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# Natural Language Toolkit: Drawing utilities
# Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
# Author: Edward Loper <>
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
Tools for graphically displaying and interacting with the objects and
processing classes defined by the Toolkit. These tools are primarily
intended to help students visualize the objects that they create.
The graphical tools are typically built using "canvas widgets", each
of which encapsulates the graphical elements and bindings used to
display a complex object on a Tkinter ``Canvas``. For example, NLTK
defines canvas widgets for displaying trees and directed graphs, as
well as a number of simpler widgets. These canvas widgets make it
easier to build new graphical tools and demos. See the class
documentation for ``CanvasWidget`` for more information.
The ``nltk.draw`` module defines the abstract ``CanvasWidget`` base
class, and a number of simple canvas widgets. The remaining canvas
widgets are defined by submodules, such as ``nltk.draw.tree``.
The ``nltk.draw`` module also defines ``CanvasFrame``, which
encapsulates a ``Canvas`` and its scrollbars. It uses a
``ScrollWatcherWidget`` to ensure that all canvas widgets contained on
its canvas are within the scroll region.
Acknowledgements: Many of the ideas behind the canvas widget system
are derived from ``CLIG``, a Tk-based grapher for linguistic data
structures. For more information, see the CLIG
homepage (
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import add_metaclass
from six.moves.tkinter import (
from six.moves.tkinter_tkfiledialog import asksaveasfilename
from nltk.util import in_idle
## CanvasWidget
class CanvasWidget(object):
A collection of graphical elements and bindings used to display a
complex object on a Tkinter ``Canvas``. A canvas widget is
responsible for managing the ``Canvas`` tags and callback bindings
necessary to display and interact with the object. Canvas widgets
are often organized into hierarchies, where parent canvas widgets
control aspects of their child widgets.
Each canvas widget is bound to a single ``Canvas``. This ``Canvas``
is specified as the first argument to the ``CanvasWidget``'s
Attributes. Each canvas widget can support a variety of
"attributes", which control how the canvas widget is displayed.
Some typical examples attributes are ``color``, ``font``, and
``radius``. Each attribute has a default value. This default
value can be overridden in the constructor, using keyword
arguments of the form ``attribute=value``:
>>> from nltk.draw.util import TextWidget
>>> cn = TextWidget(c, 'test', color='red')
Attribute values can also be changed after a canvas widget has
been constructed, using the ``__setitem__`` operator:
>>> cn['font'] = 'times'
The current value of an attribute value can be queried using the
``__getitem__`` operator:
>>> cn['color']
For a list of the attributes supported by a type of canvas widget,
see its class documentation.
Interaction. The attribute ``'draggable'`` controls whether the
user can drag a canvas widget around the canvas. By default,
canvas widgets are not draggable.
``CanvasWidget`` provides callback support for two types of user
interaction: clicking and dragging. The method ``bind_click``
registers a callback function that is called whenever the canvas
widget is clicked. The method ``bind_drag`` registers a callback
function that is called after the canvas widget is dragged. If
the user clicks or drags a canvas widget with no registered
callback function, then the interaction event will propagate to
its parent. For each canvas widget, only one callback function
may be registered for an interaction event. Callback functions
can be deregistered with the ``unbind_click`` and ``unbind_drag``
Subclassing. ``CanvasWidget`` is an abstract class. Subclasses
are required to implement the following methods:
- ``__init__``: Builds a new canvas widget. It must perform the
following three tasks (in order):
- Create any new graphical elements.
- Call ``_add_child_widget`` on each child widget.
- Call the ``CanvasWidget`` constructor.
- ``_tags``: Returns a list of the canvas tags for all graphical
elements managed by this canvas widget, not including
graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
- ``_manage``: Arranges the child widgets of this canvas widget.
This is typically only called when the canvas widget is
- ``_update``: Update this canvas widget in response to a
change in a single child.
For a ``CanvasWidget`` with no child widgets, the default
definitions for ``_manage`` and ``_update`` may be used.
If a subclass defines any attributes, then it should implement
``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__``. If either of these methods is
called with an unknown attribute, then they should propagate the
request to ``CanvasWidget``.
Most subclasses implement a number of additional methods that
modify the ``CanvasWidget`` in some way. These methods must call
``parent.update(self)`` after making any changes to the canvas
widget's graphical elements. The canvas widget must also call
``parent.update(self)`` after changing any attribute value that
affects the shape or position of the canvas widget's graphical
:type __canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:ivar __canvas: This ``CanvasWidget``'s canvas.
:type __parent: CanvasWidget or None
:ivar __parent: This ``CanvasWidget``'s hierarchical parent widget.
:type __children: list(CanvasWidget)
:ivar __children: This ``CanvasWidget``'s hierarchical child widgets.
:type __updating: bool
:ivar __updating: Is this canvas widget currently performing an
update? If it is, then it will ignore any new update requests
from child widgets.
:type __draggable: bool
:ivar __draggable: Is this canvas widget draggable?
:type __press: event
:ivar __press: The ButtonPress event that we're currently handling.
:type __drag_x: int
:ivar __drag_x: Where it's been moved to (to find dx)
:type __drag_y: int
:ivar __drag_y: Where it's been moved to (to find dy)
:type __callbacks: dictionary
:ivar __callbacks: Registered callbacks. Currently, four keys are
used: ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, and ``'drag'``. The values are
callback functions. Each callback function takes a single
argument, which is the ``CanvasWidget`` that triggered the
def __init__(self, canvas, parent=None, **attribs):
Create a new canvas widget. This constructor should only be
called by subclass constructors; and it should be called only
"after" the subclass has constructed all graphical canvas
objects and registered all child widgets.
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param parent: This canvas widget's hierarchical parent.
:type parent: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
if self.__class__ == CanvasWidget:
raise TypeError('CanvasWidget is an abstract base class')
if not isinstance(canvas, Canvas):
raise TypeError('Expected a canvas!')
self.__canvas = canvas
self.__parent = parent
# If the subclass constructor called _add_child_widget, then
# self.__children will already exist.
if not hasattr(self, '_CanvasWidget__children'):
self.__children = []
# Is this widget hidden?
self.__hidden = 0
# Update control (prevents infinite loops)
self.__updating = 0
# Button-press and drag callback handling.
self.__press = None
self.__drag_x = self.__drag_y = 0
self.__callbacks = {}
self.__draggable = 0
# Set up attributes.
for (attr, value) in list(attribs.items()):
self[attr] = value
# Manage this canvas widget
# Register any new bindings
for tag in self._tags():
self.__canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-1>', self.__press_cb)
self.__canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-2>', self.__press_cb)
self.__canvas.tag_bind(tag, '<ButtonPress-3>', self.__press_cb)
## Inherited methods.
def bbox(self):
:return: A bounding box for this ``CanvasWidget``. The bounding
box is a tuple of four coordinates, *(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)*,
for a rectangle which encloses all of the canvas
widget's graphical elements. Bounding box coordinates are
specified with respect to the coordinate space of the ``Canvas``.
:rtype: tuple(int, int, int, int)
if self.__hidden:
return (0, 0, 0, 0)
if len(self.tags()) == 0:
raise ValueError('No tags')
return self.__canvas.bbox(*self.tags())
def width(self):
:return: The width of this canvas widget's bounding box, in
its ``Canvas``'s coordinate space.
