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4 years ago
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Natural Language Toolkit: Machine Translation
# Copyright (C) 2001-2020 NLTK Project
4 years ago
# Author: Uday Krishna <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from itertools import chain, product
4 years ago
def _generate_enums(hypothesis, reference, preprocess=str.lower):
Takes in string inputs for hypothesis and reference and returns
4 years ago
enumerated word lists for each of them
:param hypothesis: hypothesis string
:type hypothesis: str
:param reference: reference string
:type reference: str
:preprocess: preprocessing method (default str.lower)
:type preprocess: method
:return: enumerated words list
:rtype: list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples
hypothesis_list = list(enumerate(preprocess(hypothesis).split()))
reference_list = list(enumerate(preprocess(reference).split()))
return hypothesis_list, reference_list
4 years ago
def exact_match(hypothesis, reference):
matches exact words in hypothesis and reference
and returns a word mapping based on the enumerated
4 years ago
word id between hypothesis and reference
:param hypothesis: hypothesis string
:type hypothesis: str
:param reference: reference string
:type reference: str
:return: enumerated matched tuples, enumerated unmatched hypothesis tuples,
4 years ago
enumerated unmatched reference tuples
:rtype: list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples
hypothesis_list, reference_list = _generate_enums(hypothesis, reference)
return _match_enums(hypothesis_list, reference_list)
4 years ago
def _match_enums(enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list):
matches exact words in hypothesis and reference and returns
a word mapping between enum_hypothesis_list and enum_reference_list
based on the enumerated word id.
:param enum_hypothesis_list: enumerated hypothesis list
:type enum_hypothesis_list: list of tuples
:param enum_reference_list: enumerated reference list
:type enum_reference_list: list of 2D tuples
:return: enumerated matched tuples, enumerated unmatched hypothesis tuples,
4 years ago
enumerated unmatched reference tuples
:rtype: list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples
word_match = []
for i in range(len(enum_hypothesis_list))[::-1]:
for j in range(len(enum_reference_list))[::-1]:
if enum_hypothesis_list[i][1] == enum_reference_list[j][1]:
(enum_hypothesis_list[i][0], enum_reference_list[j][0])
(enum_hypothesis_list.pop(i)[1], enum_reference_list.pop(j)[1])
4 years ago
return word_match, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list
def _enum_stem_match(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, stemmer=PorterStemmer()
4 years ago
Stems each word and matches them in hypothesis and reference
and returns a word mapping between enum_hypothesis_list and
enum_reference_list based on the enumerated word id. The function also
4 years ago
returns a enumerated list of unmatched words for hypothesis and reference.
:param enum_hypothesis_list:
:type enum_hypothesis_list:
:param enum_reference_list:
:type enum_reference_list:
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that implements a stem method
:return: enumerated matched tuples, enumerated unmatched hypothesis tuples,
4 years ago
enumerated unmatched reference tuples
:rtype: list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples
stemmed_enum_list1 = [
(word_pair[0], stemmer.stem(word_pair[1])) for word_pair in enum_hypothesis_list
4 years ago
stemmed_enum_list2 = [
(word_pair[0], stemmer.stem(word_pair[1])) for word_pair in enum_reference_list
4 years ago
word_match, enum_unmat_hypo_list, enum_unmat_ref_list = _match_enums(
stemmed_enum_list1, stemmed_enum_list2
4 years ago
enum_unmat_hypo_list = (
list(zip(*enum_unmat_hypo_list)) if len(enum_unmat_hypo_list) > 0 else []
4 years ago
enum_unmat_ref_list = (
list(zip(*enum_unmat_ref_list)) if len(enum_unmat_ref_list) > 0 else []
4 years ago
enum_hypothesis_list = list(
filter(lambda x: x[0] not in enum_unmat_hypo_list, enum_hypothesis_list)
4 years ago
enum_reference_list = list(
filter(lambda x: x[0] not in enum_unmat_ref_list, enum_reference_list)
4 years ago
return word_match, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list
def stem_match(hypothesis, reference, stemmer=PorterStemmer()):
4 years ago
Stems each word and matches them in hypothesis and reference
4 years ago
and returns a word mapping between hypothesis and reference
:param hypothesis:
:type hypothesis:
:param reference:
:type reference:
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that
4 years ago
implements a stem method
:return: enumerated matched tuples, enumerated unmatched hypothesis tuples,
4 years ago
enumerated unmatched reference tuples
:rtype: list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples, list of 2D tuples
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _generate_enums(hypothesis, reference)
return _enum_stem_match(enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, stemmer=stemmer)
4 years ago
def _enum_wordnetsyn_match(enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, wordnet=wordnet):
4 years ago
Matches each word in reference to a word in hypothesis
if any synonym of a hypothesis word is the exact match
4 years ago
to the reference word.
