You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1780 lines
65 KiB

5 years ago
#### PATTERN | SERVER ##############################################################################
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 University of Antwerp, Belgium
# Copyright (c) 2014 St. Lucas University College of Art & Design, Antwerp.
# Author: Tom De Smedt <>
# License: BSD (see LICENSE.txt for details).
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import with_statement
from builtins import str, bytes, dict, int, chr
from builtins import map, zip, filter
from builtins import object, range
from io import open
import __main__
import re
import os
import sys
import pwd
import grp
import time
_time = time
import atexit
import urllib
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
import struct
import random
import string
import textwrap
import types
import inspect
import threading
import subprocess
import tempfile
import itertools
import collections
import sqlite3 as sqlite
import cherrypy as cp
import json
json.encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda f: ("%.2f" % f)
except AttributeError:
try: # Python 2.x vs 3.x
import htmlentitydefs
except ImportError:
from html import entities as htmlentitydefs
try: # Python 2.x vs 3.x
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import BytesIO as StringIO
try: # Python 2.x vs 3.x
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
# Folder that contains pattern.server.
MODULE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Folder that contains the script that (indirectly) imports pattern.server.
# This is used as the default App.path.
f = inspect.currentframe()
f = inspect.getouterframes(f)[-1][0]
f = f.f_globals["__file__"]
SCRIPT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))
SCRIPT = os.getcwd()
def chown(path, owner=None):
""" Changes the ownership of the given file to the given (user, group).
Returns True if successful.
if owner:
x, y = owner, -1 # x = user, y = group
x, y = x if isinstance(x, tuple) else (x, y)
x, y = (pwd.getpwnam(x).pw_uid if not isinstance(x, int) else x,
grp.getgrnam(y).gr_gid if not isinstance(y, int) else y)
os.chown(path, x, y)
return True
return False
# On Linux + Apache mod_wsgi, the user that executes the Python script is "www-data".
# If the app folder was created by "root", "www-data" will not have write permission,
# and consequently cannot write to an SQLite database (e.g., App.rate) in the folder,
# or create SQLite -journal files.
# The solution is for "www-data" to chown() the folder, and any database files in it.
# This can also be done from Python with App(owner=("www-data", "www-data"))
# and Database(owner=("www-data", "www-data")), which will call chown().
#### STRING FUNCTIONS ##############################################################################
RE_AMPERSAND = re.compile("\&(?!\#)") # & not followed by #
RE_UNICODE = re.compile(r'&(#?)(x|X?)(\w+);') # &#201;
def encode_entities(string):
""" Encodes HTML entities in the given string ("<" => "&lt;").
For example, to display "<em>hello</em>" in a browser,
we need to pass "&lt;em&gt;hello&lt;/em&gt;" (otherwise "hello" in italic is displayed).
if isinstance(string, str):
string = RE_AMPERSAND.sub("&amp;", string)
string = string.replace("<", "&lt;")
string = string.replace(">", "&gt;")
string = string.replace('"', "&quot;")
string = string.replace("'", "&#39;")
return string
def decode_entities(string):
""" Decodes HTML entities in the given string ("&lt;" => "<").
def replace_entity(match):
hash, hex, name =,,
if hash == "#" or name.isdigit():
if hex == "":
return chr(int(name)) # "&#38;" => "&"
if hex.lower() == "x":
return chr(int("0x" + name, 16)) # "&#x0026;" = > "&"
cp = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint.get(name) # "&amp;" => "&"
return chr(cp) if cp else # "&foo;" => "&foo;"
if isinstance(string, str):
return RE_UNICODE.subn(replace_entity, string)[0]
return string
def encode_url(string):
return urllib.quote_plus(string.encode("utf-8")) # "black/white" => "black%2Fwhite".
def decode_url(string):
return urllib.unquote_plus(string)
def openable(string, **kwargs):
""" Returns the path to a temporary file that contains the given string.
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(**kwargs)
_TEMPORARY_FILES.append(f) # Delete when program terminates.
#### INTROSPECTION #################################################################################
# URL paths are routed to handler functions, whose arguments represent URL path & query parameters.
# So we need to know what the arguments and keywords arguments are at runtime.
def define(f):
""" Returns (name, type, tuple, dict) for the given function,
with a tuple of argument names and a dict of keyword arguments.
If the given function has *args, returns True instead of tuple.
If the given function has **kwargs, returns True instead of dict.
def undecorate(f): # "__closure__" in Py3.
while getattr(f, "func_closure", None):
f = [v.cell_contents for v in getattr(f, "func_closure")]
f = [v for v in f if callable(v)]
f = f[0] # We need guess (arg could also be a function).
return f
f = undecorate(f)
a = inspect.getargspec(f) # (names, *args, **kwargs, values)
i = len(a[0]) - len(a[3] or [])
x = tuple(a[0][:i])
y = dict(zip(a[0][i:], a[3] or []))
x = x if not a[1] else True
y = y if not a[2] else True
return (f.__name__, type(f), x, y)
#### DATABASE ######################################################################################
#--- DATABASE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A simple wrapper for SQLite and MySQL databases.
# Database type:
SQLITE, MYSQL = "sqlite", "mysql"
# Database host:
class Row(dict):
def __init__(self, cursor, row):
""" Row as dictionary.
d = cursor.description
dict.__init__(self, ((d[i][0], v) for i, v in enumerate(row)))
def __getattr__(self, k):
return self[k] # Row.[field]
class DatabaseError(Exception):
class Database(object):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
""" Creates and opens the SQLite database with the given name.
k = kwargs.get
self._name = name
self._type = k("type", SQLITE)
self._host = k("host", LOCALHOST)
self._port = k("port", 3306)
self._user = k("user", (k("username", "root"), k("password", "")))
self._factory = k("factory", Row)
self._timeout = k("timeout", 10)
self._connection = None
if k("connect", True):
if k("schema"):
# Database(schema="create table if not exists" `...`)
# initializes the database table and index structure.
for q in kwargs["schema"].split(";"):
self.execute(q + ";", commit=False)
if k("owner"):
# Database(owner="www-data")
# grants write permission to user.
chown(name, k("owner"))
def name(self):
""" Yields the database name (for SQLITE, file path).
return self._name
def type(self):
""" Yields the database type (SQLITE or MYSQL).
