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5 years ago
# Natural Language Toolkit: Classifier Interface
# Author: Ewan Klein <>
# Dan Garrette <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Interfaces and base classes for theorem provers and model builders.
``Prover`` is a standard interface for a theorem prover which tries to prove a goal from a
list of assumptions.
``ModelBuilder`` is a standard interface for a model builder. Given just a set of assumptions.
the model builder tries to build a model for the assumptions. Given a set of assumptions and a
goal *G*, the model builder tries to find a counter-model, in the sense of a model that will satisfy
the assumptions plus the negation of *G*.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import threading
import time
class Prover(metaclass=ABCMeta):
5 years ago
Interface for trying to prove a goal from assumptions. Both the goal and
the assumptions are constrained to be formulas of ``logic.Expression``.
def prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
:return: Whether the proof was successful or not.
:rtype: bool
return self._prove(goal, assumptions, verbose)[0]
def _prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
:return: Whether the proof was successful or not, along with the proof
:rtype: tuple: (bool, str)
class ModelBuilder(metaclass=ABCMeta):
5 years ago
Interface for trying to build a model of set of formulas.
Open formulas are assumed to be universally quantified.
Both the goal and the assumptions are constrained to be formulas
of ``logic.Expression``.
def build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
Perform the actual model building.
:return: Whether a model was generated
:rtype: bool
return self._build_model(goal, assumptions, verbose)[0]
def _build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
Perform the actual model building.
:return: Whether a model was generated, and the model itself
:rtype: tuple(bool, sem.Valuation)
class TheoremToolCommand(metaclass=ABCMeta):
5 years ago
This class holds a goal and a list of assumptions to be used in proving
or model building.
def add_assumptions(self, new_assumptions):
Add new assumptions to the assumption list.
:param new_assumptions: new assumptions
:type new_assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
def retract_assumptions(self, retracted, debug=False):
Retract assumptions from the assumption list.
:param debug: If True, give warning when ``retracted`` is not present on
assumptions list.
:type debug: bool
:param retracted: assumptions to be retracted
:type retracted: list(sem.Expression)
def assumptions(self):
List the current assumptions.
:return: list of ``Expression``
def goal(self):
Return the goal
:return: ``Expression``
def print_assumptions(self):
Print the list of the current assumptions.
class ProverCommand(TheoremToolCommand):
This class holds a ``Prover``, a goal, and a list of assumptions. When
prove() is called, the ``Prover`` is executed with the goal and assumptions.
def prove(self, verbose=False):
Perform the actual proof.
def proof(self, simplify=True):
Return the proof string
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
def get_prover(self):
Return the prover object
:return: ``Prover``
class ModelBuilderCommand(TheoremToolCommand):
This class holds a ``ModelBuilder``, a goal, and a list of assumptions.
When build_model() is called, the ``ModelBuilder`` is executed with the goal
and assumptions.
def build_model(self, verbose=False):
Perform the actual model building.
:return: A model if one is generated; None otherwise.
:rtype: sem.Valuation
def model(self, format=None):
Return a string representation of the model
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
def get_model_builder(self):
Return the model builder object
:return: ``ModelBuilder``
class BaseTheoremToolCommand(TheoremToolCommand):
This class holds a goal and a list of assumptions to be used in proving
or model building.
def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=None):
:param goal: Input expression to prove
:type goal: sem.Expression
:param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in
the proof.
:type assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
self._goal = goal
if not assumptions:
self._assumptions = []
self._assumptions = list(assumptions)
self._result = None
"""A holder for the result, to prevent unnecessary re-proving"""
def add_assumptions(self, new_assumptions):
Add new assumptions to the assumption list.
:param new_assumptions: new assumptions
:type new_assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
self._result = None
def retract_assumptions(self, retracted, debug=False):
Retract assumptions from the assumption list.
:param debug: If True, give warning when ``retracted`` is not present on
assumptions list.
:type debug: bool
:param retracted: assumptions to be retracted
:type retracted: list(sem.Expression)
retracted = set(retracted)
result_list = list(filter(lambda a: a not in retracted, self._assumptions))
if debug and result_list == self._assumptions:
print(Warning("Assumptions list has not been changed:"))
self._assumptions = result_list
self._result = None
def assumptions(self):
List the current assumptions.
