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# Import the package and create an audio effects chain function.
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pysndfx import AudioEffectsChain
import sys
mp3_audio = AudioSegment.from_file(sys.argv[1], format="mp3")
mp3_audio.export("../uploads/5/page_echo.wav", format="wav")
infile = '../uploads/5/page_echo.wav'
outfile = '../uploads/5/out.wav'
# Apply phaser and reverb directly to an audio file.
#fx(infile, outfile)
AudioEffectsChain().reverb()(infile, outfile)
# Or, apply the effects directly to a ndarray.
#from librosa import load
#y, sr = load(infile, sr=None)
#y = fx(y)
# Apply the effects and return the results as a ndarray.
#y = fx(infile)
# Apply the effects to a ndarray but store the resulting audio to disk.
#fx(x, outfile)