return self._type
def host(self):
""" Yields the database server host (MYSQL).
return self._host
def port(self):
""" Yields the database server port (MYSQL).
return self._port
def connection(self):
""" Yields the sqlite3.Connection object.
return self._connection
def connect(self):
if self._type == SQLITE:
self._connection = sqlite.connect(self._name, timeout=self._timeout)
self._connection.row_factory = self._factory
if self._type == MYSQL:
import MySQLdb
self._connection = MySQLdb.connect(
host = self._host,
port = self._port,
user = self._user[0],
passwd = self._user[1],
connect_timeout = self._timeout,
use_unicode = True,
charset = "utf8"
self._connection.row_factory = self._factory
self._connection.cursor().execute("create database if not exists `%s`" % self._name)
self._connection.cursor().execute("use `%s`" % self._name)
def disconnect(self):
if self._connection is not None:
self._connection = None
def execute(self, sql, values=(), first=False, commit=True):
""" Executes the given SQL query string and returns an iterator of rows.
With first=True, returns the first row.
r = self._connection.cursor().execute(sql, values)
if commit:
except Exception as e:
# "OperationalError: database is locked" means that
# SQLite is receiving too many concurrent write ops.
# A write operation locks the entire database;
# other threaded connections may time out waiting.
# In this case you can raise Database(timeout=10),
# lower or switch to MySQL or Redis.
raise DatabaseError(str(e))
return r.fetchone() if first else r
def commit(self):
""" Commits changes (pending insert/update/delete queries).
def rollback(self):
""" Discard changes since the last commit.
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.execute(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "Database(name=%s)" % repr(self._name)
def __del__(self):
def batch(self):
return Database._batch.setdefault(self._name, DatabaseTransaction(self._name, **self.__dict__))
_batch = {} # Shared across all instances.
#--- DATABASE TRANSACTION BUFFER -------------------------------------------------------------------
class DatabaseTransaction(Database):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
""" Database.batch.execute() stores given the SQL query in RAM memory, across threads.
Database.batch.commit() commits all buffered queries.
This can be combined with @app.task() to periodically write batches to the database
(instead of writing on each request).
Database.__init__(self, name, **dict(kwargs, connect=False))
self._queue = []
def execute(self, sql, values=()):
self._queue.append((sql, values))
def commit(self):
q, self._queue = self._queue, []
if q:
Database.connect(self) # Connect in this thread.
for sql, v in q:
Database.execute(self, sql, v, commit=False)
except DatabaseError as e:
Database.rollback(self) # Data in q will be lost.
raise e
def rollback(self):
self._queue = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self._queue)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.execute(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "DatabaseTransaction(name=%s)" % repr(self._name)
def batch(self):
raise AttributeError
#--- DATABASE SECURITY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def pbkdf2(s, salt, iterations=10000, n=32, f="sha256"):
""" Returns a hashed string of length n using the PBKDF2 algorithm.
Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 uses a cryptographic salt
and multiple iterations of a pseudorandom function ("key stretching").
h =, digestmod=getattr(hashlib, f))
def prf(h, s):
h = h.copy()
return bytearray(h.digest())
k = bytearray()
i = 1
while len(k) < n:
a = b = prf(h, salt + struct.pack('>i', i))
for _ in range(iterations - 1):
a = prf(h, a)
b = bytearray(x ^ y for x, y in zip(b, a))
k += b
i += 1
return str(k)[:n].encode("hex")
def streql(s1, s2):
""" Returns True if the given strings are identical.
if len(s1) != len(s2):
return False
b = True
for ch1, ch2 in zip(s1, s2):
if ch1 != ch2:
b = False # contstant-time comparison
return b
def encode_password(s):
""" Returns a PBKDF2-hashed string.
if isinstance(s, str):
s = s.encode("utf-8")
x = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(32))
return "pbkdf2:sha256:10000:%s:%s" % (x, pbkdf2(s[:1024], x))
def verify_password(s1, s2):
""" Returns True if the given strings are identical, after hashing the first.
if isinstance(s1, str):
s1 = s1.encode("utf-8")
if isinstance(s2, str):
s2 = s2.encode("utf-8")
m, f, n, x, s2 = s2.split(":")
return streql(pbkdf2(s1[:1024], x, int(n), len(s2) / 2, f), s2)
# k1 = "1234"
# k2 = encode_password(k1)
# print(k2)
# print(verify_password(k1, k2))
# MySQL on Mac OS X installation notes:
# 1) Download Sequel Pro: (GUI).
# 2) Download MySQL .dmg: (for 64-bit Python, 64-bit MySQL).
# 3) Install the .pkg, startup item and preferences pane.
# 4) Start server in preferences pane (user: "root", password: "").
# 5) Command line: open -a "TextEdit" .bash_profile =>
# 6) export PATH=~/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH
# 7) Command line: sudo pip install MySQL-python
# 8) Command line: sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.xx.dylib
# /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.xx.dylib
# 9) import MySQLdb
#### RATE LIMITING #################################################################################
# With @app.route(path, limit=True), the decorated URL path handler function calls RateLimit().
# For performance, rate limiting uses a RAM cache of api keys + the time of the last request.
# This will not work with multi-processing, since each process gets its own RAM.
_RATELIMIT_CACHE = {} # RAM cache of request counts.
_RATELIMIT_LOCK = threading.RLock()
SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY = 1., 60., 60 * 60., 60 * 60 * 24.
class RateLimitError(Exception):
class RateLimitExceeded(RateLimitError):
class RateLimitForbidden(RateLimitError):
class RateLimit(Database):
def __init__(self, name="rate.db", **kwargs):
""" A database for rate limiting API requests.
It manages a table with (key, path, limit, time) entries.
It grants each key a rate (number of requests / time) for a URL path.
It keeps track of the number of requests in local memory (i.e., RAM).
If RateLimit()() is called with the optional limit and time arguments,
each IP address is granted this rate (even without a key).
Database.__init__(self, name, **dict(kwargs, factory=None, schema=(
"create table if not exists `rate` ("
"`key` text," # API key (e.g., ?key="1234").
"`path` text," # API URL path (e.g., "/api/1/").
"`limit` integer," # Maximum number of requests.
"`time` float" # Time frame.