:param enum_hypothesis_list: enumerated hypothesis list
:param enum_reference_list: enumerated reference list
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:return: list of matched tuples, unmatched hypothesis list, unmatched reference list
:rtype: list of tuples, list of tuples, list of tuples
word_match = []
for i in range(len(enum_hypothesis_list))[::-1]:
hypothesis_syns = set(
for lemma in synset.lemmas()
if"_") < 0
for synset in wordnet.synsets(enum_hypothesis_list[i][1])
4 years ago
for j in range(len(enum_reference_list))[::-1]:
if enum_reference_list[j][1] in hypothesis_syns:
(enum_hypothesis_list[i][0], enum_reference_list[j][0])
enum_hypothesis_list.pop(i), enum_reference_list.pop(j)
4 years ago
return word_match, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list
def wordnetsyn_match(hypothesis, reference, wordnet=wordnet):
4 years ago
Matches each word in reference to a word in hypothesis if any synonym
4 years ago
of a hypothesis word is the exact match to the reference word.
4 years ago
:param hypothesis: hypothesis string
:param reference: reference string
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:return: list of mapped tuples
:rtype: list of tuples
4 years ago
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _generate_enums(hypothesis, reference)
return _enum_wordnetsyn_match(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, wordnet=wordnet
4 years ago
def _enum_allign_words(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, stemmer=PorterStemmer(), wordnet=wordnet
4 years ago
Aligns/matches words in the hypothesis to reference by sequentially
applying exact match, stemmed match and wordnet based synonym match.
4 years ago
in case there are multiple matches the match which has the least number
of crossing is chosen. Takes enumerated list as input instead of
4 years ago
string input
:param enum_hypothesis_list: enumerated hypothesis list
:param enum_reference_list: enumerated reference list
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that implements a stem method
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:return: sorted list of matched tuples, unmatched hypothesis list,
4 years ago
unmatched reference list
:rtype: list of tuples, list of tuples, list of tuples
exact_matches, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _match_enums(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list
stem_matches, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _enum_stem_match(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, stemmer=stemmer
4 years ago
wns_matches, enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _enum_wordnetsyn_match(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, wordnet=wordnet
4 years ago
return (
exact_matches + stem_matches + wns_matches, key=lambda wordpair: wordpair[0]
4 years ago
def allign_words(hypothesis, reference, stemmer=PorterStemmer(), wordnet=wordnet):
4 years ago
Aligns/matches words in the hypothesis to reference by sequentially
applying exact match, stemmed match and wordnet based synonym match.
4 years ago
In case there are multiple matches the match which has the least number
of crossing is chosen.
:param hypothesis: hypothesis string
:param reference: reference string
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that implements a stem method
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:return: sorted list of matched tuples, unmatched hypothesis list, unmatched reference list
:rtype: list of tuples, list of tuples, list of tuples
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list = _generate_enums(hypothesis, reference)
return _enum_allign_words(
enum_hypothesis_list, enum_reference_list, stemmer=stemmer, wordnet=wordnet
4 years ago
def _count_chunks(matches):
Counts the fewest possible number of chunks such that matched unigrams
of each chunk are adjacent to each other. This is used to caluclate the
fragmentation part of the metric.
