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5 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Natural Language Toolkit: Stack decoder
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: Tah Wei Hoon <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A decoder that uses stacks to implement phrase-based translation.
In phrase-based translation, the source sentence is segmented into
phrases of one or more words, and translations for those phrases are
used to build the target sentence.
Hypothesis data structures are used to keep track of the source words
translated so far and the partial output. A hypothesis can be expanded
by selecting an untranslated phrase, looking up its translation in a
phrase table, and appending that translation to the partial output.
Translation is complete when a hypothesis covers all source words.
The search space is huge because the source sentence can be segmented
in different ways, the source phrases can be selected in any order,
and there could be multiple translations for the same source phrase in
the phrase table. To make decoding tractable, stacks are used to limit
the number of candidate hypotheses by doing histogram and/or threshold
Hypotheses with the same number of words translated are placed in the
same stack. In histogram pruning, each stack has a size limit, and
the hypothesis with the lowest score is removed when the stack is full.
In threshold pruning, hypotheses that score below a certain threshold
of the best hypothesis in that stack are removed.
Hypothesis scoring can include various factors such as phrase
translation probability, language model probability, length of
translation, cost of remaining words to be translated, and so on.
Philipp Koehn. 2010. Statistical Machine Translation.
Cambridge University Press, New York.
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from math import log
class StackDecoder(object):
Phrase-based stack decoder for machine translation
>>> from nltk.translate import PhraseTable
>>> phrase_table = PhraseTable()
>>> phrase_table.add(('niemand',), ('nobody',), log(0.8))
>>> phrase_table.add(('niemand',), ('no', 'one'), log(0.2))
>>> phrase_table.add(('erwartet',), ('expects',), log(0.8))
>>> phrase_table.add(('erwartet',), ('expecting',), log(0.2))
>>> phrase_table.add(('niemand', 'erwartet'), ('one', 'does', 'not', 'expect'), log(0.1))
>>> phrase_table.add(('die', 'spanische', 'inquisition'), ('the', 'spanish', 'inquisition'), log(0.8))
>>> phrase_table.add(('!',), ('!',), log(0.8))
>>> # nltk.model should be used here once it is implemented
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> language_prob = defaultdict(lambda: -999.0)
>>> language_prob[('nobody',)] = log(0.5)
>>> language_prob[('expects',)] = log(0.4)
>>> language_prob[('the', 'spanish', 'inquisition')] = log(0.2)
>>> language_prob[('!',)] = log(0.1)
>>> language_model = type('',(object,),{'probability_change': lambda self, context, phrase: language_prob[phrase], 'probability': lambda self, phrase: language_prob[phrase]})()
>>> stack_decoder = StackDecoder(phrase_table, language_model)
>>> stack_decoder.translate(['niemand', 'erwartet', 'die', 'spanische', 'inquisition', '!'])
['nobody', 'expects', 'the', 'spanish', 'inquisition', '!']
def __init__(self, phrase_table, language_model):
:param phrase_table: Table of translations for source language
phrases and the log probabilities for those translations.
:type phrase_table: PhraseTable
:param language_model: Target language model. Must define a
``probability_change`` method that calculates the change in
log probability of a sentence, if a given string is appended
to it.
This interface is experimental and will likely be replaced
with nltk.model once it is implemented.
:type language_model: object
self.phrase_table = phrase_table
self.language_model = language_model
self.word_penalty = 0.0
float: Influences the translation length exponentially.
If positive, shorter translations are preferred.
If negative, longer translations are preferred.
If zero, no penalty is applied.
self.beam_threshold = 0.0
float: Hypotheses that score below this factor of the best
hypothesis in a stack are dropped from consideration.
Value between 0.0 and 1.0.
self.stack_size = 100
int: Maximum number of hypotheses to consider in a stack.
Higher values increase the likelihood of a good translation,
but increases processing time.
self.__distortion_factor = 0.5
def distortion_factor(self):
float: Amount of reordering of source phrases.
Lower values favour monotone translation, suitable when
word order is similar for both source and target languages.