"create index if not exists `rate1` on rate(key);"
"create index if not exists `rate2` on rate(path);")
def cache(self):
def lock(self):
def key(self, pairs=("rA", "aZ", "gQ", "hH", "hG", "aR", "DD"), n=32):
""" Yields a new random key ("ZjNmYTc4ZDk0MTkyYk...").
k = str(random.getrandbits(256))
k = hashlib.sha256(k).hexdigest()
k = base64.b64encode(k, random.choice(pairs)).rstrip('==')
return k[:n]
def reset(self):
def load(self):
""" For performance, rate limiting is handled in memory (i.e., RAM).
Loads the stored rate limits in memory (5,000 records ~= 1MB RAM).
with self.lock:
if not self.cache:
# Lock concurrent threads when modifying cache.
for r in self.execute("select * from `rate`;"):
self.cache[(r[0], r[1])] = (0, r[2], r[3], _time.time())
self._n = len(self.cache)
def set(self, key, path="/", limit=100, time=HOUR):
""" Sets the rate for the given key and path,
where limit is the maximum number of requests in the given time (e.g., 100/hour).
# Map time as str to float.
time = {"second": SECOND, "minute": MINUTE, "hour": HOUR, "day": DAY}.get(time, time)
# Update database.
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
q1 = "delete from `rate` where key=? and path=?;"
q2 = "insert into `rate` values (?, ?, ?, ?);"
self.execute(q1, (key, p), commit=False)
self.execute(q2, (key, p, limit, time))
# Update cache.
with self.lock:
self.cache[(key, p)] = (0, limit, time, _time.time())
self._n += 1
return (key, path, limit, time)
def get(self, key, path="/"):
""" Returns the rate for the given key and path (or None).
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
q = "select * from `rate` where key=? and path=?;"
return self.execute(q, (key, p), first=True, commit=False)
def delete(self, key, path="/"):
""" Revokes the rate for the given key and path.
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
q = "delete from `rate` where key=? and path=?;"
self.execute(q, (key, p))
with self.lock:
if self.cache.pop((key, p), False):
self._n -= 1
def __setitem__(self, k, v): # (key, path), (limit, time)
return self.set(*(k + v))
def __getitem__(self, k): # (key, path)
return self.get(*k)
def __delitem__(self, k): # (key, path)
return self.delete(*k)
def __contains__(self, key, path="%"):
""" Returns True if the given key exists (for the given path).
q = "select * from `rate` where key=? and path like ?;"
return self.execute(q, (key, path), first=True, commit=False) is not None
def __call__(self, key, path="/", limit=None, time=None, ip=None, reset=100000):
""" Increases the (cached) request count by 1 for the given key and path.
If the request count exceeds its limit, raises RateLimitExceeded.
If the given key does not exist, each IP address (if given) gets
limit / time requests. Otherwise, a RateLimitForbidden is raised.
with self.lock:
t = _time.time()
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
r = self.cache.get((key, p))
# Reset the cache if too large (e.g., 1M+ IP addresses).
if reset and reset < len(self.cache) and reset > self._n:
# Unknown key: apply root key (if any).
if r is None and p != "/":
r = self.cache.get((key, "/"))
# Unknown key: apply default limit (if IP).
if r is None and ip is not None and limit is not None and time is not None:
r = self.cache.setdefault((ip, p), (0, limit, time, t))
key = ip
# Unknown key.
if r is None:
raise RateLimitForbidden
# Limit reached within time frame (raise error).
elif r[0] >= r[1] and r[2] > t - r[3]:
raise RateLimitExceeded
# Limit reached out of time frame (reset count).
elif r[0] >= r[1]:
self.cache[(key, p)] = (1, r[1], r[2], t)
# Limit not reached (increment count).
elif r[0] < r[1]:
self.cache[(key, p)] = (r[0] + 1, r[1], r[2], r[3])
#print(self.cache.get((key, path)))
def count(self, key, path="/"):
""" Returns the current count for the given key and path.
with self.lock:
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
r = self.cache.get((key, p), [0])[0]
return r
#### ROUTER ########################################################################################
# The @app.route(path) decorator registers each URL path handler in Application.router.
class RouteError(Exception):
class Router(dict):
def __init__(self):
""" A router resolves URL paths to handler functions.
def __setitem__(self, path, handler):
""" Defines the handler function for the given URL path.
The path is a slash-formatted string (e.g., "/api/1/en/parser").
The handler is a function that takes
arguments (path) and keyword arguments (query data).
p = "/" + path.strip("/")
p = p.lower()
p = p.encode("utf8") if isinstance(p, str) else p
# Store the handler + its argument names (tuple(args), dict(kwargs)),
# so that we can call this function without (all) keyword arguments,
# if it does not take (all) query data.
if callable(handler):
dict.__setitem__(self, p, (handler, define(handler)[2:]))
dict.__setitem__(self, p, (handler, ((), {})))
def __call__(self, path, **data):
""" Calls the handler function for the given URL path.
If no handler is found, raises a RouteError.
If a base handler is found (e.g., "/api" for "/api/1/en"),
calls the handler with arguments (e.g., handler("1", "en")).
if not isinstance(path, tuple):
path = path.strip("/").split("/") # ["api", "1", "en"]
n = len(path)
for i in range(n + 1):
p0 = "/" + "/".join(path[:n - i])
p0 = p0.lower() # "/api/1/en", "/api/1", "/api", ...
p1 = path[n - i:] # [], ["en"], ["1", "en"], ...
if p0 in self:
(handler, (args, kwargs)) = self[p0]
i = len(p1)
j = len(args) if args is not True else i
# Handler takes 1 argument, 0 given (pass None for convenience).
if i == 0 and j == 1:
p1 = (None,)
i = j
# Handler does not take path.
if i != j:
# Handler is a string / dict.
if not callable(handler):
return handler
# Handler takes path, but no query data.
if not kwargs:
return handler(*p1)
# Handler takes path and all query data.
if kwargs is True:
return handler(*p1, **data)
# Handler takes path and some query data.
return handler(*p1, **dict((k, v) for k, v in data.items() if k in kwargs))
# No handler.
raise RouteError
#### APPLICATION ###################################################################################
#--- APPLICATION ERRORS & REQUESTS -----------------------------------------------------------------
class HTTPRequest(object):
def __init__(self, app, ip, path="/", method="get", data={}, headers={}):
""" A HTTP request object with metadata returned from app.request.
