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# Natural Language Toolkit: First-order Resolution-based Theorem Prover
# Author: Dan Garrette <>
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Module for a resolution-based First Order theorem prover.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import reduce
from nltk.sem import skolemize
from nltk.sem.logic import (
from nltk.inference.api import Prover, BaseProverCommand
from nltk.compat import python_2_unicode_compatible
class ProverParseError(Exception):
class ResolutionProver(Prover):
_assume_false = True
def _prove(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, verbose=False):
:param goal: Input expression to prove
:type goal: sem.Expression
:param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in the proof
:type assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
if not assumptions:
assumptions = []
result = None
clauses = []
if goal:
for a in assumptions:
result, clauses = self._attempt_proof(clauses)
if verbose:
except RuntimeError as e:
if self._assume_false and str(e).startswith(
'maximum recursion depth exceeded'
result = False
clauses = []
if verbose:
raise e
return (result, clauses)
def _attempt_proof(self, clauses):
# map indices to lists of indices, to store attempted unifications
tried = defaultdict(list)
i = 0
while i < len(clauses):
if not clauses[i].is_tautology():
# since we try clauses in order, we should start after the last
# index tried
if tried[i]:
j = tried[i][-1] + 1
j = i + 1 # nothing tried yet for 'i', so start with the next
while j < len(clauses):
# don't: 1) unify a clause with itself,
# 2) use tautologies
if i != j and j and not clauses[j].is_tautology():
newclauses = clauses[i].unify(clauses[j])
if newclauses:
for newclause in newclauses:
newclause._parents = (i + 1, j + 1)
if not len(newclause): # if there's an empty clause
return (True, clauses)
i = -1 # since we added a new clause, restart from the top
j += 1
i += 1
return (False, clauses)
class ResolutionProverCommand(BaseProverCommand):
def __init__(self, goal=None, assumptions=None, prover=None):
:param goal: Input expression to prove
:type goal: sem.Expression
:param assumptions: Input expressions to use as assumptions in
the proof.
:type assumptions: list(sem.Expression)
if prover is not None:
assert isinstance(prover, ResolutionProver)
prover = ResolutionProver()
BaseProverCommand.__init__(self, prover, goal, assumptions)
self._clauses = None
def prove(self, verbose=False):
Perform the actual proof. Store the result to prevent unnecessary
if self._result is None:
self._result, clauses = self._prover._prove(
self.goal(), self.assumptions(), verbose
self._clauses = clauses
self._proof = ResolutionProverCommand._decorate_clauses(clauses)
return self._result
def find_answers(self, verbose=False):
answers = set()
answer_ex = VariableExpression(Variable(ResolutionProver.ANSWER_KEY))
for clause in self._clauses:
for term in clause:
if (
isinstance(term, ApplicationExpression)
and term.function == answer_ex
and not isinstance(term.argument, IndividualVariableExpression)
return answers
def _decorate_clauses(clauses):
Decorate the proof output.
out = ''
max_clause_len = max([len(str(clause)) for clause in clauses])
max_seq_len = len(str(len(clauses)))
for i in range(len(clauses)):
parents = 'A'
taut = ''
if clauses[i].is_tautology():
taut = 'Tautology'
if clauses[i]._parents:
parents = str(clauses[i]._parents)
parents = ' ' * (max_clause_len - len(str(clauses[i])) + 1) + parents
seq = ' ' * (max_seq_len - len(str(i + 1))) + str(i + 1)
out += '[%s] %s %s %s\n' % (seq, clauses[i], parents, taut)
return out
class Clause(list):
def __init__(self, data):
list.__init__(self, data)
self._is_tautology = None
self._parents = None
def unify(self, other, bindings=None, used=None, skipped=None, debug=False):
Attempt to unify this Clause with the other, returning a list of
resulting, unified, Clauses.
:param other: ``Clause`` with which to unify
:param bindings: ``BindingDict`` containing bindings that should be used
during the unification
:param used: tuple of two lists of atoms. The first lists the
atoms from 'self' that were successfully unified with atoms from
'other'. The second lists the atoms from 'other' that were successfully
unified with atoms from 'self'.
:param skipped: tuple of two ``Clause`` objects. The first is a list of all
the atoms from the 'self' Clause that have not been unified with
anything on the path. The second is same thing for the 'other' Clause.
