001 \ 00695209 a 0102 | in a victorious manner; "Virginia had defended her land victoriously"
00199565 02 r 01 fearfully 0 002 ! 00199687 r 0101 \ 00079485 a 0101 | in fear, "she hurried down the stairs fearfully"
00199687 02 r 03 fearlessly 0 dauntlessly 0 intrepidly 0 004 \ 00250119 a 0306 \ 00250119 a 0203 ! 00199565 r 0101 \ 00081671 a 0102 | without fear; "fearlessly, he led the troops into combat"
00199882 02 r 01 thankfully 0 000 | let us be thankful that; "thankfully he didn't come to the party"
00199986 02 r 02 thankfully 1 gratefully 0 002 \ 01146493 a 0201 \ 01146493 a 0102 | in a thankful manner; with thanks; "he accepted thankfully my apologies"
00200146 02 r 01 hopefully 1 000 | it is hoped; "hopefully the weather will be fine on Sunday"
00200243 02 r 01 hopefully 0 002 ! 00200392 r 0101 \ 01228530 a 0101 | with hope; in a hopeful manner; "we searched hopefully for a good position"
00200392 02 r 01 hopelessly 0 002 ! 00200243 r 0101 \ 01229020 a 0101 | without hope; desperate because there seems no possibility of comfort or success; "he hung his head hopelessly"; "`I must die,' he said hopelessly"
00200614 02 r 01 hopelessly 1 002 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 01127440 a 0101 | in a hopeless manner; "the papers were hopelessly jumbled"; "he is hopelessly romantic"
00200777 02 r 02 eagerly 0 thirstily 1 002 \ 00888200 a 0203 \ 00810916 a 0101 | with eagerness; in an eager manner; "the news was eagerly awaited"
00200927 02 r 01 reportedly 0 001 \ 00471348 a 0101 | according to reports or other information; "she was reportedly his mistress for many years"
00201075 02 r 01 maliciously 0 001 \ 00224731 a 0101 | with malice; in a malicious manner; "she answered maliciously"
00201195 02 r 03 viciously 0 brutally 0 savagely 0 002 \ 01263013 a 0306 \ 01263013 a 0107 | in a vicious manner; "he was viciously attacked"
00201339 02 r 01 spitefully 0 001 \ 00225099 a 0102 | with spite; in a spiteful manner; "he answered his accusers spitefully"
00201467 02 r 01 savagely 2 001 \ 02389520 a 0103 | wildly; like an animal; "she cried out savagely"
00201570 02 r 02 wisely 0 sagely 0 003 \ 02570183 a 0201 ! 00201733 r 0101 \ 02569130 a 0101 | in a wise manner; "she acted wisely when she invited her parents"
00201733 02 r 02 foolishly 0 unwisely 0 002 ! 00201570 r 0101 \ 02570282 a 0101 | without good sense or judgment; "He acted foolishly when he agreed to come"
00201893 02 r 02 fatuously 0 inanely 0 002 \ 02571277 a 0203 \ 02571277 a 0102 | vacuously or complacently and unconsciously foolish
00202028 02 r 01 intelligently 0 002 ! 00202185 r 0101 \ 01334398 a 0101 | in an intelligent manner; "she acted intelligently in this difficult situation"
00202185 02 r 01 unintelligently 0 002 ! 00202028 r 0101 \ 01336587 a 0101 | in an unintelligent manner; "he acted rather unintelligently in this crisis"
00202341 02 r 03 intelligibly 0 clearly 1 understandably 0 004 \ 00532892 a 0301 \ 00428404 a 0201 ! 00202554 r 0101 \ 01336926 a 0101 | in an intelligible manner; "the foreigner spoke to us quite intelligibly"
00202554 02 r 02 unintelligibly 0 ununderstandably 0 002 ! 00202341 r 0101 \ 01337121 a 0101 | in an unintelligible manner; "the foreigners spoke unintelligibly"
00202718 02 r 01 aerially 0 001 \ 01380267 a 0101 | by means of aircraft; "the survey was carried out aerially"
00202833 02 r 01 alphabetically 0 001 \ 02614194 a 0102 | in alphabetical order; "the list was arranged alphabetically"
00202955 02 r 01 aristocratically 0 001 \ 01590484 a 0101 | in an aristocratic manner; "they behaved aristocratically"
00203076 02 r 01 autocratically 0 001 \ 00787595 a 0101 | in an autocratic manner; "the Czars ruled Russia autocratically"
00203201 02 r 01 diplomatically 0 002 ! 00203353 r 0101 \ 00758459 a 0101 | with diplomacy; in a diplomatic manner; "he answered very diplomatically"
00203353 02 r 01 undiplomatically 0 002 ! 00203201 r 0101 \ 00758459 a 0101 | without diplomacy; in an undiplomatic manner; "she declined the invitation undiplomatically"
00203526 02 r 01 socioeconomically 0 001 \ 02717021 a 0101 | with respect to socioeconomic factors; "they are far apart socioeconomically"
00203667 02 r 01 stoutly 0 001 \ 01991586 a 0102 | in a resolute manner; "he was stoutly replying to his critics"
00203783 02 r 01 indefinitely 0 001 \ 00701479 a 0101 | to an indefinite extent; for an indefinite time; "this could go on indefinitely"
00203922 02 r 03 correctly 1 right 2 aright 0 003 ! 00204125 r 0202 \ 00023278 a 0202 ! 00204125 r 0101 | in an accurate manner; "the flower had been correctly depicted by his son"; "he guessed right"
00204125 02 r 03 incorrectly 1 wrongly 0 wrong 0 004 ! 00203922 r 0202 \ 00023854 a 0203 ! 00203922 r 0101 \ 00023854 a 0102 | in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong"
00204390 02 r 01 inaccessibly 0 001 \ 00019874 a 0101 | in an inaccessible manner; "located inaccessibly on the top of a mountain"
00204523 02 r 01 accurately 1 002 ! 00204643 r 0101 \ 00021766 a 0101 | with few mistakes; "he works very accurately"
00204643 02 r 01 inaccurately 0 002 ! 00204523 r 0101 \ 00023383 a 0101 | in an inaccurate manner; "this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily"
00204798 02 r 01 accurately 2 001 \ 00631798 a 0101 | strictly correctly; "repeated the order accurately"
00204906 02 r 01 wrongly 3 001 \ 02035337 a 0101 | without justice or fairness; "wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win"- Shakespeare
00205052 02 r 01 right 4 000 | precisely, exactly; "stand right here!"
00205125 02 r 01 right 7 000 | completely; "she felt right at home"; "he fell right into the trap"
00205226 02 r 02 justly 0 right 5 001 \ 01369663 a 0101 | in accordance with moral or social standards; "that serves him right"; "do right by him"
00205375 02 r 03 rightly 0 justly 1 justifiedly 0 003 ! 00205561 r 0201 \ 01369663 a 0201 \ 02034828 a 0101 | with honesty; "he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time"
00205561 02 r 01 unjustly 0 002 ! 00205375 r 0102 \ 01370590 a 0101 | in an unjust manner; "he was unjustly singled out for punishment"
00205699 02 r 01 charitably 0 001 \ 00359459 a 0101 | in a charitable manner; "she treated him charitably"
00205808 02 r 01 aimlessly 0 001 \ 01910652 a 0103 | without aim; in an aimless manner; "he wandered around aimlessly"
00205929 02 r 01 sluggishly 0 001 \ 00981703 a 0101 | in a sluggish manner; "the smoke rose sluggishly"
00206035 02 r 01 trustfully 2 001 \ 02462619 a 0101 | in a trustful manner; "his mouth grinned trustfully"
00206144 02 r 02 darkly 0 in_darkness 0 001 \ 00273082 a 0101 | without light; "the river was sliding darkly under the mist"
00206271 02 r 01 darkly 1 001 \ 01137378 a 0101 | in a dark glowering menacing manner; "he stared darkly at her"
00206386 02 r 01 astray 0 000 | away from the right path or direction; "he was led astray"
00206479 02 r 03 hurriedly 0 hastily 0 in_haste 1 003 \ 01270704 a 0201 ! 00206749 r 0101 \ 01270175 a 0101 | in a hurried or hasty manner; "the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful"; "hastily, he scanned the headlines"; "sold in haste and at a sacrifice"
00206749 02 r 01 unhurriedly 0 002 ! 00206479 r 0101 \ 01271700 a 0101 | without haste; "she proceeded unhurriedly"
00206867 02 r 01 hotfoot 0 000 | without delay; speedily; "sent ambassadors hotfoot to the Turks"- Francis Hackett; "drove hotfoot for Boston"
00207012 02 r 01 restlessly 0 001 \ 01922562 a 0101 | in a restless manner; "he cracked his knuckles restlessly"
00207127 02 r 01 financially 0 001 \ 02847894 a 0102 | from a financial point of view; "this was financially unattractive"
00207252 02 r 01 psychically 0 001 \ 01780740 a 0101 | from a psychic point of view; "he was psychically blind"
00207366 02 r 01 today 0 000 | on this day as distinct from yesterday or tomorrow; "I can't meet with you today"
00207481 02 r 01 ornamentally 0 001 \ 01091234 a 0103 | in an ornamental, nonfunctional manner
00207578 02 r 01 ornately 0 000 | in an ornate manner; "the cradle was ornately carved"
00207668 02 r 06 individually 0 separately 2 singly 1 severally 0 one_by_one 1 on_an_individual_basis 0 003 \ 00493460 a 0302 \ 02109678 a 0201 \ 00493460 a 0101 | apart from others; "taken individually, the rooms were, in fact, square"; "the fine points are treated singly"
00207945 02 r 03 binaurally 0 to_both_ears 0 in_both_ears 0 002 ! 00208111 r 0101 \ 00240417 a 0101 | in a binaural manner; "the stimulus was presented binaurally"
00208111 02 r 03 monaurally 0 to_one_ear 0 in_one_ear 0 002 ! 00207945 r 0101 \ 00240842 a 0101 | in a monaural manner; "the stimuli were presented monaurally"
00208273 02 r 01 busily 0 001 \ 00292937 a 0101 | in a busy manner; "they were busily engaged in buying souvenirs"
00208390 02 r 02 prominently 0 conspicuously 1 002 \ 00579084 a 0201 \ 00580805 a 0102 | in a prominent way; "the new car was prominently displayed in the driveway"
00208557 02 r 04 inescapably 0 ineluctably 0 inevitably 2 unavoidably 0 004 \ 00343360 a 0403 \ 00343015 a 0301 \ 00343360 a 0201 \ 00343360 a 0102 | by necessity; "the situation slid inescapably toward disaster "
00208773 02 r 03 helplessly 0 impotently 0 unable_to_help 0 002 \ 01824751 a 0201 \ 01827946 a 0101 | in a helpless manner; "the crowd watched him helplessly"
00208934 02 r 01 imaginatively 0 002 ! 00209073 r 0101 \ 00643863 a 0101 | with imagination; "the room was decorated very imaginatively"
00209073 02 r 01 unimaginatively 0 002 ! 00208934 r 0101 \ 00644560 a 0102 | without imagination; "the stage sets were designed rather unimaginatively"
00209227 02 r 02 bewilderingly 0 confusingly 0 001 \ 00430756 a 0201 | in a bewildering and confusing manner; "her situation was bewilderingly unclear"
00209381 02 r 01 heartily 3 001 \ 00523479 a 0101 | with gusto and without reservation; "the boy threw himself heartily into his work"
00209518 02 r 03 unashamedly 0 shamelessly 0 barefacedly 0 004 \ 00155144 a 0302 \ 00155720 a 0201 ! 00266393 r 0101 \ 00154965 a 0101 | without shame; "he unashamedly abandoned the project when he realized he would not gain from it"
00209754 02 r 01 monolingually 0 001 \ 01545427 a 0101 | in a monolingual manner; "she had been reared monolingually"
00209874 02 r 01 passionately 0 001 \ 01725712 a 0101 | with passion; "she kissed him passionately"
00209976 02 r 02 spectacularly 0 stunningly 0 002 \ 01282921 a 0203 \ 01284212 a 0102 | in a spectacular manner; "the area was spectacularly scenic"
00210127 02 r 01 understandingly 0 001 \ 01745946 a 0101 | with understanding; "she nodded understandingly"
00210237 02 r 01 soulfully 0 001 \ 00856651 a 0101 | in a soulful manner; "he looked at her soulfully"
00210342 02 r 01 satirically 0 001 \ 02080110 a 0101 | in a satirical manner; "she spoke satirically"
00210446 02 r 02 smoothly 0 swimmingly 0 001 \ 00750926 a 0101 | with no problems or difficulties; "put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly"; "despite of some mishaps, everything went swimmingly"
00210651 02 r 01 freely 0 001 \ 01061489 a 0101 | in a free manner; "the painting featured freely brushed strokes"
00210768 02 r 01 habitually 0 001 \ 00489491 a 0103 | according to habit or custom; "her habitually severe expression"; "he habitually keeps his office door closed"
00210935 02 r 01 routinely 0 000 | according to routine or established practice; "he routinely parked in a no-parking zone"
00211061 02 r 01 customarily 0 001 \ 00489491 a 0102 | by custom; according to common practice; "children are custosby-the-waymarily expected to be seen but not heard"
00211231 02 r 02 humiliatingly 0 demeaningly 0 002 \ 00752555 a 0201 \ 00752555 a 0103 | in a humiliating manner; "the painting was reproduced humiliatingly small"
00211397 02 r 01 protectively 0 001 \ 02449177 a 0101 | in a protective manner; "he bent protectively over the woman"
00211517 02 r 01 spiritually 0 001 \ 00631193 a 0101 | in a spiritual manner; "the ninth century was the spiritually freest period"
00211651 02 r 02 sharply 1 crisply 0 002 \ 00780352 a 0201 \ 00780352 a 0102 | in a well delineated manner; "the new style of Minoan pottery was sharply defined"
00211815 02 r 02 dimly 0 indistinctly 0 002 \ 00781168 a 0201 \ 00782216 a 0101 | in a dim indistinct manner; "we perceived the change only dimly"
00211964 02 r 02 dimly 2 murkily 0 001 \ 00275290 a 0101 | with a dim light; "a dimly lit room"
00212062 02 r 01 unmistakably 0 001 \ 00429909 a 0101 | without possibility of mistake; "this watercolor is unmistakably a synthesis of nature"
00212208 02 r 03 determinedly 0 unfalteringly 0 unshakably 0 003 \ 01990653 a 0307 \ 01990653 a 0206 \ 01990373 a 0101 | with determination; in a determined manner; "he clung to the past determinedly"
00212411 02 r 02 incidentally 1 accidentally 3 001 \ 01856929 a 0101 | of a minor or subordinate nature; "these magnificent achievements were only incidentally influenced by Oriental models"
00212604 02 r 02 ever 5 ever_so 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | (intensifier for adjectives) very; "she was ever so friendly"
00212727 02 r 01 confidently 0 001 \ 00338817 a 0101 | with confidence; in a confident manner; "we have to do what is right confidently"
00212866 02 r 01 retroactively 0 001 \ 01884744 a 0102 | after the fact; "he will get paid retroactively"
00212974 02 r 02 sporadically 0 periodically 0 002 \ 01967240 a 0202 \ 00593374 a 0101 | in a sporadic manner; "he only works sporadically"
00213116 02 r 01 haltingly 0 000 | in a halting manner; "he spoke haltingly"
00213195 02 r 01 half-and-half 0 001 \ 00891468 a 0101 | in equal parts; "it was divided half-and-half"
00213301 02 r 03 amazingly 0 surprisingly 1 astonishingly 0 003 \ 02359789 a 0302 \ 02359464 a 0201 \ 02359789 a 0101 | in an amazing manner; to everyone's surprise; "amazingly, he finished medical school in three years"
00213524 02 r 02 impressively 0 imposingly 0 003 \ 01283508 a 0202 ! 00213700 r 0101 \ 01282014 a 0101 | in an impressive manner; "the students progressed impressively fast"
00213700 02 r 01 unimpressively 0 002 ! 00213524 r 0101 \ 01286539 a 0101 | in an unimpressive manner; "she scored unimpressively low in the first round of the competition"
00213875 02 r 03 productively 0 fruitfully 0 profitably 0 004 ! 00214084 r 0303 ! 00214084 r 0202 ! 00214084 r 0101 \ 01865197 a 0101 | in a productive way; "they worked together productively for two years"
00214084 02 r 03 unproductively 0 fruitlessly 0 unprofitably 0 006 ! 00213875 r 0303 \ 01871949 a 0301 ! 00213875 r 0202 \ 01866812 a 0202 ! 00213875 r 0101 \ 01866535 a 0101 | in an unproductive manner
00214289 02 r 02 expertly 0 like_an_expert 0 002 \ 02226162 a 0102 ! 00214433 r 0101 | in an expert manner; "he repaired the TV set expertly"
00214433 02 r 01 amateurishly 0 001 ! 00214289 r 0101 | in an amateurish manner; "he performed the piece amateurishly"
00214554 02 r 04 abundantly 0 copiously 0 profusely 0 extravagantly 2 002 \ 00014858 a 0201 \ 00013887 a 0101 | in an abundant manner; "they were abundantly supplied with food"; "he thanked her profusely"
00214761 02 r 01 interestingly 1 002 ! 00214942 r 0101 \ 01343918 a 0101 | in an interesting manner; "when he ceases to be just interestingly neurotic and...gets locked up"- Time
00214942 02 r 01 uninterestingly 0 002 ! 00214761 r 0101 \ 01344963 a 0101 | in an uninteresting manner
00215048 02 r 03 boringly 0 tediously 0 tiresomely 0 003 \ 01345307 a 0308 \ 01345307 a 0207 \ 01345307 a 0101 | in a tedious manner; "boringly slow work"; "he plodded tediously forward"
00215237 02 r 01 moderately 1 002 ! 00215373 r 0101 \ 01531375 a 0101 | with moderation; in a moderate manner; "he drinks moderately"
00215373 02 r 01 immoderately 0 002 ! 00215237 r 0101 \ 01533120 a 0101 | without moderation; in an immoderate manner; "he eats immoderately"
00215517 02 r 01 realistically 1 002 ! 00215661 r 0101 \ 01939984 a 0101 | in a realistic manner; "let's look at the situation realistically"
00215661 02 r 01 unrealistically 0 002 ! 00215517 r 0101 \ 01941999 a 0101 | in an unrealistic manner; "his expectations were unrealistically high"
00215811 02 r 03 sanely 0 sensibly 0 reasonably 1 004 ! 00216100 r 0301 \ 01926229 a 0301 \ 01943406 a 0202 \ 01926229 a 0102 | with good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner; "he acted sensibly in the crisis"; "speak more sanely about these affairs"; "acted quite reasonably"
00216100 02 r 01 unreasonably 1 002 ! 00215811 r 0103 \ 01944660 a 0101 | not in a reasonable or intelligent manner; "she reacted unreasonably when she learned she had failed"
00216278 02 r 02 stepwise 0 step_by_step 1 000 | proceeding in steps; "the voltage was increased stepwise"
00216387 02 r 01 stolidly 0 001 \ 00857560 a 0102 | in a stolid manner; "he said `no' stolidly"
00216485 02 r 01 supremely 0 001 \ 01495912 a 0101 | to the maximum degree; "he was supremely confident"
00216592 02 r 04 testily 0 irritably 1 petulantly 0 pettishly 0 004 \ 01136541 a 0407 \ 01136541 a 0308 \ 01136541 a 0203 \ 01136541 a 010a | in a petulant manner; "he said testily; `Go away!'"
00216788 02 r 01 thoughtfully 0 002 ! 00216964 r 0101 \ 00639230 a 0101 | showing consideration and thoughtfulness; "he had thoughtfully brought with him some food to share"
00216964 02 r 01 thoughtlessly 0 002 ! 00216788 r 0101 \ 00639594 a 0101 | showing thoughtlessness; "he treated his parents thoughtlessly"
00217105 02 r 01 thoughtfully 1 002 ! 00217245 r 0101 \ 02418872 a 0101 | in a thoughtful manner; "he stared thoughtfully out the window"
00217245 02 r 03 thoughtlessly 1 unthinkingly 0 unthinking 0 003 \ 02421003 a 0202 ! 00217105 r 0101 \ 02420530 a 0101 | in a thoughtless manner; "he stared thoughtlessly at the picture"
00217434 02 r 02 auspiciously 0 propitiously 0 004 ! 00217640 r 0202 \ 00177186 a 0201 ! 00217640 r 0101 \ 00176150 a 0101 | in an auspicious manner; "he started his new job auspiciously on his birthday"
00217640 02 r 02 inauspiciously 0 unpropitiously 0 004 ! 00217434 r 0202 \ 00177963 a 0201 ! 00217434 r 0101 \ 00176838 a 0101 | in an inauspicious manner; "he started his new job inauspiciously on Friday the 13th"
00217857 02 r 02 relentlessly 0 unrelentingly 0 002 \ 00593071 a 0203 \ 00593071 a 0102 | in a relentless manner; "he worked relentlessly"
00217998 02 r 03 ruefully 0 contritely 0 remorsefully 0 003 \ 01743506 a 0302 \ 01743506 a 0201 \ 01743506 a 0103 | in a rueful manner; "`I made a big mistake,' he said ruefully"
00218179 02 r 01 head-on 0 000 | with the front foremost; "the cars collided head-on"
00218267 02 r 01 head-on 1 000 | in direct opposition; directly; "we must meet the problem head-on"
00218369 02 r 01 inexorably 0 001 \ 01785341 a 0102 | in an inexorable manner; "time marches on inexorably"
00218479 02 r 02 politely 0 courteously 0 004 \ 00641460 a 0201 ! 00218681 r 0202 ! 00218681 r 0101 \ 00641158 a 0101 | in a polite manner; "the policeman answered politely, `Now look here, lady...'"
00218681 02 r 03 impolitely 0 discourteously 0 rudely 0 005 \ 00641944 a 0303 ! 00218479 r 0202 \ 00642152 a 0201 ! 00218479 r 0101 \ 00641640 a 0101 | in an impolite manner; "he treated her impolitely"
00218886 02 r 04 admirably 0 laudably 0 praiseworthily 0 commendable 0 004 \ 02585545 a 0402 \ 02585545 a 0304 \ 02585545 a 0203 \ 00904290 a 0101 | in an admirable manner; "the children's responses were admirably normal"
00219110 02 r 03 pleasantly 0 agreeably 0 enjoyably 0 005 \ 01801029 a 0301 ! 00312603 r 0201 \ 00089051 a 0201 ! 00219503 r 0101 \ 01800349 a 0101 | in an enjoyable manner; "we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon"
00219325 02 r 03 pleasantly 1 cheerily 0 sunnily 0 003 \ 00363938 a 0303 \ 00363938 a 0201 \ 01586866 a 0101 | in a cheerful manner; "`I'll do the dishes,' he said pleasantly"
00219503 02 r 01 unpleasantly 0 002 ! 00219110 r 0101 \ 01801600 a 0101 | in an unpleasant manner; "he had been unpleasantly surprised"
00219641 02 r 01 upside_down 0 000 | in an inverted manner; "the box was lying on the floor upside down"
00219748 02 r 01 breathlessly 0 001 \ 00267871 a 0101 | in a breathless manner; "she spoke breathlessly"
00219855 02 r 03 heartily 1 cordially 0 warmly 0 003 \ 02530861 a 0301 \ 02531122 a 0201 \ 02531243 a 0101 | in a hearty manner; "`Yes,' the children chorused heartily"; "We welcomed her warmly"
00220052 02 r 03 affably 0 amiably 0 genially 0 003 \ 01075178 a 0304 \ 01075178 a 0202 \ 01075178 a 0101 | in an affable manner; "`Come and visit me,' he said amiably"
00220223 02 r 01 laughingly 0 000 | with laughter; while laughing; "he told the story laughingly"
00220323 02 r 02 ambiguously 0 equivocally 0 003 \ 00895442 a 0201 ! 00220490 r 0101 \ 00102201 a 0101 | in an ambiguous manner; "this letter is worded ambiguously"
00220490 02 r 02 unambiguously 1 unequivocally 1 003 \ 00896555 a 0201 ! 00220323 r 0101 \ 00103696 a 0101 | in an unambiguous manner; "she stated her intentions unequivocally"
00220669 02 r 02 ceremonially 0 ritually 0 002 \ 01042491 a 0201 \ 01042491 a 0101 | in a ceremonial manner; "he was ceremonially sworn in as President"
00220824 02 r 01 unceremoniously 0 002 ! 00220966 r 0101 \ 00641036 a 0101 | in an unceremonious manner; "he was dismissed unceremoniously"
00220966 02 r 02 ceremoniously 0 ceremonially 1 002 ! 00220824 r 0101 \ 01042703 a 0101 | in a ceremonious manner; "my mother advised her children ceremoniously"
00221130 02 r 03 rakishly 0 raffishly 0 carelessly 1 002 \ 00971933 a 0205 \ 00971933 a 0106 | in a rakish manner; "she wore her hat rakishly at an angle"
00221287 02 r 02 rollickingly 0 boisterously 0 002 \ 02279360 a 0201 \ 02122132 a 0104 | in a carefree manner; "she was rollickingly happy"
00221429 02 r 01 narrowly 0 002 ! 00221583 r 0101 \ 01415480 a 0101 | in a narrow manner; not allowing for exceptions; "he interprets the law narrowly"
00221583 02 r 04 broadly 0 loosely 2 broadly_speaking 0 generally 0 003 \ 01101391 a 0401 ! 00221429 r 0101 \ 01101891 a 0101 | without regard to specific details or exceptions; "he interprets the law broadly"
00221795 02 r 01 broadly 1 001 \ 02560548 a 0102 | in a wide fashion; "he smiled broadly"
00221887 02 r 01 twirlingly 0 000 | doing twirls; "they had a most twirlingly magnificent time"
00221985 02 r 01 behind 0 000 | in or to or toward the rear; "he followed behind"; "seen from behind, the house is more imposing than it is from the front"; "the final runners were far behind"
00222180 02 r 01 behind 1 000 | remaining in a place or condition that has been left or departed from; "when he died he left much unfinished work behind"; "left a large family behind"; "the children left their books behind"; "he took off with a squeal of tires and left the other cars far behind"
00222479 02 r 03 behind 2 behindhand 0 in_arrears 0 000 | in debt; "he fell behind with his mortgage payments"; "a month behind in the rent"; "a company that has been run behindhand for years"; "in arrears with their utility bills"
00222713 02 r 01 behind 3 000 | in or into an inferior position; "fell behind in his studies"; "their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers"
00222879 02 r 02 behind 4 slow 1 000 | of timepieces; "the clock is almost an hour slow"; "my watch is running behind"
00223000 02 r 02 rightfully 0 truly 1 002 \ 01407267 a 0201 \ 01407267 a 0103 | by right; "baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime"
00223138 02 r 04 in_one's_own_right 0 in_his_own_right 0 in_her_own_right 0 in_its_own_right 0 000 | by reason of one's own ability or ownership etc.; "she's a rich woman in her own right rather than by inheritance"; "an excellent novel in its own right"
00223395 02 r 03 faithfully 0 dependably 0 reliably 0 006 ! 00223635 r 0303 \ 00724081 a 0301 ! 00223635 r 0202 \ 00724081 a 0202 ! 00223635 r 0101 \ 00958880 a 0101 | in a faithful manner; "it always came on, faithfully, like the radio"
00223635 02 r 03 unfaithfully 0 undependably 0 unreliably 0 006 ! 00223395 r 0303 \ 00724861 a 0301 ! 00223395 r 0202 \ 00724861 a 0202 ! 00223395 r 0101 \ 00959731 a 0101 | in an unfaithful undependable unreliable manner
00223859 02 r 01 violently 0 002 ! 00223979 r 0101 \ 02510879 a 0101 | in a violent manner; "they attacked violently"
00223979 02 r 01 nonviolently 0 002 ! 00223859 r 0101 \ 02512922 a 0101 | without violence; "the government was overthrown nonviolently, but the dictator was killed"
00224147 02 r 01 furiously 0 001 \ 00304144 a 0102 | (of the elements) in a wild and stormy manner; "winds were blowing furiously"
00224280 02 r 01 furiously 1 001 \ 00114454 a 0103 | in an impassioned or very angry manner; "she screamed furiously at her tormentors"
00224418 02 r 01 furiously 2 001 \ 02511528 a 0103 | in a manner marked by extreme or violent energy; "the boys fought furiously"; "she went peddling furiously up the narrow street"
00224602 02 r 01 up_and_down 3 000 | alternately upward and downward; "he eyed him up and down"
00224700 02 r 02 securely 0 firmly 3 001 \ 02095311 a 0101 | in a secure manner; in a manner free from danger; "she held the child securely"
00224843 02 r 01 wryly 0 001 \ 01266092 a 0104 | in a wry manner; "`I see,' he commented wryly"
00224941 02 r 02 infinitely 0 endlessly 0 003 \ 01007947 a 0202 ! 00225119 r 0101 \ 01007354 a 0101 | continuing forever without end; "there are infinitely many possibilities"
00225119 02 r 01 finitely 0 002 ! 00224941 r 0101 \ 01006566 a 0101 | with a finite limit; "there are finitely many solutions to this problem"
00225264 02 r 03 boundlessly 0 immeasurably 1 infinitely 1 002 \ 01498957 a 0201 \ 01007657 a 0101 | without bounds; "he is infinitely wealthy"
00225410 02 r 02 rigorously 0 strictly 1 002 \ 00915556 a 0202 \ 00915556 a 0101 | in a rigorous manner; "he had been trained rigorously by the monks"
00225563 02 r 01 plastically 0 001 \ 00844461 a 0103 | in a plastic manner; "he used the clay plastically"
00225672 02 r 04 boastfully 0 vauntingly 0 big 0 large 2 001 \ 01890752 a 0101 | in a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening"
00225805 02 r 01 big 1 000 | in a major way; "the play failed big at the box office"
00225892 02 r 01 big 2 001 ! 00225971 r 0101 | on a grand scale; "think big"
00225971 02 r 01 small 0 001 ! 00225892 r 0101 | on a small scale; "think small"
00226054 02 r 01 big 3 000 | extremely well; "his performance went over big"
00226133 02 r 01 warily 0 002 \ 00162386 a 0101 ! 00226257 r 0101 | in a wary manner; "the sailor watched the sky warily"
00226257 02 r 01 unwarily 0 002 ! 00226133 r 0101 \ 00162990 a 0101 | without heed or caution
00226353 02 r 01 bodily 0 001 \ 02667275 a 0101 | in bodily form; "he was translated bodily to heaven"
00226458 02 r 02 over 0 o'er 0 000 | throughout a period of time; "stay over the weekend"
00226550 02 r 01 over 1 000 | at or to a point across intervening space etc.; "come over and see us some time"; "over there"
00226677 02 r 01 over 2 000 | throughout an area; "he is known the world over"
00226758 02 r 01 over 4 000 | beyond the top or upper surface or edge; forward from an upright position; "a roof that hangs over";
00226891 02 r 01 editorially 0 001 \ 02717258 a 0101 | by means of an editorial; "the paper commented editorially on the scandal"
00227023 02 r 03 properly_speaking 0 strictly_speaking 0 to_be_precise 0 000 | in actual fact; "properly speaking, they are not husband and wife"
00227171 02 r 01 abnormally 0 001 \ 01595596 a 0101 | in an abnormal manner; "they were behaving abnormally"; "his blood pressure was abnormally low"
00227323 02 r 01 angrily 0 001 \ 00113818 a 0101 | with anger; "he angrily denied the accusation"
00227423 02 r 02 exultantly 0 exultingly 0 002 \ 00704898 a 0202 \ 00704898 a 0101 | in an exultant manner; "it was exultingly easy"
00227558 02 r 01 sedulously 0 001 \ 00754393 a 0102 | in a sedulous manner; "this illusion has been sedulously fostered"
00227681 02 r 01 tenuously 0 001 \ 02164913 a 0104 | in a tenuous manner; "his works tenuously survive in the minds of a few scholars"
00227818 02 r 01 perennially 0 001 \ 00678473 a 0101 | in a perennial manner; repeatedly; "We want to know what is perennially new about the world"
00227968 02 r 01 perpetually 1 001 \ 00595299 a 0105 | everlastingly; for all time; "rays...streaming perpetually from the sun"- Stuart Chase
00228112 02 r 01 anachronistically 0 001 \ 02379925 a 0103 | in an anachronistic manner; "let's look at this phenomenon anachronistically"
00228253 02 r 02 ineptly 0 fecklessly 0 002 \ 00511526 a 0201 \ 00511526 a 0102 | with ineptitude; in an incompetent manner; "he performed his functions ineptly"
00228417 02 r 01 ineptly 1 001 \ 01001180 a 0105 | in an infelicitous manner; "this function is ineptly left to a small voice"
00228546 02 r 02 deliciously 0 pleasurably 0 002 \ 01801029 a 0203 \ 01807964 a 0102 | in a very pleasurable manner; "they were walking along the beach slowly and deliciously"
00228724 02 r 01 mentally 0 001 \ 01779986 a 0101 | in your mind; "he suffered mentally"
00228815 02 r 01 roundly 0 001 \ 02040652 a 0101 | in a round manner; "she was roundly slim"
00228910 02 r 03 shyly 0 timidly 0 bashfully 0 003 \ 00252130 a 0301 \ 00251809 a 0201 \ 00339941 a 0102 | in a shy or timid or bashful manner; "he smiled shyly"
00229074 02 r 02 fondly 0 lovingly 0 002 \ 01463965 a 0201 \ 01464433 a 0103 | with fondness; with love; "she spoke to her children fondly"
00229216 02 r 01 abed 0 000 | in bed
00229255 02 r 01 noisily 0 002 ! 00229399 r 0101 \ 01919931 a 0101 | with much noise or loud and unpleasant sound; "he blew his nose noisily"
00229399 02 r 01 quietly 1 002 ! 00229255 r 0101 \ 01918984 a 0101 | with little or no sound; "the class was listening quietly and intently"; "she was crying quietly"
00229568 02 r 02 quietly 2 quiet 0 002 ! 00229861 r 0101 \ 01922763 a 0101 | with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly'); "her hands rested quietly in her lap"; "the rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "sit here as quiet as you can"
00229861 02 r 01 unquietly 0 002 ! 00229568 r 0101 \ 01923391 a 0101 | with agitation or turbulence
00229963 02 r 01 unqualifiedly 0 001 \ 01913715 a 0101 | without qualification or limitation
00230058 02 r 01 outwardly 0 002 ! 00230189 r 0101 \ 00950706 a 0101 | in outward appearance; "outwardly, she appeared composed"
00230189 02 r 02 inwardly 0 inside 3 002 ! 00230058 r 0101 \ 00951247 a 0101 | with respect to private feelings; "inwardly, she was raging"
00230331 02 r 02 outwardly 1 externally 0 000 | with respect to the outside; "outwardly, the figure is smooth"
00230444 02 r 02 favorably 0 favourably 0 002 ! 00230581 r 0101 \ 00995775 a 0101 | showing approval; "he reviewed the play favorably"
00230581 02 r 02 unfavorably 0 unfavourably 0 002 ! 00230444 r 0101 \ 00996448 a 0101 | showing disapproval; in a disparaging way; "he reviewed the play unfavorably"
00230749 02 r 01 cheerfully 0 002 ! 00230877 r 0101 \ 01664015 a 0103 | in a cheerful manner; "he cheerfully agreed to do it"
00230877 02 r 01 cheerlessly 0 001 ! 00230749 r 0101 | in an unhappy manner; "he cheerlessly set out to do the task"
00230996 02 r 02 flawlessly 0 cleanly 0 002 \ 00061664 a 0201 \ 01751080 a 0101 | in an adroit manner; "he bounced it cleanly off the wall"
00231138 02 r 01 solidly 0 001 \ 02275412 a 0101 | with strength and soundness; "a solidly built house"
00231244 02 r 01 foursquare 1 000 | in a square position; "the building stood foursquare"
00231336 02 r 01 solidly 2 001 \ 00784215 a 0101 | as an undiversified whole; "the unions voted solidly for Roosevelt"
00231457 02 r 03 laconically 0 dryly 0 drily 0 003 \ 01266092 a 0301 \ 01266092 a 0201 \ 00547641 a 0103 | in a dry laconic manner; "I know that," he said dryly
00231620 02 r 02 obligingly 0 accommodatingly 0 002 \ 00020787 a 0201 \ 00021110 a 0102 | in accommodation; "obligingly, he lowered his voice"
00231765 02 r 01 voluntarily 0 002 ! 00231916 r 0101 \ 02520219 a 0101 | out of your own free will; "he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting"
00231916 02 r 01 involuntarily 0 002 ! 00231765 r 0101 \ 02521353 a 0101 | against your will; "he was involuntarily held against his will"
00232057 02 r 01 unerringly 0 001 \ 00965359 a 0103 | without making errors; "he unerringly fixed things for us"
00232172 02 r 01 geographically 0 001 \ 03021543 a 0101 | with respect to geography; "they are geographically closer to the center of town"
00232314 02 r 01 gloomily 0 001 \ 00703615 a 0101 | with gloom; "such a change is gloomily foreseen by many"
00232425 02 r 01 cruelly 0 000 | excessively; "a cruelly bitter winter"
00232499 02 r 01 cruelly 1 001 \ 01263013 a 0103 | with cruelty; "he treated his students cruelly"
00232600 02 r 02 vaguely 0 mistily 1 001 \ 00431004 a 0102 | in a vague way; "he looked vaguely familiar"; "he explained it somewhat mistily"
00232744 02 r 01 pompously 0 001 \ 01849960 a 0103 | in a pompous manner; "he pompously described his achievements"
00232862 02 r 01 out 2 000 | away from home; "they went out last night"
00232936 02 r 03 away 0 off 3 forth 0 001 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went off to school"; "they drove off"; "go forth and preach"
00233295 02 r 02 away 1 out 3 000 | from one's possession; "he gave out money to the poor"; "gave away the tickets"
00233413 02 r 01 out 4 000 | moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden; "the cat came out from under the bed";
00233573 02 r 01 out_of 0 000 | motivated by; "idleness is the trait of being idle out of a reluctance to work"
00233687 02 r 03 aside 3 by 1 away 2 000 | in reserve; not for immediate use; "started setting aside money to buy a car"; "put something by for her old age"; "has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
00233892 02 r 01 aside 0 000 | on or to one side; "step aside"; "stood aside to let him pass"; "threw the book aside"; "put her sewing aside when he entered"
00234052 02 r 02 aside 1 away 3 000 | out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts); "brush the objections aside"; "pushed all doubts away"
00234201 02 r 02 aside 5 apart 6 000 | placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose; "had a feeling of being set apart"; "quality sets it apart"; "a day set aside for relaxing"
00234389 02 r 01 apart 7 000 | away from another or others; "they grew apart over the years"; "kept apart from the group out of shyness"; "decided to live apart"
00234553 02 r 01 away 4 000 | out of existence; "the music faded away"; "tried to explain away the affair of the letter"- H.E.Scudder; "idled the hours away"; "her fingernails were worn away"
00234747 02 r 01 away 5 000 | indicating continuing action; continuously or steadily; "he worked away at the project for more than a year"; "the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it"
00234951 02 r 02 away 6 aside 6 000 | in a different direction; "turn aside"; "turn away one's face"; "glanced away"
00235070 02 r 01 away 7 000 | in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping); "put the toys away"; "her jewels are locked away in a safe"; "filed the letter away"
00235254 02 r 02 off 0 away 8 000 | at a distance in space or time; "the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century"
00235438 02 r 01 away 9 000 | so as to be removed or gotten rid of; "cleared the mess away"; "the rotted wood had to be cut away"
00235570 02 r 01 away a 000 | freely or at will; "fire away!"