:rtype: int
if len(self.tags()) == 0:
raise ValueError('No tags')
bbox = self.__canvas.bbox(*self.tags())
return bbox[2] - bbox[0]
def height(self):
:return: The height of this canvas widget's bounding box, in
its ``Canvas``'s coordinate space.
:rtype: int
if len(self.tags()) == 0:
raise ValueError('No tags')
bbox = self.__canvas.bbox(*self.tags())
return bbox[3] - bbox[1]
def parent(self):
:return: The hierarchical parent of this canvas widget.
``self`` is considered a subpart of its parent for
purposes of user interaction.
:rtype: CanvasWidget or None
return self.__parent
def child_widgets(self):
:return: A list of the hierarchical children of this canvas
widget. These children are considered part of ``self``
for purposes of user interaction.
:rtype: list of CanvasWidget
return self.__children
def canvas(self):
:return: The canvas that this canvas widget is bound to.
:rtype: Tkinter.Canvas
return self.__canvas
def move(self, dx, dy):
Move this canvas widget by a given distance. In particular,
shift the canvas widget right by ``dx`` pixels, and down by
``dy`` pixels. Both ``dx`` and ``dy`` may be negative, resulting
in leftward or upward movement.
:type dx: int
:param dx: The number of pixels to move this canvas widget
:type dy: int
:param dy: The number of pixels to move this canvas widget
:rtype: None
if dx == dy == 0:
for tag in self.tags():
self.__canvas.move(tag, dx, dy)
if self.__parent:
def moveto(self, x, y, anchor='NW'):
Move this canvas widget to the given location. In particular,
shift the canvas widget such that the corner or side of the
bounding box specified by ``anchor`` is at location (``x``,
:param x,y: The location that the canvas widget should be moved
:param anchor: The corner or side of the canvas widget that
should be moved to the specified location. ``'N'``
specifies the top center; ``'NE'`` specifies the top right
corner; etc.
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.bbox()
if anchor == 'NW':
self.move(x - x1, y - y1)
if anchor == 'N':
self.move(x - x1 / 2 - x2 / 2, y - y1)
if anchor == 'NE':
self.move(x - x2, y - y1)
if anchor == 'E':
self.move(x - x2, y - y1 / 2 - y2 / 2)
if anchor == 'SE':
self.move(x - x2, y - y2)
if anchor == 'S':
self.move(x - x1 / 2 - x2 / 2, y - y2)
if anchor == 'SW':
self.move(x - x1, y - y2)
if anchor == 'W':
self.move(x - x1, y - y1 / 2 - y2 / 2)
def destroy(self):
Remove this ``CanvasWidget`` from its ``Canvas``. After a
``CanvasWidget`` has been destroyed, it should not be accessed.
Note that you only need to destroy a top-level
``CanvasWidget``; its child widgets will be destroyed
automatically. If you destroy a non-top-level
``CanvasWidget``, then the entire top-level widget will be
:raise ValueError: if this ``CanvasWidget`` has a parent.
:rtype: None
if self.__parent is not None:
for tag in self.tags():
self.__canvas.tag_unbind(tag, '<ButtonPress-1>')
self.__canvas.tag_unbind(tag, '<ButtonPress-2>')
self.__canvas.tag_unbind(tag, '<ButtonPress-3>')
self.__canvas = None
def update(self, child):
Update the graphical display of this canvas widget, and all of
its ancestors, in response to a change in one of this canvas
widget's children.
:param child: The child widget that changed.
:type child: CanvasWidget
if self.__hidden or child.__hidden:
# If we're already updating, then do nothing. This prevents
# infinite loops when _update modifies its children.
if self.__updating:
self.__updating = 1
# Update this CanvasWidget.
# Propagate update request to the parent.
if self.__parent:
# We're done updating.
self.__updating = 0
def manage(self):
Arrange this canvas widget and all of its descendants.
:rtype: None
if self.__hidden:
for child in self.__children:
def tags(self):
:return: a list of the canvas tags for all graphical
elements managed by this canvas widget, including
graphical elements managed by its child widgets.
:rtype: list of int
if self.__canvas is None:
raise ValueError('Attempt to access a destroyed canvas widget')
tags = []
tags += self._tags()
for child in self.__children:
tags += child.tags()
return tags
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
Set the value of the attribute ``attr`` to ``value``. See the
class documentation for a list of attributes supported by this
canvas widget.
:rtype: None
if attr == 'draggable':
self.__draggable = value
raise ValueError('Unknown attribute %r' % attr)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
:return: the value of the attribute ``attr``. See the class
documentation for a list of attributes supported by this
canvas widget.
:rtype: (any)
if attr == 'draggable':
return self.__draggable
raise ValueError('Unknown attribute %r' % attr)
def __repr__(self):
:return: a string representation of this canvas widget.
:rtype: str
return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
def hide(self):
Temporarily hide this canvas widget.
:rtype: None
self.__hidden = 1
for tag in self.tags():
self.__canvas.itemconfig(tag, state='hidden')
def show(self):
Show a hidden canvas widget.
:rtype: None
self.__hidden = 0
for tag in self.tags():
self.__canvas.itemconfig(tag, state='normal')
def hidden(self):
:return: True if this canvas widget is hidden.
:rtype: bool
return self.__hidden
## Callback interface
def bind_click(self, callback, button=1):
Register a new callback that will be called whenever this
``CanvasWidget`` is clicked on.
:type callback: function
:param callback: The callback function that will be called
whenever this ``CanvasWidget`` is clicked. This function
will be called with this ``CanvasWidget`` as its argument.
:type button: int
:param button: Which button the user should use to click on
this ``CanvasWidget``. Typically, this should be 1 (left
button), 3 (right button), or 2 (middle button).
self.__callbacks[button] = callback
def bind_drag(self, callback):
Register a new callback that will be called after this
``CanvasWidget`` is dragged. This implicitly makes this
``CanvasWidget`` draggable.
:type callback: function
:param callback: The callback function that will be called
whenever this ``CanvasWidget`` is clicked. This function
will be called with this ``CanvasWidget`` as its argument.
self.__draggable = 1
self.__callbacks['drag'] = callback
def unbind_click(self, button=1):
Remove a callback that was registered with ``bind_click``.
:type button: int
:param button: Which button the user should use to click on
this ``CanvasWidget``. Typically, this should be 1 (left
button), 3 (right button), or 2 (middle button).
del self.__callbacks[button]
def unbind_drag(self):
Remove a callback that was registered with ``bind_drag``.
del self.__callbacks['drag']
## Callback internals
def __press_cb(self, event):
Handle a button-press event:
- record the button press event in ``self.__press``
- register a button-release callback.
- if this CanvasWidget or any of its ancestors are
draggable, then register the appropriate motion callback.
# If we're already waiting for a button release, then ignore
# this new button press.
if (
or self.__canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>')
or self.__canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-3>')
# Unbind motion (just in case; this shouldn't be necessary)
# Record the button press event.
self.__press = event
# If any ancestor is draggable, set up a motion callback.
# (Only if they pressed button number 1)
if event.num == 1:
widget = self
while widget is not None:
if widget['draggable']:
widget = widget.parent()
# Set up the button release callback.
self.__canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-%d>' % event.num, self.__release_cb)
def __start_drag(self, event):
Begin dragging this object:
- register a motion callback
- record the drag coordinates
self.__canvas.bind('<Motion>', self.__motion_cb)
self.__drag_x = event.x
self.__drag_y = event.y
def __motion_cb(self, event):
Handle a motion event:
- move this object to the new location
- record the new drag coordinates
self.move(event.x - self.__drag_x, event.y - self.__drag_y)
self.__drag_x = event.x
self.__drag_y = event.y
def __release_cb(self, event):
Handle a release callback:
- unregister motion & button release callbacks.