Value between 0.0 and 1.0. Default 0.5.
return self.__distortion_factor
def distortion_factor(self, d):
self.__distortion_factor = d
def __compute_log_distortion(self):
# cache log(distortion_factor) so we don't have to recompute it
# when scoring hypotheses
if self.__distortion_factor == 0.0:
self.__log_distortion_factor = log(1e-9) # 1e-9 is almost zero
self.__log_distortion_factor = log(self.__distortion_factor)
def translate(self, src_sentence):
:param src_sentence: Sentence to be translated
:type src_sentence: list(str)
:return: Translated sentence
:rtype: list(str)
sentence = tuple(src_sentence) # prevent accidental modification
sentence_length = len(sentence)
stacks = [
_Stack(self.stack_size, self.beam_threshold)
for _ in range(0, sentence_length + 1)
empty_hypothesis = _Hypothesis()
all_phrases = self.find_all_src_phrases(sentence)
future_score_table = self.compute_future_scores(sentence)
for stack in stacks:
for hypothesis in stack:
possible_expansions = StackDecoder.valid_phrases(
all_phrases, hypothesis
for src_phrase_span in possible_expansions:
src_phrase = sentence[src_phrase_span[0] : src_phrase_span[1]]
for translation_option in self.phrase_table.translations_for(
raw_score = self.expansion_score(
hypothesis, translation_option, src_phrase_span
new_hypothesis = _Hypothesis(
new_hypothesis.future_score = self.future_score(
new_hypothesis, future_score_table, sentence_length
total_words = new_hypothesis.total_translated_words()
if not stacks[sentence_length]:
'Unable to translate all words. '
'The source sentence contains words not in '
'the phrase table'
# Instead of returning empty output, perhaps a partial
# translation could be returned
return []
best_hypothesis = stacks[sentence_length].best()
return best_hypothesis.translation_so_far()
def find_all_src_phrases(self, src_sentence):
Finds all subsequences in src_sentence that have a phrase
translation in the translation table
:type src_sentence: tuple(str)
:return: Subsequences that have a phrase translation,
represented as a table of lists of end positions.
For example, if result[2] is [5, 6, 9], then there are
three phrases starting from position 2 in ``src_sentence``,
ending at positions 5, 6, and 9 exclusive. The list of
ending positions are in ascending order.
:rtype: list(list(int))
sentence_length = len(src_sentence)
phrase_indices = [[] for _ in src_sentence]
for start in range(0, sentence_length):
for end in range(start + 1, sentence_length + 1):
potential_phrase = src_sentence[start:end]
if potential_phrase in self.phrase_table:
return phrase_indices
def compute_future_scores(self, src_sentence):
Determines the approximate scores for translating every
subsequence in ``src_sentence``
Future scores can be used a look-ahead to determine the
difficulty of translating the remaining parts of a src_sentence.
:type src_sentence: tuple(str)
:return: Scores of subsequences referenced by their start and
end positions. For example, result[2][5] is the score of the
subsequence covering positions 2, 3, and 4.
:rtype: dict(int: (dict(int): float))
scores = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float('-inf')))
for seq_length in range(1, len(src_sentence) + 1):
for start in range(0, len(src_sentence) - seq_length + 1):
end = start + seq_length
phrase = src_sentence[start:end]
if phrase in self.phrase_table:
score = self.phrase_table.translations_for(phrase)[
].log_prob # pick best (first) translation
# Warning: API of language_model is subject to change
score += self.language_model.probability(phrase)
scores[start][end] = score
# check if a better score can be obtained by combining
# two child subsequences
for mid in range(start + 1, end):
combined_score = scores[start][mid] + scores[mid][end]
if combined_score > scores[start][end]:
scores[start][end] = combined_score
return scores
def future_score(self, hypothesis, future_score_table, sentence_length):
Determines the approximate score for translating the
untranslated words in ``hypothesis``
score = 0.0
for span in hypothesis.untranslated_spans(sentence_length):
score += future_score_table[span[0]][span[1]]
return score
def expansion_score(self, hypothesis, translation_option, src_phrase_span):
Calculate the score of expanding ``hypothesis`` with
:param hypothesis: Hypothesis being expanded
:type hypothesis: _Hypothesis
:param translation_option: Information about the proposed expansion
:type translation_option: PhraseTableEntry
:param src_phrase_span: Word position span of the source phrase
:type src_phrase_span: tuple(int, int)
score = hypothesis.raw_score
score += translation_option.log_prob
# The API of language_model is subject to change; it could accept
# a string, a list of words, and/or some other type
score += self.language_model.probability_change(
hypothesis, translation_option.trg_phrase
score += self.distortion_score(hypothesis, src_phrase_span)
score -= self.word_penalty * len(translation_option.trg_phrase)
return score
def distortion_score(self, hypothesis, next_src_phrase_span):
if not hypothesis.src_phrase_span:
return 0.0
next_src_phrase_start = next_src_phrase_span[0]
prev_src_phrase_end = hypothesis.src_phrase_span[1]
distortion_distance = next_src_phrase_start - prev_src_phrase_end
return abs(distortion_distance) * self.__log_distortion_factor
def valid_phrases(all_phrases_from, hypothesis):
Extract phrases from ``all_phrases_from`` that contains words
that have not been translated by ``hypothesis``
:param all_phrases_from: Phrases represented by their spans, in
the same format as the return value of
:type all_phrases_from: list(list(int))
:type hypothesis: _Hypothesis
:return: A list of phrases, represented by their spans, that
cover untranslated positions.