00235634 02 r 01 seriatim 0 000 | in a series; one after another
00235701 02 r 02 doggedly 0 tenaciously 0 002 \ 02327569 a 0205 \ 02327569 a 0101 | with obstinate determination; "he pursued her doggedly"
00235843 02 r 02 efficiently 0 expeditiously 0 003 \ 00840510 a 0201 ! 00236020 r 0101 \ 00510644 a 0102 | with efficiency; in an efficient manner; "he functions efficiently"
00236020 02 r 01 inefficiently 0 002 ! 00235843 r 0101 \ 00511739 a 0102 | in an inefficient manner; "he dealt inefficiently with the crisis"
00236164 02 r 02 discordantly 0 unharmoniously 0 001 \ 00553899 a 0101 | in a discordant manner; "the piece ended discordantly"
00236294 02 r 01 dully 0 001 \ 00806512 a 0101 | without liveliness; "she nodded her head dully"
00236393 02 r 01 dully 2 001 \ 00283703 a 0101 | without luster or shine; "the light shone dully through the haze"; "unpolished buttons glinted dully"
00236546 02 r 02 in_stride 0 in_good_spirits 0 000 | without losing equilibrium; "she took all his criticism in stride"
00236668 02 r 01 atonally 0 001 \ 02438188 a 0101 | without tonality; "he composes atonally"
00236763 02 r 01 charmingly 0 001 \ 01807799 a 0101 | in a charming manner
00236840 02 r 02 winsomely 0 engagingly 0 002 \ 00167671 a 0201 \ 00169056 a 0101 | in an engaging manner; "she played the role engagingly"
00236982 02 r 01 tragically 0 001 \ 01363153 a 0101 | in a tragic manner; with tragic consequences; "the adventure ended tragically"; "tragically, she contracted AIDS"
00237152 02 r 01 fascinatingly 0 001 \ 01344171 a 0103 | in a fascinating manner; "her face became fascinatingly distorted"
00237278 02 r 02 curvaceously 0 buxomly 0 002 \ 02138989 a 0203 \ 02138989 a 0104 | in a curvaceous way; "his date was curvaceously beguiling"
00237423 02 r 01 ominously 0 001 \ 00194357 a 0106 | in an ominous manner; "the sun darkened ominously"
00237529 02 r 01 restively 0 001 \ 02406370 a 0108 | in a restive manner; "he sat down again, restively"
00237636 02 r 02 wittingly 0 knowingly 0 004 ! 00237833 r 0203 \ 01338116 a 0202 ! 00237833 r 0101 \ 01337767 a 0102 | with full knowledge and deliberation; "he wittingly deleted the references"
00237833 02 r 03 unwittingly 0 inadvertently 0 unknowingly 0 005 ! 00153681 r 0203 \ 01338909 a 0202 ! 00237636 r 0101 \ 01339492 a 0103 ! 00237636 r 0302 | without knowledge or intention; "he unwittingly deleted the references"
00238064 02 r 01 scienter 0 002 ;c 08441203 n 0000 \ 01337939 a 0101 | (law) deliberately or knowingly
00238169 02 r 01 contentedly 0 001 \ 00588797 a 0101 | with equanimity; "`I bought it,' she said contentedly"
00238281 02 r 02 pityingly 0 compassionately 0 001 \ 00506299 a 0201 | in a compassionate manner; "the nurse looked at him pityingly"
00238417 02 r 02 glibly 0 slickly 0 001 \ 01799781 a 0101 | with superficial plausibility; "he talked glibly"
00238529 02 r 02 callously 0 unfeelingly 1 002 \ 00507292 a 0203 \ 02107162 a 0101 | in a callous way; "he callously exploited their feelings"
00238674 02 r 01 justifiably 0 002 ! 00238794 r 0101 \ 01722140 a 0101 | with good reason; "he is justifiably bitter"
00238794 02 r 02 unjustifiably 0 inexcusably 1 003 \ 01722039 a 0201 ! 00238674 r 0101 \ 01722367 a 0103 | without any excuse; "he is unjustifiably harsh on her"
00238958 02 r 01 under_way 0 001 \ 01561771 a 0101 | in motion; set in motion; "the ship got under way"
00239064 02 r 01 afoot 1 001 \ 01562167 a 0101 | on foot; walking; "they went to the village afoot"; "quail are hunted either afoot or on horseback"
00239215 02 r 01 modestly 0 002 \ 01539225 a 0101 ! 00239402 r 0101 | with modesty; in a modest manner; "the dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare'"
00239402 02 r 01 immodestly 0 002 \ 01539642 a 0101 ! 00239215 r 0101 | without modesty; in an immodest manner; "the book was entitled, immodestly, `All about Wisdom'"
00239572 02 r 01 frowningly 0 001 \ 01806992 a 0101 | with a frown; while frowning; "he looked at her frowningly"
00239688 02 r 03 overwhelmingly 0 overpoweringly 0 irresistibly 0 003 \ 01989175 a 0301 \ 01989446 a 0201 \ 01989446 a 0102 | incapable of being resisted; "the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man"
00239908 02 r 05 each 0 to_each_one 0 for_each_one 0 from_each_one 0 apiece 0 000 | to or from every one of two or more (considered individually); "they received $10 each"
00240082 02 r 03 next_door 0 in_the_adjacent_house 0 in_the_adjacent_apartment 0 000 | at or in or to the adjacent residence; "the criminal had been living next door all this time"
00240265 02 r 01 in_unison 0 000 | at the same pitch; "they sang in unison"
00240343 02 r 02 in_unison 2 in_chorus 0 000 | speaking or singing at the same time; simultaneously; "they shouted `Yes!' in unison"; "they responded in chorus to the teacher's questions"
00240533 02 r 01 analytically 0 001 \ 00110853 a 0101 | by virtue of analysis; "assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior?"
00240707 02 r 03 therein 0 in_this 0 in_that 0 001 ;u 01204055 n 0000 | (formal) in or into that thing or place; "they can read therein what our plans are"
00240865 02 r 01 anarchically 0 001 \ 00600192 a 0101 | in a lawless rebellious manner
00240954 02 r 02 lopsidedly 0 crookedly 0 002 \ 02311544 a 0201 \ 02312450 a 0104 | in a crooked lopsided manner; "he smiled lopsidedly"
00241093 02 r 02 sternly 0 severely 2 002 \ 01301316 a 0201 \ 01300187 a 0102 | with sternness; in a severe manner; "`No,' she said sternly"; "peered severely over her glasses"
00241272 02 r 01 suspiciously 0 001 \ 02464277 a 0103 | with suspicion; "she regarded the food suspiciously"
00241383 02 r 02 authoritatively 0 magisterially 0 002 \ 00752110 a 0204 \ 01830403 a 0101 | in an authoritative and magisterial manner; "she spoke authoritatively"
00241550 02 r 01 resolutely 0 002 \ 01989669 a 0101 ! 00241757 r 0101 | showing firm determination or purpose; "she resolutely refused to look at him or speak to him"; "he entered the building resolutely"
00241757 02 r 01 irresolutely 0 002 \ 01992149 a 0101 ! 00241550 r 0101 | lacking determination or decisiveness
00241871 02 r 01 speculatively 0 001 \ 00664879 a 0102 | with speculation; in a speculative manner; "he looked at her speculatively"
00242006 02 r 02 beautifully 0 attractively 0 003 ! 00242172 r 0201 \ 00166146 a 0201 \ 00217728 a 0101 | in a beautiful manner; "her face was beautifully made up"
00242172 02 r 01 unattractively 0 002 ! 00242006 r 0102 \ 00169164 a 0101 | in an unattractive manner; "she was unattractively dressed last night"
00242321 02 r 03 dourly 0 sullenly 0 glumly 0 003 \ 01137378 a 0304 \ 01137378 a 0209 \ 01137378 a 0102 | in a sullen manner; "he sat in his chair dourly"
00242478 02 r 02 belligerently 0 hostilely 0 002 \ 01244410 a 0201 \ 01244846 a 0102 | with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner; "he pushed her against the wall belligerently"
00242663 02 r 01 consciously 0 002 ! 00242810 r 0101 \ 00570590 a 0101 | with awareness; "she consciously played with the idea of inviting them"
00242810 02 r 01 unconsciously 0 002 ! 00242663 r 0101 \ 00571643 a 0101 | without awareness; "she jumped up unconsciously when he entered the room"
00242961 02 r 01 greenly 0 001 \ 00375969 a 0101 | with green color; "the countryside rolled greenly down into the valley"
00243086 02 r 02 casually 0 nonchalantly 0 002 \ 00545746 a 0203 \ 00545746 a 0101 | in an unconcerned manner; "glanced casually at the headlines"
00243235 02 r 01 commensally 0 001 \ 02700792 a 0101 | in a commensal manner
00243314 02 r 01 competitively 0 002 ! 00243448 r 0101 \ 00512487 a 0101 | in competition; "the companies should bid competitively"
00243448 02 r 01 noncompetitively 0 002 ! 00243314 r 0101 \ 00513165 a 0101 | in a noncompetitive manner; "the scholarships will be awarded noncompetitively"
00243608 02 r 03 compulsively 0 obsessively 0 obsessionally 0 003 \ 01585022 a 0301 \ 01585022 a 0202 \ 01583659 a 0101 | in a compulsive manner; "he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk"
00243809 02 r 01 structurally 0 001 \ 02897335 a 0101 | with respect to structure; "structurally, the organization is healthy"
00243938 02 r 03 south 0 to_the_south 0 in_the_south 0 000 | in a southern direction; "we moved south"
00244043 02 r 04 north 0 northerly 0 northwards 0 northward 0 001 \ 01601297 a 0201 | in a northern direction; "they earn more up north"; "Let's go north!"
00244201 02 r 02 unofficially 1 on_the_side 0 001 \ 01633591 a 0101 | without official authorization; "he had made some money on the side"
00244342 02 r 01 overnight 0 000 | during or for the length of one night; "the fish marinates overnight"
00244449 02 r 01 overnight 1 000 | happening in a short time or with great speed; "these solutions cannot be found overnight!"
00244578 02 r 01 willy-nilly 1 000 | without having a choice
00244641 02 r 01 believably 0 003 ! 00244787 r 0101 \ 00644839 a 0102 ! 00295825 r 0104 | in a believable manner; "he acted believably sincere"
00244787 02 r 01 unbelievably 0 002 ! 00244641 r 0101 \ 00645493 a 0102 | in an unbelievable manner; "he was unbelievably angry"
00244918 02 r 01 underfoot 0 000 | under the feet; "trampled the beans underfoot"; "green grass growing underfoot"
00245035 02 r 01 underfoot 1 000 | in the way and hindering progress; "a house with children and pets and toys always underfoot"
00245166 02 r 01 hand_in_hand 3 000 | together; "hand in hand with hope went fear"; "doctors and nurses work hand in hand to save lives"
00245305 02 r 01 feetfirst 0 000 | with the feet foremost; "he jumped into the pool feetfirst"
00245402 02 r 02 ferociously 0 fiercely 0 002 \ 02511528 a 0202 \ 02511528 a 0101 | in a physically fierce manner; "silence broken by dogs barking ferociously"; "they fought fiercely"
00245588 02 r 01 fiercely 1 001 \ 01511854 a 0101 | in an emotionally fierce manner; "she was fiercely proud of her children"
00245716 02 r 01 subconsciously 0 001 \ 00573093 a 0101 | from the subconscious mind; "the image came to him subconsciously"
00245843 02 r 01 vividly 0 001 \ 01941026 a 0104 | in a vivid manner; "he described his adventures vividly"
00245953 02 r 01 artfully 0 001 \ 00147734 a 0101 | in an artful manner; "her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes"
00246077 02 r 01 expectantly 0 001 \ 01228797 a 0103 | in an expectant manner; "she looked at him expectantly"
00246190 02 r 01 lustily 0 001 \ 01171746 a 0103 | in a healthy manner; "the young plants grew lustily"
00246296 02 r 02 just 3 simply 3 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | absolutely; "I just can't take it anymore"; "he was just grand as Romeo"; "it's simply beautiful!"
00246455 02 r 01 tenfold 0 000 | by ten times as much; "the population increased tenfold"
00246547 02 r 01 quantitatively 0 001 \ 02977198 a 0101 | in a quantitative manner; "this can be expressed quantitatively"
00246672 02 r 02 on_paper 1 in_writing 0 000 | as written or printed; "this is exactly what the composer had set down on paper"
00246802 02 r 01 dramatically 2 001 \ 01284212 a 0101 | in a very impressive manner; "your performance will improve dramatically"
00246934 02 r 01 classically 0 001 \ 00413622 a 0101 | in the manner of Greek and Roman culture; "this exercise develops a classically shaped body"
00247084 02 r 01 obscurely 0 001 \ 00534250 a 0102 | in an obscure manner; "this work is obscurely written"
00247194 02 r 01 decently 0 002 ! 00247326 r 0101 \ 01993408 a 0101 | in a decent manner; "they don't know how to dress decently"
00247326 02 r 01 indecently 0 002 ! 00247194 r 0101 \ 00683185 a 0101 | in an indecent manner; "she was rather indecently dressed"
00247459 02 r 01 horrifyingly 0 001 \ 00193480 a 0103 | in a horrifying manner; "he laughed horrifyingly"
00247567 02 r 01 characteristically 0 002 ! 00247712 r 0101 \ 00356926 a 0101 | in characteristic manner; "he arrived characteristically late"
00247712 02 r 01 uncharacteristically 0 002 ! 00247567 r 0101 \ 00357983 a 0101 | in uncharacteristic manner; "he was uncharacteristically cool"
00247859 02 r 01 perversely 0 001 \ 00621524 a 0102 | deliberately deviant; "his perversely erotic notions"
00247969 02 r 03 perversely 3 contrarily 2 contrariwise 3 002 \ 01613839 a 0201 \ 01613839 a 0103 | in a contrary disobedient manner
00248104 02 r 01 dialectically 0 001 \ 03023644 a 0101 | in a dialectic manner; "his religiousness is dialectically related to his sinfulness"
00248249 02 r 01 prophetically 0 001 \ 01881696 a 0101 | in a prophetic manner; "he prophetically anticipated the disaster"
00248375 02 r 01 artistically 0 001 \ 00069948 a 0101 | in an artistic manner; "it was artistically decorated"
00248488 02 r 02 peculiarly 1 particularly 1 002 \ 01104026 a 0201 \ 01104026 a 0102 | uniquely or characteristically; "these peculiarly cinematic elements"; "a peculiarly French phenomenon"; "everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him"- John Knowles
00248765 02 r 02 particularly 2 in_particular 0 001 \ 01104026 a 0101 | specifically or especially distinguished from others; "loves Bach, particularly his partitas"; "recommended one book in particular"; "trace major population movements for the Pueblo groups in particular"
00249043 02 r 01 instinctively 0 001 \ 02282985 a 0102 | as a matter of instinct; "he instinctively grabbed the knife"
00249164 02 r 01 internally 0 002 ! 00249300 r 0101 \ 00948670 a 0101 | on or from the inside; "an internally controlled environment"
00249300 02 r 01 externally 1 002 ! 00249164 r 0101 \ 00948103 a 0101 | on or from the outside; "the candidate needs to be externally evaluated"
00249447 02 r 01 overhead 0 000 | above the head; over the head; "bring the legs together overhead"
00249549 02 r 01 at_arm's_length 0 000 | at some distance; "keep someone at arm's length"
00249641 02 r 01 overhead 1 000 | above your head; in the sky; "planes were flying overhead"
00249736 02 r 02 aboard 0 on_base 0 001 ;c 00471613 n 0000 | on first or second or third base; "Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard"
00249878 02 r 02 aboard 1 on_board 0 000 | on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle
00249964 02 r 01 aboard 2 000 | part of a group; "Bill's been aboard for three years now"
00250056 02 r 02 aboard 4 alongside 0 000 | side by side; "anchored close aboard another ship"
00250153 02 r 01 uniformly 0 001 \ 01200095 a 0102 | in a uniform manner; "a uniformly bright surface"
00250258 02 r 02 all_too 0 only_too 0 000 | to a high degree; "she is all too ready to accept the job"
00250363 02 r 01 enduringly 0 001 \ 01754873 a 0102 | in an enduring manner; "Roman culture was enduringly fertilized"
00250484 02 r 01 abreast 0 000 | alongside each other, facing in the same direction
00250570 02 r 05 per_annum 0 p.a. 0 per_year 0 each_year 1 annually 1 000 | by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received); "he earned $100,000 per annum"; "we issue six volumes per annum"
00250798 02 r 02 per_diem 0 by_the_day 0 000 | one every day; "we'll save 100 man-hours per diem"
00250898 02 r 02 between 0 'tween 0 000 | in between; "two houses with a tree between"
00250987 02 r 01 ad_hoc 0 000 | for one specific case; "they were appointed ad hoc"
00251073 02 r 01 ad_nauseam 0 000 | to a sickening extent; "he played the song ad nauseam"
00251166 02 r 02 ad_val 0 ad_valorem 0 000 | in proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed; "the goods were taxed ad valorem"
00251304 02 r 02 ante_meridiem 0 A.M. 0 001 ;c 06962600 n 0000 | before noon; "let's meet at 11 A.M."
00251408 02 r 02 post_meridiem 0 P.M. 0 001 ;c 06962600 n 0000 | between noon and midnight; "let's meet at 8 P.M."
00251525 02 r 01 a_posteriori 0 001 ! 00251611 r 0101 | derived from observed facts
00251611 02 r 01 a_priori 0 001 ! 00251525 r 0101 | derived by logic, without observed facts
00251706 02 r 02 cap-a-pie 0 from_head_to_toe 0 000 | at all points from head to foot; "he was armed cap-a-pie"
00251820 02 r 03 legally 1 lawfully 0 de_jure 0 003 ! 00251990 r 0201 \ 01401224 a 0201 \ 02754096 a 0101 | by law; conforming to the law; "we are lawfully wedded now"
00251990 02 r 01 unlawfully 0 002 ! 00251820 r 0102 \ 01403760 a 0105 | not conforming to the law; "they were unlawfully married"
00252122 02 r 01 jurisprudentially 0 001 \ 02753868 a 0101 | in respect to jurisprudence or the science or philosophy of law
00252249 02 r 03 doggo 0 out_of_sight 0 in_hiding 0 000 | quietly in concealment; "he lay doggo"
00252348 02 r 01 en_clair 0 000 | in ordinary language
00252405 02 r 01 en_famille 0 000 | in a casual way at home; "we'll have dinner en famille"
00252499 02 r 02 ex_officio 0 by_right_of_office 0 000 | by virtue of position; "the president sat on the committee ex officio"
00252629 02 r 01 full-time 0 001 ! 00252740 r 0101 | for the standard number of hours; "she works full-time"
00252740 02 r 02 half-time 0 part-time 0 001 ! 00252629 r 0101 | for less than the standard number of hours; "he works part-time"
00252872 02 r 01 bilaterally 1 001 \ 00237788 a 0101 | so as to involve two sides or parts
00252965 02 r 01 bilaterally 0 001 \ 01946012 a 0101 | with the involvement of two parties or governments; "they worked out an agreement bilaterally"
00253117 02 r 02 unilaterally 0 one-sidedly 0 002 \ 00236989 a 0101 ! 00253306 r 0101 | in a unilateral manner; by means of one part or party; "they worked out an agreement unilaterally"
00253306 02 r 01 multilaterally 0 002 \ 00237240 a 0101 ! 00253117 r 0101 | in a multilateral manner;so as to affect many parties or governments; "they worked out an agreement unilaterally"
00253498 02 r 01 blatantly 0 001 \ 02090567 a 0101 | in a blatant manner; "they blatantly violated the laws"
00253609 02 r 02 chock 0 chock-a-block 0 000 | as completely as possible; "it was chock-a-block full"
00253713 02 r 01 cloyingly 0 001 \ 02368566 a 0101 | in an overly sweet manner
00253794 02 r 01 collect 0 000 | make a telephone call or mail a package so that the recipient pays; "call collect"; "send a package collect"
00253938 02 r 03 C.O.D. 0 COD 0 cash_on_delivery 0 000 | collecting the charges upon delivery; "mail a package C.O.D."
00254059 02 r 02 counterclockwise 0 anticlockwise 0 002 ! 00254369 r 0101 \ 00442057 a 0101 | in a direction opposite to the direction in which the hands of a clock move; "please move counterclockwise in a circle!"
00254276 02 r 01 counterintuitively 0 001 \ 01944904 a 0101 | in a counterintuitive manner
00254369 02 r 01 clockwise 0 002 ! 00254059 r 0101 \ 00441781 a 0101 | in the direction that the hands of a clock move; "please move clockwise in a circle"
00254527 02 r 01 deathly 0 000 | to a degree resembling death; "he was deathly pale"
00254614 02 r 02 foremost 0 first 1 000 | prominently forward; "he put his best foot foremost"
00254711 02 r 02 fortnightly 0 biweekly 0 002 \ 01969038 a 0202 \ 01969038 a 0101 | every two weeks; "he visited his cousins fortnightly"
00254851 02 r 02 semiweekly 0 biweekly 1 002 \ 01968721 a 0202 \ 01968721 a 0101 | twice a week; "he called home semiweekly"
00254978 02 r 01 monthly 0 001 \ 01969707 a 0101 | occurring once a month; "they meet monthly"
00255075 02 r 01 bimonthly 0 001 \ 01969881 a 0101 | every two months; "the bill was payable bimonthly"
00255181 02 r 02 semimonthly 0 bimonthly 1 002 \ 01970014 a 0202 \ 01970014 a 0101 | twice a month; "salaries are paid semimonthly"
00255315 02 r 02 semiannually 0 biyearly 1 002 \ 01969348 a 0203 \ 01969348 a 0101 | twice a year
00255415 02 r 02 halfway 0 midway 0 000 | at half the distance; at the middle; "he was halfway down the ladder when he fell"
00255542 02 r 01 ceteris_paribus 0 000 | all other things being equal
00255614 02 r 02 hereby 0 herewith 0 001 ;u 01204055 n 0000 | (formal) by means of this; "I hereby declare you man and wife"
00255741 02 r 01 hierarchically 0 001 \ 01203288 a 0101 | in a hierarchical manner; "hierarchically organized"
00255854 02 r 02 higgledy-piggledy 0 topsy-turvy 1 000 | in a disordered manner; "they were piled up higgledy-piggledy"
00255976 02 r 03 ibid. 0 ib. 0 ibidem 0 000 | in the same place (used when citing a reference)
00256073 02 r 01 in_loco_parentis 0 000 | in place of the parents; "we had to punish this child in loco parentis"
00256189 02 r 02 in_situ 0 in_place 0 000 | in the original or natural place or site; "carcinoma in situ"; "the archeologists left the pottery in place"
00256344 02 r 01 inter_alia 0 000 | among other things; "the committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted"
00256463 02 r 01 ipso_facto 0 000 | by the fact itself; "ipso facto, her innocence was established"
00256565 02 r 01 item 0 000 | (used when listing or enumerating items) also; "a length of chain, item a hook"-Philip Guedalla
00256693 02 r 01 give_or_take 0 000 | plus or minus a small amount; "it is a mile away, give or take a few hundred yards"
00256817 02 r 01 mutatis_mutandis 0 000 | with the necessary changes having been carried out
00256912 02 r 01 par_excellence 0 000 | to a degree of excellence; "he is the honest politician par excellence"
00257026 02 r 02 pari_passu 0 at_an_equal_rate 0 000 | used in legal language
00257106 02 r 02 passim 0 throughout 2 000 | used to refer to cited works
00257182 02 r 02 pro_tem 0 pro_tempore 0 000 | for the time being; temporarily; "accepting pro tem that hypothesis consistent with the facts"- J.W.Krutch
00257338 02 r 01 sine_die 0 000 | without a date fixed (as of an adjournment)
00257418 02 r 02 sotto_voce 0 in_a_low_voice 0 000 | in an undertone; "he uttered a curse sotto voce"
00257522 02 r 01 sub_rosa 0 000 | in secret or covertly; "held a meeting sub rosa to avoid general criticism"
00257634 02 r 02 tandem 0 in_tandem 0 000 | one behind the other; "ride tandem on a bicycle built for two"; "riding horses down the path in tandem"
00257784 02 r 01 thrice 0 000 | three times; "I called you thrice last night"
00257864 02 r 02 verbatim 0 word_for_word 0 000 | using exactly the same words; "he repeated her remarks verbatim"
00257981 02 r 01 a_la_carte 0 000 | by ordering items listed individually on a menu; "we ate a la carte"
00258088 02 r 02 by_word_of_mouth 1 viva_voce 0 000 | orally; "I heard it viva voce"
00258175 02 r 03 gratis 0 for_free 0 free_of_charge 0 000 | without payment; "I'll give you this gratis"
00258282 02 r 02 below 2 infra 0 000 | (in writing) see below; "vide infra"
00258360 02 r 01 inland 0 000 | towards or into the interior of a region; "the town is five miles inland"
00258468 02 r 01 inshore 0 000 | toward the shore; "we swam two miles inshore"
00258549 02 r 02 inward 0 inwards 0 001 ! 00258677 r 0101 | toward the center or interior; "move the needle further inwards!"
00258677 02 r 02 outward 0 outwards 0 001 ! 00258549 r 0101 | toward the outside; "move the needle further outward!"
00258796 02 r 02 knee-deep 0 knee-high 0 000 | up to the knees; "we were standing knee-deep in the water"
00258904 02 r 02 breast-deep 0 breast-high 0 000 | up to the breast; "we were standing breast-high in the water"
00259019 02 r 01 live 0 000 | not recorded; "the opera was broadcast live"
00259096 02 r 02 sooner 0 earlier 2 000 | comparatives of `soon' or `early'; "Come a little sooner, if you can"; "came earlier than I expected"
00259242 02 r 01 in_extremis 0 000 | at the point of death
00259303 02 r 02 midmost 0 in_the_midst 0 000 | the middle or central part or point; "in the midst of the forest"; "could he walk out in the midst of his piece?"
00259467 02 r 02 off-hand 0 ex_tempore 0 000 | without preparation; "I don't know the figures off-hand"
00259573 02 r 01 offstage 1 000 | not in public; "the deal was done offstage"
00259653 02 r 01 offstage 0 001 ! 00259775 r 0101 | behind the scenes; not on stage; "the actors were waiting offstage"
00259775 02 r 01 onstage 0 001 ! 00259653 r 0101 | on the stage; "it was time for her to go onstage"
00259878 02 r 01 off-the-clock 0 000 | overtime without extra compensation; "she often has to work off-the-clock"
00259994 02 r 01 overtime 0 000 | beyond the regular time; "she often has to work overtime"
00260088 02 r 01 perforce 0 000 | by necessity; by force of circumstance
00260163 02 r 01 post-haste 0 000 | as fast as possible; with all possible haste; "send it to me post-haste"
00260274 02 r 01 prima_facie 0 000 | at first sight
00260328 02 r 03 perfunctorily 0 as_a_formality 0 pro_forma 0 001 \ 00312234 a 0104 | in a set manner without serious attention; "they answered my letter pro forma"; "he kissed her cheek perfunctorily"
00260532 02 r 02 proportionately 3 pro_rata 0 001 \ 00481737 a 0101 | in proportion
00260618 02 r 01 rent-free 0 000 | without paying rent; "I can live here rent-free"
00260704 02 r 02 wholesale 1 in_large_quantities 0 000 | on a large scale without careful discrimination; "I buy food wholesale"
00260835 02 r 01 scot_free 0 000 | free from harm or penalty; "he went scot-free"
00260919 02 r 02 skyward 0 skywards 0 000 | toward the sky; "look skywards!"
00260998 02 r 02 up_here 0 over_here 0 000 | in a specified area or place; "you shouldn't be up here"
00261102 02 r 01 adversely 0 001 \ 00997036 a 0101 | in an adverse manner; "she was adversely affected by the new regulations"
00261231 02 r 02 aesthetically 0 esthetically 0 002 \ 02393086 a 0202 \ 02393086 a 0101 | in a tasteful way; "this building is aesthetically very pleasing"
00261389 02 r 03 agonizingly 0 excruciatingly 0 torturously 0 003 \ 01711724 a 0306 \ 01711724 a 0203 \ 01711724 a 0101 | in a very painful manner; "the progress was agonizingly slow"
00261575 02 r 01 appallingly 0 001 \ 00193367 a 0101 | to an appalling extent; "the prisoners were appallingly thin"
00261694 02 r 01 appealingly 0 002 ! 00261825 r 0101 \ 00170358 a 0101 | in an appealing manner; "the table was set appealingly"
00261825 02 r 01 unappealingly 0 002 ! 00261694 r 0101 \ 00171044 a 0101 | in an unappealing manner; "the kitchen was unappealingly dirty"
00261966 02 r 01 approvingly 0 002 ! 00262090 r 0101 \ 00996089 a 0101 | in an approving manner; "she nodded approvingly"
00262090 02 r 01 disapprovingly 0 001 ! 00261966 r 0101 | showing disapproval; "he shook his head disapprovingly"
00262206 02 r 02 ambitiously 0 determinedly 1 003 \ 00104699 a 0202 ! 00262403 r 0101 \ 00104051 a 0101 | with ambition; in an ambitious and energetic manner; "she pursued her goals ambitiously"
00262403 02 r 01 unambitiously 0 002 ! 00262206 r 0101 \ 00105023 a 0101 | in an unambitious manner; "he does his job, but he works unambitiously"
00262552 02 r 01 amicably 0 001 \ 01246579 a 0101 | in an amicable manner; "they separated amicably"
00262655 02 r 01 anonymously 0 001 \ 00120574 a 0101 | without giving a name; "she wrote these letters anonymously"
00262773 02 r 01 at_a_loss 0 000 | below cost; "sold the car at a loss"
00262847 02 r 01 afield 0 000 | off the subject; beyond the point at issue; "such digressions can lead us too far afield"
00262971 02 r 01 afield 1 000 | in or into a field (especially a field of battle); "the armies were afield, challenging the enemy's advance"; "unlawful to carry hunting rifles afield until the season opens"
00263180 02 r 02 afield 3 abroad 2 000 | far away from home or one's usual surroundings; "looking afield for new lands to conquer"- R.A.Hall
00263323 02 r 01 animatedly 0 001 \ 00118567 a 0101 | in an animated manner; "they talked animatedly"
00263427 02 r 03 offhand 0 offhanded 0 offhandedly 0 001 \ 00313217 a 0302 | in a casually inconsiderate manner; "replied offhand, his mind a million miles away"; "she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter"
00263657 02 r 03 offhand 1 offhanded 1 offhandedly 1 001 \ 01845451 a 0307 | without previous thought or preparation; "couldn't give the figures offhand"; "we decided offhand to go to Canada"; "she had made these remarks offhandedly"
00263893 02 r 01 casually 1 001 \ 01798484 a 0101 | not methodically or according to plan; "he dealt with his course work casually"
00264027 02 r 01 upstage 0 002 ;c 07006119 n 0000 ! 00264179 r 0101 | at or toward the rear of the stage; "the dancers were directed to move upstage"
00264179 02 r 01 downstage 0 002 ;c 07006119 n 0000 ! 00264027 r 0101 | at or toward the front of the stage; "the actors moved further and further downstage"
00264339 02 r 02 abjectly 0 resignedly 1 001 \ 01229435 a 0101 | in a hopeless resigned manner; "she shrugged her shoulders abjectly"
00264475 02 r 01 abortively 0 001 \ 01082714 a 0101 | in an unfruitful manner
00264555 02 r 02 abstemiously 0 temperately 2 002 \ 02401590 a 0201 \ 00009046 a 0101 | in a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"
00264759 02 r 01 abstrusely 0 001 \ 00899226 a 0101 | in a manner difficult to understand; "the professor's abstrusely reasoned theories were wasted on his students"
00264927 02 r 01 accelerando 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 02537841 a 0101 | with increasing speed; "here you must play accelerando"
00265059 02 r 01 adagio 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 00982881 a 0101 | slowly; "here you must play adagio"
00265166 02 r 01 administratively 0 001 \ 02904075 a 0101 | by or for an administrator; "this decision was made administratively"
00265298 02 r 02 adorably 0 endearingly 0 002 \ 01459755 a 0202 \ 01459755 a 0101 | in an adorable manner; "the toddler behaved adorably"
00265438 02 r 01 antagonistically 0 001 \ 01245138 a 0101 | in an antagonistic manner; "he behaves antagonistically toward his colleagues"
00265579 02 r 01 anteriorly 0 001 \ 00130778 a 0101 | in an anterior direction
00265660 02 r 01 apathetically 0 001 \ 01342949 a 0101 | in an apathetic manner; "she behaves apathetically these days"
00265782 02 r 01 ardently 0 001 \ 01726235 a 0101 | in an ardent manner; "the spirit of God knew very well that there was a deeper question to be settled before there could be the intervention in power that was so ardently desired"
00266016 02 r 01 arrogantly 0 001 \ 01889819 a 0101 | in an arrogant manner; "in the old days she had been harsh and stiff ; afraid of her husband and yet arrogantly proud that she had a husband strong and fierce enough to make her afraid"
00266258 02 r 01 ascetically 0 001 \ 00009618 a 0101 | in an ascetic manner; "she lived ascetically in a small house all by herself"
00266393 02 r 01 ashamedly 0 002 ! 00209518 r 0101 \ 00153898 a 0101 | with a feeling of shame
00266490 02 r 01 assertively 0 002 ! 00266647 r 0101 \ 00156101 a 0101 | in an assertive manner; "`I will take care of my own life,' she said assertively"
00266647 02 r 01 unassertively 0 002 ! 00266490 r 0101 \ 00156839 a 0101 | in an unassertive manner; "unassertively, she always follows her husband's suggestions"
00266812 02 r 01 assuredly 0 001 \ 00339157 a 0101 | without a doubt; "the grammar schools were assuredly not intended for the gentry alone"
00266955 02 r 01 audaciously 0 001 \ 00066146 a 0101 | in an audacious manner; "an idea so daring and yet so audaciously tempting that a shiver of excitement quivered through him"
00267137 02 r 01 avidly 0 001 \ 00888477 a 0101 | in an avid manner; "whatever the flavor or color of your local paper, do remember that these are read avidly for local information"
00267321 02 r 01 adjectively 0 001 \ 02936020 a 0101 | as an adjective; "nouns are frequently used adjectively"
00267435 02 r 01 adverbially 0 001 \ 02936235 a 0101 | as an adverb; "the prepositional phrase here is used adverbially"
00267558 02 r 01 adrift 0 001 \ 01910652 a 0101 | off course, wandering aimlessly; "there was a search for beauty that had somehow gone adrift"
00267704 02 r 01 adrift 1 001 \ 00077059 a 0101 | floating freely; not anchored; "the boat wasset adrift"
00267812 02 r 01 andante 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 00982954 a 0101 | at a moderately slow tempo; "this passage must be played andante"
00267950 02 r 01 amorously 0 001 \ 01465061 a 0102 | in an amorous manner; "he looked at her amorously"
00268056 02 r 01 angelically 0 001 \ 01130261 a 0101 | like an angel; "the child was sleeping angelically"
00268165 02 r 01 architecturally 0 001 \ 02897957 a 0101 | with regard to architecture; "this building is ugly, but architecturally interesting"
00268312 02 r 02 articulately 0 eloquently 1 002 ! 00268464 r 0101 \ 00150202 a 0101 | in an articulate manner; "he argued articulately for his plan"
00268464 02 r 01 inarticulately 0 002 ! 00268312 r 0101 \ 00151105 a 0101 | in an inarticulate manner; "he talked inarticulately about the accident that had just taken his wife's life"
00268651 02 r 01 attributively 0 002 ;c 06174404 n 0000 \ 00172562 a 0101 | in an attributive manner; "the genitive noun is used attributively"
00268797 02 r 01 audibly 0 002 ! 00268909 r 0101 \ 00173764 a 0101 | in an audible manner; "he spoke audibly"
00268909 02 r 01 inaudibly 0 002 ! 00268797 r 0101 \ 00174379 a 0101 | in an inaudible manner; "she spoke inaudibly low"
00269032 02 r 01 beastly 0 001 \ 01263445 a 0101 | in a beastly manner; "she behaved beastly toward her mother-in-law"
00269153 02 r 02 authentically 0 genuinely 1 002 \ 01115349 a 0201 \ 01115635 a 0101 | genuinely; with authority; "it is authentically British"
00269299 02 r 01 bloodlessly 0 002 ! 00269488 r 0101 \ 00249433 a 0101 | without bloodshed; in a bloodless manner; without shedding blood; "the coup disposed of the dictator bloodlessly"
00269488 02 r 01 bloodily 0 002 ! 00269299 r 0101 \ 00247439 a 0101 | involving a great bloodshed
00269588 02 r 02 bombastically 0 grandiosely 0 001 \ 01285713 a 0201 | in a grandiose manner; "the building was bombastically spacious"
00269726 02 r 02 turgidly 0 bombastically 1 002 \ 02016881 a 0201 \ 02016881 a 0106 | in a turgid manner; "he lectured bombastically about his theories"
00269881 02 r 02 boyishly 0 boylike 0 002 \ 01648313 a 0202 \ 01648313 a 0101 | like a boy; "he smiled boyishly at his fiancee"
00270011 02 r 01 aground 0 000 | with the bottom lodged on the ground; "he ran the ship aground"
00270110 02 r 01 akimbo 0 000 | with hands on hips and elbows extending outward; "she stood there akimbo"
00270218 02 r 01 alee 0 000 | on or toward the lee; "put the helm alee"
00270292 02 r 01 alertly 0 001 \ 00190653 a 0101 | in mentally perceptive and responsive way; "she got through the day alertly, despite being on drugs"
00270446 02 r 03 alias 0 a.k.a. 0 also_known_as 0 000 | as known or named at another time or place; "Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette"
00270581 02 r 01 allegretto 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 00982170 a 0101 | in a moderately quick tempo; "play this more allegretto"
00270713 02 r 01 allegro 0 002 ;c 07020895 n 0000 \ 00982065 a 0101 | in a quick and lively tempo; "play this section allegro"
00270842 02 r 01 alliteratively 0 001 \ 01965849 a 0101 | in an alliterative manner; "the early Norse poets wrote alliteratively"
00270974 02 r 02 altruistically 0 selflessly 0 002 \ 00101609 a 0202 \ 00101609 a 0101 | in an altruistic manner; "he acted selflessly when he helped the old lady in distress"
00271152 02 r 01 anomalously 0 001 \ 01596455 a 0101 | in an anomalous manner; "this man behaves anomalously"
00271264 02 r 02 appreciatively 0 gratefully 1 004 ! 00271470 r 0201 \ 01146493 a 0201 \ 01146732 a 0101 ! 00271470 r 0102 | with appreciation; in a grateful manner; "he accepted my offer appreciatively"
00271470 02 r 02 ungratefully 0 unappreciatively 0 004 \ 01147300 a 0201 \ 01147044 a 0101 ! 00271264 r 0102 ! 00271264 r 0201 | in an ungrateful manner
00271625 02 r 01 arithmetically 0 001 \ 03044869 a 0102 | with respect to arithmetic; "this problem is arithmetically easy"
00271751 02 r 01 askance 0 000 | with a side or oblique glance; "did not quite turn all the way back but looked askance at me with her dark eyes"
00271899 02 r 01 askance 2 000 | with suspicion or disapproval; "he looked askance at the offer"
00271998 02 r 02 awry 0 amiss 0 000 | away from the correct or expected course; "something has gone awry in our plans"; "something went badly amiss in the preparations"
00272169 02 r 03 askew 1 awry 1 skew-whiff 0 000 | turned or twisted to one side; "rugs lying askew"; "with his necktie twisted awry"
00272305 02 r 01 assiduously 0 001 \ 00754393 a 0101 | with care and persistence; "she worked assiduously on the senior thesis"
00272435 02 r 01 perseveringly 0 001 \ 01736122 a 0102 | with perseverance
00272512 02 r 01 persistently 0 001 \ 00593071 a 0101 | with persistence
00272587 02 r 05 astutely 0 shrewdly 0 sagaciously 0 sapiently 0 acutely 3 005 \ 00438909 a 0502 \ 02569558 a 0403 \ 02569558 a 0302 \ 00438909 a 0203 \ 00438909 a 0101 | in a shrewd manner; "he invested his fortune astutely"; "he was acutely insightful"
00272844 02 r 03 across 0 crosswise 0 crossways 0 000 | transversely; "the marble slabs were cut across"
00272951 02 r 01 across 1 000 | to the opposite side; "the football field was 300 feet across"
00273048 02 r 01 amain 0 000 | with all your strength; "he pulled the ropes amain"
00273133 02 r 01 amain 1 000 | at full speed; with great haste; "the children ran down the hill amain"
00273238 02 r 01 amidship 1 000 | at or near or toward the middle
00273306 02 r 03 amok 0 amuck 0 murderously 0 003 \ 00248837 a 0302 \ 02074673 a 0201 \ 02074673 a 0102 | in a murderous frenzy; "rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones"
00273504 02 r 02 amok 1 amuck 1 000 | wildly; without self-control; "when the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck, blocking the exit"
00273649 02 r 01 antithetically 0 001 \ 02065404 a 0101 | with antithesis; in an antithetical manner
00273752 02 r 04 seasonably 0 timely 0 well-timed 0 apropos 0 001 \ 01661529 a 0102 | at an opportune time; "your letter arrived apropos"
00273892 02 r 01 seasonably 1 002 \ 01494586 a 0101 ! 00274022 r 0101 | in accordance with the season; "it was seasonably cold"
00274022 02 r 01 unseasonably 0 002 \ 01494740 a 0101 ! 00273892 r 0101 | not in accordance with the season; "it was unseasonably cold"
00274160 02 r 01 archly 0 001 \ 02122715 a 0101 | in_an_arch_manner; with playful slyness or roguishness
00274268 02 r 01 arduously 0 001 \ 00836544 a 0101 | in an arduous manner; "they worked arduously"
00274369 02 r 02 artlessly 0 ingenuously 0 002 \ 01309991 a 0201 \ 01309991 a 0102 | in an ingenuous manner; "she answered the judge's questions artlessly"
00274527 02 r 03 artlessly 1 crudely 1 inexpertly 0 003 \ 01870636 a 0303 \ 02229584 a 0201 \ 02228901 a 0101 | in a crude and unskilled manner; "an inexpertly constructed lean-to"
00274710 02 r 03 obliquely 0 aslant 0 athwart 0 001 \ 01718867 a 0101 | at an oblique angle; "the sun shone aslant into his face"
00274842 02 r 01 blissfully 0 001 \ 01148897 a 0101 | in a blissful manner; "he was blissfully unaware of the danger"
00274962 02 r 01 aslant 1 000 | over or across in a slanting direction
00275035 02 r 01 asleep 0 001 \ 00187736 a 0101 | into a sleeping state; "he fell asleep"
00275127 02 r 01 asleep 1 001 \ 00095873 a 0101 | in the sleep of death
00275201 02 r 01 astern 0 002 ;c 04194289 n 0000 ;c 02691156 n 0000 | (of a ship or an airplane) behind; "we dropped her astern on the end of a seven-inch manilla, and she laid comfortably on the ebb tide"
00275409 02 r 03 aft 0 abaft 0 astern 1 001 ! 00275694 r 0101 | at or near or toward the stern of a ship or tail of an airplane; "stow the luggage aft"; "ships with square sails sail fairly efficiently with the wind abaft"; "the captain looked astern to see what the fuss was about"
00275694 02 r 02 fore 0 forward 4 001 ! 00275409 r 0101 | near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments"
00275872 02 r 01 astern 2 000 | stern foremost or backward; "the steamer went astern at half speed"
00275974 02 r 02 astride 0 astraddle 0 000 | with one leg on each side; "she sat astride the chair"
00276076 02 r 01 astride 1 000 | with the legs stretched far apart
00276145 02 r 01 athwart 1 000 | at right angles to the center line of a ship
00276225 02 r 01 atop 0 000 | on, to, or at the top
00276279 02 r 01 austerely 0 001 \ 01792387 a 0101 | in an austere fashion; "the church was austerely simple"
00276391 02 r 03 avariciously 0 covetously 0 greedily 0 003 \ 00029933 a 0305 \ 00029933 a 0202 \ 00029933 a 0101 | in a greedy manner
00276528 02 r 02 avowedly 0 professedly 1 002 \ 00688074 a 0202 \ 00688074 a 0101 | by open declaration; "their policy has been avowedly Marxist"; "Susan Smith was professedly guilty of the murders"
00276729 02 r 01 backstage 0 000 | in or to a backstage area of a theater; "costumes were changed backstage"
00276840 02 r 01 backstage 1 001 \ 01860328 a 0102 | out of view of the public; behind the scenes; "Working backstage to gain political support for his proposal"; "many private deals were made backstage at the convention"
00277064 02 r 01 privily 0 001 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | confidentially or in secret; "told her friend privily that she was planning to be married"
00277209 02 r 01 baldly 0 001 \ 01705088 a 0101 | in a bald manner; "this book is, to put it baldly, an uneven work."