- decide whether they clicked, dragged, or cancelled
- call the appropriate handler.
# Unbind the button release & motion callbacks.
self.__canvas.unbind('<ButtonRelease-%d>' % event.num)
# Is it a click or a drag?
if (
event.time - self.__press.time < 100
and abs(event.x - self.__press.x) + abs(event.y - self.__press.y) < 5
# Move it back, if we were dragging.
if self.__draggable and event.num == 1:
self.__press.x - self.__drag_x, self.__press.y - self.__drag_y
elif event.num == 1:
self.__press = None
def __drag(self):
If this ``CanvasWidget`` has a drag callback, then call it;
otherwise, find the closest ancestor with a drag callback, and
call it. If no ancestors have a drag callback, do nothing.
if self.__draggable:
if 'drag' in self.__callbacks:
cb = self.__callbacks['drag']
print('Error in drag callback for %r' % self)
elif self.__parent is not None:
def __click(self, button):
If this ``CanvasWidget`` has a drag callback, then call it;
otherwise, find the closest ancestor with a click callback, and
call it. If no ancestors have a click callback, do nothing.
if button in self.__callbacks:
cb = self.__callbacks[button]
# try:
# except:
# print 'Error in click callback for %r' % self
# raise
elif self.__parent is not None:
## Child/parent Handling
def _add_child_widget(self, child):
Register a hierarchical child widget. The child will be
considered part of this canvas widget for purposes of user
interaction. ``_add_child_widget`` has two direct effects:
- It sets ``child``'s parent to this canvas widget.
- It adds ``child`` to the list of canvas widgets returned by
the ``child_widgets`` member function.
:param child: The new child widget. ``child`` must not already
have a parent.
:type child: CanvasWidget
if not hasattr(self, '_CanvasWidget__children'):
self.__children = []
if child.__parent is not None:
raise ValueError('{} already has a parent'.format(child))
child.__parent = self
def _remove_child_widget(self, child):
Remove a hierarchical child widget. This child will no longer
be considered part of this canvas widget for purposes of user
interaction. ``_add_child_widget`` has two direct effects:
- It sets ``child``'s parent to None.
- It removes ``child`` from the list of canvas widgets
returned by the ``child_widgets`` member function.
:param child: The child widget to remove. ``child`` must be a
child of this canvas widget.
:type child: CanvasWidget
child.__parent = None
## Defined by subclass
def _tags(self):
:return: a list of canvas tags for all graphical elements
managed by this canvas widget, not including graphical
elements managed by its child widgets.
:rtype: list of int
def _manage(self):
Arrange the child widgets of this canvas widget. This method
is called when the canvas widget is initially created. It is
also called if the user calls the ``manage`` method on this
canvas widget or any of its ancestors.
:rtype: None
def _update(self, child):
Update this canvas widget in response to a change in one of
its children.
:param child: The child that changed.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:rtype: None
## Basic widgets.
class TextWidget(CanvasWidget):
A canvas widget that displays a single string of text.
- ``color``: the color of the text.
- ``font``: the font used to display the text.
- ``justify``: justification for multi-line texts. Valid values
are ``left``, ``center``, and ``right``.
- ``width``: the width of the text. If the text is wider than
this width, it will be line-wrapped at whitespace.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
def __init__(self, canvas, text, **attribs):
Create a new text widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:type text: str
:param text: The string of text to display.
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._text = text
self._tag = canvas.create_text(1, 1, text=text)
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr in ('color', 'font', 'justify', 'width'):
if attr == 'color':
attr = 'fill'
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._tag, {attr: value})
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'width':
return int(self.canvas().itemcget(self._tag, attr))
elif attr in ('color', 'font', 'justify'):
if attr == 'color':
attr = 'fill'
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._tag, attr)
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _tags(self):
return [self._tag]
def text(self):
:return: The text displayed by this text widget.
:rtype: str
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._tag, 'TEXT')
def set_text(self, text):
Change the text that is displayed by this text widget.
:type text: str
:param text: The string of text to display.
:rtype: None
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._tag, text=text)
if self.parent() is not None:
def __repr__(self):
return '[Text: %r]' % self._text
class SymbolWidget(TextWidget):
A canvas widget that displays special symbols, such as the
negation sign and the exists operator. Symbols are specified by
name. Currently, the following symbol names are defined: ``neg``,
``disj``, ``conj``, ``lambda``, ``merge``, ``forall``, ``exists``,
``subseteq``, ``subset``, ``notsubset``, ``emptyset``, ``imp``,
``rightarrow``, ``equal``, ``notequal``, ``epsilon``.
- ``color``: the color of the text.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
:cvar SYMBOLS: A dictionary mapping from symbols to the character
in the ``symbol`` font used to render them.
'neg': '\330',
'disj': '\332',
'conj': '\331',
'lambda': '\154',
'merge': '\304',
'forall': '\042',
'exists': '\044',
'subseteq': '\315',
'subset': '\314',
'notsubset': '\313',
'emptyset': '\306',
'imp': '\336',
'rightarrow': chr(222), #'\256',
'equal': '\75',
'notequal': '\271',
'intersection': '\307',
'union': '\310',
'epsilon': 'e',
def __init__(self, canvas, symbol, **attribs):
Create a new symbol widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:type symbol: str
:param symbol: The name of the symbol to display.
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
attribs['font'] = 'symbol'
TextWidget.__init__(self, canvas, '', **attribs)
def symbol(self):
:return: the name of the symbol that is displayed by this
symbol widget.
:rtype: str
return self._symbol
def set_symbol(self, symbol):
Change the symbol that is displayed by this symbol widget.
:type symbol: str
:param symbol: The name of the symbol to display.
if symbol not in SymbolWidget.SYMBOLS:
raise ValueError('Unknown symbol: %s' % symbol)
self._symbol = symbol
def __repr__(self):
return '[Symbol: %r]' % self._symbol
def symbolsheet(size=20):
Open a new Tkinter window that displays the entire alphabet
for the symbol font. This is useful for constructing the
``SymbolWidget.SYMBOLS`` dictionary.
top = Tk()
def destroy(e, top=top):
top.bind('q', destroy)
Button(top, text='Quit', command=top.destroy).pack(side='bottom')
text = Text(top, font=('helvetica', -size), width=20, height=30)
sb = Scrollbar(top, command=text.yview)
text['yscrollcommand'] = sb.set
sb.pack(side='right', fill='y')
text.tag_config('symbol', font=('symbol', -size))
for i in range(256):
if i in (0, 10):
continue # null and newline
for k, v in list(SymbolWidget.SYMBOLS.items()):
if v == chr(i):
text.insert('end', '%-10s\t' % k)
text.insert('end', '%-10d \t' % i)
text.insert('end', '[%s]\n' % chr(i), 'symbol')
class AbstractContainerWidget(CanvasWidget):
An abstract class for canvas widgets that contain a single child,
such as ``BoxWidget`` and ``OvalWidget``. Subclasses must define
a constructor, which should create any new graphical elements and
then call the ``AbstractCanvasContainer`` constructor. Subclasses
must also define the ``_update`` method and the ``_tags`` method;
and any subclasses that define attributes should define
``__setitem__`` and ``__getitem__``.
def __init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs):
Create a new container widget. This constructor should only
be called by subclass constructors.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param child: The container's child widget. ``child`` must not
have a parent.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._child = child
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
def _manage(self):
def child(self):
:return: The child widget contained by this container widget.