""" = app
self.ip = ip
self.path = "/" + path.strip("/")
self.method = method.lower() = dict(data)
self.headers = dict(headers)
def __repr__(self):
return "HTTPRequest(ip=%s, path=%s)" % (repr(self.ip), repr(self.path))
class HTTPRedirect(Exception):
def __init__(self, url, code=303):
""" A HTTP redirect raised in an @app.route() handler.
self.url = url
self.code = code
def __repr__(self):
return "HTTPRedirect(url=%s)" % repr(self.url)
class HTTPError(Exception):
def __init__(self, status="", message="", traceback=""):
""" A HTTP error raised in an @app.route() handler + passed to @app.error().
self.code = int(status.split(" ")[0])
self.status = status
self.message = message
self.traceback = traceback or ""
def __repr__(self):
return "HTTPError(status=%s)" % repr(self.status)
def _HTTPErrorSubclass(status):
if sys.version > "3":
return type("HTTP%sError" % status.split(" ")[0], (HTTPError,), {'__init__': \
lambda self, message="", traceback="": HTTPError.__init__(self, status, message, traceback)})
return type(b"HTTP%sError" % status.split(" ")[0].encode("utf-8"), (HTTPError,), {'__init__': \
lambda self, message="", traceback="": HTTPError.__init__(self, status, message, traceback)})
HTTP200OK = _HTTPErrorSubclass("200 OK")
HTTP400BadRequest = _HTTPErrorSubclass("400 Bad Request")
HTTP401Authentication = _HTTPErrorSubclass("401 Authentication")
HTTP403Forbidden = _HTTPErrorSubclass("403 Forbidden")
HTTP404NotFound = _HTTPErrorSubclass("404 Not Found")
HTTP429TooManyRequests = _HTTPErrorSubclass("429 Too Many Requests")
HTTP500InternalServerError = _HTTPErrorSubclass("500 Internal Server Error")
HTTP503ServiceUnavailable = _HTTPErrorSubclass("503 Service Unavailable")
#--- APPLICATION THREAD-SAFE DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------
# With a multi-threaded server, each thread requires its own local data (i.e., database connection).
# Local data can be initialized with @app.thread(START):
# >>> @app.thread(START)
# >>> def db():
# >>> g.db = Database()
# >>>
# >>> @app.route("/")
# >>> def index(*path, db=None):
# >>> print(db) # = Database object.
# The thread-safe database connection can then be retrieved from
# app.thread.db, g.db, or as a keyword argument of a URL handler.
class localdict(dict):
def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
""" Thread-safe dictionary.
self.__dict__["_data"] = data if data is not None else threading.local()
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # Attributes are global in every thread.
def items(self):
return self._data.__dict__.items()
def keys(self):
return self._data.__dict__.keys()
def values(self):
return self._data.__dict__.values()
def update(self, d):
return self._data.__dict__.update(d)
def clear(self):
return self._data.__dict__.clear()
def pop(self, *kv):
return self._data.__dict__.pop(*kv)
def setdefault(self, k, v=None):
return self._data.__dict__.setdefault(k, v)
def set(self, k, v):
return setattr(self._data, k, v)
def get(self, k, default=None):
return getattr(self._data, k, default)
def __delitem__(self, k):
return delattr(self._data, k)
def __getitem__(self, k):
return getattr(self._data, k)
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
return setattr(self._data, k, v)
def __delattr__(self, k):
return delattr(self._data, k)
def __getattr__(self, k):
return getattr(self._data, k)
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
return setattr(self._data, k, v)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data.__dict__)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._data.__dict__)
def __contains__(self, k):
return k in self._data.__dict__
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "localdict({%s})" % ", ".join(
("%s: %s" % (repr(k), repr(v)) for k, v in self.items()))
# Global alias for app.thread (Flask-style):
g = localdict(data=cp.thread_data)
def threadsafe(function):
""" The @threadsafe decorator ensures that no two threads execute the function simultaneously.
# In some cases, global data must be available across all threads (e.g., rate limits).
# Atomic operations like dict.get() or list.append() (= single execution step) are thread-safe,
# but some operations like dict[k] += 1 are not, and require a lock.
# >>> count = defaultdict(int)
# >>> @threadsafe
# >>> def inc(k):
# >>> count[k] += 1
lock = threading.RLock()
def decorator(*args, **kwargs):
with lock:
v = function(*args, **kwargs)
return v
return decorator
#--- APPLICATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# With Apache + mod_wsgi, the Application instance must be named "application".
# Server host.
# Server thread handlers.
START = "start"
STOP = "stop"
class ApplicationError(Exception):
class Application(object):
def __init__(self, name=None, path=SCRIPT, static="./static", rate="rate.db", owner=None):
""" A web app served by a WSGI-server that starts with
By default, the app is served from the folder of the script that imports pattern.server.
By default, static content is served from the given subfolder.
@App.route(path) defines a URL path handler.
@App.error(code) defines a HTTP error handler.
# RateLimit db resides in app folder:
rate = os.path.join(path, rate)
self._owner = owner # App owner (e.g., "www-data" with mod_wsgi).
self._name = name # App name.
self._path = path # App path.
self._host = None # Server host, see
self._port = None # Server port, see
self._app = None # CherryPy Application object.
self._up = False # True if server is up & running.
self._cache = {} # Memoize cache.
self._cached = 1000 # Memoize cache size.
self._static = static # Static content folder.
self._rate = rate # RateLimit db name, see also App.route(limit=True).
self.router = Router() # Router object, maps URL paths to handlers.
self.thread = App.Thread() # Thread-safe dictionary.
# Change path:
# Change owner:
# (= grant SQLite write permission)
chown(path, owner)
def owner(self):
return self._owner
def name(self):
return self._name
def host(self):
return self._host
def port(self):
return self._port
def up(self):
return self._up
running = up
def path(self):
""" Yields the absolute path to the folder containing the app.
return self._path
def static(self):
""" Yields the absolute path to the folder with static content.
return os.path.join(self._path, self._static)
def session(self):
""" Yields the dictionary of session data.
return cp.session
def request(self):
""" Yields a request object with metadata
(IP address, request path, query data and headers).
r = cp.request # Deep copy (ensures garbage colletion).
return HTTPRequest(
app = self,
ip = r.remote.ip,
path = r.path_info,
method = r.method,
data = r.params,
headers = r.headers)
def response(self):
""" Yields a response object with metadata
(status, headers).
return cp.response
def elapsed(self):
""" Yields the elapsed time since the start of the request.
return time.time() - cp.request.time # See also _request_time().
def _cast(self, v):
""" Returns the given value as a string (used to cast handler functions).