00277329 02 r 01 balefully 0 001 \ 00194357 a 0101 | in a baleful manner; "she looked at him balefully"
00277435 02 r 02 banefully 0 perniciously 0 002 \ 01611329 a 0203 \ 01611329 a 0101 | in a noxiously baneful way; "this banefully poisoned climate"
00277585 02 r 05 bang 0 slap 0 slapdash 1 smack 0 bolt 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | directly; "he ran bang into the pole"; "ran slap into her"
00277728 02 r 02 banteringly 0 tongue-in-cheek 2 001 \ 01264913 a 0101 | in a bantering fashion; "he spoke to her banteringly"
00277857 02 r 01 barbarously 0 001 \ 01263013 a 0101 | in a barbarous manner; "they were barbarously murdered"
00277970 02 r 02 bareback 0 barebacked 0 000 | without a saddle; "she prefers to ride her horse bareback"
00278078 02 r 02 barefooted 0 barefoot 0 000 | without shoes on; "he chased her barefoot across the meadow"
00278188 02 r 01 bawdily 0 001 \ 00424787 a 0101 | in a bawdy manner
00278259 02 r 01 becomingly 0 001 \ 00907972 a 0101 | in a becoming manner; "she was becomingly dressed"
00278366 02 r 01 beneficially 0 001 \ 00064787 a 0101 | in a beneficial manner; "this medicine will act beneficially on you"
00278493 02 r 02 benignly 0 benignantly 0 002 \ 00226618 a 0202 \ 00226618 a 0101 | in a benign manner; "this drug is benignly soporific"
00278633 02 r 05 beseechingly 0 importunately 0 imploringly 0 pleadingly 0 entreatingly 0 002 \ 00714320 a 0201 \ 00713995 a 0101 | in a beseeching manner; "`You must help me,' she said imploringly"
00278834 02 r 04 bewitchingly 0 captivatingly 0 enchantingly 0 enthrallingly 0 004 \ 00166753 a 0404 \ 00166753 a 0303 \ 00166753 a 0202 \ 00166753 a 0101 | in a bewitching manner; "she was bewitchingly beautiful"
00279050 02 r 02 biennially 0 biyearly 0 001 \ 01969477 a 0101 | every two years; "this festival takes places biennially"
00279174 02 r 01 biannually 0 001 \ 01969348 a 0102 | twice a year; "we hold our big sale biannually"
00279278 02 r 01 blankly 0 001 \ 00500889 a 0101 | without expression; in a blank manner; "she stared at him blankly"
00279398 02 r 01 blasphemously 0 001 \ 00425002 a 0101 | in a blasphemous manner; "the sailors were cursing blasphemously"
00279523 02 r 05 bluffly 0 bluntly 0 brusquely 0 flat_out 0 roundly 1 003 \ 00640660 a 0301 \ 00764484 a 0201 \ 00764301 a 0101 | in a blunt direct manner; "he spoke bluntly"; "he stated his opinion flat-out"; "he was criticized roundly"
00279763 02 r 01 boorishly 0 001 \ 01949859 a 0101 | like a boor, "he behaved boorishly at the party"
00279867 02 r 04 bountifully 0 bounteously 0 plentifully 0 plenteously 0 004 \ 00014490 a 0403 \ 01080900 a 0302 \ 01111418 a 0203 \ 01080900 a 0101 | in a bountiful manner
00280042 02 r 03 breadthwise 0 breadthways 0 broadwise 0 000 | in the direction of the breadth; "cut the cloth breadthwise"
00280168 02 r 01 breezily 0 001 \ 00805566 a 0101 | in a breezy manner; "he swings breezily into the title song"
00280283 02 r 01 briskly 0 001 \ 00874226 a 0102 | in a brisk manner; "she walked briskly in the cold air"; "`after lunch,' she said briskly"
00280427 02 r 03 bestially 0 brutishly 0 in_a_beastly_manner 0 002 \ 01263445 a 0204 \ 01263445 a 0102 | in an inhumane manner; "she treated her husband bestially"
00280593 02 r 01 bumptiously 0 001 \ 00205033 a 0101 | in a bumptious manner; "he behaved rather bumptiously and offended the hostess"
00280730 02 r 02 buoyantly 0 chirpily 0 002 \ 00363621 a 0201 \ 00363621 a 0101 | in a cheerfully buoyant manner; "we accepted the opportunity buoyantly"
00280886 02 r 01 on_air 0 000 | very happily; "we were floating on air at the news"
00280972 02 r 01 bureaucratically 0 001 \ 03051619 a 0101 | with respect to bureaucracy; "it's bureaucratically complicated"
00281099 02 r 01 bureaucratically 1 001 \ 03051619 a 0101 | in a bureaucratic manner; "his bureaucratically petty behavior annoyed her"
00281237 02 r 02 cagily 0 circumspectly 0 002 \ 01898490 a 0201 \ 00325619 a 0102 | in a cagey manner; "`I don't know yet,' he answered cagily"
00281383 02 r 01 cantankerously 0 001 \ 01135673 a 0101 | in a bad mood; "he answered her cantankerously"
00281491 02 r 01 capriciously 0 001 \ 00719442 a 0101 | in a capricious manner; "there were Turk's head lilies and patches of iris , islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea"
00281687 02 r 02 capriciously 1 freakishly 0 002 \ 01842304 a 0202 \ 01842304 a 0101 | unpredictably; "the weather has been freakishly variable"
00281834 02 r 01 captiously 0 001 \ 00647867 a 0101 | in a captious, carping manner; "he was captiously pedantic"
00281950 02 r 02 caustically 0 vitriolically 0 002 \ 01802165 a 020b \ 01802165 a 0107 | in a caustic vitriolic manner; "he addressed her caustically"
00282103 02 r 02 cautiously 0 carefully 2 004 ! 00282444 r 0202 \ 00309021 a 0201 ! 00282444 r 0101 \ 00325281 a 0101 | as if with kid gloves; with caution or prudence or tact; "she ventured cautiously downstairs"; "they handled the incident with kid gloves"
00282364 02 r 01 charily 0 001 \ 00325619 a 0103 | with great caution; warily
00282444 02 r 02 incautiously 0 carelessly 0 004 ! 00282103 r 0202 \ 00311663 a 0201 ! 00282103 r 0101 \ 00326436 a 0101 | without caution or prudence; "one unfortunately sees historic features carelessly lost when estates fall into unsympathetic hands"
00282700 02 r 02 disdainfully 2 cavalierly 0 002 \ 00788145 a 0201 \ 01891109 a 0101 | in a proud and domineering manner; "he treated his staff cavalierly"
00282858 02 r 06 endlessly 1 ceaselessly 0 incessantly 2 unceasingly 0 unendingly 0 continuously 1 006 \ 00594413 a 0601 \ 01755024 a 0507 \ 00595299 a 0406 \ 00595299 a 0303 \ 00595299 a 0201 \ 01007947 a 0102 | with unflagging resolve; "dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste"
00283235 02 r 02 interminably 0 endlessly 2 002 \ 01439784 a 0201 \ 01439784 a 0103 | all the time; seemingly without stopping; "a theological student with whom I argued interminably"; "her nagging went on endlessly"
00283454 02 r 01 centennially 0 001 \ 02998988 a 0101 | every hundred years; once in a century; "the birthday of this city is being celebrated centennially"
00283613 02 r 01 chaotically 0 001 \ 01669507 a 0101 | in a manner suggestive of chaos; "the room was chaotically disorganized"
00283743 02 r 01 chaotically 1 001 \ 02390569 a 0101 | in a wild and confused manner; "the drugged man was talking chaotically"
00283873 02 r 02 chastely 0 virtuously 0 002 \ 00361125 a 0205 \ 00360650 a 0101 | in a chaste and virtuous manner; "she lived chastely"
00284012 02 r 02 chattily 0 volubly 0 002 \ 02383831 a 0201 \ 02384077 a 0101 | in a chatty manner; "`when I was a girl,' she said chattily, `I used to ride a bicycle'"
00284183 02 r 02 cheaply 0 inexpensively 0 001 \ 00934199 a 0101 | with little expenditure of money; "I bought this car very cheaply"
00284319 02 r 03 cheekily 0 nervily 0 brashly 0 003 \ 00204779 a 0301 \ 00204779 a 0203 \ 00204779 a 0102 | in a brash cheeky manner; "brashly, she asked for a rebate"
00284489 02 r 02 gallantly 0 chivalrously 0 003 ! 00484570 r 0201 \ 00640106 a 0201 \ 00640106 a 0102 | in a gallant manner; "he gallantly offered to take her home"
00284656 02 r 02 churlishly 0 surlily 0 002 \ 01139067 a 0201 \ 01142595 a 0101 | in a churlish manner; "the store owner treated his customers churlishly"
00284813 02 r 01 circularly 0 001 \ 00676271 a 0101 | in a circular manner
00284890 02 r 02 clannishly 0 cliquishly 0 002 \ 01858740 a 0202 \ 01858740 a 0101 | in a clannish manner; "these four friends always act clannishly, and don't let us participate in their activities"
00285092 02 r 03 fairly 3 fair 1 clean 0 002 ! 00285266 r 0101 \ 00956131 a 0101 | in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating; "they played fairly"
00285266 02 r 02 unfairly 0 below_the_belt 0 002 ! 00285092 r 0101 \ 00957176 a 0101 | in an unfair manner; "they dealt with him unfairly"; "their accusations hit below the belt"
00285447 02 r 01 cleanly 1 000 | without difficulty or distortion; "she played the piano accompaniment cleanly"
00285561 02 r 01 cleanly 2 001 \ 00417413 a 0101 | in a manner that minimizes dirt and pollution; "the motor burns cleanly"
00285687 02 r 02 clearly 3 clear 1 001 \ 00780011 a 0101 | in an easily perceptible manner; "could be seen clearly under the microscope"; "She cried loud and clear"
00285854 02 r 02 clear 3 all_the_way 3 000 | completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon"
00286026 02 r 01 climatically 0 001 \ 03055374 a 0101 | with respect to climate; "they were used to a climatically different environment"
00286166 02 r 01 coastwise 0 000 | by way of, or along the coast; "we were travelling coastwise"
00286265 02 r 02 coaxingly 0 cajolingly 0 000 | in a cajoling manner; "`Come here,' she said coaxingly"
00286371 02 r 01 coherently 0 002 ! 00286518 r 0101 \ 01925708 a 0101 | in a coherent manner; "she could not talk coherently after the accident"
00286518 02 r 01 incoherently 0 002 ! 00286371 r 0101 \ 00464962 a 0101 | in an incoherent manner; "he talked incoherently when he drank too much"
00286667 02 r 03 colloquially 0 conversationally 0 informally 2 003 \ 01045711 a 0301 \ 01045963 a 0202 \ 01045963 a 0101 | with the use of colloquial expressions; "this building is colloquially referred to as The Barn"
00286889 02 r 02 collectedly 0 composedly 0 002 \ 00529266 a 0201 \ 00530354 a 0101 | in a self-collected or self-possessed manner; "he announced the death of his father collectedly"
00287074 02 r 01 colloidally 0 001 \ 02903946 a 0101 | in a colloidal manner; "particles were colloidally dispersed in the medium"
00287207 02 r 02 combatively 0 scrappily 0 002 \ 00084661 a 0201 \ 00082766 a 0103 | in a bellicose contentious manner; "`Don't trespass onto my property,' the neighbor shouted combatively"
00287399 02 r 02 comfortingly 0 consolingly 0 002 \ 00197319 a 0203 \ 00197319 a 0101 | in a comforting or consoling manner; "one part of a strange world should be given a comfortingly familiar form"
00287601 02 r 01 compactly 0 001 \ 00502180 a 0101 | taking up no more space than necessary; "liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank"
00287749 02 r 01 compatibly 0 002 ! 00287842 r 0101 \ 00507464 a 0101 | with compatibility
00287842 02 r 01 incompatibly 0 002 ! 00287749 r 0101 \ 00508192 a 0101 | without compatibility
00287940 02 r 01 complacently 0 001 \ 00589067 a 0101 | in a self-satisfied manner; "he complacently lived out his life as a village school teacher"
00288091 02 r 01 uncomplainingly 0 002 ! 00288307 r 0101 \ 00514278 a 0101 | without complaining; "an equally gallant little wife and mother uncomplainingly keeping up the production of tasty and nourishing meals"
00288307 02 r 01 complainingly 0 002 ! 00288091 r 0101 \ 00513799 a 0101 | with complaints; "she did her work, but she did so complainingly"
00288450 02 r 01 comprehensively 0 002 ! 00288556 r 0101 \ 00525453 a 0101 | in an all-inclusive manner
00288556 02 r 01 noncomprehensively 0 002 ! 00288450 r 0101 \ 00529075 a 0101 | in a limited way
00288655 02 r 03 compulsorily 0 obligatorily 0 mandatorily 0 003 \ 00848466 a 0302 \ 00848074 a 0201 \ 00848466 a 0101 | in a manner that cannot be evaded; "the ministry considers that contributions to such a fund should be met from voluntary donations rather than from rates compulsorily levied."
00288955 02 r 01 computationally 0 001 \ 02907473 a 0101 | with regard to computation; "computationally, this is a tricky problem"
00289088 02 r 01 brotherly 0 002 ;u 07073447 n 0000 \ 00291471 a 0101 | (archaic as adverb) in a brotherly manner
00289204 02 r 01 pro 0 001 ! 00289294 r 0101 | in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.
00289294 02 r 01 con 0 001 ! 00289204 r 0101 | in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.; "much was written pro and con"
00289421 02 r 02 conceitedly 0 self-conceitedly 0 002 \ 01891773 a 0204 \ 01891773 a 0101 | with conceit; in a conceited manner; "he always acts so conceitedly!"
00289586 02 r 01 conceptually 0 001 \ 00012362 a 0101 | in a conceptual manner; "he can no longer think conceptually"; "conceptually, the idea is quite simple"
00289748 02 r 01 concernedly 0 000 | in a manner showing concern; "`Are you all right,' he asked concernedly"
00289860 02 r 05 concisely 0 briefly 3 shortly 4 in_brief 1 in_short 1 002 \ 00547166 a 0201 \ 00546646 a 0101 | in a concise manner; in a few words; "the history is summed up concisely in this book"; "she replied briefly"; "briefly, we have a problem"; "to put it shortly"
00290136 02 r 01 in_a_nutshell 0 000 | summed up briefly; "gave the facts in a nutshell"; "just tell me the story in a nutshell"; "explained the situation in a nutshell"
00290308 02 r 02 succinctly 1 compactly 1 002 \ 00547317 a 0202 \ 00547317 a 0103 | with concise and precise brevity; to the point; "Please state your case as succinctly as possible"; "he wrote compactly but clearly"
00290527 02 r 01 conically 0 001 \ 02844728 a 0102 | in a conical manner; "conically shaped"
00290622 02 r 01 cynically 0 001 \ 02463582 a 0101 | with cynicism; in a cynical manner; "Larsen's frost-blackened lips curved cynically"
00290762 02 r 01 cytophotometrically 0 001 \ 02708649 a 0101 | by cytophotometric means
00290852 02 r 01 cytoplasmically 0 001 \ 02708776 a 0101 | by means of cytoplasm
00290935 02 r 02 cursorily 0 quickly 3 002 \ 01270486 a 0202 \ 00312234 a 0102 | without taking pains; "he looked cursorily through the magazine"
00291083 02 r 01 cumulatively 0 001 \ 00048460 a 0102 | in a cumulative manner; "mind has become self-reproducing through man's capacity to transmit experience and its products cumulatively"
00291276 02 r 01 cum_laude 0 001 \ 02586089 a 0101 | with honor; "he graduated cum laude"
00291368 02 r 01 magna_cum_laude 0 001 \ 02586608 a 0101 | with high honor; "he graduated magna cum laude"
00291477 02 r 01 summa_cum_laude 0 001 \ 02587407 a 0101 | with highest honor; "he graduated summa cum laude"
00291589 02 r 01 criminally 0 001 \ 01322323 a 0101 | in violation of the law; in a criminal manner; "the alterations in the document were ruled to be criminally fraudulent"
00291765 02 r 02 criminally 1 reprehensively 0 002 \ 02035765 a 0204 \ 02035765 a 0102 | in a shameful manner; "the garden was criminally neglected"
00291916 02 r 01 coyly 0 001 \ 01538118 a 0101 | in a coy manner; "she pouted and looked at him coyly"
00292021 02 r 01 cross-legged 0 000 | with the legs crossed; "he sat on the floor cross-legged and meditated"
00292133 02 r 03 condescendingly 0 patronizingly 0 patronisingly 0 003 \ 02338917 a 0304 \ 02338917 a 0203 \ 02338917 a 0102 | with condescension; in a patronizing manner; "he treats his secretary condescendingly"
00292349 02 r 02 consecutive 0 sequentially 0 002 \ 01667729 a 0203 \ 01667729 a 0101 | in a consecutive manner; "we numbered the papers consecutively"
00292503 02 r 03 conservatively 0 cautiously 2 guardedly 0 001 \ 00326202 a 0301 | in a conservative manner; "we estimated the number of demonstrators conservatively at 200,000."
00292684 02 r 01 conditionally 0 001 ! 00292805 r 0101 | subject to a condition; "he accepted the offer conditionally"
00292805 02 r 01 unconditionally 2 001 ! 00292684 r 0101 | not subject to a condition; "he accepted the offer unconditionally"
00292934 02 r 01 crucially 0 001 \ 00655779 a 0101 | to a crucial degree; "crucially important"; "crucially, he must meet us at the airport"
00293077 02 r 01 crosswise 1 000 | not in the intended manner; "things are going crosswise"
00293171 02 r 01 crisscross 0 000 | crossing one another in opposite directions
00293253 02 r 01 counter 0 000 | in the opposite direction; "run counter"
00293329 02 r 01 counteractively 0 001 \ 00042837 a 0101 | in a counteractive manner
00293416 02 r 01 cross-country 0 000 | across the countryside; "the river runs cross-country"; "the road runs cross-country"
00293543 02 r 01 cross-country 1 000 | not following tracks or roads; "they liked to race cross-country"
00293650 02 r 03 crossly 0 grouchily 0 grumpily 0 003 \ 01136248 a 0306 \ 01136248 a 0205 \ 01136248 a 0103 | in an ill-natured manner; "she looked at her husband crossly"
00293824 02 r 01 crosstown 0 001 \ 00652893 a 0101 | across a town or city; "he traveled crosstown"
00293926 02 r 07 craftily 0 cunningly 0 foxily 0 knavishly 0 slyly 0 trickily 0 artfully 2 007 \ 00147734 a 0701 \ 00148078 a 060a \ 00148078 a 0508 \ 00148078 a 0406 \ 00148078 a 0304 \ 00148078 a 0202 \ 00148078 a 0101 | in an artful manner; "he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?"
00294289 02 r 01 confusedly 0 001 \ 00465221 a 0101 | in a confused manner; "Queen Augusta wrote him an hysterical letter in which she confusedly sympathised with him"
00294459 02 r 02 consequently 1 therefore 1 001 \ 00122844 a 0102 | as a consequence; "he had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which consequently led to the good position he now held"
00294702 02 r 01 consequentially 0 001 ! 00294782 r 0101 | having consequence
00294782 02 r 02 inconsequentially 0 inconsequently 0 002 \ 01280349 a 0201 ! 00294702 r 0101 | lacking consequence; "`You're so beautifully dressed,' she said and added quite inconsequentially, `Can you stay the night?'"
00295006 02 r 01 constructively 0 001 \ 00584820 a 0101 | in a constructive manner; "it is my task to look critically and constructively at the flaws and the failures"
00295176 02 r 01 contemporaneously 0 001 \ 02378191 a 0103 | during the same period of time; "contemporaneously, or possibly a little later, there developed a great Sumerian civilisation"
00295366 02 r 01 contrastingly 0 001 \ 02066142 a 0101 | in a contrasting manner; "contrastingly, both the rooms leading off it gave an immediate impression of being disgraced"
00295545 02 r 03 coolly 0 nervelessly 0 nonchalantly 1 003 \ 00545746 a 0303 \ 00530772 a 0203 \ 00530772 a 0101 | in a composed and unconcerned manner; "without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher"
00295825 02 r 04 incredibly 0 improbably 0 implausibly 0 unbelievably 3 006 ! 00244641 r 0401 \ 00645493 a 0402 \ 01799957 a 0301 \ 00646117 a 0201 \ 00645493 a 0101 ! 00296131 r 0101 | not easy to believe; "behind you the coastal hills plunge to the incredibly blue sea backed by the Turkish mountains"
00296131 02 r 04 credibly 0 believably 3 plausibly 0 probably 1 005 \ 01413247 a 0401 \ 01799457 a 0301 \ 00644839 a 0202 \ 00644839 a 0101 ! 00295825 r 0101 | easy to believe on the basis of available evidence; "he talked plausibly before the committee"; "he will probably win the election"
00296425 02 r 03 incredulously 0 unbelievingly 0 disbelievingly 0 005 \ 00647247 a 0301 ! 00296658 r 0202 \ 00647247 a 0204 ! 00296658 r 0101 \ 00647070 a 0101 | in an incredulous manner; "the woman looked up at her incredulously"
00296658 02 r 02 credulously 0 believingly 0 003 ! 00296425 r 0202 ! 00296425 r 0101 \ 00646413 a 0101 | in a credulous manner; "the children followed the teacher credulously"
00296836 02 r 03 cryptically 0 enigmatically 0 mysteriously 1 003 \ 00939444 a 0305 \ 00534524 a 0201 \ 00939444 a 0101 | in a cryptic manner; "we will meet again," he said cryptically
00297023 02 r 01 cryptographically 0 001 \ 02706691 a 0102 | in a cryptographic manner
00297112 02 r 02 cunningly 1 cutely 0 002 \ 00167278 a 0202 \ 00167278 a 0101 | in an attractive manner; "how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure"
00297319 02 r 03 curtly 0 short 0 shortly 2 002 \ 00640660 a 0304 \ 00640660 a 0103 | in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"
00297563 02 r 03 damned 0 damnably 0 cursedly 0 002 \ 00669478 a 0301 \ 00670635 a 0201 | in a damnable manner; "kindly Arthur--so damnably , politely , endlessly persistent!"
00297741 02 r 02 damply 0 moistly 0 002 \ 02548820 a 0203 \ 02548820 a 0101 | in a damp manner; "a scarf was tied round her head but the rebellious curl had escaped and hung damply over her left eye"
00297943 02 r 01 dauntingly 0 001 \ 00867520 a 0101 | to a degree or in a manner that daunts; "dauntingly difficult"
00298062 02 r 02 dazedly 0 torpidly 0 002 \ 00034322 a 0204 \ 00875962 a 0101 | in a daze; in a dazed manner; "he wondered dazedly whether the term after next at his new school wouldn't matter so much"
00298266 02 r 01 decisively 2 001 \ 00701178 a 0101 | in an indisputable degree; "the Fisher Act of 1918 decisively raised their status and pay"
00298413 02 r 01 decisively 0 002 ! 00298560 r 0101 \ 00684480 a 0101 | with finality; conclusively; "the voted settled the argument decisively"
00298560 02 r 01 indecisively 0 002 ! 00298413 r 0101 \ 00685483 a 0101 | without finality; inconclusively; "the battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat"
00298765 02 r 02 decisively 1 resolutely 1 002 ! 00298910 r 0101 \ 00685638 a 0101 | with firmness; "`I will come along,' she said decisively"
00298910 02 r 01 indecisively 1 002 ! 00298765 r 0101 \ 00686081 a 0101 | lacking firmness or resoluteness; "`I don't know,' he said indecisively"
00299059 02 r 01 deftly 0 001 \ 00062367 a 0101 | in a deft manner; "Lois deftly removed her scarf"
00299161 02 r 02 dejectedly 0 in_low_spirits 0 001 \ 00703109 a 0101 | in a dejected manner; "when she came back Sophie and Esther were sitting dejectedly in the kitchen"
00299334 02 r 01 delightedly 0 001 \ 01805730 a 0101 | with delight; "delightedly, she accepted the invitation"
00299448 02 r 01 delightfully 0 001 \ 01807964 a 0101 | in a delightful manner; "the farm house, though in itself a small one, is delightfully situated"
00299603 02 r 01 demurely 0 001 \ 01538118 a 0102 | in a demure manner; "the army girl, tall and demurely pretty, threw a quick side-glance at her"
00299753 02 r 02 densely 0 thickly 1 002 ! 00477060 r 0201 \ 00539009 a 0201 | in a concentrated manner; "old houses are often so densely packed that perhaps three or four have to be demolished for every new one built"; "a thickly populated area"
00300002 02 r 01 compactly 2 001 \ 00502180 a 0101 | in a compact manner or state; "The children were packed compactly into the car"
00300137 02 r 01 tightly 2 001 \ 01447302 a 0101 | in a tight or constricted manner; "a tightly packed pub"
00300247 02 r 06 possibly 0 perchance 1 perhaps 0 maybe 0 mayhap 0 peradventure 0 000 | by chance; "perhaps she will call tomorrow"; "we may possibly run into them at the concert"; "it may peradventure be thought that there never was such a time"
00300496 02 r 01 possibly 1 002 ! 00300682 r 0101 \ 01821266 a 0101 | to a degree possible of achievement or by possible means; "they can't possibly get here in time for the funeral?"
00300682 02 r 01 impossibly 1 002 ! 00300496 r 0101 \ 01823092 a 0101 | to a degree impossible of achievement; "long thought to be an impossibly difficult operation"; "impossibly far from sources of supply"
00300891 02 r 01 potentially 0 001 \ 00044353 a 0101 | with a possibility of becoming actual; "he is potentially dangerous"; "potentially useful"
00301039 02 r 01 absurdly 0 001 \ 01431112 a 0101 | in an absurd manner or to an absurd degree; "an absurdly rich young woman"
00301168 02 r 04 derisively 0 scoffingly 0 derisorily 0 mockingly 0 002 \ 01995596 a 0404 \ 01995596 a 0101 | in a disrespectful and mocking manner; "`Sorry,' she repeated derisively"
00301354 02 r 01 descriptively 0 001 \ 00732682 a 0101 | by giving a description; "these topics need to be treated not just descriptively"
00301495 02 r 01 deservedly 0 001 ! 00301654 r 0101 | as deserved; "he chalked up two goals which deservedly gave Bolton their second victory of the season"
00301654 02 r 01 undeservedly 0 002 ! 00301495 r 0101 \ 01371646 a 0101 | in an unmerited manner; "the team chalked up another victory, the last one quite undeservedly, in my opinion"
00301840 02 r 02 despairingly 0 despondently 0 002 \ 01230153 a 0201 \ 01229826 a 0101 | with desperation; "`Why can't you understand?,' she asked despairingly"
00302003 02 r 01 developmentally 0 001 \ 02945820 a 0101 | with respect to development; "developmentally retarded"
00302120 02 r 02 devilishly 0 devilish 0 001 \ 01133374 a 0101 | in a playfully devilish manner; "the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever"
00302340 02 r 01 congenially 0 001 \ 00560586 a 0101 | in a congenial manner; "`Let's all have a drink together,' he said congenially"
00302477 02 r 02 contagiously 0 infectiously 0 002 \ 01302811 a 0201 \ 01303298 a 0101 | in a contagious manner; "she was contagiously bubbly"
00302622 02 r 02 controversially 0 polemically 0 003 \ 00602563 a 0201 ! 00302791 r 0101 \ 00601783 a 0101 | involving controversy; "criticism too polemically stated"
00302791 02 r 01 uncontroversially 0 002 ! 00302622 r 0101 \ 00602721 a 0101 | not involving any controversy
00302902 02 r 01 convivially 0 001 \ 02258002 a 0101 | in a convivial manner; "`Let's go and have a drink,' she said convivially"
00303034 02 r 02 coquettishly 0 flirtatiously 0 002 \ 02131958 a 0202 \ 02131958 a 0101 | in a flirtatious manner; "she smiled coquettishly"
00303177 02 r 03 enviously 0 covetously 1 jealously 1 003 \ 00888765 a 0303 \ 00888765 a 0201 \ 00888765 a 0102 | with jealousy; in an envious manner; "he looked at his friend's new car jealously"
00303376 02 r 03 creakily 0 creakingly 0 screakily 0 002 \ 01921335 a 0302 \ 01921335 a 0101 | in a creaky manner; "the old boat was moving along creakily"
00303534 02 r 01 crushingly 0 001 \ 00587697 a 0101 | in a crushing manner; "the team was crushingly defeated"
00303647 02 r 02 reprehensibly 0 culpably 0 002 \ 01321529 a 0206 \ 02035765 a 0104 | in a manner or to a degree deserving blame or censure
00303789 02 r 02 currishly 1 ignobly 0 002 \ 01589217 a 0201 \ 01590044 a 0101 | in a currish manner; meanspiritedly; "he behaved ignobly"
00303930 02 r 05 daftly 0 dottily 0 balmily 0 nuttily 0 wackily 0 005 \ 02074929 a 0516 \ 02074929 a 0413 \ 02074929 a 0301 \ 02074929 a 020a \ 02074929 a 0109 | in a mildly insane manner; "the old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily"
00304173 02 r 01 daintily 0 001 \ 01948092 a 0101 | in a refined manner; "she nibbled daintily at her cake"
00304283 02 r 01 daintily 1 001 \ 00706311 a 0101 | in a delicate manner; "the invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold"
00304425 02 r 01 daringly 0 001 \ 00066146 a 0102 | in an adventurous manner; "daringly, he set out on a camping trip in East Africa"
00304561 02 r 01 daringly 1 001 \ 01686906 a 0102 | in an original manner; "daringly he took the first step"
00304672 02 r 01 dashingly 0 001 \ 00971933 a 0102 | in a highly fashionable manner; "he was dashingly handsome"
00304787 02 r 02 daylong 0 all_day_long 0 000 | during the entire day; "light pours daylong into the parlor"
00304898 02 r 02 deadly 2 lifelessly 0 002 \ 00097768 a 0201 \ 00099874 a 0101 | as if dead
00304992 02 r 01 decorously 0 002 ! 00305153 r 0101 \ 01878870 a 0105 | in a proper and decorous manner; "he pretended to be pleased and applauded decorously"
00305153 02 r 02 indecorously 0 unbecomingly 0 003 \ 01880918 a 0203 ! 00304992 r 0101 \ 00689471 a 0101 | without decorousness
00305283 02 r 02 willingly 0 volitionally 0 003 \ 02565801 a 0201 ! 00305431 r 0101 \ 02564986 a 0101 | in a willing manner; "I willingly accept"
00305431 02 r 01 unwillingly 0 002 ! 00305283 r 0101 \ 02566015 a 0101 | in an unwilling manner; "he had sinned against her unwillingly"
00305570 02 r 02 deeply 3 deep 0 001 \ 00690058 a 0101 | to a great depth;far down; "dived deeply"; "dug deep"
00305683 02 r 01 deep 2 001 \ 00445937 a 0101 | to a great distance; "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods"
00305821 02 r 02 deep 1 late 1 000 | to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening"
00305935 02 r 01 late 2 000 | at an advanced age or stage; "she married late"; "undertook the project late in her career"
00306059 02 r 04 defenseless 0 defenceless 0 defenselessly 0 defencelessly 0 002 \ 02524032 a 0202 \ 02524032 a 0101 | without defense; "the child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly"
00306268 02 r 01 defensively 0 002 ! 00306682 r 0101 \ 01630117 a 0101 | in a defensive manner; "the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis"
00306520 02 r 01 defensively 1 001 \ 01632066 a 0101 | in an apologetic and defensive manner; "`I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively"
00306682 02 r 01 offensively 0 002 ! 00306268 r 0101 \ 01628946 a 0101 | in an aggressive manner; "`In this crisis, we must act offensively,' the President said"; "the admiral intends to act offensively in the Mediterranean"
00306909 02 r 03 offensively 1 objectionably 0 obnoxiously 0 003 \ 01626874 a 0302 \ 01626874 a 0201 \ 01628302 a 0101 | in an obnoxious manner; "he said so in one of his more offensively intellectually arrogant sentences"
00307134 02 r 01 inoffensively 0 002 ! 00307333 r 0101 \ 01627459 a 0101 | in a not unpleasantly offensive manner; "that wretched beast, the elephant, breathing inoffensively not a pace behind me"
00307333 02 r 01 offensively 2 002 ! 00307134 r 0101 \ 01624633 a 0101 | in an unpleasantly offensive manner; "he smelled offensively unwashed"
00307479 02 r 01 distinctly 3 001 \ 00779374 a 0101 | to a distinct degree; "urbanization in Spain is distinctly correlated with a fall in reproductive rate"
00307639 02 r 01 distinctly 1 001 \ 02067063 a 0101 | in a distinct and distinguishable manner; "the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion"
00307790 02 r 01 distractedly 0 001 \ 00165458 a 0101 | in a distracted manner; "`Come in,' he said distractedly"
00307906 02 r 01 deferentially 0 001 \ 01994180 a 0102 | in a respectfully deferential manner; "he listened deferentially"
00308031 02 r 02 deferentially 1 submissively 0 002 \ 00790691 a 0203 \ 01994180 a 0102 | in a servile manner; "he always acts so deferentially around his supervisor"
00308200 02 r 01 deliriously 0 001 \ 02543823 a 0101 | as if in a delirium; "he was talking deliriously"
00308307 02 r 01 deliriously 1 001 \ 02390724 a 0101 | in a delirious manner; "her answer made him deliriously happy"
00308427 02 r 01 delusively 0 001 \ 01942507 a 0101 | in a deceptive and unrealistic manner; "the village looked delusively near"
00308559 02 r 03 demonstrably 0 provably 0 incontrovertibly 0 003 \ 00591147 a 0302 \ 01619105 a 0202 \ 01619105 a 0101 | in an obvious and provable manner; "his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong"
00308767 02 r 02 desolately 0 disconsolately 0 001 \ 01232298 a 0202 | in grief-stricken loneliness; without comforting circumstances or prospects
00308916 02 r 03 diabolically 0 devilishly 3 fiendishly 0 003 \ 01132515 a 0304 \ 01133374 a 0201 \ 01132515 a 0102 | as a devil; in an evil manner; "his writing could be diabolically satiric"
00309111 02 r 01 diffidently 0 001 \ 00339941 a 0101 | in a diffident manner; "`Oh, well,' he shrugged diffidently, `I like the work.'"
00309249 02 r 01 despicably 0 001 \ 01133017 a 0101 | in a despicable manner; "he acted despicably"
00309351 02 r 02 despitefully 0 spitefully 2 002 \ 00225099 a 0202 \ 00225099 a 0101 | in a maliciously spiteful manner; "pray for them that despitefully use us"
00309515 02 r 01 destructively 0 001 \ 00586183 a 0101 | in a destructive manner; "he is destructively aggressive"
00309632 02 r 04 detestably 0 repulsively 0 abominably 1 odiously 1 004 \ 01460679 a 0404 \ 01460679 a 0301 \ 01625063 a 0205 \ 01625063 a 0102 | in an offensive and hateful manner; "I don't know anyone who could have behaved so abominably"
00309875 02 r 03 detrimentally 0 harmfully 0 noxiously 0 004 \ 01611067 a 0301 ! 00310036 r 0201 \ 01160031 a 0201 \ 01161984 a 0102 | in a detrimental manner
00310036 02 r 01 harmlessly 0 002 ! 00309875 r 0102 \ 01159655 a 0101 | in a harmless manner; "this is a harmlessly childish game"
00310169 02 r 01 deviously 0 001 \ 00768098 a 0101 | in a devious manner; "he got the promotion by behaving deviously"
00310290 02 r 01 devotedly 0 001 \ 00519668 a 0101 | with devotion; "He served his master devotedly"
00310393 02 r 02 devoutly 0 piously 1 002 \ 01781478 a 0201 \ 01783710 a 0101 | in a devout and pious manner; "she was devoutly Catholic"
00310533 02 r 03 dexterously 0 dextrously 0 deftly 1 003 \ 00062367 a 0301 \ 00062367 a 0203 \ 00062367 a 0102 | with dexterity; in a dexterous manner; "dextrously he untied the knots"
00310720 02 r 01 diagonally 0 001 \ 01719870 a 0101 | in a diagonal manner; "she lives diagonally across the street from us"
00310847 02 r 02 diagrammatically 0 graphically 3 001 \ 01715430 a 0101 | in a diagrammatic manner; "the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin"
00311057 02 r 01 diametrically 0 001 \ 02066312 a 0101 | as from opposite ends of a diameter; "when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?"; "three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three"
00311430 02 r 03 dictatorially 0 autocratically 2 magisterially 1 002 \ 00787595 a 0201 \ 00787357 a 0102 | in an overbearingly domineering manner; as a dictator; "this manager acts dictatorially toward his colleagues"
00311651 02 r 02 didactically 0 pedagogically 0 002 \ 02945971 a 0202 \ 01324131 a 0101 | in a didactic manner; "this is a didactically sound method"
00311803 02 r 01 differentially 0 001 \ 02712922 a 0101 | in a differential manner; "Hubel and Wiesel have found cells that respond differentially according to the direction in which a stimulus is moved across the retina"
00312027 02 r 01 diligently 0 001 \ 00754107 a 0101 | with diligence; in a diligent manner; "we may diligently observe the Lord's supper on the first day of the week, diligently preach the gospel, or minister to the saint"
00312252 02 r 01 direfully 0 001 \ 00193799 a 0103 | in a direful manner; "seeing himself trapped, he cried out direfully"
00312377 02 r 02 dirtily 0 filthily 0 002 \ 00421590 a 0201 \ 00419289 a 0101 | in a filthy unclean manner; "a dirtily dressed camel driver"
00312520 02 r 01 dirtily 1 000 | in a sordid manner; "as dirtily drunk as usual"
00312603 02 r 01 disagreeably 0 002 ! 00219110 r 0102 \ 00089355 a 0101 | in a disagreeable manner; "`I took no harm from the journey, thank you,' she said disagreeably"
00312775 02 r 01 disappointedly 0 001 \ 02333976 a 0102 | in disappointment; in a disappointed manner; "she left the gambling table disappointedly"
00312925 02 r 01 disappointingly 0 001 \ 02082611 a 0101 | in a disappointing manner; "the discoverer of argon, Sir William Ramsay, looked disappointingly ordinary"
00313092 02 r 01 disastrously 0 001 \ 01050088 a 0103 | in a disastrous manner; "the real value of the trust capital may be disastrously less than when the trust began"
00313263 02 r 01 disconcertingly 0 001 \ 01809019 a 0101 | in a disturbing or embarrassing manner; "he drank some sherry, his eyes disconcertingly keen as he watched her"
00313436 02 r 01 discontentedly 0 001 \ 00589624 a 0101 | with discontent; in a discontented manner; "he was still rumbling discontentedly when Pike returned bearing a folder of foolscap sheets"
00313633 02 r 07 disgracefully 0 ingloriously 0 ignominiously 0 discreditably 0 shamefully 0 dishonorably 0 dishonourably 0 007 \ 01227137 a 0701 \ 01227137 a 0601 \ 01227546 a 0506 \ 01984097 a 0401 \ 01227546 a 0303 \ 01227546 a 0204 \ 01227546 a 0102 | in a dishonorable manner or to a dishonorable degree; "his grades were disgracefully low"
00313981 02 r 01 disgustedly 0 001 \ 01806677 a 0101 | with disgust; "disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse"
00314141 02 r 04 disgustingly 0 distastefully 0 revoltingly 0 sickeningly 0 004 \ 02560035 a 0407 \ 01625893 a 030a \ 01625893 a 0203 \ 01625893 a 0101 | in a disgusting manner or to a disgusting degree; "the beggar was disgustingly filthy"
00314384 02 r 02 honestly 1 aboveboard 0 002 \ 01222360 a 0101 ! 00314597 r 0101 | in an honest manner; "in he can't get it honestly, he is willing to steal it"; "was known for dealing aboveboard in everything"
00314597 02 r 03 dishonestly 0 venally 0 deceitfully 0 004 \ 01223271 a 0302 \ 00621207 a 0205 \ 01222884 a 0101 ! 00314384 r 0101 | in a corrupt and deceitful manner; "he acted dishonestly when he gave the contract to his best friend"
00314835 02 r 03 honestly 0 candidly 0 frankly 0 004 ;u 06321054 n 0000 \ 00764484 a 0304 \ 00764484 a 0202 \ 02180157 a 0101 | (used as intensives reflecting the speaker's attitude) it is sincerely the case that; "honestly, I don't believe it"; "candidly, I think she doesn't have a conscience"; "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"
00315174 02 r 01 hypocritically 0 001 \ 02182562 a 0101 | in a hypocritical manner; "he behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching"
00315333 02 r 01 dishonorably 1 002 \ 01227137 a 0101 ! 00315457 r 0101 | with dishonor; "he was dishonorably discharged"
00315457 02 r 02 honorably 0 honourably 0 001 ! 00315333 r 0101 | with honor; "he was honorably discharged after many years of service"
00315595 02 r 02 disingenuously 0 artfully 1 002 \ 01310685 a 0202 \ 01310685 a 0101 | in a disingenuous manner; "disingenuously, he asked leading questions abut his opponent's work"
00315780 02 r 01 disinterestedly 0 001 \ 01723543 a 0101 | without bias; without selfish motives; "he decided the case disinterestedly"
00315918 02 r 01 disjointedly 0 001 \ 00465221 a 0103 | in a disjointed manner; "`We're not married, not really married,' she said, and slowly, reluctantly, disjointedly it came out"
00316103 02 r 01 loyally 0 002 ! 00316318 r 0101 \ 00961392 a 0101 | with loyalty; in a loyal manner; "government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically"
00316318 02 r 01 disloyally 0 002 ! 00316103 r 0101 \ 00962634 a 0101 | without loyalty; in a disloyal manner; "his men acted disloyally and betrayed him in the end"
00316486 02 r 02 dismally 0 dreadfully 1 001 \ 01126291 a 0204 | in a dreadful manner; "as he looks at the mess he has left behind he must wonder how the Brits so often managed to succeed in the kind of situation where he has so dismally failed"
00316734 02 r 02 dismally 1 drearily 0 002 \ 00364881 a 020b \ 00364881 a 0105 | in a cheerless manner; "in August 1914 , there was a dismally sentimental little dinner, when the French, German, Austrian and Belgian members of the committee drank together to the peace of the future"
00317020 02 r 02 obediently 0 yieldingly 0 003 \ 02329220 a 0201 ! 00317205 r 0101 \ 01612053 a 0101 | in an obedient manner; "obediently she slipped off her right shoe and stocking"
00317205 02 r 01 disobediently 0 002 ! 00317020 r 0101 \ 01613463 a 0101 | in a disobedient manner; "he went ahead disobediently and did what his supervisor had warned him not to do"
00317390 02 r 01 dispassionately 0 001 \ 01723648 a 0101 | in an impartially dispassionate manner; "although he was looking at the other girl, he did so dispassionately"
00317562 02 r 02 disparagingly 0 slightingly 0 002 \ 00906655 a 0207 \ 00907032 a 0103 | in a disparaging manner; "these mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging `only to a story'"
00317766 02 r 02 dispiritedly 0 hopelessly 3 002 \ 01229020 a 0201 \ 00703615 a 0105 | in a dispirited manner without hope; "the first Mozartian opera to be subjected to this curious treatment ran dispiritedly for five performances"
00318001 02 r 01 displeasingly 0 001 \ 01808822 a 0101 | in a displeasing manner; "he made displeasingly cutting remarks about his friends"
00318143 02 r 01 disproportionately 0 002 ! 00318303 r 0101 \ 00482059 a 0101 | to a disproportionate degree; "his benefits were disproportionately generous"
00318303 02 r 02 proportionately 0 proportionally 0 003 \ 00482673 a 0201 ! 00318143 r 0101 \ 00481737 a 0101 | to a proportionate degree; "your salary will rise proportionately to your workload"
00318501 02 r 01 disproportionately 1 002 ! 00318641 r 0101 \ 00483048 a 0101 | out of proportion; "this wall is disproportionately long"
00318641 02 r 01 proportionately 1 002 ! 00318501 r 0101 \ 00894029 a 0102 | in proportion; "the height of this wall must be reduced proportionately to give the room pleasant dimensions"
00318830 02 r 02 disputatiously 0 argumentatively 0 002 \ 00603367 a 0201 \ 00603804 a 0103 | in a disputatious manner
00318951 02 r 01 disquietingly 0 001 \ 00480753 a 0101 | in a disquieting manner; "the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire"
00319079 02 r 01 disreputably 0 002 ! 00319180 r 0101 \ 01983797 a 0101 | in a disreputable manner
00319180 02 r 01 reputably 0 002 ! 00319079 r 0101 \ 01982646 a 0101 | in a reputable manner
00319275 02 r 01 respectfully 0 002 ! 00319482 r 0101 \ 01993940 a 0101 | in a respectful manner; "might I respectfully suggest to the Town Council that they should adopt a policy of masterly inactivity?"