:rtype: CanvasWidget
return self._child
def set_child(self, child):
Change the child widget contained by this container widget.
:param child: The new child widget. ``child`` must not have a
:type child: CanvasWidget
:rtype: None
self._child = child
def __repr__(self):
name = self.__class__.__name__
if name[-6:] == 'Widget':
name = name[:-6]
return '[%s: %r]' % (name, self._child)
class BoxWidget(AbstractContainerWidget):
A canvas widget that places a box around a child widget.
- ``fill``: The color used to fill the interior of the box.
- ``outline``: The color used to draw the outline of the box.
- ``width``: The width of the outline of the box.
- ``margin``: The number of pixels space left between the child
and the box.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
def __init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs):
Create a new box widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param child: The child widget. ``child`` must not have a
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._child = child
self._margin = 1
self._box = canvas.create_rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)
AbstractContainerWidget.__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'margin':
self._margin = value
elif attr in ('outline', 'fill', 'width'):
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._box, {attr: value})
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'margin':
return self._margin
elif attr == 'width':
return float(self.canvas().itemcget(self._box, attr))
elif attr in ('outline', 'fill', 'width'):
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._box, attr)
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _update(self, child):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = child.bbox()
margin = self._margin + self['width'] / 2
self._box, x1 - margin, y1 - margin, x2 + margin, y2 + margin
def _tags(self):
return [self._box]
class OvalWidget(AbstractContainerWidget):
A canvas widget that places a oval around a child widget.
- ``fill``: The color used to fill the interior of the oval.
- ``outline``: The color used to draw the outline of the oval.
- ``width``: The width of the outline of the oval.
- ``margin``: The number of pixels space left between the child
and the oval.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
- ``double``: If true, then a double-oval is drawn.
def __init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs):
Create a new oval widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param child: The child widget. ``child`` must not have a
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._child = child
self._margin = 1
self._oval = canvas.create_oval(1, 1, 1, 1)
self._circle = attribs.pop('circle', False)
self._double = attribs.pop('double', False)
if self._double:
self._oval2 = canvas.create_oval(1, 1, 1, 1)
self._oval2 = None
AbstractContainerWidget.__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
c = self.canvas()
if attr == 'margin':
self._margin = value
elif attr == 'double':
if value == True and self._oval2 is None:
# Copy attributes & position from self._oval.
x1, y1, x2, y2 = c.bbox(self._oval)
w = self['width'] * 2
self._oval2 = c.create_oval(
x1 - w,
y1 - w,
x2 + w,
y2 + w,
outline=c.itemcget(self._oval, 'outline'),
width=c.itemcget(self._oval, 'width'),
if value == False and self._oval2 is not None:
self._oval2 = None
elif attr in ('outline', 'fill', 'width'):
c.itemconfig(self._oval, {attr: value})
if self._oval2 is not None and attr != 'fill':
c.itemconfig(self._oval2, {attr: value})
if self._oval2 is not None and attr != 'fill':
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._oval2, {attr: value})
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'margin':
return self._margin
elif attr == 'double':
return self._double is not None
elif attr == 'width':
return float(self.canvas().itemcget(self._oval, attr))
elif attr in ('outline', 'fill', 'width'):
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._oval, attr)
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
# The ratio between inscribed & circumscribed ovals
RATIO = 1.4142135623730949
def _update(self, child):
R = OvalWidget.RATIO
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = child.bbox()
margin = self._margin
# If we're a circle, pretend our contents are square.
if self._circle:
dx, dy = abs(x1 - x2), abs(y1 - y2)
if dx > dy:
y = (y1 + y2) / 2
y1, y2 = y - dx / 2, y + dx / 2
elif dy > dx:
x = (x1 + x2) / 2
x1, x2 = x - dy / 2, x + dy / 2
# Find the four corners.
left = int((x1 * (1 + R) + x2 * (1 - R)) / 2)
right = left + int((x2 - x1) * R)
top = int((y1 * (1 + R) + y2 * (1 - R)) / 2)
bot = top + int((y2 - y1) * R)
self._oval, left - margin, top - margin, right + margin, bot + margin
if self._oval2 is not None:
left - margin + 2,
top - margin + 2,
right + margin - 2,
bot + margin - 2,
def _tags(self):
if self._oval2 is None:
return [self._oval]
return [self._oval, self._oval2]
class ParenWidget(AbstractContainerWidget):
A canvas widget that places a pair of parenthases around a child
- ``color``: The color used to draw the parenthases.
- ``width``: The width of the parenthases.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
def __init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs):
Create a new parenthasis widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param child: The child widget. ``child`` must not have a
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._child = child
self._oparen = canvas.create_arc(1, 1, 1, 1, style='arc', start=90, extent=180)
self._cparen = canvas.create_arc(1, 1, 1, 1, style='arc', start=-90, extent=180)
AbstractContainerWidget.__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'color':
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._oparen, outline=value)
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._cparen, outline=value)
elif attr == 'width':
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._oparen, width=value)
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._cparen, width=value)
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'color':
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._oparen, 'outline')
elif attr == 'width':
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._oparen, 'width')
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _update(self, child):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = child.bbox()
width = max((y2 - y1) / 6, 4)
self.canvas().coords(self._oparen, x1 - width, y1, x1 + width, y2)
self.canvas().coords(self._cparen, x2 - width, y1, x2 + width, y2)
def _tags(self):
return [self._oparen, self._cparen]
class BracketWidget(AbstractContainerWidget):
A canvas widget that places a pair of brackets around a child
- ``color``: The color used to draw the brackets.
- ``width``: The width of the brackets.
- ``draggable``: whether the text can be dragged by the user.
def __init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs):
Create a new bracket widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param child: The child widget. ``child`` must not have a
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._child = child
self._obrack = canvas.create_line(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
self._cbrack = canvas.create_line(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
AbstractContainerWidget.__init__(self, canvas, child, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'color':
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._obrack, fill=value)
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._cbrack, fill=value)
elif attr == 'width':
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._obrack, width=value)
self.canvas().itemconfig(self._cbrack, width=value)
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'color':
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._obrack, 'outline')
elif attr == 'width':
return self.canvas().itemcget(self._obrack, 'width')
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _update(self, child):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = child.bbox()
width = max((y2 - y1) / 8, 2)
self._obrack, x1, y1, x1 - width, y1, x1 - width, y2, x1, y2
self._cbrack, x2, y1, x2 + width, y1, x2 + width, y2, x2, y2
def _tags(self):
return [self._obrack, self._cbrack]
class SequenceWidget(CanvasWidget):
A canvas widget that keeps a list of canvas widgets in a
horizontal line.
- ``align``: The vertical alignment of the children. Possible
values are ``'top'``, ``'center'``, and ``'bottom'``. By
default, children are center-aligned.
- ``space``: The amount of horizontal space to place between
children. By default, one pixel of space is used.
- ``ordered``: If true, then keep the children in their
original order.
def __init__(self, canvas, *children, **attribs):
Create a new sequence widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param children: The widgets that should be aligned
horizontally. Each child must not have a parent.
