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4 years ago
academic, academy, access, account, achieve, achievement, acquired, addition, adequate, administer, advancement, affect, affected, affiliate, albany, alternative, american, amount, ample, analysis, analyze, analyzed, answer, apparent, application, approach, appropriate, approximate, approximation, area, argue, argues, argument, article, aspect, aspects, assess, assessment, assist, assisted, assume, assumed, assuming, attribute, attributed, author, authority, available, award, beneficial, benefit, berkeley, book, business, call, cambridge, candidate, candidates, careful, categories, category, center, centre, chair, challenge, chapter, characteristic, circumstance, citation, cite, class, code, collaboration, college, comment, commissioned, committed, committee, communication, community, complex, component, computation, compute, computed, concept, conclude, conclusion, conclusive, conduct, conference, consequence, consequent, considerable, consist, consisted, consists, constant, constitute, constitutes, constrain, construct, construction, consume, contact, content, context, contract, contrast, contributed, contributes, convention, coordination, coordinator, core, corresponds, course, courtesy, create, created, creation, credit, criteria, criterion, cultural, cutoff, cycle, data, debate, deduce, define, definition, degree, deliverable, demonstrate, demonstration, derive, derived, design, despite, development, device, dimension, discrete, distinct, distinction, distribute, distribution, document, documented, documents, domain, download, dr, dr., draft, economy, ed., edit, editor, effect, element, elements, emergent, emerging, emphasis, encyclopedia, engineer, ensures, entity, environment, equate, equation, error, establish, established, estimate, estimated, ethnic, evaluate, evaluated, evaluation, event, evident, evidently, examine, examined, example, exceeded, exclusion, experiment, expert, export, external, factor, factors, faculty, failure, feature, features, figure, final, finally, finance, financing, focus, focussed, focussing, form, formula, framework, function, functions, funded, future, gender, generates, georgia, goal, grant, group, hence, hypothesis, identify, illustrates, illustration, image, impact, implement, implemented, implicates, implications, implies, imply, impose, imposes, inc, inc., income, india, indicate, indicates, individual, industry, information, initial, initiative, injury, instance, institute, integrated, integration, intelligent, interaction, international, interpret, interpreted, interval, intervals, invest, investigate, investigated, investment, investor, involve, involves, issue, issues, item, items, japan, job, journal, justification, justifies, key, knowledge, korea, label, labelled, labor, labour, layer, lecture, legal, legislate, library, license, link, literature, logic, maintain, maintained, major, maximize, mechanism, medical, meeting, method, metric, michigan, minnesota, minor, mit, national, negate, negated, negative, normal, notion, novel, nsf, objective, obtain, obtained, obtaining, obvious, occur, occurs, option, options, organisation, organiser, organization, organizer, outcome, output, overall, page, parallel, parameter, participate, participated, participation, partner, partnership, patent, pdf, perceive, percent, perception, period, perspective, phase, phd, philosophy, physical, policy, population, positive, poster, potential, predict, presentation, previous, primary, prime, principal, principle, prior, proceed, proceedings, process, processing, product, prof, professional, progress, project, promote, promotor, proof, property, proportion, proportionally, publication, purchase, range, ranging, rate, reaction, reference, region, regulate, rejected, related, relevancy, relevant, relied, relies, rely, reply, report, require, requirement, requirements, research, researcher, reside, resides, resolved, resource, resources, respond, response, restrict, restriction, restrictions, result, results, retains, reveal, reveales, review, robust, role, rule, salient, scheme, scholar, science,