00319482 02 r 01 disrespectfully 0 002 ! 00319275 r 0101 \ 01994602 a 0101 | in a disrespectful manner; "he treats his parents rather disrespectfully"
00319635 02 r 01 distantly 0 001 \ 00445548 a 0101 | from or at a distance; "dimly, distantly, voices sounded in the stillness"
00319765 02 r 01 distastefully 2 001 \ 01625893 a 0103 | in an offensively distasteful manner; "a distastefully explicit report on the Royal couple's marital life"
00319931 02 r 01 distressfully 0 001 \ 01189386 a 0102 | with distress; "`Doctor Rother says it's his only chance,' she added distressfully"
00320074 02 r 01 distributively 0 001 \ 00539793 a 0101 | in a distributive manner; "marine vertebrates have their weight supported distributively by the water"
00320237 02 r 01 distributively 1 001 \ 00467913 a 0101 | as individuals or as separate units (not collectively); "taken distributively, their rights are imperceptible"
00320408 02 r 02 distrustfully 0 mistrustfully 0 003 \ 02464277 a 0202 ! 00320568 r 0101 \ 02463154 a 0101 | with distrust; "she looked at him distrustfully"
00320568 02 r 03 trustfully 0 trustingly 0 confidingly 0 004 \ 02462883 a 0301 \ 02462619 a 0202 ! 00320408 r 0101 \ 02462619 a 0101 | with trust; in a trusting manner; "she looked at her father trustingly"
00320777 02 r 01 disturbingly 0 001 \ 01189386 a 0103 | in a disturbing manner; "the details of the kidnaper's letter had sounded disturbingly convincing"
00320934 02 r 01 doctrinally 0 001 \ 03006225 a 0101 | as a matter of doctrine
00321015 02 r 01 dogmatically 0 001 \ 00288070 a 0101 | in a narrow-minded dogmatic manner; "he is a dogmatically opinionated critic of Modern Art"
00321165 02 r 02 dolefully 0 sorrowfully 0 002 \ 01364008 a 0201 \ 01362387 a 0101 | with sadness; in a sorrowful manner; "his mother looked at him dolefully when he told her he had joined the Army"
00321366 02 r 01 domestically 0 001 \ 01038808 a 0101 | with respect to home or family; "the housewife bored us with her domestically limited conversation"
00321524 02 r 01 domestically 1 001 \ 01038102 a 0101 | with respect to the internal affairs of a government; "domestically, the president proposes a more moderate economic policy"
00321707 02 r 01 domineeringly 0 001 \ 00787136 a 0101 | in a domineering manner; "his wife behaved domineeringly"
00321824 02 r 01 double 1 000 | two together; "some people sleep better double"
00321906 02 r 01 double 2 000 | downward and forward; "he was bent double with pain"
00321993 02 r 02 double_time 0 double_quick 0 000 | at a faster speed; "now let's play the piece again double-quick"
00322112 02 r 02 doubtfully 0 dubiously 0 002 \ 00338013 a 0202 \ 00338013 a 0101 | in a doubtful manner; "Gerald shook his head doubtfully"
00322255 02 r 03 dowdily 0 frumpily 0 frumpishly 0 003 \ 00974519 a 0303 \ 00974519 a 0202 \ 00974519 a 0101 | in a dowdy unfashionable manner; "she dresses dowdily"
00322423 02 r 01 downhill 0 000 | toward the bottom of a hill; "running downhill, he gained a lot of speed"
00322533 02 r 01 downhill 1 000 | toward a lower or inferior state; "your performance has been going downhill for a long time now"
00322666 02 r 01 drably 0 001 \ 00405179 a 0101 | in a drab manner; "she dresses drably"
00322757 02 r 03 dreamily 0 moonily 0 dreamfully 0 002 \ 00165585 a 0202 \ 00165585 a 0101 | in a dreamy manner; "`She would look beautiful in the new dress,' Tommy said dreamily"
00322939 02 r 01 droopingly 0 001 \ 02403944 a 0101 | in a drooping manner; "a branch hung low, droopingly"
00323049 02 r 02 drowsily 0 somnolently 0 002 \ 00189253 a 0204 \ 00165766 a 0101 | in a drowsy manner; "`Time to get up,' she said drowsily"
00323193 02 r 01 dumbly 0 001 \ 00152629 a 0102 | in an inarticulate manner; "I nodded dumbly and he slit the envelope"
00323315 02 r 03 dumbly 1 densely 1 obtusely 0 003 \ 00440579 a 0305 \ 00440579 a 0201 \ 00440579 a 0104 | in a stupid manner; "he had so rapaciously desired and so obtusely expected to find her alone"
00323519 02 r 01 dutifully 0 001 \ 01613047 a 0101 | out of a sense of duty; in a dutiful manner; "he dutifully visited his mother every Sunday"
00323666 02 r 01 dynamically 0 001 \ 00808191 a 0101 | in a forceful dynamic manner; "this pianist plays dynamically"
00323786 02 r 01 east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the east; "we travelled east for several miles"; "located east of Rome"
00323908 02 r 01 west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the west; "we moved west to Arizona"; "situated west of Boston"
00324022 02 r 02 westward 0 westwards 0 000 | toward the west; "they traveled westward toward the setting sun"
00324135 02 r 02 eastward 0 eastwards 0 000 | toward the east; "they migrated eastward to Sweden"
00324235 02 r 01 easterly 2 002 ! 00324358 r 0101 \ 00823350 a 0101 | from the east; "the winds blew easterly all night"
00324358 02 r 01 westerly 2 002 ! 00324235 r 0101 \ 00824321 a 0101 | from the west; "the wind blew westerly"
00324470 02 r 01 westerly 0 001 \ 00824321 a 0101 | toward the west; "we began to steer away westerly"- Daniel Defoe
00324589 02 r 03 ebulliently 0 exuberantly 1 expansively 0 003 \ 00909220 a 0301 \ 02279723 a 0202 \ 02279723 a 0101 | in an ebullient manner; "Khrushchev ebulliently promised to supply rockets for the protection of Cuba against American aggression"
00324841 02 r 01 ecclesiastically 0 001 \ 02899486 a 0102 | in an ecclesiastic manner; "the candidate was ecclesiastically endorsed"
00324976 02 r 01 ecologically 0 001 \ 02906478 a 0101 | with respect to ecology; "ecologically speaking, this idea is brilliant; economically, it is a disaster"
00325139 02 r 03 ecstatically 0 rapturously 0 rhapsodically 0 003 \ 01367008 a 0305 \ 01367008 a 0203 \ 01367008 a 0101 | in an ecstatic manner; "he reacted ecstatically to my plan to travel to Africa"
00325343 02 r 02 edgeways 0 edgewise 0 000 | with the edge forward or on, by, or toward the edge; "he sawed the board edgeways"; "held it edgewise"
00325493 02 r 02 edgewise 1 edgeways 1 000 | as if by an edge; barely; "I could not get a word in edgewise"
00325603 02 r 01 educationally 0 001 \ 02946221 a 0101 | in an educational manner; "the assistant masters formed a committee of their own to consider what could be done educationally for the town"
00325802 02 r 02 eerily 0 spookily 0 000 | in an unnatural eery manner; "it was eerily quiet in the chapel"
00325912 02 r 01 effectually 0 001 ! 00326146 r 0101 | in an effectual manner; "Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press"
00326146 02 r 01 ineffectually 0 002 ! 00325912 r 0101 \ 02497471 a 0102 | in an ineffectual manner; "she tried ineffectually to light the primus, and Thomas came to help her"
00326324 02 r 02 efficaciously 0 effectively 1 004 ! 00326564 r 0202 \ 00834198 a 0201 ! 00326564 r 0101 \ 00838856 a 0101 | in an effective manner; "these are real problems that can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion"
00326564 02 r 02 inefficaciously 0 ineffectively 0 004 ! 00326324 r 0202 \ 00835609 a 0201 ! 00326324 r 0101 \ 00839411 a 0101 | in an ineffective manner; "he dealt with the problem rather ineffectively"
00326770 02 r 01 elementarily 0 001 \ 00750296 a 0101 | in an elementary manner
00326852 02 r 01 effusively 0 001 \ 00720524 a 0101 | in an effusive manner; "the critics praised her effusively"
00326968 02 r 01 demonstratively 0 001 \ 00720296 a 0101 | in a demonstrative manner; "he greeted her demonstratively"
00327089 02 r 02 egotistically 0 selfishly 0 003 ! 00327249 r 0201 \ 02098325 a 0201 \ 02098694 a 0101 | in an egotistical manner; "he behaved egotistically"
00327249 02 r 01 unselfishly 0 002 ! 00327089 r 0102 \ 02099019 a 0101 | in an unselfish manner; "he acted unselfishly when he helped her get the promotion"
00327408 02 r 01 elegantly 1 001 \ 01139613 a 0101 | in a gracefully elegant manner; "the members of these groups do not express themselves as accurately or as elegantly as their critics do"
00327601 02 r 01 elegantly 0 002 ! 00327756 r 0101 \ 00849357 a 0101 | with elegance; in a tastefully elegant manner; "the room was elegantly decorated"
00327756 02 r 01 inelegantly 0 002 ! 00327601 r 0101 \ 00851103 a 0101 | without elegance
00327848 02 r 02 eloquently 0 articulately 3 004 ! 00328025 r 0202 \ 00150202 a 0201 ! 00328025 r 0101 \ 00150505 a 0101 | with eloquence; "he expressed his ideas eloquently"
00328025 02 r 02 ineloquently 0 inarticulately 3 003 ! 00327848 r 0202 \ 00151105 a 0201 ! 00327848 r 0101 | without eloquence; in an inarticulate manner; "the freshman expresses his thoughts inarticulately"
00328235 02 r 01 embarrassingly 0 001 \ 01803335 a 0101 | causing embarrassment; "the great man was embarrassingly humble and self-effacing"
00328378 02 r 01 eminently 0 001 \ 02339120 a 0101 | in an eminent manner; "two subjects on which he was eminently qualified to make an original contribution"
00328539 02 r 01 emulously 0 001 \ 00512941 a 0101 | in a competitively imitative manner; "she emulously tried to outdo her older sister"
00328679 02 r 01 encouragingly 0 002 ! 00328830 r 0101 \ 00866471 a 0101 | in an encouraging manner; "`Go on,' he said encouragingly to his student"
00328830 02 r 01 discouragingly 0 002 ! 00328679 r 0101 \ 00867213 a 0101 | in a discouraging manner; "the failure rate on the bar exam is discouragingly high"
00328992 02 r 03 endways 0 endwise 0 end_on 0 000 | with the end forward or toward the observer; "houses built endways"
00329114 02 r 02 endways 1 endwise 1 000 | in or toward the direction of the ends; lengthwise; "endways pressure"
00329230 02 r 02 endways 2 endwise 2 000 | on end or upright; "sticks leaning against the wall endways"
00329336 02 r 01 enterprisingly 0 001 \ 00884778 a 0101 | in an enterprising manner; "`Let's go up that mountain,' she said enterprisingly"
00329478 02 r 01 entertainingly 0 000 | in an entertaining manner; "Byron's consumed memoirs possessed the merit of being well and entertainingly written"
00329635 02 r 01 environmentally 0 001 \ 02943151 a 0101 | for the environment; "the new recycling policy is environmentally safe"
00329768 02 r 01 equably 0 001 \ 01134486 a 0101 | in an equable manner; "he is an equably cheerful fellow"
00329878 02 r 01 equitably 0 002 ! 00330033 r 0101 \ 00958151 a 0101 | in an equitable manner; "the inheritance was equitably divided among the sisters"
00330033 02 r 01 inequitably 0 002 ! 00329878 r 0101 \ 00958712 a 0101 | in an inequitable manner; "their father's possessions were inequitably divided among the sons"
00330203 02 r 02 erectly 0 straight-backed 0 001 \ 01235859 a 0101 | in a straight-backed manner; "the old man still walks erectly"
00330337 02 r 02 eruditely 0 learnedly 0 002 \ 02084358 a 0202 \ 02084358 a 0101 | with erudition; in an erudite manner; "he talked eruditely about Indian mythology"
00330505 02 r 01 ethically 0 002 ! 00330709 r 0101 \ 00905386 a 0101 | in an ethical manner; from an ethical point of view; according to ethics; "he behaved ethically"; "this is ethically unacceptable"
00330709 02 r 01 unethically 0 002 ! 00330505 r 0101 \ 00905728 a 0101 | in an unethical manner; "he behaved unethically"
00330833 02 r 01 euphemistically 0 001 \ 00908483 a 0101 | in a euphemistic manner; "his violent death was euphemistically referred to as a passing away"
00330989 02 r 01 evasively 0 001 \ 00896182 a 0101 | with evasion; in an evasive manner; "her husband seemed to know many of the people who were named, but he replied evasively when asked who they were"
00331194 02 r 01 evenly 0 002 ! 00331594 r 0101 \ 00909545 a 0101 | in a level and regular way
00331291 02 r 01 evolutionarily 0 001 \ 03000725 a 0101 | in an evolutionary way; from an evolutionary point of view; "the mutation has been evolutionarily successful"
00331461 02 r 01 regularly 1 002 ! 00331697 r 0101 \ 02302187 a 0101 | in a regular way without variation; "try to breathe evenly"
00331594 02 r 01 unevenly 0 002 ! 00331194 r 0101 \ 00911327 a 0101 | in an uneven and irregular way
00331697 02 r 01 irregularly 1 001 ! 00331461 r 0101 | in an irregular manner; "the patient is breathing irregularly"
00331817 02 r 01 regularly 3 002 ! 00331940 r 0101 \ 01961937 a 0101 | having a regular form; "regularly shaped objects"
00331940 02 r 01 irregularly 3 002 ! 00331817 r 0101 \ 01962107 a 0101 | having an irregular form; "irregularly shaped solids"
00332069 02 r 02 evenly 1 equally 2 004 ! 00332365 r 0202 \ 00889831 a 0201 ! 00332365 r 0101 \ 00891170 a 0101 | in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way; "a class evenly divided between girls and boys"; "they split their winnings equally"; "deal equally with rich and poor"
00332365 02 r 02 unevenly 1 unequally 2 004 ! 00332069 r 0202 \ 00892379 a 0201 ! 00332069 r 0101 \ 00892773 a 0102 | in an unequal or partial manner; "profits were distributed unevenly"; "angry at being dealt with so unequally"
00332596 02 r 02 evermore 1 forevermore 0 000 | at any future time; in the future; "lead a blameless life evermore"
00332714 02 r 01 excitingly 0 002 ! 00332906 r 0101 \ 00921014 a 0101 | in an exciting manner; "at the time of its appearance, the movie must have seemed excitingly new, even revolutionary"
00332906 02 r 01 unexcitingly 0 002 ! 00332714 r 0101 \ 00922594 a 0101 | in an unexciting manner; "this painting was nothing more but an unexcitingly grey canvas with a few red speckles"
00333096 02 r 03 excusably 0 forgivably 0 pardonably 0 006 ! 00333341 r 0302 \ 01721059 a 0301 ! 00333341 r 0203 \ 01721197 a 0202 ! 00333341 r 0101 \ 01721197 a 0101 | in an excusable manner or to an excusable degree; "he was excusably late"
00333341 02 r 03 inexcusably 0 unpardonably 0 unforgivably 0 006 ! 00333096 r 0302 \ 01721867 a 0302 ! 00333096 r 0203 \ 01721530 a 0201 ! 00333096 r 0101 \ 01722260 a 0101 | in an unpardonable manner or to an unpardonable degree; "he was inexcusably cruel to his wife"
00333613 02 r 03 exorbitantly 0 extortionately 0 usuriously 0 003 \ 01534282 a 0306 \ 01534282 a 0202 \ 01534282 a 0101 | to an exorbitant degree; "prices are exorbitantly high in the capital"
00333808 02 r 02 expediently 0 inadvisably 0 003 \ 00067767 a 0201 ! 00333938 r 0101 \ 00931555 a 0101 | in an expedient manner
00333938 02 r 01 inexpediently 0 002 ! 00333808 r 0101 \ 00932367 a 0101 | in an inexpedient manner
00334040 02 r 01 expensively 0 002 ! 00334210 r 0101 \ 00933154 a 0101 | in an expensive manner; "an expensively dressed little man turned a corner and approached her"
00334210 02 r 03 cheaply 1 tattily 0 inexpensively 1 003 \ 02393791 a 020b ! 00334040 r 0101 \ 00934199 a 0101 | in a cheap manner; "a cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar"
00334396 02 r 01 explosively 0 000 | suddenly and rapidly; "the population in Central America is growing explosively"
00334516 02 r 01 explosively 1 001 \ 02292573 a 0101 | in an explosive manner; "the political situation in Kashmir and Jammu is explosively unstable"
00334668 02 r 01 exponentially 0 001 \ 02965274 a 0101 | in an exponential manner; "inflation is growing exponentially"
00334790 02 r 01 express 0 000 | by express; "please send the letter express"
00334870 02 r 01 expressively 0 001 ! 00335040 r 0101 | with expression; in an expressive manner; "she gave the order to the waiter, using her hands very expressively"
00335040 02 r 01 inexpressively 0 001 ! 00334870 r 0101 | without expression; in an inexpressive manner; "she looked at him inexpressively"
00335182 02 r 03 extemporaneously 0 extemporarily 0 extempore 0 002 \ 01845451 a 0203 \ 01845451 a 0102 | without prior preparation; "he spoke extemporaneously"
00335345 02 r 02 extravagantly 0 lavishly 0 002 \ 01111965 a 0201 \ 02422242 a 0101 | in a wasteful manner; "the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap"
00335544 02 r 02 exuberantly 0 riotously 0 002 \ 00015247 a 0205 \ 00015247 a 0101 | in an exuberant manner; "the exuberantly baroque decoration of the church"
00335706 02 r 02 faddishly 0 faddily 0 002 \ 00972236 a 0202 \ 00972236 a 0101 | in a faddish manner
00335809 02 r 05 faithlessly 0 traitorously 0 treacherously 0 treasonably 0 false 0 004 \ 00962939 a 0404 \ 00960094 a 0303 \ 00962939 a 0202 \ 00962939 a 0101 | in a disloyal and faithless manner; "he behaved treacherously"; "his wife played him false"
00336065 02 r 02 falsely 0 incorrectly 2 002 \ 00632438 a 0201 \ 00633235 a 0101 | in an incorrect manner; "to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely"
00336293 02 r 01 falsely 1 001 \ 02182088 a 0101 | in an insincerely false manner; "a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened"
00336567 02 r 01 familiarly 0 001 \ 00453053 a 0101 | in an intimately familiar manner; "Sid, as he was familiarly known by his friends, was one of the most respected and devoted members of the socialist minority group"
00336789 02 r 01 famously 0 001 \ 01375831 a 0104 | in a manner or to an extent that is well known; "in his famously anecdotal style"
00336925 02 r 01 fanatically 0 001 \ 01726859 a 0101 | in a passionately fanatic manner; "he followed the teachings of his guru fanatically"
00337068 02 r 02 fancifully 0 whimsically 0 001 \ 00643598 a 0101 | in a fanciful manner; "the Christmas tree was fancifully decorated"
00337206 02 r 01 farcically 0 001 \ 01266397 a 0101 | in a farcical manner; "a farcically inept bungler"
00337313 02 r 01 fashionably 0 002 ! 00337516 r 0101 \ 00971075 a 0101 | in a fashionable manner; "his voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably dressed young man"
00337516 02 r 01 unfashionably 0 002 ! 00337313 r 0101 \ 00973844 a 0101 | in an unfashionable manner; "she seemed to make a point of being unfashionably dressed"
00337681 02 r 01 fastidiously 0 001 \ 00983862 a 0101 | in a fastidious manner; "he writes extremely musical music, of which the sound is fastidiously calculated and yet agreeably spontaneous and imaginative"
00337892 02 r 01 civilly 0 002 ! 00338018 r 0101 \ 00642379 a 0101 | in a civil manner; "he treats his former wife civilly"
00338018 02 r 01 uncivilly 0 002 ! 00337892 r 0101 \ 00642725 a 0101 | in an uncivil manner; "he treats his former wife uncivilly"
00338151 02 r 01 fatefully 0 001 \ 01883106 a 0101 | in a prophetically fateful manner; "the nurse whispered fatefully to call the priest"
00338292 02 r 01 faultily 0 001 \ 00023854 a 0101 | in an inaccurate manner; "these statements were faultily attributed to me"
00338421 02 r 01 faultlessly 0 001 \ 01750847 a 0101 | without a fault; in a faultless manner; "he solved all the problems faultlessly"
00338559 02 r 01 fearsomely 0 001 \ 00193799 a 0108 | in a fearsome manner; "a sabre slammed fearsomely through the thicket in all directions"
00338704 02 r 01 feebly 0 001 \ 02325304 a 0101 | in a halting and feeble manner; "reform, in fact, is, rather feebly, on the win"
00338837 02 r 01 feebly 1 001 \ 02325097 a 0102 | in a faint and feeble manner; "the lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway"
00339029 02 r 01 feelingly 0 001 ! 00339149 r 0101 | with great feeling; "she spoke feelingly of her early childhood"
00339149 02 r 01 unfeelingly 0 002 \ 00507292 a 0103 ! 00339029 r 0101 | without compassionate feelings; "unfeelingly, she required her maid to work on Christmas Day"
00339318 02 r 01 felicitously 0 002 ! 00339451 r 0101 \ 00999817 a 0101 | in a felicitous manner; "a not felicitously chosen word"
00339451 02 r 01 infelicitously 0 002 ! 00339318 r 0101 \ 01000881 a 0101 | in an infelicitous manner; "he chose his words rather infelicitously"
00339599 02 r 03 fierily 0 fervently 0 fervidly 0 003 \ 01726235 a 0303 \ 01726235 a 0202 \ 01726235 a 0104 | with passionate fervor; "both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people"; "a fierily opinionated book"
00339866 02 r 01 fifthly 0 001 \ 02202712 a 0101 | in the fifth place; "fifthly, we must adhere to the rules set by the local government"
00340006 02 r 01 figuratively 0 002 ! 00340133 r 0101 \ 01419149 a 0101 | in a figurative sense; "figuratively speaking,..."
00340133 02 r 01 literally 0 002 ! 00340006 r 0101 \ 01418789 a 0101 | in a literal sense; "literally translated"; "he said so literally"
00340273 02 r 01 first_class 0 000 | by first class conveyance; with first class accommodations; "we always travel first class"
00340403 02 r 02 firsthand 0 at_first_hand 0 000 | from the original source; directly; "I heard this story firsthand"
00340523 02 r 02 first-rate 0 very_well 0 000 | quite well; "she doesn't feel first-rate today"
00340621 02 r 01 fitfully 0 001 \ 00593664 a 0101 | in a fitful manner; "he slept fitfully"
00340715 02 r 01 fixedly 0 001 \ 01564603 a 0101 | in a fixed manner; "he stared at me fixedly"
00340813 02 r 01 flabbily 0 001 \ 01019713 a 0102 | in a flabby manner; "the old man's muscles were sagging flabbily"
00340933 02 r 01 flagrantly 0 001 \ 00580039 a 0103 | in a flagrant manner; "he is flagrantly disregarding the law"
00341051 02 r 03 flamboyantly 0 showily 1 flashily 0 003 \ 00407420 a 0301 \ 01848701 a 0202 \ 01848701 a 0101 | in a fancy colorful manner; "he dresses rather flamboyantly"
00341227 02 r 01 flat 5 000 | with flat sails; "sail flat against the wind"
00341305 02 r 01 flexibly 0 002 ! 00341444 r 0101 \ 01024073 a 0101 | with flexibility; "`Come whenever you are free,' he said flexibly"
00341444 02 r 01 inflexibly 0 002 ! 00341305 r 0101 \ 01024597 a 0101 | in an inflexible manner; "`You will--because you must!,' Madam told her inflexibly"
00341602 02 r 01 flimsily 0 001 \ 02325484 a 0101 | in a weak and flimsy manner; "this car is so flimsily constructed!"
00341724 02 r 01 flip-flap 0 000 | with repeated strokes and noise; "something going flip-flap in the night"
00341835 02 r 02 flippantly 0 airily 0 001 \ 02121290 a 0101 | in a flippant manner; "he answered the reporters' questions flippantly"; "this cannot be airily explained to your children"
00342024 02 r 01 flop 0 000 | with a flopping sound; "he tumbled flop into the mud"
00342110 02 r 01 fluently 0 001 \ 00150505 a 0103 | in a fluent manner; "she speaks French fluently"
00342213 02 r 01 forbiddingly 0 001 \ 01802932 a 0102 | in an unpleasant or menacing manner; "it was forbiddingly dark in the corridor"
00342351 02 r 01 forcefully 0 001 \ 00841403 a 0101 | with full force; "we are seeing this film too late to feel its original impact forcefully"
00342498 02 r 01 cold-bloodedly 0 001 \ 01263971 a 0102 | in cold blood; "he cold-bloodedly planned the murder of his boss"
00342624 02 r 01 forcibly 0 001 \ 00842324 a 0101 | in a forcible manner; "keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly"
00342782 02 r 01 forgetfully 0 001 \ 01978003 a 0102 | in a forgetful manner; "she is getting old and acts forgetfully"
00342904 02 r 01 forgivingly 0 002 ! 00343057 r 0101 \ 01040984 a 0101 | with forgiveness; in a forgiving manner; "`Never mind,' she said forgivingly"
00343057 02 r 01 unforgivingly 0 002 ! 00342904 r 0101 \ 01041481 a 0101 | without forgiveness; in an unforgiving manner; "unforgivingly, he insisted that she pay her debt to the last penny"
00343250 02 r 01 forlornly 0 001 \ 01230387 a 0101 | in a forlorn manner; "a single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard"
00343382 02 r 01 formidably 0 001 \ 00195383 a 0101 | in a formidable manner; "the constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed"
00343542 02 r 01 formlessly 0 001 \ 02151837 a 0102 | in a formless manner; "the dress hung formlessly on her body"
00343660 02 r 02 piano 0 softly 3 002 ! 00343799 r 0101 \ 01458303 a 0101 | used as a direction in music; to be played relatively softly
00343799 02 r 02 forte 0 loudly 2 002 ! 00343660 r 0101 \ 01458736 a 0101 | used as a direction in music; to be played relatively loudly
00343938 02 r 02 pianissimo 0 very_softly 0 002 ! 00344073 r 0101 \ 01458490 a 0101 | a direction in music; to be played very softly
00344073 02 r 02 fortissimo 0 very_loudly 0 002 ! 00343938 r 0101 \ 01459058 a 0101 | a direction in music; to be played very loudly
00344208 02 r 01 foully 0 000 | in a wicked and shameful manner; "two policemen were foully murdered"
00344312 02 r 02 foully 1 insultingly 0 001 \ 00957743 a 0103 | in an unfair and insulting manner; "this internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists"
00344500 02 r 02 fourfold 0 four_times 0 001 \ 02219144 a 0102 | by a factor of four; "the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years"
00344659 02 r 02 millionfold 0 a_million_times 0 000 | by a factor of a million; "it increased a millionfold"
00344771 02 r 02 fourthly 0 fourth 0 002 \ 02202443 a 0201 \ 02202443 a 0101 | in the fourth place; "fourthly, you must pay the rent on the first of the month"
00344933 02 r 01 fractiously 0 001 \ 01614127 a 0101 | in a fractious manner; "the horse was behaving fractiously and refused to jump"
00345070 02 r 01 fraternally 0 001 \ 00291471 a 0103 | in a brotherly manner
00345149 02 r 01 fraudulently 0 001 \ 01223941 a 0103 | in a dishonest and fraudulent manner; "this money was fraudulently obtained"
00345284 02 r 02 frenziedly 1 hectically 0 002 \ 00086210 a 0202 \ 00086341 a 0104 | in a frenzied manner; "we rehearsed frenziedly the last few days before the premiere"
00345457 02 r 01 frugally 0 001 \ 02421364 a 0102 | in a frugal manner; "in villages, the new pipeline marks the end of water as a precious liquid, to be dispensed frugally, weighed out drop by drop"
00345659 02 r 01 functionally 0 001 \ 02976260 a 0101 | with respect to function; "the two units are functionally interdependent"
00345791 02 r 02 frighteningly 0 scarily 0 002 \ 00194924 a 0203 \ 00193799 a 0109 | in an alarming manner; "the disturbing thing about the Minister's behavior is that far from being artificial, it too often rings frighteningly true"
00346027 02 r 02 frostily 0 frigidly 0 002 \ 01258264 a 0201 \ 01258264 a 0102 | without warmth or enthusiasm; "`Come in if you have to,' he said frostily"
00346185 02 r 01 fretfully 0 001 \ 00513981 a 0101 | in a fretful manner; "fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib"
00346302 02 r 01 friskily 0 001 \ 02123007 a 0102 | in a playfully frisky manner; "he moves about friskily despite his age"
00346428 02 r 01 frivolously 0 001 \ 02120458 a 0101 | in a frivolous manner; "she spends her time frivolously enjoying the easy life of a rich and spoiled girl"
00346592 02 r 01 frothily 0 001 \ 02276305 a 0105 | in a frothy manner; "the champagne poured frothily into the glasses"
00346715 02 r 01 gainfully 0 001 \ 01871473 a 0101 | in a gainful way; "are you gainfully employed now?"
00346822 02 r 01 gamely 0 001 \ 00263994 a 0101 | in a plucky manner; "he was seen by a shepherd, gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso"
00347009 02 r 03 garishly 0 tawdrily 0 gaudily 0 003 \ 02393791 a 0306 \ 02393791 a 020c \ 02393791 a 0105 | in a tastelessly garish manner; "the temple was garishly decorated with bright plastic flowers"
00347216 02 r 01 genealogically 0 001 \ 03067329 a 0102 | in a genealogical manner; "he charted his family tree genealogically"
00347346 02 r 01 generically 0 001 \ 02734016 a 0101 | as sharing a common genus; "these animals are not related generically"
00347474 02 r 01 generically 1 001 \ 01109599 a 0101 | without a trademark or brand name; "we market these drugs generically"
00347602 02 r 01 genteelly 0 001 \ 01947741 a 0105 | in a genteel manner; "the English lived genteelly in India"
00347717 02 r 01 geologically 0 001 \ 02905591 a 0101 | with respect to geology; "geologically speaking, this area is extremely interesting"
00347860 02 r 03 jeeringly 0 mockingly 1 gibingly 0 002 \ 01995596 a 0204 \ 01995596 a 0103 | in a disrespectful jeering manner
00347990 02 r 01 gingerly 0 001 \ 00325995 a 0101 | in a gingerly manner; "gingerly I raised the edge of the blanket"
00348110 02 r 03 gladly 0 lief 0 fain 0 001 \ 02565583 a 0101 | in a willing manner; "this was gladly agreed to"; "I would fain do it"
00348247 02 r 03 gleefully 0 joyously 0 joyfully 0 004 ! 00348450 r 0301 \ 01367211 a 0303 \ 01366718 a 0201 \ 01367211 a 0102 | in a joyous and gleeful manner; "the old man had greeted her gleefully"
00348450 02 r 01 joylessly 0 002 ! 00348247 r 0103 \ 01368192 a 0101 | in a joyless manner; without joy; "she greeted her guests joylessly"
00348592 02 r 01 glissando 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | (musical direction) in the manner of a glissando (with a rapidly executed series of notes); "this should be played glissando, please"
00348782 02 r 01 gloatingly 0 000 | in a gloating manner; "he spoke gloatingly about people he had cheated out of their money"
00348911 02 r 01 gloriously 0 000 | blessedly or wonderfully; "how gloriously happy she had been during those few fleeting moments of time"
00349053 02 r 01 gloriously 1 001 \ 01120925 a 0101 | with glory or in a glorious manner; "where others had failed he had gloriously succeeded"
00349199 02 r 01 glossily 0 001 \ 01120010 a 0101 | in a glossy manner; "the magazine was glossily printed"
00349309 02 r 03 piggyback 0 pickaback 0 pig-a-back 0 000 | on the back or shoulder or astraddle on the hip; "she carried her child piggyback"
00349454 02 r 03 piggyback 1 pickaback 1 pig-a-back 1 000 | on a railroad flatcar; "the trailer rode piggyback across the country"
00349587 02 r 01 gloweringly 0 001 \ 01137378 a 0103 | in a glowering manner; "he stared gloweringly at this morning's headlines"
00349719 02 r 01 glowingly 0 001 \ 00886804 a 0101 | in an enthusiastically glowing manner; "in her letter she praised him glowingly"
00349855 02 r 01 gluttonously 0 001 \ 00009978 a 0101 | in a gluttonous manner; "this man eats gluttonously!"
00349967 02 r 03 goddam 0 goddamn 0 goddamned 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | extremely; "you are goddamn right!"
00350078 02 r 01 good-naturedly 0 001 \ 01133876 a 0101 | in a good-natured manner
00350163 02 r 04 gorgeously 0 splendidly 1 resplendently 0 magnificently 1 004 \ 01285376 a 0403 \ 00219389 a 0302 \ 00219389 a 0203 \ 00219705 a 0101 | in an impressively beautiful manner; "the Princess was gorgeously dressed"
00350393 02 r 01 grandly 0 001 \ 01284544 a 0102 | in a grand manner; "the mansion seemed grandly large by today's standards"
00350521 02 r 03 gratingly 0 raspingly 0 harshly 0 003 \ 01803792 a 0301 \ 00299476 a 0203 \ 00299476 a 0101 | in a harsh and grating manner; "her voice fell gratingly on our ears"
00350704 02 r 01 gratuitously 0 001 \ 01371553 a 0101 | in an uncalled-for manner; "he insulted us gratuitously"
00350819 02 r 01 greasily 0 001 \ 00992432 a 0101 | in a greasy manner; "the food was greasily unappetizing"
00350930 02 r 02 gregariously 0 sociably 1 002 \ 02257141 a 0201 \ 02252634 a 0101 | in a gregarious manner
00351040 02 r 02 grayly 0 greyly 0 002 \ 00389310 a 0201 \ 00389310 a 0102 | having a grey appearance; "lonely creeks are opal in the dawn, sword-blue in the sun, greyly silver under misty moons"
00351238 02 r 01 grievously 0 001 \ 00651039 a 0103 | in a grievous manner; "the resolute but unbroken Germany, grievously wounded but far from destruction, was able to lay the firm foundations for military revival"
00351456 02 r 01 gropingly 0 001 \ 00338275 a 0101 | in an uncertain groping manner
00351542 02 r 02 grotesquely 0 monstrously 0 002 \ 00221627 a 0202 \ 00221627 a 0101 | in a grotesque manner; "behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies"
00351763 02 r 01 grudgingly 0 002 ! 00351918 r 0101 \ 02566299 a 0101 | in a grudging manner; "he grudgingly agreed to have a drink in a hotel close by"
00351918 02 r 01 ungrudgingly 0 002 ! 00351763 r 0101 \ 01114973 a 0101 | in a generous and ungrudging manner; "he ungrudgingly agreed to pay for everybody's dinner when the guests found themselves without cash"
00352132 02 r 01 gruesomely 0 001 \ 00195684 a 0104 | in a gruesome manner; "he was gruesomely wounded"
00352238 02 r 01 gruffly 0 001 \ 01137000 a 0103 | in a gruff manner; "`No,' he replied gruffly"
00352337 02 r 01 guiltily 0 001 \ 00154583 a 0101 | in the manner of someone who has committed an offense; "she blushed guiltily as she spoke"
00352482 02 r 01 gushingly 0 001 \ 00720524 a 0102 | in a gushing manner; "a gushingly prolific writer"
00352588 02 r 01 half-heartedly 0 001 \ 00887472 a 0101 | without enthusiasm; in a half-hearted manner; "she tried half-heartedly"
00352721 02 r 01 half-hourly 0 001 \ 01968956 a 0101 | every thirty minutes, every half hour
00352816 02 r 01 half-yearly 0 001 \ 01969348 a 0104 | every half year, every six months
00352907 02 r 01 handsomely 0 001 \ 01111418 a 0106 | in a generously handsome manner; "India has responded handsomely by providing 3,000 men"
00353052 02 r 01 handsomely 1 001 \ 00218950 a 0104 | in an attractively handsome manner; "the volume was handsomely bound"
00353178 02 r 02 haphazard 0 haphazardly 1 002 \ 00312519 a 0201 \ 00312519 a 0101 | without care; in a slapdash manner; "the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard"
00353485 02 r 03 haply 0 by_chance 2 by_luck 0 000 | by accident; "betrayed by a word haply overheard"
00353590 02 r 01 harmoniously 0 001 \ 00508036 a 0101 | in a harmonious manner; "the problem of absorbing immigrants harmoniously into British society is as important to the immigrants as to the British"
00353796 02 r 01 harshly 2 001 \ 01374183 a 0101 | in a harsh or unkind manner; "`That's enough!,' he cut in harshly"
00353916 02 r 02 roughly 2 rough 0 001 \ 02238462 a 0101 | with rough motion as over a rough surface; "ride rough"
00354033 02 r 02 roughly 3 rough 3 002 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 00084353 a 0102 | with roughness or violence (`rough' is an informal variant for `roughly'); "he was pushed roughly aside"; "they treated him rough"
00354244 02 r 01 hatefully 0 001 \ 01587787 a 0101 | in a hateful manner
00354319 02 r 01 hazily 0 001 \ 00781644 a 0106 | in an indistinct way; "he remembered her only hazily"
00354425 02 r 01 hazily 1 001 \ 00461609 a 0103 | through a haze; "we saw the distant hills hazily"
00354527 02 r 02 headlong 0 headfirst 0 000 | with the head foremost; "the runner slid headlong into third base"
00354642 02 r 02 headlong 1 rashly 3 001 \ 01900188 a 0201 | in a hasty and foolhardy manner; "he fell headlong in love with his cousin"
00354781 02 r 01 unadvisedly 2 001 \ 00068278 a 0102 | in an unadvised manner
00354861 02 r 01 recklessly 0 001 \ 00312757 a 0102 | in a reckless manner
00354938 02 r 02 headlong 2 precipitately 0 002 \ 01270868 a 0203 \ 01270704 a 0102 | at breakneck speed; "burst headlong through the gate"
00355080 02 r 01 heaps 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | very much; "thanks heaps"
00355158 02 r 01 heartlessly 0 001 \ 01158020 a 0102 | in a heartless manner; "she behaves rather heartlessly toward her admirers"
00355291 02 r 02 heatedly 0 hotly 0 002 \ 01256332 a 0201 \ 01256865 a 0101 | in a heated manner; "`To say I am behind the strike is so much nonsense,' declared Mr Harvey heatedly"; "the children were arguing hotly"
00355509 02 r 03 heavenward 0 heavenwards 0 heavenwardly 0 000 | toward heaven; "he pointed heavenward"
00355615 02 r 02 heavy 0 heavily 2 001 \ 01188762 a 0201 | slowly as if burdened by much weight; "time hung heavy on their hands"
00355747 02 r 02 heinously 0 monstrously 2 002 \ 01131454 a 0204 \ 02514380 a 0102 | in a terribly evil manner; "the child was heinously murdered"
00355896 02 r 03 hereinafter 0 hereafter 0 hereunder 0 000 | in a subsequent part of this document or statement or matter etc.; "the landlord demises unto the tenant the premises hereinafter called the demised premises"; "the terms specified hereunder"
00356151 02 r 01 hereinbefore 0 000 | in the preceding part of the current text
00356233 02 r 01 hereof 0 000 | of or concerning this; "the twigs hereof are physic"
00356320 02 r 01 hereto 0 000 | to this writing or document; "the charts hereto attached"
00356412 02 r 01 hereupon 0 000 | immediately after this; "hereupon, the passengers stumbled aboard"
00356515 02 r 01 hermetically 0 001 \ 01398772 a 0101 | in an airtight manner; "this bag is hermetically sealed"
00356630 02 r 01 heroically 0 001 \ 00251134 a 0101 | in a heroic manner; "he become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms"
00356765 02 r 03 hideously 0 horridly 0 monstrously 4 003 \ 00221627 a 0302 \ 01626562 a 0202 \ 00221934 a 0101 | in a hideous manner; "her face was hideously disfigured after the accident"
00356957 02 r 02 high 0 high_up 0 000 | at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder"
00357052 02 r 01 high 1 000 | far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"
00357139 02 r 01 high 2 000 | in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high"
00357251 02 r 03 high 3 richly 1 luxuriously 0 002 \ 02024928 a 0304 \ 02021905 a 0201 | in a rich manner; "he lives high"
00357376 02 r 01 high-handedly 0 001 \ 00788145 a 0102 | in a domineering high-handed manner; "he behaved high-handedly toward his employees"
00357520 02 r 01 high-mindedly 0 001 \ 01588619 a 0106 | in a high-minded manner; "he talks high-mindedly, but we don't know whether he acts according to his principles"
00357692 02 r 02 questioningly 0 wonderingly 0 002 \ 00664879 a 0204 \ 00664879 a 0103 | in a curious and questioning manner; "they turned their heads questioningly, as if awaiting further instructions"
00357897 02 r 01 insolently 0 001 \ 00155144 a 0108 | in an insolent manner; "he had replied insolently to his superiors"
00358021 02 r 02 loose 0 free 0 000 | without restraint; "cows in India are running loose"
00358114 02 r 01 about 3 000 | in rotation or succession; "turn about is fair play"
00358200 02 r 02 hoarsely 0 huskily 0 002 \ 00299690 a 0203 \ 00299690 a 0102 | in a hoarse or husky voice; "`Excuse me,' he said hoarsely"
00358342 02 r 01 horizontally 0 001 \ 01232635 a 0101 | in a horizontal direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"
00358516 02 r 01 vertically 0 001 \ 01233347 a 0101 | in a vertical direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"
00358686 02 r 01 hospitably 0 002 ! 00358832 r 0101 \ 01243825 a 0101 | in a hospitable manner; "she was received hospitably by her new family"
00358832 02 r 01 inhospitably 0 002 ! 00358686 r 0101 \ 01244195 a 0101 | in an inhospitable manner; "she was received inhospitably by her new family"
00358985 02 r 01 hourly 0 001 \ 01968811 a 0101 | every hour; by the hour; "daily, hourly, I grew stronger"
00359095 02 r 01 huffily 0 001 \ 00115193 a 0101 | in a huffy manner; "`Don't bother to call me back,' he said huffily"
00359217 02 r 01 hugger-mugger 0 000 | in secrecy; "they did it all hugger-mugger"
00359302 02 r 01 humanely 0 002 ! 00359438 r 0101 \ 01261867 a 0101 | in a humane manner; "let's treat the prisoners of war humanely"
00359438 02 r 01 inhumanely 0 002 ! 00359302 r 0101 \ 01262611 a 0101 | in an inhumane manner; "the prisoners of war were treated inhumanely"
00359582 02 r 01 humorously 0 002 ! 00359771 r 0101 \ 01264336 a 0101 | in a humorous manner; "Dickens had humorously suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul's Cathedral"
00359771 02 r 02 humorlessly 0 humourlessly 0 002 ! 00359582 r 0101 \ 01268426 a 0101 | in a humorless manner; "he reacted rather humorlessly to these rumors"
00359932 02 r 02 hundredfold 0 a_hundred_times 0 000 | by a factor of one hundred; "they money increased a hundredfold"
00360054 02 r 02 hungrily 0 ravenously 0 002 \ 01269506 a 0202 \ 01269073 a 0101 | in the manner of someone who is very hungry; "he pounced on the food hungrily"
00360218 02 r 02 hydraulically 0 hydraulicly 0 001 \ 03073751 a 0101 | in a hydraulic manner; "the block is then tested hydraulically to its full design test pressure on each stream separately"
00360414 02 r 01 hygienically 0 002 ! 00360551 r 0101 \ 02113191 a 0101 | in a hygienic manner; "the body must cared for hygienically"
00360551 02 r 01 unhygienically 0 002 ! 00360414 r 0101 \ 02113672 a 0101 | in an unhygienic manner; "the meat is unhygienically processed on wooden tables"
00360710 02 r 01 hysterically 0 001 \ 00086606 a 0101 | in a hysterical manner; "she screamed hysterically when she heard the news"
00360844 02 r 01 icily 0 001 \ 01258264 a 0105 | in a cold and icy manner; "`Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry,' Mr Brown commented icily"
00361065 02 r 01 identically 0 001 \ 02064127 a 0101 | with complete identity; in an identical manner; "he is fitted with an identically similar one"
00361217 02 r 01 identifiably 0 001 \ 01272397 a 0101 | in an identifiable manner; "they were identifiably different"
00361337 02 r 01 ideologically 0 000 | with respect to ideology; "ideologically, we do not see eye to eye"
00361446 02 r 01 idiomatically 0 001 \ 03004358 a 0101 | in an idiomatic manner; "he expressed himself idiomatically"
00361566 02 r 01 idiotically 0 001 \ 02075737 a 0102 | in an idiotic manner; "what arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically"
00361781 02 r 02 idly 0 lazily 1 002 \ 00294579 a 0203 \ 00294175 a 0101 | in an idle manner; "this is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people"
00361998 02 r 01 idolatrously 0 001 \ 02931096 a 0101 | in an idolatrous manner; "the people idolatrously worshipped the Golden Calf"
00362134 02 r 01 ignorantly 0 001 \ 01308894 a 0101 | in ignorance; in an ignorant manner; "they lived ignorantly in their own small world"
00362276 02 r 03 legibly 0 decipherably 0 readably 0 004 \ 01405047 a 0303 \ 01405047 a 0202 ! 00362455 r 0101 \ 01404702 a 0101 | in a legible manner; "you must write legibly"
00362455 02 r 03 illegibly 0 undecipherably 0 unreadably 0 004 \ 01405523 a 0304 \ 01405523 a 0203 ! 00362276 r 0101 \ 01405214 a 0101 | in an illegible manner; "this student writes illegibly"
00362650 02 r 02 illegitimately 0 out_of_wedlock 0 002 ! 00362831 r 0101 \ 01407465 a 0101 | of biological parents not married to each other; "this child was born illegitimately"
00362831 02 r 01 legitimately 0 002 ! 00362650 r 0101 \ 01406640 a 0101 | in a lawfully recognized manner; "let's get married so our child can be born legitimately"
00362998 02 r 02 illegitimately 1 illicitly 0 003 ! 00363218 r 0203 \ 01550572 a 0201 ! 00363218 r 0101 | in a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom; "He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold"
00363218 02 r 03 legitimately 1 lawfully 1 licitly 0 006 ! 00362998 r 0302 \ 01401224 a 0303 ! 00154536 r 0203 \ 01395617 a 0201 ! 00362998 r 0101 \ 01401224 a 0102 | in a manner acceptable to common custom; "you cannot do this legitimately!"