:type children: list(CanvasWidget)
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._align = 'center'
self._space = 1
self._ordered = False
self._children = list(children)
for child in children:
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'align':
if value not in ('top', 'bottom', 'center'):
raise ValueError('Bad alignment: %r' % value)
self._align = value
elif attr == 'space':
self._space = value
elif attr == 'ordered':
self._ordered = value
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'align':
return self._align
elif attr == 'space':
return self._space
elif attr == 'ordered':
return self._ordered
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _tags(self):
return []
def _yalign(self, top, bot):
if self._align == 'top':
return top
if self._align == 'bottom':
return bot
if self._align == 'center':
return (top + bot) / 2
def _update(self, child):
# Align all children with child.
(left, top, right, bot) = child.bbox()
y = self._yalign(top, bot)
for c in self._children:
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = c.bbox()
c.move(0, y - self._yalign(y1, y2))
if self._ordered and len(self._children) > 1:
index = self._children.index(child)
x = right + self._space
for i in range(index + 1, len(self._children)):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
if x > x1:
self._children[i].move(x - x1, 0)
x += x2 - x1 + self._space
x = left - self._space
for i in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
if x < x2:
self._children[i].move(x - x2, 0)
x -= x2 - x1 + self._space
def _manage(self):
if len(self._children) == 0:
child = self._children[0]
# Align all children with child.
(left, top, right, bot) = child.bbox()
y = self._yalign(top, bot)
index = self._children.index(child)
# Line up children to the right of child.
x = right + self._space
for i in range(index + 1, len(self._children)):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
self._children[i].move(x - x1, y - self._yalign(y1, y2))
x += x2 - x1 + self._space
# Line up children to the left of child.
x = left - self._space
for i in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
self._children[i].move(x - x2, y - self._yalign(y1, y2))
x -= x2 - x1 + self._space
def __repr__(self):
return '[Sequence: ' + repr(self._children)[1:-1] + ']'
# Provide an alias for the child_widgets() member.
children = CanvasWidget.child_widgets
def replace_child(self, oldchild, newchild):
Replace the child canvas widget ``oldchild`` with ``newchild``.
``newchild`` must not have a parent. ``oldchild``'s parent will
be set to None.
:type oldchild: CanvasWidget
:param oldchild: The child canvas widget to remove.
:type newchild: CanvasWidget
:param newchild: The canvas widget that should replace
index = self._children.index(oldchild)
self._children[index] = newchild
def remove_child(self, child):
Remove the given child canvas widget. ``child``'s parent will
be set ot None.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param child: The child canvas widget to remove.
index = self._children.index(child)
del self._children[index]
if len(self._children) > 0:
def insert_child(self, index, child):
Insert a child canvas widget before a given index.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param child: The canvas widget that should be inserted.
:type index: int
:param index: The index where the child widget should be
inserted. In particular, the index of ``child`` will be
``index``; and the index of any children whose indices were
greater than equal to ``index`` before ``child`` was
inserted will be incremented by one.
self._children.insert(index, child)
class StackWidget(CanvasWidget):
A canvas widget that keeps a list of canvas widgets in a vertical
- ``align``: The horizontal alignment of the children. Possible
values are ``'left'``, ``'center'``, and ``'right'``. By
default, children are center-aligned.
- ``space``: The amount of vertical space to place between
children. By default, one pixel of space is used.
- ``ordered``: If true, then keep the children in their
original order.
def __init__(self, canvas, *children, **attribs):
Create a new stack widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:param children: The widgets that should be aligned
vertically. Each child must not have a parent.
:type children: list(CanvasWidget)
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
self._align = 'center'
self._space = 1
self._ordered = False
self._children = list(children)
for child in children:
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
def __setitem__(self, attr, value):
if attr == 'align':
if value not in ('left', 'right', 'center'):
raise ValueError('Bad alignment: %r' % value)
self._align = value
elif attr == 'space':
self._space = value
elif attr == 'ordered':
self._ordered = value
CanvasWidget.__setitem__(self, attr, value)
def __getitem__(self, attr):
if attr == 'align':
return self._align
elif attr == 'space':
return self._space
elif attr == 'ordered':
return self._ordered
return CanvasWidget.__getitem__(self, attr)
def _tags(self):
return []
def _xalign(self, left, right):
if self._align == 'left':
return left
if self._align == 'right':
return right
if self._align == 'center':
return (left + right) / 2
def _update(self, child):
# Align all children with child.
(left, top, right, bot) = child.bbox()
x = self._xalign(left, right)
for c in self._children:
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = c.bbox()
c.move(x - self._xalign(x1, x2), 0)
if self._ordered and len(self._children) > 1:
index = self._children.index(child)
y = bot + self._space
for i in range(index + 1, len(self._children)):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
if y > y1:
self._children[i].move(0, y - y1)
y += y2 - y1 + self._space
y = top - self._space
for i in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
if y < y2:
self._children[i].move(0, y - y2)
y -= y2 - y1 + self._space
def _manage(self):
if len(self._children) == 0:
child = self._children[0]
# Align all children with child.
(left, top, right, bot) = child.bbox()
x = self._xalign(left, right)
index = self._children.index(child)
# Line up children below the child.
y = bot + self._space
for i in range(index + 1, len(self._children)):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
self._children[i].move(x - self._xalign(x1, x2), y - y1)
y += y2 - y1 + self._space
# Line up children above the child.
y = top - self._space
for i in range(index - 1, -1, -1):
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._children[i].bbox()
self._children[i].move(x - self._xalign(x1, x2), y - y2)
y -= y2 - y1 + self._space
def __repr__(self):
return '[Stack: ' + repr(self._children)[1:-1] + ']'
# Provide an alias for the child_widgets() member.
children = CanvasWidget.child_widgets
def replace_child(self, oldchild, newchild):
Replace the child canvas widget ``oldchild`` with ``newchild``.
``newchild`` must not have a parent. ``oldchild``'s parent will
be set to None.
:type oldchild: CanvasWidget
:param oldchild: The child canvas widget to remove.
:type newchild: CanvasWidget
:param newchild: The canvas widget that should replace
index = self._children.index(oldchild)
self._children[index] = newchild
def remove_child(self, child):
Remove the given child canvas widget. ``child``'s parent will
be set ot None.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param child: The child canvas widget to remove.
index = self._children.index(child)
del self._children[index]
if len(self._children) > 0:
def insert_child(self, index, child):
Insert a child canvas widget before a given index.
:type child: CanvasWidget
:param child: The canvas widget that should be inserted.
:type index: int
:param index: The index where the child widget should be
inserted. In particular, the index of ``child`` will be
``index``; and the index of any children whose indices were
greater than equal to ``index`` before ``child`` was
inserted will be incremented by one.
self._children.insert(index, child)
class SpaceWidget(CanvasWidget):
A canvas widget that takes up space but does not display
anything. A ``SpaceWidget`` can be used to add space between
elements. Each space widget is characterized by a width and a
height. If you wish to only create horizontal space, then use a
height of zero; and if you wish to only create vertical space, use
a width of zero.
def __init__(self, canvas, width, height, **attribs):
Create a new space widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:type width: int
:param width: The width of the new space widget.
:type height: int
:param height: The height of the new space widget.
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
# For some reason,
if width > 4:
width -= 4
if height > 4:
height -= 4
self._tag = canvas.create_line(1, 1, width, height, fill='')
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
# note: width() and height() are already defined by CanvasWidget.
def set_width(self, width):
Change the width of this space widget.