:param debug: bool indicating whether debug statements should print
:return: list containing all the resulting ``Clause`` objects that could be
obtained by unification
if bindings is None:
bindings = BindingDict()
if used is None:
used = ([], [])
if skipped is None:
skipped = ([], [])
if isinstance(debug, bool):
debug = DebugObject(debug)
newclauses = _iterate_first(
self, other, bindings, used, skipped, _complete_unify_path, debug
# remove subsumed clauses. make a list of all indices of subsumed
# clauses, and then remove them from the list
subsumed = []
for i, c1 in enumerate(newclauses):
if i not in subsumed:
for j, c2 in enumerate(newclauses):
if i != j and j not in subsumed and c1.subsumes(c2):
result = []
for i in range(len(newclauses)):
if i not in subsumed:
return result
def isSubsetOf(self, other):
Return True iff every term in 'self' is a term in 'other'.
:param other: ``Clause``
:return: bool
for a in self:
if a not in other:
return False
return True
def subsumes(self, other):
Return True iff 'self' subsumes 'other', this is, if there is a
substitution such that every term in 'self' can be unified with a term
in 'other'.
:param other: ``Clause``
:return: bool
negatedother = []
for atom in other:
if isinstance(atom, NegatedExpression):
negatedotherClause = Clause(negatedother)
bindings = BindingDict()
used = ([], [])
skipped = ([], [])
debug = DebugObject(False)
return (
> 0
def __getslice__(self, start, end):
return Clause(list.__getslice__(self, start, end))
def __sub__(self, other):
return Clause([a for a in self if a not in other])
def __add__(self, other):
return Clause(list.__add__(self, other))
def is_tautology(self):
Self is a tautology if it contains ground terms P and -P. The ground
term, P, must be an exact match, ie, not using unification.
if self._is_tautology is not None:
return self._is_tautology
for i, a in enumerate(self):
if not isinstance(a, EqualityExpression):
j = len(self) - 1
while j > i:
b = self[j]
if isinstance(a, NegatedExpression):
if a.term == b:
self._is_tautology = True
return True
elif isinstance(b, NegatedExpression):
if a == b.term:
self._is_tautology = True
return True
j -= 1
self._is_tautology = False
return False
def free(self):
return reduce(operator.or_, (( | atom.constants()) for atom in self))
def replace(self, variable, expression):
Replace every instance of variable with expression across every atom
in the clause
:param variable: ``Variable``
:param expression: ``Expression``
return Clause([atom.replace(variable, expression) for atom in self])
def substitute_bindings(self, bindings):
Replace every binding
:param bindings: A list of tuples mapping Variable Expressions to the
Expressions to which they are bound
:return: ``Clause``
return Clause([atom.substitute_bindings(bindings) for atom in self])
def __str__(self):
return '{' + ', '.join("%s" % item for item in self) + '}'
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self
def _iterate_first(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, finalize_method, debug):
This method facilitates movement through the terms of 'self'
debug.line('unify(%s,%s) %s' % (first, second, bindings))
if not len(first) or not len(second): # if no more recursions can be performed
return finalize_method(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, debug)
# explore this 'self' atom
result = _iterate_second(
first, second, bindings, used, skipped, finalize_method, debug + 1
# skip this possible 'self' atom
newskipped = (skipped[0] + [first[0]], skipped[1])
result += _iterate_first(
first[1:], second, bindings, used, newskipped, finalize_method, debug + 1
newbindings, newused, unused = _unify_terms(
first[0], second[0], bindings, used
# Unification found, so progress with this line of unification
# put skipped and unused terms back into play for later unification.
newfirst = first[1:] + skipped[0] + unused[0]
newsecond = second[1:] + skipped[1] + unused[1]
result += _iterate_first(
([], []),
debug + 1,
except BindingException:
# the atoms could not be unified,
return result
def _iterate_second(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, finalize_method, debug):
This method facilitates movement through the terms of 'other'
debug.line('unify(%s,%s) %s' % (first, second, bindings))
if not len(first) or not len(second): # if no more recursions can be performed
return finalize_method(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, debug)
# skip this possible pairing and move to the next
newskipped = (skipped[0], skipped[1] + [second[0]])
result = _iterate_second(
first, second[1:], bindings, used, newskipped, finalize_method, debug + 1
newbindings, newused, unused = _unify_terms(
first[0], second[0], bindings, used
# Unification found, so progress with this line of unification
# put skipped and unused terms back into play for later unification.
newfirst = first[1:] + skipped[0] + unused[0]
newsecond = second[1:] + skipped[1] + unused[1]
result += _iterate_second(
([], []),
debug + 1,
except BindingException:
# the atoms could not be unified,
return result
def _unify_terms(a, b, bindings=None, used=None):
This method attempts to unify two terms. Two expressions are unifiable
if there exists a substitution function S such that S(a) == S(-b).