If the value is a dictionary, returns a JSON-string.
If the value is a generator, starts a stream.
If the value is an iterable, joins the values with a space.
if isinstance(v, str):
return v
if isinstance(v, cp.lib.file_generator): # serve_file()
return v
if isinstance(v, dict):
cp.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
return json.dumps(v)
if isinstance(v, types.GeneratorType): = True
return iter(self._cast(v) for v in v)
if isinstance(v, (list, tuple, set)):
return " ".join(self._cast(v) for v in v)
if isinstance(v, HTTPError):
raise cp.HTTPError(v.status, message=v.message)
if v is None:
return ""
try: # (bool, int, float, object.__unicode__)
return str(v)
return encode_entities(repr(v))
def default(self, *path, **data):
""" Resolves URL paths to handler functions and casts the return value.
# Enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS, by default: "*")
cp.response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = self._xhr
# If there is an app.thread.db connection,
# pass it as a keyword argument named "db".
# If there is a query parameter named "db",
# it is overwritten (the reverse is not safe).
for k, v in g.items():
data[k] = v
# Call the handler function for the given path.
# Call @app.error(404) if no handler is found.
# Call @app.error(403) if rate limit forbidden (= no API key).
# Call @app.error(429) if rate limit exceeded.
# Call @app.error(503) if a database error occurs.
v = self.router(path, **data)
except RouteError:
raise cp.HTTPError("404 Not Found")
except RateLimitForbidden:
raise cp.HTTPError("403 Forbidden")
except RateLimitExceeded:
raise cp.HTTPError("429 Too Many Requests")
except DatabaseError as e:
raise cp.HTTPError("503 Service Unavailable", message=str(e))
except HTTPRedirect as e:
raise cp.HTTPRedirect(e.url)
except HTTPError as e:
raise cp.HTTPError(e.status, message=e.message)
v = self._cast(v)
return v
def route(self, path, limit=False, time=None, key=lambda data: data.get("key"), reset=100000):
""" The @app.route(path) decorator defines the handler function for the given path.
The function can take arguments (path) and keyword arguments (query data), e.g.,
if no handler exists for URL "/api/1/en", but a handler exists for URL "/api/1",
this handler will be called with 1 argument: "en".
It returns a string, a generator or a dictionary (which is parsed to a JSON-string).
_a = (key, limit, time, reset) # Avoid ambiguity with key=lambda inside define().
def decorator(handler):
def ratelimited(handler):
# With @app.route(path, limit=True), rate limiting is applied.
# The handler function is wrapped in a function that first calls
# RateLimit()(key, path, limit, time) before calling the handler.
# By default, a query parameter "key" is expected.
# If the key is known, apply rate limiting (429 Too Many Requests).
# If the key is unknown or None, deny access (403 Forbidden).
# If the key is unknown and a default limit and time are given,
# grant this IP address these default credentials, e.g.:
# @app.route(path, limit=100, time=HOUR).
# This grants each IP-address a 100 requests per hour.
def connect():
g.rate = RateLimit(name=self._rate)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
self =
ip = cp.request.remote.ip,
key = _a[0](cp.request.params),
path = "/" + path.strip("/"),
limit = _a[1], # Default limit for each IP.
time = _a[2], # Default time for each IP.
reset = _a[3] # Threshold for clearing cache.
return handler(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
if limit is True or (limit is not False and limit is not None and time is not None):
handler = ratelimited(handler)
self.router[path] = handler # Register the handler.
return handler
return decorator
def error(self, code="*"):
""" The @app.error(code) decorator defines the handler function for the given HTTP error.
The function takes a HTTPError object and returns a string.
def decorator(handler):
# CherryPy error handlers take keyword arguments.
# Wrap as a HTTPError and pass it to the handler.
def wrapper(status="", message="", traceback="", version=""):
# Avoid CherryPy bug "ValueError: status message was not supplied":
v = handler(HTTPError(status, message, traceback))
v = self._cast(v) if not isinstance(v, HTTPError) else repr(v)
return v
# app.error("*") catches all error codes.
if code in ("*", None):
cp.config.update({"error_page.default": wrapper})
# app.error(404) catches 404 error codes.
elif isinstance(code, (int, str)):
cp.config.update({"error_page.%s" % code: wrapper})
# app.error((404, 500)) catches 404 + 500 error codes.
elif isinstance(code, (tuple, list)):
for x in code:
cp.config.update({"error_page.%s" % x: wrapper})
return handler
return decorator
def view(self, template, cached=True):
""" The @app.view(template) decorator defines a template to format the handler function.
The function returns a dict of keyword arguments for Template.render().
def decorator(handler):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(template, "render"): # templates have render() too.
t = Template(template, root=self.static, cached=cached)
t = template
v = handler(*args, **kwargs)
if isinstance(v, dict):
return t.render(**v) # {kwargs}
return t.render(*v) # (globals(), locals(), {kwargs})
return wrapper
return decorator
class Thread(localdict):
""" The @app.thread(event) decorator can be used to initialize thread-safe data.
Get data (e.g., a database connection) with app.thread.[name] or g.[name].
def __init__(self):
localdict.__init__(self, data=cp.thread_data, handlers=set())
def __call__(self, event=START): # START / STOP
def decorator(handler):
def wrapper(id):
return handler()
# If @app.thread() is called twice for
# the same handler, register it only once.
if not (event, handler) in self.handlers:
self.handlers.add((event, handler))
cp.engine.subscribe(event + "_thread", wrapper)
return handler
return decorator
def rate(self, name="rate"):
""" Yields a thread-safe connection to the app's RateLimit db.
if not hasattr(g, name):
setattr(g, name, RateLimit(name=self._rate, owner=self._owner))
return getattr(g, name)
def bind(self, name="db"):
""" The @app.bind(name) decorator binds the given function to a keyword argument
that can be used with @app.route() handlers.
The return value is stored thread-safe in app.thread.[name] & g.[name].