:param width: The new width.
:type width: int
:rtype: None
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = self.bbox()
self.canvas().coords(self._tag, x1, y1, x1 + width, y2)
def set_height(self, height):
Change the height of this space widget.
:param height: The new height.
:type height: int
:rtype: None
[x1, y1, x2, y2] = self.bbox()
self.canvas().coords(self._tag, x1, y1, x2, y1 + height)
def _tags(self):
return [self._tag]
def __repr__(self):
return '[Space]'
class ScrollWatcherWidget(CanvasWidget):
A special canvas widget that adjusts its ``Canvas``'s scrollregion
to always include the bounding boxes of all of its children. The
scroll-watcher widget will only increase the size of the
``Canvas``'s scrollregion; it will never decrease it.
def __init__(self, canvas, *children, **attribs):
Create a new scroll-watcher widget.
:type canvas: Tkinter.Canvas
:param canvas: This canvas widget's canvas.
:type children: list(CanvasWidget)
:param children: The canvas widgets watched by the
scroll-watcher. The scroll-watcher will ensure that these
canvas widgets are always contained in their canvas's
:param attribs: The new canvas widget's attributes.
for child in children:
CanvasWidget.__init__(self, canvas, **attribs)
def add_child(self, canvaswidget):
Add a new canvas widget to the scroll-watcher. The
scroll-watcher will ensure that the new canvas widget is
always contained in its canvas's scrollregion.
:param canvaswidget: The new canvas widget.
:type canvaswidget: CanvasWidget
:rtype: None
def remove_child(self, canvaswidget):
Remove a canvas widget from the scroll-watcher. The
scroll-watcher will no longer ensure that the new canvas
widget is always contained in its canvas's scrollregion.
:param canvaswidget: The canvas widget to remove.
:type canvaswidget: CanvasWidget
:rtype: None
def _tags(self):
return []
def _update(self, child):
def _adjust_scrollregion(self):
Adjust the scrollregion of this scroll-watcher's ``Canvas`` to
include the bounding boxes of all of its children.
bbox = self.bbox()
canvas = self.canvas()
scrollregion = [int(n) for n in canvas['scrollregion'].split()]
if len(scrollregion) != 4:
if (
bbox[0] < scrollregion[0]
or bbox[1] < scrollregion[1]
or bbox[2] > scrollregion[2]
or bbox[3] > scrollregion[3]
scrollregion = '%d %d %d %d' % (
min(bbox[0], scrollregion[0]),
min(bbox[1], scrollregion[1]),
max(bbox[2], scrollregion[2]),
max(bbox[3], scrollregion[3]),
canvas['scrollregion'] = scrollregion
## Canvas Frame
class CanvasFrame(object):
A ``Tkinter`` frame containing a canvas and scrollbars.
``CanvasFrame`` uses a ``ScrollWatcherWidget`` to ensure that all of
the canvas widgets contained on its canvas are within its
scrollregion. In order for ``CanvasFrame`` to make these checks,
all canvas widgets must be registered with ``add_widget`` when they
are added to the canvas; and destroyed with ``destroy_widget`` when
they are no longer needed.
If a ``CanvasFrame`` is created with no parent, then it will create
its own main window, including a "Done" button and a "Print"
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw):
Create a new ``CanvasFrame``.
:type parent: Tkinter.BaseWidget or Tkinter.Tk
:param parent: The parent ``Tkinter`` widget. If no parent is
specified, then ``CanvasFrame`` will create a new main
:param kw: Keyword arguments for the new ``Canvas``. See the
documentation for ``Tkinter.Canvas`` for more information.
# If no parent was given, set up a top-level window.
if parent is None:
self._parent = Tk()
self._parent.bind('<Control-p>', lambda e: self.print_to_file())
self._parent.bind('<Control-x>', self.destroy)
self._parent.bind('<Control-q>', self.destroy)
self._parent = parent
# Create a frame for the canvas & scrollbars
self._frame = frame = Frame(self._parent)
self._canvas = canvas = Canvas(frame, **kw)
xscrollbar = Scrollbar(self._frame, orient='horizontal')
yscrollbar = Scrollbar(self._frame, orient='vertical')
xscrollbar['command'] = canvas.xview
yscrollbar['command'] = canvas.yview
canvas['xscrollcommand'] = xscrollbar.set
canvas['yscrollcommand'] = yscrollbar.set
yscrollbar.pack(fill='y', side='right')
xscrollbar.pack(fill='x', side='bottom')
canvas.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='left')
# Set initial scroll region.
scrollregion = '0 0 %s %s' % (canvas['width'], canvas['height'])
canvas['scrollregion'] = scrollregion
self._scrollwatcher = ScrollWatcherWidget(canvas)
# If no parent was given, pack the frame, and add a menu.
if parent is None:
self.pack(expand=1, fill='both')
def _init_menubar(self):
menubar = Menu(self._parent)
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0)
label='Print to Postscript',
label='Exit', underline=1, command=self.destroy, accelerator='Ctrl-x'
menubar.add_cascade(label='File', underline=0, menu=filemenu)
def print_to_file(self, filename=None):
Print the contents of this ``CanvasFrame`` to a postscript
file. If no filename is given, then prompt the user for one.
:param filename: The name of the file to print the tree to.
:type filename: str
:rtype: None
if filename is None:
ftypes = [('Postscript files', '.ps'), ('All files', '*')]
filename = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=ftypes, defaultextension='.ps')
if not filename:
(x0, y0, w, h) = self.scrollregion()
postscript = self._canvas.postscript(
width=w + 2,
height=h + 2,
pagewidth=w + 2, # points = 1/72 inch
pageheight=h + 2, # points = 1/72 inch
# workaround for bug in Tk font handling
postscript = postscript.replace(' 0 scalefont ', ' 9 scalefont ')
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
def scrollregion(self):
:return: The current scroll region for the canvas managed by
this ``CanvasFrame``.
:rtype: 4-tuple of int
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = self._canvas['scrollregion'].split()
return (int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2))
def canvas(self):
:return: The canvas managed by this ``CanvasFrame``.
:rtype: Tkinter.Canvas
return self._canvas
def add_widget(self, canvaswidget, x=None, y=None):
Register a canvas widget with this ``CanvasFrame``. The
``CanvasFrame`` will ensure that this canvas widget is always
within the ``Canvas``'s scrollregion. If no coordinates are
given for the canvas widget, then the ``CanvasFrame`` will
attempt to find a clear area of the canvas for it.
:type canvaswidget: CanvasWidget
:param canvaswidget: The new canvas widget. ``canvaswidget``
must have been created on this ``CanvasFrame``'s canvas.
:type x: int
:param x: The initial x coordinate for the upper left hand
corner of ``canvaswidget``, in the canvas's coordinate
:type y: int
:param y: The initial y coordinate for the upper left hand
corner of ``canvaswidget``, in the canvas's coordinate
if x is None or y is None:
(x, y) = self._find_room(canvaswidget, x, y)
# Move to (x,y)
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = canvaswidget.bbox()
canvaswidget.move(x - x1, y - y1)
# Register with scrollwatcher.
def _find_room(self, widget, desired_x, desired_y):
Try to find a space for a given widget.