00363463 02 r 01 logically 0 002 ! 00363602 r 0101 \ 01430111 a 0101 | in a logical manner; "he acted logically under the circumstances"
00363602 02 r 01 illogically 0 002 ! 00363463 r 0101 \ 01430847 a 0101 | in an illogical manner; "she acted illogically under the pressure"
00363744 02 r 01 logically 1 001 \ 02499301 a 0102 | according to logical reasoning; "logically, you should now do the same to him"
00363878 02 r 01 illustriously 0 001 \ 01121989 a 0101 | in an illustrious manner; "Einstein, the illustriously famous physicist of the 20th century"
00364030 02 r 01 immaculately 0 001 \ 01750847 a 0102 | in an immaculate manner; "gone was the casually dressed Canadian she had thought a backwoodsman--this man was immaculately tailored"
00364221 02 r 01 immovably 0 001 \ 01525320 a 0101 | so as to be incapable of moving; "the mountains brooded immovably above the river"
00364359 02 r 01 impartially 0 001 \ 01723308 a 0101 | in an impartial manner; "he smiled at them both impartially"
00364477 02 r 02 morally 0 virtuously 1 002 \ 02513269 a 0201 ! 00364623 r 0101 | in a moral manner; "he acted morally under the circumstances"
00364623 02 r 02 immorally 0 amorally 0 002 ! 00364477 r 0101 \ 02036077 a 0102 | without regard for morality; "he acted immorally when his own interests were at stake"
00364794 02 r 01 impassively 0 001 \ 00857560 a 0101 | in an impassive manner; "he submitted impassively to his arrest"
00364916 02 r 02 impenitently 0 unrepentantly 0 004 \ 01743909 a 0202 \ 01743909 a 0101 ! 00365110 r 0203 ! 00365110 r 0101 | in an impenitent manner; "he repeated his position unrepentantly"
00365110 02 r 03 penitently 0 penitentially 0 repentantly 0 005 ! 00364916 r 0302 \ 01743217 a 0302 \ 01743704 a 0201 ! 00364916 r 0101 \ 01743217 a 0101 | showing remorse
00365284 02 r 02 imperatively 0 peremptorily 0 002 \ 00713205 a 0201 \ 00712419 a 0101 | in an imperative and commanding manner
00365414 02 r 02 imperceptibly 0 unnoticeably 0 003 \ 01288091 a 0201 ! 00365668 r 0101 \ 01748318 a 0101 | in an imperceptible manner or to an imperceptible degree; "the power of the Secretary of State in London increased gradually but imperceptibly"
00365668 02 r 03 perceptibly 0 noticeably 0 observably 0 004 \ 01287486 a 0303 \ 01286799 a 0201 ! 00365414 r 0101 \ 01746605 a 0101 | in a noticeable manner; "he changed noticeably over the years"
00365868 02 r 01 imperiously 0 001 \ 01891109 a 0103 | in an imperious manner; "imperiously he cut her short"
00365980 02 r 01 impersonally 1 001 \ 01615625 a 0101 | in an impersonal manner; "when I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally"
00366135 02 r 01 impersonally 0 002 ! 00366266 r 0101 \ 01769565 a 0101 | without warmth; "he treated his patients impersonally"
00366266 02 r 01 personally 3 002 ! 00366135 r 0101 \ 01767329 a 0101 | in a personal way; "he took her comments personally"
00366393 02 r 01 personally 1 000 | as yourself; "speaking personally, I would not want to go"
00366490 02 r 05 impertinently 0 saucily 1 pertly 0 freshly 3 impudently 0 005 \ 00205295 a 0503 \ 00205295 a 0401 \ 02280090 a 0303 \ 00205295 a 0206 \ 00205295 a 0102 | in an impudent or impertinent manner; "a lean, swarthy fellow was peering through the window, grinning impudently"
00366778 02 r 02 impetuously 0 impulsively 0 002 \ 00326608 a 0202 \ 00326608 a 0103 | in an impulsive or impetuous way; without taking cautions; "he often acts impulsively and later regrets it"
00366975 02 r 01 impiously 0 001 \ 01995863 a 0101 | in an impious manner; "the young members challenged their leader impiously"
00367106 02 r 02 impishly 0 puckishly 0 002 \ 02122715 a 0207 \ 02122715 a 0102 | in an appealing but bold manner; "she asked him impishly to come in"
00367259 02 r 01 implicitly 0 002 ! 00367418 r 0101 \ 00941485 a 0101 | without ever expressing so clearly; "he implicitly assumes that you know the answer"
00367418 02 r 01 explicitly 0 002 \ 00940437 a 0101 ! 00367259 r 0101 | in an explicit manner; "in his foreword Professor Clark puts it explicitly"
00367568 02 r 01 implicitly 1 001 \ 00005599 a 0101 | without doubting or questioning; "I implicitly trust him"
00367682 02 r 01 importantly 0 001 \ 01275562 a 0101 | in an important way; "for centuries jellies have figured importantly among English desserts, particularly upon festive occasion"
00367868 02 r 02 importantly 1 significantly 2 002 \ 02161432 a 0201 \ 01275562 a 0101 | in an important way or to an important degree; "more importantly, Weber held that the manifold meaning attached to the event by the social scientist could alter his definition of the concrete event itself"
00368165 02 r 01 impracticably 0 001 \ 01823574 a 0101 | to an impracticable degree; "this is still impracticably high"
00368287 02 r 03 precisely 1 incisively 1 exactly 2 004 ! 00368481 r 0302 \ 00631798 a 0302 ! 00368481 r 0101 \ 00631798 a 0102 | in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"
00368481 02 r 02 imprecisely 0 inexactly 0 004 ! 00368287 r 0203 \ 00915787 a 0201 ! 00368287 r 0101 \ 01839417 a 0101 | in an imprecise manner; "he expressed himself imprecisely"
00368663 02 r 05 precisely 2 exactly 4 on_the_nose 0 on_the_dot 0 on_the_button 0 000 | just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,' he said"
00368807 02 r 01 impregnably 0 001 \ 02526124 a 0101 | in an impregnable manner; "the sight of that bland, impregnably righteous face has been enough to make their blood run cold"
00368989 02 r 01 improvidently 0 002 ! 00369132 r 0101 \ 01895837 a 0101 | in an improvident manner; "he lived improvidently for the moment"
00369132 02 r 01 providently 0 002 ! 00368989 r 0101 \ 01894758 a 0101 | in a provident manner; "providently, he had saved up some money for emergencies"
00369288 02 r 02 prudently 0 providentially 2 002 ! 00369552 r 0101 \ 01898129 a 0101 | in a prudent manner; "I had allotted my own bedroom for necking, prudently removing both the bed and the key, and taken both myself and my typewriter into my son's bedroom."
00369552 02 r 01 imprudently 0 002 ! 00369288 r 0101 \ 01899360 a 0101 | in an imprudent manner; "imprudently, he downed tools and ran home to make his wife happy"
00369718 02 r 01 adequately 0 002 ! 00369869 r 0101 \ 02336109 a 0101 | in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree; "he was adequately prepared"
00369869 02 r 01 inadequately 0 002 ! 00369718 r 0101 \ 00051696 a 0101 | in an inadequate manner or to an inadequate degree; "the temporary camps were inadequately equipped"
00370046 02 r 01 incisively 0 001 \ 01744515 a 0103 | in an incisive manner; "he was incisively critical"
00370154 02 r 01 cuttingly 0 001 \ 01374004 a 0101 | in an intentionally unkind way; "a cutting remark"
00370260 02 r 01 incognito 0 000 | without revealing one's identity; "in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company"
00370421 02 r 02 incomparably 0 uncomparably 0 002 ! 00370597 r 0101 \ 00504592 a 0101 | in an incomparable manner or to an incomparable degree; "she is incomparably gifted"
00370597 02 r 01 comparably 0 002 ! 00370421 r 0101 \ 00503982 a 0101 | in a comparable manner or to a comparable degree; "you will have to work comparably harder"
00370763 02 r 01 incongruously 0 001 \ 00562469 a 0101 | in an incongruous manner; "his shirttails stuck out from his tuxedo pants somewhat incongruously"
00370920 02 r 01 conspicuously 0 002 ! 00371171 r 0101 \ 02090567 a 0103 | in a manner tending to attract attention; "there have been plenty of general declarations about willingness to meet and talk, but conspicuously no mention of time and place"
00371171 02 r 01 inconspicuously 0 002 ! 00370920 r 0101 \ 00581401 a 0101 | in a manner intended to avoid attracting attention; "he had entered the room inconspicuously"
00371344 02 r 01 incriminatingly 0 001 \ 00924952 a 0103 | in an incriminating manner
00371432 02 r 01 incurably 0 001 \ 00994567 a 0101 | in a manner impossible to cure; "he is incurably ill"
00371541 02 r 01 incurably 1 001 \ 00349759 a 0101 | to an incurable degree; "she was incurably optimistic"
00371651 02 r 01 indelibly 0 001 \ 00898488 a 0101 | in an indelible manner; "this tradition has left its mark indelibly upon the social, political, educational and industrial fabric of this country"
00371853 02 r 04 ineffably 0 indescribably 0 unutterably 0 unspeakably 0 004 \ 00944111 a 0404 \ 00944111 a 0306 \ 00944111 a 0202 \ 00944111 a 0103 | to an inexpressible degree; "she was looking very young tonight, and, as usual, indescribably beautiful, in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton"
00372174 02 r 01 indeterminably 0 001 \ 00739273 a 0101 | in an indeterminable manner; "their relationship was of an indeterminably vague nature"
00372322 02 r 01 indifferently 0 001 \ 01342949 a 0102 | with indifference; in an indifferent manner; "she shrugged indifferently"
00372455 02 r 01 indignantly 0 001 \ 00115494 a 0101 | in an indignant manner; "Miss Burney protested indignantly, her long thin nose turning pink with mortification at this irreverent piece of mimicry"
00372660 02 r 01 discreetly 0 002 ! 00372914 r 0101 \ 00772910 a 0101 | with discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint; "I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this"
00372914 02 r 01 indiscreetly 0 002 ! 00372660 r 0101 \ 00772910 a 0101 | without discretion or wisdom or self-restraint; "she inquired indiscreetly after the state of his health"
00373096 02 r 01 indolently 0 001 \ 00294579 a 0102 | in an indolent manner; "he lives indolently with his relatives"
00373216 02 r 04 indubitably 0 beyond_doubt 0 beyond_a_doubt 0 beyond_a_shadow_of_a_doubt 0 001 \ 01918541 a 0102 | in a manner or to a degree that could not be doubted; "it was immediately and indubitably apparent that I had interrupted a scene of lovers"; "his guilt was established beyond a shadow of a doubt"
00373531 02 r 01 indulgently 0 001 \ 01763159 a 0101 | in an indulgent manner; "I was indulgently advised to give the kids what they wanted unless I wished my son to be socially ostracised"
00373723 02 r 01 industriously 0 001 \ 00754682 a 0102 | in an industrious manner; "they hoed up weeds industriously all morning"
00373855 02 r 01 inextricably 0 001 \ 00945207 a 0101 | in an inextricable manner; "motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God"
00374045 02 r 01 influentially 0 001 \ 01830134 a 0101 | exerting influence
00374123 02 r 02 informatively 0 instructively 0 004 ! 00374277 r 0202 \ 01323449 a 0201 ! 00374277 r 0101 \ 01304570 a 0101 | in an informative manner
00374277 02 r 02 uninformatively 0 uninstructively 0 004 ! 00374123 r 0202 \ 01325372 a 0201 ! 00374123 r 0101 \ 01305607 a 0101 | in an uninformative manner; "`I can't tell you when the manager will arrive,' he said rather uninformatively"
00374520 02 r 01 infrequently 0 002 ! 00035058 r 0101 \ 01067193 a 0101 | not many times; "in your 1850 church you not infrequently find a dramatic contrast between the sumptuous appointments of the building itself and the inhuman barrack-like living conditions in the church room"
00374804 02 r 01 ingeniously 1 000 | in an ingenious manner; "a Hampshire farmer had fowls of different breeds, including Dorkings, and he discriminated ingeniously between the `dark ones' and the `white ones'"
00375017 02 r 01 ingratiatingly 0 001 \ 00908143 a 0101 | in a flattering and ingratiating manner; "she behaves ingratiatingly toward her boss"
00375163 02 r 01 inherently 0 001 \ 01348528 a 0104 | in an inherent manner; "the subject matter is sexual activity of any overt kind, which is depicted as inherently desirable and exciting"
00375356 02 r 02 inimitably 0 unreproducibly 0 002 \ 01868302 a 0201 \ 01868470 a 0101 | in an unreproducible manner; "he has an inimitably verbose style"
00375513 02 r 01 iniquitously 0 001 \ 02514543 a 0101 | in an iniquitous manner; "they really believed that the treaty of Versailles was iniquitously injust"
00375673 02 r 01 innately 0 001 \ 01315844 a 0103 | in an innate manner; "the child is said to be innately disposed to learn language"
00375810 02 r 01 innocently 0 001 \ 02272670 a 0101 | in a naively innocent manner; "she smiled at him innocently"
00375927 02 r 01 innocently 1 001 \ 01319874 a 0101 | in a not unlawful manner; "he claimed to have purchased the contraband innocently"
00376066 02 r 02 inopportunely 0 malapropos 0 002 ! 00376266 r 0101 \ 01661914 a 0101 | at an inconvenient time; "he arrived inopportunely just as we sat down for dinner"; "she answered malapropos"
00376266 02 r 01 opportunely 0 002 ! 00376066 r 0101 \ 01660994 a 0101 | at an opportune time; "he arrived rather opportunely just when we needed a new butler"
00376428 02 r 02 inquiringly 0 enquiringly 0 001 \ 00878829 a 0101 | in an inquiring manner; "Tom Swift looked at his cabin mates inquiringly"
00376573 02 r 02 insatiably 0 unsatiably 0 001 \ 02078399 a 0102 | in an insatiable manner; with persistence but without satisfaction; "he clawed insatiably at the traditional precepts"
00376761 02 r 02 insatiably 1 unsatiably 1 001 \ 02078399 a 0102 | to an insatiable degree; "she was insatiably hungry"
00376883 02 r 01 securely 1 001 \ 02526124 a 0103 | in an invulnerable manner; "the agreed line was to involve at several points the withdrawal of French troops from positions which they had quite securely held"
00377097 02 r 01 securely 2 002 ! 00377334 r 0101 \ 02093888 a 0101 | in a manner free from fear or risk; "the outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy securely supported by scholastic selection"
00377334 02 r 01 insecurely 0 002 ! 00377097 r 0101 \ 02094755 a 0101 | in a manner involving risk; "our positions here at the university are rather insecurely supported by grant money"
00377522 02 r 01 securely 3 002 ! 00377684 r 0101 \ 02093305 a 0101 | in a confident and unselfconscious manner; "he acts very securely in front of the camera"
00377684 02 r 01 insecurely 1 002 ! 00377522 r 0101 \ 02093493 a 0101 | in a tentative and self-conscious manner; "she always acts very insecurely in the presence of her father"
00377864 02 r 01 sensitively 0 002 ! 00378029 r 0101 \ 02105990 a 0101 | in a sensitive manner; "she questioned the rape victim very sensitively about the attack"
00378029 02 r 01 insensitively 0 002 ! 00377864 r 0101 \ 02106761 a 0101 | in an insensitive manner; "the police officer questioned the woman rather insensitively about the attack"
00378212 02 r 02 insidiously 0 perniciously 1 002 \ 01611329 a 0203 \ 01162406 a 0101 | in a harmfully insidious manner; "these drugs act insidiously"
00378365 02 r 03 sincerely 0 unfeignedly 0 truly 3 004 \ 02180277 a 0302 \ 02180277 a 0203 ! 00378665 r 0101 \ 02179279 a 0101 | with sincerity; without pretense; "she praised him sincerely for his victory"; "was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher"; "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience"
00378665 02 r 01 insincerely 0 002 ! 00378365 r 0101 \ 02180797 a 0101 | without sincerity; "she congratulated him somewhat insincerely"
00378804 02 r 01 from_the_heart 0 000 | very sincerely; "he spoke from the heart"
00378888 02 r 01 insinuatingly 0 000 | in an insinuating manner; "the art book has art to sell, insinuatingly, and for a purpose, like the American muse, which has in fact a tradition to sell, and one which doesn't exist, in painting"
00379125 02 r 01 insipidly 0 001 \ 01345997 a 0101 | in an insipid manner; "insipidly expressed thoughts"
00379233 02 r 01 insomuch 0 000 | to such an extent or degree; so
00379301 02 r 01 inspirationally 0 001 \ 02055773 a 0101 | with inspiration; in an inspiring manner, "he talked inspirationally"
00379432 02 r 01 substantially 2 001 \ 02275412 a 0103 | in a strong substantial way; "the house was substantially built"
00379556 02 r 02 insubstantially 0 impalpably 0 000 | not substantially; lacking substantial expression or fullness
00379674 02 r 01 insultingly 1 001 \ 01995288 a 0103 | in a disrespectful and insulting manner; "he behaves insultingly toward his parents"
00379816 02 r 01 insuperably 0 001 \ 02357322 a 0101 | to an insuperable degree; "these various courses all seemed insuperably difficult to the student"
00379971 02 r 01 interchangeably 0 001 \ 01978532 a 0102 | in an interchangeable manner; "these terms can be used interchangeably"
00380104 02 r 01 interdepartmental 0 001 \ 03060114 a 0101 | between departments; "this memo was circulated interdepartmentally"
00380235 02 r 01 intermediately 0 000 | to an intermediate degree; "intermediately hot"
00380325 02 r 01 endlessly 4 000 | (spatial sense) without bounds; "the Nubian desert seemed to stretch out before them endlessly"
00380458 02 r 01 intermittently 0 001 \ 00593836 a 0101 | in an intermittent manner; "intermittently we questioned the barometer"
00380590 02 r 01 interrogatively 1 001 \ 00687163 a 0101 | in a questioning format
00380675 02 r 02 intolerantly 0 illiberally 0 002 \ 00288237 a 0201 \ 00288237 a 0102 | in a narrow-minded manner; "his illiberally biased way of thinking"
00380833 02 r 01 tolerantly 0 002 ! 00380994 r 0101 \ 02436341 a 0101 | in a tolerant manner; "he reacts rather tolerantly toward his son's juvenile behavior"
00380994 02 r 01 intolerantly 1 002 ! 00380833 r 0101 \ 02436622 a 0101 | in an intolerant manner
00381094 02 r 01 transitively 0 002 ! 00381254 r 0101 \ 02488705 a 0101 | in a transitive manner; "you can use the verb `eat' transitively or intransitively"
00381254 02 r 01 intransitively 0 002 ! 00381094 r 0101 \ 02488907 a 0101 | in an intransitive manner; "you can use the verb `drink' intransitively, without a direct object"
00381430 02 r 01 intravenously 0 001 \ 02890703 a 0101 | in an intravenous manner; "the patient had to be fed intravenously"
00381557 02 r 01 intuitively 0 001 \ 01431471 a 0101 | in an intuitive manner; "inventors seem to have chosen intuitively a combination of explosive and aggressive sounds as warning signals to be used on automobiles"
00381776 02 r 01 inventively 0 001 \ 00643863 a 0102 | in an inventive manner; "Picasso's liberated shapes and excitingly applied and inventively combined colours"
00381942 02 r 01 invidiously 0 001 \ 00997394 a 0102 | in a manner arousing resentment
00382031 02 r 01 invincibly 0 001 \ 00570322 a 0101 | in an invincible manner; "invincibly, the troops moved forward"
00382151 02 r 01 invisibly 0 002 ! 00382287 r 0101 \ 02517265 a 0101 | without being seen; "these organisms enter the body invisibly"
00382287 02 r 01 visibly 0 002 ! 00382151 r 0101 \ 02515341 a 0101 | in a visible manner; "he was visibly upset"
00382402 02 r 01 irately 0 001 \ 00115777 a 0101 | in an irate manner; "`Get out,' he shouted irately"
00382507 02 r 01 ironically 0 001 \ 01266092 a 0103 | in an ironic manner; "she began to mimic him ironically"
00382620 02 r 01 ironically 1 000 | contrary to plan or expectation; "ironically, he ended up losing money under his own plan"
00382749 02 r 01 irrelevantly 0 002 \ 01976084 a 0101 ! 00440523 r 0101 | in an irrelevant manner; "suddenly and irrelevantly, she asked him for money"
00382903 02 r 01 irretrievably 0 001 \ 01956675 a 0101 | in an irretrievable manner; "it is irretrievably lost"
00383017 02 r 01 irreverently 2 001 \ 02012504 a 0101 | in an irreverent manner; "in the seventeenth century England had known fifty years of doctrinal quarrels and civil war; clergymen had been turned from their cures, and churches irreverently used"
00383271 02 r 01 irreverently 0 002 ! 00443461 r 0102 \ 02012504 a 0101 | without respect; "the student irreverently mimicked the teacher in his presence"
00383428 02 r 01 irreversibly 0 001 \ 01759362 a 0101 | in an irreversible manner; "this old tradition is irreversibly disappearing"
00383563 02 r 01 jarringly 0 001 \ 00300196 a 0101 | in a manner that jars and irritates; "the piano was jarringly out of tune"
00383693 02 r 01 jealously 0 001 \ 00888765 a 0103 | with jealousy; "he guarded his privacy jealously"
00383798 02 r 02 immaturely 0 jejunely 0 003 \ 01492596 a 0202 ! 00383972 r 0101 \ 01492394 a 0101 | in an immature manner; "his teenage son still behaves very immaturely"
00383972 02 r 01 maturely 0 002 ! 00383798 r 0101 \ 01491775 a 0101 | in a mature manner; "she acts very maturely for her age"
00384101 02 r 01 jerkily 0 000 | with jerking motions; "She rose stiffly, jerkily from the window seat"
00384207 02 r 02 jokingly 0 jestingly 0 002 \ 01267076 a 0201 \ 01267076 a 0104 | in jest; "I asked him jokingly whether he thought he could drive the Calcutta-Peshawar express"
00384387 02 r 02 jocosely 0 jocular 0 002 \ 01267076 a 0203 \ 01267076 a 0102 | with humor; "they tried to deal with this painful subject jocularly"
00384538 02 r 01 journalistically 0 001 \ 03077419 a 0101 | by journalists; "he is being journalistically crucified in his own country"
00384676 02 r 01 jovially 0 001 \ 01367651 a 0104 | in a jovial manner; "he greeted his friend jovially"
00384783 02 r 01 judiciously 0 001 ! 00384912 r 0101 | in a judicious manner; "let's use these intelligence tests judiciously"
00384912 02 r 01 injudiciously 0 002 ! 00384783 r 0101 \ 01899970 a 0101 | in an injudicious manner; "these intelligence tests were used injudiciously for many years"
00385081 02 r 01 keenly 0 001 \ 01744515 a 0104 | in a keen and discriminating manner; "he was keenly aware of his own shortcomings"
00385216 02 r 02 killingly 0 sidesplittingly 0 002 \ 01267339 a 0202 \ 01267339 a 0101 | in a very humorous manner
00385333 02 r 01 laboriously 0 001 \ 00836544 a 0107 | in a laborious manner; "their lives were spent in committee making decisions for others to execute on the basis of data laboriously gathered for them"
00385541 02 r 01 lackadaisically 0 001 \ 00295011 a 0101 | in an idle and lackadaisical manner; "he was hanging around the house lackadaisically"
00385689 02 r 01 lamely 0 001 \ 02325304 a 0102 | in a weak and unconvincing manner; "`I don't know, Edward,' she answered lamely"
00385822 02 r 02 landward 0 landwards 0 000 | toward land; "landward, miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands"
00385946 02 r 01 langsyne 0 001 ;r 08890097 n 0000 | at a distant time in the past (chiefly Scottish)
00386050 02 r 01 languidly 0 001 \ 00876204 a 0103 | in a languid and lethargic manner; "the men languidly put on their jackets"
00386181 02 r 01 languorously 0 001 \ 00876204 a 0104 | in a languorous manner; "he was sprawling languorously on the sofa"
00386307 02 r 01 large 0 000 | with the wind abaft the beam; "a ship sailing large"
00386393 02 r 01 large 1 000 | at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)
00386474 02 r 02 lasciviously 0 salaciously 0 002 \ 02133779 a 0204 \ 02133207 a 0101 | in a lascivious manner
00386587 02 r 01 laterally 0 002 ;c 06057539 n 0000 \ 00778828 a 0101 | in a lateral direction or location; "the body is spindle-shaped and only slightly compressed laterally"
00386765 02 r 01 laterally 1 001 \ 02441469 a 0101 | to or by or from the side; "such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin"
00387017 02 r 04 laughably 0 ridiculously 0 ludicrously 0 preposterously 0 003 \ 01266397 a 0302 \ 01266397 a 0203 \ 01265308 a 0105 | so as to arouse or deserve laughter; "her income was laughably small, but she managed to live well"
00387254 02 r 02 laxly 0 leniently 0 002 \ 01763159 a 0202 \ 00755482 a 0101 | in a permissively lenient manner; "he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime"
00387455 02 r 01 under_arms 0 000 | armed and prepared for fighting
00387525 02 r 01 lazily 0 001 \ 00981304 a 0101 | in a slow and lazy manner; "I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air"
00387666 02 r 01 left 3 001 ! 00387828 r 0101 | toward or on the left; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the political party has moved left"
00387828 02 r 01 right 3 001 ! 00387666 r 0101 | toward or on the right; also used figuratively; "he looked right and left"; "the party has moved right"
00387983 02 r 01 legato 0 001 ! 00388094 r 0101 | connecting the notes; in music; "play this legato, please"
00388094 02 r 01 staccato 0 001 ! 00387983 r 0101 | separating the notes; in music; "play this staccato, please"
00388209 02 r 05 lengthways 0 lengthwise 0 longwise 0 longways 0 longitudinally 1 001 \ 01445558 a 0501 | in the direction of the length; "He cut the paper lengthwise"
00388379 02 r 01 longitudinally 2 000 | across time; "We studied the development of the children longitudinally"
00388494 02 r 02 lento 0 slowly 1 001 \ 00982602 a 0201 | in music; "Play this lento, please"
00388590 02 r 02 lethargically 0 unenergetically 0 001 \ 00875712 a 0101 | without energy; in a lethargic manner; "he hung around the house lethargically"
00388747 02 r 02 lewdly 0 obscenely 0 002 \ 00684163 a 0201 \ 02133207 a 0102 | in a lewd and obscene manner; "he had seen how in their dances the white men and women held one another obscenely"
00388944 02 r 03 licentiously 0 wantonly 0 promiscuously 0 003 \ 00361837 a 0304 \ 00361837 a 0206 \ 00362269 a 0101 | in a licentious and promiscuous manner; "this young girl has to share a room with her mother who lives promiscuously"
00389183 02 r 01 lifelessly 2 001 \ 00097768 a 0101 | in a lifeless manner; "the girl lay in her arms lifelessly"
00389299 02 r 01 lifelessly 1 001 \ 00119533 a 0101 | without animation or vitality; "lifelessly he performed the song"
00389421 02 r 02 longingly 0 yearningly 0 000 | in a yearning manner; "he spent the rest of the act gazing longingly over my right shoulder at the illuminated word `Exit'"
00389595 02 r 04 lucidly 0 pellucidly 0 limpidly 0 perspicuously 0 004 \ 00429355 a 0406 \ 00429355 a 0301 \ 00429355 a 0204 \ 01925708 a 0103 | in a clear and lucid manner; "this is a lucidly written book"
00389804 02 r 02 lukewarmly 0 tepidly 0 001 \ 00887472 a 0104 | in an unenthusiastically lukewarm manner; "he was lukewarmly received by his relatives"
00389958 02 r 01 luxuriantly 0 001 \ 01795933 a 0102 | in an elegantly luxuriant way; "this suave, culture-loving and luxuriantly good-looking M.P.represents the car-workers of Coventry"
00390147 02 r 01 luxuriantly 1 001 \ 00015247 a 0103 | in an abundant and luxuriant manner; "whiskers grew luxuriantly from his ample jowls"
00390290 02 r 01 manageably 0 002 ! 00390421 r 0101 \ 01474513 a 0101 | so as to be manageable; "this house is manageably small"
00390421 02 r 01 unmanageably 0 002 ! 00390290 r 0101 \ 01475282 a 0101 | so as to be unmanageable; "`This house is unmanageably large,' she complained"
00390576 02 r 02 manfully 0 manly 0 002 ! 00390816 r 0101 \ 01475831 a 0102 | in a manful manner; with qualities thought to befit a man; "having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home"
00390816 02 r 02 unmanfully 0 unmanly 0 002 ! 00390576 r 0101 \ 01476154 a 0102 | without qualities thought to befit a man
00390941 02 r 02 lightly 2 light 0 001 \ 01186408 a 0101 | with few burdens; "experienced travellers travel light"
00391058 02 r 01 light-handedly 0 001 \ 00706800 a 0101 | in a light-handed manner
00391143 02 r 02 light-heartedly 0 lightsomely 0 001 \ 00363291 a 0204 | in a light-hearted manner; "he light-heartedly overlooks some of the basic facts of life"
00391308 02 r 02 lightsomely 1 trippingly 0 002 \ 01192393 a 0203 \ 01192393 a 0102 | moving with quick light steps; "she walked lightsomely down the long staircase"
00391476 02 r 01 limnologically 0 001 \ 02756025 a 0101 | with regard to or concerning limnology
00391575 02 r 01 limply 0 000 | without rigidity; "the body was hanging limply from the tree"
00391671 02 r 01 lineally 0 001 \ 01416508 a 0101 | by an unbroken line of descent; "she is related lineally to the Royal Family"
00391803 02 r 01 matrilineally 0 001 \ 01416809 a 0101 | by descent through the female line
00391897 02 r 01 patrilineally 0 001 \ 01416959 a 0101 | by descent through the male line
00391989 02 r 02 lingeringly 0 protractedly 0 001 \ 01439155 a 0205 | in a slow, leisurely or prolonged way; "her voice was swift, yet ever the last words fell lingeringly" -Rossetti
00392174 02 r 01 lispingly 0 000 | with a lisp; "she spoke lispingly"
00392246 02 r 01 listlessly 0 001 \ 00876465 a 0101 | in a listless manner; "they shook hands rather listlessly"
00392361 02 r 01 lividly 0 001 \ 00115906 a 0101 | in a livid manner
00392432 02 r 01 loftily 0 001 \ 01205473 a 0102 | in a lofty manner; "she bore herself loftily"
00392531 02 r 01 logarithmically 0 001 \ 02994617 a 0101 | in a logarithmic manner; "data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2"
00392690 02 r 01 longer 0 001 \ 01437963 a 0101 | for more time; "can I stay bit longer?"