:param matches: list containing a mapping of matched words (output of allign_words)
:return: Number of chunks a sentence is divided into post allignment
:rtype: int
i = 0
4 years ago
chunks = 1
while i < len(matches) - 1:
if (matches[i + 1][0] == matches[i][0] + 1) and (
matches[i + 1][1] == matches[i][1] + 1
i += 1
4 years ago
i += 1
4 years ago
chunks += 1
return chunks
def single_meteor_score(
4 years ago
Calculates METEOR score for single hypothesis and reference as per
4 years ago
"Meteor: An Automatic Metric for MT Evaluation with HighLevels of
Correlation with Human Judgments" by Alon Lavie and Abhaya Agarwal,
in Proceedings of ACL.
4 years ago
>>> hypothesis1 = 'It is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the commands of the party'
>>> reference1 = 'It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands'
>>> round(single_meteor_score(reference1, hypothesis1),4)
If there is no words match during the alignment the method returns the
score as 0. We can safely return a zero instead of raising a
division by zero error as no match usually implies a bad translation.
4 years ago
>>> round(meteor_score('this is a cat', 'non matching hypothesis'),4)
4 years ago
:param references: reference sentences
:type references: list(str)
:param hypothesis: a hypothesis sentence
:type hypothesis: str
:param preprocess: preprocessing function (default str.lower)
:type preprocess: method
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that implements a stem method
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:param alpha: parameter for controlling relative weights of precision and recall.
:type alpha: float
:param beta: parameter for controlling shape of penalty as a
4 years ago
function of as a function of fragmentation.
:type beta: float
:param gamma: relative weight assigned to fragmentation penality.
:type gamma: float
:return: The sentence-level METEOR score.
:rtype: float
enum_hypothesis, enum_reference = _generate_enums(
hypothesis, reference, preprocess=preprocess
4 years ago
translation_length = len(enum_hypothesis)
reference_length = len(enum_reference)
matches, _, _ = _enum_allign_words(enum_hypothesis, enum_reference, stemmer=stemmer)
4 years ago
matches_count = len(matches)
precision = float(matches_count) / translation_length
recall = float(matches_count) / reference_length
fmean = (precision * recall) / (alpha * precision + (1 - alpha) * recall)
4 years ago
chunk_count = float(_count_chunks(matches))
frag_frac = chunk_count / matches_count
4 years ago
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0.0
penalty = gamma * frag_frac ** beta
return (1 - penalty) * fmean
def meteor_score(
4 years ago
Calculates METEOR score for hypothesis with multiple references as
described in "Meteor: An Automatic Metric for MT Evaluation with
HighLevels of Correlation with Human Judgments" by Alon Lavie and
Abhaya Agarwal, in Proceedings of ACL.
4 years ago
In case of multiple references the best score is chosen. This method
iterates over single_meteor_score and picks the best pair among all
4 years ago
the references for a given hypothesis
>>> hypothesis1 = 'It is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the commands of the party'
>>> hypothesis2 = 'It is to insure the troops forever hearing the activity guidebook that party direct'
>>> reference1 = 'It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands'
>>> reference2 = 'It is the guiding principle which guarantees the military forces always being under the command of the Party'
>>> reference3 = 'It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party'
>>> round(meteor_score([reference1, reference2, reference3], hypothesis1),4)
If there is no words match during the alignment the method returns the
score as 0. We can safely return a zero instead of raising a
division by zero error as no match usually implies a bad translation.
4 years ago
>>> round(meteor_score(['this is a cat'], 'non matching hypothesis'),4)
4 years ago
:param references: reference sentences
:type references: list(str)
:param hypothesis: a hypothesis sentence
:type hypothesis: str
:param preprocess: preprocessing function (default str.lower)
:type preprocess: method
:param stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI object (default PorterStemmer())
:type stemmer: nltk.stem.api.StemmerI or any class that implements a stem method
:param wordnet: a wordnet corpus reader object (default nltk.corpus.wordnet)
:type wordnet: WordNetCorpusReader
:param alpha: parameter for controlling relative weights of precision and recall.
:type alpha: float
:param beta: parameter for controlling shape of penalty as a function
4 years ago
of as a function of fragmentation.
:type beta: float
:param gamma: relative weight assigned to fragmentation penality.
:type gamma: float
:return: The sentence-level METEOR score.
:rtype: float
return max(
for reference in references