(left, top, right, bot) = self.scrollregion()
w = widget.width()
h = widget.height()
if w >= (right - left):
return (0, 0)
if h >= (bot - top):
return (0, 0)
# Move the widget out of the way, for now.
(x1, y1, x2, y2) = widget.bbox()
widget.move(left - x2 - 50, top - y2 - 50)
if desired_x is not None:
x = desired_x
for y in range(top, bot - h, int((bot - top - h) / 10)):
if not self._canvas.find_overlapping(
x - 5, y - 5, x + w + 5, y + h + 5
return (x, y)
if desired_y is not None:
y = desired_y
for x in range(left, right - w, int((right - left - w) / 10)):
if not self._canvas.find_overlapping(
x - 5, y - 5, x + w + 5, y + h + 5
return (x, y)
for y in range(top, bot - h, int((bot - top - h) / 10)):
for x in range(left, right - w, int((right - left - w) / 10)):
if not self._canvas.find_overlapping(
x - 5, y - 5, x + w + 5, y + h + 5
return (x, y)
return (0, 0)
def destroy_widget(self, canvaswidget):
Remove a canvas widget from this ``CanvasFrame``. This
deregisters the canvas widget, and destroys it.
def remove_widget(self, canvaswidget):
# Deregister with scrollwatcher.
def pack(self, cnf={}, **kw):
Pack this ``CanvasFrame``. See the documentation for
``Tkinter.Pack`` for more information.
self._frame.pack(cnf, **kw)
# Adjust to be big enough for kids?
def destroy(self, *e):
Destroy this ``CanvasFrame``. If this ``CanvasFrame`` created a
top-level window, then this will close that window.
if self._parent is None:
self._parent = None
def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs):
Enter the Tkinter mainloop. This function must be called if
this frame is created from a non-interactive program (e.g.
from a secript); otherwise, the frame will close as soon as
the script completes.
if in_idle():
self._parent.mainloop(*args, **kwargs)
## Text display
class ShowText(object):
A ``Tkinter`` window used to display a text. ``ShowText`` is
typically used by graphical tools to display help text, or similar
def __init__(self, root, title, text, width=None, height=None, **textbox_options):
if width is None or height is None:
(width, height) = self.find_dimentions(text, width, height)
# Create the main window.
if root is None:
self._top = top = Tk()
self._top = top = Toplevel(root)
b = Button(top, text='Ok', command=self.destroy)
tbf = Frame(top)
tbf.pack(expand=1, fill='both')
scrollbar = Scrollbar(tbf, orient='vertical')
scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y')
textbox = Text(tbf, wrap='word', width=width, height=height, **textbox_options)
textbox.insert('end', text)
textbox['state'] = 'disabled'
textbox.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both')
scrollbar['command'] = textbox.yview
textbox['yscrollcommand'] = scrollbar.set
# Make it easy to close the window.
top.bind('q', self.destroy)
top.bind('x', self.destroy)
top.bind('c', self.destroy)
top.bind('<Return>', self.destroy)
top.bind('<Escape>', self.destroy)
# Focus the scrollbar, so they can use up/down, etc.
def find_dimentions(self, text, width, height):
lines = text.split('\n')
if width is None:
maxwidth = max(len(line) for line in lines)
width = min(maxwidth, 80)
# Now, find height.
height = 0
for line in lines:
while len(line) > width:
brk = line[:width].rfind(' ')
line = line[brk:]
height += 1
height += 1
height = min(height, 25)
return (width, height)
def destroy(self, *e):
if self._top is None:
self._top = None
def mainloop(self, *args, **kwargs):
Enter the Tkinter mainloop. This function must be called if
this window is created from a non-interactive program (e.g.
from a secript); otherwise, the window will close as soon as
the script completes.
if in_idle():
self._top.mainloop(*args, **kwargs)
## Entry dialog
class EntryDialog(object):
A dialog box for entering
def __init__(
self, parent, original_text='', instructions='', set_callback=None, title=None
self._parent = parent
self._original_text = original_text
self._set_callback = set_callback
width = int(max(30, len(original_text) * 3 / 2))
self._top = Toplevel(parent)
if title:
# The text entry box.
entryframe = Frame(self._top)
entryframe.pack(expand=1, fill='both', padx=5, pady=5, ipady=10)
if instructions:
l = Label(entryframe, text=instructions)
l.pack(side='top', anchor='w', padx=30)
self._entry = Entry(entryframe, width=width)
self._entry.pack(expand=1, fill='x', padx=30)
self._entry.insert(0, original_text)
# A divider
divider = Frame(self._top, borderwidth=1, relief='sunken')
divider.pack(fill='x', ipady=1, padx=10)
# The buttons.
buttons = Frame(self._top)
buttons.pack(expand=0, fill='x', padx=5, pady=5)
b = Button(buttons, text='Cancel', command=self._cancel, width=8)
b.pack(side='right', padx=5)
b = Button(buttons, text='Ok', command=self._ok, width=8, default='active')
b.pack(side='left', padx=5)
b = Button(buttons, text='Apply', command=self._apply, width=8)
self._top.bind('<Return>', self._ok)
self._top.bind('<Control-q>', self._cancel)
self._top.bind('<Escape>', self._cancel)
def _reset(self, *e):
self._entry.delete(0, 'end')
self._entry.insert(0, self._original_text)
if self._set_callback:
def _cancel(self, *e):
def _ok(self, *e):
def _apply(self, *e):
if self._set_callback:
def _destroy(self, *e):
if self._top is None:
self._top = None
## Colorized List
class ColorizedList(object):
An abstract base class for displaying a colorized list of items.
Subclasses should define:
- ``_init_colortags``, which sets up Text color tags that
will be used by the list.
- ``_item_repr``, which returns a list of (text,colortag)
tuples that make up the colorized representation of the
:note: Typically, you will want to register a callback for
``'select'`` that calls ``mark`` on the given item.
def __init__(self, parent, items=[], **options):
Construct a new list.
:param parent: The Tk widget that contains the colorized list
:param items: The initial contents of the colorized list.
:param options:
self._parent = parent
self._callbacks = {}
# Which items are marked?
self._marks = {}
# Initialize the Tkinter frames.
# Set up key & mouse bindings.
self._textwidget.bind('<KeyPress>', self._keypress)
self._textwidget.bind('<ButtonPress>', self._buttonpress)
# Fill in the given CFG's items.
self._items = None
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Abstract methods
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def _init_colortags(self, textwidget, options):
Set up any colortags that will be used by this colorized list.
>>> textwidget.tag_config('terminal', foreground='black')
def _item_repr(self, item):
Return a list of (text, colortag) tuples that make up the
colorized representation of the item. Colorized
representations may not span multiple lines. I.e., the text
strings returned may not contain newline characters.
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Item Access
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def get(self, index=None):
:return: A list of the items contained by this list.
if index is None:
return self._items[:]
return self._items[index]
def set(self, items):
Modify the list of items contained by this list.
items = list(items)
if self._items == items:
self._items = list(items)
self._textwidget['state'] = 'normal'
self._textwidget.delete('1.0', 'end')
for item in items:
for (text, colortag) in self._item_repr(item):
assert '\n' not in text, 'item repr may not contain newline'
self._textwidget.insert('end', text, colortag)
self._textwidget.insert('end', '\n')
# Remove the final newline
self._textwidget.delete('end-1char', 'end')
self._textwidget.mark_set('insert', '1.0')
self._textwidget['state'] = 'disabled'
# Clear all marks
def unmark(self, item=None):
Remove highlighting from the given item; or from every item,
if no item is given.