00392782 02 r 01 longest 0 001 \ 01437963 a 0101 | for the most time; "she stayed longest"
00392875 02 r 04 loquaciously 0 garrulously 0 talkatively 0 talkily 0 004 \ 02384077 a 0406 \ 02384077 a 0305 \ 02384077 a 0203 \ 02384077 a 0104 | in a chatty loquacious manner; "`When I was young,' she continued loquaciously, `I used to do all sorts of naughty things'"
00393149 02 r 01 low 0 000 | in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
00393240 02 r 01 lowest 0 000 | in the lowest position; nearest the ground; "the branch with the big peaches on it hung lowest"
00393370 02 r 01 lugubriously 0 001 \ 01366062 a 0101 | in a sorrowful lugubrious manner; "his long face lugubriously reflecting a hidden and unexpressed compassion"
00393538 02 r 01 luridly 0 001 \ 02101757 a 0101 | in a lurid manner; "it was luridly described in the book as the place where mystics took refuge"
00393688 02 r 03 lusciously 0 deliciously 1 scrumptiously 0 003 \ 02396720 a 0305 \ 02396720 a 0202 \ 02396720 a 0103 | so as to produce a delightful taste; "I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches"
00393903 02 r 01 lustfully 0 001 \ 02133779 a 0102 | in a lustful manner; "he looked at the young woman lustfully"
00394020 02 r 01 lyrically 0 001 \ 00856011 a 0102 | in a lyrical manner; "she danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically"
00394151 02 r 01 magnanimously 0 001 \ 01589045 a 0102 | in a magnanimous manner; "magnanimously, he forgave all those who had harmed him"
00394292 02 r 02 grandiloquently 0 magniloquently 0 002 \ 02017721 a 0202 \ 02017721 a 0101 | in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner; "the orator spoke magniloquently"
00394462 02 r 01 majestically 0 001 \ 01285136 a 0103 | in a majestic manner; "flamingoes walk majestically through the marshes"
00394593 02 r 01 benevolently 0 002 ! 00394722 r 0101 \ 01372948 a 0102 | in a benevolent manner; "she looked on benevolently"
00394722 02 r 01 malevolently 0 002 ! 00394593 r 0101 \ 00225564 a 0101 | in a malevolent manner; "she gossips malevolently"
00394849 02 r 01 malignantly 0 001 \ 02594714 a 0101 | in a malignant manner, as of a tumor that spreads
00394956 02 r 01 malignly 0 001 \ 00224515 a 0103 | in a malign and evil manner
00395038 02 r 01 managerially 0 001 \ 02904223 a 0101 | in a managerial manner
00395119 02 r 01 mangily 0 001 \ 02582269 a 0101 | in a mangy manner
00395190 02 r 01 maniacally 0 001 \ 02076416 a 0101 | in a maniacal manner or to a maniacal degree; "he was maniacally obsessed with jealousy"
00395335 02 r 01 manipulatively 0 001 \ 00149461 a 0101 | in an artfully manipulative manner
00395430 02 r 01 masochistically 0 001 \ 02057681 a 0101 | in a masochistic manner; "masochistically he insisted on an even greater workload"
00395574 02 r 01 massively 0 001 \ 01389170 a 0101 | to a massive degree or in a massive manner; "tonight the haddock were shoaling massively in three hundred fathoms"
00395744 02 r 01 masterfully 1 001 \ 02226979 a 0102 | in a skillfully masterful manner; with the skill of a master; "the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully"
00395916 02 r 01 materialistically 0 001 \ 02577907 a 0101 | in a materialistic manner; "one should not approach life materialistically"
00396055 02 r 02 maternally 0 motherly 0 001 \ 01734884 a 0101 | in a maternal manner; as a mother; "she loved her students almost maternally"
00396200 02 r 02 mawkishly 0 drippily 0 002 \ 00854413 a 0202 \ 00854413 a 0105 | in a mawkish and emotional manner; "the violinist played that piece mawkishly"
00396363 02 r 01 maximally 0 002 ! 00396529 r 0101 \ 01495725 a 0101 | to a maximal degree; "the cells maximally responsive to lines in this orientation will fire"
00396529 02 r 01 minimally 0 002 ! 00396363 r 0101 \ 01496021 a 0101 | to a minimal degree; "the cells minimally responsive to lines in this orientation will not fire"
00396699 02 r 04 meagerly 0 sparingly 0 slenderly 1 meagrely 0 005 \ 01394744 a 0301 \ 02421364 a 0204 ! 00178909 r 0101 \ 00106456 a 0101 ! 00397016 r 0101 | to a meager degree or in a meager manner; "these voices are meagerly represented at the conference"; "the area is slenderly endowed with natural resources"
00397016 02 r 02 amply 0 richly 2 002 ! 00396699 r 0101 \ 00105746 a 0101 | to an ample degree or in an ample manner; "these voices were amply represented"; "we benefited richly"
00397197 02 r 01 meanderingly 0 001 \ 00763407 a 0101 | in a meandering manner; "the river ran meanderingly through the valley"
00397327 02 r 01 meaningfully 0 001 \ 01496976 a 0101 | in a meaningful manner; so as to be meaningful; "He glanced at her meaningfully"
00397466 02 r 02 meanly 0 humbly 1 002 \ 02340458 a 0201 \ 01112969 a 0102 | in a miserly manner; "they lived meanly and without ostentation"
00397610 02 r 01 meanly 1 001 \ 01112969 a 0102 | poorly or in an inferior manner; "troops meanly equipped"
00397720 02 r 03 meanly 2 scurvily 0 basely 0 003 \ 01589650 a 0301 \ 00904745 a 0206 \ 01589650 a 0102 | in a despicable, ignoble manner; "this new leader meanly threatens the deepest values of our society"
00397930 02 r 01 meanspiritedly 0 001 \ 01589650 a 0103 | in a meanspirited manner
00398015 02 r 01 immeasurably 0 002 ! 00398204 r 0101 \ 01498957 a 0101 | to an immeasurable degree; beyond measurement; "the war left him immeasurably fearful of what man can do to man"
00398204 02 r 01 measurably 0 002 ! 00398015 r 0101 \ 01498769 a 0101 | to a measurable degree; "the difference is measurably large"
00398339 02 r 01 mechanistically 0 000 | in a mechanistic manner; "Handel achieves a huge breadth of musical thought when composing almost mechanistically in the least weighty of styles"
00398528 02 r 01 medially 0 001 \ 00331030 a 0102 | in a medial position; "this consonant always occurs medially"
00398644 02 r 01 meditatively 0 001 \ 02419434 a 0104 | in a meditative manner; "round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him"
00398843 02 r 02 mellowly 0 mellow 0 002 ;u 07073447 n 0000 \ 01492061 a 0101 | (obsolete) in a mellow manner
00398955 02 r 02 melodiously 0 tunefully 0 003 \ 01502195 a 0201 ! 00399106 r 0101 \ 01501113 a 0101 | in a melodious manner; "she sang melodiously"
00399106 02 r 01 unmelodiously 0 002 ! 00398955 r 0101 \ 01502099 a 0101 | in an unmelodious manner; "she sings rather unmelodiously"
00399242 02 r 01 melodramatically 0 001 \ 00795078 a 0101 | in an overly emotional manner; "she acted melodramatically when she called for help"
00399389 02 r 01 melodramatically 1 001 \ 00796337 a 0102 | as in a melodrama; "here, the hero is melodramatically reunited with the heroine"
00399533 02 r 02 memorably 0 unforgettably 0 003 \ 01040410 a 0201 ! 00399702 r 0101 \ 01040752 a 0101 | in a memorable manner; "Horowitz could play Chopin memorably"
00399702 02 r 01 unmemorably 0 002 ! 00399533 r 0101 \ 01040331 a 0101 | in an unmemorable manner
00399802 02 r 02 menacingly 0 threateningly 0 002 \ 00194357 a 0208 \ 00194357 a 0103 | in a menacing manner; "the voice at the other end of the line dropped menacingly"
00399974 02 r 02 mendaciously 0 untruthfully 0 003 ! 00400192 r 0201 \ 01225898 a 0201 \ 01226129 a 0101 | in a mendacious and untruthful manner; "I told him, quite untruthfully, that I had just returned from leave"
00400192 02 r 01 truthfully 1 002 ! 00399974 r 0102 \ 01225398 a 0101 | with truth; "I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation"; "he answered the question as truthfully as he could"
00400398 02 r 01 menially 0 001 \ 02229961 a 0102 | in a menial manner
00400471 02 r 04 mercilessly 0 pitilessly 0 unmercifully 0 remorselessly 0 004 \ 01508086 a 0402 \ 01507402 a 0302 \ 01508086 a 0201 \ 01507402 a 0101 | without pity; in a merciless manner; "he was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House"
00400722 02 r 02 meretriciously 0 flashily 1 002 \ 02393791 a 0204 \ 02393791 a 0109 | in a meretricious manner; "the boat is meretriciously decorated"
00400876 02 r 01 meritoriously 0 001 \ 02586747 a 0101 | in a meritorious manner; "he served his country meritoriously"
00400998 02 r 02 messily 0 untidily 0 002 \ 02424254 a 0201 \ 02426042 a 0101 | in a messy, untidy manner; "Rossi spat very deliberately, and very messily, upon Durieux's party card"
00401183 02 r 01 tidily 0 001 \ 02422685 a 0101 | in a tidy manner; "the door gave access to a tidily furnished sitting-room where chintz and oak predominated"
00401345 02 r 01 methodologically 0 001 \ 02943463 a 0101 | in a methodical manner; "let us proceed methodologically"
00401465 02 r 01 metrically 0 001 \ 02020310 a 0102 | with regard to meter; "metrically, these poems are matched"
00401581 02 r 01 rhythmically 0 001 \ 02019021 a 0101 | in a rhythmic manner; "the chair rocked rhythmically back and forth"
00401708 02 r 02 mindlessly 0 senselessly 0 002 \ 01945139 a 0203 \ 01945139 a 0101 | in an unreasonably senseless manner; "these temples were mindlessly destroyed by the Red Guards"
00401893 02 r 01 mindlessly 1 001 \ 01334277 a 0101 | without intellectual involvement; "all day long, he mindlessly filled out forms"
00402030 02 r 03 amidships 0 amidship 0 midships 0 000 | at or near or toward the center of a ship; "in the late 19th century, engines were placed in front, amidships, and at the rear"
00402217 02 r 01 midweek 0 000 | in the middle of the week
00402278 02 r 01 mincingly 0 001 \ 01948092 a 0102 | in a mincing manner; "she stepped mincingly over the puddles"
00402395 02 r 01 ministerially 0 001 \ 02764828 a 0101 | in the manner of a minister or clergyman; "he was called on to visit ministerially on the dying man"
00402555 02 r 02 minutely 0 circumstantially 2 002 \ 01103676 a 0201 \ 01393483 a 0102 | in minute detail; "our inability to see everything minutely and clearly is due merely to the infirmity of our senses"
00402764 02 r 01 miraculously 0 001 \ 01576551 a 0103 | in a miraculous manner; "my hand grasped the gun that was, miraculously, lying on the ground beside my finger tips"
00402938 02 r 01 miserably 0 001 \ 00478872 a 0101 | in a miserable manner; "I bit my lip miserably and nodded"
00403052 02 r 01 mistily 0 001 \ 00461609 a 0104 | in a misty manner; "the summits of the mountains were mistily purple"
00403175 02 r 01 molto 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | much; "allegro molto"
00403249 02 r 01 momentously 0 001 \ 02161982 a 0101 | in a momentous way
00403325 02 r 01 monotonously 0 001 \ 00807817 a 0102 | in a monotonous manner; "the history of the play throughout the latter part of the eighteenth century is monotonously uneventful"
00403513 02 r 01 moodily 0 001 \ 01137378 a 0105 | in a moody manner; "in the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic"
00403667 02 r 01 morbidly 0 001 \ 02559862 a 0101 | in a morbid manner or to a morbid degree; "he was morbidly fascinated by dead bodies"
00403807 02 r 01 morosely 0 001 \ 01137378 a 0106 | in a morose manner; "he fell morosely on the bed"
00403911 02 r 01 morphologically 0 001 \ 02949275 a 0102 | in a morphological manner; with regard to morphology; "these two plants are morphologically related"
00404073 02 r 01 mortally 0 000 | in such a manner that death ensues (also in reference to hatred, jealousy, fear, etc.); "a being of whom the forest Indians are said to be mortally afraid, with a hoof shaped like the heel of a bottle"
00404311 02 r 01 motionlessly 0 001 \ 01564315 a 0102 | without moving; in a motionless manner; "he saw the black-haired man waiting motionlessly behind the opposite side of the platform"
00404501 02 r 01 sadly 3 001 \ 01366277 a 0101 | with sadness; in a sad manner; "`She died last night,' he said sadly"
00404622 02 r 01 mournfully 0 001 \ 01362387 a 0102 | in a mournful manner; "the young man stared into his glass mournfully"
00404749 02 r 01 mundanely 0 001 \ 01674242 a 0102 | in a mundane manner; "the young man spoke so mundanely of university life"
00404879 02 r 02 mundanely 1 terrestrially 1 002 \ 02578035 a 0202 \ 02578035 a 0101 | in a worldly manner; "terrestrially changeable"
00405016 02 r 01 murderously 1 001 \ 00248837 a 0102 | as if bent on murder; "the huge dog bore down on them with bared fangs and barking murderously"
00405169 02 r 01 murkily 1 001 \ 00433529 a 0104 | unclearly; opaquely; "murkily expressed ideas"
00405269 02 r 01 musically 1 002 ! 00405389 r 0101 \ 01504625 a 0101 | in a musical manner; "She sang very musically"
00405389 02 r 01 unmusically 0 002 ! 00405269 r 0101 \ 01505318 a 0101 | in an unmusical manner; "She sings rather unmusically"
00405519 02 r 01 musingly 0 001 \ 02419434 a 0105 | in a reflective manner; "`It's funny about that bar,' he said musingly"
00405645 02 r 02 mutually 0 reciprocally 1 002 \ 01945550 a 0201 \ 01945550 a 0102 | in a mutual or shared manner; "the agreement was mutually satisfactory"; "the goals of the negotiators were not reciprocally exclusive"
00405868 02 r 02 in_return 0 reciprocally 2 001 \ 01945550 a 0201 | (often followed by `for') in exchange or in reciprocation; "gave up our seats on the plane and in return received several hundred dollars and seats on the next plane out"; "we get many benefits in return for our taxes"
00406157 02 r 01 naively 0 001 \ 02271544 a 0101 | in a naive manner; "he believed, naively, that she would leave him her money"
00406288 02 r 01 nakedly 0 001 \ 00457998 a 0103 | without clothing; "Henriette saw the weaving figure of an Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised"
00406470 02 r 01 nakedly 2 001 \ 01886783 a 0101 | in an exposed manner; without protection or defense; "they were attacked as they huddled nakedly on the bare hill"
00406638 02 r 02 narrow-mindedly 0 small-mindedly 0 003 \ 00288498 a 0202 ! 00406868 r 0101 \ 00287640 a 0101 | in a narrow-minded manner; "narrow-mindedly, the authorities closed down the cafe where teenagers used to hang out"
00406868 02 r 01 broad-mindedly 0 002 ! 00406638 r 0101 \ 00286578 a 0101 | in a broad-minded manner; "the authorities broad-mindedly permitted the opening of a center for teenagers"
00407053 02 r 02 nastily 0 meanly 4 002 \ 01587787 a 0202 \ 01587077 a 0101 | in a nasty ill-tempered manner; "`Don't expect me to help you,' he added nastily"
00407215 02 r 04 nationally 0 nationwide 0 across_the_nation 0 across_the_country 0 001 \ 02988060 a 0101 | extending throughout an entire nation; "nationally advertised"; "it was broadcast nationwide"
00407419 02 r 01 nattily 0 001 \ 00971933 a 0104 | in a natty manner; with smartness; "it was arranged carefully and nattily"
00407547 02 r 01 jauntily 0 001 \ 00971933 a 0103 | in a jaunty fashionable manner; "his hat sat jauntily on his full brown hair"
00407679 02 r 01 nay 0 000 | not this merely but also; not only so but; "each of us is peculiar, nay, in a sense unique"
00407802 02 r 03 nearer 0 nigher 0 closer 0 001 ;u 06322693 n 0000 | (comparative of `near' or `close') within a shorter distance; "come closer, my dear!"; "they drew nearer"; "getting nearer to the true explanation"
00408021 02 r 03 nearest 0 nighest 0 closest 0 001 ;u 06693870 n 0000 | (superlative of `near' or `close') within the shortest distance; "that was the time he came nearest to death"
00408205 02 r 02 necessarily 0 needfully 0 003 \ 01580775 a 0202 ! 00408498 r 0101 \ 01580050 a 0101 | in an essential manner; "such expenses are necessarily incurred"
00408375 02 r 01 necessarily 1 000 | as a highly likely consequence; "we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe"
00408498 02 r 01 unnecessarily 0 002 ! 00408205 r 0101 \ 01581115 a 0101 | in an unnecessary manner; "they were unnecessarily rude"
00408632 02 r 03 neck_and_neck 0 head-to-head 0 nip_and_tuck 0 003 \ 00551416 a 0303 \ 00551416 a 0202 \ 00551416 a 0101 | even or close in a race or competition or comparison; "the horses ran neck and neck"; "he won nip and tuck"
00408865 02 r 01 nefariously 0 001 \ 02515001 a 0101 | in a nefarious manner or to a nefarious degree; "nefariously involved in a conspiracy"
00409009 02 r 01 neglectfully 0 001 \ 00755220 a 0103 | in a neglectful manner
00409090 02 r 01 negligently 0 001 \ 00754873 a 0101 | in a negligent manner; "he did his work negligently"
00409200 02 r 01 nervously 0 001 \ 02406908 a 0101 | in an anxiously nervous manner; "we watched the stock market nervously"
00409327 02 r 01 neurotically 0 001 \ 01583040 a 0101 | in a neurotic manner; "they are finely, not to say neurotically adjusted"
00409459 02 r 01 nervously 1 001 \ 00919155 a 0104 | with nervous excitement; "our bodies jumped nervously away at the slightest touch"
00409597 02 r 02 nevermore 0 never_again 0 000 | at no time hereafter; "Quoth the raven, nevermore!" -E.A.Poe
00409709 02 r 03 near 1 nigh 0 close 1 000 | near in time or place or relationship; "as the wedding day drew near"; "stood near the door"; "don't shoot until they come near"; "getting near to the true explanation"; "her mother is always near"; "The end draws nigh"; "the bullet didn't come close"; "don't get too close to the fire"
00410043 02 r 02 close_up 0 at_close_range 0 000 | very close; "without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up"; "even firing at close range he missed"
00410210 02 r 02 nightly 0 every_night 0 000 | at the end of each day; "she checks on her roses nightly"
00410317 02 r 02 ninefold 0 nine_times 0 000 | by a factor of nine; "my investment has increased ninefold"
00410426 02 r 01 nobly 0 001 \ 01588172 a 0101 | in a noble manner; "she has behaved nobly"
00410520 02 r 01 nohow 0 000 | in no manner; in no way; "We could nohow make out his handwriting"
00410620 02 r 01 nonstop 0 000 | without stopping; "we are flying nonstop form New York to Tokyo"
00410720 02 r 01 nostalgically 0 000 | in a nostalgic manner; "they spent an hour together, talking nostalgically as they wandered slowly down the coast road"
00410881 02 r 01 notoriously 0 000 | to a notorious degree; "European emigres, who notoriously used to repair to the British Museum to write seditious pamphlets"
00411045 02 r 01 nutritionally 0 001 \ 03002351 a 0101 | with regard to nutrition; "nutritionally, her new diet is suicide"
00411171 02 r 01 numerically 0 001 \ 01915586 a 0102 | in number; with regard to numbers; "in ten years' time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now"
00411427 02 r 02 numbly 0 insensibly 0 002 \ 02102796 a 0201 \ 02103333 a 0103 | in a numb manner; without feeling; "I stared at him numbly"
00411570 02 r 02 nowise 0 to_no_degree 0 000 | in no manner; "they are nowise different"
00411661 02 r 03 northeast 0 north-east 0 nor'-east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the northeast
00411755 02 r 03 northwest 0 north-west 0 nor'-west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the northwest
00411849 02 r 02 north-northeast 0 nor'-nor'-east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the north-northeast
00411947 02 r 02 north-northwest 0 nor'-nor'-west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the north-northwest
00412045 02 r 01 objectively 0 002 ! 00412178 r 0101 \ 01615180 a 0101 | with objectivity; "we must look at the facts objectively"
00412178 02 r 01 subjectively 0 002 ! 00412045 r 0101 \ 01615925 a 0101 | in a subjective way; "you cannot look at these facts subjectively"
00412321 02 r 01 obscenely 1 000 | to an obscene degree; "this man is obscenely rich"
00412409 02 r 03 obsequiously 0 subserviently 0 servilely 0 003 \ 00790086 a 0301 \ 00790691 a 0202 \ 00790540 a 0101 | in an obsequious manner; "she acts obsequiously toward her boss"
00412596 02 r 02 observantly 0 observingly 0 002 \ 01745517 a 0202 \ 01745517 a 0101 | in an observant manner
00412708 02 r 03 obstreperously 0 loudly 4 clamorously 0 002 \ 01920367 a 0303 \ 00696207 a 0101 | in manner that attracts attention; "obstreperously, he demanded to get service"
00412889 02 r 01 obtrusively 0 002 ! 00412987 r 0101 \ 01614778 a 0101 | in an obtrusive manner
00412987 02 r 01 unobtrusively 0 002 ! 00412889 r 0101 \ 01614988 a 0101 | in an unobtrusive manner; "messengers were moving unobtrusively over the jet-black mountain ranges, bearing confidential tidings from sheikhdom to sheikhdom"
00413222 02 r 01 officiously 0 001 \ 01352561 a 0104 | in an officious manner; "nothing so fatal as to strive too officiously for an abstract quality like beauty"
00413387 02 r 02 obstructively 0 hinderingly 0 002 \ 01764351 a 0202 \ 01764351 a 0104 | in an obstructive manner; "he acted very obstructively when we tried to carry out our project"
00413573 02 r 01 offside 0 000 | illegally in advance of the ball or puck
00413649 02 r 01 onerously 0 001 \ 01189109 a 0102 | in an onerous manner
00413725 02 r 01 opaquely 0 001 \ 00535293 a 0101 | in an opaque manner; "he referred opaquely to her recent past"
00413842 02 r 01 operationally 0 001 \ 00833018 a 0101 | in respect to operation; "reported the machine operationally satisfactory"; "a well-trained staff that is operationally adequate"
00414031 02 r 01 oppressively 0 001 \ 01189998 a 0101 | in a heavy and oppressive way; "it was oppressively hot in the office"
00414160 02 r 01 optimally 0 001 \ 00228645 a 0102 | in an optimal and most desirable way
00414252 02 r 01 optimistically 0 002 ! 00414436 r 0101 \ 01663571 a 0101 | with optimism; in an optimistic manner; "`We have a good chance of winning,' he exclaimed optimistically"
00414436 02 r 01 pessimistically 0 002 ! 00414252 r 0101 \ 01664581 a 0101 | with pessimism; in a pessimistic manner; "he evaluated his chances for survival rather pessimistically"
00414619 02 r 01 optionally 0 002 ! 00414750 r 0101 \ 00847399 a 0101 | in an optional manner; "this rule is applied optionally"
00414750 02 r 01 obligatorily 1 002 ! 00414619 r 0101 \ 00848074 a 0101 | in an obligatory manner; "this rule applies obligatorily"
00414884 02 r 02 sumptuously 0 opulently 0 002 \ 02024928 a 0205 \ 02024928 a 0107 | in a sumptuous and opulent manner; "this government building is sumptuously appointed"
00415058 02 r 01 organizationally 0 001 \ 02898276 a 0101 | with regard to organization; "organizationally, the conference was a disaster!"
00415200 02 r 01 osmotically 0 001 \ 03000608 a 0101 | by means of osmosis
00415277 02 r 02 ostentatiously 0 showily 0 002 \ 01848701 a 0202 \ 01848355 a 0101 | with ostentation; in an ostentatious manner; "Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly"
00415496 02 r 01 outlandishly 0 001 \ 00608791 a 0109 | in an outlandish manner; "the Bavarian was outlandishly dressed in lederhosen"
00415633 02 r 01 outspokenly 0 001 \ 00764484 a 0106 | in an outspoken manner; "he was outspokenly critical of the Government's new social policy"
00415782 02 r 01 overbearingly 0 001 \ 00787357 a 0103 | in an overbearing manner
00415866 02 r 01 overleaf 0 000 | on or to the other side of a page; "data tabulated overleaf"
00415963 02 r 02 overmuch 0 too_much 0 000 | more than necessary; "she eats too much"; "let's not blame them overmuch"
00416084 02 r 02 oversea 0 overseas 0 000 | beyond or across the sea; "He lived overseas for many years"
00416191 02 r 01 overside 0 000 | over the side of a boat; "Willie eased himself overside into the sea"
00416297 02 r 01 owlishly 0 001 \ 02569945 a 0101 | in an owlish manner; "the gentle-looking barrister peered owlishly around him"
00416430 02 r 01 pacifistically 0 001 \ 01741953 a 0102 | in a pacifistic manner; "the pacifistically inclined liberals"
00416553 02 r 02 painstakingly 0 fastidiously 1 002 \ 00983862 a 0201 \ 00310138 a 0102 | in a fastidious and painstaking manner; "it is almost a waste of time painstakingly to learn the routines of selling"
00416763 02 r 01 palatably 0 002 ! 00416855 r 0101 \ 01716227 a 0101 | in a palatable way
00416855 02 r 01 unpalatably 0 002 ! 00416763 r 0101 \ 01716491 a 0101 | in an unpalatable way; "The vegetables looked unpalatably wilted"
00416996 02 r 01 palely 0 001 \ 00405879 a 0101 | in a pale manner; without physical or emotional color; "his wife, always palely appealing"
00417139 02 r 03 pallidly 0 palely 1 dimly 1 002 \ 00408445 a 0201 \ 02325984 a 0102 | in a manner lacking interest or vitality; "a palely entertaining show"
00417299 02 r 01 parentally 0 001 \ 01722529 a 0101 | in a parental manner
00417376 02 r 01 parenterally 0 001 \ 03096747 a 0101 | by parenteral means; "the drug is intended to be administered parenterally"
00417510 02 r 01 parenthetically 0 001 \ 01857527 a 0102 | in a parenthetical manner; "he added parenthetically that he would not attend the wedding ceremony"
00417671 02 r 01 parochially 0 001 \ 00637267 a 0102 | in a parochial manner; "parochially narrow in his outlook"
00417787 02 r 02 by 0 past 0 000 | so as to pass a given point; "every hour a train goes past"
00417884 02 r 01 patchily 0 001 \ 00912814 a 0101 | in spots
00417947 02 r 01 paternally 0 001 \ 01734436 a 0101 | in a paternal manner; "he behaves very paternally toward his young bride"
00418077 02 r 01 pathetically 1 001 \ 00905181 a 0101 | arousing scornful pity; "they had pathetically little money"; "it was pathetically bad"
00418223 02 r 02 pathetically 2 pitiably 0 002 \ 01050890 a 0206 \ 01050890 a 0104 | in a manner arousing sympathy and compassion; "the sick child cried pathetically"
00418392 02 r 01 patriotically 0 002 ! 00418541 r 0101 \ 01740207 a 0101 | in a patriotic manner; "patriotically, he buys only U.S.-made products"
00418541 02 r 01 unpatriotically 0 002 ! 00418392 r 0101 \ 01740630 a 0101 | in an unpatriotic manner; "unpatriotically he contrived a way of avoiding military service"
00418712 02 r 02 peaceably 0 pacifically 0 002 \ 01741669 a 0201 \ 01741669 a 0102 | in a peaceable manner; "the tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing the several covenants herein on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy the demised premises"
00418985 02 r 01 pedantically 0 001 \ 02083908 a 0103 | in a pedantic manner; "these interpretations are called `schemas' or, more pedantically, `schemata'"
00419144 02 r 03 peevishly 0 querulously 0 fractiously 1 003 \ 01136541 a 0302 \ 00513981 a 0202 \ 01136541 a 0105 | in a peevish manner
00419283 02 r 01 pejoratively 0 001 \ 00907243 a 0103 | in a pejorative manner; "I am not using the word pejoratively"
00419404 02 r 02 penetratingly 0 penetratively 0 002 \ 01744515 a 0207 \ 01744515 a 0106 | with ability to see into deeply; "the author treats his subject penetratingly"
00419576 02 r 01 pensively 0 001 \ 02419434 a 0106 | in a pensive manner; "pensively he stared at the painting"
00419690 02 r 01 penuriously 0 001 \ 02023661 a 0105 | in a penurious manner; "they lived penuriously"
00419795 02 r 01 perceptively 0 001 \ 01744111 a 0101 | in a perceptive manner
00419876 02 r 01 perceptually 0 001 \ 02945377 a 0101 | with regard to perception; "this task is perceptually very difficult"
00420004 02 r 02 perchance 0 by_chance 3 001 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | through chance, "To sleep, perchance to dream.."
00420121 02 r 01 perfidiously 0 001 \ 00960094 a 0102 | in a perfidious manner; "he was playing perfidiously one side against the other"
00420260 02 r 01 perkily 0 001 \ 00363621 a 0103 | in a perky manner; "stuck perkily, like a bustle on a woman's skirt"
00420382 02 r 01 perpendicularly 0 001 \ 01720280 a 0101 | in a perpendicular manner; "this red line runs perpendicularly to the green line"
00420525 02 r 02 perplexedly 0 confoundedly 0 002 \ 01766133 a 0205 \ 01765643 a 0101 | in a perplexed manner; "he looked at his professor perplexedly"
00420679 02 r 01 persistently 1 001 \ 00593071 a 0101 | in a persistent manner; "he was asking questions, unavoidable questions, persistently..."
00420827 02 r 01 persuasively 0 001 \ 01769843 a 0101 | in a persuasive manner; "this essay argues so persuasively..."
00420948 02 r 01 pertinaciously 0 001 \ 02327569 a 0104 | in a dogged and pertinacious manner; "he struggled pertinaciously for the new resolution"
00421098 02 r 01 pertinently 0 001 \ 00138314 a 0103 | in a pertinent way; "what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently"
00421324 02 r 01 pervasively 0 001 \ 00468795 a 0104 | in a pervasive manner
00421403 02 r 01 pettily 0 001 \ 00288498 a 0101 | in a petty way
00421471 02 r 01 pharmacologically 0 001 \ 02912686 a 0101 | with regard to pharmacology; "pharmacologically, this plant could have important applications"
00421629 02 r 01 phenomenally 0 001 \ 01676993 a 0101 | to a phenomenal degree; "his reaction was phenomenally quick"
00421749 02 r 01 philanthropically 0 001 \ 00359645 a 0104 | in a philanthropic manner
00421838 02 r 01 philatelically 0 001 \ 03006854 a 0101 | in a philatelic manner; "the Post Office honors great Americans philatelically"
00421978 02 r 01 phlegmatically 0 001 \ 00858340 a 0101 | in a phlegmatic manner; "he accepted the decision phlegmatically"
00422104 02 r 01 picturesquely 0 001 \ 00219924 a 0101 | in a picturesque manner; "in the building trade such a trader is picturesquely described as a `brass plate' merchant"
00422281 02 r 04 piecemeal 0 little_by_little 0 bit_by_bit 1 in_stages 0 000 | a little bit at a time; "the research structure has developed piecemeal"
00422435 02 r 04 piercingly 0 bitterly 2 bitingly 0 bitter 0 003 \ 01711910 a 0301 \ 01711910 a 0202 \ 00803432 a 0104 | extremely and sharply; "it was bitterly cold"; "bitter cold"
00422619 02 r 01 piggishly 0 001 \ 00011327 a 0102 | in a piggish manner; "piggishly, he took two pieces of cake"
00422735 02 r 01 pinnately 0 001 \ 02173632 a 0101 | having a pinnate shape; "a pinnately compound leaf"
00422842 02 r 02 piping 0 steaming 0 000 | (used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot"
00422944 02 r 02 piquantly 0 spicily 0 002 \ 02398378 a 0204 \ 02398378 a 0101 | with strong spices; in a spicy manner; "the soup was spicily flavored"
00423098 02 r 01 placidly 0 001 \ 01134486 a 0104 | in a placid and good-natured manner; "I put the questions, and she answered them placidly"
00423243 02 r 01 placidly 1 001 \ 00302951 a 0101 | in a quiet and tranquil manner; "the sea now shimmered placidly before our eyes"
00423378 02 r 01 pizzicato 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | with a light plucking staccato sound
00423471 02 r 01 point-blank 0 000 | in a direct and unequivocal manner; "I asked him point-blank whether he wanted the job"
00423598 02 r 01 posthumously 0 001 \ 00817242 a 0101 | after death; "these piano pieces were published posthumously"; "he was honored posthumously"
00423749 02 r 01 prestissimo 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | extremely fast; as fast as possible; "this passage should be played prestissimo"
00423888 02 r 01 rallentando 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | slowing down; "this passage should be played rallentando"
00424004 02 r 01 recognizably 0 002 ! 00424140 r 0101 \ 01747996 a 0101 | to a recognizable degree; "he was recognizably slimmer now"
00424140 02 r 02 unrecognizably 0 unrecognisable 0 002 ! 00424004 r 0101 \ 01273773 a 0101 | beyond recognition; in an unrecognizable manner; "he had unrecognizably aged"
00424313 02 r 01 regretfully 0 001 \ 01150475 a 0101 | with regret (used in polite formulas); "I must regretfully decline your kind invitation"
00424459 02 r 01 piratically 0 001 \ 03100184 a 0101 | in a piratical manner; "the piratically published edition of his book"
00424587 02 r 04 pit-a-pat 0 pitty-patty 0 pitty-pat 0 pitter-patter 0 000 | describing a rhythmic beating; "his heart went pit-a-pat"
00424724 02 r 04 pit-a-pat 1 pitty-patty 1 pitty-pat 1 pitter-patter 1 000 | as of footsteps; "he came running pit-a-pat down the hall"
00424862 02 r 01 piteously 0 001 \ 01050890 a 0105 | in a piteous manner
00424937 02 r 02 pithily 0 sententiously 0 002 \ 00548316 a 0202 \ 00548316 a 0101 | in a pithy sententious manner; "she expressed herself pithily"
00425087 02 r 01 pitifully 0 001 \ 00905181 a 0103 | to a pitiful degree; "wages were pitifully low, particularly the wages of women"
00425223 02 r 01 placatingly 0 001 \ 00759826 a 0102 | in a placating manner; "Jenny smiled placatingly"
00425330 02 r 03 plaguey 0 plaguy 0 plaguily 0 001 \ 00089550 a 0309 | in a disagreeable manner; "it's so plaguey cold!"
00425453 02 r 01 plaintively 0 001 \ 01366157 a 0102 | in a plaintive manner; "the last note of the song rang out plaintively"
00425582 02 r 01 playfully 0 001 \ 02121859 a 0101 | in a playful manner; "she loosened the half-hoop of diamonds on her left hand third finger and held it out to him playfully"
00425762 02 r 01 pleasingly 0 001 \ 01807219 a 0101 | in a pleasing manner; "the room was pleasingly large"
00425872 02 r 01 plenarily 0 001 \ 00528167 a 0101 | in a plenary manner; "an empire destined to enter the Commonwealth plenarily"
00426005 02 r 01 ploddingly 0 001 \ 00837756 a 0102 | in a plodding manner; "this writer ploddingly accumulates detail after detail"
00426140 02 r 02 plop 0 plunk 0 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | with a short hollow thud; "plop came the ball down to the corner of the green"
00426278 02 r 01 plump 1 001 ;u 07075172 n 0000 | straight down especially heavily or abruptly; "the anchor fell plump into the sea"; "we dropped the rock plump into the water"
00426457 02 r 01 pneumatically 0 001 \ 02838894 a 0101 | in a pneumatic manner; "at the present time the transmission is very often done hydraulically or pneumatically"
00426628 02 r 01 pointlessly 0 001 \ 02503305 a 0102 | in a pointless manner; "he spent his life in pointlessly tiresome drudgery"
00426761 02 r 02 poisonously 0 venomously 0 002 \ 00226105 a 0202 \ 00226105 a 0101 | in a very malevolent manner
00426877 02 r 01 pluckily 0 001 \ 02279900 a 0102 | in a plucky manner; "he was Brentford's defensive star in pluckily holding out the determined Reading raids for long periods"
00427057 02 r 01 plumb 0 000 | conforming to the direction of a plumb line
00427134 02 r 01 ponderously 0 001 \ 01192786 a 0103 | in a heavy ponderous manner; "he moves ponderously"
00427243 02 r 01 ponderously 1 001 \ 01346538 a 0101 | in an uninterestingly ponderous manner; "the play was staged with ponderously realistic sets"
00427394 02 r 01 pop 0 000 | like a pop or with a pop; "everything went pop"
00427473 02 r 01 popishly 0 001 \ 02921753 a 0106 | like the Pope; in a popish manner
00427561 02 r 01 portentously 0 001 \ 01849960 a 0105 | in a portentous manner; "portentously, the engines began to roll"
00427685 02 r 01 possessively 0 001 \ 00030508 a 0101 | in a possessive manner; "he was sleeping, one arm flung possessively across his wife"
00427829 02 r 02 post-free 0 post-paid 0 000 | having the postage paid by the sender; "I will send it post-paid"
00427944 02 r 02 potently 0 powerfully 0 002 \ 01830599 a 0202 \ 01830599 a 0101 | in a manner having a powerful influence; "Clytemnestra's ghost crying in the night for vengeance remained most potently in the audience's mind"
00428173 02 r 01 poutingly 0 000 | with a pout or in a pouting manner
00428245 02 r 02 powerfully 1 strongly 1 002 \ 02321009 a 0201 \ 01825671 a 0101 | in a powerful manner; "the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist"
00428493 02 r 01 powerlessly 0 001 \ 01827535 a 0101 | in a powerless manner
00428572 02 r 02 practicably 0 feasibly 0 003 \ 01822563 a 0201 \ 01822563 a 0103 + 01822563 a 0201 | in a practicable manner; so as to be feasible
00428722 02 r 01 pragmatically 0 001 \ 01940651 a 0104 | in a realistic manner; "we want to build a democratic society, but we must act pragmatically"
00428875 02 r 02 pre-eminently 0 preeminently 0 001 \ 02339341 a 0202 | to a preeminent degree; with superiority or distinction above others; in a preeminent manner; "a wide variety of pre-eminently contemporary scenes"
00429097 02 r 01 precariously 0 001 \ 02060496 a 0103 | in a precarious manner; "being a precariously dominant minority is a difficult position for human nature to cope with"
00429274 02 r 02 precious 0 preciously 0 001 ;u 06321054 n 0000 | extremely; "there is precious little time left"
00429390 02 r 01 precipitously 0 001 \ 01145151 a 0102 | abruptly; in a precipitous manner; "the mountains rose precipitously from the shore"
00429534 02 r 02 precipitously 1 sharply 3 000 | very suddenly and to a great degree; "conditions that precipitously increase the birthrate"; "prices rose sharply"
00429700 02 r 01 precociously 0 001 \ 01839829 a 0101 | in a precocious manner; "her child behaves precociously"
00429815 02 r 01 predictably 0 001 \ 01841544 a 0101 | in a predictable manner or to a predictable degree; "predictably, he did not like the news"
00429964 02 r 02 prematurely 0 untimely 0 002 \ 00815000 a 0202 \ 00815000 a 0101 | too soon; in a premature manner; "I spoke prematurely"
00430105 02 r 01 prematurely 1 001 \ 01495535 a 0101 | (of childbirth) before the end of the normal period of gestation; "the child was born prematurely"
00430261 02 r 02 presciently 0 cannily 0 002 \ 00439252 a 0203 \ 00772137 a 0101 | with foresight; "more presciently than they superiors, these workers grasped the economic situation"
00430447 02 r 01 carnally 0 001 \ 01778572 a 0102 | in a carnal manner
00430520 02 r 01 presentably 0 001 \ 01993598 a 0101 | in a presentable manner; "years ago in her white-painted infancy it must have hung presentably on the deck of some luxury liner"
00430706 02 r 01 pressingly 0 001 \ 00713558 a 0101 | in a pressing manner
00430783 02 r 01 presumptuously 0 001 \ 00205696 a 0103 | in a presumptuous manner; "he presumptuously overstepped the doctor's orders"
00430921 02 r 01 pretentiously 0 002 ! 00431058 r 0101 \ 01849288 a 0101 | in a pretentious manner; "this author writes pretentiously"
00431058 02 r 01 unpretentiously 0 002 ! 00430921 r 0101 \ 01851523 a 0101 | in an unpretentious manner; "she was unpretentiously dressed even though she was the guest of honor"
00431238 02 r 02 preternaturally 0 supernaturally 0 002 \ 01574446 a 0201 \ 01577086 a 0103 | in a supernatural manner; "she was preternaturally beautiful"
00431396 02 r 01 prettily 0 001 \ 00220082 a 0101 | in a pretty manner; "all this is most prettily done"
00431503 02 r 01 priggishly 0 001 \ 01880163 a 0101 | in a priggish manner; "this professor acts so priggishly--like a moderator with a gavel!"