The return value is available in handlers as a keyword argument [name].
# This is useful for multi-threaded database connections:
# >>>
# >>> @app.bind("db")
# >>> def db():
# >>> return Database("products.db")
# >>>
# >>> @app.route("/products")
# >>> def products(id, db=None):
# >>> return db.execute("select * from products where id=?", (id,))
def decorator(handler):
f = lambda: setattr(g, name, handler())
return handler
return decorator
def __getattr__(self, k):
""" Yields the value of the bound function with the given name (e.g., app.db).
if k in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[k]
if k in g:
return g[k]
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, k))
def cached(self):
""" The @app.cached decorator caches the return value of the given handler.
This is useful if the handler is computationally expensive,
and often called with the same arguments (e.g., recursion).
# Note: to cache path handlers, first do @app.cached, then @app.route(),
# i.e., route the cached handler, don't cache the router (= no effect):
# @app.route("/search")
# @app.cached
# def heavy_search(q):
# ...
def decorator(handler):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# Cache return value for given arguments
# (excepting Database objects).
k = sorted((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if not isinstance(v, Database))
k = (handler, pickle.dumps(args), pickle.dumps(k))
if len(self._cache) >= self._cached:
if k not in self._cache:
self._cache[k] = handler(*args, **kwargs)
return self._cache[k]
return wrapper
return decorator
memoize = cached
def task(self, interval=MINUTE):
""" The @app.task(interval) decorator will call the given function repeatedly (in a thread).
For example, this can be used to commit a Database.batch periodically,
instead of executing and committing to a Database during each request.
def decorator(handler):
_, _, args, kwargs = define(handler)
def wrapper():
# Bind data from @app.thread(START) or @app.set().
m = cp.process.plugins.ThreadManager(cp.engine)
# If there is an app.thread.db connection,
# pass it as a keyword argument named "db".
return handler(**dict((k, v) for k, v in g.items() if k in kwargs))
p = cp.process.plugins.BackgroundTask(interval, wrapper)
return handler
return decorator
def redirect(path, code=303):
""" Redirects the server to another route handler path
(or to another server for absolute URL's).
raise HTTPRedirect(path, int(code))
def run(self, host=LOCALHOST, port=8080, threads=30, queue=20, timeout=10, sessions=False, embedded=False, xhr="*", ssl=None, debug=True):
""" Starts the server.
Static content (e.g., "g/img.jpg") is served from the App.static subfolder (e.g., "static/g").
With threads=10, the server can handle up to 10 concurrent requests.
With queue=10, the server will queue up to 10 waiting requests.
With sessions=True, stores session id in cookie.
With embedded=True, runs under Apache mod_wsgi.
With xhr="*", the server will respond to cross-origin XMLHttpRequests.
With ssl=(key, certificate), runs under https:// (see certificate() function).
With debug=False, starts a production server.
# Do nothing if the app is running.
if self._up:
self._host = str(host)
self._port = int(port)
self._up = True
self._xhr = xhr
# Production environment disables errors.
if debug is False:
cp.config.update({"environment": "production"})
# Embedded environment (mod_wsgi) disables errors & signal handlers.
if embedded is True:
cp.config.update({"environment": "embedded"})
# Global configuration.
# If more concurrent requests are made than can be queued / handled,
# the server will time out and a "connection reset by peer" occurs.
# Note: SQLite cannot handle many concurrent writes (e.g., UPDATE).
"server.socket_host": self._host,
"server.socket_port": self._port,
"server.socket_timeout": max(1, timeout),
"server.socket_queue_size": max(1, queue),
"server.thread_pool": max(1, threads),
"server.thread_pool_max": -1
# Secure SSL (https://).
if ssl:
"server.ssl_module": "builtin",
"server.ssl_private_key": ssl[0] if os.path.exists(ssl[0]) else openable(ssl[0]),
"server.ssl_certificate": ssl[1] if os.path.exists(ssl[1]) else openable(ssl[1])
# Static content is served from the /static subfolder,
# e.g., <img src="g/cat.jpg" /> refers to "/static/g/cat.jpg".
self._app = cp.tree.mount(self, "/",
config={"/": {
"tools.staticdir.on": self.static is not None,
"tools.staticdir.dir": self.static,
"tools.sessions.on": bool(sessions),
"tools.sessions.timeout": 60 if sessions is True else int(sessions)
# Static content can include favicon.ico
self.favicon_ico =
os.path.join(self.static, "favicon.ico")
# Relative root = project path.
# With mod_wsgi, stdout is restricted.
if embedded:
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
def stop(self):
""" Stops the server (registered with atexit).
atexit._exithandlers.remove((self.stop, (), {}))
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
self._host = None
self._port = None
self._app = None
self._up = False
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Called when deployed with mod_wsgi.
if self._app is not None:
return self._app(*args, **kwargs)
raise ApplicationError("application not running")
App = Application
#### CERTIFICATE ###################################################################################
# A certificate can be used to secure a web app (i.e., a https:// connection).
# A certificate confirms the owner's identity, as verified by a signer.
# This signer can be trusted third-party (e.g., Comodo) or self-signed.
# The certificate() function yields a free, self-signed certificate (valid for 365 days).
# Visitors will get a browser warning that the certificate is not signed by a trusted third party.
def certificate(domain=LOCALHOST, country=None, state=None, city=None, company=None, contact=None, signed=True, **kwargs):
""" Returns a (private key, certificate)-tuple for a secure SSL-encrypted https server.
With signed=False, returns a (private key, certificate request)-tuple.
Only works on Unix with OpenSSL.