:rtype: list(tuple(int, int))
untranslated_spans = hypothesis.untranslated_spans(len(all_phrases_from))
valid_phrases = []
for available_span in untranslated_spans:
start = available_span[0]
available_end = available_span[1]
while start < available_end:
for phrase_end in all_phrases_from[start]:
if phrase_end > available_end:
# Subsequent elements in all_phrases_from[start]
# will also be > available_end, since the
# elements are in ascending order
valid_phrases.append((start, phrase_end))
start += 1
return valid_phrases
class _Hypothesis(object):
Partial solution to a translation.
Records the word positions of the phrase being translated, its
translation, raw score, and the cost of the untranslated parts of
the sentence. When the next phrase is selected to build upon the
partial solution, a new _Hypothesis object is created, with a back
pointer to the previous hypothesis.
To find out which words have been translated so far, look at the
``src_phrase_span`` in the hypothesis chain. Similarly, the
translation output can be found by traversing up the chain.
def __init__(
:param raw_score: Likelihood of hypothesis so far.
Higher is better. Does not account for untranslated words.
:type raw_score: float
:param src_phrase_span: Span of word positions covered by the
source phrase in this hypothesis expansion. For example,
(2, 5) means that the phrase is from the second word up to,
but not including the fifth word in the source sentence.
:type src_phrase_span: tuple(int)
:param trg_phrase: Translation of the source phrase in this
hypothesis expansion
:type trg_phrase: tuple(str)
:param previous: Previous hypothesis before expansion to this one
:type previous: _Hypothesis
:param future_score: Approximate score for translating the
remaining words not covered by this hypothesis. Higher means
that the remaining words are easier to translate.
:type future_score: float
self.raw_score = raw_score
self.src_phrase_span = src_phrase_span
self.trg_phrase = trg_phrase
self.previous = previous
self.future_score = future_score
def score(self):
Overall score of hypothesis after accounting for local and
global features
return self.raw_score + self.future_score
def untranslated_spans(self, sentence_length):
Starting from each untranslated word, find the longest
continuous span of untranslated positions
:param sentence_length: Length of source sentence being
translated by the hypothesis
:type sentence_length: int
:rtype: list(tuple(int, int))
translated_positions = self.translated_positions()
translated_positions.append(sentence_length) # add sentinel position
untranslated_spans = []
start = 0
# each untranslated span must end in one of the translated_positions
for end in translated_positions:
if start < end:
untranslated_spans.append((start, end))
start = end + 1
return untranslated_spans
def translated_positions(self):
List of positions in the source sentence of words already
translated. The list is not sorted.
:rtype: list(int)
translated_positions = []
current_hypothesis = self
while current_hypothesis.previous is not None:
translated_span = current_hypothesis.src_phrase_span
translated_positions.extend(range(translated_span[0], translated_span[1]))
current_hypothesis = current_hypothesis.previous
return translated_positions
def total_translated_words(self):
return len(self.translated_positions())
def translation_so_far(self):
translation = []
self.__build_translation(self, translation)
return translation
def __build_translation(self, hypothesis, output):
if hypothesis.previous is None:
self.__build_translation(hypothesis.previous, output)
class _Stack(object):
Collection of _Hypothesis objects
def __init__(self, max_size=100, beam_threshold=0.0):
:param beam_threshold: Hypotheses that score less than this
factor of the best hypothesis are discarded from the stack.
Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.
:type beam_threshold: float
self.max_size = max_size
self.items = []
if beam_threshold == 0.0:
self.__log_beam_threshold = float('-inf')
self.__log_beam_threshold = log(beam_threshold)
def push(self, hypothesis):
Add ``hypothesis`` to the stack.
Removes lowest scoring hypothesis if the stack is full.
After insertion, hypotheses that score less than
``beam_threshold`` times the score of the best hypothesis
are removed.
self.items.sort(key=lambda h: h.score(), reverse=True)
while len(self.items) > self.max_size:
def threshold_prune(self):
if not self.items:
# log(score * beam_threshold) = log(score) + log(beam_threshold)
threshold = self.items[0].score() + self.__log_beam_threshold
for hypothesis in reversed(self.items):
if hypothesis.score() < threshold:
def best(self):
:return: Hypothesis with the highest score in the stack
:rtype: _Hypothesis
if self.items:
return self.items[0]
return None
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.items)
def __contains__(self, hypothesis):
return hypothesis in self.items
def __bool__(self):
return len(self.items) != 0
__nonzero__ = __bool__