00431649 02 r 02 primly 0 prissily 0 002 \ 01880163 a 0203 \ 01880163 a 0102 | in a prissy manner; "the new teacher alienates the children by behaving prissily"
00431812 02 r 01 primitively 0 001 \ 00818175 a 0102 | in a primitive style or manner; "rather primitively operated foundries"
00431941 02 r 03 primitively 1 originally 1 in_the_beginning 0 000 | with reference to the origin or beginning
00432054 02 r 01 probabilistically 0 001 \ 03102871 a 0101 | by the use of probability theory; "we can calculate the position of the particles probabilistically"
00432218 02 r 01 problematically 0 001 \ 00746451 a 0104 | in such a way as to pose a problem
00432314 02 r 02 warmly 1 warm 0 002 \ 02529264 a 0201 \ 02529264 a 0101 | in a warm manner; "warmly dressed"; "warm-clad skiers"
00432446 02 r 02 wastefully 0 prodigally 1 002 \ 02422242 a 0202 \ 02422068 a 0101 | to a wasteful manner or to a wasteful degree; "we are still prodigally rich compared to others"
00432629 02 r 01 prodigiously 0 001 \ 01676026 a 0104 | to a prodigious degree; "the prices of farms rose prodigiously"
00432751 02 r 01 profanely 0 001 \ 02012748 a 0102 | in an irreverent or profane manner; "he kept wondering profanely why everything bad happened to him"
00432907 02 r 01 profanely 1 001 \ 00425002 a 0103 | with curses; "muttering profanely"
00432997 02 r 01 proficiently 0 001 \ 02226162 a 0105 | in a proficient manner; "he dealt proficiently with the problem"
00433120 02 r 03 profitlessly 0 unprofitably 1 gainlessly 0 002 \ 01871949 a 0201 \ 02016295 a 0101 | without gain or profit
00433247 02 r 01 prohibitively 0 001 \ 01765498 a 0101 | to a prohibitive degree; "it is prohibitively expensive"
00433363 02 r 02 promiscuously 1 indiscriminately 1 002 \ 00773759 a 0201 \ 00774006 a 0101 | in an indiscriminate manner; "she reads promiscuously"
00433514 02 r 01 promisingly 0 001 \ 00176387 a 0103 | in an auspicious manner; "the afternoon had begun so promisingly"
00433637 02 r 02 prosaically 0 unimaginatively 2 001 \ 00922840 a 0103 | in a matter-of-fact manner; "I applied my attention prosaically to my routine"
00433791 02 r 01 prosily 0 001 \ 01346343 a 0103 | in a prosy manner; "somewhat prosily and repetitively expounded"
00433909 02 r 01 proverbially 0 001 \ 01376522 a 0101 | in the manner of something that has become a byword; "this proverbially bitter plant, wormwood"
00434063 02 r 01 providentially 0 001 \ 03006513 a 0101 | in a providential manner; as determined by providence; "his providentially destined role"
00434213 02 r 01 providentially 1 001 \ 01048976 a 0102 | in a fortunately providential manner; "providentially the weather remained good"
00434354 02 r 02 provocatively 0 provokingly 0 002 \ 01896925 a 0203 \ 01896478 a 0101 | in a provocative manner; "`Try it,' he said provocatively"
00434504 02 r 02 prudishly 0 puritanically 0 002 \ 01880163 a 0205 \ 01880163 a 0104 | in a prudish manner; "she acts prudishly, but I wonder whether she is really all that chaste"
00434687 02 r 01 pruriently 0 001 \ 02133779 a 0103 | in a prurient manner
00434764 02 r 01 pryingly 0 001 \ 00665156 a 0103 | in a curious and prying manner; "`Do you have a boyfriend,' she asked her prospective tenant pryingly"
00434921 02 r 01 psychologically 1 001 \ 01781076 a 0101 | with regard to psychology; "war that caught them in its toils either psychologically or physically"; "the event was very damaging to the child psychologically"
00435142 02 r 01 psychologically 0 001 \ 02905794 a 0101 | in terms of psychology; "classify poetry psychologically"
00435261 02 r 01 pugnaciously 0 001 \ 00084353 a 0101 | in a pugnacious manner
00435342 02 r 01 punctiliously 0 001 \ 01838529 a 0102 | in a punctilious manner; "he launched into a long history of the birth of communism, giving credit punctiliously to the work of Marx and Engels"
00435546 02 r 01 pungently 0 001 \ 02398608 a 0101 | with a pungent taste or smell; "the soup was pungently flavored"
00435666 02 r 01 pungently 1 001 \ 02079313 a 0104 | with pungency; in a pungent manner; "he wrote pungently about his contemporaries"
00435803 02 r 01 punily 0 001 \ 02326342 a 0101 | in a puny manner
00435872 02 r 01 punishingly 0 001 \ 03152759 a 0101 | in a punishing manner
00435951 02 r 03 punitively 0 punitorily 0 penally 0 003 \ 01902866 a 0301 \ 01902468 a 0202 \ 01902468 a 0101 | in a punishing manner
00436088 02 r 01 purposefully 0 001 \ 01909890 a 0101 | in a purposeful manner; "he caught the motorcycles in the full glare of his headlights, braked and slipped purposefully out of the car"
00436282 02 r 01 purposelessly 0 001 \ 01910488 a 0101 | without a clear purpose; "let's not purposelessly dispense the aid"
00436409 02 r 01 quaintly 0 001 \ 00973192 a 0102 | in a quaint old-fashioned manner; "the room was quaintly furnished"
00436531 02 r 01 quaintly 1 001 \ 00969556 a 0101 | in a strange but not unpleasant manner; "the old lady expressed herself somewhat quaintly"
00436676 02 r 01 qualitatively 0 001 \ 02976870 a 0101 | in a qualitative manner; "this discoloration qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron"
00436848 02 r 02 quarterly 0 every_quarter 0 001 \ 02998046 a 0101 | in three month intervals; "interest is compounded quarterly"
00436980 02 r 01 quarterly 1 000 | in diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon; "two coats of arms borne quarterly"
00437102 02 r 01 queasily 0 001 \ 02545689 a 0103 | in a queasy manner; "`Do I have to remove the liver,' the medical student asked queasily"
00437246 02 r 02 queerly 0 fishily 0 001 \ 01917594 a 0201 | in a questionably unusual manner; "this money had been queerly come by"
00437381 02 r 04 queerly 1 strangely 1 oddly 1 funnily 1 004 \ 00968010 a 0402 \ 00968010 a 0303 \ 00967129 a 0201 \ 00968010 a 0105 | in a strange manner; "a queerly inscribed sheet of paper"
00437576 02 r 02 unquestionably 0 unimpeachably 0 002 \ 01918873 a 0201 \ 01918184 a 0101 | without question; "Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow"; "they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members"
00437796 02 r 02 questionably 0 dubiously 1 002 \ 01916979 a 0202 \ 01916229 a 0101 | in a questionable and dubious manner; "these were estates his father questionably acquired"
00437976 02 r 02 questioningly 1 quizzically 0 002 \ 01766784 a 0202 \ 01766784 a 0101 | in a quizzical and questioning manner; "they looked quizzically at the doctor"
00438146 02 r 02 restfully 0 quietly 5 001 \ 01922227 a 0101 | in a restful manner; "the streets are restfully sunny and still for the town is at mass"
00438300 02 r 01 quixotically 0 001 \ 01837182 a 0101 | in a quixotic manner; "sent to jail for two years, he has quixotically refused to clear himself by betraying his colleagues"
00438483 02 r 01 racily 0 001 \ 02132224 a 0106 | in a racy manner; "racily vernacular language"
00438582 02 r 01 radially 0 001 \ 02373055 a 0101 | in a radial manner; "an imaginative dispersal of the pews radially from the central focus of the pulpit"
00438741 02 r 01 radiantly 0 001 \ 00280463 a 0104 | in a radiant manner; "the bride smiled radiantly"
00438846 02 r 02 raggedly 0 jaggedly 0 002 \ 00912288 a 0201 \ 00913131 a 0101 | with a ragged and uneven appearance; "a long beard, raggedly cut"
00438995 02 r 02 raggedly 1 stragglingly 0 000 | in a ragged irregular manner; "a stone wall trails raggedly through the woods"
00439125 02 r 02 raggedly 2 unevenly 2 000 | in a ragged uneven manner; "I took the cigarette he offered, drawing at it raggedly"
00439257 02 r 02 rampantly 0 wild 2 001 \ 00016005 a 0101 | in an uncontrolled and rampant manner; "weeds grew rampantly around here"
00439393 02 r 01 rapaciously 0 001 \ 00010726 a 0103 | in a rapacious manner
00439472 02 r 02 raving 0 ravingly 0 000 | in a raving manner; "raving mad"
00439550 02 r 01 ravishingly 0 001 \ 00220502 a 0101 | in a ravishing manner or to a ravishing degree; "she was ravishingly beautiful"
00439687 02 r 01 reassuringly 0 001 \ 00196934 a 0101 | in a reassuring manner; "the prime minister pointed reassuringly to the silence of the British press"
00439847 02 r 01 rebukingly 0 000 | in the manner of someone delivering a rebuke
00439930 02 r 01 receptively 0 001 \ 01985247 a 0101 | in a receptive manner
00440009 02 r 01 reflectively 0 001 \ 02419434 a 0108 | in a reflective manner; "he watched her reflectively"
00440121 02 r 01 refreshingly 0 001 \ 01642245 a 0102 | in a pleasantly novel manner; "she was refreshingly free from shyness"
00440250 02 r 02 refreshingly 1 refreshfully 0 001 \ 01357027 a 0104 | in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality; "the air was refreshingly cool"
00440412 02 r 01 regally 0 001 \ 01591394 a 0104 | in a regal manner; "a regally appropriate representative"
00440523 02 r 01 relevantly 0 002 ! 00382749 r 0101 \ 01975138 a 0101 | with relevance
00440612 02 r 01 reminiscently 0 001 \ 01977669 a 0104 | in a reminiscent manner; "she spoke reminiscently of her days in college"
00440745 02 r 01 remotely 0 001 \ 01413084 a 0102 | to a remote degree; "it is remotely possible"
00440845 02 r 01 remotely 1 000 | in a remote manner; "when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy"
00441043 02 r 02 repellently 0 repellingly 0 002 \ 01625893 a 0209 \ 01625893 a 0107 | in a repellent manner; "repellently fat"
00441173 02 r 01 repetitively 0 001 \ 01964367 a 0101 | in a repetitive manner; "this type of border display is used repetitively in advertising"
00441321 02 r 01 reputedly 0 000 | by repute; according to general belief; "fish with reputedly poisonous flesh"
00441436 02 r 01 resentfully 0 001 \ 00116529 a 0101 | with resentment; in a resentful manner; "the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service, refusing to become the minions of a Minister"
00441649 02 r 01 reservedly 0 001 \ 01987341 a 0101 | with reserve; in a reserved manner
00441740 02 r 01 resignedly 0 000 | with resignation and acceptance; in a resigned manner; "resignedly, I telegraphed back that it was all right with me if he insisted"
00441911 02 r 01 ripely 0 001 \ 01493173 a 0101 | with mature or developed appearance
00441999 02 r 01 resoundingly 0 001 \ 02010536 a 0103 | in a resounding manner; "he then so resoundingly denounced his former friend"
00442135 02 r 01 resourcefully 0 001 \ 00307182 a 0101 | in a resourceful manner
00442218 02 r 01 respectably 0 001 \ 01983162 a 0104 | in a decent and morally reputable manner; "the film ends with the middle-aged romancers respectably married"
00442384 02 r 02 respectably 1 creditably 0 002 \ 02585919 a 0201 \ 01993140 a 0101 | to a tolerably worthy extent; "he did respectably well for his age"
00442540 02 r 01 restrictively 0 001 \ 02003725 a 0101 | in a restrictive manner; "this relative clause is used restrictively"
00442669 02 r 01 retail 0 001 ! 00442774 r 0101 | at a retail price; "I'll sell it to you retail only"
00442774 02 r 01 wholesale 0 001 ! 00442669 r 0101 | at a wholesale price; "I can sell it to you wholesale"
00442884 02 r 01 retentively 0 001 \ 02005756 a 0101 | in a retentive manner
00442963 02 r 01 reticently 0 001 \ 00157268 a 0101 | with reticence; in a reticent manner; "she answered the questions reticently"
00443097 02 r 01 retrospectively 0 001 \ 01884539 a 0101 | in a manner contemplative of past events; "retrospectively, he seems like a great artist"
00443248 02 r 03 revengefully 0 vengefully 0 vindictively 0 003 \ 01041634 a 0302 \ 01041634 a 0203 \ 01041634 a 0101 | in a vindictive, revengeful manner; "he plotted vindictively against his former superiors"
00443461 02 r 02 reverentially 0 reverently 0 003 ! 00383271 r 0201 \ 02011810 a 0201 \ 02012333 a 0102 | with reverence; in a reverent manner; "he gazed reverently at the handiwork"
00443646 02 r 01 reversely 0 000 | in an opposite way; so as to be reversed
00443724 02 r 01 rhetorically 0 001 \ 02016535 a 0101 | in a rhetorical manner; "`What can be done?' he asked rhetorically"
00443850 02 r 01 right-down 0 000 | positively; "a regular right-down bad 'un"--Charles Dickens
00443948 02 r 01 righteously 0 002 ! 00444070 r 0101 \ 02036578 a 0101 | in a righteous manner; "righteously indignant"
00444070 02 r 01 unrighteously 0 002 ! 00443948 r 0101 \ 02037272 a 0101 | in an unrighteous manner; "he acted unrighteously"
00444198 02 r 01 riskily 0 001 \ 02059811 a 0102 | in a dangerously risky manner; "he lost the game by playing too riskily"
00444324 02 r 01 roaring 0 000 | extremely; "roaring drunk"
00444386 02 r 01 robustly 0 001 \ 02037708 a 0101 | in a robust manner; "he was robustly built"
00444484 02 r 01 roguishly 0 001 \ 02122379 a 0103 | in a playfully roguish manner; "he winked at her roguishly"
00444599 02 r 01 roguishly 1 001 \ 01224964 a 0102 | like a dishonest rogue; "he roguishly intended to keep the money"
00444720 02 r 01 romantically 1 001 \ 01465214 a 0103 | in a romantic manner; "they were romantically linked"
00444832 02 r 02 roomily 0 spaciously 0 002 \ 00476249 a 0202 \ 00476249 a 0101 | with ample room; "the furniture was spaciously spread out"
00444975 02 r 01 rotationally 0 001 \ 03112379 a 0101 | in a rotational manner; "the required influence lines are found by subjecting the model to small displacements horizontally, vertically and rotationally"
00445187 02 r 02 sonorously 0 rotundly 0 002 \ 01457486 a 0202 \ 01457692 a 0102 | in a sonorous manner; "the congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously"
00445374 02 r 01 round-arm 0 000 | with an outward or horizontal swing of the arm; "he hit the ball round-arm"
00445487 02 r 02 rowdily 0 raucously 1 002 \ 01667110 a 0201 \ 01667110 a 0102 | in a rowdy manner; "the crowd got drunk and started to behave rowdily"
00445641 02 r 01 ruinously 0 001 \ 01161635 a 0102 | in a ruinous manner or to a ruinous degree; "ruinously high wages"
00445763 02 r 01 ruthlessly 0 001 \ 01508086 a 0103 | in a ruthless manner; "the government has been urged to take immediate action to deal ruthlessly with the strikers"
00445935 02 r 02 sarcastically 0 sardonically 0 002 \ 02079830 a 0201 \ 02079029 a 0101 | in a sarcastic manner; "`Ah, now we're getting at the truth,' he interposed sarcastically"
00446118 02 r 02 sanctimoniously 0 self-righteously 0 002 \ 01782100 a 0207 \ 01782100 a 0106 | in a sanctimonious manner; "she was sanctimoniously criticizing everybody"
00446291 02 r 01 scandalously 0 001 \ 01549964 a 0102 | in a scandalous manner; "you behaved scandalously when you walked out of that meeting!"
00446437 02 r 02 scathingly 0 unsparingly 0 002 \ 00438063 a 0201 \ 00648614 a 0101 | in a scathing and unsparing manner; "she criticized him scathingly"
00446593 02 r 02 sceptically 0 skeptically 0 001 \ 02463847 a 0104 | with scepticism; in a sceptical manner; "he looked at her sceptically"
00446735 02 r 01 schematically 0 001 \ 01980796 a 0103 | in a schematic manner; "schematically outlined"
00446842 02 r 01 scorching 0 001 \ 01249843 a 0101 | capable of causing burns; "it was scorching hot"
00446946 02 r 01 screamingly 0 001 \ 01266841 a 0102 | to an extreme degree; "screamingly funny"
00447045 02 r 01 scurrilously 0 001 \ 01628531 a 0103 | in a scurrilously manner; "one paper scurrilously described how Edward was neglecting a bereaved mother to dance attendance on Wally"
00447237 02 r 01 searchingly 0 001 \ 01336371 a 0101 | in a searching manner; "`Are you really happy with him,' asked her mother, gazing at Vera searchingly"
00447397 02 r 01 seasonally 0 001 \ 01494273 a 0101 | depending on the season; "prices are seasonally adjusted"
00447511 02 r 01 coastward 0 000 | in the direction of the coast
00447578 02 r 03 seaward 0 seawards 0 asea 0 000 | in the direction of the sea; "the sailor looked seaward"
00447688 02 r 01 second-best 0 000 | in second place; "he came off second-best"
00447770 02 r 01 second_class 0 000 | by second class conveyance; "we traveled second class"
00447865 02 r 01 secretively 0 001 \ 00501004 a 0104 | in a secretive manner; with a preference for secrecy; "the teacher raised a hand to him, slightly and secretively, because he was her favorite"
00448066 02 r 02 sedately 0 calmly 1 000 | in a sedate manner
00448130 02 r 02 seductively 0 temptingly 0 002 \ 02097480 a 0204 \ 02097268 a 0101 | in a tempting seductive manner; "she smiled at him seductively"
00448282 02 r 01 selectively 0 001 \ 00775693 a 0101 | by selection; in a selective manner; "we choose our students very selectively"
00448418 02 r 01 self-consciously 0 002 ! 00448593 r 0101 \ 00480965 a 0101 | in an uncomfortably self-conscious manner; "the little girl self-consciously recited the poem"
00448593 02 r 01 unselfconsciously 0 002 ! 00448418 r 0101 \ 00074867 a 0101 | in a comfortable unselfconscious manner; "they were naked, unshy, and unselfconsciously beautiful"
00448773 02 r 01 self-evidently 0 001 \ 01618895 a 0102 | in a self-evident manner
00448858 02 r 01 sensationally 0 001 \ 01282921 a 0102 | in a sensational manner; "in the summer of 1958 the pianist had a sensationally triumphant return"
00449016 02 r 01 senselessly 1 001 \ 01945139 a 0103 | in a meaningless and purposeless manner; "these innocent bystanders were senselessly killed"
00449166 02 r 01 sensuously 0 001 \ 00070427 a 0101 | with aesthetic gratification or delight; "sensuously delighting in the wine and food"
00449308 02 r 01 voluptuously 0 001 \ 01298239 a 0106 | in an indulgently voluptuous manner; "he sniffed the perfume voluptuously"
00449441 02 r 02 sensually 0 sultrily 0 002 \ 01257145 a 0202 \ 01257145 a 0101 | in a sultry and sensual manner; "the belly dancer mover sensually among the tables"
00449609 02 r 01 sentimentally 0 002 ! 00449765 r 0101 \ 00854413 a 010a | in a sentimental manner; "`I miss the good old days,' she added sentimentally"
00449765 02 r 01 unsentimentally 0 002 ! 00449609 r 0101 \ 02448749 a 0102 | in an unsentimental manner; "unsentimentally, she threw out her dead son's toys"
00449925 02 r 01 separably 0 002 ! 00450089 r 0101 \ 00785002 a 0102 | with possibility of separation or individuation; "the two ideas were considered separably"
00450089 02 r 01 inseparably 0 002 ! 00449925 r 0101 \ 00786173 a 0101 | without possibility of separation; "these two are inseparably linked"
00450234 02 r 01 serenely 0 001 \ 00529657 a 0103 | in a peacefully serene manner; "I had the feeling that he was waiting, too--serenely patient"
00450382 02 r 01 sevenfold 0 000 | seven times; "the population of this village increased sevenfold in the past 100 years"
00450507 02 r 01 seventhly 0 001 \ 02202979 a 0101 | in the seventh place; "seventhly, you have no right to cancel the lease in mid-year"
00450647 02 r 02 independently 1 severally 1 000 | apart from others; "the clothes were hung severally"
00450753 02 r 01 shabbily 0 001 \ 01228159 a 0101 | in a mean and ungenerous manner; "the two were haggling shabbily in the drawing-room"
00450893 02 r 01 shabbily 1 001 \ 02583043 a 0103 | so as to appear worn and threadbare or dilapidated; "a shabbily dressed man"
00451024 02 r 01 shaggily 0 001 \ 02428610 a 0102 | in a shaggy manner; "shaggily unkempt mane"
00451122 02 r 01 shakily 0 001 \ 02304565 a 0101 | in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking; "`I--I'm going to make you a cup of tea', she explained shakily"
00451291 02 r 01 shakily 1 001 \ 02292797 a 0102 | in an insecurely shaky manner; "this theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data"
00451438 02 r 01 shallowly 0 001 \ 00691696 a 0101 | in a shallow manner
00451513 02 r 01 shambolically 0 001 \ 03135937 a 0101 | in a shambolic manner
00451594 02 r 01 shamefacedly 0 001 \ 00154837 a 0101 | in a shamefaced manner; "quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies"
00451806 02 r 01 shapelessly 0 001 \ 02151837 a 0103 | in a shapeless manner; "the dress hung shapelessly on her thin body"
00451932 02 r 01 sheepishly 0 001 \ 00154837 a 0102 | in a sheepish manner; "sheepishly he handed her back the money"
00452052 02 r 01 sheer 0 000 | directly; "he fell sheer into the water"
00452126 02 r 02 sheer 1 perpendicularly 1 000 | straight up or down without a break
00452213 02 r 01 shiftily 0 001 \ 02466382 a 0102 | in a shifty manner; "he looked at his new customer shiftily"
00452328 02 r 01 shockingly 1 001 \ 01549964 a 0104 | so as to shock the feelings
00452412 02 r 01 shockingly 0 000 | extremely; "teachers were shockingly underpaid"
00452498 02 r 01 shoddily 0 001 \ 02346351 a 0102 | in a shoddy manner; "a shoddily built house"; "he treated her shoddily"
00452624 02 r 02 short 2 unawares 2 000 | at a disadvantage; "I was caught short"
00452708 02 r 01 short 3 000 | so as to interrupt; "She took him up short before he could continue"
00452810 02 r 01 short 5 000 | at some point or distance before a goal is reached; "he fell short of our expectations"
00452931 02 r 01 short 6 000 | clean across; "the car's axle snapped short"
00453009 02 r 01 short 7 001 ;c 06150633 n 0000 | without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold; "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"
00453189 02 r 01 shudderingly 0 000 | with a shudder; "shudderingly, she acknowledged to herself that she dared not face what lay before her"
00453333 02 r 01 sidesaddle 0 000 | on or as if on a sidesaddle; "she rode sidesaddle"
00453422 02 r 01 broadside 0 000 | with a side facing an object; "the train hit the truck broadside"; "the wave caught the canoe broadside and capsized it"
00453580 02 r 03 sidelong 0 sideways 0 obliquely 2 000 | to, toward or at one side; "darting eyes looking sidelong out of a wizened face"
00453720 02 r 01 sidelong 1 000 | with the side toward someone or something; "seated sidelong to the window"- Nathaniel Hawthorne
00453852 02 r 01 sidelong 2 000 | on the side; "the plow lay sidelong on the ground"
00453939 02 r 02 sideward 0 sidewards 0 000 | toward one side; "turn the figure sideward"
00454031 02 r 03 sideways 3 sideway 2 sidewise 3 000 | toward one side; "the car slipped sideways into the ditch"; "leaning sideways"; "a figure moving sidewise in the shadows"
00454210 02 r 03 sideway 0 sideways 1 sidewise 1 000 | from the side; obliquely; "a picture lit sideways"; "scenes viewed sidewise"
00454344 02 r 03 sideways 2 sideway 1 sidewise 2 000 | with one side forward or to the front; "turned sideways to show the profile"; "crabs seeming to walk sidewise"
00454512 02 r 03 signally 0 unmistakably 1 remarkably 1 001 \ 01286239 a 0101 | in a signal manner; "signally inappropriate methods"
00454647 02 r 01 signally 1 000 | as a signal; "a term that is used signally rather than symbolically"
00454752 02 r 01 silkily 0 000 | in a silky manner; "the young wheat shone silkily"; "`Darling,' she said silkily"
00454869 02 r 02 pusillanimously 0 simperingly 0 001 \ 00266420 a 0101 | with a lack of courage and determination; "simperingly, the accused begged for mercy"
00455030 02 r 02 single-handed 0 single-handedly 0 000 | without assistance; "I built this house single-handedly"
00455146 02 r 01 single-mindedly 0 001 \ 01991267 a 0101 | in a single-minded manner
00455233 02 r 01 singularly 0 001 \ 01678417 a 0102 | in a singular manner or to a singular degree; "Lord T. was considered singularly licentious even for the courts of Russia and Portugal; he acquired three wives and fourteen children during his Portuguese embassy alone"
00455508 02 r 02 sixfold 0 six_times 0 000 | by a factor of six; "the population of this town increased sixfold when gold was found in the surrounding hills"
00455668 02 r 01 sixthly 0 001 \ 02202854 a 0101 | in the sixth place; "sixthly, we cannot afford a vacation"
00455780 02 r 01 sketchily 0 001 \ 00525105 a 0101 | in a sketchy incomplete manner; "he explained sketchily"; "the dishes were only sketchily washed"
00455933 02 r 02 skillfully 0 skilfully 0 001 \ 02226162 a 0106 | with skill; "fragments of a nearly complete jug, skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology"
00456103 02 r 01 skimpily 0 001 \ 02337188 a 0102 | in a skimpy manner; "a skimpily dressed woman"
00456204 02 r 01 skittishly 0 001 \ 00919155 a 0101 | in a skittish manner; "the horse pranced around skittishly"
00456320 02 r 01 sky-high 0 000 | to a very high level; "prices have gone sky-high"; "garbage was piled sky-high"; "the men were flung sky-high by the explosion"
00456484 02 r 02 sky-high 1 enthusiastically 1 000 | in a lavish or enthusiastic manner; "he extolled her virtues sky-high"
00456610 02 r 01 sky-high 2 000 | (with verb `to blow') destroyed completely; blown apart or to pieces; "they blew the bridge sky-high"; "the committee blew the thesis sky-high"
00456790 02 r 02 slanderously 0 calumniously 0 002 \ 01161233 a 0202 \ 01161233 a 0109 | in a false and slanderous and defamatory manner; with slander or calumny
00456954 02 r 01 slangily 0 001 \ 01046784 a 0101 | with slang; in a slangy manner; "he expresses himself slangily"
00457072 02 r 02 slantingly 0 slopingly 0 002 \ 01234747 a 0207 \ 01234747 a 0105 | with a slant
00457171 02 r 02 slantwise 0 slantways 0 000 | at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction
00457288 02 r 02 slam-bang 0 slap-bang 0 000 | in a violent or sudden or noisy manner; "the pans fell slam-bang and woke the whole house"
00457428 02 r 01 slam-bang 1 000 | with heedless speed; "yachts ran slap-bang into the convoy at 15 knots an hour"
00457545 02 r 02 slapdash 0 slam-bang 2 000 | in a careless or reckless manner; "the shelves were put up slapdash"
00457662 02 r 01 slap-bang 1 000 | directly or immediately; "it hit slap-bang in the middle"
00457757 02 r 01 slavishly 0 001 \ 00790691 a 0101 | in a slavish manner; "his followers slavishly believed in his new diet"
00457884 02 r 01 sleekly 0 001 \ 00282675 a 0102 | in a sleek glossy manner; "the wet road was shining sleekly"
00457998 02 r 01 sleepily 0 001 \ 00189017 a 0101 | in a sleepy manner; "the two children who were snuggled sleepily in the back of the car"
00458141 02 r 01 sleeplessly 0 001 \ 00187176 a 0102 | without sleep; in a sleepless manner; "he was lying in bed sleeplessly"
00458270 02 r 03 slenderly 0 slimly 0 slightly 2 003 \ 00990855 a 0302 \ 00990855 a 0203 \ 00990855 a 0101 | in a slim or slender manner; "a slenderly built woman"; "slightly built"
00458454 02 r 01 smoothly 1 001 \ 00758800 a 0102 | in a smooth and diplomatic manner; "`And now,' he said smoothly, `we will continue the conversation'"
00458610 02 r 01 sloppily 0 001 \ 02426420 a 0101 | in a sloppy manner; "this work was done rather sloppily"
00458721 02 r 01 slouchingly 0 000 | with a slouching gait or posture; "he stood slouchingly at the garden gate"
00458836 02 r 01 slouchily 0 001 \ 02426550 a 0101 | in a slouchy manner; "slouchily dressed"
00458932 02 r 02 smash 0 smashingly 0 000 | with a loud crash; "the car went smash through the fence"
00459036 02 r 01 smilingly 0 001 ! 00459193 r 0101 | with smiles; in a smiling manner; "the girl reminded her smilingly of their childhood spent together"
00459193 02 r 01 unsmilingly 0 002 \ 01368726 a 0101 ! 00459036 r 0101 | without smile; in an unsmiling manner; "unsmilingly, he greeted his in-laws"
00459345 02 r 01 smugly 0 001 \ 00589448 a 0101 | in a smug manner; "the bureaucrats explained smugly that the facts provided by their own experts show no cause for concern"
00459521 02 r 02 smuttily 0 vulgarly 0 002 \ 00683531 a 0204 \ 00425313 a 0105 | in a smutty manner
00459623 02 r 01 snappishly 0 001 \ 01138770 a 0101 | in an ill-natured and snappish manner; "`Don't talk to me now,' she said snappishly"
00459764 02 r 01 sneakingly 0 001 \ 02090228 a 0101 | in a sneaky manner; "I always felt sneakingly that I wanted to be a concert pianist"
00459905 02 r 03 sneeringly 0 superciliously 0 snidely 0 003 \ 00907400 a 0303 \ 00907400 a 0201 \ 00907400 a 0102 | with a sneer; in an uncomplimentary sneering manner; "`I don't believe in these customs,' he said sneeringly"
00460134 02 r 03 snobbishly 0 snootily 0 uppishly 0 003 \ 01890382 a 0308 \ 01890382 a 0203 \ 01858740 a 0104 | in a snobbish manner; "they snobbishly excluded their less wealthy friends from the party"
00460339 02 r 01 sobbingly 0 000 | with sobs; "sobbingly, the teenager admitted killing the baby"
00460439 02 r 01 sociably 0 002 ! 00460604 r 0101 \ 02257141 a 0101 | in a sociable manner; "sociably, the new neighbors invited everyone on the block for coffee"
00460604 02 r 01 unsociably 0 002 ! 00460439 r 0101 \ 02258600 a 0101 | in an unsociable manner; "the new neighbors behave quite unsociably"
00460747 02 r 01 sociologically 0 001 \ 02906206 a 0101 | with regard to sociology; "sociologically speaking, this is an interesting phenomenon"
00460894 02 r 01 solicitously 0 001 \ 00544860 a 0101 | in a concerned and solicitous manner; "`Don't you feel well?' his mother asked solicitously"
00461045 02 r 01 solitarily 0 001 \ 02250430 a 0103 | in solitude; "a hermit chooses to live solitarily"
00461152 02 r 02 somberly 0 sombrely 0 001 \ 00365261 a 0101 | in a somber manner; "`That's sure bad news,' said Dowd, somberly"
00461283 02 r 01 soothingly 0 001 \ 00197151 a 0102 | in a soothing manner; "the mother talked soothingly to her child"
00461405 02 r 03 soaking 0 sopping 0 dripping 0 000 | extremely wet; "dripping wet"; "soaking wet"
00461506 02 r 02 sordidly 0 squalidly 0 002 \ 00421875 a 0202 \ 00421875 a 0103 | in a sordid or squalid way
00461617 02 r 01 sorely 1 001 \ 01804175 a 0103 | to a great degree; "I missed him sorely"; "we were sorely taxed to keep up with them"
00461755 02 r 01 sorrowfully 1 001 \ 01364008 a 0101 | in a sorrowful manner
00461834 02 r 02 all_together 0 all_at_once 1 000 | all at the same time; "Let's say `Yes!' all at once"
00461941 02 r 01 sottishly 0 001 \ 00798491 a 0104 | in a sottish manner
00462016 02 r 03 southeast 0 south-east 0 sou'-east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the southeast
00462110 02 r 03 southwest 0 south-west 0 sou'west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the southwest
00462203 02 r 02 south-southeast 0 sou'-sou'-east 0 000 | to, toward, or in the south southeast
00462301 02 r 02 south-southwest 0 sou'-sou'-west 0 000 | to, toward, or in the south southwest
00462399 02 r 01 soullessly 0 001 \ 02107991 a 0101 | in a soulless manner; "they were soullessly grubbing for profit"
00462520 02 r 02 noiselessly 0 soundlessly 0 002 \ 01919428 a 0202 \ 01919282 a 0101 | without a sound; "he stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door"
00462718 02 r 01 sourly 0 001 \ 01137378 a 0108 | in a sour manner; "he complained sourly that the new rules only benefitted the managers"
00462859 02 r 01 southerly 0 001 \ 01602966 a 0101 | from the south; "a wind blew southerly"
00462954 02 r 03 southerly 1 southward 0 southwards 0 001 \ 01603179 a 0101 | toward the south; "the ship turned southerly"
00463080 02 r 01 sparely 0 001 \ 00106821 a 0103 | in a spare manner; "William held me longest with his recent bronzes sparely arranged at Waddington's galleries"
00463245 02 r 01 sparsely 0 001 \ 00542359 a 0101 | in a sparse manner; "sparsely inhabited"
00463340 02 r 01 spasmodically 0 001 \ 00593664 a 0102 | in spurts and fits; "I began to write intermittently and spasmodically"
00463471 02 r 02 spasmodically 1 jerkily 1 002 \ 02303575 a 0203 \ 02303754 a 0102 | with spasms; "the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner"
00463655 02 r 01 speciously 0 001 \ 02462210 a 0101 | in a specious manner
00463732 02 r 01 spectrographically 0 001 \ 02800291 a 0101 | by spectrographic means; "the speech spectrum was displayed spectrographically"
00463876 02 r 01 speechlessly 0 001 \ 00152629 a 0101 | without speaking; "he stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door"
00464044 02 r 01 spirally 0 001 \ 02317598 a 0103 | with spirals; "spirally fluted handles"
00464138 02 r 01 sportingly 0 002 ! 00464255 r 0101 \ 00956733 a 0102 | so as to be sporting; in a sporting manner
00464255 02 r 01 unsportingly 0 002 ! 00464138 r 0101 \ 00957743 a 0104 | in an unsportsmanlike manner
00464360 02 r 01 unsuspectingly 0 001 \ 00192523 a 0101 | without suspicions; "he was sitting unsuspectingly beyond that wall only a few yards from the burglar"
00464523 02 r 01 spotlessly 0 001 \ 00418364 a 0107 | in a spotless manner; "spotlessly clean"
00464620 02 r 01 trimly 0 001 \ 02423649 a 0102 | in a trim manner; "he was trimly attired"
00464714 02 r 01 spuriously 0 001 \ 02462210 a 0102 | in a false and spurious manner; "the lawyer argued spuriously that his client knew nothing of the burglary"
00464878 02 r 01 squeamishly 0 001 \ 00984333 a 0105 | in a squeamish manner; "`I would rather not touch,' he said squeamishly"
00465008 02 r 02 stagily 0 theatrically 0 002 \ 00796047 a 0201 \ 00796715 a 0101 | in a stagy and theatrical manner; "`I cannot show my face at her house,' he declared theatrically"
00465193 02 r 01 standoffishly 0 001 \ 00134562 a 0102 | in a standoffish manner; "standoffishly, he declined the invitation to the office party"
00465341 02 r 01 stark 0 000 | completely; "stark mad"; "mouth stark open"
00465418 02 r 01 starkly 0 001 \ 00556881 a 0103 | in a blunt manner; "in starkly realistic terms"
00465519 02 r 01 starkly 1 001 \ 01792387 a 0103 | in sharp outline or contrast; "the black walls rose starkly from the snow"
00465647 02 r 01 starkly 2 001 \ 01520091 a 010a | in a stark manner; "He was starkly unable to achieve coherence"
00465764 02 r 01 startlingly 0 001 \ 02359958 a 0101 | in a startling manner; "a startlingly modern voice"
00465873 02 r 01 statutorily 0 001 \ 01401532 a 0101 | according to statute; "placed statutorily under the council's supervision"
00466005 02 r 02 staunchly 0 stanchly 0 001 \ 00583581 a 0102 | in a staunch manner; "he staunchly defended his principles"
00466131 02 r 01 steeply 0 001 \ 01144887 a 0101 | in a steep manner; "the street rose steeply up to the castle"
00466246 02 r 01 stereotypically 0 001 \ 00607977 a 0103 | in a stereotypical manner
00466333 02 r 01 stertorously 0 001 \ 01921752 a 0101 | in a noisy and stertorous manner; "he was breathing stertorously"
00466457 02 r 02 stickily 0 viscidly 0 002 \ 00053691 a 0207 \ 00053691 a 0106 | in a sticky viscid manner; "he felt the blood move stickily from his split scalp and trickle down his forehead"
00466652 02 r 01 stiff 1 000 | extremely; "bored stiff"; "frightened stiff"
00466730 02 r 01 stiltedly 0 001 \ 00073465 a 0104 | in a stilted manner; "she answered him stiltedly"
00466835 02 r 03 stingily 0 cheaply 2 chintzily 0 003 \ 01113114 a 0303 \ 01113114 a 0201 \ 01112573 a 0101 | in a stingy manner; "their rich uncle treated them rather chintzily"
00467016 02 r 01 stirringly 0 001 \ 01561429 a 0101 | in a stirring manner; "he talked stirringly about his days during the war"
00467147 02 r 01 stochastically 0 001 \ 01925000 a 0101 | by stochastic means; "we estimated the answer stochastically"
00467269 02 r 02 still 2 stock-still 0 001 \ 01564315 a 0104 | without moving or making a sound; "he sat still as a statue"; "time stood still"; "they waited stock-still outside the door"; "he couldn't hold still any longer"
00467496 02 r 01 straightway 0 000 | in a direct course; "plunged straightway to the rocks below"
00467596 02 r 01 straightway 1 000 | at once; "straightway the clouds began to scatter"
00467686 02 r 02 thereabout 0 thereabouts 0 000 | near that place; "he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks"
00467810 02 r 02 thereabout 1 thereabouts 1 000 | near that time or date; "come at noon or thereabouts"
00467916 02 r 01 thereinafter 0 000 | in the following part of a given matter, as in a document or speech
00468024 02 r 01 thereof 0 000 | of or concerning this or that; "a problem and the solution thereof"
00468127 02 r 03 thereon 0 on_it 0 on_that 0 000 | on that; "text and commentary thereon"
00468219 02 r 03 thereto 0 to_it 0 to_that 0 000 | to that; "with all the appurtenances fitting thereto"
00468326 02 r 03 thereunder 0 under_that 0 under_it 0 000 | under that; "the headings and the items listed thereunder"
00468447 02 r 01 therewith 0 000 | with that or this or it; "I have learned that whatever state I am, therewith to be content"- Phil.4:11
00468587 02 r 01 therewithal 0 000 | together with all that; besides; "thy slanders I forgive; and therewithal remit thy other forfeits"- Shakespeare
00468739 02 r 01 stockily 0 001 \ 02387413 a 0103 | so as to be stocky; "he was stockily built"
00468837 02 r 01 stoically 0 001 \ 00858558 a 0101 | without emotion; in a stoic manner; "he stoically accepted all suffering"
00468966 02 r 01 stonily 0 001 \ 01158180 a 0105 | in a stony manner; "stonily indifferent to time"
00469068 02 r 01 strategically 0 001 \ 02950711 a 0101 | with regard to strategy; "strategically important decisions"
00469188 02 r 01 stridently 0 001 \ 00300359 a 0102 | in a strident manner; "the cheap clock ticked stridently"
00469302 02 r 02 strictly 2 stringently 0 002 \ 00711059 a 0202 \ 00915556 a 0102 | in a stringent manner; "the laws are stringently enforced"; "stringently controlled"
00469473 02 r 02 stuffily 0 stodgily 0 002 \ 00606347 a 0201 \ 00606347 a 0102 | in a stuffy manner; "`Come in please,' he said stuffily"
00469613 02 r 01 stupendously 0 001 \ 01384730 a 0103 | to a stupendous degree; "stupendously ignorant people"
00469726 02 r 01 sturdily 0 001 \ 02038994 a 0104 | in a sturdy manner; "feet sturdily apart"
00469822 02 r 01 stylishly 0 001 \ 00975171 a 0101 | in a stylish manner; "she was dressed very stylishly"
00469931 02 r 01 stylistically 0 001 \ 02018296 a 0101 | in a rhetorically stylistic manner; "stylistically complex"
00470050 02 r 01 suavely 0 001 \ 01948231 a 0104 | with suavity; in a suave manner; "he is suavely charming and all the ladies love him"
00470189 02 r 01 sublimely 0 000 | completely; in a lofty and exalted manner; "awaking in me, sublimely unconscious, interest and energy for tackling these tasks"
00470354 02 r 01 subtly 0 001 \ 01717901 a 0102 | in a subtle manner; "late nineteenth-century French opera at its most beautiful, subtly romantic with a twilight melancholy"
00470531 02 r 01 romantically 2 002 ! 00470692 r 0101 \ 01837182 a 0102 | in a romantic manner; "she fantasized romantically about eloping with her boyfriend"
00470692 02 r 01 unromantically 0 001 ! 00470531 r 0101 | without romance; in an unromantic manner; "we got married, rather unromantically, in a dingy office in the town hall"
00470870 02 r 01 sulkily 0 001 \ 01137994 a 0102 | in a sulky manner; "`What else could I do?' said Graham sulkily"
00470988 02 r 01 summarily 0 001 \ 01633880 a 0102 | without delay; in a summary manner; "the suspected spy was summarily executed"
00471122 02 r 01 superfluously 0 001 \ 01581305 a 0106 | in a superfluous manner; "superfluously, he added his silly comments to the discussion"
00471269 02 r 01 superlatively 0 001 \ 02343517 a 0103 | to a superlative degree
00471352 02 r 01 superstitiously 0 001 \ 01927061 a 0101 | in a superstitious manner; "superstitiously he refused to travel on Friday the 13th"
00471498 02 r 01 supinely 0 001 \ 00040058 a 0102 | in an indifferently supine manner; "he called the tune to me and I supinely took it up"
00471640 02 r 01 supinely 1 001 \ 01239781 a 0101 | with the face upward; "she was stretched supinely on her back"
00471757 02 r 02 surreptitiously 0 sneakily 0 002 \ 02088974 a 0203 \ 02088974 a 0105 | in a surreptitious manner; "he was watching her surreptitiously as she waited in the hotel lobby"
00471945 02 r 01 surpassingly 0 001 \ 01676026 a 0105 | to a surpassing degree; "she was a surpassingly beautiful woman"
00472068 02 r 01 surprisedly 0 001 \ 02357479 a 0101 | in the manner of one who is surprised
00472163 02 r 01 sweepingly 0 001 \ 00774182 a 0101 | in a sweeping manner; "he sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes"
00472323 02 r 02 sweetly 0 sweet 0 003 ;c 07092592 n 0000 ;u 07075172 n 0000 \ 01459949 a 0105 | in an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly'); "Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly"; "how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank"- Shakespeare; "talking sweet to each other"
00472668 02 r 01 synchronously 0 001 \ 02377651 a 0101 | in synchrony; in a synchronous manner; "in four-chambered hearts, the two auricles move synchronously"
00472830 02 r 01 synthetically 0 001 \ 01573568 a 0103 | by synthesis; in a synthetic manner; "some of these drugs have been derived from opium and others have been produced synthetically"
00473021 02 r 01 tacitly 0 001 \ 00942163 a 0102 | in a tacit manner; by unexpressed agreement; "they are tacitly expected to work 10 hours a day"
00473170 02 r 01 tactfully 0 002 ! 00473338 r 0101 \ 02384383 a 0101 | showing tact or tactfulness; in a tactful manner; "he stepped tactfully in to prevent trouble"
00473338 02 r 01 tactlessly 0 002 ! 00473170 r 0101 \ 02384843 a 0101 | without tact; in a tactless manner; "at the moment of the murder, he is standing in front of television cameras and talking tactlessly"
00473548 02 r 01 tactically 0 001 \ 02951000 a 0101 | with regard to tactics; "the tactically useful province is still firmly in the rebels' hands"
00473698 02 r 01 tamely 0 001 \ 02389946 a 0101 | in a tame manner; "the labour movement allowed itself to be run out of power tamely"
00473835 02 r 01 tangibly 0 001 \ 02392134 a 0101 | in a tangible manner; "virtue is tangibly rewarded"
00473941 02 r 01 tartly 0 001 \ 01804728 a 0103 | in a tart manner; "`Never mind your immortal soul,' she said tartly"
00474062 02 r 02 tastefully 0 tastily 1 002 ! 00474217 r 0101 \ 02392878 a 0101 | with taste; in a tasteful manner; "the house was tastefully decorated"
00474217 02 r 01 tastelessly 0 002 ! 00474062 r 0101 \ 02393401 a 0101 | without taste or in poor taste; in a tasteless manner; "the house was tastelessly decorated"
00474385 02 r 01 tastily 0 001 \ 02395115 a 0101 | in a tasty manner; "the meal was tastily cooked"
00474487 02 r 02 tauntingly 0 teasingly 0 001 \ 02123118 a 0202 | in a playfully teasing manner; "`You hate things to be out of order, don't you?' she said teasingly"
00474656 02 r 01 tautly 0 001 \ 02403505 a 0101 | in a taut manner; "the rope was tautly stretched"
00474758 02 r 01 tearfully 0 001 \ 01365239 a 0104 | with tears; in a tearful manner; "the man confessed tearfully to having beaten his wife"
00474902 02 r 02 telegraphically 0 tersely 0 002 \ 00547641 a 0204 \ 00548579 a 0101 | in a short and concise manner; "a particular bird, exactly and tersely described in the book of birds"
00475094 02 r 01 telescopically 0 001 \ 00466077 a 0101 | in a telescopic manner; "each of the four legs contains a simple screw jack with a thrust bearing that is operated telescopically inside of two tubes"
00475305 02 r 01 tellingly 0 001 \ 01305344 a 0102 | in a telling manner; "the plain manner of its style all the more tellingly points up the horror of the case"
00475469 02 r 01 temperately 0 001 \ 02401590 a 0101 | without extravagance; "these preferences are temperately stated"
00475591 02 r 01 temperately 1 000 | with restraint; "he used the privileges of his office temperately"
00475697 02 r 01 tendentiously 0 001 \ 00730985 a 0101 | in a tendentious manner; "the paper reported rather tendentiously on the war atrocities"
00475845 02 r 01 tenderly 0 001 \ 01464700 a 0104 | with tenderness; in a tender manner; "tenderly she placed her arms round him"
00475977 02 r 01 tenthly 0 001 \ 02203373 a 0101 | (in enumerating something, such as topics or points of discussion) in the tenth place
00476116 02 r 01 tetchily 0 001 \ 01136541 a 010b | in an ill-natured and tetchy manner; "`Are you sure?' he asked her tetchily"
00476247 02 r 01 theologically 0 001 \ 02907000 a 0101 | in a theological manner; "he dealt with the problem of evil theologically, not philosophically"
00476402 02 r 01 theologically 1 001 \ 02907000 a 0101 | as regards theology; "the candidate was found theologically sound"
00476528 02 r 01 thermostatically 0 001 \ 03125096 a 0101 | by thermostat; in a thermostatic manner; "the temperature is thermostatically controlled"
00476680 02 r 02 threefold 0 three_times 1 000 | by a factor of three; "our rent increased threefold in the past five years"
00476807 02 r 01 traditionally 0 001 \ 00611047 a 0101 | according to tradition; in a traditional manner; "traditionally, we eat fried foods on Hanukah"
00476962 02 r 02 thick 0 thickly 0 000 | in quick succession; "misfortunes come fast and thick"
00477060 02 r 01 thinly 2 002 ! 00299753 r 0102 \ 00542359 a 0102 | in a widely distributed manner; "thinly overgrown mountainside"
00477194 02 r 01 thickly 2 001 \ 01337314 a 0102 | spoken with poor articulation as if with a thick tongue; "after a few drinks he was beginning to speak thickly"
00477359 02 r 01 thickly 3 002 ! 00477636 r 0101 \ 02410393 a 0101 | with thickness; in a thick manner; "spread 1/4 lb softened margarine or cooking fat fairly thickly all over the surface"; "we were visiting a small, thickly walled and lovely town with straggling outskirt"
00477636 02 r 02 thinly 1 lightly 3 002 ! 00477359 r 0101 \ 02412164 a 0101 | in a small quantity or extent; "spread the margarine thinly over the meat"; "apply paint lightly"
00477814 02 r 02 thinly 0 thin 0 002 ! 00478040 r 0101 \ 02417301 a 0101 | without viscosity; "the blood was flowing thin"
00477939 02 r 01 thinly 3 001 \ 02282277 a 0101 | without force or sincere effort; "smiled thinly"
00478040 02 r 02 thickly 4 thick 1 002 ! 00477814 r 0101 \ 02415390 a 0101 | with a thick consistency; "the blood was flowing thick"
00478175 02 r 01 thirstily 0 001 \ 01270004 a 0101 | in a thirsty manner; "we drank thirstily from the bottle that was passed around"
00478311 02 r 01 thriftily 0 001 \ 02421158 a 0101 | in a thrifty manner; "a used towel that he had used and had left thriftily on the ledge below the mirror rather than consign to the linen basket"
00478512 02 r 01 thriftlessly 0 001 \ 01896299 a 0101 | in a thriftless manner; "he lives thriftlessly from day to day"
00478634 02 r 01 through 1 000 | over the whole distance; "this bus goes through to New York"
00478730 02 r 01 through 2 000 | in diameter; "this cylinder measures 15 inches through"
00478821 02 r 01 through 3 000 | from beginning to end; "read this book through"
00478904 02 r 01 through 4 000 | to completion; "think this through very carefully!"