:param a: ``Expression``
:param b: ``Expression``
:param bindings: ``BindingDict`` a starting set of bindings with which
the unification must be consistent
:return: ``BindingDict`` A dictionary of the bindings required to unify
:raise ``BindingException``: If the terms cannot be unified
assert isinstance(a, Expression)
assert isinstance(b, Expression)
if bindings is None:
bindings = BindingDict()
if used is None:
used = ([], [])
# Use resolution
if isinstance(a, NegatedExpression) and isinstance(b, ApplicationExpression):
newbindings = most_general_unification(a.term, b, bindings)
newused = (used[0] + [a], used[1] + [b])
unused = ([], [])
elif isinstance(a, ApplicationExpression) and isinstance(b, NegatedExpression):
newbindings = most_general_unification(a, b.term, bindings)
newused = (used[0] + [a], used[1] + [b])
unused = ([], [])
# Use demodulation
elif isinstance(a, EqualityExpression):
newbindings = BindingDict([(a.first.variable, a.second)])
newused = (used[0] + [a], used[1])
unused = ([], [b])
elif isinstance(b, EqualityExpression):
newbindings = BindingDict([(b.first.variable, b.second)])
newused = (used[0], used[1] + [b])
unused = ([a], [])
raise BindingException((a, b))
return newbindings, newused, unused
def _complete_unify_path(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, debug):
if used[0] or used[1]: # if bindings were made along the path
newclause = Clause(skipped[0] + skipped[1] + first + second)
debug.line(' -> New Clause: %s' % newclause)
return [newclause.substitute_bindings(bindings)]
else: # no bindings made means no unification occurred. so no result
debug.line(' -> End')
return []
def _subsumes_finalize(first, second, bindings, used, skipped, debug):
if not len(skipped[0]) and not len(first):
# If there are no skipped terms and no terms left in 'first', then
# all of the terms in the original 'self' were unified with terms
# in 'other'. Therefore, there exists a binding (this one) such that
# every term in self can be unified with a term in other, which
# is the definition of subsumption.
return [True]
return []
def clausify(expression):
Skolemize, clausify, and standardize the variables apart.
clause_list = []
for clause in _clausify(skolemize(expression)):
for free in
if is_indvar(
newvar = VariableExpression(unique_variable())
clause = clause.replace(free, newvar)
return clause_list
def _clausify(expression):
:param expression: a skolemized expression in CNF
if isinstance(expression, AndExpression):
return _clausify(expression.first) + _clausify(expression.second)
elif isinstance(expression, OrExpression):
first = _clausify(expression.first)
second = _clausify(expression.second)
assert len(first) == 1
assert len(second) == 1
return [first[0] + second[0]]
elif isinstance(expression, EqualityExpression):
return [Clause([expression])]
elif isinstance(expression, ApplicationExpression):
return [Clause([expression])]
elif isinstance(expression, NegatedExpression):
if isinstance(expression.term, ApplicationExpression):
return [Clause([expression])]
elif isinstance(expression.term, EqualityExpression):
return [Clause([expression])]
raise ProverParseError()
class BindingDict(object):
def __init__(self, binding_list=None):
:param binding_list: list of (``AbstractVariableExpression``, ``AtomicExpression``) to initialize the dictionary
self.d = {}
if binding_list:
for (v, b) in binding_list:
self[v] = b
def __setitem__(self, variable, binding):
A binding is consistent with the dict if its variable is not already bound, OR if its
variable is already bound to its argument.