# Generate private key.
# > openssl genrsa 2048 -out ssl.key
s = subprocess.PIPE
p = ("openssl", "genrsa", "%s" % kwargs.get("encryption", 2048))
p = subprocess.Popen(p, stdin=s, stdout=s, stderr=s)
k = kwargs.get("key") or p.communicate()[0]
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
# Generate certificate.
# > openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ssl.key -out ssl.crt
p = ("openssl", "req", "-new", "-key",
p = p + ("-x509", "-days", "365") if signed else p
p = subprocess.Popen(p, stdin=s, stdout=s, stderr=s)
x = p.communicate("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n.\n%s\n%s\n\n\n" % (
country or ".", # BE
state or ".", # Antwerp
city or ".", # Antwerp
company or ".", # CLiPS
domain or LOCALHOST, # Tom De Smedt
contact or "." #
return (k, x)
#k, x = certificate(country="BE", state="Antwerp", company="CLiPS", contact="")
#open("ssl.key", "w").write(k)
#open("ssl.crt", "w").write(x)"ssl.key", "ssl.crt"))
# Apache + mod_wsgi installation notes (thanks to Frederik De Bleser).
# The APP placeholder is the URL of your app, e.g.,
# 1) Create a DNS-record for APP, which maps the url to your server's IP-address.
# 2) sudo apt-get install apache2
# sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi
# 3) sudo mkdir -p /www/APP/static
# sudo mkdir -p /www/APP/log
# 4) sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/APP
# > <VirtualHost *:80>
# > ServerName APP
# > DocumentRoot /www/APP/static
# > CustomLog /www/APP/logs/access.log combined
# > ErrorLog /www/APP/logs/error.log
# > WSGIScriptAlias / /www/APP/
# > WSGIDaemonProcess APP processes=1 threads=x
# > WSGIProcessGroup APP
# > </VirtualHost>
# 5) sudo nano /www/APP/
# > from pattern.server import App
# > from pattern.text import sentiment
# >
# > app = application = App() # mod_wsgi app must be available as "application"!
# >
# > @app.route("/api/1/sentiment", limit=100, time=HOUR)
# > def api_sentiment(q=None, lang="en"):
# > return {"polarity": sentiment(q, language=lang)[0]}
# >
# >
# 6) sudo a2ensite APP
# sudo apache2ctl configtest
# sudo service apache2 restart
# 7) Try: http://APP/api/1/sentiment?q=marvelously+extravagant&lang=en
def redirect(path, code=303):
""" Redirects the server to another route handler path
(or to another server for absolute URL's).
raise HTTPRedirect(path, int(code))
def static(path, root=None, mimetype=None):
""" Returns the contents of the file at the given absolute path.
To serve relative paths from the app folder, use root=app.path.
p = os.path.join(root or "", path)
p = os.path.realpath(p)
return cp.lib.static.serve_file(p, content_type=mimetype)
def _register(event, handler):
""" Registers the given event handler (e.g., "on_end_request").
k = handler.__name__
setattr(, k, cp.Tool(event, handler))
cp.config.update({"tools.%s.on" % k: True})
def _request_start():
# Register request start time.
cp.request.time = time.time()
def _request_end():
#print(time.time() - cp.request.time)
_register("on_start_resource", _request_start)
_register("on_end_request", _request_end)
# The error template used when the error handler itself raises an error.
cp._cperror._HTTPErrorTemplate = \
#### TEMPLATE ######################################################################################
# A template is a HTML-file with placeholders, which can be variable names or Python source code.
# Based on:
r"\$[_a-z][\w]*", # $var
r"\$\{[_a-z][\w]*\}", # ${var}iable
r"\<\%=.*?\%\>", # <%= var + 1 %>
r"\<\%.*?\%\>", # <% print(var) %>
r"\<\%[^\n]*?" # SyntaxError (no closing tag)
# <% if x in y: %> ... <% end if %>
# <% for x in y: %> ... <% end for %>
_MARKUP.insert(0, r"\<\% if (.*?) : \%\>(.*)\<\% end if \%\>") # No "elif", "else" yet.
_MARKUP.insert(1, r"\<\% for (.*?) in (.*?) : \%\>(.*)\<\% end for \%\>")
_MARKUP = (p.replace(" ", r"\s*") for p in _MARKUP)
_MARKUP = "(%s)" % "|".join(_MARKUP)
_MARKUP = re.compile(_MARKUP, re.I | re.S | re.M)
class Template(object):
_cache = {}
def __init__(self, path, root=None, cached=True):
""" A template with placeholders and/or source code loaded from the given string or path.
Placeholders that start with $ are replaced with keyword arguments in Template.render().
Source code enclosed in <?= var + 100 ?> is executed with eval().
Source code enclosed in <? write(var) ?> is executed with exec().
p = os.path.join(root or "", path)
k = hash(p)
b = k in Template._cache
# Caching enabled + template already cached.
if cached is True and b is True:
a = Template._cache[k]
# Caching disabled / template not yet cached.
if cached is False or b is False:
a = "".join(static(p, mimetype="text/html")) if os.path.exists(p) else path
a = self._compile(a)
# Caching enabled + template not yet cached.
if cached is True and b is False:
a = Template._cache.setdefault(k, a)
self._compiled = a
def _escape(self, s):
""" Returns a string with no leading indentation and escaped newlines.
# Used in Template._compile() with eval() and exec().
s = s.replace("\n", "\\n")
s = textwrap.dedent(s)
return s
def _encode(self, v, indent=""):
""" Returns the given value as a string (empty string for None).
# Used in Template._render().
v = "%s" % (v if v is not None else "")
v = v.replace("\n", "\n" + indent) if indent else v
return v
def _dict(self, k="", v=[]):
""" Returns a dictionary of keys k and values v, where k is a string.
Used in Template._render() with <for> blocks.
# For example: "<% for $i, $x in enumerate([1, 2, 3]): %>",
# "$i, $x" is mapped to {"i": 0, "x": 1}, {"i": 1, "x": 2}, ...
# Nested tuples are not supported (e.g., "($i, ($k, $v))").
k = [k.strip("$ ") for k in k.strip("()").split(",")]
return dict(zip(k, v if len(k) > 1 else [v]))
def _compile(self, string):
""" Returns the template string as a (type, value, indent) list,
where type is either <str>, <arg>, <if>, <for>, <eval> or <exec>.