00478991 02 r 02 timorously 0 trepidly 0 002 \ 00252498 a 0203 \ 00252498 a 0102 | in a timorous and trepid manner
00479108 02 r 01 tip-top 0 000 | to the highest extent; "the shoes fit me tip-top"
00479193 02 r 01 tiptoe 0 000 | on tiptoe or as if on tiptoe; "standing tiptoe"
00479275 02 r 01 tomorrow 0 000 | the next day, the day after, following the present day
00479366 02 r 01 tonelessly 0 001 \ 02430238 a 0101 | in a monotone; "`Come in,' she said tonelessly"
00479470 02 r 01 topographically 0 001 \ 03018112 a 0101 | with regard to topography; "the geological environment is the primary factor in determining the character of a country not only topographically but historically"
00479693 02 r 01 tortuously 0 000 | in a tortuous manner; "tortuously haggling over the price"
00479790 02 r 01 tortuously 1 000 | with twists and turns
00479850 02 r 01 touchily 0 001 \ 02106509 a 0104 | in a touchy manner; "he touchily refused all offers to help"
00479965 02 r 01 toughly 0 001 \ 00707795 a 0102 | in a ruggedly tough manner; "toughly vigorous story-telling"
00480079 02 r 01 transcendentally 0 001 \ 01577086 a 0104 | in a transcendental way or to a transcendental extent
00480195 02 r 01 transiently 0 001 \ 01756292 a 0104 | for a very short time; "these three pions may actually be joined together transiently as a compound particle during the interchange process"
00480393 02 r 01 transitionally 0 001 \ 02944694 a 0101 | as a transitional step or in a transitional manner
00480504 02 r 01 transitorily 0 001 \ 01756292 a 0105 | for a very brief time
00480584 02 r 01 transparently 0 001 \ 00431774 a 0106 | so as to allow the passage of light; "the red brilliance of the claret shines transparently in our glasses"
00480751 02 r 01 transparently 1 001 \ 01619689 a 0101 | so as to be easily understood or seen through; "his transparently lucid prose"; "his transparently deceitful behavior"
00480929 02 r 01 tremulously 0 001 \ 02304987 a 0102 | in a tremulous manner; "the leaves rustled tremulously in the wind"
00481054 02 r 01 trenchantly 0 001 \ 00834959 a 0102 | in a vigorous and effective manner; "he defended his client's civil rights trenchantly"
00481199 02 r 01 tritely 0 001 \ 01688757 a 010a | in a trite manner; "tritely expressed emotions"
00481300 02 r 01 trivially 0 001 \ 02121735 a 0101 | in a frivolously trivial manner; "trivially motivated requests"
00481419 02 r 01 trivially 1 000 | with little effort; "we can prove trivially that this theorem is false"
00481528 02 r 01 tropically 0 001 \ 01250835 a 0101 | in a tropical manner; "it was tropically hot in the greenhouse"
00481648 02 r 01 truculently 0 001 \ 00084795 a 0101 | in a defiantly truculent manner; "the boy looked up truculently at his teacher"
00481785 02 r 01 truculently 1 000 | in an aggressively truculent manner; "they strive for security by truculently asserting their own interests"
00481933 02 r 02 tumultuously 0 riotously 1 002 \ 01923720 a 0202 \ 01923720 a 0104 | in a tumultuous and riotous manner; "the crowd was demonstrating tumultuously"
00482100 02 r 01 turbulently 0 001 \ 00087597 a 0105 | in a turbulent manner; with turbulence; "the river rolls turbulently boiling"
00482235 02 r 01 tutorially 0 001 \ 03127435 a 0101 | by tutorials; in a tutorial manner; "undergraduates are better taught tutorially"
00482373 02 r 02 twofold 0 two_times 1 000 | by a factor of two; "the price increased twofold last year"
00482480 02 r 01 typographically 0 001 \ 02910248 a 0101 | in a typographic way
00482562 02 r 01 ultra_vires 0 000 | beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority
00482659 02 r 01 unaccountably 0 001 \ 00940108 a 0101 | in an unaccountable manner; "in the book, a tycoon unaccountably becomes the hero's friend"
00482810 02 r 04 unalterably 0 unchangeably 0 unassailably 0 immutably 0 004 \ 00356648 a 0401 \ 00591513 a 0301 \ 00346991 a 0201 \ 00349523 a 0101 | in an unalterable and unchangeable manner; "his views were unchangeably fixed"
00483042 02 r 02 unarguably 0 undisputedly 0 002 \ 00603039 a 0201 \ 00591406 a 0102 | in an unarguable and undisputed manner; "you write as if this fact whilst inarguably forever condemning me to the ranks of Bohemianism nevertheless earned for me the right of entry into any company"
00483330 02 r 01 unassumingly 0 001 \ 01539444 a 0102 | in an unassuming manner; "she is unassumingly skeptical of her own work"
00483461 02 r 02 unattainably 0 unachievably 0 002 \ 01824081 a 0201 \ 01824081 a 0102 | in an unattainable manner or to an unattainable degree; "this house is unattainably expensive"
00483647 02 r 01 unawares 0 000 | suddenly and unexpectedly; "rain caught them unawares"; "sorrow comes to all, and to the young it comes with bittered agony because it takes them unawares"- A.Lincoln
00483850 02 r 01 unawares 1 000 | without forethought or plan; inadvertently; "came upon the diamond unawares"
00483963 02 r 01 unbearably 0 000 | to an unbearable degree; "it was unbearably hot in the room"
00484062 02 r 02 unbeknown 0 unbeknownst 0 000 | without someone's knowledge; "unbeknownst to me, she made all the arrangements"
00484193 02 r 01 unblushingly 0 001 \ 00155720 a 0102 | without blushing; "his principal opponent unblushingly declared victory before the ballots had been counted"
00484360 02 r 01 uncannily 0 001 \ 01575424 a 0103 | in an uncanny manner; "uncannily human robots"
00484462 02 r 01 uncertainly 0 001 \ 00337404 a 0101 | showing lack of certainty; "he paused uncertainly"
00484570 02 r 01 unchivalrously 0 002 ! 00284489 r 0102 \ 00640931 a 0102 | in an unchivalrous and ungallant manner; "unchivalrously, the husbands who had to provide such innocent indulgences eventually began to count the costs"
00484801 02 r 01 uncommonly 0 001 \ 00487653 a 0101 | exceptionally; "a common remedy is uncommonly difficult to find"
00484922 02 r 01 uncompromisingly 0 001 \ 01025913 a 0101 | in an uncompromising manner
00485012 02 r 02 undesirably 0 unwantedly 0 002 \ 02527734 a 0201 \ 00733905 a 0101 | in an undesirable manner; "he was unwantedly friendly"
00485155 02 r 01 uninvitedly 0 001 \ 02540458 a 0101 | without invitation; "the women arrived uninvitedly"
00485264 02 r 01 unwontedly 0 001 \ 00488998 a 0101 | in an unusual manner
00485341 02 r 01 unconcernedly 0 001 \ 00545015 a 0101 | in an unconcerned manner; "war was breaking out in Europe, but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday"
00485504 02 r 01 uncontrollably 0 001 \ 00599821 a 0101 | in an uncontrolled manner; "she laughed uncontrollably"
00485620 02 r 01 uncouthly 0 001 \ 01950198 a 0104 | in an uncouth manner; "uncouthly, he told stories that made everybody at the table wince"
00485765 02 r 03 unctuously 0 smarmily 0 fulsomely 0 003 \ 02181432 a 0302 \ 02181432 a 0205 \ 02181432 a 0107 | in an unctuous manner
00485902 02 r 01 undeniably 0 001 \ 00721505 a 0101 | to an undeniable degree or in an undeniable manner; "she is undeniably the most gifted student in the class"
00486067 02 r 02 under 0 below 3 000 | further down; "see under for further discussion"
00486157 02 r 01 under 1 000 | down below; "get under quickly!"
00486223 02 r 01 under 2 000 | below the horizon; "the sun went under"
00486296 02 r 01 under 3 000 | below some quantity or limit; "fifty dollars or under"
00486384 02 r 01 under 4 000 | in or into a state of subordination or subjugation; "we must keep our disappointment under"
00486509 02 r 01 under 5 000 | down to defeat, death, or ruin; "their competitors went under"
00486605 02 r 01 under 6 000 | into unconsciousness; "this will put the patient under"
00486694 02 r 01 under 7 000 | through a range downward; "children six and under will be admitted free"
00486800 02 r 02 underarm 0 underhand 0 000 | with the hand swung below shoulder level; "throwing a ball underarm"
00486917 02 r 01 underground 0 000 | beneath the surface of the earth; "water flowing underground"
00487018 02 r 01 underground 1 000 | in or into hiding or secret operation; "the organization was driven underground"
00487138 02 r 02 underhandedly 0 underhand 1 001 \ 02319346 a 0102 | slyly and secretly; "Mean revenge, committed underhand"- John Donne; "oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the align Germany with the Western democracies"- C.G.Bowers
00487408 02 r 01 underneath 0 000 | under or below an object or a surface; at a lower place or level; directly beneath; "we could see the original painting underneath"; "a house with a good foundation underneath"
00487623 02 r 01 underneath 1 000 | on the lower or downward side; on the underside of; "a chest of drawers all scratched underneath"
00487759 02 r 01 unduly 0 001 \ 00137641 a 0101 | to an undue degree; "she was unduly pessimistic about her future"
00487877 02 r 01 uneventfully 0 001 \ 00804502 a 0101 | in an uneventful manner; "the space shuttle landed uneventfully"
00488000 02 r 01 ungrammatically 0 002 ! 00488143 r 0101 \ 01146207 a 0101 | in an ungrammatical manner; "this child speaks ungrammatically"
00488143 02 r 01 grammatically 0 002 ! 00488000 r 0101 \ 01146012 a 0101 | in a grammatical manner; "this child already speaks grammatically"
00488287 02 r 02 unimaginably 0 unthinkably 0 002 \ 02418538 a 0201 \ 02418692 a 0104 | to an unimaginable extent
00488403 02 r 01 uninterruptedly 0 001 \ 00291338 a 0101 | without interruption; "this pleasant state of affairs had continued peacefully and uninterruptedly for many years"
00488579 02 r 01 unnaturally 2 002 ! 00488773 r 0101 \ 00073048 a 0102 | in an unnatural way; "his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose"
00488773 02 r 01 naturally 2 001 ! 00488579 r 0101 | in a natural or normal manner; "speak naturally and easily"
00488888 02 r 01 precedentedly 0 002 ! 00488980 r 0101 \ 00128467 a 0101 | with precedent
00488980 02 r 01 unprecedentedly 0 002 ! 00488888 r 0101 \ 00128572 a 0101 | in an unprecedented manner
00489086 02 r 01 unreservedly 0 000 | without reservation; "I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!"
00489195 02 r 01 unrestrainedly 0 001 \ 02000680 a 0101 | in an unrestrained manner
00489281 02 r 01 unscrupulously 0 001 \ 02085898 a 0101 | without scruples; "she unscrupulously uses her charm to make men do what she wants"
00489425 02 r 01 unstintingly 0 001 \ 01111965 a 0107 | in an unstinting manner
00489507 02 r 01 unswervingly 0 001 \ 00761844 a 0102 | without swerving; in a direct and unswerving manner; "the ship travelled unswervingly through the night"
00489670 02 r 01 unswervingly 1 001 \ 00583581 a 0103 | in a constant and steadfast manner; "an unswervingly loyal man"
00489792 02 r 01 untruly 0 001 \ 02462489 a 0101 | in a untrue manner; "he silenced the whisperings which connected her, untruly and unfairly, with his separation from his wife"
00489972 02 r 01 unwarrantably 0 001 \ 01722367 a 0104 | in an unwarrantable manner or to an unwarranted degree; "in this painting, the relationship of the upper part of the body to the lower is uneasy and the right thigh seems unwarrantably stressed"
00490226 02 r 01 unworthily 0 001 \ 02588099 a 0101 | in an unworthy manner
00490304 02 r 01 up-country 0 000 | to or in the interior of a country or region; "they live upcountry"
00490410 02 r 01 uphill 0 000 | upward on a hill or incline; "this street lay uphill"
00490498 02 r 01 uphill 1 000 | against difficulties; "she was talking uphill"
00490579 02 r 01 uppermost 0 000 | in or into the highest position; "the blade turned uppermost"
00490678 02 r 01 uppermost 1 000 | in or into the most prominent position, as in the mind; "say what comes uppermost"
00490798 02 r 01 uprightly 0 001 \ 01234030 a 0101 | in an upright position
00490876 02 r 02 honorably 2 uprightly 1 003 \ 02036934 a 0203 ! 00491024 r 0101 \ 01226240 a 0101 | in an honorable manner; "he acted honorably"
00491024 02 r 01 dishonorably 2 002 ! 00490876 r 0101 \ 01227137 a 0101 | in a dishonorable manner; "he acted dishonorably"
00491150 02 r 01 urbanely 0 001 \ 02271177 a 0104 | in an urbane manner; "`I had tea occasionally with the Duke,' said Mr. Eggers urbanely"
00491292 02 r 01 usefully 0 002 ! 00491438 r 0101 \ 02495922 a 0101 | in a useful manner; "extra money could be usefully spent on this project"
00491438 02 r 01 uselessly 0 002 ! 00491292 r 0101 \ 02497141 a 0101 | in a useless manner; "the furniture was sitting around uselessly"
00491577 02 r 01 uxoriously 0 001 \ 01466476 a 0101 | in a loving and uxorious manner; "he kept deferring uxoriously to Mary"
00491705 02 r 01 vacantly 0 001 \ 01088164 a 0101 | in a vacant manner; "she was staring vacantly into the room"
00491820 02 r 01 vacuously 0 001 \ 01498084 a 0103 | in a vacuous manner
00491895 02 r 02 valiantly 0 valorously 0 002 \ 00264570 a 0202 \ 00264570 a 0101 | with valor; in a valiant manner; "he fought valiantly until the end"
00492050 02 r 01 validly 0 001 \ 02498708 a 0101 | with validity; in a valid manner; "this may not validly be done"
00492168 02 r 01 vapidly 0 001 \ 02308001 a 0101 | in a vapid manner; "a vapidly smiling salesman"
00492269 02 r 01 variably 0 001 \ 02504131 a 0101 | with variation; in a variable manner or to a variable degree; "it will be variably cloudy"
00492414 02 r 01 vehemently 0 001 \ 01511854 a 0103 | in a vehement manner; "he vehemently denied the accusations against him"
00492543 02 r 04 verbosely 0 windily 0 long-windedly 0 wordily 0 004 \ 00549236 a 0405 \ 00549236 a 0301 \ 00549236 a 0204 \ 00549236 a 0103 | in a verbose manner; "she explained her ideas verbosely"
00492745 02 r 01 verily 0 001 ;u 07073447 n 0000 | in truth; certainly; "I verily think so"; "trust in the Lord...and verily thou shalt be fed"- Ps 37:3
00492900 02 r 01 vicariously 0 001 \ 01855621 a 0101 | indirectly, as, by, or through a substitute; "she enjoyed the wedding vicariously"
00493040 02 r 02 vigilantly 0 watchfully 0 002 \ 00091311 a 0202 \ 00091764 a 0103 | in a watchful manner
00493148 02 r 01 vilely 0 001 \ 01133017 a 0103 | in a vile manner; "his vilely spelt and illiterate letters"
00493260 02 r 01 virulently 0 001 \ 01802165 a 010a | in a virulent manner; "an old woman advanced a few paces to shake her fist virulently in my face"
00493414 02 r 01 vivace 0 000 | lively, in music; "play this section vivace!"
00493494 02 r 01 vivaciously 0 001 \ 02280969 a 0102 | with vivacity; "he describes his adventures vivaciously"
00493608 02 r 01 voluptuously 1 001 \ 02138989 a 010a | in a shapely and voluptuous manner; "a voluptuously curved woman"
00493732 02 r 01 voraciously 0 001 \ 00010726 a 0106 | in an eagerly voracious manner; "she reads voraciously"
00493845 02 r 01 voyeuristically 0 001 \ 03129648 a 0101 | like a voyeur; "he sneaks voyeuristically around the swimming pool"
00493974 02 r 01 vulnerably 0 001 \ 02523275 a 0101 | in a vulnerable manner
00494053 02 r 01 waggishly 0 001 \ 01268002 a 0101 | in a waggish manner
00494128 02 r 02 waist-deep 0 waist-high 0 000 | up to the waist; "the water rose waist-high"
00494224 02 r 01 wanly 0 001 \ 02325984 a 0103 | in a weak or pale or languid manner; "she was smiling wanly"
00494336 02 r 01 wantonly 1 001 \ 01559270 a 0103 | in a wanton manner; "the animals were killed wantonly for sport"
00494455 02 r 01 wealthily 0 001 \ 02022167 a 0105 | with riches
00494522 02 r 01 weightily 0 001 \ 01187611 a 0101 | as something very heavy; "she moved weightily"
00494624 02 r 01 weightily 1 001 \ 01278423 a 0104 | in a serious manner; "the speech was weighty and it was weightily delivered"
00494756 02 r 01 whacking 0 000 | extremely; "a whacking good story"
00494827 02 r 02 wheezily 0 wheezingly 0 002 \ 01174048 a 0202 \ 01174048 a 0103 | with a wheeze; "he talked wheezily"
00494948 02 r 01 wholeheartedly 0 001 \ 02180486 a 0102 | without reserve; without reservation; "he adopted wholeheartedly some of the policies that he had previously criticized"
00495129 02 r 01 wholesomely 0 001 \ 02557357 a 0101 | in a wholesome manner; "the papers we found shed some valuable light on this question, wholesomely contradicting all lies"
00495309 02 r 01 whence 0 000 | from what place, source, or cause
00495377 02 r 02 wherever 0 wheresoever 0 000 | where in the world
00495446 02 r 01 whopping 0 000 | extremely; "they all were whopping drunk"
00495524 02 r 02 wide 0 widely 1 000 | to or over a great extent or range; far; "wandered wide through many lands"; "he traveled widely"
00495663 02 r 01 widely 0 000 | to a great degree; "her work is widely known"
00495743 02 r 01 wide 1 000 | with or by a broad space; "stand with legs wide apart"; "ran wide around left end"
00495858 02 r 02 wide 2 astray 4 000 | far from the intended target; "the arrow went wide of the mark"; "a bullet went astray and killed a bystander"
00496010 02 r 01 wide 3 000 | to the fullest extent possible; "open your eyes wide"; "with the throttle wide open"
00496127 02 r 02 willfully 0 wilfully 0 002 \ 02520693 a 0202 \ 02520693 a 0101 | in a willful manner; "she had willfully deceived me"
00496264 02 r 01 wishfully 0 001 \ 00887719 a 0102 | in a wishful manner; "he wishfully indulged in dreams of fame"
00496382 02 r 01 wistfully 0 001 \ 01362950 a 0102 | in a wistful manner; "his sister would have looked beautiful in that dress, he thought wistfully, just like an angel"
00496555 02 r 01 witheringly 0 001 \ 00586617 a 0104 | in a withering manner; "guns fired witheringly at the railroad cars"
00496681 02 r 01 wittily 0 001 \ 01268194 a 0101 | in a witty manner; "he would wittily chime into our conversation"
00496800 02 r 01 wolfishly 0 001 \ 02840006 a 0102 | in the manner of a wolf
00496879 02 r 01 worryingly 0 001 \ 01189386 a 0107 | in a manner to cause worry
00496962 02 r 01 worriedly 0 001 \ 02457167 a 0105 | in a worried manner; "`I wonder what to do,' she said worriedly"; "he paused worriedly before calling the bank"
00497129 02 r 01 worthily 0 001 \ 02584981 a 0101 | in a worthy manner; with worthiness
00497219 02 r 01 worthlessly 0 001 \ 02502163 a 0101 | in a worthless manner
00497298 02 r 01 wrathfully 0 001 \ 00116245 a 0101 | in a wrathful manner; "he looked at her, not wrathfully now, but quizzically"
00497432 02 r 01 wretchedly 0 001 \ 01050890 a 0109 | in a wretched manner; "`I can't remember who I am,' I said, wretchedly"
00497560 02 r 02 yea 0 yeah 0 000 | not only so, but; "I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice"
00497662 02 r 01 youthfully 0 001 \ 01649720 a 0101 | in a youthful manner; "he is still youthfully enthusiastic"
00497778 02 r 01 zealously 0 001 \ 00886253 a 0102 | in a zealous manner; "she worked zealously to raise funds for the literacy project"
00497917 02 r 02 zestfully 0 zestily 0 002 \ 02281182 a 0203 \ 02281182 a 0101 | with zest; "she scrubbed the floors of the new apartment zestfully"
00498068 02 r 01 zigzag 0 000 | in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path; "birds flew zigzag across the blue sky"
00498182 02 r 01 a_la_mode 0 000 | with ice cream on top or on the side; "we served the apple pie a la mode"
00498293 02 r 02 between_decks 0 'tween_decks 0 000 | in the space between decks, on a ship
00498387 02 r 02 between 3 betwixt 0 000 | in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between"
00498499 02 r 01 aloft 0 000 | in the higher atmosphere above the earth; "weather conditions aloft are fine"
00498610 02 r 01 aloft 1 000 | at or to great height; high up in or into the air; "eagles were soaring aloft"; "dust is whirled aloft"
00498747 02 r 02 irreproachably 0 blamelessly 0 002 \ 01320705 a 0201 \ 01320705 a 0103 | in an irreproachable and blameless manner; "she had lived blamelessly until she met this man"
00498933 02 r 01 bonnily 0 001 \ 00218440 a 0101 | in a bonny manner
00499004 02 r 01 aloft 7 000 | upward; "the good news sent her spirits aloft"
00499084 02 r 01 aloft 4 000 | at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship; "climbed aloft to unfurl the sail"
00499208 02 r 01 circumstantially 0 000 | insofar as the circumstances are concerned; "the account was circumstantially accurate"
00499340 02 r 01 circumstantially 3 000 | according to circumstances; "he was convicted circumstantially"
00499448 02 r 01 clammily 0 001 \ 02548619 a 0101 | in a clammy manner
00499521 02 r 02 conjugally 0 connubial 0 002 \ 02872066 a 0202 \ 02872066 a 0101 | in a conjugal manner
00499628 02 r 01 constrainedly 0 001 \ 00073761 a 0101 | in a constrained manner
00499711 02 r 01 convexly 0 002 ! 00499823 r 0101 \ 00537339 a 0101 | in a convex way; "bulging out convexly"
00499823 02 r 01 concavely 0 002 ! 00499711 r 0101 \ 00535452 a 0101 | in a concave way; "shaped concavely"
00499933 02 r 01 coordinately 0 001 \ 00890874 a 0101 | in a coordinated manner
00500015 02 r 02 corruptly 0 corruptedly 0 001 \ 00620731 a 0101 | in a corrupt manner
00500104 02 r 01 defectively 0 001 \ 01752953 a 0101 | in a defective manner; "this machine functions only defectively"
00500226 02 r 03 dingily 0 grubbily 0 grungily 0 003 \ 00420650 a 0305 \ 00420650 a 0204 \ 00420650 a 0102 | in a dingy manner
00500355 02 r 02 discursively 0 ramblingly 0 001 \ 00768397 a 0102 | in a rambling manner
00500447 02 r 02 profligately 0 dissolutely 0 002 \ 01549568 a 0205 \ 01549568 a 0107 | in a dissolute way
00500556 02 r 01 floridly 0 001 \ 01794771 a 0102 | in a florid manner; "floridly figurative prose"
00500658 02 r 01 half-price 0 000 | for half the price; "she bought it half-price during the sale"
00500759 02 r 01 imminently 0 001 \ 00448314 a 0103 | in an imminent manner
00500837 02 r 01 integrally 0 001 \ 01348528 a 0105 | in an integral manner
00500915 02 r 01 martially 0 001 \ 01518860 a 0102 | in a martial manner
00500990 02 r 01 ruggedly 0 001 \ 00707366 a 0101 | in a rugged manner
00501063 02 r 01 shrewishly 0 001 \ 01138610 a 0101 | in a shrewish manner
00501140 02 r 03 in_principle 0 in_theory 1 in_essence 1 000 | with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details; "in principle, we agree"
00501291 02 r 03 per_capita 0 for_each_person 0 of_each_person 0 000 | per person; "we are spending $5,000 per capita annually for education in this district"
00501452 02 r 01 distinctively 0 001 \ 01272718 a 0102 | in an identifiably distinctive manner; "the distinctively conservative district of the county"
00501606 02 r 01 philosophically 1 001 \ 02858231 a 0102 | with respect to philosophy; "the movement is philosophically indebted to Rousseau"
00501750 02 r 01 vanishingly 0 000 | so as to disappear or approach zero; "errors are vanishingly rare"
00501856 02 r 01 inaugurally 0 001 \ 01290766 a 0101 | so as to inaugurate; "the mayor inaugurally drove the spade into the ground"
00501990 02 r 03 in 1 inwards 1 inward 1 000 | to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door"
00502098 02 r 01 unquestioningly 0 001 \ 00005599 a 0102 | in an unquestioning manner; "he followed his leader unquestioningly"
00502228 02 r 01 theretofore 0 000 | up to that time; "they had not done any work theretofore"
00502325 02 r 01 acutely 1 001 \ 01744515 a 0101 | in an acute manner; "she pitied her sister acutely"; "acutely aware"
00502447 02 r 01 demandingly 0 001 \ 00710260 a 0101 | in a demanding manner; "he became demandingly dominant over the years"
00502575 02 r 01 heavily 3 001 \ 01188328 a 0101 | in a manner designed for heavy duty; "a heavily constructed car"; "heavily armed"
00502710 02 r 02 specially 1 especially 1 002 \ 00488187 a 0201 \ 01678729 a 0101 | in a special manner; "a specially arranged dinner"
00502847 02 r 02 gently 1 mildly 2 002 \ 01508719 a 0201 \ 01455412 a 0101 | in a gentle manner; "he talked gently to the injured animal"
00502987 02 r 01 haggardly 0 001 \ 02433000 a 0103 | in a haggard manner; "she looked haggardly out of her tent"
00503102 02 r 03 sharply 2 sharp 0 acutely 2 002 \ 01810189 a 0302 \ 01144230 a 0101 | changing suddenly in direction and degree; "the road twists sharply after the light"; "turn sharp left here"; "the visor was acutely peaked"; "her shoes had acutely pointed toes"
00503370 02 r 02 madly 2 frantically 0 002 \ 00086341 a 0201 \ 02390724 a 0104 | in an uncontrolled manner; "she fought back madly"
00503504 02 r 02 smolderingly 0 smoulderingly 0 002 \ 00116058 a 0202 \ 00116058 a 0101 | with barely repressed anger; "`I can't wait,' she answered smolderingly"
00503669 02 r 01 dandily 0 001 \ 01123879 a 0105 | in a dandy manner; "she had shown her talents dandily"
00503777 02 r 01 in_common 0 000 | sharing equally with another or others; "we have several things in common"; "in common with other companies they advertise widely"
00503945 02 r 01 softly 4 000 | in a manner that is pleasing to the senses; "she smiled softly"
00504043 02 r 01 immediately 3 001 \ 00449079 a 0102 | near or close by; "he passed immediately behind her"
00504153 02 r 01 immediately 5 001 \ 00770316 a 0101 | bearing an immediate relation; "this immediately concerns your future"
00504281 02 r 01 directly 5 001 \ 00770480 a 0101 | without anyone or anything intervening; "these two factors are directly related"; "he was directly responsible"; "measured the physical properties directly"
00504492 02 r 01 second_hand 0 001 \ 01640482 a 0101 | from a source of previously owned goods; "I prefer to buy second hand"
00504620 02 r 02 in_full 0 fully 3 000 | referring to a quantity; "the amount was paid in full"
00504718 02 r 01 expansively 1 001 \ 01284544 a 0101 | in an impressively expansive manner; "she managed to live rather expansively on her modest income"
00504874 02 r 01 homogeneously 0 001 \ 01199751 a 0101 | all similarly; "the students at this college are homogeneously middle-class"
00505010 02 r 02 in_flight 0 on_the_wing 0 000 | flying through the air; "we saw the ducks in flight"
00505114 02 r 03 only 3 only_if 0 only_when 0 000 | never except when; "call me only if your cold gets worse"
00505226 02 r 03 close 2 closely 2 tight 2 001 \ 00309945 a 0201 | in an attentive manner; "he remained close on his guard"
00505352 02 r 02 naturally 3 by_nature 0 000 | through inherent nature; "he was naturally lazy"
00505450 02 r 02 by_rights 0 properly 1 000 | with reason or justice
00505521 02 r 02 caudally 0 caudal 0 002 \ 00131863 a 0201 \ 00131863 a 0101 | toward the posterior end of the body
00505639 02 r 01 causally 0 001 \ 00323199 a 0101 | in a causal fashion; "causally efficacious powers"
00505744 02 r 01 fearfully 1 001 \ 00193799 a 0101 | in an alarming manner; "they were fearfully attacked"
00505853 02 r 03 one_by_one 2 one_after_another 1 one_at_a_time 0 000 | in single file; "the prisoners came out one by one"
00505979 02 r 01 calculatingly 0 001 \ 01155603 a 0101 | in a calculating manner; "he looked at her calculatingly"
00506096 02 r 01 magnetically 1 001 \ 02926188 a 0101 | by the use of magnetism; "magnetically contaminated material"
00506216 02 r 01 redly 0 001 \ 00381097 a 0101 | displaying a red color; "the forge belched redly at the sky"-Adria Langley
00506342 02 r 01 widely 2 000 | so as to leave much space or distance between; "widely separated"
00506442 02 r 01 insignificantly 1 001 \ 01288298 a 0101 | in an insignificant manner; "some people living insignificantly among us"
00506577 02 r 01 fatally 0 001 \ 00685113 a 0102 | with fatal consequences or implications; "he was fatally ill equipped for the climb"
00506715 02 r 01 overboard 1 000 | to extremes; "he went overboard to please his in-laws"
00506807 02 r 01 desperately 1 001 \ 01229826 a 0102 | in intense despair; "the child clung desperately to her mother"
00506928 02 r 01 first 3 000 | before another in time, space, or importance; "I was here first"; "let's do this job first"
00507053 02 r 01 outstandingly 0 001 \ 02343762 a 0101 | in an outstanding manner or to an outstanding degree; "she was outstandingly successful in her profession"
00507219 02 r 01 tunelessly 0 001 \ 01502383 a 0101 | in a tuneless fashion; "he whistled tunelessly"
00507323 02 r 02 measuredly 0 deliberately 1 002 \ 01271961 a 0202 \ 01271961 a 0103 | in a deliberate unhurried manner; "she was working deliberately"
00507477 02 r 01 heavily 4 001 \ 01192786 a 0101 | in a heavy-footed manner; "he walked heavily up the three flights to his room"
00507609 02 r 01 mellowingly 0 000 | so as to mellow; "the rays of the sun struck the earth mellowingly"
00507716 02 r 01 yesterday 0 000 | on the day preceding today; "yesterday the weather was beautiful"
00507819 02 r 01 yesterday 1 000 | in the recent past; only a short time ago; "I was not born yesterday!"
00507927 02 r 01 together a 000 | in each other's company; "we went to the movies together"; "the family that prays together stays together"
00508070 02 r 01 after 0 000 | behind or in the rear; "and Jill came tumbling after"
00508157 02 r 01 later 3 000 | comparative of the adverb `late'; "he stayed later than you did"
00508255 02 r 01 on_earth 0 000 | used with question words to convey surprise; "what on earth are you doing?"
00508367 02 r 01 unblinkingly 0 001 \ 00858780 a 0101 | showing no emotion; "the convicted killer listened unblinkingly to the reading of his sentence"
00508521 02 r 01 luxuriously 2 001 \ 01298239 a 0102 | in an indulgently luxurious manner; "she sprawled out luxuriously on the sofa"
00508657 02 r 01 heavily 5 001 \ 01191618 a 0101 | with great force; "she hit her arm heavily against the wall"
00508771 02 r 01 loweringly 0 001 \ 00462409 a 0102 | in a menacing or scowling way; "he looked up loweringly"
00508884 02 r 01 aggravatingly 0 001 \ 01340422 a 0101 | in an aggravating fashion; "his hair was caught aggravatingly in the branches of the tree"
00509034 02 r 01 lightly 6 001 \ 01190316 a 0101 | without good reason; "one cannot say such things lightly"
00509145 02 r 01 quaveringly 0 001 \ 02304987 a 0101 | in an unsteady quavering manner; "the man began quaveringly to question the soldier"
00509287 02 r 02 from_pillar_to_post 0 hither_and_thither 0 000 | from one place or situation to another; "we were driven from pillar to post"
00509432 02 r 01 straight 0 000 | in a straight line; in a direct course; "the road runs straight"
00509533 02 r 02 painfully 1 sorely 2 003 \ 01712753 a 0202 ! 00509702 r 0101 \ 01711071 a 0101 | in or as if in pain; "she moved painfully forward"; "sorely wounded"
00509702 02 r 01 painlessly 1 002 ! 00509533 r 0101 \ 01713095 a 0101 | without pain; "after the surgery, she could move her arms painlessly"
00509846 02 r 02 better 1 best 3 000 | from a position of superiority or authority; "father knows best"; "I know better."
00509970 02 r 01 significantly 4 001 \ 02165655 a 0101 | in a statistically significant way; "the two groups differed significantly"
00510105 02 r 02 out_of_sight 1 out_of_view 0 000 | no longer visible; "the ship disappeared behind the horizon and passed out of sight"
00510244 02 r 01 out_of_place 0 000 | in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous; "he felt out of place in the lingerie shop"
00510393 02 r 02 baby-wise 0 baby-like 0 000 | like a baby; "he cradled it, baby-wise, in his arms"
00510495 02 r 01 soughingly 0 001 \ 01456221 a 0103 | with a soft sound; "the branches of the trees moved soughingly in the breeze"
00510629 02 r 02 coincidentally 0 coincidently 0 002 \ 02378496 a 0201 \ 02378496 a 0102 | happening at the same time
00510749 02 r 01 very 1 000 | precisely so; "on the very next page"; "he expected the very opposite"
00510852 02 r 01 contextually 0 001 \ 03002190 a 0101 | in a manner dependent on context
00510943 02 r 01 departmentally 0 001 \ 03059966 a 0101 | dependent on a department
00511029 02 r 01 polygonally 0 001 \ 03100611 a 0101 | in a polygonal manner
00511108 02 r 01 regimentally 0 001 \ 03109663 a 0101 | in a regimental manner or by regiments
00511205 02 r 01 residentially 0 001 \ 00485044 a 0101 | used as a residence
00511284 02 r 01 schismatically 0 001 \ 03115053 a 0101 | in a manner that is schismatic
00511375 02 r 02 viscerally 1 unreasoningly 0 001 \ 01431471 a 0103 | in an unreasoning visceral manner
00511481 02 r 01 loosely 4 000 | in a loose manner; "a union of loosely federated states"
00511573 02 r 01 positively 2 001 \ 01817500 a 0101 | so as to be positive; in a positive manner; "she intended her remarks to be interpreted positively"
00511729 02 r 01 literatim 0 000 | letter for letter; "the message was transcribed literatim"
00511825 02 r 01 nebulously 0 001 \ 00702245 a 0101 | in a nebulous and indefinite manner
00511917 02 r 02 northeastward 0 northeastwardly 0 002 \ 01601901 a 0201 \ 01601901 a 0101 | in a northeastward direction; "the river flows northeastward to the gulf"
00512086 02 r 02 northwestward 0 northwestwardly 0 002 \ 01602250 a 0201 \ 01602250 a 0101 | in a northwestward direction
00512210 02 r 02 southeastward 0 southeastwardly 0 002 \ 01603789 a 0201 \ 01603789 a 0101 | in a southeastward direction; "the river flows southeastward to the gulf"
00512379 02 r 02 southwestward 0 southwestwardly 0 002 \ 01604146 a 0201 \ 01604146 a 0101 | in a southwestward direction
00512503 02 r 01 abaxially 0 002 ! 00512597 r 0101 \ 00002312 a 0101 | in an abaxial manner
00512597 02 r 01 adaxially 0 002 ! 00512503 r 0101 \ 00002527 a 0101 | in an adaxial manner
00512691 02 r 01 adjectivally 0 001 \ 02936020 a 0101 | as an adjective; in an adjectival manner
00512790 02 r 01 affirmatively 0 001 \ 00075135 a 0101 | in an affirmative manner
00512874 02 r 01 canonically 0 001 \ 03001527 a 0102 | in a canonical manner; "the deacon was canonically inducted"
00512992 02 r 01 cognitively 0 001 \ 02898584 a 0101 | with regard to cognition; "cognitively skillful"
00513098 02 r 01 complexly 0 001 \ 02176178 a 0101 | in a complex manner
00513173 02 r 01 cursively 0 001 \ 02285035 a 0101 | in a cursive manner
00513248 02 r 01 dolce 0 001 ;c 07020895 n 0000 | gently and sweetly
00513319 02 r 01 draggingly 0 001 \ 00837084 a 0101 | in a dragging manner
00513396 02 r 01 eccentrically 0 001 \ 00543200 a 0101 | not symmetrically with respect to the center
00513500 02 r 01 eccentrically 1 001 \ 00608791 a 0102 | in an eccentric or bizarre manner
00513593 02 r 01 endogenously 0 001 \ 00873113 a 0101 | in an endogenous manner
00513675 02 r 01 erotically 0 001 \ 02132080 a 0101 | in an erotic manner
00513751 02 r 01 hypnotically 0 001 \ 02745203 a 0101 | by means of hypnotism
00513831 02 r 01 immunologically 0 001 \ 02746290 a 0101 | from the point of view of immunology
00513929 02 r 02 in_vitro 0 ex_vivo 0 001 \ 01359277 a 0101 | in an artificial environment outside the living organism; "an egg fertilized in vitro"
00514080 02 r 01 irreparably 0 001 \ 01963792 a 0101 | in an irreparable manner or to an irreparable degree
00514190 02 r 01 irritatingly 0 001 \ 00089550 a 0104 | in an irritating manner
00514272 02 r 01 judicially 1 001 \ 01400961 a 0101 | as ordered by a court
00514350 02 r 01 logogrammatically 0 001 \ 02756743 a 0101 | by means of logograms; "Chinese is written logogrammatically"
00514475 02 r 01 on_camera 0 000 | within range of a movie or television camera; "the senator didn't realize that he was speaking on camera"
00514618 02 r 01 prepositionally 0 001 \ 03102278 a 0101 | as a preposition
00514696 02 r 01 presidentially 0 001 \ 00753504 a 0101 | in a presidential manner
00514781 02 r 01 radioactively 0 001 \ 00426907 a 0101 | in a radioactive manner; "radioactively labeled"
00514889 02 r 01 recurrently 0 001 \ 00592880 a 0102 | in a recurrent manner
00514968 02 r 01 sidearm 0 001 \ 03144729 a 0101 | in a sidearm manner; "he prefers to throw sidearm"
00515072 02 r 01 sinuously 0 001 \ 02316992 a 0102 | in a sinuous manner
00515147 02 r 01 sinusoidally 0 001 \ 02317145 a 0101 | in a sinusoidal manner
00515228 02 r 02 spaceward 0 spacewards 0 000 | towards outer space
00515298 02 r 01 stably 0 001 \ 00348018 a 0102 | in a stable unchanging manner; "the death rate in Russia has been stably high"
00515429 02 r 01 stably 1 001 \ 02290998 a 0101 | in a stable solid fixed manner; "the boulder was balanced stably at the edge of the canyon"
00515573 02 r 01 suggestively 0 001 \ 00723542 a 0102 | in a suggestive manner; "she smiled suggestively"
00515681 02 r 01 synergistically 0 001 \ 00623356 a 0101 | (of drugs or muscles) in a synergistic or interactive manner
00515803 02 r 01 synergistically 1 001 \ 00620341 a 0102 | (of group) in a synergistic or cooperative manner
00515914 02 r 01 synonymously 0 001 \ 02381302 a 0101 | in a synonymous manner; "the two terms are used synonymously"
00516034 02 r 01 taxonomically 0 001 \ 03018498 a 0101 | with regard to taxonomy; "closely related taxonomically"
00516150 02 r 01 topologically 0 001 \ 02817533 a 0101 | from the point of view of topology
00516244 02 r 01 ulteriorly 0 001 \ 01707733 a 0103 | in an ulterior manner
00516322 02 r 01 vexatiously 0 001 \ 00089550 a 010c | in a vexatious manner
00516401 02 r 01 wafer-thin 0 001 \ 02415294 a 0101 | very thin; "it was cut wafer-thin"
00516492 02 r 01 wrongfully 0 001 \ 01371009 a 0101 | in an unjust or unfair manner; "the employee claimed that she was wrongfully dismissed"; "people who were wrongfully imprisoned should be released"