:return: list of ``Expression``
return self._assumptions
def goal(self):
Return the goal
:return: ``Expression``
return self._goal
def print_assumptions(self):
Print the list of the current assumptions.
for a in self.assumptions():
class BaseProverCommand(BaseTheoremToolCommand, ProverCommand):
This class holds a ``Prover``, a goal, and a list of assumptions. When
prove() is called, the ``Prover`` is executed with the goal and assumptions.
def __init__(self, prover, goal=None, assumptions=None):
:param prover: The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions
:type prover: Prover
:see: ``BaseTheoremToolCommand``
self._prover = prover
"""The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions"""
BaseTheoremToolCommand.__init__(self, goal, assumptions)
self._proof = None
def prove(self, verbose=False):
Perform the actual proof. Store the result to prevent unnecessary
if self._result is None:
self._result, self._proof = self._prover._prove(
self.goal(), self.assumptions(), verbose
return self._result
def proof(self, simplify=True):
Return the proof string
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
if self._result is None:
raise LookupError("You have to call prove() first to get a proof!")
return self.decorate_proof(self._proof, simplify)
def decorate_proof(self, proof_string, simplify=True):
Modify and return the proof string
:param proof_string: str the proof to decorate
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
return proof_string
def get_prover(self):
return self._prover
class BaseModelBuilderCommand(BaseTheoremToolCommand, ModelBuilderCommand):
This class holds a ``ModelBuilder``, a goal, and a list of assumptions. When
build_model() is called, the ``ModelBuilder`` is executed with the goal and
def __init__(self, modelbuilder, goal=None, assumptions=None):
:param modelbuilder: The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions
:type modelbuilder: ModelBuilder
:see: ``BaseTheoremToolCommand``
self._modelbuilder = modelbuilder
"""The theorem tool to execute with the assumptions"""
BaseTheoremToolCommand.__init__(self, goal, assumptions)
self._model = None
def build_model(self, verbose=False):
Attempt to build a model. Store the result to prevent unnecessary
if self._result is None:
self._result, self._model = self._modelbuilder._build_model(
self.goal(), self.assumptions(), verbose
return self._result
def model(self, format=None):
Return a string representation of the model
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
if self._result is None:
raise LookupError("You have to call build_model() first to " "get a model!")
5 years ago
return self._decorate_model(self._model, format)
def _decorate_model(self, valuation_str, format=None):
:param valuation_str: str with the model builder's output
:param format: str indicating the format for displaying
:return: str
return valuation_str
def get_model_builder(self):
return self._modelbuilder
class TheoremToolCommandDecorator(TheoremToolCommand):
A base decorator for the ``ProverCommandDecorator`` and
``ModelBuilderCommandDecorator`` classes from which decorators can extend.
def __init__(self, command):
:param command: ``TheoremToolCommand`` to decorate
self._command = command
# The decorator has its own versions of 'result' different from the
# underlying command
self._result = None
def assumptions(self):
return self._command.assumptions()
def goal(self):
return self._command.goal()
def add_assumptions(self, new_assumptions):
self._result = None
def retract_assumptions(self, retracted, debug=False):
self._command.retract_assumptions(retracted, debug)
self._result = None
def print_assumptions(self):
class ProverCommandDecorator(TheoremToolCommandDecorator, ProverCommand):
A base decorator for the ``ProverCommand`` class from which other
prover command decorators can extend.
def __init__(self, proverCommand):
:param proverCommand: ``ProverCommand`` to decorate
TheoremToolCommandDecorator.__init__(self, proverCommand)
# The decorator has its own versions of 'result' and 'proof'
# because they may be different from the underlying command
self._proof = None
def prove(self, verbose=False):
if self._result is None:
prover = self.get_prover()
self._result, self._proof = prover._prove(
self.goal(), self.assumptions(), verbose
return self._result
def proof(self, simplify=True):
Return the proof string
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
if self._result is None:
raise LookupError("You have to call prove() first to get a proof!")
