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<h2>pattern.en parser</h2>
<p>The English parser can be invoked from the command-line.&nbsp;The&nbsp;<a href="pattern.html">pattern</a> module should be installed (i.e., located in <span class="inline_code">/site-packages</span>, see installation instructions) or the current working directory should be the one that contains the <span class="inline_code">pattern</span> folder.</p>
<pre class="brush:python; gutter:false; light:true;">&gt; python -m pattern.en -f file.txt</pre><p><span>If no options are given a full parse is executed (i.e. tokenization, tagging, chunking, relations and lemmata). Otherwise, you need to explicitly list every required option:</span></p>
<table class="border">
<td><span class="inline_code">-O</span></td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--tokenize</span></td>
<td>Tokenize the input.</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-T&nbsp;</span></td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--tags&nbsp;</span></td>
<td>Parse part-of-speech tags.</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-C</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--chunks&nbsp;</span></td>
<td>Parse chunks and <span class="postag">PNP</span> tags.&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-R</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--relations</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td>Parse verb/predicate relations.&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-L</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--lemmata&nbsp;</span></td>
<td>Parse lemmata (<em>was</em><em>be</em>).&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-f&nbsp;</span></td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--file</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td>Input file path.&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-s&nbsp;</span></td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--string&nbsp;</span></td>
<td>Input string.&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-e</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">--encoding</span>&nbsp;</td>
<td>Specify character encoding (utf-8 by default).&nbsp;</td>
<td><span class="inline_code">-v&nbsp;</span></td>
<td class="inline_code">--version</td>
<td>Print current version of Pattern.</td>
<p>Short options can be concatenated. Also note the <span class="inline_code">xml</span> option which produces XML output:</p>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m pattern.en xml -OT -s 'The black cat sat on the mat.'</pre></div>
<h3><span> | de | fr | it | nl parsers</span></h3>
<p><span>The parsers for other languages work in the same way. Note the <span class="inline_code">xml</span> option (produces XML output).</span></p>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m -s 'El gato negro se sienta en la estera.'</pre></div>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m -s 'Die schwarze Katze liegt auf der Matte.'</pre></div>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m -s "Le chat noir s'était assis sur le tapis."</pre></div>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m -s 'Il gatto nero faceva le fusa.'</pre></div>
<div class="example">
<pre class="brush: python;gutter: false; light: true; fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; ">&gt; python -m -s 'De zwarte kat zat op de mat.'</pre></div>