:raise ValueError: If ``item`` is not contained in the list.
:raise KeyError: If ``item`` is not marked.
if item is None:
self._textwidget.tag_remove('highlight', '1.0', 'end+1char')
index = self._items.index(item)
del self._marks[item]
(start, end) = ('%d.0' % (index + 1), '%d.0' % (index + 2))
self._textwidget.tag_remove('highlight', start, end)
def mark(self, item):
Highlight the given item.
:raise ValueError: If ``item`` is not contained in the list.
self._marks[item] = 1
index = self._items.index(item)
(start, end) = ('%d.0' % (index + 1), '%d.0' % (index + 2))
self._textwidget.tag_add('highlight', start, end)
def markonly(self, item):
Remove any current highlighting, and mark the given item.
:raise ValueError: If ``item`` is not contained in the list.
def view(self, item):
Adjust the view such that the given item is visible. If
the item is already visible, then do nothing.
index = self._items.index(item)
self._textwidget.see('%d.0' % (index + 1))
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Callbacks
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def add_callback(self, event, func):
Register a callback function with the list. This function
will be called whenever the given event occurs.
:param event: The event that will trigger the callback
function. Valid events are: click1, click2, click3,
space, return, select, up, down, next, prior, move
:param func: The function that should be called when
the event occurs. ``func`` will be called with a
single item as its argument. (The item selected
or the item moved to).
if event == 'select':
events = ['click1', 'space', 'return']
elif event == 'move':
events = ['up', 'down', 'next', 'prior']
events = [event]
for e in events:
self._callbacks.setdefault(e, {})[func] = 1
def remove_callback(self, event, func=None):
Deregister a callback function. If ``func`` is none, then
all callbacks are removed for the given event.
if event is None:
events = list(self._callbacks.keys())
elif event == 'select':
events = ['click1', 'space', 'return']
elif event == 'move':
events = ['up', 'down', 'next', 'prior']
events = [event]
for e in events:
if func is None:
del self._callbacks[e]
del self._callbacks[e][func]
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Tkinter Methods
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def pack(self, cnf={}, **kw):
# "@include: Tkinter.Pack.pack"
self._itemframe.pack(cnf, **kw)
def grid(self, cnf={}, **kw):
# "@include: Tkinter.Grid.grid"
self._itemframe.grid(cnf, *kw)
def focus(self):
# "@include: Tkinter.Widget.focus"
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Internal Methods
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def _init_itemframe(self, options):
self._itemframe = Frame(self._parent)
# Create the basic Text widget & scrollbar.
options.setdefault('background', '#e0e0e0')
self._textwidget = Text(self._itemframe, **options)
self._textscroll = Scrollbar(self._itemframe, takefocus=0, orient='vertical')
self._textscroll.pack(side='right', fill='y')
self._textwidget.pack(expand=1, fill='both', side='left')
# Initialize the colorization tags
'highlight', background='#e0ffff', border='1', relief='raised'
self._init_colortags(self._textwidget, options)
# How do I want to mark keyboard selection?
self._textwidget.tag_config('sel', foreground='')
'sel', foreground='', background='', border='', underline=1
self._textwidget.tag_lower('highlight', 'sel')
def _fire_callback(self, event, itemnum):
if event not in self._callbacks:
if 0 <= itemnum < len(self._items):
item = self._items[itemnum]
item = None
for cb_func in list(self._callbacks[event].keys()):
def _buttonpress(self, event):
clickloc = '@%d,%d' % (event.x, event.y)
insert_point = self._textwidget.index(clickloc)
itemnum = int(insert_point.split('.')[0]) - 1
self._fire_callback('click%d' % event.num, itemnum)
def _keypress(self, event):
if event.keysym == 'Return' or event.keysym == 'space':
insert_point = self._textwidget.index('insert')
itemnum = int(insert_point.split('.')[0]) - 1
self._fire_callback(event.keysym.lower(), itemnum)
elif event.keysym == 'Down':
delta = '+1line'
elif event.keysym == 'Up':
delta = '-1line'
elif event.keysym == 'Next':
delta = '+10lines'
elif event.keysym == 'Prior':
delta = '-10lines'
return 'continue'
self._textwidget.mark_set('insert', 'insert' + delta)
self._textwidget.tag_remove('sel', '1.0', 'end+1char')
self._textwidget.tag_add('sel', 'insert linestart', 'insert lineend')
insert_point = self._textwidget.index('insert')
itemnum = int(insert_point.split('.')[0]) - 1
self._fire_callback(event.keysym.lower(), itemnum)
return 'break'
## Improved OptionMenu
class MutableOptionMenu(Menubutton):
def __init__(self, master, values, **options):
self._callback = options.get('command')
if 'command' in options:
del options['command']
# Create a variable
self._variable = variable = StringVar()
if len(values) > 0:
kw = {
"borderwidth": 2,
"textvariable": variable,
"indicatoron": 1,
"relief": RAISED,
"anchor": "c",
"highlightthickness": 2,
Widget.__init__(self, master, "menubutton", kw)
self.widgetName = 'tk_optionMenu'
self._menu = Menu(self, name="menu", tearoff=0)
self.menuname = self._menu._w
self._values = []
for value in values:
self["menu"] = self._menu
def add(self, value):
if value in self._values:
def set(value=value):
self._menu.add_command(label=value, command=set)
def set(self, value):
if self._callback:
def remove(self, value):
# Might raise indexerror: pass to parent.
i = self._values.index(value)
del self._values[i]
self._menu.delete(i, i)
def __getitem__(self, name):
if name == 'menu':
return self.__menu
return Widget.__getitem__(self, name)
def destroy(self):
"""Destroy this widget and the associated menu."""
self._menu = None
## Test code.
def demo():
A simple demonstration showing how to use canvas widgets.
def fill(cw):
from random import randint
cw['fill'] = '#00%04d' % randint(0, 9999)
def color(cw):
from random import randint
cw['color'] = '#ff%04d' % randint(0, 9999)
cf = CanvasFrame(closeenough=10, width=300, height=300)
c = cf.canvas()
ct3 = TextWidget(c, 'hiya there', draggable=1)
ct2 = TextWidget(c, 'o o\n||\n___\n U', draggable=1, justify='center')
co = OvalWidget(c, ct2, outline='red')
ct = TextWidget(c, 'o o\n||\n\\___/', draggable=1, justify='center')
cp = ParenWidget(c, ct, color='red')
cb = BoxWidget(c, cp, fill='cyan', draggable=1, width=3, margin=10)
equation = SequenceWidget(
SymbolWidget(c, 'forall'),
TextWidget(c, 'x'),
SymbolWidget(c, 'exists'),
TextWidget(c, 'y: '),
TextWidget(c, 'x'),
SymbolWidget(c, 'notequal'),
TextWidget(c, 'y'),
space = SpaceWidget(c, 0, 30)
cstack = StackWidget(c, cb, ct3, space, co, equation, align='center')
prompt_msg = TextWidget(
c, 'try clicking\nand dragging', draggable=1, justify='center'
cs = SequenceWidget(c, cstack, prompt_msg)
zz = BracketWidget(c, cs, color='green4', width=3)
cf.add_widget(zz, 60, 30)
# ShowText(None, 'title', ((('this is text'*150)+'\n')*5))
if __name__ == '__main__':