return self.decorate_proof(self._proof, simplify)
def decorate_proof(self, proof_string, simplify=True):
Modify and return the proof string
:param proof_string: str the proof to decorate
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
return self._command.decorate_proof(proof_string, simplify)
def get_prover(self):
return self._command.get_prover()
class ModelBuilderCommandDecorator(TheoremToolCommandDecorator, ModelBuilderCommand):
A base decorator for the ``ModelBuilderCommand`` class from which other
prover command decorators can extend.
def __init__(self, modelBuilderCommand):
:param modelBuilderCommand: ``ModelBuilderCommand`` to decorate
TheoremToolCommandDecorator.__init__(self, modelBuilderCommand)
# The decorator has its own versions of 'result' and 'valuation'
# because they may be different from the underlying command
self._model = None
def build_model(self, verbose=False):
Attempt to build a model. Store the result to prevent unnecessary
if self._result is None:
modelbuilder = self.get_model_builder()
self._result, self._model = modelbuilder._build_model(
self.goal(), self.assumptions(), verbose
return self._result
def model(self, format=None):
Return a string representation of the model
:param simplify: bool simplify the proof?
:return: str
if self._result is None:
raise LookupError("You have to call build_model() first to " "get a model!")
5 years ago
return self._decorate_model(self._model, format)
def _decorate_model(self, valuation_str, format=None):
Modify and return the proof string
:param valuation_str: str with the model builder's output
:param format: str indicating the format for displaying
:return: str
return self._command._decorate_model(valuation_str, format)
def get_model_builder(self):
return self._command.get_prover()
class ParallelProverBuilder(Prover, ModelBuilder):
This class stores both a prover and a model builder and when either
prove() or build_model() is called, then both theorem tools are run in
parallel. Whichever finishes first, the prover or the model builder, is the
result that will be used.
def __init__(self, prover, modelbuilder):
self._prover = prover
self._modelbuilder = modelbuilder
def _prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
return self._run(goal, assumptions, verbose), ""
5 years ago
def _build_model(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
return not self._run(goal, assumptions, verbose), ""
5 years ago
def _run(self, goal, assumptions, verbose):
# Set up two thread, Prover and ModelBuilder to run in parallel
tp_thread = TheoremToolThread(
lambda: self._prover.prove(goal, assumptions, verbose), verbose, "TP"
5 years ago
mb_thread = TheoremToolThread(
lambda: self._modelbuilder.build_model(goal, assumptions, verbose),
5 years ago
while tp_thread.isAlive() and mb_thread.isAlive():
# wait until either the prover or the model builder is done
if tp_thread.result is not None:
return tp_thread.result
elif mb_thread.result is not None:
return not mb_thread.result
return None
class ParallelProverBuilderCommand(BaseProverCommand, BaseModelBuilderCommand):
This command stores both a prover and a model builder and when either
prove() or build_model() is called, then both theorem tools are run in
parallel. Whichever finishes first, the prover or the model builder, is the
result that will be used.
Because the theorem prover result is the opposite of the model builder
result, we will treat self._result as meaning "proof found/no model found".
def __init__(self, prover, modelbuilder, goal=None, assumptions=None):
BaseProverCommand.__init__(self, prover, goal, assumptions)
BaseModelBuilderCommand.__init__(self, modelbuilder, goal, assumptions)
def prove(self, verbose=False):
return self._run(verbose)
def build_model(self, verbose=False):
return not self._run(verbose)
def _run(self, verbose):
# Set up two thread, Prover and ModelBuilder to run in parallel
tp_thread = TheoremToolThread(
lambda: BaseProverCommand.prove(self, verbose), verbose, "TP"
5 years ago
mb_thread = TheoremToolThread(
lambda: BaseModelBuilderCommand.build_model(self, verbose), verbose, "MB"
5 years ago
while tp_thread.isAlive() and mb_thread.isAlive():
# wait until either the prover or the model builder is done
if tp_thread.result is not None:
self._result = tp_thread.result
elif mb_thread.result is not None:
self._result = not mb_thread.result
return self._result
class TheoremToolThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, command, verbose, name=None):
self._command = command
self._result = None
self._verbose = verbose
self._name = name
def run(self):
self._result = self._command()
if self._verbose:
"Thread %s finished with result %s at %s"
5 years ago
% (self._name, self._result, time.localtime(time.time()))
except Exception as e:
print("Thread %s completed abnormally" % (self._name))
5 years ago
def result(self):
return self._result