:param variable: ``Variable`` The variable to bind
:param binding: ``Expression`` The atomic to which 'variable' should be bound
:raise BindingException: If the variable cannot be bound in this dictionary
assert isinstance(variable, Variable)
assert isinstance(binding, Expression)
existing = self[variable]
except KeyError:
existing = None
if not existing or binding == existing:
self.d[variable] = binding
elif isinstance(binding, IndividualVariableExpression):
# Since variable is already bound, try to bind binding to variable
existing = self[binding.variable]
except KeyError:
existing = None
binding2 = VariableExpression(variable)
if not existing or binding2 == existing:
self.d[binding.variable] = binding2
raise BindingException(
'Variable %s already bound to another ' 'value' % (variable)
raise BindingException(
'Variable %s already bound to another ' 'value' % (variable)
def __getitem__(self, variable):
Return the expression to which 'variable' is bound
assert isinstance(variable, Variable)
intermediate = self.d[variable]
while intermediate:
intermediate = self.d[intermediate]
except KeyError:
return intermediate
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.d
def __add__(self, other):
:param other: ``BindingDict`` The dict with which to combine self
:return: ``BindingDict`` A new dict containing all the elements of both parameters
:raise BindingException: If the parameter dictionaries are not consistent with each other
combined = BindingDict()
for v in self.d:
combined[v] = self.d[v]
for v in other.d:
combined[v] = other.d[v]
return combined
except BindingException:
raise BindingException(
"Attempting to add two contradicting "
"BindingDicts: '%s' and '%s'" % (self, other)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.d)
def __str__(self):
data_str = ', '.join('%s: %s' % (v, self.d[v]) for v in sorted(self.d.keys()))
return '{' + data_str + '}'
def __repr__(self):
return "%s" % self
def most_general_unification(a, b, bindings=None):
Find the most general unification of the two given expressions
:param a: ``Expression``
:param b: ``Expression``
:param bindings: ``BindingDict`` a starting set of bindings with which the
unification must be consistent
:return: a list of bindings
:raise BindingException: if the Expressions cannot be unified
if bindings is None:
bindings = BindingDict()
if a == b:
return bindings
elif isinstance(a, IndividualVariableExpression):
return _mgu_var(a, b, bindings)
elif isinstance(b, IndividualVariableExpression):
return _mgu_var(b, a, bindings)
elif isinstance(a, ApplicationExpression) and isinstance(b, ApplicationExpression):
return most_general_unification(
a.function, b.function, bindings
) + most_general_unification(a.argument, b.argument, bindings)
raise BindingException((a, b))
def _mgu_var(var, expression, bindings):
if var.variable in | expression.constants():
raise BindingException((var, expression))
return BindingDict([(var.variable, expression)]) + bindings
class BindingException(Exception):
def __init__(self, arg):
if isinstance(arg, tuple):
Exception.__init__(self, "'%s' cannot be bound to '%s'" % arg)
Exception.__init__(self, arg)
class UnificationException(Exception):
def __init__(self, a, b):
Exception.__init__(self, "'%s' cannot unify with '%s'" % (a, b))
class DebugObject(object):
def __init__(self, enabled=True, indent=0):
self.enabled = enabled
self.indent = indent
def __add__(self, i):
return DebugObject(self.enabled, self.indent + i)
def line(self, line):
if self.enabled:
print(' ' * self.indent + line)
def testResolutionProver():
resolution_test(r'(man(x) -> man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) -> --man(x))')
resolution_test(r'-(man(x) and -man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) or -man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) -> man(x))')
resolution_test(r'-(man(x) and -man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) or -man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) -> man(x))')
resolution_test(r'(man(x) iff man(x))')
resolution_test(r'-(man(x) iff -man(x))')
resolution_test('-all x.some y.F(x,y) & some x.all y.(-F(x,y))')
resolution_test('some x.all y.sees(x,y)')
p1 = Expression.fromstring(r'all x.(man(x) -> mortal(x))')
p2 = Expression.fromstring(r'man(Socrates)')
c = Expression.fromstring(r'mortal(Socrates)')
print('%s, %s |- %s: %s' % (p1, p2, c, ResolutionProver().prove(c, [p1, p2])))
p1 = Expression.fromstring(r'all x.(man(x) -> walks(x))')
p2 = Expression.fromstring(r'man(John)')
c = Expression.fromstring(r'some y.walks(y)')
print('%s, %s |- %s: %s' % (p1, p2, c, ResolutionProver().prove(c, [p1, p2])))
p = Expression.fromstring(r'some e1.some e2.(believe(e1,john,e2) & walk(e2,mary))')
c = Expression.fromstring(r'some e0.walk(e0,mary)')
print('%s |- %s: %s' % (p, c, ResolutionProver().prove(c, [p])))
def resolution_test(e):
f = Expression.fromstring(e)
t = ResolutionProver().prove(f)
print('|- %s: %s' % (f, t))
def test_clausify():
lexpr = Expression.fromstring
print(clausify(lexpr('P(x) | Q(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('(P(x) & Q(x)) | R(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('P(x) | (Q(x) & R(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('(P(x) & Q(x)) | (R(x) & S(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('P(x) | Q(x) | R(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('P(x) | (Q(x) & R(x)) | S(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('exists x.P(x) | Q(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('-(-P(x) & Q(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('P(x) <-> Q(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('-(P(x) <-> Q(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('-(all x.P(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('-(some x.P(x))')))
print(clausify(lexpr('some x.P(x)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('some x.all y.P(x,y)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('all y.some x.P(x,y)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('all z.all y.some x.P(x,y,z)')))
print(clausify(lexpr('all x.(all y.P(x,y) -> -all y.(Q(x,y) -> R(x,y)))')))
def demo():
p = Expression.fromstring('man(x)')
print(ResolutionProverCommand(p, [p]).prove())
if __name__ == '__main__':