With <eval> and <exec>, value is a compiled code object
that can be executed with eval() or exec() respectively.
a = []
i = 0
for m in _MARKUP.finditer(string):
s =
j = m.start(1)
n = string[:j].count("\n") # line number
w = re.compile(r"(^|\n)(.*?)$") # line indent
w =, string[:j])
w = re.sub(r"[^\t]", " ", string[w.start(2):j])
if i != j:
a.append(("<str>", string[i:j], ""))
# $$escaped
if s.startswith("$") and j > 0 and string[j - 1] == "$":
a.append(("<str>", s, ""))
# ${var}iable
elif s.startswith("${") and s.endswith("}"):
a.append(("<arg>", s[2:-1], w))
# $var
elif s.startswith("$"):
a.append(("<arg>", s[1:], w))
# <% if x in y: %> ... <% end if %>
elif s.startswith("<%") and
a.append(("<if>", (, self._compile("\n"))), w))
# <% for x in y: %> ... <% end for %>
elif s.startswith("<%") and
a.append(("<for>", (,, self._compile("\n"))), w))
# <%= var + 1 %>
elif s.startswith("<%=") and s.endswith("%>"):
a.append(("<eval>", compile("\n" * n + self._escape(s[3:-2]), "<string>", "eval"), w))
# <% print(var) %>
elif s.startswith("<%") and s.endswith("%>"):
a.append(("<exec>", compile("\n" * n + self._escape(s[2:-2]), "<string>", "exec"), w))
raise SyntaxError("template has no end tag for '%s' (line %s)" % (s, n + 1))
i = m.end(1)
a.append(("<str>", string[i:], ""))
return a
def _render(self, compiled, *args, **kwargs):
""" Returns the rendered string as an iterator.
Replaces template placeholders with keyword arguments (if any).
Replaces source code with the return value of eval() or exec().
k = {}
for d in args:
k["template"] = template
indent = kwargs.pop("indent", False)
for cmd, v, w in compiled:
if indent is False:
w = ""
if cmd is None:
elif cmd == "<str>":
yield self._encode(v, w)
elif cmd == "<arg>":
yield self._encode(k.get(v, "$" + v), w)
elif cmd == "<if>":
yield "".join(self._render(v[1], k)) if eval(v[0]) else ""
elif cmd == "<for>":
yield "".join(["".join(self._render(v[2], k, self._dict(v[0], i))) for i in eval(v[1], k)])
elif cmd == "<eval>":
yield self._encode(eval(v, k), w)
elif cmd == "<exec>":
o = StringIO()
k["write"] = o.write # Code blocks use write() for output.
exec(v, k)
yield self._encode(o.getvalue(), w)
del k["write"]
def render(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Returns the rendered template as a string.
Replaces template placeholders with keyword arguments (if any).
Replaces source code with the return value of eval() or exec().
The keyword arguments are used as namespace for eval() and exec().
For example, source code in Template.render(re=re) has access to the regex library.
Multiple dictionaries can be given, e.g.,
Template.render(globals(), locals(), foo="bar").
Code blocks in <? ?> can use write() and template().
return "".join(self._render(self._compiled, *args, **kwargs))
def template(string, *args, **kwargs):
""" Returns the rendered template as a string.
if hasattr(string, "render"):
return string.render(*args, **kwargs)
root, cached = (
kwargs.pop("root", None),
kwargs.pop("cached", None))
if root is None and len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], str):
root = args[0]
args = args[1:]
return Template(string, root, cached).render(*args, **kwargs)
#s = """
# <title>$title</title>
#<% for $i, $name in enumerate(names): %>
# <b><%= i+1 %>) Hello $name!</b>
#<% end for %>
#print(template(s.strip(), title="test", names=["Tom", "Walter"]))
#### HTML ##########################################################################################
# Useful HTML generators.
class HTML:
def _attrs(self, **kwargs):
""" Returns a string of HTML element attributes.
Use "css" for the CSS classname (since "class" is a reserved word).
a = []
if "id" in kwargs:
a.append("id=\"%s\"" % kwargs.pop("id"))
if "name" in kwargs:
a.append("name=\"%s\"" % kwargs.pop("name"))
if "css" in kwargs:
a.append("class=\"%s\"" % kwargs.pop("css"))
for k, v in kwargs.items():
a.append("%s=\"%s\"" % (k, v))
return (" " + " ".join(a)).rstrip()
def div(self, content, **attributes):
""" Returns a string with a HTML <div> with the given content.
return "<div%s>\n\t%s\n</div>\n" % (self._attrs(**attributes), content)
def span(self, content, **attributes):
""" Returns a string with a HTML <span> with the given content.
return "<span%s>\n\t%s\n</span>\n" % (self._attrs(**attributes), content)
def table(self, rows=[], headers=[], striped=True, **attributes):
""" Returns a string with a HTML <table> for the given list,
where each item is a list of values.
With striped=True, generates <tr class="even|odd">.
With striped=True and headers, generates <td class="header[i]">.
h = list(headers)
r = list(rows) if not h else [h] + list(rows)
a = ["<table%s>\n" % self._attrs(**attributes)]
if h:
a.extend("\t\t<col class=\"%s\">\n" % v for v in h)
for i, row in enumerate(r):
a.append("\t<tr%s>\n" % (" class=\"%s\"" % ("odd", "even")[i % 2] if striped else ""))
for j, v in enumerate(row):
if i == 0 and h:
a.append("\t\t<th>%s</th>\n" % v)
a.append("\t\t<td>%s</td>\n" % v)
return "".join(a)
def select(self, options={}, selected=None, **attributes):
""" Returns a string with a HTML <select> for the given dictionary,
where each dict item is an <option value="key">value</option>.
a = ["<select%s>\n" % self._attrs(**attributes)]
for k, v in sorted(options.items()):
if k == selected:
a.append("\t<option value=\"%s\" selected>%s</option>\n" % (k, v))
a.append("\t<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n" % (k, v))
return "".join(a)
dropdown = select
html = HTML()
#from pattern.en import sentiment
#app = App()
#app.rate[("1234", "/api/en/sentiment")] = (100, MINUTE)
#def db():
# return Database("log.db", schema="create table if not exists `log` (q text);")
## http://localhost:8080/whatever
#def index(*path, **data):
# return "%s<br>%s" % (path, data.get("db"))
## http://localhost:8080/api/en/sentiment?q=awesome
##@app.route("/api/en/sentiment", limit=True)
#@app.route("/api/en/sentiment", limit=10, time=MINUTE)
#def nl_sentiment(q="", db=None):
# polarity, subjectivity = sentiment(q)
# db.batch.execute("insert into `log` (q) values (?);", (q,))
# return {"polarity": polarity}
#def log(db=None):
# print("committing log...")
# db.batch.commit()
#@app.error((403, 404, 429, 500, 503))
#def error(e):
# return "<h2>%s</h2><pre>%s</pre>" % (e.status, e.traceback)
#, threads=100, queue=50)