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5 years ago
# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to Megam Classifier
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: Edward Loper <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
A set of functions used to interface with the external megam_ maxent
optimization package. Before megam can be used, you should tell NLTK where it
can find the megam binary, using the ``config_megam()`` function. Typical
>>> from nltk.classify import megam
>>> megam.config_megam() # pass path to megam if not found in PATH # doctest: +SKIP
[Found megam: ...]
Use with MaxentClassifier. Example below, see MaxentClassifier documentation
for details.
nltk.classify.MaxentClassifier.train(corpus, 'megam')
.. _megam:
from __future__ import print_function
import subprocess
from six import string_types
from nltk import compat
from nltk.internals import find_binary
import numpy
except ImportError:
numpy = None
# { Configuration
_megam_bin = None
def config_megam(bin=None):
Configure NLTK's interface to the ``megam`` maxent optimization
:param bin: The full path to the ``megam`` binary. If not specified,
then nltk will search the system for a ``megam`` binary; and if
one is not found, it will raise a ``LookupError`` exception.
:type bin: str
global _megam_bin
_megam_bin = find_binary(
binary_names=['megam.opt', 'megam', 'megam_686', 'megam_i686.opt'],
# { Megam Interface Functions
def write_megam_file(train_toks, encoding, stream, bernoulli=True, explicit=True):
Generate an input file for ``megam`` based on the given corpus of
classified tokens.
:type train_toks: list(tuple(dict, str))
:param train_toks: Training data, represented as a list of
pairs, the first member of which is a feature dictionary,
and the second of which is a classification label.
:type encoding: MaxentFeatureEncodingI
:param encoding: A feature encoding, used to convert featuresets
into feature vectors. May optionally implement a cost() method
in order to assign different costs to different class predictions.
:type stream: stream
:param stream: The stream to which the megam input file should be
:param bernoulli: If true, then use the 'bernoulli' format. I.e.,
all joint features have binary values, and are listed iff they
are true. Otherwise, list feature values explicitly. If
``bernoulli=False``, then you must call ``megam`` with the
``-fvals`` option.
:param explicit: If true, then use the 'explicit' format. I.e.,
list the features that would fire for any of the possible
labels, for each token. If ``explicit=True``, then you must
call ``megam`` with the ``-explicit`` option.
# Look up the set of labels.
labels = encoding.labels()
labelnum = dict((label, i) for (i, label) in enumerate(labels))
# Write the file, which contains one line per instance.
for featureset, label in train_toks:
# First, the instance number (or, in the weighted multiclass case, the cost of each label).
if hasattr(encoding, 'cost'):
':'.join(str(encoding.cost(featureset, label, l)) for l in labels)
stream.write('%d' % labelnum[label])
# For implicit file formats, just list the features that fire
# for this instance's actual label.
if not explicit:
_write_megam_features(encoding.encode(featureset, label), stream, bernoulli)
# For explicit formats, list the features that would fire for
# any of the possible labels.
for l in labels:
stream.write(' #')
_write_megam_features(encoding.encode(featureset, l), stream, bernoulli)
# End of the instance.
def parse_megam_weights(s, features_count, explicit=True):
Given the stdout output generated by ``megam`` when training a
model, return a ``numpy`` array containing the corresponding weight
vector. This function does not currently handle bias features.
if numpy is None:
raise ValueError('This function requires that numpy be installed')
assert explicit, 'non-explicit not supported yet'
lines = s.strip().split('\n')
weights = numpy.zeros(features_count, 'd')
for line in lines:
if line.strip():
fid, weight = line.split()
weights[int(fid)] = float(weight)
return weights
def _write_megam_features(vector, stream, bernoulli):
if not vector:
raise ValueError(
'MEGAM classifier requires the use of an ' 'always-on feature.'
for (fid, fval) in vector:
if bernoulli:
if fval == 1:
stream.write(' %s' % fid)
elif fval != 0:
raise ValueError(
'If bernoulli=True, then all' 'features must be binary.'
stream.write(' %s %s' % (fid, fval))
def call_megam(args):
Call the ``megam`` binary with the given arguments.
if isinstance(args, string_types):
raise TypeError('args should be a list of strings')
if _megam_bin is None:
# Call megam via a subprocess
cmd = [_megam_bin] + args
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
# Check the return code.
if p.returncode != 0:
raise OSError('megam command failed!')
if isinstance(stdout, string_types):
return stdout
return stdout.decode('utf-8')